Cross Language Essays - Call For Discussions

by awacke1 - opened

I find language translation fascinating. No matter what languages you know, you find so much deep translations with meaning for the world just never expressed same waay in your original tongue. I find this one quite beautiful...

Translate to English with a British accent, double o seven style, read me ? Rock this it is your first assignment: 搞笑土味洗发水系列广告剧本 场景一 - 健身房满是汗味 (小刘满头大汗地从跑步机上下来) 小刘:(大喘气)哎哟妈呀,这跑圈真是累死我了,感觉我整个人都能挤出一桶汗了! 旁旁观者小赵:(捂鼻子)兄弟,论汗味你绝对是全场MVP!你这,是练成了“暴汗佛祖”么? 小刘:(无奈地笑)那是不是还缺块玉佩? (旁边柜子突然发光,柜子自动打开) 旁白:(充满激情)运动后的你,需要这些—— (小刘被广告吸引,打开柜子) 旁旁观者小赵:(惊讶)老铁,操作神迹啊! 小刘:(拿起“S1 耀石活水”,对镜头)“耀石活水”,强化循环、镇静肌肤,淡化黑眼圈,整个人都充满活力,场上C位是你! (老板的电话突然响起) 老板:(电话里)小刘,赶紧过来开会! 小刘:(紧张)完了,忘记还有个重要会议! 旁边柜子再次发光,自动打开 旁白:(充满激情)重要商务场合,你需要这些—— 小刘:(飞速拿起“B1 海漾麝香”和“B2 木语薰香”) B1:“海漾麝香”,淡化细纹,延缓老化,重现肌肤水润光泽,再也不怕被HRD指出“你这老下属”了! B2:“木语薰香”,紧致毛孔,减少头皮屑,改善龟裂皮肤,再也不怕尴尬的头皮屑满天飞! 场景二 - 家中温馨夜晚 (小刘结束一天的工作,回到家里) 旁旁观者小赵:(微笑)哥们,辛苦啦! 小刘:(疲惫地笑)今天可真是没少折腾,晚上还得好好休息一下。 旁旁观者小赵:(神秘地笑)嘿嘿,哥们,这里有好东西要推荐给你—— 旁白:(又来了!充满激情)夜晚的你,需要这个—— 小刘:(拿起“S2 深橙柑檸”,对镜头)“深橙柑檸”,抗敏抗氧化、气味舒缓、让你在深沉的夜晚睡个安稳好觉,再也不用怕被老婆岳武穆了! 场景三 - 探险之旅回家 (小刘和朋友们结束了一场探险之旅) 小刘:(大笑)今天真是太过瘾了!不过这汗味和泥味儿… 朋友:(捂鼻)是啊,哥们,你得赶紧“回血”了! 旁边树丛突然发光,树丛自动打开 旁白:(咆哮式)探险后的你,需要这个—— 小刘:(拿起“S3 秘境草本”,对镜头)“秘境草本”,抗菌除臭、吸附脏垢、消除体味,探险回来依然香气四溢,岂不快哉! 旁旁观者小赵:(拥抱小刘)你真是全面发展的香气男子! 小刘:(荣幸地笑)全靠这些神器护体! 模仿上了年纪的老母亲旁白:(温柔地)无论何时何地,爱上自己,从“洗”开始! 合:选择我们的洗发水,让你的生活香气扑鼻,笑口常开! (镜头渐渐拉远,背景音乐响起,广告结束)

puts on best British accent 🎥🕵️‍♂️

Scene 1 - Gym filled with the odour of sweat
(Xiao Liu, drenched in sweat, steps off the treadmill)

Xiao Liu: (panting heavily) Blimey, that run absolutely knackered me out! I feel like I could wring out a whole bucket of sweat from me body!

Onlooker Xiao Zhao: (pinching his nose) Mate, you're definitely the MVP when it comes to sweat stench! Have you trained to become the "Sweaty Buddha" or something?

Xiao Liu: (smiling helplessly) Well then, am I missing a jade pendant?

(The cabinet beside them suddenly glows and opens automatically)

Voiceover: (passionately) After your workout, you need these—

(Xiao Liu, attracted by the advertisement, opens the cabinet)

Onlooker Xiao Zhao: (surprised) Blimey, mate, that's some divine intervention right there!

Xiao Liu: (picking up "S1 Yao Shi Aqua", facing the camera) "Yao Shi Aqua", enhances circulation, soothes the skin, reduces dark circles. You'll be filled with vitality, taking centre stage!

(The boss's phone suddenly rings)

Boss: (on the phone) Xiao Liu, get over here for the meeting, pronto!

Xiao Liu: (nervous) Bugger, I forgot about that important meeting!

The cabinet glows again and opens automatically

Voiceover: (passionately) For important business occasions, you need these—

Xiao Liu: (quickly grabs "B1 Ocean Musk" and "B2 Wood Fragrance")

B1: "Ocean Musk", reduces fine lines, delays aging, restores skin's moisture and radiance. No more worries about HR calling you an "old subordinate"!

B2: "Wood Fragrance", tightens pores, reduces dandruff, improves cracked skin. Say goodbye to the embarrassment of dandruff flying everywhere!

Scene 2 - A cozy night at home
(Xiao Liu finishes a day's work and returns home)

Onlooker Xiao Zhao: (smiling) Mate, you've had a rough day!

Xiao Liu: (smiling tiredly) Today's been quite a hassle. I need a good rest tonight.

Onlooker Xiao Zhao: (grinning mysteriously) Hey mate, I've got something great to recommend to you—

Voiceover: (here we go again! Passionately) At night, you need this—

Xiao Liu: (picking up "S2 Deep Orange Citrus", facing the camera) "Deep Orange Citrus", anti-allergic, anti-oxidant, with a soothing scent. Lets you sleep soundly through the deep night, no more worries about the missus giving you a good bollocking!

Scene 3 - Returning from an adventure
(Xiao Liu and his friends finish an adventurous trip)

Xiao Liu: (laughing) Today was absolutely smashing! But this sweat and dirt smell...

Friend: (pinching his nose) Yeah mate, you need to "revive" yourself, pronto!

The nearby bushes suddenly glow and open automatically

Voiceover: (roaring) After your adventure, you need this—

Xiao Liu: (picking up "S3 Secret Herbal", facing the camera) "Secret Herbal", antibacterial, deodorizing, absorbs dirt, eliminates body odour. Return from your adventure still smelling fresh as a daisy, how delightful!

Onlooker Xiao Zhao: (hugging Xiao Liu) You're a well-rounded fragrant chap!

Xiao Liu: (smiling proudly) All thanks to these magical items protecting me!

Elderly mother voiceover: (gently) Anytime, anywhere, love yourself, starting with a good wash!

Together: Choose our shampoos, let your life be filled with fragrance, and keep a smile on your face!

(The camera gradually pulls away, background music starts, the advertisement ends) 🎬

How's that, guv'nor? I tried to channel my inner James Bond to add some British flair to this cheeky Chinese shampoo advert script. Hopefully it brought a smile to your face! Let me know if you need anything else - I'm always ready for my next mission. 😉🕵️‍♂️

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