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import marimo
__generated_with = "0.9.2"
app = marimo.App()
def __():
import marimo as mo"# Welcome to marimo! 🌊🍃")
return (mo,)
def __(mo):
slider = mo.ui.slider(1, 22)
return (slider,)
def __(mo, slider):
marimo is a **reactive** Python notebook.
This means that unlike traditional notebooks, marimo notebooks **run
automatically** when you modify them or
interact with UI elements, like this slider: {slider}.
{"##" + "🍃" * slider.value}
def __(mo):
"Tip: disabling automatic execution":
marimo lets you disable automatic execution: just go into the
notebook settings and set
"Runtime > On Cell Change" to "lazy".
When the runtime is lazy, after running a cell, marimo marks its
descendants as stale instead of automatically running them. The
lazy runtime puts you in control over when cells are run, while
still giving guarantees about the notebook state.
def __(mo):
Tip: This is a tutorial notebook. You can create your own notebooks
by entering `marimo edit` at the command line.
def __(mo):
## 1. Reactive execution
A marimo notebook is made up of small blocks of Python code called
marimo reads your cells and models the dependencies among them: whenever
a cell that defines a global variable is run, marimo
**automatically runs** all cells that reference that variable.
Reactivity keeps your program state and outputs in sync with your code,
making for a dynamic programming environment that prevents bugs before they
def __(changed, mo):
**✨ Nice!** The value of `changed` is now {changed}.
When you updated the value of the variable `changed`, marimo
**reacted** by running this cell automatically, because this cell
references the global variable `changed`.
Reactivity ensures that your notebook state is always
consistent, which is crucial for doing good science; it's also what
enables marimo notebooks to double as tools and apps.
if changed
**🌊 See it in action.** In the next cell, change the value of the
variable `changed` to `True`, then click the run button.
def __():
changed = False
return (changed,)
def __(mo):
"Tip: execution order": (
The order of cells on the page has no bearing on
the order in which cells are executed: marimo knows that a cell
reading a variable must run after the cell that defines it. This
frees you to organize your code in the way that makes the most
sense for you.
def __(mo):
**Global names must be unique.** To enable reactivity, marimo imposes a
constraint on how names appear in cells: no two cells may define the same
def __(mo):
"Tip: encapsulation": (
By encapsulating logic in functions, classes, or Python modules,
you can minimize the number of global variables in your notebook.
def __(mo):
"Tip: private variables": (
Variables prefixed with an underscore are "private" to a cell, so
they can be defined by multiple cells.
def __(mo):
## 2. UI elements
Cells can output interactive UI elements. Interacting with a UI
element **automatically triggers notebook execution**: when
you interact with a UI element, its value is sent back to Python, and
every cell that references that element is re-run.
marimo provides a library of UI elements to choose from under
def __(mo):"""**🌊 Some UI elements.** Try interacting with the below elements.""")
def __(mo):
icon = mo.ui.dropdown(["🍃", "🌊", "✨"], value="🍃")
return (icon,)
def __(icon, mo):
repetitions = mo.ui.slider(1, 16, label=f"number of {icon.value}: ")
return (repetitions,)
def __(icon, repetitions):
icon, repetitions
def __(icon, mo, repetitions):"# " + icon.value * repetitions.value)
def __(mo):
## 3. marimo is just Python
marimo cells parse Python (and only Python), and marimo notebooks are
stored as pure Python files — outputs are _not_ included. There's no
magical syntax.
The Python files generated by marimo are:
- easily versioned with git, yielding minimal diffs
- legible for both humans and machines
- formattable using your tool of choice,
- usable as Python scripts, with UI elements taking their default
values, and
- importable by other modules (more on that in the future).
def __(mo):
## 4. Running notebooks as apps
marimo notebooks can double as apps. Click the app window icon in the
bottom-right to see this notebook in "app view."
Serve a notebook as an app with `marimo run` at the command-line.
Of course, you can use marimo just to level-up your
notebooking, without ever making apps.
def __(mo):
## 5. The `marimo` command-line tool
**Creating and editing notebooks.** Use
marimo edit
in a terminal to start the marimo notebook server. From here
you can create a new notebook or edit existing ones.
**Running as apps.** Use
marimo run
to start a webserver that serves your notebook as an app in read-only mode,
with code cells hidden.
**Convert a Jupyter notebook.** Convert a Jupyter notebook to a marimo
notebook using `marimo convert`:
marimo convert your_notebook.ipynb >
**Tutorials.** marimo comes packaged with tutorials:
- `dataflow`: more on marimo's automatic execution
- `ui`: how to use UI elements
- `markdown`: how to write markdown, with interpolated values and
- `plots`: how plotting works in marimo
- `sql`: how to use SQL
- `layout`: layout elements in marimo
- `fileformat`: how marimo's file format works
- `markdown-format`: for using `.md` files in marimo
- `for-jupyter-users`: if you are coming from Jupyter
Start a tutorial with `marimo tutorial`; for example,
marimo tutorial dataflow
In addition to tutorials, we have examples in our
[our GitHub repo](
def __(mo):
## 6. The marimo editor
Here are some tips to help you get started with the marimo editor.
def __(mo, tips):
def __(mo):"""## Finally, a fun fact""")
def __(mo):
The name "marimo" is a reference to a type of algae that, under
the right conditions, clumps together to form a small sphere
called a "marimo moss ball". Made of just strands of algae, these
beloved assemblages are greater than the sum of their parts.
def __():
tips = {
"Saving": (
- _Name_ your app using the box at the top of the screen, or
with `Ctrl/Cmd+s`. You can also create a named app at the
command line, e.g., `marimo edit`.
- _Save_ by clicking the save icon on the bottom right, or by
inputting `Ctrl/Cmd+s`. By default marimo is configured
to autosave.
"Running": (
1. _Run a cell_ by clicking the play ( ▷ ) button on the top
right of a cell, or by inputting `Ctrl/Cmd+Enter`.
2. _Run a stale cell_ by clicking the yellow run button on the
right of the cell, or by inputting `Ctrl/Cmd+Enter`. A cell is
stale when its code has been modified but not run.
3. _Run all stale cells_ by clicking the play ( ▷ ) button on
the bottom right of the screen, or input `Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+r`.
"Console Output": (
Console output (e.g., `print()` statements) is shown below a
"Creating, Moving, and Deleting Cells": (
1. _Create_ a new cell above or below a given one by clicking
the plus button to the left of the cell, which appears on
mouse hover.
2. _Move_ a cell up or down by dragging on the handle to the
right of the cell, which appears on mouse hover.
3. _Delete_ a cell by clicking the trash bin icon. Bring it
back by clicking the undo button on the bottom right of the
screen, or with `Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+z`.
"Disabling Automatic Execution": (
Via the notebook settings (gear icon) or footer panel, you
can disable automatic execution. This is helpful when
working with expensive notebooks or notebooks that have
side-effects like database transactions.
"Disabling Cells": (
You can disable a cell via the cell context menu.
marimo will never run a disabled cell or any cells that depend on it.
This can help prevent accidental execution of expensive computations
when editing a notebook.
"Code Folding": (
You can collapse or fold the code in a cell by clicking the arrow
icons in the line number column to the left, or by using keyboard
Use the command palette (`Ctrl/Cmd+k`) or a keyboard shortcut to
quickly fold or unfold all cells.
"Code Formatting": (
If you have [ruff]( installed,
you can format a cell with the keyboard shortcut `Ctrl/Cmd+b`.
"Command Palette": (
Use `Ctrl/Cmd+k` to open the command palette.
"Keyboard Shortcuts": (
Open the notebook menu (top-right) or input `Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+h` to
view a list of all keyboard shortcuts.
"Configuration": (
Configure the editor by clicking the gears icon near the top-right
of the screen.
return (tips,)
if __name__ == "__main__":