import marimo |
__generated_with = "0.9.2" |
app = marimo.App() |
@app.cell |
def __(): |
import marimo as mo |
mo.md("# Welcome to marimo! 🌊🍃") |
return (mo,) |
@app.cell |
def __(mo): |
slider = mo.ui.slider(1, 22) |
return (slider,) |
@app.cell |
def __(mo, slider): |
mo.md( |
f""" |
marimo is a **reactive** Python notebook. |
This means that unlike traditional notebooks, marimo notebooks **run |
automatically** when you modify them or |
interact with UI elements, like this slider: {slider}. |
{"##" + "🍃" * slider.value} |
""" |
) |
return |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def __(mo): |
mo.accordion( |
{ |
"Tip: disabling automatic execution": mo.md( |
rf""" |
marimo lets you disable automatic execution: just go into the |
notebook settings and set |
"Runtime > On Cell Change" to "lazy". |
When the runtime is lazy, after running a cell, marimo marks its |
descendants as stale instead of automatically running them. The |
lazy runtime puts you in control over when cells are run, while |
still giving guarantees about the notebook state. |
""" |
) |
} |
) |
return |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def __(mo): |
mo.md( |
""" |
Tip: This is a tutorial notebook. You can create your own notebooks |
by entering `marimo edit` at the command line. |
""" |
).callout() |
return |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def __(mo): |
mo.md( |
""" |
## 1. Reactive execution |
A marimo notebook is made up of small blocks of Python code called |
cells. |
marimo reads your cells and models the dependencies among them: whenever |
a cell that defines a global variable is run, marimo |
**automatically runs** all cells that reference that variable. |
Reactivity keeps your program state and outputs in sync with your code, |
making for a dynamic programming environment that prevents bugs before they |
happen. |
""" |
) |
return |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def __(changed, mo): |
( |
mo.md( |
f""" |
**✨ Nice!** The value of `changed` is now {changed}. |
When you updated the value of the variable `changed`, marimo |
**reacted** by running this cell automatically, because this cell |
references the global variable `changed`. |
Reactivity ensures that your notebook state is always |
consistent, which is crucial for doing good science; it's also what |
enables marimo notebooks to double as tools and apps. |
""" |
) |
if changed |
else mo.md( |
""" |
**🌊 See it in action.** In the next cell, change the value of the |
variable `changed` to `True`, then click the run button. |
""" |
) |
) |
return |
@app.cell |
def __(): |
changed = False |
return (changed,) |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def __(mo): |
mo.accordion( |
{ |
"Tip: execution order": ( |
""" |
The order of cells on the page has no bearing on |
the order in which cells are executed: marimo knows that a cell |
reading a variable must run after the cell that defines it. This |
frees you to organize your code in the way that makes the most |
sense for you. |
""" |
) |
} |
) |
return |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def __(mo): |
mo.md( |
""" |
**Global names must be unique.** To enable reactivity, marimo imposes a |
constraint on how names appear in cells: no two cells may define the same |
variable. |
""" |
) |
return |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def __(mo): |
mo.accordion( |
{ |
"Tip: encapsulation": ( |
""" |
By encapsulating logic in functions, classes, or Python modules, |
you can minimize the number of global variables in your notebook. |
""" |
) |
} |
) |
return |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def __(mo): |
mo.accordion( |
{ |
"Tip: private variables": ( |
""" |
Variables prefixed with an underscore are "private" to a cell, so |
they can be defined by multiple cells. |
""" |
) |
} |
) |
return |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def __(mo): |
mo.md( |
""" |
## 2. UI elements |
Cells can output interactive UI elements. Interacting with a UI |
element **automatically triggers notebook execution**: when |
you interact with a UI element, its value is sent back to Python, and |
every cell that references that element is re-run. |
marimo provides a library of UI elements to choose from under |
`marimo.ui`. |
""" |
) |
return |
@app.cell |
def __(mo): |
mo.md("""**🌊 Some UI elements.** Try interacting with the below elements.""") |
return |
@app.cell |
def __(mo): |
icon = mo.ui.dropdown(["🍃", "🌊", "✨"], value="🍃") |
return (icon,) |
@app.cell |
def __(icon, mo): |
repetitions = mo.ui.slider(1, 16, label=f"number of {icon.value}: ") |
return (repetitions,) |
@app.cell |
def __(icon, repetitions): |
icon, repetitions |
return |
@app.cell |
def __(icon, mo, repetitions): |
mo.md("# " + icon.value * repetitions.value) |
return |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def __(mo): |
mo.md( |
""" |
## 3. marimo is just Python |
marimo cells parse Python (and only Python), and marimo notebooks are |
stored as pure Python files — outputs are _not_ included. There's no |
magical syntax. |
The Python files generated by marimo are: |
- easily versioned with git, yielding minimal diffs |
- legible for both humans and machines |
- formattable using your tool of choice, |
- usable as Python scripts, with UI elements taking their default |
values, and |
- importable by other modules (more on that in the future). |
""" |
) |
return |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def __(mo): |
mo.md( |
""" |
## 4. Running notebooks as apps |
marimo notebooks can double as apps. Click the app window icon in the |
bottom-right to see this notebook in "app view." |
Serve a notebook as an app with `marimo run` at the command-line. |
Of course, you can use marimo just to level-up your |
notebooking, without ever making apps. |
""" |
) |
return |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def __(mo): |
mo.md( |
""" |
## 5. The `marimo` command-line tool |
**Creating and editing notebooks.** Use |
``` |
marimo edit |
``` |
in a terminal to start the marimo notebook server. From here |
you can create a new notebook or edit existing ones. |
**Running as apps.** Use |
``` |
marimo run notebook.py |
``` |
to start a webserver that serves your notebook as an app in read-only mode, |
with code cells hidden. |
**Convert a Jupyter notebook.** Convert a Jupyter notebook to a marimo |
notebook using `marimo convert`: |
``` |
marimo convert your_notebook.ipynb > your_app.py |
``` |
**Tutorials.** marimo comes packaged with tutorials: |
- `dataflow`: more on marimo's automatic execution |
- `ui`: how to use UI elements |
- `markdown`: how to write markdown, with interpolated values and |
LaTeX |
- `plots`: how plotting works in marimo |
- `sql`: how to use SQL |
- `layout`: layout elements in marimo |
- `fileformat`: how marimo's file format works |
- `markdown-format`: for using `.md` files in marimo |
- `for-jupyter-users`: if you are coming from Jupyter |
Start a tutorial with `marimo tutorial`; for example, |
``` |
marimo tutorial dataflow |
``` |
In addition to tutorials, we have examples in our |
[our GitHub repo](https://www.github.com/marimo-team/marimo/tree/main/examples). |
""" |
) |
return |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def __(mo): |
mo.md( |
""" |
## 6. The marimo editor |
Here are some tips to help you get started with the marimo editor. |
""" |
) |
return |
@app.cell |
def __(mo, tips): |
mo.accordion(tips) |
return |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def __(mo): |
mo.md("""## Finally, a fun fact""") |
return |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def __(mo): |
mo.md( |
""" |
The name "marimo" is a reference to a type of algae that, under |
the right conditions, clumps together to form a small sphere |
called a "marimo moss ball". Made of just strands of algae, these |
beloved assemblages are greater than the sum of their parts. |
""" |
) |
return |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def __(): |
tips = { |
"Saving": ( |
""" |
**Saving** |
- _Name_ your app using the box at the top of the screen, or |
with `Ctrl/Cmd+s`. You can also create a named app at the |
command line, e.g., `marimo edit app_name.py`. |
- _Save_ by clicking the save icon on the bottom right, or by |
inputting `Ctrl/Cmd+s`. By default marimo is configured |
to autosave. |
""" |
), |
"Running": ( |
""" |
1. _Run a cell_ by clicking the play ( ▷ ) button on the top |
right of a cell, or by inputting `Ctrl/Cmd+Enter`. |
2. _Run a stale cell_ by clicking the yellow run button on the |
right of the cell, or by inputting `Ctrl/Cmd+Enter`. A cell is |
stale when its code has been modified but not run. |
3. _Run all stale cells_ by clicking the play ( ▷ ) button on |
the bottom right of the screen, or input `Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+r`. |
""" |
), |
"Console Output": ( |
""" |
Console output (e.g., `print()` statements) is shown below a |
cell. |
""" |
), |
"Creating, Moving, and Deleting Cells": ( |
""" |
1. _Create_ a new cell above or below a given one by clicking |
the plus button to the left of the cell, which appears on |
mouse hover. |
2. _Move_ a cell up or down by dragging on the handle to the |
right of the cell, which appears on mouse hover. |
3. _Delete_ a cell by clicking the trash bin icon. Bring it |
back by clicking the undo button on the bottom right of the |
screen, or with `Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+z`. |
""" |
), |
"Disabling Automatic Execution": ( |
""" |
Via the notebook settings (gear icon) or footer panel, you |
can disable automatic execution. This is helpful when |
working with expensive notebooks or notebooks that have |
side-effects like database transactions. |
""" |
), |
"Disabling Cells": ( |
""" |
You can disable a cell via the cell context menu. |
marimo will never run a disabled cell or any cells that depend on it. |
This can help prevent accidental execution of expensive computations |
when editing a notebook. |
""" |
), |
"Code Folding": ( |
""" |
You can collapse or fold the code in a cell by clicking the arrow |
icons in the line number column to the left, or by using keyboard |
shortcuts. |
Use the command palette (`Ctrl/Cmd+k`) or a keyboard shortcut to |
quickly fold or unfold all cells. |
""" |
), |
"Code Formatting": ( |
""" |
If you have [ruff](https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff) installed, |
you can format a cell with the keyboard shortcut `Ctrl/Cmd+b`. |
""" |
), |
"Command Palette": ( |
""" |
Use `Ctrl/Cmd+k` to open the command palette. |
""" |
), |
"Keyboard Shortcuts": ( |
""" |
Open the notebook menu (top-right) or input `Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+h` to |
view a list of all keyboard shortcuts. |
""" |
), |
"Configuration": ( |
""" |
Configure the editor by clicking the gears icon near the top-right |
of the screen. |
""" |
), |
} |
return (tips,) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
app.run() |