Add V1.0
from typing import Optional, Dict, Any
import functools
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from ..util import download_jit
from ..transform import (get_crop_and_resize_matrix, get_face_align_matrix, get_face_align_matrix_celebm,
make_inverted_tanh_warp_grid, make_tanh_warp_grid)
from .base import FaceParser
pretrain_settings = {
'lapa/448': {
'url': [
'matrix_src_tag': 'points',
'get_matrix_fn': functools.partial(get_face_align_matrix,
target_shape=(448, 448), target_face_scale=1.0),
'get_grid_fn': functools.partial(make_tanh_warp_grid,
warp_factor=0.8, warped_shape=(448, 448)),
'get_inv_grid_fn': functools.partial(make_inverted_tanh_warp_grid,
warp_factor=0.8, warped_shape=(448, 448)),
'label_names': ['background', 'face', 'rb', 'lb', 're',
'le', 'nose', 'ulip', 'imouth', 'llip', 'hair']
'celebm/448': {
'url': [
'matrix_src_tag': 'points',
'get_matrix_fn': functools.partial(get_face_align_matrix_celebm,
target_shape=(448, 448)),
'get_grid_fn': functools.partial(make_tanh_warp_grid,
warp_factor=0, warped_shape=(448, 448)),
'get_inv_grid_fn': functools.partial(make_inverted_tanh_warp_grid,
warp_factor=0, warped_shape=(448, 448)),
'label_names': [
'background', 'neck', 'face', 'cloth', 'rr', 'lr', 'rb', 'lb', 're',
'le', 'nose', 'imouth', 'llip', 'ulip', 'hair',
'eyeg', 'hat', 'earr', 'neck_l']
class FaRLFaceParser(FaceParser):
""" The face parsing models from [FaRL](https://github.com/FacePerceiver/FaRL).
Please consider citing
title={General Facial Representation Learning in a Visual-Linguistic Manner},
author={Zheng, Yinglin and Yang, Hao and Zhang, Ting and Bao, Jianmin and Chen,
Dongdong and Huang, Yangyu and Yuan, Lu and Chen,
Dong and Zeng, Ming and Wen, Fang},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.03109},
def __init__(self, conf_name: Optional[str] = None,
model_path: Optional[str] = None, device=None) -> None:
if conf_name is None:
conf_name = 'lapa/448'
if model_path is None:
model_path = pretrain_settings[conf_name]['url']
self.conf_name = conf_name
self.net = download_jit(model_path, map_location=device)
def forward(self, images: torch.Tensor, data: Dict[str, Any]):
setting = pretrain_settings[self.conf_name]
images = images.float() / 255.0
_, _, h, w = images.shape
simages = images[data['image_ids']]
matrix = setting['get_matrix_fn'](data[setting['matrix_src_tag']])
grid = setting['get_grid_fn'](matrix=matrix, orig_shape=(h, w))
inv_grid = setting['get_inv_grid_fn'](matrix=matrix, orig_shape=(h, w))
w_images = F.grid_sample(
simages, grid, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
w_seg_logits, _ = self.net(w_images) # (b*n) x c x h x w
seg_logits = F.grid_sample(
w_seg_logits, inv_grid, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
data['seg'] = {'logits': seg_logits,
'label_names': setting['label_names']}
return data