Runtime error
Runtime error
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf | |
import statsmodels.api as sm | |
import plotly.graph_objects as go | |
from scipy.optimize import minimize | |
import as px | |
from scipy.stats import t, f | |
import gradio as gr | |
import io | |
import zipfile | |
import tempfile | |
from datetime import datetime | |
import docx | |
from docx.shared import Inches, Pt | |
from docx.enum.text import WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT | |
import os | |
# --- Global output components --- | |
model_completo_output = gr.HTML() | |
pareto_completo_output = gr.Plot() | |
model_simplificado_output = gr.HTML() | |
pareto_simplificado_output = gr.Plot() | |
equation_output = gr.HTML() | |
optimization_table_output = gr.Dataframe(label="Tabla de Optimizaci贸n", interactive=False) | |
prediction_table_output = gr.Dataframe(label="Tabla de Predicciones", interactive=False) | |
contribution_table_output = gr.Dataframe(label="Tabla de % de Contribuci贸n", interactive=False) | |
anova_table_output = gr.Dataframe(label="Tabla ANOVA Detallada", interactive=False) | |
download_all_plots_button = gr.DownloadButton("Descargar Todos los Gr谩ficos (ZIP)") | |
download_excel_button = gr.DownloadButton("Descargar Tablas en Excel") | |
rsm_plot_output = gr.Plot() | |
plot_info = gr.Textbox(label="Informaci贸n del Gr谩fico", value="Gr谩fico 1 de 9", interactive=False) | |
current_index_state = gr.State(0) | |
all_figures_state = gr.State([]) | |
current_model_type_state = gr.State('simplified') | |
model_personalized_output = gr.HTML() | |
pareto_personalized_output = gr.Plot() | |
factor_checkboxes = gr.CheckboxGroup(["factors", "x1_sq", "x2_sq", "x3_sq"], label="T茅rminos de Factores", value=["factors", "x1_sq", "x2_sq", "x3_sq"]) | |
interaction_checkboxes = gr.CheckboxGroup(["x1x2", "x1x3", "x2x3"], label="T茅rminos de Interacci贸n") | |
# --- Clase RSM_BoxBehnken --- | |
class RSM_BoxBehnken: | |
def __init__(self, data, x1_name, x2_name, x3_name, y_name, x1_levels, x2_levels, x3_levels): | |
""" | |
Inicializa la clase con los datos del dise帽o Box-Behnken. | |
""" | | = data.copy() | |
self.model = None | |
self.model_simplified = None | |
self.model_personalized = None # For personalized model | |
self.optimized_results = None | |
self.optimal_levels = None | |
self.all_figures_full = [] # Separate lists for different model plots | |
self.all_figures_simplified = [] | |
self.all_figures_personalized = [] | |
self.x1_name = x1_name | |
self.x2_name = x2_name | |
self.x3_name = x3_name | |
self.y_name = y_name | |
# Niveles originales de las variables | |
self.x1_levels = x1_levels | |
self.x2_levels = x2_levels | |
self.x3_levels = x3_levels | |
def get_levels(self, variable_name): | |
""" | |
Obtiene los niveles para una variable espec铆fica. | |
""" | |
levels = {self.x1_name: self.x1_levels, self.x2_name: self.x2_levels, self.x3_name: self.x3_levels} | |
return levels.get(variable_name) | |
def fit_model(self): | |
""" | |
Ajusta el modelo de segundo orden completo a los datos. | |
""" | |
formula = f'{self.y_name} ~ {self.x1_name} + {self.x2_name} + {self.x3_name} + ' \ | |
f'I({self.x1_name}**2) + I({self.x2_name}**2) + I({self.x3_name}**2) + ' \ | |
f'{self.x1_name}:{self.x2_name} + {self.x1_name}:{self.x3_name} + {self.x2_name}:{self.x3_name}' | |
self.model = smf.ols(formula, | |
print("Modelo Completo:") | |
print(self.model.summary()) | |
return self.model, self.pareto_chart(self.model, "Pareto - Modelo Completo") | |
def fit_simplified_model(self): | |
""" | |
Ajusta el modelo de segundo orden a los datos, eliminando t茅rminos no significativos. | |
""" | |
formula = f'{self.y_name} ~ {self.x1_name} + {self.x2_name} + ' \ | |
f'I({self.x1_name}**2) + I({self.x2_name}**2) + I({self.x3_name}**2)' # Adjusted formula to include x3^2 | |
self.model_simplified = smf.ols(formula, | |
print("\nModelo Simplificado:") | |
print(self.model_simplified.summary()) | |
return self.model_simplified, self.pareto_chart(self.model_simplified, "Pareto - Modelo Simplificado") | |
def optimize(self, method='Nelder-Mead'): | |
""" | |
Encuentra los niveles 贸ptimos de los factores para maximizar la respuesta usando el modelo simplificado. | |
""" | |
if self.model_simplified is None: | |
print("Error: Ajusta el modelo simplificado primero.") | |
return | |
def objective_function(x): | |
return -self.model_simplified.predict(pd.DataFrame({ | |
self.x1_name: [x[0]], | |
self.x2_name: [x[1]], | |
self.x3_name: [x[2]] | |
})).values[0] | |
bounds = [(-1, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, 1)] | |
x0 = [0, 0, 0] | |
self.optimized_results = minimize(objective_function, x0, method=method, bounds=bounds) | |
self.optimal_levels = self.optimized_results.x | |
# Convertir niveles 贸ptimos de codificados a naturales | |
optimal_levels_natural = [ | |
self.coded_to_natural(self.optimal_levels[0], self.x1_name), | |
self.coded_to_natural(self.optimal_levels[1], self.x2_name), | |
self.coded_to_natural(self.optimal_levels[2], self.x3_name) | |
] | |
# Crear la tabla de optimizaci贸n | |
optimization_table = pd.DataFrame({ | |
'Variable': [self.x1_name, self.x2_name, self.x3_name], | |
'Nivel 脫ptimo (Natural)': optimal_levels_natural, | |
'Nivel 脫ptimo (Codificado)': self.optimal_levels | |
}) | |
return optimization_table.round(3) # Redondear a 3 decimales | |
def fit_personalized_model(self, formula): | |
""" | |
Ajusta un modelo personalizado de segundo orden a los datos, usando la formula dada. | |
""" | |
self.model_personalized = smf.ols(formula, | |
print("\nModelo Personalizado:") | |
print(self.model_personalized.summary()) | |
return self.model_personalized, self.pareto_chart(self.model_personalized, "Pareto - Modelo Personalizado") | |
def generate_all_plots(self): | |
""" | |
Genera todas las gr谩ficas de RSM para todos los modelos. | |
""" | |
if self.model_simplified is None: | |
print("Error: Ajusta el modelo simplificado primero.") | |
return | |
self.all_figures_full = [] # Reset lists for each model type | |
self.all_figures_simplified = [] | |
self.all_figures_personalized = [] | |
levels_to_plot_natural = { # Levels from data, as before | |
self.x1_name: sorted(list(set([self.x1_name]))), | |
self.x2_name: sorted(list(set([self.x2_name]))), | |
self.x3_name: sorted(list(set([self.x3_name]))) | |
} | |
for fixed_variable in [self.x1_name, self.x2_name, self.x3_name]: | |
for level in levels_to_plot_natural[fixed_variable]: | |
fig_full = self.plot_rsm_individual(fixed_variable, level, model_type='full') # Pass model_type | |
if fig_full is not None: | |
self.all_figures_full.append(fig_full) | |
fig_simplified = self.plot_rsm_individual(fixed_variable, level, model_type='simplified') # Pass model_type | |
if fig_simplified is not None: | |
self.all_figures_simplified.append(fig_simplified) | |
if self.model_personalized is not None: # Generate personalized plots only if model exists | |
fig_personalized = self.plot_rsm_individual(fixed_variable, level, model_type='personalized') # Pass model_type | |
if fig_personalized is not None: | |
self.all_figures_personalized.append(fig_personalized) | |
def plot_rsm_individual(self, fixed_variable, fixed_level, model_type='simplified'): # Added model_type parameter | |
""" | |
Genera un gr谩fico de superficie de respuesta (RSM) individual para una configuraci贸n espec铆fica y modelo. | |
""" | |
model_to_use = self.model_simplified # Default to simplified model | |
model_title_suffix = "(Modelo Simplificado)" | |
if model_type == 'full': | |
model_to_use = self.model | |
model_title_suffix = "(Modelo Completo)" | |
elif model_type == 'personalized': | |
if self.model_personalized is None: | |
print("Error: Modelo personalizado no ajustado.") | |
return None | |
model_to_use = self.model_personalized | |
model_title_suffix = "(Modelo Personalizado)" | |
if model_to_use is None: # Use model_to_use instead of self.model_simplified | |
print(f"Error: Ajusta el modelo {model_type} primero.") # More informative error message | |
return None | |
# Determinar las variables que var铆an y sus niveles naturales | |
varying_variables = [var for var in [self.x1_name, self.x2_name, self.x3_name] if var != fixed_variable] | |
# Establecer los niveles naturales para las variables que var铆an | |
x_natural_levels = self.get_levels(varying_variables[0]) | |
y_natural_levels = self.get_levels(varying_variables[1]) | |
# Crear una malla de puntos para las variables que var铆an (en unidades naturales) | |
x_range_natural = np.linspace(x_natural_levels[0], x_natural_levels[-1], 100) | |
y_range_natural = np.linspace(y_natural_levels[0], y_natural_levels[-1], 100) | |
x_grid_natural, y_grid_natural = np.meshgrid(x_range_natural, y_range_natural) | |
# Convertir la malla de variables naturales a codificadas | |
x_grid_coded = self.natural_to_coded(x_grid_natural, varying_variables[0]) | |
y_grid_coded = self.natural_to_coded(y_range_natural, varying_variables[1]) | |
# Crear un DataFrame para la predicci贸n con variables codificadas | |
prediction_data = pd.DataFrame({ | |
varying_variables[0]: x_grid_coded.flatten(), | |
varying_variables[1]: y_grid_coded.flatten(), | |
}) | |
prediction_data[fixed_variable] = self.natural_to_coded(fixed_level, fixed_variable) | |
# Fijar la variable fija en el DataFrame de predicci贸n | |
fixed_var_levels = self.get_levels(fixed_variable) | |
if len(fixed_var_levels) == 3: # Box-Behnken design levels | |
prediction_data[fixed_variable] = self.natural_to_coded(fixed_level, fixed_variable) | |
elif len(fixed_var_levels) > 0: # Use the closest level if not Box-Behnken | |
closest_level_coded = self.natural_to_coded(min(fixed_var_levels, key=lambda x:abs(x-fixed_level)), fixed_variable) | |
prediction_data[fixed_variable] = closest_level_coded | |
# Calcular los valores predichos | |
z_pred = model_to_use.predict(prediction_data).values.reshape(x_grid_coded.shape) # Use model_to_use here | |
# Filtrar por el nivel de la variable fija (en codificado) | |
fixed_level_coded = self.natural_to_coded(fixed_level, fixed_variable) | |
subset_data =[np.isclose([fixed_variable], fixed_level_coded)] | |
# Filtrar por niveles v谩lidos en las variables que var铆an | |
valid_levels = [-1, 0, 1] | |
experiments_data = subset_data[ | |
subset_data[varying_variables[0]].isin(valid_levels) & | |
subset_data[varying_variables[1]].isin(valid_levels) | |
] | |
# Convertir coordenadas de experimentos a naturales | |
experiments_x_natural = experiments_data[varying_variables[0]].apply(lambda x: self.coded_to_natural(x, varying_variables[0])) | |
experiments_y_natural = experiments_data[varying_variables[1]].apply(lambda x: self.coded_to_natural(x, varying_variables[1])) | |
# Crear el gr谩fico de superficie con variables naturales en los ejes y transparencia | |
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Surface(z=z_pred, x=x_grid_natural, y=y_grid_natural, colorscale='Viridis', opacity=0.7, showscale=True)]) | |
# --- A帽adir cuadr铆cula a la superficie --- | |
# L铆neas en la direcci贸n x | |
for i in range(x_grid_natural.shape[0]): | |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d( | |
x=x_grid_natural[i, :], | |
y=y_grid_natural[i, :], | |
z=z_pred[i, :], | |
mode='lines', | |
line=dict(color='gray', width=2), | |
showlegend=False, | |
hoverinfo='skip' | |
)) | |
# L铆neas en la direcci贸n y | |
for j in range(x_grid_natural.shape[1]): | |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d( | |
x=x_grid_natural[:, j], | |
y=y_grid_natural[:, j], | |
z=z_pred[:, j], | |
mode='lines', | |
line=dict(color='gray', width=2), | |
showlegend=False, | |
hoverinfo='skip' | |
)) | |
# --- Fin de la adici贸n de la cuadr铆cula --- | |
# A帽adir los puntos de los experimentos en la superficie de respuesta con diferentes colores y etiquetas | |
colors = px.colors.qualitative.Safe | |
point_labels = [f"{row[self.y_name]:.3f}" for _, row in experiments_data.iterrows()] | |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d( | |
x=experiments_x_natural, | |
y=experiments_y_natural, | |
z=experiments_data[self.y_name].round(3), | |
mode='markers+text', | |
marker=dict(size=4, color=colors[:len(experiments_x_natural)]), | |
text=point_labels, | |
textposition='top center', | |
name='Experimentos' | |
)) | |
# A帽adir etiquetas y t铆tulo con variables naturales | |
fig.update_layout( | |
scene=dict( | |
xaxis_title=f"{varying_variables[0]} ({self.get_units(varying_variables[0])})", | |
yaxis_title=f"{varying_variables[1]} ({self.get_units(varying_variables[1])})", | |
zaxis_title=self.y_name, | |
), | |
title=f"{self.y_name} vs {varying_variables[0]} y {varying_variables[1]}<br><sup>{fixed_variable} fijo en {fixed_level:.3f} ({self.get_units(fixed_variable)}) {model_title_suffix}</sup>", # Updated title | |
height=800, | |
width=1000, | |
showlegend=True | |
) | |
return fig | |
# --- Funciones para la Interfaz de Gradio --- | |
def load_data(x1_name, x2_name, x3_name, y_name, x1_levels_str, x2_levels_str, x3_levels_str, data_str): | |
try: | |
x1_levels = [float(x.strip()) for x in x1_levels_str.split(',')] | |
x2_levels = [float(x.strip()) for x in x2_levels_str.split(',')] | |
x3_levels = [float(x.strip()) for x in x3_levels_str.split(',')] | |
data_list = [row.split(',') for row in data_str.strip().split('\n')] | |
column_names = ['Exp.', x1_name, x2_name, x3_name, y_name] | |
data_loaded = pd.DataFrame(data_list, columns=column_names).apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') | |
if not all(col in data_loaded.columns for col in column_names): raise ValueError("Data format incorrect.") | |
global rsm, data | |
data = data_loaded # Assign loaded data to global data variable | |
rsm = RSM_BoxBehnken(data, x1_name, x2_name, x3_name, y_name, x1_levels, x2_levels, x3_levels) | |
return data.round(3), gr.update(visible=True) | |
except Exception as e: | |
error_message = f"Error loading data: {str(e)}" | |
print(error_message) | |
return None, gr.update(visible=False) | |
def fit_and_optimize_model(): | |
if 'rsm' not in globals(): return [None]*11 | |
model_completo, pareto_completo = rsm.fit_model() | |
model_simplificado, pareto_simplificado = rsm.fit_simplified_model() | |
optimization_table = rsm.optimize() | |
equation = rsm.get_simplified_equation() | |
prediction_table = rsm.generate_prediction_table() | |
contribution_table = rsm.calculate_contribution_percentage() | |
anova_table = rsm.calculate_detailed_anova() | |
rsm.generate_all_plots() | |
equation_formatted = equation.replace(" + ", "<br>+ ").replace(" ** ", "^").replace("*", " 脳 ") | |
equation_formatted = f"### Ecuaci贸n del Modelo Simplificado:<br>{equation_formatted}" | |
excel_path = rsm.save_tables_to_excel() | |
zip_path = rsm.save_figures_to_zip() | |
return (model_completo_output, pareto_completo, model_simplificado_output, pareto_simplificado, equation_output, optimization_table, prediction_table, contribution_table, anova_table, zip_path, excel_path) | |
def fit_custom_model(factor_checkboxes, interaction_checkboxes, model_personalized_output_component, pareto_personalized_output_component): | |
if 'rsm' not in globals(): return [None]*2 | |
formula_parts = [rsm.x1_name, rsm.x2_name, rsm.x3_name] if "factors" in factor_checkboxes else [] | |
if "x1_sq" in factor_checkboxes: formula_parts.append(f'I({rsm.x1_name}**2)') | |
if "x2_sq" in factor_checkboxes: formula_parts.append(f'I({rsm.x2_name}**2)') | |
if "x3_sq" in factor_checkboxes: formula_parts.append(f'I({rsm.x3_name}**2)') | |
if "x1x2" in interaction_checkboxes: formula_parts.append(f'{rsm.x1_name}:{rsm.x2_name}') | |
if "x1x3" in interaction_checkboxes: formula_parts.append(f'{rsm.x1_name}:{rsm.x3_name}') | |
if "x2x3" in interaction_checkboxes: formula_parts.append(f'{rsm.x2_name}:{rsm.x3_name}') | |
formula = f'{rsm.y_name} ~ ' + ' + '.join(formula_parts) if formula_parts else f'{rsm.y_name} ~ 1' | |
custom_model, pareto_custom = rsm.fit_personalized_model(formula) | |
rsm.generate_all_plots() | |
return custom_model.summary().as_html(), pareto_custom | |
def show_plot(current_index, all_figures, model_type): | |
figure_list = rsm.all_figures_full if model_type == 'full' else rsm.all_figures_simplified if model_type == 'simplified' else rsm.all_figures_personalized | |
if not figure_list: return None, f"No graphs for {model_type}.", current_index | |
selected_fig = figure_list[current_index] | |
plot_info_text = f"Gr谩fico {current_index + 1} de {len(figure_list)} (Modelo {model_type.capitalize()})" | |
return selected_fig, plot_info_text, current_index | |
def navigate_plot(direction, current_index, all_figures, model_type): | |
figure_list = rsm.all_figures_full if model_type == 'full' else rsm.all_figures_simplified if model_type == 'simplified' else rsm.all_figures_personalized | |
if not figure_list: return None, f"No graphs for {model_type}.", current_index | |
new_index = (current_index - 1) % len(figure_list) if direction == 'left' else (current_index + 1) % len(figure_list) | |
selected_fig = figure_list[new_index] | |
plot_info_text = f"Gr谩fico {new_index + 1} de {len(figure_list)} (Modelo {model_type.capitalize()})" | |
return selected_fig, plot_info_text, current_index | |
def download_current_plot(all_figures, current_index, model_type): | |
figure_list = rsm.all_figures_full if model_type == 'full' else rsm.all_figures_simplified if model_type == 'simplified' else rsm.all_figures_personalized | |
if not figure_list: return None | |
fig = figure_list[current_index] | |
img_bytes = rsm.save_fig_to_bytes(fig) | |
filename = f"Grafico_RSM_{model_type}_{current_index + 1}.png" | |
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".png") as temp_file: | |
temp_file.write(img_bytes) | |
return | |
def download_all_plots_zip(model_type): | |
if 'rsm' not in globals(): return None | |
if model_type == 'full': rsm.all_figures = rsm.all_figures_full | |
elif model_type == 'simplified': rsm.all_figures = rsm.all_figures_simplified | |
elif model_type == 'personalized': rsm.all_figures = rsm.all_figures_personalized | |
zip_path = rsm.save_figures_to_zip() | |
filename = f"Graficos_RSM_{model_type}_{'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.zip" | |
return zip_path | |
def download_all_tables_excel(): | |
if 'rsm' not in globals(): return None | |
return rsm.save_tables_to_excel() | |
def exportar_word(rsm_instance, tables_dict): | |
return rsm_instance.export_tables_to_word(tables_dict) | |
def create_gradio_interface(): | |
global model_completo_output, pareto_completo_output, model_simplificado_output, pareto_simplificado_output, equation_output, optimization_table_output, prediction_table_output, contribution_table_output, anova_table_output, download_all_plots_button, download_excel_button, rsm_plot_output, plot_info, current_index_state, all_figures_state, current_model_type_state, model_personalized_output, pareto_personalized_output, factor_checkboxes, interaction_checkboxes | |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: | |
gr.Markdown("# Optimizaci贸n de la Absorbancia usando RSM") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(): | |
gr.Markdown("## Configuraci贸n del Dise帽o") | |
x1_name_input = gr.Textbox(label="Nombre de la Variable X1 (ej. Glucosa)", value="Glucosa_g_L") | |
x2_name_input = gr.Textbox(label="Nombre de la Variable X2 (ej. Proteina_Pescado)", value="Proteina_Pescado_g_L") | |
x3_name_input = gr.Textbox(label="Nombre de la Variable X3 (ej. Sulfato_Manganeso)", value="Sulfato_Manganeso_g_L") | |
y_name_input = gr.Textbox(label="Nombre de la Variable Dependiente (ej. Absorbancia)", value="Abs_600nm") | |
x1_levels_input = gr.Textbox(label="Niveles de X1 (separados por comas)", value="0, 5, 10") | |
x2_levels_input = gr.Textbox(label="Niveles de X2 (separados por comas)", value="0, 1.4, 3.2, 5") | |
x3_levels_input = gr.Textbox(label="Niveles de X3 (separados por comas)", value="0.25, 0.5, 0.75") | |
data_input = gr.Textbox(label="Datos del Experimento (formato CSV)", lines=10, value="""Exp.,Glucosa_g_L,Proteina_Pescado_g_L,Sulfato_Manganeso_g_L,Abs_600nm | |
1,-1,-1,0,1.576 | |
2,1,-1,0,1.474 | |
3,-1,1,0,1.293 | |
4,1,1,0,1.446 | |
5,-1,0,-1,1.537 | |
6,1,0,-1,1.415 | |
7,-1,0,1,1.481 | |
8,1,0,1,1.419 | |
9,0,-1,-1,1.321 | |
10,0,1,-1,1.224 | |
11,0,-1,1,1.459 | |
12,0,1,1,0.345 | |
13,0,0,0,1.279 | |
14,0,0,0,1.181 | |
15,0,0,0,0.662, | |
16,-1,-1,0,1.760 | |
17,1,-1,0,1.690 | |
18,-1,1,0,1.485 | |
19,1,1,0,1.658 | |
20,-1,0,-1,1.728 | |
21,1,0,-1,1.594 | |
22,-1,0,1,1.673 | |
23,1,0,1,1.607 | |
24,0,-1,-1,1.531 | |
25,0,1,-1,1.424 | |
26,0,-1,1,1.595 | |
27,0,1,1,0.344 | |
28,0,0,0,1.477 | |
29,0,0,0,1.257 | |
30,0,0,0,0.660, | |
31,-1,-1,0,1.932 | |
32,1,-1,0,1.780 | |
33,-1,1,0,1.689 | |
34,1,1,0,1.876 | |
35,-1,0,-1,1.885 | |
36,1,0,-1,1.824 | |
37,-1,0,1,1.913 | |
38,1,0,1,1.810 | |
39,0,-1,-1,1.852 | |
40,0,1,-1,1.694 | |
41,0,1,1,1.831 | |
42,0,1,1,0.347 | |
43,0,0,0,1.752 | |
44,0,0,0,1.367 | |
45,0,0,0,0.656""") | |
load_button = gr.Button("Cargar Datos") | |
data_dropdown = gr.Dropdown(["All Data"], value="All Data", label="Seleccionar Datos") | |
with gr.Column(): | |
gr.Markdown("## Datos Cargados") | |
data_output = gr.Dataframe(label="Tabla de Datos", interactive=False) | |
with gr.Row(visible=False) as analysis_row: | |
with gr.Column(): | |
fit_button = gr.Button("Ajustar Modelo Simplificado y Completo") | |
gr.Markdown("**Modelo Completo**") | |
model_completo_output_comp = model_completo_output # Use global output_components | |
pareto_completo_output_comp = pareto_completo_output | |
gr.Markdown("**Modelo Simplificado**") | |
model_simplificado_output_comp = model_simplificado_output | |
pareto_simplificado_output_comp = pareto_simplificado_output | |
gr.Markdown("## Modelo Personalizado") | |
factor_checkboxes_comp = factor_checkboxes | |
interaction_checkboxes_comp = interaction_checkboxes | |
custom_model_button = gr.Button("Ajustar Modelo Personalizado") | |
model_personalized_output_comp = model_personalized_output | |
pareto_personalized_output_comp = pareto_personalized_output | |
gr.Markdown("**Ecuaci贸n del Modelo Simplificado**") | |
equation_output_comp = equation_output | |
optimization_table_output_comp = optimization_table_output | |
prediction_table_output_comp = prediction_table_output | |
contribution_table_output_comp = contribution_table_output | |
anova_table_output_comp = anova_table_output | |
gr.Markdown("## Descargar Todas las Tablas") | |
download_excel_button_comp = download_excel_button | |
download_word_button = gr.DownloadButton("Descargar Tablas en Word") | |
with gr.Column(): | |
gr.Markdown("## Gr谩ficos de Superficie de Respuesta") | |
model_type_radio = gr.Radio(["simplified", "full", "personalized"], value="simplified", label="Tipo de Modelo para Gr谩ficos") | |
fixed_variable_input = gr.Dropdown(label="Variable Fija", choices=["Glucosa_g_L", "Proteina_Pescado_g_L", "Sulfato_Manganeso_g_L"], value="Glucosa_g_L") | |
fixed_level_input = gr.Slider(label="Nivel de Variable Fija (Natural Units)", minimum=0, maximum=10, step=0.1, value=5.0) | |
plot_button = gr.Button("Generar Gr谩ficos") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
left_button = gr.Button("<") | |
right_button = gr.Button(">") | |
download_plot_button_comp = gr.DownloadButton("Descargar Gr谩fico Actual (PNG)") # Defined HERE | |
download_all_plots_button_comp = gr.DownloadButton("Descargar Todos los Gr谩ficos (ZIP)") | |
rsm_plot_output_comp = rsm_plot_output | |
plot_info_comp = plot_info | |
current_index_state_comp = current_index_state | |
all_figures_state_comp = all_figures_state | |
current_model_type_state_comp = current_model_type_state | |, inputs=[x1_name_input, x2_name_input, x3_name_input, y_name_input, x1_levels_input, x2_levels_input, x3_levels_input, data_input], outputs=[data_output, analysis_row]) | |, inputs=[], outputs=[model_completo_output_comp, pareto_completo_output_comp, model_simplificado_output_comp, pareto_simplificado_output_comp, equation_output_comp, optimization_table_output_comp, prediction_table_output_comp, contribution_table_output_comp, anova_table_output_comp, download_all_plots_button_comp, download_excel_button_comp]) | |, inputs=[factor_checkboxes_comp, interaction_checkboxes_comp, model_personalized_output_comp, pareto_personalized_output_comp], outputs=[model_personalized_output_comp, pareto_personalized_output_comp]) # Pass output components as input and output | | fixed_var, fixed_lvl, model_type: show_plot(0, [], model_type) if not hasattr(rsm, 'all_figures_full') or not rsm.all_figures_full else show_plot(0, [], model_type) if model_type == 'full' and not rsm.all_figures_full else show_plot(0, [], model_type) if model_type == 'simplified' and not rsm.all_figures_simplified else show_plot(0, [], model_type) if model_type == 'personalized' and not rsm.all_figures_personalized else show_plot(0, rsm.all_figures_full if model_type == 'full' else rsm.all_figures_simplified if model_type == 'simplified' else rsm.all_figures_personalized, model_type), inputs=[fixed_variable_input, fixed_level_input, model_type_radio], outputs=[rsm_plot_output_comp, plot_info_comp, current_index_state_comp, current_model_type_state_comp]) | | current_index, all_figures, model_type: navigate_plot('left', current_index, all_figures, model_type), inputs=[current_index_state_comp, all_figures_state_comp, current_model_type_state_comp], outputs=[rsm_plot_output_comp, plot_info_comp, current_index_state_comp]) | | current_index, all_figures, model_type: navigate_plot('right', current_index, all_figures, model_type), inputs=[current_index_state_comp, all_figures_state_comp, current_model_type_state_comp], outputs=[rsm_plot_output_comp, plot_info_comp, current_index_state_comp]) | |, inputs=[all_figures_state_comp, current_index_state_comp, current_model_type_state_comp], outputs=download_plot_button_comp) | | model_type: download_all_plots_zip(model_type), inputs=[current_model_type_state_comp], outputs=download_all_plots_button_comp) | | download_all_tables_excel(), inputs=[], outputs=download_excel_button_comp) | |, inputs=[gr.State(rsm), gr.State(rsm.get_all_tables())], outputs=download_word_button) # Pass rsm instance and tables as state | |
return demo | |
# --- Funci贸n Principal --- | |
def main(): | |
interface = create_gradio_interface() | |
interface.launch(share=True) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
main() |