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Group Normalization



  title={Group Normalization},
  author={Wu, Yuxin and He, Kaiming},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},

Results and Models

Backbone model Lr schd Mem (GB) Inf time (fps) box AP mask AP Config Download
R-50-FPN (d) Mask R-CNN 2x 7.1 11.0 40.2 36.4 config model | log
R-50-FPN (d) Mask R-CNN 3x 7.1 - 40.5 36.7 config model | log
R-101-FPN (d) Mask R-CNN 2x 9.9 9.0 41.9 37.6 config model | log
R-101-FPN (d) Mask R-CNN 3x 9.9 42.1 38.0 config model | log
R-50-FPN (c) Mask R-CNN 2x 7.1 10.9 40.0 36.1 config model | log
R-50-FPN (c) Mask R-CNN 3x 7.1 - 40.1 36.2 config model | log


  • (d) means pretrained model converted from Detectron, and (c) means the contributed model pretrained by @thangvubk.
  • The 3x schedule is epoch [28, 34, 36].
  • Memory, Train/Inf time is outdated.