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2009 - Sea Level Rise Research Summary (last update 4/2013) How to reconcile the strict limitations of scientific method with reasonable expectations based on probability and risk have confounded the human-caused global warming (AGW) argument. The reality is sea level will rise. However, there are other oceanic forces that will have economic consequences prior to major sea level rise. Storm strength, droughts, flooding, crop yields and thermal limits are also important considerations. Note: Tad Pfeffer has responded in an update to this report on September 15th regarding SLR above 5 meters: "...we believe it is reasonable to ponder very high rates of SLR in the next century. However, we also believe that it is problematic to project such a ‘hypothesis’ as a supported theory without proper testing by the scientific method." Contents Sea level rise since the last glacial episode. Image courtesy of Exploring the Submerged New World 2009 Expedition, Robert A. Rohde, Global Warming Art, NOAA-OER. This report addresses reasonable assumptions based on what is well understood and therefore addresses that which has a reasonable potential of occurrence. The response mechanisms are considered to be possibly non linear in nature and the paleo records indicate that hypothesized negative feedback mechanisms have not halted past warmings. A reasonable conclusion leans toward the likelihood of sea level rise above the AR4 estimations but also likely less than extreme scenarios of 5 meters SLR by 2100. This paper is a summary of the science combined with reasonable potentials that may be derived from the current understanding of climate system response. Understanding influences on Sea Level Rise: Global sea-level rise is the average increase in the level of the world’s oceans that occurs due to a variety of factors, the most significant being thermal expansion of the oceans and the addition of water by melting of land-based ice sheets, ice caps, and glaciers. Relative sea-level rise refers to the change in sea level relative to the elevation of the adjacent land, which can also subside or rise due to natural and even some human-induced factors which may alter coastal deposition of land based silt. Relative sea-level changes include both global sea-level rise and changes in the vertical elevation of the land surface. Land Subsidence' refers to to land lowering in elevation due to subsurface water or oil extraction. Rebounding refers to land rising due to decreased pressure that can be caused by ice melt or glacial retreat. Tectonic activity refers to land rise or fall due to tectonic movement. Is the rate of sea level rise accelerating? The IPCC expresses high confidence that the rate of observed sea level rise increased from the mid 19th to the mid 20th century. During the 20th century, sea level rose at an average rate of 4.8 to 8.8 inches per century (1.2-2.2 mm/year). (IPCC, 2007) Tide gauges show little or no acceleration during the 20th century. Satellite measurements estimate that sea level has been rising at a rate of 9 to 15 inches per century (2.4-3.8 mm/yr) since 1993, more than 50% faster than the rate that tide gauges estimate over the last century. (IPCC, 2007) SUMMARY What we know. Sea level will rise (reasonable confidence on 1-2 meters by 2100). The most immediate ocean based risk is likely to derive from storm damage cased by stronger storms and related flooding. Sea level will likely increase economic stressors in the coming century. The costs to coastal infrastructure will add to the overall economic stressors from other areas that are expected to be inter-dynamically connected to climate change. What we don't know. The speed of rise based on apparently accelerating positive feedbacks in the climate system. How much faster? The amount of sea level rise by 2100 has reasonable potential to be higher than currently estimated in the AR4 report. How much higher? The climate sensitivity may be higher than models currently indicate. How much higher? Sea Level Rise (SLR) Estimations As scientific awareness increased regarding global warming in the 70's and 80's additional funds were committed to learning more about our environment, its functions, and what influences climate. What affects sea level rise. Thermal expansion: It is estimated that up to half of the sea level rise is attributable to thermal expansion. As the ocean warms, it expands, thus increasing sea level. Ocean temperature continuing to increase. [in 2006 there was data suggesting that the oceans began to cool. It was later found the trend was continuing to warm (view NASA review of the analysis)] Ice melt from Arctic and glacial sources are already contributing to about half of the sea level rise. Antarctica is likely to begin contributing more in the future. But when is not yet strongly known. Scientifically Scientifically, this question can not be answered with any strong degree of confidence beyond the empirical understanding. That does not mean the question can not be addressed with methods of reasoning based on evidence and understanding of climate forcings and dynamics. Problems The problem with realistically assessing SLR is that key factors still need to be better understood. That which is unknown by science is not included, which tends to result in a potentially unrealistically conservative scientific view. Therefore the scientific analysis of SLR may yield conservative estimates of mostly linear processes and a potentially more realistic projection 'may' be less scientific and more considerate of probabilities while containing a wider range of uncertainty. So reality, or what will happen, is not as well understood in certain areas of the analysis. Science measures and then estimates. In the case of realistically estimating SLR, prescience is required in order to understand reasonably likely potentials. At the same time, guessing is not science. This is better understood in in risk analysis more like that used to model insurance actuary tables. Weighing the risk probability to economic loss potentials gives us a better way to consider relevance and uncertainty regarding seal level rise. The Problem of Understanding Projections Dr. Gavin Schmidt: “People don't seem to embrace global measures of temperature rise (~0.2ºC/decade) or sea level rise (> 3mm/yr) very strongly. They much prefer more iconic signs - The National Park formerly-known-as-Glacier, No-snows of Kilimanjaro, Frost Fairs on the Thames etc. As has been discussed here on many occasions, any single example often has any number of complicating factors, but seen as part of a pattern (Kilimanjaro as an example of the other receding tropical glaciers), they can be useful for making a general point. However, the use of an icon as an example of change runs into difficulty if it is then interpreted to be proof of that change.” Dr. Gavin Schmidt: “With respect to sea level, the Thames Barrier is a concrete example that has been frequently raised.” Dr. Gavin Schmidt: “The trends in its 'raising' have been linked to increasing sea levels and storm surges. But how often is it being raised? why? and does it give us any real insight into sea level rises on a wider basis? Looking into it, I was fortunate to get an exceptionally comprehensive set of data on the closings and reasons for them from Anthony Hammond at the Environment Agency in the UK. The results are interesting, but complicated….” Dr. Gavin Schmidt: “It is clear there has been a strong upswing in closings over time. The last year alone there were almost 3 times as many closing as during the first 5 years of operation put together. The three-year running mean is possibly a little clearer, showing two definite periods of more frequent closings, 1992 to 1995 and 2002 to the present.” Dr. Gavin Schmidt: “Is this a sign of increased sea level, increased storminess, increased river flow, or changes in river management policy? As always, local factors in short records are important. Over the two and half decades of barrier operation, understanding of the Thames river hydrology has grown and models are now more accurate than they used to be, allowing for more precision in decisions to raise the barrier. The decisions depend on three main factors, the river flow at Teddington (which is where the first weir is), the forecast high tide and the (more uncertain) accompanying surge. Thus if the river flow is strong, an unexceptional high tide could cause problems, while even an exceptional tide might not if the river is particularly low. In the data, closings are distinguished by whether they are due to tidal issues, or to the combined effect of tides and high river flow (fluvial), but there is not necessarily a clean distinction.” NCDC (National Climate Data Center) The GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Change Rate The GHG change rate weighed against the natural cycle, as observed from the paleo record, is estimated at between 7,000 and 14,000 times the natural variability rate so we are in unprecedented territory, therefore using paleo records to predict SLR rise rates fails. We are in new territory. The IPCC estimates are the most conservative and do not include the non linear response mechanisms already perceptible in the observations, but not verifiable due to a lack of comparative data. This is due to the first problem above that we are in new territory and therefore can not compare existing changes with high validity, to the paleo record as understood. The sea level rise rate has accelerated as expected. Each climate tipping point may or is expected to further increase the rate of sea level rise. TIPPING POINTS: Tipping Points Report Source: A group of US, British and German climate scientists compiled a report the the National Academy of Sciences describing the problems associated with expected tipping points. The tipping points will affect major aspects of accelerated climate change as well as ecosystems. Highly sensitive, smallest uncertainty Greenland Ice Sheet (more than 300 years): "Warming over the ice sheet accelerates ice loss from outlet glaciers and lowers ice altitude at the periphery, which further increases surface temperature ... The exact tipping point for disintegration of the ice sheet is unknown, since current models cannot capture the observed dynamic deglaciation processes accurately. But in a worst case scenario local warming of more than three degrees Celsius could cause the ice sheet to disappear within 300 years. This would result in a rise of sea level of up to seven meters." Arctic sea-ice (approximately 10 years): The National Snow and Ice Data Center has revised their estimates recently to 5-7 years. Current trends indicate 4-5 years the north pole will be ice free in summer. "As sea-ice melts, it exposes a much darker ocean surface, which absorbs more radiation than white sea-ice so that the warming is amplified. This causes more rapid melting in summer and decreases ice formation in winter. Over the last 16 years ice cover during summer declined markedly. The critical threshold global mean warming may be between 0.5 to 2 degrees Celsius, but could already have been passed. One model shows a nonlinear transition to a potential new stable state with no arctic sea-ice during summer within a few decades." Intermediately sensitive, large uncertainty West Antarctic Ice Sheet (more than 300 years): "Recent gravity measurements suggest that the ice sheet is losing mass. Since most of the ice sheet is grounded below sea level the intrusion of ocean water could destabilize it. The tipping point could be reached with a local warming of five to eight degrees Celsius in summer. A worst case scenario shows the ice sheet could collapse within 300 years, possibly raising sea level by as much as five meters." Boreal forest (approximately 50 years): "The northern forests exhibit a complex interplay between tree physiology, permafrost and fire. A global mean warming of three to five degrees Celsius could lead to large-scale dieback of the boreal forests within 50 years. Under climate change the trees would be exposed to increasing water stress and peak summer heat and would be more vulnerable to diseases. Temperate tree species will remain excluded due to frost damage in still very cold winters." Amazon rainforest (approximately 50 years): Current reports indicate the loss of the rainforest within 20-30 years. The region is expected to convert to a Savannah like ecosystem. "Global warming and deforestation will probably reduce rainfall in the region by up to 30 percent. Lengthening of the dry season, and increases in summer temperatures would make it difficult for the forest to re-establish. Models project dieback of the Amazon rainforest to occur under three to four degrees Celsius global warming within fifty years. Even land-use change alone could potentially bring forest cover to a critical threshold." El Niño Southern Oscillation (approximately 100 years): The 1998 El Nino event was the strongest in history. Since the climate system is warming the amplitude will be increased by virtue of the fact it is occurring on a stronger trendline. "The variability of this ocean-atmosphere mode is controlled by the layering of water of different temperatures in the Pacific Ocean and the temperature gradient across the equator. During the globally three degrees Celsius warmer early Pliocene ENSO may have been suppressed in favor of persistent El Niño or La Niña conditions. In response to a warmer stabilized climate, the most realistic models simulate increased El Niño amplitude with no clear change in frequency." Africa rainfall (approximately 10 years): "The amount of rainfall is closely related to vegetation climate feedback and sea surface temperatures of the Atlantic Ocean. Greenhouse gas forcing is expected to increase Sahel rainfall. But a global mean warming of three to five degrees Celsius could cause a collapse of the West African monsoon. This could lead either to drying of the Sahel or to wetting due to increased inflow from the West. A third scenario shows a possible doubling of anomalously dry years by the end of the century." Indian summer monsoon (approximately 1 year): The National Climate Data Center is already reporting that observations indicate this is now occurring. "The monsoon circulation is driven by a land-to-ocean pressure gradient. Greenhouse warming tends to strengthen the monsoon since warmer air can carry more water. Air pollution and land-use that increases the reflection of sunlight tend to weaken it. The Indian summer monsoon could become erratic and in the worst case start to chaotically change between an active and a weak phase within a few years." Lowly sensitive, intermediate uncertainty Atlantic thermohaline circulation (approximately 100 years): NASA has released a report showing that the thermohaline circulation is showing signs of slowing, but trend analysis is still preliminary. "The circulation of sea currents in the Atlantic Ocean is driven by seawater that flows to the North Atlantic, cools and sinks at high latitudes. If the inflow of freshwater increases, e.g. from rivers or melting glaciers, or the seawater is warmed, its density would decrease. A global mean warming of three to five degrees Celsius could push the element past the tipping point so that deep water formation stops. Under these conditions the North Atlantic current would be disrupted, sea level in the North Atlantic region would rise and the tropical rain belt would be shifted." END MSNBC REPORT Tipping Point Indicators The National Climate Data Center has been tracking increased intensity in global climate related events. These events are considered anomalies. By tracking significant anomalies we are better able to establish trends in climate change related to the current global warming event. Additional Uncertainty in Estimating Sea Level Rise Calculating potential SLR is extremely complex and there are significant uncertainties. Professor Stephan Ramstorf: “Although a full physical understanding of sea-level rise is lacking, the uncertainty in future sea-level rise is probably larger than previously estimated. A rise of over 1 m by 2100 for strong warming scenarios cannot be ruled out, because all that such a rise would require is that the linear relation of the rate of sea-level rise and temperature, which was found to be valid in the 20th century, remains valid in the 21st century. On the other hand, very low sea-level rise values as reported in the IPCC TAR now appear rather implausible in the light of the observational data.” Sea Level Rise JPL Sea Level Satellite Measurement Reports Satellites are now used to measure sea level as well as standard measurement techniques. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory has set up a page to track global climate change. On the key indicators page you can see the changes between the sea level rise rates of 1880-1990 and the right chart showing 1993 to present. JPL Sea Level Rise The rate of sea level rise has increased from an estimated 2mm per year to and estimated 3.4 mm per year. In consideration of known forcings and current understanding of feedback mechanisms it is estimated that this rate shall continue to increase as climate forcing increases and feedback mechanisms come into play. SLR is estimated to have risen at least 6 inches since 1880 SLR is estimated to have risen at least 2 inches since 1990 At the current rate we have seen a 50mm (5 cm)sea level rise since 1992. The current rate is 3.4 cm per decade. The Case For at least 59cm SLR (About 2 Feet) SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS – Confidence = High The IPCC Sea Level Numbers Professor Stephan Ramstorf: The sea level rise numbers published in the new IPCC report (the Fourth Assessment Report, AR4) have already caused considerable confusion. Many media articles and weblogs suggested there is good news on the sea level issue, with future sea level rise expected to be a lot less compared to the previous IPCC report (the Third Assessment Report, TAR). Some articles reported that IPCC had reduced its sea level projection from 88 cm to 59 cm (35 inches to 23 inches) , some even said it was reduced from 88 cm to 43 cm (17 inches), and there were several other versions as well (see "Broad Irony"). These statements are not correct and the new range up to 59 cm is not the full story. IPCC AR4 2007: Models used to date do not include uncertainties in climate-carbon cycle feedback nor do they include the full effects of changes in ice sheet flow, because a basis in published literature is lacking. The projections include a contribution due to increased ice flow from Greenland and Antarctica at the rates observed for 1993-2003, but these flow rates could increase or decrease in the future. For example, if this contribution were to grow linearly with global average temperature change, the upper ranges of 10sea level rise for SRES scenarios shown in Table SPM-3 would increase by 0.1 m to 0.2 m. Larger values cannot be excluded, but understanding of these effects is too limited to assess their likelihood or provide a best estimate or an upper bound for sea level rise. The Case For at least .5 to 1.4 Meters SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS – Confidence = High A Semi-Empirical Approach to Projecting Future Sea-Level Rise January 19, 2007 Stefan Ramstorf: A semi-empirical relation is presented that connects global sea-level rise to global mean surface temperature. It is proposed that, for time scales relevant to anthropogenic warming, the rate of sea-level rise is roughly proportional to the magnitude of warming above the temperatures of pre–Industrial holocene. This holds to good approximation for temperature and sea-level changes during the 20th century, with a proportionality constant of 3.4 millimeters/year per °C. When applied to future warming scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, this relationship results in a projected sea-level rise in 2100 of 0.5 to 1.4 meters above the 1990 level. The Case For at least .8 to 2 Meters SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS – Confidence = Medium/High September 5, 2008 W. T. Pfeffer, J. T. Harper, S. O'Neel: On the basis of climate modeling and analogies with past conditions, the potential for multimeter increases in sea level by the end of the 21st century has been proposed. We consider glaciological conditions required for large sea-level rise to occur by 2100 and conclude that increases in excess of 2 meters are physically untenable. We find that a total sea-level rise of about 2 meters by 2100 could occur under physically possible glaciological conditions but only if all variables are quickly accelerated to extremely high limits. More plausible but still accelerated conditions lead to total sea-level rise by 2100 of about 0.8 meter. These roughly constrained scenarios provide a "most likely" starting point for refinements in sea-level forecasts that include ice flow dynamics. 3 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093, USA. Note: The following case (5 meter) address conceivable potentials based on current understanding of the paleo record and the current level of reasonable understanding of constraints v. potentials. The main differences are that in our current scenario (Anthropogenic Global Warming) Black Soot has been introduced due to human industrial processes, This is expected to act as an accelerator to ice sheet melt rates. Land use changes are also contributing to dynamic changes in the climate system. All systems affect each other, so that is where the main questions remain. That is, what will result from these dynamic interactions and feedback systems? HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIOS Here we address the potentials that reach beyond our current scientific understanding and ask the questions that need to be answered based on current understanding and indicators Questions Is climate sensitivity too low in the climate models? Some measurements are exceeding the models. Model sensitivity may not be accounting for the positive feedbacks properly (see UCAR and NASA)? Problems Some of the science used to project 5 meters SLR by 2100 are based on Meltwater Pulse 1a (see e.g. paper by Weaver et al., 2007). via Eric Steig on RealClimate: "This is the same event that gives Hansen his example of super-fast sea level rise. It occurred when Canada and most of Europe were covered by ice sheets, and when the Antarctic ice sheet extended to the edge of the shelf. If Antarctica tried to dump that much ice out now, all the icebergs would ground on the continental shelf. It, like Greenland, is in a far more stable configuration now than it was then. The conditions that produced Meltwater Pulse 1a ares simply not a good analogy for the present." The Case For 5 Meters Dr. James Hansen: “Sea level is already rising at a moderate rate. In the past decade, it increased by 3 centimetres, about double the average rate during the preceding century. The rate of sea level rise over the 20th century was itself probably greater than the rate in the prior millennium, and this is due at least in part to human activity. About half of the increase is accounted for by thermal expansion of ocean water as a result of global warming. Melting mountain glaciers worldwide are responsible for several centimeters of the increase.” Dr. James Hansen: “Greenland and Antarctica are also contributing to the rise in recent years. Gravity measurements by the GRACE satellites have recently shown that the ice sheets of Greenland and West Antarctica are each losing about 150 cubic kilometres of ice per year. Spread over the oceans, this is close to 1 millimetre a year, or 10 centimeters per century.” Runaway collapse Dr. James Hansen: “The current rate of sea level change is not without consequences. However, the primary issue is whether global warming will reach a level such that ice sheets begin to disintegrate in a rapid, non-linear fashion on West Antarctica, Greenland or both. Once well under way, such a collapse might be impossible to stop, because there are multiple positive feedbacks. In that event, a sea level rise of several meters at least would be expected.” Note: Sea Level Rise is expected to continue increasing beyond 2100. The year 2100 is merely being used as a benchmark for illustrating potential in a given time span. Alternative Theory for Negative Forcing Another theory is that additional warming will increase upper atmosphere cloud cover which may increase negative feedbacks enough to counter the warming caused by industrial GHG's. It works like this: Water is a greenhouse gas, warming the world increases water evaporation, which further warms the planet. It simultaneously increases cloud cover by virtue of the increased moisture in the atmosphere. This should counter some or all of the climate forcing imposed by the additional greenhouse gases. In general these models assume some degree of linearity as regards the acceleration combined with non linear feedback mechanisms weighted to the negative. Based on the forcing evidence there is strong reason to believe that the acceleration will be non linear and weighted to the positive. The last model described is the most negative weighted in consideration of its assumptions. The paleo record indicates that increased strong climate forcing yields increased temperatures such as in the Triassic and Eocene periods. Therefore it is reasonable to at least assume the possibility that negative feedbacks will not override the positive forcing levels imposed on the system. This means that it is more likely that increased moisture will increase tropospheric clouds, and not as many stratospheric clouds as some are projecting (ref. Dr. Richard Lindzen). This lends credence to the idea that H2O is a positive feedback with some negative feedback potential but not sufficient to override the positive forcing, thus resulting in an enhanced greenhouse effect in combination with observed feedbacks. This also seems probable since we have already observed upper atmospheric (stratosphere) cooling while lower atmosphere (troposphere) is warming. In summary, the paleo record indicates earth has been much warmer in the past. Therefore one can reasonably assume that positive forcing outweighs negative forcing and stratospheric clouds will not produce sufficient negative forcing. Sea Surface and Global Mean Temperatures Trends in ocean and land surface temperatures are important for multiple reasons. It relates to thermal expansion as well as tropical cyclone activity. This includes hurricanes and typhoons. The size of a body of water limits its rate of change to a degree. For example The Pacific ocean is larger and therefore has a slower rate of change. The Atlantic is smaller and can change temperature faster. The gulf of Mexico is very small, as oceanic bodies go, and can have a larger temperature variance range than the Atlantic. The ocean temperatures in the guld regularly breach the 28.5 C barrier thus providing the fuel for storm potential. The Pacific ocean western United States is still relatively cool compared to other ocean temperatures, due to stronger thermal inertia caused by mass of the body of water. There has been a developing pattern of increase in recent years as the global temps increase. In the Pacific, west coast America's: As the temperature variance begins to breach on a more regular basis the 28.5 C barrier and thermal depth increases, we can expect increased storm strength in storms forming off the western coast of the US, similar to the observations in Gulf and east coast regions. Summary While extremely difficult to accurately predict time scales and levels of sea level rise, certain assumptions are reasonably clear. The sea level Is rising Global warming is expected to accelerate in a non linear fashion. The climate trends are all leaning toward the upper end of the IPCC estimates. Estimating Sea Level Rise over time is extremely difficult. The confidence is high that sea level is rising and its rate of increase will increase. Fall Update to SLR Projections: Between January, 2007 and September 2008 the scientific estimation range of SLR (for 2100) rose from between .5–1.4 meters to .8–2 meters. The hypothesis of this report series remains that continued understanding of the dynamic processes will yield empirical knowledge of higher SLR over time. Thus indicating that our projected estimations of confidence in higher SLR will become further confirmed as the non linear processes are further understood. Thus it remains reasonable to assume the scientific SLR estimations will rise as evidenced and as expected in concert with natural and imposed negative forcing. The scientists quoted in this report will not scientifically estimate higher than the science allows and the upper range of that estimation is currently 2 meters SLR by 2100. Large uncertainties, at this time, reduce capacity to scientifically estimate beyond that range. However, some indicate the hypothesis is feasible. In a recent post about sea level rise, we highlighted a paper by the University of Colorado's Tad Pfeffer and others in which they show that one can rule out more than 2 meters of sea level rise in the next century. While we liked the paper very much, we also complained that Pfeffer and colleagues had created a bit of a straw man, by implying that it had been seriously proposed that Greenland's near term contribution to sea level rise could be much larger than that. In fact (we said), none of us in the climate science community ever took such ideas seriously, even if the popular press thought we did. Tad responds by pointing out that in fact there is published work attributing considerable likelihood to such extreme scenarios, and that there are numerous studies that at the very least strong imply it. He also reminded me that their paper actually rules out a contribution of more than about 50 cm from Greenland, significantly below some other recent published estimates. That makes their work even more important, since there are several publications that definitely consider upwards of one meter (from Greenland alone) by 2100 to be plausible. Pfeffer et al. conclude that that is simply not the case (at least in their informed view). Still, we remind readers that our chief complaint was that Pfeffer et al.'s work was taken by many in the media as a downward revision to sea level rise estimates, whereas in fact most informed estimates had put an upper limit well below that. See our earlier post on the IPCC Sea Level numbers. We have read with interest – and, we admit, surprise – the RealClimate post concerning our 5 September publication in Science entitled “Kinematic Constraints on 21st Century Sea Level Rise.” The source of our surprise, however, is probably not what the RealClimate authors imagine – we had fully expected a vigorous defense of very high rates of sea level rise (greater than 2 m/century), but not a denial that such rates had ever been hypothesized. We do not state anywhere in our paper that 2m or more of SLR by 2100 has been published as a peer reviewed and “informed estimate”. We do state that this has been ‘inferred’ and ‘argued’ as a “viable 21st century scenario”. We believe there is value in constraining the upper limits to the role of ice dynamics in future SLR. And, from what we know about historical rates of SLR in conjunction with what ‘we know we don’t know’ about ice dynamics, we believe it is reasonable to ponder very high rates of SLR in the next century. However, we also believe that it is problematic to project such a ‘hypothesis’ as a supported theory without proper testing by the scientific method. The question raised by RC is whether or not this hypothesis has circulated within the scientific community. In his 2007 paper (Environ. Res. Lett. 2(2007)) Hansen proposes a rate of sea level rise of “5 m this century.” This is hypothetical, but he is confident that it is a “far better estimate than a linear response”. This is accompanied by his statement that he finds it “almost inconceivable that BAU climate change would not yield a sea level change of the order of meters on the century timescale.” The provisional nature of his discussion is irrelevant; it is an explicit statement that 5 m of sea level rise in this century is a possibility he regards as viable, published in the scientific literature by the person who is arguably (and deservedly) the most visible and authoritative climate scientist in the world. No reader of this paper would assume that Hansen didn’t actually mean what he said. Hansen reinforced this idea in other publications and statements, including in his briefing to Congress on 23 June 2008 (“sea level rise of at least two meters is likely this century”). Our analysis specifically tested the likelihood of next-century sea level rise of more than 2 m, and Hansen explicitly hypothesized 5 m of sea level rise in this century. Hansen has gone on record with specific numbers, but other published studies including the 2006 Overpeck and Otto-Bliesner Science papers left the upper limit open ended, and certainly implied it could be quite high. The fact that this idea was present in the scientific community was confirmed for us by 8 scientific presentations we gave on this topic in the past year (5 in the US, including the Fall 2007 AGU and 3 in Europe). At none of those talks did anyone in the audience question what high forecasts we were referring to. The comments we got back on our work were overwhelmingly positive, and were along the lines that what we had presented was a good next step – both to move past the IPCC’s low sea level forecasts, and as a response to the persistent hypotheses of very high rates of sea level rise that were circulating. Criticisms, where they were voiced, were largely that we were underestimating the power of dynamics and that rates of sea level rise well in excess of 2 m/century might occur in spite of our conclusions. We agree that the media coverage of our paper (as well as others before it) has undesirable side effects. Wherever we had the opportunity we pressed media writers not to use terms like “exaggerated” or “high sea level forecasts debunked,” and we have consistently stressed that our results indicate a very significant sea level rise and are no justification for any kind of complacency. We have stressed that even our low end scenario of 0.8 m of SLR would have tremendous consequences. However, we stand by our statements that sea level rise at rates of substantially more than 2 m this century were in fact put forward as a likely possibility. Earlier this summer Andy Revkin published a piece in the New York Times about what he has termed the “Whiplash Effect”: confusion created in the public mind by media coverage of rapidly evolving scientific ideas. There has certainly been some whiplash in this case. However it is others who cracked the whip. We have simply refused to let go of the other end. Tad et al, thanks for commenting. There are a number of issues here, and so I think it’s best to start off with what we can probably all agree on. First, the more informed estimates of sea level rise become, the better off we will be, and so your assessment of some of the kinematic constraints is certainly a welcome addition to the literature. Second, as you clearly state, these numbers are significantly in excess of the ‘headline’ numbers that came out of the IPCC report. As you are also aware, IPCC punted on what the worst case scenario could be given non-linear dynamic ice feedbacks. Thus, it is clear to me that your constraints are a significant up-grading of possibilities in the future (and hence our surprise at the thrust of your press release and some of the coverage). However, scientists, like nature, abhor a vacuum. In the absence of any trustworthy glaciological constraints on the rates of future SLR, it is only natural that scientists will turn to the paleo-record and to heuristic attempts to get an idea of what is possible. It is clear that the paleo-record shows greater than meter/century rises during the deglaciation (MWP 1A), or even in the Holocene (Carlson et al, 2008). Therefore these possibilities cannot be neglected a priori. It is also clear that conditions during the last interglacial (LIG, 125 kya BP) that temperature changes were close to what is anticipated by the end of the century. At that time, equilibrium sea level rise was between 4 and 6 meters higher than at present (with maybe 2 or 3 meters coming from Greenland). Thus for climate conditions that are not too far away from the situation now, multi-meter sea level rise is certainly an eventual possibility (the rates of change at the LIG having not been constrained). And indeed, a simple heuristic calculation such as done by Hansen in the ERL paper easily gives numbers in the range of meters. These pieces of evidence show that discussion and further investigation of the possibilities of multi-meter sea level rise should be continued and cannot be ruled out a priori. However, stating that something is conceivable is not the same as making a prediction. The Overpeck and Otto-Bliesner papers made no prediction (or even projection) for SLR by 2100, and your implication that they were somehow negligent in not doing so is a little strange. Their study of equilibrium change cannot provide such a constraint and so you seem to be taking them to task for simply not assuming that SLR can be rapid. I would point out as well that their study’s conclusions that maybe 2 to 3 meters of sea level rise at LIG equilibrium came from Greenland (maybe even a little less taking the Wilerslev et al results into account) rather undermine the claim in your paper that people (unnamed) have predicted 2 and 5 meter rises from Greenland alone in the next century. I can find no evidence of this anywhere in the literature. I note you confuse global and Greenland-alone in your text above. Your main criticism seems to be reserved for Jim Hansen. Despite the fact he is my boss, he is certainly not immune from criticism on that score. However, you are, I think, wrong in this case and have misread him. The ERL paper that you provide as the only example of a specific 5m/century prediction, is curiously enough a discussion about how difficult it is for some in the glaciological community to publicly express their concerns about the state of the ice sheets and the implications (something I have also noticed). The ‘prediction’ you refer to is a simple doubling calculation to demonstrate that non-linear responses could produce multi-meter/century SLR in theory. And since we know that has happened in the past, that can’t actually be wrong. It was a calculation that had no information from the ice sheets, or the climate forcing or anything, therefore I think I am quite right in not describing it as an “informed estimate”. Jim has made his actually worst case scenarios abundantly clear in many interviews, in the Washington Post for instance: “sea level rise that can be measured by feet more than inches”, and in the ERL papers itself “measured in meters”, and in the quote you picked up on. It is not picking nits to point out that all of these statements are basically consistent with the 2m upper bound you came up with. Eric has made the point that perhaps you were reacting not to actually predictions, but to perceptions among the public, maybe engendered by misleading headlines. That there have been misleading headlines is clear, but I cannot find any related to Hansen’s ERL paper. Media misconceptions should of course be countered and true explanations given, but I see no evidence that the media on the whole has got this story wrong. If anything, the bulk of the coverage (which followed the IPCC report) was way too conservative, and commentators like Bjorn Lomborg get much more press with claims that sea level rise will be less than 10 inches by 2100, than anyone with claims that it will be 20 ft. To conclude, my main emotion here is disappointment. The issue of sea level rise, and the impact that may have in future seem to me to be one the key implications of climate change for which there are no winners and for which the costs may be enormous. It therefore deserves to be discussed and investigated much more widely than it has been (and as I said, your paper is a useful addition, though I doubt it will be the last word). That educational process is surely larger and more important than criticizing a single paragraph in a relatively obscure publication that got no media attention. Had your press release been more accurately titled as “Global Sea-Rise Levels By 2100 May Be Lower Than One Person Hypothesised But Much Larger Than What Was Reported Following The Publication Of The IPCC Report And If This Happens It Will Be Really Bad News” you would have done the community a much better service. Additional Materials El Nino Related Coastal Erosion "Heavy rains and high surf from storms associated with the 1998 El Nino event produced severe erosion along the California coast, leading to major property losses.” Source: Paul Neiman, Environmental Technology Laboratory, NOAA Primarily, SLR is not the main concern for those living in coastal regions, as it provides only slow coastal erosion. The main concern for those living on the beach is increased storm strength and event related erosion. East coast and Atlantic region storm strength is notably higher in recent decades and similar trends are noted on the west coast or Mexico and Southern California, where ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) and PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) are riding on top of the general uptrend in oceanic temperatures. Pacific Decadal Oscillation: JPL: The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is a long-term ocean fluctuation of the Pacific Ocean. The PDO waxes and wanes approximately every 20 to 30 years. From TOPEX/Poseidon data (see below) together with other oceans and atmospheres data, scientists think we have just entered the 'cool' phase. The 'cool' phase is characterized by a cool wedge of lower than normal sea-surface heights/ocean temperatures in the eastern equatorial Pacific and a warm horseshoe pattern of higher than normal sea-surface heights connecting the north, west and southern Pacific. In the 'warm' or 'positive' phase, which appears to have lasted from 1977- 1999, the west Pacific Ocean becomes cool and the wedge in the east warms. The PDO current phase may also mitigate the amplification of the ENSO pattern by keeping the ocean temp in the eastern pacific .4 to .8 C cooler. There is still a possibility of A stronger ENSO canceling the PDO affect to a degree. It should be noted that the PDO during the last major El Nino Event 1998 was at the end of the positive phase for the eastern pacific, meaning it was entering negative/cool phase for that region of the pacific. Translated, that indicates that very strong El Nino events are still possible even in the cool phase of the PDO. About scientists whose material is included in this report: Stefan Ramstorf A physicist and oceanographer by training, Stefan Rahmstorf has moved from early work in general relativity theory to working on climate issues. He has done research at the New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, at the Institute of Marine Science in Kiel and since 1996 at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany (in Potsdam near Berlin). His work focuses on the role of ocean currents in climate change, past and present. In 1999 Rahmstorf was awarded the $ 1 million Centennial Fellowship Award of the US-based James S. McDonnell foundation. Since 2000 he teaches physics of the oceans as a professor at Potsdam University. Rahmstorf is a member of the Advisory Council on Global Change of the German government and of the Academia Europaea. He is a lead author of the paleoclimate chapter of the 4th assessment report of the IPCC. James E. Hansen James E. Hansen (born March 29, 1941 in Denison, Iowa) heads the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City, a part of the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, Earth Sciences Division. He is currently an adjunct professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University, and also serves as Al Gore's science adviser. Hansen is best known for his research in the field of climatology and his testimony on climate change to congressional committees in the 1980s that helped raise broad awareness of the global warming issue. He is also noted for publishing "an alternative scenario" for global warming which states that in the past few decades the warming effect produced by increased CO2 has been largely offset by the cooling effect of aerosols also produced in burning fossil fuels, and that most of the net warming so far is due to trace greenhouse gases other than CO2. He has been a critic of both the Clinton and current Bush Administration's stances on climate change. Gavin A. Schmidt Gavin Schmidt is a climate modeler at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York and is interested in modeling past, present and future climate. He works on developing and improving coupled climate models and, in particular, is interested in how their results can be compared to paleoclimatic proxy data. He also works on assessing the climate response to multiple forcings, such as solar irradiance, atmospheric chemistry, aerosols, and greenhouse gases. He received a BA (Hons) in Mathematics from Oxford University, a PhD in Applied Mathematics from University College London and was a NOAA Postdoctoral Fellow in Climate and Global Change Research. He serves on the CLIVAR/PAGES Intersection and the Earth System Modeling Framework Advisory Panels and is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Climate. He was cited by Scientific American as one of the 50 Research Leaders of 2004, and has worked on Education and Outreach with the American Museum of Natural History, the College de France and the New York Academy of Sciences. He has over 50 peer-reviewed publications. Tad Pfeffer Professor, University of Colorado – Specialty: Glaciology, continuum mechanics, heat transfer. Research Interests: My research interests are broadly focused on modern glacier physics, including ice mechanics and glacier dynamics, heat and mass transfer in snow and ice, atmosphere/glacier and ocean/glacier interactions. My approaches to these problems include field work in Alaska, Greenland, and the Canadian Arctic, experimental laboratory work, and mathematical and numerical modeling. Applications of this work include estimates of future sea-level change, analysis and modeling of iceberg calving dynamics of tidewater glaciers and ice streams, determination of the internal velocity field in ice, and reconstruction of Late Wisconsin advances of ice in the Hudson Strait region. Outstanding Award: 1997 American Geophysical Union Editor's Citation for Excellence in Refereeing for JGR-Solid Earth. Eric Steig Eric Steig is an isotope geochemist at the University of Washington in Seattle. His primary research interest is use of ice core records to document climate variability in the past. He also works on the geological history of ice sheets, on ice sheet dynamics, on statistical climate analysis, and on atmospheric chemistry. He received a BA from Hampshire College at Amherst, MA, and M.S. and PhDs in Geological Sciences at the University of Washington, and was a DOE Global Change Graduate fellow. He was on the research faculty at the University of Colorado and taught at the University of Pennsylvania prior to returning to the University of Washington 2001. He has served on the national steering committees for the Ice Core Working Group, the Paleoenvironmental Arctic Sciences initiative, and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Initiative, all sponsored by the US National Science Foundation. He was a senior editor of the journal Quaternary Research, and is currently director of the Quaternary Research Center. He has published more than 60 peer-reviewed articles in international journals. Report prepared by: John P. Reisman John P. Reisman worked at the University of the World with Dr. James Grier Miller, Author of Living Systems Theory and Dr. Martin Chamberlain (Chancellor Emeritus, UCSD), researching educational systems. While there he wrote a simplified systems theory for understanding general systems operation and dynamics, and developed a methodology to help understand the health of a given system. He worked, with the assistance of Dr. Jonas Salk, developing The Learning Center/PATH Project, which was presented to the US Department of Education and EDUCOM and developed the TLC/PATH project for the Reagan administrations, 'School 2000' project. More recently he has conducted research and development efforts in energy efficient urban and industrial structures and was awarded a patent for a time management system he invented. John studied engineering and early in his career worked in the media industry in production. He worked for the Department of Defense while living at the NATO base in Iceland. After 9/11 He worked for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Homeland Security. Most recently he has applied his examinations to climate and energy systems and inter-dynamic relationships.
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
1902–03 Harvard Crimson men's ice hockey season The 1902–03 Harvard Crimson men's ice hockey season was the 6th season of play for the program. Season After losing all three contests against Yale the year before, Harvard made no mistake in defeating the Elis thrice in 1903. The victories capped off Harvard's second undefeated season but this time, as a member of the Intercollegiate Hockey Association, the Crimson captured their first championship as well. Roster Standings Schedule and Results |- !colspan=12 style=";" | Regular Season References Category:Harvard Crimson men's ice hockey seasons Harvard Crimson Harvard Crimson Category:1903 in sports in Massachusetts
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Simulation of the bis-(penicillamine) enkephalin in ammonium chloride solution: a comparison with sodium chloride. In order to quantify specific ion effects, a simulation study of bis(penicllamine) enkephalin, also known as DPDPE, has been performed in aqueous ammonium chloride solution and has been compared to a previous simulation of DPDPE in aqueous sodium chloride solution. Global thermodynamics have been calculated for a model system and the solution environment around DPDPE has been characterized. Associations of ions with DPDPE have been investigated. The observed differences between sodium chloride solution and ammonium chloride solution suggest that individual cations affect the solvation and peptide binding properties of a given anion.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Billionaire software tycoon Bill Gates has poured millions of dollars into efforts to develop and promote the Common Core State Standards Initiative, a set of K-12 math and language arts curriculum benchmarks and high-stakes standardized tests now being implemented in 46 states. Strangely enough, though, Common Core isn’t quite good enough for Gates and his wife, Melinda, when it comes to the education of their own three children. Diane Ravitch, a self-styled education policy iconoclast who tends to oppose Common Core (and charter schools, and much else), noted this irony on her blog earlier this week. The children of Bill and Melinda Gates – Jennifer, Rory and Phoebe – have attended Lakeside School, Seattle’s most elite, fancypants private school. The hallowed halls of Lakeside School are a sweet place to attend classes if you have the means. According to a Seattle education blog, the student-teacher ratio is 9 to 1. The average class size is 16. Some two dozen varsity sports are available and the opulent athletic facilities include “hydrotherapy spas.” Of course, what with tuition for the 2013-14 academic year costing $28,500 per kid (not including books, laptop, field trips, etc.), most families don’t have the means. Lakeside’s website doesn’t appear to discuss Common Core much. “The mission of Lakeside School is to develop in intellectually capable young people the creative minds, healthy bodies, and ethical spirits needed to contribute wisdom, compassion, and leadership to a global society,” reads the school’s mission statement. “We provide a rigorous and dynamic academic program through which effective educators lead students to take responsibility for learning.” A sub-mission statement talks about “interacting compassionately, ethically, and successfully with diverse peoples and cultures.” A 2011 webpage from Lakeside School does discuss how Lakeside has sort-of-kind-of used Common Core’s relatively obscure science component as a framework. The page notes, however, that Lakeside students are “generally more advanced than average” and won’t be subject to any of the standardized testing which the hoi polloi in public schools will undergo. Like his children, Gates also attended Lakeside before going off to – and then dropping out of – Harvard University. In a 2005 speech at the tony prep school, Gates fondly remembered his time and his teachers at the school. “Teachers like Ann Stephens. I was in her English class, and I read every book in there twice. But I sat in the back of the room and never raised my hand,” Gates declared. “She challenged me to do more. I never would have come to enjoy literature as much as I do if she hadn’t pushed me.” Interestingly, the Common Core standards Gates has funded so heavily mandate a nonfiction-heavy reading regime that devalues literature tremendously. Specifically, in the 46 states which have adopted Common Core standards, nonfiction books must constitute at least 70 per cent of the texts read by high school students. (RELATED: Under Common Core, classic literature to be dropped in favor of ‘informational texts’) This month, the former Microsoft CEO has been aggressively pushing Common Core. For example, Gates visited the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C. to deliver a robust defense of the controversial education standards to a largely conservative audience. (RELATED: Convinced yet? Bill Gates defends Common Core) Follow Eric on Twitter and on Facebook, and send education-related story tips to [email protected].
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Why do the best of doctors go to Gehinnom according to the Maharsha? Says the final Mishnah in Kiddushin 82a: טוב שברופאים לגיהנם The best of doctors go to Gehinnom If your name is followed by MD, you may leave now. The Maharsha is puzzled by why this should be the case: יש לפרש טוב שברופאים דהיינו שמחזיק עצמו לטוב ולמומחה שברופאים שאין כמוהו וסומך ביותר על המחאתו מתוך גאוותו ולפעמים הוא טועה בטבע זה החולה וממית את החולה ברפואותיו בדבר שמזיק לחולה זה אבל יש לו לישא וליתן עם שאר הרופאים כיון שהוא סכנת נפשות: There is to explain that “the best of doctors” refers to those who hold themselves in such high regard and expertise of the doctors that there are none like him, and he relies too much on his own experience because of his arrogance. Sometimes he will make a mistake in the natural way of things and will kill a sick person by trying to heal him with something bad for him. Rather, he should consult with other doctors regarding things that could lead to death. This seems a little strange to me: At best, the doctor can only be faulted for accidentally killing a person. It’s not like he intended to kill the patient. Why should that outweigh all the (presumably) many more lives that he’s saved? A: I am reminded of an insight I heard from R' Aharon Lichtenstein zt"l. Shaul was assigned the job of killing all of the tribe of Amaleiq. He led a war that almost did it; but he left one person -- Agag, their king -- alive. Shemuel told him that as punishment, Shaul would lose the throne; he would be a one-king "dynasty". Rav Lichtenstein taught that it was not saving Agag that was the great sin that carried such a punishment. Rather, by not killing Agag, Shaul proved that killing everyone else wasn't to fulfill the mitzvah. If he wasn't following G-d's command to kill EVERYONE, then killing the rest of Amaleiq was simply genocide. I read the Maharsha you ask about similarly. Notice the Maharsha mentions two things: arrogance, and the inevitable mistake. If a doctor acted purely to help others, then he wouldn't be considered guilty for any mistakes. To the extent that a doctor acts for the sake of their own ego, the actions in which they erred also had that element of for their own ego. And they are guilty to whatever extent they harmed someone else out of a pursuit of self aggrandizement. Even if it's also along with other, purer, motives, that element of petty motive leading to harm needs purging in gehennom.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
This invention relates to an evaporator of a refrigerating apparatus in which a phenomenon of frost formation tends to occur. A refrigerating apparatus of the low temperature type used for preserving foodstuffs in cold storage includes an evaporator constituting a part of the refrigeration cycle for causing boiling and evaporation of a refrigerant. The evaporator has a surface temperature of below C. when the refrigerating apparatus is in operation, and there is a tendency of frost formation on the surface of the evaporator as air is cooled. This has made it necessary to provide the refrigerating apparatus with defrosting means in addition to cooling means including a combination of refrigerant tubing and fins. The defrosting means includes a defrosting heater for avoiding a reduction in the amount of cold air and for preventing a reduction in cooling capabilities due to frost formation. Because of the need to incorporate a defrosting means, an evaporator of a refrigerating apparatus is more complex in overall construction and higher in production cost than an ordinary heat exchanger, and difficulties are encountered in servicing the evaporator due to deterioration of and damage to the heater. An evaporator of the prior art that has been used popularly will be described by referring to FIGS. 1 and 2. As shown, fins 1 include long fins 1a and short fins 1b and are formed with U-shaped notches 1c for inserting refrigerant tubing and U-shaped notches 1d for inserting a heater. The refrigerant tubing 2 is in the form of a serpentine tube, and the heater 3 includes a heater tube 3a for enclosing a heater wire 3b. 4 designates a duct. In assembling these parts into an evaporator, the long fins 1a and short fins 1b are arranged alternately in parallel relation in such a manner that the end portions of the fins 1 from which air currents flow into the evaporator are staggered. Then the serpentine refrigerant tubing 2 and heater 3 are inserted in the U-shaped notches 1c and U-shaped notches 1d respectively, and the assembly is mounted in the duct 4. A modification of the evaporator shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 that has also been popular in the past will be described by referring to FIGS. 3 and 4. Fins 5 include long fins 5a and short fins 5b and are formed with collars 5c for inserting refrigerant tubing 6 consisting of straight tubes 6a and U-shaped tubes 6b connected together to form a serpentine tube. A heater generally designated by the reference numeral 7 includes a heater tube 7a enclosing a heater wire 7b. In assembling these parts into an evaporator, the long fins 5a and short fins 5b are arranged in the same manner as described by referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, and the straight tubes 6a are inserted in the collars 5c. The straight tubes 6a are connected together by the U-shaped tubes at opposite ends of the straight tubes 6a so that the flow path through the refrigerant tubing 6 is in serpentine form. Then the heater 7 is fitted to the fins 5 on either side of the refrigerant tubing 6, and the assembly is arranged in the duct 4. The evaporator of the prior art shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 has the disadvantages that the heat transfer area of each fin 1 is greatly reduced because the refrigerant tubing inserting notches 1c of a large size are formed therein by stamping, and that there is high contact thermal resistance between the refrigerant tubing 2 and fin 1 due to a reduced area of contact therebetween, thereby impairing the heat transfer function of the fins 1. In the modification shown in FIGS. 3 and 4, the U-shaped tubes 6b are joined to the straight tubes 6a by welding. This makes it necessary to perform additional operations manually, and the refrigerant might leak through the welds when the resistance offered to the flow of the refrigerant increases or when the welds are defective or develop corrosion. In these two types of evaporators, the fins are continuous in their main portions from the end thereof at which air currents flow into the evaporator to the end thereof at which the air currents leave the evaporator, and the fins have a high central value for the heat transfer area. Because of this, temperature boundary layers would develop on the air current exit end of the evaporator, thereby greatly reducing the mean heat transfer rate.
{ "pile_set_name": "ArXiv" }
--- abstract: 'We study quasiparticle dynamics in two-dimensional (2D) integrable Kitaev honeycomb model both without and in the presence of an external periodic drive. We identify light-cones in wavefunction propagation as a signature of quantum caustics, [*i.e.*]{} bright structures formed during quantum dynamics analogous to that of imperfect focusing in geometrical optics. We show that this dynamics follows an angle in spatial direction and it is anisotropic with respect to model parameters. Using coalescence of critical points, we provide an exact solution to the envelope of caustics, which corresponds to the Lieb-Robinson bound in 2D. Further, considering the system to be periodically driven, we point out that the caustics structure completely changes in presence of external time dependent drive.' author: - Subhendu Saha$^1$ bibliography: - 'kitaevcaustics.bib' title: Emergence of caustics in dynamics of the Kitaev model --- \[Sec.1\] Introduction ====================== Out of equilibrium dynamics of closed quantum many-body systems have been a field of study for posing different long-standing problems in physics [@eisert15]. An important feature of this dynamics is the existance of light-cone like structures within *Lieb-Robinson bound* [@lieb72] which is the quantum speed limit of information propagation for such systems. All the informations beyond that limit is exponentially suppressed and correlation functions significantly grow in time only within that light-cone [@hastings06; @bravyi06]. In a recent work, it is shown that this light-cone holds key aspects of local dynamics followed by a quench [@calabrese06] which creates excitations propagation through the system with a finite group velocity. This offers a promising potential to investigate non-equilibrium dynamics [@calabrese05; @kollath07; @laeuchli07; @barmet12; @cramer08; @hauke13; @eisert13; @manmana09] with analytical and numerical formalisms. In addition to being theoretically appealing, these questions are strongly motivated by the rapid experimental progress in realization of optical lattice systems using Bose-Hubbard [@greiner02; @trotzky12], spin [@scha13; @jurcevic14; @langen13; @fuku13; @simon11; @kim10; @bonnes14], and quasi-one dimensional [@kino06; @hoffer07] models with ultra-cold atoms, molecules and trapped ions. The ability to address individual sites [@weit11; @cheneau12; @sherson10; @bakr09] by accurate control enables unique state preparation and measurement of local observables. Moreover, long coherence times [@blatt12] of continuous atomic systems [@geiger14] make them useful while studying dynamics. Light-cone effects now have been observed in all sorts of systems mentioned above [@kajala11; @jurcevic14; @cheneau12; @richerme14; @bonnes14]. Recent years have witnessed substantial progress in understanding the dynamics of periodically driven (Floquet) systems. Such well controlled periodic drive opens up new possibilities for quantum simulation using ultra-cold atoms. Consider a system with Hamiltonian being a periodic function of time $H(t)=H(t+T)$ with a period $T>0$. The eignstates of such systems constantly change with time, but the long time dynamics can be studied from corresponding *Floquet operator* $U(T)$ [@arimondo12], which is the time evolution operator for one time period of driving. Therefore, one can define an effective Hamiltonian from $U(T)=\exp[-iH_{eff}T]$. The time evolution of the system after any integer number of period may be completely described by $H_{eff}$, which can be tuned using suitable driving protocol via model parameters. This allows to realize topological models using shaken optical lattice [@jotzu14; @hauke12], engineering of artificial gauge fields [@goldman14; @jaksch03; @struck12; @struck13; @aidel15], new topological materials [@goldman16; @moessner17] and several other interesting phenomenon involving periodic drive [@rudner13; @dalessio14; @bukov15; @eckardt17; @weinberg17]. In geometrical optics *caustics* are the locus of infinite ray density where singularity arises due to the divergence of light intensity. They are the example of catastrophes where classical ray theory fails and one must appeal to wave theory of light in order to have the full description. The phase singulariy in classical waves is however removed by quantization of field excitations leading to *quantum catastrophe* [@ulf02; @berry04; @berry08]. Caustics may also appear during the dynamics of quantum many-particle system when singularity in Fock space is removed by the discreteness in excitation number [@odell12]. Several experiments with cold atoms have observed caustics in trajectories of atoms trapped in a linear magnectic field [@rooijakkers03], dynamics of BEC in an optical lattice [@huckans09], atomic cloud reflected from an optical barrier in presence of gravity [@rosenblum14]. On theoretical side, caustics are predicted for expanding condensate in an optical lattice [@chalker09], dynamics of bosonic Josephson junctions in two lattice sites [@odell12] involving experiments of a.c. and d.c. Josephson effects [@levy07], self-trapping [@albiez05], matter-wave interference in double well [@schumm05] with BEC. Although it is not mentioned by the authors, cautics can be seen in figures of the papers on collapse and spreading of a polariton condensate using ultra-fast laser pulse [@dominici15], quantum walk of interacting bosons in an optical lattice [@preiss15], density modulation in supersonic BEC against an obstacle [@carusotto06]. In a recent study, it is shown that catastrophe exists in many-body wavefunctions following a quench in two-mode Bose-Hubbard model [@mumford17] and light-cone like structures formed during quasiparticle propagation can be thought of as quantum caustics for Ising model in transverse field [@kirkby17]. Motivated by this kind of works we make a move from previous one-dimensional (1D) systems to a two-dimensional (2D) integrable system. For that, we shall mostly follow the techniques in Ref. [@kirkbythesis17]. Our primary interest is to see similar kind of light-cone like structure in 2D. We take spin-1/2 model of 2D honeycomb lattice described by Kitaev Hamiltonian. The main results that we obtain from our study are following. First, we develop an analytical framework of studying single quasiparticle dynamics for Kitaev model in terms of catastrophe function. Second, we numerically show that excitations travel in a particular direction in lattice plane and gradually decreases with respect to a model parameter. Thus that follows a spatial anisotropy which we address by the amplitude variation of wavefunction on some defined angle between the parameters. Third, we calculate the exact analytic expressions for caustics trajectories which gives the Leib-Robinson bound in 2D. Fourth, we periodcally vary a parameter of the Hamiltonian with a time evolution operator $U$ and show that the caustics no longer follow a light-cone. The rest of the paper is planned as follows. In Sec. \[Sec.2\] we discuss some of the properties of the Kitaev honeycomb model, its energy dispersion and phases. In Sec. \[Sec.2.a\] we study the angle dependence on quasiparticle dynamics. This is followed by Sec. \[Sec.2.b\] where we demonstrate the positions of quantum caustics in a light-cone like structure bounded by Lieb-Robinson limit. Next, in Sec. \[Sec.3\] we introduce periodic drive protocol and see its effects on caustics. Finally, we summarize our results in Sec. \[Sec.4\] with some concluding remarks. \[Sec.2\] Kitaev honeycomb model ================================ The Kitaev model is a fermionic spin model with spin-1/2’s being placed on the sites of a honeycomb lattice following a Hamiltonian [@kitaev06] of the form $$\label{Eq.2.1} H=\sum_{j+l=even}\left(J_{1} \sigma_{j,l}^{x}\sigma_{j+1,l}^{x}+J_{2} \sigma_{j-1,l}^{y}\sigma_{j,l}^{y}+J_{3} \sigma_{j,l}^{z}\sigma_{j,l+1}^{z}\right)$$ where $j$ and $l$ represent the column and row indices of the lattice, $\sigma_{m,n}^{\alpha},\,\alpha\in\{x,y,z\}$ are Pauli matrics at site labeled by (m,n), and $J_{1}$, $J_{2}$ and $J_{3}$ are coupling parameters. From now on, we assume that all couplings are time indipendent and $J_{i}\geq 0$. ![(Color online) Kitaev honeycomb lattice with couplings $J_{1}$, $J_{2}$ and $J_{3}$. $\mathbf{M}_{1}$ and $\mathbf{M}_{2}$ are the spanning vectors of the lattice, and $a$ and $b$ represent two inequivalent sites of a unit cell.[]{data-label="Fig.2.1"}](fig1.pdf){width="\columnwidth"} A schematic diagram of the honeycomb lattice is in Fig. \[Fig.2.1\] showing the bonds with $J_{1}$, $J_{2}$ and $J_{3}$. To denote the unit cell of the lattice, we label the two sites of a vertical bond with $a$ and $b$. These two positions have $j+l$ equal to odd or even integers respectively. If there are $N$ (assumed to be even) number of lattice sites, the number of unit cells is $N/2$. It is convenient to set the nearest neighbour distance to be $1/\sqrt{3}$, so that, each unit cell is labeled by a vector $\mathbf{n}=\hat{i}n_{1}+\left(\frac{1}{2}\hat{j}+\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\hat{i}\right)n_{2}$, where $n_{1}$, $n_{2}$ run over all integers and $\mathbf{M}_{1}=\frac{1}{2}\hat{i}+\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\hat{j}$ and $\mathbf{M}_{2}=\frac{1}{2}\hat{i}-\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\hat{j}$ are the spanning vectors which join neighbouring unit cells in the reciprocal lattice. One of the main properties that makes Kitaev model thoretically fascinating is that, one can map it onto a non-interacting fermionic model using suitable Jordan-Wigner transformation [@feng07; @lee07; @chen08; @nussinov08]. The Hamiltonian takes the form $$\label{Eq.2.2} H_F=i\sum_{\mathbf{n}}\left(J_{1}b_{\mathbf{n}}a_{\mathbf{n}-\mathbf{M}_{1}}+J_{2}b_{\mathbf{n}}a_{\mathbf{n}+\mathbf{M}_{2}}+J_{3}b_{\mathbf{n}}a_{\mathbf{n}}D_{\mathbf{n}}\right)$$ where $a_{\mathbf{n}}$ and $b_{\mathbf{n}}$ are Majorana fermions sitting at the top and bottom sites, defined by Majorana operators $$\label{Eq.2.3} \begin{aligned} \hat{a}_{j,l}&=\left(\prod_{i=-\infty}^{j-1}\sigma_{i,l}^{z}\right)\sigma_{j,l}^{y} \quad \text{for} \quad j+l=even \\ \hat{b}_{j,l}&=\left(\prod_{i=-\infty}^{j-1}\sigma_{i,l}^{z}\right)\sigma_{j,l}^{x} \quad \text{for} \quad j+l=odd \end{aligned}$$ These operators are Hermitian and satisfy anticommutation relations $\{\hat{a}_{m,n},\hat{a}_{m^{\prime},n^{\prime}}\}=\{\hat{b}_{m,n},\hat{b}_{m^{\prime},n^{\prime}}\}=2\delta_{m,m^{\prime}}\delta_{n,n^{\prime}}$ and $\{\hat{a}_{m,n},\hat{b}_{m^{\prime},n^{\prime}}\}=0$. Also the operator $\hat{D}_{\mathbf{n}}$ takes the eignvalues $\pm 1$ independently for each $\mathbf{n}$, therefore $2^{N}$ dimensional Hilbert space decomposes into $2^{N/2}$ sectors. The ground state of the model corresponds to $\hat{D}_{\mathbf{n}}=1$ on all the bonds irrespective of the sign of $J_{3}$ due to special symmetry of the model. Also $\hat{D}_{\mathbf{n}}$ being the constant of motion, dynamics of the model never takes the system outside $\hat{D}_{\mathbf{n}}=1$. Throughout our calculation we will be within that sector only. The Fourier transform of the Majorana operators are defined as $$\label{Eq.2.4} \begin{aligned} \hat{a}_{\mathbf{n}}&=\sqrt{\frac{4}{N}}\sum_{\mathbf{k}\in\frac{1}{2}BZ}\left(\hat{a}_{\mathbf{k}}e^{i\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{n}}+\hat{a}^{\dagger}_{\mathbf{k}}e^{-i\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{n}}\right) \\ \hat{b}_{\mathbf{n}}&=\sqrt{\frac{4}{N}}\sum_{\mathbf{k}\in\frac{1}{2}BZ}\left(\hat{b}_{\mathbf{k}}e^{i\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{n}}+\hat{b}^{\dagger}_{\mathbf{k}}e^{-i\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{n}}\right) \end{aligned}$$ where the operators also follow the anticommutation relations $\{\hat{a}_{\mathbf{k}},\hat{a}^{\dagger}_{\mathbf{k}^{\prime}}\}=\{\hat{b}_{\mathbf{k}},\hat{b}^{\dagger}_{\mathbf{k}^{\prime}}\}=\delta_{\mathbf{k}\mathbf{k}^{\prime}}$. Here the summation goes over half Brillouin zone (BZ), for this model a convenient choice is rhombus whose vertices lie at $(k_{x},k_{y})=(\pm 2\pi/\sqrt{3},0)$ and $(0,\pm 2\pi/3)$.\ For $\hat{D}_{\mathbf{n}}=1$, the Hamiltonian in Eq. (\[Eq.2.2\]) can be written in terms of Fourier modes $$\label{Eq.2.5} \begin{aligned} H&=\sum_{\mathbf{k}\in\frac{1}{2}BZ}\psi^{\dagger}_{\mathbf{k}}H_{\mathbf{k}}\psi_{\mathbf{k}} \quad \text{where} \quad \psi_{\mathbf{k}}=\left({\begin{array}{c} a_{\mathbf{k}} \\ b_{\mathbf{k}} \end{array}} \right) \\ H_{\mathbf{k}}&=2\left[J_{1}\sin(\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{M}_{1})-J_{2}\sin(\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{M}_{2})\right]\tau_{1} \\ &+ 2\left[J_{3}+J_{1}\cos(\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{M}_{1})+J_{2}\cos(\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{M}_{2})\right]\tau_{2} \end{aligned}$$ where $\tau_{\alpha},\alpha\in\{1,2,3\}$ are the Pauli matrices denoting psudospin. We carry out a global rotation $U=\exp[-i\frac{\pi}{4}\tau_{1}]$ so that $\psi \rightarrow U^{\dagger} \psi^{\prime}$ and $H_{\mathbf{k}}^{\prime}=UH_{\mathbf{k}}U^{\dagger}$. Now we write the Hamiltonian in the following form [@sengupta08; @mondal08] $$\begin{aligned} H&=\sum_{\mathbf{k}\in\frac{1}{2}BZ}{\psi^{\prime}_{\mathbf{k}}}^{\dagger}H^{\prime}_{\mathbf{k}}\psi^{\prime}_{\mathbf{k}} \\ H^{\prime}_{\mathbf{k}}&=\epsilon_{\mathbf{k}}\tau_{3}+\Delta_{\mathbf{k}}\tau_{1} \end{aligned}$$ The energy spectrum hence consists of two bands with energies $$\label{Eq.2.6} \begin{aligned} E_{\mathbf{k}}^{\pm}=&\pm2[\{J_{1}\sin(\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{M}_{1})-J_{2}\sin(\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{M}_{2})\}^{2} \\ &+ \{J_{3}+J_{1}\cos(\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{M}_{1})+J_{2}\cos(\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{M}_{2})\}^{2}]^{1/2} \end{aligned}$$ For $|J_{1}-J_{2}|\leq J_{3}\leq J_{1}+J_{2}$ the energy bands touch each other, $E_{\mathbf{k}}=0$ and the gap $\Delta_{\mathbf{k}}=E^{+}_{\mathbf{k}}-E^{-}_{\mathbf{k}}$ vanishes for special values of $\mathbf{k}$ in that phase. \[Sec.2.a\] Dynamics of a single quasiparticle ---------------------------------------------- It turns out that it is possible to write down the Kitaev Hamiltonian in a similar language as that is used for 1D Ising model. Although this choice is not strictly necessary for the analysis but we will use it to make us familiar with Ref. [@kirkbythesis17]. Let us define a set of complex fermions on each link of the vertical bonds [@chen08] $$\label{Eq.2.7} \begin{aligned} d_{\mathbf{n}}&=\left(b_{\mathbf{n}}+ia_{\mathbf{n}}\right)/2 \\ d^{\dagger}_{\mathbf{n}}&=\left(b_{\mathbf{n}}-ia_{\mathbf{n}}\right)/2 \end{aligned}$$ We redefine the Hamiltonian in terms of these fermions as $H=\sum_{\mathbf{k}\in \frac{1}{2}BZ}\bar{\psi}^{\dagger}_{\mathbf{k}}H^{\prime}_{\mathbf{k}}\bar{\psi}_{\mathbf{k}}$ with ${\bar{\psi}_{\mathbf{k}}}=({\begin{array}{c} d_{\mathbf{k}}, d^{\dagger}_{-\mathbf{k}}\end{array}})^{T}$. Then diagonalizing this Hamiltonian in terms of Bogoliubov quasiparticle defined as $\gamma_{\mathbf{k}}=u_{\mathbf{k}}d_{\mathbf{k}}+v_{\mathbf{k}}d^{\dagger}_{-\mathbf{k}}$ leads to $H=\sum_{\mathbf{k}\in \frac{1}{2}BZ} E_{\mathbf{k}}\left(\tilde{\gamma}^{\dagger}_{\mathbf{k}}\tilde{\gamma}_{\mathbf{k}}-\frac{1}{2}\right)$. Here $\tilde{\gamma}^{(\dagger)}_{\mathbf{k}}$ is the annhilation (creation) operators for Bogoliubov modes with momentum $\mathbf{k}$. The dynamics of a quasiparticle at a single site is then given by $$\label{Eq.2.8} |\psi(t)\rangle=e^{-i\hat{H}t/\hbar}\,\hat{\gamma}^{\dagger}_{r=0}|0\rangle=\frac{e^{i\theta(t)}}{\sqrt{N}}\sum_{\mathbf{k}}e^{-iE_{\mathbf{k}}t/\hbar}|\mathbf{k}\rangle$$ where $\hat{\gamma}^{(\dagger)}_{r}$ annhilates (creates) a quasiparticle at site $r$, $\theta(t)$ denotes the unobservable global phase factor of the Hamiltonian and $E_{\mathbf{k}}$ is the dispersion relation of the model. One can consider a state in Eq. (\[Eq.2.8\]) projected onto real space, $\psi(\mathbf{r},t)\equiv\langle\mathbf{r}|\psi(t)\rangle$ to have the wavefunction $$\label{Eq.2.9} \psi(\mathbf{r},t)=\frac{e^{i\theta(t)}}{N}\sum_{\mathbf{k}\in \frac{1}{2}BZ}e^{i\mathcal{S}(\mathbf{k};\mathbf{r},t)}$$ where the functional $\mathcal{S}(\mathbf{k};\mathbf{r},t)=-(\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{r}+2E_{\mathbf{k}}t)$ and $\theta(t)=t/2\sum_{\mathbf{k}}E_{\mathbf{k}}$. To determine the caustics we further define $$\begin{aligned} k_{1}&=\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{M}_{1}=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}k_{x}+\frac{3}{2}k_{y} \\ k_{2}&=\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{M}_{2}=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}k_{x}-\frac{3}{2}k_{y} \end{aligned}$$ where $k_{1}$, $k_{2}$ are in units of the lattice constant $a$. Thus one can write $$\label{Eq.2.10} \begin{aligned} \mathbf{k}.\mathbf{r}&=\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}(k_{1}+k_{2})x+\frac{1}{3}(k_{1}-k_{2})y \\ &=k_{1}x_{1}+k_{2}x_{2}, \end{aligned}$$ where $x_{1}=\frac{x}{\sqrt{3}}+\frac{y}{3}$ and $x_{2}=\frac{x}{\sqrt{3}}-\frac{y}{3}$ respectively. In Sec. \[Sec.2\] we have labeled the unit cell with $\mathbf{n}$, so it is instructive to express all spatial coordinates (in our case $x_{1}$, $x_{2}$) in terms of $n_{1}$ and $n_{2}$. ![(Color online) Plots of $|\psi(\mathbf{r},t)|$ as a function of $\mathbf{r}$ for several representative values of $J_{2}/J$ for $J_{1}=J$ and $J_{3}=5$ at $t=3$. The plot displays the change in wavefunction amplitude as a function of $J_{2}/J_{1}$.[]{data-label="Fig.2.2"}](fig2.pdf){width="\columnwidth"} We numerically calculate the amplitude of the discrete wavefunction in Eq. (\[Eq.2.9\]) as a function of $n_{1}$ and $n_{2}$ for a fixed time, where $x=\sqrt{3}(n_{1}+n_{2}/2)$ and $y=3n_{2}/2$ . A plot in Fig. \[Fig.2.2\] shows $|\psi(\mathbf{r},t)|$ for several representive values of $J_{2}/J$ for a fixed $J_{1}=J$ and $J_{3}=5$ at $t=3$. We find that $|\psi(\mathbf{r},t)|$ takes a direction in the $n_{1}-n_{2}$ plane as $J_{2}/J_{1}$ ratio is increased. This clearly shows that the wavefunction is highly anisotropic in this limit. The change in amplitude can also be seen as we go from the limit $J_{2}\ll J_{1}$ to the limit $J_{2}\gg J_{1}$. ![(Color online) Plot of $|\psi(\mathbf{r},t)|$ at points $(-10, 10), (-20, 20), (-30, 30)$ along $-45^{\circ}$ in the $n_{1}-n_{2}$ plane as a function of $\phi=\tan^{-1}(J_{2}/J_{1})$ keeping $J^{2}=1$ fixed.[]{data-label="Fig.2.3"}](fig3.pdf){width="\columnwidth"} We do a more detail analysis of this spatial anisotropy of wavefunction as a function of $J_{2}/J_{1}$. We define a parameter $\phi$ such that $J_{1[2]}=J\,\cos\,\phi[\sin\,\phi]$. A variation in $\phi$ thus changes the ratio $J_{2}/J_{1}$ from $0$ to $\infty$ while keeping $J_{1}^{2}+J_{2}^{2}=J^{2}=1$ fixed. The plot of $|\psi(\mathbf{r},t)|$ at three points $(n_{1}, n_{2})=(-10, 10), (-20, 20), (-30, 30)$ along the $-45^{\circ}$ line in the $n_{1}-n_{2}$ plane as a function of $\phi$ shown in Fig. \[Fig.2.3\] depicts the nature of spatial anisotropy. We see that as the ratio of $J_{2}/J_{1}$ is varied from $0$ to $\infty$, the amplitude of wavefunction becomes maximum when $J_{2}\gg J_{1}$ ($\phi=\pi/2$). Further the amplitude decreases as one goes far along that line, as expected from Fig. \[Fig.2.2\]. This allows us to conclude that spatial anisotropy of the wavefunction amplitude depends significantly on the ratio of $J_{2}/J_{1}$. \[Sec.2.b\] Position of the caustics ------------------------------------ Locating the caustics from its generating function (action) would require minimizing the effective action $\mathcal{S}$ with respect to all momentum values and finding the saddles at a critical line. This can be done by satisfying the following conditions simultaneously $$\label{Eq.2.11} \frac{\partial \mathcal{S}}{\partial k_{1}}=\frac{\partial \mathcal{S}}{\partial k_{2}}=0 \quad \text{and} \quad \frac{\partial^{2} \mathcal{S}}{\partial k_{1}^{2}}\, \frac{\partial^{2} \mathcal{S}}{\partial k_{2}^{2}}-\left(\frac{\partial^{2} \mathcal{S}}{\partial k_{1} \partial{k_{2}}}\right)^{2}=0$$ We define two parameters $\alpha=J_{1}/J_{3}$ and $\beta=J_{2}/J_{3}$ such that Eq. (\[Eq.2.11\]) together with $\mathcal{S}(\mathbf{k};\mathbf{r},t)=-(k_{1}x_{1}+k_{2}x_{2}+2E_{\mathbf{k}}t)$ yield three equations $$\label{Eq.2.12} x_{1}=\frac{J_{3}t}{E^{\prime}_{\mathbf{k}}}\,C_{1\mathbf{k}}, \quad x_{2}=\frac{J_{3}t}{E^{\prime}_{\mathbf{k}}}\,C_{2\mathbf{k}}$$ $$\label{Eq.2.13} \begin{aligned} \left(4{E^{\prime}_{\mathbf{k}}}^{2} D_{1\mathbf{k}}+C_{1\mathbf{k}}^{2}\right)&\left(4{E^{\prime}_{\mathbf{k}}}^{2} D_{2\mathbf{k}}+C_{2\mathbf{k}}^{2}\right) \\ &=\left[C_{1\mathbf{k}}C_{2\mathbf{k}}+4\alpha\beta{E^{\prime}_{\mathbf{k}}}^{2}\cos (k_{1}+k_{2})\right]^{2} \end{aligned}$$ where $$\begin{aligned} C_{1\mathbf{k}}&=2\alpha\sin k_{1}+2\alpha\beta\sin (k_{1}+k_{2}) \\ C_{2\mathbf{k}}&=2\beta\sin k_{2}+2\alpha\beta\sin (k_{1}+k_{2}) \\ D_{1\mathbf{k}}&=\alpha\cos k_{1}+\alpha\beta\cos (k_{1}+k_{2}) \\ D_{2\mathbf{k}}&=\beta\cos k_{2}+\alpha\beta\cos (k_{1}+k_{2}) \end{aligned}$$ and $$E_{\mathbf{k}}^{\prime}=\left[\left(1+\alpha\cos k_{1}+\beta\cos k_{2}\right)^{2}+\left(\alpha\sin k_{1}-\beta\sin k_{2}\right)^{2}\right]^{1/2}$$ ![(Color online) Relation between $x_{1}$, $x_{2}$ and $t$ representing the caustics trajectories in (a) gapped (b) gapless phase[]{data-label="Fig.2.4"}](fig4.pdf){width="\columnwidth"} We numerically solve Eq. (\[Eq.2.12\]) and Eq. (\[Eq.2.13\]) and plot the trajectories corresponding to the caustics in Fig. \[Fig.2.4\] for gapped and gapless phases of the model. We further attempt to solve this analytically for those two limiting cases. At $J_{3}\gg J_{1}, J_{2}$ (ie. $\alpha, \beta\ll 1$) in the gapped phase Eq. (\[Eq.2.12\]) has leading orders $J_{1}\sin k_{1}=x_{1}/2t$ and $J_{2}\sin k_{2}=x_{2}/2t$ which have the solutions $k_{1}=\sin^{-1}(x_{1}/2J_{1}t)$ and $k_{2}=\sin^{-1}(x_{2}/2J_{2}t)$. One can clearly see that $k_{1}$ and $k_{2}$ have no solution for $x_{1}>2J_{1}t$ and $x_{2}>2J_{2}t$. Thereby, from Eq. (\[Eq.2.13\]) one gets $$16J_{1}J_{2}\cos k_{1}\cos k_{2}=0$$ which has a solution either $k_{1}$ or $k_{2}=\pi/2$ within the half-BZ. Thus all solutions in this limit lie within the light-cones $x_{1}=2J_{1}t$ and $x_{2}=2J_{2}t$ with speed of light being $2J_{1}a/\hbar$ and $2J_{2}a/\hbar$, where $a$ is lattice spacing. Now in the gapless phase at $J_{3}=J_{1}=J_{2}$ Eq. (\[Eq.2.12\]) again leads to $$\label{Eq.2.14} \begin{aligned} x_{1}E^{\prime\prime}_{\mathbf{k}}&=2J^{2}_{1}t\left[\sin k_{1}+\sin (k_{1}+k_{2})\right] \\ x_{2}E^{\prime\prime}_{\mathbf{k}}&=2J^{2}_{1}t\left[\sin k_{2}+\sin (k_{1}+k_{2})\right] \end{aligned}$$ where $$E_{\mathbf{k}}^{\prime\prime}=J_{1}\left[3+2\cos k_{1}+2\cos k_{2}+2\cos (k_{1}+k_{2})\right]^{1/2}$$ A possible solution to the Eq. (\[Eq.2.14\]) could be $k_{1}=k_{2}=\cos^{-1}\sqrt{1-\frac{x_{1}^{2}}{4t^{2}J_{1}^{2}}}=k$ and $x_{1}=x_{2}$. Now Eq. (\[Eq.2.13\]) is satisfied for $k=\pi/2$, giving $x_{1}/2J_{1}t=x_{2}/2J_{1}t=\pm 1$. These again corresponds to the light-cones in a sense that $k$ is real if $x_{1}/2J_{1}t$ and $x_{2}/2J_{1}t \leq 1$. ![(Color online) Plot of $|\psi(\mathbf{r},t)|$ in Eq. (\[Eq.2.9\]) depict light-cone like dynamics for $J_{1}=J_{2}=1, J_{3}=3$ and $N=100$. White lines show the envelope representing Lieb-Robinson bound.[]{data-label="Fig.2.5"}](fig5.pdf){width="\columnwidth"} A plot of the wavefunction amplitude with $x_{1}=x_{2}$ in Fig. \[Fig.2.5\] clearly shows the light-cone like dynamics of a Bogoliubov quasiparticle in 2D honeycomb lattice having 100 sites. The two white lines are overplotted using $x_{1}/2J_{1}t=\pm 1$ which perfectly match the boundaries of light-cone. \[Sec.3\] Floquet evolution =========================== In this section, we will study what happens when the Hamiltonian varies periodically in time with a period $T$. For numerical purposes [@sen16], let us first consider a protocol where one of the parameters in Kitaev model is given $\delta$-function kicks periodically in time. Here we choose $J_{3}$ in Eq. (\[Eq.2.2\]) so that $$J_{3}(t)=J_{a}+J_{b}\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\delta(t-nT)$$ where the time period $T$ for one kick is related to the drive frequency as $T=2\pi/\omega$ and $n$ is an integer. We define the Floquet operator $U_{\mathbf{k}}(T,0)$ for each $\mathbf{k}$ at the end of a single period using Eq. (\[Eq.2.5\]) as $$\label{Eq.3.1} \begin{aligned} U_{\mathbf{k}}(T,0)&=\exp \left(-2iJ_{b}\tau_{3} \right) \exp \left(-2iT(\epsilon_{\mathbf{k}a}\tau_{3}+\Delta_{\mathbf{k}}\tau_{1})\right) \\ \epsilon_{\mathbf{k}a}&=J_{a}+J_{1}\cos k_{1}+J_{2}\cos k_{2} \\ \Delta_{\mathbf{k}}&=J_{1}\sin k_{1}-J_{2}\sin k_{2} \end{aligned}$$ To proceed further, we note that $U_{\mathbf{k}}$ is a $2\times 2$ matrix which can be written as $$\begin{aligned} U_{\mathbf{k}}(T,0)&=\exp \left(-2iJ_{b}\tau_{3}\right) \exp \left(-i(\mathbf{\tau}.\mathbf{n}_{\mathbf{k}})\Phi_{\mathbf{k}a}\right) \\ &=\left( {\begin{array}{cc} A_{\mathbf{k}} & -B_{\mathbf{k}}^{*} \\ B_{\mathbf{k}} & A_{\mathbf{k}}^{*} \\ \end{array}} \right) \\ A_{\mathbf{k}}&=\exp\left(-2iJ_{b}\right)\left(\cos \Phi_{\mathbf{k}a}-in_{3\mathbf{k}}\sin \Phi_{\mathbf{k}a}\right) \\ B_{\mathbf{k}}&=-in_{1\mathbf{k}}\exp\left(-2iJ_{b}\right)\sin \Phi_{\mathbf{k}a} \end{aligned}$$ where $\mathbf{n}_{\mathbf{k}}=\left(\frac{\Delta_{\mathbf{k}}}{E_{\mathbf{k}a}}, 0, \frac{\epsilon_{\mathbf{k}a}}{E_{\mathbf{k}a}}\right)$ and $\Phi_{\mathbf{k}a}=2E_{\mathbf{k}a}T$. Thereby, after $n$ drive cycles, the wavefunction is given by $$\begin{aligned} |\psi_{\mathbf{k}}(t=nT)\rangle&=U_{\mathbf{k}}^{n}|\psi_{\mathbf{k}}(t=0)\rangle \\ &=\exp{[-inH_{\mathbf{k}F}T]}|\psi_{\mathbf{k}}(t=0)\rangle \end{aligned}$$ where $H_{\mathbf{k}F}$ is the Floquet Hamiltonian of the system for each wave vector $\mathbf{k}$ [@dalessio14; @bukov15], so that $H_{F}=\sum_{\mathbf{k}}H_{\mathbf{k}F}$. To construct $H_{\mathbf{k}F}$, we again use the unitary nature of $U_{\mathbf{k}}$ to express $H_{\mathbf{k}F}$ in terms of the Pauli matrices. This allows us to write $$\begin{aligned} H_{\mathbf{k}F}&=\mathbf{\sigma}.\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\mathbf{k}}=|\mathbf{\epsilon}_{\mathbf{k}F}|(\mathbf{\sigma}.\hat{\Lambda}_{\mathbf{k}}) \\ U_{\mathbf{k}}(T,0)&=\exp{[-iH_{F}T]}=\exp{[-i|\epsilon_{\mathbf{k}F}|(\mathbf{\sigma}.\hat{\Lambda}_{\mathbf{k}})T]} \end{aligned}$$ where $\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\mathbf{k}}=(\Lambda_{1\mathbf{k}}, \Lambda_{2\mathbf{k}}, \Lambda_{3\mathbf{k}})$ and $\hat{\Lambda}_{i\mathbf{k}}=\Lambda_{i\mathbf{k}}/|\mathbf{\epsilon}_{\mathbf{k}F}|$. The quasienergies $\Lambda_{i\mathbf{k}}$ are given by $$\label{Eq.3.2} \begin{aligned} \Lambda_{1\mathbf{k}}&=n_{1\mathbf{k}} \sin \Phi_{\mathbf{k}} \cos 2J_{b} \\ \Lambda_{2\mathbf{k}}&=n_{1\mathbf{k}} \sin \Phi_{\mathbf{k}} \sin 2J_{b} \\ \Lambda_{3\mathbf{k}}&=\cos \Phi_{\mathbf{k}} \sin 2J_{b}+n_{3\mathbf{k}} \sin \Phi_{\mathbf{k}}\cos 2J_{b} \\ \end{aligned}$$ Here $|\epsilon_{\mathbf{k}F}|=\arccos (M_{\mathbf{k}})/T$ is the Floquet spectrum with $$M_{\mathbf{k}}=\cos (2J_{b}+\Phi_{\mathbf{k}})+(1-n_{3\mathbf{k}})\sin 2J_{b}\sin \Phi_{\mathbf{k}}$$ We therefore write down the wavefunction in position basis as $|\mathbf{r}\rangle=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{\mathbf{k}}\exp{[-i\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{r}]}|\mathbf{k}\rangle$ evolves after one period into $$\label{Eq.3.3} \psi(\mathbf{r},t)=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{\mathbf{k}}\exp{[-i(\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{r}+|\epsilon_{\mathbf{k}F}|(\mathbf{\sigma}.\hat{\Lambda}_{\mathbf{k}})T)]}$$ ![(Color online) Plot of $|\psi(\mathbf{r},t)|$ after $\delta$-function kicks over 30 period with (a) $T=0.31$ (b) $T=12.57$. The system being considered has 100 sites and $J_{1}=J_{2}=1, J_{a}=1$ and $J_{b}=0.5$.[]{data-label="Fig.3.1"}](fig6.pdf){width="\columnwidth"} Using Eq. (\[Eq.3.3\]) we compute $|\psi(\mathbf{r},t)|$ with $\delta$-kicked protocol and plot in Fig. \[Fig.3.1\] for two different frequency regimes in gapless phase of the model. One can clearly see that the light-cone like spreading of quasiparticle dynamics does not happen in this non-equilibrium case, instead we see some local spreading of wavefunction amplitude at initial times, which decays with each period of driving. This is the effects of stroboscopic observation [@kebler12] for typical realizations of this process. The quasiparticle stays confined along $x_{1}=0$ line after each period of observation. The amplitude stays strong for much larger time as $\omega \rightarrow 0$, which suggests that one has to be in this limit in order to observe the long time dynamics. Suitable control on frequency hence necessary for prolonged measurement of quantum information. Next, we consider another drive protocol where $J_{3}(t)$ is varied by squarewave pulse such a way that for a single period of driving $J_{3}$ changes as $$\begin{aligned} J_{3}(t)&=J_{a} \quad \text{for} \quad 0 \le t \le T/2 \\ &=J_{b} \quad \text{for} \quad T/2 \le t \le T \end{aligned}$$ Here one can define the unitary evolution operator for this drive as $$U_{\mathbf{k}}(T,0)=\exp \left(-iH_{\mathbf{k}a}\frac{T}{2}\right) \exp\left(-iH_{\mathbf{k}b}\frac{T}{2}\right)$$ where $H_{\mathbf{k}a(b)}=\epsilon_{\mathbf{k}a(b)}\tau_{3}+\Delta_{\mathbf{k}}\tau_{1}$ with $\epsilon_{\mathbf{k}a(b)}$ and $\Delta_{\mathbf{k}}$ defined similarly as in Eq. (\[Eq.3.1\]). Therefore we get the explicit expressions given by $$\label{Eq.3.4} \begin{aligned} \Lambda_{1\mathbf{k}}&=n_{1\mathbf{k}a} \sin \Phi_{\mathbf{k}a} \cos \Phi_{\mathbf{k}b}+n_{1\mathbf{k}b} \sin \Phi_{\mathbf{k}b} \cos \Phi_{\mathbf{k}a} \\ \Lambda_{2\mathbf{k}}&=\sin \Phi_{\mathbf{k}a} \sin \Phi_{\mathbf{k}b} \left(n_{1\mathbf{k}a}n_{3\mathbf{k}b}-n_{1\mathbf{k}b}n_{3\mathbf{k}a}\right) \\ \Lambda_{3\mathbf{k}}&=n_{3\mathbf{k}a} \sin \Phi_{\mathbf{k}a} \cos \Phi_{\mathbf{k}b}+n_{3\mathbf{k}b} \sin \Phi_{\mathbf{k}b} \cos \Phi_{\mathbf{k}a} \\ M_{\mathbf{k}}&=\cos \Phi_{\mathbf{k}a} \cos \Phi_{\mathbf{k}b}-n_{\mathbf{k}a}.n_{\mathbf{k}b} \sin \Phi_{\mathbf{k}a} \sin \Phi_{\mathbf{k}b} \end{aligned}$$ ![(Color online) Plot of $|\psi(\mathbf{r},t)|$ for square pulse protocol. All parameters have kept same as in Fig. \[Fig.3.1\].[]{data-label="Fig.3.2"}](fig7.pdf){width="\columnwidth"} We plot again $|\psi(\mathbf{r},t)|$ in Fig. \[Fig.3.2\] considering square pulse protocol and show similar results except the fact that, in this case, the dynamics persists less time compared to $\delta$-kicked protocol for same drive parameters ($n$ and $T$). Here we note that the above results for two independent drive protocols also hold for gapped phase. \[Sec.4\] Discussion ==================== In this paper, we have showed the existance of light-cone like dynamics of quasiparticle propagation as a signeture of quantum caustics in 2D Kitaev honeycomb model. We have found that this dynamics happens at a specific direction in lattice plane and exhibits spatial anisotropy depending on model parameters. This directional behaviour is a remarkable feature in a sense that all the information travels at a specific angle at equilibrium. This has not been an issue for previous 1D systems, thus plays a key role in experimental measurement of quantum information in 2D. We have applied conditions for stationary action to get exact analytic expressions to the caustics envelops giving the maximum speed limit for quantum information propagation in this system. We have introcuced external time dependent drive protocols by periodically varying one of the model parameters with a specific time period controlled by drive frequency. For two independent drive protocols, we have showed that the caustics no longer follow the light-cone like structure and lead to the localization of quasiparticle. There have been proposals for realizing Kitaev model using ultracold atoms and molecules trapped in optical lattice systems [@duan03; @micheli06]. If this can be done, one can trace the propagation of quasiparticle through the 2D honeycomb lattice. Using external laser pulses or electric field, one can even experimentally localize a single quasiparticle and get control over its motion by simply tuning appropriate drive frequency. Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered} ================ Author thanks K. Sengupta for discussions and acknowledges Department of Science and Technology, Government of India for financial support through INSPIRE program.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
To date, various proposals have been made in the field of steam cooking apparatuses that perform cooking by use of steam. Examples of such steam cooking apparatuses are seen in Patent Documents 1 to 5 listed below. Patent Document 1 discloses a steam cooking apparatus wherein steam is jetted into food trays. Patent Document 2 discloses a cooking apparatus wherein superheated steam is blown into an oven chamber, or steam inside the oven chamber is turned into superheated steam by being radiation-heated. Patent Document 3 discloses a cooking apparatus wherein superheated steam is supplied to inside an entire heating chamber, or to around food, or to both. Patent Document 4 discloses an superheated steam cooking apparatus wherein superheated steam generated with a boiler is heated with reheating means provided on the blowing side of blowing means and is then blown into a chamber. Patent Document 5 discloses a heating apparatus wherein the inside of a heating box is preheated with the air that has been heated with a heater, and then cooking is performed by use of superheated steam. Patent Document 1: JP-U1-H3-67902 (pp. 4-6 of the whole-text specification, and FIGS. 1-3) Patent Document 2: JP-A-H11-141881 (pp. 3-5, and FIGS. 1-3) Patent Document 3: JP-A-H8-49854 (pp. 2-3, and FIGS. 1-7) Patent Document 4: JP-A-2001-263667 (pp. 2-4, and FIGS. 1-6) Patent Document 5: JP-A-2002-272604 (p. 13, and FIG. 19)
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: How to translate module with i18n I met a problem that how to translate the module's phrase into other languages(eg. Japanese). For example, some code may like this: app/code/My_vendor/My_module/Controller/i18n/jp_JP.csv "test","Japanese character" app/code/My_vendor/My_module/Controller/index.php ...... $form = '<h3>test</h3>'; $this->getResponse()->setBody($form); ...... If STORES->Configuration->Locale Options is selected with English(United States), it will show "test" to users; if Japanese(Japan) is selected, it will show "Japanese character". I had seen the tutorial but I'm not sure what should I do next. A: Translation file path should be app/code/My_vendor/My_module/i18n/jp_JP.csv You should write a translate text code in your controller app/code/<My_vendor>/<My_module>/Controller/index.php like below $form = '<h3>' . __('test') . '</h3>'; A: 2 points: You placed translate file into wrong place. The correct path should be app/code/<My_vendor>/<My_module>/i18n/jp_JP.csv. And you didn't use __('text to translate') to parse the text to translate in template file. So in your case, change $form = '<h3>test</h3>'; to $form = '<h3>' . __('test') . '</h3>';
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
In a vehicle such as an automobile or the like, a catalyst converter for removing toxic substances such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide contained in an exhaust gas is provided. As a conventional catalyst converter, one comprising a catalyst support, a metal casing for accommodating the catalyst support and a mat-like inorganic fiber-made retention material disposed between the catalyst support and the casing is known (Patent Document 1, for example).
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Sorority Boys Movie Details The time-honored "men in drag" concept gets a teen sex comedy makeover with this farce from director Wallace Wolodarsky. Dave (Barry Watson), Adam (Michael Rosenbaum), and Doofer (Harland Williams) are a trio of broke playboy misogynists who are accused of embezzlement by their frat brothers and kicked out. The friends quickly find themselves with only one option if they wish to remain on campus rent-free and nab the real culprits: the sorority known as Delta Omicron Gamma (D.O.G.), an institution widely known for its members' deficiency of physical beauty. After undergoing radical transformations thanks to wigs, makeup, and some serious depilatory efforts, the boys are soon passing themselves off as Daisy, Adena, and Roberta. It's not long before their past mistreatment of women has come back to haunt them, while Dave falls in love with Leah (Melissa Sagemiller), the head of the sorority, forcing him to consider when and where to confess the truth. In the meantime, the boys draw closer to learning the identity of the real thieves. Sorority Boys (2002) co-stars Heather Matarazzo. ~ Karl Williams, Rovi
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Sponsored Article Exenium: Crypto Exchange for Hipsters With the current state of cryptocurrency trading being riddled with complexities, roadblocks, and unreliable solutions, Exenium brings a stable, secure and easy-to-use exchange right at your fingertips. It’s now possible to trade your preferred crypto anywhere and anytime right from your mobile device. Exenium is a multi-platform cryptocurrency exchange created with the intention of solving the complex issues currently faced by the highly volatile crypto market. Bringing the world’s first chatbot trading platform, supporting messengers such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, and Discord, Exenium allows for hassle-free trading experience on the go. With a clear and encompassing understanding of the horizon unveiled within the crypto market, Exenium is much more than a simple exchange. Shattering the accepted low-key standards, the platform provides all the necessary tools for fund managers working with multi-currency crypto portfolios as well as for regular, day-to-day traders who are looking for seamless and profitable trading experience. As User-Friendly as it Gets The main intention behind Exenium is to bring crypto trading to the masses in a way which doesn’t require the regular user to be an expert. Here are a few key points outlining some of the core strengths of Exenium. Intuitive Interface Most of the currently existing exchanges require you to be nothing less than a rocket scientist to successfully grasp at all their functionalities. Being available on the most popular messengers, Exenium allows for frictionless trading of crypto assets with just a few clicks. What is more, the integration of the exchange within popular messengers bridges the serious gap and learning curve that most exchanges pose. Use it from Any Device, Anywhere With a carefully crafted set of modules, the platform allows the user to trade from his computer or mobile device as long as he has a basic 2G (yes, 2G) connection established. The exchange takes little to no traffic from your mobile data, which eliminates the need for the kind of high-speed connectivity that most alternatives require. In other words, you’d be able to monitor your trades and execute new ones regardless of whether you’re at Starbucks, at home, or sipping margaritas on the beach. KYC Made Simple Furthermore, as per the current legislative requirements, a KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure has to be performed in order to stay compliant. And while the majority of exchanges out there take their sweet time letting the user know whether or not he can participate, Exenium takes a different, more contemporary approach. The project has introduced a self-learning AI bot which performs the checks automatically, guaranteeing that you’ll get the necessary confirmations a lot quicker. Constant Support While most crypto exchanges promise top-notch customer support, it’s clear that most of them don’t live up their words. Exenium makes their support available through the messengers you’d use for trading. A helpful and knowledgeable team of experts is there to offer a helping hand 24/7. Security Taken Seriously Security is a critical key point in an environment as fragile and dynamic as crypto. Understanding the gravity of the matter, Exenium employs a unique approach to handling the security of its users. The exchange core of Exenium is well-hidden behind the messenger servers it’s using. In other words, an attacker would have to break the shields of the messenger to have even the slightest chance of discovering the IP address of the platform’s core. Then again, Exenium only works with whitelisted IP addresses, posing additional challenges to potential security threats. That’s not all. 90% of the exchange’s reserve is held in a cold wallet – one that is completely disconnected from the Internet. So, even if a hacking attempt did get through, the wrongdoer would only be able to access 10% of the funds. Finally, to top it off, Exenium is capable of withstanding a DDoS attack of up to 10,000 creation requests per second. It’s also worth noting that additional layers of security are in place as well and that this brief overview is far from being a thorough and in-depth explanation of the way they work. However, for the sake of security (of course), the team prefers not to disclose any further details about the platform’s security measures. Exenium is currently in the middle of its ICO. Right now might be a good time to hop in as the tokens are being sold at a 15% discount. You can learn more about the project on their website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or join the live discussion group in Telegram. Do you think messenger-based cryptocurrency exchanges are as convenient as they sound? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below! Images courtesy of Exenium, Pixabay
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Some people still think it is OK to joke about killing a U.S. President. According to Jezebel, teen billionaire Peter Brant II is one of them. The son of publishing magnate, Peter Brant Sr, the young billionaire was in a text message exchange with Andrew Warren, who “describes himself on Twitter as “NYC/HAMPTONS” and says the election is going to make him ‘poor’ now, obviously.” as reported by Jezebel. And, eventually, he joked about killing President Barack Obama. The not-so-funny threat on Obama’s life is pictured above. Here is a rundown of the exchange, as reported by Jezebel, below: If you’re teenaged billionaire Peter Brant II, the Greenwich-raised son of paper magnate Peter Brant and supermodel Stephanie Seymour, you don’t exactly welcome that outcome. If you’re teenaged billionaire Peter Brant II, you exchange snarky text messages about Romney’s defeat with your friend Andrew Warren, who describes himself on Twitter as “NYC/HAMPTONS” and says the election is going to make him “poor” now, obviously. And Andrew jokes about how at least women will still have rights, except, “oh wait I don’t care.” And you, Peter Brant II, joke about having “a contingency plan: Kill Obama, hahaha.” Hahaha! Then you screenshot that charming display of wit and trenchant political analysis and post that sh*t on Instagram. Photo and comment thread screencapped from Statigram (you must be logged in and approved to follow @peter_brantii to view it); the part where Peter Brant II tells a commenter to jump off a cliff is particularly lovely. Peter Brant II’s Instagram account is now private but as of this morning the photo had not been deleted. Some of the transcript of the text exchange is below. Text “KYS” To 96230…Standard Messaging Rates Apply Follow @939wkys for the latest celeb, entertainment and news! — 93.9 WKYS (@939WKYS) October 24, 2012 Find us on Facebook! Also see… Teen Billionaire Allegedly Jokes About ‘Contingency Plan’ To Kill Obama Via Instagram was originally published on
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Hyperventilating in Wisconsin Documents expose the false legal theory used against Scott Walker. Updated Aug. 25, 2014 3:01 p.m. ET President Obama headlined a $25,000 a head Seattle fundraiser in July hosted by former Costco CEO Jim Sinegal for the liberal Senate Majority SuperPac. Perhaps you didn't notice the lack of media outrage. That's the context in which to understand the breathless reporting about court documents showing that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker encouraged donations to the Wisconsin Club for Growth. The horror, the horror! On Friday the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals responded to a media request and released documents that had...
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Autocomplete extender on a textbox without using webservice I don't want to use a webservice to populate an autocomplete extender on a textbox. In this case, it's where the user is entering country name and I don't want to make a trip to the database every single time. I'd much rather keep a collection in session state and 'bind' the autocomplete to that. Is it possible to set ServicePath and/or ServiceMethod to something in the codebehind as opposed to a webservice? Regards kumar A: Unfortunately, there is no direct option to do that other than hacking into javascript to stop the browser from making a call to get the list. The only other choice I can see is to create a webservice & use EnableCaching property of AutoCompleteExtender, to make sure the result of the webservice is cached on the client, thereby avoiding calls to webservice (and database in turn). EDIT: On a second thought, I think it could be possible to mark a public static method in your page with WebMethod attribute & set the ServicePath to your aspx page. see if this helps - I think it should work. But am not sure, if the framework requires it to be the webservice.
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Simbirskiasaurus Simbirskiasaurus is an extinct genus of Ichthyosaur from the Early Cretaceous (early Barremian) of Ulyanovsk Province, Russia. Its type specimen is YKM 65119, a fragmentary skull and vertebral column. Description Fischer et al. give the diagnosis of Simbirskiasaurus as follows: "Platypterygiine ophthalmosaurid characterized by the following autapomorphies: external naris divided by a nasomaxillary pillar; posterior opening of the narial complex with anteroposteriorly constricted dorsal extension; deeply interdigitating prefrontal–lacrimal suture [reminiscent of the basal neoichthyosaurian Temnodontosaurus platyodon (Conybeare, 1822); see Godefroit, 1993]. Simbirskiasaurus birjukovi is also characterized by the following unique combination of features: subnarial process of the premaxilla reaches the posterior margin of the external naris (shared with Cryopterygius kristiansenae Druckenmiller et al., 2012); elongated anterior process of the maxilla, reaching anteriorly the level of the nasal [unlike in Aegirosaurus leptospondylus Bardet & Fernández, 2000 and Sveltonectes insolitus (Fischer et al., 2011b)]; pres- ence of a supranarial process of the premaxilla [shared with Platypterygius australis (McCoy, 1867), see Kear, 2005, and possibly Pervushovisaurus bannovkensis (Arkhangelsky, 1998b)]." See also List of ichthyosaurs Timeline of ichthyosaur research References Category:Ichthyosaurs
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is on the increase, with several Eastern European countries having a prevalence of more than ten percent \[[@pmed-0030350-b001]\]. This resistance means that patients may not be cured with standard regimens even if they adhere well to treatment. An MDR-TB programme requires advanced medical care, infection control measures, counselling, and good follow-up, as one centre in the Philippines reports in a study published in *PLoS Medicine* \[[@pmed-0030350-b002]\]. The DOTS-Plus (directly observed treatment, short-course) project is run by the Makati Medical Center, supported by the Tropical Disease Foundation. The Center has exceptional management capacity, and was one of the first few nongovernmental organizations to be a principal recipient of grants from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (known as the Global Fund). The Center itself provides high-quality tertiary care. Within this setting, clinicians from the Makati Medical Center used drug history and sensitivity testing to provide individualised regimens of expensive second-line drugs, estimated to cost more than US\$1,500 per patient. The authors report on a cohort of 171 patients with MDR-TB, of whom 117 were enrolled and analysed, with 61 percent cured. Indirect outcome data from patients from other countries were then combined with local cost data to estimate the number of premature deaths and secondary cases averted in order to provide an estimate of the mean cost per disability-adjusted life year gained. The 13 authors, from the Makati Medical Center, the Philippines Department of Health, the World Health Organization, and the Stanford University School of Medicine, conclude that treating MDR-TB patients is feasible and cost-effective in low- and middle-income countries. The World Health Organization and other agencies are promoting services to treat MDR-TB \[[@pmed-0030350-b003]\]; the Global Fund is waiting in the wings, able to fund them. This promotion may cause pressure for countries to rapidly implement and expand such programmes. It is therefore imperative that expansion be based on sound evidence that such programmes work when scaled up. Hence, policy makers need to carefully appraise the evidence rather than just the conclusions of this paper and other papers, and consider the following four points. First, this present analysis is not an independent evaluation. As is clearly stated, the authors include World Health Organization staff (who are promoting DOTS-Plus) and Tropical Disease Foundation staff (who are receiving Global Fund money for providing services). Further evaluations are needed to boost the evidence base. Second, readers need to consider whether these specialist medical services can actually be provided at scale. This paper reports on a relatively small programme provided under ideal conditions; the operation was not intended to be under usual programmatic service provision. To establish such centres of excellence elsewhere in the country, infrastructure and staff training costs, not included in the cost-effectiveness analysis, would be considerable. In the event that decision makers do scale up MDR-TB services, health policy and systems research will be important to systematically identify health systems barriers and constraints, monitor progress, and draw out lessons from such programmes \[[@pmed-0030350-b004]\]. Third, policy makers need to take into account the potential adverse effects of such large investments in one aspect of TB control. Human resource capacity in the public health sector is already stretched: would such a programme divert political attention, resource allocation, specialist medical attention, and public health management capacity away from first-line treatment of tuberculosis---and, indeed, other functions of primary care? The Stop TB Partnership recommends that DOTS-Plus programmes should be instituted where there are effective DOTS programmes in place. DOTS-Plus programmes are distinguished from DOTS by the provision of additional second-line TB drugs, given as individualised treatment according to case by case susceptibility, or, when diagnostic facilities are fewer, as empirical treatment in people that have presumed MDR-TB. It is paradoxical that it is in areas where TB control is poorly implemented that the prevalence of MDR-TB is likely to rise. Ensuring adherence to primary treatment of tuberculosis is hard work and needs good health service strategy and management. Although these aspects may be viewed as rather mundane, they are central to promoting public health and avoiding the development of drug resistance in the first place. Fourth, although the Global Fund can provide money for drugs for expensive special programmes, these programmes establish a highly expensive recurrent cost commitment that will go beyond the five-year term of the Global Fund grant. These cost commitments raise questions about the sustainability of these programmes. Past experience with secondary care in low- and middle-income countries indicates that these costs burgeon, and when money is short these medical costs may consume the lion\'s share of the total TB budget, at the expense of primary-care provision. This paper reports on a well-run pilot study. It is a start, but should not be used as the basis for global scaling-up of MDR-TB programmes. It highlights the need for robust, prospective, and independent evaluation of any further investment in MDR-TB control, with careful attention to the potential negative impact on the overall health system, particularly primary TB control, in terms of investment of time, money, and political attention. At the end of the day, it is the responsibility of national policy makers to maintain control of their own health-care system, whatever external experts are pushing and whatever funding is on offer. These responsibilities mean having to balance primary care with the need for difficult and expensive treatment for a few but increasing number of patients. Paul Garner is Professor of Community Health, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, United Kingdom. Marissa Alejandria is Associate Professor and Mary Ann Lansang is Professor in the Department of Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines. **Competing Interests:** The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. **Funding:** The authors received no specific funding for this article. DOTS : directly observed treatment, short-course MDR-TB : multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Video: R.E.M., ‘Mine Smell Like Honey’ As promised last week, R.E.M. today premiered its first music video from the forthcoming Collapse Into Now: a clip for radio single “Mine Smell Like Honey” that was directed by Dominic DeJoseph and, bassist Mike Mills tells Spinner, is “a reference to the old Buster Keaton silent film kind of days of pratfalls and just watching people look like they’re getting hurt when they’re really not.”
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Tigers Take Lead At NCAA Championships Auburn has built a solid lead after the first of three days of competition in College Station, Texas. College Station, Tex.--Auburn took the opening day lead at the NCAA Women's Swimming and Diving Championships with a 53-point edge over an SEC rival. The Tigers, who are the defending national champs and ranked number one, have 188 points. Georgia is second with 135, Arizona is third with 86, Florida has 84 and Stanford 82. "Tonight I was real pleased with Kirsty (Coventry) moving up and getting faster as well as Eileen (Coparropa)," Auburn Coach David Marsh said. "They are itching to win events, but the goal is to accumulate points to win the championship. We are going to have to fight throughout the three days to be our best. It is not going to come easy. I think tomorrow will be the real key." Kirsty Coventry, the top scorer at the SEC Championships, swims for the Tigers on Thursday night. Auburn's first of three second-place finishes came in the 200-meter free relay. Becky Short, who held the NCAA 50-meter freestyle record for a little over an hour during this morning's prelims session at 24.60, led off with a 24.81 split. She was followed by Jenni Anderson's 24.72, Jana Kolukanova's 24.81 and Eileen Coparropa's blistering 23.74, thought to be among the top five 50-meter splits of all-time. Georgia took top honors in the race with a world, American, U.S. Open and NCAA record time of 1:37.27. "Georgia has great swimmers, but I was real happy with my split," Coparropa said. "I swam a 23.7 and the world record is a 23.5, so I am pretty happy." Coventry earned the Tigers' second second-place finish of the session in the 200 IM with a time of 2:08.88. Her time was better than both the NCAA and U.S. Open records of 2:09.34 that she set during the morning prelims session. Lauren Duerk also swam in the finals for AU, placing seventh with a time of 2:12.86. Kaitlin Sandeno of Southern Cal won the event in a time of 2:08.11. "I was happy with my swim. (Kaitlin) Sandeno was a lot stronger than we had thought, but I am real happy with my swim tonight," Coventry said. Leslie Lunsmann placed 15th with a time of 2:14.35. The Tigers claimed their final second-place finish of the opening day in the 50 freestyle as Coparropa touched in a time of 24.41. Short was fourth in a time of 24.97 while Kolukanova was fifth (25.01) and Jenni Anderson was eighth (25.66). "I am really happy with my race, especially my time," Coparoppa said. "I have never raced in a 25-meter pool, and I know that 24.4 puts me in the world rankings (sixth), which is absolutely awesome. I also scored points for my team, and that's what really matters." Christina Swindle won the consolation finals of the 50 free with a time of 25.11. Adrienne Binder claimed the first All-American honor of her career as the freshman stroked the walls for a fifth-place finish in the 400 freestyle with a time of 4:07.71. Competing her in her first NCAA Championships, senior Ashley Rubenstein scored a fourth-place finish in the one-meter diving competition with a score of 303.05. Rubenstein became the first AU female diver to score a point at the NCAA Championships since Marina Smith did it in 1993. "I always knew that once I got here, I could do great things," Rubenstein said. "Last weekend I was just thrilled because I could not only come to the meet, but I could contribute points to the team." The Tigers closed out the night with a fifth-place finish in the 400 medley relay. Coventry led off with a 59.23, giving the Tigers the lead after the first leg. Anne Amardeilh followed with a 1:08.85 in her first NCAA swim before handing off to Demerae Christianson (58.58) and Coparropa (55.09). "The competition is great here," Marsh said. "It is at a world-class level. The ladies are improving toward that level, and that is what we are focusing on right now, making one step forward instead of big jumps forward." Auburn's 188 points is the highest day-one total the Tigers have amassed during their championship run, besting the 2003 total of 168.5 by 19.5 points. The Tigers look to take the next step in their title defense during the Friday morning prelims session, which begins at 11 a.m. CT. Events to be contested are the 200 medley relay, the 400 IM, the 100 butterfly, the 200 freestyle, the 100 breaststroke, the 100 backstroke, 3-meter diving and the 800 freestyle relay. All events are being swum short course in meters due to the fact that this is an Olympic year, allowing athletes to go after world records.
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: How to properly comment JavaScript function which belongs to an object in PhpStorm I have a simple JavaScript dependency loader library. define function defines the class into the classes object with the given name and require function make sure that the specified code runs when the dependency met. As MyClass and MyClass2 registered into the classes object, I need to access them with classes.MyClass and classes.MyClass2. I would like to make comment to MyClass and MyClass2 to tell PhpStorm where to look for these. Currently I get "Unresolved type MyClass" Is there I way to properly comment such situation with JSDoc? var classes = {}, _loaded = {}; function define(name, callback) { classes[name] = callback(jQuery); if (typeof _loaded[name] === 'undefined') { _loaded[name] = jQuery.Deferred(); } _loaded[name].resolve(); } function require(name, callback) { if (typeof _loaded[name] === 'undefined') { _loaded[name] = jQuery.Deferred(); } _loaded[name].done(callback); } define('MyClass', function($) { function MyClass() {} MyClass.prototype.hello = function() { $('body').html('Hello') }; return MyClass; }); setTimeout(function() { define('MyClass2', function($) { function MyClass2() {} MyClass2.prototype.hello = function() { $('body').html('Hello MyClass2') }; return MyClass2; }); }, 4000); require('MyClass', function() { var a = new classes.MyClass(); a.hello(); }); require('MyClass2', function() { var b = new classes.MyClass2(); b.hello(); }); <script src=""></script> A: @memberOf seems to do the thing: define('MyClass', function($) { /** * * @memberOf classes */ function MyClass() {} MyClass.prototype.hello = function() { $('body').html('Hello') }; return MyClass; });
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Ignelater Ignelater is a genus of click beetle (family Elateridae). They are one of several genera in the tribe Pyrophorini, all of which are bioluminescent. Most of the species were formerly in the genus Pyrophorus. List of species Ignelater brunneus Ignelater caudatus Ignelater dominicanensis Ignelater glaesum Ignelater havaniensis Ignelater inaguensis Ignelater luminosus Ignelater novoae Ignelater paveli Ignelater phosphoreus References External links Category:Elateridae genera Category:Bioluminescent insects
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // Author: [email protected] (Kenton Varda) // Based on original Protocol Buffers design by // Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others. #include <google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_field.h> #include <memory> #ifndef _SHARED_PTR_H #include <google/protobuf/stubs/shared_ptr.h> #endif #include <google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_helpers.h> #include <google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_primitive_field.h> #include <google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_string_field.h> #include <google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_enum_field.h> #include <google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_map_field.h> #include <google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_message_field.h> #include <google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h> #include <google/protobuf/wire_format.h> #include <google/protobuf/io/printer.h> #include <google/protobuf/stubs/logging.h> #include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h> #include <google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.h> namespace google { namespace protobuf { namespace compiler { namespace cpp { using internal::WireFormat; void SetCommonFieldVariables(const FieldDescriptor* descriptor, std::map<string, string>* variables, const Options& options) { (*variables)["ns"] = Namespace(descriptor); (*variables)["name"] = FieldName(descriptor); (*variables)["index"] = SimpleItoa(descriptor->index()); (*variables)["number"] = SimpleItoa(descriptor->number()); (*variables)["classname"] = ClassName(FieldScope(descriptor), false); (*variables)["declared_type"] = DeclaredTypeMethodName(descriptor->type()); // non_null_ptr_to_name is usable only if has_$name$ is true. It yields a // pointer that will not be NULL. Subclasses of FieldGenerator may set // (*variables)["non_null_ptr_to_name"] differently. (*variables)["non_null_ptr_to_name"] = StrCat("&this->", FieldName(descriptor), "()"); (*variables)["tag_size"] = SimpleItoa( WireFormat::TagSize(descriptor->number(), descriptor->type())); (*variables)["deprecation"] = descriptor->options().deprecated() ? " PROTOBUF_DEPRECATED" : ""; (*variables)["deprecated_attr"] = descriptor->options().deprecated() ? "GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_DEPRECATED_ATTR " : ""; (*variables)["cppget"] = "Get"; if (HasFieldPresence(descriptor->file())) { (*variables)["set_hasbit"] = "set_has_" + FieldName(descriptor) + "();"; (*variables)["clear_hasbit"] = "clear_has_" + FieldName(descriptor) + "();"; } else { (*variables)["set_hasbit"] = ""; (*variables)["clear_hasbit"] = ""; } // By default, empty string, so that generic code used for both oneofs and // singular fields can be written. (*variables)["oneof_prefix"] = ""; // These variables are placeholders to pick out the beginning and ends of // identifiers for annotations (when doing so with existing variables would // be ambiguous or impossible). They should never be set to anything but the // empty string. (*variables)["{"] = ""; (*variables)["}"] = ""; } void SetCommonOneofFieldVariables(const FieldDescriptor* descriptor, std::map<string, string>* variables) { const string prefix = descriptor->containing_oneof()->name() + "_."; (*variables)["oneof_prefix"] = prefix; (*variables)["oneof_name"] = descriptor->containing_oneof()->name(); (*variables)["non_null_ptr_to_name"] = StrCat(prefix, (*variables)["name"], "_"); } FieldGenerator::~FieldGenerator() {} void FieldGenerator:: GenerateMergeFromCodedStreamWithPacking(io::Printer* printer) const { // Reaching here indicates a bug. Cases are: // - This FieldGenerator should support packing, but this method should be // overridden. // - This FieldGenerator doesn't support packing, and this method should // never have been called. GOOGLE_LOG(FATAL) << "GenerateMergeFromCodedStreamWithPacking() " << "called on field generator that does not support packing."; } FieldGeneratorMap::FieldGeneratorMap(const Descriptor* descriptor, const Options& options) : descriptor_(descriptor), options_(options), field_generators_( new google::protobuf::scoped_ptr<FieldGenerator>[descriptor->field_count()]) { // Construct all the FieldGenerators. for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->field_count(); i++) { field_generators_[i].reset(MakeGenerator(descriptor->field(i), options)); } } FieldGenerator* FieldGeneratorMap::MakeGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* field, const Options& options) { if (field->is_repeated()) { switch (field->cpp_type()) { case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE: if (field->is_map()) { return new MapFieldGenerator(field, options); } else { return new RepeatedMessageFieldGenerator(field, options); } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING: switch (field->options().ctype()) { default: // RepeatedStringFieldGenerator handles unknown ctypes. case FieldOptions::STRING: return new RepeatedStringFieldGenerator(field, options); } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM: return new RepeatedEnumFieldGenerator(field, options); default: return new RepeatedPrimitiveFieldGenerator(field, options); } } else if (field->containing_oneof()) { switch (field->cpp_type()) { case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE: return new MessageOneofFieldGenerator(field, options); case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING: switch (field->options().ctype()) { default: // StringOneofFieldGenerator handles unknown ctypes. case FieldOptions::STRING: return new StringOneofFieldGenerator(field, options); } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM: return new EnumOneofFieldGenerator(field, options); default: return new PrimitiveOneofFieldGenerator(field, options); } } else { switch (field->cpp_type()) { case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE: return new MessageFieldGenerator(field, options); case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING: switch (field->options().ctype()) { default: // StringFieldGenerator handles unknown ctypes. case FieldOptions::STRING: return new StringFieldGenerator(field, options); } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM: return new EnumFieldGenerator(field, options); default: return new PrimitiveFieldGenerator(field, options); } } } FieldGeneratorMap::~FieldGeneratorMap() {} const FieldGenerator& FieldGeneratorMap::get( const FieldDescriptor* field) const { GOOGLE_CHECK_EQ(field->containing_type(), descriptor_); return *field_generators_[field->index()]; } } // namespace cpp } // namespace compiler } // namespace protobuf } // namespace google
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
GREEN — The Green Historical Society honored five soldiers buried in Green who fought during the War of 1812 in a Bicentennial Remembrance Ceremony Aug. 19 at Green Veterans Memorial Park. The five soldiers include Andrew Kepler, John Smith, Henry Swartz, John Thornton and Henry Warner. Shown at right top are John Campbell Company members presenting the colors during the ceremony. The company also performed a rifle salute, pictured above. Green Historical Society officials laid a memorial wreath, shown at right bottom, for local descendants of the soldiers. Several descendants of the soldiers attended the ceremony to say a few words. Shown at right middle is Treasure Collins, a member of the Swartz and Thornton families, speaking to the crowd.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Last week, in Israel, Renee Rabinowitz, with the support of the Israeli Religious Action Center, launched a lawsuit against the Israeli national airline, El Al. Ms. Rabinowitz had boarded her flight from JFK to Tel Aviv, and taken her seat in Business Class, when the ultra-Orthodox man seated next to her started to complain. His complaint was that his religious beliefs would be infringed by spending 11 hours sitting next to someone of a different gender. So the airline, in order to accommodate his preferences, asked Ms. Rabinowitz to change seats. Despite her preference not to move, in order to allow the plane to take off, she conceded. But the experience was upsetting enough for her to now sue the airline. Speaking as a lawyer, Ms. Rabinowitz is what we call the perfect plaintiff, one that no defendant would want to see in front of a jury. She’s 81 years old, and looks like a kindly grandmother. She walks with a cane. She’s a retired lawyer, and a religious woman herself, attending synagogue and keeping kosher. And she’s a reminder of the horrific costs of anti-Semitism, having fled been compelled by the threat of the Nazis to flee her Belgian home in 1941. This isn’t an isolated event. This scene is being played out repeatedly at multiple airports, and on multiple airlines. Men complain based on religious beliefs, and women are forced to move. When men are denied this “accommodation” they have protested, stood in the aisles, and refused to allow the plane to take off. So the airlines have kowtowed to their demands, and the men have gotten their way. The offending and offensive woman has been taken elsewhere in the plane, where, presumably, she should be grateful that she can sit without having curtains drawn around her. Beyond even the ridiculous notion that sitting next to a woman on a flight, be she 18 or 81, should somehow tempt you into sin, there’s what is to me a stunning problem in this story. HE had the problem with his seat assignment, yet the airline’s policy was to ask HER to move to a different seat. If it’s his problem, if he is seeking the special treatment, why shouldn’t he be the one to move? Yet the default solution is that where a man is unhappy with the actions (or existence) of a woman, it should be up to the woman to change. The problem is no longer his irrational fear of sitting next to her, it is her very existence in a seat next to him. The airline has multiple choices in this situation. It could, at the very least, require the adjustment to be made by the complaining male passenger. It could (and should) require any seat requests to be made in advance of boarding, when the ticket is purchased. That way a woman is not publicly accused of being unclean, and unfit to share a row of seats with a pious man. An airline could require that if a person wishes to ensure they are not sat next to a woman, that they purchase two seats. It could announce that they will not honor demands from passengers to control who is in the seat next to them, and if a passenger wishes to fly without the distracting accompaniment of women, they should book a private jet. But El Al, and other airlines do none of these. They bow to the pressure, and they require women to bear the burden, and to make the change The airlines concerned aren’t the only villains of this story. The United States government regulates air travel and airports in this country. It strikes me as inconceivable that an airline would be permitted to operate in the United States if it treated people of color in this fashion – if a white passenger was allowed to complain that he didn’t feel like sitting next to a black person, and that the airline should move the black person to a different part of the plane. For that reason, on behalf of CFI, I wrote today to Michael Huerta of the Federal Aviation Administration, asking what the policy of the government is on this issue, and how women’s rights to respect and equal treatment can be protected in U.S. airports. You can find the text of the letter here. I’ll let you know what response I get.
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Lucille Lake (Idaho) Lucille Lake is a small alpine lake in Custer County, Idaho, United States, located in the Sawtooth Mountains in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area. There are no trails leading to the lake, although it is most easily accessed from Sawtooth National Forest trail 092. Lucille Lake is in the Sawtooth Wilderness, and a wilderness permit can be obtained at a registration box at trailheads or wilderness boundaries. Hell Roaring Lake is downstream of Lucille Lake while Mount Cramer is to the northwest. References See also List of lakes of the Sawtooth Mountains (Idaho) Sawtooth National Forest Sawtooth National Recreation Area Sawtooth Range (Idaho) Category:Lakes of Idaho Category:Lakes of Custer County, Idaho Category:Glacial lakes of the United States Category:Glacial lakes of the Sawtooth Wilderness
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Chris Hemsworth has only been playing Marvel's mighty Thor for seven years, but in that short span, he's reprised the character just as many times (or more, if you count director Taika Waititi's hilarious Team Thor short films ) -- having just wrapped filming on Joe and Anthony Russo's Avengers: Infinity War and its untitled follow-up, Avengers 4. Loading Loading Avengers 4 marks the end of Hemsworth's original deal with Marvel (along with co-stars Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo and Jeremy Renner), and while the actors haven't been shy about hinting that their showdown with Thanos could see some of the Avengers die, given the critical and commercial success of Thor: Ragnarok , it seems premature to predict the end of the Asgardian's cinematic journey just yet. (After all, contracts can always be renewed.)And for fans hoping to see more big screen adventures from the self-proclaimed "strongest Avenger," we have some good news: Speaking to IGN while promoting his upcoming war movie 12 Strong , Hemsworth revealed that he's in no hurry to hang up the god of thunder's cape, if Marvel wants more."I’ve just, literally two days ago, finished Avengers 4 and that’s my contract -- my preexisting contract is done now, so it’s kind of like, 'wow, that’s it,'" Hemsworth reflected. "Two or three films ago I was like, 'okay, a couple more.' I was enjoying it but I was like... I felt a little restricted. And after this last experience with Taika, and actually these last two Avengers, I feel like we’ve reinvented the character a number of times -- even in these next two, he evolves again, and you don’t get that opportunity often in a franchise. So I definitely feel a renewed sense of excitement and enthusiasm, and more so than ever, I think."With Infinity War scheduled for May 4, 2018, and Avengers 4 slated for release a year later, Hemsworth pointed out that "right now, it’s about Avengers and it’s about that storyline and those characters. That’s the focus, in all honesty; I haven’t had conversations about anything else beyond that."But that doesn't mean he hasn't thought about Thor's MCU future beyond the final act of Phase 3. "If I had the opportunity to do it again, I think I’d love to," he told IGN. "I also think there’s an appetite for it now, or there’s a far greater range of possibilities of where he can go now, what he can do, just because we’ve kind of broken the mold a bit."For more on Avengers: Infinity War , check out our trailer breakdown , read everything the Russo Brothers have to say about what comes after Avengers 4 , and venture down the rabbit hole with us as we explore what the new footage might mean for Thor's hammer, Mjolnir . Before Infinity War, fans can get their Hemsworth fix in 12 Strong , which hits theaters on January 19.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" } - Age Stop Switzerland is award-winninging innovative skin care products that are made with purity and precision.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
The BC Lions Football Club is pleased to announce that legendary receivers Mervyn Fernandez and David Williams are part of the 2019 induction class unveiled this morning in Toronto by Canadian Football Hall of Fame. Fernandez spent all six of his CFL seasons with the Lions (1982-1986, 1994) amassing 6,690 receiving yards over 83 career games on 399 receptions with 57 touchdowns. Reaching the 1000-yard plateau in his first season as a Leo in 1982, the San Jose State grad was selected as the West Division’s Most Outstanding Rookie. During the club’s 1985 Grey Cup-winning season, Swervin’ Mervyn terrorized opposing defences for 1,727 yards on 95 catches with 15 majors. The lofty numbers earned him the CFL’s Most Outstanding Player award, the first by a Lion in team history along with a pair of CFL all-star nods in 1984 and 1985. While Williams spent just two of his eight pro seasons in BC, they were easily his most productive as he racked-up 2,914 of his 7,197 career receiving yards on 162 catches and tallied 32 of his 78 career touchdowns. The former Illinois standout dazzled Lions fans in his 1988 debut season notching 1,468 yards on 83 receptions with 18 majors earning the league’s Most Outstanding Player award and a spot on the CFL all-star team. He picked-up another West Division all-star nod in 1989 after hauling in 79 catches for 1,446 yards and 14 majors. Fernandez and Williams will be officially inducted at a ceremony in Hamilton in September.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
This site uses different types of cookies, including analytics and functional cookies (its own and from other sites). To change your cookie settings or find out more, click here. If you continue browsing our website, you accept these cookies. Whenever I schedule a workflow to run on disk, it executes and finishes with status "Corrupted". Solution A few things to check first: Is the workflow trying to access any remote resources? Is the workflow stored remotely? Is this remote location accessed through a mapped drive? If you responded yes to at least one of these questions, you should make sure all paths (opening/saving workflows, referencing resources…) are UNC. If you have mapped network drives but don't know the corresponding UNC, you can run the following command in a command prompt(Start > Run > cmd.exe) to list your mapped drives and their UNC paths: net use If the issue persists after changing the paths to UNC, the next thing to check is your service account settings. When a workflow is scheduled on Disk, by default the Alteryx Service uses the local system account (explained here) to do the following: Access the remote location for resources using the Local System Account Read/write the data from/to the remote location. If the local system account does not have permission to perform either of these processes, the scheduled workflow will fail. Solving this issue involves setting a different account under which the Alteryx Service will execute the workflows: In Services > right click on Alteryx Service > Properties On the new window, go to the "Log On" tab and select "This account" to set the account with the appropriate permissions. For more information on “Run As” account permissions please refer to the following Link Set Required Run As User Permissions. Restart the service This should resolve the Corrupted error message for your scheduled workflow. If it doesn't, please reach out to support through [email protected].
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
Spinal injuries have been known since antiquity and until the 20th century, carried an inevitable fatal prognosis. Patients died either immediately from their intercurrent injuries and acute fulminating urinary tract infections, or they died in the following weeks from chronic pyelonephritis and pressure sores. Any treatment was palliative, easing the patient's pathway to the grave. Today, as a result of pioneering work started prior to the Second World War by Donald Munro in the United States and during the Second World War by Ludwig Guttmann in the United Kingdom, the situation has changed remarkably, provided the patient with an acute spinal injury is admitted to a specialised centre where all the facilities to investigate and treat the patient comprehensively are available ([@A3427R1]). Dedicated medical staff, comprising of a neurosurgeon, an orthopaedic surgeon, a plastic surgeon, a urological surgeon, a physical medicine consultant, and a radiologist, should work as a team with one consultant taking the lead and assuming overall responsibility for the patients. Provided there is appropriate radiological backup with CT and MRI scanners and the support of the intensive care unit with devoted occupational and physiotherapy staff, and on discharge, follow up is maintained under the care of the unit, the patient can expect a near normal life expectancy and return to gainful employment ([@A3427R1]). It is apparent that the management of the paralysed bladder is paramount to the successful management of the patient. How this evolved is of particular interest and there are many lessons to be learned. Prior to the first World War, traumatic spinal injuries were rare. It took Hulke 24 years to accumulate data on 33 patients, 22 of whom were under his care ([@A3427R2]). Warfare provided a unique series of casualties but there were no survivors from the Crimean War and 75% of the spinal injury patients From the Boer War died within a few weeks ([@A3427R2], [@A3427R3]). The First World War was a conflict of unprecedented proportions with 1,662,625 casualties seen in the British Army alone and the majority of paraplegics died soon after injury. Of those who survived long enough to reach a base hospital in France, Vellacot and Webb Johnson recorded 66 patients with spinal injuries, 21 of whom died, 8 from renal failure. Of the 339 patients admitted to the King George V Hospital, 160 died of urinary tract infection ([@A3427R4]). The method of managing the bladder was by means of an indwelling catheter or by intermittent catheterisation. The way this was peformed produced disastrous effects and was largely responsible for the high mortality. Thompson Walker, the sole urologist at the Royal Star and Garter Home, where chronic patients were admitted, stated that management of the bladder in the First World War was the surgical failure of the War ([@A3427R5], [@A3427R6]). Little changed between the Wars and when the Second World War broke out, a committee was formed under the chairmanship of George Riddoch who had treated the patients during the First World War at the Empire Hospital. In 1940, they opened a series of acute units with neurosurgical, orthopaedic, operative and pathology support but interestingly no urological consultants. The units were just as bad as during the First World War, with patients staying in for 3 years and being no better after this time than when first admitted ([@A3427R1]). In view of the late arrival of urological management for these patients, it is interested to study how the urological care came to be instituted within the spinal units in the United Kingdom. The author has unique experience of this, having started practising spinal medicine in 1956. The reasons for this lack of urological care were twofold: there was a shortage of urologists in the United Kingdom and there was a mistaken attitude towards the role of urologists. Doctors were of the view that they should only call in the urologist when all other treatment had failed, consequently, the urologist was confronted with a desperate situation and could only function on a salvage basis. At Stoke Mandeville, when the unit was opened in 1944, Eric Riches was the visiting urological surgeon but he was only asked to see patients by Sir Ludwig Guttmann, the autocratic director of the unit, when all other treatment had failed, and latterly, he was not called into the unit at all. At Winwick, there was no urological input and the unit eventually closed down and was reopened at the instigation of Charles Wells, professor of surgery at Liverpool, at Southport in 1948, with a visiting urologist, Cosby Ross and a neurosurgeon in charge of the unit. Very rapidly, the importance of urology was recognised and a young surgeon in training, Norman Gibbon elected to do his Mastership thesis on the management of the bladder in spinal patients. He used to cycle to the unit from the Southport railway station carrying his urology manometers in one hand. He carried out urological research upon these patients and subsequently became the visiting consultant, doing pioneering research on the management of the bladder, particularly external sphincterotomy and outflow surgery and the development of the Gibbon catheter. When I was appointed in 1965, I met him and he explained to me that he saw half the patients one week and the other half the week after. We carried out collaborative rounds and he was involved in every stage of the treatment. We wrote a number of papers together on the management of the bladder. When I returned to Stoke Mandeville in 1970, I carried on the lessons I had learned in Southport and instituted a combined ward round with the bacteriologist and the visiting urologist Griffiths Fellows, who devoted nearly all his time to seeing my patients. Fellows saw my patients on a regular basis from admission to their discharge and followed them up. We wrote several papers together and if I was absent, the treatment would carry on without interruption. There was no need for me to dictate the treatment. The situation in Sheffield was similar. The urology was being carried out by John Williams on a visiting basis. His senior registrar (David Gwyn Thomas) in urology at that time embarked on a full-time research project -- setting up a combined urodynamic/radiological screening service on the spinal unit. This led to his appointment as Consultant Urologist to the spinal injuries unit in 1974. As well as his urological work he shared in the general management of the patients, including the emergency care of the acutely injured patient. The continuing research interest over the next 30 years led to an increased understanding of the neurogenic bladder and has resulted in the appointment of several consultant urologists with a greater input on spinal injury units in the United Kingdom and overseas. These three committed urologists worked as equal members of a team. They have been fully fledged members of the spinal injury team, they have been backed up by a fully staffed urodynamic, radiology and operating sessions incorporated within the spinal unit, and they have been involved from the outset in the management of the patients and the follow up of the patients. Patients, who are discharged from the spinal unit after discussion with the treating staff, should be discharged with a treatment to meet their requirements, with bladders that they can manage themselves. They should be followed up regularly at the spinal centre. It is no good sending a patient off to a satellite urology service at some further date where the skills of the spinal unit are not available. The situation is entirely comparable to the management of patients with malignant disease when the oncologist, the surgeon, the physician and the support staff all work together as a committed team on an equal basis to discuss the best management of the patient. I would like to thank Mr Griffiths Fellows and Mr David Thomas for their help, constructive criticism and input in the preparation of this paper. **Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education:** This article provides the historical background to the modern management of the bladder in paraplegic patients. **Please cite this paper as:** Silver JR. The History of the Role of Urologists in the Spinal Units in the United Kingdom. Nephro-Urol Mon.2012;4(4)593-5. DOI: 10.5812/numonthly.3427 **Authors' Contribution:** None declared. **Financial Disclosure:** None declared.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[Morbidity after video-laparoscopic cholecystectomy in cholelithiasis associated with liver cirrhosis. A case-control study]. At present laparoscopic cholecystectomy represents the treatment of choice for symptomatic cholelithiasis. Authors performed a retrospective case-control study to evaluate whether cirrhosis associated with cholelithiasis increases the risk for morbidity of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Twenty-one patients with cholelithiasis and cirrhosis (Child-Pugh class A or B) (group A) and 21 controls with cholelithiasis without cirrhosis (group B) entered the study. Controls were paired with cases for age, sex, and indication for cholecystectomy (simple cholelithiasis, acute cholecystitis). The two groups were compared for rate of conversion to open cholecystectomy (19% group A vs 9.5% group B; p = 0.31), morbidity (29.5% group A vs 5.3% group B; p = 0.17), median length of surgery (80 m in the two groups), and median time of postoperative hospitalization (5 days group A vs 3 days group B; p = 0.21). No difference among variables resulted to be statistically significant. Besides, neither common bile duct injuries nor intra or postoperative hemorrhages occurred in patients with cirrhosis. Authors conclude that the laparoscopic cholecystectomy can be considered a safe and effective surgical procedure also for patients with cholelithiasis associated with cirrhosis with a good residual hepatic function.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
PED subunit vaccine based on COE domain replacement of flagellin domain D3 improved specific humoral and mucosal immunity in mice. Porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) is an important re-emergent infectious disease and inflicts huge economic losses to the swine industry worldwide. To meet the pressing need of developing a safe and cost-efficient PED maternal vaccine, we generated three PED subunit vaccine candidates, using recombined Salmonella flagellin (rSF) as a mucosal molecular adjuvant. Domain D3 in rSF was replaced with COE domain of PEDV to generate rSF-COE-3D. COE fused to the flanking C'/N' terminal of rSF yielded rSF-COE-C and rSF-COE-N. As a result, rSF-COE-3D could significantly improve COE specific antibody production including serum IgG, serum IgA, mucosal IgA and PEDV neutralizing antibody. Furthermore, rSF-COE-3D elicited more CD3+CD8+ T cell and cytokine production of IFN-γ and IL-4 in mouse splenocytes. In summary, our data showed that rSF-COE-3D could improve specific humoral and mucosal immunity in mice, thus suggesting that rSF-COE-3D could be applied as a novel efficient maternal PED vaccine.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><title>Chapter 4. Proxying Guacamole</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="gug.css" /><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL-NS Stylesheets V1.78.1" /><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="Guacamole Manual" /><link rel="up" href="users-guide.html" title="Part I. User's Guide" /><link rel="prev" href="guacamole-docker.html" title="Chapter 3. Installing Guacamole with Docker" /><link rel="next" href="configuring-guacamole.html" title="Chapter 5. Configuring Guacamole" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no, target-densitydpi=device-dpi"/> </head><body> <!-- CONTENT --> <div id="page"><div id="content"> <div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter 4. Proxying Guacamole</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="guacamole-docker.html">Prev</a> </td><th width="60%" align="center">Part I. User's Guide</th><td width="20%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="configuring-guacamole.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr /></div><div xml:lang="en" class="chapter" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a id="proxying-guacamole"></a>Chapter 4. Proxying Guacamole</h2></div></div></div><div class="toc"><p><strong>Table of Contents</strong></p><dl class="toc"><dt><span class="section"><a href="proxying-guacamole.html#preparing-servlet-container">Preparing your servlet container</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="proxying-guacamole.html#nginx">Nginx</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="proxying-guacamole.html#proxying-with-nginx">Proxying Guacamole</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="proxying-guacamole.html#changing-path-with-nginx">Changing the path</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="proxying-guacamole.html#apache">Apache and <span class="package">mod_proxy</span></a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="proxying-guacamole.html#proxying-with-apache">Proxying Guacamole</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="proxying-guacamole.html#websocket-and-apache">Proxying the WebSocket tunnel</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="proxying-guacamole.html#changing-path-with-apache">Changing the path</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="proxying-guacamole.html#disable-tunnel-logging">Disabling logging of tunnel requests</a></span></dt></dl></dd></dl></div><p>Like most web applications, Guacamole can be placed behind a reverse proxy. For production deployments of Guacamole, this is <span class="emphasis"><em>highly recommended</em></span>. It provides flexibility and, if your proxy is properly configured for SSL, encryption.</p><p>Proxying isolates privileged operations within native applications that can safely drop those privileges when no longer needed, using Java only for unprivileged tasks. On Linux and UNIX systems, a process must be running with root privileges to listen on any port under 1024, including the standard HTTP and HTTPS ports (80 and 443 respectively). If the servlet container instead listens on a higher port, such as the default port 8080, it can run as a reduced-privilege user, allowing the reverse proxy to bear the burden of root privileges. As a native application, the reverse proxy can make system calls to safely drop root privileges once the port is open; a Java application like Tomcat cannot do this.</p><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="preparing-servlet-container"></a>Preparing your servlet container</h2></div></div></div><p>Your servlet container is most likely already configured to listen for HTTP connections on port 8080 as this is the default. If this is the case, and you can already access Guacamole over port 8080 from a web browser, you need not make any further changes to its configuration.</p><p>If you <span class="emphasis"><em>have</em></span> changed this, perhaps with the intent of proxying Guacamole over AJP, <span class="emphasis"><em>change it back</em></span>. Using Guacamole over AJP is unsupported as it is known to cause problems, namely:</p><div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist" type="1"><li class="listitem"><p>WebSocket will not work over AJP, forcing Guacamole to fallback to HTTP, possibly resulting in reduced performance.</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Apache 2.4.3 and older does not support the HTTP PATCH method over AJP, preventing the Guacamole management interface from functioning properly.</p></li></ol></div><p>The connector entry within <code class="filename">conf/server.xml</code> should look like this:</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">&lt;Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" URIEncoding="UTF-8" redirectPort="8443" /&gt;</pre></div><p>Be sure to specify the <code class="code">URIEncoding="UTF-8"</code> attribute as above to ensure that connection names, user names, etc. are properly received by the web application. If you will be creating connections that have Cyrillic, Chinese, Japanese, or other non-Latin characters in their names or parameter values, this attribute is required.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="nginx"></a>Nginx</h2></div></div></div><p>Nginx can be used as a reverse proxy, and supports WebSocket out-of-the-box <a class="link" href="" target="_top">since version 1.3</a>. Both Apache and Nginx require some additional configuration for proxying of WebSocket to work properly.</p><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="proxying-with-nginx"></a>Proxying Guacamole</h3></div></div></div><p>Nginx does support WebSocket for proxying, but requires that the "Connection" and "Upgrade" HTTP headers are set explicitly due to the nature of the WebSocket protocol. From the Nginx documentation:</p><div class="blockquote"><blockquote class="blockquote"><p>NGINX supports WebSocket by allowing a tunnel to be set up between a client and a back-end server. For NGINX to send the Upgrade request from the client to the back-end server, Upgrade and Connection headers must be set explicitly. ...</p></blockquote></div><p>The proxy configuration belongs within a dedicated <a class="link" href="" target="_top"><code class="code">location</code></a> block, declaring the backend hosting Guacamole and explicitly specifying the "Connection" and "Upgrade" headers mentioned earlier:</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">location /guacamole/ { proxy_pass http://<em class="replaceable"><code>HOSTNAME</code></em>:<em class="replaceable"><code>8080</code></em>/guacamole/; proxy_buffering off; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection; access_log off; }</pre></div><p>Here, <em class="replaceable"><code>HOSTNAME</code></em> is the hostname or IP address of the machine hosting your servlet container, and <em class="replaceable"><code>8080</code></em> is the port that servlet container is configured to use. You will need to replace these values with the correct values for your server.</p><div class="important"><h3 class="title">Important</h3><p><span class="emphasis"><em>Do not forget to specify "<code class="code">proxy_buffering off</code>".</em></span></p><p>Most proxies, including Nginx, will buffer all data sent over the connection, waiting until the connection is closed before sending that data to the client. As Guacamole's HTTP tunnel relies on streaming data to the client over an open connection, excessive buffering will effectively block Guacamole connections, rendering Guacamole useless.</p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>If the option "<code class="code">proxy_buffering off</code>" is not specified, Guacamole may not work</em></span>.</p></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="changing-path-with-nginx"></a>Changing the path</h3></div></div></div><p>If you wish to serve Guacamole through Nginx under a path other than <code class="uri">/guacamole/</code>, the configuration will need to be altered slightly to take cookies into account. Although Guacamole does not rely on receipt of cookies in general, cookies are required for the proper operation of the HTTP tunnel. If the HTTP tunnel is used, and cookies cannot be set, users may be unexpectedly denied access to their connections.</p><p>Regardless of the location specified for the proxy, cookies set by Guacamole will be set using its own absolute path within the backend (<code class="uri">/guacamole/</code>). If this path differs from that used by Nginx, the path in the cookie needs to be modified using <code class="code">proxy_cookie_path</code>:</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">location /<em class="replaceable"><code>new-path/</code></em> { proxy_pass http://<em class="replaceable"><code>HOSTNAME</code></em>:<em class="replaceable"><code>8080</code></em>/guacamole/; proxy_buffering off; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection; <span class="emphasis"><em>proxy_cookie_path /guacamole/ /<em class="replaceable"><code>new-path/</code></em>;</em></span> access_log off; }</pre></div></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="apache"></a>Apache and <span class="package">mod_proxy</span></h2></div></div></div><p>Apache supports reverse proxy configurations through <a class="link" href="" target="_top"><span class="package">mod_proxy</span></a>. Apache 2.4.5 and later also support proxying of WebSocket through a sub-module called <a class="link" href="" target="_top"><span class="package">mod_proxy_wstunnel</span></a>. Both of these modules will need to be enabled for proxying of Guacamole to work properly.</p><p>Lacking <span class="package">mod_proxy_wstunnel</span>, it is still possible to proxy Guacamole, but Guacamole will be unable to use WebSocket. It will instead fallback to using the HTTP tunnel, resulting in reduced performance.</p><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="proxying-with-apache"></a>Proxying Guacamole</h3></div></div></div><p>Configuring Apache to proxy HTTP requests requires using the <em class="parameter"><code>ProxyPass</code></em> and <em class="parameter"><code>ProxyPassReverse</code></em> directives, which are provided by the <span class="package">mod_proxy</span> module. These directives describe how HTTP traffic should be routed to the web server behind the proxy:</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">&lt;Location /guacamole/&gt; Order allow,deny Allow from all ProxyPass http://<em class="replaceable"><code>HOSTNAME</code></em>:<em class="replaceable"><code>8080</code></em>/guacamole/ flushpackets=on ProxyPassReverse http://<em class="replaceable"><code>HOSTNAME</code></em>:<em class="replaceable"><code>8080</code></em>/guacamole/ &lt;/Location&gt;</pre></div><p>Here, <em class="replaceable"><code>HOSTNAME</code></em> is the hostname or IP address of the machine hosting your servlet container, and <em class="replaceable"><code>8080</code></em> is the port that servlet container is configured to use. You will need to replace these values with the correct values for your server.</p><div class="important"><h3 class="title">Important</h3><p><span class="emphasis"><em>Do not forget the <code class="option">flushpackets=on</code> option.</em></span></p><p>Most proxies, including <span class="package">mod_proxy</span>, will buffer all data sent over the connection, waiting until the connection is closed before sending that data to the client. As Guacamole's HTTP tunnel relies on streaming data to the client over an open connection, excessive buffering will effectively block Guacamole connections, rendering Guacamole useless.</p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>If the option <code class="option">flushpackets=on</code> is not specified, Guacamole may not work</em></span>.</p></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="websocket-and-apache"></a>Proxying the WebSocket tunnel</h3></div></div></div><p>Apache will not automatically proxy WebSocket connections, but you can proxy them separately with Apache 2.4.5 and later using <span class="package">mod_proxy_wstunnel</span>. After enabling <span class="package">mod_proxy_wstunnel</span> a secondary <code class="code">Location</code> section can be added which explicitly proxies the Guacamole WebSocket tunnel, located at <code class="uri">/guacamole/websocket-tunnel</code>:</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">&lt;Location /guacamole/websocket-tunnel&gt; Order allow,deny Allow from all ProxyPass ws://<em class="replaceable"><code>HOSTNAME</code></em>:<em class="replaceable"><code>8080</code></em>/guacamole/websocket-tunnel ProxyPassReverse ws://<em class="replaceable"><code>HOSTNAME</code></em>:<em class="replaceable"><code>8080</code></em>/guacamole/websocket-tunnel &lt;/Location&gt;</pre></div><p>Lacking this, Guacamole will still work by using normal HTTP, but network latency will be more pronounced with respect to user input, and performance may be lower.</p><div class="important"><h3 class="title">Important</h3><p>The <code class="code">Location</code> section for <code class="uri">/guacamole/websocket-tunnel</code> must be placed after the <code class="code">Location</code> section for the rest of Guacamole.</p><p>Apache evaluates all Location sections, giving priority to the last section that matches. If the <code class="uri">/guacamole/websocket-tunnel</code> section comes first, the section for <code class="uri">/guacamole/</code> will match instead, and WebSocket will not be proxied correctly.</p></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="changing-path-with-apache"></a>Changing the path</h3></div></div></div><p>If you wish to serve Guacamole through Apache under a path other than <code class="uri">/guacamole/</code>, the configuration required for Apache will be slightly different than the examples above due to cookies.</p><p>Guacamole does not rely on receipt of cookies for tracking whether a user is logged in, but cookies are required for the proper operation of the HTTP tunnel. If the HTTP tunnel is used, and cookies cannot be set, users will be unexpectedly denied access to connections they legitimately should have access to.</p><p>Cookies are set using the absolute path of the web application (<code class="uri">/guacamole/</code>). If this path differs from that used by Apache, the path in the cookie needs to be modified using the <em class="parameter"><code>ProxyPassReverseCookiePath</code></em> directive:</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">&lt;Location /<em class="replaceable"><code>new-path/</code></em>&gt; Order allow,deny Allow from all ProxyPass http://<em class="replaceable"><code>HOSTNAME</code></em>:<em class="replaceable"><code>8080</code></em>/guacamole/ flushpackets=on ProxyPassReverse http://<em class="replaceable"><code>HOSTNAME</code></em>:<em class="replaceable"><code>8080</code></em>/guacamole/ <span class="emphasis"><em>ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /guacamole/ /<em class="replaceable"><code>new-path/</code></em></em></span> &lt;/Location&gt; &lt;Location /<em class="replaceable"><code>new-path</code></em>/websocket-tunnel&gt; Order allow,deny Allow from all ProxyPass ws://<em class="replaceable"><code>HOSTNAME</code></em>:<em class="replaceable"><code>8080</code></em>/guacamole/websocket-tunnel ProxyPassReverse ws://<em class="replaceable"><code>HOSTNAME</code></em>:<em class="replaceable"><code>8080</code></em>/guacamole/websocket-tunnel &lt;/Location&gt;</pre></div><p>This directive is not needed for the WebSocket section, as it is not applicable. Cookies are only used by Guacamole within the HTTP tunnel.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="disable-tunnel-logging"></a>Disabling logging of tunnel requests</h3></div></div></div><p>If WebSocket is unavailable, Guacamole will fallback to using an HTTP-based tunnel. The Guacamole HTTP tunnel works by transferring a continuous stream of data over multiple short-lived streams, each associated with a separate HTTP request. By default, Apache will log each of these requests, resulting in a rather bloated access log.</p><p>There is little value in a log file filled with identical tunnel requests, so it is recommended to explicitly disable logging of those requests. Apache does provide a means of matching URL patterns and setting environment variables based on whether the URL matches. Logging can then be restricted to requests which lack this environment variable:</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">SetEnvIf Request_URI "^<em class="replaceable"><code>/guacamole</code></em>/tunnel" dontlog CustomLog <em class="replaceable"><code>/var/log/apache2/guac.log</code></em> common env=!dontlog</pre></div><p>Note that if you are serving Guacamole under a path different from <code class="uri">/guacamole/</code>, you will need to change the value of <em class="parameter"><code>Request_URI</code></em> above accordingly.</p></div></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr /><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="guacamole-docker.html">Prev</a> </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="users-guide.html">Up</a></td><td width="40%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="configuring-guacamole.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Chapter 3. Installing Guacamole with Docker </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> Chapter 5. Configuring Guacamole</td></tr></table></div> </div></div> <!-- Google Analytics --> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-75289145-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> <!-- End Google Analytics --> </body></html>
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[Autoradiographic study of the early stages of human female meiosis in organ culture]. Incorporation of H3-thymidin in developing germinative cells and the movement of the label in successive stages of preprophase and prophase of meiosis were studied in the organic culture of the ovaries of 7-12 and 23 week human embryos by the method of autoradiography. H3-thymidin was incorporated by oognia and oocytes of the last stages of preleptotene with a thin uneven network of chromatin in the nucleus and by oocytes of the stage of leptotene and, rarely, zygotene. In oocytes with prochromosomes the label appeared within 12 hours. The cells labeled in the premeiotic DNA synthesis were changed into the zygotene stage within 4 days, into the pachytene stage- within 14 days. The development took 7-14 days from the last premitosis S-period to zygotene. Oogoniums divided two times for 7 days. Gz-period of oognia -1/2 of mitosis lasts an average of 10 hours. The S-period of oogonia lasts for about 9 hours.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Introduction to Back Carrying Love carrying your baby but becoming a struggle on your front? Heard about back carrying but feel nervous about getting your baby up there & getting back down again? This workshop will be a small intimate group exploring the range of carriers & options available to you. You will meet other parents at the same stage of their carrying journey and be able to support each other as well as receiving expert tuition. Suitable for babies around 3 / 4 months+ or good head control. (Back carrying is possible earlier but is more of an advanced skill - please book a one to one consultation to explore this) On a personal note - a whole new world opens up to you when you gain the confidence to put your baby on your back. Nearly 5 years ago it took me many months and perseverance trying different carries and being shown different ways before I finally felt able to do it outside of my home! Support of other people learning the same skill was vital and I'm really excited to be able to share some of my experience and knowledge now - making your journey a little quicker and easier. Course includes -Slings to try out -Led group discussion -Individual feedback and tuition -Weighted dolls to practice with -Chance to work through any anxieties - only doing what you and your baby feel comfortable and safe to try. -Ongoing email & telephone help and advice. By the end of the course you will: -Be able to state the benefits of back-carrying for different situations -Have tried / seen some of the different slings suitable for back-carrying. -Know how to safely get your baby onto your back -and back down again! -Know where to access further support -Have a ready made peer support group to practice and meet up with -Most of all you will have gained new skills and confidence in the beautiful art of babywearing. Introduction to Back Carrying 1.5 hour workshop for parent/carer & their baby (or babies) - no more than 6 families per session. Older children can attend too, but remain your responsibility - you may not get as much out of the workshop, but you know your child best.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Julia Child One of the most beloved figures in 20th century American culture was Julia Child, the buoyant French Chef who taught millions of Americans to cook with confidence and eat with pleasure. With an irrepressible sense of humour and a passion for good food, Child ushered in the nation's culinary renaissance and became its chief icon. Unlike the great cooking teachers who preceded her, she won her audience through the revolutionary medium of television. Millions watched as she spun threads of caramel, befriended a giant monkfish, wielded live lobsters, flipped omelettes and unmoulded spectacular desserts. Her occasional disasters, and brilliant recoveries, were legendary. Yet every step of the way she was teaching carefully crafted lessons about ingredients, culinary technique, and why good home cooking still matters.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: How to get an uploaded file creation date in hunchentoot? I use hunchentoot web server, and upload files there. It stores a file into a temporary location (/tmp/hunchentoot/hunchentoot-XX), and sets the modification and creation date to now. How can I get an original creation date of the file received? A: 1) The date is not sent over HTTP at all, it does not depend on your server. 2) You can not expect to always have correct date information from client. If file format contains date then parse the format. Do this if you are sure format won't be tampered with by malisious user. If you trust the user let him select date manually.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Miss Jenna Beth has a penchant for all things vintage, from burlesque performer extraordinaire, to national and internationally published Pin-up model. Jenna founded Cupcake Burlesque in Fort Lauderdale, in 2010 and uses her training in ballet, swing, Latin dance and figure skating to create her mesmerizing stage concepts along with dazzling costumes. You can find her performing regularly all over the sunshine state as well as special appearances in Los Angeles, New York, New Orleans, and Europe! Cupcake burlesque provides a wide range of performers for any event, public or private. Burlesque vocalists bellydance showgirls magicians comedians fire performers and much more
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Double majority A double majority is a voting system which requires a majority of votes according to two separate criteria. The mechanism is usually used to require strong support for any measure considered to be of great importance. Typically in legislative bodies, a double majority requirement exists in the form of a quorum being necessary for legislation to be passed. Examples in use Australia In Australia, constitutional changes must be passed at a referendum in a majority of states (4 of the 6), and by a majority of voters nationally. Prior to 1977, the votes of citizens in the Northern Territory and the ACT did not affect the national or state-based count. After a Constitution Alteration put to referendum in 1977 and given vice-regal assent on 19 July 1977, Territorial votes contribute towards the national majority, but the Territories themselves do not count towards the majority of states. Canada Since the patriation of the Canadian constitution in 1982, thorough amending formulae for the constitution were adopted. Per the Constitution Act, 1982, many amendments can be passed only by the Parliament of Canada and a two-thirds majority of the provincial legislatures, those provinces together representing at least 50% of the national population-–this is known as the 7/10 formula (as there were and are 10 provinces, so 7 constitutes a two-thirds majority). Additionally, a province can explicitly choose to dissent to an amendment that "derogates from the legislative powers, the proprietary rights or any other rights or privileges of the legislature or government of a province", in which case it does not apply in that province even if passed. Though not constitutionally mandated, a referendum is also considered to be necessary by some, especially following the precedent established by the Charlottetown Accord in 1992. However, there are some parts of the constitution that can be modified only by a vote of all the provinces plus the Parliament of Canada; these include changes to the composition of the Supreme Court of Canada, changing the process for amending the constitution itself, or any act affecting the Canadian monarch or Governor General. European Union In the European Union, double majority voting replaced artificial voting weights for votes requiring a qualified majority in the Council of the European Union following implementation of the Treaty of Lisbon. A qualified majority requires 55% of voting EU member states, representing at least 65% of the population of voting members for a European Commission proposal to be approved. This increases to 72% of voting members states, representing at least 65% of the EU population of voting members should the proposal originate from a member state. Proposals can be blocked should a qualified majority of least four Council members representing more than 35% of the EU population be formed. Finland Changing the constitution of Finland requires that a simple majority of the sitting Parliament vote in favor of the amendment. The amendment is postponed until the next general election. The next parliament may finally vote to ratify the amendment but by a two thirds of the MPs. Thus, a double majority of two different parliaments is usually required to pass constitutional amendments. An expedited process may however be entered if five sixths of the sitting parliament vote to declare an amendment urgent. Then, a two-thirds majority of the current parliament may ratify an amendment using the expedited process. Montenegro When Montenegro voted for independence from Serbia, the EU insisted on a supermajority of 55% for it to recognise the result; this supermajority was akin to a double majority, and would avoid the endless debate that could have resulted if the result had a smaller majority. Northern Ireland Under the terms of the Belfast Agreement, if 30 members or more request it, a measure may be put to a "cross-community vote" which requires a majority from both the Nationalist and Unionist camps. Romania In Romania, a national referendum is considered valid only if at least 50% plus one of the registered voters cast their ballot. For a valid referendum, the outcome is determined by a simple majority of valid votes cast. The whole process thus involves a double majority in form of a quorum. A controversial amendment to the referendum law arose during the 2012 political crisis and allowed for an exception to be made in case of a referendum regarding the impeachment of the President. The original law, which required a double majority for impeachment, was modified by governmental emergency decree to circumvent the quorum requirement. This would have resulted in a successful impeachment of the President in the following referendum. The referendum was, however, subsequently invalidated by the Constitutional Court, the body responsible for overseeing the whole process, putting an end to the crisis. Sudan The independence referendum for South Sudan required 51% of the vote and 60% turnout. Switzerland In Switzerland, the passing of a constitutional amendment by popular vote requires a double majority; not only must a majority of people vote for the amendment but a majority of cantons must also give their consent. This is to prevent a larger canton from foisting amendments onto the smaller ones and vice versa. United States Double majority is used in the United States for some initiative or referendum votes on issues such as a tax levy or bond. Essentially, a double majority standard applies a two-part test to a vote outcome before a measure is passed: Did a majority of registered voters turn out for the election? Did votes in favor outnumber votes against, by the required margin? If the answer to either of these questions is No, the measure fails. This mechanism is used to prevent a small group from passing spending measures that affect the entire population in order to support their pet causes, especially at an election expected to have low voter turnout. Double majorities are also frequently used in municipal annexations, wherein majorities of both the residents in the annexing territory and the territory to be annexed must support the annexation. A similar rule exists for adopting Metro government in Tennessee, where the referendum must pass both inside and outside the principal city. Notes References Butterworths Concise Australian Legal Dictionary, 2nd edition (2002). Europa Glossary Category:Voting theory Category:Legal terminology Category:European Union legislative procedure Category:Australian constitutional law Category:Majority
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Proto-Sinaitic script Proto-Sinaitic, also referred to as Sinaitic, and Proto-Canaanite (when found in Canaan), is a Middle Bronze Age (Middle Kingdom) script attested in a small corpus of inscriptions found at Serabit el-Khadim in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, considered the earliest trace of alphabetic writing, and the common ancestor of the Ancient South Arabian script and Phoenician alphabet (and by extension, every other subsequent alphabet). The earliest "Proto-Sinaitic" inscriptions are mostly dated to between the mid-19th (early date) and the mid-16th (late date) century BC. "The principal debate is between an early date, around 1850 BC, and a late date, around 1550 BC. The choice of one or the other date decides whether it is proto-Sinaitic or proto-Canaanite, and by extension locates the invention of the alphabet in Egypt or Canaan respectively." However the discovery of the Wadi El-Hol inscriptions near the Nile River shows that the script originated in Egypt. The evolution of "Proto-Sinaitic" and the various "Proto-Canaanite" scripts during the Bronze Age is based on rather scant epigraphic evidence; it is only with the Bronze Age collapse and the rise of new Semitic kingdoms in the Levant that "Proto-Canaanite" is clearly attested (Byblos inscriptions 10th – 8th century BC, Khirbet Qeiyafa inscription c. 10th century BC). The "Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions" were discovered in the winter of 1904–1905 in Sinai by Hilda and Flinders Petrie. To this may be added a number of short "Proto-Canaanite" inscriptions found in Canaan and dated to between the 17th and 15th centuries BC, and more recently, the discovery in 1999 of the "Wadi El-Hol inscriptions", found in Middle Egypt by John and Deborah Darnell. The Wadi El-Hol inscriptions strongly suggest a date of development of Proto-Sinaitic writing from the mid-19th to 18th centuries BC. Epigraphy Serabit inscriptions The Sinai inscriptions are best known from carved graffiti and votive texts from a mountain in the Sinai called Serabit el-Khadim and its temple to the Egyptian goddess Hathor (). The mountain contained turquoise mines which were visited by repeated expeditions over 800 years. Many of the workers and officials were from the Nile Delta, and included large numbers of Canaanites (i.e. speakers of an early form of Northwest Semitic ancestral to the Canaanite languages of the Late Bronze Age) who had been allowed to settle the eastern Delta. Most of the forty or so inscriptions have been found among much more numerous hieratic and hieroglyphic inscriptions, scratched on rocks near and in the turquoise mines and along the roads leading to the temple. The date of the inscriptions is mostly placed in the 17th or 16th century BC. Four inscriptions have been found in the temple, on two small human statues and on either side of a small stone sphinx. They are crudely done, suggesting that the workers who made them were illiterate apart from this script. In 1916, Alan Gardiner, using sound values derived from the alphabet hypothesis, translated a collection of signs as לבעלת (to the Lady) Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions Only a few inscriptions have been found in Canaan itself, dated to between the 17th and 15th centuries BC. They are all very short, most consisting of only a couple of letters, and may have been written by Canaanite caravaners, soldiers from Egypt or early Israelites. They sometimes go by the name Proto-Canaanite, although the term "Proto-Canaanite" is also applied to early Phoenician or Hebrew inscriptions, respectively. Wadi el-Hol inscriptions The Wadi el-Hol inscriptions ( Wādī al-Hawl 'Ravine of Terror') were carved on the stone sides of an ancient high-desert military and trade road linking Thebes and Abydos, in the heart of literate Egypt. They have been dated to somewhere between 1900 and 1800 B.C. They are in a wadi in the Qena bend of the Nile, at approx. , among dozens of hieratic and hieroglyphic inscriptions. The inscriptions are graphically very similar to the Serabit inscriptions, but show a greater hieroglyphic influence, such as a glyph for a man that was apparently not read alphabetically: The first of these (h1) is a figure of celebration [Gardiner A28], whereas the second (h2) is either that of a child [Gardiner A17] or of dancing [Gardiner A32]. If the latter, h1 and h2 may be graphic variants (such as two hieroglyphs both used to write the Canaanite word hillul "jubilation") rather than different consonants. A28 A17 A32 Hieroglyphs representing, reading left to right, celebration, a child, and dancing. The first appears to be the prototype for h1, while the latter two have been suggested as the prototype for h2. Some scholars (Darnell et al.) think that the רב rb at the beginning of Inscription 1 is likely rebbe (chief; cognate with rabbi); and that the אל ʾl at the end of Inscription 2 is likely ʾel "god". Brian Colless has published a translation of the text, in which some of the signs are treated as logograms (representing a whole word, not just a single consonant) or rebuses [Antiguo Oriente 8 (2010) 91] [V] "Excellent (r[ʾš]) banquet (mšt) of the celebration (h[illul]) of ʿAnat (ʿnt). ʾEl (ʾl) will provide (ygš) [H] plenty (rb) of wine (wn) and victuals (mn) for the celebration (h[illul]). We will sacrifice (ngṯ) to her (h) an ox (ʾ) and (p) a prime (r[ʾš]) fatling (mX)." This interpretation fits into the pattern in some of the surrounding Egyptian inscriptions, with celebrations for the goddess Hathor involving inebriation. Proto-Canaanite Proto-Canaanite, also referred to as Proto-Canaan, Old Canaanite, or Canaanite, is the name given to the Proto-Sinaitic script (c. 16th century BC), when found in Canaan. The term Proto-Canaanite is also used when referring to the ancestor of the Phoenician or Paleo-Hebrew script, respectively, before some cut-off date, typically 1050 BC, with an undefined affinity to Proto-Sinaitic. While no extant inscription in the Phoenician alphabet is older than c. 1050 BC, "Proto-Canaanite" is a term used for the early alphabets as used during the 13th and 12th centuries BC in Phoenicia. However, the Phoenician, Hebrew, and other Canaanite dialects were largely indistinguishable before the 11th century BC. A possible example of "Proto-Canaanite" was found in 2012, the Ophel inscription, was found on a pottery storage jar during the excavations of the south wall of the Temple Mount by the Israeli archaeologist Eilat Mazar in Jerusalem. Inscribed on the pot are some big letters about an inch high, of which only five are complete, and traces of perhaps three additional letters written in Proto-Canaanite script. History The letters of the earliest script used for Semitic languages have been shown to be derived from Egyptian hieroglyphs. In the 19th century, the theory of Egyptian origin competed alongside other theories that the Phoenician script developed from Akkadian cuneiform, Cretan hieroglyphs, the Cypriot syllabary, and Anatolian hieroglyphs. Then the Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions were studied by Alan Gardiner who identified the word "Lady" occurring several times in inscriptions, and also attempted to decipher other words. William Albright in the 1950s and 1960s published interpretations of Proto-Sinaitic as the key to show the derivation of the Canaanite alphabet from hieratic, leading to the commonly accepted belief that the language of the inscriptions was Semitic and that the script had a hieratic prototype. The Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions, along with the contemporary parallels found in Canaan and Wadi el-Hol, are thus hypothesized to show an intermediate step between Egyptian Hieratic and the Phoenician alphabet. Brian Colless (2014) notes that 18 of the 22 letters of the Phoenician alphabet have counterparts in the Byblos syllabary, and it seems that the proto-alphabet evolved as a simplification of the syllabary, moving from syllabic to consonantal writing, in the style of the Egyptian script (which did not normally indicate vowels); this goes against the Goldwasser hypothesis (2010) that the original alphabet was invented by miners in Sinai. According to the "alphabet theory", the early Semitic proto-alphabet reflected in the Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions would have given rise to both the Ancient South Arabian script and the Proto-Canaanite alphabet by the time of the Late Bronze Age collapse (1200–1150 BCE). Albright hypothesized that only the graphic form of the Proto-Sinaitic characters derive from Egyptian hieroglyphs, because they were given the sound value of the first consonant of the Semitic translation of the hieroglyph (many hieroglyphs had already been used acrophonically in Egyptian). For example, the hieroglyph for pr "house" (a rectangle partially open along one side, "O1" in Gardiner's sign list) was adopted to write Semitic , after the first consonant of baytu, the Semitic word for "house". According to the alphabet hypothesis, the shapes of the letters would have evolved from Proto-Sinaitic forms into Phoenician forms, but most of the names of the letters would have remained the same. Synopsis Below is a table synoptically showing selected Proto-Sinaitic signs and the proposed correspondences with Phoenician letters. Also shown are the sound values, names, and descendants of the Phoenician letters. The Other section shows the corresponding Archaic Greek, Modern Greek, Etruscan, and Latin letters. See also Abjad Ancient Hebrew writings Byblos syllabary Ugaritic alphabet References Further reading Albright, Wm. F. (1966) The Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions and their Decipherment I. Biggs, M. Dijkstra, Corpus of Proto-sinaitic Inscriptions, Alter Orient und Altes Testament, Neukirchener Verlag, 1990. Colless, Brian E., "The Byblos Syllabary and the Proto-alphabet", Abr-Nahrain / Ancient Near Eastern Studies 30 (1992) 15–62. Colless, Brian E., "The Origin of the Alphabet: An Examination of the Goldwasser Hypothesis", Antiguo Oriente 12 (2014) 71-104. Stefan Jakob Wimmer / Samaher Wimmer-Dweikat: The Alphabet from Wadi el-Hôl – A First Try, in: Göttinger Miszellen. Beiträge zur ägyptologischen Diskussion, Heft 180, Göttingen 2001, p. 107–111 Hamilton, Gordon J, The origins of the West Semitic alphabet in Egyptian scripts (2006) Fellman, Bruce (2000) "The Birthplace of the ABCs." Yale Alumni Magazine, December 2000. Goldwasser, Orly, How the Alphabet Was Born from Hieroglyphs Biblical Archaeology Review 36:02, Mar/Apr 2010. Millard, A. R. (1986) "The Infancy of the Alphabet" World Archaeology. pp. 390–398. Ray, John D. (1986) "The Emergence of Writing in Egypt" Early Writing Systems; 17/3 pp. 307–316. B. Benjamin Sass (West Semitic Alphabets) – In 1988 a very important doctoral dissertation was completed at Tel Aviv University, *Benjamin Sass, The Genesis of the Alphabet and its Development in the Second Millennium BC, Ägypten und Altes Testament 13, Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1988. Simons, F., "Proto-Sinaitic – Progenitor of the Alphabet" Rosetta 9 (2011), 16–40. External links Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions ( Proto-Sinaitic - 18th-14th cent. B.C., Mnamon Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean Escritura Proto-sinaítica (in Spanish), Promotora Española de Lingüística (Proel). Wadi el-Hol USC West Semitic Research Project site on Wadi el-Hol, with photos Yale news article on Wadi el-Hol from 2000 Dec Archeology article on Wadi el-Hol from 2000 Jan New York Times article on Wadi el-Hol from 1999 Nov BBC article on Wadi el-Hol from 1999 Nov Category:19th-century BC establishments Category:1904 archaeological discoveries Category:2nd millennium BC in Egypt Category:Abjad writing systems Category:Bronze Age writing systems Category:Canaanite writing systems Category:Canaanite languages Category:Middle Kingdom of Egypt Category:Scripts not encoded in Unicode Category:Semitic writing systems Category:Sinai Peninsula Category:Undeciphered writing systems
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: How to implement a DLNA UPNP control point in Xcode 4.6.3? Title says it all. How do I start? I thought I can get help from Linn (, but I can not find any link to their source code. A: If you want to use Linn's code you'll have to register as a developer with them. See the bottom of the Developer Programme page for details. Recent and all future Linn UI products will replace their OSS UPnP stack with ohNet however so you'd be better using that. ohNet is available as open source and is liberally licensed so suitable for inclusion in open or closed, commercial projects. It is written in C++ with the option of C bindings for its public APIs so will be much easier to deploy on Mac/iOS than the OSS stack which is written in C#. This would however leave you needing to port their C# app to Objective C... Disclaimer: I contribute to ohNet so may not be considered entirely unbiased.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Watch Tim Tebow Give Pep Talk to Wichita State Basketball Team The world’s most famous backup quarterback has offered up some words of encouragement for the Wichita State basketball team as it prepares for the Sweet 16. Tim Tebow was on a plane that was refueling in Wichita last Sunday when the Shockers’ bus happened to pull in after the team returned from Salt Lake City, Utah where it defeated Pittsburgh and top-seeded Gonzaga to advance to the Sweet 16. A rep for the former Heisman Trophy winner asked Shockers head coach Gregg Marshall if Tebow could give a pep talk to the team. The next thing you know phones are out recording Tebow’s words of wisdom to the team: This you will remember for the rest of your lives….You will never forget it, guys…. These are the special times of your lives, regardless of what you do in the future. So, I just want to say congrats. You are an inspiration to so many people.” Imagine how pumped up the team would’ve been if they had gotten a speech from someone who actually plays in games in the sport in which they compete. The Shockers will face La Salle Thursday night in Los Angeles with a berth in the Elite Eight on the line.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
The efficacy of trimetazidine on stable angina pectoris: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the efficacy of trimetazidine in combination with other anti-anginal drugs versus other anti-anginal drugs in the treatment of stable angina pectoris (SAP). Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in English and Chinese were retrieved from computerized databases: Embase, PubMed, and CNKI. Primary outcomes consist of clinical parameters (numbers of weekly angina attacks and nitroglycerin use) and ergometric parameters (time to 1mm ST-segment depression, and total work (in Mets) and exercise duration (in seconds) at peak exercise) in stable angina pectoris treated by trimetazidine or not. The quality of studies was evaluated using Jadad score. Data analysis of 13 studies was performed using Stata 12.0 software. Results showed that treatment of trimetazidine and other anti-anginal drugs was associated with a smaller weekly mean number of angina attacks (WMD=-0.95, 95%CI: -1.30 to -0.61, Z=5.39, P<0.001), fewer weekly nitroglycerin use (WMD=-0.98, 95%CI: -1.44 to -0.52, Z=4.19, P<0.001), longer time to 1mm ST-segment depression (WMD=0.30, 95%CI: 0.17 to 0.43, Z=4.46, P<0.001), higher total work (WMD=0.82, 95%CI: 0.44 to 1.20, Z=4.22, P<0.001) and longer exercise duration at peak exercise (WMD=49.81, 95%CI: 15.04 to 84.57, Z=6.38, P<0.001) than treatment of other anti-anginal drugs for stable angina pectoris. Sensitivity analysis was performed. Sub-group analysis showed that treatment duration was not a significant moderator and patients treated within 8 weeks and above 12 weeks had no difference in the outcomes addressed in this meta-analysis. No publish bias was detected. This meta-analysis confirms the efficacy of trimetazidine in the treatment of stable angina pectoris, in comparison with conventional antianginal agents, regardless of treatment duration.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Why do I get "/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/local/cuda/lib64/ is not a symbolic link"? After installing CUDA toolkit and cuDNN successfully without any issues, whenever I do : sudo ldconfig I get the : /sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/local/cuda/lib64/ is not a symbolic link error message. what is the reason and how can I resolve this? By the way, I have installed cuDNN like this : # cuDNN, extracts to a folder named cuda tar xvf cudnn*.tgz cd cuda sudo cp lib64/* /usr/local/cuda/lib64 sudo cp include/* /usr/local/cuda/include The output of ls -lha libcudnn* in /usr/local/cuda/lib64 is as follows: breeze@breeze:/usr/local/cuda/lib64$ ls -lha libcudnn* -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 275M آوریل 15 12:03 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 275M آوریل 15 12:03 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 275M آوریل 15 12:03 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 268M آوریل 15 12:03 libcudnn_static.a A: Thanks to dear God I found the solution using this link. This may happen when you run sudo ldconfig after copying cuDNN files. After installing cuDNN, copying the extracted files to /usr/lib/cuda/lib64 and creating the symlinks, things may go wrong with the symlinks. So go to /usr/local/cuda/lib64/ and run ls -lha libcudnn*. You should see two symlinks (bold teal) and one single file. Something like this: /usr/local/cuda/lib64$ ls -lha libcudnn* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Dez 25 23:56 -> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Dez 25 23:55 -> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 76M Dez 25 23:27 The exact version of maybe be a little different for you (maybe In that case, adapt the code accordingly If and are not symlinks then this is the reason why you got this error. If so, this is what you need to do: /usr/local/cuda/lib64$ sudo rm /usr/local/cuda/lib64$ sudo rm /usr/local/cuda/lib64$ sudo ln /usr/local/cuda/lib64$ sudo ln Run sudo ldconfig again and there should be no errors After running the ls -lha libcudnn* in /usr/local/cuda/lib64 and seeing : breeze@breeze:/usr/local/cuda/lib64$ ls -lha libcudnn* -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 275M آوریل 15 12:03 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 275M آوریل 15 12:03 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 275M آوریل 15 12:03 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 268M آوریل 15 12:03 libcudnn_static.a I had to do : breeze@breeze:/usr/local/cuda/lib64$ sudo rm [sudo] password for breeze: breeze@breeze:/usr/local/cuda/lib64$ sudo rm breeze@breeze:/usr/local/cuda/lib64$ sudo ln breeze@breeze:/usr/local/cuda/lib64$ sudo ln breeze@breeze:/usr/local/cuda/lib64$ sudo ldconfig And everything is back to normal:) A: Check wxf:/usr/local/cuda/lib64$ ls -al* ... ... -rwxr-xr-x 3 root root 302770160 Jan 27 14:30 NO link -rwxr-xr-x 3 root root 302770160 Jan 27 14:30 NO link -rwxr-xr-x 3 root root 302770160 Jan 27 14:30 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 349141232 Jan 27 14:30 ... ... No link -> (check all links: sudo ldconfig -v) Because (cudnn downloaded from nvidia has symbolic link) wxf:~/cudnn/cuda/lib64$ ls -al total 974632 drwxrwxr-x 2 wxf wxf 4096 Jan 19 19:50 . drwxrwxr-x 4 wxf wxf 4096 Jan 19 19:50 .. lrwxrwxrwx 1 wxf wxf 13 Dec 12 01:58 -> lrwxrwxrwx 1 wxf wxf 17 Dec 12 01:58 -> -rwxrwxr-x 1 wxf wxf 302770160 Sep 21 01:36 -rwxrwxr-x 1 wxf wxf 349141232 Dec 12 01:30 -rw-rw-r-- 1 wxf wxf 346085818 Dec 12 01:30 libcudnn_static.a When we copy, we lost symbolic info. Go to /usr/local/cuda/lib64 sudo ln -sf sudo ln -sf Now, wxf:/usr/local/cuda/lib64$ ls -al* ... ... lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Jan 27 14:43 -> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Jan 27 14:43 -> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 302770160 Jan 27 14:30 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 349141232 Jan 27 14:30 ...
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
Case: 12-11197 Date Filed: 11/13/2012 Page: 1 of 3 [DO NOT PUBLISH] IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE ELEVENTH CIRCUIT ________________________ No. 12-11197 Non-Argument Calendar ________________________ D.C. Docket No. 3:05-cv-01267-MMH-JRK JACKSONVILLE PROPERTY RIGHTS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida non-profit corporation, HORTON ENTERPRISES, INC., a Florida corporation, d.b.a. The New Solid Gold, HARTSOCK ENTERPRISES, INC., a Florida corporation, d.b.a. Doll House, llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Plaintiffs - Appellants, E.M.R.O. CORPORATION, INC., etc., et al., lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Plaintiffs, versus CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation, llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Defendant - Appellee. Case: 12-11197 Date Filed: 11/13/2012 Page: 2 of 3 ________________________ Appeal from the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida ________________________ (November 13, 2012) Before TJOFLAT, MARCUS and KRAVITCH, Circuit Judges. PER CURIAM: In Jacksonville Property Rights Ass'n, Inc. v. City of Jacksonville, 635 F.3d 1266, 1277 (11th Cir. 2011), we dismissed the parties' appeals, vacated the District Court’s judgment, and remanded the case to the District Court “with instructions to dismiss this action.” Following the issuance of our mandate, appellants moved the District Court for leave to amend their complaint and for other relief. The District Court, following the mandate rule, see Piambino v. Bailey, 757 F.2d 1112, 1120 (11th Cir. 1985), dismissed the case1, “reserv[ing] jurisdiction to consider any timely filed motions for attorneys’ fees and costs.” Appellants now appeal the District Court’s ruling. The District Court did precisely what our mandate instructed it to do, i.e., dismiss the action. We accordingly affirm. 1 We construe the dismissal to be without prejudice, since the basis for our disposition of the parties’ appeals was that the case was moot. 2 Case: 12-11197 Date Filed: 11/13/2012 Page: 3 of 3 AFFIRMED. 3
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Document compiling when compiling with macos and overleaf, but fails when compiling with linux based system I am unable to compile a quiz document specifically only on linux machines. 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\c@Gm@tempcnt=\count133 \Gm@bindingoffset=\dimen107 \Gm@wd@mp=\dimen108 \Gm@odd@mp=\dimen109 \Gm@even@mp=\dimen110 \Gm@layoutwidth=\dimen111 \Gm@layoutheight=\dimen112 \Gm@layouthoffset=\dimen113 \Gm@layoutvoffset=\dimen114 \Gm@dimlist=\toks25 ) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsmath/amsmath.sty Package: amsmath 2017/09/02 v2.17a AMS math features \@mathmargin=\skip68 For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsmath/amstext.sty Package: amstext 2000/06/29 v2.01 AMS text (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsmath/amsgen.sty File: amsgen.sty 1999/11/30 v2.0 generic functions \@emptytoks=\toks26 \ex@=\dimen115 )) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsmath/amsbsy.sty Package: amsbsy 1999/11/29 v1.2d Bold Symbols \pmbraise@=\dimen116 ) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsmath/amsopn.sty Package: amsopn 2016/03/08 v2.02 operator names ) \inf@bad=\count134 LaTeX Info: Redefining \frac on input line 213. \uproot@=\count135 \leftroot@=\count136 LaTeX Info: Redefining \overline on input line 375. \classnum@=\count137 \DOTSCASE@=\count138 LaTeX Info: Redefining \ldots on input line 472. LaTeX Info: Redefining \dots on input line 475. LaTeX Info: Redefining \cdots on input line 596. \Mathstrutbox@=\box27 \strutbox@=\box28 \big@size=\dimen117 LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring font encoding OML on input line 712. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring font encoding OMS on input line 713. \macc@depth=\count139 \c@MaxMatrixCols=\count140 \dotsspace@=\muskip10 \c@parentequation=\count141 \dspbrk@lvl=\count142 \tag@help=\toks27 \row@=\count143 \column@=\count144 \maxfields@=\count145 \andhelp@=\toks28 \eqnshift@=\dimen118 \alignsep@=\dimen119 \tagshift@=\dimen120 \tagwidth@=\dimen121 \totwidth@=\dimen122 \lineht@=\dimen123 \@envbody=\toks29 \multlinegap=\skip69 \multlinetaggap=\skip70 \mathdisplay@stack=\toks30 LaTeX Info: Redefining \[ on input line 2817. LaTeX Info: Redefining \] on input line 2818. ) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/graphicx.sty Package: graphicx 2017/06/01 v1.1a Enhanced LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/graphics.sty Package: graphics 2017/06/25 v1.2c Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/trig.sty Package: trig 2016/01/03 v1.10 sin cos tan (DPC) ) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics-cfg/graphics.cfg File: graphics.cfg 2016/06/04 v1.11 sample graphics configuration ) Package graphics Info: Driver file: dvips.def on input line 99. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics-def/dvips.def File: dvips.def 2017/06/20 v3.1d Graphics/color driver for dvips )) \Gin@req@height=\dimen124 \Gin@req@width=\dimen125 ) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/paralist/paralist.sty Package: paralist 2017/01/22 v2.7 Extended list environments \pltopsep=\skip71 \plpartopsep=\skip72 \plitemsep=\skip73 \plparsep=\skip74 \pl@lab=\toks31 ) ! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H <return> for immediate help. ... l.15 \setlength\FrameSep{4pt} ? X Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 3770 strings out of 492983 50639 string characters out of 6134921 140557 words of memory out of 5000000 7327 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 4403 words of font info for 15 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000 1141 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 29i,0n,32p,335b,37s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s No pages of output. I am new to LaTeX so please help me here. A: Well you did not add in your given code that you are using class exam. So I added \documentclass{exam} in the following MWE. If you are using special, for the issue relevant options for class exam please add them to your question. Compiling then returns the error ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \FrameSep l.17 \setlength\FrameSep{4pt} That means you missed to call package framed in your preamble with \usepackage{framed} The following complete MWE \documentclass{exam} % <================================================ %% Language and font encodings \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %% Sets page size and margins \usepackage[a4paper,margin=1cm]{geometry} %% Useful packages \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{paralist} \usepackage{framed} % <================================================= \setlength\FrameSep{4pt} \begin{document} \vspace{5mm} \begin{center} \fbox{\fbox{\parbox{2in}{\centering Quiz 1}}} \vspace{5mm} \makebox[\textwidth]{Name:\enspace\hrulefill} \vspace{5mm} \makebox[\textwidth]{Section:\enspace\hrulefill} %questions being here \begin{questions} \question[2]{Sample Question} \begin{framed} \begin{compactenum}[a.] \item option 1. \item Option 2. \item option 3. \item none of the above. \end{compactenum} \end{framed} \end{questions} \end{center} \end{document} results in
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
/* Fury, version 0.18.9. Copyright 2018-20 Jon Pretty, Propensive OÜ. The primary distribution site is: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package fury.test import probably._ import fury.core._ object RemoteNameTest extends Suite() { def run(test: Runner): Unit = { test("Simplified form of HTTPS remote") { Remote("").simplified }.assert(_ == "gh:propensive/fury") test("Simplified form of SSH remote") { Remote("[email protected]:propensive/fury.git").simplified }.assert(_ == "gh:propensive/fury") test("SSH address for a HTTPS remote") { Remote("").ssh }.assert(_ == Some("[email protected]:propensive/fury.git")) test("HTTPS address for a SSH remote") { Remote("[email protected]:propensive/fury.git").https }.assert(_ == Some("")) } }
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Database design issue : Multiple types of users I am designing a database that has multiple types of users, i.e. Administrators, Editors, Teachers and Students. Now all these users have some common fields (CF) and some unique fields (UF) associated to them. I was wondering if this is a good design? Table Users: [user_id (PK), CF1, CF2,..., CFN, user_type (enum)] Table Admin: [id (PK), UF_A1, UF_A2, ... , U_AN, user_id(FK)] Table Editors: [id (PK), UF_E1, UF_E2, ... , U_EN, user_id(FK)] Table Teachers: [id (PK), UF_T1, UF_T2, ... , U_TN, user_id(FK)] Table Students: [id (PK), UF_S1, UF_S2, ... , U_SN, user_id(FK)] where UF_A, UF_E, UF_T and UF_S are unique fields for each of the respective tables. Now my questions are: Is this a good design? If not, how will you design it? How do I ensure that a user of user_type teacher is not stores in students table for example? PS: Some more points if they might help in getting a better insight: The database will be used with codeigniter. Examples of CF are: username, password, email, profile picture Examples of unique fields are: Students(age, enrollment number), Teacher (univ. name, univ. logo, academic degree) A: Your design (Users.user_type) implies that a particular person can be an Admin, or that person can be an Editor, but can't be both. It also implies that teachers can't be editors. Is that what you intended? The columns Admin.user_id, Editors.user_id, Teachers.user_id, Students.user_id are usually primary keys in the kind of structure you're describing. If CodeIgniter won't let you make them primary keys, you still need to declare them unique. Examples of unique fields are . . . Teacher (univ. name, univ. logo, academic degree) That's probably not true. How do I ensure that a user of user_type teacher is not stores in students table for example? With overlapping constraints, default values, check constraints, and foreign key references. It's easier than it sounds. See this SO answer. But I'm not convinced you really want to do this.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Details ITEM#: 12260382 Radio telescopes as well as communication antennas operate under the influence of gravity, temperature and wind. Among those, temperature influences may degrade the performance of a radio telescope through transient changes of the focus, pointing, path length and sensitivity, often in an unpredictable way. Thermal Design and Thermal Behaviour of Radio Telescopes and their Enclosures reviews the design and construction principles of radio telescopes in view of thermal aspects and heat transfer with the variable thermal environment; it explains supporting thermal model calculations and the application and efficiency of thermal protection and temperature control; it presents many measurements illustrating the thermal behaviour of telescopes in the environment of their observatory sites. The book benefits scientists and radio/communication engineers, telescope designers and construction firms as well as telescope operators, observatory staff, but also the observing astronomer who is directly confronted with the thermal behaviour of a telescope.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Converting uppercase to lowercase with hyphen I'm processing some CSS code using Python, since they came from a JSON file (JSON doesn't accept hyphens) they have a particular notation eg.. font-size = fontSize, I'd like to convert every uppercases letter and put them back in the right CSS format inserting a hyphen right before the uppercase. string = 'borderRadius: 0px, zIndex: 2, transform: translate(170px, 195px) skew(-30deg, 0deg), fontSize:30px' def getIndices(string): // get position of each capital letters. index = [i for i, c in enumerate(string) if c.isupper()] // code below would be inserted here. // insert hyphen right before the upperscase for i in index: string = string[:i] + '-' + string[i:] // once done, set string to lowercase since there are no uppercases in CSS properties string = string.lower() return string getIndices(string) The issue is that each time a hyphen is insered, the position of capital letters becomes off hence the insertion are off too. I thought about enumarting the index and increasing each int in list by their index number, but I'm probably doing something not quite right. ... index = [25, 35, 58] for i, value in enumerate(index): value = value + (i) index[i] = value Any suggestion would be helpful! A: If I got it right, this is one way of doing it for c in my_string: print c if c.isupper(): my_string = my_string.replace(c,"-%s" % c.lower()) print my_string # will print fontSize = font-size
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: How to execute shell command and stream output with Python and Flask upon HTTP request? Following this post, I am able to tail -f a log file to a webpage: from gevent import sleep from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer import flask import subprocess app = flask.Flask(__name__) @app.route('/yield') def index(): def inner(): proc = subprocess.Popen( ['tail -f ./log'], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline,''): sleep(0.1) yield line.rstrip() + '<br/>\n' return flask.Response(inner(), mimetype='text/html') http_server = WSGIServer(('', 5000), app) http_server.serve_forever() There are two issues in this approach. The tail -f log process will linger after closing the webpage. There will be n tail process after visiting http://localhost:5000/yield n time There can only be 1 client accessing http://localhost:5000/yield at a single time My question(s) is, is it possible to make flask execute a shell command when someone visit a page and terminating the command when client close the page? Like Ctrl+C after tail -f log. If not, what are the alternatives? Why was I only able to have 1 client accessing the page at a time? Note: I am looking into general way of starting/stoping an arbitrary shell command instead of particularly tailing a file A: Here is some code that should do the job. Some notes: You need to detect when the request disconnects, and then terminate the proc. The try/except code below will do that. However, after inner() reaches its end, Python will try to close the socket normally, which will raise an exception (I think it's socket.error, per How to handle a broken pipe (SIGPIPE) in python?). I can't find a way to catch this exception cleanly; e.g., it doesn't work if I explicitly raise StopIteration at the end of inner(), and surround that with a try/except socket.error block. That may be a limitation of Python's exception handling. There may be something else you can do within the generator function to tell flask to abort streaming without trying to close the socket normally, but I haven't found it. Your main thread is blocking during proc.stdout.readline(), and gevent.sleep() comes too late to help. In principle gevent.monkey.patch_all() can patch the standard library so that functions that would normally block the thread will yield control to gevent instead (see However, that doesn't seem to patch proc.stdout.readline(). The code below uses to wait for data to become available on proc.stdout or proc.stderr before yielding the new data. This allows gevent to run other greenlets (e.g., serve other web clients) while waiting. The webserver seems to buffer the first few kB of data being sent to the client, so you may not see anything in your web browser until a number of new lines have been added to ./log. After that, it seems to send new data immediately. Not sure how to get the first part of the request to be sent right away, but it's probably a pretty common problem with streaming servers, so there should be a solution. This isn't a problem with commands that terminate quickly on their own, since their full output will be sent once they terminate. You may also find something useful at . Here's the code: from import select from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer import flask import subprocess app = flask.Flask(__name__) @app.route('/yield') def index(): def inner(): proc = subprocess.Popen( ['tail -f ./log'], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) # pass data until client disconnects, then terminate # see try: awaiting = [proc.stdout, proc.stderr] while awaiting: # wait for output on one or more pipes, or for proc to close a pipe ready, _, _ = select(awaiting, [], []) for pipe in ready: line = pipe.readline() if line: # some output to report print "sending line:", line.replace('\n', '\\n') yield line.rstrip() + '<br/>\n' else: # EOF, pipe was closed by proc awaiting.remove(pipe) if proc.poll() is None: print "process closed stdout and stderr but didn't terminate; terminating now." proc.terminate() except GeneratorExit: # occurs when new output is yielded to a disconnected client print 'client disconnected, killing process' proc.terminate() # wait for proc to finish and get return code ret_code = proc.wait() print "process return code:", ret_code return flask.Response(inner(), mimetype='text/html') http_server = WSGIServer(('', 5000), app) http_server.serve_forever()
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: siunitx: some options must be in preamble, not with S[? This is my question for siunitx users: Is it necessary to specify the input-symbols parameter in the preamble, rather than within S[]? Why do I ask? Here's a table produced by my R function outreg in the package rockchalk. \documentclass[11pt,letterpaper,english]{extarticle} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{dcolumn} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{siunitx} %following now in each table \sisetup{ input-symbols = ( ) } \begin{document} \begin{table} \caption{Still have showAIC argument, as in previous versions}\label{tab:ex5ds} \centering\begin{tabular}{@{}l*{2}S[input-symbols = ( ), group-digits = false, table-format = 3.3, table-number-alignment = center, table-space-text-pre = (, table-space-text-post = {***}, table-align-text-pre = false, table-align-text-post = false, parse-units = false]@{}} \hline & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Whichever}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{Whatever}\tabularnewline & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Estimate}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{Estimate}\tabularnewline & \multicolumn{1}{c}{(S.E.)}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{(S.E.)}\tabularnewline \hline \hline (Intercept) &403.245*** &29.774*** \tabularnewline & (0.618) & (0.522)\tabularnewline x1 &1.546*& \multicolumn{1}{c}{\phantom{000}.} \tabularnewline & (0.692) & \tabularnewline x2 & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\phantom{000}.} &3.413** \tabularnewline & & (0.512)\tabularnewline \hline N& \multicolumn{1}{c}{100}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{100} \tabularnewline RMSE &6.121 &5.205 \tabularnewline $R^2$ &0.048 &0.312 \tabularnewline adj $R^2$ &0.039 &0.305 \tabularnewline AIC &617.694 &617.694\tabularnewline \hline \hline \multicolumn{3}{l}{${* p}\le 0.05$${*\!\!* p}\le 0.01$${*\!\!*\!\!* p}\le 0.001$}\tabularnewline \end{tabular} \end{table} \end{document} Thanks to the help of members in this group, the output is mostly adequate, IMHO. I cannot know ahead of time how many digits might be used, so I don't rely on table-format to tighten down the alignment. That's why I've got the nagging problems about centering of different sections of table. But this is, honestly, much better than I had before. I'm asking now about the preamble and sisetup. I want the table markup to be as close to portable as possible, not depending on any preamble details. I wanted to eliminate entirely the use of sisetup, but if I remove that from this example, it does not compile because the parentheses are not understandable to the compiler: ! siunitx error: "invalid-number" ! ! Invalid numerical input '(0.618)'. ! ! See the siunitx documentation for further information. Is the preamble sisetup the only correction? A: Your syntax of the tabular preamble is faulty. You are using *{2}S[...] But you should put braces around the second argument so that the optional argument of S is processed too: \documentclass[11pt,letterpaper,english]{extarticle} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{dcolumn} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{siunitx} %following now in each table \sisetup{ % input-symbols = ( ) } \begin{document} \begin{table} \caption{Still have showAIC argument, as in previous versions}\label{tab:ex5ds} \centering\begin{tabular}{@{}l*{2}{S[ input-symbols = ( ), group-digits = false, table-format = 3.3, table-number-alignment = center, table-space-text-pre = (, table-space-text-post = {***}, table-align-text-pre = false, table-align-text-post = false, parse-units = false ]}@{}} & (0.618) & (0.522)\tabularnewline \end{tabular} \end{table} \end{document}
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: JavaFX custom control - editable label I have a few custom components, some bigger ones and some smaller ones. I'd like to know if the structure is correct. As in: Is the code to do x in the right places. For starters, I'd just like to show a very small one, take your feedback and adjust my other components accordingly. It can be found here. Before you click on the GitHub repo and have a look at it: It's just very small adjustments made to TextField to make it feel like an editable label. I know that there is a lot more missing to make it a true editable label, but for that I'd have to extend a base class closer to control itself. This question is purely regarding the custom component structure in general + this implementation of EditableLabel fits all that I need it to do, that's why I chose to not go deeper into the rabbit hole with that. Did I structure the methods and functionality into the correct classes (control, skin, behavior)? What could I have done better there? Should I do more comments? Could you give me an example (or more)? Are there any monstrously wrong implementations in there? Are there smaller mistakes in the implementations? package com.github.rjwestman.editableLabel; import*; import javafx.scene.control.Skin; import javafx.scene.control.TextField; import; /** * A TextField, that implements some Label functionality * * It acts as a Label, by removing the TextField style and making it non-editable. * It is also not focus traversable. * * When clicking on it, it will switch to editable mode * Changing focus away from the EditableLabel or pressing ENTER will save the changes made and deactivate editable mode. * When pressing ESC it will exit editable mode without saving the changes made. * * @sa EditableLabelSkin, EditableLabelBehavior */ public class EditableLabel extends TextField { /************************************************************************ * * * * * \defgroup Constructors * * Constructors and helper methods for constructors * * * * @{ * ***********************************************************************/ public EditableLabel() { this(""); } public EditableLabel(String text) { super(text); getStyleClass().setAll("editable-label"); init(); } private void init() { editableClicks = new SimpleIntegerProperty(1); baseText = new SimpleStringProperty(getText()); setFocusTraversable(false); setEditable(false); } /************************************************************************ * @} * * * * \defgroup Properties * * Declaration, getters and setters for the properties of this control * * * * @{ * ***********************************************************************/ /** * Clicks needed to enter editable-mode */ private IntegerProperty editableClicks; public int getEditableClicks() { return editableClicks.get(); } public IntegerProperty editableClicksProperty() { return editableClicks; } public void setEditableClicks(int editableClicks) { this.editableClicks.set(editableClicks); } /** * This saves the text that is to be displayed * * Since we can't override the final set/get methods of the super class, we need to use this * to set the text that is to be displayed. * Since the displayed text can be a truncated base text we need to save the base in it's own property. */ private StringProperty baseText; public String getBaseText() { return baseText.get(); } public StringProperty baseTextProperty() { return baseText; } public void setBaseText(String baseText) { this.baseText.set(baseText); } /************************************************************************ * @} * * * * \defgroup Methods * * * * @{ * ***********************************************************************/ @Override protected Skin<?> createDefaultSkin() { return new EditableLabelSkin(this); } /************************************************************************ * @} * * * * \defgroup StylesheetRelated * * * * @{ * ***********************************************************************/ @Override public String getUserAgentStylesheet() { URL pathToCSS = EditableLabel.class.getResource("editablelabel.css"); if ( pathToCSS != null ) { return pathToCSS.toExternalForm(); } else { System.err.println("CSS file for EditableLabel could not be found."); return null; } } /** @} */ } package com.github.rjwestman.editableLabel; import; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.collections.SetChangeListener; import javafx.css.PseudoClass; import javafx.scene.text.Text; /** * The Skin Class for EditableLabel * * @sa EditableLabel, EditableLabelBehavior */ public class EditableLabelSkin extends TextFieldSkin { private EditableLabel editableLabel; private Boolean editableState; /************************************************************************ * * * * * \defgroup Constructors * * Constructors and helper methods for constructors * * * * @{ * ***********************************************************************/ public EditableLabelSkin(final EditableLabel editableLabel) { this(editableLabel, new EditableLabelBehavior(editableLabel)); } public EditableLabelSkin(final EditableLabel editableLabel, final EditableLabelBehavior editableLabelBehavior) { super(editableLabel, editableLabelBehavior); this.editableLabel = editableLabel; init(); } private void init() { editableState = false; Platform.runLater(this::updateVisibleText); // Register listeners and binds editableLabel.getPseudoClassStates().addListener( (SetChangeListener<PseudoClass>) e -> { if (e.getSet().contains(PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("editable"))) { if ( !editableState ) { // editableState change to editable editableState = true; updateVisibleText(); } } else { if ( editableState ) { // editableState change to not editable editableState = false; updateVisibleText(); } } }); editableLabel.widthProperty().addListener( observable -> updateVisibleText() ); editableLabel.baseTextProperty().addListener( observable -> updateVisibleText() ); } /************************************************************************ * @} * * * * \defgroup ControlStateChanges * * Handles visual changes on state change that are not or cannot be * * handled via css * * * * @{ * ***********************************************************************/ /** * Updates the visual text using the baseText */ private void updateVisibleText() { String baseText = editableLabel.getBaseText(); if ( !editableState ) { editableLabel.setText(calculateClipString(baseText)); } else { editableLabel.setText(baseText); editableLabel.positionCaret(baseText.length()); } } /** * Truncates text to fit into the EditableLabel * * @param text The text that needs to be truncated * @return The truncated text with an appended "..." */ private String calculateClipString(String text) { double labelWidth = editableLabel.getWidth(); Text layoutText = new Text(text); layoutText.setFont(editableLabel.getFont()); if ( layoutText.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() < labelWidth ) { return text; } else { layoutText.setText(text+"..."); while ( layoutText.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() > labelWidth ) { text = text.substring(0, text.length()-1); layoutText.setText(text+"..."); } return text+"..."; } } /************************************************************************ * @} * * * * \defgroup SkinLayout * * Lays out the elements of the control * * (e.g. calculating and setting sizes and bounds or changing number * * of grid rows and columns) * * * * @{ * ***********************************************************************/ /** @} */ } package com.github.rjwestman.editableLabel; import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.TextFieldBehavior; import javafx.css.PseudoClass; import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent; import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent; /** * The Behavior Class for EditableLabel * * @sa EditableLabel, EditableLabelSkin */ public class EditableLabelBehavior extends TextFieldBehavior { private EditableLabel editableLabel; private Boolean focusTraversable; /************************************************************************ * * * \defgroup Constructors * * Constructors and helper methods for constructors * * * * @{ * ***********************************************************************/ public EditableLabelBehavior(final EditableLabel editableLabel) { super(editableLabel); this.editableLabel = editableLabel; init(); } private void init() { focusTraversable = false; // Register listeners and events editableLabel.setOnMouseClicked(this::handleMouseClicked); editableLabel.setOnKeyPressed(this::handleKeyPressed); editableLabel.focusedProperty().addListener( (observable, oldValue, newValue) -> handleFocusChange(newValue)); editableLabel.focusTraversableProperty().addListener( (observable, oldValue, newValue) -> handleFocusTraversableChange(newValue)); } /************************************************************************ * @} * * * * \defgroup BehaviorMethods * * * * @{ * ***********************************************************************/ private void handleKeyPressed(KeyEvent event) { switch ( event.getCode() ) { case ENTER: editableLabel.setBaseText(editableLabel.getText()); exitEditableMode(); break; case ESCAPE: exitEditableMode(); break; } } private void handleMouseClicked(MouseEvent event) { if ( event.getClickCount() == editableLabel.getEditableClicks() && !this.isEditing()) { enterEditableMode(); } } private void handleFocusChange(Boolean newValue) { if ( !newValue ) { // Save changes and exit editable mode editableLabel.setBaseText(editableLabel.getText()); exitEditableMode(); } else if ( focusTraversable ){ enterEditableMode(); } } private void handleFocusTraversableChange(Boolean newValue) { focusTraversable = newValue; } private void enterEditableMode() { editableLabel.setEditable(true); editableLabel.deselect(); editableLabel.pseudoClassStateChanged(PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("editable"), true); } private void exitEditableMode() { editableLabel.setEditable(false); editableLabel.deselect(); editableLabel.pseudoClassStateChanged(PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("editable"), false); } /** @} */ } editablelabel.css .editable-label:editable { -fx-background-color: rgba(0, 191, 255, 0.2); } A: Comments and Javadoc I really like your Javadoc and this is something I rarely say/see. It's clear to the point and does not feel like it does not belong there. What I don't personally like is think like this : /************************************************************************ * @} * * * * \defgroup StylesheetRelated * * * * @{ * ***********************************************************************/ I guess this is to separate part of the code into logic unit that you can probably either expand/hide with a plugin. The problem I have is it take a lot of place and it "itch" my eyes. The real deal breaker of your comments habit is : // editableState change to not editable editableState = false; The comment is really just repeating what the code is doing. Your code is really good and readable, with clear variable name, I really don't need the comment to understand the piece of code. This is happening a couple of times in your code. While it's not critic, it's taking space and make your class bigger for no real benefit. If you have to use those kind of comments, try to explain why the code is written like that, not what the code is. Every comment should add value. One line method This is not something I like that you're doing. While it's perfectly accepted and will compile just fine, I always feel it sacrifice readability for space. @Override protected Skin<?> createDefaultSkin() { return new EditableLabelSkin(this); } I've read a good deal of code and normally one line code is a variable declaration, a method call, an if declaration or something like that. It's not a method declaration. What it's doing is I'm quickly scanning your classes and I think there is a tons of variables (which would be weird) when in fact it was a method declaration. private StringProperty baseText; public String getBaseText() { return baseText.get(); } public StringProperty baseTextProperty() { return baseText; } public void setBaseText(String baseText) { this.baseText.set(baseText); } I had to look carefully to see that you "packaged" the setter and getter in the same area that you're variable declaration. I'm not used to mixing class variable with methods. Does it imper readability? I would say yes. Would everyone say the same probably not. What I'm used too is something like : public class Example { //variables private Long id; private String name; //methods of the class (no getter/setter) @Override protected Skin<?> createDefaultSkin() { return new EditableLabelSkin(this); } //getter and setter at the end since normally there nothing special public Long getId() { return id; } public void setId(Long id) { = id; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } } This make it easy to see what my class use as internal data, dependencies on others services, etc. Second thing I will read is what I can do with the class. I can quickly see what is the internal function of the class. At the end of the class, I'll have all my setters/getters since most of the times there is nothing special about. I'll probably move up getters and setters with special comportment. Conclusion Your code is really of great quality. Everything I had to say was about presentation rather than the implementation. To be honest, I did not your component to see if everything was correct, but from the look of it it's fine. I think you did a great job, but someone with more experience with JavaFX could comment on the implementation. The only thing I would add is that you could change "editable" to a constant and other String like this ("editablelabel.css" and "editablelabel.css").
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Chinese police have launched a violent tear-gas assault on Tibetan villagers in Qinghai’s Yulshul prefecture, ending a two-month protest against suspected mining operations on local mountains, according to a local source. On July 7, around 100 local Tibetans had gathered at a place called Upper Dechung, where Chinese mining operations were under way, a resident of the area told RFA’s Tibetan Service on Wednesday. “The protesters were willing to put themselves at risk to stop the mining, but the Chinese police were called in to disperse the crowd, using tear gas,” RFA’s source said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Many protesters were left unconscious in the attack, while others were severely beaten by police, RFA’s source said. “Among them was a 70-year-old man called Sogrui Pewang, who had to be rushed to a hospital to be treated for his injuries,” the source said. Fearing further threats from Chinese police forces in the area, around 50 to 60 local residents left that evening to ask provincial authorities for their help and protection, but have not been heard from since, RFA’s source said. “Mining has taken place here off and on, and the Chinese told us about a year ago that they were going to build a road through the area, but the local Tibetans began to suspect that the Chinese were digging not to build a road, but a mine.” The mining at Upper Dechung is not being carried on by the Chinese government, but by local officials with the collaboration of “other persons in the county,” RFA’s source said. “Local people suspect corruption is involved in connection with this joint venture,” he said. Tibet has become an important source of minerals needed for China’s economic growth, and Chinese mining operations in Tibetan areas have led to widespread environmental damage, including the pollution of water sources for livestock and humans and the disruption of sacred sites, experts say. Reported by Lobsang Choephel for RFA’s Tibetan Service. Translated by Dorjee Damdul. Written in English by Richard Finney.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
HELSINKI, Finland — It’s not uncommon for people to refer to a pet personal project as their “baby.” Entrepreneurs are especially prone to use a parenting metaphor to describe their feelings about a fledgling business venture, studies show. But it’s not just random usage. According to a new scientific study, many business owners really do experience the same intense attachment to their company that parents – especially fathers — display for their children. It shows up in the part of their brain linked to emotional processing and reward seeking — the so-called caudate nucleus. Researchers at the University of Helsinki in Finland tested samples of fathers and entrepreneurs using sophisticated MRI imaging techniques that allowed them to detect subtle changes in the brain activity of the two groups. When fathers were shown pictures of their children and entrepreneurs were exposed to images of their company, the neural networks surrounding the caudate nucleus “lit up” in nearly identical fashion, the researchers found. The Finnish team, led by Dr. Marja-Liisa Halko of the department of political and economic studies, also compared the brain imaging responses of fathers and entrepreneurs to children and firms outside their family or immediate circle. The fMRI responses were weaker but still significant and also paralleled each other, suggesting that the experience of fathering and business ownership may reflect a broader affinity and relationship attachment. Not all of the team’s findings were so positive. Like parental love, entrepreneurial “love” can be “blind,” the researchers found. The business owners they tested tended to have a rosier view of their business prospects – and a more naïve view of their market competitors– than their actual circumstances warranted, the team concluded. “While cognitive illusions that appear to be shared in entrepreneurship and fatherhood explain entry into entrepreneurship and persistence of entrepreneurs when they face uncertainties and difficulties, illusions are also often responsible for many flops and non-optimal decisions that are made in the entrepreneurial process,” the researchers noted in a lengthy report on their findings. A few caveats are in order. First, the Finnish team’s sample was exceedingly small, with only 22 participants in each sub-group, none of whom were chosen at random, which calls into question how statistically reliable the findings are. Moreover, among enlistees, the researchers deliberately screened for “growth-oriented” entrepreneurs – all of them men — who may be more likely to attach themselves zealously to their enterprise, confirming the study’s hypothesis. Past studies have pointed to differences in the way men and women approach entrepreneurship. On average, men are more likely to devote long hours to their business; women, by contrast, tend to seek a better balance between their business and family life. “Future research on entrepreneurs’ emotional attachment to their venture could perform an assessment and comparison of neural activations of female and male entrepreneurs,” the researchers acknowledged. The team’s findings were published in the online journal Human Brain Mapping.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Galway based fast food chain Supermac’s are planning to expand their restaurant chain in Australia. The growing number of Irish citizens living in Oz will feel a little closer to home knowing the fast food chain is soon coming. The illegal adoptions organized by the late Dr. Irene Creedon of Monaghan has left some frustrated and angered with the lack of transparency in their origins, while others regard her as a heroine for helping troubled mothers and children. IrishCentral are delighted to announce another winner. Antoinette Leal and her husband, Nery, are excitedly planning her first trip to Ireland having won a free trip through our recent Facebook competition.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Surgical treatment of glossopharyngeal neuralgia via the pharyngeal approach. Idiopathic glossopharyngeal neuralgia is an uncommon disorder which often fails to respond to medical treatment. Surgical treatment most commonly consists of intracranial section of the glossopharyngeal nerve and upper vagal rootlets. We present three cases treated by the much simpler pharyngeal approach and argue that in appropriately selected patients this approach should receive more serious consideration.
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
import 'package:open_git/bean/event_bean.dart'; import 'package:open_git/http/api.dart'; import 'package:open_git/http/http_request.dart'; class EventManager { factory EventManager() => _getInstance(); static EventManager get instance => _getInstance(); static EventManager _instance; EventManager._internal(); static EventManager _getInstance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new EventManager._internal(); } return _instance; } getEventReceived(userName, page) async { String url = Api.getEventReceived(userName) + Api.getPageParams("&", page); final response = await HttpRequest().get(url); if (response != null && response.result) { List<EventBean> list = new List(); if ( != null && > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { var dataItem =[i]; list.add(EventBean.fromJson(dataItem)); } } return list; } return null; } getEvent(userName, page) async { String url = Api.getEvent(userName) + Api.getPageParams("&", page); final response = await HttpRequest().get(url); if (response != null && response.result) { List<EventBean> list = new List(); if ( != null && > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { var dataItem =[i]; list.add(EventBean.fromJson(dataItem)); } } return list; } return null; } getOrgEvent(userName, page) async { String url = Api.getOrgEvent(userName) + Api.getPageParams("&", page); final response = await HttpRequest().get(url); if (response != null && response.result) { List<EventBean> list = new List(); if ( != null && > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { var dataItem =[i]; list.add(EventBean.fromJson(dataItem)); } } return list; } return null; } }
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel salt-inducible gene encoding an acidic isoform of PR-5 protein in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.). We identified a novel salt-inducible soybean gene encoding an acidic-isoform of pathogenesis-related protein group 5 (PR-5 protein). The soybean PR-5-homologous gene, designated as Glycine max osmotin-like protein, acidic isoform (GmOLPa)), encodes a putative polypeptide having an N-terminal signal peptide. The mature GmOLPa protein without the signal peptide has a calculated molecular mass of 21.5 kDa and a pI value of 4.4, and was distinguishable from a known PR-5-homologous gene of soybean (namely P21 protein) through examination of the structural features. A comparison with two intracellular salt-inducible PR-5 proteins, tobacco osmotin and tomato NP24, revealed that GmOLPa did not have a C-terminal extension sequence functioning as a vacuole-targeting motif. The GmOLPa gene was transcribed constitutively in the soybean root and was induced almost exclusively in the root during 24 h of high-salt stress (300 mM NaCl). Interestingly, GmOLPa gene expression in the stem and leaf, not observed until 24 h, was markedly induced at 48 and 72 h after commencement of the high-salt stress. Abscisic acid (ABA) and dehydration also induced expression of the GmOLPa gene in the root; additionally, dehydration slightly induced expression in the stem and leaf. In fact, the 5'-upstream sequence of the GmOLPa gene contained several putative cis-elements known to be involved in responsiveness to ABA and dehydration, e.g. ABA-responsive element (ABRE), MYB/MYC, and low temperature-responsive element (LTRE). These results suggested that GmOLPa may function as a protective PR-5 protein in the extracellular space of the soybean root in response to high-salt stress and dehydration.
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ asammdf version module """ __version__ = "5.23.1"
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10 B Negative Blood Type Facts B Negative Blood Type 1. The Second Rarest Blood Type Negative blood types are actually rarer compared to positive types. The B Negative blood type is one of the rarest and second to AB Negative, being the rarest of the blood types. Being rare, it is extremely important to maintain sufficient supply for this blood type considering that it’s one of the hardest to collect to make sure it is enough. It is only present in 1 out of 67 individuals. This means an approximately 1.5% of the population has a B negative blood. Note however that not all of the ethnic groups share the same proportions of the B negative blood type. This blood type is present in about 2% in Caucasians, 1% in African American, 1% in Hispanic, and 0.4% in Asian. READ MORE 2. Inheritance Patterns The ABO gene found on chromosome 9 determines the ABO blood group system. A and B genes are codominant in relationship, making the expression of both antigens A and B when either alleles A or B is present. Blood Group B has a B antigen on red cells with the A antibody in the plasma. How is B Negative blood type inherited? If parental blood groups consist of O and B, the child’s blood group will either be O or B. If parental blood groups consist of O and AB, the child’s blood group will either be A or B. If parental blood groups consist of A and B, the child’s blood group will either be one of O, A, B, or AB. If parental blood groups consist of A and AB, the child’s blood group will either be one of A, B, or AB. If parental blood groups consist of B and B, the child’s blood group will either be O or B. If parental blood groups consist of B and AB, the child’s blood group will either be one of B, A, or AB. If parental blood groups consist of AB and AB, the child’s blood group will either be one of A, B, or AB. 3. Blood Type Compatibility: B- Can Only Receive B- and O- An individual with a B negative blood type has antigen B but with no Rh antigen on the blood. Having the presence of B antigen and the absence of Rh antigen, B negative blood type can only receive B- and O-. A transfusion with the usage of any other blood type can initiate an immune response. 4. Blood Type Compatibility: B- Can Be Given To B-, B+, AB- and AB+ A B- individual can be donor to blood groups B-, B+, AB- and AB+. This is because of the presence of antigen B and the absence Rh antigen in the donor’s blood. Male individuals can donate blood for up to 4 times each year while females can have it for up to 3 times a year. 5. Plasma Type Compatibility: B Can Receive B and AB Blood Type B doesn’t carry the B antibody, making blood type B group to be compatible in receiving plasma from groups B and AB. However, blood type B plasma can only be given to type O and B recipients. 6. Has No Rh Factor Rh Factor is an additional marker in the blood. This can be classified as either Rh positive or Rh negative. This marker is only used for genetic differences. A B- blood type is Rh negative. B Negative blood type has certain risk involved which is common to all Rh negative blood groups. This happens during pregnancy when mother is Rh Negative and Fetus is Rh Positive. 7. Primary Challenges There can be challenges that Blood Type B individuals may face. The blood type is likely linked with sensitivity to B specific lectins in some foods, higher than normal cortisol levels in relation to stress, vulnerability to autoimmune diseases, and susceptibility to slow growing viruses like lupus. However, a healthy blood type b individual can have fewer risk to diseases and believed to be more physically fit than other blood types. 8. Blood Type B Personality Individuals with blood type B has been described to learn best through listening, reflecting, and interpreting. They are also associated to being original, flexible, creative, mystical, idealistic, subjective, globally-oriented and people-oriented. 9. Diet Recommendations It is encouraged for blood type B individuals to follow have highly beneficial foods like eggs, low fat dairy, green vegetables and beneficial meats. On the other hand, foods that affect metabolism productivity like wheat, corn, peanuts, sesame seeds and tomatoes should be avoided. Chicken consumption should also be replaced with foods like lamb or goat. This is because chicken contains a Blood Type B Agglutinating lectin which may cause harm to the bloodstream resulting to immune disorders or strokes. 10. Exercise Recommendations Providing balance to meditative activities with physical activities is important in blood type B individuals. This will help maintain balance for mind and body challenges. It should not be aerobically intense but instead a mixture with mental challenges. Great examples would be hiking, cycling, golf, tennis and martial arts.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Fans will be transported back to Middle-earth in Amazon Studios’ new series. The story will be a prequel to the amazingly popular Lord of the Rings movies. Fans are scrambling for any bit of information on the series, as it is sure to take over when it is finally released. Here is everything known about the new series. When is the new ‘Lord of the Rings’ series set? One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them, In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. #LOTRonPrime — The Lord of the Rings on Prime (@LOTRonPrime) March 7, 2019 The series is set in The Second Age, which is thousands of years before events more familiar to audiences in the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Early reports state that the series will drop on Prime Video by 2021. Fans of the books by J. R. R. Tolkien know that The Second Age lasted 3,441 years. It ended with the downfall of Sauron and his army. The epic defeat came from the Last Alliance of Elves and Men. An important thing to remember about this time is it’s when the Ringwraiths were created, as well as the early wars of the Rings that occurred between Sauron and the Elves. There is a lot of material for the writers to draw from in this time period, so there shouldn’t be any problems with finding inspiration. Fans are excited to see how closely the series will follow the world Tolkien brought to life in his novels. Markella Kavenagh is the first actor on board Markella Kavenagh attends the 2018 AACTA Awards Presented by Foxtel at The Star. Brook Mitchell/Getty Images for AFI Variety learned from multiple sources that Markella Kavenagh is talking about a role in the fantasy series. Most of the information is being kept quite tight-lipped, but sources say she will play a character named Tyra. However, other outlets say her name will be Kyra. You may know Kavenagh from roles in the Australian film “Romper Stomper” and “The Cry.” She is represented by Silver Lining Entertainment. What else is known about the upcoming series? Alan Lee illustrator of the Children of Hurin, a book by JRR Tolkien, Adam Tolkien, and Bernard Hill who played King Theoden. Joel Ryan – PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images The new Lord of the Rings series is being both developed and written by JD Payne and Patrick McKay. Bryan Cogman, a Game of Thrones alumni, will be consulting on the project. There are rumors that Gennifer Hutchison could be writing for the series, along with Cogman. J.A. Bayona is said to be directing multiple episodes. Bayona will be working alongside his producing partner, Belén Atienza. The series has a multi-season commitment with Amazon, so this is huge news for fans looking for their next obsession. ‘The Lord of the Rings’ series is being carefully planned out ️ Explore the maps: — The Lord of the Rings on Prime (@LOTRonPrime) March 6, 2019 Amazon Studio’s Jennifer Salke told The Hollywood Reporter about plans for the upcoming series and said the show won’t begin production until 2020. “All of us would love a big, addictive show that is executed at the top of its game,” said Salke. “We’re really excited about Lord of the Rings. Despite all the chatter about it, the deal just closed a month ago. We’ve been talking to writers. We have an estate that’s very active. I’ve spent three hours with Simon Tolkien. There’s a lot of moving parts with it. We’ll have some game plan to move forward with very soon.”
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Crafted from durable saffiano leather, MICHAEL Michael Kors’ Selma messenger bag is given a new season update with a cool bicolour exterior. Small yet spacious, it will effortlessly carry all of your everyday essentials in style. Sling over your shoulder or wear across the body using the adjustable shoulder strap. Add classic style to your day-to-night wardrobe with the Selma messenger bag from MICHAEL Michael Kors. The textured saffiano leather exterior is crafted into a structured silhouette with minimal gold tone hardware. Wear across the body for an effortlessly cool look you can wear with tailoring and smart casual wear. Crafted from durable saffiano leather, the MICHAEL Michael Kors Selma Messenger Bag is the perfect everyday sidekick. Updated with pyramid studs in the brand’s signature polished gold-tone metal, this small yet spacious design will lend a little designer luxe to your look. Sling over your shoulder or wear across the body using the adjustable shoulder strap. Crafted from glossy textured leather, MICHAEL Michael Kors’ Selma messenger bag is sure to be a long-standing addition to every style lover’s accessories collection. Small yet spacious, it will effortlessly carry all of your everyday essentials in style. Sling over your shoulder or wear across the body using the adjustable shoulder strap. The Lugano Messenger - 48781 is part of the Tumi® Voyageur Collection. Designed to provide just the right amount of organization, the Lugano Messenger is the ideal size and shape to take with you everywhere. Zip entry into main compartment with a flapover is sure to keep your necessities safe. Zippered pocket on lining keeps your small items secure. With multiple slip-in pockets on the lining, fishing for your keys and cellphone are things of the past. Durable webbing shoulder strap is adjustable for a perfect fit. Measurements: ; Bottom Width: 9 1 2 in ; Depth: 3 in ; Height: 9 in ; Strap Length: 61 in ; Strap Drop: 27 1 2 in ; Weight: 1 lb Add classic style to your day-to-night wardrobe with the Selma messenger bag from MICHAEL Michael Kors. The textured saffiano leather exterior is crafted into a structured silhouette with minimal gold tone hardware. Wear across the body for an effortlessly cool look you can wear with tailoring and smart casual wear.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: How to use default parameters to initiate an array of objects property I'm trying to use the constructor to provide default parameters for a class property, which is an object . . . inside of which is an array of objects. Nothing I try works . . . What I want to end up with is having the rowData property of the authData object be an array with one just entry (an object). . . i.e. authData: {"catText": {"catName": "User Data", . . . }, "rowData": [{ {"userName":'', "style":{ . . .}, . . . {"uID": "User ID", "style"{: . . . "width": 3} }] } One approach I tried is below, with Object.values().map(obj => [obj]) but this isn't working. The (simplified) code (which doesn't compile . .. 'A parameter property is only allowed in a constructor implementation . . . A parameter initializer is only allowed in a function or constructor implementation' . . .) is below: export interface AuthBlock { "catText": {"catName": string} "rowData": { "userName": {"Username": string,"style": {"type": string, "width": number}}, "password":{"Password": string,"style": {"type": string, "width": number}}, "uId":{"User ID": string,"style": {"type": string, "width": number}} }[] } export class AuthRow { constructor( public authData: AuthBlock = { "catText": {"catName": "User Data"}, "rowData": Object.values({{ "userName": {"Username": '',"style": {"type": "text", "width": 3}}, "password":{"Password": '',"style": {"type": "password", "width": 5}}, "uId":{"User ID": '',"style": {"type": "text", "width": 3}} }}).map(obj => [obj]) } ){} } Many thanks in advance if any ideas! A: Object.keys(obj.rowData) .map(key => ({ [key]: obj.rowData[key] })) Get the keys on the object, use map to convert it to an array, and transform it into separate objects. EDIT: export interface AuthBlock { "catText": {"catName": string} "rowData": { "userName": {"Username": string,"style": {"type": string, "width": number}}, "password":{"Password": string,"style": {"type": string, "width": number}}, "uId":{"User ID": string,"style": {"type": string, "width": number}} }[] } export class AuthRow { constructor( public authData: AuthBlock = { "catText": {"catName": "User Data"}, // Open array here "rowData": [{ "userName": {"Username": '',"style": {"type": "text", "width": 3}}, "password":{"Password": '',"style": {"type": "password", "width": 5}}, "uId":{"User ID": '',"style": {"type": "text", "width": 3}} }] // Close here } ){} }
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
AG College News Evangel University to host EU Visit on Friday, Feb. 1 Evangel University’s Department of Undergraduate Admissions will host prospective students and their families for an EU Visit on Friday, Feb. 1. “Visiting campus allows potential students to experience what it’s like to be a part of the Evangel family,” said Julie Lyons, director of undergraduate admissions. “As they discover dorm life, spiritual life and campus activities, they begin to see this as their future home. A campus visit often helps these students make the decision to apply to EU and ultimately enroll.” The schedule for this event is as follows: 8:30 a.m.— Welcome 9 a.m.— Campus tour 10 a.m.— Chapel service 11 a.m.— Classroom visit/parent panel 12 noon— Lunch 1 p.m.— Department visit/admissions session 2 p.m.— Department visit/admissions session 3 p.m.— Closing Additional EU Visit days are scheduled for the remainder of the 2012-2013 school year:
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
CREATE TABLE favedComments ( -- basically a glorified set commentId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL );
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
--- title: "background-music" layout: cask --- {{ content }}
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
ChE Alum Heads Exciting Software Company LabCloud News Research labs spend more than $35 billion a year on laboratory equipment and supplies. But as big companies restructure their research and development to reduce costs and risks, they rely more and more on research done by smaller companies. These smaller labs are a hard-to-find and valuable population for the makers of lab equipment and supplies. Nowhere is this emerging market more apparent than at LabCentral, a coworking space in Cambridge for two dozen startups. Together, Lab Central and LabCloud are learning how to meet the needs of these fast growing labs and lab supply vendors eager to do business with them. The VDC interviewed LabCloud founders, Igor Romashko and Charles Beyrouthy, to get a more in-depth look at the lab management software company and its progress-to-date. VDC: What’s ground breaking about LabCloud? CB: I’ll let Sonya from New Worker magazine answer that: “LabCloud isn’t the first to take a shot at this market. Other companies (e.g., Y Combinator-backed Quartzy) offer online lab notebooks and procurement but it is difficult to create the right combination of infrastructure, utility, and intuitive integration with laboratory tasks, all in a tool that scientists enjoy using.” VDC: What was your inspiration for LabCloud? CB: We realized that the fastest growing demographic of the life sciences space was startup labs comprised of less than 35 people. These labs did not necessarily have the infrastructure in place to run as efficiently as possible. Many lacked a LIMS (Lab Information Management System), and given their size, cost-effective access to multiple vendors of labs supplies. We saw there was an under served market opportunity and we decided to provide a solution to address it. In a nutshell LabCloud created a solution which provides a LIMS to these small labs and just as importantly, a means for lab supply vendors to reach this very fast-growing market. LabCloud’s platform provides a win-win for these two entities. IR: It was to create an operating system for the lab because what’s out there just doesn’t work. All of the parts can interact, enabling startups to achieve Quality By Design instead of the ad-hoc research methods in place at most small labs. But that doesn’t mean that the software can’t be intuitive at the same time. CB: For me, this project was personal because after working in lab after lab, this issue became an impediment to my success and one of dire importance. And in that light, when we built our platform, we built it with the vision that a scientist lives and breathes their work and so should the software he or she works with. It is tapping into the inner subconscience of the scientist and not necessarily changing what they do, thereby disrupting their workflow, but rather how they do it. VDC: How’s your design partnership with LabCentral going? CB: Over a $1M worth of lab consumables, equipment and office supplies have been processed through LabCloud’s solution and both the labs and the vendors are thrilled with their experiences and the outcomes. IR: We learned a lot from working with them and developed a whole new business model that we are now deploying outside of LabCentral. It was a crucial point in the history of our company and we are glad we made the choice to work with them – we learned a lot and it shaped our business into what it is today. VDC: Why are you are flying under the radar? IR: It’s a question of timing for us. We can see demand growing for our solution and we have to make sure we are able to support this large pent up demand and volume of transactions before we make this publicly available. The fact is we have an overwhelming amount of interest. We want to make sure that we can provide the same high quality experience to all of our clients. VDC: How did LabCloud evolve since it has been at the VDC? CB: John Hamilton has been outstanding and has been a great inspiration to all of us. He is an amazing mentor that is patient, understanding, and willing to go beyond the call. We liked him so much, we asked him to be on our board and he agreed. IR: They have asked the really hard questions, and we are glad they did. It takes a lot to take an idea and make it into a product, and it takes a lot more to make a product into a revenue-generating business. VDC: How did you guys meet? CB: We met in the fall of 2007 at UMass Amherst and based on having a lot in common we became friends very quickly. IR: After graduation I reached out to him about what I was working on and he said, “I wish I had this when I was in college.” VDC: How do friends deal with business disagreements? CB: It is a respectful environment but one with some great debate leading to great results and, and yes, the occasional row. At the end, he is also one of my best friends, and while business is involved, I believe we can take on any challenge together. IR: Well, we both realize that the other has a point. The key is to come to a mutual consensus and we both know that.
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
(ns twitter.test-utils.core (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] [http.async.client :as ac] [twitter.api.restful :refer [users-show]] [twitter.test.creds :refer [make-app-only-test-creds make-test-creds]])) (defmacro is-async-200 "checks to see if the response is HTTP return code 200, and then cancels it" {:requires [#'is]} [fn-name & args] `(let [response# (~fn-name :oauth-creds (~make-test-creds) ~@args)] (try (try (is (= (:code (~ac/status response#)) 200)) (finally ((:cancel (meta response#))))) (catch java.util.concurrent.CancellationException e# nil)))) (defmacro is-http-code "checks to see if the response is a specific HTTP return code" {:requires [#'is]} [code fn-name & args] `(is (= (get-in (~fn-name :oauth-creds (~make-test-creds) ~@args) [:status :code]) ~code))) (defmacro is-200-with-app-only "checks to see if the response to a request using application-only authentication is a specific HTTP return code" {:requires [#'is]} [fn-name & args] `(is (= (get-in (~fn-name :oauth-creds (~make-app-only-test-creds) ~@args) [:status :code]) 200))) (defmacro is-200 "checks to see if the response is HTTP 200" [fn-name & args] (if (some #{:app-only} args) (let [args# (remove #{:app-only} args)] `(is-200-with-app-only ~fn-name ~@args#)) `(is-http-code 200 ~fn-name ~@args))) (defn get-user-id "gets the id of the supplied screen name" [screen-name] (get-in (users-show :oauth-creds (make-test-creds) :params {:screen-name screen-name}) [:body :id])) (defn get-current-status-id "gets the id of the current status for the supplied screen name" [screen-name] (let [result (users-show :oauth-creds (make-test-creds) :params {:screen-name screen-name})] (or (get-in result [:body :status :id]) (throw (ex-info "could not retrieve the user's profile in 'show-user'" {:screen-name screen-name}))))) (defn poll-until-no-error "repeatedly tries the poll instruction, for a maximum time, or until the error disappears" [poll-fn & {:keys [max-timeout-ms wait-time-ms] :or {max-timeout-ms 60000 wait-time-ms 10000}}] (loop [curr-time-ms 0] (if (< curr-time-ms max-timeout-ms) (when-not (try (poll-fn) (catch Exception e nil)) (Thread/sleep wait-time-ms) (recur (+ curr-time-ms wait-time-ms)))))) (defmacro with-setup-poll-teardown [id-name setup poll teardown & body] `(let [~id-name ~setup] (try (poll-until-no-error (fn [] ~poll)) ~@body (finally ~teardown))))
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
The open approach in secondary rhinoplasty: choosing an incision regardless of prior placement. Secondary open rhinoplasty is a complex topic with many hazards. Although there has been much discussion in the literature about what transcolumellar scar design creates the best aesthetic result, placement of the scar in a previously opened nose has not been widely discussed. In light of the outstanding blood supply to the nose, and often the desire to reposition the transcolumellar scar, the senior surgeon (R.J.R.) has ignored prior incisions in the columella and has chosen to place the incision in the best location for the current operative plan. This article retrospectively reviewed 100 secondary rhinoplasty patients who had undergone two open procedures with different transcolumellar incisions performed by the senior surgeon from 2000 to 2010. Scar quality was graded preoperatively and postoperatively by three reviewers on a four-point scale from imperceptible to poor scar. Scar quality averaged 1.68 preoperatively and 1.61 postoperatively, indicating scar quality between imperceptible and barely perceptible. There was no skin bridge necrosis in the series, no infection, and no wound breakdown. Patient satisfaction was noted to be high overall. Anatomical studies have previously shown the safety of the transcolumellar incision in rhinoplasty. This article has shown the safety of ignoring prior incisions in the columella and basing the new scar location solely on where the surgeon feels is ideal. Although caution should always be used when creating possibly devitalized skin bridges, this study lends weight to the argument that one can safely ignore prior incision patterns in this aesthetically important and well-vascularized area. Therapeutic, IV.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Show HN: Image Jar – mobile first, fast image hosting - oron ====== oron I made this as a spinoff form DropJar ([]( to allow users to easily share galleries of photos, What’s different from current image hosting sites ? imgjar gives a near native experience on mobiles and touch pads as it automatically downloads the photos at the resolution which is compatible with the device used and it allows touch and swipe user controls. It also replicates the user photos to 3 different servers at least (more usually) and works on blazing fast SSD servers. Technologies used on the backend , Nodejs, Aerospike, redis, swift storage, graphicsmagick.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is known in which tissue susceptibility is generated from phase signals. As a method for generating susceptibility from a phase image that represents a distribution of phase signal data, inverse transform of an equation representing the relation between susceptibility and phase signal data is known. However, this method is an inverse problem with no unique solution, thereby failing to uniquely generate a correct susceptibility value. To generate such a susceptibility value, estimating a susceptibility image representing a distribution of approximate susceptibility by using, for example, regularization is widely implemented. However, generating the susceptibility value using regularization is also an inverse problem with no unique solution at or near the magic angle in the frequency space of the susceptibility image. The magic angle is an angle of 55 or 135 degrees relative to the static magnetic field direction from the center (DC position) of the frequency space. This results in streak artifacts (or radial artifacts) having different widths on the susceptibility image mainly in accordance with the size of the noise region on the phase image.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
What Australians know and believe about bird flu: results of a population telephone survey. The avian influenza A (A/H5N1) virus has attracted the attention of governments and health organizations throughout the world because of its pandemic potential. Despite the emerging nature of A/H5N1, there is limited research on public knowledge and perceptions of this disease. This study is based on a computer-assisted telephone interviewing survey conducted in May 2006 to determine the Australian public's knowledge of A/H5N1, their willingness to engage in preventive behaviors, and their acceptance of potential messages for communication campaigns. Awareness and concern about bird flu is low (lower than a recent survey of U.S. residents). There appears to be widespread support for bird flu control measures initiated by the federal government, although less agreement regarding personal protective behaviors. Our study and those examining the severe acute respiratory syndrome epidemic suggest that governments, including the Australian government, will encounter a number of significant communication challenges in the event of a bird flu outbreak.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Synthesis of methoxylated goniothalamin, aza-goniothalamin and γ-pyrones and their in vitro evaluation against human cancer cells. The present work describes the preparation of three novel series of compounds based on the structure of goniothalamin, a natural styryl lactone which has been found to display cytotoxic and antiproliferative activities against a variety of cancer cell lines. A focused library of 29 novel goniothalamin analogues was prepared and evaluated against seven human cancer cell lines. While the γ-pyrones and the aza-goniothalamin analogues were less potent than the lead compound, 2,4-dimethoxy analogue 88 has shown to be more potent in vitro than goniothalamin against all cancer cell lines evaluated. Furthermore, it was more potent than doxorubicin against NCI-ADR/RES, OVCAR-03 and HT-29 while being less toxic to human keratinocytes (HaCat). The 3,5-dimethoxy analogue 90 and 2,4,5-trimethoxy analogue 92 also displayed promising antiproliferative activity when compared to goniothalamin (1). These results provide new elements for the design and synthesis of novel representatives of this family of natural compounds.
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Munich Cosmic Circle The Munich Cosmic Circle was a group of writers and intellectuals in Munich, Germany at the turn of the 20th century, based around the mystic Alfred Schuler. Along with Schuler, it consisted of the philosopher Ludwig Klages (1872-1956), the poet Karl Wolfskehl (1869-1948) and the writer Ludwig Derleth (1870-1948). Another member of the group was the "Bohemian Countess" of Schwabing, Fanny zu Reventlow (1871-1918). She wrote about her experiences with the group in her Roman à clef Herrn Dames Aufzeichnungen (1913). Alfred Schuler and Ludwig Klages came to know each other in 1893. With the others they based their early association upon an appreciation of Ibsen's dramas. Another interest was the work of Johann Jakob Bachofen (1815-1887), a Swiss anthropologist and sociologist, and his research into matriarchal clans. They developed a doctrine according to which the West was plagued by downfall and degeneration, caused by the rationalizing and demythologizing effects of Christianity. A way out of this desolate state could, according to the "Cosmic" view, only be found by a return to pagan origins. Schuler was described by Theodor Lessing as "an oddity, a curious mixture of charlatan and genius, a show-off and a visionary". The activities and rituals of the group were often sensationalized in bohemian fin-de-siècle Schwabing. Some members of the Circle were also active in the group around the poet Stefan George, whom Wolfskehl introduced to the group. Ludwig Klages wrote a book praising his poetry in 1902. George was not a member of the Circle, though he was in close contact with them. The group fell apart through an acrimonious dispute in 1904 between Klages, who considered himself a neo-pagan and against any form of organized religion, and the Zionist Wolfskehl, which led to charges of anti-semitism against Klages. Stefan George had also begun to distance himself from Klages' philosophy at this time and defended Wolfskehl against Schuler and Klages. Notes Category:Culture in Munich Category:German philosophy Category:German writers Category:German poets Category:German poetry Category:Neopaganism in Germany
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2014, Inc. All Rights Reserved * **************************************************************************/ /** * @file * @author liudong2([email protected]) * @date 2014/05/08 14:34:30 * @version $Revision$ * @brief * **/ #include "mysql_full_extract.h" #include "bus_wrap.h" #include "bus_hbase_util.h" namespace bus { bool mysql_full_extract_t::init() { //获取全量抽取位置 bus_config_t &config = g_bus.get_config(); std::vector<data_source_t*> &src_source = config.get_source(); std::vector<data_source_t*> &dst_source = config.get_dst(); source_t dst_type = config.get_dstds_type(); /* 获取所有数据源的位置信息 */ for (std::vector<data_source_t*>::iterator it = src_source.begin(); it != src_source.end(); ++it) { data_source_t *ds = *it; const char *ip = ds->get_ip(); const int port = ds->get_port(); const char *user_name = config.get_user_name(); const char *user_pwd = config.get_user_pwd(); const char *charset = config.get_charset(); bus_mysql_t conn(ip, port, user_name, user_pwd); if (!conn.init(charset)) { g_logger.error("init %s:%d mysql connection fail", ip, port); return false; } if (!conn.get_full_transfer_position(*ds)) { g_logger.error("get %s:%d, mysql position fail", ip, port); return false; } } if (dst_type == HBASE_DS) { bus_config_t &config = g_bus.get_config(); std::map<std::string, std::string> posmap; if (!config.get_position_map(posmap)) { g_logger.debug("get position map fail"); return false; } //对于HBASE_DS来说,下游只有一个HBase,那么只要通过任一thriftserver设置成功后, //就可以break;但是通过每个thriftserver设置一次,这样不影响hbase中的结果,但是可以 //用来在start trans时保证每个thriftserver都是OK的。 bool set_pos = false; for (std::vector<data_source_t*>::iterator it = dst_source.begin(); it != dst_source.end(); ++it) { data_source_t *ds = *it; const char *ip = ds->get_ip(); const int port = ds->get_port(); if (!set_hbase_position(ip, port, posmap)) { g_logger.debug("set position to hbase by [%s:%d] succcess", ip, port); set_pos = true; continue; } else { g_logger.error("can not set position to hbase thriftserver [%s:%d]", ip, port); return false; } } } if (dst_type == REDIS_DS || dst_type == REDIS_COUNTER_DS) { /* 对每个下游设定同步点的信息 */ for (std::vector<data_source_t*>::iterator it = dst_source.begin(); it != dst_source.end(); ++it) { data_source_t *ds = *it; const char *ip = ds->get_ip(); const int port = ds->get_port(); bus_master_t rconn(ip, port); if (!rconn.init()) { g_logger.error("init %s:%d redis connection fail", ip, port); return false; } if (dst_type == REDIS_DS) { if (!rconn.set_redis_full_position()) { g_logger.error("set %s:%d redis position fail", ip, port); return false; } } else if (dst_type == REDIS_COUNTER_DS) { if (!rconn.set_rediscounter_full_position()) { g_logger.error("set %s:%d redis position fail", ip, port); return false; } } } } if(!thread_pool_t::init()) { g_logger.error("init threadpool fail"); return false; } return true; } bool mysql_full_extract_t::work(void *item, uint32_t statid) { bus_job_t *curjob = static_cast<bus_job_t*>(item); //获取ip/port data_source_t *source = curjob->get_data_source(); const char *ip = source->get_ip(); const int port = source->get_port(); char buffer[128]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", port); //获取user/pwd bus_config_t &config = g_bus.get_config(); const char *user_name = config.get_user_name(); const char *user_pwd = config.get_user_pwd(); const char *charset = config.get_charset(); bus_stat_t &stat = g_bus.get_stat(); stat.set_producer_thread_source(statid, buffer); //初始化mysql链接 bus_mysql_t conn(ip, port, user_name, user_pwd); //开始进行全量抽取 if (!conn.get_full_data(*curjob, _stop_flag, charset, statid)) { g_logger.error("[extractor=%s:%d] datasource fail", ip, port); stat.set_producer_thread_state(statid, THREAD_FAIL); delete curjob; return false; } //检查mysql位置 while(!_stop_flag && !conn.check_full_position(*source)) { g_logger.error("[extractor=%s:%d] check position fail", ip, port); stat.set_producer_thread_state(statid, THREAD_FAIL); sleep(SLEEP_TIME); conn.init(charset); continue; } stat.set_producer_thread_state(statid, THREAD_RUNNING); delete curjob; return true; } void mysql_full_extract_t::process() { pthread_t tid = pthread_self(); g_logger.notice("[extractor=%lx] start", tid); bus_stat_t &stat = g_bus.get_stat(); uint32_t i = 0; uint32_t statid = stat.get_extract_thread_id("unknown"); while (!_stop_flag) { void *data = _queue.pop(); /* 处理当前job */ if (data == NULL) { g_logger.notice("[extractor=%lx] recv NULL signal", tid); g_bus.set_transfer_stat(FULL_TRAN_WAIT_PRODUCER_EXIT); this->add(NULL); goto thread_exit; } else { g_logger.notice("[extractor=%lx] begin %d job", tid, i++); if(!work(data, statid)) { goto thread_exit; } } } thread_exit: this->add_exit_thread(tid); if (stat.get_producer_thread_state(statid) == THREAD_FAIL) { stat.set_producer_thread_state(statid, THREAD_EXIT_WITH_FAIL); } else { stat.set_producer_thread_state(statid, THREAD_EXIT); } mysql_thread_end(); g_logger.notice("[extractor=%lx] exit succ", tid); } mysql_full_extract_t::~mysql_full_extract_t() { while(!_queue.isEmpty()) { void *data = _queue.simple_pop(); bus_job_t *job = static_cast<bus_job_t*>(data); if (job != NULL) delete job; } } }//namespace bus /* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 tw=100: */
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Adolescent girls' perceptions of breastfeeding in two low-income periurban communities in South Africa. In South Africa, exclusive breastfeeding rates are low, and rates of teenage pregnancy are high. Educational policy enables mothers' return to school, which conflicts with policy emphasizing exclusive breastfeeding. We elicited adolescent women's perceptions and experiences of infant feeding choices, and conducted six focus groups (N = 57) in two periurban settlements. Participants knew arguments in favor of and against breast and formula-feeding, but in practice, mixed feeding occurred early after birth. While completion of high school was emphasized, exclusive breastfeeding was viewed as impractical. Congruent education policies and infant feeding policies/guidelines must address the constraints and contexts of adolescent mothers.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Phoenix contexts are a powerful code organization tool - but without a clear idea of what business domains live under the hood of your systems, naively creating contexts leads to over-engineered, fragile systems. Today, we’ll learn about the philosophical roots of Bounded Contexts from the hard-earned wisdom of Domain-Driven Design. We’ll quickly get our hands dirty in the nuts and bolts of a Context Mapping exercise, a strategic design tool that reveals domain-specific system boundaries. With our newfound architectural vision, we’ll learn how to write context-driven Phoenix code and develop some organizational rules around communication, boundary enforcement and testing between contexts. We’ll leverage the unique powers of Elixir that make this style of architecture so natural and see how using contexts easily leads to highly-cohesive and loosely-coupled outcomes! About Andrew: Andrew is a software engineer at Carbon Five, where he builds digital products for companies of all shapes and sizes. He enjoys trail running anywhere there are mountains. Though he currently lives in Oakland, he dearly misses his years living in (and eating through) Los Angeles.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Then on January 4th, 2011, my learning curve freaked out. I started working at Mekanism. After twelve months of work sessions, client meetings and new business pitches, it’s obvious why this new media thing isn’t at all like traditional media. In fact, it’s taught me something almost counterintuitive, which is that sometimes, what we really need to do is unlearn things. Things like, brands aren’t in control of the conversation anymore. Consumers are. The purpose of branded content isn’t to talk about yourself. It’s to get the audience to talk about themselves. And paying a television network to show your content isn’t the same as paying an influencer, because unlike a network, influencers have audiences who trust them. And in social, trust is everything. Even how we work feels thankfully upside down and backwards. The internal structure is flat. The process is collaborative. And it all happens impossibly fast — like, pace-of-social-media fast — yet no one complains. It actually feels, um, well, professionally responsible. For those of you who are beginning your career in social, all I can say is, my learning curve envies you.
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
static inline short inc(short x) { return x + 1; } void main() { short z; inc(z); }
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Monday, May 4, 2009 This is a very useful add-on for translators using Firefox. Called Site Launcher, it takes you directly to the search engine or dictionary of your choice through a hot-key combination, or you are presented with a list of single letters with corresponding icons and site names that you can refer to and then hits the relevant letter to go to the site. The image below should make this clear to you. This is the settings menu of the Site Launcher. See the window on the right. You could set the Honyaku archive search site under “h” instead of Gmail shown here, or the Eijiro search site as “e” instead of eBay. I’m quite sure that there wouldn’t be more than 10-15 sites that you frequently visit. Once you set these engines or dictionaries, you can directly go to the site with a single hot key combination – for instance, in my case, Ctrl+Shift+ h pulls up the Honyaku archive search site, and Ctrl+Shift+ w brings up the Wikipedia search (see image below). Hi, It’s good to read such interesting stuff on the Internet as I have been able to discover here. I agree with much of what is written here and I’ll be coming back to this website again. Thanks again for posting such great reading material!!website design Click here to subscribe Google Friend Connect Click on the map below to see where visitors come from Translate to Japanese (Google) Comments on posts/Mail to me directly I welcome constructive comments from you on any post. Click on ... Comments at the end of each post and type out your comment. To write to me personally, click here -- no anonymous postings please: email
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to an electrolysis method for producing chlorine at the surface of an anode and a metal at the surface of a cathode by electrolyzing a molten metal chloride obtained by melting a chloride of a metal more base than hydrogen such as sodium, magnesium, calcium and aluminum. 2. Description of the Prior Art Electrolysis of molten sodium chloride (Downs method as disclosed in, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 1,501,756), electrolysis of magnesium chloride as disclosed in, for example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 1,567,318 and 1,921,377, and hightemperature electrolysis of aluminum chloride (Alcoa method as disclosed in, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 3,725,222), for example, are known methods of producing metals by electrolysis of molten metal chlorides. Conventionally, in these electrolytic methods, carbon is used as an anode and iron or carbon is used as a cathode. The carbon anode is consumed forming CO or CO.sub.2 due to an anodic oxidation reaction, and consumption of electric power increases because of the increase in the interelectrode distance. To prevent this, adjustment of the interelectrode distance and replacement of the electrode must be performed periodically. In the Alcoa method for electrolysis of molten aluminum chloride, the consumption of the carbon anode and the formation of sludge are inhibited by limiting the oxide concentration of metal oxide in the molten salt bath to not more than 0.25%, preferably not more than 0.1%, by weight as oxygen thereby to remove the metal oxide in the bath which is a cause of anode consumption, and to maintain the molten salt bath as acidic as possible (e.g., as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,725,222 corresponding to Japanese Patent Publication No. 15043/77). However, in order to maintain the bath as acidic as possible, the metal oxide must be removed from the bath or the metal oxide content must be reduced, and also the electrolytic cell must be sealed completely so as to prevent entry of moisture and air. The operation and the control of this method are, therefore, complicated.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
This MLB season is not even a week old, yet fans are already resorting to the kind of boredom-reducing insane behavior we usually see in late September. Two separate incidents in Detroit and Milwaukee will, if you continue reading any further, probably ruin your appetite for the day. You’ve been warned. First, above: here’s a gent accepting $100 to do something disgusting. From tipster Mike: A woman barfed in the bleachers at the Brewer game. A man was paid $100 to take a giant lick of said puke. Merriment was enjoyed by all. Watch, if you dare: G/O Media may get a commission Certified Organic CBD Oil Buy for $49 from Cornbread Hemp Use the promo code KINJA25 If you haven’t lost your breakfast yet, here’s part two—from Saturday’s Yankees-Tigers game. Reader Beau tells us the Tigers fan in the Red Wings coat swiped a Yankees fan’s cap and proceeded to defile it in a very disturbing manner: He stuck the Yankees hat down the back of his pants, unbuckled his pants in order to wipe his butt with it. He then managed to maneuver it from that back of his pants to the front without taking it out. He completes the tarnish of that hat and pulls it out and throws it on the ground. The Yankees fan picks up his hat and proceeds to take a nice, slow lick and taste of the his pal’s dingleberries and urine on his hat. He then wastes no time in going back to cheering, “LET’S GO YANKEES!” just has he was doing all game. And here’s the video. What hath you wrought, Bills fans?
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: If $f$ is an entire function with $|\,f(z)|\le|\operatorname{Re}(z)|$, then $\,f\equiv 0$. If $f$ is an entire function so that $|\,f(z)|\le|\operatorname{Re}(z)|$ for all $\mathbb{C}$, then $f\equiv0$ on $\mathbb{C}$. There are various ways showing the above property. For example, using Cauchy’s Inequality, Generalized Liouville’s Theorem, etc, and specific values of $f$ But, I want to show directly that $f’(0)=0$ under the conditions. If it possible, $f(0)=f’(0)=0$ implies the same conclusion. Give some idea or adivce! Thank you! A: The hypothesis $|f(z)| \le |\mathrm{Re}(z)|$ implies that $f(iy) = 0$ for all $y$. This gives you $f(0) = 0$ and $$f'(0) = \lim_{y \to 0} \frac{f(iy) - f(0)}{iy} = 0.$$
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles" }
"This programme contains some strong language" "This programme contains some scenes of a sexual nature" "HE YELLS" "SIRENS WAILING" "HE SHOUTS" "GUNSHOTS" "RATTLING, GROANING" "SHE SCREAMS" "# Echoes start as a cross in you" "# Trembling noises that come too soon" "# Spatial movement which seems to you" "# Resonating your mask or feud" "# Hollow talking and hollow girl" "# Force it up from the root of pain" "# Never said it was good" "# Never said it was near" "# Shadow rises and you are here" "# Goes back to the beginning. #" "RADIO:" "PHONE RINGS" "ALERT TONE PLAYS" "SLAP" "FOOTSTEPS APPROACH" "DOOR OPENS" "SLAP" "COUGHING, GRUNTING" "COUGHING, GRUNTING" "BUZZER" "BUZZER" "HE KNOCKS" "PHONE RINGS" "SHOWER RUNNING" "PHONE RINGS" "OK." "DIALLING" "HE LAUGHS" "RINGS DOORBELL" "Hi." "PHONE RINGS" "THUMPING MUSIC PLAYS" "TYPING" "MOANING, GASPING, PHONE RINGS" "ENGINE REVS" "FOOTSTEPS" "TWO GUNSHOTS" "GUN COCKS" "RAPID BEEPING" "CONTINUOUS BEEP" "HE GRUNTS" "Subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing by Red Bee Media Ltd"
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Today’s WorldView will be on hand, reporting from New York for the rest of the week. Here’s an outline of some of the main story lines to track. Trump and the world order: Last year, the president used his speech to trumpet his “America First” agenda. Before the diplomats and statesmen, he signaled the advent of a more nationalist and protectionist foreign policy that frequently cuts against the interests of the international community. AD AD Since then, Trump and his lieutenants have steadily chipped away at the United Nations, withdrawing from bodies such as the U.N.'s Human Rights Council and UNESCO, its cultural agency. This month, the White House threatened the U.N.-mandated International Criminal Court with punitive measures usually reserved for tinpot dictators and rogue states. Beyond allowing right-wing Washington to act on its long-standing grievances, Trump has thrown the prevailing international order for a spin over the past year. He has challenged the assumptions that once undergirded Western alliances, jettisoning the internationalist precepts once embraced by both Republican and Democratic administrations, and launched disruptive trade wars. Trump’s speech is written by Stephen Miller, a White House adviser known for his hostility to both immigrants and international institutions such as the United Nations. The president’s hiring of John Bolton as national security adviser installed one of Washington’s most vociferous U.N. critics in the White House. “It’s going to be the will of the American people, not the will of the international community," said Nikki Haley, Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, as she previewed the president’s address last week. AD AD But many foreign observers, including a good chunk of the world leaders who will be in New York this week, see not a principled stand but the reckless rhetoric of a hectoring bully. “I don’t like to personalize things,” said U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres to reporters when asked whether Trump was a threat. But he still took a veiled shot: “In different areas and for different reasons, the trust of people in their political establishments, the trust of states among each other, the trust of many people in international organizations has been eroded." The shadows of Iran and North Korea: This week will illustrate the White House’s wildly divergent approaches to two long-standing geopolitical challenges. AD Last year, Trump threatened to “totally destroy North Korea” and mocked its leader, Kim Jong Un, as the “Rocket Man." Kim’s regime fired back, dismissing the “evil dotard” in Washington. Today, after months of diplomacy and a high-profile Trump-Kim summit, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has extended an invitation to North Korea’s top diplomat for talks, and Trump is expected to praise Pyongyang for its efforts. AD “If someone had told me last year that North Korea will stop nuclear tests, will stop missile tests and that they will release the remaining American prisoners and that they would be even considering dismantling [a key nuclear facility], I would have taken that in a heartbeat,” said Joseph Yun, a former State Department official, to reporters. Iran is a different story. Trump is expected to push the argument that his unraveling of the nuclear deal and reimposition of sanctions on Tehran — much to the ire of American allies and others in the international community — is working. The U.N. Security Council meeting chaired by Trump, which will supposedly address the broader issue of weapons of mass destruction, may feature Iran heavily. AD “The message is going to be, ‘Our strategy is serious and we’re committed to it,’” said Ilan Berman of the American Foreign Policy Council to USA Today. “This meeting is a very important opportunity for this administration to signal that the worst pain is yet to come." AD Other countries will find their own ways to publicly and privately push back against the White House’s efforts. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a close Trump ally, will meet Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on the sidelines of the U.N. session. “It’s being interpreted by analysts in Tokyo — correctly, I think — as a little bit defiant of President Trump; a little bit of a declaration or a statement that, like other world leaders, Abe is going to do his own thing, because Donald Trump is not helping him out the way he had hoped on North Korea and trade,” said Michael Green of the Center for Strategic and International Studies to ABC. AD The plights of the Rohingya and the Palestinians: Humanitarian concerns frequently get aired during General Assembly sessions, and this year will be no different. AD Chief on the agenda will be the crisis facing more than 700,000 Rohingya refugees crammed into squalid camps along Bangladesh’s border with Myanmar. A recent U.N. report suggested military officials in Myanmar could be guilty of crimes against humanity and war crimes for their campaign of ethnic cleansing waged last year; Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is expected to lead the call for greater international action in New York this week. For the Palestinians, many of whom have been consigned to semi-permanent refugee camps for more than half a century, this week marks a potential fork in the road. The United Nations, and particularly the General Assembly, has been a historically sympathetic forum for the Palestinian cause. But the Trump administration’s decision to unilaterally recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital — and then slash cuts to Palestinian institutions and the U.N. aid agency that supports millions of Palestinians — is forcing a new reckoning. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is expected to urge world leaders to either come to the defense of his people and the two-state solution — or take responsibility for its burial.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
AP Photo Fourth Estate How Much Should We Care About Ted Cruz’s Alleged Affairs? Jack Shafer is Politico’s senior media writer. You may not be interested in the alleged affairs of the presidential candidates, but the affairs of the candidates are very interested in you. Our media flask is now overflowing with smutty stories primed by the forthcoming issue of the National Enquirer, which alleges on its cover that Ted Cruz has had “5 Secret Mistresses.” Only by depositing yourself in a news quarantine this weekend will you escape the story’s heavy breathing. Cruz denounces the piece, which I’ve not yet obtained, as “utter lies,” and claims it was planted by Donald Trump. (Trump denies it.) But either way, it restarts the journalistic debate over whether the press has any business reporting on the sex lives of politicians. At one time in Washington, politicians—even the president—could have lovers on the side and get away with it as long as they were circumspect about it (Lyndon Johnson, John Kennedy, Dwight Eisenhower, Franklin Roosevelt, and so on back to the founding). But that arrangement changed in 1979, when the Washington Monthly published Suzannah Lessard’s killed New Republic piece about Ted Kennedy’s dalliances. Since then, a dozen major politicians, including Rep. Robert Bauman in 1980; Rep. Dan Crane in 1983; Sen. Gary Hart in 1987; President Bill Clinton in 1998; and Sen. John Edwards in 2008 have been accused in the press for having participated in bedroom rodeo with someone other than their spouse. More of a meta piece than an exposé, the Lessard article presented for public consumption what was widely known within official Washington but was only whispered about elsewhere: Ted Kennedy, who was running for president against Jimmy Carter, was sleeping around. A lot. Titled “Kennedy’s Woman Problem; Women’s Kennedy Problem,” the piece named no names and made no attempt to document his sexual adventures. It merely presented them as a given to argue that Kennedy’s philandering and treatment of women deserved public discussion “as a legitimate issue in the campaign.” Lessard raised many of the issues we still bat around every time a politician is accused of—or gets caught—having sex outside of marriage. (It should be noted that Kennedy separated from his first wife in 1978, and they divorced in 1982.) In her view, a candidate who campaigns or governs as a family man—especially one who also makes a big deal about being religious—is guilty of credibility-destroying hypocrisy if he or she also has extramarital affairs. Another criticism of office-holding philanderers, especially presidents or officials holding high security clearances, is that they injure the nation by making themselves vulnerable to blackmail by foreign powers or other unscrupulous operators. Blackmail aside, why do a politician’s dalliances matter? Why do we care? Why do we hunger to read about them even if we don’t care about hypocrisy or the national security implications? It would take an anthropologist to explain that, but who is shtupping whom is of high interest in almost every culture, and has been so ever since we left the trees for the veldt. Even the sex lives of the low-status fascinate us. Whether valid or not, an individual’s sex life has come to stand as a marker of trustworthiness. Once the subject is breached, it takes superhuman powers by the press to avoid talking about it. Candidates seek extramarital sex for the same reasons civilians do—for adventure, to express status within the group, for love, to obey the command of the selfish gene to throw itself into the next generation. The difference, of course, is that politicians play to a crowd that’s a million times the size of an ordinary civilian, and for that reason the collective judgment is much greater. So is the collective obsession. That’s why we’re all happily gossiping about Ted Cruz’s sex life today: It’s not that he’s sexy (perish the thought), it’s that he’s high profile and high status. If, as Andrew Marr writes, “Journalism is the industrialization of gossip,” it’s remarkable how little sex-tattling gets published. It was not always so. Sexual gossip can be found in America’s first newspaper, Publick Occurrences Both Forreign And Domestick (1690), which makes mention of the French king’s affair with a prince’s wife. (The publication was shut down after one issue.) How much damage will the National Enquirer allegations do to the Cruz campaign? According to Gawker, which has read the story, none of the alleged paramours are named, and their photos reproduced in the piece are pixilated, presumably to deter speedy identification. How can we convict on such sketchy evidence, even if that sketchy evidence appears to be more substantial than Lessard’s case against Kennedy? On the other hand, the publication has a pretty good track record catching cheating notables (Hart, Edwards, Tiger Woods, Jesse Jackson). Maybe it has temporarily vagued-out the specifics of Cruz’s alleged affairs because it plans to drip-drip-drip the details into the public over the course of several issues to sell more copies. If true, the story will be damaging. But even if false, which is entirely possible, the charges will be almost as damaging to Cruz, because he can’t afford to spend scarce time and political capital on the controversy to refute and erase the stain. He’s too busy fighting Trump for the nomination! Here’s what haunts me most about this story. Today, the cable channels and the Web are filled with high-speed speculation about a story that many of us (including me) have not yet read. What if Cruz is innocent? To borrow a phrase uttered by an exonerated Reagan administration official, where will Cruz go to get his good name back? ****** It’s hard to imagine Trump losing a step in his campaign if such charges were tossed at him because sexual boasting is so integral to his personality. Also, Trump has laundered his promiscuous past with a third marriage and a fifth child and, unlike Cruz, he has never presented himself as anybody’s moral compass. In 2014, I reviewed Matt Bai’s book about the Gary Hart affair. Send news of all affairs to [email protected]. The sexual status of my email alerts are off the charts. My Twitter‘s feed favorite song is “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy?” My broken RSS feed is a sexual invalid.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
A streptavidin mutant useful for directed immobilization on solid surfaces. A streptavidin mutant has been designed and produced that allows the specific, covalent immobilization of streptavidin on solid surfaces. This streptavidin mutant was constructed by fusing a six-residue sequence, containing a single cysteine, to the carboxyl terminus of streptavidin. Because this mutant has no other cysteine residues, the reactive sulfhydryl group of the cysteine residue serves as a unique immobilization site for conjugation using sulfhydryl chemistry. This streptavidin mutant was efficiently immobilized on maleimide-coated solid surfaces via its unique immobilization site. Characterization of the immobilized streptavidin mutant for the ability to bind to biotinylated macromolecules and the dissociation rates of bound biotin showed that the biotin-binding properties of this mutant were minimally affected by immobilization on solid surfaces. This streptavidin could be readily incorporated into a wide variety of solid-phase diagnostic tests and biomedical assays. This could enhance the performance of streptavidin-based solid-phase assay systems.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Party Identification in South Africa: Profiles for the ANC and DA This brief provides profiles on supporters of the ANC and DA. The paper focuses on the demographic attributes of supporters of the ANC and DA. The results of this survey indicates that the DA is fundamentally an urban party and although the majority of ANC supporters are from urban areas 45% of their support live in rural areas.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
How to get Google Chrome old versions between 46 to 49? - iamtrying I need to play MP4 files which was working fine between Version 46 to 49. But since 50 there is many major bugs which i cant live with.<p>I can go back to Chromium but then MP4 files does not work on it, how can i therefore get Google Chrome version 46 or 47, or 48 or 49?<p>Please advise, i have tried many stackoverflow sites advise but they all seem to fail. can anyone show working example of real-world? ====== datalist [ chrome/]( might work But you would need to make sure to disable the auto update, and double check as Google is very "persistent" ------ nness I can't help, sorry. But curious, what broke with version 50? ~~~ iamtrying Version 50 have a serious problem. Please check and spread the message else WebRTC will die because of this problem: [](
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Here’s the blurb: “If you’re a writer, a musician, or an artist, you can use Creative Commons licenses to share your digital works. But how can scientists license their work for sharing? In this conversation, Victoria Stodden — a fellow with Science Commons — explains to host Jon Udell why scientific output is different and how Science Commons aims to help scientists share it freely.” 1 Response to “My Interview with ITConversations on Reproducible Research”
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
All relevant data are within the paper. Introduction {#sec001} ============ A digital terrain model (DTM) is an ordered set of sampled data points that represent the spatial distribution of various types of information on the terrain \[[@pone.0127592.ref001]--[@pone.0127592.ref003]\] and one of the most terrain information is elevation. When terrain information is one dimensional and only contains elevation, the model is equivalent to DEM (Digital Elevation Model). Obviously, DEM is a subset of DTM and the most fundamental component of DTM. In this paper, elevation is the only terrain information we interested in. DTMs can be generated from many sources of data: field surveys, existing topographic maps, stereo aerial photographs (at various scales) or satellite images \[[@pone.0127592.ref004]\]. The sampling pattern determines the method used for the construction of the DTM. There are two competing methods used to represent terrain: regular grids, or gridded DEMs, and triangulated irregular networks, or TINs. Scattered elevation points, which are one of the main data sources for DTMs, can be converted to TINs directly using linear interpolation \[[@pone.0127592.ref005]\] or converted into regularly gridded data points to construct gridded DEMs \[[@pone.0127592.ref006]\]. However, defects in the computational efficiency and accuracy of both methods have long been concerns. The TIN method is considered optimal for constructing a DTM from irregularly located point elevations. TIN consists of a set of triangular facets defined by three edges, with each edge bounded by two vertices \[[@pone.0127592.ref007]\]. For most existing TIN-building methods, the task of the user is to select a set of points that best approximate the terrain surface according to a series of building criteria. For scattered point elevations, each point is used as a vertex for at least three triangles. The TIN method is known for its efficiency of data storage and the simplicity of its data structure for accommodating irregularly spaced elevation points \[[@pone.0127592.ref008]\]. However, the TIN method sometimes requires a large amount of data storage space to maintain the topology among each element, which lowers the speed of the algorithm. This is especially true for the wide range of landscapes \[[@pone.0127592.ref009]\] that are inevitable in some applications of DTM construction, such as hydrological analysis \[[@pone.0127592.ref010]--[@pone.0127592.ref012]\]. A gridded DEM represents the terrain surface by a regular square grid of sample elevation, gives a uniform intensity of sampling and is also known as the "altitude matrix" \[[@pone.0127592.ref013]\]. Gridded DEMs are used more frequently because of the wide availability and relatively low cost of data storage they provide. Prominent examples of gridded DEMs are the USGS 7.5-minute grid DEM and the SRTM data. Grid DEMs require much less computer storage allocation because only the elevation data at each point need to be stored; the x and y coordinates can be calculated from the starting point and grid spacing interval. In other DTM representation methods, these coordinates must be explicitly indicated \[[@pone.0127592.ref014]\]. Another advantage is that the topology is simple \[[@pone.0127592.ref015]\] because the neighbours of a selected point can be readily obtained from the "altitude matrix" to calculate the geomorphological parameters. Given this advantage, a wide variety of computer programs have been created based on gridded data. However, this method does have several disadvantages: (1) With a uniform grid spacing interval, grid DEMs tend to be redundant in smooth areas and are unable to portray small landscape features in areas where elevation varies rapidly over short distances; (2) With scattered elevation points (irregular spacing), the data must be converted into regularly spaced points by some method, such as TIN. According to error-propagation theory, DTM errors will propagate through this manipulation and manifest themselves in the final products \[[@pone.0127592.ref006], [@pone.0127592.ref016]\]. At present, neither method has been conclusively shown to be superior over a wide variety of terrain types \[[@pone.0127592.ref017]\]. Especially for scattered elevation point source data, the TIN method is not adopted for large areas of DTM construction, which increases the computation cost and lacks the efficiency necessary for some disciplines, such as hydrology \[[@pone.0127592.ref004]\]. Gridded DEMs are constructed from the spatial derivatives of point elevations without greatly considering the original point elevations, which makes the errors in the DTM larger. Even with recent improvements in computer hardware, there are still limitations in storage space and the computational cost of running the method. Considering these problems with DTM accuracy and computation efficiency, a new method that avoids the flaws of these two methods should be developed. In this paper, a new method of DTM construction based on the quadrangular irregular network (QIN) is developed. The related research was first mentioned by Ferguson \[[@pone.0127592.ref018]\]. Hessing investigated automatic contouring with this method for small amounts of data \[[@pone.0127592.ref019]\]. Wu applied this method to relief generalization \[[@pone.0127592.ref020]\]. These studies attempted to establish a relationship between a QIN method and a DTM; however, the specific advantages of this method are not elaborated clearly, and the studies lack a comparative analysis of the accuracy of the DTM product. A QIN method consists of a set of irregular quadrilateral meshes, where each mesh contains four vertices. All original scattered elevation points are regarded as quadrilateral vertices, and a series of new points is calculated by fitting a polynomial to the surrounding elevation points. All these vertices are organized in a topological matrix similar to the data structure of the gridded DEM. Therefore, the computer programs designed for gridded DEMs apply to QINs, ignoring the differences in the spatial interval. To obtain the elevation (Z value) at a location on each mesh, two approaches are commonly employed \[[@pone.0127592.ref021]\]: 1. Each vertex is treated as the centre of a mesh. All locations on the mesh are assumed to have the same elevation as the central vertex. 2. A continuous surface is fitted to each mesh using adjacent vertices. The elevation of each point on the mesh can be calculated from the surface equation. It is clear that the first method cannot approximate the real-world continuous surface well. To improve the accuracy of DTMs, a large number of studies have focused on DTM construction for interpolations, such as IDW, SPLINE \[[@pone.0127592.ref022]\], KRIGING \[[@pone.0127592.ref023]\], optimization methods based on theorems of surfaces \[[@pone.0127592.ref024], [@pone.0127592.ref025]\], fractal methods \[[@pone.0127592.ref026]\], and the Coons path method \[[@pone.0127592.ref016]\]. These interpolators can be constructed based on a quadrangular irregular network similar to the regular grid model because of their common topological structure. In this paper, we fit a polynomial surface to the irregular quadrilateral using bicubic interpolation, which preserves fine details better than common algorithms do. And an inter-comparison is drawn among this integral QIN method, other two interpolation methods (SPLINE and KRIGING) and TIN method, to analyse the simulation accuracy. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. First, the construction rules of QIN is introduced, and then, the procedure of defining a smooth surface through a point matrix which is topologically equivalent to a planar rectangular grid is investigated. Second, a numerical test and a real-world example are employed to comparatively analyse the accuracy of QINs and that of the two classical interpolation methods SPLINE, KRIGING and TIN method. At last, discussion and conclusions are presented. Methods {#sec002} ======= Principles of quadrangular irregular networks {#sec003} --------------------------------------------- The approximation of a surface by a set of points is important for DTMs. Several classical methods of solution have been proposed. A restriction of these methods is that the set of points must be rectangular sp aced (in the XY-plane). This method loosens the limitation of point distributions so that the point set is topologically equivalent to a planar rectangular grid \[[@pone.0127592.ref018]\]. Let *D* be the set of scattered elevation points *d* ~*k*~ = *(x* ~*k*~, *y* ~*k*~, *z* ~*k*~ *)*, *k* = 1,2,...,*K*. To obtain a point array *{P* ~*n*,*m*~ *}*, *n* = 1,2, ..., *N* and *m* = 1,2, ..., *M*, which is topologically equivalent to an *N×M* planar rectangular grid, adjacent points must be connected by straight-line segments in the point set *D*. The resulting point array *{P* ~*n*,*m*~ *}* divides the set *D* into "vertical subsets" *V* ~*1*~, *V* ~*2*~, *...*, *V* ~*m*~, which satisfy the following principles \[[@pone.0127592.ref019]\]: 1. If *d* ~*a*~ is a member of *V* ~*m*~, and *d* ~*b*~ is a member of *V* ~*m+1*~, then *x* ~*a*~ *\<x* ~*b*~. 2. If *d* ~*a*~ and *d* ~*b*~ are members of the same vertical subset, the line connecting (*x* ~*a*~, *y* ~*a*~) and (*x* ~*b*~, *y* ~*b*~) must form an angle with the y-axis that is less than *π/4*. 3. Each *V* ~*m*~ must contain at least one member of *D*. 4. If *d* ~*a*~ is a member of *V* ~*1*~ or *V* ~*M*~, it must also be on the boundary of the convex hull of *D*. The set *D* is also divided into "horizontal" subsets *H* ~*1*~, *H* ~*2*~, *...*,*H* ~*n*~, which follow the same principles: 1. If *d* ~*a*~ is a member of *H* ~*n*~ and *d* ~*b*~ is a member of *H* ~*n+1*~, then *y* ~*a*~ *\<y* ~*b*~. 2. If *d* ~*a*~ and *d* ~*b*~ are members of the same horizontal subset *H* ~*n*~, the line connecting (*x* ~*a*~, *y* ~*a*~) and (*x* ~*b*~, *y* ~*b*~ *)* must form an angle with the x-axis that is less than*π/4*. 3. Each *H* ~*n*~ must contain at least one member of *D*. 4. If *d* ~*n*~ is a member of *H* ~*1*~ or *H* ~*N*~, it must also be on the boundary of the convex hull of *D*. For maximum computational efficiency, *π/4* is the best threshold: it keeps the vertical and horizontal point sets to a minimum and guarantees the characteristics of the topological matrix. If the angle is less than*π/4*, multiple new points will be produced. If the angle is more than*π/4*, the straight line segment connecting the known point to the points in the coincided area of the angle will be assigned to the horizontal vector and the vertical vector simultaneously. Let *I* ~*n*,*m*~ = *H* ~*n*~ *∩V* ~*m*~. *I* ~*n*,*m*~ indicates the intersection of one horizontal vector and one vertical vector; there is only, at most, one element belonging to two different vectors. There are two situations for *I* ~*n*,*m*~: (1) If *I* ~*n*,*m*~ is nonempty, call the element it contains *P* ~*n*,*m*~; (2) If *I* ~*n*,*m*~ is empty, a derivative point must be constructed that will satisfy conditions (1) and (2) for *H* ~*n*~ and *V* ~*m*~; call this point "new point". [Fig 1](#pone.0127592.g001){ref-type="fig"} show a quadrangular irregular network constructed from a sample data case. Black dots indicate original data and black triangular points indicate new points. ![Quadrangular Irregular Network.](pone.0127592.g001){#pone.0127592.g001} Calculation of new points {#sec004} ------------------------- After the above steps, the original data points are assigned to horizontal and vertical vectors and the values of *M* and *N*, which represent the number of the horizontal and vertical vector, respectively, are already clear. To determine the *x* and *y* coordinates of a new point *I* ~*n*,*m*~, two linear equations involving line segments through the data points in *V* ~*m*~ and *H* ~*n*~ are used to calculate the intersection. For large numbers of scattered elevation points, the cost of computation is large and optimization should be considered; for example, an optimization that allows the calculation of a series of new points from two original data points to be performed only once. To compute the entire quadrangular irregular network, the *z* values of new points must be obtained. A number of methods can be utilized, such as the inverse distance weighted (IDW) method, the rectangle-based blending method \[[@pone.0127592.ref027], [@pone.0127592.ref028]\], triangle-based blending methods \[[@pone.0127592.ref029]\], finite-element-based methods, Foley's methods, and global-basis-function-type methods. For large numbers of elevation data points, to improve computational efficiency, storage requirements and ease of implementation, an inverse-distance-weighted method is employed in this paper. The basic function is given by \[[@pone.0127592.ref030], [@pone.0127592.ref031]\], $$F\left( {x,y} \right)\mspace{2mu} = \mspace{2mu}\sum_{k = 1}^{N}w_{k}\left( {x,y} \right)f_{k}/\sum_{k = 1}^{N}w_{k}\left( {x,y} \right)$$ where *w* ~*k*~(*x*, *y*) is the weight function, which has a variety of forms of expression, depending on data availability, and *f* ~*k*~ is the function of known data. To improve accuracy, two factors of the weighting function must be considered: distance and direction. As Tobler's First Law \[[@pone.0127592.ref032]\] states, nearby points make greater contributions than distant points to any interpolated value; distant data points tend to influence the surface at higher order. For uneven data points, direction can be used to adjust the number of data points involved in the interpolation calculations. Considering these two factors, the interpolation method described below was proposed by Hessing \[[@pone.0127592.ref019]\]: Let (*x* ~*n*,*m*~, *y* ~*n*,*m*~) be a new point which must be interpolated, and let (*a* ~*i*~,*b* ~*i*~,*c* ~*i*~), for *i* = 1, 2, ..., *I*, be the data points. The circle centred at point (*x* ~*n*,*m*~, *y* ~*n*,*m*~) is subdivided into *4L* sections and the weights of the interpolation function are divided into *K* levels, for which *W* ~*0*~ *\> W* ~*1*~ *\>*, *...*, *\> W* ~*K*~ *\> W* ~*K+1*~ *= W* ~*K+2*~ *=*, *...*, *= 0*. Let $$d_{i}{}^{2}\mspace{2mu} = \mspace{2mu}\left( {a_{i} - x_{n,m}} \right)^{2} + \left( {b_{i} - y_{n,m}} \right)^{2}$$ and $$\theta_{i} = tan^{- 1}\left\lbrack {\left( {b_{i} - y_{n,m}} \right)/\left( {a_{i} - x_{n,m}} \right)} \right\rbrack,$$ where *1⩽i⩽I*. For each *l*, *0⩽l⩽L-1*, four sectors are defined as follows: ![](pone.0127592.e004.jpg){#pone.0127592.e004g} π l / 2 L ≤ θ \< π / 2 \+ π l / 2 L , π / 2 \+ π l / 2 L ≤ θ \< π \+ π l / 2 L , π \+ π l / 2 L ≤ θ \< 3 π / 2 \+ π l / 2 L , 3 π / 2 \+ π l / 2 L ≤ θ \< 0 or 0 ≤ θ \< π l / 2 L . Let *J* ~*i*,*l*~ be the number of data points (*a* ~*j*~, *b* ~*j*~, *c* ~*j*~) such that *θ* ~*i*~ and *θ* ~*j*~ are in the same sector and d~j~ ^2^ \< *d* ~*i*~ ^2^. The weight function of point (*a* ~*i*~, *b* ~*i*~, *c* ~*i*~) is described as. ![](pone.0127592.e005.jpg){#pone.0127592.e005g} W i = ( 1 / d i 2 ) ∑ l = 0 L − 1 W J i , l For accuracy and efficiency of the interpolation algorithm, *W* ~*0*~ = *1*, *W* ~*1*~ = *1/2*, ..., *W* ~*K*~ = *W* ~*K-1*~ */2* and *L* = *10*, *K* = *4* are the parameter values suggested by Hessing after a series of experiments. This method follows Tobler's First Law and other derivative rules, such as giving relatively isolated data points more weight and giving clustered data points less weight to an even greater degree than isolated points. One important factor for interpolation is the sample strategy. In this method, *K = 4* determines the number of data points, which means that up to 5 data points can be involved in a computation. However, if the value of *d* ~*i*~ is large, the contribution of each point is small, and errors may be introduced. Therefore, a threshold *R* for *d* ~*i*~ should be used. Suppose *N* is the total number of data points and *A* is the area of the convex hull of all data points; then $$R = \sqrt{10\left( \frac{A}{\pi N} \right)},$$ where *R* is defined as 10 times the average spacing of the data points. After these configurations, the interpolation can be easily implemented. New points interpolated from data points affect the accuracy of the entire QIN. A detailed error analysis will be presented in "Analysis" section. Construction of a bicubic surface {#sec005} --------------------------------- The bicubic surface method was originally developed by Ferguson in the 1960s for use in the car industry \[[@pone.0127592.ref018]\]. The basic idea of a Ferguson surface is to define a smooth surface through a point array whose arrangement is topologically equivalent to a planar rectangular grid, to extend the permission of point array distributions. The resulting solution is a smooth composite of parametric surface segments which is second order continuous. A Ferguson surface can be expressed by the following function: $$S_{n,m}\left( {u,v} \right) = \left\lbrack {X_{n,m}\left( {u,v} \right),Y_{n,m}\left( {u,v} \right),Z_{n,m}\left( {u,v} \right)} \right\rbrack$$ where 0 ≤ *u* ≤ 1, 0 ≤ *v* ≤ 1 ![](pone.0127592.e008.jpg){#pone.0127592.e008g} X n , m ( u , v ) = ∑ p = 0 3 ∑ q = 0 3 a p , q n , m u p v q , ![](pone.0127592.e009.jpg){#pone.0127592.e009g} Y n , m ( u , v ) = ∑ p = 0 3 ∑ q = 0 3 b p , q n , m u p v q , ![](pone.0127592.e010.jpg){#pone.0127592.e010g} Z n , m ( u , v ) = ∑ p = 0 3 ∑ q = 0 3 c p , q n , m u p v q . There are thus 16 coefficients to determine. The Ferguson surface contains the four corner points of each quadrilateral bounded by the curves \[*X* ~*n*,*m*~(0, *v*), *Y* ~*n*,*m*~(0, *v*)\], \[*X* ~*n*,*m*~(*u*, 0), *Y* ~*n*,*m*~(*u*, 0)\], \[*X* ~*n*,*m*~(1, *v*), *Y* ~*n*,*m*~(1, *v*)\], and \[*X* ~*n*,*m*~(*u*, 1), *Y* ~*n*,*m*~(*u*, 1)\]. Therefore, the conditions can be obtained as follows ([Fig 2](#pone.0127592.g002){ref-type="fig"}): ![](pone.0127592.e011.jpg){#pone.0127592.e011g} S n , m ( u , v ) = { P n , m i f u = v = 0 P n , m \+ 1 i f u = 1 , v = 0 P n \+ 1 , m i f u = 0 , v = 1 P n \+ 1 , m \+ 1 i f u = v = 1 ![The quadrilateral with four corner points P~n,m~, P~n,m+1~, P~n+1,m~, P~n+1,m+1~ and the partial derivatives R~n,m~, T~n,m~ on data point P~n,m~.](pone.0127592.g002){#pone.0127592.g002} Let *R* ~*n*,*m*~ be the partial derivatives of *u* and *T* ~*n*~,~*m*~ be the partial derivatives of *v*. To meet the second order continuous condition, additional conditions are also needed: $$\frac{\partial S_{n,m}}{\partial u}\left( {u,v} \right) = \left\{ \begin{array}{r} {R_{n,m}\qquad if\ u = v = 0} \\ {R_{n,m + 1}\ if\ u = 1,v = 0} \\ {R_{n + 1,m}\ if\ u = 0,v = 1} \\ {R_{n + 1,m + 1}\ if\ u = v = 1} \\ \end{array} \right.$$ and ![](pone.0127592.e013.jpg){#pone.0127592.e013g} ∂ S n , m ∂ v = { T n , m i f u = v = 0 T n , m \+ 1 i f u = 1 , v = 0 T n \+ 1 , m i f u = 0 , v = 1 T n \+ 1 , m \+ 1 i f u = v = 1 Therefore, the bicubic surface can be described as, $$S_{n,m}\left( {u,v} \right) = UAW^{T} = UMBM^{T}W^{T}$$ where *A = MBM* ^*T*^, $B = \begin{bmatrix} P_{n,m} & P_{n,m + 1} & \begin{matrix} R_{n,m} & R_{n,m + 1} \\ \end{matrix} \\ P_{n + 1,m} & P_{n + 1,m + 1} & \begin{matrix} R_{n + 1,m} & R_{n + 1,m + 1} \\ \end{matrix} \\ \begin{matrix} T_{n,m} \\ T_{n + 1,m} \\ \end{matrix} & \begin{matrix} T_{n,m + 1} \\ T_{n + 1,m + 1} \\ \end{matrix} & \begin{matrix} \begin{matrix} P_{n,m}^{u,v} \\ P_{n + 1,m}^{u,v} \\ \end{matrix} & \begin{matrix} P_{n,m + 1}^{u,v} \\ P_{n + 1,m + 1}^{u,v} \\ \end{matrix} \\ \end{matrix} \\ \end{bmatrix},$ $M = \begin{bmatrix} 2 & {- 2} & \begin{matrix} 1 & 1 \\ \end{matrix} \\ {- 3} & 3 & \begin{matrix} {- 2} & {- 1} \\ \end{matrix} \\ \begin{matrix} 0 \\ 1 \\ \end{matrix} & \begin{matrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ \end{matrix} & \begin{matrix} \begin{matrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ \end{matrix} & \begin{matrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ \end{matrix} \\ \end{matrix} \\ \end{bmatrix},\mspace{9mu} U = \left\lbrack {u^{3}u^{2}u\ 1} \right\rbrack,\mspace{9mu} V = \left\lbrack {v^{3}v^{2}v\ 1} \right\rbrack$ and $\text{P}_{\text{n},\text{m}}^{\text{u},\text{v}} = \left. \frac{\partial^{2}\text{S}}{\partial\text{u}\partial\text{v}} \right|_{\text{u} = \text{n},\text{v} = \text{m}}$. [Eq 13](#pone.0127592.e014){ref-type="disp-formula"} is called a Coons bicubic surface, which is difficult to compute because the mixed partial derivatives of the four corner points are difficult to determine. Therefore, a Ferguson surface is utilized, which sets the four mixed partial derivatives to 0; that is, ![](pone.0127592.e018.jpg){#pone.0127592.e018g} B = \[ P n , m P n , m \+ 1 R n , m R n , m \+ 1 P n \+ 1 , m P n \+ 1 , m \+ 1 R n \+ 1 , m R n \+ 1 , m \+ 1 T n , m T n \+ 1 , m T n , m \+ 1 T n \+ 1 , m \+ 1 0 0 0 0 \] ⋅ s Now, to obtain all the coefficients, we focus on the calculation of *R* ~*n*,*m*~ and *T* ~*n*,*m*~ near the data point *P* ~*n*,*m*~. A method that considers the distance-based weight was proposed by Hessing. Let $$\begin{matrix} {E = \left( \frac{1}{D_{1}{}^{2}} \right)\left( {P_{n,m} - P_{n,m - 1}} \right) + \left( \frac{1}{D_{2}{}^{2}} \right)\left( {P_{n,m + 1} - P_{n,m}} \right)\mspace{9mu},} \\ {D_{1}{}^{2} = \left( {x_{n,m} - x_{n,m - 1}} \right)^{2} + \left( {y_{n,m} - y_{n,m - 1}} \right)^{2}} \\ \end{matrix}$$ and ![](pone.0127592.e020.jpg){#pone.0127592.e020g} D 2 2 = ( x n , m \+ 1 − x n , m ) 2 \+ ( y n , m \+ 1 − y n , m ) 2 . Thus *E = (E* ~*x*~, *E* ~*y*~, *E* ~*z*~ *)* is the weighed sum of *P* ~*n*,*m---*~ *P* ~*n*,*m-1*~ and *P* ~*n*,*m+1---*~ *P* ~*n*,*m*~. Finally, the equations are complete: $R_{n,m} = \frac{\left( {Min\left( {x_{n,m} - x_{n,m - 1},x_{n,m + 1} - x_{n,m}} \right)} \right)}{E_{x}}$ and $T_{n,m} = \frac{\left( {Min\left( {y_{n,m} - y_{n,m - 1},y_{n,m + 1} - y_{n,m}} \right)} \right)}{E_{y}}$. After the above configurations, a second order continuous surface has been constructed that covers all the points, and each mesh of the surface is constructed by one quadrilateral. The surface represents the true terrain elevations and can be treated as data based on digital terrain analysis. Analysis {#sec006} ======== Numerical test {#sec007} -------------- ### The Peaks surface {#sec008} $$z = 3 \times \left( {1 - x} \right)^{2} \times exp\left( \left\lbrack {- x^{2} - \left( {y + 1} \right)^{2}} \right\rbrack \right) - 10 \times \left( {\frac{x}{5} - x^{3} - y^{5}} \right) \times exp\left( {- x^{2} - y^{2}} \right) - \frac{1}{3} \times exp\left( {- \left( {x + 1} \right)^{2} - y^{2}} \right)$$ was used as a numerical test surface. The true value at each point can be determined by the equation to avoid uncertainty introduced by uncontrollable data errors present in real world data ([Fig 3](#pone.0127592.g003){ref-type="fig"}). The computational domains of *x*, *y* and *z* are \[-3,3\] by \[-3,3\] by \[-6,6\], respectively. 3600 points were randomly chosen as the original data points. The sample strategy is that the XY-plane was divided into 60×60 grids. In each grid, a point was sampled by calculating its *x* and *y* coordinates randomly; its *z* value was then calculated from the Peaks equation ([Fig 4](#pone.0127592.g004){ref-type="fig"}). The *x* and *y* values of 7308 new points were calculated from the intersection of two line segments, and the *z* values of these points were calculated by the Hessing IDW algorithm ([Fig 5](#pone.0127592.g005){ref-type="fig"}). After these processing steps, the 101×108 quadrangular irregular networks were constructed successfully. [Fig 6](#pone.0127592.g006){ref-type="fig"} indicates the distribution of all data points, and [Fig 7](#pone.0127592.g007){ref-type="fig"} indicates the quadrangular networks constructed by the Hessing rules. ![Peaks surface is function of three variables, obtained by translating and scaling Gaussian distributions, which is useful for DEM test.\ (a) 3D display (b) 2D display.](pone.0127592.g003){#pone.0127592.g003} ![Distribution of both (a) the original data points and (b) the new ones.](pone.0127592.g004){#pone.0127592.g004} ![Distribution of all points.](pone.0127592.g005){#pone.0127592.g005} ![QIN constructed network and its magnified information.](pone.0127592.g006){#pone.0127592.g006} ![New points error distribution of simulations.\ (a) IDW, (b) KRIGING, (c) SPLINE, (d) TIN.](pone.0127592.g007){#pone.0127592.g007} In addition to the QIN method, there are some classical interpolation methods including KRIGING, SPLINE which are widely used in GIS applications. These two interpolation methods and TIN method were employed to comparatively analyse the errors of the QIN method. The spatial analyst and 3D analyst toolboxes in ArcGIS 10.0 were used to perform these three classical methods; all default parameters of the software were kept. For KRIGING interpolation, the ordinary option was selected, the semivariogram model was spherical, the search radius was variable and the maximum number of search points was 12. For SPLINE interpolation, the REGULARIZED option was used, the weight was 0.1 and the number of searched points was 12. For TIN method, the original data points were employed as the input feature class. The domain of the Peaks surface was orthogonally divided into 10,000 (100×100) lattices, so there were 10,000 check points that were interpolated by the three classical methods to comparatively analyse the accuracy of the QIN method. The root mean-square error (RMSE) is expressed as \[[@pone.0127592.ref025]\] $$RMSE = \sqrt{\frac{1}{100 \times 100}\sum_{i = 1}^{100}\sum_{j = 1}^{100}\left( {f_{i,j} - sf_{i,j}} \right)},$$ where *sf* ~*i*,*j*~ is the numerical result at the point (*x* ~*i*~,*y* ~*i*~) calculated by the Peaks equation and *f* ~*i*,*j*~ is the interpolated value of the simulated surface at point (*x* ~*i*~,*y* ~*i*~). The QIN construction process consists of two steps. First, the 7308 new data points were calculated by Hessing IDW methods. Second, the 10,000 check points were calculated by the bicubic method. Accuracy of all the new data points was calculated as [Table 1](#pone.0127592.t001){ref-type="table"} shows, KRIGING has the lowest RMSE value, and Hessing IDW has the highest RMSE value. The absolute maximum error and the standard deviation of Hessing IDW are also the highest of any method. In this step, KRIGING has the best accuracy, followed by SPLINE and TIN, and Hessing IDW performs worst. An error matrix \[*E* ~*i*,*j*~\] for each method is constructed to express the spatial distribution of errors; the *E* ~*i*,*j*~ are formulated as $$E_{i,j} = Sf_{i,j} - f_{i,j}$$ where *f* ~*i*,*j*~ is the true value of the surface and *Sf* ~*i*,*j*~ is the simulated value of the surface at the point (*i*,*j*) \[[@pone.0127592.ref025]\]. [Fig 7](#pone.0127592.g007){ref-type="fig"} indicates that these four methods have a relatively concentrated and negative error region, which is coloured blue in the figures; this area is concave in the Peaks surface. The error distribution of Hessing IDW and SPLINE is more complex, while that of the KRIGING is more uniform. 10.1371/journal.pone.0127592.t001 ###### RMSE and other information of new points employed simulation methods. ![](pone.0127592.t001){#pone.0127592.t001g} Hessing IDW SPLINE KRIGING TIN ------------------------ ------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- **RMSE** 0.081907 0.072383 0.068443 0.073316 **ABS Max Error** 0.487149 0.414068 0.333527 0.376977 **ABS Min Error** 4.0724E-8 2.2394E-8 4.5896E-9 3.0097E-8 **Standard Deviation** 0.070117 0.063220 0.062895 0.065836 Hessing IDW performs the worst in the first step, but this does not mean that the QIN method has a higher error, because this accuracy analysis is just about the new data points in the first step. With these new data points, the QIN meshes were constructed completely and the bicubic surface can be constructed based on the meshes. As [Table 2](#pone.0127592.t002){ref-type="table"} shows, the QIN method actually delivers the second best accuracy. SPLINE has the highest accuracy, and TIN performs the worst. Therefore, the overall accuracy ranking is different from that of the first step. With the increased number of points involved in the interpolation calculation, the accuracy of both the SPLINE and QIN methods improve. [Fig 8](#pone.0127592.g008){ref-type="fig"} shows that the accuracy of QINs is greatly affected in areas with steep slopes; the Peaks surface has four such areas of high error. SPLINE and KRIGING show a concentrated area of high error, and overall, the simulated *z* value is lower than the true value. TIN also has a region of high error, but in other areas the result is closer to the true value. ![Check points error distribution of simulations.\ (a) QIN, (b) SPLINE, (c) KRIGING, (d) TIN.](pone.0127592.g008){#pone.0127592.g008} 10.1371/journal.pone.0127592.t002 ###### RMSE and other information of check points employed simulation methods. ![](pone.0127592.t002){#pone.0127592.t002g} QIN SPLINE KRIGING TIN ------------------------ ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- **RMSE** 0.06950 0.06897 0.07031 0.07381 **ABS Max Error** 0.07599 0.33389 0.37400 0.36035 **ABS Min Error** 3.6432E-8 3.8997E-9 4.4226E-10 3.8104E-8 **Standard Deviation** 0.01723 0.06272 0.06300 0.06401 [Fig 9](#pone.0127592.g009){ref-type="fig"} shows the relationship between errors at new points and check points. This analysis indicates that there is no strong trend between these two quantities. [Table 3](#pone.0127592.t003){ref-type="table"} shows the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients (PPCC) among the four parameters, which is formulated as $$\rho_{X,Y} = \frac{cov\left( {X,Y} \right)}{\sigma_{X}\sigma_{Y}},$$ where *cov*(*X*, *Y*) is the covariance of *X* and *Y*, and *σ* ~*X*~ and *σ* ~*Y*~ are the standard deviation of *X* and *Y*, respectively. The correlation coefficient indicates a weak correlation between errors at new points and check points, in keeping with [Fig 9](#pone.0127592.g009){ref-type="fig"}. ![Comparisons between new points errors and check points errors.](pone.0127592.g009){#pone.0127592.g009} 10.1371/journal.pone.0127592.t003 ###### Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient among parameters. ![](pone.0127592.t003){#pone.0127592.t003g} x y New Points Error Check Points Error ------------------------ ---------- --------- ------------------ -------------------- **x** 1 **y** 0 1 **New Points Error** 0.00636 0.21588 1 **Check Points Error** -0.33681 0.32410 0.03341 1 A real-world example {#sec009} -------------------- 1209 elevation data points ([Fig 10A](#pone.0127592.g010){ref-type="fig"}) taken as original points and 6209 check points ([Fig 10B](#pone.0127592.g010){ref-type="fig"}) were randomly taken from a 1:50000 contour map to construct a DTM using QIN method, TIN method, SPLINE and KRIGING. The errors about these methods were comparatively analysed. The study area is located in Midu County, in the centre of Yunnan Province, China ([Fig 11](#pone.0127592.g011){ref-type="fig"}). The elevation ranges from 0 to 2620 meters and is suitable for a comparative study of DTM accuracy. ![Location of elevation sampling points of Midu County.\ (a) Points for DEM construction, (b) Points for inspecting DEM accuracy.](pone.0127592.g010){#pone.0127592.g010} ![Location and topography of Midu County.](pone.0127592.g011){#pone.0127592.g011} [Fig 12](#pone.0127592.g012){ref-type="fig"} shows the relationship between the heights of the interpolated points and the corresponding observed heights of the points. This analysis indicates that the QIN method has the highest interpolation accuracy. The results from the SPLINE simulation appear more discrete and are lower than the line *y = x* overall. The KRIGING method has fewer points than SPLINE and tends to overestimate the elevations of lower check points. The TIN method has very few discrete simulation points and overestimates the elevations of lower check points even more than the KRIGING method does. The QIN method has the best result, but there are also some discrete simulation points. ![Comparisons between simulation results and observed data.\ (a) SPLINE, (b) KRIGING, (c) TIN and (d) QIN.](pone.0127592.g012){#pone.0127592.g012} Discussion {#sec010} ========== The numerical test demonstrates that the accuracy of the QIN method is lower than that of the SPLINE method but higher than that of the KRIGING and TIN methods. In the real-world example, the accuracy of a QIN is the highest. The strategy of sampling discrete points, including original data points and check points, is the main reason why the QIN method does not achieve the highest accuracy in the numerical tests. According to sampling theory, if there is a profile that can be expressed as a series of sine and cosine waves and is long enough to represent local terrain, a maximum frequency *F* can be resolved in the dataset. If the sampling interval is more than *1/(2F)* along the terrain profile, the DTM cannot be reconstructed completely. Such rigorous sampling rules were not used in either test conducted. However, under these sampling conditions, the QIN method is also a better choice for DTM construction. Once the QIN model is built, the classical methods of digital terrain analysis can be applied based on this model, which has the same topology as a gridded DTM. However, the QIN model has huge computational and storage costs because it must generate a series of new data points and restore them for matrix structure construction. In the real-world test, there were 12,413 new data points generated, which was 10 times the number of original data points. To resolve this problem, two alternatives can be considered: 1) storing no new data points in data files, or 2) dividing the original data points into several clusters and constructing a QIN model based on each cluster, then integrating these QIN models. This is a direction of future research. [^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. [^2]: Performed the experiments: MW. Analyzed the data: QD. Wrote the paper: MK.
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
#pragma once #include <Interpreters/IInterpreter.h> #include <Parsers/IAST_fwd.h> #include <optional> namespace DB { class ASTCreateQuotaQuery; struct Quota; class InterpreterCreateQuotaQuery : public IInterpreter { public: InterpreterCreateQuotaQuery(const ASTPtr & query_ptr_, Context & context_) : query_ptr(query_ptr_), context(context_) {} BlockIO execute() override; bool ignoreQuota() const override { return true; } bool ignoreLimits() const override { return true; } static void updateQuotaFromQuery(Quota & quota, const ASTCreateQuotaQuery & query); private: ASTPtr query_ptr; Context & context; }; }
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Share All the evidence suggests that Ramaphosa's land grab will trigger economic disaster All the evidence suggests that Ramaphosa's land grab will trigger economic disaster South Africa's government is jeopardising the post-Apartheid settlement South Africa's government is jeopardising the post-Apartheid settlement Aid to South Africa should be conditional on it dropping its land expropriation plans On February 27, the South African National Assembly set in motion a process to amend that country’s Constitution so as to allow for the expropriation of land without compensation. If implemented, the measure will destroy the political settlement that allowed for a peaceful transfer of power from the white minority to the black majority in 1994 and precipitate economic collapse in Africa’s most developed country. South Africa’s leaders appear to be relaxed about the moral problems and practical risks that the land grab entail. Western nations, who did their utmost to bring the current government to power, should make those risks felt by terminating aid and, if need be, denying future multilateral loans. When the National Party of F.W. De Klerk, South Africa’s last white President, handed over the reins of power to the African National Congress led by Nelson Mandela, the nation’s first black President, it did so under a set of assumptions. First, it assumed that the fall of the Berlin Wall killed off the notion of Marxism as a viable form of government for good. Second, it assumed that the Constitution, which the current leader of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, helped to write and continues to call his nation’s “birth certificate,” contained iron-clad protections of property rights. Third, it assumed that South Africa would be loath to squander the goodwill of the international community by turning its back on that pinnacle of progressive achievement, a well-functioning multi-racial democracy on a continent with a long history of accomplishing the opposite. The first assumption proved wrong. Unfortunately no number of catastrophic failures and atrocities – from Soviet gulags and Chinese laogai to Venezuelan prisons and Zimbabwean torture camps – will ever prevent its periodic reappearance. The second assumption is being put to the test. The courts will have to decide if the land-grab – under which all land in South Africa will fall under the custodianship of the state that can, if it pleases, lease it back to the people – requires a two-thirds or three-fourths majority in the National Assembly. The ANC together with its Maoist ally, Julius Malema’s Economic Freedom Fighters, possess the former. They do not command the latter. Yet. Section 74(1) of South Africa’s Constitution specifies that the country’s “foundational values” cannot be amended unless supported by 75 per cent of the National Assembly and six of the provinces in the National Council of Provinces. So, much will depend on the Constitutional Court, where the matter is undoubtedly heading. The World Justice Project defines rule of law as a state of affairs in which the “laws are clear, publicised, stable, and just; are applied evenly; and protect fundamental rights, including the security of persons and property.” Is the rule of law a fundamental value for South Africa? And if it is, does it include upholding property rights? The Constitutional Court has ruled against the government on occasion, but it would be a mistake to assume that South Africa’s highest court see sense here. That is why the third assumption comes into play. South Africa’s government is clearly impervious to moral case against the land grab. Most claims of the previously dispossessed South Africans have already been settled by an extensive and expensive program of land and financial restitution, and plenty of land changed hands after the end of apartheid through normal market transactions. Not even the economically deleterious consequences can put them off. South Africa’s northern neighbour, Zimbabwe, recently implemented a program of land expropriation without compensation, leading to one of the most spectacular economic implosions in recorded history that wiped out half a century of economic growth. As ever, the Marxist gang running South Africa has responded that this time it will all be different. It will not. The laws of economics will not be suspended in the case of South Africa. The West is a major sponsor of the South African government. The United States alone has funnelled half a billion dollars of taxpayer money to South Africa in 2016 alone. The advocates of US aid like to claim that foreign aid buys America good will in the recipient nations. If it offers any leverage, now is the time to use it. South Africa must be told – explicitly and firmly – that any further moves toward land expropriation without compensation will result in immediate termination of all US aid. Moreover, the US government should make it clear that it will use its dominant position in the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to deny South Africa all future loans unless it maintains its commitment to property rights. The United States has dealt in a similar fashion with Zimbabwe. There is no reason why a similar corrective should not be administered to South Africa before that country becomes yet another African failed state. Marian L. Tupy is senior policy analyst at the Cato Institute's Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity. Share
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Mortgage crediting for individuals in Ukraine grows by 54% Prices in the primary housing market of Ukraine in 2017 rose by 4.7% compared to 2016, whereas the prices in the secondary market grew by 4.5%. The State Statistics Service of Ukraine has informed about this, Interfax-Ukraine informs. The statistics are provided without taking into account the temporarily occupied territories of the Crimea Autonomous Republic, city of Sevastopol and the area where the ATO is taking place. According to the agency, the largest rise in prices in the primary housing market was exhibited in the segment of two-bedroom apartments (6%), whereas prices in the segment of one-bedroom apartments grew by 4.3%, those for three-bedroom apartments increased by 3.1%. In the secondary market, in 2017 prices for one-bedroom apartments grew by 9.7%, while those for three-bedroom apartments increased by 2.2% and two-bedroom apartments have become 3% more expensive. It was reported earlier that the volume of mortgage crediting for individuals in the first nine months of 2017 reached $33.21 million, which shows a 54% increase in year-on-year terms, according to the National Bank of Ukraine. Within the first nine months of 2017, 4 million square meters of housing was commissioned, which is 35% more than in the same period a year earlier. The number of permits for the construction of apartment buildings issued in H1 2017 increased 34% compared with the same period in 2016. Simultaneously, the number of apartments in the primary market of Kyiv increased 65% in January-September 2017.
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
7 Cal.3d 710 (1972) 497 P.2d 1121 102 Cal. Rptr. 385 THE PEOPLE, Plaintiff and Respondent, v. SIRHAN BISHARA SIRHAN, Defendant and Appellant. Docket No. Crim. 14026. Supreme Court of California. In Bank. June 16, 1972. *716 COUNSEL George E. Shibley, Luke McKissack, Abdeen Jabara, Grant Cooper, Russell Parsons, Robert E. Mundy, Martha Goldin, Godfrey Isaac and Ernest L. Graves for Defendant and Appellant. Evelle J. Younger, Attorney General, William E. James, Assistant Attorney General, and Ronald M. George, Deputy Attorney General, for Plaintiff and Respondent. OPINION BURKE, J. A jury found defendant guilty of first degree murder of Senator Robert Kennedy and fixed the penalty at death for that crime. *717 The jury also found defendant guilty on five counts charging assault with a deadly weapon with intent to commit murder upon Paul Schrade, Irwin Stroll, William Weisel, Elizabeth Evans and Ira Goldstein respectively, and prison sentences were imposed on those counts. The court denied a motion for a new trial, and defendant's automatic appeal is now before us. (Pen. Code, § 1239, subd. (b).) Defendant contends that (1) the death penalty is cruel or unusual punishment; (2) in view of proof of his diminished capacity the evidence is insufficient to support the first degree murder conviction; (3) he was denied a fair trial as a result of certain publicity; (4) his right to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures and his privilege against self-incrimination were violated by the receipt of evidence found in his bedroom and in his yard; (5) other evidence was erroneously admitted; (6) his constitutional rights were violated by having the prosecution initiated by an indictment rather than an information; (7) the court erred in failing to hold an evidentiary hearing on whether the exclusion of veniremen opposed to the death penalty results in an unrepresentative jury on the issue of guilt or substantially increases the risk of conviction; and (8) the petit and grand juries were illegally selected.[1] People v. Anderson, 6 Cal.3d 628 [100 Cal. Rptr. 152, 493 P.2d 880], holds that the death penalty violates our state constitutional provision against cruel or unusual punishment (Cal. Const., art. I, § 6). The first of defendant's contentions thus is meritorious. We have concluded that the other contentions set forth above cannot be upheld and that the judgment should be modified to provide for life imprisonment and as so modified affirmed. At the trial it was undisputed that defendant fired the shot that killed Senator Kennedy. The evidence also established conclusively that he shot the victims of the assault counts. The principal defense relied upon by defendant was that of diminished capacity. Extensive evidence was presented of the circumstances surrounding the shootings and of defendant's mental condition, which evidence may be summarized as follows: About 8:30 p.m. on June 2, 1968, two days before defendant shot Senator Kennedy, the senator made a speech in the Coconut Grove at the *718 Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, following which he delivered a second speech outside the hotel. Defendant was seen at the hotel about 8:45 that night by an acquaintance. A half hour or less after the senator's second speech a hostess saw a man who looked like defendant in the kitchen near the Coconut Grove. During the day on June 4, 1968, defendant practiced firing at a gun range for several hours and had also practiced shooting at ranges on several prior occasions. On June 4 he engaged in rapid fire with the .22 revolver he used a few hours later to kill Senator Kennedy. The revolver had been obtained by defendant in February 1968 when his brother Munir paid a fellow employee for it. A person who talked with defendant at the gun range on June 4 testified that defendant stated he was "going to go on a hunting trip with his gun," that he told defendant it was not permissible to use pistols for hunting "because of the accuracy," and that defendant said, "Well, I don't know about that. It could kill a dog." About 10 or 11 p.m. on June 4, 1968, a secretary whose duties included seeing that unauthorized persons were not near the Embassy Ballroom of the Ambassador Hotel, saw defendant near that room and asked him who he was, and he turned and walked toward the doors leading into the ballroom. Shortly before midnight on the same day defendant asked hotel employees if Senator Kennedy was going to come through the pantry, and they told him that they did not know. One of the employees observed defendant for about a half hour in the pantry and noticed nothing unusual about his manner or activity. About midnight on June 4, Senator Kennedy made a speech in the Embassy Ballroom announcing his victory as a Democratic candidate for president in the California primary. Following the speech he and his entourage proceeded toward the hotel's Colonial Room, which was then being used as a press room. En route the senator stopped in the pantry to shake hands with the kitchen staff. Suddenly defendant darted toward the senator, pulled out a revolver, and fired several shots. The senator and a man adjacent to him, Paul Schrade, fell. Pandemonium ensued. A hotel employee grabbed defendant around the wrist of the hand holding the gun, but defendant, who was still able to move that hand, continued shooting. Irwin Stroll, William Weisel, Elizabeth Evans and Ira Goldstein were injured by the gunfire. Several persons joined in the struggle and succeeded in restraining defendant, and one took the gun *719 from him. When asked "Why did you do it?," defendant replied something to the effect "I can explain." The senator was taken to a hospital where he underwent surgery. He subsequently died on June 6, 1968. According to the autopsy surgeon, the cause of death was a gunshot wound "to the right mastoid" that penetrated the brain; the senator also received two additional gunshot wounds, one in an armpit and another slightly lower. Expert testimony indicated that the gun was an inch and a half or less from the senator's head when the fatal bullet was fired and in contact with him or within a few inches when the other wounds were inflicted. Around the time that the senator was taken to the hospital the police arrived at the hotel and took custody of defendant. Two officers, defendant, and Jesse Unruh got into a car and drove to the police station. En route the officers advised defendant of his constitutional rights. Subsequently Unruh asked defendant "Why did you shoot him?" and defendant replied "You think I am crazy? You think I will tell you so you can use it as evidence against me?" Unruh also heard defendant say "I did it for my country." Unruh believed that defendant was not intoxicated, and police officers who were with defendant at the time of his arrest or shortly thereafter reached the same conclusion. About 12:45 a.m., minutes after defendant arrived at the police station, he was seen by Officer Jordan. The officer estimated that he was with defendant between four and five hours on this occasion. Jordan stated that defendant never appeared irrational and that in the officer's many years on the force defendant was "one of the most alert and intelligent people I have ever attempted to interrogate." Jordan initially identified himself and asked defendant his name but received no response. The officer then advised defendant of his constitutional rights, and defendant, after asking a few questions, indicated he wished to remain silent. Defendant, Jordan, and other officers subsequently discussed various matters other than the case. Tapes of the conversations were played to the jury. The police found various items on defendant's person, including a newspaper article which in part noted that in a recent speech Senator Kennedy "favored aid to Israel `with arms if necessary' to meet the threat of the Soviets." A trash collector testified that on one occasion he told defendant he was going to vote for Kennedy in the primary election and that defendant replied "What do you want to vote for that son-of-a-b for? Because I'm planning on shooting him." On cross-examination the witness admitted that following the assassination when asked if he would testify he stated *720 he "would not want to take the oath because [he] hated Sirhan so much that [he] would do anything to see him convicted." The prosecution also introduced documents found by the police at defendant's home. The documents contain statements in defendant's handwriting regarding various matters including, inter alia, killing Senator Kennedy.[2] Defendant, testifying in his own behalf, admitted having shot Senator Kennedy, but claimed that he did not remember having done so. He conceded, however, that he stated "I killed Robert Kennedy wilfully, premeditatively, with twenty years of malice aforethought." (The context in which this statement was made is set forth later herein.) Defendant further testified that he "must have," or had no doubt that he, shot the victims of the assault counts. Defendant's account of what transpired on June 4 and 5, was as follows: He intended to go to the races on June 4, but did not like the entries and decided to go target shooting instead. He took his revolver to a gun range, stopping en route to buy ammunition, and stayed at the range until about 5 p.m. He practiced shooting there but was not the person who engaged in rapid fire. He had gone to gun ranges on several prior occasions and practiced with the gun because he "liked to" and "was interested ... in ... target practicing perfection." He first developed an interest in guns as a member of a high school cadet corps. He did not recall making a statement about killing a dog. He might have said "it [apparently his gun] is strong enough to kill an animal," but he did not have in mind killing Senator Kennedy. After leaving the range, he stopped to eat and subsequently saw an article concerning a march for Israel, which made him angry. He drove to the area where the march was scheduled but found it was not on that date. On the drive he passed Thomas Kuchel's headquarters and went in. There someone mentioned a "bigger party" at the Ambassador. The person did not mention whose party it was, and defendant did not know there was to be a Kennedy party that night. He went to the Ambassador, was mad at the Zionists, and started to drink. He bought two Tom Collins during about an hour. He does not recall how many drinks he had that evening. After a while he felt high and returned to his car to go home but was afraid to drive because of his condition and decided to return to the hotel for coffee. He did not recall picking up his gun but as a result of what subsequently *721 transpired he realized he must have done so. Upon returning to the Ambassador, he found some coffee and talked with a girl. The next thing he remembered he was being choked. He did not remember asking anyone "where Kennedy was going to come through" and did not know if he asked "what time [Kennedy] would be there." He did not remember saying "I did it for my country" but "Jesse Unruh must have been correct in saying that [defendant made the statement]." He recalled getting into the police car, being advised of his constitutional rights, and various other matters following his arrest. Defendant also admitted having gone to the Ambassador Hotel on June 2 where he heard Senator Kennedy speak but denied having been in the kitchen that night. He stated that the senator "looked like a saint" but that defendant still had in the back of his mind a broadcast in which the senator committed himself to sending jet bombers to Israel. Defendant denied having made the statement to the trash collector regarding killing Senator Kennedy. Defendant further testified regarding his background as follows: He is a Palestinian Arab. He was born in 1944 in New Jerusalem, and in 1948 he and his family moved to Old Jerusalem where they remained until coming to the United States in 1956. Throughout his eight years in Old Jerusalem there were intermittent bombings. He attended school there. His family lived under poor conditions in Old Jerusalem [e.g., the whole family resided in one room with grossly inadequate toilet facilities]. He was told they were living as they were because "The Jews kicked us out of our home." He was also told of a massacre in which 250 people including children were slaughtered in cold blood by the Jews. While living in Old Jerusalem he went to a well for some water, and when the bucket came up it contained a hand and it sickened him. On one occasion he saw the exploded remains of a grocer he knew. In 1956 he heard about aggression by Israel against the Arabs in the Suez Canal. About a year after they came to the United States his father returned to Jordan. In 1963 defendant graduated from high school and subsequently attended college but was dismissed in 1965 after missing classes. He thereafter worked with horses but left his job in 1966 and did not find another job for a year. He read everything available on the Arab-Israel conflict and on the occult, in which he became interested in 1965. He joined the Rosicrucian Order in 1965. He performed several experiments such as concentrating on a mirror and seeing the face of Robert Kennedy instead of his own. Defendant also described in detail his views regarding the Arab-Israel conflict and his hatred of the Zionists. *722 Additional evidence was introduced by the defense regarding the bombings in Old Jerusalem during the period defendant resided there, the various gruesome matters he saw during his childhood, and his poor living conditions in that city. Several defense witnesses also testified that they saw defendant with a drink in his hand on the night of June 4, 1968. In support of his defense of diminished capacity defendant called to the stand two psychiatrists Eric Marcus, M.D. (a court-appointed psychiatrist) and Bernard Diamond, M.D.; two psychologists who administered psychological tests to defendant (Drs. Orville Richardson and Martin Schorr) and four psychologists who evaluated the tests administered to defendant by Dr. Richardson and/or Dr. Schorr (Drs. Stephen Howard, William Crain, Georgene Seward, and George De Vos). Doctors Marcus and Diamond testified that at the time of the alleged murder defendant was a paranoid schizophrenic, and Dr. Diamond further stated that defendant was then in a "dissociated state of restrictive consciousness as a ... consequence of [his] psychotic condition." According to both psychiatrists, defendant lacked the capacity to maturely and meaningfully reflect upon the gravity of the contemplated act of murder and to comprehend his duty to govern his actions in accord with the duties imposed by law, and they explained the reasons for their conclusion. They further testified concerning the origin, development, and manifestations of the illness. Doctors Richardson, Schorr, Crain, De Vos and Seward likewise testified that defendant was a paranoid schizophrenic, and, according to Dr. Schorr, defendant went into a dissociate state before the shooting. Doctors Richardson and Schorr also agreed with the psychiatrists that defendant lacked the capacity to maturely and meaningfully reflect upon the gravity of his contemplated act of murder and to harbor malice aforethought. Dr. Howard concluded that defendant has "paranoid features" and is "a borderline psychotic person," i.e., a person "who can go in and out of psychosis, depending on the ... relative minor stresses ... in daily life." In rebuttal the prosecution called to the stand Seymour Pollack, M.D., a professor of psychiatry and law at the University of Southern California. Dr. Pollack interviewed defendant eight times, spending about 24 hours with him. The first such interview was on January 19, 1969. The doctor also observed defendant in the courtroom during preliminary proceedings that began June 28, 1968, and during the trial. In addition he interviewed members of defendant's family; reviewed the psychological tests given by *723 Drs. Richardson and Schorr to defendant and numerous other matters such as the grand jury transcript and tapes of defendant's conversations after his apprehension; and attended a conference with other psychiatrists and psychologists concerning the case. The overall time Dr. Pollack spent on the case was close to 200 hours. With respect to his diagnosis, Dr. Pollack testified: Defendant was not "clinically psychotic," i.e., there were "no observable signs or symptoms to a degree and of a kind that would allow [the witness] as a psychiatrist to say that [defendant] was mentally ill as a psychotic person." There was insufficient proof of schizophrenia.[3] On the other hand, according to Dr. Pollack, defendant is, and was at the time of the killing and for "some time before that," mentally ill and emotionally disturbed, and his mental illness was substantial, i.e., of a degree and kind that is not present in most of the population. Dr. Pollack concluded that defendant is a paranoid personality, which is not a psychosis but a form of mental illness in which there is an exaggeration of certain personality characteristics. Such a personality is more suspicious and sensitive than most people, "takes things more personally to a greater degree than the average person," and tends to collect grievances. Dr. Pollack testified that defendant also is "a borderline schizophrenic," i.e., "a person who has ... or shows some minimal evidence of peculiarity in his thinking, in his feeling ... but who doesn't have, who hasn't shown ... any clnical signs or symptoms of psychosis." According to Dr. Pollack, there are indications that defendant has "a psychotic personality structure," and a person with such a structure is not "held together as well" and becomes "more easily unglued than ordinary." Dr. Pollack further stated: Defendant demonstrated evidence of psychosis in the psychological tests. However, in the interviews he did not have the degree of personality disorganization that the doctor would have expected from the tests, although the interviews revealed specified matters indicating the possibility of psychosis. For example, during the interviews after the initial ones defendant exhibited a degree of paranoid thinking with accompanying emotional responses that led the witness to suspect that there were psychotic characteristics in his personality. "[T]he paranoid *724 element" is quite strong in defendant's notebooks, but Dr. Pollack did not believe that the notebooks were evidence of psychosis since he found none of the peculiarities therein that would have been "more definite proof of [defendant's] being clinically psychotic." The doctor believed the repetitious statements in the writing relating to killing Senator Kennedy were examples of defendant's attempts to strengthen "his courage [and] capability to carry out his intention to kill Kennedy." Part of the writing was not "the writing of a healthy mature mind." He acknowledged that had he spent many additional hours with defendant it is possible or probable that more definite evidence of psychosis would have been found.[4] Dr. Pollack traced defendant's life history and the effect of various incidents upon him. He stated, inter alia, that "defendant's personality standard as it was on June 5, 1968, was related to the experiences he had as a boy, experiences in Jerusalem and these all, significantly, substantially affected him to a certain extent and were related to what he did." Dr. Pollack stated that he believed that defendant was exposed to the turmoil and violence that accompanied the Arab-Jewish conflict but that he had no material that defendant had any greater exposure than others in his family and community and that there were many times they were reasonably secure. Dr. Pollack believed that in spite of defendant's early life experiences defendant developed "into a much stronger person than others believe him to be," although "these experiences to some degree left [him] vulnerable in the development of this subsequent character formation...." Dr. Pollack further testified that "I believe the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy was triggered by political reasons with which [defendant] was highly emotionally charged; I believe that Sirhan focused on Senator Robert Kennedy as an individual who should die, not only because of the Kennedy promise to give Israel the jet bombers that would cause death to thousands of Arabs, in Sirhan's opinion, but also because Sirhan wanted the world to see ... how strongly our United States policy was in the pro-Israel-anti-Arab movement in ... spite of our Government's professed interest for the underdog, and world justice" and "Sirhan ... saw himself as a defender of the Arab cause and, as an individual who through *725 this act would bring world attention to the Arab plight and also... materialize his fantasy of success." He testified, "In my opinion when Sirhan shot Kennedy, Sirhan's mental capacity was not impaired to the extent of diminished capacity to maturely and meaningfully premeditate and deliberate and reflect upon the gravity of the contemplated act of shooting the Senator" and that Sirhan "did not have ... diminished mental capacity to harbor malice aforethought." The doctor explained that he considered the following "functions" in reaching the foregoing conclusions: He found no evidence of any altered state of consciousness or dissociate state, and various matters indicated to the contrary. For example, testimony of eyewitnesses showed defendant was aware of the significance of questions asked him and the tape recordings of his conversations at the police station indicated "a great deal of reasoning ability." There was no substantial impairment of his attention (i.e., ability to attend to his environment in a meaningful manner), perception (i.e., ability to perceive objects in a meaningful manner, using past experiences), understanding (i.e., ability not simply to know but to appreciate "in a fuller sense"), ability to associate ideas logically, and freedom of choice. His emotions were "not that disturbed." He was becoming more irritable and explosive but there was no substantial evidence that "this was an impulsive explosion." His foresight (i.e., his ability to look forward and plan) appeared to be reasonably intact, and the same was true regarding his memory. Dr. Pollack stated that mental capacity is on a continuum, ranging from zero (close to absence of capacity) to 100 percent (which none attain); that psychiatrists are not specialists as to where society wants to draw the line, but that as a psychiatrist he "can say that if an individual is considered to have ... substantial impairment of any of these functions it should be below 50 percent" and those persons with a substantial impairment of any of the recited functions would have diminished capacity. Dr. Pollack further testified that in his opinion defendant's mental illness "affected" what he did "some" but not "enough" and that it related to the assassination. In a report to the district attorney Dr. Pollack stated, "Sirhan's mental illness was related to his act of assassination in that his paranoid convictions went beyond those of a normal personality in the average citizen.... This mental illness should be considered a substantial mitigating factor on the issue of penalty...." Dr. Pollack also testified that defendant believed it was "good" and "right" to kill Senator Kennedy and had that belief when he made the entries in his notebooks. Defense counsel then asked, "As a matter of fact, *726 he felt it was his duty almost to do it, didn't he?", and Dr. Pollack replied, "Almost, yes. As an Arab he felt that it was his duty, that he would be looked up to by the Arab world and that he would be considered a hero." Dr. Pollack indicated that he did not consider defendant's belief that it was "right" and "good" to kill the senator a delusion and stated that "it's there that I think a major difference exists between the other psychiatrists and myself."[5] He testified defendant gave no evidence of believing himself to be a person chosen by God to kill Kennedy whom he regarded as the devil — that such a belief would have been a delusion. Dr. Pollack further testified that defendant did not expect to be punished for his act because in his view Kennedy and others having the senator's views about the Arab-Israel conflict were murderers. Leonard Olinger, a clinical psychologist, was also called in rebuttal by the prosecution. He contacted the prosecution after concluding on the basis of news reports that some of Dr. Schorr's testimony was unwarranted by the material presented to support it. The prosecution furnished Dr. Olinger with, among other things, the tests given to defendant by Drs. Schorr and Richardson. So far as appears Dr. Olinger never personally examined defendant. After criticizing various interpretations given to defendant's test responses by other witnesses and techniques employed in administering certain of the tests, Dr. Olinger stated that in his opinion it appeared from the tests that defendant was "a borderline schizophrenic with primary neurotic features." He stated that on the basis of the capacity demonstrated by the tests, such an individual could maturely and meaningfully premeditate and deliberate to commit the act of murder. He further stated that the tests suggest that defendant had the capacity to comprehend his duty and to conform it to the dictates of society. 1. Sufficiency of Evidence to Support First Degree Murder Conviction (1a) Defendant contends that in view of proof of his diminished capacity the evidence is insufficient to support his conviction of first degree murder and that he should have been convicted of manslaughter or at most second degree murder. (2) "`It has long been settled under the Wells-Gorshen rule of diminished capacity that in cases other than those where a felony murder is charged, a defendant cannot be convicted of murder of the first degree if, at the time of the alleged offense, he was operating under a mental disability not amounting to legal insanity that prevented him from acting with *727 malice aforethought or with premeditation and deliberation.'" (People v. Risenhoover, 70 Cal.2d 39, 51 [73 Cal. Rptr. 533, 447 P.2d 925], quoting from People v. Ford, 65 Cal.2d 41, 54-55 [52 Cal. Rptr. 228, 416 P.2d 132].) (1b) The recited evidence, including, among other things, the expert testimony introduced by the prosecution and proof of the circumstances surrounding the crime, is sufficient to support the jury's implied finding that defendant committed the killing with malice aforethought. (Cf. People v. Risenhoover, supra, 70 Cal.2d 39, 51; People v. Goedecke, 65 Cal.2d 850, 854 et seq. [56 Cal. Rptr. 625, 423 P.2d 777, 22 A.L.R.3d 1213]; People v. Nicolaus, 65 Cal.2d 866, 869-878 [56 Cal. Rptr. 635, 423 P.2d 787].) It may be noted that at the trial defense counsel told the jury that in his opinion the evidence and law justified a second degree murder conviction. We turn next to whether the evidence is also sufficient to support the jury's implied finding that the murder was wilful, deliberate and premeditated. The meaning of deliberation and premeditation was elucidated in People v. Wolff, 61 Cal.2d 795, 821-822 [40 Cal. Rptr. 271, 394 P.2d 959], a case involving a 15-year-old boy who had a permanent form of schizophrenia according to undisputed psychiatric testimony and was charged with the murder of his mother. Wolff stated that the true test "must include consideration of the ... extent to which ... defendant could maturely and meaningfully reflect upon the gravity of his contemplated act.... Certainly ... defendant had ample time for any normal person to maturely and appreciatively reflect upon his contemplated act and to arrive at a cold, deliberated and premeditated conclusion. He did this in a sense — and apparently to the full extent of which he was capable. But, indisputably on the record, this defendant was not and is not a fully normal or mature, mentally well person. He knew the difference between right and wrong; he knew that the intended act was wrong and nevertheless carried it out. But the extent of his understanding, reflection upon it and its consequences, with realization of the enormity of the evil [italics added], appears to have been materially — as relevant to appraising the quantum of his moral turpitude and depravity — vague and detached." Wolff theretofore had pointed out (at p. 820) that "`Dividing intentional homicides into murder and voluntary manslaughter was a recognition of the infirmity of human nature. Again dividing the offense of murder into two degrees is a further recognition of that infirmity and of difference in the quantum of personal turpitude of the offenders. ... [W]hen it is claimed that the homicide is by "any *728 other kind of willful, deliberate, and premeditated killing" there is necessity for an appraisal which involves something more than the ascertainment of objective facts. ... [People v. Holt, 25 Cal.2d 59, 86 (153 P.2d 21); italics added.]'" (See also People v. Bassett, 69 Cal.2d 122, 124 et seq. [70 Cal. Rptr. 193, 443 P.2d 777]; People v. Nicolaus, supra, 65 Cal.2d 866, 876-878; People v. Goedecke, supra, 65 Cal.2d 850, 855-858.) Here, defendant had ample time to reflect upon the killing, and, although the evidence is conflicting, the heretofore summarized evidence constitutes substantial proof that at the time of the shooting defendant was not a paranoid schizophrenic, in a dissociate state, or intoxicated. Also, as we have seen, Dr. Pollack, who examined defendant on eight occasions as well as having reviewed extensive materials and interviewed members of defendant's family, testified that although defendant was mentally ill, defendant did not have diminished capacity to harbor malice aforethought or to maturely and meaningfully reflect upon the gravity of his contemplated act, and the doctor explained the reasons for his conclusions. There was also evidence that the assassination was politically motivated, and defendant's actions in carrying out the crime are, of course, additional proof of his then mental state. In addition a lay witness who observed defendant for about a half hour shortly before the killing noticed nothing unusual about defendant's manner or activity, and an officer who was with defendant for several hours shortly after the killing found him highly alert and intelligent. We conclude that the evidence is sufficient to support the first degree murder conviction. 2. Alleged Denial of Fair Trial as a Result of Publicity (3a) Defendant contends that as a result of publicity during the trial he was denied his right to an impartial jury in violation of the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the federal Constitution. On February 5, 1969, the regular jury was sworn. On February 10, 1969, a motion to enter a plea of guilty to first degree murder provided that defendant receive life imprisonment was made in chambers and denied. The court ordered that the record pertaining to the motion be sealed. On February 11, 1969, the alternates were sworn. The court did not at this time sequester the jurors and alternates and instead allowed them to return to their homes until the following evening.[6] The court admonished them *729 not to discuss the case with anyone and "not to read any newspaper or any ... article or listen to any TV or radio broadcast related to this case, and if you should inadvertently see or hear such report, you are to disregard it and not permit it to influence you in your deliberations." On February 12, 1969, an article appeared in the Los Angeles Times bearing the headline "Sirhan Guilty Plea Now Appears Likely — Defense Shift Could Shorten Trial, Avert Death Sentence." (Italics added.) The article stated, among other things, that: "[I]t was learned that defendant probably will plead guilty to first-degree murder in the slaying of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy"; "The willingness of the three defense lawyers to change the plea is said to be based on their conviction that, while psychiatric evidence would not warrant a death penalty, they could not hope for a jury verdict of less than first-degree murder"; there had been an in-chambers discussion between defense and prosecution lawyers, and, although "both sides were uncommunicative about the reason for the meeting," the Times had "learned ... that a possible change in plea was discussed." (Italics added.) The newspaper article received radio coverage. The KFWB broadcast stated: "... Speculation arose this morning when the Los Angeles Times said Sirhan would probably change his plea, putting himself at the mercy of the jury.... Cooper would not discuss the newspaper claims that Sirhan himself was the one who wanted to change his plea to guilty in hopes of being sentenced to life imprisonment instead of death." KMPC and KNX broadcasts contained similar statements. Defense counsel represented that there was also television coverage of the matter. The publicity on the subject was massive. In the words of the trial judge, "Everybody knows it has been on the radio every hour; it has been in the newspapers, certainly the Times ... in the most important spot...." On February 13, 1969, defendant moved for a mistrial on the ground that he could not receive a fair trial as a result of the newspaper article and subsequent radio and television coverage. Both defense counsel and the prosecution assured the court that they had not been the source of the information in the article, and the court stated it was certain its staff had not revealed the information. At defendant's request the twelve jurors and six alternates were then questioned individually in chambers concerning the matter.[7] With respect to the 12 jurors who rendered the verdicts it may be *730 inferred from the record that none had read the body of the Times article. Several had heard or read either nothing or only comments of a general nature such as that "[a friend] thought there was not going to be a trial." At least four, however, had seen the Times headline or heard on the radio or television that defendant "was pleading guilty" or a comment by an acquaintance such as that defendant "pled guilty" or "was going to plead guilty," and at least two indicated that they had also heard certain additional statements, which might have been viewed as suggesting that the guilty plea was to first degree murder.[8] Several stated that they could set aside anything they had heard or read and decide the case solely on the evidence produced in court and law as given by the court. The trial court, in denying the motion for a mistrial, stated "practically everyone, if not everyone's responses to questions by the Court said they could set aside these matters if they did hear them and decide the case only on the evidence produced here in court and the law as stated to them by [the court]." At the conclusion of the trial defendant made a motion for a new trial on the ground, among others, that the denial of his motion for a mistrial deprived him of an impartial jury, and the court denied the motion for a new trial. (4) "Due process requires that the accused receive a trial by an impartial jury free from outside influences. (5) Given the pervasiveness of modern communications and the difficulty of effacing prejudicial publicity from the minds of the jurors, the trial courts must take strong measures to ensure that the balance is never weighed against the accused. And appellate tribunals have the duty to make an independent evaluation of the circumstances." (Sheppard v. Maxwell, 384 U.S. 333, 362 [16 L.Ed.2d 600, 620, 86 S.Ct. 1507]; see also Groppi v. Wisconsin, 400 U.S. 505, 508 *731 [27 L.Ed.2d 571, 574, 91 S.Ct. 490]; Maine v. Superior Court, 68 Cal.2d 375, 382, 384-385 [66 Cal. Rptr. 724, 438 P.2d 372].) (3b) In most cases involving claims of due process deprivations a showing of identifiable prejudice to the accused is required (see Estes v. Texas, 381 U.S. 532, 542-543 [14 L.Ed.2d 543, 549-550, 85 S.Ct. 1628]), but under some circumstances, there is such a probability of prejudice to the accused that prejudice is presumed. (E.g., Sheppard v. Maxwell, supra, 384 U.S. 333, 352 [16 L.Ed.2d 600, 614] [probability of prejudice from "totality of circumstances"]; Estes v. Texas, supra, 381 U.S. 532 [probability of prejudice from televising and broadcasting of trial]; Turner v. Louisiana, 379 U.S. 466, 473 [13 L.Ed.2d 424, 429, 85 S.Ct. 546] [probability of prejudice from key prosecution witnesses also serving as jury shepherds during trial]; Rideau v. Louisiana, 373 U.S. 723, 726 [10 L.Ed 2d 663, 665, 83 S.Ct. 1417] [probability of prejudice from television exposing the community "repeatedly and in depth to the spectacle of [the accused] personally confessing in detail to the crimes with which he was later to be charged."]) Here neither prejudice to defendant from the publicity nor a probability thereof is shown by the record, even if it be assumed that the jurors were unable to disregard the matters they had heard or seen relating to a guilty plea by defendant.[9] Insofar as the jurors had heard or read only of (1) a guilty plea by defendant without any indication of whether it was to first degree murder or to a lesser crime or (2) statements of an even more general nature, it is unlikely that defendant was prejudiced by their being aware of the foregoing since at the trial defense counsel made it clear to the jury that the defense was not seeking an acquittal and that the sole issue was whether defendant was guilty of first degree murder, second degree murder, or manslaughter.[10] The matters heard or read by some of the jurors were *732 thus not inconsistent with the position of defense counsel at the trial. Although part of defendant's own testimony indicated that he was unconscious at the time of the killing and the jury was instructed regarding unconsciousness as a complete defense, there was abundant proof that he was not then unconscious as was impliedly recognized by defense counsel in advising the jury that he was not seeking an acquittal. Furthermore, it is significant that at the trial defense counsel introduced evidence of another, later occasion during the trial when defendant attempted to plead guilty to first degree murder, testimony by psychiatrists also referred to that later attempt, and on cross-examination defendant admitted having stated "I killed Robert Kennedy wilfully, premeditatively, with twenty years of malice aforethought."[11] (Cf. Stroble v. California, 343 U.S. 181, 195 [96 L.Ed. 872, 883, 72 S.Ct. 599], wherein the defendant claimed that he had been denied due process by certain news reports, and the court stated in part, "It is significant that ... the confession which was one of the most prominent features of the newspaper accounts ... was introduced in evidence at the trial itself"; see People v. Tahl, 65 Cal.2d 719, 731 [56 Cal. Rptr. 318, 423 P.2d 246]; 56 J. Crim. L., C. & P.S., pp. 13-14; see generally A.B.A. Standards Relating to Fair Trial and Free Press, Proposed Final Draft, December 1967, §§ 3.5, subd. (f), and 3.6; 24B C.J.S., Criminal Law, § 1927, subd. (c), p. 244.) Under the circumstances defendant was not prejudiced by the information of which some jurors were aware regarding a guilty plea to an undesignated crime or matters of an even more general nature. (Cf. People v. Jacobson, 63 Cal.2d 319, 330-331 [46 Cal. Rptr. 515, 405 P.2d 555]; People v. Cotter, 63 Cal.2d 386, 397-398 [46 Cal. Rptr. 622, 405 P.2d 862] [vacated on another ground, 386 U.S. 277 (18 L.Ed.2d 43, 87 S.Ct. 1035)].) Nor was he prejudiced by any additional statements heard by two or more of the jurors from which they might have inferred that the guilty plea was to first degree murder since the evidence received at the trial showed the later attempt to plead guilty to first degree murder and the above stated admission. This case differs from Rideau v. Louisiana, supra, 373 U.S. 723, wherein the court apparently regarded as immaterial the fact that evidence similar *733 to the publicity was received at the trial. Rideau held a conviction invalid on the ground that the denial of a motion for a change of venue was a denial of due process where the community had repeatedly been exposed to television broadcasts of a film in which the defendant confessed to the crimes with which he was later charged. Three jurors who convicted the defendant had seen at least one of the broadcasts. According to Rideau, "Any subsequent court proceedings in a community so pervasively exposed to such a spectacle could be but a hollow formality." It appears in the Rideau dissent that at the trial other confessions by the defendant were received in evidence, but the court apparently regarded that fact as immaterial. Here, however, the publicity of which the jurors had knowledge would have far less damaging impact on a juror than a home-viewed confession and would not necessarily render subsequent court proceedings "but a hollow formality." 3. Asserted Violation of Right to Be Secure Against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures and Privilege Against Self-incrimination Defendant contends that his right to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures (U.S. Const., 4th and 14th Amends.; Cal. Const., art. I, § 19), and privilege against self-incrimination (U.S. Const., 5th and 14th Amends.) were violated by the introduction by the prosecution of (1) several pages from two of his notebooks and an envelope that were found in his bedroom on June 5, 1968, and (2) an envelope that was found in a trash box in the rear yard of his residence on June 6, 1968.[12] (6) The Attorney General contends, inter alia, that defendant is precluded from claiming that the receipt of the foregoing evidence was error since the remaining pages of the notebooks were introduced into evidence by the defense and the defense used the entire notebooks and envelopes as proof of diminished capacity. The Attorney General asserts that the pages offered by the defense were more damaging than "those portions" offered by the prosecution "from the standpoint of showing [defendant's] praise of communism and hatred toward this country, stated in occasionally profane *734 terms, and [defendant's] willingness to resort to political assassination,"[13] and the Attorney General claims that the introduction by the defense of the pages was not impelled by the prosecution's introduction of the subject evidence but by, if anything, a desire of the defense to use the notebooks in support of its defense of diminished capacity. "It is, of course, difficult to unravel the many considerations that might have led" the defense to offer the pages. (See Harrison v. United States, 392 U.S. 219, 224 [20 L.Ed.2d 1047, 1052, 88 S.Ct. 2008].) However, we believe that there is at least a reasonable possibility that their introduction was impelled by the prosecution's introduction of part of the notebooks. (See People v. Quicke, 71 Cal.2d 502, 518 [78 Cal. Rptr. 683, 455 P.2d 787]; People v. Spencer, 66 Cal.2d 158, 168 [57 Cal. Rptr. 163, 424 P.2d 715].) It was only after the prosecution introduced part of the notebooks over objection, that the defense introduced the remaining pages. When defense counsel offered in evidence the first page of one notebook he stated he did so "For the purpose of showing all of [defendant's] writings and to explain the pages that have heretofore been offered in evidence...." Presumably he did not have a different purpose for the other pages. The defense may have been seeking to show that the pages introduced by the prosecution, when viewed in the context of the notebooks in their entirety, should be considered by the jury as containing merely declarations of a mentally unbalanced person. Under the circumstances we are satisfied that defendant by introducing the remaining pages of the notebooks did not waive his right to contend on appeal that the introduction of the evidence *735 by the prosecution was error. (See, e.g., People v. Zavala, 239 Cal. App.2d 732, 741 [49 Cal. Rptr. 129].) The Attorney General has cited no authority that any use by defendant of the subject evidence after a defense objection thereto was overruled bars defendant from claiming error on appeal, and it would not seem that it would have that effect. It is thus necessary to consider the merits of defendant's contentions. A. Alleged Illegal Search and Seizure on June 5, 1968 (7a) A pretrial motion to suppress the evidence obtained in the June 5, 1968, search was made on the ground that the search and seizure were unlawful. The motion was denied following an evidentiary hearing. At the trial evidence was also received bearing on the matter. Defendant in effect made a second motion to suppress by making an "objection," and the "objection" was overruled. On the morning of June 5, 1968, defendant's brothers, Adel and Munir, upon seeing a newspaper picture of defendant in connection with the Kennedy shooting, went to the police station, where Adel was interviewed by Sergeant Brandt, one of the officers who made the search. The officer then knew that the senator had been shot earlier that same morning and presumably was aware that the senator was the successful Democratic candidate for President in the California primary. The officer further knew that the suspect was in custody and apparently knew that the suspect's identity had not theretofore been revealed. Adel advised the officer of the suspect's identity and stated that he (Adel), his two younger brothers, Sirhan and Munir, and their mother lived at a specified address in Pasadena and that their father was in another country. The officer asked if they could search the home, and Adel replied that "as far as he was concerned [they] could, however it was his mother's house."[14] When asked if he wanted the police to call her for permission, Adel replied that she did not know what had happened and he did not want to alarm her. Sergeant Brandt, accompanied by two other officers and Adel, then went to the Sirhan residence, arriving about 10:30 a.m. on June 5, 1968. Brandt testified that they "were interested in evidence of possible conspiracy in that there might be other people that were not yet in custody." He stated that there was nothing which "indicated [defendant] was engaged in any conspiracy" but that there was no evidence "there was not a conspiracy." *736 Adel admitted the officers into the house. They asked which bedroom belonged to defendant, and Adel directed them to a back bedroom. There the officers opened a closed dressing table drawer and found an envelope bearing the notation "RFK must be disposed of like his brother was." On the floor in plain sight they saw a closed notebook. They opened it to see its contents; it contained a prediction of America's downfall, an attack upon its leaders, and comments relating to "doing away" with those leaders. On top of the dressing table they saw a second notebook which looked "like a school book." They looked through it, and in it were notations such as "R.F.K. must be assassinated" and "Ambassador Goldberg must die." The envelope and pages from the two notebooks containing the foregoing comments were introduced into evidence by the prosecution. The handwriting on the envelope and in the notebooks was identified as defendant's. Since the search was without a warrant, the burden was on the People to show proper justification therefor. (People v. Edwards, 71 Cal.2d 1096, 1099 [80 Cal. Rptr. 633, 458 P.2d 713]; People v. Henry, 65 Cal.2d 842, 845 [56 Cal. Rptr. 485, 423 P.2d 557]; People v. Haven, 59 Cal.2d 713, 717 [31 Cal. Rptr. 47, 381 P.2d 927].) In the trial court one theory relied upon by the People was Adel's consent, and the trial court upheld the search on the ground that the officers had the consent of Adel, "one they conscientiously and reasonably believed ... could grant authority." Defendant argues on appeal that Adel had neither actual nor apparent authority to consent to a search of defendant's notebooks and dresser drawer. We need not, however, consider whether the search can be sustained on the basis of Adel's consent, since, as we shall see, the search was lawful upon another ground. The Attorney General asserts that there was a pressing emergency to ascertain the existence of a possible conspiracy to assassinate presidential candidates or high government officials, and he relies on the emergency exception to the warrant requirement. Defendant, on the other hand, argues that no emergency was shown justifying the search, and he points to testimony that the officers had no evidence of a conspiracy. (8a) As a preliminary matter it is necessary to consider whether the emergency theory was relied upon by the People in the trial court. (9) Ordinarily the People cannot introduce for the first time in the appellate court a theory to justify a search since the defendant, being entitled to assume that the only purported justification for the search is that advanced by the prosecutor, has no reason to cross-examine prosecution witnesses and adduce evidence of his own to rebut the theory argued for *737 the first time in the appellate court. (People v. Superior Court (Simon), ante, p. 186 [101 Cal. Rptr. 837, 496 P.2d 1205]; People v. Miller, ante, p. 219 [101 Cal. Rptr. 860, 496 P.2d 1228].) (8b) Here at the motion for a new trial the prosecutor clearly enunciated that theory. Although the Attorney General has not directed us to any place where that theory was theretofore explicitly set forth in the trial court, we believe that the prosecutor's remarks and examination of witnesses during the hearing on the motion to suppress and trial gave defendant sufficient notice that the prosecutor was relying on that theory,[15] and defendant makes no argument to the contrary on appeal. Although at the motion for new trial defense counsel referred to the prosecution's "new suggestion," apparently referring to the theory in question, he made no claim that the defense was taken by surprise and his cross-examination in which he brought out that there was no evidence of a conspiracy suggests that he was not. We conclude that the People are not barred from urging the theory on appeal. (7b) We turn next to a consideration of whether the theory is a valid one. In Johnson v. United States, 333 U.S. 10, 14-15 [92 L.Ed. 436, 440-441, 68 S.Ct. 367], a case involving narcotics law violations, the court declared that "There are exceptional circumstances in which, on balancing the need for effective law enforcement against the right of privacy, it may be contended that a magistrate's warrant for search may be dispensed with." The court concluded that such circumstances were not there present, stating "... No suspect was fleeing or likely to take flight. The search was of permanent premises, not of a movable vehicle. No evidence or contraband was threatened with removal or destruction...." The doctrine in Johnson v. United States, supra, 333 U.S. 10, 14-15, repeatedly has been reiterated by the United States Supreme Court. (See, e.g., Vale v. Louisiana, 399 U.S. 30, 34-35 [26 L.Ed.2d 409, 413-414, *738 90 S.Ct. 1969];[16]United States v. Jeffers, 342 U.S. 48, 51-52 [96 L.Ed. 59, 64-65, 72 S.Ct. 93]; McDonald v. United States, 335 U.S. 451, 456 [93 L.Ed. 153, 158, 69 S.Ct. 191].) In McDonald, supra, which involved the crime of carrying on a lottery, the court, after concluding that no emergency there appeared justifying the search, stated, "We are not dealing with formalities. The presence of a search warrant serves a high function. Absent some grave emergency, the Fourth Amendment has interposed a magistrate between the citizen and the police. This was not done to shield criminals nor to make the home a safe haven for illegal activities. It was done so that an objective mind might weigh the need to invade the privacy in order to enforce the law.... We cannot be true to that constitutional requirement and excuse the absence of a search warrant without a showing by those who seek exemption from the constitutional mandate that the exigencies of the situation made that course imperative." (Italics added; see also Coolidge v. New Hampshire, 403 U.S. 443, 445 [29 L.Ed.2d 564, 570, 91 S.Ct. 2022]; Chimel v. California, 395 U.S. 752, 761 [23 L.Ed.2d 685, 692, 89 S.Ct. 2034].) Warden v. Hayden, 387 U.S. 294, 298-300 [18 L.Ed.2d 782, 787-788, 87 S.Ct. 1642] held that "the exigencies of the situation made [the course there followed] imperative." In that case the police were informed that an armed robbery had taken place and that the suspect had entered a specified address less than five minutes before they reached it, and the court stated that the police "acted reasonably when they entered the house and began to search for a man of the description that had been given and for weapons which he had used in the robbery or might use against them." (See also People v. Smith, 63 Cal.2d 779, 797 [48 Cal. Rptr. 382, 409 P.2d 222] [cert. den. 388 U.S. 913 (18 L.Ed.2d 1353, 87 S.Ct. 2119); rehg. den. 389 U.S. 893 (19 L.Ed.2d 211, 88 S.Ct. 13)]; People v. Terry, 70 Cal.2d 410, 424 [77 Cal. Rptr. 460, 454 P.2d 36] [cert. den. 399 U.S. 911 (26 L.Ed.2d 566, 90 S.Ct. 2205); rehg. den. 400 U.S. 858 (27 L.Ed.2d 97, 91 S.Ct. 26)].) The emergency or exigency theory has also been applied in cases where the officers' conduct was prompted by the motive of preserving life and reasonably appeared to be necessary for that purpose. (See, e.g., People v. Roberts, 47 Cal.2d 374 [303 P.2d 721] [police heard moaning sound as if from person in distress, entered defendant's apartment, looked in several rooms, and found evidence in plain sight in the kitchen]; People v. Superior *739 Court (Peebles) 6 Cal. App.3d 379 [85 Cal. Rptr. 803] [circumstances suggesting the possibility of an unexploded bomb in an apartment held to constitute exigent circumstances justifying search]; People v. Gomez, 229 Cal. App.2d 781, 782-783 [40 Cal. Rptr. 616] [officer searched pockets of unconscious man having convulsions for purpose of discovering what was wrong with him].) The Attorney General urges that the "exigencies of the situation" in this case likewise made it imperative for the officers to follow the course they took. The heretofore recited evidence indicates that the officers believed that there might be a conspiracy, and although none of the officers mentioned the object thereof they undoubtedly contemplated the obvious possibility of a conspiracy to assassinate political leaders in this country. It also may be inferred from the recited evidence that they believed that an emergency existed and that prompt action on their part was necessary.[17] Their beliefs were entirely reasonable. The crime was one of enormous gravity, and the "gravity of the offense" is an appropriate factor to take into consideration. (See People v. Schader, 62 Cal.2d 716, 724 [44 Cal. Rptr. 193, 401 P.2d 665], quoting from a dissent by Mr. Justice Jackson in Brinegar v. United States, 338 U.S. 160, 182 [93 L.Ed. 1879, 1894, 69 S.Ct. 1302].) The victim was a major presidential candidate, and a crime of violence had already been committed against him. The crime thus involved far more than possibly idle threats. Although the officers did not have reasonable cause to believe that the house contained evidence of a conspiracy to assassinate prominent political leaders, we believe that the mere possibility that there might be such evidence in the house fully warranted the officers' actions. It is not difficult to envisage what would have been the effect on this nation if several more political assassinations had followed that of Senator Kennedy. Today when assassinations of persons of prominence have repeatedly been committed in this country,[18] it is essential that law enforcement officers be allowed to take fast action in their endeavors to combat such crimes. The scope of the search must, of course, be "`strictly tied to and justified *740 by' the circumstances which rendered its initiation permissible. [Citations.]" (Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1, 19 [20 L.Ed.2d 889, 904, 88 S.Ct. 1868].) Officer Brandt testified that after Adel admitted them into the house they began "a general search" and that they went there to determine both "whether or not there was anyone else involved in [the crime]" and "whether or not there were any other things that would be relative to the crime." Even if the exigent circumstances in this case made lawful a warrantless search only for evidence of a possible conspiracy to assassinate prominent political leaders, it is clear from the record that the officers were searching for such evidence. (See Warden v. Hayden, supra, 387 U.S. 294, 299-300 [18 L.Ed.2d 782, 787-788].) Only a thorough search in the house could insure that there was no evidence therein of such a conspiracy. Defendant's objection to the notebooks and envelope found in his bedroom and his pre-trial motion to suppress that evidence were on grounds other than that the notebooks and envelope were "communicative" or "testimonial" in nature so that their very nature precluded them from being the object of a reasonable search and seizure. (See Warden v. Hayden, supra, 387 U.S. 294, 302-303 [18 L.Ed.2d 782, 789-790]; People v. Thayer, 63 Cal.2d 635, 642-643 [47 Cal. Rptr. 780, 408 P.2d 108] [cert. den. 384 U.S. 908 (16 L.Ed.2d 361, 86 S.Ct. 1342)]; see generally A.L.I., A Model Code of Pre-arraignment Procedure, Proposed Official Draft No. 1 (April 1972) § 210.3, pp. 34-36.)[19] The issue whether the very nature of the notebooks and envelope precluded them from being the object of a reasonable search and seizure therefore will not be reviewed on appeal. (Evid. Code, § 353; People v. Floyd, 1 Cal.3d 694, 717 [83 Cal. Rptr. 608, 464 P.2d 64]; People v. De Santiago, 71 Cal.2d 18, 22 [76 Cal. Rptr. 809, 453 P.2d 353]; People v. Washington, 71 Cal.2d 1061, 1083 [80 Cal. Rptr. 567, 458 P.2d 479].) Even if defendant's memorandum in support of his *741 motion for a new trial raised that issue, this did not constitute a timely motion to exclude the evidence on that ground. We conclude that the trial court did not err in admitting the evidence found in defendant's bedroom. B. Alleged Illegal Search and Seizure on June 6, 1968 (10a) The prosecution introduced into evidence, over objection, an envelope on which appears writing (identified as defendant's) stating "RFK must be ... disposed of properly Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy must soon die die die die...." The envelope was found on June 6, 1968, by Police Officer Young, who was "assigned to security at the rear of the Sirhan residence" and had the duty of guarding the place to keep unauthorized persons away. Young testified that he made a "search" of the Sirhan residence rear yard, at the back of which there was a fence. Several boxes of trash were in the rear yard, and Young stated that he found the envelope "laying in a box of trash.... There was garbage, lots of papers ... and this was partly folded and wadded up, lying in the trash." When subsequently asked whether when he made "a search [he] was looking for ... whatever [he] could find," the officer replied, "Not at the moment. I had ... a paper cup of coffee, and I walked over there to drop it in the trash and seeing here is quite a bit more trash, and the trashman apparently hadn't been able to get in yet, and I threw it in the trash and that is when I noticed this envelope and it had writing on it." He picked it up out of curiosity, looked at it, and later delivered it to another officer. Officer Young did not have a search warrant. (11) The burden is on the prosecution to justify a search or seizure without a warrant. (People v. Edwards, supra, 71 Cal.2d 1096, 1099; People v. Marshall, 69 Cal.2d 51, 56 [69 Cal. Rptr. 585, 442 P.2d 665].) At the trial the prosecution, in seeking to sustain its burden, relied upon People v. Bly, 191 Cal. App.2d 352, 357 [12 Cal. Rptr. 542], which states that "It can hardly be said that papers discarded to the trash can are the object of an illegal search and seizure." Bly, however, was disapproved after defendant's trial in People v. Edwards, supra, page 1105. In Edwards officers found marijuana during a search of the contents of trash cans that were in the "open backyard area" behind the defendant's residence, a few feet from the back door. The officers were thus required to trespass upon the defendant's property in order to make the search. The marijuana itself was not visible without "rummaging" in the receptacle. Edwards declared that the appropriate test to be applied in determining whether there was an illegal search and seizure was "whether the *742 person has exhibited a reasonable expectation of privacy, and, if so, whether that expectation has been violated by unreasonable governmental intrusion" and that under that test the search was unlawful. We applied the principles set forth in Edwards in People v. Krivda, 5 Cal.3d 357, 365 [96 Cal. Rptr. 62, 486 P.2d 1262] [cert. granted, 405 U.S. 1039 (31 L.Ed.2d 579, 92 S.Ct. 1307)]. There contraband was concealed in paper sacks within trash barrels and was not visible without emptying or searching through the barrels' contents; the barrels were placed on the parkway adjacent to the sidewalk for collection. We held that the defendants had a reasonable expectation of privacy that their trash would not be rummaged through and picked over by the police acting without a warrant and that this expectation was violated by unreasonable governmental intrusion.[20] (10b) In the instant case, unlike Edwards and Krivda, the officer did not find the evidence by rummaging through the trash. Although Officer Young used the word "search" in describing his discovery of the envelope, his heretofore recited testimony indicates that at least part of the envelope was visible without any object being moved. (12) "It has long been settled that objects falling in the plain view of an officer who has a right to be in the position to have that view are subject to seizure and may be introduced in evidence. Ker v. California, 374 U.S. 23, 42-43 (1963); United States v. Lee, 274 U.S. 559 (1927); Hester v. United States, 265 U.S. 57 (1924)." (Harris v. United States, 390 U.S. 234, 236 [19 L.Ed.2d 1067, 1069, 88 S.Ct. 992].) Even if an officer may have committed a trespass, his observations of matters in plain view are under some circumstances admissible. (See, e.g., People v. Terry, supra, 70 Cal.2d 410, 427-428 [cert. den. 399 U.S. 911; rehg. den. 400 U.S. 858]; People v. King, 5 Cal. App.3d 724, 725-727 [85 Cal. Rptr. 461]; People v. Willard, 238 Cal. App.2d 292, 298 et seq. [47 Cal. Rptr. 734].) (10c) Here the officer who found the envelope was stationed in the rear yard of the Sirhan residence to keep intruders away. Defendant's mother and brothers lived in the house,[21] and they and others undoubtedly went into the rear yard. On each side of the Sirhan residence was another house in close proximity thereto. Under the circumstances defendant did not *743 exhibit an expectation of privacy as to objects in plain view in his rear yard, and any such expectation would have been unreasonable. (Cf. People v. Bradley, 1 Cal.3d 80, 83-84 [81 Cal. Rptr. 457, 460 P.2d 129]; People v. King, supra, 5 Cal. App.3d 724, 725-726.) In People v. Bradley, supra, 1 Cal.3d 80, the officers while pursuing a felony investigation discovered marijuana plants in a "rear yard area." The premises consisted of a house that faced the street; a driveway which was east of the house and terminated in a garage at the rear of the house; defendant's residence, which was attached to the rear of the garage; and a large "fenced-in yard" to the west of defendant's residence. The extent and manner of the fencing were not shown. The marijuana plants were partially covered by foliage, and it could be inferred that at least part of the plants was in plain view of anyone within a foot of the tree. The plants were located a scant 20 feet from defendant's door to which presumably delivery men and others came, and the front house, as well as defendant's house, apparently had access to the yard. In People v. King, supra, 5 Cal. App.3d 724, the officers in the course of investigating a felony walked up a driveway by a home to the rear edge of the house where they observed stolen property in plain sight in the back yard. The stolen property could not be seen from the sidewalk but could be seen from the driveway and (the court inferred) from windows of adjacent buildings. Although there manifestly are differences in the facts between this case and Bradley and King, in our opinion those differences do not warrant a different result here than in Bradley and King as to objects in plain sight in the back yard. What writing on the envelope was visible before Officer Young picked it up and examined its exterior surfaces is not established by the record.[22] However, Young's conduct in this regard was not a search since it did not violate the privacy upon which defendant justifiably relied (see Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347, 353 [19 L.Ed.2d 576, 583, 88 S.Ct. 507]) We recognize that four United States Supreme Court justices have declared that a limit on the plain view doctrine is that the discovery of the evidence must be inadvertent. (See Coolidge v. New Hampshire, 403 U.S. 443, 469-471 [29 L.Ed.2d 564, 585-586, 91 S.Ct. 2022].) Even if there is such a requirement, here it may be inferred from the heretofore recited evidence that Young's discovery of the envelope was inadvertent. In this *744 case, unlike Coolidge, there was not "advance police knowledge of the existence and location of the evidence, police intention to seize it, and the ample opportunity for obtaining a warrant." (403 U.S. at p. 482 [29 L.Ed.2d at p. 592].) Defendant's objection to the envelope was on grounds other than that the envelope was "communicative" or "testimonial" in nature so that its very nature precluded it from being the object of reasonable search and seizure (see Warden v. Hayden, supra, 387 U.S. 294, 302-303; People v. Thayer, supra, 63 Cal.2d 635, 642-643; see generally A.L.I., Model Code of Pre-arraignment Procedure, supra, § 1.03). The issue whether the envelope's very nature precluded it from being the object of a reasonable search and seizure therefore will not be reviewed on appeal. We conclude that the court did not err in admitting the envelope found in the yard. 4. Other Claims of Error with Respect to Admission of Evidence (13a) Defendant contends that it was error to admit testimony of an admission by him since the admission was made in the context of an offer to plead guilty. On direct examination defendant admitted having shot Senator Kennedy but stated, "I don't remember shooting him." On cross-examination of defendant after the prosecution elicited testimony that defendant was neither sorry nor proud that the senator was dead the following questioning occurred: "Q. But you are not sorry? A. No, sir, because I have no way of — no exact knowledge, sir, of having shot him. Q. Well, the other day right here in this courtroom did you not say: `I killed Robert Kennedy wilfully, premeditatively, with twenty years of malice aforethought' — did you say that? A. Yes, sir, I did." Defense counsel made no objection to the admission on the ground now urged but stated that he would bring out on redirect the surrounding circumstances. Thereafter on redirect examination of defendant defense counsel elicited testimony showing that those circumstances were as follows: During proceedings outside the presence of the jury defense counsel informed the court of a disagreement between himself and defendant regarding the calling of certain witnesses and stated that defendant desired to address the court. Defendant then stated that he wanted to plead guilty to first degree murder. The court asked him what he wanted to do about the penalty, and he replied, "I will ask to be executed, sir." The court inquired why he wanted to do "this," and he answered "That is my prerogative." The court stated, "No, it isn't. Now, when we come to accepting a plea, you have to give me a reason." Defendant then stated "I killed *745 Robert Kennedy wilfully, premeditatively, with twenty years of malice aforethought; that is why." Defendant testified further that: The court subsequently stated it would not accept the plea. The court also told defendant, among other things, that any further interruptions by him in the trial would result in his being restrained. Defendant was at the time angry with his attorneys over the above stated disagreement. Since no objection was made at the trial on the ground now urged to the admission, defendant is precluded from making the claim of error on appeal. (14) It is the general rule, of course, that questions relating to the admissibility of evidence will not be reviewed on appeal absent a specific and timely objection in the trial court on the ground sought to be urged on appeal. (Evid. Code, § 353; Pen. Code, § 1259; People v. Floyd, supra, 1 Cal.3d 694, 717; People v. De Santiago, supra, 71 Cal.2d 18, 22; People v. Washington, supra, 71 Cal.2d 1061, 1083. (13b) Furthermore, the admission was admissible under the circumstances of this case. Evidence of an offer to plead guilty or of a withdrawn guilty plea is made inadmissible by statutes. (Evid. Code, § 1153; Pen. Code, § 1192.4; People v. Quinn, 61 Cal.2d 551, 554-555 [39 Cal. Rptr. 393, 393 P.2d 705]; People v. Hamilton, 60 Cal.2d 105, 112-114 [32 Cal. Rptr. 4, 383 P.2d 412]; People v. Wilson, 60 Cal.2d 139, 155-156 [32 Cal. Rptr. 44, 383 P.2d 452].)[23] The obvious purpose of the statutes is to promote the public interest by encouraging the settlement of criminal cases without the necessity of a trial. (See People v. Quinn, supra; People v. Hamilton, supra; People v. Wilson, supra [each so stating with respect to Pen. Code, § 1192.4].) In view of that purpose it seems clear that the Legislature intended to exclude solely withdrawn guilty pleas and bona fide offers to plead guilty and did not intend to exclude outbursts by an angry defendant during the trial even if accompanied by an expression of a desire to plead guilty. Such outbursts, of course, would not lead to the settlement *746 of the criminal case without a trial and ordinarily would not end the trial but instead would merely disrupt it. Here it is apparent that Sirhan's admission was made during such an outburst rather than during a bona fide offer to plead guilty.[24] Defendant also appears to complain of the receipt of the evidence showing the circumstances surrounding his admission but since that evidence was introduced by defense counsel defendant may not now complain. (People v. Moran, 1 Cal.3d 755, 762 [83 Cal. Rptr. 411, 463 P.2d 763]; People v. Feldkamp, 51 Cal.2d 237, 241 [331 P.2d 632].) Moreover, his complaint appears to be that the evidence was inadmissible since it constituted an offer to plead guilty, and for the reason heretofore stated the exclusionary rule does not apply to the evidence in question. 5. Claim that Defendant's Constitutional Rights Were Violated by Having Prosecution Initiated by an Indictment Rather Than an Information Defendant contends that he was denied due process and equal protection because the prosecution was initiated by an indictment rather than an information. He notes that a defendant who is proceeded against by way of an information has certain rights (e.g., right to counsel at preliminary hearing (Pen. Code, §§ 858, 859 and 860; see Jennings v. Superior Court, 66 Cal.2d 867, 874 [59 Cal. Rptr. 440, 428 P.2d 304]), to confront and cross-examine witnesses (Pen. Code, § 865), and to present evidence (Pen. Code, § 866; see Jennings v. Superior Court, supra, at p. 880), that comparable rights are not accorded to a defendant who is indicted (see Pen. Code, § 939.7; People v. Rojas, 2 Cal. App.3d 767, 771 [82 Cal. Rptr. 862]; People v. Dupree, 156 Cal. App.2d 60, 64-65 [319 P.2d 39]; People v. Dale, 79 Cal. App.2d 370, 376 [179 P.2d 870]; Witkin, Cal. Criminal Procedure (1963) pp. 166-167), and that no standards guide the prosecutor in selecting between the two alternative procedures. The use of indictments in all cases warranting serious punishment was the rule at common law (Smith v. United States, 360 U.S. 1, 9 [3 L.Ed.2d 1041, 1047, 79 S.Ct. 991]), and is required in certain federal prosecutions by the Fifth Amendment of the federal Constitution. (15) It has long been the rule in this state, however, that felonies may be prosecuted by either indictment or information. (Cal. Const., art. I, § 8; Pen. Code, §§ 682, 737, 739, 917 and 949.) Although there are differences between the two procedures, a defendant who is proceeded against by an indictment *747 is not denied due process or equal protection. (In re Wells, 20 Cal. App.3d 640, 649 [98 Cal. Rptr. 1]; People v. Pearce, 8 Cal. App.3d 984, 986-989 [87 Cal. Rptr. 814]; People v. Newton, 8 Cal. App.3d 359, 388 [87 Cal. Rptr. 394]; People v. Rojas, supra, 2 Cal. App.3d 767, 771; People v. Flores, 276 Cal. App.2d 61, 65-66 [81 Cal. Rptr. 197].) It similarly does not violate due process to initiate a prosecution by an information rather than an indictment. (Hurtado v. California, 110 U.S. 516, 538 [28 L.Ed. 232, 239, 4 S.Ct. 111, 292]; In re Terry, 4 Cal.3d 911, 926 [95 Cal. Rptr. 31, 484 P.2d 1375].) In support of his contention defendant relies upon cases in which it was held that constitutionally impermissible classifications were contained in the legislation or rule there in question (e.g., McLaughlin v. Florida, 379 U.S. 184 [13 L.Ed.2d 222, 85 S.Ct. 283] [classification based on race]; Douglas v. California, 372 U.S. 353 [9 L.Ed.2d 811, 83 S.Ct. 814] [classification based on indigency]; Skinner v. Oklahoma, 316 U.S. 535 [86 L.Ed. 1655, 62 S.Ct. 1110] [classification requiring sterilization under certain circumstances of persons convicted of larceny but not of those convicted of embezzlement]). The provisions which concern us here do not contain such a classification. 6. Asserted Error in Failure to Hold Evidentiary Hearing (16) Defendant contends that the court erred in refusing to hold an evidentiary hearing on the question whether the exclusion of veniremen opposed to the death penalty results in an unrepresentative jury on the issue of guilt or substantially increases the risk of conviction. After the death penalty was returned defendant requested such a hearing and stated that he wished to call only one witness, Hans Zeisel, a professor at the University of Chicago Law School, and through him to offer some "documents" (the exact nature of which was not specified). After defendant outlined the general substance of Zeisel's proffered testimony, the court denied the motion. Defendant then had marked for identification a document entitled "Some Data on Juror Attitudes Toward Capital Punishment" (1968) by Zeisel, which, defendant stated, contained "a more specific offer of proof" regarding Zeisel's testimony. The portion of the document dealing specifically with whether a juror's attitude towards capital punishment affects his determination regarding guilt states that it contains an "improved analysis of data" on which the author briefly reported in a preliminary manuscript, "Some Insights into the Operation of Criminal Juries" (Confidential First Draft, November 1957). That preliminary manuscript was before the United States Supreme Court in Witherspoon. (See *748 Witherspoon v. Illinois, 391 U.S. 510, 517, fn. 10 [20 L.Ed.2d 776, 782, 88 S.Ct. 1770].) Other portions of the document presented at the instant trial contained matters such as data on certain characteristics that might distinguish jurors who have scruples against the death penalty from those who do not (e.g., statistics regarding approval of capital punishment by age, race, and sex). Witherspoon v. Illinois, supra, 391 U.S. 510, left undecided the question whether the exclusion of veniremen opposed to capital punishment necessitates setting aside the judgment as to guilt.[25] The petitioner in that case cited (1) two surveys involving a total of 387 students and (2) the preliminary manuscript by Zeisel, which contained the results of a study based upon interviews with 1,248 jurors in New York and Chicago. The court stated, "The data adduced by the petitioner ... are too tentative and fragmentary to establish that jurors not opposed to the death penalty tend to favor the prosecution in the determination of guilt,[11]" and footnote 11 stated in part that during the post-conviction proceeding there under review no request was made to submit evidence on the matter and that "We can only speculate, therefore, as to the precise meaning of the terms used in those studies, the accuracy of the techniques employed, and the validity of the generalizations made." (See also Bumper v. North Carolina, 391 U.S. 543, 545 [20 L.Ed.2d 797, 800, 88 S.Ct. 1788].) The petitioners in In re Anderson, 69 Cal.2d 613, 621 [73 Cal. Rptr. 21, 447 P.2d 117], requested an evidentiary hearing regarding their claim that the exclusion of veniremen opposed to capital punishment results in an unrepresentative jury on the issue of guilt and substantially increases the risk of conviction, and we denied the request on the ground that they were then not ready for such a hearing and that the study they had underway did not warrant what would amount to an indeterminate stay of the judicial process. We subsequently denied other similar requests on the ground that the petitioner did not state whether or not he was prepared for an evidentiary hearing and gave no indication of the nature of the evidence he intended to introduce. (People v. Robles, 2 Cal.3d 205, 219 [85 Cal. Rptr. 166, 466 P.2d 710]; People v. Brawley, 1 Cal.3d 277, 298 [82 *749 Cal. Rptr. 161, 461 P.2d 361] [cert. den. 400 U.S. 993 (27 L.Ed.2d 441, 91 S.Ct. 462)]; In re Eli, 71 Cal.2d 214, 218 [77 Cal. Rptr. 665, 454 P.2d 337] [cert. den. 396 U.S. 1020 (24 L.Ed.2d 512, 90 S.Ct. 589)]; In re Arguello, 71 Cal.2d 13, 17 [76 Cal. Rptr. 633, 452 P.2d 921].) The instant case differs from Anderson, Robles, Brawley, Eli, and Arguello in that here defendant stated that he was prepared for an evidentiary hearing and specified the general nature of the evidence he intended to introduce. The case also differs from Witherspoon in that a request was made in the lower court to submit evidence on the matter. However, in our opinion the court did not err in denying the request, since defendant's offer of proof was insufficient to require such a hearing. Although a hearing might have eliminated uncertainties as to matters with respect to which the Supreme Court in Witherspoon stated it could only speculate such as the meaning of terms in the studies before the Supreme Court in that case, the offer of proof failed to show that the data upon which Zeisel based his opinion was significantly more substantial than that adduced by the petitioner in Witherspoon. To the contrary the data relied upon by Zeisel relating specifically to whether a juror's attitude toward the death penalty affects his determination regarding guilt was the same data that was analyzed in his preliminary manuscript, which was before the Supreme Court in Witherspoon. 7. Attacks on Petit and Grand Juries A. Petit Jury (17a) Defendant contends that since voter registration lists were used as the sole source of petit jurors, he was convicted by a jury that was unconstitutionally selected. Before the trial a motion to quash the petit jury panel was made, based in part upon the claim that the jury commissioners failed to utilize sources of names of prospective jurors that would give the best chance of assuring a representative cross-section of the community. At the hearing on the motion evidence was presented that names of jurors were obtained by random selection solely from the registrar of voters' list. (18) The use of voter registration lists as the sole source of jurors is not constitutionally invalid (People v. Gibbs, 12 Cal. App.3d 526, 538-539 [90 Cal. Rptr. 866]; Ganz v. Justice Court, 273 Cal. App.2d 612, 623 [78 Cal. Rptr. 348]; People v. Hess, 104 Cal. App.2d 642, 669-670 [234 P.2d 65] [app. dism. for want of substantial federal question, 342 U.S. 880 (96 L.Ed. 661, 72 S.Ct. 177)]; see People v. White, 43 Cal.2d 740, 749 [278 P.2d 9] [cert. den. 350 U.S. 875, 876 (100 L.Ed. 774, 76 S.Ct. 120)]), at least in the absence of a showing that the use of those lists *750 resulted "in the systematic exclusion of a `cognizable group or class of qualified citizens'" (United States v. Dangler (5th Cir.) 422 F.2d 344, 345; Camp v. United States (5th Cir.) 413 F.2d 419, 421 [cert. den. 396 U.S. 968 (24 L.Ed.2d 434, 90 S.Ct. 451)]; Grimes v. United States (5th Cir.) 391 F.2d 709, 710 [cert. den. 393 U.S. 825 (21 L.Ed.2d 96, 89 S.Ct. 87)]),[26] or that there was "discrimination in the compiling of such voter registration lists." (United States v. Parker (9th Cir.) 428 F.2d 488, 489 [cert. den. 400 U.S. 910 (27 L.Ed.2d 150, 91 S.Ct. 155)]; Gorin v. United States (1st Cir.) 313 F.2d 641, 644; in accord People v. Lynch, 14 Cal. App.3d 602, 605 [92 Cal. Rptr. 411]; People v. Newton, 8 Cal. App.3d 359, 389-390 [87 Cal. Rptr. 394].) (17b) Defendant did not make such a showing at the hearing on his motion to quash the petit jury panel but asserts in his brief on appeal that "Statistics and common knowledge indicate that black people, members of other racial minority groups, poor white people and people generally with less formal education have much less representation on voter lists than do white people, businessmen and people of higher income, and people who have undergone formal education to a greater degree. The data indicates that in the North, black voting lags between twenty and thirty per cent behind white voting.... Appellant ... is forced to rely upon this data, which does not specifically refer or apply to Los Angeles County alone, since neither the Jury Commissioner nor the Registrar of Voters keep any statistics as to the composition of their lists." (Italics added.) Although defendant does not so state, presumably he desires that this court take judicial notice of the alleged facts that are assertedly of common knowledge. (See Evid. Code, §§ 452, subd. (g), and 459.) The Attorney General asserts that the alleged facts are not of common knowledge, and we agree. The "statistics" and "data" referred to by defendant in his brief on appeal were not introduced at the hearing on his motion to quash the petit jury panel, but defendant claims that they appear in the transcript in People v. Castro, Los Angeles Superior Court Crim. A-232902, and he argues in effect, without citation of authority, that the trial court erred in not taking judicial notice of that transcript. However, we need not consider the matter of judicial notice since it seems apparent from defendant's quoted allegation that the "statistics" and "data" he refers to do not relate to Los Angeles County. Thus even had evidence thereof been introduced *751 at the hearing on the motion to quash the petit jury panel it would not have established that in Los Angeles County there was systematic exclusion of a cognizable group or class of qualified citizens or discrimination in the compiling of the voter registration lists. (19) Defendant further contends that in view of certain alleged facts it is a denial of due process and equal protection under the federal Constitution for jurors for the central district of the superior court to be selected from voter registration lists for the entire county, whereas, according to defendant, veniremen for every other district of that court are selected from that district only. The petit jury panel was not challenged on this basis before a juror was sworn. Although the contention is not literally made a basis for a challenge to the jury panel by statute,[27] such a challenge constitutes an appropriate method of raising the contention (cf. People v. Carter, 56 Cal.2d 549, 568-569 [15 Cal. Rptr. 645, 364 P.2d 477]), assuming that there is any basis for it. Defendant asserts that the argument was made in the transcript in People v. Castro, supra, Los Angeles Superior Court Crim. A-232902, and that the Castro transcript was "adopted by the defense." It appears that at the time of the motion for a new trial defense counsel requested judicial notice be taken of the Castro transcript in connection with his motion to quash the indictment, and that the court declined to do so. The foregoing action by defense counsel manifestly did not constitute a raising of the present contention in the trial court, and even if the contention had been made at the time of the motion for a new trial it would not have been within the time specified in Penal Code section 1060, which provides: "A challenge to the panel must be taken before a juror is sworn...." Furthermore, facts that are alleged in defendant's brief and relied upon by him to support the contention are not shown by the record, and it is settled that "`on a direct appeal from a judgment a reviewing court will not consider matters outside the record....'" (People v. Gardner, 71 Cal.2d 843, 854-855 [79 Cal. Rptr. 743, 457 P.2d 575].) Defendant claims that the facts appear in the Castro transcript and presumably seeks to have us take judicial notice of that transcript. However, the device of our taking judicial notice "in no way relieves defendant of the responsibility he had for raising his challenge in the court below." *752 (People v. Neal, 271 Cal. App.2d 826, 836-837 [77 Cal. Rptr. 65] [cert. den. 396 U.S. 946 (24 L.Ed.2d 249, 90 S.Ct. 387)].) We conclude that the issue is not properly before us. (See People v. Gardner, supra; People v. Schader, 71 Cal.2d 761, 784 [80 Cal. Rptr. 1, 457 P.2d 841]; People v. Neal, supra.) B. Grand Jury (20) A motion to quash the indictment was made on the ground, among others, that the "Grand Jury was selected by a means that inherently discriminated against persons and groups of persons of minority races, to wit: Persons of foreign ancestry and descent, such as Spanish, Mexican, Oriental, Arabian, and other similar identifiable groups," and the motion alleged in part that defendant is a Palestinian Arab by descent. The court denied the motion after an evidentiary hearing. On appeal defendant asserts that in selecting grand jury nominees there was purposeful discrimination against "Spanish surnamed Mexican Americans," a class not expressly set forth in the motion.[28] Although he also asserts on appeal that "racial minorities" have been "chronically under-represented on the Los Angeles County Grand Jury," he points to nothing showing that "racial minorities" as a whole constitute an identifiable class in Los Angeles County (see Hernandez v. Texas, 347 U.S. 475, 478-479 [98 L.Ed. 866, 870, 74 S.Ct. 667]), or have been unconstitutionally discriminated against. Extended consideration of defendant's argument regarding the asserted discrimination against "Spanish surnamed Mexican Americans" is unnecessary since he is not a member of that group and, as hereinafter *753 discussed, the new rule announced in Peters v. Kiff, 407 U.S. 493 [33 L.Ed.2d 83, 92 S.Ct. 2163] (i.e., that a defendant, whatever his race, may challenge his conviction on the grounds that some race was arbitrarily excluded from the grand jury that indicted him) does not govern this case, in which the proceeding was instituted before the Peters decision was announced. People v. White, supra, 43 Cal.2d 740, 753 [cert. den. 350 U.S. 875, 876], which involved a challenge to the petit jury panel, states, "It is generally recognized that as a general rule, errors and irregularities in making up a jury list will not invalidate the list when the person objecting is not a member of the group discriminated against." That rule has repeatedly been applied in cases involving attacks upon grand juries or petit juries. (Salisbury v. Grimes (5th Cir.) 406 F.2d 50, 51; Woodruff v. Breazeale, 291 F. Supp. 130 [affd. 401 F.2d 997]; In re Wells, 20 Cal. App.3d 640, 649 [98 Cal. Rptr. 1]; Ganz v. Justice Court, supra, 273 Cal. App.2d 612, 619-621; Butler v. State, 285 Ala. 387 [232 So.2d 631, 634-635]; Blanton v. State, 249 Ark. 181 [458 S.W.2d 373, 376] [cert. den. 401 U.S. 1003 (28 L.Ed.2d 539, 91 S.Ct. 1240)]; State v. Lea, 228 La. 724 [84 So.2d 169, 170-171] [cert. den. 350 U.S. 1007 (100 L.Ed. 869, 76 S.Ct. 655)]; see Witkin, Cal. Criminal Procedure (1963) § 331, pp. 324-325, and 1969 Supp., § 331, pp. 117-118.) An exception to the general rule may exist if it appears that the defendant was prejudiced by the asserted purposeful discrimination (see, e.g., Woodruff v. Breazeale, supra, at p. 132; Ganz v. Justice Court, supra, but here defendant points to nothing showing such prejudice.[29] After People v. White, supra, 43 Cal.2d 740, 753, and the above cited cases in accord with White were decided, the United States Supreme Court filed its decision in Peters v. Kiff, supra, 407 U.S. 493 [June 22, 1972]. The decision in Peters was rendered long after the proceeding in the instant case was instituted and the case tried. In Peters the petitioner alleged that Negroes were systematically excluded from the grand jury that indicted him and the petit jury that convicted him in a Georgia court. The court's judgment in that case was announced in an opinion by Justice Marshall, joined in by Justices Douglas and Stewart. Justice Marshall declared that *754 "whatever his race, a criminal defendant has standing to challenge the system used to select his grand or petit jury, on the ground that it arbitrarily excludes from service the members of any race, and thereby denies him due process," and Justice Marshall indicated that the defendant need not present proof of actual harm. A concurring opinion in Peters by Justice White, joined in by Justices Brennan and Powell, states that he would implement the policy of a federal statute which prohibits disqualifying citizens on grounds of race by permitting the petitioner, a white man, "to challenge his conviction on the grounds that Negroes were arbitrarily excluded from the grand jury that indicted him. This is the better view, and it is time that we now recognize it in this case and as the standard governing criminal proceedings instituted hereafter." (Italics added.) Justice White had theretofore recognized that "there is no case in this Court setting aside a conviction for arbitrary exclusions of a class of citizens from jury service where the defendant was not a member of the excluded class" and that "the courts of appeal, reflecting the generally accepted constitutional view, have rejected claims such as petitioner presents here." A dissent in Peters by Chief Justice Burger, joined in by Justices Blackmun and Rehnquist, after noting that exclusions from juries on account of race are unlawful, states that "The real issue is whether such illegality necessarily voids a criminal conviction absent any demonstration of prejudice, or basis for presuming prejudice to the accused," and the dissent evidently believed that the illegality did not have that effect absent such a demonstration. Neither Justice Marshall nor Chief Justice Burger in Peters expressed disagreement with Justice White's position on retroactivity of the new rule in Peters or discussed that issue. In our opinion Justice White's position as to retroactivity should be followed, and we adopt it. (21) Defendant also contends that the nomination and review of prospective grand jurors by the judiciary (1) is the performance of a nonjudicial function in violation of the separation of powers doctrine (art. III, Cal. Const.) and (2) is inconsistent with the policy of "judicial detachment and neutrality," which lies behind that doctrine, and violates the federal Constitution. Although defendant does not so state, he presumably therefore regards the indictment as invalid. Defendant's motion to quash the *755 indictment did not raise the foregoing contentions.[30] In People v. Tipton, 90 Cal. App.2d 103, 104 [202 P.2d 330], where a motion to set aside a judgment was made on the ground that the grand jury which indicted the defendant was illegal, the court stated, that "[W]here an indictment appears regular on its face and a defendant fails to demur or move to set it aside, he waives any irregularities in the organization or impanelment of the grand jury." (See also People v. Dale, supra, 79 Cal. App.2d 370, 375; People v. Meraviglia, 73 Cal. App. 402, 407 [238 P. 794]; People v. Godfrey, 100 Cal. App. 233, 234 [279 P. 1031].) Similarly by failing to raise the above contentions in his motion to quash the indictment, defendant is precluded from making them on appeal. The judgment is modified to provide a punishment of life imprisonment instead of death for the murder and as so modified is affirmed. Wright, C.J., Peters, J., Tobriner, J., Mosk, J., and Sullivan, J., concurred. McCOMB, J. I concur in the opinion, except that, for the reasons expressed in my dissenting opinion in People v. Anderson, 6 Cal.3d 628, 657 [100 Cal. Rptr. 152, 493 P.2d 880], I dissent from the proposed modification of the judgment. Appellant's petition for a rehearing was denied July 26, 1972. NOTES [1] Defendant also contends that the court abused its discretion when it rejected his offer to plead guilty to first degree murder with punishment fixed at life imprisonment and that for several reasons, in addition to the cruel or unusual punishment claim, the death penalty should be set aside. It is unnecessary to reach these contentions in view of our holding in People v. Anderson, 6 Cal.3d 628 [100 Cal. Rptr. 152, 493 P.2d 880], that the death penalty is unconstitutional. [2] The contents of the documents are set forth more fully hereinafter in connection with the discussion of defendant's claim that the admission of the documents was improper. [3] With respect to schizophrenia, the doctor stated: He found no evidence defendant had psychotic delusions or peculiarity of thinking. Nor did defendant display autism, a state in which an individual lives largely within himself. In this connection the doctor noted matters such as defendant's having gone to the racetrack and having worked several months in 1967 and 1968. Dr. Pollack also did not find that defendant exhibited two other symptoms of schizophrenia, namely a marked splitting between his emotional life and his acting and ambivalence. [4] Dr. Pollack indicated that he had not asked for more time with defendant because at the conference Dr. Diamond led him to believe that Dr. Diamond "no longer wanted [him] to participate." However, at the conference Dr. Pollack stated that "I don't think [interviewing defendant further] is going to be majorly productive because he continues to be, and I think he will for some time ... quite defensive still. I know he is aware of the circumstances. He very much ... does not want to be seen as a crazy fellow. He wants his act to be perceived as that of an Arab nationalist who committed the assassination. He would rather that he be seen this way and go to the gas chamber than to be seen as a crazy man...." [5] Dr. Pollack described a delusion as a belief that was, among other things, false, illogical, and quite fixed. [6] Comments of the court indicate that the reason for its decision in this regard was that it did not want the jurors and alternates to be confined in a hotel during the afternoon of February 11 and on February 12, a holiday. [7] In urging that he was denied a fair trial defendant points in part to the responses of two jurors who were replaced before the jury retired for deliberations at the guilt trial and two alternates who never became jurors. On February 11, 1969, the jurors and alternates were admonished "not to converse among yourselves ... on this matter or anything pertaining to it. You are not to form or express an opinion until the matter is finally submitted to you for that purpose." No claim is made that the four in question violated the admonition by discussing anything pertaining to the case with any juror, and presumably they did not do so (Evid. Code, § 664; People v. Sparks, 257 Cal. App.2d 306, 309 [64 Cal. Rptr. 682]). It thus does not appear that whatever they read or heard could have deprived defendant of his right to an impartial jury. [8] One juror stated that "Someone mentioned about a guilty plea or something like that" and that several said "Well, you may be there for a week." The responses of another juror show that he heard "about this case" on KFWB, and from the statements in the KFWB broadcast previously quoted it might be inferred that the speculation concerned a plea of guilty to first degree murder. [9] A juror's declaration regarding his ability to act impartially or to set aside what he has heard or seen and decide the case solely on the evidence received at the trial is, of course, not under all circumstances controlling (see, e.g., Irvin v. Dowd, 366 U.S. 717, 728 [6 L.Ed.2d 751, 759, 81 S.Ct. 1639]; Marshall v. United States, 360 U.S. 310, 312-313 [3 L.Ed.2d 1250, 1251-1252, 79 S.Ct. 1171]; People v. Tidwell, 3 Cal.3d 62, 73 [89 Cal. Rptr. 44, 473 P.2d 748]), nor can it be assumed under all circumstances that jurors will follow instructions to disregard certain matters (see, e.g., Bruton v. United States, 391 U.S. 123, 126-137 [20 L.Ed.2d 476, 479-486, 88 S.Ct. 1620]; Jackson v. Denno, 378 U.S. 368, 388-389 [12 L.Ed.2d 908, 922-923, 84 S.Ct. 1774, 1 A.L.R.3d 1205]; People v. Aranda, 63 Cal.2d 518, 525-526, 528-529 [47 Cal. Rptr. 353, 407 P.2d 265]). [10] Defense counsel at the time of his motion for mistrial stated, "Defendant has told this jury in examining it on voir dire ... that we are not seeking an acquittal, but that they had to determine whether it was murder in the first degree, murder in the second degree or manslaughter; that's the only issue." In his closing argument at the guilt trial defense counsel stated that "we are not asking for an acquittal" and that "I feel that the evidence and the law justifies ... a verdict of guilty of murder of the second degree...." [11] Defendant contends that the court erred in admitting the evidence of the quoted admission, but, as we shall see, the court did not err in this regard. [12] The Fourth Amendment, made applicable to the states by the Fourteenth Amendment (Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. 643, 655-657 [6 L.Ed.2d 1081, 1089-1091, 81 S.Ct. 1684]), provides, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated...." Article I, section 19, of the California Constitution contains a substantially similar provision. The Fifth Amendment provides: "No person ... shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself...." This clause is made applicable to the states by the Fourteenth Amendment. (Malloy v. Hogan, 378 U.S. 1, 3 [12 L.Ed.2d 653, 656, 84 S.Ct. 1489].) [13] For example, one of the pages introduced by the defense (which had been excluded by the trial court when the prosecution attempted to introduce it) stated in part "I advocate the overthrow of the current president of the fucken [sic] United States of America. I have no absolute plans yet — but soon will compose some. I am poor — This country's propaganda says that she is the best country in the world — I have not experienced this yet.... I firmly support the communist cause and its people — wether [sic] Russian, Chinese, Albanian, Hungarian or whoever — Workers of the World unite, you have nothing to loose [sic] but your chains and a world to win." Other pages introduced by the defense stated, "2 June 67 ... A Declaration of War Against America ... When in the course of human events, it has become necessary for me to equalize and seek revenge for all the inhuman treatment committed against me by the American people the manifestation of this Declaration will be executed by its purporter (s) [sic] as soon as he is able to command ... $2000 ... and to acquire some firearms.... The victims of the party in favor of this declaration will be or are now — the president, vice etc — down the ladder. The time will be chosen by the author at the convenience of the accused ... the author expresses his wishes very bluntly that he wants to be recorded by historians as the man who triggered off the last war... Sirhan must begin to work on uphold [sic] solving the problems and difficulties of assassinating the 36th president of the glorious United States." [14] Adel was a part owner of the house until 1963, when he and his mother deeded the property to her as the sole owner. [15] The prosecution's points and authorities filed in the trial court in opposition to defendant's motion to suppress related solely to Adel's consent. However, at the hearing on that motion the prosecution elicited the testimony from Officer Brandt that they "were interested in evidence of possible conspiracy in that there might be other people that were not yet in custody," and during oral argument at that time the prosecution, in addition to remarks regarding Adel's consent, stated "Here we had... an attempted assassination of a prominent public figure. We have a suspect in custody who refused to even give ... identifying information...." During the trial the prosecution stated, "I submit that ... the officers ... acted reasonably in reliance upon the consent ... of [Adel] ...; that there was an emergency situation in existence at the time, and taking the total factual picture into account I think that it cannot be said that the officers acted unreasonably...." Even though it does not appear from the foregoing that the prosecution mentioned the object of the possible conspiracy (the assassination of Senator Kennedy alone or of a number of prominent political leaders) it must have been obvious to defense counsel that the prosecution contemplated the latter object. [16] Vale, supra, in concluding that an exceptional situation was not there presented, stated in part, "The goods ultimately seized were not in the process of destruction." This language differs from that quoted above in Johnson v. United States, supra, 333 U.S. 10, 14-15, as the dissent in Vale pointed out (at p. 39 [26 L.Ed.2d at p. 416]). [17] Brandt testified that he conferred with his superior officer regarding a search of the home and was advised "to search the home if we had consent of ... Adel." The foregoing, however, does not show that the officers did not believe there was an emergency. Rather they appear to have been acting with abundant caution. [18] Pursuant to the Attorney General's request we take judicial notice that "only two months [before the assassination of Senator Kennedy] Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., had been assassinated, and less than five years previously the victim's brother, President John F. Kennedy." (See Evid. Code, §§ 452, subd. (h), and 459; 1971 World Almanac.) [19] When the evidence found in defendant's bedroom, together with the evidence found in the trash box, were offered defense counsel stated, "I object to the introduction of each of the exhibits ... on the grounds, first, that they have been obtained in violation of defendant's constitutional rights, in this, that it was not a reasonable search or a seizure of anything in this, first, that they did not have a search warrant; second, that they had time to obtain a search warrant; third, that there was not reasonable nor probable cause to make the search; fourth, they did not have the defendant's permission to make the search and the defendant himself, had he been asked, would have objected to it; fifth, the consent of his brother was not his consent nor ... would he have given consent to his brother, and his brother was not clothed with authority nor did he have ostensible authority to give permission to search the private rooms of the defendant," and defense counsel incorporated as part of the objection his argument and points and authorities presented at the time of his motion to suppress the evidence found in defendant's bedroom. The argument and points and authorities thus incorporated did not specify that the items were not subject to search and seizure due to their very nature. [20] Krivda also rejected the contention that the principles in Edwards should be applied prospectively only. [21] After the assassination defendant's mother was taken to "another place," where she stayed for several days before returning home. [22] The envelope, as heretofore stated, was "partly folded and wadded up, lying in the trash." Some of the writing on the envelope consists of mere scribbling or words such as "disposed of properly." [23] Evidence Code section 1153 provides "Evidence of a plea of guilty, later withdrawn, or of an offer to plead guilty to the crime charged or to any other crime, made by the defendant in a criminal action is inadmissible in any action...." Penal Code section 1192.4, as it read at the time of Sirhan's trial, provided: "If the defendant's plea of guilty pursuant to Section 1192.1, 1192.2 or 1192.3 of this code be not accepted by the prosecuting attorney and approved by the court, the plea shall be deemed withdrawn.... The plea so withdrawn may not be received in evidence in any criminal ... action...." Penal Code sections 1192.1 through 1192.3, at the time in question, permitted a defendant to enter a conditional plea specifying the degree of crime or the punishment and when accepted by the prosecutor and approved by the court the defendant could not be punished for a higher degree of crime or by a more severe punishment than that specified in the plea. [24] It is thus unnecessary to consider whether admissions made by a defendant in the context of a bona fide offer to plead guilty come within the exclusionary rule of Evidence Code section 1153 and Penal Code section 1192.4. [25] Witherspoon declared (fn. 18, p. 520 [20 L.Ed.2d, p. 784]), that "in some future case" a defendant convicted by a jury from which the state had excluded only those prospective jurors who stated that they would not even consider returning a death penalty "might still attempt to establish that the jury was less than neutral with respect to guilt. If he were to succeed in that effort, the question would then arise whether the State's interest in submitting the penalty issue to a jury capable of imposing capital punishment may be vindicated at the expense of the defendant's interest in a completely fair determination of guilt or innocence — given the possibility of accommodating both interests by means of a bifurcated trial, using one jury to decide guilt and another to fix punishment." [26] Those who do not choose to register cannot be considered a "cognizable group." (United States v. Dangler, supra, Camp v. United States, supra, Grimes v. United States, supra.) [27] Penal Code section 1059 provides: "A challenge to the panel can be founded only on a material departure from the forms prescribed in respect to the drawing and return of the jury in civil actions, or on the intentional omission of the sheriff, marshal, constable, or other officer, to summon one or more of the jurors drawn." Defendant does not contend that there is any material departure of form or intentional omission to summon. [28] In support of his argument defendant relies in large part upon the transcripts and exhibits in People v. Castro, Los Angeles Superior Court Crim. A-232902, and People v. Montez, Los Angeles Superior Court Crim. A-244906. The records in those cases were not introduced into evidence at the instant proceedings. Before the hearing on Sirhan's motion to quash the indictment, discussions were had between the court and counsel regarding the Castro transcript, and, although at one point the court stated it had understood that the Castro transcript was to be used, subsequent remarks of the court, before and during the hearing on the motion to quash the indictment, made it clear that the court wanted to "stay away from" that transcript and to have defense counsel call witnesses instead. At the time of the motion for a new trial defense counsel asked the court to take judicial notice of the Castro transcript in connection with his challenge to the grand jury, and the court declined to do so, stating "I don't feel it is proper to make [the Castro transcript] a part of record because the Court, in my original ruling did not examine or consider that evidence...." Defendant now apparently seeks to have us take judicial notice of the Castro and Montez records, although he cites no authority concerning judicial notice. It is unnecessary for us to consider the matter of judicial notice in light of our disposition of the assertion. [29] Defendant cites cases expressing a different viewpoint as to whether a defendant may complain if he is not a member of a group assertedly unconstitutionally excluded (Allen v. State, 110 Ga. 56 [137 S.E.2d 711]; State v. Madison, 240 Md. 265 [213 A.2d 880, 885]; Walter v. State, 208 Ind. 231 [195 N.E. 268, 270-271, 98 A.L.R. 607]; see Labat v. Bennett (5th Cir.) 365 F.2d 698, 723 [cert. den. 386 U.S. 991 (18 L.Ed.2d 334, 87 S.Ct. 1303)]), but the rule that has been followed in this state is that set forth above. [30] Defendant asserts that the contentions are made in the Castro transcript and that he "adopted that transcript." At the hearing on the motion for a new trial defense counsel requested judicial notice be taken of the Castro transcript in connection with his motion to quash the indictment, which motion was based on the assertion that specified groups were unconstitutionally discriminated against. Apart from the matter of timeliness, the foregoing manifestly did not constitute raising of the present contentions in the trial court.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Gender differences in the treatment and outcome of acute myocardial infarction. Results from the Myocardial Infarction Triage and Intervention Registry. The objective of this study was to compare treatment and outcome of acute myocardial infarction in women and men. In this survey, patient hospital records were reviewed, and information about patient characteristics, treatments, and hospital events was entered in the Myocardial Infarction Triage and Intervention Registry. Between January 1988 and June 1990, a total of 4891 consecutive patients, including 1659 women, were hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction in 19 hospitals in the Seattle (Wash) metropolitan area. In-hospital thrombolytic therapy, coronary angiography, angioplasty, and bypass surgery were examined, as were in-hospital complications and death. Women were older and more often had histories previous hypertension and previous congestive heart failure. Thrombolytic therapy was used less often in women, although information about eligibility for treatment was not available to determine if this difference was due to treatment bias or differences in eligibility. Both coronary angiography and coronary angioplasty were used less frequently in women. However, of patients who had coronary angiography, equal proportions of women and men received angioplasty and/or coronary bypass surgery. Hospital mortality was 16% for women and 11% for men, although this difference was diminished by age adjustment. Mortality was higher in women undergoing bypass surgery, but this difference, too, was less apparent after age adjustment. Despite high levels of risk factors and mortality, coronary angiography and angioplasty were used less often in women, although among those who underwent coronary angiography, there were no gender differences in the use of angioplasty or bypass surgery. Clearly, more needs to be known about decision making for coronary angiography, as this process seems to differ for women and men with acute myocardial infarction.