Configuration error
Configuration error
# neural-style-pt | |
[]( | |
This is a PyTorch implementation of the paper [A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style]( | |
by Leon A. Gatys, Alexander S. Ecker, and Matthias Bethge. The code is based on Justin Johnson's [Neural-Style]( | |
The paper presents an algorithm for combining the content of one image with the style of another image using | |
convolutional neural networks. Here's an example that maps the artistic style of | |
[The Starry Night]( | |
onto a night-time photograph of the Stanford campus: | |
<div align="center"> | |
<img src="" height="223px"> | |
<img src="" height="223px"> | |
<img src="" width="710px"> | |
</div> | |
Applying the style of different images to the same content image gives interesting results. | |
Here we reproduce Figure 2 from the paper, which renders a photograph of the Tubingen in Germany in a | |
variety of styles: | |
<div align="center"> | |
<img src="" height="250px"> | |
<img src="" height="250px"> | |
<img src="" height="250px"> | |
<img src="" height="250px"> | |
<img src="" height="250px"> | |
<img src="" height="250px"> | |
</div> | |
Here are the results of applying the style of various pieces of artwork to this photograph of the | |
golden gate bridge: | |
<div align="center" | |
<img src="" height="200px"> | |
<img src="" height="160px"> | |
<img src="" height="160px"> | |
<img src="" height="160px"> | |
<img src="" height="160px"> | |
</div> | |
<div align="center"> | |
<img src="" height="160px"> | |
<img src="" height="160px"> | |
<img src="" height="160px"> | |
<img src="" height="160px"> | |
</div> | |
<div align="center"> | |
<img src="" height="160px"> | |
<img src="" height="160px"> | |
<img src="" height="160px"> | |
<img src="" height="160px"> | |
</div> | |
### Content / Style Tradeoff | |
The algorithm allows the user to trade-off the relative weight of the style and content reconstruction terms, | |
as shown in this example where we port the style of [Picasso's 1907 self-portrait]( onto Brad Pitt: | |
<div align="center"> | |
<img src="" height="220px"> | |
<img src="" height="220px"> | |
</div> | |
<div align="center"> | |
<img src="" height="220px"> | |
<img src="" height="220px"> | |
<img src="" height="220px"> | |
<img src="" height="220px"> | |
</div> | |
### Style Scale | |
By resizing the style image before extracting style features, we can control the types of artistic | |
features that are transfered from the style image; you can control this behavior with the `-style_scale` flag. | |
Below we see three examples of rendering the Golden Gate Bridge in the style of The Starry Night. | |
From left to right, `-style_scale` is 2.0, 1.0, and 0.5. | |
<div align="center"> | |
<img src="" height=175px> | |
<img src="" height=175px> | |
<img src="" height=175px> | |
</div> | |
### Multiple Style Images | |
You can use more than one style image to blend multiple artistic styles. | |
Clockwise from upper left: "The Starry Night" + "The Scream", "The Scream" + "Composition VII", | |
"Seated Nude" + "Composition VII", and "Seated Nude" + "The Starry Night" | |
<div align="center"> | |
<img src="" height="250px"> | |
<img src="" height="250px"> | |
<img src="" height="250px"> | |
<img src="" height="250px"> | |
</div> | |
### Style Interpolation | |
When using multiple style images, you can control the degree to which they are blended: | |
<div align="center"> | |
<img src="" height="175px"> | |
<img src="" height="175px"> | |
<img src="" height="175px"> | |
</div> | |
### Transfer style but not color | |
If you add the flag `-original_colors 1` then the output image will retain the colors of the original image. | |
<div align="center"> | |
<img src="" height="185px"> | |
<img src="" height="185px"> | |
<img src="" height="185px"> | |
<img src="" height="185px"> | |
<img src="" height="185px"> | |
<img src="" height="185px"> | |
</div> | |
## Setup: | |
Dependencies: | |
* [PyTorch]( | |
Optional dependencies: | |
* For CUDA backend: | |
* CUDA 7.5 or above | |
* For cuDNN backend: | |
* cuDNN v6 or above | |
* For ROCm backend: | |
* ROCm 2.1 or above | |
* For MKL backend: | |
* MKL 2019 or above | |
* For OpenMP backend: | |
* OpenMP 5.0 or above | |
After installing the dependencies, you'll need to run the following script to download the VGG model: | |
``` | |
python models/ | |
``` | |
This will download the original [VGG-19 model]( | |
The original [VGG-16 model]( will also be downloaded. By default the original VGG-19 model is used. | |
If you have a smaller memory GPU then using NIN Imagenet model will be better and gives slightly worse yet comparable results. You can get the details on the model from [BVLC Caffe ModelZoo]( The NIN model is downloaded when you run the `` script. | |
You can find detailed installation instructions for Ubuntu and Windows in the [installation guide]( | |
## Usage | |
Basic usage: | |
``` | |
python -style_image <image.jpg> -content_image <image.jpg> | |
``` | |
cuDNN usage with NIN Model: | |
``` | |
python -style_image examples/inputs/picasso_selfport1907.jpg -content_image examples/inputs/brad_pitt.jpg -output_image profile.png -model_file models/nin_imagenet.pth -gpu 0 -backend cudnn -num_iterations 1000 -seed 123 -content_layers relu0,relu3,relu7,relu12 -style_layers relu0,relu3,relu7,relu12 -content_weight 10 -style_weight 500 -image_size 512 -optimizer adam | |
``` | |
 | |
To use multiple style images, pass a comma-separated list like this: | |
`-style_image starry_night.jpg,the_scream.jpg`. | |
Note that paths to images should not contain the `~` character to represent your home directory; you should instead use a relative | |
path or a full absolute path. | |
**Options**: | |
* `-image_size`: Maximum side length (in pixels) of the generated image. Default is 512. | |
* `-style_blend_weights`: The weight for blending the style of multiple style images, as a | |
comma-separated list, such as `-style_blend_weights 3,7`. By default all style images | |
are equally weighted. | |
* `-gpu`: Zero-indexed ID of the GPU to use; for CPU mode set `-gpu` to `c`. | |
**Optimization options**: | |
* `-content_weight`: How much to weight the content reconstruction term. Default is 5e0. | |
* `-style_weight`: How much to weight the style reconstruction term. Default is 1e2. | |
* `-tv_weight`: Weight of total-variation (TV) regularization; this helps to smooth the image. | |
Default is 1e-3. Set to 0 to disable TV regularization. | |
* `-num_iterations`: Default is 1000. | |
* `-init`: Method for generating the generated image; one of `random` or `image`. | |
Default is `random` which uses a noise initialization as in the paper; `image` | |
initializes with the content image. | |
* `-init_image`: Replaces the initialization image with a user specified image. | |
* `-optimizer`: The optimization algorithm to use; either `lbfgs` or `adam`; default is `lbfgs`. | |
L-BFGS tends to give better results, but uses more memory. Switching to ADAM will reduce memory usage; | |
when using ADAM you will probably need to play with other parameters to get good results, especially | |
the style weight, content weight, and learning rate. | |
* `-learning_rate`: Learning rate to use with the ADAM optimizer. Default is 1e1. | |
* `-normalize_gradients`: If this flag is present, style and content gradients from each layer will be L1 normalized. | |
**Output options**: | |
* `-output_image`: Name of the output image. Default is `out.png`. | |
* `-print_iter`: Print progress every `print_iter` iterations. Set to 0 to disable printing. | |
* `-save_iter`: Save the image every `save_iter` iterations. Set to 0 to disable saving intermediate results. | |
**Layer options**: | |
* `-content_layers`: Comma-separated list of layer names to use for content reconstruction. | |
Default is `relu4_2`. | |
* `-style_layers`: Comma-separated list of layer names to use for style reconstruction. | |
Default is `relu1_1,relu2_1,relu3_1,relu4_1,relu5_1`. | |
**Other options**: | |
* `-style_scale`: Scale at which to extract features from the style image. Default is 1.0. | |
* `-original_colors`: If you set this to 1, then the output image will keep the colors of the content image. | |
* `-model_file`: Path to the `.pth` file for the VGG Caffe model. Default is the original VGG-19 model; you can also try the original VGG-16 model. | |
* `-pooling`: The type of pooling layers to use; one of `max` or `avg`. Default is `max`. | |
The VGG-19 models uses max pooling layers, but the paper mentions that replacing these layers with average | |
pooling layers can improve the results. I haven't been able to get good results using average pooling, but | |
the option is here. | |
* `-seed`: An integer value that you can specify for repeatable results. By default this value is random for each run. | |
* `-multidevice_strategy`: A comma-separated list of layer indices at which to split the network when using multiple devices. See [Multi-GPU scaling]( for more details. | |
* `-backend`: `nn`, `cudnn`, `openmp`, or `mkl`. Default is `nn`. `mkl` requires Intel's MKL backend. | |
* `-cudnn_autotune`: When using the cuDNN backend, pass this flag to use the built-in cuDNN autotuner to select | |
the best convolution algorithms for your architecture. This will make the first iteration a bit slower and can | |
take a bit more memory, but may significantly speed up the cuDNN backend. | |
## Frequently Asked Questions | |
**Problem:** The program runs out of memory and dies | |
**Solution:** Try reducing the image size: `-image_size 256` (or lower). Note that different image sizes will likely | |
require non-default values for `-style_weight` and `-content_weight` for optimal results. | |
If you are running on a GPU, you can also try running with `-backend cudnn` to reduce memory usage. | |
**Problem:** `-backend cudnn` is slower than default NN backend | |
**Solution:** Add the flag `-cudnn_autotune`; this will use the built-in cuDNN autotuner to select the best convolution algorithms. | |
**Problem:** Get the following error message: | |
`Missing key(s) in state_dict: "classifier.0.bias", "classifier.0.weight", "classifier.3.bias", "classifier.3.weight". | |
Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "classifier.1.weight", "classifier.1.bias", "classifier.4.weight", "classifier.4.bias".` | |
**Solution:** Due to a mix up with layer locations, older models require a fix to be compatible with newer versions of PyTorch. The included [``]( script will automatically perform these fixes after downloading the models. | |
## Memory Usage | |
By default, `neural-style-pt` uses the `nn` backend for convolutions and L-BFGS for optimization. These give good results, but can both use a lot of memory. You can reduce memory usage with the following: | |
* **Use cuDNN**: Add the flag `-backend cudnn` to use the cuDNN backend. This will only work in GPU mode. | |
* **Use ADAM**: Add the flag `-optimizer adam` to use ADAM instead of L-BFGS. This should significantly | |
reduce memory usage, but may require tuning of other parameters for good results; in particular you should | |
play with the learning rate, content weight, and style weight. | |
This should work in both CPU and GPU modes. | |
* **Reduce image size**: If the above tricks are not enough, you can reduce the size of the generated image; | |
pass the flag `-image_size 256` to generate an image at half the default size. | |
With the default settings, neural-style-pt uses about 3.7 GB of GPU memory on my system; switching to ADAM and cuDNN reduces the GPU memory footprint to about 1GB. | |
## Speed | |
Speed can vary a lot depending on the backend and the optimizer. | |
Here are some times for running 500 iterations with `-image_size=512` on a Tesla K80 with different settings: | |
* `-backend nn -optimizer lbfgs`: 117 seconds | |
* `-backend nn -optimizer adam`: 100 seconds | |
* `-backend cudnn -optimizer lbfgs`: 124 seconds | |
* `-backend cudnn -optimizer adam`: 107 seconds | |
* `-backend cudnn -cudnn_autotune -optimizer lbfgs`: 109 seconds | |
* `-backend cudnn -cudnn_autotune -optimizer adam`: 91 seconds | |
Here are the same benchmarks on a GTX 1080: | |
* `-backend nn -optimizer lbfgs`: 56 seconds | |
* `-backend nn -optimizer adam`: 38 seconds | |
* `-backend cudnn -optimizer lbfgs`: 40 seconds | |
* `-backend cudnn -optimizer adam`: 40 seconds | |
* `-backend cudnn -cudnn_autotune -optimizer lbfgs`: 23 seconds | |
* `-backend cudnn -cudnn_autotune -optimizer adam`: 24 seconds | |
## Multi-GPU scaling | |
You can use multiple CPU and GPU devices to process images at higher resolutions; different layers of the network will be | |
computed on different devices. You can control which GPU and CPU devices are used with the `-gpu` flag, and you can control | |
how to split layers across devices using the `-multidevice_strategy` flag. | |
For example in a server with four GPUs, you can give the flag `-gpu 0,1,2,3` to process on GPUs 0, 1, 2, and 3 in that order; by also giving the flag `-multidevice_strategy 3,6,12` you indicate that the first two layers should be computed on GPU 0, layers 3 to 5 should be computed on GPU 1, layers 6 to 11 should be computed on GPU 2, and the remaining layers should be computed on GPU 3. You will need to tune the `-multidevice_strategy` for your setup in order to achieve maximal resolution. | |
We can achieve very high quality results at high resolution by combining multi-GPU processing with multiscale | |
generation as described in the paper | |
<a href="">**Controlling Perceptual Factors in Neural Style Transfer**</a> by Leon A. Gatys, | |
Alexander S. Ecker, Matthias Bethge, Aaron Hertzmann and Eli Shechtman. | |
Here is a 4016 x 2213 image generated on a server with eight Tesla K80 GPUs: | |
<img src="" height="400px"> | |
The script used to generate this image <a href='examples/scripts/'>can be found here</a>. | |
## Implementation details | |
Images are initialized with white noise and optimized using L-BFGS. | |
We perform style reconstructions using the `conv1_1`, `conv2_1`, `conv3_1`, `conv4_1`, and `conv5_1` layers | |
and content reconstructions using the `conv4_2` layer. As in the paper, the five style reconstruction losses have | |
equal weights. | |
## Citation | |
If you find this code useful for your research, please cite it using the provided citation. | |