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# Adverse Weather Image Translation with Asymmetric and Uncertainty-aware GAN (AU-GAN)
Official Tensorflow implementation of [Adverse Weather Image Translation with Asymmetric and Uncertainty-aware GAN]( (AU-GAN)\
Jeong-gi Kwak, Youngsaeng Jin, Yuanming Li, Dongsik Yoon, Donghyeon Kim and Hanseok Ko </br>
*British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2021*
## Intro
### Night &rarr; Day ([BDD100K](
<img src="./assets/augan_bdd.png" width="800">
### Rainy night &rarr; Day ([Alderdey](
<img src="./assets/augan_alderley.png" width="800">
## Architecture
<img src="./assets/augan_model.png" width="800">
Our generator has asymmetric structure for editing day&rarr;night and night&rarr;day.
Please refer our paper for details
## **Envs**
git clone
# Create virtual environment
conda create -y --name augan python=3.6.7
conda activate augan
conda install tensorflow-gpu==1.14.0 # Tensorflow 1.14
pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
## **Preparing datasets**
**Night &rarr; Day** </br>
[Berkeley DeepDrive dataset]( contains 100,000 high resolution images of the urban roads for autonomous driving.</br></br>
**Rainy night &rarr; Day** </br>
[Alderley dataset]( consists of images of two domains,
rainy night and daytime. It was collected while driving the same route in each weather environment.</br>
Please download datasets and then construct them following [ForkGAN](
## Pretrained Model
Download the pretrained model for BDD100K(256x512) [here]( and unzip it to ./check/bdd_exp/bdd100k_256/
## Training
# Alderley (256x512)
python --dataset_dir alderley
--phase train
--experiment_name alderley_exp
--batch_size 8
--load_size 286
--fine_size 256
--use_uncertainty True
# BDD100k (256x512)
python --dataset_dir bdd100k
--phase train
--experiment_name bdd_exp
--batch_size 8
--load_size 286
--fine_size 256
--use_uncertainty True
## Test
# Alderley (256x512)
python --dataset_dir alderley
--phase test
--experiment_name alderley_exp
--batch_size 1
--load_size 286
--fine_size 256
# BDD100k (256x512)
python --dataset_dir bdd100k
--phase test
--experiment_name bdd_exp
--batch_size 1
--load_size 286
--fine_size 256
## Additional results
<img src="./assets/augan_result.png" width="800">
More results in [paper]( and [supplementary]()
## Uncertainty map
<img src="./assets/augan_uncer.png" width="800">
## **Citation**
If our code is helpful your research, please cite our paper:
title={Adverse weather image translation with asymmetric and uncertainty-aware GAN},
author={Kwak, Jeong-gi and Jin, Youngsaeng and Li, Yuanming and Yoon, Dongsik and Kim, Donghyeon and Ko, Hanseok},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.04283},
## Acknowledgments
Our code is bulided upon the [ForkGAN]( implementation.