
Issues with "espeak not installed in your system" - Mac M1 - Solved

by AndrewCoote - opened

Not sure whether this is going to be helpful to anyone else, but I've just spent a few hours trying to solve this issue.
I was getting the following error: EspeakFallback not Enabled. OOD words will be skipped with the error: "speak not installed on your system"

M1 Max Sequoia 15.3
Running python 311 through virtual env
library versions. Misaki 0.6.4, Phonemizer 3.3.0

I was running the code in virtualEnv
I had multiple issues that needed solving:

  1. I had an old version of home-brew installed - which was storing things in /usr/ not /opt/. This was solved by uninstalling brew and reinstalling. (run the following: arch -x86_64 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/uninstall.sh)"
  2. Next this hot fix was required: https://github.com/hexgrad/misaki/pull/9/commits/8887dc5d2a659aad6c212b39ef0e74b8c1b5f640
    The error seems to be in misaki (and it looks like it might be patched soon)

Hope it helps someone with a few hours of headache

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