import tensorflow as tf |
import tensorflow_hub as hub |
import numpy as np |
import librosa |
import os |
import tarfile |
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model |
from fastapi import APIRouter |
from datetime import datetime |
from datasets import load_dataset |
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score |
from .utils.evaluation import AudioEvaluationRequest |
from .utils.emissions import tracker, clean_emissions_data, get_space_info |
from dotenv import load_dotenv |
load_dotenv() |
router = APIRouter() |
DESCRIPTION = "Random Baseline" |
ROUTE = "/audio" |
YAMNET_TAR_PATH = "./yamnet-tensorflow2-yamnet-v1.tar.gz" |
EXTRACT_PATH = "./yamnet_model" |
CLASSIFIER_PATH = "./audio_model.h5" |
if not os.path.exists(EXTRACT_PATH): |
with tarfile.open(YAMNET_TAR_PATH, "r:gz") as tar: |
tar.extractall(EXTRACT_PATH) |
yamnet = hub.load(EXTRACT_PATH) |
audio_model = load_model(CLASSIFIER_PATH) |
@router.post(ROUTE, tags=["Audio Task"], description=DESCRIPTION) |
async def evaluate_audio(request: AudioEvaluationRequest): |
"""Inference function to classify audio samples using a pre-trained model.""" |
dataset = load_dataset(request.dataset_name, token=os.getenv("HF_TOKEN")) |
test_dataset = dataset["test"] |
tracker.start() |
tracker.start_task("inference") |
predictions = [] |
for audio_data in test_dataset["audio"]: |
waveform = audio_data["array"] |
sample_rate = audio_data["sampling_rate"] |
if sample_rate != 16000: |
waveform = librosa.resample(waveform, orig_sr=sample_rate, target_sr=16000) |
waveform = tf.convert_to_tensor(waveform, dtype=tf.float32) |
waveform = tf.squeeze(waveform) |
_, embeddings, _ = yamnet(waveform) |
embeddings = tf.reduce_mean(embeddings, axis=0).numpy() |
embeddings = embeddings.reshape(1, -1) |
scores = audio_model.predict(embeddings) |
predicted_class_index = np.argmax(scores) |
predicted_class_label = "chainsaw" if predicted_class_index == 0 else "environment" |
predictions.append(predicted_class_label) |
numeric_predictions = [0 if pred == "chainsaw" else 1 for pred in predictions] |
true_labels = test_dataset["label"] |
accuracy = accuracy_score(true_labels, numeric_predictions) |
emissions_data = tracker.stop_task() |
results = { |
"submission_timestamp": datetime.now().isoformat(), |
"model_description": DESCRIPTION, |
"accuracy": float(accuracy), |
"energy_consumed_wh": emissions_data.energy_consumed * 1000, |
"emissions_gco2eq": emissions_data.emissions * 1000, |
"emissions_data": clean_emissions_data(emissions_data), |
"api_route": ROUTE, |
"dataset_config": { |
"dataset_name": request.dataset_name, |
"test_size": request.test_size, |
"test_seed": request.test_seed |
} |
} |
return results |