DictaLM: A Large Generative Language Model for Modern Hebrew
A large generative pretrained transformer (GPT) language model for Hebrew, released here.
- This is an alpha version of the model, and there are many improvements to come.
- We are actively working on improving the model, so stay tuned.
This model was fine-tuned for instructions, here are a few examples of the different types of instructions the model was trained on:
General questions:
ืื ืื ืืืช ืกืคืจ?
ืงืืืืชื ืืชื ืงื ืืืฆืืข. ืืื ืืืจื ืื ืืื ื ืืืคื ืืื?
Simple tasks:
ืชืฆืืข ืืื ืจืขืืื ืืช ืืคืขืืืืช ืขื ืืืืื ืื ื 5:
Information retrieval from a paragraph context:
ืืืกืืง ืืืื ื ืืื ืืืจื ืืืกืืจืชืืช ืืืขืชืืงื ืืงืืืฃ ืืืชืื. ืฉืืื ืื ืืืจืฉืช ืืื ืืื ืจื ืืืืคื ืืืกื ืืขืืืื ืืงืืืืช ืืืฉืจืื ืืืืงืืืืช ืจืืื ืืขืืื. ืฉืืืืช ืืกืืง ืืื ื ืืืคืฉืจืืช ืืืกืืื ืขืืืืืช ืืืงืืืืช ืืื ืืื ืืืื ืืื ืืขืืืช ืืฉืืืืช ืืืืืื ืืช ืืืืื. ืืืืชืื ืืืืืขืืื ืืืืื (ืืืืืฉื, ืื ืืืื ืืืืชืื ืืฉืื) ืืชืืื ืืืชืจ ืืกืืง ืืื ื ืืืืื ืฉืืคืจื ืคืืืช ื ืคืืข ืืืืื ืืืกืืง ืืฉืืื ืื (ืคืืืขืืช ืืงืืืคืช ืืคืจื ืืืืชืื ืืฉืื ืคืืืช ืืฉืืขืืชืืืช). ืืื ืื ืืืขืืฃ ืืกืืง ืืื ื ืืืืืจืื ืืื ืืืืคืืืจืคืื ืืืงืืืืช ืื ืฆืคืืคืืช ืืขืฆืื ืื ืืืคืฉืจืื ืืืฉื ื ืืื ืืืืื ืืื ืื. ืืฉืืื ืืืื ืืช ืืืคืฉืจืช ืื ืืืกืืง ืขืฆืื ืฉืื ืื ืืืืขืืื ืฉืื ืื, ืืืชืื ืืงืฆื ืืืฉืืช ืืคืจื ืืืืขื ืืื ืขืฅ. ืขื ืืกืืก ืืคืกืงื ืืืืช, ืื ืืื ืืืชืจืื ืฉื ืืกืืง ืืื ื ืืืืื ืช ืงืฆื ืืืฉืืช ืืคืจื?
Sample usage:
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
import torch
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('dicta-il/dictalm-7b-instruct')
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained('dicta-il/dictalm-7b-instruct', trust_remote_code=True).cuda()
with torch.inference_mode():
prompt = 'ืชืฆืืข ืืื ืจืขืืื ืืช ืืคืขืืืืช ืขื ืืืืื ืื ื 5:\n'
kwargs = dict(
inputs=tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors='pt').input_ids.to(model.device),
print(tokenizer.batch_decode(model.generate(**kwargs), skip_special_tokens=True))
There are many different parameters you can input into kwargs
for different results (greedy, beamsearch, different sampling configurations, longer/shorter respones, etc.).
You can view the full list of parameters you can pass to the generate
function here.
Alternative ways to initialize the model:
If you have multiple smaller GPUs, and the package accelerate
is installed, you can initialize the model split across the devices:
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained('dicta-il/dictalm-7b-instruct', trust_remote_code=True, device_map='auto')
If you are running on linux and have the bitsandbytes
package installed, you can initialize the model in 4/8 bit inference mode:
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained('dicta-il/dictalm-7b-instruct', trust_remote_code=True, load_in_8bit=True)
If you have FlashAttention installed in your environment, you can instruct the model to use the flash attention implementation (either V1 or V2, whichever is installed):
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained('dicta-il/dictalm-7b-instruct', trust_remote_code=True, use_flash_attention=True)
Colab notebook demos
You can try the model on a free tier google colab using the following notebooks:
- Streamlit based - you will need first to log in https://ngrok.com/ and get an authtoken, then paste it in the notebook (screenshot).
- Gradio based - uses deep speed for faster inference, text streamer to get the results as they are being generated and the UI is a widget embedded in the notebook (screenshot).
If you use DictaLM in your research, please cite DictaLM -- A Large Generative Language Model for Modern Hebrew
title={Introducing DictaLM -- A Large Generative Language Model for Modern Hebrew},
author={Shaltiel Shmidman and Avi Shmidman and Amir David Nissan Cohen and Moshe Koppel},
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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