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<h2 class="my-8 lg:col-span-2" style="font-size:20px; font-weight:bold">Hugging Face Gradio Hackathon πŸ€— </h2>
<p class="lg:col-span-2">
Come Join us from August 29th to September 2th for a Hackathon in person and online using Gradio and Hugging Face to build and host Machine Learning and data science demos.
<h3 class="my-8 lg:col-span-2" style="font-size:20px; font-weight:bold">Key Details</h3>
<ul class="lg:col-span-2" style="list-style: circle inside;padding-left: 40px;">
<li class="my-4"><b>Who's invited:</b> Anyone willing to join
<li class="my-4"><b>Goal:</b> Build Machine Learning/Data Science demos. Demo with most votes gets a prize 🎁 (see below). You can also join if you don't know much about ML/Data Science!</li>
<li class="my-4"><b>Python Level:</b> Any</li>
<li class="my-4"><b>Important:</b> join the EuroSciPy2022 organization on HuggingFace by clicking <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline" target="_blank">here</a> </li>
<li class="my-4"><b>Lightning Talk:</b> Come see <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline" target="_blank">@reach_vb</a> giving a lighting talk about gradio on Thursday at 4 pm CEST</li>
<h3 class="my-8 lg:col-span-2" style="font-size:20px; font-weight:bold">Getting Started</h3>
<ul class="lg:col-span-2" style="list-style: circle inside;padding-left: 40px;">
<li class="my-4">If you have never used Gradio before, the Gradio <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline" target="_blank">course</a> will explain the fundamentals.
<li class="my-4">The Gradio quickstart <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline" target="_blank">page</a> is a good place to start as well.
<li class="my-4">The Gradio docs are <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline" target="_blank">here</a>.
<li class="my-4">This <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline" target="_blank">guide</a> covers how to host Gradio apps on HuggingFace spaces.
<li class="my-4"> Join the EuroSciPy2022 organization on HuggingFace by clicking <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline" target="_blank">here</a> </li>
<h3 class="my-8 lg:col-span-2" style="font-size:20px; font-weight:bold">Hackathon Ideas: </h3>
<ul class="lg:col-span-2" style="list-style: circle inside;padding-left: 40px;">
<li class="my-4">Any machine learning model or concept is a good candidate for a demo. Check out the spaces hosted in this organization for <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline" target="_blank">time series forecasting</a> and <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline" target="_blank">income classification with explainability</a> </li>
<li class="my-4">Implement a demo for a trending paper from <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline"></a></li>
<li class="my-4">Models from huggingface model hub: <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline"></a> In particular, the <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline">tabular classification</a> and <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline">tabular regression</a> models may be of interest.</li>
<li class="my-4">Papers from NAACL 2022 event <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline"></a></li>
<li class="my-4">Papers from ICML 2022 event <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline"></a></li>
<li class="my-4">Hugging Face course event ideas <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline"></a></li>
<li class="my-4">Models from other model hubs
<ul class="lg:col-span-2" style="list-style: circle inside;padding-left: 40px;">
<li class="my-4">See example scikit-learn Demos at <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline"></a></li>
<li class="my-4">Tensorflow Hub: see example Gradio demos at <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline"></a></li>
<li class="my-4">Pytorch Hub: see example Gradio demos at <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline"></a></li>
<li class="my-4">ONNX model Hub: see example Gradio demos at <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline"></a></li>
<li class="my-4">PaddlePaddle Model Hub: see example Gradio demos at <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline"></a></li>
<li class="my-4">Try your own ideas!</li>
<h4 class="my-8 lg:col-span-2" style="font-size:20px; font-weight:bold" id="Prizes">Hugging Face Prizes</h4>
<ul class="lg:col-span-2" style="list-style: circle inside">
<li class="my-4">Top 5 spaces based on likes<ul class="lg:col-span-2" style="list-style: circle inside;padding-left: 40px;">
<li class="my-4">Swag from <a href="">Hugging Face merch shop</a>: t-shirt, hoodie, or mug of your choice</li>
<h3 class="my-8 lg:col-span-2" style="font-size:20px; font-weight:bold">LeaderBoard for Most Popular EuroSciPy Spaces</h3>
<p class="lg:col-span-2">See the <a href="" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:underline; font-weight:bold">EuroSciPy Leaderboard</a></p>