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Historic Multilingual and Monolingual TEAMS Models. The following languages are covered:

  • English (British Library Corpus - Books)
  • German (Europeana Newspaper)
  • French (Europeana Newspaper)
  • Finnish (Europeana Newspaper, Digilib)
  • Swedish (Europeana Newspaper, Digilib)
  • Dutch (Delpher Corpus)
  • Norwegian (NCC Corpus)


We pretrain a "Training ELECTRA Augmented with Multi-word Selection" (TEAMS) model:

hmTEAMS Overview


We perform experiments on various historic NER datasets, such as HIPE-2022 or ICDAR Europeana. All details incl. hyper-parameters can be found here.

Small Benchmark

We test our pretrained language models on various datasets from HIPE-2020, HIPE-2022 and Europeana. The following table shows an overview of used datasets.

Language Dataset Additional Dataset
English AjMC -
German AjMC -
French AjMC ICDAR-Europeana
Finnish NewsEye -
Swedish NewsEye -
Dutch ICDAR-Europeana -


Model English AjMC German AjMC French AjMC Finnish NewsEye Swedish NewsEye Dutch ICDAR French ICDAR Avg.
hmBERT (32k) Schweter et al. 85.36 ± 0.94 89.08 ± 0.09 85.10 ± 0.60 77.28 ± 0.37 82.85 ± 0.83 82.11 ± 0.61 77.21 ± 0.16 82.71
hmTEAMS (Ours) 86.41 ± 0.36 88.64 ± 0.42 85.41 ± 0.67 79.27 ± 1.88 82.78 ± 0.60 88.21 ± 0.39 78.03 ± 0.39 84.11


Our pretrained hmTEAMS model can be obtained from the Hugging Face Model Hub:


We thank Luisa März, Katharina Schmid and Erion Çano for their fruitful discussions about Historic Language Models.

Research supported with Cloud TPUs from Google's TPU Research Cloud (TRC). Many Thanks for providing access to the TPUs ❤️