File size: 13,461 Bytes
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#import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import tempfile
import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st
from streamlit.delta_generator import DeltaGenerator # for type hinting
import folium
from streamlit_folium import st_folium
from huggingface_hub import HfApi
from transformers import pipeline
from transformers import AutoModelForImageClassification
import alps_map as sw_am
import input_handling as sw_inp
import obs_map as sw_map
import st_logs as sw_logs
import whale_gallery as sw_wg
import whale_viewer as sw_wv
# setup for the ML model on huggingface (our wrapper)
#classifier_revision = '0f9c15e2db4d64e7f622ade518854b488d8d35e6'
classifier_revision = 'main' # default/latest version
# and the dataset of observations (hf dataset in our space)
dataset_id = "Saving-Willy/temp_dataset"
data_files = "data/train-00000-of-00001.parquet"
# get a global var for logger accessor in this module
g_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#sw_logs.setup_logging(level=LOG_LEVEL, buffer_len=40)
# initialise various session state variables
if "handler" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['handler'] = sw_logs.setup_logging()
if "full_data" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.full_data = {}
if "classify_whale_done" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.classify_whale_done = False
if "whale_prediction1" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.whale_prediction1 = None
if "image" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.image = None
if "tab_log" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.tab_log = None
def metadata2md() -> str:
"""Get metadata from cache and return as markdown-formatted key-value list
str: Markdown-formatted key-value list of metadata
markdown_str = "\n"
for key, value in st.session_state.full_data.items():
markdown_str += f"- **{key}**: {value}\n"
return markdown_str
def push_observation(tab_log:DeltaGenerator=None):
Push the observation to the Hugging Face dataset
tab_log (streamlit.container): The container to log messages to. If not provided,
log messages are in any case written to the global logger (TODO: test - didn't
push any data since generating the logger)
# we get the data from session state: 1 is the dict 2 is the image.
# first, lets do an info display (popup)
metadata_str = json.dumps(st.session_state.full_data)
st.toast(f"Uploading observation: {metadata_str}", icon="🦭")
tab_log = st.session_state.tab_log
if tab_log is not None:"Uploading observation: {metadata_str}")
# get huggingface api
api = HfApi()
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", suffix=".json", delete=False)
f.close()"temp file: {} with metadata written...")
path_in_repo= f"metadata/{st.session_state.full_data['author_email']}/{st.session_state.full_data['image_md5']}.json"
msg = f"fname: {} | path: {path_in_repo}"
rv = api.upload_file(,
msg = f"data attempted tx to repo happy walrus: {rv}"
def main() -> None:
Main entry point to set up the streamlit UI and run the application.
The organisation is as follows:
1. data input (a new observation) is handled in the sidebar
2. the rest of the interface is organised in tabs:
- cetean classifier
- hotdog classifier
- map to present the obersvations
- table of recent log entries
- gallery of whale images
The majority of the tabs are instantiated from modules. Currently the two
classifiers are still in-line here.
""""App started.")
g_logger.warning(f"[D] Streamlit version: {st.__version__}. Python version: {os.sys.version}")
#g_logger.debug("debug message")"info message")
#g_logger.warning("warning message")
# Streamlit app
#tab_gallery, tab_inference, tab_hotdogs, tab_map, tab_data, tab_log = st.tabs(["Cetecean classifier", "Hotdog classifier", "Map", "Data", "Log", "Beautiful cetaceans"])
tab_inference, tab_hotdogs, tab_map, tab_data, tab_log, tab_gallery = st.tabs(["Cetecean classifier", "Hotdog classifier", "Map", "Data", "Log", "Beautiful cetaceans"])
st.session_state.tab_log = tab_log
# create a sidebar, and parse all the input (returned as `observation` object)
observation = sw_inp.setup_input(viewcontainer=st.sidebar)
if 0:## WIP
# goal of this code is to allow the user to override the ML prediction, before transmitting an observation
predicted_class = st.sidebar.selectbox("Predicted Class", sw_wv.WHALE_CLASSES)
override_prediction = st.sidebar.checkbox("Override Prediction")
if override_prediction:
overridden_class = st.sidebar.selectbox("Override Class", sw_wv.WHALE_CLASSES)
st.session_state.full_data['class_overriden'] = overridden_class
st.session_state.full_data['class_overriden'] = None
with tab_map:
# visual structure: a couple of toggles at the top, then the map inlcuding a
# dropdown for tileset selection.
tab_map_ui_cols = st.columns(2)
with tab_map_ui_cols[0]:
show_db_points = st.toggle("Show Points from DB", True)
with tab_map_ui_cols[1]:
dbg_show_extra = st.toggle("Show Extra points (test)", False)
if show_db_points:
# show a nicer map, observations marked, tileset selectable.
st_data = sw_map.present_obs_map(
dataset_id=dataset_id, data_files=data_files,
# development map.
st_data = sw_am.present_alps_map()
with tab_log:
handler = st.session_state['handler']
if handler is not None:
records = sw_logs.parse_log_buffer(handler.buffer)
st.dataframe(records[::-1], use_container_width=True,)"Length of records: {len(records)}")
st.error("⚠️ No log handler found!")
with tab_data:
# the goal of this tab is to allow selection of the new obsvation's location by map click/adjust.
st.markdown("Coming later hope! :construction:")
st.write("Click on the map to capture a location.")
#m = folium.Map(location=visp_loc, zoom_start=7)
mm = folium.Map(location=[39.949610, -75.150282], zoom_start=16)
folium.Marker( [39.949610, -75.150282], popup="Liberty Bell", tooltip="Liberty Bell"
st_data2 = st_folium(mm, width=725)
st.write("below the map...")
if st_data2['last_clicked'] is not None:
with tab_gallery:
# here we make a container to allow filtering css properties
# specific to the gallery (otherwise we get side effects)
tg_cont = st.container(key="swgallery")
with tg_cont:
# Display submitted data
if st.sidebar.button("Validate"):
# create a dictionary with the submitted data
submitted_data = observation.to_dict()
for k, v in submitted_data.items():
st.session_state.full_data[k] = v
#st.write(f"full dict of data: {json.dumps(submitted_data)}")"{st.session_state.full_data}")"{st.session_state.full_data}")
df = pd.DataFrame(submitted_data, index=[0])
with tab_data:
# inside the inference tab, on button press we call the model (on huggingface hub)
# which will be run locally.
# - the model predicts the top 3 most likely species from the input image
# - these species are shown
# - the user can override the species prediction using the dropdown
# - an observation is uploaded if the user chooses.
if tab_inference.button("Identify with cetacean classifier"):
#pipe = pipeline("image-classification", model="Saving-Willy/cetacean-classifier", trust_remote_code=True)
cetacean_classifier = AutoModelForImageClassification.from_pretrained("Saving-Willy/cetacean-classifier",
if st.session_state.image is None:
# TODO: cleaner design to disable the button until data input done?"Please upload an image first.")
# run classifier model on `image`, and persistently store the output
out = cetacean_classifier(st.session_state.image) # get top 3 matches
st.session_state.whale_prediction1 = out['predictions'][0]
st.session_state.classify_whale_done = True
msg = f"[D]2 classify_whale_done: {st.session_state.classify_whale_done}, whale_prediction1: {st.session_state.whale_prediction1}"
# dropdown for selecting/overriding the species prediction"[D] classify_whale_done: {st.session_state.classify_whale_done}, whale_prediction1: {st.session_state.whale_prediction1}")
if not st.session_state.classify_whale_done:
selected_class = tab_inference.sidebar.selectbox("Species", sw_wv.WHALE_CLASSES, index=None, placeholder="Species not yet identified...", disabled=True)
pred1 = st.session_state.whale_prediction1
# get index of pred1 from WHALE_CLASSES, none if not present
print(f"[D] pred1: {pred1}")
ix = sw_wv.WHALE_CLASSES.index(pred1) if pred1 in sw_wv.WHALE_CLASSES else None
selected_class = tab_inference.selectbox("Species", sw_wv.WHALE_CLASSES, index=ix)
st.session_state.full_data['predicted_class'] = selected_class
if selected_class != st.session_state.whale_prediction1:
st.session_state.full_data['class_overriden'] = selected_class
btn = st.button("Upload observation to THE INTERNET!", on_click=push_observation)
# TODO: the metadata only fills properly if `validate` was clicked.
msg = f"[D] full data after inference: {st.session_state.full_data}"
# TODO: add a link to more info on the model, next to the button.
whale_classes = out['predictions'][:]
# render images for the top 3 (that is what the model api returns)
with tab_inference:
st.markdown("## Species detected")
for i in range(len(whale_classes)):
sw_wv.display_whale(whale_classes, i)
# inside the hotdog tab, on button press we call a 2nd model (totally unrelated at present, just for demo
# purposes, an hotdog image classifier) which will be run locally.
# - this model predicts if the image is a hotdog or not, and returns probabilities
# - the input image is the same as for the ceteacean classifier - defined in the sidebar
if tab_hotdogs.button("Get Hotdog Prediction"):
pipeline = pipeline(task="image-classification", model="julien-c/hotdog-not-hotdog")
tab_hotdogs.title("Hot Dog? Or Not?")
if st.session_state.image is None:"Please upload an image first.")
col1, col2 = tab_hotdogs.columns(2)
# display the image (use cached version, no need to reread)
col1.image(st.session_state.image, use_column_width=True)
# and then run inference on the image
predictions = pipeline(st.session_state.image)
first = True
for p in predictions:
col2.subheader(f"{ p['label'] }: { round(p['score'] * 100, 1)}%")
if first:
st.session_state.full_data['predicted_class'] = p['label']
st.session_state.full_data['predicted_score'] = round(p['score'] * 100, 1)
first = False
tab_hotdogs.write(f"Session Data: {json.dumps(st.session_state.full_data)}")
if __name__ == "__main__":