# gradio_client |
## 0.5.1 |
### Features |
- [#5514](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/5514) [`52f783175`](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/commit/52f7831751b432411e109bd41add4ab286023a8e) - refactor: Use package.json for version management. Thanks [@DarhkVoyd](https://github.com/DarhkVoyd)! |
## 0.5.0 |
### Highlights |
#### Enable streaming audio in python client ([#5248](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/5248) [`390624d8`](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/commit/390624d8ad2b1308a5bf8384435fd0db98d8e29e)) |
The `gradio_client` now supports streaming file outputs 🌊 |
No new syntax! Connect to a gradio demo that supports streaming file outputs and call `predict` or `submit` as you normally would. |
```python |
import gradio_client as grc |
client = grc.Client("gradio/stream_audio_out") |
# Get the entire generated audio as a local file |
client.predict("/Users/freddy/Pictures/bark_demo.mp4", api_name="/predict") |
job = client.submit("/Users/freddy/Pictures/bark_demo.mp4", api_name="/predict") |
# Get the entire generated audio as a local file |
job.result() |
# Each individual chunk |
job.outputs() |
``` |
Thanks [@freddyaboulton](https://github.com/freddyaboulton)! |
### Fixes |
- [#5295](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/5295) [`7b8fa8aa`](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/commit/7b8fa8aa58f95f5046b9add64b40368bd3f1b700) - Allow caching examples with streamed output. Thanks [@aliabid94](https://github.com/aliabid94)! |
## 0.4.0 |
### Highlights |
#### Client.predict will now return the final output for streaming endpoints ([#5057](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/5057) [`35856f8b`](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/commit/35856f8b54548cae7bd3b8d6a4de69e1748283b2)) |
### This is a breaking change (for gradio_client only)! |
Previously, `Client.predict` would only return the first output of an endpoint that streamed results. This was causing confusion for developers that wanted to call these streaming demos via the client. |
We realize that developers using the client don't know the internals of whether a demo streams or not, so we're changing the behavior of predict to match developer expectations. |
Using `Client.predict` will now return the final output of a streaming endpoint. This will make it even easier to use gradio apps via the client. |
Thanks [@freddyaboulton](https://github.com/freddyaboulton)! |
### Features |
- [#5076](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/5076) [`2745075a`](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/commit/2745075a26f80e0e16863d483401ff1b6c5ada7a) - Add deploy_discord to docs. Thanks [@freddyaboulton](https://github.com/freddyaboulton)! |
### Fixes |
- [#5061](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/5061) [`136adc9c`](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/commit/136adc9ccb23e5cb4d02d2e88f23f0b850041f98) - Ensure `gradio_client` is backwards compatible with `gradio==3.24.1`. Thanks [@abidlabs](https://github.com/abidlabs)! |
## 0.3.0 |
### Highlights |
#### Create Discord Bots from Gradio Apps 🤖 ([#4960](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4960) [`46e4ef67`](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/commit/46e4ef67d287dd68a91473b73172b29cbad064bc)) |
We're excited to announce that Gradio can now automatically create a discord bot from any `gr.ChatInterface` app. |
It's as easy as importing `gradio_client`, connecting to the app, and calling `deploy_discord`! |
_🦙 Turning Llama 2 70b into a discord bot 🦙_ |
```python |
import gradio_client as grc |
grc.Client("ysharma/Explore_llamav2_with_TGI").deploy_discord(to_id="llama2-70b-discord-bot") |
``` |
<img src="https://gradio-builds.s3.amazonaws.com/demo-files/discordbots/guide/llama_chat.gif"> |
#### Getting started with template spaces |
To help get you started, we have created an organization on Hugging Face called [gradio-discord-bots](https://huggingface.co/gradio-discord-bots) with template spaces you can use to turn state of the art LLMs powered by Gradio to discord bots. |
Currently we have template spaces for: |
- [Llama-2-70b-chat-hf](https://huggingface.co/spaces/gradio-discord-bots/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf) powered by a FREE Hugging Face Inference Endpoint! |
- [Llama-2-13b-chat-hf](https://huggingface.co/spaces/gradio-discord-bots/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf) powered by Hugging Face Inference Endpoints. |
- [Llama-2-13b-chat-hf](https://huggingface.co/spaces/gradio-discord-bots/llama-2-13b-chat-transformers) powered by Hugging Face transformers. |
- [falcon-7b-instruct](https://huggingface.co/spaces/gradio-discord-bots/falcon-7b-instruct) powered by Hugging Face Inference Endpoints. |
- [gpt-3.5-turbo](https://huggingface.co/spaces/gradio-discord-bots/gpt-35-turbo), powered by openai. Requires an OpenAI key. |
But once again, you can deploy ANY `gr.ChatInterface` app exposed on the internet! So don't hesitate to try it on your own Chatbots. |
❗️ Additional Note ❗️: Technically, any gradio app that exposes an api route that takes in a single string and outputs a single string can be deployed to discord. But `gr.ChatInterface` apps naturally lend themselves to discord's chat functionality so we suggest you start with those. |
Thanks [@freddyaboulton](https://github.com/freddyaboulton)! |
### New Features: |
- Endpoints that return layout components are now properly handled in the `submit` and `view_api` methods. Output layout components are not returned by the API but all other components are (excluding `gr.State`). By [@freddyaboulton](https://github.com/freddyaboulton) in [PR 4871](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4871) |
### Bug Fixes: |
No changes to highlight |
### Breaking Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Full Changelog: |
No changes to highlight. |
# 0.2.9 |
### New Features: |
No changes to highlight |
### Bug Fixes: |
- Fix bug determining the api name when a demo has `api_name=False` by [@freddyboulton](https://github.com/freddyaboulton) in [PR 4886](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4886) |
### Breaking Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Full Changelog: |
- Pinned dependencies to major versions to reduce the likelihood of a broken `gradio_client` due to changes in downstream dependencies by [@abidlabs](https://github.com/abidlabs) in [PR 4885](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4885) |
# 0.2.8 |
### New Features: |
- Support loading gradio apps where `api_name=False` by [@abidlabs](https://github.com/abidlabs) in [PR 4683](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4683) |
### Bug Fixes: |
- Fix bug where space duplication would error if the demo has cpu-basic hardware by [@freddyaboulton](https://github.com/freddyaboulton) in [PR 4583](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4583) |
- Fixes and optimizations to URL/download functions by [@akx](https://github.com/akx) in [PR 4695](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4695) |
### Breaking Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Full Changelog: |
No changes to highlight. |
# 0.2.7 |
### New Features: |
- The output directory for files downloaded via the Client can now be set by the `output_dir` parameter in `Client` by [@abidlabs](https://github.com/abidlabs) in [PR 4501](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4501) |
### Bug Fixes: |
- The output directory for files downloaded via the Client are now set to a temporary directory by default (instead of the working directory in some cases) by [@abidlabs](https://github.com/abidlabs) in [PR 4501](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4501) |
### Breaking Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Full Changelog: |
No changes to highlight. |
# 0.2.6 |
### New Features: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Bug Fixes: |
- Fixed bug file deserialization didn't preserve all file extensions by [@freddyaboulton](https://github.com/freddyaboulton) in [PR 4440](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4440) |
- Fixed bug where mounted apps could not be called via the client by [@freddyaboulton](https://github.com/freddyaboulton) in [PR 4435](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4435) |
### Breaking Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Full Changelog: |
No changes to highlight. |
# 0.2.5 |
### New Features: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Bug Fixes: |
- Fixes parameter names not showing underscores by [@abidlabs](https://github.com/abidlabs) in [PR 4230](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4230) |
- Fixes issue in which state was not handled correctly if `serialize=False` by [@abidlabs](https://github.com/abidlabs) in [PR 4230](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4230) |
### Breaking Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Full Changelog: |
No changes to highlight. |
# 0.2.4 |
### Bug Fixes: |
- Fixes missing serialization classes for several components: `Barplot`, `Lineplot`, `Scatterplot`, `AnnotatedImage`, `Interpretation` by [@abidlabs](https://github.com/abidlabs) in [PR 4167](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4167) |
### Documentation Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Testing and Infrastructure Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Breaking Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Full Changelog: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Contributors Shoutout: |
No changes to highlight. |
# 0.2.3 |
### New Features: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Bug Fixes: |
- Fix example inputs for `gr.File(file_count='multiple')` output components by [@freddyaboulton](https://github.com/freddyaboulton) in [PR 4153](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4153) |
### Documentation Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Testing and Infrastructure Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Breaking Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Full Changelog: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Contributors Shoutout: |
No changes to highlight. |
# 0.2.2 |
### New Features: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Bug Fixes: |
- Only send request to `/info` route if demo version is above `3.28.3` by [@freddyaboulton](https://github.com/freddyaboulton) in [PR 4109](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4109) |
### Other Changes: |
- Fix bug in test from gradio 3.29.0 refactor by [@freddyaboulton](https://github.com/freddyaboulton) in [PR 4138](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4138) |
### Breaking Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
# 0.2.1 |
### New Features: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Bug Fixes: |
Removes extraneous `State` component info from the `Client.view_api()` method by [@abidlabs](https://github.com/freddyaboulton) in [PR 4107](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4107) |
### Documentation Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Testing and Infrastructure Changes: |
Separates flaky tests from non-flaky tests by [@abidlabs](https://github.com/freddyaboulton) in [PR 4107](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/4107) |
### Breaking Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Full Changelog: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Contributors Shoutout: |
No changes to highlight. |
# 0.1.4 |
### New Features: |
- Progress Updates from `gr.Progress()` can be accessed via `job.status().progress_data` by @freddyaboulton](https://github.com/freddyaboulton) in [PR 3924](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/3924) |
### Bug Fixes: |
- Fixed bug where unnamed routes where displayed with `api_name` instead of `fn_index` in `view_api` by [@freddyaboulton](https://github.com/freddyaboulton) in [PR 3972](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/3972) |
### Documentation Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Testing and Infrastructure Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Breaking Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Full Changelog: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Contributors Shoutout: |
No changes to highlight. |
# 0.1.3 |
### New Features: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Bug Fixes: |
- Fixed bug where `Video` components in latest gradio were not able to be deserialized by [@freddyaboulton](https://github.com/freddyaboulton) in [PR 3860](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/3860) |
### Documentation Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Testing and Infrastructure Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Breaking Changes: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Full Changelog: |
No changes to highlight. |
### Contributors Shoutout: |
No changes to highlight. |
# 0.1.2 |
First public release of the Gradio Client library! The `gradio_client` Python library that makes it very easy to use any Gradio app as an API. |
As an example, consider this [Hugging Face Space that transcribes audio files](https://huggingface.co/spaces/abidlabs/whisper) that are recorded from the microphone. |
Using the `gradio_client` library, we can easily use the Gradio as an API to transcribe audio files programmatically. |
Here's the entire code to do it: |
```python |
from gradio_client import Client |
client = Client("abidlabs/whisper") |
client.predict("audio_sample.wav") |
>> "This is a test of the whisper speech recognition model." |
``` |
Read more about how to use the `gradio_client` library here: https://gradio.app/getting-started-with-the-python-client/ |