saving-willy-space / docs /
docs: added some notes for running tools locally

A newer version of the Streamlit SDK is available: 1.42.0


How to run the UI

We set this up so it is hosted as a huggingface space. Each commit to main triggers a push and a rebuild on their servers.

For local testing, assuming you have all the required packages installed in a conda env or virtualenv, and that env is activated:

cd src
streamlit run

Then use a web browser to view the site indiciated, by default: http://localhost:8501

How to build and view docs locally

We have a CI action to presesnt the docs on To validate locally, you need the deps listed in requirements.txt installed.


mkdocs serve

And navigate to the wish server running locally, by default:

This automatically watches for changes in the markdown files, but if you edit the something else like the docstrings in py files, triggering a rebuild in another terminal refreshes the site, without having to quit and restart the server.

mkdocs build -c

Set up a venv

(standard stuff)

Set up a conda env

(Standard stuff)