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Concordia University

Hasib Zunair, A. Ben Hamza

[Paper] [Project] [Demo] [BibTeX]

This is official code for our BMVC 2024 paper:
PEEKABOO: Hiding Parts of an Image for Unsupervised Object Localization

MSL Design

We aim to explicitly model contextual relationship among pixels through image masking for unsupervised object localization. In a self-supervised procedure (i.e. pretext task) without any additional training (i.e. downstream task), context-based representation learning is done at both the pixel-level by making predictions on masked images and at shape-level by matching the predictions of the masked input to the unmasked one.

1. Specification of dependencies

This code requires Python 3.8 and CUDA 11.2. Clone the project repository, then create and activate the following conda envrionment.

# clone repo
git clone
cd peekaboo
# create env
conda update conda
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate peekaboo

Or, you can also create a fresh environment and install the project requirements inside that environment by:

# clone repo
git clone
cd peekaboo
# create fresh env
conda create -n peekaboo python=3.8     
conda activate peekaboo
# example of pytorch installation
pip install torch===1.8.1 torchvision==0.9.1 -f
pip install pycocotools
# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

And then, install DINO using the following commands:

git clone
cd dino; 
echo -e "import sys\nfrom os.path import dirname, join\nsys.path.insert(0, join(dirname(__file__), '.'))" >>; cd ../;

2a. Training code

Dataset details

We train Peekaboo on only the images of DUTS-TR dataset without any labels, since Peekaboo is self-supervised. Download it, then create a directory inside the project folder named datasets_local and put it there.

We evaluate on two tasks: unsupervised saliency detection and single object discovery. Since our method is used in an unsupervised setting, it does not require training or fine-tuning on the datasets we evaluate on.

Unsupervised Saliency Detection

We use the following datasets:

Download the datasets and keep them in datasets_local.

Single Object Discovery

For single object discovery, we follow the framework used in LOST. Download the datasets and put them in the folder datasets_local.

Finally, download the masks of random streaks and holes of arbitrary shapes from and put it inside datasets folder.

DUTS-TR training

export DATASET_DIR=datasets_local # root directory training and evaluation datasets

python --exp-name peekaboo --dataset-dir $DATASET_DIR

See tensorboard logs by running: tensorboard --logdir=outputs.

2b. Evaluation code

After training, the model checkpoint and logs are available in peekaboo-DUTS-TR-vit_small8 in the outputs folder. Set the model path for evaluation.

export MODEL="outputs/peekaboo-DUTS-TR-vit_small8/"

Unsupervised saliency detection eval

# run evaluation
source $MODEL $DATASET_DIR single
source $MODEL $DATASET_DIR multi

Single object discovery eval

# run evalulation

All experiments are conducted on a single NVIDIA 3080Ti GPU. For additional implementation details and results, please refer to the supplementary materials section in the paper.

3. Pre-trained models

We provide pretrained models on ./data/weights/ for reproducibility. Here are the main results of Peekaboo on single object discovery task. For results on unsupervised saliency detection task, we refer readers to our paper!

Dataset Backbone CorLoc (%) Download
VOC07 ViT-S/8 72.7 download
VOC12 ViT-S/8 75.9 download
COCO20K ViT-S/8 64.0 download

4. Demo

We provide prediction demos of our models. The following applies and visualizes our method on a single image.

# infer on one image

5. Citation

    title={PEEKABOO: Hiding Parts of an Image for Unsupervised Object Localization},
    author={Zunair, Hasib and Hamza, A Ben},
    booktitle={Proc. British Machine Vision Conference},

Project Notes

Click to view

[Mar 18, 2024] Infer on image folders.

# infer on folder of images
python --model-weights outputs/msl_a1.5_b1_g1_reg4-MSL-DUTS-TR-vit_small8/ --img-folder ./datasets_local/DUTS-TR/DUTS-TR-Image/ --output-dir outputs/visualizations/msl_masks

[Nov 10, 2023] Reproduced FOUND results.

[Nov 10, 2023] Added project notes section.


This repository was built on top of FOUND, SelfMask, TokenCut and LOST. Consider acknowledging these projects.