Unscrupulous users

by Vlad135 - opened

Your WebUI has been used by a person who resorts to one trick. He opens up to 30 tabs with WebUI in the browser at once and starts generating in all tabs. So he can receive a huge number of images without waiting in line. This becomes a problem for all other users who have to wait in line for a long time. Could you fix this problem? Such unscrupulous users can be calculated by IP address by adding a ban on multiple simultaneous generation orders to the program code. By the way, this problem is observed both in the original and in all copies on this site. It feels like there's some kind of anxious person here who can't get enough. On other copies, he can generally order 50-100 generations at the same time.

sorry, i tried asking and there seems to be no way to do it, ip tracing is illegal. can only wait for huggingface to have a solution in the future

I have noticed similar issues and someone basically floods this (and other similar) space with misuse. (sexual images of what are likely underage persons). the images generated are viewable by anyone just by changing the url. for example text 2 image grid urls are always like this: https://duchaiten-webui.hf.space/file=outputs/txt2img-grids/grid-XXXX.png , when i tried to change the XXXX to find my images i stumbled upon some weird photos. I also understand that there is not much to do about this

This is quite difficult to prevent completely, unless banning all NSFW related images, but I'm quite confused about this decision, i think a lot of people probably wouldn't want that to happen

I agree, banning everything nsfw related is not the way to go.

I have noticed similar issues and someone basically floods this (and other similar) space with misuse. (sexual images of what are likely underage persons). the images generated are viewable by anyone just by changing the url. for example text 2 image grid urls are always like this: https://duchaiten-webui.hf.space/file=outputs/txt2img-grids/grid-XXXX.png , when i tried to change the XXXX to find my images i stumbled upon some weird photos. I also understand that there is not much to do about this

This is not a problem of DucHaiten and not a problem of SD developers, but those who generate such images.

I hate to make a request like this but i think capping the batch sizes/count is going to be necessary. One guy, i'm pretty sure the same guy instantly opening 100+ tabs on darkstorm2150's webui, is queuing up 200-800 pictures at a time constantly. And admittedly I ordered up a massive order once when I 1st found the space, and then let it finish because sunk costs +8 minutes in, so even if people aren't trying to be jerks new folks will occasionally order waaaay too many pictures when the caps so high.

Please don't totally lock it down to 1 but i think ~30 pictures (3 or 4 batchs x 8) is about the line where it stops feeling zippy and a queue starts feeling grindy. Amazing speeds btw (thanks a ton for running this), when people aren't ordering up several hundred pictures at once i can't keep up.

(And i know he'll just open even more tabs but it's still better to make him work & it intersperses normal users among queue better.)

set to 1 image at a time

Sorry to keep poking you to complain about the free thing you've gone out of your way to provide for the good of the community, but now Txt2img only has a sampling of 20 steps at 1 image at a time, which is unusablely low.

Whatever hugging.co plan (or however this is powered) you have is very fast feeling normally so 1img/20steps is way more restrictive than needed to fix queue times. I think 4 images at + 50 steps feels more than fast enough to make the queue move reasonably & still create pictures in productive quantities.

At the same time img2img (and again i hate to point this out because i don't want it nuked like txt2img) hasn't been changed, is still 150 steps max, and the ~mysterious badman is now pumping their 10 minute batchs though that. An img2img batch of 4-6 at 75 steps takes all of 30 seconds to complete, which is good time, so to sit around waiting 1/6th an hour for 1 guy is an exceptional display by the ~badman at these speeds.

There is no need to limit anything. Let it be as it was. Yes, sometimes you have to wait a long time, but it's worth it. It is better to get 100 images in half an hour than to poke the generation button every time. I can order 100 images, and I can do some other business myself. I come in half an hour and get a large number of images without wasting time on it. That's great.

If you add restrictions, then your copy will be worthless. It will be no different from all other copies. That was the trick of your copy, that people could not sit for hours in front of the computer, poking the "Generation" button. I ordered the generation and went about my business.

It looks like you've already added restrictions. Sorry. The program has become completely useless. Now people will have to sit at the computer for hours, masturbating generation to get the necessary image))).

And GarbageDay writes some bullshit. In fact, it wasn't all as bad as he describes. In fact, everything was fine. DucHaiten, don't listen to anyone. Return everything as it was before. Everyone liked everything, and then GarbageDay came with his problem and ruined everything. If he is too lazy to wait 10-30 minutes, then there are a lot of other copies with restrictions for him, where he can poke the generation button for hours in search of a successful picture.

set to 1 image at a time

Is there any way to get access to a video card for free? Maybe there are some trial periods? Otherwise, your copy is now impossible to use normally.

just use colab its free...

just use colab its free...

One issue I found with colab is that with free account it causes frequent disconnections and errors so have to re-run the code and again generate public gardio link. I'm new to all this so his managed colabs on git hub do help a lot because AUTOMATIC1111's web gui is still difficult for me to run as I don't understand most things yet and there you have to download different models manually.

Your WebUI has been used by a person who resorts to one trick. He opens up to 30 tabs with WebUI in the browser at once and starts generating in all tabs. So he can receive a huge number of images without waiting in line. This becomes a problem for all other users who have to wait in line for a long time. Could you fix this problem? Such unscrupulous users can be calculated by IP address by adding a ban on multiple simultaneous generation orders to the program code. By the way, this problem is observed both in the original and in all copies on this site. It feels like there's some kind of anxious person here who can't get enough. On other copies, he can generally order 50-100 generations at the same time.

Опять началась та же самая ерунда.

Вы, придурки, хоть немного совесть-то имейте. Вы не одни во вселенной, и кроме вас тоже есть люди, которые хотят генерировать изображения. Хватит своими вредоносными скриптами загружать очередь. Вас никто не обязан ждать. А если вам хочется завалиться картинками с голыми девками, так купите себе мощный компьютер и генерируйте их хоть до посинения.

И куда смотрят админы? Неужели нельзя заблокировать этим бессовестным людям возможность портить жизнь другим?

И что это за Preparing Space каждые пол часа по пол часа? Достало уже. Только начнешь генерировать какие-нибудь изображения, как тут сразу же вылазит эта ерунда? Это из-за того, что много всяких ИИ моделей? Зачем они вообще нужны, если есть нормальный Alart? Удалите их вообще. Да и сними постоянно сбрасывается выбор модели. Выбираешь Alart, а меня постоянно перекидывает на Anime. Приходится каждый раз перезагружать страницу.

Этот недоразвитый скриптовредитель продолжает нагружать очередь, генерируя за раз больше сотни изображений, не давая нормальным людям нормально пользоваться SD. Админам нет до этого никакого дела. Может есть возможность в настройках приложения ограничить длину очереди, например, до 5-10 генераций? Очередь будет маленькой, но при этом люди смогут попадать в нее, как это сделано в Demo версии SD 2.1 на официальной странице разработчика. Или, как предлагает Владислав, отключите все ограничения по количеству генерации изображений, ведь в этом нет никакого смысла в условиях, когда кто-то все-равно создает огромную очередь. Пусть он не нагружает очередь, а просто генерирует за раз по 100 изображений. То же самое выйдет.

It's not that I don't care, it's that even if I care, I can't do anything. That's why I've limited the number of photos created at a time to 1

It's not that I don't care, it's that even if I care, I can't do anything. That's why I've limited the number of photos created at a time to 1

I'm not talking about you, but about the administration of Hugging Face, who do not care that their servers are overloaded by unscrupulous users. They have the technical ability to stop all this, but they don't care about it.

I found out why Hugging Face has suspiciously long queues on T4 and A10 video cards. The fact is that administrators intend to fill the queue with empty requests with a certain duration in order to reduce the load on video cards. This problem can be fixed only if you connect to the A100 graphics card. Yeah. I didn't expect such meanness.

The system does not always create empty requests in order not to scare off customers at all. When the system starts spamming, the queue increases dramatically. When spam stops, the queue drops sharply to 1-3 people.

In such conditions, it is impossible to generate anything at all. Only if you buy access to the video card yourself. But not everyone can afford it. Everyone else has to wait for the generation of one image for 10-30 minutes. This is bullying.

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