French voice (FF Alpha) has more of a Quebec French accent than a French French accent

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Can you confirm whether the speaker in SIWIS has a Quebec-French accent instead of French-French?

SIWIS is a CC-BY single-speaker French dataset listed in the Data tab of the Space.

Here is a sample if you can't be bothered to download the dataset:

I don't speak any French, so will defer to your opinion here.

It does sound like the training sample you provided is indeed French-French sounding.

But the output of the model does have a weird accent that is reminiscing of the Quebec accent (to my french ears). Maybe it's an artefact from the training?

stduhpf changed pull request status to closed

Ah, chalk it up as a TODO then to improve future versions of the mode.

The French voice is undertrained because it was only added for a handful of epochs, and it is also the only language in v0.23 that is just represented by a single voice, so weaker performance is not shocking.

Machine learning success generally boils down to Compute, Data, & Algorithms. You could argue that from a volume standpoint Kokoro is seriously lacking in Compute and Data.

2 cents here.
I don't agree, being French Canadian the generated outputs do not sounds Québecois at all, neither is it close to international neutral French that you would hear over the news.

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