title: PanopticQuality
- evaluate
- metric
description: PanopticQuality score
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 3.19.1
pinned: false
emoji: πΌοΈ
This hugging face metric uses seametrics.segmentation.PanopticQuality
under the hood to compute a panoptic quality score. It is a wrapper class for the torchmetrics class torchmetrics.detection.PanopticQuality
Getting Started
To get started with PanopticQuality, make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed. This metric relies on the evaluate
, seametrics
and seametrics[segmentation]
libraries for metric calculation and integration with FiftyOne datasets.
Basic Usage
>>> import evaluate
>>> from seametrics.payload.processor import PayloadProcessor
>>> MODEL_FIELD = ["maskformer-27k-100ep"]
>>> payload = PayloadProcessor("SAILING_PANOPTIC_DATASET_QA",
>>> gt_field="ground_truth_det",
>>> models=MODEL_FIELD,
>>> sequence_list=["Trip_55_Seq_2", "Trip_197_Seq_1", "Trip_197_Seq_68"],
>>> excluded_classes=[""]).payload
>>> module = evaluate.load("SEA-AI/PanopticQuality")
>>> module.add_payload(payload, model_name=MODEL_FIELD[0])
>>> module.compute()
100%|ββββββββββ| 3/3 [00:03<00:00, 1.30s/it]
Added data ...
Start computing ...
tensor(0.2082, dtype=torch.float64)
Metric Settings
The metric takes two optional input parameters: label2id and stuff.
label2id: Dict[str, int]
: this dictionary is used to map string labels to an integer representation. if not provided a default setting will be used:{'WATER': 0, 'SKY': 1, 'LAND': 2, 'MOTORBOAT': 3, 'FAR_AWAY_OBJECT': 4, 'SAILING_BOAT_WITH_CLOSED_SAILS': 5, 'SHIP': 6, 'WATERCRAFT': 7, 'SPHERICAL_BUOY': 8, 'CONSTRUCTION': 9, 'FLOTSAM': 10, 'SAILING_BOAT_WITH_OPEN_SAILS': 11, 'CONTAINER': 12, 'PILLAR_BUOY': 13, 'AERIAL_ANIMAL': 14, 'HUMAN_IN_WATER': 15, 'OWN_BOAT': 16, 'WOODEN_LOG': 17, 'MARITIME_ANIMAL': 18}
stuff: List[str]
: this list holds all string labels that belong to stuff. if not provided a default setting will be used:["WATER", "SKY", "LAND", "CONSTRUCTION", "ICE", "OWN_BOAT"]
Output Values
A single float number between 0 and 1 is returned, which represents the PQ score. The bigger the number the better the PQ score, and vice versa.
Further References
- seametrics Library: Explore the seametrics GitHub repository for more details on the underlying library.
- Torchmetrics:
- Understanding Metrics: The Panoptic Segmentation task, as well as Panoptic Quality as the evaluation metric, were introduced in this paper.
Your contributions are welcome! If you'd like to improve SEA-AI/PanopticQuality or add new features, please feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.