[ { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "謝謝政委演講,讓我們看到很多全新的政府觀念。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我本來是無政府的人,我認為政府不應該存在,看到您做這一件事,覺得或許還可以有一點機會存在,政府存在除了障礙我看不到,它能夠為大家做一些什麼事,看您做這麼多的事情之後,覺得還真的有一點作用,所以非常非常謝謝您給我們很大的鼓勵。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我們群組也在討論,有一點驚訝,在民進黨執政的政府裡面,有一個這樣子的政務委員在運作、做這一件事,因為我們長期以前是做事業的,所以我們對政府的接觸跟印象,雖然我們從來不做公家的生意,但是在處理的過程,不太有機會談事情本身,都是在談利害、關係、連結。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我們等一下有一些在行政上,覺得政府的信賴掌握,讓我覺得滿困惑的。這一次我們有去愛丁堡,您有到我們的攤位,最主要是希望我們如何在國際上把SDGs裡面,我們的使命是如何reduce inequality的核心使命,是在before tax,就是不指望tax,這是政府的事,所以我們不相信能夠做好這一個事,因此我們處理before tax的事情,希望能夠透過經濟系統的運作、市場機制的運作,還有跟私立、公立這一種概念的運作,在資源決策上透過某些觀念,讓資本市場來刺激及觀念的轉換,來讓自願分配的決策能夠作調整,希望能夠減少這一種在各個面向不平等的現象,尤其是在inequality的這一塊。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我們其實起步得很晚,我們2016年才開始做這一件事,當時做的時候,其實在臺灣不被肯定,也不被看好,他們覺得臺灣這個社會其實相對在國際上是落後的,在這一個領域上,講白話就是臺灣人只想到賺錢,沒有想到其他的事情,都是想錢,政府也是這樣,只看GDP,不看GDP不知道是什麼意思,GDP高不代表一個國家的發展真的就是好,尤其是到這個階段,所以我們希望如何透過什麼樣的方法可以讓大家來做這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "尤其我從一個做企業的,因緣際會到勞動部去參與他們的活動,開始瞭解到臺灣有一些不是很理想的狀態,是一直長期存在著,而受到這一些狀態,產生負面影響的人們是那麼大的一群,卻只能夠透過所謂政府無效的政策,然後再加上民間組織很努力地來解決,可是問題一直存在。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "所以在這個過程當中,讓我們開始想要試著,我們能不能做一點什麼事情,那當然在學習的過程當中,我們總覺得缺乏一個方法,所以我們希望如何去說服人家或者是讓人家為了自利且利他,我們在學習的過程中發現有想到很多的觀念、方法論、邏輯是存在著,他們家2017年伊斯坦堡的時間,全世界有非常大的一群人在做,SDGs其實就是大家一個共同努力的方向,我們只是其中一個。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我們覺得那是產生很多社會問題的route,我們覺得它是route,尤其是臺灣這麼小的社會,這個是社會不安定很潛在的威脅,可是我們在2012年開始做的時候,其實坦白來說,我們辦了第一場國際論壇,我們找了六個國家的人來,在整個過程中就兩個人在做這一件事,其他大家都覺得你做的事情不會成功,所以大家觀望、也不支持,還好,有一些朋友,然後有一些資源做起來。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "然後推動一些事情有策略,我們的論述是,誰搞砸事情,誰要負責回覆,我覺得企業在整個環境或者是社會各方面,環境的惡化等等,其實企業佔有一定的責任,我們要讓企業好做一點。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "可是我不能去責備它,剛剛好臺灣有一個滿好的條件,就是在立法上上市公司要出一個企業社會責任報告書,再加上SDGs的關係,所以國際的資本市場,也開始在看這一塊。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我們是一個國際組織,所以各國的國家、會員也都很努力在做一些國際上的影響,包括美國,美國去影響他們的國家成立了United Nation Impact Fund先成立,然後也上了Bloomberg,也進了資本市場,整個資本市場當然有些企業覺得需要做一些windows dressing的事情,我不care,只要你的錢真正能夠透過適當的方法、管控、評量,然後產生真正的影響,所以我們就用這樣的方式來試著在臺灣建構,讓企業願意投入。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "運氣很好,也是臺灣社會的福報,因此在6月開的時候,9月適逢天下雜誌已三十五週年,他們過去很積極在推動CSR,可是他們發現一件事,過去CSR只是在化妝,但是當你make up十年之後,你覺得自己很空,徒有其表,沒有內涵,我們在這時,剛剛講的是你要真正產生一個正向的力量去誘發,你世界所要服務的對象、以及改變,這個最重要的是回到自己企業本身商業模式的創新、產品性的創新,以及整個產業的創新。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "其實他們的buying在我的觀察是不認識,像我自己坐在銀行董事會裡面當獨立董事,但是他們並不知道這個是什麼,但是中高階的人有一些是知道的、有一些是有使命的,他們支持、不主導就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也不一定要他們主導。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "反正不要反對就好了,做了再說。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我們就開始做,畢竟人是自立的,所以我們的策略是先從事務所開始,因為他們想賺錢,然後過去四大會計師的產業競爭裡面已經變成完全競爭了。完全競爭是每個人都一樣,你能做、他也能做,所以變成價格競爭。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我再告訴他們,事實上未來在呈現公司價值的時候,在國際會計發展上,也慢慢走向整合性會計報告書,不是為了報告,而是為了永續發展策略的企業來講,難得有一個會計事務所的某一個年輕人聽進去了,雖然一開始並不被支持,是有訊息的問題,他們不相信臺灣能夠有一家公司的CSR報告,能夠有人寫出來國際best practice的檢視。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我就跟他一起工作、跟他一起努力,主要是他在打拼,我負責當啦啦隊給他信心。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這也是很重要。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "讓他相信臺灣的年輕人是可以的,臺灣年輕人有一個很大的問題是,他覺得「我可以嗎?我行嗎?這個是國際標準,我英文又不好。」我說:「重點是內容,不是語言,內容好就對了,語言可以解決。」結果他也真的很認真,我在2010年6月辦了工作坊之後,11月份就出了第一份報告,真的感謝華碩永續長,因為他本身是個博士,是在永續發展這一塊,他是關心的,他覺得必須有一個起點,但是他也不相信我們有能力做出來,因為在臺灣找不到有能力可以去做這個分析的人,我們就做出來了。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "然後再加上後續的努力,因為這個做出來了,後來「稻田裡的餐桌」,我們也做出來了,《天下》也做了,流行是很重要的,我們就利用這一種所謂的流行,從《天下》開始之後,我們以前在談社會影響力,人家都問我是什麼,我說這個是社會價值,而社會價值是很抽象的意思,但是從那一次之後,所有的活動不管跟社會影響力有沒有關係,都要掛著。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "最主要是前二十大的企業幾乎都投入這一塊,這其實也不是我的功勞,也不是邏輯跟概念,這個是事情的潮流,你要走SDGs,就像你剛剛所講的有目標,但是並沒有很清楚告訴你怎麼做,現在開始慢慢建立大目標,然後開始分類,開始建indicator,其實就是慢慢methodology在merge,其實在國際界、學說界有各種的不同論述跟方法,但沒有關係,只要是這個觀念、只要知道我的資源能夠善用,能夠對社會產生正向的影響、負向的影響、預期的影響跟不預期的影響,加總起來chain reaction change,所以我們就一直開始在做這個。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "看起來企業已經ok了,因為國際投資界已經開始在檢視teil 1的supplier,你要compile這個,teil 2至4也是他們要看的,所以他們就開始要求teil 1來檢視teil 2至4,我最近才看到臺灣的用電,臺灣的用電其實是很大的問題,而最大的問題是用電的使用量配比,50%以上是產業用電,可是我們平均用電量高於德國跟日本的量,跟美國一樣,如果拿美國來比的話,如果是一樣的話,可是人家GDP是我們的三、四倍,我們的產業用電是無效率的。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "但是回到產業的時候,尤其teil 4並沒有動機去提升效率,有一點太便宜了,這當然是題外話,將來因為整個市場機制、經濟機制的運作,如果不提升,就把你剔除在供應鏈之外,也就是存在的正當性,你不這樣做,你沒有存在的必要,我也不要在這個污點,你只要是那個,就擺爛。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "所以我們就想說如果讓更多的人能夠有更多的企業、更多的NPO願意,因為其實現在還是非常多的學者也好、高階的朋友也好,我想不是teil 1,一做了,他們就大概很清楚。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我們如何讓更多人能夠理解,包括甚至個人,你也知道社會責任,所以我們平常扮演角色在談ISR的Individual Social Responsibility,就是說你個人每天的daily activity有沒有環保杯回收、不亂丟垃圾,這個是都可以做的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我有看CSROne最近有翻譯Good Life Goals成為美好生活目標,就是把SDG完全個人化。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "是,這個是為什麼會跟主計處談well-being index,因為我們希望推廣的概念是國家的發展,不管是看GDP,你要把well-being一起拿進來考慮,臺灣原來最大的問題是,GDP的成長,事實上被少數的人,成長的過程是被少數人拿著,尤其是global supply chain,那個GDP成長,對於一個國家的均衡發展不再具有信度跟效度了,可是很多政府官員其實不太理解。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "但是因為政府不理解,就會造成很多資源的措置,那這個就惡化,會想說為何讓百姓無感,並沒有深入想清楚經濟發展的目的,臺灣早期是要累積資源,我們已經有大概35兆的保險資金了,民間的聲音在臺灣更不知道有多少件,我們卻沒有辦法讓這一些錢回來,讓臺灣的人民或者是環境可以更好,我們就在想說有沒有辦法有比較大的event,讓大家能夠aware,真正能夠從國際經驗上來交流,並縮短學習的曲線,剛剛已經報告第一個陪伴的經驗,我們縮短曲線,有非常多的研究要做。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我們在對話的過程中,發現如果沒有創造一個Atmosphere或者consensus的social construct,大家能夠有一個共識的話,單憑我們一個小小的研究員,真的是很困難。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "所以我們想說剛好運氣也好,去年初他們董事會改選,他徵詢過我們,因為他們的董事會都是以國家為單位的會員,並不是以組織為單位,他問我說臺灣是不是要做,我說我們經驗很有限,不知道能不能貢獻,結果日本沒有被選上、我們被選上,感覺到滿慚愧的,其實當初把我們帶進來這個領域的是日本,所以我們就想爭取是不是把他們的年會搬到臺灣來,然後透過這一個領域的連結,讓臺灣能夠突破現在政治上的困難,起碼可以在一定的共同價值上對話,所以我們就去爭取了。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "當然我們執行長,過去三十年做事是不跟政府打交道,來我們公司起碼十次可以申請工研院的補助結果,我說不要,說什麼SBIR,我說不要,我說:「那個只會降低我的效率,增加我的負擔,又要管我怎麼做,我反而做不好,我寧願自己想辦法去努力。」我們執行長很熱心,說既然要去還是去爭取預算,因為他比較有經驗,所以就爭取了國貿局的預算,有兩個預算,一個是半年,而錢不多,另外一個是推廣,那兩個都准了,然後回來跟我說准了,本來我們還在猶豫是不是要這麼早去?" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "還跟唐鳳委員說,我們想說搬來臺灣,目的是要讓國際的這一些Social Impact Fund能夠進來,你要讓人家看到我們有一些基礎建設、已經準備好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至少要讓他們可以投的案子。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "或者至少這個是emerging market,他們會願意開始看你這個market,我說我們就來,我們到底有沒有東西可以給人家看,後來他也弄到了,所以我們就想說因緣如此,那就做吧!" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我們就去了,特別跟臺灣設不一樣的攤位,本來是擺在一起,但是不行,所以我們單獨弄了一個,後來政府也有給預算,結果弄一弄回來,接下來跟委員報告,細節就比較不知道了。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "就好像弄一個最後不准我們。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好像因為你們本來不是要去愛丁堡?我看了那封信,主要好像是這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "原先不是要去愛丁堡,後來是因為政府,包括勞動部、經濟部中小企業處有邀請我們。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就說一起去愛丁堡。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "就說一起去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "勞動部也有跟你們講,去年經費比較少,是因為他們被立院砍了預算。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "可是勞動部,包括外交部都有一點,我想那個是沒什麼問題,只是因為我們這一次去是另外要推廣年會,所以也跟國貿局申請補助。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "現在國貿局的爭執點有兩個,也就是臨時變更推廣的地點,變更的時間是比較晚了,因為那個是很臨時,所以是在6月底,那時開始包括喜憨兒開始做推動,我們知道這個訊息,我們也知道剛好可以連結到SVI英國總部的利物浦拜訪,順便把這個年會的細節再做比較詳細地確認,不如利用社企年會去promote。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "這部分因為臨時做了一些變動,等到一些相關的補助確認以後,然後我們跟國貿局提出申請,他說時間有一點晚,但是他們還是願意。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "這個部分跟政委報告一下,我們那時去愛丁堡,其實並沒有想要去的,後來想說不對,如果人家要,我們會希望high profile的International的能夠來,所以我覺得我們可以利用這個機會那邊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "去認識講者。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "像我就跟pioneer post,我就邀請他來,他說可以移到這裡,我們會願意來,pioneer post也算是在這個領域還算滿活躍的媒體。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "還有包括其他一些我覺得不錯的。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "也是因為有這個觀念,其實我們先跑利物浦,再跑回來,特別跑這一趟,然後去跟他們講我們的想法。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "他們說如果希望這樣的話,他的意思是如果規模要變比較大的話,難得來一次,世界各地的人來,他們建議如果在年底辦當然可以,但是恐怕沒有辦法做到這麼大,就是要小一點,如果你們希望有那個效果的話,那他們會建議明年可以動員四十幾個network。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "坦白來說,大概國際上在做這一件事主要的大概都在裡面,不管是學者的也好、實務界也好,他說如果要的話,這麼短的時間,人家大概很多行程都已經……我們的國旗在那邊是最驕傲的,我在申請的時候,雖然我覺得政府並不是很有效,但起碼有一個象徵,在申請的時候,我還不曉得會不會過。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我們就去跟他談,並且跟他建議,可以announce明年要在臺灣辦,邀請很多人來,所以我們會在攤位做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們每一年都會有年會?" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "去年在哪裡?" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "去年是在巴塞隆納,今年是在伊斯坦堡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "他就舉去年的例子,去年在巴塞隆納,時間很趕,規模比較小,他覺得有一點可惜。因此他覺得如果我沒有這個想法的話,像我問我們CEO要不要找surround local hand來談談social finance?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "談談GSG。他說:「也可以啊!」,也跟他問問看,他說這個月初就會碰到他。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "但是要找這一些人,他說:「你都要找這一些」,我們在辦公室討論整個框架跟規劃的時候,你找這一些不可能兩、三個月前再去找他們,他就建議我們,我們想說「好啊!反正我們先邀請,然後我們找國際的人來。」,我們的比例是希望1/3、2/3,1/3的人是國外的人,2/3的人國內來的,國外來的,基本上是讓國內不管是學界也好、實務界也好,或者是第三部門也好,公部門也好,能夠有第一手的資訊,而且能夠縮短學習,所以我們在整個的論壇也好,我們把工作坊也弄了滿重的比例,還有圓桌會議,就是讓你們彼此可以講自己的想法做net working,我們這一次加了分潤,希望學者可以參加。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "原因是因為臺灣過去social science的研究用不到,所以預算很少,因此很少來做這個事情,我們在做這個事情,一個很重要的是evidence based,你要evidence based,必須要很清楚的outcome,你要indicator你的outcome是真的……來證明你的outcome存在的。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "可是indicator跟outcome間的collaboration、validation,當然國際上做很多研究,我們現在只能做先借用人家的,可是我們是不同的society,究竟信度跟效度是什麼,我們最近很努力在跟學校、學者溝通,這個需要大家一起參與的研究,才有辦法做得到。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我們試著找國發會的社會發展處,我發現他們沒有興趣,他們只祝福我們做出來,然後他們會來參考這樣子,余宛如委員說不應該找他們,應該找主計處,所以我後來拜訪主計總處,主計總處的主計長很支持,所以我才會知道預算被砍掉了,他也說:「我們也很想去爭取。」我說:「你們要不要回去跟立法委員溝通。」我說主計長也做這件事情的話,我們當然願意去尋求委員的支持。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我們做完簡報,因為我們覺得收獲滿好的,他指示如果我們有需要,他說:「現在主計總處最大的問題、挑戰是是很多資料在scan around,你一跳進來就淹死了,你根本不知道什麼東西怎麼用。」是答應我們說如果有需要,他可以派一個窗口來告訴我們,我們告訴他說要什麼東西,他告訴我們東西在哪裡,這個是一個我覺得很感動的。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "第二,他說內政部統計處的處長,他說:「你們做的真的很重要,也有我用得到的地方,一定全力支持。」我們覺得這一塊將來長期建立起來,臺灣也可以慢慢真正走向所謂的進步的國家,所以我們希望能夠做這一件事,所以討論會回來以後,我們認為為了有效,我們覺得把2019年10月下半年好好辦好,才真的可以產生這個效益。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "那時我們在想說預算是分兩個項目,一個是舉辦年會,那個我們不要,反正我們沒有辦,推廣我們真的去做的,是不是這一個部分,政府既然承諾了,要履行承諾。我覺得比較困惑的是,最後不同意的原因是因為我們沒有所謂的授權書,我們沒有拿到social value international authorization。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那個是年會的部分嗎?" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不是推廣的部分。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "他拒絕我們的原因是,因為我們沒有拿到官方的授權書,所以我們的推廣,他們不承認。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我看那個信件好像不是這個意思。我們可以把信件調出來。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "我可能要把當初回覆的公文再給政委比較清楚,不然函覆函裡面沒有公文,因為我們不會檢附給他們給我們的公文,你懂我的意思嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你剛剛有寄過來聲復函,他的詢問,就是他回你的信裡面,一個2019年的補助,是不是跟2018年的是同一個標的,這個應該是同一個標的?" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "只是同一個組織的年會,但是是不同的年度?" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "他認為推廣跟舉辦要在同一年度核銷,當我們變成是2019年的時候,他認為推廣就沒有實益了、就沒有效益了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "事實上從他的角度來看,2018年的預算,因為快要關帳了,必須及早確認。以你本來寫的那個效益,即使今年無法確認,那變成2019年的補助案就好了?" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "這是我們後來的聲復,他拒絕我們的函。他當時跟我們要很多資料,包含照片或者什麼的,最後沒有辦法證明,一直跟我們要授權書,我們跟他們講說我們是同一個機構,我是這個機構的董事,所以在同一個機構裡面沒有授權書,我們也給他看我們董事會的會議紀錄。結果最後拒絕我們的是沒有授權書,所以不能給我們推廣的補助。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "因為這一件事我覺得要說清楚,所以在立法院有辦過一次協調會,也把這整個來龍去脈說明給他聽。那一次協調會給我一個很強烈的感覺,好像公務員已經說不能給你了,我就不能改了,他叫我們算了,我說:「你們把授權書搞錯。」,過去國貿局的經驗是,臺灣A單位向國際B單位申請承辦世界年會,所以會給官方的認證。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我們一直跟他說我們是同一個組織,而且我是board member,board meeting就已經講要在臺灣辦了,沒有那一種我自己發給自己一個authorization,沒有這個必要,結果不太曉得為什麼承辦員不能理解或者什麼原因,就以沒有授權書拒絕了。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我們覺得這個需要溝通,所以事實上我們在立法院做過一次說明會有關這個過程,他在同意你要寄一個聲復函來,所以才有這個聲復函,我在這邊做補充。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "或許他有一個推廣核銷的應注意事項,很可能是按照那個表或者是要點去勾。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我會覺得如果未來還有類似這樣情況的話,不是所謂的臺灣組織去爭取,臺灣成員本身就是國際組織一部分的話,我覺得這個要點或辦法該修的地方就修。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這當然是去年的個案,但是我覺得通案上來講,類似這樣的情況,可能也不會是只有你們出現而已,所以我覺得這個倒是值得去檢討。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "我們有一點建議,其實我們看一些國際年會,推廣是在一年前就開始推廣,所以要求我們在三個月以前開始推廣,這個其實是來不及的。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "就我過往的認知,不管是爭取推廣或者是舉辦,都是獨立申請的文號、都是獨立的預算,因為我以前也申請過別的單位了,基本上是切開來看的,如果今天有辦推廣,即便後面舉辦有什麼問題,基本上你只要有去推廣,資料也都回來了,而這個預算就可以核銷。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒錯,是所謂「赴國外舉辦參加」,差旅費、參加計畫、組團計畫。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "對。他現在認為今年既然不辦了,做這個推廣是沒有實益,是以今年不辦來否決你們今年就不要去推廣這一個事情,這個也有剛剛理事長所說授權書的問題,也有找一些條件來確認這個部分先不辦,事實上解釋就像理事長所說的,因為是內部的組織活動要主辦,其實沒有所謂的授權,因此我們也有把一些國外的會議紀錄、函件都寄給國貿局,所以我覺得他們現在可能還是卡在這個預算是年度制的,基本上今年的預算今年核銷,所以沒有辦法說我即便有去推廣,可是我推廣的錢可以給你,即便你後來發現可能想要辦得更好,所以你不辦了,我說我們不是不辦,我們是延後辦。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以你一開始是兩筆,是不是?" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "對,是獨立的兩筆。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣就很簡單。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "所以我們就說不是不辦,而是延後辦,剛剛我們理事長所講的,去討論以後,覺得我們如果要更多人知道我們在辦這個活動,其實是要長的時間準備,現在就卡在國貿局認為這個是年度補助、年度預算,所以全部都要在年度裡面執行完畢,並不是今年同意你推廣,你到明年去主辦。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "他說:「明年是明年的預算,你們再來請,包括明年你們要推廣,也可以請。」現在卡在會計制度,針對這個補助是年度的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這個分三個:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一個是否同意你本來要去北京,後來去了利物浦。我想這個只要他同意,我就沒有意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個是到了利物浦爭取到的是2019年,而不是2018年,這個他們必須內部有說得通的一套方法。如果本來的要點或者是辦法不合時宜,確實是那個應該要修改,並不是你們要修改的,這個我也完全同意。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第三,你們現在這個聲復函回去之後,看是不是能夠把這兩個切開看待。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果你們要請今年的會議補助,是另外再寫一個,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "對。今年歸今年的,我的經驗實在是……我跟他說我們其實自己還是民間努力好了,不要太指望政府了,委員辦公室跟我講說:「理事長,我要提醒你,他核准你,並不代表會給你,你一定要有備案。」,我想說這個什麼跟什麼,如果核准了不一定給我,這個會有很大的問題,如果是私人企業,那就算了,自己出,但是這個是NPO,十方大眾的錢,並不是我的錢,如果不給的話,理事會當時通過是因為政府有補助。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "你會造成非營利組織對他的理事會跟會員公信力上的問題,我說這個會製造很大的問題,那個主任這樣跟我說:「對,以前就常常這樣。」我就想說恐怕政府還是不要扯太多關係,不然這真的很可怕。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一般來講,獎助比補助容易,這個也分享一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過既然是這樣子,因為我們這個對話,你們可以編輯十天,我們才公開在網路上,我覺得這整個脈絡已經相當清楚。這個聲復函依我看到你們有爭取到SVI,因為你們也是SVI的一部分,SVI已經理解到延後一年在臺灣舉辦的初步規劃,且也已經同意了。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "其實2018年也同意我們,只是告訴我們說:「如果你期待那個效果,建議要去……」所以那時我們才決定去巴塞隆納,那時還沒有去巴塞隆納,本來是南非洲,還是大規模的,因為2018年整年的政治動蕩,所以原來主辦的單位在募款基金上也一些困難,所以那時還沒有決定要去哪裡,我們說這個,他們也說可以辦到臺灣來。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "但是如果在這麼短的時間內決定去,去SEWF去announce,你希望有1/3以上的外國的參加者,又或者是network,很多的行程人家都已經schedule,所以不如你到2019,我們2018年就……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "巴塞隆納你有去嗎?" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我沒有去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我完全找不到巴塞隆納的消息。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "他現在還在整理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "我們也有把巴塞隆納在2018年辦的資料給國貿局。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "我們建議一下,政府這樣補助美意很好,但是申請的時間很短,從10月開始至11月,只有一個月,像我今年要辦,所以我要在去年11月8日之前,我就要把所有的計畫都提供。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "可是因為很多國際年會在那個時間點都還沒有確定,所以當國貿局跟我們要求一些官網或者什麼,其實舉辦國未必已經準備好,可以讓我們去連結,所以我想說這個部分以後是不是有可能不要那麼短,稍微長一點,比如兩個月或者是三個月,讓我們要申請的人,比較有充裕的時間去確認推廣的地點、確認一些相關的連結,每次都只有一個。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "我們提前問他什麼時候會公布,他說等通知,等到我們一忙完、check以後剩半個月,如何提供很好的內容跟品質給國貿局要怎麼推廣、怎麼做,所以往往後面很多補正,其實我們這一次在處理去年預算的同時,我們也一直在補正,因為我們今年還是提了,包括推廣跟舉辦,但是我們一直在補正今年的東西。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "因此我想說這個東西既然是政府希望我們多多辦國際會展或者是年會,我覺得時間應該要比較長,你要有比較明顯的說明,讓我們知道,我們才知道如何政府做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得說明絕對可以更好,這個完全同意。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "時間真的很短,只有一個月,讓我們去準備,所以剛剛才發現我們原先決定推廣的地點,我們後來臨時改變,改變了這個過程,其實承辦人員很幫忙,他也沒有說不同意,其實那個時候如果說不行,這個時間調整有一點晚,一個文來我也沒有辦法講,承辦人真的很幫忙,他說:「我們儘量內部幫你調整。」甚至在英國的過程中,每一天固定都有po資料給他,他說:「你們有一些照片。」但是那時我們就認為其實這樣的變動是ok的,當然後面會有不補助的問題,其實就是剛剛提到某一些條件,像不確定是不是真的有權利辦這個活動,就是授權書的問題。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "再來,他也知道我們去年確定不舉辦了,所以他認為你既然不舉辦,這個部分不應該再拿推廣的錢,這個可能是承辦人把相關的資料呈到他們的組長或者是科長發現不能這樣做,所以才會有後面那一些溝通的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我聽起來這三個很清楚:一個是你們這個推廣變更,當時是承辦人員表示可以變更;第二個是變更之後,也確實取得至少初步構想在董事會的同意,所以今年也不需要再去說服一次了,等於是去年做到了今年的工作;第三個是這個邏輯上的連結,你們的聲復函,我剛剛看了,很清楚,這個邏輯上的連結讓大家確認一下就好了,這個感覺上是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們這邊可以改的,像剛剛講到兩個:一個是說明可以更清楚,這個是您剛剛講的,尤其是一開始的說明;第二個是如果有一些內部要點或者是作業規範,讓承辦人之後簽核時會覺得是不是一定要同一個年度等等,這個也許可以查清楚,看看有沒有調整的可能性,等於是跨年度,因為確實今年去推廣,而是後年才到,說不定這個會議就是四年舉辦一次,所以本來就不太可能一定要求當年就完成。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得如果內部規範裡有這個的話,確實是不合理,我想這個可以再去瞭解一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後,他們要的其實所謂的授權書,就像你所說的是團體對團體,即使是董事會的話,我看你們附的是董事會的會議紀錄,我覺得董事會的會議紀錄這樣就很好了,當然通常公家機關的習慣是好比像董事長,有一張A4、簽一個名,表示會議紀錄是正式的,但因為我們在國際上都知道……" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "NPO是一個非營利組織,並不是企業組織。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我通常會用的方法是,我會把那一封email先去詢問board,是不是可以提供給國內之類的。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "之前有一個email,那時說需要授權書,我說沒有授權書,我就請我們的CEO發一封信。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是給你個人嗎?" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "是給臺灣,說我們會在臺灣辦social value international,先給email,他們說email還不行,所以我們後來還把board meeting的會議紀錄給他看。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果這一封email是……" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "之前就給他了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "8月20日給出來的那一封?" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以不是直接寫給國貿局,而是寫給你們,然後你們再印出來或者是轉呈?" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "就是大家對於授權關係的認知。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個授權方式,如果他們不習慣,我覺得這個是可以檢討的。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "國貿局以前處理的大概都是企業的組織,對於這一種國際非營利組織的運作,他們或許比較陌生。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是一種。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個是他的形式,就是說就算企業也是有一些中小企業,email就這樣子了,只是從他們的角度來看,當然一個正式的不管是董事會紀錄或者是什麼紀錄,像我們在這邊,他們都會要求NPO是不是要開一個會員大會或者是社員大會來肯認這一件事,這個他們是覺得最安全的。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "其實在過程中,我只有唯一一個對他們的舉措比較不能理解的是,這整個過程,事實上是一直透明的,跟他們對話,如何在最後因為他們沒有授權書,我們也跟你說明,你就找一個這樣的理由拒絕我們,你叫我們怎麼相信?叫我們對這個政府、你的承諾怎麼相信?" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "當然這個是我個人意見,我個人對於政府,私心是非常有意見的。不好意思。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "政府是最該信守承諾的,如果找一個我們真的違反法令,我不是為了這個錢,你們怎麼可以在這整個過程都知道,用一個讓人家很難理解的理由,然後說因為這樣、那樣,你們政府的承諾到底該相信或者不該相信,我們就要面臨一個很大的問題,到底我們是要跟政府部門採取什麼的方式、並與他們對接。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "再加上主任跟我講說:「你要小心,預算過的並不代表會准你。」這個也不是我們能夠理解的,既然他核准了一個項目,如果相關的條件都符合的話,為何還會有所謂的裁量權問題?如果標準都符合的話,為何會承辦人小主管或副組長可以決定給不給你?這個會造成尋租的行為,我覺得這個對於政府來說是很糟糕的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "核銷的標準如果是越明白,就是任何人看都是一樣的,就像您剛剛所說是透明的,就越不會出現裁量權的情況。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "核銷的標準如果跟實際的狀況不那麼切合,那就越會說我們不斷要靠詮釋或補正。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這裡面如你所說裁量權的空間比較大,所以我剛剛說正辦是核准的標準或者是辦法裡面,哪些其實讓他好像不得不來要一個授權書的那一條,我們想辦法改成不管是跨年度或者是其他實際的型態,也不是不合理的型態,不管哪一個承辦人來挑,都是很容易遵循,我想這樣子也是降低承辦人的風險。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "其實我們也跟他說了,很多人不一定每年辦,提早申請、推廣及邀請,很多大型的國際組織,他們的行程其實是很滿的,你不能事先去booking,又不是從台北到市中心,而是從一個國家到另外一個國家,飛二、三十個小時,是要隔開很多天,如果要找到high profile的來增加臺灣在這一個領域上的爆發力,我覺得這個在很多地方,其實坦白來說,我在接觸這個之前,我是做生意的人,我並沒有瞭解臺灣這塊這麼強,接觸之後我真的只有讚嘆,我自嘆不如,如果把資源納入考慮的話,臺灣這個領域真的很強,如果再加上有企業的資源,那不得了,因此我們一直希望可以把這兩個東西連結mobilize、proactive、private resource,怎麼樣去mobilize這個事情。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "但是第一個是政府的信賴在執行這個計畫,如果真的要做這個事情,我覺得很多事情都是透明的,我在協調會的時候,就充滿了判斷,我面對了兩個選擇,你要我找經濟部長來跟你講嗎?現在難道還要走到過去古早時代的溝通方式嗎?我覺得不應該是這樣子,所以後來我們選擇來跟您報告,聽完您的意見之後,我覺得還是要從整體的運作,如何讓更多的人不要遇到同樣的問題,尤其主任跟我講說:「這的確是大問題,都會這樣。」" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "這個是為什麼?根據我的推測,我們可能不是單獨的個案,所以我們就決定來跟您報這一件事,期待您能夠從結構上來解決這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "也謝謝政委願意花時間聽我們講這麼多。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有,很願意。所以你們10日的函過去,他們還沒有回你?他們有回你們嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "還沒有回,所以他剛剛一直call我,過完年了,所以趕快call我如何處理去年跟今年的案子。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "他一直跟我講拿明年的預算,我說:「如果今天這個問題不解決,明年就算給我3,000萬也是如此,你核准我3,000萬,我也花了3,000萬。」回來的時候又說對不起……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在有關帳的壓力,如果錢不出去的話,這一筆錢也不是他的,所以我想你可以跟他說這個來龍去脈,我大概都瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這份逐字稿也可以提供給承辦參考,如果他需要讓他的長官可以瞭解更完整的狀態,我想逐字稿是可以這樣子使用的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為現在有關帳的壓力,所以我們儘量把這個爭點早一點找出來,確實我瞭解您講的個案……" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "這個不透明,我跟你辦明年的,我會遇到同樣的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,這個個案我們處理之後,再來看三個方向:也就是說明可以如何更清楚;跨年度如果要點或辦法裡面有一些不明確的,我們怎麼樣去修正;第三個是這一件事實際延續到今年的辦理和申請,這是個案了。前兩個我瞭解是您的原則性想法,這個我們先來處理。" }, { "speaker": "吳嘉沅", "speech": "謝謝政委。你還有沒有要跟政委報告的?" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "因為承辦剛剛打電話來,我想瞭解一下到底是……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "您趕快跟他瞭解一下。" }, { "speaker": "林學賢", "speech": "我想他們還在努力。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "基金會在推動反毒這一塊有一個進程,我先稍微介紹一下基金會過去的業務。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個有電子或者是公開的版本嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "有,這個有電子檔,但是我今天沒有帶。我想這個有一個脈絡,跟政委報告一下。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "反毒基本上工作有分前端預防、中間查緝,後端是戒治這一塊,我們是做前端預防,目前基金會都是全力做預防教育這一塊。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "過去政府在做反毒宣導比較教條、刻板,所以我們用一些互動性的機台及技術,讓大家親身體驗,能夠藉此來了解毒品對自己的危害,包括像氣味都是用這樣的方式在進行。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "有一些場次請政委參考,我們全臺灣都跑完,另外一塊是在校園宣導,我們也會到每一個校園區,根據不同學齡學童的智能發展,配合相對應的活動,像國小就用舞台劇的方式表演,可能國、高中就用3D及數位的方式,那個電影就是讓你戴3D電影,像毒品對於大腦破壞及做一些對談,這個是校園宣導的部分。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "我們也有做一些反毒的課程,這個課程是引入康乃爾大學life skill training課程,那並不是用課本在教導。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我知道,是用生活技能。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "我們現在目前在其他縣市有推。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "接著是影音宣導的部分,稍後也請教政委的意見,此外還有一些親子互動。另外有一些社會扶助專案,這部分我簡單帶一下,其實監所裡面有很多3歲以下的小孩,這是因為媽媽如果要入監,卻無力託付小孩的時候,基於法律上保障母親的哺育權,所以這些媽媽可以把3歲小孩帶到監獄裡面去,但是監獄的環境比較封閉,而且條件開始的時候沒有那麼好,尤其很多小孩子在母體裡面,媽媽都還在吸毒過程中有受到一些先天上的影響,可能有一些發展遲緩的問題,因此基金會提供一些協助,這個是屬於社會扶助的面向。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "理解。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "我們也有辦國際研討會,我稍微提一下這個研討會,其實臺灣司法的過程,當藥癮者可能一開始緩起訴,後來在緩起訴期間,又再犯、被抓到以後,可能幾次以後,法官一個人就判定你關起來了,所以現在以目前為止,整個臺灣所有的監所裡面有6萬3,000個收容人,47%是直接因為毒品案而進去的。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "如果你加上是因為沒有錢去買毒,所以去偷、搶、騙、、傷害、殺人則高達七成,男性高達七成,女性高達八成,美國的毒品法庭做法是,當一個單純的藥癮者進來以後,並不是只有法官判定,而是會找社工、心理醫師等,共同評估這個人復歸社會的可能,如果有這個機會,法官就會讓你回到社會上去,但是同時會更嚴格監控你,像要定期驗尿,要評估工作狀況,或者會要求很長的時間在康復中心中治療,這個是美國的制度,我們評估來看,目前在成人法這一塊是成功的,因此希望導入到臺灣來運用,這個是屬於目前跟法務部、衛福部共同合作的國際研討會內容。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "因為反毒是國際化的議題,所以基金會在成立當時就有跟美國緝毒署的教育基金會簽署合作備忘錄,因此很多資訊都跟國外互相交流,不是只有給我們,我們也會輸出一些經驗,像美國的K他命是處方簽藥物,所以這幾年發現美國也有K他命問題,他們也會問我們臺灣在K他命問題上是如何處理,這個是在國際交流上的情況。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "這個是基金會在過去三年來的業務報告,今天要跟政委討論的是:過去三年來的宣導,我們其實發現幾個嚴重的問題,第一個問題是,其實太著重於在孩童的宣導,雖然這是必要的,但是我們發現許多家長對毒品這一塊的認知比較薄弱,有可能離開校園太久了,因此發現小孩子懂的比家長多。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "第二,政府跟民間機構在反毒工作上其實提供很多的資源,但你會發現這些資源,民眾並沒有對接及建立SOP的觀念,SOP沒有建立起來,長期大家都知道毒品是有危害的,我問過每一個人都一樣,但問到當你的親人有用藥,你會怎麼處理時,卻沒有人知道。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "例如,我們看這個毒品管制,法律上如何處理。像許多家長遇到孩子吸毒時,往往第一時間只直覺要找派出所,但又覺得不對,如果找了派出所,警察把孩子抓走怎麼辦?所以往往隱匿到最後不可收拾,但這是錯誤的觀念。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "又例如有人是吸毒以後出現家暴行為,一旦家暴行為,則是用家庭暴力防治法來處理?或是要用毒品危害防制條例來處理?如果是用家暴防治來處理的時候,你發現那可只能是一次性的處理,但是事實上,背後是因為毒品問題所衍生的,所以是持續性的風險。就我們現在的理解,社會大眾在這一塊的SOP,遇到問題處理的方式上,觀念都沒有建立起來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可是這個是跟什麼比,好比跟酒癮比,你覺得酒癮大家比較熟悉,還是所有的成癮,大家都不熟悉?" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "政府在很多面向上的資源跟系統,民眾其實並沒有對接上去。遇到問題時該怎麼做?第一步該怎麼做?是要跟校方講,還是第一時間找醫療院所?或是向社工求助?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像衛福部裡面心口司、社家署、醫事司,各種不同系統也有不同的權責?" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "對,這個就是要跟政委討論。很有趣的一點是,反毒這一塊的業務在行政院由四個部門主責,分別是教育部、法務部、衛福部跟內政部警政署,但這四個有一點像多頭馬車,我之前在行政院開會時便有提到,目前法務部宣導法務部的,衛福部宣導衛福部的,教育部宣導教育部的,結果這個資訊沒有統一,而且這個公開講好了,部會跟部會間的資訊並沒有……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實羅政委也了解這個,所以才主持那一個會報。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "之次去教育部開會,他們也有提到立法委員在問教育部一些數據的時候,是拿衛福部的委外研究計畫案的數據結果,但是各個部門間的委外研究資料,並沒有串起來。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "從政府內部,在資訊間自己沒有串起來,導致到外部也沒有統一、整合的時候,我認為民間單位是可以扮演整合性的角色,所以那時我們其實之前也有找羅政委,羅政委有給我們很多建議。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "例如:我們跟政委報告一下,基金會做了三年多,目前觸及約30萬的人口數,雖不敢保證達到多少教育內化的效果,但臺灣毒品一直在變,對人體的危害也在加劇,所以我們一直希望把更多的資訊觸及到更多的人,所以當時有跟羅政委報告,應該去善用企業員工郵件系統宣導,因為這跟勞工是對接的,很多的勞工也是家長,透過這樣子,試著把資訊帶到全臺灣上千萬名的勞工,而這必須要透過工總、商總來號召企業來參與。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "因為預防教育宣導這一塊是由教育部在負責,所以羅政委很積極幫我們安排後面的聯繫。一開始經濟部跟勞動部並沒有納進來,所以我們後來有再開第二次會,但把經濟部納入以後,才發現一點,政府其實也沒有辦法強制民間商業團體配合這件事,這個是現階段遇到的問題。所以我們調整為,經濟部可以引導國營事業共同參與。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "第二,衛福部這邊也有一些合作企業,因為現在法律規範300人以上的企業,一定要有一個醫護單位,與衛生機關對接合作,因此希望這部分差不多700多間的合作企業可以納入。這是我們一開始要推動的EDM方案。所以我想要請教政委的是,有沒有辦法除了這個以外,是不是有辦法透過政府一些相關數位資訊的網絡來進行反毒資訊的宣導。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像緊急災害警報之類的?" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "上次豬瘟後不太敢碰。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那個方式是可以觸及到上千萬人。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "我們一開始在嘗試走企業員工郵箱系統的時候也會被挑戰,因為有些人會認為民眾還是有所謂資訊汲取的權利,政府用這樣的方式灌資訊進來,是不是會造成一些人民權益受到損壞?我的立場是,反毒議題跟環境、經濟或者是統獨,又或是核能等議題不同。這一類的議題都有各自的立場,但反毒沒有,反毒是一個價值性的問題,我相信全臺灣2,200萬人,沒有一個人會說反毒是不應該做的,所以我認為反毒具有這樣絕對屬性之下,是不是可以用稍微用強制的方式,把資訊給帶人民?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想如果本身是毒販的話會反對,所以不能說完全沒有人。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這分成兩個,一個是這個訊息,因為按照你剛剛的說法,是不熟悉當地的實際情況,以及不熟悉碰到的情況怎麼反映,這個算是素養教育,就是最基本的識毒。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,比這個再多一些,你們有提到差異化的宣導,意思就是那一個里,你要客製化一個系統,就不是一般的素養教育了。那會是什麼內容?" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "EDM的規劃是比較普及的。政委剛剛有問到第二個社區的專案,這個就真的是要一個一個區走,今年開始會先從台北市12分區開始。目前毒品的問題,我相信大家都可以理解,大安區的問題跟萬華區的問題不一樣。大安區學校比較多,經濟條件可能比較好,所以家長會認為自己的小孩子要怎麼在校園裡面保護。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "但是在萬華,一方面是傳統文化的因素,經濟相對上也比較弱勢,毒品問題或許積習較深,因此跟警政方面的結合比較重要,基金會一開始會先從大安區開始進行,相對上比較容易。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "而里長是站在第一線,但里長卻對毒品問題也不是那麼了解,包括附近的住戶發生問題的時候,要怎麼處理?他只知道找派出所,但事實上這樣並無助於問題的解決。大家都認為這個吸毒的要趕出社區,但事實上也是有一些人權的問題,所以我們需要把一些正確的觀念,或者是現在毒品的嚴峻情況,讓第一線的里鄰長瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "第二,我們也希望透過分區宣導的過程,把每一個區所謂健康、休閒的資源架構起來,這有一點像冰島模式。冰島近年來青少年用藥的比例大幅降低,其實也不只是用藥問題而已,因為他們一直鼓勵青少年從事正當休閒的活動。冰島做法主要有兩個,第一個是宵禁,再來就是發送月票的方式,鼓勵青少年去正當休閒的場所使用,例如一個月給200元,但你只能去幾個地方,像健康休閒的場所、運動中心去使用,學生拿到這個卷自然會覺得沒花就浪費,所以會把時間用在正當休閒上。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "因此我們也有思考,未來是不是也有機會朝向這個方向,當然這個背後資源要很龐大。我們現在是希望先了解各地的資源、各分區的資源,覺得總不可能叫一個木柵的學生跑到萬華那邊,這樣太遠了,所以先結合起當地的資源,我自己要稍微做一些研究及評估。而在分區的部分,也有一個目的是透過座談,希望里鄰長把社區的問題反映出來,或許有我們民間機構可以再協助的地方。也同時把問題反映給政府參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講eDM是一個公版,就是至少大家都要知道,每一個里透過座談會不斷地調整,當你更了解這個地方之後,你等於跟他協力創作出這個地方最容易接受的訊息,不一定是傳單,也可以像一些健康優良場所的promotion?也就是疏導的作用。這不可能是全國發送,不然全部都跑來了。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "你們會發現政府一直以來所做的文宣都是公版,而公版對民眾來講是沒有歸屬感的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看到並不會想要分享,並不會看到也願意幫你傳教的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "基金會有自己的資源,發現相對應的需求時可以安排給社區,例如這個區比較著重在校園宣導方面,我們就提供多一點校園宣導,這一區比較需要社會扶助,我們也安排相對應的專案來支持,這是我們今年度要做的。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "除此之外,事實上毒品的議題非常廣,涉及到家庭支持、醫療、公衛、司法、矯治等等,我們也希望未來基金會可能做帶狀性的節目,例如訪問政委在未來資訊面上我們如何做推廣,未來透過網路做放送,這是屬於比較資訊性的。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "主要用意是希望大家從中建立一些正確的觀念,一開始的題材可能會從比較動人,比較喚起情感面的開始引起大家注意,例如我們可能會訪問一個藥癮者及其家屬,當時怎麼接觸到毒品、如何走出來的,這是今年可能會額外做的項目,也是希望跟政府做相關的合作。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "所以目前希望更多的資訊能夠用更有效的通路,因為這個議題太硬了,過去在做宣導的時候,發現社會對藥癮者的既定觀念不容易翻轉,向董事長就跟我們講,反毒這種東西要小額募款,其實很難勸募,因為社會大眾已把藥癮者給標籤化,因此我們要先慢慢翻轉社會的觀念,當多一點社會支持的時候,才可以引起社會更多的資源進來參與。也所以這幾年都是先跟政府一起合作,包括未來在資訊的通路上,是不是可以給我們更多的支持。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "之前這個議題並不是我主持。我只有跟資料串接有關的時候,出過一些簡單的意見,所以對這個全盤的了解沒有很清楚。我這邊有幾個初步想法:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "首先,我們既然要保障隱私,就不可能是以個案的層級,在沒有法定義務的情況下,讓個資在不同目的事業主管機關之間流動。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是二方面,我們又希望外部做這一些事的時候,有一個評量標準,就是我們可以量測你在某一區做某些事的時候,比起全國,你怎麼知道做這一件事是真的有效,如果要量測是否有效,我們就要有一些很客觀的平衡標準,這個必定是要從這幾個部會的系統來對照的,不能只靠服務提供者的數據去量。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以,必須要在這兩個中間找到一個平衡的模式,也就是如果有一個評估社會創新是否有效的量測方法,既不能侵犯個資,可是也不能像你剛剛講各部分的資料各自為政,沒有辦法彼此串接,因此有三讀通過的《統計法》、《統計法施行細則》等等,簡單來講任何部會裡面其實都有負責統計的,也就是主計人員,簡單來講並不是機關首長的下屬,所有主計同仁都是主計總處的一份子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來,只要有一個正當的理由,好比像評估反毒的有效性等等,是可以發一個統計方法下去,然後讓每一個機關跑這個統計方法,沒有侵犯個資,個資也沒有出來,但是用外界,甚至是學界你們一起討論過的一套統計方法跟評量方法,來跑他們的資料庫,跑完之後就可以很客觀可以互相理解的標準。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在用了這個之後,民間就比較容易知道實際的區域、趨勢、走向及需求等等的東西是什麼,這樣你要客製化文宣也好,你才有一些基礎資料,我們先不說用AI拿這一些資料自動組成文宣的可能性,但是至少有一些基礎資料,我們才能談。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以我的理解,目前我們有一個會使用這樣的方法,做循證的政策規劃,是從地方創生這個藍圖,就是會把所有的偏鄉,大概這134個行政區,佔臺灣面積60%,但只有10%多的人口,事實上不到10%,因為這是戶籍,實際住的人可能不到10%,會找到人口外流或者是結構化不良等等的這些原因,然後用剛剛講統計串接的方法把它接在一起,也就是預估3月上線的TESAS系統。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接在一起以後,國發會挑了這些計畫,從裡面每一個都扣10%的經費下來,然後去組成一個整合性的計畫,讓當地像你們NGO或者是各利益關係人去說我們現在了解到地方的架構問題,我們也有足夠的數據。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我希望現在做的某一件事,也可以逆轉人口老化或者是怎麼樣的情況,這個是隨時可以檢視的,因為一開始就有一個明確的衡量標準,所以我第一個月至第三個月下去,到底做了什麼事,這個資源有沒有扣合,這個是隨時可以看到的,國發會挑了100多個公務員組成服務隊,他們本來是在中央,現在就會回到他們的故鄉,類似遠距辦公或者是借調的情況,把這一些東西帶過去,這個是一套新的治理模式,就是我們在實驗,但是目前還沒有在用反毒的這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我會覺得這個很可能是必要的,這個是未來的趨勢,不然你都是靠問部會問題,他們做PPT回來給你,換一個承辦人,格式可能就不一樣了,你完全不能做長期間的任何事情。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "政委提到一個很重要的點,也是我們一直想要克服,克服三年都克服不了。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "那一天我在參加社會永續獎的座談活動時,主持人問了我一個問題,SDGs裡面,反毒是放在有害物質的預防與治療上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒錯,是SDG3健康生活。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "他問我該如何把反毒的成效給量化?我沒有辦法回答這個問題,我的說法是,當一個家庭裡面只要有一個人吸毒,這個家會是破碎的,當一個社區只要有一戶有這個問題,基本上這社區也就不安穩。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "所以我們的目標是零,跟政府一樣,用零容忍的態度來看這一件事。我也很謝謝基金會的主管,並不會要求我們用數據的方式來衡量績效。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "但另方面,我們卻也會想找到一些指標數據來檢視自己到底對社會做出哪些效果,但這個我們目前還沒有辦法定義出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "永續裡面,因為我自己工作大概主要是在17項,其實裡面的精神,就是在講先要讓所有人都有彼此相信的資料,接下來才能談這個跨域的合作,接下來創新怎麼分享,社區工作者是變成創新的一部分,我覺得還是以有效的資料跟衡量作為最主要的一件事。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "我們會再把資料拋回給政委?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們也可以開放資料。其實我們在做民生公共物聯網的時候,這一些都不是政府的,這一些是空氣盒子,這一些東西有一個好處,讓政府看到我們應該要往哪一個方向前進,當然因為這個是志願者,我常常說是臺灣的數位落差地圖,知道只有在某些特定的地方才會響應這樣的公民科學。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像你們會從台北市開始,等到釋出一套模式之後,我覺得政府可以做的事就是協助規模化,所謂規模化的意思是把它複製,像空氣盒子的感測器,政府認為這個很好,所以我們現在直接在工廠旁邊的路燈上,直接掛這一些裝置,所以等於是我們加入了空氣盒子,本來環保署只有稍稍的這50幾個測站而已,但是等於我們現在加入了這一些新的政府感測器,等於空氣盒子,但是是政府來架,然後掛在政府的路燈上、工業區,大家最會矚目的地方,這就是公司協力很好的例子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們一開始要採購這個東西,要承辦開,是開不出來,民間先試試看,做了之後說有哪一些東西,我們再發下去請各地方做的時候,才有一套SOP可以做,現在是一種接力的模式在做。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "我們也是想說台北市這邊先做起來,如果這個模式可以複製、也可以在其他的縣市推廣,對我們來講,我們希望能夠用快速的方式,在不侵犯人民權益的情況下讓他們知道資訊。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "我們現階段會依照上次跟教育部召開的EDM協調會議,先從這個方式來走,願意先參與的企業,像我們自己的集團,或者是國營事業等,相信如果有效果,其他企業應該也會想參與這樣的計畫,再來跟教育部或工商總會來拿資料。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "當然我必須強調的是,企業員工郵件系統只做反毒,這種資訊大家或許比較不會有爭議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你有看疾管署做一系列的宣導?" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有請很厲害的繪師,把腸病毒、流感等各種各樣都擬人化,就是畫成人物設定很好的人物,在社群網路上傳得非常廣,我覺得主要原因是結合大家覺得政府一定不會用這一種方式的美學,跟你剛剛講的,沒有爭議的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想,臺灣支持登革熱流行的人,一定比支持毒品的人更少。蚊子沒有投票權,全民一定都不喜歡登革熱的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "挑這一種沒有爭議的題目,就會花很多的資源下去,因為不會有你剛剛所講的,也就是正反方互相洗腦的問題,所以我會覺得可以參考一下疾管署的做法。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "我們今年另外也會開發VR教學影片,這也是配合教育部今年度課綱中增列了科技領域項目,我們未來會嘗試從VR,用更先進的方式讓大家了解毒品的問題。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "像今年會先做兩套,一套是危險情境模擬,另外一套是吸毒後駕駛,讓大家體驗吸毒後的行為認知偏差影響。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "而這個我們未來也會在網路上推廣運用,尤其Cardboard很便宜,可以透過這個方式在網路上運用,也可以做資源的分享。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "這個東西,我們也可以把一些數據拉下來,然後再做後續的調整。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果這一些素材,像VR當然要重複利用是比較有挑戰性,可能要有一些比較專業的朋友,那當然如果是EDM,也就是二維的素材,其實我們之前都會推薦我們協力的夥伴採用一個叫做創用CC的授權,而這個授權很有彈性,你可以說你任意使用或者像維基百科是可以任意使用,但是改過也可以給別人使用,也就是相同方式分享。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "又或者是你可以說任意用,但是不能做商業性的運用,因為你們是非營利組織,所以我覺得這真的可以考慮,因為以前大家看到網路上一個好的素材,不一定願意轉傳,其中一個願意是可能怕被告、侵犯著作權或怎麼樣,所以只敢原樣分享,不會自己再加上自己的創意。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們放一個CC授權在底下,現在很多政府都會放CC授權,好處是明確告訴大家說,你只要好比保持他的credit,作者的名字不要刪掉,就可以任意改做,或者是用相同的方式分享或非營利等等,我覺得這也是你們在散播的時候可以考慮的。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "但是有一點,政委提醒我了,這並不只是散播,很有趣的是,政府各部會現在SOP並不一致,事實上也可以透過這樣的方式讓每個政府單位自己去修改,產出一致性的SOP,不然現在其實每一個單位... 因為毒品的議題很複雜,我必須坦白講,部會跟部會間,甚至行政院、司法院間的立場都不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "行政院、司法院間的不同考量,這個我了解有包含多元處遇、專門法庭等等。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "像部會跟部會也不一樣,例如檢察官給藥癮者緩起訴處分,要求藥癮者去就醫治療,但那個治療期間的長短卻不是醫生決定的,衛福部就會反映,你來我這邊就診的期間,竟然不是醫生根據專業所決定的。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "這些立場上的不一樣,包括很多法令上都這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這是很核心的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得,要先造成一個大家都比較了解多元處遇的環境。你在街上找個人問「什麼是多元處遇」,就會瞭解到,光這個名字就已經很難了。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "多元處遇是法律用語,不容易讓一般民眾理解。我們未來在節目裡面,也希望邀請一些像法務部或者是司法院,他們可以共同來討論,而多元處遇是矯正署負責的,可以知道哪一些是有成效、可以作為民眾參考。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "這必須是漸近式的,一開始議題太艱難的時候,民眾接受度會很低,要翻轉社會的觀念就不容易。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "羅政委有找到一些方法,也就是做一些字卡,然後自己上直播,我覺得這個還滿有用的,他很有成為網紅的潛力。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "真的喔!第一集就找他(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得他真的滿適合的。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "羅政委非常用心在這一塊,而且給我們很多的支持。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我覺得他口才很好,也很誠懇,真的有在解決問題。我會推薦羅政委可以當你們的網紅(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "OK。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他真的有成為網紅的潛力。" }, { "speaker": "任國華", "speech": "今年毒品法庭研討會就是羅政委當主持人,我們國際研討會都是請羅政委當主持人,羅政委也同意了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們今年院本部主要的工作,就是去示範給其他部會看,如果首長直接出來當網紅,去解釋給大家一個很複雜的政策,最好是國語、台語夾雜,讓大家完全能夠融入那個情境的話,5分鐘、10分鐘,最多15分鐘就可以解釋一個政策。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "像依您對數位了解。一般民眾的收聽時間耐性是?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "15秒。因為轉開的時間就是超過15秒,所以如果15秒的話,一定會看完,保證看完的時間是15秒,所以如果前15秒激發他的興趣,也許再多給你150秒,如果給了你150秒,那15分鐘就看得完,那個是三個階段。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是如果前15秒要當作一支影片來看,那前15秒產生興趣覺得這個有關係,甚至有些人沒有空看完後面,他覺得這15秒可以接受就馬上分享了。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "我現在慢慢在摸索。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "因為我們想要好好討論一下專業議題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你就當作火箭升空,分成幾段加速。我想全長15分鐘差不多。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "所以現在最主要的,是先把有效的反毒資訊指標和數據先提出來,然後也不見得要先用強制置入的方式?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得先找到哪一些東西大家會願意主動分享,因為如果你發現跨年齡層都主動分享,也會也主力,但是你的東西是讓人很無法接受,每一次推,下一次在意的人就少一點,所以我覺得先做主動分享的評估,甚至運用一些AB testing,也就是哪一些放在前15秒大家都願意分享,所以你找到大家都可以很接受的設定,我們再回來想說我們怎麼樣撒下去,如果現在還沒有讓人琅琅上口的話,硬推一些多元處遇這一類的名詞,對大家都沒有好處。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "我們首波要給企業的宣導很簡單,如果你發現同事有這個問題的時候,該怎麼處理?其實目前大多企業一旦發現有同仁吸毒就開除,但這並不是正確處遇的方式。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "第二,家長的部分,像自己的孩子你要如何處理?你要給他更多的關心,並不是責罵的方式,也就是第一時間要做處置。" }, { "speaker": "任國華", "speech": "先從一個比較切身的主體來切入。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "希望比較必要性的資訊,讓民眾可以很快速吸收,我們未來會分享這一塊,因為大家會有興趣、也想知道。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得我們看各國的例子,如果大家覺得有用藥的還是他的朋友,或者還是他的社區夥伴或鄰居的話,後面一些比較創新的方法才有可能做,像安全註冊站,如果一開始是碰到了,就是的話,後面再多創新、多元處遇的話都不太有用,不管有什麼程度就沒有社會連帶,沒有一個社會給他回去。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "所以要慢慢翻轉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "準備可以回得去的社會。這個是現在第一步,這個不可能急。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "羅政委之前有提到,目前國家的資源也沒有那麼充足,現在政府的立場,是國家資源在有限的前提下,優先服務少年。所以在毒品法庭這方面,現在也是用這樣的態度,先修訂少年事件處理法第42條。當然一方面基金會的角色,也是希望協助政府讓民眾的觀念改變。像我們剛進基金會的時候,我們也是門外漢,也用一些自己個人偏見來看待毒品問題,但當我們參與到這裡面去,觀念慢慢就改了,我相信當大家觀念改變以後,社會資源自然會進來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們這邊的介入,當然也許就跟空氣盒子一樣,你們可以先自己找一些你們覺得重要或者是里長覺得重要量測的所謂成果指標,你也可以參考國外的,但是都不需要做到很完美,你只要願意公布出來,我們願意用活動,好比說總統盃黑客松,鼓勵大家把手上的資料分享出來,一起做出一個有公信力,而且各方都可以接受的一個指標,有了這個的話,其實各部會比較願意把資料釋放出來。" }, { "speaker": "黃維慶", "speech": "兩年前6月3日行政院有打出一個反毒的黑客松,他們鼓勵大家用創新的想法看怎麼樣找這個方案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "理解。這個並不是一次性的,如同你說,必須要是隨時、持續性的事情,因此我覺得藉總統盃黑客松來檢視一次,我覺得這個是滿好的機會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們保持聯絡,謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們開始,我們會做逐字紀錄,大家可以編輯十天之後我們再公開,是哪一位先?" }, { "speaker": "蔡有仁", "speech": "今天很高興來跟唐政委見面,臺灣國際幸福家庭促進會於2003年1月25日在立法院成立(當時名稱是台灣美滿婚姻促進會),至今已有十六年,我們一直在推動這個幸福家庭的理念。" }, { "speaker": "蔡有仁", "speech": "因為我們長期在牧師的帶領之下,在臺灣推動以外,也希望推到全世界,因為家庭的這個問題,家庭是社會的核心組成,很高興感謝主,因為這幾年的推動,在國外有很多國家已經相呼應,像美國或者是很多,比如印尼及六大洲,很多國家都一起合作,各個國家都已經成立與我們同樣的機構。" }, { "speaker": "蔡有仁", "speech": "秘書長也很辛苦,這一段期間整合這幾年跟美國、聯合國有很好的銜接,尤其滿神父透過天主教的團體,在聯合國這邊有非常好的連結,而且也很難得引起至少全世界天主教系統,全部都認同這個理念,所以我們有一個計畫,打算2020年8月的時候辦理60國論壇,今年2019年7月先向聯合國簡報,透過聯合國的組織,希望有六十個國家共同為了這個聯絡。" }, { "speaker": "蔡有仁", "speech": "我們推動一個餐桌文化五價值工程,我們用這個來關心,讓家庭來聚合,讓整個家庭變成家庭連結的關心。現在初步已經有一個很好的開始,我們希望這個事情由我們民間團體出面促成,但是這個事情若靠民間團體來做的話,力量是有限的,政府有很多地方不方便,能夠跟民間團體結合,透過我們來做,在民間團體就資金上、資源上的整合,各方面都是比較有限的,希望我們政府能夠共同促成很好的共識。" }, { "speaker": "蔡有仁", "speech": "而且臺灣的國際地位,像曝光率等等各方面都有困難,像要走出去都有一些對岸的阻力。共同來促成,應該是相得益彰。我們也拜會過院長,各方面都有……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我有看到他的致詞。" }, { "speaker": "蔡有仁", "speech": "八年前推餐桌文化五價值工程的時候,啟動的時候也是他當市長的第一任開始,他也非常贊成這個活動,我們是把活動當成運動,我們覺得這個是餐桌文化的運動,這個是滾動式的,活動就是放煙火。" }, { "speaker": "蔡有仁", "speech": "我們希望看由行政院這邊整合各部會一個team,共同跟我們一起做這個,今天唐政委,我希望透過你代表行政院這邊,怎麼樣來促成。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "我很快順著理事長講一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好的。書面資料我看過了。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "這個工程主要五個價值T.A.B.L.E(對話、接納、祝福、傾聽、共融),然後吉祥物是餐桌文化聚寶盒,這裡面最主要是有提到藉由美國城市市長公告Family TABLE Day在美國的姐妹市深耕關係,因此這裡有幾點,唐政委這邊是不是共同發起,1月28日能夠出席,剛剛理事長提到政府如何來參與這60國的論壇。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "我們邀請的公文已經到總統府,看蔡總統是不是可以出席這個活動,我們希望當天大合照來做向聯合國簡報的封面,我去年五月有拜會過Vavat International,Vivat幾乎都在跟聯合國接觸,聯合國很想知道到底有哪60個國家。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "目前大概是20多個國家,像早上我有去台中市政府,台中市政府楊副市長加入了台中Family TABLE推動小組的LINE群組,也就是台中市如何來結合各宗教團體、里長及社區來廣推餐桌文化,推餐桌文化五價值的最重要期待就是要促進幸福家庭力,新北市陳儀君議員將會邀請各黨派議員來\"起厝-關係的家九元素\",各黨派議員將九元素如相愛到國家願景疊在一起成一個家,台北市也是有議員來幫忙,台中市議會也會來做,是從這樣的開始,希望在1月28日,我們也希望可以邀請政黨主席與宗教領袖,跟唐政委可以一起來蓋房子,如果總統可以出席,這個最好,我這裡有提了幾點,理事長剛剛有講到促成的情況。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看有沒有要補充的?我想我就直接問一些問題,因為書面資料大概都看過了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "會選在8月是Vivat International選的,我們知道每一年大概都是聯合國大會期間,外交部這邊會比較有多的資源,像聯工小組或者是國組司、北美司,大概都是在那個時候動員力量比較多,當然實際在美國FAPA這些大概都是當時會比較活躍。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這個時間是放在聯大前面,這是已經設定好的時間?" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "其實聯合國大會在9月,我們每年八月組Family T.A.B.L.E Delegate訪問美國、加拿大,像去年跟卡特總統見面談這個,跟州長、市長都有,所以今年7月份有24個國家青年來臺灣,這24國是2020年要做報告的,先來臺灣做準備,所以每年7月都是國際的學生來,8月出去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是一個固定的節奏?" }, { "speaker": "蔡有仁", "speech": "對,也有暑假,有青年代表。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK,所以這跟聯合國的關係是以最後會由Vivat International促成,一起去聯合國做一個報告嗎?還是?" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "是這樣的,滿神父是我們的理事,他的同鄉、同學是剛好Vivat International執行長,Vivat跟聯合國常常辦活動,是透過那種新的關係,來講我們這個餐桌文化五價值,實踐餐桌文化五價值體現力量、友誼及自由型塑和平的願景,所以談到自由就是說免於內戰、人口販賣等等的自由,某方面這裡做的就跟Vivat性質一樣,世界的弱勢,不要內亂跟販賣,他們覺得這個宗旨很吻合,我們就一起來辦。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "所以Vivat International跟聯合國的Department of Public Information這個機構,當然他一直跟我們說要低調。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以是Department of Global Communications的DPI NGO Youth?" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "裡面就有一個Youth的部門,透過我們的理事,也是印尼幸福家庭促進會的理事長,從2018年年初就一起與聯合國那邊做溝通。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以簡單來講,滿神父在去年在美加、印尼這些國家的聯合國,等於是駐聯大使館,討論這一件事?" }, { "speaker": "滿思定", "speech": "對。所有的Family TABLE Delegate已經兩年訪問美加,國外的年輕人也來臺灣參加高峰會。今年我跟前往紐約拜會Vivat International執行長Robert,我跟他分享的時候,他說這是國際性的,他說這個很好,他說如果我跟聯合國的話,因為Vivat International跟他們常常辦活動,所以他可以協助,他說如果臺灣有需要Vivat International的協助,他們跟聯合國都是常常辦活動的,因此我們拜託他可以跟聯合國溝通。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是明年8月的論壇,實際舉辦的地方會在紐約,然後舉辦的場地會在Vivat的場地?還是?" }, { "speaker": "滿思定", "speech": "UN。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "我們期望都在UN,但我們也希望有機會到印尼、美國、加拿大、多哥等國的大使館,讓接觸點更多一點,我聽滿神父提到聯合國在第一次聽到這個的時候,問Robert說這個活動來的臺灣學生當中,有沒有大陸在臺灣的留學生,沒有就ok了,他們好像知道這整個互動的情況。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "我去年5月3日也有跟Robert見面,談了很久,他也很能理解,他也認為可以合作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這同樣是您剛剛提到Vivat合作的聯合國部門?" }, { "speaker": "滿思定", "speech": "是Robert說是Public Affairs,他說有一個是UN的部門,關於youth。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以也是DPI裡的計劃。" }, { "speaker": "滿思定", "speech": "For Youth,所以這個單位也有跟他們溝通,他說UN有特別Youth的活動,因此已經跟他們聯繫了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不是 UN DESA 的 Youth program?" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "上次是Public Affairs下面有一個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以是 DPI 的 Youth。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這當然是非常適合由民間NGO來做,因為當然就像您剛剛所說的,如果是以政府的角度、外交部的角度,在聯合國裡面辦活動是比較困難的,雖然並不是沒有成功的案例,但是成本是比較高的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "您提的這個時間,剛好在UNGA前面。我們辦公室是有外交部的朋友,她是從國組司過來的,我們確實可以跟不管聯工或者是NGO司,問實際像這邊提到的需求,請聯工幫忙提供午餐,者是聯絡上或者是行程上有一些協助等等,這邊本來就有一些入聯相關的活動,只是哪一些部分跟這個可以銜接,這個需要一個很明確合作的UN單位,跟我們相對關係的論述。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過這個部分我想是他們比較專業,我會轉交給他們,這沒有問題。至於,7月時24國青年來台,這個是不是19日?" }, { "speaker": "滿思定", "speech": "今年。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個已經確定了嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "預定是7月26日是在聯合國做簡報,向聯合國秘書長做餐桌文化五價值在台灣及世界各國推展成果簡報,7月19日Robert神父想來臺灣訪問,希望跟蔡總統見面,多了解一下,因為跟UN秘書長見面的時候,Robert神父希望多了解、多知道臺灣,到時候也幫我們講話。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "來臺灣的時候,希望可以蔡總統可以有一封給聯合國秘書長親筆信,蔡總統也可在信中提到是本會顧問,希望透過秘書長協助邀請更多國家與城市來推餐桌文化五價值以促進世界和平,我們希望可以帶著這一封信給UN的秘書長,UN秘書長剛好是天主教徒, Robert神父7月19日來臺灣之後,7月26日到UN去,到UN去就準備明年的計畫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這24國的青年代表是?" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "6月來,到6月底,到7月19日。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "對,希望有機會讓蔡總統跟這24國青年鼓勵及在各個國家推餐桌文化,像在剛果城市公告了Family TABLE Day,剛果市長聽到餐桌文化源自臺灣,很新鮮,這個城市運用餐桌文化在愛滋病,或者是男女不平等的文化,認為女生都不用讀書,在這樣的文化裡面推展對話跟接納等等,他們就會在聯合國分享這樣的推展成果。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "義大利青年剛好是律師在法院裡面協調時就運用餐桌文化五價值概念,所以每一個國家不一樣的議題來present推展餐桌文化五價值成果,今年7月來的時候,就看看準備怎麼樣,這24國青年也希望得到總統的鼓勵,就是在做這個,而這個最主要是促進世界和平。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們這邊能夠做什麼?是希望為這24國青年提供機票嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "謝謝。機票的部分,是像滿神父去紐約的時候或者是Robert來臺灣的時候。" }, { "speaker": "郭泰麟", "speech": "沒有錢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過,這個按照你們所說,是定期的費用?" }, { "speaker": "蔡有仁", "speech": "每一年6月底到7月中,就是三個禮拜吧,在六都巡迴辦理,然後多加一個原住民,在七個地方,然後每一個地方有當地的合辦單位,也相對從1、200位的青年領袖參加,跟國際的青年代表有一個高峰會或交流,三天兩夜。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "剛剛忘了提,聯合國有表示除了60國之外,是不是有美國、加拿大比較多的參與,因為他們要求20個城市派代表,這個我們也在努力。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "像跟我們簽公告的,我們都邀請,看是不是可以更多的人來參與,聯合國很希望我們把這個促成,要怎麼做比較好,我想這個很好的,他們很有企圖。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想問的是,這個是每一年都發生的?" }, { "speaker": "蔡有仁", "speech": "事實上也是剛發生,因為剛做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是24國過來這一件事情?" }, { "speaker": "蔡有仁", "speech": "2018年才開始。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以2018年的時候,是外交部就有編列補助嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "青年領袖高峰會今年是第六屆,今年預計24國青年出席,去年第五屆15國,第一屆至第四屆都只是美國加拿大青年約12人,去年外交部補助比較少,我不曉得是逐年減少。" }, { "speaker": "郭泰麟", "speech": "遞減。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果你們確定每一年都要辦的話,我不曉得去年和外交部提的時候,是不是一個常態性的提案?" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "每一年都有提。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這個我也一併幫忙問一下。因為我不是很確定青年過來,這一個在外交部這邊會是哪個單位。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "應該是NGO司。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好的,那我也了解一下。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "去年我拜會布吉納法索駐UN大使,共同辦理2020年UN的論壇,他也同意,後來沒幾天就斷交,所以沒有了,我去的時候,跟紐約辦事處的UN連主任一起去,所以某方面有一些接觸,他好像也知道這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,沒有問題。我是在行政院負責青年相關業務,好比以青年為主的論壇,我自己有空的話,我是非常願意出席,但是你書面提到總統府那邊的行程,這個不適合由我安排。我想你們已經有邀請,就循邀請信的管道,我還是以院裡的業務為主。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後是起厝的儀式,我那天在財政部有一個訓練的行程,所以大概沒辦法實體出席,看有沒有什麼替代的方法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想如果與青年有關,我會比較有角度來切入。如果是邀各黨派領袖的話,那我畢竟不是哪一個政黨的。" }, { "speaker": "郭泰麟", "speech": "可以錄一段影片。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "現在六都都要派學生,也要辦高峰會,現在台北是中正高中,我有請他們派25名學生,新北市是新莊高中,我也請他們派25名學生,像UN是以青年為主題,我們希望更多青年出席。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過聽起來,市議員也有滿大的角色?" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "那是到各個地方去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是同時間、不同地方嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "不同時間、不同地方。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是現在先辦一個,就是啟動,然後各地慢慢再響應,自己辦自己的儀式。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "3月份美國幸福家庭促進會秘書長來,我們就到各個議會去。所以從1月28日等等的照片都蒐集起來,到7月26日,我們去給聯合國秘書長看說我們這樣子做,是很深入的,像我剛剛報告過,比如台中市,我們今年就開始,每一個社區學校、宗教團體來推蓋房子,讓他知道我們各族群、不同社區的宗教信仰一起來,有衝突、寬容等等九個元素,所以這是不同時間,一直到7月。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以持續都有活動。你們挑立法院是因為它有象徵意義?" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "交通便利,也沒有場地費,因為200多人,所以場面非常多。" }, { "speaker": "蔡有仁", "speech": "也是跨教派、黨派、族群。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我阿公、阿嬤都是天主教徒。我想問一下,這邊寫說有約保安宮嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "已經都在邀約了。保安宮是去年電視台來訪問,但是沒有促成,因為保安宮跟聯合國有一些互動。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "之前我去教廷黑客松時,他們三個題目之一就是跨信仰的對話,也是希望全世界青年一起來想,後來我們這邊也有民間信仰的朋友去梵蒂岡進行對話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是現在梵蒂岡滿好的基調,就是把跨信仰對話當作事工,我覺得這個概念真的滿好的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果錄影的話,你們會希望我講什麼?" }, { "speaker": "郭泰麟", "speech": "有一個draft。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "其實這個活動是希望大家,尤其是培育青年,可以內化餐桌文化五價值如對話與尊重,未來就不用戰爭,像我們Family TABLE Delegate去美國第一大步兵學校與來自世界30多國軍官分享TABLE的概念,用這個觀念訓練的人也不用戰爭。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是以和平為主軸?" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "世界和平,主要就是推世界和平。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想世界和平是共同目標。因為這個目標達到夥伴關係,我想這個論述是很好的。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "這個很好。" }, { "speaker": "郭泰麟", "speech": "這個跟國際扶輪社的人是類似的,1928年是從幾個小城市開始,後來扶輪社覺得這個滿重要的,就變成國際性,現在總共有100多個國家在交換,臺灣跟30幾個國家在交換,很多人講的是如果這個專案扶輪社認真一點,1945年就不會這樣子的,德國人、法國人、俄羅斯人玩在一起,就不會主張戰爭,這個有一點類似,用文化下去推,如果可以直接拉到類似像UN裡面他們自己當時的專案,長期來講對臺灣這一些協調是非常有幫助的。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "我們嘗試結合聯合國永續的概念,人跟人、自己跟家人、人跟自然的關係,可以把這個文化有永續的元素存在。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常好。" }, { "speaker": "魏正宗", "speech": "以彼此相愛為基礎。家、都市、社會、國家、世界和平。這個是理事長想出來的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "稿子我會請子維幫忙,如果你們覺得要調整或者是要強調,我們可以錄好幾個版本也可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "紐約或者是聯工那邊,我們之前都聯繫過,我想直接把這一份proposal直接請外交部在這邊的同事稍微看一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這兩個部分要分開,一個是青年會來這邊,如果要辦什麼常態式的、外交部在裡面要有多少的角色,或者是外交部如果自己NGO司的量能有限,也許有一些其他可能可以幫忙的地方。這個我沒有辦法promise,但是可以問一下。這個是一部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個部分是專門對神父及實際紐約小組可以在場地、logistics幫什麼忙,這個就是聯合國工作的部分了,這個部分也會請同仁幫忙看一下。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "Robert的部分是不是可以幫忙?" }, { "speaker": "蔡有仁", "speech": "他16日到,要趕回去,26日,所以最晚23日就離開。" }, { "speaker": "滿思定", "speech": "他說如果可以的話,16日來,20、21日回去。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "所以某方面Robert神父是在幫我們做與聯合國的連結。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為外交部要評估的話一定要看CV和活動規劃,就再麻煩你們提供。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看子維有沒有覺得要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "差不多。" }, { "speaker": "蔡有仁", "speech": "可以幫我們的忙太多了,因為外國20幾個國家,那些青年來的話,希望跟我們這邊,最主要的是……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以青年教友為主?" }, { "speaker": "滿思定", "speech": "天主教為主。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "臺灣是以六都,就像台中是跟衛道中學,六都的學生,學校每一次都有80至100個,像中部是中彰投,這次像嘉義女中都跑來,很多學生學了這個,對TABLE的概念很好。" }, { "speaker": "魏正宗", "speech": "分享他的故事、體驗者,並不是某一個人灌輸你什麼事,所以有結論報告的時候都非常優秀,並沒有說大人都不參與,甚至連開幕主席,這樣是領袖高會,青年真正領袖來主導。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個九元素,是臺灣這邊提出來的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蔡有仁", "speech": "是,那是從美滿婚姻促進會時就提出來了。" }, { "speaker": "蔡有仁", "speech": "從地基「相愛」、「盟約」往上,是「說聽」、「家庭價值」、「接納」在第一層,「衝突」、「情緒」、「親密關係」在第二層,上面是「寬容」和「關懷」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "等一下,應該是每個顏色一個元素吧?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「相愛/盟約」(灰)、「說/聽」(藍)、「家庭價值」(土)、「接納」(綠)、「衝突」(紅)、「情緒」(黃)、「親密關係」(橙)、「寬容/關懷」(楬),最後是「家庭願景」(彩虹)。" }, { "speaker": "林美智", "speech": "是的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我有做功課。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "謝謝政委。" }, { "speaker": "張坤池", "speech": "另外,青年署之前有支援我們的活動,不曉得可不可以也請國教署協助?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為新課綱是柔性課綱,主導權在學校課發會。以前由上而下推的方式比較難,新課綱的精神是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "國教的部分是要學校先提出來,好比這個變成教案之類的,國教署可以協助分享給其他學校的課發會參考,但並沒有要求每一個學校都做的功能。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們辦公室,是每一個部會一個人組成的,我也會問青年署跟國組司這兩位同仁的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我去請唐鳳過來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "你們有什麼看法嗎?我有看到你們之前文件的立場,內政部這邊希望文化部訂專法,文化部也希望內政部這邊在社維法做一些修正,大概是在立法院。" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "文化部的立場是扶植這個產業,希望臺灣流行音樂越做越好,因為臺灣畢竟在流行音樂的這一個部分,在東南亞跟國際上都是頂尖的。所以文化部在這一個產業的輔助上是盡了相當大的力量,文化部影視及流行音樂發展司一直希望臺灣保有自己的核心價值跟能夠走出去的概念,所以在產業輔導的部分我們是非常強調的。" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "不管是臺灣本土藝人或者是國際上的藝人來臺灣開演唱會,我們都樂見。因為售票的需求一定不見得可以滿足到每一個人,就像江蕙開了26場演唱會,都沒有辦法滿足這一個人的需求,在103年江蕙封mic演唱會的時候,發生了網路當機、斷線、訊號中斷的這一個狀況,延續到現在陸續都解決了,因此在整個售票的機制上都上軌道。" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "我們也回應到社會輿論的建議,我們針對「藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」,這個是我們在主管的業務,提出四個修正方案,讓業者能夠針對表演類型選擇售票的方式、模式。" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "我們從去年5月16日很感謝行政院消保處協助我們把「藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」修正的方案公告,然後提供給業界。" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "業界後來反映,發現減少了部分黃牛,因為他們感受最深,他們的感受是被退票的機會變少,我們以前為何會被退票?因為開演前十天可以來退票,很多人會在開演前十天大量退票,讓業者非常為難,若在這十天碰到連續假期、週休二日或者是其他變數時,就完全無法處理。售票之初網路上秒殺,事後退票再賣,也讓業者很為難。因此在這一個產業當中,「藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」在去年5月16日通過以後,我們陸續訪視產業界並聽他們的意見,他們認為文化部幫助他們把這個產業建立非常好的秩序,我要說明的是這一點。" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "另外,今天這一個提案,提案人提到兩個重點,第一個部分是他聽到、看到的現況,他認為社維法現在第64條第2款的規定罰則太低了,對於真正有心要參加活動的觀眾,他沒有辦法得到公平的機會、方式去取得票券,他也希望讓牟利者不能用這一種不正當的行為去賺錢,他覺得不可以忍受。" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "因此,他認為後來在網友的這一些附議回應裡面,整合一個重點應該是「杜絕黃牛,加重罰則、加強查緝」,這是提案整個概括的面向。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "之前不是有一個研究委託嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是專門針對這個題目嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是說3月結案嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "期中報告已經給了?" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "結了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以研究團隊他們會有興趣來幫忙討論或說明嗎?就是你們委的那一個團隊,這個倒不是強制的。" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "那個是委託研究,那個只是提供我們做內部的參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為像之前做道路維護管理費,就是現在汽燃費,但是名字取錯叫做道路維護管理費的費用例子中,研究團隊並不是來這邊就一定是要公開他們研究的成果,只是他們不管是在比較法或者是其他方面,已經投入了相當的心力,可以用一個不是完全中立,但是至少比較中立的態度來呼應訴求,不一定是都要由事務官來回答,這個是提供參考,並不是一定要約研究團隊的意思。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我就今天的會議程序作一次說明,首先,因為唐鳳人在這邊,所有唐鳳主持的會議都會做逐字紀錄,在我旁邊這一位是速錄師,從接下來開始,每個人所發言的內容都會做成逐字紀錄,會有十個工作天的時間讓各位長官作編修,如果我們講得太快或者是前後文需要做一點調整,未來公布在網站上,大家比較容易閱讀,我們有十個工作天的時間可以做這樣的處理。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "接下來的程序我想很簡單,首先請雨蒼稍微說明一下剛剛20分鐘訪談摘要的說明,也請各位確認這樣的摘要是不是符合各位親耳所聽到的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "接下來還是請文化部跟內政部稍微說明一下各自的立場,因為文化部的副座已經說明了一個部分,需要補充的話再麻煩您,等等先請內政部說明,大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我先講一下他們剛才講的,一開始先請他們分享一些經驗,我覺得淺淺的一些想法跟期許,所以就是這樣子去提案,他可能也沒有想得非常多,他會覺得目前的狀況,他提到去年12月在林俊傑演唱會的時候,看到已經賣票了,又很多人在社團裡面轉賣,然後用很高價的方式轉賣,他覺得很不滿。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "他提到現在很多網友並不是用viagogo這一種平台,而是在臉書的社團裡面就很多網友在賣票,他提到以前都是用Yahoo拍賣,警察容易抓,所以才會有構想,希望提案讓這一些人可以嚇止這樣的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "他提到的一些案例包含五月天跟林俊傑,他有提到他覺得特別要針對的是娛樂票卷,並不是其他票卷,因為像火車高鐵票都有鐵路法在處理了,所以他覺得不需要處理到這一些東西。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "當然有額外問一些問題去嘗試挑戰他的想法,第一個想法是自由市場裡面,裡面是機會成本的投入,買低賣高這個是自由市場的機制。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是一大早起來,刮風下雨,還要開電腦搶票?(笑)" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "對,像在門口排隊之類的,但是他還是覺得供給量事先給的,並不是買到以後再加價賣出。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "他覺得娛樂票卷主辦單位就有明訂的標價,不希望可以被加價販賣,他提到日本的修法方式,其實也是類似的,像日本的修法其實是如果有明訂可以加價的話,加價是可以的,但是如果沒有明訂加價販售的話,你如果加價販售是不正的,可以用刑法來出處罰的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "文化部有推文藝票卷的退票,但是想法可能跟剛剛副座報告的比較不一樣,是消費者,觀感是這個退票會害到消費者,這一種臨時退票反而是害到消費者而沒有辦法處理,他覺得黃牛票都還是在,他們有一個FB社團,裡面一大堆都是黃牛,他們有搶票程式可以不斷地去搶票,他覺得這一件事應該要好好地處理。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我特別問他說這個法應該修在社維法,還是應該要修其他專法來訂定,他會覺得用專法訂定比較好,因為社維法的部分,他覺得是比較古老的法案,這樣子並不是非常ok。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "當然,剛才警政署也有分享目前查緝的狀況,包含FB是怎麼調閱的,還有相關電腦的問題,其實還有分享了各國相關的做法,像實名制、退票機制的處理,像退票機制文化部已經有處理了。還有包含像加價轉賣,就是不正販售,除非有授權,否則加價轉賣是不正販售等等的東西。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "也有特別問他,對於環保產業有無理解,他目前看起來是沒有非常熟悉,這個是目前訪談的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "了解。內政部以我的理解,社維法正在通盤檢討,檢討的過程中有無討論到這個態樣?" }, { "speaker": "施宗培", "speech": "內政部提出一個報告,有關於社維法,因為社維法從80年到現在有需要通盤檢討,之前在剛解嚴,即民國80年的時候,有一些不關警察業務的,像鐵路的門票,或者是道路交通管理條例等等,那個都歸專法處理了。" }, { "speaker": "施宗培", "speech": "現在修法的目的第一個是行政法,所以廢除了拘留,罰鍰有提高,提高2倍,這個是修法的重點,這部分可能沒有辦法修到,以下由股長提出說明。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "報告主席,目前內政部(警政署)有找憲法、行政法、刑法專家學者與相關機關(司法院、行政執行署)研修社維法,因為立法院要求行政院修正社維法,立法院覺得社維法是沿襲威權時期違警罰法來的,裡面還有拘留、構成要件不明確等等侵害憲法人權的規定。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "內政部(警政署)已從憲法高度召開16次研修會議,通盤檢討、全文修正社維法,目前草案在內政部法規審查當中。所以,光靠社維法(第64條第2款)要全面、有效解決黃牛票問題我們之前就有討論過,現在還是要回到社維法的本質(事後以行政罰處罰社會上輕微違反秩序行為),因為社維法在民國80年制定的時候,那時國家各個政府機關權責與組織分工,其實沒有那麼成熟、細密、專業,所以很多本質上屬於各專業(責)主管機關的事務,都放在警察的社維法裡面,像剛剛講的有交通、噪音、動保、消防、衛生、環保等等。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "包山包海。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "是的,就是大家講的包山包海,菸害的菸也放在裡面,後來有「菸害防治法」的專法也訂了,還有虐待動物,現在也有專法,一整套完整保護動物的「動物保護法」,交通的部分,現在回歸道路交通管理處罰條例。社維法民國80年制定那時因為從警察國家下來,所以包山包海、各式各樣的處罰規定,通通都放在警察的社維法裡面,導致現在有點反客為主,主從倒置,不去看各機關的組織法,掌理事項為何,只看到社維法裡面有近似的處罰規定,就覺得是警察主管、主政的。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "我們通盤檢討社維法的時候,也針對這一些條文,尤其是不合時宜,或是有跟其他主管機關之任務、職掌重疊的,會去作討論研議,讓原本屬於其他行政機關權責的處罰,回歸專業/專責(就是大家常說的「讓專業的來」),由各該主管機關各司其職、各盡其責,本於專業,去專責處理解決民眾問題,並落實執法(各該主管的法令如有不足,應予修正,或另訂專法),這樣才能讓政府發揮最大效能,來促進人民最佳福祉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "黃牛那一塊呢?" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "社維法第64條第2款(非供自用,購買交通、娛樂票券後轉售牟取「暴利」),全文修正草案原本是刪掉的,後來有再放回來討論(原因是在黃牛票專法制定出來之前,勉強繼續用社維法去處罰部分型態之「低買高賣/黃牛」票券行為)。其實,不光是提案人,一般購票民眾也就是消費者,還有主辦演唱會的業者,負責售票的業者,他們覺得黃牛非常可惡在哪裡,像是明明1張票原價可能才3000元,結果被賣到3萬、6萬,害到真正想看表演看演唱會的人要用正常票價買不到票,或者必須跟黃牛買票,這種不正的龐大利益,運用現行的法律制度,要怎樣剝奪?不讓他們黃牛擁有?" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "社維法的行政罰是做不到的,我們國家的行政罰也是難以做到的;要透過刑罰,走刑事程序(蒐證上有刑事強制處分),這就是我們一直強調為何要去訂定專法,像是鐵路法是用刑罰處罰黃牛,已有相當成效。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "而且,這個黃牛票專法,整體上,應該要包括以下3種面向及相關配套措施:從「前端的源頭管理」,到「事中處置」,像是主辦或售票業者之權利義務、售票管理、購票管制、全面禁止轉讓或部分限制轉讓、加購損害保險,下架移除販售黃牛票訊息,到最後「末端的查緝處罰」。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "關鍵在於:「如何透過專法的管理與處罰,去避免數量有限的票券,被少數人或團體獨佔、壟斷或把持,而合理分派給真正有消費需求的民眾、粉絲或樂迷」。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "這樣解決黃牛票問題,才會全面、完整、比較有效;前端管理得好、事中處置得當,後端的查緝資源與社會成本才能更合理有效運用或節省起來。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "刑罰的好處在哪裡?有沒收,可以擴大去沒收這一些犯罪所得或是不正利益,刑罰的強度比較強,刑事偵查的手段也比較強,相對可以做到這一點(剝奪黃牛的不正暴利),可以滿足社會大眾消費者的期待、各方業者的期待。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是《社維法》沒有辦法沒收。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "真的不行,就是行政罰。日本最新的黃牛票立法例也是在講刑罰(1年以下有期徒刑、100萬罰金),像日本、韓國及美國,都認為黃牛票是一種犯罪行為,社維法的確像是上面訪談提案人(KenJi)講的不合時宜了,也是威權警察國家遺留下來的,像立法院講得更慎重,修正社維法也是轉型正義的一環。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實是需要通盤檢討。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "大致上是這樣子,所以要大修社維法的話,我們正在通盤檢討,並不是沒有在討論,以上報告,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看文化部有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我想另外請教內政部,如果假設已經訂定專法是用刑法來處罰,內政部這邊警政署要去執行嗎?" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "現在各個刑事法律,除了傳統刑法本身、特別刑法,規定在其他的法律的是附屬刑法或行政刑法,我們食安也是(食品安全衛生管理法),會看你違法的輕重程度,輕的時候先給你用行政罰,可按日、按次連續處罰,重的時候就跳到刑責了,只要是刑事犯罪的部分,警察都是在協助偵查,偵查犯罪主體依法是檢察機關的檢察官。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "就是警察、偵查。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "刑案是我們的本業,可以這樣子講。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "額外請教一個小問題,就是國外對於這一種賣黃牛票認為刑法的這一件事,他們想要保護的法益是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "像是日本最近通過的法律就是特別的專法(「特定興行入場券の不正転売の禁止等による興行入場券の適正な流通の確保に関する法律案」,其主政機關為「文部科学省」類似我國「文化部」)。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "其實,傳統刑法保護的法益是個人法益跟超個人法益(社會、國家法益),可以看看刑法的章名會有初步的了解。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "其實要去解析管理與處罰「低買高賣(黃牛)票券」的保護法益為何?這是大哉問,最源頭最上位的問題,簡單講,要好好去思考:現在(立法或修法)動用國家公權力去管理、去處罰黃牛票,是要保護誰的利益(法律上的權利或利益),保護的同時,也限制或禁止(犧牲)了誰的利益或自由呢?" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "可以檢討分析得出來嗎?那大概就是售票方、主辦方、購票消費者?再往下分析,主辦方跟售票方是財產上利益,對於購票消費者來講是什麼?是一個正常購票的合理機會,另外,還有政府的立場可能是要保護或促進(藝文音樂娛樂)產業,裡面很複雜還牽涉到私法自治、契約自由,這樣是否值得動用國家公權力去做事前管理、前端管理及事後處罰,保護法益是什麼,尤其是處罰性的法條,最重要,一開始就要先要討論並確認的,這個方向沒有錯。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我有跟一些人討論,他們提到的是,鐵路法的鐵路,其實鐵路的車票可以知道是稀缺資源,而且是你返鄉或什麼,你一定是需要的,但是這個娛樂票不去,好像也還好。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "交通票券,涉及廣大特定民眾返鄉或通勤的基本民生需求,被把持、被霸佔了,讓大家回不了家,或另外付出不合理的交通成本,所以訂專法或專門條文,動用國家公權力去管理去處罰,正當性比較毋庸置疑。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "社維法第64條第2款制定當時是要保護現場的秩序,因為現場有黃牛在那邊兜售、霸占著窗口,現場常有交易糾紛,妨害現場秩序安寧,所以社維法當年是站在保護現場實體售票處的秩序角度(有立法紀錄可稽)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以才會寫「娛樂場所」?講的是售票處的那一堆人?" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "所以剛剛講的是購票機會也好,或者是業者財產利益也好,還是要保護相關產業的發展,那些都可以成為值得用法律去保護的權利或利益,那個是立法政策的問題,看看是否值得動用國家公權力去介入。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "另外一種說法是,市場經濟、私法自治、契約自由,網路上也有人寫,另外一派民眾是覺得,任何東西有其交換價值、交易價值,都會低買高賣,像是剛剛說排隊或掛網買到的iPhone,還是鞋子、包包、球鞋、限量包包、限量錶,甚至到車子、房子,哪一個東西不會低買高賣,只要低買高賣一轉手賣得比原價貴(不管貴多少),就很可惡嗎?那就要看社會觀感,而這個社會觀感,在法律上可能就是社會通念(一般理性正常人之健全合理觀念),合理範圍在哪裡、容許的範圍到哪裡,就要去充分討論,這個是立法政策。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "一開始你有提到產業進步,就是你們的目標是要產業進步。打擊黃牛票的這一件事會影響到產業的問題嗎?比如打擊了黃牛票,我只是隨便舉例,像黃牛會不會買了很多票,但卡死了、賣不出去,但是這一些錢還是補助了影劇產業,雖然沒有人在位置上,但是票都被賣掉了,他們可以賺到錢,他們會這樣在意嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "如果泛指是所謂黃牛的話,在文化部的立場跟產業的立場都一樣,都是深惡痛絕,絕對不容許黃牛出現。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "為什麼?他們在意的點是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "對他們來講就是利益上的損失,例如小巨蛋一場賣出1萬2000票,如果被把持一部分的話,你想想看,對他的損失有多大?現場就沒有辦法控制出席狀況。我們去看演唱會時,主辦單位最希望是滿場滿座,如果有一個現場區塊沒有坐滿,留有空位,這個對他們來講是不樂見。" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "第二,如果演唱會主辦單位那麼努力、辛苦,他們合法繳稅及所有的這一些工作人員付出,但黃牛是不勞而獲,對於黃牛這一件事來說,文化部跟產業是站在同樣的立場,深惡痛絕。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "差不多了。看還有沒有其他同仁想要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我想我們其實之前在國發會的時候,大概都有做過類似的陳述,所以我們應該這一案,是兩個都會列成主辦機關。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "主要的原因是:文化部這邊,不但是有研究案的進行,也有之前已經訂的應記載、不得記載事項。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在內政部的部分,社維法正在適用中,重新檢討當中,這個條文也還在法規會再討論,所以不可能說沒有關係。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我們大概會用共同主辦的方式來進行。包含提案人的回覆,都會使用共同主辦的方式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Join 平台的共同主辦,跟一般所謂的「政策主責」是不太一樣,我們這邊共同主辦的意思非常簡單,每一個部會依自己的權責部分,分別回應即可。既不需要約定在同一天,也不需要約定在同一個回應格式裡面回應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果你們橫向連繫之後,約定某一天回應、觀感比較好一點,那是很好。但即使是這個部會先回應,那個部會再回應,這在實務上也常常出現。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這個安排,不需要增加大家額外的行政及溝通成本,只是要大家就自己的權責回應,就是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "剛剛電話訪談提案人(KenJi)意思(訴求)是在「另訂專法,杜絕黃牛」,上面也分析說明報告過,社維法的定位本質、整體架構以及現行條文(只有第64條第2款單一條文)不足以或專門用來處罰,甚至全面、有效解決低買高賣/黃牛票券問題的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實你剛剛所說,關於《社維法》本來是預防在窗口發生糾紛等等的這一個論述,我覺得很好,所以你回應的時候可以這樣講。" }, { "speaker": "施宗培", "speech": "我們就社維法的狀況,其他部分我們就沒有辦法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "本來就是這樣。你們既不需要揣測文化部要不要訂專法,也不需要解釋應記載、不得記載事項。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們就是以現有的社維法,因為還在作用中,你們以現有的社維法回應就可以了,這邊也是一樣,你們回應就不需要提社維法。" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我想提一個,你們剛剛有提到法律是在6月的時候?" }, { "speaker": "王志錚", "speech": "5月16日公告施行。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我想了解的是,內政部警政署這邊有沒有一些平常在做這個……" }, { "speaker": "施宗培", "speech": "跟長官報告,立法院在106年12月11日已經要求文化部訂定專法,不是我們訂專法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不是,我不是那個意思,你們在做黃牛票的查緝及相關的數字,如果你們有數字,可以一定程度的告訴大家,我們文化部去年5月、6月的東西訂了以後,我們看到賣黃牛票的人變少了,可能可以是一個……" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "退票機制是前端管理的一環,是在增加黃牛違法的成本。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "前端管理之後,我們警察負責查緝並移送,如掃票程式,主要是依照刑法的妨害電腦使用罪、電腦詐欺罪等,這個部分警察內部會有數據,查得到。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "但是這跟退票機制是不是有直接或間接的是因果關係/關聯,就很難說了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有因果關係。只能看時間上的關聯,關聯不等於因果。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "真的可以比較完整、有效、全面解決各種黃牛票的情況,是我剛剛前面講的,在前端管理的那一些面向、那一些點如果有訂入專法,就會有完整的配套措施,後端可以節省很多成本並去落實查緝(避免事後的事倍功半),黃牛應該就會減少。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家還是可以看一下實際的情況。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "沒問題,我們可以調得到紀錄,我們會跟相關的單位調。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "還是非常感謝各位撥空來參加這一場協調會,其實很明確的是,依據Join平台遊戲規則的要點上,如果在主協辦機關分工上有爭執的話,會先請國發會召開協調會,如果這場協調會,大家比較沒有明確的共識,其實依據要點就可以直接指定各相關部會併列為主管機關。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "相信大家可能對於併列主辦不是很清楚理解,是不是併列了主辦機關,以後黃牛票的政策就落在我們家的頭上。當然,今天開完會大家已經理解到不是這樣,誰負責什麼,就做本來該做的事,內政部也做本來該做的事,文化部也做本來該做的事,沒有人要做權責外的事。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "所以我在這裡特地提一件事,包含國發會的同仁、兩個部會的PO,當業務單位對於分工有一些疑慮,對於併列主辦機關有一些不放心,這部分可能就麻煩PO們多費心,跟業務單位解釋清楚一點,這裡的「主辦」跟規劃政策的「主辦」是不同的,這個主辦只要在網路上寫一篇文章告訴網友,「我是內政部,我的立場如何……」,針對自己的執掌範圍就好了,完全不會有跨到別人業務的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是現有法規命令的主辦,並不是未來政策的主辦。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "這一件事就麻煩各部會PO,相信這樣的事情會持續不斷地發生,請大家基於PO執掌,儘量協助業務單位理解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天就到這邊,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I don’t need to take any notes, because I will get a transcript from you?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right, yes. We get to edit for 10 days before publishing to the general public. Feel free to edit afterwards." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Does this have some voice recognition technology, or do you have somebody transcribe it, listen to it, transcribe for you?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a combination. We use this microphone array, mostly because it enables better automatic recognition. If we talk about domain-specific words, for example, there will be another pass where people go through transcript, and fix the terminologies." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "If you use some software, I would be interested to know what it is. We run a lot of events, and we don’t have the means to live-stream. We have done transcripts. Lots of people read our transcripts, but normally, what we do is we just record it, and we have somebody then type out a transcript." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, we tried a lot of suppliers. The early ones, the first one that worked really well was called Trint. Recently, we’ve switched to Temi, which I think is just Google underneath." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I have to see if, our events are mostly in German. Can I take a screenshot of this?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. There’s many offers from IBM, from Microsoft, from Google." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Thank you. Let me first maybe tell you a little bit about myself. I’m Stefan. I’m from Berlin in Germany. I’m there with a think tank - \"Stiftung Neue Verantwortung\". It’s a nonprofit organization. We are not affiliated with any political party, so we are independent." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "We are a team of about 20 people, and we work mostly on issues of new technologies, digital technologies from cyber security to open government, to what can we do with AI, and how do we need to regulate it?" }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "What are the problems with new technologies, what are the potentials? Actually, from the way we work, it’s very similar...Not similar, but has some similarities to your thinking about how policy should be done. We talk a lot about our methodology, because we have been asking ourselves, what is differentiates our think tank from a research institute at university?" }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "We’ve found that, especially in these new technologies, it takes very long for academics to write papers about it. There’s peer review process. It takes quite some time until their expertise is out. You need expertise very quickly." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "The policymakers are asking very quickly, “What can we do about this?” Often, the technology companies are much faster than the understanding in the broader public, and also in the politics. What we do in our organizations is research sprints, like sprints you would do in agile development." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s agile." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Then we do workshops, where we test our ideas. The workshops, because as a nonprofit, it’s very important for us that our problem analysis, and also the solution we propose, are public interest-based." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "We try to invite people from all different sectors. We actually call it intersectoral. We try to invite government people, because we want to inform the government in exchange for collaboration, and we want them to take up the ideas." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "We invite the business and tech community because they develop these new technologies. Often, they come from them. We need to understand what they are doing, so we need to make them part of the conversation." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "We also have very strong relationships to civil society organizations and NGOs who really, or independent academics, or people engaged or working with organization’s like the Chaos Computer Club you may have heard about in Germany." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Hackers, independent experts. They’re really important for us to bring the public interest perspective on this. With them, in the research sprint, we try to frame the problem, lay out hypotheses on how we think about it. Then we use a lot of these design thinking methodologies in terms of how we test them." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Yes, I’m very familiar with that kind of work, and our office like that, too. A lot of posters, lots of sticky notes, lots of brainstorming happening there. Our funding comes mostly from foundations, like 70 percent." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "We have some money from the corporate side, but it’s very difficult for us to get, because we don’t do corporate sponsorships. We cannot compromise our independence. They have to make a donation to the institution, and they don’t get branding visibility or influence on our..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They don’t control your research agenda." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Yeah, so that makes it hard to convince them..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not very attractive. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "We have found some people who think it’s important to have an independent organization doing this. Sometimes, we collaborate with government, and government will support some of our work." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "This is one, some of the things that I’m really interested in your perspective. What we have is, I think, actually, that we are also doing, we’re providing a service to different communities that we bring together. Especially to the government. It’s really hard to figure this out." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "We have also seen that we are constantly also in some tension with government, because we are pushing the ideas. They often have some ideas of what they want to do. If you bring in all these different stakeholders, they don’t control the agenda." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "They don’t control the outcomes of the workshops, of the thinking, of the discussions. There are some people in government open to that, but often, they are lower in the hierarchy, in my experience. The higher you go in the hierarchies, the harder it is to get people interested in this kind of approach." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Until you reach the very top, where they become interested again." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Yes, but to get to the top, you have to go through a lot of layers underneath. German government is structured very formalistic, hierarchical." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I mean the topmost, like the Digitalrat, the digital consultation council." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "There’s a question how the digital council that was just created, how they can have impact, because of they’re a separate orbit from what happens in the ministries. I’m very interested in your experience, how you get buy-in from ministries, and how you create positive relationships with them." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I would imagine that you don’t sit within a single ministry, so you’re also sometimes seen...I don’t know if you’re perceived as an outsider." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, not at all." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "How you manage to get in? I’m really interested in this perspective. Maybe just personal background, what brought me here. I’m married to a Taiwanese. I met her in the United States. I got my PhD in political science in the United States. We met there." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I’ve been coming to Taiwan every year for more than 10 years. She’s a big supporter of the equal marriage and other social issues. She has been following those campaigns, and has been very disappointed by the outcome of the referendum." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Well, it’s binding for two years." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "From her, and also from other people, I heard about the work that you’re doing. People told me you’re very open, so I just tried to contact you through Twitter, as you saw." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, just one tweet away." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Thought we also have some overlapping interests in how we work, and I think your approach also, in trying to reach out, and bring civil society in a collaborative way, to find solutions. It’s exactly our philosophy, that we need to find collaborative solutions." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I was really interested in meeting you, hearing from your perspective, learning, and also asking you, so far, have you had any engagements with counterparts in Germany? How you see that, and maybe if there’s any opportunities to facilitate that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You’re here for the holiday season?" }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Yeah, basically, because there was Christmas, New Year’s, so it’s holidays in Germany. I know it’s not the best time of the year to visit Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re warmer in January, actually." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "That’s right. You’re warmer, but often, there’s a lot of rain. It feels cold here, because of the humidity, and there’s no heating. This, now, I’m actually quite concerned. This year feels so weird. We had such a hot summer in Germany. There’s no winter. It’s not really cold. I think this is also warmer than normal." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I can really feel the climate not being normal." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a new normal. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I’m hoping more people will wake up and do more about it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "It’s also an interesting question, what role technology can play in this. We have also an energy problem, where we look at...Germany has done a lot of investing in renewable energy. We are trying to get out of nuclear." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "The problem is that, with renewable energy, you have a decentralized system, where you don’t control the feed in. When the sun is shining, the wind blows, you have lots of energy, but not necessarily when people want it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Which is why you need a smart grid..." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Yeah, and we don’t even think you need a smart grid anymore. The smart grid idea from 20 years ago was a centralized idea, that you have some centralized authority that manages the grid. What we really think is that you need a decentralized smart grid." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Give people -- we call it prosumers in Germany -- give people directly the ability, who have a solar system or wind system, and they’re able to directly trade, and directly feed in energy. There is now a low transaction cost of digital platforms as a way to implement this." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "The German system on a regulatory level, we are not there yet. There’s still very old industry, coal interests in Germany, and nuclear interests, like you have here in Taiwan, that are pushing back on this, too. We think that this peer-focused, decentralized systems are really important in solving some social problems." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "It’s how do we get people involved in shaping the policies we need for that, and pushing the government to adopt them, I see as a very big challenge." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, even the pro-nuclear people are also pro-renewable. I think that renewable is very much something that everybody agrees on. When we talk about smart grid, there’s actually enabling laws and regulations that enables, for example, indigenous communities and so on to completely own the hydro, solar, wind power plants in their indigenous lands." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re now figuring out ways for them to trade back with the grid system nearby. I think it’s not just economy, it is actually a regional revitalization, because then they identify with the sovereignty of their indigenous lands." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s very important to have critical all understood and managed by the local people. It goes beyond the economic argument, it is mostly a social solidarity around the energy that everybody can understand and participate." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think both pro and anti-nuclear people are actually in favor of that idea. It’s actually easier to push now." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Actually, the indigenous communities are leading this in Taiwan?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A lot of indigenous communities are very interested. I’ve personally visited one, the Taromak community of the Rukai nation. They worship the sun god. Actually, it’s the same word that they use for the sun god and the solar panel. It’s like solar panel is incarnation of the solar spirit." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They have a hydro plant in their region, and they have a few wind turbines as well. Mostly, they are focusing on solar at the moment. The three combined together takes care for more than 100% of their need." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They are now figuring out a way to share it to other communities. That will, of course, need a lot of design. Previously, exactly as you said, it’s transmit everything to Taipower, and Taipower redistribute it back." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now, they are working on peer-to-peer relationships. There is some social enterprises formed as a local association-controlled companies. There’s also some co-ops in this space. There’s different structures." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "You need to put the policy in place to support them. Is there also some funding that the government gives for this?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, of course. The regulations are already there. It’s just the interpretation and operation, because nobody have done this before. This is very new to everybody." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We need a lot of operational infrastructure to make this happen. For example, there are existing electricity lines that Taipower has left over in that area. Can they reuse those lines instead of setting up new lines, and how should the peak and non-peak costs be calculated?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The operation needs to be understood, administered, and governed by the indigenous people in their land, instead of far away, in a control center in a Taipower building, and things like that. It doesn’t really need regulatory change, but it does need an algorithmic change. That kind of code change, not the legal code change." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Have you had any interactions with the green movement in Germany on these issues?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure, yeah." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "With what kind of organizations?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Green Party of Taiwan is part of the Global Green." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "This is not the DPP? The Green Party is separate." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, the Green Party is the Green Party. Taiwan has a Green Party, also the Tree Party, and so on, like the Global Green. Of course, marketing-wise, it’s difficult, because the DPP looks green. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Yes, I think that’s right. That’s why I just want to make sure that I understand right." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. Maybe I should say \"Green as in SDGs\". [laughs] There’s quite a few concerted movements, as well as shared agenda, with the Global Greens in the local level. Again, the greens, or the Tree Party and related parties, they have captured recently the city councilors’ spots, but not at the legislative level yet." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Most of the political alliances are still on the local level, which is, I think, good. We’re now seeing a lot of the national development into what we call the Regional Revitalization, which is literally have these different precincts and districts, which 134 and them, totally a majority of the land area in Taiwan, but actually less than one-tenth of the population." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because this registered household, and many people don’t actually live in these places. There is huge amounts of places that are currently suffering from dwindling population, aging population, different structure that makes a vicious cycle of a lack of employment, and a lack of infusion of population, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The main theme of this year is what we call Regional Revitalization, which is to make sure that the people here get to control their own agenda, of local development, with the end goal of basically reaching an equilibrium of population in two years." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They are starting to have a brain gain instead of brain drain in these areas..." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Your role in this is also to organize the engagements with the local population, with this model that you have developed?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, exactly. So far, we’ve used two methodologies. One is the regional tour. Maybe you have read about it, where I go to different places, and literally have the 12 ministries’ people see through two-way video conference what the local people’s need are." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Starting this year, we’re also expanding this model to the youth council. There’s a youth advisory council in the administration level. We’re also having the youth councilors, who many of them are actually local organizers for Regional Revitalization, to invite these people to actually visit their place." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not just across the screen, but actually to the locality. The National Development Council is working on the enabling technologies. For example, many of these areas told us that autonomous vehicles, especially drone delivery, is critical." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Otherwise, just getting the necessary material is difficult for them. They have to drive a very long distance, for example. Autonomous delivery is a key. Another one is teleworking. A lot of work here is actually to enable the, I think more than 100 public servants have design up to the National Development Council’s call for them to relocate back to their homeland, and to work there." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Through teleworking initiatives..." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "You have fiber in the ground to reach all these communities, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right, along with 4G LTE coverage." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "For telework, you need quite good connections." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. Anywhere in Taiwan, even in the most remote island like Dongsha, if you don’t have 10 megabits per second, it’s our fault. Broadband is a human right. We’ve been laying out the basic infrastructure for the past couple years." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now, we are reasonably sure the vast majority of these areas in need for revitalization have good bandwidth..." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Some remote areas, it’s very costly. Your telecommunications company is probably private. Is that private infrastructure?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Chunghwa Telecom, although a private company, is I think more than 30 percent owned by the administration. Actually, it’s not just the Ministry of Transportation. I think there’s other ministries who have shares in that company as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re one of the telecom providers, but they are more willing to absorb the necessary cost by, for example, during the 4G band bidding, as well as the 5G in the future... The idea is always that if you get a priority placement, you’re expected to work on the places also with less developed, or less economical to work." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "They have a big debate in this, because we have an auction now in Germany on bandwidth that’s good for...It’s supposed to be used for 5G technology. Actually, the telecommunication companies are suing the government against the requirements to also, because they say it’s not economically for them to go into..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To serve the need for equality." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": " serve areas that are not very densely-populated, because you wouldn’t have many customers there." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The point is that it’s not asking them to operate at a loss. It is asking them to put in the infrastructure so when we do Regional Revitalization, they will actually regain the infrastructure payments, assuming, of course, that some of these regions actually do get revitalized." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you don’t couple it with this narrative, of course, it will seems as if the state is forcing the telecom to operate at a loss. I think it’s very important to couple the two narratives together. Well, we’re not asking them to operate at a loss indefinitely...." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is worth it to put in the upfront investment that enables teleworking in particular. If the government workforce, the public servants working on these projects, all get teleworking from within those precincts and districts, they can bring all those data to the locality." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then tell the local organizers, what is it like to see that region from a government, whole picture kind of view? Then they can discover their own identity, take the stakeholders, and put on a proposal. Then, very different than the previous government projects, it is on an on-demand, agile workflow." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s no one-month window for proposing, two-month window for budget, or anything like that. It is basically all real-time service." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Wow." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s one of the larger public administration infrastructure change that’s being engineered." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "How did you get the ministries here in Taipei to buy into this? Maybe you can explain this puzzle to me. On the one hand, I’m very impressed, because even before you joined the government, Taiwan was already pretty active on open government and open data, and has a very strong record on this." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "On the other side, you have traditionally pretty hierarchical, formalistic bureaucracies, and that also, like Germany, tend to, as you go to the senior level, they are older and more detached from the new technological developments. How do you explain that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think open government is embraced because, compared to the NGOs, compared to the social sector, the public sector actually have less legitimacy. I think that is the answer to your question. In Taiwan, we lifted the martial law in the late ’80s, but the first presidential election is only in the late ’90s." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is a decade where the regional co-ops, the regional NGOs, and so on, very well-known names, have been building their legitimacy during that decade. Even today, when we go to, for example, disaster recovery or whatever, if the public sector publish a normal and the social sector publish a number, most people will believe the social sector number." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The public sector is working with a legitimacy deficient." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "That’s interesting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because of that, open government is the only way forward, in the sense of..." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "The narrative that I’m often using in Germany is that it’s for them, they need to learn. It’s also for knowledge transfer, too. For them, they should embrace this, because it will make their policies stronger. The government has a strong legitimacy and a strong history in Germany." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure. It works because it has a high legitimacy." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Traditionally, they have had their own expertise, and they did everything in-house. To get them to understand that collaboration can actually be better for them, because they mostly, when they go outside, they have this problem." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "They get criticized. They get pushback. They don’t have a very positive image of engaging with civil society." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s lots of fear, uncertainty, and doubt." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Not all of them understand that this could be actually positive for them, and actually could make their work more effective. Do you also use this kind of narrative, where it’s really about legitimacy?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not much. I usually say, “This is a safe space.” If you go to the Social Innovation Lab to have a conversation, the people, even if they are angry, they are not going to punch you across the screen." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I emphasize the safety of the engagement. Then the safety means actually less risk for everybody involved. That’s one. The second is that the credit is shared. Across the screen, in Mandarin, we say 見面三分情 — there’s a 30 percent of trust just by meeting alone." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once you meet somebody in-person, it’s less likely for the people to start protesting, or with a more ad hominem angle, because they’ve already met you before." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Even across the screen, I think it enables maybe 20 percent [laughs] of trust. Once people get to know each other, actually, they can’t really be that vicious in their communications. That’s the risk of a risk-reducing part." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "That’s probably also your experience, that you have to bring the people into the same room. The video screen can be a first step. It’s important, but really, the real relationship building is for people still to get physically present in the same room." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s two rooms, and each one facilitated by a facilitator. That is what we call connected rooms. Each one, as you said, it is a face-to-face meeting. We’ve been doing for more than a year now. Overwhelmingly, I think people in Taipei appreciate the fact that they don’t have to go to all those rural areas. It’s just me who travels. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Just you. You travel a lot." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. They also appreciate to learn the actual story. Previously, they just get their stories as two pages of A4 papers, or a few slides of presentation. They can’t really reconstruct in their head, how is it like to be in that locality?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They really do appreciate that instead of the Minister of Interior passing two pages of A4 papers to the Ministry of Health or to the Ministry of Economy, they are actually all in the same room, and listening to the same story." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They do appreciate that, because there’s a lot of back and forth, and real communication. I think this is a more equalizing force between the professionalism of the public service and the local people, who now see them not as anonymous, but actually as a cohort of colleagues who can brainstorm and solve their longstanding problems." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once they do solve the problem, and brainstorm in this atmosphere, there’s a lot of appreciation of the professional capacity of the public servants. It’s all on public record, right? Previously, the credit is absorbed by the minister. Now, the credit is back to anyone who actually contribute." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Do you prepare the government officials before you go into the engagement?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Oh, yeah, of course." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Do you do a workshop with them to get them ready, explain them, and answer their questions or concerns they have about this kind of format?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so. As I said, the risk-reducing is really just the entry. Even more important, I think, is to actually prepare everyone so that they learn that these meetings are not there to make them overwork, or to make them commit on things that they’re not prepared to commit." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Rather so, it is mostly to prepare them to shift from a trade-off kind of thinking to a synergy kind of thinking. We do do workshops, and in each ministry, there is a team of participation officers whose whole work is to meet with strangers." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Every month, we look at what training topics are there in the previous month. We decide on one or two topics to collaborate. Even if a ministry doesn’t have any case, they can still join as co-facilitators, as creators, to the other ministry’s cases, and do capacity building before they actually get a burning issue on their hands." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I think this is all really valuable in terms of also just changing the culture in the ministry and the mindset, as you said, to go from combative to collaborative. What I’ve seen, and what often are the biggest problems of these processes, is how you make them sustainable, and let the people who participate see that there’s actually outcomes produced." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "That there is actually policies implemented, so that this is not just having good conversations." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Like we say, the new tax filing system now has 96 percent approval rating. This is a boon to everybody participating." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "How have you integrated this in the process that people can track the follow-up from what was discussed at the workshops? How do you do that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We build an accountability trail, an account for the policymaking. The basic idea is that we go back to the Join platform to reply with the tracking updates." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "That’s a website where people can check their update?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is the e-participation website. The website actually has more than five million users. With Taiwan being 23 million, it’s actually like a quarter of population. The website, very interestingly, is not only used by the administration." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Actually, one of the most active users, apart from the cities, counties, and administration, is actually the auditing department, the Ministry of Auditing in the Corrective Yuan, which is another organ. It’s an independent accountability organ apart from the administration." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What they do is that whenever any government, like a city government, tries a new way of doing things, they’re in charge of auditing it. Previously, if they block that innovation, for example, the Taipei City used to use, for example, subsidy to have employment opportunities for the handicapped people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For people with disabilities, there’s a fix set of staff where they can help exactly X number of people with disabilities to work in various duties every month. It’s very easy to audit. You just see whether those vacant positions are filled with people with disabilities." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A few years ago, the Taipei City shifted the experiment with what they call the Social Enterprise Building, the SE Square. It’s a building where they rented, at a normal price -- like one Taiwan dollar per month or something -- to social enterprises, but they have to recruit people with disabilities." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The idea is that the social enterprises will be motivated to recruit more people, because they have more fiscal control and freedom. The people with disability can even join the board as a co-op, or things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s very hard to audit. It’s not very clear that, if they have not yet recruited X number of people with a disability, is it because it’s just ramping up, that it’s dwindling, or how does it even work, over the course of five years?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s fear, uncertainty, and doubt in the civil society, as well as in the city council. Now, the Corrective Yuan, of course, is charged in building a new auditing mechanism for this. Previously, if they blocked this innovation, then, of course, they will charged by the press, saying, “You’re blocking civic innovation.”" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If they build an accountability mechanism that’s not really accountable, then of course, the civic councilors will say that they are not doing a very good job to address the concerns. Now, with the joint platform, what they do is that they just say, “OK, we see the city is now trying a new thing. What are your doubts and fears about it?”" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Usually, we see hundreds of citizens just coming and sharing their fears, uncertainty, and doubt." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Do the people share anonymously, or do people share with..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People share pseudonymously." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "What did you say?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A pseudonym." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Pseudonym?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right. They have to authenticate with an SMS number and an email or a social media login, so we know that they are actually at least SMS-holding." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "So that they are really here, resident in Taiwan, and so on?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "You would be concerned how this could potentially be manipulated from outside, those kind of discussions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. I’m sure that it’s possible for people who really want to troll the forum to get an SMS number from Taiwan. It doesn’t really..." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "At least it makes it more difficult for people to do those kind of stuff." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s hard to get 5,000 SIM cards. [laughs] You’d probably get discovered if you did that. At least they won’t flood the forum." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "You can get anonymous SIM cards here. This is a big issue in Germany, and privacy is a big concern. As you know, they have -- also in Taiwan -- there’s discussions about the problem of disinformation, and potentially foreign influence." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "You have mainland China across the water. If they want to get involved into controversial discussions, that could undermine them, and potentially..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think with the SMS number, it’s actually kind of difficult to flood the forum. We do get some personal attacks, and so on, but there is a well-known way to fix those, by only responding to the one that are constructive, and hide the part that are not constructive." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not censorship... You can click to view the previous history if you have too much time on your hands." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What I mean is just not to have people’s attention be squandered. We do have pairwise voting, like one column being the pro argument, and another column being the con argument. We have people upvote the argument that they think are best when it comes to e-petition." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Just for me to get a sense of the scale and the resources, how big is the team working on this and supporting this?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "My office is, at most, one person from each ministry. At most, I can have 34 colleagues, because we have 34 ministries. At the moment, I have 22." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "They wouldn’t build the website and do moderation?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a vendor, UDN Digital, building this website and keeping it running. I think it’s a team of 30 or so. In the National Development Council, there is also an operation strategy team that think about, for example, what kind of regulatory announcements, what kind of budget to highlight, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s maybe five people or so. In each ministry, there’s a team of participation officers, as I said. I think on average, it’s three or four people per ministry. Altogether, it’s maybe 200 people, but not working full-time. Maybe 100 people or so full-time." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I think it’s important to have your own resources, to give out a contract when you need some website development, or some services to implement. Where you’re not doing this in public-private partnerships, or partner with companies that help you do this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re building most of our supporting infrastructure publicly on GitHub. We do get contributions from the social sector, but we’re not relying on them. Just in PDIS, in my office alone, there is easily five people who can code, or five people who can design." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If they really want something to get done, I’m personally a programmer. We complement the work of the social sector, but we’re not relying on the social sector for this work." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "If I can shift one more, I don’t know how much time you have. I’m very grateful for what you’re sharing with me." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Maybe we have another half an hour or so." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "This is very, very interesting for me, and I actually find it very helpful that there will be a transcript, [laughs] so that I don’t have to take notes while we talk. I’m also a member of the German Parliament’s Expert Commission on Artificial Intelligence (AI)." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "In Germany, generally like in all the countries, everybody’s talking about machine learning, artificial intelligence, all the data we have now, what we can do with it. Countries are developing national strategies." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I gave some comments on the German AI strategy." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "You did?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I did." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I didn’t see that. Where did you..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Der Digitalrat circulated a copy, through what they call the system, which is a web annotation document." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "You are in touch with the Digitalrat? That’s great, that they have reached out to you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. Beth Noveck, the person who brought about this open government initiative thing in the US, is now part of der Digitalrat." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "We have some international people. I’m glad that they are bringing in that international expertise like ours." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, I think you know Julia Kloiber, who previously worked on Code for Germany..." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Yes, right. Her interview with you..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I know her very well. She’s done a very... I don’t know if she told you about the Prototype Fund." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "It’s really innovative what she’s doing, and also transforming how our ministries work, who are funding the Prototype Fund." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think she directly inspired the g0v grant, which is again like the Prototype Fund. The g0v people, of course, in traditional g0v fashion, did not accept funding from the government, or from any political parties." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is entirely in the social sector, and I think it’s been running really well." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I think to scale, you have to put public resources behind those things. I think you see a lot of great initiatives in civil society that don’t scale, or are not sustainable, because they run out of...A lot of foundations only want to give seed funding." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Obviously, you know this problem. There is no resources for followup. What is your comment on the German AI strategy, or what is your thinking on it?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "First of all, I think of AI as \"assistive intelligence\", and machine learning as collaborative is part of my interview with Julia. I remember pointing out that machine learning, it’s not just an “industry” strategy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is actually a social strategy as well, if everybody, including schoolchildren, understand how machine learning works, then it is an empowering force of so-called personal computing, because people can feel that everybody can customize and relate to these ideas." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On the other hand, if few people understand it, then even if you build the best privacy by design, you build the best overcoming bias, or whatever into it, just by the lack of literacy, it is still as good as a top-down machinery." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think the common awareness and education, and especially empowerment through regulatory co-creation, through the freedom to customize, the freedom to self-organize around machine learning apparatus and to make new norms, I think that really is the key." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think the education strategy has a lot to say, at least equal with the industry. I think that’s the main idea." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "The problem in Germany is that the education, we have a federal system. The education policy is made on the state level." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m aware of that." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "The national government cannot mandate certain education policies. This is a big problem currently in Germany. Some states are better than others in terms of trying to integrate new approaches and new knowledge into the curriculum, and others are really not doing that." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "The learning part, this is actually a topic that will be important for our work in the parliament commission. The national AI strategy was very much driven by economic and industrial concerns." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s exactly right. It’s quite clear." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "It’s very clear. You’ve seen that. The first chapters are all about that, how you can have the best research, and how you can transmit that into industry and startups. That’s the core. Then towards the end, you find some..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You find something that, “OK, we won’t harm the European values. We’ll fill the AI with European characteristics.”" }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "We actually need to start it. With the process I described to you, we actually in our organizations tried to start that conversation around an AI strategy. We were very much also thinking about how you democratize AI, and give as many people access to it." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "This is obviously a question of the accessibility of the technology. Is it all going to be owned by corporate entities, or do we continue at the moment? A lot of this is open source available. How can we make sure...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Like this is one of the open source examples of self-driving vehicles. If you go to the Social Innovation Lab, today, actually they have it running like this. They have visited the Social Innovation Lab three times from the MIT Media Lab." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All of this open hardware and open source. When the local people want to accommodate their flow -- for example, shopping in the flower market -- and have those tricycles follow you, and form a fleet. Basically, adjust their distance to people, and signal their internal state through a way that people can understand." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Like there’s people with feedback saying, “This is almost like a cyclops. It’s not very friendly.” The latest iteration -- because it’s open hardware, you can just tinker it -- now use two eyes. They make eye contact." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "People come, it’s like students and people interested come to work with this technology and build things?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, I think that’s a very good idea of people seeing self-driving vehicles, and think of these things, instead of truck fleets." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "These are full of sensors?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, they have a cheap LIDAR and optical sensors, which is why they can make eye contact." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I think Taiwan also has an AI strategy. Were you involved in...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "How would you describe how they address really the social? Really, what bothers me about the discussion in Germany, they always talk about the Chinese AI strategy, but they always talk about what’s done in Beijing. Nobody looks at innovative approaches towards AI that are coming out of Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Again, we put a lot of emphasis on education." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Also, I need to look this up. This is even available in English?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, it’s called AI Taiwan. If you google for AI Taiwan, I think this is the first hit." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I will check this out. I will find that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We did a domain name hack. It’s It can’t be this because of SEO." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I’ll find this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right. As you can see, even in our, education, I talk about. Regulatory co-creation is mostly, we allow the social innovators through those Regional Revitalization planning and touring, to basically declare their own hometown as in need of one particular intelligent technology, like the drone delivery, as I talk about." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then they can get to break existing laws and regulations." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "They can get some exemptions from national regulations?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly, yes, to test out the parameters." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "They will need to get the approval from the national government to do such a test bed, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. Basically, you need to have an application in what we call the sandbox system, which is not just for AI, of course. It’s also for fintech, for platform economy. It is a shared front end for anyone who want to break the law for a year. You go to here and file in your lawbreaking proposal." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Don’t think of it as lawbreaking. It’s like forking, having your own version of the law, and test it for a year. Everybody can apply, saying whether it is a good idea or not. By the end of the year, people may want to extend it to test in another to study that." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "The main applicant would be a city, a local community, a city council, or something?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It could be anyone. It could be anyone." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "It can also be a private company?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It could be a private company, and even with your own business plan. We don’t discriminate between the organization. Of course, the more multistakeholder you are, the better. The end result is to get the multistakeholder to decide collectively whether this experiment works for the local revitalization or not." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "How do you determine that, if it works?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A consultation process. Usually, we use things like, which can highlight the people’s divisive arguments, as well as the consensus statements. It is itself AI-powered. Anyone can go in and see their place among the different clusters of their neighbors." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then they can propose their feelings for everybody to vote. People can vote agree or disagree. As they do, their position move toward the people who feel likely." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "This is very interesting. This basically means that you need a lot of people familiar with this moderation and collaborative process, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Oh, yeah." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Have you created some sort of academy, where you train people in these kind of competences? You not only need them on the national level, but you need them in the communities." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On the local level." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "On the local level. You will need to be giving trainings all the time, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Actually, the 區公所, the District Office, is going to be the coordinating agency. Of course, there’s many district offices. In our public service academy, we have an e-academy. We recorded our collaborative workshops, our training materials." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I personally trained around a hundred. No, actually 900 or so people, even before joining the cabinet. Of course, after joining the cabinet, we trained even more people. We record that, and put it on the e-academy." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "When do you sleep? [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Every night, for eight hours." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This methodology spreads by itself, because each collaborative meeting, which lasts for five to six hours, is by itself a training program." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "That’s my experience. You cannot just tell people theoretically, “This is how it works.” They need to do it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s training by doing, that’s right. Basically, this is what we call osmosis. The more you get into this participatory system, the more you can feel confident when it comes your turn to run it. That’s the basic idea." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If the stakeholders end up have a consensus around this particular technology, then we’re committed to merge it back into the regulation, so that every other region can use it as well. If the experiment end up being people’s consensus saying, “This is not actually a good fit,” again, nothing is lost." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We all learn something, and the new innovators can try something else. It is almost like monopoly, actually. If the legislation decides that this needs a legislative change, they can take three or four years to actually a pass a law that actually remedy the shortcoming they see from this experiment." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "During those three or four years, the business model itself is still legit. The experiment extends to the point where the legislation is happy with it. You have a de facto monopoly for three years." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "What’s also great is that you make the law based on real experience and testing. This is one of the problems, that we make a law, and then we look, “Oh, what happens?” Then we see, “Oh, it doesn’t work out like we wanted it to be.”" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Policymakers cannot regulate something we don’t have first-hand experience. Unless we all ride the self-driving tricycle, how are going to suppose to make useful laws to govern them?" }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "That’s exactly, this is really interesting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Our AI strategy is regulatory co-creation. That is one of the five strategies here, the regulatory co-creation." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "It’s one of the core pillars." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "One of the five pillars." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "The other one is talent?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Talent, democratization..." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Is education?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "AI Pilot is similar to DARPA, and it’s IP, where we put out grant challenges for very difficult..." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Have you created some agency like DARPA for this?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "At the moment, it’s managed by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Board of Science and Technology. It’s not defense, [laughs] but it is science and technology. At the moment, they’re running a grant challenge." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "We are discussing this in Germany, too. There we’ll be probably, too, not very comfortable with the military angle in Germany about this, too. We will create a civilian DARPA in Germany as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Finally, we work with the MSMEs of the innovative...The industries need innovation. The industry innovation, which is various upcoming industries in Taiwan, many of the MSMEs, they surface the main challenges that they’re facing, and that could be automated." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For example, the water company, the Water Corporate of Taiwan, said that the water leakage detection is one of the most time-consuming part of their work. Their experts, using a listening device, have to circulate Taiwan for a year and a half before new leakage is discovered." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They really need machine learning to help them to identify the one that are most likely. They use these as training material for AI academy and other talent training. It’s not just solving puzzles for practice, but actually to solve real challenges, as posed by the MSMEs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What’s important is that this is not asking for a perfect solution. Even if your solution only improve the efficiency by five percent or so, it is still a real gain for a MSME. It also makes the talents much more likely to integrate back to the industry, instead of just going elsewhere." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think this is a pretty good solution to do AI-driven by essentially training experienced designers that can redesign their workflows for full integration. We already have experience of working with people with diverse mental neurodiversity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If we’re going to integrate people with Down syndrome or people with handicaps into the workflow, you have to redesign the workflow so that they can work on the part that they are good at, without burdening them with the part that they are not good." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now, we are seeing AI as a kind of people, who need to be integrated into the workforce. It is the same experience design, service design work that need to be done. We integrate those kind of designers into the MSMEs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Allow them to surface the part that are trivial, that really need automation, and then introduce the AI students as the solution givers to partner with the MSMEs. That’s the other part of the five pillars." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Wow. You’re really ahead of us. I knew it before, but now, talking to you, I can see really that. It’s very impressive. Also, how the things are connected. I really like that, how the thinking is very integrated. That’s really cool." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I’m glad you’ve heard about the German Digitalrat. One of the -- I don’t want to say problem, it’s always better to talk about challenges -- one of the challenges of the Digitalrat is that it’s not permanent. They are coming in from the outside." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a more advisory role." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "At some point, it’s going to be, advisory role. What we really need is somebody like you, who really is in day-to-day contact with the ministries, and driving innovation. Hopefully, the Digitalrat can get our government to adopt those kind of approaches, to make it permanent, and scalable across government." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "The challenge has not been that there has not been a lack of...We’ve been talking about open data, open government, and things like that for a while in Germany. Our challenge is implementation. It’s not having ideas. It’s about implementation." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "For implementation, you need to talk about collaboration. You need to talk about mind shift, culture shift, working differently, then changing things, how you used to work. Have you seen in your work, what would you describe as your personally, the biggest challenges?" }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "A lot of people in the German government will tell me that the biggest challenges for them is, we have 50 years of bureaucracy, so there is lots of rules that determine how things need to be done. It’s very difficult for them to step outside of these rules and formal processes that have been designed over many decades, and do things differently." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We don’t think it’s a large problem here, mostly because even though we’re also a continental law jurisdiction, we explicitly carve out parts that are good for experiment. The sandbox laws are essentially the legislation saying, “It’s OK to break the law for a while.”" }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "That’s very hard for Germans to adopt that kind of thinking." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right, but I think it’s really worth it. If you don’t have a clear-cut sandbox, then of course, there is literally hundreds of obscure rules and interpretations that can block your way. You don’t discover them until you run into them." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think a canvas, or a sandbox, with strictly-set geographic and/or time boundaries, I think that is really the main innovation vehicle that we’re working on. That also enables, like for 5G, everybody understand that 5G is good for something, but we’re not quite sure something. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "At the moment, we are encouraging dozens, if not hundreds, of different vertical experiments on 5G, but always test spectrum that’s good for maybe a couple years. Then if they found that 5G is really not the problem, we really need to have some fiber instead, then maybe it’s not a very good fit for 5G technology." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "You have open spectrum?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "We’ve been pushing for that in Germany, too, and it’s very, very difficult to get." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The tests need to be limited by geography." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I know. There’s interference problems. Because there was lots of spectrum opening up with the switch to digital TV and things, same here. Then we are auctioning everything off." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To the telecoms?" }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Yeah, and the telecoms are very keen to get it, of course, but we have said there should be some spaces for experimentation. Look at what Wi-Fi. We wouldn’t have that innovation, range of devices, and use cases, if we didn’t have an open spectrum that everybody could use." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "At the end of the day, it’s good for telecoms as well. The experiments may fail, but at the end of the day, the telecoms are best equipped to scale out those innovations. They have to go back and talk to telecoms if they want to expand it everywhere." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "You even have a good spectrum policy in-place. You got it. You got a really nice package. I would definitely look more into this. I’m actually thinking, if you don’t mind, is it possible for me also to use the transcript to send to people interested in Germany?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We relinquish the copyright. As soon as you’re done editing it, you just put it..." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I saw you’re also using open licenses. What’s is it called, CC licenses?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "CC0, actually, for our transcripts." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "It would be a little bit difficult for you to check, because to reach more people in Germany, and especially people also in government, it might be worth translating it into German. I will talk with my colleague." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "If they, after they look at it, think it’s interesting enough, whether we could translate it into German." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "My interview with Julia Kloiber is available online and please feel free to translate it to German as well." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I think her magazine, if I remember, I think that was in English." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, but my part is open to translation." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "You have an even more difficult change. German and English are more similar than English and Chinese. We always have this conversation in our organization about putting stuff out, whether in German or in English." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "We have also a lot of international organizations, stakeholders interested in the work. We also want to, one of our core goals, really, is also to advance the conversation and in Berlin, and to reach certain communities. Even in Germany, there’s still a language barrier if you don’t have it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Now, with technology and automated translation, I hope that we are just a couple of years away from having really, really good transcripts, even for, as you know, especially for our topics, where it gets very technical. The automated translation often still fails. It’s not good enough." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s already time-saving. It saves me at least 50 percent of time. I just need to correct a few words after automated translation. As I said, any improvement is a good improvement." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Have you been to Germany?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, I have." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Where did you visit?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I lived in Germany for a year and few months when I was 10 years old, in Saarbrücken in Dudweiler. My dad was pursuing PhD in the Saarbrücken university. I stayed a year or so, and attending a primary school." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "You speak some German?" }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "That’s great." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you translate, I am happy to read it aloud again." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Practice my German." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I also wanted to invite you, you definitely have to come back. It has been so many years. If you are interested in coming, I would love to host you for a conversation with our community. I’ll definitely also talk to people in the environmental organizations and social innovation space." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "There’s a lot of discussion in Germany around social innovation. I don’t know if Julia told you about this. I’ve been talking with her about this, too. There’s some discussion whether we should create something like NESTA in Germany, like an innovation agency, for social innovation, because Prototype Fund has some of that, but there’s obviously the question of whether you want to scale up something that you have, or whether we need something new. One of the problems in Germany is that we’re creating more and more and more things." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "The challenge for it, it needs to be integrated, and it needs to have access to the government. If you have just a social innovation agency, and it’s not really integrated into government thinking and bureaucracy thinking, it will not reach its full impact." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "I think you have a lot to say about these topics, and a lot of interesting examples also regarding the processes to give. If I can interest you to come to Germany, that would be really, really, really excellent. I also find it very important that people also learn that Chinese innovation, all these technologies, is more diverse than just what’s happening on the mainland." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "There are other approaches on how to think about this. You have tons of great examples. I think that would be very stimulating for the conversation that we are currently having in Germany." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The cofounder of PDIS, of this office, Shu Yang Lin, as well as one of our main facilitator, Fang-Jui, they are both going to be based in the UK for most of this year. Fang-Jui is going to work closely with Dark Matter Labs, too." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "They’re colleagues of yours from here that are going to UK?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "You can also put me in touch with them. I can reach out." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a shorter flight." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "From London, it’s a shorter flight. If you, for other reasons, happen to come to Europe, and you want to add a stop-over in Berlin, please get in touch. It would be an honor for us to have you there, and to bring more of your experience and knowledge into the conversation in Germany." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "Then I have a final request that my wife asked me. She asked me to take a picture with you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK, let’s take a picture." }, { "speaker": "Stefan Heumann", "speech": "She and I might use it for social media." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No problem at all." } ]
[ { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "This is Peter." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Hello, this is Audrey Tang from Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Oh, hi." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Greetings." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Good. Thank you very much for taking time out to talk." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No problem at all. You can hear me just fine, right?" }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Yeah, how about me?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, it works for me too." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Oh, thanks so much. I’m very grateful that you have time to talk at such short notice. I was wondering how much time do we have?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Maybe three hours, but I don’t think you’ll use all three hours." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "No, probably not. Actually, I was thinking about the three different issue areas I would like to talk about if you have time. The first one would be, more specifically, about the election and how, for example, the Chinese interference in the form of fake news might impact the election?" }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Secondly, if you have the time, maybe talk about the philosophies that you pursue as a minister. Then, finally, more about your personal, specifically, your own background, and your own experience as a transgender person in politics. Would that be OK?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. Certainly, we can allocate one hour for each topic at maximum." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "My first question is, looking at the Taiwan elections from the outside, it seems that Tsai Ing-wen’s chances of reelection have increased dramatically compared with a year ago. What do you think are the main reasons for that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think one of the main reasons is that this election, for the first time, is centered around a real case of the “One country, two systems,” as it played out in Hong Kong. It’s quite rare. Actually, the first time that I remember that all the different presidential candidates take the same stance against Hong Kong." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is to say, to support their core demand to determine for their own governing mechanism, the general election. That is the fifth demand. I think because the election always shaped this way and Dr. Tsai was the first one who so ardently support Hong Kong, the other candidates followed her. That gave her a lead in the agenda-setting." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Even though she had the lead in this particular issue, the fact that all three candidates pretty much agree on this, doesn’t that almost cancel it out?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They eventually agreed on this, but Dr. Tsai was very consistent from the very beginning. When I say having the lead, I didn’t mean in the polls, I mean in the agenda-setting." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Now that the Hong Kong unrest has been going on for more than six months now – seven, eight months already – and it’s not really news any longer, is it still something that impacts the election in Taiwan to the same extent?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As I said, this is not about only Hong Kong, but rather about the limitation of the Hong Kong “one country, two system” model." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because the “one country, two system” model was something that people in Taiwan very vehemently disagreed for this particular election, this creates an atmosphere in which that Dr. Tsai Ing-wen stands against the “one country, two system” is seen as more prominent." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Whereas the other candidates followed on this agenda. This is not just about the protests. I didn’t mean the anti-ELAB protest. I mean the “one country, two system” agenda." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Just thinking about that, even though one country, two systems has been part of the political lingo for decades, now, we actually see what it means in practice?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s exactly right, and the limitation of what it means in practice." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "It seems that every Taiwanese presidential election is fundamentally about China and the relationship to China. Every other issue – the environment or same-sex marriage – it becomes secondary and really recedes into the background. Is it just the way it is in Taiwan that basically everything comes down to China?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I wouldn’t say everything. Especially now we’re going to have elections and referendum in alternating years. It will be about the referendum topic the next year, because we no longer tie the referendum to elections. I would say that it’s not everything is about the presidential election." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Your observation, I think, confirms many people’s understanding that during the presidential elections, indeed, the PRC relationship is almost one of the highest if not the highest agenda." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Do you think that’s going to change any time soon?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You mean like in four years?" }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Maybe looking a bit in the future, do you think China will almost perennially be the top issue in Taiwan politics?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s a really good question. As I said, we did not have the mechanism of the citizens setting the referendum subjects until the previous one, which is not so long ago. At that time, it’s also tied to an election. It’s the same day." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The agenda still revolves around the election topics, not quite the referenda topics, which you compared to the PRC issue. What I’m trying to say is that after this election, there will be an entire year where the agenda will be set around the referendum subjects without any ties to the days of election." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We will see whether those agenda set by the referendum petitioners and collective conversations from the civil society can reach a more deep set of deliberation that is not relevant as much in the previous referenda, because they were tied to the election day." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Turning to the present election, there has been a lot of reports in the media about the fake news, probably most of it originating from mainland China. How serious is this issue of fake news and misinformation?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, we only say disinformation here. At least in the administration, we don’t use the “fake” “news” term, because in Taiwan, journalism and news are translated into the same Mandarin word, [Mandarin] . Because of that, it’s impossible to say “fake news” without it sounding like an affront to journalism, so we don’t use that translation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But we do say disinformation, disinformation meaning intentional, harmful untruths that harms the public – not just the image of a politician, but the public – is indeed a perennial issue in democracies." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, because broadband is a human right, it makes it even more multimedia, whereas in other jurisdictions before the advent of the unlimited 4G connection at only €16 per month, it’s mostly just textual or occasionally pictures, but now it’s live streaming, it’s video, and everybody can become a broadcaster, which makes the information and media landscape much more multi-modal." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This decade, I think, is about more and more sophisticated ways to spread such intentional, harmful untruths." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "If you compare with the presidential election four years ago, has it become a more salient issue?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would say that compared to four years ago, this time people are more aware that there is such an issue, that there is a name, disinformation, that there is a mechanism, namely society reached into the social sector and traditional institutional journalists, they collaborated on the fact checking mechanisms. All these were not ready and not in place four years ago." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In this particular election, we’re seeing that the institutional media and the social sector volunteers are collaborating much more deeply with a very firm understanding of the disinformation issue at hand." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Do you have any estimate, how much of this disinformation originates in mainland China?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would say that there are certain pieces of this disinformation that could be clearly attributed because it started from a certain Weibo account, for example, but there are also a lot of remixes, meaning that people looking at such information packages and remix it in a domestic context." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s almost not possible to quantify because a lot of it goes into encrypted channels, meaning that it is unavailable for outside analysis. I would say there are certain pieces of disinformation that we know for sure that originates from the PRC." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Can you give a particularly gross example of disinformation originating from the PRC from recent weeks?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you can take a look at the Taiwan fact-checking center, they have plenty of examples of such attribution. I will just use one example. There were a post circulating around that says – I wish I can pronounce those air quotes more visibly – but here goes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is a website article that says, “The rioters in Hong Kong have their payments exposed murdering police is rewarded by up to $20 million.”" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you’re curious, that’s the number 204 on the Taiwan fact-checking center." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "I will have a look." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I can send it to you via email. The point here is that this piece is good because the attribution is pretty complete. They attributed the original post to a Weibo account by the Central Commission of the PRC unit around politics and law, so we know for sure that it came from there." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "I heard some of the disinformation from China is fairly unsophisticated and it even uses simplified characters, so you can immediately see where it’s from. Is that correct and do you also see some pretty unsophisticated methods like that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the particular case that I just sent you by email, which I alluded to, the disinformation allegedly contained a Telegram group of the Hong Kong protestors but they were using the [foreign language] , which is the Romanization method used in the PRC but not in Hong Kong, which is primarily Cantonese." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I wouldn’t say it’s unsophisticated. I would say that they maybe were not aware of the cultural context involved." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Is there also disinformation arising from other sources, like, for example, the United States…?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As I said, the Internet is all about remixing, so whatever catches the virality, the interest of the reader, usually provoking outrage from a sense of anger – it’s like a chain email – tends to have its content remixed and modified and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would say that, unless the attribution is very clearly to a state-sponsored or a state-blessed actor, we don’t usually say it’s from a single jurisdiction because it’s, literally, made in the world, [laughs] meaning that people remix along their distribution." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "I was just wondering if people say that Taiwan is becoming like an online battleground between opposing forces in China and the United States, maybe a fight for the hearts and minds of the Taiwanese people?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is the first time that I’ve seen, or heard, in this case, this way to put it. I don’t know the source but I would say that Taiwan is a transcultural Republic, and so we do look at the different cultural sources in a way that respects each other’s culture but there’s, of course, also, a lot of cultural differences among the people here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would say that it is not just the two worldviews that you alluded to. There’s also, for example, the Austronesian lineages, the indigenous people. There are, also, new immigrants coming from Indo-Pacific backgrounds." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s, now, many Taiwanese people that are from, like, Ukraine, [laughs] from all around the world that are, nevertheless, going to vote very quickly, in a week, now. Taiwan is home to many lineages. It is certainly true that these lineages are not always agree on each other and there are some tensions." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Taiwan is becoming a multi-cultural society?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Transcultural. Just this year, we passed a new language act that made around 20 languages international languages. Previously, four years ago, we only had one national language, Mandarin, so that is certainly the direction we’re heading." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "I know I’m moving a bit off-topic now but I was wondering, do you think that maybe Taiwan could even be a model of a multi-cultural society also, like places like Europe, where we also are having our struggles with multi-culturalism these years?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I do think so. If you look at, for example, the issues around marriage equality, around gender equality, and things like that, Taiwan definitely leads all of Asia, while several items were not quite Nordic." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For example, we only have around 40 percent women in Parliament. Certainly not the world’s best. It compares very favorably around Asia." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Do you think that the West is sufficiently aware of these progressive values that come out of Taiwan?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think after Dr. Tsai’s winning the election and the marriage equality act that was passed, people are becoming more and more aware that Taiwan really is a multi-cultural and quite liberal, in a classic sense, quite a liberal society." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think Taiwan could work more on this international image, but certainly, we’re doing much better in the past couple years now." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "If Tsai wins the election, which seems very likely, is that something that will be pushed in the next four years, internationally?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Definitely, that’s one of her campaign promises. One of her campaign programs is essentially spreading more of the idea that Taiwan can help. That is to say, Taiwan is not only looking at multiculturalism as our strength but rather spreading this model of classical liberal democracy around Asia as well." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "How could that work in practice, this spread of Taiwanese values to other societies, nations?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s many ways. One of the ways is increasing our participation in the Sustainable Development Goals." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, we have adopted the SDGs not only a national level with our own voluntary national review as well as our SDG plan, but municipalities – Taipei, New Taipei, and very soon, Taoyuan – are also contributing into their voluntary local reviews or VLRs, something started by New York City. Taiwan is very early to join." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Through the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, we engage the global multistakeholder society, that is to say, not only the traditional multi-laterals but rather form mini-laterals around specific SDGs that people care about." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For example, when we talk about disinformation, counter-disinformation, we use the Global Cooperation and Training Framework to ensure that everybody agreeing to SDG 16 – which is a accessible and representative institutions, protecting human rights and free speech – to bond together." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now it is jointly hosted by Japan, by Taiwan, and the US, and with dozens of other countries sending people, usually journalists, to learn about the ways Taiwan worked with journalists instead of against journalists when it comes to mitigating disinformation online. That’s just one of the 17 SDGs that we’re working on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We are also running a event called the Presidential Hackathon where the president highlights five specific SDG targets every year, as crowdsourced by people who think about novel ways to achieve those SDG targets, and commit to bind herself to realize people’s solutions, five teams every year, into the national strategy within 12 months." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All these ways are not just domestic, but we also invite international teams. The previous winners in last year’s Presidential Hackathon in the international track were Honduras and Malaysia, if I’m not mistaken. Many countries did join. If you look for Presidential Hackathon, you can find a lot of the global goals, related target, and endeavors." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Could we say that this is a source of Taiwanese soft power in the world?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, if you say, “Taiwan can help.” Around here, we say [Mandarin] , or warm power, [laughs] to be literal. The idea, of course, this is soft power. This is cultural power." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Is it a problem that China is doing so much to isolate Taiwan in the world? Does that make it more difficult for Taiwan to use this soft power?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not for me, personally, no. I don’t feel that. I participate in 2017 International Governance Forum on the Internet, the UN IGF in UN Geneva as a robot across the distance. I also attended the UN Sustainable Development Solution Network, multiple meetings, UN ESCAP, UN-Habitat, many venues." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A key thing here is that all the venues that I attended were multistakeholder or multistakeholder and multilateral hybrid panels where I joined from the multistakeholder side. While the PRC is, as you put it, excluding or isolating the multilateral platforms, because they also sign on the SDGs for the Sustainable Goals, they couldn’t quite do so on the multistakeholder forums." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "The reason why China is not an obstacle is because China is not able to prevent Taiwan’s participation?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is exactly right. In a multistakeholder forum, it is not about a state representative representing certain area or a territory. This is about the stakeholder groups or major groups, to use the UN terms, who care about a certain issue or a set of community that gets affected, such as people who risk their habitation to climate change and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They all have a seat at the table, and they re-present their actual contributions, worries, and solutions, without being a state representative, to talk on behalf of them. The former is called multistakeholder, and the latter, multilateral." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Are you concerned that China, either directly or indirectly, eventually will find ways to also constrain Taiwanese international participation overseas in these fora?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I don’t think that could happen because a multistakeholder forum, for example, the Internet multistakeholder forums, people can join using Internet connections, teleconferencing. Anybody who has a email can join the working group." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is quite unlikely that the PRC can systemically remove the email accounts or the video-conferencing accounts from anybody dialing in from Taiwan because we do have our own Internet domain that is .tw. It is quite unlikely that the PRC can manage to take .tw out from the international Internet domain ICANN registry." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "I want to return briefly to the topic of disinformation. When we talk about the Chinese disinformation on Taiwan, it’s usually about the Chinese people sending bits of disinformation to the Taiwanese public through various channels." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "I was wondering, is there any evidence of Chinese disinformation regarding Taiwan in third countries, for example, in Europe?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Let me check my understanding of your question. You’re asking whether we are aware that the PRC is spreading disinformation also to European countries?" }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Yeah, regarding Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is, of course, notable cases such as telling the World Health Organization that they can represent the interests of the Taiwanese community when it comes to epidemics really well. They can protect the health of people in Taiwan by “representing” Taiwan’s interests in the World Health Assembly." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That certainly is a piece of intentional untruth, and it does harm the public – public health in this particular case." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Is Taiwan doing anything actively to try and counteract this?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the previous World Health Assembly, there’s not only a lot of bilateral and mini-lateral meetings around the main assembly, but there’s also a concerted effort of public diplomacy from the civil society as well as the public sector to spread the idea that Taiwan can help. If you search for “Taiwan can help WHA,” you will probably find various creative attempts." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "I would like to turn to your philosophies as a minister at the head of a major bureaucracy. First of all, you’ve mentioned that broadband is a human right. I wondered if you could elaborate on that" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Certainly. In Taiwan, anywhere in Taiwan, it could be 4,000 meters high – the Yushan Mountain, almost 4,000 meters – you still have 10 megabits per second, very affordable, €15-per-month connection via 4G or via broadband through fiber optics, cable, or even satellite." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is a universal access promise. I think the coverage is now more than 98 percent. The active users above 12 years are now around 90 percent. It means that if anywhere in Taiwan you cannot have access affordably to broadband, that is my fault." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Is that something that you think should be a human right, universally, for all mankind?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would think that is a Sustainable Development Goal, yes. To be very specific, that’s part of SDG 9.c, if I’m not mistaken." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Why is it a human right? Why is it so important?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The information and communication technology increasingly become the public forum around which democracies are formed and democracies are performed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To systemically exclude people from the digital information and communication or to restrict people to a asymmetric mode, that is to say, television and radio, which allows for broadcasting, meaning one person to speak to millions of people but not listening, which is a million people listening to one another, decimates these people’s participation into a democratic everyday life." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not just about the political democracy. It’s also about democracy when it comes to opportunities of development, education, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "In this particular area, it would seem that China is also very progressed. There’s almost universal access to the Internet." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They also sign on the Global Goals. Anyone who [laughs] sign on the Global Goals agree that the target 9.c is a good idea. 9.c is scheduled to be delivered on 2020. Of course, I would say that it is a universal good that people consider target 9.c a very important one." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Of course, broadband, it’s a two-way street. It can also be used to indoctrinate people. Is it a risk that it can be abused by governments? What can be done about that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As I mentioned, in Taiwan, when we say broadband is a human right, we mean that everybody has access to the affordable broadband to become a media by themself. We talk about how people can spread the ideas that they think is correct, also listen to the different viewpoints that they may consider incorrect and the tension from it, and resolving those tensions through democratic debate." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If everybody is potentially media, that means that the state, the government, is made more and more transparent to the people. People can ask, just like people who practice journalism, various investigative questions and crowdsource their investigation into how the state works." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "By transparency, we mean the state is becoming more and more transparent to the people through broadband. Of course, as you probably, implicitly alluded to, there are also jurisdictions on which they use broadband to make the citizens transparent to the state." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "I saw you quoted elsewhere saying that governments must be transparent to the citizens, but the other way around, there’s no…" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not our philosophy to make…It’s not just about privacy. It’s also about people’s right to fiduciary control on who they trust to process their data. It is also about people’s way to form coalitions or data collaboratives that, together, pool around their data. All this disappears of the state posed itself as a single intermediary, as in the so-called “social credit” system." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Could we also rephrase it as saying the citizens have a right to monitor the government, but the government does not necessarily have a right to monitor its citizens?" }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Is that a correct way to phrase it?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The idea of liberal democracy in the very beginning is that the government is accountable, meaning that we need to provide an account. Citizens are only held accountable if they are performing public functions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Otherwise, if they’re not performing public functions, there is no legitimacy from the state to ask a democracy to hold individuals accountable for the non-public-sector performing actions that they make. Of course, that’s a core liberal democracy, and I understand not all jurisdictions are liberal democracies." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "I’m asking because in Europe we almost see the opposite trend. We see government officials being more and more keen to look into the private matters of citizens at the same time as they’ve perhaps become less transparent than they were before, sometimes with reference to the need to counteract, for example, terrorism." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "What would you say to officials in the West who say that we need to keep an eye on our citizens in order to prevent there being terrorist attacks?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Each jurisdiction is facing a different configuration of society. I would not give unsolicited advice. For example, it’s physically difficult to reach Taiwan. We are, after all, a bunch of islands. It’s hard to accidentally be here. Because of that, our configuration around border policy and so on is naturally different from jurisdictions where the borders are more easily accessible." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would not extend our experience blindly to other jurisdictions. I would, of course, say that each democracy need to sufficiently deliberate with its informed citizenry on such policy issues." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "You’ve been in your current position three years and two months, as far as I understand?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Mm-hmm." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Is there one particular piece of policy that you can point to that has been particularly instrumental in promoting this goal of making broadband a human right, to turn that into reality?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The configuration here, I would say, first, I’m not taking credit of that policy. It’s Dr. Tsai Ing-wen’s presidential promise, after all. I would not take credit for the fact that it’s €16 or 499 NT$ per month because that is an accident between the telecoms. If you search for “499 Taiwan mobile fee,” you will find the whole story. I’m not [laughs] taking credit of all of these." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I will, however, say that people do find the broadband access important to participate in day-to-day democracy. That is to say, democracy between elections and between referendums in our petition platforms, our regulatory pre-announcement platform, in our budget visualization and participatory budget platform." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Which is the same website,, which counts 10 million visitors in Taiwan, which is interesting because Taiwan has 23 million people, so a large fraction of people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would perhaps say that the open government work that we have put in place gave people one of the best around the world chances to see, transparently, how government works and initiate cross-ministerial issues for the ministers to talk about without having to go through election and elected representatives. That did make broadband access more valuable, but it’s certainly not the only reason." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Do you think the Taiwan experience could help pointing the way towards how the Internet could be a force for democracy in China?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It could be a model of democracies everywhere. I think we are offering this to the whole community of homo sapiens, that is to say, humankind." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "If you look narrowly at China, do you see the Internet as a force for democracy there?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The thing is that Internet, as originally designed, relies on the freedom to innovate without a middle box, without a middle point." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Arguably, in the past couple years especially, people in PRC, through the Great Firewall as well as many other institutional design, is turning the Internet there through their management of VPN and management of cryptography, devising an alternate norm of what they call “cyber-sovereignty,” which is their alternative norm to the Internet norm." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is interesting to see whether they would remain part of the core Internet with this norm or whether they will close more and more of the core Internet protocols beneath or behind the Great Firewall and eventually becoming, essentially, a intranet. The trend is moving slowly toward that direction. Of course, we don’t know how long it will take to reach that point." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Given China’s record over the past several years in the area, are you basically optimistic or pessimistic regarding the Internet as a force for democracy in China?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What I’m trying to say here is that Internet by itself is decentralized. It decentralizes innovation. People around the world, whether they’re in, say, Hong Kong or whether they’re in Taiwan, as long as there is free Internet access, people can innovate on new social technologies, that is to say, new ways to move around existing social configurations and mobilize people in a different way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We see this very clearly in the so-called “be water” principal in Hong Kong during their anti-ELAB protests. As long as there are still such room for permissionless innovation, I’m optimistic around its democratic potentials." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On the other hand, if such room for innovation is taken away, then, of course, democracy on the Internet risks to be choked. The space for such innovations may no longer be there if, for example, people are forced to be face-recognition finger-printed every time they use the Internet." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Is there anything the outside world should do about this? Should we just let that develop or follow their own course in China? Is there something that outside actors should do to try and influence developments inside China?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think the international community, especially the journalism community, has played a big part of making sure that the governance mechanism in Hong Kong did not ultimately get swept out of the global people’s consciousness." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If people stop paying attention of what’s happening on the ground in Hong Kong, then they risk to be absorbed into this kind of intranet instead of Internet-like governance and losing their freedom to innovate." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan certainly, for example, many of our universities have offered exchange programs for Hong Kong students and offered them a safe space, for example, to host the Oslo Freedom Forum with the key leaders, for them to exchange freely with the international press community and international correspondents." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The fact that the Reporter Without Borders is headquartered in Asia in Taipei also helps to spread the idea that the international NGOs can operate freely here. We have Asia’s most free civic space to keep a very close watch on how Hong Kong progresses. I wouldn’t say that we’re just standing here. Rather, we’re offering a safe space." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "I’d like to ask a few questions about yourself as a transgender person in politics. My first question is I’ve seen you described as an anarchist. Is that an apt description?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A conservative anarchist." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "In what way?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Conservative means to respect the various cultures, the more than 20 national languages and cultures, indeed, in a trans-cultural way. That is to say to look at various cultures, including the one that we’re brought up with, from other culture’s point of view, to have the liberty to move across different cultures, not limited to the one that we are in, in our childhood, in our families." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is what conservative means to me. It means honoring, respecting, instead of blindly following, to enter into a transcultural viewpoint. Anarchist simply means that, in my work, I don’t give orders and I don’t take orders. Everybody who work with me work by voluntary association. Again, this is a very simple idea." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Conservative anarchism together means something like the original Internet’s vision, meaning that people who freely associate with one another without coercion can, nevertheless, respect each other’s traditions and build new traditions that continues and honors the original ones on a transcultural fashion." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Has it been a challenge, as an anarchist, to enter into government work and work with rigid bureaucracies?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not at all because I had three working conditions, which is voluntary association. I already talk about that. Radical transparency, which I sent you the email explaining all the meetings, including internal ones that I chair, will be transcribed and posted on the Internet after 10 days of co-editing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "And location independence, meaning that wherever I’m working, I’m working. I can tour around Taiwan and tour around the world and join as board members of international social innovation organizations and so on while being the digital minister." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would say that this puts me in a Lagrange point between the government and the movements to serve as a channel. Instead of working for any particular side, I’m working with all the sides." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Haven’t you come across any officials with many years or decades of government work behind them that are opposed to this kind of…" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, because I don’t go around and tell them what to do. Everybody join my office by voluntary association. In Taiwan, we have 32 ministries. I said very early on, three years ago, that each ministry can send one delegate to my office. Some ministries did. Some did not." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Currently, I have 22 colleagues or so, meaning not all ministries have sent people. For example, the Ministry of Defense never send anyone, so I know nothing about national defense. Again, they’re not opposing me because, literally, I only work with people who voluntarily work with me." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Did the Ministry of Defense say why they did not send an official?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They did not have to explain. I’m saying that I’m happy to work with people who voluntarily join. I ask why when they join. I don’t ask why when they don’t join." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "How many people do you have working for you or working with you?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s nobody working for me, exactly zero, but there’s 22 people working with me." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "No officials or analysts? They’re all representatives from other ministries?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s around half and half. Maybe a dozen people are from ministries and maybe a dozen or so are people who specialize in, as you said, policy explanation, policy communication, communication experts. There are also facilitation experts. There’s also experts in documentation, in documenting and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Those outside experts count, again, maybe one-half of the work. The career public servants are still more people, more career public service than the outside experts." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Is this a first in the world, or have you used a model from other countries when setting up this ministry?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, this is not called a ministry. This is a horizontal minister’s office. For a long time, we already have this position or ministers without fixed portfolio. At the moment, there’s nine such horizontal ministers. Each has one office from the ministries that they’re liaising with. This is not Taiwan’s first." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan has always operated this horizontal minister since the very beginning, and I’m aware, may be broadly comparable to a new term called digital ambassador. That seems to be fashionable in the past few years around the world, meaning that people who serve as delegates, semi-diplomats, to semi-sovereign entities such as, of course, Google and Facebook. That is also part of my work." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "I think you just mentioned that you don’t tell people what to do. Is that correct?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. I just do things my way and share the innovations that I’ve made. People may or may not decide to adapt and adopt." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "I’m asking you because this is not something I say myself, but I talk to Chinese people. Some Chinese people or people with a Chinese cultural background, they want the rigid bureaucracy. They want to be told what to do. If the boss turns their back to them, they’ll immediately stop working, go online, and…" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I wonder whether you mostly talked to people who follow the thought of Confucius instead of people who follow the thought from Lao Tzu or Buddha. Taoism and Buddhism are also very popular lineages here. The work that I’m outlining is very Taoist in nature." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "We can say that your approach is aligned with Lao Tzu and Buddha, and Buddhism." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right, certainly. That’s correct. Conservative anarchism is just a Westernized way to put Lao Tzu’s thoughts, which is Taoism." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Would you say that East Asia, so far, speaking very generally, has been following the Confucian principles more than Buddhist and Taoist principles?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It goes from time to time. I would say more clearly that the civil society and the social sector have already synthesized those three cultures and three lineages into very balanced lines of thought, especially around Taiwan. If you visit Taiwan, you will feel that these three lines of thought have converged really well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is quite true if you look into our bureaucracy that they don’t quite quote as much the thoughts for Lao Tzu and Jiangsu. That is true. Maybe the public sector is less influenced by Taoist principles." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Do you think, in the coming years, we’ll see a bigger influence deriving from Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, and Buddhist principles, and also in the way that government is being performed in certain Asian societies?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There are Asian societies where Buddhist thoughts are dominant and not Confucianism. For example, when I visited Bangkok, I feel very strongly that there are Buddhist ideas and cultures in their public service as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I wouldn’t say Taiwan, this is a new development or anything is Confucianism. I would certainly say that the idea of horizontal network, the idea of doing without doing, meaning that setting up the right atmosphere and configuration instead of designing everything up front, participate, be humble in the design." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That seems to be where Taiwan is heading from a more industrial age manufacturing-based society and economy, into a more human-centric, more sustainable, engaging way of designing with people instead of for people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, I would say that it is being one of the first places in the world to try this new mode of collaborative governance, but we’re certainly not the only one. For example, we learn a lot from the civic citizen assemblies, from the citizen town halls, from the online system, from the Swiss model of referenda, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Many of these European thoughts are new to Taiwan as well. We are currently building a jury system and that is, of course, from the UK, and so on. I would say, when I say “transcultural,” I really mean many, many cultures, not just two or three cultures." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Yeah. I’m writing for people who don’t have a very deep understanding of Asian culture. I was just wondering if you could maybe give a very specific example of something that Lao Tzu or Buddha said which can be transformed into practical advice about how to conduct bureaucratic work today." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK. That is a great question, but that is to say, when I’m trying to offer a quote, I really want to make sure that it’s understood in a way that is not mysticism. [laughs] Like, this is not religion. [laughs] That is instead something that more a guiding principle, instead of something that, to be worshiped, if that’s OK with you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Let’s see. Maybe I’ll read you the 11th stanza of the Tao Te Ching, which is a thought from Lao Tzu. I will also send you the link to make sure that this transcribes well. It goes like this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "“30 spokes meet in the hub. Where the wheel isn’t is where it’s useful. Hollowed out clay makes a pot. Where the pot’s not is where is it’s useful. Cut doors and windows to make a room. Where the room isn’t, there is room for you. The profit in what is is in the use of what isn’t.”" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is one of the more abstract clauses from the Tao Te Ching, but to me, this is why I call the office the Public Digital Innovation Space, meaning that it’s literally space where people can try out various new thoughts." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Again, this is like a pot, a room, or a hub, where instead of me insisting anything, instead of me pushing my agenda, I make myself available 40 minutes at a time. My office, we tore down the wall. Literally, people can walk in from the street into the Social Innovation Lab." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s room for everyone’s new idea to be given equal consideration, as long as they perform this in a transparent vision publicly. The closest analogy I can find in the legal tradition in, for example, UK is called sandbox." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is to say, to make a risk-free or risk-controlled way for people to try out new regulations, new ideas and so on. We allow them to basically speak to the entire society, amplified through our social innovation lab, just like connecting to the various perimeters in a wheel through the spokes, but without us making the judgment." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Instead, the society converge on a common understanding after a year or so, and collectively decide, for example, whether e-scooters is a good idea and how is it a good idea, whether UberX is a good idea, and how could we make it a good idea, and so on and so forth." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think to me, it captures the idea of social innovation in sandboxes." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Yeah, that’s a very good example. I’m very grateful for that. It definitely illustrates it really well, I think." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Mm-hmm." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Another thing I would like to ask you is I read that you have offered preferential access to government contracts for companies that employ people with Down syndrome. Is that correct?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To anyone. There’s more than 400 such organizations now who anyone who can provide an account of how their procurement dollars can transform into social returns of investment, or SROI, that is to say, anyone who can account for the social effect of their income sources becomes a…" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I wouldn’t say preferential, but I would say I go out and give an award every year for anyone who procures to more than five million anti-dollars of such social innovation organizations’ products and services. That’s true." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Yeah. It’s just because this particular example of people with Down syndrome is particularly interesting. Was there something about a soccer field? They were involved in designing something like that…?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Oh, yeah. The social innovation lab itself, the visual design, the soccer field and so on, were done by paintings that turned into public art, but they were originally paintings by people with Down syndrome, and they’re very creative and view the world through topological, geometric lens." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The point here is that we look at people with neurodiversity not as a kind of strictly speaking vulnerable population only, but rather to view them as valuable contributors who make unique contributions that we cannot ourselves do." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "It’s not so much a political statement about inclusiveness as it is about the inherent benefits associated with involving individuals with those unique perspectives and skills, so…" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. The more neurodiverse the space is, the more perspectives that one can see the world with, and that’s a net win for everyone. It’s not just symbolic. We literally experience that every day." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Can you give us other examples, apart from the one with the soccer field that we’ve just talked about?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Certainly. The social innovations. We give out partnership awards. It’s called Asia Pacific Social Innovation Partnership Award, or APSIPA, A-P-S-I-P-A, and every year we give out such awards." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Special Jury Prize last year went to the Cigondewah Fashion Village Lab from Indonesia, in the Bandung Creative City Forum, where they turned the industrial waste from the fashion industry into a community building co-operative that turns these into circular economy materials to make the local culture and local art, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Whereas we initially looked at these pipelines as just wastes, they, through social design, redefined that village into makers of art, and turned waste into material in a way of circular economy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As I said, this is not just about turning people in Taiwan’s creativity. This is actually inviting people all around Asia. We have winners from Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, and so on. The jury is from different jurisdictions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you go to the Social Innovation Lab that is my office, you will also see the gifted city service car, which is a service car from people with mobility disabilities. Instead of being street vendor on wheelchairs, which is a more vulnerable position, through service design, the city service car provides the likes of electricity charging, WiFi sharing, and fair trade goods such as teas and coffees, I’m sure, as well as a lot of city service and an interactive screen to make public conversation possible." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "So that people see these service car operators not as vulnerable people in wheelchairs, but rather providing unique service to the city that people cannot otherwise access, and even act as WiFi stations that share connectivity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Through social design, the important thing is not one or two examples, but rather the systemic to look at which previously vulnerable populations are invited into unique contributors." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is also a case where people with disabilities who are more confined to their bed or their home nevertheless participate in the business information of building information modeling and the Beam or AI lab labeling and so on, and providing the best-of-class service to the business of the building modelers without even knowing that the people who performed the work are constrained in their mobility and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because they redesign the workflow, they actually focus more on such issues. I can go on and on. We have literally 400 cases." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Do you think people not just in Taiwan but everywhere, are missing out by sometimes excluding people like that instead of including them all?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Certainly. I think there are already certain neurodiversities that are more universally recognized. For example, people on the autistic spectrum are now quite recognized as being exceptional in not only quality assurance and auditing, but also in every place in the workplace that requires honesty and not afraid of directly confronting uncomfortable audited results and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would say that for certain neurodiversities, this is certainly gaining a lot of ground, and for other neurodiversities, of course, there remains a lot to do. Like Down syndrome, I think around the world, there’s a lot to do." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "I was wondering whether you as a transgender person have encountered any problems or any challenges being in the position you are in now where you have a significant amount of political power?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not at all. It really gives me a unique perspective, because I have gone through the two different puberties. I can relate with people with their firsthand experience more, and also, I don’t have this mental mindset in my mind that somehow half of population is different from me. I don’t have that binary thinking, which is again very helpful politically." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Can you give an example how you feel that both sexes are…that you don’t feel any distance with either sex." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not just about the genders. It is also about political parties. People know when I enter the cabinet that on the HR form, the field of gender and the field of party affiliation, I entered none on both of the fields. I’m claiming that I’m not partisan and also not associated with a particular gender." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This non-binary in both gender and in party affiliation really prompted a lot more discussion around not just the usual LGBTIQ+ rights, which is important, but also how Taiwan may work toward instead of just this bipartisan political landscape, can we move toward a more multidimensional political landscape. I think that is very helpful in this conversation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Usually, people ask me, they are being torn between the blue, and the red, and the green. That’s the three colors in Taiwan politics. It’s like there’s no other colors. I just look at my business card. There’s 17 colors that’s the sustainable goals. The 3 colors are just 3 in the 17." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Would you say the current politics where you have clearly delineated camps belongs to yesterday and we’re moving towards a future where there will be more dimensions in politics?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would say that previously, the representative democracy is useful within the previous constraint, which is it’s difficult for more than, say, anyone who tracks more than 150 people in their head." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s almost impossible to cooperate simultaneously with a team larger than 150 people. It’s called Dunbar’s number. Nowadays, thanks to the Internet, we can synthesize such voices and give what we call the weak link." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is to say, instead of knowing one person for a very long time before working on something, people who we have never met or indeed have never understood in a personal level, nevertheless when we understand that each are following the same protocol, which is more likely nowadays the same hashtag, we can form a relationship of a swift trust, quickly trusting each other to do some work together." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Just as we are doing the interview in a very quick turnaround, it’s called swift trust. I think people who care about similar issues can form much mobile adhocracies without any previous coordination." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This way of flash-mob-like adhocracy, more and more defines collective action through crowdfunding and crowdsourcing, and renders less and less relevant representative democracy the issues that are either very local, so people can just go and take action without waiting for their representative, or very global, that is to say the only way that it will work is if people form such networks in the multilateral way and not actually have a good grasp on that." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "What we’ll see in the future is maybe an Internet-based democracy with perhaps several referenda a day?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It will be several deliberations concurrently. I don’t know whether it will be referenda or not, but Taiwan has this idea of referenda that’s binding for only two years, which is, again, an interesting contribution to this theory like let’s take a referenda but it’s only good for two years, and after two years, let’s try out something else." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Turning to your transgender personality, you have not encountered any kind of prejudice from politicians or members of the bureaucracy over the last few years?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not at all. I think it speaks a lot about Taiwan’s 12 years of gender mainstreaming work, where every ministry, every public servant is required to go gender impact assessment on all the bills and all the budget that they do." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because of that, people are thoroughly aware of gender mainstreaming, and all the issues that pertains to transgender are already quite understood by the career public service HR department. I don’t find any resistance there." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "How about previously in your life, when you were younger? Did you meet more prejudice at that time?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think there are always people who are new to this concept, and there is always room for conversation. Because my hobby is troll hacking, namely to hack the trolls, I enjoy such conversations and such exchange where I can respond to the points where they offer genuine experiences and ignore the parts that are personal attacks and such. I enjoy such exchanges with the wider public about not just gender issues, pretty much about everything." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Would you say over the past 10 or 20 years that Taiwan has become more liberal in this respect? I’m not just talking about government bureaucracy but overall, the overall attitude towards diversity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s certainly the case. I would also add to that, Taiwan has become much more liberal in pretty much all intersectional ways, not just around gender, but around cultural differences, ethnic diversity, indigenous people, and new immigrants, and all the different ways of life. Transgender is just one part of it." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "It’s hard to imagine a transgender person in a senior political position in China. Do you think your career is an example of how Taiwan and China are moving further apart?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is true that when Dr. Tsai was first elected, people commented not just that she is a woman, but rather she gets elected by her own merit. In many places in Asia, a senior woman’s leadership is somehow kind of associated with either a political family or a political ideology where she is just one part of, and so on, but Dr. Tsai did so entirely on her own merit. I would say that this sets Taiwan apart from most of Asia, not just from the PRC." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Thank you very much for your time. It’s been very interesting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you. Excellent questions." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Thanks very much. I will send you the article when it’s published. Probably it will be next Friday or possibly the Friday after." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK, no problem. I’ll send you the transcript when it’s ready. Cheers." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "OK. Thanks very much." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Bye." }, { "speaker": "Peter Harmsen", "speech": "Bye-bye." } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很高興每個月跟大家見面,我們今天的sli.do是107,我們按照往例,先走議程,今天的報告部分應該是琬梅有要報告我們在國際上於加拿大的一些分享,按照慣例隨時都歡迎在sli.do上提出額外的問題或者是舉手發問,我們直接開始。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "政委、各位在場的長官、同事大家好,我是琬梅,我是PDIS團隊的同事,要用很輕鬆的方式分享一下我們去加拿大訪問的一些花絮,只有用照片的方式呈現,因為我想說大家剛吃飽,看一些輕鬆的東西,順便用圖片的方式來作去年的完結跟今年開展有一個呈上啟下的功能。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "政委團隊去年最重要,也是比較大型的訪問,就是這一個加拿大,我們去了11月3日至12日,總共是九、十天,飛了三天,工作天是七個工作天,跑了多倫多、渥太華、溫哥華三個大城,全部都跑了,所以行程都滿緊湊的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "第一站我們是去多倫多,我們在幹麻呢?我們是為了把這一套開放政府聯絡人的模式、公私協作討論議題的精神分享給加拿大的朋友。第一站選多倫多是因為畫面中有一個穿紅色衣服的男生,他是韓裔的加拿大一個公民社群的朋友——現在應該還不是加拿大人——他非常積極、熱情主動邀約我們的團隊到那邊開工作坊,第一天到的時候,我們就在演練,並跟他討論這兩天的工作坊要怎麼帶、討論什麼議題、用什麼方式來討論。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "這張是我們團隊唯一一張,算是有一點小小娛樂性質的照片,我們的工作行程真的非常滿檔,真的是在多倫多大學前面那一塊大草皮照的,可以看到除了政委之外,還有一個是我們特別的參與者,也就是農委會的PO銘錦,她是左邊戴帽子的小美女,感謝銘錦參與,因為是第二次邀請PO加入出訪的團隊。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "工作坊剛開始,政委邀請大家對於工作坊的想像及我們所重視的價值是什麼,大家一定會看到上面有說這個是nobody culture、nobody is perfect、equality等等,我們很常見、很常聽的精神,其實跟我們的認知是一樣的,所以可以很清楚地看到,其實大家對於開放政府跟公私協作,我們有共同的價值,不管是在臺灣或者是加拿大。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "這個是背光照,並不是很清楚,這一次的工作坊算是升級版的,因為我們服務設計顧問芳睿設計了很多概念發展單,平常我們在做議題分組討論的時候,相信大家都有經過這一些程序,只是我們更具體地把它變成概念發展單,然後有進階版的設計。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "這是加拿大多倫多參與公務人員分組討論的一些現場花絮及側拍,這一次參與的人是多倫多市政府、安大略省及加拿大政府的公務人員,公務人員非常跨層級之外,還有是在交通、農業、長照都是跨領域的,也有非營利團體跟非政府組織,所以這一群人是非常多元的,我們非常高興有這樣子非常具有代表性、很多元的加拿大朋友願意來參與我們的工作坊。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "我們除了介紹現在開月會、季會、開放政府聯絡人之外,還有一個是vTaiwan,現場都有聽過vTaiwan,可能沒有,這是每個禮拜三在社創都會發生的小黑客松、小聚落及團隊,想要對公共政策或者是法規修改方面有議題、發想或是有興趣的社群人士、政府各部門的朋友都可以每個禮拜三晚上7點在社創聚集一起討論,你也可以透過線上的方式參加,這個是國發會產生的構想,一直延續到現在,其實在國際上也已經漸漸建立出來,所以這兩天的工作坊,我們第一天是跟加拿大的朋友介紹PO之外,我們第二天也有介紹vTaiwan。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "我們這一次有特別印製了工作團隊的製服,現在可以看到政委每一天身上穿的那一件,這是十七個顏色的聯合國永續發展彩色的環,最重要的那一句話是外交部國傳司設計出來的,叫做「Taiwan Can Help」,我們就把它發揮得非常極致,現在可以在PDIS團隊,只要你有看到政委的時候,就可以看到它。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "接下來,在多倫多創新中心叫做MaRS的演講,政委這一次去加拿大飛了很遠,現場都是慕名而來的人,創新中心雖然現場這樣看起來好像人大概只有六十個人,但是其實你如果在場外看,可以發現其實是一個規模非常龐大、很有資本的新創中心,跟我們的仁愛路社創比起來,乍看之下好像我們跟他們比是小巫見大巫,但是去過社創的人,可以發現我們多了一種原始的社創精神跟人情味。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "也很感謝經濟部中小企業處、文化部支持、提供維護的場地,所以每一次出去的時候,政委都有宣傳,可以看到政委的投影片就是社創的照片,現在看得並不是很清楚,但是每一次出去是必講、必介紹的東西。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "這是政委介紹中央社的專訪。這一場是在多倫多的亞洲太平洋基金會的演講,接下來是跳到渥太華,這個是這一次去加拿大的目的,多倫多其實是多加的行程,去渥太華是要參加FWD50的會議,簡單來講是加拿大期許自己未來五十年,在智慧政府、數位政府、AI人工智慧及科技可以讓民主素質跟民主討論變得更好等等相關的概念,未來五十年可以怎麼樣發展更好的路線,這個是主要的演講會場,這個是圓形的講台,這是政委在講台上的側拍,這張的截圖是剛好講到我們把各個政府部門預算化圖像的專案。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "演講的現場是這樣子的感覺,政委會360度轉一圈,因為講台是圓的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "這個看起來很像水晶球,是在場邊的專訪,政委在那邊應該是全場最紅的人,還有一個統計,很抱歉,因為反光拍的很不清楚,這個活動相關的演講者在Twitter,可以看到政委是第一名,上面有129個,這個是演講完的那一刻而已。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "這應該是用AI統計的,在DIGI⁺的概念下可以發展很多不同面向的討論,臺灣在最中間,最下面可以看到是Minister Social,字太小,我忘記了。總之我們在國際研討會可以這樣子做,絕對是很令人振奮的統計結果,因為這麼多的演講者討論這麼多的議題,我們被提到跟關注的程度是可以被列在最主要的支線,這個是很不容易的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "FWD50講臺設計的其中一個特別橋段,叫做Circlesquare,整個大場地是方的,所以演講台上,讓你看到每一場是25分鐘,四個角是各式不同主題的演講,你可以去參加那四個角落的任何一個演講,每一個角落的演講是25分鐘,可以移到下一個演講討論,但是在同一個場地要如何彼此不互相干擾,這個是透過耳機可以調頻道,所以這個是奇怪、很特別的體驗,所有的人在場地,其實在四個角落,大家在討論不同的議題並不會互相干擾。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "這個是在其中一個角落,政委當演講人之一,跟講者互動、聽眾互動的過程,每一個人的耳機都是帶著,你只要聽到頻道,就不會被另外一個人干擾。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "這個是在加拿大代表處的幫助之下,我們事前做了很多聯絡,我們跟加拿大推動數位服務、開放政府團隊的午餐,幾乎所有重要的靈魂任務都見到了。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "另外這個是跟加拿大議員、國會友台小組的議員。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "另外一個是加拿大國會媒體Hill Times專訪,這個是加拿大代表處陳文儀大使的辦公室,他背後可以看到加拿大的國會,其實view滿漂亮的,其實這個有一點象徵的意義,我們的代表處有辦法搶到view這麼好的辦公室位置,其實背後曾經也有一些努力。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "這一站已經是FWD50結束之後飛到了溫哥華,這是英屬哥倫比亞大學演講堂,也給政委學生做了一個演講。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "最後,我們去支持芙彤園在加拿大分公司剪綵的儀式,特別有這個安排,因為芙彤園是我們國家、政府,由經濟部中小企業處新創圓夢網很重要的一支團隊,是政府輔導出來第一個走向國際的社會企業。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "這張照片是在加拿大多倫多大學的演講。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "除了辦了兩天的工作坊,還有參加FWD50的國際研討會,中間所有空檔時間都是在工作,政委接了五個專訪、八場演講,我們外館排了十二場的工作餐敘。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "我自己算了一下,其實這個工作面向滿可怕了,因為幾乎所有的社群都接觸到了,不只是一般外交訪問上會接觸到政府的公務人員、官員,網路也觸及到公民社群、NGO、NPO、商界,商界還有分資本額比較雄厚的新創面向公司,或者是比較關懷社會議題的社創、學界、智庫、留學生、橋界,我們全部都透過演講、餐敘、研討會及研討會互動的方式,一個個握手,很徹底地做到了,是一個很完整的公眾外交。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "這一次的訪問要感謝以下這一些單位,當然不僅止於這一些單位,主要的經費是外交部部本部支持的,我們三個駐外館處非常辛苦,全程支援。感謝農委會可以釋放銘錦跟我們一起出去,還有資策會補助我們好幾個同仁的差旅費。我們還有一個小女生跟著我們一起出訪,她是來自費願意出去的,是來自於臺灣的科技公民社群。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "經濟部中小企業處特別列是因為感謝你的幫忙,我們的演講都一定要把我們的社創拿出來宣傳一下,還有芙彤園如果沒有你們的幫忙,沒有辦法走出第一個國際的社會企業。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "最後,我們為何要一直出訪?去年出國很多次,其實是幫在場大家各位的努力一起宣傳,大家可以看到我們獲得這一個英國媒體Apolitical提名,應該是說最多他們的讀者票選為順位第二位最受歡迎的年度團隊,等於是現場每一個人都有得獎的感覺,都受到肯定,這個媒體應該算是報導性的媒體,是在介紹全世界做如何做公共政府服務創新的網站,大家如果有空、有餘力的話,也可以加入他們的會員,閱讀都是免費的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "跟我們併列有加拿大、英國的,都是一些傳統上我們認為非常先進的國家,所以也許有時大家來這邊開會會覺得滿累的,在日常的工作中多了任務,但是我們也希望讓大家知道一點一滴的努力,不只是在國內的政治上跟改革上有意義,其實我們在國際上的能見度也是非常高的,而且越來越高,也希望大家感覺與有榮焉,因此可以繼續互相支持,把這一套能夠內化在整個體系當中,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "謝謝琬梅。剛剛有提到銘錦,是不是請銘錦簡單跟在座的所有PO稍微分享一下,這次出訪有什麼心得?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "也鼓勵PO有機會可以跟我們一起出訪。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "我是農委會的小PO,因為我們還有一位大PO,也就是秀美主任,還有抄美專委在這邊,一定要感謝秀美主任跟專委有這樣的機會,讓我加入這次的訪團行程。其實我沒有幫到什麼忙,跟著去學習的程度比較多,也可以見識到政委的團隊第一天的工作坊就芳睿一個人辦,第二天是Avross辦,再加上當地海外的紅衣服先生,運用一些比如Slack或這樣的一些資訊技術,像平常可以資訊共享、分享辦完兩天的工作坊,覺得非常厲害,真的嘆為觀止。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "生活上或者是一些行程上感謝琬梅的幫助跟簡導的幫忙,如果未來PO也有這樣的機會,希望大家也要努力,要勇敢踏出那一步,像英文的部分芳睿跟政委都會協助,非常謝謝有這樣的機會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看sli.do上有沒有詢問?我補充兩點,我們還會回加拿大,5月29日至31日是開放政府夥伴關係的OGP年會,這一次去加拿大是確保我們在年會上可以有很充分的表現機會,還有去年在喬治亞是相當不一樣的,加拿大跟喬治亞對我們友善的程度是不一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們談的結果也相當好,不只是公民社群,我想任何PO不管任何案例想要分享的話,也都可以先把這個時間記著,也就是5月29日至31日,我們會組一個比較大的團,這個是開放政府國際上比較主要的會議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "除此之外,我們在世界上比較知道我們在做的事之後,有事沒事也會接到一些邀約,以我所知琬梅跟芳睿正在處理一個日本公民社群跟內閣府後來的邀約,感覺上是2月16日至18日的週末,但是這個時間還沒有完全談定,因為日本比較近,好像也比較不需要請那麼多天假,說不定在場的PO朋友們也有會講日語的,無論如何那時剛好比較有空的話,我想之後芳睿跟琬梅也會再跟大家聯絡,先這兩點補充。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "接下來請研究員彭筱婷報告,PDIS最近這幾個月來,正在努力建置的PO網站。這個網站目前已經有了雛形,我會後用email請大家一起來看看網站的內容、文字及形式有沒有任何需要改進的地方。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "大家好,我是筱婷,我們會做這個PO網站是我們有意識到大家其實一開始接到PO這個工作時,其實很難有一個完整性的理解自己在做什麼。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "因為我們有協作會議的業務,要怎麼跟業務單位介紹這一套制度,其實我想也是大家有在思考的東西。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "另外,我們也希望有一個比較明確的入口讓一般的民眾知道在做什麼,因此PDIS先做了這個網站。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "而這邊要強調的是,這個網站是demo版,大家看到不管版型或者是內容上有什麼需要調整的話,都可以像賴致翔所說的,可以email給他。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "我們進去之後是首頁,這個網站叫做「開放政府聯絡人完全指南」,點進去之後就會也一個簡單的介紹,會介紹什麼是開放政府,我們會說明一下開放政府是OGP有提的東西,願景是什麼,開放政府有四個要素,是透明、參與、課責及涵融,我們也有做一個簡單的介紹。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "接下來是為什麼需要開放政府,我們是要知道公部門跟大眾互信,這個也是PO制度為何存在的原因,這個是改變公務文化開始,這個是誰來推動開放政府,這個進到介紹,也就是PO制度。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "下一頁是跟大家密切相關,這邊是用簡單的方式來介紹開放政府聯絡人,我們也有介紹PO是怎么產生,是根據開放政府聯絡人實施要點、PO要做什麼,這個大家看一下目前看到是簡單的介紹,當然我們後面會有一些大家在業務上可以用到的工具。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "我們繼續跟大家介紹PO network如何運作,我們目前運作的機制是月會、季會及協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "這邊就放一些小知識,接下來可能有新的PO要來,有一些執掌有一些問題,這邊可以有一些解答。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "接著是協作會議,PO制度裡面最重要的是協作會議,這邊還是要強調一下,版型還在微調,因為使用的裝置不同,像在手機平板上看,版型可能不一樣,這一些都在微調,也歡迎大家給我們意見。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "我們著重介紹的是協作會議、目的、議題及挑戰,還有如何辦一場協作會議,我們這邊會有剛剛所講的流程,我想有一些部會的朋友辦過很多次都已經知道,也再強調一次這邊其實有圖,會慢慢跑出來的,我們會議紀錄上會附上網址,大家可以再看一下。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "另外一個是簡單的流程,有進行過協作會議的大家都不陌生。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "上一頁是會議工具,會議工具還在整理,有逐字稿、直播是大家都知道的,後面就會放上工具單,這部分還在整理、數位化,另外還有 跟,這個是網站的狀況,再一次歡迎大家,回去可以看一看,有哪一些不順或者是文字可以調整的,都可以email我們,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "謝謝。這一個部分有沒有PO當場提意見的?網址會放到。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "在進入摘要報告之前我先說明一下,大家已經收到PDIS發的1月18日跟1月25日共識營開會通知,文件裡面提到,我們會緊接著共識營來開季會,透過這樣的程序設計,來確定整個PO制度未來一年的政策目標。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我先口頭跟各位報告,PDIS內部檢討之後的目標是,未來協作會議的議題,不管是一個月開兩次,甚至是三次協作會議的情況之下,我們都希望能夠試著降低處理Join平台上的議題數量。也就是說,如果一個月開兩場協作會議,只有一個額度用來處理Join平臺上的議題。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "另外,大家在共識營當中可以思考,如何讓PO順利把部會裡面真正重要的議題、拿出來協作討論,這個流程在內部上需要多少溝通、在外部上需要什麼協助,透過共識營的協助可以彙整出來,在季會上直接跟副首長報告。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "因此,所以本次共識營請各機關指派至少一位以上的同仁來參與。跟去年最大的不同是,去年採取教育訓練的形式,今年不是,今年是請大家來開協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "芳睿想要補充有關於會前準備的串門子工作,請芳睿幫我們說明。" }, { "speaker": "張芳睿", "speech": "我補充一下,接下來從這個禮拜就可以開放時間讓PO們可以勾選串門子的時間,可以勾選時間的網址,之前致翔寄給各位。" }, { "speaker": "張芳睿", "speech": "跟各位說明一下給各位串門子的目的,在新的一年希望可以檢討開放政府這一件事,大家的期待跟認知可不可以再更進一步調整,串門子是有比較嚴謹的討論方向。" }, { "speaker": "張芳睿", "speech": "主要分三個部分:" }, { "speaker": "張芳睿", "speech": "第一,了解PO本身對開放政府推動工作的觀點、認知、價值觀。" }, { "speaker": "張芳睿", "speech": "第二,探討提案、協作經驗、各位經驗、挫折是由什麼地方可以優化。" }, { "speaker": "張芳睿", "speech": "第三,會對接到實務的建議,因此這一次的串門子是比較嚴謹的方式來跟各位討論接下來開放政府協作會議未來的規劃,可以如何精進。" }, { "speaker": "張芳睿", "speech": "這一些討論的內容都會幫助在共識營規劃的過程中,可以讓共識營當天可以有更多的元素一起討論、腦力激蕩。" }, { "speaker": "張芳睿", "speech": "所以麻煩各位在明天中午之前可以回填致翔勾選各位PO可以的時間。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "對不起,我補充一下,雖然芳睿口頭上說寄給PO,但是我們有挑特定樣態的部會,所以大概是四至五個部會收到我的信,並不是所有的人都有收到,沒有收到信的部會如果很想參加訪談,也可以跟我報名。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "這部分的議程到這邊,接下來進入歷次協作會議的摘要報告,請序號9司法警察案。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "序號9,目前還是沒有進度,立法院目前開臨時會討論預算,也許等下一個會期再努力看看,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "接下來序號37,衛福部的健保憑證案。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "新一代健保卡的案子,7月3日、還有8月份、11月份開了共三次的協作會議,約每月跟政委辦、健保署都有工作會議。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "從上次12月20日的工作會議到目前為止的進度:這一段期署內正在做未來整體方向的內部溝通討論,另外去年12月28日,內政部戶政司有到健保署針對未來eID的部分彼此先作初步交換意見。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "另藉由本次機會也跟政委請示一下,有關新一代健保卡虛擬卡試辦的部分,如果健保署不額外申請院的科發基金,而是署內的科技計畫相關經費自己因應,是否可行?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然可行。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "OK,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "接下來是序號41,交通部汽機車燃料費案。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "關於第41案,目前本部在去年12月28日的時候,已經在平台上做正式回應,目前本部的運研所正在辦理汽車燃料使用費隨里程徵收之可行性研究,因為收費制度涉及層面滿廣泛,後續將會依技術社會、政府法令及財務面向進行可行性分析及探討,並針對利害關係人進行衝擊、評估,因此這一個我們建議是否解除列管?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有問題,就解除列管。我看了一下不管是PTT、Ucar,此議題第一次有許多志工幫交通部說話,所以目前看起來反映還滿好的。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "接下來是序號42,動物保護法加重罰則案。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "農委會報告,這個案子是在12月27日開召開會議,我在此感謝政委、PDIS及各部會的參與。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "這一次協作會議有一些共識,而這個共識在今天唐政委也提到行政院政務會議討論。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "感謝共識是人力不足的部分,所產生的共識是要提升社區的參與,像動保團體、義工、里長、里民一起來參與。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "第二,透過里長,也就是民政系統來推廣動物保護。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "第三,在人力不足方面的共識,是要建立志工的招募制度,首先是從動物的觀點產業開始,建立種子志工。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "至於私人狗場資源不足的部分,是有共識的,是在公立收容所建立醫療收容中心,補充醫療資源,強化公立獸醫師的專業,並且成為動物保護的示範場所。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "至於蒐證不易不的部分,也有幾個共識:" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "第一個共識是由公私協力在公開的場所建立高風險的地圖,並且加裝監視器。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "第二個共識,鼓勵關心民眾的動保團體辦理的蒐證課程。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "第三個共識,建立民眾統一通報1999或110。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "第四個共識,製做動保的手冊,再來是製作手冊的DM、幫助民眾蒐證。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "這一些共識,我們會在整個簽辦後續的辦理情形,並且在1月18日以前,在公共政策網路參與平台更新最新的資料,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "謝謝農委會。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "想請教一下法規研商的部分會做嗎?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "我們會一併簽辦。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "謝謝。接下來進入討論案,國發會在會前有提出有關於涉及普通法、特別法的部分該如何釐清主責機關,先請國發會。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "主席、各位好,國發會在協調成案主協辦機關時,每一個部會都有聽到想看的文字、聽到自己想聽的,都可以做主辦,有一些議題,我簡單說明一下,要釐清這個議題,後面當然要往前走,如果當共同主辦時,是不是有哪一個機關起跳,比較一個制度的東西,不然實際上在會上,這個東西都沒有結論。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "簡要說明,依據公共政策網路參與實施要點第6點第4款,實際上權責機關有兩個以上的時候,如果當初協調有爭議的時候,併列為主辦機關。第8點也有規定要聯繫提議者釐清訴求,網站上跟提議當中是相對簡略,能夠更釐清訴求,也讓機關能夠後續研析一些回應的措施。會涉及到不同的法規,每一個部會看到自己想看或者是自己主管的法規,所以會有一些爭議。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "主要的訴求是普通法跟特別法中間的關聯,又或者是一個母法、子法中間,我舉一個例子,這都是最近的提議相關,一個是「虐待及性侵害未成年者,須加重刑罰且不得假釋」,因為涉及了法務部主管的刑法,還有涉及到「教保服務人員條例」、「幼兒教育及照顧法」,還有衛福部的「兒童及少年福利與權益保障法」。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "因為這三個議題裡面,一開始法務部實際上在會前內部簽是長官不同意主辦,所以當協辦,每一個機關都對於民眾訴求應該是講刑法,但是實際上在整個敘述當中,又都是在講各部會所謂的特別法,中間有一點難以釐清主協辦,因此上次才請這邊要先釐清,大家一起來參與釐清,後面再決定,後來是由衛福部去聯繫提議者釐清,由國發會再依照衛福部提供的訴求裡面直接進行主辦跟協辦,這個案子的進行是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "下一案實際上是「禁止娛樂型票卷加值轉賣」,這個涉及到內政部主管的社會秩序維護法,應該是第53條,另外一個部分是「文化部娛樂型票卷管理及行政院消費者保護處」的保護法,以內政部主管來講,認為社維法裡面,實際上只是一個原則性的規範,比較上位的,因為文化型票卷的管理裡面,又涉及到目前文化部實際上有相關的研究,而且立法委員也有相關的要求,希望訂專法,可是文化部後來研究之後,沒有要訂專法,目前的進程應該到這邊。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "雙方同意當主辦機關,也就是共同主辦,也就是雙方邀請裡面又不同意,我記得這一個案子是請政委來幫忙協助的,但我認為這要處理比較原則性的。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "長久以來從一開始就有博愛座的問題,實際上是涉及到「身障礙者權益保障法」的相關規定,交通部裡面在「大眾運輸工具無障礙設施辦法」也有一些規定,這個是特別法的規定,在釐清這個議題時,交通部的意見是,只要「身權法」有修改,國外怎麼刪,交通部就配合刪,大概都有這一些不同的意見。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "所以原則上也提供給各位,後續大家列為共同主辦機關時,是不是由特別法或者是業務主要的主管機關來做,第一關要做的是釐清訴求,釐清訴求之後就業務去做研析跟回應,是不是有這個原則性,或者各位是不是有針對個案再個案評量,也就是其他的考量,詢問各位有沒有其他的意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想已經運作了兩年,大家應該滿了解,所謂共同主辦跟政策主責其實是不一樣的,政策主責是之後的事都還算你的,這邊主辦的意思是你有回應他的義務而已,其實其他都沒有,所以如果好比像這邊有兩個或者是三個部會,每一個覺得自己跟這個相關的部分只有一個部分而已,即使列成共同主辦,也不涉及到政策上的承諾,大家就自己相關的部分去回應,事前有約定哪一天回應,那很好,如果分別回也不會怎麼樣,這個只是系統上有回應義務而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛才這邊具體的建議是如果有特別法、普通法關係的話,一開始就先列成共同主辦,普通法就由普通法回應、特別法就由特別法回應,一開始是先打電話,就是大家都有情況或者是至少看到完整的紀錄,意思是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有什麼想法,我覺得滿有道理的,當然每一個個案還是需要另外討論,我想這個可以處理掉八成的情況,看大家有沒有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "大方向以本部PO角度來說認同,但想提醒一下,有時牽涉到的特別法本身也會跨部會,牽涉到兩個特別法的時候,怎麼樣決定誰是最特別的那一個來當訴求釐清的啟動者?" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "之前過去的經驗是有跨單位時,滿容易是敵不動、我不動,大家都先不動,時間會耗在那邊,因此要請國發會再想想看特別法牽涉到跨部會的時候怎麼處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是另外兩成的情況,我並不反對大家跑來這邊由PDIS來打電話,只是我還是會覺得如果大家習慣的話,應該可以理解到即使打電話這一件事的本身也可以是一堆人圍在桌子上,開啟免提,你一言、我一語,問一問,這個實際上可以做到,並沒有那麼讓人恐懼的一件事。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "雖然我發言,是作為PO個人的立場,PO當然理解認同剛剛政委剛剛所提到的,但我們仍需要跟業務單位彼此討論,而上述情況是實務上各單位會有的concern。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "理解。就看國發會這邊,是不是在有機關的時候做出一個比較明確的排序來,那就麻煩再幫忙想一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "高達八成的情況是比較簡單的,也就是一個特別、普通的情況,有一個普通法、特別法的情況,我覺得是可以照著國發會的想法,除非大家有別的意見或者是討論的。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "主席、各位夥伴,針對這一個,上次衛福部提虐待性侵未成年案子所引發的,當時在開協調會的時候,我們部曾經簽上去,長官也有批定,長官的想法是由特別法的機關去做主辦,協辦也是義不容辭,有關於特別法、普通法的部分,我們都會變成是主辦機關的話,到時處理起來會有一些問題,尤其Peggy講到的是業務單位,看到主辦機關嚇都嚇死了,因此這一個部分到底要如何釐清,可能各單位都會碰到這個問題,依普通法來說,依民、刑法來說,碰到的都是法務部主管的,以後變成提案講到修法,好像法務部當然被列為主管機關,那就滿奇怪的。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "一般民眾事實上並不了解這個,常常會說提出來是要修法跟加重,就像那一天去開動保的部分也是一樣,是說要加重,事實上已經規定在那邊的刑法很重了,只是法官在判的結果,民眾可能會認為為何判那麼輕,但是是在那個範圍當中去判的,你說判到滿嗎?那也不可能,因為判得稍微輕一點,一般民眾會說應該要重,他認為重,他們不會規定很重,而是要加重、修法,就變成這樣的情形,這樣累積下來就會很麻煩。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "當然民眾對於當時的議題有他的看法,沒有錯,但是每次都碰到這樣的狀況,事實上我們處理起來是滿困難的,以上報告,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想,如果本來就有一個沒有爭議的主辦機關,其實也不會落到國發會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "國發會是說其他主辦機關覺得法務部應該要當主辦機關的情況上,當然我們也可以請國發會想一下平台的主辦機關可不可以修正成一個比較不讓業務單位嚇到的用詞,像「負責回應」之類的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我不是說要你們回去改要點,而是說行文的時候,可以把剛剛講的,也就是實際上跟政策主辦不一定有關係的這一件事,至少在聯絡提案人的當下,跟政策主辦是沒有關係的,只是找一個最聽得懂的人來聯絡提案人而已,這個可能用某種文字來緩和一點,我覺得比較少這一方面的爭議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實每一次來我這邊協調,就是剛剛那一段話再講一次而已,也沒有別的貢獻,所以可以錄起來之類的,可以請國發會幫忙想一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想可以理解一下並不是什麼可以變成主辦,而是變成什麼確實是需要法務部來怎么樣的時候,確實可以落入這樣的討論方法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "可以說明一下,後面做了以後,各個部會業務單位溝通之後發現有問題、卡卡的,我們可以再了解一下該怎么做,來幫助各位PO溝通會比較好,看是文字改變或者是寫個手冊或什麼,可以讓他看,或者是各位手上有一個小抄之類的,可以把小抄交給對方,對方就不會那麼緊張,種種的方法可以讓大家想一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簽辦的流程可以比較順利。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "法務部第二次發言,我贊成剛剛政委所提的,用詞的「主協辦」,這個名詞跟實際操作上怎麼樣做,是不是要做明確的定義之後,我想每個機關業務單位碰到協作或議題時都會有一些疑慮,這樣會比較好一點,我們大家都是各機關的PO,我們都很清楚,我們回去要做協調時,就會費很大的心力跟他們溝通,而且可能會造成不諒解,本身的業務就非常多,忽然間又要加一個東西,所以我們也很困擾,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "楊中琳", "speech": "提議的訴求如果有涉及到普通法跟特別法時,因為這個是法規競合,在法規競合之下,其實適用上只會用特別法,並不會適用到普通法,這時如果把特別法規的機關跟普通法的機關都同時列為主辦機關,就我們的業務單位而言會認為在這樣的情況之下,事實上這一種議題只會適用特別法,並不會適用到普通法,所以在回應的時候普通法的機關是不需要去處理到這個議題。" }, { "speaker": "楊中琳", "speech": "因為議題如果很明顯是用特別法去做規範的時候,普通法這時就必須要退讓,這種情況之下,主辦機關就列特別法的機關,普通法的機關應該單純是當參與機關,將其列為主辦機關,意義並不是很大。" }, { "speaker": "楊中琳", "speech": "有一些議題訴求如果無法分類給某一個機關的話,當然每個機關就有關聯的部分可以列為共同主辦機關,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這邊講的是按照中央法規標準法第16條,特別法已經完全涵括提議人的訴求,這個是要聯絡過提案人之後才可以確定的,所以後面有一個等於是退場機制,等我們聯絡完提議人,很確定就是在講某一部專法,某一個很特定條例裡面的某一項事情時,之前被列進來的這一些普通法的主辦機關,是不是可以退場成協辦單位,是可以的,我們之前也有這樣的例子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們在聯絡的時候,不確定提案人的爭議為何,所以至少聯絡完之後,我們再做一個主辦的切割,這個之前其實發生過非常多次,我們想未來也是可以繼續這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得字眼的話,在行文的時候,也是要按照公共政策網路參與的要點,我覺得可以加一些輔助性的文字,可以弄得比較清楚,也就是所謂的主辦機關是負責聯絡提案人及定期上來回應,大致就是來做這兩件事,確切的文字,我想這邊就提一些方案,我們月會再來討論。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我有幾個建議,首先,聽起來最需要、源頭解決的是「要有人聯絡提案人」,國發會初步的建議是由特別法的主管機關來辦,但並不是每一個案子都有特別法、普通法的關係,有些案件並沒有。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我的建議是,只要提案人一開始在系統裡面勾選這三個機關,他認為是關聯機關時,這三個機關的PO也許可以彼此間約一下,可以一起打電話給提案人。在權責還沒有很清楚的時候,一起打電話給提案人來釐清真意,還沒有釐清之前,就先區分誰是主辦、誰是協辦,誰不適合進來,其實比較沒效率。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "大家一起打電話之後,後續可以從提案人的訪談過程中知道誰適合進來、誰適合退場。所以我建議機關被點名了,先在PO的層級上先把問題解決掉,程序上是各機關一起來打電話。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第二,在106年9月月會的會議紀錄有提到,在多主辦機關的前提之下,負責聯絡提案人的機關,在Join平臺上要公布後續回應期程,像十天之後開一個會,兩個月之後要做綜整回應等等的公布期程工作,未來不管是透過什麼樣的形式來做主辦機關跟聯絡提案人回應,麻煩各機關記得有這一件事要處理。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第三,因為需要協調主協辦的機關的情形,會不斷地發生,在此拜託各位PO,如果需要更詳細的說明,或者是需要更多的佐證資料跟業務單位溝通的話,就歡迎隨時跟PDIS聯絡。麻煩PO費一點心,在PO間的溝通層級就協調完成,不一定要到國發會或PDIS進行協調,以上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "回應期程是幾月幾日前會做這樣的工作,但是並沒有說所有的共同主辦機關一定要在那一天要做這樣的工作,我們看到相當多是大家約好之後就提前幾天,或者是有先後的差別,那個都沒有關係,一開始要讓大家有心理準備是最晚到哪一天會進行到哪一方面,大概是這個意思。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看一下,PO網站建議要加英文版,這個本來就會做的事,我們剛剛才確認這一些對外的文宣,包含網站,大概之後都會有比較專業的英文翻譯,所以謝謝提醒,我們會把英文版加上去,就直接開一個ticket。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "PO網站是,等到大家覺得可以問世之後,我們會把它放到比較正式的gov.tw的網站上,也會在po.pdis.tw看得到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "子法機關是指特別法的主責機關。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Peggy剛剛有一個書面是提案人不知道要修什麼法,只知道整體法規調整到什麼效果,不同部會的人的想法是不一樣的,剛剛致翔所說在PO層次,我們可以做的只能到聯繫到提案人,但是後面還是要跟業務機關商討,沒有辦法在PO層次就決定到普通法、特別法等等。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我會覺得這個是分兩層,PO自己覺得ok,對於這一件事一般常識性的業務層級了解,就可以先聯絡提案人,無論如何就有更多的材料來知道接下來的主協辦要怎麼做,因此盡可能把聯絡提案人跟後面的主協辦脫鉤,當然如果PO所屬的業務機關很強烈是說連接都不想接,這個完全不是我們的事等等的情況,可能還是還有協調之必要,大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一位問說是否可以介紹共識會議,這裡講的應該是講PO共識營的進行方式,這就看致翔。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "簡單說一下,第一個是人員的部分,我們目前的規劃是讓新、舊PO自行報名,所以每一場的共識協作會議都會有新PO加舊PO,在議程當中,我們也安排了讓舊PO做簡單簡報,讓新加進來的PO說一些什麼話、心得分享,兩場次個別都會找到兩個PO來做這樣的事。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第二,有關於議程上的設計,原則上是照著傳統的協作會議形式,早上有相關簡報,大家聽完簡報後做問題釐清,我們會長出心智圖,到了中午用餐之後會用分組協作的方式,這個過程中包含小桌長、大場的主持人,我們希望可以在PO裡面找到同仁協助,目前也有一些PO回報有意願要當小桌長,我們也非常開心,希望這整個過程是讓PO自己產出自己未來一年的政策目標,由PDIS協助大家怎麼樣落實下去,所以這整個過程,包含主持團隊、簡報對象、小桌長,都希望大家可以踴躍參與。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "收單的時間是到1月11日,也就是這個禮拜五,請各位把握時程,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "希望有回答這一位PO的詢問,看大家有沒有想要討論或者是補充的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有的話,我們就往下一個。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "請國發會說明這一次提案的三個案子。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "1月份協作會議建議有三個議題,這三個都是已經成案的議題,序號1跟序號3,先前有開過協調會議,剛剛在提案討論時,高級分析師這邊也大概有做了說明,所以我就不多說。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "有關於序號2,主要的訴求是希望修正公投法,提案者認為涉及人權的議題是不應該放入公投的,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "請各部會針對自己的議題說明,第一個案子是法務部、教育部及衛福部有沒有要誰先說明?" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "第一個議題是虐待及性侵害未成年的話,要加重責且不得假釋,這個案子先前是由我們部跟提案人作了聯繫,整體來說訴求牽涉到兩大塊:第一大塊是這一類人要加重刑責,第二大類是特別針對褓姆、托嬰中心等等人員,如果有這樣的情況的話,相關的管理原則,像如果有這樣的情況完之後,應該要公布其資料等等,所以一個是加重刑責,一個是特別在褓姆跟托育人員相關的管理,大概是這兩大塊。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "我們部的業務單位完整說明,我有放到sli.do上,請大家參考。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "業務單位主要有提及的重點是:像剛剛提到褓姆跟托嬰人員等等,有確定不應該再執行業務情況時,是會廢止登記的,不管是在褓姆或者是托嬰人員裡面都有相關的規定;另外褓姆搜尋平台上,如果有相關觸法行為會加以註記公開,所以就我們部的業務單位角度來說,相關條文中其實目前有觸及到這個提案人所關心的部分。這個是業務單位的意見。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "我補充一下以PO個人角度的意見:剛剛提到兩個部分,一個是加重刑責,一個是褓姆或托育人員管理的這兩大塊。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "其實大家有印象的話,過去協作會議裡面,曾經有一個案子是酒駕要增加鞭刑,其實就是加重罰刑的部分,但那一次完整的題目名稱,其實是「酒駕累犯、性侵犯及對幼童傷害應該要增加刑罰上更加重處置」,所以過去其實曾經有一個協作會議,有牽涉到類似的議題。另外一方面,一樣是在去年,也曾經有另一個強制托嬰中心跟幼稚園設立線上監視器的協作會議,因為當時那段期間,在去年3、4月有陸續好幾件在托嬰中心的虐童事件,所以當時也是在PDIS的協作之下,我們部跟教育部有合併過一起舉辦過協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "當然這次議題也有些新的部分例如希望參考日本相關法規,但就PO角度來說,針對這次的兩大重點訴求,在過去一年已經有兩場協作會議從比較上位的角度來做相關盤點及處理了,所以以這一次月會的投票上,我這邊是認同業務單位,覺得這次或許可把機會讓給其他還沒有討論過的協作會議議題。以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "針對這個議題,我完全贊同Peggy所提的意見,有關於協辦機關協調的部分,我們有表示意見,我們業務單位林檢察官有到現場,請她表達一下看法,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林芝郁", "speech": "政委、各位先進大家好,針對虐待及性侵害未成年者,須加重刑罰且不得假釋,提案雖然是以這樣的名稱為標題,但是就建議、說明裡面,包括了各種事項,像公開姓名或引進日本政府虐打兒童防治的這六點項目當中,一個像公開姓名,我就按照順序從頭講好了,公開姓名這一個,這不是刑法的範圍、刑事制裁的手段,這個東西基本上也不是刑法該處理的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林芝郁", "speech": "另外,有關於加強施虐照顧者的部分,未成年者的施虐行為,像衛福部的回應一樣,其實在兒少權利保障法第112條,其實已經有加重針對未成年人的犯罪有加重的處罰。" }, { "speaker": "林芝郁", "speech": "有關於社福機構的處罰或者是托嬰中心的不相關任用等問題,這不是法務部的主責範圍,不便回答。" }, { "speaker": "林芝郁", "speech": "第五,加重刑事責任的部分,回到剛剛第2題,如果是兒少保護法第112條,已經有針對未成年人的加重處罰。接著是刑法第86條,對兒童虐待有一個處罰的規定,因此這一個部分我也不知道該怎麼講,基本上法律就有規定了。" }, { "speaker": "林芝郁", "speech": "有關於要不要引進日本虐打兒童防制法的部分,這部分是有關兒少保護的業務範圍,是否要引進這樣的法律,可能還是由兒少主管機關來做決定。" }, { "speaker": "林芝郁", "speech": "另外,標題原本講到性侵害不可以假釋的部分,這個在刑法第77條第2項第3款,已經有規定如果是犯第91條之1所列的罪,在徒刑期間接受輔導治療,經鑑定評估,在犯罪危險率還沒有降低的時候,這時是不能准許假釋的。以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "呂虹霖", "speech": "教育部也對這一個案子來作補充說明,有關提案人在建議說明第2項「4」當中有提到幼教法規範的教保機構服務人員,像幼兒有兒少權益保障法第49條的規定,還有體罰跟性騷擾的行為處以罰鍰,希望可以公布行為人的姓名。依照目前幼教法第46條,已經有規範了,除了罰鍰,還必須公布行為人的姓名及機構名稱,所以訴求其實在現行的法令已經有做規範了,以上補充。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "接下來是第二案,請中選會。" }, { "speaker": "王明德", "speech": "主席、各位PO大家好,有關於第二案的修正公投法的部分,是涉及到公投法第1條跟第2條的修正,我們先前跟提議人聯繫,提議人所留的資訊都聯繫不到。" }, { "speaker": "王明德", "speech": "我們在12月15日,本會就內部公投法修正部分也有召開一個內部的會,因為整個修正不只第1條、第2條,為了因應去年的選舉之後,其實公投法的修正,都會有一些相關的條文,希望能夠修改。有關於第1條、第2條修正的話,我們今天業務單位的代表有到場,請業務單位代表能夠詳細說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐啟鈞", "speech": "主席、與會長官,我針對這一個提案來作兩個補充的說明。因為可以公投的事項,其實基本上涉及到的都是人民權利義務的事項,所以今天這個提案當中,要把所謂限制、剝奪或是減少人民權益的事項排除在公投的提案以外,其實這裡會有一個困難,因為人權這兩個字到底應該怎麼界定,這應該是實際的困難,其實法律的文字越抽象,更動會比較少,但是他的抽象如果超過這個中道,過於抽象,反而是造成人民跟主管機關的困擾。第一,人權這個文字到底要如何界定?" }, { "speaker": "唐啟鈞", "speech": "第二,所謂的限制、剝奪或者是減少,這樣的用語也很寬泛,其實會造成不同的人,對於這樣子的用字,其實會造成不同的解讀,這也會造成主管機關其實在執行公投提案上的障礙。" }, { "speaker": "唐啟鈞", "speech": "再者,公投法第2條第2項的序文裡面,其實有規定到的是,主管機關要辦這個公投,一定要在憲法的架構下去進行,比如以這一次公投裡面,其實有一個提案,叫做民法婚姻是不是限定於一年一女,這個提案主要是決定民法當中的婚姻是不是限定在一男一女,又或者是同性的婚姻也可以納入到民法的規定。" }, { "speaker": "唐啟鈞", "speech": "我要這樣子報告的原因是,因為釋字第748號,肯定的是婚姻的自由,所以像我剛剛報告那樣公投提案,其實只是在決定同性的婚姻到底要在民法的架構下還是要在民法以外再另訂專法,但是基本上這都沒有違背釋字第748號同性婚姻自由的架構,因此這個純粹以此議案來講的話,純粹是在立法技術或者是立法方式的取決上,讓人民可以去做決定。也就是說,公投議案一定是在合憲的前提之下才可以進行。" }, { "speaker": "唐啟鈞", "speech": "因為憲法對於人民的基本權,已經有明文的保障,而且是在憲法第23條的那幾種狀況下,你才可以用法律去限制,主管機關覺得既然憲法都已經有這樣子的明文保障,實在是不需要在公投法裡面做這樣的人權規定,這樣會造成法規間的疊床架屋,因此基於這兩個補充說明,主管機關會說這樣的議案不要納入協作會議,請主席及與會的長官考量,以上報告,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為您剛剛提到第23條的憲法,我只是確認一下,因為第23條講的是為了增進公共利益或者維持社會秩序,做有必要、不能過當的侵害。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我聽起來這個提案的意思是,即使是這個提案可以通過合憲性審查,意思是有增進公共利益,也希望額外不要再讓這樣的提案成案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我聽起來意思是這樣子,但是你的意思是你覺得憲法第23條的規定已經充足,是這樣的意思嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐啟鈞", "speech": "我們認為憲法裡面基本權的保障,應該比「人權」這兩個字還更具體了,因此我們主管機關認為憲法的這個層次裡面,已經有對人權的事情有做考量了。既然憲法的層次已經有作考量了,有需要在憲法層次下,於公投法當中再做疊床架屋的規定嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我剛剛的意思是,如果現在有人提一個公投案,他提出限制某些人的基本權利,對公共利益是有所增進的,其實並沒有違憲的,你知道我的意思嗎?我只是確認你剛剛提到第23條的意思,我並沒有說好或不好的意思,我只是確認一下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "你剛剛有提到「限制、剝奪、減少」,大家可能會有不一樣的解讀,是不是可以舉一個例子?我比較不太懂,我沒有聽懂這個是什麼意思。" }, { "speaker": "唐啟鈞", "speech": "以我剛剛提到的公投提案來講,像民法的婚姻是不是限制在一男、一女,基本上會提這一個公投提案,其實是在釋字第748號肯定同性婚姻自由架構下進行的,純粹只是一種立法的技術,要讓人民做決定,就是決定我們以後的法律架構裡面,是不是民法為一男、一女,或者是我們可以把同性的婚姻放到民法的架構,這純粹是一種立法技術的考量,但是即使純粹立法技術的考量,也會引起這樣是剝奪人權的事項,所以主管機關在這裡會有困擾,這個是不同層次的問題,因此人權的問題到底要放在哪一個問題來討論,主管機關只是純粹辦理公投事務的機關,有沒有辦法針對人權的議題,在不同的層次裡面來做因應,這個是主管機關會比較困擾的地方。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "接下來是序號3,有關於禁止娛樂型票卷加價轉賣,涉及文化部、內政部,先請文化部。" }, { "speaker": "顏容欣", "speech": "文化部針對這一個案子,針對黃牛票卷的問題,業已修正藝文票卷定型化契約應記載及不得記載的事項,針對退換票的機制,我們增加了一些設計,在去年5月多修正通過之後,現在目前業界的回饋是,認為職業黃牛在定型化契約修正後,似乎就有大幅的減少。" }, { "speaker": "顏容欣", "speech": "針對這一個部分想請示,是否還有需要進行協作會議?" }, { "speaker": "顏容欣", "speech": "第二,這一個案件是上個禮拜有經過政委這邊協調,由文化部跟內政部這邊共同擔任主辦機關,當然如果確認要就這一個案子進行協作會議的話,本部這邊會配合辦理,但是可能要跟內政部這邊一起看如何進行,以上。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "請內政部。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "主席、各位先進大家好,內政部先感謝政委上禮拜的撥冗協調,在協調會議上我們已經做了滿詳細的報告了。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "我們那一天電話訪談了提案人三、四十分鐘,提案人的主要訴求是要「另訂專法、杜絕黃牛」。之後,也跟在場所有的長官、主席報告說明過,社維法的性質比較特殊,當時民國80年,國家的組織分工與機關權責,並沒有那麼成熟、細膩與專業,所以很多本來是各部會主管的事情,都放在警察的社維法當中,當時的情況是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "像現在的社維法,還是有噪音與虐待動物的(事後)處罰規定,其實我國早已經訂有「噪音管制法」(環保署負責環境安寧、噪音管制事項)、「動物保護法」(農委會負責動物管理及保護事項)等專法了,另外,交通也是放在社維法裡面,同時也早已經有「道路交通管理處罰條例」(交通部負責道路交通安全、管理交通秩序事項)。當時在沒有專業的組織分工,以及相關法令不備或欠缺的情況下,就放在警察的社維法裡面去處罰了。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "所以,現在各政府部門也好,民眾也好,好像只要看到社維法有處罰的事情,都覺得是警察在管、在主政的。其實,民眾的問題,要由那個機關主管去管理或處罰,應該要看事情(務)的本質為何,也就是應該要看職掌規定(相關組織法律有明定政府各機關的掌理事項),才會比較適當,這是「組織法/機關法」的概念(不能光看最後用哪個法律條文處罰,這是「行為法/作用法」的概念);畢竟要「讓專業的(主管機關)來(管理、處罰)」,國家政府的效能才能最大化,才會促進民眾的最佳福祉。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "我舉比較極端的例子,像很多事情,最後都是用「刑法」去處罰的,而刑法是「法務部」主管的,難道都是法務部負責,其他的行政主管機關明明有法定的職掌,卻都沒有事嗎?所以很多問題或事務,並不是看行為法、作用法去分派由哪個機關部會負責,而是要看職掌跟組織管轄的法律規定。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "回到本案,我們當天有確認過提案人的訴求,就是要「另訂專法杜絕黃牛」,立法院早在106年(12月11日)也已指定文化部為黃牛票主管機關,請文化部訂立專法。社維法(第64條第2款)只是很簡單的一個事後處罰條文(非供自用,購買交通、娛樂票券後,轉賣牟取暴利),在事後以行政罰,去處罰某一種型態的低買高賣(黃牛)交通娛樂票卷,在法理上、在實務面,都無法有效管理或全面處罰所有各種黃牛票的態樣或型態(像是掃票黃牛)。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "在這樣的情況之下,社維法是行政法,而提案民眾是參考日本的立法例,黃牛要處1年以下有期徒刑,跟日幣100萬的罰金(屬刑事罰),其主管機關也是「文部科學省」,大概類似我國的「文化部」,所以就民眾的訴求來看,真的應該要(在現行拼湊不完整的法律之外)另訂整體性的專法(包括前端管理、中間處置、後端處罰等面向),然後去徹底解決黃牛票的問題,這個是社會的期望、各方業者的期望,政府及任何一個部門都要協力解決這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "在內政部的立場,除了剛剛前面報告說明的,更因為社維法是行政法,無法放入民眾要求的刑事罰規定,因此內政部的立場是建請這個案子不要納入協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "以上報告,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "了解。內政部的意思是願意對社維法目前的情況加以解釋,但是並不希望進入協作會議?" }, { "speaker": "楊峋", "speech": "是的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我簡單說一下,最近聽到比較多是有關於公投法的東西,看起來這個東西,民眾的意見真的是在的,這個資訊跟大家分享一下,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看一下,sli.do上也有相關的意見,NCC的PO提醒我們說,關於憲法層級問題、解釋,應該要尊重司法權及中選會作為獨立機關依法召開聽證會之後的合意制精神,當然是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,有一位匿名的朋友提到公投加入選舉之後的流程如何改造,不要讓大家等投票這麼久、這個題目是不是可以協作?感覺是大家關心之後可以用得上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想每一個部會都可以提協作案。不曉得中選會這一件事是不是已經有評估或者是願意拋出來討論,或者是也許下一個月的部分,看流程改造的部分,是不是在中選會研擬中?" }, { "speaker": "王明德", "speech": "經過上次之後,中選會已經有檢討了,主要是公投案的案件太多,所以造成民眾對於公投案的光是要了解內容,決定要投同意或者是不同意的時候,花的時間太多了,因此導致整個後面投票的塞車。" }, { "speaker": "王明德", "speech": "我們目前除了以公投法的修正之外,後續也會增加投開票所的數量,還有選庭數的增加,會朝這幾個方向在努力及修正,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果覺得有需要集思廣益,也就是跟更多的民眾一起協作的,歡迎隨時提到這一個會議上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有要分享的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我們就開始投票,投票到30分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個投票結果滿清楚的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還是要麻煩中選會協助一下做這個協作會議的準備,至於另外兩個,因為都沒有過半,我剛才聽起來的意思是,加重刑法不得假釋的部分是現成的,也就是以現有的法律去進行完整、易讀的簡單解釋就好了,如果主辦機關覺得有用協作會議方式來進行解釋的必要,或者是來理解現行法律比較好的必要,當然我們還是可以辦協作會議,不然因為沒有過半的關係,這個就交給主辦機關來決定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "中選會的部分,我想眾望所歸,所以是不是就挑一個中選會覺得合適的時間來進行協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "禁止娛樂型票卷的部分,我覺得書面回應就可以了,當然如果文化部覺得有辦協作會議需要的話,當然也非常歡迎,我們並沒有說一定不能辦,只是說有必要約時間,可能就是中選會的PO,如果大家沒有問題的話,我們就這樣確定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有臨時動議或者是想要討論的部分?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有的話,我們就到這邊,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "All right, let’s do this. I’ll just make sure this is going." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "OK. Audrey, nice to meet you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Hello." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "How are you doing this morning?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very well." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "OK, excellent. Just to give you a little background on myself, so you’re not talking to a stranger, I was born and raised here. My name’s Alex Lewis. I was born and raised here, and lived here for 13 years. Then I moved to Seoul, Korea, and then Beijing, China." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "My dad worked for the US foreign government. He joined when I was in fourth grade or something." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Foreign Service?" }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "Foreign Service. Yeah, he worked in the trade office. I don’t know if you know him -- Mark Lewis -- he just left. One of the only black that worked in here, I guess. Anyway, he moved around a lot, so I moved around with him." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "I went to Korea and then Beijing. I went to Boston for college. I got into asset management, didn’t like it. Then I moved back here to Chinese, and I’m working here at ICRT now. Here, I’m interviewing you. That is my background, just so you feel comfortable talking to me." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "Today, I’m going to just talk to you just a little bit about yourself, 2019, what’s coming up for your role as the Digital Minister, and government as a role, and then just personally, what’s going on. Let’s start with a review of 2018. What happened during the year, and your thoughts on it?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In 2018, we passed the Social Innovation Action Plan, which is a four-year plan that’s for the first time highlighting the sustainable goals, the 17 global goals, as the motivating common goals for all the different sectors." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Previously, although Taiwan already has a National Sustainability Council, it is mostly top-down, meaning that the government decides what it commits to, what we are going to put in the voluntary national review, things like that. It’s very much a public sector thing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "With the Social Innovation Action Plan, we’re now calling all the, for example, the CSRs for publicly-listed companies, the USRs for academics for universities, the social enterprises, the social sector, as well as the private." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Putting their work together, and into a common index, so that we can shape a system of the social/environmental challenges that was previously caused by, for example, capital with unknown impact and unaware actors, to make them gradually more aware into that avoids harm, capital that benefited stakeholders, all the way to capital that contribute to solutions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is what we call social financing. This is a four-year action plan that gets much more resources from the various sectors, not just the public sector, but for the common good." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "This is just implementing big data, in terms of just effecting change, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right. Well, in the sustainable goals we talk about not exactly big data, but reliable data. Big data only means that it’s a lot, it flows quickly, there’s a large variety, and so on. The core issue we’re tackling is that, for example, in terms of air quality, there is various different actors." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s citizen scientists. There’s the Environmental Protection Agency. There’s various other people monitoring various parts of the air. The most important thing is for them to respect and trust each other, and mutually use those different micro sensors and so on to get a more holistic pictures of what air quality is like." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "And to correlate the human interventions with the air quality, and so that everybody gets the idea of what the air quality is, instead of everybody looking at just one part of the picture. Reliable data, I think, is the main theme of the previous year, of 2018." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We use distributed ledgers, also known as blockchains, to make sure that people trust each other to not modify the numbers that each party produced. We encouraged effective partnerships by way of uploading, aggregating all these data into the common, what we call civil IoT infrastructure." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You can find it on It offers in internationally compatible formats the air quality, meteorological data, disaster recovery, earthquake detection and prevention, as well as water quality data." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We see a lot of people using machine learning and other new technologies to take a look at these numbers, and work alongside humans in what we call assistive intelligence, or AI, to work with people who detect water leakage, for example." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Save them time by saying, \"Maybe today, you would like to first look at those three spots, because they’re most likely to have water leakage, based on the pressure data, and other flow data, and so on.\" This, of course, relies on big data, but the most important thing is the data is multi-sourced" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Everybody can be a data producer, and that it is on an apparatus that enables mutual trust." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "That’s awesome. Basically, you’re just building a foundation for that mutual trust in most sectors. Not just for air quality, it’s for everything. Water pressure, and also just anything else in terms of governance." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "What would you say, what kind of data is the most beneficial for, I guess, your role, that you’re looking at? The data that you’re looking at in terms of, for this, it’s the air pollution readings and then the water pressure stuff." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "For your role, just as Digital Minister, what kind of data if you look at, metadata and all that stuff?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "First, I look at the national budget, as well as the city level budget. It’s not just me who look at it, but rather, we invite everybody to look at it through the system. In 2018, we invited all the different ministries to upload all their KPI, all their spending, procurement, and so on into this shared platform." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "By 2018, there’s around 1,300 national projects, each one maybe one-year, two-year, four-year, or up to nine years. Everybody can see in what all the different ministries is up to, what are their priorities." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You can actually drill down into any particular ministry, so that you can see how it’s doing, and what kind of spending, what kind of procurement, what kind of research they’ve got, and so on. It’s not just read-only, but the data is what we call a social object." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Meaning that it converts these data into topics for discussion, so we can see that the people are most interested in talking about, for example, water sanitation, long-term care, social housing, and things like that. The responsible authorities actually goes here every quarter." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "It’s like project management with public feedback." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly, and everybody can ask questions. Every quarter, people go back to a public reply of what people’s questions..." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "What kind of questions do you usually get? Is it mostly just like, help me understand something, or just, this is my specific need that I want addressed?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Both kinds. The clarification, the inform side, because there’s a lot of jargon and a lot of specific terminologies that are not necessarily everybody’s common knowledge. We see a lot of just asking for clarification." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We are also seeing people sharing their authentic experience and feedbacks of how this public project is personally affecting them, and asking for a directional change, or at least something that can better fit their specific need." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is also very much treasured. Of course, there is also just simple questions, like there’s a Kinmen Bridge, for example, that people see the accumulated spending is actually going downward, but the accumulated spending should not actually go downward. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People went here, and asked what really is going on. People responsible for that particular construction actually went here and did a specific reply, explaining why the accumulated spending actually goes down." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The original question is very simple. It just asks, is the picture wrong or what? In a very not, the authography, while not very standard, everybody understand what it mean. Then the administration just replies that a vendor, for example, has defaulted on a lot of construction targets, and they canceled contract." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They have to find a new vendor, and so on, and so there is a temporary stage where they returned the procurement money, and so on. After explaining this once, they don’t have to respond to 40 phone calls, because everybody can just go to a search engine and see the explanation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People who ask followup questions are actually asking based on this understanding, so they don’t have to repeat this answer over and over." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "It seems to be really streamlining and just make work more efficient. Do you have any numbers, or I guess anecdotes that you can tell me, that just quantify?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In terms of numbers, the Join platform has now, I think, more than 5 million users, out of 23 million people in Taiwan. Almost a quarter of the netizens understand that they can petition for a good idea, for a new idea." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Like last year, we see the first fruit of our co-creation, the new tax filing system for Mac, Linux, and tablet systems that was co-created by petitions who thought that the tax filing experience of 2017 is \"explosively hostile.\" [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, they just invited everybody who complained to the kitchen, so to speak, and co-created a tax filing system. That’s the e-petition. Then all the regulatory announcements are put on the talk section and the budget on the supervise section." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As you can see, in all the three sections, there are literally hundreds of topics currently actively debating." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "Wow, that’s very cool. In my research, I noticed that you practice troll hugging. Can you tell me a little bit about that, how you got into it, and how do you go about it? How do you approach a troll, how do you de-escalate the situations, and things like that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I got into troll hugging because I was troll hugged [laughs] when I first participated in the online..." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "You were a troll?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I was a troll, actually. Not necessarily intentionally, though, because my English wasn’t that good. When I first participated in IRC and other online communities, there’s some utterances that I just didn’t know what the right way to put it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It may come across as rude, attention-seeking, or whatever. It’s not really intentionally. The Perl community is very well-known of being very, not just tolerant, but actually very inclusive of its members." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People gradually let me know that the parts that I authentically reveal about my experience, they care very much about, but the rhetorics, or whatever part that come across as rude or whatever, they just pretend that they didn’t see it. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is very much a Perl community thing. I was educated in that environment. Nowadays, when people just \"summon\" me by mentioning my name on PTT or on other online forums, basically I just reply as soon as I saw it, usually within 60 minutes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I only respond to the parts, again, that are authentic, that they share their own experience. The reason why is that most trolls just want attention. When you feed the troll, so to speak, is when you reply only to the part that are provoking." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then that kind of response tend to be transactional, because it doesn’t sustain long-term relationships. The trolls wakes up still feeling empty, and troll somebody else instead. Only be responding to the part that are authentic can I gradually draw out more authentic experience from the troll." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then invite them to my Wednesday office hour in the Social Innovation Lab, so I can give them a physical hug. Then they become co-creators, essentially. All this troll hugging is basically to make transactional relationships based on emotions into more long-term relationships based on authentic experiences." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "Don’t feed the trolling part, feed the person that’s talking to you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. Feed the person inside the troll." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "Very cool. What’s coming up for 2019?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "First of all, around the end of 2018, we passed quite a few laws that we are going to implement in 2019. For example, there is this autonomous vehicle act. Taiwan is the first jurisdiction to pass the law that allows for autonomous driving, sea, air, and land vehicles." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Hybrid vehicles, so to speak. Every day, actually, in the Social Innovation Lab, I work with those autonomous driving vehicles. It is not science fiction for me. [laughs] They are just going around in the Social Innovation Lab literally every day." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is how they look like. They are self-driving tricycles from..." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "They kind of look like carriages." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They do look like carriages. They’re very easy to tweak, because they’re open hardware and open source. We have a lot of college students that are just tweaking them. For example, the eye of the first iteration looked like a cyclops, and people don’t find it very natural." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now, they have two eyes. The eyes can blink, they can make eye contact with you, and can use all sorts of different non-verbal expressions to signify its intent, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "Interesting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we’re doing is essentially making experiment fields -- what we call sandboxes -- so that the AIs can co-evolve with the humanity, and respond to actual social needs, instead of like a top-down way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Coming in 2019, in addition to the Social Innovation Lab and so on, we’re going to have the Shalun Smart Green City Science City in the Tainan, just outside the high speed rail station. You will see a lot of those autonomous vehicles." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It could be flying. It could be part of a boat that becomes a car, and so on. Doing simulations, contests, and experiments within the SGSC, the Sun City." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "What’s the end goal of all of this work?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "So that by the end of the year, we can actually put some of the autonomous vehicles to work." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Regional Revitalization Plan, which is again, another very important thing coming this year, is to make sure that the people who are living in the regions that are suffering from a declining population or a not-healthy aging structure, and things like that, to rediscover the good livelihood and the DNA of their local identity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Many of these regions told us that autonomous drone delivery is actually one of the key things that will change their life, because they don’t have to drive a lot to get, for example, medication, essential supplies, or things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In these areas, we’re considering to apply the experimental autonomous vehicle act to make sure that they can be the first one to benefit from self-driving vehicles, by enabling a much better and on-demand supply system for them." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, some of them, as you can see, are on remote islands. Maybe self-piloting ships will actually be able to solve many of their transportation issues." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "It sounds like it’s really addressing inequality." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "Very cool. Can you tell me about the non-binary ID cards, that push?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure. What we’re considering now is a new e-ID system that combines the two existing IDs, the National Identity Card, as well as the Citizen Digital Certificate. These two, once combined together, become what we call the \"New eID\"." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a lot of people with ARC or other ways of staying in Taiwan who didn’t know that the Citizen Digital Certificate, is actually not limited to people with the ROC identity. Actually, people with other passports who happen to stay here can also get a digital certificate." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not many people know about this, so we’re going to make a concerted push to enable the foreign people know that they can actually also get an e-ID that are both good as an IC card, as well as an NFC card." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Meaning that it’s touch-based. You can access a lot of government services based on this new ID. The best thing is that when you get this new e-ID, the second digit is going to be a digit, not a letter. Currently, it’s AC-something, AD-something for you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now, it could be A8-something, A9-something. It will be much easier, for example, to get a railway card using the Chinese language. The traditional Chinese system of the current railway system only admits the second digit, and not the second letter." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As well as movie tickets, many other online services, that are currently making almost a discrimination based on the format of the national ID. That’s going to be changed this year." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "Excellent. Where in that plan are we?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, we’re confirmed that we’re going to revise the second digit into a number, and we’re confirmed that the foreign people will be able to use the same format of the digital certificate card." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All that remains is to actually settle on what to display on this card, what to put into this card, what to store in cloud-based systems, and so on. That is still being hashed out. I think the rolling out will be gradual, meaning that will be opt-in at first." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The all-pervasive rollout, I think it’s scheduled next year, actually. This year is mostly about pilots and experiments. Maybe you will see some pilot or experiment call for service design, call for beta testing, or things like that this year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Feel free to join, but once we get everybody’s input, and settle on the final version of the layout and so on, then it will be rolled out next year." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "Next year, 2020?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "Very cool. It said that you code a lot. You made your own coding language, or you contributed to one. Do you still code every day?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Oh, yeah, I still code every day." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "At the Social Innovation Lab?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right, and I also automate a lot of the chores that I face personally as Digital Minister, or along with our colleagues. Some of them find that it’s very time-consuming, for example, to order lunchboxes individually, to collect what people are going to eat before each meeting, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is also an online system that helps collect those lunchbox ordering orders. Everything that are chores for the public servants, we automate it using digital systems." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "Is that just in your office, or do you open that up to everybody?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s an open app market. All the app that we wrote is on the Sandstorm app market. Everybody can use it, not just the public servant. If your email address ends in, meaning that you are a Taiwanese public servant, then you can do to, and for free, get your own hosting account, and start setting up those apps." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That lets you coordinate, for example, the to-do lists, the online chat. Just think of it like the Google apps, Slack, or Trello of today’s productivity tools, but we have a free software equivalent that are hosted on cyber security-hardened infrastructure." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All the public servants feel free to use it. If you are not a public servant, you can still use it, but you can find your other hosting provider somewhere else." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "Winding down, I just have a couple more questions. What are some social issues that are near and dear to you, and what steps do you take to help?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We already talked about our contribution to the water and ecosystem, air, climate change, and things like that. That’s more of the environmental part. I also care very much about the equality of education." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "At the end of 2018, the legislation body passed the National Languages Act. To me, I think that that is a very, very positive sign, not only that we’re going to have a public television in Taiwanese Hoklo for the first time, in Tâigí for the first time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It also says that in the education system, if the school and the children want to get educated in, for example, calculus with, for example, Hakka or Amis, and the education authority must provide sufficient resources so that they can learn about any subject in any Taiwanese languages, including the indigenous and various Taiwanese languages." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it is a very, very new thing. Previously, people think about those language acquisitions as specific to what we call 母語教學, the modern tongue education classes, so maybe a few hours every week." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is saying no, if you want, you can get the entire basic education using whatever mother tongue you would like that. That calls for a lot of investment in the teaching resources, in the basic databases of indigenous and Taiwanese languages, as well as a lot of artificial intelligence." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Actually, we had an agreement with the Mozilla Common Voice Project, as well as other AI researchers, to make sure that people can record and contribute their spoken languages, their vocabularies, and things and form a language circle." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Using machine translation and so on to automatically translate, for example, between the six tonalities of the Taiwanese Hakka languages. I think AI, again, as an assistive intelligence will very much accelerate the pace of which that people can speak comfortably in their local tongue, and not be treated as merely a dialect or an accent, but a fully recognized language and culture." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "That is awesome, OK. Very cool. I had a question, sorry. I feel like that maybe was under the radar, because the English as a second language thing has been a really big push, to make it bilingual and stuff." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "That’s taken all the headlines in the news and stuff. What you just said, I wasn’t aware if. That’s very cool." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The bilingual thing, again, starts in the education system, because previously the kindergartens, the first grade, and second grade, it’s not the norm to be immersively taught in English, as well as English plus mother tongue." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s, by far, not the norm. This kind of immersive education, previously, there was a lot of regulations that blocks or discourage this kind of education. Most of the bilingual nation plan is just to relax those regulations." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re not going to a top-down way. We’re not saying that all the public service need to start writing in our English for our letters, for our regulations, and so on. This is purely a responsive strategy. For people who do not consider Mandarin as the mother tongue, or Mandarin for them is harder to access than English." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For these people, for the foreign people, I think whatever regulations and whatever parts of public that they use the most, we will bilingualize that first. We’re not just in a top-down way doing everything, because it would be actually not very productive." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The public service will actually resist that kind of move. What we’re saying is that we’re putting the people first, and the foreign people are, of course, now also considered a part of our citizens, as evidenced by the new e-ID platform." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "Last question. What are your thoughts on the November 24th election, just what happened there, the referendums? Just your reflection on that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think tallying really need to be sped up. We suggest a lot of automated tallying machines and so for the CC to consider. If you work in the tallying booth, it’s very hard work. Some people actually stayed well until midnight to finish their tallying work." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If this continues for a few more times, I’m not sure that we can recruit sufficient people to serve as the election staff. We really need to make their life easier. When we make their life easier, of course, using service design and other methodologies, you will also make the queue shorter." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think reducing the queue, as well as making the tallying faster, I think these are the two things going forward that we’re going to improve in the next election, because the user experience, it’s not \"explosively hostile,\" [laughs] but it is somewhat hostile." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think we need to associate democracy with a good feeling, and not a very long, waiting feeling." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "Is there anything that I didn’t touch on that you want to talk about?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, I’m good." }, { "speaker": "Alexander Lewis", "speech": "Thanks, Audrey. Appreciate it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you. Cheers." } ]
[ { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "Hi, Audrey." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I can hear you fine. Can you hear me?" }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I can hear you fine, absolutely. One quick thing before we start. It’s fine either way. Are you all right with me recording this? It won’t be for public. It will just be for our records as we’re writing the book." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Are you OK with me recording this and publishing this on YouTube?" }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "Yeah, if you would like to. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK, so let’s both record so that we have at least two copies, and I’ll release to YouTube at the end of the talk if you don’t have any part that you want to modify." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "Excellent. OK. Let me start this. I apologize. I practiced with this yesterday. I usually use my Skype for work, not my personal one. I’m not used to using this one. Unfortunately, I’m not sure if it’s letting me record." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK. I’m recording so..." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "Why don’t we just go with your recording. Is that all right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure, of course." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "Excellent. Thank you so much for agreeing to the interview. It’s a real honor. As I’ve mentioned in our original message, I think, for a variety of reasons, we’ve been very inspired by the work you’ve been doing." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "We’re trying to find out a little bit more about it, particularly for our project that we’re working on in terms of our book, \"Guerrilla Democracy,\" but also in terms of broader issues about how we can use technology as a disruptive and positive political force." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I guess, if it’s all right, and I know you’ve probably done this many, many times." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "If you want to take a couple minutes, just to give a little bit of your background and how you moved from the point of view of coding of free software into a more political domain." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure. My background is pretty transparent. I started coding when I was eight years old. That was 1989. I moved to basically start my own web based startup with a bunch of friends when I was 14 years. That was 1995. The wide web was just starting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I dropped out of junior high school because of all the research that I can do on the worldwide web. It’s not free and all the researchers just wrote back to me instantly. I don’t have to go through the letters anymore. The principal actually supported me, which is very rare. That instilled in me a lot of hope in the flexibility of bureaucracy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because of the fact that most of the worldwide web at that time is things like and things like IETF, the Worldwide Foundation, and so on, it’s very cutting edge. People put their cutting edge research on it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I also worked with Alice, like the Gutenberg Project, and so on, which digitized a lot of early commons. That is to say works have fallen out of copyright, which we are just getting a new batch as of this year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "By the time that I dropped out of junior high, the Gutenberg Project is mostly work that has been written before the first World War. That is to say the classics, which, again, instilled in me reasonable optimism because I don’t have access to any depressing works." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s my self edited background more or less. Then, I worked in the free software movement, which then rebranded part of ourselves into the open source movement. To me, it’s always political. There is no coercion, of course, across the Internet." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You can’t beat someone or coercively take away their possessions but nevertheless, it is politics. It is how to figure out a rough consensus. It is how to set a standard setting agenda. It is how to moderate between the various different interests that way to take the Internet in various directions and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is the politics that I’m most familiar with, the IETF style politics that is anarchism, really, which I’m versed in and maybe four or five years before I get my first voting right in a representative democracy, which would be in 19...Actually, no, it would be in 2001." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For me, I think participative democracy over the Internet is my kind of native tribe. Representative democracy is kind of a new thing to me. That is not just to me alone because in Taiwan, we only got the first presidential election in 1996. That’s already almost a decade after lifting of the martial law." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m not that unique in the sense that people mostly experimented with a lot of community level or Internet level consensus making before we actually get to elect for our own president about 30 years ago." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan representative democracy’s a new overly, but people take a lot of consensus based participative decision making processes that they are already very versed in, and just overlay on top of it representative democracy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Which is why many people, what we call the civic hackers in Taiwan, are at once technologists, but also people working on democracy, because in Taiwan there’s no 200 years of democratic, republican, or federal tradition. For us it’s all the very same generation that gets to experiment with all these things." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I formally began working in politics at end of 2014 as a advisor to the cabinet, at that time because of the Sunflower Occupy. Many people saw that over the course of three weeks it’s possible to use Internet to mediate half a million people on the street and many more online so that people gradually converge on consensus without the need of using traditional representative mechanisms, and which were on strike, anyway, because the MPs were refusing to deliberate the service and trade agreement." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People occupied the parliament and doing without the overlaid representative democracy, but actually going back to the communal participative democracy. It actually worked and delivered a pretty good set of consensus." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Many ministries at the end of that year really wanted to learn how to harness this kind of potential, as offered by Internet based participation. We built quite a few systems together. I was a understudy minister, kind of a reverse mentor to the minister Jaclyn Tsai, the Minister without Portfolio in charge of cyberspace law." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That continued for a couple of years, and then I became the Digital Minister, no longer understudy, but still running pretty much exactly the same thing as I started participating at the end of 2014. That’s the six minute version." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "[laughs] No, that’s perfect. That’s a really background and foundation. It opens up a lot of really interesting ways in which we can explore this a bit further, theoretically and politically." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "One of the first things that I was really interested in that you were saying and that’s some of the work that you’re doing is the fact that you come from a tradition, and I like how you said your native tribe, is free software movement, and also some of the anarchism that’s part of it that isn’t actually nationally based." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "In fact, a lot of the original hacker politics was almost an alternative form of globalization, which is saying we don’t have to respect your non digital borders because we have different forms of communities." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I wanted to explore a little bit about, if it’s all right, how you see this creating transnational democratic communities, and then we can talk a little bit about how that relates to more local political struggles, and how they’re related to each other." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Certainly. My first experience with democratic processes includes, for example, the Debian Constitution." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Debian Constitution explicitly says nobody forces anyone to do anything as a volunteer community, but as soon as you agree to play by the Debian rules it is actually very intricate relationship between proposals, between running for leaders, between a Condorcet voting system, very complex tiebreaking system, a lot of checks and balances, which is why it’s called a constitution." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It means that the process, itself, is in the commons. Everybody can amend the Debian Constitution, certainly easier than amending Taiwan’s Constitution." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It gives the constitution a life, in the sense that it stays relevant to everybody who participates in the Debian community. Even if no Debian developer would dedicate 100 percent of their time on the democratic process, I would say that on average they’re much more aware of a democratic process that is powering the community than a average citizen in any democratic community. That’s the first difference, I would say, of this transnational idea." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The second thing is that we see a lot of democracy bookkeeping as something that could be automated. Anything that doesn’t interfere with the judgment process, that doesn’t require a value judgment, basically, could potentially be automated. A lot of voting systems and a lot of opinion systems, a HackNotice notification, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People experimented with a lot of bots, discussion boards, or loads of systems that lets people take care of more than, say, a hundred issues without completely getting lost. There’s also a lot of early experiments on the Slash community, on the Corrosion community, on many other communities that intentionally experiments about what I would call attention management issues." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Again, once you can take care of many dialog at once it opens the possibility of looking at one common issue from many different angles. That is to say, to take all the sides, or even, if not all the sides, more science than one side, which is what you get if you don’t have sufficient bandwidth, like if you only have three bits of upload per four years, which is a vote, basically, then it forces people to only take one side." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you do attention management with good symmetrical bandwidth, then of course it enables people to listen to one another much easier and with what I call a scalable listening apparatus." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s two things. It’s one of the background awareness of a malleable, relevant constitutional system. The second is that the system itself using automated tools also lets people manage their attention much more efficiently, and so they can take more sides than one." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "One of the things that we’ve seen in a lot of these movements that have used, before going to the more governance part of \"E democracy,\" is the ability to use mobile technologies in the broadest sense of the term to mobilize support, to mobilize support across a large group of people, and focus it." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "One of the aspects that we’re looking at is how much of a civic hacker mentality is informing this and how much is it just a tool. For example, a lot of the work that you’ve done, if I can be so bold, is trying an idea of open source, collaborative problem solving." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "More than just voting, or more than just reading about issues. I’m wondering if you would talk a little bit about what you think are some of the civic hacker, and even anarchist values, that can inform this, and also what are some of the obstacles to getting people to think in this more expansive, democratic way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Foremost, the difference is that in the agenda setting stage, that is to say long before voting anything, one need to agree that there is something wrong with the current social, environmental, or economic situation and/or that there is some potential to change. That is the initial call to action." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s interesting that you mentioned mobile technology because mobile, especially in terms of mobile phones, to me its main factor is that it’s operating on a slice of attention, meaning the screen is smaller, the engagement is shorter, and that it mostly motivates by people’s outrage or other viral emotions rather than a dedicated time to think about, to deliberate about any certain things." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Usually when we utilize mobile technologies we make sure that we use it only in the very front of the stage. That is to say, we make sure that it is to raise the awareness that something is wrong or that something needs talking about." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We actually don’t use mobile technologies to replace the face to face talking about or this one on one Skype session that we explicitly use a desktop form factor to make sure that we’re talking at each other with better attunement than those slice of conversation. I would distinguish between two, not really polar, but connected sides. One is the outrage part, and the second is the deliberation part." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a psychological phenomenon called the empathy gap, meaning that if one is outraged it’s very hard to empathize a calm person, and vice versa. If you are very calm it’s very hard to empathize with a outraged person." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s both of these in all of us. What’s important is that we design the engagement principles so that we don’t confuse or mix those two modalities too much together." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We use the outrage part to spread the message and to invite people who are outraged two weeks after this initial call for complaints into a physical space and with good, safe design. The people can still participate over the Internet, but always with a much more dedicated synchronous, if not the same place, design. The asynchronous part is important, but it cannot replace the synchronous part." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "Absolutely, and that’s a really interesting way, because what we’ve been looking at a little bit, as well, is how mobile technologies can serve as, like you said, a very nice upfront ability to not just do the outrage part, but also form connections through things like WhatsApp and create solidarity, but then the governance part." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "Even if it’s something like creating a strike, you use WhatsApp to organize the strike, then what comes next? How do you engage in collective bargaining? How do you engage in a vibrant economic union, a co op, or on a more political sense?" }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "One of the things that is really interesting, as well, is in terms of 21st century solidarity. Traditionally this would mean this almost Orwellian...he went down to the Spanish Civil War, he fought, and he got shot. If also means the common term." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "One of the things that I found really interesting, again, if I can be so bold, is I’ve seen in some of your other interviews is that while you, yourself, work within Taiwan, you and others in the civil hacker movement, also in more technological politics, and certainly with the anarchism, see solidarity as more of a sharing of knowledge and information, and learning best practices and things." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I’m wondering if you could talk a little bit about that, in terms of we seem to have a lot of different progressive technological movements coming, like from Momentum in the UK to our revolution in the US." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "How do you create solidarity in which you’re speaking to each other, recognizing their local issues, in that these are local struggles, but also sharing best practices and things, and creating a digital solidarity?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Three’s quite a few things. For example, when I first encountered the phenomena of free software it’s very interesting that people talk about all the fine details of free software license. There’s lots of flame wars being fought about the nitty gritties of free software/open source licensing, but there’s absolutely nobody putting into the license a limitation phase on countries." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When we get into this century, with open data license and so on, when it’s being pushed by the government we see sometimes a restriction based on borders, and so on. People in the open knowledge, people working on open definition were very quick to say you should not discriminate between people of different countries or jurisdictions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s very taken for granted that anyone who participate in the digital commons is in its own tribe, because once you agree to the self ruling, Debian constitution that I alluded to, it’s a new jurisdiction." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A jurisdiction is not based on, of course, coercive police power, but it is based on some kind of power that is at once a norm, which means the hacker ethics and everything, but also, ultimately, tools, which delineates what’s easy and what’s not, what’s done and what’s not done." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because of this jurisdictional view of the commons, it take partly from the scientific tradition in the sense that if you publish you donate your work into the commons, but it’s recursive, meaning that you also let other’s work co determine what you do next." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because if I make our discussions, for example, on the discourse system or on the media wiki system, any software update is going to shape, actually, how I talk about these things with my fellow citizens." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On the technique level it doesn’t have to pass a vote, or anything like that. Just by improving the tools that each other use is a kind of solidarity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m keenly aware that as the Digital Minister of Taiwan almost none of the tools that I’m using daily is from people who identify as Taiwanese. [laughs] The Sandstorm system that we use for collaborative editing, the SayIt system that we use for transcript keeping, basically they all came from the vocabulary that we use called Akoma Ntoso, which is African, and so on. The names, themselves, carry their local cultural traditions, like Ubuntu." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It reminds us there’s different philosophies in the world. In the course of translating these concepts into everyday conversation, or even to our local language, like Mandarin, Taiwanese, Tagalog, or whatever, we are forced to look back at the tradition that produced these ideas." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The traditions automatically are kin because we are using their products in a culture forming way, but not exclusively with these people, but rather with third work. They imbue their philosophy into those works." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would argue it’s both ways. It’s the norms that’s created that creates a people to people solidarity, but there’s also people to object. Object shapes people, and people goes and create more objects. That more recursive kind of solidarity. Both are very important." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "That’s really interesting because that goes to another issue that I wanted to speak about, which is the fact that sometimes the work that you’re doing, but also the work that others are doing, are spoken about as that it’s not really the E democracy effect, if I can be so bold, movement of the ’90s in that you’re not simply trying to create tools. You’re trying to show how technology’s not inevitable, if I can be so bold. A lot of the disruptive things." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "The point you made about automation’s really interesting because most people view automation as a threat, particularly to jobs, but you’ve shown how automation can be something very positive." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I’m wondering if we could talk a little bit about how this is ideological in a sense of being more than just tools, but also showing people that they can have democratic control over technologies and its use." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For example, when I see AI I always pronounce it assistive intelligence. It is a ideological choice of words, because AI, unlike deep learning or whatever that has a fine scientific definition, AI is really anything that the humans choose not to do and the machines somehow does it, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It doesn’t prescribe anything. It doesn’t even have to be a computer. It could be any assistive intelligence. It could be animal intelligence. What I mean is that if we look at an assistive intelligence kind of view, it’s less threatening, just as in personal computer." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When the first personal computers were being forged, the IBM PC clones, or prior to that Apple II, or whatever, it promised the idea of a maker or a tinkering spirit in a sense that if you don’t like what your computer does there’s always a easy way for you to find some neighbor kid who hack the computer until the computer does things that you personally find more gratifying." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s what personal computing means. Prior to personal computing it means a terminal, which is just a screen and a keyboard, or a Teletype and a keyboard, that connects to a mainframe and have all the programs being determined or predetermined by the programmers in the mainframe." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Personal computing means you can do anything, and nobody can stop you from installing a new application on your personal computer because it’s personal." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s the same idea that we’re taking to, be it assistive intelligence, or to shared reality, augmented reality, and things like that, in the sense that if we start with a few axioms, like broadband as human right, which is a saying in Taiwan, K through 12 of education of equal access to the computing resources, and basic literacy that includes media literacy and digital literacy, it will start with these axioms." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We are basically saying the AI is co determined by the social norm because we expect the local people to tinker the self driving tricycles, or whatever, including the norms, parameters, and everything so that they are comfortable with it before releasing it to the public. If we don’t have that, then it’s mostly just a few people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No matter how they design privacy by default, or whatever by default, it never works because it is not really a participatory design. The designer would be arrogant, just as in mainframes, and not humbled, as in personal computing." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "No, that’s a really interesting thing about how we don’t do this enough, recognizing the continuous political democratization within digital and computerization in general." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I want to talk a little bit about when we think about democracy and moving it beyond traditional politics. One of the interesting things about your career, careers may be a big word, but trajectory is that, like you said, representative democracy was not where you started. You definitely, I would say, did not have the \"West Wing\" culture or background. In effect, from an entirely different, as you said, tribe and political tradition things." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I’m wondering how do we begin to think about this as more than just helping governments or working within a traditional political frame, and think about we can democratize workplaces, we can democratize the gig economy, these types of things, because that has been a difficult link. What you’ve then seen is the fact that workers have taken it upon themselves." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "You saw in the US, for instance, the use of Facebook for teachers’ strikes. That was a little bit of a surprise to a lot of people working in this realm, particularly within even activist communities like Occupy. Then people working in good faith in the government, they say, \"Oh, well, industrial democracy is something we hadn’t really thought about, and actually it’s something very important.\"" }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I’m wondering how we move beyond traditional realms of democracy to think about digital democratization more widely." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s much easier if you start with the small scale organizations. Think of a small community of maybe 50 people or a small co-op of maybe 30 people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "These are the places where we see the most inventions of self organization, mostly because if people already know each other they trust each other more to introduce more experimental digital apparatus, whereas if it’s 23 million people, of course you take a referendum or something to make a drastic change." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For example, the Loomio folks in New Zealand, they didn’t start from scratch. They started from Occupy Wellington. They started from a co op culture called Enspiral." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Their decision making apparatus, the so called democratizing the workplace product called Loomio, it is almost entirely driven by the real demand of maybe 30 people or 50 people who really want to keep track of who’s working on what together, and to do straw polls or conversations in a way that really empowers each individual person instead of some abstract ideal goal." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s really the most substantially creative thing that I can imagine, because we use a lot of tools in our civic tech community. We actually recycle through a lot of tools. As soon as new tools come up, we take new ones into our ecosystem." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We can do that because we have a firm understanding of what each stakeholder in the co op, or in the Social Innovation Lab, or whatever, what their real interests are, and where the tools are there to speed up some chores, or whether it’s there to capture some moments to make remote conversations possible." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To take a actual GovTech example, starting this year Taiwan is doing a regional revitalization plan where we identified a hundred or so counties that have a shrinking brain drain or aging population. We encouraged people who work in the national government to relocate back to their hometown, basically, and telework." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because I entered the cabinet with a teleworking working condition, with such a simple thing as telework, where you have to do a lot of service design to look at the everyday work of paper pushing in any workplace, government being one, and to make them amicable to remote work, but once you do that, everything gets digitized automatically." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The analytics, the searching, the various network forming becomes much easier, because back in the days of paper and telephone once there’s an emergent issue, like people who want to talk about digital democracy, I can’t really pick up a phone and call each of my colleagues saying, \"Do you have anything to say about digital democracy?\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If someone email everybody in their organization, government or not, saying, \"Hey, do you have anything to say about digital democracy?\" they probably get fired the next day. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once you have reply optional, work out loud hubs for things like the activity stream we use Rocket.Chat, but it could be Slack then it’s actually very easy to type out something that’s reply optional. People who then reply automatically form a team, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It enables a workflow that is only possible if people already get into the habit of working in the remote, but then that only becomes possible because people already have some comfortable experiences working in the same room." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For me, a lot of that is grown out of the organic need of small scale organizing needs. We don’t start thinking about five million people or anything like that. We just think about maybe 50 groups, and each of maybe 50 people, and how do we scale that." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "That is a really interesting point as well, about what is the relationship between systematic change and the experimentation that is really implicit within any system, within itself." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I know that there is a bit of a discussion about how anti capitalist, for instance, you should be, and about are we, when we’re looking at things like innovation hubs, which are very interesting, are we just working around the edges, so to speak?" }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I want to say, very much of this, this has always been a bottom up movement. You create these local technological communities. I’m wondering, for yourself, how do you balance those things between having anti status quo agenda that does want a different type of world, with also recognizing that this has always been a local, bottom up movement?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m going to be a lot biased, because we had this debate when the term open source was coined." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "That’s why I asked." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The term open source was coined because a bunch of people ESR and friends wanted to form a marketing campaign of a traditionally human rights based narrative. That is the free software movement." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, it’s not selling human rights. It is telling the capitalist that the way that you’re making software using your capital is creating a challenge in solidarity let’s talk about it this way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We can solve it, not because we want to do away with capitalism, but actually, we can shift the capital first from entirely harm causing capital into capital that avoids harm, like at least being honest of what kind of software stack you’re using." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then generally turning into so called stakeholder benefiting capital, meaning that if there is things that you don’t want to maintain yourself, you just use an open source license and commit to share its maintenance cost." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Finally, you can have capital that contributes to solutions, for example, the Mozilla Corporation being the flagship example." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s capital and there’s capital. If you do the marketing and communication right, you can shift the color of the capital itself into at least benefit capital that is good for both bottom lines or triple bottom lines, as we call it nowadays." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you really do the value alignment right, like for example, during the Mozilla Corporation’s rebranding and how they did the Firefox market communication, you can say we earn a lot of money, but 100 percent of which is going back to the open source community." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That creates a lot of interest in people using those grants or research money that Mozilla is putting forth into fundamental infrastructure work like Let’s Encrypt, like the Rust language, and things like that, things that traditionally would not get funded by the private sector, but it’s now nevertheless being funded by the private sector." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you have a strategy that begins with scaling impact but without being too discriminating of what kind of early stage solutions that you’re looking at. You’re saying any early stage solution that shows promise, I’m happy to scale it up, and then it gives people who are traditionally trained in capitalist regime something more meaningful to do with their lives or something like that." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "That’s a really interesting point. That takes then to...I have a couple of more questions, if that’s all right." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure, of course." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "We mention a lot of the fact that there’s a lot of different types of communities, from, I would say, things that are happening like in Barcelona and parts of Europe, which is very much these urban labs. Then you have within, I would say, business schools, sometimes innovation hubs, which are much more about market based solutions." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "Then you have really strong, often subversive hacker organizations that you sort of know and sort of don’t know. Then, like you said, you have a lot of gov tech and civ tech type of organizations." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "How do you actually begin processes of bringing those together in open dialogue and discussions, and also saying that we’re not telling you how to, what your culture should be, but we do want to actually create mobile spaces for sharing information and changing, like you said, culture so that we can scale up good ideas that you find beyond your own place that you’re working in." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You start with saying open source license. That goes without saying. Without a good license management apparatus, we’re back to square one, where people only work with people who they already know." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is the fact that you can go to a Microsoft website called GitHub and look at whatever creations that fits maybe 50 percent of whatever problem you’re working on, and start building an ad hoc community based on these offerings that creates an easy solidarity with anyone who puts forward their half finished work for people’s critique." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m not pretending that it’s completely open or it’s completely fine, but it begins a point of conversation around which, as I like to quote Leonard Cohen, is the crack where the light gets in." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Without this mismatch between cultures, between offerings and needs, between people’s expectations and the actual deliverings, there’s no chance of starting a conversation, because there’s no object that could be a social object. It could be just internal objects that people don’t get to form a social relationship. That’s always the first step." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once you have those social objects, I would argue that a regular safe space that people can return to is the second thing. We have in various different communities. For example, for the World Economic Forum, there’s a synchronously done World Social Forum." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In other civic tech communities, there’s TICTeC in France, but in the gov tech community, we have the Open Government Partnership in France." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it is something predictable that you can always say one year ago or a quarter ago, it’s not quite good. We had a fight. Technologies don’t match or ideologies don’t match and whatever. You can always return a quarter later into this quarterly gathering and say, \"Oh, by the way, there’s some new developments, and things have changed.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Without this regular, it could be every quarter, every year, or in the case of the vTaiwan project, it’s every week, every Wednesday. Without this kind of place where you can return to, there is no public that you can recourse." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To be a recursive public is to be a bunch of people that cares about how these people relate, not just one shot transactional stakes, but rather how we hold the stakes and how we collectively hold these stakes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would argue that a safe space, both temporal and spatial if possible, is the next step beyond the open license and open invitations for people to have a conversation." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "Absolutely. That goes into my last question. I think you’re absolutely right. One of the projects that we’d like to do on the back of this book is create a global consortium that does create these kinds of temporal and spatial safe places." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "One of the aspects of this is, if I again can be a bit provocative..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure, of course." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": " the fact that sometimes I see a bit of a disjuncture between the narratives that emerge around these, particularly around people like yourself, and what is actually being said." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "When I see articles about Audrey Tang, genius coder who’s now been able to do this. What you actually say is anyone can do this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "Some of the things that have come, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, she dropped out of school because she was so smart. It’s like, \"No, I dropped out of school because I felt the information was already there and anyone can do this.\"" }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "This brings to the forefront a really serious question about the fact that governments across the ideological spectrum are realizing that we need to redo education, particularly among young people, particularly even reeducating some older around coding and these types of things to make them more accessible language and use." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "One of the critical questions is, what kinds of civic education do we need to be doing with this digital civic education? Ones that allow us to go beyond, if I can again be so bold, what I think is a very liberal capitalist notion of this individual genius, which is precisely what I think you and others, remember, are trying to do away with." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "How do we create that narrative that this is a do it yourself, anyone can do this, this is democratic in its most pure sense? Then educational ways of thinking and agendas that say we have to combine digital education with civic education from a very young age." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "First of all, I would like to address the genius thing. My first experience reading \"The Cathedral and the Bazaar,\" which is ESR’s theme, I remember the quote that I think is in the chapter of the importance of having users. There’s really no users. There’s only co developers." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Linus Torvalds was quoted in that chapter. It’s not the exact quote. I think he says something like, \"I’m a very lazy person who happens to get a credit for things other people want to do.\" That’s the structure of the Linux development." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People ascribe everything to Linus and Linus knows something about this dynamic. He is being lazy intentionally by saying if you really want something, do that yourself and maybe get it merged or something." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This philosophy of not the taking credit part, the creating possibilities part is most important. If Linus is very strict in the milestones or in the nitty gritty details that is if he micromanage then I don’t think the community will grow as we see today to the Linux community." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Always, being humble in one’s design is the most important thing. If that is something that could be learned, I think it could be learned only in a safe space, where people share their aspirations, where they’re not afraid to fail, where anything learned, good and bad, is treasured as a community asset, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I can say now something about Linus’ home country and their culture. [laughs] I think that would be going a bit too far, but I do think that it really creates a different kind of non individualistic, certainly not \"American Hero\" kind of personality that is really required to start a very large project and still manage to make it work somehow." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All the leaders that I work with in the programing language community, it could be Matz from the Ruby community, Larry from the Perl community, they all have the same kind of humbleness in them. I think that is the most important thing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I really don’t think this heroic narrative is helpful in the least, but some journalists want to write it that way, and I cannot edit my own Wikipedia article, and so, c’est la vie. That’s the first part." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The second part is how to make the civic education. When I did the Perl 6 work together with the Perl community, we had a rallying cry called optimized for fun or Ofun for short." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That means we optimize the subject of experience of a so called user becoming a so called co developer. We can use any number of social hacks to do so. It could be good food. It could be music. It could be shibboleth. It could be shared memes. It could be a bot that automatically hugs someone when someone gets a ++ or whatever." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Anything goes, but with the same end goal of turning the act of contribution into a very interesting one, a fun experience." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once people get the intrinsic motivation, I don’t think we need to externally impose the so called civic, or civilized, or whatever regime that disciplines people being good citizens, because then they find joy in making other people’s experience better as they have been shown before." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A lot of techniques that I share like hugging the trolls and things like that all build on the same premise that is to make the newcomers or people who are contemplating a real contribution experience a really positive experience to the same degree as I myself was welcomed into the community in the first place." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a lot of ubuntu or a lot of indigenous culture is predicated on that, before the transaction or industrial revolution view. I think some part of it is still very much alive in the free software and open communities, in the sense that if they don’t treasure their newcomers, they really don’t get very far." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All the large communities nowadays, Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap and so on, all nurtures their newcomers this way in a civic education but never indoctrinating education, but rather a co developing experience." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s also Darwinian, because if they don’t do that, they don’t exist after a couple of years. All the large communities we see are pretty good at doing this." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "That goes to we can open up any questions that you may have we talk about these types of communities and these types of really dynamic and supportive culture. We are living in an age in which a lot of our politics isn’t so supportive like that." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I know that there are serious debates, and I imagine one that you’ve thought about ethically, about how much is one willing and on what basis is one willing to work with different government regimes?" }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I know, for instance, many people would find the Trump Administration, for instance, I said. We’re really interested in some of the things would you like to comment that a lot of people would say no, because even if I like this particular aspect, the discourses in general that you’re using are discriminatory and against an inclusive ethics." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "Others have said you have to create space anywhere that you can. We’re not at a place where we can easily pick and choose what opportunities we take or not. They said you have to create any opportunities you can." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "What are some of the ways in which do you think we should begin thinking about this as a kind of digital democratic radical community?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It reminds me of the old days of the Millennium Development Goals, where the UN took a very deontological position and said if you are a developed nation, no matter how much you don’t like the developing nations’ politics, military, infrastructure, human rights, you still have to help, because it is your burden as a developed nation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s human suffering, and there’s no ideological dispute that can prevent the critical help that needs to put people out of poverty, and things like that. Of course, that worked, but I very much like the new narrative around Sustainable Development Goals, which I wear as a T shirt wherever I go." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The 17 colors for once doesn’t make a distinction purely based on developed versus developing, or the people who can help versus the people who needs help. Rather, it says can we understand that there are 169 different important things. We know this because we consulted more than one million people around the world." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We understand that these are not commeasurable, meaning that you can’t really trade one thing for another. We do understand that there are 17 roughly speaking communities worldwide that would consider one or two of these different goals as more important than the others. You choose to work on whatever you want to work on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Regardless of whether you are developing or developed, you can still identify though the sustainable goals, one of the 17 tribes that you identify with. The shape of the 169 targets are shaped in the sense that it minimizes tradeoff and maximizes energy, in the sense that if you work on any of those goals, you automatically contribute to the other goals even if you don’t like their politics." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This kind of automatically synergistic accounting in the sense of accountability is the most important thing that we can work in the era of post GDP radical narrative. We all agree that GDP is bankrupt in terms of measuring social progress or any kind of progress, but not many people agree on what’s next." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The wellbeing index is not fine grained and flexible enough. The happiness index maybe doesn’t capture the different scales between communities and countries. The sustainable goals only talk about goals. It doesn’t talk about how to get there." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The radical community can really work well if we seize the term of measurement, and management, and accountability from the very capitalistic interpretations, and starting on working on being accountable to each other, meaning that we can answer much easier than before what kind of impact one’s having." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Without even agreeing on what kind of thing requires doing what kind of priority, because we accept that 17 different tribes have different priorities anyway." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If they keep each other accountable, then that’s the spirit of SDG17, is that if we have reliable data from all the different parties, it automatically creates opportunities of synergy and opportunities of collaboration. If you see that there’s no synergy, you just don’t." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it is the overview effect of a mapping of the impact that we are creating and being accountable first to ourself and then to the people we’re collaborating with. Not being afraid of working out loud in the sense of not being afraid of publishing all these things, even in this raw and very easy to challenge forum, to the public Internet." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it’s the first step of building a solidarity that is based on evidence, impact, and people’s self setting priorities rather than imagined common Utopian thoughts. People cannot agree on imagined Utopia, because we all have a lot of imaginative capabilities." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "[laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m sure that ours don’t really overlap, [laughs] but it doesn’t really matter because we’re not even there. What happens is what have I done in the past couple months? Am I happy enough to share it with anyone who asks? If I share it, do we upload it, everything, on YouTube? Things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Gradually, based on those trails, I think we can form opportunistic synergies and collaborations without pre agreeing on the doctrines and ideologies." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I think that’s a very inspiring, powerful place. Like I said, a radically pragmatic place to end." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "Those were the main things that we were interested in. Was there anything that you wanted to follow up on or discuss?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, I think it’s the mobile democratic communities, I really like how you put it in air quotes because it really means different things to different people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "During the conversation, I had the idea that when you say mobile is kind of overlapping with what I call recursive public in the sense that it mobilize itself." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Why do you choose the term mobile, in the first place?" }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I think that’s a really good question. We chose it for three particular reasons. One is because we did see mobile technologies, as you say, dominate some of these discussions. In fact, they’re quite partial in what they can achieve. We were interested in why mobile phones and mobile technologies were taking such a strong political organizing role and what they were marginalizing, as well." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I think the second is the theoretical point about going from mobile neoliberalism or mobile technologies in the sense of flexibilities and the recursive aspects which we see within neoliberalism and which we see in dominant hegemonic ideologies, which being flexible and adaptive enough to operate and seeing that, then, being changed, actually. How can you make revolutions mobile?" }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I think the third was the ideas of resilient mobile communities. One of the aspects that I found most problematic is if you look at a lot of the discussions around community, it’s still very, I would say, 20th century location based. People are actually forming more than just communications. Mobile communities." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "What does that mean? How do we create ones that are resilient, ones that have interesting cultures, ones that don’t try to apply particular past paradigms onto them but still, that they can draw from?" }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "We were interested in that in terms of then saying, what does this mean for \"mobile organizing\"? I think the book project we’re working on, which we should have out next year, is we saw this as a type of guerilla democracy in terms of...In this interesting way of being flexible, mobile, revolutionary, but also, in many ways, willing to establish its own systems, its own cultures, its own paradigm." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I think, in the broader sense, you really hit perfectly, which is, how do you create mobile safe spaces that actually allow for people to make more sustained connections with each other that are radical about possibilities, as opposed to just resistance?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. How to tell you and make the safety move as you move, which is what mobile means, anyway." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "Absolutely." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I think that was a lot of what we were looking at. One of the interesting points that it’s be worth following up on as we progress is, also, this relationship between traditional types of social movement politics, which certainly operates on its own, and some of the things you’re talking about, which is a broader epistemological and ontological approach." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "People from users, consumers, the co developers and co creators. That’s a move that, I think, goes beyond just saying, \"We’re against austerity,\" for instance, or, \"We’re for this political party as opposed to that political party.\"" }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I do think that I found it interesting. We didn’t get to talk about it in this conversation, about this type of...If we’re being very literal, app culture. How does app culture, which, I think, started, in many ways, as something that was more co creating, become more consumptive?" }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "What does that show about the dangers of some of this mobile organizing and these types of things, and what we need to do to look beyond immediate political struggles to, actually, what kinds of radical cultures are we creating?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think mostly it’s suddenly a lot of people can, for example, get on the World Wide Web, but without the understanding that you can view source all the web page, but pretty much everybody on the early Web knows that you can view source on the web page." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is something that is like the Usenet and the \"summer that never ends\" or something like that. [laughs] Once you hit a critical mass of newcomers who brings a different culture, it’s a phase change for the original culture. The thing to do is not to rediscover the old culture, because it’s gone, but rather to identify what’s important for the newcomers." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For a lot of people that I’m working with, especially school children because we’re teaching media literacy, AI, and whatever in K to 12 now, what we found is that what they are looking at is to make meaningful interpersonal connections." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If they want, for example, a Arduino or a Raspberry Pi project to make useful interpersonal connections, like showing their families how many steps they are from the phone, [laughs] so that they can predict where they go home, there’s much more motivation to look under the hood and to view source on even the apps or on any technologies that’s between them and the kind of interpersonal relationship that they are keen to do." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Otherwise, I would agree that it’s now much easier to browse through the scratch projects without modifying any of those scratch projects from people in kindergarten and so on. Certainly, I don’t think it’s a bad thing. I think it’s just a phase." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you immerse yourself in the Wikipedia community for a couple years without editing one single article, that still prepares you better [laughs] to become an eventual editor. To have a community that lasts longer than a average lifetime of engagement, I think that’s the important thing, which is why sustainable is the keyword of the SDGs." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I think that also touches on another of the mobile aspects that we really are’d be good to also follow up some of this conversation. There’s so many aspects of the work that you’re doing and others are doing." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "20 years ago, you probably remember these conversations, people forget this, but one of the main arguments against some of this smart technology and mobile technology is that we can do it. We can make the processors, we can do it, but how are people going to learn to use it? It just takes too much effort. It was a real argument that people had." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "What you saw was that actually if you make into something usable and fun, people, for both good and bad, will learn to use it. Yet, I still think, in many ways, we teach some of our more radical civic education in a traditional way. \"Let’s have people in classrooms and just do it.\"" }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "I would not necessarily want us to learn from Apple in terms of their ethics, but I would ask, \"What can we learn about actual...from capitalism that they’ve actually had this kind of pervasive lifelong learning?\"" }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "They’re actually asking people to do huge amounts of learning in a short amount of time, and they’ve been successful at it. What can we learn from a different ethical framework from that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would like to conclude with a real example, which is a real civics class in a senior high school, the first grade of senior high. That’s, I think, the 10th grade. The teacher told the students to go to the e petition platform in Taiwan,, and find whatever cause you think can mobilize more than 500 people, and therefore demanding the ministries to give you a reasonable response." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "Wow." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A young girl found this photo of a turtle being choked on a plastic straw or something like that. She mobilized to advocate to take out plastic straws everywhere, and certainly in indoor drinking, which is kind of controversial. In Taiwan, bubble tea is national identity drink, [laughs] and the straw always goes with it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "She’s really good at mobilizing that message. Lo and behold, there’s more than 5,000 people petitioning together. I, as the minister in charge of open government, have to do a collaborative workshop." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We met with the petitioners. They’re all young people. It’s very heartening to see that they were able to mobilize so well on the Internet, much better than I would have done were I that age." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What I think is most important is to let the young people be part of the civics. It’s not just the teacher teaching them how to be effective. It’s, rather, the teacher learning from them how to be effective because there’s a really open ended question out there." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "By the way, starting this year, because of that e-petition, indoor plastic straw is banned. They really effected a social change. I think that’s one of the best ways to teach civics." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "Absolutely. That’s fantastic. Like I said, I think that’s a really inspiring place to end. Thank you so much. This was fantastic and eye opening, as I expected. Some of these things, hopefully we can follow up further with." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "Thank you, again. I think that people will be interested in this. Certainly, this is going to help with our research." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m going to publish this right away and send you the link. It will be under a Creative Commons attribution license." }, { "speaker": "Peter Bloom", "speech": "[laughs] Thank you so much. Bye." } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常高興能夠在這邊跟各位青年諮詢委員見面。大家桌上有一本「臺灣外交暖實曆」,是新年禮物,是群眾募資的平台,叫做「嘖嘖」,大家可能知道,有十二個不同在世界各地幫臺灣做公眾外交的團體,一起做這樣的年曆。我當時在開始募資的時候,一下子就買了一百本,希望新年裡面,跟大家介紹一下公眾外交的組織,給大家一點心意。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天大家看到這份簡報之後,我們會以詢答為主,詢答的過程,我想線上的朋友隨時都可以參加進來,我們不知道線上的朋友現在是哪一個人的電腦?這邊的電腦隨時想要問問題的時候,也不用舉手,舉手也看不到,直接發言就可以了,我們稍微再等個2、3分鐘,我們就直接開始。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "我是不是可以藉這個機會介紹一下剛剛發下去有一個徽章。那就是未來地方創生的logo,我們設計的理念,透過人、地、產,達到臺灣均衡發展,因為人是最核心的,未來造成整個區域的均衡發展,是要靠人內部的流動。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "地方要發展靠的是產業,藍色的部分談的是科技導入,因為未來產業的發展或者是未來我們希望能夠在所謂偏鄉能夠有一些工作或者是生活,我想透過網路,我們可以在家工作或者是遠距工作,又或者是遠距的教育、醫療,因此在在偏鄉的一些限制、因素,能夠把它克服,因此這一個部分我們特別強調的是科技的導入。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "綠色的部分當然也可以是產業,我們未來的發展還是要在永續發展的前提之下,以人、地、產的概念,來作為地方創生的核心。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "政委說開始,我們就先請組長來作簡報。今天很抱歉,因為陳主委另有要事,所以沒有辦法前來,這一個案子過去一段時間,都是主委親自指導我們來規劃的,今天要我代表跟大家問好,她是非常關心這一個案子,我們請組長來簡報,然後再Q&A。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "剛剛麥克風的關係,不曉得線上的朋友有沒有聽清楚,很多的內容也許在Q&A的過程中,我們可以一併來說明。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "我想再補充一下,這一個案子主要是人口問題,因為我們有去分析過去人口,大概近五年來,臺灣本島有六個地區,人口其實是成長的,其中四個是在都會區域,即使是現在六都,在高雄、台北這兩個都會區,人口也在減少,可以理解因為台北的高房價,所以人口住在台北市的周遭,不管是新北或者是桃園。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "在南部地區,因為另外一個人口減少的都會區,大概就是高雄市。其他縣市大概原則上除了新竹縣市人口是成長之外,人口都是在減少的。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "我們預測人口高峰在國發會的估計是在2022年,我們的人口其實就開始會往下降,我們也其去分析、推估到2050年,其實基本上我們整個人口是減少的,我們平均人口的成長是-12.9。我們有很多地區,如果他的人口基本上減少的速度又比-12.9更嚴重的地區,我們覺得這一些地區未來可能有一些基本的需求,其實會很辛苦的,因此才會推出所謂優先推動地方創生地區。我想先補充剛剛講到的五支箭,其中是整合政府資源的那一支箭下面,其實我們包括了三個事項,一個是財政的部分、一個是人力的部分、另外一個是資訊的部分。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "日本的地方創生,都說安倍有三支箭,其實我們把安倍的三支箭都吸收了,放在整合部會資源,那部分已經涵括了三支箭。除了部會整合之外,還有其他的四支箭,所以再怎麼樣,雖然這個地方創生是來自日本,但是事實上我們也會考量目前國內的狀況,其實我們已經做了一些創新,尤其是我們特別強調科技的A至E,在這樣科技發展的趨勢之下,我們如何善用科技,讓地方創生可以達到預期的目的,我想這個部分也是我們跟日本比較不一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "另外一個,我們跟日本比較不一樣的是,日本有一個地方創生的法,但目前我們認為剛剛提到在策略計畫下的各項工作,也許不需要有一個專法,仍然可以推動。倒是實際上在各項創生計畫在推動的過程中,可能有一些我們現有法規需要去調適的部分,不管是我們要發展產業計畫,或者是很多空間要活化設計,不管是都市計畫的土地使用管理,甚至有一些稅賦,或者我們要做一些輕旅行,涉及到觀光旅遊時的發展條例,這些需要去做法規調適的部分,也是我們政府部門其實很重視的部分,需要加以解決,所以基本上我說明一下我們沒有專法推動,但是必要的法規調適、相關部門也會積極推動,我先做這樣的補充,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們因為要充分利用時間的關係,而且我們也知道大家隨時在LINE上都可以彼此交換意見,所以任何想要問問題的就直接按鈕、發問,遠端的朋友們想要問問題的話,我們可以測音訊是不是會動,但是比較快的方法是直接在LINE上附身在某人身上,然後請任何人幫忙問,這個也是很快的方法,我也不耽擱大家的時間,請大家儘量提問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果是關於簡報某一頁的話,提問的時候可以先說捲到第幾頁,這樣比較容易看,如果是整體的話就無所謂,請開始。" }, { "speaker": "韓定芳", "speech": "大家好,我有一點小建議,讓地方的人民自己有意識去參與跟改變,我覺得也是滿重要的。" }, { "speaker": "韓定芳", "speech": "我自己在帶高中生的經驗是這樣子的:大部分屏東的同學們可能高中畢業之後,很想做的事情就是趕快離開屏東這個家鄉,然後趕快到外面讀書,因為意識到在家鄉工作的機會相對比較少的,但是我看這個簡報,主要跟教育部結合的是從大學開始,我不知道是我理解上的問題,好像感覺從大學開始做教育這一件事,或者是把種子帶到大家心中的這一件事,我覺得可以再往下一點。" }, { "speaker": "韓定芳", "speech": "其實高中的時候畢業旅行,通常南部的學校畢業旅行一定要去北部,北部畢業旅行就一定要來南部,不知道自己家鄉有哪一些特色、哪一個地方好玩,老師們也不知道,是不是可以從這一些方向下去,然後慢慢來作紮根,我覺得也可以被考慮進去的一個選項,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "嚴天浩", "speech": "我想問一下,我看到一個在地推動者的部分,好像主要執行這個方案,想要問一下潛在創生試驗提案者,預計是從哪裡來的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "講一些頁碼,第幾頁?" }, { "speaker": "嚴天浩", "speech": "第22頁。我好奇的是潛在創生試驗提案者預計是從外部引入的還是扶植當地的人去成為這樣潛在創生試驗的提案者?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。看還有沒有其他的問題?" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "第11頁,也是執行主體跟通路。看起來不管是勞動部微型創業鳳凰貸款,或者是教育部高教深耕,看到是現有一些計畫。我現在舉例並不是針對某一個部會做得好或不好,像高教深耕,從那邊看到的是經費使用從源頭到學校端用途的末節,其實有時並不一定是好的,其實偶會看到一些學校的提案,並不是知識論的內容,而是變成學生跟教授與社區的「堆疊行為」,或許學術研究跟某個在地議題是有連結的,但是並不是真的去實質處理事情,還是大家只是在在地方找到一個題目?這是會看到的一些很具體的事情,倒不是教育部做不好,但這影響著國發會期望地方創生的執行面。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "例如,大家滿期待聯合國永續發展目標散在各部會的狀況,前陣子有公告一個報告與各部會指標,大家很失望,這部分等一下可以問Rich,各部會有做一些盤點,但只是把業務丟上去呈現,如何避免這件事,國發會的夥伴如何去確定,散在這一些各部會是真的有落實到盤根末節的地方,以地方創生為主軸,國發會可以對此更深思一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。有要補充的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "曾廣芝", "speech": "大家好,我主要是要針對第21頁鄉鎮市區為單元的這個部分來作一點補充,我瞭解這個其實是一個大方向的策略,但是提醒一個點是關於其中「原鄉」的部份。因為如簡報所示,這三種地區分類裡面,有一個是原鄉,其實原鄉的部分其實並不是說組成就一定只有原住民,但卻仍需要一起凝聚一個一樣的DNA。我們以其中的,列在優先名單裡面,而且前陣子有一些爭議的南投縣魚池鄉為例,在之前他們進行了一個表決,決定要脫離原住民鄉。" }, { "speaker": "曾廣芝", "speech": "因為他們跟邵族在文化上、一些發展上的想法都不相同甚至有衝突。以今天的簡報來說,因為提案要找到一個DNA,以魚池鄉為例,在這樣的情況下,他們會發展出怎麼樣的DNA?在地會有不同的脈絡,這個是實際上會遇到的有一點棘手的問題,事後實際執行時要討論看看如何跟原民會或者是哪一些單位來瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "曾廣芝", "speech": "以現在行政院東辦實際跟都蘭合作為例,會遇到的通常只要跟原鄉有關的,因為涉及傳統領域這個一般所謂漢人不熟悉的概念,或者需要空間運用的活化,都會有土地權屬等問題,相關的單位並不是原民會一個單位可以完善統整的,這個部分看 Fuyung 跟線上的Valagas會不會做一點補充。(對家豪)這個是cue你的意思。" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "我想要請問第28頁,在有納入優先推動區域跟沒有納入優先推動的區域,這中間的差異是什麼?沒有納入優先推動的區域,是不是比較沒有機會或者比較沒有資源,如果裡面有一些不錯的項目,他們想要參與地方創生的計畫,沒有納入優先推動的區域,是不是比較沒有機會或資源?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很好的問題。" }, { "speaker": "徐健智", "speech": "因為我本身在新竹峨眉做地方創生,從早期的農村再生、社區營造到現在已經在在地蹲點快十年的時間,我們其實遇到很大的問題是,在日本除了地方創生以外,還有地方協力隊跟故鄉稅,產業升級優化後要有後續計劃推廣產品,並且讓人才能夠實際進來。" }, { "speaker": "徐健智", "speech": "這個地方創生計劃主要的架構是產業、科技、人。但是在計劃面上,人的部分我沒有看到該計劃如何導入人進來,我說的是指經理人,可以寫計畫、有能力執行的這些人才,目前比較看到的是公務人員這一塊,也就是公部門的這一塊。" }, { "speaker": "徐健智", "speech": "要讓外面都市的人才到偏鄉,其實是牽涉到生活方式選擇的調整,這一件事對大多數的人來說是一個很大的困難,所以我建議希望有更多不管是人才或者是學生等相關配到可以到偏鄉活化或者是在地見學的機會或可能。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們這一輪是不是可以先回答?我覺得滿好的。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "謝謝,大家都問到很重要的問題。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "定芳謝謝,有特別提醒其實地方、社區意識很重要,其實我們特別提到一個地方創生能不能成功跟當地的人是不是可以瞭解到這個地方發展的一些危機,然後大家對於未來要推動,不管是願景或者是各項事業是不是有共識,我想意識跟共識其實是非常重要的。這個部分我大概先說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "定芳談到的問題是,我們現在對於地方的認識、愛家鄉及瞭解的部分能夠向下紮根,不要只從USR,我們列了這一張表,並不表示我們未來跟教育部的合作只是從大學開始,我們列的大學部分是談到我們希望運用其資源。我們知道如果一開始希望瞭解地方所謂DNA,然後希望透過共識會議的召開,對地方的願景有了一些共識,或者是對於未來的策略、事業計畫要能夠擬訂的話,如果以現在的鄉鎮自己的行政能力是不足的。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "我們的確需要有外力來協助,希望透過USR計畫,很多的大學帶老師、學生,可以就近當地協助,把剛剛的DNA找尋、願景擬訂,所以我們鎖定的是未來的資源可以運用,但是要改變人的教育向下紮根,我們其實應該要越來越好。所以我們之前在推地方創生時,在台北的一個案例,也就是三峽的甘樂文創,教育是從小學就開始,等於跟學校合作,讓他們有一些課外的課程,其實到甘樂文創的小學院裡面去,讓這一些小朋友從小瞭解家鄉,我想我們非常贊同,的確要從小開始。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "第二個部分天浩問潛在的提案者,到底誰是潛在的提案者,我們剛剛一直提到要全民社會的參與,所以我們談到的是產官學研社基本上都可以共同參與,所以產官學研社基本上每一個都是潛在的提案者,只是我們特別談到因為涉及到未來有一些政府資源的協助部分,我一定要透過行政部門,尤其我們盤點37項政府的計畫,我們focus的這一些資源,這些資源要下去的時候,很多都要經過政府部門,尤其我們有很多的項目,這裡面很多的項目是屬於公共建設計畫的資源,某種程度有一些特別的屬性,可能是要透過公部門來推動。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "我們有一個提案的窗口叫做鄉鎮或者是縣市政府,但是並不是只有鄉鎮可以提案,而是產官學研社都可以提案,所以並不是單獨提案就可以出來,還要經過剛剛提到的共識會議,就是鄉鎮都要有一個共識會議,產官學研社有一個共識之後提出來的計畫,所以每一個人都可以是潛在的提案者。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "偉翔有提到如何能夠確保這37項計畫的資源可以看到每一個細微的部分,我想這37個計畫,當時提出來了,每一個部會都有每個部會提出計畫要推動的目標、對象,每一個部會都有部會的業務需要去處理。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "基本上我們希望我們在不影響他們的業務之下,當然他們的業務跟我們相關,我們希望能夠配合我們地方創生,然後他們可能需要做一些調整。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "無論如何,我們也要求他們未來有一定的比例基本上是要控留下來,透過未來地方創生會報的工作平台核定一些計畫、經費。我們考量到今年創生元年提案的案子可能不會這麼充足,因此我們只從這裡面選擇了十項計畫來做控管,我們控管了10%,目前金額是34億,因此108年有34億的經費可以來推動地方創生計畫。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "而這些計畫未來只要創生工作會議平台通過案子,理論上我們就不再回各個部會的這些計畫審議程序,因為這一些計畫,報院核定的時候,都有一個遊戲規則,也就是補助或推動的目標,又或者是補助的這一些原則,基本上有一個委員會要審查。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "因為創生的事業計畫,在創生會報的審查通過之後,理論上已經審查過了,你想想看,未來的計畫在地方規劃過程中就有共識會議,共識會議是產官學研社都一起參與的。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "行政院創生會報的時候,相關部會、專家學者都是我們的委員,大家共同審完了,我們沒有必要再回去走個別計畫的程序,因此計畫在創生會報通過了,我們就不必審查,這個是未來如何跟資源去做整合的部分。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "廣芝的問題是有些過去的問題,像原民土地權屬的問題,都不是只有原民會單獨可以去處理的,我想我們也瞭解到我們這個計畫,過去在推社區總體營造、農村再生,都是單一個部會,就其部會業務執掌來推動這一項工作,就會有你剛剛提到的,像農委會推農村再生,涉及的部分可能有原民會、內政部土地的管理,又或者可能涉及到交通問題,可能又是交通部的,又或者是談到農村的一些小旅行,又涉及到觀光局交通部的,因此如果單一部會來推動,其實基本上有很多跨部會協調的部分,基本上相較是比較困難的。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "未來其實地方創生會報是跨部會的平台,所以在這一個平台的部分,像剛剛談到原民土地權屬的問題,涉及跨部會部分,可請國產署或者是內政部來協助,所以我們這邊談到的是地方創生,基本上是一個行政中央部會的整體整合計畫,因為院長在第二次創生會報裡面,也提到這個計畫並不是只有涉及到區域均衡發展,事實上也涉及到少子化,跟生生不息也有關係,因為希望每一個年輕人回鄉、有好的工作,至少在經濟無虞之下,也可以多多生小孩,也可以考慮到生活環境品質提升,然後,不管是教育、醫療,我們也適合做養育、生育或者是教育下一代,因此基本上也是對於生生不息有幫忙,這個是涉及到國家安全戰略的計畫。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "也特別責成各個部會一定要通力合作,因此這一次是中央部會整體的合作計畫,跟過去幾個計畫都是某一個單一的部會在推動的計畫,基本上是不一樣的,剛剛的問題是跨部會來處理的。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "智文這邊有提到優先地區跟非優先部分的差異,我想基本上優先地區的部分,大家都知道優先地區是人口降得很快,當然就是經濟相對是非常弱勢的地區,因此能力相對是比較不足的,因此這一個地方特別需要協助,所以我們會主動協助,因此134個,我們都會主動去認養,就是不管想不想做,我們無論如何都會在旁邊拉著他一起做,這個是我們的主動。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "至於非優先地區,像能力是比較足的,他們其實是有能力來提自己的計畫,只要是好的計畫提出來,我們一樣在資源上會協助,也許會有一點差異,因為非優先地區相對所謂能力比較足,財政可能也比較寬裕,所以我們在談到補助,像後來談到有很多計畫,因為剛剛37項計畫,其實都有涉及到地方的配合款,政府地方的配合款是要看每一個縣市的財政能力,所以有財政分級,按照不同的分級有不同配合款的比例。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "對於這一些優先推動的地區,因為各部會對於這一些資源、計畫都已經有一個補助比例的規定,我們大概認為如果一些很窮的鄉鎮,即使你的配合款只有5%,搞不好連5%的錢都拿不出來,所以對這一種地區,我們未來在考慮配合款可能會再減半;當然對優先地區是減半,對於非優先地區的財政能力也會比較強,也許就沒有這樣子的待遇,大概從所謂的主動、被動及未來配合款的部分,我們這兩個方向其實有一些差別。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "我們把資源——不管是財政資源或者是我們人力的資源——用在比較需要地區。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "後來健智提到日本的地方協力隊,我們有沒有?我們在第21頁裡面,其實我們不是只有公務人員,公務人員可能借調回去等於當作中央跟地方聯繫的窗口,當然本身那個借調人員也可以做很多專業的服務,但是很重要的是地方創生服務隊,而這個服務隊當中並不是只有政府部門,其實也包括企業等等,應該講說不管是NGO的部分,又或者是像各位如果大家有意願,其實都可以來做創生服務隊。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "基本上我們唯一沒有像日本的是,日本是如果有一個協力隊,你到地方去服務,會給你三年,三年之後你願意的話,還可以再給你一些,我們目前還沒有這樣子的配套,不過我們在這個部分,我們會用企業投資故鄉,希望企業能夠出錢、出力。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "當然企業出錢,也可以來,不管是社團,可以一起join這樣的服務隊,基本上我們也是有這一種服務隊。以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。非常感謝,因為線上也有朋友提問,廣芝剛才有一個子問題,剛剛沒有回答到,我就把這兩個併起來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "主要的問題是,因為我們瞭解這個是隨到隨審的情況,等於服務隊去教大家如何辦共識會議,辦了共識會議之後,產官學研社提出一個DNA,然後會報就討論了,沒有一定要5月或7月或11月的問題,這個是最大的差別。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是剛才的子問題是,在原鄉也許產官學研社討論完之後,提的DNA可能跟族人關係不大,或者反過來講,這個審核還不錯,但是族人又提了一個,可能一個區域有好幾個DNA,這樣我們在審議機制裡面是不是有考慮到這樣的情況?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Valagas委員的意思是,在原鄉的部分,農委會就現成的是有各縣市政府的原住民處,他建議是不是可以召集原住民的鄉鎮公所,因為諮詢會議跟審查計畫,由下而上的部分,通常是在原鄉是有原住民朋友參與,這樣是比較好的。好比像原住民籍身分的委員,不管是青諮委,或者是關心原住民地方創生,又或者任何在現行行政機制裡面,就已經是原住民族參與的朋友,是不是有可能讓他們參與更多一些,這個是我們被劃成原鄉,即使是平地人的提案,這兩個提議是非常類似的。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "其實地方創生服務隊,我們不會是主角,既然是服務隊,我們去協助,因此還是要有地方當地,不管是剛剛提到的一些居民,他們其實是最主要的主體,或者是鄉鎮公所是主體。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "所以理論上剛剛提到,像原本服務隊做了一個建議,如果當地的原住民朋友沒有辦法認同,基本上對我們來講是沒有共識的。提出來的各項計畫當中,我們看到的是你要有共識會議的紀錄,共識會議要召開其實就要有在地的產官學研社,都要能夠參與。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以一個地方一案,一個鄉鎮是一案?" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "未來是一個地方創生計畫,像我們今天就以剛剛提到的都蘭,都蘭是不是在豐濱?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在台東。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "是在花蓮?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "豐濱鄉。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "是長濱還是豐濱?一個在花蓮。如果是長濱鄉的話,會提一個長濱鄉的地方創生計畫,這個創生計畫的內涵,第一個告訴我們的是DNA是什麼,第二個是要談到未來希望把長濱發展的願景是什麼,我們主要的願景提到的是叫做人口,第三個部分是我為了要達到願景,我需要推動的各項創生計畫……不好意思,我們應該講創生試驗提案。我們為了要區別計畫跟提案,一整個計畫叫做地方創生計畫,而這個計畫當中包含了DNA,這個計畫要包括未來的願景,還有你為了達到願景各項策略或者是事業計畫的提案。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "當然,你還要附剛剛講共識會議的紀錄,這樣一套完整的就叫做「地方創生計畫」,因為我們要確定的是,並不是你今天提一個事業提案上來,我們要看到的是一個比較完整的,就是我的願景,我要達成願景之下,我要推動的試驗計畫不會只有一個。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "像我們剛剛提到,我們把資源分兩大類,一類是跟直接提供就業機會有關的那一種所謂的試驗,另外一類是生活環境品質有關的,因為你在地城鄉,所以我們的總體策略當中,是不是可以提到總體策略那一頁?未來的策略有兩種,一個是工作跟人的良性循環,也就是人要有工作,所以直接跟優化地方產業、提供就業機會有關的策略,在這個策略之下的各項事業提案。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "另外一類,等於是要支持良性循環的一個城鎮的多元化,也就是人跟工作是第一步,人有了工作,然後這個城鎮才可以活下來,這個城鎮才可以長大,城鎮的品質其實很重要,所以第二類是有關於鄉鎮都市的相關建設,所以未來的創生事業計畫可能是有第一類,就是就業有關的,第二類是有關城鎮環境品質,第三類可能是我怎麼樣去鏈結品牌,又或者是去鏈結國際。未來整個人口是在減少的,整個經濟的動能是不能靠國內經濟的活動,還是需要有一些外來,尤其是國際觀光客,這樣才能支持相關產業的發展,所以這個部分是第三類。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "剛剛講創生事業的提案會有這三大類,因此不會只有一個個案,一定是有很多的創生。過去大家想到一個小提案就提,我們希望在整體剛剛提到的,也就是回到DNA,base在這個願景之下,然後提出來比較完整的事業提案,這整個加起來才是我們的計畫,也就是地方創生計畫,這整個加起來是地方創生的計畫。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "剛剛提到我的社團、學員跟企業,其實在這個過程中其實就要一直共同參與。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我重述一遍我聽到的,第一個會有非常多的事業提案,但是他們是一個共通的願景造成的,如果一個地方沒有辦法形成一個共通的願景,自然也沒有辦法提事業的提案,因為你提事業提案的時候,你要先回去說我們當年的產官學研社共識會議的共同願景是什麼,只要當地不管是原住民族朋友或者是其他的朋友,還覺得這個並不是我們的共識,我們跟DNA沒有共識情況的話,就沒有辦法走到事業提案的這一步,所以是每一個鄉鎮市區這兩階段作業是不能跳過的,沒有辦法說我先試試看做一個事業提案做某一個部分,這個是不可能的,一定要先把地方願景做完。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這裡面當然參與的部分,就像剛剛委員的提醒一樣,當然在原鄉的話,如果沒有原住民族朋友的共識,這邊也不會認為他是共識,這樣滿清楚的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看第二輪大家有沒有什麼想要詢問的?" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我是很標準的天龍人,但是我爺爺來自於南方澳的漁港,我一直在想說身為孫子第三代如何讓漁村改變,我非常想回去改變什麼,只是我大部分的時間是在國外,只要回台灣都會開車回去看看。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我從這個計畫來想,如果我自己是想參與這個計畫的人,我可能會遇到一個很大的阻礙在一開始,第一個想法就是我如何與漁民們達成共識?" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "第二,以我比較多時間在海外,以網路業來講,我們常常在講創新,有時候是指破壞式的創新,漁業在南方澳是很重要的產業,先前我帶了非常多的外國人去南方澳走走看看,很多人都說這裡可以做網路創業。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "於是當這個想法套到這個計畫中,我發現可能有點難,要如何讓蘇澳鎮公所的大家,甚至是在地的人瞭解我的願景,我的願景如果沒有辦法跟真正在地的人達成共識,但我卻有能力把外國人,像我們這樣的國際團隊帶來這個漁村,是不是我們就難以與在地的人達成共識並參與地方創生計畫。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "除了剛剛提到的共識外,另外我在思考的就是所謂的DNA,以我爺爺來自南方澳為例,他的DNA跟我的DNA應該不一樣,我個人的DNA來自我爺爺,但是我的求學跟我的產業的DNA並不來自於這個漁村,但是我想要讓這個漁村更好。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "在整個過程中,我一直在思考,如果我們是要讓年輕人不一定集中在都市,是可以到另外一個地方,但是南方澳對我來講是爺爺的家,我也是外來的,因為我並不是在南方澳長大,因此我擔心在這個計畫我似乎幫不太上忙,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不急著回答,我們統問統答。" }, { "speaker": "徐健智", "speech": "我想要問一個問題,其實地方有一個很大的問題,地方的派系是非常嚴重的,如果要得到一個具體的共識,如果沒有很強耕耘在那邊的話,其實是困難的。" }, { "speaker": "徐健智", "speech": "另外,其實可以參考木下齊日本的地方創生,其中有提到不需要爭取全部人的同意,有幾個基本共識可以做就去做,另外還有很大的部分是用經營的角度來看地方創生的這一件事,像是在地有不動產權的人,因為這個地方提升,不動產權的人可以當作獲利,不一定要經過大家的共識,這個是一個可以思考的點。" }, { "speaker": "徐健智", "speech": "我第一輪提到的問題是,其實並不是這個服務團隊的部分,因為大部分的服務團隊會像過去經營顧問團隊,他們只是來這個地方跟你聊一個小時就走了,這個問題依然存在,你也得不到,但是可以寫出很多報告,但是你講說一點關聯都沒有,因此我希望的是能夠讓學生或者是這一些人才,他們其實是有長時間在那邊,才可以接觸到那裡。" }, { "speaker": "徐健智", "speech": "其實很多地方創生好的案例都不是在地人,都是外地人,因此這一個我希望可以再強化一點,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "何明原", "speech": "雖然不是歸類在宜蘭優先推動區域裡面,我們講說台塑在宜蘭龍潭湖旁邊的廠區做一個類似餐飲、觀光的地方,我們現在實際上遇到的狀況是,我們不屬於台塑,而是幾個公司,我們想要投入到那一塊,反而可以繁榮一下。" }, { "speaker": "何明原", "speech": "雖然歸類在礁溪鄉跟宜蘭市的礁溪,其實是很偏遠的地方,是靠近山區了,大家知道龍潭其實基本上沒有太多的人口,龍潭有view,但是沒有發展的觀光產業。我們會遇到在那邊要推動,路很小條,你帶了很多人進來,有遊覽車進來、人進來之後,居民不高興了,居民覺得你破壞了原本的寧靜生活,他們開始會有一些不高興的意見出來,也開始會用紐澤西護欄用堆土機堆出來,不讓大家經過。" }, { "speaker": "何明原", "speech": "我們要的東西是想要把經濟繁榮帶起來,把人再拉回來,但是他們想要的是寧靜的生活,不要打擾到原本的生活型態。對於企業來說,我們剛剛看到一些東西,第一步要考慮的是如果投資,什麼時候可以把錢賺回來?我們大家都可以理解前期的投資會有一些虧損,虧損虧多久可以賺錢?但是當這個情況是要一直跟地區溝通,不知道哪一天會有結果的時候,大家就會卻步,不知道卻步多久,然後錢就不願意投進去。" }, { "speaker": "何明原", "speech": "第一個是想要把人口拉回來,我們在這一個區域的時候,很多員工也有羅東、南澳、員山鄉的,其實最主要如果想要把人口拉回來,有必要侷限到這麼小塊的地方嗎?因為其實大家在工作上不過是在這個地方工作就住在這個村裡面或者是鄉裡面,也許是隔壁或者是附近的地方。" }, { "speaker": "何明原", "speech": "我們講回來,更現實的是年輕人想要回家,你帶著小孩回來,你在這邊要成家立業,你會選擇住老的房子或者是選擇去住比較有開發、新一點的房子,這個建案推了一次,相對是少的,我要等到什麼時候有新的建案建起來,或者是要自己花時間買一塊地、建地申請,然後再通過,我覺得這個可能都要考慮進去的部分,並不是要縮小到這麼小的區塊。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "大家好,我是陳昱築,我知道一個計畫的推動,我相信的是元年,是不是在整個地方創生的事業提案,處長你們已經有挑了一些對象,可以作為是一個未來的亮點展示,因為我覺得這一件事滿重要的,才會讓更多人知道對這個真的是有信心的,這個是政策上的面向。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "第二,因為像偉翔有提到,日本政府是SDG,底下所有的省、政策都會跟SDG綁在一起,所以後來日本政府都會弄一個SDG的獎、SDG的優先推動城市,就會給他們額外更多的補助款,這一件事有沒有辦法在臺灣?某種程度上也可以試行看看,假如第一批選擇這一些亮點的地方創生事業體推動的這些人,有這一些額外政府的肯定,我覺得民間企業的投入,就會像唐政委在推Buying Power一樣,民間企業的投入就會更多。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "第三,其實在座很多的委員們,大家都是在地方創生界裡面小有名氣,像我隔壁的阿彭是在頭城,像處長您剛剛提到如果要提一個地方創生事業體的提案,必須是要全方位,像有這麼多的利害關係人,但是我想說像阿彭要面對多少人、派系,然後在國發會底下還有一個地方創生的創投基金,像阿彭的單位才有辦法申請,或者是一定要向利害關係人整合之後才有辦法申請地方創生的創投基金?像阿彭、君薇,他們在很多地方都在做這一件事,我不知道什麼方法可以搞定這麼多人,我覺得這個對年輕人來說是很嚴肅的話題。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "第四,地方創生有包含這一些像科技導入的這一些基礎建設,這個是不是跟前瞻基礎建設是有重疊的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是城鄉的部分。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "對,是要如何跟民眾溝通,因為媒體輿論都把基礎建設這一件事談好,但是批了一頓,現在如果又推地方創生政策,是不是有另外的說法,這個東西是不是有什麼樣的整合,可以產生什麼樣的效益,如果臺灣的青年都沒有感的話,我覺得這一件事是很恐怖的事情,因此在政策溝通上是有什麼更好的方法,像在座的青年委員們都是地方創生的宣傳大使之外,還有多少人認識這個政策。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看一下第二輪。" }, { "speaker": "林家豪", "speech": "我這邊有一些想法,像第5頁有提到,針對原住民地區有劃分48個優秀的推動地區,因為剛剛前面委員提了滿多的,其實政府對於原鄉這一塊有什麼期待,很多人在講要讓人回去,其實在原鄉,我是原住民,我住台中和平,但是我來北部已經快要二十年了。" }, { "speaker": "林家豪", "speech": "如同前面所說的,問我是不是天龍國的人,我想要原鄉發展一些事情的話,其實還有一些阻力,不管是派系或者是什麼,都好。" }, { "speaker": "林家豪", "speech": "要回歸一個問題,是讓誰回去?是讓原住民回去嗎?族人回去嗎?其實廣芝也有提到,在原住民地區來講,很多原住民的人數反而是少的,像烏來,其實原住民的人數並沒有比漢民族還多,其實我們回去是要誰回去?我們回去是能做什麼?這個是很大的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林家豪", "speech": "我想提的是既然地方創生是國家策略的戰略計畫,是不是有相關的法案要去推動?像剛剛提到地方創生未來是不是有法案,我也滿期待的。像原住民近期來講,我思考到很多,我們在原鄉思考到前置空間是不是可以拿出來作創生的基礎,就空間來講好了,像原住民有很多的地,有很多拿過來作營地,露營法可能還沒有很完整,但是要推動地方產業、要讓人回去,這很多要思考,因此法案的部分也要通過。" }, { "speaker": "林家豪", "speech": "針對像房子,過去都是大家族,可能十個人、二十個人住都不是問題,像有一些少子化的原因,青年到都會就業,所以其實留在原鄉的人是少的,但是空房是多的,但是閒置的空間想要讓它變成民宿是不行的、不合法的,因此在民宿法上可能也會有一些考量。" }, { "speaker": "林家豪", "speech": "像原民會也有推動接待家庭,但是那個量是非常小的,因此我覺得像法案既然是策略的戰略計畫,是不是連這個法案都要通過。像剛剛簡報的同仁在第20頁也有提到合作,之前有提到合作社,但是簡報人員有提到合作社,因此耳朵有亮了一下,我本身是經營合作社的。" }, { "speaker": "林家豪", "speech": "跟大家講一個想法,像合作社要生存,尤其是在地方創生這一塊是非常困難的,前一陣子我有去盤點,像合作社要申請一些資源,其實是非常困難的,像經濟部中小企業處有一些貸款方式,但是直接詢問中小企業處的回應是合作社不在此限、不在這個範圍內,因此合作社要自己想辦法,因此合作社在這一塊是非常困擾的。因此在這一件事上來講,我希望可以支持。" }, { "speaker": "林家豪", "speech": "其實在推動原鄉這一塊來講,大家會想到科技這一塊可以直接支持到地方產業改革或者是創新之類的,但是真正在執行資訊業務的是誰?其實像我們自己是做資訊的,我來介入,其實在很多單位是在圖利自己,因為我們就是做資訊的,所以其實做的人很困擾,但是真的要思考的是,像這樣資訊的人才要怎麼樣培養?" }, { "speaker": "林家豪", "speech": "我再舉一個例子,像中小企業處給原民會有一個子計畫,就是「百萬創業夢‧在地原鄉心」,這三年內有57支團隊順利地產生,每一個團隊可以給他100萬的資金,但是我查過這57支沒有一個是資訊團隊,因此非常可惜。我說像資訊這一塊來講,應該是要怎麼樣去協助這一些團隊,並不是沒有,我們自己經營資訊很多。" }, { "speaker": "林家豪", "speech": "但是地方政府很多,他們認為這個是我們產業自己的問題,我覺得應該要思考為什麼沒有?並不是我們不來申請,而是為什麼這樣子的機關是沒有的,我覺得既然是策略計畫,我覺得有這幾點想要跟大家分享。" }, { "speaker": "嚴天浩", "speech": "我有一個小小想法,基本上我剛剛提了一個,誰來提案的這一件事,然後還有講到產官學研大家都可以來提案。我反而會想問為何要提案?為何要到一個地方提案?對我有什麼好處?又或者是意義在哪裡?因為我們目前瞭解到很多單位,像是我們最近要去服務的甘樂文創,這一些單位很有趣,這些在地做的很好、單位都不是在地人做的,就不是在地原始做出來的,而是外面的人把這一些資訊帶回去做出來,所以這一些成功的case都是從外地回去的,我反而會看這一件事,也就是如何讓這些人才回去,其實他們扛的責任很大,因為這個基本上是一個創業計畫,這些人為何要回去?" }, { "speaker": "嚴天浩", "speech": "一種是因為感情,像剛剛講到曾經是當地人離開了,但對家鄉有感情,所以願意回來;或是USR,因為在當地唸書,我們在服務台東那邊,很多都不是台東人,而是北部過去的,他們因為在那邊有感情,所以留下來。因此在地很多單位,我們自己看到的是,這一些人會留在當地,一種是有感情。" }, { "speaker": "嚴天浩", "speech": "另一種像我們會去找甘樂,並不是跟三峽有感情,而是因為這一個牌子讓我們看到三峽有人在做這件事情,或是像善導書院或者是孩子的書屋,他們的品牌足以把外地的人吸回去,而這一些品牌其實也在當地開始推動地方創生。" }, { "speaker": "嚴天浩", "speech": "地方創生會不會不一定要以區公所為單位,而是從在地的社群出發,像甘樂文創這一個社群care一個在地的議題,或者像台東孩子的書屋,在知本那一塊care某一個議題,基於這一個議題,可能從這一些單位開始合作,從這些地方往外擴散來做,讓地方能夠有足夠的成功典範,讓更多人才願意回到地方,是不是有可能的一件事?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一輪可能先到這裡,最後一個。" }, { "speaker": "洪梓容", "speech": "我自己在看地方創生案子的時候,其實好像大部分都是文創的案子,但是我覺得並不是每一個地方都需要去發展成一個觀光地,可能有其特殊產業可以發展,但目前看起來好像大家回去經營一個文創或者是法人去觀光,我想這一些輔導的服務隊,有沒有辦法服務他們適合當地特色的產業,並不是每個人都要做老街、文創之類的,有沒有相關的輔導資源可以幫助這一些地方。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK,這可能是之前設計翻轉的情況。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "謝謝大家給我們很多很寶貴的意見。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "有一些問題我們可能都有思考過,可是也許有一些問題不是我們現在能夠完全回答的,當然我們有一個比較理想的方向,那個叫做努力的方向,也許我們同意,其實在過程中,一定不會像我們想像得這麼美好,尤其在第二輪,大家很關心的是社區的共識,的確,其實我們知道這個地方是非常複雜的,有各個力量、派系。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "您可能認為對地方的發展是好的,可是當地的人覺得現在人很少、很好、也很安靜,所以每一個族群的需求,基本上是不一樣的,所以我們談的共識,我們只能說不可能有一個絕對的共識,這個世界上要拿共識是多難啊!所以我想說我們是最大的公約數,不好意思,也許政委可以有更好的建議。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "我們剛剛談到有一些共識,當然提上來的時候,我們在審查是要有共識,但是這個東西其實會權衡,如果大家認為這個計畫是很棒的計畫、很值得支持的計畫,即使沒有叫做百分之百的共識,大家覺得這個計畫是好的,我覺得依然是可以去支持的,所以其實我們可以不斷地去滾動,然後往前推。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "其實最主要彥嘉提到的是,您有所謂的科技導入,也許完全是跟當地的DNA基本上是沒有關係的,其實我們也一直在強調,當然如果你今天的這個產業是源自於你這個地方的DNA,基本上沒有其他的地區可以模仿的,因為每一個地方都有其獨特所謂的自然、文化及歷史,這部分並不是別的地區可以去模仿的。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "我們也特別強調所謂科技的導入,所謂科技的導入是我們其實認為還是有一些DNA可以去創造出來的,如果今天科技的導入可以加上地方的DNA,這真的叫做所向無敵,因為沒有人可以複製。即使今天只有科技的導入,但沒有DNA做基礎,當然這部分我們也覺得其實也ok,像剛剛提到德島的神山町,基本上現在開的是一個網路公司,然後回鄉,其實跟地方的DNA沒有什麼關係,但是因為用科技的導入,讓所謂在local直接鏈結到國際、東京跟全球,所以這個科技導入的部分,我覺得跟DNA沒有關係,這個部分也是ok的。當然並不是絕對一定是這樣子的。只是這個東西可以隨時移動的,像今天只是全部只有科技,主人也許搬到另外一個地方,也有可能,或者是複製在其他的地方,如果今天是DNA再加上科技的導入,這個DNA是搬不走的,但是並不表示只有科技的導入來製造遠距的工作,我想都可以的,但是我們更希望每一個地方能夠把自己的DNA找出來。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "剛剛健智也有特別提到很多的服務團隊,如果大家只是去那邊,過去很多都是顧問團隊,接一個案子,一年之後就再見了,只是去那邊做面試、訪談一下,其實並不是,我們要的是蹲點,我剛剛有提到我們不認為第一年會有很多案子出來,因為很多東西是要蹲點的,但是為什麼我們今年還是有匡預算?因為我們相信創生元年並不是今年才開始,像政委剛剛告訴很多朋友在地方已經做創生很久了,因此基本上我們不是從0開始,所以為什麼我們今年還是一樣有經費,甚至今年年底也會辦一個地方創生的博覽會,我們會有創生的大賞、博覽會,我們會在花博館,會有這樣子的活動。明年我們也會去日本,然後跟日本的地方創生PK,因為我們國內也有一些成功的案例。剛剛梓容也有提到,是不是只有文創?因為我們過去幾年,我們是用設計翻轉、地方創生,其實地方創生是有幾個面向,我們剛剛有提到要有科技力來提升生產力,但是我們很多創業、創新,我們還是要有一些創意,你要有創意、創新才能創業,但是設計力的導入只是其中一環,所以我們現在談到的是全面推動地方創生。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "我們過去幾年都叫做「先導計畫」,我們只是從某一個角度切入、設計力的角度切入地方創生,我們看到是全方位,所以並不是文創的產業,主委有一直談到的,也不是每一個地方搞觀光,有些地方不見得跟觀光有關係,像剛剛提到德島神山町,或者是延續所謂科技產業,這不一定是觀光的,我們談到的是各個可能,當然是base在地方的DNA,或者是新創的DNA,不一定是舊的DNA,但是是一個新創的DNA。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "然後提到的是,我們說回鄉,跟剛剛家豪都有關係,其實如果回鄉,那個是我的故鄉,也可以,剛剛提到透過USR的計畫,我們希望USR的計畫能夠就近服務,讓當地的大學生參與,並不是台北的臺灣大學跑去,去年是基隆的海洋大學,USR計畫做到東港,那麼遠做了一年卻說不要來了,第二年就放棄了,基本上我們是鼓勵在地的大學、在地的服務。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "我們另外一個目的是,希望年輕的學生因為在這個地方long stay四年,之後他瞭解這個地方、喜歡這個地方,未來願意畢業後繼續留在這個地方,因為我知道花東很多年輕人去唸東華大學、台東大學會繼續在花東,在這麼好的環境品質,你要有工作,要有城鄉機能及環境品質的部分,其實是很重要的。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "USR的部分,我們期許他們、希望他們可以協助我們的是一開始所謂的蹲點、一開始的盤點或者是共識會議,相信那要很多時間的溝通,也許我們一開始有一些新的idea,我們要花很多的時間去說服地方的人,一定要談很久,才能談出一個結果。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "我們沒有天真到認為今年1月1日開始做,年底就可以出來,我們相信能出來的案子,都已經是各位很多人在地方已經談很久、long stay出來,已經cook出來差不多的東西,我們只是做最後把各部會的資源來整合之後,把這一件事更往前、更快速推動。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "剛剛明原有提到企業投資故鄉,這大概是第一次提到企業投資故鄉,我大概說明一下,像我們知道到東部去做說明會的時候,很多原鄉的朋友,他們對企業投資故鄉,其實是很反感的,因為他們認為很多企業進去原鄉都是剝奪他們的資源,所以像很多溫泉都是蓋大旅館,都是財團可以蓋大旅館,因此我們這邊談到的企業投資故鄉,其實真正的用意是企業去認養故鄉。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "我是這邊的人,我事業有成了,我有資金、技術,可以基於故鄉的感情,我是無回饋的,也就是不是要求企業的投報率的心態,不管是出錢或者是出力來協助其故鄉,不管是既有的產業或者是年輕要回去新創的產業,因此這個部分談的是故鄉的感情、談的是企業的社會責任所推行的各項計畫,可以用捐錢的。我們可以說除了捐錢之外,很多大企業有成的公司,其實還有很多的know how。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "剛剛提了幾個主委之前很努力遊說企業要回鄉投資,其實有好幾個企業,宜蘭的部分、安永科技等他們也會去認養地區,跟我們之前設計翻轉、地方創生的九條好漢在一斑的年輕人會去協助他們,這個一個例子。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "另外一個例子是中小企業總會的李育家董事長與李成家董事長,他們也願意回鄉去投資,有滿多這樣的例子,其實他們不是談到所謂的投報率。他剛剛也有提到創生的區塊,其實我們也不認為區塊太小,沒有什麼意義,就像剛剛講的,不一定要住在創生的地區。所以剛剛政委為什麼一開始來,有提到我們的封面,也就是Regional Revitalization,雖然我們是以鄉鎮為單位,但是並不是只以鄉鎮為單位,其實很多鄉鎮如果只靠這個鄉鎮來服務所有我們剛剛所講的工作或者是生活的fuction,一個小小的鄉鎮單元其實是沒有辦法滿足的,因此我們談到的是要以一個區塊為概念的地區,我們其實滿鼓勵的是鄉鎮之間所謂跨域的合作。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "就像浪漫台三線,這一種其實是以一個所謂議題主軸發展的創生計畫,但是再怎麼樣,每一個地區其實資源的特色,尤其是像我們很多的偏鄉,真的只靠他本身資源的條件,因為很多地方真的是你講不出來,他資源的特色在哪裡,這一種地方怎麼辦?所以我們分三類當中就有一類是叫做中介,因為他有一定的規模,介於都市跟農鄉漁村中間,可以作為中介的城市,可以由他來媒合周邊地區,然後來形成一個創生的計畫。這個部分就是所謂跨域的部分,剛剛提到縣府的角色很重要,因為這個部分是跨鄉鎮。剛剛昱築有提到創生元年是不是有一些對象,跟各位講,我們過去幾年用設計翻轉的角度,我們也有一些案子,那個是單方面,但是我們很快可以把它全面推動。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "另外一個部分,我們也有從區域的角度,我們會開始推,像就原民的部分,我們會在花東,從豐濱、長濱、玉里那附近有一塊地區,原民的部落會跨區域的創生規劃,因為除了個別之外,也有很多事業計畫其實是跨鄉鎮的。同樣的,我們主要的創生地區是在東部跟中南部,所以我們在高雄,也有一個區塊,我們在屏東也有區塊,在雲林也有一些,由上而下的,我們是從區域的聯合,去輔導並幫他們做串聯跟整合,我們會是這樣子的方式。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "剛剛也有提到的閒置空間,也就是法規的調適,地區法規的調適其實很重要,因為日本的地方創生,其實搭配另外一個是國家戰略特區,所以法規的調適是非常非常地重要,我剛剛也有提到法規調適已經有初步的盤點了,像有土地部分要鬆綁的,像你剛剛講國有的,還有剛剛講的原民土地鬆綁,就像我剛剛提到的,我們很多偏鄉並不是看山就是看海的地方,過去因為所謂交通不方便,一個地方能不能發展,location非常重要。那個地方是因為交通的因素,當然某種程度像花東有交通因素,但是在資源有一些特色,這個時候其實基本上對這些地方創生是樂觀的,因為我們認為現在的科技其實可以突破過去所謂的location的限制,因此基本上對地方創生是抱著很樂觀的態度去推動的。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "但是無論如何要讓它發展,現有的國土計畫,這一些地方有些是限制發展地區,某種程度已經限制他的發展,未來怎麼樣在剛剛提到的環境永續,在承載環境的條件之下,讓他們有一些所謂的發展機會,這部分其實在法規調適會來處理的。包括很多閒置空間的盤點,我們現在會給各鄉鎮做DNA的SOP,包括我的資源、現有閒置空間的調查,一個閒置空間,不管是新創產業、產業發展的基地及空間,這一些都是我們資源盤點的一環。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "只是閒置空間運用的部分,會涉及到權屬問題,可能是土地允許使用,地目是否符合的這一些問題,也就是所謂土地彈性的一些配套也是我們法規調適很重要的一部分。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "還有剛剛談到涉及到觀光、民宿,這一些相關的相關法令配套,其實已經盤點有一定的數量,但是隨著我們到各地去說明,我們國發會並不是對所有的問題都完全能夠瞭解,我們當然每一次的說明會、座談會,都收獲很多,我們跟各位的座談也會知道地方實際上發展有很多問題,我們相關的一些所謂法規的調適,其實一直都在滾動、處理。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "剛剛也有提到一個問題,談到跟數位建設,這個是昱築。這邊也有提到科技導入跟前瞻建設之間不要重複,我想我們不會重複的,作為一個資源整合的單位,因為國發會負責審國家的公共建設預算,我們也負責審社會發展的計畫,當然科技預算是在科技部,尤其是在前瞻有總控管,因此對資源重複的部分,我想謝謝提醒,我們一定會避免。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "我要特別講的是,前瞻數位建設其實是我們的基礎,是我們剛剛講的科技導入的基礎,還好我們現在有一個前瞻計畫,可以把所謂基礎的部分藉著前瞻計畫,不管是寬頻建設或者是民生公共物聯網或者是行動支付,又或者是剛剛提到很多地方的人可能資訊、人力不足,但其實我們這一次藉著前瞻數位建設,其實可以把這個基礎建構,如果沒有這個建構,我們也不敢奢望前面所講的科技導入,這一輪就這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我就把它這一輪問完,包含網路上跟剛才可能比較沒有提到的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為設計翻轉您剛剛說是一個先導的計畫,但是我們知道是有一個SOP。所以那個等於退場,也就是折進這裡面嗎?" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "新的也會有一個類似的SOP嗎?" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "對,我們現在是有兩個示範點在進行,我們希望結束之後就有SOP,但是我們覺得可能等不及,所以我們可能近期內國發會現在開始從QA整理……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "類似常見問答集?" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "或者是整個流程、提案的過程,我們會把它寫得更詳細,都會放在我們的網站上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "類似前瞻基礎建設那樣子,也就是細部論述出來之前,先有一個問答集?" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "滿好的。我們現在瞭解到所謂的共識其實是粗略共識,簡單來講是你做這一件事,地方不會來拆你台,到這個程度就可以了,英文是consent,就是不一定要到consensus的這樣程度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個consent,意思是確認確實大家都不反對等等,我們剛剛也有聽到中央公務人員也會進來幫忙,不管透過借調或者是透過支援等等的方法。所以這個判定是回來這邊,我們看共識會議紀錄判定嗎?或者是這邊的公務員回鄉,在那邊做當地現場判定?這兩個不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像Valagas也有提到像中央的公務員,包含國發會在內,中央各部會的公務人員回去認養故鄉,那是攜家帶眷嗎?配偶、小孩等等這一些部分的配套程度,會有多高呢?Valagas問到的第二個部分,很多執行USR或者是唸博士、碩士到一個程度,他也很自然會產生認同……這部份您有回過了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以主要是對公務員在這裡面各種角色的提問。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "公務人員回鄉的部分跟服務隊也不太一樣,因為剛剛公務人員的回鄉,就像我們之前中興新村,人事總處這邊也有對公務人員做調查,問問看有沒有意願要回中興新村服務,結果我們公務人員有八千多人表達他們有意願,等於總處會有一個這樣子的平台。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "未來這一個地方,也就是人力資源是總處會成立一個平台,讓有意願要回去的公務人員可以去登記。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好比像宿舍,人事行政總處會解決?" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "不一定。當時中興新村本身有很多宿舍,所以中興新村的安排是有這樣的配套,現在要回每一個鄉鎮,我覺得宿舍安排會很困難,因為我們很多的偏鄉,基本上都是有所謂的房子,基本上是空的。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "謝謝提醒,我們未來會跟人總討論、鄉鎮市討論,未來人家要回去服務,也許我們可不可以怎麼樣去協助。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "很重要的是,我們徵求的是,其實是公務人員回鄉,基本上因為回自己的家,理論上宿舍問題相對來講沒有那麼嚴重。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好的,這很清楚,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有網友表示,我就不講名字了,聽起來地方創生比較像「國家級的地方創業加速器」(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "尤其剛才的解釋,並不是讓大企業蓋溫泉旅館,而是讓在地的這一些idea有互相情感企業透過社會,也就是第8頁的狀態去加以加速,這樣子聽起來部會的資源跟國發會調動的資源,其實是滿標準像加速器那樣,也就是第14頁的那一個pipeline。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣子大家比較可以瞭解到,雖然這是全新的模式,但並不是打破原有的結構,而是本來一直在第一階段或者是第二階段,你的利害關係人一直是左下角的參與者,現在等於是國發會採用隨到隨審的方式,很容易把第三、四階段的資源加進來,這樣子看可能比較清楚。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "我是不是可以再補充一下?一般我們要做事業的話,我們自己要知道去哪裡找資源,我要把各部會的資源都要搞清楚了,我才知道。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "以後就要做媒合資源的事,就交給創生平台,我們不用自己找每一個部會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不用每一年寫好幾份計畫書?" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "對,我知道很多事業會跟很多部會申請,以後這一個平台會來做資源的媒合。像剛剛講的那37個的計畫,很多大概都是審議的計畫,所以我們只要說這個計畫一拿來,我們就會按照這個屬性,哪一個部會應該出來協助、幫忙,我覺得其實做了這樣的整合。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "另外一個部分,我們希望年輕人回鄉,但是我們想說還是希望有一些人是新故鄉也可以,有一些地方可能是叫做地緣,有一些部分是血緣,有些地方是有其他的結緣,因為某件事情跟那個地方結緣了,因此有各種可能,是故鄉或者是新故鄉都可行。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「日久他鄉是故鄉」(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後一輪,如果大家有想問的,請踴躍提出來。" }, { "speaker": "彭仁鴻", "speech": "處長好,我自己是去年執行國發會設計翻轉育成的團隊。" }, { "speaker": "彭仁鴻", "speech": "其實剛才聽完大家非常專業的建議之後,如果假設未來臺灣人口減少的情況之下,不管是各地的公共產業或者是相關的人潮,國旅人口減少的情況之下,國際客這一塊如何進來?" }, { "speaker": "彭仁鴻", "speech": "不管是不是在平地、山地、老街、漁村、農村,我們是在思考這一塊如何進來?尤其是在國際客的這一塊,我把對象分成兩個區塊,第一個已經回到家鄉第一線在執行的創生團隊,第二塊是即將要投入,或者是已經即將要回去,就是可能是在地的,也有可能不是在地的。" }, { "speaker": "彭仁鴻", "speech": "我想像如果我們是第一項已經回到家鄉第一線的這個團隊,我就想像是在地的創生事業,可能會扮演的是平台的角色,比如今天我們的明原或者是彥嘉要回到宜蘭來好了,剛好跟在地的local團隊對接,就會幫他介紹,也就是可以去找誰等等之類的,有點像觸媒平台的感覺,因此會碰到的是島內移民,你也可能去連結本身既有在地已經很熟悉的網絡,所以新舊鎮民、縣民間的部分,就會是很重要的角色。" }, { "speaker": "彭仁鴻", "speech": "所以在這一件事的情況之下會分成幾個面向來看?像剛剛講到國家級的地方創生加速器,我覺得也滿對的,像第一個是法規的問題,其實像唐政委跟其他的委員都有提到,我們很多在在地第一線執行的團隊都會碰到法規的問題,也就是左手打右手,像今天某某部會會說推行的小旅行非常棒,非常的在地知識與接地氣,我們就碰到觀光法規的問題,我們沒有辦法很正當地說我們為家鄉做事,我們其實在做的事是打底工程,而且是做家鄉的事,這個是屬於在做內容的,你有了內容、科技導入才會有意義。" }, { "speaker": "彭仁鴻", "speech": "做內容的這一件事是必須要花時間跟常年累積,很難一次、一下就看得到,因此在法規這一個面向的排解障礙,如果已經回到家鄉第一線團隊都撐不下去的話,其實第一線家鄉的團隊,是地方創生最好的,所以在法規面向的排解,像我知道在之前,比如唐政委後來支持中小企業法規政策時,就有在研擬像日本可能用資本額比如30萬,又或者是少量的資本額,可以在有限的區域內去做小型的旅行社。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是,這個已經有請地方創生會報討論了。" }, { "speaker": "彭仁鴻", "speech": "增加我們的營收,也可以讓在地的內容能夠介紹給更多人知道,這樣才有可能不管是國內外的旅客進而去認識家鄉的DNA。" }, { "speaker": "彭仁鴻", "speech": "第二,有關於人才的部分,像剛剛有提到USR或者是其他相關的人才,又或者是剛剛處長也有提到畢業生畢業之後可以留在在地服務,不管是創業或者是就業,但問題是畢業生為何會願意留下來?如果沒有工作機會,為何要留下來?" }, { "speaker": "彭仁鴻", "speech": "我覺得這一件事就回到一個點,像日本有所謂的DMO,也就是「目的地觀光行銷組織」,其實在做的是積極整合在地的觀光資源,但是有人付錢給他,這樣的模式我看到幾個案例:比方日本有一個DMO,他們用的是外地、國際人士,因此你在一個鄉村,你能夠吸引到國際人士為你地方效力,而且是個創生事業,同時也還能夠吸引到只要你是日本的在地人才,不管你是不是在地的人,我們打的是有限資源、整合、一支團隊,把在地的DNA推出去。" }, { "speaker": "彭仁鴻", "speech": "因此在人才的吸引力,我覺得可能在地創生團隊一開始創業,可能第一桶金或者沒有那麼多的時候,如何借重國發會的國發基金、地方創投基金來支持,我覺得這個是亮點。" }, { "speaker": "彭仁鴻", "speech": "第三塊有關於資金跟人脈的部分,剛剛處長其實也有提到有關於企業認養故鄉,我覺得企業認養故鄉這一塊說白有一點像同鄉會,我們各縣市有很多同鄉會的這一些企業主,如何能夠幫我們盤點出有愛心、愛鄉、愛土的企業家之資料庫,我們可以知道找對人、做對事,這個是很棒的媒合平台。" }, { "speaker": "彭仁鴻", "speech": "剛才其實像彥嘉也有提到,其實回到南方澳,我這個空間是做科技,怎麼辦?其實像現在有很多,比如文化部也有鼓勵你,等於把一個空間轉型,但是因為自籌款高到50%,這真的太高了,一般在地創生團隊回去,可能生吃都不夠,哪有可能自籌50%,這個是有關於放寬的部分可以思考一下。" }, { "speaker": "彭仁鴻", "speech": "第二,即將要投入或者是回去,像神山町這樣的概念。還有另外一個概念是來自谷川的山田拓先生,他們有做一個里山經驗的公司,他是東京的,從東京一家全部移到谷川的地方,是以里山精神,就是運用在地天然跟自然的資源,透過國際單車的連結,幾乎每一個導覽員全部都是有喝過洋墨水,或者是語言能力是優勢,他可以接很多國際客,所以讓在地谷川的DNA跟城鎮品牌來打響名氣。" }, { "speaker": "彭仁鴻", "speech": "他也過得不錯,同時也號召國際的人整理谷川的老房子,因為在地的人會覺得老房子沒有什麼東西,但是外地人會覺得沒有什麼魅力,因此在這樣的情況之下,在地的創生團隊真的需要更多的結合,把這一些要點做出來,我覺得應該是滿有機會的,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "新竹各鄉做地方創生,他想要參與、可以怎麼做,可以如何獲得支持,我想這個是第二個比較具體的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是,什麼時候可以去找區公所?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像找區公所、找誰,會有什麼機制、過程,這個過程會獲得什麼支持,大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,最後一輪。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "不好意思,各位,因為我是7點的飛機,我問完這個問題我就得離席了。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "因為我是國發會推薦的委員,所以我得到第二次發言的機會。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我覺得剛才大家都在討論如何參與這個計畫跟如何申請執行各方面,但是我更好奇的是,因為我們在11頁有看到替代補助,因為過去有些與投資人相處的機會,我想正常的投資,最後很重要的是投後管理,因此我很好奇的是,看起來像國發基金、天使計畫,我們一定是委由外面的單位去執行。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "像剛剛仁鴻提出的結論可能是需要早期多一點資金的挹注,假設仁鴻從外面的執行單位得到第一筆款項,仁鴻需要準備什麼KPI報告給外部執行單位?國發會對這一些執行單位KPI的設定是什麼?而KPI到執行單位再到資金發出去,這是一年還是三年呢?還是五年呢?" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我想比較瞭解的是,在處長跟同仁的想像裡面,因為這一些想像會變成我們會去看行為,像我可能就會比較偏向做生意的角度,是不是我來爭取國發會外部執行單位這個角色更賺錢?因為我只要把仁鴻顧好、偉翔寫一個報告書給我,我只要符合國發會的KPI,這樣中間賺更多,是不是真的可以達到國發會的KPI?仁鴻是否可以活得下去?因為仁鴻活不下去,我應該也不會回宜蘭。我比較好奇實際上想像這三方如何運作。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "包括我自己研究國發會這一些其他天使創意補助、計畫投資,確實都是由投資公會、外部投資人來執行,因此中間如何與地方團隊互動,我覺得這一塊,是我比較想要瞭解想像是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,這種投資廣義上叫做影響力投資,這確實是比較新的東西。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "對,比方我們不可能對仁鴻設定KPI,明年要凈賺200萬,並不一定是這種數據。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該這樣講,大的KPI,第6頁的右邊有,講到最終這個是人口政策,地方創生是要生,但是這個KPI,你的意思是透過管理,除了這一種粗的之外,有沒有比較細的?看最後有沒有要提問的?如果沒有的話,我們就統答。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "從仁鴻剛剛的問題開始,仁鴻已經回到故鄉了,剛剛其實也有跟政委報告,我們也麻煩甘樂這邊幫我們整理叫做在地創生已經有的青年地圖,我想您所說的,其實你是很重要的觸媒,我們想要推的這一項工作,我們也希望大家都是我們的種子,可以幫我們,然後把地方創生也一起推,所以這個是在地地方創生,我們年輕朋友將形成所謂創生分布的地圖。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "第二,我們企業要投資故鄉的地圖,我們也在整理,我們之前請各縣市給我們資訊哪一些叫做企業有成的縣民們或者是同鄉們會再整理,不過都是ing,這個部分會有這樣的資訊,這都是方便未來要去媒合。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "剛剛也有提到人才的部分,可不可以像日本一樣,有一個DMO,其實我們之前有幾次的地方創生日本經驗交流的部分,我們之前也請了豐岡,他們是皮件,也就是從都市裡面找了年輕的經理,我們也知道日本其實有這樣子的制度,不過我們目前雖然沒有,但是我們也有評估未來要不要有類似這樣的制度。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "比如像剛剛我所提到的,像在地創生,我們已經有在地這一些青年的創業地圖,未來可能是在地觸媒,可能某種程度也可以來扮演剛剛講的那樣角色,因為你可能可以帶動、吸引更多的年輕人回來,或者是有很多人要回去,可以幫一把,因為終究你已經走在前面了,所以某種程度就可能可以扮演所謂的經理的功能。因為根據日本這樣的經驗,我們也在做這樣的評估。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "剛剛也提到自籌款的問題,剛剛提到創業的部分,我剛剛一開始講的,如果優先創生地區,我們考慮先類似折半,也許可以提高誘因,可以讓這樣更可行,我想是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "USR的部分,我們老實說,上個禮拜跟他們做第一回合,教育部這邊把所有的大專院校的校長們都找來了,一百多個學校超過一百多個校長都有參加會議。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "在中興大學?" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "台北科技大學。明天我也會去參加高雄的中山大學USR部分。下禮拜副主委也會找教育部USR計畫兩個相關的技職司跟高教司,討論您剛剛提醒很多細部的部分。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "我的意思並不是針對他們,而是上面有滿多計畫。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "對。我也跟你報告,剛剛那37項計畫,是我們從相關部會的100多個計畫,邀了11個部會,我們把所有的計畫一個個盤點,我們後來挑出了37項計畫。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "而這些計畫有4/5都是屬於公建計畫,公建計畫是我們負責審議的計畫,剛好也是我們處在審議的計畫,前瞻也是我們處在做的,因此這邊也有4/5的計畫,每一個計畫做的內容、補助原則我們都有掌握,大概只有少數的計畫是還要再更深入。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "謝謝你的提醒,我們要給部會自己的空間,因為每一個部會成立這一個計畫是有其目的,我剛剛有提到,請他是不是也可以配合我們的地方創生方向,因為地方創生是大家的,並不是國發會的,而是所有整個行政院的計畫。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "另外一個部分,我們也會逐年隨著地方創生案量越來越多的時候,這一些計畫控留的比例,第一年是10%,我們希望能夠逐年增加,到最後如果地方創生是國家重要的政策,所有的計畫其實應該都是將這個地方創生作為共同所謂政策的目標,這部分大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "剛剛談到的是什麼時候可以開始?其實現在就可以開始了。要不要去找地方政府?一定要的,因為剛剛講的,所謂的共識會議,一定要找地方政府。你可以找地方的一群,像你們彼此已經熟識的,或者是找有在地方參與、創生的人,在那個議題做完以後,再找鄉鎮公所,然後再擴大,我想不一定一開始就要開很正式的會議,我覺得可以慢慢地,然後逐漸把它更完整。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "即日起開始接受申請。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "剛剛講的是隨到隨辦。投資企貸補助的部分,最主要是鑒於過去很多計畫都是補助,補助完了就設一堆KPI,然後KPI有沒有達成,但是這一些事情,像補助款結束以後,是不是就不見了?我們希望有一些部分有時候是不是用投資的方式,然後會給專業經營者比較大的壓力、成長的壓力,所以主委才一直強調是不是不要用補助,而且過去也知道很多部會的補助款,後面都有一個法人機構會協助大家,其實很多的經費到最後都是中間幫你寫計畫,因為計畫很複雜、提案很複雜,很多人就專門去幫忙寫計畫,完了以後後面又說你的配合款部分,或者是他的投資款部分,你又要找一個技術的法人來協助你,所以真正的資源用到我們真的要創業者的手上時,其實已經很有限了。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "我們主委希望是不是可以免除這一個部分,我們沒有很複雜的KPI,也就是每一年得賺多少錢,但主委過去,像天使基金運作的方式是,投資的結果你有賺錢了,你當然就可以回饋,如果沒有,那當然我們就沒有特別說要有一定非常嚴謹的KPI。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "對我們來說,我們的KPI就是未來這個地方的人口,也就是剛剛政委講的。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "至於像剛剛有講到國發會的地方創投基金,像過去的國發基金那邊,他們是有一定的程序,如果大家對那個程序覺得有要怎麼樣簡化,因為目前這也是新的東西,我覺得都可以討論,可以讓它更簡化。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "原本確實比較麻煩。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "對,我們主委也一直提到,我們要讓程序簡化,其實就等於要讓我們創業者,自己要負最大的責任,我們不需要弄了一堆、設計條條框框的,反而要符合,要花很多的力氣,其實都有很多調整的空間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝處長真的是非常非常棒,幾乎不假思索就可回答出大家的問題,我這邊唯一想要補充的是,所謂以人口作為主KPI,這個是大方向,我們做了哪一些事或者是以後創投基金投了多少下去,到底可以換算下去多少社會效益?這一件事大家都在想。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為畢竟我們現在做這一些事,就算剛好損益兩平,但是可以讓在地的人口結構變好,那其實從未來的角度來看,其實是節省非常多的長照、社會安全網等等,也就是未來的公共支出會在這邊投資而省下來的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這兩個中間的關聯要怎麼樣做成?我之前看曾旭正老師有提到,很多是要靠數據,也就是臺灣地方經濟社會分析資料庫(TESAS)系統,來呈現目前實際的情況是什麼,我們才能知道我們做某個介入之後,如何變成一個新的情況,到底跟現在的情況有什麼樣的系統性聯繫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "TESAS是預計3月15日上線,大家之後很多的KPI,是可以先看到這個地方跟區域實際的數據跟情況,然後在提案的時候就可以說改變理論、路徑是我要先改變這個、再改變那個,也就是我們叫做循證治理的精神。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這個很棒,以前這些系統,其實並沒有為了這個目的而這樣子整合起來過,所以TESAS上線之後,也歡迎批評指教。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "其實我之前有提到過SDGs,地方創生的目標,基本上我們覺得SDGs是可以一致的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一個永續發展的指標。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "地方創生跟永續發展的指標。大概做這樣的補充。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝。請大家給處長跟同仁一個掌聲。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "我們也很謝謝各位寶貴的意見,你們的問題,雖然我們先有一個想法,但是說實在的,我們後面還有很多要繼續滾動檢討的,我們主委一直談到要有一個平台,讓人家可以隨時提問。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以問答集是開放的。等那個問答集到一個雛形,也歡迎大家上來,繼續這一次的對話,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "郭翡玉", "speech": "謝謝政委。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們會做逐字稿,我們會有一個共筆,大家都可以編輯。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天就是想瞭解一下,因為以我的理解AP buster是環保署那70幾個點,然後再加上空氣盒子?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "我們沒有加空氣盒子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以全部是用「國家測站」的點。事實上環保署最近已經有一個……我不知道你們知道不知道「」?就是 aiR 空氣網,他們現在有放「政府感測器」,這個是環保署的,已經多非常多點了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "政府感測器的概念是微型測站,掛在好比說路燈上的一些國家維護位置上,大家最關注的,像工業區之類的,會按照大家關注的程度去佈國家的點位,就會比本來的那77個要稍微細一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,如同你們看到的,現在的分布並不是很均勻,之後還會再多補一些點。所以會變成如果即使要做反投放,很可能是在掌握比較到的這些地方,不然就是變成要用LASS的資料。但是你們本來沒有……我看簡報,本來以為你們有用LASS的資料?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "LASS下面有環保署的API,我們是從API抓data下來,但是那個data是記錄測站的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "實際上沒有用到空氣盒子的資料。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛有聽到新聞稿換成鄉民語言,也包含翻譯回去的部分嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還有?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "其實還有一個預測模型,針對PM2.5的歷史資料,可以預測下一個時間點,就是比較長做在空氣污染資料庫上的預測。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "比較典型的題目。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "對,比較典型的空氣資料。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "下一個小時之類的?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "拿著feature就是風速、風向、PM2.5的值、月份及小時。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "風速、風向及時間?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以其實不是用擴散條件的固定公式,而是機器學習,覺得怎麼樣就怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那很好。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "因為我們只預測下一個小時,所以很準,算是滿準的,但是確實會隨著預測的時間,會遞減。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "新聞稿轉鄉民這邊,我覺得很有意思。因為要想辦法讓公務同仁都從新聞稿改成鄉民語言,其實對他們來講是認知上的轉換,並沒有那麼容易。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就很像我如果跟他說因為雙語國家政策,所以新聞稿你們都要用英文出,那會覺得新聞稿要訓練兩、三年的程度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是如果有類似google翻譯的API,他們繼續寫中文的新聞稿就好了,只是我們要有一個英文校正的人去看中翻英出來的那個東西到底有沒有問題,但是看著這個時間是遠小於翻譯的時間,所以對所有人來講都是省很多力氣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "同樣的道理,從官話翻成鄉語,如果能用某種方式,就可以有效一直產生出鄉民語言,他們只要有一個鄉民把關就好了,最後放出去以前,看一下就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,反投放的部分,我們在CI的時候,我其實不是很確定你們反投放的方式、做法及內容是什麼,所以這一個部分也可能可以稍微解釋一下?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我最終的目的其實會想要回去跟民生公共物聯網的指導單位,也就是科技會報,介紹這件事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是怎麼做也是要跟你們討論的,畢竟從你們的身分投放是一個做法,從一個學校的身分投放是一個方法,從環保署的官方帳號投放是一個做法。這個也想聽聽你們的意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那就請用這些模組一開始的想法、實際的狀況跟我們說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "先從第一個,一開始的想法就像剛剛所講的,想要在PTT這個平台po文,如果要po文給鄉民的話,就要用他們的語言,所以那時我們就在想我們有的東西是什麼,我們有的東西就是新聞稿的內容,因此我們利用PTT蒐集一個關於空品議題的新聞資料庫。" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "另外我們也需要了解鄉民講話的方式,因此爬一個鄉民在討論空氣品質的資料庫,我們從八卦版、高雄和台中的地區版爬有關空品的標題、內文甚至是回復。因此就有兩個database。" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "在訓練model的時候是用一個轉譯模型。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "其實是VAE,可以想像如果autoencoder的話,那就是新聞的input,出來會是新聞的out put,那如果有GAN的話就會生成另外一個風格,以這次的應用來說,就是從新聞風格變成鄉民的風格,當然也是能從鄉民的風格變成新聞的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "後面這段有沒有測過?" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "後面沒有很仔細去看,但是也是有一些結果,但是就沒有很專注去看他的樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那個在輿情蒐集上也很有意義,鄉民的一些意見反映可能會被略過,但是翻成可能很正式的語言,也許就不會被略過。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們現在實際兩邊的資料庫大概有多大?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "其實主要是希望鄉民的資料庫多一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是後面的domain多一點?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "新聞稿的話,就是從文章、內容去切句子,但是鄉民會從下面的推文。因為剛剛有說資料的元素會,我們會找到資料文章,有關於空氣品質並沒有想那麼多,因此想說回覆一起加進去,然後包括一些比較直白或者是比較酸的話。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "我們還有做一件事,也就是政治類的刪掉,也就是寫政治人物,有關於政治的……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "某某負責。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "就是有一些市長的名字特別容易出現,就是把整句過濾掉。" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,連續推文,是算成一句?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對,有出現這個情況,也就是有可能會斷,因為我們是手動切的,就自己看。應該是可以寫成一個rule base。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,這個不難。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "就直接爬下來,然後一個個切。我們要風格轉換,所以我們也有一定的限制,我們希望兩個資訊,一個是空氣品質的資訊,第二個是地區的資訊,因為我們要跟測站作連結,測站在哪一個地區,轉出來的文字就要包含那個地區跟那個地區的空氣品質資訊,所以我們在做的時候,一定要看包含某個縣市的名字、測站的名字,怎麼描述都要說。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是這個跟地區有什麼關係?南部人講空氣品質不好的方式,跟北部人不一樣嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "地區的目的是為了跟測站的資訊連結。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是地區是填空的?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以要有地區,但是不依賴於地區?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對,就是一定要跟地區。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "空品越壞越強烈,就是single dimension?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "他們講的方法。" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "應該是說在PTT上面po文只要有紅色警報的時候就會開始po文,紅色底下就不太放。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以等於只有一個bit而已?" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "對,他們那個就是紫爆或者是嚴重之類的。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "很難說特別強烈,他們都有一套形容的方法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。簡單來講,你們基本上是只有看有人在講空氣品質?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對。如果形容是好的,我們會抓下來,我們會看是不是只有抓抱怨的,但是很多是講反話,所以我們都拿下來放到我們的資料庫裡面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "反正紫爆的時候一定會有人放,但是PO的時候可以用各種創意的方法講出來?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對,不管是正向或者是反向,都會有他的效果。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。所以並沒有按照時間去做序列,完全不管,因為假設鄉民的風格從之前到現在沒有改變?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "新聞稿也是一樣的情況?" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "對,新聞稿都是紫爆或者是紅色警報的時候才會有稿出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是title或者是全部?" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "都有。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "一開始去看標題,反正太少了,就全文,然後找了有用的句子當作我們的資料庫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個新聞稿在描述某個區域空氣品質狀況不好,所以你的translation是同一區域嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "不是,但是也是講某個區域的空氣品質不好,我們可以做替換,替換我們要去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是這個替換是?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "Rule based。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以你要做的事情在preparation stage,就是你把那裡面區域的部分detect到,然後變成一個token,實際在轉換的時候,就是把那個地區塞進去這樣子?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個domain有什麼差別嗎?只是你的variation會變多,就是推文的domain變多,有什麼好處嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "你是說有關地區嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,你剛說希望corpus變大……" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "鄉民的句子有太多種風格,就是你很難想有正面跟負面,我們還是希望越貼近他們越好,所以鄉民的句子風格變成是越大越好,跟地區沒有什麼關係,但是句子的風格,鄉民很多變,因為每個鄉民的風格不太一樣,所以我們希望更貼近那個平常人講話,因此我們也希望鄉民的corpus越大越好。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "因為通常都是對某個地區去進行空氣品質的描述,我們也希望描述儘量相似,就是形容的方法不一樣,因為本來句子不少,要上百萬句做英文的比較快,也就是講話風格轉換,所以這個比較小的domain上的話,會希望他們儘量match在一起,做得比較起來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可是這個是by character?就是他的variation,是直接挑你當初domain裡的某一句,但是替換掉?還是沒有,就是一個個字生成?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "一個個字。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一個個字生成,最壞的情況是token跟本來的重複,是嗎?就是幾個字repeat?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是自動翻譯,有時候會兩個token一直repeat。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在train的情況已經收斂了?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "其實仔細看會有一點卡,但是假如事先不知道的話,我覺得是可以處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們沒有做圖靈測試?(笑)" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "還沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我可以看到一個好比像sample,你沒有放在網路上嗎?或者是放在哪裡?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "PTT。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們有放回PTT?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "有。可以找那一篇,但是現在找不到。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "好像找得到,有人跟我說有人去找。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們現在已經有一個帳號了,就是機器人的帳號?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "已經有了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "被附身了。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "因為需要一定的限制。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "就會被肉搜。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "我第一次PO的時候超緊張,超怕被水桶。" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "可是我在想資料庫大不大,也有跟每一段時期鄉民講話的風格有關。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "那時候剛好選舉前。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "特別酸?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "這一類的文章特別多。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "其實鄉民風格很難。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們在比賽那一次的……" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "要投影到上面嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "比賽那一次的投影片上面……潮州……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我是評審團召集人,這個簡報我有看過。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "是要看那個之外嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "就是其中一篇。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以投影嗎?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "直接投。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "這個是轉出來的,我們轉出來是當title。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "內文呢?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "我們有template,因為我沒有辦法生成那麼長的句子,我們是一句句,我們只能一句map到另外一句。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我理解。但是潮州跟高雄?" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "因為是在講工業區。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "我們那時候有把市長的名字切掉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是每一個地區是不同的template?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "這個不是我們的,這個是鄉民回我們的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是網友回文?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你show的本來那一篇,這個順帶一提,也是可以生成。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個也是滿厲害的,不太需要domain knowledge。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "我們問過。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "這個也是自動放上去的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我知道。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "下面有回覆,十幾分鐘後也有剛剛那一篇。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "內文這一句不是生成的?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "不是。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "中間那一句也不是,中間那一句是新聞句。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "我們新聞句也有拿進來用,但是當作新聞用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以後面是新聞句。「東北季風」的部分?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "那個是模板。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "模板是套實際的風向進去嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "沒有季節。所以是這一句話的這個標題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "喔!OK。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "但是轉出來當標題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "新聞句當body,然後帶進去的是地區。然後「有沒有卦」也是模版?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對,因為要滿足一定的字數才可以po文,所以我們轉不出那麼多字,所以只好用這個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "空氣品質是API生成?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對,我就用那個API,會自動生成圖片,然後再一起去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "從這個圖片看得出來只有官方測站?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對,這個有一點陽春。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至少那個圖片可以請某個廠商換掉。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "這個是鈺潔自己做的圖。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對,她手刻的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "手刻的意思是?" }, { "speaker": "鄭鈺潔", "speech": "寫一個code去讀data進來,然後自己去畫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "然後打幾個同心圓?" }, { "speaker": "鄭鈺潔", "speech": "還有很多版本,那個是同心圓。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "原本還有菱形的。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "我們覺得這個比較自然。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "我們不知道怎麼放下來。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "就是screenshot,或者是直接放APP抓。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "還沒有全自動,所以自己生。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是高過一定的預設值,你就去PO。這個還有在運作嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "我們不敢運作。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "對,因為這個圖太明顯。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個圖只出現一次。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "我們放過兩次還是三次?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "可是前面還沒有圖。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "是複賽的時候……" }, { "speaker": "鄭鈺潔", "speech": "再建議加一個圖。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是按照這個邏輯,其實你們推文也可以回,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為你推一張圖的道理是一樣的,在大部分的web介面上還是會顯示成一張圖,如果沒有記錯的話,所以事實上也可以是別人PO了,然後你會回覆?" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "對,但是如果要做到那個的話,就要先做輿情分析,先知道他們講的話。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "就從回覆去看。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是被推爆就要趕快看一下。" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "可是要回什麼,也要看他們到底講了什麼,而我們要回什麼的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個簡報裡面不是有提到嗎?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "其實現在做的並沒有針對回文的內容,如果想要回文,就像剛剛所講的,需要針對鄉民的po文或者是內文,先做一點,然後再決定到底怎麼樣的……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們知道「美玉姨」嗎?他們是去比對一個謠言,然後高達八成像就回,其實是非常簡單的邏輯。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以一開始有些謠言只是一個網址,然後再補回,其實是完全不同的東西,好比說youtube後面的代碼,因為每個後面都有幾位數的代碼,所以兩個影片可能前幾碼都差不多。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "為什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為內文就只有一行網址,所以剛開始的時候,網址八成像也算八成像。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "好白癡!(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就有使用者反應說這個不是謠言,為什麼被回,因為網址只差幾個字。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以如果要往這邊做的話,就要去看在版上放的,看起來像鄉民會加空氣品質的文章,八成像再跳出來之類的,這是future work,還沒有實作?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們現在爬哪一些版?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "八卦而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "新聞也是從八卦,然後「新聞」的那個tag?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我本來以為有地區版。所以沒有地區版?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "有想到過,還沒做(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "精確度不太夠。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "有爬高雄的啦!" }, { "speaker": "鄭鈺潔", "speech": "好幾個有在講空氣品質的地區。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就台中跟高雄。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "因為很多地區都沒什麼人,但是最多的是高雄。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "高雄版,你全部混起來,並不是在高雄那邊有另外一個模型?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "其實沒有,我們都同樣一起做,因為後來是地區也可以做完,就還好。不過會吸引哪一個縣市有關於空氣污染PO文最多的是高雄、台中及台北。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。好比像你爬高雄的,你就看到像高雄空污這一句話?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對,有包含高雄。還有空氣污染,還有再過一個,也就是我們過濾政治類的文章。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。放回去基本上就是你剛剛所講的概念,你生成的是標題,前面那個domain是亂數挑一句?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "一開始生成的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "鄭鈺潔", "speech": "亂數挑一句。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Input那邊是random sample?" }, { "speaker": "鄭鈺潔", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "原因是沒有好的ranking方法?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "也沒有多什麼程度可以講什麼話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好比像激起的推文數量,好比某一些寫法,就會比較有人回。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "空污這個議題推文的數量,我覺得都被弄掉,都是政治的,如果是推文數量的話,因為那時有稍微看一下,有關於政治議題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "重點是下面並不帶風向,並不是當時記得風向。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "他們就是想要這樣做。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "你為什麼要這樣說?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "我在選舉前看文章是這樣子,但是還是一群人認真討論這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "回覆你們是說是有機器人?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過就兩篇而已嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣我大概瞭解了,有沒有什麼想要補充的?像future work,你們會想要在什麼別的domain上做嗎?" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "應該是看需求,如果希望內文也可以自動生成的話,可能要著重那一塊,那就是一個model,像一開始新聞的句子怎麼出來,那又是另外一件事,一開始的句子,我們現在是做sample,要怎麼挑這一句話之類的,那又是另外一件事,如果想要分析回文,然後我們可能有回覆別人之類的,那也是另外一塊,就是看現在的需求是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "而且像這個可以應用的……因為現在是空污的這一件事,其他那三個資料庫,如果PTT上面,他們也有針對這一種東西會碰的話,其實好像也可以做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,當然。防災絕對有很多相關的,地震當然更多,但是地震大部分都是兩個字而已,好像怎麼change就是這樣子,大家都沒有時間。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "想像空污要不要做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK,好喔!應該這樣講,你可以投一下你的簡報嗎?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "可以。其實也可以做在其他的social network,PTT比較有自己的……其實做在自己的,像用新聞的語句講應該就可以了,做在FB或者是做在其他的上面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "趁處理投影的時候我問一下,你們的預測模型是看他一小時之後,預測會高過一個水準就去做嗎?本來的想法是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "本來的想法是預設下一個小時會很嚴重,或者是當下就很嚴重。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,因為預測下一個小時是有意義的。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "好像有三個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "真的。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "我們先預測那個值,再看我們要設哪一個section。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "不過有評審說變化其實沒有那麼快,並不是一個小時之內就可以變化那麼大。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,但是那也是因為你們現在用的測站都是比較長的測站,對不對?如果他們新佈的那一些衛型感測器,每3分鐘就有一個比較能做。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "中間那個就是警示器,也就是大規模的時候,會自動放到PTT上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我剛剛講的意思只是說,如果解決方式比較小的話,好比像是微型測站,我看到的空間比較密,理論上可以預測到比較小尺度,就是不會像高雄的空氣,而是某一個小區域的空氣。這有沒有用是另外一回事,但是我是說應該做得到而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "鄉民風格回來的這個我們沒有sample。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是你們可以隨便挑,就是骰一句你的鄉民domain就翻得回去,不是嗎?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "可以。但是現在出來的結果可能會滿大概……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我可以看一下兩邊的資料庫長什麼樣子嗎?我大概可以腦補。你們都是整篇文章來,然後你們自己按照句號去切斷點,然後過濾,全部就這樣子?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "如果是鄉民的話,那還要加推文。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝,差不多了。子維有沒有要瞭解的?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我有幾個好奇的地方,你們當初做這一件事,初衷是什麼?單純是為了比賽……" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "還是因為PTT上面有一些訊息,不管你講的,他是在帶風向,或者是跟事實不符,除了比賽這個動機以外,我只是好奇你們有其他的部分?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "因為之前有看paper,是做prediction,做prediction是用FB上面的response,像response frequency,可以預測得更準確,因為在比較local的地方,像從衛星雲圖上,或者是照片上沒有辦法很精準看得出來,空氣污染是很嚴重的,但是透過在那個地區的FB上,可以更準確。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "因為FB的資料不好拿,可以想到社群在臺灣的PTT最大,因此最後想要看,然後看是不是發展到可以丟一個訊息到這個社群看有沒有回應。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "是看po文的次數。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "看這個平均會高一些。所以其實很直觀,空氣嚴重的時候會想要發廢文,然後看一下很多是暴雨,所以想說是不是可以做這一件事,就是從測站的數字來轉換成文字,這個是比較客觀的,不帶政治色彩。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你們有想像過這一件事或者是你期待接下來怎麼發展,對你來講?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "沒有。這個是很簡單的,我覺得很有趣,真的做得起來,就去看看是不是真的有回覆。後續也有想過是不是在回覆端,其實沒有什麼時間,因為原本的過程都非常地緊湊,我幫他準備資料庫,那時的壓力就很大,因為不曉得是不是做得起來,所以就沒有想那麼多。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我的意思是,假設你們有更多的時間或者是更多其他的資源,因為你剛剛說發了兩篇文,你會希望常發這個文,目的是把正確的訊息,也就是環保署77個測站的資訊帶到PTT,你會希望頻率更高、內文更準確還是怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "我們想說可以再設計,可以隨機一點,感覺很容易被抓出來。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "大家都知道這個帳號是政府這一端在po文的,大家的回覆就不會是那麼客觀,就不像一般可能回覆的樣子。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "最初的想法是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "在鄉民中PO這個文,拿到一些real的意見,但是一旦頻率太高或者是怎麼之類,就不是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果是專門回文的話,就比較沒有這個問題?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "PO文的次數不可以太頻繁,但是回文的次數可以每一筆回怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "就是隱私很低,抓誰講話頻率,我有看誰在這個議題上講什麼話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像radit上面其實有一些說自己是機器人,就是維基百科機器人或者是什麼機器人,就是有一些觸發條件,但是PO的時候很明確說是機器人,就是專門回文。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "就是設定這樣的角色。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,如果回文的話,倒是沒有這一種一定要是真人的感覺,你說你是機器人的話,好處就是就算有一些詞句不太行,他就覺得機器人本來就是這樣子,也要求不會那麼高。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "最後一個問題,因為你們有觀察PTT上的貼文跟回文,我好奇的是,就你們的觀察,在PTT上的討論,不管是有意或者是感受,空氣品質對於鄉民來講,會連結到的政治人物,像被你們過濾掉的,是地方還是中央?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "是中央。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "當台中的空氣不好,就你們的觀察,大部分的人在選舉前是罵林佳龍市長或者是?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "罵中火。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "就是罵台中火力發電廠。就是連結因果關係?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "大部分是這樣。兩個候選人都有。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "兩個候選人都有?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "都酸。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "不太會提到環保署或行政院?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "都不會,都是市長,很多。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "高雄也是這樣?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "陳菊也是。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "像柯P都是,工業區,過濾掉那一些就可以過濾掉非常多。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "幾個關鍵字就cover到了?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "很多。還有賴……賴什麼的……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我看到推文裡有出現。" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "右邊是新聞,左邊是鄉民的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是已經結巴斷詞後的?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對,我會再塞,這應該是比較乾淨的。" }, { "speaker": "謝宛庭", "speech": "但是這個是資料庫,並不是轉換前後的句子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "右邊是新聞稿?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這樣是一句一句對照嗎?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有意義。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "所以是PTT資料庫多很多。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像這一句,有地區嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以是那一篇有地區?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "對。其實也會加幾句比較偏激的話。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "因為是一個個字生成,所以就會去學前後的關係。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "會想說一些罵人的話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個分詞是怎麼樣?我的意思是,「是不是」是一個生成的token?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "其實發現很多,但是後來發現繁體中文的字典,切的效果就非常好,後來換一個字典之後就很不錯,我就找到一個很不錯的字典。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "我也有再新增一些詞進去,我手動切,反正可能比較切不好的句子,我再手動調整詞頻。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這個詞典有「阿姆斯特朗」。可是「功德院」被切成兩個詞。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "沒有把「功德」篩掉。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "沒有嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "我有篩「賴功德」,但是沒有篩「功德」。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "可是「做功德」已經是一個形容詞,在講人。" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "這個是正向的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是像這個,「台中市吸火力發電廠的廢氣給北部用」,你生成到這一句話,這一句話可以用嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "不會到生成,因為我們有一句是「人民吸廢氣」。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "它不會生成一樣的話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我知道,但是這兩個token的前後關係很怪,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "有一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,這個我瞭解了,謝謝。果然還是要看資料會比較清楚。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們自己會有意願要發展這個嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉松霖", "speech": "(搖頭)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。那會有意願好比像指導接下來做這個的同仁嗎?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "如果有人有興趣,想要繼續把它發展上去的話,我們很希望可以,我們自己沒有時間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得你們指導也是滿好的,也是確保有符合本來的想法。所以這個source code你們打算怎麼處理?" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "還沒想。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我之前寫的是open source出來,誰要就拿過去用之類的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為放github有一個好處是美玉姨為何要先放github,然後再讓大家知道,主要是沒有留log,第二個是除了cofact之外的別的資料庫,等於是非常紅,覺得什麼是謠言、什麼不是謠言,有些問題你可以看source知道什麼時候修好的,至少滿好看的,如果你們也覺得短期之內沒有想做的話,把它丟github是一個可能性,大家都有一把槍,不會有誰撿到的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我差不多了。我想我們有十天的時間可以編逐字稿。年後我們再找時間來看一下,如果那個時候你們有一個preview,倒不需要包成什麼套件。" }, { "speaker": "洪彗庭", "speech": "我以為說包成docker。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那個我來包就可以了。在某個specific……的東西,其實也不需要prediction model,就是你剛剛講take and train,那個是第一個部分,如果可以的話,丟到上面,然後貼網址給我的話,我至少自己看過,跑不跑得起來再說。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們相關的討論會做逐字稿,我們等於用非同步的方法繼續這一個對話。但是最終的目的是,確保真的想要做operation的同仁,有充分的授權去公開做這個operation。如果對研究有興趣的人,繼續拿得到版本資料,就是你們也可以覺得這個未來有什麼想法,你們可以用顧問的角色告訴他們,我目前的想法是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果直接是用環保署測站的話,無論是國家測站或微型感測器,我覺得還是可以從比較客觀的domain開始。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "First of all, I wanted to give you this gift, compliments of our office." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "It’s a paperweight, in case you need to put weight on anything." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I’m not sure if you’ve heard of this, but they were also there last year at the Yushan Forum." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I was at the Yushan Forum." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "What were your thoughts about it?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s pretty good. I really appreciate that you invited the Nobel Prize recipient. Also, I saw in the introduction video where our foreign minister, Joseph, said something about warm power of Taiwan, \"臺灣暖實力 命運共同體\" is the 10 words that he said. We just took that verbatim to here as the slogan. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a really universal message that talks both about cross sexual collaboration toward common goals internationally but also domestically as well. It’s a really good unifying message for the Yushan Forum. Great work. How can I help?" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Sorry. The purpose of our visit today is to first say \"Hi.\" Also, because we were previously looking for a venue for an event coming up in April, it just so happened that we were looking for a very casual, very cozy environment, something that people could easily relate to. A place that would be very inviting for people to walk-in." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "How many people?" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Around 60 to 80 people. Actually, I gave you in the pouch..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the brief thing." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I gave a brief description of the activities. There you go. Sorry. There will be two events. The first one is going to take place in April. We call it the \"Asian Dialogues.\" It’s going to be an inter-generational dialogue between elder leaders and younger generation leaders talking about contemporary issues. We’ve identified *deficit* as the overarching theme for the event." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "There are going to be three sessions: the first will be on democratic deficit, the second on development deficit, and the third on trust deficit. Since the Social Innovation Hub touches and works on the SDGs, we had to check whether the content and objectives of the event were aligned with the SDGs. We were told that for us to use the venues they had to be aligned with the SDGs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "One or more goals." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The more, the more likely. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Right. Even before that, though, if you could after you read through the description of the event or the activity..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I did." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "It does touch on several goals. But for the sake of the description, I had to identify two or three." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s just fine." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "It is going to be an inter-generational dialogue, wherein we shall be flying in speakers from across Southeast and South Asia. We are working on this activity with the Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation from the Philippines and also with the American Institute in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "One of our contacts here said that you’re in close contact with AIT as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, sure." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "They’re also helping us out with this activity. For this event, we hope to bridge the generational gap. As you may know, society’s getting older, our population’s getting older. There’s also a lot of misunderstandings in terms of how different generations see things." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Behind the differences, there’s also something that can be shared like mutual experiences that they can work on together and build on so that they can achieve common goals. What we saw specifically would be these key themes that we’ve identified in three areas." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "By tapping into the experiences of older generations, there could be a transfer of wisdom or transfer of leadership experiences which is very essential, even, particularly, for Taiwan. We want there to be a good rapport between these different generations of leaders." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "The goal is to spread the message of meaningful experiences and exchanges across generations to different parts of the region. When we think of the the New Southbound Policy, one of the main stakeholders are the youth. We want to engage them more proactively in regional development, giving them a voice, giving them a role in social transformation." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "This is going to be one of the activities. We’re doing this here to extend that or to promote the NSP’s goal of better youth engagement. The other thing is for us to build quality connections for better relations with our neighbors within the region." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I know it sounds strange, that a Filipino is working for to help advance this policy. One of the things that people ask me whenever I’m talking about the NSP is, \"Are you representing Taiwan or are you representing the Philippines?\" [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I think it’s very interesting, because usually, my answer is I’m speaking as a member of the TAEF and as a person who fell in love with Taiwan. It’s very important to note that I myself, I’m a product of the New Southbound Policy." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Through me and through my experiences, the good experiences I’ve had in Taiwan, I think I can speak on behalf of several other people who have had the same experiences as I did, that Taiwan has so much to offer to the world. This is something we actually want to share as a message. We do so through our activities, and the very first activity under the youth program this year is the Asian Dialogues in April." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You showed me this five day..." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Oh! This is the first sheet. This one is the activity for April. Sorry, I had to..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, it’s fine." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "This would be the activity for July. It’s going to be an even bigger activity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is not yet..." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Finalized? No, not yet." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All the names here are tentative." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Yes, because it’s still several months away. We’re working closely with three other organizations for the event in July. The general idea is there. I already mentioned the first activity in April, which is the Asian Dialogues." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "It’s just going to be a one day event, but it’s going to be a full day activity starting from around nine o’clock to about five to six o’clock. There are going to be three sessions. The three sessions will be touching on the different themes I mentioned a while ago." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Sorry, I just keep on talking." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, it’s fine." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "The second activity is going to be in July. We call it the Southeast Asia-South Asia-Taiwan Youth Camp or SEASAT Camp for short." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "From our definition geographically, it’s going to be the 10 Southeast Asian countries, the ASEAN countries." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I see, the ASEAN countries." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Right. We want it to be more politically correct and politically neutral as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I see." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "By being neutral, we’re not overlapping with existing organizations. You understand what I mean." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I see now." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We really hope it to be a more inclusive activity, and since it’s going to be involving the youth--quite a lot of representatives from the youths from different countries--since we’re advancing the NSP, we wanted it to be inclusive in the sense that it’s not just going to be Southeast Asia as is the case for many existing programs." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We should never forget that the NSP is not just about our closest neighbors, but even the ones beyond Southeast Asia. We also are looking at South Asia, and our friends in the Pacific. But for this event, we will just be inviting participants from Southeast Asia and South Asia." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not quite New Zealand?" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Not yet. We’re trying to build on the successes of this first youth camp and how the reception will be by the public. We also want this to be heard of by the general public, even though the young participants are from different countries, we would also want the Taiwanese people to hear about this, because the experiences of these youth representatives from the region would be reflective of, in a way, how their societies or how their governments would also be responsive towards how Taiwan wants to socialize or to engage its neighbors. I think it’s very important to build on these successful stories of partnership." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Ambitious, I know, but we build on dreams." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "How many of these foreign students will be first time visitors to Taiwan, roughly?" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I wouldn’t really know per se, but the assumption is, because these are from the college levels, tertiary, I’m expecting not so much of them have had the opportunity to travel overseas." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s our way to build first impressions." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Right, exactly. We want to give the best first impression that we can give." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re not already college students here or anything like that." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "No." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I see 30 student participants from Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We’re looking at 20 participants from Southeast Asia and South Asia. I know it’s not really a big number, but since this is the first camp..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure, it’s a pilot." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "It’s a pilot camp. We wanted to have more representatives from Taiwan to join in, because their stories would be the ones that their fellow camp members will be hearing the most. They would be immersing with each other. We want more people to represent Taiwan. We’re doing it here." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Another thing that I mentioned with the AIT, specifically when we were doing the preliminary discussions about this was we hope to involve the indigenous youths of Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Interesting." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "First things first, Taiwan’s identity would not be complete without the IP youths. In terms of cultural diversity, historical diversity they have so much to offer." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The shared Austronesian nation tradition as well." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "For sure. It’s common history and it’s also common knowledge that a lot of the groups in Southeast Asia have roots in Taiwan. It’s actually the W-movement that I was taught before. One direction was towards the Southwest, one towards the South, and one more towards the South Pacific or the islands in the Polynesian triangle." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Easily half of those 30 people could be from indigenous nations." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Right. I think it would be a good experience for them to share their insights on leadership as well. I know there are so many youth programs already existing, youth camps happening. It’s a buzzword." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It totally is." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I know that there would be some criticisms about this, particularly on the expenses so we’re approaching it very carefully and by looking for partners and sponsors who can help reduce the costs. The truth is, given the NSP, we wanted to be more open and more accepting. When I say that we wanted to be more inclusive, we don’t want to stick with the same existing pool of youth representatives who are repeatedly being invited for such activities." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "What I mean by this is since there are so many government and non-governmental organizations across the world organizing youth camps, youth symposia, they usually invite the same people from the same lists, which means you’re not exactly broadening the discourse. You’re limiting it to the same people." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "In fact, sometimes in a month if there are two camps or two activities involving the youth, chances are the ones you saw from the previous week would still be the same ones you’d be seeing in the next event. It’s something I didn’t want to do. How we’re doing this is via an \"open call.\" For sure, the tangents of communication or promotion would be through some of the universities that we’ve talked with." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Me and my colleague, Cheng-Chia , last summer we went to the Philippines on a goodwill trip to talk about the advancements of the NSP and to see the status of the NSP in the Philippines. At the same time, we also wanted to share the programs that TAEF is doing, one of which is the youth program. In a way, you could say we marketed the programs to see if there was any interest." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We got so many queries about what the youth programs are about. How would the schools and the students be involved? How would they be participating in such activities, etc.? Beyond even the youth programs, there were curious questions about any possibilities of partnerships that could be formed that would not just benefit the students but also the institutions." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "This time, I’ll be going to Jakarta in February for the US-ASEAN Partnership Forum. While there, I’ll also be touching base with some of the organizations and some universities in the capital. They are interested to know what the TAEF does and what the New Southbound Policy is about." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "There were curious inquiries as well as to whether there would be possibilities of collaborations in community development, which I think is very important. It’s a matter of us looking at how, if not through the TAEF, we can organize such collaborations." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "If there would be other organizations or avenues through the government’s policy to facilitate such engagements. We’re getting there. It’s very promising." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Great. To check my understanding, they’re college students or graduate level students." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Not necessarily college students. Participants will be from ages 18 to 24. Well, they could be in college, but as long as you fall within the age range. There are some people..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They don’t have to be students." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "That’s correct. Thus the open call. It just so happened that one of the major tangents of promotion is through the universities. During our visit to the Philippines last month we said that the call can even be shared with graduates, drop outs, friends, friends of friends, even the people in the streets." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Maybe you want to change this to young leaders or something." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "That’s true." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Taken note. Yes, I will improve this. As long as they fall within the age range. It’s also important to note that even people out of school can participate." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That would be my suggestion actually. Things like some very long established [non English speech] UN, mock UN or whatever communities, which primarily target students. They already have a pretty, as you said, well represented network of young students." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In these countries including Taiwan, especially if you’re putting an indigenous perspective, by the time that they’re 22 they’re not necessarily in a college. They could qualify as young leaders. Maybe they’re running a co-op or something like that." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Usually they do." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Usually they do. If you target these people then it creates a really good, unique, differentiating factor so that you will not be confused with any of those MOE activities." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We should take note of that. That’s a brief idea of what the events would be on. The other thing that we wanted to mention to you about was...I’m so sorry. I’m going to be more personal here." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Since I’m the one in charge of the youth programs, with my colleague helping me out, we were hoping to actually invite you. We believe that you resonate closely with the youth in communicating your thoughts, communicating your passions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m not 24 anymore. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "You know what, just this morning we had a meeting with Messe Frankfurt for other events happening in March, May and August. There’re many things happening this year. We mentioned something about the youth and young leaders." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We said, \"Oh, for as long as you feel young and you think you can do good to contribute to society and you still are very lively, then yes, we can consider you as a young leader.\" You could be a senior young leader if you want. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Great. OK, I’m sure Diane will love this narrative of Commonwealth." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "You personally know Diane?" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I first met with her back in 2012. She was younger then." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Several years younger then." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "She’s still pretty now." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "She’s still very sharp. I forgot about, CommonWealth magazine. We’re also looking at having them over for the April event as a media partner. Also, to serve as a resource person, as a speaker for the session on trust deficit." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you’re talking about intergenerational trust, this is a focus theme for CommonWealth." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "She has seen generations of leadership as well. Even within her company, even within CommonWealth, different administrations, Diane has seen different transitions." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I think she would take it very personally as well, given that she is in that age point right now. I think she would find it very nice to be able to impart her knowledge to younger people as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "She personally oversaw the digital transformation of CommonWealth Group, which went pretty successfully, as well. It’s not in private. They actually wrote a report of how they did the digital transformation. It was pretty well received." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "They’re very transparent about their development as well. For April, if we could invite you over to attend." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I get to pick a timeslot during the two days, or is one of the two days?" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I’m sorry, for April?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Is it already set?" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "For April, sorry, it’s already on the 11th." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s already on the 11th." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I was going to say that 10th, I’m here anyway. It’s a Wednesday. I’m here from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM. You can just borrow me for a five minute slot." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For the 11th, I’m only available from 3:00 PM onward." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Then you would be here for either the second or third session. We could invite you over then." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "That’s for April. At first, we were hoping that you can actually do a keynote, because we’re doing it in the Social Innovation Lab, so that maybe we could introduce the team behind the venue." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But that’s the Cabinet meeting. It’s unlikely." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I know. It’s fine. It would have been nice, but we understand. Maybe we could have someone from the team to talk about the Social Innovation Lab, just to give a background on why the students are there, what’s the social significance of the Social Innovation Lab." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I can do a hologram or something. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Oh, yeah. That would be so cool." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, no, it’s my customary way of doing this kind of thing. More seriously, though, because it is the Social Innovation Lab, I’m committed to introduce the space." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "That’s also one of the reasons we wanted to choose this location, so that we could also spread..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You’ve already got the approval from the...?" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We are working on that with Ellen. She’s helping us out on the request. We’ve made a tentative reservation on the activity day." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "The reason we would also choose this venue was so that more people would be made aware of this place. They can do some of their events and meetings here at the Social Innovation Lab. I think it’s important because I found out that anyone can use it. It’s open to anyone." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I think even if young people — universities, for example — had something that is aligned with the activities or the goals of the hub, I think this would be a good option for them to hold activities and maybe they can discover further opportunities working with your team." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Maybe in the morning, I just give a short like two minute remark through hologram or some kind of robotic projection or something. Then in the afternoon, I appear in the flesh." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I’m sure they would love it. The guests would love it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The carbon-silicon transformation. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "The audience for April is going to be a mixed crowd. It would be students, educators, some parents I guess, and maybe a few government representatives. It’s a mixed crowd. That’s for April." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Our request for July, though, it’s going to be a stretch of five days, four nights. Each day would be a different theme. I have this outline here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I saw this." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "The theme would be...It’s still fluid. Day 1 would be on non-traditional security. Day 2 would be human rights. Day 3, heritage and culture. Everyday there’s a different theme. Towards the evening or after the major lectures or classes, we would be doing a heart-to-heart, personal talk with more established young leaders." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We say you’re still a young leader. People to talk on a more personal note about their passions or advocacies, what drove them to where they are right now. It’s important, since this is a leadership camp, we need to have a session that lets them understand the value of leadership among the youth." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Each night, there would be a different speaker. We were hoping that for Day 1, depends on your schedule, between 3:15 to maybe 5:00 o’clock, if you could. It doesn’t have to be that long." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Do you already know which day of the week it will be, like a Monday or a Tuesday or something like that?" }, { "speaker": "Cheng-Chia", "speech": "Let me check." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "29th I think is Monday." }, { "speaker": "Cheng-Chia", "speech": "I can check it. You can continue." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Sure." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "July 29?" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If it’s a Monday, tentatively, I don’t have anything." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "All right, but it may change?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "You may inform us if anything comes up within your schedule. Then we can move you to either second or third day. The fourth day would be rather busy because..." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "The thing about this camp is what we’ve agreed during our preliminary meeting with AIT is to hold a synthesis of what happened that day." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Furthermore, they would be divided into groups to discuss issues mentioned within the day and how their countries address them if they do. It’s like an ideation activity. Issues are raised, questions follow, and if there are things that have been done in their countries, what works? What didn’t work? What would their recommendations be?" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Within the span of three nights, based off on their discussions within the groups, they would be coming up with a proposal addressing one key social issue. They could choose within the lines of what was discussed during the days of the lectures, or they could come up with a completely different issue that was not mentioned within the camp." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Then they can come up with a solutions proposal or a project proposal. At the fourth day, everyone gets to present what their proposal is. We’re still currently looking for a sponsor for the winning project to maybe start up or to jumpstart their project." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I think it would be a good way to show that maybe Taiwan has some commitments in supporting its young leaders within the region. We’re currently looking for sponsors. We’re trying to tap ASUS Foundation. We’re trying to tap Fubon Foundation too, because they also work within the area of the youth." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "If there would be some interest there, we would be more than happy to push forth and do this awarding at the end of the youth camp, just to start the project, just to start the proposal." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "It depends on your schedule. If you’d be free on the first day..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Which is Monday, the 29th of July. I’ll tentatively reserve three o’clock to let’s say 5:30 or something." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Thank you so much." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Usually, the way I run this is everybody use their phone, assuming that everybody has connectivity. This one is not going to be here." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "No, this one is not going to be here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Hopefully, somewhere near. If you choose Penghu or something, I can be there. [laughs] It will take my time." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Our current venue is 福華文教會館." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Which is pretty close, definitely. Usually, I run this that you need a projector. Everybody use their phone to connect to, which is a question system for anonymous collection of dialogue topics." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I just keep talking for two hours and have a dialogue with anyone who raised their hand, but if they prefer to ask through their phones, usually we see better group dynamic if people are going to like each other’s questions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If one person raises a hand, sometimes they just talk about things they personally care about, and the other people may not be that interested. By using an online system, we have a better gauge of the measurement of the common interest between the people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Especially that this is the first day, the bonding is not yet established. It usually takes like three days to bond together. I would prefer that format." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For you to choose a venue, the thing that I’m looking for is, of course, good WiFi connection and 4G connection if need be, and a high resolution projector so that everybody can see the screen and me at the same time. That’s all I ask. Otherwise, it’s fine." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We’re more than happy to provide those." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "ST will reserve my schedule and be the one to update you in case that the schedule doesn’t work out. In terms of more possible NSP partnerships and so on, Aurora will maybe look into it, but we’ll see. We’ll see what we can do." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "All right. Thank you so much. The last one is about the Yushan Forum. Although it wasn’t really part of the agenda, I mentioned earlier that we saw you there last year. We were very happy to have you there." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Since we’re currently also preparing for this year’s Yushan Forum, it would be so important for us to hear about your insights about it, what your thoughts were, and what areas do you think we should improve on, or if there are any recommendations." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When will that be?" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Every year, it happens every October 11th and 12th." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s right after the National Day." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Yes. I was told you just went for the first day. We were hoping maybe you could give your insights or recommendations on which parts of the Yushan Forum you think should be improved on, and if there’s any specific topic that you felt like would be of importance." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Strategically, are you looking for more social sector or more public sector participation?" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I cannot speak on behalf of the chairman and the executive director." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s kind of a mixture." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "That’s true. Public sector is more first day." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "The second day is social, because the second day is allotted for the applications of the NSP and the reportage of where we are with it. I think what has more value would be the social sector." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. It would be like a showcase of successful social sector Taiwan partnerships. Something like that. If you curate toward that direction, I think it would be a pretty good showcase for Taiwan’s what we call Warm Power nowadays, toward the NSP partner countries." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When we talk about value, there’s the domestic one, which is pretty close to election day, but that’s fine. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s that value, but there’s also the long-term partnership kind of value, where we hope that people come here and bring back longer lasting relationships and partnerships. It’s kind of difficult to curate for both." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "That’s true. I think we’ll look into that. We’ll have to look into that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If we tie it into more election, presidential showcase of successful diplomacy, that will link to more public sector representatives. I wouldn’t say it wouldn’t be long-term partnership, but it would be necessarily more headline grabbing sort of thing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you can say we just put two or three of such success stories but devote most of our energy into social sector collaborations, then over time, the forum itself will be more cherished as longer lasting." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "And it’s more relatable." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. It will become a longer, relatable brand, whereas the existence of Yushan Forum itself is being debated as what direction to go." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think the more international affinity that people feel that they share the Yushan community, not just random Taiwanese administration people setting the direction, the more participatory it is, I think it will create more longer term value overall. I don’t know whether you consult previous participants around the curation as well." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We do." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think the more participatory it is, the longer term the value will be." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I think we agree, though. Overall, the team behind the foundation and forum, we do share the same idea. We’ll try our best to keep it balanced as well. Thank you very much for that. Thank you so much." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Hopefully, by this year, you could stay longer. Last year’s youth panel was actually very engaging. It was very fruitful. It always takes place on the last day, almost towards the afternoon. We had social entrepreneurs who spoke in the panel, young social entrepreneurs working on I think..." }, { "speaker": "Cheng-Chia", "speech": "A catering company and also banking." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Social financing." }, { "speaker": "Cheng-Chia", "speech": "One was on inclusive banking which provides people who are not allowed to get a loan from ordinary banks." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Revolutionary ideas. Stories like these should be heard more." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In May 11th and 12th, we’re going to run a APSES, the Asia Pacific Social Enterprise Summit, a gathering of social entrepreneurs around the Asia-Pacific." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Where will it be?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It will be in the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, 高雄展覽館. It’s already online, I think or something like that. If you have time to participate, some of the especially social entrepreneurship curation could be shared. If you see a keynote speaker or a showcase that you think is particularly good for Yushan, then that’s something that you can look into." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Right. I think that’s something we can attend to get ideas from. Activate Asia." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right. It’s called Activate Asia. Because it’s far enough from Yushan, there’s plenty of time for you to do additional curation based on this. ST will send you the relevant materials for APSES." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think for this year, the ICDF hopefully is also going to join us at least as a participant, if not as a speaker, to build more \"public diplomacy\" connection to social entrepreneurs. Traditionally, we didn’t have that much official relationships with social sector in these countries. We think this is one of the ways to broaden the horizon." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Currently, are all countries within Asia-Pacific represented?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The previous year was pretty well represented. Maybe not all. The main curators is not our government. It’s the Impact Hub, and SC Insights, and the Caris Foundation. They do the curation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This year, we’re in partnership with the Social Enterprise World Forum. They started from Scotland and then expanded into the SEWF, which is a world forum of social entrepreneurship. They will also help with working out the discussion." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Is the summit the same one or similar to the one held last year in Taichung?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. It’s the same one. It’s the same branding, anyway. Both are called APSES, but last year’s is called Tomorrow Asia, and now this year’s is called Activate Asia. We’re going to find another verb next year." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I think we all do that. We keep coming up with best words for our activities. We’re all copywriters in our own right, I guess." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We’ll see if we can have someone attend in May. Whoever goes can maybe write about the event and also share it on our website." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This year’s focus, which is not just social entrepreneurship, but also sustainable goals around resilience around the common interests in the region, plastic waste, things like that, is going to be maybe 70 percent overlapping with the direction you’re heading." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m happy to know that there will be more emphasis on the social entrepreneurship part, including impact investing, social financing, and so on. It really is becoming a really hot topic in this region. If Yushan Forum dedicates some time to that, I’m more than happy to participate." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Right. Social innovation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, social innovation. It’s one of my three mandates of my work." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Do you have anything to add?" }, { "speaker": "Cheng-Chia", "speech": "No." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Or any questions?" }, { "speaker": "Cheng-Chia", "speech": "No." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "You have been very helpful. I apologize for holding this meeting in English. Although I can speak and understand some Chinese, I would sometimes rather speak in English if I want to be better understood." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s fine, because I think in English. If we speak in Mandarin, it’ll be translation in my head." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Perfect." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Thank you so much. That will be all for now." }, { "speaker": "Aurora Tsai", "speech": "I do have some questions." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Yes, please." }, { "speaker": "Aurora Tsai", "speech": "Do you have a youth council at the level of the cabinet, somewhere near to the premier or your president?" }, { "speaker": "Aurora Tsai", "speech": "I think it’s a trend and it’s a fashion that country leaders are..." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Being invited." }, { "speaker": "Aurora Tsai", "speech": "Or establishing a new assembly or a new council." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "One of the end goals of the youth camp, actually the overall goal of the youth program, is first, we need to have outputs. To be specific, we have the Taiwan-Asian Young Leaders Engagement, which is the umbrella program of the youth programs." }, { "speaker": "Aurora Tsai", "speech": "Under your foundation?" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Yes, under our foundation. Under that umbrella, we have several youth projects, meaning programs of their own, which cater to different demographics of the youth." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "At the end of each program, we hope to have outputs. For the youth camp, for example, we would be having a publication every year, which would serve as a resource for future iterations or for future members or participants in the camp, as well as for archiving purposes." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We can go back and see the progress, see what was discussed, if there were specific issues that were raised that need to be addressed in the future, if there were projects proposed, those things. That’s one. That doesn’t answer your question." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Second is we’re coming up an alumni network. The alumni network would not just be exclusive for the youth camp participants. All the other participants of the other youth programs will be connected in the alumni network, which we want to keep building on, increasing over the years in the different iterations of the different youth projects." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "In time, if ever there’s any former participant who gets to that position that they have the clout, that they have the capacity to influence policy, that they have the influence to push for projects that were probably raised during their batches of the youth projects, then we could tap them. Maybe we could work closely with them." }, { "speaker": "Aurora Tsai", "speech": "The reason why I ask is purely because we have a youth council at the premier’s office level." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, the Executive Yuan’s Youth Advisory Group, which is 18 to 35. Maybe only part of it fits your age range." }, { "speaker": "Aurora Tsai", "speech": "Some of them are really interested in going NSP." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so. There’s I think three indigenous people in the YAG." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "They’re under the Executive Yuan?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. They’re directly headed by the premier, @eballgogogo." }, { "speaker": "Aurora Tsai", "speech": "Mr. Trudeau, Canadian leader, he had a youth council like this one, too. It’s trending now. I’m just wondering, in the Philippines, do you have one? Or even in Singapore or in any of these countries. In Singapore, they have the youth assembly." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "They do. I think some members of the ASEAN Youth...They call it the ASEAN Youth Forum. Some of the members come from government positions, I think, which is something that we want to tap." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We also want to network with young leaders who are already leaders in positions, which not only would further solidify the goals or the objectives of the programs, but they would serve as very invaluable contacts, not just for the program, but also for Taiwan in the future." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I understand where you’re coming from. Right now, what I can say is, because the Foundation has been around for only about half a year, TAEF’s youth program has only had the chance to invite six youth representatives from six different countries, five from Southeast Asia and one from the U.S." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "One of these young leaders is a deputy governor from Cambodia. It’s an area of interest for Taiwan. It’s an area of interest for us." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so." }, { "speaker": "Aurora Tsai", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We’re looking at partnering and working closely with countries within Indochina, if not directly with the national governments because of obvious difficulties. For sure we can work better or there’s a better chance for collaborations with local government units. He’s one. He is a deputy governor." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "One of the future plans that we have, and this can be said on record, is to conduct future sessions or next iterations of the Asian Dialogues overseas." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We hope to work closer with our contact, the deputy governor from Kampong Chhnang in holding a leadership dialogue in Cambodia. Me and our executive director are looking at having that maybe for next year. By continuing to do collaborations with overseas organizations, we hope that, through our combined networks and shared objectives, we can do such dialogues beyon Taiwan’s borders." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "If we can branch off further and bring the dialogues to other countries in Southeast Asia and maybe in South Asia, if we can find good partners, good counterparts, organizational and governmental contacts, as well as young leader contacts, that would be great." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I see the value that you mentioned there." }, { "speaker": "Aurora Tsai", "speech": "It is a thought." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I know. It’s also been at the back of our heads. We have to work with what we have right now. We’re trying to see avenues for cooperation. We’re actively exploring how we could connect better with key people working in society, heads of organizations working on specific advocacies aligned with the NSP’s objectives. Definitely, we want to have more reach, more exposure and more partnerships." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Yes, point taken." }, { "speaker": "Aurora Tsai", "speech": "There’s another one, World Youth Alliance under United Nations." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Yeah, WYA." }, { "speaker": "Aurora Tsai", "speech": "They’re quite active too." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "They’re growing. One of our colleagues was a former volunteer for the World Youth Alliance. He interned in the Philippines. And I’m friends with a former regional director of WYA." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We’re trying to explore how to better connect with existing youth networks. In fact, we just had a meeting the other day with an organization called the Asia-Pacific Youth Organization, which has been around for eight years." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "They’re trying to see if we would be able to work with them closely on specific activities--could be events, could be more dialogues. Ultimately, we want to go beyond talks and actually do projects." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "There’s never a shortage of talks and everyone just keeps on talking and doing dialogues. I think ultimately, what everyone wants is for something concrete to come out of it. The challenge now is how to get from dialogue to action." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Don’t worry. It’s a challenge, but we are working on it. Everything has to be calculated. Everything has to be within the framework of how respective organizations work. Since we’re sharing this with other people who would be reading this, I think if it’s within your interest, you’re welcome to help us out." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yah. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We want not just to work within the organization. If there is anyone out in public who has better ideas on how we can actually engage other people or other sectors of society in actually coming up with a project that we can work on that can actually materialize, they’re more than welcome to pitch in." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Awesome." }, { "speaker": "Aurora Tsai", "speech": "Thank you for helping Taiwan out." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Thank you so much. I love Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Aurora Tsai", "speech": "What brought you to the TAEF ?" }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "I think my experience. Technically, I’ve been working since I was 15. I finished my undergrad when I was 17. I’ve tried different circles of work, but mostly, I stayed in social development." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Some of the contacts I’ve worked with closely were the ADB--I used to work with them on some projects. There’s the World Bank, the Magsaysay Foundation, which is now a partner of the TAEF. They have a long history of 60 years and 350 awardees with whom they actively engage in key projects." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "It’s very nice that we’re able to link with a long-running organization. We’re using each other’s networks. They’re working within our sets of goals, like how one of their missions is to share the stories of their Magsaysay awardees, but these stories also have applicable solutions to people in the region and beyond." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Their awardees for 60 years had been doing specific or very specialized work in their respective communities. That organization’s goal is to spread solutions. Why wouldn’t we be interested in sharing or spreading good solutions as well, especially if it would benefit Taiwan?" }, { "speaker": "Aurora Tsai", "speech": "Thank you for your contributions." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you so much. It’s an honor. Hopefully, we could work closer with your office in the future." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "We’re just neighbors." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, within walking distance." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Yes, across the street." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, every Wednesday, I’m here. Feel free to drop by." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Cheers." }, { "speaker": "Yuri Baral", "speech": "Thank you so much." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you." } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們準時開始。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常謝謝大家來開「總統盃黑客松第一次籌備會」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為今天是我主持,一向的原則就是會做逐字紀錄,我們速錄師有來,逐字紀錄並不是馬上公開,大家都會有十個工作天編修,編修完之後才會對外公開,也是讓這樣的討論有紀錄。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們今天主要有幾個產出,第一個是時程,包含最後那一天總統頒獎的那一個時程,以及中間每一個月要做什麼的時程,第二個是工作內容如果大家大致都沒有什麼問題的話,我們可能要擬出一個要點,這兩個是主要的產出。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們先請文櫻報告一下。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "政委及各位先進大家好,因為時間很短,從上個禮拜到現在,我們很快把整個proposal提供給大家討論的基礎,裡面有一些東西可能還不是思考非常完整,就先進來報告。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "大綱的部分我們就把整個專案的定位、架構,另外一個是我們上次有提到需要一個組織架構、工作分工、活動的特色、內容、時程規劃及經費的部分。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "整個定位的部分跟上個禮拜報告一樣,也是用創新應用、開放治理、創新文化、跨域合作的這四個面向來看,整個計畫架構的部分,我們看一下分為三個面向:第一個分項整個黑客盃辦理;再來是活動宣傳跟擴散的部分;第三個是談建立輔導機制。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "這三個分項的部分:" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "第一個分項是對於黑客松辦理的部分,裡面包含了整個活動的要點、議程掌理、初選、複選、決選的活動辦理,我們的活動網站改版——也不是改版——而是有一些維護的部分。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "第二個分項,有關於活動宣傳主要有開幕記者會,最後是在場內要有辦成果展及頒獎,最後是在過程當中有一些報導及成果擴散,希望這一次更能夠深入民間與全民的部分。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "輔導的部分,有分為幾個,第一個是我們希望籌組專家輔導團,去年的時間很短,去成立這樣的團隊,在過程當中我們覺得這個團隊非常重要,去年還好有CK……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一個人的輔導團(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "還有雨蒼。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "資策會有出很多人。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "比較沒有那麼聚焦跟管理,因此我們希望有去年的經驗,因此希望能夠升級,希望可以建立起來。另外一個是,我們會辦工作坊,大概是整個計畫及專案的架構。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "組織架構是屬於去年的,黃色的部分是秘書長這邊的更換,另外一個是副秘書長。上次我記得開會的時候有提到希望其他四院一起來參與,因此我順便把立法院、監察院、司法院及考試院放在籌備委員裡面,等一下大家可以再做一些討論。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "另外,有關於唐政委會召集除了籌備委員之外,另外會召集評審委員會,另外還有專家輔導團隊可以幫忙帶領。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "在工作小組的部分,我們今年比較簡化一點,議題組是由科會辦負責,資料組國發會,活動跟媒體的部分我們會放在一起,也就是活動跟媒體事實上是共同合作的,執行單位現在還在洽詢,我們多了一個國際組的部分,我們希望今年有更多的國際連結與合作。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "整個活動的特色,是不是要五院齊力,我們來做一下討論,啟動記者會的時候,其實這個是亮點,除了去年是在行政院的部分,是不是要在四院一起參與。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "接著,我們希望這整個活動可以有更多全民參與,所以希望不管是在提案的部分,或者是最後要選題的部分,都能夠讓全民來參與與票選。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "有關於協作工坊的部分,也就是黑客跟部會有更多的合作,接著是黑客決賽的部分,也就是top10的部分,我們希望那個是整個活動的亮點。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "整個活動的理念跟精神的部分,我想上面那一段都清楚整個黑客的精神。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "活動名稱是「總統盃黑客松」,我們去年是用「卓越團隊獎」,今年或許可以討論用「總統黑客獎」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是以今年參加的團隊作為獲獎對象?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "對,目前是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "我們在整個活動辦理的時候,我們希望可以傳達幾個,也就是六個面向的東西,可以稍微討論一下,如果是五院的話,是五院到齊,也就是「齊有願」(台語),接著是程式治國,也就是黑客的精神來解決問題、困難並進行參與,還有臺灣Next跟永續創新、資料翻轉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這是好幾個副標的意思嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "挑一個。副標不會這麼多。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "議題的部分我再提一下,議題組還會再開會討論,我們先談從資訊透明、跨部會合作、產業振興、城鄉創新、國家永續、國際鏈結,到時在議題組討論的時候,可以從這幾個面向來談。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "第二,去年這一些議題當中,去年的五大議題,我們再加上智慧農業、食品安全,這個大家比較關心的部分。下一頁是談教育與文化傳承的部分,後面再看看是不是要把四院的議題放進來,這個是我們現在初步的提案。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "去年也是有三個評選的項目,我們今年希望把民眾參與度的部分放進來,讓評審委員可以參考,並給分,從影響性那一塊加上民眾的參與度。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "原來四成在談可行性的部分,我們想寫更完整一點,也就是想要寫運動可完整性的評分。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "評審委員的部分,主要由政委這邊召集,其實去年的評審委員都是有經驗、翹楚,只有加了一個彭會長,這個部分請大家再討論。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "獎勵的方式,我們不給獎金,第一階段先頒獎,後面再作輔導跟規劃,所以初審、複審、決審用毛巾、背包及代表榮譽的獎座。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "輔導的部分是會在今年5、6月及結束之後,8月以後希望能夠從POS到POB的輔導,所以我剛剛提到的是,第三個分享是希望建一個輔導的機制,也就是有關於5、6月工作坊的時候,我們可以協助團隊、搭配專家來做top 20的團隊,如何把問題、形成、解決的方案,最後可以提出來參賽。6月份第二次工作坊的時候,就可以更深度輔導並蒐集民眾的意見,看看當初提出來的問題,看看是不是有達到他們的目標。8月以後申請的計畫後續可以接回POS跟POB。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "媒體宣傳我們先提出來,還沒有很細的詳細規劃,不管是open data或者是聯盟,我們希望可以連結起來,希望可以共同宣傳,媒體露出先就三個部分,第一個是經驗分享,也就是去年有得獎的團隊,我們也可以把他們的成果,從去年選完之後到現在,其實也超過半年,有一些成果,希望就成果來採訪及報導。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "再來,有關於成果擴散的部分,過程當中不管是團隊的成果或者是評審委員的採訪,又或者我們製作一些影片在網路上流傳等等,我們最後希望能夠利用直播或者是互動的部分,然後用協作的過程來創造全面的參與,希望造成更多的迴響。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "最重要的是網路上的宣傳,希望利用很多社群媒體或者是一些網紅來跟民眾做一些更多的溝通。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "有關於時程的規劃,我們先抓了一下,上次談到7月最後能夠到府裡面去辦成果展,所以先抓7月17日,這個並不是定案,也就是7月17日達成目標的話,我們往前推,大概在3月初可以辦理記者會,去年是在3月3日,因為3月2日是open data day,今年是228的連假,不一定要match open data day。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "我們把徵件的時間拉長,因為去年只有10天,府裡面發函給各部會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "發函還是要做。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "希望時間再更長一點,希望社會創新的平台把民眾的問題再蒐集放到最後要找出解決方式的過程,我再做一些調整,來不及改,因為有了題目之後,我們希望能夠讓民眾可以去票選,雖然並不是票選出來就20件,應該還有一個初選,也就是由政委這邊帶著評審委員一起來把20件選出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "民眾票選是供參考?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "有三個評選的指標,有一個影響力的部分,也就是民眾的參與度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以票選佔30%?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "對。有一些解法要丟出來。5月7日至14日是要徵求夥伴,5月17日要辦理工作坊跟複選的會議,最後是做coding跟pitch及頒獎,這個是初步的時程。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "最後一張是有關於經費的部分,去年是540萬,資策會有給我們人事費,還有給國際連結與合作的部分抓進去,我們大概抓了一下是800到810萬。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "顧問團是10位,但要輔導20組?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣人力夠嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "顧問團的想像是在那個地方,有需要的時候,顧問團可以跳下去支援,或者是去請教顧問團,請顧問團給一些意見,然後顧問團會幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "對於這個想像,我本來想說不是叫「顧問團」,比較像導師的角色,像嘉凱是資料科學的朋友,看有沒有公共行政的朋友。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像領域專家?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果要主領域去請的話,我是覺得人數上,我不知道你要按照人次,或者這些人要花多少時間下去?因為主要是在買他的時間,並不是在買多少人,所以這個只是要提醒一下,並不是要多人或者是少人。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "專家事實上有分領域,這20隊,也許每一隊都有一個人進去,也是mentor的角色。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為評審團除了我之外,是14個人。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這個可以技術處理,像顧問團3至5個人是這個活動從頭到尾,但是在進行的過程中,經過初選以後,議題就出來了,如果需要專業知識的時候,那時候再進來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "再加10個人。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "是10至15個人……本來有很好的案子,但是沒有專業知識,這樣就沒有幫助,所以有一部分依照實務的需求,依照進行的情況,再由顧問團,提報給指導委員會就可以邀請他。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我會建議這一次在宣傳上,應該要把專家顧問團跟評審委員會放到一樣高的位置去,最好他們是平起平坐,我們這邊有多少人,像14或是15人,那邊最多就是要那麼多人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請繼續。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "以上是我的報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個報告裡面有甲、乙兩案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我們要先討論「五院齊力」要不要當作這一次的重點?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "去年跟其他四院的關係是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "去年有透過仁甫,好像是嘉凱去的,去年不知道是誰去的,仁甫有找人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "邀請他們提案?" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天如果把他們加到召集委員,我聽起來有兩個層面,一個是希望四院的公務員可以主動來提案,另外二個是即使不是這四院的公務員,幫忙解決這四院的議題,這是兩個方面(參與者跟議題),如果這兩個都很重要,當然五院齊力就會變成今天主要的亮點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但當時的想法是我們這樣子一call,真的會有這麼多四院的人來參加,或者是四院的人提供議題嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我有一個想像是,也許我們這樣call下去了,四院參與者也許多了一些,也許多了幾隊,但大家感興趣的議題可能就多一、兩個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家看起來一百個提案裡,仍然90%是行政院,這樣會不會往外說五院齊力,有一個觀感上的落差?我只是提出這個concern。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們講五院齊力,大家就會去檢視。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "前情提要一下。「五院齊力」是希望幫忙解決各院的議題,或者是希望另外四院的公務員都準備參加,或者是兩個都要?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果都要的話,是不是這樣子宣傳出去就可以達到效過。因為會檢視,是不是會彼此比較?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我跟政委報告,之前司法院已經有參加了,那個是法扶。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "今年再邀請,像監察院跟考試院,我都有親自打電話,立法院我沒有,因為不太敢,想說第一年辦,被罵怎麼辦,其他院都有邀資訊處的處長,他們回文都是全力支持配合,這個翻譯是「不要煩我」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為實務上,就沒有幾個隊伍來(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "文可以發給他們,也歡迎他們組隊,也會討論,但最後都沒有找。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "今年我建議還是可以找他們、邀請他們來,如果可以的話,政委可以拜會這幾個院,或是我們老闆……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "秘書長?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "拜會這幾個院的秘書長,可以請他們組隊,我覺得是可以邀請他們組隊。但是最後要不要組是看秘書長跟院長的意思,尤其是監察院、考試院及司法院,立法院比較難講,因為立法院資訊處的同仁比較不多,如果要做的話,院長交辦一定會叫資訊處來做這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,一定。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "其他的考試、司法及監察比較像這樣的體制,比較有機會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以一開始起心動念,主要是增加參與,不是大家去幫監察院解決問題、司法院解決問題?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "邀各院祕書長來當籌委,你覺得是有效的方法嗎?或者是拜會就可以了?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "當初如果是籌委來的話,會比較支持,如果層級只有到立法院秘書長的話,我覺得可以去拜會,但是重點是如果他們願意有更高的層級。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像副院長之類的?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "副院長或者是院長。立法院的話,我們會跟蘇院長辦公室提一下這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "最好的做法當然是院長交辦,這樣會更好,他們有秘書長或者是誰來參加的話,因為之前我跟考試、監察、司法聯絡的時候,他們會說有沒有什麼依據,要不要跟秘書長講、跟副院長講,所以如果有的話,他們就是籌備委員,那個正當性會更好,這是一個方法。我們就邀請他來當。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果今天要點寫了,那他們就會當了,因為這等於是一個明確的要點,就很像總統科學獎必須邀中研院長來,是一樣的道理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在我想問的,是這一屆就要提到這個強度嗎?對參與有幫助,這個我有聽到。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "會有幫助。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "有關於題目形成的問題,是要報名的人自己想題目?或者是各院出題、全民解題?關係的程度是有來,然後你們幫忙宣傳,院裡面來參加就好,或者是想解決什麼問題,然後需要公私協力,這個是兩個不同的玩法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "本來就提出希望解決的問題,這個是組團的要件,也就是要提案。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "考試院要組隊的話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "考試院要解決行政的問題或者是解決自己的問題。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "要自己寫要解決什麼問題,這樣子嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "不過政委的擔心點是,如果一開始記者會就說「五院齊力」,未來檢視……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "行政院占九成……" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "要看五院的活動或者是參與度是有意願的,如果有意願的話,記者會後再把這個東西放上去。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "應該私底下先運作溝通,運作溝通完跟去年一樣開一個大會,副座那時我們開了一個大會。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "那個非常有用。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "跟所有的人去討論這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "但是運作的部分是要拜會,就像我們在推這一件事,諮委是親自拜會部長、金管會主委,還是要拜會。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "牽涉到組織架構,因為我們今天11點才拿到這個東西,一看到組織架構,跟前面發的會議紀錄不太一致。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "稍微報告一下當時會議紀錄長官看法跟背景,第一次辦的時候是總統府出來,業務上這一些行政創新的事情,這個是行政院的,但是總統出來號召一下,最主要是要研擬社會重視資料開放跟公私協力、合作創新,最重要的是這個,所以第一次是補充版。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "我們來的時候跟局長請示,把秘書長放在這裡,這個跟我們的會議紀錄不一樣,把秘書長放在這裡,他們事先都不想,然後11點鐘也來不及,所以這樣的安排法,我們要回去簽報,要讓長官知道。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "就像剛剛五院的情況是一模一樣,他們還不曉得這個狀況,也是一樣的運作,長官是不是同意,像去年一樣,因為原先的意見可能不是這樣子做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "包含召集人,是陳秘書長?" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "也是要回去。因為原先長官的看法就是在行政院,我們的會議紀錄後續推動就是在行政院,所以這個東西跟紀錄不一樣,我們必須要讓長官同意,這個部分我們來不及做。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這個部分在寫辦法的時候,不要把人名直接落上去。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "第二,那個應該要寫草案,還是要經過合意,這個並不是籌備委員會,如果是層級的話,變成是指導委員會,變成辦法是每一年邀請行政部會首長擔任指導委員會的委員。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "執行就要依照剛剛副座,依照在府裡面的決議,就是由院裡面組成執行的架構,這個應該要疊到上面去,那個是指導委員會,後續變成要人家可以接受、不可以接受,你落成這樣,不可能用行政院的辦法去要求其他的政府單位依據那個辦理,除非這個辦法是府來頒。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "陳大使是說這個辦法是行政院下面,並不是放在府下面?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "如果要細到剛剛那一些東西,那個已經涉及到執行了,這個應該依據當時在召開會議的決議,也就是由政院,政院現在已經交辦給政委,政委這邊就可以來處理,上報到院長,院長核可就可以做了。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "但是會涉及到政院以外的單位,需要府那邊來做協調、折衝的話,那個要有另外一個程序,因為第一年是總統直接交辦給秘書長,那個是清楚的,所以就沒有這個程序,那如果後續還是希望有跨院之間的合作,因為其他院的資料運用很重要,這個是代總統來辦活動跟頒獎,這個時候其實政院應該行文給秘書長,看秘書長是不是可以同意且協助做這一件事,這個時候秘書長如果說可,那就會去做配套的作業,比如會指示局長或者是某一個單位來協助,不能把非政院的單位落在組織裡面。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我說明一下,因為我原來的認知是,我們這個辦法應該是放在總統府下面,因為是總統盃黑客松的一個部分,只是這個執行單位是在行政院這個地方。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "不會是這樣子。那一天的會議就會像之前的……" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "之前有拜會過陳菊秘書長跟劉秘書長,他們說支持、可以擴大,但是從行政院的模式來做,因為去年是第一次籌備,現在是指導,已經要做就不要再籌備了。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "因為院長已經親批,請唐政委當統籌了,所以要把唐政委是副召集人兼執行委員,有一點像資安會報,也就是請唐政委當指導委員,應該是副召集人兼執行委員,執行委員的部分,也就是你們內部的下屬,執行委員是管下面各組的。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "所謂上層架構的部分,也就是指導委員會有一個指導委員會,副召集人是裡面的一些人,召集人如果以我們的公文,是要由你們的院長來當召集人或者是副院長來當召集人,因為執行委員是這邊,最後頒獎是要請總統頒。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "有一點像指導小組,我們的主席是總統,但是基本上主持會議都是我們秘書長,因此基本上當日頒獎活動的話,當然還是總統,但是對上而言,我們府方的人或者是各其他人可以當委員,但是整個召集人是由院長、副院長來主張。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "因此整體的架構要分兩層,一個是指導委員會、下面有一個執行委員會,執行委員會的召集人是政委,指導委員會像王仁甫或者是副座所提的,如果要其他更高層級的要有,不可能透過政院就來擔任指導委員。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "實務上寫一個要點是可以,按照總統科學獎是科技部部長,我們的要點應該是寫「行政院指派政務委員或部長,擔任副召集人兼執行秘書」之類的,隨便你要用什麼用詞,反正就是這個概念。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其餘委員的話,因為按照總統科學獎是由總統聘請,這個部分是你們發聘書。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "最後這個是由總統聘請,我們到時會簽到總統來聘這些。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "大概是一樣的模式,去年也是有給總統簽。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「其餘委員由總統聘請」,好比像5至10位?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "差不多。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "代表……" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "奇數為主。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要寫5位、7位或9位?(笑)" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "要表決,所以要奇數,還沒吵架……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "風水的概念(笑)。「5到12位擔任之」。中研院要進來嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "也很好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為畢竟是總統府直屬單位,應該這樣講,如果我們去邀四院,而不邀中研院,實在沒有道理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "基本上是以總統科學獎遴選要點為基礎,但是不要提中研院院長為委員,中研院院長為何,或者是這四院的秘書長、副院長都好,不在明文成列,總統可以聘請五至十位的委員,到最後如果四院裡面兩院被聘請,就兩個人,不然怎麼樣,就看拜會的結果,要看一定的彈性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "再由行政院指定委員或者是部長擔任副召集人及執行秘書之類的,就看總統科學獎的寫法,這一頁我想滿確定這樣子做,如果這樣的話,我建議就不要把「五院齊力」當副標。" }, { "speaker": "王誠明", "speech": "政委、各位先進,這一頁跟前面那一頁有提到最後一項,有關於專家輔導團的部分,請國發會來處理。" }, { "speaker": "王誠明", "speech": "這也是我們今天看來不及跟長官討論這一件事,所以是不是容我們回去跟長官討論一下,包括我們要做深度或是不是適合我們來做或怎麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "王誠明", "speech": "就我們的概念來講,之前在open data這一件事比較屬於資料完備,應用輔導的部分是請經濟部來幫忙,這個會比較好。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "會議紀錄上次發到國發會,有特別講到後面的追蹤輔導,是要請國發會統籌。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "統籌的意思,是你找到別人可以做的話,就不用都自己做。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "政委講得太好了(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "陳政委知道這個事情,他很支持。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "潘處長上次有來開會,我們有談到這個。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "在陳政委的指派下很夠力,有些是data,但是並不是open data。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個獎項,並不是為了個別企業的經濟應用。我們在kick off有明確講到,主要是為了公共利益。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "所以剛剛提到是資料組做的,也就是協調部會在做,這個持續在蒐集的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為輔導團是新的。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "不好意思,我們這次新增國際推廣,其實我們之前已經辦完第一屆了,第一屆的後續運用輔導,或是甚至到第二屆,運用輔導變成是滿重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為沒有獎金可以拿,我們就是拿輔導去換。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "因為目前四個組是包含資料組及議題組,是不是可以再多一個類似運用輔導組?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是在左邊。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "因為是一個執行長,所以直接嘉凱變成運用輔導組的角色?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我只是這一屆的客座而已,所以是不是要有一個政府編制的職位?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "國發會主導。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "運用輔導組還是要在這裡,因為其實現在是政府PPP,我覺得嘉凱很好,但對於政府內部要指導……" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "很奇怪,我也不懂。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是不是可以說明一下運用輔導組?" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "也許是得獎之後,可能會開始進行深化,不管是一些運用上的協助,所以這就是運用輔導組要執行的範圍。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "我為什麼要先跟資料組拆開?因為會分為兩個不同的,一個資料組是在整個團隊的運行過程中,在得獎之前要有一些資料的文書去協調,因此這個是資料組,另外一個是得獎之後的,因此會有一個所謂的,也許是叫做運用輔導組之類的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "原來運用輔導組聽起來像拿這個東西去商轉,但是上一屆產出來的東西是政府內部的一些運用,所以可能跟商轉的關係,有可能不會很大,而是在政府機關內部要處理修法的問題,或者是有沒有什麼內部的協作出現問題需要幫忙溝通的這一種。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我完全理解,這兩種樣態很不一樣,一個運用輔導組要處理這兩種樣態,有一點麻煩跟棘手。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "簡單分兩大類來講的話,商用以總統府或者是活動的角色,不應該管。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是帶到其他的正確想法?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而且可以變成後續活動的種子。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "像「運用輔導管考」的話……" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "不能用「管考」二字。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "開發對象是在政府內部的話,是用政府的機制去協助或者是協調。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "商業這樣解決掉就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個組織架構裡面不應該出現商業運用,如果出現商業運用,別的工業或者是什麼都會冒出來,我覺得沒有必要。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛提的具體建議是專家輔導團那邊,我們是不是也有一個比較像行政院層級的幕僚單位?還是可以……" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "專家政府版,像團長或者是召集人應該是國發會……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "CK也可以當委員。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "裡面很多是政府協調的問題,讓政府內部去處理會比較好。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "國發會就好了。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "那個你說就好了。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "召集人就寫潘處長就好了。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "反正國發會代表。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "CK就是副召集人。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "前一頁其實談輔導機制建置的部分,其實是國發會這邊來主導的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我覺得潘處長不一定適合,像上次蘭嶼後送那一案就涉及到修法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過,那個沒有關係,國發會要派主秘、副主委、處長,都可以。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "輔導團是不是要直接指明國發會,我覺得可以再討論一下,所謂的可以再討論,因為行政院在推資料開放這一件事,因為分兩隻腳。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "同意。我們是在講對內融入的部分。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "國發會的角度是政府處理的這一件事,也就是如何把資料釋出,的確是國發會協助。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "但是釋出的資料要如何運用,也就是黑客松怎麼執行,其實是另外一個部分在處理的。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "因此是不是加在整個國發會身上,這也是要再考慮看看。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "如果接到其他院的時候?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這個是執行level,你要在政院的思考底下來做。我建議一個折衷方案,在要點的時候寫如果在執行層次的話,像輔導跟這一個工作由國發會主責,邀集民間的專家學者來當召集人,也不可能讓黑客來擔任召集人,如果裡面有一定數量政府公務員參與的時候,其實是隔一層。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "國發會裡面以研考會的背景,你可以管考這一些東西,這還是有可能的,因為對公務員來講,做的事情在一定程度還是讓一定長官讓民間瞭解到,民間的黑客,當然可能在實質作業上有幫助,可是另外一個部分,他們會很積極來參與,其實每一個公務員也希望透過這個過程,能夠適度被長官看到。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我幫盈志講一句話,現在這個架構圖都是草案,各方很多人都還不知情,我覺得在這邊溝通不會有結論,因為這個一定要簽到首長同意,陳主委要看了大家的相對位置之後,覺得國發會適合扮演什麼角色,這並不是他們兩位在這邊,我們繼續討論下去會有結論的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "剛剛既然府方也說不知道這個組織架構圖,國發會也不知道,我覺得下一次先依據要點草案,畫出組織架構圖,我們有很多內部溝通要做,這樣討論下去有一點細微、不會有結論,這一頁就到此為止。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛確認兩件事:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個資料跟府的資料是分開的,第二個是由院去按照不管哪一個要點,像〈數位國家創新經濟推動小組設置要點〉或別的要點,找適合的人擔任,並不是由CK來擔任召集人,我們只確認這兩點,其他是承辦要確認的事。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "也許我們先把這次的執行團隊確認下來,再把要點弄出來,並不是生要點,然後再把執行團隊弄齊,也許這個在時程上比較不會有壓力。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該是說我們的當然委員,就像剛剛講的那一些。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他都不是當然委員,意思是都可以半路進來,意思是不是這樣?" }, { "speaker": "王誠明", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是總統隨時聘,我們隨時可以把新的人帶進來,對吧!如果是這樣的話,應該不會delay到時程,我們就以現在知道的人往前推。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家覺得拜會差不多,就在總統府開一次會。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "對,開一次大會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一頁就這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們到活動特色(簡報第6頁),除非已經事先徵求到五院的同意,議題已經確定五院都有,不然用「五院齊力」這個詞,是找自己麻煩。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "一定會是要他們全力配合,要他們做是要花一點時間,甚至跟資訊處處長跟主秘會花很多時間。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果想要鼓勵五院下面的公務員有辦法提案,或者是讓他們的部會首長要鼓勵提案,這要怎麼說?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "大家都是公務員。方法應該是這樣,我們做的是拜會完之後,很明白講可不可以請監察院丟三、五個議題,請監察院出一隊,如果主秘說好,不見得會上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "或者是說可以組隊,但是提議題有困難,這也是有可能的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "他們有可能說好。如果反過來說發文給各單位、各組科,沒有人敢、沒有一個公務員說要組,以後就變成永遠要組隊,跟煮飯一樣的意思,所以不敢,我們就是要跟秘書長說麻煩你們可以有一隊,今年如果有一、兩隊出來,慢慢會覺得組這個隊參加是長這樣子,像我們辦資安週,總統會頒獎給公務員,會覺得很好,大家會願意參加。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果這樣的話,我們先把這個簡報的「五院齊力」拿掉。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "我建議先放到指標,因為現在只寫各部會,也就是公開徵求五院,其實還有民間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實還有中央研究院。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "各政府部門及民間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,及民間議題與團隊。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "其實這一件事最大的亮點是data這一件事重視到要跟總統科學獎是一樣的意思,這已經是很大的亮點了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果大家都不反對,我們的啟動記者會的抬頭就換掉,就不要管「五院齊力」了。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "像第一案有提到總統府,我看「總統府」也不要寫在裡面了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "哪一案?" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "也就是活動的部分,像方案一是「黑客松五院共同參與」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "內部跨部合作也是一樣,像跨界合作或者是跨域合作,我覺得精神就是跨域合作了,那就跨域合作。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "原來最早是跨政府單位,因為還有地方政府、中央政府,所以很難在那邊寫一大堆,也就是跨政府單位。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們就寫「跨域合作」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以前沒有寫「跨域合作」,是因為大家怕看成管轄領域,也就是跨國際的意思,但是這一屆要做國際連結,即使被那樣解讀,也沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思就是我們寫「跨域合作」就是了,底下小字一樣的,就是盡可能去說各級政府機關,然後推動什麼,這個沒有問題,因為你越講各級,越不會有PK的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "跨界合作跟跨域合作,是不是「跨界合作」好一點?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "「跨域」比較好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "跨域的話,也包括跨地域、跨管轄領域之類的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "跨界會有什麼人道、什麼道的……" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "無間道。講到哪裡去。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "又在7月半。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "剛好7月半。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我現在有一點主持不下去……(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "總之,我想這次就不跨界到植物界、囊泡藻界、古蟲界、有孔蟲界、真菌界了(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就確定用「跨域合作」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為跨域合作是一個主要的精神,另外一個主要精神是開放治理,開放治理感覺上比較像第一項想要講的,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果只講資訊透明,似乎又沒有結構化的資料,就是民間朋友們特別關心的東西。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為有些人看到資訊,會覺得怎麼不是資料,因此我們寫「開放治理」比較妥當。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "或者寫「透明開放」,會不會更好?因為我想這個東西翻成英文,國際上比較常見的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「開放透明」也可以。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "一般用「transparency」這個字。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是你看,也有促進公民參與,那個是雙方、雙向的。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "「透明」好像政府不透明。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "已經透明了,要更透明。要看那兩個字如何取捨跟排列組合,治理只有公家單位的問題,並不會有民間的問題?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該這樣講,如果現在講「開放政府」,裡面當然是透明跟參與是兩個支柱,這個是沒有問題的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但如果英文我們講「open government」,意思是以政府方發起。而如果叫做「開放治理」,「open governance」的意思是誰都可以發起,並不是只有政府可以發起,這也是一個可以用的詞。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "雖然沒有那麼潮,但是概念的定義是很清楚的,我們就先用「開放治理」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "透明可以移到小字裡面,也就是以開放資料為基礎,促進施政透明及公民參與或什麼之類的,這個再請幫忙。一、二改得差不多了,其他都沒有意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "「產業振興」表示現在萎靡不振才需要振興,這個是負面印象。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實。好比像今天院會才剛把《振興國防產業條例》改成《國防產業發展條例》是一樣的道理。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "比較中性。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "產業發展的白話文就是「產業賺大錢」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「產業發展」可以。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "副標題是不是先不管?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那個再說。不一定要講「五缺」,其他的部分?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "「國際連結」這個字有沒有比較好的講法?因為這個字比較本位主義?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一般永續發展的名詞是「全球夥伴關係」,這個是專有名詞。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我還是要想英文的問題,也就是國際宣傳的時候。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是Global Partnership,你要怎麼翻成中文。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "臺灣是世界公民的一部分,你要跟聯合國做SDGs,我們是世界公民,跟國際合作,一起推動SDG。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好。至於你要翻「全球夥伴」、「全球協力」或者什麼,那隨便,反正英文是「Global Partnership」。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果是這樣的話,這裡面的詞彙要儘量使用SDGs的字。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實,小字的部分會需要強調#SDG17。但今天不用設定,我們只是把標題訂下來,因為這個是大家都要拿回去簽的東西,但是小字大家不會拿回去簽。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一頁看還有沒有意見?如果沒有的話,我們就往下走。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "有關於「活動特色」(簡報第6頁),活動的行銷定位是要用很鄉民、隨性的語言去溝通的方式,還是用很高大上的、服裝儀容整齊的國際規格方式去做style?這個是取捨的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,不要名實不符。像網路全民票選,其實發生過很多次。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "全民票選你們再想一下。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我只是說到時整個……" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我擔心網站被攻擊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那還好,我們用「Join」平台登入就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "兩件事:第一,我們這個全民票選儘量不要名實不符,不要寫「公投」這兩個字。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,至於溝通的方式,確實可以有創新的投票方式(例如平方投票法),但是否要寫「史上最狂」或者怎麼樣,這是要分眾辦理。每個不同的聯盟、社會單位夥伴,可以自己去發現。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "以活動官網是要填一種,是要以哪一種版本?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "網站也可以好幾種,開放野生官網就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "官網的話,我會建議應該是一個比較折衷的,就是大家看起來都不會不順眼的這一種感覺。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "是不是寫全民參與,不要公投。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「公投」真的不太適合。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "等一下公投,選委會的人又說這裡要有公投:「我們歡迎把公投給科技會報來辦理。」" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "那時只是寫一個形容詞。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "要從「crowdsourcing」、「participation」的角度去看,比較網路族的用詞。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果你要用衝突行銷,那個是要到FB、Instagram,官網儘量簡潔,誰都可以接受。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以參考「梵蒂岡黑客松」,看到教皇、黑客松就是大賣點,不用用其他去襯托,就是自然呈現,其他就看行銷組要怎麼做,這個部分就先這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第8頁的副標,我建議可以不要副標。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "所以資安週不可以用「黑客」這個字?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們可以用「駭客」。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "可以用駭客,只是英文是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "回到第6頁,我看到「Coding者得天下」,其實我們產出的東西是一個原型,有時不一定是需要現場coding的東西。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我同意。剛剛說副標都先拿掉了,都先不存在了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於現場coding的成分要多少,這個是可以討論的,但是現場完全禁止coding也很奇怪,所以我想不強制,這個到後面再來處理。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果有專家輔導團協助,每一隊都要派一些人下去協作的話,我不知道協作團體的人要不要到時在籌備的時候,也把他邀請來,可能大家可以想一下。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "這個輔導團應該是後面討論的,建議是把去年參加過的人邀過來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,尤其是最後進十強的來做傳承。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個滿好的。這個請負責統籌的單位——我還不確定是不是國發會——來幫忙(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一頁可能就先這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果都沒有問題的話,我想方案二的「五院各議題出發」就直接刪掉了,沒有這一件事,因為到時如果只有另外兩個院的議題,提的數量又是行政院的1/10,就不是很好看,因此就用剛剛六個來作為議題分類。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "標題的部分是不是一樣……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,標題都改過了。就是「全球夥伴」或者是「全球協力」的部分,我們就要把永續發展目標寫進去,也就是其他「六」的部分,其他的部分無所謂。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "剛才說總統盃黑客松的副標可能是「總統黑客獎」,這個名稱有一點不一樣,所以我還是要回去報告一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們剛剛那一份不是要我們比照「總統科學獎」?" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "名稱有一點改變。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們會有一個活動叫做「總統盃黑客松」,那個活動上會頒一個獎,這兩個都會發生,就是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "名稱可能還可以再討論,到時再看一下獎品的名稱是什麼,像黑客獎或什麼獎都可以。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "或是「開放資料」……「黑客獎」我把在弄的時候,我把這個條例上去,有些單位會有一些意見,像內政部要成立黑客松委員會,內政部搞了很久才同意,我不曉得,但儘量先以這個提,如果沒有意見的話,就ok。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "國發會已經頒了幾種「資料開放獎」,總統再頒一個「開放資料獎」可能會混淆。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "可以的話是在呈上去的公文當中,提到黑客文化及提到的精神,也許有助於沖淡的部分。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "像可以「黑客貢獻獎」?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第7頁已經有了。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "獎項的英文名稱是?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「Presidential Hackathon Awards」?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "加「貢獻」兩個字會不會比較好?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我是覺得不會。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "把法律名稱都寫上去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得「總統黑客貢獻獎」比較不適合的原因,是因為所有的獎項,宗旨都會寫「貢獻」或者是「重大貢獻」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣一來,可能都要改名叫做「總統科學貢獻獎」、「總統文化貢獻獎」、「總統教育貢獻獎」。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "建議你剛剛講的英文名稱把它列進去,我猜如果會繼續辦,遲早需要有國際的人在裡面,所以英文會遲早沒有,乾脆先劃掉,免得要討論很久。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這個辦了之後,頒獎完,總統的Twitter要怎麼發?要講這一件事,然後看怎麼幫忙推的問題。另外,我們邀國際隊來的時候,你用「hacker」會不會吸引人?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我先建議一個英文名稱,「Presidential Hackathon Prize」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果大家覺得不應該是Prize,應該是Award或者是別的,那再說,但是至少總統科學獎是「Presidential Science Prize」。是不是就先這樣子?" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果最後府方覺得要叫「總統盃黑客松獎」,那我們也可以配合。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接著到評選標準,現在聽起來是在初選的時候是民眾參與度,也就是網路票選的部分,但是要複選的時候,也就是有沒有滿足民眾需求,也就是右上角那一塊。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "因為有些題目是政府覺得很重要所以很關心,那個是內部運作的題目,或者是反過來的,因為對題目很重要,但是更早就被解決了,所以用民眾那邊去有權重就有問題。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "而且還會有拉票……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這是要滿足盡可能多人知道的原則嗎?也就是要拉票?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這是寫在要點當中或者是執行過程中的設計?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要點沒有這麼細。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "另外一個做法是加分的項目,那個部分會被列入考慮,假定民眾投票前兩名,一定讓你進。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,身分證評選就是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "但是因為這個後面還有實作,所以比較不會引起這麼大的爭議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我們到後面執行階段,再來討論這個細節。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我建議分階段,去年也分階段,可能第一階段有民眾,第二階段要不要有民眾,請想一下,第一階段有民眾就看需求。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二階段還要拉票的話,真的影響比較大,第一階段拉票,大家比較沒有意見。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "就第一階段放民眾。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二階段我覺得可以保留30%,是因為社會影響力確實是民眾參與是一部分,但是我想那個就是讓評審來決定,並不是讓民眾來決定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果大家覺得沒有意見……" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "因為會跟民生公共物聯網會合辦,會很希望從民間來提問題,並不是票選,希望民眾來提問題,這並不是像部會來提供。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "本來就保留由民間來提案,所以應該是這樣子講,如果民間提一個案子,大家都覺得非常適合解決,包含民眾票選在初選的時候,一個解決不了,有一個任務是找到正確公部門的夥伴等等,也就是上一屆其實已經是這樣子了。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "在程度上不一樣,有一些民眾可能是生活上有問題,並不是到提案的階段或是要組織、提一個案子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "類似像許願池的感覺?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "是不是可以找到英雄好漢來幫忙解決?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也很好。等於在提案前有一個許願池,然後提案的人如果自己想不到題目,雖然自己很厲害,但想不到題目,就可以找許願池裡面的東西。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "所以這樣講是call for proposal或者是call for ideas。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我不反對,這個很好。不要耽誤到後面的時程,你的call for idea還要再往前,我覺得這個很好、非常好,只是這樣子作業時程又會被壓縮到,我希望不要往後壓縮,你要往前放,我沒有意見。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "劉嘉凱所說的有一點參考g0v grant……" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "其實國外都會有,像剛剛政委講的,時間要很充裕,醞釀跟討論的各個要很長,比較online的方式在進行,這樣會更長。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "還有小編。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我會擔心的是,民眾的idea都不太成熟,如果直接面我,進來之後或者是政府單位很難合作變成一隊,但是反過來講,像考試院說要參加、組一隊,他們是出一個題目容易或者是出人容易?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "出人容易,真的。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "但是他們的人要做什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "促進協作。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "實務上假定跟去年的做法一樣,收到題目之後會有一個初審會議,在過程當中,其實第一個是如果真的有一些是很不好,那就會被剔除掉。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "另外,假定在那個過程中,真正看到考試院有提得不錯,但是議題不錯而沒有人的話,我覺得那個時候再看看實務上用什麼樣的機制,像去年就安排工程師進去協助他們的人來做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,初選的時候是30%有票選,但是前面這個idea的部分,甚至100%全部都是大家用某種投票法,讓最受矚目放在前面,我們跟五院說大家是不是認領一下,如果自己沒有想法的話,但是這並沒有任何的拘束力,如果到對後浮到最上面,完全沒有人願意做,那也只能認了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們並沒有答應你浮到第一名的,我們就會想盡辦法找第一個人做,民生公共物聯網也沒有這樣子的想像。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "如果今天是民間的提案出來,最後面真的到一定會有公部門的人……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果這個題目不是純粹民間自願就可以解決的,需要政府提供一些資料,或者是更需要一些政府的施政,或是改變政府某些運作的方法,我們的輔導團就要想辦法找到正確的組隊。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "第一個,是不是政府的人自己來參與,這個是一件事。第二,因為民間的需求可能會涉及到部會的資料,這個是資料本身的取用協商。我們先看第一個部分,是不是有政府的人在這裡面,相對上因為政府跟政府間的準備資料上是比較ok一點。但是如果是一個民間團隊……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們要極大化跨域的多元性,所以如果某一隊全部都是政府的人來,我們也會問說是不是可以找地方、找一些民間的人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "反過來是純民間的人,我們就會找一些適合的政府的人給他。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我想要具體化這個討論,上次其實提出來是一個隊伍的組成,最好是跨域,是包含產官學研社,實務上沒有辦法跨到這麼多,上次是有政府的人跟民間技術專家,還有一個協作員在裡面組成一個隊伍,我不知道大家對於隊伍的組成之各自想像是什麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至少要各有一名?我聽起來是這樣子的意思。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "如果沒有跨的話,各部會都在做。當時就是有看到這樣的問題,的確很多議題都是需要跨界、跨域跟跨政府部門合作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們不接受一個隊從頭到尾都是同一個單位,簡單來講就是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "去年實務上是有這一種狀況,像天下那個隊就變成是民間的,水的議題很特別,因為是水公司的,但是其他基本上都有跨。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不接受的意思並不是把你刷掉,而是你通過初選,我們會幫你找到領域專家的輔導,而且我們會幫你找到,如果是政府的話,會找到民間,如果你是民間的話,會找到政府的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我來用白板。上次一個隊伍最多是10個人,如果這一件事是10個人的話,至少有一個是來自政府的人,我們也會知道有一個民間的專家,上次想的是產官學研社是包含社會人士、NGO、產業界公司,政府、民間專家大家覺得是必選,「社會人士/NGO」、「產」看起來是可以選擇。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "領域專家。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "領域專家,真的啦!不一定是技術的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "因為上次總統盃黑客松媒合的是技術專家,也就是會coding。唐鳳剛剛提到領域專家,但是領域專家又不一樣了,可能是NGO、產業界的專家。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果三個都是專家那就不用寫專家了,民間跟領域就是這樣子分的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我不太確定的地方是,民間專家是不是要有技術專家、政府專家或者是領域專家?或者領域專家是拉到輔導團裡面?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "輔導團裡面其實也會有政府的人跟領域的人。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "那個是選擇,像去年有些單位,衛福部是最明顯的,他們有一些自己長期配合的廠商在做,他們就鼓勵廠商,就藏在裡面了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那就自動滿足了。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "那十個人其實是當時為了考慮到決賽時,如果沒有拿,很多是看熱鬧的人,像去年做得很好,他們的人多了,像屏東的人、各醫院的人,每一次來協作,我看人數都超過。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實我看要媒合的人是有限的,很多人都考慮到要怎麼放進去,另外有的隊伍是政府的人滿了、民間的人滿了,所以沒有辦法放進去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝雨蒼提醒。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "假設一開始組隊是十個人,而且是單執行,我們媒合兩個人進去的時候,不受人數團隊的限制,到最後媒合完到複賽的時候,一定要變成三種身分的人,至少各有一個;除此之外,我們就不再硬去切了,因為每一個團隊的狀態真的不一樣,很難說一定要等比例,這個大概做不到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣可以嗎?所以至少每個團隊是三個人,也就是不會有一人團隊。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "所以會有三至十人,非常感謝大家把它弄清楚。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個滿好的,具體會寫在初賽到複賽的辦法當中,所以即使一個人來,到複賽的時候就會變成三個人。還有沒有其他的想法?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們是不是要鼓勵政府也是要跨部會?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有,我們前面特別都有講了,跨中央、跨院都有,我想這個就這樣子。其他的部分,如果大家對於毛巾跟背包沒有什麼意見的話……" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我建議一下,這個網站如果到時要成亮點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有,再往下兩頁就是了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我這邊會建議,可能有一些參加的,包含像g0v size的貼紙之類的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "之前都有一個可以印出來感謝的東西,就是有一個自己印出來的電子檔,但是是不是真的有人印出來,我是滿懷疑的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "還是做一些貼紙。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "蕭老師就貼了一張。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "去年因為預算的關係,在做的時候有很多限制,到處給人家卡油,今年假定有預算的話,像每個人給他一個紀念品,他別著可以到處炫耀,像貼紙是g0v最會弄。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "去年也有印。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是沒有選到20隊,我們也會編預算,也就是你花力氣來,留個紀念。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "參與就是一個肯定,所以貼在那裡,就會問有沒有貼紙。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "青春的證明。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "成本沒有很高,但是擴散力很高。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "做一些貼紙,像「我20歲,我黑客」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "每年還可以換。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "循著貼紙的概念,我建議到時在設計這個活動的時候,也就是可以做一些放在網站上的識別設計,可能一個是for 白底、一個是for 黑底,像g0v的graint有那個東西,你做出來的東西,必須要把logo放在網站上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "去年總統盃的outline很不錯,搭配黑底、白底都很好看。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "去年logo如果沒有問題,我覺得可以沿用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我建議可以沿用。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "那個是總統府的,用很久了。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "至於出去的作品是不是要掛,我覺得不需要這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以掛,但不強制。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也就是我們鼓勵他掛,就像SDGs一樣。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "這個東西加年度,這樣蒐集出來才有意義。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "印出來的版本,當然要加年度。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "大家才會知道是哪一年的總統盃黑客松。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "他們都可以參觀,集滿三個可以參觀一至二樓。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們還可以換字體,每一年換不同的等寬字體。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這樣子不管有沒有初選、入選,就算100隊,也就是另外80隊都給紀念品,這個都改進去。所以獎勵方式如果ok的話,那就這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "時程的部分,7月17日是暫訂?" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "先報告一下,在總統府的話,光是布置要半天,半天是到深夜,我們上次搞到11點,拆除又到晚上,所以是一天半。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "如果是假日會比較好,當然這個是看看……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "17日是禮拜三。假日一般也是比較適合大家來,尤其都是公務員,其實裡面八成是公務員,都看總統府這邊。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "時間訂了,我們就要保留。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "應該是副座提給總統。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果你要27、28,我們應該也可以做得到,13、14就開始有一點壓縮時間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以20、21、27、28,也就是這四個時間段,通常你們要多久可以知道是哪一天?" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "先報上去,可能會保留,不然會太久。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是不是可以給我們deadline?什麼時候可以確定?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們到記者會一定要講。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "我們會在記者會前先弄好,跟去年一樣,訂一下就不會改了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為記者會還要有一些文書作業等等,是不是可以從現在算起一個月內,給我們確定的時間。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "我們有會議紀錄來的時候就可以簽報,因為很多東西都在裡面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我知道。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個部分我有一個小問題,之前吵過,如果我們請總統府幫忙爭取一個總統府的網域,我們之後就會有一個漂亮的domain name。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "今天會議做出來,就可以確認今天的domain name比較好用,像可能叫做「」。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "我們去年討論過,不適合用「」。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "去年有一個在資策會下的……" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「」,被罵翻了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這次大概一定要放gov.tw的網域,沒有什麼好講。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「」可能不太容易,這個是新的三級網域。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "「」可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果是跨中央、地方、各院,可能需要比「」意義更廣的網域。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "這個是四級機關用的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我有兩個想法,一個是我們叫「」,這個是外交部國傳司,已經給科會報非常多像「」、「」、「」、「」、「」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們多一個「」,那是非常容易的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果哪一個部會辦黑客松,可以申請「」嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們不會給「」,除非我們要成立「行政院黑客松委員會」這個二級機關。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,我們也可以縮寫為「」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以上只是要確認:總統府這邊不希望使用總統府的網域,我們要在行政院可協調的網域裡面挑一個?我們確定到這裡。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "確定。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "因為228的連假考量,所以沒有辦法搭配open data day,行銷上是不是要沾邊?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "因為3月7日更晚,要如何勾那一件事?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "發trailer、預覽影片、猜猜看。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "實體記者會之前就有trailer,可以發嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一切都要看最後的行銷團隊是誰。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "該週末發布比較有意義。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。詳細的辦法、時程、報名都是3月7日,但是open data day先有一波,也就是3月7日總統即將宣布。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "另外一個問題是,「code for proposal」是4月10日結束,幫考試院、監察院假設,如果他們很想參加,也許但是只有一個很不成熟的idea。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛不是說多一個許願池嗎?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "多許願池是一個idea跟proposal,是有一個內部要對考試制度,比方說,像監察的一些需求,有辦法事前私下去協助他們變成一個漂亮的題目嗎?或者是等題目進來,才能幫他們?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可是這個說真的,沒有辦法在我們要點裡面寫這一種東西。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "不是要點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "實際上拜會就知道參與意願,知道參與意願之後,當然我們就會認識他的窗口,但是如果表達有這個需求的話,你不是以輔導團的身分,而是以個人的身分幫他,我們都假裝沒有看到。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "去年的經驗,像通知有這樣的活動,他們就一路派辦,然後來提案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我理解。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "提案不夠好,會被直接刷掉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一次很難用這個理由,明明有上一次,就知道你長成什麼樣子會得獎,所以上一次還可以說不知道做什麼,這一次真的提供他充分上次可公開的部分,甚至包含簡報檔。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "其他四院給他看,就知道可以跨院。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是不是可以調出去年前五名,包含最後present簡報的部分,問他們是不是可以開放授權?或者是那時已經開放授權了?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "可能要徵詢一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "徵詢之後,CK的問題就迎刃而解,我們可以更前面,也就是許願池的時候,就說會長這樣子,請大家來參考,越是這樣子越會贏,這樣就解決了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果是這樣的話,我們從3月7日往前的話,其實我希望那五隊的可公開徵詢,儘量早一點完成,看能不能在農曆年前完成徵詢,因為這樣子的話,我們在農曆年一過,負責行銷的團隊可以用這一些素材,開始使用,等於多出一整個月。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以從2月11日到3月7日都算作不管是許願、預熱或者是暖身的一個時段,這樣就不用壓縮到後面的事情,好不好?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "相關的問題跟時程有關,也就是資料準備的問題,現在政府有open哪一些,政府、地方就這樣子了,或者我們要特別拱一些高價值、高影響力的資料集,藉這個機會拱出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們已知監察院在兩個月內會釋出政治獻金的資料,這個是新政治獻金法的第一次,這個是相當高價值。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "地方創生會有一個臺灣社會經濟資料庫,會把以前分散在不同部門的套疊起來,我不知道,因為那個叫國土區域規劃處,所以你們目前還不知道會長成什麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "舉一個例子,既然今年想增加一個農業議題,像農航所的農地空拍資料庫,說不定能討論突破規費限制。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該這樣講,你可以用個人身份輔導。如果至少進到前二十組,要的資料就循同樣的程序來要,是全部公開或者是競賽中公開,或者是透過某種統計方法公開,再說,但是至少這個是表示民眾希望看到這個。但是如果沒有進前二十隊,不太可能有這個正當性。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "其實政委提的,亮點可以提,有一些新的data,至於有一些特別,還是等他們進來,我們再來協調。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們已知要公開的,我們可以趁此機會宣傳。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "所以已知是……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "政治獻金跟TESAS。後者我們再回去問問看。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "還有民生公共物聯網。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實辦完比賽之後,政府的資料才比較全,我們比較知道政府空氣盒子已經上線了。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "是不是要邀一些國際的資料?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "都可以…就自己覺得多亮就放在多大的版位,這個當然是越多越好。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有一個東西是開放一陣子,應該是還不錯的東西,上次沒有人用到,也就是判決書的部分,判決書可以拿來做語意分析、產生法律分析。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實,以跨域來講。所以我們拜會、徵詢或者是打電話的時候,除了議題比較難,人的參與比較容易之外,也對其他四院跟中研院,也就是其他五院覺得有沒有高價值的資料,那個是我們可以一併宣傳的。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "臺灣人體生物資料庫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有道理。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "可能比健保資料庫更有機會處理。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "行政院的……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他五院就麻煩仁甫詢問。這個時程看大家……" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "最後提到一個,剛剛有提到行銷團隊,我們有決定行銷團隊是誰了嗎?如果3月7日要宣布,剩下28個工作天,是誰?誰要跟他們講?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "我們會找執行的團隊。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "有決定要找誰嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "還沒有確定。有牽涉到經費。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "預算是從科會辦出嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "希望部會可以來支持。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "要請執秘快一點,如果沒有預算,人家會問預算。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "科會報的錢都是要給部會。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "那要快一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這是執秘的權責。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "會後會再通知。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天討論的已經足以形成要點,只是講的名字要確認而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請直接擬一個要點,我們請執秘協調,包含執行,讓他看一下那個有沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "還有一個是決選那一天,也就是17日。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大概不會是17日。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "成果展示也很重要。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "完全同意。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "多請問一個時間,如果要拜會各個不同五院,是你們這邊要嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我來統籌,如果政委有空,也可以一起去。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "其實大家禮貌性先拜會,大頭都說ok,我就邀科長或者是組長,看要怎麼弄。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個沒有問題,我全力支持。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "場地是在總統府或者是台北賓館?" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "台北賓館太小了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我建議還是總統府,不然比起去年,好像降級的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果有經費,一樓可以展示。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "一樓有常設展,要先講好。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "想一下怎麼安排。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那就這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們議程已經走完,看大家有沒有要再討論?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "下一次的會議要什麼時間?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們有兩個點:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一個是這個要點是執秘要看過、同意並找到經費,另外一個是總統府要給我們時程跟名稱。" }, { "speaker": "保經榮", "speech": "我回去馬上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這兩個都收到後,再發會議通知。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "跟要點無關,像國際元素是要給獎或者是不給獎?國際參與的程度要到什麼程度?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "就給一個特別的獎就好了,就跟smart city一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為「全球夥伴」的寫法是非常安全的,可以是臺灣來解決一個國際的問題,也可以是國際朋友來解決臺灣的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以,並不是有這個類別就一定是有外國人,如果有的話是最好的,不管是什麼國籍就派代表來。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "像在小巨蛋那裡的新創團隊,他們已經到臺灣來了,他們本來就在解決問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "國際的團隊來,我們要補充機票跟交通費嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可能沒有這個經費?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "到小巨蛋那邊的最safe,已經到臺灣進駐了,只要邀兩、三隊進來就是國際隊了,也可以跟政府部門做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "甚至是外國團隊,剛好在臺灣。不過小巨蛋……" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "只有加速器,並沒有新創公司。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想外國團隊在臺灣還是有社群,我想那個就是透過這些社群去灑,如果有的話就非常好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "只要說我們解決問題不是限於臺灣,這樣就可以了,像「搶救水寶寶」去解決紐西蘭的問題,那也是全球夥伴,不是說「紐西蘭人來臺灣」才是全球夥伴。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "剛剛講了民生物聯網,當作前後棒的概念。所以是不是允許一些side track這樣子到處互相連結?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然可以。你說要聯名嗎?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "你剛剛提到AODP是經濟部的,所以如果要提那個活動……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Side event很好。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "原則上?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們在記者會跟初選到複選的時候,如果看時程的話,複選結束變成十隊,也就是6月之前,我建議我們都只用一個品牌,也就是總統盃黑客松。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是大概是到6月第二次工作坊之後,我們的side event就可以聯名。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "然後Presidential Hackathon的這個logo也好、視覺設計也好,都可以開放授權直接讓大家下載,當然聯名辦法要跟活動團隊討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像上次kick off的時候講的,在6月之前讓民生公共物聯網一起來的話,先只用「總統盃黑客松」的名字。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是6月之後就沒有問題,反正就這十隊,所以我覺得就是用這個時間點去切。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他看大家還有沒有意見?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我們就結束這個回合,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "抱歉,設備的問題耽誤了5分鐘,我們現在正式開始,首先非常感謝各部會的PO及臺南市政府列席的PO們,一起來參加這場108年度PO共識營,相信各位都非常認真,在會前已經有看過我用電子郵件寄送的相關資料,所以今天共識營並不是教育訓練性質,而是採取目前跟Join 5,000人連署的形式一樣,以協作會議的方式辦理。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "為了完成這樣的工作,今天的角色分配,由我這邊來擔任平常公部門業務單位的角色,PDIS的其他同仁會用提案人的角色來對整個開放政府制度、PO制度來提出建議,他們認為怎麼做比較好,我作為主要的承辦人跟業務單位會逐一回應,到底公務同仁有沒有辦法做得到及做到什麼程度。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "一樣事先說明今天的議程,各位可以連上,這一間會議室在地下室,各位只能用自己的網路上網,可以先搜尋,進去之後就打今天的日期「108」,在裡面一樣可以自由地發言,具名或者是匿名沒有關係。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "今天的議程中手上沒有麥克風,但是有意見想要表達的話,我們會在議程當中處理到平台上任何的留言,今天比較特別的是,我們也請三位自願的PO來擔任今天會議的大場主持人與兩個小桌長,PDIS今天是屬於參與者的角色,透過提案人跟業務單位間的攻防來凸顯今天大家想要討論的議題。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "接下來麻煩大場的會議主持人王副司長明源,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "致翔、PDIS團隊、PO同業公會同仁、夥伴大家早安!我是教育部PO綜合規劃司的副司長王明源,今天很榮幸有機會為大家服務,擔任第一場自願的主持人,今年是我們開放政府聯絡人PO第一次會議,新春,先向大家拜個早年,祝福大家新的一年萬事如意。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "今年有很多事情,新的閣揆也有新的行政團隊,院長也期許我們整個行政團隊能夠接地氣,白話一點就是能夠聞聲救苦,或者是能夠尋求一些問題來解決,這跟我願意擔任第一次共識營服務的角色有關係。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "開放政府PO的部分,其實是我們第一線接觸民眾的機會,我們不只是跨單位聯繫,有時協作的時候,要跟各部會一起來協作,有很多實踐的,並不是理論,而是實踐的。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "我個人已經擔任PO一年多了,雖然並不是一開始就擔任這個角色,但是其中我學習了很多,有的部會真的是做得很不錯,我想我們今年就像行政單位一樣,一年之計在於春,一日之計在於晨,行政單位在一年都會檢討過去、思考未來的一年,包括施政重點如何檢討改進,目的就是要讓施政更好。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "同樣的,我們的開放政府,今年選在年初非常地好,我們是第三季第一次集會,我們可以看看過去兩年來走過的這一些路有哪一些成果,哪一些可以繼續做、哪一些可以深化、落實,哪一些可以再做一些調整,哪一個部分可以再作精進,我想這個是年初開共識營很好的機會。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "誠如剛剛致翔所說的,今天共識會議並不是上面決定或者是PDIS決定我們應該要怎麼做,我們應該要來檢討,並不是的,我們希望多聽聽各方的意見,並聽聽大家實際上在這一個工作有哪一些心得。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "我昨天也跟致翔請問一下,這一次新的PO有多少,更換了1/3,表示有1/3是還沒有接觸過的,也有部分是以前很有經驗的,我覺得新舊很好,不要調幅過大,經驗也可以傳承,這個是非常好的。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "我首先擔任開場的主持,我介紹一下分組主持人,感謝張兆琦小姐……不好意思,是張先生,接著是人事總處的高小姐,沒有講錯了。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "我們有分兩組,一共有24位,我剛剛看的時候是23位到,現在應該是全員到齊了。開場完以後我會請大家自我介紹一下,讓大家認識一下,但是不要太長,說明你的姓名、匿稱及服務單位就可以了,如果希望加深深刻印象的一些興趣或者是理想,可以講,但是不要太長,因為我們有20幾位,時間我掌控不是很好的時候、比較長的時候,可能會有加速的手勢,提醒要做一個ending。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "為什麼今天會有共識營?我剛剛講了,會檢討過去的成效、定位,重要的目的就是要讓我們的角色扮演更好、成效更好。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "我想開放政府的一個角色跟以前不太一樣,跟一般的流程不太一樣,政策由上而下,一直到法規,到後端的使用者一定是在最後的步驟,我們新的流程會讓使用者參與角色,會拉到第一個步驟來,一開始就讓他們多元表示意見,接著才慢慢進行相關的法規跟維護,請大家參考一下。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "今天共識營希望大家可以一起決定未來PO制度的長相,也就是今天集思廣益覺得應該怎麼做,把做得更好的點子提出來,大家今天都是「提點子」的角色,希望把智慧貢獻出來。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "今天的共識跟結論會在下一次的季會與各部會次長報告,並請他們支持與給予資源。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "舊的PO都知道,新的PO大家應該都知道,PO分三層次的會議,每一季有季會,次長會出席,然後每一個月有我們PO的工作小組會議,每個月會有實際的協作會議,就是有這三個層次。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "我們模擬實際案例的協作會議形式來操作,看看未來PO應該要怎麼樣運作。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "我們等一下從我的左邊開始自我介紹,逐次遞麥克風介紹一下,我現在要介紹一些流程,等一下有工具、目的及介紹,等一下會請業務單位,也就是請PDIS的致翔來作簡報,等一下還有提案人的Mark會作提案人的簡報,接著會請衛福部PO Peggy來作經驗分享。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "11點的時候,我們會一起跟大家釐清PO制度跟協作會議所遇到的困難及未來的願景,接下來的中午是用餐跟分組討論時間,下午會請兩位分組的主持人來跟大家一起協作如何達成願景與解決困難,最後再請兩個組分享總結與意見的交流。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "分享的話是由組內推派一位代表來作分享,原則上是這樣子,如果都沒有願意出來的話,那就拜託分組的組長來分享。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "預計在3點左右會結束,我不知道政委到最後會不會來,我們等一下再說。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "今天的目的是要釐清PO制度與協作會議有哪一些困難及願景,我們希望大家提供寶貴的意見,讓我們看到問題的全貌並提出未來的願景,我們如何一起運作這個系統。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "搜集到的意見是十個人有同一個意見,我們很珍惜,即便兩個人有不同的意見,我們也會全部記錄下來,就像我們實際上去年之前所運作的協作會議一樣。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "相信每一個PO都知道不同問題的面向,我們希望這一些不同面向都能夠呈現出來,大家一起想辦法來解決。解決問題的面向是多元的,實際協作會議會邀請相關利害團體或者是利益團體來協作、討論,並共同思考解決一些問題。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "我們之前釐清相關概念及共同解決一些問題,都是一起協作的,我們之前會有問題,先請大家寫出一些紙條,然後也將解決問題寫出來,針對可能的風險、障礙、克服方式及哪一些單位可以執行這一些策略,另外願景跟檢討都有這一些面向,而協作的過程中,各位PO或者是未來以後實際的參與者,都可以先寫在我們桌上的便利貼,有相關的問題就可以貼上去。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "因為有不同的顏色,不同的顏色貼在一起都可以,如果沒有的話,也沒有關係,但是主要能夠即時把問題寫下來,到時彙整的時候,就讓我們有一個概念發展單,看出有哪一些問題、解決的方法、哪一些單位可以去執行。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "我們剛剛有講過,這一些會在季會來作報告,請各部會的次長來支持。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "另外,我們也會請提案人分享,等一下問題釐清時,當然會開放給大家來作分享,但是跟大家報告,如果大家不好意思講出來的時候,是不是允許我來指定,如果允許的話,我們就來嘗試看看。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "接下來是與會者的自我介紹,是不是從這邊開始。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "大家好,我是衛福部的PO,Peggy。" }, { "speaker": "黃惠珍", "speech": "大家好,我是科技部的PO,黃惠珍。" }, { "speaker": "林雨潔", "speech": "大家好,我是國發會的林雨潔。" }, { "speaker": "陳振源", "speech": "大家好,我是陸委會的陳振源,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉綏珍", "speech": "大家好,我是綜規處劉綏珍,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "大家好,我是國發會的劉宗熹。" }, { "speaker": "陳睿榮", "speech": "大家好,我是財政部陳睿榮。" }, { "speaker": "郭俊呈", "speech": "大家好,我是財政部PO郭俊呈。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "我已經介紹過了,我是王明源。" }, { "speaker": "劉家秀", "speech": "大家好,我是衛福部國民健康署企劃組劉家秀,我是第一次參加PO會議。" }, { "speaker": "李嘉慧", "speech": "大家好,我也是國民健康署資訊及健康傳播組副組長,也是第一次參加,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "大家好,我是張兆琦女士,很高興今天來參加會議,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "田基武", "speech": "大家好,我是衛福部社會及家庭署田基武,田基,很高興跟大家認識,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "鄭安華", "speech": "大家好,我是鄭安華,來自於疾病管制署。" }, { "speaker": "劉淑芬", "speech": "大家好,我是食藥署劉淑芬,第一次參加,很高興認識各位。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "大家好,我是外交部PO錢慕賢,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "李榮哲", "speech": "大家好,我是原民會李榮哲,第一次參加PO會議,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "黃超邦", "speech": "大家好,我是金管會證期局,我是黃超邦,我們金管會有另外三個,都是在下一場會議,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "羅定紘", "speech": "大家好,我是故宮博物院的羅定紘。" }, { "speaker": "徐易麟", "speech": "大家好,我是中選會的徐易麟。" }, { "speaker": "何璠", "speech": "大家好,我是原能會綜合計畫處何璠,也是第一次來參加PO會議。" }, { "speaker": "高慈蔚", "speech": "大家好,我是人事總處高慈蔚,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "高國恩", "speech": "大家好,我是中央銀行高國恩,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "吳淑玲", "speech": "大家好,我是行政院主計總處吳淑玲,我是壓軸,很開心跟大家一起學習,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "謝謝各位,各位很簡潔,時間把握得很好,我們接下來就進行提案人的簡報。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "大家好,第一次跟大家簡報有一點緊張,我是PDIS團隊的馬克,有新朋友、舊朋友,可能舊朋友之前有跟我討論一些東西,因為PDIS要擔任提案人的角色,我覺得這個角色滿有趣的,我就跳坑了,想說這個簡報有一點得罪到大家。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "等一下的簡報裡面,剛剛副座的簡報是第三屆,表示前面有兩屆,在前面兩屆的PO裡面,我們都有對PO制度、想要大家完成什麼事情、大家期待幫忙完成什麼事情有一個定位,想要透過簡報的定位是什麼、有沒有達到及未來可以做什麼事。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第二,跟開放政府非常相關的事情是協作會議,協作會議也會在這個簡報裡面提到,協作會議預計要完成什麼事、有沒有完成,要如何開好協作會議,真的才會幫大家解決到問題。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們先來看一下PO制度有沒有work,這個「參照」有一點久了,是2016年11月25日,如果大家對於PDIS有瞭解的話,大家知道有一個放逐字稿的地方,如果大家有興趣的話,可以找一下,2016年11月25日的時候,唐鳳跟國發會資管會處長有開一個會,他們討論的是要如何建立開放政府聯絡人制度,所以有一點像制度的起源。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "那時他們討論到的東西是,他們發現政府裡面有一些問題,而這一些問題希望可以用開放政府聯絡人制度來解決,到底是哪一些問題?我有幫大家列在左邊。第一,部會跟部會間的聯絡人不穩定,導致要處理每一個問題的時候,必須要找到不同的窗口,這個窗口一直換的狀態之下,就變成大家要合作其實很難,我們希望透過開放政府聯絡人,讓部會跟部會間的窗口是固定下來的,如果大家要做跨部會協調的時候,就可以直接找到開放政府聯絡人。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我要重新強調一下,這個是當初的設定跟期待,至於現在有沒有做到及這樣做到底對不對,這個是大家可以一邊聽的時候,一邊反思的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "在兩年、三年前的時候,Join平台已經運作一陣子了,最常見的還是「提點子」跟「眾開講」,上面要做一些人員的培力,要有辦法回應民眾的問題,唐鳳還不是政委,還是培力的講師的時候,她發現每一次遇到不同議題的時候,遇到的對象都不一樣,這樣的經驗沒有辦法累積在公部門裡面,因此希望有一個固定的人,也就是在座的PO可以把經驗累積在人的身上。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接下來是比較大方向的,像讓政府做事可以更開放,讓多元的意見可以被收攏進來,這都顯示到我們做事的一些方法,像我們的協作會議會找不同的利害關係人進來,我們會對協作會議有充分紀錄,比如逐字稿公開、直播之類的東西,以方便對後續進行課責。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這整個來講是我們一開始對於開放政府聯絡人,我們希望他們做到的事。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "但是前兩屆的共識營,如果大家是舊PO的話,可能會有一些印象,我們做的事情是上課,我們開始跟大家說我們認為所謂好的溝通應該是怎麼樣、好的主持應該怎麼做、好的採訪應該怎麼做,但是今年想了一下,覺得這樣子做好像不太對,我們應該要貫徹一開始的核心思想,我們以使用者為中心來思考,也就是找PO們一起來想接下來的PO制度應該要怎麼樣,所以今天的共識營,我們真的很希望可以得到一些共識,而不是大家來這邊聽聽我們講話就好了,所以等一下麻煩大家多多發言,接下來可以一起來想。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "其實我今天早上來的時候,在準備東西的時候,就有一些PO的夥伴進來跑過來跟我講說「PO到底要幹麻」,今天有新PO,也有舊PO,希望大家可以貢獻經驗,等一下Peggy大大會貢獻經驗,新PO是希望可以貢獻一些想法,因為舊PO在這個制度裡面run了一段時間,有一些想法,但是想法也會被經驗牽制住,是新PO的話,也可以貢獻出一些怎麼樣做可以更好,或者是什麼東西是PO這個角色應該要做的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "還是希望大家可以多多發言,因為這個是畢竟未來一年要做的事情,會說一年是明年這個時間點我們應該會再開一次共識營,所以目標會再調整,所以未來一年的意思是這樣子的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "等一下會有一連串的問題,我們會開始問,這個問題是在一開始還沒有來會議之前都收到會議通知,上面都有列了,有關於PO的問題有兩個,關於協作會議的問題有四個,這一連串的問題我會帶大家走過一遍,大家在聽這個問題的時候,可以一邊想對於這個問題有什麼解法,或者是有什麼經驗,大家手邊有便利貼,如果怕忘記的話,可以先拿便利貼寫下來,我們等一下會做問題蒐集,可以先把問題寫下來,可以拿出來跟大家分享。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "不管是新PO、舊PO,我們會告訴大家,常用的工具是,剛剛致翔也已經講過了,大家可以打開這個網頁看一下,重點是上面可以匿名,如果要講一些比如「政委辦公室怎麼會這樣想」、「這種事情怎麼會做得到」,又不想用這個名義發言的時候,就可以這樣使用網路工具,真的很希望大家可以敞開心胸告訴我們一些真正的事。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第一題,「PO制度過去及未來的定位是什麼?」" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "當初PO制度的出現是希望回應哪一些現象、解決哪一些問題,但是現在的狀況是怎麼樣?剛剛其實有講到的是,一開始決定要設立PO的時候,我們有幾件事情想要解決,像培力在一個人身上,跨部會的窗口要一致,類似像這的意思,我們賦予期待是主持、轉譯及紀錄,必須可以主持多元利害關係人的會議,要可以轉譯,公部門講出來的一些新聞稿或者是Join平台的回應之類的,一般的人看不太懂,我們希望PO可以做到轉譯的工作。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著是紀錄,我們希望由PO開起來的會議,每一次都留下充分的紀錄,讓後續的人可以繼續研議。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "大家可以一起思考一下,現在的做法到底哪一些東西有做到、哪一些東西其實沒有做到。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "如果是舊PO的話,可以幫我思考一下,身為一個PO,你對於未來的想像是什麼?未來的想像是什麼可能有一點空泛,像PO們覺得有PO制度之後,對公務文化有什麼改變?比如唐鳳常常講的是當兩個人要互相合作的時候,如果他們合作的機會只有一次的話,他當然選擇不跟對方合作,能混就混、能閃就閃,但是在信任的遊戲底下,當他們要長期合作的時候,就會知道如果這一次閃過了合作的機會,故意偷懶之類的,下一次合作的對象會報復我,所有的對象是長期合作,至少在未來的一年都是要互相合作的,這樣大家就會互相體諒、互相願意合作、幫忙,並不是採取閃避的態度,類似這樣子,這個是唐鳳當初的理想。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "實際上有沒有真的落實?我們可以思考一下,PO們互相合作是不是真的夠緊密,對於公務文化有沒有什麼改變,或者是這個是我的範圍,守好就好了,各部會就做各部會的事情,並不是可以直接互相合作。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "對於剛剛提到的這一些問題及腦海浮出來的其他問題,像我是比較不會有公眾議題部會的PO,對於這一些事情來講可以做什麼事?這一些事可以想一下,看有沒有更好的方式來優化。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "雖然很不想承認PO制度跟協作會議是不同的東西,但是實際上就是這樣子運作的,PO制度目前只有協作會議,所以我們可以仔細來思考一下協作會議的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們一開始對於協作會議的目的、功能,我們希望協作會議達到什麼情況,在場的人有些沒有參與過協作會議,因此我簡單講一下,協作會議會有一個議題提出來之後,大家會找多方的利害關係人坐下來一起開會,會用面對面直接溝通的方式希望得到一些共識,這個跟平常傳統的專家會議或者是公聽會不一樣,可以知道有更多的互動,類似是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們在協作會議的參與須知可以訂到協作會議目前有這個目標,像議題澄清、增加公部門對議題的察覺與意識,因為大家在協作會議裡面跟一般民眾面對面直接討論議題時,就可以更理解對方在想什麼,類似這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "再來,我們希望可以促進多元的平等與對話,有目標的協作、循證治理,這個是我們對協作會議一開始的期待,到底有沒有達到這一些東西?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "剛剛講協作會議的目標有沒有被完成?這兩句話應該是很多朋友的心聲,基本上每一次做完協作會議的時候,我們PDIS都會拉著提案人,也不是提案人,而是這一場協作會議裡面比較不是公部門同仁的朋友,然後就會拉著做採訪,大家都會說政府單位願意跟民間這樣子面對面溝通、深入討論這個議題,而不是請大家來發表意見,並說「你們的意見我都聽到了」,然後就收回去,這樣面對面溝通其實是很棒的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們聽到另外一方面的聲音是,來參與的部會都說協作會議的準備期程真的很累,時間又拉很長,所以這中間到底要怎麼樣去被調整,對大家來講是一個比較平衡的狀態;像同樣的,我們可以花比較少的時間,但是達到一定的效果,或者是有什麼樣的分工可以調整,讓部會的準備時間不會這麼累,類似這樣子,對於協作會議目前的狀態要怎麼調整是可以思考的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "PO在協作會議中的角色是什麼?因為協作會議當中有不同的角色,有業務單位、PO、各部會次長、PDIS、開放政府業務負責政委、院長等,但是這一些角色目前的合作方式是什麼?有沒有需要調整的?我們直接看到的第一個問題是,業務單位與PO間的分工關係其實是比較模糊的,現在有一些尷尬的點,一開始對於PO的期許是PO可以幫忙協調業務單位、協調跨部會的事情,類似這樣子,但是實際上的狀況是,PO可能也不太清楚PDIS要的是什麼,把業務單位是什麼、把PDIS接起來,我們一開始想到要把培力過程累積在同一個人身上的事就沒有達成了,這個是我們已經發現的一些小問題,相信大家一定會發現更多的問題,因此我們希望大家可以提出來,類似這樣子。我們把這些問題釐清之後,是不是可以把這一些合作的方式讓它制度化。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "協作會議處理的議題樣態?最近一句話很流行,也就是什麼東西都要「接地氣」,如果可以讓協作會議的議題更接地氣,我們的想法是可以符合實際上的需求,什麼是符合實際上的需求?這個分為部會、民眾及政策的需求,對於部會的需求,相信怎麼樣讓協作會議解決到各位業務上的需求,這個是我們非常想達到的,因為在最一開始的時候,我們都說自己是公僕的公僕,也就是想要協助大家完成這個立場,所以我們很希望大家可以討論一下,協作會議可以如何更符合部會的需求。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "像最近有聽到一些反映是,如果議題是從Join來的話,Join的需求是民眾想要做什麼,並不是部會想要做什麼,民眾想要做的東西,一上來之後,對於部會來講可能是多花時間處理它,其實對於部會來講,做好這一些案子的動機就會不夠,類似這樣的內容是不是可以做一些調整?這個是可以一起思考的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "對於議題優先順序的話,牽扯的範圍越廣越優先,像部內已經有相關政策,這個可以更優先,類似這一些東西可以一起思考。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "最後一個問題是,我們要如何去評量這個協作會議的成功?協作會議的成功指標有列出來一些,這個是我們自己的想法,大家也可以想想看這樣是不是所謂的成功?像業務單位是不是有透過協作會議,民眾在意的項目是什麼或者是協作會議是好的機會,可以跟民眾說明做的政策是什麼,PO在這裡面是不是有把握到所謂多元參與、轉譯、主持及紀錄,是不是可以讓與會者在資訊充分認知底下來做深度溝通,是不是有在主持的過程中去促成各個與會者彼此的理解並達成共識。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這個是我們對於協作會議訂出來的成功指標,大家可以想一下怎麼樣的協作會議才算是成功,怎麼樣才可以幫到業務單位的業務,我們就一起往那個方向前進,這樣子協作會議才會變成不會是大家要應付的事情,而是真的可以幫到大家的忙。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們再重新確認一下今天討論的東西是這一些,像第一個是PO的定位和想像,PO制度目前的成效有什麼,有什麼事是做不到,未來該如何優化?接著是協作會議的目標,要怎麼樣調整才可以更接地氣。接著是協作會議當中PO的角色是什麼,然後要怎麼樣跟業務單位、PDIS、開放政府政委、次長、院長來作一些合作,才可以把業務真的往上。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "別忘了,如果你有任何的想法,但是有一點尖銳,不太好意思具名講,可以用,希望大家可以一起協作未來的制度,我的簡報大概到這邊,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "非常感謝很客氣的提案人,完全沒有炮火,也許我要跟他角色互換,來點開點炮。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "投影布幕上,是開會通知上寫的題目,簡單來說各位是PO,各位聚在一起就是PO network,希望妥善運用各部會PO的角色,在PO network互相聯繫下,試著讓協作議題更符合部會的需要。部會的需要到底是什麼?剛剛馬克有講到接地氣,我就不多說了,原始協作會議的流程,主持團隊是中立,會有提案人跟主辦機關,還有其他利害關係人這三方來討論某一個議題的解法,像汽車燃料稅該怎麼收、怎麼計算。交通部沒有來,所以就拿他當例子。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "但是在今天會前一週有訪談提案人(也就是所有PDIS同仁)討論後,我們覺得這個題目不夠好,我們把它改成是:" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "為了貫徹開放政府,促進公私互信,我們希望讓各部會的PO發揮作用。也許很多部會在PO的角色上可能不夠重視,還有覺得跟傳統聯絡人、綜規沒有什麼差別,像國會聯絡人從國會那邊收到資料轉給業務單位,然後彙整之後,又送回去給國會,其實在裡面是彙整的角色,當然我自己作為事務官,我知道彙整並不是一件容易的事,但我們希望PO能夠做的不只是這一些。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "當部會在PO內的角色夠強大之後,我們希望各部會間有所連結,希望有些問題是在PO間可以解決的,像A部會、B部會的PO可以協調某一些事,然後帶回去跟部次長、業務單位說我們兩個部會這樣做好像不錯。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "為什麼我要提這這塊?因為現狀很有可能都是各部會的PO收到案子之後,回去問業務單位的意見,業務單位說不要就不要,然後就結束了,這是常見的樣態。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "前提是我們希望做到開放政府、公私互信,這是長遠的目標,開放政府是什麼,我只有10分鐘就不多說了,開放政府大家可以看我寄給各位的信,裡面有7,000字的文章,如果不想看7,000字的文章,可以看PO網站,網站上有一個很摘要式的介紹。開放政府簡單來講是四個要色,「參與」、「透明」、「課責」、「涵融」,這四個要素是相輔相成的,這四個要素並不是目標,而是工具,不是為了透明而透明,不是為了讓民眾而參與,開了很多公聽會或者是參與形式的會議讓民眾來,都不是。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我們的目標是「公私互信」,那四個要素應該要能達成公私互信目標,可以讓所有的民眾一起來,讓這一些民眾講的話,我們儘量讓他們覺得這一場會滿有意義,有這樣的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "當民眾有這樣的感覺時,民眾跟公部門的距離似乎更近了一點,並不是公部門每一次有東西上媒體、網路,所有鄉民在下面罵成一片,然後就說公部門亂搞。可是大家都知道公部門的事務官們,大家都非常非常辛苦,為什麼我們每次都在網路上被罵?這很不公平。所以我們希望做到的是公私互信。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "如何貫徹?剛剛的邏輯其實是有順序的,我們覺得開放政府是一個理念,這個理念我們認為可以透過每一個部會PO來做,到底要怎麼做?後來我們就慢慢在兩年的時間開了四十場的協作會議,慢慢發展出一套我們覺得滿適合,採納多元意見的這套叫做「協作會議」。因此我重說一次,開放政府,下一次層是PO,PO下一層是實際上的工作場域,叫做協作會議,這三件事是PDIS的選擇。什麼是PDIS的選擇?意思是如果各部會熟悉開放政府的流程,不一定要各部會的PO來處理,也許每個人都是PO。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第二,當有PO願意運作這一件事的時候,你一定要開協作會議嗎?也不是,如果各部會裡面有一個很完整的運作機制了,比如原民會,最主要的服務對象是原住民朋友,本來就有跟原住民朋友溝通例行的管道,這就是開放政府的一環。我們會問各部會:「在這樣的邏輯之下,目前現有的管道真的夠好嗎?」夠好的指標,除了馬克講的之外,我認為最簡單的一件事是這場會開完之後,原住民朋友是不是更相信我們,輔導會的服務對象是退伍軍人,這些人有沒有對我們更信任?如果這樣的形式、會議場合及既定平台沒有達成這樣的效果,也許就要拜託各位是不是試著先採用協作會議這套試試。所以,開放政府是核心價值,我們選擇透過PO來做,因為沒有辦法一次要求所有的公務員來做。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我們選擇PO來做的同時,我們選擇協作會議的形式,並不是等號,開放政府不等於PO,PO也不等於協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "剛剛講了,馬克說希望我們來深化各部會PO功能,但是PO在部會內的角色是什麼?對於事務官朋友們來講,唯一的依據是行政院頒布的開放政府聯絡人要點,這個要點裡面有很多內容,但是我挑了兩件事,第一個是叫做橫向聯繫,是要點裡面有寫的,當部會裡面有事情需要協調的時候,部會有沒有辦法取得部次長授權之後,把部內各單位找來,一起長出內的共識,在要點裡面是用工作小組來稱呼,我相信少部分的部會有,但是大部分並沒有。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第二,協助首長來評估是否踐行開放政府程序,這個意思是各部會都有很重要的施政目標,在這個前提之下,部長可能基於某些民意的壓力,就會說這一件事要趕快做,下個會期一定要透過這個法案。但這個流程當中,PO有角色嗎?部長開會研商的時候,會想找PO進來嗎?在網路上吵得很兇的時候,能夠建議這個議題要在網路上處理、針對不特定大眾處理、請PDIS開協作會議,PO有辦法上述的建議嗎?如果PO在部會內的角色夠強,也許可以。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "PO能夠提案到月會嗎?有啊!財政部、海委會都有提,但是提案的背後是怎麼運作的?比如是業務單位自己主動跟PO說「我們覺得這個案子試試看好了」,PO自己基於對開放政府的理解、開放政府的敏感度,主動地說要提到月會,業務單位還沒有同意沒有關係,回到後面再處理,PO的權責有沒有辦法強到這個程度?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "再者,運用PO聯絡網路的這一件事,大家有沒有好好在用?比如大家都有PO名單,透過PO聯絡到底是不是更簡單?說不定有、說不定沒有,也許發一個文過去,兩個承辦人之間就構成了聯絡管道,這樣的聯絡管道,和透過兩個PO間的效果有沒有不一樣?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "當然大家知道的是,我們在最前面的PO要點裡面其實是有明訂PO要跟副首長報告的,如果副首長有充分授權,很多事情是在PO間可以完成協調,但是我相信運作了兩年、四十場會議下來,很多PO並沒有完成這樣的工作,且問題是什麼,有沒有辦法在今天討論出一個初步的方向?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第三,PO間到底合作或者是競爭,如果今天秉持政府一體的概念,所有的公部門為了要完成某個政策的目標,那當然是合作,我們一起為了讓國家社會、為了讓所有人,甚至為了高大上的理念,讓民眾不要再誤解公部門。我們坐計程車的時候,不會不好意思跟計程車司機說我是公務員,通常我自己都不會講,我都是說做文書的,他就不會再問了,可是如果他跟說我做公務員的話,就開始在那邊罵,唸一整路,我就不得安寧,什麼時候才可以跟計程車司機坦白呢?所以PO間是合作或者是競爭?更常見的反而是PO間是競爭的,A部會跟B部會說:「這個案子不是我們家的,你們帶回去處理;這個案子跟我們沒有關係」PO之間很常見的狀態說不定是競爭,不是合作。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "再來,協作會議的議題如何更接地氣?我們籌備這一場共識營,到最後才冒出來的,為了這三句話吵半天,讓議題更符合部會需求,好不好?什麼叫做部會需求?是部長的意志嗎?財政部說今年要推動所得稅的改革,符合部長的意志,因此就開一個協作會議,找所有有可能有意見的人,像工商業人士,像家庭主婦代表,比如對各種繳稅不同樣態的人都找來,我們開完一場會之後,讓部長有武器跟所有的人說:「我們開了一些會議,蒐集一些意見,大家對於目前要推的政策沒有更多的反對意見,因此決定要做。」這是符合部會需求。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "什麼是符合民眾需求?其實是各位這兩年來在做的事情,Join平台是一個很強大的民意,提案人非常辛苦在網路上倡議,要湊到5,000人支持他,各位都是公部門、防守方,提案的結果是在公部門的眼中,這早就已經研議過、不可行,唐鳳說要開協作會議,我們來溝通一下,開完了,太好了,沒事了,以後這個案子儘量不用再碰,是這樣嗎?這樣符合民眾的需求嗎?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "讓議題更符合政策需求,政策跟部會有什麼不一樣?政策是一個指揮體系嗎?行政院現在要幹麻,各部會就要動起來,是不是以後協作會議的議題,我們要的是政策需求,我們就行政院說哪一個案子辦協作會議,各部會就照辦,這樣PO會不會更好做?會不會覺得也不用回去跟部會內的各單位溝通半天,今天是行政院的命令,所以行政院說要開什麼會就開什麼會,我們就全力支持,是不是這樣子?或其實是三個圈圈,民眾的需求、政策的目標、部會自己推動業務的需求,有沒有可能有一個聯集?說不定有,但我覺得那很難找,要非常好的運氣碰到這樣的案件類型,在沒有碰到這樣的案件類型、符合所有的需求情況之下,我們勢必要做選擇。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "四十場協作會議之下都在處理Join平台。缺點就是部會覺得很沒力,沒有要推這個,解釋完就解釋完了,因為非常多的人在問唐鳳、非常多的人在問PDIS,協作會議開完之後民眾都說讚,但開完以後到底有沒有執行?我們有想過要不要管考?每個月都要報,大家還會問一下你報的內容,到底有沒有執行?要用管考來處理嗎?我自己的想像是當被管考的東西已經太多了,不要透過管考來處理,怎麼處理?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "做部會自己想做的事就不需要管考,一定會做完。財政部一定要處理稅法的問題,所以符合部會需求說不定是很好的解法。符合政策需求,等一下簡報最後,我會提一下,怎麼樣可以有政策的需求。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "所以今天協作會議當然馬克報了非常清楚,重複的部分,我不多說,有沒有可能這一些解法最簡單方式,讓大家回去可以真的開始運作的方式,就是這兩梯次的共識營,大家試著討論出某種遊戲規則,這種遊戲規則就丟回來給唐鳳辦公室、PDIS說我們寫成要點、規定,頒布所有的部會說你們就按照這個遊戲規則做,大家就因為有依據就不會很難做;但是依據怎麼生,我們就在這兩梯次生出來。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "當然也有一些很機車的解法,例如協作會議的議題PDIS能不能有提案權?比如來說,PDIS對你們來講是行政院,行政院主觀認定最近某某議題吵得很兇,我們在月會上提說這個議題PDIS的建議是要開協作會議,我也相信PDIS提的案子,大家都會投票給他,所以幾乎是行政院的指示或者是意志了。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "這樣對大家來講有沒有比較好?我自己的想像有幾個:" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第一,可以讓某一些沒有Join議題的部會,我們PDIS可以來介入處理。或者是還有一些更差的作法,例如一開始這個月的月會有講過,如果大家對於處理Join意見已經很彈性疲乏了,是不是要強迫減少Join上的案件,假設我們一個月開兩場協作會議,甚至一個月開三場協作會議,我們也可以討論以後協作會議的次數要不要增加?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "一個月開三場協作會議,我們強迫Join只能處理一題,剩下的兩題是別的題目,如果要符合剛剛所講的部會需求,那就是部會自提,我們怎麼樣讓部會自提?如果部會都不自提怎麼辦?或者是讓PDIS有提案權,每個月處理兩案或者是三案,是不是可以透過這樣的遊戲規則來做?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "今天是很開放式的讓PDIS所有同仁來一起討論如何解決目前包含PO本身、PO的聯絡網路、協作會議,這三個不是等號,而是選擇的途徑有什麼樣更好的解法,如果沒有的話,是不是就這樣做?如果不想發生這一件事,大家就要很努力想辦法反駁我的解法,以上,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "政策需要?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "政策需要就是行政院覺得哪一件事該做,我們就做,其實已經是一個指揮體系,由上而下的概念。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "接下來請衛福部的PO幫我們分享,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "剛剛被轟炸有一點久,我的意思是,前面其實PDIS作為提案人,已經把訴求講得非常清楚了。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "我接下來要師範的角色是作為一個可能會被今天會議的結論所影響的利害關係人,跟大家稍微分享一下自己會如何看待這一件事,我的認知、角色大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "其實老實說,聽起來今天要討論的東西就是未來整體PO體系、協作會議等等將何去何從,總體來說是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "但是在進入到這麼多非常專業、很有層次的問題之前,我覺得好像必須要先緩一緩,大家想到PO的時候,各個部會想到的是什麼?範疇是什麼?你的PO就是我的PO嗎?可能認知是不太一樣的,所以接下來的報告方式是以自己目前衛福部PO這邊作為一個簡單的案例,來分享看看這邊以一個部會的角色回頭看剛剛講的這一大串,到底目前PO在部會當中有什麼事,這是案例,作為等一下大家在開始發想討論時的基礎素材。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "PO到底在做什麼?在自己部裡面的定位,任何事只要讓我們的同仁、單位在現況往外多跨一步及也就是互信的方向走,任何這一類型的作為,我們都可以視為PO的守備範圍。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "我們在PO裡面的相關工作內容分成這幾個以下類型:" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "第一,大家最熟悉的是剛剛已經提到5,000人連署成案,在Join平台的「提點子」,還有剛剛提到一些月會等等的機制,選出來變成協作會議,這應該是大家最熟悉的。所以今天這個部分,在這個類型的議題當中,PO的角色,因為剛剛前面兩位都講很多了,我只快速用一個之前的例子,基本上四個面向,一個對內,也就是有跨司署的時候,像剛剛提到的方向,我們正在處理兒虐的案件,像保護司、社家署打架,不想當主責、誰要回答什麼、議題怎麼答就由PO召集會議,先把大家彼此的方向釐清出來,這個是對內。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "接下來是對外,像我們有一個菸捐的案子,業務單位跟我們說菸存的這一類團體是平常不可能主動跟他們聯繫,甚至坐在同一個桌上,他們覺得不適合出面,這時就由PO作為一個中間單位,這個跟PO碰面的會議,就由我來做稍微相對第三方的角色。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "接著是橫向,如果當這個議題不再指示我自己部內司、署的問題,包含部會的問題,包含我們正在處理的我們部跟法務部、我們部跟教育部的PO間,像剛剛有提到電話是可以直接聯繫、溝通及協調,就是直向、往上跟政委辦配合。所以第一個大部分是大家最熟悉的。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "接下來在部裡面PO範疇當中,在Join平台上,剛剛有提到一個區塊是「眾開講」,目前主要的來源是所有的法規草案通通都會放在這個平台上讓民眾給予建議,預告期結束之後,政府需要一條一條看,哪一些在預告期間決定採納我的案子。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "目前像這樣子的案件,作為採納與否的評估與回應,以我們部來說,PO會做一個實質內容的把關,行政程序上會直接用會簽的,會先到部PO來,同時中間的過程,可能每一個PO的style比較不一樣,我自己比較習慣用mail,等等不同的方式溝通,整體出去的方向是有在研議、思考過,並不是罐頭回應,比較可以實質回應到民眾關心的點。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "第一大排我們自己部裡面的工作是Join平台上一系列相關的,列出來的數字是我自己統計一下過去一年期間部裡面相關的案量,以預告案來說PO會處理一件,合計一年是快50件,連署案是以衛福部主責的「提點子」連署,進入到協作會議總共有3件,第一個大部分是屬於Join平台相關的。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "第二大類是跟Join平台完全無關的,我們開始發現在去年有一些案件是直接從高層長官指定議題,如果按照剛剛圈圈的話,大概是符合政策需要,直接從上面來的,直接給大家看這個案例。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "這個是去年4月份的時候,由國發會審查新一代健保卡的規劃,那個是由陳政委主持,我第一次看到這樣的決議,直接說請行政院的PDIS的政委辦,還有衛福部開放政府聯絡人(PO),第一次看到出現在會議決議當中,希望這一個案子後續兩方必須要進場,跟著這個議題後續進行如何跟民間溝通與會議規劃與執行的工作,等於是陪著健保署的單位,隨時擔任諮詢,對內、對外的角色。因為時間的關係,這個案子比較複雜,月會陸續有報告過,我不再提細節,但是整體來講,這個是第一次出現非Join議題,我們在會議上被高層長官指定之後,從去年4月一路開始,到現在這個議題都還在持續中,過去半年內跟PDIS合作,所以總共辦了三場協作會議,目前這個案子正在進行協作會議後,要開啟一個試辦的計畫,所以從Join到非Join被指定,還有到最後的第三大類,自己PO會處理到的是,自主的主詞是PO team的自主,還不到業務單位自主,比較像PO team所發起的議題。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "這個案子是監察院希望我們針對家庭政策來做全盤的檢討,因為這個議題督導的剛好是PO的督導,因為這個議題跨了十一個單位,所以當時我們做的嘗試,這個還不到對外,因為部內跨十一個單位,嘗試用討論的形式,讓大家一起來回顧跟開放性地討論整體政策現況及未來的方向。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "另外,部內自主的,除了比較大一點的專案之外,部裡面的角色,有一些零星的,只要跟掛上開放、直播、透明、參與幾個關鍵字的時候,就會變成被諮詢的對象,像這個是其中一個案例,「像明天……會議,長官請您及業務單位一起來開會」。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "這個是來自長官的、一個是來自同仁的,像這個是CRPD的審查會議,有討論到接下來可以擴大參與,但是哪一些團體或者是個人可不可以進來、設定規則等等,這也是從桃園來之後做一些諮詢與討論。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "所以第三大類比較屬於自主類型,大概過去一年碰過比較大的專案跟比較小的諮詢案件,以上這一些類別以外的,還是有關的,應該沒有人專責做PO,這個是工作中的一部分,我平常部裡面是做新媒體。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "但是PO也會影響我原本做的業務,如果有關心衛福部新媒體社群的話,我們自己覺得Join平台上「提點子」連署案的回應,其實進入到協作會議當中,這個是很難得有議題脈絡、公開放在網路上引用的素材,是經過政府陳核程序的,因此民眾回應的時候,在新媒體上引用Join平台上的回應,或者是因為開放公開的關係,我們習慣用社群來當作報告完整全面公開的平台,這個是跟我自己既有業務的結合。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "畢竟這個類別比較特殊,所以先不看。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "剛剛講的這三大類別,預告案一定會源源不絕、一直出去,連署案還是會一直進來,這個比較像持續會運作打地基,在部裡面持續推動開放運作的建設。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "第二個大部分,真的被指定到議題的業務單位狀態就是被雷打到,我做得好好的,而且根本不知道PDIS、PO基本上的被介入感是很強的,但也因為這是從高層長官指定,所以相對來說議題都滿重大的,以剛剛提到健保卡這個被指定到,原本是30億的換卡專案。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "再舉一個例子,如果平常是健保卡的案子,我們收信對象最基礎是健保署署內四個組是PDIS,行政院裡面的內政、衛福、勞動處、資安處、國發會,我們自己部裡面,這個案件定期也會把進度報告給部長、兩位次長及平行單位的相關主管,部長也會主動詢問這樣的問題,因此大家可以感受到這個議題的階級、複雜程度及單位間的磨合,PDIS跟業務單位的磨合,因為成本相對很大、其實相對複雜,現在時間沒有太多,所以等一下有機會可以聊第二大類。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "再者,很直白來說,部內相對邊緣的議題、相對有嘗試空間,像剛剛提到監察院的案件,因為基本上是很小的,而且我講白了,為什麼可以這樣try?因為PO督導很聰明,想說監察院要回給人家,不可能回給很真實的檢討內容,把一些東西不能出去了,然後再交出去,由我們自己操作空間,影響稍微不大的,反而比較是真實在部會內有練兵的機會。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "這邊全部列出來類別之後,也特別講一下剛剛馬克也好、致翔也好,都提到踐行開放的形式、流程是什麼,這邊也稍微分類了一下,剛剛提到只要是跟政委辦合作的,不管是「提點子」變成協作會議,或者是被高層指定PO跟PDIS共同進場的,基本上都是用協作會議的方式。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "問題來了,剩下其他不是跟PDIS合作的,在形式上基本上就不會限定在協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "這邊是我覺得比較重要的分享,如果不做協作會議要怎麼做?我們部裡面經過這幾個下來,現在用的策略是「拆解開放或協作」的元素來進入導入,什麼意思?各位如果有來參加過協作會議都說讚、政府單位都說累,完全是這個樣子,因為我辦很多次了。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "其實協作會議是一整套的,但是誠實來講,你要一整套直接導入到議題,這個是不可能的,所以我們現在嘗試部裡面做的事,是把協作、開放的特色跟平常的會議不同的地方,例如與會者比較多元,像民間可以報名、主持是第三方,可能有事先的議程設定,不管議程的設定是內部或者是找民間一起來,會議資料一起公開,逐字稿線上參與等等,把它切分成不同的元素之後,依照該議題的狀態,有些時候可以的話,可以導入兩、三個拆解的方式來處理。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "像監察院當時因為經費上相對比較寬裕,所以我們當時是有嘗試找第三方的專案顧問主持進來,從規劃期一路走到最後的會議進行,但是在那次的會議覺得逐字稿紀錄性、成本也有點高,所以並沒有選擇一定要做逐字稿。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "例如「基礎版」,不管是「提點子」跟「眾開講」的議題,如果真的沒有辦法push到業務面,真的實際上有一些實質的改變或者是參採,但是最基礎相關過程的會議資料或者是簡報等等,我們至少要push業務單位,除非是有特殊情況,儘量可以公開出來,因此我們大概是用這樣子比拆解化的方式來進行這一些業務實際上往開放方向的導入,大概是這樣的方式進行。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "到這邊時間差不多,最後快速提一下,因為今天是協作會議,我就提訴求,我是有一點小小的期待,大家都可以提,大家都可以提不同的。剛剛講到實際的議題,實際使用PO network可以對應到哪一些?我目前實際上有用到PO network是僅限於「提點子」,其他部分誠實地說是不敢用,每一個部會PO的範疇不一樣,真的要處理到跨部會的話,一定必須要找內政部的PO,因為健保卡跟現在設計的eID是高度重複相關,但是我從高層決策裡面一定要進場,但是內政部的PO有被要求進場嗎?可能不一定,類似像這樣的狀況,當今天出了這個範疇之外,我可不可以使用PO network?我認為是比較保守的,這個是我覺得目前PO network一個最大的限制,你如果說要開放,是只有這邊的議題需要開放嗎?顯然不是,這個是我第一個自己的小小期待,顯然也會跟大家的業務量有關聯。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "第二個我的小小期待也是會討論到協作會議,以目前部裡面自己有這樣的map,誠實地說我會希望協作會議越彈性、越小越好,以我們部會的案例,我們會比較希望把量能留到自己部內有自主的嘗試,這只是我個人的想法。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "最後頭尾呼應一下:「你的PO不是我的PO」,各位心中的PO跟定義、範疇可能不太一樣的,我的認知是如同前面所提到的,今天各自拋出自己訴求,大家都有想要的,看有沒有辦法找到共識讓PDIS帶回去,以上分享。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "謝謝Peggy的分享,就我的觀察,我來參與一年多之後,Peggy扮演非常好的角色,我們之間也有聯繫過、共同合辦過協作的議題,非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "接下來的時間是釐清PO的制度、協作會議的困難與願景。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "我們要知道問題就應該要知道問題所在,大家要思考一下,現在在各自的部會,你本身擔任PO,然後又兼顧內的職務,每一個部會的PO不一定一樣,我在綜規司,但是有的PO可能是在哪一個司處,有的是在一個專案辦公室或者是哪一個部會。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "但是怎麼樣來發揮你的功能,現在部會對於PO定位在哪裡,現在有沒有遇到什麼困難?有沒有什麼問題?這個是可以思考,先盤點出來之後,我們再來思考、檢討這一些問題怎麼解決,你才能提出未來大概怎麼樣走下去。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "我們也不是大家都要在哪一個單位,我們沒有說要有這樣的共識,而是說希望看看怎麼樣、有哪一些問題,把這一些問題都呈現出來。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "我們要思考的是,PO的認知是什麼?協作會議未來的目標,是要達成什麼樣的目標,大家也思考一下,如果要達到這一些目標,我們有哪一些評估的指標,包括業務單位、PO、政務官、政委、參與者,有參與的角色是怎麼樣來評估指標。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "另外,還有一些PO角色的問題,以及議題的樣態,像如何接地氣,讓部會的需求、民眾的需求及政策的需求,所以PO的部分、制度的一些部分,也有協作會議的制度部分,大家稍微消化一下,也盤整一下,看看到底有哪一些問題、哪一些策略可以提出來。也許可以邊寫、邊講,到了下午討論的時候,就可以把議題表貼上去,那就會彙整出來,就會有一些想法匯集在一起的共識出來。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "有哪一個PO願意來分享?不管是舊PO,或者是以前曾經擔任過哪一些經驗,也可以提出來,或者是新PO有哪一些期許,要跟大家分享的?" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我先說,我是在業務司,我服務二十年了,我一直都在高教司,教育部有8司、6處及3署,我沒有在彙整單位,我一直在高教司、技職司,都是在業務司,所以我們部會的那一些重點,都是政策的部分。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "106年我才調到綜規司,綜規司是彙整單位,組改以後每一個部會都有綜規司。綜規司是有五個科,我們有兩個角色,我們有業務司、衛生科、原民科,也有幕僚角色,像研考、管考,每個單位都有研考,所以我們有8司、6處、3署,3署是體育署、青年署還有國教署。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "其實我們業務是滿多的,尤其教育的問題,每個人都懂教育,都可以跟你談,所以意見是很多元的,像Peggy剛剛說主責的有三個協作會議。教育部我來綜規司一年多的時候,協作會議就有6場,其中也有跟衛福部共同主政。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "裡面很聚焦都是在國民教育,也就是國教署,大家都很關心老師上班是不是彈性的,或者是幼兒園要不要裝監視器,或者是小學上課要如何調整及老師怎麼樣,我們也許是家長、也許親朋好友,有當學生,但是對教育這一塊很關心。提案權會通知我們,就會進行檢核,如果超過5,000個人,又要進入協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "我們在協作就進入協作,但是我們還是有一個機制,就是沒有5,000人的話,我們還是有一個機制,是不是也可以進入協作?之前也有嘗試哪一些是不是滿重要的,也就是是不是跟業務單位討論,我們是不是可以主動來提,但是有時在溝通的時候,確實,因為業務單位會業務量很重,怎麼還要再處理這個?這個部分需要我們再溝通,一般來講的業務我們在接觸的時候,他們比較不會想要主動,如果真的被選到超過5,000人,就像Peggy所講的,真的被雷打到就認了,但是不會想到要主動提。一方面包括各單位都會覺得業務會越來越重,包含國教署也會覺得(業務)越來越重,人力不堪負荷。這個部分如何強化我們部內的溝通,我們還在處理,所以今年除了我主動溝通,還有叫國教署要有一個小PO。這個是我們遇到的問題困難,跟大家報告。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "我不知道大家有沒有其他的困難?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我問一個問題,Peggy提到一個很好的問題,其實這邊提到一個點,很希望在部內推一些東西,但是大家每次看到事情來的時候,就會覺得有很大的事情,因此就閃避了。我比較想問各位的是,Peggy有另外一個分享,他當PO的時候,其實是有業務單位跑來跟他求救的,我想要請問一下在座的各位,我們是不是可以做一個簡單的意見調查?你在擔任PO的過程中,不管你是新PO或者是老PO,你有被業務單位求救的請舉手?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "你有沒有想要在會內推一些東西?比如會議的形式可以再更開放一點,但是不知道怎麼提,提的壓力會很大?有這樣需求的請舉手?也就是別的業務可以多一點?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果是這樣的話,我想要cue個人,我看您有在微笑,有沒有覺得在PO的工作上,為何業務單位比較不會來找你求救,你有什麼看法?自己的業務,假設今天真的希望把這一套把公私協力變得更好,你覺得還缺了什麼東西?" }, { "speaker": "李嘉慧", "speech": "我其實滿意外被你點起來,我一直都在微笑中,今天是第一次來參加,不過因為剛剛提到了使在公私協力這一塊是開放政府的核心,我嘗試用我的想法來說。" }, { "speaker": "李嘉慧", "speech": "我在103年的時候到荷蘭參加公私協力的受訓,那個過程中,我注意到一件事情,我記得那時的心得是,如果要推動公私協力時,很重要的是,stakeholder的想法及素養,所以我想從公務員的角度來提。" }, { "speaker": "李嘉慧", "speech": "也就是說,PDIS站在民間的思維或者是站在公部門的時候,會希望把很多開放參與這樣的概念放進公務體系裡面,可是公務體系裡面的同仁會面臨到一些衝擊,我們可能會面臨理性的民眾、跟不理性的民眾,所以這個是大家在推動這一件事所面臨到的一個難處,我今天面臨到理性的,我可以和平對話,但是面臨到不理性的時候,所以可以呼應到剛剛所提到的,因此在國民健康署的時候,為何我們的業務單位不跟他們溝通?因為可能是在對立的立場,我的FB、LINE當中非常多的謾罵都是來自於這一群菸群團體。" }, { "speaker": "李嘉慧", "speech": "我想提出來的是,一個是理性跟不理性的時候,這個涉及到公民素養的問題,我先拋這樣的議題出來。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "謝謝您的分享。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "剛剛是一位女生,我們平權,是不是允許我找一個男生,這一位先生,可以嗎?謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "大家好,我是國發會的PO,因為國發會的PO比較特別,跟其他部會的PO比較不一樣,第一個是,提點子上線服務迄今相關我們的成案議題只有兩個,第二是,國發會PO是設在資訊管理處,跟其他部會比較不同。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "我可以講一下自己當國發會PO的經驗與心得,這一套制度就我個人,我覺得非常不錯,是要朝開放的角度去做,這個是非常好的。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "但是我覺得在於公部門要把這一套制度納入的話,我記得馬克的簡報裡面有提到,不知道是馬克還是誰,我忘記了。也就是有提到公務文化的改變,要改變公務文化是ok的,公務文化改變的話,人的心態沒有改變,這可能並不是一、兩年可以改變的,這應該才是推動這制度面臨最大的問題。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "如先前,協調一個議題,涉文化部與內政部的議題,PO或許同意部會列主辦機關,但是當到業務單位的時候,業務單位就會說這只是牽涉到權責一點,應該要做協辦,我們召開協調會議,仍協調不成,又拉到政委辦公室來做協調,因此我覺得這個制度要如何去做,其實一聲令下是很容易的,但是我覺得心態的改變是比較大的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個地方其實我覺得滿有意思的,您提到這個部分是公民文化的改變,一個是公務機關內部文化的改變,這看起來很像兩邊都是很長期的、很長期的工作,好像也都是很難一觸可及的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "PDIS在這個地方,我們有PO的月會、PO的制度,我們也有協作會議,各位覺得自己對於溝通的這一件事想法,有一些改變嗎?覺得有改變的可以幫我舉個手嗎?覺得自己在這個過程中,覺得好像跟民眾溝通沒有到那麼樣的困難,有人願意舉個手嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果覺得沒有改變的,可以舉手嗎?你參與過協作會議,看了溝通,覺得好像跟以前與民眾衝突的場景還是一模一樣,覺得好像沒有什麼改變的,有人這樣想嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "好像也沒有人這樣想,那我就隨便找一個人來請教一下那個狀況了。" }, { "speaker": "黃超邦", "speech": "我是金管會證期局,第一次來,也沒有參加過協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "所以比較不知道狀況,你自己是怎麼想像的?" }, { "speaker": "黃超邦", "speech": "我覺得這應該是可以來做的,只是我會不知道要怎麼做。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "沒關係,我們請有經驗的朋友分享好了。" }, { "speaker": "高慈蔚", "speech": "根據我參與多胞胎補助案的經驗,我認為政府跟民眾的溝通是有改變的,因為大家是坐在同一張桌子面對面溝通,在次協作會議中雖然民間團體發言稍微激動一點,但也能瞭解政府的難處。如果大家願意來參與協作會議,相信是有幫助的。" }, { "speaker": "高慈蔚", "speech": "不好意思,是不是可以就其他部分分享?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "高慈蔚", "speech": "關於PO制度,以人事總處來說,是由綜規處負責擔任Join平台提案跟PDIS業務的總窗口,並與其他業務單位及外機關聯繫。但這樣的角色,與公關組以及其他負責對外溝通的單位之間,差異是什麼?不知道有沒有部會的PO本來是公關組成員?或大家怎麼跟公關組協調?" }, { "speaker": "高慈蔚", "speech": "另外人總在處理Join平台與公務人員相關的提案時,因為民眾提案內容經常與假或錢有關,所以常常都是同一個業務單位在處裡,業務單位難免覺不公平。因此PO要怎麼去說服業務單位,開放政府程序其實對現有業務有幫助,而不是多出另一份工作,也是之後要努力的方向,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我聽到滿重要的關切,包括這邊跟您的分享,其實大家都提到一個點,當我們想要辦協作會議的時候,很多時候業務單位會覺得很累,然後會覺得很不想做,或者不知道這個是什麼,我想要請教一下,這邊有沒有哪一位同仁是辦過或者參與過協作會議的?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "承辦過的呢?如果自己是承辦的PO?好像只有您這邊,是不是?比如您上次提到多胞胎的案子,還有衛福部,我記得還有教育部及人事總處,像這個時候,您、教育部及衛福部都是承辦的PO。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "主要想要請教的是,有擔任過PO位置的人請舉手?今天好像比較少一點,好,沒關係。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這邊有提到另外一個問題,有時有些民眾來了以後,好像衝突不知道會不會降低,這邊剛才的回應是,好像有一些降低,但是我們是不是請工程會這邊幫忙分享一下?之前就您的經驗來看,第一個是衝突有降低嗎?第二個問題是當您承接這個業務的時候,下面的業務單位有什麼反彈?" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "謝謝雨蒼,我剛剛也在思考這個問題,當年我們在推PO的時候,PO的構想是我們要基於開放政府的精神,聽取多方的意見,然後拋棄本位的角度,可以跨部會的協助。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "記得我們當初在會裡面去協調誰適合當這個PO的時候,大家都說不可能有別的部會的domain knowledge,所以我不可能去幫各部會協調。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "當初的時候,我覺得我們參與第一次的協作會議時,參與跨部會、協助大家去發展概念圖的時候,應該是在學習且有一點無力,我們不知道癥結點、機關及陳請人間的問題,當然透過那個過程開始慢慢學到一些技巧。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "我先回應雨蒼先前的問題,開始參與PO制度的收獲是什麼,其實我們在參與的過程中,慢慢把PO文化、開放政府的文化導入業務當中,我們自己在任何的會議當中擴大及邀請除了利害關係人以外,甚至多聽一點意見,這個是對我們的幫助。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "另外,剛剛說有沒有收到業務單位的意見?當然有,看到我們就很像看到鬼。我們最近才剛跟內政部要合作一個案子,昨天回去的時候,我就帶著承辦人,承辦人跟我說:「PO,你知道不知道我們被罵得多慘,說我們拒絕不利,所以讓它成案。」因此讓業務單位覺得我們是在幫助他,因此我也跟業務單位說有需要的話,PO一定會需要幫你們開會,你們只要準備幕僚意見,我們協助跟陳請人釐清。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "因此,對我來說,衝突是有的、幫助也是有的,對於PO制度,下午會議的時候,我們可以一起發想怎麼樣讓制度更完善,以上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "是不是可以允許我再問一下?" }, { "speaker": "郭俊呈", "speech": "大家好,我是財政部的PO,我簡單分享一下個人對於今天討論議題的一些想法。" }, { "speaker": "郭俊呈", "speech": "在PO制度方面,我覺得因為PO制度是為了開放政府而設,剛剛致翔有提到,開放政府就是要促進公私間的互信,我覺得可以思考有沒有真正做到?會不會協作會議開完,就是少數幾十個參與者認同,對整個社會其實並沒有產生這麼大的作用?我想如果可以做到有效擴散,發揮加成效果,就會有助於我們在部裡面,告訴業務單位說你來做,因為你做了就可以促進公私的互信。" }, { "speaker": "郭俊呈", "speech": "第二,這個是針對PO制度的個人想法,我們是否可以思考設計量化指標或者是PDIS告訴我們說,真正公私互信達到什麼程度,這樣子的話,就像剛剛另外一個PO所講的,業務單位說這個有促進公私互信嗎?只不過是開一個會議而已,消耗這麼多行政成本,就為少數幾十個人,這樣就能促進公私互信嗎?如果不做這個的話,還是有其他管道可以蒐集外界意見,業務單位會覺得為什麼要多做這個?" }, { "speaker": "郭俊呈", "speech": "就像國會聯繫業務,業務單位會很積極去溝通協調辦理,為什麼?因為立法院掌握了一個預算權,業務單位就會有這個動機去做,來爭取立法院對政策的支持。假設我們告訴業務單位說做協作會議這件事,一定可以達到公私互信,而且有量化數據可以證明,業務單位自然就會來拜託我們來排,因為有助於順利推動業務。" }, { "speaker": "郭俊呈", "speech": "針對PO個人的部分,我覺得PO是永續,政府(執政黨)四年就會離開,我有一個建議,如果PO制度要達到永續,是不是有可能採取人事一條鞭的方式?就是由行政院這邊派熟悉PO制度的人去業務量比較大的部會,就以機要人員來任用,然後就配置在這個部會裡面部次長底下,這些人到部會去,可以協助透過PO制度來落實政府的施政理念,至於行政事務部分,就可以透過事務官來處理,我們的角色就可以做這部分工作,換句話說,為了讓PO制度永續發展,需要建立一個不受政黨輪替的制度,由政委辦公室挑選外部合適人才,讓部會以機要人員任用來協助這整個制度或者是做法的推動,或許是個可行的方法,這個是我針對PO方面的建議。" }, { "speaker": "郭俊呈", "speech": "另有關協作會議運作方式,剛剛Peggy有提到,他們進化到可以用拆解元素的方法,我個人的建議是,其實這個部分應該可以採雙軌的方式來進行,這個是原汁原味的,還是應該要繼續做,只是場次可以減少,讓新的PO或者是不熟悉這個程序的人有機會去見習這樣的流程;但是如果進化到很厲害的話,就可以採取這一種拆解元素的方法,以上是我對協會議運作方式的建議。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "您有分享、也有建議,我等一下再請PDIS來回應。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "您剛剛提到一些建立公私互信的部分,其實我也有參加過您的一些協作會議我,覺得不錯,您可以分享一下比較成功的案例嗎?" }, { "speaker": "郭俊呈", "speech": "財政部有兩個比較有名的案例:第一個是報稅軟體,那個是很成功的案例;另外一個是還稅於民,所以回到我剛剛所說的,PO制度是為了開放政府而設,是為了要促進公私互信,我們也做了,但都有達到促進公私互信的目標嗎?" }, { "speaker": "郭俊呈", "speech": "會來參與協作會議的民眾,通常是比較期待公私對話的人,所以問他們的想法,大部分會回復很好,但是我想釐清的是,這種公私互信的效果,有擴散到整個社會國家嗎?或者只是在這個地方關起門來說真的做得很好?比如我們開了三十場協作會議,平均一場有50個人來參加,所以有1,500個人說有促進公私互信,但如果不能發揮擴散效果,這樣的行政成本跟效益來比,會不會太高一點?以上是我們財政部的兩個案例,也呼應剛剛個人對於PO制度的意見分享,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "我想這個是很好的案例,我想現場其他部會應該有一些協作的經驗,我等一下會再請有協作經驗的部會再來分享。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "另外,我們請PDIS來說明。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我很簡單回應剛剛幾位前輩所說的意見:" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第一,我從早上一直拿財政部當例子,果然踢到鐵板XD。其實PDIS跟財政部兩年多來的合作關係非常好,也非常感謝俊呈專委提出這麼多有洞見的想法,我簡單做幾個回應:" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第一點,確實我們經常說比較漂亮的案例是報稅軟體的案例,跟我們從來不說的,因為那一場會議對我們來講真的是錯估情勢,也就是還稅於民的案子,最好的案子跟最差的案子都在財政部。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "撇開極端的不說,其實還有一個中間的案子,也就是海外網購的免稅額從3,000元降到2,000元,那案子很適合用來解釋為何PDIS說開一場30人的協作會議就可以促進公私互信跟效果。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "因為那一場是網友提案,網友對稅務沒有專業,他們非常生氣,說財政部欺負小老百姓從3,000元降到2,000元,死要錢,開完那一場會之後,那一群網友不再吵了,他們在網路上的聲音變小,不會在網路上一直到處說財政部欺負小老百姓。經過這場協作會議,參與者理解到這是為了租稅公平,是為了國內廠商跟國外廠商有相同的稅負,在這樣的情況之下,民眾比較不會再針對這有意見。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "這個是為何馬克一直強調開放政府要透明、參與的流程,只要我們的會議內容是做成逐字紀錄,並在網路上擴散,就像Peggy所說在處理社群網頁的時候會用逐字稿,如果網友在彼此間吵架時,有人會去google,google到我們開了會,也會拿逐字稿來用。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我覺得開放政府比較像水溝型的工作,當水溝通的時候,大家都沒有感覺,可是當水溝塞住了,大家開始罵的時候,事情就來了。我覺得這個例子剛好很明顯的,因為大家知道行政院有輿情的系統,也就是「大家在吵什麼」,可是大家沒有發現,最近「大家不吵什麼」,我覺得3,000降成2,000的案子是很好的例子,後來過了半年,財政部多了一些宣導的時間,那個才正式上路,吵的聲音真的有變小,這個是我們觀察到的。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "有關於人員的部分,剛剛的建議非常有趣,我們自己開協作會議的過程中,通常只要遇到人跟錢就很難談下去,大家知道政府的員額有限、政府的預算有限,只要錢、要人的案子,就很難有好的產出。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "但是找一個適當的人,像Peggy一樣,放在部長室,並充分發揮PO的效果,我覺得這個點子是不錯的,但是這個牽涉到部長的用人權,相信實行的難度有一點高,我自己覺得這個是很有趣的例子。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我還有要回答什麼嗎?好,因為麥克風在我手上,我接下來非常想要點名兩個很有趣的部會。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第一個我想拜託外交部跟我們分享一下,因為外交部很特別的是,業務最近蒸蒸日上,但是開放政府老實說好像在國內比較幫不上忙,可能拜託外交部幫我們分享一下每一個月來開會的感想是什麼,針對這樣特殊型態的部會,是不是覺得PDIS解散算了,根本就不用來。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第二個我也很想問問下一場協作會議的苦主,也就是中選會的同仁,因為中選會目前手上的案子是公投案,非常具有政治敏感性,現在正在籌備期,我也很好奇中選會目前的備戰狀態心態怎麼樣,你們在部內跟業務單位溝通的時候,到底是不是真的很困難,我們先請外交部。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "這個沒有經過事先演練,我不知道致翔會cue我出來講話。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "確實在PO的實施要點裡面是有一個條文,特別是針對我們、陸委會、國防部,我們的業務是屬於總統的權責,而不是屬於行政院,所以我們的相關議題是不進入附議的,修正條文已實施一段時間,因此本部幾乎沒有議題。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "我擔任PO已經開始要進入第三年了,我只參加過一次協作會議,那個議題是有關於我們的健保制度,很多民眾會在出國前辦理停保,然後就不繳保費,等需要用到健保資源,就回來補繳很低廉的保費,然後就用我們的健保資源,有民眾特別是一些醫界的人士,他們覺得這樣子對國內老實繳健保費的民眾是不公平的。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "那一次我們就出席了協作會議,我們的目的是要說明為何駐外的同仁應該要有選擇要不要停保的權利,並不是一定要停保,因為有部分的同仁有他的考量,駐外期間也維持繳保費。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "那一次是業務單位人事處的一位專門委員跟我代表參加,他覺得雖然是唯一一次,而且專委對於PO、協作會議的制度,完全不瞭解,但是他會後跟我分享一個很重要的心得,我也願意在這邊跟大家分享。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "他在那個協作會議當中,聽到了外界民眾對於我們的批評指教,外界的人也認為所謂的保險制度就是在你不需要使用這個資源的時候,你按時間繳保費,等到你需要的時候,才可以得到給付。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "所以從這個角度來看,即便是駐外人員,也不應該在因公派赴國外工作時停保,這樣的訊息跟意見是很重要的,因為如果沒有來參加那一次的協作會議,他認為外交部的人事處根本沒有機會聽到,原來外界有這樣的想法跟意見,因此那一次協作會議的成果對本部很有價值。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "我跟PDIS的關係非常特殊,本部跟PDIS其實有很多合作機會,因為大家可能在媒體上有看到政委會去紐約、多倫多出席一些活動,那一些活動都有部內的業務單位同仁在做一些安排,但是這一些案件PO都沒有參與到,因為我們的業務單位會把這個案件當作密件處理。因此他們怎麼安排跟成果如何,其實我在部內不會知道,要等到出席PO會議的時候,有相關的同仁提出報告,外交部PO才知道原來政委在紐約做了什麼、在多倫多又做了什麼,這個是很特殊的情況。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "所以相較於一些議題比較多的部會,像衛福部、交通部、財政部、農委會、內政部等等,這一些PO應該是常常跟PDIS有密切的合作,而且開過很多次的協作會議,相對於這些議題比較多的部會來講,外交部PO好像沒有存在感的,為何每一次都要來出席PO的會議呢?我認為這個是不可逆的趨勢,政府的開放跟透明化並不是在我國才有,其實各位如果有關心一些訊息,也許知道即便是在香港都有黃雨傘(運動),在埃及也有茉莉花運動,所以這個是長期的趨勢,可能速度有快、有慢,各個國家發展進程都不同,但是是一個不可逆的趨勢。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "我每次來開這個會,我對自己的期許是要跟上這個趨勢,不管我今天是在外交部或者未來也許有機會到其他機關服務,我都希望要有能力跟上這樣的趨勢,這是我對自己的期許。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "又或者有一天,外交部的PO會換人,也希望把過去這幾年來累積的經驗完整忠實交接,可以讓新的PO很快進入狀況。以上是我的分享,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "徐易麟", "speech": "其實我擔任中選會的PO也是第三年的時間,過去來講,中選會其實比較少議題做協作會議的性質。" }, { "speaker": "徐易麟", "speech": "這一次因為在107年的時候公投法修正後,結果公投的議題非常多,尤其這一次大選中更有十個案子來做公投。" }, { "speaker": "徐易麟", "speech": "我們面對到業務單位第一次來做這樣的協作,也就是在108年1月的公投推動會議的決定,也就是有一個民眾提案,有關於人權議題是否可公投的議題。" }, { "speaker": "徐易麟", "speech": "但是其實在這個之前,各界對於人權議題是不是來做不同的聲音?包括立委辦公室、民眾其實都有,我們在修法的過程中,我們有不同的意見。" }, { "speaker": "徐易麟", "speech": "目前修法也是在推動,要納入民眾的意見,其實也是非常重要的,因此在業務單位的部分,也希望可以透過這樣的協作會議,可以知道民眾的想法,在這一次的修法中可以結合民眾的想法來修正。" }, { "speaker": "徐易麟", "speech": "像業務單位對我們的反映是,其實所謂的人權議題是否納入,每一個議題都涉及人權,如何去找這個利害關係人,這個就是業務單位對於PO所提出來的第一個疑問,也就是面臨到這樣的問題。" }, { "speaker": "徐易麟", "speech": "在這個過程中,其實PDIS小組其實都對我們有提出一些想法,甚至在明天的時候也有請到一個專家來開一個座談會,有關於人權議題相關的專家,我相信透過這樣的話,能夠讓我們的業務單位會有更多的聚焦。" }, { "speaker": "徐易麟", "speech": "我們也期待透過這樣子第一次的協作會議,可以瞭解到未來是不是有更多的議題可以拿來協作,如果這一次的協作議題是成功的,如果化解了大家的疑慮,我相信這個也是成功的典範,對於未來的推動上,也不會說我們PO去提什麼議題其實是可以建議拿來做協作的,他們也會比較有動力提出。這個是我的想法,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "還有沒有想要分享的部分?包括科技部等部會?還有沒有要提出來分享的?或者是你自己部會還沒有辦過,但是你對這個有什麼期許及建議,都可以提出來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "或者有沒有什麼擔心?像聽了很害怕,覺得會不會有什麼事情在我的頭上?有沒有人覺得有一點憂慮?大家都很安心嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "您憂心的是什麼問題,可以提出來嗎?好像有事要發生(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "因為教育部的議題有好幾個,包括我之前有分享過的議題,之前有家長建議全國中小學加裝冷氣,其實剛開始,我們國教署也很緊張,因為牽涉的經費跟相關的政策非常地多,當時包括邀相關的部會、能源局及台電有很多,還有相關的家長及利益團體來協調時,我們部內國教署也有妥善溝通。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "溝通的過程,我們發覺家長也很理性,會場都沒有火爆的狀況,但是大家都會提供不同的面向,因為也尊重學生上課的空間,其實對學生也未必是好的,是不是全國一致的同意?" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "像在山上也有小學,其實不需要開冷氣,全部中央一致的做法反而不利各地因地制宜,經過溝通的部分,家長也能接受教育部有哪一些替代的方案。其實剛開始的時候,因為民眾的意見反映並不是只有「提點子」而已,其實像部長信箱都會上來,那個經過整個協作會議,部長信箱反映的件數就會down下來了,家長都可以聽聽大家的意見後,是能夠理解、也提供我們行政單位比較好的一些折衷方式,其實並沒有想像中的那麼可怕。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "就我參加幾場協作會議,那個氣氛都還不錯,其實是滿能把自己的意見講出來,覺得行政單位有聽到,能夠接受就接受,沒有接受的話,行政單位也有合理的解釋,其實並沒有想像中的可怕,跟大家報告,這個是我個人的經驗。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "就您的經驗,未來如果有機會的話,您是不是會想要把一些議題提出來主動讓大家討論?" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "還在思考,因為有些東西,敢想卻不敢做,有些涉及比較敏感,包含以前有想過,像大學校長遴選台大的要求,但是這個是很大的問題,大概提出來部內也不可能會通過,因為三個部長都為他下台負責。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "其實我們還是會不斷嘗試,應該也是可以提出來的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "所以您剛才的題目,其實在意的是這個題目的政治敏感度可能相對高,然後再來一個是如他們所提到的,可能對立的狀況是很嚴重的。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "不只這個題目,還有一個性平的教育,之前也有評估是否可以做,但是怕會引起對立。但是其實每個部會都有相關的(議題),因為在綜規司有風險管控,我們每個月、每季都有管考部內相關的重大議題及風險的部分,其實像大學校長的遴選,我們每個月都管控風險,而且怎麼處理都有,但這個部分是比較有一點政治性,可能不是我們技術性可以做處理的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實我們另外一案也是類似有點像政治性強,可能基本價值有出入的,也就是單身女性用人工生殖的這一案,衛福部的朋友有沒有人願意幫忙分享一下那個時候發生的一些狀況?如果沒有的話,要我來分享嗎?有衛福部的朋友在嗎?是不是可以舉手?或者是沒有參與過的?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "那個是對家庭想像有出入的狀況,坦白來說,我們有發現這樣的狀況,像基本價值有出入、世界觀有出入的,也就是超徵退稅那一案,也就是世界觀完全不一樣的狀況,這個狀況頂多能夠達到一定程度的對話、瞭解或者是理解,就可能已經是極限了,如果做下去要到有共識,幾乎是非常難的事情。但是要大家坐下來並彼此理解,有時已經是一定程度的功德,至少讓我們瞭解還有原來不一樣的世界存在。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我看到sli.do上有一個問題,是不是可以幫忙開一下?「想請問PDIS月會若有提案權,這確定是可行嗎?院內其他政委是否需要溝通?」、「可以告訴大家螢幕上正在發生什麼?協作會議中是不是也這樣記錄?」" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第一個問題是,如果PDIS有提案權會發生什麼事?就PDIS有提案權,提出來給大家投票,這個在院內不會太多問題,因為政委間的溝通是滿順暢的,其實過去40場協作會議,我們都會副知主責的政委,因為唐鳳在院內的執掌是開放政府這一塊,各部會對上去有相對應的政委,我們都會副知其他政委辦公室知道正在處理哪些議題,這個部分是沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "另外,有人問螢幕上發生什麼事?我想指的是心智圖,這邊說明一下心智圖的紀錄方式,有大部分的夥伴是第一次來的三級機關PO及換屆的新PO,這個心智圖是透過圖像式的紀錄,像PO制度有哪一些定位,剛剛有聊到公私互信可能是很重要的,也有人提到開放政府是很重要的國際趨勢,透過這樣的形式來做紀錄會有幾個好處:第一個是協助大家回想有誰講了什麼;第二個是他的意見在整個架構上是屬於哪一塊,是PO這一塊或者是協作會議那一塊,及如何定位。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "更具體的說法是,心智圖除了讓與會者理解議題脈絡之外,也有讓民眾不要吵起來、不要氣氛那麼對立的效果,比如A民眾會站起來質疑公部門事前規劃都沒有做好,然後我們就會在會議上寫一張便利貼「事前規劃的時候要注意什麼事」,我們會稍微轉變一下語氣,因此會放上去。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "另外一個民眾會站起來說你們在「執行的時候做得怎麼樣」,這個兩個民眾的意見可能是對立的,如果是平常的會議場合,很有可能兩個人會拿著麥克風你一句、我一句罵得半天,可是如果做成這樣子的便利貼,在場的民眾會很輕易發現「我講的是規劃時要多注意」、「他講的是執行中要小心」,兩件事是在不同的階段,我們沒有必要吵架,大家會意識到這一件事,所以透過這樣的方式去協助大家開會,也協助大家控制會場上的氣氛,這個是對於螢幕上發生事情所做的解釋。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "有人問「本部PO不是在綜規,而是在新聞單位」,PO很有趣的是,目前PO主要有幾種類型,有政府官部門、新聞部門、國會聯絡部門、管考、資訊的,各式各樣類型的PO都有。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "幾個比較有案子的PO,其實他們在部會內部已經有一個小組了,主窗口是某人,但是回去管考綜規、新聞都在那個聯絡群組裡面,所以可以一起動員這一些人;但是少部分的單位是PO一個人,那個PO所處什麼位置就很重要,好比那個PO是管考人員,用管考人員的角度來推這一件事,大家會覺得有一點痛苦,他是來管考我的。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "但是如果他是綜規人員或者是小編,像Peggy說她另外的業務是小編,因此可能又是另外一種不一樣的做法,所以PO其實真的滿看各部會自己所在位置的長相。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我們早上在籌備的時候,確實有一些其他的PO跟我們閒聊能夠發揮的位置是因為她在部長室,也呼應到剛剛財政部的長官,也許用機要的方式任用,讓PO這個角色更能夠有所發揮。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "但是我在這邊要回應一點,並不是只有那一種類型的PO才是大家覺得很強大的PO、很好的PO,像我自己也接觸過非常多承辦人層級的PO,但有做到跟副首長有良好的溝通,因此即使是科員、專員,但是他在協調事情的時候,就拿著PDIS的令牌、次長的令牌來溝通,也不見得做得比較差,我反而覺得這樣類型的承辦同仁是很優秀的,他做的也有聲有色,不一定要某種類型的PO才可以做得更好。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "今天會議的場合,其實大家屬於一個不管是高階長官或者是承辦同仁層級的,都可以在自己的位置上試著講說,行政院授權我當PO了,我可以拿著唐鳳的任何一個文件當作令牌,可以拿著行政院頒布的PO要點當作令牌,在部會內到底可以協助大家做什麼。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "今天早上到目前為止的這一個部分,大家最關心的事情其實是我跟業務單位溝通很困難,業務單位覺得很可怕,很想幫PO做一點什麼,但是講不通業務單位這一關就掉了,但這個是傳統的公務層級的程序,一個承辦科出來會業務科,業務科再往上送,也許到主秘就卡住了,主秘會說不要吵、不要處理。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "但是如同PO要點所寫的,PO要直接跟次長報告,次長覺得這一件事該處理或者不處理,由次長判斷,往下走就會覺得很順,你就可以跟業務單位說這個是次長要做的,我們就只有執行,並沒有要與不要的問題。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "所以遊戲的規則在設計上給大家非常多的空間,但是大家要不要做到那個程度,或者是在溝通的過程中,是否需要行政院幫忙推一把,這個是行政院可以做到的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個時候突然想要問致翔,因為致翔其實是在PDIS裡面接觸最多PO的同仁,我滿想瞭解的是,對致翔來說覺得做到哪幾件事來說,應該把相關的工作做得好,做到哪一件事是超級棒的?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "回到早上的簡報,如果PO能夠發揮PO要點上賦予其執掌,我覺得這個很強,因為要點要真的做到那個要點的內容是不容易的,而且要突破部會內很多的限制。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "接下來什麼是很棒?第二個層級,也就是PO之間能夠搞定一些事,那個是很棒,因為A部會找B部會弄好之後,這一件事就搞定了,不需要做更多的會議跟處理,這樣很好。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "當然大家會質疑好像兩個人就代表兩個部會,好像哪裡怪怪的,這個沒有問題,但是希望的是PO在部會內更能夠發揮作用,進而影響整個行政院讓大家少開不必要的會,在很短的時間之內,接地氣去處理即時性的問題。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "很不巧麥克風在我的手上,時間的關係,我再點一個同仁,我滿好奇原民會的經驗,因為原民會有請PDIS小組去做過教育訓練,原民會據我所知,他們也跟所有的原住民朋友有一個溝通的平台跟固定的管道,但是目前為止其實原民會還沒有機會再處理協作會議或者是透過開放政府的程序處理一些問題。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "因為原民會剛好換新PO,想要知道新任PO對於這樣的位置有什麼樣的看法,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "李榮哲", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "李榮哲", "speech": "因為今天是第一次來參加這樣的會議,之前在會裡面有提到教育訓練,但是當時我並沒有參加這樣的教育訓練,因為原民會比較固定,大概是全國54萬族人同胞,以會裡面來講,在業務的狀況上,我們跟其他部會大概還是有一些溝通平台的存在,雖然沒有一些協作會議的處理,像我們跟內政部大概在地政司上有一個土地問題的平台在處理,碰到社會福利問題,我們跟衛福部社家署有一個平台,那個業務單位是互相的平台。" }, { "speaker": "李榮哲", "speech": "碰到教育問題跟文化問題,是文化部跟教育部,都是次長間的會議溝通。在次長會議之前,我們會裡面有一個會前會的處理,因此跟各部會間的處理上,大概還可以達到一些溝通的機會,像農委會也是我們溝通平台的成員之一。" }, { "speaker": "李榮哲", "speech": "在民間的民眾這一些意見蒐集方面,因為我們是一個委員會,也就是屬於政策協調的單位,跟民眾意見的蒐集上,本身有主選委員,這個是比較特別的設計,目前有16個族群,我們就有16個族群委員,是代表各族群到會裡面來做意見的陳述、意見的表達,所以平常對於民眾意見,像蒐集是透過族群委員,其實我們去蒐集同仁比較關切的議題、問題,透過這樣的程序反映到會裡面來,大概就可以瞭解到部落裡面比較關心的議題是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "李榮哲", "speech": "另外一個比較特別的設計是,我們在部落裡面有一些部落會議的存在,這個是民眾意見反映很重要的平台,我們透過這樣的部落會議也好,或者是族群議會、民族議會的形式,我們可以蒐集到部落的意見,部落裡面有這樣的狀況可以蒐集,跟部落間、部會間的溝通協調,這個比較重要的兩個方式在進行,,會裡面目前還沒有接受到開協作會議的進行,以上分享,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "謝謝原民會的分享,時間也差不多,請允許我今天把大家分享有關PO、協作會議提出來的意見綜整一下。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "基本上PO制度的部分,包括我們對於現在的認知,我們希望能夠促進溝通、開放的思維,在部會間有既有的溝通平台來進行,當然我們也會遇到業務單位的一些抗拒,可能會加重或怎麼樣,這個部分我們常常會遇到。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "另外,對於PO的定位,PO的制度能夠建立公私互信,也能夠朝更開放、透明的方向做,這個是不可逆的國際趨勢。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "另外,有關於公私互信的部分,我們思考如何讓協作會議能夠真正達到公私互信的目標,評估的指標是哪一些、組織內部的權責及相關的阻力如何克服。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "有關於未來的期待,我們希望讓業務單位感到確實對我們業務有所助意,也希望能夠建立推展永續機制。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "另外PO的部分,PO有哪一些是可以解決的,有哪一些是對內跟業務單位必須要溝通的,這個部分在業務單位溝通的部分有困難,我們需要再繼續努力與加強,對於未來的部分,希望能夠建立一套永續的機制。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "像剛剛有建立到是不是有一條鞭的任用方式,像衛福部這樣子,不過這個部分也有提到,這個會涉及到部會的用人權,我們有這一種建議,但是還是會尊重各部會的權責。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "協作會議是要促進社會的共識、減輕業務負擔、降低議題的正義與衝突,最後是促進社會的共識,評估的指標包括剛剛相關的單位、業務單位、PO、政務官、政委參與,這一些相關的角色都要納入。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "像相關拆解的元素導入、也要釐清一些相關人權的議題,也要把一些相關的政策做適度的溝通,與民眾橋梁可以建立得更好,爭議可以變得更小,讓民眾更瞭解相關政策的背景,重要的是要讓業務單位認為這個並不是找麻煩,而是幫各單位來解決問題,並建立更多元的溝通管道。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "另外,讓參與者在參與的過程中能夠有更好的公民歷史素養的成熟度。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "另外,我們在這邊也能夠與民眾有正向的溝通,也願意讓大家一起來溝通,讓整個制度可以聽見更多不同民眾的聲音,也建立不同的管道,這個是很大的不同,是不是讓不同部會的PO是不是有輪流辦理的體驗,並不會過度集中在哪一些部會,也希望考量不要增加業務的負擔。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "另外,考慮的是政治敏感性的議題,不敢提的怎麼來處理。" }, { "speaker": "王明源", "speech": "有關於政治風險的部分也要作考量,剛剛思考這一些面向,不知道有沒有哪一些沒有考慮到,然後要再補充進去的?又或者哪一些要調整的?如果沒有的話,我們暫時先到這個段落結束,等一下使用中餐,1點以後會進行分組討論,進行到這裡,謝謝大家的參與。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們接著進行下午的分組討論。" }, { "speaker": "高慈蔚", "speech": "大家好,由我報告今天第一組討論的成果。第一,有部會提到爭議較大的議題,不一定適合拿到協作會議討論,以核安議題為例,當雙方立場太對立又同時邀請參加協作會議的話,可能會直接吵起來,因此建議爭議大的議題,還是讓部會有召開協作議的最後決定權。" }, { "speaker": "高慈蔚", "speech": "第二個問題是,PO制度在部會內不太明確,別說部會首長,可能連業務單位或者其他同仁也不知道PDIS、協作會議制度的存在。部會首長部分,雖然每一季都有召開季會,但是參加長官的部會本身比較少有協作議題經驗的話,長官對這一套制度會較無感。或者是每次去參加季會的長官都不一樣。這也跟PO在部會內的權限太夠,沒有辦法對上或對下宣導PO制度有關。至於如何讓PO制度受重視?解決方法包含視情況請PDIS,也就是以政委辦公室的名義協助,由PDIS當作擋箭牌跟業務單位或長官推動議題。" }, { "speaker": "高慈蔚", "speech": "PO的地位與本身的職位層級有關。有人提到應該由各部會衡量自己的需求,指派一定層級的人員擔任,重點是有沒有辦法與其他的單位溝通協調,某些時候承辦人可能叫不動其他單位,要由科長或簡任長官擔任PO才行。" }, { "speaker": "高慈蔚", "speech": "對內部同仁來說,運用PO制度的誘因,包含透過協作會議可以跟民眾溝通。雖然沒辦法立刻解決民眾的問題,但是雙方能瞭解彼此的難處。因此,業務單位透過協作會議可以防止輿情延燒。如果有更多的成功案例,業務單位也會更有意願召開協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "高慈蔚", "speech": "再來,擔任PO的誘因部分,除了最直接的敘獎,也包含責任感跟成就感。提升成就感的方法之一,是請有意願的PO,在副首長季會中報告協作會議成果。如果大家覺得害羞或壓力大,也可由PDIS代為報告,宣導協作會議成功的案例。" }, { "speaker": "高慈蔚", "speech": "此外,如果要提升首長運用協作會議的意願,或許可以邀請首長親自參加協作會議,首長也會對整個制度運作有更深的瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "高慈蔚", "speech": "我們也討論到PO制度跟現有制度之間,是不是能相互融合?或者與輿情、國會聯絡人等機制相互連結,才不會疊床架屋。另外一點,PO其實不太知道部會或是行政院最近關心的重大輿情是什麼。在機關內,是不是可以把PO加入國會聯絡人的群組中?PO不一定要負責處理輿論,但能接收相關訊息。" }, { "speaker": "高慈蔚", "speech": "另外,各部會經常面對PO異動跟經驗傳承的問題,也就是前任跟下任PO間並沒有經驗交流。因此,建議針對新任PO,PDIS除了提供PO制度手冊及文件外,或許可以邀請機關內部已經建立完整機制的部會PO,來跟其他部會的新任PO進行經驗分享,也能作為新任PO建立部會內部機制時的參考。" }, { "speaker": "高慈蔚", "speech": "接下來,PO也有需要代表機關與民眾聯繫的時候。特別是當業務單位與提案人間立場對立時,機關需要透過PO這個中立角色與民眾溝通。像今天早上Peggy提到她曾擔任的中間人一樣。但前提是PO與業務單位間建立足夠的信任時,才有辦法讓PO全權負責對外聯繫事宜。" }, { "speaker": "高慈蔚", "speech": "有些部會的業務比較不是外界關注重點,因此機關不太重視PO制度。這牽涉到部會業務性質,有的部會,例如衛福部、教育部是經常被民眾提案燒到的部會,自然會有動力推廣跟運行PO制度。但業務性質偏向幕僚的部會,像人事總處、主計總處,推動PO制度的動力相對比較小,解決方法回歸到機關首長對PO的重視程度。" }, { "speaker": "高慈蔚", "speech": "其實,在運用完整的協作會議之外,部會也可考慮將協作會議的元素拆解,把公私協力、開放政府的精神,融入部會現有機制裡。例如,機關在制定政策時,本來就要舉辦公聽會跟其他會議,或許可以將會議規劃成與協作會議類似的形式,也能落實公私互信的精神跟目標。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "各位長官、先進大家好,我們這一組討論結果,我們這一組跑到只剩兩個,是精華中的精華、精英中的精英,這一組共識討論的結果,這一些全部都是雨蒼幫忙做的,我們先釐清的問題是,很多公務人員、PO在面對業務單位的時候,一聽到要協作會議,就看到鬼一樣,因為不瞭解什麼是協作會議而造成的恐懼,因此大家會說為何列為協作議題,為何被選上。另外對於要面對民眾可能會有一些抗拒,不相信民眾的文化,民眾要處理、分析這個議題的時候,不知道如何去操作。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "如果參加這個協作會議或者是透過這個制度有沒有降低未來輿論壓力,可能還是會遇到這個輿論壓力,也有參與者認為,有時拿到一個議題,我就知道不可能處理了,結果要花很多時間,造成的CP值不高,結果在機關裡面被怪罪為何要參加這個協作會議?很多人說為何要等到5,000人成案之後才處理,是不是可以在門檻沒有到的時候先處理,因為沒有要讓這個民怨提到協作會議,直接處理就好了。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "對於機關、群眾不敢面對民意的問題,如果機關想要去處理這個議題時,會有一個問題是,如下而上發動的失敗要負責,怕長官要責備或者是其他業務單位責怪,所以我們的角色會很尷尬,而且部會間的競合,有時會有一些恐懼,因此我們認為一開始歸納的解決辦法,包括我們要讓與會者促進互信,是瞭解、促進、溝通及協調,我們為了協助所有PO跟業務單位,了解這並不是洪水猛獸,我們可以產出這個議題的一些流程,還有可以篩選比較有意義的議題。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "我們也討論到如果讓業務單位比較瞭解,因為很多政策或者是法律推動會有一些公聽會,這個協作會議因為有廣泛的公民參與,所以可以取代公聽會的程序。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "我們會遇到的問題是,因為要等到成案、寫意見並上去回應,有些時間、有時可能會緩不濟急,因此才會說門檻未到前就先處理。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "整個討論下來之後,認為有可能的幾種處理方式,第一個是我想大家也討論很多了,長官要授權,上午所說的,PDIS的提案權、未成案前就先處理,邀請大家多使用「眾開講」,還是會遇到緩不濟急的問題。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "我消化了兩隻麥克風,我應該要消化到七隻(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "什麼人適合擔任PO、擴大PO人數,這個是擴大參與跟擴大參與機制的人,什麼議題適合流程、我們認為協作會議可以促進共識的形成,也可以促進意見間的交流,所以只是為了化解大家對於政策推動上的不確定感跟反彈,因此我們要讓業務單位瞭解並不是你來就一定會背工作回去,而是可以讓您的陳請人或者是阻力化解到最小,這個問題並不是一定會來工作,而是協助政策的推動。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "但是也有人認為我們如果能夠強制解決,接受度可能會更高,國發會就略過,我們故意略過,因為他說怕什麼工作都交給國發會辦。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "我們也要讓業務單位跟PO了解,PO是可以走在政策跟潮流的前面,因此我們建議多辦一些教育訓練,讓他們瞭解PO並不可怕,你跟著潮流走在一起。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "我們認為各機關內要有教練,此可以有大帶小、母雞帶小雞的方式。像衛福部常常相關活動的時候,沒辦理過的機關就可以去,讓大家更了解並免除疑慮。這邊是怎麼樣去讓PO協作會議的成果可以廣為發散,也就是可以多對媒體、官網做精簡版,把開會的逐字稿做成精簡版,讓更多人瞭解、可以快速瞭解這個議題,最後我們覺得PDIS跟PO制度,我們希望能夠深耕到公務文化,不要讓業務單位覺得我們在找他們麻煩,所有的東西都是要促進公私互信,是要讓民眾在第一時間就瞭解到政府的政策已經有廣納接受各界的民意,大家覺得辦協作會議跟辦公聽會是一個必經的流程。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "如果大家可以分批元素的導入,不用一次把協作會議的炮臺帶出來,像逐字稿、、直播,讓民眾參與,交換意見是形成政策最快速的方式。雨蒼還要幫我們補充,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實沒有要補充,滿完整的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實這邊主要是PO的角色,一個是到底能不能消除社會的輿論,這個是後面的部分及還有一個是PO在內部的時候,需要對內、業務單位溝通及長官溝通的部分,PDIS的角色如何提供彈藥,讓他們在溝通的時候可以無往不利,像規格、教戰手冊之類的,幫他們在第一次說明的時候就可以很快上手,進一步看PO的能量,尤其像Peggy像mentor可以快速瞭解會發生什麼事,大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接下來還有沒有人要補充的?如果沒有的話,我們就把時間……sli.do上有問題嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "sli.do上沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝今天大家的參與,我上午雖然沒有在這邊,但透過直播,也都有看到大家的討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想我們這個是兩個共識營的前半,接下來還會有另外一半的共識營,我們會把這兩個所有的意見都收進來,就像每一次協作會議之後都有的整理表,會跟大家分享。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天所有的討論,包含大家報告的逐字紀錄,我們不會馬上公開。大家都會收到一個網址,是可以編輯十個工作天之後,我們再對外公開,但是在編輯的時候,如果覺得裡面某一個部分,對你的好比像往內推廣、傳承,或者是用這個當作依據去調動資源等等,有幫助的話,我們對內在公務體系裡面的使用是不限制的,歡迎分享我們今天討論全部的素材。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在這兩次共識營辦完之後,我們今天聽到一些具體的解法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一些馬上可行,像在季會的時候,各位所做的成功個案,由PDIS來報告,這個是非常可行,我們就馬上做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一些想法比較不容易達成,像要邀部會的首長來協作會議,下一案是《公投法》,那等於是邀中選會的委員們。因為中選會是獨立機關,我們沒有辦法要求委員們過來,我們盡量,但不保證真的會來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們會把大家所提出的具體建議,在兩場共識會議之後,會逐點回應大家,這就會變成第三屆PO的具體運行方向。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天非常感謝大家的貢獻,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Would you prefer tea, coffee or water?" }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Coffee. Coffee would be great." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Coffee, wonderful." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We happen to have pretty good coffee here." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Oh, wonderful." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Would you mind some?" }, { "speaker": "David Kibler", "speech": "That would be wonderful." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have a kitchen and a resident chef here." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "A resident chef, wow!" }, { "speaker": "David Kibler", "speech": "Well, that sounds nice." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "I’m going to introduce a little bit myself. I’m a professor of political philosophy in Paris at the National Conservatory of Arts and Craft. I’m the holder of a chair called Humanities and Health. To my principal work focuses on democratic regulation." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "I was also -- I know you were -- at the Open Partnership Government Summit. It was maybe one year ago or that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. In Paris City." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "I was also there." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the Hôtel de Ville." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Exactly. One of my great friends is Henri Verdier. Maybe you know him..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, sure." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "He’s really a main figure to work about participatory democracy, open government, democracies." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Me, I’m working on the citizens’ tools of democratic regulation. Not especially related to civic tech, but also related to civic tech. I work on the reform of institution and the reform of citizen behaviors." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "I’m working on a specific notion which is called the entropy, with an E, the entropy dimension of democracy. That means working on the pervert effects of adult democracies, especially French modern, American modern, UK modern -- not Taiwan modern, but I think Taiwan is a wonderful case study." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "It’s a laboratory of democracy, I think, because it is quite wonderful. I read a few things on the Sunflower, of course, Revolution, but I’m very interested to hear you about and maybe to hear you also on the needs you need." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "What -- not me -- can I do for you, but what can French professors, colleagues, can do with you as a collaboration or whatever. This is important regarding democratic regulation. Another thing, which is another field -- I think not totally related to you but just to explain it to you." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "I created the first philosophical chairs in hospitals in France. Those philosophical chairs are related to universities of patients. France is the first country to graduate expert patients. This is really important." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "The third step of this sociotherapeutic ecosystem is that we have a structure dedicated to experimentation, to proof of concept, and we work with designers and engineers to build some specific solution for the healthcare, for example." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "We won a project to reorganize the emergency service in a hospital, for example. The chair is doing all the continuum -- the teaching, the research, or the theoretical approach, the graduation, and [makes swishing sound] up to the experimentation so we can go between practice and theory very quickly, and to test and to transform of course the governance of a system, of a hospital." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Not only that. I think we try to have an holistic approach of what is health and what is care. That’s what I do. I’m also a member of the National French Committee of Ethics, and in that committee I did several reports as a co-rapporteur, as co-writer -- a report about editing of the genome..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "CRISPR/Cas9." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Yeah, and something about the political aspect of artificial intelligence, of course, and things also related to the place of oldness." }, { "speaker": "David Kibler", "speech": "Aging people." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Aging people, sorry, and the place of aging people in the society and how democracy treats aging people. That’s it. I’m a political philosopher and moral philosopher and a psychoanalyst." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You’re practicing?" }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Yes. I have patients every day, even here with a portal called Skype." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I did that with a French analyst..." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Oh, great." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...for five years, actually." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "So you know perfectly what I’m talking about. You did that, because, me, I have a lot of patients that are in China, in Morocco, Tunisia, Greece, El Salvador..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, my APF analyst said that the APF had a long discussion about psychoanalysis over the internet." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We agreed that I have to travel to Paris for a month every half a year, in that modality, but otherwise over videoconference." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "At the end of the it, after I had become the Digital Minister, the dynamic changed because I’m no longer... When I travel to Paris, I cannot travel in an individual capacity anymore, so we terminated the analysis." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Those five years were really helpful." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "OK, very interesting. Just to say, the link between my practice of psychoanalysis and my teaching in the political philosophy, I’m working about the purpose effect of new liberal democracies and the impacts on the subject, the question of a subject, and how this subject is feeling sick because there is réification..." }, { "speaker": "David Kibler", "speech": "Transforming a person into a thing." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Reification." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Reification is the term, yeah, because...It is reification. This is the term related to Adorno, to Axel Honneth... I’m working on that, on that suffering process. I’m also working on the contrary." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "That means that this person who thinks that she’s replaceable, and this is why I wrote a book called, \"The Irreplaceable\" and why this person who thinks she’s replaceable feels sick. At that time, she’s no longer in the possibility to protect the democracy." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "You see, I do this thing. The main topic of my philosophy is to say that the concern for the self is not antagonistic with the concern of public commitment." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s one and the same." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "I think so. There is the same matrix." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is the one and the same." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Oh, yeah, I totally agree. I’m working about the principle of individuation and not the question of individualism." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What do you think about the idea of transindividuation?" }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "For me, it’s also related to the construct of singularity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Because I have patients, of course, who have an adventure with their identity, or who are questioning themselves a lot about that, sometimes with suffering, sometimes without no suffering because there is absolutely no story written already with that kind of thing." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "For me, the construction of the self is absolutely necessary to protect the mental health. The construction of the self is the protection of mental health. After, it is the protection of, I think, the health of the democracy." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Because when you are feeling depressed, replaceable, not in your identity, despised, or not recognized, etc., how do you not? Or you are going on the side, and you don’t want to commit yourself into public affairs because you are too tired to do that, and too depressed. Or you go there, but with resentment, with an aggressive, acting out..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...a paranoid-schizoid position." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Exactly. I’m really working on that, how we can prevent individuals to go psychotic behaviors, because we do that today. I can tell you that in analytic sessions today, there is less neurosis than psychosis." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Ah, certainly." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "It’s terrible." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I was just reading this. I’m halfway through this book, called..." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Oh yeah, I know it. It’s..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "\"The Neganthropocene.\"" }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "It’s a colleague of mine and a friend of mine." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Oh, really?" }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Yeah, Bernard. I did several things with him, because we have the same approach about what is technology. We are not in the illusion of the neutrality of technology, but our focus is to have a technology who is going to empower citizens and not to reduce or to place the human decision, for example, and he is also very attracted by the question of art, the question of culture." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "We did a lot of things together. He’s also attracted to the same question, the entropic question." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "He is talking about the neganthropene. The neganthropene is how you fight anthropocene. We are totally matched." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s awesome." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "I will tell him. He will be very honored to know that you are..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m really a fan of his work." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Oh really? Great. I will tell him, because he’s a great, great person." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When we frame AI discussions in Taiwan, I always expand AI to \"assistive intelligence.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "By \"assistive,\" I mean more in the sense of restoring one to a wholesome being, taking out the replaceable part and enabling us to feel irreplaceable." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Exactly." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a clear demarcation, certainly, that the machines don’t yet have subjectivity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That counters the current reification theme that takes human beings and treats them as \"human resource\" and takes neoliberal constructions -- companies -- and \"incentivize\" them or \"encourage\" them, which are terms intended for subjects. It is a perversion." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Totally." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "What do you do specifically regarding democratic regulation, and what is for you the main issues?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The main issue, and I would also like to know your opinion..." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...around, say, Le grand débat national, which is starting right now. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "I will tell you everything." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, OK." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "That is very interesting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is very interesting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Prior to the Sunflower Movement, there is already waves after waves of large protests. The Sunflower, of course, at its high is half a million people on the street. Before that, in the past one year before The Sunflower, every couple months or so, there were large demonstrations, and continuing ones too after The Sunflower." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is, I think, comparable to the magnitude to the current one in France, and much more than, say, the Nuit debout. There is a collective, from my point of view, overlapping of subconscious dynamic of people who feel much closer to one another through the identification of memes, hashtags, popular slogans, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "So much so that the existing distance between the democratic institutional apparatus, between these and the people, the distance actually stayed the same, but subjectively, it became very distant." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Previously, taking seven days to apply and receive a response to a letter to the minister, or taking a couple months to receive a freedom of information request, or 60 days to receive a response to a petition is considered sufficient." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now because the clock of the social media operates on a different scale, through a different modality, it creates what we call a empathy gap. If we are in a upset, immediate-response modality..." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "It’s emotional." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...yes, of a shorter expectation of response." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Through this synchronous mode, this creates a empathy gap to what we call the depressive position in psychoanalysis, the more considered mode." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is well known that the two psychic positions do not co-exist at the same time in the mind. This actually forecloses the empathic mode of communication. Renders it irrelevant, not just ineffective. It renders it irrelevant." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "From my point of view, in Sunflower, our contribution was to use the same technologies that caused this fragmentation, but use it for consensus to re-establish a norm. I have some pictures that might illustrate..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In a synchronous mode, everything is perceived as a zero-sum trade-off. If we create a space where people feel that they can only add to it, and not subtract from it, then it becomes a sandbox, a transitional space in which anything goes, up to a limit." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As the risk is bounded, the deliberative space in the Occupy Parliament is primarily in the streets nearby, the 20 NGOs each deliberates one specific aspect; there is no harm of talking about anything." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is a space carved out as a safe space by the will of the parliament, and also of the people. Through telecommunication that we capture, people eventually paint this picture together. This picture really is key because if you only look at the fragmenting social media, you will find that these incendiary ideas are disproportionally popular." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Some popular social media platforms at the time maximized division, anger and outrage simply because outrage is the most effective motivator to share a message on social media publicly." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "However, although it powers people individually, it doesn’t actually empower the collective." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "No, it’s divisive." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly, it’s divisive. Through the same technologies, and taking away the ability to attack, taking away the idea of diversion of replies, the threaded mode that interfers communication, we create new spaces in which one person only reacts to a single considered subjective opinion of another subject at a time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You are free to agree or disagree but it is not among a flood of messages. You only consider this one on your phone perhaps, which has screen only sufficient to show one idea anyway and have one single reaction, which is agree or disagree or pass. Once you do so, your avatar moves among the people you know and another sentiment comes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "After a while, of course, you would like to share your own authentic experience or feeling for people to agree or disagree. It doesn’t carry the notion of judgment, meaning that there’s nothing wrong with being group A or group B. It only shows that there is different groups with different feelings on the same facts." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "At the end of the conversation, we also publish a report. Actually, during the conversation, people can always already see that among the different groups, there are commonalities. Actually, people agree violently on most of the things. It’s just they didn’t know about this. Then, we commit ourselves to take these, as the agenda, of the democratic institution." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, it’s agenda setting power, meaning what we talk about is collectively crowdsourced by what people find that can resonate with the most number of people. This really is the core idea. It is innovations that doesn’t sacrifice anyone that resonates with people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We observed outrage in those mobile communication tools but we channel them additively rather than destructively, toward the notion of rough consensus." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People are always surprised when they see this picture. They are not that different from their neighbors. The few differences they have are the individual contributions they can make. Based on a solid foundation of empathy, we co-create a reflection of the totality, that’s the core idea." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "OK. Right now, you continue that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In this space, every Wednesday from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM -- you saw my schedule -- everyone can come and talk to me for 40 minutes." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "OK, and there is a lot of persons?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, of course." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "[laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Just yesterday, there was like 10 different appointments. In the afternoon, it’s pre-booked time. Not unlike the psychoanalysts... [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "But kind of. It’s very interesting. It is a little bit related, though." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is related, because this inscription device exteriorizes our conversations into public social objects. While it’s not classical psychoanalysis because nobody really comes here for more than... I think the most came like five or six times. Subsequently, people took the transcripts of previous conversations and continued to develop them here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have many recurring themes here, and anyone who wants to develop these themes through a public event, as long as they can identify with any of the 17 global goals, they get free use of this space to run anything -- as long as there is a public event and they agree to align to one of the goals." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "One of the innovations that we do is the idea of regional social innovation meetings. That’s in addition to those Wednesday office hours which mostly reaches people who are in Northern Taiwan or closer to one of the large cities that have high speed rail stations." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Instead, I go to the rural, the indigenous places which the aging and shrinking population and sit down and actually live maybe two nights with the local elders, co-ops, and social entrepreneurs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We hold a collective meeting where they brainstorm about what they have to do and also what they want from the government usually to relax some policy or to make clear some policy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As I do that, here in the Social Innovational Lab, the same 12 ministries under my social innovation plan gather here to listen, to hear the local people through the Internet. It’s a huge Skype session with two connected rooms." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The 12 ministries previously working in their silos, they would say previously that, \"The Ministry of Interior cannot answer all of your questions. We need to ask the Ministry of Transportation or the Ministry of Health and Welfare.\" And so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "By the time this event was complete, the immediacy is lost because it’s five weeks afterwards and also they received the talk not as a full immersive experience, not as a réalité virtuelle, but as maybe five pages of reports. They lose sympathy with the habitat. It’s not their fault because they never had life experience." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "With this arrangement, first it’s the synchronous immediacy. People raise questions and other people in all of the ministries, they need to answer. They would not say, \"I have to consult the Ministry of Interior,\" because it’s sitting next to them." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s collective consciousness that kind of flips the old model of democratic institution because previously, the minister is the face of this cross ministry of policy. If anything goes right, it’s the minister’s credit. If anything goes wrong, the minister can always go back to the citizen and blame the Korea Public Service for not implementing the policy well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is what we see in most of the democratic institutions. Here, it’s exactly the other way around because these people, they all have names, they all see each other eye to eye, and the conversation with their names is all on the public Internet 10 working days after some editing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the transcripts, the public servants are professional, and they are real people too. You can always have a continuing conversation with them. If there’s any credit, there’s hundreds of cases of things solved, it’s their credit. If they innovate into something that may have risks, it is always me that says, \"You can always blame Audrey if it doesn’t work out.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We institutionalized this system of experimentation, also as specific laws that say you can choose a region, run with some self driving vehicles, run with some AI banking, or run with some platform economy ideas." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We don’t know all the ethical boundaries. We don’t have the norms yet — the society received this for the first time but we allow these PEVs that evolve with people. They used to be cyclops but now they’re two eyes and can make eye contact. [laughs] Through the Sandbox Acts, it can break existing laws for one year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The society needs to collaborate and supervise that it is ethical and indeed establish ethical boundaries together. After one year, we have this kind of consultation that you just saw. If people don’t think it’s a good idea, we thank the innovator for their contribution to open innovation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If they do think it’s a good idea and all the ministries are committed to just use this new version of the regulation as the national regulation. It’s led by the citizen innovators, and if it requires a law change, of course, the MPs may take, say, four years or three years to do a full deliberation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "During those three or four years, the experiment including the business model is allowed to continue so in effect, a monopoly in that region. It makes the innovators more sure about the continuation of their idea." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, by the time the MPs pass it, a competitor will enter the market but they have a lead time to build rapport with the local people. We’re seeing, starting this year, hundreds of regions starting those regional revitalization collective imagination scenarios through deliberative workshops." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Literally, hundreds of them are being concurrently discussed on the topics of what is the vision of this county or this district but not about, for example, whether citizens should initiative referendums, which is what happens now in France. I’m very interested. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Yeah. You know that we had this big movement of the yellow vest. The sociology of the yellow vest, I think you already know, because there is some..." }, { "speaker": "David Kibler", "speech": "Far-right people." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "...far-right people and far-left people both. There is some persons who have a big past on the militancy and there is persons who are totally political. There is a lot of mono parental families. At the beginning, the women were..." }, { "speaker": "David Kibler", "speech": "Single mothers." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "...white, single mothers. We have persons that are really attached to transform the institution, and we have persons that are totally attached just about the economical problems." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "The sociology is quite diverse but the sociology is common on the fact that it is the periphery kind of way of life that is in and the periphery, the rural persons and older persons that are left on the side and the public services has left, maternity, the post, everything has left the village. They are far from the attractive pool of everything." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s exactly the same constituents as the regional revitalization strategy." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Exactly. This is the sociology. After now, for the solution of the proposition of the government, actually, the national debate, I think it’s a premiere... It’s..." }, { "speaker": "David Kibler", "speech": "Unheard of." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "...unheard of." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...since the revolution. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Yeah because...I think you followed the performance. I don’t know how to call that of the president because he launched the grand debate two days ago." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I saw that, yeah." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "You saw that, and with 600 mayors and at the beginning he said, \"I’m not here to talk.\" He said, \"But, I’m OK to answer some questions.\" He stayed there seven hours, and with a huge technical and political mastering of the subject." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "I hope it’s not just communicational. I hope. I’m not sure of that because instrumentalization is always possible. I think he’s now aware that people in France, as I think in Taiwan, they want what we call continuous democracy." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "That means that we don’t want intermittent democracy. They don’t want just a representative of the democracy, which is felt too delegative and confiscatory. This is the point. We have to invent. We have to create the tools that will permit us to articulate a representative democracy, which is what you are doing with co-creation of regulation. Really, it’s about this." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "The good combination between representative democracy and participatory democracy. When we mean participatory democracy, it is of course an access to decision making and not only audits, not only consultations, and..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...agenda setting and delivery." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Exactly, and doing experimentation also. There is a right to experimentation in France. The right exists but in fact..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not fully used." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "No, not totally used. This is terrible because you know that democracy is a regime of knowledge, of science. We need to do the scientific protocols like we do in social science or in science. We have to experiment. We have to evaluate. We have to try things. We have to say no. We don’t do that in..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Otherwise, it’s an epistemic deficiency." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Exactly, yes. Totally that. There is an epistemic deficiency in the conception of democracy. This is now the age of asking what is democratic epistemology, what is this? I think the grand debate, the national debate maybe, I hope, it will be the time for that." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "My concern is about the transparency of the protocol. It’s not well. We have polemic...How do you say that? Polemic?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The polemic, yeah." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "We had polemic. We have the president of the NCPD, the National Commission for Public Debate..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, for public constructions, they are the experts." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "...because, actually, it’s normal that the grand debate should be organized by this independent authority. A letter was sent to the president in December. She said, \"OK, I agree to do that if there is some condition and because I want to be sure that there is not...\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Those conditions, they are very normal here. It’s considered just the norm." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "I get that it’s totally normal but, actually, she didn’t say to the people, to the media that she had sent this letter. She said nothing. OK, why not? She said nothing. Now, she’s saying that she did that." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "After, there was a polemic about wage, salary and she suddenly said, \"OK, there is too much problem and I think there is not enough serenity so I will step away. I won’t do the national debate.\"" }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Nobody understands why. Now, she’s telling that it is not about salary but it is about the fact that the government didn’t give her the..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The mandate?" }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "No. The mandate, yes, but not the condition, not the condition that she asked." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The conditions of..." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Now, she put online a letter of..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I haven’t read it yet." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "You can read it. It is a condition of how to collect the opinions, how to produce restitution of it, the representativeness of the thing. No more conditions. She said that the government didn’t give so this is why she’s...Now, it is not an independent expert that warrantied the whole protocol. It is the secretary of..." }, { "speaker": "David Kibler", "speech": "Two secretaries." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Two secretaries. It’s totally..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Administrative." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Totally. For me, it’s a pity. It’s a pity because we have all the qualified personalities, experts, academics, we have everything to put serenity on that, to construct the right protocols because now, actually, we don’t how we’re going to do that because 45 percent of the French people say, \"We aren’t interested.\"" }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "OK, but great, wonderful. That means that they are going to be a lot of debates, a lot of opinions, a lot of recommendations, and who is going to do the synthesis. How can we be sure that it is totally transparent and that it is a good synthesis? We don’t know." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "This, I’m a little bit touchy about that. Some colleagues, we send some opinions in the media and some calls to the government. We said, \"You know, please put a guarantee. Find maybe a college or a scientific board so we can be sure that the protocol will be good and it won’t be instrumentalized by you.\" Normal things." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Because here, there is a great, I think, opportunity to reconciliate." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "For me, it’s so important. There is the question of reconciliation of the people, and there is after the great question of co-creation of democratic regulations, which is a huge step for other democracies." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "We cannot do it without this but we have to be very exemplary because we are going maybe to create a tool, a protocol, which can be used by, of course, us later but also by other countries. It’s an opportunity. We have to really be serious with that." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "For the moment, I’m not totally sure that it is enough scientifically constructed. This is my interrogation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, mostly about the rigor, is what I hear too." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Yeah. It’s a pity. I’m not sure that it’s going to continue like this. I hope not. I hope the government would understand that we have to up level the expertise of everyone because it is too important to do that." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Because if the yellow vests and the French people -- because it’s not just about the yellow vests -- realize that this thing is only something to gain time, gosh, it’s going to be a fire. [laughs] It’s going to be terrible because, really, the situation in France with the question of resentment is really great, really." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "You can see really the hate, the frustration. It will have a political translation, terrible, because when you...The political translation of resentment is far right parties. We know that. Populous parties, we know that. There is only one way." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Here, we have a great opportunity to calm down everything and to really construct what is a model, adult, reflexive, inclusive democracy. A big challenge, but I don’t know yet if all the government is totally aware of the stakes of that. I don’t know." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, ever since the end of 2014, the Year of Sunflower, every week, a group of people gathers from the g0v community. We call them the vTaiwan project. The vTaiwan project explicitly makes up for the deficiency of epistemic synthesis, a synthesis of people’s epistemic contributions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For example, the system I showed you was first used to collect taxi drivers and Uber drivers and their passengers and form what we call a blended volition that their command wants and that inform the regulations." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think origin of the vTaiwan, which is a minister, Minister Jaclyn Tsai, who went to a bimonthly hackathon, a regularly hosted hackathon by a community called g0v." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You’ve heard of the idea." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think the idea that it is initiated..." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Yeah, I saw the...I don’t remember the name but I saw one of the members of that yesterday." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Oh, that’s great." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s great." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Right, @ttcat." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You know the idea is that a minister can join a g0v gathering but always in the capacity as a citizen, not as a government representative. When Jaclyn proposed that vTaiwan is done, it is not by the legitimacy of her ministry or position in the sense that she didn’t ask the Premier. She didn’t ask anyone." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Yeah, she was a simple citizen." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We need a better way to listen to hundreds and thousands of people. We understand that it’s like the early days of reflective telescopes. In the early days of telescopes, people had a huge debate about is it really something on that planet or is it an artifact of the glass?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There was a tele-epistemic crisis -- we don’t really know, because the tools were so bad. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It didn’t stop Galileo and friends to improve the tools, though. You cannot really write off the tools just because the initial ones are bad. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Eventually, the scientific community accepted that the telescopes and the microscopes are an extension of the human eye. Then, we have modern sciences of astronomy as distinct from astrology." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What I’m getting at is that I think the g0v name represents a right to experiment but not mandated by an existing institution. For example, the Italian people look at the g0v visualization of budget and communication and just put It’s just a website, the Italian g0v." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They didn’t ask for a trademark, permission, copyright, or anything because it’s just a name. It’s two letters and a digit, but they did exactly the same thing and made a legitimate but not by government mandate consultation idea. My thought is that as long as we are scientific about it, it is not really about a CNDP branding." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In my liminal month, when I was appointed Digital Minister but not yet started working, there was one month, September of 2016, and I was in Paris most of the time. The first week, I was in New Zealand but otherwise, I’m in Paris and I visited several intermediaries, the French Digital Council, the CNDP, the CGDD, and the CNIL that protects privacy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s very interesting that they all are thinking of how to engage with a new generation of people who don’t trust something simply because a protocol; they trust because they had a part in the construction or the imagination of it. The spirit is always there but it was very difficult. Now, it’s very easy to be accountable to the ideas." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think just by lowering the cost to be accountable, it is by itself a significant contribution." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Even if the telescope is still dusty, we’ll just keep making knew ones. [laughs]." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "You think you will come back during the national debate in Paris or no? You don’t know yet?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "One of our interns, Fiorella Bourgeois..." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "She will go there to..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, that’s right." }, { "speaker": "David Kibler", "speech": "She’s a PhD student in France..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right, yeah." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "You can have PhD students here? No, but maybe you’re related..." }, { "speaker": "David Kibler", "speech": "No, she’s a PhD student in France but she does some of her research in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "David Kibler", "speech": "We are in touch with her..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "She’s doing ethnographic research as an intern of sorts." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "She hangs out with our office and with pretty much every week’s vTaiwan meeting, and actually, two days ago, the meeting was mostly all about the grand debate." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People are very thirsty to know that after the CNDP position changed, what kind of...Because we saw the website, it’s built by the Cap Collectif. They built the république numérique consultation website so we know them well. We trust their execution of the online part, but we really don’t know about the social configuraiton." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "We have to go?" }, { "speaker": "David Kibler", "speech": "I’m sorry to say we have 10 more minutes." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Just to tell you before leaving, first of all, it was a really great honor and pleasure to meet you and really, me, I’m very, very, very interested by collaborating, about democratic regulations, about partnership, an open government partnership, everything that you’re doing. I think it is totally absolutely indispensable for the continuous democracy." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Not today, we’re not going to find a collaboration today but if you come to Paris, of course, I’m there, if you want me to organize things or if I think about colleagues and whatever, if we can do a program together, everything, I am..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Do you travel to London?" }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Yes, of course." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because by Eurostar, it’s just two hours. Well, one hour on the clock... [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "It’s more easy for me than for you from here. London, it’s easy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Starting this year, two of my colleagues, a principal designer of our processes and a co-founder of our office, both of them, are going to be based in the UK." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We are location independent. That’s one of the three conditions of me working as Digital Minister. My office is location independent; we work only by voluntary association -- meaning that we don’t take orders from others -- and we are radically transparent." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Two of them are going to be based in the UK, but still members of our office." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "In London, yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "One in London and one in Bristol. I’m sure that..." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Yeah, you will give me..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...the links in between the two of them and you, because we already have had collaborations with, say, the Nesta, the Dark Matter Labs, the democratic innovators in UK, and we always are looking for more collaboration." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Yeah, because it is important, and actually, this year, we are going also to do the Biennale of Design." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "It is in Saint-Étienne. It is a huge, huge thing. We have a day, which is totally dedicated to design of institution." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is great." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "And design of public policies. Please, give me the link because I think the organization can invite them to give a talk." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, we held similar workshops in the NYC and in Canada." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Actually, you know that the great guest is China." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Nice." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "It’s interesting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The PRC agreed, as part of the sustainable goals, to be transparent, accountable, and held to constitutional justice standards by the year 2030." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, that doesn’t say how to get there but, as I said in my name card: \"Taiwan Can Help\"." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Within the scope of #SDG16, I’m ready to help." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Here there is an opportunity to meet us again with your collaborators and whatever. For the rest, if, in your different programs, one day you need a partnership with French colleagues or whatever..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’ll write you." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": " write to me. With Henri Verdier, of course, and with Stigler, it will be a great honor and pleasure to do that. For me, it is the huge issue for democracy for continuous democracy in the 21 century. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re collectively going through this liminal stage." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Of course, I have your address. I will send you regularly news about the grand debate." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s great." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Don’t worry. You can ask me, and if I can do so, it will be great." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Can we do a photo?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Cynthia Fleury-Perkins", "speech": "Of course. [laughs]" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們就開始,看你想聊什麼就聊什麼。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "上次有跟政委聊到,我們現在是在進行環保署環境物聯網的計畫,因為政委您上次也有到系上的台大地理系,我正好在那邊唸博士班,知道您在政府這邊推民生公共物聯網這一類型的計畫,我們這邊目前在推,跟您交流討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "空、水、地、災你們做哪一些?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "空。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們跟空氣網的關係是?" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "環境物聯網計畫算是一個大平台,其中包含很多子計畫,這個空氣網是即時資料顯示的介面。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "我們是做後端的分析運算,例如一些可疑異常自動偵測,環保單位的最大困擾是佈這麼多,不要每一次都盯著系統看,因此我們是在後端做一些分析後的決策建議跟可疑區域篩選。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "我們是做系統內部人使用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以是analysis。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "比較像環保署後台的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "我們會透過演算法,每一天不斷自動監控區域,現在佈了13個縣市,每個區域會偵測當異常污染事件產生的時候會推播。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們會用國家測站嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "國家測站的資料也有疊在上面。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "所以比如我們現在會透過LINE、email的channel推送給各個縣市的環保局,是推撥類似像這樣的資訊,這個是全自動產生的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是污染事件。上次WOT他們來的時候,我有說這個網址沒有時間、精度、緯度跟放大這四個參數,因為我們在做果菜價的時候,會要一個單一事件有一個網址,等於permanent link,所以只要點開或者是QR code,任何人都可以回到當時的時間點。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "事件是被focus住。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為你現在到WOT的時候,那個操作其實很困難。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "所以今年度也會持續優化這個平台。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們跟air map,也就是g0v那邊有聯繫嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個你進來就要按「我瞭解,我不恐慌」,立委質詢說會造成恐慌之後,在給任何畫面之前,使用者就是要先按「我瞭解,我不恐慌」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是以我所知,這個還沒有用到WOT的那一些。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "這邊主要的是LASS。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "WOT air網上可以展示LASS的數據圖層。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "只是還沒有對公眾?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "環保單位登錄會有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "或許可以不登錄,但是只按「不恐慌」就好了。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "我覺得這個確實是一個困難,環保署很努力在推這個事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在要按這個?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,我現在登錄WOT了。「紫色的,好恐慌喔!」(笑)" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "最主要提供這一些數據並不是希望民眾恐慌,而是希望民眾瞭解生活周遭附近空氣品質的狀況,所以有一方的切入角度是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "我們在做這個案子的時候,有跟環保局實際接觸以及跑現場,包括晚上去工業區查看,希望找出物聯網如何輔助現場的做法,不要變成系統這麼多,卻不知道前端的驗證怎麼樣。若是直接打電話請環保局去現場幫你驗證是不可能的,所以我們做法是,直接派同事前往,跟他們跑現場。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "我們去的時候也發現幾個困難點,環保局很辛苦,包括在稽查流程中有些是不能公開的資訊,所以不會馬上告訴民眾,環保局已經開始針對某工廠異常持續監控中,所以民眾跟官方會有一些認知上的落差。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "我們希望不要讓環保局的業務量暴增,在這個前提之下,導入新興的工具,像自動偵測可疑異常事件,透過系統自動用動畫的方式回溯,讓環保單位參考判斷是否那個地方有局部污染的可能,或是判斷使否須安排前往查看。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有,上次看過了。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "可疑異常事件推播時,無法直接指出到底是不是哪間工廠在排放,還是需要現場驗證。數據分析累積可疑區域,是輔助限縮,不能代表就是誰在違法或異常。環保單位會擔心所謂可疑區域一旦太快公布給民眾,民眾會覺得環保局幹麻不去處理,所以雙方溝通上有落差。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像透過衛星某個地方有火光,有一些地方在燒一些農業的廢棄物,衛星看到的時候,事情已經過了,所以衛星只能做長期分析,也就是如果固定每幾天就看得到在農田旁邊有火光,就抓得到了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是現在的問題是,有一點像你第一次看到火光的時候,有人要抓,這樣子誤判的機率很高,大家會覺得為什麼明明有火光還不處理的感覺?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "對,所以會面對一樣類似的挑戰。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "我們現在就在想,今年度要找突破點,如何讓中央跟地方的資訊,可以更有效率落實。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "站在民眾的角度,我們也常會想跟政府溝通「不要害怕犯錯,先做做看!」" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "但就政府單位而言,做錯事是一個很嚴重的事情。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "民眾會覺得政府做對事是應該,但是不小心做錯事就會大力攻擊,民眾與政府單位好像少了一個良好的溝通管道,我們遇到最大的困難是如何讓環保署明明有心讓資訊透明、完整揭露,民眾很想知道完整揭露的資訊,但是雙方卻因為觀察的立場跟角度不一樣,所以導致環保署又怕怕的了,民眾會覺得幹麻不公開更多資訊給我;我們也一直在想要如何去做讓環保署跟民眾可以有良好溝通管道。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "環保署跟環保局不一樣?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "環保署、環保局及民眾是不一樣的,其實切入點會變得滿有挑戰。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有跟著他們從通報到解決的流程?" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "有,台中收集到的資訊相對是比較完整。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "我們有剪輯的小影片。(播放影片)環保署一樓也在輪播,做很多內部的推廣。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "包括透過剛剛所說分析的工具,輔助鎖定小區域,這是我們初步想要給他們的幫助,然後再跟他們討論哪一個區域,可以再往下追蹤,當然主要還是需搭配他們專業勾稽或是稽查設備,像是熱顯像、氣顯像儀器。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "不是每一次去一定會有收獲,他們會有完整的計畫性稽查,接著深度鎖定。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "這個是環保局跟自己的顧問公司,架機器觀察特定幾家工廠。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "跑完一輪才發現他們滿辛苦的。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "超辛苦的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是幾年幾月的事?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "去年。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以簡單來講,你們做了三個:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,透過推送的方法,讓他們知道有可疑事件。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個是被動的,可以用這個分析平台來看長期趨勢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第三個是你們還有做類似使用者需求訪查的東西,去實際瞭解使用歷程及精進的參考。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "其實以今年來講,署內跟地方,希望能夠透過物聯網達成更多成效,核心的目標是希望這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果大家因此而不敢排放,不是會降低嗎?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "雖然現在比較多是在工廠的監控,但是未來希望逐步推廣到生活周遭範圍,因為那個是讓民眾真的有感。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,因為你如果只看環保署的新聞稿,提到某個區域的擴散條件不佳,這很可能是真的,但是對於民眾不一定有幫助的事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "微型感測器是希望能夠增加解析度,至少可以知道這附近現在空氣不好,除了擴散條件不佳,還有沒有別的可能原因?" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "對,佈建感測器經過一年多努力,在某些事件上有些成效,可以漸漸接受微型感測器發揮該有的效果。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "例如12月有次在分析平台有一筆相對明顯的異常事件,環保單位就去現場看,結果沒有什麼事,遠處看到是南邊縣市有煙,打給消防局去看,發現是雜草燒起來,北飄到感測器佈建區域,才會感測到相對明顯的異常。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "我們目前跟縣市合作蒐集一些案例,希望讓中央與地方可以有好的溝通與共識。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是局跟署知道,但是民眾不知道?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "今年度的分項之一是想要漸漸讓民眾瞭解這個計畫帶來什麼價值,可以讓各單位知道這個佈建的原因、動機。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。這樣聽起來署有很穩定的進度。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "對,技術上跟推廣上都是在推廣當中。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "局的部分,是今年即使是取得了署的案子,你們也不會硬去做成局管考的系統,也就是不會硬要它稽查?" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "對,都不會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "AI就是輔助智慧(Assistive Intelligence),就是讓他更有效運用他的時間,而不是讓他更晚下班。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想可以聚焦在民眾的部分,因為前兩個部分聽起來還不錯。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為民眾的部分,我想要分幾個,立法委員常常是民眾跟他反映,他才會有一些不同的見解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "民眾跟他反映,我自己的感覺是,很多時候當民眾主觀地發現空氣品質不好,說真的不一定需要微型感測站,不需要空氣盒子也許是用看的,甚至是在工廠附近用聞的,就知道空氣不好,民眾想要知道的,不外乎是為什麼跟能夠做什麼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你剛剛說有一個比較小尺度的解釋給他為什麼的這個功能,這個可以討論,第二個是可以做什麼,如果擴散條件不佳就不知道能做什麼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以去灑水,減少揚塵。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "我們上次內部自己開玩笑說,境外污染來,大家一起來吸乾(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "趕快捐錢去建太陽能板,去伏特家那邊,然後我們就可以降載(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "減少火力發電。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個好像是非常的間接。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們想要回應的是主動有興趣知道的民眾?好比到PTT放了一個為什麼某一個地方的空氣這麼不好?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "也許佔部分民眾,會覺得對於環保機關的影響力很大,因為會在很多地方發言,像PTT或者是網路上,接下來其實蝴蝶效應就會被記者所摘錄,然後就擴散到全臺灣了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你覺得可以數的好比像100個之內的KOL,或者其實每次都是不同的人?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "確實KOL有特定的一些人,是蠻活躍的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "發言有效就被鼓勵,發言的次數就會被增加,發言無效就一、兩次喪失興趣了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這是按照達爾文的原則,我們今天看到的都是滿有能力組織的人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,我們不是希望削弱那些人的傳播力,而是傳播力比事實更靠近,還有傳播的方式更不要造成署內或者是局內的恐慌。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "聽起來主要是署內,或者局內也很恐慌?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "都是。他們覺得沒有辦法前進,他們心跟心的距離很遠。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "去年有個案例,市府對於空氣盒子的一些回應,然後回應得不是很漂亮。各單位之間立場不同,導致最後出來的新聞稿已經脫離環保局原意,更嚴重的是被誤會,造成衝突。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "滿容易在網路上形成筆戰的,滿容易看到的,是在特定的社群。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "的確滿容易遇到這樣的困難。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "環保局擬了四平八穩,但是公開的內容演變成一個衝突行銷的戰略?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "文章通常會有一些對立性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "媒體就見獵心喜,擴散的條件就變很好。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "我們有接觸的環保單位都會宣導,雙方都是為了共同的目標努力,所以其實會有一些影響性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "台中的空氣盒子有些也是教育局架的,是教育局的環教教材。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在可能聚焦在兩方面,讓公務人員看到民間反映空品事件時,可以有兩個協助,一個是節省公務員的時間,第二個是減少政治衝突。事務官當然偏第一個,政務、公關偏第二個。如果把這兩個解決了,應該就比較吵不起來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "反過來講,對於這些關鍵議題領袖,你們有什麼想法?你們跟他們之間,心的距離是?" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "主要是協助中央與地方溝通,因為環保署如果去找環保局的時候,會讓人覺得長官來施壓,後來我們會幫忙協助看地方有沒有遇到什麼困難,是我們可以幫忙的。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "比較沒有一個直接權力位階的關係,所以會比較好溝通。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們既不接環保局的案子,也不督導環保局?" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "對,那個時候就是在環保署的案子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "既不在他的下面,也不在他的上面。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "地方單位也會有一點矛盾,承接環境物聯網的計畫,需要計畫亮點,但是最辛苦的基層執行人員,也會擔心導入新設備,會讓業務流程有這麼大的轉變,因此會有這一方面的壓力。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "局內也分兩組人,一個是看數據做分析,一個科室是專門跑現場的,就是現場稽查這一種。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "所以稽查單位也會覺得分析單位提供的微型感測資料很難直接結合到現場稽查,沒辦法發揮分析效益,常常白跑一趟。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就像是理論物理學跟實驗物理學。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "雙方都是想把事情做好,但光是有資料是沒辦法達成這個目標,反而變得害怕物聯網。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "透過我們的穿針引線,發現原來不同角色有不同的想法,可以找到一些共創價值的空間。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "現在愈來愈多地方在做這樣的佈建,我們要如何讓這幾個縣市的經驗更大幅度擴散到其他縣市?" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "台中花了幾個月的時間。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "從加LINE,現場跟他們碰面、做很多溝通及簡報,但是光是一個縣市就是要花滿多的時間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "跟台中類似的情況,在臺灣也沒有太多,大概就六、七個地方而已,你知道我的意思嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的意思是東部比較沒有那麼大的問題,他們沒有別的問題,比較不是空氣品質的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我聽起來是要複製到另外幾個地方?" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "目前有在13個縣市佈建。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "因為我們公司算是做數據分析、人工智慧這一種資訊廠商,因為我們本身有去學設計思考跟體驗設計的概念,也就是跑現場跟業務拓展的必要性,但是一般來講,政府是透過什麼樣的計畫在做這一種全國大範圍度的推廣?通常會怎麼樣來做這個事情?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "通常有兩種做法,一個是某一個縣市做得很好,另外一個是透過由下而上,也就是先請地方,也不諱言常常是比較有實驗精神的局處,會整理出一套SOP,中央看了會很好,中央會調查幾都,每一都再調查旁邊的非都縣市。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像台北先有某個東西,大家目前在做這樣的事情是用什麼樣的方法做,好比像新北,也許他們也在做高風險家暴的題目,像兒虐,比如高風險的家庭在泛綠及社工輔佐的條件,他們的關係非常像你們跟其他人的關係,也就是既有可能讓工作量變多,也有可能幫他們省工作量,看資訊系統有沒有符合資訊需求。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "後來台北跟新北的社會局都發現他們在做的八成相同,所以在民間也是類似像你們這樣朋友的協助之下去調和兩邊的資料結構跟作業流程,因為很多人可能家在新北,但是工作在台北,同一個小孩的核心家庭在台北,但是延伸家庭在新北,這個是非常常見的狀況,所以有一個共用預測模型的東西出現,這個得了去年總統盃黑客松的獲勝團隊之一,也就是「永不回頭」,就是「雙北家暴聯合服務網」。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "最早之前是不是D4SG去提倡?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,最早是D4SG,到總統盃黑客松的時候,就請國發會、科技會報進來,但是並不幫他們決定地方政府提案,等到這一套做好,我們真的覺得不錯,我們就透過總統盃黑客松,像今年5月會把這個整理成一個案例,然後大鳴大放,讓其他別的縣市,社會局也想要的話,不需要重新摸索一次,這個是很常的做法。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "樹立一個很成功的案例?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我們叫做標竿案例,或者是兩個標竿案例的做法稍有不同,中央就負責協調。這個過程是非常細,像光是他們對同樣的資料結構,用不同的英文欄位名稱,或者是有些用三個欄位、有的用兩個欄位來做,我們目前是儘量整理到政府資料標準平台,所以這邊就會有像個案服務資料,就會調查一輪所有的縣市在用什麼,然後有一個共同的資料,也就是各領域現在都有,這個是一個方式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個方式是top down,中央說要做某個實驗,我們決定某一個場域,我們覺得這個場域最適合,別的也可以,我們也不會大小眼,但是這個場域會做,大家來做就是了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像沙崙綠能科學城在裡面測自駕車是最好的例子,我們瞭解到各縣市要做無人載具,而且陸海空想做的都不一樣,但是我們說因為沙崙科學城離高鐵都很近,大家都知道,所以你只要走進去就看得到野生動物,大家對自駕車就越來越瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於別的縣市政府要做自駕車,或像地方創生很多要做無人機郵差、郵件投遞,或我們去澎湖南方四島,他們覺得無人船也非常有價值,因為交通船很不方便,所以可以各自申請,但是申請的程序就會循著我們跟沙崙科學城談出來的程序,那根本就是中央寫的,這個叫做top down,目前就是這兩個。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "怎麼樣的情境會選擇top down,什麼樣的狀況下會採用bottom up?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "看哪一種導入會比較容易?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不是。我看起來有兩個判準:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,如果每個地方需求的差異太大,我們就不會採取top down,我們就會等bottom up出現,我們再慢慢協調。好比說,我們理解不是每一個地方都有人口快速外流老化的問題,或者是我們說農村再生,臺灣也不是都是,所以這個時候top down就沒有什麼道理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "反過來講,如果地方覺得有一個新興的科技,但是地方沒有這個資源,你要實際去建置的話,那個成本非常高,即使是台北市也沒有辦法自己去吸收掉,這個時候我們會看到第一次的成本極高,但是做出來之後,第二次的成本極低,也就是innovator’s dilemma的情況,這一種情況,第一個成本就會由中央吸收,地方就會說由中央先做,我看起來是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "以bottom up來講,單一縣市示範完,會有一個SOP才往外推廣;但是如果是bottom up,可能情境各地方差異也會很大,這樣子出來的SOP會適用於其他各地嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "會從跟他比較像的層級開始,像台北、新北有地緣關係。,這是最常見的,但如果像水環境,那就是一條河的流域。這沒有辦法一概而論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是這些,我覺得都跟我們剛剛講的「關鍵社群意見領袖」比較沒有關係的原因是,網路的擴散都是全國的,或甚至是全球的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,如果現在在台中發生一件高度爭議事件,全臺灣的社群都會聲援,不管是不是台中人,都會說我們的社群被攻擊了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以你剛剛問的是政府計畫思考,但是從社群的角度來看完全不是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "因為環保署正在展開另外一個計畫,也就是環境雲的計畫,政委上次在台大演講的時候有提到,現在目前就是在做大整合,每一年度在收納各式各樣的資料,不知道從政委的高度來看,對於這個計畫的期待理想有包括哪一些面向嗎?例如把部分的關鍵資料做open data,類似這樣嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實環境雲是非常古老的計畫。是十朵雲的其中一朵,到現在五年以上了。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "大概七年左右。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當時開始建置,進入行政流程大約五年多。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "差不多。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "說真的,我自己現在比較關注的是,剛剛講的民眾知情參與。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Open Data是其中的手段,是「內部資料結構化,以開放授權提供給外部」的第一步。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你把東西做成Open Data,當然資料科學社群就會比較相信你,可是就到這裡,因為跟後面的社群,如果沒有人做視覺化,如果沒有人做追蹤分析,如果沒有人做澄清或者是這一些工作的話,說真的,我們在臺灣並沒有到所有成年人都必須要學數據分析的地步。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "換句話說,我們不能說一小群人會增加信任度,就自動轉換成選票,所以我們勢必要讓這一小群人除了知情之外,還有轉譯的功能,也就是當他知道之後,要有能夠讓他比不那麼專業的人在數據上專業,在別的地方也是專業的人去進行,不管是多媒體的說故事或者是社群的說故事,這個其實是叫做「資料新聞學」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然這個本身是一個專業,新聞學本身是一個專業。產生出資料新聞之後,後面還有別的,也就是要弄成梗,大家要變成來參與的活動,像「#Metoo」,這個是社群經營、社群動員的專業,你要這三個都串起來,你才能建立一個有互信、觸及到很多人的群眾系統。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "政委的意思是,open data是第一步之外,您的意思是您的角度,或者更政府高層的角度來做這樣的期待?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想現在都是說「接地氣」,這其實是反過來推的,民眾有不安、焦慮、自我組織起來一些議題的時候,我們多快可以跟他們講說這個是實際的情況,所以大家有一些事情可以做,然後再反過來才是說你如果有興趣瞭解更多,這邊有一些報導。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來,反過來才是說如果對新聞的報導想要查核真實性、想要問責,那麼當年是這一些數字產生的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此從行政院的角度來看,其實是反過來的,並不是從資料的產製端,而是從民意端,但是同樣是這三層。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "我們也在思考把資料整合起來可以有什麼樣的亮點,可以做什麼更好的貢獻。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "說到亮點,你們做AI是哪一些部分?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "環保署這邊主要提供空氣品質預測,這個是我們用類神經網路去做未來12小時推估,建立機器學習的模型。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "其他像標準的AI演算法,像分類、分群,或是類神經其實都有導入。不知道有沒有回答到問題?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有。簡單來講,有點像類似temporal domain、time series這些分析。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "對,這個預測也有做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這種技術名詞,不是很容易變成亮點。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "對,這個太技術。所以剛剛開啟這個話題的時候,我剛剛稍微頓了一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果說有在做AI,變成一個亮點,然後問說AI做什麼,結果是做time series forecast。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以AI技術作法反而不是亮點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "AI其實有一個叫做sensor fusion,有一點像人在開車一樣,我們人類各種感官代表的每一個sensor,說真的都有缺陷的地方,但是為何人類還可以開車?竟然允許人類上路?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為人類是一個綜合各種不同的sensor形成綜合判斷。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "環境雲各方面的資料都有,所以其實滿適合做這一種有點像data fusion的概念。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然你還是要讓人有感,讓大家看到,這是綜合各異質資料出來做這個判斷之後,你可以多解釋什麼,你多解釋什麼是這一端。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "資料新聞學的貢獻,是讓大家看到「這不是亂講的」。但是最後還是連到「發生什麼事」、「你可以做什麼」,只有這兩個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Mobilization,就是動員,可以把這個變成動員工具,你們有想過嗎?發起怎麼行動之類的?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "前幾年很常辦黑客松。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像LASS的行動呼籲(call to action)非常簡單,就買一台盒子去裝,之後就有事情可以做,跟寶可夢一樣,或者說跟電子雞一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然你開始養一台盒子之後有無數的事情可以做,每一天都有事可以做。因為你們不是走進學校去裝空氣盒子的人,所以我們從手上有數據的情況,是不是有一些類似讓鄉民或者是學校或者是網路上,網路上有一些事可以做,我覺得這個是一個。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "促成mobilization。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "可以推廣跟分享,讓他們有參與的權利。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。你只要看寶可夢如何成功,就可以讓很宅的人可以大規模走上街頭,去觀察台電的變電箱,變電箱博覽會。(笑)因為每個上面都是不同的公共彩繪,但在寶可夢流行之前,除了玩Ingress的朋友之外,到底有多少人知道,上面是不同的公共彩繪?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果你是要推廣台電的形象,這個是非常好的mobilization,但是我知道寶可夢並不是要推廣台電。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們最近有辦民生公共物聯網的的競賽,你們有參加嗎?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "我們是展覽團隊,我們有鼓勵實驗室的學弟妹去參加。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有得到佳作嗎?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "有,他們目標是前三名,但第三名被清大拿走,我們都是交大base的人。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "想說又是清大、交大之爭(笑)" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "我們那一天頒獎也有在現場。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我沒有唸高中、大學,所以對於清、交要不要合併,完全沒有意見。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "AP Buster第三名的案子,你們覺得怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "看起來不大,但是可以落地的題目,是政策跟空氣品質有異常可以直接在PTT發文。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一個AI的運用,就是用生成式對抗網路,去把鄉民評論空氣品質的文章放一邊,另一個domain是所有環保局跟環保署的新聞稿放一邊,然後用對抗式生成,讓這邊寫一個句子過來,就中翻中,翻成鄉民的語言。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這對於公務員其實滿有感的,因為他們就不用學鄉民的語言了,他們可以繼續寫新聞稿,然後AI幫他翻成鄉民的語言。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們也有反過來翻的能力,反過來翻好像還沒有真的測試過。這應該是要用在輿情蒐集的時候,長官血壓就不會升高,因為看到是熟悉的語言,不會看到「字多到爆」,會看到「文句稍嫌冗贅」。這也不錯,就是玫瑰色的眼鏡,公務員可以按下「我不恐慌」,來看到鄉民的視角。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "後來清大團隊有分享,我們也跑去看他們分享內容的時候,覺得滿有趣的是,因為像我們學弟妹在做的時候,比較多是利用空氣品質的數據,但清大的團隊,雖然還是有用,但空氣品質數據那邊的著墨並沒有到很深的程度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "完全沒有用你們的資料。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "就是用國家測站做而已,做出滿特別的亮點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們有想要往這個方向做嗎?也就是推播變成,你往局推送時也同時往鄉民推送,但是你透過對抗式生成網路變成鄉民語言?我覺得這個滿有趣的。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "也會變成另外一個挑戰。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "另外,有些民眾還是會相信環保署logo的品牌、資料可靠性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當時最早的時候,有一群人發起g0v的目的就是這個,也就是如果你覺得主計處的預算看不懂,就弄一個,這最早的專案,因為這個的好處是沒有專利或者是商標,所以義大利看到感興趣,如果現在到,就會看到義大利的g0v,就會看到義大利的國家預算,所以從各國的角度來看,現在這個都是共用的branding,民間做比政府做好,民間為何覺得政府沒有做這個,先承認自己是沒有人,所以就自己先來做,當然最近比較有名的是「真的假的」,之後又出現了「美玉姨」,這個是很好的例子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是義大利的 。這個是真的假的 。(開網站)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一定的公信力,大家看到g0v就知道是他們做的,事實上有非常多g0v的案子,很多是政府的約聘僱或者是政府的廠商來提,然後來g0v說在內部有這個提案,被長官打槍了,希望在這邊做,做到一個程度,政府就不能忽略這一件事,不能忽略之後才會有政治意志去做這個,有非常多的例子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是像最一開始 ,先是用在 ,後來就變成好幾個地方縣市都使用,最後就變成這個,也就是變成join平台的功能,全部1,156個計畫用當年的做法上線,這個其實是最好的例子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然要等有人完全瞭解這一套,然後到正確的位置上才會被核定,在此之前都是分支,但是這個分支的好處是,正當性並不遜於官方,所以這個是一個也許可以考慮的面向。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "像 是什麼樣的機緣讓台北市府這邊看到,而決定要做這事?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當時柯文哲市長是以開放政府作為競選訴求,參與式預算喊出5億元,所以大家就要做參與式預算,但是做了之後,大家發現其實大部分的人提的,市政府都已經在做了,所以其實大家對於預算毫無概念,這個就像我們剛剛所說你要先知情才能行動是一樣的,一開始就號召行動,而不讓大家有一個完整系統性的瞭解,那就會亂動,亂動的一點好處都沒有,所以這個時候台北市當時有一個編制是「公民參與委員會」,公參會有一些人,事實上這個有寫在維基百科上,這個是台北市政府預算視覺化,所以在公參會成立之後,105年8月24日,公參會覺得如果不能教導市民什麼是預算,我們不應該先辦參與式預算,應該先有一個視覺化。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "8月26日公參組召集人呂家華跟開放社群唐鳳、張維志等人交流,我說就把這個拿上去就好了,所以當時2015年9月4日在機要秘書彭盛韶協助之下,就把當年的這一套導進市政府,後來有一位工程師王景弘,完成了中央跟地方兩個格式不同對照的轉換,所以到2015年9月11日就上線了,一天之內30萬人看,所以成為一個亮點,這個是貨真價實的亮點,後來參與式預算就推得比較順。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "這滿厲害的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "一天30萬人滿多的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "AP buster,我看兩個模組是可以分開看,他們實際做的非常簡略,是把新聞稿裡面最重要那一句,透過對抗式生成網路變成鄉民標題,用鄉民的標題碰標題,然後用本來的新聞稿碰內文,加上一個視覺化就構成他的投放模組,所以其實以各位的技術能力,7天之內一定可以做出更好的東西,而且不會吃國家測站的資料。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個部分,我覺得滿有意思的是,這等於是鄉民語言與時俱進,可以按照不同的社群去客製化不同的溝通模態,像Instgram要做讀卡的澄清,當然那個圖是之前拼出來,不是很成熟,但是後面有這個概念,也就是投放到台中版、高雄版、八卦版、FB、Instragm、Twitter,應該要按照那個社群的調性不同,即使不偽裝成人類,你就說「我是機器人」,但是那個機器人必須融入人類,而且必須從社群的角度來看,也就是不對人類造成傷害、服從人類的意志、保護自己的存在等等機器人,我覺得這個也是很可貴的,只是比賽的時間很有限,沒有辦法發展那麼好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不知道你們有沒有興趣。這個跟你們本來在做的AI domain差很遠,但可能是亮點。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "這個題目滿好玩的,那一天聽他們在講。可以藉由這個方式來辦一個活動。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以這樣想。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "對,其實環境雲裡面有很多的資料可以拿來用。最後一個主題想要跟您分享,之前有跟一個單位合作,他們最近有計畫想要改善通報系統的平台,他們其實有跟唐鳳團隊一起進行服務設計。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "當初為什麼是會透過體驗設計來導入這個單位?通常是什麼樣的方式達成這樣的合作?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "通常我們的做法是,大概有三個來源,一個是大家透過Join平台,也就是一個電子連署平台,等於是 的平台,除了看所有的預算之外,也看所有預告中的法案,還可以看大家最感興趣的連署。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "我有去連署過!" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有沒有成案?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "我連署的好像還沒有成案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像之前我們有處理過幾個比較有意思的案子,像有人要求臺灣的時區改成「+9」,另外八千人想要加八,所以就變成「8+9」,所以就會問這1萬6,000人到底後面在想什麼,透過設計思考的方法,讓大家發散自己不同的經驗跟感受,但是收斂到共同的意識,也就是臺灣怎麼樣更獨特、被看見,這樣子做出來的解法才會是這邊都可以接受,而不是平常所謂折衷的時區變八點五的情況,所以這個是一種,也就是大規模的提案,民間一定有人在動員,只是不是我們在動員。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個是行政院這邊要求做的,像健保卡的行動化,這個就是院這邊說健保卡的晶片卡沒有與時俱進,有些人希望能夠用NFC或者是QR code來感應,有些人用偏鄉認證很不方便,用藍牙之類的,這一些都是從中央的角度覺得這個就是要改,所以這個時候也會做服務設計。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後一個是部會自己覺得某件事覺得要燒起來了,必須要透過這個方式來釐清到底大家在不爽什麼,好比像報稅軟體是一個案子,因為從財政部的角度,報稅軟體很好用,因為是領域專家。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "看到有人翻了白眼。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "每一個字都……尤其像我們用Mac的,在驗收的時候就非常困難,所以我的意思是,從財政部的角度,當民怨出現的時候,以前我們透過新聞或者是國會,其實很多時候只能解釋問題,我們透過開放政府這一套就可以解決問題,解決的方法並不是我們幫民眾解決,而是幫民眾找來一起解決,所以對部會的角度來看,至少平息民怨是有幫助的,可以從民眾的動員者來,部會想要從對抗轉為合作來,或者是院來,這三種都有可能。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "所以像這個單位的這個計畫是屬於重大議題?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這件事當然是很重要,我們只要覺得有一定的重要性,我們就會透過各種行政程序,反正是公僕的公僕。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "請問怎麼邀到這樣的人來參與?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "每一個部會都有一組人,叫做「開放政府聯絡人」,簡稱「PO」,有些三級機關也有自己的PO了,但是如果還沒有的,他們就要找到部本部的PO,由PO在每個月的會議上提出來這一件事需要大家參與,然後請PDIS協助一套參與程序。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "其實這一些參與的單位或者是鄉民們,您在推的時候有沒有需要做一些教育?或者是來,然後大家就來follow?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們會有非常多次的會前會,會做議題盤點、分析及手冊等等,我們整個過程,目前有一個雛形的網站,可以到「 」來看,等到完成之後網域會放回「」。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "當時是什麼樣的機緣,台南會導入這樣的做法?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "嚴格來講,台南、台北都比我們中央早做,因為在2014年的時候,柯文哲市長跟賴清德市長分別是他們的政見,所以像趙卿惠主委在台南,本來就很習慣這一套做法,所以等到中央其實核定開放政府聯絡人就是陳美伶主委,也就是當時台南市的秘書長,核定的賴清德院長其實是當時的市長,實際負責幫忙協調執行的曾旭正副主委是當時的台南市副市長,因此他們可以理解這樣的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當中央有這一套要點,我們又明訂地方政府可以參照的時候,他們可以讓台南市知道有這一套系統。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "所以是台南跟台北其實已經屬於比較早推動,再者是有很具體的成功案例。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以這樣說,像飛雁新村案是比較早期的案例,像台江文化中心,也是透過這一種參與式的方法設計出來的,其他還有一些別的案子,但是他們都覺得從2014年底就開始做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "中央Join平台是要到2015年。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "在推的力道上,是以服務設計來推動?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有,最上位是「開放政府」。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "有透過什麼方法嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,我們剛剛講透明就是讓事情更知道,參與是讓大家知道事情之後來做是更好,透明如果沒有服務設計的話,其實沒有辦法碰到大家的touch point,就會變成放PDF在自己網站上的透明,我們知道這樣是沒有用的。所以反過來講,如果沒有做參與的設計,我們叫做participatory design,同樣的,大家會覺得政府都設計好了,我們只是來決定外牆的顏色而已,這樣參與有什麼用?設計在這兩個裡面都是非常重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "設計跟我們說資料一樣,其實是裡面的必要成分,但是並不是本身可以撐起一個參與程序或者是公開程序。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "所以是要合併在一起的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,這個開放政府聯絡人指南裡面有寫。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "想請問政委有沒有接觸過Google Design Sprint?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "Google Design Sprint 流程上與開放政府推動的設計思考,差異點在哪裡?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有,我們的倫理不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們在做報稅或者是健保卡的時候,如果是google,他們有永遠不使用的權限,簡單來講,我們沒有辦法去選擇不使用報稅軟體,沒有不報稅,可以抗拒,就被關起來,因為後面有國家暴力。同樣的道理,健保卡也是全民(都有)的,我們在設計的時候,沒有民間、私部門的那一種餘裕,如果我們沒有設計好,使用者不要來用就好了,我們不能這樣講,所以意思就是我們的設計必須更謙虛,就是更不能排除掉更多的可能性,如果排除掉可能性的話,被你排除掉的人,那就不會再被算進來了,不會再被算進來之後,更不可能影響後面的決策,因此就更糟糕。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這個有專門的概念,英文叫做「Expulsion」(中譯:大驅離)。如果不計入參與的可能性,我們設計出來的東西會更排除參與,長期以往,從國家的角度來看就是國家暴力的情況,因此我們才特別說如果要設計一個參與原則,一定要考慮inclusion,也就是涵融,不是有請幾位不同性別、族群、語言、原住民族來就好了,而是設計的時候,要盡可能納入不同、多元的管道,讓他實際造成影響力的可能性越來越大,而不是隨著時間過去,永遠都是一個東西給他。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像我們在做設計的時候,也不能像google或者是其他公司做透明度報告,也就是揭露想要揭露的,但是當你去覺得裡面哪一些數字有問題,你會寫信給客服,如果有寫信給google的客服,如果有給公司演算法揭露的資料或資訊,他們不一定會回你。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "我之前有寫過!google客服就不回我。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這樣子的透明是單向的,等於你覺得不夠透明的地方,你問他為何這裡不讓我看,他不需要給你一個交代,你隨時問責,他就要給你當責的這個機制叫做「課責機制」,同樣的,我們在公部門的時候,我們設計透明機制的時候,後面一定要有這個當責機制,如果不設計這個東西的話,可能就會變成一個不accountable,看起來是很透明,但是只有你想看的才會讓你知道,長此以往,社群就會覺得系統性地隱瞞一些東西,你越透明反而更越不信任。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "想跟政委請教,很多年前我們開始把參與式討論帶入政府專案,因為我們也服務滿多政府單位的,有在大力推廣,但有些單位接受度比較高,有些單位接受度比較低,沒有辦法快速接受這一種方式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家對便利貼的情感是不一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "我們想要有一些共創的過程,有些機關會推得比較辛苦一點。政委有什麼樣的建議嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "昨天有一位PO有很詳細的闡述,他覺得要這樣一種新的思考方法,在一個部會裡面,如果行政院指定他,指定他就非做不可。所以內部的動力有兩種,一種是如果搞砸了也不會怎麼樣,是比較邊緣的議題,並不是不重要,而是像監察院來一個文說希望有什麼東西,還是得回他,但是知道這個題目除了一、兩位監委之外,還沒有多少人在關心。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個時候就會變成必須要好好處理,但是就可以用比較多的設計思考方式,去一起想說要如何好好回覆監察院,要求我們建立新的審計原則或者是什麼原則,因為全臺灣看得懂的只有幾個人,而且我們有充足的時間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是這也很重要,非做不可,不做會被監察院糾正,這種政治風險比較低的議題可以用新的做事方法,如果做不好就回到原來的方法就好了,零方案也是方案,這個也是可以做的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個是,院長、部長、次長或者是三級機關首長,本身有一個政策目標,覺得達成這個政策目標,舊的方法不一定管用,是利害關係人非常多元,或者他覺得既有的文官系統沒有辦法充分反映聲音,這個時候這一位政務官就可以發動。像這樣的新流程,最好的例子之一是全國文化會議,現在形成了文化基本法、文化白皮書等產出,這個是因為鄭部長認為文化的施政並不是一個人說了算,而是所有的文化聚落、團隊各自有各自的想法,我們要集中到對大家都好的程序。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這樣子的程序,必然是由長官所發動,而且發動的時候必須要先得到所有底下在執行團隊,不要說肯定,大概不可能肯定,但是至少認命。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "先做做看再說。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "必須要有一種「既然部會首長要,就來做看看」的講法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這不一定是行政院發動的,可以是四級、三級或者是二級機關首長覺得重要的事情,大概是有這兩種態樣可以導入。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "其實有一點像top down跟bottom up的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "像我們合作的單位,要做平臺重新改造,這個算是top down嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然有他的政策目的。其實還有很多例子,像長照2.0就是一個大的政策,裡面也有非常多的資訊系統、業務系統串接系統的需求,因為本來touch point是各自為政,如果不用服務設計沒有辦法,會回到長照1.0,所以這個也是非做不可。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "讓大家都認命或者是認同這個重大議題?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "像中央來講,各部會都有一個單位(類似PO)在負責做這一件事,所以如果真的像我們合作的單位,有首長的政策要來follow,單位內要有一個計畫辦公室,而計畫辦公室就得負責找相關的利害關係人進行協調?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "必須對外、對內、對上、對下都要協調。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "等於有一個團隊來處理中間所有的過程?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "這個團隊的產出什麼時候結束?是固定跟到尾還是落實這幾條政策、這幾條法案後就結束?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "每個案子都不一樣,我們試著把共通經驗,一系列的評表,也就是「政府數位服務準則」……現在還叫「準則」嗎?就是GDSG,現在是beta版,有一個很複雜的自評表跟個案的範例,你可以看到裡面基本上已經把跨領域、使用者為中心的設計思考等等都放進去了,範例是商工登記、服務再造,也就是一人公司必須要快速申辦的這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得那個是很好的例子,因為跨到非常多,經濟部裡面就有不同的司處,經濟部外面還有財稅的部分、外貿的部分、地方登記的部分、稅捐的部分等等,這一些東西並不是一個資訊系統,包含了現有流程的整併,所以基本上我們用GDSG,現在並不是強制的,而是每一個人願意用的人,如果想用會有一個輔導團來幫他,不總是有,我們儘量有一個輔導團來幫,可以來申請。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們試驗一年之後,我們會回來看這一個準則是不是適合臺灣社會,如果做完之後會定案,定案之後接下來的會包含採購、管考、稽核等等,就會慢慢按照這樣的準則去進行修正。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "這個是最近開始在推的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "已經一陣子了。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "如果我們的合作單位也想要導入GDSG,也可以跟行政院這邊問問看?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以啊!是去年10月9日頒布,所以任何時候有人想要用的時候,就打02-27014772,或者寫信到這個電子郵件信箱,也會有人幫你服務。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個準則的產生,也是用設計思考,也就是做過類似事情的經驗、網友自己的意見,然後最後凝結成的東西,所以這一個團隊才剛prototype。目前在有人要導入GDSG的過程中還是會跟在旁邊,所以如果需要概念的澄清、流程的計畫,不是他來幫助你做,是偏向教練的感覺,而這個準則本身也是在迭代。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "準則制定過程中最大的困難是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得同一個詞,大家的想法是不同的,好比像準則8,大家都同意「以開放為優先」,這個沒有人反對,可是如果詳細問下去,你就會發現每個人講開放的意思完全不一樣,有人覺得是服務資料應該要開放,有些人覺得這些開放的資料應該要用既有領域資料標準才叫開放,自己從頭想一個不叫開放,開放的標準才叫開放,有些人覺得資料比較不是重點,重點是他的原始碼要開放,但是有些人又覺得其實原始碼開放,如果裡面一定要用特定廠商的資料庫,那別人也沒有辦法重現,重點是存取的API要開放,也就是有一些共同元件。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "微服務當時很紅,又有人覺得拆得越小,讓大家把這一些共同元件,開放大家下載這一些元件才叫開放,不一而足,所以以開放為優先,其實各界的想法都不同。其實每一個都很重要,因為有一些數位服務真的是從頭寫程式比較多,但是有很多數位服務是拿現成的開放源碼拼一拼,這兩個情況下,開放講的事情可能比重不同,所以後來做成自評表,有一些大項大家覺得很重要,但是這一些細項只勾對自己有意義的,不然完全沒有寫程式的人,要怎麼做到某些開放?" }, { "speaker": "高紀靜", "speech": "我有一個好奇點,在推進的過程中,因為要符合倫理,所以不能排擠任何一個選項,是不是造成在推動上有一點綁手綁腳的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這其實是兩個不同的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "並不是我們硬去要求來用數位服務,所以即使報稅軟體最後設計的還是4%的人覺得不好用,這4%的人還是可以去臨櫃,並不是把臨櫃取消掉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以永遠是多一些人可以用,而不是因為有這個,所以我剝奪掉某些人,這個是倫理上的討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另一個很重要的是,在用的過程中,缺乏技能、自信或者是無法上網完成服務的這一些朋友,而這一些朋友有沒有可能系統本身是循序漸進透過對話機器人或者是什麼方式教他怎麼樣的使用,也就是一開始用的時候,對於其數位能力要求是非常低的,隨著越用就越高,這個其實也是另外一個同等重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一個處理的是都不用的情況,另外一個是開始用,只是會怕的情況,那可能第一關就是要按「我不恐慌」或者是巧推的東西可以使用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好像差不多了。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我補充一件事,剛剛有提到如果把一些高地理精度的資訊可以推送給民眾,你們現在是給環保署、環保局,你們剛剛提到精確程度是可以到某一個黃昏市場嗎?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "現在的精度是300公尺左右。而環保署的國家測站是20公里。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我想像這個精度會隨著越佈越多,越精確嗎?" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "對,空間解析度會愈精確。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "就行政院來講,最後的決定權,也就是支持或者是鼓勵這一件事,當然你們自己要做是一回事,我們還是要交給環保署,而不要解讀為唐鳳說了算,因為會對環保署跟環保局有相當程度的壓力,不只是他們的時間,他們會面臨很多矛盾在裡面,我會覺得在台北的辦公室討論這一件事,其實是有一點同溫層。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我舉例來說,像精度做下去、做得很好,因為我們現在舉例假設,好比大甲的空氣不好,這一句話沒什麼問題,但是如果精度越做越好,像過了幾個月,假設變成大甲鎮瀾宮附近的空氣不好,這個不是單純身為一個技術人員可以幫別人設想的事情,不只是一個空品問題,也是政治問題,以及宗教問題,我們要先提醒,又包括說像你們剛剛講的,因為重點都放在台中,台中因為很多精密機械,是製造業密度很高的地方,我自己揣想,像台中的空氣品質,就是第一個怪電廠,或許是一個非常重、大的污染源,但是我在想並不是台中市政府完全不清楚境內有哪一些工廠、哪一些工業區有什麼問題,我認為是知道的,但並沒有那麼做的原因是,因為同樣,並不是單純空氣的問題,而是一個經濟的問題,裡面有人在工作,有人一輩子三餐飽足賺錢回家的地方。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我只是要提醒一下,我們思考這一件事的面向,其實如果放廣一點來看,就會知道為什麼這一件最後要尊重環保署某一個程度的想法,因為會面臨兩難,假設當我要講出大甲鎮瀾宮附近空氣不好的時候,我覺得他們會很為難。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "我們明白。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "今天整場訪談對我們來講,最重要有三大收獲。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "第一,在推廣時,依不同狀況分為剛剛提到的bottom up與top down。bottom up就像從台中微型感測器經驗複製到其他縣市;top down像一開始要佈建微型感測器時,初步遇到的設備、用電問題等,中央願意支出,讓地方知道第一筆先有了,後續再由地方來維護。bottom up跟top down,可以協助我們釐清可以如何複製、推廣、分類不同目的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "再來,不論是環境雲或者是物聯網的部分,解決政府與民眾之間溝通問題,有所謂的要先「知情」才會有「行動」;對於「解釋問題」跟「解決問題」這兩件事要切割開來看,因為有時搞不清楚是在解釋問題,或者是進入解決問題階段。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "另外,也給我們滿好的建議是,其實可以找網路上最常發表言論、參與討論的人,一起參與、做出來。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "像是意見領袖?" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "對。所以找網路上的意見領袖來參與,這是我們在推動、推廣中的action,既然我們要幫環保署解決這樣的問題,讓他們理解由上往下、由下往上作法外,剛剛提到利用梗、鄉民語氣、資料新聞學,這都是我們在執行上可以主動加入的一些做法。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "第三個對我們重要的,是最後討論「開放政府」的部分。我們在做設計思考推廣政府單位時,可以加入讓他們理解剛剛提到:「透明」跟「多元的參與」,我覺得這兩個滿關鍵的。透明的面向是如何透明,透明並不是怎麼開都好;參與的時候其實有多元的方式,以及剛剛有討論到開放政府的資料,要怎麼去推這個設計思考,其實由上往下、由下往上養成大家的做法,我們會在合作單位做這樣的推行,剛剛提到的準則、相關概念,我們都會再參考、學習。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "鄉民輿情的部分覺得很有趣,這個我們希望能接觸看看並瞭解這樣的做法,這些是我們今天的收獲。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "今天來有瞭解到行政院花很多時間在執行「開放政府」。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佩芸", "speech": "想到我們剛畢業的時候,Data mining不是熱門詞、大家沒有太多想像,變成大數據這個詞的時候,大家好像都懂了,不過當然大家對大數據的想像都不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就像「開放」,其實大家的想像也不一樣。但是都很重要。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "有這樣的信念。" }, { "speaker": "彭其捷", "speech": "謝謝今天給我們這個機會來請教。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "開宗明義跟大家說明一下,今天這一場會議主要的目的是因為我們有約了韓國瑜市長的時間,也就是24日下午會去拜會他,市長的時間當然很寶貴,所以第一個想要確認一下大家那一天要講什麼,也就是不要重複、也不要贅述,這個第一點。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "第二,今天這一場會議會做逐字稿,會希望大家在這兩、三天,去見韓市長之前就把這一份逐字稿編修完。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "第三,這一場會議我們等一下製作摘要,我在結束後,會把那一天要去的人員、議程會報給院長室跟副院長,讓他們也知道有這一件事,大概是這三件事。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們可以先開始,先模擬一下那一天要跟市長講什麼,如果要放簡報的話,我們也可以放。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "首先簡報部分,會簡介峰會的內容、時間及地點,重點主要會放在請高雄市政府協助的部分:" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "第一個是市長的部分,我們希望邀請參加相關的活動,包含了開閉幕式,依照他的時間來進行安排,還有晚宴,在2月的時候有一個啟動的記者會,這個是針對市長的部分,希望配合時間來做相關的安排。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "第二,是經費部分的協助,這一塊包含了幾個部分:第一個是市府本身能夠協助的部分;第二個是在地相關國營企業跟一般企業,像中鋼、台船、義大、高雄銀行等,這之前我們有提過是在地的企業,要等與市長見過面之後,再作後續的釐清與接觸。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "第三,是與議程及在地社企小旅行相關的部分,請局處協助推薦講者跟一些在地資源,所以我們這裡主要是這幾個部分。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我補充問一下,所以你剛剛提到記者會,那一天是要跟市長講說你預計在什麼時候,然後配合市長的時間,請他挑一個時間嗎?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "我們會提供預計時間,但是會儘量配合市長可以的時間調整。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你的意思是2月下旬,請市長挑一個時間嗎?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "剛剛提到市府經費的部分,一個是你要請市政府,是不是比照去年台中市政府的模式或者是規模,請高雄市政府協助,假設韓國瑜市長問你覺得哪一個局處比較適合,是社會局或者是經發局比較適合?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "台中市是經發局主責,新聞局及觀光局這兩個局處可能當天會陪同市長參加,而之前主要是經發局跟我們聯繫。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我當然會把這邊的人員報給市長那邊,同樣的,我們今天也要討論一件事,我們有沒有建議他們,像我們今天討論的結論是,這個事情最有關的是高雄市經發局,就要跟市長室說請經發局的主管是不是要列席?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "是經發局。去年在溝通上是經發局為主,也瞭解相關的內容,有一些補助的計畫也提供給我們參考,所以後續也會去做相關的申請。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "另外一個是府內的,府外你有提到中鋼、台船及……" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "義大及高雄銀行等。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你們之前有盤點過?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "之前有建議可以接觸的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "假設韓市長說「中鋼跟台船,你們中央直接聯絡比較有效吧」?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "主要考量中鋼跟台船是在地的國營企業,可能與地方政府較有默契。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你剛剛講到市府會希望成立一個所謂正式的聯繫窗口,因為去年有見過一次面,你會希望請市長指定一個,像秘書長,以前是副市長,或者是蔡副秘書長,你們希望這樣嗎?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "楊秘書長及蔡副秘書長在第一次拜會時皆有參與,也瞭解相關的計畫,所以主要尊重市府的考量。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以剛剛有提到,要請市府協助關於小旅行的部分,具體來講是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "之前有建議可協助安排一條高雄市的路線,主要是韌性城市跟海洋生態的這一個部分,這個部分後續可再與局處討論。" }, { "speaker": "謝戎峰", "speech": "也可以考慮友善農業。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "這次拜會,主要期望能協助經費的支持,與記者會的出席等。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "拉贊助的餐會要邀請市長嗎?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "有,剛剛有報告。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以要約兩個時間。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "在峰會前,一個是記者會、一個是企業餐會。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "一個是餐會的時間?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "這個是峰會前。另外是會議期間的開閉幕式致詞跟晚宴,一共有四個時間的邀請。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "哪一個先?你自己要先想好時段,你要跟市長講說農曆年後到228之間?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們用它來籌備,到時請市長出席或是指派請幹部出席,可能要想一個時間點。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "大概是農曆年後到2月底以前。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "看起來是這兩個時間點?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我綜整一下,喜憨兒基金會這邊,希望市長可以考慮兩個時間:一個是拉贊助的餐會時間,請他來;另一個是宣布這個活動比較具體的記者會。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "經費的部分,看府內能不能比照台中市去年的規模或慣例,可能以經發局為主、新聞局或者是社會局為輔,請市長去調派。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以這三個局的局長或者是副局長或者是主秘,也就是主秘以上層級是不是可以派人出席。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "府外的部分是中鋼跟台船,是不是可以跟他們聯繫一下,高雄銀行是市府的,義大請韓市長,因為我們知道韓市長跟義大的關係應該不錯,大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "窗口是蔡副秘或者是楊秘書長,也是請市長調派,我如果建議他們的話,這兩個其中是不是來一個?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "局處的部分建議可再邀請環保局,因今年議題與環保局有較多的相關性。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以經發、新聞跟社會。環保局的話,層級可以稍微低一點?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "海洋局呢?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "尊重市府考量。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以就是這幾個?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "謝戎峰", "speech": "建議你們要不要找觀光局?現在觀光局比較好,而且可以找飯店。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "新聞局跟觀光局都滿有興趣。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "好,所以觀光局也是。社會、經發跟新聞,可能層級稍微高一點。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "處裡面這邊主要是講社創方案現在是政委在督導,我們現在在做幕僚的工作,把整個行政院的方案可以請市長參考一下。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "處裡面主要的是中小企業跟新創,所以新創的部分,我們也希望還是找南部青年返鄉,因此鼓勵新創的在高雄落地。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "像中央有SBIR的計畫,地方也有地方型的SBIR,請他多多支持,以後中央如果有一些選拔,也可以推薦一些業者上來。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "如果是政府採購的市場,政府採購的部分也可以地方出題的方式,或者是有共同供應契約的工程會平台,這個部分也可以推薦新創業者的商品上架,也是跟市長講一下工作,可能中央、地方一起配合的事項,重點是在這裡,應該沒有特別要求比較具體的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "SBTR目前的狀態是?" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "現在大概有5、6個案子在地方政府的高雄執行,我們會順便把明細表給市長看一下,就是這個部分,看有哪一些計畫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "所以是有這幾個案子是在高雄市的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我看第「貳」、「參」項比較像訊息分享。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "「壹」……" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "我們有多少時間?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "目前是約一個小時。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "打算怎麼進行?比如政委先開場?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "然後接下來由喜憨兒基金會說明。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "接下來的時間如果要聊一下,才是我們簡報。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "主要的目的還是先談社企高峰會,但是如果要談其他的部分,若確定的話……" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "對,如果有剩餘的時間,可以再閒聊一下。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "可以再看中央跟地方如何合作。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "中企處沒有要跟市長請託任何事嗎?" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "沒有帶禮物去,不敢。" }, { "speaker": "謝戎峰", "speech": "最主要沒有預算。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "韓市長如果詢問「是否能提供資源?」,目前沒有新的預算。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "如果市長問說社創的部分,高雄市可以配合中央做什麼?" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "鼓勵年輕人也可以解決社會問題,如果有一些地方型的SBIR也可以支持這個部分,頂多是這樣子而已,是有一點訊息分享,因為並沒有針對特定地方有特定資源可以提供。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "之前是不是有提過,要整理別的地方也有社創中心,有哪一些推廣的次序或者是有哪一些模式……後來有整理嗎?" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "我們今年也在討論台中社創、桃園社創,到底跟他們聯繫有什麼具體合作的program,也就是地方政府自己提出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我是說全新的,也就是本來還沒有的。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "現在還沒有新的計畫要提出來的樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以所謂社創中心擴散的這一個部分,今年沒有說一定要做到什麼?" }, { "speaker": "葉宗翰", "speech": "跟政委報告,我們今年規劃社創中心擴散的部分,目前是以花東,因為是在跨部會聯繫會議有列管,我們會以在地創生的議題去做,像食農、公益的方式,用直播的方式共學,讓在地也可以變成網紅去設其他縣市有這樣需求的人或者是有要這樣的團體有這樣的好解方。" }, { "speaker": "葉宗翰", "speech": "高雄也想要透過這樣的方式來萃取在地好的議題出來,在地想要留住他的人、錢、就業機會,所以我們還是會用一鄉一網紅的方式去培育。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一鄉一網紅的話,那很多人。那個是Q幾的計畫?" }, { "speaker": "葉宗翰", "speech": "我們在Q1都會做據點的部分,之後高雄可能是上半年。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以意思是「啟動亞洲」就會開始看到?" }, { "speaker": "葉宗翰", "speech": "如果做高雄這邊,有一個不錯的……" }, { "speaker": "謝戎峰", "speech": "現在這樣子,我們在南部的高雄有一個新創基地,當然有在地聯盟,我們一直希望把資源整合在一起,這是location,也就是現有資源如何統整,這變成是我們後面可能要處理的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這沒有需要市長協助?" }, { "speaker": "謝戎峰", "speech": "早上有跟副座提,這個不用到市長層級。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "我們會希望放在經濟部一起的地方,這樣就可以發揮成效,窗口設在哪裡可以再討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "……瞭解,不需要在這一場處理。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "我們把資源盤點清楚,如果工業局不用的話,我們就再來處理,因為部窗口的部分先處理看看,如果真的不行再看。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "去見市長應該先談社企高峰會的意義是什麼,特別對高雄市的意義是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡報裡面會有。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "你們會怎麼說?因為剛剛講的大部分是希望高雄市幫忙的事,但是應該是先說對高雄市,這一件事有什麼意義或者是好處?是不是要先講在前面?或者社企高峰會在國際上有什麼地位或者是意義?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "在簡報裡面會提到,在議題的部分,不管是韌性城市、海洋或者是循環經濟這一塊,尤其像海洋的這一個議題,其實主要是為在高雄這個城市舉辦而量身訂做的議題,這個部分也是希望透過社會企業峰會,來邀集世界各地關心這個議題的人們與組織。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "之前高雄辦過港灣城市論壇,較屬於政府單位層級,這一次社企高峰會,較屬於民間團體、組織一起來思考這個問題,其實是從不同的角度,也可以協助高雄市政府可以看到不同的組織、多元、豐富的解決方案,從產官學來思考這一個部分,其實整個環境這一塊,一直都是我們臨海城市所面臨到的一個嚴重、長期性的問題,在簡報議題的部分時,會特別說明。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "另外,一開始就會談到為何以社會企業為主軸,因為我自己本身也是高雄人,因此我想談的是,高雄從以前是文化沙漠的地方,也沒有很多自然資源,如何從過去工業的城市,慢慢回到以人為本的這一塊,其實很需要透過社會企業,可能不能完全是從商業的考量、工業的考量,今天居住在高雄的人,如何面對這麼多的,從過去工業,像氣爆這一些問題,大家共同來面對現在高雄所面臨的未來發展,人如何進來、貨如何出去,我覺得社會企業是很好參考的方向,有各國很多的範例,可以提供高雄市來參考。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "你們講的我都贊成,說不定可以加一點,因為你講的是會議議題的意義,並不是會議本身的意義。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "是,會再強調國際化部分。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "這個會議在去年SEWF年會有談過,會列在SEWF年度正式活動之一。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "在國際性的部分,會從國際性、在地性及議題的部分來談,上次看到一則新聞,剛好市長有提到「歡迎國際會展在高雄辦理」,所以我們會再把SEWF加進去,也就是我們的國際合作夥伴。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "政委剛剛有問到後續的規劃,我們今天在討論的是,其實社創中心真的是希望一個品牌,並不是只有複製到各個地方,真的可以成為臺灣的品牌。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "但是這個是臨時在談,所以不敢一下子就拋,因為我們知道後面要跟著相關的預算才可以把這個主張帶出去,但是現在很好的時間點是政委在、韓市長也在談這一件事,也就是臺灣在做社創品牌的這一件事,並不是社企峰會一年一次,而是希望這樣好的模式是可以複製的,不過這個東西還要再討論,我們希望是可以複製出去的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是拿「社會創新實驗」本身來當作品牌。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得非常好,只是如同剛剛所講的,到5月講這個,也許是比較成熟的。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "就是花一點時間討論一下要怎麼做比較好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得不一定急著在這一次。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "比較可惜啦!" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "問題是一出去之後,大家就會知道。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "大家都知道,又有什麼關係?" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "是自己資源有沒有辦法跟上的問題。" }, { "speaker": "謝戎峰", "speech": "我想說如果跟他要的話,會回過頭來要跟我們要的話,就會有一點尷尬。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "盤點一下自己的能耐,不要完全沒有任何的軍火,這樣子太危險了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然我們可以只說在花東要做什麼。這個是最安全的,因為這個無論如何會做。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "可以說台中、桃園有什麼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "台北社企大樓長什麼樣子,今年度在花東有這樣的想法,有一個氣氛是這個慢慢形成一個品牌。只是分享經驗。" }, { "speaker": "謝戎峰", "speech": "也許是用另外一種,像新創這個題目,像原本大家所熟知的新創,社會創新也是一種新創的可能。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這就像馬克宏現在把本來的French Tech改成Tech for Good,所以意思是一樣的,就是一個子品牌,不是取代掉法國科技,而是說法國科技是要做好事。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "今天下午在KPMG論壇有聽到法國的經驗分享。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "好啊!我們就用這個方式來分享訊息。如果可以的話,我們就先跟產發局打招呼,我們可能會提這個題目,會很突然驚訝有這個東西。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣我覺得,可能不是列點來談,要多一點說明、簡報。也不用太多,差不多5頁就差不多了。" }, { "speaker": "謝戎峰", "speech": "介紹社創中心的進度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實9成9都是現成。因為社創同仁在寫簡報,我就在旁邊,同一個辦公室。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "會加禮拜三外賓的照片。" }, { "speaker": "謝戎峰", "speech": "這個可以國際化。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "友邦聯合國常代來訪,這個可以口頭說明,我們在簡報上不用寫。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "對,就自己跳出來。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以確認一下,那一天是你們兩個跟蘇先生?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "對,我們三位。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "中企處這邊是?" }, { "speaker": "謝戎峰", "speech": "黃秀玲跟鍾宜珊。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們辦公室是唐鳳、葉寧跟我會去。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "他們報回來的人員我會再跟大家講,我會傳達希望市府出席的是這一些人,我們也會說出席的是這一些人。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這一場大概就是這樣。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Raven", "speech": "大家好,我是宜蘭青年交流中心的Riven,大家如果是有搭遊覽車的話,就有稍微認識我,也有一些是我非常熱情的是邀了宜蘭的人,在這之前先跟大家自我介紹一下,讓大家知道一下,這是我的主場,所以讓你們知道一下我的位置,前面有飲水機、杯子,還有備有薑湯,在這個暖暖的天,希望溫暖你們的身心靈。" }, { "speaker": "Raven", "speech": "跟大家介紹一下我們的工作人員,我是Riven,剛剛跟大家自我介紹的是Oliver、Vivia及Rich,等一下如果有任何問題,找我們這幾個可愛的小臉蛋,我們會很誠摯服務你們,這個地方稍微動一下,要走到火車站那邊,速速看一下我們是什麼地方。" }, { "speaker": "Raven", "speech": "這個場域是由日治時期的老舊倉庫改建而成的,其實在1919年的時候,宜蘭縣的火車才開始通車,不然在那之前,宜蘭的稻米或者是鴨蛋都要走草嶺古道才可以運到台北。通車之後,他們就會把這一些作物,運送到這邊的倉庫,然後再從倉庫運送到火車上,就可以送到台北。" }, { "speaker": "Raven", "speech": "我們跟宜蘭縣政府聯手打造這個空間,希望讓更多的青年可以來使用這個場域,就會提供給學生社團、政府單位、非營利組織來免費的場地租界使用,很多的宜蘭社團或者是單位常常來跟我們登記場地租界登記的使用,前兩年的經營,至少有250場次的場租,7、8月每一天都有場租,各地的蘭友會為下一年度的活動做準備。" }, { "speaker": "Raven", "speech": "除此之外,我們也準備了48場的職涯講座,我們會針對一些青年比較有興趣的,像簡報、攝影或者是多樣性的職涯探索課程來規劃,同時我們也希望這個地方希望青年們展演的空間,就會跟各大院校來合作,就會到這個場域來進行表演。" }, { "speaker": "Raven", "speech": "這個空間不可能平常擺著,這個是非常好的策展空間,我們有很友善的環境,不論是攝影、繪本或者是影像都可以展示,像黑板橋是非常有活力,彈性、多元的展現形式,我們就根據宜蘭青年交流中心手繪了一個視覺(圖像)。" }, { "speaker": "Raven", "speech": "除此之外,我們也舉辦了四期的青年學院,希望帶領宜蘭青年可以重新瞭解宜蘭在地,像游阿嬤藝站阿媽、幸福轉運站都是以前有合作過的單位,我們希望透過這樣的對話,大家對於宜蘭在地的價值有共鳴與連結。" }, { "speaker": "Raven", "speech": "四期的活動人次,一共超過1,000人次的參與,以上是稍微讓大家對於中心有我們在這邊舉行的活動可以有一個瞭解,我們也非常謝謝宜蘭縣政府的支持,他跟我們打造了非常友善的環境,希望讓宜蘭青年在這個空間可以盡情地交流、產生不一樣的火花。" }, { "speaker": "Raven", "speech": "不好意思,我一定要工商一下,請大家拿小手機,刷我們的QR code,我們有兩個粉絲頁,一個是「宜蘭青年交流中心」、一個是「宜蘭青年學院」,大家不忘幫我按一個讚或者是幫我按一個讚,給你們3秒鐘。" }, { "speaker": "Raven", "speech": "我們試著回到今天的重點了,接著進行青年諮詢委員會的座談,我們就把接下來的主持交給我們的唐鳳委員。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝大家來參加我們第一次匿稱「移動青諮會」的第一場,之前的青年諮詢委員會在上一屆的時候,大部分的時間是由各地的朋友們到台北來參加,響應今年是地方創生元年,所以我們是用完全不同的方法,由在地的青年諮詢委員策展,像這一次是Rich跟他的團隊策展,我們都來這邊,我們會巡迴全臺灣各個不同的地方。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們進行的時候,我們可以投影一下我的螢幕,進行的時候會有一個線上的共用空間,叫做「」,剛剛如果已經掃過QR code的人可以再掃一次,這個是可以留言的留言版,可以不用裝任何的APP,就是一個網站,如果掃不到的話,也可以手動輸入網址,也就是「」,進去之後,輸入「00122」就好了,sli.do也是我們青諮會選出副召集人投票的同一個系統,我們開會常常都用這樣子的系統。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣子的系統有一個好處,大家在一面講的時候,如果隨時有任何想要提問的、追問或者是想要分享的一些資訊,透過是一些網址的時候,講的時候不可能整個網址背出來,背出來也不見得聽得懂,如果有一些線上連結的話,很歡迎在線上分享,這個是我們在這邊、台北社創中心的專業事務官朋友們都可以共用的一個空間,如果有一些問題太有挑戰性、太尖銳、太害羞的話,也可以匿名提問。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像現在有一位匿名的朋友說「大家嗨嗨」,表示大家已經進入空間了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "等一下進行的方式是我會先在宜蘭這邊傳麥克風,大家儘量用5至10秒鐘,快速自我介紹,主要是你的姓名或者是怎麼稱呼、在哪一個單位服務,大概是這樣子,如果有一、兩個關鍵字想要跟大家分享,也是很ok的,這個程序是我們講的每一個字都會由速錄師打成逐字稿,這個逐字稿會在所有參與者一起編輯10天之後公布到行政院青年諮詢委員會的網站上,作為之後大家彼此分享共用的文件,我不再多耽擱時間,就先在這邊傳一輪麥克風,也會在台北的朋友傳一輪麥克風跟大家自我介紹。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "先從我左邊開始。" }, { "speaker": "李芳菁", "speech": "大家好,我是宜蘭縣政府勞工處李芳菁,我是副處長,今天很高興大家會來。" }, { "speaker": "趙傳敏", "speech": "大家好,我是民政處的副處長趙傳敏,我也是宜蘭本地人,希望大家多多指教,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "池騰聯", "speech": "大家好,我是工商旅遊處副處長池騰聯,很高興今天來這邊。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "大家好,我是萱儀,我叫仙女,很喜歡為土地寫歌,很希望有一天可以再唱歌給大家聽,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "吳佳玲", "speech": "大家好,我是吳佳玲,我目前在員山鄉深溝種水稻,今年是第八年,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "賴彥鈞", "speech": "大家好,我是騎士榖堡爆米花,今年是第三年,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡佳昕", "speech": "大家好,我是蔡佳昕,我們在東山是大進休閒農業區,家裡是松茂觀光果園,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林辰陽", "speech": "大家好,我叫林辰陽,我是冬瓜山文創負責人,我創業在東山老街,歡迎大家來參觀,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "莊家泓", "speech": "大家好,我是莊家泓,我在宜蘭開書店跟一個複合式空間,接下來給書店的朋友。" }, { "speaker": "曾壹靖", "speech": "大家好,我是曾壹靖,我是蘇澳來的,我們開了一家獨立書店,叫做蘇澳創聚197。" }, { "speaker": "林恆郃", "speech": "大家好,我是林恆郃,我自營一家平面設計工作室,叫做魂猴設計工作室。" }, { "speaker": "林書毅", "speech": "大家好,我叫林書毅,我現在是宜蘭高中的英文老師。" }, { "speaker": "林國賓", "speech": "大家好,我叫林國賓,是祝大漁物產文創館,歡迎大家來那邊玩,賣魚的。" }, { "speaker": "龔哲敬", "speech": "大家好,我是宜蘭員山的青年農民,我有一套代耕系統服務的傳統夥伴。" }, { "speaker": "江志明", "speech": "大家好,我是來自社會福利基金會公關江志明。" }, { "speaker": "羅景麟", "speech": "大家好,我是來自宜蘭在地原鄉的泰雅族青年羅景麟,在做原住民的教育及文化推廣。" }, { "speaker": "曾廣芝", "speech": "大家好,我是青諮會的曾廣芝,目前就讀臺北醫學大學的傷害防治學研究所。" }, { "speaker": "徐健智", "speech": "大家好,我是健智,我現在在新竹峨眉做地方的社區營造。" }, { "speaker": "林筱菁", "speech": "大家好,我是林筱菁,我現在在台南七股推動養殖漁業的食魚教育。" }, { "speaker": "洪梓容", "speech": "大家好,我在做資訊分析公司擔任產品經理。" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "大家好,我是葉智文,我在物業管理顧問公司來推動政府社會住宅及包租代管。" }, { "speaker": "潘苾祈", "speech": "大家好,我是青諮會的潘苾祈,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "李昕", "speech": "政委、各位好,我是目前就讀臺灣大學政治學系。" }, { "speaker": "何明原", "speech": "大家好,我是何明原,宜蘭女婿。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我是宜蘭孫子(笑),本身是在矽谷創業,做網路相關服務,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "大家好,我是偉翔,跟宜蘭還沒有關聯,我是在經營非營利組織skill for U,耕耘技職教育及技能發展的議題。" }, { "speaker": "彭仁鴻", "speech": "大家好,我是青諮會的彭仁鴻,目前在頭城老街經營「金魚厝邊」。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "大家好,我是Impact Hub的Rich,我就是在經營這個宜蘭縣交流中心的廠商,但是我們很努力在耕耘宜蘭,我們已經深耕兩年多的時間了。" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "大家好,我是陳昌岑,是農糧署東區分署的分署長。" }, { "speaker": "羅清水", "speech": "大家好,我是羅清水,是業務承辦的單位青年署署長,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝,大家時間控制非常好,請台北分場的朋友們跟我們自我介紹。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "大家好,我是青年署科長蔡君蘋,我們就開始進行台北場的自我介紹,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "楊欣佳", "speech": "大家好,我是農委會輔導處休閒產業科的科長楊欣佳。" }, { "speaker": "陳建穎", "speech": "大家好,我來自農委會輔導處農業推廣科建穎。" }, { "speaker": "王智緯", "speech": "大家好,我叫王智緯,來自農委會水土保持局農村建設局的科長。" }, { "speaker": "宋睿綸", "speech": "大家好,我是農委會水保局農村建設組宋睿綸。" }, { "speaker": "吳櫻旂", "speech": "大家好,我是農委會水土保持局中和企劃組的助理工程員吳櫻旂。" }, { "speaker": "王育群", "speech": "大家好,我是青年署副署長。" }, { "speaker": "傅瑋瑋", "speech": "大家平安,我服務於教育部綜合規劃司,我叫傅瑋瑋,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "尤俊人", "speech": "大家好,我是農糧署負責糧食業務。" }, { "speaker": "張乃文", "speech": "大家好,我是農糧署糧食產業組技正張乃文。" }, { "speaker": "詹善宇", "speech": "大家好,我是詹善宇,目前服務於財政部賦稅署。" }, { "speaker": "李明機", "speech": "各位好,我叫李明機,目前服務於財政部賦稅署專門委員,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "李貞芳", "speech": "大家好,我是財政部國庫署李貞芳,負責菸酒管理業務,現在擔任組長。" }, { "speaker": "周俊穎", "speech": "大家好,我是財政部國庫署專員周俊穎。" }, { "speaker": "李逸揚", "speech": "大家好,我叫李逸揚,目前服務於財政部國庫署菸酒管理組,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "李俊葳", "speech": "大家好,我是國教署,我叫李俊葳,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀茶", "speech": "大家好,我是教育部國教署學務校安組科長黃秀茶。" }, { "speaker": "范淳翔", "speech": "大家好,我是國教署課程科范淳翔,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "方芬", "speech": "大家好,我叫方芬,目前服務於經濟部商業司。" }, { "speaker": "楊謹慈", "speech": "大家好,我是經濟部商業司楊景慈,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "吳政慶", "speech": "大家好,我服務於經濟部中小企業處,我是吳正乾,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "許智瑄", "speech": "大家好,我是教育部國民學前教育署的許智瑄。" }, { "speaker": "毛原挺", "speech": "大家好,我是原住民族委員會毛原挺。" }, { "speaker": "蕭旭東", "speech": "大家好,經濟部商業司蕭旭東。" }, { "speaker": "尤舜仁", "speech": "大家好,我是勞動部勞動力發展署簡任技正尤舜仁。" }, { "speaker": "陳沛均", "speech": "大家好,我是交通部觀光局業務組科員陳沛均。" }, { "speaker": "李宗盈", "speech": "大家好,我是交通部觀光局業務組科長李宗盈。" }, { "speaker": "許碧蘚", "speech": "大家好,我是文化部文創司許碧蘚。" }, { "speaker": "崔道華", "speech": "大家好,我是衛福部長期照顧司科長崔道華。" }, { "speaker": "石婉麗", "speech": "大家好,我是衛福部社會及家庭署科長石婉麗。" }, { "speaker": "紀雅芬", "speech": "大家好,我是衛福部社會及家庭署視察紀雅芬。" }, { "speaker": "徐名妤", "speech": "大家好,我是徐名妤,我是勞動部勞動條件及就業平等司,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉俐君", "speech": "大家好,我是環保署空保處劉俐君。" }, { "speaker": "游琇如", "speech": "大家好,我是環保署廢管處游琇如,我的主要業務是限塑,是一個滿顧人怨的工作,發現大家桌上有很多一次用的產品。" }, { "speaker": "吳奕霖", "speech": "大家好,我叫吳奕霖,在環保署環管處擔任組長,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "尤俊人", "speech": "大家好,我是農糧署運銷加工組加工科科長,尤俊人,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "賴筱茹", "speech": "大家好,我是農糧署加工科賴筱茹,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "報告政委,台北場同仁介紹完畢,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們離表定還有5分鐘,線上是不是還有一位青諮委員,幫我們介紹一下?" }, { "speaker": "林家豪", "speech": "我是青諮委員林家豪,我也是泰雅族的,大家好,目前我在新北市經營資訊的合作社,是合作社組織,現場好像也有泰雅族的同胞;我一看就知道你是泰雅族的,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝族人同胞。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "通常這樣子巡迴的方式,會事前請大家提出需求及問題,按照大家需求及問題在台北社創中心請相關承辦單位的朋友跟大家分享,但是這一次需求跟問題非常地廣泛,以至於社創中心幾乎要坐不下,這個是我看過最大場之一。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們等一下進行的方式是,我們會從按照序號,好比像爆米花的賴執行長開始,可能先簡短把後面的想法先做一個基本的分享,不管是需求也好或者是問題也好,你分享完之後,我們先看在座其他像在地的朋友,包含青諮委員有沒有要加上來分享或追問的部分,有沒有像一個主題,大家想要把分享跟詢問的分享出來之後,在台北的朋友們有沒有什麼想法給大家,這邊歡迎在sli.do上,像我在講的時候,就可以繼續追問了,在sli.o的發言也是會列入紀錄的,等同現場發言,這一個問題處理差不多再往下一組移動,我們請賴執行長跟我們分享一下。" }, { "speaker": "賴彥鈞", "speech": "謝謝主席、各位副處長、與會來賓及台北場的朋友們大家好,其實主辦單位通知我要提出問題的時候,我想了非常久、非常多,其實現在腦筋是一片空白的,有準備好,也有提供給主辦單位,我可以大概回顧一下我寫了哪一些東西,其實寫了非常多,我統整一下,不好意思,因為我桌上只有授權書,我不知道要授權哪一些事(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "賴彥鈞", "speech": "我在準備的時候,我先說明一下,我本身是台北人,住了台北二十幾年,這三年的時間搬來宜蘭,我現在是宜蘭人,終於可以投票了,接下來縣長可以投票。" }, { "speaker": "賴彥鈞", "speech": "總結了幾個問題點,主要還是來自於我們創業者在一開始介入的時候,台北有很多非常多青創的資源,其實在以前的部分,也非常感謝彭仁鴻以前的主辦單位辦了很多活動,其實我們每一次參加他的活動才跟政府有接洽的,不然在台北有很多青創的單位,宜蘭是有什麼鳳凰計畫,但是也結束了,很可惜的。" }, { "speaker": "賴彥鈞", "speech": "我自己跑了非常多的縣政府單位沒有辦法協助到青年創業,或許有,但是我不知道,至少我能跑的勞工處以外的處都跑過了,也都很可惜。" }, { "speaker": "賴彥鈞", "speech": "我的總結是希望有一個窗口可以將我們的問題統一地解決,不然簡單辦理工廠登記證的這一件事,跑了六個部會,六個部會沒有辦法回答我的正確答案,還是跑到了宜蘭所謂蓋房子的地政事務所,他們相對比政府更專業,可是他們收費非常地可愛(笑);我們希望有一個窗口可以幫我們把青年的問題統一地解決,這個是我們非常期待的事情。" }, { "speaker": "賴彥鈞", "speech": "有關於台北人跟宜蘭人其實是沒有分別的,其實我們在台北,去宜蘭是很快速的,我們發現宜蘭是很好創業的地方,但是宜蘭沒有打通關的方法,像我在台北,很多相關單位會幫助企業販售出去,像韓市長一樣會帶動我們的商品出去,但是宜蘭必須要有很多的人脈,而這個人脈可能是親戚的親戚或者是朋友的朋友,新創的創業家們是沒有這樣的資源,來到這邊有一點無助,甚至叫瓦斯有困難,這個是我親身的經驗,這個是我在宜蘭創業可能會碰到的幾個大項的問題。" }, { "speaker": "賴彥鈞", "speech": "我想把麥克風留給大家,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不知道這一排的朋友們有沒有要回應的?" }, { "speaker": "賴彥鈞", "speech": "我們這一排都很壯觀,拿了麥克風都不想放。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是這樣子(笑)。您剛剛是說除了勞工處之外,都跑遍了?" }, { "speaker": "賴彥鈞", "speech": "對,勞工處的部分有跟前處長娜姐非常地熟識,所以娜姐幫了我們非常多,娜姐非常可愛,當天叫了大概六、七、八個部會的處長及主管,來到小辦公室,擠爆了,但沒有辦法很實際幫忙,非常可惜。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。這邊有要分享嗎?" }, { "speaker": "李芳菁", "speech": "不好意思。我也要坦誠,的確縣政府在創業的部分,我們在縣府的組織分工裡面是屬於工商旅遊處,我們活動相對比較多,我們的工商旅遊處是著重在觀光行銷的部分,但是在工商的部分,其實比較主責單位在裡面是工策會,其實並不算經濟部的組織編制,的確在府裡面的分工,我想可能因為這樣子,所以大概有一點讓青年朋友會覺得到底是誰負責,我必須坦誠這一個部分真的做得比較不好。" }, { "speaker": "李芳菁", "speech": "這幾年是青年學院跟青年交流中心,Rich最近這幾年也協助青年創業跟就業的諮詢,當然可能沒有辦法很專業,但是會幫我們蒐集一些補助的資料,或者是需要一些協助再轉介給勞工處,我們再來連結,看能不能先初步符合大家的期待。" }, { "speaker": "李芳菁", "speech": "在府內分工的部分,還要再跟各局處,處長當時找了大家來,但是好像又沒有辦法幫你解決到正式的問題,一部分也有跟中央分工的問題,但我想大家的問題不會因為各局處或是各中央地方有所差別,因此這一個部分可能要再來想辦法。" }, { "speaker": "池騰聯", "speech": "我補充一下。關於這一個問題,縣府會帶回去,因為現在縣長的政見有分為兩種:一個是工商服務、一條龍服務,青年創業輔導也是一條龍服務,所以縣府會去作處理操作;第二個部分是經驗上的分享,以前縣政府有很多資源,不管是幸福貸款資源或者是青年創業相關的資源,但是到後來我們發現其實在這樣的資源投入,效力並不是那麼好,我們會傾向於陪伴的服務,也就是從創業、設計、製造及行銷應該是整體一條龍,中央部會開始思考陪伴的計畫,並不是錢給你,而造成在創業上有很大的風險,風險造成之後反而是負債的,因此在中央整體政策聯繫跟產業輔導已經慢慢轉型了。" }, { "speaker": "池騰聯", "speech": "因此我們會做處理,第一個窗口的部分,縣府到後來會有一個統一的窗口,不管是工策會或者是勞工處,我們會明確有一個窗口出來;第二,我們會傾向於陪伴的計畫跟中央搭配,讓青年在這一種創業或者是創新當中是有人陪伴著你,讓你有一個依靠,幫你把風險降低,這個是我們會一起做處理,以上補充。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們這一個分場暫時回到這邊,看台北分場的朋友,有沒有從部會的角度想要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "台北場,請經濟部說明有關創業部分。" }, { "speaker": "吳政慶", "speech": "政委及各位先進大家好,我這邊是經濟部中小企業處,其實中小企業處還是有做網實整合的創業服務,有包含新創圓夢網及0800589168的創業服務之免費諮詢專線,其實在圓夢網上面可以找到一些各部會的一些創業資源,也可以做一些預約顧問的動作,對於連結縣市的部分,行政院有新創基地,台北的部分是在社創中心的樓上,會做一些串聯、協助一些地方,然後一起辦一些地方創業活動及課程等等,以上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "我接續補充經濟部中小企業處,他們其實有新創基地,因為我們今年在交流中心,我們開始有很多創業、就業學程,在3月8日會邀請行政院新創基地的夥伴來到現場跟大家分享到底政府的創業有哪一些政策、資源,大家可以一起來申請的,到時你們幫我們找宜蘭的青年人一起來,把連結做起來,新創基地的資源放到這裡,我們可以把網絡打起來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣有沒有想要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "賴彥鈞", "speech": "謝謝,不好意思,第一個題目就這麼辛辣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實後面還有很多,這個是中辣而已(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣聽起來大概兩個部分,也就是從本來比較補助式、分局處轉換成比較整合式、陪伴式的一條龍服務,這個是本來縣長本來的政見,我們不管從中央或者是地方這邊,我都說見面三分情,透過視訊至少有二分情,之後歡迎繼續跟在地的組織者們繼續保持聯絡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個,這本來叫做「青創圓夢網」跟「青創基地」,我擔任這個位置之後就變成「新創圓夢網」跟「新創基地」的,如果完全跟青年一起創業,而不跟尤其是在地不同輩份朋友們有所連結的話,像你剛剛所說的,會有人脈不知道往哪裡接的情況,我們掛著行政院青創基地的牌子,也會看著5、60歲的朋友們在門口問說可不可以進去。但是事實上我們發現會很多成功的團隊,很多是青銀合創,因此我們後來都該成新創基地,包含青創會,據說現在也在改名的路上,所以後來會變成創新創業的總會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想不管是中央或者是地方或者是不同世代間,本來透過在台北的這一些組織者們,就像今天巡迴一樣,都帶來這邊,至少確保來這邊是要見誰而已,像這樣子一份名單或是逐字稿都是滿好的開始,非常謝謝您的提問。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最辛辣的是下一頁,前幾個都還好。吳佳玲。" }, { "speaker": "吳佳玲", "speech": "主席、現場各位長官、朋友大家好,我是吳佳玲,我目前在宜蘭務農,今年是第八年,在員山鄉深溝種水稻,自己經營的品牌名稱是「有田有米」。" }, { "speaker": "吳佳玲", "speech": "我今天有兩個建議,跟原來交給工作人員的建議有一點調整。我先補充一下建議背景的脈絡,我剛剛所說種水稻,老實說這幾年的米很不好賣,跟臺灣人的飲食習慣西化有關係,因為2016年的統計數據,每個人每年吃米的量是44點多公斤,其實在稻米生產國家來說,其實是很少的,對於消費者的飲食習慣改變,其實生產者不能做什麼事,只能調整生產計畫,所以調整生產計畫是做酒,把酒提升加工品變成產值,所以2014年開始做酒,面前這一些酒從2014年開始陸續做的,有20度、也有40度。" }, { "speaker": "吳佳玲", "speech": "我這邊有兩個建議:第一個是酒稅的部分,臺灣的酒稅略高,小農自己做酒的部分,希望稅額可以少一點,讓利潤可以留在農民身上多一點,確實改善農民的經濟狀況;第二,因為政府現在有在做稻米生產過剩的政策推行,我希望可以把心力放在正在研發升級的農民或各種單位。我用的我米酒做了蒜頭酒,這個產品的推出,其實可以同時幫助蒜農跟稻農,產品的升級希望可以多給予一些輔導及協助。" }, { "speaker": "吳佳玲", "speech": "像這是純米的威士忌,但是把米酒放在橡木桶裡面,這個只有三個月而已,而且滿好喝的,如果會後大家有興趣,可以喝看看,這個是跟今年做酒的達人意外發生的,他把米酒放在橡木桶裡面,本來預計是要放半年才會變得比較好喝,但是意外打開先喝了,結果還不錯喝。" }, { "speaker": "吳佳玲", "speech": "以上兩個建議其實希望透過這樣子的研發,可以提升臺灣米酒的產值及價值,希望可以有更多的小農朋友可以加入我們的行列,小農的經濟狀況可以改善,農村才可以達到共好的狀態,以上是我兩個建議,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是非常具體,有要補充的嗎?先問在地的朋友,如果沒有的話,我們這一排要不要請您分享一下。" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "大家好,我是農糧署東區分署的陳昌岑,很謝謝佳玲提出這樣的提問,其實我們都知道,現在食米量下降,對照之前民國60年以前,我們食米量都7、80公斤以上,現在降到一半,我們現在真的很鼓勵我們的米可以做各種加工、提高他的價值。" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "我們目前在署裡面的加工是比較偏向米的直接加工,比如做成一些其他的產品,酒類的部分,因為在農委會所管轄的範圍,在農地上要做酒的這一件事,也就是要申請農地設施的容許是ok的,沒有問題,這個部分我想您有解決這一個方面的問題了。" }, { "speaker": "吳佳玲", "speech": "其實後來有請教一些做酒的朋友,其實沒有那麼建議自己經營酒場的這一件事,其實當資金到位的時候,不見得可以把酒做好,這個做酒的技術其實滿高的,而不是單純設備有了就可以直接做酒,我後來認真去問一些做酒的朋友,不太建議我從一個農民的身份踏入做酒的領域,建議的是把米種好之後,找到適合的酒廠來合作,他覺得這樣的合作可以各司其職,這樣比較好的。" }, { "speaker": "吳佳玲", "speech": "我原先的提問比較針對酒廠的申請,可是現場的提問是調整酒稅跟後續行銷的問題;因為最近我是一個孩子的媽,睡眠品質很不好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們可以理解(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "行銷的部分我們可以協助,我想說會後可以留下聯絡方式,我們其實在台北的希望廣場或者是圓山的花博場地,我們都有協助去販售一些農產品,因此我們可能會後交流一下,看怎麼樣來協助。" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "因為台北場也有我們的同仁,也就是我的說明不是很清楚的地方,也可以請台北作補充,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "(行政院農業委員會農糧署補充說明)" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "本署為協助農民銷售農產品,已輔導設置農產品定期定點展售場域,如臺北希望廣場、圓山花博廣場農民直銷站、農夫市集、社區小舖及市集等多元行銷通路,藉以讓生產者與消費者互動交流,使農民可以傳達農產品生產理念,提升消費者對國產農產品品質、安全認知及支持度,在交流過程中,消費者亦能訴說對農產品的需求,帶動生產者適時依市場需求調整生產農產品,引導農業產業多元發展。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請台北。" }, { "speaker": "尤俊人", "speech": "你好,農糧署加工科科長,關於你剛剛提到有關於酒稅的問題,那個是財政部菸酒稅法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他沒有來。" }, { "speaker": "尤俊人", "speech": "米酒升級的部分,其實我很認同你的說法,因為製酒是高支出、高技術性的行業,所以必須要配合你投入的酒品來做不同設備的投入,所以投入的資本較一般的農產加工要高很多,所以找這個適當優質的代工廠是正確的方向。" }, { "speaker": "尤俊人", "speech": "有關於米酒升級的部分,其實一般農村有些製酒其實是做料理米酒,料理米酒現在的市場很難競爭,因為臺酒公司有出一個料理米酒,基本上他要大量生產,他的成本是比較便宜的,所以一般的小酒廠不容易跟他競爭,但是可以做特色的酒品。" }, { "speaker": "尤俊人", "speech": "特色的酒品其實在西部有一些做得不錯,有關於做米的部分,像農會就是專門做米相關的酒品,像釀造的清酒或者是蒸餾酒之類的,如果有需要的話,我可以介紹或者當地來參觀,也可以來作代工廠,以上。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "有關酒稅部分,是不是請財政部賦稅署同仁幫忙補充一下?" }, { "speaker": "李明機", "speech": "宜蘭場的朋友大家好,我是財政部賦稅署代表李明機第一次發言,吳小姐提到酒稅的問題,財政部做一個立場的說明。" }, { "speaker": "李明機", "speech": "其實降酒稅的這個議題,其實涉及到很多層面,第一個是產業,第二個是會不會多飲用,導致民眾健康的問題,稅降下去之後,價格自然會降,降了之後民眾是不是會多飲,這個涉及到健康的問題。" }, { "speaker": "李明機", "speech": "另外一個,其實在我們菸酒稅法裡面針對料理米酒有特別優惠的規定,當初好不容易跟WTO爭取料理米酒這一塊給他特別的優惠,有別於其他一般再製酒,其實稅額的部分已經有特別考量了,如果吳小姐有特別的問題,其實會後可以進一步溝通,以上說明,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。看有沒有台北場的同仁想要補充?" }, { "speaker": "李貞芳", "speech": "政委、各位先進大家好,我是財政部國庫署李貞芳,負責菸酒管理業務。" }, { "speaker": "李貞芳", "speech": "吳小姐現場的訴求與原提問不太一樣,原建議有提到關於酒廠設立申請的法令太過嚴苛,我想藉機說明一下。菸酒管理法針對酒之產製是採許可制,經許可並領得許可執照者,才可從事酒品之產製及營業,而設立酒廠相關法令限制,係為強化酒品之衛生管理,亦涉及其他部會主管法規,像環境保護、土地使用分區及農地使用等,這些法規的遵循,都是為了維護國人飲酒的安全。" }, { "speaker": "李貞芳", "speech": "吳小姐提到現在評估後,認為效益上是委託現在合法的業者來產製較為有利,如此可讓農產品加值,是政府部門樂見、支持的。如果未來吳小姐有意願要申請設立酒廠,國庫署或是宜蘭縣政府都會很樂意來做輔導及協助,以上說明,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝同仁們的說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過我這樣子聽起來,其實料理米酒降稅的這一件事,事實上已經是這樣子。其他的部分我覺得,稅還是一個比較我們想要推廣什麼東西的時候,通常用稅雖然看起來影響到的人最多、影響到社會的人最多,但是也最容易本來沒有辦法預期的一些影響,本來不管是獎助、補助、陪伴及行銷等等,那個是比較精準的,是到了某一個程度,跟社會的公共利益、政府本來要做的施政是比較扣合的,我們就一起互相陪伴,也不是廠商,而是夥伴一起走一段的關係,但是如果是用稅的話,是沒有辦法彼此發現的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "通常用到稅,不管是國際經貿談判或者是很大量的5G,我們希望各個地方都採用5G的技術,也會用稅的方法,先跟您說明,有沒有想要補充或者是再提問的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有的話,比較辣的問題就出現了。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "大家好,我是萱儀。我有十個問題,其實問題寫不完,但是是從自己的生活當中去看到的。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "想問公共建設是需求還是利益?因為發現到的是先辦說明會,前面有一條圳溝,然後一條河川貫穿了四個村,但是發現到他們先把地、點劃好之後,全民才開始緊張,因此應該要全民參與、討論,還是要一個個點討論,但是不要先從說明會開始,不然覺得還滿容易有爭議的。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "第二,如何提升青年的從政意願?其實我覺得今年開始,滿多年輕人滿會做事的。但從政意願來講是滿少的,尤其他們非常少注重於自己的自由性及希望不要被綁手綁腳。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "第三,什麼是人民想要做的永續經營,讓人民可以一起來做。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "第四,土地對你來說是什麼?現在宜蘭是有一個口號是農地農用,但是我相信土地是一個母親,因為生養萬物,會生的就是一個母親的角色,母親不見了,我相信不用這麼多的小孩,所以我相信人口減少也是有關係的。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "我也知道它是有療癒性的效果,所以土地到底對我們來講,好像還沒有一個共識,對於開發過或反開發都沒有一個共識。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "第五,長照應該怎麼做?我以前都是教學生,年紀都很輕,現在年紀都教很大的,就覺得我們應該如何照顧他?最近這幾年,滿多政府希望年輕人來照顧老人家,可是年輕人還不太會照顧,或者很多人不願意投入社工,這個問題到底在哪裡,所以希望有一個直接的資訊。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "第六,因為自己有跑過法院之後,就覺得到底是一個法官好或者是陪審團比較好。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "第七,我們是什麼樣的定位,我們是叫做中華民國或者是臺灣,哪一個好?我覺得大家有一個共識,一起做介紹會更有利。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "第八,我覺得鄉土教育不夠力,像我覺得有人說宜蘭哪裡好玩,有7成的人說很無聊,但是當我們聽到的時候,也想要機會教育一下,很多人並不會自己介紹家鄉。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "我們相信開始投入老房子整理的時候,發現到以前都是在做無塑的生活,他們的生活怎麼過?他們的生活很漂亮,如何讓自己的生活過得很漂亮。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "第十,現在越來越多文明病,以前聽不到憂鬱症、躁鬱症或者近視,現在都聽到一大堆,所以如何減少文明病?謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們台北會這麼多人,您可能是佔一半的貢獻(笑),我想這個是非常好的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想前四個多少有一些關係,這個也是為什麼地方創生元年,這整套計畫,像青諮會也有參與的,其實就是希望我們在一開始的時候就先統合,包含先讓在地看到我們現在在地實際上人口、地方、經濟、財政、醫療福利及觀光長什麼樣,如果有一些比較專業的數據或者是比較以一下子就看懂的話,從中央政府這邊,人事行政總處都鼓勵所有的公務員回到自己的故鄉,不管是當作服務隊或者是借調,直接在這邊做這樣的事,但是本來在國發會實際要怎麼做?就像透過視訊的方法做,現在有遠端勞動對勞工朋友2015年開始,其實我們在行政院裡面,包含地方政府也可以用遠端的方式來做公務跟上班,這個都是最近一、兩年才開始出現的一種政策。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但想要達成的一件事是,一句話來講就是希望社會參與創生,就像您剛剛講到的,很多時候是在地的一些比較well-connected的朋友已經有很明確的想法了,所以從縣府的角度來看,想法已經很清楚了,也都媒合好了,但對於實際受到影響的社區、社團等等,好像是被告知的角色,永遠第一個想到的是要擋或者是不要擋的角色,而不是在最前面就已經來參與所謂地方DNA創生的願景。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "本來第二步、第三步可能都已經有現場非常多的政府計畫在做,但是前面這一步是非常分散的,每一年都要往不同的地方提計畫,每一個計畫可能要提一、兩年,計畫跟計畫中間並沒有一個明確的共同願景。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "從今年開始做的方式就相當不同,會希望產官學研社在今年1月1日開始先凝聚共識,透過像願景工作坊的方式,只要任何一方,包含原住民族朋友或者是在地的朋友覺得這個不行,這樣就不叫共識,等於還沒有進入事業提案,還在願景的時候,還沒有擋下來,就叫做要繼續討論,這個是地方創生跟以前所有政府計畫都不一樣的地方,是讓地方的願景來做後面的這一個事業提案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "事業提案的部分我可以很簡單來講,我們所謂KPI有三個:「地方有多少就業機會」、「有多少人移過來或住在這邊」、及「有多少品牌講得出來地方的故事」,所有的提案都可以扣合這一些KPI,但是這一些提案必須是在產官學研社之下,不然國發會就不收案的,我這個是快速回應關於前四個,我們在地方創生有一些不同的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們之前聽國發會地方創生的時候,非常多委員提了非常多非常好的問題,有一些想要做補充的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們在國外外交的時候,現在都是「中華民國臺灣」,中間的「或」是拿掉的,是「連寫」,之前都有括弧,現在也都沒有用括弧,沒有任何的標點符號,也就是「中華民國臺灣」,也就是「ROC 臺灣」或者是「ROC,臺灣」,表示臺灣是比較大的,ROC是比較小的,如果大家熟悉英文地名寫法的話,這個是目前的狀態,也沒有說好或者是不好,先跟您分享。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我不知道長照的部分,台北的朋友有沒有要分享長照?我只知道長照資訊系統整合是今年的重點,看其他的部分台北的朋友有沒有要分享?" }, { "speaker": "崔道華", "speech": "大家好,我是衛福部長期照顧司,有關長照的部分要如何照顧老人家,或者是長照的資訊要如何取得的問題。" }, { "speaker": "崔道華", "speech": "其實我們都知道現在因為人口老化,有長照需要的人口越來越多,因此衛福部開通了一支1966長照服務專線,因為很多民眾不知道什麼樣的狀況可以申請長照服務,或者是不知道什麼是長照,因此打了專線之後,各縣市政府的長期照顧管理中心有專人來負責接聽民眾的詢問,不管是在怎麼申請服務;或者是服務使用了之後,有什麼樣的問題需要反映;又或者是在長照的使用過程中,有任何的問題想要做詢問、請教,都可以打這支專線。" }, { "speaker": "崔道華", "speech": "甚至目前有很多在台北工作的年輕朋友,他的親友、長輩在南部,可以藉由這一支專線,打到當地的縣市政府長照中心,去詢問相關服務申請資訊等問題,因此如果民眾有長照服務需要的部分,請大家多多打1966長照專線。" }, { "speaker": "崔道華", "speech": "如果想要知道長照目前有哪一些資訊,其實衛福部也有長照2.0的網站,那個網站也有提供不管是在法規面或是長照相關資訊的網站,又或是相關服務資源提供的狀況,甚至有一些GIS的地圖可以供民眾查詢附近有哪一些服務資源。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為長照的部分,去年5月在台中有辦過一個叫做「明日亞洲」亞太社企高峰會,台中當時的副市長有分享讓年輕人來做長照最主要做法是洗腦……不是,是影響他們的家長,因為大家平常聽到照護服務,其實心裡想的就比較不會覺得這是一直會有新創造的事,所以就花了很多的時間去帶一些家長們去看一些長照的,像咖啡生活坊之類的,看起來是很文青,然後青年可以當店長的,可以經營出他的特色,不是像家長想像整天都跟特定的幾位老人家相處,事實上也是一種文創、社區營造,一種他覺得比較有前途的一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然他們也有一些包含去跟日本交換,也可以練外語,也可以有專業的技能,並不是進入長照之後就不分科了,而是可以磨煉不同的技巧,總之讓它專業化,聽起來是滿有用的增進青年意願的做法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我不曉得在台北對於後面這個部分,這幾個其實也有一點像,我們怎麼樣去影響……現在都不要說洗腦好了,影響大家的生活方式,讓大家更貼近在地的人文、環境,這一點我不知道環保署的朋友或是教育部的朋友有沒有想要分享的?" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "有關於鄉土教育部分,是不是先由國教署同仁幫忙說明一下?" }, { "speaker": "黃秀茶", "speech": "我這邊補充說明,依照現行九年一貫的課程綱要,我們推動本土語文的學習,也結合社會學習領域、自然學習領域、藝術學習領域,瞭解自己本土相關的一些內涵,我這邊做一個簡單的舉例,社會學習領域的課程目標,其實就包含了要去認識自己本土與他區的環境人文特徵的差異性。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀茶", "speech": "他的相對應指標包括要描述自家的學習環境、住家附近的人文特質,還有描述居住地方的自然與人文特性等等,藝術與人文學習領域裡面,就會有2-2、2-8的指標,包含參與地方性藝文活動,瞭解自己社區、家鄉內藝術文化的內涵,像2-2、2-9蒐集有關於生活周遭本土或傳統藝術、生活藝術等藝文資訊,嘗試解釋其特色等,現行國民中、小學的教課書就是依照剛剛前面所列舉的指標來做相關的編輯,並經由審查機構審定後來通過。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀茶", "speech": "學校老師在授課時,除了可依照教科書的教學之外,更可以透過多元的方式,比方結合踏查、戶外教育、本土社團等,協助學生來認識他的家鄉環境,以上補充,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "請環保署同仁針對減塑部分補充說明。" }, { "speaker": "游琇如", "speech": "環保署第一次發言,針對環保署在限塑方面的措施來跟大家說明,環保署從91年起就開始陸續推動一系列的限塑源頭減量的措施,包含免洗餐具、購物用塑膠袋、一次用外袋飲料杯等等相關的措施,例如像購物用塑膠袋,我們規定從91年開始就說商家不得免費提供,民眾如果要用塑膠袋的話,最好儘量自備,如果沒有帶的話,就不能免費取得,我們希望以價制量的方式來達到塑膠袋減量的目的,以減少對環境的衝擊。" }, { "speaker": "游琇如", "speech": "像塑膠杯的部分,我們也有規定商家必須要有回收獎勵金的措施,如果這個部分不能執行,必須要減量,也就是民眾自備飲料杯子來購買飲料就會獲得折扣,你買咖啡就會給你3元,有的商家有到10元的折扣,也就是透過各種措施來達到一次用塑膠製品的減量。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "台北場部分補充完畢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝,回收獎勵金有到10元嗎?每一次巡迴都有所學習。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我再補充一下,從今年8月開始,從國中一年級、高中一年級新課綱就會上路,有關於本土社會的部分,除了更融入在地社區參與之外,每一所學校的課發會可以研究自己的校定必修課程跟校定選修課程,是以每一個學校所在實際的地方作為特色,我們希望經過國中三年也好、高中三年也好,學習的場域並不是在學校裡面,而是實際在人文的傳承裡面進行,因為我們有很好的理由相信如果是在那樣的場域,等到去大學時,學到的知識是會想如何用這一些知識來幫我的故鄉去想。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是如果在國民教育階段沒有接觸到這一些,都是從課本上的話,其實到了大學之後也不會回來了,所以其實是在國教階段非常關鍵的,我們今年新課綱有很多以前可能是社團或者是第八節課等等方式介入的方法,現在反過來是學校的老師會請外面的這一些朋友們,因為他們受到國教署的壓力,也就是要辦出這一些不同教育必修跟選修的特色課程來,這個也是跟您分享。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們其實有跳過一個,也就是法院的制度是陪審團好還是一位法官好?不過您剛剛是說跑去法庭,有這個經驗,所以才會想要問,原因是什麼?有哪一位法官對你不好嗎?這個滿抽象的(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "因為剛好是音樂創作的原因,而且接下來上法院的年紀都越來越輕,後來發現到法官沒有怎麼樣,但是在文件當中有寫不太信任司法,但是只信任自己有沒有多準備一些資料。我發現到好像只有一個法官在做決定,所以一直會聽到的是,只要跟法官說就好了,在不信任之下還是多做一些資料,但是還是全數駁回,自己還是勝訴,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以並不是被哪一位法官欺負了(笑)?" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過這樣就比較容易回答。不然我們就快超出行政院範圍了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "法務部目前有一個司法改革後續追蹤的平台,如果搜尋「司改追蹤平台」就會看到,如何讓人民更能夠信任司法,這個是非常重要的主軸,目前在各地都開始有我們叫做國民參審的模擬法庭,也就是如果你感興趣的話,可以報名,然後就可以開始當法官了,好像三個承審法官、六個國民法官,是真的可以判的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實有一點像今天大家跟實際的事務官討論一樣,如果我們永遠都是用A4的文件文來文往,其實很難瞭解到我們考慮事情的輕重緩急的衡量因素,通常是希望在國民法官跟專業法官討論的過程中,大家就可以瞭解到量刑等等,考慮法律的脈絡這一些最基本的法制概念,我們可以透過這一種參與的方法,讓大家越來越瞭解,瞭解只是信任的第一步,瞭解之後說不定更不信任,但是我覺得瞭解之後趨近於信任的機率是比較高的,有興趣的話,也歡迎參加國民參審制的測試方案,至於哪一個好,也是要看案件的性質而定,就歡迎大家多多參與。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們看一下,通常到1/3了。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "創業靠政府???還是不夠力!!!" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們連標點符號也會列入紀錄的(笑);其實政府的陪伴是在你旁邊,不是說你的重量都可以放在他身上,這是完全兩件事。剛剛講的有一個非常重點的概念,也就是降低風險,因為其實創業是幫整個社會,你冒著風險,幫社會想到如何讓社會運作一套更好的方法,只要你的創業有一定的公益性,尤其是跟某一個部會的施政目標扣合的時候,當然部會都非常樂意幫你降低風險,可是到最後部會朋友還沒有幫你成功,所以動力的部分,我想還是要靠創業團隊幫彼此加油,像有朋友幫騎士鼓堡加油。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "地方政府的資訊是不是比較不公開,資訊不易對等?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這個是難以一概而論,因為地方政府有很多不是抽象的資訊,像我們把法規公開、這一些東西公開,這是非常容易的,因為是一些文字而已,但是如果是一個都市計畫,或者是一個即將開發的案子,就像剛在這邊看到的一樣,任何地方要做任何事的時候,同時要考慮非常多不同的事情,所以當你只公開片面的時候,很多地方政府會覺得公開片面之後,會不會被曲解或者是被不同的解讀。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們現在的想法是,從中央提供一個類似底圖的東西,就是讓大家都知道實際的情況,也就是未來怎麼樣先不管,先把實際的情況全部公開起來,全部公開起來之後,地方要打算做什麼的時候,就可以比較不用怕會被片面解讀,無形之中是把想要的東西公開比較容易一點,這後面有非常多實際的做法,今天因為時間的關係,就不一一講參與式預算、願景工作坊的一些地方營造的事情,中央可以做的事是可以提供最基本的底圖,所以倒不是跟地方比較,而是地方的基礎。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一些是我們一定會列入紀錄的,我就直接唸出來:「真的很需要多元產品」、「多吃米,從你我做起!」。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "「青年創業貸款的部分,雖然有管道可以申請,但往往最後是由申貸人對銀行接口,銀行基本都會提出抵押品的條件;如果青年本身有抵押品的話,其實就不用走青創,直接用房貸的方式處理就好了;未來是不是針對青創貸款有更好的借貸方式」" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(經濟部中小企業處)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "銀行受理企業貸款業務(含政府各機關所訂政策性專案貸款)時,係依企業授信審查規定,綜合評估是否受理或核貸,以及核定核撥貸款之條件,惟依據「青年創業及啟動金貸款要點」第九條:銀行將視個案情況,徵提符合要求之擔保品及保證人:" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "1.第一項:擔保品部分係依承貸金融機構之核貸作業規定辦理,必要時可由信保基金提供最高九點五成之信用保證。送信保基金者,借款人需負擔年費率0.5%之信用保證手續費。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "2.第三項:保證人部分,如以個人名義申請,貸款金額在50萬元以下者,金融機構不得要求提供保證人。貸款金額逾50萬元者,如有需要,每一位申貸者,僅得徵提最多一位保證人。如以事業體名義申請,應徵提之保證人及人數則依信保基金及金融機構之規定辦理。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "申請本項貸款如有相關問題,本處「馬上辦服務中心」可提供諮詢及轉介輔導協處服務,免付費電話:0800-056-476。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "這個部分有台北市中企處的朋友,也包含指定業師或輔導員,這兩題我想我們之後會用書面的方式直接補充在逐字稿上,因為這可能是他們直接走到樓上問一下新創基地就可以得到目前初步的答案。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "米的供應端增加,是不是也包含進口米的量及價壓低了當地米供應需求,使得當地米須藉由加工尋找新出路。 以米釀酒能否有技術計畫的支持,跟酒廠結合開發台灣特有風味的米酒,以台灣品牌向國外行銷,增加國外通路,才能有更大的經濟收入。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是國貿的議題,很好的例子是金門高粱,這個不只是臺灣的品牌,而是大家都有聽過的品牌,非常感謝這一位朋友的建議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "小工幫我們補充了新創圓夢網,其實google就「新創圓夢網」就看得到,不只是經濟部,是把所有部會跟創新、創業有關的資源,全部都一起集中在這邊,所以我們把網友的問題、階段暫時收在這邊,新創圓夢網先放在上面。黃萱儀有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "拿到麥克風都不想放。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "我在講鄉土教育的問題是因為,我發現這個問題都沒有感覺到,但我翻了國小一至六年級的所有課本,後來才發現一至六只有四年級的課本有講到歌仔戲,只有一篇文章,覺得很可惜,也有把一疊的課本拿給教育局,並給他們看。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "其實這兩年我有感受到,也希望對公務員有改觀,發現越來越多的學校跟在地地方合作,但這個合作可能不是從公務的體系開始,我發現是蒲公英計畫,我發現可能是農委會有在推,所以我覺得最近公務員真的滿改觀的。" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "減塑的方式其實真的需要政策,還有什麼替代方案,還有媒體幫忙及教育讓更多人體驗,也要讓人家知道,其實結束都知道,也知道現在的現況,但是要怎麼做才會更方便,其實真正用塑膠袋是長期不方便,這只是一時的方便。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這講得實在太好了,很難講得比這個好,也很感謝對我們不同部會公務員的肯定,確實,環教的這一件事覺得是單一部會的事,但是其實是幾乎所有部會對於環境永續有一定的理解,尤其循環經濟概念出來的時候,連跟拼經濟都是同一個事情,以前環境社會、經濟社會是分開的,但是這兩年很明確是互相加強的概念。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是不是把麥克風給羅錦麟。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "大家好,各位長官及各位朋友大家好,怎麼辦,他們剛剛都很辛辣,我可能是麻辣火鍋,一連串都是很辣的。我跟萱儀說一下,因為我知道她在做音樂創作,我可以幫助你,因為我在唱片公司做,我可以幫助你。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "其實我現在在做的工作是做原住民的教育,我現在接觸的教育是以高中、大學為主,還有在做原住民的文創商品、產業推廣。其實我列了一些問題,真的有一點刺耳。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "其實我第一個要問的是,我接觸到很多,不只是在地的大專院校或者是北區、東區及南區,我們都有接觸過,其實有接觸到原住民族的中心,大家都知道有這個中心,但是我發現這個中心的目標是降低學生休退休的比例,還有教一些學生原住民課程、活動及課業上的輔助。但是其實我發信之後,有很多學生休退休的比例並沒有減少,反而是增加的。因此這個東西到底在學校裡面扮演什麼角色?" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "第二,我會提到原住民教育課程及對原住民學生的重要性什麼,其實有從偏鄉到都市的學生,然後其實如果沒有給他們一個穩定的學習環境或者是讓他們自在的學習環境,對他們來講是一個傷害,因為我自己本身是這樣子的經過。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "第三,原住民學生設立的必要規範、檢查機制是不是完善?我為何會這樣說?因為我發現很多原住民學生的資源中心,明明有這個名稱,但是是在主體上,沒有任何的空間給學生們使用,但是學校卻得到了這麼多補助,卻沒有實際用出來給學生,這個是我所發現的。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "第四,原住民學生中心聘用的標準,為什麼我會這樣說呢?像從偏鄉到都市去求學,我們原住民學生資源中心的那一些人員是原住民的話,其實我們會把自己的事情告訴他們,其實我們可以從當中瞭解到透過這一些學生,並瞭解學生周遭的環境,是不是有很多像休退休的事情,我們可以先避免或者是提早準備有何措施。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "第五,像對於原住民中心的費用及審查機制是不是完善,像很多原住民族資源中心在做陳報的時候,老實說都是在做不實的成果報告。我想問一下你們的標準在哪裡?為何學生原住民中心在做這一些報告的時候,我不能說哪裡,很多上面的一些部門就很輕易讓這個事情過了,所以是不是可以說一下?" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "再來,我發現原住民族語學習中心的困難,像我們剛剛所講到的鄉土教育,我們很需要,因為對我們來講,原住民族的語言已經快要消失了,像泰雅族來說是口傳的,所以歷史語言很快消失了,但是每一個族裡面又有分語言的系統,為何在都市求學當中,我們學不到我們自己族的語言,就是在上課的時候;有時嚴重到會逼迫我們學生學不是我們族的語言,像我是泰雅族,我是四季泰雅語,可是我沒有四季泰雅語或者什麼泰雅語可以選,所以我只能選閩南語,我有時就會覺得很疑惑我要學什麼。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "再來,為什麼原住民族語言很重要?因為沒有語言的話,一個民族的文化素養、歷史是不是就瓦解了?這對我們原住民族學生來講是非常重要的一件事。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "第三,原住民族學生樂舞課程及文化素養課程是不有達到提升學生族群意識的效益?你如果沒有樂舞,其實樂舞就是原住民族文化的縮小版,也就是讓學生們,甚至是外面的人、不是原住民族的人,而是最好學習的東西,但如果自己不教我們原住民學生的話,請問誰來傳承我們的文化?這個是一個非常嚴重的問題。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "我遇到了很多學校、教師,我曾經聽過你自己課業都不好了,為何要自己接觸原住民族樂舞,對我來講很重要,不能以比例多寡去分,所以覺得這讓原住民族是非常受傷的。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "再來,我前幾年就在做……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "教育的先處理。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "好,先處理教育的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為是負責不同的單位,我怕他們做筆記,一下子脈絡就掉了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我綜整一下,第一個是對於目前現有的,尤其是原資中心到底有沒有實際給學生用,人員的組成、核銷,總之這一整套雖然不能講個案的名稱,但感覺上不是很work,在您的看法當中。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,確實才通過的一些相國家語言發展法、原住民族相關的這一些資料庫建置等等,終於有法源的依據了,這個確實是長期,尤其是原住民族的立法委員們一直在爭取的事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第三,樂舞課程好像不能當作一般的術科或是博士學科,學生的素養、主體性的建立是非常核心的,不能考試考得好再去學的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在台北不管是原民會的朋友對這一些有沒有初步的回應?" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "這一題,請教育部同仁先回答。" }, { "speaker": "傅瑋瑋", "speech": "各位與會的大家好,我是教育部綜規司傅瑋瑋,我針對原資中心來說明,針對您所提的問題,實際上我們也有聽到這一些相關的問題,而且我們自己去看學校的時候,也發現這一些問題。" }, { "speaker": "傅瑋瑋", "speech": "是不是容我簡單說明一下原資中心相關的規範,就原民生來看,有關休退學率,從我們這幾年看到的一些統計資料,確實有一點微微提升,因此更重視原民生的教育。" }, { "speaker": "傅瑋瑋", "speech": "我再補充一下,因為他們的原因有很多是工作需求或者是經濟上的困難,所以在去年上半年,也就是106學年度的第二學期就有提升私校原民生學雜費的補助,就可以減輕他們在經濟上的負擔。" }, { "speaker": "傅瑋瑋", "speech": "另外,您所關心的原資中心,在104年的時候,我們就跟原民會挹注了經費,因為原民生文化背景、歷史背景的不同,所以我們希望能夠依照現行的原住民族教育法第18條的規定,鼓勵學校去成立原資中心,希望在原資中心這裡,像在大學裡面有原民的部落,也就是他的另一個家,來到家裡面提供一個單一窗口的服務。" }, { "speaker": "傅瑋瑋", "speech": "我們在105年訂了相關補助要點,這幾年來我們也不斷依照相關人員的意見做了一些修正,也就是如果有一些專任人員的話,我們就有額外的補助,而這個專任人員,也希望他們能夠優先任用所謂有原住民族背景的人員。" }, { "speaker": "傅瑋瑋", "speech": "另外,在提供申請的過程,我們也會請專家學者來看所申請的計畫,也會參照去年,也就是前一年的成效來增減我們的補助額度。" }, { "speaker": "傅瑋瑋", "speech": "今年也會針對補助計畫中,組成一個小組,也就是請專家學者或者是原資中心辦得比較好的,我們去看、輔導這一些學校。" }, { "speaker": "傅瑋瑋", "speech": "另外,除了學校會成立原資中心之外,透過五個區域原資中心協助所轄的這一些學校,幫助這一些原資中心能夠很好地運作。您所提到的,包含空間小,其實有一些是困難的,尤其是在都市區的學校,要找一個空間對他們來說確實有困難,但是未來的話,希望能夠透過我們的區域原資中心或者是輔導團能夠協助學校如何去運作更好。" }, { "speaker": "傅瑋瑋", "speech": "另外,您所提到預警的制度,這個也是我們對原資中心規範的功能之一,希望能夠跟學校內相關單位橫向聯繫,像教務處,或者是跟老師來作聯繫,如果學生的成績真的有問題的時候,預先知道以後,透過我們的原資中心,因為他們基本上來說,很多學校都是具備有原住民籍的工作人員,在他們知道的時候,就可以來協助。" }, { "speaker": "傅瑋瑋", "speech": "我們補助的原資中心經費,除了有一些就學、生涯、就業等等的輔導之外,也可以運用在民族教育。針對技專校院另有一個補助要點,希望可以補助相關原住民的活動,像民族教育。" }, { "speaker": "傅瑋瑋", "speech": "另外,我們有跟原民會一起合作,補助大專校院開設語言的課程,就如同您所說的,語言確實是很重要的,能夠傳承文化與歷史,所以有補助他們開設這一些相關的課程。" }, { "speaker": "傅瑋瑋", "speech": "當然,我們知道大學基本上來說是很自主的,因此就透過方案來鼓勵他們開設。以上希望有回答到您的問題,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實就在社創中心,也就是台北這一個會場的對面,其實我們原住民族共學直播計畫的錄音間,確實語言圈在當地真的沒有族語老師的時候,也是透過視訊,也就是這樣子的系統在進行教學,我不知道原民會的朋友有沒有想要補充的?尤其是施政目標,有一些是未來的。" }, { "speaker": "毛原挺", "speech": "各位代表大家好,我代表就原住民族語言的部分來作一些意見補充。" }, { "speaker": "毛原挺", "speech": "另外,剛剛教育部有提到我們有補助大專院校開辦課程,另外也有開辦原住民族的語言學習中心,當然目的是為了要培育原住民族的教師師資,也提供一般社會大眾學習的機會。" }, { "speaker": "毛原挺", "speech": "目前開設的學分班有18班,學習一班是294班,可以幫助原住民族學生及青年在校接受族語教育。至今族語認證的通過率已經從59.76%提升至目前65.24%,顯示原住民族的族語能力有逐步提升。" }, { "speaker": "毛原挺", "speech": "有關於法規上我們有做一些調整及修正,像依據原住民族升學保障及公費留學辦法的部分,以前取得原住民族文化,我們以35來作加總計算。" }, { "speaker": "毛原挺", "speech": "另外,之前通過原住民族語言發展法第25條規定,未來參加原住民公務人員特種考試、原住民相關考試及公費留學考試的部分,都必須取得原住民族語言能力的認證,我們藉這樣的相關措施來提升學習語言的意願。" }, { "speaker": "毛原挺", "speech": "其實剛剛在代表當中,像也有提到一些樂舞文化的部分,是不是也有提升學生認同的部分,其實無論是樂舞都是文化的縮影,也就是文化的其中一環,藉由目前現行的計畫,像多元智能計畫,是學校有意針對部分的學生、原住民學生來做一些適性的特殊專長發展的話,我們都可以來做補助。" }, { "speaker": "毛原挺", "speech": "另外,有關於原住民族文化的部分,我們目前是有原住民族學校本位課程,另外一個是原住民族實驗教育計畫,這兩個計畫都是在學校的部分來補助。" }, { "speaker": "毛原挺", "speech": "尤其是實驗教育的部分,希望在任何目前的學習上都是緊緊扣合著原住民族文化的部分,引導學生自我學習並認同自己的文化。目前在既有的部分,也就是一些學校成果的呈現上,其實他們不會因為就導致他們在學科上成績會落後給一般學生,以台中的博屋瑪國小為例,他們的成績是高於台中市平均學生的成績,原民會作以上的補充,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不曉得台北場還有沒有其他的朋友想要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "目前暫時沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "實驗教育的部分,當然這個是非常重要,因為全族語或者是沉浸式的,講的不只是用組語來學學科,包含教材、教法及課本,我們在教數學的時候是用人文化上有意義的東西在教,比較不是別的文化的東西在教,這個部分以我所知,臺灣相當多的團隊在編這樣的課本,這個部分是很值得投入的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分看起來都有回答到一個程度,不曉得是不是就往下到第二個部分,還有沒有要追問的?" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "有關於教育的部分,我覺得有一個建議,也就是以學生的角度去思考,傾聽學生們的意見、反饋,其實我們有很多的原住民族教育活動,我們都會請學生寫他的反饋及意見,我覺得可以多多從學生們的角度去瞭解,我覺得可以比較貼切學生們的想法。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "接下來,其實我前兩、三年都在做在地原鄉產業及文化產業推動及發展的一些事情。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "在地原鄉,像我自己是宜蘭縣大同鄉的四季村,大家知道四季部落跟南山部落是高冷蔬菜的產地,臺灣有60%以上的(高冷蔬菜)都是從那裡出去的,但是像我及我家人非常非常不解的是,現在我們的菜都賣不出去了,我們家裡的人全部都自己開著車子到宜蘭或者是到台北,甚至遠到台中自己去賣,貶低那一些菜價,三顆那邊漂亮的菜只有3、40元,這個是讓我非常不解的地方。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "還有一個是,我們家人一直在討論的是,為何我們的菜賣不出去,但是國外一直進口類似的菜?這個是讓我覺得家裡的人有一點疑惑的部分。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "再來,原住民文化我相信是原住民族先天的優勢,其實創意的構想是新的原創商品,每一個產品都有自己的故事。但是重點是我們少了什麼?我們原住民文化產業少了什麼?我們少了行銷,我們不知道用什麼樣的策略來推廣原住民族的文創商品?怎麼講呢?其實我知道中央有挹注很多經費讓我們可以去使用,可是其實這一些經費都比較屬於前端的部分,怎麼說呢?我們有後端。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "為何分前端、後端?其實我們部落有很多原住民手工藝家、商店,他們並不知道這一些資訊,他們要如何使用?怎麼說呢?像我在一個部落,然後就做了一個很好看的東西,可是我們都沒有辦法弄自己的方式去推廣,我們還要藉由可能在平地做一些文創商品的商家去做、去賣,但是我們的利潤是不是變更少?我們花了很多時間來做文創商品,但是出來之後的錢拿不到相等的代價,這個是前、後端的問題。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "第三,原鄉的產業跟文創的產業要如何變成有競爭力?我要講每一個產品都有自己的故事,像中央主管機關補助這一些經費,如果用盡了,我們是不是就沒有辦法去推動這一些產業?不管是在地原鄉產業及原本的產業,是不是這兩種產業的競爭力會下降?在地原鄉產業及文創產業推動是困難,因為沒有足夠的經費。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "像我們要跑到部落去做,像幫文創商家跟在地產業的小農,做重新包裝跟行銷的話,因為我自己在做協會,我們一直在做這一件事,但是我們遇到的是什麼?我講實在的,我自己本身是原住民,其實我們很安逸現在的情況,我們不想改變,我們一改變了,我們就害怕失敗,高冷蔬菜做了50年了,就賣給中盤商,但是削了多少,我們也不知道,我們是不是可以用別的方式去賣?像高冷蔬菜的水餃等等,我們都用一些方式,但是你要讓一個產業去做轉移的時候,其實是非常大的困難,尤其是在部落那麼安逸的狀況下,不會有人想要去試試看,因為大家都害怕失敗,很實在的就是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "羅錦麟", "speech": "我們就在想到底有什麼樣的方式可以試試看,或者是有什麼樣的配套措施,可以讓這一些在部落的長輩跟青年想要做這一件事的時候,簡單來講,是以課程為主,像可以上類似行銷的課程,又或者是什麼方式可以讓我們多多瞭解一些行銷的方式或者是策略,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過這個其實是開放式的問題,其實是沒有標準答案的,我們要怎麼樣讓地方的特色及故事可以變成不是單純靠著補助,而是那個補助等於是一開始讓你找到這樣子的一群人組織起來的方法,但是組織起來要怎麼樣經營,這個其實我們有滿多的青諮是這一方面的專家,我不知道有沒有人要分享一下做法?" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "景麟、大家好,我是農糧署東區分署的陳昌岑,您剛剛有提到四季農村有高冷蔬菜且有很大的生產力,您也有提到族人朋友們比較安於現狀,所以對於改變也不太願意踏出去。其實我們針對農糧產品的輔導都有一些資源,所以第一個我覺得族人朋友對於政府的一些措施是比較不清楚的,因為可能很多都會先透過地方的農會幫我們解決一些當地農民的問題,可以回去跟族人朋友反映,其實當地的農會是可以協助你們做一些共同運銷,不一定要交給中盤商,可以交給農會,我相信也可以報名上那些課程,或者是族人朋友也許夠的話,我們有部落的行動教室,我們還有改良場,可以把需求告訴我們,我們請改良場的同仁到當地去協助你們,做一些課程的安排。" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "另外,當然你有提到希望改變但又怕失敗,但是我們說失敗是成功之母,所以如果有意願想要改變的話,我們願意協助你們。" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "像我們也有請縣府,在當地也有做松露種植的輔導計畫,像剛剛有提到,因為蔬菜我想是族人朋友們從事農耕容易的項目,因為很容易種,所以大家一直投入種,因此產量會增加,量多之後,價錢會不好,所以願意的話,因為當地其實有一些環境的優勢,可以種一些跟其他地方不一樣的作物,只要願意的話,我們就可以請技術人員到現場協助你們,以上先作簡單的回應,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "(行政院農業委員會農糧署補充說明)" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "1.宜蘭縣大同鄉四季村與南山村為泰雅族人重要聚落,以種植高麗菜、大白菜等蔬菜為主要經濟來源,多年來一直是臺灣夏季高冷蔬菜的重要產區,提供了國人相當優質的可食葉菜。為輔導原民朋友永續耕作,並維護蘭陽溪水源的安全與品質,本署輔導宜蘭縣政府辦理「宜蘭縣大同鄉四季南山地區多元產業發展計畫」,積極推動四南地區精緻農業與產業結構轉型,結合當地自然景觀、環境生態、原民文化特色、基礎公共建設改善及產業結構升級等,吸引外來遊客到此參訪與消費,提高當地產業產值與當地農民的所得,如推動松露、花卉產業來達成多元產業深耕目標。並針對高麗菜等主力作物開發加工品項,以促進其多元利用,期照顧當地族人生計。" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "2.本署為提升農民團體運銷效率及降低運銷成本,提升農民收益,推動農產品共同運銷業務,並依據「農民團體申請農產運銷加工設施補助審查原則及作業規範」協助各級農會或合作社場充實運銷設備,以有效降低農民團體相關運銷設備投資成本,提升運銷效率。" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "3.透過非以營利為目的之農民團體辦理共同運銷,將農產品直接送至消費地批發市場交易,並經由市場公平公正交易及代收代付制度,農民除負擔相關貨運費、農民團體與市場管理之手續費外,交易貨款直接匯入農民帳戶。另農民團體辦理共同運銷業務為農民開拓多元的運銷通路,藉以促進有效的競爭,促進農民與商販間的公平合理交易,提高農民的議價能力,達成降低運銷成本,保障農民收益之目標;倘農民有運銷冷藏需求,建請參加農民團體共同運銷體系,共同使用相關運銷設施。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個非常有感,這個滿好的,我不知道這邊有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "李芳菁", "speech": "我覺得四南這邊,因為的確,其實我覺得四南在宜蘭那邊的住民、經濟及文化,尤其是在經濟,因為長期有種植,是夏季蔬菜最主要生產的地方,其實經濟所得比起其他的原住民高,其實這樣,他們也被原住民綁架,如果這樣講的話,應該抱歉。" }, { "speaker": "李芳菁", "speech": "不過我今天聽到你講其實很開心,如果找到一群人從這樣的方式先出來,也就是地方創生,也就是(做)水餃、泡菜或者是加工品的部分,都可以,這個都是改變。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是一個可能的願景。" }, { "speaker": "趙傳敏", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "趙傳敏", "speech": "其實縣府在體制當中有設立一個原民所的二級機關,事實上大概是針對原民部分的一些想法、問題可以來作一些協助及詢問,事實上這樣子的單位是可以提供相關的協助。" }, { "speaker": "趙傳敏", "speech": "剛剛景麟提的問題都在浮現中,其實都有瞭解到相關的問題,畢竟這一、兩年內都會遇到,像現在都在原委會有一個原住民族創新價值的計畫,也申請了經費的補助,這個也在審核中,希望原民會的長官們在線上的話,多多給予支持。" }, { "speaker": "趙傳敏", "speech": "事實上我們在宜蘭市公所後方舊的宿舍裡面,我們預計用三年的計畫,在那個地方會打造原住民族行銷的推廣中心,這個是一個平台,到時也是一個營運的賣場,甚至以後是行銷的場所,還有一些相關的培訓課程,都會納入在這樣的計畫當中,這個計畫事實上是三年期為主的規劃。" }, { "speaker": "趙傳敏", "speech": "事實上,有關於原住民族行政中心及多功能會館,地規劃沒有問題了,實際上這個從今年開始,如果順利的話,今年初應該就會來動工,原則上也是三年的計畫案,這樣子原住民族行政中心,如果完成的話,對於整個宜蘭地區對於原住民族的原民,在都市這樣子的環境當中,所有的協助、會館的運作,其實能夠更具體,不管是展示、展演及銷售、研習等等都可以聚焦在一起,相關的協助都可以提供到最即時的服務,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常精彩。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一些計畫,當然快要執行,這樣聽起來,有一些目前還在爭取。不曉得這邊有沒有朋友要補充?" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我不是原住民,但是我剛剛聽完整個提到的問題,我可能不會分享太多政策部分。我想分享的,比較像四年前剛創業後來我就到國外,在思維上的改變,如同你剛剛所說的問題,我覺得我們的教育體制上讓我們比較害怕失敗,但是如同剛剛分署長所講的「失敗是成功之母」。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "像我一個臺灣local長大小孩,到美國、歐洲打拼,從頭到尾都沒有政府的資源,也沒有申請過政府的任何計畫,我的意思是說,當然我們也希望政府可以做得更好,但是我自己的創業經驗上,其實我還是回歸到自己的本位(思考)如何解決問題。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "其實我剛剛聽到你說有一些族人開去台北、台中賣菜,我覺得他們其實找到一個新的銷售方法,我瞭解很辛苦,但是我比較樂觀的是,這確實是我們沒有被中盤剝削的另外一個出路。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我分享心態上的差別,特別是在美國做網路業,最大的不一樣是,完全不怕失敗,你不怕失敗之後要去做,其實我也感覺出來,過去的我對於政府有太大的期待,但是通常很大的期待都會受傷害,所以其實回歸到本位,也就是從族人的角度,不管是提到教育或者是文創這一塊,回歸到自己要怎麼實際的行動,自己心情上會舒服滿多的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "果然有一些話要青諮講比較說服力。" }, { "speaker": "羅景麟", "speech": "我本人不害怕失敗,是身邊的周遭在部落住太久的人,我大概是國中就出來了,而且我接受教育,我高中接受原住民族教育到現在,我不怕失敗的人,但是聽到那一些族人們跟我們同一輩的。" }, { "speaker": "羅景麟", "speech": "我發現部落的年輕人,像我們這一輩教育的程度差很多,因為上面的人真的很安逸,所以在上面的孩子們會覺得生下來之後在那裡種菜就好,就不用去讀書了,他們這一個區塊的人,也就是教育程度在國中停了,我們讀書在研究所,也還是在讀,我自己不害怕失敗,因此我自己覺得部落礙於太安逸了,因此想說是不是有什麼方法可以接觸到這一些不一樣的東西。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "促成一個文化的轉變。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "大家好,我是行政院青諮,在場滿多是創業者,sli.do上寫「靠補助不夠力」,通常創業也不會等補助,我覺得這個是第一點。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "第二,教育部技職司的同仁不在,我幫技職司講一下話,像前面有宜蘭青年說部會給原民朋友們的資源不太夠,其實在立法院教育文化委員會,有很多委員講說原資中心等等議題,現在休會期,大家不要緊張現在講的話會變成質詢的內容。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "就我理解,我看到滿多的計畫,至少我知道教育部技職司或者是教育部本部有滿多是針對「相對弱勢」族群,甚至裡面會規範一些比如六大弱勢身分,其中一個是原住民族。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "我舉一個例子,像我有參與高教深耕,我去審,我只能代表幫忙技職司這邊,因為我只審了60幾間技專校院,我沒有(審)高教司那邊,但是可以看到,教育部技職司努力減少弱勢學生在學習階段的打工機會,用購買工時的概念,讓學生在學校參加一些學習,學校給他一些補助,以取代打工賺錢。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "第二,學校會開一些課程,我不知道有沒有到族語相關的,但是就我看到某幾間科大在在地有扮演重要角色的,不只是幫原民學校的人去開,其實在非都市地區看數據,原民的比例是很高的。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "還有一塊是,不只是這一些補助或者是課程,甚至有一塊是原民的學生,會帶著大學的教授或者是一些相對的資源會回到他的部落來做一些創生,這個鏈結我覺得在高教深耕跟其他的都有,我至少看到的是有這一塊再努力。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "像我們裡面也有分四大塊,剛剛講的是偏USR,我自己看到的是公共化,有的是針對學生,也就是針對原民的學生去,因此會補足。很多人在討論的,或者是不太滿意的,像原資中心的單位性補助,但也有透過導師跟學務處連結到學生的支持。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "他們包含建立學生的LINE群組,他們都有這樣子去照顧到每個弱勢生,這一塊至少近幾年是有在努力的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實在地的特色要怎麼樣變成一個branding、故事,這個是非常需要多次實驗,軸轉十幾、二十次都是非常常有的事,所以重點是有人陪伴,有人陪伴就比較不孤單,常常這樣子的巡迴,最有價值很多人告訴我們的是,會後大家換名片的時候,包含可以幫忙合聲跟錄音等等的這個部分,這真的是很重要的一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還有四至五個問題,接著是埊團隊。" }, { "speaker": "龔哲敬", "speech": "大家好,我是龔哲敬,我在宜蘭員山耕作水稻、雜糧、蔬果各式各樣農產品,我在20歲以前都在中國協助我父親管理他的工廠,19歲我到臺灣創業,當初會選擇這一塊說來話長,因此就不講了。" }, { "speaker": "龔哲敬", "speech": "我後來發現青年從農會預見的問題,從生產端來講,因為我們都是外來的人,沒有相關的背景,在生產的一些資訊上,我們也得不到一些幫助,生產需要一些代耕機器,我們也得不到幫助,所以這三年把生產端的部分解決,所以我買了插秧機、耕稻機,協助附近的小農學這一種最基礎的生產管理。" }, { "speaker": "龔哲敬", "speech": "剛才這一位朋友提到銷售的部分,我覺得我們可能可以有一些合作關係,像我們這一些農民目前在員山鄉大概有150位夥伴在從事類似的友善耕作、自然農法的這一種創業行為,我們要從生產端開始,一直到加工銷售,由我們自己一個人全權負責。" }, { "speaker": "龔哲敬", "speech": "我今天來並沒有太多的問題,我只是想要讓大家知道我會提供一些支持與幫助,我們除了農業生產以外,我們也會做一些地方的串聯,像今年年終我們用一些自然建築的方式蓋了一些土窯,希望可以有新的社群出現,藉此串聯地方資源,這個是我們正在做的事。" }, { "speaker": "龔哲敬", "speech": "任何對農村有興趣的人可以來找我,我希望可以選擇農業,來追求夢想的一份支撐,你只要來跟我務農、耕作一甲地,就有最低收入,可以生產四個月以外的時間去追尋你的夢想,我絕對會支持你的夢想,只要你敢想。" }, { "speaker": "龔哲敬", "speech": "截至到今年,我自己個人的團隊,就是有十位成員,他們來自全球各地不同的專長,都市的技能到農村,希望是雙向的部會,我自己以往的經驗來看,我自己覺得農業是非常有機會的,近幾年大家都來關注,像跟環境、經濟發展都有非常大的聯繫,大致上是這樣,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常好,非常感謝分享,不曉得有沒有人要接著分享,有沒有要反過來要詢問的?" }, { "speaker": "龔哲敬", "speech": "如果朋友有任何對於地方發展或者是對深入產品價值的需求,可以來找我,我現在在中國做的是貿易相關的一些經驗。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝第一團隊的分享,今天學到一個新的字。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我覺得滿開心的,因為青諮的身份,所以可以跟在地的朋友分享聊天。我分享這三年我在國外,將近跑了40個國家,因為我自己本身不是唸行銷,但在自己經營的公司是負責行銷的。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我發現一個很大的差別是,其實我們很重視CP值,這個詞彙其實在英文裡面不存在的,基本上我們在跟外國人互動時,他們更看重的是產品、服務的價值,所以在國外的時間,我學著如何當一個會說故事的人。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我們第一年創業的時候賣軟體給外國人的時候,我們很習慣跟人家講說這個很便宜,結果後來我們都賣不出去,可是你把它換成台語就覺得很合理,可是當你發現賣的對象不一樣的時候,其實行銷思維的出發點是完全不同的,因為當外國人聽到cheap這個詞的時候,會覺得是品質不好,或者是直接連結到某幾個國家所生產的產品。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "泰雅族的朋友提到缺乏行銷這一塊,我覺得其實最重要的還是要回歸到,你要賣給誰、你要誰來你的地方,你去問他,就像你所說的,可以去訪問學生,其實是一樣的事情,所以到後來,我自己的公司在經營上,我們只要進入新的一個國家市場時,第一件事是先搬過去住,第二件事先問他們說你們看我們現有的東西,你的感覺是什麼,比方像我一定會用中文寫網站,但是我如果只是用中文的語法翻成英文,他們完全抓不到我要傳達的時候,我就會找一個會講母語的人來溝通,直到確定母語的人都懂了。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "其實我在國外的時候,我發現滿多人對臺灣的認知是農業很強,我們也知道MIT麻省理工學院跟臺灣也有做農業相關的Program。我一直認為外國人來臺灣旅遊是非常有潛力的,我只要到任何一個國家,外國人都會跟我說臺灣是被低估的,我不知道臺灣這麼好玩,還可以單車環島、搭火車環島等,所以我要cue一下在場的英文老師,所以建議在農產品的銷售方面,也可以跟英文老師交流,這個是經驗上的分享,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看有沒有想要分享的朋友?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實剛剛講到這個價值是非常切合實際的,當然這邊講到的友善自然農法,現在大家講的是我買這個東西不是創造經濟價值,同時創造環境價值,這個我想不只是在國外,臺灣也越來越多消費者開始接受這個,看起來很便宜,那是因為對於社會或者是環境產生一些負面的價值,如果把這一些加上去的話,其實比較貴,對於下一代來講。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "反過來講,現在看起來比較貴的東西,那是因為創造更多的社會環境價值,所以這個部分如果真的已經有一套論述的話,我也工商一下,歡迎到社會創新實驗的網站,是「」,只要能夠講得出買你的產品或者是服務,怎麼樣可以創造永續的環境或者是永續的社會價值的話,都歡迎來這邊登入。如果把章程公開,那個是更好的,章程公開可以排到前面,就可以幫你做型錄,然後每一年如果有一些企業買到上百萬的話,我就會出來頒獎,明年好像是500萬才會頒獎,每一年越來越多了,所以這一個部分是大家都可以考慮的,也就是可以很固定可以證明越買我的產品或者是服務,我創造越多社會環境價值,很歡迎來這邊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們還有半小時,應該可以處理得到。" }, { "speaker": "江志明", "speech": "大家好,我是社會福利基金會,剛剛聽了很多夥伴分享他們的創業經驗,他們都很有勇氣,儘量不要搶政府的資源,我想要跟大家講說我們很需要政府的資源。" }, { "speaker": "江志明", "speech": "我進來之後,很多朋友看到我都躲得遠遠的,所以等一下會後大家可以來跟我換名片,我會跟大家募款,不用緊張。" }, { "speaker": "江志明", "speech": "其實資源的這一件事對社會來講是很重要的一件事,我們提到比較大的問題是,錢永遠都不夠用,是會持續有很多計畫,我講的是人才的部分。剛剛萱儀有提到一個長照機構的社工人才,都進不來,這一種情況在社福機構是更嚴重的。" }, { "speaker": "江志明", "speech": "我跟大家分析一個東西,去年我們要增補一個社工員,半年收不到一張履歷,這當中有很多的原因在,一個東西又回到錢,就是薪資的部分,你在宜蘭這個地方,其實小型的社福機構其實也沒有給到很高的薪資,大家會給他一個願景,我不曉得大家有沒有到第一線的社福機構去做過服務?其實長時間工作的話,那個工作壓力是滿大的,我們會給他一個很高的願景,以我本人來講的話,我有時會編制這一種美好的願景出來,每一天要接觸很多的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "江志明", "speech": "我們傾向於有很多政策會鼓勵年輕人返鄉,像務農、創業跟創新,是不是在社福機構這一塊也有相關的獎勵方式,我提的並不是給社福機構的一些人事照顧服務費的補助,其實已經有了,金額也已經不夠用了。" }, { "speaker": "江志明", "speech": "像社工員這邊有一些獎勵,他們反向來做這一種機制的話,我相信對於社福機構在人力的增補上會有很大的幫助。" }, { "speaker": "江志明", "speech": "我剛剛提到教保員,我忘了分享一個東西,教保員的工具是照顧我們家的小朋友,也就是服務對象,因為我們機構已經二十五年了,都已經退休了,我們人力不足的情況之下,年輕人不願意進來,我們請退休的職員還願意提供服務的話,再回來機構裡面提供服務,所以這可以補足人力需求的缺口,可是在經驗的傳承上會有很大的落差,因此我們傾向於人力的部分是不是可以有一些政策方面可以鼓勵青年朋友加入社會團體的鼓勵。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。不曉得青諮這邊有沒有想要分享的?" }, { "speaker": "曾廣芝", "speech": "我算是滿有感觸的,我本身是醫學大學畢業的,我能夠理解的是,因為我有問過一些,像包含一些職能治療或者是物理治療師--他們涉及的包含復健這一塊,或者是像您提到護理師這一些,他們很多人的考量真的是薪水的問題,因為loading 量重這一件事,其實在醫院也不一定 loading 比較輕。" }, { "speaker": "曾廣芝", "speech": "其實現在連在機構內不是很多人想一輩子在那邊做完,即便是在大的醫學中心,像福利、薪水、環境,也就是交通等生活機能都很好,但是也不會想做一輩子,因為這個是一件很消耗的工作,醫事人員都滿累的。" }, { "speaker": "曾廣芝", "speech": "我問過一些同學,當時是詢問跟長照議題有相關的部分,他們好像不太願意做這一方面,主要是經濟跟生涯規劃的考量,會覺得至少存到一筆未來可以養家的錢以後,再去做自己想要做的事。就像您剛剛提到的,反而像有一些退休或者是家裡環境允許可以做自己想做的事,這些人會來。還有有的人可以把這個當作第一份、第二份工作,但是不會待得久。對於社福機構,就我參訪他們所得到的訊息,會遇到的問題是人員的斷層,或者是從事服務的人年紀比較高,所以也不知道他們可以做多久,比較年輕的人大部分會流動,可能一、兩年後會離開,會找一片更綠的草地,也就是對他來講,他覺得可以生養的。所以我同意提出來這個問題,這個在第一線會是很直接,尤其如果不是在大都市的時候,如果是鄉鎮區的社福機構會有這樣的問題,加上這方面的專業人力是需要長期培養的。社福機構會遇到的另一個問題就是非常多的捐款人看到你的東西流向人事,就會覺得為何花在人事費用上,但其實社福機構的軟體需要升級,而且需要給人錢。這個是做一點補充。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "大家好,我是偉翔,我自己在經營非營利組織,我自己補充一下,有幾點:" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "第一,對於人的部分,平時就要伸一些觸手在不同的地方發覺未來組織可找的人才,這個很現實,像透過一些小資源的投遞,可以吸納未來組織人才的方式,甚至散一些資源在要找資源的一些實習或者是志工,都有。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "像我們自己是協會,這位宜蘭夥伴是基金會,看起來狀況會比我們好一點,但是像這一些如果可能有些單位連實習或者是志工的錢都沒有,沒有關係,我記得青年署有相關的計畫,像有暑期社區工讀,你們可以查一下,會補助大專校院的學生,就可以到非營利組織,青年署會幫你付工讀費,我們沒有申請過,但是我知道有這計畫,相關支持青年署滿多的,你可以去查。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "第二,我覺得同樣是彥嘉的概念,Skills for U全職加我才2.5個,我們做的事情很多,在一個組織要當要募款的人、串聯關係或者是資源的人可以給高薪,高投入才會有高收獲,所以非營利組織不一定要低薪而苦,這個是要一定去衡量,但是有時候至少組織不要給低於平均這樣的薪資,讓更多有能力的人,像吸納一些專業經理人可以進到這個組織為理想或者是服務的議題來努力,能量好的人可以替組織帶來更多的資源,有時可以去想。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "最後,協會其實生存更辛苦,我想我們都能理解,所以有時要比公司還要公司,並不是很現實嗜血,而是像有一些效率化跟科技都要學著使用,也都能幫助非營利組織走得更長遠及永續。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他委員有沒有想要分享的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "線上的委員有要分享嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個同樣是開放式問題,這個沒有標準答案,但是剛剛聽到幾個,尤其跟捐款人做適當溝通,這個適當的溝通不只是你做了什麼,也包含他想要看到的角度,你能做什麼的這一件事,這個確實是很專業的一個能力,這個是很重要的一個提醒,也就是要把觸手伸向小朋友,青年署會幫忙把觸手伸向小學生。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "林總經理有來嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林國寶", "speech": "我大概講一下,我今天來不講有關於我自己工作的東西,很開心今天來,因為之前參加很多會議,但是都是政令宣導,今天來不完全是政令宣導,我們已經很開心了,當然有聽到一些實質上有回應的東西,光就我自己的工作要做問題的話,其實很多,包含漁業,像我一開始就講賣魚,要去我那邊吃沙西米,都可以的,很便宜的。" }, { "speaker": "林國寶", "speech": "再來,如果要講漁業、工作及個人的話,今天在此都不論,我引用這一個問題來就今天這個會議來提出,今天有行政院的官員在這邊,我們希望聽到的是政府可以做,但是卻沒有做的事,也就是有沒有照顧小孩的問題,大家都會遇到,雖然這邊看起來都很年輕,我不曉得對年輕人的定義是什麼?今天的會議是青年交流,我40歲,小孩子是5歲,這個議題是有一半是幫萱儀問的,因為她即將要。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃萱儀", "speech": "(點頭)" }, { "speaker": "林國寶", "speech": "像蘇澳的托嬰中心,也就是0至2歲的,光排隊候補都超過15名以上了,家長要賺錢養家,我哪有時間、精神再處理其他的事情;更何況,要維持一間公司的營運。" }, { "speaker": "林國寶", "speech": "我不怪旅遊人口數這麼差,不怪政府,這個是我們可以努力的,這個往後要怎麼講生育率提高?錢沒有辦法賺,我自己負責,但是孩子、老人沒有辦法照顧,年輕人注定躺在這裡。" }, { "speaker": "林國寶", "speech": "我可以補一下前面的問題嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "林國寶", "speech": "不好意思,他們剛剛講的太精彩,我就沒有講。" }, { "speaker": "林國寶", "speech": "一個剛剛聽起來沒有回答到的是進口菜的問題,我希望聽到並不是政令宣導。" }, { "speaker": "林國寶", "speech": "另外,語言的能力,我相信的是,我家小孩5歲,幼稚園當中台語講最好,不怪學校,學校再怎麼教一定有一個限度,爸爸、媽媽都不跟自己的小孩子講台語了,所以就怪自己,我自小就跟小孩講台語,阿公、阿媽都規定他要講台語,這是要怪爸爸、媽媽。" }, { "speaker": "林國寶", "speech": "常常講的海洋垃圾,這個我要提一下,我們公司旁邊、我家門口打開就是港,漁港裡面有很多垃圾,政府可以做、卻沒有做的事,對於垃圾的資料搜尋,包含清潔垃圾,連一個海巡檢查哨旁邊設一個垃圾桶都沒有,你如何叫一個港口的垃圾減少,如果有定時來收垃圾,漁場、漁船並沒有,垃圾要放哪裡?沒有叫他垃圾放哪裡,而是要叫港口減少垃圾?相信這個是政府可以做得到的。" }, { "speaker": "林國寶", "speech": "再來,有關於農漁會的機制,像剛剛官員有提到,我們跟漁會是做OT的公司,也就是委外經營的公司,漁會有其機制,被理監事綁死了,很多東西如果要幫助農民的話,早就幫了,詳細的細節我覺得私下可以談。" }, { "speaker": "林國寶", "speech": "感同身受的意思是,若要幫助農民的話,早就幫了,詳細的細節死下可以談,他應該感同身受我的意思,如果可以幫的話,早就幫了。理監事綁死了,漁會根本沒有在幹什麼事,你要如何去局後,因此才會跳過農與會,今天才有機會跟政府提出,以上問題。" }, { "speaker": "林國寶", "speech": "###行政院農業委員會漁業署:" }, { "speaker": "林國寶", "speech": "有關建議漁港垃圾處理問題,相關漁港之清潔係由各漁港主管機關負責管理維護,各漁港又因其不同條件,港區垃圾亦有不同處理方式,本署將輔導督促各漁港主管機關,加強漁港區域清潔。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "5歲小孩現在是公托?" }, { "speaker": "林國寶", "speech": "公托,我堅持讀公托,我相信公托的教育是ok的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我小的時候我阿麻也是跟我講台語,我們那個年代上了小學之後就沒有講了,但是0到6歲這一段,如果都講的話,其實就不會忘掉,這個是非常重要,我完全同意。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天不知道托嬰公共化等等的部分,0到2是衛福部,之後才是教育部,不知道同仁有沒有要分享的?就是關於比較可負擔普及托育的這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "先請衛福部說明。" }, { "speaker": "紀雅芬", "speech": "大家好,我是衛福部社會及家庭署,我們瞭解到近年來少子化問題嚴重,生養孩子對於很多年輕的新婚、育兒的家庭其實是很沉重的負擔。" }, { "speaker": "紀雅芬", "speech": "因此,行政院107年8月起推動我國少子女化對策計畫,裡面有一塊非常重要的,也就是剛剛所討論0至5歲兒童全面照顧,衛福部主要負責的是0至2歲的部分,包含0至2歲兒童的擴大育兒津貼的發放及推動托育公共及準公共化。政府規劃的原則,包含尊重家長的選擇權、保障每個孩子都獲得尊重與照顧,不論是要自己照顧,或者是因為需要工作而送托,不論是什麼樣的照顧型態,都能有政府的支持。再來,我們也希望能夠做到無縫接軌,像0至2歲、2至5歲分別雖由衛福部與教育部負責,至108年8月配合教育部在六都準公共教保服務機制的推動及育兒津貼發放,0至5歲兒童會有完整的照顧體系。" }, { "speaker": "紀雅芬", "speech": "再補充說明0至2歲托育服務的部分,我們瞭解到公共托育的不足,配合我國少子女化對策計畫,推動了準公共化的機制,透過政府與符合簽約條件的居家托育人員及托嬰中心來做簽約的合作,協助支付送托兒童的托育費用,將托育負擔控制在家庭可負擔的範圍,提供送托的家長收費價格類似於公托的托育服務,給家長作選擇。" }, { "speaker": "紀雅芬", "speech": "當然推動準公共化托育之後,公共托育的布建也不能停止,我們已經在107年度透過前瞻基礎建設計畫推動社區公共托育家園,除了都會區因為就業型態等因素托育需求比較高外,我們也鼓勵偏鄉或資源不足的地區,來申請設置社區公共托育家園這種小型化、類家庭的托育型態,預計在111年希望能達到全國440家公共托育家園的數量。加上地方政府自行開設公設民營托嬰中心,至111年可以達到1.2萬個收托量,加上準公共化托育的機制一起來協助家庭育兒。" }, { "speaker": "紀雅芬", "speech": "同時考量到我國幼兒照顧型態,仍然以家庭內照顧為主,前瞻基礎建設計畫也持續支持各縣市布建托育資源中心,地方政府可評估轄內需求提出申請計畫,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。時間的關係,是不是看教育部簡短補充?如果有的話。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "教育部業務同仁可能沒在現場,會後補充。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(教育部國教署)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "一、由國內外的研究可以知道,平價教保服務是緩解少子女現象的重要策略之一,而政府面對少子女化危機刻不容緩,必須多管齊下,協助解決家長托育子女困境,穩定人口出生率;因此,參考OECD國家推動經驗,提出「擴展平價教保服務」及「減輕家長負擔」兩大對策,以增加平價教保服務為推動主軸,對於未能獲得平價教保服務的家庭,輔以育兒津貼的協助,透由雙軌推動讓育兒家庭可以解決托育子女的困境執行策略如下:" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(一)擴展平價教保服務" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "1、擴大公共教保服務量:於6年內(106-111年)增加公共化幼兒園2,247班、6萬個名額,達公立國小校校有幼兒園爲原則。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "2、建置準公共機制" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(1)政府近年雖加速擴大公共教保服務量,但短時間尚難翻轉公私比及符應家長托育需求,必須透由公私合作多管齊下,加速擴展平價教保服務,因此,首次提出「準公共幼兒園」機制,採2階段實施,107年8月六都以外縣市先行辦理,108年8月推動至全國。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(2)私立幼兒園符合「合作的費用範圍」、「教師及教保員薪資」、「基礎評鑑」、「建物公安」、「教保人力」及「教保品質」等6項要件,以既有收費、營運現況及教學模式申請加入,與政府簽訂合作契約。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(3)家長每月繳費不超過4,500元,第3名以上子女再減1,000元,低收及中低收家庭子女就學「免費」。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(二)減輕家長負擔:平價教保服務尚未全數滿足家長托育需求前,自108年8月起全國統一實施,對於綜所稅率未達20%之家庭,父母未正在領取育嬰留職停薪津貼,且子女未接受公共化或準公共教保服務者,每月發放2-4歲育兒津貼2,500元,第3名以上子女再加發1,000元。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "二、推動現況:107學年於非六都之15縣市施行,計304園加入、占4%,可提供3.2萬個招收名額;原15縣市公共化比率38%,加入準公共機制後,整體平價教保服務供應比率達53%、成長15%。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "少子女化之後是完整的,之前是分別規劃,0至50歲是同時規劃,我想剛剛講送托率其實是浮動的,因為有時不送托是因為不夠信任,旁邊就沒有可以托的地方等等,這個部分是按照實際需求來規劃,而不是好像找一個送托率多少就規劃這麼多,這個是補充同仁的說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛您有提到一個海洋垃圾在魚場上沒有很明確標定可以放垃圾的地方,因為之前沒有收到這個,所以台北應該沒有相關的同仁在現場,我們這個可能也只能書面回覆。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(海洋委員會)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "一.有關在漁港設置垃圾桶等廢棄物收集設施一節,依據海洋污染防治法、漁港法及其施行細則之規定,係為港口主管機關之權責。本會海巡署依漁港法之規定,在漁港內遇有任意投棄廢棄物之行為,將依法採取適當措施制止,並通報主管機關處理,以維護港區環境。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "二.基於為民服務之考量,本會海巡署將規劃在位於漁港之所屬營舍適當處所設置垃圾桶,便利洽公民眾使用,並做好垃圾分類工作,以營造良好洽公環境。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "進口蔬菜的部分,您可以講得更清楚一點嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林國寶", "speech": "有關於相同的蔬菜,同仁已經在低價了,進口同樣的東西還是進來了,包括米跟菜,這個會相衝突,也就是價錢沒有辦法抬高,東西一直進來,當然會越低。為什麼會有這樣的機制?或者是這樣的機制是否是有問題的?我們要針對這樣的問題來作檢討的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解,這個是給經貿談判辦公室的問題,今天也沒有在台北。請簡單說明。" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "我們加入WTO,其他國家都會要求平等互惠,我們要賣出去,他們也要賣進來。進口商是商人,必須要會賺錢,也要會做這一件事,所以其實國內蔬菜大出的時候,表示價格低,去進口國外的菜進來,不一定會有利潤。所以您反映臺灣國內的價格低,然後還大量進口,原則上這一件事進口的量不會太多,不會賺錢就不會做這個事。" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "像米的部分,因為我們有配額,所以就每一年一定進這麼多進來,但是大部分都會放在國家的倉庫當中,我們自己會做數量上的管控,然後會伺機釋出或者是之後再做一些處置。" }, { "speaker": "陳昌岑", "speech": "還有一些敏感性的作物,像紅豆、大蒜或者是洋蔥,我們可以允許進來的,因為我們也有考量到進來的時間點、產品形式,像洋蔥可以開放種球、種蔥或者是一般的食用蔥,就會跟國內的產季錯開,避免國內大量生產的時候,讓同質性的產品進來,以上簡短說明。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(行政院農業委員會農糧署)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "1. 有關紅豆、大蒜及洋蔥限制進口乙節,經查大蒜及洋蔥並無限制進口時間;而紅豆則為敏感性作物,我國在加入WTO前原為管制進口產品,在入會諮商中爭取改採關稅配額管理進口,配額數量為2,500公噸,配額內關稅22.5%,配額外為22元/公斤。並採取特別防衛措施(SSG),當進口量超過基準數量時,配額外進口之紅豆將額外加徵1/3的關稅。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "2. 又為避開國內產期(12月至翌年3月),經農委會建議,財政部已於去(107)年9月公告修正,自本(108)年起調整紅豆關稅配額進口期間為4月1日至12月1日,合計8個月期間,以避免低價進口產品拉低國內產地價格,影響農民收入與權益。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "後面其實有一些系統,像果菜價的系統,像滾動倉儲釋出等等,目前農糧署是散在各地,現在有一個綜合性的系統,這個會後都補充在逐字稿當中,但是有一些是經貿辦公室才能回答的問題,我們在米的部分,尤其是這樣子,這個是實際的情況。" }, { "speaker": "林國寶", "speech": "一點小補充,因為蘇澳這個地方,照理來講,交通匯集,應該是可以很發展的地方,不知道為何發展得不是很好,很開心政委有來到宜蘭市,我們在這裡邀請,有機會的話,是不是可以到蘇澳一趟?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。最後一個是林負責人。我想問一下阿寶教育基金會有沒有來?沒有。這個會是最後一個,請。" }, { "speaker": "林恆郃", "speech": "我的問題比較沒有那麼在地一點,都是我關注的議題。" }, { "speaker": "林恆郃", "speech": "第一,如上面所說的,中國有很多小型、區域型的,基本上就是在他們的小鄉鎮內可以使用,不能不跨鄉鎮、縣,汽車的價格大概在台幣30萬左右,都是兩人坐,他的邊際程度很高,中國那邊都在修法,我相信未來這一個東西在宜蘭也是非常適合,因為宜蘭是多元的天氣。" }, { "speaker": "林恆郃", "speech": "問題是牌照跟路權要如何制定?未來汽車要進口,很多的審核跟測試,這個還是要做,但是重點是這個汽車應該要如何定位,應該在法規上如何定位?因為可以進口就進口,但是不能上路。" }, { "speaker": "林恆郃", "speech": "後面是這三、四年長期關注區塊鏈,區塊鏈本身是對抗主權政府,長期會侵權稅基,如果侵蝕到稅基該如何處理?如果越來越高比例的人使用,像虛擬貨幣進行付款,政府就課不到稅,我知道有立委研擬要納入稅,也就是可以繳稅,我想問問看當下的進度如何。" }, { "speaker": "林恆郃", "speech": "再來,用區塊鏈建立的虛擬身分系統,在Bitnation執行,他們去年在歐洲的難民問題上執行地非常好,他們跟東歐、南歐的邊際國家合作,難民一進到這個國家的時候,他們快區塊鏈給他們一個身分或上配上一個臉,他們在每一個國家穿梭的時候,每個國家很清楚知道這個難民已經移動到哪一個國家、安置的狀況如何,他們用這個解決了大概三年前很多難民問題,也有邀請到聯合進行他們的成果發表。" }, { "speaker": "林恆郃", "speech": "他們下一個計畫是想要進行置外法權的擴展,他們有身分基礎,然後要來登記土地系統,然後要建立一個獨立的司法機構,這個司法機構,目前還在擴張中可能下個月就會拿到他們的護照,也就是同一個產權的地方,一個是臺灣的護照,一個是Bitnation的護照,如果我放棄了臺灣國籍,他們在歐洲其實已經申請到聯合國承認的治外法權,我如果發生車禍,在法律上佔有時,這個政府在國際上是沒有聲音的,是不是我絕對贏了?當越來越多人使用這個身分制度的時候,這個國家如何應對?這個也是國家的困境,馬上可以用這個東西。" }, { "speaker": "林恆郃", "speech": "我相信很多原住民族的土地困境,也可以試著走走看各種途徑來解決,我們動用聯合國或者是歐洲政府的力量來跟主權對撞,看有什麼回應。" }, { "speaker": "林恆郃", "speech": "第三,有很多工業生產原則,但是在這個原則裡面,我們聘請各個領域專家這個國家的所有天然資源,像礦業、農業,還有這個森林的生產量,包含這個海洋裡面,每一年會固定產量的魚,統計出這個量之後,我們就可以知道每一年固定拿取多少,這個資源是不會枯竭的,如果抓到每一年的固定生產量,也不能多拿、也不能少拿,多拿會枯竭,少拿的話,那個量還是在那裡。" }, { "speaker": "林恆郃", "speech": "我們統計這個資源之後,是不是可以組織工業來拿這一些資源?同時把這一些資源生產,然後分配到每一個人的手,這個有一套很清晰的工業原則,然後到後續的回收,像我們現在買的衣服是塑料,這個衣服基本上就是垃圾了,我們是不是可以有一個生產流程我們在生產流程的時候,是不是可以考慮到這個東西怎麼辦,是不是可以回歸到自然資源中再回歸過來。" }, { "speaker": "林恆郃", "speech": "接著生產流程中,你在一開始設計的時候,你就要考慮到你的原料取得不能過度消化,可以符合大部分人的需求,資源是回歸到原料的部分,一開始的流程只要指定好,手機是不是需要這麼多的品牌?因為大部分的手機都長得差不多,是不是能夠把大部分的手機廠商結合起來,然後開發出一個模組,我們只要更換特定的零件就可以了,我們有沒有辦法做出來?" }, { "speaker": "林恆郃", "speech": "第四,比較像基進黨的東西,他們有提出防止中國滲透的專法,也就是反統治法,他們針對這麼多中式媒體入侵或者是中國媒體干預的部分,政府有沒有祭出反統整法來對各個行業別來進行防堵?" }, { "speaker": "林恆郃", "speech": "第五,可能比較在地一點,其實少了一大部分,但是今天我騎車來的時候,其實還是有聞到一些,其實很多廠還是持續偷排廢氣物,大家都知道罰3、50萬是不痛不癢,其實停工才是真正痛的地方。這部分中央有沒有辦法把地方政府做一些什麼合作?因為我知道縣長是滿有力的,但是我不知道縣長有沒有辦法提出這樣的魄力。" }, { "speaker": "林恆郃", "speech": "像有關於碳稅,其實碳稅跟碳交易是一組的,碳稅不是課稅,如果你有綠地就拿到很多排碳權,就可以拿給要排碳的工廠,我覺得原住民族可以得到大部分的收益,美國例子是他們透過土地的核定,知道原住民族每一年的土地可以吸收多少碳,他們就把這一些碳到國際交易所賣掉,他們就把這一些賺到的錢再回購美國白人侵占的土地,他們透過這樣子,建立他們的自主權,因為他們知道去跟法院打官司是沒有效的。" }, { "speaker": "林恆郃", "speech": "我的意思是碳交易其實可以解決大部分目前……也不能說大部分,至少多了一個武器可以對抗對於原住民來說入侵外來族的,這個是我的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝,非常宏觀的一些問題,尤其我們跟原住民族的關係,慢慢從所謂的行政關係變成比較類似外交的關係,這個很坦白來講,臺灣並不是所有人這樣想,越多人這樣想的話,你最後一段論述是越有力。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一些我可以回答就先回答,像比特幣也好、其他虛擬貨幣也好,目前現有及正在擬訂中的,大概都是以反洗錢防制AML作為主要的考量,所以好比像在交易所,法幣換過去或者是換回的時候,會需要實名的驗證,我想這是反洗錢最基本的要求,這個是沒有意見的,如果有稅的話,也是在那一關處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是進入虛擬貨幣之後,以我的理解,並不是有所謂的法定虛擬貨幣,然後按照你的交易來抽稅,有一些國家,像臺灣都有在研擬,但是以我的理解,這並不是中央銀行目前的政策,所以當你進入虛擬貨幣的時候,其實我們就管不到了,確實目前的狀況是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是我也瞭解到有相當多的立委正在做這一件事,以我的理解,分散式帳本的技術,其實在聯合國如你所說的,是以保障人權來作為主要的運用,大概唯一比較好的事,是讓所有的人手上有同一本帳本,大家有共識,覺得這一件事真的是幾年幾月幾點幾分在哪裡發生,可以給所有的人交代,永續發展目標裡面,也就是聯合國共同目標裡面,任何人不管是不是有國籍、是不是難民等等,都有身分,這個是聯合國主要切入的分散式角度,這個跟交易是兩回事,交易之後還是用當地貨幣跟法幣,並不是透過分散式帳本才取得身分,突然間都用比特幣,這可能是兩個完全不同的運用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以在當他做了這樣的登錄之後,我們在司法互助上,要怎麼樣去確保這一些寫在技術的名詞,也就是「智慧型合約」的東西,對於其人權保護,好比像對於一個透明程序的權利、不受侵犯的基本權保護,像你剛剛所說有一塊土地是不是跟一般司法的地契等等相同程度的保護,像智能合約剝奪一些權利,司法有三級三審,這邊是什麼樣的情況,我想這個正當性要先建立,才能說有一些司法互助裡面跟別的司法單位談的跨國互助,並不是沒有加入海牙體系就沒有司法互助,我們有很多國家都是有司法互助,這個要如何翻譯成「智能合約」,這個是大家都很活躍在研究的一套系統,如果你有興趣的話,我們可以補充在逐字稿裡面,這個也是我很感興趣的系統,但是我覺得可能還要五年左右才會比較成熟,歐盟有一個計畫專門研究這個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "無條件基本收入是第一屆青諮會提出的題目,國發會看一些比較性的研究,要辦的話,也是一些比較小規模的模擬或者是試辦,可能沒有辦法一下子這樣子做。但是我可以分享的是勞退基金,這一、兩年來是用臺灣永續指數,當在投的時候,已經特別看是不是可以挑一些投資的標的,是在整個生產的過程中,對於公司內部的治理、長期的治理,對於環境的永續、社會正向影響都有一些好的量化指標來進行交代,這一件事做的越多、越多人去投資,這樣子操作一陣子下來,好像比大盤的股市要多賺10%左右,如果有時在跌的時候,就少賠5%左右,目前看起來這是可行的方向,雖然非常麻煩,還沒有辦法清楚要量化平常比較質化的環境永續、社會永續的指標,但是這是影響力評估的東西,這個確實是我們正在努力地進行。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是沒有辦法像一下子像時代精神做到的,也就是有一個完整全盤的瞭解,然後再來進行工業規劃,而是慢慢讓願意進行這樣瞭解的公司,能夠優先取得不管是基金投資或者是叫做影響力融資、投資的這一些資源,這個部分我也會事後補充在逐字稿裡面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有關於選舉期間媒體干預,我們的修法已經送到立法院,這個強度之後會加強,尤其是選舉期間;但是我也瞭解基進黨的朋友除了選舉期間外也要干預一下,我想我不表示意見,立法院會有自己的討論,但是至少在選舉期間會相當重要,我想這個是各屆比較有共識的部分,也是我們上一波推出之後,各界沒有反彈的部分,政治獻金只能是國人捐,憑什麼可以是國外的資金,幫特定的候選人一直買廣告,又不需要揭露,這個事實上是法規的一個漏洞,這確實要補起來,從我的角度來看。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分,像碳稅的部分,財政部正在想這一件事,環保署也正在想這個事情,但是沒有固定的期程,我看賦稅署的朋友有來,賦稅署的部分有沒有要對碳稅的部分來分享?" }, { "speaker": "李明機", "speech": "謝謝林先生跟唐政委。" }, { "speaker": "李明機", "speech": "財政部賦稅署李明機第二次發言,林先生涉及到這整個議題與稅的部分有兩點,一個是虛擬貨幣課稅及碳稅,首先就虛擬貨幣的課稅,就如唐政委首先替大家先補充的,現在目前虛擬貨幣這一塊是比特幣,是以洗錢防制這一塊優先推動,就我所知,央行並不是視比特幣為通用貨幣,金管會也明訂比特幣不可以透過銀行收受,因此不可以透過ATM來服務。" }, { "speaker": "李明機", "speech": "假設這樣情況建立的話,管理在前、課稅在後,所以我們定位虛擬貨幣是數位商品勞務,在數位商品勞務的情況之下,它基本上必須要課營業稅、營利事業所得稅,個人買賣虛擬貨幣的話,有財產交易所得的問題,也就是必須要課綜合所得稅。" }, { "speaker": "李明機", "speech": "第二,有關於碳稅的規劃,財政部在2020年前配合行政院能源減碳辦公室規劃方向並研擬能源轉型白皮書,但這僅是研議的過程,所以財政部沒有推動的期程,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "後面的考量可以參考能源政策白皮書,那一本其實滿豐富的,但是並沒有列出幾年幾月要推動;我不曉得小型電動車,台北有沒有相關的部會或者是書面補充?" }, { "speaker": "劉俐君", "speech": "大家好,我是環保署空保處劉俐君,有關於蘇澳臭氣問題,是環保署與宜蘭縣政府長期關注的議題,其實臭異味的問題可以區分為兩塊,一個是不明異味的部分,另外一個是已經有明確污染源的部分。" }, { "speaker": "劉俐君", "speech": "不明異味的部分,本署每一年都會協助地方利用光學的儀器去追溯臭異味的來源,鎖定污染源之後會與廠商進行減量協談,督促他們進行製程的改善。" }, { "speaker": "劉俐君", "speech": "另外一個部分是有明確污染源的情形,我們會持續督導環保局,甚至署內的督察大隊進行稽查,不符合法規規範的話,直接會依法開罰,並且限期改善,如果廠商仍不改善或者是違規情形被判定為情節重大,主管機關可依空氣污染防制法令他停工、停業的,以上分享說明,如果林先生有其他明確的污染源要陳情,歡迎會後提供資料給我們,如果可以協助的話我們也會盡力協助解決問題。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "小型車部分,會後將轉請相關業務單位補充。以上台北場補充完畢,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(交通部)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "一、為維護車輛行車安全,無論國外進口或國內製造之各型車輛,均應符合本部規定之安全檢驗標準,並經車輛型式安全檢測及審驗合格,取得安全審驗合格證明書,始得辦理登記、檢驗及領照行駛道路。我國車輛安全法規係與歐盟、日本及澳洲等國相同,調和聯合國歐洲經濟委員會(UN/ECE)車輛安全法規導入國內實施。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "二、該等車輛倘符合本部所訂車輛安全檢測基準項目規定,亦經檢測審驗合格取得合格證明,即可辦理登檢領照事宜,並依道路交通安全規則規定行駛道路。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我不曉得這邊有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "目前還好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像剛剛已經有提到比較明確的部分,不方便打在逐字稿裡面的,歡迎會後馬上交換一下名片來進行處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很不好意思,耽誤大家都了十五分鐘的時間,我們因為有既定的行程,所以今天非常感謝台北的朋友們參與,也非常感謝青諮參與,接下來十天修改的時候,任何想要補充的,包含會把sli.do的這一些意見全部提供在逐字稿裡面,任何朋友們有任何新的想法,希望能夠跟逐字稿一起釋出的,包含地非常快等等,都歡迎繼續補充在逐字稿的共筆頁面上,準時十五分鐘結束會議,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "青年創業貸款的部分,雖然有管道可以申請,但往往最後是由申貸人對銀行接口,銀行基本都會提出抵押品的條件;如果青年本身有抵押品的話,其實就不用走青創,直接用房貸的方式處理就好了;未來是不是針對青創貸款有更好的借貸方式?" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(經濟部中小企業處)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "銀行受理企業貸款業務(含政府各機關所訂政策性專案貸款)時,係依企業授信審查規定,綜合評估是否受理或核貸,以及核定核撥貸款之條件,惟依據「青年創業及啟動金貸款要點」第九條:銀行將視個案情況,徵提符合要求之擔保品及保證人:" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "1. 第一項:擔保品部分係依承貸金融機構之核貸作業規定辦理,必要時可由信保基金提供最高九點五成之信用保證。送信保基金者,借款人需負擔年費率0.5%之信用保證手續費。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "2. 第三項:保證人部分,如以個人名義申請,貸款金額在50萬元以下者,金融機構不得要求提供保證人。貸款金額逾50萬元者,如有需要,每一位申貸者,僅得徵提最多一位保證人。如以事業體名義申請,應徵提之保證人及人數則依信保基金及金融機構之規定辦理。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "申請本項貸款如有相關問題,經濟部中小企業處「馬上辦服務中心」可提供諮詢及轉介輔導協處服務,免付費電話:0800-056-476。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "建議,是否可以讓申請者自己指定業師或輔導員" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(經濟部中小企業處)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "本處為協助國內欲創業民眾及新創中小企業主解決創業問題,提高創業成功機率,特聘具熱忱服務精神之創業顧問,以執行創業諮詢及輔導服務事宜。為妥善分配創業資源服務,本處依據申請者創業問題需求,媒合顧問專長領域及地區條件等因素,妥適安排顧問協助創業民眾,申請者可向諮詢服務人員提供顧問名單(請參考新創圓夢網),服務人員依此可作為分派案件參考。如有創業相關問題,歡迎查詢「新創圓夢網」了解最新政府創業資源或撥打「0800-589-168」免費創業諮詢專線洽詢。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "除了協助農友擺攤販售商品,也建議政府開拓其他通路,販售農產加工品,農民要忙生產又要自己銷售產品,生產和銷售很難同時兼顧。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(行政院農業委員會漁業署)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "有關建議政府拓展其他通路販售農產加工品部分,查漁業署為鼓勵業者開發品牌精品及提升國產水產品產業價值鏈,已舉辦8屆「海宴水產精品」評選活動,參加產品係以國產水產原料或特色原料,且於生產製程需通過CAS、HACCP、TQF、TAP、ISO22000等其中一項驗證,獲選之產品及業者,輔導通路洽商及展售活動,並推薦消費者送禮自用。另外與地方政府、超市通路、產業團體等合作舉辦多場次行銷活動,且輔導業者組團參加國際食品展售會,以提升整體國產水產品國內外市場能見度,提高產業價值鏈。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "建議政府編列預算,輔導協助台灣地酒的研發,提升台灣米酒的質感和特色。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "老實說料理米酒的推行,是拉低台灣米酒的價值,其實米酒可以很好喝,可以直接飲用的!" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(財政部國庫署)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "1. 在提升臺灣製酒品質及技術上,國庫署於106年6月30日函頒「優質認證酒類產業發展方案」,以成立專家團輔導製酒業者提升製酒技術及行銷技巧、遴選認證酒品參加國際知名競賽、獎勵業者參加國內外展銷活動、參展「台灣美食展」,結合臺灣美食與特色酒品聯合行銷等,協助製酒產業整體向上提升。未來在經費許可下,將考量擴大輔導對象,或協助業者研發特色酒品,以利臺灣酒品走向國際。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "2. 在協助業者強化製程安全及提升產品品質上,國庫署每年均舉辦「酒品製程教育訓練」研討班,邀請專家學者就製酒技術等進行主題式演講,並安排優質酒品品牌經驗分享課程;另每年辦理「酒類製品檢驗實務班」,培訓酒製造業相關從業人員有關酒類檢驗方法之介紹及操作實習。未來將持續辦理相關教育訓練課程,協助製酒業者與從業人員提高競爭力。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(行政院農業委員會農糧署)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "目前國內有農民團體釀酒廠以國產稻米釀造高品質清酒及燒酎系列產品,倘提問者有興趣深入瞭解,可媒介參訪,基於酒產業主管機關係財政部,有關整體釀酒產業發展,宜請該部編列預算辦理。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "大家好,我是曾壹靖。青輔會最後一屆青諮團員、兩屆宜蘭縣政府青委會委員、宜蘭社區大學社區營造員。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "1. 唐鳳政委與青諮委員下鄉來宜蘭的這個場次,似乎宣傳不足,許多返鄉青年根本不知道。宜蘭縣政府辦理過三屆(截至2018)的青年事務委員會,關心宜蘭的青年委員者眾,但看起來並都沒有被通知。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "2. 宜蘭幅員廣大,12鄉鎮,溪南溪北大不同,建議與邀請唐鳳政委與青諮委員蒞臨蘇澳,聽聽漁港與全台灣最會下雨的蘇澳鎮的青年聲音。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "3. 中央政府資源如何「有效」協助偏鄉的返鄉青年能夠在故鄉注入新活力的活動?蘇澳沒有老街,沒有宜蘭市歷史老市場,一個全台灣最會下雨的小鎮,全台灣三大漁港之一,外籍漁工最多的小鎮。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(教育部青年發展署)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "本次座談經洽詢宜蘭縣政府,因表示第四屆青年委員尚未遴選,故未洽邀。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(國發會國土處)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "1. 政府刻正積極推動地方創生工作,非常樂見返鄉青年為故鄉注入新活力,共同為地方帶來創生契機。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "2. 返鄉青年為替故鄉注入新活力,如有提出相關事業提案之想法,得透過參與或關注該鄉鎮發掘地方DNA、凝聚在地共識及形成在地創生願景等過程,提出符合在地創生願景之事業提案,納入該鄉鎮之地方創生計畫,由該鄉鎮公所循程序提報中央後,「行政院地方創生會報」工作會議將擔任平台,負責協調媒合中央部會與企業相關資源共同挹注地方,推動地方創生。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "如果因為一個語言可能會消失,而納入學校教育課程內,當然保護了少數人的語言學習,但是不是也壓縮了多數人學習術科的時間,語言只是一種學習工具。建議少數語言的學習是不是以另一種方式做推廣學習,以童書、卡通等較活潑並容易吸收的方式,放入社區教育及家庭教育中。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(教育部國教署原民特教組原民科)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "依據原住民族語言發展法第8條規定「中央及地方主管機關應積極於家庭、部落、工作場所、集會活動及公共場所推動使用原住民族語言,以營造原住民族語言使用環境。」,爰此,原住民族語言於社區及家庭中推廣,係為原住民族委員會辦理。另原住民族委員會建置「族語E樂園」,透過小短片的呈現,提供其學習族語、歷史及文化之機會。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "針對兒虐問題之防治與建議:" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "* 建構社會安全網之前請將所需人力補齊!否則只是另一種相關專業人力的浩劫。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "* 函請各級學校真正重視性別教育、並請相關專家學者研議增加兒童發展歷程資訊及可尋求資源。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "* 將幼教環境及基層診所納入防暴體系。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(教育部學務特教司)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "教育部前於108年1月9日函知各級學校總統公布修正性別平等教育法部分條文,以加強預防與處理校園性侵害、性騷擾或性霸凌事件,積極維護學生受教權;並已於108年1月22日行文各級學校重申性別平等教育法第12條規定,學校應提供性別平等之學習環境,尊重及考量學生與教職員工之不同性別、性別特質、性別認同或性傾向,並建立安全之校園空間。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(衛生福利部保護司)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "一、行政院強化社會安全網計畫策略二「整合保護服務與高風險家庭服務」,107-109年預計新增補助498名保護性社工人力,以因應保護性服務與高風險家庭服務整合後家防中心新增之高度風險案件,為協助地方政府推動社會安全網相關業務及招聘人力,本部自107年起陸續於全台22縣市辦理溝通說明會、由專業輔導團下鄉輔導,並辦理社工人員徵才及強化社會安全網分級教育訓練事宜,以延攬專業、資深人力投入保護性工作,並協助地方政府積極辦理社會安全網計畫相關工作。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "二、依兒童及少年福利與權益保障法第53條規定,醫事人員、教育人員、教保人員、保育人員等責任通報人員於執行職務時知悉有兒少遭不當對待情形,應立即進行通報,至遲不得超過24小時,幼教老師及醫事人員均為責任通報人員,依法應盡責任通報義務。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "三、在幼教人員管理部分,教育部業建置教保人員資訊網,主管機關可登錄不適任人員,並供幼兒園聘用相關人員時查詢,另教保人員每年需進行18小時教保知能課程,其中得選修兒保知能訓練課程,以提升教保人員兒少保護專業知能。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "四、為協助實務工作者精確辨識兒虐個案,並強化醫療院所與社政單位合作,本部配合強化社會安全網計畫,自107年7月起推動區域級以上醫療院所建立兒少保護區域醫療整合中心,計補助7家醫療機構成立兒保醫療中心,兒保醫療中心除協助個案驗傷診療,亦須協助區域內基層醫療院所提升兒保專業知能及敏感度,107年7-12月共辦理30場次教育訓練,計1,817人次參與。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(教育部國教署)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "一、有關不適任教保服務人員之管理,說明如下:" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(一)依幼兒教育及照顧法(以下簡稱幼照法)第23條及教保服務人員條例(以下簡稱教保條例)第12條規定,教保服務人員或其他人員曾有性侵害、性騷擾、性剝削或虐待兒童為,經判刑確定或通緝有案尚未結案;有性侵害行為,或有情節重大之性騷擾、性霸凌、損害兒童權益之行為;經有關機關查證屬實者或其他法律(如教師法)規定不得擔任各該人員之情事,不得在幼兒園服務,地方政府應辦理通報。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(二)依幼照法第23條第5項條文規定,教保服務機構之負責人或其他服務人員於執行業務時,知悉有任何人對幼兒有性侵害行為,或有情節重大之性騷擾、性霸凌、損害兒童及少年權益之行為等消極資格之ㄧ時,除依其他相關法律規定通報外,並應通報直轄市、縣(市)主管機關。違反者依幼照法第47條規定,教保服務機構之負責人或其他服務人員,處新臺幣3萬元以上15萬元以下罰鍰。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(三)本部訂有「幼兒園不適任教保服務人員之通報與資訊蒐集及查詢辦法」,並已建置全國幼兒園不適任教保服務人員通報查詢系統,請直轄市、縣(市)政府於前開查詢系統登載旨揭不適任人員之資料,以維護幼兒安全。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "二、有關增進教保服務人員兒少保護專業知能一節,說明如下:" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(一)依教保條例第27條規定:教保服務人員每年應參加教保專業知能研習十八小時以上。違反者依該法第38條規定,應命其限期改善,屆期未改善者,處新台幣1千元以上6千元以下罰鍰,並得按次處罰。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(二)為強化教保服務人員專業知能及積極維護幼兒之教保品質,本署自89年起開始持續補助各直轄市、縣(市)政府推動學前教保專業研習。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(三)有關兒少保護知能已納入教育部國民及學前教育署補助各直轄市、縣(市)政府辦理教保研習規劃,並將兒童及少年福利與權益保障法及家庭暴力防治法(責任通報及輔導)納入規定辦理之政策與法令類別。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "請正視台鐵事故的根本問題!!不是把路線截彎取直、而是要下定決心果斷改革。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(交通部)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "1021普悠瑪事故發生後,行政院組成體檢小組進行臺鐵總體檢,由「行車事故分析與管理」、「安全管理體系升級」、「軌道系統安全」、「車輛及系統機電」、「維修制度」、「運轉系統」、「組織效能」等層面深入檢討,提出144項改善建議,臺鐵局亦於已於107年12月11日成立營運安全處,專責辦理營運、行車運轉及災害預防等行車安全工作。交通部將督促臺鐵局持續推動各項改善以確保行車安全。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "請行政院近期即將提出的同婚專法能真正落實大法官釋字748號解釋及婚姻平權精神。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(法務部)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "司法院釋字第748號解釋業就民法未使相同性別之二人得為經營共同生活之目的,成立具有親密性及排他性之永久結合關係,宣告其屬「規範不足之違憲」,並責成有關機關應於解釋公布之日起2年內,依解釋意旨完成相關法律之修正或制定。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "又依公民投票法第30條第1項第2款規定,公民投票案經通過者,有關法律立法原則之創制案,行政院應於3個月內研擬相關之法律,並送立法院審議。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "是以,行政院尊重公投結果,已依司法院釋字第748號解釋之意旨,在3個月內提出「司法院釋字第七四八號解釋施行法」草案送立法院審議。感謝您對於法制建設之關心與建議。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "政府對即將滅絕的保育類類動物是否有及時的對應方式。(石虎路殺今年已四起)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "(行政院農業委員會林務局)" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "1. 行政院農業委員會為野生動物保育之中央主管機關,對於保育類野生動物之基礎研究、棲地保護與推廣教育一向不遺餘力。以石虎為例,民國91-93年即由特有生物研究保育中心執行「特有及稀有哺乳類保育生物學之研究─臺灣黑熊及石虎」計畫。本會林務局94-97年「新竹、苗栗淺山地區小型食肉目動物之現況與保育研究 」及100年「瀕臨絕種野生動物保育醫學研究發展之石虎疾病研究」也皆以石虎保育為研究重點,並多次委託學者調查石虎分布、監測族群變動及評估如何落實石虎保育策略。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "2. 對於石虎侵入農家雞舍覓食、與民眾產生衝突之事件,林務局近年亦辦理補助養雞農戶裝設圍網、推動友善石虎農業以共創雙贏,對石虎保育工作將有正面助益。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "3. 本會林務局早在民國100年的「國有林班地區域野生動物道路致死調查及改善對策探討」計畫,即已關注石虎路殺、尋求解決之道。而107至110年度推動的「國土生態保育綠色網絡建置計畫」,更補助苗栗縣政府執行「苗栗縣大尺度路殺風險評估」及「140縣道改善建議分析」計畫(預計108年6月底完成),依道路結構、周邊環境提出對策,監測140縣道、路殺頻繁的苗29鄉道,標定可供石虎利用通道,其成果將提供工務單位參考。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "4. 林務局107年度亦撥款補助苗栗縣政府進行苗29鄉道改善工程(預計108年2月底完成),以確保石虎能夠安全穿越馬路。在改善措施尚未完成前,該道路卻一再發生路殺事件實在令人遺憾,由此更可見在苗栗地區積極進行石虎保育的急迫性。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "5. 在本會107-110年度「國土生態保育綠色網絡建置」計畫中,對於包含石虎等24種保育類野生動物進行「瀕危野生物保育優先性評估、行動計畫與推動」。依各物種之現況及族群變動趨勢,分別委託專家進行各物種的保育策略研擬、施政的建議與規劃。未來可借重各方的專業知識及經驗,讓保育工作更加落實。" }, { "speaker": "部會回覆", "speech": "6. 保育並非只是單純的生物學與環境生態議題或保育主管機關的業務,特別是類似石虎這樣與人類活動區域高度重疊的物種,更需要各界民眾思維的轉化與生活習慣的改變。本會對於結合地方政府、民間團體共同參與保育一向給予正面肯定及協助,冀望未來可整合各方資源保育這些自然珍寶。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "關於仙女提到的問題的補充:" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "1. 長照議題:關於目前長照政策的部分,衛福部已經做了些說明,我在此做簡單補充。怎麼樣是相較好的長照?其實長照的照護專業是需要一定時間的培養,但要達到長輩的「獨立、參與、照顧、自我實現、尊嚴」,以健康、參與、安全為主來【提升生活品質】,做一種連續性的預防,是在社區的人們可以從不同面向達成的。(承上)我認為現在相較被忽略的反而是針對照顧者的喘息服務,而這也會在某些程度上影響照顧長輩們的身心狀況與照護品質。" }, { "speaker": "Slido 留言", "speech": "2. 鄉土教學:我同意仙女提到的現在鄉土教學的現狀,除了後來景麟提到的母語外,有些在地連結的層面並不足夠,在座有許多委員與我一樣來自臺北,可能我們當中的很多人對臺北這個地小的都市了解也有限。(比方我很多同學不知道林森公園有明元石二郎鳥居)不過這一兩年其實從中小學到大專院校也漸漸在努力,也期待之後有更進一步的行動與成果。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "非常感謝各位PO夥伴,跟我們一起來參加108年度PO共識營,我是唐鳳政委幕僚賴致翔,我先簡單說明一下今天會議的狀況跟場地布置、以及後續會發生什麼事。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "首先,需要網路的話,牆壁上有貼這一間會議室的wifi帳號密碼,取得網路後,可以登入sli.do的網頁。搜尋,輸入125,就可以開始留言。這樣做目的是,協助大家意見表達,想要匿名就可以直接在上面打字,不需要拿到麥克風才能說話,大家所留言的意見PDIS都會回應。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "其實協作會議的與會者,情緒會再高一點,今天讓大家體驗正式協作會議怎麼處理,有一些小PO是新任或者是來觀摩的,我們提供了事前的參考資料給各位閱讀,如果各位有讀過的話,就可以大致瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "議程的設計上,首先關於記錄,在場有速錄師,會把各位拿著麥克風所講的話全部記錄下來,會給各位10個工作天的時間編修,最主要的原因是,常常我們講的話會有一點語意不順,是面對面溝通聽起來沒有問題,但是事後看文字的時候會覺得不容易閱讀,所以給大家一個機會,把自己所說的話修得比較容易閱讀一點。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "相對的,不要修到別人說的話,系統是我們寫的,所以系統上有任何問題或者是不小心修到別人的發言,都可以跟我們說。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "各位看到在場也有攝影機,如果是比較受民眾關注議題的話,提案方都會要求全程直播,但是今天沒有所謂的提案方,所以沒有全程直播,這個錄影會透過間溝通的平台),發布今天影像的網址,各位可以事後觀看參考。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "有關於會後,今天唐鳳會在下午分組討論後,請兩組派一個代表來說明結果,這個結果唐鳳會原封不動帶回去跟行政院長報告,PO一整年度新的推動方向,我們在農曆年過後,在2月14日會召開次長級的開放政府聯繫會議,在這個會議上會跟大家報告院長聽完今天討論的內容之後會做什麼樣的政策裁示,請各部會的部長及首長來協助與配合,這個是今天的流程、紀錄及可能會發生的效果,不曉得各位有沒有任何的意見?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "如果沒有任何意見的話,今天比較特別的是,大場的主持人及分組的兩個小桌長都是由PO來擔任,PDIS在今天的會議是扮演兩個對立的角色,到底是怎麼樣的運作方式,等一下正式開始,各位就可以看到了,我們現在把麥克風給大場的主持人。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "各位PO大家好,我是今天的大場主持人,我先自我介紹一下,我是交通部的PO的Ghost,我是今天第一次擔任這樣的工作,如果表現不好,還請大家包涵。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "今天是共識營,今天整個會議的流程跟我們平常在做協作會議的流程是一樣的,會有相關的流程,都是一模一樣的,等一下也會有議題,讓大家討論,所以我們等於是把今天當作是一個平常我們的協作會議來進行。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "我們今天的主持團隊就是有主持人我本人,在下午的時候,我們分組討論的時候,會有兩位PO來擔任。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "一開始會先自我介紹,讓大家熟悉一下、認識一下彼此,等一下會傳麥克風的方式,先傳下去,讓每一位稍微自我介紹一下,等一下麻煩大家稍微講一下你的姓名、匿稱及單位。" }, { "speaker": "陳玉芬", "speech": "大家好,衛福部社家署陳玉芬,沒有什麼匿稱,因為我是社家署公共政策參與平台跟開放政府PO team的承辦同仁,我們PO長官是主秘,他在上一個場次有來。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "大家早安,我是衛福部健保署PO,我是張鈺旋,在去年的時間,剛好有機會跟PDIS成員做了三場的協作會議,等一下我也會跟大家簡報,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "大家好,我是農委會的小PO銘錦,我們還有另外一位大哥是我們的專委,今天由我來這邊跟大家一起共事。" }, { "speaker": "王素琴", "speech": "大家早,我是勞動部PO王素琴,我除了擔任勞動部PO以外,本職在綜規司,請大家多多指教。" }, { "speaker": "葉景豪", "speech": "大家好,我是經濟部PO葉景豪,嘉豪剛剛在開會,所以還在路上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "大家好,我是交通部PO楊惠如,大家都說很高興來,所以我就很高興來(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "各位夥伴大家好,我是內政部新任的PO,今年1月份才開始接任這個工作。我前幾年擔任長官的機要秘書,所以來來往往的文件都有參閱過,所以希望可以在這個業務當中跟大家互相合作、努力,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "大家好,我是法務部的PO,叫我羅柏,很多老PO都知道,楊科長說很高興,我也覺得要很高興。在這邊學習很多,我從一開始就參加PO的工作,一直推不出去,不知道為什麼,真的很忙,又要做國會聯絡工作,所以以後盡可能參加會議,但臨時也可能被電話通知去立法院,我們一起努力,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "熊蒂生", "speech": "大家早,我是國防部PO熊蒂生,同樣也很高興在這邊一起學習,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "鄧文漢", "speech": "大家早,我是輔導會的PO,我從一開始就來到現在,已經有三、四年的時間,都是我來參加。" }, { "speaker": "鄧文漢", "speech": "我也很高興可以跟大家處在一塊,也很高興跟唐鳳的團隊一塊,來這邊我見識到很多,跟大家一起來努力,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "葛映濤", "speech": "大家好,我是金管會保險局葛映濤,原來的PO退休了,我今天是第一次來,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "胡則華", "speech": "大家好,我是金管會胡則華,這是我第二年參加共識營,相較之下,我比較喜歡今年的場地,看起來比較活潑一點,雖然是第二次參加,但是我在這一年當中,從來沒有參加過協作會議,所以其實滿期待今天的,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "周正山", "speech": "大家好,我是金管會銀行局周正山,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉智復", "speech": "大家好,我是促轉會PO劉智復。" }, { "speaker": "顏容欣", "speech": "大家好,我是文化部PO顏容欣,我是今年1月才剛接任這個職位,希望可以跟各位學習,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "余家光", "speech": "大家好,我是環保署PO余家光,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "林韋呈", "speech": "大家好,我是海委會,我今天代理我們的PO過來開會,希望大家可以多多指導,也瞭解這個,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "曾憲康", "speech": "大家好,我是NCC的PO曾憲康,已經算老PO了,這已經是第三次了,希望可以跟大家一起,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳立哲", "speech": "大家好,我是公平會PO陳立哲,第一次來參加會議,希望可以跟各位多多學習,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "吳峻銘", "speech": "大家好,我是客委會的PO吳峻銘,我擔任PO也大概有一年多了,不過還是很菜,請大家多多指教,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林家豪", "speech": "大家好,我是經濟部的PO,我叫家豪。" }, { "speaker": "王珠環", "speech": "大家好,我是台南市政府研考會,我們今天是來見習的,其實台南政府推動開放政府有一點績效,我們希望來這邊學習PO。其實去年這個團隊在台南市政府開了一個相關的說明會及研討會,大家對於PO這一件事還是很陌生,因此希望今天來見習可以得到一些成果,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "姚光駿", "speech": "大家好,我是台南市政府的小PO,今天是第一次來參加這個會議,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "鄭維嘉", "speech": "大家好,我是台南市政府社會局的PO,我叫鄭維嘉,請大家多多指教。" }, { "speaker": "蘇怡心", "speech": "大家好,我是台南市政府的小PO,我叫蘇怡心,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "楊蟬華", "speech": "大家好,我是台南市政府小PO楊蟬華,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "連晙淇", "speech": "大家好,我是台南市政府的小PO,我叫連晙淇,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "謝謝大家的自我介紹。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "為什麼今天會有這一場共識營?主要我們在Join平台上有一位提案人提了一個提案,我們針對這個提案來進行協作會議,然後會討論出一些相關的對策或解法。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "我們在12月6日的時候,有一位提案人叫做PDIS,在Join平台上提了一個「開放政府聯絡人制度已經兩年,建議在第三屆開始時能全面檢視現有制度!!!」,我們超過5,000人以上要回應,所以我們今天召開協作會議來討論如何回應。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "首先介紹一下我們為何會有協作會議的型態,過去像一些政策,流程大概是由上而下,可是在使用者跟公民的部分是比較後端才開始進來討論,我們最後這個政策可能會呈現一個停滯的狀態,所以我們現在是要讓使用者或者是公民能夠更有參與感,或者是意見更充分地表達出來,因此我們採用協作會議的方式,一開始讓他們進到這個地方,然後我們就可以開始充分表達他的需求,針對他的需求去制定一些政策之類的,這樣子就可以讓他更相信政府,更能夠接受這個政策。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "其實以資訊的角度來說,我們過去在開發系統的時候,使用者能否接受,通常都會等到很後期的時候才會進入,所以變成到後期,如果其實系統不好用的話,也沒有辦法改善,只能勉強接受且抱怨。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "使用者在一開始就參與到系統開發的階段,可以一開始參與進來,所以之後整個系統完成上線,也更能夠接受這個系統,讓這個系統用得更好,因此現在這個開放政府的型態,跟這個是很類型的,就是讓我們的使用者或者是公民可以一開始參與在其中。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "我們今天主要的目的是,希望可以一起來決定接下來一年PO制度的長相。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "今天會議所討論出來的東西,會由政委在下次院會跟院長報告,在下一次季會會由各部會次長報告,請他們給予支持與支援,在討論的過程中,如果大家需要長官提供一些什麼樣的資源,都可以儘量提出來。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "協作會議有一個特色,在會議最後並不會有任何的會議結論與決議,算是建議,再請政委跟院長報告。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "今日議程首先剛剛已經結束了,像開場、來賓介紹,等一下會跟各位介紹一下協作會議的工具、流程、目的介紹,之後會做一些相關的簡報,11點的時候會釐清PO制度與協作會議的困難,之後會討論出一些問題困難的地方,我們會將這一些問題在下午的時候進行分組協作,看如何達成願景與解決困難的方法,最後我們會有一個分享總結,之後預計3點的時候會議會結束。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "我們如何釐清PO制度與協作會議的困難,我們這個時候要請大家集思廣益跟彙整大家的意見,才有辦法看出問題的全貌,才可以擬訂出解決困難的方法。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "協作會議的目的是希望接受到多元的意見,所以10個人有同一個意見,2個人有不同的意見,我們在會議上會全部詳細記錄下來,所以協作會議是能夠召集越多相關不同的利害關係人來,也就是有不同的意見來,集思廣益,收到訊息之後才可以瞭解問題的全貌。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "這個是我們等一下會使用到的工具,這個是心智圖,我們等一下會產生一個大概的問題的部分,會產生一些相關的解法與小問題。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "如何解決問題是我們大家一起來集思廣益、發想解法,並給予它一個拘束力。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "像概念發展單是我們下午進行分組討論時會使用到的工具,(其中一個欄位)「問題」,會有大問題之後,就會有一些小問題,然後再來會針對這一些問題有哪一些解決的辦法;你提出解決辦法之後,通常不會這麼順利就可以讓你很順利把這個問題解決掉,因為有這個解決辦法,可能會有一些風險及阻礙。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "再來,針對這一些阻礙,有可能會發生的風險與阻礙找出來之後,有沒有進一步可以克服這一些阻礙的方法。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "再來,知道之後再有一個負責的單位,我們可以討論我們如果要克服這個阻礙的話,可能是哪一個部分去負責、處理。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "今天的協作因為針對PO制度的方式來討論,所以負責的單位會發現可能是PDIS小組,這都是很ok的。最後會有一個願景跟檢討,這個問題真的處理好之後,我們可能會有什麼樣的願景。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "像剛剛有提到的,我們這一次的結論將會由政委跟院長報告,還有下一次季會的時候,會跟部、次長報告。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "接著請PDIS簡介一下什麼是「開放政府聯絡人」。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "大家好,我是PDIS的Mark,發現我們自己忘了自我介紹,等一下大家輪番上陣的時候會自我介紹。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "剛剛那個簡報有埋一個我以為大家會笑的梗,結果沒想到大家非常嚴肅看待它,那個PDIS的連署絕對是假的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "看來應該要大家笑,但是都沒有人笑,看來是滿嚴肅的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "今天有新PO、舊PO跟台南的朋友,我們快速介紹一下開放政府聯絡人在PDIS當中大家給予什麼期待、認為要做到什麼事,大家可以稍微看一下,上面有一個網址是「」,這是一個暫時的網址,因為我們還請各位PO幫忙確認裡面的文字是不是有問題,剛好大家今天聽我導讀的時候,可以確認一下哪一些概念是寫錯的或者怎麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這兩場共識營開完之後,我們對PO制度的調整也會更動到開放政府聯絡人完全指南上,就會變成一個正式版,我們就會掛上「」上,大家對於開放政府聯絡人的業務有任何的疑惑就可以看一下,接下來到底該做什麼事。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "有另外一個更完整版的,剛剛講到這個網址是「」,更完整版的是寫成了一本書,就可以寫「」,我們會把網址點在sli.do上。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "你可以看到我們平常在跟各部會協作會議時候的詳細流程,也就是我們每一週在做什麼事,這個部分大家可以有空上去看一下,不小心被選到議題的時候可以上去看一下,瞭解到底發生什麼事,我們可以快速開始開放政府聯絡人完全指南的部分。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "首先要講到什麼是「開放政府聯絡人」?因為我們貫徹開放政府的理念,開放政府其實是由一個國際組織,叫做OGP(Open Government Partnership)」,「......秉持開放之價值與公民接觸,以改善服務、管理公共資源、推動創新及建構更安全之社區。懷抱透明及開放政府之原則,於自己國家與日益緊密連結的世界,實現繁榮、福祉及符合人類尊嚴之社會。......」對於PDIS來講開放政府最大的價值是我們希望透過它、開放政府來達到公私互信,因為我們覺得現在政府跟民間互相間彼此的互信是不足的,所以我們希望透過開放政府有更多的參與、合作來達到公私互信。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "開放政府實際上有四個做法,也就是開放政府的四個要素,老PO聽到膩了,閉著眼睛都可以瞭解:" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第一個部分是「透明」,我們希望讓政策制定的過程中,讓所有的人知道中間發生什麼事,所以我們會希望讓整個政策制定的過程是透明的,也就是反映到我們實際作為,我們可能會有直播、邀請利害關係人來參加,讓外界也可以知道整個政策制定的過程是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第二個部分是「參與」,參與的部分並不是來參加就好了,要適度影響抉擇,這個才是參與的精神,我們會邀請利害關係人在政策還沒確定之前,也就是還很初期的時候展開協作會議,讓大家一起可以參與這個制定政策的過程。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第三個部分是「課責」,當一個政策比如已經制定出來之後,在過程中的這一些紀錄都要保留下來,等到政策形成的時候,如果大家對於這個東西有疑慮,其實就可以知道之前這個政策是如何被制定出來的,所以針對這個課責,我們的理解並不是誰講這一句話導致這個結果,因此必須要他負責,不太完全是這個意思,反而是我們可以很明確知道這個政策為何會這樣被推演出來,誰在什麼時間點提出什麼意見導致這樣的結果,這個是所謂的課責。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第四個部分是「涵融」,其實一開始OGP提出開放政府理念的時候,其實是沒有涵融,在某一年OGP上又加上了涵融,他們發現如果只有參與,但是來參與的人並不夠全面,而是政府單位熟悉一些專家學者或者是NGO來參與,其實這樣子就不會包含到所有的人,所以這邊的涵融是在參與之下特別強調我們一定要把所有的利害關係人都盤點過一遍,然後都邀請他們一起來參加會議、做決策,所以這個是涵融的意思。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這四個支柱是環環相扣的,如果只有參與、沒有課責,只有參與、沒有涵融,就像我們講的是少部分的人在決定而已,只有參與、沒有課責的話,其實我都把會議過程中公開,但是都匿名,不知道怎麼想的話,其實不知道背後的脈絡,因此我們要知道這四個要素必須要同時達成。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "為何會需要開放政府?就像我剛剛所說的,PDIS的立場來看,我們不是為了開放政府而開放政府,我們是為了重建公部門與大眾間彼此的互信,我們選擇的方式是開放。其實就像這張圖上面所畫的,因為在還沒有開放政府這個概念進到公部門之前,其實可能大家會覺得行政的過程儘量不公開,有這個考量,我們希望透過這個方式把鎖打開,讓行政的過程儘量讓公眾參與,也避免到最後會翻盤,或者是在中間有一些被大家不當地猜測。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "因此我們要如何打開這個政府?也就是打開這一個所需要的鑰匙,也就是這個鑰匙不一定是民間的力量、而是公部門的力量,是找公務員改變這樣的文化,因此我們就設定了開放政府聯絡人。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "而開放政府聯絡人的英文名字是Participation Officer,因此簡稱「PO」。我們希望在場的PO可以跟我們一起實踐這種精神,藉由各位的力量慢慢把這一種精神傳遞到各個部會去、業務單位去,因此我們召集了這一群人。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們為何要召集開放政府聯絡人呢?其實在更之前,我們剛開始有Join平台的時候,大家也有在提倡也要跟民眾溝通的這一種做法,但是我們發現在Join平台上每成一案就找業務單位來,就說要習慣民眾溝通,以及要開始溝通之類的,這樣的經驗沒有辦法累積在同一個人身上,就會散落在各個業務單位身上,我們希望可以把這樣的經驗累積在同一個人身上、同一批人身上,因此就建立了開放政府聯絡人的制度。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "開放政府聯絡人的制度其實是各個部會都有的,各個部會間可以透過開放政府聯絡人串起一個網路,我們會叫做「Po Network」,我們希望透過這個網絡,各部會間要合作的時候可以有單一窗口,會有比較好的合作對象、長期合作的關係,大家比較熟悉、比較信任,因此合作起來是比較容易的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著是PO如何產生?其實在政府單位要產生任何東西有一個要點,也就是行政院及所屬各機關開放政府聯絡人實施要點,從2016年到現在都沒有改過,大家有興趣的話可以上去看一下,上面有很明確講說我們認為PO應該要有哪一些特質、要做哪一些事,我們也是把這樣的內容放到網站上,因此隱約會看到要點的影子。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "其實我們在要點上寫的是,我們建議PO要具備公眾溝通的熱忱、熟悉政策內容、善用網路工具,我們因為這樣寫,所以很多資訊單位的人會掉到這個圈子來。大家可以思考看看資訊的人是不是適合這個職位,都可以討論的。但是PO最主要的工作是協助公部門,聽取不特定大大眾的意見,並且跟合作規劃政策。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們列了三個技能,也就是PO要慢慢練習做到的技能,也就是主持、轉譯及紀錄,其實為了要實踐這三個技能,我們會凹PO來當小桌長,大場是主持,也就是在大場的時候,如何在協作會議當中幫助大家互相理解,然後順利把意見收攏,這其實就是一個主持的部分。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接下來轉譯是我們希望PO可以像翻譯機一樣,因為公部門大家常用的語言其實跟一般民眾常習慣講話的方式是不太一樣的,我們希望PO可以當這個翻譯機,上面是寫「翻譯米糕」,就是多拉A夢從口袋裡面拿出來的東西一樣,我們希望跟翻譯米糕一樣,就是幫忙轉譯成不同的語言,從各部門的新聞稿轉譯給民眾聽,或者是民眾在網路上吵什麼東西,也可以透過幫忙轉譯之後帶進公部門裡面,這個是我們希望公部門可以做到的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第四個是記錄,這邊提到的是比較具體的,就是透過文字、影像、聲音的方式把整個會議過程記錄下來並公開,其實實際上的做法,各位看到攝影機及逐字稿及大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "再講一下,剛剛講的是技能,現在是實際上PO運作哪一些事,有哪一些是我們認為PO該做的,基本上PO是開放政府聯絡人,基本上是負責四個方向的聯絡,這個也是某一位PO執行到一半的時候有感而發提出來的,這樣子好像造神。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第一個是對內聯絡,因為PO是每一個部會都有,所以某種程度可以幫忙匯集這個部內的意見,所以會整合整個部內的意見,然後在跨部會的溝通上做一個代表;對外聯絡的話是,我們希望他有sense到外面正在討論什麼東西、可能會燒的之類的,這些是必須可以接受到;接著是綜向的聯繫,也就是上下級的意見可以做互相傳達與溝通;接著是橫向聯繫,像內部的意見整合完之後,要開始跟各部會合作,我們希望PO在某種程度可以完成橫向合作的部分。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "剛剛講到要做的事,接著是會有一些例行性的工作,有人參加過季會,每三、四個月會有一次,也就是由各部會PO長官,訂的要點是資訊長,大部分是次長,所以會召集各部會次長的會議,然後我們會讓這一些長官更瞭解PO在這一季裡面做了什麼事,然後希望他們以後有一些政策要研擬過程的話,可以考慮採用開放政府協作的方式。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著是月會,月會其實是PO每一個月的聚會,我們會選出一些議題,也就是接下來這個月要開協作會議的,因此順便可以聊天、見面,大家會比較熟悉一點,並且聯絡一下彼此的感情,我後來進來公部門之後,我之前在民間的公司,才發現大家常常見面的時候就會說你就是通訊錄上的誰,第一次見面是說你好,但是這樣子合作起來比較生疏,所以我們會排一個月會大家彼此見面,這樣合作起來會比較順利。接著是協作會議,這個是針對議題討論的會議。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著有一些PO的小知識,像PO執掌是什麼、三級機關也有PO嗎、PO的類型分布、PO的職等分布是什麼樣,有空的話可以上來看一下。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著是協作會議,其實這個是讓PO可以實際演練開放政府的地方,所以我們在月會選到議題的時候就會召開協作會議,而協作會議的主要目的是讓每一個議題在討論的時候,除了公部門自己討論之外,除了公部門熟悉的這一些專家學者之外,提議覺得這個地方有趣的民眾一起找來開會,還有在網路上聲量很大,要寫部落格、文章,討論政策制定的過程中這一些人會找進來,也就是所謂的多元利害關係人,我們會一起把這個政策的方向給出一些建議。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "正如剛剛主持人所說的,通常協作會議會給到建議、而不是決策,因此會賦予一些拘束力,就是會進到院長的會議,看院長是否願意做裁示。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "通常進到協作會議的議題有一些特性,像跨部會的政策協調、資訊系統建置,這個是滿特別的,因為民眾會很關心這一塊,所以資訊系統建置的這一種協作會議,會有很多民眾願意參加。接著是政策前期的蒐集意見,大概是這樣子的狀態。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "協作會議會有一些挑戰,像協作會議的挑戰像是協作會議前跟協作會議之後,協作會議的挑戰是在場討論的人、面對面溝通,坐下來一起討論完之後會有共識,但是這個共識很難帶出會議室,因為帶出會議室之後就會一手、兩手的訊息轉來轉去之後會變形,這個是面臨協作會議的挑戰,但是這個共創看有什麼方法可以一起讓這個東西更好一點。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們要辦一場協作會議的時候,要知道如何舉辦?在這個網站上都有提到協作會議的流程與工具,我快速帶過一下。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "協作會議的流程可以分成這幾個步驟:第一個是設定議題,大部分的議題是來自Join平台,5,000人連署會被提到月會,然後互相投票、推票跟拉票。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "有部分的部會不小心,也就是天上的雷打下來就被打到,然後被指定說要開協作會議,這個是我們的苦主會跟我們介紹一下健保卡協作會議的過程。不管這個議題來自於哪裡,但是我們會有設定議題的過程。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著我們就會確認分工,如果這個是跨部會議題的話,我們就會說這個議題哪一個部分是哪一個部會負責,這邊會有分工會議。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著是研究議題部分,研究議題部分是各部會提供資料,我們開始做一些利害關係人的訪談。研究議題到某個程度之後,覺得這個議題差不多之後,我們就會召開會前會,其實就是在確定我們盤點到這一些議題是不是夠全面、完整,大家是不是覺得哪裡有漏掉之類的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們在這裡同時會做一件事,其實定義核心問題的會前會,其實是部會內的協作會議,也就是公部門內的協作會議,在這個時候我們就會確定一下各位公部門的共識有沒有達成,大概是這樣子,也就是哪一些地方絕對不能踩的,我們跟民眾溝通的時候就知道如何拿捏。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著真的協作會議是找民眾一起來討論可能的方案。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "因為協作會議當時並沒有說要做決策,你會說這個不做決策,民眾來開會覺得是幹麻,又是這樣,我們會說:「今天提出來的意見會拉到最高層級即院長會議,唐鳳會在院長會議報告」,這邊會寫中性一點。今天其實也是一樣的,今天大家討論出來,可能可以讓PO制度更好的做法,我們也會拉到院長、各部會次長等級的做法,拜託他們同意及給予資源。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "到目前為止是整個開放政府、開放政府聯絡人至協作會議快速的簡介,如果有問題的話,就上,大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "謝謝Mark的介紹。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "我們等一下請衛福部分享一下做健保卡案協作會議的經驗分享。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "PO夥伴大家早安,很高興今天是代表衛福部來跟大家做新一代健保卡協作會議的經驗分享,這個題目沒有錯就是如馬克所說的,是從天上掉下來的議題,我們就嘗試做這個議題的經驗,在這半年的時間,我們跟PDIS團隊互動非常好,也獲得了非常好的經驗,跟大家做一個小小的分享。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "我們今天會提到的是,這個議題為何會產生?當然不是從天上掉下來,並不是老天眷顧我們,真的是有它的背景在。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第二,我們套用PDIS給我們的雙鑽石理論,等一下會再跟大家分享,會把一些實作的經驗跟大家提一下。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "首先我們可以知道大家手上的健保卡是從93年至今,到現在已經有15年,如果家裡有小朋友的話,當時的小baby已經長大成人了,導致健保卡上照片的辨識度很難辨識,這其實跟身分識別的辨識度是有關的。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "當然最大的問題並不是在這個問題,除了照片辨識度這個問題之外,在93年的時候,健保IC卡是很先進的技術,但過了10幾年之後,資安等級的資訊技術是日新月異,所以事實上有一些資安技術的等級需要升級,在這樣的前提之下,在105年就提報了行政院的新一代健保卡規劃案,但報院三次,被退案三次,因為提出很重大公共建設的計畫,這都需要錢的,需要的經費是很高的。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "其實我們知道國民身分證eID,內政部也同時在另外一個軌道進行,所以在整個行政院的角度來看,一定會思考國家未來的方向怎麼走。因此在國發會的審議過程中,特別提到一件事,未來的國家是要走到數位生活的政策目標,在這樣的前提之下,我們未來要走到哪一個方向,其實我們是可以開放這個議題來討論。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "在這樣的前提之下,我們是用雙鑽石理論來進行問題的發想與歸納,我們來看一下過程。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "首先,雙鑽石理論是設計思考(Design thinking),也就是以民眾的角度,包含利害關係人,在這樣的設計思考裡面要以人為本,來做跨域的合作,一邊做一邊學,想一些創新的解決方案,並不是像過去傳統健保卡,採用像換卡、加深資安等級的作法,因此要再換一張新的卡片,大概是用傳統的模式來做這樣的提案。這部分我們會再退回來重新思考,是不是從Discover,然後來定義(Define)、發展(Develop)相關的issue之後,然後再來做Deliver、聚焦。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "事實上如果有比較充裕的時間,並看這個議題的大小,協作會議可以做一次、也可以做三次,甚至可以做更多次。健保署的這一個案子,我們是用三次的協作會議,因為一開始定調要在年底前把三次的協作會議做完,三次是我們可以接受的時間。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "所以,我們在第一次的協作會議時,做的是議題發散,要做問題的盤點。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第二次的時候,我們把問題、民眾的需求、擔憂的地方做歸納,接下來的部分我們聚焦之後再作一個可行的方案,基本上是套用發散、收斂的部分來作為我們的協作會議的模式。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "這個是我們在三次協作會議所做的一些事情,像發現問題、思考答案及找可解決的方案。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "因此在新一代健保卡的會議架構當中,我們提到是做三次的協作會議,第一次是盤點問題、第二次是定義問題、第三次是概念發展,我們每一次的開會是針對議題、利害關係人來作定義。換句話說,我們在每一次的盤點問題都有聚焦想要討論的問題是什麼,像第一次的議題會蒐集國人的期待跟顧慮,第二次就會提到比較技術面的議題,第三次的議題就會發展比較具體可行的方案。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "跟大家報告一下這個利害關係人如何找出來的?當時針對發卡,健保卡有兩個很重要的事,第一個是發卡作業、第二個是就醫流程,因此我們會從發卡作業及就醫流程這兩個業務的情境模擬,判斷哪一些是利害關係人,我們去把這一些業務的利害關係人一一盤點,盤點完之後來做一些歸納,就像圖上所看到的,也就是醫療提供者、政府單位、民眾或者是專家,尤其是在民眾這一端的話,不可能是只有講民眾的部分,我們甚至對民眾的部分,還要顧慮到老中青、還要顧慮到上班族、家庭主婦等等。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "所以在利害關係人的設定角色上,我們會去設定他們可能會關心什麼議題,因此協作會議會找具有代表性的人來,如果民眾的話,會找可能是身障者、80歲的老者、年輕族群等等,醫療提供者要找醫學中心、診所的,或者是找藥局等等,我們會從各個不同的面向來找具有代表性的利害關係人來參與協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "我們透過雙鑽石理論的模式,展開第一次的協作會議,因為我們完全開放讓大家自己說你想要的健保卡到底是怎麼樣,確實發現問題。發現了問題之後,我跟大家報告一下,其實絕對不只是這樣,這已經歸納過了,我們那時分六組,可能是現在場地的三倍大吧!是18樓大禮堂,桌子是這個的兩、三倍大,大家坐起來滿舒服的,而且還會供應點心,讓大家在很輕鬆自在的環境來暢所欲言。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "記錄的白板洋洋灑灑,六組分了六大板,這個是通過會後會,我們再把六組的意見收納起來,然後做成類似像「問題」、「需求」、「解決方案」、「技術」、「克服」、「擔憂」等歸納,我們第一次協作會議大鳴大放,把想要的Hopes & Fears轉換成Needs。最後希望達到的是行動生活、行動支付目標,我們到底能不能做,這就是我們第一次的協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第一次的協作會議也確實提出大家有共識的部分:" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第一個共識的部分是要虛實併行,因為數位生活當時給我們的交代任務是健保卡要全面虛擬化,我們就在想像如果今天健保卡全面虛擬化,未來看病用手機看病是否可能,我們經過第一次協作會議,民眾告訴我們還是想要留有實體的健保卡,這個是第一個。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第二,實體健保卡要全面退場的話,要等到虛擬健保卡的功能要完全取代之後,實體健保卡才可以退場。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第三,我們也希望非接觸式的感應,另外行動支付的部分,我們知道院裡面要推行動支付的目標,但是現在市場上有很多行動支付工具,所以健保卡不一定要有行動支付功能,這個是民眾的共識。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "我剛剛有特別提到,把Hopes & Fears之後弄成Needs變成兩大議題,第一,在資訊安全的前提之下,讓各界可負擔的成本內,讓健保卡可以更便利,具有完善的授權機制、身分辨識、離線使用體驗,以落實行動生活政策。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "我們想像未來要做虛擬健保卡的時候,要如何做?第二,是院所有提到如何提升讀寫速度、讓資料好上傳等等問題,這個是兩大Needs。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第一次的協作會議發散又聚焦之後,我們又會定義到資安的前提之下,這個是剛剛所講的前提,因此我們開始要定義問題了。所以在第二次的協作會議,我們找的專家、利害關係人就是資安的專家跟法律的專家,跟第一次參與協作會議的成員不太一樣。在第二次協作會議的時候,我們找專家來定義問題、建議解決方法,如果虛擬化的話,身分辨識如何做,還有爸爸帶小孩子去看病,小孩子的卡片怎麼樣來做授權機制等等,還有一些加密的認證機制等等,這些都涉及到技術面跟資訊面,這一些專家還有法律學者、相關的團體、資訊專家代表,有做相關的實作經驗,看技術上是否可行。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "接下來第三次的協作會議,我們已經找到一些解套的方法,有一些問題就現有技術是可解套的,所以在第三次協作會議的時候,我們把第二次協作會議這一些專家給我們的意見,嘗試做成具體方案。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "簡單來說,就是現在大家看到的藍牙讀卡機、OTP一次性條碼及NFC近距離感應。我再跟大家說明一下,換句話說,第三次協作會議的時候,我們現在發展在就醫模式,第一個是居家醫療,我們知道未來臺灣的人口是老化的,很多就醫服務模式希望跟 未來長照服務模式是接軌的,因此居家醫療的就醫情境是很重要的部分。第二個是一般門診的部分,我們發展兩套模式,居家醫療是一套模式,一般門診是一套模式,根據兩個不同的模式,我們發展不同的方案,第三次的協作會議滿複雜的,因為包含很多技術層面在裡面,對於第三次協作會議的參與人員來說,瞭解是不能那麼深刻的。在第三次協作會議,健保署有拍攝影片,我們的同仁下去拍影片,把所有的就醫情境都拍成影片,幫助協作會議的成員討論時更容易瞭解,讓他們比較能夠深刻瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "這就是我們在第三次協作會議,在第二階段收斂找到的答案及可行的概念。接下來我們就會嘗試做我剛剛跟大家報告的兩個就醫模式,因為我們要做試辦了,也就是108年會嘗試做試辦方案,有提到在居家醫療部分,使用實體健保卡及藍牙讀卡機,我們會放在一些離線狀況的地方,可能上網並不是那麼容易,這部分我們會搭配居家醫療的服務去做,這當然是我們的實體方案。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "另外一個部分是醫療服務的方案,我們未來會找醫療場域來做試辦,這個醫療場域試辦,並不是只找到醫療院所,還找到我們的民眾,這會有一些特別的情況,像我是這個民眾的話,可能同時會有試辦方案及一般用實體健保卡兩個不同的model,因此這一個方案又相對更複雜一點,我們目前嘗試努力中。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "整體來說,經過了這半年學習的過程、參與的過程,我們認為整個協作會議在強化公共會議上有幾個參與:" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第一,在議題的形成上,我們在未來也可以有強而有力的說法,因為這個議題的形成是具有民意上的基礎,是透過協作會議參考大家的意見產生的。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第二,有很多多元利害關係人的意見,像我們可以知道provider,像醫院端、診所端及藥局端的想法不一定是一樣的,像民眾的老者、年輕者的看法不一樣,我們儘量歸納他們的意見來做共同的共識。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第三,我們看到的是有參與的人對於決策過程是有正面的觀感。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "最後,我們自己小小的心得與想法:" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第一個,其實協作會議的運作,其實滿耗成本的,所以議題要慎選,我覺得是要在一個對於影響層面比較大的議題來做這樣的投入,是比較可以考量,這個是跟大家報告的。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第二個要跟大家提到成員的組成與參與是很重要的,如果參與者對議題討論比較有熱忱,成員連參加會議的道具都親力親為,這個是表示投入很多很強大的團隊,確實是可以讓協作會議進行得非常順暢。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第三個是各機關的態度,在比較支持的態度,這一個協作會議做的才會比較順利一點。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第四個很關心的是,我們做協作會議跟政策的關聯是什麼,萬一政策的方向跟現在做的協作會議是不同方向時,不知道這樣的操作對於未來政策相距太遠的時候,對於機關的同仁其實投入的成本過高,這個也是要審慎考慮的。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "以上是協作會議的心得分享,是可以進一步討論的,以上是我的報告。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "整個來說,協作會議我們認為學到了一套設計思考的模式,以人為本的解決方案,我們覺得這樣的學習是非常有意義的,先跟大家做這樣的分享,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "謝謝衛福部的經驗分享,相信大家有得到知識。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "接下來請PDIS介紹一下如何在妥善運用PO Network的前提下……" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "首先非常感謝Mark第一個簡報,幫大家稍微導讀了「開放政府、協作會議、PO」的架構,也非常感謝衛福部PO說明,健保卡的協作案發生什麼事、有什麼成果,而且簡報最後健保署也對PDIS或者是開放政府的理念提出很具體的建議,像要不要慎選議題,很辛苦動員人力、物力,綁了大半年產生協作會議的成果,政策上有沒有可採的地方,或者是執政者認為你的協作會議跟政策的目標可能有一點違背怎麼辦,這中間的調和該怎麼處理。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我是唐鳳政委的幕僚賴致翔。大家知道協作會議這一件事要有提案人,過去提案人通常是某個網友在網路上發聲,然後在網路上到處找人支持他的理念,有的案子就順利成功了,有5,000人連署;也有一些案子好不容易1,000人、2,000人連署,就沒有人支持他了。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "不管怎麼樣,過去兩年了辦了42場的協作會議,只有3、4個案子不是從Join平台來,其他將近3、40場的案子都是從Join平台來的,因此我們是不是有慎選議題?我們花了時間、成本來開協作會議有沒有符合政策需求,或者有沒有符合蘇院長所說的,接到地氣。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "回到簡報,如果要推動開放政府,要有一個PO,這個PO在部會功能強不強?他們在開放政府的參與程度,有的參與很多、有的參與很少,當每一個部會都夠強的時候,PO跟PO間就形成一個溝通的網絡,也就是PO Network,能不能解決問題或者是互相打個電話,然後就僅止於此?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "如同剛剛一開始所講的,40幾場有30多場都辦Join平台的議題,這真的符合大家的需求嗎?也許是,也許不是。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "今天共識營的設計成協作會議,會有提案人、主辦機關。以Join平台來說,提案人通常是某個比較有情緒的民眾,像關心動物保護,欺負貓狗都應該要鞭刑,民眾有這樣的意見之後,搭配新聞媒體行銷、網路病毒行銷,順利湊到5,000人,然後他就站在我現在這個位置跟公部門說:「你們都不重視貓狗,才會造成虐待動物。」主辦機關是農委會,機關會防禦,會說其實很重視,有多少人力、物力在處理這一塊,但是遇到某一些困難。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "在這樣攻防過程當中,會有一個主持團隊,目前是PDIS加特定的PO一起來處理,站在中立的立場協助這兩方溝通。但是只有這兩方溝通的多元性不足,因此在協作會議議題處理上會找其他的利害關係人,像學者、倡議團體。學者需要法律學者來說加重刑責到底是不是需要,相關動物的研究學者,或者是網路意見領袖是什麼事都在網路上罵個幾句,你的意見跟在場其他人的意見有沒有辦法取得共識,原始的協作會議長相是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "今天的共識營沒有提案人,就由我來當提案人,通常提案人情緒比較激動,所以我試著把情緒提高一點。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "主持團隊也刻意讓PO來擔任,他們是中立的角色。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我們今天不斷強調會議結果會跟院長、副首長講,以後大家都這麼做,我個人作為提案人到底想怎麼做?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第一,剛剛的標題我們不要了,提案人滿偉大的,愛改什麼就改什麼,那5,000人連署的議題並不是那個意思,而不是要處罰動物這麼嚴重。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我改了什麼?這一段文字是PDIS共識營之前,很激烈討論,我們討論很多天、吵了一堆架生出來的問題。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "最大的問題是「為了貫徹開放政府」即PDIS的核心價值,其實並不是目的,而是工具,這個工具是來做什麼?是來促進公私互信,像有些部會來找我做教育訓練,我都會說我坐計程車的時候,不會說是公務員,因為我跟計程車說我是公務員,他會一直唸說我是公務員,因此我都會講說我是做文書的,如果說我是公務員,他就會意見很多。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "為何現在的社會是這樣?我們觀察的核心問題,是公部門跟私部門間出現了一個鴻溝,也就是民眾對我們不信任,我們覺得他們是刁民,他們認為我們沒有很辛苦。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "所以開放政府是一個工具,而工具的目的並不是為了透明、參與、涵融、課責,並不是的,這四件事都是為了促進公私互信,如果今天更透明、開放更多東西出去,結果民眾對我們質疑更多,我才不要公開這個資料,如果邀請民眾來討論,更不信任我們,我們幹麻找他來?因此我們希望要的是公私互信,透明、參與、涵融、課責也只是工具。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "為了用開放政府這樣的工具來促進我們認為重要的目標,也就是公私互信,就有三個部分要解決:" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第一個是讓各位PO變得更強大,到底要如何變得更強大?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第二個是PO成為群體之後如何變得更強大?透過協作會議的形式,來具體形成這樣的邏輯及架構,這個要慎選,到底要如何達到蘇院長的接地氣?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "開放政府的要素就是那四個要素,希望可以解決什麼問題?也就是公私互信,我們透過某一種選擇,這種選擇並不是等號,並不是開放政府等於PO,PO不等於協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我舉一個例子,在座有輔導會的長官,輔導會最主要的服務對象是退除役的軍人,其實有一個平台叫做懇談會,如果把服務的對象處理得好好的,使輔導會跟退除役軍人有信任關係,根本不需要找PDIS協助,根本不需要找我們,可以跟我們說做得很好,不要浪費他的時間,不要來月會,可以,可以否定PDIS的存在,表示他可以做得更好。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "如同一開始有沒有符合透明、參與、涵融、課責,如果有的話,就不用參與協作會議,並不是有開放政府就可以做協作會議,只要原始的部會有這個機制在做這一件事,而且覺得做得更好,真的是無所謂。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "像我們談一下剛剛一直在講的,什麼是深化、如何讓PO變得更強,大家知道PO在106年底的時候有一個開放政府聯絡人要點,這個要點裡面所寫的,PO可以做的事主要是這兩件事:橫向聯繫、協助首長評估是否踐行開放政府程序。我相信大部分的部會不見得有做,今天共識營最主要的目標是希望大家一起找出一個方法做到這兩件事,像橫向聯繫,我們最常聽到的,PO在部會裡面真的只是一個聯絡人或者是有某種權限,我們明訂PO直屬於副首長,有嗎?有嗎?有哪一個PO坐在副首長坐在次長室門口?沒有的話,我們如何讓這一件事發生,也許就可以打電話給業務單位某某人,講話的份量就不一樣了。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第二個,協助首長踐行開放政府程序,你要怎麼協作開放政府有兩個要件,第一個要很熟什麼是開放政府,才可以跟首長說這一件事用開放政府的方式來做,用開放政府的方式來做有一個好處是叫唐鳳幫忙,首長會覺得唐鳳幫忙好像也不錯,但是這個好像違反傳統公務流程,因為傳統公務流程是行政院把東西丟給部會做,大家都不習慣部會把東西丟上來給行政院做。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "除了要熟悉開放政府,也要熟悉部會內的東西,像這個政策網路上一直吵,怎麼說都不清楚、網友都不理他,到底有沒有辦法把水溝打通,不要一直糾結在這個議題上。也許在內部可以做橫向聯繫的工作,PO有沒有辦法代表次長來開會?或者是拜託次長當主席召開一個會,找各業務單位來開會,看看是不是某一個議題可以透過開放政府來解決。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "這兩句話其實就是在要點裡面明訂的是橫向聯繫跟協助首長,協助首長的前提是要讓PO跟到重大政策的研議,像部裡面都有部務會報,PO有沒有在場?或者是有一些部會有所謂的輿情週報跟會報,PO有沒有在場?PO有在場的話,能有什麼角色?他能發言或者是建議副首長做什麼事嗎?或者是沒有。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第三個,PO可以提案到月會嗎?有兩種狀況,一個是PO回去之後,覺得賴致翔很討厭,又發email來叫我開會了,趕快簽一個文會各機關,各內部單位、業務司,問他們這個月的提案,我也知道沒有,然後就簽上去了,然後就說本月沒有,然後就結了。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "如果夠想像一個PO,有沒有可能是擅自先在月會上說我們部會,PO自己觀察到網路上的議題很熱,但是還沒有燒起來,是不是要先處理?經過月會的投票被選上了,然後找業務單位一起來做。有沒有可能是反過來的?有沒有可能PO覺得這一件事重要,基於PO的執掌、要點賦予的權限,把這一件事完成?有可能嗎?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "再者,是否能妥善運用PO間的管道,像A部會PO打到B部會PO,真的只是打電話嗎?例如要處理所得稅法,然後PO告訴對方所得稅法承辦是誰,然後就建立了聯絡管道,真的只是這樣嗎?那跟傳統公文沒有差別,發了公文,兩邊公文承辦人就會對上,然後就可以進行一個跨部會的溝通,但如果PO夠強、可以代表高階長官的意志,其實是溝通完之後再回過頭來跟部會溝通,他們會說A部會、B部會講好,然後再來,有沒有可能是這樣?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第三個是PO間如果可以完成協調的話,這樣的PO到底是合作或者是競爭?如果今天由行政院下一個命令說這一件事要做,當然部會都要動起來,PO間合作把工作完成。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "但是最常見的狀況是國發會告訴某某部會說這個案子是你家的、不是別人家的,所以PO間最常見的狀況是競爭。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "最後,協作會議的議題要如何接地氣?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第一個是符合部會需求,PDIS講說要尊重使用者體驗,各位部會PO就是第一線的使用者,我們想要知道部會的需求是什麼?是承辦人的需求嗎?或者是首長的需求?首長想要完成政策目標,是不是就是民眾的需求?可能是、可能不是。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "如果是PO夠強、確認首長、副首長的意願,我們是說業務單位的意見,因為這個是從部會的意志管下來的。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第二,符合民眾的需求,說不定什麼都不用改,5,000人連署就是一個地氣,我們繼續玩現在的,連署達標永遠都是財政部、教育部、農委會、經濟部及交通部,再怎麼選都是這幾個部會,大部分PO都是維持現狀,這樣是好事嗎?" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第三個就是行政院交辦,不管是不是首長想做、民眾有沒有提案,今天行政院說這一件事要做就做了。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "當然這三件事很有可能是有聯集的,剛好一件事是行政院的政策目標、也是部會的工作項目之一、更是民眾的需求,當然可能有這樣的議題,但是這樣的議題應該是可遇不可求,大部分的議題都是擇一的,民眾想要做的,部會根本懶得理他,或者是部會很想做的,民眾覺得為何亂花我的錢來做這一件事,這中間有很多互斥的地方。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "最後一張是,今天共識營的目的是,希望PDIS針對上述的三個狀況,大家一起來想解法,也有可能今天想不到解法,沒有關係,這邊安排幾個很爛的解法:" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第一個是現在的月會提案權是各部會,像衛福部可以針對自己的執掌提案,國發會因為是Join平台的主管機關,可以根據他的執掌去提Join平台上的任何一個案子,這兩個沒有完全等號,因為部會提的不見得Join平台上有。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "如果今天要貫徹政策意志,讓PDIS代表行政院,直接說觀察到哪一個案子很重要,因此就辦那個案子。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "在這樣的前提之下,我們也希望不要排斥到Join案子,這個是很重要的民意溝通感到,因此以後就改成一個月,如果是老PO就記得,一個月是開三場協作會議,我們就回到那個時候,然後裡面有PDIS提案、Join提案,也許就只處理一案,另外兩案是部會自提、不然就是PDIS提,我們認為協作會議、開放政府重要,我們就透過積極次數、頻率比較高的練兵,讓所有各部會都熟悉這一套過程,我們未來一年就這樣走。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "今天我的目的已經講完了,我是來點火的,如果各位不想發生這一件事,不想被PDIS指定,不管你們的部會意願,擅自要做什麼就做什麼的時候,今天的分組討論就要想出一個推翻出我建議的方式,然後按照你們的建議做,以上,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "剛剛是致翔有做一個簡報,我們等一下討論的方向就會針對剛剛所提的方向來做發想。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "大家想一下今年PO制度用什麼方式來進行,像剛剛如果提到協作會議的部會也可以討論。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "請大家講一下覺得之後的PO制度可能會遭遇到什麼樣的問題或者是困難,我們蒐集一下相關的問題,可能下午分組討論的時候可以想一下解決的方式,如果有什麼意見想要表達就舉手,我就把麥克風傳過去。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "剛剛致翔的簡報有提到,我們要如何能夠反饋給我們的PO制度,因為今天在場有很多有經驗的PO跟沒有經驗的PO,剛剛講了一個比較口語的東西,今天上午可以來想什麼是很強的PO,下午就可以接續討論很強的PO可以具備哪一些,像工作能力、特質,我們可以怎麼樣在PO的制度或者是網絡當中,讓PO可以發揮得更好的功能?大家可以思考一下嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葛映濤", "speech": "其實公部門的資源很有限,每一年預算必須支應相當比例的經常性支出,且受到眾多單位的監督與限制,像立法院、主計處等單位的監督規範,這就像一個家庭一個月只有2萬元的收入,在現行房租、水電費用等支出都沒有辦法減少的情況下,要再增加其他作為,必然會面臨排擠現有支出的情形。" }, { "speaker": "葛映濤", "speech": "因此現在的問題不在於可以增加新想法,而是有沒有資源來支出這一些程度,而且各種有想法的提案,都必須編入預算並到立法院爭取認同,現場有國會聯絡人的行政先進,應該相當瞭解,許多預算的刪減,其實是不一定有理由的,經過所謂的政治討論,許多預算會被直接刪除,立法委員並不一定需要提出理由跟原因,經常可以見到執政黨跟在野黨協調,就直接刪除30%、20%,沒有任何的原因。" }, { "speaker": "葛映濤", "speech": "這一些想法我們都知道,PDIS發展過程及方式,必然也像立法院跟行政部門互動的情況一樣,相關資源的運用,一定會受到限制並相互排擠,客觀的環境就是這樣,家裡有1萬元的收入,如何面臨2萬元的支出,家裡的成員需要各式各樣新種服務內容的時候,是不是可以告訴他說家裡沒有電、沒有水,也不再供給任何食物,就供給某部分的需求。" }, { "speaker": "葛映濤", "speech": "我們想知道提案方提出來的之前,是不是也同時把客觀及現實,巧婦難為無米之炊,因此提出這樣一個概念;我不太知道所謂「強化」的意思是什麼意思,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "剛剛有提到法務部的PO,因為他身兼國會聯絡人跟法務部PO,請他說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "你還沒有自我介紹。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我叫詹壹雯。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "我是老PO,我們學習這麼多,也有很多辛酸,所謂的辛酸就像我剛剛所提的,雖然新PO沒有這麼直白地說,其實我知道他想什麼,像我們法務部只有我一個PO,我很羨慕衛福部、農委會、交通部、財政部等有設小PO,其實小PO事實上是各業務單位的聯絡人或者是很重要的窗口。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "形式上像我們法務部裡面只有我一個PO,當然我們還有一、兩位工作人員,事實上我們在處理相關議案時,有時會感覺心有餘而力不足,有一些案子是業務單位的,我們必須要拜託,我們去溝通協調,請他協助我們處理相關議題。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "當然法務部協作的案件相對比較少,像交通部的楊科長常常是苦主,開會的時候坐在對面,我都會很羨慕他,也同情她這個苦主,真的很辛苦。但是基本上,我們PO也不一定有影響力,而是對部裡面整體的政策要有所瞭解之外,你的人緣要特別地好,所謂的特別好是去協調的時候,不會碰釘子。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "不過,人緣再好也會有碰釘子的時候,如何去溝通、協調,所以基本的需求,剛剛都有提到,也就是人格特質很重要,我覺得可以來這邊當PO的,在單位裡面應該都是優秀的——除了我之外——你們大家都算是優秀的,因此如何把PO功能強化,我不知道致翔的意思是什麼?下午還要討論,現在沒有錢、沒有人,本質的業務又那麼重,還要分出時間來做這一件事,大概是這樣嗎?您的想法大概是這樣,當時我第一次來,也是這麼想說為何要找我當PO,我本身的業務就很忙了,還要分心來做這個,做了還沒有關係,回去長官支持或不支持,常常會碰到這樣的問題。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "我們部裡面沒有被選到協作議題,當然心理會輕鬆許多,長官也希望不一定要去接協作議題,就不會增加工作負擔。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "有些部會當然碰到那個議題沒有辦法了,所以必須要去接受,當然我們在過程中也曾經碰過PO跟PO間的協調,國發會開了好幾次會,我們也參加過,我發現有一些議題到底是主辦、協辦都會有爭議的。可能在會裡面會徵得面紅耳赤,但是是否符合PO間的溝通協調我不知道,各有本位,回去必須要跟長官有所交代。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "PO間大家都是好朋友,我們心理想說推掉又覺得不好意思,但是不推回去又很難跟長官說什麼原因,常常會有這樣的情形,所以現在好像變成主辦者,只要沾上邊,現在都要變成是主辦了,只是如何去跟提案人協調,最後那個機關去做回應,則需進一步溝通協調。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "像我們最近有一個案子是跟衛福部有溝通協調,我跟Peggy常常電話聯繫,我們就分工,前面她做多、後面我們來做,大家分工,因此以後變成是一個團隊,怎麼樣把這一件事做好,真的是很重要。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "另外,機關要不要主動提議案來協作,像海委會剛成立的時候,就提了一個東沙案,我覺得不錯,很勇敢就提了,或許是第一次來,我很佩服,但是基本上這一項所謂自己提的部分,目前沒有那麼落實,大家都比較本位主義,寧可不要。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "等一下下午我想大家都會大鳴大放,就提吧!看最後怎麼樣解決,我本來是參加第一梯次,後來參加第二次梯次。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "像我今天來看到楊科長覺得很開心。以後有機會跟法務部協調、或想參觀法務部所屬機關,我們都很願意協助,所以這個聯繫的管道,我們就成立這樣的team,我覺得是不錯的。將來我們碰到問題時再來進一步溝通討論,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝法務部的PO分享。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "剛剛羅柏提到一個很重要的,PO他認為第一個要有好的溝通能力,也就是人緣要好,對內、對外才有辦法說服一些事,才能請業務單位推動;第二個是工作能力的部分也會有一些條件的需求,所以可以粗分為工作能力、人格特質部分,PDIS沒有辦法在PO制度上調整,但是制度上,工作能力、工作位置才可以對內、對外有一個好的整合,這個或許是我們下午在PO制度上可以討論如何幫大家調整的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我想要請農委會的銘錦幫大家分享,因為剛剛有提到很多部會看到議題或者是聽到議題需要開協作會議是燙手山芋,也就是非常害怕,或許有可能因為人力、資源的不足,有可能還要被立法院盯,其實農委會也曾經在Join平台上被提了不少的案子,包含需要修法、向民眾說明政策的,可是現在還是持續很願意跟PDIS互相寫作,甚至覺得有些議題透過協作會議來開是滿不錯的,想要請銘錦來分享一下經驗。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "我是農委會的銘錦,單純分享。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "大家可以回頭看一下,平台超過5,000人附議都可以回應,像參採、不參採,也有直接參採,在推的時候有一個很重要的點,不管怎麼樣是希望把這樣的政策工具分享給農委會有機會聽到的人,或許未來大家在推業務的時候,有一天可以在政策規劃前期用到,我覺得是比較有用處的,其實在使用的時候,就像現在有很多的行政成本在這邊檢討為何當時的政策要這樣做。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "現在有一個國發會的規定,超過5,000人連署提議的話,是需要召開協作會議或者是程序來做處理,但是這樣的要求跟規定,我們回到部會之後,我們覺得可能要跟業務單位聯絡。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "再來是站在跟他合作的立場,他們一開始會害怕,因為我本身是管考單位,管考單位是業務單位本身就很排斥了。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "其實有看到這個介紹是滿好的,要先跟他們講一次開放政府是什麼,協作會議是什麼,跟他們講完全部的流程之後再來做分工。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "我們自己身為統籌的窗口其實是有能自己做的工作,議題及後續該執行的部分,他們有他們該做的工作,把議題的分工及合作講清楚之後,當然我們所有的議題結果也有不參採的,因為這個是協作完的結果,因為有邀請提案人來討論、利害關係人,大家一起討論完之後,即便結果是不參採的,大家某種程度上也是可以接受的,因為是經過開放政府四個要素,像透明、參與、課責及涵融,這樣的程序走完之後,才是走向暫不參採的程序,是以這樣的方式來作運行。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "一開始業務單位會很反彈、害怕,因為最後一句話,政委每一次都說我們在院會會報告,大家就會有壓力,其實這一句話業務單位反彈是最大的,以上分享給大家。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "在座有沒有人有問題或者是有想法要提出的?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "是不是可以請銘錦幫我們確認一下,我們會把大家的意見蒐集在心智圖上,這個工具其實是幫助大家釐清議題的脈絡,因為有時聽完一整串的分享之後,我們平常蒐集意見會用這個工具,聽過有些部會會用魚骨圖來用架構,其實一整串撒出去會有不同的業務單位及面向,我先縮小一下,怕大家不知道我們在做什麼。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個是議題脈絡分析表,由上到下會有三個層次:" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第一個是PO制度,像我們的認知,說不定部會長官根本不認同這一套制度,還有定位是什麼、未來的期待是什麼,不是要大家用填答式的,是用發想的,把你們的意見塞進去看哪一個部分。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "意見收攏會串得比較多,有可能是大家比較關注或者是切身有感的,我們就會當作下午討論的題目,因此中午討論的題目會經過上午意見收納之後再調整的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二個是PO制度下面會有所謂剛剛提到的PO角色,也會分為現在大家的認知是什麼、未來的期待是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "還有協作會議是如何接地生氣包含PO角色的強化,以及接地氣到底是指什麼,像部會需求、民眾需求及政策需求。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "所以剛剛馬克在旁邊做的工作是把發言分享的內容收成一些關鍵字貼在下面來幫助下午討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我先講一下下午討論會用什麼樣的方式,我們會用概念發展單的方式,黃色是盤點問題,綠色是針對這一些問題,可能部會自己想出一些解法,或者是發想出一些解法來回應問題,但是有些解法可能會有一些障礙,不管是制度障礙、跨部會不支持的障礙,我們可以再用什麼方式來克服,最後又回到負責單位,有可能是PDIS希望我們調整制度,都沒有關係,這個是下午會討論的方式。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們簡單說明一下為何會選現在在白板上做收心智圖的工作,我們希望把每一個人的發言都收在上面,每個人的發言都是很重要的。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "不好意思,我剛剛看到心智圖上寫到法務部,我覺得用中性的方式來表達意見,儘量用比較中性的方式呈現,也許這個也是大家的意見。。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "另外,PO在這個功能中有沒有參加整個政策的過程,或者是不是瞭解整個政策的過程,至於PO有沒有參加部會會議及輿情會議,這當然是很重要的,這個決定權是在長官、機關首長或者是副首長。他重視你就必須要參加,這個要請唐鳳宣示,就是讓所有部會都很重視開放政府這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "很多部會都有這樣的困難點,都會覺得這個是新概念,反正也搞不清楚,開會就好了,我們PO就會沒有成就感,大家心理都有這樣的想法,或者是老PO更有這樣的感受。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "所以我們覺得要討論的是,如何把這一件事做得很完美、徹底,政府交代這一件事是很重要的事,我們儘量配合,機關更應全力配合。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我做兩個事實性的澄清:" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "協作會議沒有裁示的主要原因是,因為會有激動的民眾在場,而且是正、反方都在場,如果說會議要做決定,要採納某方的意見,我們推測得到,那一場會議會開不完,支持的、反對的都不能讓會議有結果,因此兩邊都吵翻天,那一場會議就不用開了,因此我們設計成不會有決議,最主要原因是希望把會開完。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "但是也不能讓會白開,因此說唐鳳既然是政務委員,可以把結論帶回去給院長,也有同仁說這樣壓力很大,院長就會下裁示。這樣給民間跟官方都有交代方式,對於民間來說是開了一整天的會,院長會聽到我們的聲音,至少我們有這個保證,但是對官方來說,40場的協作會議,有30幾場院長的裁示都是請部會本諸職權,除非政治敏感,院長說一定要這樣做或者一定不能這樣做,只有少數的案子有這樣的裁示,除了那一些高敏感度的案子之外,院長都瞭解行政都回到部會,所以大部分都是本諸職權辦理,因此不用讓業務單位太擔心。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我現在在法務部綜規司,我不是PO,但是我做過「提點子」的部分,之前也做過協作會議,也就是廢除調度司法警察條例及鞭刑的案子。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我在這個過程中,其實單一部會的東西比較不會那麼麻煩,若為跨部會反而很需要PO Network,我後來比較沒有參與,不卻是否有新的作法。像時區案、鞭刑案,到最後其實在回應時變成各部會在各部會處理各自的東西,並沒有很整合,或許就像羅柏所說的,是不是長官能夠支持、PO是不是可以可參與政策核心。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "有關於業務單位接收到有成案,像剛剛也有提到月會要投票,認為協作會議室增加業務的來源,曾有單位覺得不願意聯絡提案人,是我自己去聯絡提案人,其實我覺得提案人並沒有那麼可怕,好好講,他就會慢慢說出來。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "像酒駕那一個案子,並不是要鞭到怎麼樣,或許原因就是希望可以減少酒駕這一個案件,我只是想要分享這個部分,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "剛剛那一張memo有一點奇怪,也就是「壓力有一點大」,這有一點斷章取義,可以刪掉嗎?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "可以修正。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "這個跟我剛剛講的並不是重點,每一次就按照這一套回去解釋完一輪,把工作分工出來要怎麼做,不管怎麼樣,事情就是要處理,超過5,000人的附議案,就是要處理,大家會很辛苦,現在有這樣的東西,其實幫助滿大的,沒有這樣的東西,講起來會很虛無縹渺。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "像之前有一個沙威瑪的影片,我都會放那個影片給大家看。那一張可以刪掉嗎?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我補充一下,我會打上那一張,我聽你講的時候,突然意識到這個會不會是我們造成業務單位的一個困擾,所以我趕快把它打上去先記錄下來,我知道那不是那一段話的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "這個是我的想法,不見得是業務單位的意見。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "在院長會議報告,不會造成各位、業務單位壓力的請舉手?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "請表示意見。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "內政部的PO都設在發言人室,某種程度上可以直接跟首長溝通或者是說服的位置,所以有可能這個位置也很重要,像銘錦說在管考,所以在跟業務單位溝通的時候,業務單位就有防衛心了,因此想在發言人室的PO可以分享一下。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "我在這邊說明一下,其實我現在的位置是在發言人室,內政部的發言人室其實算是任務編組,因為真正法定的科別是機要科,因為有很多所屬機關,所以當初其實用發言人室的名字來講是有一點任務編組的性質。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "我對照一下剛剛幾位有參與過PO的說法,像發言人室的話,科長一定會參加部務會報及輿情會議,因為我跟兩個同事會做一些行政或者是幕僚作業,因此輿情的會議,幾乎每個禮拜會參與一次。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "可是因為部長室是發言人系統來出任,因此在這一個部分給我們滿大的助益,因為我們的輿情會議都是部長親自主持的,因此對於新聞回應方面是比較有責任的。對於PO的部分,我們是今年度才剛開始接受到這個任務,最近部的發言人可能會有異動,因此就是新PO、新副首長的模式,在今年會是這樣的狀況,其實我也是希望在這一個方面能夠多熟悉一些這方面的作業流程。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "像前一任的PO給我的資料都很完整,這一個部分我也是儘快去熟讀,但是可能面臨的狀況跟剛剛農委會PO講到類似的問題,即使我很熟,可是碰到新業務單位那個議題時,我又要把整個PO運作的制度再做一次,不管是5,000人連署的附議完成前或完成後,從1,000人開始我就會慢慢注意平台上的留言跟進展,通常沒有到3,000人的話,一段時間沒有3,000人的話,我就會放心,但是超過3,000人的話,我就會先跟業務單位確定一下分工,因此我是要加強自己這一方面的業務熟悉度。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "至於整個PO上來講,如果院裡面是院長裁的東西,依照內政部及所屬機關的立場來講,只要是院交辦的,就沒有什麼話好說,就是照辦,其實會提到院裡面裁決,有一些是跨部會,一直沒有辦法調整出來的狀況,經過院長的裁示。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "而院長的裁示一定也是院裡面的幕僚,這一些業務處提供相關的意見,因此院會下的決議來講,我們歷來對於內政部是承擔下來的,要負責處理的就會負責,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝俊凱的分享,請問還有沒有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "耽誤大家用餐的時間,因為我今天下午要開兩個會議,沒有辦法參與,為了留下我來這邊開會的紀錄,所以我要發言。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "我只是個人的心得小分享,我覺得大家都是不同的身分來參與PO,你可能是綜規、資訊及公關,雖然剛剛法務部同仁有提到PO可以聽部務會報、聽輿情,也許對不是公關體系的同仁來講,可能會增加其他業務上的負荷,長官有時評估也不見得覺得適合。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "關於協作會議的話,我個人的想法是,開放政府就像剛剛PDIS所說的是一個工具,是不是所有的議題都要透過協作會議的形式也可以調整與彈性運用,是不是每一個議題都要來開這樣子形式的協作會議,倒是覺得也許可以考量看看,因為協作會議是一個方式與精神,就像剛剛之前所提的,如果運用這樣的精神去舉行那樣的會議,我覺得或許也可以比較簡便一點,因為大家的行政資源,不管是業務人力或者是財力都會有各種不同的限制,並不是有那麼多的人力可以運作。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "至於在業務單位來說有小PO,我替業務單位著想,業務單位真的很忙,有時承辦人找他,找三天不一定找得到,要有一個PO,有時平心而論,他們真的滿辛苦的。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "其實大家都很辛苦,也許業務會比幕僚單位更辛苦,這一方面還是要再考量,大家都很忙,互相體諒。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "基本上覺得有事情出來就是一個負擔,只是那個量是不是大家覺得可以擔得下來。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "如果擔得下來的情況之下,覺得沒有關係,那就做。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "擔不下來的話,那就還是要適度反映,在做這樣的協作會議或者是推PO的業務,我覺得還是要有彈性調整。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "就像每一個幕僚單位或者是業務單位的業務量都不一定,其實部會的業務量也不一定,還是要有彈性。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "還有沒有其他的?沒有吧!我留下來的紀錄應該夠多了,那就這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "不知道還有沒有哪一位PO想要表達?" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "剛剛楊科長提到的,我們每一次開會的時候,其實國發會提出來以後,大家就在嘀咕了,報告這個不要、那個不要,最後又被選到,說實在的,那個壓力很大,尤其交通部經常中獎。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "要協作這個議題,我覺得真的慎選很重要,不然的話,我們過去這幾年做協作的,雖然這個是參考,但是最後的成果如何,我記得上次有分析過,講白一點,唐鳳也有講過,成效並不如預期,也就是以後如何妥善選擇議題來協作,這個是很重要的,因為回去就像楊科長所講的,業務單位沒有壓力嗎?絕對有壓力。但是院會指示,各部會當然要遵照辦理。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "被投票選上,我們的業務單位絕對有壓力,PO如何去溝通?協調?就會很重要。相信大家都做得不錯了,但絕對有難處,一同努力!" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "以後大家會常常碰到她(玉琪),她可能會參加PDIS小組,我覺得擴散出去是好事,她很認真,她必定要跟大家多接觸,她也滿優質的,我也很不捨的,但是沒有辦法,把這一件事做好,我們是應該的。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "PO net聯繫管道,除了一般性的工作之外,互相有要請大家幫忙的,電話來,當大家是自家人,可以幫我們協調的就儘量,難免有時跨部會的事,我們沒有辦法處理,若有這個需求的時候,也請大家協助找到該找的窗口,對我們比較有幫助,也會比較善意,這個是我的建議,一同努力!謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "再耽誤大家一點時間。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "我做一個很簡單的事實性回應。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "目前早上聽起來,大家對於業務執行上可能特別PO跟業務單位間溝通有很多困擾與疑慮,其實PDIS目前能夠提供給各位的武器,像我們有PO要點,如果業務單位有疑慮的時候,我們是不是可以拿出PO要點說這個有要點規定,大家要按照這個方式做,這個要點是不是好用、是否拿得出來,這個大家可以討論。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "第二,要點如果不夠細、好用,我們歷次的月會也做了很多相關的決議,如果各位找不到那個決議的話,其實可以問PDIS小組是不是某某狀況在月會討論過,我們也有會議紀錄當作武器,依據某一次行政院的會議紀錄,應該怎麼做。" }, { "speaker": "賴致翔", "speech": "即使找不到解法的話,第三個武器是打個電話給PDIS小組,會問需要什麼協助,會問說需要什麼依據,會用以行政院的政務委員說應該要這樣做,這樣大家就會有依據了,這個是兩年來的方式,盡可能提供大家可用的武器,讓大家在業務間的溝通更順暢,以上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "不好意思,剛剛在整理的時候,有幾個問題我想要追問一下。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第一,像剛剛有提到協作會議的成效不如預期,這一件事我想是共識,這個沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "但是我想請大家想的是,到底是協作會議本身有問題或者是我們給他太高的期待?或者是怎麼樣改變後,可以達到所謂的預期呢?而這個預期本身又是什麼呢?這個是下午的時候大家會討論,預期不是剛剛走掉的那一位同仁。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "其實剛剛的脈絡下來,像協作會議的成效不如預期,某種程度會牽扯到下一個提到的問題,也就是如何慎選協作會議的議題,而協作會議的議題只要慎選好之後,其他的問題都解決了嗎?像協作會議的議題,如果真的選得不錯,業務單位就會配合我了嗎?或者是同樣有一些某種程度的權限或者是參加某種特別的會議,我才可以做到慎選議題或者是因為議題的慎選,所以業務單位真的會配合了?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "等一下就要開始吃飯,吃完飯之後就會進入到下午詳細議題的討論。因此我想要確定一下大家對於這上面的議題是不是訂得夠清楚了?像我們下午如果直接討論如何慎選協作會議的議題的話,其他的議題是不是會迎刃而解?相信答案絕對不是,我希望大家在這邊補充一下。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "另外,問題「就算是依規定要開會之後,也是很難掌握業務單位跟PO間的分工」,這一件事是不是只有這一個問題而已?如果我們今天有一個規則很明確地講說業務單位跟PO間分工,像剛剛講的要點、會議紀錄可以用,這一些東西都拿出來的時候,這一件事就work了嗎?或者是不work?會有更多實際運作上的問題,我們可以在這邊收得比較明確一點,可以讓大家知道我們下午要討論的東西什麼。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著,這邊提到的是一些解法,像要參加部務會議及輿情會議之類的,這邊有提到要讓PO變得更強,大家身為PO之後有一些第一線的感受,像我自己怎麼樣才叫做夠強,我必須要到什麼樣的程度?其實在上一場協作會議的時候,有一個很特別的PO叫做Peggy,她在部長室,其實她放在部會裡面層級最高、動用的資源最多,她也做得很好,真的是因為她放在部長室嗎?如果今天做一件很奇怪的事,把大家調到部長室,真的可以做得好嗎?這一題竟然沒有人搖頭,真是的(笑),搖頭的人我就會請他解釋一下為何搖頭。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "像剛剛提到如何慎選議題,像依開會之後也很難掌握業務單位、PO間的分工時,她就搖頭了,所以我就想問她為何覺得搖頭;另外的問題也想要請各位再更細緻化、補充。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "因此我就會想要問大家是不是可以解決問題,如果可以把中午這一些問定好的話,下午的討論可以聚焦一點,因此請大家幫忙一下,請這一位分享一下,到底為何會覺得就算有規定、要點、有會議紀錄,為何業務單位間分工還是困難的?" }, { "speaker": "陳玉芬", "speech": "其實不是說處理很困難,而是兩個人的處境都很難,我自己不是PO、也不是業務單位,我是企劃組的視察,我是所有案件的聯繫窗口,我覺得PO、業務組都很可憐。" }, { "speaker": "陳玉芬", "speech": "剛剛賴先生有提到有規定、要點會議紀錄等對業務單位是否仍有困難?業務單位與PO分工?PO角色?等等,我說一個實際對業務單位工作遇到的狀況,像現在有一個案子進來了,就轉給業務單位看,轉達說現在在Join平台上有一個案子,但是發現業務單位通常對於民眾提案內容不陌生不意外,而且現在民眾反映問題的政府單位不一定是一個單位,可能是很多部會。" }, { "speaker": "陳玉芬", "speech": "然後過一個禮拜會說:「這個案子要開會協調」,業務負責同仁回說他同天有三個會議,因此沒有人可以去開會,但是國發會會問現在這一個會議的與會名單是哪一位要出席,業務單位說:「沒有人」,我說:「沒有辦法,這個是行政院的協調會議,需要了解這項提案問題內容的人去討論」,他說:「沒有辦法,就真的沒有人力可以去開會」,簽報上去給長官,長官說:「行政院的會議,一定要派人去開」,我說:「某某科說他的案子真的在燒,所以真的沒有人力能去,業務單位回應說沒有辦法,常常是一個人力在一個時段卡了三個會議通知,哪一個最重要的?」,於是簽辦:「不予派員」,到長官之後長官說:「這個議題已經出現很多次,請業務單位給一點回應資料,你POteam成員帶去開會」,我就只好說:「好吧」。" }, { "speaker": "陳玉芬", "speech": "基層同仁這樣的情境不知道能不能回答剛剛的這幾個問題,以上。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "有沒有同仁要針對這個議題要分享經驗?不然一題題再問一次好了,因為我覺得議題不夠明確。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "像有人建議「參加部務會報與輿情會議」,有人會說對於不是公關體系來講是增加業務的負荷,有人會對這一個議題上有任何的想法嗎?如果我們真的規定他們就是要參加業務會報跟輿情會報的話,會發生什麼事?" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "會有一點嚴重。這並不是必要,但是本身是,那最好,如果硬要我們PO都去參加,或許也有不妥,長官也或許會有不同看法,相信各位 PO都會很重要很稱職。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "剛剛有提到會議的時候,請業務單位陪同出席,我們也會碰到業務單位就說:「我資料給你,你去參加會議」,但是我們這樣子去的話,很危險,去了之後,大家會提了很多問題,像唐鳳主持,會問法務部的意見,PO無法正確回應,對於會議的進行會有影響,我覺得這個是要溝通的,是要讓機關首長、副首長重視這一件事,就會做得更落實,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "胡則華", "speech": "我對PO的瞭解,如果大家不要把它當作是非常重要的人物,畢竟就是「開放政府的聯絡人」,所以剛剛提到是不是要參加部務會報或者是輿情會議,我覺得有一個前提是想要把這個PO變成很強大的人。" }, { "speaker": "胡則華", "speech": "但是有沒有這個必要?就算沒有PO的制度,像長官交代一個議案,大家必須要討論,可能必須要找相關的利害關係人來開會,並決定政策如何推動,其實一樣的事情都在做。" }, { "speaker": "胡則華", "speech": "現在有PO這個聯絡人,只是希望能夠把比較好用的工具,透過不同的議題,讓其他業務單位的人能夠很快地瞭解如何使用這個工具,我覺得這個是聯絡人存在的價值,不一定要讓這個聯絡人可以主動提議題或者讓他在政策的決定裡面可以扮演什麼樣的角色。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "還有人要補充嗎?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "開放政府協作會議是一個工具包,我們找大家來開共識營,是希望把工具包給大家之後接地氣,並不是飛在空中飛更遠,像金管會、退輔會有工具包可以反饋給我們優化工具包,這個是大家討論、聚集在這邊的目的,大家不要覺得是非常硬性,然後這裡面整包都要給你用,其實大家既定的專家會議、公聽會、說明會當中,你們抽取一些,像錄影、直播、轉譯,或者是用溝通的方式,比如跟利害關係人做信任度的連結,套用進去也是不錯的解法。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們今天聽到的是大家上午講了這麼多正面、負面的經驗及感觸後,下午可以提出具體的解法,我們下午先把問題聚焦之後,然後再提出來,後續你們現在就有一些既有的工具是非常不錯的,可以提供給大家,然後讓我們一起來分享或者是修正我們的PO制度。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "時間已經到用餐時間,不耽誤時間用餐,如果大家有問題、意見想要表達就可以利用sli.do來用,下午會再看大家的意見,請先休息," }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "(回答雨蒼的問題)現在政府一天到晚要直播、做網紅及很多事情,我覺得這個議題可以協作一下,大家討論,到底正面、反面,我覺得這個協作起來會滿有趣的。建議供參!" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "下午休息到1點10分,請大家回到現場。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "時間差不多了,我要分組,不過有人旁邊的空位到底是先離席了或者是還沒回來嗎?我們來分組吧!前面三桌一組、後面三桌一組,因為我們需要比較大的空間,先把桌子併起來,全部往那邊推,後面的方法是往另外一個方向推,大家拿著椅子在旁邊坐一圈,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "兩組的東西都已經在投影片上面,我們在進行報告之前,先請PDIS有一些訊息要跟大家分享的。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "大家好,我是唐鳳辦公室的筱婷,目前日本Code for Japan,類似g0v的組織,他們3月9日、10日會去分享,希望去分享開放政府聯絡人、vTaiwan的經驗,vTaiwan是vTaiwan的朋友有人去,我們在這邊也希望可以徵求自願的一名PO,對方會付機票與住宿費,不會日文也沒有關係,唐鳳也會去,所以歡迎大家踴躍報名,之後會再發信給大家,謝謝。如果有需要的話,會有翻譯,講英文也沒有關係,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "接下來是小組的產出報告,現在唐鳳政委在後面了,如果大家有什麼問題想要發問的話,不好意思當面問的話,可以上sli.do留言,政委可以上去一一回覆,等一下先從第一組開始談。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "這一組針對這個題目,我們有討論出一些問題跟解法。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "首先,針對目前有哪一些適合Join平台討論的議題,第一個最標準的是按照Join平台規定5,000人的議題,又或者是人民關係比較複雜的議題。我們也有同仁提到跨部會的議題或者是政委交辦的一些議題,比較好的方式是避開一些政治敏感性的議題。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "像利害關係人涉及的比較多,像技術性比較高的議題,因為需要多方激蕩思考,才會產生比較好的共識議題。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "像政策上比較受到挑戰的議題也適合討論,像在制度上形成權責不清的議題,這一些議題也希望在成本上,這個是比較好的議題。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "我們有歸納出一些解決的方法,基本的是要促進公私互信,我們最希望的是解決民眾的疑慮。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "再來,召開協作會議的時候,我們邀請的利害關係人,一定要具有代表性,中間藉由會前會及召開多次協作會議來做滾動式修正,如果有必要的話。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "也可以藉由協作會議來作為政策宣傳的管道,這一些解決的方法會遇到哪一些風險跟障礙呢?應該是說會遇到一些,雖然Join平台超過5,000人附議,但是很多題目在部會是可以自己解決了,這樣的議題是需要耗費這麼多的行政資源來開會嗎?像涉及退輔會或者是原民會的議題,這個是比較少涉及的議題。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "有一些會對業務單位造成負擔,接著不斷召開協作會議跟會前會,其實希望降低一些協作會議前置作業準備的成本及時間。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "在直播的時候,某些時候可能在討論的現場會有議題發散的狀態之下,剛好那個議題沒有派到適合的業務單位,那時若有直播現場的話,通常會請PO來發言,如果有直播的話,其實對部會的觀感不佳。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "我們有提到克服的方式是,像致翔就會出來,先稍微把議題轉開一下,因為民眾的疑慮或者是什麼,我們可以提供書面報告的方式來解決遇到的困境。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "除了這個之外,我們還有想到一些克服的方式,其實目前的狀況來講,Join平台上超過5,000人附議的題目,其實業務單位是比較可行的議題假設方式,因此是不是建議國發會或唐鳳政委可以一起好好來研究一下這個議題如何廣泛性更增加民眾的使用率,還有什麼意見可以做,這樣Join平台上超過5,000人的附議案,也會跟現在更接地氣。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "另外,其他的克服方式是,我們產生議題跟業務單位做一些先期的溝通,既有的部分可以把要點訂完善,像剛剛有提到參考衛福部的要點或者是參考PDIS提供的,像有介紹什麼是開放政府、什麼是協作會議的方式,我們來瞭解怎麼樣把先期作業都做好的話,其實各部會的PO都可以按照這樣的方式來帶回去宣傳,以上是我們這一組的討論結果。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "這一組有夥伴有沒有要補充?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我補充剛剛沒有提到的,但是或許每個部會都會覺得很重要的議題,協作會議找利害關係人及民眾來參與了,結果凝聚出來的共識開花了,像跟原本的部會、行政院的政策方向不一樣怎麼辦?這個東西大家非常困擾。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "沒有非常具體的解法,大家有想到一些小小的方式,可能你只是把協作會議當作與民眾接觸的民眾或者是原本既有的公聽會、說明會等等公務流程中納入協作會議之後,並不是另外取代它讓政策開花的東西,這個是我們政策有提到的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我這邊想要私下補充,協作會議其實是在意見蒐集階段,並不是在整個政策流程,包含試辦的最後階段,只是在前期,所以或許跟大家的認知上有一點落差,不過我們當然還是可以聚焦在前期蒐集意見階段是不是造成大家某些負擔來想解法也可以,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "現在換另外一組的心得分享。" }, { "speaker": "吳峻銘", "speech": "我們這一組的題目是如何慎選協作議題,我們會遇到很多議題,可能是協作議題需要有正當性、廣度要夠、連署人要多、掌握力是否有困難,我們一條條來看。" }, { "speaker": "吳峻銘", "speech": "如何慎選議民眾議題?可能會遇到業務單位的反彈。解決的辦法是,我們對於協作會議的定義是在於政策說明,可以增加一些產值來跟民眾溝通,只是作為政策說明的軌道,這樣子可能會遇到一些問題,也就是PO本身不同的政策或者是政策已經完成了,你才來開協作會議,然後造成來不及修改等等的風險。" }, { "speaker": "吳峻銘", "speech": "再來是PO對於政策的瞭解程度要夠,或者是以協作會議的形式來取代公聽會,公告期程要夠長。" }, { "speaker": "吳峻銘", "speech": "我們遇到的問題是,可能正當性或者是連署人多少,掌握民意是否有困難。" }, { "speaker": "吳峻銘", "speech": "我們的解決方法是,協作會議的議題題目是由國發會提出來,也就是比照健保卡案,也就是由國發會自己主動提出來,或者是由科技部的科技計畫有一些意見,也可以主動提出來,議題是可以從基層來的。" }, { "speaker": "吳峻銘", "speech": "可能遇到的問題是,可能不是首長想要討論的,層面可能不夠廣,國發會不理解機構遇到的困難,因此提出來,這個會造成機關運作上的困難。" }, { "speaker": "吳峻銘", "speech": "我們的克服辦法是,讓國發會在提案的時候,可以透過管考去看整個政策中長程計畫來提案,並不是國發會自己主動亂提案,並不是沒有事先溝通就提案,而是可以透過一個管考制度可以跟業務單位先溝通。" }, { "speaker": "吳峻銘", "speech": "協作會議希望可以避免的是,也就是哪一些不能納入協作會議的議題,也就是有利益衝突的不要納入,但是沒有共識;第二個是有涉及司法糾紛,都不建議納入協作會議的議題;第三個是對外界觀感不佳的。" }, { "speaker": "吳峻銘", "speech": "再來,還有一個可能面臨到的問題是,當「提點子」成案,業務單位自己會很反彈,覺得他們其實並沒有需求,並不想要提出來,我們覺得在每一月月會召開的時候,都會問說是不是要召開協作會議,我們認為要把決定權讓給機關的首長去決定,也就是決策層級應該要達到院長主持的院會,他們去召集各個機關、首長去討論,到底這個議題要不要要開協作,首長決定下來之後,PO在推的時候,基本上反彈就不會這麼大。" }, { "speaker": "吳峻銘", "speech": "我們會害怕的是首長可能不懂什麼是協作會議,經驗也可能會不夠,我們覺得可以有一個首長共識營,加強讓首長瞭解到什麼是協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "吳峻銘", "speech": "還有可能會遇到的問題是各機關PO在產生的過程中,基本上沒有一定的標準,雖然在要點上有要求希望機關的PO是有充分可以得到機關的授權,但是很多時候其實機關PO的層級是不夠的,我們會希望PO職務的層級是部本部的層級或者是國會聯絡組或者是新聞聯絡組比較專業的知道,解決的部分是由PDIS發函或者是修改要點。" }, { "speaker": "吳峻銘", "speech": "可以克服的是,PDIS是不是可以出一個授權表,然後充分讓機關首長在選擇PO的時候,可以瞭解選擇PO是要授權哪一些權責給他,這樣PO才會有一定的被授權,才可以參加會議的決策。又或者是直接指定副首長擔任PO,或者是副首長下的人員去協助。" }, { "speaker": "吳峻銘", "speech": "我們有希望政策會議的形式要公開透明,不要太制式化。" }, { "speaker": "吳峻銘", "speech": "我不知道這一組有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我補充一下,剛剛有講到幾個點,像這邊講到的是,其實提案如果從Join來的話,可能是一些很小的議題,很接近民生沒有錯,但是是很接近很小的議題,我們花了這麼多的時間準備,其實本益比是不夠的,因此大家會覺得越多人連署、關注的議題,或者是廣度夠大、需要建設正當性的議題才可以拿來開協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "因此他們會希望國發會可以提非Join的案子,這邊有非常資深的一些PO馬上想到一件事,國發會在負責提案的單位是資訊處,因為他們管Join平台,如果讓國發會有Join平台的提案權,但是提案單位還是資訊處的話,可能會遇到國發會不瞭解背後政策的意義,他們提到的是踩到各部會首長的雷,因此建議是由國發會的管考單位來提案,然後提案的內容可能是中長程的計畫,會有足夠大的影響可以之類的,或者是來開協作會議的成本及效力比較符合。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "另外,還有三件事要避免,第一個是避免利益零和衝突的議題,重點是「利益」,也就是牽扯到金錢;第二個是避免司法糾紛的議題,因為這邊有金管會的PO;第三個是避免違法的問題。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這其實是有可能遇到不良的影響,當議題都不討論的時候,外界的觀感不良,這邊沒有共識的原因是,通常有利益衝突的原因是大的,大的議題是應該要做的,我們選擇不做,我們選擇PO的議題跟制度只能選擇一些小問題,所以這兩個思考的方向就在我們這一組出現了一些衝突,而沒有辦法有共識。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這邊提到的是首長共識營,並不是找首長來開共識營,而是聽說行政院在指派新的首長的時候,有一個小小的共識會議,是希望把開放政府的協作會議的精神埋在裡面,還有所謂的政務副首長可能會有一個教育訓練,這都是聽說的,我不知道有沒有這樣的東西,是不是在這個時機安插東西進去,這個效果會來得比每一次在季會上直接跟大家的次長報告我們這一季做了什麼事更有效。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "有PO夥伴私底下分享了一些經驗,像政務次長來開會的時候頭都低低的在批公文,或者是次長都沒有來,來的都是參事,希望我們可以注意。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "補充到這邊,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "謝謝兩組今天的報告。今天分組討論的產出就會由唐鳳政委跟院長做報告,最後請唐鳳政委跟大家作一下ending。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常謝謝大家,這次收出來的意見非常實用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Slido上第一個問題就是問我「新任院長對於開放政府聯絡人制度有什麼期許嗎?」" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在前面兩屆PO當中,每一次開完協作會議,我都會講一句話說:「我會在下個禮拜的政務會議上,跟院長、副院長、祕書長與政務委員同仁進行報告。」" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但大家知道,蘇院長取消了每個禮拜一固定的政務會議,所以我以後不能這樣子講了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "取代這個的是什麼?是每一個政務委員就他的業務,有哪一些事情需要跟院長進行報告的時候,是約院長一對一的報告。因此拘束力的結構,在這一屆的PO,會有所改變。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像大家知道有「中央地方協調政策會報」的事,民選首長想要跟中央反映一些事、跟部會間有不同的見解,如果是六都的首長,可能在院會提出來,但是院會其實未必很適合做具體討論,在討論的爭點可能只跟某一個部長、兩個部長有關係。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此,院長希望九位政委裡面的其中五位去分別不同的守備範圍,只要縣市長跟特定的部會有不同意見時,就由這位政委來進行協調。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "進行協調時,政委不是做裁示,而是聽清楚到底雙方的想法是什麼,其實有一點像協作會議,對於初步達成共識的共同意見記錄下來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果真的不行,像剛剛有貼上「括弧」一樣,也如實反映。例如某位縣市長討論到環境議題,邀的仍然是區域政委,因為做的事情就是這樣意見收攏對齊的角色,然後再拿回來跟院長進行報告,最後由院長進行裁示。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然因為我負責的是全國性的,沒有分區的守備範圍,像負責經貿談判的鄧政委,以及羅政委、龔政委及我都沒有轄區。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過,如果網路上,像Join平台也算是一種地方……也是一種鄉民的話,那是不是也可以用類似的概念?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也就是說,我們討論出一個初步的想法之後,我直接去跟部會首長進行討論。如果對焦到某一個程度,如果是單一部會就決行做了,如果不行的話,再跟院長討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這種新的可能性,會讓我們協作會議拘束力來得強一點——當然還是不到決策的程度,因為我是不做裁示的——但或許更可以保證部長、次長會聽到這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此,我在農曆年過後,會和院長討論「後政務會議時代」開放政府聯絡人機制的運作方法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天收到的意見,連同上次的共識營就會變成PDIS蒐集起來之後,我拿去跟院長談的簡報內容。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以,今天共識會議的拘束力結構,也不是在政務會議報告。未來要修改要點或者是發函的話,這兩次共識會議的紀錄會變成依據,當然都是在院長支持的前提底下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分看起來是一些資料,雨蒼有問「有利益衝突者不適合納入協作會議這件事情,可否幫忙說明一下支持與反對的理由」。也可以討論出非常有創意,討論出大家都沒有想過對大家都沒有想過的解決方案,這個是只有5%,我們花這麼多的時間來討論事情,還有這麼多的時間討論到最後是維持現狀,這個對大家心理上的負擔是比較高的,還是有政策溝通及說明的可能性,只是大家會覺得是不是可以用小一點行政成本的方法來達成,這個其實共識營也有討論到同一個情況,因此也是回答一下雨蒼的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "內政部的朋友們問交接資料,主要是作業規定,歷次協作會議往來資料、電子郵件,非常感謝內政部的貢獻。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一大堆「早安」,我們就直接archive掉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一位朋友說「PO一切都是不得已」,我們共識營的目的是如果是新任的話,可以瞭解這個制度運行碰到的邊界,大家都有一些成功,覺得比較消化行政資源、有做出一些業績等等的資源,如果現在是不得已加入的話,至少知道在這樣的邊界裡面,你可以預期有怎麼樣的情況,如果覺得這裡面有哪一些部分,真的很想改的話,這其實是一次大改的機會,這個是為什麼每一次剛開始的時候,都邀請大家來重新討論拘束力架構。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一位朋友想知道法務部的辛酸,這可能需要法務部來回答。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一位朋友是說有沒有說服業務單位的方法?有沒有人有經驗可以分享?剛剛其實在分桌討論的時候,其實有提到滿多分享的,也就是如何跟業務單位溝通,有一點我覺得很有感,如果從業務單位的角度來看,並沒有想要這一件事去跟民眾討論,等於好像過早,民眾就希望討論,但是從業務單位的角度來看,我根本連一個初步想法都還沒有的情況,這個時候業務單位抵抗比較高的;另外一個是完成正當化的程序,東西才剛推出來,這個政策就已經上路了,現在跑出5,000人踩剎車,這個業務單位比較常不知道怎麼辦。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這兩個點從民間角度來看其實影響程度最高,像育兒百寶箱剛推出來的時候,透過Join平台來連署,然後政策就修改了,從民間來看是非常有感,但是從業務單位來看可能是另一個角度,確實是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,如果有一件事,業務單位還在先期規劃,其實蒐集資料也不是很全面的話,當民間說要討論這一件事的時候,如果可以轉變一個心態,我們很大方說其實還沒有完成可行性評估,我們連可行性評估的方向都還不知道,我們今天是大家往任何方向想都可以,只發散、不一定收著收斂,這樣的情況也有在Join平台上進入協作之後,後面才有很多別的程序議題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像新一代健保卡是一個滿好的例子,雖然是由上而下要討論的,假設今天要討論,健保署覺得可是我們本來沒有要往這個方向想,這個時候只要覺得沒有面子問題,也不知道這個方向會怎麼樣,大家來想像一下會怎麼樣,這樣子不太可能會造成衝突,也滿有可能之後的政策推出,不管怎麼樣,大家都會覺得在裡面有參加一份,好像蓋一個東西的時候,有貢獻一塊磚塊,會覺得這個東西是我跟著改出來的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "雖然這兩個是業務單位處理相當大的情況下,是提供給他的,但是有一些技巧是我們給之前比較成功的案例裡面分享,然後讓他自己來評估,他覺得天時、地利、人和,太湊巧了,一定不會這樣子,你說還是可以回來這邊說「覺得這個情況不合適」,我們絕對不勉強。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是業務單位不知道以前有這樣子的討論,然後做出滿好結果的例子,因此我覺得還是要舉案例,但是案例的蒐集、整備,不管是用漫畫或者是其他的方法,這個可以做,這個是對於次長、首長有材料的部分,是在比較短的時間裡面,就可以蒐集到一、兩個跟他業務比較像的案例。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他很多是關於要點,或者是我們的通訊方法當中,有哪一些需要釐清的,這些部分我想接下來的聯繫當中,會釐清大家想要釐清的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "除了要點修改之外要經過院長之外,其他不管是用email或者是發文,不管是要給首長一個備忘錄或者怎麼樣,這個都是在PDIS的權責範圍內,都是可以進行的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "收到的問題就到這邊,非常感謝大家來社創中心集思廣益。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來我跟院長進行討論之後,我也會第一時間告訴各位,包括把協作會議的處理架構調整成什麼樣,再跟部裡面的業務單位溝通,我們再來做其他管理,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "謝謝大家來參與,今天的共識營到此結束,謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "我稍微講一下,我雖然在網路上看到您的一些演講,但是我感覺您的演講對象都是比較年輕世代的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們也有在商會的演講。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "今天來想要稍微介紹一下社團的背景,為何會發想想要跟委員過來跟我們演講。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "這個社團的名稱叫做「領航者跨業交流協會」,這個是桃園的地方型社團,主要的成員是中小企業主,大概成立二十幾年了,他們當時成立的時候,當年的這一些創辦人可能都是3、40歲的青壯年。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一點像青創會的狀態?" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "對。二十年過去,創業會員們大概年紀有65歲。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "比較熟齡的青年了?" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "當然也是能夠吸引一些朋友進來,所以中間也有人離開了,也有吸引一些年輕人進來,我教這個社團已經三年多了。這個社團本身的成員,我算過了,平均年齡是有60歲,加進去要拉年輕一點,很開始的時候是有想到企業第二代。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "服務跟製造的比例?" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "製造業主。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "桃園的製造業?" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "對。很多不見得是電子高科技的製造,有些比如農業肥料,我們也有看到做機械業的,也有管理顧問公司,也有專門做地產的。" }, { "speaker": "孫慶鋒", "speech": "可以想像是地區的扶輪社,所以有各行各業。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我在扶輪社演講過好幾次,他們關心的主要有兩個,一個是跨世代的溝通,一個是數位轉型,這兩個是最常問到的。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "我是今年接任這個會的秘書長,Kevin在創投公司工作,他服務的都是高科技公司,我本身是在電子公司,就是HP的儀器部門,後來變成agent公司,又把裡面的電子儀器分出來,基本上我以前是在美商公司工作。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "我今年接這個秘書長,我就跟現在的會長討論,我們應該有一個主軸,我們今年定位的主軸,後來想一想叫做「解構、擴界、傳承、共好」,「傳承」、「共好」很簡單,因為有些人遇到第二代,可能有一些想法要去分享。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "但是前面為何會講「解構」跟「擴界」?因為我們跟會長討論,大家年紀漸長了,我們現在面臨這整個社會的變化太快了,不管是成功的創業經驗或者是模式不見得可以適應,甚至看到一些情況,像我本人或者對於一些新的事情……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "比較需要花一點時間。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "對,就是需要一些改變,我們希望能夠做一些destructure的動作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就很像有一點放下成見的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "對。所以我們的想法是能夠邀請,像我們每個月都會有月歷會,都邀請一些偏重跟年輕世代的主題,我們也會想要瞭解一下到底社會變遷、年輕人的想法是什麼,我們在這裡面也會自處,或者是怎麼樣面對它,又或者是如何貢獻,有什麼價值,因此我們有這樣的想法,我們就訂出了今年的主軸。邀請的對象我們會刻意邀請年輕化一點,像我們今年還有規劃網路溫度計的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "知道。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "那個是後面的下半年,我們還沒有開始要,但是近一點開始接觸,類似這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過我想問一下使用習慣,像LINE大家會用嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "用得很兇。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以掃QR code或者是打字都不成問題。但是除了LINE之外,可能用的就比較少一點?" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "對。臉書他們不常用,我們是會用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以會務也是用LINE?" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那很好,我等於講LINE,代表大家還有一些共同經驗,這樣還好。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "如果講到很新的工具。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我從頭到尾,唯一的新工具是QR code,大家一定看過。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "因為我們面對的是這樣的聽眾,你可以想見,大概有5、60位,但是在邀請的過程中,全部是30幾位的會員,但是我們通常會要求這個題目如果是跟年輕的小領航,也就是跟下一代有關的,我們也歡迎邀請他們的第二代,或者是公司或者是友人一起來參加,事實上並不是限定我們自己的會員。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家還是執行的經理人或者是執行的創辦人,或者有一些已經完成了?" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "已經完成了,甚至有一些很快的投資人都有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那很好啊!那就是一個生態系,已經很久了。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "像我跟孫慶鋒還在工作,有一些是半退休,有一些是有人接了。" }, { "speaker": "孫慶鋒", "speech": "不過大部分都是在第一線。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實在第一線的話,接受新事務的能力還是有的。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "只是我在想的是,可能會有一種狀況,在您演講的時候,可能互動是我最擔心的事,因為我知道您是用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "sli.do就是掃個QR code打幾個字跟按讚,如果大家不問問題,沒有關係,就一直按讚就好了,你如果用過LINE,這個是一定會做的事,因為按讚就等於貼圖,這個是會的。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "可是不是要在上面提問題嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那個是少數的人提就好了,大部分的人是投票的,你想聽就不用自己提,你按讚就會跑到上面,一開始就會show一個很大的QR code,你用LINE按「加朋友」,掃一下就好了。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "因為邀請政委來演講,這個是很有意義的事,不管是在家庭或者是工作都有影響,這一些資訊讓我們成長是非常好的一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,所以不用擔心互動性不足,如果大家舉手的話,其實我也可以直接對話,其實舉手會贏過線上,線上的好處是大家的手機有一點事可以做,不然的話,我發現如果不把一開始大家的手機徵收過來,因為你們的演講是比較久的,是1個小時45分鐘。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "通常1個半小時。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "中間不休息?" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "對,但是自由進出。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "90分鐘的話,通常到30分鐘,不管講者講得再好,就開始滑手機,就開始在LINE群組聊天,現代人上癮了,這個不分年齡的,所以我通常一開始為何要掃QR code?就是要把手機衝過來,大家有什麼衝動想要按讚、有什麼衝動想要貼圖、問問題,就都往螢幕上走,就是這樣;但是大部分的朋友們舉手發問,這個很踴躍的,你就不用擔心。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "你會不會有設定什麼方向?或者是我什麼都可以問?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我通常的做法是,我會先介紹一下我目前在院裡面的工作,我在院裡面的工作很重要的是,我幫助一些很成功的長輩們、社會公益團體,好比像大家都有聽過的大愛感恩科技,或者是喜憨兒基金會,大家都有聽過,像主婦聯盟、環境保護基金會,後來變成消費合作社,這一些都是臺灣可以說公信力比政府都高的一些團體。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是他們也碰到好比像畢竟是社會公益的團體,年輕人的家長不一定能夠接受年輕人去做這個工作,所以他們二代接班的問題很可能比你們還要嚴重,即使他們說薪水不輸於企業,一般的感覺是沒有……" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "就很像收入低。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,小孩跟你說要當長照照服員,會跟他說再想一想,所以我們做的事情是媒合一些新銳的設計師,去說像春池玻璃,他們做回收業非常久,他們做了很久,但是毛利非常低,但是他們自己就跟設計師合作,做成毛利率非常高的藝術品之類的,等於把這一種公益變成一種創作,變成公益價值化,或者是喜憨兒,本來只是還要出錢請老師當藝術治療,但是後來發現藝術治療產品世大運也用,非常賣錢,有很多這一種成功的案子,我的工作是媒合這一些設計者、老一輩的社會企業或者是NPO,我覺得這個跟你們有一些關係,我會介紹一些在這一方面工作的案例,之後就隨便大家提問。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "我看之前有些也是會放video?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也可以看我在院裡面兩週年的video,你們就要給我一條音源線,就不是只有投影,還要有喇叭。" }, { "speaker": "孫慶鋒", "speech": "現在有的資料,想必在網路上都可以找得到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,事前可以看到。如果大家有看文章習慣的話,我其實這個月是在聯合報,跟他們合作,有一個叫做「客座總編」,如果你要找,或者你拍一下,這個網站叫做「倡議+」,左上角就是「總編唐鳳」,這邊就是我選的文章跟大家對我的訪問,基本上挑幾篇看,就知道我在做什麼。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "所以這樣的話,設備上來講的話,音源線、投影機?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣就好了。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "你是用VGA嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "都可以,兩個轉接頭都有。人聽起來也沒有很多,所以大家看得到螢幕,一定掃得到QR code,不用事先放。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "我聽到是要錄影?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果可以的話,不然我就會自己帶錄影機。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "我可以問一下。" }, { "speaker": "孫慶鋒", "speech": "有啦!" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你不用拍到人,拍講臺和我就好,不用拍到舉手發問的人。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "上傳是拍完之後檔案給你?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我們自己傳就好了。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "我們負責錄就是了?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "孫慶鋒", "speech": "所以方向或者是領域,天馬行空都可以問?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很多人問的就是我剛剛講的兩個,一個是跨世代溝通,尤其跟小一輩的朋友溝通,第二個是問現有的一些工作怎麼數位轉型,因為大家都聽得AI可以做很多事,或者是聽說很像大數據很有必要,但是在很多傳統產業,一開始怎麼導入,就是連他怎麼跟他的經理人講,他都不知道怎麼開口。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我以前在業界就是做這個,我可以從系統分析師的角度來講,不一定要用我的工作來講。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "OK。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我在政府裡面也好,對這一些公益組織或者是社會企業也好,我也是用同樣管理顧問的角色來協助,所以我想大概不可能很細地討論到,尤其製造業的一些個案,但是我可以舉輔助過的一些例子。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "那很好,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "孫慶鋒", "speech": "領域可以事先跟會員溝通時就知道。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "他們如果要問一些跟時事有關的事?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "完全沒有關係,要問公投跟同性伴侶都可以,通常舉手大家會禮貌打個折扣,匿名是什麼都會問出來,這個不用擔心。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "到時接受的部分,我們要怎麼樣去?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我有公務車,你給我地址我就會到。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "OK,我現在聯絡的窗口是子維嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。台北過去要多久?" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "我們一定都是走18標,比較會塞的是建國那一段,那段我不能抓,但是如果可以上得了的話,一般上去再下來,一個小時絕對到得了,一般是45分鐘。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我大概6點30分左右出發就好,我會吃過再過去。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "但是我們那邊也有餐點。" }, { "speaker": "孫慶鋒", "speech": "我們大概6點至7點是用餐時間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我下班是5點,我5點30分才能從這邊走,所以到你們那邊就6點30分了。" }, { "speaker": "孫慶鋒", "speech": "我們會保留。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我這個由子維跟你們確定,因為有時我不一定會準時5點下班。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "孫慶鋒", "speech": "我們也有準備車馬費。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個都按照你們的習慣。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "張志銘", "speech": "3月6日見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們準時開始。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝大家來討論總統盃黑客松的辦理要點,我們今天一定要把草案產生,不然後面的行政程序還沒有辦法進行。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們非常感謝科會辦這邊幫忙,把草案已經做了一個我看起來滿完整的雛形。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天一樣會做逐字紀錄,會請大家編輯10個工作天,還滿長的,接下來就過年了,接下來才會公開。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個過程中,我們今天除了產出要點之外,在這個要點裡面,除了上次在討論時,包含指導委員會跟執行的這個組成位階,要邀哪一些人等等,其實上次還沒有完整討論完,所以這個也許是今天要討論的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分我看都依上次的簡報做完了,因此比較快說明一下簡報的部分,我們回來討論要點草案,要點草案討論完之後,我們再進入執行性質的部分,我們很高興執行團隊有來,非常歡迎。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看哪一位要跟我們解說一下目前的簡報?上面有的字,不用照著唸,就是把大致從上次到現在有一些更改的地方,稍微說明就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "專案定位的部分,我們依照上次的會議決議,就是以創新運用跨域合作,跨到整個政府的開放治理為我們開放的定位。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "整個專案架構的部分,我們分成四大部分,分項一是黑客松辦理,像是議題的協調跟資料開放的相關議題,分項三是整個宣傳及擴散的部分,第四個分項是後續優勝團隊選出來之後我們的輔導機制。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "這個是依照上次會議的討論,我們分成指導委員會、執行委員會兩階,在指導委員的部分,一樣是由總統府秘書長召集,副召集人是由國安會諮委及總統府副秘來擔任。指導委員目前依照職務,有指派的是科技、數位政委、國發會主委、四個院加中研院的秘書長,我們當時希望委員是13至15人,剩下的部分是請總統聘請卓越的人士擔任。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "執行長會由行政院院長或副院長來擔任,副執行長會由政委或部長來擔任,執行委員就請總統跟有力的相關人士來擔任。在整個執行裡面,有一個執秘是由行政院科技會報辦公室的副執行秘書來擔任,副執秘是由國發會負責政府資料開放的主管來擔任,左右兩邊各有整個專家輔導團、評委會,都是由政委來召集。最下面四個組是我們的幕僚工作群,分為國際活動暨媒體文宣,這兩組都是由活動執行單位,也就是資策會擔任,資料組的主責是由國發會,議題組是由科技會報辦公室來擔任。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "這個跟剛剛的架構一樣,我們把現有的長官人名填上去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這邊有一個提醒,我們的執行長位階跟指導委員,如果是其他秘書長的位階,似乎有一點扞格。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想我們先列入紀錄,再來討論,請繼續。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "整個活動特色,我們分成四個部分,第一個部分是啟動記者會,這個部分會在3月上旬到中旬辦理。再來是民眾參與的部分,第一階段的提案是讓民眾來做票選的工作,也就是透過網路公告讓民眾參與,再者是協作工作坊,由專家輔導團來協助,讓團隊可以有一些專家的建議來精進。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "最後是在決賽的部分,會在7月21日於府裡面辦。整個理念跟精神就是要宣揚黑客文化,主要是由黑客的精神、文化來解決問題,這個是整個總統盃黑客松的核心。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "接著是參賽團隊募集的部分,分為政府或非政府,非政府機關就必須要提出跟這個活動議題相關的提案來報名。整個提案的限制必須還沒有進行中的計畫,或者是比較大的階段性計畫,必須是還沒有執行的部分才可以提案。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "在整個議題的部分,經過上次會議,我們現在定調是由六大主題,依序是開放治理、跨域合作、產業發展、城鄉創新、國家永續及全球夥伴,最下面可以看到這樣的議題設計,追求是希望跨中央、地方或者是跨地方以上的跨機關議題的合作。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "再者是評選標準佔了一些部分,創新性佔40%,社會影響力及民眾參與度佔了30%。接著是我們的評選委員會,這個是依循去年的做法,有一位google董事總經理,顧及公務繁忙比較沒有辦法做這麼長的評選作業,建議由李維斌老師擔任我們的評委,如果今天會議上政委裁示了,我們就會做相關的徵詢。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "有關於活動獎勵的部分,去年入選團隊有頒發總統獎盃,今年希望讓參與的團隊就算沒有進入最後的五隊也可以入選,因此我們規劃了相關的獎勵。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "活動的部分在5、6月有一次的工作坊,7月會進行決選及頒獎,8月會建議由國發會主導,進行獲獎團隊的輔導。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "有關於媒體廣宣的部分,可以比去年更加強,我們有規劃了陸、海、空,也就是既有多元的聯盟、媒體露出、網站宣傳,希望可以多用新媒體、新傳播方式來進行大規模的廣宣,去年的成果也可以做多種語言的版本廣宣,這個是整個時程規劃。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "記者會的部分,原先是3月5日,現在考量到作業的時程,建議是不是可以到3月12日辦理,還是跟3月2日的open data day可以連結,3月2日也許可以做一些暖身的宣傳,但是正式的記者會是在3月12日辦。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "接下來4月會有徵件,部會的廣宣推廣是在4月12日截止,4月12日至5月6日是民眾評選加評委會評選,在這個階段選出二十隊入選的提案。5月7日至14日會徵求合作夥伴在17日公布,然後辦理第一次的公投法。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "另外,民眾如果對於議題的部分有一些意見,我們希望在5月7日至25日,透過社會創新平台或是其他民眾意見徵集管道來徵集。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這裡的「社會創新平台」指的是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "不知道有沒有比較適合的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Join平台是最常見的,但是這就要看這是徵集意見或者是單純投票,這個是不太一樣的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你看民眾票選那邊是對提案的投票,以我所知Join沒有這一種功能,很難專門去加這一種功能,也就是類似「身分證再設計票選」的功能。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "現在的屬性是民眾意見表達的屬性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想Join最多能支援的,這個我們之前也談過,也許有個單一式登入或整合式登入,來確保投票是有簡訊驗證過的中華民國國籍持有人,這邊是可以做的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是在評選委員會評選之前的投票,大概往使用者端沒有辦法用Join平台,為這個改功能太困難了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "後面徵集意見的部分,我的建議是如果我們有一個活動網站的話,應該把投票跟徵集活動意見這兩個設計進網站裡面,不需要拆成兩個平台來作業,全部都是在單一網址,也就是申請的網址來進行,我的建議是這樣子,不然從民眾的角度是滿奇怪的,等於投票在一個地方,但是後來提意見要到另外一個地方。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "謝謝政委。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "6月會辦理第二次的工作坊及複選會議,這個階段會選出10組團隊進入決選。現在確認7月21日這一天來辦理最後的決選及pitch,總統會聽取簡報、頒發獎盃,並辦理107年卓越團隊的成果展。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "8月之後也就是108年出來團隊的輔導,由國發會輔導、專家團隊協助,可以申請相關的計畫或者是配合部會來進行構想的落實。接著是相關的媒體廣宣也要將這個成果大量曝光。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "7月21日,整天總統府都可以使用?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "7月21日時間已經確認下來,如果當日總統另有重要行程(不可預知緊急事務),我們黑客松頒獎活動得配合總統的時間調整。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "時間跟場地是分開的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "總統的時間,我們瞭解現在不能預測的,但是場地是可以給我們辦這個活動?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那我們只要確定這個就好。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "後面8月的那個,我們上次開會,同仁應該有表達同樣的意見,專家輔導團的部分不是由國發會這邊來主導,我們內部回去也做了請示、確定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是,團隊得完獎之後……" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "這要再討論一下,像主動申請計畫或者是部會執行這一塊,國發會沒有辦法協助這些團隊。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "講白一點,沒有辦法帶著這一些團隊說申請哪一些計畫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,國發會對今年的得獎團隊,參考上一期的得獎團隊,可能沒有到這麼細的地步,很可能只有好比像法規釐清或者是資料格式的釐清。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "資料的串接這一些是ok的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是沒有到爭取資源、執行落實的程度。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個部分也是可以後續討論的。請繼續。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "最後是經費預估,參考去年的經驗,我們預估的總經費是850萬。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "活動網站也是由資策會這邊來協助?" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "對,由執行團隊來協助。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外詢問國際組交流,這裡「資料收集」的意思是?有什麼特別想要收集的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "這個是很初步的構想,我們在討論一些東西或者是邀請人參加的時候,所有相關的資料都有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像之前有提過像示範組或是表演賽之類的?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這個也是有想法,會提出討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有簡報?太好了。所以國際組交流也是一個題目?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是把一些概念性的東西確定一下,像專案定位的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "調整過之後很好,但是第8頁出現了兩次「創新」,所以我建議左上角是「資料應用」,不要把「資料」忘記比較好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "小字的部分我覺得已經改得非常好了,其他概念性像主題或者是理念精神等等,大家有什麼意見嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "上次我記得爭議最大的是「總統黑客獎」這五個字。總統府有沒有意見?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "有意見。我們已先行來電表示,因為已請示長官,長官的想法是建議沿用第一屆「卓越團隊獎」名稱。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "全名是「總統盃黑客松卓越團隊獎」?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我問一下總統府那邊對於「總統黑客獎」不滿意的原因是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "因為有第一屆,這一次是第二屆,其實可以沿用上次獎項名稱,長官認為較為妥適,這個是第一點。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "第二,其實倘名稱修正為「總統黑客獎」,會覺得「總統」跟「黑客獎」擺在一起有一點……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是要拿來當衝突行銷的梗。如果大家覺得不太適合,要想別的梗,那我們應該也想得出來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這裡有一個比較重要的是黑客文化的話,在這個獎裡面消失掉很奇怪。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是有「黑客松」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我自己覺得獎項要怎麼簡稱,這個倒是我們行銷團隊做的事,因為今天產出的是要點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的具體建議是雖然很冗長,但是全名就叫「總統盃黑客松卓越團隊獎」,一個字都不要漏掉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為這樣子的話,還有可能簡稱為「總統黑客獎」的可能性,基本上是沒有個人參賽的這一件事,等於是倡議團隊的精神。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝府這邊非常具體的意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請問其他四院的參與,是拿要點去邀約嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "這個東西是明確完了以後,我會再打電話去邀請。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這個是不是可以在記者會前確認有還是沒有,這個對方都不知道嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "委任完代理人之後,其實啟動會議之後,就沒有他們的事情了。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我們會去講,如果要拜會執委的話,政委就去拜會,如果沒有特別的意見,就邀他們來開會,就直接發文邀請。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你的意思是去拜會是?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我們會很禮貌講,像司法院的秘書長,會說秘書長認為這一件事需要執委或者是跟政委怎麼樣拜會您,我們就過去聊聊討論,他們說王仁甫不用,發個文就照辦,如果他們是指導委員會,他們就會轉給司法各單位讓他們踴躍參加。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "至於他們希望一、兩隊就是請秘書長裁示,找一、兩隊出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,邀他們當執委的目的,是文下去的時候大家會聽,如果是層級比較低的當執委的話,我們就不能保障會有一隊或者是兩隊,概念是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是也因為層級這麼高,所以實務上也不太可能開會的時候,所有的人都來,我們都瞭解,我們要點裡面有考慮到這一點。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "現在是五院,如果其中有一院不願意,就算只有四院也要上嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要點是寫「當然委員」,意思沒有拒絕的空間。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "跟總統科學獎一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以派代理人?" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "代理人的規定是其他委員,比如司法院秘書長不能派資訊處長來?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是到要點層級討論的,也就是得以書面為主,代理人代理出席,不用其他委員出席,這個是可以討論的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這我們等進要點的部分再討論。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "這邊是我們請示我們的長官,以我們上次的結論,應該是說參考「科學獎」方式,可是科學獎遴選要點,其實是沒有指導委員。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "所以我們當初會覺得就是用科學獎的方式來承辦黑客松的案子,但是現在把總統府的秘書長、副秘書長拉進來,又在指導委員會,長官覺得組織架構直接用指導委員,和科學獎方式相比較,多了一層指導委員會。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我先說一下好了,我的印象中從最早的開會,只是依據這個東西去做要點,並不是一定要完全參考,也不是說我們的架構會被總統科學獎給框限住,尤其是總統科學獎不辦活動,總統科學獎也不會要大家公私協力,也不會要五院配合、院際齊力配合,因此這個地方一定要依照總統盃科學獎的話,我覺得可能這個活動的辦理會變成……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有被《總統科學獎》框限,這是確定的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過我想聽的是,府這邊的顧慮是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "現在還沒有討論到要點,如果說秘書長當召集人,這個要點就要採用「華總」來頒布,但是這個要點其實是行政院這邊在草擬處理的。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "因此我們會覺得全部應該像科學獎的要點,是由科技部來發布,其實也不會有總統府「華總」字樣。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "這個活動我們現在希望行政院這邊全權負責,由總統府那邊頒獎,總統來頒獎都沒有問題,與之前會議結論不同。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "科學獎的委員會,是有總統府副秘書長跟中研院院長,而且委員也是總統來聘。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "對,但沒有一個指導委員會。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "有委員會,但不是指導委員。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你concern的是指導委員的層級?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "假設我們把「指導委員會」拿掉,就是只有「委員會」?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "可是我們的秘書長是不是不要進來?也是一樣是用副秘書?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我都不反對。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "其實最重要是參照科學獎的方式來做的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我說一下,科學獎因為是中研院院長,而中研院院長是總統特任的,所以跟科技部部長……這樣說,那個委員會是這樣設。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我的建議是,這個有請示過秘書長不要參加,還是怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "有,就是請示長官,就是把「指導」二字拿掉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得把「指導」二字拿掉,總統府以「副秘」作為當然委員,這邊是不抗拒,這邊就可以了?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "我還是要再請示副秘。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果是院長,就是對秘書長。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果是副秘的話,那就是政院長或政委或部長。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果是行政院院長當這個活動的召集人或什麼,那就是副秘。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "行政院就是院長的層級來辦。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果總統府是副秘的話,中研院你覺得院長合適或者是秘書長合適?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "中研院的話,副院長吧!" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "為什麼會扯到中研院?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "裡面有一個中研院秘書長。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果都秘書長就全部秘書長,如果是副院長就全部副院長。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "現在最上面那個頭(召集人)不改了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實我們覺得召集人就是行政院這邊,我們委員會裡面由副秘來參加,其實全部都是這個科學獎的這個方式……可是最大的疑慮是,我們如何call得動五院來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而且科學獎的召集人是中研院,並不是行政院。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "這個活動是這樣子,所以我們現在是說總統府應該是說,當初我們副秘有說,有關五院要協調都可以站出來,應該是說不用總統府秘書長來當召集人,他說這整個活動已經移植到行政院這邊處理了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你的意思是由院長召集了,然後總統府副秘當委員?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "如果五院有問題的話,就可以做協調,這個都沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "如果行政上深綠色的召集人改成行政院長,下面的委員有司法院、考試院、立法院,這樣的話……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果由行政院長來召集其他四院的祕書長,與憲政原則扞格。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "上面那個框框跟中間那一個指導委員會的框框是一起開會的,這個是叫做「指導委員」,不管叫什麼,這兩個字是連在一起的,這涉及到召集人是誰,影響到中間那個框框裡面。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "其實總統府這邊的想法是,我們會覺得用科學獎,或者是之前有考慮到文化獎,所有都是在總統府,只是利用總統府這個場地由總統來頒獎,整個活動會尊重行政院或者是中研院,都是由主辦機關來處理,我們那邊只是一個頒獎的活動。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "中研院畢竟是屬於總統府下面的,所以名義出去是以總統府的,雖然跟中研院的院長什麼的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "中研院很大,中間有其他各院,我覺得不至於太唐突,但是這邊改成行政院的話……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個結構就亂掉了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果比照科學獎,由中研院召集呢?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "就是由中研院院長?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "這個我還是要保留。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但畢竟還是得是一個府的機關,才能透過府去協調四院?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "我當初被授權的主要重點是辦活動,最後的頒獎是到總統府來頒獎,總統跟團隊來做交流都沒有問題,可是現在變成這個在做執行的時候,其實我們已經把全權由行政院這邊來處理,其實應該是由行政院這邊,從一開始到……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "您的重點是根本不應該有上面那一層?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我覺得府裡面的想法,雖然是交辦由行政院這邊來處理,我的理解是下面那一層的執行委員會,執行長是由行政院的院長、副院長,這個是執行層面的,沒有問題。可是現在談的是上面層面不管是指導委員會,反正是比執行更上層的架構,如果府裡面的立場是說府裡面在上面的架構裡面不扮演任何角色,只是場地的租借,甚至是一個「總統盃」的名稱可以讓我們使用的話,我覺得好像有一點奇怪。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "不一樣啊!其實總統跟黑客交流都沒有問題,到總統頒獎並不是每一個活動都可以。因為現在總統盃至總統府頒獎沒有問題,執行面應該由行政院這邊來處理。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "所以行政院來處理下面這一塊的委員會?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "所以不會有指導委員會,或者是參加這個委員會裡面的成員,其實是沒有的,只是如果在五院推動不行的話,我們副秘可以協助。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我回去再幫忙詢問。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不好意思,但是我們今天如果不產出要點草案,後面沒有辦法作業。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我聽起來,府裡面的意思是上面那一層不要了,上面那兩個的一層不要了。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們一直卡在要把五院call在一起,這個前提怎麼來的,必要性到底是什麼,我們去年沒有,活動還是可以辦,今年為了把五院call在一起,需要來回一再請示確認,如果一個月前開始作業就算了,我們現在還在做這一件事,到底執著什麼?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我補充一下,最早以前,黑客松是要推動開放資料的這一件事,都是從國發會這邊,國發會推得動是行政院的系統來開放,但是很多資料是在司法院、考試院或者是監察院,像政治獻金或者是稽核的一些數據,但是那些數據老實說以前都推不動,所以才會有陳正然大使想要發起從總統府的層級來辦這個活動,讓這五院的資料也可以開放出來,讓民眾跟各界可以運用,這個是最早的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這個說法,很明顯跟府現在的立場是完全不一樣的,我們這一點解決就好了,聽起來不是這樣嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "剛剛府的意思是,公文簽下來就是要交給行政院,未來由行政院來負責執行。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "最終就寫「由總統指定召集人」,好不好?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "名單不要在這裡訂,召集人產生的機制跟召集人再來聘委員。相關委員由召集人聘之。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是還保留兩層?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "你把這些寫進去,但是由總統為指定召集人。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "政委的意思是,上面還是有一層、下面也有?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "上面這兩個都還有,這些人是召集人,由總統來指定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們執行委員,接下來就要做事了,執行委員那邊大概必須要明定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "上面的部分,如果大家覺得爭執不下的話,我們就還是保留指導委員會,但是「當然委員」一個都不寫?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "當然委員這一些是有的,但是我的意思是,這一些當然委員裡面,由總統指定召集人。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "不是,你如果把其他四院寫進去,總統府的角色就會很深了,這個是避免不了,因為行政院沒有辦法去召集司法院跟監察院等等,就憲政上來講不能冀望行政院有能力做這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "要做決定,你如果把四院寫進去,那府的角色脫離不了,這個是很簡單的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,那我們來徵詢府的意思。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在您不需要額外請示的前提下,現在有兩個選項,看你比較喜歡哪一個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一個是我們上面拿掉,以下的執行委員裡面由副秘書長擔任其中某一位委員,因為我們協調還是要他來協調。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "就是執行委員,上面都沒有?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,這個是一個選項。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個是上面留著,但是不提到四院,職等、職銜都不寫,召集人也不寫,就由總統決定。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "我會認為第一個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們就第一個,那就這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "就是只有執行委員會,把副秘加進去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為協調四院,我們一定要透過副秘。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "我提醒一下,因為我們在記者會之前要開第一次的指導委員會,所以那個時間上一定要……" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "剛剛已經說沒有指導委員會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們開委員會就好了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我想補充一個問題,我們原來會希望從總統府層級和指導委員會的層級,我們希望五院的資料或者是五院的東西,有辦法出來做一些公私協力的一些應用,我們五院的東西要寫在要點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們第一次要在委員會裡面,通過某一個討論案,來請總統府副秘書長這位委員去執行,必須用這樣的方法處理。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我的意思是我們的要點,「五院」要寫在辦理要點的宗旨裡面嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這可能沒有辦法。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "現在是用柔性,也就是用王仁甫打電話去邀請、寫email。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "以後假設交接的人不願意的時候,我們就只能調動行政院層級。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我一樣調動不太動,所以不用擔心這一件事,我們儘量去邀,寫上去就是不得不來,沒有寫的話就是一定要跟你講。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個架構就確定了,因為我的前提是不用再請示了,所以今天就這樣子,這個架構就這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分,簡報裡面當我們進要點之前,看大家還有沒有什麼想要提出來的?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "請問第6頁,「國際組織」不曉得有沒有什麼期待?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "等一下這邊有一個規劃,我們把要點生出來之後,我們回來看國際組,但是謝謝提醒。看起來大家有沒有什麼意見?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我們就進要點了。首先,這邊的「華總」?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "不希望出現,因為這希望由行政院這邊來頒布要點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "反正我們有各種文號,科會報也可以發文,院數位字也可以發文。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "這個是總統頒獎,沒有總統發文,ok嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "科學獎也沒有,他們是由科技部發的。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "科學獎跟教育獎都有獨立的主責部會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們這個的執行跟預算其實是分兩段的定義,所以我們這個要點是用什麼字發,很簡單是問一下行政院秘書長就好的事,所以不需要在這邊討論,就是「院○○字」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們一段段來。「公務員、資料科學家及領域專家三方交流」。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "要逐字稿唸嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不用,就是這段宗旨,看大家有沒有什麼意見。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "就是鼓勵政府創新這一塊要稍微加一下。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "鼓勵政府服務創新。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "效能就不用了,這邊又有「政府創新」。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我要講的是鼓勵公務人員的提案創新,把公務人員提案創新加進去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們要不要放在前面?也就是「鼓勵資料擁有者」,但是擁有的是算公務員。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不算,那個是國家的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得還好。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "看要不要加「基層人員」?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得「公務人員創新」……或者「提案」也很奇怪,就是「主動創新」,改「使用服務再造」。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "不好意思,我有其他的問題,這個宗旨一定下來就會確認黑客松,未來有沒有期望國際團隊會來參加?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可能有。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "有的話,因為是限定公務人員,就是我國的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "那就寫「鼓勵公務人員全球參與國際連結」?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "好,我剛剛會問這個問題是到底未來有沒有想要跟……" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們一般都是可以讓民間弄,只是這個地方我們寫「鼓勵公務人員創新」,是發現上一屆的公務人員很有創新的想法。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "那個是不衝突的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "可以把「國際」加進去。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "加在後面比較適合。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "「國際合作與貢獻」。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "「建立全球夥伴關係」?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,就用「建立全球夥伴關係」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們再往下,委員會……因為本來有「1」、「2」兩層,現在這一層就是「1」了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "委員13人,現在是說由行政院長或副院長召集。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "是用執行長或者是召集人?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "召集人。那就是召集人指派了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "總統府副秘書長當副召集人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以就沒有副執行長了,就是執行長,然後就執行秘書及副執行秘書,對吧!" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "下面多了一個「副執行長」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個就沒有了,其實就沒有什麼當然委員了。「除以上人員為當然委員外,其餘委員」……" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是由總統或是院長聘請?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "總統。兩年是大家ok的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "第一點你們要寫國安會嗎?還是不用?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "國安會諮委當然是卓越貢獻者,這個沒有問題。兩年OK嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "委員當然不能自己來參賽等等,這個都是標準的。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "文字裡面的執行委員會都要再重新改。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你說要有一個搜尋取代?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以是一個、兩個、三個,就這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛葉寧提出來的「其他委員一人」,這樣看起來相對比較沒有問題?" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "可以看一下當然委員的部分嗎?我的意思是,當然委員的部分其實是代表機關,代理人如果是其他委員,不是委託他自己的同仁,這樣不能代表機關立場。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "這裡寫的「委託其他委員」,也就是不能請「非委員」,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "不能請副處長來,你一定要自己來或委託其他委員。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "是這個意思。想要做到這樣子嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "等於非來不可,看要不要放鬆。要的話,我們就把它放掉。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "就委託他人代理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣的話,就是承辦人來(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不要,剛剛那樣就好了,前面很鬆,後面就緊一點,不然是其他人在辦理。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "例如潘處長的職務,由副處長代理比較適合。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "仁甫剛剛的說法,才會變成一個委員代理五個委員,如果潘處長可以請副處長來的狀況之下,就會由他自己處裡面的人來。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "對,所以是「職務代理人或其他委員」。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "不然這裡寫「其他委員」,就是永遠開會的一定都是委員,委員再少也是委員,不能找其他的委員來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那就這樣子。剛剛這邊是政務委員或部長擔任執行長,所以我們這邊是不是也寫「政務委員或部長」?" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "或者是部會首長,有可能是國發會主委。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "國發會主委,一定是政委。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "是當然政委。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果我們國發會主委是當然政委的話,我們寫「政務委員」就不會有任何的問題,所以就這樣子,所以從頭到尾都是政務委員。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來沒有指導委員會了。評委是由上面那個委員會請嗎?不是由總統請的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "是由委員會請。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這裡有一個意見,單一性別不少於三分之一。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "性平法有規定。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我這邊會覺得放的好處是,各單位其實有要鼓勵多元性別,但是其實我們看上次的評審成員裡面,其實完全不符合性別比例,所以這個地方到底要不要留著可能是讓大家討論一下,我個人會覺得放著是好一點,但是要考量大家好不好做事。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "照理來說,性平如果是法定委員會的話,才要,這個是給人家打分數,我的理解是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "子維的意思是,沒有代議功能?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "理論上沒有什麼行政權跟資源分配,是來打一次分數。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "雨蒼講得有道理,但我擔心的是若綁住這個,未來別的「總統XX獎」,不知道會不會被說也要有性別比例。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這很可能就是雨蒼想看到的效果。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "但要幫人家想,府會不會覺得你這個處理,那其他的獎是否會牽一髮動全身。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "科學獎都男生,文化獎都女生。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "教育獎有這個……但是科學獎沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "教育獎有。所以在不用請示的前提下,府方有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "科學獎沒有講這個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "科學獎沒有,教育獎有。但沒有關係,先請教您個人感覺如何?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "我們現在府裡所有的都有性別平等,有這一種分法。可是現在長官認為請你用這個為主,所以就依據這個為主,其實是依據科學獎,上面都沒有寫這些。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們來看一下總統教育獎。是用這個來兼任,不但上面委員會有性平,在分組也有,兩層都有性平。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這樣子看起來也不會造成其他獎的壓力,因為其他獎有的有、有的沒有,本來就不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以如果府裡覺得這個不會造成其他獎的壓力,那就是我們可以自己決定的事情。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "尊重行政院這邊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "實務上我們再找四位女性的評審,可以找得到嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "應該可以吧!雨蒼的女朋友……" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我沒有女朋友,我只有老婆而已!記錄下來!(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "別的會議紀錄都可以刪掉,這句要留下來。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "應該可以啦!" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "小班之類的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "四位應該可以找得到。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "以委員考慮的專業度跟代表性,不能只找單一個社群的,要徵詢,所以剛剛為什麼自己認識的社交圈小,要考慮到專業度,一考慮之後,自己畫這個線,就是1/3的專業度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我理解。上屆的評委組成,確實也有性平的雜音,雖然沒有網域的雜音那麼大,但是……" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "性平的問題處理之後,原民的要求可能就會出現。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是,本來就是這樣。這個是社會在進步。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "那就這樣,找得到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這次暫時不處理原住民族,也先只涉及評委層級,我們先不管上面那個層級,也就是有一點折衷。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "科學獎都沒有,教育獎都有,我們只放在評委這裡。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "因為裡面有部會首長,這裡來說就已經有了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那就這樣。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "文字的部分,會請法規會看嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個只是意思而已,法規會會變成正確的程式語言。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二點跟第一點完全是一樣的,法規會可能會覺得我們同樣的字寫了兩次。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "在法律裡面怪怪的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個就交給法規會了。評選方式是從簡報來的,這個應該是活動網站。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "這個不用寫那麼細啦!" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "寫了有一個好處,因為法規當中不可能中、英文併列,這個是把英文訂下來的意思,其實目的是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以如果大家覺得叫做「」沒有壞處的話,我們就用網址的方式定名,每一屆就不用吵一次說這是president,我們就放在安全一點的網域裡面。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我有一個問題,「presidential-hackathon」比較好,還是「presidential.hackathon」比較好?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果是「.」,意思是要用這個網域辦很多別的黑客松,如果是「-」的話,意思這個是特別的黑客松,別的都沒有這麼特別。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然我覺得這個是特別的。那就繼續了,逐案進行審查,這是完全抄簡報裡面的,所以應該是還好。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這評選準則是寫在要點裡面?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "由評選委員會決定?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "「由評選委員會決定」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「應考量創新性、社會影響力」,像民眾參與度,說不定我們過兩年決定民眾不投票了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以基本上是創新性、社會影響力及可行性,這三個是跑不掉的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "對,細節不要寫,由評委會決定之。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「等要素」……「要素」好像怪怪的,就寫「提案之創新性、社會影響力、可行性」。其他都不需要。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在評選的時候,還可以找別人嗎?還是就是都是評選委員會委員?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不行,只有他們,不然到時問題就出來了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "雨蒼覺得3/4太多了,會造成獎項從缺。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "假決議是1/2、2/3,一般的重大決議是2/3、1/2,假決議是1/2、2/3,如果是重大決議是2/3、1/2。" }, { "speaker": "雨蒼", "speech": "所以這邊是1/2就對了?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我覺得1/2就好了,每一屆品質好一點就好了。文字法規會會幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接著,每一年辦理一次。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「每一次得獎團隊以五隊為原則,為表彰成就,頒發獎盃」。這要寫在裡面嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "對,這個要寫,要讓他們知道獎盃……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有錢的意思?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "之前討論是可以去募款,但要發給公務員,發獎金等等。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那敘獎呢?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "可以,獎盃一座加敘獎。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "敘獎的文字有人有現成嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "很少這樣子訂,意思是總統不能找副總統來頒獎,只能發獎盃?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們請法規會處理?" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "要政策確定法規會才可以處理。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "一般的某個機關會發文到參加的機關,幫你們的同仁做敘獎,到時問題來了,因為總統府看起來不會去發這個公文給參與的……" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我跟你講,有一次他們要敘獎,就是因為他們是軍人,結果是我們國安會辦的。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "如果有人會發這個文出去。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "請府方發個文應該ok吧!" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "不可以。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我發,好不好?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "現在是行政院在頒,就是行政院去發會比較好,因為從頭到尾就是行政院比較好。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "行政院可以發到考試院嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "總統府也不可能發到地方政府,也是有問題,其實正常也不可以這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "也就是轉發,請行政院轉發給各縣市政府,我現在很會寫公文。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好棒,那就麻煩你了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像這種文字我不知道怎麼寫的時候,就會寫「得獎團隊名額及頒獎方式,由總統盃黑客松委員會定之」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不然我們有一點好像只能頒獎盃、不能頒獎狀,只能總統頒,不能副總統頒等等的這個狀況。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們今天只是要有一個行文的依據,似乎這一節不需要寫這麼細。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "那要不要加上「由總統頒發」?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "剛剛參事講得很實際。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "一樣,「由總統盃委員會定之」,然後「呈總統」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想「定之」就好了。總統盃黑客松委員會都已經由總統府副秘擔任副召了,副秘說可以的,應該就還好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,那繼續。設立「專家輔導團」,指派政務委員擔任召集人,其中至少要有五位為前一年得獎團隊成員,「至少五位」我不知道哪裡來的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "五位的意思是1/3,你要寫五位嗎?是至少1/3或是1/2。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對啊!不然三個人也要湊到五位。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "這有一點辛苦,以前的團隊都是公務人員在身上,他能做的時間不多。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對啊!" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "上一期的學長姐有問題,如果領域離太遠,怎麼參加輔導?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而且兩年前得獎的,不能來參加輔導?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "如果想要參加比賽就被逼得不能參加?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "如果寫「曾經」。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "寫進去的目的是什麼?要寫得獎團隊嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "建立傳承的文化。但是這個強度有這麼強嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "就寫「得」就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK,「並得邀請曾得獎之團隊成員」?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我覺得這一句話也不用寫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是宣示意義了,如果大家都覺得沒有意義,那就沒有了。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "可以,留著。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,那就留著,那就這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來是「參賽團隊之輔導作業……」" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果沒有寫比例的話,那就寫「併邀請得獎團隊」,因為只是邀請,並沒有說一定……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,可以邀請。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "只是邀請。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來進行概念驗證,導入專家資料能量,這都是當然的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "得獎後,持續提供顧問輔導、進行服務驗證或者是商業驗證。這裡突然出現「商業」……" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "要不要出現英文?如果商業要改的話,是不是叫「營運驗證」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那不要英文好了,我覺得大家都知道這個是什麼意思,寫英文通常是專有名詞,這個已經是一般名詞了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後是預算,從哪裡來?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "只能寫「XXX」。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "「XXX」是罵人的意思(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果說由行政院指定所屬機關,或者是由行政院編列就可以了,我們有這一種寫法嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "通常不會寫「編列預算」會寫「由OO之相關經費支應之」。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "「由相關經費支應之」。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "如果是由OO編列預算就要有科目上面寫到總統黑客松。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "就「相關支應之」。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "每一年要打一次架?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "院本部就編錢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不太一樣,科學獎是科技部編錢,教育獎是教育部編錢,文化獎是文化部編錢,所以這個……" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "誰最有錢?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "先以業務相關程度來說,國發會感覺上比較有關。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "就明年的部分。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "編列預算還涉及到一個隱含的意義,這一件事的主責機關是誰,就像剛剛政委唸到的是,文化獎就是文化部編列獎。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "科學獎是科技部編經費給中研院長去召集,所以這兩個還是不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "那個辦法訂的就會是由國發會出來的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "假設我們寫國發會?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "可是那個時候是科技部,也就是誰編錢誰發文,但是召集人不一定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。我們今年是用哪裡的錢?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "兩種,一個是我們現在民生公共物聯網,我們請葉副執秘先召開一個協調會議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以那是科技部的錢?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "不是,幾個部會,有經濟部、科技部及環保署的錢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是那一串的錢。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "那是募集到原來的預算目標,後段還在努力。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "科技會報可以嗎?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "所以這個意涵就是行政院的高度,因為你剛剛唸了好幾個部會,像經濟部、科技部及什麼的這幾個部會。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "叫得到這幾個部會捐錢的話,就是行政院的高度才可以。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "不會,未來不會用這個方式。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "這個跟後面今年辦理的方式有關,因為這個是跟民生公共物聯網的活動有銜接,比較特殊的情況先這樣支應。今年的預算是每一年是要前一年年終完全編列完。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "先請處長請示一下主委?處長這邊面有難色。我們的備案是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "行政院院本部是不是不能編?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "院本部不能編。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "中研院呢?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "中研院大概沒有辦法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我覺得有一點麻煩,其實不是只有開放資料,開放資料主責的是國發會,其實還有一個是公私協力,公私協力其實有一點希望叫公務員一起來用,這個又回到原來的問題,如果在任何一個部會,好像都會叫不動。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不會啦!" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "國發會請處長先去問問看,不行再回來科會辦討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為錢歸錢、召集歸召集,院本部不能去編年度預算支應這個。要點就這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "公益彩券(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "由衛福部公益彩券基金編列之(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "黑客捐(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "然後你要幫忙做一個平台。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們要點就這樣子。臨時動議?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "請教一下,這個要過院法規會,這個流程會是怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "做成會議紀錄之後,就請法規會處理。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "大概多久?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "法規會如果跟他說這一份比較急的話,我們可以跟他說我們年前要,看是不是回得來。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "不一定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實不一定回得來。沒有說一定回得來。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "過年後就立刻可以用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是的。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "陳大使和我討論過,希望還是能夠加重一點國際活動的實質內容,而不僅是形式交流,所以就提一個松中松的概念,就是搭著既定的時程去做。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "活動目的,第一個是順著今年指定主題,找到國際上也同樣關注的主題,基於這些主題去設計國際松。這種做法,可以進行國際交流,讓臺灣的公民黑客能量提升國際能見度,然後透過具體的跨國協作增進區域間的合作基礎,建立全球夥伴關係,推動重要國際議題的區域對話、或者解決方案的概念測試。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "一個不錯的參考對象是去年11月在法國巴黎舉辦的「和平論壇」黑客松,簡稱「和平松」,待會補充說明。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "要找到國際共通點的話,假設我們尋求的像全球變遷、環境或者是防災,這個跟這一次的主題相關,各國間不論資料成熟度及做法有著很大的落差,唯一相同的是都需要使用政府的預算。所以,嘴巴說要做全球變遷或者是環境改善不夠,要看到預算怎麼做,相關的預算跟執行還有政府標案如何去做,用這個面向看資料,政府預算與採購資料是各國一致性比較高,所以區域間的比對分析相對容易。比方說,這世界銀行提案來做氣候變遷的國際組織或者是國家政府的財務預算如何編列,然後可以做到區域比較,然後進而激發 call to action。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "以亞洲來講,國際組織可能是ADB(亞洲開發銀行)之類的亞洲國際組織。因為對應到世界性的是,我們還有在做相對應的事情,剛好ADB,我們是會員國,所以也許有機會推動ADB的open data,然後去增進國際組織、國際合作的社會信任。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "國際發展通常也牽涉到國際標案採購。從包容性經濟發展角度來看,如何透過國際組織或各國政府的採購,鼓勵中小企業的發展,是很重要的議題。此外,我們國內廠商也可能透過這些機會,參與國際市場。從透明治理的角度,則是透過開放資料,促進公平競爭,政府當責,以及提升政府採購品質。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "目前規劃的做法,不只找臺灣的領域專家,也打算先徵詢相關領域的國際組織擔任mentors,藉這個機會跟國際組織連結,並徵求全球黑客團隊報名。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "實作三天的黑客松,因為一天做不出什麼東西,兩天可能太短,三天剛剛好。再多,預算就破表了。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "因為搭配國內松7月21日要進總統府決選,所以是18日至20日三天在台北,場地就是5、6月的活動場地,這樣比較方便管理。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "剛剛那個只是議題的建議,我們大家可以討論,對議題討論是找國際夥伴的確認,然後再開始公開報名。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "預算只是初估,估計要花30個人加3個國際顧問的機加酒,大概是這樣的東西,像剛剛看850,應湊的話是1,000,預算的估計是這樣子,看有沒有調配的問題,這只是大概的估計而已,這可以給大家參考,因為有一個網站就不用多做一個網站,所以第一項可以拿掉。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "介紹一下法國人的做法,他們搭配11月11日辦了一個和平論壇,這個和平論壇號稱有6,000個參加者,有65個國家元首出席,所以是超大型的國際盛" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個之所以跟總統盃黑客松辦,而不是等到十月跟玉山論壇一起辦的原因是,這個也是黑客松,也就是宣傳上比較容易共享資源,是不是?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "對,是有實質的交流,但是在總統府那邊,屆時各國使節來賓也可以看到國際黑客的協作成果。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今年是pilot。以後是想要常規辦?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "如果活動的宗旨要有「國際」,最好是能夠內建,而不只是一個選項。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是他的評選是……剛剛那個要點並不適合。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "對,就不適用,他的實際執行辦法要再討論,這個只是活動的初步規劃跟大家討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一個問題是,錢是否足夠?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "國際的部分有進去了嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "沒有估這麼多錢,去年沒有辦,去年的總支出是540萬。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "另外一個做法是透過我們這邊外館去邀。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "我是說初估,可能會比原來多100萬,如果以大規模辦的話。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我覺得不只100萬。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我怎麼想,都快要200萬。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "30人可能太多,我們就20人,也就是重質、不重量。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "前面是邀請式的……" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "也許我們就贊助住宿,但是機票自己想辦法,這也是一種方式。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "這樣的誘因可能比較少。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我想搞清楚,你們想邀請黑客松的團隊或者是高手,目標是什麼?你們要做成的目的是誰?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "是針對主題,要解決主題提出的問題。比方說,泰國來的團隊,可能包括資料擁有者與黑客。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "泰國來的時候,這一段時間看大家怎麼訂?是觀摩或者是?或者是來指導?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "合作,是一個跨國團隊一起做一個題目。跨國的資料跟氣候變遷資料一起做,可以比對出國際差異。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個要看執行團隊,這個裡面有兩個部分,也就是錢跟人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "錢的部分看起來是要多接近200,我覺得150辦不起來,多200是一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個是這邊的工作負擔勢必會增加,因為後勤是算在一起的,我們沒有別的後勤團隊了,我們就是同一個後勤團隊,就看你們的意見。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不然就是邀請邦交國。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "邦交國可能資料取得不易,可以徵詢國合會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你如果要邀邦交國,這個概念是不一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果是邀數位七大國,那就是數位七大國。要邦交國,那就是邦交國。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這兩個概念請千萬不要混在一起,這兩個稍微有一點重疊的,可能只有教廷了(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我覺得有國際團隊是亮點,但是要往後想,是不是第一屆這樣辦,第二屆這樣子……然後第三屆。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我建議他們提的題目並不是來這邊解自己國家的問題,來這邊是要跨隊解國際的問題,這樣才有意思。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我的想法是,未來的黑客松一直都會有國際團隊的加入,如果今年這樣辦的話,未來都要這樣子,儘量要有這一種。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "每一年都這樣辦的。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "這個是亮點,有國際團隊絕對是亮點,跟把黑客松這個文化要提起來很好的助力。第二,選在7月辦,我覺得……" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "機票比較貴,因為暑假期間會比較貴。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "會double。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "對,會double,不然就是縮小,不要找30個,找到10個,其實我們只要亮點就好了。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我覺得第二屆不要太多。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "在報導的時候,國際三隊可寫就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "是不是可以找黑客的偶像?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "有一個話題就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是像Code for Japan想辦法產生一隊過來、Code for America想辦法產生一隊過來?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "那就是先組好隊,再團報?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果要的是報導價值。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這樣的話,他們就會做跨國的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "解的是國際問題,並不是Code for Japan來這邊解自己的題目。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我們提的這一些問題,然後Call for Proposal?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "團隊還是用原來的團隊,就是用原來組好的團隊,但是供應在地的團隊,他們帶他們國家的data。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "然後報告到臺灣這邊。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "觀摩。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "邀請國際上的domain experts來當mentor。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這樣子才有可行性。之後跟他們混熟了,讓他們知道每一年都有總統盃黑客松之後,說不定也會願意提供資源。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但我們第一次還在自舉的時候,我們還沒有辦法leverage,像Code for All系統,其實很有錢,但是如果這個品牌打不出去,就用不到他的錢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們基本上就是以永續夥伴關係為概念,然後來的時候,不強求他們之間組隊,而是我們邀一些重量級的mentor,來這邊等於告訴大家一起解決世界問題是什麼樣子,會變成類似像奧運表演賽的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "一般非聯合國體系的國際組織,要邀請相對不容易,他們實際上能配合的話最好,難的是UN系列,UN系列其實東南亞很多,像UNDP之類的,他們其實有興趣瞭解臺灣的狀況,或者是更進一步的交流,所以這個活動是不是能夠帶一個白手套。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們就用當地公民社群的身分來就好了,就是以個人專家……" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "個人來就不能報差旅費。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有點像我2016年去OGP的時候,也算是g0v,意思是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "所以用這個機會吸引一些UN體系的成員。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不管UN或者是什麼,反正就是平常不能戴官帽來的,就是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "用這個管道去交流就對了?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你邀得到10個很好,就算只邀到2、3個,反正這並不是評分,而是來做,然後demo,這樣子而已。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "有沒有評選是,來了就保證7月21日進總統府吃buffet,或者是有小小的競爭,覺得他們會做得更好,有沒有良性的誘因?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最多是人氣獎,或是他們自評,我們去年也做過。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "如果是邀兩隊。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "由臺灣團隊來邀他們。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "做得到。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "就跟智慧城市一樣。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "7月21日要幾隊進場demo,我這邊是寫1至3隊,只是一個建議的數字。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "如果一至三隊我們要回去算一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是支援的人力跟範圍,都要算得出來,就算最後只能支援兩隊五人,我們這一屆就做這麼多,以後再說。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個看起來,第一個先不寫進要點,今年是試辦或者是示範,如果大家覺得很ok,明年來改要點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,當然這裡面會有票選,但是都是人氣的票選,並不是我們突然間說日本被打贏了美國隊,不要有這種感覺。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是人氣票選,也就是第一階段網民票選是類似的,也就是要促進參與度而已,並不是能夠去區分優劣的感覺。這樣可以嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "會不會增加預算?除了850以外。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "850以上沒有預算。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "850是國內,但是國際的部分……" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "國際的要找外交部談一談,請外交部支援。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,就談一下。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "但是要有一個提案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒關係,請嘉凱把名單開出來,這個我們會幫忙問外交部。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "王仁甫要先走了?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "差不多了。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "要我幫忙協調就幫忙協調,只要總統府不想做都是我們來做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "理解。我們宣傳的亮點如果不叫總統黑客獎,不用這個衝突行銷的話……看大家?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "說起來是總統黑客獎嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還是可以這樣寫嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "只是標一個註,就是他的全稱是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "或者是「總統‧黑客獎」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒問題。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "國際松的主題是下一次討論?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們要先組成委員會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於關於實際我們promotion的時候,用什麼東西當亮點,以及國際松到底能夠承受的預算多少,我覺得這會後大家再來談。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天的這個產出就是要儘快送法規會,我們拿那個才能做後面的事情。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "要等法規會產出來再來……" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "專案輔導團隊還沒有處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在看起來,是請院派一位政委來組成?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "要點有寫,文字我們沒有意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那就是按要點文字辦理。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接下來的時程是這一個要點先產生出來之後,依據要點我們再召開第一次的委員會。下一次見面……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們把待決事項,都拿到第一次委員會確定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Hey, how are you doing?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Pretty good, pretty good. Can you hear me? Is the connectivity OK?" }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Yeah, I can hear you pretty well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s great." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Thanks for making time for me. I really appreciate it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s just fine." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "How are things going in Taiwan?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a Lunar New Year, so it’s like a nine-days holiday." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’ve been off the grid -- that is to say, off Internet -- like, maybe checking 20 minutes of mail in the past five days or so. It’s refreshing to be back." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Nice. Well, Happy New Year. I’m really happy that we have a chance to reconnect. I really enjoyed your talk in Madrid in the Open Government Conference some time back. I’m part of this very big project in Finland, where we develop democratic innovations." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "The aim of the project is to tackle bubbles and biases in democratic participation. I’m leading a part of the project where we develop these democratic innovations in a hub called Democracy Accelerator." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Our goal is foster democratic innovation, study them, and then also collect case studies from all over the world, what has been done so far. Of course, then, your work there in Taiwan is really interesting in many aspects." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "I’m really glad that we have a chance to talk now. I was curious to know if you had a chance to tell me a little bit more about the VR experiments that you have been doing. I’ll send you a link to the project website." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "If you could recap a little bit what you have been doing, and then also, what is the current status? Are you working on something in VR in democracy currently?" }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "VR in democracy and AR in democracy is one of the areas where we want to investigate where we could use these technologies for democratic values." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Certainly. Can you see my iPad screen?" }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Yes, I can. That’s really cool. Thanks for sharing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK, great, because the nature of VR means that there’s a lot of visuals. Glad that it has worked." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "I like that. Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’ll show you my office first." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is my office. It’s in Taipei, called the Social Innovation Lab. I show this because we have a dedicated VR space in the lab, with a Vive and Oculus in this space." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is where some of our early prototypes were developed. This space, I consider itself a part of the immersive experience, because the visual installations, as you can see -- for example, here, this soccer field -- is designed by people with a Trisomy-21 difference." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It turns out that they view the world through geometric means, not as text or numbers, but geometry. They started as an art therapy project, but when we realised them as public installation of art, it kind of naturally primes people, even before they enter any immersive environment, that there is a possibility of a creative space around." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The setting that embeds the VR is important as well. This is the first thing I want to note. It also helps that when people enter this place, they will see some self-driving tricycles around." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "These PEVs are from MIT, and people tinker on them all the time. If people don’t like that it looks like cyclops, like one eye pictured here, they can experiment the build with two eyes. It can make eye contact now, as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Again, it shows a kind of not exactly virtual reality, more like a mixed reality, with a collective intelligence approach, that primes people into the mindset that, \"Oh, this is actually whatever you see in VR is not a fiction.\" It is not interactive fiction, but rather interactive nonfiction, for lack of a better term." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They could be realised without losing much fidelity. Those robotic avatars that you encounter in VR do have their real space, physical space counterparts as well. That’s the introduction. One-sentence introduction." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now, as for the actual experiments we did, we did around four different experiments. One that you have heard, perhaps, is called Holopolis. is the website. In Holopolis, we mostly test the interactive part of the Polis infrastructure." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I don’t know whether you’ve heard of it, but it’s a visualisation of people’s sentiment around common ideas. We use Polis for many different things. This is the very first place where we used Polis as a two-dimensional technology. This is the Uber case, that shows people their different groups." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Most importantly, when the same facts is shown and curated to people, we ask people, \"How do you feel about those facts?\" without jumping into interpretations. Usually, the UI in two dimensions looks something like this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You see a statement from your fellow citizen, you press agree or disagree, and then your avatar moves toward people with similar ideas, similar thoughts. Then it shows you this beautiful report. This report, the most important thing here is that it shows that people only disagree on a few things." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Most people, much to their surprise, agree on most of the things, most of the time. It’s just social media tends to focus on the divisive parts, or popular media nowadays. Showing people that this chart itself, and saying that we hold people’s rough consensus as agenda to face-to-face meetings, that, by itself has potential." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The thing with Polis is that it is very textual, in the sense that if you are not a person versed in textual modalities of just typing in statements and pressing yes or no for 10, 12, statements, then the contribution is less than satisfactory." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For people who are more of an interactive modality, we use immersive technology in the Holopolis project. There’s two prototypes. One is immersive rather than mixed. In immersive reality we use, or Hi-Fi, which is the open source VR platform." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Oh, I can’t see your...Oh, here it is, High Fidelity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. We build the space where people who are less textually versed, for example, they may be 12 years old, and they may wear those VR Vive head mount and enter into a space where they can speak to my avatar." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I have 3D-scanned myself into the space, and then we just hold on a natural conversation, but with two changes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The first thing is that I lowered my avatar to the same height as the schoolchildren. They feel that I am kind of their classmates, because, in reality, I’m like 1.8 meters tall." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They really do have to look up to me — literally — when we facilitate the conversations like this. When our avatars are of the same height, and we put each other in a familiar environment to them, then that means that they feel much more free to speak aloud." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s the one intervention that we did. The other thing is that when we started talking about things like this, we don’t use the attenuation as in physical space. Basically, it’s like Skype, there’s only directionality of audio. There is no distance of audio." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When I read aloud a statement, many, many different rooms can hear in the same time. I hear them too, but with equal attenuation, and I can serialise them too; I don’t have to hear a cacophony." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To the participants, they basically are interacting with a semi-scripted avatar of me. That is the kind of one-sentence summary." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We are also bringing these principles to the physical space as well. In the Social Innovations Lab, there is a room designed for projections. Basically, I tour around Taiwan, like to the remote places, to the rural places, to indigenous tribes to talk with elders, and so on. You can see that this space is a typical meeting room." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When I travel to a region, back in the Social Innovation Lab, we get up to 12 different ministries related to the local development. They are all public servants in the central government." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "With the right arrangement of projectors, they just see through my eyes what the local peoples are and what their issues were, what are the common reactions to those agenda topics crowdsourced before the meeting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then, when they have questions, instead of shuffling the text back and forth, they just hold a face-to-face conversation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is also a green screen in the Social Innovation Lab, dedicated to indigenous languages." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, there is 16 nations, with 22 languages. As of two years ago, they’re all national languages. Meaning that if I go to the tribe and talk to the Amis elders, first, we have to prepare our open policymaking kit in the Amis language." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "That’s amazing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As something that indigenous co-ops...There are co-ops who specialise in information technology work. The IT co-ops of the indigenous tribe first need to understand and accept the tools." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Second, this place, the Social Innovation Lab, has a green screen and a professional interpreter who talks to those tribal children virtually every morning to build a virtual language circle. Using green screen and so on, they were able to build a semi-immersive environment of showing the traditional lands of those cultures." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "So that even people who are not of the Amis nation, for example, can feel that they are in the Amis nation, and talking through the lens of the Amis nation understandings, the environ. The whole milieu is set up so that even I don’t speak Amis." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "My open government textbooks and everything, comics actually, are translated to Amis. The Amis people can read it before we enter such a deliberation. Whatever utterances that I speak currently is interpreted by Amis interpreter." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The local people feel that they are in a...It’s the same idea as lowering my avatar to the 12-years-old, but this time kind of casting my avatar into a pseudo-Amis that is scripted a little bit and read aloud by a professional Amis translator." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I don’t know how to say about this, but the movie \"Avatar\" actually does a pretty good job. Just think toward that direction. I think that more or less describes the effect of what we’re building towards in the Social Innovation Lab." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "One in VR, and one outside, but using composite technologies so that they receive the projections as some kind of aesthetic image. This is a regular tour. I do this every other week or so." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s many early experiments as well. I talked to two mayoral candidates about building a deliberative space for public construction; although they did not become mayors, one of them become our Deputy Premier, so we’ll see how that goes. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The original intention is to place people in future versions of public constructions, so that they don’t have to blindly follow an architect’s conversation or not." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They can decide for themselves, immersed in that place. It requires, of course, a lot of modeling. So far in the past couple years, we’ve just building the base databases. Of course, the self-driving cars also need that database." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We also build, for example, the historical buildings in the Taiwan model library, the Taiwan Digital Model Library. When people really need to talk about the future of these historical buildings and so on, they can go to the TDAL, the Taiwan Digital Archive Library, I think that’s the website." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s pretty impressive. It’s ready to import into any VR space, but we have yet to use any one of them in a real deliberation or conversation." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Sounds great. That’s really impressive. In terms of research, what type of research questions would be of interest to you, in terms of the projects you have done? If there was any research to be done that you thought would be relevant, what type of questions you would like to see addressed?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’ve been working with some visiting researchers, actually. human geographer. Like cultural anthropology, but focused on space instead of people. I hope I got that right." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "She did quite a bit of ethnographic hanging out in Taiwan, as well as in Madrid, and comparing the participatory space-building in the two places. I think her focus is on the collective empowerment and understanding of this technology." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "With VR, as well as with AI-moderated conversation, the tension is always that even though we really do open source everything, we really do practice development in the open, and so on, it is, frankly speaking, not as well-understood as paper ballot or as a physical town hall." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Which people were raised up knowing how that works, since they were seven years old. When adults were seven years old, there is no VR or AI-moderated conversation, for that matter. The dispersion of know-how -- and not just know-how, know-why -- and how quickly people can get accustomed to set up something like this, but for their lower-scale ideas." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Like not as fully developed as a full policy, but just a gut feeling. I shouldn’t say lower-scale, but less developed ideas. Just feeling the agency, the empowerment, to hold up such conversations, even without a twenty-person team, like my office, to back it up." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think that was the main interest of just, how do you democratize this technology without having it be a de facto authoritarian agenda-setting environment? How to make it truly an agora, rather than some pre-defined space in a castle is, I think, her main focus. Personally, I’m very interested in that dimension, as well." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "I’m curious about, one of the research interests that I have in this project is to see how could we use VR in a way that would help people to understand the implications of policy decisions or different facts, different background information that help them make policy decisions." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "I’m thinking about buzzing out different ideas about creating VR in unity environments to show some simulations of policy decisions, or 360-degree video to show some environments that these politic decisions are about." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Then studying the implications of these different environments, visual as compared to some more traditional ways to give information to people. That’s what I’m trying to explore. What would be the most meaningful direction to take?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right. I can use a few examples, because in our office we have 360 cameras that are just one-touch to use. It’s very easy to use, so we use them all the time. We use them during our regular face-to-face deliberation meetings, but people can participate using this kind of actually just regular YouTube technology." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is how our collaborative meetings look like. It’s just standard ideation stuff, where we built the tax filing software together. Anyone can, even if they are not in Taipei, they can participate virtually. Truth to be told, most of the people didn’t use a VR headset on YouTube." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They do use, for example, their iPad, which they can rotate around, and the spatial audio also helps. First of all, the source of that information is not synthetic. It is just an authentic conversation with the VR device mounted at the middle of the conversation space, so that it doesn’t give bias to the camera personship." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is one way we’ve been using this. Very mundane, but very effective. The second this is that when we’re talking about the conservation of marine life in a marine national park, there’s teams who contribute videos -- and later, 360 videos -- so that people understand how is it like to be a diving person, a person who fishes, or so on in that marine space." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is kind of far away. Very few people who deliberate, even if they are in the Pescador Island, have been underwater. Again, this is crowdsourced or participant-sourced, in the sense that we help them to get equipment, but they do the narrative themselves." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s also a case where we talk about the motorcycles, whether they can turn left, or they have to wait for a red light and turn left using an L shape, like bicycles. It also helps that the motorcycle people, who did the petition, use a Go Pro to wide angle head mount what he actually sees during those two different ways, in various different settings of public roads." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I remember the video. It’s not really VR, but with one wide-angle it could be like 175 degrees, and it is immersive enough that when we put it on our large projector for people who didn’t ride any motorcycles before in their lives, like me, I can actually understand perfectly what they are talking about." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That usually when we prime people before our collaborative discussion, each side, each stakeholder group, can bring one five-minute -- at most ten -- video of a VR, 180, or whatever, or just PowerPoint from any dimension." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We rarely curate them ourselves. Rather, we work with specialists to give them the tools to make convincing, informative videos, but always starting from their first-person viewpoint. That’s our practice so far, but I must stress it’s not democratic enough. It still takes much more time than using your phone to shoot something." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "I like the idea of this 175 video, because there’s a debate around, do we even need 360 degrees? Maybe 180, or 200, 175, would be enough for the feeling of sense of presence. I find that really meaningful." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "There’s [indecipherable 24:22] technologies I’ve heard of you capture such video, and then also watch it. The other interest of mine in this project is crowdsourcing. In Finland, we have a done massive amount of crowdsourced policymaking." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "I can show you, we have crowdsourced [indecipherable 24:39] lawmaking privacy. If you go to a website called -- I’ll share you the link here -- you’ll see all the projects we have done." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "We have studied many different aspects, people’s motivation factors to participate in crowdsourced policymaking. These projects work so that any ministry in Finland who wants to crowdsource people’s feedback, they will give instructions online for people to participate." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Then it’s publicly, freely open for anybody to participate. Then the government officials input the crowd’s input, and then decides how it’s going to be applied in a law." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The domain, I don’t think the domain works, Finnish experiments?" }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Let me see. I think the network is getting worse. I’m calling from home to..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m just saying that the website, I don’t get quite get the website. When I type, I couldn’t open it... It’s fine. I can just listen." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "I’m trying to look up what’s going on with the website. Anyway, I want to take the next step now, take these models further, and study more of maybe digital storytelling in crowdsourced policymaking, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "First, I’d like to hear, because I recall you mentioned we the maverick talk about crowdsourcing -- also, you mentioned here a couple of times about crowdsourcing videos from people -- have you used crowdsourcing in policymaking, policy decisions, or urban planning projects? Do you have any cases like that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. We held around 40 what we call collaborative meetings. They are, strictly speaking, all crowd-initiated. This is the core values of my office. I just want to put it out there, because for many crowdsourcing activities, the civil servant’s workflow..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Finnish Experiment, I got it. thank you. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Oh, yeah. Sorry about that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No problem. It’s the one Finnish experiment. It’s not just any Finnish experiment." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "It was supposed to be one and only crowdsourced experiment, but then it just has continued." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Now, there is many, but it’s still called The Finnish Experiment." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly. That’s the spirit of reincarnation. Anyway, what I am getting at is that from my understanding, the civil servant’s workflow here is really key, because..." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "I love this graph, by the way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK, cool." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "I love this graph. I love it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is the core values and the practices that we do. The green ones are the artifacts that people see. So far, we’ve been talking about the green artifacts. I want to take a couple minutes to talk about the core values, because these are really what drives our experiments. Taiwan’s experiments, but also global ones." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The key here is actually that I think during crowdsourcing, the trust between citizen and government is enhanced. If you do it in an accountable way, this is widely agreed. The core value does not need to be disputed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we have found is that if we are not in the flow of work for the public servants -- back when I was not a digital minister, but just adviser to the Minister in charge of Cyberlaw -- we found that if we do this outside of the flow of work of the public servants using expert intervention teams or whatever." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then actually to the civil servants, they learn the effectiveness, but they don’t learn the intricacies of crowdsourcing. By the time that the experts moves away to some other things, the civil servants lack the judgment to actually embed this into their workflow." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We insist that all the live streaming, for example, are controlled, are set up, by public servants. We coach them, but we don’t take over. All the small round table discussions were led, or at least co-led, by a dedicated team of participation officers." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a team of POs in all the 32 ministries. Their work is to embed these elements piecemeal into their workflow so that workflow can be streamlined, and they can get higher quality life, basically. I think even though most of the crowdsourcing of citizen science materials talk about cultivating the civil society organizations and so on, that is only the visible part." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The internal part is as important. A concrete example, I usually use the example of the AirBox. I don’t know whether you have seen this g0v before. If you are in Madrid, you probably have heard, at least, of the g0v initiative." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The initiative is a Taiwan-started initiative that basically says if you don’t like how the government displays the air quality, or if you think the government only has 60 different air quality measurement sites, and you want something that’s closer, the g0v motto is, “Don’t ask why nobody is doing this public service. Be that nobody that provides this public service.”" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For each and every government website that ends in, the civic hackers -- me included -- just build a You just change an O to a 0 in your browser bar. Suddenly, you get into the shadow government that is crowdsourced and citizen-led." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A concrete example is that more than 2,000 people in Taiwan set up these very cheap, less than €100 air quality measurement boxes in their homes, in their balcony, and so on. They not just get the readings, but they contribute the readings to a professor in Academia Sinica, in Taiwan’s highest research facility." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That then works with the g0v people to visualize these back, so that we can see at a glance what the air quality is like in a more micro observation kind of way. We also get to see Taiwan’s digital gap. [laughs] In any case, these are legitimacy threatening move." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If people’s friends participate in this measurement and get one number, and the official environmental agency gives another number, then people, of course, are going to believe their friends, even though they are lower precision." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In many Asian countries -- actually, in pretty much all non-Taiwan, East Asian countries -- this kind of work is not encouraged. In some more severe regimes, actually, the leaders do get disappeared for making things like this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, we don’t beat them — we join them. We held a series of meetings, and committed a lot of budget to useful visualization, and useful interaction from those crowdsourced numbers. From the consultation, we hear three things." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The first thing is that they need these sensors in industrial areas, where people don’t usually have the permit to enter, but actually are where the pollution came from, or at least popularly thought as where pollution came from." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We set up hundreds of spots in the lamp lights exactly in the industrial areas, to complement these small areas of shortcoming in the people’s repertoire. The second thing is that they want a point here, which is here in the Taiwan Strait." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They want to tell domestic air pollution versus non-domestic pollution. The citizen scientists cannot actually build a site there, even with drones. They run out battery. It’s actually very far away. We are building wind power turbines with oversea partners." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We changed the contract to say all the oversea wind power stations offshore need to carry those meteorological air measurement devices. The third thing is that they want a high-speed GPU to do analysis of the crowdsourced vis-à-vis government sources to collaborate their equipment." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We set up a, what we call, collective intelligence, It also stands for civil IoT, to show that this is not a ministry, local, or national, or whatever. It is just Taiwan. It is a shared database. We have one website, like,,,, and so on for such national agenda." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Essentially, offered high-speed computing for free for anyone who can contribute numbers here. They initially didn’t trust that the government will not change their numbers. In the consultation, they raised this concern." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We worked with a university to build distributed ledger technology. I think it’s one of the very few valid use of distributed ledger technology in public policy, in that the people check in their numbers to the ledger before uploading to the national high-speed computing center." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "So that they know that we cannot modify the number, because it’s on a public, blockchain-like ledger. The third thing that they ask through this centralized computation, after we deliver it, we run a competition." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The team who took the first place is also crowdsourced social media. They took PTT, which is the Taiwan equivalent of Reddit. It’s the public forum. They built a bot called Air Pollution Buster, that basically look at any conversation that may be off-topic, that may be outdated, related to air quality." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The bot just very helpfully posts and replies with a visualization of what the air quality is actually like. They build a machine translation apparatus. Instead of translating Taiwanese to Finnish or whatever, they translated press release language to netizen language." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it is a real breakthrough, because then the automated press releases, the press release that the public officials wrote, but nobody really see, because they are kind of boring, they were translated by this neural network into one-sentence, bite-sized summaries that raised people’s attention." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then the payload, the body itself, of course, is still from the press release, or a summarized version of the press release. The topic is guaranteed to get people’s attention, because it’s translated with a GAN network." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Theoretically, when people reply to that clarification bot, we can also translate their netizen speak back to official language, but we haven’t done that yet. I think it’s an interesting line of research that is like what we did in immersive reality with indigenous people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In a sense, digital natives are indigenous people. That’s one example I would like to raise." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "I like that. That’s really fascinating. I’m just making notes here. This is wonderful. Thanks a lot for sharing all this information. I’m going to follow up with all these links that you shared. Is there any other resources I could find online about these cases?" }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Have you done case studies? Are there articles, blog posts, written resources that I could look into in more detail?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, we publish, I think one of the early prototypes, using Polis and so on. We publish on the social archive. I can send you the link of the paper. It’s not virtual reality yet. It sets the ground. I can also refer you to Shu-Yang Lin, who did the Holopolis research in the collective intelligence part in Madrid." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I don’t know whether you already know Shu-Yang, but she is now based in the UK, in Bristol, I think. Two of our designers are going to be based in the UK in a couple months. She’s already in Bristol last week." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re still part of PDIS, still part of our office. I think time zone-wise, it should be much more easily for you collaborate, and even meet each other." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Yes, that would be wonderful. I’m in the US now, but then soon, I will be going to Helsinki for a while before I come back here. That would be wonderful. I’ll be visiting the UK in a couple of months, too." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Another thing -- thank you so much. I appreciate all these -- I wanted to ask you if you would be interested, we would like to invite you to visit us in Finland in this tackling bubbles and biases of democratic participation project." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "It would be really great for our Finnish audience to hear about your work in Taiwan. They would be very much interested in it, if you would be interested in giving a talk, and maybe having some meetings with interested parties in Finland. Would that be of interest to you?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. Can I send a robotic double?" }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "What is that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Can I send a robotic double? When Madrid invited me, they built me a 360 robot called Galatea. I just sit in Taipei, put on my glasses, and immerse myself in the environment of Medialab-Prado." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That experiment really works really well, because I can turn locally. I don’t have to wait for the video to come back. I don’t know if you have the bandwidth. I’m sure that this could be made to work, because it’s already made to work in Madrid." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When is the meeting, sorry? Which month?" }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "That would be up to you. We would organize the event your talk. Whenever would work for you. For instance, just to name some times, the end of March, early April, May, or next fall." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "It would be really valuable to get more public attention to these topics in Finland from somebody who has been working on these topics for such a long time. You have so much insight and perspective." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "My suggestion is that we ask Shu-Yang or Fang-Jui, and see if they have time to travel physically to Finland, and set up a robotic avatar, so that I can talk alongside you. I think this works particularly well, because then we get to show the -- what was the word? -- telepistemology of connecting spaces, just like the initial demos that I just show you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it works particularly well if we’re able to pre-agree on a setting that shows, for example, we can project things from the Taiwan Digital Model Asset Libraries so that we’re immersed in the same environment." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you have a 360 scan of the hall, or the venue, like Medialab-Prado, you can send it to me beforehand. I can immerse myself there also. The thing is that, just to make it a real demonstration of the technology we’re talking about." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "I like the idea. I’m thinking about, this would be at the University of Helsinki. It would be really nice to have the immersive aspect to it, but I don’t think that the technology is there at this point, unfortunately. We would need help in setting that up." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Do you have sufficient number of portable devices — such as Oculus Go — that you can maybe rent locally? I think that is the most easy way." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Yeah. Could you send me the information, what’s needed for this robotic performance, or appearance, so then I can look into that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK, sure. I’ll send you just the actual cases that I’ve been to, both in immersive modalities, as well as in robotic modality. I spoke in Geneva in a United Nation meeting through a \"Double 2\" robot. That solves an interesting political problem, because the robot doesn’t need passports to enter Un." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’ve been attending quite a few UN meetings in this way. It’s an interesting hack." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "I like that. [laughs] That would be really cool. I like the idea. Let’s work towards making that happen." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "This sounds great. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your time. Let me know if ever I can help you out, or if there is any information I can provide you with that you might need." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK, cool. I will send you all the links, as well as the contact info for our two colleagues that are going to be based in the UK." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Yes. Sounds good. Thank you so much. I appreciate it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you so much. Cheers." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Thanks. Happy New Year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Happy New Year. Bye." }, { "speaker": "Tanja Aitamurto", "speech": "Thank you. Bye." } ]
[ { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "First of all, the United States and other Western countries are increasingly alarmed over industrial espionage, technology theft and control over key technologies by China. Do you share such concerns?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We are in the frontline — we’ve been sharing such concerns for decades now." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We are glad that the Western countries are joining us in this concern." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "Our Chancellor came to Japan last week. She was talking about China and emphasized that we need to protect ourselves from China." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "You are just next to China. Everybody knows there are high tensions between China and Taiwan. Can you give me an example how China perhaps tries to come into your Internet?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It doesn’t work like that though... I won’t get technical, but I will try to explain this on a different focus." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we have witnessed is that a concerted effort to sow discord in our democratic process by the way of organized disinformation, by the way of spreading rumors, by the way of advocating to the global society something that is simply not true. I will use one example." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For example, when Taiwan petitioned to join the World Health Organization’s annual meeting, there was a concerted effort online, in public forums, that says, \"Taiwan is already represented by the PRC. The PRC has been very diligent in communicating the WHO related information to Taiwan. The international community need not worry.\" That is patently false." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "However, we do see a concerted effort in spreading such information — or disinformation — online so that people would believe that Taiwan doesn’t need as much participation as we do actually need. This is not, strictly speaking, a cyber attack. Rather, it is a sowing of discord through disinformation." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "Next year, you will have a presidential election. How do you think you could protect your country from outside influencing?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we have witnessed is that for campaign donations, for example, it’s already restricted to the nationals. Of course, foreign people cannot donate to political campaigns, but we have observed in the previous election that there is a loophole, in the sense that people can purchase advertisements on social media and on other media forms. That could be bought by foreign money." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We saw a lot of foreign interest to, for example, instead of donating a specific candidate, to fund disinformation campaigns by means of advertisement through media and social media." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have changed our election code for this year. I would expect that to pass by the parliament before the election so that whatever advertisements have to disclose the funding sources of their payments and the sponsors and that it is held to the same standard of transparency and accountability as campaign donation records." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That closes one of the major loopholes that lets foreign powers influence the local election by means of misinformation." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "I heard or read that you proposed to share cyber attack data with other countries. Was there a huge interest for such data?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is a CERT, or the computer emergency response mechanism, that is already international. This is not something new, but we are seeing a renewed interest in such a response not just for traditional cyber attacks, which occurs more at a technical or network operator level." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The content level, the misinformation or disinformation level, that level is new to many countries. We’re seeing a lot of interest internationally about this particular subject." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "I read that only a few countries were interested to getting this data on cyber attacks from Taiwan. I think this is because they don’t want to have problems with China. Is this true or not?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I don’t have that information." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "Can you tell me how Taiwan is protecting itself from cyber attacks from outside?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. Just this January, our new cybersecurity act went into effect. In that, what we are saying is that both critical infrastructure as well as the part of the government, part of democracy, anything that is part of the operation of democracy, need to be protected by dedicated personnel and also dedicated budget." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For any large scale budgets now, at least five percent of the budget is dedicated to cybersecurity. We do this by cultivating a local, what we call white hat hacker community, meaning that people who are capable of cyber attack, but they do this for benign purpose. They test a system before the system is online." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When we set up new system in administration, we invite such white hat hackers to attack our system so that we can understand our vulnerability beforehand. It’s very important to keep them well informed, well paid. Also, they meet with president and the minister once in a while so that they don’t fall to the dark side, which always has cookies. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "Let’s say you invite not your enemies but..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "White hat hackers." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "They were happy to come to you?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. In Taiwan, cybersecurity is one of the more popular choices of career for teenagers because it’s fun. Also, we’re in the front line. That means that they get to practice on real field practice day to day." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Instead of some experiments or some examples or some lectures by the teacher, they get to practice in the actual field action because there are cyber attacks happening literally every minute." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "You are not afraid that somebody will, let’s say, buy them and take them away from Taiwan, that they are going to another country if they are so good in their field?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re happy to share our talents." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, when they test the system, it’s not the real system. It’s a mock system. We always keep a clean separation between the operational system as well as the mock system." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "One example. In March, we are going to open the autonomous vehicle driving proving ground for self driving cars and other kind of self driving vehicles. Way before that opened, half a year ago, we invited the top white hat hackers to test that field to see if they can take control of the cars and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, that is not the actual system that we deploy. Nevertheless, they spent months and couldn’t find a vulnerability, so we feel more secure in that the autonomous vehicles will not go off road." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "Since you became digital minister, was there a higher rate of cyber attacks against Taiwan or not?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would say it’s about the same. We’re in the frontline. It’s very saturated, meaning that we are used to if we don’t do our penetration testing of, if we don’t recruit some efficient white hackers, once we roll a online system, it will be attacked. That has been true for decades now." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It has not changed particularly in the past couple years. We are always on the frontline." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "You don’t feel any higher tension with China. This has nothing to do with cyber attacks you would say?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For example, six years ago when we were building our 4G network we already said that there is such a high risk so that we banned all telecommunication facilities from the PRC in our national 4G network. That has already been part of our assessment six years ago." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I wouldn’t say the situation has significantly changed. As I said, I’m happy that other countries are now becoming aware of it." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "What do you think about this controversy about Huawei?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I won’t comment on specific companies. I would say six years ago we did an assessment. That is already our assessment that we cannot include these components in our 4G networks. Of course, other countries are talking about 5G networks now. The decision has already been made when we did our 4G network." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "You think it is justified to ban such a company from the market?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Speaking personally, in Taiwan we are on the frontline and people generally understand that the \"marketplace\" when we are talking about PRC companies, there is no clear distinction between a state actor and a market actor." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As I said, with that realization in mind, we feel completely justified over the decision six years ago about not including them in our 4G networks." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We understand that if they enter in the name of market the state actor will actually enter the market as well." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "As I told you our chancellor recently came to Japan. It was very interesting because she was talking a lot about data and data security. She said, \"Yeah, you know, we are talking a lot about data security and personal data but then people have passwords only ’one, two, three, four’ or ’hello’ so they are not aware of the risk.\"" }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "What do you think? Are people in Taiwan aware that you need a secure password?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The simple answer is: Yes." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "Really?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "They are very different from the Germans, obviously." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A few things are different. Firstly, in Taiwan, broadband is a human right. Anywhere in Taiwan, if you don’t have 10 megabytes per second of broadband Internet it’s our fault. Now, over half of Taiwanese population have access to over a gigabit of very high speed Internet." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People already conduct most of their lives online. With these online life for a very long time people generally understand of course cybersecurity, and privacy, and so on are very important which is why in Taiwan digital literacy is part of our basic education." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "Do you teach this in school?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. Starting this year we’re also teaching media literacy, critical thinking of the framing of the journalism and how this information is manufactured from misinformation and so on, again, as a media literacy class." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think we’re the first Asian jurisdiction to do that in the basic educational level." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "I’m always wondering if you are not forgetting half of the population. In my country a lot of people are old. I can tell you they are telling me, \"I don’t know how this works.\" They have the impression that they are not part of society anymore. How is the situation in Taiwan?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Old people are one of the most active Internet user groups in Taiwan, next to students, I think. Both groups have more time than other groups of people. Many Taiwanese people actually rely on instant message systems to stay connected to their grandchildren and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "While the literacy about disinformation is very important, and there’s a lot of civil society work on getting the more senior people real time clarification of disinformation. They are not being excluded. They too have mobile phone access." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "This year we have a G20 summit in Japan. One of the main topics will be the ethic part of data. What do you think? Where should the limits be?." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "Governments, companies, everybody wants to have more data from people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I don’t." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "You are perhaps an exception. Where should be the limits? It it important that we have rules and regulations all over the world about ethics of data?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The rules help, like the GDPR. We’re happy to see that GDPR has been accepted and that one of the first largest cases by the CNIL on Google is being actively debated. It is a very good progression." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan’s personal date protection act is modeled after the European one. We share the same tradition of preferring individual autonomy over state or capitalist control." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Personally, speaking as a free software development advocate, all the system data I write, they function in flight mode. That means that even if you disconnect WiFi, if you disconnect 4G, they still work. That, basically, means we’re not holding people in hostage to having their data be surveilled in exchange for functionality. If they want to share their data, it is on a voluntary basis." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, we always say data is not like oil at all. The data is a beginning of a relationship. If you hold my data, I can ask what you’re doing with it. I can update it. I can take it to some other people. I can ask for deletion, for correction. The more responsive you are, the more accountable you are, the more trustworthy you are." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is like any relationship with your lawyer, or with your accountant, or with your doctor. If you trust someone more, of course, you share more of your personal data. They must act in the interest of you. That is the relation of you." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "Yeah, but this is a good question. When I ask you to delete my data, the question is if you really delete my data." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, there are ways to mathematically prove that. I think one of the important thing about digital literacy is that we educate children so that they are part of this data agency idea so that they also learn that when they become the data operator, when other people ask them to delete the data, how do they prove that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once they wear the shoe of a data operator, then they can understand what actually to ask of the larger international companies or whatever of a accountable record. They will know how to ask and what to ask." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "When you became minister, you said that you should create a surrounding that is transparent to attract more companies. Were you successful?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, very much so, yeah. Taiwan is largely seen as one of the leading AI development centers now. In the past couple years, we’re seeing virtually all the Google, Microsoft, even Uber, Facebook, Amazon, you name it, setting up their AI research programmes in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think that is a unique combination between the hardware and optics, and audio, and other hardware verticals that Taiwan already offered versus also the top notch research that we’re doing in machine learning." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Previously, these two groups of people were not tightly integrated with each other, but now with a set of new regulations, they’re now much more easy to experiment on their integrations. That really attracted the global multinationals to set up Taiwan as their regional center." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Another thing, of course, is there are highest rate of Freedom House score as well as freedom to speech and assembly and so on really helps in this region because then they can work on the new technologies without being repressed by the state power." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "How important is transparency, especially with a neighbor who is more or less the opposite?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For us, transparency is a way to build trust in democracy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Without transparency, democracy is essentially a ritual you perform every four years or every two years. With transparency, it is a continuous democracy by which the people can ask the why, not just the what of the policy making." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "First, it makes us more unique. It certainly builds a national identity around the process and around the democratic culture. Second, as seen by the referendum, such processes enable the civil society to deepen its debate — instead of choosing particular people, we can now argue over particular things in the society." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That, again, makes us both more unique and builds much more solidarity between the various different civil society groups and less prone to disinformation or other ways to manipulate information to sow discord." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "On the other hand, in the past, there’d been more and more countries who cut ties with Taiwan due to the great power of China. The last one was El Salvador, I think, now there are only 17 countries who still maintain diplomatic relations with Taiwan. It’s good to have transparency but does this really help Taiwan on the international stage?." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, it did. One example. Through the open government effort, we held a presidential hackathon, where the president invited people to fulfill her presidential promise." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We had a lot of people who experimented with the ways to analyze water pipes to detect leakage to solve for climate change and water shortage based on machine learning and data in the water pipes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once we built the system, which correspond to the Sustainable Development Goals on the climate change, we shared this to the international community. The same team went to Wellington, to New Zealand. New Zealand also shared their public water corporation’s data to solve climate change, which is a new problem." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "New Zealand didn’t use to have this problem, but now they do. This kind of bilateral collaboration for the sustainable goals is much more meaningful than any of the other showbusinessy display because that really solves the problem for people in both countries." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The output of such collaborations is in the public domain for the science and academic communities. Finally, it increases trust. If one country is willing to share its public water pipe usage data to another country, to me, that is much more practical and useful than other ways of bilateral agreements." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "Last time when I came to Taiwan, we were talking about the referendums. You had these..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The first referendum that worked." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "Yeah!" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It took three tries." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "Yeah, the referendum on same sex marriage was very surprisingly rejected. Were you disappointed about the result?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, I fully accept the result. By the way, it’s not rejection of same sex couple relationships. They enjoy the same rights as heterosexual couples. The referendum was just to not call it marriage in the civil code. It’s about the name." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "This is true, but do you think perhaps that people are not ready yet?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To call it marriage?" }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The thing is that only 10 years ago did we change marriage from something that is a social ceremony into a state registration. For many people in the older generations, as soon as there is a large wedding, there is legally binding wedding. They don’t have to actually register right afterwards." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re not used to the idea that the marriage is a just like household registration thing. The young people, of course, grew up with this being state function." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When they went into the booth and saw the referendum, they probably imagined different things in their heads. I think it’s really good to start a discussion intergenerationally about the meaning of marriage because of this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I know many friends of mine who came out of the closet because of this referendum to talk to their parents because they want to win their votes. Some succeeded, some did not, but it’s always better to start a conversation." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "But what do you think will happen now, until March, the government has to present something?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A bill that protects the rights of the couples, yes." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "Do you think it will be successful then? Or will there be a compromise?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s all about the name. it’s not about compromising the rights of same sex couples. It is whether to call it marriage or not. It is basically just a referendum over the name on the civil code. I think it will up to the parliamentary and MPs to decide, of course." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What really matters is that people have the real conversation across different civil society groups. Even right now, our office is holding a preliminary discussion about how future referendums should deepen the connection and the debate before the referendum." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When it pertains to human right as well as the constitutional interpretations, how to make it more accessible to people who are not constitutional law scholars. Basically, we’re retracing the steps of Switzerland. They did this many decades ago. It’s only our third try, but we are actually improving our democracy because of this." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "You are recording all the interviews. Why are you doing this?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "First of all, because the transparency that I practice is called radical transparency, meaning that as the digital minister, anything that I see or all the meetings that I chair and so on, the people can also know. It’s to contextualize my work. The way of contextualizing this work takes many forms." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Transcripts so far is the most accessible form because people just Google or DuckDuckGo or do some search engine search for anything that I do, and they see the full explanations for why I’m doing this, in addition to what I do this." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "How many people would read this interview, for example?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On average, hundreds." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "I have another question. As a digital minister, how many technical stuff you have at home?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "At home?" }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "Yeah. Do you have things like Alexa, or smart home technology...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The place that the ministers live is a very, very old building, and so we don’t have that many cutting edge technologies." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Ever since I moved in though, I did bring in the whole set up of iPad, of Apple Watch, Apple TV, and so on, but that’s the extent of it." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "Personally, you’re not technology addicted?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No. The thing is that in Taiwan, we have a saying that says one who manufactures the shampoos wash their hair with water, or something like that. I’m sure you have a similar saying." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’ve been working with Silicon Valley companies on enterprise social software and things like that, so I know exactly how the dopamine cycles work, how manufacturer addictions work. I rejected particular lines of work because I consider them unethical." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, when I use social media, for example, Facebook, I always use it with a extension, a program called a Facebook Feed Eradicator. Once you install that, the Facebook wall disappears and replaced by a saying, for example, from Athlur or something that inspires you every morning." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The other parts of Facebook, the intentional part, for example, you can still contact your friends and family, you can also visit your profile, their page, watch some live stream, why not?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The addictive part, the part that lets you keep pulling on the fear of missing out, that part is gone. I only use social media in this way as to not to get addicted." }, { "speaker": "Kathrin Erdmann", "speech": "OK, thank you very much." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you." } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們提早幾分鐘開始,這一次主要是在期程上及我們可以討論的範圍上主持團隊跟大家對齊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為是我主持的會議,所以會有逐字紀錄,第一次發言的朋友還是講一下怎麼稱呼,如果有任何不想被紀錄的部分,只要說「以下不記錄」,這邊就會停止打字,然後說「恢復紀錄」就會恢復紀錄,事後都還是可以修改。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "通常這一種會前會是可以一直修改到協作會議當天,不管協作會議我們是在什麼時候開,我們才會公開這一次討論的部分,所以這中間看情勢需要做任何修改都是可以的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這是這一次的記錄原則,接下來交給雨蒼。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "大家好,我是唐鳳政委辦公室的研究員雨蒼,這一案其實內部主要負責的是壹雯,Mark也有從旁協助,其實我們也有把籌備的期程差不多拉出來,非常感謝壹雯,這一次的案子有一個資料夾:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "本來要投影的東西。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們希望下一次的會議可以讓大家看到,我們之前做過一個訪談,其實中選會這邊最疑惑的問題是,他的提案是違反人權的提案不得進入公投,中選會最疑惑的「什麼是公投」……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那是中選會最不疑惑的……(笑)" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "抱歉,應該是「什麼是人權」。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "在之前的會議當中都有提到人權的定義其實在我們現在的臺灣社會其實是不清楚的,我們經過第一次訪談,其實我們大概可以找到幾個議題的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第一,我們訪談的是林佳和老師,這邊也跟各位有先稍微打過招呼,那天中選會的朋友有一起過來,他們開會有建議我們不要拿人權來當題目,他建議拿違憲來當題目,這樣會比較好一點,原因是臺灣的司法或者是定義什麼是人權,什麼是符合人權,大部分都是在憲法的審查當中,就是包含憲法本身及憲法釋憲文的補充當中把人權定義清楚。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "所以我們朝著這個方向,也就是盡可能不談人權的定義,我們著重在程序的把關上,也就是程序最後怎麼樣盡可能讓公投的結果是合憲的,這個應該是我們要稍微改變一下這個題目的辦法,並不是談人權,而是讓投出來公投的結果是合憲的,這個是第一個。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我不知道這一方面的想法,大家覺得是否妥適或者是不妥適?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "我是中選會法政處處長賴錦珖,不好意思,之前沒有跟林老師對話,之前的表達是講我們對人權的疑惑,其實並不是很精確地描述,人權的概念是比較上位的概念,比較原則性、範圍很廣泛的概念,我們的審查並不是來做違憲的審查,我們的審查是就哪一些題目適合做公投、哪一些不適合來做公投的,我們是來審查這個。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "至於公投議題是否有違憲的問題,其實在第2條第2項序文已寫得很清楚了,全國性公投,除要依憲法外還要符合公投法的規定,才可以來進行,就是在憲法、法律架構下的公投來進行,換句話說,如果公投議題有涉及到憲法的規定,我們會進該事項是否屬於直接民權行使的範圍進行審查,換言之,我們不做違憲的審查,也沒有這個權限來做違憲的審查,我們只能說這個公投案,是否為憲法及公投法規定的架構下,適格的公投。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "另外,本案的人權議題我們會有執行上的困難,乃在於人權是非常上位、general的概念,等於是原則性的概念,也就是範圍很廣,幾乎所有的議題都在這個範圍當中,因為不管是法律,或是任何政府部門的決定,均會涉及人民的權利義務,所以法律或是決定,一定會讓一部分不利益、一部分人利益,如果一部法律通過可以讓所有的人都有利益,而沒有人受到影響,這幾乎是不可能的,如果是這樣的法律,那等於是跟人民的權利義務毫無相干,根本沒有意義。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "因此一個法律的制定一定會造成某一部分的人的權利受侵害,某一大部分的人權利受到保護,可能是這樣的情況,所以涉及所有的人民權利義務議題都不能來投的話,這個會產生很多困擾。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "本案「提點子」是「限制、剝奪或減少人民的權利」除了人權的範圍過度寬泛外、何謂剝奪或減少人民的權利,這個在認定上也是有困難的。我們原先在委員會也提出,是不是把一些可能不適合作為公投議題,亦即少數與多數欠缺流通的事項,結構上少數永遠是少數、多數永遠是多數,多數與少數間欠缺流通的,比如像少數族群、回教人士,在我國社會可能是少數人,就事涉他們的議題來做公投,這永遠是沒有辦法改變其投票結果的,所以像這一種題目就不適合來進行公投。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "我們原本提到委員會的擬議是看可不可以將少數群體的人權來做一些限制,委員會也認為這種剝奪、限制、人民基本權利減少本來是不能投的事項,因為依照第2條第2項已經有規定了,所以不需要來做更明確的處理,委員會是這個意思。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我說明一下協作會議,我完全瞭解中選會現在所擔心及煩惱的問題,因為協作會議產出的結果,主要還是給你們的委員會來參考,可能會請大家來想一下看看有沒有認為比較好的程序,或者是在程序上的建議是比較好的,然後可以讓結果是合憲的,我們產出一些建議,但是這些建議不會有那麼樣強烈的拘束力,就是我們談出來的結果你們一定要照著做,而是未來有相應的修法或者是需要的時候,中選會都可以參考來作為相關程序修正的參考建議。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "主要是在這樣的情況之下,我們在討論的脈絡當中,我們盡可能不要涉及到什麼是人權或者是人權的定義怎麼來,只要他們提到違反人權的時候,就提到我們今天的會議重點還是要讓公投的結果是合憲的,只要把題目定義成合憲的事,我不知道這樣議題的脈絡,大家覺得ok或者是不ok?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "我們的焦點似難以對焦,我們不能進行合憲或者是違憲的審查,我們的審查是審查這個公投題目可以來投,那個不可以來投,我們不做內容是否違憲的審查,但是按照現在的規定跟法律架構下來作權限的審查,在我們看來,已經可以避免所謂限制、剝奪、減少人的基本權利公投的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我釐清一下,您剛剛提到中選會會議討論的,是說結構性上,有一點類似像公投法第1條第2項「不得違反原住民族基本法的規定」,類似像這樣的精神?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是可能寫的更一般性,就是涉及您剛剛講結構性少數等等的這些,不能納入成為題目?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛才說委員會的意見是說「不需要加這個,已有相當之效力」,那是在哪裡?第2條第2項?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "公投法第2條第2項的序文,「依憲法規定外」。所以這個公投的題目一定要在憲法規定,憲法規定當然也就是在公投法的規定下,就是在這個範圍內才可以來進行。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以意思是結構性少數的部分,已涉及憲法規定?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "限制、剝奪、減少人權,可能會違反到憲法相關權限的規定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為不合憲法?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "不是。而是涉及到是否為憲法所允許的公投,不是內容違反憲法,涉及憲法的規定,原則上屬間接民主範圍,這個是要立法院先來發動的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以簡單來講,當涉及憲法,不需要違背,也就是涉及憲法所管轄的那個範圍,也就是到了憲法管理的那個層次,就不能當作公投的題目。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以聽起來並不是完全不對焦,我覺得兩位是用不同的角度,在講同一件事。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "是在法律的觀點來看,我們沒有違憲審查的權限。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但涉及憲法,這個是誰來認定?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "我們來認定,就是定性跟分類,本質是否為適格的公投案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "涉憲是你們決定,但是違憲不是你們決定。違憲是大法官會議?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們這邊的意思是,討論的這個程序,像中選會認為涉憲的這一件事是由中選會認定,但是是否違憲是要交由法院或者是司法單位來認定的話,我們討論程序如何規劃,假設今天有非常極端的公投案,像今天有一個公投案是要剝奪婦女的投票權,而這一種公投案如果提過來的話,會在什麼樣的關卡被跑、判定,我們討論的是這一個流程。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "但是我們並不會涉及到剝奪婦女的權益人權,我們不討論這個題目,而是這個程序怎麼樣,才會讓公投的結果合憲,當然結果合憲以外有另外一個題目討論的是,不合憲的東西是要到公投結束最後由司法機關打回去,或者是我們在前面的關卡就有一些把關的機制,這個都是在會議上可能討論的範疇,我不知道這樣的範疇,大家是不是覺得可以?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當提出這樣的公投案,顯然涉及憲法第7條,無分男女法律上一律平等。這個是什麼時候認定,這個是中選會一收單就認定嗎?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "當然是委員會做出認定,幕僚單位僅擬議意見,如果涉及到憲法第7條人權保障的規定,我們的審定,很可能會認為並非憲法允許範圍內,當然或許可能會有一點模糊,認為我們在作違憲審查,但事實上我們是在作的審查是權限的審查,這個適合公投,那個不適合,你涉及到婦女權益的一個部分,可能是憲法基本原則的規定,不可能修憲變更,當然也就更不適合公投了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「不適合公投」是審查結果,而「涉及憲法第幾條」是理由。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我這樣聽起來,這一次協作會議,剛剛雨蒼是假設性問題,協作會議不能在一假設性個案去揣想未來是不是會有人提這樣的公投案,所以聽起來是中選會單方面說明你們現在這整個流程,你只是再說一次,因為我們根本沒有案例給你。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "現在有案例,現在在司法訴訟上有案例。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們要討論那個案例嗎?如果是程序上的討論,畫樹狀圖就結束了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我的意思不是那個意思,我們討論的時候可能會邀請一些人,對於目前臺灣的程序可能有一些想法,他們覺得這個程序有什麼地方可以再調整的,像您提到違憲審查是叫司法單位,怎麼樣的流程?是訴願,到行政法院,最後會不會到大法官那邊去,這幾個都是問題、問號,我們討論的是像這一種程序上,大家的建議會是什麼,這樣的程序是否妥適?有沒有一些建議?或者是我們把這一些程序的優缺點都列出來,像有人希望公投案提案完之後,就送到大法官審查,然後大法官審查後再回來,有人會覺得這個東西是司法太過主動、積極介入,可能行政權先出來,行政權認定之後再去討論,這樣會比較好。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "對這個目前的程序有沒有建議的修正,這個修正的優缺點是什麼,包含像中選會也有一些疑惑,像有的人會提到假設我今天提出一個公投案的時候,這個公投案被你們通過了,其他的利害關係人是不是可以提出異議,而後面的程序或者是爭端該如何處理,我們討論的是程序,並不是議題本身。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "是討論公投制度如何修改嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為憲法其實第2章講不是「人權」,是「人民之權利」,剛剛講第7條也在裡面。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我不懂,會不會跟原本的提案越來越遠?現在越提越遠,提到的是公投法如何修改,跟原本要講的提案文越來越遠。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "原本提案人就是要改公投法。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "不是,我是說原本的訴求。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "原來是避免公投的結果不合人權,但是經過訪談,我們認為也許把這個題目調整成,如何避免公投的結果違憲。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "為什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "即使是在講人權,也建議是講憲法裡面人民之權利那一個部分而已,不然等於是自己擴大戰場,好比討論第4章「總統是國家元首」,40歲才能選總統之類的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "可是我的意思是,如果我們討論到人民之權利的話,因為不管怎麼樣,就像參事之前講的。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "但是憲法的規範範圍比人權更大,比如「行政院為最高行政機關」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,這也是憲法。還有總綱第1條,「基於三民主義」。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我的意思是,這是我們對於人權保障的最後一個關卡。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "所謂的違憲的範圍比限制剝奪人民權利更大,比如立法委員是不是可以改成6年或者是3年?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,所以如果要以憲法來保障人權,也是應該「以憲法第2章」,而不是裡面一大堆別的東西,剛剛葉寧是在講這個。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我的說法有沒有其他的建議?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「憲法保障之人民權利」,因為其實憲法第22條至第24條都在講這一件事,其實是有更明確的基礎,看怎麼樣在程序上能夠確保不要涉及到憲法第22條至第24條而沒有被這個程序發現到的範圍。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "或者是發現以後後續的處理是什麼之類的建議。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "我再補充說明一下,在我們提委員會之前,我們有先開了會前會,把司法院、法務部及相關機關都找過來開會,因為現在立法院立法委員提了幾個版本,第一個是蘇巧慧委員,是提公民投票涉及人民權利義務不得違反憲法規定的,林靜儀委員也同樣的,公民提案不得違反憲法第2章所保障的人權規定。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "許毓仁委員也提了,他是說如果有侵害憲法保障權利提案的話,要先以大法官審理案件法來申請釋憲,總共有三個提案。但是在整個理論架構跟實務上都會有問題,因為行政、立法及司法大家都清楚,司法權是事後權,不可能先下場,以後訴訟怎麼判?根本沒有辦法判,因此在整個體系架構並不是這樣運作。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "另外一個實務上也有問題,如果現在送一個提案過來,我們馬上送大法官解釋,大法官說這個有問題,然後就按照我們的程序,他回去補正一下又來了,但是還是有問題,難道又再送大法官再審理?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "自動進入大法官會議?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "行政機關是積極主動審查的角色,但是我們剛才已經講過了,我們不可能涉及內容是不是違憲,我們沒有這個權限,我們只能講說這個不適合公投,是否屬於人民公投之範圍。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "至於剛才所提結構性少數與多數不適合公投的議題是否納入,文字如何表述,我們這邊原來擬議的意見,委員會不贊同,認為依憲法規定本來就不可以,沒有必要加增,我們也想看能不能更精確一點來表述這個意思。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是不用在法律內處理?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們有沒有考慮在別的層級,好比像要點、作業規範、立法說明、手冊等別的層級來表述這一件事,如果不在法律層次的話?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "但是不適用法律規定,那等於是……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "說明而已。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "等於是訓示規定,那個是沒什麼用的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但至少讓大家知道有這樣子的考量。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "那個只能立法說明裡面去說而已,但是這個在法效上是不是可以滿足,我們是不知道的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至少結構上沒有排斥。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我不知道您剛剛提到公投法第2條外的「得立法說明」,那一句話可以說是原封不動寫進去,這樣的解法是有可能嗎?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "現在草案是委員會通過沒有要加,因為他們認為不必要。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "現在實務上在法院目前涉訟的,除了同婚的議題外,還有一個案子是負數票公投案,該案認為大家有權來投反對票,但我們認為起碼兩個選舉不能納入,一個是總統副總統選舉,另外是立法委員會不分區及僑外選舉,這二項選舉都涉及到憲法增修條文之規定,並沒有複數票的設計。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "所以這二項選舉是也沒有負數票的設計,所以這個是不能公投的,但法院並不認同本會的見解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這確實是有爭議的。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "目前我們到一審是敗訴,現在是在上訴中,是這個情況。所以這個見解不一定為法院所採。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這我們瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "我們認為這個不是憲法允許的公投的,他(法院)認為可以。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我的意思是,我們會議是程序的規劃,而不是負數票是不是違憲,也不是同婚公投是不是違憲的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們讓他們發表對程序改進的意見,當然這一些意見中選會可以在會議中盡可能說明你們的立場跟對於程序規劃的想法,但是如果有不一樣的意見,我們就在會議上邀請一些你們熟悉的學者專家,大家一起來討論這樣子是好的或者是不好的,有沒有違反一些法學原理或者是三權分立原則。這樣會議的範疇會不會比較好?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "專門在討論這三位立法委員所提,實務上有沒有更可行的方法,或者是這一些方法是否可行?也就是專門來討論這個?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "可以。因為現在公投法有容許跟排除規定,人事、預算、租稅、薪俸等的這一些是不可以的,這些似議題似乎就比較具體可以執行,但要弄一個人權進來的話就蠻困難認定,如果可以找出具體又明確可以執行的,我們當然也不會拒斥。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是,「預算、租稅、薪俸事項」後面,加上一些具體文字,也許這個還在討論範圍內?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "所謂「少數跟多數結構性沒有辦法流通事項」,這個大家覺得聽不懂。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個也許可以透過協作會議,可以refine到大家都覺得這是確定法律概念的程度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的意思是,雖然不太可能解決全部憲法規定人民權利的問題,但是經過協作會議而發想之後,若有一些明確文字的話,這個不無小補。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "並不是說都解決了,但至少解決一部分,如果這個架構可以接受的話?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "可以接受,但是時程上是委員會通過馬上要送到院裡面了,所以這個程序跟政委這邊的程序可能會若干的……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過還好,我們協作會議並沒有說一定要跟院的程序掛鉤。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也就是當我們說交給中選會參考的時候,意思並不是要從院裡面撤案,完全沒有這個拘束力。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這裡的拘束力,是中選會要在Join平台上把訴求逐點回應就可以了,所以我說這兩個時程是不必要掛鉤的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "處長是不是可以講精確一點?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在在院裡了?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "已經在報,委員會在過年前通過,這兩天就要報出來。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "中選會也要提一個公投法的修正版本,現在已經出你們內部的委員會?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "委員會決議,已經通過了,還沒有報出來到院裡面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "禮拜五左右,院就會收到了。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "行政院下個禮拜會收到你們報過來的公投法,反正就是這一、兩個禮拜?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你們會排什麼時候?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "那個不是我們排,可能是羅政委那邊。" }, { "speaker": "薛宇舜", "speech": "因為我們還沒有收到,還要找時間審查,要看審查審幾次及審不審得完,所以還沒有限定什麼時候要提出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "只要在下個會期任何時候都可以?" }, { "speaker": "薛宇舜", "speech": "院會通過後馬上可以送立法院。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "重點是要處理下次大選時的公投案,我聽起來是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "只是我們開完的東西,如果還在審查的過程,當然可以納入參考,但如果還在立法院的審議可以參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為行政院審完了之後,未來還是要在立法院併案審查。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以其實無論如何,到協作會議開完時,絕對不可能立法院已經三讀通過,沒有這一種事,所以大家並不需要擔心流程競合的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果是這樣的話,我們接下來談一下主協辦及分工,這邊有比較麻煩的是談一下相關的利害關係人,因為提案的人,其實已經很明確指出認為伴侶盟是利害關係人,但是另外一方面我們也知道伴侶盟跟你們這邊其實有在訴訟當中。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外一個利害關係人,我們有看到他開記者會,是陪審團協會吳景欽老師。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "在法律上的利害關係人,跟你們現在所講的利害關係人是兩個不一樣的概念。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "法律上的利害關係人是採嚴格的界定,有法律上的利害關係才有跟當事人相同享有之後才有應訴等訟訴上的權利,但是現在公投法修法的研議伴侶盟也好、反同團體也好,很難說有何個人法律上權益受損.法律關係還很遙遠。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "之前同婚及反同婚公投案公告聽證之後就有同婚團體跟反同團體,全部都來申請說是利害關係人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是,像是同志熱線,公開主張說他們即將服務這些人,因此有利害關係。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "也來訴願,起碼10幾、20個,但是來申請,我們都會回覆當事人,結果有些覆函被退回,說是找不到這個團體,所以要去辨識是不是利害關係人實務上是有困難的,即便不管是否在法律上是沒有公法上的關係。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "但是這個並不是體制外的去邀,我們是沒有意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該是這樣講,你們在聽證上的利害關係人,中選會有一個主張,認為必須能舉出「在法律上,因為這個程序的利益,將如何受影響」,舉得出來才有利害關係。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們這邊的認定比較寬,是「自己公開表述將如何受影響」,而不是「依法將如何受影響」。這裡有一個差別,確實是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "這個嚴格的界定以往也有人來作挑戰,也被法院駁回了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣我瞭解了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,從中選會的角度來看,如果選得出依法的關係人,當然有資格討論,但是除此之外並沒有要特別提誰。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們瞭解了,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接下來在利害關係人之後,有一個問題比較棘手。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "打一個岔,第二個確認主協辦單位跟分工。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我現在要確認。現在麻煩一點,3月15日開協作會議,剛好是同婚專法的法案提出來並開始吵的時候,所以我們在猜想一件事,會議上很可能會提到同婚的一些事,主持團隊預計的做法還是這樣子,會先請法務部這邊針對同婚先準備好相關的文件及資料,如果他們真的有很大的疑惑,可以稍微帶到,但是可以說這並不是今天的議題,而是順道幫法務部來做相關的澄清,澄清完之後還是回到這個議題來做程序討論,請大家不要在這個議題上糾結,這樣不知道好不好,在會前如果麻煩法務部準備一個說帖。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "法務部本來就會有一個說帖。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的意思是,你們不用超出說帖範圍的東西。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其他的我們會說「這並不是今天的會議主題」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也就是說,到底什麼是「永久共同生活」,並不是今天討論的會議目的。" }, { "speaker": "黃王裕", "speech": "我是法務部法律事務司黃王裕科長,剛剛有討論到協作會議的議題安排,此部分我們尊重會議討論的結果及政委辦公室的決定。" }, { "speaker": "黃王裕", "speech": "不過剛剛提到的主協辦機關部分,當初看到會議通知的時候,上面註明之所以邀請法務部來,因為邀請的利害關係人有伴侶盟,他們可能會就個案的問題會提出問題,不過這一次協作會議的主題在於未來公投法要如何有精進,並非就具體個案進行討論,因此建議免列法務部為此議題之協辦機關。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,我們是需要一個並不是中選會、也不是提案人的人來分享一些事實性的法制,這個是主持人團隊這邊確認到的一個需求。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們實務上之前42次協作會議,有時協辦部會自己不出現,而是推薦他信得過的老師來擔任這樣的角色,這個實務上都有做到過,只是不知道有沒有替代想法?可以幫助你們把不管是程序也好,或者是當時已公開的說帖也好來進行說明,但是又不具有法務部公務員的身分,因此不會就被追著問?" }, { "speaker": "黃王裕", "speech": "如果法律疑義涉及法務部主管法律,這個是法務部的責任,我們就責無旁貸,我們會說明清楚。" }, { "speaker": "黃王裕", "speech": "但是像政委提到的部分,會提到的面向是非常廣,針對非法務部主管之法規,我們在會議上沒有辦法代相關的權責機關來回應,回應錯的話,就會造成誤導,所以這個部分已經超過法務部的權責範圍。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在你們的權責範圍裡,你又不想作為協辦機關出現的話,有沒有什麼推薦可能性?" }, { "speaker": "黃王裕", "speech": "這個協作會議的主題涉及公投法之修正,相信當初公投法草案在審查時,中選會應該有徵詢很多老師的意見,應該有比較多的推薦人選。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,如果講到同婚這個個案,是以公開的資料,這個公開資料主持人團隊都看過,如果中選會有比較推薦、也信得過的老師的話,這個老師不一定要邀個案,但可以對於之前這一案在程序上的一些爭議來做一些說明,大概是到這裡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "尤其如果提案人是一位高中生,真的不是很確定五權分立到底是什麼概念的話,如果有人出來說明,那確實是比較有說服力的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "之前有討論到公投法的時候,已經有找了中選會以外,還有找內政部、法務部。當時找法務部、內政部的理由是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "法制作業。" }, { "speaker": "黃王裕", "speech": "我說明一下,我們行政部門送草案到行政院的做法。一般草案送到行政院時,行政院會召開審查會議,會邀相關部會,法務部是針對法制作業的部分會提供一些意見,像處長方才提到的審查會議,也是部裡面負責法制作業的法制司去參與的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不涉及實質?" }, { "speaker": "黃王裕", "speech": "對,不涉及實質,單純的法制作業,因為法制作業有一定的規定及格式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "類似法規會扮演的角色。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這樣我可以理解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "法務部並不一定要當協辦機關,如果你們有推薦的中立學者再讓主持人知道,不然會以主持人的為主。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我這邊有一點疑惑,有人提到一個想法,也就是有關於公投選舉無效之訴之類的,這個可能會跟檢察司有關的。" }, { "speaker": "黃王裕", "speech": "公投選舉無效之訴屬於行政訴訟,此部分跟檢察司負責之刑法無關,是司法院的範疇。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是直接進司法體系。" }, { "speaker": "黃王裕", "speech": "如果是刑事的話,才有可能到檢察官。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但這個顯然不是刑事。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "比較大的疑惑是,我們有辦法邀請司法院來出席或是提供書面意見嗎?又或者是對相關的議題來表達嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然可以問。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你剛剛不是說三權分立嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "五權。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你問他司法權?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們在實務上,有請銓敘部表示意見過。涉及考試院的時候,我們人事行政總處,跟銓敘部是有窗口的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你不是問法務部嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我的意思是「法務部是窗口嗎?」" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像人總之於銓敘部的關係一樣?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "公投的議題五花八門,涉及到各個部會,因為是對立法權、行政權不滿,所以針對各機關的業務、範圍,他認為有反對或者是支持的意見等等,所以對於涉及到各機關的業務,我們就會請相關機關來做一些這個案子是不是適合做公投的說明。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "至於人權像這個提案來講,範圍、內涵到底到哪一個程度,並不是我們可以理解的,因為涉及到人權的業務。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以假設有人以此為標的發動公投,你們也是會要求補正?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "也是要請法務部來,協作會議的性質,我們並不是完全地理解,但是如果要對於一些是否適格公投等實體問題,像範圍內或者是範圍外還是需要主管機關來說明,其他我們也沒有辦法代他們說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我們理解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想協作會議最基本的想法是,讓大家先把彼此認識到的事實對焦,對焦完之後,有時有可能產生出一些比較創新的見解,但重點還是共同價值、共同事實的對焦,這個是協作會議最基本的功能。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "之前我們協調一些比較針鋒相對的案子,像今天我們在每月討論當中,法務部才剛接到一個案子是有關於法務部要修法,把殺害直系尊親屬從死刑、無期徒刑改變加重其刑1/2,同兒少保護法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是提案人這邊希望把兒虐、殺害直系卑親屬也比照直系尊親屬,兩個都變成死刑、無期徒刑,可以說跟法務部的見解是相衝的兩種不同提案,這時其實我們的協作會議並不是做出裁示或者是決定,而是讓雙方瞭解到雙方提出這個想法,背後的原因及想法是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果大家在共同的立場之後,還有共同的價值的話,也許因為這個共同的價值可以想出一些新的做法,像之前有人提案要把臺灣的時區改成跟日本一樣,就是GMT+9,有8,000人,有另外8,000人提議要把臺灣留在GMT+8,我們就邀雙方一起過來討論,大家發現一個共同的價值,就是「我國在國際上是要更獨特、為人所知」,大家盤點之後發現改時區並不是最好的辦法,反而大家握手言和。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個形式比公投拘束力小很多,但有實質的對焦功能,大概是這樣子的做法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個請直接講。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一開始的設定要設定好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而且已經到立法院了。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "程序上我們沒有意見,因為按照既定的程序,現在是已經要送到院裡面來,至於這個要怎麼樣做建議,我們也只能儘量參考而已,或者是到院裡面再來說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為這個拘束力並不是直接拘束到你們。但是對於時間上,準備期夠嗎?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "時程上有一點遲了。" }, { "speaker": "薛宇舜", "speech": "羅政委並不知道3月15日這個時間點,他指示我來聽聽大家的說法。" }, { "speaker": "薛宇舜", "speech": "分兩個部分,同婚專法那時在立法院了,所以不會在院裡面;有壓力的是即將送來的公投法修正草案,但是政委3月下旬要去歐洲參加臺歐盟人權諮商會議,又跟人權的議題有關,所以這個時間點我會再請示一下政委。因為那時已經密集審查公投法修正草案了,中選會報院的版本不會把協作會議裡面不論有沒有拘束力的東西放進去,所以應該是在院裡面,我會再跟政委報告一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實就是參考性質,大家討論出來覺得這一些文字放在立法理由裡面很棒,也許參採,但是如果都沒有,也沒有收到這麼多的話,你只要說明就可以了,拘束力是有限的,也麻煩跟羅政委表示,如果羅政委有更明確的想法,其實可以隨時傳訊息給我。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "關於法務部是這樣,因為我們事前會訪伴侶盟,看一下他們的狀況,在訪問的時候也會特別跟他們提到會議不會討論到實質的議題,如果完全理解也同意的話,我覺得法務部就過來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們的講法是「不要討論實質的個案」?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "邀請來的利害關係人以外,還有一個訪談。中選會還有開過一個關於程序的諮詢,你們有沒有諮詢學者專家?你們覺得推薦的是不是可以提供給我們。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們的見解是納入我們的議題手冊當中是有幫助的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有沒有覺得你們的見解是滿ok的?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "當初聽證的時候,整個學者專家是我們會裡面去找兩位,當事人找兩位,所以不適合原來的那兩位再來推薦,聽證都已經講過了,所以我們也不知道哪一些可以就他的立場來說。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "理解。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "比如會前的資料,因為他們在立法院提案了,立法院有沒有討論過,再來是聽證當中跟程序討論相關的老師見解,是不是可以幫忙?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "聽證紀錄都有,網路上都可以找得到。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "剛剛講到的聽證應該是針對每一案公投的那個嗎?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "聽證是要駁回哪一個公投案之前有開的聽證會,如果這個案子ok就不用開。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "所以聽證會針對個案。我們要問的是有沒有針對公投程序有研究的專家學者、團體或者是老師?我們的利害關係人可能沒有您定義這麼嚴謹,可能在網路上有聲量、某個學術領域上是有權威的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有投書、論文、開記者會或者是公開您覺得很不錯的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "或者會諮詢的學者,只是幫助我們前期在蒐集資料,並不是要讓他來會議上,只是讓我們的資料蒐集可以完整。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "是要幾位?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "都可以,一至三、四位都可以。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "有寫過幾位專文的學者是有的,很容易查。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們在會議之前會出議題手冊,我們想儘量包含各個之前有過的見解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "您推薦專文也可以。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "我們可以找一下。吳志光有一些文章,像之前司法許院長也有寫過,像有幾個,比如李俊增、曹金增,其實google一下並不難找。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "只是我們找到的不知道對不對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "尤其跟我們目前實際運行的《公投法》版本關係程度如何,您來判斷會比較容易。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "也可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就請給一些reference,感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天我們就到這邊,謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在今天新一屆開放政府聯絡人的月會前,我們辦過兩次共識營。兩次綜整之後,有需要一些PDIS做的事,包含我會約院長這陣子有空的話,來討論拘束力結構的內容。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為以前協作會議,都是在政務會議報告,現在大家知道沒有定期的政務會議了,是政務委員和院長個別見面的模式,所以在之前協作會議的拘束力結構,會因為大家的建議而改變,這個是今天第一個報告案,我們同仁會報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果有用過sli.do的話,在共識營大家都有用過,可以用手機輸入,進入00212,這個就會是我們的投票跟隨時大家都可以在線上匿名問問題或留言等等的網址,所以如果有空的話,可以先連到,也就是今天的日期。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後,今天才剛上線一個新的網站,也就是「」,這個之後同仁應該會補充到sli.do上,所以不用背的,逐字稿裡會有,但是「」是一個縮網址,展開之後是「」,就是開放政府聯絡人完全指南,會是設定給部會裡面任何從來沒有聽說過有PO或者是開放政府到底幹麻的同仁,理論上可以自己看這個網站就可以知道我們在做的事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "跟這個搭配的是另外一個網址,目前還沒有正式上線,不過也可以開一下是「」,沒有關係,你慢慢來,那個網址是目前同仁還在建置,是全部42次協作會議,就是前面兩屆PO所辦理過全部協作會議的清單,這個目前同仁還在綜整,但是每一個打開的話,像按開汽機車什麼的,就會展開所有的公開資料,這個資料非常包羅萬象,我們只有設定一個選擇,就是在上面都是可公開的或者已公開的,所以內部的討論資料等等不會在這個網站上看到,但任何人只要想知道協作會議發生什麼事的話,這等於是全部收攏在一起的檔案夾。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此這一個網址目前雖然還沒有公開,但剛才POP有一位蔡詩萍主持人訪問我,我不小心講出來了,所以下週五6點的收聽者至少就會知道這個網址,所以一個禮拜同仁還會繼續補充上面的內容,一般大眾看到也比較知道我們在做什麼,所以以上是一些公開資訊跟大家分享,大家如果ok的話,我們就進入報告事項,隨時都可以在sli.do上提問。請馬克。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "大家好,快速跟大家講一下第一個報告事項,前兩週大家都有開共識營,在共識營裡面,因為有分兩個梯次,在早上的問題收斂之後有收斂到不一樣的主題,所以我們分別在第一梯次跟第二梯次討論的東西不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第一個是「在提升公私互信的前提下,提升業務單位、PO、首長,採用協作會議作為開放政府的途徑」,這個是第一梯次有來參加PO們認為可以討論的問題。第二梯次PO認為要討論的議題應該是「如何慎選協作會議的題目(接地氣)」,這個當時的定義是要符合大家的需求,有民眾、長官、在座的各位承辦同仁的需求。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "根據這兩個題目,我們發展出不同的概念,因為這一份文件有在會前寄給大家,所以這邊先稍微掠過,有第一天第一組、第二組跟第二天第一組、第二組。在整個討論結束之後,PDIS花了一點時間把問題彙整,也根據大家的建議,然後綜整之後,在這一份文件最後面,今天要在這邊跟大家一起討論這邊的建議項目是不是ok的,看看大家有沒有什麼進一步的建議。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們一條一條來看。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第一個部分,大部分的PO都有提出來,對於目前任職PO,覺得自己的職權不夠、對政策不夠瞭解,我們收到很多不同的建議,我們綜整出來的建議、做法是:我們認為應該先蒐集共識營PO所須的職權,然後發出問卷之後,大家都有收到問卷,對於各PO團隊進行問卷這邊講的PO團隊是有些部會的PO並不是一個人,而是一個團隊,甚至有三級PO,我們想要知道每一個PO的團隊職權分布怎麼樣,因此有請各位PO填問卷回來,我們也會根據這個問卷調查的結果,等到我們瞭解每一個部會的狀況之後,然後再個別給予建議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為這個會議總結,就是在這一次月會裡,我們會當作會議紀錄的一部分,所以如果對上面的字眼、字樣有任何想要調整或者是詢問的可以直接提出,不一定要在每一點上只能提那一點,想到任何在共識營提到沒有被收到的,這個都可以提出來。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "看到第二點的建議做法一,建議在第二次季會的時候,請內政部、衛福部的PO來分享一下內部的作業要點及交接流程,這邊可能有兩點要說明,其實內政部PO並不是一個團隊,而是只有一個人。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "人們對人的交接,因為我們是發言人室的體系,所以我們對於整個運作上來講還算順遂,所以並沒有用到一個團隊。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "另外,因為我們的交接,我請前一個PO已慢慢參與活動,其實是有銜接期。最重要要分享的是,我們歷任的PO都已經把架構架構好了,因此把資料夾定型在裡面,會照著會議時序、季會、月會,把資料夾整個架構建立好之後,我們碰到哪一個階段要處理什麼事就點進去看,因此對於交接的經驗分享就僅止於此。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "重點是資料結構,是不是可以改書面?" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "這個不難,那個其實是一開始建立之後,大家循著那個模式,不要意圖更換,像我們的作業規定有改版,就是再加一個資料夾,但是還是在那個主資料夾裡面,不去變更原來的結構之下,這樣在傳承上比較ok。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我聽起來這個是非常值得分享的,剛才講的每一句話都可以展開成兩個簡報,如果你覺得口頭簡報壓力比較大,因為畢竟是季會都是長官的話,我還是建議看能不能你講主要、考慮的點,然後說不定真的是用手機拍一下,然後整理一個類似像書面參考的,因為對很多其他部會的PO來講,他們在共識營的時候,都是說有一個類似的結構,他們比較知道怎麼樣在一個相對小的團隊做操作,這個還是對大家有幫助的,並不是沒有幫助的。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "其實如果只是書面或者是口頭分享的話,其實比較簡單,可是如果季會要報告,我們內部都有限制,大概會有這個問題,不然其實我們處理的模式,不管是綜規或者是管考的做法都是一致的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們共識營有開發出一個新的模式,就是可以由PO提供書面的素材,然後PDIS在會議上分享,可以簡化一些簽核程序。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這次的季會就會這樣做。所以也許內政部就可以用一個方法,就是作為下次季會的附件,並不是你是報告案的案主。試試看。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看衛福部有沒有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "我原本想說還在第一條...那我也就跳到第二條的部分接續說明本部PO的想法。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "其實看到這個建議做法之後我有聯繫PDIS,了解「下一次季會由內政部、衛福部的PO去分享作業要點及流程」這個建議的由來。PDIS同仁有讓我瞭解到是因為在其中一次共識營的時候,有部會提到參考過衛福部的作業要點後,覺得運作上有比較順暢,因而做此建議。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "我的具體想法是兩個:" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "第一,衛福部並沒有針對PO訂內部要點,是以Join平台的運作為規範標的訂了作業計畫,這份文件我們是非常樂意分享的,先前有來問過的部會我們也都有share,剛已經放連結到sli.do上了( )。我們還是有運作不順暢的地方,但如果需要一個基本的架構歡迎參考。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "第二,季會的性質是比較高層的長官,但像這樣的作業計畫是比較細部的,似乎比較不合適在季會平台報告詳細內容;比較合適的可能會是,請政委協助在季會上提一下,如果部會覺得有訂內部規範的需求,本部有這樣的文件可以參考,有需要的部會歡迎運用 -- 我覺得督導知道到這個程度,想運作的PO就比較好作業了。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "所以,同內政部PO的想法一樣,我們可以提供素材,但是是不是要在PO的季會做detail分享,建議再斟酌一下。以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該這樣講,可能由我來分享有這樣的資料可以參考,而且也很歡迎直接聯絡兩位PO,如果有看不懂的地方,其實從各位的長官角度來看,甚至是主秘或者是次長來的話,其實知道有這一些資源就好了,如兩位的建議,不是內政部跟衛福部PO團隊來報告,而是我們在下一次季會的時候,去分享有這樣的一些資源,如果要直接聯絡的話,可以聯絡兩位,兩位在當場要什麼補充就可以以個人身分補充。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "其實跟PDIS雨蒼聯繫的時候,雨蒼就有建議可在月會用一點時間分享一下內部作業計畫的重點。因為作業計劃這種行政文件應該都是在座各位很熟悉的模式,我快速用2分鐘講一下我們內部作業計畫比較重要的三個重點就好。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "第一,這整個作業計劃最重要的核心對我們來說是讓我們好做事,所以我們有把「開放政府聯絡人(PO)」這個詞訂進去,直接明訂有哪一些流程PO要出現,像大家處理的「Join」平台的案件,在完成權責機關回應文件時,要會辦給開放政府幕僚單位綜規司,同時也需要會文給PO督導及PO,我們直接把這個詞、流程定進去,然後後面才是簽請一層核定。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "所以不管是「提點子」或者是「眾開講」流程中,我們都有把PO的名詞訂進去,至於到底要訂在什麼流程環節,我相信各部會的想法作法是不一樣的,可以有不同的訂法。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "第二,我們實際使用這一份作業計劃的場合是什麼?主要是一成案之後,幕僚同仁轉知成案通知信的時候,就直接把作業計畫當成附件,請對方看作業計畫第幾點第幾點,請在完成什麼步驟的時候,CC或者是通知PO等等等 -- 這是這份作業計畫的主要用途,讓業務單位可以先藉由這份正式核定的作業計畫知道有PO的角色、知道麼時候需要來找我們。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "第三,我們最後也有提到管考及獎懲,管考的部分比較彈性,我們有提到幕僚單位不定期可以在部務會議上報告,分享好的、待加強的案件處理做法;獎懲的規定寫得也比較寬鬆,但就是留下一個獎勵的依據。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "其他大概都是同一般作業計劃的使用方式,僅供大家參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝,因為今天有逐字稿的關係,所以我在季會就會用你的逐字稿來唸。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的內政部這邊看之後提供什麼書面資料,我也會按照你的書面資料來分享,當然會比較精簡,精簡之後,如果大家覺得這個不錯,然後回去之後希望各位PO幫忙擬類似的時候,是希望有一段時間可以準備了,你們ok嗎?" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "ok。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那就請馬克。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第三,「長官對協作會議、PO制度不熟悉」。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們有兩個做法:" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第一個做法是每一次季會前,主協辦部會提供案例素材,由PDIS製作簡報,唐鳳政委分享協作會議過程與成果。建議做法二,往後協作會議開會通知,除email之外,亦以正式公文發送為原則。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個做法並不是甲、乙案的意思,是都做的意思,有一些是PDIS都做,那一些是會直接發生,像後天的季會會由我來報告新一代健保卡的整個概念,是把關鍵的how、might、we,試想怎麼樣的問題收斂到關鍵問題,也就是大家在共識營討論的關鍵問題變成後面政策的依據,也就是銜接依據來進入公務流程,我只會強調這一個重點,很感謝Mark製作簡報及專業同仁們提供非常多的素材,這個是會直接發生了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "建議做法二是需要大家討論的,因為之前當各部會PO還沒有那麼確定的時候,大家希望我們以email通知不用簽的公文作為原則,需要公文的時候PO再來跟我們說發一個公文,但是協作會議的開會通知,到最近大家覺得需要調動更多資源的時候,確實兩次共識營都有提到是不是反過來,如果不希望發公文的話,協作會議確定之後再來告訴我們說改成email,如果不特別講的話,我們會發一個公文告訴大家要召開一個協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以前怕大家接到政委要開會議,部長、次長都跑過來,但是大家都瞭解協作會議是什麼回事,所以也不會有之前擔心的問題,這個是我們收到的建議做法二,看大家有沒有什麼想法或者是想要討論的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "sli.do上說主要還是覺得簽辦是一個負擔,所以公文都會簽辦,是可以不用發公文,我想我們留著這個選項,我們在協調協作會議時間或是協調事後聯繫提案人等等程序時,如果你覺得不應該發公文,你是主辦機關的話,你就講一聲就好了,PO跟PO知道這一件事後,我們就不會發公文,我想就這樣子處理。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第四,「如何讓協作會議的成果更廣為發散」,當天討論出來,我們收斂出來的答案及建議的做法是PDIS可持續撰寫協作會議相關的紀錄文章,並且在重大矚目議題討論時,可以產生出新聞媒體可以使用的素材。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個大家在「Join」的回應上越來越多是這個格式,我們把改版的參採情形變成可用的那一段,一關注的時候就拿出參採情形,像所謂的超徵並不是超徵,其實是短估等等這樣子的一套說法,財政部某個案子出現的時候,明顯看到有使用,所以我覺得這個是可以繼續加強的部分,但是之前並沒有一個單一的地方彙整給大家看到,剛才分享的那一個檔案夾我們還在建置,會有越來越多的素材給大家運用,我們會儘量在不特定廣播電臺或者是其他人來的時候儘量分享素材。如果沒有要修改就往下。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第五,「議題設定與決定權修正」。這邊有兩個建議做法:第一個是請國發會與議題提案時,可以加入「Join」平台的「眾開講」相關提案。第二,開放由行政院各政務委員主動提出協作議題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個做法一,其實本來國發會就有提案權,只是之前國發會提的都是Join平台的「提點子」來的,我們現在看到的「眾開講」裡面不只是法規預告,其實有一些部會是自己想要主動討論,也許透過協作會議,也許是跨部會的時候有幫助,並不是硬性每一個月都要,而是案源加上這個案源,看國發會有沒有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "「眾開講」有分兩塊,一個是機關主動提出議題,一個是法規、法令草案預告,國發會是不是要再由機關主動提議的部再拉出來?我認為這個要尊重部會,因為感覺好像跳過部會PO。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "因為目前法規草案命令,是介接行政公報網那一塊,此部分是可以篩選民眾關注的特定議題,目前法規草案命令參與的情形,大概20%左右,也就是有20%的草案預告有討論,可以在裡面找出一些議題出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們稍微修改一下字樣,法規草案命令預告的時候,原則上是以熱度比較高的,或者是比較有爭議的,這當然由Join平台的主管機關來幫忙看,我覺得比較適合。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "各部會在「眾開講」,於法規命令預告的時候,各位並不是每一個都有遇到或者是參與討論,每一個部會實作的方式不一樣,所以提過來不一定要辦協作會議,而是變成投票的選項之一,我想這個爭議是比較小的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於機關主動徵詢意見的話,這邊的意見是主動徵詢意見,然後PO應該要知道,PO提過來就可以了,意思是這樣子,所以「由各部會PO主動提出為原則」,如果國發會覺得很有必要的時候,我們還是保留,你們需要幫忙看,還是以法規命令草案預告為主。好不好?" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這兩次的共識營裡面提到不一定是5,000人連署才會有利害關係人,其實討論的熱度,在某些討論的特定連署還要高,我們認為以可以拆掉未爆彈的想法或者是社會討論的想法,這一些都可以討論,這個是對建議、做法來說明。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "主席、各位夥伴,跟這個議題有一點相關,最近我想每一個PO或者是資訊單位都有接到國發會的公文,裡面有提到跨域開放政府、落實公民審議這一塊,其中第2點有提到擴大民眾參與、資訊公開、決策透明,請各部會填列,也就是擇定政策諮詢議題,納入PO工作推動會議來檢視,我不曉得各部會的做法如何,剛剛農委會的部分po也不了解,日前我打電話給交通部po,好像也說沒有看到這份公文。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "不曉得資訊處是不是自己填,這個相關性要如何處理?謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要不要說明一下?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我說明一下,剛剛收到所填的表格,那個是推動智慧政府項目的工作,因為智慧政府並不全部是開放政府,還有其他幾個面向,所以我們是連同那個表一起發出去的,發到部會之後,我們目前也正在蒐整各個部會資料回來,因為我自己本身還沒有完整看到各部會填過來的資料,所以沒有發現剛剛法務部PO提到的現象,我不知道在座的PO是不是覺得有必要加入到這個,如果大家覺得認同的話,我會回去再通知沒有填的PO補上這一段。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "政府資料開放跟創新智慧服務這邊,跟PO不一定有百分之百的關係,但是促進公民參與跟社會創新這一塊,尤其是像您剛剛所講是議題發現這一塊的話,我想重合度是高達八成以上,如果沒有copy到PO的話,會有類似PO的東西在運作,我也建議國發會如果可以補上的話,會比較好,非常感謝提醒。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該這樣講,不是要PO變成這一件事的承辦人,而是當這個表單填列過來的時候,PO要知道,而且你覺得不管是資訊或者是綜規,所在的部門跟那個不一樣的話,是很好收進跟PO團隊裡面,這個是一個可能性,麻煩國發會幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在sli.do上,有一個提到「PO其實不是萬能,樣樣都勾稽po也是難以負荷」,確實,所以不是變成承辦人的意思是,當他接到,然後他本來要填這一件事的時候,讓你知道的這一件事,不是變成幫他填的這一件事,我們是有逐字紀錄的,歡迎拿這個逐字稿紀錄使用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外幾個意見,好像都是跟政委提案有關係,是不是都唸一下,我們剛剛唸到那一句。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "建議的做法二,是開放由行政院各政務委員主動提出協作議題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個因為在某次共識回應,有人提到成本比較高,協作會議是大家都知道有人形容是一套完整、每一個都可以拿去用的工具鏈,但當整個工具鏈都使用的時候,行政成本是相當高的,所以在這個情況下,是不是由行政院政務委員提案,因為到院本部的政務委員來處理的,理論上先天就具有重要、矚目、跨部會、高度政治性等等的這一些性質,所以在這樣的情況之下,讓其他的政委也都可以提案,或許也是讓大家知道這套方法可以處理一些跟他麻煩程度相稱的重要議題,所以這是在共識營第二次的提議,第一次倒是比較沒有聽到這個提議,所以看大家有沒有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們接到這個提議之後,確實也有稍微跟其他政委的幕僚朋友們討論一下,目前可能有興趣的是張景森政委辦公室的朋友,但也還不確定是什麼議題,其他的政委還待討論中,其他的部分就看大家有沒有什麼想法。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我補充一下,因為第一個建議做法,其實第二梯次共識營在討論時,就像剛剛政委所講的,協作會議準備期程的過程很長,對於部會跟業務單位都是很消耗的一件事,比如「眾開講」法規命令預告上,既然在上面「眾開講」了,勢必先期資料比較完整,對於業務單位跟PO來講相較「提點子」協作會議的準備成本應該是比較低的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "再來,「眾開講」的法規草案命令預告需要開公聽會,在公聽會也可以加入協作會議的元素,這個是在第二梯次共識營提出來的解法,在這邊補充一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「預告熱度較高」的意思是,其實即使你開公聽會,大概也有一定的行政成本,這個行政成本攤提下來,大概就一定要做了,不如可以引入更多的資源,做到可能至少衝突比較小的程度,這是當時的一個想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "各政務委員提出協作議題這邊,我想會做的方法,同樣也是提來這邊讓大家投票,並不是某一位政務委員指定之後,然後其所監督的部會忽然間非承辦不可,所以同樣只是提到這邊,然後經過大家充分討論,然後投票之後再進入協作,因此位階並沒有比國發會來得高,這個跟大家說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家覺得ok嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果ok的話就寫進去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一些sli.do上的自行討論,我們先看具體問題,像「政委提案的話,唐鳳政委辦公室後續會不會協助」,我們自己內部正要開一個共識營,我們也要統合大家對於這件事的想法,但是我們初步的想法是,我們幫忙舉辦開放政府相關業務的這一群同仁們,包含主持人團隊等等,其實並不只是幫我督導的業務來服務。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在任何政委提出需求的時候,像大家可能知道「新一代健保卡」原本並不是我督導的業務,我並不督導衛福部,但在國發會陳主委審這一件事時,以陳政委的身分提到政務會議上說是不是請PDIS來幫忙,所以在正式會議紀錄寫的是「行政院公共數位空間小組」,意思是這群人服務所有人,並不是只服務唐政委辦公室,在這樣的前提之下,PDIS的朋友,對於投票出來要辦的協作會議都會協助。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於在形式上,是不是由提案的政委對院長報告、對外說明等等,這個就要看提案的政委怎麼想。如果提案的政委提出來,大家討論一輪,覺得不適合透過協作的方法來辦理,我覺得既然有逐字紀錄,可以給出交代,那也滿好的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "PDIS一定會進來,部會的PO也要……我們是有一個要點,開放政府聯絡人的要點是這邊決定到的,主協辦的部會是一定要入場,這個不用擔心,預設值就是這位朋友所講的預設值。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一位朋友提到「華航罷工案件是不是適合協作」,我不知道交通部有沒有要提這個案子作為動議案?如果要提的話,我們可以來具體討論,如果沒有要提的話,我們可能沒有辦法討論到部會PO未提案的個別議題。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "謝謝大家的關心(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們就感謝大家的關心。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也有朋友肯定這一次的共識營辦得非常好,讓大家對於PO的角色更清楚,其他的部分是有關於公文的分辦等等,我想這在sli.do上自己討論解決,最後討論長遠性的工會相關政策,也許等熱度稍微過一點,大家才可以就事論事來討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實連署天生就有這樣的性質,等你到5,000人的時候,那一件事已經稍微過一點了,所謂的社會事件是在熱度最高的時候來進行協作,當時的利害關係人確實不一定那麼全面,所以很謝謝這一位朋友的提醒。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "sli.do都處理完了,我們看一下最後改過的文字。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後,第二點的建議做法二,我們會把《開放政府議題協作會議操作手冊》……這只是說明的性質,至於指導的性質是要各部會自己訂。所以這份並不是SOP,這個是我們之前操作過的方法,大家在運用的時候可以不受那個拘束,只是在內部制度建立過程裡,部會可以有一個導航,有哪一些資源可以去找,我們未來也會把內政部、衛福部的連結裡面加進去操作手冊當中。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分就如大家所討論的,如果大家沒有問題的話,我們這一份文件直接列入今天的會議紀錄,如果都沒有問題的話,我們就往下。" }, { "speaker": "魏守斌", "speech": "接下來進行歷次協作會議的摘要報告,首先請法務部報告「序號9,廢除調度司法警察條例案」。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "主席、各位夥伴,法務部針對這個議題,我想大家都清楚,最近對於這個議題討論很多,正反意見都有,尤其內政部到部長那邊都主張要廢除的,法務部還是採取保留的態度,本部所屬檢察官也都有一些意見,當然正反意見也有,所以這個案子可能要等下個會期之後,看立法院要怎麼處理,法務部的立場就是要配合立法院審議處理,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "之前綜整的資料、觀點等等,在羅秉誠政委召開的會議當中都有做分享,我想目前在院裡面都是由羅政委在負責,這個之後繼續追蹤,不過看起來是有在這個會期處理的可能性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們往下。" }, { "speaker": "魏守斌", "speech": "接下來請衛福部報告「新一代國家健保憑證規劃案」。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "目前2月份的進度是在上次月會所提到的,是經過上次的設計及規劃,再一、兩個月才會有比較具體的新進度報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。我們在季會上,會從一開始到現在這個階段的過程,來做比較完整的說明。我們往下。" }, { "speaker": "魏守斌", "speech": "請農委會說明一下動物保護法加重罰則案。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "這個議題我們在去年12月27日有召開協作會議,這個協作會議要特別感謝法務部、內政部警政署參與當天的協作會議有邀請到提案人、專家學者、動保團體的代表,還有部分的縣市政府與會,希望能夠就這一個議題討論出結果。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "其實現行的狀況是,農委會對於虐待動物跟傷害動物的罰則,其實在104年、105年、106年都有一個提告,但是我們有做一個觀察,雖然裁罰的強度有增加,但是對於要杜絕不當對待動物的行為,看起來是沒有很顯著的效果。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "所以當天的協作會議,大家也體認到這一點,因此協作會議討論的人員朝著如何提高案件的揭發及調查效能來做重點的討論,並且分組探討我們如何在現有的人力之下來提升動物保護能量,避免流浪動物遭到虐待。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "另外,我們要如何改善動保員、目擊民眾蒐證虐待流浪動物不容易的問題,透過這一次協作會議的討論,我們也期望未來公私協力跟社會的積極參與,我們可以來建構更完善的動物保護機制。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "未來農委會會積極推動四項業務,我們會積極效法歐美,在動物福利發展成熟的區域,學習成功的經驗,推動公私協力跟民間參與,善用民間的力量,社會角落有不當對待動物的時候,能夠馬上被發現,讓違法的人沒有辦法隱形。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "第二點,我們會健全基層動物保護檢查人力與專業職能,來提升案件的調查、處理效能。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "第三點,要發展全面性的動物生命教育工作。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "第四點,針對違反動物保護法案件的類型來做盤點分析,希望能夠建立一個全國一致性的動物福利指標或者認定、裁罰標準,來協助縣市政府來提升行政效能與專業職能。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "我們這一些參採的情形,也已經在1月17日於平台中答覆,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們的答覆滿不錯的。雖然一開始是「不予參採」,但是後面講的非常有道理,所以我目前看起來,網路上的反應還不錯,這個滿不容易的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "通常如果是「不予參採」開頭的話,網路上的反應不一定好,但這次因為後面講的非常合情合理,所以我覺得這個是表示社會凝聚出來的東西是大家覺得非常可行的,我們也看到各個動物保護關心的團體們,對於動保白皮書,以及明年就會在十二年國教的「環境教育、生命教育、品德教育」裡提供參考教材,把動保的知識融入各科教育等等,這些生命教育的做法,其實大家在開完協作會議之後,都會覺得這真的是比較可行的方向。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很感謝大家的投入,這一案就解除列管。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們開會的時候有提到滿重要的一點,也就是有關於蒐證的部分,如何鼓勵民間的人如何製作小手冊放在警局,如果當民眾遇到案件的時候,警局可以給他們小手冊可以給他們。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是公私協力的部分會在哪裡看到?是放在白皮書嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "我們就有提到會致力於公私民間的力量。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們雖然會解除列管,不管是在Join綜合回覆,或者不在Join上的話,我們都會加進綜整資料夾裡,讓大家知道協作會議收到一個比較新的方向,而這個是可以執行的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個可以在月會報告,當他發生的時候,也請讓我們知道,謝謝,也很謝謝雨蒼的提醒。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不好意思,我再追一個部分,我記得那時朱增宏老師努力追一件事,動物在法律定位當中是在什麼位置的法律研究案,另外一個是有關於施虐者是否要對於動物醫療費用支付或者是政府該如何處理的研究,是否也會發包去做嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "會努力的" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我把題目拉回到智慧政府的部分,像剛剛跟口頭詢問本會承辦同仁,在收資料的過程中,有些部會提過來、有些還沒有回來,在提回來的之間有一些人是知會了PO,有一些沒有知會,就現在手邊提到的資料,很難知道哪一些已經給PO、哪一些還沒有給PO,還沒有填回來的部會,將來對口的聯絡人是誰都不太清楚。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "所以我在想,是不是有另外一個程序的方式,我們是不是可以用這一次會議的會議紀錄,請各部會PO回去的時候,憑這個會議紀錄跟資訊單位說你們想要把這個資料填上去,或者是看有沒有什麼意見,然後再送一次的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "收文一定是資訊單位嗎?不一定,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我們也不知道收文是誰,但是我們提供發文字號由在座的PO回去問比較容易一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "強制力不要那麼強,我看已經有人在皺眉頭了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們是說各個部會開放政府聯絡人,對於剛剛所講的調查表,目前還沒有看到或者是還沒有被知會者,可以在部裡面瞭解一下這個東西的參與者,並且視情況邀請盤點表的承辦人員、機關,加入後續開放政府相關的討論,這樣子的寫法是前提要有興趣,第二個是要主動去找他,這個是讓想用的PO可以用,不想要用的PO就不需要使用,大概是用這樣的方式來處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個就列入會議紀錄,謝謝。這個公文的函號如果手邊有的話,就麻煩補充(「智慧政府行動方案」(草案)推動措施暨具體作法-108.1.28 發資字第1081500146號函),大家回去追的時候就追得到,現在是電子公文交換,所以有函號的話,就看法務部或者是誰幫忙key一下,讓大家知道,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個報告案就這樣子了,接下來有一個報告案,是新功能的介紹。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "大家好,國發會報告案運用公共政策網路參與平台『人別驗證功能』,提供參與式預算投票及特定議題調查服務,以下簡單說明。內政部於107年9月中時,函各機關開放申請戶役政資訊系統介接提供線上查驗及線上查詢服務,國發會在11月函文申請人別驗證服務,參與平台於108年1月16日介接測試成功,已可提供線上人別驗證投票使用。有關於人別驗證功能可提供於參與平台的「提點子」附議跟「眾開講」特定議題調查及參與式預算的投票運用,未來各部會有實施參與式預算或者是「眾開講」的特定議題做調查,需透過人別驗證,歡迎跟我們接洽。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "參與式預算這一個部分的人別驗證,我們可以做在籍投票與不在籍投票,另外在「眾開講」特定議題調查的部分,除設籍縣市政府層級以外,可以設定到設籍里、村,比如像高雄市政府大林蒲,我們可以設定設籍大林蒲的民眾來投票,如果是非設籍的話就無法投票。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "接下來我就請同事做一下demo。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個用法不只在參與式預算,對不對?「提點子」的時候也可以?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那如何整合?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "要看特定議題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像台南市政府現在他們那個「提點子」,然後說我們希望某一個地方,像之前高雄哈瑪星的參與式預算前面有一個意見徵集,就會變成這幾個里或這幾個區的人可以來「提點子」,會變成這樣子,但那比較是地方政府,對不對?跟部會的關係是?" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "人別驗證當時一開始的規劃是提供參與預算使用的,那是一個模組,所以目前可以套用到「提點子」裡面,或者是特定議題裡面也可以做「提點子」,那個是綁身分證的,目前不會展示「提點子」這一段,在這裡展示「眾開講」特定議題的人別驗證的議題。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "另外一個是可以設不在籍的參與者投票,那個是參與式預算不在籍的投票,假設是台北市的議題,但是因為台北市在做參與式預算投票時,允許在台北市就學、工作者投票,當時是要到現場投票,但是這個功能事實上是可以提供,但是要先申請,申請以後是可以透過身分證驗證,然後在投票期間於線上投票,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實是有兩個功能,第一個是不只是自願性勾選「具有中華民國國籍」,第二個是有自己的身分證字號,並不是像自己是哪一區的。你在註冊的時候可以說是新店區,然後他會說你的戶籍是不是在新店區,主要回傳是yes or no,這個案號裡面有一個特別的區別限制還有一個身分證字號,戶役政系統回來只有「符合」或「不符合」,不會透露更多個資的意思嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "賴亭潔", "speech": "我這邊先demo的部分是參與式預算,參與式預算這次用的議題是有關台南市「低碳家園」的這個議題,而這個議題目前設定的限制是年紀必須符合18歲至30歲之間,另外戶籍地的限制是只有在台南市南區,我先問在場有PO是台南市南區的居民嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這好像有獎徵答之類的。" }, { "speaker": "賴亭潔", "speech": "沒有的話,我們就直接提供案例給大家看。以在籍居民來說的話,我自己是台北市人,我用我的身分證字號來作測試,身分證字號的部分基於戶政司的規定,所以是一定要大寫的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "大寫可以應該用JavaScript處理吧!" }, { "speaker": "賴亭潔", "speech": "經過系統驗證會確認身分證號碼不在這一次投票區範圍,所以沒有辦法投票成功,因為我們沒有台南市南區的身分證字號,所以先demo到這邊。" }, { "speaker": "賴亭潔", "speech": "不在籍投票的部分,有一個不在籍投票申請,一樣可以找到指定的專案,可以從「申請在籍投票」這個地方輸入身分證字號。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要一個個輸入?" }, { "speaker": "賴亭潔", "speech": "未來會批次輸入。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請廠商參考。" }, { "speaker": "賴亭潔", "speech": "民眾到區公所登記之後,區公所會統一一個時間或者告知一個時間點,等到身分證字號輸入後台之後才會開始進行做投票的動作。" }, { "speaker": "賴亭潔", "speech": "等到身分證字號匯入之後再進行投票,因為系統確認身分是可以做投票的,所以進來就可以點擊想要選擇取的方案,因為這個議題規定要投六案,因此民眾一定要投滿六案才可以送出。後續有關於投票的數及內容都可以在後台操作,投完票之後,系統也會提醒民眾最後投的方案有哪一些,這是參與式預算有關於人別驗證的部分。" }, { "speaker": "賴亭潔", "speech": "另外,有關於「眾開講」的話,民眾點進來的議題,如果需要表達立場的話,需要有一個會員登入的動作。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "我補充一下,使用「眾開講」投票,目前流程限會員才能投票會拿掉,實際上這個做人別驗證的話,是不用用這個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你後續如何通知?" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "沒有通知。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們這次月會的錄影跟任何一次月會是一樣的,並沒有任何個資洩漏的問題(demo中)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們都有看到為了資訊安全,兩階段驗證是非常重要的,剛剛這個畫面是知道密碼是不夠的,還要接到手機上的簡訊才可以,這個是非常好的資安防護的意識,不但密碼長度足夠,而且有開兩階段驗證,不過這個意思是,我們這次demo沒有辦法一次順利demo完。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是大家可以想像,像在「提點子」的部分,這樣子聽起來,基本上是只有地方政府才會有需求,中央的「提點子」跟這個的關係很少,我們是事後分析「提點子」,像哪一些是恆春人、哪一些不是恆春人,但我們從來沒有一種只有恒春人才可以提案,改進恒春人醫療品質的這一種事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝這邊的demo,live demo要不出錯是不可能的,這是很好的。像大家看到這樣子有沒有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "延續主席、政委所提的,「提點子」主要是由民眾自行提意見,然後徵求附議,目前雖然有人別驗證的功能,但是並沒有開放給提案人去限制某些區域的人才能附議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得也沒有必要。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "在系統功能面是可以的,但在應用情境是不會發生這樣的情形,所以主要可能還是在「眾開講」的部分,可能會用得比較多。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我們有設定幾個條件,像內政部戶政司有要了一些條件," }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "剛剛講的是戶籍地,除了戶籍地以外,還有幾個其他的條件,這個條件可以互相搭配運用,我們請同仁說明一下有哪一些條件。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "第一,我們可以限制投票的年齡、居住地區,居住地區實際上是可以到村里才可以投票。另外一個是性別跟原住民的屬性,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "這四個條件是可以互相組合運用的,假設有某一個議題是要特定的區域原住民來表達意見,我們就可以把剛剛講的條件,這兩個組合起來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我問一個有一點煞風景的,Join平台沒有多國語言的能力及規劃,所以要用中文才可以參加原住民族相關的東西,沒有,我只是確認一下,因為我們最近處理原轉議題時,都是第一個被問到有沒有阿美語公文,這個是有的,這個目前還沒有翻譯成美語或者是阿美語,目前都是用中文。" }, { "speaker": "賴亭潔", "speech": "不好意思,花了一點時間登錄。" }, { "speaker": "賴亭潔", "speech": "我們從「眾開講」進來,一樣到「議題點入」之後,民眾就可以選擇想要表達贊成、反對或者是無意見。同樣的,上一個步驟如果有任何失誤的話,可以在這邊作調整,另外也可以輸入身分證字號,請大家忽略我的身分證字號,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "出生日期填錯會怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "賴亭潔", "speech": "我可以現在馬上示範一次給你看。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是Web API,就是戶政司的API。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "會去檢查你的出生日期,為何還要填出生日期?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為要知道你是你,這個是密碼的概念。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "等一下,為何這裡是寫「我是中華民國國民」,其他地方不是都改成「我具有中華民國國籍」了?麻煩請改一下,我記得之前有些朋友們相當在意這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "賴亭潔", "speech": "這就是投完票之後的結果,當然做完人別驗證之後,如果想要改變他的立場,因為在「眾開講」如果有投錯或者是想要改變立場是可以的,如果想要換的話,還要再做一次人別驗證的部分。demo的部分到此。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「英文字母必須為大」應該是「英文字母必須為大寫」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看雨蒼有沒有想要說明的?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我先補充一個,投完票之後的確認視窗,通常到那個視窗是大家要確認一次,但是發現同一個東西是錯的,那個視窗好像沒有一個返回去重新投票的選項,對嗎?" }, { "speaker": "賴亭潔", "speech": "「眾開講」的部分可以自己去做調整的,但目前參與預算是他投完之後,視窗會跳出來確定投的方案,沒有辦法再讓它回去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "跟google表單一樣,填了就填了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "但是比如我跳出來,先點送出的時候,跳出來的那個視窗的那個確認才是真正的送出,另外一個是退回去重新填寫。" }, { "speaker": "賴亭潔", "speech": "會問「是不是確定要送出」?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "狀況是很遺憾地把不想要看的給他看,而他不能改。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是希望改一行,把alert改成confirm。這個請廠商參考,並不是裁示。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝大家耐心看完了demo,我看sli.do上好像沒有什麼意見,如果沒有的話,是不是下一個?" }, { "speaker": "魏守斌", "speech": "接下來進入2月份協作議題的討論之前,我們請彭助理秘書報告日本工作坊的事項。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "不好意思插播一下,因為在1月25日第二次共識營有稍微說明過,目前還沒有徵求到人,我再說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "我們希望徵求一位PO跟唐鳳去日本工作坊分享PO制度,這個工作坊是日本的社群組織,叫做「Code for Japan」,他們對於vTaiwan的制度很有興趣,所以會有vTaiwan的社群朋友一起去。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "「Code for Japan」會提供機票跟住宿給一位vTaiwan的社群朋友及一位PO。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "另外,這兩天工作坊全程是日文,但是有現場的口譯,所以語言大家不用擔心。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "主要要做的事是,包括vTaiwan跟PO制度的分享,兩天會各分享80分鐘,主要還是會唐鳳講,如果PO可以去,跟他們分享我們的PO制度會更好。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "第一天3月9日在東京霞關,第二天是3月10日是日本的鎌倉市,因為其實日本內閣官房就是秘書處及外務省都會一起出席,我們可以看到第一天的議程是要討論KYC,也就是線上身分認證機制的立法討論。時程會是我們先分享我們的經驗,然後下面也會有一個類似像協作會議的討論,出席的人也會有日本的民眾。" }, { "speaker": "彭筱婷", "speech": "第二天是在鐮倉市,他們有討論要做一個遠端工作環境的建置討論,這會是他們這一次討論的主題,出席的人是民眾民眾、鐮倉市政府的同仁,所以如果大家對於這一些主題有興趣或是想要跟日本公務員朋友多交流的話,歡迎大家報名,我們收單到下個禮拜一,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這兩個案子之前在vTaiwan的時候,其實vTaiwan最早於2015年的時候,當時我還是蔡玉玲政務委員的專案顧問時,第一個討論時其實就是遠端勞動,當時勞動部的朋友們因為vTaiwan討論,所以制定了比較完善的遠距勞動法案,所以這個我想是滿切合實際上討論過的主題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "前面這個其實有一點像公司法檢討,印鑑章可以改成電子的方法等等,簡化行政流程的一些做法。我們在Join平台提案也好,各位PO之前處理過的一些不管是報稅、健保或者是其他的這一種行政簡化案等等,這個結構是比較類似的。他們的內閣官房對這個比較有興趣,所以如果大家有興趣的話都可以去分享,不需要會日文。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們之前有一個錯誤的印象是希望會講日語的PO,但後來發現駐日代表處滿強的,不管講什麼,像英語、台語之類的,大概都可以幫你翻譯成很流利的日語,所以語言並不是一個問題,以上。" }, { "speaker": "魏守斌", "speech": "接下來進行2月份協作議題的討論及投票,請國發會簡要說明。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "2月份協作議題共有兩個建議案:" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "第一,「政府應仿工地主任職能課程制度下,將BIM人員分級制度納入公共工程,以確保BIM工程的執行品質」,這個成案的議題是跨部會的議題,包含內政部、工程會,甚至會跨到勞動部業管,內容請參考。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "第二,「殺害16歲以下直系子親、繼親者,處死刑或無期徒刑」,這個是兒虐事件頻傳後續所產生的議題,資料請參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個比較沒有跨部會,基本上是法務部的事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們一個個來,不管勞動或者是工程或者相關部會,看有沒有什麼想要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "政委、各位與會先進,內政部對於這個議題先作一點說明。接獲這個提案的時候,我們看到這個題目,其實好像感覺上有兩個重點,第一個重點是職能課程制度,一個是後面分級制度的部分,所以我們看到這個題目,不知道這個提案人的重點是放在前面或者是後面,所以在1月9日的時候,有先電話詢問提案人,而提案人說代為提案,原提案人在國外,要到2月15日才會回來,所以我們找提案人來開會討論的時候,我們要在這個時間之後。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "不過先經過提案人的初步瞭解當時提案的內容,原則上有兩個比較明確的意見,一個是認為招標文件要註明一些條件,第二個部分是希望一些工程級別要配置不同的人員。其實從推動這個事情是多元、多方向的進展,在目前工程會、署裡面及地方政府都有個別推動的方式及方向,但是因為這個事情,其實在內政部當中,目前從2011年開始,大概是七、八年前左右,開始有一些研究方面的文獻,主要包括三個面向,一個是技術、一個是人才,另外一個是價值運用。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "不過因為剛剛提到像課程的部分必須要有一個課程內容的安排,這個東西會涉及到包括教育部、勞動部等等的事情,甚至會跨到考試院。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "另外技術的部分,對於人員的部分,其實在過去的研究當中也有不同的看法,因為參考其他國家的做法,有些國家是有分級、有些沒有分級,依照國級的部分,我們後續會朝什麼方向走,其實要再透過細部一點的研究案才可以瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "像剛剛提的這一件事面向滿多元的,涉及的部會、民間團體的一些認證訓練機構等等事情,還有研究事項要處理等等的部分,我們後續可能會更全面的方式來思考做法與運作方式,因此建議在短期之內是不是不宜以協作的方式來處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "理解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "聽起來提案人要求的期程跟目前內政部、工程會推動的,要更特定方向與更前面一點,工程會以我的理解是有公共工程會的推動平台,這個平台召開了六次的平台會議,剛剛稍微找了一下並不是很確定這六次會議的提案人訴求有沒有對接或者是不知道有沒有會議,至少讓提案人知道哪一些訴求被討論過,我想這個是最基本的,看工程會或者是其他部會有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "工程會run這個平台是103年開第一次會議,到了106年開完第六次會議,這個平台成立的初衷是要提供一個各機關技術上及經驗上的交流,大家做經驗分享,並沒有要去提哪一些、克服哪一些特定的困難,以試辦為主,這個平台大概在106年結束之後是沒有繼續召開。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以並沒有哪一群人是當然利害關係人,也就是說,之前的平台,已經達成階段性的任務?" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝,看大家有沒有想要說明的,如果沒有的話,請法務部。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "法務部針對這個議案成案之後,我們的業管單位都按照程序在處理中,但是這個案子我們最終建議是不需要協作,相關的說明請檢察司林檢察官詳細說明,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林芝郁", "speech": "法務部報告,有關於殺害16歲以下,直系親屬,這個題目是限定在殺害的部分,有關於殺人罪的部分是第271條第1項,本來就是可以適用死刑、無期徒刑的十年以上有期徒刑。" }, { "speaker": "林芝郁", "speech": "如果殺害是未成年人的話,兒童及少年權利保障法第112條的加重其刑至1/2,所以依照現行法的話,就算有期徒刑的話,也可以依法加重到20年的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林芝郁", "speech": "另外,法務部的意見是,如果限定在殺害16歲以下直系近親,限定在死刑、無期徒刑的刑種的話,其實在個案當中,攻擊手段都是各有不同。" }, { "speaker": "林芝郁", "speech": "另外,參考外國立法例跟我國比較的法定刑是相當的,並沒有在死刑、無期徒刑的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林芝郁", "speech": "另外一個提案有提到,因為殺害直系學親尊親屬的部分是死刑、無期徒刑的刑度,但是目前立法院審議的刑法第272條的草案,目前法務部提了及兩院會銜的草案,都已經改成殺害直系血親、尊親屬是加重其刑1/2。跟現行法殺害兒少第112條的加重其刑1/2的兩個刑度是相當的,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,你們目前做的方向,跟這個提案的方向剛好相反?" }, { "speaker": "林芝郁", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以你覺得不需要進入協作,主要的原因是書面回應提案人說「你們做的方向相反」就已經足夠了?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我聽起來的意思是這樣子,就是不用再經過討論,可以讓他充分瞭解?" }, { "speaker": "林芝郁", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "針對第二案有一個小建議,看到提案裡面有一個是「近年來虐兒事件頻傳……屢屢輕判」,這個屢屢輕判的想法從何而來,如果法務部要自己處理,我非常建議這個部分都要好好釐清,如果有打電話過去給他的話,請他稍微提供一下證據,他從哪一個地方收到相關的資訊,讓他認為屢屢侵害是不斷發生的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,他們在處理這一個案子的時候,其實他們在意的是,也就是看起來是可以預防兒虐這一件事,如果可以的話,看是不是到時回應可以請相關部會稍微提供一些目前臺灣預防兒虐的做法,可以讓他瞭解雖然我們的做法跟你不一樣,但是在這個部分已經有相關的做法在防範並且盡可能預防兒虐發生,一點小建議,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "謝謝雨蒼的建議,我們業管單位會就這一個部分回應。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "就「輕判」(這件事) ,新聞事件之後常常會有這樣的情形,判的部分是由法官來處理的,刑度是有規範,但是量刑的部分係法官就個案去做認定,我想事實上跟上次農委會動保法的案子有類似,所以我們當時的意見也是這樣,現有的法令規定都已非常重,最後法官怎麼判,屬個案認定問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "一般民眾就這個地方其實分不太出來法務部、司法院的權責是什麼,這個是其一。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其二,其實民眾一直很期待懲罰這一件事或者是判刑判得很重就可以達到一些效果,但是是不是真的如此,我會比較建議未來如果有類似的案件或者是法務部需要回應時,可以多多說明刑法加重是不是真的是好的,或者會不會有其限制所在,讓大家有一些比較好的認知,法務部未來面對這一種壓力會比較小一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想每一次回應都有進步,我還記得比較早的狀態,尤其是就參採情形,不管到最後有沒有經過協作,都是不予參採,都是讓他轉念一下的說法,也很建議參考農委會的處理方式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有要補充的?如果沒有的話,我們就進入投票,現在是21分,我們投到到24分收單。" }, { "speaker": "開票結果", "speech": "1.「政府應仿工地主任職能課程制度下,將BIM人員分級制度納入公共工程,以確保BIM工程的執行品質」。" }, { "speaker": "開票結果", "speech": "2.「殺害16歲以下直系子親、繼親者,處死刑或無期徒刑」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以按照規則,兩個都進入協作,不過我剛剛有聽到關於BIM的案子要聯絡到提案人是需要時間的,所以需要的時間是不一定要壓那個時間,那個解釋上是不一定會聯絡到真正的提案人,所以整個時程往後挪,這是屬於Join平台處理的正當原因,不一定要壓很近的時程,就看你們跟工程會合理的時程來處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "法務部的部分,我的建議是把這個往一個類似像農委會的處理方法,就是怎麼樣讓盡可能多的人知道,除了加重刑責外,還有什麼辦法的方向去做,我想就往這個方向來處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所有感興趣,不管是參與籌備當小桌長等等其他部會的PO,都很歡迎參與這個籌備的過程。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "下一個。" }, { "speaker": "魏守斌", "speech": "最後進行綜合討論與總結。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有什麼想要討論的?我看sli.do上有一個很具體的問題,這個是第一次Join平台在非試辦情況,選舉完之後重新開機,所以有人問說是不是成案數量感覺上選後有沒有比較熱?看這邊知不知道有什麼數據。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "因為選舉,提點子停了兩個月,選後附議重新開始到現在有五個成案,跟以前比起來慢一點,但最近又有三個案子,可能這禮拜或者是下個禮拜會成案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "作業系統重新開機之後,執行速度都會稍微慢一陣子。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大部分的政治動員能量在選舉的時候是被動員到其他地方去,所以這邊持續式的民主,每一次碰到代議選舉出現的時候,都會把社會能量帶走,等待執行完了才會還給我們,這個是很自然的現象,並沒有什麼值得大驚小怪的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感覺上不管之前大家的回應或者是在Join平台其他的功能,在網路上討論的熱度都還有持續,所以很感謝大家繼續灌溉這個花園。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有什麼要討論的?沒有的話,我們就到此結束會議,謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "好,歡迎回到POP大國民,6點到7點鐘第二階段的節目,我是主持人蔡詩萍,各位透過臉書的直播,可以看到今天的場景很不一樣,沒有錯,我們今天不是在電台裡頭,我們是把場景拉到了行政院,在行政院政務委員唐鳳的辦公室裡面,跟她訪談、跟她聊天,請唐鳳政務委員跟大家問好,你好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Hello,我是唐鳳。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不用加什麼政務委員啦!叫我唐鳳就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "我剛剛跟唐鳳碰面的時候,難免要寒喧一下,寒喧的時候,我曉得大部分是久仰、久仰,我跟唐鳳說我的久仰是真的久仰,為什麼呢?因為她的爸爸、媽媽都是我在媒體的老朋友,所以他們常常會講他們小朋友成長的故事,我那時候就對唐鳳很有印象,不過她那時候可能還是很小。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,可能三十年前。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "所以今天看到唐鳳,真的有一種很特別的親切感,一方面我對她成長的故事充滿了好奇,很多人也從媒體上看到很多相關報導,也看到她2016年進到政務官的體系裡頭,然後發揮她的所長,所以今天有很多東西東西可以聊,可是我還是要稍微聊一個,大家過去都聊過,但是當作今天訪談的開頭。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "過去這麼長的一個,在體制內掙扎,然後最後選擇自學、自己走這樣一條路,這樣的成長過程,會不會讓你在整個政務官的體系裡面,跟他們在思考問題的時候、跟他們在討論的時候,總是難免有一些格格不入,雙方都覺得?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該這樣講,政務委員這一個職位是比較適合我這一種每一個部分都學到一點,但是並沒有受一個很正規的,好比像某一個特定的系所五年、七年的這一種教育,因為政務委員本來就是要調和各個部會不同的價值,每一個部會其實就是一種價值,經濟部有經濟部的價值,文化部有文化部的價值,教育部有教育部的價值,所以當部會間彼此踩到線,或者有一個新興的事情,像電子競技出現,然後每一個部會對看法都不一樣的時候,這個時候才是政務委員需要發揮功能的時候,所以應該可以講說,應該讓我去當一個部長的話,也許就會格格不入,但是因為政務委員專門就是負責協調跟溝通,所以反而這樣子六年讀了六個小學這樣子的一種做法,其實是比較適合去跟各種不同背景、領域的人來討論。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "所以是不是可以反過來講,正因為某種角度的格格不入,所以對於每個部會、某些問題思考到一個程度、瓶頸的時候,就覺得這個格格不入的角度好像提供一個新的觀點,可以打開一條新的可能。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,因為我們說創新,就是跳出框框思考,thinking out of the box,這個其實就是格格不入的另外一種講法,就是你不要進入本來的那一個格子裡,所以當部會需要創新的可能性的時候,就會來找我們辦公室,我們辦公室其實有一個名字,叫做「公共數位創新空間」。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "「公共數位創新空間」?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,就是「Public Digital Innovation Space」(PDIS),這個意思是踏入這個空間的,本來就是要接受一些框框之外的想法。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "我記得你剛剛上任的時候,還有一段談話,你寫了一些不太一樣意見的衝突、對話,是不是政務委員一定要……政務官一定要在辦公室裡面或者是框框上班、工作,你曉得這個其實是很有趣的觀點,大家總覺得上班就是八小時做完、打卡下班,但是我們在企業界做事,這也不太可能能夠用這一個方法,但是公務體系畢竟是公務體系,兩年多下來呢?基本上這一個部分,你適應了嗎?他們也適應你了嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實人事行政總處,本來在多年前,可能2013、14(註:應為2011)就有一個令函:只要任何公務員,包含正在聽廣播的各位公務同仁,只要你的工作跟網路有關係,然後你的老闆同意,你就不受工作時間跟地點的限制(location independence)。所以我們本來就有這一個函,那這個跟2015年勞動部所謂的「電傳勞動」解釋的意旨是相符合的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想澄清兩點:第一,這是本來體制內就有的,只是很少人知道、很少人說服他的老闆去用;然後第二個是,當時我遠距上班,新聞出來,大家都報導成「在家上班」,但我幾乎沒有「在家上班」。所謂「遠距」的意思是,我會環遊臺灣,到每一個不同的偏鄉、離島、原住民族的地區,實際在那邊跟大家開會,開會的同時透過視訊的方式,讓台北各部會的朋友們,不需要跟著我去花蓮、澎湖、金門,就可以實際傾聽在地民眾的聲音。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們說見面三分情,所以透過視訊這樣子遠距跟十二個部會連線,至少也有兩分情,這個是我創造出新的工作方法,這樣子的事情,目前公務體系已經很習慣了。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "現在很習慣了嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。我們目前青年諮詢的巡迴、社會創新的巡迴等等,都是用這樣的方法在辦理。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "它有用到更高層次這一種政務的對話跟溝通嗎?像院長、副院長及各部會的首長,可以用這一種方式來作對話嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是的,可以。之前在賴清德院長的時候,其實像我是社會創新巡迴,賴院長就前瞻基礎建設跟長照的議題,也是在全臺灣巡迴。所以這一套做法也不是我獨創,當賴清德院長還是台南市長的時候,就透過所謂公民會議的方法,在台南市各區做這樣子的巡迴。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以說是我們目前能夠做的地點變多了,因為4G網路的普及、寬頻作為人權,在臺灣任何一個地點都可以做這樣的直播。所以這告訴我們說,我們可以去的地方不是只能關在辦公室裡,以前只有在辦公室裡才有光纖網路、才能這樣子,現在是我們可以去部落,而不是一定要部落來市議會。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "我剛剛這個話題為什麼多談了一下?因為它的確是一個非常棒的,我們說民主政治一種新的實踐法。但是,馬上就有另外一個問題了:整個過程都這樣子做透明的時候,會不會也對於整個習慣於傳統民主政治的政務官來講,還是不習慣?我必須要全程都得面對大家,甚至連中間聊天、討論的時候,都是透明的,這是不是有一個很大的壓力?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,其實我們這在議會裡面,特別是像在立法院,關於好比說像黨團協商到底要不要直播,之前也有過非常多年的討論。我想臺灣的民主已經走到一個地方,大家現在可以瞭解到,任何只要具有決定權的會議,那個會議大家就應該要知道這個會議的過程,而不只是結果而已。所以不管黨團協商也好、司法改革那邊、司法院也好,當然也包含行政體系,在事前的這一些籌備、準備工作,「擬稿階段」倒不一定要公開,但是當你做成實際決定意旨的那一場會議,我們會盡可能把這個過程,而不只是結果告訴大家。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "它的好處在哪裡?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果大家只知道結果的話,不免就會腦補,也就是會去推想為什麼行政院要推動這樣的政策。不是看到行政院這樣的政策之後,大家就遵辦,我們現在已經不是威權時代了嘛,所以大家一定會說「行政院為什麼要做地方創生」?所以這個時候因為我們在地方創生,好比像青年諮詢委員有逐字稿、完整的Q&A,所以大家對於地方創生有各種各樣問題的時候,只要在搜尋引擎去找「地方創生座談會」、「青年諮詢委員」逐字稿等等,甚至關於你關心的那個問題,好比像原鄉的發展到底跟平地有什麼不一樣,可以在網路上立刻透過搜尋引擎找到答案,這樣子的意思是,我們就不會有各種揣想、陰謀論等等這些空間,大家在執行地方創生的時候,就可以比較在一個完整的脈絡裡面來執行。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "你進到政務體系裡面有兩年多了。我很好奇:在兩年多下來之後,就你的觀察面,這一套民主、透明的機制,是每個部會都很能夠適應,還是有一些部會的確是因為文化、決策的方式,他們適應上會比較辛苦,這個困難要如何打破?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實除了所謂的遠距上班之外,我加入內閣當然還有另外兩個條件,一個是我完全出於自願(voluntary association)。我的辦公室是由每個部會可以派一個人組成的,有派人過來的部會表示願意來試試看這一套方法,如果沒有派過來的話,那就不一定了,所以……" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "他們不是「得派人過來」,而是「可以派人過來」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,就是說他們也不會派超過一個人,所以理論上我們辦公室可以有32個朋友,但是目前並沒有32個人,大概只有10幾個部會有派人過來,所以只要看有哪一些部會沒有派人過來,就可以知道不是非常非常習慣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "舉例來講,像陸委會或者是國防部,我目前跟他們的接觸相對比較少,但是好比像文化、教育、內政、外交這一些,本來做的事情不怕人知道,事實上是怕人不知道這一些事,這樣子就會很願意用開放的方法來溝通。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "從一個我自己學政治、資深媒體人的角度來看,開放終究是一件好事,但是過程有很大的挑戰,可是正因為是挑戰,會使得民主政治某一些過去的瓶頸,而且從直接民主的角度來看的話,不足的地方會從這邊得到很大的彌補,我們進一段廣告。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "歡迎回到POP大國民,今天6點鐘到7點鐘,我們的場景是在行政院政務委員唐鳳委員的辦公室,我們跟她一起來聊聊,從剛才前面一段談到她進到體制內擔任政務委員之後,怎麼樣透過數位網路的這一種透明、民主的方式來逐漸改變一個政治的文化,我們這一段來聊一下。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "剛剛有提到2019年,這也是今年很重要的政策,2019年地方創生元年,可以稍微解釋這六個字的意義嗎?雖然你剛剛帶到賴清德前院長在台南做的一些事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是的,其實「地方創生」這四個字代表的意義,就是說創生是從每一個地方自己凝聚自己的願景開始。臺灣在歷史上,中央跟地方的關係,其實是慢慢從中央完全集權,現在變成每一個地方,尤其是六都自己可以管理自己的財政跟願景。但是在六都之外的,尤其是高達全國面積66%,但是人口數只有10%左右的134個偏鄉、原鄉等等的行政區,大家面臨了人口外流、人口結構的空洞化,以及主要就是在地方創生這一些文化的傳承,沒有辦法吸引年輕人回來的這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是如果年輕人過度往六都集中,生育率就會下降,這個我們在全世界就會看到,所以創生的「生」同時是地方要產生出新的生機,但是也是生育率,所以它是一個……" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "所以不是用「創新」,而是用「創生」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "創生。所以它同時是一個產業政策,也是一個人口政策。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "既是一個產業政策、也是一個人口政策。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "產業政策的項目會停在哪一些呢?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "產業政策的項目,基本上是集中在大家於每個地方,去凝聚出那個地方想要發展怎麼樣的特色。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "由下往上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "由下往上。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "他們瞭解地方特色。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所謂的地方品牌。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個事情跟各部會的做法不太一樣,以前各部會,每一個部會有一些獎勵地方的方案,我們可以看到經濟、交通、教育、勞動、文化部等等,都有非常非常多包含農村再生、大學社會責任實踐等等的計畫,但是他們所針對的,大概就是在地的產、官、學、研、社的某一個部分,並不是這五個部分加在一起、凝聚出一個共同願景來提案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以地方創生並不是一支新的計畫、新的經費,而是現在這一些部會的計畫裡面,去抽一個固定的比例,目前是10%,然後去說大家凝聚出一個共同的願景。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們就做三件事:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,我們鼓勵中央的公務員回到地方,透過像我這樣遠距辦公的方式來辦公,這樣就可以把中央政策的脈絡帶到地方去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,大家在凝聚出共同願景之後,隨時可以提案,不用說每一年的2月提案、每一年10月提案怎麼樣,而是隨時提案,隨到隨審,他提到的方法也跟以前不一樣,不需要去跟特定的部會提案,而是直接去找區公所,區公所幫助大家產官學研社一起開凝聚的共識會議,只要有凝聚出共識之後,裡面跟共識所相搭配的提案,國發會作為最基本輔導的部會,就會去幫助找到該有部會的預算。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "為何這一套可以work?因為所有部會的預算,絕大部分是國發會在負責審議,所以國發會可以說試試看這樣一套做法,不要用各部會分別的審議流程,我們有1/10的錢是用這樣子願景導向的審議流程,大概是用這樣的方法來做。所以即日起,你就可以先打電話到你的區公所,尤其是你如果是134個優先推動鄉鎮的話,就可以召開願景會議。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "但是有一個很重要的環節,下面基層的部分都按照你的想法做了,但是你提到區公所,怎麼樣確保到區公所這一塊?第一個是效率,第二個是能夠準確地反映,你們有什麼樣的機制去鼓勵或者激勵區公所連結這個角色?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,首先是各個區公所都相當瞭解那個地方碰到的困難、癥結,主要的問題還是從區公所的角度來看,不一定能夠協調到那麼多地方局處,以及這一些局處不一定可以協調到這麼多的部會,所以目前的做法除了公務人員認養故鄉,也就是公務人員回到故鄉之外,另外有一個輔導團的機制,這個是由行政院的創生會報,當大家收到這一個區公所提出來的願景之後,這個區公所提出來的願景,就會變成各個縣市政府媒合服務提供的標的,所以當你提來,中央一看到之後,中央就會撥資源,讓資源去輔導你。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "「行政院地方創生會報」看起來是一個平台?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,它是一個平台,是由國發會作為幕僚,由院長親自主持。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "多久一次?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "事實上這個會報是作為policy,所以大概是一季左右,但是這一些提案,倒不需要等到會報,是隨到隨審。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "你剛剛說2019?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是1月1日開始。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "照你的預估,最快能看到會報處理這個,大概是在什麼時候?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實這個在之前,已經執行過一些事的pre-round,當時叫做「設計翻轉地方創生」,這個是由國發會自己的經費來執行的,所以目前已經看到一些還不錯的案例,國發會目前正在綜整這一些案例,變成像SOP一樣,讓大家知道到底願景會議是什麼東西,到底要如何凝聚共同願景,碰到地方沒有共識的時候,到底要怎麼處理等等。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個出現之後,我想大概是在第一季左右,我們就會看到具體的案例,然後大概到3、4月,就會開始籌辦年底的成果交流展。每一年的成果交流展,都會變成下一年滾動檢討的基礎,包含剛剛講10%的預算是不是要再增加等等,都會在每一年的滾動檢討裡面,透過成果交流展來跟大家溝通。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "這個又牽涉到另外一個問題,過去類似像這樣東西的時候,有時都有一個風險,就會變成好像政府在補貼,但是你們的想法,我這樣聽起來顯然不是靠政府長期補貼,一定要讓他們自己變成產業,可是產業有產業的一些規則,像市場、行銷,市場的這一種主動資本移動等等,這個要如何鼓勵呢?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "為何要產官學研社有共同的願景,主要原因就是因為產業,當然就像您所說的調動資本來發展地方是比較擅長的,但是在地的這些社群或者是協會等等,讓資本怎麼樣不要變成有負面的外部效益,不管社會或者是環境,怎麼樣把它轉成正面的效益,這個是一些做社區營造的朋友們特別擅長的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以為何我們說共識裡面一定要有產官學研社的五個角色,而是因為我們要調動資本的力量,而不要資本造成負面的外部效應,所以從國家的角度來看,從國發基金、花東基金的角度來看,這就是投資、替代、補助,為什麼呢?因為補助的話,就會養成一個依賴性,如果投資的話,當然就是要看民間,我們是跟投、並不是領投,要看民間的資本是不是認同這樣的做法,所以這也是以投資代替補助的想法,確實如您所說的,地方創生不再讓地方所謂的仰賴中央補助這樣的習慣,可以把它改成地方自己創造出自己的生態系。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "在你們的機制當中,萬一發現你們的跟投,其實民間資金意願並沒有那麼高?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "表示還沒有共識。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "所以你們會撤?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "只是還沒有共識。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "我懂。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "沒有共識的案子你們會怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有共識的案子,我們會派輔導團,輔導到有共識為止。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "你們不會放棄,只是要進一步再幫他,想辦法讓民間的資金看到可以跟進的意義。另外一個,我看到你們表格上,各個部會都會參與,現有各個部會這一些在地方上投入的資源,你們會把它整合起來?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,其實所有在地方的資源,尤其是科技導入的部分,包含我們剛剛說普及國民……寬頻上網環境,每個地方寬頻就是人權,民生公共物聯網,就是讓我們知道這個地方對於環境的影響、評估等等,有一些客觀的資料、數據佐證等等,這一些東西是地方創生的基石,如果沒有這一些的話,我們不可能有共識,大家連這個地方實際的情況沒有什麼共識的話,更不要談共同的願景,這一些還是繼續執行,並沒有廢除掉這一些舊有的計畫,只是說這一些舊有計畫的成果會用開放資料的方式,會用共用的資料庫裡面,讓大家在願景會議裡面,能夠就事論事來進行討論,這個叫做「臺灣地方經濟分析資料庫」,簡稱「TESAS」。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "它會不會跟一些現在在地方上,我不是那麼有把握這個問題,但是我只是好奇,像農會的系統,地方上有一些自己長久以來共生、共利的系統,然後會不小心發生一些衝撞、碰撞,會不會?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該這樣講,我們想要做的事,剛剛講的有兩個,一個是發展地方產業鏈的特色,第二個是解決人口減少的問題,願意回到自己的故鄉、生小孩,不管是農會、漁會及其他的系統也好,跟這兩個最大的願景是不抵觸的,很難想像一個地方系統希望那個地方人口減少,或者希望在地產業發展不起來,所以只要這個共同的價值是共同的,我想路徑本身,那個是為什麼要慢慢磨出那個地方的共識。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "這個部分也回答了,還有另外一個側面,我也想問問看。臺灣現在因為政黨政治,藍綠的競爭難免變成政黨的惡鬥,換句話說,你做什麼,我都要從政治的角度、選舉的角度來想,這有沒有可能在經過沒有太好的溝通情況下,就被某一些政黨批評「你這不是佈莊嗎?你這不是到地方上去選舉佈莊嗎?」要如何避免開?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是非常好的問題,為什麼是隨到隨審?後面有一個想法,不能叫做「直接民主」,可能叫做「continuous democracy」(持續民主),也就是說,是每一天都可以參加的,而不是每四年或者是每兩年才可以參加的,如果是每兩年才可以參加的,光是幾月收單,馬上就跟里長或什麼選舉產生關係。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是因為每一天都可以收單、加以精進,所以從代議政治的角度來看,所以不管是里長也好或者是縣議員也好,對他們來講,這個對他們的政績都只有加分、沒有扣分,對他們來講,這就是一個好像持續涓滴細流的活水,從他們的角度來看,他們開始介入的時間點,就不需要在選前。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我們一開始做地方創生的時候,我們也是挑了一個各地比較平均的,然後大家在提案的時候,也可以瞭解到地方的首長才剛選完,所以至少有四年的時間可以來執行地方創生案,可以看到這個願景是共同的,而不是任何一個特定的黨派,所以挑在今年,而不是去年作為地方創生元年,當然也有這個用意。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "之所以補上這個問題,回到這個角度來看,我們看政黨政治這麼久了,也必須要跟大家講,表面上政黨政治打來打去、罵來罵去、選來選去,但是事實上有很多政策,其實在政黨輪替之後,很多政策都是持續的,這個是我們看政黨政治的常態。所以好的政策讓它不分政黨,可以持續做,這個是我自己看臺灣政治最期望的,我也是從這個角度來看待「地方創生元年」這個好的政策。進一段廣告,我們回來繼續跟唐鳳委員聊,而且等一下還會加一點她個人的一些休閒、娛樂的一些嗜好,我們剛剛發現一個很有趣的小現象,待會回來。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "歡迎回到POP大國民,我們繼續跟行政院政務委員唐鳳,在她的辦公室裡面跟她這樣子聊天。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "平常這樣子的辦公室裡面,訪客很多嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,其實只要大家願意不管是採訪也好、或者是聊天也好,只要這些逐字紀錄願意上網,我是來者不拒。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "喔,你再講一次,只要是採訪,你都會逐字紀錄?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不只是採訪,也包含lobbying,也包含我自己作為主席的所有會議。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "我懂,就是整個過程透明化就對了?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,可以知道我入閣之後一共有3,553個人來找我……扣掉我,3552個人來找過我,一共講過17萬6206句話。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "你全部都做紀錄?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "這樣有什麼意義嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有。我想有兩個意義,一個是數位政委,不只是一位,可以數十位、數百位、數千萬位政委,大家都可以知道我每天到底看到什麼樣的資訊。所以我常常在某一個會議上我做出了一個決策,因為之後會收到PTT的站內信、email說「政委,我看你的逐字稿,我覺得你哪裡不對,應該怎麼樣做比較好」,我在下一次會議上就會感謝這一位鄉民真的提出很專業的看法。我如果沒有公開這個脈絡的話,其實不可能收到這一些建設性的建議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個是,讓來lobby的人,必須要為了公共利益而lobby。如果是為了私人利益,但是對公益有害,根本不會來找我。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "你後面這一句,等於是回應了我本來想問的問題:你當然是沒有問題,但是來lobby或者是跟你聊天的人,也必須要接受這個前提,你才會跟他聊,是嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "否則的話,你不接受我逐字全部公布的話,我就不給你……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,這就是我入閣第三個條件,就是所謂的「基進式透明」(radical transparency)。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "好。那這個好處是在於證明,的確民主可以非常透明,但是也有一個問題,如果不是在這個體制裡,不是所有的政務官都願意這樣做的時候,就會出現有些政務官是非常透明,有些政務官還是不願意,還是保留在一些過去溝通的模式,在這樣的狀況之下,是整體的政治,並不一定會跟著改變,有時說不定會「顧人怨」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實這個就像在一個網路裡面,有些人用蘋果的系統、有些人是用Windows系統,在不同的作業系統上,本來就有不同的作業邏輯,但是最重要的是什麼呢?是中間怎麼樣互相溝通的介面,所以我自己因為處理的事務都是新興的事務,不管是青年參與,不管是社會創新,或者是開放政府,都有共同的特點:是「怕人不知道」,不是怕人知道……" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "怕人不知道。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,只怕人不知道。所以在這些事情上,用這樣透明的方法來協調是沒有問題的。但是就像剛剛講的,我並不會哪一天跑去找陸委會或者是國防部說以後開會都要這樣開,也沒有這一種事情。所以我覺得還是要看議題的性質,並不是所有的議題都適合這樣子。也因為這樣子,所以不能去接觸國家機密。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "你講這一段,我很希望跟你再稍微多聊一下,但是聊就純粹從理論性來推測,為什麼?所有的民主政治,他的發展我們從這幾百年來,都是一直往前走的,所以從這個角度來看的話,你會發現到隨著科技的進步、價值觀念的進步、社會的期望等等,民主的素質、民主精進的程度,一直往前推,比如我們現在會提到整個決策流程的民主,過去強調是參與,現在強調不只是參與,我們普遍的參與,把你選進立法院、選成執政黨,你在決策,我們也要看到你跟過去有什麼不一樣?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒錯,以及你為什麼做這個決策。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "對,我現在就在講,從這個角度來看,我們從理論上來討論,把一個決策的過程中做一個透明的公布,真的可以解決掉很多不必要的紛擾,對於所謂機密的這一件事,難道一定會沒有保密的空間、沒有協商的可能嗎?我是不相信的,但是一定會有一些做法,你會怎麼樣從你的角度來做一些釋疑?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實如果各位聽眾有空的話,可以上我們網站,我們有一個網站叫做「」,「oc」就是「open collaboration」(開放式的協作),PDIS是我們公共數位創新空間,然後「.tw」。「」打開之後會看到四十二個案子,可以說是我們的示範案,我們對於這一些案子,把整個政策,我們叫做「政策履歷」全部都公開,包含一開始是誰提出這個想法、怎麼討論、事前怎麼準備,整個政策的脈絡,所有這些都用心智圖、議題手冊、逐字紀錄等等的這一些方式,公開給全民去看,這就是回答您剛剛的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "為什麼我們有這個信心說持續性的民主,可以深化到沒有所謂政治菁英來壟斷,而是每個部分的專業者都有貢獻?從這個角度來看,這個地方最知道事情的人可以說是菁英,或者有個設計師說「報稅軟體難用到爆炸」,從國稅局的角度來看很好用的,但是從設計師的角度來看並不好用,所以在這個領域上他就是這個領域的菁英。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不會像以前是一定要被投票選進去,而是你可以號召五千人的響應、可以號召這個東西要改,就會變成有平起平坐、跟事務官討論的能力。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "回答您剛剛的問題,正當性是來自於真正會吵的朋友,不是要糖吃,而是願意進廚房,他們這個意願變成他的正當性。從政府的角度來看,我們也要信任人民,如果我們完全不信任你進來廚房、覺得你一定來搗亂,到最後也沒有廚師願意進來,這個信任是雙向的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在有一些議題上,像機密的議題,政府是不是可以信任人民?這一件事我覺得是要看個案。好比像最近處理的一個議題上,像我們處理東沙島要不要開放生態旅遊,這個其實滿有意思,因為很多船宿潛水的朋友、很多關心生態的朋友、很多做科學研究的朋友,都很想要多瞭解東沙環礁,因為真的非常美麗。他們也怕有人來做生態旅遊時會不會破壞環境等等,所以在這一些永續發展相關的議題上,我覺得是完全可以透明的,即使大家都知道同時還有國防、外交等等的這一些意義。所以我覺得每一個議題裡面,可以切出一些overlapping consensus,就是大家的共識能夠聚焦……交疊的這些位置。先不管意識形態什麼,大家都有一些共同的價值,就這一些價值來討論,這一些以外的也許還是有機密。所以並不是單一議題一定可以或不能討論,而是我們切出可以討論的部分來。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "我覺得這個問題之所以重要,我們關心民主的人可以知道答案並不是一刀兩切的,它其實都是漸進的,而且每一次都讓你發現到原來用一些假機密之名、假國家安全之名,其實掩飾得很可能是個人的野心、貪腐,過去很多例子,中、西歷史都有,我們只是告訴各位說數位的民主意義在這裡,既然強調數位民主,我很好奇,心目中理想的一個cyberspace democracy是什麼樣的一種模式、什麼樣的境界?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實internet這一件事本身,就已經是這樣子一種直接民主的實踐,因為我們知道internet的構成,並不是有一個主權,而去要求大家一定要follow、遵守所謂TCP、IP、HTTP的這一些協定;相反的,這個我們叫做anarchistic(安那其):大家提出一個想法,其他人覺得這個不錯,願意響應,忽然間網際網路間就形成了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以從網際網路成立,一直到今天,所謂網際網路的立法,都不是像我們之前由上而下的立法,而是任何人說只要覺得網際網路往哪一個方向演化,對我有好處,我是一個stakeholder,跟我有利害關係,我就可以寫一封email,我就加入了網際網路的立法形成的過程。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以對我自己來講,我從14歲的時候,就參加全球資訊網的形成,所以其實是我接觸到第一個政治系統,也就是安那其的政治系統。我到二十歲才第一次有投票權,那一次我記得是里長投票,我專程回到木柵,然後投了一票,我投那個候選人是一票險勝,所以我對於代議民主也是滿有信心的。對我來講,就是這種持續性的民主跟代議民主是互相補強的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "可是網路民主也有一個困境,就以假新聞為例好了,大家覺得莫衷一是,有什麼辦法能夠在網路的世界裡,真正確立出一個民主的價值?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常好的問題。我自己是絕對只用「假訊息」這三個字,因為不想要得罪新聞工作者,我爸媽都是新聞工作者(笑)。我們行政院對於假訊息的危害防治,其實之前羅秉成政委,在院會後記者會已經有一個很好的闡釋。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "裡面最重要的兩個部分,一個是主動的部分,「維護民主制度建立自我防禦工程裡面」大家可以自己做的部分,這就是所謂的「識假」跟「破假」。「識假」是大家看到這個東西,然後去想說到底為什麼有人要寫出這樣子的訊息?你要轉傳之前先停下來想一下真的假的,其實有的時候你只是停下來想想「真的假的?」那個感染力就沒有那麼強,這個是一件事。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "不要馬上就出去?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不要馬上就按分享。分享以前先看,不要未看先轉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個可以主動做的,就是民間有非常多的,像美玉姨、Cofacts、MyGoPen,非常多公民社會的朋友,像臺灣事實查核中心,當每一次一個流行的議題出來時,他們會主動去進行事實查核的工作,這當然也不是透過行政院公布的系統。所以識假跟破假都是公民社會可以主動做的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然第二個部分,「抑假」跟「懲假」,這個就是政府責無旁貸。好比我們觀察到在選罷法的時候,我們在捐獻給一個候選人政治獻金時,你必須要是國民,我們不能接受外國人的這個政治獻金,而這個政治獻金必須要公開,有一個揭露的義務。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是我們發現你去買社群媒體、其他媒體的廣告,這個部分其實外國資金可以買,而且也沒有揭露義務,所以其實外國的一些勢力,也不一定要捐給這個候選人,這樣反而會被查到,直接幫他買特定的訊息廣告就可以了。所以我們現在已經提到立法院,就是說我們希望在選舉期間,對於競選相關的廣告,就跟政治獻金一樣高的規管密度,只能由國人提供資金,而且每一手都必須要做充分的揭露。我想各國都發現到有這個漏洞,所以各國都在最近一、兩年補上這個漏洞。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "OK,我們今天的訪談其實可以發現到唐鳳政務委員侃侃而談,東西也非常多,但是我們時間限制,大概只能聊到差不多這裡,等一下幾分鐘,剛剛跟各位預告,我們剛才發現一個小小的動作,來聊一下唐鳳委員自己平常的休閒娛樂。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "最近一期的Policy……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "《Foreign Policy》。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "《Foreign Policy》跟《Foreign Affairs》都是我唸書非常喜歡看的兩個刊物,《Foreign Policy》的確每一年都會票選一些全球百大的thinker,這一次選到了臺灣的唐鳳政務委員,自己感想跟感觸?也很特別,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,其實當然對我們的一個鼓勵,因為對我來講,思想其實都不是個人的創見,是群眾智慧的結晶,剛剛你也可以看到其實是大家的想法,我把它凝聚出來這樣子而已,所以我想第一個是對我們的鼓勵。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個,其實我得的是readers' choice,所以意思就是說是在外交官或者是外交政策人員裡面比較有知名度而已,我覺得這個滿好,就是把臺灣的獨特性,就是把深化的民主、持續的民主,這一個訊息把它帶到全世界。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "你怎麼定義一個thinker?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想思想者就是把各個不同的面向,大家不同的聲音,剛剛講到群眾智慧去傾聽,傾聽為什麼叫「傾」?就是你聽到一個你會傾斜,覺得「真的是這樣子嗎?」自己心理的想法會動搖。但是這個時候,願意被對方動搖,然後再用自己的話導正,再進入一個思想體系裡面,我覺得這個就是一個思想工作。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "剛才唐鳳政務委員用到「傾聽」……「傾斜」,你講「傾聽」的「傾斜」的時候,我想到另外兩個字,兩個人聊天聊得很開心就是「促膝長談」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒錯,對。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "靠在膝蓋上,整個人就會聽你在講什麼,其實這個是人跟人對話最美好的,對方有一些觀點讓你傾聽、傾斜過去聽,然後對方講完了,你在講的時候,對方也會促膝跟你長談,這是人間最美好的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "真的是。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "好的溝通、好的對話也是在這裡,我們也非常希望臺灣可以往這裡走。最後一個小問題來了,你平常運動嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有,我有固定的運動習慣。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "為什麼我們這樣問呢?因為剛才我們在閒聊的時候,她就拿著、戴著……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Apple Watch。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "本來收起來,我們準備錄音,嗶嗶一直響,所以我們中間還忙亂了幾十秒鐘,上面有一個什麼運動的軟體?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我用的一個運動軟體是「Seven」,符號就是一個「7」,每天都會給你一個不同的……" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "每天嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,每天會換,然後你也可以選「Freestyle」,不是Rap,就會亂數給出像這邊,有十二個不同的運動,所以第一個就找一個椅子,然後踏上去就可以。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "一個椅子就可以?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,然後再下來,這樣子1分鐘之後就會再換,所以7分鐘總之讓你流汗為原則,就會跟你說你燒了50大卡、60大卡等等。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "你只要在中午休息的時間,然後如果在辦公室一個小小的空間,一把椅子就可以?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,只要一把椅子。唯一需要的設備就是一把椅子和一堵牆。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "7分鐘完的時候會汗流浹背?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一定會汗流浹背。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "完全達到運動的效果?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒錯。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "那你每天可以做幾次?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大概兩、三次吧,看情況。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "因為7分鐘很短,並沒有像我們講說一定要30分鐘跑去……7分鐘,但是分成三次,加起來也有20幾分鐘?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒錯。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "今天時間的關係跟場地的限制,否則哪一天我們應該到現場來看看唐鳳政委在休閒的時間跟我們拍一段,她怎麼樣利用辦公室的椅子來做運動,這個有在推廣嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "目前還沒有,目前還沒有。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "這個是不錯的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這個是很好的、不錯的想法。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "因為運動是一件重要的事情,但是你在政務繁忙或工作很緊湊的時候,跑去跑一個步或者是跑去健身房或游個泳,那都很花時間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "主要辦公室沒有這一些運動器材。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "一張椅子就夠了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一張椅子就夠了。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "非常謝謝唐鳳政務委員今天接受我們的訪問,我們也非常希望2019年地方創生元年,我們能夠在未來第一季看到初步的成果,看到初步成果的時候再機會跟你聊聊,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "新年快樂。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "新年快樂!" }, { "speaker": "蔡詩萍", "speech": "我們5點到7點的節目到這裡告一個段落了,明天週休二日,祝福大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們準時開始,非常歡迎各部會副首長、科技會報執秘蔡老師、開放政府所有業務主管及同仁,一起來參加我們這一個年度第一次開放政府政策協調聯繫會議,今天是農曆初十,傳統上還在新年期間,所以先跟各位拜個晚年,祝各位新春如意、公務順利。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "開放政府的推動,在這一次開放政府聯絡人制度,我們到現在已經是第三屆的PO了,也就是邁入第三年。核心的理念是透過公開透明的程序,同時運用公民科技,在網實併存的網路時代,讓我們在討論的過程能夠公開。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好比像最近交通部、勞動部在處理華航協商時,是在網路上直播的這一種方式,是讓各個不同利害關係人的多元意見,不只是讓利害關係人本身知道,也是讓社會大眾知道,知道之後就可以跟公部門一起改善公共事務。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "蘇貞昌院長在1月14日上任的第一次院會,期許我們做的事要「更接地氣、更符民意、更少民怨、更增加效能」,也提示具體的方法是要「以人民角度思考問題」。什麼是「以人民的角度思考問題」?我們說會吵的朋友不是有糖吃,而是進廚房、一起吵糖吃。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在這樣的情況之下,就可以像院長所說的,「用人民的角度思考,人民不會有不高興和不接受。」當然這後面有很多方法論,像以使用者為中心,邀請利害關係民眾來參與,共同釐清事實、問題聚焦,接下來才是探討解決方案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "為了要把開放政府深入各機關的文化,我們有建立一個骨幹,就是有一個要點的各機關開放政府聯絡人(簡稱PO),各部會PO已經邁入第三屆,也有愈來愈多的三級機關在今年也指派了PO,所以目前所屬PO名單將近90人,快要破100了,除了中央之外,連同臺南市政府PO團隊的話,已經接近100人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們共同的想法,是在本來的本位限制之外,可以形成跨部門互相支援的團隊,因為從民眾看起來,政府是一體的,所以當出現這樣爭議時,我們自己內部的互助聯繫是有一個穩定的力量來促進公民間的對話,並增進互動互信。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "新的一年,如何總結過去各部會PO努力的成果與經驗,包含42次協作會議,在這個制度可以更順暢、更到位,是這段時間我們與新一屆PO一直在思考的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "按照行政院106年12月發布的PO實施要點,PO有三個職掌,要點裡面有寫,我快速唸過去:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,強化內部橫向聯繫,視需要組成工作小組。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,協助機關首長評估,是否在政策規劃前期(政府資訊公開法所稱之擬稿階段),秉持開放政府原則踐行適當程序。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第三,跨部會的議題可已開放政府的政務委員召開跨部會協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "坦白說,過去的實施情形,凡是面對人民比較多的部會,我們看到PO的網絡比較健全,當然面對人民稍微比較少一點的部會,PO的網絡建置狀況比較不同,落實的程度也不一樣,所以在農曆年前辦了兩梯次的共識營,邀請所有的PO分兩個階段,一起討論今年工作與改善的方向,也整理出一些具體的建議,稍後由PDIS小組的馬克進行說明,也希望各機關的副首長可以給我們一些回饋建議,建議新年度裡面,PO的工作如何讓各部會更加支持。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在共識營裡面我有說凡是我們PDIS可以做的,我們馬上就做,所以大家聚集了一些建議,這個建議有一些是指派給我做的,因為我答應了,所以只好做,PO建議指標性的協作議題,應該由我來報告,而不是指派各部會PO來報告。如果我來報告的話,就是由行政院肯定團隊協作的功勞,所以在這樣的情況之下,就比較可以從行政院的角度來說,這樣子的協作,對於行政院、人民溝通有何好處,各部會的副首長及負責PO業務的主管也可以更加瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一次的季會,我會報告的是去年與衛福部、健保署同仁一起合作,共同辦理規劃「新一代國家健保憑證規劃」的協作案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個案子的指標意義,在於健保卡每個人都會用到,可是每個人用到的情境,大家關心的可能不一樣,有些是醫療的方便性、有些是資訊是否跟得上時代、有些是法律上是否能夠保護個人隱私等等,這一些專業的領域,同時要考慮到有些是在都市、有些是在偏鄉、有些是居家等等不同的特殊使用情境,有些像遠距醫療,未來在5G的時代,有很多情境是當初設計健保卡時沒有想到的,這個是非常標準有多方利益關係人,民眾使用感受很重要,而且收納出來的意見是影響到全民的案例。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天也請到科技會報辦公室,跟各位報告總統盃黑客松的規劃,去年已經辦過一次,在國際上也有一些聲量,今年是第二年辦,在國際上的份量會更重,總統府希望行政院持續辦下去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個型態也是剛剛講的一種協作,也就是協力工作的程序,都是鼓勵公部門與民間的產官學研社的協力,來想創新方法,達到智慧國家的願景。去年很多提案從我看起來,雖然是民間的朋友提的,民間的協會甚至是個人所提的,我看報告裡面的寫法,很可能是公務人員寫的,但是由外面的朋友們來提,公務朋友們配合,如果做出一些很好的成績,我們的承諾不是有獎金,而是黑客松的成果會進入公務流程,當然如果實驗出來不是很切合公務需求的話,從公部門的朋友角度來看也沒有風險,在這樣的情況之下,風險是吸收的情況下去想用什麼樣的方法來改善公務流程,我們每一年會選出五隊來整合到公務流程當中。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "既然是開放政府的會議,大家有任何想法隨時可以發言分享,我們有一個線上的系統叫做「」,如果手機QR code的話,可以掃QR code,不過這個有一點影子,挑戰各位手機相機的解析度,如果QR code掃不到的話,我們也可以手動連到,然後再輸入今天的日期,也就是「00214」,我們停在QR code上,或者是,然後「00214」,在這上面隨時大家都可以匿名提問,因為我們知道各部會PO在長官在的情況下,舉手發言的機率並不是很高,因此可以即時在上面用手機提問,反正沒有人知道是誰提的,又或者是進行一些補充的資料,因為如果唸出一些網址的話,大家也不容易記得,所以有一些相關的網頁等等,都可以直接補充在這個sli.do的系統上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "主席致詞講話特別慢的原因是,幕僚說希望抽換簡報的時候,我幫他們爭取一點時間,所以現在抽換完了嗎?好,可以了,我們就進行到下一個議程,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "第一個議程是108年度開放政府聯絡人的機制,其他是我們共識營的結果,我們請PDIS小組的馬克來報告。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "大家好,我跟大家一起看一下共識營收到的一些問題,以及當天討論出來的解答,然後在上次開放政府聯絡人月會時,我們又對這一些建議的做法有一些討論,然後得到現在的狀態。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第一個部分,「部分PO職權不夠、對政策不夠瞭解」:大家建議的做法是,目前先由PDIS蒐集共識營中提出,先由PDIS蒐集共識營中提出PO所須職權,對各部會PO團隊進行問卷調查,所以各部會PO團隊成員都會收到一份問卷,上面有一些職權的調查。等到我們把這個問卷收回來之後,瞭解情況之後才會給予建議。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第二個部分,「PO交接不夠完整,導致工作不熟悉、主協辦協作會議之經驗不足」:這邊有兩個建議做法,不是二選一,而是兩個都做。第一個是讓內政部提供內部PO作業流程書面資料,以及請衛福部提供公共政策網路參與平台實施作業計畫,再由政委於108年第二次季會與各部會次長分享,也就是下一次季會的時候。第二個做法由PDIS製作《開放政府議題協作會議操作手冊》,作為 PO對業務單位說明協作會議之用。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第三個盤點到的問題是,「部分長官對協作會議、PO制度不熟悉」:這邊有兩個建議的做法,第一個是每一次季會就上一季具指標意義之協作會議,由主協辦部會提供素材,PDIS製作簡報,並且由政委分享其過程與成果。第二個法是,協作會議開會通知,除電子郵件以外,亦可應部會需求,以正式公文發送。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第四個盤點到的問題是,「如何讓協作會議的成果更廣為週知」:這邊有一個建議的做法是,PDIS持續撰寫協作會議紀錄文章,並於協作會議議題為社會所矚目討論時,產出可供新聞媒體使用的素材。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第五個盤點到的議題是,協作會議的設定以及決定權應該要修正。這邊有兩個建議的做法,一個是Join平台中華民國不動產開發法規草案命令預告部分,國發會可就熱度較高的案件主動提案,機關主動徵詢意見部分,原則由該部會PO主動提出。第二個建議的做法是,可請行政院各政務委員就督導業務提供協作議題,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝Mark。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這是兩次共識會議在月會上綜合各PO想法之後,求取到大家都可以接受的版本。這個版本裡面,特別是議題設定跟決定權的修正,這個是牽涉到我們拘束力結構的修正,大家都發現其實像在「眾開講」上,因為現在有定義任何部會,也就是各位要作法規命令修正時,或甚至到立法院草案時都要預告60天,常常很多部會在這個過程本來就會開公聽會的北、中、南、東之類的,所以在這個過程裡面,從行政人員的角度,比起連署案來講,素材比較充分,可能已經準備好了,而且如果牽涉到跨部會議題時,有一些部會也會覺得應該要去聯絡別的部會關係人來溝通一下,所以這是比較好的,運用PO跨部會的性質,所以這是PO主動提出的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,因為我們運行一場協作會議,畢竟時間成本比較高,所以行政院政務委員比較top down督導的議題是社會民生比較關心,除了國發會跟我的提案之外,像景森政委的幕僚也覺得這是不錯的主意,也許之後會有一些案子從政委那邊直接過來,所以大概做一個口頭上的補充及解釋。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有什麼想法或者是意見,很歡迎在sli.do發言提出,這一份意見都會變成我約院長的意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "只有一位分享PO向大眾介紹的網站,可以請大家參閱,這個是給完全一般人民,讓大家知道什麼是開放政府聯絡人,圖文並茂的方式來介紹。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有什麼想法或者是要分享的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果大家都還好的話,我們這個就直接列入這一次季會紀錄。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果院長對這邊還有什麼裁示的話,我會即時讓各部會的聯絡人知道。下一個。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "下一個議程為關於新一代國家健保憑證規劃及辦理情形報告案,政委請。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "事前承諾有拘束力的共識營,結論是要由我來報告,所以收出結論就要執行。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "先講一下素材是由衛福部跟健保署的健保署同仁所提供的,說明的方式是由我們PDIS主持人團隊特別強調在裡面設計思考的部分如何運用,其實大家都有聽過「設計思考」,我們就拿這樣的案子,去說如何運用設計思考,在新一代健保憑證的協作會議大略說明,所以我們一張張說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "健保卡很久以前是紙本,變成IC卡也有相當久的歷史了,是在民國93年,從當時到現在,其實就有年代久遠、辨識困難、讀寫速度、資安等級需要更新,用在醫療裡面,因為醫療有專屬的網路,資安比較不是問題,但有很多業者,像大家買國內線機票時,是可以用健保卡取票的,而這些部分的資安,往往從健保署的評估,可能未來會有一些疑慮,所以把二代健保卡計畫多次陳報到行政院。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "國發會的審議裡面,因為配合智慧政府行動生活的政策目標,希望健保卡可以有一個選項,並不是可以廢除塑膠卡,像行動支付一樣整合到手機上,或者是醫事人員不想揹很重的設備去偏鄉進行醫療,希望可以拿手機或者是iPad就可以直接進行遠距或者是巡迴的醫療,這樣子是不是可以更方便?目前的健保卡是沒有這樣子的功能,這個是國發會所提出的方向。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個會議紀錄裡面提到這個是第一次審議紀錄裡面明確寫到衛福部開放政府聯絡人的朋友應該要協助健保署來召開協作會議,因為關心到全民,所以應該要進入討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當時在自己還沒有讓民間知道,我們在想這一件事的時候,其實健保署裡面提過的案子裡面,有各種可能性,可行性評估,大概預擬了五個不同的機制,包含整合行動支付等等,我們不知道這是不是民眾有感的,或者民眾感,是正面或者是負面的感覺,這個是第一個想要找到的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,當大家覺得要往這個方向要做,像民間的高手可以提出更好的做法,像報稅軟體案是由民間提出很好介面的做法,因此最會吵的朋友,在網路上或是媒體上也好,音量比較大的朋友們,我們希望他們都進廚房,一起協作出新機制的方向。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此我們開了第一場的協作會議,這有三個重點:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,這跟一般的公聽會一樣,我們是在盤點有什麼問題,這個很熟悉,我就不贅述。但是有一個很重要的是,議程設定權因為在前期,可以把感覺上有地雷的東西,事前讓我們知道,好比民眾一致認為不需要整合行動支付功能,因為已經整合到手機裡了,手機裡面臺灣pay、Samsung pay、Apple pay等,只要用另外一支應用程式切換過去就好了,所以行動健保卡內建行動支付,大家覺得沒有必要,硬要做的話,就很像多一個什麼pay的廠商的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "生物辨識的功能,因為目前機器成本相當高,民眾覺得好像不需要在這個階段做進去,這是做了的話,會有成本、接受度的問題,所以在那一場各個利害關係人發言之後,會覺得真的不需要這個階段做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然還有興利的部分,有些朋友會提出現有健保卡的讀取速度、存放內容、重複領藥等等的實際問題有機會在這邊解決,這是痛點或是民怨,這是之前在規劃的時候,沒有想到這個部分,這是開拓想像的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為這些來的朋友們本來是社群上所謂的意見領袖,所以當經過協作之後,發現意見真的有被採納進去,真的很像便利貼一樣,綜整起來之後,就會寫一些文章、分享,大家會覺得真的很像是有一個規劃政策的可能性,所以大家放得這一些天燈……願望,洋洋灑灑整理到細部意見的表裡面,這跟之前規劃報稅軟案一樣,所有的願望就放到這邊,不管是有五百個人這樣想或者是五個人這樣想,反正在上面就是一張便利貼,就是一個點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當全部綜整起來之後,大家發現這些是滿不錯的,但是這些想像可能彼此矛盾,或這些想像沒有規劃到很精細,所以需要專業健保署的夥伴幫忙彙整,以及法律跟資訊人員規劃,我們如何不違法、而且也不違反物理定律的前提之下,能夠把這一些東西做起來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是設計思考裡面非常非常重要的一件事,如果大家只記得一個的話,就是只記得這個——「How Might We」。這是設計思考最重要的核心概念,大家先把共同的願景凝聚起來,再提可行方案,像國發會的地方創生,現在也是用這樣的方法在運行,大家先有共同願景,我們再來提可行方案,雖然方案都可行,但是大家願景不一樣,到最後就會開花。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我們的「How Might We」有一個固定的形式,前面一定是「試想如何」,藍色的字是「在資安的前提下,可負擔的成本內」,紅色的字是「我們要改變哪一些東西可以更便利等等,來達到願景、推進行動生活政策、提升醫療服務品質」等等,只要有一點像範本一樣,把這三個都填進去,而且所有與會的利益關係人跟健保署的同仁都確認這是共同願景,有很多別的想要做的事,但至少這兩件是大家都想做的事,從那個時候發想可行方案,就比較不會有大家回來又翻桌、覺得被代表等等的狀況,就比較不會發生。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們第一個菱形處理好,就是發散、收斂過程,收斂到這裡,第二個菱形是接下來試做,才不會變成好像我的願望為何沒有被反映進來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,當然我們實際能夠邀到的這些意見領袖,可以觸及到的人畢竟有限,網路上叫做「同溫層」,可以觸及到意見比較像的朋友,所以我們在國發會所提供的Join平台上,運用「眾開講」的方式,讓不特定的大眾對這個有想法的人也可以留言,當留言一看覺得有道理,只是本來不認識他,自動獲得一張邀請函,這可以進入下次的協作會議,這是意見領袖,如果不是第一波認識的人,等於自己聲明我是一個意見領袖,我覺得大家討論到什麼問題,這些朋友們就會被邀進來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以在第二場的時候,大概都是具有一定專業的朋友們,提供他們對於我們這個共同願景的事項有什麼樣的建議,我們同時也做一些期待管理,經過我們的綜整,哪一些東西不可行,也希望把不可行的訊息,讓大家帶回到各自的社群裡面去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當大家已經出這些雛形的時候,到底要如何更完整?我們覺得這些東西可行,但是公務人員的可行跟民眾覺得可以自己體驗一下未來的可行,其實是有一個落差的,所以這個時候我們就需要具體的方案,所以健保署的同仁產生三種具體方案,也就是行動式的藍牙讀卡機、NFC感應跟OTP這三個方案,當然這三個方案畢竟是這裡面的一部分,是達成部分的願景,所以有願景裡面難以執行,因此這裡面我們就要逐點回應,為何有一些沒有採納,還有拒絕的原因,我們未來還會用別的研究案、開發案來進行這一方面的探索,這個是健保署的同仁來產出的彙整表。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後,這三個是我們看到這一些PPT之後,畢竟沒有體驗過未來的行動健保卡,所以我們每個人腦補的都不一樣,所以在這裡健保署的同仁也自己化身未來的演員,有些人扮演掛號、看診、批價、領藥、居家醫療,假設行動健保卡、新一代虛擬健保卡已經完成了,我們把這個未來演給大家看,所以一般的民眾看了這些短片之後,就可以瞭解到原來是這樣子,這個新的流程會怎麼樣比較方便,而且他們演的這些道具,我們在下一場協作會議時,就會放在桌上,就說影片幾分幾秒的那個地方有一點問題,大家就可以直接實際模擬那個地方,到底會如何產出什麼問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以當時提出過意見的朋友們,回到這個桌子上,體驗大家共同願景提出可行流程的時候,果然就出現各種各樣的盲點,像遺失的流程、電子處方箋傳送給家屬,或者是健保卡可以交給醫護人員,但是手機不太想交給醫護人員,所有這一些部分,就是在哪一些,我們設計思考上的接觸點,因為新興東西的出現,大家對於期望改變了,不能再把舊的互動方式移到新的,覺得一定可以接受,這些朋友們在實際第一手體驗之後,找出了各種盲點,這些盲點找出來之後,我們就會回來規劃這個方案時,我們就會再提出一個把大家提出的盲點能夠解決的規劃方案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣的完整度夠嗎?其實也不太夠,一個協作會議的場地就可以容納這麼多人,在實際測試上畢竟不是日常的情境,還是模擬的情境,所以做出來的情況是小規模的公開測試,目前健保署已經規劃居家醫療服務,也就是居家訪視團隊,從一整台大電腦VPN、一大堆設備,背著不知道3公斤、4公斤以上的基本設備,就可以用手機加藍牙讀卡機就可以進行訪視,健保署已經在規劃、有期程了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "除此之外,虛擬健保卡也在全臺灣去找醫療場域,願意投入一些院所並進行試辦,當然也會給他們一些補助及相關的經費。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在這個過程中,我們並不是一下子全臺灣做測試,像當年IC健保卡,好像也是在離島先作測試,先在某一個特定的情境,讓大家體驗之後,再找出下一波可以做得更好,最後到大家都能接受,我們再變成真正的公務流程。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以最後綜整一下,當我們提到設計思考的時候,一定會看到這兩個菱形,從最左邊我們不知道要做什麼、我們可以做各種事情,到最右邊我們很知道要做什麼事、我們就是要做這一些事,設計思考就是發散、收斂的兩個階段,所以左邊的階段,我們在一般開放政府聯絡人的協作會議時,先把發散的方向由開放政府聯絡人跟專業的同仁把可能發散的方向做到八成左右,當場開花的情況,先掌握到一個程度,當民眾來的時候,當然還可以提出再發散一點,這個上午的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在當天下午的部分,我們就會一起去找出這個關鍵的HMW,然後當天下午的時候,就可以收斂到共同願景跟可能的做法,所以灰色的部分是我們每一次辦一天協作會議時會去執行的;當然,後面是部會帶回去研議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一次健保卡的案子相對上比較複雜,利害關係人比較多,而且還透過「眾開講」去結合第二、三波的利害關係人,所以會有三個組第一場純粹發散,讓大家完全放天燈,完全不想收斂,把大家的想像都拋出來,這個是第一次。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來是由專業健保署同仁真正收到可行的HMW,然後大家確認這個關鍵HMW的願景,然後發展出雛形,同仁把雛形拍成電影之後,再變成第三場的協作會議,也就是這個電影的東西實際上做得出來,還有很多次的公開測試,才可以產生出最右邊新一代健保卡的最佳方案,我們把一場分段,然後分成三場來進行使用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "右下角是健保署對於這三場協作會議的共同口號,也就是「以人為本」、「創新解決」、「跨域合作」、「從中學習」,我覺得這個是相當好的概念,從民眾的角度來看,很多意見領袖會寫文章時,好像這不是政策的宣達,好像真的是健保署願意跟我們學習一些什麼,所以他們的概念就可以比較完整地表達出來,而不是只是好像我們做好九成,然後只是補上最後一成或只是挑錯字而已,是做到一成的時候,就讓大家進行並集思廣益。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝健保署同仁及衛福部PO團隊,花了三倍與我們準備平常單場協作會議的時間,一起去規劃我們新一步的政策,目前也到了測試階段。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的簡報到這邊,看大家有沒有什麼想要提出來的問題、詢問、討論,或者是因為我講太快了,不過因為會有逐字稿,可能剛剛沒有聽得很清楚的部分,都很歡迎提出或者是在sli.do上提出。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想問一下衛福部或健保署的同仁有沒有要補充的部分?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "非常謝謝政委對於健保署在新一代健保卡協作會議的肯定,基本上在這次協作會議中,感謝政委給予許多協助。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "在PDIS成員協助方面,可以引發健保署內部的成員在這個議題上設計得更周延,也想到原來在公部門沒有想到的一些議題,而這一些議題,透過這一案協作會議的進行方式,我們可以跨出去公部門原來的思考,找到法律專家、技術專家,讓我們的設計能夠更可行,我想這個價值是可以提供給其他單位作參考,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看還有沒有任何不管是在場的朋友或者是網友在sli.do上提出來的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我們就到下一個報告案。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "下一個報告案是總統盃黑客松報告案情形,由科技會報辦公室報告。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "政委、各部會長官大家好,總統盃黑客松去年參與活動各部會裡面,掀起了翻轉、創新的風潮,除推動資料應用之外,其實也讓國、內外的人士看到臺灣由總統高度驅動創新而成為公務機關的文化,包含在最後一天6月2日展示、頒獎之後,美國在台協會前處長在致詞時也提到總統盃黑客松充分展現臺灣的強項,同時也透過公私協力、跨領域的合作,實現開放治理的理念。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "我先用去年一個小短片,讓大家看一下去年辦理的情形。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "簡單讓大家看一下去年的辦理情形,大家可以看到從總統的高度其實有很多高階主管,事實上很多都是從頭到尾全程參與,包含各部會的同仁、民間的參與,所以是協力的活動。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "我想借用唐政委所說的,希望總統盃黑客松希望透過跨政府部會及民間一起協力合作,解決社會問題,這是去年的主軸,這樣的社會創新是黑客文化裡面說的「共創」、co-creation的精神,也就是我們利用創新的方式,在深入研究某個領域或者是系統之後,提出一些嶄新有意義的解決方案,這也是我們去年在辦理專案跟活動理念,這樣的機制我想是非常地好,而且我們也希望打鐵趁熱,所以今年會持續辦理。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "我們今年會分兩個部分來報告:第一,107年黑客松辦理的情形,108年現在政委正在指導、正要啟動,於3月16日要開記者會的總統盃,剛剛有提到智慧國家的黑客松。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "這個是我們去年辦的情形,6月2日在總統府,不管是總統頒給卓越團隊五個獎項之外,事實上針對top 10的團隊,事實上每一個都聽取他們的報告,同時梅前處長也在致詞的時候,對於臺灣在國際上做這一件事是非常推崇的。去年在推專案的部分,有兩個非常重要的關鍵,剛剛提到以總統的高度,驅動各部會動員;另外一個是臺灣政府部會真正已經孕育充分創新的工作態度與能量。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "再來,我想有一些讓大家參考的,看一下總統當場頒的獎並聽取他們的報告。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "另外,很重要的是,其實在一、兩個月的時間,我們辦了三場的工作坊,我們看上面的照片,每一個工作坊很熱忱的參加,不只是提到高層主管跟部會同仁一起來合作,還有一些專家來做一些討論。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "再來,我們看一下去年有提到社會創新,大概有五個議題給大家做一下參考,其實整個活動的部分,鼓勵跨單位、跨領域的合作提案,包含到中央跟中央、中央跟地方、地方跟地方等等及與民間一起合作,我們在提案之後發現有一個合作案,同時在合作過程中,也儘量把一些缺乏能力coding、資料呈現或者是資料統計上缺乏的獨立部分,我們也在過程中有一些媒合。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "再來看一下,其實我們大概在兩個禮拜的時間內,事實上也是因為各部會的動員,我們蒐集到104件的各界提案,其中大概有45%是地方、中央政府,包含北、中、南、桃園宜蘭縣政府、中央政府大概有11個部會都有來參與。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "這裡面其實有很多部會,事實上不只提案,大概有104件在很短的時間蒐集到,同時也有法人、公協會、民間公司、大學及個人等等,在很短的時間內,把一些社會問題提出來,希望能夠透過這樣子的平台,可以把解決方式找出來。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "在議題分布的部分,其實在防災、公衛及醫療上,其次還有包含指揮安全網、環境能源等等,這幾個是提案比較多的,這個提案我們選擇了之後,大概有20個議題出來,這20個議題我們必須要組成20個團隊,所以過程中單位也協助一些hacker進去。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "所以看到這20個團隊進入工作坊之後,我們辦理了三次的工作坊在很短的時間內,他們需要很多協助,包含他們需要的一些資料,像open data國發會也做了一些跨部會的協調,像剛剛提到的人力媒合、協作的過程中,他們需要哪一些人力的部分,我們也做了一些專家,協助他們做一些指導。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "當然在這當中,剛剛看到很不一樣的是,為了鼓勵各部會創新的文化,所以不只是民間參與,其實各部會的一些一級主管,事實上都到現場去,包含總統府秘書長每一次工作坊都到,還有唐政委、吳政委等等主管到現場都加油打氣。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "事實上民間的首長都有提案參與,還有包含一些指導人員,在過程中,其實短短一、兩個月,其實把二十個提案的方案做一個比較具體的呈現。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "到了最後,我們其實選出了,像剛剛提到的top 20經過一個工作坊,最後選出top 10進入總統府來pitch,最後選出了五隊的卓越團隊。我們稍微跟大家介紹一下,第一個是以高雄氣爆為例,不管是在人力或者是物資的分配,都有一些問題,所以也提出了一些解決方案,能夠在救護跟照顧上提供解決傷患的需求。第二個「永不回頭」,其實是希望能夠降低兒少、家暴的再犯率,所以這是新北市政府提出來的。第三個是法扶以法律扶助的角度,希望將弱勢需求資源再分配。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "再來,剛剛政委有提到自來水公司,他們因為獲獎受到一些國際的矚目,經過政委介紹,到紐西蘭那邊,跟水公司有做了進一步的合作,其實有做了一些合作,但是他們提到的是,我們在每一年都會漏掉2.5座的石門水庫的水。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "另外,全台水管的長度,我們如果以現在自來水公司的人去查哪裡漏水的話,大概要花三年的時間,但是他們透過一些解決方式,事實上是可以把漏水範圍從90平方公里,另外他們發覺漏水是縮短一至兩天,這個是透過總統盃黑客松透過申訴來具體呈現。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "最後一個,事實上有關於離島後送的部分,希望爭取轉診的時間,希望在107年社會創新的主軸選出五個卓越團隊。整個專案的效益,剛剛報告中有提到四個面向,也就是政府創新、資料運用、跨域媒合及公私合作,這個是107年從影片中及我的報告內容讓大家瞭解一下去年辦理的情形。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "去年有一些照片讓大家參考,我有提到的是,整個總統府的動員,其實我們在兩個禮拜內有104件的提案,主要也是透過在總統府辦理的說明會,然後部會派代表參加,這其實讓整個部會動員起來很重要的理由。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "後面還有一些照片讓大家參考,也就是在工作坊的一些情形,像各部會的參與、唐政委的指導等等,這部分就不再贅述。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "再來看一下,我們於108年,剛剛提到的是用智慧國家的主題,我們說明一下規劃,從整個專案的定位到最後時程規劃的部分,我們簡單說明一下,專案定位我想還是延續去年,雖然主軸有一些調整成智慧國家,但是還是以四個面向,也就是資料運用、開放治理、跨域合作及創新文化等等。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "接著,我們看一下專案架構的部分,因為去年其實倉促成軍,其實是比較機動性地推動,今年有了今年的經驗之後,其實將專案分為四個分項,包含我們要辦理整個總統盃黑客松的活動,包含整個活動辦理、評審等等。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "第二個分項是這個議題與協調資料開放的部分,這部分是非常地重要,因為這是整個黑客松的核心,我們希望能夠利用一些開放資料,協助我們把一些所謂智慧國家的解決方式提出。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "再來,很重要的是,我們的活動宣傳跟擴散的部分,政府整個創新的文化或是跟民間結合開放治理的概念,能夠讓全民瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "再來,去年也有用這樣子的機制,就是所有的團隊經過我們的輔導機制來做整個提案的形成、最後follow up的部分,這個是專案的架構。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "今年我們也把專案執行的組織架構來做規劃,去年在政委的指導下,已經把整個要點提出來於法規會了,整個組織架構的召集人是由院長、副院長來擔任,然後召集人是由總統府副秘書長來擔任,執行張是由政委來擔任,執行秘書由院裡面的科技會報辦公室執行執秘來擔任,副執行秘書是希望由國發會負責資料開放的主管來擔任。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "以上都是當然委員,我們希望其他的委員是由總統聘任相關具有卓越人士來擔任,我們在近期就會呈給總統府核定。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "在委員會以下我們有兩個部分,一個是評審委員,因為在整個競賽當中,評審委員是非常重要的,政委這邊會召集評審委員會;另外一個是剛剛有提到的,在過程中,不管是工作坊或者是團隊協作時,需要專家的輔導團;另外,頒完獎之後方案的follow up輔導團等等,這兩個評審委員會、專家輔導團也是在這個委員會底下。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "這下面會有一個幕僚的工作群,我們分了四個組,一個是國際組、活動文宣組、資料組及議題組,都是有相關的部會來負責。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "活動的特色,我想去年在很快的時間如火如荼辦完,在這個過程中,其實我們覺得有兩個是必須要強化的,一個是國際連結,因為去年在政委的引薦之下跟紐西蘭連結,我們希望一開始在規劃的時候,把國際連結的部分思考進去。另外一個是,我們希望能夠讓民眾有更多的參與,不只是來報名參加而已,而是一開始的時候,一般的民眾可以在線上提問,或者是提問之後可以在線上票選,而票選的結果可以讓評選委員來做評分的參考。這是我們今年在活動特色的部分所加入國際連結及民眾參與。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "我想因為去年提到與國際連結的部分,我們今年希望在一開始的時候,希望透過邀請國際來參賽,團隊可以到國外去參加新創的專案、加速器的專案等等,這都是我們目前在思考的。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "活動的精神及理念,我想這個部分就不再贅述,這個跟去年是一樣的,這個也是去年的規劃,也就是提案的資格、限制,其實限制的部分倒不是什麼範圍,而是我們希望這一些提案的人還沒有提出來、還沒有進行的計畫,我們現在把進行的計畫拿出來提案。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "IP的部分我們去年也提出滿多的,我們希望提案團隊在一開始的時候可以把IP說明,如果未來活動完成之後,部會如果希望他們這一些提案,像解決方式的話,可以跟團隊來作溝通、協議。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "有關於議題的部分跟去年不太一樣,去年其實比較從社會創新的角度來提,像不管是社會安全或者是青創等等,我們今年用一個比較大的架構,從開放治理、跨域合作、產業發展、城鄉創新及國家永續,還有加入一個剛剛所提到的一個,也就是全球夥伴的部分,因此用這六個面向,我們希望進行各政府機關的交流與合作。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "評選的標準,今年其實把進社會影響力的部分更深入一點,希望把民眾參與的部分,能夠加入評選的標準,所以我們在創新的方式,也就是佔了四成,我們希望以創新為主,然後有三成是希望社會影響力及民眾參與的部分,另外一個是解決方式是30%是可行的。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "另外,唐政委會召集一個陣容很堅強的評審團,這個讓大家參考,大概有十四位。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "另外獎勵的方式,因為黑客松跟一般的黑客松不太一樣,這是總統盃黑客松,所以並沒有獎金,但我們是以擁有者為最主要的一個,跟政府部會一起來討論公開治理的理念,我們大概會準備一些參加獎或者是代表黑客精神的紀念品、臺灣文化的一些獎盃,這部分其實在去年還滿受到一些歡迎,我們今年會再更有創意的講黑客希望什麼紀念品及代表臺灣文化的獎盃。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "我們這次會辦工作坊的部分,我們希望能夠協助團隊,用世界咖啡館的方式讓團隊做很多討論,第二次的工作坊會做深入的輔導,我們選出團隊之後,事實上並沒有結束,像我們去年選出五個團隊,之後在國發會有繼續做一些輔導跟follow up,我們在今年8月之後也會做後續的輔導,也許是要他們申請一些計畫來做。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "媒體宣傳的部分,我們今年從三個面向,一個是媒體、一個是聯盟、一個是網路。媒體:我們會希望從各種不同媒體的露出,包含去年得獎團隊的一些經驗分享,還有今年成果的擴散,事實上我們的過程中會有一些媒體的新聞稿發布,又或者是做專訪的部分。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "另外,希望有更多的民眾參與,在民眾參與的部分,也會吸引到一些媒體來做一些比較親民的報導。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "再來,我們這一次會善用網路的宣傳,像網路擴散、社群論壇直播、網紅等等來做讓民眾更知道,我們也會透過公協會、聯盟做多元宣導。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "最後一張,讓大家瞭解一下今年的時程,我們希望在7月21日可以辦最後的,在總統府裡面辦成果展、pitch及頒獎,我們希望在下個月3月12日的時候可以辦記者會啟動,過程中我們可以讓民眾來做提問,也就是讓他們可以在智慧國家上可以提出一些問題,在4月10日截止之後,我們會讓選出的這一些提案讓民眾票選。我們最後會辦兩次的工作坊,一直到我剛剛提到7月21日來做pitch,以上是我的報告,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實平常各個部會都有辦過一些黑客松,總統盃黑客松有別於各部會黑客松的地方,我們去年想的是,一般黑客松都是兩天,最多三天,也就是事前一、兩天的輔導,最後一、兩天的黑客松,但是這其實是三個月的過程。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們其實有一點把黑客松的詞用在一個從來沒有用過的地方,其實是非常長一段的過程,有點像健保卡多次協作會議,健保卡是三次,這個也是三次不同的工作坊,是挑大家對於智慧國家的願景而感興趣的題目,大家透過產官學研社的創造一起凝聚出可行方案來,這個是比較長時間、拘束力比較強的,也就是每一隊都有公務人員參與,公務人員不可能在要點裡面說一定要頒給大家多少錢,因為公共服務其實是為了大眾的利益,所以我們能夠給的是拘束力,也就是總統親自瞭解到做法,我們會盡可能請各位首長們把得獎這五隊納入公務流程當中,讓具有創新、可行性及社會影響力的想法變成公務流程的一部分,以上是這邊的報告。看執秘有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "簡單幫大家回顧一下當時的參與,我們覺得公務人員參與最大的激勵是,可能基層的想法是找不到預算、夥伴或者是原來沒有做到跨單位間合作的可能,在我們這個過程中都找到了,所以這個是對基層公務人員的一些創新理念或者是一些革命性的想法有非常大的激勵,能夠入圍就是非常大的鼓勵。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "如果你們單位將來有同仁報名,記得提醒長官要參與,因為長官的參與也是對他們最大的激勵,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今年科會辦也是近期邀請各個跟資料相關,不管是開放資料、資料經濟等等的部會來擔任這個活動的共同主辦,也讓大家更知道這個並不是只有一、兩個部會的事情,大家可以一起來參與。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為裡面有負責資料開放的主管,不曉得國發會這邊對於加入我們作為副召集人,至少在開放資料的協調上,是不是願意或者是有沒有什麼願意跟我們分享的?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "主席、各機關代表,國發會對於開放資料的部分,在各位的協助之下已經有取得很好的成績,我們在去年黑客松的過程中,也扮演了協助各個團隊、各個機關所需要的資料間來作媒合或者是資料的轉換等等諮詢工作,我們這一些都可以去做。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我們相信在今年黑客松裡面,也可以同樣扮演這樣的角色。不過不好意思,我們看到簡報比較後面一點的部分,黑客松結束……應該不是「結束」,應該是「選出團隊之後」,好像也有建議國發會協助他們去申請相關的計畫,這一點可能就不是我們這裡的範圍,這在簡報裡面,包括第33頁、第35頁都有同樣的文字。換句話說,我們在資料的提供、媒合,或者是跟部會資料溝通的部分,都可以做相關的協助,但對於後續選出的團隊要申請、落實其計畫,本身這一點我們就沒有辦法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有問題,我們看到已經反映國發會意見,螢幕上已經抽換了,只是紙本還沒有辦法抽換,因為行政院還沒有用到電子紙的科技,不然大家手上也可以抽換。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛才國發會的意見,其實會前收到之後,我想不會勉強一定要生出跟它相應的計畫,國發會像有地方創生的計畫,跟這個團隊是非常符合,也許是輔導跟當地區公所、縣市來做提案,這個是比較容易的,但是當然不能說因為這個提案真的很好,所以就硬生出一個計畫來配合,我想國發會強調的這個,我們有記下來,因為有逐字稿,我們在簡報裡面也有所修正,在資料的轉譯及資料開放的部分就繼續請潘處長繼續協助。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看副主委有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "高仙桂", "speech": "總統府黑客松,國發會一定是全力支持與配合。其實就剛剛潘處長所說這個計畫的後續接軌,我覺得其實也相當重要,不過這個黑客松的團隊裡面,事實上是沒有科技部、經濟部的,我知道其實現在在很多新創後續的輔導、接軌中,其實科技部、經濟部扮演很多角色,包括現在有很多新創園區,如果這一個部分,國發會可以協助的部分,我們也會儘量協助。" }, { "speaker": "高仙桂", "speech": "這次有的是城鄉創新,也就是跟我們現在正在做地方創生幾乎是一樣的,所以這部分絕對會做計畫的介接及媒合。" }, { "speaker": "高仙桂", "speech": "至於,如果有涉及到科技部或是經濟部相關的,如果國發會可以協助的話,我們也會幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們接下來會開一個協調會,所以我想國發會當然會受邀,科技部跟經濟部,以及其他跟民生公共物聯網相關的部會都會受邀,因為教育部、外交部雖然沒有直接跟這30幾個有關係,但是因為去年所做出來的這一些團隊,很多都是教育部、外交部會感興趣的,因為本來這兩個部會在我們辦公室有派駐人員,因此會邀這兩位同仁來參加,所以不管未來介接到,可能大部分是大學提案的,也許是高教深耕裡面會有一些相關的,或者是外交部也許在國際合作上,像國合方面也有一些可以做的,並不是像去年說的,好像都從國發會去做總導流,今年很可能只有地方創生的部分是有國發會來導流,其他的部分在協調會當中說明,謝謝副主委。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有其他的詢問或者是分享的部分?" }, { "speaker": "蘇俊榮", "speech": "剛才科會辦報告今年要辦總統盃黑客松,我覺得整體規劃都很好,但少了企業的部分,是不是可以建議找黑松提供沙士,找義美提供豆漿、餅乾,全聯提供麵包,鼎泰豐提供小籠包(笑),也辦得更熱鬧,有需要的話我可以聯繫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實我們在民間辦黑客松的時候,除了國際、活動、資料、議題這四組之外,g0v在辦黑客松的時候,專門有食物組,謝謝提醒,我們在組織架構裡面沒有特別寫食物組,不過寫食物組的話,法規會不一定簽得上去,所以我想我們併到這個活動組裡面來進行規劃,我們會請活動組參考,不過這真的是很好的主意。" }, { "speaker": "蘇俊榮", "speech": "次長可以分享一下。" }, { "speaker": "吳自心", "speech": "我們的副人事長召集,我們配合(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實我們也會邀一些國際的黑客來臺灣,所以確實食物是大家對於臺灣第一良好印象,確實是這樣子沒有錯。" }, { "speaker": "吳自心", "speech": "不過跟政委報告,如果要廠商贊助,像台酒會有一些困難,因為臺灣菸酒不太適合露出,這是困難所在。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以可能有一些無酒精的部分來提供。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "食物組的部分不要直接寫到要點裡,但是我們請活動組來參考,對於食物的部分要有縝密的規劃,然後請兩位指導。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看有沒有其他的想法或者是意見?" }, { "speaker": "李光章", "speech": "第一次聽到黑客松的競賽,我覺得這個是非常有意義的活動,我記得在DC的時候,國務院都有辦這一種,我記得臺灣有一個團隊去參加。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "魚客松是第一名。" }, { "speaker": "李光章", "speech": "我想今年會有國際組,外交部會強力配合參加,我想到美方每一年都在辦這樣的活動,今年有全球夥伴的構想,我們台美也有GCTF的架構,是不是可以透過這樣的架構裡面,可以找一些台美共同關切的國際議題增建,一方面可以讓國際的團隊來臺灣參加,透過美方的連結,二方面是透過國際的參與以後,擴大了我方團隊參與國際競賽的機會,這個是第一個部分,因為台美間有這樣的介接,是不是可以藉這個機會來彰顯臺灣的軟實力,彰顯臺灣是一個可靠的夥伴、成功的故事,是一個世界正向的,是不是可以從這方面來思考。" }, { "speaker": "李光章", "speech": "剛剛提到107年卓越團隊裡面有一個高雄氣爆,也就是紐西蘭,其實高雄氣爆,包含國防部、衛福部都非常重視這個case,紐西蘭是政委親自去,都是非常有意義彰顯軟實力的機會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一個是臺美GCTF的部分,如果外交部可以的話,也許直接把這個訊息送過去,我們可以提供的是,要點是法規會已經有一個草案過來了,現在按照雙語國家戰略,任何相關的要點,只要有外國人在使用,我們就應該翻英文,所以我們會先把要點的草稿,要強調還不是定稿,先翻成英文,然後跟這邊所需要的一些材料,看美方會需要什麼,這不是只給美方,這都是公開資訊,像美方、加方跟新創方面合作的法國等等,這個都可以一次進行討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "美方有一個既有架構,先請美方來提,這個非常好,我們會請國際組來參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "去年良好案例的擴散上,我們去年想說不是只製作國內的宣傳,尤其是紐西蘭台水的pitch,其實都有材料,我們會規劃在今年成果露出的部分,也把去年成果的國際案例讓外交部運用,以上回應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有要提出來的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我們到下一個報告案,也就是這一季協作議題的摘要報告,這一季有兩個連署案跟一個部會的自提案。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "第一個請負責東沙環礁國家公園如何推動生態旅遊的主辦單位,由海洋委員會及內政部雙主辦,我們先請海洋委員會報告,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "沈建中", "speech": "主席、各位部會的長官、各位同仁大家午安、大家好,海委會在這邊說明及報告。" }, { "speaker": "沈建中", "speech": "針對內政部所提的東沙環礁國家公園如何推動生態的部分,海委會後續的做法,於此作一報告。有關於東沙生態旅遊,是國民海洋意識培育的途徑之一,為更全面推動海洋國家思維,與我政府現今海洋教育理念相符,所以海委會將協助各推動海洋教育的單位及團體,將海洋教育在東沙環礁國家公園深耕發芽、向下紮根,海委會作以上說明,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "接著請內政部報告,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林慈玲", "speech": "內政部的部分,目前已經在規劃相關生態體驗環境教育的活動,我們預定今年有三個梯次的試辦,還涉及到一些東西,同仁還在協調,最遲是9月份,但是希望能夠提早,所以我們希望看有沒有可能5、6月就開始,但今年試辦的話,基本上不涉及到海域,就是以路域為主。上次的協作會議上有提到船宿潛水的問題,我們必須要把東沙環礁裡,去掉核心適合的海域,要把它找出來,所以我們在做一些討論,看有哪一些場域,如果找出來以後,我們可能會對業者來做呈現,可是今年有關於船宿潛水的部分……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是業者先去?" }, { "speaker": "林慈玲", "speech": "讓他們先去看了一下,至少要把那個區域弄出來,這個部分是旅遊的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林慈玲", "speech": "另外相關的建議當中,也有提到我們是不是要檸檬鯊在那邊做直播,海管處評估,那邊的網路並不是那麼方便,目前的傳輸速率才1m而已,如果要擴充他的頻率,目前費用相當高,所以我們目前的話,在東沙相關的生態調查,我們拍攝影片,會把它放到youtube上或者是我們的網頁,所以這部分先採取不同的方式。" }, { "speaker": "林慈玲", "speech": "而整個生態旅遊的部分,內政部會是一個重點工作,會持續推動,我們明年會想說是不是增加到六個,也就是有一些試辦。" }, { "speaker": "林慈玲", "speech": "當然最近外界有一些不同的聲音,在那邊停留的時間不是這麼長,但是我們還是會規劃,而且另外一塊是,因為它是國家公園,生態環境比較脆弱,所以我們必須在生態環境、法律的前提下來做一些相關的工作,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實這有一個重點,是生態旅遊,不是觀光,這是要非常清楚的,生態的永續是放前面,為了讓大家瞭解生態永續的重要,所以安排旅遊,而不是為了觀光才安排生態,這是有輕重的差別。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以我所知,南方四島的時候,其實有非常好的宣傳片,因此像那樣的素材,我覺得可以讓大家更瞭解部長所謂美得不得了的東沙環礁,非常感謝後續的follow up。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看有沒有其他的朋友要補充或者是詢問的?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "下一個案子是汽機車燃油稅改隨油徵收,我們請交通部簡單報告。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "主席、各位長官,交通部報告,汽燃費改隨油徵收這個案子是因為有網友在Join平台上提案指出,認為汽機車燃料使用費的徵收是為了維修公路的路面,應該循使用者付費的原則來隨油徵收,使用大眾運輸交通工具的民眾不用額外負擔費用,平時用路多的駕駛人才有節油減碳。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "這個案子是成案的議題,我們交通部是主責部會,同時因為利害關係人涉及的層面比較廣,所以在11月30日的時候,是以兩個場地的方式來召開協作會議,也感謝政委跟PDIS小組在這邊對我們的協助,這個會議順利進行及完畢。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "這個案子當中的協作會議,因為是叫「汽車燃料使用費」,因此有更名為「道路維護管理費」,除了名稱之外,在協作會議當中,我們也是聚焦討論到目前汽燃費可能採取的徵收方案分別有維持現狀、以排氣量為來計算、車重來計算,接著是隨油徵收的部分,另外一個是隨里程徵收來考量納入車重的因子。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "我們部裡面依據這樣協作會議的結論,依照期限在協作平台上提出正式會議,經過協作會議各方面的討論,現行隨車徵收方式納入車輛行使里程與車輛總重的標準來研擬可行性,仍然是比較能夠顧及各層面的方向,我們會納入會議結論的相關意見,做後續的評估規劃、兼顧公平、財源穩定,行政成本也是會衝擊比較小的衝擊方式來參考。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "交通部、運研所目前正在辦理汽燃費隨里程徵收可行性研究,因為這個收費制度涉及的層面比較廣泛,後續會對於這個技術、社會、政府、法令、財務等面向來進行可行性分析及探討,對於利害關係人進行衝擊的評估,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。看有沒有要補充的部分?" }, { "speaker": "吳自心", "speech": "不是補充,因為剛剛交通部同仁在報告的時候,事實上是使用汽車燃料「費」,並不是「稅」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "同意,不過這個是提案人所使用的議題(文字)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以很有意思的是,為什麼這個議題可以吵得……我不知道多少年了,是因為大家對於這個性質的理解不當,但是到這次才真正完全對焦講清楚,是為了道路維護管理所收取的「費用」,而不是跟著燃油所收取的「稅捐」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們保留網友一開始的提案用詞,因為這是根深蒂固像偏見一樣的東西,所以我們是第一次對齊了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們後來在各個網站上,其實很多倡議這個議題十幾年的朋友,第一次瞭解到這真的是道路維護管理費,反而會回過頭來向大眾解釋。我記得很清楚,協作會議那一天,剛好是《無人載具科技創新實驗條例》通過三讀的那一天,所以大家發現無人車不會用到油,而是電動車,到底要如何隨油徵收?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "隨著油電混合的效率、隨著電動車的普及,如果說隨油徵收,我們道路維護是不是會越來越差、越來越收不到錢。在這樣的情況之下,大家都可以理解到隨里程是未來的趨勢,所以這也是第一次好像吵得最兇的朋友進到廚房才發現有新的菜色,這個是有對齊到,有回應您的詢問。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此現在大家理解到這是道路維護管理費,很希望立法院可以趕快幫忙把名字改回去,改成「道路維護管理費」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有要補充或者是詢問的?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "下一個案子是動物保護法加重罰則,主責的單位是農委會,農委會有準備一個投影片,請農委會。" }, { "speaker": "鄭祝菁", "speech": "政委、長官,我們簡要報告一下這個案子的處理情形,提案人提案動物保護法加重罰則,這部分主要的緣故,因為在107年在整個動保社群發生一些比較殘忍的動物虐待事件,所以提案跟動保社群會認為現行的動保法針對這一個部分的罰則不夠重,所以提出來這樣修法的訴求,認為應該要全面公布行為人姓名,進一步是要做心理治療動物醫療費用負擔來作提案建議,這個部分非常感謝政委跟我們小組納入了協作會議,所以在12月27日正式召開了這樣的協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "鄭祝菁", "speech": "當天會裡面有針對線形動保法罰則強度進行相關的分析,請各位參考。" }, { "speaker": "鄭祝菁", "speech": "當然也有分析了其他國家針對虐待動物罰則的相關規定,讓相關的提案及與會人士現行國家虐待動物的罰則及強度都已經不低於其他國家的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "鄭祝菁", "speech": "再來,我們就會釐清整個問題,當天針對三個大議題,一個是不是因為罰則過輕,所以必須再修法,其實在104年至106年動保法都修了,針對罰則的部分不斷提高,但是這一個部分其實我們還看不到具體的效果,但是也有這樣的共識,透過修法可能無法改善現況。" }, { "speaker": "鄭祝菁", "speech": "進一步是為什麼有罰則會罰不到,我們確實在實務上整個案件的行為人及具體的事證很難調查得到,大家就會進一步思考要如何有效保全證據、有效舉發這個案件,所以整個進一步提高執法效能,因此這個透過兩個部分,第一個是公私協力,也就是讓更多的民眾在事件發生的當下可以保全事證,另外一個是行政部門專業加強的部分。" }, { "speaker": "鄭祝菁", "speech": "本會也在網路上針對這個提案做了一個相關的回應,雖然不予參採,但是後續會透過加強案件調查的效能、提高民間的參與方式來增加案件的舉發強度,讓整個法律可以更有效落實,後續也會規劃相關的政策,包含怎麼樣推廣公私協力,如何提升動保檢查人員的專業素質,如何用全面性的生命教育,讓國人可以瞭解動物生命必須尊重這樣子最基本的觀點,進一步針對行政效能,我們也會在法規面,例如一些行政裁量標準來做處理,我們也希望後續在整個社會上可以達到一村里一志工,大家一起關心動保議題,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝農委會的簡報。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在協作會議的當時,其實農委會在「眾開講」上,同時有一個動物福利白皮書的意見徵詢,所以其實很多來參加的朋友們一開始都是抱持著「應暴主義」,好像發生什麼事,我們要報復一下的感覺,但是經過一整天的討論之後,大家都收斂到可行的東西,而且進入了動保白皮書的徵詢程序,所以我覺得這個倒流滿成功的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在我的記憶裡面,這個是從Join平台開台以來,第一次部會回應以「不予參採。」開頭句點之後,在網路上的聲量是負面高於正面的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以往大家只要看到「不予參採。」常常就罵聲一片了,好不容易找了五千多人,政府不予參採?但是因為農委會結合大家共同協作的結果,已經很詳細描述好的願景是什麼樣子,反而這些社群的關鍵意見領袖,回去之後告訴大家說這真的是可行,所以這次觀察到在「不予參採」之後,正面聲量還是比較高的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這是滿不容易的,非常感謝農委會的開放政府聯絡人團隊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有要詢問或補充的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有的話,就下一個。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "臨時動議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有沒有想要分享或者是詢問的部分?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,大家對於總統盃黑客松不管是外交上、實務上,我們不是開玩笑的,我們會認真地規劃食物。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在具體議題設定方面,接下來請各部會的朋友之後接到總統盃黑客松文件時,可以先做一些準備,如果PO團隊平常就已經有接觸到業務機關有一些創新的想法,或是之前在協作會議上有凝聚出一些「暫不參採」,但如果有資源,但是很想做一些事的話,也很歡迎提供到總統盃黑客松來提案,今天會議開到這邊,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Let’s get started." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Yes, let’s get started. Thanks for having me." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "I thought you might like to talk about three things I’m really interested in. That would be under the overarching topic of hacking our worldviews, in a way — I’d like to talk a bit about reinventing government and public services. I’d like to talk a bit about we disrupt our ways of looking at things." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Oh, more recorders. It’s like three recorders now." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Good morning." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Now nothing can happen at all." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Then a bit about the digital industries and the economic outlook, if this is fine with you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "When I wrote to you, it was the first time in my entire life that I immediately got a response from you directly, not some offices." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "A day afterwards, I also got a response from your office. The office suggested I come on Wednesdays, when you have open hours. You had suggested already that we meet here on Saturday." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "I’ve just thought is this a tiny, little piece of example that’s difficult to introduce your radical ways of thinking government in a new way into existing structures?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly, because I told the offices that my Wednesday is open for everybody, and my weekends are off limits. These are the time structure that we pre agreed on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because I think the topic warrants more than 40 minutes of conversation, which is what my Wednesday office hours are all about, I just short circuited that. It’s interesting because precisely, as you mentioned, the idea of having an open office hour. Here, it would be where we meet if we meet on a Wednesday." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s the Social Innovation Lab. It is pretty radical already, because people can walk in in the morning without having to have a reservation. They don’t guarantee any time block. It’s just whatever time I have." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the afternoon, they have a booking system where they can book for 40 minutes at a time and a transcript or video recording, what kind of recording that they prefer." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because the exoskeletal arrangements are already in place, it’s always easier for offices to say, \"Here is the system. Go to register in the system, and you will find the chance.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, there is always a competing need of saying, \"Wait, this warrants more than the pre allocated time.\" I think both need to happen, but I do need to work on synchronizing with my team more. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Anyone can just walk in on Wednesdays and talk to you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right. That’s from 10:00 to 2:00. From 2:00 to 5:00, that’s the pre booking time where there’s an online system conveniently called, which is my handle. You can already see clearly who is going to meet me on those time slots. There’s an English version, as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you want to book, then it just says who you are, your email, would you prefer some kind of recording mode, and then you automatically get 40 minutes of my time." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Everything is public, as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "So I have no chance to have a clandestine meeting with you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not at all." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Don’t you think that arcane moments are important in developing ideas, in exchanging views that are not supposed to be public directly all the time?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. We do have people who, after receiving the transcript, took out many parts that they considered premature or sensitive. Everybody’s free to edit, to co-edit, as I put it, for 10 days." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "During those 10 days, sometimes people change their mind. Sometimes they, after talking to me, decide it’s not a good idea after all. Then, they went back, changed and, frankly, just delete entire parts of their speech, which is always allowed. We made it very clear, as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the most extreme case, a journalist, who I will not name, considered the questions she asks as proprietary information. She went back and took out everything she said. In the transcript, it’s me monologuing. That is also accepted." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "That is very interesting, because it’s clear that it was a conversation between two people, and now you have just your answers. You still know who the journalist is when you look online, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, but we don’t know what she asked about." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "I understand. That’s really interesting. Talking about competing interests, from a German perspective, I’m sure that a lot of politicians would say, \"We have competing interests between transparency and security.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "How is that?" }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Have you ever experienced someone coming to you on Wednesdays and offending you or..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not at all." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Not at all?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not at all. There’s people who advocate for building an embassy for extraterrestrial beings, the Rael Movement. There are people who are convinced that they invented a never ending machine, the perpetual motion machine, and there are people who believe in some kind of extreme views, but I was always very sympathetic to their views, and so it’s fine." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m sure that if I start arguing, they’d become violent perhaps, but because I was just very sympathetic..." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "I guess you know that in Germany, you would never be able to approach a minister directly without a whole formal process, showing IDs. I could walk in here without showing my ID." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, no. That’s because I described you to security guard." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "So they knew about me." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "There’s the tiny little actions. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s the first thing I did this morning actually." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "And then I’m always accompanied, of course, by a colleague or in the Social Innovation Lab by a security guard, so we’re not completely naive." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Figuring out this transparent way of approaching new ideas of government, it means that people can observe if things turn out right, work well, don’t work well." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "If I imagine, being a bit familiar with the Chinese culture — having lived here for a year 30 years ago — and thinking of the country still being influenced by Confucius ideas, for example, how do you manage to implement something like a failure culture where you’re allowed to make mistakes and not be successful?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Or indeed encouraged to fail." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Even encourage it, yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. In the Confucius culture, which all dates back to the I Ching, and I can talk about I Ching for days... [laughs] I will just say that in the I Ching there’s this idea of 蒙or the state before enlightenment. Usually it’s in conjunction with the child like 童蒙, meaning that someone who is pre teens and in need of enlightenment." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Confucius’ tradition always says that that is the state that has the most potential. When we frame someone as in that state, they’re allowed or indeed encouraged to explore." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Traditionally, when a child was really, really young, they have this ritual called 抓周, where they put all sort of different objects representing all the different trades and expertises in the world, and have the child climb over to whichever that they’re most interested in." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In that there is no pressure to succeed at all, because it is just seen as the way to seize out the potential of the child. When someone is in childhood, in the Confucius culture, there is absolutely no obligation for perfection and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course there is another thing called filial piety, which we will not go into, [laughs] but what I’m just saying is that it is perfectly OK to experiment if someone is childlike. This is what we capitalize on." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "We’re in the childhood stage of transforming ourselves into a new civilization?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly. There’s a French professor, Stephane Corcuff, that describes Taiwan’s democracy as in the liminal stage, which is not quite childhood but the same thing, the liminal stage meaning that we’re not part of the so called the Continent, but we’re not quite Pacific Islands either." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re of course the ancestry of the Pacific islanders culture wise, the Austronesian culture, but we’re also descendants of the various different ethnic Han cultures with those of Japanese philosophy. In all these relationships we’re liminal, in the sense that it’s not fully developed in terms of our Taiwanese culture identity. In this stage, experimentation is indeed encouraged is what I’m saying." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Confucius would have approved of how you approach public service?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. Actually, the most often quoted part of Confucian thought by Dr. Sun Yat sen, which you see in the Sun Yat sen Memorial Hall, is a calligraphy rendering of 天下為公, \"everyone for the public.\" There’s a famous chapter that says, \"Everyone for the public,\" and describes a Confucian Utopia where everyone is for the public." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is no squandered resources. When people see goods on the street, useful things, they take it up, but they don’t use it for themselves, instead for public benefit. It describes not quite radical transparency, but radical trust between the various stakeholders in the society." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The radical trust is really what I’m after, and transparency is one of the various instruments of achieving this public trust." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "I think you could argue that transparency is kind of undermining trust." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "How is so?" }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "If I need to figure out everything on the basis of being transparent, it’s also a way of controlling and looking at everything to be sure that it’s in the way I would like it to be. While trust means that I just offer unconditional openness in a way because I think you won’t fail me and behave badly." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The difference, as you said, is control. Transparency is a way of instrumenting control." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Especially how we handle it in the digital age. It sometimes seems to me as a means of control, taking over control, by checking each and every detail, which we can because transparency allows us to do. In the state of a trustful togetherness, you don’t need to do that because you just offer trust into people and what they do before you can check what’s happening. It’s just an idea. I don’t know." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s an interesting line of thought. In the Mandarin language, we’re having the hardest time translating the term \"accountability.\" I think accountability earns trust. Nobody starts trusting a doctor, a lawyer, or whatever as acting in their best interests." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, that kind of relationship develop over time by having that someone being accountable to you. Accountability doesn’t have a natural translation. We tried various other translations, but the one that I’m going with is 交代, not duct tape, which is the same sound..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...but rather 交, as in giving, in communicating, in exchanging, crossing over, and 代 as in representing, so giving you the right to represent me. K父代also means, when I say 給個交代, to give an account, meaning coming clear of how one has or has not abused that trust relationship, which is crucial when we think about GDPR or the various rights." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s all about giving this kind of account. To me, transparency is one of the ways to build a culture where, when one asks for an account, one can readily give that account. It is not by default. We’re not live streaming this. We’re not recording our micro expressions or whatever." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This conversation is between you and me. It’s just we agree to co-author a paper afterwards [laughs] that summarizes the points that we made for the public benefit. I think having this co-creative relationship also builds trust. Whereas, if I insist on putting a hovering drone that is 360 recording our micro expressions, that would be control." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is a limit above which it’s above the social norm that you will have for a friend. There’s a social norm under which you would describe as clandestine. I think there’s plenty of room between those two thresholds." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "For sure. You’ve made it perfectly clear, and I think we’re totally on the same page. I would prefer the term accountability as the overarching ideal, not transparency." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I totally agree." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "OK, perfect." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As I would say that when we do public participation, I always frame it as an instrument for inclusion, inclusion being the ideal and participation being the instrument." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you have participation as the ideal, what it often means is that it excludes people who don’t have time, excludes people who don’t have the awareness, excludes people who prefer modalities that are non modal or are of indigenous culture, a different culture. Maybe you have inclusion as the primary goal and participation as the instrument. Then it actually goes much further." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Interesting. I can relate to that. Taiwan is number one, according to the Global Open Data Index." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Which is not running anymore. To the ex Open Data Index, but yes." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Last year, it was still running, wasn’t it?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, they stopped running last year." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "They stopped already?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, they stop. For the ultimate and penultimate rankings, we were number one, but they stopped running it." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Germany was number 24." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Or something, yes." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Together with Hong Kong and others, yeah. What recommendation would you give how to improve something like that, even if this index isn’t running any longer?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would like to explain why the index is not running any longer. The index is just measuring the absolute minimal amount of widely agreed that these data should be open. It’s just like counting the availability of tap water or things like that. It doesn’t measure the impact, the relevance, the indeed citation, or anything about the data." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It just counts whether those data are there and whether they are open license, and so on, which is all good and well, but it creates an incentive for the government to instead of viewing trust as the primary goal and accountability and inclusion as the foundational value, and transparency and participation as the just the instruments." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It basically says, \"We just put out exactly this amount of open data, and then we can rank really high,\" which is, frankly speaking, exactly what Taiwan had done." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We were good at exams. If you’d been here 30 years ago, you know how the culture is like. If we know that these things are going to be tested, then we just open these things. Not to derail or demean the national effort in 2014 to have a concerted strategy to place number one on that particular ranking, because I was part of the initiative, not to demean that. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It does lead to open data for open data’s sake. It does lead to a lot of effort being put on those data, but the public information is still being published in another format. These are the ones that are actually relevant and to be consume and find the granularity. Open data ones are really there just for the Open Data Index." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If we optimize for scoring, then you study exactly what is to be scored, and that’s how Taiwan got there. I’m being fully accountable here, [laughs] and I was part of that team." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "After I become the digital minister, one of the first things I did is I took out all of the quantitative KPIs when it relates to open data. It used to be that the ministries and agencies were rewarded by the number of data sets that they publish." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "[laughs] And toward all the open data, Open Knowledge Foundation, scoring indexes, so we will look better in the barometer and the index." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It was really counterproductive. We see agencies publishing their yearly reports as 12 data sets, each for one month. This is not useful at all. It actually increases burden by data scientists, but they score higher if you look at the quantitative index." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "That is totally irrelevant for inclusion, for example, for people being able to use the data." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, not at all. It is not participatory either; nobody asked for that. It’s just to be higher on the quantitative score. I put an end to that. [laughs] Instead, they were rewarded by the quality of their data, both machine assessed and also citizen assessed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We put on a co-creation annual event called the Presidential Hackathon, held by the President herself, where the co-creative approach from the civil society can ask for data. With the President’s blessing, 20 cases each year gets all the support that they need to fulfill a social impact need. We completely shifted to a scoring, also very Confucian, post Han Dynasty, anyway..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...mentality to a citizen driven mentality. That would actually be my recommendation. The local indexes stopped running by the Open Knowledge Foundation was also because they commissioned a study to assess how exactly impactful the Open Data Index is to the local and national strategies." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The impact may be positive or negative. They did a really honest assessment on the various parts, on some parts where it’s not the international norm to open yet, like the procurement data and open spending, because it has repercussions on world trade." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you open all your procurement, and the person you are fighting across the table in a trade negotiation doesn’t, they have much more access to how your procurement looks than you do. They can ask for far more precise demand when it comes to trade negotiations, so it’s not the international norm." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think only two countries score sufficiently on the Open Data Index when it comes to government spending. I think Greece is actually the top one, but that’s because they’re bankrupt and the World Bank manages their public procurement data." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Other than these very extreme cases, which we’re not going there, it is very much not the norm. For these things, the Open Knowledge really did some good. It forces each country to evaluate to which extent is it OK. As statistics? As maybe only to local researchers or whatever? That they can open the data to a degree. They did good that way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In other parts, where it is already an international norm, then it leads to this kind of quantitative competition." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Very interesting. I really didn’t know that. Let’s stick with the government hackathon for a moment. You’re doing it once a year?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, the Presidential Hackathon." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "It’s one whole day, the Presidential Hackathon?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s three months. It’s an abuse of the term hackathon because it’s not really a hackathon in any sense at all. It is rather a series of hackathons, and there’s an English version. Every March, around the Open Data Day, we start getting the submissions. Last year, we get more than 100." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "These submissions were then selected. Around early April, we select around 20 cases that has social impact, feasibility, and innovative. Then we reshuffle the other 80 cases’ crew members to join those 20 teams. The 20 teams can, of course, ask for more expertise." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It must be cross sectoral, in the sense that each team — this year, we really ratify it — that each team must have at least one career public servant, one person from the civil society, and one domain expert, so, at minimum, three people each team." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then they start workshops which are collaborative meetings, what we call open collaboration meetings, which we can get into later. Actually, we have a comic book to explain that in six languages. [laughs] This is a gift for you. It’s all six languages." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s the same thing, just different indigenous languages." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Through collaborative meetings like that one, we identified stakeholders’ real needs. We make sure that if the data are currently being collected but not shared, that it is shared. If they are being collected but belonging to different ministries and agencies, we make sure that the formats are compatible, the usual sorts." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If there’s regulatory changes needed, we work them around, all because the President herself is a project manager. The political will is absolute." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then the 20 cases co-work for more than a month, I think six weeks, to develop the initial proof of concept of how to creatively apply those data for the common good. There’s a demo day, and then, out of the 20, we select 10. I personally head a jury committee." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The 10 then went to the President’s office building and do a one day finalization. By that time, all the code or whatever is already prototyped, so they mostly work on their presentation, on the pitch. They pitch the President and the..." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "The 10 pitch the President?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, pitch the President. Then the President, along with the jury, chose five to win the hackathon. There’s absolutely no monetary reward, which is surprising. They have a trophy, which doubles as a projector that projects their photos and memories with the President." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In any case, what they get really is a presidential guarantee that by the next fiscal year, their idea will be part of public service." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "That’s a really great idea. It was yours?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Can’t really take all the credit. The person who initially propose it, we all call him CK, 劉嘉凱. He did this in New Taipei City and Taipei City before as his part of the Data For Social Good, or D4SG project. The National Security Council, President’s office, and, of course, yours truly really liked the idea, so we invited him as our advisor to bring this on the presidential level." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Gorgeous. A really, really nice project." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re starting next month for this year’s round." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "One example what has been achieved?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The five winning teams. There’s many, but I don’t know which one you really care about. The Water Warriors is very interesting, Data for Child Protection also. On the importance of environmental protection and water reservation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Maybe I’ll just talk about the Water Warriors. The Water Warriors is a bunch of folks from the Taiwan Water Corporation who manages, as a single corporation, the largest amount of pipes in the world. Many of them are plastic pipes. They leak. Because of climate change, Taiwan has a recurring water shortage issue. We’ve been very fortunate the past couple years, but it’s coming." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "At the beginning of the Presidential Hackathon, from the time that a water pipe leaks to the time that it gets detected, that’s usually two to three months. There’s a limited amount of expertise who use things like a stethoscope — of course, they don’t call them stethoscope — to listen to the water pipes, figure out where they leak, and repair them." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "With the granularity that is really broad, that’s not so great. They spend lots of time diagnosing. Taiwan all have the SCADA data to automate the collection of water pressure, water flow, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They say, \"We’re sitting on this trove of data, but we really want machine learning experts to help us figure out new water leakage based on different patterns, of course, so that when our professional repairers tour around Taiwan, they can get an instant message saying, ’Today, you really want to look at these three spots,’\" which have a resolution of less than 100 meters, which means they can resolve within a single day." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They get a lot of interested machine learning experts, someone building chatbots, and people from the National Chengchi University, the Institute for Information Industry, and even one MIS lady from the Executive Yuan here. Her office is just next building." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "She manages our internal portals and so on, but she’s actually a computer science PhD doing machine learning research on the side. She also joined the team. They collectively reduced the time to 1/10th to detect and reduce the resolution to, I think, 1/20th or so. You really solved a really pressing issue in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "After three month of collaboration, demoing to the president, and getting honor, there’s an accelerator in Wellington called the GovTech Lightning Lab who noticed this, because we invited all the diplomats to the President’s office because of the President’s evaluacy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They were like, \"We really need that,\" because New Zealand didn’t have a water shortage problem. But because of climate change they are now starting to. They’re later than Taiwan, but there are surfacing these problems." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They invited the whole team to Wellington, and shared with them this same SCADA data for the public water corporation. They also co-created a solution to reduce the water leakage. This is better than any bilateral agreement, because to share this kind of raw data to a foreign digital service is a sign of enormous trust." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, the appropriate technology is not some proprietary licensing, or something. It belongs to both parties. The stack that they use is open source. I think it is a really good story. The five stories are all great, I just..." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "It’s kind of a part of predictive maintenance, I would say." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Gorgeous. That would also be a good recommendation to the German government, by the way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "[laughs] Yes." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Two things regarding reinventing government and public service. One is somewhere I read something about making policy personal. What do you understand by that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Where did you read that?" }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "It might have been..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In which context?" }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "In the context of explaining how policy can be more relevant to the individual person." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s the three key literacies — hard to translate — characteristics of the participation officers’ team. You see in each ministry we have a team of POs or Participation Officers that are charged with the duty, by regulation, to engage with random stakeholders over the Internet, surfacing a difficulty in public service." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Every month we meet and select what needs to be discussed within this network of 32 ministries, each one with their team of PO network." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The three core skills are what we call translation, which is making policies personal to citizens; facilitation, which makes citizens’ ideas not just heard but also synthesized; and recording, which is giving an account of policy making and contextualize it as part of everyday democracy, or what we call \"Continuous Democracy.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have specialized training material and everything for the three core skill sets. To contextualize is to put it in the terms of everyday citizens. The case that this comic describes is a petitioner through our e petition system petitions something that says the tax filing software is explosively hostile to use — a very negative emotion." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Indeed, two years ago in May, the vibe was really negative. There was a technology called Java Applet and Oracle after buying Sun deprecated that technology in that year, but for Mac and Linux our tax-filing system was written in that technology." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When people started planning their taxes they start working. They have to disable the security checks. They have to allow pop ups, otherwise they say, installing Java components. Please wait a while. Then nothing happens, because it’s broken." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "One MP sat there and waited for four hours and nothing happens. [laughs] Of course, it’s a PR nightmare. Now, if only have parliamentary officers or media officers, all they can do is apologize and maybe explain the problem a little bit, and maybe put the blame on Oracle..." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "...which never helps." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because we have a Participation Officer, he basically wrote personally on the e petition platform that says, \"Anyone who complained...\" which by that time, according to sentiment analysis, over 80 percent was highly negative. They called for the resignation of the financial minister." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They said that there must corruption going on with the vendor. Also, there’s gossips, and the usual thing. Then 楊金亨, the PO at the time said, \"Anyone who complained about our Minister of Finance...\" — including the 10 percent of people who said, \"But if I use Windows, everything works very smoothly...\" — Anyone who posts anything at all gets invited a few weeks afterwards to Taipei to the financial information center to co-create the next year’s tax filing system." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a simple invitation. Then I immediately posted saying, \"As the Digital Minister, what the PO said is true. You automatically get an invitation.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Suddenly, from that point onward to the day of the participation meeting, 80 percent of people offered constructive criticism. Only a few people still said, \"Someone should have resigned.\" Nobody cares about that anymore." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The point here being to put them into the language of the people is just like a judo, or depending on your inclination, aikido move, that says we used the citizens’ language — actually their complaints — to describe what needs to be fixed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is user journey. It’s a standard designed thinking form that describes what happens before the tax filing, during the tax filing and after the tax filing, what the users’ actions are, what are their needs. Or the problems they see, how it affects their emotions and possible solutions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "An overview map is the first thing we did after engaging people online. Even if 500 people post about the same thing, it’s just one post-it note. It means that this is not telling the number of people. This is not voting. This is not representative democracy at all." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is just cataloguing the diversity of responses to the problem at hand. We use exactly the language that people use. This petition says, the words are explosively many and there’s a tendency in public service that we will harmonizes it into more acceptable forms, maybe not to anger their bosses." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then the people on the net who feel they get betrayed if you rewrite their words, actually their words provoke outrage. These are the words that cause to action, anyway. If you harmonize that, they lose their capacity to provoke action. We keep their words. We take out the exclamation marks..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But we can use their words. The decoration is so poetic that people get lost in the maze, and so on. It is very poetic. During the tax filing at some points at the time a mascot pops up and says, \"Thank you for your contribution to the society,\" which is great. It’s a great sentiment anywhere else. But during tax filing, it doesn’t really..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": " that. And you have to wait for five seconds for it to pop up there. Someone said, \"Don’t try to cheer us up. It’s impossible to cheer someone up who’s filing taxes. If something is painful, make it quick,\" [laughs] and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Even for things that are challenging the frame, which is posted here, it’s not part of the journey per se but it’s challenging the framework which we are thinking about eternally, right? Afterwards, when thousands of people post their opinions, there’s only this number of questions. The issues are just this many." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It gives people a kind of feeling of certainty. It’s not explosively that, it’s just this bad. If we tackle each and every one of these it will be better. We invited people who complained the loudest...It turns out the petitioner is a professional user experienced designer. When he sees something that is off by one millimeter or something, he will already feel really upset, like a typographer." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Things that are otherwise acceptable, he doesn’t feel it this way which is great, because then he is the expert we need." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We invite anyone who complained this much into the kitchen, that is to say in co-creative meetings. We held four meetings to talk around those opposing notes, the issues we identified." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Even though these people made many unfriendly and harming and personal attacks on the vendor and the Minister of Finance, when they are on the same table sharing food and pizza and composing notes, it’s impossible to be vicious. They actually became friends very quickly, because they care about the same thing, after all." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Over the course of four meetings we redesigned this into this which is completely different, aesthetics wise." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This part which we launched for Mac and Linux users last year, has an approval rate of 96 percent which is unheard of. Also, more than twice as many people chose to file taxes online because of this, which is great. It’s a great story." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Even those four percent of people get serviced by the people who actually got into the co-creation workshop. These people now feel it’s like a baby that they didn’t give birth to, but they helped giving birth to it. This is a new thing. People don’t have the habit of using it, so we get a lot of volunteers on social media and so on, voluntarily helping people because they helped in creating it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The customer support is great. The Windows users say, \"We want that.\" This year, Windows users are also switching to this web based software. The point here being to translate something into what people can understand is to contextualize it with as many and as diverse a set of professionals as possible." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If in a room you have people from five professions, for each of their professions they are capable of explaining. But for every other four professions, they were just kids. They are no different from lay citizens. They are professionals. They understand that their misunderstanding could be corrected." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "By recording and making public the transcript and the mind map during those cross examinations and conversations between the five professions, it makes everybody understandable. That’s our approach." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "I was wondering all the time why a country like Germany, for example, other European countries, don’t manage to head in the same direction and really understand the basic idea of using technology to allow people to participate and to co-create something that turns out to create a better result for everybody, which is really not happening in other places." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, I like to give credit where credit is due. This whole methodology starts in Policy Lab UK. We have a Taiwanese designer, RCA service designer graduate, who works in the Cabinet office in the Policy Lab and she brought this back to Taiwan. Of course, we improved it and established it a bit." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Policy Lab in particular and the whole UK system, they really are good at doing this. We started with their toolkit." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "The UK is an exception, yeah. They’re really far ahead of..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Europe? [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "In this regard. We’re not talking about Brexit." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, not at all." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "We’re not talking about that. Let’s switch to the second round. Thinking of ways to disrupt how we look at the world and how things work out, I’d love to challenge you with some frames or some ideas. Maybe we’ll start with your basic value system. What components do you think are vital for your value system, making this..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Partnership for the goals. It’s what I... [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Partnership for the global goals. OK." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, the sustainable development goals, or the SDGs. The SDGs is a new universal spirituality that I’m sure is compatible with all major religions, because the UNDP checked with each and every one of them. [laughs] The 169 goals sorted into 17 categories is for the first time, that the UN adopted it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I like the immediate goals, the idea that sustainability is not just about the environment. It’s about society. It’s about the economy. To cap it all, it’s not necessarily the antithesis to social equality. It could be used for social equality and so on, and so forth." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This whole bottom line thing is kind of clichéd by now, because everybody says it now. I think in 2015 when they really crystalize it as saying, \"When we say cross sectoral partnership,\" we don’t mean that for climate change we do all those sectors." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We mean for people who are working on climate change and people working on solving hunger, and people who work on LGBTQIA+ rights, their inter sectionality is what it means, to have a real partnership with their goals — meaning that all these main goals are a holistic thing instead of trade offs between the social forces." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The illustration that I usually use for this is that whereas before we liked to think of the ministers as the touch points for various economic or environmental, or whatever, forces to lobby and the career public service being the anonymous string that fuels all the tension..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...that the career public service always loves it when I explain it that way. That’s really is their life. [laughs] We switched to a collaborative mindset. The career public service is just creating a space. They provide the link between the disciplines. But various social forces can add and not detract from the co-creative field." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We do whatever it takes, despite our different positions, to find common values. Once we discover common values, then everything become an addition to the common value, whereas before we assumed that values are opposite. We never reached a co-creative solution. That’s what I mean by partnership for the goals." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "I think it’s a hard way to go. In fact, everyone was talking about it. If you really mean what’s in that setting, then it’s lot of..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, it means taking all the sides." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Yeah. It’s very transformational, in terms of mindset." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s why I hold office hours. When someone who comes with a radically different world view as I do, a die hard capitalist or someone who is a rough sleeper who literally sleeps on the streets, anyone can come to my office and have 40 minutes. I really have to take their side. I’m not used to taking some of their sides." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But as time goes by, it’s almost two years now, I’m now pretty adept at taking all their sides." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "What about open source government? Is that an idea that can or should overall work out?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, of course. It’s already working. We’re working right now. In Taiwan, the open source had two translations. Now we mostly say 開源 now instead of 開放原始碼. Source can be translated as like a source of a stream, an input source like origin." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It could be translated as a 原始碼, a raw form of programming languages instead of the compiled binary form for the machine to run. Translated this way, it is really just a technical term. It talks mostly about the licensing, and mostly about the technical part." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Translated as 開源, it goes also a Confucian idiom called 開源節流 to open up your sources and conserve your spending, to conserve your downstream. It refers to sustainable management of the environment. Translated this way it basically means, be sustainable, to be open in the input sources that you receive from the world. To be multicultural, and things like that, which is also part of our basic culture." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is not a mistranslation, because to be open source even in a technical sense means that you don’t care about the ethnicity or the nationality, or whatever, of your contributors. We judge the merit of the contribution based on the contribution itself, and not on whatever types, classes or roles that person plays." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It also has this part. By translating it as 開放 we emphasize this part more than the technical part. Currently, we’re working on the 43rd collaborative meeting case which is a challenge to change the referendum act so it cannot systematically deprive a minority people of their human right, which is directly in response to past referendum result, by the way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The petitioner is a senior high school child and a student and, I think, one of the most impactful petitions, so we choose it really seriously." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It can be compared to one of the last year’s star petition, which is to ban the use of plastic straws, plastics anywhere, one time use anywhere, for takeouts, which is, again, an assignment of the civics class. The petitioner, she was also a ninth grader or something." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The teenagers are leading the world now [laughs] , because they can really find a memes that resonates with the netizen and maybe a choking turtle or something — I forgot the memes they used, but they were very quick in mobilizing the petitioners. We really had to listen." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In any case, what I’m getting to is that when anyone from all walks of life, especially teenagers, get to be a part of the agenda setter of what the cross ministries’ meetings are talking about, to me that is open source. That means the source of democracy comes from the freshest point, even though they are too young to vote." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Radical transparency we talked about. I found something about correlations — that you’re mistrusting correlations in the...regularly..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Oh yeah." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": " gross national product, all those kinds of...You talked about KPIs before." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, and GDP." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Can you point that out a bit?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Our first conversation is about the quantitative measurement of open data. That is one particular good example, because as a proxy, everybody who see, \"Oh, 500,000 datasets — it means something.\" Even though it means nothing really. It correlates with nothing. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you have good statistical training, you can always make it correlate to productivity, whatever. [laughs] Global warming, numbers of pirates. The famous one in the Spaghetti Monster religion." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Anyone can do [laughs] correlation. Because of this tendency of measuring what is really systemic and multi layered, and inter subjective as one single linear dimension, it necessarily...Do a perversion, I think, of categories." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I don’t mean this lightly. It means that we can look at the output, the shares of a company or whatever, and [laughs] morph it. We see terms like encouraging investment, or to stimulate corporate governance, the market is feeling a depression, and so on. These are dangerous terms because these are, strictly speaking, terms that we only describe on the memos." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "These terms don’t actually make sense outside of the mammalian sympathy and empathy circuits, other than we metamorphosize and make companies into this category because they get compared to the height of people, or whatever. We use the same words for these." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On the other hand, we use words like...I don’t know, \"human resources\" and \"deployment of strategic personnel,\" and basically words that we only use to describe rocks and other inanimate objects. But then we use it to describe people as if they are replaceable." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Both are because we use a linear, simply quantified kind of unit free way to say, \"OK, these are two scalar numbers. You can always compare them.\" This mindset led to this progression of categories. It’s really, really dangerous both philosophically, and also mentally, to think that way. I reject any kind of scalar comparison without a systemic or moralistic context." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "What about individual anarchy?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s my old badge, now I call myself a conservative anarchist." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Your old badge." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, when I was 20 years old or something. [laughs] At that time I mostly mean that reality is just another window. It’s a good summary of the individual anarchism, that alternate realities can always be shaped. Alternate futures can always happen through adopting a different worldview and sharing it widely as much as possible." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a I guess still very poetic way of taking on things, though I’m not particularly of that stance anymore. I can run that simulation in my mind, but I’m no longer like that anymore." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "[laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "[laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "How’s that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It turns out the new norms that I thought that I’m making or that is channeling through me — it is not a new norm. When I went into the nations of indigenous Atayal or indigenous Amis or indigenous Paiwan, which is the President’s lineage, by the way — President Tsai is one part Paiwanese — they don’t need words like sustainability. They think like that for 6,000 years. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They don’t need words like third wave feminism or gender equality. The Paiwan Nation never had any gender stereotypes. It’s not a new word. Rather, it’s just a restoration to the conserving tendency of the indigenous culture and their relationship with nature." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m not romanticizing indigenous culture. I’m just saying there’s some aspects that I thought that needs a novel or innovative approach could be simply done by witnessing everyday culture of our indigenous neighbors, which are just 30 minutes away by car anyway and they’re living here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "At which time I stopped using the word individualistic, because there’s nothing individualistic there. It is just a norm that they have conserved to this day." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "It’s a different way of interpreting conservatism than a lot of people probably understand it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The conservative means that there’s a tradition. It’s going on for 6,000 years at least, and we’re respecting and keeping that tradition. We’re not getting the indigenous wisdoms disappearing just by saying that they need to be indoctrinated with the latest digital trends." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "It’s not a word of political meaning." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is also political." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "It’s also political?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You can talk about the Christian tradition that’s being conserved. There’s also what’s called Christian conservativism and the tradition has been going on for 2,000 years or so, right? It’s just, we’re conserving something else, but..." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "That’s an interesting intercultural thing. I’m misinterpreting it in terms of political party perspectives." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, but parties are really like recent thing. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "I’m coming from Germany. I have to say it again and again. That’s different there, unfortunately, but I totally get your interpretation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. In Germany, sure, you have conservancies." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Yes, of course we do." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Natural conservancies. I mean conservatism in that sense." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Got it. Talking about post gender, you said, Taiwan has never had something like gender discrepancy in a way..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I meant it in the programming or software industry." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Ah, OK. How do we transform that into your overarching view of how things belong together?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I just don’t think about it much." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Other people do?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, not really. Not really. I think one of the good thing about the language we use, which is Mandarin, but also in Taiwanese Hakka and Hoklo, it’s not a gendered language. Just by saying 你我他, there’s no gender in any of the pronouns. I think the \"tā\" with the \"she\" actually is an invented word, just a hundred or so years old, because they need to translate to Russian novels or something. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The core language is not a gendered language, and I think that really helps. As opposed to I had an interviewer from Israel writing in Hebrew. He had the hardest time writing about me. In English, at least you can use singular they or whatever. In German, at least you have the neutral noun. In Hebrew, there’s no choice. Every verb has a gender inflection." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "He ends up writing is a piece with alternating male and female inflections. When referring to Audrey, it’s he this time, and then she, even in the same sentence, just to protest against a lack of post genderism in the Hebrew language, with all due respect." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s the most extreme case I ran into, but I don’t usually think about it. When I think in English and in Mandarin, these are not gendered languages." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Right. What do you think about singularity in the context of your worldview you’ve been pointing out to me?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You’ve read my poem, didn’t you?" }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Yes, I did." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "[laughs] When I think of singularity, I keep in mind that the plurality is here. The singularity, I think it is a kind of determinism writ large. Meaning that it’s an ultimate form of linear vision, such that the line is condensed to a point. It’s a dimensional reduction attack, as described in the great sci fi novel, \"The Three Part Bodies.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s just so much dimensions in the pluralities. Everybody who feels anyone can see that there is just a wealth of dimensions. Now people want to take one, cognitive computing, whatever, and reduce everyone to that linear speed and say, \"Oh, by the way, machine learning can recursively automate that one,\" which is great." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Let it do so, but it doesn’t mean that the entire society collapse to that one point. It makes absolutely no philosophical sense. I think there’s many good part of the trans humanism spirituality — don’t want to call it a cult — but singularity is not one of them." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "I sometimes get the feeling that, in appreciating all the positive implications of the technological transformation, digitalization, there’s one specific interpretation that strikes me as odd. I got the feeling a lot of explanations turn to use the binary code to put things in binary orders. That’s, in a way, a bit of machine thinking or how you put it." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "That’s probably totally controversial to your view of technology." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so. Actually, digital translates into 數位 here. I’m sure that 數 is number, but 數位 means numerous, like plural, plurality, numerous. In French, it’s numérique, so it’s the same thing, but numérique meaning pertaining to numbers. 數位 here means just plural." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a running joke when I become the digital minister, \"So there’s many ministers now.\" 數位 means 不只一位, more than one. It simply means a wealth of ministers, a plurality of ministers. I took that pun, that meme, and run with it, saying, \"Yes. Now, with radical transparency, everybody can see what I see every day. Now everyone can be the digital minister, so we have not just 數位, but 數十位、數百位..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "\"...hundreds and thousands of digital ministers.\" I think it carries by this translation the concepts of plurality, of abundance, and of the numeric technology making the society more numerous rather than making it just zero and one, which are the more boring numbers." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Would you agree that nothing is binary, in a way?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Things could be made binary. This is what we call coding. When we take a photo of you and me, for example, it is a binary coding of that moment. We do so because it’s easier to share, and to share is human." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "The moment itself is not binary?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The moment itself, of course, it’s not binary. Also, by turning it binary, it means that it is a pale reflection of the authentic interaction that we’re having. A lot of categorical mistake is to take that binary coding and view it in a Platonic ideal sense like we are just the projection of the photo. Some people make that mistake when they use Instagram too much. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Yes, right you are." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Plato would not have approved of that, neither would Socrates." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Great, I like that. Coming to the third part, not taking too much of your time..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, it’s fine. I don’t have anything afterward." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "...for keeping you so long." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, we booked this time precisely because we can have more than 40 minutes." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Perfect. Just talking about a few economic and industry topics, economic growth is difficult in lots of parts of the world, also in Taiwan. I think it was 1.85 percent, 2018, outlook for..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In an Index that I reject, but yes." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "In the index you reject, sure, unmasking. Let’s try to rephrase it. In terms of the flow of economy, what’s your perception of the year 2019? How do you think of boosting the flow in good ways?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I reject the GDP, but I don’t mean that we don’t need a better improvement. In fact, actually, the group that I’m part of just published a position paper how to replace that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it’s Global CXI, the Council for Extended Intelligence, which has published our first position paper about how to do three things — to see AI as assistive intelligence, coupled with collective intelligence to form extended intelligence; to have democracy by design instead of surveillance capitalism or surveillance authoritarianism, which are the two ruling ideologies at the moment." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, to have enlightened indicators which is the post GDP stream. It’s all in the report, but I can summarize it. What I’ve been witnessing is that the increase of use of local [foreign word] how do I translate that? Good exchange. It is the term that we use here that is not currency, [foreign word] ." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a very subtle difference. When we talk about currency, we mean something that can interoperate with the fiat money. But when we say [foreign word] or good exchange, it could be a local currency. It could be something that is recognized like likes, stars, or kudos, or something, or reddit stars that really has no counterpart. You cannot redeem it back to the fiat." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This [foreign word] , good exchange, we see a lot of use in Taiwan. The Mayor of Kaohsiung just announced that he is having a Kaohsiung B or the Kaohsiung good exchange, the Kaohsiung point, which is not going to convertible to the new Taiwan dollars." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Indigenous people of Tao in Orchid Island, based by a Blockchain Etherium technology, has already issued their [foreign word] tokens, which again, is a form of local currency world economy token that can only be used in a natural preserving way. Or it’s loud or legitimate use it’s the one that you can clinically spend it on are by default use good, or at least not bad for the environmental sustainability of the Orchid Islands, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To use a very early term now, there’s colored coins which nobody uses any more but I still like the term. Colored coins means that these are economic incentives, but they are designed so that one gets nudged into social and environmental contribution when one used it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, it’s not to say that the capitalist world doesn’t have equivalents. We have carbon tax, right? We have trading of carbon related stuff. We have green energy license credits which will go just by the bunch in Taiwan, the first one being in Asia, and so on. We do have counterparts in the capitalist world." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What I’m saying is that because the tool to design an economy is now democratic, we see lots of people designing economies in a way that is completely unimaginable if you want to convert to fiat." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "This view is still playing a major role in major parts of the political world. There are..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. Taiwan still does trade and import and export using fiat. I’m not saying that world doesn’t exist. But what I’m saying is that we are now using the sustainable goals in an indexing kind of way. Case in point, the CSR report for all the major list companies starting this year are going to be SDG indexed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not a regulation, it’s just a norm that they are voluntarily adopting. Also, starting this month, all the universities doing social responsibility programs, the USR program, as sponsored by the Ministry of Education, are also using the SDGs to index their work. The college is not just for students, but also for the community." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Starting this year, the National Development Council is saying, if any locality, any region that could be a district or whatever, could form their collaborative vision for the development of that region with maybe shrinking population or whatever." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If they can prove that it’s truly a multi stake holder — meaning that it involves the private, public and the social sectors — then they get a free pass to access to the national allocation of budget that is cross ministerial." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Previously, the schools applied for the MOE education budget, the Research Institute for Scientific Knowledge, the local associations for Ministry of Agriculture or Culture, our local private industry, the Ministry of Economic Affairs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But when they get that money to do their projects, everybody else actually is just their contractor or whatever. They set the vision and the other sectors play along. Now, with the regional revitalization plan which starts this January, it’s the other way around." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The local people hold a citizens’ assembly. They set a common vision. They don’t have to propose concrete projects yet, but they have to prove that they did it in a deliberative way with professional consultation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now with that, they get a shortcut to the National Development Council, which then assigns up to financially at least 10 percent of those involving agencies’ money to foster this local system. This is the same as the regional revitalization plan in Japan, which has been going on for some years now." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We add to it two things. The first is that deliberative citizens’ assembly nature. The second thing is that we ask people after they propose these visions, to present concrete cases that are entered into what we call TESAS, the Taiwan Economic and Social Analysis System — I hope I get it right — which is another SDG indexed kind of map." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This means that if you work on any of those SDG topics, very soon you can find your natural allies in the map of Taiwan, of the projects near you that you can count as natural allies. The SDGs are designed that anyone can only add to it. When you work on any of these things it automatically reinforces each other." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Coming back to your question, I think this kind of economic prosperity means that the capitalists can do this with a clear conscience. There’s many regional revitalization workers. There’s one working...Anchor Taiwan, which I think she just visited in my office last Wednesday." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "She said she used to be a banker or hedge funds, or something. In 2008 she lost purpose of life. She has been thinking about redeeming her life. She did a lot of research on internal investment and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "She finally found that only by building true partnerships across the environmental social and economic way can she regain this purpose of life that was kind of lost 10 years ago. She’s not alone. We met a lot of people, highly trained, skilled people working in the capitalistic regime, shifting to this kind of thinking now in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Yeah, that’s really important that this will happen and go on happening. Just to challenge you, if I look at the world and the basic situation, especially looking at China for example, that’s not at all reflecting what you are talking about." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I don’t think they do. I don’t think they do. China had bought into this GDP narrative, not necessarily out of China’s own violation of how the WTO and the other economic forces are judging China’s worth, or net worth on. I’m not saying PRC is without flaws. Far from me to say that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What I say is that all the statistical tricks that they pull, the outright fraud that they did on the GDP and so on, they don’t do it for fun. They do it because the dominating ideology of the international trade order looks at those numbers. But I don’t think they enjoyed it." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "The idea of the whole open government development, what I perceive — and maybe I’m wrong, if they’re implementing a totally different system..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A lot of surveillance." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Authoritarianism." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s true." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "I just wanted to make sure that’s..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s true. But that’s not for the GDP." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "No, that’s not for the GDP." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "[laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "That’s another aspect of sustainability and a wholesome view of how you can build..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For sure, yeah. For sure, they also signed the SDGs. Especially around the 16th they also promised to have a fully accountable justice and constitutionally protected equality. The situation is a little bit like feudal...I don’t know, empires, where the empire rests on the fact that the emperor is never wrong." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We still do know some jurisdictions that work that way. In the PRCs case — that’s the CCP — the CCP is never wrong. Actually, I still remember in Taiwan before the martial law was lifted, that the KMP was never wrong. It’s the same thing, right? [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s why within KMT, there are people working on what we will nowadays call \"inclusion\" and also on accountability. It’s just they operate under the assumption that the party is never wrong. But individual factions within the party may be wrong. Individual party members may be wrong." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We still have to honor this kind of an audit of external separation of powers, and so on, but all within the umbrella of a party that is never wrong." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s basically the story of Chiang Ching kuo, really, at the end of the KMP’s martial rule. I wouldn’t say it’s entirely incompatible with a party that is never wrong. At the moment, yes. They are dabbling in state surveillance." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "My question goes more into the direction of whether it’s the basic ideas, getting rid of KPIs like GDP, open source government ideas, not in terms of data but in terms of..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of resources." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "...understanding resources, those kinds of ideas. They will be really convincing in that moment when they show up in the traditional KPI system in terms of economic relevance." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right, that’s right. That’s why we’re developing and co-developing, really, the ideas like the social return of investment or SROI, which is also very popular in the UK, by the way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, the sustainability index for stock markets, which is what part of our labor and pension fund is using to invest. Which beats the mainstream market, by the way, at looking how sustainable the stocks is when you hold it for, not just a decade, but a generation or two generations. If you look at a stock market in that way, then you make different investment choices." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Totally, yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But then, that’s what the pension funds are for, right?" }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Indeed. That was what the financial crisis was about, right, that we didn’t..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right, exactly, exactly. Long term thinking is, by definition, a good thing for the next generation. I mean, it’s a tautology, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is, I think, just a confusion of temporal interval that we use short term, year to year or quarter to quarter language to describe something that really should be generation to generation. There’s nothing, really, in the capitalistic philosophy that says it should quarterly. Back in the time of Marx is not quarterly." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "That’s degenerative." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s degenerative capitalism. I’m, of course, working very diligently on translating these in terms of the things that could be quantified, just not quantified and commeasurable with the old, I think, obsolete linear quantities. It’s still quantified, but it’s not defined in terms of quantities." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "OK. Understood. Let’s quickly talk about the whole future of mobility." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, sure." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Autonomous vehicles, for example, integrative mobility systems." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, self-driving vehicles." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "When I walk around Taipei, a lot of things have changed since 1990." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Oh, yeah, very much so." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "The air is much better. You have the MRT, which is working greatly. Still, I got the impression that this could be a wonderful place to really implement very, very innovative concepts of a future mobility system." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, yeah, our mobility is...I think the very interesting thing is that, you actually already see a lot of autonomous vehicles. If you visit the Social Innovation Lab, which I just show you, we have those self driving tricycles running around all the time. It’s the first iteration. Nowadays, it looks like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s based on co-creation, it’s open hardware, open source. These folks are from MIT. Based on co-creation, we first show people these self driving tricycles, and then they comment on it, saying, \"OK, it looks like a cyclop.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It doesn’t really integrate with the rest of the science." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taking a page from the movie, \"WALL E,\" I think, they now have two eyes, they blink, they make eye contact, they can do all sort of nonverbal signature gestures. They designed those user journeys around what’s really happening around Social Innovation Lab." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Like there’s the Jianguo Flower Market just near the SIL, the lab, and elderly people went to the Flower Market, chat with their friends, pick out some orchids, and so on. At some point, it will become too heavy for them to carry, maybe something, them carry a luggage box and so on, but even that has limits." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We co-designed a float base on, this thing just follows as a companion animal. The elder’s along, and when they run buy orchid, they just put it on there, when it becomes a bit burden, it just summons another sibling to follow along." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once they continue their shopping well into the Jade Market or whatever. They’re finished, they just sit on the first one and they drive them home and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because they have the same right to road as pedestrians, it actually makes it really easy to experiment. They’re very slow, meaning that it’s just like a person running slowly. Even if it runs into buildings, there’s no harm done." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, that allows us to do what we call participatory co-creation of ethics. That is our main goal." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "But they’re still in the experimental mode, they’re not running around the city." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But they could now, because we have a bill, the autonomous vehicle bill, and we mean it, I think it’s the first bill in the world that doesn’t distinguish between the aerial and the seafaring and the ground modes. It’s a trimodal act. The trimodal act enabled lots of experiments like a car that just turns into a helicopter or the ship that just turns into a truck or whatever." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The idea is that if you have an idea, you’re given one year with a pondering municipality or county. Many original revitalization plans start with the premise that drones are used for delivery, because they are far from the roads. The drones are, by far, the most popular, but autonomous ships and buses and so on are also popular." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They get to co-create, first with slower speed and a lighter payload and gradually increasing for one year. Then at the end of that year, if the local society likes it after a consultation process, they get to keep it. If they don’t like it, well, we thank the innovators for paying the tuition for sharing the data. Maybe try again next time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then if they like it, they can scale it up or scale it out for another year. But at most, after two years, the regulator needs to make a decision, like the laws and regulations that’s broken because of this experimentation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We decide to not penalize them, right, for one year or two. But at the end of it, if it’s a good idea, deemed by the people, after 60 days of regulatory consultation, we need to integrate it back to the regulation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s the same as the financial sandbox and the 5G sandbox that I’m sure Germany is also doing and platform economy sandboxes. But if the MP said, \"Wait a moment, it’s not just a municipality thing, it’s not just a regulation thing, we really need a law. Because it’s a genuine new species,\" or whatever, then they can take up to four years to get a new law." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But during those four years, the operator can still run the experiment, so de facto, a monopoly. Because, for everybody else, it’s illegal. It’s just legal for them in that region. They can still run the business. The experiment can include a service plan that’s charging the customers." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s only after the MPs are done with it, the competition enter the market in that region. We foresee dozens or hundreds of experiments concurrently going. Then we just make public the lessons learned. Like, most of them, we fail. But we take the ones that really work and make it into part of regulations." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is what we do regulatory co-creation on topics that we have no idea about. That’s what a Shalun Science City would do, because everybody can just enter into the zoo and see how those experiments are doing." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "The one year of extension from competition is enabling development that would otherwise not happen." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, because the law did not anticipate this. You have to break the law to experiment. Like, the law doesn’t know about cars that doesn’t have a steering wheel." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. It’s both open innovation but also kind of planned economy. It’s a very interesting mix." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Hey, it is. It’s a really interesting mix. The sad thing is that, I think a lot of people on an international scale don’t know about what you’re doing here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, people know that we’re doing Fintech sandbox. But that’s because Singapore and UK and everybody else is doing that. But the AV and other sandboxes, I don’t think we have that much visibility." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Yeah. I guess you’re confronted very often with the same question, a need to tackle quickly on it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s OK, we have lots of time." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Taiwan has a hardware history, and needs to be turned into a software future." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not really." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Not really?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not really." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Why not?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I mean, the hardware culture is punctual. It’s, in a German word, [German] ." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, I start all my meetings with a kind of a ritualistic saying, saying, “we are starting this meeting a punctual way.” I learned it in German. I stayed in Germany for a year, and that’s what my teacher, Frau Wagner taught me when I was in Saarland." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "“Pünktlichkeit.”" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Be punctual." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Be punctual. That’s one of the very first things that she taught me. That’s Frau Wagner, by the way. I visited her, I think, three years ago. I went back to Dudweiler." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But I learned, also, from her, that nowadays, the kids are not like that anymore. It’s maybe the culture from the ’90s." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But anyway, the punctuality that that word really is in English, the punctuality of the hardware culture, I think, is to be appreciated. It is not something that’s easily duplicated. Google found it the hard way during their autonomous vehicle, the Waymo experiment, that autonomous cars and especially cars are not software." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not something that you can design, find a problem, over lunch, fix it. The iteration cycle is not five minutes, it’s literally, you have to preplan by five month and every segment you cannot miss by a second. That’s the Pünktlichkeit of the hardware culture. I think that is something to be respected." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What I see now, because I start as an entrepreneur in the dot com days, there’s a lot of misunderstanding between the hardware manufacturer giants and the app people, social media people, like at the first generation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But I think with time, by the time that augmented reality and Vive being a very good example, VR, and so on, came about, people realized that it needed really close collaboration between all the fields. Including the liberal arts, really, to make the experience tick." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But the hardware is still driving all this. The hardware engineer also learned that, maybe the designers have a point." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I worked with Apple for six years. In other Silicon Valley companies, sometimes the project managers call the shots, sometimes the software engineers call the shots, like in Google. Sometimes the hardware culture, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But in Apple, it’s really always the people, the users, calling the shots. The designers are like the Oracles in Delphi that channels what the users want or what users need. Everybody listen to the designer, that’s the Cupertino culture. I came from the tradition now." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think with time, and with more projects like this one, we hear less and less about how I need to be to cultivate software culture." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We hear more and more about AIoT for social good, which is really a thing in Taiwan. AIoT meaning an assistive intelligence of things. You can explain it whatever way. But AIoT is really a word here." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "AIoT?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For social good." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "For social good. Yes, thank you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "AIoT for SG. I think that is the slogan for last year’s Global Entrepreneurship in Taipei or something, enabling social impact with AIoT. Anyway, AIoT is a thing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "By adopting the term AIoT, it means a new culture that is neither hardware nor software." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Very good." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That means IoT, Internet of Things, but being used as an assistive intelligence, for sustainability. I think that forms the new culture." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "If you were the Wizard of Oz for a few minutes, if you could make something happen immediately, what would that be? [snaps fingers]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Nothing." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Nothing? OK." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I enjoy life as it is." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "That’s perfect." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "As you showed me the picture of your teacher, I hope I have it here, I’ll show you a picture...Let me see if I have it. Yes, I do." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "I lived here in Taipei, 1990, for a year. I lived with a Chinese family. At home, I found a letter of my father, he sent to me 30 years ago with the address of the house where we lived. Then I used Google and I found out where this might be, and this, I just went there and I found the house." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Oh, wow." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "I knocked furiously a few times and they were actually there, with 80 and 82. Isn’t that nice? It was a really, really wonderful moment for me. They were totally surprised, like, \"Who are you?\" Then, \"Oh, yes, you lived with us.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, 30 years ago." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "It’s such a long time ago. It was really wonderful, yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Did you study Mandarin back then, or which?" }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Yes, I did. I worked here with a German company to just earn the money I needed for staying here. I was at Shida, learning Chinese, because I always wanted to become a foreign correspondent. Which didn’t happen, unfortunately. But other things happened." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "I haven’t really had the chance to use language. I can say that I don’t eat meat, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very useful." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "It’s very useful, it is. I can read stuff. But I can’t really speak. I could when I came home after the year. But nowadays, it’s difficult, because you really need to practice and live the language in a way which I haven’t." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s true. But that’s really sweet." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Yeah, it’s really sweet, yeah. I found it really sweet." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Maybe to be transparent about what I’m going to do." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "I’m going to do a little story on the hackathon and the collaborative government issue, because that’s really interesting for German readers. I might be doing a portrait for our magazine, our digital magazine. According to, first of all, the second thing, I might also be using the shortened version of our interview for a digital publication." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "We have different channels that I will be using to publicize what we have been talking about, if this is OK with you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. Well, I mean, after we co-edit for 10 days and it’s published through the Commons. I actually relinquish copyrights, it’s in the Commons. Everybody do anything with that. Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "I can use that to work out other formats in a way. Do I have the chance to maybe use some photos?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, of course. It’s all online, I can send you the links." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Perfect, OK, yeah. Wonderful. I would like to do a selfie with you, of course." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, of course." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "I think other photos of you will be available as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure, of course, yeah." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Perfect." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’ll just take a regular photo. I’ll ask my colleague." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "OK." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK, cool." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "Wonderful. Thank you so much." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Miriam Meckel", "speech": "That was really an interesting conversation, I loved it." } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天主要是把各部會去年執行的事情,讓大家瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "《社會創新行動方案》是以民間的需求出發。在解決的過程中,也促進了公務體系找出更好、更創新的方法來做事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得有一些滿好的,像我看到報告裡面,工程會有提到小額採購,事實上從10萬變成100萬的這一件事,雖然去年3月就已經發生了,但是我們在社創巡迴的時候,尤其是地方政府的同仁,我們是不厭其煩告訴他們說「是這樣的意思,你可以這樣子使用」等等,經過一年之後,大家多多少少都有這樣的體認。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們從中央調整法規,所謂「社會創新帶動法規創新」,地方政府並不是自動就知道的。因此,我們會透過巡迴的方式,我們希望調整之後,地方政府的同仁,如果在執行上有什麼窒礙難行之處,大家透過像視訊、直接對應的方式,各地拋出來的球,我們在社創中心都接得到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這些球十有八九,我們已經接過了,只是大家之前沒有這樣子公開談過而已。雖然沒有在同一個房間裡開會,像現在是見面三分情,我們隔著視訊是見面兩分情,是用這樣的方式實際協調。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這些協調的成果,藉今天這個機會,再跟大家說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "報告案,第一案列管,等一下經濟部會報經濟部負責的。涉及其他部會的,就由其他部會來作報告,以上。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "「案由一,社會創新實驗中心規劃及辦理情形」,主要是針對無障礙空間的部分,經濟部在1月的時候已經完成空橋建置的設計、規劃,於3月進行公開招標。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "「案由二,有關於共同供應契約採購上架說明」,經濟部目前就所有登記的社創組織都在進行SDG的分類調查,新創圓夢網也正在改版,改版之後就會將每一個登記的組織進行SDG的揭露。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "至於有關勞務納入共同供應契約的部分,在2月20日也會召開第二次的評選會議。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "「案由三,有關於組團參加2018年社會企業世界論壇成果」,請勞動部說明。" }, { "speaker": "陳建成", "speech": "勞動部說明,這個部分我們上次已經做完簡報,也依照主席的裁示,把簡報公開,這部分建議解管。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以解除列管,沒有問題。下一個。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "「案由四,教育部大學社會責任實踐計畫,申請對象與資源配置問題」,請教育部說明。" }, { "speaker": "黃珞寧", "speech": "教育部報告,為引導大專校院以人為本,從在地需求出發,鼓勵大學落實社會責任,教育部107年度共核定補助116所大專院校推動220件USR計畫。" }, { "speaker": "黃珞寧", "speech": "目前教育部正針對220件進行107年度執行計畫的評核作業,預計在2月底前完成評核,屆時可提供107年度計畫,包括與聯合國永續發展目標整體執行成效說明,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個可能下一次社創連繫會議的時候,我們可以來看一下SDGs各主題的具體比例,即使不是正式報告案,可能也提供一下書面資料讓我們參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "跟聯合國永續發展目標扣合,不管是經濟部或者是教育部這邊,我想接下來外交部在做年度國家自願報告的時候,以及聯合國大會期間規劃相關活動的時候,我覺得都是滿好的材料,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "第五點,社會創新行動巡迴座談會辦理情形,有關於小旅行及民宿法規限制議題,請交通部說明。" }, { "speaker": "邱重榮", "speech": "交通部報告,有關於議題的部分,我們之前已經開過好幾次會,包含我們也找各主管機關、業者來討論。" }, { "speaker": "邱重榮", "speech": "最後一次討論是1月24日,當時業者也已經同意我們去調降旅行業的門檻,資本額會從300萬調降到150萬的部分,讓新創業者更容易進入這個部分,我們預計這個修法會在6月底完成,民宿的法規也都已經修正了,建議這個案子可以解除列管,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我先詢問一下,「法制作業程序完成」的意思是包含預告期?" }, { "speaker": "邱重榮", "speech": "整個公告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以大概4月左右,就會對外公開?" }, { "speaker": "邱重榮", "speech": "其實現在業界已經大概知道我們會往這個方向去修。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "只是還沒有正式提出法規預告而已?" }, { "speaker": "邱重榮", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以大概3、4月?" }, { "speaker": "邱重榮", "speech": "4月應該就會提出。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以等於是下次社創會議的時候,準備作業已經做完了,這個是從你們的角度來說。當然,還是會有預告的過程?" }, { "speaker": "邱重榮", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家覺得處理到這裡差不多了?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好的,那應該可以解管,沒有問題,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "「案由六,勞動合作社適用勞動基準法之妥適性」,請內政部、勞動部及工程會說明。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "內政部說明,內政部經過兩次發函跟勞動部已經取得共識。另外,我們也專函給公共工程委員會,希望工程會本來是說要在原有97年的函釋裡面備註,但我們希望能夠用專函的方式來做解釋,因為那個理由我們也有講,原來的函釋針對的是「派遣」,接著是97年的函釋,我們在決議當中有兩個希望可以排除的部分也沒有納入,所以我們也希望工程會能夠就決議的事項專函來解釋,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以後引用的時候,可以有一個專門的文號專門講這一件事,而不是附帶決議?" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看相關部會的想法。" }, { "speaker": "劉慧君", "speech": "政委及相關部會大家好,這個議題分兩個部分,一個部分是有關本會的勞務採購契約範本修正的部分,有關勞務採購契約範本修正的部分,內政部已經把內政部、勞動部多次討論取得共識的版本行文給本會,本會已經研擬勞務採購契約範本修正草案。" }, { "speaker": "劉慧君", "speech": "因為採購契約範本是因為牽涉相當多的機關,為了求周延,所以要先徵詢各機關、各主要公會商會提供意見,所以有關採購契約範本修正的部分,已經循程序在辦理。" }, { "speaker": "劉慧君", "speech": "另外一個部分,剛剛內政部長官提到的,有關勞工權益切結書的部分,上次本來提到在原函加備註說明。內政部希望能夠另函,本會另函要通知各機關,會補充說明各機關在辦理勞務採購,在招標文件如果有規定廠商於投標時要檢附切結書,如果廠商是合作社,其提供勞務者為非屬僱傭關係之社員時,則不再要求範圍。" }, { "speaker": "劉慧君", "speech": "針對這個部分,本會會通函各機關,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以聽起來是跟內政部這邊是類似的想法嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "我們看到工程會要就97年那個函釋來補充說明,這個是我們想就教的。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "另外一塊,因為內政部對於勞動合作社的組織特性解釋,是基於主管機關合作社的立場跟協商,這個共識是經過行政院唐政委裁示下做的。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "我想請教工程會,為何還要再徵詢公會及商會?這個目的是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "再來,如果工會跟商會反對的話,我不知道公共工程委員會要如何處理?是不是要再從頭再走一次,我們希望在這裡比較明確瞭解後續的處理情形。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我比較直接問,這個是個別徵詢,或者是放在Join平台公開徵詢?" }, { "speaker": "劉慧君", "speech": "我們是通函徵詢,在一定的截止期限內,蒐集完意見之後,就會開會找主要相關的機關,包含人事總處等等來做範本的會商。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以聽起來是通函,是特定那幾個利害關係人,他們都沒意見,這個會商就等於是確定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果他們有意見,是就這些具體意見,當然也會邀主管機關內政部來進行討論,聽起來的討論是這樣子?" }, { "speaker": "劉慧君", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "然後這不是公開徵詢,不是任何人都可以來提意見。你們的徵詢期如何設定?" }, { "speaker": "劉慧君", "speech": "目前的簽呈大概是3月底以前可以完成,徵詢意見最後deadline一定是3月底以前會完成。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。我們可不可以折衷一下?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,這大概沒有辦法解管,如果下次真的有人有意見的話,我們下次還是要提到這邊來確認,或是提到會前會來討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,徵詢的時候,也請讓各界瞭解到這其實是通知性質。如果他們發現有明確不可行的,當然也許我們可以就特定事項討論,但如果是以定性上的話,並不是「定性可以被挑戰」,而是「實作上是不是有什麼窒礙難行之處」,大概是用這個角度去徵詢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果是這樣的話,應該到3月底是ok的。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "是不是可以再補充?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "公共工程委員會,因為第三次補充的辦理情形,剛剛才拿到。我不知道就業許可證的部分,是不是可以在共識底下,也就是廠商為合作社時提供的勞務社員之僱傭關係時不再要求範圍,這部分是不是也在函釋當中一起排除?" }, { "speaker": "劉慧君", "speech": "報告政委、先進,有關於就業許可的部分,在上次開會的時候,我們本會就已經有補充說明,各機關在招標文件要求作業服務許可,是要看履約標的有沒有涉及就業服務法的相關業務,所以是沒有辦法通案明訂各機關都不可以要求這一項文件,如果招標履約標的當中的業務,就是涉及就業服務法的就業許可,當然招標機關是可以要求要檢附這個文件的,所以這個部分在上次的會議當中,已經有補充說明了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的意思是,這個補充說明裡面,會用另外一個函的方式去通知大家嗎?或者是用我們今天會議決議?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為你現在有一個函文刻正簽辦中,那個是?" }, { "speaker": "劉慧君", "speech": "那個是針對切結書的部分,針對工程會前函的補充說明。有關於就業服務許可的部分,目前沒有另案通盤準備,因為已經有做釐清。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "我們再請教一下,不知道在契約範本,是不是會把這樣的文字放進來,因為上次討論的契約範本裡面,是不是會把這樣的文字放進來?上次提到的契約範本是承攬契約,我們在前提上作排除,是不是有可能的?以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是,你現在沒有具體文字的話,我們比較難在這裡討論出來。如果你有具體文字的話,反正我們到3月底前都是徵詢期,我想你這邊是作為機關意見,這也是可以提出來的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是不是請你們先擬一個版本?假設我們現在不是要用通函,而是用一個契約範本加註文字等等的方式來處理,等於提一個修正案,我們就跟之前一樣,用會前會來協調有沒有可能放進去。好不好?用這個方式來處理。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "我們文過去給工程會,未來他們在修正契約範本時,就要把它放進來,也就是要排除勞工權益切結書這一塊,是不是就業服務許可證的部分也可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。我的意思是,要搭這一輛車的話,是要另外提修正的構想,我們再循一樣的程序來看可行性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們這一案並沒有要解管,車還沒有開走,我們下次再來看這一節車廂是不是裝得上去,或者是下一次裝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "勞動部的部分,之前提了非常多的具體意見,很感謝最後能收歛到這個折衷案。看有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "許瓊月", "speech": "勞動部的部分,因為有關於契約範本第8條第16款、第17款已經有跟內政部達成一個共識,所以這個部分並沒有補充意見,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉雅文", "speech": "衛福部報告,配合本部107年12月27日直轄縣市政府辦理長期照顧特約及費用支付要點,及內政部於108年1月31日發文給工程會公文,目前已在進行直轄縣市政府特約長照服務契約參考範本修訂,建議解除列管。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個到下次開會,就是兩個月後會修改完嗎?或者也有預告期之類的?" }, { "speaker": "劉雅文", "speech": "我們期待2月底就可以完成。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果到下一次聯繫會議已經完成的話,就只要出一句書面說「已經完成」就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這一整個案子,下次再來處理解管的事情,畢竟是一整包。如果你們按照這個時程,下次就講一句說「幾年幾月哪一號函已經過了」,就先這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "第七,「2019亞太社會企業高峰會辦理規劃」,本案將於今日報告事項案由四進行說明、辦理進度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,全部就這樣。如果沒有別的意見的話,我們下一個。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "「案由二、107社會創新相關業務執行成果,請鑒察案」。有關相關的推動情形,經濟部請各部會提報執行成果,彙整在第9頁,是否就各部會所提的資料說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想就請簡要說明,因為如果按書面唸,我們也不用打逐字稿,就跟書面一樣,因此擇要說明就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個表上,像科技部「新作坊」的社會創新資料庫,我原本真的不知道有這個資源。在上面看到很多的論文,我自己收獲很多,這真的是很棒的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以偶爾讓大家瞭解一下有做到什麼,事實上很多時候有意外的收獲,所以我們是不是依序來看?請科技部先。" }, { "speaker": "賴瀅宇", "speech": "謝謝主席的肯定,科技部的部分主要有兩個部分:" }, { "speaker": "賴瀅宇", "speech": "第一,我們的計畫從102年開始執行,我們也瞭解到社會創新的重要性,因此在107年年度特別加碼,我們也新增了兩個學校。" }, { "speaker": "賴瀅宇", "speech": "第二,我們持續建相關的平台來分享相關的經驗,包含主席所提到的,另外是跟教育部這邊來合作,以上簡要說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想各部會如果有一些案例的話,很歡迎去投稿,他們是很歡迎公開投稿的。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "補充說明,文字上是內政部主辦的部分,另外我們有補助辦理的部分,那個量更多,我們會後再補充上去。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "價值培育的部分,我們很樂意來做,但是做的比較屬於我們自己主管現有的價值培育,我們希望更擴大範圍,我們也期待所有的部會有這樣的團體或者是機會能夠pass給我們,我們願意做價值培育。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。請教育部。" }, { "speaker": "黃珞寧", "speech": "在前面的報告裡面有提到教育部USR計畫107年度總共補助116所大專校院推動220件的計畫,這些計畫依照團隊經驗、提案的內容,又可以分為A類種子型、B類萌芽型、C類深耕型,我們在下一次的會議當中可以做更詳細的說明。本部推動的重點,主要是推動一系列的諮詢協作活動,辦理USR的博覽會、建立這一些計畫的單位跟地方政府的整合對話平台,建立USR教師之系統。" }, { "speaker": "黃珞寧", "speech": "此外,本部U-start計畫,107年度有275隊申請,補助了72隊,除了這個之外,我們還有提供一系列相關的輔導資源,如:說明會、創業講習、實地訪視、育成共識營、創業門診等等。我們接著在3月26日會舉辦U-start10周年成果展暨頒獎典禮、成果展歷屆團隊交流會,當天已經預約政委行程,再請政委賞光,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有問題,儘量使用我(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "經濟部有一個簡單的說明。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "在法規調適的部分,經濟部作為社會創新行動巡迴座談會的幕僚單位,已經辦理了16場次,就業者涉及跨部會的議題,也會初步先協調解決。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "另外,商業司已經進行公司法的修正,第1條納入企業社會責任,顯示營利非企業的唯一目的,提供社創企業在經營的法源。像第393條也是讓社創企業可以自願揭露章程、傳達他的社會使命。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "像這個例子是,透過行動巡迴解決的好牧人成立愛蔓延股份有限公司的案例,就把協會跟公司的章程就放在商工登記的網站上,而這個網站同時也跟新創圓夢網有連結,讓大家可以知道你的社會使命是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "在資金取得的部分,透過Buying Power社會創新採購獎勵機制串聯各界的資源,也很感謝金管會把相關資訊給上市公司,我們有八十四家的組織參與,投入近1.5億元,另外在專案貸款相關資源的部分,創新發展專案貸款,提供了社創企業跟B型企業,協助二十一家社會創新企業取得融資,達到2億元。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "我們也將兩項社會創新課程納入共同供應契約,同時也邀請各部會的人事主管來參與,也推廣到像逢甲大學、南投縣的兩個小學,今年度還會持續再納入老人照護、生態環境有關的社創活動,也規劃將社創旅遊納入共同供應契約。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "各部會如果有覺得適合上架的產品建議或者是有一些採購方面困難的話,也可以跟我們聯繫。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "再來是創新育成的部分,我們建置了社會創新登記資料庫,目前有兩百六十一家業者,也歡迎各部會推薦優秀的社創組織來加入,可以獲得一些關於社創的第一手資訊與資源,像一般的諮詢服務或者是社創中心有進駐團隊的申請,也都可以來。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "在推動拓展的部分,社會創新實驗中心希望可以連結在地跟國際的社創團隊,也透過舉辦不同的議題活動,讓更多人知道什麼是社會創新及理念。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "最後一個是有關於國際連結的部分,經濟部也參加了新加坡亞洲公益創投網路AVPN活動、社企世界的論壇,跟社企一起辦理明日亞洲的社企高峰會,報告完畢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝,下一個。" }, { "speaker": "陳玫霖", "speech": "原民會報告,原民會有兩個部分,第一個是資金取得,本會設置原住民族綜合發展基金,針對原住民青年、原住民企業提供發展經濟事業的資金,107年件數跟貸放金額與106年相較,成長了1.1到1.2倍,我們可以知道從這個貸款的件數、金額可以發現原住民越來越多使用原住民族綜合發展基金開展事業。" }, { "speaker": "陳玫霖", "speech": "第二,創新育成的部分,輔導創業,這部分是投資100萬的資金鼓勵原住民創業,在107年受理175件決選出二十家的優勝團隊,一般產業類別是旅遊、文創、餐飲。107年比較特別的是屏東縣排灣族的馬小姐回鄉創業有關於婚紗攝影,這個計畫我們發現帶動原住民青年或者是原住民中年回鄉的創業管道。" }, { "speaker": "陳玫霖", "speech": "再者,在創業育成的部分,我們在台東縣原住民族文化產業聚落辦理文創聚落營造計畫、樂舞影音創作產業推廣計畫,亦規劃辦理樂舞影音創作、編曲、錄音室實務及音響控制等培訓的課程,完成培訓45人次。" }, { "speaker": "陳玫霖", "speech": "另外,為了拓展原住民產品的通路,在107年度我們核定8處原住民產品拓銷實體的通路來解決原住民產品的通路問題,至少有一百家以上的業者可以上架,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解,請下一個。" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "衛福部報告,107年本部結合婦權基金會來辦理「營造友善社會企業生態圈 發展民間 NPO社群」計畫,107年度的執行成果有分四個部分,係深化培力、交流網絡、評估工具及媒體推廣。" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "在深化培力的部分,第一,選定SDGs的三個目標為主題辦理三個場次,實地參訪臺灣各地NPO、社會組織,透過體驗的方式來瞭解組織運作的一些障礙、成長及社會效力的部分。計有88人共同參與。" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "第二,辦理了兩場次的社會影響力評估工作坊,透過實際的案例、討論方式,讓社會企業、NPO組織可以透過用簡短的故事,讓大眾可以瞭解組織的成果為社會帶來什麼改變。計有64人共同參與。" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "第三,107年年底時辦理了溫暖微光的成果發表會,一方面發表嫄計畫之社會影響力評估報告的案例,介紹組織如何呈現社會影響力,同時也邀請SDG的在地永續發展的參訪單位來分享社會創新的實踐經驗。" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "在交流網絡的部分,以本部105年、106年所出版的「溫暖微光」及「溫暖微光2-共好」2本書為主軸,辦理了兩場次的溫暖微光的讀書會,藉以凝聚社會創新社群量能。共計63人共同參與。" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "在評估工具的部分,107年本部出版兩本書,一本是《社會影響力報告操作指南》,是由德國非政府組織發展聯盟所發起的社會報告準則,來協助非營利組織與社會企業更具體說明他們的服務、分享他們的成果影響力。" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "並以「嫄」做為案例,出版另一本《嫄計畫之社會影響力報告》,透過實際案例的呈現,讓社會影響力報告的指南更具意義。" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "在媒體推廣的部分,本部以展攤方式推廣,參與了2018年台北世貿國際書展及「明日亞洲2018亞太社會企業高峰會」社會企業市集的展攤活動。以上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "以下由勞動部簡要報告。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "政委、各位先進大家好,簡報大綱的部分請參閱。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "簡報第3頁是向各位報告勞動部推動的事項,勞動部在社會創新行動方案裡面,我們擔任「推動拓展」、「國際連結」兩大策略的主責機關之一,在立法院的鞭策下,雖然107年本部推動社會創新相關的預算被大幅地刪減,但是本部對於主責這兩項相關的工作,不論是量化的目標或是質化的目標,其實我們都有達成,甚至超越,所以以下分別就這兩大成果進行報告。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "在簡報第4頁的部分,先就推動拓展的成果,我們也是分兩個部分說明,第一個部分是社創人才培訓課程,我們經過了與專業老師、實務工作者的研討,完成了社會創新職能訓練的課程地圖,包含一般通識的專業人員訓練36小時,還有選修職能補充訓練48小時,另外,社會創新領域中,有專業職能的人不一定會教,因此我們補充了師資訓練30小時。我們在其中專業人員的教材部分,因為經費有限的狀況,我們先就這一個部分做研發。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "在去年相關的訓練課程,我們總共培育了262名專案管理人,我們藉著培育更多具有社會創新的人才,希望能夠有更多的人可以投入社會創新的領域,來強化我們孕育社會企業的力道。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "我們除了自己辦訓練,我們也鼓勵青年去參加國際社創的培訓,照片左下角,是世界技能競賽組織(WSI)舉辦社創訓練跟競賽,我們也是鼓勵青年來參與。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "另外在簡報第5頁,我們推動拓展成果的第二部分,就是關於運用社會創新來創造就業機會,勞動部是扶持民間團體,提供創造有社會價值的在地就業機會,我們協助了2,334名身心障礙者、更生受保護人、原住民、中高齡、低收入戶、負擔家計者等等失業者的就業。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "另外,我們也辦理了70場次的競賽、市集等等各類的宣傳活動,超過3萬5,000人次的共襄盛舉,除了請消費者、企業來購買我們的社創產品或者是服務之外,本部所屬也透過自己來購買、支持社會創新,所以我們去年勞動力發展署桃竹苗分署,也很榮幸獲得政委頒發經濟部的Buying Power的首獎。部長及署長也都相當支持社創活動。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "簡報第6頁是有關於國際連結的成果,我們也分兩個部分說明,第一個是社會經濟入口網的部分,我們在去年有新增了達人專欄73篇,所有的文章也都全面取得CC授權,總共百餘篇,整個網站是來呈現我國的社創成果,累計有9萬多人次的瀏覽。為了擴大國際社創知識的分享,我們翻譯、編印社會創新相關的工具書,像簡報左下角這一本被加拿大Vancity社區的基金會放在網站上來做跨國雙向的分享。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "最後,在簡報第7頁,我們國際連結成果的第二個部分,也就是組團參與SEWF,上一次的聯繫會議我們已經有做過報告,我們主要是請Gerry來台分享,並建立與SEWF委員會的交流管道,我們有透過爭取早鳥票優惠、翻譯服務與補助,來鼓勵社企能夠出國獲取新知。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "第三,我們也爭取了講者的發表席次、展覽攤位,也集結了65人參與,在大會上獲得公開的致謝,也成功提升了我國社會創新國際能見度,這邊有幾張照片跟大家分享,第一張是政委在SEWF擔任主持人,第二張SEWF的主席也有來我國攤位,攤位上還懸掛了國旗。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "第三張全體團員在會場合影,最右邊這一張是勞動部與外交部攜手與SEWF成員互動,以上報告謝謝聆聽。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝,很感謝你們帶著外交部瞭解到這一件事,與SDGs外交的重要關聯。這部分當然是外交部的重點,但也是需要我們後方提供一些糧草,大家提供的案例就是我們可以跟國外分享的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "社會經濟入口網,雙語改版之後真的好很多,滿容易看的,而且不但是主標題有中英雙語,有一個很明顯可以切換到英文的地方,所以即使完全不會中文的人,也可以一下子找到他要的東西,這真的做的很好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們亞太社企高峰會的首頁,目前還沒有這樣的功能,應該要向勞動部的網站學習一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝,請下一個部會。" }, { "speaker": "顧愛如", "speech": "文化部總共有兩個專案是跟創新育成有關的,都是屬於社區營造的,一個是青銀的合作實驗方案,那個新方案是在105年開始,核了總共32件,讓年輕人能夠回鄉跟原先比較老化的社區協會、組織能夠共創協作,辦理一些在地、文化的傳承、活化在地知識,解決一些社區裡面既有的長照、環境保存等等、生態小旅行等等。預計一年核定是2、3,000萬的規模,這個是青銀專案。" }, { "speaker": "顧愛如", "speech": "第二個是青年計畫專案,一年核定四、五十件,第一年獎勵青年創意的一些行動方案,這個方案的部分會用競賽的方式,鼓勵青年去因應當代的一些議題挑戰,然後連結一些村落社區裡面的文化、其他社群網絡,提出有一些計畫,而這個部分有相關官網,一年是核定2,000萬左右的額度,一年接近七、八十件讓青年回鄉的相關創新計畫,目前正在進行,以上。" }, { "speaker": "張懿心", "speech": "金管會報告,金管會在整個社會創新行動方案中,主要是透過請證交所、櫃買中心積極配合經濟部規劃之社會創新相關宣導活動,以引導上市櫃公司把企業社會責任資源投入創新發展。" }, { "speaker": "張懿心", "speech": "107年11月經濟部辦理社會創新實驗中心週年慶活動,證交所跟櫃買中心除了轉知上市櫃公司活動資訊外,也積極地協助臺灣大哥大、國泰金控在上開活動的記者會中進行臺灣暖實力、社會創新行動合作案例的分享,協助促進外界關注社會創新議題。以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "陳明賢", "speech": "農委會報告,農委會推動農村再生,我們協助社區產業發展的部分,我們鼓勵社區組織或是青年返鄉創業的經營主體可以朝向企業化的經營,在105年起推動農村社區產業企業化,經營輔導的計畫,來解決農村及農業相關的問題。" }, { "speaker": "陳明賢", "speech": "105年起累計輔導75家的業者,創造經濟產值10.07億元,整個營業額平均成長36%,整個促進投資4.8億,也提供就業640人,青農返鄉、留鄉人數到達276人,整個契作面積達1,542公頃。除此之外,我們鼓勵企業,有盈餘的部分能夠回饋社區協助社區發展,並回饋到農村再生基金帳戶,我們期待能夠產生正向的循環,減少社區對政府的依賴,能夠讓社區可以自主發展,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "劉慧君", "speech": "工程會有關法規鬆綁建議的部分,那部分是未達公告金額的部分,我們目前公告金額還是維持100萬,如果是公告金額1/10的部分,就是10萬元以下是不適用政府採購法。" }, { "speaker": "劉慧君", "speech": "因為公告金額的調整茲事體大,目前是在未達公告金額、採購辦法第2條,第2條第1項的部分去刪除個案必須敘明,如果我們不採公告方式辦理,就是必須敘明個案的理由。我們等於把一些相關的要件刪除掉之後做鬆綁,未來各機關在100萬以下的案子,我們就可以直接適用中央未達公告金額採購辦法第2條的限制性招標,這個也是很簡便的便宜措施,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這其實是各地方政府創新採購,尤其要做一些先期規劃案的事項時,很重要的依據。只是因為公告的時候,那個意旨寫得比較制式一點,不太知道原來的意思,是不需要特別敘明原因,就可以像10萬元以下去使用,所以巡迴的時候,往往會特別強調這一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請下一個。" }, { "speaker": "温俐婷", "speech": "國發會報告,國發會在社創方案主要負責法規調適部分,法規調適主要有兩項機制,一個是新創法規調適平台,由業者在平台上提出相關的法規適用疑義,由本會來進行協調;另一個機制是法規鬆綁,透過各部會自主檢視,從函釋、行政規則、法規命令開始進行鬆綁。以本項量化指標要求協助新創、釐清法規適用疑義及鬆綁法規案,目前累積二十一件已經達標。" }, { "speaker": "温俐婷", "speech": "就新創法規調適平台成果,舉共享停車位分級管理案例作說明,這個案例是有業者為了促進停車位資源有效利用,針對自有自用的停車位想出一個方法,例如上班族上班的時候,可以把停車位釋出來,出租出去給其他人使用。" }, { "speaker": "温俐婷", "speech": "但這樣子可能因涉及車位用地是否供營業用的問題,而需判定地價稅、房屋稅是適用營業用地稅率或自用住宅用地稅率,案經本會已經協調交通部與財政部後,交通部訂定「自有自用停車位共享認定原則」供各地方政府參考,財政部也配合發布解釋令,對於共享停車位符合一定要件者,地價稅部分,只要每年沒有超過2,880個小時,房屋稅部分每月沒有超過240個小時,就可以分別繼續適用自用住宅稅率來課徵。" }, { "speaker": "温俐婷", "speech": "另外,各部會法規鬆綁成果,目前總計有427件,其中針對創新創業的法規鬆綁成果計有11件,包括經濟部協助廢除股票面額制,金管會協助放寬創櫃板的申請條件等,均有助於新創業者可以較簡便的方式來籌集資金。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "外交部沒有人要報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "教育部是不是要補充?" }, { "speaker": "王育群", "speech": "簡單的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家都可以補充。" }, { "speaker": "王育群", "speech": "U-start計畫在107年的部分,我們增加「社會企業」的分類,因為社會企業太廣泛了,所以我們當時鎖定以循環經濟為主題,我們後來有第一階段計有八隊獲得補助。" }, { "speaker": "王育群", "speech": "我們後來發現這個成果滿不錯,那幾個是用魚鱗、蛋殼、舊玩具,覺得滿有趣的,覺得這個題目可以……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以繼續做下去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很棒,謝謝。看大家有沒有要補充或者是分享的部分?如果沒有的話,我們就洽悉,下一個。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "案由三,社會創新行動巡迴座談會辦理情形,請鑒察案。107年共辦理16場座談,重要成果包含SIIR、履約保證金制度、非營利組織擔任閉鎖性公司發起人等等案例,我們有一份簡報。" }, { "speaker": "謝孟錡", "speech": "政委、各位長官好,先初步報告一下目前就社會創新行動巡迴座談的現況及成果。" }, { "speaker": "謝孟錡", "speech": "我們在107年已經在全國各個地方辦理了16場的座談,並彙整了164項業者的問題,其中有關於單一部會的議題,像取消SIIR履約保證金制度部分,已經提供回應與解決方向。涉及跨部會議題的部分,像協助非營利組織擔任閉鎖型公司發起人等議題,也非常感謝各部會的協助,類似這樣的問題透過幾次的工作會議已經逐步取得共識了。" }, { "speaker": "謝孟錡", "speech": "另外,我們在辦理的過程中,還是有很多業者反映在申請社創相關計畫、資源的過程及手續方面非常地複雜,還有各部會計畫的重疊性也滿高的情況,這一些問題其實也都是未來相關計畫在規劃上可以再優化的部分。" }, { "speaker": "謝孟錡", "speech": "再來,我們今年3月、4月將分別在新竹、南投辦理巡迴座談,目前新竹場已經開放報名,這個部分再請各部會協助提供與會業者的名單。" }, { "speaker": "謝孟錡", "speech": "最後一個部分,需要各部會的協處事項,麻煩各部會協助推薦未來要辦理巡迴座談的地點及相關的參訪行程之外,有關於巡迴座談就事前提問的部分,我們之前都是在座談把事前提問做分案,請各部會填答,由我們這邊收到部會回復後直接跟業者聯繫。" }, { "speaker": "謝孟錡", "speech": "為了讓後續座談會可以更有效率,我們希望之後在各個部會收到分案內容的時候,可以主動聯繫業者,一方面除了更清楚業者所提到的一些問題之外,也可以讓業者跟相關的部會關係更加密切,也可以更瞭解彼此的執行現況。" }, { "speaker": "謝孟錡", "speech": "截至目前辦理的座談會中,還是有一些業者提問未予以回覆,因此請相關部會幫一個忙,記得上線檢視並填答一下業者的問題,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝,我有一個補充。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "關於個別的個案,我有另外一個方式,大家可能也知道,也就是禮拜三可以直接來找我,只要願意記錄公開就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "社創巡迴,是多方利益關係人在各地的座談,我們希望有一定的公共利益,也就是不只是對他好,而是對他所有碰到類似情況的人都好。其實我們可以看到前面的案例,大概都是這樣的情況,我們不是只為了特定社團法人去成立子公司,而是瞭解到各個部會所屬的社團法人、財團法人,多年來都有類似的需求。我們是藉這個個案,去做出通案的考量,所以不是用對待個別陳情的方式回覆,而是讓大家瞭解我們的考量。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於純粹是個案性,就像這份簡報講者備忘稿裡提到,純粹是「伸手牌」的部分,請就既有的政策簡要說明即可。這是以公共利益出發的平台,如果是完全個案性的,可以轉介到禮拜三來找我就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的事項,麻煩各部會幫忙回應一下,儘量以通案的方式回應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們繼續。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "案由四,亞太社會企業高峰會籌備情形,請鑒察案。請喜憨兒社會福利基金會說明。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "大家好,這邊是喜憨兒基金會對於2019年亞太社會企業高峰會進行報告,首先非常開心跟大家來報告,在今天的晚上9點,我們會在亞太社企高峰會的FB正式上線進行報名,大家只要打「」網址就可以上到我們的官網,裡面已經有相關議程的介紹與小旅行的部分。政委剛剛有提到,這也是中英文版本。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "切換按鈕可能要改一下,因為在中文的時候顯示「中」,但是我們一般切換的時候是要按「EN」才對,切換到英文也要改……" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "喔!對,感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "政委自帶廠商就是這樣(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "我們會在這個部分趕快做置換。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "這也是中、英文雙語的版本,這個網站請各部會協助我們來做相關的宣傳,因為以去年的經驗,一上去上線之後,一個禮拜一千票就賣完了,這一塊請大家再協助宣傳。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "下一頁,我們上網之後,我們會經過這一些管道,國外的部分有相關的管道,還有國內的部分也會透過各社群的管道來進行相關的宣傳。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "我們的票價跟大家報告一下,早鳥票是3月15日以前,學生票是900元,一般票是1,500元,團體的部分是十人以上有1,200元的優惠。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "3月15日以後就回到一般的訂價,在學生票還是有1,200元的優惠,一般票是2,500元的部分,另外就是團體票是有2,000元的優惠。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "跟大家報告一下現在學習的兩位keynote是Shiza Shahid、Tonya Surman,這兩位都是在國際上非常知名的社會企業家,Shiza是馬拉拉基金會的前創辦人,目前其實也自己在推動整個社創的基金,Tonya透過共同工作空間的推展,目前在多倫多跟紐約都有很棒的社創交流中心,這兩位是特別邀請來跟臺灣分享的。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "跟大家報告一下,因為之前有請各部會協助我們做一些講者的推薦,經過我們執委會的討論,我們有把講者列入在邀請的名單當中了,我們目前會陸續進行相關的邀請,如果在邀請的過程中,有需要各部會協助的部分,再請各部會來協助我們做邀請,其實各部會的推薦都是非常大咖的人物,我們這邊也需要各部會來協助。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "整個峰會會邀請六十位左右的國內外講者,包含了英國、美國、加拿大、巴基斯坦、荷蘭、日本、中國、菲律賓、韓國、新加坡、印度等等,大家可以參考資料。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "各部會很關心的是有關於社企市集的部分,是有七大議題,都有SDG,我們會以七大議題來做相關比較主要的分類,比較多攤位的部分我們會儘量集中,但是比較是一、兩個攤位就會以議題來做區分,這邊也先來跟大家報告。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "我們的小旅行的部分,衛福部、勞動部這邊推薦的一些相關的單位,我們會有台南這一條線、高雄、屏東這三條線來進行。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "相關的募款,我們會有兩場次,像台北跟高雄的募款餐會,我們募到470萬左右。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "接下來要請各部會協助,第一個是市集的部分,希望各部會確認相關的名冊,希望在228之前提供給我們,後續會由我方來進行相關的邀約,整個設計的部分會在4月中下旬舉行。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "有關於會展相關的部分,因為距離贊助金額滿遠的,可以協助推動贊助的企業。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "也會請企業推薦,我們在5月11日、12日要在高峰會參加的長官,還有5月11日晚宴的長官,還有相關的公關票,我們會在3月31日之前提供相關的報名表,請大家再提供我們名冊,我們再來進行相關的處理,以上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝。各部會推薦的名單,我也知道主辦方需要一些作業時間,我們儘量大家想一想,因為這邊是2月28日,但是我們知道是連假,盡可能25日,至遲27日提供給作業團隊。雖然我知道他們沒有在放假的,但是盡可能早一點提供。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛的社創巡迴座談、地點、業者等等,我們也請部會儘量月底前給出來,這樣比較好排,這兩個中間也會有一些綜合效果。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,還有剛才邀的國外講者,也很感謝中企處發明了一個「APSIPA」(Asia Pacific Social Innovation Partnership Award)。我們是以邀請國外的大咖來當評審的名義,像印度的Vinod Subramaniam願意來當評審,邀他當講者就是比較容易的一件事,反正他都要來了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一些也是我們可以用的一些方式,所以如果大家在邀約上有一些想要提供的,不管是跟你們平常合作項目有關的業者、朋友,或者是要藉這個機會,不是來參加公會,而是對你們的業務拓展有一些助益的話,也很歡迎這一次的機會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有要分享或者是詢問的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "下一個。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "「參、討論事項案由」,請各部會推薦108年社會創新職能訓練課程師資及職能補充訓練課程領域類別,請討論案,請勞動部說明。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "政委、與會先進大家好,我們準備了一個簡報,要推動社會創新職能的訓練課程,簡報大綱的部分請參閱。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "簡報第3頁,我們推動的依據是行政院社企行動方案「推動拓展」策略項下之「規劃社創人才培訓課程」辦理。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "簡報第4頁是我們去年推動的成果,其實在剛才的簡報也已經有跟各位簡要地說明:" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "第一,建置社會創新專業人員訓練發展計畫課程地圖,也就是簡報上的這三個圖,我們有一般的,還有中間選修課,最右邊是師資的部分。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "最左邊的一般通識,我們在去年也研發教材,相關的培訓有262人。簡報第5頁有提到108年精進的規劃,其實在去年8月的時候,已經有請各部會針對關心的領域來提供課程的領域類別來參考,其實我們都已經整合納入課程內容或者是未來課程的規劃,我們想說可能在108年的時候,還會有一些新增的需求,我們也持續地歡迎各部會提供我們意見、滾動納入規劃。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "要討論的事項是在簡報第6頁,因為要持續推動社會創新的職能訓練課程,所以我們建議各部會是不是可以會後一個月內提供下列的資訊來納入規劃。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "第一,108年相關的課程,大家可以參考簡報第4頁,看有沒有推薦的師資。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "第二,針對中間各領域專精補充訓練的部分,是不是還有要持續增加的領域類別?" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "第三,可不可以給我們一些預估可能的參訓人數,我們在辦訓的優先順序上可以考量。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個參訓人數,是對於部會所推薦課程領域的參訓人數,或者是全部的?" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "我們希望是全部的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,所以這三個是脫鉤的,就是三項你們想要提供的資料,中間沒有從屬關係,就是分別填報的意思。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個看大家有沒有覺得需要釐清,或者是需要勞動部說明更多的部分?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們這邊的師資有任何的資格限制嗎?或者是由推薦的部會覺得這些人就好了?" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "沒有特別的限制,因為我們覺得社會創新是新的領域,如果大家有接觸過不錯的,都希望能夠納入師資庫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以其實像共同供應契約,裡面那一些比較是屬於社創意識推廣的,那個幾乎是當然的師資了,因為我們都已經納進共契,講授的能力應該沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分,就請各部會分別評估。這個是3月中左右要,就請大家配合辦理,如果有任何細節需要對齊,或者需要覺得討論領域類別取什麼名字比較有吸引力等等,再洽勞動部。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果大家覺得ok的話,這個決議就是這樣子寫,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來是動議了,看大家有沒有要討論或者是分享的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我們非常有效率,一個小時結束這個會議,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天還是會做逐字紀錄,但是不是會議紀錄性質,也不是什麼裁示性質,大家回去可以改個十天我們再上網,所以是意見交換性質。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我再過40分鐘要開另外一個協調會,但Mark可能還在,也許有一些細節的部分可以繼續討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我就不講客套話,我們就直接開始了。今年跟去年最大的差別是兩點,這一份大家都看過,還是我需要快速講一下?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "之前我們開會的時候,是開工作會議的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是文櫻的那份簡報。今年最大的差別有兩個:一個是我們前面有所謂民眾提問的提案票選,這一點完全是新的;另外,去年的專家輔導團是非常informal,就是並沒有一個真正意義上的編組,主要是是嘉凱、雨蒼及他們的快樂朋友們,今年要點裡面有一個明確的專家輔導團。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "跟網站比較有關係的是第一個,我們就先來看第一個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "去年的網站是這樣子,我們現在已經弄了一個新的網域,好吧!" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們第一個要講的是測試機有打算放在不同的地方或者是同一個地方?或者是不同的host name?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "可以,沒問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣我的proxy就一樣了,我們這邊就維持一個反向proxy,首頁網址就是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們開發的時候還是以內部的網址?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "我們掛這邊就可以了,我掛MIC的就可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以你為主。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "我們自己用,我們掛MIC就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "英文去年麻煩你們爆肝寫出了一個「/Eng/」,今年還是打算類似的做法嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "架構都一樣?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。有需要另外一個嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我只是想確認,不是要做任何裁示,我只是要知道你們現在的想法。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "就是一樣/Eng/。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以一開始就會有兩個,一開始你們的版型是現成的,還有「/Eng/」,網域回去就儘快告訴我們,我們要做反向proxy就比較容易,我們就在同一頁。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有一個小建議,2018年的網站是不是可以放在/2018/?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們reverse proxy就好了,不需要他們設定。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "主要是如果用同一個網址的話……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不會用同一個網址。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "沒有嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "跟去年不同。有需要我掛嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不用,我已經設定好了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "你是要像COSCUP嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為「」是我們自己的機器,所以reverse proxy可以mount在/2018/就好了,因為我有確認過,他們都是用非常好的相對路徑,所以本來就是設計在任何地方,這個我們自己弄就好了;反正開發的時候,我不希望把網域指向你們,你們自己有新的網域,跟舊的也不會重疊,但是就是有「/Eng/」的部分,這個就先確定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在這是轉信的email嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這要再跟資訊處確認一下,之前是轉給承辦人。這個有要改嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個電話是承辦人的電話嗎?你們的偏好是什麼?怎麼樣比較容易做事?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "電話我們會改,前面Email不會改。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "等他們窗口出來之後再改。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "畢竟你們是執行單位,這邊掛你們的網域是絕對沒有問題的。現在如果這個電話已經換人了,我們就是事先瞭解這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個網站本身的著作權,現在是在你們手上?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今年畢竟牽涉到投票,也許我們投票的模組可以開源,這個都是可以討論的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為投票會有公正性的考量,以前只有給評審的投票後端。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我想網域就是先這樣。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想網址就這樣子。接下來就是投票,投票對一般人來講,一進來是看到像這樣子的主視覺,但是在投票期間,剛開始看提案開始投了?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有「民眾提問、提案票選」是針對什麼去提問?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當時聽他們講是一個許願池的概念。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "是報名前就要開放?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "是在記者會嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。只要一寫好就有,像這一段是抄這個的,也就是g0v grant,11月1日開放,提案權是12月1日,等於框了一個月的時間去做許願池,但是大家也不要覺得很怎樣,就是一個hackmd而已,就是在這邊這樣子……這張圖還滿可愛的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以概念是你有一、兩個許願範例,大家的許願丟在這邊,有人想要做這一件事,可是自己沒有空做,希望有人去提案,在這邊可以有一些問答,但是這一些問答都是透過hackmd原生的,也就是有一點像維基百科狀態來達成,我不知道你們覺得這樣子怎麼樣?因為這樣沒有成本。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "就是掛上來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "把hackmd掛過去就好了,至少不用寫程式,壞處是跟你們後面沒有任何關係,就是省力氣的方法而已。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "現在是丟進來以後要如何處理?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "各機關看到自己覺得好主意的時候,我們會再函送各機關,會說這邊有一些人許願,如果覺得不錯的話,要不要上去回一下這個是不是願意提案,拘束力變成只有這樣而已。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "是參考?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "本來就是參考而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果拘束力只需要這樣,你們至少不用開發登入身分確認,因為hackmd都幫你做完了,所以這個網址也許給你們參考,就是「」,底下重要的時程,然後你按許願池,就知道了,你們稍微改模板就做完的事,不用寫程式,這個是文書工作。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "這部分只延續到我們後面有題目就停?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,等於延續到提案、收單截止,我們是提案、收單截止再開始票選,並不是一邊提、一邊投的,所以我們應該是說許願池開放到提案的截止日;至於要不要叫「許願池」是另外一回事,我覺得叫許願池不錯。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "許願池會不會、要不要有人管?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "如果用hackmd要有人管。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們現在有行政的人管這個嗎?類似版主的人。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們會有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在我們知道是誰?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "禮拜四之前會決定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!就是那個人的聯絡方式,就讓雨蒼知道,因為雨蒼是我們這邊的PM,這樣你如果想到有版規或者什麼的話,就跟那個人講。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "一定要有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這個文案跟圖滿好的,我真的覺得不錯,請還不知道的那個小編稍微參考一下,我覺得這個還不錯,我想許願池的部分,我們就先這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來是比較大的,就是投票本身,我們現在的時程是什麼時候開始投?4月12日,幾乎投一個月,也就是4月12日投到5月6日,這裡面當然我們要先問這個民眾到底是誰,好比是有中華民國國籍的,或者是俄羅斯的FB網軍都可以……(笑)我們是不是要開放(笑);這個你們之前有辦過類似的東西嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "公開的沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "都是評審投票嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們認證的方式?我看到的是帳號密碼,你們會給一組帳號密碼,我可以改密碼,這個是比較傳統的。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "臺灣很難,2300萬人,想一想不太work。所以有沒有什麼想法?還是沒有想到這個?SMS?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對,email沒有辦法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡訊你很難通知他事,因為你通知他事情是要錢的,還是你有這個錢?你可以隨便發簡訊?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "會有多少人參與?10萬嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "假設10萬。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "那就假設10萬的費用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你覺得ok嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "為了避免作業的麻煩,如果有這麼多人就出。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以你覺得簡訊比較好?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對,是最快、最簡單的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!我同意,但是你們有現有的模組,是簡訊、身分認證?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們都不用email,這可能是最快的、最好的方法。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "email你沒有辦法驗證它。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在有一個平台是叫做join,因為用的人有500萬自然人,而且每個禮拜都有週報,所以只用簡訊的話,每個禮拜都要花500萬元(笑),他們最後說如果要連署的話,就是要雙驗證,又要有email或者是social media,所以簡訊是要來確保你是人,email是通知的,這樣就可以送一些圖文並茂。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然另外一個想法是,我們直接用Join的帳號來當,只是這樣flow就比較麻煩,如果你只是留下手機、發一個簡訊,輸入四個數字之類的,主觀上就不用跑到別的網址打帳號、密碼再回來,所以如果你們也覺得簡潔就好,而且也願意花個10萬元,那就好。你不用花錢,因為有500萬人已經有帳號了,但是缺點是比較麻煩。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Join會開一個登入的API出來,Join如果有用過的話,它其實是很多不同的單位合用的,就是地方政府、審計部、行政院等等,當你要來連署的時候,你必須要先登入,你可以用social media或者是電子信箱,之後會傳簡訊驗證,就是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "政委,這就是有好、有壞,好的話是,如果用Join的話,我們希望跟政府其他類似的東西來做連結,壞的是這樣會不會影響到後面的參與意願。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個確實比較麻煩,除非本來就要做。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "還是說兩個都可以?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "不能兩個都可以。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有一個想法是,因為我們希望是有中華民國國籍,但是通常這幾個都不是現成的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "通常是簡訊,簡訊看電信商就好了。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這500萬Join的使用者?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是勾中華民國國籍,也有在電信商的簡訊號碼,我們目前只知道這兩個。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "所以我可以跟誰要?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "API可以跟林雨蒼要,他們是會給API,那個spec我們都已經開出來了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "從三月開始,你們可以先拿測試機測,他們的廠商是聯經數位,你們可以變成窗口。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "反正這樣子,你們看一下Join會給的那個,然後評估是不是夠順為原則,也不要花太多力氣,可以花一天,看起來也很官方。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們看了一天覺得很不順,還是要改的,或者是真的來不及,我們這一次就用簡訊認證,也不會怎麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們禮拜四會議的時候會建議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "反正Join那邊雨蒼大概都知道,所以他聯繫就好了。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "政委,我們後續除了許願池以外,就不會開放人家進來留言?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "投票之後嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "投票只是單純投票。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有討論?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "所以許願池只是針對提案,也不是留言。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這裡想要問的是一面投票、一面按團隊嗎?這個是另外一件事,也就是一面投、一面給問的機制。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "這樣原來許願池就不用這樣用?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "許願池歸許願池,許願池是我提出案子希望別人收割,票選是我這邊提了一個案子,但是別人看不太懂,是不是可以在底下問那個提案團隊。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "因為一開放這個就不知道他要來放什麼東西,然後就需要專人一直去……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。所以有什麼想法?你們現在的行政能量到底能不能吃得下?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "也不只是人力的問題,而是衍生出一些不好處理的事情,那個部分比較麻煩。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "會有人來貼表情包,都是這樣子的。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "你要開放人家留言討論的話,認證人員要負責收這一些問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "開展帳號給提案團隊,然後他自己上來回,你看g0v的狀態就是這樣子,在底下用discourse開上去接這個,就會有人提,然後就會在底下留言,版主刪掉表情符號之外就不做別的事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "事實上這這套是開放源碼的,你可以直接用,但是我要講概念其實比較簡單,你只是提供一個留言板,你幫提案的團隊開帳號,如果都不回就沒票,這個看你們。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "你要開討論的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果要開就是這樣,這個是最標準的。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們要處理,進到哪裡就結束了?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是那一個多月。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "就是那一個多月,就是投票結束。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "4月12日到5月6日。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們可以找人來當版主,技術上你們可以做。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "技術上不是問題。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "因為只有一個月。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "出人力就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "原則上是提案的資料在上面,底下討論?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。如果大家都覺得ok,我覺得身分認證,不管是用簡訊或者是什麼,總之會有一個使用者的ID,可以自己弄或怎麼樣,隨便啦!總不可能用簡訊的ID當它的ID,所以還是得自己取一個名字,然後在底下留言,或者變成亂數給它一個什麼名字,就是Google Doc上面都會有各種動物之類的,這個是屬於細節了;但這個是一段短時間的對話,所以也還好,如果沒有問題的話,看你要用哪一個模組,就在底下討論一下。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這個我研究一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果可行,就是每一案一個討論區,這個就這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這邊有沒有問題?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是如果這個是英文網頁的話,其實這個是一個挑戰,我們通常的做法是,如果你是英文版,但是提案人都不強求給英文資料的話,就會變成是可能提案的時候,就要求提中、英的抬頭,但內文的話,可能標註「由Google提供翻譯或者由Bin提出翻譯」,這樣的話,外國人就看得懂,大家回答英文也沒有問題,所以就會變成這一大段大概很可能必須要自動翻譯來處理,因為我們很難要求提案人,所以欄位上也要想一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "英文的內容是自動翻譯,如果提案人英文很好,覺得自動翻譯會掉票的話,也會提供英文翻譯,就是要變成資料庫四個欄位,但是沒有一個是自動翻譯。這一方面這兩位都很熟,已經做過好幾次,所以就這樣吧!" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "如果直接請他們提供英文內容?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得很困難,尤其是各部會,簡直是強人所難。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "如果他知道接下來也是要用機器翻譯的話,對他來講是直接拿到機器翻譯並丟上去就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是很多公務員會覺得你直接承核上去的東西,必須是長官看過是對的,上面提供一個「機器翻譯」,那個有錯誤並不是公務同仁負責,這個是最大的差別。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "機器翻譯是人工去貼或者是線上?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們目前有兩個。一個是Google翻譯,另外一個是Gengo,後面那個比較貴,前面那個免費。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "前面那個也沒有,是幾乎免費啦。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "反正這個細節你們可以自己對,所以討論版大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來是投票規則,「平方投票法」(Quadratic Voting, QV)的數學性質我就不多說,QV的問題是目前還沒有人設計出很好的UI,我還沒有看過哪一個QV是很順的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我先講概念,你一進來的時候,你有100點的token。如果你很喜歡某一個案子,你投一票,只需要花1點,但是如果你要投他兩票,你要花4點,你要投三票,要花9點等等,總之你要付出的是它的平方,所以這是為什麼叫做「平方投票法」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當你有一百點的時候,你全部灌到一個案子,它只有十票,但是你灌到兩個案子,每個都有七票,而且你還剩兩點可以用。所以性質是會希望你分散投票,但是又沒有像別的分散投票法這樣子,讓你的偏好沒有辦法呈現出來,發明人用數學證明了,當你能夠控制進來的人的身分驗證時,這是最好的投票法,沒有之一。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在的問題是,我們UI上到底要長什麼樣子,尤其一般人用手機才可以看得懂,這個其實我沒有什麼非常好的建議,那個逐字稿裡面,發明人Glen Weyl提了一個主意,目前還沒有實作過,就是每一個專案有酒杯,你等於是投注點數進去,這樣子大概比較看得到是1、3、5、7,這樣子高度是票數,投注的程度是水量,相對是比較直觀。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "雨蒼提到一個可能做法,是用兩個按鈕,加的跟減的。可能減一開始不需要顯示,你按了加是一票,減是可以撤回,然後你繼續按加,如果有用medium的話,也可以實作手指不要放,全部灌進去,這是剛剛我們幾個花了40秒想到的。你們有沒有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "那個一百點是固定的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,是固定的,每個人就一百點。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "回饋那一段就不用做了,對不對?平方投票法是不是最後回饋?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有兩種,平方投票法作為投票制度是這樣而已。另外一個,如果裡面好比像做都市開發,最後我不中意的那個贏了,錢可以回過來,變成我的補償金,但是今年的一百點是代幣,並不是真的錢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然我們用真的錢,這樣就變成影響力投資,好像也不錯,加上群募成份。但是我們今年可能不要玩那麼大,所以如果一開始這並不是真的錢……" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "所以也沒有買票?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以換票。因為我有一百點,你也有買一百點,我們要怎麼樣,團隊可以互相拉票。現在只是說即使你跟我拉票,也會鼓勵兩個團隊間彼此共享票,就是各投七票,而不會有一種希望某個團隊的人全部灌給他,比較不是零和。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們當然還是希望社群上有拉票的行為,但不是讓大家看到永遠只有前幾名,到最後就是幾個在那邊灌票,這樣子雖然參與度高,但大家的感覺並不好,而且可能一半的人覺得是輸家,我們希望總統盃不要弄成這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一個是要不要邊投票、邊開票,或者是每個人投完,我們最後一次開票。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "我們還是把它投完,各有好處。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "拼人氣是一回事,但是拼人氣……" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "可是這個還有分說民眾佔比多少也有關係。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這不是確定了嗎?我看已經押30%上去了。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "整個30%都要給他嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們決定前二十名的時候,好像是這樣,我聽到是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "那要怎麼算?本來是說這邊有給一半。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你是說15%而已嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "所以評委不投這個項目嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "評委也一樣是一百票?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "評委在評創新、社會影響力及可行性,社會影響力及民眾參與度這一塊是整個給民眾?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果整個給民眾,評委跟民眾一樣,都只有一百票。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "那只有投票。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們可以說有些人比別人更平等,如果你的登入是評委帳號的話,你的點數就比別人多?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "那天討論的是,評審一樣去打25%,比照去年打零至五。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你是說打社會影響力的分數?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣會不會變成民眾開出來,然後發現%真的很低。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這樣就給民眾。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這也是有利有弊。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "社會影響力可能一定程度也是要評委在裡面去看。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過我們到了二十名之後,全部都是評委了。所以現在的問題是民眾參與度是二十名前,或是二十名前評委也要進來?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這30%,假設有1萬個民眾,第二個是8,000票,這當中如何算進去30%?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "怎麼算?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這是我們正在討論的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "從社會影響力及民眾參與度來說,我們如果只看民眾參與度,這反而容易,如果你沒有切一半給評審的話,那這就很容易了,就是normalize。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "從零到三十?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這個會有一個問題,這個主題是1萬票,第二個主題變成5,000票。第一個比重不會比較高嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那就是30分跟15分,就是以最高票作為30分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果全部給民眾,這幾乎是唯一合理的算法,如果切一半就開始會很奇怪,因為評委不是這樣評的,等於有兩套投票制度進來,所以我不確定,看你們覺得。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "30%全部交給民眾是比較有亮點。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "假設有一百隊,一百隊去normalize出來,加到30%?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最高票是30分,最低票一定是0票。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "不過社會影響力是由民眾來……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是我覺得會被受影響,所以就來投。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "評委不評社會影響力?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "評委變成20強之後再評。會變成初選的時候,只看民眾參與度,複選之後只看社會影響力,我們必須要做這一種解釋。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果是這樣的話,我覺得要有敗部復活機制。因為有一些人也許……他其實是一個很好的提案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我也不反對。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們要不要把評委在這個出來之後再投,這邊還有七成。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "去年是七成,最後再決定哪一些。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但我的意思是,當你捲動程度很高的時候,大家會期待很高的拘束力,可能比你本來辦法寫得還要高,當大家期待這麼高,你可以說「當年的辦法有寫,這只是參考用的」,但這樣參與者的感受不一定好。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "整個投票的手順會是什麼?評委什麼時候評?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "會變成評委是全部收單的時候全部收完,但是民眾是on-going?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以等於評委在評的時候,我們開評審會議那一天,已經知道那30%別人怎麼投的?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "那個時程上怎麼辦?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "時程是說評審委員會也可以在那個月裡面評選。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "民眾參與度有沒有放上來?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就會變成除非要開一個後台給他。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "後台也可以寫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這些都必須要事前講好,如果沒有事前講好,會有爭議,尤其如果措詞很模糊。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這個是不是到4月底?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也可以,像5月1日開始進來。評審也可以在上面要求公開詢答,因為團隊不能修改提案,但是回答的時候可以提新資訊,我看到新資訊的時候,我對主觀印象會改變,分數也會改變。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "一樣是到5月6日,也就是一起,評審隨時都可以上來改。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也可以,這個是很好的做法。4月12日開始,讓評審可以開始投,投到5月6日,但是中間評審覺得哪一個案子看不懂,可以學民眾留言,也沒有特權,就是公開留言,至於要不要顯示這是不是評審就看你了,如果寫的話,大家一定衝上來回覆,這樣真的比較好,我留言,他一回,就提高分數,不然就是一回,就是降低。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "那就併行。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!那就這樣子了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣子的話,社會影響力的部分,等於評委用的跟大家都一樣。另外兩個部分是用什麼之類的去投,我不反對,至於評審的加權要不要多幾票,評審一票算別人十票,因為這樣子就可以解決雨蒼的問題,評審可以以一當百、以一當千?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "不需要,人一多,給他1000分,1萬分,這樣就沒有了,其實影響力不大,會被稀釋掉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,所以就跟任何人一樣,30%都給民眾,這裡面的民眾包含評審,大家一開就是一翻兩瞪眼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣每個團隊的拉票動力會變得非常強,因為不拉票就進不來。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "所以投票的結果只公開最後的分數?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們沒有公開分項嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "沒有。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "有些網路投票,你在投的時候,你會知道投成功,是因為知道一投會變多一點,所以會知道,但是如果全部是最後關起來然後公開的話,很有可能可以質疑你投票的東西是有問題的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過就算一面投、一面開也可以,因為灌票是在後台。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "是,沒有錯。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果要真正公開的話,就要用分散式帳本,只是你們……(笑)" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不用啊!投票這一件事應該會……有log就放另外一個地方進來,另外有問題,有人需要見證的時候,我們再拿回來看。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Log也可以改,所以真的要用分散式帳本。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "要這麼嚴謹嗎(笑)?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "如果要可以點,就是讓評審再早幾天投完。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "不會讓他覺得最後看了那個結果,然後突然要評審,然後七成投進來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有幾個層次,影響力那邊也許先投沒有關係,但是其他的部分是評審自己。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我建議評審投的時候也不要知道民眾的票選結果,等於我們不開後台給評審,等於那一塊全部留給民眾。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實如你講的,評審只要一知道,大家都會有評審把我們刷掉、評審把我們怎麼樣,如果我們一開始就是說評審都一樣,其實這一塊就沒有問題,這樣對於稽核的要求也會變低。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "打分數的時候也看不到?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "就是針對那70%。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外30%跟一般任何投票的人一樣,是看不到的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "還有一個,剛剛有提到紀錄,是不是要讓每個人可以看到自己投票的紀錄,也許會比較安心。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你回來的時候跟評審一樣,隨時到5月6日封關起來的那一天以前,都可以選回來再去,所有人都相同,做到這個地步。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那就這樣。我想各專案的危機感會很強,因為中間也沒有邊開票,大家不知道到底有多少票,我覺得也還好,一個月這樣很不錯。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "投票的這一整套的模組,要不要考慮開源?跟別的都無關,只是讓大家可以自己跑一段出來,但是不包括身分認證、登入之類的,就是QV那一段。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個要評估一下,比較能取信於人。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是不是有商轉的機會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "真的,馬上spin off。下一次活動馬上就出現這個模組,好像也不錯(笑);大概投票就這樣了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "線上徵求合作夥伴,你們本來有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "去年是用人工媒合。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以給一個列表,其他都是人工媒合?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。其他要開放個人報名嗎?因為之前講的是,今年不開放個人報名。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "沒有特別提到個人報名。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們去年有一個做法是,我們把被刷掉二十名以外的,通通都邀請來報名,反正這一段時間有空,想做的事也沒有人做了,是不是媒合一下去做別人的事情,不過這等於是團隊間的媒合,但是那是有個人報名的路口,所以倒流到這裡,如果沒有個人報名的路口,等於要另外給一個路口。看你,這個我沒有一定要怎樣。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "自己跟團隊講?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我們怎麼知道團隊的是誰?跨團隊的時候,你不能保證一定找得到他。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "窗口去做媒合。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也可以。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "目前沒有規劃這樣子做,本來只是說針對入圍團隊的需要,缺什麼、我們補什麼,希望把力氣花在後面的輔導團隊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是現在的意思是可以毛遂自薦,就是說公部門專家、私部門專家或者是領域專家。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "會公布那二十個入圍的團隊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在只是說要不要有一個按鈕說「有沒有興趣」、「我想報名」、「我想組團」。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "組團應該沒有了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是「我想跟團」?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "那就變成我們只能撮合,這樣會不會增加……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想撮合並不是給團隊,而是給行政人員,當時已經輔導團成立了,輔導團看自己的,或者是輔導團自己的人脈,這兩個加起來變成撮合的結果,還有入圍團隊一來要跟團,然後是說公部門專家、私部門專家或者是領域專家,然後是說有什麼貢獻,整理之後去用,並不是直接要求團隊來用。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "去年也是類似的機制。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今年是重開這個機制而已,這就不是公開的,填完就類似google form一樣,直接送出去,如果你覺得可行,去年就重用。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "去年有提到,如果要報名的話,偏好的團隊是哪一個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,這邊的意思是一樣的,我們現在是二十個都列出來了,右邊有一個「我想報名」,我報完之後是對他有什麼貢獻,因為對它有興趣,就按三次,重複的資料再帶出來一樣就可以了,也許我對每一個的貢獻是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個沒有很難改,就用本來的模組就好,一樣開七天。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該沒有別的了。後面其實都跟去年一樣。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "「輔導團隊」有沒有什麼指示?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們要點要先通過,再拿那個要點去組團,這個是下一場會議要做的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果對任何技術上問題的話,請連繫雨蒼或者是Mark都可以。謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝大家來開這場協調會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我剛才和執行團隊討論投票系統,如果「Join」的登入界接功能在三月可以開放測試的話,兩邊或許可以接上。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "那個功能會完成,然後也可以給大家來使用,但是我剛剛是想到因為用那個功能的話,必須要是「Join」的會員。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我們就順便幫「Join」拉會員的意思,其實目的是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "變成是要先加入「Join」,成為「Join」的會員。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,當然如果承辦團隊覺得太麻煩,我們還是可以用簡單的方式,就是手機簡訊驗證這一件事,只是我們事後通知要一直發簡訊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果是「Join」會員的話,之後的通知就用email發就好了,比較便宜一點,只是這樣而已;反正剛剛談得還不錯,今年就會有更多的民眾瞭解到這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天這個協調會,主要還是由執秘主持,一樣做逐字紀錄,十個工作天之後公開,任何東西都可以刪減。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家在事前應該都收到我們的簡報,我想簡報的部分,因為科技會報本來是規劃15分鐘,但如果書面都已經有了,就不用按字唸,大概摘要就好了,我們多一些時間來討論,麻煩元良。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "主席、各位長官、先進大家好,我們針對黑客松來作說明。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "整個黑客松的理念是希望能夠跨政府機關、跨領域、公私協力來做,讓整個資料驅動的擁有者、資料科學家及專家可以交流。這樣的想法,基本上符合黑客文化裡面共創精神,希望用創新的方法在深入研究某個領域的系統之後,可以提出一些嶄新的產品。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "我們先回顧一下,總統盃黑客松去年是第一次辦,辦的成果還不錯,所以今年後續繼續辦理。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "去年從上半年開始啟動,到6月做最後的決選,6月2日決選是在總統府頒獎及主持。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "當天選出了最後的五組優勝的候選團隊,這是其中一張照片,整個過程中也有辦一些工作坊,這是工作坊的照片。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "去年徵件主要分成五大議題,包含防災、青年就業、社會安全、守護環境跟智慧交通一些領域,去年最後有效提案出一共104件,大家可以看到分類,中央政府、地方政府、民間都有一定程度的提案。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "在整個參賽的過程中一共辦了三場的工作坊、輔導措施,協助團隊把他們的成品做出來。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "接下來,去年五組卓越團隊,一共跨了一些領域,「搶救水寶寶」後續還有到其他國家,像到紐西蘭那邊參加一些專案,後續成果是不錯的,整個專案效益的部分,首度結合五大部會、四大直轄縣市政府、跨部會的合作。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "在宣導的部分,去年也有跟總統府這邊作合作,所以透過總統府發函,在總統府內去開跨部會廣宣的說明,行政院在智慧城鄉溝通平台由吳政忠政委主持會議,跟各地方政府做活動廣宣。這是去年審查會議的照片、三次工作坊照片來給各位長官參考。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "接下來進行今年規劃的簡要說明,今年專案定位我們放在四個部分,第一個最主要是資料運用、跨域合作、開放治理、創新文化。整個專案規劃我們分成四個分項:第一個部分當然是整個黑客松的辦理活動,第二個部分是議題、資料開放跨部會協調,第三個是整個活動的廣宣、成果擴散,第四個是獲選團隊後續的輔導機制。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "組織架構的部分,今年我們訂了一個作業要點,基本上召集人會有行政院院長或副院長擔任,副召集人是由總統府副秘書長擔任,執行長是由召集人指派行政院政務委員擔任,執秘是由科技會報辦公室的蔡執秘來擔任,副執秘是由國發會負責政府資料開放的業務主管擔任,其他委員會請總統來聘請相關領域的卓越人士來擔任。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "另外可以看到左、右兩邊各有一個綠色的框框,也是會由政委來召集專家輔導團、評審委員會,在實際執行的團隊部分有分四個主題:第一個是國際組跟活動媒體文宣組,今年指派由資策會來執行。資料組的部分是涉及開放資料的跨部會協調並試行國發會協助,議題組的部分是由科技會報辦公室來擔任。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "今年活動的特色分成四塊:" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "第一,我們希望增加國際的連結,所以預計要邀請國際團隊來進行參賽,希望表演賽或者是交流的方式來進行。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "第二,提高民眾參與的部分,我們有涉及民眾提問跟提案票選的一些部分。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "第三,有關於協作工作坊,跟去年一樣,今年打算辦兩場工作坊,再加入專家輔導團的協助,讓民眾能夠瞭解二十個團隊,最後是黑客決賽,我們會選出五個優勝團隊。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "整個參賽的辦法,政府機關的人員可以用機關或者個人名義報名,非政府機關的原因是必須要能夠提出跟這個活動議題相關的提案自行組成團隊來參加。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "提案的限制是提案的構想必須是尚未進行的計畫,如果是階段性的計畫,必須是尚未進行的部分。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "今年的議題我們鎖定了六個大主題,去年是以社會創新,今年我們是希望以智慧國家當作是整個主題,分成六個部分:第一,開放治理;第二,跨域合作;第三,產業發展;第四,城鄉創新;第五,國家永續;第六,跟全球連結的全球夥伴。主要還是希望能夠跨中央、跨地方、跨兩個以上的機關來合作。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "在評選標準的部分,我們分成三個部分,第一個部分是提案的創新性是40%,再來是希望對於社會、民眾需求的回應,就是社會影響力的部分,還有政府參與度的部分,這部分有30%。最後是提案所掌握的內部或外部資料,或者是法規調適的可行性佔了30%。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "以下是我們暫列評選委員會,最後是由召集人來召集。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "在活動獎勵的部分,比照去年我們還是提供獎盃給最後的卓越團隊,在複審跟初審的階段,我們也希望有一些紀念性的獎品給參賽的團隊,像設計了毛巾跟背包的構想。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "輔導的部分,剛才有提到今年會有兩次的工作坊,分別是在5月、6月舉辦,在8月是卓越團隊選出來之後,會由輔導團隊來進行後續的輔導,可以讓成果進行擴散。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "在廣宣的部分,左邊是結合各多元聯盟來進行廣宣,另外在既有傳統媒體露出、網路新媒體的露出,也是今年希望能夠加強的部分。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "在整體時程的規劃上,我們希望3月12日能夠辦理整個活動記者會,且正式啟動。在3月12日到4月12日這個過程中,我們會透過活動的網站來接受民眾對於整個活動及議題的提問。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "相關部會的廣宣也會在這一個月來進行,4月10日會截止,在4月12日至5月6日來辦理民眾的票選跟初步評審委員會的評選決定且提案。5月會辦第一次的工作坊,6月會辦第二次的工作坊,7月21日預計在總統府來進行最後的決賽,由總統聽取簡報並頒發獎盃,8月之後是後續的輔導及成果的曝光。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "整體的經費預估,比照去年的做法並且增加一些國際交流的部分,列了這一些項目,希望今年的經費預估是希望千萬元的經費,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。看大家有沒有要補充或是要詢問的部分?在這一個報告上?都還好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我補充兩個:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一個,跟去年比較不一樣的是,因為我們對這五組,其實最後都沒有獎金,這個並不會有一毛錢給獎金,拘束力是這五組會盡一切可能變成真的公務流程,所以需要的是很高的政治意志,也就是總統聽過了,覺得很好,可是每一組需要是不一樣的,今年的議題更寬了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "國發會有表示城鄉創新的部分跟地方創生方案是有所扣合,也許是循地方創生的輔導團來做後續導入。如果其實是產業發展的部分,其實經濟部有很多既有的方式,也許在這個就比較從私部門來的經費,如果全球夥伴,很可能需要外交部的幫忙之類的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們會看最後這五組的性質來決定接下來輔導是如何進行,所以各位都是主辦單位,從這個角度上來看,很可能如何導入會需要每一個部會的幫忙,不會像之前好像完全以資料為核心,然後只是國發會的事情,這一次是以跟各位工作切合為核心,這個第一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個,民眾票選的機制,也就是在一開始提案進來到二十名的佔比,30%是非常高的,意思是完全不拉票的話,是沒有那麼容易上,這個是跟去年不一樣的地方,這個是兩個補充。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分交給執秘。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "我們說明一下,今年的活動跟去年不同的地方,一個是議題不同、一個是編組不同,最大的不同是國際組,去年是沒有國際組的處理,事實上因為總統府幫我們發文,同仁就直接到,同仁也有參加說明。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "議題出來之後,很多是公務人員為主,因為基層的公務人員,我們發覺可能有動機,因為原來是爭取不到機會,讓長官重視是有差別的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "因為有去年跟國際交流的經驗,去年在總統府最後決選時,AIT梅處長就來了,因為國際上在各國看重這樣非常高層級的黑客松活動,其實是有慣例的,美國有美國的慣例,像歐洲、法國那邊有很多類似的案子,我們這一次一樣follow在總統府辦的情況,我們認為國際組的號召力有助於國際這一方面的交流。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "上個禮拜的說明會也有提到這個部分,外交部主秘也在,所以國際組的活動也會跟外交體系來做一些結合。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "不管是邀外賓來或者是跟外面的團隊接觸,這個是國際外交的意涵,這個是存在的,這個是一部分的經費增加,也就是專為國際組,100萬至100多萬都可能,這個是視國家經費而定。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "第二,我們這次回到議題本身徵件,我們列了六個議題,大家可以注意到這一次參與的部會,過去的經驗是,一個跟開放資料有關,今天到場的部會,本來就有很多open data在身上,對外也做過公私協力合作的經驗。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "另外一類,也就是民生公共物聯網參與的部分,在去年底我們辦了第一次的競賽,雖然也很熱絡,但是首獎從缺。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "評審一致反應輔導的時程不夠,真的是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "我知道,所以二獎也從缺,我記得是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "但民生公共物聯網的data也才剛開始階段,我們請到幾個主要的部會,大家在民生公共物聯網上累積的data,或者是將來這一些data,不只這一些data的運用,跟其他開放政府的資料及他地方資料等結合,那個空間是更大的,因此今天到場的部會,基本上是有這兩大類的任務在身上。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "這一次參與的部會,我們最後再做決議,也就是貢獻經費都列在共同主辦的部分,這個是確認的部分,部會首長幾個重要的都會到,也就是我們在重要場合的首長,慣例是總統親自參與與討論,所以部會首長可以讓你們相關的data或者是運用的狀況,在那邊獲得相關的重視。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "部會政策參與也對你們的公務體系同仁有一些激勵的作用,他們也會報名並組隊參加,去年優勝的隊伍,長官覺得非常有幫助,所以這個是背景說明。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "這一次很正式辦理,跟去年不一樣,去年總統府指示,然後幾個執行單位就在一起,這一次不一樣,這一次總統府的文直接到行政院。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而且比照《總統科學獎》,擬一個要點。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "這個是很正式的,而且由院來辦,就請唐政委來召集相關的活動。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "不過時程上來不及做,因為108年要舉行的話,是來不及107年中,是還在辦上一屆總統盃黑客松,根本來不及說今年又要再辦理,這個經費是由大家來分攤。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "分攤的方式有兩類,一種是部會直接給一個經費,因為我們執行團隊是在資策會,經費到時候可以直接對接,資策會提供一個計畫書的方式到部會,部會指定看什麼樣的計畫,看跟這個活動是有關的,不管是民生公共物聯網或者是什麼,都有政策的時機責任在,我們藉這個大型的活動來做更大的promotion,部會也不少,分攤下來科技預算的經費規模也有關,因為這個是比較大一點的,空間承辦多一點。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "我們事實上分了三級,傳統上科技預算規模最大的是經濟部,一個是科技部,公共民生物聯網的單位是科技部這邊,所以責任就跑不掉,我們藉前面的議題在這邊promotion,所有的決選是到7月完畢,後面可以把這個議題到民生公共物聯網的協作上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我講更清楚一點,這個是民生公共物聯網決選評審的共同意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們希望這一段競賽,未來可以是把大家已知可行的東西,邀集各界發展到更可用,大家發現在民生公共物聯網那一次,大家提了很多很好的主意,但往往並不是真正的問題,希望透過總統盃黑客松找到真正的問題,發展到一個階段,後續發展的不一定要是同一個團隊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "總統盃的卓越團隊可以擔任業師或者是指導的角色,我們後續徵集大家把總統已經知道值得解決的問題,來好好解決。所以這跟民生公共物聯網的競賽會有前、後手的關係,更需要透過這個來做promotion。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "經費等級比較高的是經濟部,經濟部有兩個原因,第一個是經濟部的國營事業很多,如果是在open data跟民生公共物聯網上的cover很大。另外一個是城鄉創新,原本是在主責智慧城鄉的議題,經濟部過去發展AI跟大數據,經濟部所屬也支持非常多,所以我們認為經濟部在這一方面參與的空間也比較大,這是這個等級的部分。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "科會辦也會承擔一部分的費用,也就是跟經濟部、科技部為同一級的經費。第二級會到教育部,教育部的計畫有一類是USR,一部分是資科司,資科司相關的計畫在軟體、大數據及AI方面都有很多的團隊。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "我們歷次的經驗是政府辦的大型競賽,大學組隊,比較厲害的團隊是這一些學校,像上次我們自己協力做了智慧機械方面的競賽,真的是競賽下來最優的團隊還可以打敗某一些法人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像「搶救水寶寶」那一案,其實也有政大的幾位碩士生參與。當然這並不是政大的USR專案,但也有助於社會價值。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "有教育部在對大學的號召,是很重要的意義,不見得是直接在民生公共物聯網,在歷次競賽裡面,教育部的學校非常多。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "如果在智慧城鄉創新的部分,因為USR那個是最近才有大規模的,所以只要把訊息給相關的學校,是非常名正言順。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "民生公共物聯網資料運用競賽第三獎,最高獎是研究生,剛好是清大的研究生;另外在交大也有一組研究生團隊。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "是AI的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "那一組有用到AI?" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "有,都有。兩隊都有用到AI,最高獎是用到AI,佳作獎是視覺化,也做得很好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "清大那一組的即時澄清PTT上面有關於空氣品質上的謠言,其實我們已經準備變成政策研議的一部分,也有邀他們來分享,等於像顧問的角色,而且也跟國際友人分享了。這個能量是很強的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "分攤比較少的是內政部、交通部、農委會跟環保署,各位還可以回去跟你們的長官請示一下。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "第三級比較基本額度的是內政部、交通部、農委會、環保署建議分攤50萬,教育部是100萬,經濟部、科技部、科會辦這邊是200萬。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "外交部這邊比較特別,因為很可能有一些實報實銷的一些程序,像我們邀請一些國際知名人士來的團隊,是不是有可能協助?國際知名的人士,像機票、食宿等等。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "預估是100至100多。主要是經費的方式跟科目,如果有疑問的話,是不是現在就可以接著討論。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "還有一種是,這個額度不一定從部本部出來,如果有一個計畫,跟這個非常相關,我舉一個例子來講,那個計畫已經有一個PO了,所以不一定要從教育部直接有這個經費,那個PO有餘度,或者你們經過那個PO來處理,這個是另外一種方式。" }, { "speaker": "李月碧", "speech": "那個PO的餘度會到100萬?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "沒有,就是分散。談到這個活動,就有兩、三個面向,比如有大數據、USR跟AI的,如果是幾個PO共同參與的話,要不然的話,就是你們集中……" }, { "speaker": "李月碧", "speech": "我們回去再研究一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "先請大的科技部、經濟部先說話。" }, { "speaker": "陳宗權", "speech": "我們的PO是呂老師說OK。不過剛剛提到民生公共物聯網,用那個編支的話,是不是議題當中寫得明確一點,這樣也比較好做連結。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒問題啊!很好。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "謝謝主秘。唐政委也有講,去年舉辦民生公共物聯網,其實有很多key,這個在這次總統盃黑客松裡面,就把最不足的地方放進來,所以非常謝謝主秘的提醒,更緊密結合,會在這個步驟在下一個階段,也就是剛剛政委所說的,其實有一點像把輔導之前更精進化,也就是用更大的能量來push。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第29頁的六個議題部分,我們去年主題叫做「社會創新」,今年主題叫做「智慧國家」,涵蓋範圍更廣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以第1行是「推動跨域合作與開放治理,規劃從民生公共物聯網等基礎資料到國際交流等議題」,等於「民生公共物聯網」放第1行,「智慧國家」還是我們的發展目標,這樣應該就很清楚,我們對外就這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們寫「(基礎)」好像沒有什麼輕重,但是事實上不是,民生公共物聯網是第一次有大型計畫,是以整合程度與否,而不是有多少資料當KPI,所以這很值得放在第1行,我們就放在第1行。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "政委,如果是這個邏輯的話,原來的初步意見是,我們不太可能從民生公共物聯網出來,因為當時在做這個計畫架構的時候,那個任務分工非常清楚,經濟部本身是做一些最後後端輸出的部分,所以反而不太容易有這一塊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "反而就要從別的地方了?" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "那就從別的計畫領域。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實本來在工業局那邊,就有很多關於資料經濟的計畫?" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "對,要找別的計畫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們今年來不及整合「資料創新應用競賽」的活動了,但是其實有很多ongoing的,所以我會建議從那些地方去想。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "跟長官討論一下。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "我要跟下面討論吧!因為大家都想用攤的方式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果用攤的話,我記得你們有一個辦法,也就是經濟部作為一個經費統籌部會,其他下屬機關運用經費分攤表,甚至別的部會也可以進入這個經費統籌裡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以如果你ok的話,就請經濟部擔任經費統籌的工作。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "這我們內部再處理。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "主席,我有一個小問題想要請教蔡執秘,我想確認一下,邀請來的外賓,可能是哪一方面的領域專家,這樣比較好確認可能是要跟哪一些業務單位協商。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "就是國際組邀請的,也有兩個層級,一個是團隊,我們經過外館、駐外單位一起協助,還有國內跟國外本來就有既有的聯繫管道,我們先確認幾個比較high potential,等於這個國家跟我們第一方面友好、第二方面是黑客松團隊形成的制度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "首先是他解決的問題是我們共通的,而且後面要有一個正當性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就像紐西蘭邀請「搶救水寶寶」,是因為該團隊已經獲得了總統盃黑客松在臺灣的前五名,所以他那個簽是很好簽的,就是說「臺灣的總統已經選出卓越團隊了,所以我們邀請他們」。我們現在邀別人也是同一個概念。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "他們已經有一個形成團隊的機制,也就是篩選團隊的機制,已經是優秀團隊,我們再做國際交流。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "第二個部分,這個過程中我們跟對口國家,單位在議題上要協商,就是兩邊有共同興趣的議題,兩邊的國家都是雙贏,可能在亞洲或亞太是類似共同的議題,一個國家的產出結果,在另外一個國家說不定也可以適用,這是第一個。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "再者,有一些國際級的leader或是意見領袖或是經驗大師,我們再邀。有沒有要再說明?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "個人那層的層級,像之前外交部詹大使辦APEC數位創新論壇的層級,像維基百科創辦人的這一種層級。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以我所知,外交部裡面本來就有一個辦法說這樣的人要來臺灣,我們可以支援。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以可能你們比較需要討論的,反而是團隊的部分,因為對外交部來說,「開一個題目、請國際團隊來解題、我們出他的機票」,這樣子不一定有現成的預算,但是也說不定有。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "我們回去再問問看。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "我們現在經費不敢訂死,因為可大可小,如果訊息發不出去,其他國家很熱絡……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "法國跟美國都有辦國家級黑客松,只要一來說覺得這個團隊跟你們臺灣很有關係,我們這邊就會需要簽辦。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "再補充一下,剛剛政委跟執秘是說邀請他們來參採,第二個部分像去年政委這邊做的媒合部分,我們得獎的這一些優秀團隊,事實上可以找國外的新創或者是專案讓他們參與,這也是第二種。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就要看組成,如果是公部門為主,外交部就責無旁貸,如果那個團隊是子部門在draft,也許邀經濟部在幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果那個團隊完全是民間社群的話,社群有社群的邏輯,我的意思是很難現在去訂定每一個團隊是誰來輔導,我們要看最後的樣子來決定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果裡面還是有必要的國際交通費用等等,「搶救水寶寶」紐處也幫了很大的忙。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "國外如果邀請來的,也有各邦交國,他們派團隊,有一部分來參與我們的觀摩評審。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "都有可能,就看邀到誰。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "是不是也許老師或者是學界,平常都有跟國際連結或者是合作,其實他們可以推薦?" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "因為外交部說老實話,外館一定是第一次接觸,所以他們一定也會以大使的身分去交辦以下的教育部或者是科技部,所以到時還要回歸到……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "各部會。像經濟相關的,又回到經濟組。" }, { "speaker": "蔡琬梅", "speech": "所以平常有在接觸的國際朋友,偶爾被邀請來一起做某個實驗,也許那個是基礎名單。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以啊!這個是各位可以幫忙的,既然大家都是主辦單位,都有推薦人的權利,所以是哪一個國際團隊或者是哪一位國際高級能夠足以當觀摩評審的這一種人物,你希望藉這個機會邀過來,然後介紹跟總統府認識之類,這也是一個很好的機會。" }, { "speaker": "林慈玲", "speech": "建議由科技部或經濟部主導,資策會向其提案,各部會依今日會議決議以分攤的方式辦理,較為簡便;第二,如果以後固定辦理,建議109年度統籌由某一部會編列以後年度所須的經費;第三,內政部同意分攤今年的分配負擔經費。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是不是也請經濟部問一下,這以後變成常規預算的可能性?" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "統一由經濟部來編嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "其實我們討論的過程中,本來以為是老師這邊,因為本來民生公共物聯網下面就有在做黑客松。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但那有一個年限。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "是到109年?" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "所以是要解決的是110年?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是做持續性的規劃。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "110年我們再想一下。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "政委的意思是要經濟部接嗎?" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "109年就要處理了。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "109年不是前瞻還在嗎?" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "因為108年、109年的預算在去年底就已經審完了,所以case就已經結束了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很難瞬間再擴大規模,一句話講就是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "不過open data這一件事,政委覺得經濟部接手恰當嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這已經超過open data的範圍了。你看這六項議題,其實開放資料只佔裡面1/12左右。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "我們可以再研究,因為還要再處理。但是這樣的呈現方式,感覺還不太像在後端產業連結的那塊,我會覺得進程好像要……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個活動的核心價值,是促進公務同仁,尤其可能是科長或以下層級的公務員,藉這個機會來進行創新提案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可是這個我們不能讓人事行政總處來辦,真的要講應該是人總的經費才對,但是這個形狀就很難去提……" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "或者是國發會的角度?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們說比較是地方創生,也就是當對到地方政府,第四項議題是可以,但別的時候又比較不是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這是一個不是很容易論述的東西,這個也要請你們費心想一下。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "沒有先推,因為到經濟部之後比較走向產業端。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我理解。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "以現在的方式不太行,是真的不太像。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果我們說這個是前期,因為以我的理解,經濟部有兩種,第一種是去找哪一些值得投,第二種是真的去投、扶植之類的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你也可以參考去年的卓越團隊,來發掘哪些趨勢是下一波成長曲線,這樣比較像第一種。以我的理解,經濟部也有這一套論述。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "我的邏輯,剛剛有提到之後的輔導團隊是各部會,所以到經濟部之後會有一個盲點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要點是說不管是輔導、評審,都是行政院指派政委召集,不會變成出經費的機關來召集。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "所以就是編經費。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "實際是跨部會機制。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實要點裡面可以加上一條,就是「經費由經濟部編列常規預算支應」,前面都是跨部會架構,我們都處理的話,其實只是最後面這一個,也就是經費跟幕僚作業。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "這個是最麻煩的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我理解。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "既然叫「跨部會」,叫經濟部出錢,這就比較麻煩。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我理解,我真的理解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果不行的話,我們每一年都開一次這個會,這我也不反對(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "我的「對」,是因為這樣子比較好解決。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "理解,還是請你們評估一下可行性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果有可行性的話,大家都比較不麻煩,這也是真的。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "我們同仁可不可以講話?" }, { "speaker": "吳明徽", "speech": "長官、同仁大家好,因為開放資料推動時,要求各政府部門把資料開放出來,以及各政府部門應用資料的部分,係由國發會來做統籌,跟部會及地方政府來做,建議這件事也請國發會評估一下,由那部分來發想。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "坦白來講,國發會是我們第一個請他們評估的,評估之後的可行性有限。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "就經濟層面出發或者是產業面出發,經濟部責無旁貸。那個連結度要夠強,不然到時議題發散到像這樣的邏輯,由經濟部編一個單元經費是不恰當的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我理解,這個我完全理解。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡鈴", "speech": "只有這個考慮,因為我面對不是在座的,我是要面對外面的挑戰。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我瞭解。今年請先當經費統籌部會,至於可行性就麻煩再評估。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請其他部會的同仁分享。" }, { "speaker": "王穆衡", "speech": "全力配合。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀美", "speech": "我們回去協調。" }, { "speaker": "張順欽", "speech": "原則上沒有問題,流程上贊成內政部的提案,部會統籌。" }, { "speaker": "林慈玲", "speech": "主管機關可以有一個經費分攤表,然後相關部會同意,就把錢直接撥出去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這些字樣我們就放在決議裡面,讓大家容易辦理。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "後續的流程我們再跟窗口確認一下。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "我們後續再聯繫。" }, { "speaker": "吳明徽", "speech": "我再請示一下,因為經濟部做統籌部會,主辦單位是科技會報辦公室?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不是,主辦單位是行政院,我們是總統府給行政院一個函,要院來召集,所以是院長或副院長擔任召集人。" }, { "speaker": "吳明徽", "speech": "經費統籌部會的想像,是把計畫委辦給資策會,用分攤的方式由各部會來找錢,但實際作為、裡面相關工作的細節則是由院裡面規劃執行?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是這樣沒錯。你們也是共同主辦單位之一,在外面的時候,當然因為我們logo放的順序是按照剛剛那個等級,所以會確保你們放在第一排。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "各位的部會就都是共同主辦,以分攤的順序來排列。大家都OK嗎?國發會呢?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "(點頭)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想關於政府資料的部分,這個核心的部分,還是請國發會擔任資料組的工作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天就這樣,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "我book這個時間,因為我們團隊十一年了,所謂的四至六年級。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "四十五至五十五歲。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "在職場上已經到頂了,覺得腦袋、身體都還好,所以我們就用了一個經營者小聚。我們去年就輔導很多新創團隊,今年想要中小企業轉型,因為有資源跟傳統、資源跟技術還有商業模式,營收都已經有了,但是轉不太過來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "想找到新題目。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "所以我們今年想要朝這方面做。因為我跟那邊接觸滿多的,後來他提了一個SDG的概念,我又去讀,我以前擔任過法國坎城的評審,我發現法國坎城這一件事也把SDGs的這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是,整個變成永續。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "也變成一個競賽項目。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我之前有做一些分享。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "對,包含聯合國。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也都是SDGs。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "我覺得這個題目非常好。所以我的第一個問題是,法國有沒有這一種國外已經做的case,我希望有一個機會可以協助翻成中文,又或者是有這個pool,我們可以做演講的speaker,我認為這個題目的介入,或者是新創團隊找方向都是非常好的共同方向。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "完全同意。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "我們有經驗,他們有技術,可是方向上還不曉得全世界在做什麼,我們覺得17項目標是非常清楚、具體的,所以我是說有一些case,看哪一些人有這個連結或者是資源可以給我們SDGs的案例,我們可以有社創團隊或者是做promotion。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想聯合國其實不是自己去做promotion,是一個民間的網站,  ,這後面當然有非常多的組織,一開始是Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,就是比爾蓋茲那一群人,他們當然加了很多人進來,這裡面有一個好處,所有的最新案例會每一年辦一個叫做「Goalkeepers」的年會,去把最新能夠分享的案例讓大家知道。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以每一次像我在聯合國大會期間,我也有去,聯大期間就是這一些「Goalkeepers」會來,然後來分享他們好比在非洲怎麼樣去教當地的女孩子程式設計等等的做法,這個是其中一位「Goalkeepers」,她的故事我也有寫在商週的專欄當中。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這邊是有一些策展,可以瞭解到在這邊看到的案例大概都是非常容易講,而且有卓著的成績,所以是「」,這裡還有提到裡面對於細項的目標都講得非常清楚,不是只有這十七個,而是關心氣候變遷的對策,裡面每一個小部分,都有很多這一些小圖示可以去使用,也都沒有著作權的問題,事實上整個網站都是開放原始碼的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "底下有一個連結叫做「開放源碼」,如果按「Open Source」的話,就可以看到在「開放源碼」界比較常使用的平台,等於全部這整個網站都有授權,讓任何人都可以去運用,所以我會建議就找幾個懂的排版的一些朋友們,像美術設計的朋友們,你們就註冊一個是「」,我剛剛看了一下這個網域還沒有人用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你也不用自己架站,就把這一份重新跑一次,裡面大部分的文案,其實聯合國都有正式的中文翻譯了,在臺灣像CSR1,有沒有那麼重視的中文翻譯,永續會也有中文翻譯,其實這一些文案本身的翻譯是現成的,也就是把它填進去,把英文翻成中文就是了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但要額外翻譯的是一些教案,好比像相關資源,如果你是老師的話,你可以用什麼方式去教導這個學生永續發展的重要性,這裡有很多教材教法,這裡就沒有辦法翻,因為量實在是太大了,你挑有興趣的,然後就一項項翻,我覺得就是從「」開始,你看順眼的題目就翻起來,至少先把那十七個icon先讓人一滑進來是「」就有一個一目了然的東西。不然上面雖然有所謂的中文……" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "但是是簡體。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不只是簡體,而且底下沒有東西,就是只有這一些icon,下去之後也沒有細項目標,基本上就是一份目錄而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們看到這一些資源、細項目標及案例都沒有翻成中文。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "所以翻成中文都沒有版權問題。所以等我們翻譯到一個程度了,就會說你們中文都沒有,就用我們的,因為是民間組織,不受聯合國的限制,所以這個是一個具體的方向,你在上面看到,就沒有著作權的問題。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "OK。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "我另外看了英國有一個BSDC(Business & Sustainable Development Commission),當然阿里巴巴的馬雲在裡面,有中文,但是是簡體版,我看到難道不能有繁體版嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "主要是著作權,我這邊會用的是著作權沒有問題的,我們這樣子自己翻就好了。像GSM協會就是在全世界做行動通訊的,他們以前也是自己各做各的CSR,現在是把所有的這一些工作全部用SDGs全部編號,所以等於有一個大的圖表就可以看得到全世界正在用行動通訊技術解決哪一些具體的案例,所以這個也是你可以參考的資源。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們會學習這一個,以臺灣作為範圍,可能大概在下個月,就會把臺灣各個大學所做的大學社會責任也有這樣子的地圖出現,當然上市公司,新公司法慢慢也要開始揭露了,很多這一些揭露也是用SDGs在揭露,我們就會全部集中、放到同一個平台來。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "我們今年也有三個重要需要中小企業協助的,一個是跟醫學有關的,一個是跟……你來說好了。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "我們現在有三個案子,一個是EECP,叫做「體外加強反搏治療」,這部分在國外是對心導管裝支架來做治療,可是大部分醫師的臨床醫療,通常都會裝支架,不會做EECP,EECP很像是量血壓,是把四肢套上去,把心臟壓出去的血透過靜脈壓縮,慢慢回流到心臟,透過這樣子物理性的治療。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "從外面填壓回來。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "事實上在臨床上有很好的效果,有中風、心肌梗塞跟糖尿病,很多都可以治療。我們現在要變成是亞健康的人,都對自己的身體沒有把握,但是我們去醫院沒有辦法接受門診的治療,量血壓沒事就離開了,我們做動態的量測都有那一些隱憂,是不是可以透過小聚的專家去結合醫學,也就是結合診療的方式,而且不需要藥物,就是可以透過這樣的方式,當然這裡面要整合各行各業的專家資源滿多的,但是也符合SDG。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "另外一個是空氣,我們知道有一種節能製冰冷氣的裝置,是利用晚上離峰時間去製冰,尖峰的時候發電變冷氣,我們想要把這個東西跟空氣清凈(結合),因為外面的空氣污染越來越嚴重,很多醫院是中央空調,空氣的品質也沒有辦法做有效的管理跟監測,所以我們也要輔導中小企業,把他家製冰冷氣的系統、節能系統、空氣清凈監測的方案整合起來,當然要透過品質監控、管理。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "第三個是農藥,其實是透過奈米細,侵入細胞,把細包復然後凋零,成本是一般化學農藥的1/4。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "等於是物理農藥?" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "對,完全沒有毒的。目前中小企業正在做實測,實測的效果非常好,長得非常好,聽他講是平地的高麗菜,吃起來的口感是高山的高麗菜,單位面積成長了15%。成本可能是原來農藥施打1/5至1/4,我們也說是不是可以把生產履歷的概念的栽種過程整合,讓吃的人很安心,讓種的人也覺得是好東西,當然中間的這一些通路層層成本,你也可能可以更有效體檢,不然現在吃有機農產品已經非常貴,而且也不見得是真的有機,我們也想說輔導中小企業能夠往這樣的方向去轉型,這個是我們目前的項目。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很棒,都是很好的案例。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "其實要找案例都不容易,因為要彼此瞭解,對方才願意告訴我他碰到什麼問題,你要一個陌生人說碰到什麼問題,那個不可能。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "我們跟資策會、中小企業處看看透過什麼樣的資源,我們滿希望有一個管道,讓這一些中小企業知道這邊有一群人非常有熱情想要幫忙,因為去年是每個禮拜三晚上有一個小聚,但是30個人還是有一點少,我們希望有比較好的管道,我們這邊有非常多的資深的人願意幫忙,不管是舊的企業要轉型或者是新創要找方向,我們希望能夠一起結合在那邊,這個是非常棒的,因為SDG要從0來講也非常困難。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "已經做循環經濟、農業,你看有商機,並不是資本是造成問題再來解決問題,而是資本一開始就解決問題。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "沒有錯。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "其實現在用的方法是,讓他來參加我們每個禮拜三的聚會,因為討論的方式是就問題來解決,不是在外面談生意的方式,所以其實很多的中小企業老闆很快就建立信任感,只是我們缺乏一個公正的機構,在外面讓他們知道有這樣的組織、活動,他們是可以來協助公司未來的定位或者是轉型的方向,這裡面都是戰略。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "但是因為中小企業處推的AWS、Azure,都已經是確定要做的才做,可是變革管理對於中小企業的觀念是一邊做、一邊改,不可能規格訂下來就找AWS介接,這樣難度太高了,過程中會不斷地變跟調整。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "我們說中小企業的資源有限,萬一在過程中介接了,最後要打掉重練,這個很耗費中小企業的資源,所以我們跟資策會建議的是我們的方法,我們一開始就介入,我們幫他盤點現在核心的能力,讓他知道切入的領域,我們都有這個領域的專家,我們來討論你的可行性評估,最後我們把資源整合,然後把架構確認好之後,才有辦法去跟後續的工具來做介接,而且這個過程中還需要他們內部人員的方法、習慣作調整,有一些新的技術要導入,這個我們其實過去的經驗絕對不是系統整合提出規格,然後就把系統介接起來,這個是沒有這麼簡單。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "但是我們做苦工,比較沒有人要做這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家比較不習慣,嚴格來講你們是一個社群,不是社團法人或者是財團法人。" }, { "speaker": "蕭嘉榮", "speech": "未來會朝這個方向。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "或者合作社。因為從中企處的角度來看,他們有一些做這個工作很久的,像「青創總會」即將改名叫「新創總會」的組織,他們很多是在法務上跟國際拓展上,很多都是跟青創總會加以合作,原因是可以說出有一個樹狀的結構及各地的分會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣的好處是很容易有一個KPI式的瞭解,壞處是誠如你所說的,軸轉比較慢,進來的時候是等於有一個軌道了,在這個軌道之外,你跑了一陣子才發現得軸轉,但是這裡面已經進去滿多力氣了,你們的想法是這個是鬆散社群,一來發現題目不太對,那就轉題目,不一定這個題目被輔導到什麼KPI,你們的思維是橫向連結的思維,以前比較是垂直整合的資源。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以後面這一種,本來現在政府也在轉型,也就是我們能不能用橫向的空間,是不是可以取代或者是補強這一種縱向,往往是單一部會為主的資源分配。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個地方本來就是一個橫向資源很好的例子,你講得出SDGs就可以任意使用,這個是長社群的空間,全臺灣各地試著複製這個,我覺得跟各位更相關的是地方創生計畫,大家知道以前產、官、學、研、社都有不同的部會在提供資源,不管是補助或者是獎勵,中小企業是經濟部,學研是科技部跟教育部,社群的話是文化部或者是農村再生,有各自不同的計畫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而這個問題是,一個地方的發展其實這一些角色是缺一不可,但是以前往往一個拿到,其他陪著他的感覺,所以有山頭開始出現。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們今年從這一些計畫當中,國發會扣了10%的錢下來,大概是34億元做了一套不同的做法,而是完全不管一開始提案到底是產、官、學、研或者是社,但是必須要講得出來,在這一些人口開始老化、公共化的這一些地方,大家有沒有什麼共同的願景去想出這個地方共有的平台,能不能吸引到年輕人回來等等,而這個做法比較特別的是,完全不是看誰提案,而是看一開始有沒有願景工作的聚會,而這個聚會就跟你們所謂這一種橫向連結比較像了,一開始是不是可以透過建立信任關係,挪出一個對當地共同的共識來,有這個願景之後是拿這個告訴國發會說接下來要做哪一些利害關係人、願景過程是什麼、有哪一些創生事業的構想,可以跳過所有各部會的審議程序,可以對接到輔導團。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這裡面有很多細節,像很多公務員在中央服務因為這樣就可以回鄉工作,跟我一樣遠距上班,讓他們在那邊對接中央所知道的政策脈絡到地方去,我們看地方創生的歷史,因為在日本已經推了很久了,許多都是快要退休的公務員回到他的故鄉,已經快要退休的各位產業工作者回到自己的故鄉,等於在東京或者是其他大都市的歷練帶回來,讓大家知道原來事情還有不同的做法,來求取當地的共識,這樣的做法並不是談生意,而是先談願景、想要做的,永續發展當然是地方創生的願景。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "地方創生在網站上都有,我就不多說,這個是另外一個想法,你們剛好輔導到一些個案是在這一些人口老化或者是外流比較嚴重區域的話,你們也可以開始輔導往地方創生提案,這樣子凝聚到的人,像產、官、學、研、社的人都有,這樣的人數非常多,絕對比30個人多。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "像日本也有一個叫做「社區改造」,把社區擬一遍、社區品牌化,讓社區去經營、資源重組,人就會回來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我覺得這個是很值得臺灣多往這個方向去想,因為以前往往都是地方跟中央要資源,然後補助停了,東西就沒有了,但是因為現在這個想法是我們投資替代補助,而且國發會永遠是跟投,不會是領投,所以一開始產官學研社就得找出在地支持的生態系來,就算中央的補助沒了,還是會自己轉下去,所以更需要各位歐吉桑們的支持。" }, { "speaker": "林安柏", "speech": "有一個是叫甘樂文創做得非常好,結合當地的一些社區資源。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "臺灣一開始是叫「社區總體營造」,但是比較沒有那麼多企業的顧問團,來講資本可以怎麼樣做對社會更好的運用,以前有一段距離,社造歸社造。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在大家慢慢瞭解到,不整合在一起沒有資源,要先整合完願景,再來提案。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "依你的經驗,大部分會從哪一邊發動比較容易?產官學研社?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "來這邊找我的都有,像宜蘭礁溪,他們是一邊是文史工作者,一邊是在地經營旅遊的,等於一個業者、社群合作,合作之後再去找產官學的資源,因此這個拼圖,我覺得從哪裡開始拼都可以,這裡唯一的差別是區公所有明確的指示,也就是區公所一定要被copy進來、一定要知道,而且對這個不瞭解的話,或者是需要中央更多支援的話,就會有這個服務隊、輔導團去輔導區公所,讓他形成這個品牌,所以「創生」的「生」是有生意、也是人口政策,願意讓年輕人回來生活。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "沒有問題了?" }, { "speaker": "林安柏", "speech": "我舉一個例子……" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "沒有來之前有很多問題。" }, { "speaker": "林安柏", "speech": "有一家叫「甫田」,是叫做氣耕,想要全省推,如果每個地方的區公所先找他back up的話,各縣市就比較容易做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有錯,就是這個意思。如果現在想要說做的那個是溫室垂直農業,如果願意變成這個地方的特色,這樣子的話,這個區公所就比較願意支持它,就不會一直覺得這是不是貨櫃屋或者貨櫃車或是是什麼,變成地方願景的一部分。" }, { "speaker": "林安柏", "speech": "謝謝,這樣就非常具體,我們小聚也跟他們接觸。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "這個提醒我們,因為我們有一個加矽水,也就是物理農藥的部分,目前是想要找陳樹菊幫我們代言,也可以透過在地陳樹菊的方式來切,謝謝委員。" }, { "speaker": "林安柏", "speech": "太好了,有實力可以輔導了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "她現在還在台東嗎?" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "台東絕對是地方創生重點服務區,這裡有很明確的是要找哪幾區的區公所。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "這個資料在?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你只要找「地方創生優先」。因為人口公共化最嚴重,提案一來就隨到隨審,所以不會像以前政府計畫,2月、4月送,沒有,隨到隨審。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "太好了,這個解決很多問題。" }, { "speaker": "林安柏", "speech": "太好了,不知道這個資訊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "1月1日才剛開始。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "很棒。我之前碰到在阿里山種咖啡的,他很感嘆,他說很多山老鼠都是在地人,但是他無能為力,因為那些都是颱風的時候砍巨木,他們也知道是誰,但是拿他沒有辦法。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "假設當地人的觀念,因為為了經濟,也許有些是台南,但是確實很多是……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要找更好的事給他做。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "所以可以活化在地的,讓他有生意結合,這個就會減少。" }, { "speaker": "林安柏", "speech": "我們就要北、中、南輔導。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以挑一、兩個重點區域,像台東那個我覺得不錯。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "花東是重點?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "絕對是重點。" }, { "speaker": "林安柏", "speech": "芙彤園也在我們的計畫內。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實芙彤園也是很好的例子,因為加值的不是賣產品很好,而是把原住民族的藝術設計融入,族人也會覺得不是在幫漢人打工,而是族人的品牌因為這樣子在全家看得到,他們也有一種榮譽感。" }, { "speaker": "林安柏", "speech": "沒錯,太好了。在溫哥華剪綵的新聞,我們都有看到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很有意思。他們來的時候,對於洗沐用品很有興趣,來的還包含原住民族相關的官員,他們剛做完原住民族轉型的正義,他們是自治,但是加拿大人到底包含原住民族要如何共融,覺得臺灣芙彤園的概念,不一定只是肥皂草,因為加拿大有自己的作物,認為這個品牌,認為芙彤園是原住民族自己做土地復育、藝術理念去行銷,這才是真的,臺灣來的產品才是喜愛,但是創新的概念也是喜歡,所以加拿大駐臺灣的代表等等,也作為如何作為跟原住民族關係的案例,這個也很棒。" }, { "speaker": "林安柏", "speech": "詹執行長做得很好,也都在小聚裡。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "這樣我們知道了。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "委員,您覺得我們現在這樣小聚的呈現,因為本來有一點想要操作網站的平台,當時的想法是,因為我是遊戲出身的,每個人發表案例,透過圖文的方式,針對曾經做過的案例如果有任何的案例都來問,在問的過程中,問的人就得到了原來有人是用這樣的方式,而且過去有實際的經驗,你可以不斷地問,有一點像Airbnb的老闆每個禮拜去跟矽谷的老手請教。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "我們想要透過線上,有一點像語音的方式,像我是一個專家,有人問我一些遊戲問題的時候,我可以用2分鐘的時間,但是資訊量很大,如果用手寫的話,讀不下去,就會太多了,所以我會想要用聲音的方式傳遞。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "聲音可以有一些表情。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "讓他知道我的特質跟能力所在,這個部分就可以用知識收費的方式來架構。當然有一些還在工作,像在宏達電工作,可以用遊戲Avatar的方式來代表。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣很好。他其實買的是時間,而不是這個內容,因為這個內容說真的,當他被吸收、重新詮釋之後,其實也不能說是誰的,因為我們分享的也是從別人那邊得到的,所以與其是買內容,不如說是買對於他問題回應的思考那一段時間。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "我們的案例只是拋磚引玉,是一個附屬的定錨,讓他知道比如在遊戲或者是快銷品或者是任何一個領域,有任何人曾經這樣做過,我如果想要切入或我對於這一些東西的模型有一點興趣,可以透過專家的問答,可以產生我自己的,我當時的想法是希望回來操作這一塊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常好的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你現在講的是,一個是如何一開始大家瞭解到這一件事是值得付費的,不管是透過訂閱式,這個是非常容易,一旦訂閱之後就可以參與到共同創作的空間當中,我想國內、外都有很好的例子,另外一個是一次式的,就像顧問服務的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我自己會建議先把訂閱式的社群經營到一個程度,裡面的人脈夠多了,這個集體再對外收這一種一次式的費用,不然從他的角度來看,我跟你沒有人脈間的信任,即使看過你幾次內容,為何要付這麼多的錢給你,所以還是會建議用一個比較合作平台的感覺,等於大家繳了月費或怎麼樣,如果是會員的話就可以自動取得彼此詢答的權利或者是之類的,等於有一群有付費的會員在這邊累積指示給外面看,如果外面想要加入共同創作的過程,還是必須成為會員。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "謝謝委員。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "我們本來想一個特別的model,把取費的價格下降很低,比如是50元/次,只要這個答案有人聽,任何人都可以聽,我已經把我的答案錄下來了,任何一個人想要聽的話,只要付10元就可以聽答案,你想要問這個問題、回答的錄音檔,吸引企業經營者、創業者,他們是最有需要這樣的人,他們很想像Chesky一樣,他們找到很多的高手來問,因為我知道Chesky是這個設計領域的,並沒有任何的商學背景,Airbnb會覺得怎麼可以做這麼好,很想知道如何做到的。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "透過跟高手的訪談提問,專家的確有這一些領域的經驗自然可以有insight,根據我自己的狀態來找到切入點,這樣可以讓更多人享有知識的價值。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個有一點叫「播客」(podcast)的概念,如果是付費就可以搶先聽,等於今天聽到明天的,或者是這個月聽到下個月的,因為很多趨勢,你在這個月聽的時候是最有應用價值的,你到下個月的時候,也許世界已經改變了,所以如果付個小錢,很可能是搶先閱聽的權利,您會放在之後公布的版本,外界不管是一天、一個禮拜或者是一個月還是有很多免費東西可以聽,像TED。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們的人脈才會變成跨出同溫層,因為這樣子搜尋引擎才找得到,這樣子就比較容易了,所以也可以考慮,因為現在有很多自動機器語音轉文字的技術,雖然不完美,但是至少有一個大略的綜整放在網站上,如果別人覺得裡面還是錯字比較多之類的,一個當然是用比較好的錄音設備,第二個是加入你們這樣社群的人也可以上來改錯字。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為有時故意留一些不完美的地方,讓大家有參與感,參與2、3分鐘。等於有錢出錢,不然有力出力,這也是一個可能性。" }, { "speaker": "吳世廷", "speech": "有意思。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "你們用的語音辨識技術是哪一個?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "先前臺灣人工智慧實驗室,也就是杜奕瑾老師那邊,他們之前有開一個應用程式介面來,我們有跟他們合作過一段時間,不過後來他的技術就直接包裝起來變成一個手機上可以用的APP,叫做「雅婷輸入法」。這個是一個APP,可以直接裝,如果要轉寫成文字的話,有另外一個APP,叫做「雅婷逐字稿」,如果要聽音樂的話,有一個叫做「雅婷鋼琴師」,他們有一個產品系列。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我也知道很多人是用Google,如果錄音設備不好的話,他的噪音容錯是特別好的,但是如果好的收音設備,有比Google更好的。這些都幾乎免費,找一下就好了。" }, { "speaker": "沈秉文", "speech": "謝謝委員。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "How can I help?" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Thank you so much. My name is Jameel. I run an innovation lab out of Toronto, Canada. It is called SpiNovation Labs. I help companies prototype and test new ideas with real customers in four days. I’ve been doing it for the last three years. That’s my for-profit side." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I have not-for-profit side as well called Knowledge Philanthropy, where I help charities, small to medium-sized charities, that have anywhere from 1 to 50 people. I help them prototype and test ideas in three to four days. I have a partner. She works in the healthcare sector in Toronto. We’re targeting small to medium-sized charities because they don’t have money and they don’t have capacity in terms of certain human skill. I use a Google methodology. It’s called the Design Sprint..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Design Sprint." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Yes, the Design Sprint Methodology." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Looking for challenges." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "...yes, looking for challenges can contribute their time and knowledge in a structured and efficient way to effect change. What we found is that people don’t want to give money to help charities, they want to be part of the solution. This is a concept we are testing with a couple charities at the moment." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I’ll give you an example. In Canada, I’m working with a foundation that helps families that have given birth to babies prematurely, to educate them on how to cope going forward. In Canada, it’s about a $600-million problem for all infants affected over the first 10 years of life due to strain on the heath care, education and social services resources." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Preterm births are completely preventable. The Executive Director of the foundation doesn’t know the root cause of the problem nor that a solution for this problem exists." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "The solution for this problem is very simple. I only know this because I have a friend who’s a public servant that works in research in this field. The two..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a real innovation. It’s new." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "It’s new. Yes, and based on a recent research study, which recommends that every woman that is having a baby have the size of their cervix measured. If it’s beyond a certain size, then they are at risk of having a pre-term birth and two simple treatments options can be used to mitigate that risk." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "What we’re trying to do is bring people from civil society that have knowledge in research, tech, marketing, etc. together to share their time & knowledge with charities. We call it Knowledge Philanthropy. We are starting up this concept in Canada. It’s a form of social innovation, using the Google Sprint methodology." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I just wanted to share that with you. It’s something that we’re working on. The concept is in it’s early stages in Toronto, Canada. I just wanted to get a sense of what your thoughts are on the idea. Are you using the Google Sprint methodology to...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m well aware of it. There’s many teams incubating here, employs this technology. The name, SpiNovation (your lab name), What does it signify to you?" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "It’s a different spin on innovating. Everyone talks about innovation, but really, innovation is a process. It’s a process of bringing different people, cross-functional teams together." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "The key to innovation is to form a cross functional team to research the root cause of a problem and then ideate and vote on solutions that can be quickly prototyped in a day or so and then tested with users/stakeholders as soon as possible to get the feedback you need to iterate on the solution until you find the right fit." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I have worked in a corporate Fintech innovation lab setting, where we worked on prototypes for months before getting the opportunity to test it with customers because senior management didn’t think it was ready or pretty enough to start testing with. They were worried about damaging the reputation of the company by testing something that wasn’t complete nor of high fidelity." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "The reality is if you have something new, you must test it as soon as possible. It’s going to be iterative. SpiNovation is just a different spin on how you innovate." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I see. I visited MaRS." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I worked at MaRS." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I gave a talk there [laughs] and had a tour of the place. What I was quite impressed was that there’s a Civic Tech Toronto. They share the idea that anyone can volunteer to be usability testers or just people who want to try out the latest innovation in public service. They curate so that they’re more diversified." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When you contract out to, say, universities for user experience testing, they tend to start with their students and graduate students and so on, which is a tiny slice of the whole population. You find something that they really like, but maybe to the detriment of everybody else, right? [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Absolutely, yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They were just curating, when I visited, this cross-sectoral usability testing group so that when there’s any public service innovation, they can find the right cross-section of people. It’s not just diversity. It’s true inclusion. When you get people from five very different backgrounds around the same table, some really new ideas really emerge much quickly." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Very good. I also teach at Ryerson University before I came to Asia. I actually moved to Ho Chi Minh because my wife got a job in Ho Chi Minh as an expat. We just got married in December last year after being together for 5 years." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Congrats." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "It’s really great. She’s actually originally from China. She came to Canada at the age of 17 for school. Then I met her at work. Three cubicles down. An office romance." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I came to support her. Also, I found a partner in Canada to help with my business there, but now I’m looking to also expand into Asia. I didn’t know about you. I was actually on the bus yesterday. I saw you (the big Social Innovation Lab sign) so I googled it." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I came across your amazing Medium article entitled: ’Social Innovation in Taiwan’. That’s how I found you. I said, \"I’ve never met someone that works in the government that has open office hours.\" and here I am today, getting to talk to you. It’s quite amazing. For me..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Where did you see me in the sign? [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I didn’t. I just Googled Social Innovation Lab Taiwan. I came across your article. I read through your article. You mentioned open office hours." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Open office hours." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "It was like anyone that’s open to talk about social innovation. I work in a very similar stream, so I thought I would come by and drop in and see if it’s actually even possible. In my mind, in my heart, I didn’t think it would actually happen, but my God, it just actually did." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s true serendipity. [laughs] That’s fate." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "It’s amazing. Right now, I’m working with two charities in Canada, as a test. We’re trying this out for the first time. One of the biggest challenges we’re finding is that charities are so busy doing things that they have no time to schedule in 3 day sprint engagements." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "They’re currently working towards certain initiatives. Yet they’re using old methodologies that can months or even years to cycle through without much certainty of success." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "This charity idea I mentioned stemmed from a past client and now partner of mine. She came to me with this charity fundraising idea to raise money by targeting millennials." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "We prototyped something in four days using the sprint methodology, and what we learned that millennial’s don’t want to give money. They have the money, but they don’t trust charities. They want to give their time." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "They don’t want to spend too much time on a project. The maximum amount of time they’d like to spend is about two months on a project, but they want something that’s structured and meaningful. The good thing with the sprint methodology is that it provides structure." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Do you often get people who come back to you?" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Absolutely." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Roughly, the interval, like one month, four days a month?" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I find that medium-sized companies move faster than large-sized companies, but it is still a bit slow. Also, when I work with startups, they activate quickly and they can iterate quickly. The iteration sprint is something that I count as clients wanting to come back and continue with the process again. This usually happens a week or two after the first sprint." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I also specialize in teaching people how to use the sprint methodology. My goal is not for companies to be handicapped and depend on me. It’s to teach and enable them to conduct the method themselves. If a company has a product designer, a product manager or project manager that can shadow me throughout the sprint process, I give they are able to conduct sprints on their own after the sprint with my sprint guide and toolkit." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Training teams is part of my engagement. I’m a teacher by nature. My dad was a teacher. The greatest gift you can give someone is education. If you can teach someone ’how to fish’, then they’re better off, rather than them having to depend on you for ’food’." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What brings you here to Taiwan?" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I’m here visiting a friend, actually. He is my university friend. I just moved to Ho Chi Minh last week. I’m trying to see how I can expand my services in the region." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Certainly." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan is 90 percent MSME. We are small and medium sized." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "It is, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right. This whole design thinking, sprinting, pivoting, and things like that, it is part of our DNA anyway. My first hire as digital minister is an interaction designer, and from there, service designer and so on. We just recruited another designer from IDEO." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This kind of methodology, we’re very familiar with it. Just like what you said, we’re not looking to let citizens to be dependent on government offering co-design workshops or services." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re all about making our methodology open and making sure that all the NGOs or non-profits can run this kind of exercise and find the fit that they have with the larger ecosystem. Maybe they become self-sustainable." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There are many large social enterprise in Taiwan that start as NGOs and evolve into co-ops or into social enterprises. That is actually my main focus at the moment. It’s just to make sure all the entrepreneurs somehow become social entrepreneurs, and to make all the large companies think sustainability, not as CSR, but as business development. That’s my main work." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "That sounds fascinating. One of the things that we’re trying to think about now is we get funding for our charity organization. There’s a lot of CSR initiatives happening with corporations, but we’re trying to see whether they’d be interested in putting their dollars towards projects that have been tested vs. vague untested projects/ideas based on conjecture." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. It’s real impact-evaluated." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Absolutely. For the example with the pre-term birth issue that we’re working on, we have a charity partner that is focused on helping families that are managing pre-term birth instances. Their goal is to fundraise so they can scale this program to other hospitals." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "However, fundraising is not sustainable. I think they should focus their efforts on how to stop the problem. If you have a way to stop the problem that’s backed by research, and an implementation plan that’s been tested and validated, then there are companies that will likely back you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so, or even crowdfunding." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Or even crowdfunding will back you. Citizens have disposable income to spend. They currently however don’t trust charities because they don’t know where their donations go and whether the money is being used prudently. If ideas get validated through the sprint process, it helps reduce the risk of failure and brings more transparency to the situation, resulting in positive outcomes that are achieved faster and more effectively." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Doing this en masse can make the world better. Civil society solving problems on their own without dependancy on government. Civil society has to take over. By doing that, we might be able to actually reduce taxes and increase GDP over the long term." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, of course. We’re actually learning from Canada, because in Canada, there’s a social financing and social innovation initiative. David LePage and friends did a pretty good report, I would say, that explains exactly what you mentioned about. They call it inclusive innovation. I don’t know whether you’ve heard of this word." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I’ve heard the term." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a strategy that’s being put together that, as you said, tries to, instead of CSR or capitalism with some solutions, try to make it into truly impactful capital, and then making sure that everybody gains from it, instead of just on the short-term, but on the long-term basis." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is a good report. It’s all online anyway, if you google for inclusive innovation. We are setting up a steering group, what we call our National Advisory Board, with the civil society, with the support but not control from the central government, to come out with a social finance strategy for Taiwan. That’s something that’s really worth pursuing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I have two questions. Are you full-time based in Asia now?" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Full-time based in Asia." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Oh, wow. Congrats." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I’ll be here for the next two and a half years, because that’s how long the contract is for my wife, but we don’t know. The growth in the world is happening in Asia. There might be an opportunity for us to stay a bit longer, but for the time being, we are based out of Asia." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I work out of Dreamplex in Ho Chi Minh City. It’s a coworking space there. Like I said, I’m just..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What’s it like?" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "It’s nice. I’m getting to know people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Dreamplex." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Yeah. Obama spoke there in 2016." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, I’ve heard of it." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "That was nice. It’s busy. Early-stage startups for the most part, some more mature. A lot of freelancers work out of there as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not too bad. Not too bad. Do you miss Canada? [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I miss my family, but they’ve been very supportive. My mum is a bit older, so it’s a bit difficult, but she understands that this is a good career move for my wife, but also for me, it’s very important to understand what’s happening here (in Asia)." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "We can learn from the East. We’ve been in our North American bubble for a very long time. I’m looking forward to learning from the East, sharing whatever knowledge I have from the West with the East, and hopefully seeing some reciprocation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As for building connections, that’s my next question, is that I don’t know whether you’ll have time in May. In May 11 and 12 in Kaohsiung Exhibition Center is our annual Asia-Pacific Social Enterprise Summit." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This time, it’s quite different from last year in that, first, it’s much larger. Also, we make sure that we invite not just Asia-Pacific partners, but also a few people from the international scene as well. That means like the cofounder of Malala Foundation, Shiza Shahid and I think someone from Canada as well, the director of the Social Innovation Lab. Her partner is someone I know of in the Mozilla Foundation, Tonya Surman or someone." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What I’m saying is that it’s in tune with what you just talked about. It’s not just the Asia-Pacific solving its own problems, but rather a genuine exchange with the international scene and making sure that the methodology that’s developed outside Asia-Pacific is adopted in a way that is useful here, and also what we can contribute to." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Tonya Surman, she’s the founder of the Canadian Social Innovation Centre or something. We will have a social entrepreneur that is much more..." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I know the executive director at CSI" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, the CSI." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s great. We’ll have Tonya here. We also invite all the CSI equivalent in this Asia-Pacific to collaboratively be the judge for the Asia-Pacific Social Innovation Partnership Award. In terms of networking, I think that’s the spot to be in." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We just started opening for registration literally this week. If you can be in Taiwan then maybe make a visit to Kaohsiung. The website is" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I’ll take a picture if you don’t mind." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, just take a picture." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Absolutely, I’d love to. This is really my passion. It’s quite amazing. I’m also working on a project, it’s a pro bono project. Half my time is spent on pro bono work, and half my time is spent on for-profit. My for-profit funds my not-for-profit." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I’m working on a project in India right now with the Aga Khan Development Network. We’re working in the area of trying to target the working poor, primarily youth and housewives. We’re looking to find ways to lift them out of poverty." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Right now, we’re in the middle of the sprint. We have a solution. I’ll show it to you if you want to see it. Let’s see if we can find it. We haven’t tested it yet." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You also use InVision?" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Yeah, I use InVision. It’s something I put together last week in a day for the test. This is connecting lower-income youth with training opportunities. Some are very traditional type jobs, but also online jobs." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Youth have more potential to learn digital jobs very fast. We’re thinking of finding business owners from around the world that need support but can also provide the training. It’s like a brotherhood. Businesses with a heart can quickly train youth and in return get the support they need at affordable prices." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Rapid prototyping (is a training opportunity), for instance. This is my company. I just put it in as an example. The job description will be to design prototypes of new products and services, that sort of thing. Here are the skills required. Here are the skills youth will learn. Here’s what youth will get paid. Here’s the frequency of jobs. Here is the training cost (free in this case)" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If they’re using this app, it’s self-evident. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Yeah. We have to test it, just as an example." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "We’re starting off with youth, then we’re going to focus on housewives. Housewives are also time-poor, because they have to look after the household, however they have been in school for longer than their husbands and are more responsible with money. Finding income pathways for housewives is also in scope. What we found is that increasing incomes by just US$100 per month can lift a working poor family out of poverty." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s interesting. Here, you say three days, on your name card, four, and on your Facebook page, five. It’s very flexible." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Yes, it’s flexible. You know the book by Jake Knapp? It outlines a five day process conducted by Google Ventures. Google Ventures has a portfolio of investment companies, and they own that relationship, so they can demand five days from these companies." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not that easy, especially with charities you just mentioned." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Exactly. There’s also a four-day sprint methodology that’s mainly targeted towards medium and large-sized corporates (who have no time). In a 4 day sprint a corporate team only has to be there for the first two days. The corporate team doesn’t need to be there on day 3 (prototyping day) and on day 4 (testing day), however it’s highly encouraged." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "The three-day methodology is actually used throughout Google internally (not Google Ventures which is a separate entity). I’ve been lucky enough to attend the Google Design Sprint Conference last year in San Francisco. There, the person who is in charge of the Google Sprint Academy, her name is Kai Haley. Her team published a three-day sprint because everyone is so busy. Day 1 focuses on understanding the problem and ideating solutions. Day Two is voting on one solution to prototype and completing the storyboard for the prototype in the morning and starting to build the prototype in the afternoon. The morning of Day Three is reserved for finishing the prototype and the afternoon is reserved for testing it with five people. When we test with five individuals, we get about 85 percent of the customer sentiment. You’ll learn a lot and have a clear direction on what to do next" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I love this framework. After three, four, or five days, you can find out if your idea is a flawed success, efficient failure, or an epic win. Typically, 80 percent of first ideas fail. It’s hard to tell people that at the beginning, but then they go through the process and they understand how nuanced problems are." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I had a team that was working on a technology that heats the roads through kinetic energy. The cars driving on the road creates kinetic energy which can then heat the road so you don’t have to shovel the snow or salt the roads to rid of the ice. The team had been working on the idea for eight months. They tested with different municipalities within Ontario. The idea was an efficient failure. It was four really driven students who had been working on their idea for 8 months, and after a 5 day sprint, their souls were crushed." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "I said it’s good to know this now rather than spending another eight months on the idea." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. It’s always better to attach to the impact rather than the tech, right?" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Yeah, exactly. It’s been quite a pleasure talking to you. Thanks so much for sharing your time. I now you’re very busy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, it’s fine. Everybody gets to have 40 minutes." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "It’s really nice." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "These folks, Anchor Taiwan, they’re a interesting tourism agency that basically just brings entrepreneurs that are successful outside of Asia, but give them a whirlwind tour of all the right connections in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It just connects that maybe you will find the community interesting. If not just applying yourself, maybe you can be one of their supporters or mentors and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re quite successful in terms of just having the discovery period, making sure that your ideas is translated culturally to something that makes sense locally. That’s their main work. The founder just visited me again as a office hour [laughs] a few days ago." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because everything is on the record, so people can just Google and randomly discover a write-up or a previous case or things like that. You might want to take a picture and then..." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Yeah, I’d love to." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...see if the Anchor Taiwan community can be of help to you." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Absolutely. I love it. Thank you so much. What are some of the biggest challenges that you’re facing in your role?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As the digital minister?" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Yeah, exactly." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "At the moment, we’re working on the protection the election, the democracy apparatus. Everybody saw that there’s a loophole against our campaign donation laws, which is pretty standard. Only nationals get to donate. There’s accountability, full structured data opened to the public to audit and things like that. Pretty standard, pretty good." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There was a loophole that says anyone can buy social media or media advertisement -- it could be foreign money -- to [laughs] support a candidate. Instead of going through our pretty reasonable campaign donation rules, we see, in the previous election, lots of foreign capital just betting, basically, through precision-targeting several messages." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is something that all the democracies face right now. We’re building a coalition. I’m actually going to Ottawa, in end of May, in the Open Government Partnership, to share some contributions that we have to this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, legally, we put an end to that in the next election. Such sponsorships or targeted advertisement will be subject to exactly the same strict standard as campaign donation." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "How do you police that when it’s hard to..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s just like AML. It’s just like anti-money-laundering. Anyone who works on advertisement and even the platform providers, like Facebook..." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "They have to be responsible." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...they have to do a full disclosure, independent audit. The people who sponsor need to disclose their sponsors as well so ultimately, we can make sure that everybody is playing fair." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That kind of thing is a challenge. People do see that there is disproportionate polarization going on in the democratic narrative, but we also have ways to fix that too. I think we’re on the right road." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "You are tackling a very, very real problem that, obviously, we’ve seen over the last three, four years how much impact..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "...that’s had in especially North America. That’s a real problem. I’m so glad that someone is doing that. That’s quite amazing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re like a lab for democracy anyway. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "That’s really amazing. Wow. I’m so inspired just by talking to you and hearing that you’re working on real tough problems such as this. It’s really great." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Cool." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Thank you so much for your time today." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you. Feel free to write anytime." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Thank you. I appreciate it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Cheers." }, { "speaker": "Jameel Somji", "speech": "Cheers. Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you." } ]
[ { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Please, how can I help?" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "You might have seen me at a couple of the g0v meetings." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. Yes." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I’m a student from the US with an interest in civic tech. Specifically, I wanted to ask about two things. One is because I’m a junior in undergrad, I’m trying to make plans to do a thesis project for my fourth year." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "For my thesis, I want to be able to focus on a research topic that I actually care about, or might actually make a difference in the world in some way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s great." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I’m inspired by a previous thesis that was done by a student at my school, which it was in the news a couple years ago. It was about the algorithm that was used in criminal justice courts." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Yes, that one. I was just really inspired by how that thesis project could lock onto this problem and raise a bigger discussion about it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "About algorithm bias and all that." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Right. Specifically, I’m excited about using tech to change the world, and all of that..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For the better, hopefully. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "...but specifically how to make it do that without leaving behind the most marginalized communities." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Sorry, [laughs] I was reading through a couple of the interviews that you’ve done before and you’ve spoken a little bit about indigenous rights, and especially in compliance to technology. I was wondering if you had any thoughts about specific projects or areas in civic tech or tech for social impact, in general, that I could focus on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That connects to indigenous and/or other marginalized communities?" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Right. I’m particularly interested about indigenous rights. Both in the US and both in Taiwan, that’s a really big issue, but I think in marginalized communities, in general." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Do you plan to do your field study in Taiwan or in the US, or...?" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Oh, in the US." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the US?" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Yes. I’m American born and raised, so I’m kind of..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure. I’m less connected to the First Nations in the US." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Definitely." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, there’s quite a few pretty high-profile cases. For example, the Amis community, which is really powerful here. Our spokesperson, Kolas Yotaka, is Amis." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In g0v, we have quite a few Amis-related projects, such as the collaborative dictionary. The Moe Amis dictionary, which is completely through optical character recognition, not software, but through humans. What we call Otaku Character Recognition, people reading the online dictionary -- it could be Mandarin, or Hakka, or Taigi -- they are asked to also help digitizing indigenous dictionary for the indigenous people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We are quite connected to the indigenous language community here in the Social Innovation Lab, also. For example, we have a Green Room where every morning the indigenous communities connect through the Internet across Taiwan to practice their indigenous languages, as well as culture. It all emanates from the Social Innovation Lab. Those are the language related." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Mozilla Foundation started a project called the Common Voice. They are also working with us so that the toolkit will be available to the indigenous language’s community so they can read aloud their various different takes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because previously Siri, Cortana, or so on, they devote very little to those \"under-resourced\" languages, but that creates a effect where people are completed to learn Mandarin because they want to drive their personal assistants. Common Voice project says, no, if we get people reading in their local, regional languages we eventually will build up a large enough corpus." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s all free of copyright, anyway, and so people can all use it freely. If it’s free, I’m sure that the Google and Microsoft of the world, and Amazon, will take it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is all about language technologies. There’s quite a few others. Later this year the Tao people in the Orchid Island is planning on issuing their own cryptocurrency called the Tao Coin. It’s like a local currency. It could only be used in a way that is sustainable and aligning with the Tao philosophy on the Orchid Island." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you’re interested, I can also put you in touch with people who are working on those sovereign currencies. That is also one of the interesting civic tech projects. There’s many, actually, depending on your interest." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "My main issue is since coming to g0v I’ve been learning a lot about these very different and very broad, interesting projects, but I’m not sure how to formulate research questions surrounding them because in some way a thesis is trying to solve a problem in some way." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "For example, in the algorithmic bias. A couple years before ProPublica had issued an article that made the claim that these algorithms were racially biased. That thesis took that claim and proved it in a computational way." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I was trying to look for something like that, where there is something that is an existing problem for these projects and would benefit from having someone with computational background and a year’s worth of research resources to tackle." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You’re looking at a quiet quantitative thing?" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Yes, if possible. I’m more interested in the social aspect, but because my major is computer science my department is going to push me into doing more computational work." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have people working on human-computer interaction, but it took the word HCI and design in entirely different dimensions and basically phrased the democratic participation, the governance system, as a human-computer interaction, which is quite stretching." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you like, I can send you the paper. They still get published. [laughs] That depends on your preference, really." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "It also depends on the kind of professors I can find at my school who will support my project." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What school is that one?" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I’m going to Dartmouth College. It’s pretty small, and there isn’t a lot of computer science professors who are doing works other than pure algorithmic theory." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "There’s one professor who I’m really gunning towards. He does social media in conjunction to the 2016 US election, for example, and with political polarization in general. I think I can convince him to also advise me on any work that is related in this way, which is taking data and looking at them in a computational way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The central thesis behind the Mozilla Common Voice, the MoeDict project, or so on is that as digitization comes, and if the indigenous languages and culture is not fairly reflected on the everyday digital apparatus, the assumption, axiom, is that over the course of a generation the cultural heritage is gone because of the digital’s addictiveness." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It shapes a new reality to the next generation of indigenous people and culture. That’s so taken for granted, I don’t think there’s much to add to it. [laughs] Maybe your research question could be is the language and cultural revitalization project really helping. Is it just a feel-good project?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Having the indigenous language Wikipedia, is it actually working to revive the shared identity or is it actually just a feel-good project and all the cultures still die anyway? That is one of the things that could be quantitatively measured." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I’m trying to think about any other possible fields because indigenous rights and also language connected to that is something I’m very interested in." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "The criminal justice system is something that I’ve been looking at a lot because the previous thesis had focused on that. Any time government and technology gets talked about it’s always using technology to improve the government, but especially in recent years for the US a lot of citizens have realized that using technology to help the government can be very morally ambiguous if the government itself has ulterior motives, for example." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a book called \"Surveillance Capitalism.\" It puts forward a pretty good thesis that says behavioral prediction is the new thing that is being sold in futures market." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When we think about futures market we think of oil and things like that. Through predictive advertisement placement or behavioral shaping through social media precision targeting and campaigns, which are all very hot topics." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What the market is really doing now is not just to predict people’s shopping, but actually using behavioral prediction patterns to influence people’s behavior through gamification and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Its counterpart, of course, will be surveillance authoritarianism, which is the state with ulterior motives doing exactly the same thing, except trading in the future markets of control and power rather than for capitalistic gains." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan isn’t quite the best place to study this because our civil society is really strong. The civil society resists anything that the government does that’s even slightly touching this line." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, we have a neighbor jurisdiction that’s really good at doing that. [laughs] If you’re interested in that, that is actually a good field to study, maybe remotely." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "May be a dangerous field to study." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "[laughs] Dangerous field to study. Literally, a minefield." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The surveillance behavior prediction and whatever, that is also a thesis could be quantitatively added upon, either the market side or the state side. There’s a lot of open research questions just by putting forward the hypothesis that there is a new form of capitalism called surveillance capitalism." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is also something. If you are interested in social media, then whether the social media is actually trading in such behavioral shaping, or is it something that sounds like a very ominous thing, but is actually not backed by science." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Out of curiosity, obviously you don’t have as much of an understanding of the US field of this, as opposed to the Taiwanese field, but now that we’re talking about surveillance capitalism I was wondering if there are any, I would say, feel-good projects that the US government or well-funded organizations have put out that you personally see as having some underlying design issues in terms of inclusiveness." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "You were talking about before whether its gamification is doing what it wants to do. If there are any names that come to mind I can go and look into them more and see if there’s any specific problems I can jump on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a paper that I read about the problem with justice in the design of nudges. I don’t have the DOI in mind, but I can look it up. The point being that the nudges are ostensibly to make people live more healthily because you put nutrition labels on food, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not purely feel-good. There’s evidence that says people’s behavior do change if you include nudges, but it also creates a justice inequality issue because for people who do have time to care, they’re relatively more well-off anyway to respond to those nudges." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For people who don’t have the cognitive resource, and so on, to care about those nudges, those nudges make them feel bad about themself a little bit, but their behavior still doesn’t change. It actually widen the injustice if you don’t design your nudges with the concept of equality or justice in mind." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a line of research in that. I can send you the DOI that I read." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Definitely. I’m definitely trying to get this huge database of reading to get through." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I was also wondering, I was looking a previous interview you’ve done. You speak a little bit about the issue of accessibility when it comes to getting everyone to participate, because part of a digital democracy is the idea that once everything’s digital everyone can participate. The question then becomes what if the stakeholders are people who don’t have access to technology and the digital." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I know that in Taiwan you’ve set through the motion for broadband for all." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Broadband as human right." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I was wondering, apart from Internet access itself, if there’s any other things that you think is really important." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. There are Digital Opportunity Centers, or DOCs. That is a Ministry of Education project, but many other ministries are in it as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s as important as having the raw broadband, because we all know that even if the libraries provide tablets, even if there’s guaranteed 10 megabits per second, it doesn’t mean that the local people actually use this for good or for benefit of the society. They could be addicted, playing online games. Not to sound like games are bad, but to be addicted is a real mental health issue." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The DOCs are ways to connect the relevance of digital resources with the local vision of the sustainable development. We’ve been running DOCs for decades now, and so there’s a literature of how the DOCs change, especially indigenous and more rural communities." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now there’s a line of design called the Regional Revitalization, or [non-English speech] . Regional Revitalization explicitly says for the places where the road doesn’t quite go into them we are going to use the broadband as human right to the advantage of, for example, autonomous vehicles for delivery, both aerial, on the ground, and on the sea." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, as I often mention, that I tour around Taiwan and use teleconference to bring the central government’s ministries’ likeness, avatars, to the local people so that they don’t need to go to a website and write in the language that they don’t quite understand. They can gather around, town hall style, and automatically have 12 different ministries’ people’s avatar join their conversations." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s digital, but it is assistive digital technology, rather than the more traditional elite enhancing digital technology. That is accessibility, not just in the broadband or the technology level, but rather in what we call social technology and social interaction design level." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s quite a few key words that I can give you and you can google and find relevant material." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Definitely. That’s interesting because in the US when people talk about Internet accessibility it’s all the big profile -- Facebook, Google, whatever -- projects about making hot air balloons that provide Internet access and all of that. I’ve always gotten the sense that it’s not entirely thought out." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "The idea is that access is given an everything follows from that, when what you’re talking about has been implemented in Taiwan is these centers that..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The central paradigm we’re running with is human geography, which is like cultural anthropology but puts the place or the space as the main spot. The Social Innovation Lab is a place where it’s co-designed and every week through office hours people can change the setting of this place. It coevolves to whatever people feel like is more conductive to the sustainable goals and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This kind of human geography puts a lot of emphasis on how welcome a first-comer feels, how more likely people are going to use this as a gathering place, how likely people can talk to strangers, and things like that. That kind of accessibility, I think it’s much more important. It builds on broadband as human right for sure." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "That’s a really good point. Thank you. I have a second part to what I wanted to ask, depending on time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s good. We have half an hour more." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "OK, great. I was a little bit alarmed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, it’s fine." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I’m in a process for applying for a source of funding from my school. It’s a very open-ended kind of opportunity. It’s for experiential learning, and I want to direct it to this entire field of how to make technology that is better for the world, that is truly better for every part of the world as opposed to just..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I don’t know if I’m going to get the funding for sure. My question is if I want to be putting myself into places to learn a lot, or organizations or different opportunities for participation, if I had $10,000 to do it, what places would you recommend? What would you recommend doing?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s various fellowship programs that does exactly that. I’m sure you know some of the more high-profile ones." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Like Mozilla." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Mozilla fellows. Google has been running Summer of Code for decades now. It really depends on the core curiosity and core feel of injustice. What upsets you the most? [laughs] What would you most like to know?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When we talk about technology, it is never just the application of technology itself but rather who appropriates the technology and how are the technology considered appropriate when integrated into the society?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I remember meeting a gentleman in Edinburgh. He was interested in helping out people in Botswana. He just randomly went to Botswana with some funding, no idea what they’re doing. [laughs] The first thing he met was a people who is deaf but in need of a more rechargeable kind of hearing aid." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "He and the person, a young girl, co-designed a solar-powered hearing system called the Solar Ear. The great thing is that the design-to-spec and even the assembly is performed by people with deafness. It turns out they’re very good at hand-and-eye coordination." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This kind of thing, they also translated into other languages, so they bring those people as teachers to Brazil to co-design their own hearing aid and so on. This kind of social entrepreneurship, I think there’s a large network." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, we’re now inviting, as of this May, all the various network like the AVP, the Asia Mentor Philanthropy network, and the Social Enterprise World Forum to Kaohsiung as a annual summit. Then we will give out partnership awards to people who have successfully bridged different sectors in doing this kind of social entrepreneurship." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a long-form answer to your question. It’s just there’s existing networks. If you start with a core curiosity, there’s almost guaranteed that you’ll find a good kind of people. If you can join and be humble and respond to whomever you meet’s needs without a preset agenda, I think that is actually a better state of mind to begin with." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "That’s true. Would you say most of these communities exist mainly virtually over the Internet, or would you say that there’s any physical conferences, physical organizations, or places to be where it would be really important to get a good start?" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "For example, before I came to g0v, I was on the Slack. I was more or less hearing about what people had to say and what it was like to work here. Coming here and participating in the community was an entirely different kind of sphere." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is the summit that I mentioned. If you look at the sponsors and speakers, you get a pretty good idea of who the intermediary organizations are. I think most of the communities start face-to-face, start local. Maybe they have a regular monthly-by-monthly, weekly eating together. In g0v, food is everything, which does quite transmit over the Internet. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They started that way, but then the international network is also important. The Code for All network starts with Code for America, but then connects g0v and various other -- Code for Japan, and so on -- community to make sure that there is a healthy bi-directional flow between all the different sub-chapters." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That, of course, almost all is online because nobody lives in all the time zones concurrently. Otherwise, we don’t get time to sleep. [laughs] The artifacts of exchange and those kind of bi-directional flows, all the digital trails are online." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Look online if you are looking for mobility, if you are looking for the place to parachute in. Once you’re in, prepare a long time, at least half a year or so, to build the local connection while also reflecting their work on the international digital community." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’ve never really met a purely digital, purely nomadic...Even Wikipedia, they rely on the local chapters and meet-ups and so on to maintain the active editors or the cabal. Well, there is no cabal, but the active editors of Wikipedia." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Something you mentioned there, it might be a little bit of an aside, the idea of many different civic tech organizations across countries and across societies and cultures working together. I was wondering, in your experience, has there been any interesting things about civic tech and technology for social impact across cultural boundaries?" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "At least off the top of my head, I would think that cultural ideas of what’s important or what is needed for government would really change based on the country." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Even within a country, with a large enough country like The States, [laughs] there are actually various different cultures. I do know that there is programs designed specifically to bring people into uncomfortable zones [laughs] and to cross those cultural boundaries." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, I just met with this interesting kind of travel agency that plans travels for people in the US interested in entrepreneurship or in impact generation. They designed a soft landing and programs so that they tour around all the various partners in Taiwan. Basically, they make sure that they visit all these people and then connect their missions, but translated into a Asian perspective." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They invite people all over Europe, the US, and so on, and ask them to check their notions at the door, [laughs] but proceed to find their counterparts, translate their ideas locally, and find them local innovators that can share their vision, but also make it in a way that is more convenient for the local culture norm to accept." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There are bridge-makers like this all over the civic tech world. This is just one of it that I recently met." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "If any more of them comes to mind, definitely send them to me because I want to know how they do it. I think, especially in the US, there’s a whole lot of, \"Let’s bridge the gap. Let’s bring the two sides together.\" It’s always interesting to see what ways they succeed and, more often than not, what ways they fail." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Certainly. Actually, all their partners all have their own partners. Impact Hub is a international network anyway. They started as a UN thing, but now they’re literally everywhere. Each network has their strength and weakness, their methodologies, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think what’s important is that they are open about it. Some of them, they organize the Nights of Failure or things like that and ask these people to honestly do a postmortem of a project, why it doesn’t work, and how the ecosystem can help each other so that it works more." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taken alone, I think most of them don’t quite thrive by its own, but it’s the network itself that just pivots one case that doesn’t work into another supporting ecosystem that they may fare better, and creates a culture where there’s no failure. There’s just experiments." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is the key thing that makes the Taiwan start-up ecosystem that actually work. We care about common values, and we’re not afraid to fail." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I’m trying to think of what else I was going to ask. There’s the cross-cultural piece. Are there any specific names that come to mind either of prominent researchers in the field or conferences that are especially international?" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "While in Taiwan, I’ve seen a lot of conferences and meet-ups that are connected to civic tech pop up. Most of them are very East Asia-focused, for example, or East Asia and Europe. Which I find really interesting, but in terms of what I need to find, I need to connect it to the US in some way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’ve been personally to Personal Democracy Forum. I think it’s a pretty good starting point. If you look into the previous speakers, organizers, and so on, I think they’re really well connected internationally. It’s the PDF." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’ve been to two of the PDFs. I think it’s a pretty good starting point. If you do a depth-first search, [laughs] on the topics that you care about, then I think most of the civic tech people have their, at least, third-degree connection to the PDF folks." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s almost like a spirituality. One of the running joke in ’17 when I was in PDF was that there’s a Google auto search suggest how to convert to various religion, and there’s PDF, how to convert to PDF. [laughs] I think it’s a good starting point." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "There’s a gazillion tech-for-social-benefit organizations and conferences in the world. I’ve been looking through a lot of them. Some of them are very self-congratulatory, where everyone shows up and..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Celebrates the most successes. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Right. I definitely am trying to look at the ones that are more critical or the ones that are more introspective." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so. The PDF, I think, is quite reflective of the thing. It also is more what we can honestly call civic tech, and not just tech for social good. There is a difference after all." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "For sure." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because in the various sustainable goals, I think only the 16th and 17th explicitly talk about accountability, democracy, a reliable system for participatory governance, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "While every other SDG goals are important, only the 16th and 17th explicitly talk about kind of bootstrapping the governance system, so that we can be truly multisectoral, and also accessible across the region." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "PDF is quite focused on these things, so you don’t hear as much about how to solve like water sanitation, or people with deafness and blindness. There’s some of that, but most of them focus on the governance issues." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Right, the core political issues." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Have you been to, I want to say it’s called TicTec, or how would you say it?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Oh yeah. I think we had a TicTec here, the WCIT, Tic Tac Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Would you say that it’s pretty...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, it’s pretty similar." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "How does it lie on the spectrum of..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think Tic Tac is mostly making the branding of civic tech very well-known. Civic tech, and not just tech for social good. The thing that I just said could be a Tic Tac banner. [laughs] It is kind of positioning itself as not just in tech investment, not just tech for social good, but rather bootstrapping a new kind of democracy kind of thing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is definitely on the same axis or the same part of the spectrum as PDF. On the governance side, of course we also have the Open Government Partnership, the OGP, which has a kind of summit. I think this year it’s in Ottawa. I will be there, too." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You go there if you want to meet a lot of government ministers, [laughs] who can also be self-congratulatory. I think all the OGP, TicTec, PDF, and so on are all on the same line, but the multi-stakeholder ratio is different." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OGP has much more people from the public sector. TicTec has more of the private sector, although the civil society is still quite strong. PDF is almost all civil society and fewer private sector." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It all depends on comfortable with the language and the mindset of the stakeholders." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "It definitely sounds like TicTec is a bit more front facing in a lot of ways." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I’m going to really quickly make sure that I’ve asked about what I’ve wanted to ask about. Something I’m interested in is trying to find connections with the connections I already have." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I realize that in civic tech and I guess the broader field of computational social sciences, all of that, everything’s connected. I was wondering off the top of my head if you know of any significant research or projects going on at Microsoft, specifically." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "You mentioned a little bit about Mozilla. I would like to hear more about that, because I have connections to both organizations, but I want to know which ones to specifically ask for." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think Microsoft really is doing a lot of civic tech. There’s a specific engagement group that’s relatively new. I think it’s new as of 2015 or something like that. That means that they have a lot of cases and lots of projects, but they’re still in the early days in terms of proving the impact." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think Mozilla starts as an open-source project, and has been in social enterprise for as long as there’s a term \"social enterprise.\" So there’s a more natural affinity to the more social science part of things." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because people, when they see the Mozilla research brief, they’re more likely to associate it with a grassroots participatory kind of research agenda. More often than not, you will find their research are kind of crowd-focused. Like Common Voice is literally asking everybody to read." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You don’t see as much from Microsoft, or if you do see from Microsoft, like the AI Chatbot thing, which was quite short lived. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Oh, yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They don’t quite get the same embrace [laughs] from the civic tech community as the Mozilla people do, fear or not." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On the other hand, Microsoft has a much stronger connection to special and municipal governments. When it comes to \"smart city,\" then you can find a lot of arguably gov tech, not civic tech anymore project that Microsoft does in conjunction with a municipality." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you’re interested in \"smart city,\" I prefer Smart Citizen, but anyway \"smart city\" initiatives that are quick to deploy and if you’re quantitative research method, you can see results easily quarter-by-quarter in a year or two, then Microsoft has a wealth of such available projects to choose from." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "While Mozilla is more critical. It funds things to look systemic biases, systemic problems with AI, with disinformation, with things like that, that are less likely for Microsoft to fund directly." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Would you say there is any interesting questions or projects that are related to the topic of security for both of these companies or both of these organizations?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You mean cyber security?" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Cyber security, information security, I want to say. The connection I had with Mozilla was we were working with data security when it comes to Firefox. I was wondering if any of that has connected to civic tech, or if there isn’t enough with civic tech or going broader tech for social benefit in your experience." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A open, transparent, accountable apparatus, of course, depends on that. The underlying substrate is secure, right?" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Mm-hmm." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is a natural affinity. You’ve been in g0v for a while. There’s quite a few cross-pollination with the HITCON community, with the white hat hackers, and cyber security researchers. It is quite overlapping." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The OCF actually has a program to work with nonprofits, to work with them on basic cyber security literacies, and best practices to do good anti surveillance, and things like that, and do encryption in nonprofit workplace." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would say that they’re not the same field. They’re only slightly overlapping, but there’s a lot of affinity in both communities toward each other. You’ll find most white hat hackers very sympathetic to civic tech, and vice versa. There’s a natural affinity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you’re interested to work on cyber security, but not as a cyber security, I think Mozilla is a pretty good starting point because it really do run into persistent adversaries, and so on. [laughs] It’s not practice. It’s in the field." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On the other hand, you’re kind of at arm’s length with real crypto stuff, which happens elsewhere. Mozilla is mostly applying research. You’re not quite a cyber security researcher, where you will build the right connection with the research community." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Got it. It’s just right there, kind of in the middle." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right, yeah." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I’m trying to think. Mozilla, the organization itself, you’ve spoken about honestly compared to Microsoft, it’s a lot more closer to the community in a lot of ways." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "More grassroots, yeah." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Right. You mentioned that there’s a new department within Microsoft that does this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That does civic tech engagement, uh-huh." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Is it called the civic tech engagement, or...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Or something like that, yeah. It is actually called Civic Technology Engagement Group, a few years ago. There’s a lot of restructuring nowadays. I don’t know what they’re called now, but it used to be called the Civic Tech Engagement Group." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I’ll look into it. I have a more direct connection with them, and I want to be able to track people down, physically. Meanwhile, for Mozilla, it’s more emailing people and hoping they will reply." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s no good or bad. It all depends on kind of the culture. If you join Microsoft and find out the cause your working is worthwhile, then I think it’s good because it also helps to solidify Microsoft’s new mission, post development mission. Like Microsoft changed my GitHub, not the other way around mission. [laughs] It’s also worthwhile." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "The reason I ask is because I am going to be there this summer, but Mozilla is more of in the future kind of thing. I’m trying to figure out how to get the most I can out of something I’m certain I’m going to be there for, and then as well as exploring." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "These are not mutually exclusive." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "For sure." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Mozilla is very good at leveraging people’s cognitive surplus for community work. Even if you only have two hours every week, they’ll find something for you to do anyway." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Thank you. That’s really inspiring in a way. I’m going to take a quick look again." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "This might be going a little bit off topic. For context, in my experience, a lot of college students in the US, especially who are in the tech industry or are studying tech-related things, really want to make some kind of impact on the problems that they learn in class." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "All the resources that are provided are gearing them towards corporate work and the typical kind of cubicle lifestyle. I’ve been trying to set up some kind of organization at my school that offers more resources and makes tech for some sort of impact work a little bit more accessible." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I was wondering if you had any advice or recommendations or things that I should keep in mind as I go through this process." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Your target audience is undergrads, or...?" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Undergrads." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Undergrads." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Right." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s almost like, I don’t know, chess, computer club, or MIT railroad club, [laughs] and things like...?" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Again, they’re not mutually exclusive. We do see, for example, the Netscape Company starts as really a undergrad hacker group thing. Then there’s the boom, and then they become this huge company, part of this corporate world, doing enterprise-y stuff, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then there’s the crash and at the right time with open-source people, who used to be free software people, but we rebranded ourselves to be more acceptable to the capitalistic thinking, [laughs] managed to convince Netscape to become Mozilla again, and to kind of the best of both worlds, right? It became a social enterprise that keeps the grassroots mission, but still earns a lot of money every year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s many cases, maybe not as high profile as Red Hat or Mozilla, but people who really start with a good vision and a good business model, and like Kickstarter, that later on applied for the B Corp certificate." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s still capitalism at work, but at least they prove to a degree that they’re not doing harm to the society or the environment while doing their economic work. Not quite unicorns, but zebras. [laughs] My advice would be not to blandly reject the capitalistic narrative, because in the US, it’s almost literally impossible." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "It is the one, singular narrative." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. It’s the dominant ideology. Instead of working against the dominant ideology, we can just repurpose it, saying we’re working with the local chapters of Benefit Corporations -- B Lab, Impact Hub, you name it, impact investors." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Really, what you’re doing is empowering people to think of viable alternatives. That would be my advice. Like not exactly saying no to capitalism." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Right. One or two." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Make a third option. You mentioned Red Hat and Mozilla as being very prominent kind of best-of-both-worlds organizations. Those are two that I’m familiar with. Are there any others that you would say are possibly lesser known, but is also actually the best of both worlds?" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "There’s a whole lot of companies out there talking about doing social impact, when 99 percent of their work is the other direction." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Kickstarter is a pretty good example by its own. Not many people know that they’re a B Corp, and they’re doing a very long term, kind of patience funding in a way. GitHub used to be a star case, but it’s now Microsoft. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There are really many, but the thing is how mission-locked they are. If they are not sufficiently mission-locked in the start, like through their configuration of their board, or things like that, then at some point the lure of NIPO or the lure of a new round of investor may actually just to change their mission so that they are no longer locked to their original social mission." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s actually a movement in the US called the Benefit Corporation Movement that designs such a thing directly into the company law so that you can lock into your mission and signify to your investors that if you invest, you have to play by these rules. That is also something worth looking toward." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Interesting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you look for a Benefit Corporation, and maybe a listing of them, you can look at the tech companies that have actually declared their social or environmental mission, and is not just doing it for CSR, but they’re committed to do it as part of their work." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I’ll definitely look into that, because it’s something I’ve personally been trying to figure out. These couple years of college is indeed, like which companies out there are really only dipping their toes into civic tech and tech for social impact, and all of that for the brand name, or for the public support, and which ones are actually doing important work." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Committed." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Google does all of that - I want to say it’s a smart city initiative - it’s Sidewalk Labs, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right, yes." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Microsoft does this new 2015 civic kind of thing, and Facebook with Internet For All, and all of that. Of all of these corporate organizations, would you say if there is one or any that is doing some kind of research that is actually significant or is actually helpful towards this separate civic community...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I visited the OpenAI Foundation, and I think they are doing worthwhile work. They are nonprofit, but very well-funded. They don’t have to ask for donations. [laughs] It does have its benefit in the sense that it’s kind of a think tank for the global AI community of how to balance the ethical concerns, and indeed shape the narrative that there is a ethical concern in the first place." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you’re interested, purely for social good, instead of Benefit Corporations, nonprofits like OpenAI is a more guaranteed thing, because they have a manifesto." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You can read it on their web page that they’re not there to compete. They are going to work with any organization that are solving artificial generated intelligence, but in a way that is ethical, and participatory, and co-curated with the society, rather than dictating the norms, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would say then look at the nonprofit part. Even the Mozilla has two parts." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Right, traditional nonprofit and the..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It has the foundation part and the corporation part." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "This is just purely out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on the Chan Zuckerberg Foundation, and that entire...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not around long enough for me to have an informed opinion." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Got you. Right." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s evaluation reports you can read about Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and they’ve been around for a very long time. The Zucks foundation is just around for a few years, so I don’t really have sufficient information to make an honest assessment." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I’m just interested because I get the sense that some of these organizations are set up very thoughtfully and some of them maybe do not have as much thought put into them." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They also mostly have to go through quite a few iterations, to really find their position in the nonprofit world. Because there’s a movement, many names, effective altruism, or things like that, that they really are looking for evidence that impact measurement from charities and social enterprises." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s kind of made up, but if you join these kind of nonprofits that are about effective altruism, then you kind of, by default, make other charities behave more responsibly." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is also a line of work you can pursue." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "I think a big question I personally had about the establishment of that foundation is to what degree should these companies with huge resources and huge, I guess, academic brainpower, donate their resources and brainpower to organizations that have been around for much longer and have been doing that work for much longer?" }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "And to what degree should they be setting up their own organizations? What the benefits are for either/or?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Setting up their own organization allow them to control the research agenda and the work that this new nonprofit do. Literally, before they open the AI team, there is no nonprofit set up to tackle that particular issue. It kind of needs its own foundation, because they can’t piggyback on the existing one." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "While very long and well trusted, like the ACLU, and Electronic Frontier Foundation, Software Freedom Conservancy, the usual suspects, they’re around for a very long time, but on the other hand, they’re continuously opening up new lines of possible research to just keep themselves relevant." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I don’t think there’s a good or bad. You start a new foundation if you want total control of the research direction. You support an existing one if you want to defer that to people with more experience." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Thank you. I think that’s pretty much everything I wanted to ask about." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Awesome." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Thank you so much for your time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you. I’ll send you the transcript. We get to co-edit, and we publish." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Perfect. Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you so much." }, { "speaker": "JiaChen Jiang", "speech": "Could I get a picture of you, by any chance?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們準時開始,很謝謝大家在這一陣子以來,對於要點、經費、籌備時程等等,都已經有了具體規劃,所以我們這一次就是把大家目前籌備的進度加以對齊,之後外面就會知道了,所以對外溝通的時程等等,就是今天大概要討論的主題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個以我的瞭解,嘉凱這邊對國際松有一些想法,所以我們也趁這個機會,請大家一起集思廣益。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們今天報告的時間一樣,如果上面的字已經有的,那大家手上都有簡報,不用照著唸,可以摘要就好。從上次以來,有什麼新發展請讓我們知道,我們多留一些時間討論,一樣是逐字紀錄,大家編輯十個工作天之後公開,前兩次已經對外公開了,這樣子媒體在報導的時候,也比較有一個完整的脈絡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們就進入簡報。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "接著就由執行團隊跟大家報告。接續之前上次的會議,目前規劃報告競賽辦法、主視覺、記者會、網站等來跟各位報告。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這是上次談的,委員會也確定了,有關國際松的部分也有做一些初步的討論,可能等一下報完以後我們再來討論。前幾天政委有主持經費的協調會議,所有相關的部會都是我們共同的主辦單位,這是前兩天協調的結果,如果大家沒有問題,我們就按照這樣子,目前是由經濟部這邊來負責擔任統籌。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這是我們上次工作會議的報告,不知道內部要不要確認?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們先等要點簽了,要點應該這兩天就會到秘書長那邊,院長簽了之後我們就著手辦理。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這個是我們從現在到7月的主要活動規劃,這個活動辦法規定中,目前3月12日要辦理記者會,之後就會開始進行整個民眾意見的徵集,我們也在擬票選機制,等一下也會跟大家報告。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "我們到4月10日會截止,4月12日到5月6日是民眾票選,預期第一階段會有二十組入選,之後我們在5月7日到14日,會有一個合作的夥伴徵集,17日公告之後就會安排第一次的工作坊。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "在6月份的時候我們會辦理第二次工作坊,然後進行複選,就會從這二十個團隊縮小到十隊,這個場地就會在民生科服大樓,7月21日會由府裡面選五隊來PK,總統也會聽取簡報並進行頒獎。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "另外國際松的部分也會在這個時間點跟國際展示,接著是後續的輔導及曝光,大概整個進行的時程是這樣子,在座上次沒有參與的這一些同仁可以看一下(簡報)。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "我想競賽辦法之前已經有提過了,是由政府機關或人員,得以機關或個人名義報名,我們是鼓勵卡單位、跨域提案,鼓勵中央與中央、中央與地方、地方與地方跨單位的合作,這一次有國際松,我們希望在報名當中,希望能夠這一次把團隊的主題有英文,然後再做一些簡單的說明,用英文的話,幫助會比較大,我們在這個網站上的表格設計會這樣處理。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "另外,因為這個還沒有開始進行,在還沒有進行的部分,如果是階段性的計畫,跟之前所講的也是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這個是我們現在時程,剛剛也有報告過了,會有開放的民眾參與,這個跟上次比較不一樣,民眾的參與會分成幾個部分:一開始提題目,第二個參加票選,整個票選之後的過程,也可以來參與,所以我想跟去年會有比較不一樣的做法。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這個主題還是上次已經跟大家報告過六大項目,包含開放治理、跨域合作、產業發展、全球夥伴、國家永續、城鄉創新,這一些都是我們新的視覺團隊針對今年主題做出來的,也會在網站上來用。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "整個評選標準與去年比較不一樣的地方是,去年主要都是由評委來做,今年在第一階段因為有民眾來建議題目,所以我們希望也有讓民眾比較多的參與,因此在投票總共100%當中,在第一階段進到二十個團隊的過程,希望由民眾來決定,評委是針對創新性及可行性來參與評比,所以現在的做法是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "等到第二個階段是以民眾作為評審,也就是政委建議的,以平方投票法,每一個人100點來作為投票,可以確保一些比較平衡的結果會跑出來。我們打算讓民眾投票到5月初。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這個是我們之前規劃的評委,等到過了是會到評委聘任的工作。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這個是最後的獎勵方式,我們有包含設計了一些參加獎、入選二十隊到十隊,甚至一直到決選的,有一些規劃的獎品,包含這一些背包、毛巾、獎盃等等,到時會依照主視覺來作為全新的設計。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "另外,這個部分我們請處長來報告。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "五個優勝團隊可以送獎盃,而不能送獎金,像「誰來晚餐」可以選一套,這五位在剛開始之的時候,可以讓各縣市首長可以出題及並可以解決那一個縣市問題的話,那一個縣市首長就可以列為「誰來晚餐」的名單,我們列出來有十個「誰來晚餐」,那五隊可以來選五燈獎,看那個燈是誰跑到頭上,就必須跟他晚餐,我想這樣子也有很多噱頭或者一些故事可以持續報導,不只決選完了,還有一些報導可以持續下去。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "報名的網站,已經在進行了。提問的部分,會用許願池的方式來進行。我們也找了外面的團隊來做主視覺的設計,我想這個是原先去年整個色調的沿用,只是把這六個的主題做了重新的設計,讓他看起來更活潑了,這中間智慧國家也是依照政委指示來辦,這是一個延續去年的tone調。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "另外,這個是剛剛做比較大的改變,也就是以綠色系為主的。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "這中間有一個logo,今年是總統盃,第二個是我們今年有國際的團隊,是結合本土跟國際的「Cheers」,最後一個是有「誰來晚餐」,所以是「誰來晚餐」「Cheers」。我們是請視覺團隊來做第一次,中間要二、三、四至五修,我們要在第一次的時候讓大家確定這個方向、tone掉是對的,我們會修得更好。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "就剛才所講的,大家可以討論一下,如果討論都定調的話,我們馬上面臨的是3月12日的記者會,但是就整體可以請大家提供一點意見。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "黑克松的「克」寫錯了,是「黑客松」。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "我請教一下,有幾個點是跟外面的團隊溝通會有介面,像提案本身、許願池或者是將來民眾的票選介面,會有幾種議題,第一個是介面一些基本輸入的原則或者是文字的限制,這部分是不是要做一些原則性的處理,以前在g0v都有一些基本的規則在,要是有人沒事就貼什麼文章進來,那個是很大的文章,事實上跟我們的活動主旨完全無關。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "題目進來,但是沒有人看得懂。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們看去年一百多個提案裡面,因為都是評審看,所以其實裡面有一些很長、技術性的名詞,是沒有問題的,甚至有個隊伍的隊名就叫做「IoT射頻器材認證及資安檢測認證查詢系統—國家通訊傳播委員會隊」(笑);但是我們如果要讓民眾投票的話,這其實不友善的,我就直接講。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像《公投法》,其實最近也正在檢討,有一個想法是公投的提案,應該都要有十個字以內的簡稱,不然大家光是在投票所看,就已經看不完了,所以造成一些大排長龍,這個大家都知道了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "實務上,大家常常會拿隊名來當作提案的簡稱,像「搶救水寶寶」,大家都記得。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以,第一個,是不是「隊名」可以賦予「簡稱」的意旨;另外,是不是比照新的公投法,無論是許願階段的「簡稱」,或提案階段的「隊名」,都不要超過十個字。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "英文方面,如果提供不出來,也許先用機器翻譯,或者請同仁幫忙看一下這個翻譯,這個過程中最重要的是提案名稱跟簡稱,是不是可以充分反映出充分解決問題的意圖。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "假設十個字跟五十個字,或是十個字跟三十個字,能讓大家一目了然、不用點進去就可以看得到大概的意思,這樣就不會有大家不知道怎麼討論的問題,所以還是要有一個基本的審核。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果這邊的小編也看不懂在寫什麼的話,我們要保留一個希望他重新敘明的這個程序,像剛剛講的「IoT射頻器材認證及資安檢測認證查詢系統國家通訊傳播委員會隊」,我們可能就要輔導他,找出言簡意賅的簡稱和一段說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛才提到民眾留言、詢答的部分,同樣的道理,也是需要有小編的團隊來管版。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "之前在 vTaiwan 通常有一個原則,如果裡面涉及像人身攻擊或者是跟實質無關的部分,並不是整個刪掉,而是直接編輯它的留言,直接把人身攻擊的部分拿掉,然後送一個私訊給他,說這邊有一個行為準則,因為違反了,所以把那一些部分拿掉,剩下的部分還是留著,然後感謝你的貢獻等等,有一些範本可以參考。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "今年跟去年的流程,今年有一個很重要的,對部會宣導的時間點,事實上是在總統府,今年這部分有沒有一個構想,也就是對部會的部分?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對部會宣達。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "去年是什麼方式?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "把大家找來一個很大的桌子上的方式。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "我們當初也是因為記者會之後只有四個團隊來報名,所以變成很少,後來我們想說在府裡面用針對政府機關,也就是發文給他們,請他們說明黑客松的理念及希望他們組團來參加,那時一說明會之後,就變成很多隊。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "因為現在比較不好,因為現在總統府其實是只有副召集人,就是副秘當副召集人,其實我們沒有實質的參與,如果依總統府再來號召,可能會比較不妥。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "上次因為總統府是指導單位、機關,因此可以這樣子做,但是今年是不是要再做一下修正。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這邊具體的提議,是以我們的召集人院長或者是副院長,在院裡面開的意思?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "對,我覺得是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家有沒有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "想要請教其他四院怎麼辦?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,仁甫說要一一參訪。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "去年是我弄的,我們會去寫信給他們,今年看是不是執委拜會他們,因為之前他們都寫「樂觀其成」,今年我想也差不多。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "但是我覺得府方來辦召集大家宣達的好處是比較……因為他剛剛講的太文言了,其實是如果府方來召集大家,也就是跟大家說:「請大家派隊來參加,歡迎各位參加。」因為我們的執委有跟秘書長報告,後來劉顧問又找我去討論,他是說如果時間允許的話,總統其實是可以後續協助來參與,秘書長也是可以參與。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "第一次宣達會邀總統、秘書長講話也可以,我們可以請示看看,效果會比較好,因為各院來的話,會比較相對積極。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "第二,「誰來晚餐」我建議可以更大膽一點,直接寫總統。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "是啊!我們把總統列在上面。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "要提案的話,可以更大膽一點,要有黑客精神。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很好啊!我覺得就參採,就直接寫「跟總統晚餐」,總統列在最上面,不過這當然還是要請示。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果你們有這樣的想法,我們也可以幫忙問問看,我覺得應該是很有機會,最好的團隊對談一下,講一下想法及落實,我覺得應該是有機會做這樣的事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這邊的具體建議,是還是在府裡宣達,也許是副秘召集或者是誰召集,也許總統來致意,表示對於這一件事的關注?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "對,因為我今天跟府方的人有提這樣的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那是不是可以請府方往這個方向來規劃?因為這個畢竟叫「總統盃」,我們在之前的籌備會議都有一個共識,就是總統府是出場地跟名字,所以其他的都是行政院來進行辦理,但是這個場地跟名字,這個宣達會在這個地方辦,確實有象徵的意義。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "籌備的部分都可以由行政院處理,但場地在總統府,像召集人好比像剛才的提議,由副秘來召集,由總統、副秘書長來致意,表示對這一件事的關注,這個宣達的強度會比較強,對後續的溝通也會比較容易一些。至少做一個可行性評估?" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "最近跟政委、執秘有講到掛名,那時其實把府裡面掛指導單位,之前出經費的單位是共同主辦,科會辦是協辦,所以我們今年也是想要這樣的掛名,不知道看府方是不是可以掛指導單位?這個可以提出來討論,記者會或者是文宣的辦理單位都可以講。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一般指導單位就是……也請你們稍微討論一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還有什麼其他都可以提出來?任何一頁都可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "主視覺的部分,因為政委自帶廠商,我簡報已經抽換了第1頁。主要是這樣子,如果google「行政院智慧國家」,可以看到行政院智慧國家的網頁,行政院的新傳處對「智慧國家」這四個字已經有色盤了,所以請儘量扣合「智慧國家」在行政院的色盤,我覺得會比較好一點。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我們會再持續修。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我覺得這已經滿好了,而且看到○、X,表示可以投票的意思?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "左上角為何這麼多「X」。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "右下角有很多圈。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "應該換過來。左上角都是「○」,右下角都是「X」,沒有啦!亂講。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果Cheers的話,可以換成很多高腳杯「:emoji_1f378: 」。因為我們在做平方投票法的時候,有一個想法是像注水進去,一個高腳杯,然後你注水的高度是它的得票,但是你注水一點等於一票,但是四點等於兩票,然後九點等於三票、十六點等於四票,所以這個叫做「平方投票法」,所以注水越高、需要的點數越多,投票的票值是它的高度,。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "民眾那邊有顯示高度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是一個「Cheers獎盃」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來是記者會的規劃。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "當然主角會影響在哪裡舉行、找哪一個線的記者,因此我們要訂主角是誰,那一場記者會的key person,在哪裡舉辦、找哪一線的記者,後續的媒體宣傳會鋪廣來做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我先說,那一天我在日本。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我們可以改時間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "去年我是在紐西蘭,就是這樣處理的。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "去年是一個亮點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "真的,去年時間不夠,沒有辦法做全息投影。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "其實我們需要更多的時間,現在到3月12日的時間滿緊的。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "不過記者會我建議還是要府裡的長官來當貴賓,看秘書長或者是副秘書長是以貴賓的身分來致意。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "去年是在台北賓館,因為我們跟陳菊秘書長討論,局長也在,因為去年的媒體效應,就是大家表現很好、做得很好,但媒體發酵度並沒有那麼強,因此可能今年要想一個策略更有亮點、更大一點,然後吸收更多年輕人的創意來改變這個國家,類似這樣的想法。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "許願池啟動的這一件事是可以發想的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "那是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是許願的人雖然不能自己做,但是希望看到某個提案團隊來做這個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以等於是我做一個虛擬提案,但是我不是提案團隊,我希望有團隊來把這個撿起來,有像這個概念。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "關於許願池、用平方投票法,我們在3月7日出刊的《商業周刊》專欄當中會提到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "專欄截稿是2月28日,所以我們要對一下哪一些是商周的專欄先寫的,寫了之後媒體會有興趣,中間一個禮拜可以逐步釋出訊息。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "如果12日可以再往後延一點,對我們來說時間會比較充裕,是不是可以跟你們洽時間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "15日目前看起來是可以。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "3月15日是早上11點半以前可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那個new cycle比較短。不過陳大使這邊15不行?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "上次是六、日,這次是要上班時間,所以比較不一定。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "15日就變成週末了。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "比較不好?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "如果要follow up找不到人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那就17日?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "因為去年是假日。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "禮拜天,然後禮拜一露出。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "17日可以。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "週末可以辦得更輕鬆,媒體露出我們就要去……花力氣去保障有多少的露出,講白了就是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "新媒體的部分,要花一點力氣。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "因為五月記者會會有直播,所以我們要找直播的團隊,然後找直播的團隊來設計整個內容,因為直播有時間性,中間不能太長,所以設計的內容就要很緊密,我現在很難跟你講記者會怎麼進行,因為要看直播是30分鐘不斷電,完了以後就算了,大家就happy,但是30分鐘不斷電是直播的要求,所以一定會上網路直播。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "第二,到7月完了以後的「誰來晚餐」,如果有直播的話,就會keep追蹤,出席也要用網路,有一個人在上面講出題,如果政委出題可能拍個兩分鐘的題目,你就可以放在各個部會網站的FB,所以我們會用影像來帶動全部。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛雨蒼有話要說嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "剛剛有提到媒體宣傳的部分,如果可以的話,也許可以比較熟悉資訊的媒體,像Inside。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,有一些熟悉調查報導的媒體,其實議題內容很容易可以涉入到深層的問題,也許他們有興趣把調查報導寫出來,這其實是很精彩的故事,這個問題的核心問題是什麼、怎麼發生的,這個團隊要如何解決、政府如何來配合這個活動,這種故事很精彩,像端傳媒跟報導者可以來寫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "目前看來17日大家都ok,我們先把17日框下來。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "現在的地點在台北賓館嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "之前在台北賓館的時候,大家覺得怎麼樣?我沒有去,我只是視訊。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "感覺還不錯,但是就是看他們。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "那一天不知道有沒有其他的活動,所以確定3月17日我們還是要去接機。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,所以才要今天決定。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不過台北賓館有一個池子,如果需要丟誰進去(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常好,然後就冒出金獎盃、銀獎盃、銅獎盃之類的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我17日可以現場出席,我們就框17日上午到中午。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "有沒有考慮國際英文的問題?就是發記者會通報?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然要。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "所以英文要發什麼線?國際英文稿,是要對外國宣傳用嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "透過外交部的國傳司,是當地媒體在臺灣有駐點,透過他們,因為畢竟是總統盃。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而且我們的網域是「.tw」是國傳司的,只要我們給他們材料,他們是一定可以用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們現在也在做新媒體,也可以透過新媒體管道跟本來那幾國語言的媒體露出,這是沒有問題的,只是我們要做梗給他而已。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "去年全部英文露出只有一篇。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "英文官網可以讓更多人看到。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這個問題是,我們自己要先準備官方的素材,才能連結到那一篇,也才能幫忙推。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "外交部是我們的共同主辦,所以他們也會幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我先跟外交部新媒體小編討論一下,看他覺得什麼是梗、如何包裝。如果大家都沒有問題的話,我的時間不是我在控制,請子維幫我把時間留下來,地點麻煩去洽。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "佈展的話,你們時間要多久?正常是要在3月16日下午,因為我們只到5點,你們的時間要多久,也要告訴我們。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的具體建議是,跟我們上次籌備會講的一樣,前面許願池的時間,不要壓縮到後面的投票時程,所以雖然記者會延到17日,但是許願還是從4月10日開始?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "剛剛政委有提到許願的目的是希望民眾有什麼想法來解決,在許願池上呈現,團隊可以從裡面拿一些東西出來做,但是我看到許願的時間跟提案的時間是重疊一致的。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "假設4月10日才有人在上面許願的話,會不會來不及有提案的團隊?所以許願的時間稍微提前幾天截止嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!這也是一個很好的想法,好比像許願往前,好比像我隨便講,假設3月7日就開始許願,然後往前五天,4月5日開始許願之類的,這樣等於是給團隊最後還有五天的時間去綜整許願的概念。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這邊會不會有困難?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "許願池不會有困難,只是3月7日在記者會前十天。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這就是階段式曝光。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "那個環境會ready,真的有人來許願是要等到記者會發布,知道這個消息發布。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "記者會後開始也無妨,如果提早五天,差不多也有將近……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們現在是說記者會前七天。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "瞭解,但是這樣子在新聞的壓力也會被釋放掉。如果有記者來問的話,會說怎麼跑這個東西出來,許願的是什麼。中間假設有一個主流媒體,也就是總統盃黑客松開始在啟動這個活動,記者會當天可能會有媒體抱怨。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實,我們如果要採取這一種兩階段釋出,就要先講得很清楚第一階段釋放出哪一些訊息,其他在記者會讓大家作詢答。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果有這個策略,確實兩個時間點是可以的,而且這兩個時間點等於有一個發酵的機會。好比像7日一個時間點,到17日一個時間點,就像JR講的,如果沒有這個策略,就全部移到17日再開始。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "許願池已經確定要叫這個名字了嗎?為何不是叫「阿拉丁神燈」(笑)?政委扮演阿拉丁之類的。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "把她丟到池子裡面之類的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不回答假設性的問題(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這可能會是許願最多的(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不會啦(笑)!" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "如果當時就起跑的話,我們就辦政委網路記者會,並發布民眾許願池的活動。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "要想一下,配套不只有這個,到時會有人需要回答這個問題,如果人家不知道,會想說這個是怎麼提案的,那時其實就要有一些配套的作為,不然會挨罵,沒有人回或者是被亂貼東西,要有人處理這一些事。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "對岸可能會找人鬧場。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "自然人憑證才可以許願?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "一定馬上會被罵。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想問一個技術問題,Join廠商雖然正式紀錄是4月才可以提供認證的系統,但是實際上3月可以吧?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "如果要到3月初的話,可能有一點趕。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "不過另外有一點,Join的會員其實也不是太多,上次有跟政委說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "包含有用簡訊認證過的社交媒體帳號,這一些都在裡面?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "那個是10幾萬,沒有到100萬。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,但是這些朋友都很熱心……" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "好,我儘量看看。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "上次有跟他們提過,他說兩個月前調查,大概有11萬多人,現在應該不會超過15萬。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是這些人都是我們email通知得到的人,也已經確定有國內的簡訊,也有勾具有中華民國國籍,所以這些人應該算是比較沒有剛剛講五毛問題的朋友。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "10萬聽起來不多,其實電子報撒下去還是很多。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "3月中就可以有了。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "這個牽涉到幾個,一個是時程的問題、一個是參與人的範圍問題。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我們只能限制Join平台的人去參與嗎?這樣子也會受到另外一方面的批評,一定要加入到一個不相干的Join平台,雖然我講得誇張一點,才能在這上面許願,這兩件事沒有一個論述把它連結起來,我們講不出一個為何是在Join上加入變成會員,才能在這一個活動裡面提案?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個時候不能用防禦性論述,就會說「不然你要刷自然人憑證嗎」?這樣很弱,所以要主動說明,謝謝處長建議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個是只要有簡訊號碼、認證成功就可以許願,這樣相比之下就會有比較多不相干的人,因為Join的會員至少關心公共政策,之前來連署過之類的,簡訊是非常簡單了,任何人第一次聽到就會進來。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "這有互斥性嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "我提供一個參考,我看過冰島公民參與的活動,有參與過公民活動,才有一些個人的想法,將來要提什麼就做……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒錯。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "這個意思是過去曾經認真對國家的事情有關心,就是被歸類……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "民主社會的公民。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "拿到這個認證,等於拿到一張token,這就是你的發言權。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為其實未來,Join也會變成各地方政府參與式預算的平台。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "其他國家有先例,不是我們首創的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我現在是在想技術上如何ready?如果ready的話,我很傾向老師所說的論述。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "國家有一個單一公民參與的網路平台,各個縣市政府做參與式預算,我們慢慢會提供模組,用這樣的方式去參加,所以這也算是一種公民參與,我們提供這樣的選項,好比像3月17日就可以準備好的話,我們就3月17日用這個方法上線,可以嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "剛剛提到7日跟17日亮點鋪陳,有沒有可能這樣做?7日還是可以宣稱許願池啟動,也就是在那之前許願,這個時間其實會有很多人在那邊許願,真的有很厲害的願望可以在17日操作。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "或者我們可以說17日比如是第100個、第200個上來許願跟政委晚餐之類的,是這樣連續性的,變成會有兩個樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果這樣子的話,許願就要提早了。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "可以更早的話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們在3月2日(Open Data Day),還有要做任何活動嗎?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "如果有的話,可以用線上方式進行嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,我們都在講線上。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "可能看哪一個官方帳號來說有這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以3月2日是主視覺出來、說3月7日開放許願,3月7日真的開始許願,然後17日來收攏許願的成果。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "要拍一個影片。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "3月2日是線上宣傳,3月12日則是實體宣傳。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果對國際有所宣傳,3月2日才是正確的時間。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "政委在受訪的時候,也要講3月幾日。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "商周7日出刊,我7日晚上就可以貼FB了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個專欄是我的本職工作範圍、不是兼職,是院長簽准的。不但沒有收稿費,而且CC授權,任何人都可以使用,不需要商周的再授權,所以這就可以馬上變成宣傳的材料,我覺得這樣子是滿容易應用的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那篇專欄的英文稿,我們也會事前翻好,7日會給各界參考。在3月2日會有一個像預覽的網站,有一些關鍵字放出來就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於身分認證這邊就麻煩趕趕看,看有沒有可能7日就上場。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "許願池的問題,現在可以問嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "實際的許願表單格式,要按照剛剛舉例 g0v 格式、或是總統盃黑客松提案的欄位?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你覺得呢?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "去年的黑客松提案格式是提案單位有問題,我要解決這個問題,然後具體條列整個過程。而 g0v 的提案問卷比較像民眾看到一個問題……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「我希望政府來解決,但是我不知道怎麼解決……」" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "對,比較像圈外人在想問題的脈絡。這個會想說要如何填,然後看如何收斂。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "既然許願的話,就要簡單一點。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這兩個題目都很簡單,但是都是申論題。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "我們去年給大家提案的目的是,讓潛在的團隊成員說明內容。許願池如果是開放給一般民眾的話,要解決這個問題,構思可能沒有到那一層,但有實際的問題,所以我剛剛舉的例子是g0v,而不是去年的網頁,代表這是兩種。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "怎麼收斂?從民眾的視角去提一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "讓參選的團隊來收斂。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "去年沒有許願池,今年的許願池,原則上是發散的,讓他隨便講。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "許願的好處是?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "給提案團隊參考。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "可以來參考idea。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我之前在做全民司改運動,你會發現這個東西放許願池,大家很喜歡丟解法,但是這時你要有一個機制,想辦法邀請他說出他真正在意的問題,或他看到的問題是什麼,然後有沒有什麼相關的證據證明他所看到的問題是個問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "g0v今年的grant,其實我有提案的經驗,他們其實有一些方式來幫助你、逼迫你一定要把問題寫出來,我覺得這一點是滿重要的,不能寫什麼,如果真的愛寫什麼就寫什麼,就搭配小編的機制把真正的問題問出來,如果沒有問出真正的問題,有時解法不一定可以解決問題。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "所以要有規範出來嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "版規是抄vTaiwan的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那個版規我已經給雨蒼了。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這有兩個,為了品質有兩個門檻,一個是重要欄位是必填的,不能躲過去,過程中是要靠小編去做curation,這個curation是很大的人力成本。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "之前有聽說會找專職的小編,但是不知道後來有沒有找到同仁?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "小編要懂公民審議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要懂得引導技術,這當然門檻就比較高了。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "提案的部分,快速找一個公民團體?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "可能的狀況包括都沒有人提、不然就是提案很不成熟。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "你那邊有人可以打工嗎?因為這樣子提案品質才會好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們沒有承諾一送出,網站上就會立刻顯示出來,沒有這一件事,而是送出了,我們就進入了一個流程。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "基本上,按照Join的經驗,大概一個禮拜之內可以檢核完成,中間還是會有一個來回確認等等的情況。在此之前,許願、提案的時候,也許可以給他一個網址,但是那個網址本身只有他看得到,這個是Join在連署過程裡,千錘百煉過的一套系統。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我會建議先從Join的要點來想,他提的時候什麼都可以提,但是不保證如果格式不符合的話,真的給別人看得到,中間有一個確認的程序。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "前面的欄位,我想綜合剛才雨蒼所講的,也有一整套審核的方法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我這邊也有一些幫忙小編審核演講的資料,可以給你們參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是我們許願池是不票選的,如果再加上票選的話,這樣就喧賓奪主了。只是選了分類,進分類瀏覽,大概是到這裡,也許分類就是我們六大主軸。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "許願池的規劃有考慮到到時如果都沒有人承接,會發生什麼事?可能要準備幾個團隊,因為去年也是工研院、資策會的同仁幫忙的,也就是當工程人不足的時候,不然許願之後沒有人接,這樣會罵慘。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,我們至少要說有哪幾個願望被承接了,有一個簡單的方法,像去年在二十名以外的,或者是在十名以外的團隊,就是說服他來提一下,這也是一個做法。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不過我一直想說許願池是不是沒有辦法吸引人民?改成「挑戰唐鳳」?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "都可以啊!" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "「挑戰蔡英文」。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "你對政委很有意見喔(笑)!" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想數位政委不只一位,有數百位、千位,您來幫忙一下,我覺得也是滿好的(笑),挑戰唐鳳,但是仁甫接受挑戰,這我就沒有意見。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們收斂一下。3月2日許願池不開張,我們會公告,也就是在open data day提說有這一件事,3月7日是我的專欄裡面,就會提到即日起大家可以上網。至於要叫什麼名字,請團隊來研商,希望比「許願池」更好,,然後在許願的時候是結構化的,意思是必須要挑這六大議題其中某一個議題,然後必須每一個議題有一個格式去申論:實際的問題是什麼、希望看到什麼提案來解決這樣子的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們這邊會有一些版規,好比是要符合公共利益。如果只是解決個人的問題,那這個基本上就不會被放出來,我們醜話都先講在前面,在這個情況之下會有一個版主團隊,去做一個基本的審核,明顯不符合公共利益或者是不切題,可能要求他補件。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果符合的話,我們再放到公開的網站上。我們把互動性做高的話,每一個有自己的網址,大家就會在社群媒體上分享單一個願望之類的,我想技術上是非常容易的,我們就這樣子來做,大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "為了讓大家對於提案先預做準備,我們如果規定許願也要有十個字之內的簡稱,以及三十個字、或五十個字的描述,以及其他結構化的資料,我都建議跟提案的格式儘量一致。這樣子,如果有團隊願意採納這個許願,可以原封不動拿過來變成他的提案,盡可能越match越好,只是我們要求他的解析度沒有到提出解法這麼好,只要把問題描述清楚。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "政委,我建議一下,這一件事是不是責負給劉嘉凱、林雨蒼?不然他們沒有辦法作業。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "因為這幾乎一、兩天就要決定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為有滿多現成的,我想請雨蒼跟CK對一下。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "需要就concall。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "活動官網哪一天上線?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "2日就會有主視覺。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "是一張圖或者是官網?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "上面有一張圖就好。去年的官網已經放到/2018/了,不會消失。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "3月2日是正式上線日。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「從去年的主視覺換成今年主視覺」的日子。我們講得非常清楚,上面的互動功能都沒有,就是有主視覺。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "出現2019?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。這樣時程比較清楚了,其他的是既然提早五天開始許願,當然也提早五天結束那個許願,但是提案報名時間都不受影響。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有其他想討論的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "劉嘉凱有沒有簡報?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "有。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "工作坊跟demo day?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "尤其最後的demo day。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "7月21日是固定的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "所以一天安排局長、一天總統跟大家demo day,所以那個時間可能要確定一下。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "在春節前我把這一份Call for Proposal給國際夥伴,然後聽聽他們的意見,所以這兩個禮拜收回來兩個組織、三個提案,然後給大家參考,我來報告一下內容。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "上半部是國內松的部分,日期只是暫訂,要按照正式的討論,下半節的國際松我抓3月起跑,5月的時候確定哪幾隊要幫他們買機票來臺灣,到時7月因為是21日,所以就是前三天,也就是18至20日在台北舉辦實體的活動,所以他們是再前一天就會來,至少17日就會來台北。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "21日活動結束之後,22日離境,所以大概要抓五天在台北的行程,如何安排細節可以再討論,這個是整個時程暫定。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "會給什麼呢?一樣有獎盃,關於到評選機制、或者本屆為觀摩賽因此沒有評選機制,這個還可以改,優勝團隊會進總統府live demo。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "如果有好的適當題目,我們國家會幫他們找未來的國際合作資源、投入資源,用這個去吸引優秀團隊參與,這只是在講去年的事情。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我徵求的是挑戰贊助機構 (Challenge Sponsor),也就是國際松部分的國際組織,他們的工作是什麼:第一個參與挑戰主題的設計,第二個是要協助招募各國的團隊,然後提供專業領域知識的mentorship,如果有一個選拔的過程參與這個選拔,資格就是要有相關領域經驗,在地區或者是國際上的人脈要很廣,這個我們希望他們的優勢,最好他們身上有帶資料、或是瞭解資料在哪裡。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "理想的題目,這個一定要是 global 或者 regional 發展的議題,然後會跟他們講說在亞洲,也就是更相關的會加分。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "希望可以解決空污的問題。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "題目最好是要跨國議題。因為我們想像的是7月黑客松之後就可以討論後續實質的合作,所以不但要有長期的重要性、短期的可行性,這個短期是未來8月就可以開始討論合作模式,當然要有資料,不能只是一些質性的探討或者是標準而已。當然還有IT、data-driven的事情。像開放治理的氣候變遷或者是社會創新,用科技做社會創新的議題來參考他們的提案主題方向。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "預算的部分,針對每一個贊助組織,應該要提供1至2人大全配的旅行服務。對於參賽者,我們抓最多30個人的團隊,一隊是3至5人,我們至少要提供到在台北的住宿開銷,機票的部分,我們再評估看看預算怎麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這些國際組織也跟我講說臺灣能夠出的預算到哪裡,甚至可以幫忙找一些國際預算加上去,我跟他們講說預定場地是100人都沒有問題的前瞻廳,因為不重複,他們說如果台北只能sponsor 30個,他們可以找其他的單位湊到100個都有機會,都可以談,這100個是不是要進總統府這是另外一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果來100人,一定要有評選機制,不可能100隊就去demo了。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "基於上述的提案,第一個組織是「開放採購合作夥伴關係」 (Open Contracting Partnership) 他們是在提政府採購資料的標準,還有協助世界各國從四大洲都有做實質導入的協助,包含OECD、歐盟、北美、拉丁國家組織在合作。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "第二個組織是 TMForum,他們比較像國際電信業的產業聯盟、協會,他們在做的事情是做產業數位轉型的一些培力、資料標準的訂定,像現在是發展4G至5G,因此5G的共同標準及實作的東西,API的東西都有在做這些規範、共識凝聚。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這個組織在幾十個國家都有,大家知道各國的大電信公司都是他的會員,包含臺灣的中華電信也有參與他們的活動,所以是這兩個組織,因此可以看到三個提案。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "第一個提案是OCP提出來的,他們叫做永續基礎建設,這個是前瞻基礎建設,這個要怎麼做,這個錢才可以花得對、花得好,這個成效是看怎麼樣評鑑,因此用這樣的思考角度,從政府採購的整個生命週期來看怎麼做好、做滿,類似這樣的題目,這個議題是世界各地共通的問題。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "難處是資料會散在各國,他們去年在巴黎的活動,好處是有找到世界銀行,開發計劃的預算跟合約因為是全球的,而且是結構性的資料,所以如果找世界銀行的話,找外交部或是經濟部,如果去瞭解的話,說不定可以比照那個模式協助。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "他們現在提了一個題目的方向,如果這個方向同意的話,我們可以把這個部分修得更順。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是為了反貪腐或者是為了對齊SDGs?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "對齊 SDG,因為很多工作是需要 infrastructure。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以是為了增進效能為主,不是以反貪腐為主。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這是正面說法,就是有包裝成正面的一些訴求。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我跟他們特別提醒這個。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "因為很貪腐所以要反貪腐。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "下面舉的這一些team,像澳洲、尼泊爾、馬來西亞或者是其他的國家,比如菲律賓都有一些過往專案所知道的,這些都是潛在邀請來的團隊。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "一樣用政府預算、政府採購,去促進包容式的經濟成長,因為政府採購在各國都一樣,佔DGP都是佔10%很重要的經濟動力,所以如何促進中小企業的參與、公平競爭,讓他們可以參與,永續經濟發展都很有價值,從這樣來思考的話,看是不是可以變成一個題目。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "過往在印尼、菲律賓都有協助、輔導過一些相關題目的project。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "第三個題目是……這個是舊版的,不過沒關係。他們說那邊有資源,就是一些telecommunication的protocols、API、open standards,在這個基礎之上,他們有國際telecommunication的network,這樣是不是可以包成一些social innovation的題目?用科技、通訊去改善生活。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "如果需要的話,他們現在是只有拿現成的東西來跟我們討論,他們覺得這個方向可以討論的話,他們已經明確表明願意參加、擔任sponsor,至少在亞洲區,拉了ATT來當mentor。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "Reference是我給他們提供給一些思考的方向,就是聯合國提出一些國際發展的重大議題,跟這個比較相關的是,AI開始普及之後造成了發展的問題,有很多社會面、就業面或者是一些其他面向的問題。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "還有一些,WEF報告講了一些天災人禍的一些風險進展,像我們現在聊的是空污、氣候變遷,又或是防災,現在臺灣很強調這一塊的議題,議題都是屬於重要的議題,這也可以思考sustainable infrastructure。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以聽起來,他們希望5G會變成一個亮點?如果我們用5G的題目,目前並沒有很多你在三天之內一定解得出來的資源,必須還要再策展。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "希望3至5月的時候已經做了一些樣子出來,才知道要邀請誰來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "會變成「5G未來想像」的小規模火力展示場。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "以他們現在的資料,就是有一些交換標準,他們來試做,把東西串一串。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要把總統府定成5G試驗場域(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "像去年那邊做過一個資料標準,然後去驗證可以串到local端,可以串所有的資訊,相同的概念驗證,我猜現有的東西可以做到這個程度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實以之前討論的標準,這比POC還要再前面一點,像是先期構想的概念。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "執秘有沒有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "這個時間點有一點早,是不是需要一些額外的裝備,如果他們帶進來的裝備其實不是5G的裝備,所以那一些概念會問到底是不是真的5G。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "因為5G的頻段、設備跟執照都是一大堆議題,那並不是要進口、加起來就可以,我感覺技術上的難度跟複雜度高很多。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一年之後就會變容易嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "對,會預告,明年可以預告。但不是以5G為題,只談永續基礎建設這個題目是可以的,我們從全世界蒐集很多這一方面的plan、產業界的spec,知道臺灣建了這麼多wifi的公共點,到底對我們環境的影響是什麼,耗了多少;相對的,使用者省了多少其他的能源,像用了這一些wifi或者是公眾的服務,我省了多少電,如果有一些data來支持的話,那就符合這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "主體是「永續基礎建設」,但是可以把5G的元素納入。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "5G的部分明年再納入,今年先用其他的部分。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "不特別強調5G。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。應該這樣講,我們在議題裡面比較適合國際的,今年還沒辦法做到邀他過來,做臺灣某一個特定鄉的城鄉創新,這個三天絕對不可能,三個月以前就要來蹲點了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "比較適合的是「全球夥伴」、「國家永續」這兩個項目,所以如果是用這兩個項目來當作徵集的概念,而不是以特定技術的話,我覺得這也比較適合我們觀摩的意義,不然就會變成5G技術展示大會。雖然那個也不錯,但是需要那個planning不是我們幾個月可以處理得完,有一點太趕。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "所以主題是「sustainable infrastructure」?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我覺得很好。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "「inclusive eocnomic growth」要不要?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "我覺得修5G,像open government的部分都可以舉例在裡面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實現在,國際上講sustainable的時候,主要就是講這17項目標。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "所以剛剛講的元素,就合併成一個?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "前一陣子,政委有召開會議,那時有碰到外交部的代表、主秘,他是有提到像這樣子比較大跟其他國家的,對口是其他的國家像嘉凱處理的是跟國際組織,是要有一點互動,而題目要確認這個是雙方共同有興趣的議題。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "確認完之後,我們發出幾個議題,我們的夥伴在那邊也有篩選程序,也推薦團隊過來,這樣講得名正言順,議題是兩邊都同意過了,外交部可以幫忙看,這幾個議題是我們幾個主要的對口國家會有高度興趣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就像「搶救水寶寶」贏了,然後再去紐西蘭,並不是直接邀臺灣臺水,而是有一個機制。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "可能要找普世價值高一點的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "其實像水資源管理,那個也是其中一個。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "所以主題還是「sustainable infrastructure」,然後細節再談嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "所以我需要跟 TMForum說?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得他現在能夠合併進去,但就是看他的意願,如果他真的很想推5G,我們就說「現在開始一起想明年5G要怎麼做」。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "應該是說利用5G來解決sustainable的問題?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,應該是說今年籌備的時間比較短,但是明年還會有,因為我們畢竟有一個要點。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "真實5G的demo比較合適,今年臺灣事實上已經有很多個其他物聯網的,但是他的展示並不是沒有空間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今年喊出5G的話,都會被放大檢視是不是R15、R16。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "今年是他們要不要列到sponsor,所以關係到預算的編列方式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果他對於「sustainable infrastructure」也認同,他沒有一定要把5G當作品牌的話,這樣子的話,其實我有參與的另外一個組織叫做「Digital Future Society」,其中的 GSMA 有一個叫做「SDG Impact Explorer」,就是用17項永續發展目標,看行動通訊技術,怎麼樣解決17項永續發展目標,臺灣也有一些案例在這一個地圖上,所以如果願意不強調5G,而是用行動通訊技術來達到永續發展的基礎建設,如果願意到這樣,當然也可以當sponsor。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "他們必須要知道的是,他們到底是不是正式的sponsor。因為這樣會有兩個sponsor……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們的競合。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我們要有一個共識。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "不好意思,當初說要辦國際松的初衷是什麼?我們到底為什麼要做這一件事,我想要確認一下,我們現在討論這一些,有達到我們的初衷嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "其實總統盃黑客松一開始希望做的是國際,因為國內的部分各個地方都在做,去年做的時候,時間很趕,第二個是府內覺得跨幅度太大,所以重點是在跨部會、跨公私部門的合作,作為他的主軸在推動,今年當然延續這樣的精神。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "當然今年的部分沒有國際部分的參與,其實用總統的高度來辦活動,我是覺得有一點可惜。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "希望在今年有一組是國際組,但是今年還是觀摩,因為如果要國際隊一起來做的話……像我們拿到氣象或者是氣候變遷的資料,如果整理好出來,就可以真正讓國際的團隊一起施作。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "今年有一點……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "比較像提供場地、舞臺的這一種感覺。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我比較好奇,不知道是不是達得到,如果是總統盃,而目的是這樣子的話,像外交部去年的宣傳,變成是「Taiwan Can Help」,是不是在執行的過程中如何符合?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "如果是OCP類型的話,我相信以亞太地區這邊的國家,臺灣的技術團隊很有可能可以合作。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "如果可以促成合作的話,我覺得臺灣整個政府自動化的系統是很有機會再做的,像公開招標的戶役政系統或者是稅務,那一些都是他們要的,只是看我們是否足夠積極,那都是比較屬於後面藏起來的目的。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "最重要的是要先讓國家知道臺灣願意跟他們也一些很實質的部分,並不是每一次碰到這一些政治、經濟、外交。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "一直提到區域,如果在這個脈絡下,我們邀請的對象是不是集中在APEC的會員國?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "因為第一年不希望弄得很複雜,所以目標是在東南亞加印度,有一點像總統談新南向的部分,目標是3至5就好了。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "我知道資策會在越南著力很深,我知道region,但是沒有往來,突然用這個,外交部弄這個會很辛苦。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "因為泰國是因為我們有很多臺商在那邊活動,現在的發展也差不多需要這一些基礎建設,大使也很積極在那裡。像貿協及兩個主要經濟部的法人在印度好幾個城市,印度的資、電素質是高的,如果那邊也可以拉起來的話,後來我們比較希望促成臺灣商業公司跟他們合作。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我的意思是,如果假設搭配總統盃黑客松是7月進行,那時社會上發生另外一件大事,是總統大選越來越熱,我在想蔡總統的各種外交成績也會拿出來檢驗,辦這一種總統盃黑客松國際連結,像有跟新南向有一些主題上的結合會比較好" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "所以剛剛劉嘉凱很關鍵是要確定合作的對象是誰,牽涉到記者會要提這一件事,然後有很多前置作業要做。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "像臺灣有一些大的SI公司,如果有在地的駐外單位,不管是貿協或者是政府單位,他們可能會願意落地在那裡,初期就跟他們match在一起。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "OCP跟我視訊開會時問了一個問題:澳洲算不算亞洲?他很客氣問了這一句話。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "你問他怎麼講?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "看付錢單位決定澳洲算不算亞洲,如果邀請團隊是澳洲隊的話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過新南向是有包含紐、澳,所以我想如果以新南向為主軸的話,不管是玉山論壇或者是什麼,紐、澳是有算在裡面的。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "下一個問題是資料問題,他們著重採購跟政府預算的問題,大使認為天上、地下一些觀測資料,這個有國際觀測資料來源,臺灣有民生公共物聯網,是不是有可能leverage,這個要思考一下,跟國際資料夥伴的關係。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們當初做民生公共物聯網,就是因為希望全部改成國際通用的標準,然後單一的共通平台,這個我就不多講,當我們說永續基礎建設的時候,我們當然是從民生公共物聯網開始,這個論述非常明白的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於採購資料的部分,以我的理解,工程會當然很不希望外流到外國人手上,但是這是外交部特別邀請來的,所以等於是客人了,這樣子也許按照工程會的要點,我已經看過了,這個事實上是可以申請為了研究用途,在這一段活動時間內使用等等。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實上一屆總統盃黑客松也有類似的事情,資料集就是給這一個團隊在這個時間使用,之後也不會再用的情況,包含地理資料等等,在上一屆都有這樣的方法處理,如果簽切結書或者怎麼樣,我想工程會那邊可以幫忙努力一下。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "討論完之後,我們要挑哪一個當贊助組織之後。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "國際松會需要哪一些單位?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "會發生什麼事?我們只是多付一、兩個人的機票錢而已。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "只是多一、兩個上面人頭的費用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有什麼關係?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "要看總預算,看資策會怎麼分配。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果還想合作明年的5G,先來觀摩一下,並不是壞事。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "一部分的預算也是要跟外交部進行,當然有一些部分的項目不一定要切到這麼死,像外賓一種是組織、一種是個人的,費用可能要估一下,哪一些部分是在外交部,他們都有這樣的範圍,也有他們的經費限制,哪一些是超過的部分,看哪幾個sponsor是要注意的,我們要算一下,因為我感覺未必一直要拉到30人、100人這麼高。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "但是如果大家的目標是共同的,可以有一些比較符合慣例的基本費用,基本上是沒有用組織,這個國際的部分是……" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "最大的變數是機票。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "最常見的是他們的費用。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "機加酒是最基本的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果是這樣的話,我覺得就不要多個主題,就是單一主題「sustainable infrastructure」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們這邊可以提供的,工程會就麻煩協調一下,在競賽期間對特定團隊已經認識他,他已經在臺灣了。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我們一定會努力,但是現階段不會跟工程會談,等到確定之後再談。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,你手上有工程會的草案,大概檢視一下沒有違背草案的意旨,我記得是沒有。另外一個是民生公共物聯網的資料,當然我們還有別的資料,越用我們的,越跟我們扣合,只要傳遞這個訊息就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果有這樣的話,我覺得有Challenge Sponsors並不是不好的。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "像政委提到的那一個單位?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得第一次先不用,今天大概也只能討論到這個程度。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "Follow-up 是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "讓外交部知道這個規模,也就是假設以沒有新的Challenge Sponsors的情況,哪一些是他們這兩個組織可以出的,好比像我這邊團隊的機票幫忙包了,這當然非常好,如果不行,又或者是只能出一半,要趕快問到,問到之後我們再跟外交部洽,看外交部可以cover到什麼程度,這個是決定有多少團隊可以過來。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "我建議可以談所有local的部分,機票的部分就請他們……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請他們負擔。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這樣比較清楚。如果談起來確實經費……因為你至少那兩個組織的人數……" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "四、大約五個人頭。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "那一些也要包含進去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "麻煩CK用這個當底稿讓他們知道,還有單一主題的這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這個時間點,恐怕要在17日之前確認。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我也要跟 TMForm 他們說併入這個一起主題設定嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是的。請copy黃處長這邊。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我只是負責牽線,所以接下來實際視訊會議是國際處這邊嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "可能要跟處長約一個時間再談,下次要談的時候就請處長指定人跟你一起。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們先要產出的是新聞稿,用新聞稿當底,其他材料都是新聞稿長出來的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這邊牽完線之後,就請把新聞稿裡面應記載、不得記載事項先弄清楚。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分,其實這一些Challenge Sponsors辦一些東西都非常有經驗,不需要我們去micro manage。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "其實下面的額外參與,如果有辦法的話,是越多越好嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我會建議如果有額外的預算,是用來把我們的得獎團隊,不管是前五名或者是前十名,帶到有價值的地方,這個是雙向的。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "是國內松的部分嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,他們來也會待那幾天,他們也會認識我們的得獎團隊。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "他們願意帶更多的人來嗎?跟政委不太一樣?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,確實不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "不要承諾太多,將來府的場地……可能可以在最後那三天可以剛好可以,或者是當觀摩隊,但是他們最後那一天的東西就不給他。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "真的來100人,也會有壓力。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "最後進去是依照你們的規範,前面三天人數抓在30人或者是有彈性?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為這個並不是要點所明訂,等於是測試其可行性,我們希望少,但是質量高。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個是,除了民生公共物聯網已經公開的資料之外,像是採購標案資料,每多一隊,工程會的壓力就多一點。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "如果是用臺灣資料的話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們為了要接到OCP,有一個政治目標是證明給工程會看,其實外國人不一定拿採購資料對我們不好,所以意思就是你找到的人真的要非常善於運用這個資料。你一下子來100個,如果裡面有幾個不太好,那反而容易被指責,不如只邀幾個團隊,但都非常強。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "剛剛有提到工程會資料的問題,有提到國際松的團隊,可以有臺灣的人加入嗎?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "如果是這樣的話,對於取得資料也許會更容易一點,如果全部都是外國人,工程會的……" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這個部分應該是鼓勵。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "因為之前的討論是,我們希望來的是團進團出,是call for teams,不是 call for individuals。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "按照工程會的辦法,應該是有一個具有中華民國國籍的mentor,去跟工程會申請資料,使用的目的是提供給這幾位外國人使用,使用期間多少、切結辦法,按照工程會的申請辦法應該是這樣子做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以一開始申請的人,不會是住在國外、雙重國籍者,或者是旅居在國外的臺灣人,而是我們專案申請來給他們用。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "不確定是不是用臺灣的資料。是不是趁這個機會,趁三天的時間,派臺灣的高手去交流並進入他們的團隊?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個可以。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這個機制要如何設計?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個應該不用現在做吧!" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "自然會找到空檔。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "你需要的資源,是不是包含外交部的窗口?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該還好吧!" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "確認一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "先把線牽過來,至少確定對外講什麼,外交部只需要對於這個題目是同意的,願意出到多少錢,這樣就好了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "現在看起來好像是有題目,所以是不是外交部的窗口要給你?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "先整理各方同意的版本,然後請國際處長提供那個版本給外交部。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "外交部直接給處長?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,國際松的部分就這樣了,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實滿有效率的,還有26分鐘,看大家有沒有什麼想要討論的?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "四院的部分現在狀況怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "等到記者會發布之後拜會,去年差不多這樣子,我是用信件,今年更積極,就跑一趟,我們再來約時間,目前可能要簡單的東西讓四院比較懂,如果府辦會議,他們參加會更投入。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "希望那個會議在什麼時候會比較方便?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "可能會看資料什麼時候整理給我們,如果快的話3月初就來安排,因為諮委的時間比較忙,我們跟雨蒼討論。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "野心不要太大,去年是希望司法院,司法院花了滿多的時間,今年再鎖定一個院,真的有務實的法人來參加,有一、兩個目標來參加,不要想說監察院或者是立法院都要。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我建議可以監察院,但是監察院的審計部可以著力在這一點的話。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "挑院的某個部會來做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "上次大選的經費資料,其實監察院差不多那個時間點會整理出來,所以如果提早取得,那個是滿好的,甚至有國際意義,因為政治獻金透明法案、陽光法案不知道推了多久,終於推成了,第一次用結構化資料全部都提供出來,不用靠大家文字辨識,所以這其實是一個亮點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果監察院願意的話,這個球可以做給他,目前很少人知道監察院有做這個系統。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "今年是司法跟監察可以花多一點力氣。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "司法的部分,資訊處應該滿願意的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "司法院比較善意。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在府剛剛宣達的會議,還是麻煩府方協助規劃看看。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "現在因為3月17日開始公布,之後要等國安會這邊,就是5月那邊先聯繫後,我們再開這個會議,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不是啦!我們拜會會去約時間,但是我覺得……" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "是要同步嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "對,同步做就好了,因為你看這個會,就算他們來參加,不想要也是沒有用,拜會也是讓他們的秘書長、部會首長跟相關去……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,無論如何是要在4月12日的正式提案期之前,不然也感覺不太有禮貌,好像到一半才去通知人家,因此我們希望儘量從3月中至4月初,這是一段很寬的時間,請你們幫忙規劃。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "我們上次討論要點的時候,提到評審委員單一性別的1/3?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,那一張簡報要抽換的。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "還要再看。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "到時對政府機關的說明會,是不是要比照去年邀請前一屆優勝團隊來分享,讓大家更有具體的改變?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個很好。你邀他,他不一定要到,如果沒有到的話,就被代表,就看我們這邊可以幫他講。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實去年從網站建置開始,都是同一組的朋友在辦,所以手上包含簡報資料、評審評語資料等等,其實都是準備好的,即使人沒有來,還是可以做出很好的敘事。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "有關於Join平台的部分,我們再sync。我們暫定3月7日可以同步認證,但是我怕萬一有什麼,我覺得有一個備案,因為不管那個叫什麼「池」,畢竟時間還是比較有限,所以是不是萬一Join平台在那個時間趕不上的話,是不是可以用簡訊的方式來處理?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡訊你們有現成的模組嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "可以。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "後面還有一個票選,那一定可以用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這次票選的佔比非常高,如果不公正的話,就不太行,但許願比較沒有這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我覺得許願的人票選也不會這麼多,所以也許用備案、簡訊來做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那就麻煩這邊開發的時候,先用簡訊做開發跟測試,如果API有接好,那很好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "甚至我們說票選不一定只用簡訊,因為可能會有灌票等等,但許願沒有這個問題,所以可以雙軌併行。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "無論如何,先用簡訊驗證來開發就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有意見?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那就滿有效率的結束這一場會議,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "我先說明一下好了,之前去年11月也有跟您聯繫過,我現在負責臺灣地區TEDx,我從大概一年多前就開始爭取希望TED大型活動到臺灣。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "剛好2019年是「TEDx」滿十週年,「TEDx」是從2009年開始,他們為了慶祝這個活動,辦了TEDx Weekend,我也有把資料先寄給你,花了一個很漫長的時間,把這個爭取到,爭取到之後現在是要來籌辦今年11月初的「Weekend」活動。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "全球有五個城市,其中一個城市在台北,當然我們也希望能夠擴散到其他的縣市,不只侷限在台北而已,今天來也是想說跟您請教一些在舉辦上的idea,也許我看像今年5月有社企高峰會在高雄,去年是在台中,也許跟您現在在發展數位化的東西,像開放政府創新的議題,我們怎麼樣把議題上來做結合,並且跟您做一些請教。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "另外,我們要辦理這一個大型活動,當然很有幸請到賀陳老師來當召集人,這個是organize committee,共同召集人是詹宏志先生。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也是我們大使。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "對,也找了平路、之前教育部長黃榮村等等,也找了緬因,可能你也認識。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "我們組成一個committee來work out今年的議題,我就把時間再交回去給你。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請召集人講一下。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "我是來幫腔的啦!" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "前面有一段是關於詹宏志的部分,唐鳳可能曉得去年7月份辦了那個活動,差不多在我記得是2、3月份發想時,不是發想……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是在籌備。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "是的。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "也有機會談到這個上面。我也覺得算是透過網路新興的一些發展,再回到網路的環境裡面來讓臺灣與世界一直保持接觸,必要的時候,我覺得甚至應該要倡導一些議題,使臺灣不要完全只在傳統的國際社會裡面或者是國際的活動裡面去參與奧運,可以有一些別的新舞臺,確實也有跟詹宏志提到李欣龍在爭取「TEDx」的事情。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "雖然他很忙,覺得「TEDx」要來臺灣開年會的話有哪一些議題可以拿來談,這個也反映到李欣龍爭取過程中,總部那邊的一些回應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們可以強調。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "因此可以看這一件事如何適度表達,也就是如何設定這一次的主題,還有讓相關的重要參與人,可能是(安排)speaker。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "我覺得一定想得不夠,所以才會有剛才欣龍提到來發想,因此今天除了在工作上、經驗上請教您的一些看法外,也想看看在不言而喻的意義當中,像「TEDx」這個時刻來臺灣開年會,不一定是回顧十年,也不一定是用「x」來做不確定的future,而是「x」代表可能性,在這個情況下如何看待這個主題,我想這個可能是可能會有幾個人在想的、也希望今天來拜訪您最重要的期待。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好的。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "也希望這裡面有一些主題,或者是比較成熟的議題,而是比較明確的一些議題,有沒有什麼代表性的人物是適合我們邀請來的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是的。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "我們必須及早跟人家聯絡,因為到11月是那麼久的時間,這個算起來是第一塊。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "第二,在幫腔跟籌備的角度,我們一切都是為了11月份的weekend。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我有看到,中間月、8月……" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "有一些地方的活動,這個部分其實欣龍可以再補充一下,這兩天有一些別的發想,這兩天有一些正面的意義,所以也許把這個部分補充以後,再看看對於整個活動的主題或者是類似熱身一樣的事怎麼樣推動。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想全部一次聽完。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "可以,因為原本是三天的活動,顧名思義是連續五、六、日的連續活動,是特別for 「TEDx」社群的這一群人,所以這次參與的主要會是大亞洲地區,因為整個大亞洲包含紐、澳只有台北這個點。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "我的構想是,希望在11月之前,我們可以有一個帶狀性的活動來做前置暖身,所以在給您的資料裡面,有400多位的TED fellow跟price,我們想說邀一些得獎主跟TED fellow這一些人的專長領域是跟地方議題相關的,比如假設台中可以談空污的議題、食農教育的議題、環境永續的議題,我這邊初步會篩選一些人,TED fellow跟TED prize winner,從6月開始陸續可以跟幾個縣市合作,像新北或是新竹、台中、高雄等等,剛好也看到社企高峰會的議題,今年剛好放在高雄,因為我這邊初期的調查是看到好幾個TED fellow……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是社會創業家。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "對,所以議題很適合跟高雄結合,我只是舉例。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "今年全年度從下半年開始,變成是一個從community創新的角度也好,或是從數位創新的角度也好,讓臺灣走向這一種非傳統式的國際化,並不是聯合國或者是奧運這一些,因為未來的數位化是沒有過界,應該讓更多的人來認識臺灣,或者是參與、討論臺灣的議題。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "臺灣的多元、開放應該不是自己高喊出來的,臺灣的開放自由、民主可以讓更多人接觸、認識到,透過這樣以知識導向為主的社群,看到我們這些開放自由、多元民主化,我認為實際對於不管是臺灣的國際行銷、臺灣跟國際的對話,又或是政府跟國際的關係都會有不同的質變,因此這個部分就希望從6月份開始,我們也跟地方縣市首長,現在可能也開始在談,也許新北市有興趣的議題是什麼,我們當然也會相對應跟TEDx prize winner或者是TED fellow來邀請。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "因為他們都是在這個領域可能有所作為、有best practice,或者有一些想法、付諸行動的事情,所以希望安排帶狀性的,然後一路可以堆疊到11月變成最高峰,初期是這樣子的想法。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "回到剛剛談到的,一個是有關於您的想法,有關於主題、議題上的建議,一個是有關於這一種前置活動與地方縣市合作,甚至是有關於經費、民間或者是政府的贊助,這一個部分也想請教您的想法。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "加一句,地方上的這一些也許可能不只兩場的活動,在議題上的熱身,必要的時候在年底可以多放一些跟action或者是action的場域,叫做地方來結合,行政院現在叫做地方創生,這個是可以結合的。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "另外一方面,在community也是熱身,臺灣的TED community是校園,離開以後的接觸比較沒有那麼多,這一次如果要讓世界各地的人臺灣,除了到臺灣既有的東西以外,TED community這一些透過局部的鼓勵,能不能讓他們對於活動有一個參與的話,本來是暴民或者是今後action持續上都可以發揮該有的精神,我們希望這個領域把真正臺灣,以為開放多元停在會講、會參與而已,而是要變成在會議之後就可以化為臺灣的意義。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK,好的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想一個個來,因為書面資料已經大概有180人報名這一場11月的,以我的理解,之前擔任過志工,總之是工作人員才有資格來報名。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "主要是策展人或者是organizer,以他們為主。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。所以這個意思其實也就是重點讓他們來認識臺灣,因為這並不是像一般的TEDxTaipei是任何人都可以參加的,這比較像社群內十週年慶的社群活動,我的理解應該沒有錯誤。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那個社區的「TEDx」社群嗎?好比像亞洲都來台北嗎?或其實沒有這個限制?" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "沒有這個限制,因為地理性的關係,自然會以亞洲為主,但是這次報名,我發現有中南美、非洲、北歐的來報名。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我看到您邀請的大使,包含了俄羅斯、希臘及阿根廷等等,那都不是亞洲的。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "對,沒有限制只能參加這個,當時挑選五個城市,也是因為地域性的方便,所以就近參加,但是並沒有限制亞洲只能參加亞洲的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以意思是北美都很付得起機票錢?因為沒有北美的。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "北美也有,但是比較少。因為「TED」本身的總部在紐約,每一年年會在Vancouver" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "總部的年會就沒有得挑了,不可能不在Vancouver的意思。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "所以他挑的地方只有中南美有一個城市,也就是墨西哥、歐洲……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。所以這個跟總部的關係是?" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "沒有關係,年會歸年會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是「TEDx」社群自發舉辦的?" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "由我們這邊來主導舉辦,這五個城市是他選定的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "理解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這個過程中有一些最低限度嗎?也就是這個週末裡面一定要發生什麼嗎?" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "有一個大致上的guideline,像一定要發生什麼,比如希望outing、工作坊、參訪或者是有wellcome dinner。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以倒不一定要講18分鐘?" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "這個是更活潑,並不是裡面全部都要是talk,這裡面會變得沒有那麼多,因為「TEDx」就一堆talk,「TEDx」年會也是talk,所以「TEDx Weekend」是更活潑、更多元化的一個活動。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好的。那fellow跟prize winner的部分,這你已經有名單,也就是願意來臺灣的人了嗎?" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "我們現在已經有名單篩選過比較合適。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還沒有問?" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "臺灣5月要辦「啟動亞洲」社企高峰會,同時也要辦一個全亞太的社會創新夥伴關係獎,這比較特殊,因為以前的獎都是給團體、個人,但是我們現在給的是夥伴關係,意思就是說兩個本來沒有互相相關領域的人或團隊,又或者是做經濟、環境、社會的,大家感覺上是互斥了,但是他們開始一段夥伴關係,然後達到永續發展,我們現在是邀亞太這一類創新組織,或者是如你所說社會創業家來當作評審,我們在5月的時候會在高雄頒那個獎。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一個很明確的是,如果這裡面的人有社會創業家的話,我們現在就可以說「請你要不要來報名這個獎項」,他們一定有一些夥伴關係是可以被慶祝的,他們得獎了,我們就會付機票錢讓他們來參加我們5月的活動,這個是很自然的聯繫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是你們6月的分享交流,是一定要在6月,或者是有可能接著我們5月的活動,在5月中或者是5月底?" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "時間是暫訂。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我講一下5月的活動,政府出的錢是佔少數,主辦方大家聽過的是喜憨兒基金會、Impact Hub,還有上一屆主辦者社企流等朋友,共同進行策展。但是Impact Hub也是全世界的橫向組織,所以我想你們之間對接會比透過行政院在對接還要簡單,也就是如果不反對的話,我們也可以分享頒獎承接的KPMG安侯永續跟這一次在做國際連結策展的,主要是Impact Hub跟喜憨兒,我想民間自己對接對我們是比較容易的,而且他們也花非常多的力氣在想臺灣的特色,如何讓外國的社會創新者知道,這裡面很多是互相重疊的,這個是大概6月活動的comment。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,你們跟地方城市交流,因為地方創生是這樣,並不是中央去指定,相信老師知道,而是地方去凝聚出一個願景向國發會提案,說現在地方有一個共通願景,也就是產、官、學、研、社都有這個願景,而這個願景底下去做提案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以你們想像中,中介這一些TED的貢獻者來,會是在哪一個階段呢?幫忙形成地方的願景嗎?或者是地方願景已經形成了,你們媒合一些願景類似的人來分享可行提案嗎?或者是到已經有提案了,他來就比較是有深度輔導,比較像仲介媒合。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們在規模化曲線的哪一個位置?以我的理解是這三種人都有,你本來有什麼想法呢?" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "這個我倒不敢講,今年地方創生元年,整個地方提出了一些行動。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大概3月就會看到一些形狀了。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "我還不清楚。這部分可能落在前端構想或是末端執行的部分,但應該比較不會是媒合的角度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就比較不是最後端、廠商?" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "我認為比較多的是在前端。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果這樣的話,首長當然意志也是很重要,但是地方創生,我們知道跟六都其實是不太重疊的,基本上是處理六都之外的,人口正在往六都集中的,我們說這一些偏鄉、原住民族的地區或者是重建省,所以當提出願景的時候,我們習慣跟六都的市長討論,其實是完全兩個不同的方向,你很難同時做這兩個操作,我只是想要提醒這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我自己當然覺得雪中送炭好過錦上添花,所以真正有地方願景、真的在解決人口外流的直接問題偏鄉,才是真正需要這一些,你問我的話,我的想法是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是從公關行銷的角度來說,沒有比六都市長要來的……這個是你們社群要做一下取捨,如果用地方創生扣合的概念,勢必是會在比較地方。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "就是六都之外。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果你們是說智慧城市或者是智慧城鄉等等,當然資源就會往六都集中,這個是給你們參考,並沒有一定要做什麼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我看你們現在列的是有能量舉辦TEDx,當然還是集中在都市是比較多的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,你們邀請這一些TEDx的核心成員時,你們會做策展嗎?或者是先報名就贏了?" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "這其實是跟TED總部的合作,主要的策劃是我們臺灣這邊,他有要求先開放報名,所以我去年底就已經先報名了,所以現在目標是350人至500人,我們等於現在同步規劃,也就是做11月的規劃策展,現在也同步開放報名。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的意思是報名就保證它上嗎?" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "沒有保證他可以來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "等於是意願徵詢嗎?" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "對,這個是初期的報名。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "或者香港、澳門。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "那個比例上會不平衡。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "這個團隊報名10個,每一個團隊只取捨2、3個,這裡會有比例分配的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你保留最後取捨的權限,這個滿重要的是,自己設定了臺灣的亮點、特色,來的人都不太看重這個特色的地區,我們就會非常尷尬。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "這當然是我有想到的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你有想到就好了,因為書面沒有,這個是提出來的。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果這樣的話,我想有兩個建議:第一,你這裡寫說用「數位創新、數位社會」來當作主軸……" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "這個沒有說一定是這樣子,這個只是暫時這樣初步規劃,因此今天想來聽您的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該這樣講,因為TED本來就是技術、娛樂、設計,應該是這三個詞?" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這三個跟數位都沒有必然關係,所以如果要強調數位的話,就會變成臺灣特色了,就會變成這五個城市裡面臺灣覺得是自己在數位上特別領先的,或者是特別能解決世界問題的,這個就是我們外交部常用的「Taiwan Can Help」的概念。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "重點是放在創新上或者是社會上,所以這個是為什麼在國外演講的時候,我現在用的演講抬頭就是TSI,很明確的是數位是一種數位創新,而不是好像社會要為了數位服務,越往前越是形容詞,所以臺灣注重的是創新的精神,但是這個創新是要為社會公共利益服務,這個是社會參與,一個是為了數位創新的方便法門而已,這個層次要做出來,這樣也比較容易,好比外交部要一併宣傳的時候,這個跟總統政見,也就是創新、就業、分配的創新比較容易扣合,不管是在數位、產業創新上,而是其他現有各個部會的共同宣傳,如果你現在只扣合數位,很多部會會說跟數位沒有關係,或者只扣合社會創新,雖然有12個部會,但是也有20個不在裡面,但是如果扣合創新,那就5+2數位國家,所有提到創新的都碰得到,都有機會成為你的朋友。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我會說創新為主,社會創新為輔,數位社會創新再更輔助一點,不要本末倒置變成數位為主。這個是一個建議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,你把「x」作為加乘效果、相互合作的交會點,很像是一個touch point的概念,我覺得這個非常好,我們都是說全球夥伴關係,我們把這個當作是加乘合作,我覺得這個是非常好的,我完全不會再改一個字了,這一段的論述很好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我想主題設定方面,大概就差不多這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他還有一些我可以幫忙的嗎?就是除了介紹你跟啟動亞洲的團隊,還有你這邊的主題設定時,跟創新有關的,我們可以共享一些資源,還有地方創生,如果最後覺得真的想要跟地方創生橋接,目前國發會負責地方副主委,之前青年也跟他交流過,這個可以理解,這個是假設真的要做地方創生。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看老師有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "剛剛提到兩個部分,一個是地方創生,一個是創新,「x」的部分是大家的共識。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,這個是非常好的。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "先講創新。我覺得這個題目用創新,剛剛說是暫訂,我自己沒有那麼大的把握,可以把「創新」兩個字放在主題裡面發展出夠豐富的……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「創新@臺灣」有一點保留?" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "有一點氣虛。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是嗎?" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "自己覺得啦!" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "可以跟你分享一下,詹宏志早先的一些談話,跟黃榮村、平路的談話,他們對於這一個題目的期待,也許不完全是創新,反而是一種叫做「Internet技術者是現實」,在社會所產生的一些狀況,例如某一些程度甚至叫做「未蒙其利,先受其害」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是所謂「監控式的資本主義」、「監控式的集權主義」等等?" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "可以想到那邊,但是還沒有。像詹宏志關切的一部分到了網路時代,本來,TED配合網路,可以做更多的做意見交流。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,傳播跟交流。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "但是實際上當網路裡變成是商業的傳播方式時,其實可以主宰起因更高,大者恆大,所以像這個事情絕對不是亞澳,也不是十年以前的回顧,往後來看的話,這個問題還會繼續發生。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是,絕對是。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "所以某個程度來講,digital gap其實永遠是存在的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就算我們說寬頻作為人權,但寬頻上面還有很多層。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "是,所以像這樣的事情,他當初有想到。黃兄提到跟他最近在關切的是,今年是921的二十週年,你看這一段時間裡面還有其他國家也發生這一些重大災變,這一些技術幫助我們在找尋需要救難的人理解更快、更好,但是真正大的問題是在於這麼大的創傷發生時社會怎麼因應它,這裡面有很多東西是技術可以幫助我們瞭解一些,也不見得是最好的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "這種情形我們怎麼樣可以在目前善用技術,使原來的設備裡面在應變創傷不足的地方,比較可以快速反省、找到。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "反過來說,過去裡面有一些優勢,怎麼樣可以透過技術跟現在的科技,使它可以發揮到最大。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "像我們隨便來講,過去東方社會當中,特別越是困難的地區,長期以來鄰里以來的互助多過於其他人,怎麼樣可以變成我們因應這麼大創傷時來重新找到,類似這樣的東西。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "他覺得這個事情應該是TED分享時,不是很像inspiring的idea裡面,而是比較像行動,而這一些部分會覺得也許都可以考慮放到主題裡面。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "舉例來講,比較關心的是在於臺灣怎麼跟國際發聲並表達,我們講說我們是相對自由,因此我們也在容許多元上也有我們的長處,但是這樣臺灣的社會本來就是TED最好的環境來創造idea的東西。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "同意。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "這個東西可以呈現的話,總之……這三個看法都可能跟我們去講社會創新這一件事,不一定有那麼直接,但是可能好像也值得再來想想看有哪一個東西適合放進去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我理解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個的部分,就是黃老師的部分,其實玉山論壇就滿有意識往那個方向策展,像外交部長在玉山論壇給了十個字,也就是「臺灣暖實力,命運共同體」,這十個字非常好,徵得外交部的同意之後,我們拿過來當社會創新實驗中心的標語,辦的活動都看得到這十個字,非常好用是因為對內講的是我們各種不同多元,很像板塊間互相撞擊,最後凝聚出共同體,每一次的天災是共同體的重新確認。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是對外是臺灣願意當大家的共同體,但是在彼此送暖的前提上,並不是在錙銖必較或者是零和或者是暴力、威權等等的這一些前提上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是問題是跟TED的調性相當遠,我也不客氣說,大家想到TED是不會想到這個,這個是我們有意識對於TED品牌重新定義。TED確實是之前世界經濟論壇那一種,四大超級創新國的那一種東西在TED上是佔比較大的比例,就是非常雀躍。雀躍之後很多人批評比較沒有一個很像給出交代的行動。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過當然一開始就是值得分享的主意而已,也不像聯合國一樣一定要一直給出交代,這個對於社群的期望可能有一點高。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是如果真的要用剛剛所講的暖實力,或是互助,我們現在有一個專門的詞——「韌性(resilience)」——來作定調的話,可能是亞洲共同願望吧!但是這個離TED品牌會相當遠,我不知道作為執行者的想法……" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "我自己對於TED的理解,因為也許有大者恆大的效果,其實我發現有越來越多的talk有很多是跟人性關懷這一種比較minority相關的,不一定是很大放光彩的東西。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不一定是很棒的表演。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "對,所以我認為越來越多這一方面,甚至是內省、反思的東西,剛剛講這一點,我倒覺得應該沒有所謂的違何感,倒是最後面提的這一點,如何像國際發聲或者是對照,這個是很自然而然可以發生的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果這樣的話,「創新」前面就得用一個夠強的字,去把創新拉回來,因為大家想到創新,想到的還是世界經濟論壇那一套。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "這個看起來是社群創新,也有其意義。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "我插一下話,你剛剛提到玉山論壇是臺灣暖實力共同體的一部分,有一個部分不知道以前你有沒有注意過,我自己參與過921在十週年的檢討,有一個很強的觀察,十週年當時快要到的時候,快到八八水災。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我知道。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "所以在十週年的時候,確實政府可能還有一點規模去籌備,分了好幾個組,要做展覽、發表或者是訪問災區後續重生的一些經驗。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "但是八八水災以後,差不多所有的組都停頓了,不然就是變成主持人去救災了,副主持人來維持開會,我就是副主持人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "對,其實我當時不在政府單位。我負責的是民間組織的發展,我可以跟您分享一下,黃榮春是讀心理學的,第二個也是921任期最長的執行長,對921的觀察,因為我跟她提過好幾次,意思是不管臺灣有沒有一些叫做社會韌性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "人情味等等。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "這一些是要靠、我們希望要有民間組織、有系統地把這一些東西傳達或者是維持。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是,就是社會部門。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "這一件事,921跟八八水災,這兩次在臺灣民間組織的發展史上來講是不一樣的,我不曉得您有沒有這樣的觀察?" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "我注意到的是原來這一些民間組織在921以前,大部分都是在都市裡面,中產階級的,921之後才有比較多的機會發展成全國性的,或者是中部屬於刺激城市,甚至這一些組織在剛開始的時候,可能是不計成本到了現場去,也許三個月、半年以後,70%、80%退回台北、台中,但是還有20%、30%的人留在現場。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "只是留在現場不是做全額的工作,可能開始跟人家分工了,我們兩、三個團體,不需要各自發行,尤其假如在地的人有些人回到災區做這個事情。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "包含後面的籌款、對於必要特殊專業的人號召及邀請,變成回到台北來做策動跟計畫,但是這一次的成長,在921發生了。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "到了八八水災的時候,這個並沒有做第二次的發展,反而是一次重傷,我不曉得您的觀察。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "不知道是不是這樣子?有兩個原因,第一個原因是災的性質,地震是95%的性質就決定了,但是水災並不是這樣子,水災是動態的樣子,結果就變成人都會這樣子被比得很不舒服,所以不同的時期就會去比,像救災的效率等等。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是啊!" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "後面水災的時候就會被當初都不瞭解災情,所以慢一拍,不管是準備什麼東西,這些設備都使得八八水災的時候,其實民間掌握的靈敏度跟社會上分享的速度都大過於以前,所以相形之下政府就有一點尷尬。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為那個是社群媒體剛出來的那一年,所以比起來大概差十倍。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "一方面可以有真正的社群,也就是民間組織或者是社區組織。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "除此之外,結果政府的態度會變成既然救災比較慢的話,我就要在重建上加速,這個重建一加速就變成民間團體第二次傷害。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我知道。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "變成這一些大組織做的,像重建會的。因為這樣子,就會變成我們在看這一件事的時候,黃榮村提這一件事的時候,除了不是TED的調性之外,可能另外一個感覺是你剛剛提到的社群流失,其實今天可以比以前更有效地、全面地,使得我們今天在社會適應一個重大創傷的時候要如何處理,比以前有更多的可能性,這個是他會提起這一件事的原因,我只是揣摩他的意思,他可能會更進一步來看看。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該這樣講,這邊一直講的是一群人如何透過創傷後昇華的經驗,彼此更認識、甚至也更認識自己等等,羅大佑有一首歌叫「伴侶」是在講這個,這可能沒有辦法那麼簡單地跟社群創新的主題扣合,我們如果要好好來處理這個,也許我們根本不應該叫做「社群創新」、也許不應該叫「數位社會創新」,也許應該專門來處理這個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像之前我比較熟悉的社群年會,就是g0v的社群,當時我們也想了這個主題,叫做「拆後重建」,大家對於民主制度不再信任了,我們如何重建這個信任,這個是當時年會的主題,特別講的是主題是重建信任關係。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果用這種下標,就比較像這邊所講的這一件事,並不一定是對於民主的不信任,而是對於數位時代不信任、對於人工智慧不信任,每一個都不遜於天災,這個很像有某些東西斷裂了,我們找出了一些共同重建信人的方法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果從這個調性的話,後面這一大堆的省思部分都要更強,不能只是好像有數位落差,我們來討論如何解決數位落差,那個是類似幫機器抹油的東西,如果要專門處理這個是存在主義式的東西,這個是很根本的東西。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我跟這兩個都很好,我跟這兩個不同速錄的社群都有接觸,只是很難這兩個同時放在一起,說真的,新自由主義的range很寬,但是並沒有那麼寬,這個給你們參考,也很值得做。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "有關於不言而喻的部分,有沒有特別的想法?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要看真正從PRC那邊來的,大概會有多少人?" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "大概會有1/5。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在做的也是社會創業嗎?" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "我剛剛講的是參與者,大概是1/5。中國大陸的TEDxCommunity,有些人是上班族、創業者,有些人是自由工作者,絕大部分是自願的心態來做TEDx這一件事,他們的背景比較多元化,有的在大公司上班、創業等各自型態都有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們當然希望他帶一些訊息回去,但也不要造成他太大的困擾,分寸就這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "畢竟是社群活動,並不是官方宣傳。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不言而喻的部分,就像你剛剛講的是自然發生的,當你在策劃、安排的時候,你就是多安排一些我們透過不是由上而下的指導式計畫、方法,就是因為民間對於政府有一個健康的不信任而出現的這一種自我組織的共同體,像我常常舉的例子是一群人不相信環保署的數字,就自己弄了空氣盒子,這個其實是非常好的案例,而且中研院獨立於一切部會之外,也支持這樣的計畫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在弄到這個社群反過來要求政府說進不去工業區,現在跨到工業區的路燈上,現在還透過前瞻基礎建設答應了這樣的要求,不然就是希望掛到海上,哪一些地方是境外,哪一些是境內,我們就修改了招標辦法,都掛在上面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "社群自己集結出來之後,告訴政府怎麼樣可以做得更好,政府因為打不過就加入,聽了民間社群的要求,但是後來發現原來對政府也有幫助,然後雙方的互信就建立了,但是總之是政府先相信人民,人民不信任政府這樣的一個概念。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們如果是用這樣的概念來進行活動策展,這樣就不用強調,因為看到的每一個案例都不可能在集權國家發生,我們甚至不用形諸文字了,不管是看到參訪、案例,每一個都等於是民間先不信任政府,民間組織起來,政府因為信任人民,所以採用了新的方法,採用新的方法之後,發現果然都錯的概念。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,你不用特別去說這個是新創、指標、未來,因為畢竟所在的地方也說自己是未來,而未來有很多不同的版本,所以我們不一定是說產業的參訪與交流,可以說這是社會力量的案例,像社會創新的產業交流。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果只是說創新案例,其實這是最中性的,創新只要講得出哪裡新、怎麼複製就好了,這還是最廣的,所以我們如果不是百分之百要軸轉到存在主義那一套的話,創新還是可以用的,不用特別說產業創新。創新行動的交流,排到的都是這一種公民社會的創新,這樣也許是比較簡單的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果特別去強調公民社會,可能要理解,那是他們的「七不講」之一。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "坦白來說,我希望再多一點。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "第一,我們有沒有辦法讓他們在這樣的一個自由參與之下,又可以這麼豐富、實質的感覺到這一些臺灣的特性,在我們的活動也好、在我們的接觸也好,不一定那麼容易。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "我補充一下,像剛剛過去11月份的這一些大使來臺灣,他們來臺灣,印象最深刻的活動之一其實是當初意外且臨時加進去的,也就是去公共冊所書店。他們感受到的是這麼一個看起來在商業上不見得那麼可以持續下去的,但是在民間所謂自動自發的交流上來講,其實扮演一個很特別的地位,這當然也包括陳列在書架上的書。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也就是像彩虹旗這一類的?" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "這個場合也許只有3、500人來,有幾個朋友私下剛好來到這個地方,或者是上次是因為總共才10來個人,等於帶著你來這個地方,不然不容易察覺到這個部分。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "多做不容易做到適當恰到好處,不過這一件事可以看怎麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在亞太社企高峰會的做法是,除了社創合作獎之外,還有很多這一種按照他的興趣去策劃的,因為其實就像剛剛老師所說的,300人不可能都同一個興趣,這個是真的,一定要拆散成像參訪的時候,像我們這邊是高雄、台南、屏東各有不同的路線,一開始就會分流,像對什麼最感興趣。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "現在也有這樣的想法,但是變成要降到夠察覺到的環境,好像規模要小到一個程度。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "我懂你的意思,上次參訪大概是15個人,假設這一次350個人,要全部break out session,不可能20個,10個已經很了不起了,變成平行的活動,所以範圍不太一樣。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "不過沒關係,我只是說這好像有一點遺憾。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "除了這一些人有一些感覺以外,也就是對臺灣自己,坦白來說,恐怕唐鳳你以前也有提過、講過,我覺得臺灣的眼睛看得太靠近了,都是搞一些比這個小鼻子、小眼睛的事情,或者眼前選舉的威脅、小確幸滿足的東西,其實全世界面臨很多事情跟我們一樣,人家也不見得一定要這麼自怨自艾或是這麼自我滿足。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "人家會選擇這個地方,人家看待臺灣的時候,不要以為開放多元,而自然就已經擁有了,很多世界是享受不到的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "這樣的東西之正面意義或者是因此給我們帶來下一代的鼓舞,好像應該要有什麼方式可以讓國人也可以瞭解一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "認真來講,這個是「TEDx」的內部活動,好像拉了這麼大一個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果要求他接受訪問,這樣有一點怪。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "我知道這個事情有一點為難。上次他們來,一方面人少,我們的方式是變成像讓中央社、天下雜誌,這一些人變成一起參與一部分的人活動,他們可以觀察、報導,這次就看看這一種地方是不是可以還有一些跟我們自己國人來分享,等於把頭抬高的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以我的理解,像被參訪的地方,像臺博館都發了新聞稿,但是那個衝擊力不夠大到變成一個話題的程度,因為類似等級參訪是類似的事,不然就是變成國外的朋友們帶著新的眼光,促成了臺灣哪一個地方的改變,這當然有非常多願景工程、倡議家等等都會去報。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "反過來講,他們認為被改變,這也是會有人報,但是都沒有改變,只是讚揚臺灣,這個是文化部在發這樣的新聞稿且已經飽和了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我們說改變理論,還是要臺灣達成什麼改變,好比像之前「超連結法案」就是很有創意的改變,啟發了國際上正在做婚姻平權的社群等等,只要說臺灣內部改變、造成外部改變,或者是外部的趨勢帶來臺灣,而臺灣不知道、臺灣被改變,像我們現在終於要做「數位身分識別證」了,對不對?這個明年要發卡,這一些東西會有故事性。但是如果雙方都不是改變,只是彼此交流、讚嘆臺灣的美好,我覺得這個還是要改變。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "我可以冒昧講一下現實層面,一個改變會在這麼短的時間內發生,除非已經setting好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,當然是喚醒靈魂的表演。就像有一些人去麥加、耶路撒冷之類的,本來已經懷著非常強烈、事前已經準備好,在精神層面被改變。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是要有一些議題,你把臺灣塑造成類似像麥加或者是耶路撒冷的地位,這樣可以被改變。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這需要事前非常長的策劃,並不是一瞬間可以達成。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "那個是媒體的報導嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果真的被改變了,就會是像逢人必說的改變。舉例來說,有一些做政治評論的朋友們,他們之前對臺灣可能沒有什麼感覺,但是他們碰巧到了318的現場、待了那麼十幾天,因為真的被改變了,他們從此對臺灣有一個完全不同的想像:「臺灣等於民主」,這個在腦裡已經深深烙印下來了,就會開始在國際上很自動地為我們發聲。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們現在在國際上很多這些連繫,都是當年的占領者網絡,他們占領了國家重要的地方,像華爾街等等之後,但是他們來了臺灣,發現占領立法院有用,真的達成了一些事,所以對於占領負面的感受比正面的感受改變過去了,有一個靈魂的洗滌,回到占領者網絡的時候,就逢人必說臺灣。這是真的有效,並不是亂講的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但我們很難在你預計11月一定要來占領一下,這個並不是很容易,那是一個比喻。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的意思只是,若是要主動變成臺灣的大使,你必須要有這種強度的生命體驗。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "理解。提到選舉就剛剛提到剛剛不言而喻的改變,改變誰呢?如果改變一下院長、總統,那也很好。所以我們本來是在想說這一件事有沒有可能,雖然不是像扶輪社或多少人來,但是究竟相當程度是一種傳播的達人,您覺得有沒有可能向院長提醒有這麼一件事?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是網紅的鼻祖。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "讓他開始對這一件事有一個重視,一方面可能在部會間推動這一件事,甚至請他們幫忙的空間大一點。一方面我也覺得這一些領導人能夠對於臺灣……也許對臺灣看見很多比我們更多知道的優點,但是這一種外國人來看待開放、多元的價值,讓他們自己受到鼓舞一下,可以自己看高、看遠一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當時離選戰這麼近,其實速度和時程,都不敢打包票。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "他們不可能出現,我們只是說包括前面比如這一些……" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "籌辦的過程等等。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過這裡有一個困難,這個困難跟之前g0v社群碰到的情況是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "說穿了,就是g0v並不是扶輪社、獅子會這樣的國際網絡,本質上是鬆散社群,任何人可以來、任何人可以走,所以公部門對於這樣子社群的介面如何拿捏,一直是很有挑戰性的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為對公部門來講有一個國際性的法人,在臺灣設立分享,這是我們比較容易理解的。但對於幾乎九成九是志工的鬆散式社群,尤其是外交部,相應的介面我們還在磨合,這個很誠實地講。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而TEDxWeekend這個活動是沒有舉辦過的,而且這個是新的品牌、在週末,所以當沒有前例可循。大家感覺到的都是一群志工的組合時,這個時候我們要怎麼樣讓公部門說,你有一個妥當的介面,這就是比較困難的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也比較想請教,你們比較想獲得的重視,是在哪一個層面?就是說如果完全經費補助,國營事業一定比較好談,但這並沒有要改變總統、院長的能力。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "我承認在這個上面有一個比較浪漫的期待:" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "第一,並不是一個叫社團於既有國際舞臺來影響這一件事,代表的是當網路時代,大家在意見表達上,像你剛剛講到網紅的鼻祖,能夠達到快速地成長,這一些養分,臺灣在這上面會被選為失言,雖然是用TEDxWeekend。把亞洲、澳洲這麼大的一個幅員放成是台北的東西,我覺得剛剛所講不言而喻的東西,應該是有更多的意義。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "第二,所謂的亞洲、代表的意思是什麼?在我看來,幅員之外,其實代表的是大量的人口,而且是新興國家的人口,新興國家的人口是年輕的,他們很多不管是消費習慣或者是對於網路認識是跳躍式的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "數位的原生代。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "因此這一種人在TEDx上的活動在臺灣來辦理,我們儘量把臺灣的養分優點做較好的結合,印象更深刻,他們更容易直接體會到。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "這個是受到國際的肯定跟活動的意義,對於這樣的人來號召,也就是對於TEDx這一件事更聯想。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "如果力度加大的時候,就比前面的速度更有意義了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我同意。我說網紅的鼻祖,那當然是一個我想像的……" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "非常傳神的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "想像的一個包裝。其實我記得很清楚,院長在立法院的時候,時代力量的委員說不要怕被叫做「網紅內閣」,因為網路不只是傳達,也是聆聽,網路是雙向的,所以與人民交流更密切是好事,所以不要怕被叫網紅。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "同樣的道理,TED並不是傳達想法,也有凝聚共識、凝聚共同體的意義。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是除了這一個比喻,那個是很浪漫的之外,落地上並沒有真的非常相關之處。我並沒有明確感覺到TED最近的一些年會,就是「驚詫的年代」、「混亂當中的明朗」、「身在現場」、「比我們更大」等等的這一些主題,跟我們目前的施政,除了也許「創新」是一個交會點之外,還沒有想到很落地、相互交疊的地方。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "你剛剛講的是TED年會的大主題,那只是一個抽象的概念。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "其實我想要比喻的事情是,像剛剛講的扶輪社、獅子會很緊密的團體,或者是奧運、聯合國很正式的組織,相對TED是很大的落差、反差,TED是一個很自發性、自主性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,就是一個概念。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "我在想的是,既然並不是一個很官方的組織、活動,更能凸顯臺灣mapping在自由、多元、開放民主的精神,所以今天不管是院長或者是總統,希望把這個事情給他,並不是希望他來致詞、表達什麼,而是希望能夠融入這樣的精神概念,又或者是某個程度也參與或支持這樣子的事情在臺灣發生。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "所以我的出發點並不是在於出發希望要來正式介接、正式參與,而是可以在某個程度或者是場合去認可這樣的精神,表達這樣的事情在臺灣發生的認同、跟臺灣角色很密切銜接。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我理解,我大概理解。就是從co-branding的概念,是共同行銷的概念。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不瞞兩位,我們最近才做了一個共同行銷案,也就是《總統盃黑客松辦理要點》。其實這裡面也有國際連結的部分,運用了新發明的投票方法,叫做「平方投票法」等等,到全世界去宣傳。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實「總統」跟「黑客」加在一起變成一個獎項,其實本來就是我們叫做「反差行銷」,並不是總統變成黑客,也不是黑客接管了總統府,而是總統府這個場地讓出來,讓黑客文化可以在這裡面生根發芽等等,確實就是採取了co-branding的概念。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過,沒有人擁有黑客文化,像黑客松並不是誰的東西,而是任何人一說是那就是是了,或者別人說你是就是了。但是,TED是有商標的,是一家公司的品牌,只是執行方法是鬆散的社群而已,這樣我們在挪用的時候比較困難,我們很難通過一個《行政院TED活動辦理要點》,但是很容易透過《總統盃黑客松辦理要點》。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "除非跨出一步,TED挪用到別的東西,然後這邊也跨出一步,然後挪用到那個別的東西,那最常用的「是永續發展目標」,這個是所有的人都可以挪用。接著是「社會創新」,因為行政院有行動方案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像剛剛講的很多災後重建的東西,這一些其實都是行政院已經往社群踏出了一步,但是社群這邊有沒有可能直接接上,然後我們是就這一個接上的部分去表達重視,這就比較容易。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "總統本來就可以說,前瞻基礎建設裡面,對於數位方面有「民生公共物聯網」等等的這些系統,當你接上這一些東西的時候,這個就變成容易了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為TED社群是網絡社群,我們現在重視網絡社群,但很難因此就變成TED的一部分。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "其實沒有特別強調TED社群,而是想到網紅選擇臺灣的意義,並不是TED,也許是別的社群,但是選擇了臺灣,我覺得這一件事的意義,不是弱到具體的政見、政策,但是是弱到這一些決策的人心目中自信心。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,絕對是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我不知道這邊最後的主題會是什麼,但是我的建議,還是不管對院長或者是總統,是就主題的精神去進行扣合,而比較不是對於這一系列活動去扣合,這樣就比較容易。這也是為什麼社會創新行動方案,最上層是達成永續發展目標,我們做的每一件事都是為了全世界,並不是為了臺灣而已,也就是命運共同體的擴大,不管要扣合哪一項永續發展目標。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以像「循環經濟」產業創新,可以對應到「負責任生產消費循環」,這樣本身就是一個題目。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像五月在高雄,從「韌性城市」到「永續城市與社區」本身就是SDGs的題目了。所以說,如果挑某一項永續發展目標,這樣就很容易,因為各部會都被要求填自願性國家報告,所以我們是就那一項永續發展目標裡面所填的部分,然後去進行扣合,因為每一項大家都重視。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "TED當然可以說是優質教育,但這個活動也可以不要只限於優質教育,你還是可以挑別的喜歡的目標,就你挑的那個目標我們再來串聯相對應的決策值,我覺得這個是稍微容易一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果還是要講創新的話,就是第九項,也就是開放式的創新等等。所以如果有這一個對應的話,會比較容易操作,這也是提供你們參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為永續作為一種價值或者是精神,這並不是最近的事情,但是把它切成這十七個,這個是最近四年的事情,所以這裡面也許你們可以想的,如果有所扣合,我們就特定的目標,去做一個橋接。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "差不多這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "非常好,尤其後面這一段。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "昨天有一群人來拜訪我,我有提到「」可以試著經營看看,這些都是全世界大家都願意看到的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在PRC是翻成是「可持續」。我們這邊是「永續」,也就是放眼更遠的未來,這也是不言而喻的改變。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "光是用「永續」,而不是「可持續」,很多事情自然就有講到。" }, { "speaker": "李欣龍", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "賀陳旦", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "保持聯絡。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "處長已經到了,我先跟處長報告,今天唐鳳有另外一件事,今天是小型的初步會議,我來幫忙主持,主要是要給她看的,我們雙方編修之後再公開。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "在處長來之前,我們已經先跟漁業署確認過了,這個案子漁業署是有意願要提來由辦公室開協作會議,時間的部分如果處長沒有意見的話,我們剛剛稍微決定,是有兩個時間,一個是3月27日,一個是4月1日,辦公室選這一些時間是有一些考量的,我就不贅述。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "漁業署反映3月27日農委會擴大主管會議,所以我們選4月1日,這個是第一個時間點。舉行的地點是,漁業署說署本部12樓很好。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "就是在動保法那一個案子的12樓。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這個地點他們沒有意見就在那裡主辦。第一個會場就那裡,第二會場等一下可以討論。大部分的協作會議只有一個會場,大家就在那邊討論,做一下紀錄就可以了。等一下有一些參與者比較激動,像我們遇過是擺布條跟包圍唐鳳,如果這樣的話,我們就會開第二會場,讓第二會場吸收壓力,第一會場就冷靜討論,因此就討論要不要第二會場,不需要就不需要。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "再來,主協辦單位,我們來確認一下,漁業署是主辦機關,對嗎?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "一個主辦機關有問題嗎?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "還有人想當嗎(笑)?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "只是確認一下,不要說沒有問過你(笑)。協辦單位除了今天來的海委會外,還有沒有其他的協辦機關?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "可以找各地方政府來當協辦機關嗎?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "就是現在有合作導入的時候,是不是可以請PDIS幫忙邀?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "應該這樣來分析:" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "第一,地方政府如果全部都邀的話,我們沒有這樣做過,可能有一點難度,因為單位很多,有的不理你、也不來。如果只挑一、兩個,就漁業署的角度來分析,就像釣友反映最多的,也就是一、兩個縣市比較多,我們可以考慮。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "如果撇開不談,像台南倒是可以考慮,因為台南市我目前知道,像23個縣市裡面在各局處是有開放政府聯絡人,這個是一個機會,這個是我提出來的,漁業署可以回去評估一下,或者你們現在就可以給答案也很好。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我這邊補充一下,有地方政府已經有開放漁港的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "有。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們建議要邀。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "很積極在開放的,我們就把他一起邀過來,那就是新北市、基隆市,這兩個是滿積極的,基本上港大部分都開放了。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "有很積極的,還有比較保留的,這樣各邀一個,兩邊交流一下,搞不好屏東也邀看看。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "漁會也要。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這邊是講主協辦機關,你講的是利害關係人。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "主協辦機關,提出來的是新北市、基隆市,光譜另外一邊要不要提另外一個?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "這邊我們回去再討論。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你再補給主持團隊。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我有一個小問題,聽說這一案,當時提除了海巡以外,也有漁港跟軍港是可能的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "我們有跟商港合在一起,沒有跟軍港合在一起。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "要不要跟相關的部會一起瞭解?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "其實位置很清楚,他的歸他的,我的歸我的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "所以跟國安會不一樣?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "剛剛講得很清楚,漁港歸漁港的。所以時間、地點、主協辦機關都確認了,是不是可以講一下你剛剛講的是老議題了。" }, { "speaker": "沈建中", "speech": "有關主協辦機關,因協辦為本會,建議主辦機關是否為農委會較妥。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "剛剛是不是說海委會是協辦?" }, { "speaker": "沈建中", "speech": "是,本會為協辦機關,建議以農委會為主辦機關。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "都一樣。" }, { "speaker": "沈建中", "speech": "謝謝。就是以部會為主協辦機關。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "主辦部會是寫農委會,不會特別寫到漁業署。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "那沒有問題,當然。請科長開始講。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "農委會、漁業署是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我請科長開始講。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "針對這次有釣魚團體在提案,要全面開放漁港港區的部分,其實之前在立法院也陳請過很多次,其實漁港法在第18條就已經在了,漁港主管機關在不妨礙港區作業的狀況之下,要指定區域,開放給民眾垂釣,因此就法律面而言,是不是可以釣魚就可以由漁港主管機關按照各個實際狀況指定一個區域供民眾來垂釣。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "目前已經有19個漁港,其中一類漁港有2個,17個是二類漁港。按照漁港法,漁港主要的功能是給漁船作業及休息等使用,主要的部分是給漁船使用,因此不要造成航行安全跟作業的困擾之下,我們可以多元使用,給另外一個像觀光休閒,或者是其他船支或者是釣魚來使用,但是這兩個不能產生衝突。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "他的提議要全面開放的部分,我們認為不適宜,還是要在某種規範之下,現在漁港法第18條的規定之下。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "現在漁港基本上有222處,一類漁港有9個,也就是漁業署在主管,第二類是213個,這個議題在2月15日,剛剛有講聯合晚報登出來之後,隔天我們就發函給各個地方政府,請他們就213個漁港再檢討,因為法令已經鬆綁是可以設置的,有很多縣市政府,基本上一個漁港都沒有開放,我們認為目前就222個跟19個來講,所以我們有發文給他們。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "我們在3月11日的時候也發文出去,我們會先找各地方政府,也就是二類港跟一類港的部分,主管機關先來討論一下看有哪一些港是有這樣的條件,是可以馬上公告開放。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "後續的部分,像剛剛所講的,我們願意針對這個議題,請行政院協助,看是不是要再開協作會議,剛剛也講了時間是4月1日於12樓召開,大概先召開基本訊息。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "有什麼問題嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我直接先問,因為這個議題有一點衝突,也就是有一個漁民、一個是釣客,我們有一個小建議,如果要開第二會場的話,我覺得這個跟第二會場的狀況不太一樣,以前第二會場是某一邊特別激烈,另外一邊可能是在會場內或者是網路直播關心,這一案是兩邊都到場,如果都設在第二會場,這樣會很恐怖,這個要想一下,這一次的第二會場跟我們傳統想像的第二會場是不一樣的,這個可以再想一下如何處理會比較好。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,這個議題兩邊衝突比較大,其實我個人都比較推薦有沒有什麼學者專家可以邀到場,也可以事先讓我們訪談、瞭解,如果這個專家學者,像農委會之前發包研究,如果漁港要開放釣魚,有哪一些研究報告,這個報告可以提供給我們,我們可以先瞭解、訪談他對這個議題的觀點、看法之類的,不知道農委會有沒有相關的學者、專家有建議的?或者你們要再回去討論的?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "這個部分我們比較沒有做過研究。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "當時修法的時候沒有研究嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "這個是立法院直接修正的,因為那個時候就一直找立法委員,因此那時就直接修正訂進去。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "所以其實是執行後才有一些窒礙難行之處,並不是法令修正前就有意見的?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,有關於釣客,我覺得大家可以一起討論、發想的。可能我們往另外一個方向,除了漁港外圍之外,地方有沒有可以設置垂釣區的地方,而這個設置垂釣區或者是釣魚垂釣區的部分,目前農委會漁業署有沒有相應的研究?或者是參考國外的經驗?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "基本上我們是有自己針對八斗子開放時,那時有請人家設計安全性的問題,針對這個地方是不是適合垂釣,我那時回去找,大概那時沒有做這樣的研究,只有八斗子,也就是第一類港要設垂釣區,剛剛海委會的長官有提到安全的問題,因為那是只針對這個地方要開放,因為那個是外面的防波堤,直接面對大海,因為港都會有最外面的,打外面的浪,大家都很喜歡在這邊釣魚,那個地方也釣得到大魚,基本上在港內釣不到什麼大魚,釣魚要有收獲的,大部分都會在那邊釣,會有安全性的問題,我們要設計出安全性的設施,當初是有做過這樣的研究,至於哪一個地點適合垂釣,基本上沒有做過這樣的研究。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我現在想的是,我們討論的標的,讓大家都有共識,比較反對的應該是如果要提供一個安全、又不影響漁民釣魚的環境,或許是會議上很容易可以往這個方向前進,大家比較不會有衝突,也ok的,這個條件是什麼,可能要釣客弄出來,如果漁業署報告佐證,然後可以作為一個參考資料,以後要設置這個垂釣區,要評估的是哪一些,還有哪一些是到時在會議上可以請釣客團體一起討論的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "比如他們怎麼樣自己宣導安全垂釣的要點,或者是怎麼樣做好自己的保護;甚至事情發生了,政府、海巡署提供的協助有哪一些,請你注意如果真的發生了,你風險自負,這就要自己做好準備,而不是什麼事都要找政府來拿錢,也許這個地方是比較健康的方向,這個只是我個人看過。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有沒有什麼建議,像標的團體?比如剛剛有提到漁會、縣市政府。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "有一些是會後再提供,因為我們之前有跟他們接觸過,他們也滿理性,是可以討論的。" }, { "speaker": "沈建中", "speech": "有關漁港港區釣魚,漁船於漁港中的航行安全,是重要議題,建議可以邀請漁船的船主或者是船長與會。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "請漁會的總幹事來,他們很清楚。為什麼要開放?有的地方為什麼不開放,其實他們總幹事很清楚,我們直接挑幾個漁會的總幹事來請大家表示意見,這樣應該就夠了。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以我問一個問題,因為剛剛有建議地方政府是基隆、新北,然後再補一個比較保留的地區,假設是屏東,一邊是釣客、一邊是地方政府,他們自己都有相對應的漁會,是不是這個意思?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "新北有四個漁會" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "但是我們應該沒有必要四個都找來。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "有開放的漁會就好了。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "新北找一個。屏東有幾個漁會?" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "屏東有五個。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "是不是到時候也找一個出來?因為照理來說他們的心聲應該是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "一個就夠了。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "假設最後找三個縣市政府,就是找個漁會當作我們的利害關係人,他們後來訪談或者是一起來討論,這樣好不好?雨蒼剛剛提到學者專家的部分,也請處長回去幫我們想一下,因為漁業署有自己的那個……" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "忽然想到,回到部會主協辦的問題,內政部警政署有要找嗎?因為有一些釣客在他們的社群反映是被霹靂警察抓,他們跑來趨離他們。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "源頭在於開放的界限模糊,所以一定是那邊的漁港才報警,警察都是末端的,這邊都講好了,因為執行沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "你全面開放了,警察就會叫了,就沒有辦法顧到這麼多的範圍之類的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這裡有一個前提,每一個漁港,像八斗子我們開放之後,或者是擴大開放區域,像第一線處理的是誰?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "主管機關。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "是誰?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "我們是委託基隆市政府代管,所以是基隆市政府來處理,包含有人落海、受傷或者是掉到消波塊裡面,第一個是當地的海巡署及基隆縣政府會出現。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "他們都是第一線會在那。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "基本上因為漁港都是海巡署在負責,有些釣客會把其他的經驗寫在這邊,基本上商港裡面才有警察,所以他講的那個基本上是其他港的事件,基本上漁港都是海巡單位在處理。" }, { "speaker": "沈建中", "speech": "我要說明,本會所屬海巡署,在各港口設有安檢所,負責安檢工作。是不是請鍾科長說明。" }, { "speaker": "鍾開沛", "speech": "漁港的治安是當地轄管的派出所,雖然我們各漁港有駐地,但我們的權責就是剛剛處長所講的那樣,基本上我們對於漁港管制的檢查就是救難為主,並不是漁港的治安是我們直接處理的,並沒有的。" }, { "speaker": "鍾開沛", "speech": "當然很多就近的東西,我們也是執法機關,因此直接處理。" }, { "speaker": "沈建中", "speech": "謝謝。權責是有所區分。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "一個是一級港、一個是二級港,地方政府開協作會議要看什麼,理論上是設想自己縣市內的調度,那個是他的事情,這也不是警政署可以處理的,如果台南市說沒有人,警政署有什麼用?誰去巡邏,縣市政府的警察局去處理。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "九個一級港裡面,我聽起來也都有委託,即便是八斗子,也都委託給當地縣市政府,所以我們這邊討論的範圍應該是先以一級港,因為你剛剛講的人力,像警政署或者是什麼,大概沒有辦法去處理,那個是縣市政府要去設想,沒有能力就沒有辦法開放。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "所以討論聚焦在一級港嗎?" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "確實我們的題目不是一級港,而是全國漁港開放垂釣的檢討,剛剛討論警政署的部分,那個是在國家公園區,像墾丁國家管理處在海上還有劃分區,像類似保育區的地方,那是禁止垂釣的,我想未來漁港的開放,這個事件弄完以後,馬上接著會岸際之間的開放,岸際的開放就很麻煩了,就是非漁港的岸際,一般的海岸線。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "聽懂了。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "岸際的部分在我們屏東也曾經反映過,尤其是小琉球那邊。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我想請問一下這個跟內政部營建署的國土計畫有沒有關係?儘量海域的相容性事項?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "先侷限。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果要發想垂釣在什麼樣的環境比較好,很可能扯到岸際,因為要考量岸際是不是可以垂釣的,我們在會議上可以說這個不是國家公園保育區,如果這樣的話,我想大家都會同意,但是如果這個地方需要多做說明或者是多講經驗,也許內政部就會比較重要一點,但是如果大家在那個時候評估,會覺得國家公園保育區這個地方本來就不行。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們拉回來,我們這個案子就是處理那222個漁港,因為你去檢討整個海岸線,那個是另外一個更大的題目,千萬不要這樣。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我的意思並不是要檢討所有的海岸線,而是去談出一些規則,這一些規則如果符合的話,政府可以考慮,再劃成垂釣區,因為他們的訴求裡面,其實一個是「我們要求開放漁港可以垂釣」,另外一個是「政府應該要劃設合法的垂釣區」。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "是每一吋的海岸線去檢討?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "就是要修正漁港法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我看他們網站上的訴求,如果符合這個條件的話,政府把某一個海岸的地方規劃成適合的,如果地方政府一定是漁民跟他們在那邊衝突,漁港我覺得很可能沒有解,如果把條件盤起來,兩個都符合。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "海岸線的主管機關不是他們,那個是另外一個。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "喔!" }, { "speaker": "鍾開沛", "speech": "我有一點意見,岸際是更複雜的議題,因此我們回歸他們的訴求,以漁港為主,漁港分為一、二類,我想他們比較有興趣的漁業署9處只開放兩處,為何剩下的地方沒有開放?" }, { "speaker": "鍾開沛", "speech": "另外一個很大的是二類漁港的部分,漁業署很希望各縣市政府來,因為依照漁港法裡面的規定,開放、不開放都在縣市政府,他們為何不開放,這個是他們最重要的問題,因此是需要各縣市政府來說明。" }, { "speaker": "鍾開沛", "speech": "另外一點,漁港才適用漁港法來處理,問題是二類漁港有很多我記得是沒有公告是漁港的,是不是?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "這都是有公告的,如果沒有公告就不叫漁港。" }, { "speaker": "鍾開沛", "speech": "就不在第222條裡面?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "鍾開沛", "speech": "有沒有在漁港,然後不在第222條裡面?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "有舶訂,但是沒有漁港,如果有公告才叫做漁港,這個第222條都是有公告的。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "222個漁港是農委會都有公告名稱,但是要公告漁港的區域、範圍再依照漁港的規定來做細部規劃並公告,這個是不一樣的,所以剛剛海巡提出來的是,有一些二類漁港,像屏東有一半以上沒有依照漁港法的規定來辦理公告,那個是漁港範圍,農委會是公告這個港好比叫做後壁湖漁港,但是要真正公告他的範圍,設計到土地撥用的問題,要依照第4、5條的規定,這個漁港哪裡可以停漁船的地方,哪裡要做公共設施,這個細部規劃出來之後再報給漁業署備查,然後再公告漁港建設,也就是未來漁港類似像都市計畫一樣,哪裡可以去倉庫,所以他的公告跟這邊的公告意義差別是在這裡來。" }, { "speaker": "鍾開沛", "speech": "在那個地點釣魚是不是漁港,是不是漁港的範圍,如果是的話,就要用漁港法第18條,如果不是的話,那就用另外一個。" }, { "speaker": "鍾開沛", "speech": "如果不是的話,就看在哪裡,看用什麼東西去釣,適用的東西可能不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "我來補充一下,二類漁港沒有公告的,那個面積都小小的,那個要開放也是不可能,腹地這麼小,繩子一放就跑過去,一般漁港法還沒有公告的漁港,像比較小的漁港,其實也不可能開放垂釣,絕對沒有那個空間。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以我們討論的範圍就是漁業署有來核可過的,管理單位來講這就是漁港,像有些很小也沒有來報,幾艘小漁船停在那邊,不太會管,除非有一些範圍或者是方法離譜的行為,不然我聽起來……" }, { "speaker": "鍾開沛", "speech": "有些是非法漁槍。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "如果沒有公告,基本上不適用漁港法,他在那邊釣魚,就是處罰,是違反其他法令。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "對,沒錯。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "回歸到這一個案子,他們的初衷是希望要有一個安全、合法、垂釣的地方,只是因為漁港已經都建置,因此常跑到那個地方聚集,如果其他地方可以規劃起來,對他們來講也是幫助。當然我也理解如果今天大家覺得會議是由農委會主辦,我們就以漁港,不管一、二級,如何在這個範圍裡面安全開放垂釣,這也是可以談的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "當然,談的就是這個。倒是剛剛有講,縣市政府聽起來九個開放兩個,另外七個看怎麼處理,另外一個是縣市政府,我們找了三個,應該就夠了,或者是對漁業署來講不夠,我只是要確認這一件事,ok或者你覺得把他們找來?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "每個地方都有狀況。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "地方政府有講了,他如果開放了,基本上要去管理,現在基本上漁港裡面,沒有開放釣魚,基本上也沒有處罰,但是如果公告開放了,變成又要去管理。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外一個,他們要再去做一些安全的設施,再者是利益團體衝突,也就是漁民跟釣客基本上是互相衝突的。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "我們有好幾個港,比較好釣魚的地方,常常都會有糾紛,漁會都幫忙調解,因為都在進出港的地方,因為你再進來一點,魚比較沒有這麼多,比較靠外面的地方,魚會比較多,他就在那邊釣,你在那邊釣不可能有船來馬上收,因此會常常網子會繞,因此常常處理糾紛。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "因此漁港法規定在航道部分或者是作業區,因為漁船進來是要洩魚,兩邊也會有糾紛,這兩邊要除外,其他船比較少去的地方要垂釣,但是那個地方又沒有魚,你問說這個地方沒有魚,叫我來這邊釣,我要幹麻?要去有魚的地方,但是那個就是漁民要常常經過跟要在這邊作業的地方,兩邊就是衝突的,麻煩就是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "釐清一下,我原本的提議是找光譜兩端有代表性的就可以了,所以你應該沒有意見,全部的人都找來,他說不要的就都一樣?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "如果開放三個縣市的話,反對的也要找三個。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "那就選兩個,漁業署可以處理嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "可以。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "那就挑兩個,二比二。還有什麼問題?漁業署這邊有什麼問題?有些細節要確認的後續再處理。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "那一案還沒有成案,實際上你們有先聯絡過提案人了嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "有。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "基本上他的提議就是他寫的那一些。因為我有看到漁港要設垃圾桶、漁港要提供廁所。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "基本上都有,他的提案本身很發散,他要廁所一定要靠旁邊,一個港這麼大,不可能在釣魚區旁邊設一個廁所,然後在你旁邊設一個垃圾,設廁所一定要附屬在建築物裡面,像直銷中心或者是辦公室之類的,如果要在很多地方設單獨的廁所,漁港基本上還不是那一種觀光的地區,所以目前比較困難。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我的意思只是要確認一下,提案人的主訴求非常明確,也就是可不可以釣魚,至於漁港環境這一塊都只是配套的東西。" }, { "speaker": "沈建中", "speech": "漁港法第18條第1項第4款談到採捕的部分,採捕是不是包含釣魚?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "對,所以第2項就講「不受前項管制」,我剛剛說漁港法一開始不能釣魚,後來立法院設了第2項之後,就說「不受第1項之規範」。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "目前指定區域訂定相關措施,目前漁業署?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "像颱風的時候或者是進來這邊沒有亂丟垃圾的守則,在這邊釣魚是一些規範,像清潔的,要求只能往這個方向,而不能往後面的方向,這個是船支進出的方向,因此有規範,還有什麼時間可以進去,像路上颱風警報發布之後,這個地方就不開放了,都有的,新北市、基隆開放的都有訂這個守則,都會貼公告在釣魚區的現場。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "立法院的立委,子維你覺得呢?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "因為我們接下來就會開始盤點所謂的利害關係人,跟我們發生兩件事,時間來得及的話會採訪他,另外一個是當天協作會議會邀他來。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以在利害關係人裡面,因為有提到漁港法,如果假設現在就有某一位立法委員,他提了一個法案要修,這個時候會把它視為當然利害關係人,這個名單可以提出來,簡單來講是這樣,回去查一查,都沒有就這樣。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "但是我們是以有沒有提案、跟這一件事相關為主,坦白來講,如果太發散,連質詢過一次,你們會找不完,所以你們可以稍微想一下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這一案沒有時間訪到很細,一個是釣客團體、一個是漁會總幹事,地方政府挑已經開放的,因為已經開放有面臨一些新的管制,會瞭解管制措施,剛才不開放的理由其實已經說得滿清楚,我覺得去訪已經開放的也許比較ok,再來是學者專家,大概是四個。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再來,是不是要敲一下他們是不是可以提供時間?不然都是後續電話約,我們今天在這邊敲下來比較快。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們有議題分析表,請各位幫忙填,漁業署有遇過,海委會也有處理過,這個東西還有另外一個列表,也就是相關的資料請你們幫忙提供,可能我們這一次就一起請你們幫忙提出,你們覺得時間要多久才可以提供。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "第一次會前會是什麼時候?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "大家可以定調今天就是會前會嗎?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這個是工作會議,下次會開會前會。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "3月6日以前可能嗎?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "8日可以嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "3月11日?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "拿到利害關係人跟資料之後會開始進行訪談。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "議題分析表跟訪談名單脫鉤,因為你們確認一下就可以先給,議題要蒐集一些資料,需要一些時間,訪談名單是不是可以比較快給。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "還有兩個縣市政府的建議。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "可以晚一點。訪談名單可以先告訴我們。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "下週一。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "議題分析表下個禮拜五,討論議題分析表的心智圖會議要不要先敲時間。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "18日至22日那一週會比較ok。如果8日才收到資料的話,4日收到訪談名單,實際上訪到人也是7、8日或者是11日至15日那個禮拜。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "15日要訪完,21日以前要把議題手冊寄給所有的人,所以18日至22日可以再開一次會前會。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "布置一樣的是前一天?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "設備要放在裡面嗎?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "沈建中", "speech": "協作會議是4月1日上午?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "一整天,從早上10點到下午。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "場布是到29日的話,是不是要提早?東西可以拿來鎖。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "那個場地是?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "加開第二會場,當然是要提早去看。要不要當天帶來?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第二會場是比較單向,通常是一群人在那邊看直播,唐鳳會幫忙吸收一些炮火,大概是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "討論完議題分析表,是不是要看第二會場?要這樣問的原因是,那個是吃飯的地方,可能要請他們不要來吃飯。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "最近幾天會公告4月1日要開會,就看網路上有沒有很多人要來,如果要來的話,才有機會開第二會場,如果沒有的話,當然就沒有,所以不是什麼時間點可以決定。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "不要來吃飯好像怪怪的,我們規劃一個區域。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "要不要第二會場,我們可以想一下,還有第二會場在哪。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "可以用空總?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "可以再想一下。我有一個想法是,我覺得如果要有第二會場,我覺得是要把會場帶到利害關係人的地方,而不是叫他們來台北市。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "所以在漁港。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "跟漁會借一個場地。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我認為這樣才算是服務人民,不然你說來基隆釣魚,來一天就沒有辦法釣魚了,這個是可以再思考,訪談過程中可以慢慢兜在一起,如果要進行看怎麼樣比較好。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "最晚那一次會前會要定案。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我講比較細節的部分,桌長農委會可以出人嗎?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "就像自辦的部分,還有直播的部分。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "小桌長有一個選派順序,從不相干的PO開始遊說看看,接著才是相關的PO。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "最後有什麼需要在這一場會議確認,時間、地點、主辦機關、議題討論方向、邀哪一些利害關係人都回報,有沒有什麼問題要問的?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "今天就到這裡,謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We can edit this transcript for 10 days before publishing." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Perfect. I’ve read about you before. I think it’s great. Thank you very much for having me. Maybe I can explain a little bit about the project we’re doing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "I know you were at the University of Toronto recently." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You mean virtually? I was there in the flesh a few months ago, but I actually just gave another talk in Toronto." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Oh really? I didn’t know." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Like three days ago." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "I didn’t know about that one. Great." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The TECO people, our representatives over the world, has now learned to summon me anywhere." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Perfect. What was the topic?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The event was the DRIVE conference. There’s some public sector people, some academic and business people. The main topic was how to reverse the brain drain to Silicon Valley and also how to make sure a digital economy is helpful to the domestic solidarity and community as well for it to make domestic sense." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If it doesn’t make a domestic connection, people observe that they just migrate to Silicon Valley or to some other places very quickly from Toronto. That was the main topic." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "That’s fascinating. [laughs] I was planning to ask that a little bit later, but since you mention that about Taiwan’s brain drain because we’ve shared in a few interviews. We came here to learn a bit more about the digital ecosystem and see where Canada is placed in East Asia. Before that, we went to Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, and all this place." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Now we came Taiwan and see how you do things here and then potentially what we can learn or there’s potential collaboration. One of the things that we found out is that either brain drain or also a talent gap between what firms want or need and what’s offered. Right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "I was thinking. What’s your opinion on that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think we are seeing a brain gain or as I want to phrase it as a good exchange with especially Silicon Valley companies in the past couple years. One of the main signature event is Google’s purchase of the HTC mobile phone department and the announcement that Taiwan is going to be the APEC R&D center for Google, as a kind of entire what we call AI IoT here, IA plus IoT ecosystem." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That really brought a cultural perspective because previously, when people see that if...I’m a software architect, and most of my training is online anyway. There’s a lot of mobility for me to choose where to live and where to work. For a decade or so, I worked with the largest Silicon Valley companies, but I’m based in Taiwan through teleworking." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A lot of Taiwanese people see that as not quite a career. [laughs] It’s something that you do after you complete your career." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now, with Google positioning the R&D center, people suddenly find that there’s not much a gap between the hardware ecosystem and the newer AI ecosystem, because they’re actively looking for people like experienced designers and people who specialize in merging these different iterative, what we call AI embodiment work." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Just here in the Social Innovation Lab, we have people working on AI embodiment, like these are self driving tricycles from MIT." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Nice." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s just running around, and we iteratively improved that because it’s openware and open source. Now, it has two eyes, it can follow people and blink at them, and so on. [laughs] Basically, co domesticate AI with people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People found, especially at the undergrad level, that they can really use these open hardware or open AI ways to improve their community without actually flying over to Silicon Valley to get such chance on education." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Microsoft, I think, announced that they will hire 200 AI application researchers and engineers in two years, and I think they’re one quarter there. Practically all the big names, IBM, Amazon, Facebook, even Uber, you name it, has been establishing some sort of either AI lab or AI fellowship exchange program with Taiwan in the past couple of years." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think that really gives a different take on...The previous model was, you complete your training and education and then you do some application." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now the model is more and more even in the senior high school level, or even junior high school level, you can already do some application that betters your community and you also get some AI training out of it. We’re really seeing an improvement especially in undergrad level, but also senior high level in the past couple of years." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I wouldn’t say that we did anything particularly right. It’s more like a chain of small but sure improvements. For example, the special foreign talent visa, the Gold Card, recognizing and rewarding through public procurement new and innovative MSME products, and also any enterprise that proves that it can solve one of the sustainable development issues, the SDGs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They also get recognition and an award for what we call the buying power for people who merge their supply chain into something that creates social value. That’s also something we do here a lot." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, the university’s social responsibility program, where as I mentioned, the undergrads learn something that betters their community, but also introduces AI as a way to communicate co domestically with people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s easily dozens of such programs and each just changing the MSME a little bit. I think after these two years, people generally think they don’t have to go to Silicon Valley to get those skills and apply them in a useful way." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Great. I have too many questions now. Let’s start from the end. You mentioned the dozens of programs. Are you referring to government programs?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re all very cross sectorial. What we’re basically doing is the government asks a different set of questions. Previously, when the government does a program, usually there’s like the voice for economic development on wind, sun, and for environmental protection on the other, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If we treat the government, the public service as this rope, they’re in a place where it bears all the tension and maybe ministers are those knots." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re now shifting into a co creative view, which is why our office is literally named the Public Digital Innovation Space. We position ourselves as a space and we ask the question. Everybody has different positions, but are there common values after all?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Given the common values that’s identified, can anyone come up with an innovative solution? If someone delivers a solution, we’re willing to reinterpret or relax or even change the regulation because of the social innovation after it’s proven it has social value." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s five programs along those lines but they all share the same portal, the same entry point and symbols that are achieved by TW, where you can challenge any existing laws and regulations, aside from money laundering and funding terrorism." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "OK, that’s good." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We know what would happen. We don’t have to experiment on that. Basically, each ministry set up their own symbols, acts." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Each ministry." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, each ministry still has its own symbols, acts, or regulations. If you want to experiment on self driving vehicles, as I mentioned, it’s the Ministry of Economic Affairs. If you want to do some AI banking stuff, it’s the Finance Council. For 5G experimentation, it’s the NCC, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For the Ministry of Economy, they don’t really care about the form of the vehicle. We see lots of applications on hybrid vehicles and some autonomous, I think the first jurisdiction to encourage hybrids, multi modal, self driving vehicles." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The sandbox acts all look the same. You get every year or one year of experiment with one particular region, or one particular audience, like 5,000 people, and so on. Once a year passes, they collectively decide whether it’s a good idea or not." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If it’s not a good idea, then it’s open innovation, everybody learned something. The next innovator will try something else. If it’s a good idea, then we commit ourselves to merge it back into our regulation." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "How do they decide if it’s a good idea?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s a great question. Regionally, they must first set a common vision for the regional revitalization. Each district, or each county or township can host such scenario workshops where they look at the raw numbers of how the population has been declining, for example, young people don’t come back after university, or whatever the local issues that they identify in the population economy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They set a common goal for the next few years of how to reverse that trend because even within Taiwan, there’s brain drain as well. Also, they want to, for example, brand that locality as particularly suitable for something and what kind of technology are they looking to incorporate." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If they’re in a remote place, we often hear that they want self driving drones for delivery, or self driving ships for delivery if they’re on remote islands, and so on. After they identify these things in the scenario workshops, based on that vision, they propose the projects to the national ministries." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This year, the National Development Council, NDC, formalizes this as the regional revitalization plan. In the past couple of years, we’ve been prototyping these kind of tours." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Every Wednesday, I’m here, 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Tuesday, I tour around Taiwan and meet with people in those scenario collaborative meetings." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Along with me, through telepresence, is 12 ministries of people here in the Social Innovation Lab, so people see them eye to eye. It’s on transcript, it’s all open anyway. Previously, the economics, the industry, the co ops, they would talk to different ministries. They’d never get a whole picture and may receive actually conflicting answers." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Here, because it’s multi sector, people ask a question and the Ministry of Interior can no longer say, we’ll have to check with the Ministry of Healthcare or Ministry of Economy because they’re literally sitting next to one another." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They really have to brainstorm and deliver a consistent interpretation right there. Everybody knows the transcript goes out in two weeks. Usually within two weeks, people just figure out something together." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s very helpful because individually, those public servants, they appear on transcript under their own name. People who delivered those creative interpretations and decisions, they actually get due credit, whereas before, the minister takes all the credit. Now I take all the blame instead because if it goes wrong, it’s all my fault." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then we formalize it this year. We encourage people in the central administration to go back to their hometown and telecommute just as I do, and basically act as their reliable gateway between the central authorities and the local vision. It’s their hometown after all, so that’s the plan." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "How often do they meet?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Pretty often. It used to every couple of weeks during our prototyping. Now we’re encouraging, especially 134 places that are suffering population decline to have such meetings all within this year if possible. That means much more frequent meetings." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Perfect. I’d like you also to expand a bit. You touched on the role of academia and the private sector, if you could expand a bit." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The whole point of the Social Innovation Action Fund is that the government invests rather than subsidizes. We follow up existing investments rather than leading investment. Given those two constraints, the sustainable social financing model really needs to be developed locally before the government even steps in and do anything." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is essential because previously, the township office, Chugonsua, receives lots of subsidizing funding from a lot of ministries, but they all have different schedules, different KPIs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Even people with a very coherent vision need to mutate their vision, or slice and dice their vision in order to fit five different ministry buckets. That actually weakens solidarity because for each facet, only some part of the local economy benefits." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It reduces both the capital intended for social responsibility, the CSR capital. It also reduces what we call the BD capital, the capital that could be used to better the society because they want it as part of their supply chain for business development purposes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If the people rely on subsidy from a particular ministry then only the supply chain related to that particular ministry will benefit from it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now by the NDC taking 10 percent cut to each ministry’s projects, they basically recreate a different way. Once you have this scenario, the vision, the transcript to prove that you can then apply and then the NDC just diverts whatever funding they have from those ministries into those local programs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s the beginning of a conversation. It is not a hundred page long proposal. It’s usually just 10 pages." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "I’m trying to understand how it works practically. Let’s say there’s some town, especially isolated this is a problem that we have in Canada as well. They come up with some vision but then there is no talent to develop that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Concretely speaking, these are the places where we’re focusing on because their population is declining, or they have a structural social issue, or things like that. I think the Ilan case will be published soon where there will be more data for you." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "That would be great." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It goes like this. Just a second. First are the facts. People look at the facts and then they figure out a vision. They’re helped by the public service from the central administration that has moved back to the hometown to help planning." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once they find what we call the DNA of the local township, they put forward proposals, and then identify both the stakeholders that have formed the proposal, and as you said, the talents, the capital, the resources, or the knowledge that they identify as crucial but missing from the local people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On step three, the National Development Council takes it and brings it to those different five ministries and basically do some matchmaking." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For example, in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, there’s already reward programs, essentially award programs for people who want to improve a township through business means. Sometimes they’re like professional design companies, professional building companies, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It doesn’t really matter for them where to operate, and so the NDC will now say, \"Oh, you get to operate here first.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If, as I said, they want to experiment with some technology that makes reinterpretation or relaxation of laws, this is the place where the sandbox system can now say, \"Oh, for the next year, let’s just try this out, and we’ll not rule you based on the existing transportation rules or whatever other rules." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "\"We’ll see whether this regulation that you propose works good on your locality,\" and so on. Both the talents that’s being match maked across the island and also the regulations that may need to be relaxed, is in the same package, and then they implement that throughout the year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s very different from previous regulatory schedule because you can apply whenever, and it goes on in a continuous, democratic way. It goes on like forever. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Around end of year, every year, we have a expo where we share the cases of that year, and also ask for collective feedback to improve the program, and also maybe increase the 10 percent to 15 or 12 percent the next year." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "The percent of..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Currently, it’s 10 percent of each ministry’s subsidizing programs being repurposed into the RR plan. If the RR plan works well, then we plan on gradually improving this percentage until maybe half of all the budget is done in a...You can almost say it’s participatory budgeting, except it’s not. It’s participatory planning plus budgeting kind of way." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Out of curiosity, what did the other ministries think when you first proposed that? I assume some were not very comfortable." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Two answers. The sandbox system were mostly met with reservation from the parliament because we’re a continental law system. Essentially, it’s them carving out a year or two and say, \"You can do whatever.\" [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That runs counter to the whole continental law system idea, so they have a clause here that within the experiments, says one year or two year, at any point, the MPs may say, \"This actually requires a law change. It’s not just a regulatory change,\" and they can take it back to the parliament." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For fintech, they can debate for up to three years, for autonomous vehicle, up to four, and so on. The MPs have the final say, but during those three or four years, the experiment still keeps running, waiting for the parliament to decide." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Even their service, their business model is still running, essentially creating a three year monopoly locally because for everybody else, it’s still illegal. It’s a incentive, actually, for the innovators. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But at the end of the day, when the MPs legalize it, of course competition will enter the area. That’s how we work out a truce with the MPs because they always have the final say anyway, so that’s the idea." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Eventually, MPs woke up to it and say it’s actually good because they don’t have to legislate something they don’t have first hand experience, which is the thing that nobody want to do. It’s a win win, but it took a year or so of communication. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As for other ministries, the Ministry of Economy actually is happy that they are no longer tasked with pure GDP. Inclusive growth is something that I think the modern contemporary policymakers all wish that we can do this full time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As minister of economy, previously, they have to represent the more traditional capitalistic values, but now because the projects they receive are much more balanced, the local co ops, the local associations, they must be fine with it, so it’s by default more sustainable and less about short term GDP." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The message I heard from the Ministry of Economy is that they’re, because Taiwan is 90 percent miss me anyway, so they’re happy that they don’t need to focus only on the GDP now and they can make more of their miss me connections to help formulating a ecosystem." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think this wouldn’t work if not for the fact that Taiwan is mostly miss me, which can be rapidly redeployed." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Actually, that’s a good point. In the next stage of that, let’s say they decide they co create regulation. I would assume, I’m thinking as a starting point in a town, when they have an idea, they have a longer plan, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "They want this change for something else." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. Based on the same vision, they can propose any number of proposals." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "What happens after that? Let’s say they change the regulation, but then they need..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Something else." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "...some significant investment or something." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, the proposals may be any of the 3, actually 10, but roughly bucketed as 3 shapes, the KPI being making more jobs locally, and making more people want to move in or stay, and also make the local identity more widely known in Taiwan and worldwide." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s the three goals, but they don’t have to do this in one proposal. They can just try one of it, and for a year, and receive funding and talent. Next year, based on the same vision, they can propose something more, and something more. Everything is continuous. It’s very different from the yearly or quarterly review thing." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Can I ask again back the role of academia in this process?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The University Social Responsibility project, the USR, was the first ministerial project to try this continuous improvement model. It starts as a pilot around two or three years ago. Each university, acting as kind of a think tank for a wider community, proposes the five year plan, well, a two year plan to be followed on a three year plan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That was pretty innovative because previously, the university are very much used on yearly plans with quarterly reviews. Now, it’s a five year plan with a review on the two year point, and that’s it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It gives them far more flexibility in building rapport with the local community, and also for the fact that the universities are tasked with this being the undergrad students’ capstone project, so what they learn now is in service of this social, or environmental, or economic sustainability." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is ultimately graded by how subjectively fruitful the student feel at participating meaningfully in their local community, and autonomously decide which classes to enroll in, and things like that. I think the USR really showed people that it is possible for the academia to play not a planned economic role, but really a brain trust or a think tank role locally." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It also helps to the local people because previously, some of the families think if you send your children to university that’s far away from home, chances are that they won’t go back, that they will just stay in that city and maybe won’t raise a family because it’s too crowded there. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now, with the USR, it’s the other way around. You have students from the large cities but staying in such communities and identify it as their new home, and so the communities feel much more welcome at the academic interventions as compared to before." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Is that something you’ve already seen happening?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "That’s amazing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you interview the USR office, they have the raw numbers. This year, we asked them to re index every USR project in terms of the 17 sustainable goals, and so we’ll have a SDG map of Taiwan soon." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Perfect. Two themes that I’m interested in, or main ones, because I have to choose what to ask you. It’s so interesting. One is, I’m thinking about international collaborations, especially since you work on SDGs." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "I worked briefly on that. I was in New York for a period, working on the SDGs there, and I know there’s a global discussion about this and a need for positive examples like this one. Do you see Taiwan playing a role through these projects?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. That’s literally...It says on the card. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "I didn’t see that. Right. Perfect." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s actually a official tag line for Taiwan as shared by our president. If you want to summarize Taiwan’s relationship to the worldwide system of development in one sentence is, Taiwan can help not just on one or two SDGs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It starts as, I think, a hashtag for the WHA in terms of Taiwan can help on global medicine and global health, but it turns out that we can help on the pollution of the sea and how to recycle those plastic back into fuel. That’s something we can help too, or through the Presidential Hackathon, which is an annual event." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We also use machine learning to solve water leakage, which is a climate change action. We also shared that to New Zealand for three months as a co creative event. Basically, our Presidential Hackathon is every April to July ish. Right after that, last year, the winning team then took to Wellington." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have five winning teams every year, and for each winning team, there’s no prize money. The only reward is that the president herself commits to be the project manager, to integrate these ideas into the public service by the next year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s for impact. It is not really for private or prize money, but that means that any data that’s previously unavailable will be made available. Any regulation that need to be changed will be changed, and so on, so political will as the prize." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The machine learning for water leakage detection was one of the cases that the New Zealand people saw corresponding to SDGs, and worked very well. They share their water company data, water pressure, water flow, and so on, to detect leakage, because climate is a new problem for New Zealand, so we co created such a solution." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, we do have quite a few such stories, and we’re looking to extend that even more in this year’s Presidential Hackathon by inviting...Previously, we were shipping our teams worldwide, but this year, we’re inviting the international teams, especially in the APEC region, to come over and..." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "When is that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think the submission goes open on April. I think the whole event concludes by, I don’t know, July or August, or something." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Then the other area we’re interested in is indigenous perspectives on all this. That’s something that we care about in Canada as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "I think also this is an area where maybe there could be some collaboration. That would be great." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The original revitalization plan, actually most of the area that the ones painted in orange are the indigenous ones. Area wise is the largest in Taiwan. We’re already seeing some pretty good social entrepreneurship cases. For example, in Taitung, there’s a brand called Blueseeds." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Blueseeds?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Blue as in the color seeds. In a nutshell, they work with indigenous people to revitalize their land by introducing what we call a subgrass, which is a kind of grass that grows without you needing to tending it. It automatically restores the fertility of the land." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They work with indigenous artists to basically do a Aveda like branding on this whole thing and releases products like shampoos and things like that, body care products. Now it’s been sold in the FamilyMart all over Taiwan for more than a year now." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People generally identify that because it’s zero percent chemical edition, it’s branded in a way that corresponds and respect that indigenous culture, the Amis culture. It actually opened a branch in Vancouver I think." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Oh really?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. During the opening, which I attended, I think the local public service is very interested in taking the same model, maybe different plants, of course, but with indigenous people in a mutual way rather than a planned economy way, just to work with them and grow not just their indigenous plants but also to amplify their culture through this kind of co branding." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re very popular in our annual Social Impact Buying Power Awards. A lot of people purchase that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s many cases. There’s one we’re figuring out this year which is the Orchid Island, which is a more remote place, not part of the Taiwan main island. They’re using local currency in forms of a distributed ledger to essentially have a currency, what we call colored coin. It can only be used in a way that furthers the Taoyu tradition and sustainable to the local island." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re still figuring out the details. I think they’re planning to release that to the general public sometime this year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’ve invited one of the main people behind it, Taoyu person working on that local association, to speak in Ottawa’s Open Government Partnership. We don’t know whether he’ll be accepted yet, but we’re very happy to share." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "We talked a lot about the social aspect of innovation, which is amazing. Could you elaborate a bit more on the technological? I’m also trying to see, maybe compare notes with what we have in Ontario or in Canada, which technologies you see that have more applications in these issues. Is there enough talent here to do this or do you have a need for collaborations?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "From what I observe is that, locally, we have lots of very talented people in specific domains like IoT, manufacturing, optics, and so on. For AI, I think our research is also top notch." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Previously, the problem was that the brain drain was caused by the people doing the research and the people doing the application or development was essentially two groups of people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "These people pursue their PhDs. They find out they could be very mobile anywhere in the world. During their undergrad and graduate years, they didn’t build a rapport with the local community. Naturally, they just visit anywhere in the world and stop connecting back." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But in the past couple years, there’s some quite high profile people returning from Silicon Valley, and also some returning from the PRC territory as well, in order to found nonprofits essentially working on talent matching in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "One of the first cases when I just became the Digital Minister is what we call the Taiwan AI Labs. The director used to be director of Cortana Technology in Microsoft, one of the brain drains. [laughs] He doubles as the founder of the PTT, which is the local equivalent of Reddit like Zipper. He founded as a student in the NTU. To this day, the whole platform is open source." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Nice." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The NTU doesn’t have any financial interest. It’s kept alive by generations of NTU computer science students. That gives a very different tone on social media here. There’s no surveillance capitalism on website [laughs] and general public forum interest on the other side. For people participating on PTT, it’s all for the public interest." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When Ethan Tu founded AI Labs, he took a page from the PTT and said that this is a nonprofit, a little bit like open AI. Their research on healthcare, Smart City and Human Interaction, is not bound by capitalistic motives, but they do bring cutting edge technology in order to crowdsource a way that is comfortable in terms of healthcare, smart city, and human interaction." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They roll out quite a few products. Actually, many of them premiered here, like the AI Pianist that can just listen to you telling its emotions and it compose some sonata or whatever... [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Nice." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...for you. They also work on a drone that takes the aesthetics of the late director Chi Po lin who used to fly the helicopters all around Taiwan and letting people see the beauty of Taiwan. After suffering from a helicopter incident, this picks up his aesthetics and then films parts of Taiwan and patrols for environmental protection but also for people to just understand Taiwan better." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It learns to produce beautiful films based on the work of the director Chi Po lin. They work as a catalyst to merge very different backgrounds, like people specialists on drones, on 360 cameras, on optics, and so on, into a coherent project that has public value. Then the local government take notice and just merge it back as part of the public service." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s the innovation model that we’re pursuing here, the cutting edge technology but always with a aim toward public interest." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "That’s something that we’re trying to unpack. It’s hard. As you know, there’s a wide spectrum of starting with, let’s say, social corporate responsibility, which is not really the same thing, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Then going to non capitalistic models." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The whole co-op movement." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Especially as a minister, how can you navigate in that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "First of all, we change our Company Act. Our Company Act used to say that the company exists to earn a profit, period. [laughs] We fix that. We now say the company may declare that it has other purposes and exactly how many percent is up for the company." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We introduce innovative structures. I’m taking a little bit too much credit. People in the region of revitalization tours propose innovative structures, like they want their local association to own a subsidiary company. The association takes donations. They used what we call shares by labor rather than shares by capital to take maybe 10 percent of the company’s initial stock." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then, they use the special voting scheme to designate those 10 percent shares that has maybe 80 percent voting power or 49 percent voting power. Basically, the association maintains de facto control on the company while being able to raise capital their usual way. The investors are in this for the capital gains, but they never gain control based just on their shares." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The public proceedings of the company is released in tandem with the association that controls it. It’s the NPO controlling a PO. This was a really popular model." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We see a lot NPOs now taking part of their work that could receive additional investment and set up subsidiary company for that. This is a model actually I’m very familiar with." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the open source community, we introduced the term open source to sell this, to sell a free software, which is software freedom which is a very socialist thing, as a capitalist tool to make money. We call it open source." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the very early days, we managed to convince, say, Netscape to rebrand as Mozilla. Then the Mozilla Foundation controls the Mozilla Corporation which makes Firefox, which makes lots of money. 100 percent of them goes back to the mission of the Mozilla Foundation. This a well established case." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, we have a equivalent case with the Tzu Chi, which is a Buddhist humanitarian association, a charity. It also controls the The technology company that does recycling and advanced circular economy research, which is quite profitable but 100 percent controlled by the charity." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "How can you scale up some of these, especially the local? You mentioned that some of them start from local communities." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "From a local charity, yes." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "If there’s no connection with a major organization or foundation, how do you scale this up?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we’re doing here essentially is to bridge the world of impact investment. Like our Labor Pension Fund, I think last year or two years ago, recently, introduced the ESG Index where they invest only in very patient, very long term. Being a pension fund, that’s what they do. They beat the market by selecting based on the sustainable values." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We bridge that community, which is growing. These people here that just set up their company subsidiary or the company forms or a B corp, which is also very popular here, we build an ecosystem within those two spaces." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think we benefit from the fact that there’s some old industrialists in Taiwan that really firmly believes in the social value. Because of that, the initial kickoff was very, very successful." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Previously, if you don’t take scaling up into account, it is just one very wishful thinking line [laughs] to which we add the impact entrepreneurship and design to make sure that capital can contribute directly to solutions. That’s where everybody is at this point." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we are building here in the Social Innovation Lab through awards and annual hackathons and things like that is just to cultivate impact leaders and actors that can go out and say, \"There’s one banker whose father has a publicly listed, well respected bank that she rebranded that brand bank as the old bank and gets the B Lab certificate.\" We have a publicly listed bank that’s also a B Corp." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Flagship cases like this and impact leaders such as Ms. Lou makes sure that everybody see the B Corp movement as a legitimate form, not just a alternative, its own legitimacy. With more people doing the intermediation, we can then design for scale." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The design for scale happens as a natural result of the supporting ecosystem underneath it. It doesn’t appear on its own. It never appear in a top down way. It can only appear in a emergent way. As a government, I limit my role as just providing the accountability layer." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "That was the next thing I wanted to ask about, the role of government, especially knowing your beliefs before becoming a minister." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I still believe in voluntary association." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "How do you see the role of government, especially now with your role is from the inside?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think the government, mainly we focus on accountability and inclusion, accountability corresponding to these pretty icons from the SDGs. Really, at the moment, the governance mechanism, like the whole original revitalization plan, is based on enhancing availability of reliable data. This is crucial." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Most people remember the world as maybe based on the framework of when they step out of the undergrad or graduate school. In vast majority of cases, Taiwan was a worse place [laughs] back then, especially for people who still remember the martial law, like me. People younger than me don’t." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People who still remember martial law, we do remember a much more authoritarian world. If we can show people the data that since the democratization, actually the violence went down, the whole domestic solidarity went up, and so on, there’s some really good numbers to look at those trends." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If people really embrace that co creation and what we call continuous democracy is there the cost of such results, then they’re much more likely to participate rather than just vote once every four years. These two targets I think still the government has some role to play in a democracy by providing trustworthy numbers in a timely and fun way. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "That’s hard." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But we have deputy premier livestreaming a video game..." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Oh really?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...well into the night [laughs] with the premier commenting constantly. We have a pretty live Cabinet here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That makes it fun for people to view through the governmental statistics in a way that they feel that they can be part of it and also hold the reins on privatization by saying, \"We prefer social values. We prefer open innovations. We prefer open source and open APIs when they’re in procurement,\" and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, an open innovation system based on open innovation that when the international counterparts, like Canada or in New Zealand, decide to take those innovations, it’s always a partnership and never a colonizing view, which was very much the norm back in the martial law era." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All this taken together is the government’s role. It’s all based on just holding accountability and inclusion as the main themes and without any kind of top down planned economy. That’s ensured why I think the governance system still need professional public servants." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Then, on the flip side, the difficulties of being in government. I’m thinking, especially ministers like current development or science and technology, I’m not sure how strong lobbying is here. In North America, it’s really tough. When trying to implement some of these projects and trying to increase this kind of mentality, you will definitely have a really strong pushback." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think my principle of radical transparency means that the lobbyists, when they come to me, always speak in terms of public good. [laughs] They can’t really bribe me. That helps." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, by mandating that all those co creative meetings be multi stakeholder, it means that even if people do lobby, first, it’s on the record and, second, it has to make sense to everybody else on the table. Otherwise, it will sound ridiculous." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think we’re helped by two facts. The first one is that the bills, the acts are drafted in AD, administration, before sending to the Parliament. There’s a clear we as the drafting stage and the MPs as where the party politics happens." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This helps because then the people see the administration as someplace where you can discover common values. The real tension lobbying goes on in the Parliament. We’re in a neutral ground. That helps." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The second is that, because Taiwan lifted out of martial law end of ’80s and our presidential election is ’96, there’s around a decade where there is freedom of speech, assembly, and so on. But there’s no legitimacy in the president following directly of the election." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The legitimacy of large associations, charities and co ops, that grew out of that decade, Tzu Chi being one, the homemakers union, and so on. There’s many associations with a legitimacy building effort that went before the directly elected president." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They, I guess, counterbalance. To this day, if there’s a disaster area, the government publish a number, and Tzu Chi publishes another number, the majority of people actually believes the charity’s number." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That establishes a more equal relationship. While there is industrial lobbying, while there is developmental or international lobbying, the social or domestic lobbying is at par with these efforts. Once they are at par, they are much more willing then to adopt a co creative approach. They can’t really roll each other over." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Do you see this almost two different, I don’t know if that’s the proper term, worlds, the social and industrial, let’s say, as necessarily coexistent? Could it be only social, for example?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think what they’re saying is a standard answer, no. [laughs] That the idea of triple bottom line is that, if you tame the capital motivations toward a interval that looks at...I usually say seven generations. Maybe it’s too long, a couple generations, [laughs] then it actually coincides really well with the social impulse." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s only when you trade in the millisecond range where it really destroys [laughs] any semblance of social meaning. Patient capital, I think is one of the things that we’re really getting to, not just to see a few cases of BD, but including the whole supply chain and ecosystem building. The capitalists, if they take a multi generational view, I think their judgments usually agree with the local social groups anyway." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We just need to re calibrate their sense of time. The same goes for the charities. We can build environmental and social solidarity, and at the same time also pitch using the latest technologies of crowdfunding, of distributive ledgers, and things like —because these technologies are open. Not only industrialists can use them. Anyone can use them." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The principle of open innovation says, “We just have to look at an idea, try it out, and prototype.” In the government, we stay agile. If it’s a good idea, we merge it into the public services as soon as possible. We see them as partners, not as vendors. It’s a different relationship. It’s this agenda setting power that is shared." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "What we’re striving with in terms of that is a little of this discussion in the meetings that we had before with ITRI and all this, whatever people is that it’s about reducing costs in order to being competitive internationally. Right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s part of their mission." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Right. I’m trying to see how and if it’s possible to do both." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That was the original innovation of open source. It’s not sold as a way to increase solidarity of programmers but rather to share the maintenance cost that every company is paying over and over again into a common pool, like Linux." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We are now selling these sustainable development goals, not as a way to get arbitrary five star rankings worldwide, but rather as genuine way to identify collaborators so people can share the costs. The cost saving argument always works in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s something of our culture. [laughs] They do see that by identifying as much as Tzu Chis as possible as part of their company mission. One, they naturally find partners that they won’t otherwise find because then they are saying, \"OK. Part of our company mission is to improve the local indigenous people’s agency over the aligned.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then they naturally become partner with the council of indigenous people, which will then introduce them to many other resources that they probably will be blocked if they advertise as a capitalist investment on the indigenous lot. Just by making sure the community embrace this kind of public disclosure and public accountability, I think those two are not polar opposite." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It relies on a fully transparent, accountable substrata that people can really trust. I think building that trust is really our main link." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Right. I have two last questions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Again, I’m thinking of going internationally. Who do you see as the main partners? Would it be governments? If you had to choose one, government or liberal unions, other organizations, NGOs? What the ideal partner for that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The ideal partner is some organization that is doing the bridging between the multilateral and the multi stakeholder." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For example, I spoke at the Internet Governance Forum, the IGF, which is exactly one such bridge between the totally voluntary associative, I’ll just use anarchistic, community of the Internet society on one side, and the UN ITU, which is highly bureaucratic in a good sense, on the other side." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The IGF, being a forum, physically takes place in Geneva, but is held on the rule of Internet governance. It is the place where the multi stakeholder and the multilaterals meet. I think the Open Government Partnership in Ottawa, this May, is exactly that shape as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It has its share of ministers attending, but also held in the same regard as the major groups that shares Transparency International and folks." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think Taiwan can especially be helpful on those meeting places, because we have a lot of legitimacy building based on cross sectoral partnership to share. It helps to show people that it actually works because there’s many parts of the world where many people don’t believe that this works." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, digital technology has the property of very easy to transmit, so even if the regional tour isn’t very easy to copy over, but all the different components of it that we develop can easily be carried over to improve just a township, so it’s very easy to disseminate." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think that’s how Taiwan can help mostly is on the, again, on the 17th of the SDGs. That’s where most of our office’s public diplomacy efforts has been focused on." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Perfect. Last question just to clarify, again, on the role of government. You mentioned, in my own interpretation, the role of government is changing the norms, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Which is a very, and I like that, a very left, anarchist approach. It could be very right wing, for other things." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It wraps around. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Yeah. Exactly. As I was saying, in political science, is the whole norm of governmentality, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "I’m trying to see if there’s a nexus, a connection between that and technology. The role of government in shaping social norms for the good in this case, and the use of technologies." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. I worked with Apple for six years, and a lot of my thinking came out of that partnership. I’m sure you still remember Napster?" }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Napster promised a kind of anarchy in terms of music curation, but then there’s also a very polarized, different world that insists on shipping plastic discs and also making sure that there’s draconian laws. Just think iPod, iPod is such an intervention that basically says the old curational format is over." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People get to curate their own experience, but it’s not just personal creation. iPod is all about sharing playlists. Everybody becomes a curator to re establish the social norm, and maybe just in a family but also maybe in a community, of the musical enculturation process." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The device, I think, harnessed that individuation sense in ourselves that was kept in the reins by the RIAA folks, in a way that is also legitimate and also legal — which is very important." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It harnessed the power from both sides into something that is iTunes, and iPhone, and everything, that that becomes a sensation. That is the kind of norm making that I allude to when I talk about interventions that encourage effective partnerships, in a sense that the popular will is already there, is kept in check by a out of date system." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Instead of destroying, or protesting, or attacking that old system, a new system is introduced that just makes the old system obsolete. The CDs went obsolete I think in just less than a decade after iPod gets introduced. That kind of phase change, I think, is what I’m looking for." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Perfect. This is great." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Thank you so much." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "I have two capacities. One is a little bit easier to talk about these things, which is the academic. I’m a business student at the University of Toronto, focusing on innovation policy." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "The other capacity is that I work at the Ontario government, and there it’s much harder to change. The people are not as open to radically different ways. Maybe next time you visit physically...or we could explore them virtual..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. You can summon me anytime." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "It will be great to see if perhaps you could come even at the ministry and give a talk there. It will be very interesting and honored. Perfect." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. Let’s keep in touch." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "I also have one pen. Let’s see. That’s from the university." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Wow. Thank you so much." }, { "speaker": "George Poulakidas", "speech": "Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you." } ]
[ { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Hello. Hi, can you hear me? Yeah. I can hear you all right. Sorry I’m slightly late. I’ve found the ear phones." }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "Great. Thank you. Is it all right if I record this call just so I can get your quotes accurate?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, of course. I’ll also record locally, so you’ll get a very higher fidelity version afterwards." }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "Great. Perfect. Thank you so much. If we could start with maybe if you could give me an overview of a day in the life of being Taiwan’s Digital Minister. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "I’m sure no day is the same, but an overview of what an average day might look like." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Certainly. Actually, it depends on the day of the week. Every Monday is pretty similar, every Wednesday, very similar, and so on. Do you have a favorite day of the week?" }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "Let’s start with Monday, I guess. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK then. Monday, I usually attend the work lunch in the Executive Yuan in the administration, so I have two offices. One in the administration building and one in the Social Innovation Lab — In the screen share I’m sharing with you. It’s a co creation space." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Part of my conditions working with — not for — the government is that I get to work anywhere. It’s what we call location independence. Monday is actually one of the two weekdays that I’m usually in the administration office to catch up with my colleagues." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have a work lunch around which we just share a Kanban, a Trello like tracking system. Ignore the drones. Here is the Kanban that we built, and because as a digital minister, another condition of my working is radical transparency, at any time I can show you this Kanban, which is all the stuff in the Public Digital Innovation Space is working on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is just like a Trello track, you see here that the 20 colleagues of mine are each dispatched from a different ministry, basically just starting projects and joining each other’s projects, and so on. At the moment, as you can see, we’re working on our plan for the Open Government Partnership summit in Canada." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, each one of us take turns reporting the occurrence that has been going on the previous week. We create a new column in the Kanban for the week. Then we move the things that are done into the Kanban. In the typical Scrum or Agile manner, if things are blocked or if a certain column has atrophied and so on, we do some gardening and lunch, and that’s Monday." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the afternoon, the visitors from other governments or regional partners, and so on, usually visit me in the administration. Then we make a full recording of the what everybody has said and ask them to co edit. Usually, Monday is also when I send out the pre recorded opening speeches, keynotes and things like that for the week." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If people ask me to, for example, chair at a opening or something without interaction, I usually just pre record whatever message they want me to say. That’s a typical Monday. As you can see, a lot of those conversations are interviews and so on, takes place on Monday. Here is also where we publish everything, like 10 working days after each meeting." }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "What about Wednesday, whilst we’re at? [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For Wednesday, my Wednesday schedule is public. If you go to, you can see my office hour, which is always Wednesday. As you can see, I still have a slot open on March 27th. [laughs] Anyone can take a block of my time in the afternoon in the Wednesday, again, in the Social Innovation Lab here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s actually on public display here, too, so that people can also see. In addition to the afternoon booking period, they can also walk in. I’m in the Social Innovation Lab from 10.00 AM to 10.00 PM, for 12 hours, and in three segments. The first segment before 2.00 PM is walk in." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The second segment is the pre booked hours, and then afterwards is dinner, and usually pizza, in the g0v Hackathon, which we call the vTaiwan Meetup, which is the weekly meeting of the vTaiwan project in the g0v. I usually leave the Social Innovation Lab, which is 10 minutes’ walk from my place, around 10.00 PM." }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "I think also interesting is that you have these online spaces like vTaiwan to do this crowdsourcing, but then you do have these physical meet ups and this office time. Why do you think it’s important to have the technical side and the physical real world side together?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think while online is great for brainstorming, offline or rather face to face is at the moment still crucial in order to build mutual trust, especially over food." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I guess technically, we can order the same pizza now and share some experience over Skype. It actually takes a lot of preparation to do so, and it doesn’t really scale. Believe me, I’ve tried it. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s scales to like three cities, but not much more. I think this sharing of community spirit enables the online collaboration to be much more efficient because then we don’t run the risk of misinterpreting each other’s words, or projects, or angles, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Such kind of way to welcome especially first timers into this very inclusive space is very important, because it’s very easy to look at online dialogues and see that it’s too professional, it requires too much commitment and so on. Enjoying food is something everybody can do, and so we very consciously run the hackathons, centered on high quality food." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s also a kind of psychological hack because when someone hears the new idea, like quadratic voting or whatever, for the first time, if it’s an abstract concept, then people usually feel distanced about it. If you enjoy really good food, and we have a dedicated kitchen and chef here in the Social Innovation Lab, you usually associate a much better feeling, a hopeful feeling, a enjoyable feeling with the new idea." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It makes people’s mind much more open. The same applies to the geometry of the design of the space." }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "That’s absolutely fascinating. This is a big question, but over the your last few years as digital minister, and using vTaiwan and these hackathons, what’s the change that you’re most proud of or the thing that’s happened as a result of those that you think is the most important?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "vTaiwan is a project that is recursive. By that, I mean it is both a collaborative space, but it also generates laws and acts that enables more collaborative spaces. It’s a generator, is what I’m saying, and so I think I’m pretty proud of the sandbox system, which is all a result of the vTaiwan processes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sandbox, which actually we learned from the UK fintech sandbox, is the idea that you can challenge existing regulations for up to a year, and for a limited time, limited risk, and for the entire society to get used to this innovation. If it’s not a good idea, it’s open innovation, so everybody learns something." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If it is a good idea, then the regulators, just after 60 days after the end of experiments, merge back into the regulation. We moved far beyond only fintech. vTaiwan has enabled the sandbox of autonomous vehicles, of platform economy, 5G spectrum." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, any law, any regulation can be challenged, aside from money laundering and funding terrorism, which we know what will happen. We don’t encourage experiments on that two regards, but otherwise, you can challenge anything, which is why I think Taiwan is the only jurisdiction to enable multimodal like hybrid self driving vehicles." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have the Taiwan CAR Lab that tests various builds. You can have a flying car or whatever. After testing such builds in public sandboxes, you can then work with the regional revitalization communities to enable particular use cases, like drone delivery, and autonomous ships for remote islands, and things like that, and challenge or rather run with a forked version of the existing laws." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No matter which laws or regulations are being challenged, the MPs of course can always say, \"Oh, but this needs a full parliamentarian deliberation,\" but they can take up to three or four years of doings so. While they’re doing that, the experiment continues to run and continues to generate open evidences for everybody to see, and including a business model." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Essentially a local monopoly for a while, but after the MPs are done with it, then of course this becomes the new regulation and law, and everybody has new competition entering the market and so on. This is basically the regulator saying we stop trying to regulate the norm. We first observe the norm, a manifesting, and then we base the regulation on it. It is what we call regulatory co creation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s in full swing starting this year, as part of the regional revitalization plan." }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "It feels like there’s definitely this appetite for transparency there, and that people are really engaged. Do you feel like a similar system, transposed to a different nation, do you think it would have the same success?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan is essentially just a larger city. From Taipei to the south most high speed rail station, Kaohsiung, is less than two hours, so it’s really just a larger city geographic wise. Population wise, it’s 23 millions people, but then it’s easier for us to deliver broadband as a human right, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it’s really a substrate of very high literacy, very high democratic participation willingness, a taste of continuous democracy, not just voting. I think it’s really the substrate upon which this kind of radical transparency governance system is built." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would say, for other jurisdiction who want to try this, it’s far easier to start at a scale of a metropolis or a city where the situation is comparable to Taiwan, then scale it out and more deeply." }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "That makes sense. I know you’ve said in the past, in previous interviews that democracy in Taiwan is as old as the World Wide Web. I feel like..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s exactly right." }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "The problem with some of the older democracies trying to upgrade, update and adapt to the Internet is that there maybe... Do you think they are as resilient as Taiwan to some of the threats against democracy that we might see online, like the weaponization of information through fake news, or stuff like that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think in Taiwan we’re very familiar with disinformation, and also the civil society really takes full responsibility instead of relying on the government. I think that the core reason is that while our presidential election is 1996, the lifting of the martial law is ’87." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That leaves a decade where the civil society enjoy the freedom of assembly, speech, and so on, to build their legitimacy even before the democratically elected presidents builds some legitimacy of the administration." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That means that for many issues such as disinformation, disaster relief, or things of public service nature, people tend to trust the social sector more than the public sector. If the largest charity like Tzu Chi publish a number about a disaster relief and then the government publish a number, chances are that the people mostly believe the social sector’s number." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That has been the case since I was a child. I don’t see it changing now. That means that the civil society really feels a obligation in tackling issues like the disinformation thing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The g0v initiative, for example, basically takes everything that people think is of public value, but the public service isn’t doing — or shouldn’t be doing, or isn’t doing enough — and they just change the into to introduce the shadow government service." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, I’ve shared before, the budget visualization which we merged back into the National Digital Service in 2017, which is a itemized visualization of each budget. For disinformation, the Cofacts system is pretty neat. It basically is a chatbot in the end to end encrypted system line, which is like WhatsApp." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When people add this robot as their friend, whenever they see a rumor, they can just flag it by forwarding it to the bot, and then the bot does fact checking through collective intelligence. It’s just like spam mail in a private communication medium. People nevertheless can voluntarily report spams or junk mails into this like Spamhaus system that’s built by the social sector." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They then partner with the Taiwan FactChecking Center which looks at the most virulent, the most epidemic rumors that’s spreading, and do a fuller fact check in a way that is very visible, and also in a way that reviews the entire investigative journalism work that’s behind those facts and fact checking." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This then of course feeds back into the algorithms of popular social medias such as Facebook to dial down their virality so that it reaches less people, which is akin to the Spamhaus sending signals to Gmail and then the incoming email gets moved into junk mail folder." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is a pretty resilient civil society alert, not at all managed by the government system, that basically lets people see both sides of the story or many sides of the story. Also, it has a definite benefit in being open source." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The database is open as well, and so third party projects like the Meiyu bot gets built. Meiyu is another bot that people can add to their chat rooms or chat groups of their family channel for example. This bot basically listens to each and every message in every group that they have been invited in, but they don’t keep the log." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It compares it to the Cofact database, so whenever it’s similar, it just says, \"Oh this is a rumor. It has been disputed, or it has been clarified before.\" People, instead of waiting for five hours or waiting for a day to get a fact check, they actually get a fact check as soon as they post it in their family channel." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This really changed the behavior of people. It saves the intergenerational conflict because people don’t have to correct their family members. Now a robot can do it for them. [laughs] Those are the systems that we’ve been seeing as very active, and also being widely approved. Certainly, they get more legitimacy than compared to if the government does the same thing." }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "That’s amazing. That’s fascinating. I want that everywhere. [laughs] Beyond disinformation, what do you feel like the biggest threats globally to democracy are that are caused by the Internet?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think Internet enables people to feel much closer to each other for sure. The distance between the government and the people is seen as comparatively larger or more distant. It really hasn’t changed. It’s just the people are much closer or rather feeling closer to each other." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The challenge being that people feel that they can only upload like three bits of information every four years, and two bits of information every two years, depending on your representative democracy system. It’s too asymmetric, whereas the online communities, for all their drawbacks, offers a far larger bandwidth in collectively deciding what the community wants, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It creates a metaphors mismatch. People experience governance as something that’s continuous, but then the state says the democracy is something that happens every two or four years. I think that mismatch of metaphors is the core challenge, which is why we’re shifting toward a continuous democracy system." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We ask people to participate, vote, and even quadratic vote on things instead of on people. That enables people to focus much more on the context of policy making rather than on particular tabloid news about people." }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "That’s fascinating. Going back to what you said earlier about a lot of the tools being open source, why do you think it’s so important for governments to procure free and open source software? What do you think other governments can learn from Taiwan in that regard?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Certainly, it’s good for sustainability of service. In Taiwan, we have a Government Digital Service Guideline that says open by default. While open source is important and it is in the guideline, we also say that the open API, especially import/export API, as well as the data, the government data that is produced is equally important if not more important than open source." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The reason is that if you have a open API, meaning that if you design your government services to be accessible not just to people, or to people with disabilities like blindness in a way that are friendly to them. If you treat machine intelligence as a kind of people with disability or alternate ability, then you can design your services to be also friendly to other machines, through structural data, skimmers, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once you design things this way, even if it’s not yet open source, it enables people who want to deliver the same service, but in a better way, to mix and match the system and adapt it to the latest devices and the latest user flows, without you having to redo the back end or the database, and the core business logic or government layer." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think open API is really the key, because then it enables independent service vendors and providers to be in an additive and synergic relationship with existing large vendors. If you don’t have that open API and as a kind of anchor to collaborate, then they’re in a kind of a zero sum relationship with existing system integration vendors." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s literally the first policy that I enacted as the digital minister, is making open API the national default for procurement. Open data, of course Taiwan is really committed to basically say that anything that the people can see as part of freedom of information law must also be able for the machines to see them as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is because if people have different modalities of learning, of understanding, and so on. Some people prefer a bubble graph, some people prefer things that they can interact, and so on. Without open data, you’re basically limiting everybody to presentation style that is maybe five percent or three percent of the population is really comfortable with, and which is not really inclusive." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s the argument for open data. Finally, for open source, it enables what we call knowledge sharing or cooperation, because then you don’t have to maintain the burden of adapting the system to newer devices, newer requirements any more. You can ask the community to help building it for you, but it is only if you have a community in the first place." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Through open API, open data, the community can be built around public service. Once the community really trusts the government to deliver on its open by default promises, then the open source will find a large number of people who want to co create and maintain with you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you don’t have that community relationship and just open source and post it on GitHub, you will find that nobody will want to start or fork project because the community always takes place before the code. The source code is just a excuse really for people to get to know each other. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "That’s very interesting. As a conservative anarchist, what’s your long term vision about the Internet and our networked world? Is it something that can actually replace systems of governance, like traditional governments? You say you work with, not for the government. Is it alongside? In the long term future, what would you envision?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That depends on, how long is a long time? Buckminster Fuller has a saying that I really like. He said, \"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, instead of struggling within the rules of the existing system, what the Internet has always been about is that showing a voluntary associative system where people can innovate without asking for permissions. Actually, it’s a new model that makes all sorts of existing models obsolete." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think Internet, as long as the core principles, end to end innovation, permission less innovation, is kept, there’s always new generations of innovators that can take their vision of future and imbue it into the code of the Internet. I’m not worried about Internet, which is why I’m a conservative anarchist." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Conservative means there is a tradition. The tradition has been going on for quite a while, and what’s important is for people to understand, to embrace, and to respect the tradition of the Internet." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once it’s part of the common, digital literacy is part of the common curriculum, part of the common sense really of a society, then naturally, people, when faced with new threats, as you put it, like disinformation, people will react in a way that adds to the Internet instead of taking from it. People will not, for example, react by saying, \"OK, we ban blocks of IP addresses,\" and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Back when the spam was really a problem, during that Bayesian spam filtering days, it was really tempting to ban entire countries from sending email, but the spam management community decided against that. When a supposedly more costly but ultimately more human right preserving way of detecting patterns and only blocking systems with those pattersn." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Otherwise, we’re taking away the fundamental rights, the broadband as human right, and the rights to communication to entire blocks in the African continent of people, and that would be actually a shame. I’m very happy that the spam fighting community made the right choice; I’m making sure that that the counter-disinformation community in Taiwan and also abroad makes the right choice this time." }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "Would you say then that you are optimistic about the future of the Internet?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m a possibilist. [laughs] There’s various possible futures. I think I’m optimist up to the point that I think an optimistic vision is self fulfilling. Then of course, a pessimist, or a doomsday, or authoritarian vision is also self fulfilling." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We will likely see that the Internet being kind of warped in the different thought patterns, different norms of each society, and in some places warped beyond the design of the original Internet thinkers, both good and bad. All sort of possibilities will happen, is what I’m witnessing." }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "That’s a great way to put it. That’s actually everything I had to ask you, unless there’s anything that you want to add that you feel that we haven’t covered, or any message that you want to say?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, this is good. I think I’ll quote from my favorite singer and poet, Leonard Cohen. He said, \"There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Internet, to me, is never finished. People keep seeing various cracks or different problem, even in the very core systems like the DNS and so on, but then that’s how the light gets in." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s why we have a vibrant community caring about this, really a common wealth of all. I think it is those cracks that keeps the community moving forward and upward as the Internet community." }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "That’s a brilliant message to end on. Thank you so much for your time. It’s been really enjoyable chatting to you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you so much. Cheers." }, { "speaker": "Amelia Tait", "speech": "Thank you. Bye." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Bye." } ]
[ { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我們這次採訪會從思想這個主軸來詢問。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有什麼希望我扣合的訊息嗎?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我們可能會希望你談到一些關於性別意識的一些思考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。是工作上或者是自己的或者是都可以?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "這兩部分都希望看到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們有什麼主題或者是專題嗎?這一期。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "網路對於女性族群以及對於LGBT的……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "泛指整個網絡或者是社群媒體?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "網路社群媒體。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "社群媒體為主?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以是一個專題,然後有採訪,加上調查這一類的?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "採訪有網路社群媒體跟一些女性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以也是在網路採訪嗎?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "是,網路上採訪沒有錯。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "滿有意思的訪問形式。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "想先請政委談談平常從事思想工作的習慣跟養成?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實之前有一位盧建彰有來訪問過我,問我到底什麼時候才在做創意的工作,他覺得行政院的那一個建築樣式,還有一大堆警察不適合創意發想,他自己在書裡形容說,看到警察就想不出東西來。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "警察喔?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,因為行政院到處都是衛兵。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "你會受到這個影響嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不會。一方面是因為當時我加入行政院的時候,我在任何地方上班都算上班,所以我覺得很多時間是在環島、空總的社創中心,目前其實只有禮拜四院會的時候,才是非到行政院不可。第一個,我覺得地點的自由度,這個是很重要,我們說做工作的時候,我們要empower the people closest to the pain,我們要幫一件社會問題來想解決方法的時候,要先移動到好像進入那個社會問題所在的情境,不是關在台北的行政院裡面想。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果是恆春的問題,就去恆春想,如果是南方四島的問題,就去南方四島想,如果是東沙的問題,當然很難去東沙,但是至少去高雄海委會想,離所在的問題接近、離那些人接近,這很可能是最重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "次之的話,其實我很多懸而未決的問題,就是帶著睡覺,帶到夢裡想,醒來就會有一個初步的輪廓,所以如果有的時候碰到問題比較複雜,還要加班,就是要多睡一點,要睡到九個小時。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "真的喔?可以睡到九個小時。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "九個小時、十個小時,那樣的時候也比較少做夢,在夢裡不斷模擬、推演各種各樣的情境。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "比較少做夢,可是還是可以在夢裡推演?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "比較少做自己的夢,好像我在夢裡就預先把問題試了很多個時間線的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "這個有一點抽象,可以再講一下嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好比像去模擬隔天一場重要的會議、重要的外交談判各種可能的情況,醒著的時候,沒有那麼容易去揣想其他人的感受、想法,但是在夢裡比較容易以別人的角度、以對方的角度、以其他方的角度去看這件事、去看自己。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "但是你剛剛用到的是「時間線」這個詞。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,在夢裡做一次夢覺得這樣談出來的結果不盡人意,可能醒來喝杯水又入睡再試另外一套方法,就一直到有一套方法還不錯,就會醒來。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "就是有一點像進入平行世界。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是試好幾次。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "好幾個不同的平行世界,然後試到一個你覺得比較好的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,這個世界線不錯,有轉到這個台,然後醒來在那個世界線裡面。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "太酷了。我之前有看到,你在睡前有用VR的習慣,跟這個有關嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也是很像,不過我用VR通常是在太空站去看地球,或者是在太陽系看整個太陽系,其實像我手錶也有同樣的功能,你可以看到地球的運轉,像我昨天跟史瓦帝尼的朋友們餐敘的時候,也有給他們看,史瓦帝尼在這邊,他們在那邊,這有兩個特色,一個其實你可以看到是沒有國界的,只有你在哪裡而已。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "只有你在哪裡、沒有國界?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,所以可以讓人比較容易的想到一些我們平常在地上可能被雲層擋住,看不到那麼多繁星的狀態,可以以整體的動力去想,可以想比較遠。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "而且可以隨時提醒自己跳脫出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "跳脫出特定的意識形態或者是特定的情境,這個是第一個。第二個,這也是提醒著我們說我們每一代就是做一部分的事情,那個事情逐漸地變好,我們主要要做的工作是讓下一代的人在更好的基礎上工作,不會有一定要畢其功於一役,或者是很講完美主義的情形,就是確保它是完整而穩定的,所以是一個不急功近利的想法,如果你在外看著地球,其實這一些感受就不用想,它自然會浮現。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "對整個規模、整個時間線都拉長?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我也很好奇,你剛剛講夢中進入不同的時間線,表示你可以控制夢中的情境嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也不是控制,而是在腦裡放好形狀。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "可是有設定好,對不對?有設定一個場景進入?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,好像你本來就知道明天有什麼事要發生,本來你在腦裡就會做一些推演或模擬之類的,但是在醒著的時候,往往我們會執著於某個特定的解決方法或者是某個特定的互動,是以自己出發來看這一件事,但是在夢裡,這個自己就比較弱,你可以用更多的角度來看同一件事。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "可是做夢的時候,我的主角還是自己,你做夢的時候,你的主角可以切換到不同的視角嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該是說在夢裡面,自己說出什麼或做什麼,比較不受白天習慣所約束,所以即使還是第一人稱,但是你會感覺到好像你變成不是主角,而是配角。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "會有這種感覺?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然還是會有你自己,不是像我們現在醒著的時候,一定要有一個前後一致的故事線,在夢裡比較多的是在這個場景自己有自己的邏輯,是跟著他走。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "但是還是要比較有意識才能夠知道現在做的是這個主題的夢,不然夢的主題可能沒有辦法自己設定,大部分的人啦!大部分的夢沒有辦法自己設定,可能會進入到日有所思、也有所夢,可能是一些欲望或者是一些恐懼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我想我睡前都有一個很明確的……其實這個是快問快答的其中一題,就是睡前儀式,我都會把好比所有的email都回完,所有的待辦事項都清空,然後所有需要發布出去的都發布出去,等於就有一種很像歸零的感覺,會有一種醒不過來的感覺也還好,就是很像一天很完整的完成了,所以比較不受到一些殘留的,像你剛剛講的,像欲望或者是一些恐懼,反正都已經沒了。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "已經是清空的狀態?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。完全由明天掌控這個夢,而不是由昨天來掌控。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "那你可以設定不只明天,比如十年後或者是二十年後。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還沒有這個嘗試。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "但是大部分都會設定明天?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,很像明天發生了好幾次。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "到了明天真的發生的時候,會有Déjà vu的感覺嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "會,當然。很像在夢裡遙控到這個頻道了,現在是這個頻道的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "現在有這樣的感覺嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在沒有。很坦白講,今天的訪問並不是讓我壓力很大(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "會做預知夢嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個到底算不算預知呢?因為你醒來,還是要把它實現一次,所以它比較不像預知未來,比較像自己創造未來。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "算清醒夢嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "算清醒夢。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "而且你都會記得夢發生的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可能只有最後一個版本。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "因為像那時獲選時,你有在臉書上發表「思想從來不是個人的創見,而是凝聚眾人智慧的結晶」,從個人生涯決定的時候,我不知道你是不是會參考其他人智慧的意見?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。我的意思是說,很多時候把自己準備好,很像一個載體,就像你剛剛講清空的載體,看哪一個思想或者是哪一種思考方法適合現在這個情境,讓它來進入,不是我是控制思想的主題,而是思想的載體,這個思想可以從各個不同的方面來。像我在工作上,你說個人選擇,我沒有特別覺得我自己一定要做到什麼或者變成什麼,或者實現什麼,我就是一個通道,就是讓盡可能多人雖然立場不一樣,找到共通、可以對話的語言,然後找到共通的價值,所以我自己並沒有什麼要達成的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "用這個來出發的話,本來在處理的就是大家一些共同的願望。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "但是很有意思,我之前看過你說你不是出於使命感,而且出於興趣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。「這個很好玩、很有意思。」" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "為什麼這樣說出於興趣?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為很有意思,我喜歡聽一個人說話,我喜歡瞭解一個人的想法形成的脈絡,喜歡去在可能沒有辦法對話的地方去看到對話發生,所以這等於是內在驅離,如果你是靠外在驅離,很像一定要完成、達成、達到什麼才會高興,其實日常就會碰到非常多的狀況,可能不是操之在己,可能就會有各種各樣的情緒反應等等。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我一開始就說還有人願意跟我說話,還有人願意透過我跟別人對話,我就很高興了。反而是因為這樣,所以這個動機或者是動力好像每天會增長的,不是碰到挫折會消失的。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "碰到挫折會讓你想要破關、一直要有動力嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也不是,我自己不會有什麼挫折。別人的挫折來找我傾訴,或者是我們在各方利益關係人的會議上,一起面對時代共同的挑戰,這個時候並不是我個人的挫折,而是我們目前這個時代走到這裡,一種集體的挫折。所以大家一起面對這一件事本身,我覺得是很有意思,而不會把它當成要來領導、指揮的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "如果暫時沒有形成共識的時候?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想不可能完全沒有共識,總是會有一些粗略的共識,當你抽象到足夠高層,或者是想到足夠多代以後的話,其實多多少少都有一些共識,像永續是一個很大的共識,就是大家都希望我們這個世界在我們離開之後還存在,可能可以存在到六、七代以後,這其實大部分的人都不會反對這一個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以當你抽到足夠共通、遠程的理念時,其實大部分的人是有共識的,當然這樣很難實際化為行動,所以我們的工作是把工作抽象到拋棄意識形態,但是又化為具體行動的點,在那上面去做創新,讓大家都覺得這樣對大家都不壞,所以這個就是交疊共識的一套想法。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "所以目前用這一套想法還可以運行?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "還沒有遇到哪一個狀況還沒有解開?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然這套想法有一些侷限,預設是大家有一些同理的能力。每個人的同理邊界是不一樣的,好比像一條河不會講話、也不會投票,所以你要一條河出來協作,必然有人要當它的代言人,一座山脈、環境及還沒有出生的小孩,這都需要代言人的,所以這其實是比較大的侷限,但是我們透過一些方法,可以做到一個程度。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "還有在溝通的方式,有些人可能會比較保留,不願意講出自己真實的訴求。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "那部分要怎麼打開?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們都是以達到多少就算多少,不會說今天一定要有共識,因為共識太強烈了,其實也不好,比較好的是,大家雖不滿意,但都還可以接受的程度,有多少就實踐多少,剩下還沒有共識的,大家就同意到今天為止,到這一件事或者是這兩、三個方面還談不出共識來,那沒有關係,下個禮拜再來,下下個禮拜再來。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "這個過程你會運用什麼樣的數位方法或者是工具?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實最基本的是逐字紀錄,我舉具體的例子,像當時對於電競,也不是很新,而是相對新的東西,教育部覺得不算是體育,所以應該是文化工作,但是文化部覺得電競選手比起其他的傳統技藝來講,不是傳統技藝,他覺得是經濟部的事情,但是經濟部覺得我們是管球場的,其實球員跟我們是沒有關係,意思是只管硬體設備(像滑鼠)這個東西,但是電競選手跟這個有什麼關係?應該是跟教育部有關的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家覺得新興的事情是用既有的框架去瞭解,我們的做法很簡單,先讓電競選手暢所欲言,把他們碰到所有實際的問題,他們個人的故事、成長的經驗都在我們的逐字稿裡面,這個是公開的,所有的人都會看到、部會都會看到,我們就想說如何解決他們的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "各個部會一開始當然都很有保留,不管他們有多少保留,我們一起編輯個十個工作天之後,所有的對話都對網友公開,因為開會的部會可以編輯,當然他們會把自己可能一些開的玩笑或者是不太專業的部分都拿掉,所以大家看到是公務員最專業的一面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "到網路上之後,我們就看到PTT或者是mobile01、巴哈姆特都會開始討論這一份逐字稿,網友當然一開始也會有很多不理性、甚至人身攻擊的、驚嘆號很多的表情包留言,但是通常前幾個這樣之後,大概到第五個留言就會開始提出專業的意見,所謂「專業的五樓」,因為前四樓都沒有真的看完,第五樓是真的看完,還提出意見的,所以就是最專業的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的工作是在下一場行政院的會議裡面,去把我在網路上跟這一些專業五樓們的對話,把所有的人身攻擊跟驚嘆號的部分都拿掉,告訴各部會說這一位朋友說「現在圍棋都是在網路上進行比賽,所以他主張圍棋選手是一種電競選手,不知道你有沒有什麼想法」,或者是「我們之前對籃球國手都有替代役,其實電競選手是可以比照辦理,如果文化部願意的話」,或者有一位朋友說「其實教育部本來就有技藝專長的特色課程,甚至專題、主題、學程,為什麼不能開電競專班」,其實別的技藝都是有的等等,這一些都不是公務員想過的事情,等於是一套新的看世界方法,所以他們聽到之後,有的也很願意接受,可能小時候真的是下圍棋的,所以開始覺得對圍棋選手有的權益,電競選手好像也應該要有,就開始鬆動他們的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以網友也很高興看到下一份紀錄,他們的想法有被採納,於是他們就更被鼓勵,我們說會吵的朋友不是有糖吃嗎?而是進廚房一起炒糖吃。從口部「吵」變成火部的「炒」,就開始有網友真的願意走進行政院、協作會議,自己帶著自己的故事前來,一起找出可行的方法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我們電競這個案子大概開了四次會議,就全部都解決了,三個部會各自分各自的會去做,我想逐字紀錄及公開、開放、不對任何人設限的,我們叫「擬稿階段公開」,也就是「還在想」的這一件事不怕丟臉,相信大家的群眾智慧,我想這個是最基本的一個概念,技術都是實作概念的方法而已。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "從個人的層次來說,你思考上一直不是都有接觸到數位工具?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你是說我用哪一些數位工具來協助思考嗎?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我自己用的最多的是stylus,就是電子筆,我是從Palm Pilot就開始用筆來想事情,之後是Zaurus,當然現在用的是Apple Pencil,還有Note的這一支筆,所以可以說我所有的計算工具都有筆的,對我來講,鍵盤是概念已經要成型了,就很像打字機一樣傳輸出來,最後一個階段才用的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果把大家的想法會聚起來的時候,我是很習慣用不管是白板或者是其他的軟體,總之是數位白板,好處是我在會議裡做筆記,可是我做筆記的過程,透過投影或者是直播,大家可以一面看到我的思路,大家的發言會自然會聚在這一套思路中間,所以我們會把一個問題有點像貼便利貼那樣子,去分成一些面向,每一個面向有哪一些事實去佐證它,也許用藍色的便利貼,這一些事實帶來哪一些感受可能用黃色的便利貼,這一些感受之後大家提出哪一些具體的建議來讓大家感覺更好,就用綠色的便利貼,這一些具體的建議哪一些是可行的,可能用橘色的便利貼,所以是透過這一個事實到感受到想法,就是提案到決定的過程,是不會偏掉,不會有一個好像大家一下子就跳到建議、解法,可是不揭露自己的感受或者是不揭露哪一些客觀事實來造成感受。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣的問題是,我們腦中的客觀事實根本就沒有對齊,很像不同的世界為平行世界,因此一開始就問說支持你提出這個想法是什麼?個人感受是什麼?形成這個感受的那個當下還記不記得是什麼客觀事實,不斷透過這樣的方法把它會聚到這個電子白板裡面,大家就慢慢進入同一個思想脈絡裡面。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "這個方法是從哪裡?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是加拿大在2005年的一套方法,叫做「focused conversation method」,是叫做「焦點討論法」,我的主持風格叫做「dynamic facilitation」,叫做「動態引導技術」。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "這也是加拿大的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「dynamic facilitation」是很久的技術了,引導技術本來就有各門各派,「dynamic facilitation」是不特別侷限於哪一派的引導技術,可能很重要的是,沒有預設討論要帶往哪一個方向,所以在這一點上比較像開放技術,來的人就是對的人,每一次談到哪裡算哪裡,下一次只要這個會不要白開,我們有充分的紀錄,下次就從沒有處理完的地方開始,也不一定要是同一批人,這一批人解決這個問題到這個程度,下一個批人可以接關。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "這個是你之前工作的時候,就在採用的方法嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我自己比較focus在這一個方法,大概是2014年年底開始,那時候是擔任行政院之前一位政委的專案顧問,大概就是用這一套方法,幫蔡玉玲政委去整理一些新興、數位的議題。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "那我也滿好奇你自己個人的思想系統,就是你的核心思想跟價值觀的建立?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個問題有一點空泛。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "有受過哪一些思想的影響?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我自己比較受影響的大概可能12、13歲比較有系統地去理解從早期維根斯坦到晚期維根斯坦,從《邏輯哲學》論到《哲學探索》的這一套進路,因為我本來就很喜歡寫程式,寫程式的人所用的這個世界觀,很多就是維根斯坦,尤其是早期維根斯坦當時建立的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們現在新一代比較像電腦,而比較不像計算機,就是AI、深度學習的很多這一種知識表層的方式,這個是受到晚期維根斯坦的影響,可以說維根斯坦的前後期,大概是資訊科學跟人的社會互相接壤的前後期兩種主要世界觀的表達方法,當然受維根斯坦影響是很大的。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "這個我不太沒有接觸,早期跟晚期的差別?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單講,早期的維根斯坦認為所謂的「世界」是分成可以言說的部分,跟其實難以言喻只能顯示的部分,可以言說的部分都可以很明白地講清楚,就是它把一個很複雜的情況,可以分成很多叫做「原子事實」,就是不是是這樣,就是不是這樣的是否、是非的這樣基礎事實,所以他認為再大的結構或系統都可以用這樣的基礎事實跟他們的邏輯關係來表示,這個就有一點像在人工智慧這一代技術普及以前,大部分寫程式的人都是把世界用0跟1去表述給電腦知道,讓電腦能夠去掌握,所以這個是一種比較化約主義,就是「大事化小,小事化無,以無事取天下」這樣一套做法,不會覺得任何問題複雜,因為任何問題一定可以分拆成設想、計畫更小的問題,一直到設想計畫變成一件單一、簡單、半小時之內可以處理完的事,那個時候就可以開始做行動,這個叫做「Computational Thinking」(運算思維)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一套是非常適合去處理有明確定義的事情,或者比較白天的事情,但是有一些事其實是無可言喻,早期的維根斯坦是說就應該要保持沈默。但是到了晚期的時候,他當然有一套相當不同的見解,可能也許語言本身沒有先天的意義,一個語言的意義就是他在他的社群裡面產生了效果,所以他會變成用這個效果本身來回推這個字或這個語句,或者是這個表述,所以簡單來講,像我們現在電腦做翻譯,你在Google把中文翻英文,英文翻中文的時候,並不是去分析文法,也不是分析任何一般我們學語言的時候,所謂動詞、名詞形式,都不是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是在所有看得到文件的大海裡面,去看到像這樣的一句話,通常跟哪一些別的話一起出現,通常造成什麼效果,另外在一個語言空間裡面,很像向量一樣,事實上是一個張量,去找到一個類似形狀效果的方向,然後再把這個方向解碼回來,變成那個目標語言裡面的一段話。所以像這一種翻譯方式並不是解構式的,就是並不是化約式的,而是非常一體的。所以像這樣的一種想法,其實是有點像人腦的運作,比較像後面這一種,我們腦部裡面真的在做數理邏輯的,其實一小塊而已,絕大部分都是在做剛剛講的樣式比對跟同構的轉換。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我們現在的人工智慧,大概就是在模擬後面的這樣一種思路,大概是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是非常簡化的講法,請不要當教科書用。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "至少讓我們有一點概念?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "所以現在Google翻譯就是用後期的方法?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,並沒有去做早期的那一種文法、句式、型態分析。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "真的不曉得,很有趣。所以未來的方向也會往這個方向發展,就是AI?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,確定是往這個方向。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "你的思想受到維根斯坦影響,你在待人處事上會用這一套思想?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "待人處事上我其實不太需要受到什麼影響,我只是想到什麼講什麼,所以應該還好。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "但是就思考一些個人的生涯或者是用公眾事務?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我沒有什麼個人生涯。你真的要說有影響,很可能是受到我自己身體早期限制的影響,因為我有先天性的心室中膈缺損,我大概3、4歲之前吧!都不是很確定能不能活下來。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "真的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為太小不能動手術,那時大概可能因為心室中膈缺損,所以血液量裡含氧量是比一般人低,所以意思就是說腦裡可用的氧沒有這麼多,有點像隨時都在高山症的情況,這個是我的照顧者跟我說的,我自己不記得,所以從我有記憶以前,只要一激動或者一生氣或者怎麼樣,就會昏倒,就沒有氧氣可以用,所以我身體有很多自發的反應去不斷把自己放在一個比較平靜的狀態,因為那個是一種求生本能,如果在很激動的狀態,其實是沒有辦法持續很久,所以我其實並沒有在很激動狀態持續很久的主體經驗,所以我覺得很可能是待人處事的一個先驗,就是先於我有記憶經驗的條件。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然後來開完刀之後,我身體就恢復了,所以可以有很強烈地開心感覺、經驗的感覺,但是我目前還沒有經驗強烈的,好比像憤怒,因為我看不出來經驗那個是要做什麼,所以我想我的主觀感受經驗是一般人,如果是一個調色盤的話,我很可能只有裡面的兩、三種顏色,就像腦筋急轉彎裡面那幾個人物,可能只有一、兩個長比較大。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "所以喜、怒、哀、樂這四種情緒的話?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可能只有Joy跟Sadness這兩個有長得比較大,其他幾個都比較小。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "也會想要讓他們長大嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還好。我覺得時間越久,越覺得有時因為做公共服務,其實會看到很多人很強烈的負面情緒,所以我稍微傾聽,就是傾斜去聽,就可以感覺到那些感受稍微有一點流過來我這邊,所以我覺得我也不需要你自己去經驗自發的那一種,因為整天都會碰到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我經驗一些,有一個好處是我自己比較不會被引起那一種防衛機轉,因為我腦裡就沒有那一些東西,你很難引發我的同仇敵愾的反應,所以我傾聽之後慢慢又會回到你剛剛講的思想體系,但是同時把這個回來的方法,就是我在腦裡經過什麼又回來,可以分享出去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我發現這樣分享出去對對方很有幫助,因為他會把一時的情緒換成一個角度,那我未來怎麼樣不要再讓這個事情發生,或者是未來怎麼樣可以更好,所以這個時候就到一個共同行動的階段,不會一直停在取暖的階段;當然取暖很重要,你要爬高山一定要先升一群火取暖,但是要記得高山是要爬的,並不是一直在取暖。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "所以要同理對方、感受對方,但是你會讓那個感覺過去,然後就回到一個中立的狀態?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很像那個感覺,可能別人一般來講是要一個星期才可以過去,或者要哭個兩、三天才能過去,那是一個標準的時間,在我這邊可能5分鐘就過去了,或者是10分鐘就過去了,最多可能睡一覺就過去了,所以這個時候好像恢復的速度比較快,因此就可以比較早地說「這樣子的話,你覺得這個可能性會不會好一點?」" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我有看到每天也有做精神分析?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我入閣不到半年就停了。因為我的分析師在巴黎,之前是每半年要跟他相處一個多月,但是我入閣之後,其實沒有這個餘裕,因為我很快就發現作為閣員沒有什麼個人行程的這一種事,所有的行程都是外交行程,所以就沒有那麼容易,後來就停了。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "之前是說從幾歲開始每半年會去一次法國?這樣持續幾年?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大概四、五年。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我有看到說每一天也會跟他對話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "透過Facetime。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "現在沒有了?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為是靠我去的時候來校準我的心理狀態,所以那個校準只會持續半年,再長就比較像偏見,因為我可能已經改變了,所以如果沒有校準的話,就很像一個鐘在海上沒有對上原子鐘,最後就會偏差,所以他是說等我能夠更自由地半年到一次巴黎之後再繼續這一段關係。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "你感覺如果比較有自由時間會想要再去?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "因為我之前有看到你跟他談完,每一次思緒都有再整理跟沉澱,你現在是靠什麼方法來整理跟沉澱?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想VR或者是像在手錶上看一下地球,其實就是一些捷徑。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "但是和與人對話還是不太一樣,特別是專業的人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,我想專業的助人者有一個好處是,他看多了,我們主觀覺得在不舒服、過不去的事情,其實在專業的助人者看來就是很常見的,大家都有這樣子的情況,其實雖然所謂快樂都相同,但是受苦都不同,但是如果你是專業助人者的話,你會看到一些相同之處。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "對,因為他們看很多。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,所以光是原來不是只有我不舒服這一件事的這個感受,可能不用講出來,但是可以從他的反應裡面感覺到並不是只有我這樣子覺得的感覺,我覺得這樣就已經很有幫助。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "雖然分析的關係中斷,但是畢竟相處了很多年,所以我腦裡還是有一份我的分析師,還是有一點像一個空間,不管碰到再強烈的情緒、狀態或者是事情,總是腦裡可以留一個空間想說分析師的椅子上看著,然後會是什麼樣的一種表情,所以我內化了一個助人者的形象。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "他就在那個空間裡?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "你最近有什麼新的領域或者是修正想法嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最近是多近?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "都可以。因為我想你很多想法都成型、滿早熟的,應該還是會遇到一些事情去改寫跟重新修正一些想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得倒不是修正想法,而是「清快取」吧!你的瀏覽器看一個網站會存一份網站在你的電腦裡,所以沒有連上網路的時候,還是會給你看上一次的檔案,但是有的時候你以為有連上網路,或者其實沒有的時候,你會以為那個是新的,但是其實新的已經改了。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "但是你看到還是舊的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你要按shift F5之類才會更新到最新的狀態,所以我打這個比方的意思是,當你更新的時候,更新是把新的基礎事實跟自己的理解對齊,而不是把瀏覽器本身更新,所以我並不是說最近有修正我的思想方法,這個可能沒有,但是當然隨著世界的改變,會不斷下載新的事實到腦裡,大概只有這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "還有看到你說你覺得與眾不同是常態,與眾相同其實是幻覺,每個人其實都是走在自己的生命道路上,可是我們還是會需要跟社會互動,需要有一種歸屬感,找到自己的位置跟角色。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "歸屬感跟相同,完全是兩回事。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "是。但是可能會為了有這個歸屬感、與社會互動的過程中,可能沒有辦法那麼地做自己,我不知道,很多人可能會有這樣的感受。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個就是幻覺了。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "你說這個是幻覺,你是怎麼樣跟社會互動,還是可以不受社會腳本的箝制?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果我們把社會腳本的概念,好像你是演員,這個是臺詞的話,然後唸的話,為什麼演員是一個專業而不是隨便誰都可以做,就是因為一個好的演員,當他拿到臺詞的時候,他是透過一個重新詮釋,讓他覺得這個臺詞好像為了他的狀態寫的,而不是他在迎合這個臺詞,如果他只是迎合這個臺詞的話,通常不會被說是一個好的或者是一個稱職的演員。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有社會腳本的存在,不表示好像你犧牲掉你的自我或者是你的獨特性,如果覺得演員唸的方法都一樣,那個是一個幻覺,因為事實上就不是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我剛剛主要的概念是,每一個人能夠貢獻的部分,恰好就是自己的主觀經驗,因為那個是別人沒有的、沒有人替代的,等於是看世界的角度,當這個角度被充分地表述時,就很像其他人也生活了或者是也貼近了看這個世界的角度一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我會覺得一定要去感覺跟別人相同的話,其實反而是讓自己變得比較沒有貢獻或者比較沒有可能去貢獻,因為當我們進入一個好像可以被抽換的這一種狀態時,其實也就是那任何人提出來的,在這個角度上都會是一樣的,因為先跟進了某個角度,其實你放在多人也是一個角度而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我們說collaboration的時候,一個很重要的是,雖然有共同的價值,就是左邊十字的部分,但是每個人的力氣是從不同的角度來,可能有的力在上頭(笑),有的力在左下,有的力在右下,或者是象形字,所以每一個角度的力量都是不可或缺的,但是當我們從一個角度進去貢獻的時候,只要能夠充分地理解到我也只不過是多個角度之一,這樣子就可以有你剛剛所講的歸屬感,是透過跟其他角度互相補全來達到自己的完成或者是超越,我想這個是很基本的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果一開始就是說要跟著誰或者是要學習雜誌封面人物,像唐鳳,這樣子就會變成是一個喪失了自己的角度,我覺得這個是比較可惜的。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "你可以談談自己自我探索跟定位的過程?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個還是有一點抽象,可不可以多說一些?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "特別我們知道你是跨性別者,我不知道你有沒有經歷過性別上的一些困惑,然後你自己怎麼探索,就是達到一個定位?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想我是post-gender,有一點像Butler說的性別展演,一個演員戲路很寬的話,他拿什麼稿子來都是可以演的,但是重點要理解到這個展演有一點像跟世界相處的介面,就是重點還是大家不同的生命體驗、不同的角度,怎麼樣彼此同理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以好比我自己經過兩次青春期,這個當別人講他們青春期事情的時候,我比較能夠去理解是有這樣一個可能精神或者是跟身體的關係,或者是感受度的解析度,就是看事情的方法吧!在那一段時間會有大規模的改變,或者腦部。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以像有這樣子的主體經驗是很有幫助,因為這樣子其他人提到一些主觀感受的時候,我可以有一種可能跟我的某一個主觀感受是類似的狀態,所以我覺得就是在這個基本的同理、能溝通的部分作為跨性別者,我覺得不是全有、全無的,不是一定就是順性別或者一定是跨性別。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可能就像彈鋼琴一樣,有些人可以跨一個八度、兩個八度,而且這個是可以透過練習達到的,你越練習就越跨一些性別,這個是比較好的看法,不然順性別、跨性別,又會變成像男女那樣子,非常二元的一種東西。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "所以你剛剛特別講到post-gender。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,可能是「後性別」。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "你覺得比較是後性別?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。我站在這一些性別展演社會腳本的後面去看他們,我不會覺得我就是性別腳本,我也會理解說有些腳本,我之前體驗過,我當然可以同理當別人在使用這一些腳本的時候,有一些別人使用腳本,可能因為文化因素、什麼因素,我沒有體驗過,我覺得很有趣,也可以去嘗試,可以這樣子看待它。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "先天身體的限制,還是沒有辦法嘗試每一個腳本?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不會,身體也是可以改的。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "身體是可以改的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "人的身體是隨時在變化。像我之前有過一次,在巴黎的時候,跟公視邀請的一群小學生、中學生對話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們是在VR裡,所以我就把自己的身體縮小到可能國一學生的高度,所以他們在虛擬世界裡面,就是跟我平起平坐。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "哪裡的小學生?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "臺灣的小學生,也就是公視的訪問,但是我人在巴黎,就用VR的空間,大家都戴著VR進入那個空間。因為我的高度跟他們一樣,所以他們就有一種親切感,他們不會很像仰望我,或者覺得我高高在上或者怎麼樣,而是可以一起體驗小學生或者是中學生學習的空間、互動的空間等等。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以像我在巴黎迪士尼有一次「料理鼠王」的體驗,也是用VR,就是用一隻老鼠的角度來看這個城市,當然現在VR可以做到很多,可以用石虎的角度來看一個開發案之類的。所以我的意思是說,當然你不可能變成石虎,或者是老鼠或者是小學生的身體,但是總是有一些方法。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "但是現在VR可以做到這樣,當時為何想要有第二次的青春期?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然VR講的是空間感受,就是眼、耳、鼻、舌、身這一些,在青春期的時候,腦部本身跟身體密切的程度,或者是當情緒來的時候,這個情緒找到表述的方式方法等等,在青春期的時候,都會有很大幅地調整,所以經由不同的青春期或者是經由雌激素的青春期,當然是不同的主體體驗。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以有點像這兩條思路的變化都有走過才比較知道有一些主觀感受的改變,不只是改變後的那個樣子,而是前後還要有一個連續性的這一種感覺是什麼,這個時候我想還是必須要透過真的經過這個主體體驗,很難透過VR來達成。當然也可能是因為VR的技術不夠成熟,像matrix那樣的話,也許就可以。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "所以你會覺得經過不同的改變,然後你整個看事情的角度會更完整?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也不是說更完整,就是說有更多的可能性。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "有很明顯感覺到大腦的變化?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "可以講一下這兩種變化的不同嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以啊!當然因為我先天的睪固酮濃度,我記得20出頭量的時候,差不多是80幾歲的男性,而且天生的,並沒有用什麼藥。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "那時先天是80幾歲的男性?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "其實不算高的意思?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很低。介於成人雌性跟雄性的中間,所以你要說我真的有一個雄性青春期的完整體驗,可能也不太有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就很像用雌激素,當然感覺身體重新發育等等,那這個當然也是有,但發育的程度也不是非常完整的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以可以說這兩個體驗我都有一些,可是也都不能說走得跟一般的身體發育一樣遠,如果要說是淺嘗即止也可以。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "所以有些人也想要走這一條路的話,你會給他們什麼建議?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想每個人都是不一樣的,我如果不是跟他坐下來談過一、兩天,我要怎麼樣給他建議?這個是助人者的一般常識。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "一般人對性別有困惑的人?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對性別有困惑,就很像對任何其他的題目有困惑一樣,本來就是好事,因為沒有困惑就沒有好奇心,沒有好奇心就沒有學習,所以當然就是把困惑轉成好奇心,好奇心轉成具體的學習,學習轉成行動,這個是不管你對什麼困惑,我都會給的建議。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "那上任以來你有處理過哪一些跟性別相關的政策?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一個是之前有一位吳姓網友,他有提一個希望單身的女性也可以取得人工生殖,可能像試管嬰兒這樣子的一種權利,因為目前的人工生殖法是沒有這個權利的,所以這個是公共政策參與網路連署平台,超過5,000人想要討論的一個提案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而這個案子當時我記得滿清楚的,我們在邀利害關係人的時候,邀了一些在別的議題上比較針鋒相對的朋友,好比像護家盟張守一老師及一些朋友,伴侶盟幾位朋友,在別的議題上他們可能比較針鋒相對,但是在這一個議題,其實討論得品質還滿不錯,我們真的可以看到大家達到一些共識。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得為什麼這樣,就像我剛剛講的,這一案主要的利益關係人是那一些還沒有出生的小孩,就是當他出生在一個單親媽媽,或者不是傳統能夠使用人工生殖法狀態伴侶的情態時,他跟社會的關係什麼,社會跟他的關係是什麼,所以大家都覺得我們整個社會,不管是公部門,好比像衛福部、教育部,或者是整個公民社會給這樣子的一個家庭結構更多的理解、支持、適當的,而不是好像只當作弱勢的支援。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "只有當這樣子的社會結構很穩定時,我們才可以說這樣子人工生殖的小孩,出生在這樣的照顧者結構時,他的最佳利益是可以不遜於出生在別的照顧者的支持結構裡面,這個基本的想法,其實不管是哪一方都是同意的,也就是大概沒有人會反對這樣的見解,但是這個才是共通價值,短期上說到底怎麼樣好、怎麼樣對小孩不好,那個是用各方對當下社會的理解來說的,但是我們的討論是把它放在一個我們可以怎麼樣去把我們社會準備好那樣的角度來說的,所以後面這個角度,其實大家很願意貢獻,我們也有很多很具體的回應,當然這個網路上都有,我就不贅述了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得那個是一次很好的經驗,就是不但有實際看到很多單親家庭的處境,我們也看到其實有的時候,他們還沒有準備好,即使社會還沒有準備好,我們可以一起讓社會準備好。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "2019年還有怎麼樣的計畫?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛講的這一整套,不怕在政策形成前就請專業的五樓來提供意見,而且一起來炒糖吃一些,我們之前當然做了很多示範的案例,大概有四、五十個,今年的重點是去除了現有的要點化、制度化,以及做示範案例之外,我們也很高興看到各個部會都開始學習到這一種即時去回應,不要把網友當作酸民,而是能夠去看到其實大家會那樣子在意一件事,必定有可以貢獻之處的想法,所以我們看到各部會的小編更不怕即時讓大家瞭解我們所看到的角度。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "因為看到很多範例都是很成功的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,大家可以瞭解到邀網友來,不管一起看直播或者是一起參加討論,其實有一套邏輯,你只要充分運用這一套邏輯,其實是不會爆炸的,這樣的情況,就可以放在一般的行政程序裡,像公聽會、聽證會及焦點座談,所有先期的政策溝通都可以有這樣的元素,所以今年的重點其實是跟行政程序的簽核。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當一般各部會的公務員都可以瞭解到這就像一套工具包,我們可以挑選裡面正確的來用,而不是等到最後拍板定案,而是枝節再來問大家的意見,讓大家覺得被突襲,而是一開始公部門不知道怎麼辦的時候,邀大家來創作,這個是今年最主要的目標。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個內化之後,數位政委就可以變成數十位、數百位政委了,我腦裡有一位分析師一樣,大家腦裡也可以有這樣一份協作會議的藍圖,等於公務人員都可以自主運用這一套想法。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "最後有沒有想要說的話?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想我自己還是回到Leonard Cohen那一句話,他說「萬事萬物都有缺口,缺口就是光的入口」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有的時候當我們看到一個結構的問題,但是覺得只有自己看到的時候,我覺得很重要的是要去打開或者是打進一個缺口,讓大家也可以看到這邊是不完整的、不完美的。但是這個不完美是共享的,不是只有我們感受到,也不是只有一、兩個人感受到,而是大家都感受到,這個缺口就可以變成光的入口,大家可以一起透過這個缺口,然後看到對大家更好的未來,自然這個未來就會透過我們而來臨。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "(以下為快問快答)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家好,我是唐鳳,很高興來這邊完成LEZS的快問快答。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "請問最近看的書是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我最近在看一本叫做《Surveillance Capitalism》(監控式資本主義)的書。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "最近玩的電動遊戲是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最近我在玩的電動是《Into the Breach》(進入缺口)。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "可以告訴我們怎麼玩嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是在未來地球即將毀滅的狀態下,從未來送一些機甲戰士到一些平行的時間線,去拯救世界的故事。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "聽起來這個遊戲有一點優雅嗎?還是速度其實滿快的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是回合制的遊戲,每一個回合就像下棋一樣,可以等很久,想清楚再行動。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "偏好的飲食習慣?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我每一天都會吃蛋白質、碳水化合物跟脂質,跟你一樣。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我想請問你今天的早餐是吃什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我今天沒有吃早餐,因為我一天吃八個小時的飯,今天只有午餐跟晚餐。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "那你今天午餐想要吃什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天午餐還沒有想。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "請問一下你起床跟睡前的儀式?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我睡前都會把email清空、待辦事項都清空,把所有該發布的稿子都發布到網際網路上,所以可以說在歸零的情況下睡覺,醒來之後第一件做的事是回想夢境當中有哪一些新的主意、新的創意記下來。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "所以你常做夢嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "只要隔天有比較大的會議或者是比較有壓力需要處理的事情,就會在夢裡揣想各種解決的方法,所以問題比較複雜的話,有時要加班,也就是要睡到九個小時。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "所以我們有問題,其實也可以請問你,你可以睡覺幫我們想一下,是可以的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我們螢幕上會附email,大家可以寄過來。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "請問你喜好的音樂類型?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我現在常常都是聽人工智慧自動產生的音樂,像我的iPad有一個叫「雅婷鋼琴師」,它會問我目前心情怎麼樣,我只要跟他講我的心情,包含我講的語氣就會即時創作出一首鋼琴曲來,去呼應這個感受。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "所以我們等一下可以試試看?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以啊!" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "太好了。請問最常去的理髮廳?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "叫「好剪才」,是一家社會企業,他是非常文青的社會企業,也有透過像義剪等等活動來促進社會團結的功能,我的頭髮最近三次都在那邊處理的。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "你說每三個月會去處理一次嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,「好剪才」的「才」是才能的才。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "你的造型是直髮之外,有沒有嘗試過捲髮之類的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我才剛燙直。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "喔!你才剛燙直。所以之前是捲髮的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "之前一年多都是捲髮的。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "最後一題,請你告訴我們大家,你覺得最難忘的旅行?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是在2016年總統大選的選前晚上,那個晚上其實因為某一支影片的關係,所以我的同溫層非常沸騰,但是那時是我第一次使用VR。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "戴上VR之後,一個旅行把我帶到國際太空站,其實是看不到國界的,也覺得地球是很小、很脆弱的。我們在地上,因為雲層的遮蔽很難有這樣的感受。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以覺得心情一片平靜,覺得彷彿變成比較好的人一樣。回來地球之後,這樣的感受,我查了維基百科,是一個叫做「綜觀效應」,就是overview effect,就是上過太空再回來的人,大概都會變成比較好的人。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "Cool耶!那我們一起去應徵當太空人吧!" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家好,我們準時開始。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天的sli.do是304,這裡有QR code。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這樣比較好掃。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "同樣的,歡迎用手機掃QR code或者到sli.do進入304,不管是等一下的留言提問或者是我們的投票,都會在這上面進行。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這次的月會,我們上午才開了久違的政務會議,從取消掉之後,這次是第一次開,也不是定期的,今天開一次,共識營之後有跟大家講說之後協作會議拘束力的模式,現在滿確定我們在月會上都會開,各部會會填報議題分析表,收到議題分析表之後會綜整成A4,讓院長做政治上比較緩或者是比較急,這一件要做成亮點或者是溝通性質等等的裁示,像之前人權溝通那一案,中選會的案子,院長室很明確希望等到748的事情三讀之後再來處理這一案,處理的節奏分開來,也有跟中選會討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個週末也會把之前BIM那一案、漁港海釣那一案,之前有議題分析表是在這個禮拜要收單的,我們週末整理之後,下個禮拜一也會問院長有沒有在時程上或者是範圍上有調整的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "協作結束之後,就像我以前在政務會議提出報告一樣,也會整理成單張,在PO chat給大家看,院長室收到之後也會看怎麼樣的裁示或者是怎麼樣的可行方案,第一時間也會讓PO知道,跟之前政務會議模式不會有太大的差別,不會自動copy到其他委員之外,基本上還是跟其他的模式進行,之前答應要讓大家知道,所以就讓大家知道目前處理的方式是這樣,沒別的致詞,議程往下。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "請各部會報告歷次協作會議辦理之前,我先跟大家講一下之前有請大家填PO自評表,今天會後會將自評表的結果再mail給各位PO。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我們現在進行歷次協作會議的摘要報告,從序號9,「廢除《調度司法警察條例》,尊重警察工作之專業,共同營造我國精緻司法之願景」,請法務部PO。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "主席、各位夥伴,剛剛雨蒼說每一次都要聽羅柏講話。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "這個案子一直掛在那邊,我也無能為力,立法院這個會期還是沒有排入優先法案。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "尚不知道等多久,也不知道要列管多久。不過沒關係,每一次我都會報告掌握的情況,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我們謝謝羅柏。下一個是序號37,「新一代國家健保憑證規劃案」,請衛福部PO,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "主席、各位與會代表,衛福部這邊說明新一代健保卡的進度,經過去年三次協作會議之後,我們將協作會議重要的具體建議,進入到今年試做找適合的場域來協作,現在目前案子正在寫相關的標案當中,目前正在執行中,以上。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "在進入月會投票之前,先跟大家說明一下,在上個星期有跟農委會討論過將「提點子」的漁港全面開放釣魚的案子進入協作,請農委會簡單說明。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "這個案子已經自提要召開協作會議,目前一些時序是這樣子的,明天召開分工會議,禮拜五會提交議題分析表,接下來在3月22日會有第一次的會前會,預定是在4月3日進行協作會議,目期程是這樣的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "謝謝農委會先作簡單說明。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "這次的月會投票有兩個議題,一個是「提點子」上的議題,一個是有關「眾開講」上法規、命令預告的部分,第一個是有關於「敦促行政院履行海洋國家之宣示,建立全國海岸安全機制,協助修改或廢止現有不當水域禁令」,我們先請交通部這邊來作說明。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "主席、各位大家好,我們請觀光局這邊來幫忙說明。" }, { "speaker": "莊慧文", "speech": "觀光局補充說明一下,針對這次提案人的部分,是李先生,他有提到有關於建議修改有關「或廢止現有不當水域禁令」,針對李先生提案的部分,我們在上個禮拜三,也就是2月27日於下午2點30分有電話聯絡過,有關於針對這一次提案內容的部分,瞭解主要的重點是在哪裡。" }, { "speaker": "莊慧文", "speech": "因為李先生有提到有關桃園市政府跟宜蘭縣政府最近都有公告一些水域遊憩禁止禁令的部分,因為他們依照的是水域遊憩活動管理辦法來公告,我們有跟他解釋,因為我們依照水域活動遊憩管理辦法的部分,在地方的部分是屬於地方權責,而且是依據現有的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "莊慧文", "speech": "李先生是有提到因為目前大家對於危險海域的定義比較不是那麼清楚,他比較在意的是這一塊,我們有跟他說明因為海委會已經公告委外辦理危險海域劃設原則的研究,如果後續的,危險海域原則研究的案子出來以後,水域遊憩活動管理辦法就可以依據定義的成果來輔導縣市政府來檢討水域禁令的部分。" }, { "speaker": "莊慧文", "speech": "李先生針對這一個部分的說明,他可以接受後續的部分。至於他前面有提到比如救生衣出借的部分,這個部分也有說明,他說這個只是提供建議,並沒有提到海巡署一定要設置救生衣的出借,觀光局有跟他說這個部分後續會跟海巡署溝通。此外,定期會議部分,觀光局有提到教育部也有召開水域安全會報,李先生表示知道,以及對於這部分沒有太大的意見。所以,針對這個議題建議不需要召開協作會議,報告完畢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。看剛剛被提到的、可能要提供資料的,不管是海委會海巡署,或是其他的朋友有想法嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "或者就是配合辦理?好的,我們繼續。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "現在是有關於法規草案預告,也是交通部的草案,有關於「遙控無人機管理規則」草案,這個部分在今年1月底預告結束,請交通部再協助說明,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "主席、在座各位夥伴,有關於交通部預告遙控無人機管理規則的草案,主要是因為民航法可能在去年4月公布之後,有關於遙控無人機的部分是納到民用航空法規範,在修法期間,我們也跟交通部很努力蒐集各方的意見,這部分特別是在vTaiwan平台或者是國發會的「Join」平台裡面都有做過,有關於民用航空法的討論。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "今天這個討論,交通部所預告的遙控無人機管理規則,實際上是在今年1月9日預告,預告到1月29日,其實已經完成了預告的程序,現在在時序上已經進行資料整理,正準備送到部裡面的法制作業,目前進程是處於宣導,在中央跟地方分工上有一些實際彼此間的協調關係,對於政策的溝通或者是系統的建置,大概在現在的管理規則當中,都有很完整的規劃,所以這一個部分我們也要建議實際上在討論時,討論的則數是18則,其中有11則是同一個人,針對管理規則草案有意見的話,我們都有瞭解,是文字解釋的問題,並不是跟概念與民航法有關,比較不適合作協作的性質,目前民航局與交通部在4月開始會到各地宣導,這個部分是列為工作的重點,以上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當時公告期是20天,剛剛說18則是同一個人,其實以我的瞭解,他是一個收單單位,後面有很多人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我想說當時20天,因為大家覺得沒有時間進行回應,這個當時有什麼說明嗎?" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "整個民用航空法預計在今年下半年執行,但是這中間很多是新生的事項,有關於遙控無人機的註冊、檢驗,還有使用人、操作人及辦理證照的測驗,所以這個部分確實如同主席所提的,是有一個人收單,其實代表後面是廣大的意見。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "特別針對這部分來講,我們在上個禮拜也特別找了相關的同仁進行利用中午的時間來進行溝通,特別把裡面所有的一些內容都跟收單的人處理,收單的人很願意,就這個部分來講,對於下面的一些利害關係人去做同步資訊的轉答。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "在同一個時間,自己本身於交通部跟民用航空局也設了一個「LINE@」的帳號,這部分我們主動會推播有關於遙控無人機實際的一些資訊,這個部分來講的話,我們希望藉著多管齊下,不管是使用「LINE@」的方法,或者是在網上宣導去作公開,或者是一些活動。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "這邊希望下半年接軌的部分,不管是註冊或者是資訊使用的建置,或者大家關切,也就是未來的考照,等於汽機、車駕照的考照一樣,未來無人機的專業運用,也必須要有專業考照,才能得到合法的資格。我們希望這部分來做宣導重點處理,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。所以大致的意思是,都是比較澄清性質的溝通,這個管理規則的條文本身經過溝通之後,好像沒有太多主爭點,聽起來是這個意思。謝謝。看有沒有要補充或者是詢問的部分?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個草案的部分,是我們這一次才放進來的,很感謝國發會幫忙挑這個草案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為同一個月有同一個部會有兩案的話,這個部會可以選擇只辦其中一個,就看交通部的主觀意願,假設第一個是覺得已經澄清差不多了,第二個是還在澄清的路上,不一定要用協作會議來澄清,看起來好像是這樣的意思。看交通部有沒有補充或者是偏好?" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "請大家放手吧!放手是不要放手投(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有什麼想要詢問的?如果沒有的話,還是要投,不能不投(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "補充一下,遙控無人機載具那一案,其實之前在vTaiwan有多次的處理過,裡面也有一些相關的資料,當然也歡迎大家未來參考,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當時在vTaiwan.tw的諮詢會議上有滿充足的討論,但當時還沒有看到草案,當時是擬稿階段前的討論,擬稿後確實也差不多是同樣的那些利害關係人,當然在「Join」上有滿多的留言,我想這也是國發會為何選這一案的原因,不過剛剛聽到已經有做一些初步的處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們們就來投票,現在是16分,所以大概到20分好了。剛才那個漁港開放釣魚案已經確認會協作了,今天早上也跟院長、副院長有大致講一下,但沒有講很細,同樣的,議題分析表收到之後,我們會再做一次比較詳細的報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "副院長也特別說因為之前有幾位立委在關心,所以主持團隊也會納入考量當中,院長說如果處理好的話,也許可以安排總統去釣魚之類的,這個比較像全國性的政策,但是要看實際最後處理到什麼程度,我只是如實回報。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "交通部還是有兩個都協作的可能性,我想遙控無人機管理規則,就算只是草案的佈答、宣傳或者是配套方式的討論,還是有一些可以精進的地方,我們之前也有像這個草案的法律部分已經不能改了,是在實行技術的部分,或者是在實作的部分可以共同創造,我想我們還是跟主持人團隊合作一下,去找一些你們覺得協作出來會有幫助的方向,當作是另外一場公聽會或者是說明會,好不好?試試看。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "謝謝大家的厚愛。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "交通部民航局來作一個說明,民用航空法授權我們有兩個子法的設置,一個是管理規則,一個是處理一般管理程序的部分,另外一個是真正的利害團體比較直接相關的,其實目前正在草擬的是有關遙控無人機的人員檢驗、測驗的委託辦法。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "基於行政資源整體運用來講的話,因為後面的案子其實本來就要辦說明會,只是會設的時間晚一點,管理規則在去年辦過說明會了,這個部分是不是就併遙控無人機的人員測驗跟委託辦法,裡面的利害團體其實是固定在接受委託的部分,在行政資源的聚焦也比較容易一點,我們也比較知道一些藉著我們下次的預告跟協作,能夠再一起舉行,所以如果題目允許的話,或者大家願意做的話,以這個管理來做的話,其實這個東西重點是在宣導與地方政府間彼此想法的溝通。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "真正跟利害團體關係比較有關的,反而是在目前草擬還沒有預告的遙控無人機人員測驗跟檢驗的委託辦法,我們比較建議往這個方向做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以部版草案已經有樣子了,只是還沒有預告?" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "現在遙控無人機的管理規則,基本上後面那個,現在民航局,但草案文字已經出來了,但還沒有做預告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然可以。我們確保兩個,這兩個利益關係人還是有重疊,所以對於本來那邊覺得來不及發表意見的這些朋友,至少可以公開說大家很多的爭議會放在那裡,所以請在那邊邀請。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,在辦的時候,還是盡力秉持以大家可以討論的空間比較大的範圍作為題目,我想這個是沒有問題的,至於時程的部分再跟團隊商量。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天的投票就這樣子,看大家有沒有什麼想要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天議程非常精簡,並沒有什麼別的事情,有沒有最後想要分享的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我們非常準時,24分鐘結束這一次的月會,謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "大家好,今天我特別邀唐鳳來做一日影評,看了這一支剛剛民進黨特別為316補選,包含余天、黃振彥、郭國文三位候選人做的一個MV,我覺得只是看MV不夠,所以今天晚上特別找到唐鳳一起來做影評。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "今天跟大家講,我跟唐鳳第一次見面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是第一次見面。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "因為過去幾年我在種田,所以沒有在看新聞,有一天,我老婆很興奮跑過來跟我說:「你知道嗎?現在我們行政院有數位政委。」我一聽說,我說:「你騙我我不知道,其實本來就有數位政委,不是現在才開始有。」他說:「不,不,不,數位政委」,我說:「對,就是很多位政委,而且告訴你,有九位。」她猛翻白眼,最後她說:「我拿資料給你看。」她說:「數位政委,唐鳳。」我是這樣認識你的,所以今天很高興,能夠找到唐鳳。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "剛剛看了影評,你知道余天對我來講,小時候只有電視上看得到,但不是政治人物,他是天王級的歌星,國語、台語都很會唱,我記得小時候最常聽到的是「路邊一棵榕樹下」,你有聽過嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有,很小的時候,可能4、5歲。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "我好奇想,像余天這樣的角色,從一個天王的巨星到今天要競選國會議員是人生很大的改變,完全是一個意外,我想你或許也有一段類似意外的人生轉折,來到行政院這兩年多來,我很好奇,你可不可以跟朋友們分享一下你的感觸?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我現在的地方是仁愛路三段99號,叫做「社會創新實驗中心」,當時其實數位政委這一個概念,當時我入閣的時候,就是「數位」政委,不只是九位,可能是數十位、數百位、數千位政委。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "為什麼呢?因為我每個禮拜三從早上10點到晚上10點都在這裡。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "都在這裡。所以不在行政院辦公?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為當時我有勞雇協商,三個工作條件,第一個就是我拿了人事行政總處的函,說公務員的工作只要跟網路有關,就不受工作地點的限制,當然有些媒體朋友報成在家上班,但是我其實沒有在家,是在這邊,然後巡迴全臺灣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為禮拜三任何人都可以來約我的時間,對於政委這個工作有任何想法、任何建議等等,都可以來當「一日政委」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以因為我所有主持的會議等等全部都公布在網路上,所以這邊常常有朋友來說:「看了幾年幾月主持的會議,有不同的見解。」只要他願意見解跟想法被記錄在網路上,就是來者不拒。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "即時公布在網路上?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "即時公布在網路上,來者不拒。包含今天的對談,也會即時公布在網路上。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "是很大的突破。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "工作上有突破,那你的心情上呢?突然進入到政府部門,會不會覺得人生上很不適應?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還好,因為我們家三代都軍公教。對於公務人員,大家知道以前臺灣公務體系其實跟人民的距離比較遠,大家會覺得常常要等公文往返等等,不過其實我覺得現在滿好的,像我們今天的院會,蘇院長才在院會上播放用「狂新聞」型態製作的、上任50天的影片。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "院長說,過去公文往返真的都是以「週」為單位,就是以星期為單位,事情下個星期交辦,開完會議紀錄,也可能下星期才出來。他說從今天開始,希望所有的部會都改成以「天」為單位,所以不要說「一週後」,要說「5天後」,如果能3天後就是「3天後」。開完會,當天會議紀錄就要出來,如果會議上沒有發言,那就要進行了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我在公部門兩年多服務的經驗,我發現其實只要在政務官的level,我們願意用一個比較快的節奏、貼近民眾的方式,其實事務官是完全跟得上的,尤其年輕的事務官,很可能已經等這個等很久了。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "我第一次進這個體制是28歲,在那之前,我在搞學運,就像你在318太陽花學運,所以我突然從一個體制外的學運份子進到台北市政府擔任工作的時候,其實一開始很多人會懷疑說你這個體制外要進入體制內工作,你要怎麼領導?那時候我很年輕,我28歲,可是經過幾年之後,其實我發現臺灣公務人員的素質非常高,他們其實需要給他們方向、方法,還有好的團隊合作,他們就做得很好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還有出問題的時候,願意勇於負責,其實這就是最重要的。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "這就是我想到後來離開,就是因為一個拔河事件。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "我覺得在過往,很多責任是下面承擔。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是往事務官推?" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "對,可是我覺得那時候我年輕,我覺得年輕,我代表不同意,以前傳統很多的想法,我覺得碰到事情,應該是長官,作部門主管、領導者承擔,那個時候我就離開了。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "回到剛剛看的影評,剛剛是滅火器的「為台灣行作伙」,你對影片中出現余天,有什麼印象跟記憶?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實我跟余天只有見過一次面,就是在民主進步黨的中常會上,當時還是蔡英文主席主持,我向總統報告社會創新實驗中心,包含公司法要修法,公司本來大家都直覺是賺錢,但從現在開始也可以以社會公益為公司目的等等,來作報告,也包含對這個地方的描繪。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當時我還記得余天余大哥,是非常讚賞這樣的概念。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "那時候是中常委還是主委?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "主委。而且覺得這是很棒、很值得學習的地方,因為我們是以聯合國17個永續發展目標,不管是關心環境、關心社會或者是關心經濟,以前常常是彼此抗爭,但我們找一個方法,可以同時達到這三重底線。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我簡報完之後,余天說這是很適合學習的地方,我說:「禮拜三都開張,歡迎來當一日政委。」" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "結果呢?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好像還沒有來。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "今天看著影評之後,我們做一個大膽的嘗試,我們把滅火器的歌換成余天的,好不好?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是這樣嗎?" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "我準備好了,但是我有一個要求,還有一個對你的要求。要你跟著唱。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你要跟著唱,我就跟著你唱。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "其實台語不是我的母語,應該也不是你的母語?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我阿媽是鹿港人。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "那你可能唱得比我好,我是客家人,所以台語歌對我來講是很高難度。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "但是我們試試看,既然我們要聊余天,當然唱唱他的歌,我們來聽這一首。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "吹去哪裡?我進門實在聽不下去了。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "我們兩個都替你犧牲很大耶!" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "唱我的歌就是為我犧牲啊!" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "不是,我們從來沒有在直播中唱過歌,我還是滿嚴肅的人,數位政委唐鳳談了……" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "她也是很嚴肅的人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我都是rap啦!" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "我知道,喔,你rap喔?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "這個滿適合剛剛的影片,我進來這麼久,讓我罰站,請……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請坐。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "奇怪呢!當主人的人……(笑)" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "其實你今天的安排是意外來賓。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "其實我之前在專訪過跟唐鳳見過一次面,我一直答應說要過來看,一直都沒有時間,今天就過來了,我就走進來了,還沒有走出去。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "選情不緊張嗎?" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "再怎麼選也選過很多次了,對不對?再緊張也要稍微放鬆的時候。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "不過坦白講,聊一點選舉就好了,新北這一次的選情真的是很緊張。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "對,很緊張、很緊繃。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "很多人問我,到底余天在三重這一關能不能過關?坦白來講,我不知道余天心情怎麼樣,因為我覺得余天是非常爽朗、陽光的男人。我自己看是覺得很擔心,所以我才特別拜託唐鳳,我們說聊聊余天,幫他加油打氣,我覺得唐鳳……她說沒有問題,她說想要用不同的方式,所以才有今天晚上。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "所以你們才一起唱這首《回鄉的我》?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒錯。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "是我錯怪你們,我剛才應該讓你們把整首唱完。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "我真的很想唱,偷偷練。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛才羅秘書長就一副很想唱的樣子。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "真的啊!" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "其實我本來擔心唐鳳不會唱,她比我還想唱。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "我跟你講,她唱得比你好,你不要在那邊講。你有一段就停下來,她唱的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "我是想讓朋友聽聽看唐鳳的歌聲,不要被我干擾,用心良苦。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "其實她的音準比你好多了,真的,她都沒有飄走,你從第一句開始就飄了。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "余老師……" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "真的啊!是因為你唱不下去才停下來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝余老師。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "唐鳳真的是很優秀,不可多得的人才,我上次在中央黨部聽到這樣子,講一大堆,我想說怎麼這個小孩這麼厲害,所以我聽完之後,我有跟她講,我請教:「這麼厲害,能不能讓余祥銓到這邊來,跟在你身邊學一學。」她說「好啊!」" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就禮拜三來啊,大家都可以來。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "她把地址什麼通通給我,我回去說:「兒子,你回去學學,很多東西可以學。」氣死了,這個臭小子,我罵你跟你講,叫你來學都不來學,變成你爸要來(笑),對不起啦!" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有啦。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "改天我把他壓過來。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "跟在唐鳳旁邊學。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "對,我跟你講,兒子一定會很好,如果跟在她旁邊學的話,不用太久,他也是很聰明的人,麻煩你了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還是要主動。如果他願意主動來,當然很好,因為我 Office Hour 的時間是公開的。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "我會把他壓過來。雖然這一次選舉,跑得滿累的,但是我很有信心,我真的很有信心,我三重這樣跑,握著手已經1、2萬隻手了,我一握手,感覺出來這個是不是會支持我的人,你知道嗎?你什麼感覺嗎?" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "其實余天,我一直覺得你是為這個團隊在付出,因為那麼短時間,這次補選……" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "對,很短。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "一般補選投票率很低,因為大家想說不是大選,就算了,那一天禮拜六就參加活動,所以投票率低,余天願意在這樣的狀況下,而且你是在民進黨最谷底,甚至最谷底的狀況下,願意披掛上陣,我覺得這一點勇氣上,我打從勇氣佩服你。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "我跟你講,這第二次了,07年也是最谷底,也是找我出來,也是在三重選。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "不過沒有關係。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "我不會……我不會……我一定扛起這個責任。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "臺灣因為很多像余天這麼可愛、有一個愛土地的心情,這次選舉坦白講,我想也不是余天你個人的選舉,也不是為了你個人,因為補選選上才多久,不到……" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "差不多8個月左右。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "才8個月,所以這一場選舉是在民進黨谷底的時候,我們希望為民進黨在最谷底的時候,能重新站起來,臺灣需要有一個完全站在臺灣利益價值,而且能夠接受很多創新的事務、創新想法的政黨。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "我覺得相對在國內,其實民進黨在這一方面,雖然我離開很多年,可是我看到它依然存在這一個因子跟血液,所以我自己回來也是這一種想法,我不想看到這個政黨的失敗,最後造成整個國家的失敗,所以我才非常憂心地把田放下、書店放下,然後接下這個工作。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "秘書長,我跟你講,你這一次回來就對了,你知道嗎?你也是勇敢承擔,你知道嗎?我跟你講,其實民進黨很難得有這麼大的機會,然後完全執政,立委68席這麼多人,可以做非常多的事情,有時候自己要思考去年11月24日為什麼會輸這麼慘,這個就是必須要反省的,有錯我們就要改。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "沒有錯。我想這大概是我會回來的原因,不然其實我離開9年了,這9年來,其實我不太接觸政治的事務,我自己種田、開書店,然後帶孩子。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "多好啊!那個日子多快活。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "幸福。但是很簡單的幸福,可能安於自己的幸福,我最常講的,我當初回來是:「我不是為了民進黨、不是為了蔡英文,我其實為了讓我的孩子能夠一直很自由呼吸空氣,沒有恐懼,這是臺灣最可貴、珍貴。」" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "我今天早上一早跟西藏的朋友,他們發起3月10日「西藏抗暴60週年」,因為60年前北京把跟西藏的和平協議17條撕毀,軍隊開進去,造成了120萬個西藏人民非自然死亡,6,000間的傳統西藏寺廟被摧毀,一直到現在,多少西藏人流亡在海外,包含達賴,就是和平協議換不回來和平,對於一個獨裁者怎麼可能允許一個國家內,有一群人可以自由、另外一群人沒有自由,所以完全不可能。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "我真的是擔心,有一天臺灣變成今日的香港,變成60年前的西藏,那時候我們再怎麼也回不來了,不可能像現在有機會,能夠我們隨便選出宗教自由、信仰自由,也可以選擇像臺灣同性婚姻的問題,所有對任何政黨、政府的批評,你不用擔心你有一天會消失,這個東西其實是要靠我們珍惜,這也是馬上在3月16日的選舉中,其實余天你扮演的是前哨站。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "沒有錯,其實我也一直跟三重的民眾這樣講,我說:「現在很奇怪,這個社會、這個年代,國民黨跟共產黨本來是世仇的,從以前中國大陸打打打,打退到臺灣守在這裡,以前都在喊反攻大陸,教育我們打倒,殺豬拔毛一大堆什麼的,現在怎麼忽然兩個這麼密切、這麼好,抱大腿?」我一直跟他們說:「只有民進黨是真正臺灣的政黨,你知道嗎?在這裡。」" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "今天臺灣這樣這麼自由、民主的社會,其實是民進黨爭取出來的,我這樣跟他們講的。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "因為我們知道政治活動才叫做組織,其實組織的力量大,其實民進黨只是一個組織扮演這樣的角色、任務,這樣的努力歸功於所有這個時代一起走過來的前人、後人,一棒又一棒,我今年50幾歲,余天又大我大概一輪左右,我覺得一代一代,終究是要交給唐鳳這一代。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "年青人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我也是壯年了。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們現在站出來,當然就像剛剛秘書長講的,是讓下一代有機會再站出來。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "也希望透過唐鳳,你也帶更多年輕人這一代,參與公共事務,公共事務不一定是等同於單純的政黨事務,但是如果我們每個人都關心公共事務會造成劣幣驅逐良幣,所以其實我剛剛提唐鳳講,在作數位政委的時候,希望不是只有一位、五位、九位。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "數百位、數千位政委。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "透過數位傳播是可以做到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "因為數位的技術,縮短了人之間的交流、互動,像今天很難得,在今天晚上9點,透過直播,跟朋友聊這個故事、想法,以前可能嗎?" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "怎麼可能呢?想也沒有想到,從來沒有想過。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "這就是自由開放。如果今天假設所謂一國兩制下,根本也不可能像今天這樣談的。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "不可能的。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "我就覺得要珍惜現在擁有的這一些東西,看起來理所當然,但它隨時都可能面臨失去。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "沒有錯。像我這一次的選舉,我其實也一直跟所有的朋友講,這就是年底的前哨戰,而且2020年非常重要,如果民進黨失敗了,政權被國民黨拿走了,我跟你講,以後就是一國兩制,就是這樣,很簡單就是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "你要講清楚,清清楚楚跟他們講,民眾他們才會清楚,要不然你講了,有時候太過正經他們聽不懂,一般的百姓不知道,他不知道這個利害關係,我又跟他講說:「像我這個年紀,有時候可以不管這一些,但你們要考慮到我們自己的下一代,路要怎麼走,這個才是最重要。」" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "唐鳳,那你覺得最後這10天,你覺得你要跟余天大哥……" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "給我個建議吧!看我要怎麼打?你們比較年輕的想法,教我一下,看怎麼打這個選戰,有些人,很多人閒我都是老派的選戰,教教我吧!收我這個學生吧!" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得其實我們上次在中常會上面討論《社會創新行動方案》的時候,大家當然就集思廣益,當時就有幾位委員有提到地方創生的重要性。也就是說,我們最重要的並不是我們坐在台北,然後去想在臺灣各個地方有怎麼樣的特色,不是計畫經濟,當然旁邊有一些經濟體在執行計劃經濟,但是我們並不是這樣在執行,因為臺灣每一個地方有特色,那個才是吸引大家的地方,像最近的燈會,那個非常好,在屏東。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為現在地方創生的想法是每一個區公所,現在都要一個凝聚在地願景的力量,以前不管是做社區營造或者是做鄉鎮產品特色,常常是產、官、學、研、社,是各自往不同的部會、不同的系統,然後區公所通常有一點被跳過,但是我們現在的想法是,其實區公所是最瞭解在地的願景。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我們在以前分別去這樣子開會,常常開完之後只有那一群人知道,但是我們現在像您說一個個握手、多聽他們的聲音,其實在這個過程中,我們只要留下很完整的紀錄,是每一次都可以累積起來變成下一次的材料,所以這樣就會變成很像你聽過一輪之後,你腦裡會綜整這個區域特色的想法,然後再把這個拋出來問大家有沒有什麼意見,如果有人很有意見,我們說:「會吵的朋友不是有糖吃,是要進廚房一起炒糖吃」,就自動變成你的夥伴。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "透過不斷捲動的方式,大家跟你陳情也好、或者跟你描述在地發展的時候,有一個可以接到地方創生、共同願景的方法,這個國發會有很詳細的說明,我覺得這是可以瞭解的。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "我有一個意見給您參考。因為三重這個地方很特殊,尤其中、南部到北部來,都不會在台北住,都是在現在三重租房子、買房子,幾乎都在這裡,所以三重等於是全臺灣各縣市的居民,都有。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "小縮影。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "等於是臺灣的小縮影,所以三重的特色是有很多好吃的東西,非常多,然後是各地方的,嘉義的、台南的、台中的,一大堆,他們都是從那邊過來的。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "然後做一點小生意。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "我有一個小點子,三重去推觀光也不好推,房子都老舊,都4、50年以上,但是美食是全臺灣各地的美食都有,都集中在三重,是不是能利用這個美食來帶動三重的觀光,可不可以?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常有道理。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "也可能是三重小吃的代言人,就是讓觀光客,不必為了要吃雞肉飯,還跑到嘉義,到三重來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "嘉義在三重、台南在三重。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "對,就有很多好吃的東西。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "彰化肉圓在三重。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「在三重環遊臺灣」。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "「在三重環遊臺灣」,這一句slogan還不錯。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "最後,余天、唐鳳有沒有什麼要跟朋友講的?" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "我覺得要拜託尤其是三重區的朋友們,每一次補選,投票率都不是很高,而且年紀比較輕的,比較不關心這個,這個關係到你們未來,所以我希望拜託你們,3月16日,麻煩你們一定要出來投票,投給誰呢?投給經驗老道的余天3號,好不好?謝謝你。" }, { "speaker": "羅文嘉", "speech": "現在可以唱歌了嗎?再聽一次,我覺得不錯,不比滅火器差。" }, { "speaker": "余天", "speech": "真的嗎?真的嗎?來啊!要唱得比我大聲。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I read about yesterday’s conference on Benefit Corporation legislation." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Good." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That did generate some press. We’ll be on the record, and I’ll send you a transcript to edit for 10 days, and you can take out any part of it." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "I assume I can edit freely." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right, edit freely, like completely freely." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Completely rewrite history. It sounds like we’re in communist Russia or something." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s exactly right, but you can’t touch my part. It has to still make sense somehow. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "I probably should not edit your part." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Never mind, we’re good." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "[laughs] How’s going for you?" }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "I think we have a good gathering from all over the world. [laughs] It happened that we have a Italian lawyer here, and he study benefit corporation law." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s great." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "He has been based in Milan and Taipei, so he can share his experience..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s awesome." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "Now we have both European and US experience to share, so we got more knowledgeable. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s awesome. There was two versions of benefit corporation law here..." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...domestically, around different sort of responsibilities, accountability criteria, and things like that. There was some internal debate that actually surfaced. I think Chu Ping raised some differences between the two versions. I was very curious how’s your take on all this." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "We do not yet know how the differences between the two versions are going to be resolved, do we?" }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "The New Power Party’s version, I think they require...Professor Fang will come. He can explain that part. Basically, I think it’s a misunderstanding. New Power Party means they want if people didn’t get the benefit report disclosed, then there will be some..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Penalties?" }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "...penalties, or something like that. Ping thought that the government will check the inside content to see whether it’s followed the rule or not. Ping is against that part. I think it’s a misunderstanding because later we explained, \"Hey, New Power Party means they want people to disclose it, not have to have a government to check the content.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Even if it’s 10 blank A4 pages, that’s going to be OK for government? Because we’re not going to look into content..." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "Basically, government should not look into it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If it’s 10 pages of comic sans, drawings or whatever..." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "That is problem, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "[laughs] That’s the problem of that company?" }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "If it’s entirely blank pages, that probably doesn’t work. It needs to be..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It need to have a lorem ipsum." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Right, like cartoons." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Cartoons would work." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Cartoons might work. You can actually do a report in cartoon fashion and say some substantive things." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For the record, I’m totally for cartoons." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "I think it’s a good discussion." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "It was a very good discussion. I don’t have a good feeling for how the politics is going to work out. That’s the real question. Of course, we are very interested in seeing it move along fairly quickly." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "We’ve got some real sense of urgency. We think that it would be good for Taiwan if Taiwan can be the first Pacific Rim country to do this, too." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Is it possible at all to implement this at a regulation level, before it gets to the Parliament?" }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "I do not know enough about Taiwanese law." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is continental law system, same as Germany." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "A year ago, Ecuador proposed to do that. Ecuador actually wrote regulations that would be adopted by the superintendent of corporations in Ecuador. The lawyers that looked at it in Ecuador that we were working with said that they thought that that would be enforceable and would be an option." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "They actually proposed regulations. They formally published regulations in Ecuador, and then the government changed. Now they’ve introduced legislation, so they’re not going to do regulations. If you could do regulation right away..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "With 60 days of discussion, of course, but yeah." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Then the only question would be would it be recognized as enforceable and be something that would be binding that the companies could rely on if they used it?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. A few differences: Regulation cannot introduce, in a continental law system, new penalties that is not mandated by the law." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On the other hand, we did put in quite a few provisions in the Company Act for the disclosure of the company’s incorporation documents, like the charter, as well as the right of minority shareholders to propose things that are for the public benefit if that is somehow recognized by the company in the first place." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It all hinges on the disclosure of the intent. If we do publish a regulation that says, \"Oh, by the way, if an organization’s charter include a specific reference to a kind of templated language, then it is subject to this, this, this effects,\" I think that would be enforceable." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "That’s a very interesting idea. No one’s raised that issue in Taiwan before this morning. I think it would be preferable if we could get the legislation done." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "If we can’t, that’s an interesting alternative. Make a note. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "Sure." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "We should at least talk to Professor Fang." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Another possibility is the local policy level. Each city, each municipality can also make regulations or policies by its own. Of course, the drawback is that it may be fragmented, like every major city will introduce a different..." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Slightly different." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...benefit corporation structure for the registered organizations." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "I think it would be preferable, if we went this way, to try to do it at the national level. When you set up a corporation in Taiwan, do you do that through the central government? Do you file your papers...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, you file it through the local government." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Oh, OK." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You need to have a register address, like a physical address, in a municipality, city or county. The city or municipality government takes the application." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "They actually file the documents?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, the central registration database is in the Ministry of Economic Affairs. This actually is somewhat complicated now because you can also start a company online. When you file it online, then it’s actually directly to the MoEA, so it’s like..." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "It’s already centralized?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s different tracks, but the same database." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "If a member of the public wants to get a copy of the documents for a corporation, they go to the Central Ministry or do they go to..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Depending on whether they’re a stakeholder. If they’re a stakeholder, they can legally go to either the MoEA or the local office and ask for a copy. If they’re not a stakeholder, they actually depend on the owner using a digital certificate to upload those documents to the MoEA website." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "The public does not have access to all of the records of a corporation..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "...without consent? That’s interesting. That’s different than the United States." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I understand that. By law, the company is required to publish quite a few things online, but the articles of incorporation is not part of it; that’s opt-in." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "However, anyone can get a physical copy of that from the Ministry of Economic Affairs." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "It’s interesting. Every country has their own system. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "I’m learning more and more about the..." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "We have a central database, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have a central database." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "We can check the company name." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "You can do that in the central database, but you cannot get the copy of the document." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The founding documents is not available online by default." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Right." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "No?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, it’s by voluntary disclosure." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "I’m intrigued by the notion of regulations. We should investigate that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Who would write those regulations? The ministry?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Ministry of Economic Affairs, certainly." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "They’re busy at the moment writing a report to Congress already on this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right, exactly. I’m kind of in charge of overseeing that effort." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "Kind of?" }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "You are?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, I am." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Apologies." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, the Minister of Economic Affairs have to stamp that, but I’m in close collaboration with the staff, the three people who was there at the dinner yesterday, [laughs] trying to make it happen." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "Oh, yeah. You have dinner last night." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "You could actually write the regulations." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Regulation is within our purview, but legislation needs the MPs." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "We definitely have to talk to Richard about this." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "[laughs] He will come." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The legislation is entirely in the Parliament. Even if we present a draft bill, it will most likely get scheduled for the next year. It can’t be fast-tracked through the legislation this year." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "How it will be called, 條例 or what’s the...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As long as it’s enforceable, there’s no difference really. As we see recently, our draft bill for marriage equality to the legislation was a separate act because the referendum says that it cannot change the existing civil code." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We sent a new act for marriage equality that basically says, for a marriage relationship between same-sex individuals, see civil code, see civil code, see civil code for the rights and obligations. That’s the \"Enforcement Act of Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 748\", nicknamed the hyperlink act..." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "We’re going digital right, so that’s your..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "You’re at the center of everything digital." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a technicality. Outside of the Company Act, we can still basically write anything that we would have written in the Company Act. It makes no difference. That’s, I think, what Dr. Chen Mei-ling point out yesterday." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "We could always do regulation, and then..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Upgrade it?" }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": " could be replaced by legislation at some point." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "Is it lasting? If the authority changed, that kind of government..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Regulation." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "...regulation can be..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The same goes for laws. The real point is whether the public service is on our side. If the public service, in general, is on our side, then regulations tends to be very stable. Minister-level people can’t really change a regulation at will if the public service say, \"Oh, our operation depends on it.\"" }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "In the United States, what we would do is, if we replaced the regulation with legislation, we would grandfather companies that used the regulations. We would say that everyone that..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That registered." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "...acted under the regulation is now deemed to be under the legislation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "It carries over seamlessly." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly. It’s very tactical, but I think at least that proposal would generate some momentum within this year. Everybody knows very few brand-new legislation is going to pass this year. It will have to re-propose again the next year, because it’s a different set of MPs." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "You have an election?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "January, so a different set of MPs will..." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Will come in." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...will come in on January." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Very interesting." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "Regulation can follow the principles..." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "The regulation can basically, I think, be exactly what’s been proposed in the legislation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly the same thing. You just can’t introduce new..." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "New penalties." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": " penalties." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "That’s OK." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "[laughs] Interesting." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "This is excellent. Thank you!" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Glad to be of some help." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "We appreciate your service." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "[laughs] That’s exactly right. That’s why I’m a public servant, right? [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "Audrey, you think this is the right way to go, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What I mean is that if, across parties, there’s some consensus about the key legislative parts, then, of course, legislation is preferable. At the moment, from the discussion yesterday, at least what I heard of it, there’s still party politics going on." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Yes, that’s right." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In that political circumstance, the administration will be reluctant to choose among parties." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Usually, what we do is that we run a consultative process like we did with the vTaiwan project. We show with hard numbers that, according to a rolling survey, 100 percent of people agree that if you call yourself a benefit corporation or a social entrepreneur under the Company Act structure, you should voluntarily disclose your founding documents." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "100 percent of people agree, so we say, \"There is rough consensus on many things, but this is a consensus, period,\" so we introduced that in the Company Act draft bill. The administration basically plays it safe by only proposing in the draft bill what we already know..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...that there will be cross-partisan support." }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": "Hi." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Hi Professor Fang!" }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "We have this tremendous new idea." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Mm-hmm." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "The minister has come up with it, though. We’re going to shift gears. You’re going to take a completely different approach." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re just brainstorming here." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Help me understand the politics briefly. My understanding is that there are three parties, essentially." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "With their own versions." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "There’s two parties clearly with their own versions, but the majority party does not have legislation that’s been introduced." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is a version, but it’s an act that pertains to the social enterprises in general, without saying anything about the structure. It may be a co-op, it may be a company, or a charity. What it looks at is an earned income percentage." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you fit the threshold of allocating the revenues and resources to a certain percentage, then you’re eligible to ecosystem-supporting benefits from the government." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It doesn’t have to be a company. It could be a co-op, a charity, or whatever. It’s called the Social Enterprise Development Act, proposed by MP Karen Yu." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "The majority party does not have benefit corporation legislation, but the two other parties..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re totally compatible though." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "I understand. What I’m trying to understand is, if we were to go the new way of regulations where those would presumably come from the majority party and would actually..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re a system where the administration is a separate power. The premier appoints us, the ministers. The president appoints the premier, and the president is directly elected. It is not a parliamentary system. The career public service must remain neutral when it comes to party politics, as required by law." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "If we were to do the regulations, then it would not be as if now the third party that has not yet introduced benefit corporations would be introducing it? It would be the administration?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It would be the administration." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "What we’re talking about is the possibility of moving fairly quickly to adopt regulations and get them in place this year, still with the goal of having legislation, eventually, which would replace and bring in..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Like the hyperlink act." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "I was telling people that the same approach was initially started in Ecuador. They actually drafted regulations, but then the politics in Ecuador changed, and so they’ve now switched over to legislation and abandoned the regulations. Certainly, it would be something that would work..." }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "...that we could do very quickly and get Taiwan into the community right away." }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": "I think they’re compatible, the regulation, and we also can have the legislation at the same time. It’s compatible, totally." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s totally compatible." }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": "I think it’s good to see the move-on." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "...we cannot stay here. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We can also say that the regulation is subject to a review. Usually, we can say 試行要點, a experimental regulation that says, \"A year or two years after the introduction of this regulation, we’re going to do a review to see whether it needs changing or it needs upgrading to a legislation.\" That itself can be written into the regulation." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "What do you think?" }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": "I think that..." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "We surprised you, right?" }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "It’s not what I was expecting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I guess you expected this to be a courtesy visit? [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "I like it. I think it’s a..." }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": "I think it’s very good. Sometimes, people just afraid the change. If they can see what actually in practice, they will feel comfortable. I think it will be better for everyone to trust the system." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. It gives everyone a firsthand experience." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "It’s good transition, too." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "It’s like to transform to another stage." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "We’re agreed that you’re going to work with the minister, and very quickly..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Hi." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "Happy?" }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": "I think it’s good. I think that as long as we can give this kind of company a legal status, even by the regulation, I think it works well, too. It also needs the three basic elements..." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "The basic characteristics would still be the same." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The only difference is that we cannot introduce new penalties, but that’s it." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "That’s all right, too. We can leave those to be reported on after a year of experience." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": "I totally support." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Awesome. Thank you. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "Dinner last night was very productive." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "Who is in charge of this? [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I had a dinner last night with Betty and also with Betty’s new boss, the new head of the MSME agency of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The new agency leader is very important because the MoEA SMEA itself is undergoing a change." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think next year or so, they will change to be the \"SME and Startup\" agency. Policies concerning newly founded companies..." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Will be through that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...will be through the agency. The registration is handled by the commerce agency, and the MSME agency basically is just in charge of cultivating and incubating work. The word start-up is diffused in various different ministries." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once there’s a organizational change, it will be consolidated into the new SME&S agency. Anything that pertains to starting a new company will move to this agency, which is why they’re now in charge of drafting a response to the legislation for the Benefit Corporation and Social Enterprise acts." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I was talking with the new agency leader about the conference that you held. It’s very good momentum. It gives us something to talk about. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "It’s great." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "It’s perfect. All right?" }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Good?" }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": "I’m happy. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "We can celebrate next year." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "We’ll get it done this year." }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "June?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "We have to beat Jason because Jason still thinks we can do June with legislation. We’ll have to do it before Jason." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "[laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Karen and Jason are both very helpful in communicating the ideas of social innovation to the wider community." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Good. I think we’re done." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Awesome." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Let’s adjourn with good progress." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Let’s get moving. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Thank you so much." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": "What’s the information about the numbers of the benefits corporation in the united states? Benefit corporation increase, right?" }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Yes, it’s almost 10,000 at this point in the United..." }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": "Last year, it was just over 6,000." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Do you see a lot of other laws citing benefit corporation as a requirement, like referencing?" }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "The short answer is no." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It kind of stand of its own?" }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "It stands on its own. We have not promoted any kind of tax relief. There are proposals to require that, for certain programs, the parties that are bidding on the program be benefit corporations. We’ve not put any effort into that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s certainly not at a legislation level?" }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Nowhere in legislation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s great because the other difference, in addition to penalty, is that law do not usually cite a specific regulation. If it stand on its own, then there’s no difference between a law or regulation anyway." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Good. That will not be a problem, at least in the United States’ experience." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s awesome. Yay." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Right?" }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "I keep looking at you because you need to get to work." }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": "I am always working." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "You need to call the minister this afternoon and say, \"Here’s my draft.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We kind of did that, actually. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Richard Fang", "speech": " many versions already. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "The draft is finished? That’s great." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s exactly right." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Let’s publish the regulation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A regulation needs, of course, 60 days of public debate. If we say it’s provisional or if it’s a pilot, then I think there will be less contention. It will not be seen as taking things away from the future MPs." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "No, because they could still sponsor the legislation, take credit for..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Let’s adjourn before we change our minds." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "Maybe we can have a global benefit corporation legislators and government meeting in Taipei." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Yes, absolutely." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "Invite all the congressman, the legislators, to come here, or not." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right." }, { "speaker": "Ray Chen", "speech": "Thank you." }, { "speaker": "William H. Clark Jr", "speech": "Thank you so much. This is great." } ]
[ { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "I am very honored to welcome you here because I am also a computer engineer, I have been. I’ve heard your name as a open source contributor for Perl. As a engineer, you are my hero. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Before Code for Japan, I didn’t think that computer engineer can help the government by using our computer skills." }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "就開始吧!稍等一下,找一下東西。他準備幾個題目,但是並不是什麼事情就已經有,可能題目會臨時提出來,不是事前特別準備的。" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "關於你的採訪,大部分都是用英文的,日文的好像沒有聽過,沒有人用日文採訪過,充滿了謎樣人物。可能他以前問你已經答覆過或者是被問過,他可能不知道,會再跟你提一下。今天政委對於社會問題有興趣,開始第一步是從哪裡開始?起頭的部分可以請政委說明。" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’ll answer in English." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Yes. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Awesome." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It will be a trilingual interview." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Both of my parents are journalists. They worked during Taiwan’s martial law era to work on democratization, environmental protection, and many other social causes in Taiwan. You see, around the time I was born, there is still martial law. When I was six, the martial law gets lifted. Taiwan started enjoying the freedom of press, freedom of assembly and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The presidential election is in ’96, which is around the time World Wide Web got really popular. There’s 10 years where the Taiwan civil society can experiment very freely with a lot of associations. Because it’s before the presidential election, the democratic apparatus is not yet fully formed. People don’t trust as much the governments as their neighbor associations. We call it the 10 year of civil society building." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s how I get interested in, for example, one of our people in the g0v community coming to this workshop is the head of the Homemakers Union foundation. The Homemakers Union is originally just people who are homemakers who care about the environment, who want to spread the message about the environment. My mom was one of the co-founders. I was like five years old at the time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then they turned it into collective action by forming a cooperative, a co-op, to buy only the farm agricultural products with full accountability with organic or environmental-friendly way of production and things like that. It’s not running for president or running for legislator because that was not allowed back then. This kind of grassroot civil society is nevertheless political action." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Through this kind of assembly, we called on many reforms. I talk about environment, but the education reform is another thing that we successfully petitioned for change. Taiwan had a very top-down, authoritarian education system. Then we made it change so that people don’t have to compete very intensely for universities. They can develop their own interests and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All these were what we call social movements, but a sustainable model of social movement. That’s how I become immersed, because I was going to the petitions, going to the protests and things like that when I was like 10 years old and things like that. It’s part of my childhood." }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "從小時候就開始對社會運動、議題、題目比較有興趣了?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I mentioned that was when I was 10 years old or younger. By the time I was 10 years old, my father chose a PhD thesis to explore the dynamic in social movement in large-scale protests in the Tiananmen Square. Because he’s a journalist, he visited Beijing in May and June of 1989, when the protest was at its height. He wrote many covers." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "He went back to Taiwan, I think, on 1st of June, which is very important because otherwise I may not have a father anymore." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That made him very connected and interested in the student movement leaders. Many of them went on exile, diaspora, into Europe. He followed them to Europe and started working at his PhD thesis in Saarland in Germany. I also moved to Germany for a year when he’s working on his PhD." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I remember I was raised among the people who cannot return to the PRC anymore. They worked on the democratization. They keep debating how to democratize the PRC government. That is also a important part in my life because I heard first how technology can shape the connection between people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It was the time of the first color camera, digital camera, fax machine, and so on. It really helped both on the Tiananmen and also in the fall of Berlin Wall, and also the Wild Lily movement shortly afterward, in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In addition to the collective action in my early days that I experienced when I was five or seven years old, now with technology, suddenly, a large amount of people can very easily connect to one another, know what’s happening and care about what’s happening even if it’s very long distance away. That is very different from the old model, where you only get collective action with people living nearby." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now you can have collective action with many, many cities connected in a connected fashion. That’s my second exposure to the social movement. When I was 12, I get into the Internet. That was 1993. In ’94, there was a introduction of the graphic browser. Then I told my teachers, everything I’m interested I can develop online and learn from the people. I quit high school in ’95. All my teachers actually agreed with it." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Wow. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They said, \"Oh, it’s really true. You don’t have to study for 10 years, go abroad to enter the lab of a researcher. You can just write a email to that researcher and we start collaborating.\" Many of them protested in what we call the Blue Ribbon..." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Blue Ribbon." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...movement to protest a law by Bill Clinton that protect the young people, that requires all the user-generated content, like all the posts, all the comments, to be blocked by minors if they contain possibly indecent material. It was ruled as unconstitutional, but during that, all the website that I visited turned the black background and put a blue ribbon on it to protect the free speech of the Internet." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I learned that the World Wide Web is not just a tool for collective learning and action, but it can also be a tool for mobilization to make it very quickly known that something is wrong and something need to be corrected. This is a connected way of social movement that I experienced when I quit high school and started my startups." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "インターネットの存在が大きかったのですね。それを通じて一人一人の意見を集めることができるようになり、それがその後のきっかけになったと。最初に立ち上げた会社はどのような会社だたのですか?" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "透過網際網路蒐集到很多人的資訊,這做起頭,你後來自己也創業,是這樣的發展過程。剛開始的公司是怎麼樣的一家公司呢?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When I joined, it was a publishing press called The Informationist. I joined as a author to share my experience learning programming languages, making web pages and so on. It was the beginning of the e-commerce days. I helped the company to build a e-commerce website for the company. That was really early, like ’95 or something like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then we discovered that it’s actually much more interesting if we can show people what we’re talking about in the form of software, so not just our stories, but actually how we go about our daily life. You talk about searching for information." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I shared the tool that I used personally, which is what we call a metasearch engine that can search both the computer’s own files and also 5 or 10 search engines concurrently, also score and rank them. It’s called Fusion Search. It went to be one of the bestselling products at the Computech Taiwan at that time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "My co-authors thought it’s good that we switch to a software company from a publishing company. I was a co-founder in the new software company, called Inforian. It’s not Informationist, which was the press. We worked on many things. We worked on the first C2C auction site in Taiwan, called CoolBid." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We worked on the first social -- nowadays, we would call it a social media -- a community website and also develop our own search engine products. After I left Inforian, @clkao, one of the key people in the g0v movement, joined also Inforian to develop CICQ, one of the first instant message platforms, and many other things." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s just a early software startup that was very popular and got a lot of investment from Intel and so on during the dot-com bubble." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "アントレプレナーとして成功してきたわけですね。私もスタートアップの世界で活動していました。一般的に言って、利益を追求しなくてはいけないスタートアップと、社会課題を解決する活動というのが一致しないこともあるかと思うのですが、会社の活動と、社会活動家としての自分の間の矛盾などはありませんでしたか?" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "所以也算是相當成功在這個領域上,一般來講新創企業跟你的社會工作,往往目標不會一致,這兩個工作有沒有什麼衝突或者有什麼調和?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. In my first startup, although we used the Perl language, there was really no other choice. It’s too early." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In ’94, you don’t have other choices — you don’t have Ruby." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, I participated in the Perl community, not as full-time, but just as a hobby. We started the Taipei Perl Mongers, which was the meetup group of the Perl community and translated books and materials and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it really changed when I visited Silicon Valley in ’97 to ’98 because there was a social movement called the free software movement that really was not very popular with the commercial software developers." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Around that time, the community leaders forked the movement to rebrand the movement as the open source movement and with the goal to attract large corporations like Netscape to change how their software is developed by offering it as a software that everybody can change and everybody can fork, can rebrand into Phoenix, Firebird, and now Firefox." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is the first time that I saw the possibility. It’s no longer that people must be working only for commercial purpose in their day job in Netscape — and only contribute to the free software movement in their off-time. Rather, if they convince the shareholders, that it is better for everyone, for their bottom line also, to participate in collective community action, then actually they can work full-time on free software." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Actually, that organization is still around. It’s the Mozilla Foundation. They control the Mozilla Corporation, which is still very profitable. Everything they earn goes back to the Mozilla Foundation. This is what we call a social enterprise. I really learned a lot by participating in Silicon Valley the very early beginnings of the open-source movement." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When I went back to Taiwan, I dedicated 100 percent of my time to open-source advocacy. When I work on projects, I would ask my clients to allow me to publish under a open-source license. If they allowed, then I charge them a certain fee. If they don’t, I charge them up to six times because I have to rewrite everything again." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Gradually, people become more accepting of the Free Software licenses." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Cool. Someone said you were working with Jennifer Pahlka sometimes, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, I haven’t worked with Jennifer. I work with Silicon Valley companies for a very long time. Because we’re in the Perl community, usually, it’s like Larry Wall and other friends of Tim O’Reilly who, for a very long time, supported the Perl community." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, Clay Shirky who used the Perl community to develop his theory of collective intelligence of cognitive surplus, and many other thinkers like Ward Cunningham or Dan Bricklin and so on. Many of them ended up supporting a startup that I also worked in with @clkao, called Socialtext." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We worked to bring all the wiki, microblogging, and many other community systems into the enterprise, so that we can collaboratively capture the collective wisdom of the organization also." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Socialtext was another startup where we worked on many technologies, such as te collaborative spreadsheet EtherCalc as well as Etherpad. Many technologies then became the founding blocks of the g0v movement." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "I think in my opinion, the open-source culture idea is more..." }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "開放源碼。" }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "It’s hard to explain in English, (let me use Japanese)." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "オープンソース文化というのは、今の社会のあり方に強く影響を与えているように思います。ソフトウェアの作り方が、社会のイノベーションの作り方と高い共通性を持ってきているように感じています。g0v の草の根のあり方と、Code for America のあり方は、少し違いがあるようにも感じています。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "寫軟體、程式與社會創新應該有共同的方式、共同點,也可以應用在整個社會的建造。草根性的做法跟Code for America好像沒有關,Code for America比較偏向政府、官方的。" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. It starts with the gov tech." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "強く GovTech 寄りの活動になりすぎないように意識していることはありますか?" }, { "speaker": "林冠妤", "speech": "g0v做的事情跟政府的科技有意識要區別嗎?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Actually, one of the Code for Japan people, I forgot who, said that the real invention of g0v is the name." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "It’s something, yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, because everything else, we see it elsewhere, but the domain name means that the g0v is positioned as a alternative fork of the government itself. Not just complementing where the government isn’t seeing not. Not just working with the government structure. Rather, it’s about re-imagining a government structure." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Although in the very beginning, the g0v people talked about taking every government website and change the O to a 0 to get into the shadow of government website. For the legislative, the parliament, If you would change the O to a 0, you get into the open-source version of the parliament." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The truth is that many g0v projects started working on things that doesn’t have a government counterpart. It is not just about working with existing government service and making it better, but actually delivering new services that the government doesn’t even know that the public really want this kind of services. I think that tradition is really powerful." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For example, there’s a chatbot called Cofacts that if you look at a information from your instant message, it’s private, but you don’t know whether it’s rumor or not. You can forward to that bot. That bot will get back to you like a crowdsource wiki, like fact checking, and say, \"This is false\" or \"This is true,\" and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is something that the government really should not be doing, because otherwise we will be judging the media and so on and centralize the power. The Cofacts project at re-imagined the government’s model so that everybody can be a fact checker, like Wikipedia." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s no longer just looking at government service and extending it. It’s inventing new services that the government at its current incarnation probably cannot deliver for the time being." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Cofacts については私も実際に拝見しました。素晴らしい取り組みだと思っているのですが、仕組み自体を構築することはそれほど難しくはないと思います。しかし、人々を組織してモチベートする部分は非常に難しいと感じます。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "假訊息要確認動機,在日本沒有熱情來對假訊息的澄清。" }, { "speaker": "林冠妤", "speech": "雖然cofacts是很簡單的構造,但是真正困難的是讓人使用它,如何讓人去使用?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Before Cofact, there’s many similar projects already. Just in the g0v project alone, there was a news helper project that does the same thing as Cofact, but is a browser plugin that targets Facebook posts. People just...中文叫做「新聞小幫手」。" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. I think mostly because in Taiwan, people really saw that there is not just misinformation, which is honest mistake. A journalist might be filling in something that the news source did not state. They’re not malicious, they’re just extending their projections into the reporting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Usually, they can be corrected very quickly. Sometimes it’s intentional. It’s disinformation. They really want to gain commercial or political benefit from only reporting one side of a certain event. That systemic bias is something that pretty much all the viewers in Taiwan is aware of." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s just if they have a certain ideological side then, of course, they see only the other side as biased. [laughs] Everybody can see bias in Taiwanese social media, and also some traditional media as well. I think that’s because our media landscape is more polarized than in Japan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People become more motivated in correcting the mistakes that’s given because you cannot really see the whole picture from any more popular media outlets. There’s a lot of efforts working on balancing their narrative, so we can all get a better understanding." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is my first startup project. There was five search engines. All of them are very good. A metasearch is of value. Nowadays, because Google is culminating, my product, if I start offering it today will not be as popular as it was before." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s the same idea." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "今日のイベントにも関わりますが、インターネット上で建設的な議論を行うのは非常に難しいと感じています。オードリーさんは、それについて、同じような考えはありますか?ご意見を聞かせてください。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "跟今天的話題也有關係,在網路上比較屬於建設性的意見比較少,您覺得在網路上缺乏這一種建設性的意見,政委對這個看法怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The methodology that we use in the vTaiwan project since the very beginning is meant to fix this problem. I would say it’s not just online. If you are dropped into a discussion with a hundred people, you don’t know them, and everybody wears a mask, you will not get a productive conversation either." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because it’s important if we are going to reach any kind of constructive discussion, we know first where people are coming from, that we have a mental picture of the other people. If we don’t have that, of course, we can project whatever. It’s like a dream. Whatever you project is probably wrong." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We will spend a lot of time giving out a lot of ideas. Those ideas doesn’t make any collective sense if you don’t know what are the subjective feelings that brings those ideas out. We will hear a lot of the government should do whatever, or the citizens should do whatever." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You don’t stop to ask, \"What do you feel about the situation? What are the feelings that prompt to give out this idea?\" Someone who keep asking this question in a face-to-face meeting is called a facilitator. A facilitator must also, when somebody say, \"Oh, I fear some development,\" or \"I am angry about something,\" they ask what the facts that you are having this emotion about?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Is the fact objectively verifiable? Is it something everybody can see? Or is it something that you will have to share for other people to know?\" By restoring everything into the fact part, then people can’t agree on this situation as is. Only during this, we can ask, so we check each other’s feelings about the same facts. The same fact you can feel happy, I can feel angry. That’s all OK." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For many online discussion, you only see feelings, but not the facts that they’re feeling toward. The ideas must also respond to the feelings. We set a rule. The best idea is the one that take care of most people’s feelings. That is a powerful insight because we are not saying the best idea is the one with 7,000 votes. We’re not counting votes to rank ideas." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re saying, if everybody feel happy about your idea, then it is an idea that we would talk about seriously. Once we talk about this idea, it become decisions. This is called the focus conversation method or the ORID method. As we can see, there’s a fellow citizen, Lisa, who feels something about autonomous driving..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...on the AI-powered conversation. People can feel agreeable or disagreeable. There’s no reply button. If there’s a reply button online, we see people attacking or projecting into this person. Because you cannot reply, you can only agree, disagree, or contribute your own feelings and ideas. There’s no room for trolls, because the trolls doesn’t have anything to attach to." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Just taking the reply button away actually results in this shape, always, that people actually agree on most of the things with most people. The media, especially social media, only focus on the five divisive issues. While these are, of course, important, it is equally important that we recognize there’s rough consensus of these things and make this happen first without waiting for this divisive issue to be resolved." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In a traditional thread of conversation, it’s the other way around [laughs] because people will spend all their energy on those five divisive issues. The design of this space to put facts and feelings before ideas is very important." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "日本は、台湾に比べると、民主化してからの歴史は長いです。しかし、台湾の人々が熱心に政治に参加していることに比べると、日本の国民は政治に対して冷めている部分が多いと感じます。そのような状況について、なにか提案はありますか?" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "日本民主化已經很久了,老百姓對政治冷感,不像臺灣對於政治這麼積極參與,且這麼熱烈。對於現在日本老百姓參與的熱情降低,請問政委對於政府應該要如何做、態度為何有什麼建議?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I visited Tokyo a few times as digital minister. I talked with the ministers in charge of the regional revitalization, the 地方創生 plan. I think, in Taiwan also, while we are, of course, very active on the Internet part, what we are now learning also from Japan is that we must not always ask people to come to the space of technology." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sometimes it is better to ask the technology to come to the space of the people. This is especially true in the indigenous places, in the rural places, in the places focusing on agriculture and other relationship with nature, because people already have a way to interact and come to consensus. They don’t need AI to..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": " help them to come to consensus. It’s a longer tradition than democracy in Taiwan anyway. I talk about community associations and actions when I was really young." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s important, too, for young people to also learn the art of working with the tribe, working with the indigenous nations, working with the local elders on the way of consensus making that they already know, and bring the language of our digital language into the real world, like Pokémon Go." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Relay the digital to the real world. I think in Taiwan, as well as in Japan, many people, if they are young students like when I was 11 years old, if they already feel a beauty, a obligation towards their local community, then when they are in the university level and learning about democratic tools, they will apply it to their community scale." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you teach the students in an abstract way outside of the local context, then much more likely when they become a graduate student or in their graduating years, they will choose a topic not related to the local community because they grow up separated. Maybe they will go overseas. Maybe they go to Taipei City." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They will forget that connection with the community. I think democracy really is the rule of the people, the power of the people. The people could be abstract, like people who share the same hobby. People who use the same hashtag on Twitter. That’s the Internet community that we’re used to." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Equally important is that we help to look into the local community, a township, and find the hashtags that makes it unique and bring it into the digital world while asking people through the digital world to start caring about the local community. I think that deepens the democracy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If I understand correctly, also, tomorrow’s workshop is about teleworking, is about people who are embedded in the community. Through digital tools, they can also connect their resource of large organizations or multinational organizations but into a township." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s very important that we shape this relationship as a mutually beneficial relationship, and not like a colonizing relationship. I think Japan is particularly good in this regard." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "今のお話を伺って、日本では政治参加に対して否定的な部分は改善が必要だと改めて感じます。日本では政治参加についての教育や機会があまり充実していません。そういったことをもっと若い世代から学んでいくことは必要だと感じました。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "日本確實像政委講的,他們比較屬於消極,如何把科技運用進來,這個是(可以請益的)。日本在學校裡面,民主這一種教育也沒有特別去加強,這一種東西是他們學校教育比較缺乏的。" }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Actually, we have 80 local Code for Japan groups and we networking the local, legal companies. It’s quite nice to bring that technology to the local people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Your community. Yes." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "オードリーさんから見て、今後日本と台湾がコラボレーションできるような領域について教えてください。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "臺日合作,從政委的眼光來看,有什麼領域、角度覺得可以進行的?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We are, like, collaborating right now." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’ve held this kind of conversations before I entered the cabinet. Many people were very surprised that Taiwan has been able to make the democratic governance tools so quickly after so long of marshal law." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think just getting the message out is one of the most important things, because for many especially more senior people, is to remember Taiwan as a very authoritarian society. It’s not until they say, \"Oh, they have marriage equality too?\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They think, \"Oh, wait. Is it the same Taiwan that I know about?\" Just getting the story that Taiwan is now a new digital and very progressive democracy out, I think it is a important first step." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, when we participated in the community organized workshops, like in Madrid, in Toronto, or in New York and so on, many people think it’s interesting that in Taiwan and in g0v community, many projects, they have very cross-sectoral partnership." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People might be working in the public service, in a startup as entrepreneur, as an investor, as a intermediary organization to facilitate incubation of startups in their day job. In the g0v, people really brought resources from those different sites." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When I was in Toronto, noticed that Code for Canada community, Code for Toronto, city government, and also the academics and so on, many of them, it’s their first time sitting in the first table, talking about the same thing. Usually, they have their own community gathering. Maybe all of them meet monthly with their sector. There is very few truly cross-sector collaboration events." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think that’s also what Code for Japan is known for, is that the cross-sectoral trust is very high. I think we should work together to bring this message out, that it’s not just about the civic tech people or the government people signing MOUs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Or launching large projects. It’s even more important that every week, we share food, that every week, we find something interesting to do together, the community building part. I think that’s something we have in common. That’s the rest of the code for all network. I think we can share more of community-building recipe that we’re doing across sectors." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Wonderful. We should do now. Last year, I think 14 or 15 people who went to g0v summit from Japan. This year, we have called a Code for Japan summit." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, we’ll come." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "I want to invite more people to Code for Japan in September in Chiba City." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "I think it’s good to collaborate the people, and bring people together." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We are, of course, computer technologists. We know that from a discovery in computer science, like a new theory, a new idea in cryptography, or whatever, the science people and the technology people in our field is very close." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sometimes the people who are computer scientists, they publish their paper with a GitHub link to the technology. The technologists are also very eager to apply the new invention from the science people. It’s not the case for social sciences. The social science people and the social technology people, [laughs] the iteration is longer." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It takes many years for a new social science insight to be turned into social technology. I think whatever social technology we’re using, it could be the focus conversation method. It could be the open space technology, it could be non-violent communication, dynamic facilitation. All these are social technologists." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If we involve more social technologists and social scientists in our community, then we can theorize faster. I think we really benefited in the early days in open-source because we have anthropologists like Eric Raymond and social scientists, Clay Shirky, Larry Ward the one developing the theory of open-source while they are practicing the technology of open-source." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think that combination is also very helpful if we involve more social scientists to co-develop social technology together." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "In general, I always feel that Japanese people is often forget about making theories. They don’t know what’s good." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "日本人は、体系的な理論を構築し海外に伝えるのが苦手なような気がしています。また、英語の壁というのも存在します。g0v では英語のツールもよく使っていますが、台湾の人々は英語への壁というのはあまりないのでしょうか?" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "日本人不擅長所有理論作成體系化,日本人不擅長這一種,當然也有英文這種障礙存在,英文工具也有在用。臺灣沒有英文的障礙?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I wouldn’t say that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s true that I think it helps to have one or two people who are very well-connected to the English-speaking international community, like Japan pro community that I consider it my home. When I went to Tokyo at that time, I always stayed at a home of Dan Kogai-san of Livedoor. Dan Kogai-san thinks in English, right? [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Yeah, right. He is." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "He has no problem theorizing [laughs] in the Berkeley way from whatever he is doing. I’m not saying that everybody need to be native English speakers, but it’s important to both localize like would translate it to Japanese but also to have one or two theorists to absorb the insights and turn it into an international audience." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s just like in the Occupy movement. At the time, they sent two people in each Occupy movement to join the cross-Occupy network. It’s two people because if one gets arrested [laughs] , they can send someone else in their position. It’s a fallback, it’s a RAID configuration, high availability." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If it’s too many people, then of course, the theorization will stop, because usually in design thinking you need to have a clear, how might we question in the middle to serve as the provocation. It’s important for each Occupy to have two people who can crystallize their provocations to the other networks." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s also equally important that whatever insight they get, they must pass through in a transparent way to the Occupy community. It’s what we call a small world network. I think that is the configuration we should be aiming for." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Wow." }, { "speaker": "林冠妤", "speech": "Translation would be important too, like Audrey translated lots of stuff to English... Why I’m speaking in English?" }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Yeah, I think it’s the point we, Code for Japan have to train things that skills......" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To be very intentional in translation." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Yes. It’s very important." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Actually, sometimes I feel that Code for Japan is translating the technology world to the local people world, that also we have to translate from the local people in Japan situation to internatinal people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly. I think that part is even more important." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "I will do." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the Code for Japan summit, would you expect the attendance internationally to be like half or 30 percent? What are your goals for international participation?" }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "I think I feel that it’s great that the g0v summit was very international. I want to be same. I think this year we are right now planning. I am not sure, but I want to have a international..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Track." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Track, yeah. At least one track that presentation will be in English and also people safely to be speaking English there." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s great. When I attended the large conferences in Japan, I found that if they are designed with a international track, then there’s really professional interpreters, like everything is great. I think if there’s designs for remote participation as well..." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Remote participation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...I think that that will even increase the outreach. When we held discussions like this, usually we even have two different YouTube or Facebook live stream and one with just the interpreter’s soundtrack so that people who are native English speakers, they can put on their earphones." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Maybe you are talking about local developments, but because you have good interpreter, so it will be like you are giving a English presentation. People will be able to associate their ideas but with the person, with the right person, even if they are speaking Japanese." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That would be my suggestion for maybe highlight some tracks that you know are very good story and even if it’s in pure Japanese to invest in interpretation in real-time, and also, make sure that it’s live-streamed in a way that will be captured. That, I think, will get attention from the international community." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Cool. Yeah, definitely I will try that, too. Thank you very much for all the advice. Today, we use UDTalk, and that kind of tool will be also helpful for the conference." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s fully automatic, right?" }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That there’s no human part." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "No human, yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s really good." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "The professional translator is really expensive. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, it’s true." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Yeah, so we will use this kind of helping tools. Also, we will organize a volunteer translator team at the summit." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it’s really beautiful, because if more people feel it’s inclusive, like people with deafness or people with blindness or people with different neurodiversity, when we cater to these people, be inclusive, then it could be used outside of the context." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Like as I understand UDTalk was initially meant to communicate with people with deafness. Now it is a powerful international collaboration tool." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Yeah, today, I think he’s the developer of UDTalk. I want to introduce him to you." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "OK, Thank you very much. I think it’s time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s good." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Thank you very much for having this interview." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you for the great questions. Here’s a gift." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Oh." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s our open government training material. It’s a manga." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Oh. Oh." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s in six languages." }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "跟上次一樣。" }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Someone surprised about this manga is on the..." }, { "speaker": "林冠妤", "speech": "Pixiv?" }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Yeah. Pixiv." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have that bridge here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have a bridge to the manga community here." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Nice. Yeah, it’s great. I think it’s richer, involve the manga community together." }, { "speaker": "関治之", "speech": "Thank you very much." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you." } ]
[ { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "政委您好,歡迎您來日本,又見面了,前幾天顧荃寫的那一則新聞裡面,我關心的是,你這一次11日來,有見到日本該見的人,是怎麼樣,是有跟國家大事有關嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一些重要的涉台人士,有見到面,交換了很多意見。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "包括什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一個是,大家對於假訊息的因應,非常有興趣,因為臺灣在上一次選舉之後,由羅秉承政委組成一個假訊息危害防治小組,包含在法律上,像下次選舉的廣告,就會比照政治獻金要去揭露等等,有一些調整,也有一些技術上的方式,我們就是交換這一方面的意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為他們也在Twitter上,看到院長、副院長、我、外交部部長大家都大量使用Twitter,因此也很有興趣對Twitter使用的方式,還有很感謝在Twitter上……你們要不要吃一點?(笑)" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "吃一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "真的很好吃。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "他們有看到你在吃這個?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "所以跟你感謝?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,是真的很衷心感謝。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "有提到哪時候我們產品嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個超出我的範圍,因為公投是已經鎖定了,其實沒有簡單的方法更改。這個是為什麼我說臺灣吃不到。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "你們故意刺激臺灣嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我在Twitter上,其實也有宣傳新竹有一個柿餅節,嘉義也有一個柿子節,這我都有宣傳、也有附照片。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我推完之後,馬上有一個福島人很感謝我吃他家鄉的東西,要怎麼樣配酒之類的,我邀他來臺灣參加新竹跟嘉義的,其實我滿喜歡吃柿餅,我在臺灣吃過新竹的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實各有不同的特色,像這個是一整顆,裡面很軟的,所以我覺得各有各的好,就是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "他有注意到您的情況,但您有注意到這一些重要的人物,好像很少有使用推特的習慣,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們多少也會在網路上用,當然FB會多一點,但是因為我們在Twitter上主要是對外,像英文的族群。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而且Twitter的特色是,互動是比較有機的,FB常常是同溫層,就是已經認識你的人才會來找你,但是像Twitter這一個活動叫做「推特吃」,這個是網友自主發起,因此就會碰到很多我們平常對政治不一定有興趣,對我們在做的事情不一定知道,但是我們就約好,像上個禮拜,大家都要吃一些「柔軟的幸福」,在嘴裡會化開的東西,等於是結合一些平常不是同溫層的人,大家還是可以對話。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "除了fake news之外的議題,還有談到什麼嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還有民間的活動,像兩場工作坊,一場是講線上身分認證,一場是講遠距,這兩個都是臺灣可以走在前面的題目,也沒有前面很久,前面幾年而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以日本其實一些官員對這個很好奇,但是比較難說我們很官方去辦這一種交流會,這其實是日本公民科技的社群,叫做「Code for Japan」辦,邀的也是由這邊新創的公司,也就是g0v的社群,因此這個完全是民間辦的活動,只是兩邊都有約公務員來參加。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在這個架構裡面,我們就比較容易交流,因為大家都是個人身分,並不是一定要長官請示才可以講話,所以大家的交換是比較實質的,因此這個我也有跟日本11日那幾位朋友有講說,其實這一種開放式的論壇,就是類似民間的活動,我覺得參加的層級也可以很高。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以,像對方有提到不管是世界衛生或者是國際民航,這一些很官式的組織,但是其實也有很多民間在做這一方面的工作,這個也可以去參加,因此我也分享5月會去加拿大參加「開放政府夥伴聯盟」的年會,那也是同樣民間跟官方都有人參加,所以這一種組織我覺得很好。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "因為他們以前比較官方對官方,如果是官方的,他們會儘量避開,甚至會請你不要公開出來你會見到官方人士。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,但因為這次是社群活動,反正是官方的官員參加,他們也可以說是下班時間的幾個活動。" }, { "speaker": "黃揚峻", "speech": "政委您有提到,這一次也是為了地方創生,上個月採訪有提到今年是地方創生元年,這一次來有什麼收獲?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有滿多收穫。這個確實如你所講的,這裡面有所謂的電傳勞動,也就是遠距工作的成分,其實在臺灣是2015年,也是vTaiwan這一次受邀g0v的專案所討論出來的,也就是我們的勞基法在當年有跟遠距勞動不太吻合的地方,像女性晚上10點以後不能上班,這個是通勤安全,但是如果再上班的話,那時才剛剛開始可以工作,所以這些都需要時間調整。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我在2016年加入內閣的時候,我工作條件之一,我拿了人事行政總處遠距勞動的函,說我在哪裡上班都算上班,因此就可以巡迴全臺灣上班。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "到今年地方創生元年,畢竟他們有這個函,他們就升級成鼓勵公務員可以認養故鄉,所以即使你是臺灣中央的公務員,你可以回到家鄉工作,不管你是透過借調的名義,或者是中央公務員,只是在那邊上班的名義,都可以讓地方更瞭解中央的政策。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這方面日本是領先我們的,他們推動相似的方案,已經推了三年左右。所以我們在這邊也有學習到,具體怎麼樣從地方去形成戰略的願景,這個是如果需要法規的鬆綁,可以申請國家指定成戰略特區的沙盒概念,在這邊先把無人車或者是外籍人士參與的方法之類的,這都是具體很多地方創生的案例。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以,我這次就去兩個,一個是宇都宮大學,去看設計思考,怎麼樣放在地方創生運用,有一點像地方創生的智庫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "下午則是到取手市,好像透過創業協助的中介組織,去改變日本人以前都不轉職、不創業的文化,讓地方的家長能夠同意自己的小孩去創業,創業不一定是要大紅大紫,要去東京,而是可以在家鄉解決一些問題,像這一些創業的政策,他們大概也是推了兩年多左右,大概是跟他們學習這一些地方,回來到臺灣就可以更加促成臺灣這一種地方凝聚共同願景的這一些時間。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "從日本實際的狀況之下,有什麼缺點?有什麼我們可以借鏡的地方?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是,其實日本的地方創生,各地只要有一個提案,會從中央拿到一筆錢,但是也一直強調這個是種子基金,意思是做好、做壞都只有這一筆錢,接下來就是要滾動由地方自己去創造財源,就是不能有仰賴補助的心理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們也知道這個是一下子很難調整的,地方還是會覺得我如果扣合什麼政策的話,是不是應該多給我一些之類的,所以地方需要財源上自給自足這件事,是他們一直強調的,一直強調的這一件事是大家還沒有變成大家都很習慣的一個事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我們在臺灣也是一樣的,雖然我們一直說是以投資替代補助,而且是以民間資金為主,國家只是跟著,但是地方還是有一個,如果扣合某些政策,是不是應該要多一點補助的那一種想法,所以光是思維的轉變及如何論述的這一件事,我覺得這個也是我可以參考的。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "就我所知,包括戰後開始,像日本田中角榮那個時代就已經有地方的1億創生總動員之類的,我接觸的感覺還是一樣是要靠中央補助的依賴。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們可能還是習慣,不過像我去取手,他們的市長很興奮地給我一張小卡,類似他的名片,翻過來是當地人口的移出及移入,終於在去年移入的比移出的多,好像沒有多很多,很像二十個人之類的,但是很興奮,這個地方一直在移出。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以地方創生,我覺得就是跟臺灣一樣,人口政策的比重是非常高的,就是大家願意進來、待下來、生小孩,這當然是旁邊的支持系統要很夠,要創造足夠的就業機會,我覺得他們感覺到壓力的程度,是比您剛剛所說的十幾、二十年前要強。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "對,不過茨城,現在中國人移入很多(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們移入、移出只有算日本籍的。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "那就還好(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "現在中國人真的越來越多,去年4月開始,他們要大量引進外籍勞工,聽說應該又是中國人會大量進來,您看像有一些大阪那邊,有一個比較窮的,像我們以前光華橋下,每一天僱用的勞工聚集在那邊等工作。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "那一種地區,像現在中國人進去,開始要創中華街,當地的人當然會怕,但是會說如果沒有來就這樣窮困,不過以前是仙台,中國人也是想要創中華界,想要弄成中華城,但是仙台市長當時就拒絕,有很多問題。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "但是像日系的巴西人就住在群馬整個城,也有受到尊重,因為覺得畢竟是有日裔的血統。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "大家都還在摸索,我剛剛要出來的時候,突然看到一個什麼培養的看護師,就是護理師男男、女女都有,只有一個是日本人,其他一個是外國人,這個新聞就滿震撼的。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "不過,你有聽過他們的村莊……" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "極限村落,就是年齡在65歲以上。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "日文是「限界」,就是人口很老的、很少的,年輕人通通都出去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「限界集落」?" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "黃揚峻", "speech": "包括木村島也被算進去,也就是2060年的時候有可能,甚至不只鄉村,像都市裡面……" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "都市裡面某個區變成老人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這應該是一齣日劇吧?跟拿破崙之村一樣。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "對,這是個定義,他們有一個定義,現在越來越多了,他們現在東京一級集中,現在只有東京人口是在增加,其他都是在沒落,尤其小村落。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "像上次去秋田,那個很長,那個真的沒有幾個人,但是我覺得他們讓我很感動,他們辦藝術季,現在破落的村莊辦藝術季,每一個人都想要辦,結果我們去看,他們的規模當然很小,他們說只要幫直島那邊辦,北川一次要收3,000萬,我們連300萬都做不起,但辦得也不錯啊!但是國際知名度就沒那麼高。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "但是很感動,看了一次之後很感動,小孩出來跳傳統舞,老人打那一些鼓,小孩也很小,就是極端,還不錯,還有小孩,但是整個村莊真的是……" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "小村的村長跟我說:「我前幾天才去臺灣回來。」我說:「有什麼心得?」他說:「臺灣台北市的車站都是外勞,我在想我們這邊如果通通都是外勞也不錯。」有人才有人氣。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "日本也是有問題,他們現在面臨的問題比我們還嚴重,我們的城鄉並沒有像他們的差距。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "其實臺灣可以輸出外勞引進的一些經驗給日本,因為他們快要面臨了,我有朋友說要代理外勞的仲介,我們有know-how。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "其實剛開始要開放外勞政策的時候,就有察覺大學的教授、很多教授,他們其實都已經去臺灣參考了,我曾經帶過做口譯,後來寫成報告才提供給日本政府,他們一直嚴禁說這個並不是移民政策。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "移工歸移工,移民歸移民。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "可是到時候一定會遇到跑掉的那一種問題。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "有啊!他們現在也有遇到。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "像這樣子的話,您覺得互相的交流如何?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很好啊!因為我們來了三次,我們經常見面(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像我第一次來也是民間,富士通總研辦的活動,也有官員來,但是畢竟是富士通的活動,他們做的題目就是女性創業,其實女性創業,臺灣的經驗是比較好的,文化上大家也比較能夠去發揚這一種精神,所以這一方面我們就比較領先。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像上次我們是為了無人載具來,我們通過無人載具的立法,像陸、海、空這一些,也比他們早,他們這個禮拜才在送草案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "線上身分認證,不管是我們的自然人憑證,這一些也是比他們的My Number早一些,所以像這一些題目是我們有一些經驗,不一定是很完美,但是至少一開始怎麼做社會溝通,這個是他們非常非常想知道的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "反過來講,像地方創生,因為人口老化、結構空洞,比台灣早、也比台灣嚴峻,我們都會碰到,這一些都可以跟他們學,這個是互相交流的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實這幾次都有聊到,像有一個日本駐台南的公務員叫做「阿部真行」,其實日本地方自治是很強的,所以不管是一個里、一個市,或者是任何層級的,只要願意就可以派駐公務員來臺灣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "臺灣現在因為地方創生元年也開始有這一種公務員遠距工作制度出現,所以像辦公室,其實去年、前年都有用大概三十幾個實習生,他們在任何地方都可以,甚至有人在加拿大,這個也是我們跟人事行政總處爭取來的,所以其實臺灣也可以開始有互相派駐的制度,我們也有在提可以考慮多幾個「阿部真行」,說不定大家都可以,快速深入分享經驗,這就是這幾次工作坊,不過大概都是跟民間人士有學到的想法。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "在日本的實習生?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是啊!" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "現在有嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們有法國、加拿大的。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "那你知道他們目前的櫻田大臣,因為他不懂電腦、USB,所以日本的媒體還把你拿來跟他比較。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,有個Youtuber在日本的工作坊問我這個題目。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "網路有報導。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "櫻田大臣說,我會用手機啊!" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "對,他說他會用手機。人家說:「你知道USB嗎?」他說他知道是插入什麼的東西。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "一輩子沒用過電腦。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "現在大學生也不用電腦。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對啊!用手機就好了。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "但是老一輩就是這一種的。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "因為他也是奧運大臣,像你這一次來談的時候,他們有提到奧運方面,你說像身分認證也好,他們有想要借鏡我們的地方嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "身分認證的部分,因為我們也在推行,包含健保卡的虛擬化,以及明年開始內政部有在規劃,像國民身分證,如果願意的話,可以啟用自然人憑證功能,等於擴大自然人憑證的發卡量。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一些部分都是經過非常長時間的社會溝通產生出來的一些基本想法,在日本的話,其實他們會覺得我們能夠透過社會溝通達到這個很不容易。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "舉例來說,像電子簽章法,也就是把印鑑章的制度,讓它可以雙軌併行,光是這個就已經遭到很大的抵抗,這個是我們第一天工作坊的題目,也有一些印鑑業者來,聊得也不錯。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是這個題目其實臺灣的溝通也滿順利的,新的公司法上路,也算是順遂,我們現在公司登記也不用再大小章了,就是可以選,像簽名等等,社會溝通上也並沒有受到非常大的阻擋,所以他們是滿有興趣的,不管公司法修法或者是線上vTaiwan的討論,到底是透過什麼程序,他們也很希望有這樣的程序。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "日本的my number推動還涉及到意識形態,我們本來就有國民身分證,所以我們本來就有自己國民的號碼,所以我們已經習慣這樣,但是日本人認為那個是控制,尤其是左派,包括律師團體,他們都很反抗、反對這一種東西。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "很奇怪,我已經兩次在區公所,像我已經都有my number,有一方會鼓勵我們要辦卡,就像身分認證卡,但是我有兩次在區公所要跟他說要辦那一張卡,他說:「如果你沒有事就不要辦。」每一次都阻擋我。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "區公所的職員不讓你辦,我不知道原因是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "黃揚峻", "speech": "我有看原因,好像在二戰時為了要管理人口,所以都會有一個號碼,對老一輩的人會想起以前二戰的情況。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "是要被偵查什麼東西。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "我剛來日本,早期來日本,他們有個基本台帳,事實上就是以前我的戶口啊!日本以前是在臺灣製造出戶口以後,後來變成日本本身反而沒有了,因為他們戰敗沒有了,所以事實上這個應該是要有。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "不知道為什麼已經兩次是不同人,然後都跟我說:「你沒事,不要辦那個,沒有利益或者是好處。」" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "那都是左派的啦!因為現在自衛隊不是要增兵嗎?叫地方縣市政府要增兵,要提供基本台帳的電子資料,不是說用抄的,是給你紙本,變成還要重新輸入,多麻煩?他們配合度只有30%,其他根本不用配合,國內自衛隊要募兵。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "比如針對那一些要去募,結果地方政府不提供資料,所以安倍就罵……也不敢罵,但是比較右派的是說:「你們的鄉村或者是縣有發生大災難,你們又要自衛隊幫你們救難,現在國家沒有自衛隊,就是會有這個。」不知道,反正我下次再去看看,但是他一直跟我說辦那一張卡沒有用。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "我到現在也沒有辦。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "自民黨跟其他黨最大的差別,我是說從經濟來講,自民黨是屬於重生產,左派注重分配,沒有生產、哪來分配,只想分配,都不想生產。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還是要並重。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "我想回到假新聞的部分,最近小英總統接受產經新聞的專訪,希望提高跟日本政府的對話層次,除了安保的議題以外,有講到網路攻擊的部分。有學者認為以現在臺灣跟日本比較實務階層的對話已經足夠了,有需要拉到那麼高的層次嗎?政委覺得像這一方面,我們現在跟日本政府官方或者是實務階層來做一些接觸足夠嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我爸、媽都是新聞工作者,絕對不會用「假新聞」這三個字,現在定調是「假訊息危害防治」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "假訊息就像當年垃圾信一樣,當然有心人是可以藉這個來做操作,但是整體來講,因為手機螢幕小,很容易一看到,情緒就上來,未看先轉,所以可以說這個是媒體識讀,就是看到訊息要不要停下來想一下這個是真的或者是假的,這個是閱聽者的習慣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個主要是要靠教育工作,其實我們跟全世界都有互相交流的,就是包含我們自己今年會上路的十二年國教課綱,像把批判思考、媒體識讀、媒體素養放到從今年國一、小一至高一的課程裡面,老師像以前講的是標準答案,然後講了說了算,學生自己不這樣想,也必須要負荷老師的話,很像腦子留了一個後門,以後看到類似的字體或者是什麼東西,很像不假思索就轉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在用新課綱的精神,老師只是跟學生一起去學、一起看世界,學生還是要形成自己的判斷,我們大考也是考素養,也不是靠背誦的能力,這樣的話,其實慢慢新一代就比較不會有讓假訊息能夠留存的土壤,就是大家看到訊息都會先想說為何要寫這個,所以這一方面的教材、教法上,這個是開放的,很多教材都是共享的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果是以法制方面的話,我們也是有參考各國,像美國的《Honest Ads Act》,就是誠實廣告法,他們現在也還是在討論,同樣的,我們也是類似的概念,就是競選時的廣告要視為政治獻金,不能讓外國人捐,讓本國人捐,每一筆都要揭露。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以同樣的道理,如果我不是捐政治獻金,而是幫你買社群媒體或者是大眾媒體的助選廣告,那也應該要揭露,但是我們現在就看到上次選舉有很多合法的,因為我們還沒有改法律,合法地去境外資金,然後大量買特定的廣告,這個我們就是說你叫政治獻金來處理,這個是國際上各國的立法例都在參考。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "內容農場的部分有包括在內?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有啊!內容農場其實也是一種媒體,就是當我們在推誠實廣告的時候,也就是選罷法的草案,現在在立法院,我們並沒有分是主流媒體、是內容農場、是社群媒體或者是什麼,我們是說「數位通訊傳播服務提供者」,也就是所有人,現在再硬分這個,很容易鑽漏洞,而是閱聽者實際看到這個廣告推撥,他的上一手,像投放的公關公司,像再上一手、上一手,就是每一手都要揭露到實名。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "我覺得像這一些社群網站如果沒有管制的話,就沒有意義了,NCC光看電視那樣,其實之前司馬文先生來,我們去拜會日本共同社的社長,司馬先生就問:「你們有媒體有沒有面臨這一種假新聞的問題?」他說:「我們這一種正規媒體,怎麼可能會有假新聞?」他說:「假新聞可能在網路上有,但是我們正規媒體不會用假新聞來做新聞。」但是臺灣不是,而是某一些媒體真正用網路上的假訊息來做,其實那個才是假新聞,所以日本媒體說不知道fake news是怎麼定義。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "他們認為:「正規媒體不會,就是要有人去選擇。」但是臺灣就不是,所以才會說有蘇啟程的事件,臺灣變成正規媒體大量運用這一些網路。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "甚至他們不是不知道那個是假的,因為要有收視率或者什麼的,像NHK不是也有稍微播出來寶傑的節目嗎?他們也有一直弄出來。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "這個跟NCC有關係吧?" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "對,但是臺灣在這一方面,其實像很多日本人,比如讀賣、朝日那一些在台北的,他們在九合一選舉之前,他們說:「你們臺灣這一種媒體這樣報導,一面倒,比如一方捧韓國瑜、損誰的,這個在日本是不可能的,你們怎麼都沒有防?」" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "有啦!他們全面打安倍的時候,不就是全面嗎?" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "沒有啦!還好啦!打安倍是比較左派,就是TBS,比較左派的。我是覺得他們比較平衡,我們的是太一窩蜂了。" }, { "speaker": "黃揚峻", "speech": "造神。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這確實是臺灣一個比較特定的現象。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "剛剛政委有講到教育的問題,從小教育到讓小孩子能夠……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有免疫力。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "但是現在的問題是出在長輩啊!比如這一次選舉,我就收到一堆長輩多棒的LINE,長輩已經來不及教育了,怎麼辦?明年選舉就要……" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "講韓國瑜也是要支持他,立場就是要支持他。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "那時有一句名言。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是啦!我是覺得有些長輩,心靈有一些寄托,這個是無可厚非的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是因為長輩可能覺得網路是LINE而已,沒有多方面的訊息來源,所以不會像我們比較熟悉碰到事情可以google一下,或者是可以去找社群媒體,像打破同溫層或者是Twitter,或者是實際看消息來源,可能自己有個人的網站、個人版這一些,我想長輩不太可能一下子有這一些自己查證的工作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實我跟日本的人士也有聊到,臺灣也有一些LINE上自主發起的機器人,像「真的假的」,不知道是不是真的,就等於讓大家一起來看是不是真的、假的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也有一位朋友做了一個叫「美玉姨」的bot,就是用真的、假的資料庫,因此是12萬、13萬人會加它當朋友,加到家族或者是同學會的聊天室,只要任何人Po出一個明顯有問題的訊息,機器人就會自動出來糾正這個訊息,不用自己去糾正長輩,你可以讓機器人修正這個東西。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "有這個東西啊?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "我們改天來加。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,有空可以加一下,所以還滿有用的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "跟大家介紹一下,這個是我們社群的參與者,Lisa。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "我是中央社記者。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "我是自由時報。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "你們一起從臺灣過來的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "主要這一次Code for Japan想要瞭解我們叫vTaiwan的平台,怎麼樣做一些讓公民能夠參與政策,等於大家的力量一起去完成政策,也不是完成,而是給一些建議,臺灣這邊以前是由政委在做這個平台,後來她進到政府裡面了,現在是社群其他人在做這樣的事,主要是來交流的。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "這個是第一次嗎?" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "他們一開始是說虛擬。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "後來也有voice,都有,很多講法。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "Lisa很客氣,其實這兩天工作坊都是靠她。她日文很好。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "你也是留日的?" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "主要是自學,在這邊大概有交換學生過,在大阪大學那邊。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "好厲害,優秀。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們在紐約,跟當地的一個叫Personal Democracy Forum(個人民主論壇)的社群也有辦過這個工作坊,紐約應該是第一次,多倫多是跟Code for Canada的一個分支,叫做Code for Toronto。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "全世界這個社群叫做Code for All,也就是用寫程式來參與社會,在全世界都有加盟,在美國就是Code for America,在加拿大就是Code for Canada,在日本就是Code for Japan,在臺灣就是g0v。" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "這一次其實是由Code for All有一個exchange的計畫,就是他希望促進會員間的交流,會員間能夠互相分享經驗,所以他們由Code for Japan申請,希望能夠藉由這樣的平台,邀請臺灣這邊一起做交換,所以最主要是由Code for All來做經費上的協助。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像我們去多倫多,也是和Code for Toronto合辦工作坊。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "他們的經費來源是?怎麼營運的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Code for All大部分是靠捐助。這個跟一般的社會運動有一點差別,寫程式的人都算滿有錢的,大家湊一湊,就會有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像一些大的公司,比如微軟、Google。另外也有eBay創辦人開的Omidyar,大概他們都有專門做公民科技的部門,這個部門就會投很多錢下來,希望這一些社群的朋友可以用他們家的,不管是什麼google的軟體或者是微軟的軟體或者是什麼軟體來進行開發。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "來日本Code far Japan是第一次嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Lisa上次有來過是嗎?" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "我去年有參加他們的年度,每一年會有一個年會,大概是在9月時,我們那時是有來分享過,他們希望能夠不只是分享,而是來做實際的工作坊,就是來run看看,看是不是可以讓大家有興趣,然後願意繼續在日本推動這樣的東西。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們來台是去年10月。" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "9月的時候在新潟,他們的Code for Japan很有趣,也是跟Code for All有一點像,像富山這樣的地方都有code for……,連很鄉下都有,然後他們這一些組織真的是獨立的,所以他們希望每一年的年會都是在不同的地方舉辦,因為這樣可以把人帶過來,等於是去年在名古屋。" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "參加過了當地名古屋的居民,就可以到這邊來參與,所以就會造成人的流動,去年其實有滿多滿好的分享,我覺得他們很多地方的公務員,對於怎麼樣讓自己地方能夠跟官民聯繫去做更好的升化,又或者是方向上有更好的想法,所以他們很願意做這樣的分享,那個時候我分享完我們在臺灣做的事之後,他們就組了一個團,因為剛好大概十幾個人,臺灣10月的時候是g0v的雙年會,也就是兩年一次,組了一大團人來參與我們的活動,所以等於是促進滿多跟日本間這樣的交流。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我也是雙年會的講者,在雙年會的時候碰到很多Code for Japan的人。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "這一次你為何親自出馬?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是社群活動,像我剛剛講的,我作為社群活動參與者,他們的公務員也作為參與者,他們的壓力比較小,就這樣,講完了,我們可以討論很多實質的合作。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "親自出馬的意義又不太一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,可以談到很多實質的合作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果是外交部主辦,其實他們一定層級或者一定單位以上的,他們就不一定那麼方便出席。" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "政委作為一個前參,目前也是參與者,作為參與者跟當初一開始這個平台發起的身分來作分享。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,不是行政院主辦的活動。" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "所以像與會者有一些是公務員,也有一些是各個省,他們其實來參與,是私人的時間或者是管道來參加。" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "前天晚上我們有聊一些,希望可以多瞭解世界各地的狀況,他們也希望能夠運用在自己的工作上,所以他們願意犧牲自己的時間。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "參事官有出席。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們當然不能講名字。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "只要講到這樣就可以了,我們就可以寫了,因為我想說最高層級有什麼。" }, { "speaker": "黃揚峻", "speech": "不過他們都是個人的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請不要寫說代表他們的組織。" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "剛剛有組長聊過,畢竟日本政府對於網路上的交流比較敏感一點,所以想說不要寫單位,像日本中央的單位就好了。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "鼓勵日本勇敢一點。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "要勇敢踏出第一步,他們怕東怕西。不過也是好事,知道你是官方身分,他也願意參加的話,算不錯了,以前只要聽到官方就……" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "是個人身分。" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "我們期待一年一年的,持續不斷地有交流,如果太大張旗鼓,或者是內閣府有誰來,可能會有壓力給他們,因為他們都是滿年輕的官僚,所以稍微有跟他們聊過,真的是滿年輕,等於是日本政府願意改革的這些人想要多做一些事,所以我們可能也不要害他們。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,儘量不要害他們。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "還好。" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "這個部分是滿希望拜託大家的。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "還要再談這個嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你要吃嗎?" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "先給我們拍照(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "你有一點故意喔?我不是說現在的故意,我覺得你會找福島的柿子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有,真的就是要找什麼在嘴裡會化開,這個是上個禮拜「推特吃」的題目,看到超市大家買了,就跟著買。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "沒有特別說因為福島食品的公投,或者剛好昨天也是311,就是311快到的時候……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我是吃完了,拍完片,因為我中間有re幾次,想說臺灣買不到。其實也沒有別的產地的柿餅,在超市就這一家而已,天干柿是滿有名的。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "你是說有福島人跟你……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "後面有生產履歷。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "有福島人跟你說謝謝?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對啊!說這個是他家鄉的名產,可以配酒吃之類的。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "你們有沒有覺得這個問題,像臺灣人用地區來發揮所有福島、五個縣都是輻射事情?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實福島,大家聽到這個島就覺得它很小,但是其實福島是臺灣本島的40%左右的面積,所以其實是滿大的一個地方,這個我覺得是一個心態,就是雙葉郡當然就是之前有地震、出一些事,但是整個福島好像不只在臺灣,在日本也是,形象就必須要重建。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我之前莫拉克之後有一個叫小林村的,他們種梅子,做成梅子餅,也是像這樣梅餅之類的,也就是國道21號的社會企業,我也有幫他們錄影,也有在商週寫專欄,也就是賣小林的梅子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "災區重建真的是要挑一些口味很特殊,或者是很有象徵意義的,人心才會聚在一起,就是這樣的想法出發,並沒有跟進出口貿易政策有關的,第一個真的是很好吃,第二個是確實災後復興並不容易。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "所以你並不會覺得拿起來寫「福島」會害怕?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不會。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "你知道安倍也有背誦福島的……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,好像跟保障安全是同樣的發音,就是國會進去之前吃一下,就表示國會議事順利。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "很故意。謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "我們這樣報導會不會怕你被罵?" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "我昨天也有看到一大堆人在罵你。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以新竹跟嘉義幫忙寫一下。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "有啊!" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "那個很無聊。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "會針對一點怎麼沒有怎麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是各有特色,這個沒有什麼好比的。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "您覺得比較多汁的感覺?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "您吃過嗎?" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "吃過,很好吃。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "我沒吃過。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "來。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "我常常吃,而且還同牌的。他會賣到這邊來,大概是這一牌,其實東京確實也有一些超市,會進口福島的就進口,不會的就不會買的,像我昨天寫一責,福島產了很多米,米大部分是叫做「外食產業」或者是「中食產業」,像我們在外面吃的餐廳,可能都是福島米,只是已經煮成米,你不知道那是不是福島的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "要調查日本食品,那個要檢驗,來日本要買那個食物回去檢查。我們跟他們講說不用特地跑到產地去,你在東京就買得到,國內那一些人就是不相信,認為在這邊買的,一定都是東京做的,東京哪有再生產。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "對啊!" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "他認為日本跟臺灣一樣會做假?" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "不是做假,像有時公司在東京,可是這個醬油的產地在群馬或者是什麼。其實有一些人是限五縣,上次有一個做什麼的,也是一個食品,說同樣的貨,結果在埼玉的,就可以生產、賣到臺灣,但是在群馬的就不行,他說太不合理,原來的素材,其實都是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "黃揚峻", "speech": "是問你加工產地,不問你原材料在哪裡。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "對啊!這個就是有問題,這個就是我們的法令有問題啊!" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "國內基本上不相信,你標示說這個是福島縣產的,他不相信這個是福島縣產的,你們是為了省事,買個東西來貼的,都會這樣認為。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你看,這個是我在Twtitter分享的。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "這個是新竹的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "你還是有報導就對了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而且不只是用英文,還用日文寫一次。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "你叫誰寫日文的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "找朋友翻譯。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "好啊!幫你說一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個網址可以傳給你們,你自己截圖。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "到剛剛那一頁已經好看。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你還可以看到按讚的人。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "其實各有好吃的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "口感不同。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "這個真的是比較軟、黏。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "市田的也很好吃。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很好吃。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "臺灣的好吃,這個品牌是濕,也有乾的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那就不叫柿餅了。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "種類也有很多種。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "臺灣的柿餅,外面的糖粉比較多。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "那個是糖霜。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "好吃啊!而且那個越多越好吃,我超愛吃柿餅。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我也很愛吃。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "我一下子可以吃三顆。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "真的,回去就吃不到這個了。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "對啊!再寫下去就被罵了。你不會吃新竹的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "會,我回去就會吃新竹的。我們下個禮拜就去新竹。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "你們是具有影響力的人,你多碰了什麼東西,他就有名了起來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我下禮拜二,本來就會去新竹吃柿餅。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "因為你這一次來,剛好昨天是311,有看到他們媒體的報導,有讓你印象深刻嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們去參訪,他們都會一開始很謝謝臺灣,那時我們的公眾外交做得非常好,不管當時他們官方的態度怎麼樣,臺灣人真的是樂意幫忙,那個是已經有一點烙印在他們心裡,不管去哪裡……" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "昨天取手市的那個人感謝你,今天是311八年了,然後就說首先感謝臺灣為我們所做的那一些。" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "很感動喔?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,這種人對人真的是非常感動。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "日本人是知恩會報的民族……" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "不能講太多,再跨一線就不行了(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "不過很感動,八年了,他們真的很謝謝我們。" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "來日本的時候剛好是震災後,真的不管走到哪裡,都有人跟你90度鞠躬。" }, { "speaker": "黃揚竣", "speech": "不只東北,那時去京都玩,一個阿伯聊天說「臺灣人謝謝」,問哪裡人,他說是京都人,不只是東北的人感謝你,而是整個日本人都感謝你。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "老實說起來,也要謝謝NHK,原本我們捐,他們都不知道,因為那時都很忙亂,媒體也沒報導,結果後來我們游泳有六個泳士要謝謝臺灣,游了100多公里到蘇澳,那一場活動到東京的時候,有幾個活動的泳士,他跟一個松本先生說,結果松本先生也覺得做不起來,他們會覺得我們會被鯊魚吃掉,太可怕了,沒有人做過這一種事,然後覺得太危險,又夏天。那一天出發其實是兩個颱風來,在那邊盤旋。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "不過你們想做,我們先幫你再東京報導這一件事,日本媒體沒有人要來,我們還在東京灣那邊,只有臺灣幾個自家媒體,大概也沒有人報導,結果我們寫下去之後,他們要出發的前一、兩天,就在代表處開記者會,就開始有一點日本的媒體來了,但是那時NHK還沒有來,比如富士電視台有來、還有朝日電視台。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "要出發了,我們去到與那國,其實他們當地也沒什麼關鍵、主流媒體,只有我們臺灣幾家,只有琉球新報之類的,我想說這樣不對,我們就想說趕快猛攻,趕快打電話給台北的NHK、朝日我的朋友,就是日本媒體在台北,他們說蘇澳接啊!說這個很大,他們真的後來衝去那邊,那才有報導起來。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "結果NHK後來發現,晚間新聞7點才弄一點出來,聽說那個收視率很高,晚上9點那一波,他弄了15分鐘,那15分鐘就有效了,全國各地都看得到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是鈴木一也那六個人。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "還有一個日本鄉民很生氣說NHK都不實報導。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "結果人就是很現實,結果報了收視率很好,晚上報個15分鐘,那更好,那就全國都看得到。所以隔一、兩天,他說:「你臺灣人,我後退一下。」我問他要幹麻,他說後退跟我敬禮,他說:「我沒有想到我竟然會遇到臺灣人,我要跟你謝謝。」有報導的時候跟沒有報導有差。" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "我大學三年都做臺日交流的東西,那時候還沒有311之前,都是極右派的學生會想要跟我們有聯繫,或者是想要跟我們有交流,但是311之後,就不一樣了。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "所以NHK如果要發揮到那一種,這一條新聞要播放是全國性的,他們有的是地方性的,那真的就不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "後來日本人才知道,原來我們捐那麼多,因為剛開始,他們都沒人要報導,也忙亂。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實不會特別報這個。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "老實說,日本政府還拒絕,我們是第一支救難隊到,他們還拒絕我們進入。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "那時還是野田,那時不看我們捐多少錢的時候……" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "不是啦!那時是菅直人(首相)。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "安倍那時候就講說……" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "對啦!安倍他們有抗議,後來還不錯。是哪一個大臣……就在國會質詢罵了,那時因為是民主黨政權,他說:「臺灣捐那麼多,為什麼哀悼會沒有讓臺灣參加」,像他們國家昨天的哀悼會。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "也沒有唱名臺灣。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "第一屆就完全沒有邀我們,只有副代表,那時副代表是坐在企業人士的那個座位,不是外交使節,後來……" }, { "speaker": "林翠儀", "speech": "野田的時候就有。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "被產經新聞報導出來,有受到重視,他們就覺得很對不起我們,結果是誰來感恩的,你知道嗎?誰代表日本國家感恩?天皇夫婦,那時是馮寄台大使,自從他們有邀中國大使進了遊園會,有他們就沒有我們,結果那一次是特別把我們的大使邀去,而且還不只是特別邀去,幾千人當中會不會跟你講話、你排的位置,就是有排、要講話。" }, { "speaker": "蔡偉淦", "speech": "那時是誰?" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "就是馮寄台。像我的日本好朋友,他說:「還好,我們的天皇代替我們謝謝你。」一個民主黨政府不願意謝我們、不感恩,他們覺得很難過,他們就說天皇感謝了。就是有一個象徵的意義,他們說:「就是要謝謝你們,可是我們的政府沒邀你們。」我覺得媒體也是有一些力量,因為天皇當然是看到產經新聞才知道,我們怎麼對人家那麼失禮,還不錯,那一次真的到現在,人家還在感激。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是啊!是真的。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "你向來看到電視在報導,有沒有什麼感想?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有,就是剛剛講的這一些,也就是人對人互相支援,Taiwan Can Help是很重要的,其實Code for Japan,也是在311之後更多投入地方的事務,他們就發現救災的過程中,資通訊技術真的是非常地重要。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "平常可能不知道這一些人在做什麼,也會因為真的在救難的時候有貢獻,就很容易招攬新的人來參加,所以我覺得災難不是誰故意的,但是有一個很重要的概念,我們說缺口就是光的入口,最情急的時候,誰願意去幫忙,不一定是所謂的社運份子或者是什麼之類的,當時政府沒有在做這一件事,但是他們很願意來幫忙,這一件事他們就會變成是很重要的,其實之前g0v news有做過一篇,也就是「一場核災讓黑客敲進日本政府封閉大門」。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "這個是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這是g0v社群專門報導國際上公民科技的這一件事,他們講的是在離開的這一些人,有些是學童、有一些是老人,必須分隔兩地,為了未來讓這一些朋友回到家鄉、保持學習,這個時候就有一位叫「関治之」的朋友,提了這樣的一個想法:政府不知道怎麼做,但是公民科技社群去讓這一些老人,人手一台平板電腦,有些先回去了、有些還沒有回去,有些保持聯繫,然後一起來討論公共事務。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果不是這樣的話,他們地方好好的,其實也不一定會讓這一些公民社群進來,剛好是一個契機。他們發現公民科技的人很專業,也有公益的熱情,這樣雙方的互信就開始了。" }, { "speaker": "Lisa", "speech": "Code for Japan當中開始做這一件事,他本來是Yahoo的工程師,他311那一天發起了大家一起來把哪裡有物資都丟出來,看鐵路不通就弄在一個網站上來整理這一些資訊,這個網站是大家都可以一起編輯的,那個等於是起點,其實就是311。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而且錢是民間出。像NEC、Yahoo這一些,他們是以社會企業責任的經費,等於去幫地方政府的忙。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "太好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好像差不多了。" }, { "speaker": "楊明珠", "speech": "謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們才剛從日本回來。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "我才看臉書,我有追蹤臉書。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可惜那一些水果都沒有辦法帶回來,其實那個柿子也是很好的地方創生的例子,臺灣其實做社造,當然做很久,但是像每一次出現天災,像八八風災之後,小林村也是靠梅子,就是有一個信號讓大家重新認識這個地方,這個是地方創生很核心的概念,是這個地方的特色,認識它並不是概念上認識,而是真的可以去買、真的可以去互動,我覺得這樣子不是我們喊出這個口號才有的,我們喊出這個口號是公部門終於接上這個概念了,終於我們願意讓地方設定地方的願景,並不是很像top down,並不是由國家指定大家的願景,而是公部門治理原則的翻轉,並不是民間要跟上,相反的,而是民間要跟上公部門。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "希望民間主動發起。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "政委,不好意思,我等一下會主動拍照。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是一面訪一面拍嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "都可以,我們在訪問的過程中會拍。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "會比較自然。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "結束以後能拍照,那當然是更好的。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "你一開口就講出很多很不一樣的觀點,您長期關注一些政策,像青年諮詢、社會企業、開放政府,跟地方創生有很大的連結。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常大的連結。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "所以很想過來聽聽您的觀點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們訪過國發會副主委或者是主委?" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是副主委或者是主委?" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "副主委,就是前後任的副主委。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是曾旭正老師跟新的國土處郭老師。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "對,剛好昨天刊出。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "大概強調的是,我們從以前開始做一些社群營造,以那個為基底,其實是政策推行,以前就有地方創生的實例,但是我們有政策推行,但是並不是現在才開始。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是曾老師的論述?" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "他們兩個講的大概都是這方面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,但是其實五支箭的部分,你們有研究過日本的部分,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "有前面的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們這一次去日本也跟他們聊了很多,所以可以隨便問,不一定按照訪綱,看你們。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "我們先聽一下,政委您覺得地方創生是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實地方創生,我覺得「生」當然同時是產業政策的生產跟人口政策,也是生產……生育,對不起。我覺得日本在這一方面,他們碰到這個社會問題領先我們很多年,因為他們人口空洞化的這一件事是相當地嚴重,而且我們還是往六都集中,但是他們只往東京集中,所以這個空洞化的趨勢更清楚。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以,地方創生當然我們碰到的實際問題跟日本幾年前狀態的結構是很像的,但是臺灣我覺得解決的方法跟日本不太一樣,這裡面有一個很大的差別,因為臺灣地理是比較小,台北到高雄一個半小時坐高鐵,所以我們用網路取代馬路,就是A、B、C、D、E的部分,那個比日本容易,日本要推遠距工作也好、要推線上身分認證也好,這個都是我上個禮拜我去日本,他們主持、我參加工作坊的一個題目,所以他們很難做到每一個偏鄉、每一個地方都像是我們能夠做到寬頻是人權、任何人都可以上網,任何地方雙向直播的頻率都很容易取得,而且每個月只要499元,也不限流量,這一種事情在日本是難以想像的,所以科技的基本架構比日本要來的容易布建,因為這樣的關係,所以做地方創生的時候,我們特別注重的是以科技回應地方需求的導入,我覺得這個是我們跟日本有差別的地方。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "所以像科技的部分,我們在五隻箭裡有提到科技跟部會開放資訊,這個部分政委你有參與到嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。裡面最基本的幾個項目,像民生公共物聯網,去確保空氣品質、水品質、災害防救,就是防治跟事後的防災、救災,還有很關心地震,像昨天半夜有一個震波,大家的手機應該都有收到,所有這一些其實我們在臺灣,不只是政府建置資料,民間有非常大的動能,不管是自己架空氣盒子去看,自己看水品質感測器,去檢測河川的品質,或者是像透明足跡去監控工廠污染排放量等等,我們不會等政府去取得這一些資料。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以當我們說開放資料的時候,並不是只說開放政府的資料,而是民間也有自己蒐集的資料,反而這一些資料如何進到政府的決策流程裡面,這個也跟日本很不一樣,日本是等政府去蒐集資料,也很相信政府的資料,大家沒有那麼相信政府的資料,但是好處是我們有很多人願意自己產生資料。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "所以政委您剛剛提到民間的資料,有比較實際的地方跟例子?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "空氣盒子我不知道你們有沒有聽過?大概是2,000多台幣,有非常多的學校當作環境教育的教材,所以這一些空氣盒子不是只是自己去測量空氣的品質,也都全部上傳到「臨時空污觀測網」的地方,這個地方看起來是gov,並不是gov,而是g0v的部分,也是提供公共服務,很像是政府一樣的運動,我其實也是參與者,大家可以很容易去看到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個很好笑,在空氣盒子地圖第1頁,之前有立法委員質詢,如果不太瞭解這個有很多不太精確的測站一起組成長期的趨勢,很容易因為一、兩個測站的數字比較高,所以產生了恐慌,因此要進入這個網站看的時候,要先按「我瞭解,我不恐慌」,才可以進入這個網站。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在既然說不恐慌了,就可以很容易知道目前空氣,因為各個學校拿來當作環境教育的教材,因此可以非常容易知道在香田國小、二林國小這些地方,你看具體每一個測站的品質怎麼樣,所以大家會養成一個習慣,每個人可以是資料的產製者,不會只是很像等公部門公布資料,如果覺得環保署的測站離你家太遠了,你就自己架一個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果你覺得附近的工業區,沒有辦法進去加,可以跟環保署說,他會在路燈掛一個,甚至有人說海峽的,像澎湖北邊,他們想要知道境外、境內的污染源到底怎麼樣、風向怎麼樣,像現在也在討論把離岸風機要求他們掛空氣盒子,所以這個等於是民間提出資料需求,跟政府一起完成,而不是大家被動地等政府,所以空氣盒子是一個例子,其他水資源什麼都有很多別的例子。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "政委談的層面真的很廣,防災也可以談一下嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也有,我們也有協助整合。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "最近看到政委您最近有主持一些計畫,這些計畫會跟地方創生有一些連結?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "防災那時整合就是,把維生管線、電力、停話、停水及道路資訊的所有東西都整合在同一個圖例,馬上知道臺灣目前哪一些地方停水,哪一些地方沒有養護工程正在進行,反正全部都整合在一站式的所謂「災害情報站」,以前都要看七、八個網頁,現在是全部疊在一張圖上。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "這個也是政府做的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,這個是民生公共物聯網「災」的部分,民生公共物聯網其實是非常大的計畫,是把各個部會分別蒐集的資料,用一個開放且跟國際接軌的方式,把它分享給所有人,裡面包含了空氣、品質、水資源,像災害防救、地震,這四個部分。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "政委,TESAS的部分,可不可以請你們比較詳細地跟我們描述一下?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "TESAS就是RESAS的臺灣版,看RESAS就知道TESAS要做什麼了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "日本就是靠RESAS來做地方創生,那個是三支箭情報的那個部分,所以TESAS最基本的想法是跟RESAS是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "國發會有一個規劃,他們不是只是二維的圖,我剛剛給你們看的地圖,不管是民生公共物聯網的圖或者是民間的圖都是二維的。現在國發會有一個想法是要做三維的圖資。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "三維的資訊能夠做的方式很多。舉例來說,像一個點的空氣污染,你可以用無人機測在100至400米的空氣品質分別如何。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "或者當你在做建築物的時候,其實也有所謂的BIM即建築物的資訊建模,可以知道建築物裡面,而不是外面可以看得出來怎麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "無人機跟無人車要導入的時候,也可以用所謂的LIDAR技術,知道在不同的等高線上,哪一些地方可以飛、哪一些地方不能飛等等,所以TESAS目前是整個國土空間,但在國發會未來的「智慧政府」規劃裡,會去說「我們進入決策系統之後,並不只是二維的一堆平面圖,而是還有三維的建模圖」。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "政委參與青年諮詢的部分,很多人問到地方創生,就是青年回流的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們逐字稿都有(笑),全部都在網路上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想現在臺灣的年輕人,不管是創業或者是投入地方家鄉的時候,我覺得這個公共利益是非常自然的,如果好像他的工作沒有為他的社區創造,那他根本就沒有動機想要做,像以前完全只是為了賺錢是比較少的,現在大家至少不能為富不仁,賺錢的時候不能造成環境或者是社會的破壞,而大部分的年輕人都覺得除了消極不要造成破壞之外,要積極造成社會變好,也可以投入時間去做。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "這個很正向?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,真的。最大的原因是有網際網路,特別是社群媒體,以前如果關心一個公共政策,好比像塑膠吸管外袋減量,如果只有一個人關心,他的鄰居100個人,沒有1個人關心,這個就是我自己的事,所以平常上班就自己賺錢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像網路,沒有投票權,比如一年多前有一個15歲的高中生,在網路上發起連署要禁掉這一些免洗的吸管,馬上有5,000多人的想像力,而且那只是公民科的隨堂作業,馬上有人建議網路上連署行政院平台,就上來到5,000人,變成討論塑膠減量,知道今天要上路的政策,也就是外袋的吸管不能再用塑膠吸管,必須用可分解的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一件事讓大家覺得在意的是小事,在網路上隨便的人都有5,000人跟我有相同的理念,這時就會覺得投入的時間不是自己發生,而是真的解決到了5,000人以上的問題,所以我覺得這是網路讓大家的集體行動變得容易。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然也可以做負向的,就是同仇敵愾或者一些鄉民的正義,那當然比較有黑暗面,但在光明面是很重要的。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "這個是集體共識。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,集體行動。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "像前陣子地方創生,有人討論地方消滅,有人一直在轉發那一篇文章。您覺得像這樣,對那個地方,你認為那個地方真的會消滅嗎?或者是有什麼看法?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得傳承是大家都很在意的一件事,如果我們在國民小學或者是中學的階段,像15歲以前,就已經讓學生有一種他的學習是一面可以解決地方的社會或環境或經濟問題;這樣子的話,其實不用特別喊傳承,自然就會跟當地的長一倍的朋友有很自然的聯繫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是在以前,尤其是99課綱以前,學生有一點關在學校裡面,好像學校才是主要的學習場域,最多偶爾稍微就學一樣,但那是蜻蜓點水,所以不會有小孩的學習必須是跟地方扣合的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個時候我們在全世界也觀察到,如果是關在學校的話,到高中、大學的時候,學的東西很可能跟所在的地方是沒有關係,可能就往台北或者是高雄集中,很可能就出國了,確實有可能地方文化而因此消滅,因為小孩不再認同那個地方的文化。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此今年上路的新課綱跟U-start也好,都加入了非常多當地社會的部分,並不是畢業了再關心社會,而是拿到學分或者是學位的前提就是幫地方解決問題,這個時候就不會有地方消滅的問題,因為這個地方的精神就是讓你繼續下去。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "已經在課堂上?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒錯。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "看到你之前有參與一個活動,也就是把社會企業結合跟地方創生的專題討論,之前有提到社會企業的新概念是創意、創新,把創生也包含在內,這部分你是如何看?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "創意、創新、創業、創生。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "對,還有創業。您怎麼看?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為創生是創造整個生態系,並不是一家企業,所以現在說生態系比較多,比如社會創新的生態系,因為以前在講社企的時候,會注重一家公司、合作社或者是NPO,但是其實他的上下游,也就是他的供應者或者是他的下一手,也就是他的消費者或者是客戶,如果不是理解到正在對地方做出什麼樣的貢獻,其實就是自己員工知道而已,這樣的社會影響力是很有限的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是現在一家公司出來或者是一個合作社出來,整個供應鏈裡面,都必須要有怎麼樣的社會價值,不管他的社會價值是體現在循環經濟上,好比像臺灣連玻璃都可以回收,像春池玻璃,做出很漂亮的藝術品,甚至是拍賣、藝術、設計、策展,這一些產業都回過頭來瞭解循環經濟的重要性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "又或者像現在有很多時尚的設計師,也是投入了所謂的循環材料,所以舊衣回收本來臺灣就做得不錯,但是現在變成一種時尚的感覺,等於讓大家勇於去讓大家知道我穿的是循環出來的衣服等等,所以如果可以透過這一些供應鏈來定義一個新的產業,那你創造就是整個生態系,因為消費者會指定購買有社會影響力、環境影響力的產品,這個時候就可以拉動一整條,而不只是自己公司的製程裡面造成不要污染等等,那個很好,但是其社會的影響力沒有那麼大。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "我前陣子看到你跟「众社會企業」,崇偉條理也是非常清楚。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "在這個空檔我問一下,您在最前面的時候有提到,其實地方創生要解決的是一個重點,也就是人口的問題,日本之所以會做地方創生,是因為人口越來越少,而影響國力。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "這個狀況放在臺灣,我們的人口也是越來越減低,所以有一些學者或是政策研究者,他們覺得要解決的是提升生育率的問題,對於這個你們的看法是什麼?人口的問題,是不是真的是地方創生要解決最根本的問題?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得「不患寡,而患不均」。你看出生率的下滑是這樣子,但是你如果是看人口往大都市集中,你看這一些國發會挑出來那一些100多個的重點區域,人口下降是這樣,我們要鼓勵生育,那當然是沒有錯,但光是讓人能夠回流,以及人不要快速流出,這才是很重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個叫做「島內移民」,意思是本來是待在大都市的,但可能你的故鄉或是念書的地方,可能不是一個大都市,我們是隨著年紀越大,越往大都市集中,越往台北、高雄、台中集中,這個時候當然在都市裡面平均生育率比較低,因為地方比較小。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是另外一個是,本來學的東西是在不想的,為何不想運用是地方創生要解決的,所以長期來看,我們知道當你回到比較大的地方,大家比較有願意生育,但是那個是很後面的事情,重點是讓人願意回來,然後回來之後有充足的就業機會。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "您的意思是,只要人願意留在原本的故鄉,而不是往大都市的發展,自然而然就會想要生小孩?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。是比較想要生小孩,不是非生小孩不可,我們不是那一種國家(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "當然那個地方本身就會讓那個年輕人願意生育,比如有穩定的工作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還有很好的社會支持系統,不是只有他養,而是整個社區一起養,在都市裡面就比較困難了,基本上不太可能左鄰右舍一起養孩子,大都市裡面沒有這樣的文化。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "但是撇開都市不講,我們回到鄉鎮,他們其實是比較有那一種社區共生的概念。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。像我之前住的花園新城,我大概10歲就住在那邊,他們不只是幼兒園是社區自辦,甚至還發行過社區貨幣,甚至也辦過非常多社區營造的那一些蘭溪社區發展協會的一些共治東西,主要是因為那一個開發商後來就跑掉了,所以所有社區的管理委員,甚至連道路都是最近幾年才還給新北市,所以社區的大小各種事情都是社區自治,這個社區自治就會產生很強的凝聚力,變成你不管發生什麼事,或者是生了小孩或怎麼樣,都是社區的事,社區一起來解決,這是你在大都市很難看到的一個情況。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "我們現在在做的社區力傳播,其實我們想要推廣的是社區共好、共享、共制的互助,很希望這樣子的理念可以讓更多人知道,不過聽政委這樣講,我才有更深的連結,像您剛剛提到,如果可以讓社區有更深的互助,其實不僅會解決經濟問題,生育率也會提升,因為大家有更多的安全感、更有那一種很穩定的心情,這一些原本我們想的經濟問題、人口問題也許都會因而被解決。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "完全這樣子,沒錯。後來有想到嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "是滿長的路。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。其實地方創生是公部門做法的調整,所以並不是一個短期的亮點計畫,完全沒有這一種事,就是調整了這樣子的做法之後,反正每一年年底大家來檢討,但是每一個案子都是隨到隨辦,所以如果大家接受了這個新的做法,那一定是十幾、二十年以後,我們才可以看到整個,就像社造,社造過了十幾、二十年,大家才可以比較公平地說當時的社造培養出什麼東西,要怎麼樣補充它等等,所以地方創生想一個新階段的社造,我們也是要連續推個十幾、二十年才會看到。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "現在在推行提案的重點,好像都放在產業上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "像地方產業跟科技上,接下來會有什麼樣的做法?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實科技的導入,我覺得是非常重要的,因為當你萬事起頭難,這個地方的青年人口比較少的情況下,你又要做一個新產業或新產業的生態系,勢必要用省力的科技,像無人機在農業上的運用,甚至在遞送貨品上的運用,或是這個地方的社會安全網,能不能更多透過像遠距診療的方式,或者甚至是長期照顧用的機器人等等,當你越導入這一些東西,就越讓人覺得確實只要找四、五個人一起回去,就可以建造出一個生態系,並不是像以前完全勞力密集的情況下,要有一大堆人才可以把生態系拼起來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以從0到1第一步的時候,科技是可以起一個加速的作用,有一個最小可行方案,也就是有四、五個人願意一起進來,就可以做出一定的成績讓旁邊的人看到,並不是很像以前一定得一大堆人。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "瞭解。像剛剛講的無人機,我看到一個新聞,他有提到有兩個年輕人用無人機把貨品寄送到外縣市,我那時在跟同事討論,這樣會不會有成本上的問題?像貨運很方便,用無人機,成本不會更高嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過這個都是要看運送什麼樣的東西,因為我們有些地方真的非常偏鄉,像產業道路或者是什麼,並沒有一個簡單的方法,所以當你一次要用一大批的時候,當然是一台貨車是最經濟的,但是如果是有一些隨選的,也就是現在想要,就馬上可以拿到,這樣開一輛車其實是不符成本,所以你要看那個即時性,還有這個貨品是隨選的,有需要就拿到,或者是一大批的知識消耗品,像衛生紙這一種東西,這個是不一樣的,無人機不可能取代全部的貨運,但是在某一些事上是比較快的。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "請問政委:像您會把逐字稿放在網路上,我後來發現有一個平台,就會把很多會議的逐字稿都放在上面,這個用意除了公開資訊以外,還有其他的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我入閣的時候就是說數位政委,不只是有一位,可以有數十位、百位、千位政委,所以我的目的是大家都可以當政委,所以我們常常會看到有人看了我的逐字稿,就送了PTT的站內信或者是email過來說:「看幾年幾月幾日的逐字稿,那個判斷是有問題的。」如果換成我來做會怎麼樣,往往有很多真知灼見,我如果只是公布我的裁示,沒有前面這一些討論過程,其實大家沒有辦法集思廣益,因為只看到決定而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們把在擬稿、討論的過程都公開,而且我也不下什麼裁示,我只是聽起來大家的共識到這裡,有非常多的機會,讓民間看到朋友可以去做,這個對公務員也有一些好處,當公務員提出一些創新的時候,以前都是政委、部長、院長會有人稱讚,但是實際的公務員沒有人知道這個好點子是誰提出來的,但是因為有逐字稿,所以也與有榮焉,等於親朋好友可以看到當年是誰提出這個主意。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後執行不利或者是執行有問題的話,我會吸收全部的風險,不會我會回去怪事務官,因為他們當初提出的點子都很好,他們可以就事論事說執行為何不如預期,跟我們當時的想像有什麼差別,大家會有一個很有風度的感覺,也就是當年想的情況跟現在想的情況有差別,並不會什麼都怪給事務官。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以對事務官來講他們有credit,第二個是他們的風險是平均風險,也就是所有的credit都被集中,反而這一些責任有一些反轉,因此我想事務官也很願意,而且我不是直播,是大家都可以編輯十個工作天再公開。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "接下來還有地方創生一些活動嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有,現在有兩個系統,也就是由各個部會提出,像下一個是去南投,他們在那邊的一些投入在地工作的朋友們,看有哪一些需要協調的,好比像之前內政部就安排了一個關於勞動合作社,他們在接很多政府標案的時候,都會被要求去檢附僱傭切結書之類的,表示有符合勞基法之類的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是其實勞動合作社的特色,他的股東就是勞工,沒有任何勞基法之適用,像一人公司,我自己就是老闆、就是雇員,所以很難調適這個東西,所以有些接得到的,這樣看一看,反而沒有辦法達成形式上的要求,雖然實際上勞動合作社也有自己的內規等等。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當他們這樣提出之後,我每一次巡迴十二個相關部會,就會在台北空總、我的辦公室,透過視訊的方法去實際看到這一些朋友,所以並不是一些抽象一、兩行的文字,而是非常具像,聽他們講到實際上的困難等等,因此在這樣的情況之下,大家比較不會難以對焦,而是直接即席、當場就會收斂出很好的解決方法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我在巡迴全臺灣的時候,他們是在走社會創新實驗中心,這個是我的辦公室,像我在這邊,部會就會來這邊接球,我們說「見面三分情」,隔著視訊有兩分情,他們提出問題,這邊就不會說要會經濟部、勞動部,因為他們就坐在彼此的隔壁,因此大家就像腦力激蕩一樣,就會提出解決方法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是部會自提的,除此之外,還有青年諮詢委員會,青年委員也可以召喚部會,也就是青年諮詢委員自己提,他們要自己弄場地、發通知,但是我會被召喚到,我被召喚到之後,同樣的各個相關部會也是在同一個地方透過視訊,所以這兩個都是地方的,但是發動者分別是部會跟青年諮詢委員。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "像前陣子提到,地方創生會讓公務員有一個平台建置,也會有一個比對的,現在不知道……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "比對的?" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "公務人員可以有一個平台。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "回鄉的?" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個牽涉到兩個,一個是輔導團,也就是自己去認領,因為地方創生是地方提出創生計畫,這個跟國發會對話的一個開始,而國發會收到這個計畫之後,地方創生會討論,但是任何公務員,即使是中央的公務員就可以說這個是我家,很想去幫他們的忙,他們說不定有很多方法,一個是借調,也就是真的去做這個案子,又或者是在那邊,但是還是做本來的工作,這個是「遠距工作」,人事行政總處是在進行遠距工作一些相關法規的配套。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實本來法規都有,因為我入閣就是拿這個,但是從各個地方政府來說,不一定那麼有能夠容納遠距上班公務員的制度,但是今年的話,第一個是鼓勵大家回鄉,第二個是遠距上班的制度就開始推行。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "會不會覺得這一個部分,目前好像沒有看到什麼樣的誘因?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你能夠回家陪家人,這個就是誘因。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "很大的誘因。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個差很多,而且往往不用租房子。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "這個是之前有人問到這個問題,就是想了一下有什麼誘因。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你問為何我一直沒有搬去矽谷,為何一直在臺灣遠距上矽谷公司的顧問工作,主要的原因是因為我想要陪著我家人,這個是非常自然的,這個比什麼誘因都大。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "對,好像是這樣。我的問題差不多這樣。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "不好意思,我覺得政委非常厲害,也不管我們的訪綱是什麼就丟出來。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "您剛剛有提到在網路上,讓更多的人可以實際投入,他們其實在過程中,在做一種互助、資源共享,雖然不是在某個實際的社群裡面,但是在網路上做的事,其實跟我們現在……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是網路社群。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "因為我們的理念就是要推廣社區的互助、共生,我突然間想要請問一下,接下來想要在這一個部分有更多的努力,不曉得您有什麼意見可以給我們?因為我們現在的做法就是很一般,我們就是社福單位、自媒體,我們透過網路、FB的平台,然後再透過一些文章等等方式,讓更多的人知道我們的理念、讓更多的人看到我們要介紹的案例。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "但是我不確定這樣子的做法,他的影響力還是有一些更好的做法,我們可以去嘗試。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,你的讀者要變成共同創作者,這個是最重要的,因為社群就跟社區一樣,網路社群跟在地社區一樣,都是像石頭湯一樣,你弄一些可以用5分鐘、10分鐘他可以貢獻的事,像辦一些什麼愛宴什麼的,可以拿一判食物來,可以決定是社群的一部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是好比像放電影,只能被動收看的話,可能一、兩次有意思,不會覺得要進來變成一部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "臺灣在當地地方社區上,像志工的文化是非常強的,你不管出現什麼事,大家都非常願意當志工來幫忙,我覺得這個是臺灣人很好的地方,當然我們捐助也是很願意,但是捐助的比例在旁邊鄰近國家也是差不多,但是願意出力,不只是出錢的比例是非常高的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們換到網路上也是一樣,很多人在網路上是很願意處理,只是因為不可能像一般的NGO需要要多少小時的培訓、你至少要有4或50個小時來這邊工作,或者是見習計畫兩個月,這個對一般滑手機、上下班的人根本不可能,所以你要找一些事情,是他1分鐘可以做、5分鐘可以做、1小時可以做,這個時候就會聚集出一些人力來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最好的例子之一就是爆料公社,爆料公社其實有上百個小編,每一個都是志工,但是後面是一家公司,是「爆料公社股份有限公司」,等於領錢薪水的職員,就有一點像維基百科的正職,只是用技術做出一個讓這一些志工很容易彼此加強,而不是彼此抵銷的平台,當他架好這個平台之後,大部分的事情都是靠志工做,其實社企流也是這個做法,我覺得你可以都研究一些如何引入網路上對你們感興趣的人,一下子就有東西,做了就很有成就感,就願意分享,這個是非常重要的,這個叫做「actionable」,他馬上就可以做一點事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個是「connected」,他做了事之後,找了更多的人來做,會與有榮焉,並不是只有他自己做而已,像我們最近在Twitter上,我響應「推特吃」的動作,我自己吃一個東西,拍照、打卡,並不是分享已經認識的朋友,也會讓我不認識的朋友看到,而且也鼓勵他們加入這個活動。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後是「extensible」,發起這個活動,也不是有商標、也不是有著作權,像「推特吃」是每個禮拜以吃不一樣的東西,像上個禮拜是「柔軟的幸福」主題,大家吃一些在嘴裡會劃開的東西,像柿子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在這個狀態下就等於挪用,然後變成臺灣駐各個國家大使館跟辦事處,我們就一個接一個,很像冰桶挑戰一樣去挑戰來點名,所以是從史瓦帝尼、非洲的、西班牙吃海鮮飯、多倫多吃當地的餅Beaver Tails之類的,我們就認識各國美食,所以這時「柔軟的幸福」就已經被我們外交部挪用走了,本來的推特吃還在每個禮拜吃不同的東西,我們就把上個禮拜吃的東西,變成一個新的、介紹所有臺灣駐跟大使館的美食之旅,他們又會再tag各國駐在臺灣的代表,因此就讓大家一次認識我們的外交網絡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以當你發起一個網絡的時候會挪用,所以不要說侵權之類的,就讓他擴散。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳楓", "speech": "這也是一個生態系的概念,我覺得生態系回去可以好好研究一下。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "所以不論是在我們的社區或者是你做的社群,其實都是在推廣共享的文化。這樣的文化,我覺得在臺灣大都會可能比較沒有,但是事實上很多地方是穩固的。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "重點是現在要如何讓更多的人,像現在在都會區真的比較不容易,我們也發現我們的社區工作,在都會區是比較困難的,這部分也是我們努力的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然一部分是讓部分時間可以去體會,另外一個是就算不能實際體會,也在線上去體會。其實像開心農場,當年有流行過的,這是很好的例子,因為等於是讓你在線上體會務農到底是怎麼一會事,雖然很簡化,但是總比沒有好,或者是像之前的寶可夢,現在也有人在玩寶可夢,也是鼓勵大家走出戶外去看旁邊的,像台電變電箱也是公共彩繪,也是會碰到左鄰右舍的人,除了倒垃圾之外的話,多一個接口可以彼此認識。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是多接觸這一些接觸點,到某個程度,很像移動力沒有想像那麼差,也許公司也開始支持遠距工作,所以我就可以回到我的故鄉去工作,不會很像一定要辭職、賣房子或者是做什麼的事,這是一個生活,現在叫「斜槓」,就是可以「斜槓」一下的這一些東西。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "謝謝政委,我覺得這給我們一個很好的方向,因為可以突破我們覺得被侷限的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "做一些好玩的事情。" }, { "speaker": "胡善慧", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝兩位。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "有這個機會先跟委員介紹一下我們自己。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "這一次會有「蹲點‧台灣」的線上公民沙龍,主要是由中華電信基金會、今週刊一起合辦的,我想先從基金會的部分跟您簡單自我介紹一下。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "其實基金會於2006年的時候,由中華電信成立,在這幾年間我們結合中華電信的數位專業,深入到臺灣各地的社區、部落去,我們希望從數位的這個部分可以協助社區、部落來縮短數位落差,在過程中變成長期的合作夥伴,我們會再從文化、教育、產業等等其他的面向再去陪伴社區成長。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "我們在各地都有成立叫做「數位好厝邊」的單位,現在全臺灣已經有八十五個,主要是像投影片上看到的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有看到了。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "從縮短數位落差開始,協助到社區生活的面向,也會協助推動他們的在地產業,也幫忙把這一些在地的故事、記錄及保存下來,然後還有散播出去。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "剛剛這一些做法裡面,包含了「蹲點‧台灣」的活動,其實我們深耕社區這麼久,我們發現很多偏鄉社區部落都很缺乏青年力,主要的青年勞動力、中壯年人口漸漸外移了,我們希望可以把更多青年的活力、創意可以引入到這一些社區。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "進入到「蹲點‧台灣」的部分,其實我們是跟政大廣電系,從2009年開始合作的,那個時候的教育部正在推動服務學習,希望可以讓學生們進入社區以後有落實他們專業的機會,他們自己學到的這一些專長、身上的才藝可以做更多的社區服務。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "以我們來說,可以把這一些資源帶到跟我們合作的社區據點。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "「蹲點‧台灣」的這一件事有賦予學生兩個任務,就是「一手服務」、「一手記錄」,都是兩個人一組,在暑假的時候到這一些跟我們合作的「數位好厝邊」的社區、部落在那邊蹲點15至20天,說蹲點真的是待比較長的時間,而且是用在地人的方式來生活、看事情。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "剛剛說的「一手記錄」,就是希望鼓勵他們,用他們的文字、影像來記錄;「一手服務」是發揮他們的專長,像這一張照片是去年應用外語系的學生,帶屏東善導書院的孩子,欣賞「Cats」這一齣音樂劇,希望開啟學生們更多的視野!讓他們化身為劇中的角色,進行一段扮演。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "像這個是去年牙醫系的同學,到了部落裡面帶孩子做口腔衛教的宣導,教他們如何正確的刷牙,因為這一些偏鄉的醫療資源非常缺乏,我們沒有辦法做到這一方面的改善,於是我們讓學生們在當地,先帶小朋友學會正確的刷牙,也許小朋友可以做好保護自己的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "其實到現在今年已經是第十一屆了,十年來有超過四十所大專院校,有八十多種不同科系的大學生跟我們一起去全臺灣總共七十三個社區部落的據點。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "這一次的與談學生裡面,有一位很特殊,是到越南去蹲點,這個也是從2018年開始我們做的嘗試,我們希望可以讓在臺灣的大學生也可以走出臺灣,尤其是鼓勵新二代的大學生回到媽媽的故鄉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以他本身是新二代?" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "2018年的做法是一位新二代的大學生帶他的媽媽,再找兩位大學同學,這兩位大學同學就是臺灣的大學生了,就這樣四個人為一組回到越南。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們這個並不是兩人一組?" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "不是,這個比較特殊。我們想說既然要出國去,可能人多一點,會比較能夠互相照應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我實際對話的會是2018年度的學生?" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "我們跳到後面。這次論壇的部分,我們的與談學生,第一位是去年參與的學生,他是到肯納自閉症基金會去蹲點,本身是中央大學資管系,我們覺得很特殊的是,他跟我們分享「蹲點‧台灣」其實打開一個開關,因為他在這之後就去修了相關的課程、參加相關的活動,他的照片獲得了學校舉辦的公益攝影獎,他也參加學校的尤努斯社會企業中心,到了尼泊爾那邊實習,也在當地拍了一部紀錄片,這個起因於參加「蹲點‧台灣」,到了肯納基金會蹲點,幫當地拍了一支紀錄片,就延續了這樣的參與方式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像這一些照片是可以公開嗎?可以運用嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "可以啊!" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這個事後,我跟你copy一份或者是你寄給我,我覺得這個滿重要,值得讓更多人知道。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "我們存在這個隨身碟,接下來就留給您。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "留給我就好了。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "第二位學生是2017年來參加的,她當年是到台南學甲那邊的頂洲社區,她現在也是中正大學財法系,即將要畢業,對她來講,「蹲點‧台灣」也是打開她的開關,她其實在當地,像在偏鄉的孩子們有一些家庭狀況有問題,她在社區的教會裡面接觸到六、七位的孩子,陪伴他們做生涯探索,牧師在那之前有提到這裡的孩子對於未來不太有憧憬跟夢想,她以前有參加過城市浪人,有參加到一些激勵的課程,因此把這一套激勵的活動分享給青少年,比如這個是用義大利麵搭起一座高高的塔,還有做課輔,也發現有一個孩子對烹飪有興趣,因此之後有再陪伴他,蹲點結束之後,他還是用他自己課餘、週末假日的時間,回去找那個孩子來陪伴學烹飪、陪伴每一科課業的學習,這個故事也收錄在《青春壯遊》那本書當中。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "我剛剛說打開開關,現在即將要去以立志工帶領志工團到柬埔寨去蓋房子,以前是學員,現在是領隊了。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "對他人文方面的學習是,他學會其實不要用同情,而是要用同理才可以走進當地人的心,因此選擇報考研究所時,要考醫學人文所,所以這是對他來說,「蹲點‧台灣」給他的成長與影響。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "第三位是去年到越南去蹲點,他們這一組又更為特別,是兩位大學同學,他們的搭檔是從小在越南長大的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以是被找去的感覺?" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "對,這一位越南長大的同學,不是像我們剛剛講的,他的成長背景比較不一樣。他的夥伴叫做冠汝,原本在越南長大,大學到政大唸書,覺得自己的家鄉、國家沒什麼不同,但來到臺灣唸大學發現,好奇怪,很多同學問「越南是不是很多田」,對於那邊有一種比較落後的刻板印象,也開始質疑自己的國家有這麼落後嗎?開始有一些比較負面的影響,所以四個人組成隊伍回去,他們一樣要拍紀錄片,就回到冠汝從小到大唸的越南臺商學校。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "結果發現臺商學校其實非常國際化,不只是小臺灣,很多臺商孩子去唸,而且有更多的,像韓國人或是其他很多國家的人都到那邊唸了,因此這甚至比臺灣一些學校更國際化。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "其實也是一些想法上的衝擊,因為原本對於越南的認識並不是這樣子,經過這一次,他發現其實越南是正在成長中的國家;另一方面,他自己以一種觀光客的心態到那裡,發現什麼都很好,然後也把這樣子的正向回饋給他的夥伴冠汝,冠汝也因為發現夥伴眼裡自己的國家什麼都很好,所以更愛自己的國家。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "他最近也加入了拍攝街賣者的團隊,大家應該有聽過像新巨輪。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "巨輪也有來過這邊。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "他們希望透過這一些影片,讓大眾改變對街賣者的看法。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "以上是三位這次與談同學,我們的主持人是資深的媒體人,我想您可能也知道他,他本身也參與過《青春壯遊》這一本書的新書分享會及他自己電台做訪問,他自己也感覺到這一些參與的學生,不管是在臺灣蹲點或者是去越南蹲點,對他們來講都有很大的生命上的影響,尤其是找到自己方向的這一件事,因為他們看到自己原來有其他不同的光環,也讓他們更有勇氣去走自己的路。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "因此這一次論壇的主題,像跟您、子維提到的,希望讓大學生看到未來的路有更多不同的可能性,成長的過程中,如果有像「蹲點‧台灣」這樣的活動,開啟他們對於未來不同的想像、對於這個世界不同的視角,也許可以讓他們更有勇氣走上一條更適合自己,也就是公益人生的路。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "其實今年的「蹲點‧台灣」也正在開放報名,我們都是在7、8月去蹲點,到時也非常歡迎唐鳳委員是不是可以跟我們一起訪問這一些孩子,在他們於社區、部落這15、20天,可以看看他們實際上如何進行蹲點這件事,那樣15天的小旅程改變了後續人生的認知。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以報名到什麼時候?" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "到5月1日。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以辦這個活動,像我在社創中心也有一些廣告牌的東西,我想有素材都可以幫忙推廣。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "謝謝委員。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "以上是我們這一次論壇主要的介紹,當天的流程不知道子維有沒有讓您先看過?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我看過。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "主持人開場之後,請與談人稍作分享「蹲點‧台灣」這個活動如何帶給他們成長跟影響,也會請委員這邊分享一下您的成長過程,如何讓您很勇敢堅持自己,想要走這一條路,然後現在投身網路公益。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "我想數位這一件事,在「蹲點‧台灣」這一個活動當中是很重要的,因為我們鼓勵學生用他們的數位專長,不管是做服務或者是紀錄,又或者是分享他們的經驗,我想在這個過程中,也可以放進來,我想大學生對於數位都很熟悉,只是如何讓數位可以發揮更正向的影響。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "回應之後就可以開放現場觀眾及網友一起回應跟Q&A,最後再請委員跟三位與談的學生作回應之後,然後就做結尾。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "網友怎麼提問題?" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "直播在FB上,會鼓勵網友在直播室旁邊進行留言,我們也會有網路組的夥伴來幫忙蒐集問題,遞給主持人、與談人,謝謝委員的時間。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "請問您有問題嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有兩個問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,我跟與談學生回應,想必是網友,也就是我們蒐集到問題,然後一次回嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這二十分鐘滿長的,有沒有可能……因為我自己是用一個sli.do的系統,不知道您有沒有看到?因為現場如果用舉手發問,這當然很好,但是現場一定會有人很害羞,第二個是會打一些折扣,因為問了那個人的問題,不一定是現場其他人的問題,會有多少人在現場?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "40多人。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "加上媒體朋友。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我不是說一定要,而是給你們參考。也就是在主持人開場的時候,我們已經把QR code的網址打在投螢幕上,現場的朋友也好、直播的朋友也好,比較有機會看到,想到什麼問題,就可以直接key進去,因為是匿名的,所以比較沒有害羞的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在大家分享到一個程度的時候,如果我看到sli.do上的問題,我也可以按讚,所以我們到回應時,我們就可以看到現場40個人,網路上可能2、30個人,可能已經有一半優先想要回答這個問題,就可以按照按讚的數量來回答,並不會你遞一個紙條來,中間就會有一個時間差,如果之前預先按讚,我們心理會有一個準備,我們準備個十分鐘,然後再來回應,這樣會稍微比較緊湊一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果可以的話,我想技術上,不管筱婷或者是子維都可以再跟你們確認這個部分的節奏,是現場可以讓觀眾更投入,並不是一個人在問,然後其他人如何舉手,其實也是統問統答,但是比統問統答的話,其實前面再問什麼,其他人也看不到,這個等於是把大家的問題投影在螢幕上,所以sli.do的用法也許我們可以討論一下如何使用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,這樣主持人的角色看起來並不是很重,有沒有什麼想像或者是詮釋?或者只是點人發言?" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "我相信主持人對於這一場的論壇,也有一些想要回應的話,因此我們原本想說在20分鐘的回應Q&A的時段裡面,其實主持人也可以先就自己的部分先講,又或者是題目來了,也許與談人們正在思考過程,就在這個時候可以先讓與談人思考,主持人就可以先回應自己的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊,都有這個默契的話,我們節奏上是等主持人做一個初步的詮釋,我們再來接著他的話回答,不會有主持人是司儀的感覺,我覺得如果很有經驗的話,我覺得就這樣。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "————" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "第一個想要請教的是,網路有很多過去你求學的資料,你覺得真正好的教育是什麼樣的概念,是建立學生的價值觀或者是引導學生的過程?又或者是就是要給你一個基本的知識教育?你覺得真的好的理想教育是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然現在都說終身學習者,其實教育不是一段時間,不是7歲開始12年或者是16年或者20年的教育就完成了,並不是什麼完成,我覺得教育的重點是讓小孩、成人不分年紀的任何人,在任何年紀的時候,只要對什麼東西有興趣,就可以自發去學習、去教他特定的事情,還不如教導他怎麼樣當自己的老師,這個是所謂自發的素養。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,在現在這樣的年代有一個更重要的,我覺得要能夠跨領域或者是跨文化,反正一開始的想法或者一些語言什麼都跟我們不一樣的朋友也能夠互相學習,因為以前分科、分流的情況很像你畫好一些跑道,大家各跑各的跑道,並不會交流這麼多,我們發現任何一個題目,大概都需要不同領域、世代一起來解決,這個是透過互動,而達到共好,並不是把對方當作工具,而是把大家的價值找到自己的價值,這個素養跟自發的素養是一樣重要的,這一些素養才是教育的根本。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個教育是奠基在老師有這樣的素養,讓學生感受到這樣子真的可以自發、透過互動而達到共好的事情,是老師的身教。與其老師有對的答案,不如說老師自己示範出一種好的學習方法,自然會養成這一種學習的習慣。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "就您以前求學的階段,因為臺灣教育也是不斷在修正與引進,您覺得有比較明顯深刻的變化或者是大家對於心態有改變嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我自己記得戒嚴,好像是最後一代,年輕的就不記得戒嚴了。這當然差很多,在戒嚴的時候,大家注重的是威權,老師也是要有威信——不是那個軟體——透過威權達到信任,大家有一個標準的方向、答案等等,當然就會對於記憶、背誦、特定教條的掌握,當然是非常地注重,也不只是臺灣,而是東亞非常多的地方是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "解嚴之後,像九年一貫的教改,像十二年的新課綱要上路,像有標準答案到現在的素養導向,而素養導向的意思是只要學生有自發、互動、共好的素養,沒有什麼標準答案,老師也只不過是另外一個學習者,學生只是進入一個知識社群、實踐的社群,跟這個社群一起創造知識,並不是已經知識在那裡等著背誦。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "從背誦、記頌到互相創造、共同創造,我想臺灣這一個速度是非常快的,一部分是因為體制外,因為實驗教育是非常蓬勃,二方面是因為我們的課發會,看到實驗教育實驗出來不是很成功,我們怎麼樣避開,如果很成功就直接拿過來變成國民教育的一部分。因為我自己也是十二年國教課發會的委員——當年——所以非常高興學生會、家長代表等等,從學來的這一套素養導向真的上路了,確實改變非常地大。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "雖然感覺臺灣的教育有不斷在進步當中,但是我們還是可以看到在國際上發光的案例,像委員自己的堂弟也是一個例子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,唐宗謙。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "讓大家覺得有一點難度,在國際上的這一些優秀的人,他們有很多可能在很重要教育的階段,其實不是在臺灣完成,可能都是在海外。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "國民教育在臺灣,高等教育在法國。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "又或者像服裝設計師的吳季剛,小時候就移民,後來成為服裝設計師,其實會有一種反思,他們是很單純,出生在臺灣,在臺灣接受我們完整的這一套教育系統時,會不會走到今天在國際上的地位?很多人其實覺得答案是否定的。您怎麼樣看大家這樣子的反思?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想所謂終身學習者的意思是:會自然到最適合的社群去學習,學習完之後,也不是一定待在那邊,像宗謙是要回臺灣的,或是在矽谷很多我的朋友,到一段階段之後,是整團人帶回臺灣發展,所以我覺得人才的對流是非常正常的,我們本來就是一個開放的經濟體,當然有一些事情,像臺灣5+2當中,有非常多是我們周邊的,都要來臺灣學的,這是為什麼有這麼多各國的學生在臺灣學這一些東西。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是我也很坦白講,如果學的是時尚,並不是紡織的話,當然會去別的地方,因為我堂弟一開始是學織品的時候,臺灣的織品是很強的,他到法國參加大賽,用的也是臺灣的緹花布,所以臺灣紡織研發能量,都是想說要來臺灣學。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果提升到時尚程度的時候,我們也想說他在法國是非常合理的,但是學完之後並不是變成法國人,而是開始把這樣的能量帶回臺灣,讓我們也可以理解到穿衣服跟時尚其實是不一樣的事情,我們也因為這樣的關係,開始長出臺灣自己在地的時尚文化。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的意思是,本來在各個體制間,這個流動非常地正常,我們不希望看到的是在國民教育時,很像關在訓練班裡面,跟在地的連結,可能根本不知道臺灣有緹花布,不希望完全抽掉根一樣,因為那樣再發光發熱以後,也不會回到臺灣來應用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是在國民教育的階段就已經融入社會,以剛剛所講的,解決當地社會、環境、經濟的一些問題,作為自己學習的動力,高等教育不管去哪裡,我們都可以想像把這個再引回臺灣。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "我看報導的時候,那時也有輔大跟實踐的選擇,他最後決定去法國時,有無跟你聊過他的想法?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他的想法是,在做服裝設計的時尚設計師,還有跟很厲害的打版、做材料等等公益的朋友們,很少是在同一個人身上,他會覺得如果在時尚上,要做出真正、根本的創新,必須要像當年三宅一生、山本耀司那樣子,必須要對材質有非常好的理解跟掌握,所以希望兩方面都可以兼具,所以就會挑了一條比較需要下苦功,但是到現在做作品的時候,跟他的工班或是跟他一起設計的設計師,兩邊的語言都瞭解,所以就比較真的可以做出一些創造,並不是把現有的素材來作拼湊而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的意思是,要做創造的是要做跨不同的社群,要做運用是要待在社群裡面,並沒有好或不好,而是人生的志向。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "覺得這個是正常且正向的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是非常好的事情,以前的問題是我們對於來臺灣唸書,但是唸書完之後,如果自己要創業或者自己在臺灣要透過遠距的方式來連結更多的社群,甚至要開公司,這一些外籍的朋友們有各種各樣的關卡,就會變成有臺灣人跟其他的人,像一起認識的人做題目,到最後一起創業,都是他去新加坡,不會是新加坡的人過來,不管是就業金卡或者是投資產創,在新加坡那邊都是有優勢的,因此我們的做法很簡單,就把整個翻過來,然後上面再加。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此我們就可以看到在最近兩、三年來,其實對我們的機率是增加的,也知道在國外做到一個程度之後,回來青銀共創,一起創一個對社會有影響力的工作,有些甚至選了NPO的型態,像杜弈瑾老師回來創AI實驗室,就是一個非營利組織,表示就是以最大化社會影響力、公共利益為其目標在創業,臺灣對這一方面的支持也是非常多的。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "您提到矽谷,像有這個機會去海外發展之後,會想要回來臺灣貢獻的人是多數嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "滿多的,我自己就是很好的例子,我從2008年開始,就一直跟國外矽谷公司或者是英國公司一起工作。但是我人都在臺灣,所以這個的意思是,一方面當然可以陪家人,二方面是我的交友圈不會受到特定地域的限制。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們寫程式很多是第一批可以這樣做,現在非常多,像文字工作、設計工作等等,現在都可以是數位游牧民族,住在哪裡跟哪一些社群工作都已經脫鉤了,我們這邊不管是透過社會影響力的發展,或者是很簡單的食物比較好吃,或者是寬頻上網比較容易,像499等等的因素讓大家願意來,這樣子其實照顧好大家的心理創造意義及生活上比較舒服的這一些需求,其實還是維持很好跟國外的聯繫,所以是願意多花一些時間跟臺灣相處。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "像現在也會再討論擔心人才一直流到海外等等的問題,所以還是可以期待他們吸取養分,有一天還是會回來?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們看到越來越多回來,只要不要擋他們的路。像很多有稅制、簽證,要回來不會想要自己回來,而是想要帶在那邊認識的一整組的人回來,只要對這一些人外籍的人處處堤防,反而讓這一些人回不來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像我剛剛有瞭解到,在這個方案裡面,也有去越南,這樣子也不是他一個人去,而是把在臺灣認識的人也帶去,這時如果越南說簽證百般刁難,這一種事當然不會發生,所以我們自己在法規上的這兩、三年鬆綁是非常關鍵。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "我們再拉回來教育體系,您在比較傳統、正統的教育體制中,後來有受到一些挫折,選擇自學才走出一條路成為現在的您。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "我要請教的點是,也許現在接受傳統教育體系的學生們,可能在某種程度上遇到一些挫折或是難過,就覺得他很像不適合這個體制,也許沒有這麼多的選擇時,也會給這一些受苦的學生們什麼樣的建議?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我國二沒有受什麼苦,我科展拿了滿多比賽的第一名之類的,然後也拿到保送資格,所以其實在學校是過得很開心。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "因為我看過之前的報導是……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "8歲的時候,8歲的時候我也沒有中輟。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "但是那時候……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個論述後面有一個預設,這個預設好像哪裡怪怪的。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "您在學校的狀態,不會覺得有辛苦的地方?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有,我在北政國中過得很好,因為北政國中實驗資源教學方案,所以大家不用拼聯考,也就是完全用在校成績決定高中唸哪裡,所以班上是滿融洽。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "後來決定自學的關鍵因素是?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為當時我們校長跟我說我拿到保送資格,他說這個一定要用,因為用了就可以上很好的大學,大學就可以考GRE,申請到喜歡的研究室,在國外跟著喜歡的教授一起做研究,因為當時我很著迷於網路社會學、人工智慧,所以校長說要先完成這一部分的學業,到高等教育的時候再跟喜歡的教授一起工作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當時我覺得最關鍵的是有全球資訊網的發明,我發現這一些喜歡的教授不用看書,所有的論文、甚至還在草稿的時候就在網路上公布,我直接寫email,他也不知道我才15歲,所以把我當另外一個研究者,因此在這一個過程中,我發現其實可以完全跳過中間那一堆,我只要言之有物,就願意跟我一起合作,甚至後來一些人,我們後來還一起發paper,因此貢獻進社群的時間希望更多一點,不會想說要再浪費時間,再準備去他的研究室,就直接跟他一起做研究就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為有網際網路,而且大家願意無私分享工作的成果,我才可以這樣一起工作,在此之前並沒有這樣的東西,因為還沒有發明全球資訊網,因此跟我的校長這樣講,校長聽完之後就覺得「如果我是你的話,我也不唸了」,所以願意幫我瞞著教育局,當時還沒有實驗教育三法,所以任何人如果不唸國民中學是要罰錢的,他等於幫我瞞著教育局,不用再去學校了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我大概整個國三、半個國二,大概一年半的時間,其實是巡迴全臺灣,也不是只待在家裡,也在附近大學旁聽等等,在這個過程裡面,累積到一些創作之後,就跟朋友一起創業,所以其實並不是我在國中適應不了,我跟國中同學都過得很好。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "我之前看到一篇報導,您在資優班的時候好像表現太突出。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,那是八歲,八歲離十五歲是有七年。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "您八歲的時候,也是在小學的階段?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,小學二年級,但是我就轉學,從木柵國小轉到指南國小,我在指南國小也過得很好。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "真的喔!換了一個環境之後就很好?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,後來我四年級去直潭,然後跳級讀六年級,五年級就去德國了,因為我爸在那邊唸博士,我八歲有受到霸凌沒有錯,但是這個跟我十五歲要進入自學,這七年是很長的七年,並沒有什麼邏輯關聯。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以拉回來你本來的問題,我覺得現在因為實驗教育跟國民教育並不是像當年公民不服從才可以進入實驗教育,也不需要家長給你,只要學一個學習計畫,去申請實驗教育就好了,在臺灣高達10%的學生是可以實驗教育的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而且現在也看到隨著新課綱的推展,你也可以去找校定必修、校定選修適合的學校去唸就好了,這個跟我當時轉學一樣,也不用部分時間再學、部分時間有一個計畫,這個光譜要動是非常容易的事,所以我認為在學校有一些挫折,或者是覺得你的學習方式比較好,甚至按照新課綱的精神,你跟學校的課發會談,就跟學校的老師談,談到一個程度是覺得這個自由度比較高,就學自主學習的實驗計畫。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "你在不開心的階段,學校還是有一些空間可以讓你喘息或者是比較可以呼吸的地方嗎?當你在不好的情境下,假設現在的學生有類似的情況,好比環境不是那麼友善的情況,如何找到自己的平衡?然後去面對?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就像剛剛所講的,一方面學校有輔導系統,像課發會等等,這個只要肯談,這個狀態跟當年不一樣,當年談的時候,可能老師會有一些防衛的感覺,像這個體罰是要訓練學生的韌性之類的,我們說不是,當時還會有一些觀點上的不同。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在我想臺灣並沒有哪一個小學老師還在主張體罰,所以我的意思是不能拿我當年1989年的經驗去看1929年的臺灣,是絕對不可以這樣來使用的,不要說新課綱,99課綱就已經廢除了。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "回到「蹲點‧台灣」的活動,像您對於他提到大學生參與志工活動的案例,您怎麼看?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "臺灣有非常好的志工文化,大家不只是捐錢而已,出錢當然跟各國都差不多,但是臺灣的重點是處理真的會在這中間有所學習,不管是很早年的服務學習,到近年所謂的大學社會責任,還有到現在的所謂高教深耕,我們會一直換名詞,但是意思都是一樣的,大家是以完成一段跟社區的共同創作當作學習的一部分,而不是等到畢業再想要如何服務,這個其實跟企業一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以前我們推CSR是賺了錢再來照顧這個社會,賺錢當中不要造成環境跟社會的破壞,現在是這個企業認同的一部分,就會說做這個企業就是為了要解決社會問題,這種新的社會創新想法,不管是奠基在消費者也好等等,都要挑認同,像挑買服務產品的認識、去哪裡上班,都要先看我做這一些事對社會有正面或者是負面的意義。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此我覺得不要說大學,甚至現在高中、國中等等,都有非常多的教材、教法,是已經用融入社區的方法去進行,只是以前為什麼特別強調大學?因為大學的選修制度,還有大學的老師比較有空間,但是我們從今年開始,我們把選修制度都移到高中開始進行,因此我們看到很多高中生,像社團課及第八節課移到選修跟必修裡面,靠著這一些來進行服務學習,來達到在高中的學分,所以我覺得這個是非常好的事情,第二個是值得更早開始,這個是把新課綱移到中學階段。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "以中學階段的學生來說,你會建議他們在參加志工活動時,是不是要往哪一個方向去挑?他們在那個活動當中獲取什麼是比較有幫助的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們說融入課程的意思是這就是一門課,學校其實現在可以直接說這個學校的特色課程,就是透過這一種服務學習的方式,然後透過幫地方去想,學生其實學習的過程是非常有創意,並沒有一個既定的成見說這一件事可以怎麼做,所以幫忙調查研究的這個地方,讓這個地方最面臨的狀況,想像一些有創意的解法,就算不可能百分之百解決,而是解決千分之五,但是也是覺得一磚一瓦有我,等到高等教育的時候,比較願意這個作為動機來學習。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我認為社會影響力是最重要的,不管是規劃這一些志工學者的老師們,或者是實際跟學生互動的,要瞭解到重點並不是要一下子可能一個月的時間、一個學期的時間就可以做到多少,而是很明確知道做到一點點,我們很感謝,再者是這個東西對於這個地方實際造成什麼長期、而不是短期的影響,只要學生們瞭解到這個環境是可以給出一個交代,也就是做出這一件事,長期的影響是什麼,就算只有一點點,就會養成一個習慣,也就是做好事的時候,不會只是嘴上說做一件好事,而是做這一件好事比起什麼都不做,產出的這一些difference在哪裡,不要以改變小而不為,改變本身給出交代,這個是在學習最重要的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "所以像參與「蹲點‧台灣」的學生,會給他們什麼樣的建議?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得「蹲點‧台灣」其實有一個很好的設計,我們給出交代就必須要有很好的紀錄,這邊服務跟紀錄常常是一體的,你做一個很好的、能夠說服人的紀錄片,其實無形中是說出這個故事、凝聚共識,可能記錄的工作本身就已經對記錄造成正向的價值,因此做一件事的時候,並不是埋著頭做,而是開門造車,而是讓大家知道做這一件事,就是為善不怕人知道。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像以前大家在做公共利益的事,常常會覺得很孤單,像愚公移山一樣,這一件事這麼大,只能解決一小部分,結構性的問題,真的可以解決嗎?但是現在很公開做的時候,其實網路上一下子就可以找到幾千人,他們都來關心,而且可能大家集思廣益,可以想出比擬想得更好的辦法,所以重點並不你做了什麼,而是只要改變一點,把這個改變具體造成什麼改變給網路上所有的人知道,自然大家就會幫你放大這個改變。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "瞭解。可以請教您一個比較跳tone的關係,您是35歲就宣布退休?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "33歲。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "像比如我自己要是33、34歲左右,我很難想像我33、34歲要退休,我人生還這麼長,所以您當時33歲宣布想要退休,那時的想法是什麼?是為了想要做更多其他真正想要做的事?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實那個時候我們在矽谷長期合作的一間公司,成功被購併了,第一個是他給我一個機會,我現在的工作挑著跟我自己對公共利益的想法相符合來做,但是不會再說只是因為我要維持溫飽或者是怎麼樣賺錢,所以會去做一些不太符合我對環境或者是社會公共利益想法的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "每個人願意做公益的程度是不一樣的,一般都是你行有餘力去行善,但是我覺得很多工作者,像我這樣的自由工作者可以做更多的,可以說我的客戶不願意我把我工作的紀錄、程式碼公開分享給其他人,我就會說另請高明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我自己20歲的時候,因為還是需要賺錢,就沒有辦法這樣講,但是我當時的想法是,如果願意支持開放原始碼的運動,願意讓我的工作跟其他人分享,我一個小時收你3,000元,但是如果你不願意,這樣還得自己再花自己的時間去寫一次,因此我一個小時收你6,000元、1萬2等等,所以有些人願意、有些人不願意。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是我說我退休了,對不起,就照我的條件來了,我覺得對公益有必要的事,我再接,完全沒有公益的性質,只有自己的私益,我就不接了。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "我們退休的定義有點不太一樣,因為退休的定義是退休之後不做工作,你就是到處去玩。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就做志工,志工也是工作啊!我覺得志工才是很純粹的工作,因為工作就是為了看到他的社會影響力,但是做志工,當然也有一些必要費用,你去國際上做志工總有機票錢之類的,如果有人願意贊助你的機票錢,你也不能說因為這樣賺錢,只是大家都想要看到這一件事發生,你有力出力、有錢出錢,但是不影響的還是志工,所以我說退休的意思是做每一件事是用做志工的事來做。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "可以問一下您現在大部分是做志工,您以前真的為了溫飽,收入有差很多?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我現在的收入是以前1/3不到,我現在是做公共服務,但是也夠用,我並不是生活物質很高的人,當時收入比較多的時候,當然有絕大部分都是捐出去做公益,所以這個對我來講並沒有很大的差別。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "所以你對於坊間會講說如果要退休,你必須要存到多少錢才能退休,那時有算過嗎?現在這個狀態?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至少有穩定居住的地方,有一些被動式的收入,也就是工作的收入,當時就是這樣的狀況,但是我並沒有覺得一定要存到多少錢。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "所以沒有說存到每個月要多少?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "錢不夠,賺就有了。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "也是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我是需要多少就賺多少。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而且大部分還拿去做公益?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那當然。" }, { "speaker": "林韋伶", "speech": "所以你的生活開銷也是控制在滿精簡上?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,只要有一個很好的支持社群。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實我們說要存很多錢,很多時候是怕這個社會安全網或者是支持系統不夠,都是在防衛,好像碰到什麼事情沒有人照顧,然後會需要花錢等等,但是如果在做公益的過程中,已經建立非常好的社會支持系統,本來你發生什麼事,別人就不會袖手旁觀。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有好的社會支持系統,會抵掉內心需要靠存錢的不安全感。" }, { "speaker": "林佳儀", "speech": "瞭解,謝謝你。" }, { "speaker": "周德郁", "speech": "我有一個問題可以問嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "問啊!" }, { "speaker": "周德郁", "speech": "事後再刪掉就好了。我有一個好朋友開新創公司,我們前幾天聊天,他說hire一個男生,台大社會系的,這個小男生其實很優秀,超出他意外的認真、負責,而且不管是對應,也不怕生,邏輯什麼都非常好,所以他覺得很驚訝,覺得現在還有這樣的年輕人。" }, { "speaker": "周德郁", "speech": "後來瞭解之後,他可能沒有說真的優秀到非常誇張,但是發現他成長的背景很特別,他高中是建中的學生,一年級之後在學校就是打架,爸媽覺得這樣下去也不是辦法,所以想到親戚家,親戚家在台南,台南有一個學校,叫六信,其實我也沒有聽過,他說裡面只有一個普通班,因此就送到六信了,他去的時候是高二,本來在建中常打架,走路都橫著走,一到那邊,走路就變直的,因為那邊的老大很多,他突然變成小隻的。他後來考大學又考回台大,其實他在六信是沒有什麼讀書的風氣。" }, { "speaker": "周德郁", "speech": "我的問題是,學校、老師到底重要還是不重要?我只是想要問一下政委。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我剛剛都在強調身教的重要性,其實求學的過程中,知道有一些人對知識也好、對於社群也好、對於公益也好有著熱情,那個熱情是會感染的,完全沒有碰過有熱情的人,只靠自發的熱情比較困難。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我覺得不管是在學院或者是學校體系裡面碰到有這樣子熱情的老師,或者是直接進入社區,然後發現有這樣子熱情的工作者、組織者等等,那也是一種老師。我的意思是有這樣的人是很重要的,但是這樣的人是不是頂著教師的頭銜就不一定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們希望在國民教育的這個階段裡面,比如導師有這樣的特性越好,因為是自發的終身學習者,學生會覺得這個很有趣,會覺得這個是最重要的。" }, { "speaker": "周德郁", "speech": "所以現在的學習是很動態的,感覺上要用線性的成長……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為現在的東西沒有標準答案,新的學門越來越多,舊的都在合併,並不是誰說了算,而是透過一定的方式去找到線上或者是線下有哪一些資源,能夠把這一些資源整合起來,所以未來就是透過你創造出來,並不是你過去的東西很熟,未來就一定很會,這個工業時代,現在已經不是這樣子了。" }, { "speaker": "周德郁", "speech": "政委,再給我們一點建議,因為這是我們第一次直播,你覺得我們要注意哪一些事?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,你要確保有一個預告,網友在一開始進來的時候,小編就要很主動去互動,要讓他有一個感覺,自己的問題不管是被收在sli.do上,或是小編會快速幫忙綜整一下等等,不只是有重視,而是會給出一個交代,還是回到accountability,問了這麼多,為何到最後只回答這五個,這個要先講清楚,如果是sli.do的話,那個時間有限,但是如果不是用,還是要有先來後到,好比像先問我,我就先回答,或者是看FB上按讚的數量,就是那個規則要先講清楚,因為投入的時間才有價值,不然回來看錄影,幹麻要看直播。" }, { "speaker": "周德郁", "speech": "所以那個很重要。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "周德郁", "speech": "謝謝,收獲很多。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Hi." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Hey. First of all, I think I wanted to come personally to reiterate how important Taiwan is for Agoda and how much we consider ourselves...I can say a lot of things about Agoda." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Go ahead. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Two things that I think we are very proud of, for one is that we are very good with tech. We call ourself internally the Silicon Valley of Bangkok." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s great." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "We like to bring a lot of talent in and to grow the local talent internal. Secondly, I think Agoda is very consumer facing. We try to, everywhere we go, and Taiwan is one of our biggest markets, one of our most important markets, put the consumer face first, meaning if there is any doubt whether we can give something more to the consumer, we’d rather take the hit and have the consumer happy." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Directionally, we believe that if the consumers will be happy and we come back, then we prosper." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a relational, not a transactional relationship." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Exactly. It’s relational. It’s relational. I think there are a few things that we wanted to discuss." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, you can start a sandbox flow which is, again, a relational, not a transactional [laughs] relationship so that you will have single window into this multi ministry process." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "The question is, do we need to start the sandbox process." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Our fear, to be honest, with the sandbox is how open it will be or whether it’s semi, if we feel that it’s open and won’t contain us. We have other things to talk about that may be relevant to the sandbox, but we can try to do that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the sandbox, depending on whether the existing regulation needs changing or not, there’s two tracks. There’s a consulting track where we just change the interpretation, but it applies for everyone. There is the experiments track. We work with innovators to say, \"OK, let’s try this provisional regulation for a year, just for you, and see what happens.\"" }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "How long does it usually take when you submit to the sandbox until you know which track you’re on?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s a MSME question. Usually, we take a month to clarify stuff and one month to determine the track. Now it’s already reasonably clarified, so she’s saying one month." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "One month? Got it. Interesting. Probably that’s what we need to pursue." }, { "speaker": "Aurora W.M. Tsai", "speech": "Do you have a law firm to represent you?" }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you have the law firm, and the law firm plans to contact the MSME maybe mid April, then the one month probably starts counting from mid April. Maybe by mid May, you’ll know whether it’s just a consulting track, or if it’s even more avant garde [laughs] and we’ll have to experiment." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Got it. That’s great. I think we pursued it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Have you deploy it in other jurisdictions?" }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Yes, we are now early stages. We are growing it as we speak. I think we are about to start in the US." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Taiwan is always, from a regulatory perspective, relatively difficult for us to penetrate. On the surface, unless you guys tell me it’s not, it sounds like a sandbox type of activity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is well within the kind of consulting track just to make sure which interpretations are in your way, so the speak. Maybe it could be made to work. You’re setting a domestic company in Japan to support that? They don’t require you to become a..." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "It depends on the jurisdiction. Some jurisdictions, they need specifically. In Japan, no, they don’t require anything. We don’t even need to apply for a license in Japan. Thailand, we need to apply for a license, as an example." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You will have to have a local company anyway. That is then seen as a processing company for your overseas HQ. As part of that consulting track, you can say, \"But what about us also carrying other payment options that are not specifically for this just transactional pipeline? but rather,\" as you mention, \"Alipay or Line Pay or whatever else?\"" }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "For the sandbox?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...for the sandbox. Then they can go through the usual process to say, \"Oh, this part is existing interpretation. This part we maybe need a sandbox experiment.\" That both simplifies your flow of administration of bureaucracy, and it also makes it much more clear that this is a addition to what you’re already intending to pursue." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Perfect." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For the regulators, it will not be seen as confusing, like you were trying this. If it doesn’t work, that, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "We’ll package it to do one thing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Great. We’ll definitely do that because, again, it will be great if we can bring it to Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Definitely." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Last topic is more generic. The question is how can we help generate more business in general? Because we have a lot of people coming, as I said, inbound. We have a lot of time when he is there booking with us." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "The question is what can we do in order to help the government to bring more people to Taiwan? We have all sorts of options at our disposal, from emails that we can send to millions of customers, from ads that we can put on our platform. Push notifications, you name it. All sorts of things that we can do." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "We don’t know exactly who we need to walk with. Under that umbrella, call it, there’s always a question about we know that there were subsidies before that we were part of, and then we got excluded, I think, in the generate subsidy." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "I think we are coming back to those subsidies. There was a new subsidy announced a couple of days ago where now every hotel can decide if they want to accept them. The question about those subsidies, whether we can do something in order to help explain what I mean." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "We understand it’s a pain now for the hotels to get the money back." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s also a pain for the tourism bureau. They’re overlooked [laughs] to just handle those receipts." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "We are very good with tech. The question is maybe we can centralize everything, at least on our bookings. It’s something that everybody else can copy if it works for you." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "We can give the discount, because my understanding is that the hotels give the discount to the..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. Then they go back to the tourism bureau for reinvestment." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Maybe what we can do is we can give the discount on your behalf, and then we can centralize where it going and get the money back. In that way, the hotel, we give the discount out of our own commission, so the hotel is not affected." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "I don’t know what’s the processing collecting in the back, but maybe we can do it centrally. We have the people on the ground, and to go through the processes. That’s another thing that we had in mind. Anything that we can do in order to help either domestic or inbound travel, we want to try and do." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "At the moment, the tourism bureau, according to their regulation, is only accepting those receipts by a postal mail. If you want to introduce the tech, the tech will be on the back end process to help the hotels to generate a month’s worth or a week’s worth of those receipts in a systemic fashion, and then just send it to the post office, and so forth help to minimize their work." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For the tourism bureau, I think at the moment, that part, there’s no mission to mission part is what I’m saying. The bottleneck is always in checking of those receipts. If you’re interested in alternating the hotel’s part, you can as well begin without consulting the tourism bureau." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The tourism bureau, I think, at the moment, is very interested in getting them processed faster. One thought is maybe and I have noticed maybe if you carry some mission to mission deal, to let tourism bureau what happened when." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There hasn’t been counsel with other transaction that actually happened. Of course, they will have to give out those reimbursement only after receiving the receipt. At least there will be no backlog. The backlog can be significantly shortened." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Can we help build a system for the Tourism Bureau?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Have you talked to the Tourism Bureau?" }, { "speaker": "Greg Wong", "speech": "We’re meeting them this afternoon." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then by all means, bring it on." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "By the way, not only for the benefit of Agoda, for the benefit of all." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think that will be very much appreciated. What I’m saying is that when you present your idea, you can state you’re committed to help the hotels anyway." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then the Tourism Bureau may or may not want to simplify the work, because you’re generating a machine readable receipt. It’s a byproduct. It’s not like you want to do this specifically for the Taiwan space, because it’s just how your system works, right?" }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it would be less seen as you said, that it’s a bilateral deal. Instead, it will be improvement of the existing backlog processing. As for specific cases, have you worked with any Tourism Bureaus on campaigns before, like the Lantern Festival or anything?" }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Not that I know." }, { "speaker": "Greg Wong", "speech": "No." }, { "speaker": "Spencer Low", "speech": "With the Thailand government. You’re looking globally?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, any tourism bureau anywhere." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Globally, yes." }, { "speaker": "Spencer Low", "speech": "Globally, yes. With South Korea, and Thailand, Singapore. We’ve had some discussion with Taiwan..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "How does that work? They present a message and newsletters for you?" }, { "speaker": "Spencer Low", "speech": "That’s right. For example, Thailand went through a period when inbound tourism started slowing down. We were able to use our marketing power throughout Asia to feature destinations, hotels deals, etc." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That works. I think it is well within the Tourism Bureau’s purview. If there is any regulatory impediments or whatever, we can always go back to the sandbox platform. I don’t think for this specifics, there will be any regulatory issues." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Other than that, anything...As I said, we like the consumer. We don’t mind investing in order to create relationships, not only transactions. We have a lot of tech and data science, and we like to deploy them. The people like to solve difficult problems, and they like to solve problems. Happy engineers, happy company, I always say." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Anything else that pops into mind where we can help? We know what we know about the Tourism Bureau, but anything else, we’d be very happy to consider and maybe even to do. Again, we’re not necessarily interested in Agoda benefiting solely or anything like that. We’re interested in improving a process, making something better, making tourism..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Getting this particular message out, making tourism work more efficiently for everyone, is a great message. Now and again, like every quarter or so, there will be feature cases for the sandbox platform. If you’re willing to attend some of those PR events that will get that message out." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is true that when I started my first startup that was 1996 that Taiwan’s continental law system was particularly not helpful for startups." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re trying to get a new message out in saying that we’re now working in months or at most two months. It could be through sandbox, through e petition, through participatory budgeting or through regional revitalization, but you’re not going to have to wait for four years for getting something changed. That’s a new message we want to get out for the new regulatory co creation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s off the top of my mind something that we can definitely collaborate on." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Again, if down the road there is anything whatsoever that you guys think that may require some external firepower, then keep us in mind." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Does the SMEA people have any questions or thoughts?" }, { "speaker": "Aurora W.M. Tsai", "speech": "They’ve already made an appointment to meet with your law firm on the 12th." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’ve already worked all the scheduling out." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Great." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right. We’re good?" }, { "speaker": "Spencer Low", "speech": "Just by way of informing you, we do have a courtesy call with the FSC this afternoon. We’re looking forward to that. We’re also delighted to extend again our invitation to you to come and speak to Agoda in June. We’re looking forward to confirmation on that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, we’re scheduling that." }, { "speaker": "Spencer Low", "speech": "The Agodian community is very curious about what you might want to talk about, if we can start..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Usually, I just put up a Slido website where people can ask me anything on their mobile phones and like each other’s questions and I just go ahead and answer the ones with the most number of likes, and then move on to the next one until time runs out. I envision something like that. All we need is WiFi connection and a projector." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "We do the same in our townhall. Exactly what we use, Slido and we do exactly the same." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly. It’s good that we’re on the same technology." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Yes. It works. Tested." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re good?" }, { "speaker": "Spencer Low", "speech": "Fantastic. We talked about CSR the last time we were out here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We did." }, { "speaker": "Spencer Low", "speech": "If you had any other thoughts." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I recommended that you look into that Activate Asia Summit, the Asia Pacific Social Enterprise Summit. That’s the major event that we’re running. Other than that, we’re looking much more at evolving CSR into business development, not just one shot CSR deals, but rather something that you generally feel that is of value to your customers and that you can introduce time again." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’ll try to feature as much of that as possible at the Social Enterprise Summit. There’s also the Social Enterprise website, which is SE, for Social Enterprise, .pdis, that’s our office, .tw. If you look into, there will be a virtual catalog of all the registered social enterprises." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The buying power, which is our version of social buy, we recognize any companies that includes the social entrepreneurship into their supply chain. If they purchase, I don’t, one million dollars per year, I come out and give an award." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s proving to be too popular. Maybe this year you have to buy three million dollars for me to give an award. You’ll see the whole thing there. There’s also a registration database for all the social entrepreneurs working on particular social issues registered in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All of them may be your supply chain partner as well or for you to recommend the digital catalog to your hotels or whatever. All the resource, including the related government ministries resources are all online in the same website, so please take a look. We’ll see what we can work." }, { "speaker": "Spencer Low", "speech": "Is that in English as well?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The website is in English as well. In any case, Google Translate works." }, { "speaker": "Spencer Low", "speech": "True. I wondered also, I was very curious. I’m so sorry we didn’t have the chance to visit your innovation center. I wonder if you could describe that, what you’re doing there..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s open every day. You can just take a quick tour of the place. It’s very open. It’s near the Jianguo Flower Market, one of the busiest place in central Taipei, opens weekends from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM. I’m there every Wednesday as my personal office hour." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We also hold regional tours every other Tuesday or so." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Actually, just this afternoon, there is a telemeeting between people in HsinChu, mostly working in coops and so on, and the 12 related ministries in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Usually, I tour around Taiwan personally, but the related ministries are in Taipei. We use two way teleconferencing to make consultations more fitting into what people’s natural habitat, rather than asking people to travel all the way to Taipei to give 15 minutes of presentation. I walk and live with them for a while." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The people here in Taipei, just through telepresence, understand what’s it like to be there. If you have some time, feel free just to drop by." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "It’s an open office...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s an open office. The entire Cultural Lab, the whole C-Lab is open. There’s regular shows, exhibitions, and culture stuff going on." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Interesting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s in section three, Ren’Ai road, and number 99. Just drop by. You don’t have to book anything in advance." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Yeah. We should go." }, { "speaker": "Spencer Low", "speech": "We should." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "It sounds fun." }, { "speaker": "Spencer Low", "speech": "Outstanding. Just always a pleasure to see you. We look forward to every opportunity to share. I don’t know if you were available for lunch today, or an early lunch. If you are, we would love to..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We are traveling to HsinChu." }, { "speaker": "Spencer Low", "speech": "OK, on the next occasion, then." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Thank you so much for having us." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, thank you, and maybe see you in Bangkok." }, { "speaker": "Omri Morgenshtern", "speech": "Yeah, definitely see you in Bangkok." } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們開始。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天非常謝謝有一個相當成功的記者會,觸及率相當相當高,很謝謝大家辛苦地籌備。同樣的,我們同樣做逐字紀錄,十個工作天之後再公開,我們先把今天這個簡報先請這邊分享一下,看有沒有議程或者是?我們順序是不拘的,所以任何一份簡報都可以先開始。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "OK,謝謝這個機會。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "我大概很簡要介紹一下今年度的民生公共物聯網資料應用競賽,因為沒有編頁數,看一下第2頁的競賽時程,我們事實上有開過一次專家諮詢會議,大致上就有一點調整,希望可以配合總統盃黑客松,大致上把它講一下。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "紅色的部分是因為還有一些跟委辦案有關係,因此有某種不確定性。我說明一下,目前希望能夠儘快啟動,原來的規劃是在4月下旬時可以辦三場說明會。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "接著,我們看一下下面,6月1日開始報名,然後到7月中旬有報名截止,這麼長的時間,委員有一個考量,因為6月1日大學還在上課,去年的經驗都有發公文到學校去,所以透過這個公文,會利用上課時間跟我們的研究生可以幫我們多宣傳、鼓勵他們來報名,所以會有相當長的時間。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "結束以後我們會利用兩個禮拜的時間來做初選,然後再公布初選結果。公布完之後,我們就進入複選的階段,跟去年一樣,也就是這個團隊把POC,事實上是滿嚴格的,也就是要把雛形做出來。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "今年是比較充裕的時間,我們會有三個月的時間讓他來做,在10月底的時候,應該要把這個競賽的初步成果上傳給我們的審查委員,跟去年一樣利用兩天的時間來做複選的會議,然後決定進入決選的團隊,在11月4日公布複選的結果。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "去年基本上希望決選階段有比較長的時間來作微調,今年差不多有一個月的時間,進入決選階段之後到決選之前有一個月,因此決選的時間是訂在12月14日那一天。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "今年跟成果展有脫鉤了,去年比較麻煩,如果14日來得及就希望14日頒獎,但是因為團體多,就可以再做盛大的頒獎,這整個frame是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "說明會完以後、報名截止之前,我們非常仰賴總統盃黑克松,在這個過程中,找出非常有意義、將來對社會影響力非常高的命題,這個是我們等一下會再補充這一點。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "我們可能有一些漏網之魚,所以我們也會辦類似的議題松,今年希望有做到總統盃黑客松當中,比較屬於專家指導的機制,讓他們的命題更精準。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "當初選公布、進入複選階段,我們會辦工作坊,這個時間點是配合總統盃黑客松的團隊,本來我們原來規劃是如果可以進入到總統盃黑客松的初選、複選,可以進入這個初選,但是委員會覺得有所謂公平性的問題,最後還是希望所有的來源,也就是不同的團隊還是經過初選的程序,經歷總統盃黑客松的團隊會比較成熟,會獲得初選評審青睞的機會比較高。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "再來,經過同樣初選的階段,在前天也有跟政委報告過,甚至在總統盃黑客松,因為通過黑客松初選才二十隊而已,題目很多,但是只有挑二十隊,在總統盃黑客松的審查過程。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "5月7日的時候就把二十名以外的,只要有用到民生公共物聯網的資料或者是可能可以用到,專門寫一封信給他說是不是稍微再理一下你們的案子往什麼方向,一個月之後去那邊報名,你們的意思是這樣?" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "是,我們希望這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "第二,我們也希望徵求團隊,如果他們不會報名的話,是不是可以把那個題目貢獻出來?是在我們的競賽當中。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "尤其如果是公部門團隊,沒有辦法報名?" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "是,我希望多這個彈性,參加這個會議,我希望拜託主席、唐政委的幫忙,我們會尊重原來提案的單位跟團體,希望邀請他們來參賽,但是我覺得他們真的不行,就像政委所說的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「接力」。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "願意把棒子交出來,我們會有一個非常清楚的程序,也就是這個是總統盃黑客松經過海選之後、委員推薦經過非常好的命題,也就是把這一些命題加強,然後tag,然後參加我們的競賽。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過你們的說明會其實已經辦完了,我們這邊才會知道前二十名?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以,這個比較類似是純線上的,這邊團隊簽一個願意貢獻,你們就直接放在網站上,就直接這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "像今年是聘了社群經營這一塊,也就是為了能夠把我們競賽的滲透度提升。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "能夠進入總統盃黑客松,它的知名度一定非常高,我們把整個報名推到7月中旬了,我想應該是沒有什麼問題。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "這個地方我們當然很希望,最有意義的命題都是從總統盃黑客松過來,因為這個是非常大的程序。但是議題松的這個部分,我們只是做一些補助而已,也才能有機會,來經過另外一個程序輔導 ,這個是最重要的部分。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "處長還沒有來?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "處長靜靜的坐在那裡。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "不好意思。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "我大概很快說明一下,其實最重要的我都有講過。其實主要的資格其實放得很鬆,我們今年沒有像總統盃黑客松有國際組,我們現在還是屬於國內組,我們希望藉助總統盃國際組來辦這個部分,今年還是如此,效力資格其實是很類似的,當然最重要的是,一定要使用到民生公共物聯網的資料,平台是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "下一頁,現在目前的資料其實比去年增多,我相信到今年8月1日kick off的入選資料會更完整。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "再往下,其實這一個部分跟去年不太一樣,我們把社會影響力拉升了,我們認為這個題目的影響最重大的,我們把可行性、影響性都拉過來,這個部分是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "接著是獎金一樣,我們認為去年有這麼高獎,希望有系統性的行為,也就是讓大家有信賴的感覺,我們也認為這樣的高獎認為是天使基金來run,因此大致上是整體的規劃是這樣子,報告完畢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我們剛剛也有提到,其實5月7日總統盃二十組,6月7日十組,不管哪一個階段都可以出來,5月7日都已經可以露出了,票選都票選完了,我們這邊沒有多的參與,就可以把能量往那邊導流,看執秘有沒有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "其實我們這邊公開的資料,我覺得是雙向,總統盃黑客松的網頁,如果提案人查詢哪一些是政府的,在線上就可以看得到的公開資訊,特別是開放資料,總統盃開放資料也可以有介接地說明,他們可以查過來,本來想像中的問題要資料,這邊早就已經開放了,他們可能不知道,所以可以看可用的網路資源是不是可以。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這個要SOP,可以請承辦單位來做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛是說在網站上是不是有可能,因為接下來英文網站也會上線,因為民生公共物聯網有英文跟中文的網頁,是不是加一個連結,也就是找題目的時候,如果跟民生公共物聯網可以參考,中文就連到中文、英文連到英文。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "這邊有現成的資料。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實是友站連結,就是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "網址再給我們。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「」,我們是「」,這邊是「ci」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家對這邊有沒有什麼想法或者是詢問?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,就回到PH這邊,請黃處長。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我們再確認後面的時程及依照上面所寫的,接下3月28日總統府的說明會,接下來有一些細部議程的討論,我們那時再來討論。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "線上報名跟民眾票選,我們這裡跟大家報告一下,這一次在媒體的部分,唯一有做特別安排的,我們有請幾個小編在平台上,就我們記者會的產出、拍片的產出、十個團隊的產出、國際團隊故事的產出,這一些我們會做,但是在發散跟推播的部分,我們有請小編幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "線上票選的部分,我們正式啟動小編,之前還是我們徒手操作。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "評選委員會評選是在4月15日,我們有兩個工作坊,我建議第一次工作坊的時候,日期也順便公布二十組團隊,雖然5月7日要公布二十組團隊,但是我覺得在工作坊的時候有一個新聞焦點,也不是在工作坊那麼單純,有一個議題這麼好操作。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "第二次工作坊的時候,就可以公布入選的十個團隊,如果這兩個工作坊都有大人物或者是政治人物來的話,他們也覺得有一個梗或者是宣布什麼會比較有主題,如果順利的話,我們就在7月21日總統府有最後的決選。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我用2分鐘報告一下昨天的記者會,簽到有91人,出席的媒體有以下這一些(如簡報),我們看最後的成果是請technews做直播,觸及數是5萬,後面有分享數及互動次數,這一些都有資料可循。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "這一些是媒體呈現方面,平面報紙有工商、自由等四報,電子媒體的部分有二十一則,包括社群團體、媒體的部分有十一則,這都是徒手操作出來的。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "公民許願池的部分,3月7日沒有開記者會,只有用新聞稿,還有一個蔡執秘的影片,就有十四則,這也是拜託來的,所以大家都很幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "公民許願池的目前提案狀況,到今天總共有十則,持續再更新中,這裡感謝昨天大家的配合與幫忙協助,有未盡妥善的地方,我們會再改進,我不曉得大家對於記者會有沒有要提議改進的部分?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我想問一下直播留言討論的方向是哪一些?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我沒有看。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我有稍微看一下,沒什麼人講話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大部分的討論都是在副院長的粉專,那個討論非常多。還有呱吉自己說穿錯衣服的個人版,基本上是呱吉跟其邁兩個人,留言非常多,但是科技新報沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想問一下網站上「以提案內容」,那測試用的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "那個是測試用的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在已經可以提案了嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "可以提案。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "不是可以十一則嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "不一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們開放報名之後,有人發現提案的按鈕,那還很不錯。看大家對於記者會有沒有什麼想法?我原則上滿同意每一次都要有梗。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一次其實丟兩個出來,一個是縣市長提案,另外一個是誰來晚餐,這兩個要放在哪一個地方出去?在接下來的廣宣裡面。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我覺得票選出十隊,開始進入緊鑼密鼓的時候,如果把五張牌都打出來,那個是7月21日前面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以是6月31日打出來。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我覺得縣市長可以先丟,像韓國瑜跑出來,我覺得那不是難事,只要他出現就可以問出題是什麼,問他是否同意。中間就看適當的時機把縣市長丟出來,反而如果縣市長參加誰來晚餐,那也是一個梗。比如台北市長出題了、也願意參與「誰來晚餐」了,也決定要在哪裡晚餐,那個是一個梗。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以你的意思是滾動式釋出,不一定要所有的縣市首長在同一天?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "其實新聞不會太大,但是也有亮點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "需要大家注意的時段是4月15日至20日的票選,這個去年沒有,如果大家有參與感,等於是這九天而已,所以我會覺得我們如果要有一些市長、百年難得一見的政治起草來加入活動,這就是應該在那個時候,不要等到6月。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "可以的話,就派攝影機去拍,是由他講的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!那我同意,就不用等湊齊,有一個是一個。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "現在這個到下一個比較重要的event,比如提案說明。這一次說明的內容或者是重點,去年的舉辦會有什麼不一樣?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "接下來第18頁、第19頁是提案說明的規劃。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看起來是有要找去年規劃的團隊,還有建議秘書長,對不對?這邊是不是有談到?" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "3月28日那一天是禮拜四,那一天總統剛出訪回來,而且是下午的時間,這是不是第一個需要再釐清的地方?第二,秘書長、副秘書長,你要找他們來致詞,他們的活動很多,如果萬一這兩位長官都沒有辦法出席的時候,是不是要有一個人來?如果符合層級的話,我建議是不是可以找李諮委或者是政委代表?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "李諮委可以。" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "政委也很適當。" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "第三,我們邀請對象的部分,包含各部會首長、各縣市首長的其他四院?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "之前我記得是強制。" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "我們希望他們參加?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "如果邀請的對象,大家層級出席都很高,那個人講話的份量要很重,才能引起共鳴。" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "第四,我們希望各部會組隊參加,這一些參與組隊的成員,希望政府提供相關數據、開放資料的時候,各部會要配合,這個是大重點,因為政府部門參加的不會很多,但是要提供資料的,我想很多的需求,做得到嗎?那個資料他們可以提供。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實很多部會想要別的部會資料很久了,這個是去年的經驗(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "上次的經驗,如果國發會有積極參與的話,正面協調沒有問題,去年並不是有開放的資料,但是如果涉及到院的話,去年沒有這個經驗,顯然要符合這邊才有辦法,不然正面沒有辦法協調。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們的立場是監察院要我們的資料,我們要提供,但是並沒有我們向監察院要資料的事。" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "這一件事說明清楚,我們總統府配合辦理沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "場地沒有問題?" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "場地是180位,但是要稍微布置一下。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這個是第一次說明會,指示政院來辦理,如果秘書長沒有辦法來的話,還是要副秘書長,這等於是第一次對所有人,還有其他院的人來的話,如果由政院的人來說明,有一點……要跟秘書長、副秘書長說明的話,我們這邊可以來協助。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "3月28日應該不可能,因為總統剛回國。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "指導委員會都還沒有開過,假設秘書長、副秘書長,不知道今年為何會突然冒出這個東西來,因為指導委員會都還沒有看過,剛剛局長說明那一天有那麼重要的事件,搞不好這個時間恐怕要調,如果2點要開記者會,至少1點要開委員會,這樣長官的時間最容易調配,儘快運用1小時的時間,把現在進行的狀況跟資料委員會報告,資料要讓委員會同意怎麼樣做,因為這個手續一直沒有做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們本來想說連著做,本來想說去總統府。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "我建議3月28日真的不行的話,可以考慮。前面可以多一個小時的時間,把資料委員會的程序完成。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "往後是不是都比較容易?就是在民主海洋形成之後都可以?" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "好像往前會比較好,總統不在,反而稍微好一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝,感謝讓我們知道現況。" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "這兩位首長都非常……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "如果禮拜四的話,是不是配合院會,有些六都的首長是不是會上來?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "但這個基本上還是府的主場。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我是說縣市首長比較可能參加,因為都已經上來台北了。" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "只有六都,其他的縣市還是沒有。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "選在禮拜四的話,六都首長都已經上來台北了……" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "顯然禮拜四就不行了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而且首長也不一定親自來,我們最近院會的層級……我看26日有沒有可能?" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "立法院總質詢結束了,部會應該還好,那一天稍微相對來講會單純一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我看行程也相對比較單純。是嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "現在規劃要給我們,而且我們要簽報及發文給機關,然後各機關還要再轉發給下屬。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我理解。" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "會議資料的部分,是不是如果可以的話,趕快給我們,我們趕快發開會通知單?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這需要現成的,但是我們也沒有別的待決事項。" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "這個是需要各部會去消化東西,很多首長也不曉得要幹麻,可能一頭霧水。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "去年是不是有兩位幫忙打電話?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "跟各部會嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "對,要說明及回覆,不然不知道要怎麼處理。恐怕通知發出去之後,可能需要有人進駐、協助回覆。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們這個時程幾乎沒有辦法再往後太久,因為線上提案只到4月14日,還是要給作業團隊把提案寫出來,如果不是3月底講的話,等於只給他們不到兩個禮拜的時間寫,這樣提案的品質當然不可能高,所以我覺得寧可行政稍微改一點,但是多給團隊一些時間。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "3月26日在南港有智慧城市展,我不知道會不會有影響,是不是有政府代表會去?" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "26、27、28。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "那三天很忙,經濟部可能都會掛在那裡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果這兩個要權衡的話……" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "我是覺得26、27日都可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對我來講,那一周都可以,26比較好,如果必須要27我也可以想辦法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "們是不是往這個方向來安排?" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "地方政府的部分,對象是直轄市長,你對他,他當然會再派人來。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "秘書長那時候建議沒有發到地方政府。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一次會希望地方政府出題,這一次所有縣市也是一招,這看你們容納的狀態,所有的縣市來都可以的話,這也是很好的方法。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "去年的狀況,我的理解是這樣子,各部會收到這一份公文之後一頭霧水,不曉得要交給哪一個單位去辦,就開始爭執,然後吵一個禮拜,今年再發生的話,就看誰要簽。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今年有一個預設值,去年到誰就是誰。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "今年他們有出錢,他們是共同主辦單位。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "一個是很多部會去年就接過這個公文,所以去年就分工過。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "去年只有三十八個機關,沒有全部。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還可以,今年只會多,不會少。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "對,今年只會多,而且今年的重點是在智慧國家,其實狀況比較不一樣,去年我們以「創新」為主,題目都有。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "今年的狀況,我建議你們是不是可以建議名單,我們會發文,這樣會不會比較好?我們針對那幾個機關來發文。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我倒覺得應該是負面表列,哪一些不要發文。" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "儘量發;但是像省諮會就不必了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好像省政府也沒有人在收文了(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "我看省政府不需要。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們今年開始沒有收文了。除了那一些之外,我覺得普發是還好。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "請教一下,去年其實是聚焦在業務單位跟資訊單位,這一次有沒有特別這樣設定?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果標題跟去年一樣的話,非常自然就會跑去業務跟資訊單位,你收文不需要到那麼細的出去。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "去年地方政府沒有發,我們是從智慧城鄉平台去報告、邀集,但是那個平台其實後來因為很趕,好像兩、三天之後就截稿,所以是仁甫跟我對話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一次場地放得下,你聽一下搶救水寶寶或者是零時差的做法,這樣比較容易想像,不然只看網站是不會知道這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們往這個方向。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是地方政府就不強求一定什麼層級要來,就算他們不來,也沒有辦法拿他怎麼樣,這個是真的,這個跟其他四院是一樣的道理,但是各部會的話,我們建議不要特別刪,這樣好不好?" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "今天是3月18日,3月26日我建議最後會議前一個禮拜有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個有去年的,可以抄。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們簡報是很ready的。是不是大家稍微趕一點,應該兩天之內,我們把手上有的資料彙整一下就可以?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "明天就可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也就是接下來四十八小時之內。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得應該還好,大家就算完全沒有聽過,至少有給範例可以參考,這樣應該就差不多了。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "我們可能要接洽大禮堂有沒有其他的重要活動,如果有的話,可能時間會再調整。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們以26日為第一方案,27日如果是必修的話,後來你們發現28日比較好,我也沒有意見,但是26、27日就是先首選。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "就要看哪一個時間,看總統什麼時候回來。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "關於卓越團隊分享是一隊或者是兩隊?一隊沒有問題,那麼是哪一個比較適合目標觀眾?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得誰肯來就誰,如果兩個都肯來就兩個。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "因為這兩隊不同的成果。有一隊先問時間是不是ok?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "三個時間的日期都問他們。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "對,有一隊可以在後面的其他活動分享也可以,不一定要在這一場。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這一場關鍵到報名對焦的問題,這一場比較重要。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得兩個都有空,就兩個都來,或者各讓5分鐘出去給他們,這都是很容易的,我們可以各讓5分鐘出去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為他們之前在pitch或者是present都很好,如果以那個品質,原封不動都是很ok的。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "他們報告當然很好,對聽眾來講哪一份有共鳴?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "誰來就誰來,兩個都來,會不一樣,也就是地方跟中央的想法會不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們第一次執委會就排在同一天,然後往前放一點。變成是1點30分開?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "當天要有一個會議室加大禮堂。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "執委多少?" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "就看那一間會議室。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們之後不會很久,好比1點30分至2點,這都可以的。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "執委會應該是這邊幫忙?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簽現在應該已經簽完了?" }, { "speaker": "廖慧美", "speech": "還沒有簽完,是在秘書長室,我們要簽完,但是我們要發動沒有錯。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以說明會就先這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "剛剛大使有提到,26日、27日的選擇,會尊重府方長官的時間。因為剛剛有提到,如果執委會的名單還在秘書長的話,簽完大概是什麼時候?因為你簽完之後才會發開會通知。" }, { "speaker": "廖慧美", "speech": "執委會有八位委員還是要請總統府聘用。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "如果前一天發開會通知,萬一出席率不好,這個我們都要先想好怎麼辦。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有做完的話,我們只不過是執委會延後開,唯一的問題是秘書長、副秘書長來之前就要有人幫忙快速看過,這個沒有問題,我們可以幫忙,如果時間來得及就併案辦理,如果時間來不及就脫鉤,執委會沒開過不表示不能分享,這個是要點裡面的明確事項,我覺得是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我真的覺得如果再往後拖的話,團隊作業時間真的滿不夠的,其實兩個禮拜就已經滿不夠了。快可以很快、慢可以很慢,拜託府方探尋一下場地,當然執委不一定最後會用到,這邊就這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來看議程,國際松。哪一位要講?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "目前的進度是,這兩個國際組織都是口頭同意擔任合作夥伴,所以我們立刻要做的事是要發邀請函,問題是用什麼名義、單位的組織方式,像是用活動的委員會或者是其他,需要再確認,然後才能請國際處協助處理,這個是有關於邀請函。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "英文網站的部分,這個禮拜會跟資策會國際處的部分把文案跟內容整理出來,預計3月底,大家就可以對外宣傳了,在這個網站的部分,目前卡的一個問題,也就是一直還沒有機會討論的是國際松的評選標準,這個東西會影響到參加者會不會對號入座精準度的問題,這個是跟合作夥伴決定評選規則,這個要再想一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "評選他是不是能來?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "兩個階段,一個是機票,第二個是來之後可以demo給總統看,這個是要先講清楚,這個3月底要確認,這邊要共識才能討論,因此這一件事要如何處理,這個是第二個問題。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "接著,3月網站上去之後就開始選擇期了,code for team,國際的夥伴會去宣傳,這個沒有問題,我們自己的code for team,像外館、駐外單位或者是法人的駐外單位,這個要如何組織的問題,這個是要討論的。順利的話,是有一些團隊來三天,然後就上來了。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "下一個議程不用今天討論,但是要開始想,他們到台北那一週,是不是應該要藉機安排side event,政府跟政府的交流或者是團隊間的交流,又或者是close door meeting,像國民外交,好比像台北市的觀光巴士去走一圈也好,像各種軟的、硬的或者是實質的交流都要處理。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "以上這幾件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "聽起來分兩個,也就是3月底對外以前一定要處理的部分?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "邀請函、網站上線。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,不可能先公開再發邀請函,所以這一定要先發生,另外像行程的部分,就可以提到執委會報告,然後再看有什麼想法,這個是比較沒有那麼急的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像發邀請函的部分,我自己就可以發,這個是非常容易的事,這個跟要點是脫鉤的,至少在今年。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "邀請他參加擔任這個活動的合作夥伴,所以是用個人名義、職位名義或者是一個活動組織的名義,又或者是一個政府機關的名義?就是這個委員會嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "如果有執委會的話,提一下、追認就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果以執委會名義的話,就在執委會大會來確認這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我們要決定用哪種規格,像一個奧林匹克的活動,就是奧委會。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "合理上還是指導委員會要通過,但是因為時效的關係,所以工作小組要先邀請他們來,最後再補文件。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "草稿我們這邊有嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我們會做,明天會跟副座討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們大概什麼時候看得到?好比像3月26日以前是不是一定可以看得到?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我們副座是說明天要跟您討論這一些細節。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "明天討論主要是網站部分,邀請函並未排入明天議程。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "也可以討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想就加上去,我們有一個可能,執委會如果3月26日開得成,就當場確認、當場發,如果確認不成就幾位都在,我先說今天要發這個出去,真的有時效的問題,我們下一次在追認,幾個點個頭就沒事了;但是無論如何,可能3月26日手上要拿到那一張。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "就是3月26日定稿然後就發,無論如何用追認或者是確認。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "3月26日的話要前兩天,因為要有時間讓政委確認文稿,所以是禮拜五下班前。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我們應該有。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我們找一下範本來改,有就是這邊發函的單位名稱。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "本週末給我版本,我最多禮拜一來改稿,禮拜二來發。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "評選標準?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "正式競賽或者是表演賽的問題,也就是按照國內松的方式來處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是這樣子評審的公信力很重要。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "如果是觀摩表演賽性質就是要建議的標準,我們要找一些意見來處理跟討論。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "你溝通過程中,覺得他們推薦團隊的成熟度到什麼情況?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "或者以前在其他比賽有得過獎。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "事實上標準一致,稍微調一下,應該不是問題?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "現在有一些名單,但是人家會不會來是另外一回事。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我自己內部的盤算,我們抓名額是20至30個,因此至少有4隊在現場,所以OCP抓兩隊、推薦兩隊,TMForum做infrastructure的角度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是這樣聽起來的意思是,我們是外包評選可以給我們的夥伴。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "他們不會這樣看,而是要來幫忙我們主辦單位。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "國際組這邊,是不是至少OCP跟TMForum有一位,或者是加起來有兩、三位在國際組的評審裡面,然後原有的再去成立國際組。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這個是參加國際組的評審。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是書審,不太可能去訪談。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這個是邀他來,但是最後是進到總統府裡面去,所以還是會有一個程序。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好。這樣子我會建議評審人數太多的話,那個邏輯性是非常麻煩的,所以我建議維持在五個人左右,三至五人,五人是還不錯的數字。就像剛剛所說的,他們一定各一個,我們這邊派兩個、三個都可以,就這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果假設是我召集,我是不會投票的,因此我會變成是只有四個人在投票之類的,如果不是我召集就隨便,所以意思是我們盡可能讓溝通成本降到最低,大家比較不會有公信力有的沒的,這個是說第一次觀摩,如果對這個制度不滿意,我們明年會再formal一個再增加它。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "我們建議評審團召集人是單一,也就是評審團的召集人是單一,因此有一定的一致性在。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "國內松評審團的主席是誰?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Hi。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "他有一致性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我只是主持,但不會投票的。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "兩位是代表。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "國際是兩位,如果真的需要,我也可以,但應該不會到那一步。所以等於選三個卓越團隊的部分,這個部分就確定,就是demo的部分。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "你所謂有一個就是三個國際松團隊在那邊。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這三隊可能會有時間的issue?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "國內松去年就五隊了。我們的時間是一小時,所以要配合整體的時間安排。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "最後是只有3分鐘,五隊是15分鐘,但是你那一天還有國際的貴賓。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "所以最後一天是禮拜天的時段安排,可以有多少時間?幾分鐘是給國際松的?然後再倒推回來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好比像你已知只有15分鐘給國際松,如果五個都上來就給3分鐘,你也可以用除法來解決。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這個能見度會高。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這個是完全沒有東西可以講,只要有東西可以講的話,像採取魚客松的做法,我們就找他預錄3分鐘的影片,這一種可以,因為人在,記者可以事後再訪他,但是因為如果人一多,預錄影片,影片精確到秒,就不會有上台、下台的VGA線斷掉的東西出現,所以我會建議國際松,也就是看實際的情況,如果最後要上台只有兩、三隊,那就沒有這個問題,如果最後要上台是四、五隊,就用一定程度預錄,但是我們再安排記者再訪他們,時間儘量抓住。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得儘量不要有那一種,明明他來做得不錯,像些微之差而不能上臺,我覺得這個不太好,也就是表演賽的意義,有來就有得獎的意義。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "基本上能夠到台北的,大概都是……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "除非他說沒有辦法。我覺得儘量往這個方向,好不好?因為不然我們取三個刷掉兩個,這真的很難看。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "評審團是?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "事前書審跟刷掉的部分。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "其實是可以提供一些獎品,因為要辦活動。國際的評審團,那個講評,有些宣傳效果有時不輸給團隊,因此可以一起露出。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有錯。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "還有一個建議,我們在評審的時候,因為sustainable infrastructure的範圍很廣,我會建議這個過程中,稍微放一些某些跟國內需求及國際連結是有關的題目,這個要想一下並且準備,不然當他們來詢問對什麼有興趣,他覺得沒有答案。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "民生公共物聯網。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "像列舉一、兩個項目,比如跟氣候變遷有關,或者是跟永續能源、綠色應用有關,就不要把它放到……" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "現在的題目非常龐大,也就是有關鍵字,如何有一個描述,我們會跟他們討論……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個他們是專家。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "但是我們要拋方向,讓他們幫忙生內容,所以會合作。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "一方面他們來是觀摩,所以他們做的東西,臺灣後續也可以有類似的主題來做,這樣才有真正的觀摩效果,不然只是平行的兩個event放在一起。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而且說不定他來台,然後跑去那邊就做民生公共物聯網,他們的隊伍裡面只要有一個臺灣人就可以。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "其他人要有在台的有效證件。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就請移民署幫他們辦一下,來了就跑不掉了。我覺得大概就這樣。看一下CK有沒有待決的事項?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "報名欄位的部分就給他們,個人資訊與個人問的問題,他們覺得很好,提到一個建議,我們之前沒有想到,如果是code for teams是不是要讓他們填寫每一個成員的專長、分布。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很好啊!" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "是不是要填性別?如果我們強調性別平等的話,這個是有優點、缺點。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "你列不要有兩個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是空白支票一樣,接下來身分證也是這樣(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "國際松的報名欄位是不是要一致?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們就變成input欄位,不要bottom,英文就寫gender,就是一個空白字填欄位,他要填空白、空白那也是他的自由,要用全形空白也是他的自由。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我沒有要用臉書模式,性別欄有許多選項。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那真的很困難,你光是把它翻成中文就很困難。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "建議是要有性別欄位?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是是一個填寫項,並不是選項。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "國內松要有性別欄位嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果是填寫項,我沒有意見。我並沒有看到一致的理由,因為畢竟這兩個並不是放在同一個籃子去評。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "國內松要鼓勵性別平等嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "評審已經鼓勵性別平等了,我覺得這一次已經送了很清楚的訊息,在評委這個層級。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "後面再做統計可以瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以前往往是用特別獎的方式。這一次的範圍大到智慧國家,不用再去用特別獎。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "國內松有個別報名的部分,是不是需要他們填性別?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得還好。因為個人的配對,主要還是看有沒有跨公司專業這三個報名的match,但是並不會三天一定要有性別平等,因為這樣組不成,變數實在太多,我們跨域就其實已經滿有難度。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "我想要提個問題,到時是十個團隊進入決選,十隊會到總統府,再加國際松的三隊嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "三隊、四隊或者是兩隊。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "那一天他們在總統府是下午來或者是早上就可以來?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "到時是十隊決選團隊,十隊會選出五隊,十隊會到總統府,再加上國際松的這三隊,是嗎?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "那一天他們在總統府是下午來或者是早上就可以來?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "因為前面是競選,之後中午因為是上次的模式,中午的時候是總統府會來與團隊交流。這三隊是不是這時要進來?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是,當然,這是他們來的目的。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "現在是我們服務的場地,當初為何僅10隊,空間已經很擠了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以變成13隊就更擠了。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "有可能直接用,因為去年那樣當然比較周全。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "7月會很熱。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "另外可以開其他房間(會議室)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不同樓層有什麼關係?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "主要是我們的會議室很大,都很遠,如果總統要過去跟大家交流,走有一點遠。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。所以你們有什麼備案或者是建議?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "我們本來以為是只有十隊,後來一聽發現很多隊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過我覺得這個可以克服,如果是不同的樓層,我想說總統跟他們互動的時間,也許簡短或者是刪掉,那都可以,因為他們來總統府本身是象徵意義,在2016年底在法國總統府的黑客松,總統也沒有來,但是光是在那邊,只有拍個照就走了。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "有來拍照。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "根本沒有跟任何一隊講到話(笑),但是我的意思是這個還是榮譽,因為這還是在總統府的物理場域裡面。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "現在是130個人,一組團隊是10個人,這樣總共有130個人,還有一些各首長,擠不進去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "只好開第二會場,也就是用直播的方法,也就是遠距會場。你們想一下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不然就讓小英機器人跑來跑去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "把蘇菲亞接過來,這個是很有梗,沒有錯。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "說不定臺灣有自己的機器人。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "是要考慮一下國外團隊或者是夥伴代表在那一天出席的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過那兩個評審一定可以來,而且才兩個人,不會怎麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "可能會不只來兩個人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我理解。但是這個太細了,不需要今天來弄。有兩個方法,一個是分會場,要不要機器人是另外一回事,可能就是用一個巡迴的方法來做,另外一個方法是,我們把能夠來的人人數可能稍微做一些縮限,大部分的人是看直播,可能是四個人或者是五個人進到大禮堂當中,這個可以規劃一下。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "補充一下,國際松的報告,國際的組織狀況,在執委會應該要正式報告,我們早晚要露出我們的OCP及其他團隊,後續對他們的稱呼這個要講。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "對,這個要麻煩處長那邊把今天國際松的部分整成一份,假定下個禮拜會前有一個資料委員會的會議,大概在那個報告裡面,也就是一次把它全部做完。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們最晚的露出時間是6月30日,但是在此之前,我覺得也已經可以開始拋出國際松的議題,6月30日是因為當時我們就定案會有多少人來臺灣,6月底以前就要評選完成。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是評審過程是哪五個委員,這五個委員一攤出來,這兩個組織就一定會出現,所以這個時候再往前一點還有一波。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "他們要幫忙宣傳。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以4月的時候就要開始有一個通訊一包。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "3月26日執委會要通過一些國際松的……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果3月26日開不成,我們無論如何4月初以前開成。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "在指導委員會的時候,要讓他們知道。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "讓他們備查。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒錯,所以也要整理一份報告,可能要比現在這個稍微再清楚一點,就是什麼時候會發生什麼。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "上網以後,恐怕助理也要有專門的contact windows,有什麼事的時候就不是透過嘉凱他們,可能是工作小組正式的聯絡窗口,如果需要什麼資源再跟大家講。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看這個部分大家覺得ok嗎?" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "臨時動議,國發會沒有辦法參加會議,潘處長請我追認一個需求,這次有民眾線上投票,有請「Join」平台開發API,現在已經做了差不多,少了一個正式的會議紀錄,是不是列在今天的會議紀錄?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒問題。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "請執行單位為了要開發總統盃黑客松現場投票,請「Join」平台開發這樣的API功能。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,請務必在4月15日以前上線,不然不可能開始投。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "已經測過,都通了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "太好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果只是需要追認,今天就用這個會議紀錄追認。還有什麼?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我剛剛在網路上被問,大家看了黑客松目前的網站,已經搞不清楚公民參與幾個程序有什麼不一樣,第一個是許願池、大家可以提案、大家可以投票,這幾個程序的狀況是怎麼樣?請接下來再看黑客松網站寫得更清楚一點,我們也可以貼到黑客松許願池上。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "許願池的第1至3頁是不是要鎖起來,因為我看有人編輯,因為剛開始我也跑去編輯,然後貼上去,如果那邊寫好也請copy一份流程給大家看。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講「許願」跟「提案」的差別,希望我們可以用一句比較簡單的話把拘束力弄清楚。因為現在有一句話叫做「總統盃社會創新黑客松,需要各界英雄好手熱情加入」首先這已經是去年的文案了,所以在那一句話的地方,我們可以抽換掉,變成上面的許願跟底下的提案有什麼不一樣,把那一句話抽換,因為社創黑客是去年的事,那一句話本來就要換掉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "PTT的網友問說是不是可以供應黑松的茶花茶(笑),這個請參考,並沒有要作裁示。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有別的動議?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我們就非常有效率結束這個會議,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家慢慢入座,很高興能夠在這邊跟大家討論我們在新竹這邊老屋街區文化的課題,我們今天上午才剛從城隍廟、整個街區等等都經過了一番導覽,所以等一下就很高興能夠跟大家交換這一方面的意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們今天的時間結構跟空間結構先跟大家說一下,時間上我們等一下會有一輪自我介紹,自我介紹之後,我們討論大概一個小時左右,大概到2點45分,因為大家事前都有一些書面的問題,我會把它投影在這個螢幕上,如果中間大家隨時有任何想法、想要貢獻的部分,都歡迎掃這個QR code,或者是直接在手機上輸入slido.com的網址,到裡面之後再打「00319」,當然你掃QR code的話,就不需要打「00319」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個網頁有兩個用途,一個是你在發言之前如果有一些補充資料,比較難用唸的東西,可以直接往上面放,這個是備忘錄;第二,如果你有想要提的問題,像麥克風在別人的手上,比如現在這個情況,也可以沒有打斷發言者的情況下提出問題,看到別人的問題想要問,按讚就可以了,讚的數量比較高的會浮到上面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這次的巡迴是第二場的青年諮詢委員會的巡迴,跟上一場在宜蘭的紀錄原則是一樣的,我們在現場會有逐字紀錄的速錄師,得到所有的發言都會變成逐字紀錄,但是所有在場的朋友們都有十個工作天的時間,也就是兩個禮拜的時間可以進行修正,修正的時候也很歡迎再補上更多的補充資料,就跟之前開過的全國文化會議一樣,大家都可以搜尋到的紀錄,都可以變成相關文化政策參考的基礎。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在一個小時之後,接下來就是我們會連線台北,文化部的文資局資源司、交通部觀光局、內政部營建署、國發會及經濟部中企處的朋友都在台北,都會跟我們遠端連線,把我們已經整理好的想法,實際跟部會的朋友們進行對話,大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們說主席致詞5分鐘,所以不耽誤任何的時間,我們是不是麥克風稍微用傳的,跟大家分享一下如何稱呼,是什麼團體、組織或者是單位的朋友,有沒有特別想要講的事情,比較簡短繞一圈,從青諮委開始。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "大家好,我是Impact Hub Taipei的昱築,非常開心今天來到新竹,我們早上做了舊城區的巡迴,我自己在台北,也是把老屋的空間改造成年輕人來創業,我們的空間比較多是在做社會創新的創業城,再加上Impact Hub是國際的組織,所以我們非常多國際落地的活動會在台北發生,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "吳君薇", "speech": "大家好,我是青年諮詢委員會委員吳君薇,我同時也是見域工作室的共同創辦人,很高興今天來到新竹。" }, { "speaker": "吳君薇", "speech": "我們在新竹發行貢丸湯的雜誌,然後去記錄新竹很多的活化歷史,然後活化為各式各樣的載體,希望讓大家更友善來認識這個城市。同時,我們在做這樣嘗試時,其實也陸續發現很多跟我們志同道合的一些年輕人可能面臨到一些創業的問題或者是法規相關的問題,今天也剛好很高興有這個機會把大家聚在一起,歡迎大家發表一下目前關於老空間再利用,或者是舊城文化上有哪一些想法,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林筱菁", "speech": "大家好,我是來自台南的林筱菁,我們的工作室是在台南七股在做養殖漁業的食魚教育,我們透過體驗活動或者是深度課程,讓大家知道你們在吃餐桌上的魚是什麼東西。" }, { "speaker": "林筱菁", "speech": "我們在台南有一個據點,像小屋的工作室,但是我們在台南市區有遇到尋找老房子的一些碰壁經驗,希望今天可以跟大家交流,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "曾廣芝", "speech": "大家好,我是青年諮詢委員會的曾廣芝(小工),我跟前面幾位朋友的領域比較不一樣,我是讀公共衛生的,但是我們對社區的議題很有興趣,我之前做的跟社區相關,所以很高興今天來到新竹跟大家交流。" }, { "speaker": "楊士學", "speech": "大家好,我是桃園青年諮詢委員會的委員,我叫楊士學,最重要的身分是在交通大學就讀客家學系。我自己是高雄美濃人,自己身邊有一些朋友也在從事老屋的修復,甚至變成民宿等等,我自己這一、兩年跟地方創生、社區營造的議題,有興趣,也想要跟大家多交流,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "賴振民", "speech": "大家好,我是桃園市青年諮詢委員,我是賴振民,我自己是在綜合大學當講師,我目前是在推動學校老舊空間變成學生創意討論的空間,我們現在推廣到全校區。我也發現一些社會上的大學,一整個學校,我最近在看被鴿子所占據,其實應該是要再利用,跟這個議題,我們希望可以活化再利用,只是退場的時候,空間就寫死在那裡,希望今天來跟大家交流與學習,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林梓鈞", "speech": "大家好,我也是桃園市青年諮詢委員會的委員,我叫林梓鈞,我同時也是臺灣食通信的共同創辦人,這一本雜誌從日本地方創生的概念衍生而來的,我們響應在臺灣推出。" }, { "speaker": "林梓鈞", "speech": "趁這個機會也打個廣告好了,目前在誠品可以買到,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這邊歡迎打廣告。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "大家好,我是青諮偉翔,我們組織Skills for U在做技能發展議題,所以今天的議題我覺得有兩個面向,一是可以討論哪些有技能的人可以參與老屋翻修的這一件事,其實我們之前有做過,幫一些偏鄉,或者是協助一些科大,讓一些有技能的人來幫忙改造;第二,因為創生是在地,需要適合團隊經營,牽扯到一個人的職能、技能,這個技能不一定是修東西,可能是商業經營能力,這樣的人才怎麼出來,這是我今天參與的角色。" }, { "speaker": "彭仁鴻", "speech": "大家好,我是院青諮的同仁,來自宜蘭頭城老街,我們的空間名稱叫做「金魚。厝邊」,主要是以老鎮長故居作為老街活化的窗口,我們談的議題是有關於地方創生關係人口連結,如何把新、舊證明的這一種族群能夠找到對的人、進入到對的空間,這是我們有興趣的議題,很高興認識大家,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "徐健智", "speech": "大家好,我是青諮的健智,我是來自新竹縣十二寮,我們主要在做社群場域的地方創生計畫,主要可以做時間銀行、免費商店、物資媒合、共同公共空間、食農教育,今天很開心可以跟大家交流。" }, { "speaker": "鐘偉庭", "speech": "大家好,我是青諮的偉庭,目前是高雄科技大學的博士生,我的專長領域是有關防火安全、消防安全、避難設計,比較關注的議題是建築安全之類的,如果有這一些問題,我們可以交流。" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "大家好,我是青諮的葉智文,現在是台北這邊任職,在做的是包含現在政府推動的社會住宅、包租代管這一方面的工作,很高興有機會跟大家交流,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉鎧綸", "speech": "大家好,我是鎧綸,我現在是一位在經營民宿的,我自己過去也是在經營民宿的線下社群,很高興認識大家。" }, { "speaker": "洪申", "speech": "大家好,我是「原來如此」的洪申,我現在租了一棟房屋,要開共同公益空間,希望在裡面推廣課程,透過課程推廣工藝,幫我的朋友可以把他們的作品或他們的東西,可以更容易推廣。" }, { "speaker": "林宗德", "speech": "大家好,我是見域工作室的宗德,跟君薇一樣,是同一個工作室的夥伴,所以不多做介紹,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "彭若涵", "speech": "大家好,我是周益記工坊,我們是新竹北門大街上的營運團隊,我自己曾經也待過基金會,我們關心著如何把這個議題跟大眾作溝通,今天很高興跟大家一起來討論。" }, { "speaker": "謝名恒", "speech": "大家好,各位午安,我是新竹市社區營造中心的行動主持人,我叫名恒。很高興來這裡聽一下意見跟分享,今年我們在社造提案補助部分,其實有滿多組是針對青年、新竹在地,像舊城一些故事的考察,或者他們有預計想要做像舊城的實際闖關遊戲,像台北、中壢有做,所以我們希望可以用這一種方式去引介,對於在地議題有興趣的年輕人,可以來到新竹用遊戲的方式來認識地方,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林書妤", "speech": "大家好,我是社區營造中心書妤,跟名恒是同一個團隊,因為我們社區的提案對於這個都有相關的議題,因此來這裡跟大家交流,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡禎", "speech": "大家好,我是新竹縣社區規劃師協會的怡禎,我們現在協會駐地於新竹縣新埔鎮,駐地空間叫做「水石創意園區」,空間是400多坪大的廢棄工廠,目前有找到在地工作者,像新埔在地的服裝設計師leo張進駐在那邊,另外還有有書店跟民宿的多角化經營,之後還會規劃成為一個青年的創生基地。此外,我本身是去年度中衛發展中心培訓出來的首批在地經理人之一。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡禎", "speech": "此外,我現在個人還有在協助基隆和平島海洋大學USR地方創生的部分,也有在那邊開一些論壇和工作坊,目前有多方的發展,也希望跟大家有更多的交流,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "黃海惟", "speech": "大家好,我是磨實生活工作室的黃海惟,我是在苗栗竹南這邊,有申請過青發署的計畫,主要是利用自宅的勞務來做青年的據點,讓苗栗有許多的議題跟青年有一個聚集的場所,一起來關心苗栗的議題,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "彭瑞琮", "speech": "大家好,我是新竹的Sofa Story旅行講堂的工作夥伴之一,看名字就知道,我們會邀請有各式各樣旅行經營的旅人,跟大家分享他們的旅行故事。" }, { "speaker": "彭瑞琮", "speech": "我們的空間一直有在做後期、展店的規劃,因此對於勞務這一塊的議題都有在關注,很開心可以跟大家交流,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "羅仕龍", "speech": "大家好,我是來自新竹關西的羅屋書院,我們這邊就是一個百年的客家三合院,我們是以老房子即三合院為平台,然後我們希望朝文化聚落,甚至跟周邊的老街、茶廠、稻田開拓,各方面去整合發展,我們希望透過聚落的發展來創造產業的發展,今天有這樣的機會,希望多認識與大家一起努力的夥伴,或許可以多做一些事來經驗交流,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "黃家慧", "speech": "大家好,我是黃家慧,我跟健智一樣,來自十二寮的工作坊,今天另外一個角色是新竹市的豐功里的里民,目前跟里長在合作,就是要活化大煙囪,之前海軍第六燃料廠的那一區塊之文化保存區的老屋再活化,我們本身在新竹市千甲里有一塊水利地,目前經營合作農場,主要有養雞、友善的自然農法,我們的學習理論其實是樸門種植(permaculture),指導老師是陳建泰(音譯)老師,我們的合作農場經營到目前是三個多月,經營得還不錯,也有很好的銷售通路,因此要把這樣子的合作農場概念視為可食地景,在都會區想要創造食物森林,想要在大煙囪這一塊保存區,我們的里長打算把它作為社區發展協會、活動中心、共食廚房、老人/親子活動空間等等。" }, { "speaker": "黃家慧", "speech": "這一片基地其實滿廣的,我們也可以將可食地景、農場的觀念帶進去,除了可以提供食物的供應,也能夠解決週邊社區、學校廚餘去化的問題,以自然農法,友善種植為基礎,達到資源永續循環再利用。如果我們的農場想要投入到此文化保存基地,有沒有相關的指導或者是經費的補助?謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林高正", "speech": "大家好,我們是大島共同工作空間的林高正,我們目前跟一些在地文化有興趣、熱情的夥伴,成立以建築景觀空間為設計導向的共同工作空間,我們希望找到更多對新竹這個城市有熱情設計的一些青年,我們對這個城市做更多的想像,我們目前有一些案子,大部分都是建築跟景觀空間的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林高正", "speech": "我們也修繕了自己的老屋去做一些改造,把一些多餘的空間分享出來,把它做成共同工作空間,其實我們在創業的時候,我們知道剛創業的夥伴都有一個辦公室跟資金的需求,因此我們把修繕老屋完成之後的多餘座位共享出來,給其他創業的夥伴,所以如果夥伴有這樣的需求等等,也歡迎跟我們諮詢,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王昱登", "speech": "大家好,我是見域工作室的創辦人昱登,我們就不多介紹我們的工作室。" }, { "speaker": "王昱登", "speech": "我們去年也有跟黃俊憲建築師事務所協議一起擔任新竹市提案輔導團隊的認識經營之一些夥伴們,今年也希望可以一起繼續努力。" }, { "speaker": "黃俊憲", "speech": "大家好,我是黃俊憲建築師,我們是新竹在地的建築師,同時也是去年跟自用老建築活化保存計畫,就是包含租金、整修補助的輔導團隊,我們預計今年應該還是會繼續延續,如果各位有這一方面的需求,歡迎跟我們聯絡或者是跟見域工作室聯絡。我們旁邊這一位負責人蔣佩芳小姐,就是這個專案的負責人,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "陳宥達", "speech": "大家好,我是戲棚下的宥達,戲棚下是一間我和我父親經營的炸雞跟茶飲的店,我們是進駐在一家日據時代大正年間建造百年老屋,我們除了賣炸雞跟茶飲以外,我們也提供店內的空間,像跟見域公司合作,也提供一些空間來做導覽的服務。" }, { "speaker": "陳宥達", "speech": "另外也有跟在地的文創品牌來結合,也希望可以提供店內的空間,雖然不大,但是也許可以做一些小型的,也許是當地藝術家畫展,或是攝影的展覽。" }, { "speaker": "陳宥達", "speech": "我們希望藉由這一些共同的努力,可以讓大家更發現老宅的美麗,發現新竹舊城區的一些溫度,謝謝各位。" }, { "speaker": "陳鵬文", "speech": "委員好,我是來自苗栗的老家生活,我們原本的空間就是一個六十年的老宅,是做咖啡廳,到今年我們要到大甲,有第二個空間,會開始品牌化,叫做「老家生活」,我們主要的內容是「咖啡慢食」與「社區共學」,所以整個團隊在做的事情就是社區複合型平台,推動藝文教育深耕,建立藝文消費模式。" }, { "speaker": "陳鵬文", "speech": "我自己本身的背景是北藝大的電影所,所以透過藝術的學習與體驗,其實有很大量的啟發與感動,我們在做的事情是透過藝文活動來凝聚在地資源,也透過藝文活動開放在地居民使用資源的方法,朝向共同打造在地生活、形塑城市品牌的方向前進。" }, { "speaker": "陳鵬文", "speech": "最主要是希望這一些空間所在的城市,能夠具有藝文消費的模式,可以符合這個時代的需求,以上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林柏緯", "speech": "大家好,我是新竹市政府都發處的柏緯,現在主要負責空間舊城區,也就是舊城再生基地,今年進入第三年,每年會舉辦活動,有一些工作坊,我們團隊有來。" }, { "speaker": "顏志翰", "speech": "不好意思,我們是承包市府舊城再生基地的團隊。我們團隊預計會用一些比較軟性的方式,像手作或者是木作的議題,讓一些居民或者是市民能夠走進來,進而再討論一些相關的議題。" }, { "speaker": "顏志翰", "speech": "其中老屋的議題就是我們要討論的,因此今天希望來這邊跟大家交流,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王釔靜", "speech": "大家好,我是衍古都市計畫事務所王釔靜,我們是從都市計畫以都市執行的角度去探討都市更新地區的議題;同時間,我們也是從都市更新的角度去思考歷史建區的房子,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "邱佩柔", "speech": "大家好,我是鴻梅文創、或者文旅的副店長,鴻梅文創在新竹縣想要做一個無邊界美術館,所以我們現在目前第一個據點是或者書店,接著會有或者文旅、或者公益櫥窗,所有用三個主軸,一個是閱讀、一個是工藝、一個是風土來做不同空間的規劃。" }, { "speaker": "劉佩蓁", "speech": "大家好,我是或者文旅的劉佩蓁,或者文旅也是老屋修建的文旅,接下來也會開放新竹十三鄉鎮的旅遊路線,讓大家認識更多不同面向的新竹,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林子晴", "speech": "大家好,我是周益記的子晴,周益記又是北門街以上的古蹟,我們希望傳承的是北門街歷史,有關於庶民生活跟現在地方做結合,有做很多歷史的教育推廣。" }, { "speaker": "藍懷恩", "speech": "大家好,我是愛之島的發起人藍懷恩,這裡可能我年紀最長。最主要是愛之島過去在五年多來辦了五百場以上的講座,看到臺灣有非常強大的生命力,也就是在我們科學方面,我們人文生態方面有很多資源,因此我看到除了硬體的建築之外,我們能夠在內容上放棄更多的生命力、文化力及社會力,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "郭書麟", "speech": "大家好,我是新竹市社區規劃師的執行團隊,也是舊城再生基地的團隊。我們主要的業務項目是讓社區地方的頭人或者是在地社區來針對他們自己的社區有一些簡單綠美化的改善。我想老屋議題跟空間的活化,在很多在地的社群都很關心這一個議題,希望藉由這個機會得到很好的意見與回饋,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們線上有青年諮詢委員,要不要快速跟我們自我介紹一下?喔!家豪。" }, { "speaker": "林家豪", "speech": "大家好,我是第二屆的青諮委員,目前在新北市推動合作社的運動,我們主要是從事一些軟體開發,我們關注在原民文化事務的推廣,特別因為我是做資訊相關的服務,所以也關注科技如何導入到原鄉上,聽到對於老屋翻修的想法與意見,就很多議題,很高興認識大家。" }, { "speaker": "嚴天浩", "speech": "大家好,有聽到聲音嗎?我是天浩,我在網路上會看一些相關的資訊,也想聽聽各位前輩們、在這個領域的專家一些建議與想法,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。我想就不多耽擱,sli.do上已經開始出現問題,我覺得非常好,第一個也是大家比較想要知道的,跟城市的行銷、整個文化規劃的中間扣合,看市府這邊的想法是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們也有兩位市府的同仁在這邊,是不是可以先請這邊大概給一個pic,最近這幾年比較關注的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "(行政院農業委員會補充說明):有關農場及社區協會合作,透過農業、食物森林等內容,結合社區再造及文化保存的部分,應與本會刻正積極推動農村再生及地方創生等業務相關,如有補助計畫需求,可向本會延提農村產業跨域或農村區域亮點等相關計畫,依規定審查評估後核定計畫,相關問題可逕洽本會水土保持局。" }, { "speaker": "李欣耀", "speech": "政委、署長、各位委員,關心老屋發展的夥伴們大家午安、大家好,新竹市文化局跟各位委員報告有關於老屋發展的一些狀況。先跟大家報告一下背景,大家知道新竹市其實在清朝是淡水廳的廳志所在,在日治時期的時候,其實是廳所在,那是重要的政經文化中心,因此留下非常多古老的建築,不管在社區或者是郊區,不管是清朝的建築或是日治時代的建築都非常地多。" }, { "speaker": "李欣耀", "speech": "因為如此,其實我們過去也邀請中原大學的黃俊銘教授幫我們做新竹市的老屋普查計畫,那個計畫當中就列了將近700間的老屋,這個老屋的範圍遠比現在的老屋計畫比60年還來得更早,大部分的老屋8、90年以上,這樣的老屋比較多。" }, { "speaker": "李欣耀", "speech": "老屋隨著時間遞送下來,不管是民宅或者是公共建築物,像組織改組有一些閒置的狀況,或者是老屋有一些長輩離開了,所以有很多老屋慢慢閒置,對於都市發展或者是景觀上有很多負面的問題,我們注意到這個問題,所以市府同步從兩方面,在公有建築的部分,我們推出了所謂「老樹舍計畫」,希望把新竹市公有過去的,不管是市府所有,或者是中央單位所有的一些屋舍,像給員工住的宿舍,像我們在辦的南大路警察宿舍、中央警察宿舍、將軍村、演武場宿舍等等,過去都是一些公有的宿舍,我們把宿舍產權移過來,整理後產生一個新的風貌,包含這個街廓城區的發展。" }, { "speaker": "李欣耀", "speech": "當然在私有的部分,我們知道在過去幾年,像在台南市這邊有推出老屋很多政策,值得我們借鏡,因此在去年的時候,我們也推出了「老竹塹_老屋味」的政策,主要租金補貼的計畫,去年開始是第一年,有很多夥伴協助我們徵詢或者是徵詢來的合作店家等等,去年是第一年,總共有九家店家獲得補助。" }, { "speaker": "李欣耀", "speech": "當然,我們同步也知道文化部有一些老屋修繕的補貼計畫,在去年度的時候,也引薦了四家的店家申請到文化部的部分。這個部分會持續進行下去,我們會擴大跟老屋的屋主來做一些宣導,希望大家可以踴躍參與這樣的計畫。" }, { "speaker": "李欣耀", "speech": "當然除了這一些文化部的資源以外,市政府體系補貼租金等等之後,也希望有一些輔導的措施,像文化局這邊也會有輔導一些店家,不管是包裝設計或者是商品開發等等,又或者是這一些周邊的重要節點,不管是步道或者是東門市場等等,這一些空間都做一些整理,希望讓街廓可以整合起來。" }, { "speaker": "李欣耀", "speech": "比如社區營造的業務當中,我們特別跟社區青年團隊來結合,希望藉由青年的力量把舊城區來做一些連結,這兩、三年來有一些效果出來。我們青年也才剛剛徵詢完新一批,有很多很創意的構想,在這邊誠摯邀請夥伴。" }, { "speaker": "李欣耀", "speech": "創新空間以後,其實還可以多想一下如何跟街區做連結,這樣可以共生共融。老屋的計畫在新竹是也是初始的階段,中間碰到不少的問題,這個部分也希望各位夥伴可以有相關的經驗,或者是碰到什麼樣的困難,我們在這個場合上可以一起提出來討論,可以解決的,我們會一併努力跟大家處理問題,以上是初步的介紹,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林曉華", "speech": "主席、各位夥伴大家好,我是新竹市文化局文資科的林曉華,我們在推老屋活化計畫,剛剛已經介紹很清楚。科內的部分主要是文化資產保存修復再利用,我們去年度首推老屋的租金補貼計畫,同時剛剛副局長講的文化部老建築修繕補助計畫,我們也有承接。" }, { "speaker": "林曉華", "speech": "所以剛剛黃建築師就是我們的輔導團,輔導團的團隊跟見域工作室共同合作,把一些訊息給老屋,也希望有一些資金補助,希望新竹市的老屋可以保存下來,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "羅清水", "speech": "政委、各位夥伴,很高興,青年署是青諮會的承辦單位,很高興在這裡跟大家見面,另外一個身分是很歡迎大家來新竹市來,走了一遭才知道新竹市非常美,這三十年來改變非常多,感謝各位青年夥伴一起為新竹打拼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一位朋友要自我介紹。" }, { "speaker": "張逸柔", "speech": "大家好,我耳朵聽不到,但是我今天來參與這個活動,是因為我接觸了這一些,我家裡有一個老舊的房子,佔地260坪,舊房子很久沒有使用了,就在大馬路旁邊,我這個要如何利用?" }, { "speaker": "張逸柔", "speech": "後來政府推行老屋建築方面,但是我們發現一進去就要繳300萬,一進去就要打退堂鼓了,後來我們去反映之後,內政部說建築補助再從這裡面扣掉,但是很多人想的是,繳300萬這個是需要的嗎?這300萬是給建築公司有什麼履約保證嗎?大家的想法是,我們是不是要繳這300萬來做這個?" }, { "speaker": "張逸柔", "speech": "我也是美濃人,剛剛有一位楊士學先生,美濃有百年的建築物,三合院,因為我們宗祠在美濃是非常大的一個,從前、從後都要經過我們那裡,如果蓋好,我們的宗祠就會很整齊,從地到建築物都很整齊,就會變成觀光景點,甚至會變成一個傳承的內涵。" }, { "speaker": "張逸柔", "speech": "我們是不是可以規劃出一個安養的地方,像老屋260坪的土地重建,如果可以的話,由政府協助我們來蓋這個給他們安養,讓他們有自己的空間。我在美濃也有一個民宿,民宿也是在大馬路旁邊,佔地大概400多坪,他說這個民宿是不合法的,必須要長租型的,不能日租的,我們是用民宿努力,被罰了好幾萬,然後被打掉,就在樓下開咖啡店,這個很狼狽,其實房間都很高級裝潢,所以我們改建之後,發現投下去的東西如果沒有經過介紹,我們都不知道要如何好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝這位朋友的分享,確實去年我記得7月時,內政部跟信保基金有過一個討論,確實300萬的,因為好比是出3成,大概是300萬的錢,現在是有一個信保基金融資的信用保證,所以應該是去年8月開始受理,是四年跟信保的合約,這或許是其中一個可以想的,容積獎勵我記得是1.4倍,這個也許是可以再次討論的資源,因為這個確實去年下半年才開始在信保基金承作,具體很多細節,我覺得之後可以書面來回應,但是很謝謝這一位朋友分享實際碰到危老建築碰到的困難。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "文化局有沒有想要討論的部分?事實上我們事前是有收到書面的提問單,我們通常跟中央部會連線的時候,我們會就提問單裡面,尤其是有具體建議的部分來進行確認,因為我們還是希望這邊收到的一些想法,最後能夠進入政策制定的流程當中,如果是說明性質的,其實後面部會大概都可以用書面的方法來進行回應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一些政策是比較有爭點的,像我看到第一個,也就是講到新竹市都市民宿開放,這個是合法化的部分,這個牽扯到舊城區裡面到底要不要有民宿申請等等的部分,所以我想我們分成兩個階段來看。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這應該是鎧綸提出來的,我們應該是按照提的順序,我們快速過一下,如果你對於部會這邊書面回應,之前都有收到,如果覺得很滿意了,而且已經說明清楚了,並沒有具體要提的,我們可能在下半場連線的時候,這個部分就會跳過。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "或者你覺得有一些並沒有回應到的點,或者是在場的任何朋友想要提出的,不管是在sli.do上提出或者是其他地方提出,我覺得可以追問,我就會把它補充在白板具體建議這一邊,我想我們在接下來半小時左右的時間,可以快速帶大家看一下之前書面提出過的意見,在這中間都歡迎隨時追加,直接寫在sli.do上就好了,請提案人稍微跟我們分享一下看到這樣子的書面回應,有沒有什麼想要追問或者是補充的部分?因為我看這個就是在進行當中,在舊城區開放民宿的申請,就是要比照桃園跟高雄的做法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "(內政部營建署補充說明):" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "為協助及鼓勵危險及老舊建築物加速重建,「都市危險及老舊建築物加速重建條例」業於106年5月10日公布施行,重建時有最高1.4倍建築容積獎勵,並於重建後有最長12年的房屋稅捐減免。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另為協助有自主意願、重建融資取得有困難及無營利事業機構協助取得必要資金之住戶,取得重建工程所需資金,內政部已與財團法人中小企業信用保證基金正式簽訂契約,自107年至110年,4年預計勻撥信保基金10億元,提供100億元額度的融資信用保證。每戶最高可申請3百萬元保證融資,貸款期間最長5年,以協助民眾補足重建工程貸款缺口,加速完成重建。有信用保證需求的民眾可向直轄市、縣(市)政府或申貸銀行洽詢,以儘速重建打造更安全的居住環境。" }, { "speaker": "劉鎧綸", "speech": "大家好,因為我之前的工作就是在Airbnb當志願者,就是在蒐集民宿主人在法規上遇到什麼樣的問題。以之前跟見域、Sofa Story有幾次旅館公會的會議,其實我們也有遇到一些困難,其實各個城市都遇到同樣的困難,像旅館公會,我們政府單位會有旅館公會的壓力在。" }, { "speaker": "劉鎧綸", "speech": "其實如果平均計算這一些旅館公會成員的話,基本上他們可能在booking.com或者是Agoda平均的評分都不是這麼高的旅宿代表。" }, { "speaker": "劉鎧綸", "speech": "值得我們思考的是,在這樣的狀況下,我們的政府單位要聽的是這樣旅館夥伴們的聲音多一些,還是應該聽的是努力想要在新竹這個地方去創造更多多元旅宿體驗的年輕團隊上?" }, { "speaker": "劉鎧綸", "speech": "之前在台南我們遇到很多房東的經驗,他在經營Airbnb,想要分享的並不是房間、住宿環境,更想要分享的是生活,可能包括是攀岩教練,房子裡面就設了一個攀岩場,也可以體驗攀岩。" }, { "speaker": "劉鎧綸", "speech": "也有一個咖啡師經營了一個咖啡店在一樓,二樓的地方經營民宿,所以有機會可以讓旅客在入住民宿的過程中,能夠有機會體驗,我可以假使我是咖啡師的時候,我經營一家店可以長什麼樣子。" }, { "speaker": "劉鎧綸", "speech": "在台南很常遇到的困難點是,你就算要申請民宿,但是你的一樓地方是沒有辦法做任何的營業使用,這個是目前在過去工作經營下,我聽到很多,就算以台南可以合法民宿後,在老屋上,最常碰到的是建管、消防上的問題,尤其是老屋。" }, { "speaker": "劉鎧綸", "speech": "在台南的話,如果我沒記錯是民國45年左右的老屋,他們很容易會遇到建管上的問題。其實回到新竹這邊來之後,看到很多新竹民宿的夥伴們,其實他們做得很用力,但是目前並沒有法規可以依循,所以目前現階段卡在旅館公會的反彈,當然在每一個城市都會遇到。" }, { "speaker": "劉鎧綸", "speech": "很多政府官員都跟我們說同意我們做的事,但是不知道如何幫忙我們,但是我們很需要這部分的幫忙,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個非常具體,一樓無法營業建管的部分,一個是人文歷史風貌相關區域的劃定,必須要跟在地很多旅館業者來取得一個平衡,不敢說大家都滿意,但是至少大家都不要反對到一定抵死不從的程度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這個各個不同的縣市都有一些經驗,事實上可以找得出平衡來的,因此新竹實際的情況,看有沒有朋友在這個題目上補充,因為我們等一下連線,像觀光局這一些相關的朋友都會在這邊……請說。" }, { "speaker": "林宗德", "speech": "大家好,我是見域工作室的宗德。剛剛有說民宿合法化的部分,我們有去協助推動。民宿標榜的是生活體驗的旅行,因此我們認為非常需要在老屋保存的區域來推行,要推廣深度旅遊體驗,很理所當然會保留一定時代的老屋來做這一件事,因此見域站在這樣的角度來推動這樣的議題。" }, { "speaker": "林宗德", "speech": "會發現一個問題,像剛剛他所說的,雖然新竹是一個觀光熱度相對較低的城市,不像台南,因此在推動的時候,即使遇到很多消防法規的問題,可能還沒有那麼直接遇到像台南那樣迫切,上午也有討論到為了要符合消防法規,會導致很多時候,經營民宿的主人甚至覺得不如拆掉蓋一個新的房子,然後再來經營民宿,這個在台南的討論當中會發生這樣,在新竹市我認為是還好。" }, { "speaker": "林宗德", "speech": "另外一個問題,中央法規對於各地方政府開放民宿合法化,可以申請的認定是「具有人文及歷史風貌」的區域,這個部分出現問題是,過去我們臺灣並沒有要求每個地方政府就這件事發過任何的研究計畫或是什麼案子來做,導致我們在和過去對這議題不那麼關心的人去強調新竹的東西南北大路所包圍的範圍是新竹市的舊城區時,沒有可以依據的基礎,有的人會說:我從來不覺得這塊區域有歷史人文風貌,這種看不到老屋價值的人,對他來說,具有「歷史及人文風貌區域」變成各說各話。" }, { "speaker": "林宗德", "speech": "其實我們會覺得這是很可惜的,各地方政府應該都要有一個具有專業性的根據,來讓人引述各地方具有人文與歷史風貌區域在哪,透過專家學者來研究,或有系統的方式來定義出來的,並不是淪為議題討論時可以被周旋的空間,也就是不應該是這樣的議題,在我們新竹的案例卻變成這樣子,大家各說各話的地方,滿可惜的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確認一下,意思並沒有一個各方預先理解到這邊是具有歷史人文風貌,只是還沒有劃設,而是連這邊有沒有具人文或歷史風貌,都有一點各說各話。" }, { "speaker": "林宗德", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解,這個非常清楚。" }, { "speaker": "彭若涵", "speech": "也是歷史風貌區的議題,我在台南的經驗,歷史風貌這一塊,這個區域是聘請各方的專家一起討論、探索,不會是一個線,應該是一個專案。" }, { "speaker": "彭若涵", "speech": "這個狀況下,我覺得同時會回應到現場很多問題,老房子是不是要拆,是不是要指定同一個古蹟,如果在同一個議題底下,我們如果能夠把歷史風貌的背景、論述講清楚,在這個背景底下有哪一些重要具有代表性的事情就會冒出來,我覺得這是非常重要的基礎,因此對這整個不管是城市或者是觀光或者是老房子的這一件事,都是很重要的接觸。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我確認一下,你會覺得開任何研究計畫之前,要先有一個基礎的認識,首先這邊是有人文歷史風貌的,還有形成它的方式,我聽起來是這樣子,也就是due process,並不是發包一個研究計畫,不然這樣的東西其他各方不一定買單,我聽起來的意思是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有在這個題目上要加上來的部分?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然交通部這邊可能之後連線回來時,對Airbnb會有一些想法,這個在每一個縣市的狀況都不一樣,我想講的是觀光局並不是完全只聽特定業者的聲音,最近有一個滿好的例子,像做小旅行的業者,一直覺得要大家湊很高的資本額去成立一個旅行業,這個其實是不太可行,後來在大家討論之後,他們就把資本額度,現在應該要修到一半,就讓大家比較容易讓在地的朋友們湊在一起,但是還是有一些基本的保險、資本的保證,他們還是有在動,但是並沒有大家想像這麼快,我們匯集這一些討論,他們在動的時候還是有一些證據,如果裡面有哪一句想要多問,大家發問的時候,是有姓名,可以讓觀光局的朋友們找得到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我稍微看一下 ,看起來還好,有一位朋友提到有一個重點,是要教育民眾勞務保存的重要性,就是大家要有一個城市氛圍去說這一件事本身是重要的,而不只是對於老屋的擁有者、租民宿的人,對旁邊的人都是重要的,這個是滿好的提醒。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "書面第二個問題,大概也是一樣的,可不可以開一頁民宿?這個跟第1頁是相同的,我們就不特別回應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第三個是,當然其實從上午一直到中午,一直到現在,都有提到多方評估之後,拆掉選項,永遠都是在那邊,在那邊不是用一些政策工具的話,常常是一個比較有說服力的選項,所以我們文化部有一些書面回應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "鄭專員有在現場嗎?沒有來,好,我想這個書面回應,已經把文化部現有的立場講得比較清楚了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "到第四題,有關於設計、請照、設計及預算書圖等等流程比較長,也想問一下是不是這樣的一回事。" }, { "speaker": "洪申", "speech": "大家好,我現在正在租一棟老宅在進行這個步驟,做地方創生的人是年輕人居多,但是使用的人是年紀大一點,我要更新老宅的時候,一定是用承租的方式,政府有給修繕補助、一個是租金補助。" }, { "speaker": "洪申", "speech": "我現在租了屋子,我持續要付租金給屋主,我覺得比較弔詭,我要申請的是租金補助,但是事後等我運營的時候再申請,但是對於老宅來說初期投入很重要,但是很重要的是修繕補助,像我跑了修繕補助跑了很長,光是流程就跑了半年以上,等於我要付了半年的租金給屋主,還不見得可以申請得到,對於我的誘因就會降低。" }, { "speaker": "洪申", "speech": "如果可以的話,是不是有別的方式?像先拍照記錄下來,或者是請別人稍微勘驗,我的基礎工程就可以動工,事後拿得到一筆修繕經費,我認為這樣子對於推廣老宅修繕來說會比較好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你有無看到文化部第二點,他們說不是他們想要這樣子,而是主計不讓他們事後補助施作完的工程,以確保房屋的文理價值。" }, { "speaker": "洪申", "speech": "我的房子是民國58年的,有什麼很重要的文化價值資產,其實沒有,是一個很破舊的房子,我選擇這樣的房子來裝潢,要我創業的時候提出書面資料來證明文化價值的這一件事,我會覺得對我一個初期要經營的人來說,時間的投資是有問題的,雖然我已經來不及了,我覺得在這邊提出這個方法……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "未來的人比較方便。" }, { "speaker": "洪申", "speech": "也許拍照,基礎工程就可以先開始了,因為這個是必定要做的,像水電線路的抽換,像我這樣就花了10萬多,對我而言,初期運營是滿重的一筆負擔。" }, { "speaker": "彭若涵", "speech": "我想要請問一下老屋普查有公開嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林曉華", "speech": "有放在文獻室。" }, { "speaker": "彭若涵", "speech": "但是沒有辦法上網?因為這個回應到他的問題,還有整個文理的問題,因為我們花力氣做了普查,我相信老師一定對文理有一些論述,是不是可以拿出來幫助大家對於自己老房子的文理有一些瞭解呢?" }, { "speaker": "林曉華", "speech": "我們放在文獻室是公開,大家可以取閱。至於是不是要上網的這一件事,我們的公開是有興趣的人都可以查閱。因為我們的老屋普查對屋主來講,有一些人是持反對意見的,就會認為為何要把我的老屋放在潛力老屋,一開始是沒有文資身分的,後來是會擔心你一直寫著有價值,會不會變成古蹟意見很擔心、加速抗議而直接拆除,其實我們有雙重疑慮。" }, { "speaker": "林曉華", "speech": "我們在文獻室是有陳列,但是我們沒有主動推廣你就是我老屋的對象,因為我們是循序漸進的,如果具有文資身分的話,就會走文資那一塊,如果沒有的話就會鼓勵保存。" }, { "speaker": "林曉華", "speech": "有關於自有老屋,我們是幫文化部推修繕,其實都有相關的文件跟他們說現在不適用文資,但是有機會,因為有文化資產的老屋,可以申請老建築修繕補助,我們都是個別寄通知,就像文化部回應,希望以這個來換取時間、新思維來換取老屋。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我綜整一下,其實有兩件事,一個是老屋普查的這一件事,對屋主給太多的壓力情況下,目前的做法是個別通知,畢竟還是私產,先讓他想一下要不要活化或者是進行修繕,然後再變成大家都可以看的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然因為政府行政程序,這本來就是公開資訊,所以目前是放在文獻室,不需要居民,等於任何人都可以來看。至於為什麼沒有結構化上網公開,之前有討論過,因為上網公開,可能會遭到比較大(壓力),文資提報的可能性,也不是一定會有這樣的壓力。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果先期普查過或者是有一些基礎資訊,這兩個跟公開程度,還是可以多少脫鉤,理論上這一些基本資料也有,如果要申請,不管是修繕或者是租金,你們也是窗口,理論上有一些預審的程序或者是快速審驗的程序,或者是你們已經列冊有一些基本的東西,就可以不用再重複填報的東西,這個你們都可以處理?" }, { "speaker": "林曉華", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這兩個多多少少可以脫鉤。但是要如何簡化這個程序,這是滿好的,文化部說有一些是主計要求,文化局(應該主計處)說有一些是文化部要求,但是我們開這樣子會議的目的,就是每一個部會開什麼要求就明確列出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在這一方面有沒有一些創意的解決方案?" }, { "speaker": "黃俊憲", "speech": "大家好,我是建築師,因為我有實際參與在地文化局的審查會議,我可以提出一些實際的建議,因為我看了文化部的回答,對我來講很有趣,因為這一些問題正是問題所在。" }, { "speaker": "黃俊憲", "speech": "我想讓各位瞭解,我舉幾個例子,像我們有一個老屋叫「世界街」,那個沒有任何人知道來歷,因為在審查會上一直說有所謂歷史價值等等,但是大家都知道那一棟房子至少存在5、60年了,但是因為沒有辦法提出,所以這個房屋就沒有提出審查,然後被破會,審查的意見是請再補充資料,但是我們完全沒有資料。" }, { "speaker": "黃俊憲", "speech": "第二,我們在另外一條街上有一棟房子,整個審查會有一半的時間都在討論那一棟房子合法性的問題,說這個房子是局部有違建,那就必須拆掉,才可以補助,結果委員問我有沒有違建,他說有,然後我就出賣他這個是第二點。" }, { "speaker": "黃俊憲", "speech": "第三,有關於小額的問題,整修是自己資金的問題,有的人請我去輔助,我問他經費多少,他說10萬元,我問他要如何申請,這個是局部的,我自己是建築師,因此我很瞭解是不是公務人員的難處,他們不太可能補助不合法的建築物。" }, { "speaker": "黃俊憲", "speech": "所以,我想說法令上是不是可以做一些脫鉤,比如只補助合法的部分,不合法的部分,是不能補助,就要自費,又或者是這個房子跟安全結構無關的,是不是可以只整修一面是不是可以不要那麼嚴格來探究這一些法規的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你的意思是不動到結構的部分,那一些等於是比較鬆的標準嗎?一個案是非結構的部分先審?" }, { "speaker": "黃俊憲", "speech": "我想了一個名詞,也就是「老建築微整形」,尤其租屋的年輕人要創業,其實要拿3、50萬都非常困難,更何況是幾百萬,但是那個審查結果,基本上我覺得錢都一直往上疊,因為要求要復原或者幹麻的。" }, { "speaker": "黃俊憲", "speech": "所以是不是有可能針對水電或者是外觀、門窗,這一些東西來做比較簡易的審查,也不用全部的人都跑去文化部,那個案子一個早上排十幾個,這真的是很辛苦,因此這個是不是法律上有一些彈性?" }, { "speaker": "黃俊憲", "speech": "比如早上去洪安堂,曾經提一個案子說要整修神明廳,其實只要10萬元就可以做了,10萬元其實對這一些年輕的創業者很多了,因此我在想是不是每一個案子脫鉤,越長越大。" }, { "speaker": "黃俊憲", "speech": "另外一個是有關於法令的問題,有關於資金補助時,其實我們不缺來申請的人,但是他們拿不到房租的租約,為什麼?因為他們覺得租約並不是曝光,然後要納稅等等,所以我覺得這個法令上如何讓屋主安心,有一些法令的問題,因此我認為這個要有明文的規定,讓相關的人員都可以繼續往下辦,而不會一直因為法規問題而停在那邊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛提微整形的概念,我覺得滿好的,所以我確認一下非結構部分跟水電整修這兩項,這兩項希望可以有比較快的程序,其他就是包含審查時要補件,但是其實根本不可能有件可以補,這個是我自己有第一手經驗,因為我辦公室是在台北市仁愛路空總,仁愛路三段99號,我們要做使用執照的時候,很多文件都消失了,這個是非常非常困難。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還有其他微建的部分及需要的自備款,還有要疊上去的部分,因此還有一些人覺得這個是租約曝光會有稅款上的考量,大概是這幾個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看其他朋友在這一個題目上,跟文化部觀光局連線時,有沒有什麼想要在這個上追加一些經驗、分享或者是建議?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我們往下移動。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接著是見域工作室所提的,文化部有沒有跟房價、觀光整理是否有任何直接或間接整合,文化部直接說沒有,好像沒有討論的空間,有沒有要補充的?或者我們就往下了?" }, { "speaker": "林宗德", "speech": "那就往下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來是周益記工坊的設計師,是說如何運用新媒體推廣老屋的當代價值,講了非常多,像社群網路、好就好的網站,不說再生,就說新生的部分,有沒有人要補充?" }, { "speaker": "彭若涵", "speech": "我覺得這一題完全被誤會了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "太好了,有機會可以在逐字稿講清楚。" }, { "speaker": "彭若涵", "speech": "我一開始知道這個問卷的時候,我的想法是要不要跟政府討論,我的回答是文化部,好像是私部門的研討會,很像跟他無關。" }, { "speaker": "彭若涵", "speech": "我要討論的是,真的需要文化部來回答,但我想要跟文化部討論的是,就像他所說的自媒體時代,文化部自己也有臉書,文資局也有臉書,國定古蹟等等單位都有臉書。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,還有Twitter:@CulturalTaiwan。" }, { "speaker": "彭若涵", "speech": "對,但是我想要跟他們討論的是一些內容。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以多說一些嗎?" }, { "speaker": "彭若涵", "speech": "我這樣子看起來,在他們發出來的訊息當中都在關心硬體整修,如果我誤會了,表示媒體傳達出來的內容,大部分都是硬體的整修,如果文化部關心更超過這一些東西,不只是觀光,又或者不只是這個房子如何翻新、修繕的話,如果有關心教育、如果有關心其他更多的軟體、如何說故事,歷史如何在現代重新被轉譯變成現代人的話語,如果關心一些的話,我很開心可以展開討論可以一起。" }, { "speaker": "彭若涵", "speech": "不然我常常覺得臺灣人一直卡在那一棟房子要不要拆,是不是要修,修了要很多錢有好幾億,我希望這個話題被展開,我只是這個意思而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "教育、在地的故事,而這個故事連結到這個地方連結的歷史,如果文化部有做的話,希望在書面回答裡面不要講硬體;再來,如果文化部有一些現有的計畫,可以不要跟老屋結合的話,可以結合,大概是這兩個部分,我們來問問看文化部的同仁,現場有文化部的同仁,但是沒有要cue他,也就是蒙藏中心的同仁。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "文化部這邊是新竹社造中心做一個私有老建築保存再生計畫的清點,也有委託黃俊銘副教授來做研究計畫,這個研究計畫是有在GRB或者是其他的地方公開嗎?" }, { "speaker": "李欣耀", "speech": "就是剛剛講的那一個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家去文獻室就可以看得到的東西。看有沒有要補充?" }, { "speaker": "謝名恒", "speech": "ok。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我們就不太需要再到文化部了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來林經理問活化老宅是否可以不單單只是創業,也可以串聯社區,還有不要打擾當地的居民,這其實是非常大的題目,所以這一個部分看有沒有人要補充,因為我們大概中間還是要給大家休息10分鐘,下半場再處理題目,所以我想說這個先想一想,先休息10分鐘裡面,如果有想到什麼,先在sli.do上放,下半場就連線回台北,我們57分回到這邊,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家可以慢慢回座。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛有先收斂出一些除了書面提問單之外的一些衍生案例與議題,像包含民宿的討論,看是不是在舊城區,至少大家比較有共識或者是對取得共識方法比較有共識的範圍內,在人文或者是歷史通報相關區域開放民宿的申請,這部分我們現在也有連線,交通部觀光局的朋友也許等一下可以跟我們分享一些在其他地方做類似情況的意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個,文化部的朋友之前在書面有回應目前透過一個比較軟性的方法,讓老宅的私有屋主可以看到真的不需要拆掉,或者是暫時不需要拆掉,有一些別的或者是活化的選項可以使用,我們這邊也收到一些具體的建議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果一開始的活化需要太長的時間或者是太高的成本,對他們來講永遠拆掉是比較好的選項,是不是可以把我們這邊的insensitive再進行增加,剛才有一些很具體的,包含如果政府手上已經有資料的話,是不是可以簡化填報或者是初期勘查的程序,以及如果在動的部分沒有動到結構,只是做門、窗或者是水電補助合法的部分,能不能用一個所謂微整形的想法去簡化這一個申請程序,等於讓他先嚐到一些甜頭,知道這個是可以用的,然後跟在地結合,之後要動結構的話,是先對旁邊的朋友起了一個示範作用之後再動結構,這個示範作用,尤其教育加值就可以比較早一些。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "除此之外,當然還有關於政府資料開放的討論,這邊有做過一個老宅活化的盤點,我有看到小工委員有過往參開放資料的經驗,在sli.do上提出一個折衷案,是不是有可能有一個線上申請的機制,而不是一定要到該縣市抄資料,這個是可以討論的,也要看文化部的朋友有沒有類似的經驗可以跟我們分享。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後討論到的是,在老屋的議題上,文化部的手上有相當多的資源,像在社群媒體上、新媒體上、未來文策院、空總及其他的展示方面,是不是有可能不是focus硬體本身的故事,而是展開講當地的歷史、故事,而擴大教育價值,也許文化部有相關的計畫了,但是因為書面回應裡面有提到老屋翻新的計畫,中間的計畫中間連結,也許是文化部的朋友們可以稍微跟上的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所謂見面3分情,現在是透過視訊,希望有一個2.5分情,請台北分場的朋友們先稍微自我介紹自己的單位、怎麼稱呼、也麻煩視訊把台北分場的畫面放大,如果對於slido、書面或者是討論的爭點有一些想法,歡迎台北的朋友們跟我們分享一下,歡迎台北的聲音打開,請台北分場的主持人傳一下麥克風並聽一下想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果台北的連線問題還沒有解決的話,因為反正有逐字紀錄,我們一邊排解網路的問題,我們一面再把剛才還沒有討論完的問題先稍微往下走一下,到台北那邊的網路問題有排除之後,我們就聽台北那邊的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們散步城市、串聯社區及不打擾當地的居民,林經理有在這裡嗎?是不是可以麻煩您講一下看了書面回應之後的想法或者是想補充的部分?" }, { "speaker": "林書妤", "speech": "很感謝文化部回應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以還好。我們就以書面回應,我們接下來請林正文理事,因為沒有在現場,所以我們稍微跳過。接下來是林逸誠,也沒有在現場。如果有人要把議題救回來的話,也歡迎青諮委救回來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Open Green的部分,書面回應其實都發處有一些具體案子的分享,事實上是滿細的分享,看有沒有什麼想要補充或者是想要追問的?" }, { "speaker": "陳怡禎", "speech": "文化部的部分,這邊我想要提出,因為這個是新竹市的部分,其他的部分像我有參與基隆和平島的部分,我們有試著申請青年村落的部分,也有考慮過申請民間私有住宅的修繕計畫,但是建築物是在民國72年蓋成的,是海洋幼兒園,它的前身是幼兒園,面臨一個既不是歷史建築物,本身也不是那個年份,申請審查前,我們詢問過相關的社造工作者,他說這個案件要過應該有一點難,因為是水泥建築物,沒有什麼特殊文化的保存價值。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡禎", "speech": "我們想要嘗試去申請青年村落,一樣沒有通過,我們的計畫想說經費完全自籌,但是除了文化部之外,是不是有其他部會的經費可以來協助。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡禎", "speech": "另外像我們的駐地空間也有相同的問題,現在的工廠一樣不符合私有建物的部分,我們是不是有什麼彈性可以修正的空間?也因為它是工廠、原來是幼兒園,腹地夠大,可以讓更多的年輕人來共享、共創這個空間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。我追問一下,因為這樣聽起來地方是滿大的,足以支撐社區的共同活動,而不是只有一家店或是兩家店的情況,這個你們有考慮過啟動地方創生區公所願景會議的程序嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳怡禎", "speech": "有在嘗試。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果需要更大空間的話,下一步就是往地方創生會議去走,只是捲動的利害關係人會更多,如果有這個方向的話,我覺得滿好的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請問台北的連線可以解決了嗎?是不是可以請台北的朋友們跟我們介紹一下,也對於剛剛幾個議題,如果有什麼想法的話,麻煩台北的朋友們分享一下。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "台北部會來的,大家可以看到有經濟部、文化部、內政部、國發會,我們請在場的與會代表一個個自我介紹。" }, { "speaker": "吳桂霞", "speech": "各位長官、先進大家午安,我是經濟部中小企業處馬上辦服務中心吳桂霞,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "邱郁婷", "speech": "大家好,我是經濟部中小企業處辦事員邱郁婷。" }, { "speaker": "楊欣燕", "speech": "各位與會的貴賓、長官大家好,我是社會創新實驗中心的楊欣燕,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "大家好,我是教育部青年發展署蔡君蘋科長。" }, { "speaker": "游英俊", "speech": "大家好,我是文化部文資局的科長。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "大家好,我是文化部文資司楊淑華科長。" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "大家好,我是觀光局旅宿組李中彥科長。" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "大家好,我是內政部營建署簡任技正林美桂。" }, { "speaker": "陳信揚", "speech": "大家好,我是國發會國土處簡任技正陳信揚,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "全部介紹完畢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想我們的方式是,剛才大概盤點了一些議題,之前應該都有用文字、sli.do及書面,台北的朋友應該都有接到,今天畢竟是青諮的巡迴,請青年諮詢委員不管在sli.do上有留言,分享一些留言的方法,或是幫忙綜整剛剛關鍵的問題,變成可以直接問台北朋友們的題目,或者有任何自己想要加上去的部分,都很歡迎我們青諮這邊先輪過一輪,我們再請台北的朋友們就這一些問題進行討論與回答,如果大家覺得順序可以的話,我們先傳一下麥克風,這個是選擇的,不一定非講話不可,所以看青諮的朋友們有沒有想要先分享的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我是不是cue一下小工講一下,你剛剛的具體建議,我覺得還不錯。" }, { "speaker": "曾廣芝", "speech": "關於我在sli.do上提的建議,剛剛跟文化局有討論過,講得更細節一點,我打在文字上稍微簡述一下,有關於老屋普查的部分,考慮到調閱資料的需求,不一定有時間,因為很多可能假設團隊在工作日的時候,不一定有時間到現場去做調閱,當然我們可以理解基於一些隱私或者是屋主擔憂的部分,沒有辦法完全公開。" }, { "speaker": "曾廣芝", "speech": "因此剛剛跟文化局談的是,我們在講開放資料的時候會分成三個,一個是完全開放,一個是有點限制,就是去掉隱私權的部分,像個資,比如細節到幾號幾樓,需要公開上網要做一點處理,另外一個部分是完全不公開。" }, { "speaker": "曾廣芝", "speech": "這個地方既然是可以調閱的,代表是可以開放的,只是有一些要求、顧慮,所以我們才說用線上提出申請的方式,剛剛也有提到細節的部分,像文化局認為利益良好,所以做做看,但是實際技術層面,可能要跟府內、資訊單位,看看表單要怎麼設計或者是哪一些地方要注意的,剛剛講到的是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家有興趣的是工程會標案的資料,包含決標、RFP有幾家來投標等等的資料,這個之前也是非常困難,要申請一個網站加入會員等等才可以拿到這個資料,但是現在確實有在說只要簽一個類似切結書,不會把這個資料交給WTO其他要談判的國家,你是自己為國內的利益所使用,如果你有成品的話,這個成品需要有說明,提供給工程會,在符合這兩個條件之下有一個要點,你可以申請,可以把標案的資料交給你,所以未來資訊單位想要參考的話,工程會那個,我們也可以提供,這個是滿不錯的折衷案,不要一下子嚇到太多人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看青諮這邊有沒有其他想要提出或者是詢問的?都還好?好,如果都還好的話,我們就回到議題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我自己滿想把剛才「原來如此」工作室,還有一路討論到是不是有可能讓老屋審查的程序,可以適度簡化的題目,讓台北的朋友們做一些分享,這應該是文資司或者是?" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "剛剛委員提到資料公開問題,這個是新竹市政府所做的普查計畫,有關於個資隱私的部分是必須被顧慮到,我建議有個案的需求,也許可以再討論,我們自己在執行業務上也是盡可能不公開,除非公益性很強(基本上要考量個資及隱私安全),另老屋內部可能存有珍貴的構建元素或古物等物件,這些可能可在古物市場流通,基本上若因為老屋被公開,而引起竊盜等事情發生,是不樂見。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "如果公開經過屋主的同意,我們才會公開,基本上我們會考慮他們的安全,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你說「願意」是可以用什麼方式表示給你們嗎?" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "如果要做研究的話,可以用申請閱覽資料的方式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣大概瞭解,我覺得這邊聲音傳過去,好像稍微有一點……你們聽得到我說什麼嗎?或者其實是比較模糊的?也許要請工作人員是不是在LINE群組裡面做一些轉譯的動作?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想直接用書面的方式,如果這樣的話,我們儘量用書面的方式來處理,或者看是不是打一個電話過去。(處理音訊)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我在畫面上投影「原來如此」工作室的書面議題,大家看書面的話,是議題4,請問台北還看得到我的畫面嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "沒有辦法看到,但是第四題是有關於洪申提的問題嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。我快速綜整一下,但是我講得比較慢。剛剛前半場的討論中,有一個具體的想法,如果我們的目的是希望老屋的擁有者能夠比較快速,然後在他自己投入資金相對少的情況下,就達到修繕一定程度,才能讓其他老屋的擁有者,也看到活化比拆掉可能來得不那麼差。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有沒有可能在沒有動到結構的部分,或者是做水電部分的修繕,總之比較沒有安全疑慮的情況下,有沒有可能用一個微整形的概念,盡可能快速用一個簡易程序,讓他對這兩個部分來做修繕的工作,這樣子在他的街區看到原來這麼快就可以獲得一定效益的話,之後再更大筆或者是自籌款比較多修繕的工作,才會比較有意願達成,不然像現在常常會碰到資料不足、有局部危建、自備款不夠多,這個是時程,在書面上都有的困難,我不曉得部裡面有沒有這一些想法或者是之前也有一些想法,我們在這方面做一些對焦。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "我先說一下,房子如果具文化資產身分,是可以排除現有的建築消防法令(文資法以因應計畫代替)的適用;但如果不具有法定文資身分,仍應依建築消防法令規定辦理。主管機關是當地縣市政府建管消防單位。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "第二個有關於補助的部分,文化部老建築的補助經費係以百分比來框列(最高是50%),亦即如果案子經審查通過補助,核定的經費額度,係以同意符合要點補助項目的百分比來呈現(如50%、40%等),並不是用定額的方式(如100萬、200萬等)。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "核定百分比給你之後,等修正計畫、設計預算書圖出來後,就可以據之衡量,自已能負擔多少自籌款,再來決定、調整擬修繕的工程項目。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "另外有關於違建的部分,老建築原則是不予補助,惟對於60年前,即建築法令實施前之擴建行為,可視個案情形予以彈性空間(即經審查通過者,得予以補助)。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "以60年為補助的對象,如果是民國60年前,或者是最近有一些補助的案例,如連江縣馬祖,因為戰後初期有一些國軍的使用,因應當時軍事國防的需求而改裝,並不是符合建築法令的規定,因為老房子計畫最主要是保存在地文史脈絡,所以當時的擴建行為也是被補助(前題是要取得該屋的舊有合法房屋證明)。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "老建築保存計畫的補助原則性,歷史紋理脈絡是一個非常重要的考量因素,你的歷史紋理脈絡是什麼,如果有很充足的相關佐證資料,經過委員會議討論,而且不會跟現有建築法令相關違合,這樣是可以獲得補助,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有沒有想要補充或者是追問的部分?" }, { "speaker": "黃俊憲", "speech": "可能要跟審查委員講,因為審查委員每個人的標準不一,像新竹市文化局的標準,我覺得滿好的,基本上是比較開放的,當文化部的委員,其實我們覺得越審越遠,只能這麼講,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這邊一個具體的詢問是,因為初審跟複審是不同的,一個是地方、一個是中央,複審對於違建也好,對於剛剛講的程序部分,似乎要求比較高,但是我不知道這個有沒有可以回答的?" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "老建築計畫的運作機制,初審是新竹市政府協助、複審是文化部,委員審查的基準主要在於判斷有二,一是建物是否具文化保存價值、一是使用的公共性,老建築就是要保存文化價值,政府給予經費,在文化保存下,它的公共性,是讓更多人知道老房子的價值,其公共性要被看到。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "新竹市政府的委員跟文化部的委員,在這個價值當中作判斷、討論,因此標準在哪裡?大概是這兩個方向。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "現場有黃俊憲建築師或者是副局長,及剛剛提問的青年夥伴是不是可以提出具體的問題,因為我知道去年被提出四案或者是三案,都有被提出來討論,黃建築師是新竹市政府的委託團隊,我不知道以建築師的角度來看待這一件事或者有一些具體討論,我們也會把這個問題帶回去跟委員討論,我們在做價值判斷時,除了文化保存或是區域發展,又或是用什麼方式來增加更多的可能性,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為剛剛提問的是建築師,我想沒有關係,如果涉及個案,因為巡迴的一般方式是,只要是涉及個案,我們就是在事後用逐字稿的補充方法來補上,並不會很像我們現在馬上必須就個案來討論,但是並沒有到這個程度,只是希望接下來在個案上可能認定不一的部分,我們也在逐字稿編輯的期間內,盡可能請部用書面回覆。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "我們會跟黃建築師再聊一聊,看看問題在哪裡,我們會反應給委討論,另現委員的專業背景含有都市計畫、建築背景、文化保存等,大家如何看待是否同意補助,是共同討論(普世價值原則)出來。(會後有跟黃建築師就老建築的相關運作機制進行意見交換。如中央與地方合作方式;房屋文化歷史價值的判斷及佐證;違章及合法性;局部及小額修繕;歷次評審會議委員討論出來的審查共識原則,即判斷補助與否之事項,包含如單一建物文化價值、見證都市發展紋理、帶動街區及社區發展、擴大社區公共性、見證產業發展脈絡等。)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這當然。公部門處理案件,大家希望的是一個可預測性,並不是說來的全部一定都要接受,不要是不可預測的情況,所以我想這一個部分,我們盡可能在書面裡面進行補充,非常感謝文化部同仁的說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個部分,我比較想聽觀光局的朋友,今天有來,對於我們在書面裡面第1題,其實對於人文或者是歷史風貌的相關區域,我們綜整一下大家的討論,至少在舊城區裡面,稍微限縮一點是東南西北的路裡面,已經有公聽會,然後稍微求取到一些共識,但是對於Airbnb的載體,觀光局的level在處理如何從這裡退出,合法民宿如何進去,如何讓旅館界的朋友不會對他們的威脅,或者是這個威脅降低到一定的程度,不曉得觀光局有沒有什麼新的資訊或者是想法可以跟我們分享。" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "謝謝委員。我們簡單說明一下,新竹市大部分都是屬於都市計畫區的範圍,依照目前的民宿管理辦法規定,第3條所列歷史風貌區域,這個區域在桃園市或者是高雄市都有實際的案例了,是由地方政府來公告歷史人文風貌的區域,可以在都市區域裡面就可以設置民宿。" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "像桃園市的大溪老街,或者是高雄市的鹽埕區、鼓山區、旗津區,他們都已經有公告這樣的區域,也有合法登記成為民宿的案例。新竹市政府剛剛聽政委講說現在有在做公聽會了,跟地方居民希望能夠取得共識,後續新竹市如果循這個途徑,公告舊城區的歷史人文風貌區,裡面的民宿就可以按照規定來申請合法化。" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "另外,關於Airbnb的部分,因為Airbnb是全球潮流趨勢,不過在全球各個大城市裡面,都引發了不同的關注,很多國家對它的看法不一定一樣,不過大部分都是屬於三十日以內的短租,通常都是不允許的,在各大城市當中,有一些城市甚至已經對Airbnb開罰了。" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "但是在日本去年已經通過了民泊法,很多都會區裡面的民泊已經可以合法化了,但是合法化的同時,原有Airbnb的物件、房源也已經下架八成了,Airbnb配合政府,部分兩成合法、八成沒有登記、沒有檢查的部分,Airbnb主動就把它下架,這個是配合日本政府。" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "日本有環境跟條件,因為房源不足,為了因應明年要辦東京奧運,有房源不足的問題,但是在臺灣,尤其是都會區裡面,房源是足夠的,Airbnb強調的是共享經濟,用房東多餘的房間來提供旅客住宿,其實精神跟現有民宿的精神是一致的,民宿在法律上的定義是自有住宅多餘的房間提供給旅客住宿,立法精神是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "不同的是在於Airbnb強調的是都會區、交通便利區,或者是公寓大廈裡面的,臺灣民宿屬於偏鄉、郊區,雖然是多餘的房間,但是因為區位不同,房源的來源會不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "Airbnb推薦的房源是在公寓大廈裡面,涉及到旅客住宿安全的部分,還有跟鄰居互相干擾的問題,這個部分在日本也是要經過管理委員會或者是住戶的同意,這也是他們合法的要件。" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "大部分八成,我想大部分八成的部分,公寓大廈管委會或者是其他的住戶,都不願意,因為日本生性比較保守,在一個大廈裡面不太願意有太多的陌生人、旅客來住,這個是日本的民族性。" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "在臺灣一樣,很多大廈的住戶也不希望自己的鄰居是每天不同的旅客來住,因此在公寓大廈裡面做日租套房,會有比較困難的地方,如果要合法化的話,是會有這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "另外,有很多建管、消防,會發生緊急狀況時,逃生會有所擔憂,因此目前公寓大廈當中,要做日租套房合法、申請旅館,會有某個程度上的困難,以上先回應到這裡,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "聽起來其實是去跟左鄰右舍溝通這個民宿——我們就叫做民宿——透過Airbnb來說一個故事,取得大家的諒解及支持的過程,這個是相當重要的,因為我剛從日本回來,他們也是很強調地方創生是一個地方一起來做的事情,所以他們會有一個比較快速的讓我們這個地方就是有某個地方的特色,大家都來支持這個特色,我們民宿來宣揚這個理念,上了Airbnb宣揚,也是這個部分,不合法的部分都會下架,合法的旅館也好、民宿也好,比較願意跟上面都是合法的平台來合作,如果上面都是日租套房的話,我可以理解旅館業者不願意登錄上去,所以非常感謝觀光局的補充。" }, { "speaker": "劉鎧綸", "speech": "交通部觀光局您好,我是鎧綸,您剛剛提到民宿合法化,以高雄、桃園的例子來講,高雄截至1月底左右,他們有這個法案大概是半年左右的時間,但是實際上能夠合法的區域是哈瑪星,包括鹽埕區、旗津區的這幾個區域,具有人文歷史風貌800公尺以內的區域是可以劃設為民宿的。但我們看真正能夠申請合法執照件數的話,一隻手指的出來,大概就是四至五間而已,截至1月底左右大概是這樣;以桃園大溪的例子來說更少了,幾乎是零。" }, { "speaker": "劉鎧綸", "speech": "我跟當地民宿這一些主人在聊的過程中,老房子最常遇到違建跟增建的問題,他們光要改違建跟增建就要多花好幾百萬的錢,他們要賣幾個床位才回得來,因此面臨到的問題,以鹽埕區的38旅居來說,之所以會回到鹽埕區來重新改建外婆的老宅跟經營民宿,就是以他的民宿作為據點,能夠希望在社區串聯起來,但是那時候一直被受罰,如果他要符合目前民宿建管跟消防的話,根本就不可能可以合法,即便是在鹽埕區,現在已經可以申請合法牌照,他也沒有辦法。" }, { "speaker": "劉鎧綸", "speech": "我們想要提出來的是,新竹目前也在往申請的方向來努力,有沒有可能去學習其他城市,其實在地的業者都是有的,也不在少數,有沒有可能學習他們的經驗,建管跟消防的部分有無可能在政府方面有一些鬆綁跟配套措施,以幫助他們,不要是今天有一個法案出來了,但是這個法能夠真正拿到合法牌照的人還是非常少數的,這個法就算有了,意義也並不大,這個是我想要提出的想法。" }, { "speaker": "劉鎧綸", "speech": "第二個,我想要補充的是Airbnb的部分,其實就我知道的,其實大部分Airbnb的房東都願意納管、納稅,但是問題是臺灣沒有這個法規可以讓他們依據,有沒有可能我們這邊可以去參考國外的一些例子,比如在日本在一年裡面有一百八十天可以經營民宿,這個民宿必須要通過比如百分之多少的鄰居,他同意你去經營,就算你在大樓裡也可以去經營民宿的方式。" }, { "speaker": "劉鎧綸", "speech": "再過來,另外一個納管的部分,西班牙那邊有一個例子房東都會去蒐集客人的一些基本資訊,包含護照的一些資訊,在入住的時候,就會登入到他們跟警察局的連線系統,一方面也能夠保障房客的安全,其實很多在吵的就是這個安全性,但是其實都有方法的,只是我們的政府是否願意敞開心胸來改變。" }, { "speaker": "劉鎧綸", "speech": "再過來,觀光局的長官有提到的是,日本是有房源不足的問題,因為他們有東京奧運,但是其實大家可以思考的一點是,新竹在2021年也會有燈會,但是以新竹目前旅宿的環境,新竹準備好了嗎?大家都知道其實新竹的旅宿是有的,但是素質好的旅宿跟以目前旅客的旅遊趨勢來說的話,新竹還有很大的進步空間,所以這個是以上想要補充的,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "關於微增建的部分,我想是很確實的,早上在巡迴的時候,很多朋友也有提出這個,其實營建署的同仁也在,我不曉得有沒有營建署的同仁或者是觀光局的同仁對這個部分有想要貢獻或者覺得比較好的?" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "委員您好,剛剛提到老屋還會有一些違建、增建的部分,剛剛談到古蹟歷史人文風貌等等區域,這個是屬於土地的部分,這一塊區域可以做民宿了,接下再來談房子的部分。" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "屋子當然是希望可以符合現在的建築法令,老屋某些地方沒有辦法符合現在的建築法令,建築法令是越來越嚴格,因為安全的顧慮,建築法令常常在修法,因此在建築法令在耐震、無障礙上,可能嚴格度會越來越高,老屋沒有辦法符合這樣的標準。" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "106年有修民宿管理辦法,針對老屋的部分,如果是經過文化機關指定或登錄具有文資身分的建築物,是可以依照文化資產保存法排除建管、消防、區域計畫法的規定,排除這一些法令的規定。用另外一個是叫做「因應計畫」,經過相關機關審查之後,就可以來做民宿,是另外一條路徑。" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "如果你的老屋不是經過所謂文化機關指定登入文資身分建築物的話,就沒有辦法排除建管消防的規定。如果有違建、增建的話,會勘的時候,可能會要求要改善,然後才可以做民宿。" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "不過民宿跟旅館比起來,民宿的門檻稍微低一點,以房屋的合法性來講,建築物的合法性以旅館來講,必須是旅館建築物的使用執照,但是在民宿登記的時候,除了建築物使用執照之外,還可以提一個合法房屋證明文件,目的就是證明你是在建築法或者是都市計畫實施建築管理之前就已經蓋好的老屋,你要提出那樣的證明,依照營建署的規定有八大文件,比如航照圖、納稅證明或者是保存登記...等等,這時候都可以參考,證明你是建築法之前就已經存在的房子了,這樣子也可以申請民宿的文件,以證明你的房子是合法的。如果這樣子還有問題的話,也許個案的問題上我們可以再來討論、處理。" }, { "speaker": "李中彥", "speech": "另外,東京奧運因為有短期住宿的需求,新竹將來也要辦燈會,短期間會有住宿的需求,其實住宿的這一件事可能在節慶或者是特殊的活動,像世大運等等,在特定區域會有大量的需求,但是要思考的是,我們也在觀察東京奧運結束之後,這一些投資大量資金下去之後是否可以回收?因為短期的住宿需求畢竟是短期的,投下去、沒有那麼多客源也是要思考的,將來會有一個尷尬的狀況,你已經投資下去了,你說他只能做一百八十天,有的日本規定可以九十天、一百二十天,都可以另外規定,如果只規定九十天,你投資下去了,奧運過了,奧運就那麼一個月,你的投資能不能回收,這也是有意願從事這一方面工作的人要思考一下,我們也在觀察這個問題。大概先回應到這裡,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個非常清楚,民宿管理辦法是辦法層級,是隨時檢討,討論六十天就可以修改,像剛剛講到的第12條,就是跟文資法第264條扣合,或者是老建築的部分,這個都是大家談出來的,我們在事後如果有很具體的個案補充在我們書面資料的話,這一些都可以變成民宿管理辦法檢討的參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天可能大概先把事實釐清,先處理到這樣,很謝謝提醒我們,目前還只有一隻手的例子可以透過這個程序,所以表示這個程序確實是可以精進的地方,我想這題就先處理到這裡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛才還有一個是有關於書面第六題的部分,書面第六題的部分,彭設計師想要詢問,雖然已經走了,但是我們還是落下一個紀錄,希望文化部書面回應這一些關於特定的屋子或者是房子之外,是不是也有可能稍微分享一下文化部其他比較軟性的,像教育性質或者是地方故事性質,比如我知道有一些這樣的部分,又或者是關於歷史的部分,是不是也有可能不要以老屋本身來作為唯一的話題,而是可以多運用文化部手上的媒體資源,像FB、Culture of Taiwan或者是文化部獎勵補助辦法等等,我們在做的是整個街區或地區的文化,而不是一棟、特定的老屋,這個算是具體的建議,文資司、文資局不一定馬上回應,但是如果有想要分享的話,也可以跟我們講一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "(文化部補充說明):" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不只是私有老建築及文化資產議題,文化部為落實「厚植文化力,帶動文化參與」目標,規劃出很多不同政策目的的中長程施政計畫,並配有相關的專題網站、FB及獎助補助計畫(計有社區及村落等13類型),其中屬較在地文化、社區參與型及故事型的計畫,如社區總體營造(可詳「台灣社區通網站」+FB)、國家文化記憶庫(後續可以免費分享)、地方文化館、再造歷史現場計畫等,大家可依需求上文化部官網或各該計畫官網查閱,另各該計畫都有承辦窗口,也可打電話洽詢。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "我分享一下最近審的案件,如何審查那個老屋,及如何論述老屋的文化價值?可以從家族史,第二個可以從產業發展史,第三個可以從都市發展史或者是與在地發展脈絡息息相關的各種可能論述,文化論述,如何來爬梳過往的歷史,所以並不是單一棟建物的文化價值。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "如果要申請文化部老屋的保存,如何論述並提出佐證資料,主張它的文化價值,這個陳述權在很多每個人的身上,很多過往歷史,我們很多人並不瞭解,而是被發覺出來,像被發覺出來很多的文化價值出來,所以被肯認。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "老建築並不是單一建物本體的東西,而是保存整個臺灣在地文化歷史的發展脈絡,像從產業、農業各種都有可能,這個是價值。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他的意思是既然你們手上有這麼大規模的論述,有沒有一些加值的辦法?就是把它變成大家更知道這一件事,不是這個計畫審議的委員,而是當執行到一個程度的時候,可能你們運用文化部手上新媒體,或者是社區網站的其他資源,不是當地實體來才知道,而是沒有來也用某種方式看到。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "應該是這麼說,老屋建築有很多計畫,互相在串聯,我們文化部本身也有FB等等在宣傳,後續有一些成果也會發表、串聯。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "跟大家提醒,我們有一個國家文化記憶庫,當它上線的時候,你們有更多的文化的資料是被呈現出來的,你要尋求老屋的故事或者是更多的資源,可以在那邊挖更多的歷史資料等等,我們後續會在文化部的官網、FB的相關案例往上丟,跟大家串聯。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "國家文化記憶庫有一個特色,策展並不是由文化部來策展,而是任何人都可以找一團,做在地歷史記憶的捕捉,文化部可以彙整,二方面是會有主題導覽,好比像今天看到窗花就是串聯各地的共同記憶,不需要等著文化部來做這個題目,而是各地有做窗花的人,可以在國家記憶庫裡面可以自由運用來策展,這個也是非常期待,非常感謝文化部同仁的回應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們之前聚焦幾個好像都討論到一個程度了,接下來還有大概一個小時的時間,我想詢問一下在座的朋友們,因為現在看到sli.do上是有一些好比對於特定經濟部中企處或者是對於政策工具,或者是地方創生等等的這一些題目,而這一些題目都滿大的,我們討論哪一個,時間就會用掉一大半。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此就我們剛剛討論的這幾個,像五個題目,大家有沒有想要追問,有沒有什麼想要台北的朋友們進行回應或者我們這邊還想要討論的部分,我要做一些程序的確認。如果都沒有的話,先看一下sli.do上的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「政府是不是可以協助成立關於文資活化一臂之遙的中介組織,是不是可以做實質的協助?」是不是可以講一下你的期待?" }, { "speaker": "羅仕龍", "speech": "其實我相信大家都有各方面問題,如這一些問題純粹政府的組織,可能力不從心,有一些限制,但是政府的政策跟方向很重要,所以是不是可以成立半官方的組織,就像他可以專責來協助歷史文化,有關於無形、有形資產的文化,我相信這個東西大家會持續發生,我們需要一個組織把這個東西統整、協助與輔導,如果有這樣的官方組織,可以持續推動這一件事,而且我相信文化歷史產業是臺灣的價值,或許永續經營的資本。" }, { "speaker": "羅仕龍", "speech": "這個如果可以透過這樣的組織,然後可以做一個平台串接各部會、各方面的資源,有專責的人員來協助橫向交流與溝通,這樣子很多問題大家可以找他就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "您想像的是地方層級或者是全國層級?" }, { "speaker": "羅仕龍", "speech": "我想像的是一個全國的層級,可能是一個比如像我們早期有中國生產力中心,可能協助地方經營產業的發展,或者是中衛發展中心,像資策會就是財團法人組成,這個是文化歷史的財團法人組織,有一個民間企業的資源,也有政府的資源,因此在決策上有其客觀性、公正性,同時也有地方民間的創意跟衝勁在內,我覺得在平衡的狀態下,比較有可能會整體協助這整個歷史有形、無形資產的活化與復興。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個在全國文化資產會議裡面有一個很類似的想法,我不曉得文化部對於這個的想法是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "游英俊", "speech": "針對成立法人一事,確實部裡面已經有針對相關法令進行檢討。我們也希望透過法令的途徑,未來能夠成立文化資產保存的機構,這個機構主要是能夠透過政府跟民間的資源共享、共同推動文化資產保存工作,政府在這一塊裡面所需要協助的,不單純只有資金,還包括人力及專業技術。" }, { "speaker": "游英俊", "speech": "一般文化資產保存工作最常遇見狀況就是在還沒有被保存之前,因所有權人對其所有文化資產,在面對將來開發利益可能會受到限制下,在還沒有指定古蹟或是登錄歷史建築之前,瞬間就就把它拆除掉,這是讓人非常痛心及可惜,因此我們希望未來透過該法人組織來協助民間資金的投入或者是技術支援,以避免類此事件發生。" }, { "speaker": "游英俊", "speech": "另外文化資產日常管理維護及活化,同樣也希望能透過法人的協助。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。我可以問一下,這個有一部分的行政要授權過去,所以需要立院三讀通過,類似像文策院的法律嗎?或者你們內部比較是歸成要點的法規層級?" }, { "speaker": "游英俊", "speech": "這個是屬於法律的層面,因此將來法律修訂,必須送到立法院三讀通過才可實施。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以等於是一個實施要點,母法必須要先明訂文化部先設立這樣的事情,所以等到如果有草案出來的時候,請跟在地的立法委員溝通一下,畢竟是要跟立法院通過的。不曉得文資司有沒有要補充或者進一步說明的?" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "想一下財團法人的概念,像文化部有國藝會,國藝會是政府捐贈的民間組織(公設財團法人),希望藝術團隊進行藝術文化創造時,政府跟她之間是保持一個臂距原則,國藝會公設財團法人設置是立法三讀通過的法律。其實部長在文資的法律體系裡面,未來會有一個行政法人—國家文化資產中心,是屬於行政法人的中介組織,後續的功能我想是大家可以期待的,中介組織介於政府與民間之間,可以協助政府推動業務,也可以將民間的創造力釋放出來,然後跟政府間保持距離,這個部分是文化部一直在積極努力的,以上分享,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是行政法人位階,非常感謝回應,我覺得這個也是對全國文化會議有一個非常具體的回應,我想這一個問題就先處理到這邊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個比較是個案,在老宅屋頂的活化,包含綠美化,用一些比較permaculture的方式來做經營,這樣也可以捲動在地的社區,大家可以共享一件事。這比較想要問的是相關補助的經費或者是政府輔導的東西?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這個已經溢出文資司的範圍,是不是可以用書面的方式,我們再請中企處的同仁問一下,在逐字稿裡面回答您,除非台北的朋友剛好知道,但是這個機率並沒有很高,如果沒有的話,真的只能書面回答,我們會有事前提問單是可以找徵詢的同仁過來,如果沒有對齊的話,我們就會用書面的方式來處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,我覺得很好的問題是,問老屋整修的公共性,剛剛文資司的朋友們有提到歷史意義、文理的部分,這裡我覺得有一些釐清了,並不是要做所謂的文創經營,還是可以做一定程度的私用,因此文化保存的價值,剛剛也有提到地方政府的初審、文化部複審,這兩個可能有一些需要對齊的地方,大致在講的公共性是對於當地歷史記憶的價值,並不是要捐出來的意思,這可能是一個對齊,看台北的朋友有沒有要補充的?任何部分都可以補充。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "(新竹市都發處補充說明):" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "1. 將可吃的經濟作物以景觀綠美化的美學方式排列種植," }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "同時接收充分日照,也有屋頂隔熱效果,更可充分利用屋頂閒置空間." }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "同時也可加入魚菜共生、雨水再生等環保再利用概念," }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "唯須注意屋頂結構承載力問題,建議詢問過專家後再進行施作." }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "2. 可食地景---可向環保局申請低碳家園計畫補助." }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "閒置空間---可向都發處申請社區規劃師計畫補助." }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "3. 以上有關補助詳情,請密切注意新竹市環保局官網及社區規劃師粉絲專頁." }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "你好,其實公共性這個議題在私有老建築裡面一直被討論,因為還不到文化資產的價值,如果一旦被指定登錄為文資,那就有法令層次高度的保護。但是私有老建築是因為有很多民間的屋主,對於現有的房子,根本沒有意識到文化價值,因此才會有所謂的私有老建築計畫出現,現在已經執行到第二年,我們一直在摸索跟滾動調修,怎麼樣讓屋主願意把房子保存下來,而不是拆掉重建。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "其實這個公共性有一個範圍,要如何論述到它?所以我們強調的是,公共性除了這個房子被保存下來外,而且裡面維持原有的生活機能,這樣才真正的被保存下來。這個房子如果是空屋保存下來,並不是真正的文化資產,而是有一個無形的文化價值,人生活在裡面,就算公共性(沒有開放),我們還是注重房子的隱私性,如果開放給外界來參考,是破壞原有的生活機能,我們除了鼓勵你再生使用,也鼓勵你保存原有的生活機能,如果它是中藥房,就維持中藥房的樣子。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "問題是地方認同的集體記憶在裡面被呈現,是指它的外觀,透過它保存下來,就能夠發生社會影響性,另如社區居民參與、因保存老屋而帶動地區發展、歷史紋理被更多人看見、配合縣市政府辦活動(願意把你的文化價值分享出來),等等都是公共性,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝,這個非常地清楚,我們可能往下一題,如果大家沒有其他補充的話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為這個系統是可以匿名提問的,如果有人要匿名就可以匿名。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「地方政府如果有意願針對舊城區老屋活化,或者是引入青年的團體,是不是有可能由市府當橋梁,因為市府手上有對於屋主的盤點;第二個方面是透過專案性質的控管,這一些年輕人有想法,而且不會漏掉資訊,是不是可以由市府來當作平台?」這個顯然是市府的題目,我不曉得有沒有什麼想法,對於這樣的問題或者是有沒有做類似的考慮或者是規劃。" }, { "speaker": "李欣耀", "speech": "剛剛有報告,鼓勵青年朋友來舊城區做一些比較深度的經營,在資訊的媒合,我們文化局有很大的責任,運用既有的機制,希望青年朋友可以來申請以外,我們也在想說如果對這樣老屋的經營活化是有一些意願,我們如何讓這個資訊來做比較系統性的連結。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以是有往這一個方向想,之後如果有更具體規劃的話,我想今天換一下名片是滿重要的,因此這一個部分先這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來,下一個問題是問「地方創生跟企業創業發展有什麼不一樣,如何引領社發協會的長者找到可以操作的產業或者是議題?」因為地方創生其實是產、官、學、研、社的各個部門,從政委的角度來看是很不一樣的思維,因為以前產、官、學、研、社是從不同的部會提計畫,每個計畫可能都是每年幾月收單、幾月做什麼樣的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是地方創生的想法是地方先求取到地方的願景,形成之後直接對國發會、對地方創生會報,而不是對特定的部會,國發會挑了特定的案子,扣了10%,只會更多、不會更少,而是用動態調度的方法來做願景的規劃。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "為什麼會有地方創生?我回答一個問題,是不是要寫得出一本地方文化的論文才可以取得政府的資源?確實,每一個部會看重的東西不同,要對齊到看重的東西,本身就有困難了,同一個題目,尤其是跨兩、三個部會的時候,要調整非常多次,地方創生的想法是不需要調整這麼多次,而是在地的朋友們先說這個地方如果要讓人口能夠增加、如果要讓在地的品牌出現,就是這個地方作為品牌,並不是這個地方裡面的品牌,我們先有哪一些共同的願景,先給國發會,國發會來調動各個部會的資源,所以是區公所直通國發會的流程,也沒有幾月收單,隨時都可以收單,這個是管考上滿大的差別。所以企業創業其實是先有一個共同的願景,在後面去做提案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我不知道今天國發會的陳簡任技正是地方創生承辦業務的朋友嗎?我剛剛其實是給一個大輪廓,不脫你們網頁上的範圍,因此特別是關於現在有一些試營運的案例,年底也會有一個發表會,跟在地企業也好,是不是有更多可以分享的?" }, { "speaker": "陳信揚", "speech": "誠如政委所講的,地方創生是一個人口政策,可能在2030年或者是2040年可以做一個政策,發展人口願景之後,我們平台裡面去媒合相關的資源,這裡面要凸顯在地的特色,跟企業創業的差別,可能這個企業在意這間公司要賺到利潤,但是地方創生並不是一定強調利潤,我先做這樣的補充。" }, { "speaker": "陳信揚", "speech": "剛剛政委提到我們並沒有相關的資源,其實今年十項計畫是10%,但是在平台上也會有相關的部會來看是否可行,計畫是否有剩餘的時候,是不是可以挹注到地方鄉鎮公所的計畫當中,以上先做這樣的說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看有沒有要補充或者是追問的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "目前針對在市區老屋保存的政策工具,除了大家都知道的容積移轉之外,當然也有講到修繕租金補助等等,這一些有無其他的,主要是需要法律層級的一些配套或者是修法的方向?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們剛才其實有聽到包含成立行政法人,比較像組織的部分,文資法裡面也要有相關的配套,這跟民宿管理辦法等等中間滾動修正,我們剛剛也聽到一些了,其他專門針對所有權人在市區、老屋街區,看台北的朋友有沒有目前正在討論、檢討或者是立法院正在審議中任何法規或命令,包含法令或者是法規的兩個層級可以跟大家分享,沒有也沒有關係。" }, { "speaker": "游英俊", "speech": "政委好,我這邊有幾個想法提供參考,其實剛剛提到除了建築法之外,另外還有就是都市計畫治理層次,透過都市計畫處理方式,如劃設特定專用區方法,亦可達到整體保存及活化目的,如臺北市大稻埕、迪化街等特定專用區就是案例。" }, { "speaker": "游英俊", "speech": "透過都市計畫規範,除了使用放寬之外還有容積獎勵,這個是透過都市計畫手段來處理的,這個是從都市計畫層面來看。" }, { "speaker": "游英俊", "speech": "剛剛提到建築法,個人認為那是為確保公眾安全的最基本考量,應該從輔導的角度來看,其實建築法本身也有排除限制規定,如建築法第99條即明定紀念性建築認定後,其實也可以排除建築法的某些規定,所以不一定是要文化資產保存身分才可以排除建築法這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "游英俊", "speech": "文化資產保存不只是在保護人的角度,而是要保護文化資產,避免人不當使用而造成損壞,並不是完全排除,而是須透過某些因應策略後才可排除適用,比如房屋結構,一般老房子結構大都無法法符合現行法規定,因此可以透過人流管制方式,如現行法令規定建造物承載重須可以容納一百個人重量,但是現有古蹟或歷史建築可能無法達到乘載一百人重量,因此他可透過人數控管方式來確保房子結構安全。" }, { "speaker": "游英俊", "speech": "從這個角度來看,如果今天法令沒有辦法做得到的話,其實也可以透過管理的方式來符合這樣的法令。回到剛剛提到的建築法,像文化資產保存規定之外,另外一個是前面所提到的,像老房子的存在都是屬於既有合法老舊建物,其實許多縣市建築管理自治條例,針對類此既有合法老舊建築物,均訂有補領使用執照的程序。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解,請文化部另外一個同仁。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "政委、各位在座夥伴,分享我們看到的台南市政府的做法,我雖然不是市政府人員,但是不得不稱讚他們的做法,對於歷史街區,他們用都市計畫的手法劃定歷史街區,劃定之後,開始逐年進行老房子的保護。這是我看到的地方政府用文化治理的角度來看待都市發展,在都市發展的過程中,保存了發展紋理的脈絡。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "因執行老建築計畫,我們才知道台南市政府於五、六年前開始,即劃定一區一區的歷史街區,做歷史紋理的保護,然後再慢慢輔導老屋的所有權人來修房子,整個街區的歷史紋理及文化意象就被保存下來。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "而市府建管單位跟觀光單位、交通等單位都共同參與(也含民間人士),組織比較高層的會議,由副市長來當召集委員,用文化的保存概念來保存老屋,甚至於帶動街區發展及觀光進來,這個是看到台南市政府積極的做法,在老房子的保存效益非常地高,以上分享。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝,這個也是非常清楚。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為有一個非常有趣的匿名朋友,名字就叫做「點我讚」,果然大家就點他讚了,我們知道修繕訂在六十年,有一個原因是建築法的時間。但是租金補助,他想問有沒有可能放寬,因為他覺得有很多公益性的空間或者工作室,剛好沒有落在這個時間裡面,但是至少當他去做地方文化培力時,或者工作室是要用這邊來當作據點時,這個好像也是對地方有意義的,這個是具體的詢問,有沒有可能在租金補助的方案裡面,對於年輕人來做一些認定或者是放寬,我想你們之前也有討論或者是檢討過,如果有考量到一些因素,可不可跟我們分享一下?" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "文化部老建築的計畫除了補助修繕外,後來也增加租金,另縣市政府也有老屋租金補助,各縣市的狀況不一樣。是為了保護建築法令(60年前)的那一批很美、很有文化價值的老屋,鼓勵更多人使用老屋,後來我們的補助要點增加了租金的補助。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "可是我覺得這個問題重點是不是可以放寬租金補助的問題,若無法符合老建築計畫的申請,各部會從中央到地方都有不同政策目的的計畫資源,建議要盤整不同計畫資源,建立自已的資源地圖,去盤整那些計畫是你現階段可申請,比如以文化部為例,用青村計畫來導入你要的資源,慢慢一步步進來,或者是用社區營造的計畫,或者是用內政部其他或者是教育部很多單位的計畫,又或者是經濟部的計畫都有可能。只是你的發展策略是什麼,你就用自己的策略來盤點中央地方資源來運用。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "老屋計畫是為了保存六十年前的老房子存在,縱然目前沒有辦法符合你的需求,我相信其他的部會也有資源可以好好利用,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講雖然不行,但是有很多別的資源,這個就跟上一題很像,因為我們剛剛也觀察到很多真的有一股傻勁想要做這一件事的,常常是青年朋友。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "中企處以我的理解,本來就有一些青年的創業跟啟動金,我記得那好像是貸款的東西,當然所有相關都歡迎上新創圓夢網,或者打0800056476,因為新創基地就在我辦公室對面,我現在都會背了,還會接到打給他們的電話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想關於sli.do上的問題,我想中企處相關的朋友們都在,看有沒有其他可以跟我們分享的?" }, { "speaker": "吳桂霞", "speech": "我這邊再說明一下,政委講的是貸款的部分,中小企業處目前有兩項補助計畫可供創業青年運用,一個是針對創新研發的SBIR部分,一個是城鄉創生SBTR計畫。" }, { "speaker": "吳桂霞", "speech": "城鄉創生計畫是從去年開始,藉由生產流程及創新營運模式,促進城鄉產業轉型,這幾個計畫主要都是針對本身有公司登記或者商業登記的中小企業,提供研究發展的補助計畫。" }, { "speaker": "吳桂霞", "speech": "另外為鼓勵創業,我們去年開始有針對創業概念的部分推動創業型SBIR的計畫,創業青年可直接於網頁搜尋SBIR計畫(。" }, { "speaker": "吳桂霞", "speech": "創業概念的部分,對象為設立登記在五年以內有公司登記或者是商業登記的中小企業,所以不限負責人是否為青年,只要屬創業五年內的公司都可以申請。" }, { "speaker": "吳桂霞", "speech": "另外,針對二代轉型的部分,中小企業處在三、四年前有注意到二代接班有很多經營或者是接軌上,第一代跟第二代會有很大的鴻溝,因此我們就開辦了一些二代接辦的課程及學院資料的部分,會後可以請相關的同仁來補充資訊,看怎麼樣來提出申請,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "吳桂霞", "speech": "(中企處補充說明):" }, { "speaker": "吳桂霞", "speech": "經濟部中小企業處相當重視企業傳承與接班等相關議題,以家族企業接班人或專業經理人為培訓對象,自103年辦理「家族企業傳承培訓班」,課程規劃針對企業傳承接班可能面臨各類問題如溝通:跨代溝通、新舊團隊建立與溝通;財務:家族企業股權設計與信託、經營績效與財務分析與管理;轉型創新:市場衝擊與創新經營模式、資源與設備整合等範疇進行探討,今年預計5月份開放報名,相關訊息可至經濟部中小企業處(查詢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們今天在之前導覽時,也有到一個中藥坊,已經到第四代了,是四代轉型,有相關的資源,請中企處來補充。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一個想要詢問的是,除了青創貸款,我們剛剛已經提到一些貸款的方案,但是後面都有一個問題,其實不管是信保或者是其他地方政府、金融機構協助的專案也好,到最後還是要金融機構去認定,這個東西有一天還得出錢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個部分瞭解跟認同的部分,往往每一個金融機構要求的強度不一樣,老屋活化的商業模式,不一定是每一個金融機構都熟悉,不曉得台北的朋友有沒有什麼經驗或者是可以提供的想法?" }, { "speaker": "吳桂霞", "speech": "針對貸款的業務,一般是銀行依照授信5P審查,並不會因為貸款方案為政府訂定之政策性專案貸款而排除5P的審核標準,銀行亦會考慮到經營的模式,還有目前營運的經營風險、還款能力及資金用途等。" }, { "speaker": "吳桂霞", "speech": "我想老屋活化的部分,商業模式本身能夠促進人潮,基本上活化的項目能夠帶來正面的現金流量,我想銀行可以提供貸款的意願相對會比較高。" }, { "speaker": "吳桂霞", "speech": "創業青年如有企業貸款上相關問題的話,當然歡迎撥打0800056476的服務專線相關問題,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。Rich。" }, { "speaker": "Rich", "speech": "就我自己實際跟銀行往來的經驗,也是透過老屋的方式來進行貸款,其實一開始的時候滿吃虧的,除了中企處來做啟動資金之外,第二步是可以跟銀行融資,當跟公司未滿三年時,你的平等就會從C級開始評,之後貸款的金額就會非常低,貸款利率就會非常高,所以回到這個問題,有沒有什麼單位或者是政府的組織來幫助做地方創生或者是老屋活化的夥伴,能夠提出像信用保證或者是什麼樣的方式,在銀行接洽的時候不要這麼困難。" }, { "speaker": "Rich", "speech": "其實銀行在找我們的時候,銀行一定會來實際考察,可是考察銀行的人對我們在做的事情其實是非常不瞭解,除非是很直白,或者是開咖啡廳或者是餐飲店,會算一下人流,你們有多少的人力,但是你們要做的是,像見域做的工作室方式或者是共同空間,完全看不懂這個產業,因為他們沒有看過,所以到最後可以答應真的是非常少,所以我覺得這個部分如果有一個組織或者是有一個政府能夠來協助,又或者是地方政府可以協助。" }, { "speaker": "Rich", "speech": "因為後來台北市政府有一些額外對於社會企業幫助,所以其實台北市政府有額外出面跟中小信保一起合作,因此之後才有辦法得到比較好的優惠低利貸款,新竹市政府如果也可以有這樣的幫忙,相信對地方創生團隊也會有很大的幫助。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "後面社會企業的部分,因為台北市政府,其實現在各地慢慢都有,但是台北市政府比較早,這一家當然公司型態是台北市比較喜歡的,這一家公司不管到最後經營成功或者是失敗,經營的過程裡,對台北市的市容或者是環境某個永續發展目標有幫助,這樣的情況下是即使你倒了,融資給你的錢也算是公共投資,這樣也會願意幫你掛保證,台北之外的,當然形式就更多一點,合作社型態大概都可以適用,台北以我理解,還是以公司型態為主,當然可能因為是台北市的關心,但是無論如何這都是很好用的資源,我想這個大家可以考慮。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "中企處以我理解也是有一個社會創新組織登記的平台,同樣也是在新創圓夢網上,如果有在上面登記的話,像小頭家貸款,至少有扣合創新概念想法的一些融資管道,就可以直接有一點像你是做工業創新或者是其他的產業創新,也可以盡可能去適用,這個是中企處的device,所有這一些都是在sli.do及新創圓夢網上有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我先業配到這裡,看有沒有其他要補充或者是追問的?" }, { "speaker": "陳信揚", "speech": "剛剛委員所提到的是,這一些老宅搭配地方創生的可能性,如果未來真的做一些提案,我們上次也有跟青諮委員報告,會裡面的國發基金有成立一個叫做地方創生跟社會企業的創業投資、事業投資的作業要點,那個部分是先把這個投資上限提高到40%,後來天使投資方案也會上限拉到2,000萬,信保的部分最高可以到九成,先做這樣的補充。" }, { "speaker": "陳信揚", "speech": "未來老宅活化之後的商業模式及可行性的部分,我們希望一些青年可以透過老宅,來產生一些商業模式,讓地方創生的朋友可以來跟我們申請。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以地方創生社會企業要點現在就已經可以用了?" }, { "speaker": "陳信揚", "speech": "已經通過行政院國發基金管理會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "太好了,這個是滿好的消息,因為我們上次報告之後,還在即將通過,所以現在是順利通過了,等於國發基金正式進場,非常高興這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來看筱菁委員要不要口頭說明一下?" }, { "speaker": "林筱菁", "speech": "這一題也是要衍生老屋空間運用的提問,講到在青年想要活化老屋的時候,不知道房源在哪裡來,也不知道哪裡找到屋主的問題,我們以前有研究過台北空屋代租代管的方式,建立一個平台,在這下面找到兩方的代理人,如果以老屋活化來說的話,屋主的代理人可能是由房仲專業的單位來扮演,他們知道從哪裡找到老屋的屋主,怎麼樣提供屋主所關心的一些資訊,可以讓屋主降低不願意跟青年租屋的疑慮,也可以讓他比較瞭解跟青年合作其實會幫助他的老屋有附加價值。" }, { "speaker": "林筱菁", "speech": "一方面房客代理人的部分,就可以分請青年創業相關的育成單位扮演,育成團隊可以提供青年夥伴一開始進入老屋活化時的初期營運建議,或是可以提供一些協助、資訊,可以讓他們的營運可以更加順暢,或者是提供融資方面的資訊,希望能提供一些方向參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實青年的部分講得滿多,房仲的部分我們剛剛有聽到,其實沒有聽得很清楚,你是要取代、滲透或者是洗腦現有的房仲?主要是要把房仲跟這個議題適度組織起來,像信義房屋本來就已經高達三成相似的,然後進行扣合,又或者是把現有的房仲能量,你們等於有一個利基加以擴充。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我不知道你現在有什麼具體可以幫忙的計畫?" }, { "speaker": "林宗德", "speech": "像在新竹市,見域過去成立四年來,其實已經有一點變相變得像房仲的角色,很多青年朋友在新竹市區要找老屋的時候會來找我們,但我們並沒有資源以有系統的方式來蒐集待租老屋的資訊,這樣的資訊通常都被掌握在房仲業者的資料庫,或者是一些專業的房仲本身,像新竹市區很多老房子,你會看到上面張貼的電話幾乎都是同一個房仲,都是一位朱先生。" }, { "speaker": "林宗德", "speech": "像我不知道有什麼方法,如果透過政府出面,其實他們都是掌握非常多新竹市老屋房源的業者,他們滿需要政府有一些資訊的提供,老屋利用的資訊可以被更新,至少不要阻擋租用這一件事發生,業者不知道老屋跟文資的差別,覺得這個是老房子就不能用火,有錯誤的資訊傳遞出去,導致媒合的機率變更低,是很可惜的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個部分有沒有想要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "李欣耀", "speech": "我也是第一次聽到新竹有一位朱先生,可以找他(笑)。其實老屋的一些相關計畫,其實拜託見域工作室那邊,其實問題跟剛剛的一樣,房屋跟青年團隊這一個部分的中間落差如何彌補起來。" }, { "speaker": "李欣耀", "speech": "像房仲的資源,知道哪一些是潛在補助的話,我覺得這邊也可以去做一些聯繫,看看他的想法是什麼,至少法令階段有一些比較誤解的地方,也可以跟房仲說清楚,房仲會跟屋主這邊講,未來推動的狀況會順利一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得像這樣子的大場,如果事前的互信面沒有那麼足夠,比較不適合約過來,比較不適合我們之前的討論是大家先凝聚一個共同的想法,有一些先背對背再面對面,先取得信任的狀態,我覺得也是很重要,至少大家都要提升到已知用火的階段,在能夠進一步未來加以扣合,我覺得這個是很好的方向。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "sli.do還有兩個問題,「一些地方文化的論文其實很困難,申請補助的流程太長,是不是可以簡化?」" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我滿建議大家是不是試著把地方創生的流程走出來,因為地方創生的設計就是要解決這個問題,地方創生的設計是扣合在地方區公所要有具體操作過的案例,我們從社造的經驗是你的案例越多越知道怎麼做,越知道怎麼做就越不會在程序上卡關,大家多試一下地方創生的流程,因為一年四季每一天都可以試的,因此一年才可以轉一次方向是不太一樣,因此我滿鼓勵大家把這個流程試出來,一開始大家都要繳比較多的學費,但是因為是隨時都可以改,逐案審查、隨到隨辦,不用寫到一個概念,而是一個概念書的情況下,就趕快讓國發會知道,這個是溝通的開始,不會是以前送了退件的情況,不管怎麼樣,都不會被退件,而是直接輔導到大家都可以接受為止,所以我會滿建議大家試一個方向。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一位朋友分享,回應之前新媒體推廣的部分,因為我們今年是新課綱,高中一年級、國中一年級、小學一年級都會有一些校訂的必修、選修,第八節課社團的部分,尤其是跟在地結合的部分,現在就可以直接進入學校本身選修的課程,或者是校訂必修的課程,也就是這所特色課程就是地方學,或者我這一所高中的特色是哲學、電競之類的,總之是可以自己決定他的教學方向,所以這邊就有一位朋友分享實作的案例。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為所有這一些背課的社群都一樣,只要有一個教材教法出來,看到真的可以用,學生很喜歡,而且學了之後,以後到大學的時候就會願意返鄉應用所學,而不是在高中的時候都關在學校,跟地方沒有聯繫,所以大學唸一個不相干的,也不會回鄉,這個是滿大的差別。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此在國一、高一這兩個非常關鍵的時期,把教材教法做出來,這個是今年全新的東西,希望大家在8月新課綱上路的時候,多投入一些力氣到你附近的國中或者是高中課發會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一個是有你們的存在,因為現在教育部都要結合地方去做一些亮點,跟當年USR開始的時候是一樣的,現在反而是他們需要你們。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "趁這一、兩年還沒有在高中全面推行,高一、明年高二,接下來高三才會全面推行的情況,把這樣的東西建構起來,我覺得累積未來熱血的小夥伴是非常有幫助的,大概是有一個學習的經驗,充分揭露我以前是108課綱委員,以上也算是業配的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以sli.do上全部處理完,我們還有20分鐘左右,我想我們方便在場的部分不再用slido,接下來自由舉手討論。" }, { "speaker": "黃家慧", "speech": "我其實個人在2月20日,就是在新竹文化中心,那時有七個部會的聯合針對社區營造說明,其實我有過去詢問過,包含文化局、都發處、環保局,他們給我的回覆,目前暫時沒有這樣的補助,但是他們都發處有一個希望,大概3、4月份的時候,他們針對我們的需求,好像會有相關的補助,而且似乎不用寫計畫書,就算需要寫計畫書,我們也願意,可能會有相關經費補助的釋出,因此可以麻煩文化局幫我們pass給都發處或者是環保局。" }, { "speaker": "黃家慧", "speech": "我們目前的合作農場,當初也是因為環保局有一個專案,就是非農地的雜草示範基地,當時有提供30萬的經費,由我們CSA協會來承包,目前又有一個新的基地,是在環保局南寮的所在地,也是由CSA協會目前來承包。" }, { "speaker": "黃家慧", "speech": "現在感覺好像是地方主動釋出善意,想要跟我們的政府來做可食地景的推廣,其實缺的並不是技術,而是機會,里長非常支持我們。如果把可食地景放在文化局有補助大煙囪的基地,可以解決的是附近國小營養午餐的廚餘問題,像非洲豬瘟,現在廚餘已經不能餵豬了,可是養雞或者是拿來堆肥的話,可以有效消化廚餘廢棄的問題,達到資源永續的部分,因此我相信環保局未來還有非農地管理示範基地需求的話,我會很建議大煙囪的這個保存區,把這個計畫設在這裡。" }, { "speaker": "黃家慧", "speech": "如果都發處也有相關經費補助,我也很希望可以爭取一下,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "廚餘去化,這是都是大家在想的題目,如果可以有所幫助的話,環保局是可以回應的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個就都是用書面回應的方式,我們會補充到逐字稿裡面,不會只給您,大家以後打關鍵字都可以看得到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來十幾分鐘……請。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "(環保署補充說明):" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "本署推動廚餘回收再利用工作,除了經高溫蒸煮餵飼豬隻或進入堆肥廠處理外,近年亦積極拓展廚餘多元再利用管道,推動廚餘生質能源化,將廚餘經厭氧消化後可產生沼氣用以發電,產出之沼渣亦可作為有機肥料,沼液則可製成液態肥料或回歸農地使用。推動廚餘能資源化再利用,除了可實現將廢棄物轉換為有用資源之外,同時具有生質能源開發、有效提升綠能供應量之效益,並往循環經濟方向邁進。" }, { "speaker": "黃海惟", "speech": "剛剛有提到私有保存計畫,有關於歷史文化價值的條件,剛剛也有提到現在目前並沒有一個參考的標準與機制,因此像我們知道利用老宅創業的經驗來講,如果不是專業的,也就是不是本科系的話,可能很難知道如何來佐證這個老宅是有這個價值的,文化部是不是可以提供可以參考的sample,如何符合,是不是適合投這個計畫、有機會申請?像我們的房子是64年,也不知道自宅有沒有那一些歷史價值。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有兩個方面,一個是案例分享,第二個是像先期輔導服務,這個初審都還在地方政府,所以看地方政府有沒有什麼方式,也許會後可以稍微聯絡線確認一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然我不知道見域這邊有沒有什麼想法,畢竟這邊已經擔任房仲的工作一陣子了。" }, { "speaker": "林宗德", "speech": "其實我有一個大膽的想法,剛剛文化部有提到租金補助時,見域在新竹看到的經驗是,老房子所有權人要具有保存的意識,可能還有待大家努力才能改變,因為這是一個複雜的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林宗德", "speech": "但是換一個角度來想,老房子如果可以被有效轉移到對保存老房子有意願的屋主身上,會不會更好?所以我想談的是,讓對老屋保存有興趣的人購買老房子這件事有任何可行的實施方案,像我們會針對青年購屋貸款,在老屋這個面向也不一定是青年,而是針對購買老房子,也就是有意願保存老房子,提出一個老房子的計畫,去買老房子,可以有一些優惠的方式,直接把它買下來。" }, { "speaker": "林宗德", "speech": "因為一旦老房子產權被轉移到有保存意識的屋主身上,被不好對待的機率就會大幅下降,我覺得這樣可以解決很根本的問題,這是很大膽的想法,因此今天先簡單提出來,因為我覺得比起租金補助,後續也會有很多操作上的問題,例如屋主去哄抬房價,一但租約結束屋主還是不覺得需要保存,而且哄抬房價有時甚至可以創造更多的利益,很有可能會有這樣的情形發生。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很棒,房仲本來是租屋、售屋,其實售屋是比較大的業務,不曉得這邊有沒有其他的朋友想要補充?" }, { "speaker": "吳君薇", "speech": "其實剛剛聽到文化部文資司的科長對台南的做法很期許,對一個都市來做文化治理定調,用都市計畫的規格把歷史街區劃出來,召開了很多跨局處的會議,想要知道文化部有沒有什麼樣的機制來輔導每一個地方政府,每一個地方政府都可以長出自己文化治理的藍圖、願景。" }, { "speaker": "吳君薇", "speech": "像我們今天早上青諮排了一個行程,我們走訪新竹市的舊城區,看到很多老建築,覺得需要一些修復的資金要保存之外,其實在走訪的過程中,瞭解需要大眾運輸的規劃,像都市的天際線,像新竹市的東門城長了非常高的大樓,這個是需要跨局處來討論整合的,其實我知道很多地方政府的行政資源或者是人力是非常限縮的,因此會想要知道中央有沒有進一步的機制來做輔導或者是提供更進一步的幫助。" }, { "speaker": "吳君薇", "speech": "同樣的,其實見域有參與新竹市地區民宿合法化的議題,我自己印象很深刻,我們發現在調查這個資料的時候,我們提供給當地的承辦人,發現承辦人的人力非常緊縮,算是自願性來研究這個議題的承辦人只有一個,中央很期待訂了一個好的法源,像民宿管理辦法第3條,把核定的人文歷史風貌區域的權限給地方政府,這其實是一個美意,後續沒有比較積極輔導支持的話,常常會像剛剛所講的,最後劃定出來其實通過非常少,因此政策的美意沒有做到的話,其實是非常可惜,因此反映這一個部分。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "大家好,我短短補一、兩句,剛剛見域夥伴講的那個,我就想到社會住宅那一套。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個講的不會是國家請中介機構都買下來的意思?或者是就是這個意思?" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "政府可以出面承租再轉租,因為這個有公共性,不會低於社會住宅想要達到目的的公共性,不是完全複製,但是那一套可以拿來思考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個滿有意思的,社會住宅有一個迫切需求,是回應這個迫切需求,我們怎麼樣去論述不低於年輕人租不到房子的迫切需求,也就是跟時間賽跑的部分,如果論述到某一個縣市,不一定要全臺灣的社會通念不低於社會住宅的迫切性,這個當然有相應的政策工具,如果通念還沒有那麼高的時候,當然也不太容易去用相應的政策工具,我覺得這個是很創新的思路。" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "關於偉翔的想法,也就是社會住宅的這一塊,它的概念是由政府承租下來,然後再轉租,因為臺灣是六都,我們公司是在推動社會住宅,政府承租的這一件事,有一個關鍵點要澄清,租約並不是打在政府身上,而是由民間負責社會住宅標案的業者來跟房東承租,承租下來之後,這個是民間公司,然後再轉租,這個中間業者是不能賺任何的租金差價,如果跟屋主租1萬元,租給房客也只能租給1萬元。" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "如果是用包租的方案跟屋主承租的時候,一般來講,現在社會住宅機制是跟屋主包租三年,換句話說,假設房客租了,三年內搬走了,中間有閒置期產生,這中間稱為閒置成本,屋主有租金收入,政府不用另外付任何的費用,而是這一個包租的業者要承擔這個閒置成本。" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "所以,這個東西對業者來講,他們就會視為風險,因此我覺得社會住宅裡面的確是一個補助的方案,但是如果是套用在老屋這一塊的話,我覺得可行性或許還有一些地方是可以評估的,因為所謂由政府承租再轉租,背後代表的意涵其實就是三個主要成本的轉嫁。" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "第一個是修繕成本、第二個是管理成本,第三個是閒置成本,這三個部分當不是由政府這邊吸收的時候,也不是由屋主吸收,也不是由房客吸收的,就是由中間這一塊的管理業者來吸收,管理業者吸收到什麼程度,這可能有它需要精算的地方。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常詳實地補充,簡單來講,我們要先把這三個風險先在某一個地方確立,至少一直都有人願意來做這一件事,這個先降低沒有房客的風險,其他修繕跟管理的部分,才能做一個配套出來,但是我覺得這個確實是滿好的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有沒有人想要跟我們分享或者是補充或者是回應剛剛的討論?" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "我回應君薇的問題,就是我們一直聽部長在講,提到文化治理的概念,即地方政府各局處或者是中央各部會的推動計畫都會將文化脈絡的發展放在核心價值思考當中。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "剛才講的問題涉及到地方自治的問題,另有縣市首長的考量,但在文化部的部分,部長一直推的是,例如每一年有跨機關的中央跟地方間的全國文化會議,彼此溝通,這個是文化局處的部分。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "在行政院有一個文化會報,捲動部會跨文化思維來做跨部會合作方案的推動,這個是我們部長一直在持續努力的方向。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑華", "speech": "另我們各業務單位的計畫也是跟地方文化局處、民間部門合作,這個是公私共創的概念(也是文化治理的概念),我們怎麼樣讓臺灣這一塊的文化脈絡,在施政方面或者是民間的一些企業方面,又或者是一些環境的保存方面都是被重視到,以上。" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "有關於社會住宅的部分,在住宅法的部分,由民間改建、修建或者是修繕老舊廳舍或者是房舍的相關法令規定,其實都很完備。目前有一個案例,新北市有一個永和國光的青年住宅,用一個警眷的宿舍來做一個示範性的住宅案例,所以不管是由政府或者是民間有一些相關的法令或者是案例來參考,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "台北的朋友還有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "時間差不多到尾聲,非常感謝大家今天來青年諮詢的巡迴,這個巡迴的模式還在持續地精進,其實最後一輪的時候,把大家的書面提案,沒有處理到的那一些儘量cue進去,真的沒有被cue到,如果書面回覆不盡你如意,事後收到逐字稿共筆網址時,還是補充真實的意思上去,如果書面回應對到焦了,以這個為準,今天也非常感謝台北的朋友、也非常感謝辛苦的技術團隊,在麥克風接連失靈的情況下,最後調整到滿好的情況,非常感謝大家幫助,接下來在線上共筆補充。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個巡迴是會持續滾動做的,因此青諮的委員們都可以自己找一團,這個跟以前像社會創新的巡迴或者是前瞻基礎建設的巡迴,主要是由部會跟地方政府來提是不一樣的,因此大家還想要討論的問題,是今天專門討論地區活化沒有討論到的話,也歡迎趕快跟青諮委員換名片,說不定也會有人願意找一團來討論這一件事,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "I met with Chen the other day. She had promised me, she said that you would be wearing a Sustainable Development Goals pin." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "And a SDGs T shirt." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "And a T shirt. She didn’t say the T shirt though. I’m surprised about that one." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You want a T shirt?" }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "I won’t say no to that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "And stickers. The full plate. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "I’m happy to see the strong representation of the SDGs as I’m right there with you on that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I have the SDGs on everything, literally." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Wow." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "That’s amazing." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "Thanks, Audrey, for meeting Grayson today. I’m just introducing. Elaine is our new economic section intern." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Hi!" }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "Every year, AIT, we do recruiting some interns from Taiwan, also from the US at certain point. It helps in further engagement US Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For a few months?" }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "For a term. Actually, end of June. She will be helping us on many issues together, some public engagement like this one. It’s a very good chance for even Elaine to meet Audrey, to understand the platform of public participation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Nice to make your acquaintance." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You have my card. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Literally everything you..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, literally." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "The card I had was a previous version. I should have one..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is SDGs on the flip side also." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "I like it. It’s pretty cool." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "The one I had was still on the PDIS, a black and white one." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We converted..." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "Oh, converted..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "... [laughs] to the SDGs." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "Oh, it’s still PDIS over there." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re still PDIS. We just converted to this new universal spirituality. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Amazing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "How can I help?" }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "I think before that, it’s just taking the opportunity because I’m on job duty for AIT. We’ve been aware of this Uber case for these MOTC’s issues. On the public debate platform..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Join platform." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "On Join..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is a petition, and there is a regulatory preview." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "It seems to be that Uber’s case has attracted most of the discussion." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s very heated." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "It’s almost breaking the record." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not quite, I think marriage equality still beats it in terms of comments..." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "Of course. What I’m saying is that we’ve been seeing this issue for a while. We’ve been very appreciating for, Audrey, you have creating the platform for discussion. It helps in a lot of public debates." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We learned a lot of very good points from both the rental car companies and the drivers working for rental car companies, and also the diversified taxi drivers, on the public platform. I think it’s really good to have everybody’s ideas on the table." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "Is there possibility like this platform, the ideas, how the MOTC can take part in listening to those opinions?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They are, actually. They are summarizing everything posted on the platform. There will be a public reply, I think, if the petition gets over 5,000 counter signatures." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There will have to be a point by point reply that outlines the direction for people currently working for rental car companies, people currently self employing in taxi service, like how this regulatory change will affect everyone and also how they will be able to switch to a perhaps even more profitable line of business after the regulatory change." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "Overall, what we have seen is on one hand you have Taiwan’s trying to attract more international investment and open..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Uber’s been really actually helping the Ministry for Science and Technology, for example." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "They have Uber for Taiwan project." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They have the AI fellowship program. As far I understand, they’re also in the talks to join the LEAP project and other important projects. While we are positioning ourselves to be a AI innovation island, of course, Uber is a very valuable partner." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "We just basically don’t want to lose Uber on Taiwan’s market." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re already working with taxis. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "They are basically very compliant, the Uber..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is a Uber Taxi option that I actually...There is a lot of visibility on this issue, but not particularly because Uber positioned itself as a rental car company. It’s not." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s mostly about how rental car companies view their relationship with Uber as being impacted by the shifting of the regulation to be more of a municipal deciding how for the minimum hours, the minimum time of the operation." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "That one hour." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That will be up to the municipality. When Uber and the MOTC had a legal case, the court ruled it’s up for the municipals to enforce the rules." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "With the regulatory preview, each municipality can set its own rules, too. That will largely be determined at the municipal level." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "Back to what I just..." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "[laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "...talked to Grayson in the car, that you have such a wonderful development for Taiwan’s overall government and also internationally how government can be more open and innovative, embracing innovation. Grayson is our Boren fellow. I will let him introducing himself later. Most importantly, he will be staying in Taiwan for a year for this fellowship." }, { "speaker": "Shih Ta Ching", "speech": "The idea is definitely welcome for anything that further strengthen US Taiwan relationship. He’s basically asking about a lot of issues, circular economy, environmental protection, from digital transformation, all these things, that’s totally. That’s why we’re coming in today for your office hour. We’re seeing that clinic time. We’re trying to have the best of consulting your ideas." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Just a short introduction about myself. First, I thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. I think it’s very cool, beyond the SDGs, but also have that you have office hours. That’s very forward thinking of you, so amazing." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "My name’s Grayson Shor, as I mentioned earlier. I’m originally from California, and I’ve until recently been living in Washington, D.C. the past few years and working for the State Department. I’m on hiatus right now from the State Department as this Boren fellow." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Essentially, out here both to increase my Mandarin, but then also, equally as important, study and understand circular economy and environmental issues in Taiwan and in Greater Asia, with the ultimate goal of returning back to State after this year, picking up my job again there." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Trying to promote circular economy initiatives from within the US government, but also with our partners and friends out here in Asia as well, chiefly Taiwan. I think Taiwan is, I would say, within the top two leaders of the world as it relates to circular economy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, we recycle even glasses. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "That’s amazing. The more stuff I learn, the more I’m in awe, especially being from California myself and Southern California, where we pride ourselves on our social openness, our environmental consciousness. The International Earth Day started in Santa Barbara, my hometown." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Growing up there and understanding environmental issues, these things have always been central to me. Now, being here in Taiwan just pushing on to about three and a half weeks now, the conversations that I’ve had with great folks, what I’ve seen first hand, and from my research before and now, it’s blown my mind the stuff that Taiwan can share with the world." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "During my time here, there’s a few goals that I have. One is to further study and understand what the digital and the physical innovations that Taiwan has as it relates to environmental issues and the circular economy." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Two is to promote those stories whether it be through things such as podcasts or through articles, blogs, but it all being free, open source information. I should mention a key for it being open source, too. My background, training wise and education, is also as a geospatial analyst, Open Street Map and all that. I’m all for open source." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Have you met with the local OSM folks? They’re really active." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "I’m meeting on them on the eighth." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s awesome." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "At the Mozilla Center." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right, the Mozilla Community Space. That’s great." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "I’m excited for that. It seems like the OSM community is strong here in that sense." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Those two goals, and then also to figure out ways that the US can better collaborate, whether it be from the government perspective, but also from a business perspective and NGOs’ perspectives with Taiwan on promoting circular economy not only just here in Taiwan, not just in Asia, but internationally." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Take the example from your shirt and from your card and everything, to meet these Sustainable Development Goals requires not just one country or one small community..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a global partnership, that’s right." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Exactly. I’m hoping that, with this conversation, you can give me...I have a variety of questions. Just to start it off, kind of a broad question, but I’m hoping you could give me a holistic picture of, understanding of digital innovation here in Taiwan. What do you think are the challenges and opportunities moving forward?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’ll give you the five minute version of that. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "I know it’s a broad question there, but I feel like I’m asking the right person." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, we pride ourself as being one of the four WEF super innovators, along with the US, Germany, and Switzerland. In Taiwan, it’s very important when we talk about digital, we’re not talking just about ICT. We’re not just talking about technology, but rather we bring the technology to the people’s citizen spaces." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You can probably have some glimpse of that stepping into the Social Innovation Lab here. The soccer field is actually a testimony [laughs] to the social innovation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They were drawn by people with Down’s syndrome, with trisomy differences. Instead of seeing them as lesser groups in the society, actually they see the world through geometric means, whereas we see it through abstraction, textual, or number. They can paint something, like a Van Gogh painting, that brings creativity out of people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "My office hour here, every Wednesday, 10:00 to 10:00, is also meant to make the context of policymaking more visible. We use digital to amplify the process of speaking and listening, instead of replacing it by asking the people to come to technology. We don’t do that. We bring technology to people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you had arrived a few weeks earlier you would see those self driving tricycles roaming around the Social Innovation Lab. It’s been three times that they visit here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re called persuasive electric vehicles, or PEVs. They’re open source, so when people don’t like the fact that they look like cyclops and it tenses up when it reaches a situation where it cannot tell what to do, now people tinker it, because it’s open hardware, open source." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Those self driving tricycles fit into the various workflows that people have when buying flowers in the nearby flowers market or whatever, always with a aim of co creating the norms of how to integrate these creatures. Like co domesticate with the society instead of having random people, random IT dictating what the local people have to do, which is the same approach we took with Uber, actually, with a public consultation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The point here being we turned something that is always a rhetoric between the digital haves and digital have nots, between the innovative economies and the people whose job is replaced by automation, or whatever." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a social tension implicit when we talk about digital transformation, but we don’t ask that kind of question. We ask instead. We have different forces at play, but what kind of common values do we have despite the different positions that we have on a certain regard." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We create a space for people to show their innovation, and often they lead the regulations. The regulation didn’t anticipate self driving vehicles or whatever emerging technologies of the day." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We focus on creating a space for people to lawfully break the law to experiment with what we call sandboxes. Essentially anyone, if they can convince a municipality that a certain social need is fulfilled by breaking an existing regulation somewhat, then they get a period, like one year or half a year, to experiment." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once these require a law change, because regulation cannot challenge laws, we also actively work with legislators to open up sandboxes, like in fintech, in self driving vehicles, in 5G, in whatever, so that people can lawfully challenge any law for a year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For example, our self driving vehicle. It is the only one in the world that allows for those trimodal hybrid, because it’s owned by the Ministry of Economy, not transportation. For the MOEA it’s all the same, so as long as it can fulfill a transportation need, then you’re free to try it for a year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then if the MPs decide to step in, then it can take up to four years to create the law, but meanwhile the experiment still runs. It’s like a limited time monopoly for the innovators. Everybody else is still illegal and they’re legal. Once the MPs are OK with it, or the MOTC is OK with it, of course competitors enter the market." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is a way for the innovation in this society to lead the regulators so that we don’t have to regulate something we don’t have firsthand experience of. That’s the main idea. If you can take one idea, that is the main idea. It’s called regulatory co creation. So far so good? [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "If I can ask a question on this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Please do." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "For the regulatory co creation, is it a domestic Taiwan program? Who can apply to be in that program? Could it be anybody, or only Taiwanese people?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It could be anybody. Actually, the fintech one is relatively common. The UK started, Singapore adopted, and so on, mostly to make the finance people and the tech people look at each other, work together. We extended it to pretty much anything." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What’s important here is that people see it as of social value, of solving a local social problem. Instead of randomly advocating for one technology over the other, we can say, \"OK.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In, for example, 5G anyone can apply, if you are a not for profit indefinitely, if you are for profit then for a year, to try out a particular form of 5G deployment before scaling it out worldwide. You don’t have to be a Taiwanese citizen to do so." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "I like that it’s open to everyone." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "How do we determine what the local society needs? We do it through a regional innovation system where I regularly tour around Taiwan, roughly every two weeks, if not more, because the office hour does have its limitation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you live in Taipei or you’re living part of the Taiwan that has access to high speed rails, of course that’s easier for you meet me, but otherwise I will come and meet you, whether it’s the Pescadores Islands, Kinmen, or HengChun." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I tour around, and anyone can summon me through a 5,0000 people petition, as well, on the joint platform. We would travel there and meet with the stakeholders." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All the national ministries, there’s 12 of them, join in this program. They are actually here in the Social Innovation Lab. Through bi way telepresence the local people can see the ministries, the central government, and central government can hear the whole story." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because everything is open, people tend to actually speak only objective truth, unlike one to one lobbying. What this means is that as long as there’s rough consensus, we don’t need a fine consensus of what the local people need, we share the basic facts. Like the TESAS database. It’s called T E S A S." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "TESAS is a new system recently released by the national development council that lays out all the pertinent factual information about any particular county or township and whether they have a declining population, whether they have access to healthcare, whatever. The social and economic database." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Based on those facts anyone can share their feelings. Whenever there is rough consensus among all the different stakeholders the central government, instead of asking them to submit a long proposal, they can join the regional revitalization plan and co create the policy needed for that particular place." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s based on the central government’s public service colocating into their home and working in a teleworking fashion. Whenever we need to do a quick poll using the polis system that we’re also working with AIT on, we can quickly get a rough consensus." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We can see people mostly agree on most of the things with most of their neighbors. There are some divisive issues, but we table those, and then we roll out regulations and policies that take care of what the most people feel most strongly about." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you focus only on mainstream and social media sometimes all people see is these divisive issues, but there’s actually tons of things that we can roll out. That’s how the innovation occurs, by showing it to everyone, then scaling it, and working with the civil society, who fills in the innovations needed before the government can allocate a budget for the next year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For air pollution there’s many people who run a, what we call, air box, which is less than US$100, and measure the atmospheric PM2.5 and whatever." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What the government’s role is, instead of beating them, we join them, which is very rare in Asia. [laughs] If they ask, for example, in the industrial parks and areas where it’s less likely for them to go in an install the air boxes, we actually do it through out EPA program and hang it on the lampposts." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Or if they want to tell the domestic versus across the street pollution they want a measurement device here, but it’s impossible for the civil society to set up that. We are working with the wind turbine power plant companies so we can tell them to hook the air boxes there." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, we’re complimentary to the civil society offerings of the air box project. If you want to know more details it’s all in the collective intelligence program," }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have a English one page summary for pretty much anything. It all ends with There’s CI for civil IoT. There’s AI for artificial intelligence. There’s SI for social innovation. There’s SMART for Smart Taiwan. There’s BIO for the biomedical, and so on and so forth. It all ends in" }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Is there an environment one, overarching, or is it mixed in with...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We actually already have a 永續會, a sustainability council. We’re also considering to fold part of that into the SI, the social innovation part, because the social innovation is all encompassing, while our 永續會 is more environmental based. Our social entrepreneurship program, for example, actually focus on the economy part of sustaintable development." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re now making a map that maps all the CSR, all the universities’ social responsibility, the USR, and also the social entrepreneurship, the sustainability council, and so on, into a shared map that you can see from all over Taiwan based on the 17 goals as the index. It’s going to be online in a couple of months, and I’ll share that with you once it’s done." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In a nutshell, when we talk about digital we talk about 17.18, 17.17, and 17.6, which means that we make each part of the society trust each other more based on reliable data." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Like for the air box example, we also worked with universities to develop blockchains so that when they upload their numbers into the national high speed computing center it’s snapshooted and checked into the blockchain so people can trust the government to not alter their numbers. That builds trust, and once there’s trust there’s effective partnership." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Based on the civil IoT, for example, we have a annual Presidential Hackathon where we ask the people to solve the society problem based on this data. For example, last year there’s a AI team that used the SCADA data for the water pipelines to detect leakage early, and with a 70 percent accuracy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It was a really good team. We spent three months mentoring them with the Taiwan Water Corporation, and three months after they won the Taiwan Presidential Hackathon, one of the five winning teams. There’s no monetary reward. The reward is we will do whatever it takes to integrate it into the public service for the next year, and that’s it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once they won that and got that presidential promise, they actually moved to Wellington, because New Zealand invited them to solve the new water shortage problem caused by climate change in Wellington. They worked very closely with Wellington Water Company for three more months. That’s the kind of partnership we’re looking." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The idea is always open innovation, like OpenStreetMap. Instead of a colonizing behavior, like some other jurisdictions, we always co create in the commons." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When people ask me the job description of digital minister I always respond with a poem that says when we see the Internet of things, turn it into Internet beings. When we see virtual reality, let’s make it a shared reality." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When we see machine learning we turn it into collaborative learning. Whenever we see user experience, let’s make it about human experience. Whenever people tells me that the singularity is near, and I say always remember the plurality is here. That’s it." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Amazing. I feel like I need to give a standing ovation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s the 10 minute version." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "I’m very impressed. A ton of information there, especially with digging into these websites that you mentioned, and the TESAS platform, as well. I’m curious, across all of these the theme seems to be, yes, innovation, but also open source, data sharing, data integrity, and transparency as it relates to..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "These goals." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "To these goals, exactly. A central part of, as I view it, the circular economy, maybe the basis of it all, is design how do we design our products better to use less resources, but also to better use the resources that are already in use now." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "I’m curious, how do you view this system or this structure being able to be utilized to better promote the design of technologic products, but also manufactured products, as well?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. There’s design thinking, which is what everyone can get a basic awareness of, and there’s design design, which is service design, product design. That is part of the circular economy ethos. Design thinking is more like the whole SDGs, whereas product and service design is more focused on the 9th and the 12th." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This part is one of the industrial innovation plan of the presidential priorities, the so called five plus two. Circular economy is one." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "You’re five times two?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "[laughs] No, it’s five plus two. It’s always been five plus two. The five times two is a running joke because there’s many other supporting plans to support the industrial innovations, but the industrial innovation we talked about, it is always the five plus two." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the five plus two there’s one dedicated to the circular economy. It basically is based on the conservation of both the energy and the substance, and making apparent the flows to everyone who makes this part of their work." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan we’re focusing on a few things. The agricultural one is more obvious. There’s many people focusing on turning agricultural waste into either electricity, better products, or alternative forms of all sort of different materials for design, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sustainable design in terms of agricultural reuse has always been a strong suit in Taiwan, but there’s many others that are less apparent. For example, there’s a startup that’s working on turning oceanic plastic waste back into fuel. They barter it with the fishes people so that the fishes people don’t have to discard the plastic waste. They can barter it partly into fuel." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re badly in need of regulatory adjustment because they can’t oversea become a oil selling company, but if we make that case work, it’s very encouraging for things pushing forward." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, one of the largest charities in Taiwan, the DA.AI group is also a social enterprise. They call themselves DA.AI, no relationship with artificial intelligence...yet. [laughs] The DA.AI Tech Company also focuses on, for example, the fabrics, because we recycle..." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Recycling." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly, and they make second time recycling also into sunglasses and things like that. There’s a huge system of people doing basic recycling, but there’s also a recent trend of upcycling." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Our five plus two plan, because it’s called industrial innovation, is mostly focused on the upcycling part to make sure that people recognize the value and make it into the value chain of something that is desired, not just needed by the customers." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s the smaller part. The larger part of sustainability by design, the joint platform actually plays a role." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a young high school student, 15 years old, a couple years ago went to the petition platform, petitioned for the banning of plastic straws in takeout drinks, which is a very sensitive topic, the bubble tea being a national identity drink. [laughs] We finally made some progress." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Even when they cannot yet participate in referendums or votes, the teenagers, they are the best promoters of sustainability, the general awareness of the sustainable goals. They can find all those sea turtle pictures and other effective campaign materials to generally change the society’s view on the plastic straws." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now we’re rolling out a plan that you cannot, for indoor dining and whatever, use plastic straws for drinks. It’s a important step for it. There’s many civics teachers. There’s many people in this year’s new curriculum in all the different levels." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The 1st, the 7th, and the 10th grade we start to integrate SDGs and sustainabilities into the curriculum itself. It’s not as a class, but rather as a character or general awareness that people can really make a difference, both by themselves, and also by petitioning and other forms of continuous democracy, as we call it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s a larger a design thinking by collectively find how might we questions to move forward as a society. It’s less industrial innovation, but it’s still very much in tune of the society’s view on sustainability." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Holistic approach?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "You jumped the gun there a little bit on my next question, which was about education, because, yes, I agree, manufacturing is focusing on maybe 2 of the 17 of these SDGs." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Maybe, if you could, elaborate a little bit further on, specifically, education. What do you view, within Taiwan, what is changing? What has changed over the generations, and what do you think needs to change further?" }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "I’ll underpin that question with saying the conversation I had with Greenpeace, basically we had come to the joint conclusion that why Taiwan is the leader in environmental protection, innovation, all that across all of Asia and the leader in the world has a lot to do with Taiwan’s awakening to environmental issues, and having that ingrained in education for over 20 years." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "I’m curious, what role do you see education playing? I’m curious as specifically digital issues going forward." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Every Wednesday we share dinner with the vTaiwan Meetup here. One of the very active participant is actually the executive director of the Homemakers Association, which was one of the oldest environmental awareness group." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They would go on to form the Homemakers Union and Co op to change the popular awareness by changing consumer behavior by running a very successful consumer co op. Full disclosure, my mom was a co founder of the association [laughs] , so I was raised literally in this awareness campaigns." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That intervention, by focusing on not just consumer rights, but consumer making a choice through their purchase is really the key of flipping the whole generation’s view by making consumption intentional. That has been what really worked and really affected a whole generation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I still remember when I was six years old, there’s no habit of recycling whatsoever anywhere in Taiwan. It’s just those 20 years that change a lot. What’s happening now is that people are getting used to the idea of upcycling, that environmental protection doesn’t mean necessarily worse products." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Recycled products not necessarily worse. Also, that it’s not necessarily a personal sacrifice if you decide to work for environmental protection. It could build a great career. There’s more role models now coming from both the social entrepreneurship side and also from the, what we call B Corp. I’m sure you have that in the US also, benefit corporation side." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Both companies that are not just satisfied with doing CSR but they turned CSR into a strategy, into business development. In the past couple of years, we have what we call a buying power award to award, especially company that integrate sustainability and social environmental value into their supply chain. Not just a CSR campaign but rather make sure that all within their supply chain." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For example, people worry about carbon neutrality which is one of the indicator into that one. It has a very large room to catch up on. [laughs] If they make such a conscious choice and make their supply chain procurements, we count that toward our listing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I, personally, give out awards if they make supply chain adjustments over a certain amount like one million Taiwan dollars for the past year. We’re moving it to three million now because it’s getting too easy to get an award from me, I guess. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In any case, we’re promoting this kind of conscious supply chain changes. Whereas the previous two decades it’s mostly about consumer awareness, now it’s also supply chain awareness, business development awareness, and so on. We’re moving more and more toward the ESG governance part." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "What would you say are some specific examples of this in action in Taiwan?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We were in close collaboration with a platform called SE Insights, Social Entrepreneurship Insights and also Mpost, M P O S T. If you look at SE Insight and Mpost, they both have SDGs as a theme. If you go to the theme, you can see a lot of SDGs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you navigate through, for example, the 12th, then you might see a...What do they call pig farms? People to raise pigs and to do almost full recycling of the waste into electricity, of the blockchain based accountability." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, they’re still slightly more expensive on the market but they offer a full auditability from the food that they feed all the way to the whole butchering process and things like that. It’s literally transparent. If you visit the shampoo factory, the factory is just downstairs. If you look at the second floor where people is walking about, you can see the entire process." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s also on blockchain. It’s a really good demonstration of how a company who used to specialize only in food for consumption of the pigs and other animals gradually moving upward the value chain to build a whole system. Also, to make sure that, fingers crossed, if Taiwan doesn’t hit by a certain virus, [laughs] it can also be international branding." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "What would you say, from everything that you’ve seen, that Taiwan has most potential to export to the rest of the world, whether it be a social innovation or a technical innovation?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think the governance model is one of the thing that we’re exporting very actively. We held workshops, me personally, with the civic communities in Tokyo, and also Toronto, and New York City. Our colleagues has held workshops in Madrid, Barcelona, the UK, and everywhere. In that sense, it’s a little bit like Estonia." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Estonia figured out a platform. It worked pretty well. They export first to their Nordic neighbors but then, gradually, to a lot of other municipalities and eventually countrysides based on the EID system and E residency system that they developed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we’re developing here with all those consensus making algorithms, platforms, e petition, and so on, Taiwan has a unique critical mass of being a really small one and a half hours by high speed rails from the north to the south, but then 23 million people and all very well educated, and also, almost 90 percent on the Internet actively. That means that we tend to worry less about the digital gap." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We worry more about linguistic inclusion, ethnic inclusion, cognitive model inclusion like the case with people with trisomy differences and things like that. Once we figure out a innovation platform, it’s usually very easy for other municipalities to take parts of it and then run a office hour, or a virtual consultation, or the kind of e petition platform and integrating into the supply chain." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s piecemeal but once you’ve saw that how it fits all together in Taiwan, you can choose exactly the part that you need and then co create the part that you have to invent by yourself. This whole spectrum innovation as compared to our neighboring economies such as Singapore, which does really well on one or two of these skills but has less to say about, say, agricultural sustainability." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan offers a lab to make it all happen. We also attract the oversea company who take advantage of the regulatory co creation system and proof that something really works in Taiwan and then scaling out to the rest of the...We’re probably going to see that in 5G deployment as well." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Again, where great minds think alike, the next question was going to be why Taiwan? You’ve kind of answered that here. To play almost a devil’s advocate, to ask about the challenges facing Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Going with the example that we were talking about earlier with Uber. With Uber being a company focused on technology innovation but facing the political issues that’s been happening over the past couple of years here, what are the challenges that are face innovation in Taiwan today?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Uber case is a particularly good case. It’s literally the first one that we used the AI based conversation. It’s not only the polis platform. That’s one of the more prominent vetoing cases. Airbnb is the next high profile one. We also deployed this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "By the time Airbnb was deliberated, Airbnb sent an email to all their Taiwan members to ask them to come to be Taiwan and support the party line of the Airbnb. Because this is a open ended survey, it’s not just a binary one or two, or yes or no. If that was the case, the mobilization might have worked." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Actually, only one third of people, after they saw all this overview of their people’s voices, really supported Airbnb’s party line. The other two third want some self regulation out of Airbnb as well, despite being Airbnb members. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The same with Uber, many Uber car drivers at the time being mobilized to vote here, actually said, \"We really want insurance and we really want freedom of working in a competitive landscape on par with taxi,\" instead of in a way that is kind of legal gray area, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The insurance, the registration, and also the taxation, these are just broad consensus, they’re what we call rough consensus, despite that many people were mobilized by the platform economy companies. The veto would then move on to create a guideline to adjust to platform economies. That guideline has helped to regulate the sharing of private parking spaces using new technology." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is a app controlled block so the car cannot drive in. Once you use an app to make a payment, then it lowers down and you can park. It’s a really cheap device. Then we co create a regulation so that, if people share their private parking space on average by eight hours every day over the span of the month, then they don’t have to pay the same taxes as a professional parking lot." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re essentially sharing their vacant parking space and therefore contributing to a net positive of the society. On the other hand, we want to discourage hoarding and essentially running illegal parking spaces by distributing the parking lots. Anything above that would have to be taxed. That is a rough consensus. It’s already the case." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s one of the first sandbox platforms that’s running by the national development council that is established, I think, last January. Many other platform economy cases were resolved on the NDC platform. You can look it up in Of course, many other sandboxes then followed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The main challenge first is that some people still don’t know that there are these platforms now, that they can go and get a ruling very quickly and summon a co creation meeting. A second challenge is that the legislative part. These sandbox laws are really new. We don’t have yet the cases that warrant a law change that came out of the sandbox process." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have lot of good cases that adjust the regulation, a law change, not yet. We will have to wait for another year or two to present to the world the successful law changes not just regulation changes that’s born out of this sandbox idea." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "It sounds like some of the stuff that D4SG did for social innovation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Are you going to be at their demo day next month as well? That’s on the 20th." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. The D4SG people prototyped the Presidential Hackathon system but on the municipal level." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "CK." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. For last year’s Presidential Hackathon, CK was one of the main brains behind the activity last year. This year, he, of course, is joined by the wider civic technology community. He is still one of the most important people in running the international part of the Presidential Hackathon." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "To limit myself, I know I’ll be short on time a little bit, too. I want to be conscious and respectful of your time. Two last questions for you. Energy. Energy is needed to drive a lot of these things. I’m curious with there being maybe some issues over the past couple of years with decommissioning nuclear power plants or where wind turbines can be placed or they can’t be placed, basically a NIMBY issue, Not In My Back Yard." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Wind turbines has less of that issue. We had more of that issue with solar panels at first. With the newest technology in reducing the pollution and increasing the cohabitation with agriculture products and so on, we’re now less worried about the solar part. It used to be a issue. I want to share this picture. This is a Taiwan focused reinterpretation of the SDGs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We need to take care of the industrial innovation. Then, if there’s not life long learning plan and if people learn to build skills not capacities, then they will suffer loss of dignity when innovation comes. This is for the general awareness of environmental sustainability and resiliency." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That leads to the more civic participation of not running for MPs way of still influencing the politics and the civil society. That, coupled with the aging population and the declining population in the regional, it also needs to be augmented by assistive intelligence, also known as AIs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, people’s general awareness that the health is a long term process and the preventative medicine, telemedicine, and everything is the whole picture. What I’m getting to is that, regarding to your question of energy policy, it is within this framework." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When we look at the indigenous people building their own power grid, this is within the social value not just for monetary value of their self sovereign over their energy supplies and things like that. As is evaluated through these five lines not just on economy level." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Would you say within these five examples or focuses here as well, I know that, for example, TaiSugar is eco village, eco based and then the focus on Shih in creating a circular economy district there." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The 大林蒲 project." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "The 大林蒲, exactly. Do you have any general thoughts about those? Do you think those are sustainable? Do you think it’s a good path going forward to focus on establishing some maybe small villages or small pockets to test this out? Do you think it should be more dispersed? I’m basically curious what your general thoughts are on these projects?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Devolution is the general plan here. We call it regional innovation because we know that the local people really knows the most about how to move forward. They may not always have the resources or the knowledge. That’s what the university social responsibility program is for. That’s why the regional revitalization platform is for." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s basically the initiative has to start with the local people and not in a top down way, not in a dictatorship way. That is the overarching thing. The more initiative comes out of the local population, the more sustainable it becomes. The more it is reliant on central government five year plans with reimbursements, the less sustainable it becomes. [laughs] That’s the overarching summary." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Interesting. Last question for you, too. What haven’t we asked you today that you think is important for us to know?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "First, all these assets are Creative Common Zero, meaning that the T shirt itself is in the public domain. If you want a copy of the T shirt, I can bring you one [laughs] if they still have stock here. That’s very important because by showing in photographs with this T shirt, it brings almost spiritual awareness out of people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If I attend a meeting of all the CEOs and whatever, it prompts them to think about social environmental impact. If I attend a local environmental group gathering, it prompts them to think about sustainable business models for their work, and so on and so forth." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This holistic picture image is a regulative thought that, if people hold those patterns in their minds, it prompts a long term thinking that Taiwan, in the political landscape, really needs. If we think in a inter generational, cross generational way, then a lot of the tension that’s born out of people growing up with dictatorship and people born with democracy can dissolve itself." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The main social tension in Taiwan now is between the two generations that lived with drastically different political systems and different habits. By focusing on co creation and sustainability, that’s something that both generations can agree on." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Amazing. May I ask one last question here?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. We still have 10 minutes." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Awesome. Perfect. Extended producer responsibility, EPR. Taiwan has a strong focus on this from what I’ve researched. Focusing on an example of plastics and the plastic bottles, to name one of the many categories in EPR. From what you were just saying, do you think that EPR with innovations and if things go as planned or at least hoped as we were just mentioning..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If we were just talking about plastic bags, that is very well implemented." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Expanding even beyond plastic bags, everything from consumer goods, to inputs or outputs, manufacturing, whatever it may be at that point." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s two things. One is some brands choosing to use that as a differentiator of their product. That, I think, is going pretty well in Taiwan. There’s dedicated outlets. There’s dedicated places. There’s dedicated communities. Still, the homemaker insignia still plays a large part there." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you’re talking about a plastic straw ban like thing, which is all encompassing, then it depends on industry to industry. There’s no quick answer to that. Basically, the municipalities, because of the evolution, is reluctant to be too progressive." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If their citizens don’t yet demand a certain thing to be under EPR, they don’t tend to be too progressive. That’s the case with municipalities. The central government, the supreme court, [laughs] many other organs have a incentive of bringing the society forward." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The local township, and counties, and municipalities are less so, which is why we always focus on education. If we get the basic education right, then in due time, like six years, there will be a particular demand for these things to be implemented." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "I completely agree with that. It seems like, again, almost, I was mentioning with the conversation with the folks at Greenpeace, it all comes back to education." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly, to awareness." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "To general awareness as well. Totally agree. Thank you so much. I really appreciate you sharing your insights, your thoughts on this. It sounds like you’re doing some amazing work on all of these topics as well. It sounds like also, as it would be for anybody, you have your hands full as well as these are some great challenges." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Certainly hope to, as a member of the global community focusing on promoting not only the SDGs but also the topics that we talked about today, I look forward to working with you and hopefully supporting you to some extent as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Awesome. Thank you so much." }, { "speaker": "Grayson M. Shor", "speech": "Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Cheers." } ]
[ { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "政委,先跟您介紹一下,我們的計畫在科辦裡面有一個首席評議委員,我們今天請他一起來看政委的指示,看計畫怎麼做。" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "可能要先跟您報告一下,因為我們的計畫想要有一個前店後廠的窗口,都要麻煩政委幫忙,所以我們都覺得這樣子好像不是一個好的方法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我就變成你們的後廠。" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "我們的首席就說要用機制,不要用人制,他說科辦可以用這樣的角色,當有一個部會計畫來的時候,科辦就扮演溝通的角色。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "政策協調組?" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "現在要走出這一步,現在正在處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "執秘知道嗎?" }, { "speaker": "何明彥", "speech": "我提一下這個事情,我跟政委報告一下,本來擬訂的這個計畫是,因為沙盒是有無人機。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有5G,其實是有一堆。" }, { "speaker": "何明彥", "speech": "數位經濟部分如果現在有案子,希望有一、兩個部會可以做,現在正在做這一些。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一些了。" }, { "speaker": "何明彥", "speech": "現在在做的案例是希望未來的機制,這邊有一個沙盒的條例過了以後,這邊有一個審查機制有辦法在各部會就接到這個沙盒案例的時候就可以有一個管道,事實上已經提出來了,這兩端如何接……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像金管會有一個flow,不是只有沙盒而已,而是有weekly的。" }, { "speaker": "何明彥", "speech": "所以目前大概推動的做法是下個禮拜或下下個禮拜至少跟科會辦開一次會議,看怎麼跟衛福部的特定單位先對頭,看這一套真正要做有什麼問題,修一次以後,希望未來有案子的時候,希望在衛福部或者是其他的部會做這個事情,我們建議可以跟流程對通,大概的想法是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我每個禮拜到科辦開會,2016年底的時候,我們有一個想法,是不是系統性地全部用成文法,去把這個機制在每一個部會寫起來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們目前是以純行政作為的方法先試看看?" }, { "speaker": "何明彥", "speech": "對,現在大概是這樣子,如果需要資源,因為科技計畫在不同部會還有資源,直接用那個計畫來對接,目前是這樣規劃。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!我可以讓執秘知道這件事。" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "所以我們下個禮拜會再做溝通。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很好。" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "今天有四件事報告,案例一,案例二,第三個是衛福部,還沒有用到這個制度之前,我們的進度是什麼,第四個是6月26日要請政委幫我們主持沙盒的活動。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一個個來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "(案例一報告)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "協會的帳你們也看得到不是嗎?不是有揭露嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林柏君", "speech": "他有揭露,只是會尋求,可以尋求讓公司看起來是有盈餘的方式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你把這兩個事業體加起來就好了,我們就知道真的帳長什麼樣子。" }, { "speaker": "翟浩宇", "speech": "目前只有公司部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是怎麼知道有協會的成本?是質性資料?" }, { "speaker": "林柏君", "speech": "因為他說沒有這樣做的話……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以協會沒有在公益報告平台或其他平台揭露他的流量嗎?這個一般不是都是捐款人會想要看的東西?" }, { "speaker": "楊梓銘", "speech": "目前應該沒有,有可能是會計師的調配。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個有可能是還在製作?" }, { "speaker": "林柏君", "speech": "因為上次是到最後我們才看到盈餘。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!等揭露了,我們再看一下加起來的實際狀況怎麼樣,不過這個我覺得也是實驗的價值,像勞務出資的部分,確實是稅上的一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是我覺得還是要看本來的增資計畫,如果沒有做到,其實一樣,跟沒有成立公司是完全相同的情況。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不曉得老師有沒有想要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "何明彥", "speech": "我當然是第一次仔細看這個案子,如果以沙盒來講,還可以做的是應該要提一些突破性的創新服務,就是原來做不到,這可能也有可能幫助funding怎麼做,如果要突破的話,未來可以看,投資人就會為了這個potential來支持這一家公司,這個結構我覺得是大家很常有的結果,一個是私有組織,其實沒有做,大家也做了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以用股份捐獻的方法。" }, { "speaker": "何明彥", "speech": "假設比較有優勢的部分,有一些比較數位化的服務,可能也會協助出資,不然出資者也會stay在原來的,只是兩個財務區分底下,我可能看愛蔓延區分得比較好,所以來投這一塊,但這兩邊畢竟還是有操作的不同,所以我只是覺得這邊還是有機會協助他們。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我也滿同意,如果這邊講的產品線有原來的市場,不要說10倍,有個1.5倍,其實我覺得比較有可能說服股東。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "(案例二報告)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這個綜規司的窗口你也認識他了?" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "是的。我們的首席也說要回歸機制,所以希望能夠由機制處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以一邊是有衛福部的窗口,有機制的意思是要進入科會報,週會上執秘要知道這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "這一件事就這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "APEC週,時間是6月24日至27日,可能要跟政委報告一下這整個活動,因為APEC其實是可以邀請很大的長官,這個政治議題是很困難的,所以我們現在目前預定部長,第一天開幕是部長,因為APEC提案,大陸目前都是受到很大的反彈,我們提案會不過,要很多會員連署才可以,所以第一天基本上是請部長。" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "第一天跟第二天是以城鄉發展為主題,第三天跟第四天是O2O,第三天的時候,首先上半場是希望請龔政委來主持、專題演講,然後有一些業者來講,因為這個是四年計畫,所以會有願景及整個闡述。" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "下午的時間是唐政委的時間,除了主持人導引以外,我們也希望請政委能夠做一些專題演講,然後用政委的魅力,帶領下面其他各個國家的人,要玩一些有趣的事情,我們請規劃同仁來講。" }, { "speaker": "鄭瑋婷", "speech": "下一個半場是做分享互動。" }, { "speaker": "鄭瑋婷", "speech": "下午是智慧載具的運用,我們在每一個主題都會做簡短的影片、換場的過程,我們在這個影片時,會透過線上直播的互動來投票,讓線上的這一些網友再投票、線上問答,讓主持人可以跟線上的民眾來做回應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所謂的回應是把投票結果唸出來嗎?" }, { "speaker": "鄭瑋婷", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "現在誰問這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是嗎?我會把問題唸出來,讓那三位回答,是嗎?" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "看怎麼分工。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個跟投票有什麼關係?按讚越多越先唸?" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這三個主題是30分鐘?" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一開始進來就Q&A,不然根本沒有時間Q&A。" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "你要不要暖場的時候講一下?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "網友還是要想、打字,一開始3、5分鐘冷場,我會帶,這個不用擔心。但是不要好比像進行20分鐘之後,最後10分鐘Q&A,那時候喪失興趣了,尤其從2點開始直播,大家看90分鐘的直播沒問問題,沒有人看直播了,不然我看錄影就好了,如果我問問題,沒有人回答的話,為什麼要看直播?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以兩個具體建議:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,當然還是可以有一鏡到底的設計,但是你在中間就是要線上有小編,告訴大家想到什麼問題,即使在3點30分以前就可以開始問,然後唐鳳會拿你的問題,在3點30分之後開始回答,這樣子大家才會願意留下來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,如果你的小編對於這一個議題也是有一點懂的話,在這中間也可以隨時跟網友一問一答,不要程序性的小編,可以有一點實質性,這樣子網友也比較容易留下來,不然一個半小時真的太久了。" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "這裡有一段是您要專題演講,要我們幫您做什麼樣的想法?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要用中文或者是英文?" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "全英文。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "我們會邀請其他國家的人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們也會有影片。" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "有影片嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這是一個問句(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "要PPT。" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "都會有一些媒體的露出。5月想要先採訪政委。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我5月29日不在,5月29日要出去一個禮拜左右,可能四、五天,事實上28日可能就不在了,所以我們要約的話,可能5月26日或者是27日,我們前面應該不會去哪裡。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "先留一個彈性。" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "你們要錄的是對談或者是採訪?" }, { "speaker": "鄭瑋婷", "speech": "圖文式的採訪。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "文字採訪不需要約禮拜三,像院會禮拜四也很好、禮拜二也很好,像20、21或23,我們挑一天,你再跟子維約。" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "好啊!報告完了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常有效率,謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "跟各位報告有關於修正漁港法,全面開放漁港港區且興建釣魚平台來報告,我們這次報告主要是分以下三點來做說明,請大家參閱:" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "第一,有關於提案人訴求,以三個訴求面向來說明,第一個是法規面的部分,提案人的問題點,他認為釣魚活動是最值得推廣的休閒活動,港區也是相對安全的釣魚場所,他期待國內的所有漁港都能夠全面開放民眾釣魚,而且不論大小都要建釣魚平台。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外管理面方面,認為釣魚行為必須要進行管理,提出了九點左右來作說明,包含漁港要提供廁所及垃圾桶來方便民眾使用,漁港必須要有救生器材來做緊急救難之用。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外,風浪過大要嚴禁民眾釣魚,港區也要限於釣竿來釣魚,不能用其他的網具來做活動,港區嚴禁鑽鑿打洞,違者要以公共危險罪來論處,像有嚴禁丟垃圾、廢漁線等等。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外,第七點有提到港區停泊的漁船,民眾沒有經過同意不能登船,漁船停泊的纜繩,民眾不可以碰觸它。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外在航道釣魚,民眾必須要禮讓漁船來通行,沒有任何的理由來阻擋漁船的出入。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "有關於垂釣區的管理跟清潔,也有提出一個建議,漁港不能以任何民意來向民眾收取費用。另外,我們也蒐集相關利害關係人的意見,包含正、反兩方,反對方的部分是漁民團體,我們漁港主要使用者,另外一個是現在所有全國漁港的主管機關,包含中央跟地方的,他們的意見彙整起來有這幾項:" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "第一,釣魚跟漁作有衝突,因此基本上漁民團體反對全面開放釣魚。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外他們認為目前的釣魚欠缺自治管理,常常會製造垃圾、破壞碼頭設施並影響航行安全。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "在主管機關方面,因為目前漁港的管理,基本上都是開放的空間,因此目前在管理上,維護的人力、經費都不太夠,所以應該沒有辦法全面開放。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "支持方的部分,包含部分的釣魚團體、提案人,基本上認為漁港法第18條已經有規定,要開放漁港有垂釣區、設置垂釣區,但目前漁港開放數量還是太少,沒有落實漁港法,要擴大開放。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "第二,他們認為漁港跟漁業資源,基本上這應該是全民共享,不應該只給漁民來使用,提案人也認為應該要強化這個漁港垂釣的管理,漁港的垂釣非常亂,必須要管理。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "有關於漁港法規的部分,基本上依照漁港法的規定,漁港法第3條第1項第1款已經明訂,指的漁港只供漁船使用的港,基本上按照這一條的內容,內涵主要規範漁港的使用目的,也就是給漁船來使用。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "漁港法第18條第3項有規定,漁港主管機關在不妨礙港區作業安全及污染的狀況之下指定區域,訂定相關措施來開放民眾垂釣,這部分法規的說明部分,他們認為漁港空間利用是可以多元,但是必須要次要使用目的,不應該在不與主要使用目的衝突的情況之下,才在容許之列。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "說明有關於全國漁港分布的狀況,目前全國的漁港總共有兩百二十二處,基本上依照主管機關的不同分成第一類漁港跟第二類漁港,第一類是九處,第二類是兩百一十三處,第一個是在中央,第二個是在各轄中央政府,第二類佔了96年,第二類漁港佔了4%。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "以地理位置的話,本島是有一百三十六處漁港,離島包含金門、馬祖、澎湖,有台東的離島都有八十六處。目前有關於漁港開放的狀況,目前漁港開放垂釣區的部分,總計有十八處,按照這個圖面上來看,大概主要分布在北部,新北市有十一處,基隆有六處,再來東部的宜蘭有一處,南部唯一是鳳鼻頭有開放。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "目前蒐集在漁港釣魚的一些比較不好的現象,包含雖然釣魚是來作休閒,但是發現有人來釣魚,一人十幾支桿子,他們也會把我們的碼頭設施破壞,為了要省力,所以會立竿,因此會碼頭鑽洞。基本上也會焚燒跟煮熟食物來吃,另外也會把垃圾沒有帶走,留在上面,漁民會去港嘴,也就是漁船進出必經之地來垂釣,會造成漁港航行的問題,漁民沒有辦法看到浮標,會攪在一起,因此會損壞。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "我們就議題分析與對策,有關於漁港全面開放釣魚的部分,我們在前面有提到,釣魚目前在某些部分已經跟我們漁市作業有相衝突。另外,漁港法目前已經有開放規定,釣魚朋友所提的漁港開放比例稍微偏低一點,認為這個對策,我們認為依照漁港法有的規範,在不妨礙港區作業安全及污染的原則下來開放。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "漁港法有指定區域、訂定相關管理措施來公告民用的規定。另外,針對目前釣魚朋友所講的,還有一大部分沒有劃設垂釣區的漁港,我們再由各個漁港主管機關來會同漁會,像釣魚團體、海巡單位,我們再逐一勘查,是不是有可能或者是有這個條件再來劃定這一些開放的區域。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外,我們也認為相關的協商也包含後續的一些管理機制及收費的問題。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外一項議題的分析,有關於垂釣管理與安全維護的部分,之前上面有提到有關於漁港管理維護的人力與經費的不足,以及目前漁港,不像商港、軍港是開放的空間,管理上是非常不容易的。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "目前釣友的這一些亂象也是非常多,欠缺一些自治上的管理,因為我們這一方面的對策是垂釣區由釣魚團體來管理。現行的漁港法基本上已經針對垂釣區訂定相關的管理措施,因此這個我們建議是由主管機關會同漁業團體來協商、訂定管理措施。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "釣魚團體能夠自治管理,因為自治管理管轄,所以有使用者付費,包含清潔、保險上的需求,這個是我們的對策,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這個是你們當天4月3日要準備的簡報嗎?先講完好了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝科長以上協助報告,先跟大家確認一下我們心智圖的初版,請大家幫我們看一下盤點的面向是不是足夠完整,有沒有什麼地方有誤植,再麻煩跟我們指教。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這一次心智圖的盤點方式會有訪談的角色作為分類,其實第一版本來是以管理的方式來作分類,就是上面紅色的面向,但後來發現管理方式有許多重疊,所以後來才決定受訪者的角色來分類跟訴求的角色來討論會比較立體。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我不確定在場的大家,是不是都有看過心智圖顏色的意義,因此我快速講一下,或許有一些同仁沒有看過。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "你們可以看到便利貼的顏色,黃色是問題分類,淺的是問題細節、綠色是解法,藍色是背景,橘色是目前政府單位有回應,紅色是現有的困難。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們先從漁業署來確認,漁業署現有漁港法第18條的規定,如剛剛科長報告,以開放為原則。至於使用者付費的部分,主管機關應逐年編列預算,並向使用者收取管理費,只是沒有好的落實經驗或者是現況。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "至於垂釣區域管理的話,其實有第一類漁港的作業要點,但是目前的問題是沒有法人團體,不管是釣客或者是漁民代管,像基隆跟新北都是地方政府來代管,漁業署的部分有沒有要補充或者是修正?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "比如沒有法人團體管理的文字放上去,會不會造成大家的誤解?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "他們跳出來願意管。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "怎麼樣修正會比較好?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "因為當天協作會議的程序,也會先把心智圖帶大家跑一遍,所以現在有資訊需要先補充的話。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "漁港開放垂釣區,基本上都是……就是還沒有團體來,尚未委託。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "講現況。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "目前開放的漁港,還是由政府機關來管理,而且沒有收費。收費就不講。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "是不是可以推論這個是問題,也就是由主管機關來管理的話,未來可能有的解法是釣客自治管理,會放在解法下,會場上就會討論是不是可行?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "除此之外,漁業署有沒有要補充?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "收費要不要講?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "可以委託相關漁會或者是相關團體。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "沒有關係,漁港法第18條可以開放,第12條可以收取費用,第一類漁港有訂作業要點,可是作業要點目前還是由地方政府管理,目前是沒有收費。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "後面解答要管理的部分、收費的部分也要一起來討論。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以你的意思是「政府機關」是不是寫地方政府?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "對。目前委由地方政府管理,上午收費。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "事實寫清楚。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "全世界都知道。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "有要補充的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "還有一個是法規。可以委託。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第幾條?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "第13條。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你說的是一類漁港嗎?剩下的是你們委託的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "不是。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以目前一類漁港,這個比較清楚。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "目前一類漁港開放由……" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "二類是由地方政府來處理。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "這個是委託相關法人團體的依據。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "你的左邊是一個規定,第三個再貼一個是漁港法第13條規定「公共設施得委由漁會跟相關團體來進行管理」。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "詳細的文字我等一下再調。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "「第一類漁港垂釣區域劃設及管理作業要點」意思是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "管理機制。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "沒有產生作用?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "這個不要寫。是劃設好了,以後有人來申請、受委託,裡面有一些。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "裡面會有經營管理計畫書,應該要有什麼樣的內容,像財務報表、開放時間、釣客應該遵循的規範等等,就是外面要申請的話,就要符合這個。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "好吧!那就掛著。現在要放在第12條後面。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們往地方政府的建議來看一下,我們訪談跟看了一些相關資訊,地方政府的建議,認為現況有的問題,包含如果開放的話,設施經費跟維護經費不足,我們目前蒐集到的解法,其實有法源可以向使用者收取管理費,至於為何沒有這樣做,或者是制度上的設計是否要調整。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二,開放的話,行政機關人力不足,所以就會帶到可以委外的解法。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "這不是第4條了,就是剛剛第13條的規定,因為管理作業要點是只針對一類漁港,所以用第13條,也就是把漁業署的那個部分貼上來。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個解法有可能會遇到的問題是,如果之後由釣客跟漁會的法人團體進來,沒有公權力可以協調,也是會有一樣的問題,就是現在地方政府執行機關。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "沒有包含釣魚。" }, { "speaker": "焦其湘", "speech": "有規定漁港設施,公共設施是漁市場等等。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "所以不是行為?而是硬體設施?" }, { "speaker": "焦其湘", "speech": "對,它是硬體設施,漁港法公共設施在施行細則有定義清楚,裡面並沒有釣魚平台,並沒有列舉。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "所以第13條還是要拿掉。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "因此路徑還是從第18條那邊往下走。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "所以解法是修漁港法施行細則。" }, { "speaker": "焦其湘", "speech": "一個是修施行細則,另外一個是從第18條是訂定相關措施,商港法的部分,目前是只有這一個。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "沒關係,第13條先移除。第3項得依漁港法的規定,第18條訂定相關措施,相關措施理論上應該可以包含收費,我們可以先這樣解讀,如果他們抗議再說。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這其實是地方政府提出來的,提出要開放,然後要訂定相關措施,在一類漁港的時候,有一個作業要點,但是到地方政府二類的時候,就沒有東西了。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "因此可以依第18條第3項訂定相關措施,包含收費來解決這個問題。就是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個解法會有的問題是公權力沒有辦法協調,如果之後要收費的話,維管經費的收受細節要討論,因為我有聽到政府說如果現在開始收費,是不是要開另外一個科目去收這個費用,那個費用的來源是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "性質是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這裡講的「沒有公權力可以協調」什麼意思?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "委給法人團體來代管的話,假設漁民跟釣客發生糾紛,這個是釣客的團體管的,他們認為沒有辦法處理糾紛。假設這個釣魚平台是釣權會管的,如果發生漁民跟釣客糾紛的時候,他們認為沒有辦法處理糾紛,他們只能管理好自己的釣客有這樣的行為。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我是跟地方政府申請的,我是依據地方經營管理要點申請而得到這個地方。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "發生糾紛的時候,真的出來叫警察。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "一類跟二類差在哪裡?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "一類管理的是地方政府。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "二類不是嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "委託團體來管理的話只能管理釣客的行為,不能管漁民跟釣客的糾紛。可以解的方式是,地方政府在訂定管理措施的時候,明訂如果發生與釣客以外糾紛的話,就訂協調機制。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "漁市糾紛,通常都會到地方政府來協調,就丟到地方調解委員。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "糾紛是有其處理方式。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "現在一類是如何處理?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "像一類八斗子沒有辦法處理的話,就罵一罵來協調,除非有損害,如果找不到是誰的線弄到,因此只好不了了之。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以一類協調看起來是有……" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "我個人的看法是,以後就開放在後面就好了,像港側就不要開放,這個問題就可以減少很多,甚至可以避免掉。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "現在一類也是這樣劃設,只是會有人亂跑。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "亂跑的人就理虧。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "變成開放的方式要訂得很明確。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "就會有這一些問題要討論的。再來,地方政府的部分還有一個背景資訊是:部分的漁港其實沒有多餘的範圍可以劃設垂釣區,所以全面盤點或全面開放就會有既成的事實,我們還是先列出來。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "另外一個,盤點及開放的程度,有些縣市是很多年前盤點過,現在有一部分開放,很多縣市是根本沒有盤點,但對於有開放的縣市、二類漁港的人來說,他們會覺得依照漁港法應開放,但是沒有開放的縣市會覺得多做也是多找罵名而已——包含那一天的會議都有講到,或許未來政策的方向是重新盤點。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "另外一個是釣客安全行政機關難以承擔,通常最擔心的是安全問題,所以責任的劃分需要一些依據,當天或許沒有辦法細緻地討論責任劃分要如何分責,但是我們先把解法列出來,如果現場各位要補充就再補充。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "最後一個,漁港法第21條罰鍰過重,難以落實。違反第18條部分款,行為是罰3至15萬,包含丟垃圾或者是亂停車等等,以新北市政府來說,一年稽查31件,但是有15件會成案,因為很多行為其實罰不下去3萬元,而且丟垃圾罰3萬,某種程度上造成公部門、私人間某種不信任,民眾會覺得找碴,但是法就訂在那邊這麼重,電訪漁業署的意見,如果針對第21條違規行為再細分給相應的罰鍰,目前漁業署認為是可行的。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "屏東也曾經處理過,後來也簽辦用環保的法來罰3,000元或者是6,000元,因為我們用環保的法令來處理,這個是幾千元,我們當時的依據是比例原則來處理。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "所以不會在漁港裡面發生,就一定要用漁港法的狀況?" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "這個是地方政府的權責。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "這個是針對丟垃圾,釣魚就沒有了?" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "現在的說法是,如果你亂丟垃圾,因為沒有亂丟垃圾,只能依廢棄物的方式來罰3萬元;如果你亂停車,因為那邊也不是交通範疇,所以也不能用違規停車來罰你,只能把你的車當作廢棄物,然後堆在那裡,然後還要公告,開走就好了,公告之後就是罰3萬元,所以變成亂停車都罰3萬元,他們提出來的問題是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "所以亂停車上面沒有。所以要點出來,就像我們那一天去八斗子,外面有停車場不停,然後就停在碼頭上,所以未來是要把它完整化,所以裡面要貼地方政府反映亂停車的問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "其實大家反應的違規樣態滿明確,所以行為細分出來,訂定相應罰責,應該不是太麻煩的事,目前是這樣子。地方政府的意見收到這邊,差不多。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "現在有兩種漁港,一種開放人很多,養一個人處理或者是委外處理可以支應得過去,你真的不可能派一個人在那邊,因為釣的人不多,一個月搞不好只收到3,000元,你要養一個人,根本沒有辦法處理這一塊,這確實是一個很大的問題。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "有一種是高度管理,一種是低度管理,所以管理不管理這個牽涉到海巡署協助的問題,依漁港法,如果在港區釣魚,海巡署很明確,是要勸導,可是海巡署不會幫你收費、做清潔,如果你開放的話,委託還可以收費,我不知道是不是可行?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "就像副院長講的,台中北堤,一個月收200元,有一些釣點。漁港開放以後人多的部分可以處理,人少的部分很難處理,因為漁港開放空間沒有專責單位,那個港會有人的只有海巡署跟漁船、一般遊客或者是釣客,管理機關的人不可能派24小時在那邊。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "漁港法第12條「主管機關」,一類是漁業署,二類就是地方政府?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "是。剛剛看地方政府,所以解法第18條是包含收費?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "還有委外管理。就人力來說是委外,也就是找民間團體進入。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "解法是收費,一個方法是收費清潔管理,第二個辦法是自主性管理,或者是由釣客管理。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "收費不是解決問題的問題,光收費就是一個問題,本身收費就是一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "政府機關收費要開收據給他們,這個很麻煩,收費之後要公庫。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "「訂定相關措施包含委外管理」,正確的用詞是這樣,收費只是其中一項。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "你貼的是解法,第一個應該是委外管理,第二個是釣客自主管理。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "委外管理不是委給釣客來管理嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "如果委託不出去呢?像那個地方沒有,一個縣都統包才有可能,如果他不統包你這一塊,你們也沒有辦法,垃圾永遠是垃圾,不要公告一年以後,大家反對又收回來。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "釣客自主管理某種程度就是不管讓他們自律?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "就沒有公權力、收費是否足夠的問題?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "沒有,就是維持現況。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "就是釣客自律。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "這個很難。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "二類漁港也有委託漁會或者是地方協會,請他們做清掃的工作,未來在這一塊比較好處理,其他的縣市我不曉得,二類漁港都有在做清潔的工作。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你的意思是,不管怎麼樣,地方政府人比較少,委託給漁會,漁港至少通常會這樣。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "委託漁會管理,漁會會要求一個點,就要給他人事費給他,變成我們跟釣友收取費用,然後再編年度預算補助給漁會。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "這樣子好了,我「行政機關人力不足」是「管理人力不足」,前面用「依漁港法」,後面加「由當地海巡署取締,依漁港法第18條第2項」。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "海巡署可以做這一件事嗎?" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "要釐清取締。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "前不著店。他也說那個沒有辦法。他說走自主管理、自律管理,後面要接的是海巡署去稽核,就是偶爾去看一下。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "海巡那邊?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "海巡有。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "他們只可以蒐證。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "勸導、取締。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "勸導、蒐證,之後丟到縣市政府。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "適當的制止。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "丟垃圾就不行。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "不是當下發生的行為就沒有辦法被制止。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "就是違規釣魚,在不對的區域,他們可以制止,但是像丟垃圾就不行。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "如果不小心被看到,就罰你3萬,我們在路上丟垃圾,好比我抽菸,被人家檢舉就被罰1萬,但是機率多少?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "給主管機關來處罰。" }, { "speaker": "柯勇全", "speech": "我的建議是,現在不是為了開放而開放,而是因為有需求才開放,所以邏輯上,剛剛有提到人很少的狀況,是不是可以朝這一種方式?如果需要的話,誠如一開始所講的,我們是採用申請制的,如果有需要的話,是以團體為單位來申請,其實也是跟自主管理很像,其實團體來,你必須要承認在某種程度上會維持到哪一些程度上的清潔跟自律的規範,那就採取抽查的制度。" }, { "speaker": "柯勇全", "speech": "如果覺得沒有達到這一種狀況,就close掉這一個開放。在某種程度上是因為你有需求,如果人少到沒有辦法管理,因為你沒有管理好,所以關掉這一個漁港的開放,會不會在操作上比較好操作,對海巡的弟兄也比較好取締,不然公親變事主,你釣魚,我去權責,因此把權利到申請釣的團體,也就是針對自主管理的操作上來看,這個是一個建議。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "增加一個想像。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "第三種是採申請制。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "有人要進場的時候,才決定那個地方要不要開放。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "這個是選項,但是這個在地方政府,是沒有辦法推動的。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "因為釣客是散客。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "可以成立一個團體,今年申請一個區域,今年就是他來,散客就可以進來,或者是申請一個月,商港也有開放,但是有些就是要有申請制,一團進來可能一個月就……" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "做不到啦!我釣魚,休假就去釣了。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "我們漁港也有開放,但是因為管理措施,也可以訂,因為人少。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "4月3日針對管理的部分,絕對會授權到主管機關來。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "地方政府?" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "沒有,一類是中央,二類是地方政府,授權到地方政府來,我滿足你的需求,我有管理的權責,當然要管理,至於管理的辦法,就是由地方政府自己來想。對啊!本來就是這樣子啊!所以我剛剛說了一句話,有違規就一定處分要明確。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "好啦!也不錯,我們多想像,商港本來就在實施。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "反正就放著。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "反正申請制是商港本來就在實施。" }, { "speaker": "焦其湘", "speech": "放著的好處是因為真正講話的是這一群人,這個目的應該要處理,對於散客是沒有辦法處理。" }, { "speaker": "趙文論", "speech": "我覺得當地海巡取締,那個應該要廢除,這個釣客自主管理這一塊,可以預見得到,將來的自主管理一定是亂釣,一定是沒有人會管,整個漁港亂七八糟的時候,到時媒體又說是海巡單位沒有去取締,可是這一塊其實並不是我們主要的業務,但是這樣會變相,所以我覺得可能要再做修正。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "沒有自主管理,第1項、第3項行不通。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "沒有自主管理的話,就是政府管理,就是主管機關管理,所以不要用海巡,就是有主管機關取締。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "沒有,依第18條第2項處理。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "是不是要寫清楚只管違規行為,但是垃圾、環境清潔他不管,這邊擔心的是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "擔心的是以後地方政府如果依這個,全部把垃圾都提下去,海巡這邊的範圍就會變……" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "地方政府可以,他有這樣的權力。" }, { "speaker": "焦其湘", "speech": "但是其實第1至第4項是滿大的事情,而且也不是每一天在發生的。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "我剛剛講了,丟菸蒂,有很多東西丟在那邊,你也沒有辦法取締行為人,不小心丟的時候被拍到,機率很低,基本上海巡署不用擔心這個,已經有明訂了,再怎麼逃都逃不掉。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "像第3項的「應指定」,主管機關就是要指定,因此要檢討指定,因此第2項基本上逃不掉,如果有自律管理,有違反這一些自律違反自律規定,就取締移送。" }, { "speaker": "趙文論", "speech": "我想第18條擺在這裡,也不去修改它。依照第18條來處理是ok的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "不要「海巡署」三個字壓力很大?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "第18條第2項處理。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "第幾項是事實,那就第2項。寫第2項可以吧!不然這個也合理啊!" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "「需要取締的時候跟商港一樣,是公權力嗎?」" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "不是公權力,不然是誰來取締?" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "他們是說這一塊需要解決,所以是在第18條已經解決了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們去台中港看的時候,他們有提到商港跟漁港,他們有提到取締是警察在取締,公權力比較大,他們有提到岸巡的部分公權力沒有那麼大,所以要問一下商港跟漁港不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "有商港警察,所以直接委託取締開單,依漁港法第18條第2項,海巡署採取有效措施,嚇阻完了不聽怎麼辦?我們之前要委託海巡署,委託他開單,他沒有接受,因為怕直接開單以後會產生衝突,所以我們要講清楚,如果要像警察這樣子也沒有問題,依法都可以完成,所以這一塊不是問題,不是海巡署比警察低,是海上警察,我們要這樣認定,我們要有這樣的魄力,難道海巡署跟警察不一樣嗎?" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "現行的規定是海巡蒐證以後交到主管機關來開罰單、作處分,海巡的執法也是公權力,協助漁港的主管機關來做違規的蒐證。" }, { "speaker": "趙文論", "speech": "現在的做法很簡單,避免過度緊張,我們是一勸再勸,但是我們還是函送主管機關,都是開勸導單。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "函送主管機關看單之後,接下來主管機關就會被一些議員施壓而單開不出去,很多釣客有恃無恐,就嗆海巡署。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "全臺灣都會被嗆。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "屏東縣海巡移送過來的案子,處分率是99.99%,都說哪一個議員來關說,就交代現場開罰單怎麼樣,所以怎麼可能不處理。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "釣客及漁會沒有公權力可以協調處理,後面要不要解決?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "下面有一個,地方政府在明訂的時候,也就是有糾紛的時候……" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "加「機制」。一類漁港左邊的部分「由漁會協調」,這個移除。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "但是這個是現行的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "但是二類漁港也是這樣處理,所以不用再講。一類漁港未來也會有這個問題,所以明訂。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "明訂在哪裡?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "是作業要點嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "一類漁港在那裡嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "其實我們一類訂好以後,二類就抄我們的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這個等一下會討論。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "「經費細節收受討論」。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們沒有要討論解法,就是把意見盤點上去,供當天讓更多人參與來討論,只是如果大家有聊過的意見沒有被收到,我們要來確認。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "「部分漁港」不用再討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "那個沒有多餘的空間,這個是事實資料。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "盤點及開放程度各縣市不一……" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這個是解法。各地方政府看首長作風不一樣,有的有開、有的沒有開,我們是有想到一個建議,現在一類漁港已經有作業要點,之前是不是有地方政府說如果中央漁業署也寫一個建議給他們作參考,像二類漁港是不是……" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "有一個通令函釋,這樣是不是比較可以動起來?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "沒有困難。我們訂好以後,因地制宜再增加進去就好了。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "對,我在猜,比如你們一類訂好之後,是不是發給各地方縣市政府,說依漁業法,應該是以開放為原則,各地方政府在思考要如何開放的時候,「請參考漁業署」,你給他一個公文,就仁至義盡了。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "其實不會,漁業署有訂的話,地方政府就會自動比照。要簽辦,公告的時候,我們就會再增加。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "對,通常我們做好之後,他們會看。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "像收費辦法都是依照農委會收費辦法。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "你們那邊比較積極,我們現在是要一體適用。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "是需要這個通令,因為有人說有需要。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "漁業署已經通令過,也開過會了。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "請他們依漁港法來檢討。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "你要這樣寫「應開放」,但是沒有開放。不能這樣寫。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我同意。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "應該是寫「盤點及開放……」" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "如果直接寫「重新盤點」?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "好,那就留著,改寫「重新邀請漁會跟漁業團體盤點可開放區域」。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "銘錦是不是要補充?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "我想請問一下,以前一個卡片下面都會掛名是誰,因為上面第1條是寫漁業署,那就都漁業署,沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "如果對方表示不願意具名,我們就不會寫。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "不用啦!" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "不過當天討論一定會掛上去。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "今天都是我講,是不是都是我的名字。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "不是,當天拿著麥克風講話的那個人,就會把他的名字寫上去。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "剛剛那一句話加「當地」。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這一句話應該是「請主管機關重新邀請當地漁會跟釣魚團體盤點可開放區域」。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "有些盤點完也沒有開放。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "沒有關係,這樣比較清楚。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "應該是「釣客安全自負」。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "理論上都是安全自負,但是行政機關會遇到有家屬要來怎麼樣的問題。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "這真的很麻煩,死的人沒有感覺,活的人再跟你說什麼。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "這個會有一個狀況,像瘋狗浪的問題,如果制定一個預警機制,變成主管機關在政府。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "瘋狗浪沒有預警機制,颱風就有。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "那就會依災防法去走。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "沒有,災防法是適用到颱風要進來的時候,平常浪太大的話,一定不能讓釣客去釣魚平台釣魚,不然就有安全問題了,政府這個設施做下去,未來一定會有國賠的問題,除非有做到預警機制。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "八斗子就有預警機制。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "我請教你花多少錢?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "那個是管理措施,然後只要有颱風,海巡就會出來封閉。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "在正常的釣魚區域釣魚,有管理措施,但是沒有在那個區域釣魚,到消波塊去釣魚,這個是誰要負責?" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "那個我們要去取締。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "那個沒有那麼多人去取締,海巡署沒有那麼多人可以取締。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "因為現在講釣客安全,這個範圍都是公告開放區域,你到非開放區域以外的,我們還要再討論下去的話,並不是國家都要照顧,你到非開放區域的話,這個行政機關怎麼承擔?所以開放區域的……" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "之前說一下,其實在台中有想到一個想法,也就是釣魚證,導入這個制度的話,是不是可以寫在某些地方釣魚,出事的話就自行承擔,政府不應該負相應的賠償責任,他們就會看這是不是一個好的條款,會不會是好的方法?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "回答子維的問題,他們的擔心是今天有一個合法釣魚平台,但是瘋狗浪把人捲走。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "剛剛署長是講非法釣魚區,我們是說合法的釣魚區,不然怎麼有責任?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "那就寫「公告的釣魚區」……" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "「釣客安全」太模糊了……在漁港裡面,到底是誰的責任?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "「需要責任劃分的依據和民眾教育」。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這有一點模糊。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個就是帶討論。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這一張先拿掉。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "可以寫「加強宣導」,所以如何宣導,當天可以討論。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "釣客是不是要自己買保險?基法是釣客維護自己安全跟後續保障,就是如果發生什麼事故,可以用保險來做。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "保險也寫上去。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "這個是一個方法,像釣客要如何維護自身的安全,要穿什麼設備是要自己負擔,如何來走投保的風險分擔。也就是釣客自行投保保險的釣魚證,那個是整個制度的設計問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我稍微說明一下,他們提到釣魚證制度,在日本是由漁會發放,他們認為可以由釣具店幫政府發放,收入可以到地方政府,每一張釣魚證可以申請保險,但是也有相應的責任,像你自己要穿防滑鞋、救生衣、不能到危險的地方去,可以有一些公約,在申請釣魚證的時候可以取得同意,如果縣市政府願意自己建了大釣魚平台,很多釣客要釣魚的時候,就必須到這個縣市來釣魚,對縣市政府的收入就可以是很大的助益,他們希望用這個方式。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "地方政府有沒有可能?屏東的經驗有沒有可能?" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "有可能,當然釣魚證的費用要支付,管理公約是可行,像海水供應站就是有訂管理公約,就可以撇清。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "再加一張卡「由主管機關」……剛剛雨蒼的建議是這樣?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "讓地方政府之間可以競爭。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "有一、二類漁港,所以我們「主管機關」,二類就會是地方政府,一類就是漁業署。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "其實放在這裡有一點詭異,因為發放釣魚證跟安全有何關係?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "剛剛有提到,在申請的時候就告知你有一些應注意事項,會有一個切結書。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "我建議不要放,因為釣魚證牽扯到兩個層次:" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "一個層次是,因為現在漁港能否釣魚?你的釣魚證性質是什麼?我們是在港區釣魚,你收釣魚證,性質是什麼?一個是區域管理、清潔維護與設施維護,另外一個層次是資源應用的管理,這個有得吵了。釣魚證如果在港區裡面釣魚,像清潔維護、設施維護及幫忙保險,那就是港區釣魚證,如果在岸區釣魚證是資源維護,這個就有得吵了。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "像八斗子漁港要有釣魚證,到外木山漁港就要買一個釣魚證,那全國是不是就要有一個釣魚證。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我補充一下,釣魚證的概念是縣市有合法開放可以釣的地方都可以釣魚,他們確實讓各個地方都可以依法持續發放釣魚證,當然有釣魚平台就可以收比較好。除了剛剛提到的安全以外,像有一些公約,可以拿來完善,像這個地方有哪一些魚是可以釣,有哪一些魚是保育類不能釣了,有這個釣魚證就可以依法稽查,就可以看有無釣魚證,有才可以釣魚,沒有釣魚證就不能釣魚,然後就直接打開魚桶來看。這個是很完整的配套,當然有細節可以討論,我建議先放上去,但是補充漁業署的意見。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "我想不要放,張政委禮拜三要討論釣魚的制度,像休閒釣魚,一個人多少、幾人釣幾尾,沒有像今天這樣子討論,請問一個釣魚證,你說沒有釣魚證在岸磯釣魚,你要罰我,我不領釣魚證,可以不可以?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "現在是主管機關訂管理規則,釣魚證就有效力,是這樣說的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "我是主管機關,我不會訂釣魚證,光說釣魚證的錢、委託出去,你聽懂我的意思嗎?如果收200元,我花的成本搞不好是400元。" }, { "speaker": "趙文論", "speech": "我補充一下,我們講的是釣客安全難以承擔,我們講的是「安全」。事實上釣客安全誰都管不到,在釣魚平台或者不是釣魚平台,都管不到,我們建議颱風跟浪高的機制,還有公部門的宣導。" }, { "speaker": "趙文論", "speech": "另外釣客的部分就請他自行投保,然後就結束了。所以我們不要再多說釣魚證,那個太廣泛了,那個是另外一個議題,我認為是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "那就保留第一個,像釣刻自行投保,也就是釣客自律。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這個是解法之一。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我說明一下,由主管機關發放釣魚證的這一件事其實是他們訪談時釣權會的解法,所以上面的解法不一定是全部的政府機關講的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "當然我們可以說這個解法是不可行的。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "我講之前的字卡,都會字條,只能改自己講過的,不然我們改其他的,然後別人又來改我們的字。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "很多人講也沒有納入,你全部納入了?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "訪談收到的都納入。不然寫成「訪談」,一個是「漁業署回應」?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "不用,我的意思是,釣客自行維護的安全就放在前面,那個是第二章的,那才是最重要的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我要回應銘錦,如果要放就都會放。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "那就這樣討論下去。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "就看漁業署的意見及誰的意見。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "就全部都不要放。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "現在是在說這個是誰提出來的。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "我的意思是,「釣客維護自身安全」應該放在第二張,是最重要的,自己管理自己是最重要的,沒有人認為要維護你自己的安全。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "所以「建立颱風與浪高的機制及宣導」,到時會把管理辦法再……" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "自行投保放在第二個,強調的是釣客自主管理。有哪一個主管機關?開放漁港或者是建議地方政府(管理)?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "他們是說一個漁港一張釣魚證,因此他們建議漁港主管機關發。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "不然寫開放的漁港……" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我說的是,並不是一個漁港、一個釣魚證,而是一個縣市一張釣魚證,這裡面所有開放的漁港,像開放的河邊都可以開放,不然不開放的區域,沒有釣魚證或有釣魚證都不能釣魚。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "你聽我講一下,這一張你寫,你寫完,因為這個是釣權會的意見,我們也沒什麼好改,我們先往下走。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "這不應該放在這邊。這個是地方的問題,應該要到釣權會那邊的問題,公權力沒有辦法承擔安全的問題。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們最後看釣魚證放在哪一個項目。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "要爭取副署長的同意,如果我們這邊都要貼標籤的話,你們是不是都同意剛剛的意見都標上去,就是你們提出來的解法?如果我們要統一規格,也就是這個是誰的意見的話,我們等一下可以全部做這個部分補充,可是看你們要不要?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "我們卡釣魚證卡太久,其他都可以討論下去,現在先放旁邊。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "因為現在是講標籤。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "我們原本是沒有標籤,我們就回頭再標。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "沒關係啊!我們事後再補,有沒有需要?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "其他都是漁業署的意見,會很奇怪。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "釣魚證就卡住。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "好啦!聽懂,所以標籤先放著、釣魚證的標籤也先放著。請繼續。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "接著是漁民作業、擔心釣客的魚獲至漁市場。影響漁民作業的部分,當然大家共同協商出一個區域的劃定。有人提到可以參考「剪尾」制度,你如果是垂釣的人,你要" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "「剪尾」,要進漁市場,他們有這個分流管理。跟剛剛的解法一樣,「訂定管理規範」。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "我們加,「釣的魚不能銷售」。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "對,有營利行為,不行。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "依漁業法的規定,「經營漁業要經過許可」。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "真的喔?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "漁業法第幾條?第8條。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這個實際上有罰過嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "銷售行為很難查。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "沒有規定,只是很難落實。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "但是這個是事實。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "依漁業法的規定,休閒釣魚不得銷售。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "第8條的文字是什麼,我們就寫上來。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "這個是硬凹的啦!我解釋給各位聽,漁業法所謂的漁業是採捕水產動物來銷售、營利,要經過漁業法的許可。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "可是你去採捕水產動植物去營利,要經過我的許可,或者是未經過我許可。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "漁民有經過漁業許可嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "有領漁業執照。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我有一個問題,東海岸原住民採集,如果在路邊販賣,也是一樣嗎?有法源只是沒有執法嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "基本上原住民依照規定,他們自用,當然是限於自用。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這個跟原住民打獵一樣。但是文字還是要寫,是不可銷售還是經過許可?我們要講清楚。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "這個文字要把漁業法找出來。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "現在就決定,在場就是專家,把它寫出來。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "第7條或者是第6條,「經營漁業經主管機關核准並取得漁業證照」,看大家的解讀怎麼樣,所謂經營漁業就是採捕水產動植物,經營漁業有營利行為,如果要經過依本法來申請許可。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "第6條。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "不要寫第6條,就寫漁業法,所謂休閒釣魚採捕。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "就是第3條、第6條。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "你辦完一場就瞭解這個領域,太厲害了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "法條部分,我有一個好奇,像第3條所稱「漁業」是指採捕或者養殖水產動植物業,理論上不能釣?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "「經營」,所以不能休閒。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "商業性捕撈跟休閒性捕撈。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "下一個部分沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們接著到最後一個部分。釣客團體是少數人不自律影響觀感、目前規劃的平台不一定符合需求、基礎設施不足、願意使用者付費且同意以漁船的作業為優先、會有維管費用收受的顧慮。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我多解釋一下是因為……" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "這個我知道。我們曾經有委託過。商港區的要有團體來申請,但是收費自己進去,他們說一個人收200元,但是只拿一個便當,所以他們不要。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個是他們的意見,共同的解法是進場管理,是管理作業要點第13條及釣客進場管理。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "漁港法第18條第3款的管理措施可以包括委託管理的機制,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "前後一致的說法。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "因為這邊的開放不見得是一類。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "最後面相關公約?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "雨蒼打的,但是我們現在沒有要討論這個。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "剛剛有提供一個訊息,那一天陳其邁副院長有交代這一件事給張景森政委通盤處理,我們會再跟張政委同步一下,或許釣魚證由他處理。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "昨天下午我到副院長那邊,有一個科長,剛好在經濟能源處碰到他,我說怎麼兩條線在走,他說我們這一條線是走漁港開放,所以就切割。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你講的訊息很有用,我們就會跟張政委同步,那個他來處理。這一件事我們有跟張政委、蔡其昌副院長講過,為什麼一個事情行政院兩個政委在協調,因為案源很清楚,我們是處理漁港的事情,他講清楚他的訴求、範圍,很清楚。張政委那邊可能更廣闊,像商港還有磯釣及海岸線管理是由他處理,我們原則上是這樣分工。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "這兩個議題不錯:" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "1.如何在漁民、釣客團體都同意的狀況下,規劃部分漁港劃設垂釣區供釣客釣魚?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "2.如何落實漁港內垂釣區的經營管理規則,讓漁民作業不受干擾、釣客自律且安全地釣魚、行政機關亦便於管理?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "改成「部分適當漁港區域」。很好。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "處理當天會議的行政細節。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "警察的部分會請警察局那邊協助。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "這一天到底是幾點開始開?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這個是要跟大家討論的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "當天會場會分協作會議的現場,及直播的現場,就是將協作會議的畫面直播到另外一個場地,我們那一天去場勘是上下樓,正式的會議是在二樓,直播會場是在三樓。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "第一會場是協作會議,請農委會確認行政事務及小桌長的部分。直播會場通常是由唐鳳跟大家解說協作會議發生的事情,該會場之行政事務亦是請農委會協助。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "直播會場因為會有,如果現場有人要發表意見的話,如果不太會用手機,就是請農委會登打上去,至於維安部分,剛剛已向跟副署長說明,已請基隆市政府協助聯繫當地警察局協助。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "因為那一天是有說10點30分或者是11點,因為是接近中午時間,預計一開始發送餐盒。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "9點會從台北車站發車,考慮到很多南部上來的人,銘錦上次搭車過去,到漁會是要一個小時20分鐘左右,因為那個時間塞車,10點30分陸續到,可能11點坐定,但是就會卡到一坐好,大家沒多久肚子就餓了,所以可能先發餐盒,先發好,然後大家就開始坐著開會。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "附議人的部分回來是用什麼樣的方式?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "附議人已經處理好,提案人是很好的建議。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "所以會是一台四十二人坐的大巴,是嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "一部夠嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "夠。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "大巴載的是第一會場的所有與會者?第二會場不管?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我再確認一件事,第一會場有餐盒,第二會場有沒有?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "有。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "我們會適時提供。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你看第二會場多少人?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "接駁是接邀請的利害關係人,我們工作人員,因為我們會早一點先過去,我們這邊會自行處理。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "不用算我們,我們自行處理。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "你們不用吃飯?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "要。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "所以交通工具,你們自己處理?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們想要掌握一下人數。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "昨天的狀況,有人在罵,我建議你們出來外面講,讓外界知道,說去講了之後就做記錄,他們就說會來,可能哪裡第一會場有哪一些人會來、哪一些人不會來,他們只是表達自己的聲音,應該也好,漁會的人也還好,只是怕當天衝突起來。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "因為4月2日還有另外一場協作會議,其實當天有先跟銘錦討論過,有可能前一天會場布。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "你們有沒有要先跟我們講?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "那一天有安排好漁會會跟你們接。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "我一定要去嗎?我那一天下午還有會。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "4月3日你要來,要找總幹事去抽菸。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "這個沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "因為上次在澎湖,特別是有媒體。這次也要有媒體?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "上次會有媒體的原因,要先講清楚,第一個是有一個媒體進到第一會場,他進去會場,不是因為他是記者的身分,而是因為提案人建議,因為他很熟地方事務,那個議題參與很久,所以是利害關係人,他的意見很值得聽,是這樣子,不是因為他是記者,先講清楚,包括議員也是這樣子,不是因為他是議員,而是提案人說建議他來。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "當初是列為利害關係人。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "是這樣子,並不是因為他是記者,但是當天在恆春,有其他沒有進到第一會場的記者也來採訪,是因為透過種種的方式得知會議,因此就來採訪。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "如果有基隆地方的記者或者是跑漁業署的記者跑來,我們就是在會場外,比照恒春那樣,會場外找個地方給他採訪,就是這樣而已。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "原則上記者就在第一會場,在那邊看。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "原則上記者在第二會場。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "政委有必要接受訪問就在那邊。還有什麼要院裡面協助或者是幫忙確認的?地點現在趕快通知出去了。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "對,這個麻煩你。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "會議開的時間是11點?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "後面是估4點結束。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "前一天場布,科長有安排好,你們如何處理?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們有窗口,自己處理。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "我們署裡面有沒有要請院裡面確認的?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "差不多了。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "第一會場的參與人員要通知到。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "細流再跟農委會確認,我估車程是一個小時就可以到了,怕會塞車。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "你們自行前往的話,我們就不放進去,還是有安排與會者休息的時間,我們本來是想說10點開始,然後到3點,所以是11點開始,車子的部分,我們再跟農委會確認遊覽車。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "議程主責部會簡報,是由我們簡報,提案人那邊沒有簡報。主責部會沒有了,還有其他簡報嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "提案人會簡報。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "漁業署簡報要到20分鐘嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "頂多剛剛的時間10分鐘左右。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "如果只有漁業署的話,就寫漁業署簡報,如果只有提案人就寫提案人簡報,這樣比較清楚。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "還有什麼要確認的?地方政府是哪兩個會來?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "新北、基隆、台中、高雄、桃園。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "怎麼這麼積極?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "有開放的都會來。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "我那一天有拜託各地方政府都來。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "名單你們都有?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "有,提供的名單是全部都會來嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "請農委會確認出席狀況。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "應該是說不是他,也會有人來,因為這個是開會通知單。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "包含琉球區漁會。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "我們去確認一下,拜託總幹事自己來講,他不來,不要改天在那邊叫。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "麻煩你們前幾天確認,還有一段時間,比如4月3日開會。像4月1日再通知我們確認的名單,我們4月3日開,前兩天確認就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "總共幾個人?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "第一個會場有六十個位置。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "上次算是有五十八個位置。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "當場每個人要做名牌嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "有。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我下個禮拜五跟你們確認名單。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "禮拜五專線有沒有牽好?要不要確認一下網路?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "前一天測。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "前一天5點以前會趕到。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "那一些設備是前一場有人要用。" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "印象中張科長禮拜一、二會去拉專線。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "你們會有人去那邊?" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "那就他幫忙測一下,請電台科長上來一下。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "應該不用。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "我們署裡面還有一個漁業廣播電臺。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "最後一件事,議題手冊的初稿,禮拜一早上會寄給主協辦單位,然後請你們確認。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "最後一個,我們當天會議有沒有要直播?第一個會場一定會到第二會場,只是這個訊號有沒有要公開直播出去?可能跟大家討論一下。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "漁業署的想法怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "就是網民們可以看。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "我們可以連。" }, { "speaker": "Wendy", "speech": "會議整個過程有沒有直播給沒有到現場的人看,比如在家就可以看,只要有網路就可以看到。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "過去辦這一種會議有沒有直播?或者只是兩個會議室的直播?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "我們註明會公開直播,因為當天利害關係人都會知道。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以在我們PDIS youtube的頻道?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "主要是我們的頻道在youtube上。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "上次在澎湖有沒有公開直播?" }, { "speaker": "簡銘錦", "speech": "公布在農委會的,如果這次是放在漁業署的臉書。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們處理恆春議題也有公開直播。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你們不反對,我們就直播。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們辦公室原則上都希望直播。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "我們原則上也不反對啦!" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "海委會呢?好,沒有意見,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "這樣公平。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "那沒有問題,都確認完畢。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "漁業署的臉書會公開直播。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "到時接我們的訊號就好了。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "技術上我們處理。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家好,很高興能夠來這一次的社會創新巡迴座談,我們這一次是第一次台中的朋友們也加入,因為其實我們不只有台北的社創中心,在此之前都是跟台北空總的社創中心連線,其實台中也有一個社創基地,他們從這一次開始也會連線進來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們事前各位如果有書面提案的話,我們分門別列分了六個案子,今天因為案子以後比較多一些,每個案子只有15分鐘的時間,所以我們的自我大概稍微簡短一點,我們待會會傳麥克風,可能簡單告訴我們說怎麼稱呼、服務的單位,看有沒有覺得特別重要的事情,也簡短說一下,如果沒有的話,我想就儘量保留多一點時間給我們的提案,照例從我左邊開始,我們請左邊的朋友,把麥克風傳下去,大概自我介紹一下。" }, { "speaker": "羅乃琳", "speech": "你好、各位好,我是胖咖啡的負責羅乃琳。" }, { "speaker": "陳秀惠", "speech": "你好,我是竹億企業社的秀惠。" }, { "speaker": "吳思萱", "speech": "大家好,我是勵馨基金會桃園分事務所的吳思萱。" }, { "speaker": "蔡文力", "speech": "大家好,我是友善書業合作社蔡文力,叫我阿力就好了。" }, { "speaker": "郭煌村", "speech": "大家好,我是工研院員工消費合作社理事主席,工研院產業服務中心區域產業創新組,清大育成大樓九樓新竹市政府、清大、工研院合作成立青年創客基地,歡迎大家參觀指教,這是新竹青年勇敢逐夢、努力圓夢場域,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "很高興,我是元沛農坊,很高興是在新竹與政委座談,因為我們是從清華大學出來的團隊,如果新竹地區對永續農業有興趣,我們希望可以一起攜手合作,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "謝淑芳", "speech": "大家好,我是853市集的淑芳。" }, { "speaker": "譚慈蕙", "speech": "大家好,我是勵馨基金會新竹分事務所的企劃專員慈蕙。" }, { "speaker": "葉渝潔", "speech": "我是勵馨基金新竹分事務所的專員渝潔。" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "大家好,我是社團法人中華民國自閉症權益促進會理事長,另外一個是有限責任新北市友善住宅合作社理事主席,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝,今天有不少合作社型態的朋友。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "先跟各位講一下,因為發言都會有逐字紀錄,但是並不是馬上公開,大家有十天的時間可以編輯,我們編輯確認大家發言之後再公開,所以隨時有一些補充資料或者是用麥克風比較不方便講的網址等等,我們在線上有一個留言板,如果可以掃QR code的話,可以掃這個QR code,不然就是輸入sli.do前面加日期「00325」,這兩個是同一個地方,上去之後所有的人發言,你可以匿名或者是具名去用一些網址或者其他的方式來留言。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果有一些想要提問的話,也可以直接在上面提問,上面的發言同樣是列入紀錄,跟用講的、做成逐字紀錄會整合到同一份文件裡面來,這個是今天的發言規則,我們也請右邊的朋友自我介紹一下。" }, { "speaker": "王彥筑", "speech": "大家好,我是新竹縣政府文化局圖書資訊科科長,我叫王彥筑。" }, { "speaker": "周素娟", "speech": "大家好,我是新竹市文化局科長周素娟。" }, { "speaker": "陳詩琦", "speech": "大家好,我是青履客社造工作室成員,詩琦。" }, { "speaker": "蔡依紜", "speech": "大家好,我是青履客社造工作室發起人,依紜。" }, { "speaker": "蔡文火", "speech": "大家好,我是科學園區管理局副組長蔡文火。" }, { "speaker": "楊其錚", "speech": "大家好,我是水利署法律事業組楊其錚。" }, { "speaker": "陳明城", "speech": "大家好,我是水利署水源經營組代理科長陳明城。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "大家好,我是中小企業處秀玲,除了要置入剛剛放在亞太社企高峰會,於5月母親節禮拜六、禮拜日在高雄展覽館,喜憨兒基金會、Impact Hub、社企流跟中央部會,我們有辦了很有意義的亞太高峰會,也希望等一下夥伴們參加完今天的巡迴座談以後,看看有沒有喜歡,我們還有早鳥優惠票,而且還有搭配高鐵的方案,來我的家鄉高雄走走,感染一下海洋的氣息。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "另外,我要置入行銷,最近如火如荼辦了亞太社會創新合作獎,地區是亞太,今年是第一次辦,比較沒有知名度,也要靠各位夥伴幫我們拉抬知名度,如果你自己在臺灣區或者是你的好朋友在亞洲區做任何組織,不管你是學校的、政府的,NPO、NGO的,你在做社會創新當夠創新,可以帶動區域的合作或者是真的很有意義,歡迎大家來報名,報名到3月底截止,如果在報名上或者是全英文上可以跟我們講,我們也可以翻英文。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝,我們一向都非常鼓勵工商服務,剛剛已經聽到兩個(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果這邊沒有要繼續工商服務的朋友,時間交給台中場,台中場是第一次連上線來。" }, { "speaker": "張葦君", "speech": "政委、大家好,我是台中社會創新實驗基地的執行團隊,也就是覺心營股份有限公司的執行長,謝謝大家,台中今天有二十幾位夥伴可以跟大家一起互動。" }, { "speaker": "張可欣", "speech": "大家好,我是台中市政府社會局的張可欣。" }, { "speaker": "劉伊庭", "speech": "大家好,我是台中市政府經發局劉伊庭。" }, { "speaker": "馮雅蕾", "speech": "大家好,我是台中共好生活勞動合作社馮雅蕾,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "楊志偉", "speech": "大家好,我是庫米程式設計學院負責人楊志偉。" }, { "speaker": "瓊惠", "speech": "大家好,我是臺灣鴻安社會福利協會的執行秘書,瓊惠。" }, { "speaker": "劉方菱", "speech": "大家好,我是豪意植生活的方菱,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "戴家銘", "speech": "大家好,我是心詠設計實驗室負責人戴家銘。" }, { "speaker": "江彥杰", "speech": "大家好,我們是壹零玖伍的推廣團隊,我是彥杰。" }, { "speaker": "楊妮淇", "speech": "大家好,我是不務正業的老太婆,已經休息了幾天,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "藍芳貞", "speech": "大河山田生技有限公司執行長藍芳貞,今天來參加社企,很高興有這樣的發展,謝謝各位。" }, { "speaker": "林茂祥", "speech": "大家好,我是亞孟仕創意4.0有限公司的林茂祥,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "張葦君", "speech": "台中的夥伴就先介紹到這邊,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝,這個自我介紹有一些作用,讓音控的朋友們有一些修正的時間,等一下應該就修正得差不多了,我們請台北的朋友,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "簡靜怡", "speech": "政委好、各位夥伴大家好,我是中企處的夥伴,我叫靜怡,今天很榮幸可以擔任台北現場的主持人,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡妙凌", "speech": "大家午安,我是原民會經濟發展處蔡妙凌。" }, { "speaker": "林秋君", "speech": "政委好、各位夥伴大家好,我是行政院性別平等處科長林秋君。" }, { "speaker": "劉慧君", "speech": "政委、各位夥伴大家好,我是工程會企劃處劉慧君。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "政委、各位夥伴大家好,我是勞動部勞動力發展署葉良琪,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "吳筱薇", "speech": "政委好,大家好,我是勞動力發展署的吳筱薇。" }, { "speaker": "周富晨", "speech": "政委好、大家好,我是國有財產署周富晨。" }, { "speaker": "劉品妏", "speech": "大家午安,我是財政部賦稅署劉品妏。" }, { "speaker": "楊純婷", "speech": "大家午安,我是財政部賦稅署楊純婷。" }, { "speaker": "林素珍", "speech": "大家好,我是內政部合作及人民團體司的林科長林素珍。" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "政委好,現場各位夥伴大家好,我是內政部合作及人民團體司籌備處林鈺聆,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "徐崇恩", "speech": "政委好,我是合團司徐崇恩。" }, { "speaker": "簡鈺倫", "speech": "大家好,我是農委會企劃處簡鈺倫。" }, { "speaker": "林仁偉", "speech": "政委好、各位夥伴大家好,我是農委會企劃處林仁偉。" }, { "speaker": "江韋辰", "speech": "政委好、與會先進好,我是文化部文創發展司江韋辰。" }, { "speaker": "鄧立言", "speech": "政委好、與會先進好,我是文化部的鄧立言。" }, { "speaker": "王靜媛", "speech": "政委好、大家好,我是社家署王靜媛。" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "政委好、大家好,我是社家署張純嫚。" }, { "speaker": "黃捷", "speech": "政委好、大家好,我是社家署黃婕。" }, { "speaker": "林國輝", "speech": "政委好、大家好,我是社家署林國輝。" }, { "speaker": "劉起孝", "speech": "政委好、大家好,我是經濟部國營會劉起孝。" }, { "speaker": "呂寶桂", "speech": "政委好、大家好,我是國家圖書館館藏主呂寶桂。" }, { "speaker": "楊尤雯", "speech": "大家好,教育部終身教育司楊尤雯。" }, { "speaker": "呂弈潔", "speech": "大家好,我是教育部青年發展署呂弈潔。" }, { "speaker": "張渝欣", "speech": "政委好、大家好,我是內政部營建署張渝欣。" }, { "speaker": "簡靜怡", "speech": "台北場的夥伴已經介紹完畢,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "台北場的連線,這一次我覺得還滿順的,沒有什麼echo,大家的臉也是看得非常清楚,應該是有史以來一次,台中場之後的燈光等等,也可以多多參考台北場的狀態。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們不多花時間在formality上,我們直接進入事前問題的需求。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們會先解釋一下,因為之前幾乎都有書面的回覆,所以我們會請提案的朋友,像第一案是鄭理事長,先跟我們分享一下看到這樣子的書面回覆之後,好比像1-1案是公益銷售的平台,其實中企處有很具體的回應,如果是有公共利益的組織,放在我們社企的平台上,現在不但是有電子型錄、共同供應契約等等,我們接下來也會有很多幫忙廣宣的部分,所以盡可能扣合您的意思,不是只是用補助的方式,盡可能讓大家發展出自己的產品或者是服務時,我們會幫忙去進行宣傳,這大概是中企處回覆的主要想法,看有沒有要補充或者是想要進一步詢問的部分?" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "我剛剛看了一下紙本的內容。" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "第一,請教經濟部中小企業處,在這一些平台當中,有無特別為所謂的社福團體提供輔導?比如從過去的一些捐款、募款,轉變成社福團體,可以有不管社會企業或者是合作社,可以很有尊嚴地長期提供一些經費的支持,同時不管是社會企業或者是合作社運行當中,像我們是自閉症團體,我們的孩子也都有工作的機會,所以這也是當初的本意。" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "目前所有的公益團體為了要爭取有限的經費,都是處在競爭的狀態,其實長期下來會損害這一些公益團體,良心會慢慢地消失,就是你死我活,很抱歉,我講得很嚴重,但是在許立民局長還沒有離開台北市社會局之前開會,離職前一個月開會,確實是用這四個字講的,他很感慨公益團體是弱肉相殘,長期來講,對臺灣社福界其實是負面的影響,尤其是大家要按讚去取得一些銀行或者是財團的方式,結果到最後越小的這些團體越可憐、越慘,我們不是很小的團體,也不是爭取第一名。我們參加很多,但是我們發現更小的團體更需要這一些經費。" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "第二,我們想要請教中小企業處是否可以輔助在合作住宅,也就是所謂的「住宅公用合作社」,非常謝謝,我在這邊發言是因為三年前在花蓮聽到第一次合作社的演講,因此生下了我們這樣的團體。" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "我想請教一下有無包括輔助合作住宅的興建?像我們也有建築師在合作社當中,他說一般所謂的建設公司,我們去購買房屋時,他們的利潤是20%,如果合作社有共同需求的團體,先集資、集力及集智慧,自己興建合作住宅,這個在國外,尤其歐洲是很普遍的,中小企業有沒有一些特別的方案可以幫助,因為這個是可以減少成本、提高品質,也不需要一個人,因為差20%的話,對一個年輕人要多付將近40%的費用,像貸款200萬可能變成400萬,二十年、三十年之後,對這些人花了很多他的黃金歲月,去付這個錢給一些建設公司。" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "事實上這樣的金錢遊戲由我這一種71歲來講,我覺得是很划不來,因為我的年輕歲月的確是為了貸款,花了20年的時間是很可惜的,像提高文化或者是這一些水平的,並不是進入到那樣的金錢遊戲當中,因此我們的國家應該要像巴黎一樣,巴黎是25%是合作住宅,這並不是很稀奇的事情,大家是不是可以成為小團體來推動這一些事。" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "像新北市、高雄市及台中市,在主婦聯盟也好,在大家的支持之下,其實成立了三組在公用合作社,還是遇到許多的困難沒有辦法突破,因此包括了我們現在所謂的第二個問題,也就是土地的取得,的確台中跟高雄不知道怎麼取得土地,當然我也看了第二個,也就是所謂有關取得土地的部分,像國有財產署在網路上都有,但是我不知道為什麼台中或者是高雄的合作社真的在土地的取得上,一直有很大的困難,我也看了很多詳細的說明,有關於這一點是不是可以更進一步。" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "我們都說你自己在網路上可以查,我們也知道台中有幾個困難,像內政部營建署的支持、衛福部社家署的支持,我們在林口世大運選手村,確實已經有機會興建臺灣第一個所謂雙老家園,而事實上這個是社家署一個創新準備發展的措施,也就是準備幫助更多所謂的雙老家庭。但是高雄市跟台中市已經成立了一、兩年,他們一直找不到土地,這中間到底有什麼差距,是不是有機會讓大家在一起,把這些細節的問題提出來討論。" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "再來,我來這邊之前,其實3月30日因為有一個很重要的開會,監察院也在問有關於自閉症,因為發生家庭悲劇,自閉症不屬於精神病,但自閉症處理不當會變成精神病,像退輔會玉里的榮總主要是介紹精神病,我們接洽很多次,他們都說就是要照顧退輔軍人,他們就是不接受自閉症,事實上自閉症在不當的安置之下已經變成精神病。我再講一遍,四十年前以色列有一個媽媽帶了孩子走到山上,結束孩子的生命,自己也結束自己的生命,四十年前,當時全國震驚,今天為止已經有四年我們每天都在做這一些工作,每一年已經司空見慣的事情。" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "還是一樣,自閉症不等於精神病,但是自閉症處理不好會變成精神病。到現在衛福部心口司有沒有一個特別的方法可以幫助這些自閉症的孩子?尤其是成人的孩子,這個是我來之前還要再提一次,像監察院或者是社家署都已經在努力當中,但是目前還沒有很具體地進展,所以家長都非常著急,以上是做這樣子的說明,非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我快速綜整一下:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,對於中小企業處書面的這一些回應當中,因為看起來已經有產品或者是服務會進行一些輔導,所以你的主要詢問是還在開發或者是還想要不要成立合作社或者是成立公司型態,這兩個型態其實都是社會企業的社福團體有沒有方法去開發他們的產品或者是服務。" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "我這個問題上有寫「公益銷售義賣平台」,像公益彩券一樣,不要讓每一個團體,像原住民團體賣不掉他們的農產品等等,有沒有一個公益團體,也就是讓社會大眾要採購好的、優質的產品,直接在這個平台上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "中企處的回應是社會創新型錄已經有這樣的味道,我們會做聯合型錄、聯合CSR推廣,買到一定的量,不管是供應鏈或者是CSR,購買100萬,我會跑出來頒獎等等,是有這樣的意思在上面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想要澄清兩點,在這個平台上,不限於公司型態才叫「社企」,即使是NPO型態或者是合作社型態,一樣可以在這個上面登記,但是聽到社企都往公司型態去想,但是事實上我們看登記的話,其實社會創新的專區或者點進去,按「社會創新組織登記」,本來是社會創新企業,看到這個是是組織了,所以才發現不要有特定的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此這邊有合作型態跟NPO都在這邊進行登錄,我們要問的是公共利益,有服務或者是產品就可以來這邊登錄,這個是我第一個想要回答的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,就現有的NPO去設立合作社也好或者是公司也好,確實這個也是我們積極輔導的項目,好比像有一個好牧人社團法人,本來是NPO,現在開了一個叫做「愛蔓延」的閉鎖型公司,有一點合作社精神的公司,是透過勞務出資,我們輔導他變成他可以進行營業,跟進行募資,所以這部分都留在中企處的業務範圍當中,看中企業處有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "大家好,有關於鄭理事長的建議,以我這邊的建議,其實自閉症協會來做社創登記的話,我們可以輔導你,如果真的有商品,像以前我跟自閉症互動——我以前在內政部上班——自閉症做的是咖啡、手工皂或者是烘焙品,我們可以協助優化技術。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "我以前的娘家,也就是衛福部的社家署,像身心障礙團體或庇護工廠有一個優先採購的平台,會有一個身心障礙的團體勞務服務,像有辦公大樓幫忙做這樣的服務,往往比一般的人做得還要整齊、迅速、確實。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "像我今天訂的是最愛的好朋友做的茶點,在我以前做的社會創新實驗中心當中,在服務身心障礙夥伴慢飛兒,曾經當時也有做這樣的進駐服務,他進駐社創中心,他們平常來台北談生意的時候,可以運用我的空間。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "這一次創新基地也有用這樣的擴散,也是我的進駐夥伴,很歡迎大家一起來互動。" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "我在美國,真的是公家提供很多機會,像貼郵票,公家提供基金會,一年有6億美金為這一些公益團體提供,所以我請教公家有沒有提供一些機會給這些公益團體?" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "像我去參觀輪椅族,像有上百人的空間,全部都是輪椅族,他們全部都是接聽美國移民署委託所有有關於移民問題,打電話進來到那個地方,他們負責回答,不要讓我們的輪椅族永遠是賣口香糖,本來是很好的人,脊椎損傷,本來頭腦很好的人,然後去賣口香糖,不能做饅頭跟水晶、肥皂,因此要按照他的科系(安排),每個自閉症是不同的、不一樣的,按照他的個性去設計,他們有工業設計師,為這一些不同的孩子設計不同的工作。" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "對不起,這個很複雜。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有問題。其實我們等一下會請台北的朋友們回應,不管是合團司社家署或者是勞動部的朋友都有來,我也很同意像脊椎損傷的朋友,台北社企大樓有一個叫做「若水」,他們請這一些朋友們,甚至用遠端的方式來做建築物模型的建模,這個是滿有名的社企輔導案例。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我也很同意不應該一聽到就想到一些產品性質的特定產品,我們如果多推廣一些服務性質的,我覺得對大家的認識會更有幫助,尤其共同供應契約尤其是以服務性質的為優先。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們請台北的朋友,看有沒有針對第一個部分,就是關於這個部分有要回應的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果隨時想到什麼或者是要補充的,都可以補充在sli.do上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個部分,像剛剛所說雖然在世大運選手村這邊已經做了初步的討論,但是比較想要知道的是另外兩個部分,也就是為什麼在國有財產署的協調上,不過這個我們可能需要看到比較多的細節來進行這個討論,因為您剛剛其實也說不知道之前卡在哪裡,所以我覺得是不是請那兩個分會的朋友們,不管是下一場的巡迴座談或者書面的資料,不然現在並沒有找到相關的局處來,如果在現場沒有很具體的個案,沒有談到什麼、談到哪裡、覺得碰到什麼問題,這個就比較難以解決,不過反正我們巡迴隨時都會做到。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "我補充一下,其實我要cue一下勞動部的良琪,我的娘家勞動部在勞委會時代,其實職業訓練局,也就是勞發署0800的服務是有一群專業的朋友在替大家服務,你們是不是可以回答一下,尤其是身障職務再設計其實也做得很好;今天社家署也有來,社家署在身心障礙的服務也做得很好,這兩邊的夥伴今天都有來,請回答一下。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "勞動力發展署的電話服務中心是有僱用將進9成視障或肢體障礙的身心障礙者來提供勞動及就業、職訓相關諮詢服務的。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "在職務再設計方面,有提供雇主進用身心障礙者的就業問題診斷及分析,依其就業狀況及需求,進行職場無障礙工作環境改善、工作機具設備改善、提供就業輔具、調整工作方法及改善工作條件等協助,而自閉症者特徵在於持續缺乏社交溝通和互動能力,所以常見提供自閉症者的職務再設計包括設計工作檢核表、調整職務內容等服務,另本署也提供職業重建服務,除透過各案管理模式,依其意願及能力提供支持性就業服務外,並運用就業前準備(如面試協助)、強化穩定就業輔導(情緒上支持、職務再設計) 等服務來促進就業。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "提供自閉症者職務再設計案例供大家參考(,另外如果有需要更多職務再設計資訊可以到網站查詢(,或就近洽詢地方政府職務再設計聯繫窗口。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "另外在社會創新推動的過程中,也有許多是協助身心障礙者就業的,像是勞動部培力就業計畫的執行單位,台北市視障者家長協會,開創視障者擔任鋼琴調音師、製作3D教具及觸覺導覽圖冊等多元職種協助其就業;臺灣身心障礙藝術發展協會藉由光之藝廊扶植自閉症患者及身心障礙者成為畫家,讓大眾可以透過藝術作品,看見他們的天賦和努力,這些國內透過創新模式幫助身心障礙者開創多元就業機會,協助經濟自立的案例也提供大家參考。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "在美國則有一家社會企業籃星回收(Blue Star Recyclers)創辦人認識某位自閉症患者對拆解電子儀器非常拿手,於是創辦一家雇用自閉症患者和身障者來拆解回收電子產品的社企,既能降低電子廢棄物造成汙染,也讓自閉症患者發揮所長,靠自身天賦活下去。證明身障者與自閉症患者並非沒有能力工作,而是社會缺乏讓他們發揮的舞台。此案例資訊可參閱勞動部社會經濟入口網(。期盼更多人投入搭建弱勢就業的舞台。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想還是書面回應一下,我這邊看起來勞動部目前對於第一題沒有書面上的回應,如果良琪有書面補充的話,還是補充在逐字稿的編修共筆平台裡面,一併google出來,之後看到關鍵字就可以找到了,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個想要問的是,我如果沒有聽錯的話,心口司對自閉症的這個大家正確認識,以及完整、包容式的處遇方式,儘量讓大家不會變成好像因為處置不當,因此好像變成精神疾病的情況。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為心口司的朋友好像不在台北,台北現在有任何相關業務的朋友們嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "政委好,心口司的部分會後再補充共筆的平台上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果事前有提的話,我們一定會把正確的人請來。" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "因為心口司、社家署,其實在上次監察院已經為了這一件事開過會,我知道大家覺得很努力,很多家庭搬了五、六次的家,因為孩子的關係,在台北沒有地方住了,還好林口社會住宅可以申請。" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "而且我要講一下,林口社會住宅我知道有二十戶,假設是二十戶,將近有1/3是家庭本身是有狀況的,自閉症的問題是滿嚴重的,我來之前是不是可以為自閉症設一個專屬的服務,不管是政府哪一個部門,因為是跨部會的,也就是屬於醫療體系,但是又跟社福有關。" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "過去屬於衛生署之下,這兩個都有關係,社會住宅是要幫助醫療、老人、幼兒、住宅,所以自閉症的家庭,屬於醫療體系,因此要進入社會住宅。我不知道社家署是不是都知道,他們是屬於醫療的部分,但是我們臺灣現在並沒有從醫療的角度來幫助他們,都是由社家署來幫忙,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。我想這個也是很好的機會,讓社家署、心口司有一個彼此的對齊,像協調會事後的處理及追蹤是大家最關心的,我們說給出一個交代的系統是比大家有沒有來開會更重要,因為大家比較care的是我們做什麼,而不是我們找了多少人來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我滿同意這樣的想法,我們在每一次協調會後面,如果具體有一些進度或者是做法的話,都可以用搜尋得到的公開方法來給大家交代,因此這一次的逐字稿同樣在公開時,您會收到一份,心口司的朋友,我們會請社家署的朋友們聯絡到正確的狀況,不管做到什麼程度公開,這樣子在下一次巡迴的時候,如果有個案方面的問題,就可以拿這一份逐字紀錄,我們再到下一次的巡迴會議處理,這樣好不好?" }, { "speaker": "鄭文正", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個有來嗎?其實我看起來農委會很簡單的回應了,就是會考慮跟周遭環境的融合,但是自己並沒有撥這個補助的經費,經濟部有的話,會做媒合,不曉得您看到這個之後有沒有想要分享或者是詢問的?" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "我原先的想法是認為現在年輕人回到農村生活,我們現在面臨到都市的年輕人對農村嚮往,所以要回去,但是我們知道如果他進入農業,大家都知道收入非常地低,如果還有導入新的科技,其實對青年在農村創業就是很高的成本。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "我們這一家公司過去,包含我自己,我們到農村歷經了十一年左右的時間,我們就發現農村其實很大的問題,第一個是土地,被濫用大家都知道,這個我們不知道怎麼解決,所以是不是能夠企圖用社會創新的一些力量,希望能夠來改變現況;但是這樣做的時候,我們又會發現現有政府的補助,給予的都是成熟型的,像農委會寫要肥料有肥料補助,像要堆肥長廠設施,有什麼補助。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "但是我認為比較缺乏一個全面性的思考,在農村裡面要改善一些社區機能是什麼,像過去這一些農村再生,也就是這一些計畫當中,我們常常看到的是社區提出來,有什麼東西、這裡要修補,那裡要做什麼,其實講真的滿無奈的,看到大部分都是新增加的招牌或者是哪裡修一下路什麼的。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "我認為青年回到農村需要的機能,我覺得這個是沒有很明顯地提升,有的是單項思考,像生產有什麼補助,比如農民的加工是不是要合法去用,我們在農村最常看到的是大家覺得要賺錢,不但要引入很多資源來促進,像休閒農業區或者是觀光。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "但是我覺得這個都沒有全面性的思考,像苗栗公館,我們在水圳源頭,並不是政策性思考,每一個都應該要扮演功能性的角色農村如何經營,因此很疑惑的是農村再生,以前都是由下而上,這一些年老資深的這一些理事長,他們能想到的是在那一些硬體的建設,而不是真正有利於青年回到農村要做的,我這裡只是提到一個小舉例。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "既然現在這一些再生能源這麼重要,我講一個例子,大家會覺得很好玩,像我們的農地哪裡需要照明,就去申請用電,就要立一個電線桿,照明設施再一個,如果有申請電力設施,再來一個電線桿,因此一個位置常常需要放三個電線桿,為何不可以把所有的事情解決了。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "農村不應該只是這一些問題,而農委會就有辦法解決,我覺得沒有辦法,像我們在講的再生能源,像太陽能種電,大家的腦袋裡會先想到那個畫面,但是事實上我也閱讀過,現在新的太陽能板,可能有非常簡單的方式,蓋的只是像遮陽的涼亭,可能2、3坪的面積,產生電力來提供農田來做一些基本的灌溉或者是節省設施的利用,我指的是這個,我講這個,農委會的回覆都是制式這一套。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "我覺得今天也滿好的,到底在農村可以進行什麼樣的創業,農村也很缺乏,像誰能夠把空間規劃,現在大部分的建築師、設計師有的經驗都是在於都會區,但是我覺得滿缺乏在農村這一個部分,對於生態的瞭解、農業產業生產的瞭解,以至於我們的農村景觀,也就是鐵皮屋層層疊疊。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "這裡提到的藝術家駐村,這裡可以解決建築的問題嗎?可以美化的部分,畢竟沒有辦法全面性思考,因此我在這一次提出來,對不起,我這是第一次參加活動。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "到底有沒有什麼樣的解決方案,讓想要到農村去生活的年輕人都有其機會,並不是每一個人都去務農,我是一個科技公司,有辦法在農村生存,不會現在只有農夫、餐飲業、觀光休閒之外,像其他產業相關的,好像很難進來,農業講一講又是業者,大概除了這一些之外,我們到底還有沒有其他的來健全生活機能,這個是我們在思考的。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "我們現在在地方創生還沒有談之前,大概是兩年前想說我們公司經營一個小的豆腐坊,賺了盈餘的錢,投入到周邊的舊屋,因為老屋很容易落入再跟文化部申請有沒有經費來整修老屋,但是不想把它修得……就是我們覺得農村現在很欠缺的是功能性思考,我修這個房子的目的是什麼?不是為了修而修,但是我們看到大部分的錢是花來,就是接近原來的建築風格。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "農村有太多的房子,事實上談不上風格,要的是能夠活化,有辦法讓我們回到農村新一代的移民能夠生存,所以我講的太陽能是一個。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "講美化工程有一點太狹隘了,希望可以思考的是整體空間如何來做比較好的規劃,這樣我覺得包含建築、設計、景觀,可能其他周邊的這一些產業是不是有機會到農村去做一些新工作,大家限制到小農的個體化,但是我們常常在思考像這樣在農村裡面生存,勢必要打的是團體戰,成立合作社或什麼,也就是農業生產合作社,你當然是從農業的方向走,但是如果要再結合其他更多營運的話,事實上我們就會遇到很多技術上、資金上這一些障礙。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "一個小小的公司,要能夠營運賺錢、然後把它擴大,我覺得很難。像兩年前我們試圖過新農債的計畫,但是後來發現不可行,只要拿了政府經費,你受到補助的限制非常多,不能邊做、邊想、邊修正,這個在政府計畫當中很難發生。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "對不起,我今天講了很多,但這個是我在農村所看到的一些現象。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "我們回到農村十年,我們發現農村的非農業相關的這一些農地被改變利用,就已經增加了一倍,這個是農業生產的價值,是要必須被優先保護的,但是實在是欠缺一個力量可以把這一件好好發展下去,這個是我們目前在思考如何做的。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "很抱歉,我覺得農委會給我們的這一些回覆,這些我們老實講上網就知道了,但是我覺得是如何有一個管道能夠跟相關的單位來談。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "像太陽能的運用,牽涉得到的不只是農委會,可能是到經濟部或其他的能不能促成,我覺得是不是要用這樣的方式來改變一些農村像雜亂的景觀、資源的浪費,下次有機會到農村,麻煩你們數一下同一個位置的電線桿有幾支,我覺得這個是很落伍的方式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我等一下會請農委會的朋友回應,你剛提到地方創生,有參加過地方創生的願景會議或者是區公所的工作坊?" }, { "speaker": "陳淑慧", "speech": "沒有,我想區公所是政府的事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實地方創生當中有滿多的地方跟您剛剛提到的重點很像,這個是在地凝聚願景之後,隨時滾動提出提案,然後隨到隨辦,是以大家想到什麼就提的主要出發點,不像政府計畫是每一年固定某個月可以提,一提就鎖一年,然後要花三個月在核銷上,所以這是我覺得還是可以多瞭解一下,我也理解到因為一開始區公司不一定有那麼操作的經驗,但至少地方創生實際在設計的時候,大家產、官、學、研、社以農業出發,但是不會侷限在硬體的想像上,像地方品牌、特色產品、觀光、媒體、行銷等等這一些部分都可以進來,這一個部分我想我們之後在書面上補充一下地方創生的計畫跟您剛剛提到的一些對應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛提到青農回來的部分,我想農委會不會只是書面回應,您的問題我們本來都以為是非常具體的一件事,這樣聽起來是一個系統。想聽台北農委會的朋友有沒有一個初步的想法?謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林仁偉", "speech": "政委,我簡單回應一下,謝謝淑惠這樣全方位的意見,因為推動農村再生也是不斷在學習,從以前由下而上,到現在的也有由上而下,還有跟地方政府跨域合作,同時包含如何吸引青年回鄉、青年洄游等等的相關計畫都在進行。" }, { "speaker": "林仁偉", "speech": "有許多夥伴在一個地方深耕幾年之後,提出一個比較整體性的計畫,正是公私部門大家互相討論學習,慢慢產生往前走的力量。像土溝村或是仕安社區、宜蘭很多地方農村社區等,已有許多案例,計畫內容包括生產、生活及生態各個面向,這不只是需要是農委會內部的整合,也需要大家支持。另整個行政院的地方創生團隊裡面,農委會也加入了團隊一起推動,我想農村再生,如果只是農民恐怕也不夠,要當地的居民及企業、相關的團體一起來努力,也非常謝謝淑慧給我們一些意見,如有進一步整體的意見,或者是要發展什麼樣的主軸,也隨時歡迎交流討論,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實我們之前在新竹有一場巡迴有談到文化部的老屋活化,大家想像都是針對那一棟的屋子,重點之後發現是幫忙的文理,文化局發現並不是文化局的事情,如您所講的,有經濟、產業、發展、農業等等都要規劃在裡面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以我的理解,他們的老屋活化的時候,他們審理的方式是就文理如何鑲嵌進去,而不是這棟屋子被修整之後,長得跟旁邊都不一樣的情況在做,這個他們也有在調整,因為文化部的朋友,今天有文創司的朋友,不曉得有沒有什麼要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "江韋辰", "speech": "報告政委,本部文資潛力之老建築保存與再生計畫,自106年起實施至今,針對老屋活化一節又分為建物整修、修復技術、再生推廣及文化經營,係希望申請單位能於老屋原有文化歷史脈絡下,促使建物新舊共融,並符合當代生活機能;同時能進行建物文史調查研究,瞭解其興建背景,進而提升整體環境效益。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "目前看起來,其實地方創生並不是新的計畫,而是把現有計畫用一個新的審議方式,我只講一點:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家以前聽到公部門,尤其是補助性質,如果不是獎助性質的話,都要一大本的作文,但現在在地方創生裡面,完全並不是這樣,只要把這個地方想要發展成什麼樣,裡面的創生事業構想提非常多,但是看的是形成共識願景過程,大家講的是就已經講哪一個部門,不管是產、官、學、研、社或者是名字,如果有完整的紀錄,國發會看到之後,知道這一場有哪一些不同的部門參加,就會像拼拼圖一樣,幫你媒合到可能比較缺的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而這個部分就像剛剛講的是所謂隨到隨辦、逐案媒合,這跟之前的管考方法相當不一樣,目前國發會是只扣了10%新型態的治理方式,但是今年成績不錯的話,有逐步想要提高10%的百分比,所以地方創生的簡報,我就不一頁一頁唸了,但是有扣合到期待公部門不要各管各的基本想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一個案子看在場朋友,如果沒有要補充的話,我們就往下了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第三個是有關於培養男性的性別敏感度,投入、參與各種各樣的性別平權意識,這一部分我看性平處、社家署都回應相當多,不曉得勵馨看了之後,有沒有想要分享或者進一步詢問的?" }, { "speaker": "吳思萱", "speech": "先感謝行政院性別平等處、社家署的確回應滿多,可能我的詢問不夠具體,所以我再補充一下:像我們談讓男性投入與參與,包含培養性別敏感度與性別平權意識,其實事實上為了最後都是讓男性可以在行動上、行為上能夠跟女性一起努力邁向性別平權的。" }, { "speaker": "吳思萱", "speech": "我看到性別平等處與社家署的回應,其實有一點像宣傳式的回覆而已,目前臺灣的社會對於培養男性參與性別平權運動的努力,然後培養他們的性別平權的意識,其實都停留在一種廣告宣傳的層次,就像母親節你會跟媽媽說一句「謝謝你」、送一朵花,然後就沒了,我覺得太可惜了。" }, { "speaker": "吳思萱", "speech": "這十幾、二十年女性大量參與、爭取下,臺灣性別平權的狀況,事實上從法律上、現實上來講有很大的提升,當然還不是到完全平等的程度,但是目前遭遇的瓶頸,我認為不應該只有女性在做、男性應該參與進來,因此應該要宣傳式的這一種東西,如何讓他們參與到行動當中?" }, { "speaker": "吳思萱", "speech": "這邊的意見是比較不成熟的,但是我們看到各種性別組織時,裡面的參與人數,男性跟男性、女性有沒有可能做一個統計?或者是他們向政府提案,申請經費補助時,有沒有可能把這一些統計都納入資訊公開?或者是針對男性參與的性別平等運動的補助辦法?" }, { "speaker": "吳思萱", "speech": "像我們在做這一些受暴婦女相關,像行業當中,不管是社工,像現在從第一線的社工員工,比如從規劃的政府專員,八、九成都是女性,男性在這裡面的申請幾乎是消失的,但是我們怎麼能夠把男性一起帶進來?政府可以給我們什麼更實際的東西?像政策或者是補助上,我希望可以聽到,或者是政府可以給我們的回覆比較是這一方面的,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我自己其實有一個朋友最近才接了主婦聯盟環境保護基金會的執行長,主婦聯盟英文是homemaker,不是非常性別取向的,當然他一個男生去接主婦聯盟執行長,確實也會有一個示範作用,就是讓大家知道主婦聯盟不只是婦女的事情,其實講的是在持家的過程中,更要有社會與環境的意識。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此重新定義一些既有的刻板印象,我想這個是非常重要,我們也會藉各種機會讓大家知道這一種每天都可以做一些事,不是像你所說的只有母親節做一點事情,我覺得這個很重要。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為性平處的朋友們有在台北,比較簡單綜整是兩個問題:第一,有沒有專門針對男性參加SDG性別平權的活動,我們有一些專門為了男性,不管是補助或者是政策;第二,在一些普查或者統計或者申請時,有沒有一些數據讓我們知道男性的參與度,如果這一些政策做下去的話,每年是不是參與度有增加等等,是不是有統計上的數據可以讓我們參考,大概是這兩個問題。" }, { "speaker": "林秋君", "speech": "謝謝政委及提問。行政院性別平等處事實上是負責全國性別平等政策的單位,所以所提供的內容看起來感覺上我們比較形而上、宣示性的,但是我們必須要站在比較高的位置上把政策訂定出來之後,接下來就是由各部會、地方政府共同推動,所以我們每一年也是透過一些考核,希望能夠把這一些實際方案的執行落實到地方,或者是請地方政府能夠攜手民間團體來共同推動,這樣才能落實到整個行動的過程中。" }, { "speaker": "林秋君", "speech": "目前在做性別平等相關推動時,要求第一個很重要的部分是,希望能夠有性別統計,各項的活動希望可以統計出男生、女生參與的狀況,這一些過去大家都會覺得很麻煩,但逐步要求政府本身在做各項活動時,要有性別統計。當然我們也期待未來民間團體在推動各項活動時,也能夠有性別統計,這樣才能真的看得出來整個活動參與的情形。" }, { "speaker": "林秋君", "speech": "第二,在補助的部分,因為行政院本身沒有補助的方案,從社家署的回應,似乎他們那邊有相關的補助,是不是可以請社家署來補充?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們請社家署。這邊提到「只要有列入性別統計的」,基本上大概都會放到性別統計資料庫,那個是性平會的線上資源,所以如果你看到性別統計資料庫裡面,你覺得缺了哪一些東西,或者是覺得年份不夠新、解析度不夠好,只要有具體的,他們就會試著補上。請社家署看有沒有補充的?" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "社家署補充,本署一直以來皆有與地方政府合作辦理相關宣導活動。108年度也列入本署公彩回饋金計畫申請之主軸項目,鼓勵地方政府、民間團體共同辦理相關的宣導活動。其實目前本署主辦的活動,無論是婦女節活動或者是母親節活動,都會納入鼓勵男性共同參與的概念,期待落實性別平等處要求的性別平等政策,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "前聽起來宣導活動感覺上是主軸,大家還沒有建立一個這個是社會通念的感覺,勵馨這邊很具體的建議是,有沒有可能專門針對男性去辦,不是在辦的過程中照顧到性別平等,而是專門進行男性培力的部分,這個請社家署參考,我看你們的書面回覆,好像現在是有一些這樣的規劃。" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "現況的確多與地方政府、民間團體共同來辦理宣導活動,像剛剛吳專員有提到落實性別教育或者是提升男性性別意識等,是不是也需要從教育方面來著手,又或者是有其他比較政策性的指導,社家署的角色以落實性平處的政策方針,結合地方政府與民間團體共同合作落實。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。看台北有沒有任何想要補充的朋友?如果沒有的話,我想事後於逐字稿整理的過程中,尤其稍微盤點一下,像USR或者是其他新課綱,今年也要上路了,我們在裡面來做性別平權,不管是教材、教法融合等等,我們現在都是用永續發展目標來編目,因此看到性別平權那一目,就可以看到目前有哪一些計畫正在推行,目前補助是到地方政府,並不是到個別的計畫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果你們要找合作夥伴的話,其實會比較prefer已經down到計畫,並不是一整包式的,所以我們盡可能找一下,如果有找到補充的話,會再找一下,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "吳思萱", "speech": "我知道社家署有在辦,那一場的活動我去年有參與,我當時有稍微瞭解一下,我想問社家署的是,你們期待活動後面的效益如何?當你們辦這樣的活動,讓男女學生到現場去做一些互動,或者是有一些宣傳、廣告後,這一些東西變成好像辦的場數多就好了,我看不到後面的成效,就像剛剛所講的,每一年母親節說一句「媽媽謝謝你」就結束了。" }, { "speaker": "吳思萱", "speech": "但是我還是感謝社家署有這樣的努力,因為至少是一個開始,畢竟「HeForShe」的概念也是艾瑪華森以後並沒有那麼久。" }, { "speaker": "吳思萱", "speech": "但是回到性別平等處,我想要回應的是,性別平等處對於政策上的推動、想像可不可能再有多一點的空間?除了地方直接補助、培力男性,與男性相關的活動,必須要側重在性別敏感度培養,並不是讓男性的活動參與多,這個量就結束了,我們應該要去改變那個想法,在看計畫的人有無性別敏感度,有無特別具有這一種性別敏感度跟性別敏感意識的其他組織於計畫的參與者、爭取者?" }, { "speaker": "吳思萱", "speech": "像我看在座的各位這一個場次內,其實肯定超過五成各位高層是男性,這一些男性在爭取計畫,或者我們可以如何輔助男性,把性別的概念也放進他們目前正在做的事業當中,能不能給他們更多的助力,這是我要的在政策上的期待,而不是只能落實到地方。" }, { "speaker": "吳思萱", "speech": "落實到地方,但是又不能保證地方專員能夠有足夠的性別敏感度與意識的情況下,這個東西就是互相踢皮球。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想性別敏感度的概念,我們在性平處的角度來看,我們現在主要碰到的挑戰是,並不是一個你在路上隨便找一個路人問他說「什麼是性別敏感度」,他就回答得出來,因此我覺得推動是三個階段,一個是大家都沒有聽過,你讓大家聽過,像「HeForShe」,如果不是艾瑪華森出來,不然大家都沒有聽過。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,大家有聽過,但是不知道這怎麼內化,所以變成行動,因此這個是盡可能多的,不管是教育工作者、倡議工作者。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第三,大家都知道怎麼做行動了,那就是去看所有整個社會行動當中,讓他行動受阻的部分,一個個排除。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然到後面的階段,感覺上很棒,因為已經性別主流化了,就是這個意思。但是性別敏感度的概念,我覺得還是在比較前面的位置,倡議當然是大家都可以一起做的,但是像這樣子的一種衝量的計畫,在一開始是沒有辦法避免。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但在後面可以做一些後測,比如參與的人,敏感度是不是有提升,社會影響力才評估得出來,不然確實有可能執行的人執行不當,然後反而讓大家性別敏感度下降,這一些編預算單位也不會知道這一件事,所以一定程度的後測是相當重要的,因此可以請性平處來參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看台北有沒有想要回應的朋友?" }, { "speaker": "林秋君", "speech": "謝謝政委的補充,性平處再補充說明一下,在性別平等倡議的部分,性別意識的培力非常重要,現在整個政府部門一直非常努力的在做性別意識培力課程,包括所有政府機關的人員,每一年都要上性別平等的課程,像政府輔導的所有對象如民間團體、民間企業等等,都有要求各個執掌的部門要向民間推動性別平等的意識教育。" }, { "speaker": "林秋君", "speech": "從今年開始,四年的時間,我們把消除性別刻板印象與偏見的部分列為重點推動項目,因此我們要消除基於男女定型的偏見,父母雙方都能夠瞭解子女是共同責任的部分,所有的部會,要從自己本身的員工做起並對外拓展到他們的服務對象,都要做這樣的推展,未來也會透過調查的方式來瞭解到底社會大眾對這樣的概念是不是有所提升,我們未來會做調查,也會公布給各位參考,以上補充。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這個是滿好的方向。" }, { "speaker": "吳思萱", "speech": "對不起,我最後再講一個部分,這個是比較具體的,因為我最近剛好有使用到性別人才資料庫,有不少縣市跟中央都有建置,但是我在查找的時候,有發生一些小問題。" }, { "speaker": "吳思萱", "speech": "雖然是性別人才資料庫,但學者本身沒有標註是生理男性或者是生理女性,我們當然是重視他的專業,但當我們需要的是生理男性講師的時候,我反而看不出來,這個東西本身我覺得一點不足。" }, { "speaker": "吳思萱", "speech": "另外一個,有沒有可能增加推薦單位或者是這一些性別人才的著作來辨別所謂實際的內容是什麼,我在這裡不否認有立場,在所謂下一代幸福聯盟、護家盟也想要搶性平的市場狀況下,一直把他們的人送進各種單位作為專業人員,所以我會希望當我們今天要聘請一些性別專業人員時,是不是有可能讓聘請者或者是資料庫的搜尋者知道這個人的背景過去有什麼著作、立場或者是推薦他的單位呢?這個是最後一個小提醒,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們看了一下地方政府性別人才資料庫,我以前看是台北市的,是有標性別的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我也表明我個人的立場,也就是希望開放填空,愛填什麼就填什麼。台北市有的人填「男同志」,我覺得這樣的處理方法很好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像新竹市,上面確實沒有這樣的欄位,我覺得性別就是開放填空,有的人要填什麼就填,這個代表高興的事情,這個不代表行政院的立場,是我個人的立場。無論如何這個是我的提醒,這份巡迴紀錄出來之後,性平處如果可以提醒一下其他地方政府有這樣的聲音,也不是一定要他們今天馬上就回溯去改,這個是比較困難,看是不是下一個年度納入參考,這個是滿好的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,在專業領域的專長上是不是可以附上一些之前的著作等等,這都是滿好的具體建議,非常感謝,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "sli.do上也沒有。我們往下,因為時間有一點不太夠。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接著是有關於友善書頁合作社的問題,一方面有沒有可能合作平台有關於資訊服務的資源,這個部分內政部合團司有提過這樣的想法,我看到他們的書面是有回覆的,人文司也是有專門針對推動式發展裡面有這樣的補助項目,我覺得書面回答的我覺得滿到點的,因此就看蔡經理有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "蔡文力", "speech": "有三個大項的提問。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "都交給你了。" }, { "speaker": "蔡文力", "speech": "有關於資訊系統的部分,這邊想要提供的是書面敘述上沒有足夠清楚,我再口頭補充,主要兩大塊,一個是人才部分、一個是經費部分。" }, { "speaker": "蔡文力", "speech": "有關於經費的爭取,像計畫的補助,就友善書業合作已經進行到四年多的階段,我們從成立至今都非常努力在尋求一些自給自足的狀態,不過以四年多到目前為止還是非常感謝相關的部門有這樣的一些計畫提出。" }, { "speaker": "蔡文力", "speech": "回覆到這個部分指的是POS系統的設計跟開發,這一套系統正在使用當中,但是後續有關於這個系統的維護或者是維運,這也是需要持續有成本跟資源run下去。" }, { "speaker": "蔡文力", "speech": "最後一段是有提到我們這個年度,就是在這個計畫當中,確實有一些小小的幫助在這裡面。" }, { "speaker": "蔡文力", "speech": "我想要請問的是,如果在文化部裡面的話,我知道文創司是有一些相關的計畫,有關於科技與人文的結合,或者是在科技與人文間有一些相關的專案,不知道是不是合適,可以讓我們合作社這邊去適用這一套系統的維護維運,這個是一個。" }, { "speaker": "蔡文力", "speech": "另外有關於人才的部分,想要進一步詢問的是,因為在出版或者是書店會認為是夕陽產業或者是傳統行業,但是在轉型及新創的過程中,會覺得是數位人才或者是系統服務人才,可以跟我們這個單位來做合作。或許我們這邊相關詢問到的人脈或者是合作夥伴比較有限,因此想要詢問科技部或者是一些大專的專案及系統設計的人才可以跟我們這邊合作,這個是有關於第一大塊。" }, { "speaker": "蔡文力", "speech": "第二大塊是FBP的部分,問題比較龐雜,因為事涉到比較多跨部會的事情,這一個部分非常感謝文化部人文司有非常詳實的回答。但是我們從這個回答,也就是在政部賦稅署都非常詳實回答,看下來就會發覺不同部會的思維、邏輯是滿大的差距。" }, { "speaker": "蔡文力", "speech": "像規範的部分,也就是三年前政大教授就做了非常完整的產業影響評估,一個簡單的結論是,我們到底要怎麼樣看待這樣的制度,到底是文化政策或者是經濟政策,這整個出發點的思維邏輯是不一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡文力", "speech": "像財政部這邊所回答、答覆的這一些敘述,我們可以看到的是,比如購書抵稅、所得稅扣除的一些主旨,也就是維持基本生活品質,像維持一個最低限度的主旨要求,真的在文化上或者是精神生活上相對會更加弱勢了。" }, { "speaker": "蔡文力", "speech": "好比像我們如果只要維持基本生活品質的話,我們或許不太需要實體書店,只要滿足吃的、喝的跟維持一些基本生活品質,像醫療、診所這一些,從這樣的思維來看的話,很多文化政策其實是推不動的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡文力", "speech": "我想要進一步請問的是,像BAT減免跟購書的部分,也就是台經院、中華經濟研究院,有在進行的是委託研究案,想要請教的是不知道這一些進度如何,之後有一個階段的委託研究成果可以即時分享出來的話,可以委託相關的出版業界可以讓大家知道。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還要把4-3講一下嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蔡文力", "speech": "有關於公共圖書採購的部分,因為我們是全國性的組織,我們在問的是沒有針對新竹縣或者是新竹市的採購,我的詢問並沒有特別針對哪一個縣市。" }, { "speaker": "蔡文力", "speech": "這邊有提到文化部在106年也有這樣的函釋,也就是在圖書採購要用最有利標,並不是過往的最底標,我們想要請問的是,現在各個其他縣市的部分是否也都循著這樣的函釋改採最有利標來做圖書採購,大致上是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們先回答一些事實性的部分,您剛剛提到購書抵稅制度對財產影響的因應評估之做法,以我所知是做完的研究,像2016年9月就研究完成,因此期末報告等等都會有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是現在問題是,在GRB上有說明資料,並沒有研究報告本身,因為是屬於限閱報告,是要主管機關——文化部——才會在GRB上公開,我先補充一下這個脈絡,所有做出來的這一些研究成果或者是報告,有哪一些結案等等,很歡迎大家到去查詢,其實很多做功課的時候,都在上面做的,有一些會被標成「限閱」,可能等一下文化部可以說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分我想是一些事實性的詢問,先請文化部的朋友們看有沒有可以回答的部分,我們再請合團司及賦稅署的朋友。" }, { "speaker": "江韋辰", "speech": "政委好、蔡經理好,有關於文化部做的補助是指加速文化內容開發與科技創新應用的補助嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蔡文力", "speech": "如果是你剛剛提的補助計畫,是否適用,我現在想要詢問關於系統維護、維運的部分,你有提到文化部最近的計畫,我看一下文化部影視司有在申請鼓勵文化內容與各界運用可以結合的創作,3月25日有開發受理申請,也可以請獎補助資訊網,可以看一下相關的內容,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "江韋辰", "speech": "有關文化部最近的計畫,本不影視司有在申請鼓勵文化內容與各界運用可以結合的創作,3月25日起有開放受理申請,也歡迎業者上本部獎補助資訊網,看一下相關的內容,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以意思是要點在網路上有,按照你想要開發的方式判斷一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果有符合申請資格的話,還是再麻煩經理檢視一下,然後再提出計畫來申請。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一個線上報名。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想賦稅署已經寫得非常明白,為什麼文化部跟他們爭取,目前的考量有哪一些,我想每一個部會都有不同的價值,如果價值相同就會組改成同一個部會了,不知道賦稅署的朋友們有沒有什麼要額外補充的?" }, { "speaker": "楊純婷", "speech": "政委好、各位先進大家好,賦稅署再補充一下,我們強調一下綜合所得稅的部分,是基於所得分配跟公平性考量,其實在107年有實施所得稅制優化方案,針對一些弱勢或者是比較需要支持家庭提供四項基本性質的扣除額。" }, { "speaker": "楊純婷", "speech": "像標準扣除額由提高到9萬元至12萬元,薪資跟身心障礙特別扣除額由12萬8千元提高到20萬元,幼兒學前特別扣除額由2萬5千元提高到12萬元,這個目的就是減輕薪資所得、中低所得及育兒家庭的租稅負擔,其實這樣的減稅已經高達388億元,受益戶數有542萬戶。其實各界對於扣除額有很多想法及意見,目前在立法院審查的方案就已經有63案,增加的項目有107項。" }, { "speaker": "楊純婷", "speech": "因為國家財政是建設基石,所以基於財政穩健的考量,我們會持續觀察整體的申報狀態或財政的收入、租稅公平、稅政簡化來配合政府施政通盤檢討扣除額,以上說明,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "合團司有在台北嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "友善書業好,剛剛聽到有關數位人才的需求,我等一下會在sli.do上提供一個網站,現在民間有成立一個合作社支持平台,是針對合作事業——我現在還沒有放上去,等一下給我一點時間——這個平台是3月19日才正式上線,這個平台有一塊功能,就是人才智庫的功能,這個智庫其實是各領域的一些專家,或者願意提供相關諮詢服務的智庫,其中裡面有數位領域的人才。" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "此外,我也要特別推薦,坐在文力旁邊的郭主席,關於將數位技術導入到產業當中,或是將數位技術導入合作社當中這方面的專業,其實郭主席也是這一方面的專家。之後如果還有一些相關的訊息,我們這邊也可以再提供給文力知道。" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "另外,希望中小企業處也可以提供一些,像在輔導產業時,相關的數位專家人才或者是人力,是不是也可以協助參考?" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "像我知道新創圓夢網當中也有一些相關的資源,這個是我目前想到的資訊,以上回應,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝,網址就麻煩補充到sli.do上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛新創圓夢網是,大家看到「社會企業」四個字會認為合作社被排除了,但是現在要特別聲明的是叫做「社會創新組織」,就是要把合作社、NPO型態納入,也有請中企處去系統性盤點,其實中企處本身就有一些小頭家貸款等等,本來就已經是只要有稅籍登記,並沒有限定公司型態,當然之後還會有很多跟社會創新有關的,包含我們也有在討論社會創新要不要有一個組織性的要點,我們特別跟中企處講說不要忘記合作社型態,也不會特別排除。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個部分能夠處理的,大概只能處理到這樣子,我想財政部目前是有非常明確的講法,有一些是要到立法院去做,而不是到行政院這邊處理完的。像文化部相關的計畫可以申請,以及合團司對於合作平台中長程的維運這一些東西,以我所知都編列在中長程計畫裡面來徵詢院的經費,因此很感謝提出這樣的point,我會請合團司考慮進中長程裡面,雖然他們是主管機關,但是資源比較少一點,之後要往永續的角度來想。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個部分差不多的話,是不是看一下郭理事主席,也就是非常用心,等於是共創價值輔導計畫,已經有一個很完整的提案,因為合團司的朋友說來不及給予書面,所以是不是可以先聽一下合團司的朋友們講一下想法,然後再進行回應。請內政部的朋友。" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "政委好、郭主席好,合團司發言,其實主席有提供一份合作社聯盟共創價值的輔導計畫,所討論的內容,其實我們對於內容跟問題是非常肯定,而且跟我們未來想要推動的方向是相當一致的,我們也會把這樣的平台概念納入到我們目前正在草擬的中長程計畫,我們也希望未來報行政院之後,可以獲得相關的經費來執行。" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "另外,我們這邊也詳細講一下,像我剛剛所提的合作社支持平台,是由東華大學人文創新社會實踐研究中心、空總台灣當代文化實驗場等近20個社會經濟組織共同發起,他們這個平台剛起步,也希望透過數位科技的導入來協助社會經濟組織的發展,提升數位技術,同時發揮合作社之間的合作功能。" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "這個平台資訊在今天會議之前也已提供給郭主席,讓郭主席知道這個平台目前進行的部份。未來是否在工研院員工消費合作社建構相關的創新示範場域,或本部依中長程計畫規劃建立整合性的合作社平台,希望之後可以跟郭主席交流、請教,以上說明,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。我想郭主席除了書面之外,想要補充也可以補充。" }, { "speaker": "郭煌村", "speech": "感謝。內政部有一些討論,也跟我們做一些補充。" }, { "speaker": "郭煌村", "speech": "主要補充去年8月21日參加政委在苗栗舉辦的會受到很大的感動,近37年在工研院推動產業的創新發展,臺灣推動產業經濟都很積極,以往只要NPO、NGO一提出來,就只是分配或是救濟,引發許多資源分配的衝突。" }, { "speaker": "郭煌村", "speech": "我從唐政委啟示很深刻臺灣需要社會創生結合科技導入,透過社會創生共同支持產業經濟創新發展,連結地方特色人文創意." }, { "speaker": "郭煌村", "speech": "合作社近二十年的持續衰退,97年臺灣超過五千三百家合作社,許多合作社步入歷史幸運的工研院合作社也同樣面臨被停業、解散,引進美食街、便利超商,因緣聚會合作社保留,把一些科技的技術能夠導入到經營裡面當中。" }, { "speaker": "郭煌村", "speech": "因此這一段時間鼓勵企業開始回饋做社會企業,彰顯企業的社會責任。政委推動社會創生包含像合作社或者是社團,對整體產業經濟有非常大助力。" }, { "speaker": "郭煌村", "speech": "目前3,700家從工研院合作社創新輔導經驗,讓業者活下來,而且要活得好好的,尤其近十年來,在花東比較偏鄉小農的部分也輔導很多,我們也認識、結交很多朋友。" }, { "speaker": "郭煌村", "speech": "很感謝政委及內政部支持。以前純粹從經濟的角度,轉化為對生產、生活跟生態,帶入了很多社區轉型計畫當中,工研院推動的過程也能夠合作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "即使生活美學基金會也是今年比較多辦理合作社相關的活動,我滿同意合團司的想法,現在大家在的地方是社會創新實驗中心,其實是整個空總的一小塊而已,大塊的部分都是c-lab,也就是有邀請很多合作社界的朋友們共同使用這樣的場地來倡導理念,總之是先把這樣的倡議,帶到大家覺得很酷的位置,就不會覺得大家想到合作社就想到小學原生社的部分,這個是滿重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有關於創生聯盟的部分,我也看了合團司的中長程計畫,高達八成有重疊,我們就持續討論這一件事,我們也會全力支持。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個還ok的話,我們還有20分鐘,所有的書面案都可以處理到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來是又仁的案子,有相當多個部分,我們應該要協調到所有的承辦都來,但是因為同時他們給我一個理由,關於這個案子的都審都在同一個時間召開協調會,所以變成有一些承辦沒有辦法來這邊,我們儘量讓他們有書面的回覆。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想先請又仁看了這樣子的書面回覆之後,我知道有一些要現場回覆,看有沒有要補充的,或者你的問題有沒有被針對性的回答到?" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "很感謝政委一直關心新竹的永續發展,我們在這個地方能夠來溝通。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "現在很重要的事情是看地方創生要如何創生,現在環團及在地的農民有意識到地方創生不能脫離國土計離及天然資源盤點,現在新竹縣政府給我們的盤點是非常不滿意,而且是判死,並不是創生。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "明明資料庫是都市區域的土地利用有農耕現況都應該要補充,這個是當初資料的要求,結果新竹縣政府說他沒有看好,這個是非都市計畫土地的部分,他覺得不是非都市計畫區域的農地就不申報,也不告訴你這個農用,很顯然就是要隱瞞資料在中央政府的部分,因此這部分也針對刻意隱瞞來跟政委討論過。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "因此農地的限用,地方創生如果是傳統產業基礎的話,到底要怎麼來做通報不實的這一塊,地方創生其實是判死這樣的產業,這是第一個。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "第二個是頭前溪的部分,今天在座各位住新竹,都是喝頭前溪的水,新竹縣政府要在北岸跟南岸所謂的園區三期的地方要蓋工廠,增加民生廢水,既有的污染完全沒有規劃。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "新竹縣政府現在想說如果讓我炒地皮的話,我才有錢來解決污染,把大家的命運全部綁在一起,各位不要忘記頭前溪供給了我們竹科很重要的水來源,一天13.9萬噸,如果這個地方連創生的機會都沒有,水污染直接衝擊的是園區的經濟會窒息性的消失,不要談NPO、NGO的市場能量,因為新竹沒有辦法住人。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "民國93年,經濟部何部長就公告,頭前溪沿岸全部都是水質水量保護區,一直到南寮舊港區都還有備用,所以我們看地方創生的這個議題,這邊全部都涉及到基本的水可以用,當然經濟部這邊也有計畫要北水南送,但是去年度就爭執這是不可能的,桃園的水不夠,怎麼可能會供到新竹來,因此新竹如果沒有所有備載水源規劃的話,是會完蛋的。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "我們跟農田水利會,北水局的邱副局長也有來,他自己覺得個人的立場也不太贊同還要再度壓迫到新竹水源。新竹水源不要忘記頭前溪供給大部分的工業、農業用水,供水已經不太夠了,現在保三這個地方又要再擴及到台積電的園區,我們不知道這個下去要怎麼辦。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "現任的新竹縣長在中科的時候,搶地、搶水非常有名,因此環團非常痛恨他。同樣的做法又來壓迫新竹這個地方,現在當縣長要加速開放,我們看到新竹縣政府的承辦根本連來都不敢來,因為就我們所知,就是要做都更,你看總共800多公頃,而且不只這樣,頭前溪沿岸都是都市計畫,連竹科三期後面要變一般農地蓋農舍,後面還有一個都市的計畫,就在竹東那邊,我們看路都已經開好、山都已經挖好在那邊了,這對新竹有什麼創生的意義,我不知道,總不能說全部趕到尖石、五峰,然後原住民的領域再搞創生。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "農業要一整個都市計畫做下來,我們遇到的問題其實是來自於地方政府的壓迫,用了一個不實、不對,經濟部、科技部也不會跟你說為了AI產業或是其他產業在新竹爭地。我們也發現新竹縣政府不斷壓迫園區要表態,這個對嗎?這一些事我覺得是文官體系不太敢拿出來講,涉及到地方開發敏感問題不敢講,但是我們涉及到永續農業這一塊,卻是知道地方產業,如果縣政府這樣欺負我們,永遠沒有希望,因此這樣變成地方如何跟你談創生呢?" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "變成所有的問題,我們希望民國93年何部長為何公告頭前溪沿岸水質水量保護區有其理由,因為87年的時候,就新竹科爆發的污染,甚至園區的廠商超抽地下水,所以頭前溪是唯一的母親河,這邊涉及到的問題就不只科技要在這裡發展、農業到了是不是可以做下去,永續農業怎麼做,因為沒有可耕地,現在最好的農地全部都要來蓋房子,現在委員也已經介入調查。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "因此會希望各部會針對這個地方創生,尤其討論創生的資料庫,有無盤整性的資料庫可以讓新竹的人知道這些天然資源、居民的健康要靠什麼維護?就像通盤性的問題,前面也有提到苗栗要做創生,有沒有一個部排的農村發展,有新的獎項,這都是有賴於資料治理,新竹政府不敢說,我去TED演講,影片才放出來,我們讓國際來看看新竹縣政府有無真實考慮到自己發展的限制。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "不要忘了,各位住新竹市,你喝的也是頭前溪的水,上游蓋工廠,連我自己住新竹市,我認為這裡快要變成鬼城了。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "我想社會創新不脫離大家對於臺灣對於這一塊土地的熱愛,如何變成再造新的能量,應該要有節制的地方要有節制。很記得7月份我們帶農民去圍新竹縣政府的時候,新竹縣政府國發處的承辦告訴我們說:「當初內政部去通過的時候,現場審查都審委員,一個就通過了。」我想這是相當不公不義的事,我們錄影都還留著,當場這樣嗆我們不可以去進會場,這個地方只能求爺爺、告奶奶告訴他們去做,各媒體大幅版面報導這個問題,我們不知道新竹縣政府的決策,竟然都審委員裡面不是搞建築的,不然就是做區域規劃,但是竟然沒有一個天然資源或是對環保專業的人最前期的地方來做,總不能所有的案子全部放到環評再來抗爭,這對地方來講是折磨、並不是判生。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "這個是我們很辛苦的一塊,我們跟新竹縣政府奮戰了四百多天,而沒有答案。農委會對於我們看陳主委針對鋤不動的鑽石田,都說會主動來協助縣政府規劃乾淨、可生產的糧食,我想這個是地方創生的基礎。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "因此針對這一種細節的政策、資料盤點及不誠實的地方,我們很難取得資料,也不願意公開回應,因此這一些東西可以透過地方創生的困難,地方真正的危機可以有更多資料的取得與透明,我想公共政策是這樣的,要創生以前,先做到誠實、透明。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "我們也不希望縣政府做完,變成是園區的壓力,園區一直被這樣子要求,來一個東西,你看城鄉發展促進會,像之前炒土地,每個人都知道,真的切身利害關係出來談這一件事的時候,要多辛苦,才知道這個地方創生的能量該怎麼走,這是我今天要徹底表達的。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "還好,政委今天來新竹,所以這個問題很嚴重,應該要通盤來看,我表達的意見都這樣,需要的資料都可以書面提供給我們,我們可以清楚看到地方創生上的困難,麻煩一下,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝。留一些時間給公務同仁回應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實6-3的部分,又仁剛剛講的是之前有來,因為我每個禮拜三在社創中心都有一個office hour,我們看農委會的盤查定義與範圍,當然一部分是法定農業用地的部分是這個部分。非法定農業用地的部分,當時又仁提出其實現況從事農業生產的部分,我們看到的是農糧署用最近兩年的稻作、其他農作、補救助登記,這一些地區資料當作盤查的範圍,所以剛剛的問題倒不是好像新竹縣政府一定刻意怎麼樣,而是比較想知道這一個部分跟農糧署盤查範圍對接的實際狀況如何。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "除了6-3之外,有關於頭前溪的部分,我們目前都有水利署的朋友可以跟我們分享一下您的看法。" }, { "speaker": "陳明城", "speech": "政委、各位先進大家好,其實穩定供水,簡單來說可以分兩塊,一塊是安全的水量、足夠的水量,另外一塊是您剛剛有講到污染的問題、水質的問題,我現在先針對水量的問題來回覆。" }, { "speaker": "陳明城", "speech": "的確新竹地區的主要水源是頭前溪,當然現在也有寶山跟寶二水庫來作蓄豐濟枯,其實政府多年來也投資了很多資源在做所謂的區域調度,包括您剛剛所講的桃園地區是不是可以支援新竹,其實既有的管線已經可以達到支援新竹的現況。包括苗栗地區也有部分的系統是可以支援新竹,只是未來會再加大從桃園到新竹的部分,這其實都已經正在執行中。" }, { "speaker": "陳明城", "speech": "您剛剛提到如果桃園自己有缺水,這個是可能的情境,但是如果桃園自己水資源還足夠的情況之下,是可以支援新竹,像今年的例子。您在6-7有提到今年一期稻作的頭前溪的狀況,農民有休耕的問題,去年颱風特別少,我們統計從去年11月至今年2月底,整個降雨量都比較偏少,這都是自然環境現實的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "陳明城", "speech": "水利署針對穩定供水問題十分關切與努力,包含自桃園地區調度給新竹地區,像從水庫儘量出水補足頭前溪川流水的不足,包含今年3月7日的院會,院長也特別針對經濟部報告,只給我們一個很重要的指示,農業部分的春耕已經開始了,插秧用水要全力確保,現在經濟部不像以前,可能大家會認為總是任意採取停灌休耕方式來做供水,其實不是。" }, { "speaker": "陳明城", "speech": "像今年決定一期作並沒有所謂的公告停灌,反而是在行政院裡面,院長都要求確保春耕的用水量,雖然天然環境水源不是很充足的情況之下,我們也儘量滿足農業的用水穩定。" }, { "speaker": "陳明城", "speech": "長期的部分,不只是擴大桃園、新竹調度能力,包含新竹地區的自來水減漏,其實新竹地區的漏水率相對於其他縣市並不是特別高,但是政府還是投資更多的經費在做減漏。" }, { "speaker": "陳明城", "speech": "另外,其他多元水源,像再生水或者是海淡廠,什麼時候要做,就要等社會的共識到一個成熟的程度,這個隨時都可以來進行。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "其實大家都很清楚,這個資料不用重述,因為你們供給水的報告我們都有看,您也知道新竹用水這麼緊迫,連漏水全部都查完,我們水資源還是很匱乏。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "事實上北水局有撥一筆經費叫二重跟三重去開會,說是否願意第一期就開始,而且當天有會議紀錄、錄音,說「如果你願意轉作旱作後,我的水就要減少。」這其實很清楚,政府的政策會讓農民感覺到叫他不要種水稻、要處理一些東西,因為水資源不夠。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "同樣的,你們也沒有出來講說新竹就是真的這麼缺水的狀況,因此不應該污染水源,其實頭前溪的報告我們手上都有一份,這是要加強沿岸治理去除,避免工業用水污染,確保穩定供水不會出事,但你們的立場跟水源的確保與新竹縣的立場完全不一樣,但是你們也沒有講。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "變成現在沿岸的治理都做得這麼差,農委會自己都知道農糧署有跑來,這個是農糧署副署長跑來跟大家開會說:「請給大家一口飯吃,農民是不是可以少用一些水?」這都是實際發生,且都有錄音的。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "我們面對這一種政府資訊的反覆,有問題就私下談,檯面都沒有公開來講,天然資源怎麼做、地方如何創生,並不是私下擺平這一些事,因為公共區域有危險的時候,我想應該是要透明來做。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "現在農民遇到壓迫的東西,是要確保有水,我可以告訴你,保一水庫沖下來要給民生用水,都是先放12個水,先把後面的屎尿才敢進水,我們怎麼不可能這一件事?所有水資源的盤查,不要認為農民沒有運用公民科技的能力,其實全部都盤查一清二楚,因此地方的民怨才會這麼沸騰。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "政委來跟我們座談,是要促進民間跟政府雙方合作,不是要跟你對抗,我們希望國家要好、要為臺灣做一點事情,但我們遇到的困難,我們今天來並不是跟你要補貼、補助,而是要確保這個創生是做得起來的,這個不當政策是可以排除,不要給人民不當的期待,也就是園區還可以在新竹園區擴張,事實上都不是這樣子了。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "我們要面對永續資源的有限,新竹創生要創什麼?恐怕是臺灣最重要的典範,應該要更擴大,從資料治理的角度裡面來講,這樣政委在談的開放政府才有其價值與意義。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "因此這個對談,我希望這個會議之後,我們需要的資料可以公開、透明化繼續來揭露,因為你們的資料,我們每一份都讀得很熟,而是拉兩箱的行李箱,很用心讀了一、兩年的東西,因此這個窘迫我們都知道,但並不需要反覆陳述我們已經知道的既定的事實,因為連新竹縣政府內部的人都認為不能搞下去,因為新竹就是沒有水,讓多少做都市計畫的人對新竹多灰心,總不能說所有經濟的承擔責任都讓園區管理局來喊話,他們也很頭痛。" }, { "speaker": "許又仁", "speech": "調度水的痛苦,每年都要來開會,一直在調度水的辛苦都曉得,農民覺得不能再種下去,那是民生痛苦,因此希望這個區域平衡,這一件事可以透過這一種會議來溝通,大家一起做,我想對政府的施政會有很大的幫忙,不要一個部會承擔了某些人資訊揭露不誠實,導致所有人的壓力都很大,我想不是來對抗、而是希望來進行對話,因此希望多放一點訊息出來,因此希望書面訊息可以多一點,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝,我想6-7就這樣,你就把它當作是一個政府資訊公開法的請求,可以書面回覆的部分,就麻煩書面回覆。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛又仁提到的TESAS,我想並不是大家都知道這個是什麼,麻煩Mark投影一下右下角TESAS,這是兩個星期前才上線的,地方創生資源的資料庫,可以比較一目了然看到新竹市,像農產、作物結構、勞動力、就業、失業、地方收入跟支出的情形,從人口所得、交通、觀光、土地、住宅、環境、教育、文化、社福、醫療,大概都有非常完整地統計。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得最有價值的是,像你看到人口消漲或是人口結構,其實這一個單一的數據放在旁邊不一定很有意義,我們知道老化指數在最近十年,從老年人口跟幼年人口的比例,從45到接近70,但可能更重要的是,我們可以看到老化指數跟旁邊的地區有什麼差別或是有什麼不同,然後這個部分放在這整個不同的鄉鎮去看的時候,哪一些是老化特別快等等,這個是真正有價值的地方。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以前每一個鄉鎮市區都有做這一些統計,但是並沒有拿到一個互相對比的平台上,我想剛剛又仁提TESAS是做市裡面等等的對比跟追蹤,如果大家在TESAS看到資料有缺漏或者是希望更新進去的,其實後面是所有現有的開放資料,提出資料需求或者是直接告訴TESAS的團隊,哪一筆的開放資料放在這上面是有意義的,也就是跟著地區走的,可以促進在地的公共討論,我想地方創生確實如果沒有資料當作骨幹的話,很容易是瞎子摸象一樣,這個沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們留一些時間給管理局的朋友,看有沒有想要跟我們分享的部分?" }, { "speaker": "蔡文火", "speech": "我想對於6-2來提一下,竹科三期跟臺灣知識旗艦園區的開發,剛剛有提過,這個是縣政府在開發,並不是由園區管理局開發。而園區管理局在土地使用方面,在既有園區裡面,會儘量評估現有的土地、現有的廠房來做各方面的檢討更新,甚至更替,而廠商退出,由新廠商進來,能夠在園區裡面做這方面的土地及廠房循環使用。" }, { "speaker": "蔡文火", "speech": "剛剛提到整個用水,其實在用水這一方面,我們要求園區高科技的廠商,用水的回收率一定要達到製程回收率85%、全廠回收率70%,這樣的用水回收可以儘量降低用水量需求。此外,園區當中的整個產業發展,我們當然配合國家的政策,盡量在有限的資源下滿足廠商發展的需求,以促進整個產業經濟共榮。我想做這樣的補充。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為書面上還有農委會的朋友,農委會的朋友有沒有什麼想要現場補充的部分?" }, { "speaker": "林仁偉", "speech": "政委,我想這個案子非常清楚,也非常敬佩又仁始終的努力與堅持,目前的體制裡面,看起來這不是法定的農業用地,但不管制度怎麼訂,都希望可以更合理,然後保持一些彈性跟包容,找到一個機會來做適度爭取自己的權益,這非常可貴。" }, { "speaker": "林仁偉", "speech": "事實上我們是跟時間賽跑,這個過程中,農委會做的事是細部計畫還沒有通過之前,像技術輔導、友善環境栽培等等,不管是改良場或者是農糧署都持續輔導。" }, { "speaker": "林仁偉", "speech": "未來希望可以看到一個結果,大家找到一個平衡點,以上簡單補充,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想6-3對於非法定用地的盤查範圍部分,再看你們農糧署的窗口,看看這個盤查的實際做法怎麼樣,大概是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這邊有寫要現場回覆好像都有現場回覆了,我想這一個案子今天先這樣,大部分會需要用書面回覆的方法來處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "事實上還有3分鐘,但是sli.do上還有不少的問題,我們投影一下,然後快速把sli.do的問題過一遍。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,「有關於一年有60天不到,也就是7、8月紅棗在短期的大量採收人力時,有住宿的需求。」而這個住宿的需求,因為不是無償的,好像會違反民宿管理辦法的部分,這個可能是交通部觀光局需要書面回覆的部分。我想有青履客的朋友在現場,有沒有口頭補充說明部分?" }, { "speaker": "任博揚", "speech": "大致的訴求,我們已在sli.do上面有做一個說明,請參照。我再強調一下,其實農村裡面的住宿問題,並不一定是觀光需求,舉例來說,我們公館鄉紅棗產業每到7、8月是採收季節,光我們石圍墻就有一百多間紅棗園,在7、8月的時候可能要一、兩百個人力湧入村莊。" }, { "speaker": "任博揚", "speech": "現在面臨的窘境是能夠提供空屋空房的人家不一定是農園,而農園也不一定能提供住宿,所以機制上如收取少許住宿延伸費用,將會與民宿管理辦法有牴觸,但是農業需求的工作的確是需要考慮到住宿問題的,因為我們是早上5點起來採收,要採收到下午6點等等,常必須過夜。因此我們很希望參考日本分很多層級來考量旅宿管理問題,但臺灣一直只有民宿管理辦法,其實可以引入國外民泊法,如日本針對一百八十天以內或是法國一百五十天以內的住宿有另外規範、限制與管理,而非直接禁止,希望可以給政府部門訂定相關法規參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝,這個部分會請主管機關,因為他們今天不在台北,會請他們用書面的方式來回應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接著是1095文史工作室,希望移工可以從事一些不是志工,也就是有償的,但是是在本來許可之外的工作,像包含協助表演交流與倡議等等,我覺得這個是滿有趣的提醒,不曉得有沒有要口頭補充的部分?" }, { "speaker": "江彥杰", "speech": "政委你好,我想要再補充一下,其實我們做很多東南亞文化推廣,主要需要移工一起協助共創活動,例如東南亞美食交流活動需要東南亞移工來擔任主廚、東南亞音樂會需要東南亞移工來表演,而礙於法規限制不能給移工任何的報酬、只能請他們擔任志工,所以可以和移工一起創造的新創結果便有限,在法規上看是不是可以做一些鬆綁?看政委是不是可以再做一些討論?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "音控真的是需要re一下,你講的,我聽到大概15%左右,不過在台中那邊有紀錄,我想事後會您剛剛的發言加進我們的會議紀錄裡面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過我剛剛雖然只聽到15%,還是只有聽到一些。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,如果你有具體的,好比像我覺得怎麼樣的模式,讓這一些移工朋友應該要有一定的彈性,你可以把這個模式寫起來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們有一個網址是叫做沙盒,或者你寫創新法規沙盒去申請,這裡面有兩個部分,一個部分是會幫你找到目前哪一些函釋或者是哪一些要點是擋住你做這一件事,會幫你做釐清的諮詢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們討論之後,如果有這個公共利益的話,確實可以跟相關的部會進行協調,就你這個個案,我們試驗一年之後,看這樣適度放寬之後,是不是可以創造公共利益,如果可以的話,就可以變成法規修正的參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以你如果有一個具體的案例,我建議挑公共利益最大的案例,然後試著把它寫上去,這樣子我們在中企處會有專門的人幫你跟其他的部會進行協調,今天只能初步回覆到這樣,其他我想我們在書面的地方來進行回覆。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像共好生活勞動合作社的部分,其實是有關於合作社的媒合,一方面是中企處盡可能納入組織形態,二方面是內政部所進的那一些目前正在進行的方案,因此這個已經回覆得差不多了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分是大家提供非常多的參考網址;像現行法規對於旅遊業的部分,請交通部觀光局的朋友們來進行書面回覆。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天書面的部分跟sli.do的部分都處理到這邊,非常感謝到這邊,因為時間的關係,我們還要搭高鐵,只能先進行到這邊,如果大家在這個會場可以盡可能多換一下名片,講在地地方創生資源的結合,很多是要靠組織起來,如果對於書面回覆之後要追問的話,請讓同仁知道,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "會後補充", "speech": "(衛生福利部心理及口腔健康司)" }, { "speaker": "會後補充", "speech": "有關社會創新行動第6次行動巡迴座談(新竹)會議紀錄涉及具情緒行為之身心障礙者(如自閉症)一案,衛生福利部心理及口腔健康司意見如下:" }, { "speaker": "會後補充", "speech": "一、自閉症者係因溝通障礙造成其情緒表達有困難,以不適當行為表現,故其係需早期介入提供其專業之照顧訓練有其必要,如:提升父母或照顧者需求之養育知能,提供親職能力訓練、互動溝通的策略與喘息支持服務,並使自閉症個案熟悉環境,以提升情緒和行為管理的能力。僅少數合併有精神疾病問題,造成其情緒行為嚴重及精神狀態,始需提供其藥物治療,至於需住院治療者為極少數個案。" }, { "speaker": "會後補充", "speech": "二、基於具情緒行為之自閉症個案照護所需資源,應為非因精神症狀所造成情緒障礙的治療,故宜以家屬或工作人員照顧訓練及行為指導為主,並宜發展彈性多元之給付項目(如:居家或社區療育給付),或協調增加其他財源(如:公益彩券盈餘回饋金等社會福利方面預算)支應所需服務。" }, { "speaker": "會後補充", "speech": "三、另,為提升精神醫療專業人員對於自閉症等心智障礙者之照護知能,本司業於「心智障礙者精神醫療服務品質改善計畫」,規劃辦理心智障礙者精神醫療服務訓練課程,訓練內容涵括:家屬教育與輔導、照護模式介紹、診斷及給藥注意事項等,以儲備人力資源及厚植其知能。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s what we customarily do here. Basically, we’ll make an English transcript. Everybody here gets to edit for 10 days collaboratively, and then we publish it to the broad Internet. I do this even for internal meetings that I hold as a chair." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "I think it’s a good discipline to have. It might encourage more democracy, people listen to it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, people can get a feel of being a digital minister. I get email all the time, like, \"I read your transcript a week ago. I think you did something wrong,\" [laughs] things like that. It enables more context in policymaking." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "The transcript is a full transcript?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a full transcript." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Full transcript." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I can show you how it looks like. You can see since I’ve become the digital minister, I talked to exactly 3,671 people, excluding me..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": " this many speeches. It includes lobbying and interviews and whatever. For example, when Uber, David Plouffe at a time working for Uber came. We had a full talk. It’s from doorbell [laughs] to the exit and something like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The great thing about it is that everything has its own URL. When you Google something, it’s very easy to, for one particular quote to appear because it has its own URL. Then, it’s still within the context." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You can see where the dialogue did this conversation happen. It enables what we call a policy accountability trail in the sense that you can look back at the policy and exactly what happened." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "That’s working." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Has anybody refused to be recorded?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, because in the 10 days, the trick is that you can take away anything that you said and redact yourself basically and/or providing supplementary material." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "I can see overall it’s very useful so long as people don’t suddenly refuse to do it. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, the thing is that the public service before this mechanism, the minister take all the credit. If things go wrong, then they take the blame. It’s not very conductive to innovation, but now with this mechanism, they always get the credit because the journalist can see who exactly came up with this decision and I take all the blame if things goes wrong." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It enables a lot more innovation." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "The transparency, I think it’s very good." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you. For how long are you here this time?" }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "I’m here till Thursday night in Taipei. We’ve got about an hour today. Is that right?" }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "Yeah, I think so." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Mm hmm." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Any new and exciting loans?" }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "The fact was that we wanted to support the Smart Cities event, which, to me, is important, so bringing 22 business and five city authorities is good. I think the desire is to learn from each other. Can we see something which is new here that we can learn from? Can we collaborate in different ways? Some who were here a year ago have come back, so there are some follow ups as well." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "We’ve had some interesting discussions planned this week around 5G. I wouldn’t mind saying a little bit about that, just to understand that. I wouldn’t mind having a bit of a discussion about data and how data is opening up certainly in Europe and wouldn’t mind understanding what’s happening here about data." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "That’s a quick summary." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Let’s dive in. [laughs] We’re now calling it data collaboratives. It’s a term that the GovLab people...I’m working with them to reframe the various different data exchange things that we’ve been doing, data pooling, price and challenges, partnerships, products, APIs, interested intermediary, which was previously in very different things." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The only umbrella brand to bring them together is Smart City, but it doesn’t quite have a data emphasis." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "No." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "[laughs] We’re working on this new term, data collaboratives, to try to put the emphasis on the actual worked relationships around data, what we call data stewardship, rather than focus on individual data elements like the previous open data movement. That is to say, to shift focus away from data sets to the social values and the collaboratives that steward the data together." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This year, we’re working with the Open Contracting Partnership as well as the TM Forum on what we call the Presidential Hackathon. The Presidential Hackathon, which we run in pilot form last year and enabled very good data collaborative efforts. I think I mentioned the New Zealand water leakage detection case. That was just one case last year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This year we made it a regulation in the sense that the president’s office will keep running it every year for three months per year. This year, the theme is called Enabling Sustainable Infrastructure. While we don’t say directly that data is one of the themes, data is actually underlying all of these themes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’ll just take a couple minutes to explain how the process works. The president’s office runs it. The prize is not monetary. The prize is that any of the five winning teams every year gets the presidential promise to integrate their ideas into the public service by the next year, including all the regulatory budget or anything that make it happen kind of promise." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not just a hackathon of a weekend, but rather a series of co creative events over three months. Every year, we start getting the applications by March, which goes on for a month or so. Last year, we got maybe more than 100 cases." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In many cases, they’re the data stewards themselves asking for people to improve the usability and applicability. We also have journalists and private sector people that says, \"If you can give out data in this statistics format instead of the old, bad way of statistics, we can make it so much better,\" so we also have the data requesters initiating the proposals." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we have witnessed is that there’s a lot of lower level or mid level public servants actually working with the data partners to provide such proposals. Because A, there’s no risk for them if it doesn’t work out. They actually get, because of the presidential promise, a better working pipeline if it does work out. There’s no downside and all upside for them." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This year, we’re using quadratic voting. That is a new voting method invented by the blockchain people, VitalikButerin and friends. When we have that hundreds or so cases, and each one will get a number of votes, but the votes is quadratic in the sense that if you vote three votes, you have to spend nine points. When you have 100 points, you can devote 10 of them into a vote." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People are highly encouraged to swap votes so that you can get 7 votes on both cases with 2 points to spare because 100 divided by 2 is 50 50, then that means 7 and 7 on two cases. What we’re doing here is rewarding people to trade their votes and to suss out the potential partnerships across those petitions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then we work with them and curate them into a team of 20 and start filling in what we call trilingual relationships, that is to say people from the data science domain, people from the domain experts, and people working with regulatory environments so that we can get it actually implemented. Each team need to have at least three people in the three roles." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We curate them for another month or two, then we select 10 out of the 20, and finally 5 out of the 10, and give the award and ceremony and the presidential promise. This year, I think the TM forum and OCP will both send one judge to the panel. We’re also accepting international teams to come to Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s it." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Who’s helping you from the TM Forum? Is it Nik Willetts?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I actually don’t have the name of the primary contact. I’m just sending out the invitation letter, but we get the confirmation that they will participate in such a way." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "If you get stuck there, let me know. I know Nik Willetts runs the TM Forum." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Awesome. I think TM Forum is also keen to add the at least pre 5G elements to this competition. The only thing is that we can’t really reliably demo 5G in the president’s office this year. [laughs] We’re saying maybe next year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think 5G will also be part of this fabric of bringing more data gathering from the civil society. In Taiwan, we talk about open data. People don’t actually jump and think open government data. They think citizen science and open data from the private and social sectors, and the government is more of an integrating role for data collaboratives." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "What would look good on demo data on the 21st of July? What would sound really good as a result?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Last year, we have our five winning cases, all featured here. I’m just checking whether they’re translated. Oh, here we go. In 2018, what looked really good is there’s a domestic violence prevention where the New Taipei City and Taipei City share their violence and domestic abuse databases so that it empowers the social workers to have a kind of heat map as well as the top risks identified to do the one stop service at the social work level instead of at the violence prevention level." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is one who used geospatial data to redistribute the legal aid and insurance centers so that...It used to be measured by kind of metric distance but it ignores that people have to walk and take public transportation and so on. This is more dynamically rooted to where people actually are." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is a really good one because we had a 2014 gas explosion accident in Kaohsiung City. The mayor at that time is now Secretary General in the president’s office, Chen Chu. This is basically a replay of the 2014 case in identifying the points where there could be better communication and use the state of the art protocols such as fire and things like that to make sure that if this happens again, there is a well integrated one stop service." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That actually makes a lot of use of 4G deployment and would be actually a very good 5G demo case because then on the ambulance and so on, you can get all this data. This is the New Zealand partnership that we talked about is using machine learning to plug water leaks." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Finally, Government Zero works with the air referral with medical care so that when people fly helicopters to bring rural island patients to the main island, there was a communication breakdown but now we use the new telemedicine laws to make sure that they can get quality telediagnostics and order, you know real time reporting of the patients and so on. It’s actually one of the first to be integrated into the Orchid Island and Green Island. It’s actually online now." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think all five is being deployed this year. We made good on the promise last year. This year, there’s more goodwill to attend. There’s no foreign teams here. We’re fixing that this year." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Orchid Island and Green Island are islands off the coast of Taiwan. Relatively remote communities." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Beautiful places." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In this case, we had to integrate a lot of electronic signature signing, medical record data sharing, a lot of data sharing because...This is a very strong social motivation because there was a helicopter crash because it was forced to fly in bad weather and things like that. There’s a lot of social outcry to prevent something like that from happening again." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All those data and regulatory hoops that we need to jump through, we indeed jumped through last year. That’s what I mean by putting the collaboratives first and data as a necessity because then the forces, the tensions will force the data operators to figure out something that could work instead of putting data first and before the social tension." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "I could see a lot of benefits of doing that, but what facilities and data do you give them in advance?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, when they provide the petitions, they can outline the resources that they don’t have yet. For this particular thing is, the agency is not exchanging medical data records because of the privacy law and things like that, and so they will identify the challenges in the current data pipeline." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not them asking for data per se, but imagining a case where the data collaborative relationship worked, and we work toward making that happen. It could use any of these strategies." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Once the winners are announced, is there a scale up opportunity, so you can take it from one area to another?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so. For example, the water leak detection of course went to New Zealand. It starts again prototyping on one of the islands bar is now bringing to Keelung, which is one of the places in the main island that suffers from water shortage." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This reaches all the five branches of the government, and all the local mayors are aware of this as well, so it also is a great showcase. Because of the presidential blessing, they’re very easy to integrate into the other cities and municipalities as well." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Have you had a five out of five success rate in actually rolling this out?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, that’s right. That’s our promise. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Sometimes, with the best will in the world, it’s not possible to fulfill promises." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s why our focus on the trilingual teams, because sometime the domain and data experts will agree it’s the best thing, but it’s illegal. [laughs] Sometimes the regulatory people think it’s great, the data people think this is great, but it’s actually missing. It’s answering the wrong question from the domain experts’ perspective." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In that case, it will prove to have a negative social value. It will look really bad, actually, how do we actually integrate it? The trilingual partnership model I think is the key to get five out of five." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "On the awards day, clearly there’ll be publicity and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure. It’s a demo before the president and all the investors." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "It doesn’t end there, does it?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, it doesn’t. That’s when the work begins, three months of partner sourcing and nine months of integration." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The nine month of integration pays off because on the next year’s Presidential Hackathon we’ll feature the five cases of the last year. That’s the kind of data collaborative initiative we’re working on." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "For example, do city authorities get encouraged to put data into central stores that are then accessible generally in advance?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. We have this, and there’s a machine to machine case. As you can see, all the ministries and pretty much all the cities are currently on board in terms of the data set transformation. I think we’re not missing anyone here, so that’s literally all the municipalities and all the cities." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They regularly -- well, the Keelung city, maybe not that regularly -- but mostly regularly synchronize their data portals into the nationally applicable." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "I would have thought that also is a spur between cities to get them to swap notes and compare and contrast a little bit." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so, and we give out also data quality awards. If it’s structured, it’s well documented, it use open API, and so on, then they get a gold award and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "The data has to be manually inputted?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, we do this as part of procurement. The procurement basically rates the open API structured data as one of the accessibility guidelines." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Just like if the government procures something and people with disabilities cannot use it, then the vendor could be disqualified out of unprofessionalism because the vendors are expected to provide accessible to people with blindness, when they procure new or revamped services. We reused that clause and said machines are a kind of people too." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, if the vendor says, \"This is for human only but we cannot provide API for all its data functions,\" then the vendor can be disqualified for being unprofessional. If they say, \"I have to charge you five times because of that,\" they could also be disqualified as unprofessional. We, basically, solve that on a procurement level." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Can some of these data stools ingest data from the private sector or is it public data only?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They do. One of the primary examples we have here is the civil IoT system. The civil IoT system is notable because when we talk about civil IoT, it’s really data from everywhere -- industry, the general public, the academic institution." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is earthquake but there’s also emergency because during an emergency, again, the underground people are not always employed by the government. Again, we need a pipeline here as well. Also, for air quality. The air quality community, basically, have their own g0v, G 0 V, website." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is very interesting because they have a good map of the current air quality but there is a disclaimer because one legislator said because it’s citizen science. One time or another, there will be a sensor that goes awry and looks like a spike but it’s actually a malfunction of the citizen scientist and the legislator said that it could cause panic in the general population." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In response, the g0v community put out a disclaimer that you have to understand..." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Understand. I’m not panicking." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly. It basically said don’t panic. This button says, \"I understand. I am not panicking.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This button says, \"I don’t understand, and I feel panicked.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you click this, it brings you to the official air quality measurement but if you don’t panic, then you can see the actual data. We’re integrating this not panicky citizen science data through a distributed ledger so that the people can rest assured that the government is not changing their contributed data the day before the election. Not that we would do that, but people get reassured." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We also set up our own air quality sensing spots based on the shortage of such reporting. You can see some blank places here. Sometimes, it’s because it’s an industrial area, industrial park. People cannot go there and install their citizen science equipment, so they ask the EPA to do this. The EPA said, \"We’ll install it on the lamps because we own the lamps.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We complement the citizen scientist’s work. They sometimes say, \"We want a sensor here because we want to tell the domestic versus non domestic air pollution,\" but there’s no way they can set up something here. We’re setting up wind turbines power plants anyway. We changed the contracts, so the vendors have to carry air boxes." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "On the new wind farms?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On the new wind farms. They’re convenient." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "For example, would the data sets for environmental measurement follow a similar geographic pattern?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Mm hmm." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "For transport?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Could you overlay transport maps on this to see if cars were causing the pollution?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. We totally are doing that. There’s a competition right after the Presidential Hackathon. If any of the Presidential Hackathon teams, top five or not, work on the environmental data, then they get a lot of monetary prize. I think it’s NT$3 million, which is pretty good if they can create something of social value." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The winner, last year, of the Civil IoT competition, is a bot that posts on PTT — the Taiwan version of Reddit — a conversation about air quality and goes to reply, using Reddit speak, the actual true information about the air quality. The main contribution is not just a visualization, but also machine translation model that turns press releases into netizen speak, which I think is really original, and it works well with these air-quality microsensors." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "It’s also great for education as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is. In the places with the most number of, like Taipei City and New Taipei, that’s because the primary schools use that as an environmental education tool. They install it for free because it’s sponsored by the city government." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "It also makes people think about sources of data, visualization of data... Just the data sources." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It teaches data stewardship. Instead of thinking of data like oil, like can only be extracted very expensively by large private organizations that causes environmental harm, this actually teaches the schoolchildren that they, too, can be data stewards." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "What do the ministries and the local governments really feel about this?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The legislators are not really happy about this. One particular legislator is very vocal about this being possibly misleading [laughs] but I think the local governments are now taking up to this idea really well because, first, it can establish its own legitimacy layer. It’s not at mercy of the central Environmental Protection Agency to detect their air patterns, but rather, they could be part of their service and fabric to their citizens." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It shifts the political tension, you see, from the city government for not observing the environmental protection laws well, into something that, \"Hey, if you feel that something is not being observed well, you can contribute by adding a sensor somewhere near the spot that you care about,\" and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It offloads some of the responsibility to the citizens. I think the local city governments are generally in favor of it, hence the Minister of Education partnership, and on the central government level. I think because this particular instance I’m approaching is run by Academia Sinica, which is a academic place that reports directly to the president’s office." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Minister of Education doesn’t have any control to this budget. They’re like, \"OK. If Academia Sinica wants it, that means the president wants it and why not?\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think they’re reluctant at first, but they are now gradually buying into the idea that if we work with the community, and set up places where they care about but they cannot go, then we’re seen as complementary instead of detrimental to the Citizen Scientist. They’re slowly coming around." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Also, there might be some tension around innovation. It could be the ministerial department has always done it a certain way, and then somebody comes up with a new way, and they say, \"Woah, woah.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The new micro sensor that the EPA deploys is exactly the same as at Citizen Science. Actually, we say that we are supporting them in manufacturing even lower cost chips and equipments, with humidity adjustments. What I’m saying is that the old way of very trustworthy but very expensive measurements is a backbone, but we’re now embracing what the community has to offer." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "How many individuals are participating in this particular...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thousands. I think the latest number is maybe 3,000 or something spots, like sensors, individual sensors. Each one, if it’s a class project, of course, touches hundreds of people." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "I can’t imagine it’s a big budget either to do this. To me, what’s the harm? I can’t see the harm in doing it all. It’s good." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The civil IoT is actually a lot of budget, but the budget is mostly allocated to clean the data, to converge, to harmonize it to the sensor things of global API, and to provide supercomputing center facilities to run competitions. They’re value added services on top of the data. The data itself is not expensive to get. Each one is like $100. It’s really cheap." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "If you went forward two or three years, what would look really good by say 2020 or 2022? Would you see some change in the way people do things? Would there be something which was exported? What would sound really good in two or three years’ time?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This year, the National Development Council here in central government launched TESAS. And TESAS is essentially like civil IoT, but except even more granular. You can look into one particular district in one particular city, and see not just environmental but also population, tourism, land, housing, industry, transportation, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This fact based evidence network is being used to what we call the Regional Revitalization plan or the RR plan. The plan basically says any county, especially counties that are suffering from declining population...which is not every city. This is a bad example to pick." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A lot of counties and populations are suffering really from a declining population and aging population. If in any of those cases, they can figure out a common vision, maybe in five years, maybe in six years, they will reverse this trend by doing such and such interventions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Arguing based on the TESAS data, and involving all the different sectors in a society, then we’re committed to not asking them to file for any particular reimbursement or investment plan from the central government." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Rather turn this around and say, \"Anytime you file a project, we fill out the puzzle by asking people from central government to work in that locality through a teleworking scheme, and allocating up to 10 percent of all the different ministries, regional development budget, into whatever division that local people have agreed on.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re increasing that 10 percent into maybe 15. It’s a form of participatory budgeting, but on a national level. That uses district or township as the main unit." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What will look really good maybe five years down the road, is that a lot of budgets that we allocate for regional development is no longer a top down competitive way, but rather a co creative based on actual data way from each district and township. That’s a really big change for public administration." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "How much business buy in, is that it’s so much a business is helping you? Are they sponsoring schemes?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, very much so. Truth to be told, really, the social and private sector really lead to this. We’re really just ratifying what they have always been doing. The background is that because, in Taiwan, the Marshall Law was lifted in the late ’80s by the presidential election of ’96." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a decade where the social and private sector gets to accumulate legitimacy before the first presidential election. For now, for cases like this, if there’s a disaster, or if there’s an earthquake or whatever, if city, publish a number and the government published another one, people tend to believe the Citizens Association’s number. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They have higher legitimacy, you see. We’re basically just taking the CSRs, the social sectors, and whatever they’re doing and saying, \"For even more remote places where you’re not quite there, now we’re providing the same service there.\" The backbone is always the CSRs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re now, also using structured data to publish their work, like their SDG reporting mechanism, the GRI and other indicators. Now all the companies’ CSRs are required to be re slotted into the SDG. We’re developing a lot of registries based on this data, and also the University Social Responsibility, the USR programs are also using the same index." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Whereas people originally just centered around particular leaders in the private and social sector, now they’re re collaborating around particular goals. That enables them to discover one another." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Are you comparing Taiwan to other places as well now through the SDGs?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. We do file the voluntary national reviews, but that’s mostly public sector public sector comparison like self chosen goals and things like that. Starting this year, we’re also, through the CSR framework, comparing the SDG accountability trails domestically. That’s mostly the private sectors where like PwC and KPMG are leading the effort. We’re just participating in their effort." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "I’m not convinced the UK is using this SDG structure enough, really. That’s why asked the question about international comparisons." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What’s really useful so far is that we’re seeing that people using, particularly 12.6. I’m now at a point where I basically speak through the duo decimal." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "12.6, yes. There are whole websites setup just to track 12.6 alone. What they call data partnerships in the 12.6 tracking mechanisms is the main source. We rate, for example, our labor pension fund investment, is based on whether the ESG is reported based on 12.6, and so far always beats the large markets. Why not?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It does provide a lot of incentive for publicly traded companies, because they then get additional what we call patience funding or patience finance." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Is this an open website? I think it is, isn’t it?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, it is on GitHub. Global goals." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "If I talk to the UK people in the Office of National Statistics, they will do lots of statistics and publish them regularly, but are not sure they’re looking at the goals in relation to the statistics. Or if you talk to city mayors, there aren’t many city mayors who actually have that tabulation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. I think that the data partnership effort, it’s really across sectors. In the private sector, there is, of course, the GRI database and there is the live tracker where we can see how many UK companies are participating. I think it’s not too bad, no?" }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "On the company level, that’s true. I think it’s on the government level it’s just not..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "200 reports. Taiwan is 464 reports." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "Well done." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Do you know who is ahead of you in terms of 464? Is there somebody who has a bigger number?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You probably need to divide it by registered companies..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Japan is 205. India, 300. I think we’re doing exceptionally well. I haven’t seen a number larger than 400 actually." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Has your number gone up a lot in the last...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. I just attended a conference with BSI. These are now, of the CSR publishing companies in Taiwan, over half is following this standard now. That means we have another like 45 percent to go, but I think it’s by far a commonly agreed thing. The people who don’t do it, it’s because it’s a resource, but we’ll get to it next year." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "I think we need to revisit this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Starting from the CSR database is a good start. They have to do the reporting anyway, so why not convert to SDGs?" }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "I agreed at that discussion last year." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Are those companies doing that voluntarily." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right, because if they’re public listed, doing this qualifies them to the pension fund and to various other..." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "Key investors who are keen on this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, that’s right." }, { "speaker": "Yi Fang Lee", "speech": "Incentivizing." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "It also affects their reputation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so. That’s why over half are doing that. It negatively affects the reputation of people who are not doing this." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "It’s not driven by government. It’s driven by other things." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "And reaching smaller companies?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. We asked smaller companies to voluntarily disclose. They’re not under any legal obligation. They’re not publicly traded anyway, but if they do do so, then we prefer them in our public contracting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, if they’re in the supply chain of larger companies that do have to disclose such social or environmental procurements, and they reach maybe NT$3 million, I think this year, I personally go out and give an award. They’re also listed on the free online catalogue, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’ll help them to promote, to match make them with CSR partnerships, and also encourage the social environmental buying through the Buying Power awards. That’s all in the MSME, the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency. They too are converted to the SDGs. They actually are wearing this T shirt all the time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s rephrasing. You see AIoT -- AI plus IoT -- all the time here. Now they’re saying enabling social impact with AIoT, AIoT for public good, and things like that, and always with this shape. This used to be extremely capitalistic website by the MSME, but now they’ve totally rebranded." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "I imagine there’s some resistance among the traditional small and medium sized companies." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, very much so. That’s why we make it completely opt in. We are not giving tax incentives, otherwise there will be a revolt. We’re not giving tax incentives. We’re only doing match making, cross promotion, and recognition. When the President gives an award, it’s not a monetary prize." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s basically trying to foster a new norm, but there’s no penalty comparatively to people who are not opting in yet." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "It will be a tiny proportion..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a respectable proportion, if you look at new corporations; B corps is a popular choice. It’s relatively good, for them, to align with the niche that they have to prove that they are different from existing market players. For well established MSMEs, that’s true. I think we’re in like two percent or something." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Which goals are you doing really well on? Which ones do you need some help on?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You mean sustainable goals?" }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Of the 17, yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of the 17, I think we’re doing really well in the 17s and the 16s, just by providing the accountability infrastructure to make things happen. Our carbon footprint is really bad, so for climate action, we really need some awareness campaign." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People usually, they think in terms of the 12, like plastic bags, recycling, glass recycling. That they can do really well here, but people are not generally thinking as working against climate change, but just rather a good habit to have." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For climate change, I think we need to take even more drastic and intentional actions rather than just good habits overall." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "I think awareness here of climate change is really quite low." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. It’s almost non existent." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "I’d be interested in a future conversation perhaps to talk about how we could support increasing that awareness." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. There’s a lot of talk about carbon tax, for example, but I think because of lack of awareness, conversely it’s not high on political agenda for many legislators and regulators, just because the people are not clamoring for it." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "That’s what’s made a big difference in the UK, is that people started putting pressure on their politicians and companies started putting pressure." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan doesn’t have a lot of pressure groups specifically for climate change. There’s a lot for environmental protection. Like for the other three, the 6, 14, and 15, they’re extremely vocal, but not so much for the 13s." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The most vocal carbon reduction group at the moment is the nuclear power group." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We cannot just rely on them alone." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, but they’re proposing a referendum." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Do you have some strong ministerial support for the goals?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, across several ministries." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "They’ll help drive some of these through to encourage..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. We aligned the ministry of education through the USR of economy through the CSR and SE reporting. These two are really key. This year, the new development is that the MOFA is fully on board. MOFA has always said leave no one behind, including Taiwanese people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now if you look at MOFA’s Twitter, our president’s Twitter, you see Taiwan can help, and specific SDG numbering on each of the president’s tweets. That really helped creating the awareness." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "What about the regulators, the people who regulate key sectors like telecoms and so on? Are the regulators behind you as much as ministers?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. There’s a two level answer to this. If you look at, for example, the Presidential Hackathon, you’ll see that it’s actually run not by the president’s office but by the main stakeholder councils and ministries." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That means that they do have a stake in getting the SDG message out, or at least sustainable infrastructure message out. That’s two levels. One is that, because in Taiwan we’re choosing this as a brand, in the sense that this open innovation is not a colonizing innovation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a co creative relationship with whatever foreign markets and so on. It serves as good bilateral for social good and not exploitative marking, which is what every ministry is behind also." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, it recruits more people into the ministry’s mission. The young people here, when they partake in something, they ask for the meaning in this. They’re not just doing..." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Why should I do this?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right, exactly. Sometimes, the ministers are hard pressed to give that answer to that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "By using crowdsourcing, and quadratic voting, and so on, they can point to it and say the people are offered this. If you contribute to your community, you get a lot of respect and kudos from the local community, in addition to the profits that you’re going to make. That’s why all the ministries -- not all, but one third of the ministries -- are sponsoring this." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "You’ve got a lot of backing. Well done." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you. Diplomatically speaking, this is a really good message for Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "She loves to bring science and technology to life as well. I think it’s got meaning, whereas it’s sometimes seen as people in white coats do the science, whereas this brings it to life." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When we do our AI training, based on the not abstract cargo things, but rather on actual problems proposed by our MSMEs, like the water detection or whatever, the students know that first, they can find employment really quickly, but also they see this experiment as really relevant to their daily work." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Also, I think you’ve got an industry here in Taiwan which is really strong on measurement and computing, measurements, sensors, that sort of thing. To me, it’s a natural adjunct to industry’s needs as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so. The regulatory sandbox, which we talked briefly when I visited, is getting quite a few high profile cases now. People generally now see that it’s not just experiments, but also consulting entries." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We get a lot of people deploying AI banking, or deploying self driving vehicles, or whatever. They now just go to this one stop website and say if we’re just doing self driving tricycle, maybe we don’t need a sandbox law." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a well trusted source so that people can know exactly which regulations are in the way and then work with us to resolve them. The published cases really help. Previously, these are individual interpretations, but now because it’s all published and made into pretty comics and whatever, then it makes the regulators closer to people, is what we’re saying." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "The results on the President’s Awards day, because it’s all on the Web and visible, English version as well as Taiwanese?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, of course. That’s true of last year’s as well." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "I just wonder whether some have got some international meaning, and not just statistics. Good solutions that work here, could work somewhere else, couldn’t they?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. We do invite all the investors and representatives to the Demo Day. For this year, of course, we’re also looking for international participation. Maybe I’ll talk with TM Forum to see. We do sponsor the travelling from whatever the originating countries they are to Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Has anybody ever told you about Pitch@Palace? Have you heard a little about that or no?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "The Duke of York is one of the sons of the Queen of England. Prince Andrew has been running Pitch@Palace for something like 10 years. It’s not really had an SDGs theme to it yet. It’s had an innovation theme to it." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Typically it picks out some 60 startups a year. He started to do some Pitch@Palace activity overseas." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "For example, I know he is thinking about doing some other Pitch@Palace events outside the UK. What might be interesting to think about is whether some of your winners go and present at Pitch@Palace in London or something like that as part of an award, particularly if they have international potential." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That would be great." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Which season? Is it every year?" }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Typically by November, so it would fit in your July announcement very well. I’ve been involved in some of the judging for it on his behalf before now. I could just ask a few questions and see would they be willing to have some overseas, international presenters. I think they would probably say yes." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "It would be a softer prize if you like for some of the things that you’re already doing. Unless you see any downside to that, I could test it a bit and see what interest there would be." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For New Zealand, what they did is, they call it Lightning Lab GovTech. What they do is basically repackage what the Taiwan team is doing into the local relevance, and work for three months to make sure that it’s co created and that local people can actually understand the Taiwanese technology. They’re not just highlighting Taiwan. They’re highlighting a partnership." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "It seems to me some of the better ideas you are filtering out might have some international potential if they got on the international stage, so why not give them a stage?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you. That’s great." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "I’ll check that out and see what options there are there to see if they are doable. Recently, he did a Pitch@Palace across some parts of Africa -- South Africa, Kenya, I believe. That seemed to work quite well. I’m not sure it can go on tour everywhere in Asia, but if your winners could go to the UK or something like that as part of the prize, that would seem as a sensible thing to do." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Awesome." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "We haven’t talked about telecommunications at all." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "No." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Can I mention that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure, of course." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "To what extent are you bringing the telecommunication side to support the SDGs or to support the president’s prize?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We are very fortunate in one of the leading telecoms, Chunghwa Telecoms, is behind pretty much everything we do. They are, I don’t know, 40 percent owned by..." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "Owned by the government, you mean?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Correct. Of course there is cable, but in any case, they’re complimentary. For example, every year, we hold this Asia Pacific Social Enterprise Summit, and we give out an award called APSIPA. I think it’s still open for registration if you’re interested." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we’re doing is highlighting just like the GSMA partnership you mentioned. Always, the Chunghwa Telecoms is a great partner and a sponsor in making this happen. I’m not as much in touch with FarEasTone. I don’t think we have any partnership with FarEasTone yet." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan Mobile Foundation was supporter of the g0v grants initiative too. They’re more working on the civil society side, but as you can see, the civil society side is powered by both Chunghwa Telecom and Taiwan Mobile. These two are the large ones..." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "You can’t force them all, can you?" }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Things like 5G development. Clearly, it’s in the stage at the moment, as opposed to launch." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, and also local experiments. We’re opening up experimental bands." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Are you encouraging that from your area, or is that led by other parts of government?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s coordinated as always at the Board of Science and Technology, the BOST. My role is mostly to feature one of the early cases of experimentation, telling people that unlike 4G, now we’re saying if you’re a not for profit, you can keep the experiments running indefinitely. Even if you’re for profit, you can allocate half a year to prove both the proof of business as well as the technology." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The sandbox idea is mostly the one I’m championing, but as for the spectrum allocation and so on, the BOST handles that." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "That’s understandable." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "We are due to see NCC later on as well with regard to some of those policy areas. How is this Asia Pacific Social Innovation Partnership working?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is basically we’re saying we’re combining the awards that were previously about specific contributions to environment of inclusive business like a B Corp award and social solidarity into one award. That would be like three categories, three awards each and the special jury prize." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re all SDG-indexed. We invite the judges from over the Asia Pacific, so they are the largest intermediaries in each countries. We form collectively a jury that gives award to partnerships, not organizations." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To enter this, you need to have at least two organizations, otherwise it’s not a partnership. [laughs] Then, we’re recognizing anything that is outside of BAU, the business as usual. The more unlikely the partnership is, the higher score it gets." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a new trial, we haven’t seen any awards specifically targeting unlikely partnerships. But we’re thinking that it would give, first, better press coverage. The media usually love those true stories. Also, it will foster more meaningful relationships between the R&Ds, because otherwise, it feels too much like individual competition within a sector." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But this basically by default brings the cross sector partnerships because if you can make one unlikely partnership, you are of course happy to make another unlikely partnership with someone on that target sector." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’ll give out award of May 11th in Kaohsiung when we had a yearly summit." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "This is Asia Pacific, so how are you involving countries around Asia Pacific?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right, so we’re, as I said, inviting like New Zealand, Australia, and APEC countries to name their intermediaries. Their intermediary send both the judge and also, because they’re intermediary, they know the potential partnerships in their own country. Basically, it’s a comparison between what transpired the previous year in all those different jurisdictions." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Did it have many entries last year?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is the inaugural one, this year. We’re inviting all these people over and I’ll head the jury committee. Basically make acquaintance to all these people at once and talk about, maybe some of them will bring 5 or 10 or 11 cases from their respective jurisdictions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a new design, may or may not work. It’s exciting." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Innovative. It’s the first year. You don’t know, do you? Do you say the awards are in May?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "Have any entries come in already?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. I haven’t read through them all. I think in a week or two, we’re doing a preliminary screening. I think they’re still open for application. It’s not really ended yet. I think there’s exactly 24 hours..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...till the application process. We’re prohibited from seeing the entrants." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "Would those be announced at an event which is a conference, or?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right. APSES, Asia Pacific Social Enterprises Summit. This year, the focus is on...recently I’m seeing inclusion. We’re seeing Tania, and the Malala foundation co-founder." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "There’s lots of that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, the usual suspects. Many of them are actually judges in the APSIPA. While they are coming for the final selection anyway, why not just go on stage and speak something? That’s the plan. This year it’s in Kaohsiung. It has an ocean sustainability theme, and where we also hope to raise more awareness on climate change." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If it’s in Taipei with a view of climate change, the problem is this. [laughs] It’s not feeling as pressing. There’s no agricultural representation there." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Is this location in the south you mean?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. It’s in the south." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "It’s a big city. It’s the third city." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Excuse my lack of geography." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s fine. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Is there anything else we could help you with, that you would find useful?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think just spreading the message of the Presidential Hackathon, of the If you think of some partnership cases that you have encountered in APAC before, maybe use those final 24 hours to let us know, and just generally spreading the word about the new SDG-indexing efforts that we’re doing." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "I think you’ve gone a long way with the SDG-indexing. It seems to me, since the time we’ve met, your number for Taiwan was phenomenal." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "The fact that you’ve got other ministers backing you as well as it being an educational tool, that to me is a real sign of progress." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Can I ask about continuity into the future?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, of course." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "You’ve got an election..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sustainability, yes." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "You’ve got an election coming. Who knows quite what’s going to happen in the next 12 months. Do you have a plan to ensure sustainability?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Which is why we stress that Presidential Hackathon, the social innovation plan, or the open government PO network that we’re building, we’ve got regulations for all of this. It’s part of the system. It’s not a mechanism because I’m here. That’s the short answer to that." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Having a regulation is enough for something to really continue?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, because if the public service feel that it really helps their work, usually they will tell the ministers that, \"This has gotta be kept this way, improved, but not shredded.\" As opposed to if I impose this on political will to the detriment of the ministry’s public servants, then, of course, it will be canceled as soon as I’m not here." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Do you think some of your initiatives are more vulnerable than others, that you’ve got more sustainable buy in in some areas?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No. That’s the way we create our programs. In my office, I don’t give orders to my colleagues. They’re literally one person from each ministry, not all ministries, but from each ministry. What I mean is that, because I don’t score or rank or give evaluations to my colleagues, they have to come up with the programs, convince the other ministries’ dispatches to this office." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Just by doing so in a open, collaborative way, it means that, by default, it’s Pareto improvement. It’s not a sacrifice of other ministries. Because of this co creative environment, our programs are sometimes criticized as slow. Unless we have buy in from each relevant ministries, we don’t roll out anything. Once we roll out something, it’s to the benefit, not detriment, to other related ministries." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "I think SDGs, because they’re UN run as well, will continue irrespective of who’s in power." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All the way to 2030." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Though the conviction and the level of energy going to things can vary." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Sure, that might change. I think if there’s community interest as well as political interest, that community interest will continue unless something’s pulled away and you suddenly stop reporting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Definitely. The outside game really is the main game, which is why I always say we’re just ratifying what the community has proved to be working. Then the backing will be there, which is why we haven’t really done anything that’s top down climate change because there’s essentially no outside game." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "Getting the message out about how well Taiwan is doing on SDG indexing, have a view of that. You’ve obviously had some personal recognition with exceptional..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, we write columns all the time. I just wrote one on [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s another article in the same series from our friends at GovLab in New York, also talking about Taiwan’s social innovation efforts. I think these are really good in the sense that it provides both a context of where Taiwan is located in an international stage, but it also convince the domestic people that we’re not doing this for domestic politics and will continue to do so." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Maybe just through the president’s Twitter, the MOFA’s Twitter. The Minister of Culture has a really strong Twitter presence as well." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "And to your offices around the world." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "Your representative officers, are they out there selling..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. We challenged them to eat something soft and post on Twitter. [laughs] That’s a recent Twitter challenge, and it’s working really well." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "[laughs] Good." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I was visiting Tokyo when they launched the challenge. I just randomly picked up a persimmon from the Tokyo supermarket from Fukushima and just ate it for Twitter, and said, \"Gekiuma -- it tastes great.\"" }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "This is an issue between Taiwan and Japan. Taiwan doesn’t import products from the Fukushima area." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. The Japanese people, of course, loved it, and I recommended to them some more persimmons from HsinChu, so it’s bilateral you see." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "I think the Sustainable Development Goals are a great leveler between many nations. If you can do other things to communicate issues about Japanese foods, even better." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so. It takes away the usual tension around developing and developed nations because it’s now common goals." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "That’s good." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s useful in Taiwan because we’re just reimagine ourself from developing to developed. SDG is the kind of natural progression. Which side you’re on doesn’t really matter. It’s a common goal." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "That’s great. We’ve got lots of companies who are with us this week, and we need to go and support them the rest of this week. They’re here to actually learn from what happens here in Taiwan as well, but you’ve described lots of things we could learn from today about SDGs and how you’re using them." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Some of the companies who are here this week obviously want to collaborate as well, and we’ll see how that goes. Some of them are in that field of Internet of Things. Some of them are in the field of data. Some of them are in the field of big data analytics, for example. Sometimes, people don’t understand each other until they talk about it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "How much more are you doing on social media now as a government? Have you really stepped that up?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so. Our premier basically is making cute videos literally every day now, [laughs] and very interesting. They’re designed for mobile phone users who are set on mute, so every frame as the really large fonts that jumps to your face. [laughs] The thing is it’s really good." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I had to redo my style of communication because of the premier’s example. My Twitter posts now look like this, and you don’t have to turn on sound to see what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the fifth anniversary of Sunflower Movement. All the archives are being put into National Museum of History. We’re doing a show on post war social movement in Taiwan commemorating this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s really stepped up, and we’re also making very intentional response videos to popular issues and trending issues. What we’ve discovered is that if we respond within an hour, using such convincing video thing, then disinformation doesn’t have that much room to grow. This is more viral than disinformation." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Your premier is putting stuff out on Facebook?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LINE. It’s multimodal, you see. [laughs] I think the president’s YouTube channel gets really popular now because she’s collaborating with popular You Tubers, like YouTube personalities. There’s a really close relationship to the most prominent YouTubers, easily in the millions of views." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "I really hope that Twitter takes off in Taiwan. Despite Audrey’s excellent efforts, unfortunately, it’s all about Facebook here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right. Domestically, it’s all about Facebook and LINE." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Twitter’s not so good for ideographic characters?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Well, I think Twitter is still very useful in the MoFA system because all the different TECO and TECROs are conducting the Twitter diplomacy now. It will set an example. I think, gradually, people will come over the Twitter. For domestic communication, of course, Facebook is 90 percent, and LINE is maybe 9 percent." }, { "speaker": "Yi Fang Lee", "speech": "Instagram is popular now." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right, Instagram, too, yeah, but they’re Facebook so..." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "Yeah, you could use Instagram in the UK. Well, I’m not in my 20s [laughs] but certainly, a lot of 20 year olds I speak to, they don’t really go on Facebook. It’s all Instagram and maybe Twitter. Twitter in the UK is a bit more work and Instagram is a bit more personal." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Facebook in the UK is more f the oldies, in their 30s." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "[laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Yi Fang Lee", "speech": "Yeah, it’s the same here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. Yeah, I think it’s because of the cross pollination of the multimodel, you know, communication. We’re not all shooting like square videos and things like that because, really, it doesn’t...It has a real advantage in that whether it’s portrait or landscape mode, it reads equally well. We’re amping up the social media." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Well, look advanced to me...I think..." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Oh, I think it’s increased a lot in the last..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Since the election." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Yes, the last six months." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Since the election." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "The government’s use of social media. The sense was the message wasn’t getting out there enough." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right, and also I think that one part of the reason is not just the election but also the response cycle. Previously, we count in terms of working days, like, one working day or two working day, and when the new premiere came, he said, \"No, it’s calendar days. It’s actually calendar hours.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Each ministry is pressured to respond and counts the calendar hours that sends a kind of major misinformation phenomenon versus this kind of video. Now they start at six hours but the better ministries are now at three hours or two hours." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Have you had to do anything about fake news?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s part of our response." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Right. Responding more quickly, you’re killing fake news in some ways." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right. Before it even reaches the news media when it’s still disinformation, we just respond when it’s still this disinformation. There’s also a lot of g0v projects around that. There’s a co fact. It’s not gender biased because if you refresh, it’s a different person every time. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, it’s like WhatsApp. It’s a bot on the Alliance system. If you add it as your friend and you see misinformation or disinformation, you can just forward it to the bot, and the bot gets back to you whether it’s fake or not. As part of the reporting, just like flagging spam, it basically gets all the information on a publically trending database so we can see the most trending misinformation or disinformation campaigns even before they reach public media." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That really is good because otherwise, people will see it when it gets mutated into a really viral form. Now, we get to see it whenever they’re in a not so viral, just misinformation form. When this happens, then we can basically work with Taiwan fact checking TFCC, which is, again, another independent really not government sponsored center." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They look at the most viral ones, and then basically make sure that...What’s small lobsters? It’s not a lobster, whatever. [laughs] OK. Yeah, then they put a this is wrong stamp and share the investigative reporting they make on this particular misinformation. Once they do that, I think in June, Facebook will announce that anything that’s classified as wrong here will get less visibility on the Facebook feed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They will still show it if you only have that one friend. If you have other friends, they prefer to show news from other friends. That’s like sorting spam into the junk mail folder. It’s not technically censorship. If you have too much time, you can still see it but by default, you don’t see it. If you see it, just like spam that’s indicated as spam, potentially junk mail, Facebook will also show information that this has been checked by the TFCC. It’s probably false. Click here to know more." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s kind of a full circle back into the social media where it gets from." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "How is the TFCC funded to do this?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "By individual crowd funding. They refuse to accept large donations from pretty much anything and no donation at all from parties or politicians, crowd funded." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "So it’s crowd funded by rich individuals or with rich individuals?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, that’s right." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "You say that the government’s pushback on misinformation is faster and more effective now." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "This is something that has been happening for a very few, well, a couple of months or so. It’s a bit early to say perhaps. Can you say that you’ve faced a really testing example of this information..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, the Pomelos case for sure. Just prior to the legislator election a few weeks ago, there was a particular case about fruits being dumped into water." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "A reservoir, yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think there really were because the Council of Agriculture literally responded within one hour, so the rumor was discredited within the same news cycle. I think that...Because they’ve been testing this message not through popular media but on social media already, people are already aware that something like this is likely to happen. When that message gets to the public media on the television, the COA already has all the data and packages that they’re ready to make it public." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "The COA..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Council of Agriculture." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The COA by that time already assembled a team of communication experts, of people who write short sound bites and things like that. They were able to put together something really convincing really quickly. It doesn’t actually affect the election, at least not in a negative way. In any case, yeah, it makes this disinformation backfire." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "It surely shouldn’t be a party political issue." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not a party political issue per se but usually, people make such misinformation claims to discredit the current Council of Agriculture." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Right." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s a very popular target for misinformation campaigns." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Does this mean government departments are getting bigger budgets for common specialists and digital specialists because it costs money to..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, and the COA has one of the largest -- if not the largest -- budget across the ministries. Some people are now criticizing they allocate too much taxpayer money to professional communication teams. To me, it’s necessary." }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Yes, unfortunately, it is. If you lived in a world where there wasn’t misinformation washing around, then we wouldn’t need to spend so much on getting the right information out with such speed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In a timely fashion, yeah, that’s right." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "Do we know where the Pomelos story came from?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. It’s an interview from Chung T’ien Television on a local farmer, and the local farmer basically just made this up. Of course, all the supporting pictures, materials, and whatever, it’s not necessarily from that farmer alone, but it was triggered by that interview." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "Yeah. Interesting." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "It was obviously a big event. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Andy Pittam", "speech": "[laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Catherine Nettleton", "speech": "Pomelos are very, very big here." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "Yes, I do think we need to wrap up as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, we do need to do wrap up." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "We thank you very much for a very interesting overview. That’s fantastic. I’ve also seen a lot of progress since we last met so well done." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Mike Short", "speech": "I’m going to look to see what I can do about feedback from the Pitch@Palace to see if something can be done rewards wise. Let’s see how the SDGs reporting is progressed, because I need to see UK up here. Certainly you’ve given some interesting thoughts around social media though, prompt me to do little work when I get home." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Indeed, machine translation from press release to Reddit speak is also something that’s worth looking into." } ]
[ { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "大家好,我們開始進行今天的會議。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們這一個案子有做一些訪談,包含勵馨、兒福聯盟、劉淑瓊老師,我們其實也有瞭解一下衛福部目前的狀況。先請法務部來報告一下目前到時你們可能會講的東西。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "有關於簡報的部分,我們會後會針對法務部的部分說明。因為有連署提案,希望能夠將殺害16歲以下卑親屬的人施以無期徒刑,就PPT的部分,我們承辦的同仁,可能會提一些方向跟政策。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "最主要的部分可能會切開來處理,如果是前端,也就是案件漏接,沒有進到我們兒少保護的高風險案件,而產生兒虐的案件,這邊應該是社政要處理的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,依照目前所看到的數據,在105年劉老師有接受衛福部的計畫,探討123件的案件,發現有六成五是漏接的案件,發現這個數據有七成的案件是爸爸媽媽殺害子女,所以我在想說前端案件減少漏接是衛福部要處理,親職端是教育、衛政、社政來做,這個部分要請部會來說明,就後端有沒有修法的必要,以及部裡面的政策,對於兒虐的部分做哪一些努力,是不是可以分三至四點來說明,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接下來是不是請衛福部幫忙說明一下目前報告的方向。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "針對劉老師重大兒虐的研究,大概有一半以上的案件,之前沒有進到通報系統的,這一些沒有通報系統的案件,絕大多數都是六歲以下的孩子,在前端預防相關的服務,是這一次應該要強化兒童保護的重點。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "在目前剛好搭配收容人的計畫,廣佈社會的點,在還沒有進到兒虐之前,能夠經由一些家庭的支持、福利的支援來托住家庭。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "在6歲以下主動關懷的方案,這一些方案其實塞有七大類重要的一些可能風險性比較高的案件,在這一些網絡裡的人就會到社政單位觀察,或者是受刑人等等的七大類案件,經由社工訪視之後可以篩出來。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "醫事司有關於兒童醫療照顧網絡,希望可以強化基層醫療,對於這個兒童保護案件的敏感度,希望出生的新生兒如果可行的話,可以有專責的醫生,就前面的預防來著手。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "有關於這個案件進到通報的網絡系統當中,希望可以不漏接案件,所以目前有一個集中災害中心,希望這個案子進來之後能夠經過風險預警的評估,讓案件在處理的時效、密集度上可以更有力掌握這個案件。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是不是可以請教育部分享一下?" }, { "speaker": "葉宏彥", "speech": "教育人員發現疑似兒虐案件,兒少法在24小時完成社會安全網關懷通報,並且啟動校園三級機制,有關於幼兒園的部分,請另外一個同仁補充。" }, { "speaker": "鄭雅文", "speech": "有關於幼兒園的部分,有看到私立幼兒園通報比例比較低,補助各縣市政府辦理兒童少年保護辨識;還有幼兒園種子教師工作坊讓這一些教保服務人員讓敏銳度提升,以增強他們的職能。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "請內政部分享一下你們當天會報告的方向。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "警政跟教育一樣,有特別針對警政人員辨識兒虐的教育訓練,去年度也有跟長庚醫院合作,請醫師來教我們,辨識疑似兒虐案件,我們也有製作教育訓練手冊、影片,提供員警教育訓練使用。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "除此之外,對於前端預防兒虐的部分,我們自106年起即開始推動毒品治安顧慮人口子女關懷工作,對於育有未滿12歲子女的毒品治安顧慮人口,經由員警查訪瞭解小朋友受照顧的狀況,小朋友受顧狀況不良或者是親職功能不佳的話,我們就會通報主管機關來處理。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "另外,目前本署正配合法務部辦理重大兒虐案件的及早介入規劃,不只檢察官,如醫院、社政單位通知,我們都會及早介入調查,以上。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "非常感謝大家的說明。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我稍微說明一下目前整理的議題長什麼樣子,這個是目前整理議題的脈絡,其實他們建議的是修法,也就是殺害16歲以下直系子親、繼親者來達到嚇阻力量,他們其實是希望如何有效預防殺害直系子親。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第一個想法是加重罰責以增加嚇阻效果,其實這一種激情犯罪,懲罰效果有限,像劉老師的研究,六成對於兒童發展缺乏億認知,四成因應壓力或衝突能力不足,還有1/3遇到心情沮喪或憤怒時,缺乏自我控制能力。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "預防並沒有這個說法,預防當事人再犯,或者是特別預防理論,或者預防一般犯罪,其實針對還沒有犯罪的罪行處罰是不太公平的,一般的預防理論,把其他人的罪責課予在其他人身上,課予不對等的刑責,其實某個程度在施法上也是很不公平的事。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實某個程度,現行法律對於殺害少年及兒童的犯罪已經有加重刑罰規定,對於犯罪情節特殊的案件會情輕法重的問題,這個是法務部在議題分析表裡面的說法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "只是我們在訪談當中兒福聯盟有提到一個問題,就是司法判決沒有回應社會期待,他們認為社會看到這個是相對憤怒,司法判決輕判讓大家覺得很憤怒,但是我們在訪談的時候,其實大家有聽到另外一件事,現在的媒體報導對於有些案件是過於片面跟片斷,並沒有更具體把司法的判決內容做出來,所以當天我們會議的時候,某個程度上,我們已經請衛福部來做persona,已經有兩個做出來了,我們會看具體的案例長什麼樣子,在討論的時候就會有比較具體的想像。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這一個部分的說明,是不是可以看法務部在報告的時候可以收到這一些東西,然後可能用稍微口語的方式來說明。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "這個部分很難幫司法院回應,因為這個部分檢察官是一個這樣的角色,起訴之後,重大矚目案件,檢察官一定會求刑,公訴檢察官也會蒞庭求刑,法官要不判,其實是個案上的權限,能不能回應社會的期待,我們很難回應這一題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個我理解,是不是可以稍微說明一下,「恐有情輕法重無裁量空間之問題」?像之前蓋被子,小孩子翻身蓋到口鼻了,你幫他蓋被子,你是殺害直系卑親屬了,媽媽就無期徒刑了,小孩沒有人照顧了。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "是希望我們舉例的方式?會限縮法官的裁量權嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "就是限縮的部分要說清楚。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "我們簡單舉例。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "因為這一句話很難想像什麼,你用具體的例子,大家就可以比較清楚,這樣子好像怪怪的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們跟大家說明一下,施虐者或者是這個案件的樣態是什麼,這個地方如果可以的話,衛福部請分享一下劉老師的數據,可以挑一些比較代表性的,像施虐者的狀況怎麼樣,家庭的樣態有哪一些問題,或者到底是什麼樣因素,讓施虐者痛下毆打小孩或者是有一些不當的行為,到底是什麼東西?是不是哭鬧不止,吃飯不吃飯,睡覺不睡覺,大小便亂尿?" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "我們放在重大兒虐死亡的案件來講?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "統計的數據滿有意思的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你剛剛請法務部舉的例子要謹慎,不要舉錯例子,反而激怒提案人,變成我在講這個,你在講那個。那個是不一樣的事情,蓋棉被很顯然不是提案人的標的。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "我知道,我們會審慎。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "對不起,我可能舉例舉錯了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個是劉淑瓊老師提供給我們的分析。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "可以提供給法務部嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "可以。他們有提到三成案件是高風險,處理的案主九成是六歲以下,八成是三歲以下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個地方的意思是,在發生虐待以後要投入成本,其實前端投入成本已經差不多了,還不如在前端先預防,讓他先不會受傷,這個要先評估的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "像年輕生子,缺少很多部分。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "還有一個是致死類型,像身體虐待等等。毆打致死是最多的,像不適當的照顧者、管教致死等。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "六成的施虐者,他可以待到親職教育如何落實。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "遇到心情沮喪或憤怒,就可以連結到社工的部分,或者是平常的教育。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "情緒教育。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "教養態度的問題,這個代表的是文化上的問題,像對為人父母、責任不清的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "遇到困難時求助的對象,像三成是自己想辦法解決,去找政府其實是相對少的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們建議如果可以的話,衛福部可以幫忙挑一些案件讓大家比較容易瞭解,再搭配persona帶出來,跟我們之前的訪談是類似的,之前有提到一件事,你對於這一個案子有全面的瞭解,就越知道如何介入是最有效,而且又不會讓小孩子受傷再懲罰,這樣是來不及的,我們在前端就把它處理掉,這個是最重要的一個因素,可能麻煩法務部、衛福部。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不知道有沒有什麼建議?如果像類似這樣的報告方向?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我必須坦誠,這一次衛福部的責任可能比較重,因為很多工作都落在你們這邊,包含議題的範圍,這一次的議題其實也連結到行政院推出來的強化社會安全網的作為,裡面到底怎麼去強化社工等等,我們等一下會再繼續帶到這一塊,看衛福部如何補充說明。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個地方如果真的要預防,第一個是要如何發現高風險的家庭。建立高風險家庭有哪一些樣態,像家庭暴力、經濟來源穩定,有的小孩其實有特殊照顧需求,但是父母不承認,像過動,而小孩是承認過動,其實是歧視、丟臉,然後不帶去就醫,這樣小孩的狀況更嚴重。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "因為小孩有特殊照顧需求,父母受不了就用打的,然後就介入這個,就說以前也是這樣子被打大的,我也是很孝順我的父母,為何現在不行,這個要如何解決,這個是我們社工遇到的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再來,這個家庭常常是邊緣或者是支持系統比較少,也就是照顧者缺位,造成一些疏忽照顧,又或者是非期待的小孩,這個其實是滿常出現這樣的結果,還有社會壓力,像社會壓力反而常常出現在中產階級的壓力。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "虐待也不一定是身體的虐待,有時是精神的虐待,像鄭捷是非常好的案例,鄭捷是在社會壓力下虐待而導致出來的人格,那個時候,老師有特別提到一件事,中產階級最容易量產出隨機殺人的事件,在各個國家都不一樣,我們現在並沒有找到一個方式來處理,鄭捷很可惜的是很快就被槍決了,來不及做研究為何會這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "像日本有非常多關於隨機殺人魔的研究,這個是我們目前,我相信也是大家遇到的難題,也就是這一種家庭,社會的狀況越來越多。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "「社會壓力」是誰給誰的壓力,這一張卡要不要稍微說明一下?不然「社會壓力」大家想的主詞、受詞不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們稍微改一下好了。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "你舉鄭捷的例子,你指的是父母親的社會壓力?我不是很清楚「社會壓力」是社會給鄭捷的壓力,然後用精神方式來虐待鄭捷?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這一種父母是高成就的,沒有辦法忍受自己的小孩是低成就,用各種方式,讓他可以考比較高分或者是望子成龍。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "鄭捷跟兒虐有什麼關係?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是屬於精神樣態的一個。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "那一天要舉例不要講這兩個字,把那兩個拿掉其他人還是聽得懂,不然大家就會想到連這個你都可以辯護,就偏離主題了,你剛剛已經講得很完整了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "好,那就是心理虐待兒童。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "如果是這個狀態,被虐待的是對子女的精神虐待。我的意思是,跟兒虐高風險家庭好像比較沒有關係,可能是一些其他的高風險家庭,這個好像跟兒虐比較沒有關係。或者我們講「高風險家庭」的時候並不會分是不是造成兒虐?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們之前在做高風險家庭的時候,會覺得這個是比較低層、弱勢的人,比較容易成為兒虐的狀態。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "但是社會越來越先進,其實包含刑法第286條的修法,也把心理的虐待放進去,所以其實大家也在改變對於兒虐的認知,不只身體、也包含心理。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "其實在家庭成員間的侵害,當然包含父母對小孩,家暴的部分,包含身體上、精神上,現在經濟上的虐待都在內。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我聽懂Mark的問題,這邊是要建立高風險家庭的樣態,這個是辨識的過程,我們放這個卡片,每一個卡片都是5%、10%的人,群體比較容易鎖定,不可能50%的人是高風險,這樣的辨識是失敗的,一定是100人裡面辨識3個5個,這樣才有執行的意義。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "Mark的意思是把所謂的中產家庭、高學歷也視為高風險,這樣是不得了,大學教授都放進來,你可能佔總人口的30%,執行上做不到,因為你的鎖定就不夠精確。另外,你的資源就沒有辦法很精確到位,這個是實務上會遇到的問題,你可以放很大,每個人都是潛在的,哪怕是我也是潛在的,但是你放這麼大,相對於你要鎖定的人,這個注意力就分散了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "但是說得很小,也會有一個效應,會變成「他者」,會覺得那一些人……" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "但是「中產階級」四個字太大了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "不是應該要精準嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "「中產階級」的定義就是鐘型曲線中間的那一塊,這絕對是5、60%,這個是統計學的基本原理。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "老師提醒我們,這樣的人是我們要支持的,但是我們忘記了,另外一邊產生的問題,其實也是很嚴重的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我不知道大家的看法是怎麼樣,其實我都可以,如果大家覺得這個放補充,不要放在高風險家庭裡面那也可以,我不知道衛福部怎麼看這一件事?" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "心智圖到時候會對外呈現嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "會。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "建立高風險的樣態是要提醒民眾這一類的案子是高風險嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "就我們訪談裡面,高風險的家庭大概會有這一些不一樣的特徵。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "你們有什麼建議?你們不建議這樣做嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "劉老師這邊就有幾個,像施虐者的特質,像對兒童的發展、認知比較缺乏的知能,還有四成是因應壓力跟衝突能力不足,1/3是遇到沮喪比較缺乏自我控制的能力,這一些樣態可能是散在各個階層的,或者是各種類型的,我不曉得如果假設我們是用這個來呈現,然後回應針對兒童的知能不足,然後要再發展什麼內容?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "應該是這樣講,就政府的角度來講,當你認定一群人是高風險家庭,你就要提供他支持或者是輔導,所以剛剛劉老師講的,或許學術上有她的意義,但是對政府的統計來講,今天衛福部假設全臺灣有500萬對的父母,像經濟來源不穩定,這個可以從統計上看得出來,像從報稅資料。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我現在隨便舉例,比如是有沒有酗酒,可能會有紀錄,不用去面對那個人就可以篩選出來,那個我們對實務執行上才會有意義,不然每一對父母,你怎麼知道我的情緒管控有沒有問題?你絕對不可能知道,一定是打了小孩才知道,因此那個是結果。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我覺得那個是因素之一。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你怎麼知道誰是情緒管控的問題?但如果我們認為收入低是高風險,就可以抓出來。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "你是不是要連到後面?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們是要連結到persona,對這一些家庭有全面的認知之後,就會瞄準如何預防,公私協力如何確認,或者是辨識這一種高風險的家庭,然主動發現,一起幫助政府來指導一些支持,比較像這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我知道這個地方有一點危險,這其實有一點化成他者的感覺,好像只有你們才有這個問題,我們就不會有這個問題,而這一件事反而是危險的一件事,因為這等於是我們在劃分,比如你活該,我不會跟你要的感覺,那一條線其實我個人是比較遲疑,就是我們到底要不要畫到這一條線。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "如果高學歷也是高風險,或者是中產階級也是高風險,我們根本沒有辦法解釋。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "但是我們沒有辦法解釋說情緒不穩定一定是高風險。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們的統計能不能支持?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "部分這樣講。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "如果要回到證據佐證的話,哪一些是統計數據,幾%可以看到這個是風險因子,純粹就經濟來講,比例好像沒有這麼高,但是有一些因素還是複合性,並不是單一的,可能是因為經濟有困境,更容易引發家庭暴力的衝突,這樣風險就會更放大。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個部分有建議要怎麼做會比較好?像可以拿劉老師的東西來講好了,也就是他的統計都放上去,這樣就好了,這個是一個方法,像劉老師的研究。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "確實很多也是複合性的因子,像照顧者缺位,我們家也是。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "我的想像是你好像要引導到,殺害子女的家長是要被幫助的人,並不是要致於死地,因此要呈現他所處的情境、需要被幫忙的地方,像沒有工作、收入不穩定、壓力很大,所以會發生家庭的衝突。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "因此這一類叫做「高風險家庭」,好像不應該這樣子定義它,很容易被標籤化,是不是從劉老師的研究當中,有看到幾個情況、情境,相較於容易發生這一種嚴重傷害的兒童,我們看到其實這一些人或者是問題,如果我們透過一些資源來幫助他們,然後降低所謂家庭的壓力,或許這樣的事件是可以被避免發生。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個地方再補上劉老師的數據好了。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "衛福部沒有相關的統計數據嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "那個是衛福部的統計數據。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "有沒有評估指標?" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "現在改成脆弱家庭。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "還是那七項嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "大家講說這個家庭有精神照顧者的精神疾病,但是會影響到孩子受照顧之虞,可以避免掉一個人有精神疾病,就說你是兒虐的精神家庭,這個是標籤,因此最後要連結到,有沒有因為這個因素而導致照顧孩子時會照顧不周或者是疏忽或者是虐待。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實也回應我剛剛所說的,可能講得不精確。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "結論是用劉老師報告的數據。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "大家有建議哪一頁比較好嗎?還是要用「強化社會安全網的七大指標」,有一些是家庭特質,有一些是施虐者的特質,還有教養態度,我們有一點不太確定放哪一個比較好,之後再跟衛福部討論一下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們先留著,因為這一塊確實是比較麻煩的地方,我們也不希望開會之後,會覺得隔壁戶看起來很窮,就可能會產生兒虐。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "本來就是這樣……" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "我們認為有可能會發生兒虐案件的情形比例偏高,我們知道納入高風險家庭,我們要提供服務進來,社會資源進來,其實社工的資源會太浮爛,以至於沒有辦法用在刀口上等於沒有服務,其實我們擔心的是這一個。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "專委的意思是,用什麼樣的方式來辨識高風險的家庭又不貼標籤,這個可以再集思廣益。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我的意思也是這樣子,也不是辨識,也就是瞭解到家庭需要重建。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "就是需要服務介入。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們先往下走好了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "一個是「殺子自殺較難預防」,有6歲以下弱勢兒童的部分,這個部分有1957、男性關懷專線,113被別人打,所以我們大概是放這樣子,其實我們之前訪談有提到,所以也許我們到時候會議上,這可能是一個可以討論的東西。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「16歲以下的孩童定期身心健康檢查」,這個是提案人提出來的說法,看大家有沒有要回應的?不然衛福部要回應這個,我們再放上去,這看起來成本比較高,是不是?" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "是強制性的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "如果是的話,6歲以下比較重要,因為老師做出來是6歲以下可能性比較高。但是6歲以下如何就醫、強制執行是比較困難的。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "在學學生是每一個學期都有健康檢查,只是檢查的項目比較一般,如果認為加入心理評估,在現有的機制下有可能加進這個部分嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "應該問教育部,能不能加進去。" }, { "speaker": "葉宏彥", "speech": "這個不是我們業管,不太清楚。是有人會專職輔導,因此要問特別的人。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "像社區通報的部分,像有里長主動通報。另外一個是鄰居主動發現撥打113,目前這個是很大的問題,這個是這次討論的其中一個題目,社區其實根據之前的訪談,國外兒虐的部分,社區的網絡支持是非常重的一塊,但是臺灣的社區網絡好像建不太起來,衛福部就這個部分有沒有要幫忙、邀請大家討論或表達意見的?" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "社區網絡已經有進來了,像里長、里幹事、公寓大廈管理委員也算是責任通報委員,你要回到更基層,像社區組織成立守望相助隊,這個是在內政部,我不知道社區的守望相助隊要成立的時候,要做相關訓練的時候,也有兒童保護的一些觀念,或者是在巡守的時候可以幫忙多注意。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "其實也可以從教育端,對於家長、親師會的時候也可以做這樣的宣導,也就是可以從多元的管道。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是不是請內政部、教育部幫忙?也就是守望相助隊成立時,也就是巡查的時候,聽到不對勁的時候通報?" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "其實我們就是這樣做。但是我們看不到在這部分有重大的展獲,巡歸巡,但是實際出現是看不見的,因此如果要把它實現或者是具體成為一種可行的方案,其實是有困難度的。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "也有單位提到如果這樣的話,如果村里長舉報兒虐或者是高風險家庭的通報,給他們一些獎金,讓他們有責任心通報,但是衛福部在修法的時候,就說這個東西是他們的義務,反而給他們獎金,扭曲原意,也就是有獎金才會通報,因此這個部分有經過討論。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "就社區的部分,我認為在宣導方面再注入能量,我們瞭解民政司跟警察做的努力都是在預防宣導方面,會邀請鄰里幹事及居民來做宣導,請大家也是多注意左鄰右舍的狀況,一遇到有兒虐或者是家暴情形的時候,我們立即通報私人機關,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "沒關係,我們先補充到這個地方。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "親師會的部分?" }, { "speaker": "葉宏彥", "speech": "我們依照家庭教育法第12條,也就是高級中等教育學校每一學年在正式課程外來實施,會同家長會來辦理,這個是各級學校都有在做。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我有一個建議,其實內政部的同仁講得很清楚,如果只是我們在這邊把卡片貼一貼,對於問題一點幫助都沒有,現在原本做就有在做了,但是剛剛已經舉出一個很具體的,我是鄰里守望相助的人,但沒有誘因,我們為何要這樣做?實務上大家在想如何互動,如果沒有解決這個問題,就只是把這個卡片貼上去,變成我們自己打字爽的,因為你沒有解決他的問題,你給他什麼誘因?現在都在宣導、已經講了,再講一次就可以,難道我們覺得這樣就夠好嗎?你解決什麼問題?剛剛已經講了,誘因不足。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "補上去,就是「誘因不足」。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "我覺得通報這一件事要用誘因來通報,我覺得倒不如反映出,兒少有自主性、身體自主性,如果遭到不當對待的時候,是不是可以容忍?整體文化應該不贊成體罰的制度,如果贊成的時候,就會遇到管教、虐待的差別在哪裡,也許這一個爸爸他認為是在管教,但是其實已經在施行虐待之實了。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我常常回家的時候,看到守望相助巡,我講一個場景就好了,如果我是守望相助隊,聽到這一棟大樓二樓小孩哭得很大聲,我沒有誘因,誰會上去按電鈴?你會嗎?你講的我都同意,但是你去問守望相助隊,你問他,他也會說虐待不好,但二樓哭得很大聲,你會進去嗎?誰會做這一件事?" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "為了獎金就會去按嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "可以看看現狀到底是如何。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "以前內政部有做過,有一個婦人,就是有一個壞人要帶走小孩,就要去做介入,然後制止那個小孩被壞人帶走,後來內政部有針對這樣的行為頒了一個獎章給他,有沒有什麼因為你的通報,你救了一個孩子,政府就會給你什麼樣表揚,你做這一件事很有榮譽感。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "目前民政司為了鼓勵鄰里長通報,如在這一方面著有績效的話,可以列入優良社區評鑑的表揚,但是這樣的表揚榮譽感是否可以促成勇於通報,仍有待評估。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "從最近「私刑正義」的潮流來看,民眾看到兒虐案件,每個都忿忿不平,要追打教訓施虐者,但是要他們舉發,他們敢嗎?在網路上,大家都可以很恣意批評,但是若施虐者就住在隔壁,有誰敢冒著被報復的風險勇於舉報呢?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這個是很實際的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們昨天跟衛福部有討論到,這個是其中一個方向,也就是你的家人自己在打小孩,到底如何介入?我們有什麼介入的方式?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個是我們當天討論的部分,如果可以的話,我們就補充到這邊。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再看一下一些解法,「通報救了小孩,有沒有表揚?」。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果有任何要補充或者打得不對齊要跟我說,像醫療人員對於兒虐的警覺性不足,我們在訪談當中都有被提到,像社區的診所通報有被報復的疑慮,這個到底要怎麼辦?家長還是知道,因為就是帶小孩去哪裡擦藥,這個也是我們當天討論時的一個點,不知道衛福部有沒有要分享一下?" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "針對通報人員是保密的,如果有人問起,這個是不予透露。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "當然有提到的是,如果本身自己擔心通報,會不會有被報復的問題?其實跟教育人員很像,因為有時通報的時候,這一件事老師知道,但是老師很擔心通報出來,會不會找我來算帳?實務上現在學校的做法是,並不是以個人來做通報,當然通報是某一個人,但是代表某一個學校的代表來做這一件通報,而且沒有通報是會被罰的,有些學校很清楚是要依法通報,直接回應家長。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "但是有些學校說因為通報的人本來就保密的,就看家長要如何論述。就社政單位而言,通報的人是保密的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "大家知道通報的人保密,家長就帶那一間診所看,怎麼想都是那一間診所回報,這個是無解的難題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個是幼兒園,像是私立的幼兒園,他對通報似乎比較不會那麼積極,這個可能是類似的狀況。當然這一塊也可以在會議上點出來,如果真的沒有辦法,那就也沒有辦法,先擺在那邊,因為現狀就是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接著是「醫療與社政、檢警合作」,建立三方的機制,其實在強化安全網有提到,如果當天有提到的話,建議也可以把強化社會安全網的機制拿出來,這個部分有沒有要回應?" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "修法的部分是跟司法有比較密切的合作,處理比較有困難的案件,可以移送給警方,報請檢察官來處理。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個地方我訪談有聽到另外一個問題,像社政單位處理問題的時候,可能證據不夠,當他證據不太夠的時候,找警察幫忙,內政部的警察也比較難介入,當證據不夠,再請檢察官幫忙開門的時候,一樣也是證據不夠,你如果讓他證據不夠也可以開門,好像也是不太對勁。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "上次提到有這樣的問題,但是這一次的修法已經把這個部分補起來了,兒童及少年福利與權益保障法第70條之1的修正草案是在疑似有犯罪行為或兒少有立即危險之虞的時候,社政主管機關可以要求警察強制進入住居所,我先不講後續實行的問題,就目前立法的狀態來講,已經可以解決上次提到的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們訪談的時候,有問到以前曾經發生的狀況,警察、消防人員及社工都在場,這個時候想要開門,結果被問請問門破了以後錢是誰來處理,最後停住了,NGO說自己來處理這個問題,我想知道這個修法有沒有辦法幫警察解決問題?" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "這就是我們跟衛福部所爭執的,救濟要找誰?民眾可能認為是警察開門的就該由警察負責,但是是社政機關請求我們做的,所以後續執行面還有很多要討論的,但是救濟這一塊目前立法是沒有定論。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "理解,這個就先放著。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "因為這個交給民眾討論其實也不一定討論得出來。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "這不是我們現在的討論主題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "幼兒教保員對於案件敏感度比較低,有加強宣導是教育部的回應,24小時「社會安全網」的部分,有一些三級輔導措施……" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個是社工處遇,這邊有包含家庭處遇計畫,現行部分家長對於社工的處遇較為抗拒,目前社工可以進行訪視、調查及處遇時,相關人員要應予配合,執行上是比較麻煩的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "當然會希望強化親職教育落實、發展到宅式親職教育,後面這一點我們訪談有提到,社工發現需要親職教育,是帶著老師去那邊,在家庭那邊教小孩,其實在那個地方教小孩的幫助是最大的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接著是研發相關親職教育素材等等。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "除了這個以外,還有其他的服務,像親職教育、心理諮商、喘息服務,像現在人力不夠、資源不夠是現在的問題,各個單位原來的問題,民間NGO資源相對缺乏,另外一個是有一些是居無定所的狀況,讓社工找不到,像跨縣市的處理是比較麻煩的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "像強化社工手上的工具、強化社工職業訓練,也有人建議在行政院層級成立兒少權委員會,我們在這個地方已經有做一些處理了。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "好像這個部分已經有說明了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們會補一個橘色的部分。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "居無定所的部分,之前已經立法處理了,就是會請警政協助處理,會請檢察官來協助,若還找不到會請警察協助。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "是指犯罪行為再報告檢察官,因此前提跟你講的有一點落差。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "如果有犯罪嫌疑的才會告訴我們。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "所以並不是全部都告訴你們。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "社工會說找不到孩子本身就是很大的犯罪嫌疑。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "會請警察先找,但是涉有犯罪的狀況,會移給地檢署處理。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "可能到時再把草案、條文的部分先釐清,不然說明的時候會有誤會。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "之後先釐清一下。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "目前已經有條文了,因為最近好像要三讀了,有看好像明天要討論。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "就是兒童及少年權益保障法的部分。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "是立法院現在處理的那一個嗎?" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "是,明天可能會三讀。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "有跟這個案子相關嗎?" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "在講行方不明的時候,到底司法警察跟檢察官什麼時候要介入。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "有沒有關係?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我不確定明天三讀的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "剛剛還有一個東西是社政單位處理困難,就是迫門而入的部分,那個也是民間處理嗎?" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "沒有。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "行方不明的部分,小孩子可能被賣掉或者是死掉了,跟預防面就沒有那麼直接相關,我們今天主要是討論兒虐的預防面,像是兒虐實害要如何做刑事的訴追,這個還是要予以區分。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "所以原來的想像是小孩子被殺害、埋起來了,然後請警察找出來?" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "對,像健保很久沒有繳了,代表這個小孩子可能已經不在人間了,或者是這個身分已經不在人間了,可能是遇害或被賣掉了,這個是後續刑事訴追的問題,不是我們今天所focus的前端預防。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果是這樣的話,我們就放到警政協助處理。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "明天會處理到兒童受虐的部分,跟我們這一案搞不好會有一些相關。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接著是親職教育的部分,有的沒有時間參與親職教育,你的處理方式只剩下罰錢這一條路,但是其實家庭資源是不夠的,你再罰他錢,會更慘的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "沒來參與親職教育的原因是還要工作,因此會變成很奇怪的循環,當然有人提到一個是不來參與親職教育,有理由抓你去關,這樣就比較有誘因,我不確定這個是不是可以好方法,但是也許是當天討論的其中一個議題,也就是親職教育的樣態,請衛福部、內政部在小桌討論的時候幫我們點出來這樣的樣態。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "如果不參加親職教育會?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "像親職教育這個地方會遇到實務上很麻煩的問題,叫他親職教育,結果來的不是施虐者,而是爸爸施虐,媽媽來上課,爸爸沒有聽到也沒有用。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再來,連媽媽也要上班上課的時候,結果回去還罰他錢,他壓力更大,又更容易施虐,結果讓小孩又更危險,該如何是好?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "也有一些解法,包含到宅的教育,像社工老師去他家,這個是一個方法,總不是設了一個課,然後還是上班的時間,然後還上親職教育。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們在訪談兒福聯盟有另外一個方式,有親職教育的老師、褓姆在下班的時間點,像7點的時候到社區那個地方去開課,然後當地的父母可以帶著小孩,小孩給褓姆,然後爸媽去上課,然後有任何的問題可以當場去問老師,小孩也在旁邊,問有什麼問題,看要怎麼處理,這樣子他們發現參與的熱度滿高,像這一種到達社區的服務是比較好的方法,我不知道這個東西當天有沒有辦法討論、落實?" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "親職教育的樣態非常多,像你剛剛講的是其中某一個部分,有一個部分是家長本身阻抗,不認為需要親職教育。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "如果剛剛劉老師的研究顯示,會把孩子虐死,其實有很高的比例是缺乏親職方面的知能,如何要強化這個部分,這個是必要做到的,我們現在進行設計的手段,是不是還有檢討的空間,其實就是上次提出來的,如果這個像國外一樣,是在司法監督之下去執行的。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "我覺得司法監督可以監督兩段:一個是要求被裁定來做親職教育的人要親自來做;另外一段是監督,提供資源是否足夠貼切使用者。因此國內已經避談,司法院覺得可以再多做,我覺得是非常可惜的,如果維持這樣的現況,這個問題不容易對焦,真的不容易找到解決的好方法,因為那個態樣真的太多了。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "如果幼齡親職教育需求,像對孩子有高度期待的過度管教的家長,需要的親職教育一定是不一樣的,那個家長一定是不一樣的,高社經地位者認為是大學博士,怎麼不會教小孩,還要社工來教我,你跟他說親職教育,他會反抗的。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "如果是社區式的,真的對一些弱勢的家長,資源比較不夠,那個親職教育更貼近需求的話,在司法上也可以監督負責提供單位來做。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我知道你們不是司法單位,你們比較熟司法體系可以嗎?" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "我覺得概念很粗糙,你是監督什麼?如果他不去,就判他刑嗎?還是沒有辦法達到他的效果。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "我一直在思考的是,你提供的親職教育為何不願意?第一個是不是時間不夠?或者不願意?我覺得是分兩個層次,如果時間不夠,是不是考慮用別的方式,像在大陸,他們的醫生很少,但是需要醫療的人很多,透過醫療網的線上諮詢,有些人不好意思公開諮詢,私底下透過網上諮詢的方式,願意詢問,像很難處理小孩,比如有亞斯伯格症就願意接受這樣的方式。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "我覺得應該要區別為何這一個親職教育的課程沒有辦法提供?是時間上沒有辦法或者是心理的意願不夠?而不是所有的事情都要司法進來監督,我覺得法律並不是萬能,因為我覺得法院去處理一個人是最後手段,我們常常會用刑罰的手段來處理所有的問題,我要講的是,是不是可以有別的方式,像往上諮詢或者是私下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這兩個不太衝突,你說一個是推力,一個是拉力,他們希望的是用法律推過去,你提到的是另外一個方式,是不是有一個方式用拉力讓他有意願過來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "像「研究不願意配合的原因」是什麼?像線上或電話諮詢窗口、外展服務。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "現在的方式真的是非常多元,還有線上的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "線上什麼?" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "線上學習啊!" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我相信很多人看心智圖會想看。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "問題本來的複雜度很高,不去的是一部分,願意配合的也是一部分,親職教育,也希望家虐兒的父母也可以參與。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "前幾年的時候,立法委員修改過的,以前行政機關有一個裁量權可以決定是不是要命家長來做親職教育,但是後來發現不能給行政機關裁量,如果有裁量的話,家長會有各種不同的因素,像有各種工作的理由等,但是沒有家長接受親職教育的話,很難改變對待孩子的方式,孩子會有繼續受虐的風險,因此行政機關的裁量權取消掉,只要是虐兒的家長,就一律要接受親職教育。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "這個法條在落實上,我覺得確實都是靠行政機關執行,行政機關為了要做到每一個家長都要受教育的話,如果沒有完成的話,後面會有一些行政裁罰,如果要有效果的話,國外有一些家庭,法官把家長請來法院,如果願意配合社工的處遇計畫來接受治療,我們可以看看接受治療的狀況,如果改變的狀況很好的話,就可以把孩子接回去,那個是後面有一個法官,不一定法官出來是罰人家會怎麼樣,會讓人家感覺到這一件事是你做了很多這個行為,是一個很嚴重的問題,因此才會到司法法官介入的地步。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "並不是判你刑,你願意配合社工的處遇,我們會看你被處遇的狀況怎麼樣,你的行為是犯罪的,所以我就只好必須讓你入獄。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "過去成人家暴犯的話,是有效果的,因為感受到對我伴侶傷害的行為是真的會得到一些司法的處置,因此回到家裡之後行為是有一些改變的,並不是什麼東西都要司法,是最後一道防線,並不是希望它有。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們討論了司法體系。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "他講了家暴或者是兒虐的部分,行為人畢竟成年,成年的部分就進入到刑事的司法體系當中,法院能夠做的是量刑參考不然就是在緩刑期間附條件,就是要上處遇計畫,這個部分就是在個案要讓法官知道這個人必須要進行這一些教育輔導的部分,可以讓他在緩刑的條件當中去做,這個當然是在法官的裁量權限,當然是可以的。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "除此之外,法院做更多,那也要有法源依據,您提的部分,我不曉得國外的立法例,不見得是我國的立法例。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "目前的現況,如果小孩需要安置的話,其實社工是需要跟法院做遞狀的動作,那時就會有家事法庭的法官去開庭審理這個案件。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "那個是民事的部分。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "有些法官會決定是核准或者是駁回,國外的處遇狀況,其實法官會站出來跟家長說必須要配合社工的處遇,必須要完成什麼樣的課程、必須多久看孩子一次,法官是比較主導性的去請家長配合相關的服務。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "這個其實是民事的部分,民事的保護令就可以處理這一塊了。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "保護令是緊急安置的部分。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "相關的司法警察也可以申請保護令。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "我講的是可以申請加害人處遇計畫,這個部分是可以提出來討論的,無論這個孩子或者是成年人,他們如果受到家暴,可以申請裁定一些款項,像不得騷擾、毆打,其中有一款是家長處遇計畫,其實比例是偏低的,因此整體來看,如果家暴是有循環,我們是針對加害人處遇計畫,其實國內的推行,也就是法官認知這個需要性上,是可以再來溝通的。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "那個是民事。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "有些會進到刑事,檢察官予以發附條件的命令比例也很低。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "其實很多檢察官非常熱心,會用第31條已經有很多了。我覺得今天提出問題找出解決方法,在緊急安置的部分,法官可以做更多,其實你們可以提議。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個部分要請教一下,要跟法官溝通。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "緊急安置是民事的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外一個相對人是誰?" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "應該是家長事件。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "一方是家長、一方是小孩,是嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "是地方政府,如果要安置孩子。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "申請狀可以附上加害人處遇計畫?" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "是指申請安置的這一件事,我講的是在國外有一些法官會站出來,因為做家事的處理,為了更周全,對於整個孩子家庭概況來做審視處理。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "目前法律沒有授權?" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "不是沒有人被提出來,而是被提出來的時候,司法人員是說做裁判、不介入,是因為這樣的原因而沒有入法,我們很期待司法也可以來參與,因為他們也是扮演了非常重要的角色。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "你們的意思並不是法律並沒有規定,而是司法就算沒有規定,也可以提加害人處遇計畫。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個跟目前法律授權還是留給裁判的權力,還沒有明確提到,加害人處遇計畫……" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "剛剛講的是緊急安置。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "為什麼民眾遇到事情,最後要政府做的事就是修法,然後把法律改得更嚴格,因為得到的回應是沒有收到法律的規定,所以不能做什麼,所以就導到訂修法來訂法律的規定,這個是我們要的嗎?如果我們討論這個案件的時候,很想跟民眾說一些說明,也就是有一些社會問題的處理,不是去立嚴刑峻法,還有一些其他的,但是我們的回應是不能說現在這個法律沒有規定,所以不能做什麼。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "理解,我覺得這個是滿本質上的矛盾。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們先看其他的部分好了,先把這兩塊拿掉。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有關於親職教育的部分,像有一些其他的建議,一個是育兒諮詢員,讓大家可以用電話的方式來詢問小孩問的問題,像還有在地方辦講座,規劃一般父母親職教育形式。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,他們也有提到孕婦產檢、生產的過程中,由有經驗的護士來辨識媽媽的狀況怎麼樣,是不是有及早介入的需求,如果有的話,是不是在還沒有明確拒絕的狀況找社工聊一聊,大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接下來有一個比較麻煩的爭點,也就是安置的部分,其實主持團隊有一些分歧,我覺得安置是可以預防的做法,很多時候出了事情,趕快安置就不會被打死,Mark覺得安置並不是事前預防,你們覺得要放進來嗎?我覺得可以。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "打了第一次之後,安置他沒有第二次,所以打了沒有發生。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "但是還有下一次。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝你盤點這麼多。這其實是太廣了,大家會覺得哪裡是希望可以在協作會議那一天處理,一方面可以切合提案人提出來的動機跟訴求,我們往下討論是可以幫助在場的部會,你們覺得往下討論出一些具體的做法?" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "安置是不是不用提,我們現在是講兒虐前端的預防及後端遇到怎麼樣積極處理,其實安置已經涉及更細的內容了,對於一般的民眾,其實我覺得感受性沒有那麼強。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果大家的意見就這樣,安置就先不處理。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "那就不要列,大家沒有要討論,心智圖就不要列。剛剛心智圖一路講了二十次可以再討論,議題真的太多。應該要有排序,如果大家覺得我們這一場討論如何預防,事前、事後先有一個二分法,東西有一點進展最重要,但不能期待開一場會議就一次解決所有問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我想要提不同的意見是,可以放,但是放在比較遠的地方,有人提到再帶過去,因為我們有準備,至少討論的時候有一點材料,如果他們提到想要討論的時候是可以討論的,並不是我們沒有處理。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "只討論預防,難道這一場就沒有意義了?心智圖看起來太複雜了,誰看得懂,連我們討論起來都這麼吃力了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們沒有要擺在這條線的脈絡裡面,有一點像這一大塊是不會處理,但是先擺著的原因是,這一大塊都是……" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你一準備,人家提到,不得不回應,方向就散了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們印象中比較沒有遇到這一種事。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "為何要準備?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "他要避免開一場研討。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們是要幫助行政機關跟提案民眾釐清最重要的一個問題、兩個問題是什麼,我們只有五個小時。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們擺在旁邊並沒有要碰到,是一個保險而已。這個心智圖並不是今天開完會就算了,之後還會有人來看心智圖,會被公開在網路上。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "就是因為這樣啊!" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "處理這麼多,結果沒有放,人家不會覺得不專業嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "不會,因為我們只針對預防。如果這樣就是不專業,那每一場會議都不專業,因為都不夠全面。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我只是把安置的部分切分出來放在旁邊,遠遠放著就好了,如果有人帶到,我們再來處理就好了,只是我們準備好了,但是你不用,我們會議上就不帶到,只是備而不用,這應該可以吧!" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實備而不用的東西很多,包含重大兒虐處理的流程圖,這個也是備而不用,我是比較建議這樣,這可能是比較好的方式,並不是放著就一定要討論,但是有時討論是真的要帶到的時候,有一個東西是放在後面的地方來當參考的資料。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "那一天預計大家討論比較多的是在哪一串?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們討論的方向是這一些,像公私協力的部分要如何做,像強化社會安全網的部分,做了很多政府間的協調工作,但是民間的力量如何介入進來,這個是滿大的問題,也就是如何建立社區支持網路,這個是一個可以討論的方向,像如何找出高風險家庭、公私協力主動發現。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,針對親職教育的部分,這邊非常多人都有小孩,到底在懷孕的過程中,剛生產時,到底有沒有一些方式去幫助那一些父母的問題,這可能也是討論的部分。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個部分我們自己對的時候,很合理,但是前面聽完介紹脈絡,突然會覺得有一點跳。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "早上是我整理的脈絡。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "我覺得不要太分散焦點,我的想法是,因為前面衛福部會就老師的報告有一些數據出來,我們先決定哪一些數據有可能是影響案件漏接或者是導致兒虐案件主要的數據,像123件當中六成五的案件漏接,或者是有七成的行為人是父母,又比如施虐的原因是因為親職教育不足,我們從這個數據來開展出我們現在覺得兒虐案件的爭點到底在哪裡,我覺得列三、四點之後,我們針對三、四點提出可以討論的按性,比如致力於家庭社會安全網的維護,讓現場比較聚焦,因為只有五個小時,不可能太散漫的討論。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們有請衛福部整理persona。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "但是他的部分跟你的部分要結合在一起,不然會沒有交集。比較有意義的討論是前面三個問題,然後討論的問題去對應每一個可以解決的方案是什麼,這樣才是有邏輯的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我知道。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "你可能要把這個東西歸納,不能太散。像前面的數據帶出三個問題之後,你要把問題放到這三個問題當中濃縮,也就是放到大議題裡面去,不然議題太多,這樣現場的人花掉。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "先的狀況爭點是存在的,但是現在有請他們整理persona,我們把這幾個爭點具體成樣態,然後有一個具體的想像才可以對焦到什麼地方介入。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實衛福部提供了兩個persona都很不錯,我覺得這個是可以討論的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "一個是吸毒的狀況,經濟收入、家庭暴力歷史、如何發現與介入、政府協助所面臨的困難。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "如果你要講persona的話,這裡已經有分析了,這兩個跟你剛剛心智圖對應是什麼?你是要對應persona或者是心智圖?我們是要取交集才對。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "並不是那個意思,上次用persona處理的案子是健保的案子。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "角色是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是把高風險的要素具體化一個案例,來思考這樣的案例,後面要討論的議題是公私……" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "借由persona畫出一個高風險?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這兩個都是高風險的案例。像「高風險家庭因素」、「如何發現與介入」。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這一場會議看出來要承接提案人的訴求,找出高風險的族群,然後透過各種政府機關來提供服務、達到效果,這個命題非常明確,就處理高風險的項目,就這樣列出來,我們剛剛講了老半天,結果又被推翻。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你後來加進來的所謂中產階級或者是什麼,那跟persona是什麼關係?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個persona是比較高教育水準的。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "有沒有辦法把它化約成兩個問題?就是怎麼樣避免案件漏接?如何強化提供服務?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這樣很清楚。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "因為我覺得從數據點進來很shock,六成五漏接。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "我覺得不要用「漏接案件」。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "用詞可以改。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "像他是高知識分子,因為某一次情緒控管不佳就把小孩子打死了,確實並不是我們一般所認知的,然後一下子就發生了。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "就寫「沒有進到通報系統」。是不是這兩個部分來推展,這樣就很清楚。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我覺得可以。" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "網住那一些案件。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "是不是抓這議題的脈絡來用這五個小時,焦點不會太散漫。也許很重要,也許在下一次或者是別的場合來處理。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "也有一個方法是,我們回歸到這幾個問題。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "你也可以用你的心智圖,就化約就好了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我之所以會想要準備persona的原因是,每個人腦袋裡面抽象化之後的形象是不一樣的,當不一樣的時候,我提到的解你會覺得不ok,我們就吵了,但是有一個具體的形象出來就可以具體討論。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "也許我們的桌長可以針對這幾個或者是心智圖提到的問題來討論,但是討論如果發現大家沒有辦法進入到狀況,或者是開始雞同鴨講的時候,再拿persona來,這個是不是好方法?" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "我覺得這「可能方向」都可以討論,我覺得上面的這五點都可以討論到。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "也可以。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "這樣是不是比較簡單?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我想像到是這樣子,不知道大家是不是覺得看到persona會不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "當天開會的主軸要出來。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "一句話要講的完。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "像新聞在下標的時候,最重要的東西要出來,用倒三角形的方式來處理。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "其實劉老師的報告就已經問了,特別是未就托、就學的人,關在家裡,但是誰可以發現到這一些孩子?" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "對啊!這個就是很清楚的案子。用數據、案例帶出,我覺得focus兩點,要如何解決,我們提出的對策是什麼,有沒有可能做得到?" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "也就是「近九成的案子,未就學、就托的案例,誰可以及早發現」。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們改討論的主題。這兩個案例是否非常適合?我覺得一個可以,如果要討論的時候,他們沒有具體的想像,我們就拿高風險的persona出來,也就是未就學、未就托的案例如何及早發現,就朝公私協力的方向來討論。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "我幫社家署做一個名詞澄清。所謂的「公私協力」的「私」是指NGO,並不是指社區,我怕那一天講的時候有誤會。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "當天也會邀請NGO來,我們就往這個地方去。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「如何提供一般家庭親職教育」,不一定是發現,我不知道大家覺得怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "要主動接觸,國外有一些是孩子出生了以後,會做家訪、追蹤受照顧的情況,像國健署在推的是「高風險孕產婦的試辦計畫」,做的是健康管理的部分,而且做的是六週,有些是可以追蹤到零,這種是針對未就學、未就托,而是具有比較高風險的,主動追蹤這樣個案的服務機制。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們就朝這三個地方來討論好了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們確認相關的利害關係人跟行政事務,利害關係人看起來是法務部,單位是不是可以幫忙提供一下?" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "檢察司。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "角色是犯罪偵辦?" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "衛福部是?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "保護司。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "我們算社政主管機關。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "你們有支持的論點嗎?" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "我們最後再補。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "教育部是?" }, { "speaker": "葉宏彥", "speech": "國民及學前教育署。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "角色?" }, { "speaker": "葉宏彥", "speech": "高中以下,國民及學前教育主管機關。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "內政部?" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "警政主管機關。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我建議邀請是新北市政府跟新竹市政府,是不是社會處?其實這個地方當地的地方政府相對重要,我不知道衛福部可以邀請嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "社會局,新竹市才是社會處。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是不是有機會去訪一下地方政府的狀況?" }, { "speaker": "黃瑞雯", "speech": "可以協助詢問。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "相關的單位有勵馨。勵馨其實是比較反對的,但是他們希望重刑是因為要滿足社會的法感情,這個是他們的論點。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "相關人士有一個比較特點的,因為這一案的訴求跟他們的訴求是比較接近的,他們也是長期關心的,我們在鞭刑案有訪過他,我們問過幾個老師,他們也覺得可以討論一下,大家覺得怎麼樣?如果ok的話,我建議可以邀請他。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "他的表達方式會比較激烈,因此這樣的討論方式會不會主導了所有的發言?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "看你們。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "她跟提案人的tone比較貼近。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "如果是要平等、理性討論的話,因為他有時發言會比較激烈一點,變成在這一種情況之下沒有辦法好好表達自己的意見。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們之前訪談的時候,去分析受害者家庭需要什麼,還有受虐兒童的樣態都講得滿清楚的,也就是需要幫助,單純就預防的部分,某個程度上是這一案想要溝通的樣態,不管怎麼樣,還是要看大家,大家覺得要不要邀?你們決定就好了。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "坦白來講,我們沒有參加過,因此不瞭解現場會發生什麼事。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "那就邀他來,因為他才是比較接近提案人的想法,搞不好也有一半的民眾會接近他的訴求。如果排除,會很好開,但是會議結論出去,只要媒體訪問他,他如果說這個是行政院官員怠惰,不懂得體察民意?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們還是邀請,如果他在的話,我們就儘量幫忙控。劉老師我問過他,他沒有辦法來,也跟衛福部討論,是不用勉強老師。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外有兩個老師是吳老師、彭淑華老師?" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "一個是……" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "他們的時間下午比較可以,但是現在還在確認中。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "你們還要邀請其他的老師嗎?" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "有沒有考慮找醫療的?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我記得呂老師。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "他不行。我建議一個名單,你們可以考慮,高雄尹老師。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "附議人報名的狀況還好?" }, { "speaker": "陳炎輝", "speech": "只有一個會來。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "他只說他會來,之前有說要特別簡報,有提出這樣的需求。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "像之前訪談沈老師,也許你們覺得不夠,就邀請沈老師在,這可以是一個解法。陳老師是什麼的?" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "犯罪防制。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我覺得這個也可以,也就是第一線的檢察官有不一樣的經驗,也是可以。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "我現在沒有辦法,我們協調看看,再跟你確認這個方式怎麼進行,我們到時再協調人選,所以你們一定是兩桌,沒有辦法合在一起嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "合在一起太多人,沒有辦法討論。我們現在一桌,每一桌比這個再多一點,這樣子討論也已經滿緊繃了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們跟學者說明一下,學者來並不是完全老師,並不用準備投影片,然後講一大堆,如果你們希望幫你們講解一些東西。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "前面10分鐘的時候嗎?像你們覺得重型化的東西,如果法務部不方便講的話,可以請學者幫你們講。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "還有一個可能,這個可能是比較麻煩的,雖然這樣子規劃,但是大家卡在懲罰上,所以我們請學者來幫我們說明一下後面的問題,我們儘量引導到衛福部的地方,來幫衛福部解決真的想要瞭解民眾的部分。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "你剛剛有提到找檢察官或者是學者來與會,我們同仁有問說有沒有出席費,因為要跟人家接洽的話。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "一般我們的做法是,學者就算是學者,其實跟我們一樣,都是平等的參與者,所以附議人沒有出席費、提案人沒有出席費,學者專家也沒有出席費。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "但是,如果你們希望他們有出席費,可以私下處理。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "我們沒有經費。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "就是尊重法務部。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "你們都沒有?" }, { "speaker": "陳炎輝", "speech": "沒有。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "今天在場的提案人不一定住在台北,有的從很遠的地方過來,我們也沒有給他出席費。" }, { "speaker": "古慧珍", "speech": "我們只能儘量邀邀看。" }, { "speaker": "陳炎輝", "speech": "沒有辦法就不行。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "今天會議到此,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我還有一個會議,很感謝大家幫忙來參加,其實這一次用心智圖的方式,大部分是為了要對焦,讓大家知道實際之前的狀況,不是好像未來一定要往這個方向,就是先把有什麼,大家先對焦起來,他們只是要我上來講這一段話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天的逐字紀錄,大家都可以線上編輯,我們會到實際協作會議那一天結束之後再公開,所以不用擔心好像我們討論的這個部分會影響協作會議本身,不過也因為有逐字紀錄,所以我要去開下一次的會了,這個逐字紀錄我會看,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝列席的工程會、內政部、勞動部參與今天BIM案的會前會,我們就會依照上面的筆記內容往下順,跟大家確認協作會議當天議題討論的方向、目前蒐集到的資訊及最後的行政分工。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "因為這一案的期程比較趕一點,所以我們目前第一波訪談,只訪談了工程會技術處、營建署建管組,目前約了營造業工地主任公會、新北市政府公務局,我們都會在未來的一、兩週內訪談。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個心智圖的會議工具,我不知道在場的各位有沒有看過,我們在協作會議當天也會給與會民眾參考,我們會把所有的議題脈絡盤出來,會把所有的意見增補上去,會就這個意見上散落的卡片,凝聚出一、兩個核心的問題,下午分組討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我現在先細一點帶,現在貼在上面的東西,如果各位有意見,有可能語意不精確,或者是覺得不適合這樣寫,或者是有更多的意見要補充,我們都可以在這個時候直接修改,因為這一場會議是想要請大家來幫我們調整跟凝聚共識。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我先講一下,如果就提案人的提案文字來看的話,希望將BIM的人員分級制度納入公共工程,確保BIM執行的品質,這兩個裡面包含了兩個層次,我們可以只討論BIM或者我們可以來討論公共工程的品質要如何提升,這個是兩條路徑。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "先跟大家說一下我們團隊整理的這兩條路徑是怎麼走向,在會議結束前給大家一個決議。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "如果我們要就提案人的文字往下深究的話,會分成兩個部分,我們只是很中性放著,所以有關單位不要覺得太緊張,不一定是朝這個方向討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二,我們如何透過BIM提升公共工程品質?這個是工程會先前訪談及工作會議時給的說法,其實現在的公共工程品質已經有一些技術及把關的程序,BIM只是一種技術,所以並不是達到民眾提升的唯一途徑,這個是工程會的回應。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "再往下,如果公共工程品質要用BIM才能提升的話,或許在法規裡面,會必須加入BIM,你可能就要去修採購法,就要仿營造業法第18條工地主任機制訂定公共工程BIM管理機制,這個是提案人的建議,各位可以再提想法,我們再來補充。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們看建研所報告及工程會的回應,可以發現從採購法增列BIM是不可行的,工程會認為BIM用於規模比較大、複雜程度較高的公共工程,也不認為訂在採購法及相關的管理辦法當中。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二,如何透過BIM提升公共工程品質,會需要因案制宜,工程會的意見是會需要看各個工程主管機關自己決定工程是否適用,因為還有一些成本效益的分析,像交通部目前會被建議如果有10億元以上的公共工程必須考慮納入,有可能不要,就是看各個主管機關自己怎麼考量,所以工程會的意見,也不適合在這邊就強制要求大家必須要納入,因為畢竟目前這個技術或者是會這個技術的人才是稀缺的,也就是現有工程人員具備BIM技術者比較少,這個有可能是一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "到目前為止有什麼需要修正或者是補充的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "命題一開始就抓「如何透過BIM提升公共工程品質」、「如何提升BIM的執行品質」不是本意。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個是提案人的本意。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "看起來工程會是兩個立場,第一個公共的是不是要用BIM?我們的答案是因案制宜,直接跳來這裡是BIM就不談了,就掉到提案人的目的裡面了,第一個層次是公共工程是不是一定要用BIM?如果要講更高的制度,是不是要工地主任,這個是另外一個層次,第二個是公共工程要不要用BIM?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "第二,如果有些個案適合用BIM的公共工程,是不是要用人員分級制度,這個又到第二個層次去了,因此我們會建議是先兩個決策,第一個決策完之後再談第二個決策,這樣會比較清楚。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "處長的回應就如剛剛所說的,會有兩個方向,第一個是往下深究,第二個是公共工程品質是不是需要,或者是納入BIM才能做品質提升?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "要確保BIM的執行品質,不是要確保公共工程的品質,第一個層次是公共工程要不要用BIM因案制宜,當要用BIM的案子時,能夠來執行BIM的這些人必須要有特定的訓練、執照,這樣子才可以確保BIM執行的品質。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "公共工程品質是很大的面向,工管處很緊張,整個業務範疇都是在談這個時候,聚焦一點,「適用BIM的工程」是不是用人員分級制度才能確保BIM的品質?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "討論第二個脈絡是更為聚焦及細節的內容,這個前提是如果公共工程品質沒有納入BIM技術的話,我們要如何提升BIM的執行品質?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "就是這個命題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個命題會開展出來,包含多少金額、什麼規模、什麼樣複雜度的公共工程需要配置相關人員,因為這邊是提案人的建議。像2以至5億,至少要一名BIM的建模員,這邊都是以BIM的技術人員為前提;5億至10億是要一名建模員、一名協調員,10億元以上要配合BIM經理;分級制度建研所有相關的研究報告,目前分為這三級,有BIM經理、BIM協調員、BIM工程師,BIM工程師又再分建築建模員、結構建模員、機電建模員。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "這個依照交通大學的內容,應該沒有問題,研究的內容確實是這樣子,沒有錯。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "如果我們扣回提案人的命題,然後也不要開展到公共工程品質面向的話,這個議題往下討論,在場各位有不同的想法嗎?或者是我們就走這一條討論的路徑?內政部這邊有其他的想法嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我釐清一下建研所研究員,你們說有協調,這個是不是做得到?王老師有做這樣的研究,他的研究建議是要?目前市場上有這樣的人嗎?是要經過什麼訓練?公共工程用的時候,也會考慮到市場上有沒有排他性,因為BIM就是一個軟體,不需要經過學校的訓練,很多學校都有在開課,也不一定要透過一個固定的訓練,只有這些人可以做,是有排他性的性質。我們直接導到這樣,如果建研所支持,工程會沒有辦法替這個地方辯護。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "其實在之前來訪談的時候,我們也有提到,其實是一個軟體的運用,是不是有限制哪一些人才能做這個軟體的運用操作?能夠達到什麼樣的水準,這又是另外一個課題。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "所以我們要運用這個BIM,那些人是不是受過學校的訓練就足夠了,受過之前AutoCAD的使用,之前也沒有建議說需要經過什麼樣的條件,才可以去做繪圖的工作。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "所以其實本身是一個工具,而這個工具是不是要透過法規去限制,限制哪一些人才可以做,這個是第一點。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "第二,現在要把它分成三種人員,這三種人員就必須要有很明確的,什麼是建模員,什麼叫做經理,什麼叫做協調員,這其實要很明確,要做的工作是哪一些,現在要做的工作內容,現在法規裡面是不是已經有一些人在做這一件事了?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "像提案人大概有提到好像工地主任必須要具有協調的功能,我記得上次好像有類似說工地主任要有某種程度的,像看上次他們所提的,現在是說也想要去上一個課程,這個課程是針對協調員的角色來設計一個課程,那就回到這個課程能不能具有所謂專才的能力,這個是一個。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "第二個,會不會跟現行的這一些人員執行衝突?這個在法規上,這兩個層面可能要考慮,所以依照現在的制度裡面,這些人要做什麼東西、事情,是不是一種分級的概念?是一個團隊還是單位一個人可以做這一件事?這個可能在分級制度之前都要先談這一些東西,才是談BIM分級制度。又或者是達到一定的需求,因為像剛剛有提到了,BIM的需求到底是什麼?可能需要或不需要到結構或者是機電,只是需要一些3D結構,當然這個是針對公共工程的部分,我不知道是不是有這樣子分需求來要求的?除了施工之外,又或者是日後的使用管理是不是有這樣的需求?而這個需求面會不會影響到所謂需要用到這個分級制度的必要,可能都在這個前提裡面要釐清。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "關於BIM人員分級,建研所可以多說一點,因為報告裡面也分了這三個角色,他們有各自所需要具備的學士背景跟實務操作的經驗,目前有定案了嗎?" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "這個案子我們委託老師來做研究報告,其實研究報告目的是想要能夠提供給國內不一定是政府機關,民間單位認為按照這樣的方式,他們可以去做訓練,也可以參照這樣的方式來分級,所謂的定案也不是所謂的定案。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "也沒有一個效力是以後一定要這樣子分,並沒有這樣子的效力在,因此從這樣的角度出發,所以當初是參考了相當多國家的分級方式,把分級的建議方案做出來。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "至於分級內容的部分,可能要再找一下,我補充報告一下分級內容的項目是什麼?因為這裡面的細目還滿多的,因為把想要分出來的人力部分也做出來,也是想說做出來之後可以給各單位參考。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "所以現在還是參考,並沒有可以運作的依循嗎?我隨便舉例,假設BIM經理要五年以上,協調員如果是三年,三年、五年的分級,並沒有一致性的話,實務上公共工程跟業界的營造業要增加想像這兩個角色,然後把這兩個角色引入工程程序當中?" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "研究案當中是把每個人的資格提出來,但是並沒有訴諸法條讓研究單位。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "研究人是希望把這個建議制度納入法條裡面作為比較強制性的規定,想要請教各部會的意見。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "要follow措施或者是政策的層面其實都有一段落差,因此這一個部分其實是做前導的研究,建議的部分是操縱國外的體例,回到行政部門規範、要走的方向,其實都沒有很具體,這個部分補充說明。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝,是不是要補充?" }, { "speaker": "李玨暉", "speech": "確保BIM的執行品質,這一個方式是否合適或者是否可行是可以討論的。" }, { "speaker": "李玨暉", "speech": "另外,我們可以再稍微把這個面擴張一下,其實針對公共工程在執行BIM的品質上,是不是有其他可行的方案或者是可以再討論或者是加強的?我覺得這個也是提案人的訴求,因為公共工程目前看起來在做BIM上,當然也許是提案人的看法,不見得真的是這樣,我覺得其實也可以提出來討論,以上補充。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "所以應該是這樣子,我們在「如何提升BIM的執行品質」命題之下除了提案人建議的人員分級制度,可能還會有其他的選項及要就教工程會的意見。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我做一個全面的說明,有全面說明再來看提案人會比較好處理。什麼是「BIM」?對工程人員來說是繪圖的工具,以往我們用2D製圖,只是平面圖加立面圖,是軟體更新,所以變成3D製圖,以前電動玩具的畫面很醜,現在很刺激。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "但是我們可以要求寫程式的人、畫圖的人要分級嗎?說只有這一些人可以畫、這一些人不可畫,因為經過一個單位認證、考試,我不知道哪一個單位要認證、考試。其他人會不會覺得不一定要經過這樣的程序。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我們拉回到公共工程裡面,有嚴謹的法律程度,像設計、施工,設計有建築師法及技師法,最後簽名的誰要蓋章,建築師要負責,他的圖會請繪圖員幫他畫,可能是2D或者是3D畫圖,不管怎麼樣,畫出來的圖是要經過建築師審查過,他覺得這個是ok的,就簽名完之後、畫圖之後而負責的,他認為這個圖不用負責,而是依照建築師的指示畫出來,畫錯是不用負責的。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我們創設建築師跟技師只能叫這一些人來畫圖,可以提升品質,可是最後負責的人還是建築師跟技師,這個是滿弔詭的一件事,所以整個的背景大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "第一,公共工程使用BIM有無品質不良的情形,這個是命題,如果看說明資料,講的是審計部的調查,如果沒有記錯的話講的是某一個特定的縣市政府,那個時候的監察報告裡面是說執行品質不良,並不是沒有BIMER,而是契約的規定不清楚,造成機關跟廠商履約時,到底要設計的成熟度,也就是畫圖多細,我們今天講現在畫一個3D房子的製圖,畫一個門,是不是要把門把畫上去,這個是製圖的成熟度,是要畫這樣就好了,或者是連門把、窗戶都畫上去,如果契約都沒有講清楚,就會有履約爭議。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "當你交圖的時候,機關說不行,成熟度不夠,畫圖的細度不夠,因此要求重改,雙方會有履約的爭議。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "在驗收的過程中,主計單位會出來,又會開始講,因此當初建議的那一些事項或者是審計單位提醒的缺點,後來新竹市政府出了一個手冊,針對這一個部分都律訂清楚,因為這樣子再開花說要做BIMER,我覺得這個是離得太遠了。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "因此我滿認同,公共工程使用BIM並沒有品質不良,我們現在出來講,就我本人來講,我覺得滿尷尬,我本身是營管學會推動BIM的委員,我本身是在推動BIM,但是我出來講好像很不贊成,並沒有,我們是說要因案制宜BIM,找到對的方法來推動BIM,免得其他大家感覺好像在推BIM,會覺得怎麼推成這樣子,變成這個產業的人會覺得這是不是反而把好不容易建立起來BIM在這個領域大家的認同感會被摧毀掉,很多人兢兢業業把BIM做好。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "一下子跳成這樣,工程會的立場很極端,一般人聽得不是很清楚,就會覺得BIM三個字是不對的,其實強調BIM是因案制宜,有很多做法,不一定要用BIMER,而且要有一個認證制度,如果講說要上他的課才可以。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "原本預計要討論的,如果真的要討論分級制的話,包含證照是不是訓證分離、上過什麼課等等,這個是後續的細節。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "會覺得把一個很好的事情、大家支持的事情,最後導到這一件事,我覺得對BIM的產業圈來說是很大的傷害。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "謝謝處長補充,有其他人要補充嗎?我先歸納一下。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我再重新確認一次,我們現在把提案人的訴求強度放得非常低,我們現在在場的共識是這個強度必須要很低,對吧!才不會有業界其他人、沒有這一項技術的人,或者是要發包工程主管機關的反彈,我們現在可以就如果有人想要導入BIM技術的話,他可以如何有一個參考手冊?可以如何幫他做細緻化,這邊的強度就會低很多,這個部分是不是在協作會議當天討論?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "因為這個是提案人的建議,所以我會列著,包含營造業、工地主任等等都可以提出難處,就可以正反併成,我們並沒有要說誰的方案好、誰的方案不好。有人可以接受嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "建立BIM的分級制度,剛剛處長有提到,其實是執行BIM的操作能力,現在在執行的人,因為現在訓練課程或者是現在坊間、勞動部等,民間開的課程好像也不多,所以我這樣子的一個課程不多情況之下,現在還不需要談到分級,分級有沒有必要還在後頭。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "前面應該是如何提升現在已經在執業的這一些人,一種情形是我的費用太少了,所以在這樣費用的情況之下,我就只能做這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "另外一種是,有這樣的費用,可是他過去所訓練的課程不足以達到BIM的品質,所以這部分分級的制度,我覺得這個議題可能隱含了另外一個,就是應該要討論的是應該是提升這一些人員的技術或者是能力課題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "Mark馬上打上去,幫我們確認一下這個文字是不是你所表述的,「提升現在BIM從業人員技術」,或者是「提升現在BIM從業人員的技能」?哪一個比較符合你剛剛的原意?" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "能力……算是一種技術嗎?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "就是會這個軟體。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "BIM就是一個很簡單的軟體,我們工程人員可能在談,我們熟悉的是講2G軟體,就是上一個學期的課程就上完了,哪有什麼難的?審計部的檢討結果裡面,談的都是一些雙方履約的細項規定,都不是技術面的規定,我只是覺得如何提升品質,當然就有相關的使用手冊,而這個手冊並不是那個人要如何建的手冊。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "那個是軟體商的責任,軟體商推出一個很好用的,號稱軟體是全世界通殺,這個是推出很好的軟體,你用的是跟word等等非常好用,這個是軟體商自己要寫操作手冊。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "市場上臺灣並不多,在國外,BIM的軟體百家爭鳴,每一家要爭取使用者,所以就會把軟體做得越來越好、使用手冊越來越好,這並不是政府要做,那個並不是臺灣的產業,發展那一些BIM軟體,如果是臺灣的軟體就想辦法鼓勵他,但是並不是,所以就我們來說,抱歉,遇到這個……" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們那天訪談技術處的兩位長官時,他們也解釋了很詳細,也講了一些案例,所以其實我們知道這個脈絡,我們還是必須要回應提案人的訴求,我們現在討論就是請大家幫我們多想一些有沒有可能其他的解法?有關於提案人的訴求,我們也可以預備好當天會議要如何因應。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "現在左邊增列了兩個,一個是當天可以討論如何細緻工作參考手冊,還有現在從業人員使用BIM的能力,大家有意見嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "「現在」二字應該不用。" }, { "speaker": "李玨暉", "speech": "改成「如何提升公共工程使用BIM的執行品質」?" }, { "speaker": "李玨暉", "speech": "現在提案人的訴求是這樣子,也許未來大家都在用了,所以就變成不管是公家、民間的,都是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "有沒有人有不同的想法?我的回應是如果要討論工作手冊精緻化或跟使用者需求導向的話,BIM是不是都適用?大家拿到這一本很好用、可以落實得更好,其實都適用,我沒有太大的意見,只是看其他的單位有沒有要補充?" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "BIM使用一概都是使用建築物,公有建築物也是公共工程的一部分,但是如果只寫公共工程,好像會覺得橋梁、隧道,會認為什麼傳統是公共工程,但是只寫公共工程,可能會忽略用得最多是建築,「如何提升BIM的執行品質」,不用特別強調「公共工程」。" }, { "speaker": "李玨暉", "speech": "但是如果今天是要回應提案人的話,不太需要幫提案人的訴求擴大,因為使用BIM在公共工程或者是民間工程,又或者是整個政府的推動,在智慧城市推動上使用BIM,這個其實是另外一環,我覺得有沒有必要今天把BIM發散出去,我本身是持比較反對的意見。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我很直觀地覺得如果是在「使用執行品質」的話,或許的確不分什麼樣的工程,只要有導入。我們可以先併列,最後再回頭確認,好不好?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我不反對把公共工程加上去,機關不用打內仗,題目很簡單,就是要把公共工程使用BIM用不好,有用不好嗎?有提了很多解決方案,應該是公共工程使用BIM有沒有什麼問題?有問題才要針對那個問題來解方。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "剛剛講的問題,我就待到,其實你們會訪問新北市政府,在提出來的資料裡面,有被審計部找,那已經是四、五年前了,那個改進措施早就已經處理完了,因此我預期你們跟新北市談的時候,新北市說那都是過去式,都已經有處理了,所以其實很容易去建立BIM人員分級的這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我不太確定在當初的檢討報告裡面有沒有點到,可能連點都沒有點到,我們當然可以依照他的方向來談,第一個是公共工程使用BIM有沒有品質不佳的情形,如果有的話,是什麼原因,如果是的話,我們會有什麼對策?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "政府有這樣的對策就在處理,而且是滾動執行當中,我們也在肯定當中,BIM的執行品質是越來越好,因為一直拿四、五年前的,其實BIM的執行品質是越來月好,因此我們覺得對於大部分在BIM這個領域的人,我們應該是要給予肯定,他們也不會認為去弄證照制度對他們是好的事情,這個會涉及到誰來發證、考試、負責任,這個會有太多的問題要去面對,但是我覺得或許可以再跳脫議程,我們只有setting會更好。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "因為提案人說公共工程品質低落是在內部會議簡報時說,但是回來看字面上其實沒有體到,對吧!所以我們那一天開會可以先從字面上陳述完之後,先從公共工程使用BIM的現況來談,就以現況之上來進一步提升,這樣討論就好了,如果處長也沒有意見的話,就會以公共工程使用BIM的品質來作為命題,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "下面面向除了這兩個之外,還有原有之外,有其他補充意見供我們當天討論嗎?如果沒有的話,我們就會就之後去訪談營造業、新北市政府,甚至更多的受訪者。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "要加建築技術公會跟工程技術顧問技師公會他們會覺得不負責怎麼可以。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "對,這個也是今天要確認補充的事情。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們從命題切下來討論這一串,現場的各位有意見嗎?如果沒有的話,我們就這樣,可以嗎?如果最後隨時要補充,都可以跟我們說。" }, { "speaker": "李玨暉", "speech": "BIM的人員,我們討論到如何分級,還沒有討論到是否要強制,其實所謂這一些專業人員有證照之分,經過考試取得照才可以執行業務,有的是經過一定的訓練,就有證,就可以從事這一種工作。如果要討論分級制,這塊也可以納入討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "是說要不要強制嗎?" }, { "speaker": "李玨暉", "speech": "對,是否要用強制的方式。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們是不是會進一步討論?我釐清一下,因為剛剛有討論到BIM導入公共工程是決議不強制的吧!現場的共識。但是分級制度有沒有納入規定?什麼工程要導入BIM不強制,只是建議大家,可是如果你有要導入BIM的話,你的BIMER這一些人員要符合規定,目前是這樣分嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "現在沒有人建立這個制度,沒有辦法分,因為根據沒有這樣的人,要分級是不可能的,因為現場市場上沒有這樣的人,因此不可能。" }, { "speaker": "李玨暉", "speech": "提案人針對勞動部的iCAP有一些誤解,這個在會上可能也要做一些說明,可能單純只是一個課程認證。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "提案人在勞動部開課,只有他們授這一門課,勞動部說看這個課程是不是符合開課的要求,但是並不代表上過課就等於擁有這個技能,勞動部知道,提案人其實知道,但是那一天要透過協作會議說明。" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "那一天我們會說明iCAP的部分,也有建議一位專家學者參與討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "那一天不是跟他解釋,而是跟大家解釋,留下逐字稿,可以搜得到的大家解釋。" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "後面這個已經到後端了,就是如果討論現在遇到了公共工程執行,確實有瑕疵的時候,而認為解方又是BIMER的時候,才會說有沒有必要對BIMER來做分級?" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "如果有需要分級的時候,這邊不只工作手冊,還要有能力的標準出來,未來如果真的政府要去做BIMER這一件事的分級、後續管理及考照,依照104年行政院核定的教訓檢用流程必須要由中央目的事業主管機關把BIMER能力清楚定義出來,連結培訓,之後才會是要用什麼方法來做後續的考試或認證與從業人員管理,所以最後才會有目的事業主管機關依從業人員管裡去做認證方式的選擇。" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "勞動部iCAP的認證,主要是透過課程品管去確保結訓者的學習成果符合當初課程設計的能力要求,並無涉及從業人員的管理及發展。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝補充。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "所以包含人員執照制度,你是從學校訓練或者是機構訓練,或者是自學考照的機關是誰,這個是最後面細節,不一定是當天細節討論,我們備著,如果有討論下去,就是這個方向,先幫大家盤點出來,但是目前還是回到這個地方來討論。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "謝謝,其實越來越清楚了。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "BIM分級制度或者是專責人員的必要性,必要性才去談如何建立,必要性的部分,我們在公共工程的部分,工程會已經很明確講出來是因案制宜,在民間工程的部分呢?營建署的看法是什麼?因為營建署是做建築法的主管機關,也是營造業法的主管機關,也是建築師的主管機關。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "因此從建築師的管理、營造業的管理、建築物的管理裡面,你們覺得建立這樣的制度有沒有那個必要?因為我們還沒有看到營建署的這個立場,工程會的立場很清楚,就公共工程的部分,我也是主管技師,就技師的部分很清楚,他們認為是因案制宜,標的物公共工程來說,如果標的物講到民間工程,到底要不要?設計者講到建築師怎麼樣?這個部分沒有辦法替你們講,如果講一個必要性的時候,那就還涵蓋這一塊。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "建築師對於繪製圖送到建管單位會有簽證動作,因此會對圖的內容來負責。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "其實我比較偏向原則上這個是工具的應用,當然對其所繪的圖要負責,但是對他的圖負責是對建築師負責,並不是幫建築師分擔所謂簽證的責任,因此剛剛提到是一個提升,其實現在私有建築物裡面並沒有強制要求,因為要達到我們要去要求的路還很長,我們國內的路可能還有很多機制、配套,那都要去討論。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "因此回歸到目前,像私有建築物的部分,在沒有強制的情況之下,其實是靠需求,也就是今天想要呈現這個,而這個是建築師事務所的強項,我要提出這樣子的、可以達到什麼目的,這個是需求端的能力呈現,我想再回應剛剛所提的,也就是原則上並不是分級制度。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我覺得很好,會前會機關的立場都很清楚,不管哪一個桌子談的時候,都是有共同的想法。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "當天的議題脈絡就會往這一些層次來討論,不耽誤大家的時間,我們剛剛討論很多,就不再從頭碎唸一次了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這邊沒有什麼問題了,心智圖就先收起來,可以嗎?如果後續有想到任何的問題,都可以隨時補充,會議當天都可以再增減。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「原則上不需分級制度」或者是「不是分級制度」?" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "不是一種分級制度,剛剛是說他的分級是什麼?我們往上看,工程師、協調員、監理,他們不是做不同的事情,像協調員上次提的,並不是叫工地主任來建模,而是工地主任自己執行業務的時候,因為運用這個圖的時候,我跟設計單位或者是怎麼樣的溝通,我不知道是上什麼課,這個是上次提的,這個協調員可能是我們研究報告裡面提的一個名詞,不過那個是研究的成果,那個名詞到底是什麼,我想跟這個分級是不太一樣的,我們概念裡面的分級,那個分級好像跟這個分類或者是業務性質有一點不同人員的工作內容。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "是不同角色的分類並不是同一個角色的分級,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我舉一個例子給大家聽,我跟工程師去現場,身上掛五、六個東西,是掛5米捲尺,長一點要帶50米捲尺,那個年代是BBcall,身上要掛一大堆,要再掛GPS,但是現在去工地要帶什麼?我只帶一台手機。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "現在講協調員,工地主任就是要做這一些事,我到工地的時候,老工地人員就是把圖紙展看,現在並不是,而是帶一個iPad去,所以是工具,並不是工地主任在現場,旁邊還要帶一個BIM的協調員,這個是時代的進步,而是要讓那一些工地主任會用這一個東西。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝補充。沒有疑問的話,就會把蒐集到的資訊往下補充,就不會再跳動。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "若不同意分級制度,就看要用什麼字眼。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "那個是研究報告的建議,但是事實上的文字是用「分級制度」,但是真正內部其實變成是分類制度,並不是分級制度。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "就像剛剛詹小姐講的,不同類型,並不是同一個類型而不同級數,這邊再補充一下,只是上面引用的是我們當初研究報告的文字而已。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝。建研所要補充嗎?" }, { "speaker": "廖致中", "speech": "其實名詞訂的時候,並沒有說從下面做到上面去,所以分級基本上是針對資訊運用,建模比較像金字塔等級,就是負責把資訊建起來。" }, { "speaker": "廖致中", "speech": "協調員是在工地現場怎麼樣運用這些建模員來做運用,比如會做一些工地的管線衝突檢討,當然不會由建模員來檢討,應該是現場協調員來處理這一件事,而是現場的人員有什麼樣的能力,把建築師的模型、機電模型放在一起看。" }, { "speaker": "廖致中", "speech": "剛剛聽到BIM經理,類似像PCM的意思,這個案子接到之後,會瞭解到這個案子會建多少的模型,有多少人一起來建這個模型,如果有這樣的狀況,會建議大家用什麼樣的軟體來建模,或者是建模的時候,建築師、結構技師等等用什麼樣的時間點來做統整,是做這個計畫,因此前面署的長官所講的,其實是不同的工作類型,只不過當初參考國外文獻的時候,他們的看法是這個資訊處理的層級不一樣,把它變成這樣的分級,然後說國內在引用的時候會有誤會,這個是當初沒有想到的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "所以是一個工作流程的不同層次?" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "如果按照這個脈絡來看的話,會很清楚,建立BIM人員分級制度,這邊有「是否有建立制度的必要性」,這邊回答的是不是一種分歧、而是一種分類,這個前後會怪怪的,因為「建立BIM人員分級制度」是提案人跟用字報告的用字,或許在內政部的簡報裡面可以提這一件事,所以是角色上的分類,並不是真的分歧,或者是這一些事根本不提,類似這樣子,我想問的是這個。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我建議下面這兩張是不是直接消除,因為是直接回答這個問題的文字?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個是因案制宜的意思。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "上面的回答其實是在回答另外一件事,其實並不是有沒有必要建立分級制度,就算建立分級制度,負責任的人也不是他。不好意思,我只是釐清一下。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "因案制宜原則上應該是在那裡,你也要再寫一次因案制宜?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "一個是工程會、一個是內政部,因為還包含了部分私有的部分,所以分成兩個部分。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "就是併列,一個是公共工程、一個是私有的。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "是更上一階。這一個案子適合,複雜性高的案子,適合用BIM,如何提升BIM的執行品質,才會進到這個層次,因此更上位階並不是要不要建立這個分級制度因案制宜。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我解釋一下,這一條的脈絡是這樣下來,一開始是說「如何提升公共工程使用BIM的執行品質」,所以前提是已經有用BIM了,剛剛有一個被我們捨棄掉的脈絡是「如何透過BIM提升公共工程品質」,因此才會有一個想法,其實是因案制宜自行採用BIM,因此這一條是不是留著,我們改成「如何提升公共工程品質」,雖然這個問題有一點大。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我的意思是接續的,並不是兩條路,第一條路要確定這個案子是不是適合用BIM,我們看到提的,以前是要用BIM的案子,但是並不是,而是全面要用,並沒有提到因案制宜,希望建立這樣的制度,而且是只有這些人才可以做這些事,公共工程全面適用,因此在提案的下面一個,也就是公共工程是否要全面使用,就會有一個選擇出來,要的部分再看如何提升品質,我會建議看要用這個流程、邏輯。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "其實還有一個會需要討論的,也就是「政府應仿工地主任職能課程制度將BIM人員分級制度納入公共工程」,第一個是沒有講全面,因此可能是要稍微確定一下,是不是真的要全面,所以工程會的回應完了之後,有一些想法是,這邊寫的是「仿工地主任」,要設定工地主任是有一些條件的,也就是有四個條件,所以這也不是全面的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "所以這一塊是不是當天還是需要討論一下?第一個是不是全面導入BIM,如果不適合的話,是不是有一些特殊情況下導入BIM,如果訂不出來的話,最後才是因案制宜,這個是左邊。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "右邊討論的其實已經使用BIM的工程,我們要如何提升這個工程裡面使用BIM的品質,所以是完全切成兩塊,左邊是要不要強制導入,右邊是已經導入的要如何提升,大概是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "所以上午部會簡報就會需要這兩個部分,你的意思是這樣嗎?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "是的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "下午的分組討論會做哪一個題目?有可能早上簡報被回應掉,就不會進入下午的分級討論,也有可能,大家知道這個脈絡是這樣子,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "心智圖有沒有任何的同仁有問題?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "所以左邊會改嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "應該不是提升公共工程品質。應該改成「需要全面導入BIM嗎」。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "「公共工程使用BIM的品質有沒有不佳」這個也是要看一下當天的簡報有提到,來的提案方跟附議方知道這個東西是過去式了,這個一定要有人講。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "請再往右邊一點,內政部有提到如果要強制導入的話,如果要做這個分級制度的話,跟現行人員是否有工作衝突,這個部分因為是剛剛提出來的問題,是不是有機會有一個答案?就是在當天的會議上?因為剛剛是提醒有BIMER制度進來的話,必須要思考到這個問題,既然要思考到這個問題,是不是有一個現行的盤點?或者目前是沒有相關的資料?" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "討論這個是強制分類制度,而且以後一定會這樣做,所以才會有衝突,如果目前討論一定會強制做這一件事的時候,衝突的說明應該是拿到比較後面去。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "稍微移一下,謝謝。有沒有必要就再分兩個部分,也就是有或沒有。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "心智圖盤點完畢了,所以當天這兩個題目來討論,也麻煩與會部會來提供簡報說明,接下來進行到分工的地方。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "利害關係人剛剛工程會的單位,我們會去約訪,請玉琪幫我們說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "已經有跟提案人聯繫了,有問過直播的需求嗎?" }, { "speaker": "李玨暉", "speech": "你是說提案人有沒有要求直播嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "他並沒有反對,沒有特別提。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "對於直播,這個是選項,逐字稿一定會有。直播是當天一定會處理攝影的直播,只是那個直播會不會公開在網路上,這可能是大家要考量的,包含內政部、勞動部及工程對於要公開對外的直播有無不同意或者有什麼考量,又或者是回去再思考一下,這都沒有關係。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "看各部會的考量,我們都尊重。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "建議不公開。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不公開的主要理由?" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "我從開始接觸這個案子到現在,走向是對的,但是我接觸的一些,包括收到附議人的名單,我很擔心被某一個公司或者是機構拿起來變成宣傳的工具,講白是這樣子,面向有一點偏頗,我等一下要跟雨蒼壹雯再說一下,收回來二十二個人附議人的名單,公司的人佔了八成,我們再邀請附議人的部分,可能要徵詢更多元一點。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "我基於這個,對於這個議題瞭解到目前的態勢,也就是先不公開。因此我剛剛才會問說有沒有要求,如果沒有要求是不是原則上暫時先不要公開。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我們第一次參與,我們不曉得其他案子不公開的前例原因是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我補充一下,有幾案其實是類似的狀況,第一個是雙胞胎那一案,那都是雙胞胎協會的人,但是那一案有公開直播,其實我記得他們是在社團裡面傳滿多的,那時是有看到。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有一種可能是,對大家來說很可能有一種關說的感覺,反而公開透明也是一種保障,這個是另外一個考量。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "還有一案是類似,也就是超徵退稅那一案是法稅改的人,沒有明說,來的人很多是法稅改的人,那個是有類似的狀況,有可能是那樣子。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "協作會議開了四十幾場,有我們的做法,剛剛玉琪確認幾場有直播、幾場沒有,所以大部分是沒有,我們都有前例可循,講清楚就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "BIM不要被污染化,我覺得不要直播,他們不要覺得讓BIM變成不好的名詞。" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "尊重,因為我們是協辦。今天我們副司長沒有來,但是這邊有排小桌長,所以我不清楚後續的部分,因為我們是協辦單位,因為我們是第一次參加,不太知道接下來的遊戲規則,或者是大家要負責簡報的部分。" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "勞動部負責簡報是不是只是把iCAP的部分,再跟大家說明重申一下就可以了?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "小桌長會找勞動部,小桌長通常是公正的第三方,我尋找各部會PO們的意願,最後……" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "他有答應嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "有。剛剛有提到你們是會作簡報?" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "我們是協力的話,並不是一開始要簡報的單位,如果在現場討論有需要釐清的時候,我們才出來釐清,也就是第三者的角色。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "主責簡報的部分,就先把勞動部刪除。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "內政部俊凱有提到,規則一開始是前五個報名者參加,我覺得還是依這個規則來處理,即便是公司的人,我不知道大家有沒有意見?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "可能要多元一點。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們確認一下,前面五個是不是同一間公司?" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "我上網找了一下都還是有關係。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "是不是?" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "都是有關係。這樣整個list,只有一個李教授是臺灣科技大學的教授,如果對數位臺灣或者是智慧城市有期望的話,是可以。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以二十幾個裡面只有一個不是?" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "目前看起來是這樣。所以徵詢大家的意見。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "之前在超徵退稅的經驗是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "是,但是是來了才知道,因為我們沒有做事前的瞭解。可是其實很容易發生這一種事,像我們之前有一案是全生命週期計畫管理,他們也是一個協會,那個協會是由他們召集起來發動這個案子的,所以隨時在關注這個東西,是很正常的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "事前不知道?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "NGO、NPO是不同的屬性。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "聽得懂。我們現在來處理。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "前面五個再選,這個老師,另外內政部建議邀請,這也是一個方法。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "我當初是有這樣想,當初公布的遊戲規則是前五名,但是另外一個不同的是,看起來不同屬性,但是我也不知道跟他們的屬性是不是一樣,照理來講是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "五個已經約了嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "還沒,所以我是來報告,因為4月2日才要發開會通知。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "因為你們主辦,工程會與會名單可以建議資訊平衡一點的。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "是不是要找?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我不知道是不是私底下李咸亨要找?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我想應該沒有關係。但是有接研究。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是不是可以邀請學者專家?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "邀請與會者有名單嗎?除了提案人跟連署人以外,有沒有其他的利害關係人?我們現在就是看比例,簡單來講就是這樣子,如果在場只有六個利害關係人都是來自同一家公司,可能社會會有質疑,但如果三十個裡面,只有六個同一間公司,就沒問題,所以是比例的問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "內政部跟工程會第一次提回來的人是營造公會、土木技術公會,所以這一些人相對ok的話,就請你們邀請。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "之前有請兩個部會提名單,有確認今天要邀哪一些。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "公會找得到。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "公司如果這麼多人來,是不是會來六個人?" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "那其他公會的人可不可以邀超過六個人?有困難嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "營建署要統一邀嗎?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "他們會統一發文,但是名單會給他們。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "是不是建築師公會跟營造公會由你們邀,好不好?我們邀顧問公會、技師公會,如果還有什麼中小營造公會,看你們要不邀,我是說營造業跟建築師是交給你們,我們是邀顧問公司跟技師。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "對,是各自主管法令,至少要邀超過,你們保證四個以上,我們保證四個以上,也就是八個。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "就是全國聯合會或者是地方,看他們自己調配。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我記得之前有一個營建業的工地主任公會,因為工地主任是第一線的,而且再加上剛才有BIM協調員,剛才有說工地主任的工作跟協調員是一樣的,也許他們的經驗是重要的,我不知道大家覺得怎麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個是後續的行政作業。請兩個部會各邀個人以上,謝謝。地方政府的人會邀請嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我們可以邀新北。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "是不是可以邀新北?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "可以。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "桃園是不是也有導入BIM的案例?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "有。新北跟桃園我們找到有人來就好了,交給我們來處理。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝。剛剛有提醒這兩個問題,我們更改過來了。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "勞動部代表說主責部會是勞動部拿掉,但是我建議要放回去,因為提案人指的就是ICAP課程,還有提到分級,因此還有1,000多人訓練,我覺得還是有需要。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "像協作報名表單,其實有寫看法的是,我上了課,但是沒有政府品質保證,事實上上了課程也沒有用,另外一個是他覺得很不錯,但是是不是就是這個上課的問題。" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "我可以說明。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "勞動部很願意說明,只是前說明或後說明而已,所以沒有差別,謝謝。行政流程請玉琪再往下說。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "主持人由我們出,直播技術是由我們PDIS小組處理,行政方面因為這一次是由部會自辦,簽到跟舉牌的人不知道有沒有盤點到。上次工作會議的時候,工程會已經有說三人,已經確定內政部能夠再盤點出人力,或者以目前現有工程會這邊的三人?" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "其實我們一天的會……我們現在承辦人兼辦很多業務,其實沒有人。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "所以假設簽到或者是計時舉牌也無法再盤點出人?或者是工程會有辦法再盤點出人力嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "我可以擔任嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "我可以擔任。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "當然可以,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "小桌長那邊已經有跟勞動部司長確認過,這邊有沒有可以再支援一個小桌長?可能有些人沒有參加過協作會議,小桌長是在下午分組討論的時候會分兩組,會帶領那一個分組的人去引導他們提出建議或者是確認他們的想法,或者是將他們的想法貼到概念發展單上,小組討論之後會有一個分組的報告。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "經費的部分也在上次工作會議是說由內政部、工程會這邊,已經一人一半了嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "應該是便當的部分,所以就先這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "目前小桌長是勞動部一個,另外兩個部會派不出一個人,是這樣嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "我們自己派好像……" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們找小桌長是有一個順序,第一個是完全不相關的PO、第二個是協辦的PO、第三個是主辦單位的PO、接著是業務單位,然後再PDIS的人進去,我剛剛的意思是都沒有人願意。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "是沒有人願意? 還是派不出來?怎麼可能?PDIS不要把支援當作第一選項,我們是最後選項。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個事情不一樣……" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這個討論過了……" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我知道……" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "先聽他們說一下……" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我們會前會有簽過嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "當初是說如果真的找不到的話,就進去,現在問題是還是會有角色的問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "對,因為還是有主辦部會。所以詢問一下玉琪詢問的優先順序盤到哪裡?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我先問其他部會同仁,後來徵詢不到意願,才問到勞動部,因為其實BIM案,大家不熟悉,所以比較沒有興趣。因為我也有考量到當時內政部、工程會在其他人力部分都已經緊繃了,我不確定是不是現在還是……" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這麼緊繃。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "我說明一下,內政部的PO就一個,我主要是負責協調,因此我會答應,像其他的公投案。但是這個案子當初一直沒有設想是我自己當桌長,因為我一直在忙著協調,所以我目前暫時是沒有規劃要當桌長,而且到時簽到,可能就跟張組長配合。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "工程會除了PO以外,有沒有人?" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "很抱歉,工程會也只有一個PO。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "小桌長沒有說一定要PO。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "因為他們目前是人力不太夠。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以人不夠就講人不夠,不要講只有一個PO。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "我們人力是真的不夠。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "想問一下,剛剛有講到簽到計時跟舉牌需要有人幫忙,有兩位PO說可以幫忙,你們當天是會待到下午嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "整天。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "整天。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "因為簽到只有剛開始,計時、舉牌其實是到上半場,下半場其實兩位可能是沒有工作的,有沒有意願擔任小桌長?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "你們是不是都說可以?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "兆琦是不是有說過,你之前也是直播組的?" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "我還是直播組。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我說的直播組是指攝影,但是沒有會公開。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我們業務單位可以,是不是?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "可以。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "我一開始聽的是擔心會有公正性的問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們的確會擔心有公正性的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "業務單位會有一個簡報人,而那個簡報人可以當桌長,如果最後找不出來,我們就來找桌長,好不好?我們講說那個是最後的選項。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "不用假設桌長一定有什麼立場問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我覺得這個有一點麻煩,角色混淆,因為到時有問題的時候,可能還是會請教他,但是他剛好又是桌長,所以可能會被認為立場有一點問題,再加上這一案跟其他不一樣,這一案是同一個公司的人要過來,我覺得對兩邊的壓力相對大,當然也可以是你們先當桌長,但你們真的不行就馬上跟我們講,我們就提上去,就先試試看。" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "如果有擔心,現場就講好。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我個人覺得業務單位不太適合,因為桌長角色不好當,他要一直收意見、一直寫跟確認,很常發生即使是很有經驗的PO,會忍不住回答提案人的問題,但是不應該回答,而是需要收整。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "你們是不是說有意願當?" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "目前沒有規劃。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "如果你下半場沒有事的話?" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "入戲太深了。如果要排除的話,我會覺得前面這五個人,要把他的名字先弄掉,不然可能有一些提問或者是收整問題或者是指定發言的時候,我會覺得有一點立場不一。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "完全理解,我們私下討論就不卡在這裡,人力是主辦單位的PO,或者是由我們這邊看怎麼樣支援或者是搭配,我們再決定。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "另外一個備案是,上午簡報的人,那兩個人就可以當桌長。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們再討論,這個會有角色混淆的疑慮。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我們會議是從10點開始,大家會先自我介紹,接著是會介紹協作會議使用的工具,像剛剛的心智圖,接著請提案人簡報,請內政部再聯繫提案人簡報是否方便先提供,然後再看內政部、工程會來做投影片的簡報,接下來心智圖會show出來,確認上面的東西是不是可以補充,然後中午用餐可以討論。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "上午確認事實的時候,上面已經有提供那兩個問題來做分組討論,主要交給小桌長來看每一組的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "討論到一個程度之後,我們就會請各組派一位報告人來分享他們所討論出的結論,再來做總結,這個意見都會由政委向院長報告。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "以上流程,大家有問題嗎?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "勞動部簡報的部分剛剛拿掉,現再加上去。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "剛剛有跟三個部會確認過不希望公開直播,但是當天也會尊重所有的與會者,還是會詢問一次,所以如果當下與會者希望直播,主辦部會不太適合出來說你們不想要,這個訊息你們有很強烈的不要,需要先讓我們知道,由我們出來幫忙,我們需要先有一個想法,大概是這樣子,當天早上跟會場確認的時候,不要覺得很疑惑。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以你的問題是?部會有很強烈的意見,今天已經表達了,是不是?" }, { "speaker": "林傑", "speech": "(點頭)" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "主持方自己有一個備案。有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "今天謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "逐字稿會再寄給大家,然後再修正。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "非常謝謝兩個主辦單位的協助,沙推的時候見。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "(會後於4/1電聯確認,內政部PO王俊凱願意擔任此案小桌長。)" } ]
[ { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "政委你好,我先做一個訪綱,我目前想要做一個從社會企業行動方案如何變成社會創新行動方案,因為我在看你們有……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "……有非常多的逐字稿。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "我突然看到好像在第十三次左右的時候,突然名字就改了,對,「社會創新」這幾個字就跑出來了。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "我先自我介紹好了,我是政大公行組的研究生,我姓張,叫做張浩榕,我現在的指導教授是江明修,因為他也是做這一方面的東西,但是我比較偏向於政策變遷方面的東西來做。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "想請問政委,在你們這邊的看法,社會企業跟社會創新的定義是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一個是名詞、一個是動詞。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "社會創新是動詞?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "我們在探討社會企業,其實範圍很廣,跟你們在社會創新行動方案上面的社會創新無組織的光譜,其實這也是社會企業的其中一個學者……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是啊!當然。我們用的這一些,其實都是社會通念,我們不會自己發明一些社會上沒有的詞。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "就是一個名詞、一個動詞。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "事實上是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "有什麼醞釀從哪裡得到的觀點,我們就是要用「社會創新」這個詞來取代?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有要取代。社會企業當然是社會創新非常重要的組織型態,就是社會企業幾乎存在是為了不斷做社會創新,但是即使你不是社會企業,也可以做社會創新,這個道理非常明白。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好像產業創新,你不需要是一家企業,也可以做產業創新,好比你們在大學也可以做產業創新,但是你如果是一定要註冊成立一家企業,才能做產業創新,那好像我們全部的產業創新都發生在企業裡,但是事實上不是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以社會創新就像產業創新一樣,是可以發生在社會上,但是社會企業當然是非常重要。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "其實從你們兩個方案的問題分析與政策目標,其實有一點差異,扣合了SDGs,這一些是不是有什麼事件,影響到對於你們政策變遷的影響?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該這樣講,社會企業行動方案提出的時候,還沒有SDGs,所以當然不可能扣合SDGs,當然2015年聯合國第70次大會決議通過永續發展目標,這個當然是一個外在的因素,我想最先發生的是外交部決定永續發展目標臺灣外交政策非常重要的一環,你可以看到我的名片有一半是租給外交部的,這個是他們的口號,也就是「UN Global Goals」、「Taiwan Can Help」,在正面就是十七項永續發展目標。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以可以說臺灣在國際上因為我們跟聯合國的一些比較特殊的關係,所以在以前千禧年發展(MDG)目標的時候,那時是所謂的多邊主義,多邊分成兩邊,簡單來講就是已開發國家跟未開發國家,已開發國家承諾對未開發國家做某幾件事,這個是MDG的架構。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是從里約會議之後,不對,這個應該是多方利益關係人跟多邊架構的綜合,意思是像有一些朋友住在比較靠近海的地方,氣候變遷之後,他們住的地方就會消失,但是這些朋友可能在他們的國家裡面是少數的,所以他的國家不一定會代表他,在聯合國上說話,但是這個時候我們就可以說全世界即將受到氣候變遷影響的人,他們可以成為一個Major Group,他們在SDG架構裡面的發言權就不低於國家代表的發言權,所以這個也有一點像以前一定要是國家型態、會員國型態,你才能進入MDGs的議程設定,但是現在你只要證明你是一個利害關係人,而且你有組織能力,那不管你是在私部門也好、在社會部門也好,你都有平等的發言權。這個對臺灣當然很有利,理由我就不多說了,這個是第一個政策在外部影響事件。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個,在政策上影響的事件是,我們這邊有非常多的第二部門、第三部門的朋友們,都告訴我們說把他們做的工作用SDGs重新定位之後,可以接到更多全球的資源,因為全球不管是我們所謂影響力投資者或者是現在所謂的慈善團體,或者是一些開發銀行,全部都在用永續發展目標當作他們溝通的語言,所以如果不用永續發展目標當作共通語言的話,我們等於的對話對象會變得非常少,這個是我們內部的利害關係人告訴我們的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這兩個外交的因素跟內部的因素加在一起,促使我們重新審視之後,另用永續發展目標,當作社創方案的核心價值。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "SDGs的頒布,讓大家知道找到一個目標,好像可以解釋到我們現在所做的所有事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不只是這樣,而是SDGs裡面特別注重的是第17項,第17項是跨部門的、跨域的夥伴關係,這一件事提出來有一位叫做Jeffrey Sachs的一位教授,他說任何的組織都需要有三重底線,他的工作不能是因為經濟成長而犧牲掉環境保護,即使你是在做社會或者是環境的工作,你也可以有一個永續經營的想法,所以這三股力量分別對應到永續發展目標,不是互相拉扯的,而是互相加強的,這個是社會創新最主要的意思,我們並不是好像是各搞各的,而是去看新的partnerships出現,大家本來以為搞公司跟NPO一定是互相衝突,但是發現不對,可以互相加在一起。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "並不只是這17項像杜威十進位分類一樣,可以解釋我們在做的事。我們更看重的是透過這17項的關係,讓大家更知道彼此在做什麼,然後來促成夥伴關係。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "另外一個,政策變遷一定都有政府政策的影響,像政委也是一樣這一任政府才進來這個體系。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我在上一任政府,也是以專案顧問的身份工作。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "覺得政府政策的脈絡會不會影響到我們在做的事,像蔡總統說創新、就業、分配,其實創新的話,很難不跟現在做的社會創新結合,一次應該有一整個脈絡的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,其實創新不管哪一任政府都很強調,但是在社企行動方案的時候,確實政策脈絡是從青年創業那一個地方,他的管考機制也好、政策形成過程也好,很多都是跟青創比較近的,也是因為主責政委是同一位,這個是為什麼我們會看到以前的社會企業是放在好比像青創圓夢網上,好比是放在青創基地的隔壁,好比是青年創業,像U-start這一些計畫的標的等等。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是其實如果用SDGs的角度來檢視的話,一個做社會創新的組織,其實應該是跨世代的,也就是說,有青年、也有熟齡、樂齡的朋友們,也有你的創業所相關的利害關係人,應該也要進入決策,所以這一種跨世代、跨領域的創新,這就是現在的政策脈絡,我想跟之前馮老師的時候,政策脈絡比較大的不同,我們並沒有那麼著重好像只有青年或者只靠青年。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "我在看社企方案的時候,會發現很像跟育成的東西很類似。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是青創。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "這整個政策脈絡來講的話,是環境的影響……不好意思,我組織一下語言。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "慢慢來。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "有學習到什麼其他領域的經驗?比如像跟國外或者是覺得地方上有什麼東西覺得很ok的,可以把這個納入到中央政策裡面來談?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想如果說「夥伴關係」的話,其實民間一向都走得比政府來得快,我自己也是來自一個民間的社會創新組織或者是非組織,叫做「g0v零時政府」,你大概知道,所以就不多加介紹。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "做的事情是,看公部門做的不好或者是缺乏的部分,自己去做什麼「」,把「o」換成「0」就進入一個影子政府,也就是「拆政府,原地重建」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們注意到的是,在民間常常會有這一種自己是資料的產製者,而不是資料的消費者,自己是資料產製者之外,自己也是資料的組織者跟詮釋者的工作出現,像空氣盒子是最有名的例子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "社創方案當中參考了很多我自己在協助空氣盒子或者是透明足跡這樣的一些公民科技社群進入決策流程的經驗,因為我們在進入決策流程的時候,一定要決定三個問題:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,資料的可信度,空氣盒子爭議最大的是,可能是濕度政策偵測上,自動校正上等等有很多工作要做,所以就比較容易有一個點,可能沒有校正好,可能就飆高,然後也有可能會造成恐慌。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此像g0v的airmap的網站,要點進去之前,要先按一個按鈕是「我瞭解,我不恐慌」,然後才會進去;如果按「我不瞭解,我不恐慌」,就會跑到環保署的頁面去,因此availability of the reliable data,這本身也是SDG17.18,這個是非常重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,我們應該要截長補短,我們看到民間的這一些社會創新時,我們應該採取打不過就加入的態度,好比像空氣盒子,他們一直很想在工業去偵測他們的污染,這個時候我們如果是以前比較公司分別各做各的,這個可能就沒有辦法回應到他們的需求,但是就是因為他們有這樣的需求,而他們進不去工業區,因此就說路燈是我們的,因此就掛在路燈上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這個是從某些特定的工業區,他願意協助,到現在變成比較全面的,也就是工業區的路燈上都會掛空氣盒子,當然是環保署採購的,也是微型感測器。又或者是很想知道境外跟境內的污染源,我們就試著協調離岸風機澎湖北邊也可以掛一個,所以像這個是17.17,重點是在effective partnerships,不是你做一個、我也做一樣的,就是叫做partnership,而是民間做一些,發現有民間利所不能及的,這個時候政府再進來,然後再補起來,這個就叫做effective partnership。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,我們跟民間學習的是17.6,意思是所謂的開放式創新,開放式創新的意思是,簡單來講開門造車,如果一個人試出很好的模式,不怕分享給其他人,這個在臺灣的社企,這本來就是這樣,如果你有研究社企的自律聯盟,其實他們完全不是靠什麼法規、也不是靠什麼補助、獎助才夠,而是大家覺得有責信,對大家都是好事,所以大家很願意把自己的社會創新模式分享出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們現在在做好比像法規沙盒,我們的做法也是任何人可以要求法規過時了,要做社會創新,他被擋到路了,來協調一下,一年不來罰你,看看會發生什麼事,所以就像我們常常分享好牧人的案例,一個協會要控一家子公司,但是這兩個算作同一個集團,但是這個公司可以增資,如何增資?就算股東本來的協會控股少於50%,透過一股多權,所以投票權高過50%,會變成利潤分享,但是使命控制的這樣一種新架構,在臺灣沒有人試過、沒有人知道會怎麼樣,所以我們先給你一年,我們不來煩你,但是來看看這一年NPO界、社企界對你有什麼想法,如果一年過去了,大家覺得這樣不錯,就直接訂一個要點,就變成是社會創新組織合理的型態。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以,這一種社會創新帶動法規創新,是建立在社會創新者願意這不是我的祖傳秘方,整個實驗的這一年都公開讓大家檢視,這個是我們跟社會有所學習。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "延續這個問題,為什麼會想說用協會控公司的形式,就是要推廣這個組織形態?我之前看過,其實也有其他社會企業,其實也是協會,裡面的人自己出來成立公司。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,但是那樣可能會使命漂移,這個是最大的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當你的公司增資,別人的股份大過50%,或者是你的協會改選,新的理事長又不是本來的那一個人,這兩個情況下就會發生使命漂移,這一家公司就會去做跟這個協會沒有什麼關係的事。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "剛剛政委有提到一個,跟公益自律聯盟,也就是登錄的這一件事實,現在是拿回來在新創網自己做?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "新創網是最大的傘,我們只要自己覺得有在做社會創新是一個組織,講得出至少一個服務或者是產品可以跟市場互動,而且願意每一年來揭露一下到底做什麼,但是我們完全不做任何的實質審查,因此我們是一個共用的大水庫、大資料庫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是民間自己可以設定一些新型態,像B型企業自己設定一個方法,當然社企自律聯盟也有一個方法、尤努斯也有一個方法,非常多人可以設定一些篩選,從這個大資料庫裡面,篩出符合他們定義的那一些來。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "另外,我個人的想法是,有沒有考慮把社會創新從新創網裡面拿出來?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你說自己弄一個網站嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過,新創網瀏覽的人很多。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "要點很多下才會有自己想要看的東西。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以用se.pdis.tw短網址,會直接跑到社會創新的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實我同意自己要做的事情,這個是跟國外學的,也就是用SDG重新做一張地圖,這個是我們在一個GSMA的團體,我們在拜訪他們其中一個理事,事實上他最近才剛來臺灣,叫做Mike Short,就是全世界在做SDG,用移動通訊技術介入,這個很棒,可以讓你一目了然有哪一些資源可以運用、哪一些團隊在做哪一些事,所以結合地理位置跟使命,這個是永續發展目標的視覺化,更可以讓人很快速找到彼此的盟友。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很坦白來講,我們也是追隨在民間之後,民間有一個叫做「小人物串聯」的資料庫,不但是介紹SDG,同時也告訴大家說在全臺灣目前正在往SDG的各個目標的組織,到底有哪一些人,這些人之間有做哪一些共通的事情,你可以很容易地去透過不同的永續發展目標進行檢索。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我也同意如果我們把社會創新的這一個部分獨立出來的話,必須要有一個比新創圓夢更大的一個關懷範圍,所以我覺得「小人物」串聯很好,所以我們接下來社創方案的專區就會結合像「小人物串聯」資料庫的形式來做一個專網;而這個專網還是會從新創圓夢網連得到,也許可以有他自己的網址,這個是很好的建議。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "從剛剛這樣講下來,社會創新變成是一個整個網路型態的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,著重的是在這一些不同的組織之間互相結合成創新的結合。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "就是動詞?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,著重是在這一箭頭上,就是這個動作上,當然社會創新是注重在特定的點上,你知道我的意思嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就像我們今年5月會頒一個「亞太社會創新合作獎」,跟一般的獎又不一樣,一般的獎你投進來是組織或者是個人上去領獎,但是我們這邊獎助的是一半夥伴關係,這邊有兩個點才會變成夥伴關係,這個也是彰顯動詞跟名詞的不同,如果是名詞的話,一定是總經理或者是理事主席又或者是什麼上臺領獎,但是當我們是獎助所謂的夥伴關係時,至少一定是兩方,甚至是三方至五方加在一起做一些事。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "這個網絡裡面,像會有哪一些專家學者,又或者是哪一些組織機構,又或者是像社會創新,或者是哪一個協會,會在什麼樣的場域,比如循環會議,或者是有其他的場域?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我禮拜三的office hour是一個,以部會來講,每兩個月會有一次聯席會議,逐字稿網路上都有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很好的是,民間針對裡面特定的子議題,自己再組多方利益關係人的諮詢委員會,好比像上次他們做影響力投資,專門專注幫社會創新找到錢的這一件事上,我們有很多事,這個是其中一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他找的是多方利益關係,包含資金的供給這些人,資金的需求當然是這一些人,這一部分你就很熟了,還有中介組織,像慕哲、活水社投,以及政策法規,還有生態的建構者、倡議者,我們叫做「思想領導者」,還有從各個不同給出一個交代,只是會計等等做影響力評估的朋友們,還有老師們,這一些老師們當然各自都在自己的工作計畫裡面有做社會創新或者是臺灣社會創新理論的建構者也會被邀進來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "政府在這一件事上有八個字,我在諮詢委員會只講「全力支持,絕不主導」,我們辦好比像社企高峰會也一樣,公部門出最多49%的預算,我們絕對不控股,這樣子才真的可以促成民間的網絡,真的能夠長起來,不然政府什麼都要碰的話,到最後其實長不起來,因為變成我們碰不到的地方就沒有,因此我們現在其實主要的還是在把這一個部分顧好,其他的部分就會要靠生態系裡面各個不同的人來做。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "透過像社創中心與各地的巡迴會議,引起他們整個網絡的發展?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,但是我們更多的是在配合。好比說去年社企流、喜憨兒在台中辦一個年會,因此我們就配合,今天Impact Hub、BLab進來,我們也配合,我們是出錢、出力,不出超過一半的錢跟力。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "這當中他們各個部會的專業自主性在哪一個地方提出來?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "每一個部會是以自己的價值,如果核心價值不同的話,當然就會有不同的看法,像好牧人的案子裡面,衛福部、經濟部、內政部在意的不一樣,這個是他們的價值,如果價值相同就組改成同一個部會就好了,所以在價值間做一個辯證。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最大的問題是,公部門在做價值辯證的時候,不希望讓外面看到,這個是擬稿階段不公開,好像要統合一個見解回覆外面,從外面的角度來看,這個是黑箱,根本不知道發生什麼,五個月過去了。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "像我之前在看的時候,中企處好像在某一次聯席會議跑出來,他們有自己的專業自主性說要怎麼樣推動這一件事?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "任何人可以拋任何的東西出來,但是共同供應契約的特色,必須要有兩個以上的單位,不然不叫「共同」,所以一定得說服別人,後來他們也說服了,就是包含了我們的人事行政總處,其實我們的逐字稿裡面都有,說有一些社會創新的組織,做的一些事是透過獎學、桌遊等等型態來創造永續發展的理念,這個很好,因為公部門都要有永續發展的理念,因此覺得服務型態的先納入共企,知道永續發展是幹麻的,社會創新跟這個是有關係的,這個先走,產品型態的是下一批,這個是人事行政總處、工程會發揮專業之後做出優先順序的排序。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "各個部會都有自己不同的行動方案,像這邊的SDGs,有沒有檢視過每一個符合SDGs?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,我們每一年都會做國家自願報告,就是從部會做的事情,然後用SDGs的透鏡重新檢視,也可以看去年的VNR。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "我有看過。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "嗯,你有看過?" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "對,就覺得好像填格子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "本來SDGs就包括填格子的工作。我們在公部門做的,真的有限,如果要說夥伴關係的話,你就把三十二個部會想成三十一個NPO,有一個中央銀行會賺錢,其他都沒有,每一個NPO都有自己的目標,每一個在寫管考的時候,都是填格子,沒有什麼神秘的,就是三十一個NPO。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果民間做這一些事,做的比這一些NPO來得有效,要能夠反映新的時代趨勢,像剛剛所講的空氣盒子,就不要把他們當伙計,當成夥伴,打不過就加入,所以我一向就覺得不像民間做得好要收割來自己做;相反的,民間做得好的,他們撞到牆,哪裡缺了,我們剛好補那個部分,補到民間覺得這個路的坑動填平了,他們自己可以走了,那就民間自己去做,我現在一直覺得強大的社會部門都是好的,比起強大的政府部門來說。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "就是公民社會的建構才是重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,藏富於民,這個是簡單的概念。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "這邊有沒有想過新的政策工具?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "比如Buying Power?" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "還有什麼?除了資金方面的提供外,還有什麼新的政策工具可以納入使用?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實我們只是頒那個獎,也是一個政策工具,其實我們現在在做的政策工具,我剛剛為什麼講「沙盒」?因為是源源不覺冒出新政策工具很像許願池的地方,簡單來講是讓民間有開外掛的權利,民間想要看到什麼新的政策工具,不管是剛剛所講的混合型組織或是別的,民間就來沙盒許願。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "許願之後,大家可能覺得當地的產、官、學、研、社,要跟區公所決定人口老化要怎麼樣解決的發展方向,不希望產、官、學、研、社跟這幾個部會來提案,這個東西很好,國發會就拿去,變成地方創生元年的行動方案,他們目前用了10%左右的管考的相關預算,變成是地方產、官、學、研、社來說這個資源要如何投入,並不是每一年寫一本作文來申請計畫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像這樣子草根式的做法,其實雖然這10%看起來不太多,但是同樣也是一個類似沙盒的概念,就是如果透過這一種新的管考模式、新的政策模式真的很好,地方有創生到,說不定是10%、15%或者是30%。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個有兩個關鍵:一個是透過沙盒,長達一年實驗,可以有不斷新的政策工具;第二,證明這個可以長大之後,我們可以skill out,就是全國性的,大家都可以來做,而不是只有在特定的示範點來做,我們不斷做這兩件事,其實就沒有別的。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "社會創新行動方案比之前更強調跟國際做結合。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為Taiwan Can Help,這是從外交部開始的。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "我一直在想的是,他們真的是有階段性任務的達成嗎?像之前的社企方案,我們培育這一些社會企業,開始要用外面的力量,也就是用SDGs培育整個?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "找到國際的資源。當然有銜接性,我跟馮燕老師有交接,交接的過程中也有放在網路上。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "看到馮燕老師好像比較把社會企業當成這一些組織的最大公約數,所以沒有辦法像用其他詞彙來形容社會創新?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當時的詞彙是叫做「廣義社企」。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "現在是用……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "廣義的來說,就是「社創組織」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "狹義的社企,當然現在也沒有那麼狹義,因為當時是用收入百分比的學派,其實那個百分比,我覺得不是那麼鎖死的%,如果看好牧人、愛蔓延,其實百分比並不是重點,而是使命不漂移,以及責信是不是一起做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你這兩個一扣合,其實不管%多少,都是給得出交代的社會企業,這就是社企。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們不會泛泛地說,好像所有的社企都得改名叫做「社創組織」,不是這個意思,社企真的就是社企,是一種很重要的社創組織。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們只是在說即使你是學術單位,你就不是企業,但仍然可以是一個社創組織。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "講到這個,有另外一個個人解讀,內政部之前有開放,公司名稱上面有「社會企業」,我個人覺得好像不適合。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那個是商業司。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "是在登記這個公司叫做社會企業股份有限公司,是已經很早就開工作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "這個直接開放讓他們使用的話,不會有一點類似善意行銷的顧慮,我是覺得這樣子可能好像不是很好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我同意,可是你現在逼他們改名,這就是沒有辦法的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這只能輔導他們回來到社創登錄,到社創登錄之後,告訴他們說重點並不是社會50%、企業50%,而是「社會連結企業」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "社會部門跟你連結,可以發揮150%,企業市場跟你連結是可以發揮150%,這個是社會企業的意義,社會去輔導,但是逼著人家跟你改名是不可能了。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "政委覺得後來社會創新可能會在做一些什麼事情,也就是展望性的想像?除了社創方案,之後還會做一些什麼社會創新的什麼事?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "地方創生是長出來一個非常好的政策系統,這個系統已經大過社會創新行動方案,因為地方創生不一定要像社會創新一樣能夠skill out,就算只是在那個地方適用,永遠不能skill out,那也非常好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得未來的政策方向,第一個是devolution,devolution是我們不要只靠行政院、各部會的力量,而是各局處在地方政府,甚至是到區公所層級的力量,也就是任何規模的組織,都可以運行現在運行這一套法規共創的這一套,很多事情不用提到行政院的這個層級,在當地就可以去解決,然後就可以去組織起來,所以我覺得如果要講願景的話,第一個是地方自治能力越來越強。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個國際上,我覺得「Taiwan can help」的訊息,真的是大家可以認識臺灣的方法,並不是很悲情一直進不去聯合國,而是我們非常有溫暖,不管誰想要做SDGs,臺灣任何一個我都有方法論可以幫助你,我們這邊有非常多社會創新組織可以進去,而且是用一種不是殖民者的態度,而是交朋友的態度去做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我當時在聯合國大會期間去紐約的時候,有一句講法,非常開玩笑是「我們不能當球員,可以當裁判」,這一套給出交代責信的建構,像區塊鏈讓空氣盒子的貢獻者,相信政府不會收割篡改他們的成果等等,這個都是全世界非常好用,因此我們賣的不只是社會企業的產品與服務,這個當然要賣,而是後面社會創新的想法,這個想法可以促使全世界都出現社會企業,但是不一定要是企業的關係企業。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "大致上想要問的都問到了。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "因為我先從公部門的角度來瞭解這整個變遷的過程,如果繼續做下去的話,要找哪一些人來談論?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實你看「明日亞洲」跟「啟動亞洲」的籌備會議跟講者,其實差不多就是那一些人了,也包含我們在GSG的這一些人,這些其實都是一直在投入這一些的老師們。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我為什麼說絕不主導,主要的原因是,他們已經有非常完整的概念,我們只是確保公部門不要擋他們的路,這個可能是最重要的,所以當然完全可以找這一些生態建構者來進行訪問。" }, { "speaker": "張浩榕", "speech": "這一次應該差不多就這樣。行政院我是第一次進來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "警衛有一點多。沒關係,習慣就好了。(笑)" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家午安,很高興大家在這一次的月會,這一次月會滿特別的,因為才剛從日本回來,我們有跟日本內閣府等等一起做分享,是我們外交部PO慕賢、vTaiwan社群朋友Tmonk有來,今天有一個他們的回國分享,今天是00401,sli.do有一個QR code,所以如果有空的話,可以掃一下QR code,或者是到,然後輸入00401,隨時都可以在上面發言,我們就直接開始。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我們先請外交部的慕賢PO及vTaiwan分享一下3月中上旬參加日本政策工作坊的心得分享,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "政委、PDIS、各位夥伴及各部會長官、先進大家好,我是外交部的PO,很高興有機會可以跟著政委、PDIS的夥伴一起到日本參加Code for Japan舉辦的兩場政策工作坊。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "這兩場工作坊,第一場是3月9日下午,在日本東京都霞關舉行,主題是公司登記簽章法,為什麼這個議題會提出來要做協作?因為有牽涉到傳統上刻印業的生計,還有人別確認等等的議題。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "另外一個是3月10日的鐮倉,題目是合法遠距工作,這個題目被拿出來協作是因為遠距工作的員工跟雇主間有一些立場、想法非常不一致,因此有必要讓大家討論一下。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "我在這兩個工作坊分享的內容是大同小異,大同的部分是介紹我國開放政府的四大支柱,也就是我們的核心價值,還有介紹我國行政院開放政府三級會議的制度,也就是各位PO所知的季會、月會及協作會議,還有跟他們介紹實際上PO做什麼工作,包含對內及對外的溝通,還有必要的時候要來召集協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "因為PO要做這一些工作,因此PO應該具備哪一些特質,這個是參考開放政府連絡人實施要點所報告的,包含要有熱忱、溝通能力,要熟悉部會主管法規等等,最後我們也提醒他們是協作並非是解決所有問題的萬靈丹,有些時候因為議題牽涉的層面很複雜,並不是一次協作會議可以解決所有的問題,要召開三次。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "像民主國家牽涉法案修訂的時候,要把立法程序納入考慮,也就是提醒他們在邀請利害關係人一定要把國會議員也納入利害關係人一起來參與協作討論。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "小異的部分主要是針對兩場工作坊的主題不同來作案例分享,第一場因為有牽涉到人別或者是身分確認的問題,所以我舉衛福部的新一代健保卡的案例,這個案例也感謝之前在共識營當中,因為衛福部長官出來分享協作的經驗,我根據那一份的簡報及Mark在季會提的簡報來作分享。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "同時也是利用這個案例,讓他們瞭解到這個案例牽涉的層面很廣,而且議題需要分不同的階段來解決,所以實際上衛福部到目前為止已經召開了三次的協作會議,之後才決定初步的試辦方案,未來會進行試辦之後才會決定要怎麼樣做。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "第二場在鐮倉,因為主題提到合法遠距工作,我們分享的案例是有漫畫,也就是各位PO熟知的報稅軟體難用到爆炸的案例,也有分享我們的漫畫,剛好有日語版,因此在現場有引起很大的迴響,以上是我們跟日本方面報告的內容。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "我的觀察是,我發現以前有一些對日本人的刻板印象,他們不擅長、不喜歡、不喜歡凸顯個人,但是在這兩場的工作坊裡面,我發現因為來參加的人都很清楚,他們出席工作坊的目的是什麼,而且因為是分成小組討論,小組彼此間並不知道各自討論的內容是什麼,所以討論的時候是非常熱烈,我回憶起剛剛擔任PO的時候,有PDIS芳睿帶領一些講師指導我們這一些PO如何參與協作會議,協作會議如何運作時,那時其實我自己滿害羞的,因為看到其他部會有的PO是有副司長層級的長官來擔任,更會覺得如果就這樣子坦誠把我的意見說出來,會不會讓別人覺得我很蠢,因此不敢坦然說出自己的看法,但是那兩天在現場的觀察並沒有這樣的情況,他們在主辦人一開始簡單說明一下討論的規則之後,他們就很快可以自己融入討論,然後非常地熱烈,以至於他們不太需要我的幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "接下來是我個人心得的部分,在場的PO,不管是資深或者是很有經驗的PO,或者是今年初才加入PO的工作,我會鼓勵大家,以後有類似這一種跟政委出去與其他國家團體做心得分享或者是交流時,希望各位可以踴躍地參加,因為相較於日本,其實我們在開放政府這一塊算是走得比較快,所以即便我個人是參加協作會議經驗比較少的PO,我有限的經驗還是足夠給他們參考,因此會希望各位PO多出去跟其他國家的團隊做一些交流,然後肯定其實我們經過這一些年來的努力並不是白費的,已經有很初步的成就,而且是別人取經的對象。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "舉例說,像在鐮倉的討論會當中,講到利害關係人,其中有小組寫了便利貼,利害關係人寫了自己,我就問這個自己是什麼樣的人,是普通的公司社員或者是員工的眷屬或者是公司管理階層或者是企業主,他們說那一組都是希望進行合法遠距工作的人,因此他們就是這樣的人,我提醒他們很模糊寫自己,因為你的自己跟別人的是不同的人,應該要更明確描述這個利害關係人是誰。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "又例如同一場的工作坊,有一位律師事務所的負責人,他有提到自己的顧慮,他說如果讓他的律師把案件帶回處理的話,可能會有洩漏客戶機密資料,但是如果有什麼樣的資訊、安全技術,可以確保這一些顧客資料不外洩的話,願意重新考慮。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "我就說既然發現這一點,因此下次在討論這議題的時候,是不是應該把具有資安專長的人納入一起協作,看有什麼樣的解決方法,他們也覺得我的建議讓他們得到一些啟發。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "第三,其實日本方面雖然起步比我們晚,但是他們有來自經濟產業省的年輕一代公務員注意到這個是趨勢,因此從東京到鐮倉,車程是一、兩個小時來參加我們的討論,會後跟我們的團隊也有很多的交流,肯定我們的公務員很有膽量來做這樣的事,我也鼓勵他們其實現在起步都不算太晚,按照那一場熱烈討論,日本的開放政府會後來居上也說不定。" }, { "speaker": "錢慕賢", "speech": "第四,我也鼓勵各位PO,如果對PO這一份工作有什麼想法,不妨坦然說出來,因為這一次我之所以有機會跟政委一起去日本跟大家交流,有一個原因是我在1月18日第一場的共識營當中,我委婉地說「雖然本部跟政委合作的機會很多,但是這一些PO都沒有參與到」,然後我就得到一起出去交流的機會了,所以各位對PO這個工作有什麼想法就坦然說出來,事實證明,政委會成全大家。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實,我是公僕的公僕。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接著請Tmonk幫忙說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "Tmonk", "speech": "我是Tmonk,是和尚的monk。我在前幾個禮拜沒有做太多的努力在這一個活動上,我那一天去問Code for Japan,問他們怎麼樣的工作方式,他們是說去年底vTaiwan的論文跟PDIS在多倫多做的工作坊。" }, { "speaker": "Tmonk", "speech": "最主要的是,論文跟工作坊的材料其實在網路上都查得到,我們基本上都是以創造的方式來做試出,因此他們想要做就可以直接做,不用特地來問我們,因此我們的工作在很早,在去年底的時候,或者是很前面的時候就已經透過公開、開源的方式,讓他們有機會快速學習辦一個工作坊。" }, { "speaker": "Tmonk", "speech": "最主要要辦這樣的工作坊有很多利害關係人要參加,有一個很重要的要點是,要創造很舒適的空間,讓大家來發言,也就是食物很好吃,「開放」這個詞其實中性的,其實參加了利害關係人,像那一天是有印章公會的人來,其實對印章公會的人來講,他們很擔心,(消息)在前幾天出去,其實就有新聞在報導印章公會的人很反彈這樣的方式,基本上換成數位認證的方式,等於是斷了生計,因此利害關係人的衝突是非常明顯的。" }, { "speaker": "Tmonk", "speech": "其實那一天有來兩個印章公會的人,他們其實沒有在那一天事實表達他們的困擾,可能要靠主持人的提點或者是什麼樣的方式來鼓勵他們多表達自己的意見。" }, { "speaker": "Tmonk", "speech": "第二天是談遠距工作,因為有舒適的空間,因此有人才會抱怨有一些遠距工作的工具,像slack的軟體,對他們來講,其實他們覺得非常好用,而且會想要是不是有更好的工具。" }, { "speaker": "Tmonk", "speech": "我回想起來,目前大多數在臺灣,數位溝通的方式主要是用LINE,我也覺得LINE在工作上很難用,好比像有人會突然放自己的私密照在群組上,有很多類似的困擾,這樣的溝通跟討論是不是有更好的工具,也是一個討論的要點。" }, { "speaker": "Tmonk", "speech": "其實「開放」一詞是滿中性的,我們雖然在vTaiwan都會開放逐字稿,也會在開放逐字稿的前一個禮拜,讓利害關係人是不是要修飾一下用詞,以避免公開在網路上的時候造成誤會。" }, { "speaker": "Tmonk", "speech": "因此舒適的空間在這一個領域上,因為太快的開放了,可能會讓大家不敢講自己想要講的話,但是有這樣的機制去做輔助,就是讓大家很放心在工作坊的場合裡面比較自在發言自己的想法。" }, { "speaker": "Tmonk", "speech": "這一次最可惜的是,印章公會的人沒有自己講,未來十年還會常常發生,也就是所謂的自動化或者是AI會消滅工作的議題,大家都知道這個議題在新聞報導媒體上或者是大家在討論時,都會用很災難式的說法,也就是會有很多人一下子突然沒有工作,但是事實上其實不太一樣,印章公會是一個例子。" }, { "speaker": "Tmonk", "speech": "我這邊提三個例子,當然不是為了拖延時間,因為很重要,所以要講三次,第一個例子是ATM,1967年的時候,第一台ATM誕生,那時很多銀行行員會擔心自己的工作不見,但是事實上發現並不是,後來發明ATM後的十年、二十年的統計發現,其實銀行僱用更多人去做sales的工作,不用做入、出帳的工作——也不是說不用——而是重複性的工作不用再做了,他們可以把重心放在其他的地方,可以擴增編額來做更重要的事。" }, { "speaker": "Tmonk", "speech": "第二個例子是去年總統盃黑客松得獎的團隊是「搶救水寶寶」,他們是用監督式的學習,最初要抓漏水的時候,一開始是要靠臺水的老師傅,一天是查2.5公里的管線,有了AI的幫助之後可以做更多,但是並不代表這八十位的老師傅工作就不見了,而是說他可以把一些之前比較重複性的工作,要去查水管的重複工作交給機器來做,人去判定如何精進抓漏水的方法,然後可以請這一些老師傅可以教這一些機器去學新技術。" }, { "speaker": "Tmonk", "speech": "第三個例子,大家在投影機上看到的這個,我們那一天去的時候,其實是用英文去作talk,Code for Japan開發UD talk的軟體,會平行同步聽你講的話,然後翻出來,並不是完美的,有時會翻得有一點奇怪,但是聽得到的詞都可以翻得過來,因此對翻譯員的工作來講,翻譯的工作就不是純粹把一個單字從英文轉成日文這麼簡單,而可以把他們的工作比較放重心在我們想要表達的事情表達出來,至於字詞的轉換交給機器來做,因此現場還是有翻譯工作人員,另有機器的輔助。" }, { "speaker": "Tmonk", "speech": "以上是這三個例子。" }, { "speaker": "Tmonk", "speech": "講到機器人或者是AI會消滅人類的工作,其實不是消滅工作,工作是job,job有很多任務task,機器是把重複性的task拿去做,人類可以做比較創新思考、不是那麼重複性的工作,因此對印鑑章公會來講也是需要考慮到的問題,以上是我的分享,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果不是有這個UDTalk,我們講英文、馬上即時翻日文,或者是他們講日文、即時翻中文、英文的軟體,其實我們不可能帶日本協作工作坊的,因為我真的不會講日文,也聽不懂,但是有這個的話,大概可以帶到七、八成沒有問題,這個也是滿好現代AI的應用,AI是「輔助式智能」,可以專注在主持的工作上,主持人不會日文的問題,加上AI跟現場翻譯員即時調整翻譯,變成是可行的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實在此之前,我們也不知道協作會議這麼緊湊的時程裡面,有沒有可能看這一種投影就ok,但是因為他們說這一套其實本來發明並不是為了翻譯,而是為了聽障者。透過 AR 眼鏡,甚至是不同障別的朋友,都可以透過雙向即時的方式,還是可以一起開會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "連那樣子很高度的限制都已經克服的話,像我在日本是有聽障跟一點點視障,因為看得懂一點漢字,在這種情況之下,其實後來發現真的滿work的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這是未來國際交流上可以考慮很好的設計模式,謝謝兩位的分享。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有沒有想要詢問或者是討論的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "隨時想到什麼就丟到。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "關於「提點子以宣傳邀請附議一案」的方式,有請國發會報告。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "各位好,上個月有一個BIM工地主任職能課程的這一塊,有涉及三個部會,一個是內政部、工程會、勞動部,後來民眾有做一些人民陳請,實際上有涉及到「提點子」宣傳附議的話,是不是要參採?實際上也藉這個機會來做彙整跟重要的說明。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "因為目前「提點子」還是5,000份,但是從去年7月2日大概有調整,就是用電子郵件跟手機一次性驗證,但是因為一個手機是可以綁三個電子郵件的帳號,可能會兩、三個附議的情形,提議者或者是比較利害關係人的負責裡面想要讓案子成案,因此想要透過相關的方式來吸引民眾附議。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "底下彙總五個提案,實際上前面四個是在去年7月2日以前,因此附議的樣態跟現在有一點出入。第五案與實際有報告BIM案人員的這一塊,也涉及到提供意見的部分。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "我記得上次在107年10月PO的月會也有提到《故意用有價證券處理方式的時候,上次很難以辨別提案者、附議者,是因為贈獎或者是有價的活動才來附議,因此當時有建議,按照目前的實施要點規定來做處理。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "另外,因為這子也有提這個案例,因此我們還是建議如果民眾還是有價證券的附議行為,如果成案的話,建議機關實施要點來作處理,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個簡單來講,其實我們幾乎每一年都會接到這樣的陳請,我們真的難以查證或者是即時管理收到有價宣傳之後來附議,或者是之後來附議是收到對價或者不是,這個跟投票不一樣,每個人可以附議,像每一個「提點子」都附議,這其實也是可以的,跟一般的投票有限制票數是不同的,所以目前從國發會的盤點看來,雖然有這一些態樣,但是很難說哪一些態樣來說這個連署有哪一些不算,這個技術上跟行政上都很困難,有好的想法都很歡迎提出來,但是在實際做法之前有哪一些態樣不算,這個是報告的主旨。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有要補充的?如果沒有的話,我們就下一個。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "接下來有關於之前做過協作會議序號9、序號37的辦理情形摘要報告,法務部的序號9是「廢除《調度司法警察條例》,尊重警察工作之專業,共同營造我國精緻司法的願景」。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "今天法務部羅柏沒有來,由我這邊代為發言,這一案行政院羅政委已經開過會,不會廢除這個條例,但是會在相關的條文上做適當地修正,希望這一案可以解除追蹤。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們實際上還是沒有院版,是不是?這個是在等立法院嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "因為之前立法院退回,所以要再重新。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還是沒有送到院會?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "要再確認一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還是要等院版出來,我們送去立法院,他們不排審是一回事,但是送去立法院之前,等於行政院的立場還沒有很確定,當然很高興羅政委有一個比較明確的方向,但是要回應這一些提案人的時候,還是必須說幾年幾月幾日的院會,我們做出什麼樣的版本,我覺得這樣比較妥當。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "即使要解除列管,我們要比較確定在什麼時候會這樣子送出來,也許請法務部PO再確認一下,什麼時候會從部裡面送到院裡面,大概到那個時候,其實如果有一個預告案,我們就可以從連署案轉預告案了,現在如果從預告案都沒有的話,就很難說把它轉掉,因為有一個超連結可以回給當初的連署人,大概是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "謝謝政委。接著是序號37,也就是「新一代國家健保憑證規劃案」,請衛福部。" }, { "speaker": "陳瑩萍", "speech": "衛福部報告,這個案子的進度跟前一次的報告是一樣的,我們的健保署還是撰寫標案當中,報告完畢。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "接下來討論有關於協作會議的議題,現場再詢問一下各位PO,有沒有自提的案子?看起來目前沒有。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "這邊國發會有挑出兩個案子,請國發會先稍微說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "大家好,4月份協作會議建議有兩案,這兩案都是已經成案的議題,第一個建議議題是醫療院所『病房營養照護』及『診間營養諮詢』 應有全民健康保險給付制度。他的訴求有幾個重點:" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "第一,希望這個可以降低營養師離職率;第二,病人可以獲得良好的營養照護及達到自我健康管理;第三,可以減少醫療資源支出。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "第二個議題是立網約車專法,保護租賃業與代僱駕駛的就業權利,訴求訂立網約車平台專法,保護創新平台與代僱駕駛的就業權,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是不是先請衛福部?" }, { "speaker": "陳瑩萍", "speech": "衛福部說明一下,有關於第一個議題,依據健保法第41條的規定,我們的醫療服務給付項目與支付標準是根據保險人、相關機關及專家來進行共同擬訂,然後報主管機關來核定。" }, { "speaker": "陳瑩萍", "speech": "醫療給付項目及支付標準新增或者是修訂,我們都會經過專家團體來討論取得共識,提報到醫療服務給付項目及支付標準共同擬訂會議來進行討論,得到同意之後,我們才會修訂支付健保的標準。" }, { "speaker": "陳瑩萍", "speech": "這個案子自從3月18日成案之後,健保署已經跟提案人聯繫,提案人為營養師學會的成員,健保署後續會邀請提案人並召開會議討論,說明現在支付標準擬訂程序。" }, { "speaker": "陳瑩萍", "speech": "在這個程序的會議之後,如果之後營養師學會願意提案到專家會議討論,就可以接軌到支付標準的擬訂程序,因此不太需要去進行協作會議,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們覺得這五千個附議,但部分是單一團體,可以這樣詮釋嗎?或者類似的團體,你已經跟這一些團體有聯絡了,裡面有一些散客,不是特定團體的,你們先進行溝通之後,再讓這些人知道,然後在平台上回應,聽起來是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "交通部。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "請交通部路政司同仁說明。" }, { "speaker": "戴邦芳", "speech": "政委、各位與會先進大家好,我想先跟大家報告一下,這個案子的緣由,我可能要花比較長的時間,有些先進不是很瞭解Uber在臺灣營業的一些問題。" }, { "speaker": "戴邦芳", "speech": "100年初的時候,Uber跟剛開始的白牌車合作,去提供載客服務,當然提供載客服務之後,離峰的時候是削價競爭,尖峰的時候叫不到計程車的時候,可能會把價錢乘車費用提高到兩倍或者是兩倍以上來跟計程車競爭,所以在105年、106年引起了計程車司機很大波反彈。" }, { "speaker": "戴邦芳", "speech": "後來計程車業界包圍行政院、立法院之後,立法委員很快地透過了公投法的修正案,對於這一種行為,如果是一個營業主體來從事這種行為,就是未經申請核准經營汽車客運業去載客營業的營利行為,最高可以罰到2,500萬,立法一通過之後,當然Uber就短暫地退出市場,那時不跟自用車合作。" }, { "speaker": "戴邦芳", "speech": "跟自用車合作的時候,是在場任何一個人開著車就可以去攔客,Uber退出市場之後,就說可以跟小客車租賃業合作,當初是說可以像國內比較大的,像和運或者是格上,和運有200部車,可以協助機車接送跟載客服務。但是我們觀察從106年到現在,服務的型態已經變樣了,有一點走到脫法的行為,現在是跨了200多家小客車租賃業的車行,去派底下所屬8,000到1萬多戶的車,透過科技平台,現在還在從事過去的那一種營業模式,包括從定價,也就是從A到B要花多少錢,從訂價、招攬司機靠行及廣告,目前都是Uber公司在做。" }, { "speaker": "戴邦芳", "speech": "其實Uber真的很好用,像我自己也常用,因為真的很便宜,我從交通部要到行政院來開會的話,我坐計程車大概是85元,我坐Uber只要65元,當然便宜、好用,大家都很樂意用,但是這一種情況,對於租賃車行跟所謂的代步駕乘來講,我認為這是飲鴆止渴的事情,尤其這個時間如果不好好處理的話,像代步駕駛的數量越來越龐大的話,這個問題會很難處理。" }, { "speaker": "戴邦芳", "speech": "我們觀察交通部會有這個提案,雖然是法規要修正預告之前,從去年8月開始,又有一波計程車駕駛認為Uber其實又再用削價競爭的情況,因此從8月開始又有一些計程車的駕駛要求我們對這一種行為還是要嚴加管制,那時交通部有拋出修法的建議後,在這個平台上就慢慢又有人進去附議。" }, { "speaker": "戴邦芳", "speech": "當然這邊是所謂要提案建立網約車專法,目的有講說保護創新平台,然後要跟代步駕駛的就業權,這個是現在非常關心的,也就是所謂的代步駕駛的就業權跟他的權利,現在這一些個別的駕駛,透過Uber的平台來做載客營業的時候,這一些代步駕駛,可能周遭有很多朋友都在開Uber的車,到底是Uber的從業人員或者是小客車租賃車行的從業人員,因此現在的代步駕駛都還不保障這個權利,其實拿到一台車,問駕駛說幫誰開車,他說是幫Uber開車,其實實際上是小客車租賃業行的受僱人,這一些租賃車行是必須要投保勞健保,這一塊到目前為止還是很模糊,這兩年以來,其實又回到兩年多前的營業型態。" }, { "speaker": "戴邦芳", "speech": "我再報告的是,這邊是講說要成立網約車專法,透過網路科技的平台來派遣車輛,其實以現在的計程車跟過去的小客車租賃業其實有網約的平台,像計程車有多元化計程車,也是透過APP在派車,我們的手機打開,也有所謂的呼叫小黃或者是APP,都可以提供這樣的服務。" }, { "speaker": "戴邦芳", "speech": "像小客車租賃業都有這樣的租車,像和運跟格上都有透過這樣的APP,其實都有透過這樣的APP來媒合乘客。" }, { "speaker": "戴邦芳", "speech": "我們可以瞭解的是,這個提案看起來最主要是屬於跟Uber合作的業者跟常常使用Uber的一些大眾提出來建議,交通部這邊的建議是,這個部分還是回歸到目前現有的規定,如果網約的話,其實現在就已經有了。" }, { "speaker": "戴邦芳", "speech": "我們最近在修法,也是要把小客車租賃業,透過科技平台派遣的行為來作正式的納管,因此會建議可以不納入協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "戴邦芳", "speech": "公路總局劉組長補充一下。" }, { "speaker": "劉育麟", "speech": "除了路政司提的之外,要納入協作會議當中,從去年到今年,從租賃業到計程車、客運業,都有提供五場(個別)以上的討論,在今年從3月份開始,一直到4月,我們也把這兩個邀集起來,也就是北、中、南、東,再度再召開五場的座談,經過這麼多次的座談討論以後,兩方面的一些想法,大概都可以蒐集、融合,因此是不是可以不用再納入協作議題當中另外再處理,以上補充。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以聽起來的意思是,爭點你們已經很確認了,這五千個人,不管有什麼論點,你們覺得可以一一回覆到比較到位,不一定會誤解他的意思,因為類似的意思,你們已經在北、中、南、東都已經蒐集過了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還有一個很基本的是保護創新跟代步駕駛的就業群勢,你們認定這個價值,並不是否定這個價值,聽起來是這樣的意思。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看有沒有其他的詢問或者是分享?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "雖然sli.do上有Mark提的臨時動議,我們都是今天中午才知道,但是我們程序上臨時動議是在討論案之後,所以我們還是先投票好了,現在是40分,按照以前慣例大概是3分鐘左右,因此我們到43分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是50%,可能要回去調一些季會的紀錄是「超過50」或者是「50以上」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "無論如何,大家都覺得網約車專法這一案值得跟各方的利害關係人去進行溝通,我們之前跟交通部有很多模式,包含把現有本來就會開的溝通會議,就像無人機那一案一樣,轉成紀錄比較公開一點的協作模式,這個是可以考慮的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "或者是北、中、南、東之後是不是可以有一種某種總收的方式,這個也是可以考慮的,具體採用什麼形式,尊重交通部的意見,我覺得如果是五千多個連署人之一,又不是在你剛剛提到團體的話,其實對大部分的網路上朋友來講,還是不知道您剛剛講很重要的點,所以可以把「Join」平台可以看到跳過媒體、懶人包,直接遞送到提案人的管道,具體的形式還是請交通部規劃看看。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "程序問題,因為我們剛好上個月也是我們家,這個月也是我們家。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解,所以可以引用「不連續辦理」的豁免規則。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過,你們要不要考慮再往後一個月辦?" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "這個有沒有跳過排除?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個連署案才剛成案,其實可以動用延後60天的條款,其實這整個程序都可以往後一個月或者是兩個月,這個也是交通部可以考慮的,不一定要現在上去跟連署人說要做協作會議,可以說這個議題要等什麼程序做完,我們才來協作這個案子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣雖然這個月的協作豁免,但是實際上是排到一個月以後,或者是兩個月以後都沒有問題,看這個是不是你們可以接受的方案?" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "(點頭)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果這個是比較可以接受的方案,就請朝這個方向來規劃。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "我們再討論一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "衛福部剛好是50%,尊重主持團隊來看,因為網約車這一案是往後一個月或者是兩個月,接下來有主持團隊有量能,但是沒有案子的情況,也可以像以前是變成教育訓練等等,但是也可以請衛福部評估一下,未來一、兩年以內是不是有溝通會或者是說明會,或者會有任何的其他會議形式,如果有的話,也可以適度融入協作的部分,是連署的,但不是團體的這一些散客們,好像也讓他們有一點參與的機會,之前大部分都是用這樣的方式在處理,所以是不是也是軟性一點,就像之前無人機那樣,請無人機評估一下可能性,再跟主持團隊聯絡,這兩案都差不多。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們回到臨時動議,請Mark。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "簡單說一下,自從去年5月7日的月會以來,因為那時在月會上也一個決議,「各部會要協助派出直播人力」,至今已經快要滿一年,我們討論了一下階段性目標已經達成,是不是建議可以改由PDIS完整協助直播團隊,之後要辦協作會議的時候,不需要由部會支援直播相關的三至五個人力。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "但是如果各部會想要練習直播,或者是對直播這一套要如何架設有需求的話,可以向PDIS提出。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當時會提出這個的背景是,很多部會都在開直播,但是直播如果回應性或者是畫面或者是收音等等,有各種各樣要考慮的成分,如果不好的話,反而不如用錄的,因此當時希望大家場布的時候,在音控一起參與瞭解到這個重要性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "自從蘇院長上任後,陳副院長當直播主150萬人線上看《還願》之後,我們發現各部會對於直播品質的要求,或者是短片的能力等等,都已經成長到相當可以接受,事實上有些也超過我們協作會議品質的程度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Mark的想法是,部會剛好在主辦或者是協辦的時候,直播亮點可以讓同仁瞭解,階段性各個部會至少有做直播的部會,都已經到一定品質的水準了,所以不強制讓大家練習,想法是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "再補充一點,現在已經排好的那幾案,漁港海釣案、BIM案、公投案及兒虐案,直播人力還是按照一開始規劃好的,今天投出來的這些案子,才會是由PDIS直接出所有的直播人力。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然前提是假設媒合進這兩個案子,要進行的程序裡有直播的需求。如果有的話,就不會再請交通部或者是衛福部出直播的人力,整個提案的意思是這樣子,這個有沒有反對意見?我猜不會有,但是還是問一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有反對意見的話,今天月會就這樣決定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛提到短片,因為現在大家都知道,我們已經進入大字幕的時代,就是會拍很多字很大的短片,因此這一次的漁港海釣案,在明天也會有一個短片出來,因為剛好很難得可以跟各位PO聚在一起,因此就放3分鐘的短片給大家看一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個都還可以調的,今天晚上同仁會加班修改,明天才會放出來,但這是電子媒體滿喜歡的一案,因此滿有可能會出現在媒體上,我們先看一下,如果有想到任何詢問或者是想要修正的,都歡迎用sli.do跟我們提出。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是直播預告片的概念,我們這一次有很多不管哪一邊的團體,他們在fb上有很多人同意第一次用所謂的共訊——接我們的直播訊號——他們也會在自己的社團各自直播,這個是觸及率應該算是有協作會議以來,算是相當大的一次。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個影片網址,我們會留在sli.do上,有任何想法或者是覺得影片製作可以更好的話,很歡迎現在可以告訴我們,也可以跟貴部會新媒體問一下他們的意見,有任何的想法都歡迎不管是在PO chat或者是email跟我們講,我們晚上會做一個修正,謝謝大家的貢獻。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有口頭的臨時動議?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有的話,非常準時,不到3點就結束會議。接下來是漁港海釣案的沙推。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "各位參加的飛友、政府相關單位,也有各大學來的,我想網路上也有一些部分觀看直播的,大家早。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "非常歡迎大家蒞臨現場參加遙控無人機檢驗、操作人員測驗委託辦法的說明會,這次這個說明會其實過去民航局辦了很多次,但是今天比較不一樣,今天是我們第一次跟行政院唐鳳辦公室合作舉辦政府協作的說明會。我們特別謝謝唐鳳政委辦公室,及壹雯、雨蒼兩位共同主持人在之前的準備工作協助很多,今天的直播現場也是謝謝他們。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "等一下我們在直播的時候,我想壹雯、雨蒼兩位也會說明,今天跟國際說明會有不同的做法。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這一次還是回歸正軌,我們這一次的委託辦法主要是依據民航法第99條之18的訂定,未來民航法施行以後、無人機專章施行以後,我們的無人機的飛手考試(操作人員測驗)、無人機機子本身的檢驗,將會依照這個規定,委託符合本辦法的機關(構)執行。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個草案的內容本身是包含了無人機檢驗、飛手的考試,這些委託者相關業務的團體資格、責任及民航局將來會針對所有的管理辦法會在這個草案當中,以下是讓我們的管理辦法更多元。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "非常歡迎各位等一下在逐條審查的時候,如果大家想到有更好的建議或者是認為裡面的條文有覺得比較不可行的,我們歡迎提出,我們會做更周延、謹慎的討論。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這邊要補充說明,因為這一次是第一次採用開放政府協作的會議方式進行,除了網路直播平台以外,我們有全程的錄影,也會有逐字紀錄,以這個方式來表達數位政府跟數位公民的協作,在這邊特別跟大家報告,也就是各位如果有提問題,包含我們回覆的問題,每一個都有紀錄,而且有逐字紀錄。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "看起來某個程度其實政府機關也是滿有壓力的,也就是講了以後,沒有其他原因是不能反悔的意思,但是畢竟這是草案的溝通過程,當我提出來的時候,我們會盡力回答。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "今天不見得會在會場能夠很確認你提的問題,我們確認文字可以怎麼改、怎麼做,但是沒有結論,我們至少會把各位的意見記錄下來,我們會在會後重新評估,因為這個會議如果很順利,可能一次就可以達成共識,這個共識就包含了很多條文、管理方式、資格,如果是簡單的,由我們單位自己修正,如果比較棘手的、可能範圍比較大的,或許我們經過評估以後,可能會預告或做下一次的公聽說明。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "有關於這一次會議議程進行的方式,我們會由承辦單位來說明,接下來各位看到現場有很多使用工具,雨蒼跟壹雯會大家說明,介紹行政院「公共數位創新空間小組」來說明使用。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "先請朱教官來說明。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "謝謝標準組林組長的開場。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "今天的會議我想配合行政院的運作上,等一下發言的時候,能夠請各位先進代表,在你們發言前能夠先說明您所屬的單位、大名,現場有一位速錄師會馬上幫各位的發言用逐字方式直接上傳做成紀錄,因此這一點希望各位能夠協助。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "有關於工具使用的部分,我想是不是請行政院「公共數位創新空間小組」同仁來為各位說明一下,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "大家好,我是行政院「公共數位創新空間小組」的林雨蒼,這個是我的同事壹雯,在大家需要一些釐清爭點時,我會適度幫大家釐清。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "今天使用的工具有兩個,一個是,大家隨時隨地,如果有拿手機、電腦,都可以連上來,你只要輸入「」、00402,你就可以進來我們這個聊天室留言,你有什麼意見我們會儘量收攏到我們的會議當中。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外一個工具是心智圖,在之前我們已經把相關的所有資料都已經先輸入進來了,大家的意見、民航局的回應都放在這裡,我們每一個條文有相關對應的便利貼,等一下大家在討論那個條文的時候,我們會儘量把大家的意見收攏在上面,包含大家的意見、民航局的回覆。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這邊的網址我們晚一點會貼到sli.do上,歡迎大家直接在上面參考,我們今天有直播,也歡迎大家分享到網路上。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們準備一個簡報,請朱科長來簡要說明。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "謝謝主席,這個是會議的議程,請各位長官能夠參考,我們接下來說明一下委託辦法草案的簡報。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "簡報大綱有說明訂定的依據、推動時程、委託辦法草案架構、委託辦法草案內容。訂定的依據,我們遙控無人機的專章,在民航法裡面,已經在去年4月三讀通過,總統在同月25日公布,現在民航局規劃是在108年下半年實施。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "今天我們所要討論的委託辦法,法源的依據是來自於民航法第99條之18,相關的內容請各位參考。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "推動時程的部分,誠如剛剛跟各位報告的,我們在107年4月25日公布以後,民航局很積極推動各項執法的立法工作,包含了之前遙控無人機管理規則、有關無人機檢驗、人員測驗的委託辦法。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "在今天的會議結束以後,我們預計於5月份能夠把草案進行公告的動作,同時也會在我們政府的公共政策平台上廣泛蒐集各方的意見,最後我們希望能夠在6月份,把完成草案的內容陳報給交通部,辦理法制的作業。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "委託辦法的整個架構來看,各位看到我們在整個辦法裡面,總共分成六章:第一章講的是總則,也就是一般的規定;第二章是受委託辦理遙控無人機檢驗業務者的資格,包含受委託機關(構)、團體辦理遙控無人機檢驗代表的資格,應該送給民航局審查的文件;第三章,有關於遙控無人機操作人員測驗業務的資格,內容跟第二章的內容大致相同,包含要執行測驗業務的委託機關(構)應該具備的資格、監考人員、鑑評人員的資格,及應送民航局申請的文件;第四章,受委託者的責任,按照民航法的規定,各個受委託機關(構)、團體應該要按照相關的手冊來執行業務,檢驗的代表或者是監評人員要參加講習,有一些關於風紀方面的規定;第五章是受委託者的責任,因為這個業務是由民航局給各個機關來執行,因此民航局可以隨時派員對相關委託的機關(構)來執行檢查,並調閱裡面的文件;第六章是附則,有關於委託業務之效期、審查規費、受委託機關(構)、團體收取各項費用辦法及相關的施行日期上的規定。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "以上是我們整個遙控無人機檢驗及操作人員測驗委託辦法之架構。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "接下來,進入到下一個議程是逐條討論的部分,我們來看這是第一章總則的部分,總則裡面有兩條,第1條說明法律訂定的依據,我在這邊把條文為各位長官宣讀一次,第1條是「依民航法第99條之18規定訂定之」,請討論。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這一條各位應該是沒有意見,這一條主要是依據法源,一般規則跟大家說明一下,一般訂規則一定是法律授權,因此這是在民航法第99條之18訂定來授權,因此這個基本上是沒問題的。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第2條剛剛也朗讀過了,依照法律的授權,民航局得依照業務需要委託其他機關(構)、團體或個人辦理。我們的說明欄裡面,不曉得各位有沒有看到說明欄的資料?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們目前對個人的部分,我們是排除,也就是現在實行委託業務,因此第一階段是,我們接下來的委託辦法草案,只有委託機關(構)、團體,沒有個人,個人可能未來產業更蓬勃發展以後,才會考慮到,以上說明,各位有沒有意見?或者是其他的建議?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第2條的部分,中華多旋翼遙控安全發展協會有一些意見,有沒有要幫我們說明一下?我們會前有收到一些資料,這邊有一些業務場地取得及設置的規劃,我們收攏在這個地方。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "測驗場地的部分,像場地限制等等的定義,還有中央補助計畫,你們有建議放在第2條,上面的文字是ok的嗎?或者有需要說明一下?如果沒有需要說明一下,我們就請民航局幫忙回應一下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我稍微唸一下這邊的東西好了,「檢驗與測驗的場地除了遵守相關法令和地方政府的權責、相關規定外,還要依照民航局規定事項辦理」,我有稍微縮減一下,我把大意放在上面,如果截取的文意不對,請告訴我。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這邊有一個場地限制、規模定義,也要依民航局的規範為準,必要時得視需要來作調整,報請交通部核定後實施,這個是有關於檢驗、測驗場地的規定。另外還有加了一條,「如有中央補助計畫,得依本業務規範及受託單位規模專案辦理或執行」,你們有建議加在第2條的部分。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "我補充一下,好了,我是中華多旋翼遙控發展協會理事長,我姓成。我們希望這個辦法能夠像一般的規定一樣,上面會加註一些有關執行單位及做法,有沒有什麼樣的補助措施,因為後面可能還有很多新秀不瞭解的,他看這個法就知道到底是誰主辦,有什麼規矩、有沒有什麼補助措施?講起來的話,應該算是政府在執行這一個業務上,希望非觀光團體能夠來協助。所以我們屬於民間被動代表來協助的話,我們希望政府這邊能夠講清楚一點,把兩者間的對價關係講清楚。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "這個不是像BOT或是承攬公家的業務,這個是政府這邊要執行這個工作,但是可能有困難,或者需要民間這邊的參與,我們想講清楚一點。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "前面是不是請耿簡技說明,不足的部分再來補充。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "大家好,我是民航局標準組承辦單位的簡任技正,我在這邊跟大家說明,特別是中華多旋翼協會提出來的。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "第一個,檢驗測驗的場地及相關的內容,包括地方政府權責或法令,依民航局事項處理,基本上這個委託辦法是在民航法授權下的法規命令,法規命令基本上是對外發生效力的,所以基本上是程序性的內容裡面。到了實作的時候,一定還有很多內容的部分,這個部分我們現在的目前的規劃,是有關於遙控無人機未來辦法執行時的業務指引,我們預計是用民航通告的方式來作未來發布,民航通告是由民航局以行政指導的方式來作發布,因此內容會比較具體,未來修正的話,在不違反原來的母法或子法的精神下,具體的內容都可以做一些彈性的調整,因此我們這邊會有一個公告,解決相關的場地、設備的細節問題。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "至於第二個有提到補助,等一下會說明。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "至於民航通告等內容是否需要報交通部核准,以分層負責的關係,既然行政指導是由我們民航局做出來行政指導的文件,可由民航局以民航通告的方式來作處理,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我再補充說明,第1項跟第3項,耿簡技已經說明得很清楚,要遵守的法令、權責,這一塊在其他的法規已經有律定,這裡不用再寫都必須要律定。有關場地限制、規模定義,這一個部分我們會發一個民航通告,如果以民航通告的方式來規範,這個部分再看其他的條文會提到,有關於如何規範,會由民航局來訂定,我們會發民航通告的方式來進行。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "有關於補助,剛剛也有講到對價的關係,先跟大家報告,因為無人機的檢驗,可能跟汽車執行檢驗是不一樣的,大家都有汽車,幾年以後要檢驗,新車或者是舊車要檢驗,看每一個檢驗廠每一天限量多少是有規範的,收了錢要繳回去給政府當規費,這個是比較複雜的。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "無人機這一塊的檢驗跟考試不是走這個方式,而是任何未來機關(構)團體,只要符合這個資格,你就可以申請,如果符合資格,民航局包含人、裝備、考場設施都合格,這三個大項都合格,如果評估ok,就會給你委託證。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們沒有保證單位在考試或是檢驗時,能不能財務平衡,這一塊在這個法律沒有對應的保障,所以我們後來也會規劃,一樣會請外部的專家學者來作評估,像整個臺灣北、中、南、東的這一些場地或者是我們的玩家有多少,我們會適度做場地的規劃,而不能說限制,讓我們的考試每兩年,人員取得證照是每兩年要重新考證一次,機子也是每三年要檢驗一次,這塊我們會有數量的瞭解後,我不能說布局,但是會有規劃的限制,主要的委託關係是這樣子,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "不知道還有沒有問題?如果沒有的話,我們就進到下一條。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "接下來為各位長官說明有關於第二章「受委託辦理遙控無人機檢驗業務者之資格」,第3條是受委託對象之資格:「受委託機關(構)、團體辦理檢驗業務者,應經民航局審核並具備下列資格之一:一、從事航空工業或相關工業之工程、品管或檢驗、試驗機構,經目的事業主管機關核准在案之公、民營事業機構。二、具有遙控無人機檢驗能力之各級機關(構)、行政法人、財團法人或社會團體。」" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第4條:「受委託機關(構)、團體辦理檢驗業務者,應指定具備下列條件之檢驗代表從事檢驗作業:一、大專以上畢業。二、具有遙控無人機設計、製造、改裝或操作等相關經驗三年以上。三、熟悉相關檢驗法規、標準、程序及工作指引。四、完成民航局所辦理之檢驗相關訓練或講習並取得合格證明文件者。自本辦法施行後三年內,檢驗代表具有實務專業經驗,由其機關(構)、團體之負責人檢附相關證明文件並經民航局認可者,得不受前項第二款相關經驗之」。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第5條:「受委託機關(構)、團體辦理檢驗業務者,應檢附下列文件向民航局申請核准後,始得辦理遙控無人機檢驗業務:一、登記證明文件。二、檢驗代表名冊。三、備有經民航局認定之檢驗作業所需場地及設備之說明文件。四、檢驗業務工作手冊,內容至少應包括組織及人員職掌、檢驗能量、檢驗作業及品質保證程序。五、申請型式檢驗業務者,應有實際從事航空工業或相關工業之工程、製造、品管或檢驗、試驗等業務之說明及證明文件。前項第二款之名冊如因人員離職或異動時,受委託機關(構)、團體應於三十日內檢附新名冊報請民航局核准。」" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "以上,請討論。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這次總共有3至5條,共3條,第3條是委託各項的資格,我知道有一個書面意見。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個意見是建議把第3條來作簡化,是具有遙控無人機檢能力,簡化成把第1款拿掉,然後把第2款改成財團法人或者是社會團體及公(民營)事業機構,這個部分有要說明嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "沒有的話,就直接說明第3條。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "建議是簡化條文,文字建議是把兩款合併成一款,對於航空工業、工程品管檢驗業務的監主管機關拿掉,我用正面的說明,我們法規基本上在訂定是有一些說明的。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第1項第1款提到「從事航空工業或相關工業之工程、品管或檢驗、試驗機構,經目的事業主管機關核准在案之公、民營事業機構」,大家參考說明欄,主要像中科院、工研院這種比較大型的,我們把它律定這是一個等級,因為這個比較像中科院、工研院是比較powerful,功能比較完整的,這個是第一個等級。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第二,具備檢驗能力的各級機關(構),這裡包含學校或者是公司,像中科院就是行政法人,任何財團法人的形式都可以,還有社會團體,比如像協會、公協會,只要你具備,等一下會(說明)審查的標準,只要具備都可以具備審查,主要有這樣的層次。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "如果把它合併成一個「各級機關(構)行政法人資格」,是比較籠統,而且顯現不出來剛剛講這麼清楚的資格或是對象,我建議還是維持原來的條文,因為簡化以後不見得是正面的,未來搞不好大家都覺得簡化的名詞,特別名詞是各級機關(構)行政法人、財團法人、社會團體的公民營事業機構,像這個可能在學校的部分,機關都是在學校,財團法人也是在學校;但像比較專業的就沒有出現了,因此我們建議維持原來的條文。" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "各位長官先進,我是「簡單應用」Gavin Chang,我想發表一下意見,因為第1條是有「須經目的事業主管機關核准在案」,但是其實這個檢驗的部分,如果第1款跟第2款合併,本身就具備一定的能力,如果把航空工業跟相關工程這一些檢驗的標準,還要再經過目的事業主管機關核准,但是我們想要看到,這個辦法這樣說,但事實目前其實相關的標準都沒有,訂定目的主管機關核准在案,不曉得是什麼意思,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個我說明,你有一點誤解,第1款是指這個,講的主管機關核准「公、民營事業」,先從公營機關,今天有一個公立學校,因為公立學校有國立的,私立的比較沒有,類似一個學校想要申請民航局的資格,我們就會要求這個學校如果是國立的,舉例子,是國立的高中或是大學或是技職學校,國立的我要申請,我們要他的上級機關同意支持,因為是公立機關,不能類似是標準組,在民航局底下,說標準組要做一個事情,要去外面申請,大家知道我的老闆是局長,局長同意了沒有?是這個意思,因此「公、民營目的事業主管機關」必須要你的老闆同意,這時才算是正式的授權申請,我們才會跟他進行剛剛講的以下有一些標準的審查、資格審查,才會這樣進行,因為核准以後會有責任,這個責任的目的事業主管機關不同意你做這個責任,我們核准下來,你負的責任可能是白談,主要的目的是這樣子,可能跟一般第2款的行政法人、財團法人是沒有關係的。這樣說明(不知道是否清楚)?" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "但是如果是第1款的話,本身第2款是有直接寫明,具有遙控無人機檢驗能力,如果第1款的話,等於講白了,直接在文字排除,只要是相關的工業品管檢驗及測試機構,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "其實這兩個都是要具備檢驗能力,我們剛才特別強調,第1款有講因為是航空工業,雖然還在新科技發展,但像這一種我剛剛舉的例子,比如工研院或是比較大型的團體,因為本身的檢驗跟試驗機構是比較完整的,所以接下來要發展這個。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們最後要給證之前,一定要具備檢驗能力,這個是無庸置疑的,在文字上或許會讓你誤解,我們在文字上會再調一下,避免這個誤解的情況。即使主管機關同意,一樣要具備無人機的檢驗能力以後,我們才會核給,這只是文字上的表達問題。" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "請問一下相關的文字,是不是可以大約現場說明一下?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "把具備遙控無人機檢驗能力的字眼放在第1行,可能避免誤解,一樣是要具備檢驗能力,不可能中研院或者是中科院的人來,我們就給證,不可能的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實另有給一個意見,「受委託單位應有其事業主管機關證明在其業務內無違法、違規紀錄」。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "大家好,我是蔡尚宏,剛剛那一條是我提的。對於現在這個草案大家要思考一個,到底民航局委託給其他單位,是屬於第二方認證或是第三方認證?我要說明的是,如果通過這一些現有草案規定,是不是可以檢查自己人的飛機?這個很重要,如果可以的話,變成是第二方認證,就是自己檢查自己就好了。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "我認為民航局擁有飛行器試航認證是獨立的,應該是屬於第三方認證,因此民航局的標準組,你不能是製造飛機的航空公司,現在標準組也好、民航局也好,你要委託人家去做檢驗或者考試,你不能把責任給散掉,你還是屬於第三方認證的原則。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "你現在如果變成第二方認證的時候,你怎麼去處理工研院檢驗自己屬下單位,或者是工研院、中科院互相交叉檢驗。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "我剛剛提的是,這麼獨立、高尚的權利,下放給這麼多人的時候,這些人不是只有能力而已,如果在現有的業務曾經有做過違法的,中科院曾經有什麼弊案被揪出來就不能做檢驗單位,工研院曾經過往的歷史當中,曾經有任何違法紀錄的,就不能做檢驗單位。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "如果學校的老師都有被教育部找出來,論文是造假的,這個學校如何申請一個認證單位?所以我認為這邊是很嚴重、很嚴肅的議題,整個法案到底民航局要把這個委託變成第二方認證還是要獨立維持第三方認證的獨立性,這個要講清楚,如果要變成第二方認證,我認為所有申請的人,不能有任何違法、違規的事實,不然曾經補習班作弊過的,換一個名字就來,沒有任何人提出說這個人、公司過往的歷史都是很好的,民航局只要說中科院、工研院來就照單全收,我們看一下工研院、中科院過往的歷史,各位認為有獨立第三方認證的能力、資格嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不好意思,我可能沒有很熟相關的東西,是不是可以說明一下第二方認證、第三方認證是什麼?因為我們應該也有不少的網友在網路上看,請說明。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "國際品質系統裡頭ISO定義的,第二方認證就是自己人,內部有內部稽核,第一方認證是你做了飛機,你自己檢查就好,第二方認證是公司當中有獨立的品保單位來檢查你做的這個人有沒有做好。第三方認證是外部獨立的,這個人不能做任何跟你相關的事業,他也不能來輔導你,就是獨立的第三方認證公司,像UL、SGS,他做食品檢驗,自己不能從事實體檢驗,所以是第三方認證,我認為民航局這一件事,應該要維持獨立第三方認證的獨立性。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這一塊衍生的比較專業,第一個不是第三方,我先澄清,這個工作本來就是民航局該做的,不管民航局要不要自己做飛機或者是無人機,全世界都一樣,全世界民航局也沒有自己做飛機、無人機出來,如果有使用就是使用端,先跟大家說明。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "民航局做這個業務,我們自己的專業,所有的國家都一樣,不是只有我們自己臺灣,現在政府裡面並沒辦法有這麼多專業的人來執行這麼多像多元化的工作,所以才會產生這個委託的關係。而這個委託出去才有委託辦法,這個委託辦法不是把責任委託出去,責任永遠在政府的肩膀上,就如飛機的飛航標準組,作業飛機的載客飛機,各位都有出國搭飛機或國內離島飛機,搭飛機的安全永遠是在民航局的身上,不會委託航空公司做什麼事,這個責任就跟民航局沒有關係、跟政府沒有關係。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "委託出去、責任一樣在民航局,當被委託單位做不好,依照規則也很清楚規範,你該做好、作弊或是刻意舞弊,這就跟我們講的安全責任是沒有關係的,這就會有督導的責任。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "所以剛剛不管講的第一方、第二方或者是第三方,民航局這邊的體系,第一個我們不叫認證,我們是委託執行這個業務,所以這個關係要先跟大家報告一下,因為我們沒有認證,不是我委託你,你就不管第三方獨立認證。我想在航空界第幾階層會有這樣的認證,但其他民航局該給證的,沒有第三方、第二方的問題,就是只有委託執行,我先跟各位報告一下,他的關係是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "衍生您剛剛所說的,如果允許第二方的話,我認為不應該有剛剛的限制,必須是從事航空工業或什麼限制,因為我只要有這個能力符合檢驗150公斤,尺寸多少拿出來量、該怎麼飛,我有這個能力的話,你就不應該限制必須是航空事業相關產業。如果延伸您剛剛的原則,這前後要一致,前後一致下來,我們才有得討論。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "像現在制定必須要有航空工業的,我們要回頭去看,這個遙控無人機150公斤等級以上的,我們要求做什麼檢驗項目?應該是依照檢驗項目所實施的能力來檢查,比如你只要量150公斤跟尺寸,我就拿一個秤重跟一個尺就好了,為什麼要從事航空工業相關的限制?如果您講是委託第二方認證都可以做的話,就不應該做這個限制啊!這個是我提出來的矛盾點在這裡,這邊所有的限制是要求人家做第三方認證的嚴格限制,要有這樣的能力、經驗,但是又不查曾經有沒有違法過的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "剛剛組長所講的如果委託是屬於第二方認證,任何人只要能夠證明,他有檢驗民航局所提出來的規定,重量也好、尺寸也好、飛行能力也好、馬達的工率也好,就可以來做自我檢驗啊!請回答一下。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "先講有關違法規則的,後面條文會有,我建議到後面條文再來討論,不然這邊會卡住,我先講違規的是在後面。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第二,這裡有兩款,我們的說明欄大概都很清楚,因為在航空的思維裡面,都會先把能力分等級,但是這個等級就如各位剛才講的,我們不會因為這個等級就把後門或者是門口關住,沒有,第一個等級的重點是,各位看法規的第1款重點,像航空工業、品管機構,我們的重點是目的事業主管機關核准,像我剛剛講的那個樣子,大家都講工研院也好、中科院也好、學校也好,今天有一個小單位、實驗室要來申請,我們強調要你的老闆同意,這個機關(構)才可以來申請,重點是在這裡,並不是工業等級。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第2款,你說只要具備能力的都可以,剛才你講的,我要做什麼具備這個能力,只有在第2款就可以符合,因此各位不用擔心第1款好像寫得很嚴格、進不去,沒關係,你走第2款,第2款自己就是老闆,除非你不用你的目的事業主管機關同意,條文的重點是在這裡,因此不要再focus在工業,那個不是重點。" }, { "speaker": "何信昭", "speech": "主席、各位先進大家早,國立台中教育大學何信昭講師第一次發言,有關於學校的部分有兩個問題、建議,在財團法人的部分,我們在說明的部分有提到各私立大專院校,在公立單位的部分,剛剛主席有提到國立的、公立的各級學校,建議是不是在私立的部分,如果要求私立大專院校的話,在公立的單位是不是相同層級的大專院校?不然現在公立的單位有十二年國教的部分,甚至到小學,是不是可以申請這個?這個部分我們是不是再釐清一下?" }, { "speaker": "何信昭", "speech": "建議如果提到是各大專院校的話,在公立的學校建議是不是公立的大專院校?這個部分大概有對等。" }, { "speaker": "何信昭", "speech": "第二個請教的是,關於剛剛提到的主管單位許可,就是在申請的時候,需經主管單位許可,以我們學校來講,國立單位的主管單位是教育部,我們如果行文請教育部來幫我們確認我們有沒有無人機相關草案違規事項的話,建議這部分由民航局來確認是不是這個學校有無人機相關的檢驗、考照的缺失。" }, { "speaker": "何信昭", "speech": "因為我們如果是跟教育部申請這部分的許可來證明我們學校沒有這個缺失的話,教育部應該無從查起,所以這部分是不是在主管單位的部分,斟酌怎麼樣調整。" }, { "speaker": "何信昭", "speech": "另外一個,如果剛剛學校的部分如果沒有限定在私立大專院校的話,以國立學校裡面,高中有一些國立大學附屬高中,國立大學附屬高中的主管單位就是國立大學,是不是他們只要國立大學許可就可以了,這部分再幫我們釐清一下,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "要不要先說明一下?" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "我大概先說明一下,有關於第一個部分,公立或國立的大專院校,因為財團法人沒有問題,對應的私立的大專院校,我們在說明欄裡面有一個「政府機關所屬機構(國立大專院校)」是不是就可以把問題澄清、處理掉,這樣就會落在下面的範疇,您的建議就可以做層次上的處理。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第二,目的事業主管機關是法定的,那不會是大學就可以,那是有法定的,那個是法律的名詞,有一個固定的等級,而且是很明確的,不會像老師所提到的附屬高中是上一級,並不是,而是有一個目的事業主管機關,這是有法律定義,這個很明確,比較沒有意義。" }, { "speaker": "何信昭", "speech": "所以國立學校還是要由教育部認可沒有缺失?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "國立大學的主管機關確實就是教育部,國立大學就是教育部。類似縣立的技職學校,我不知道有沒有。" }, { "speaker": "何信昭", "speech": "因為現在十二年國教了,國中職已經到縣市政府了。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "可能沒有。如果是國立的,大概都是教育部,如果是私立的大專院校,都是財團法人,是走第二塊,走的會不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "請問一下,第2款的規定是不包含公、民營事業機構?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "對,不包含。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "您剛剛回答我其實是不對的,第2款不包含一般的公、民營公司,你還是有限制。只要是公、民營的事業單位,就要落在第1款的限制。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "公司在第1款,沒有錯。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "所以您剛剛的回答是不對的,我剛剛問的是私人公司,您說私人公司不會有限制是第2款,但第2款是不包含私人公司。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "剛剛講的是「公」。「民」的部分我再補充一下,您假設是公司,目的事業主管機關不見得是經濟部,一樣是公司型態,我們要確認你是法人,法人不是自然人,要有一個證明文件。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "我現在是法人,針對民營公司,我問組長,到底是第二方認證或者是第三方認證,組長說是第二方認證開放型的,不會限制人家,但現在看起來第2款限制、是排外,是排除民營公司。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "沒有。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "民營公司用第2款申請,民營公司如果不是從事航空業……" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "民營公司是第1款。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "必須要航空工業相關的。您剛剛回答我的時候,說只要具備檢驗能力的話,就用第2款申請,第2款申請就是排除民營公司。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "「如果具有遙控無人機檢驗能力之民營公司」,我要適用哪一款?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "你是什麼樣的公司?我們是希望要工業相關的,你要檢驗,我們這個設計是這樣,假設你要檢驗,我們要執行考場,如果是用公司型態,現在是講私人公司,我們立法的規則是希望跟工業有關,這個工業很廣泛,不是商業,而是工業有關,這個工業有關的,可能是經濟部、六都的市政府有做這樣的工業,或是什麼工業的相關業務。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "但是組長剛剛回答的就不對了,如果你的檢驗項目,像秤重、量尺寸,民營公司是被你排除在外,因為我並不是從事您上面所要求的,但我又不能用第2款。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "所以我們的民營公司是跟工業有關的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "不是,民營公司如果具備有遙控無人機檢驗能力的,我要怎麼申請?我不是在上面的人。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "要具備第1款。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "我如果不是工業呢?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "那就不行。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "為什麼呢?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "您是希望有公司來申請,對吧!但是我覺得交通部的意思是,需要有檢驗無人機的能力,我們如果是公司,我們如何確定檢驗無人機的能力,你們認為是需要航空工業或相關工業,而且是目的事業主管機關核准在案的話,就可以證明具有遙控無人機的能力,是這樣的意思嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "就像這裡所講的,「航空工業」是第一個名詞,第二個是「相關工業之工程」、第三個是「品管」,第四個是「檢驗」,第五個是「試驗機構」,這五個私人公司只要跟這個有關的,就可以來申請,意思是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "舉一個例子,我是賣食品公司,或是我賣機票公司,也是公司,但是很抱歉,你不能舉出,沒有這一些項目就不能申請。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "賣農藥的想要有自己的無人機不行嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "可以啊!" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "這個是申請被委託的。我覺得立法還是要回到原來的原則,這裡隱含「部分第三方認證的排除條款」,但是組長又回答我說這是開放型的,但是到開放型的第2款,又排除民營公司,這真的是矛盾。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我必須澄清,這個地方並沒有排除民營公司,而是民營公司需要符合這一些規定。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "就排除了工業的,商業的不能。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "可是我覺得組長說的也沒有道理,只是做實品或是賣票的……" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "好,那第2款為什麼財團法人做食品的可以?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "因為具有遙控無人機檢驗。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "對,那為什麼民營公司做食品的具有遙控檢驗的不行?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們反過來問一個問題,如果覺得做食品的公司可能具有檢驗遙控無人飛機的檢驗能力,你覺得航空工業、相關工業、品管、試驗機構,這幾個項目以外,還要再新增什麼才可以符合?" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "我覺得以組長剛剛講的,我覺得並不是,是廣納第二方認證原則的話,就不應該有這個限制,尤其第2款已經寫了「具有遙控無人機檢驗能力」就好了啊!管你是商業,學校就可以做了,你幹麻要管人家是做什麼,既然第2款已經講了「具有遙控無人機檢驗能力」,就已經放在那裡了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "您建議的條文是是「從事航空工業或相關工業之工程、品管或檢驗、試驗機構經事業主管機關核准在案」,或者是「有遙控無人機檢驗能力之公民營事業機關機構」?" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "條文要怎麼弄,我不曉得,回到剛剛講的源頭,民航局做這個草案是第三方認證的原則,從頭到尾是這樣子,要限制就要限制到底,不要第1款做了限制,第2款開了門,又限制另外一個人,這是不對的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "我認為如果以組長剛剛的回答,第二方認證廣納的話,第2款就好了,為何人家是工業、商業、教育?如果從事教育的,不能用第1款,他可以用第2款,從事教育的公司不能用第1款,第2款也不能用。" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "是不是直接簡化就好了?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我再補充,法規有訂跟沒有訂,各有正反面的效果,剛才也講了,財團法人也好或者是公民營私立的公司型態也好,民航局要委託,剛剛也有人問,如果泛濫式,每個人都來申請,每個人都符合這個資格,對這個產業不是正面,最後大家都申請,可能根本沒有人來檢驗、考試,結果你要維持,那個是要成本,民航局會要求成本。本來訂法規就是要做管制,所以就會有一些部分的限制,這是免不了的,跟各位報告。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "你開放得越大,每個人都覺得有希望,每個人有希望,就會每個人來申請,那就會有另外的負面效果,當然一開始政府機關希望限制有效率的執行這些業務,這本來是民航局來做的,因為民航局沒有這個人力跟物力,因此我們要委託,我們就要找符合資格的人,目的出發點就是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第2款很大沒有錯,大家都說第2款,當然對民航局的負擔,開放太多,像法規生效,可能很多人來申請,光是一台,大家知道人力這麼多,一排就是三個月、六個月,這是副作用,我先跟各位報告,正面不是做不到,都可以做。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "組長,就照您的意思,具有遙控無人機檢驗能力之各級機關都可以來申請,第1款優先考慮,這樣就好了。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "本來還沒有優先,都一樣。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "您剛剛講的內容其實是這樣子,我就按照您的意思來講。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "不是。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "如果是這樣的話,我真的要提出來,因為你這樣的排除是不合理。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "當然我們尊重你的意見,剛剛有一個要表示。" }, { "speaker": "鍾鴻振", "speech": "我在這邊講一下,無人機的檢驗,所有的機種都要檢驗,之前有開過會,有特定的機型、新開發的機型或者是一定重量大小的機型才需要檢驗,這個無人機的檢驗其實不單單是檢驗而已,像翼展結構、重心、電機配置,其實各方面差一樣都不行,因此我認為該限制就要有限制,而不是我是公司,我要擁有農藥機就用農藥機,我自己檢驗,如果是進口的,基本上由海關證明,這應該不用檢驗,公司行號申請,國外大型公司直接申請。" }, { "speaker": "鍾鴻振", "speech": "要檢驗的部分應該是自行研發,新機種沒有執行過任何的任務,也沒有同樣的機型再上市,這個東西要再進行檢驗,確實沒有錯,我覺得大家不用拘泥公司行號或幹麻的,當你要檢驗這一些東西的時候,你一定要從事過這一方面的東西,你至少要接觸過,我覺得不需再討論這個東西,社團法人像我們協會,協會有沒有這個能力檢驗,如果目前150公斤以下,新型大型機種的話,坦白講,不具備這樣的檢驗條件,因此檢驗沒有想像中這麼簡單,這並不是一般的考試,術科操作、我只要會飛、控制得住就好了,檢驗飛機的結構、構造是很複雜的,沒有那麼單純。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "謝謝,這其實提醒一點,這個意見會收下來做評估,我只是補充。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "大家不要想像無人機都是2公斤、5公斤,各位看現在發展,無人機慢慢50公斤、幾百公斤,我想未來載人的無人機會出現,為何會留工業相關,特別是航空工業掛頭,我想在座很多人會看得到,未來無人機是載人飛來飛去,這跟現在的飛機驗證一樣,所以這個就不會是一般的公司來委託驗證,一定是到一個技術等級,當然大家會講說反正民航局驗證要負責。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "組長、剛剛那一位前輩,你們講的都同意,但第2款怎麼解釋?剛剛講了那麼多大道理,第2款如果一個財團法人跟工業完全無關的,你的法條根本沒有辦法阻止它,你也違背了你剛剛講的這一些限制,還有想要做到的品質。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我這樣說明,我先把意見收起來,第1款、第2款沒有優先跟誰先誰後的關係,而是複雜度的考量,因為無人機的重量太多了,我們預留了這個空間,就只有這樣子而已,你的意見我們會收下來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我覺得他的意思是第2條財團法人、社會團體之外,是不是可以再加公司。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "下一條是不是可以再加上公司?如果ok的話,我們就往下走。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "下一條有一個比較大的爭點,我們儘量沒有呈現,因為很多人建議專科以上就可以,但是經過大家討論,我們發現其實大專學校其實包含專科以上,所以這個地方基本上就容納各位的意見,因此這個地方就沒有太多的改變,先跟大家稍微說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個部分還有沒有什麼問題?有關於人員的條件。" }, { "speaker": "周玉端", "speech": "民航局長官、各位在場先進,我是中華無人系統應用發展協會的理事長周玉端,我有提書面資料,但是沒有key進去。我們剛剛都已經很清楚,整個無人機在發展,很多飛友都是飛25公斤以下的飛機,25公斤以下的飛機,各位都很清楚,會造成的傷害性其實不太大,整個結構不管動力系統的複雜度都沒有這麼高。" }, { "speaker": "周玉端", "speech": "但是25公斤以上,執行這一些特定任務的時候,在整個檢驗人員上,其實我建議一般大專畢業以上,好像要涵括這個區域是不太恰當的,25公斤及以上的,開始整個安全上會造成比較大的疑義。" }, { "speaker": "周玉端", "speech": "所以我有建議的是,整個行業能夠長久發展,本來專業制度的檢驗該上來,尤其對於飛機重量重的,所以我建議在資格上,這個檢驗的代表本身應該具備機械跟航空的相關背景,我們國家自己在這部分也有國家考試,國家考試是相關的專技人員,幾乎都沒有在民航局的法規上出現,其實我覺得對於行業的長久發展上是會有一些問題的,所以我這邊建議25公斤以上的飛機,除了大專畢業之外,也應該具備國家專技考試資格才能檢驗這一些飛機,不然屬於比較大的重保護品的話,我們都很清楚,一般沒有相關專業的人來檢驗的話,可能只是看一些表面的東西,這是我的建議,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我稍微漏掉了,希望增列25公斤就要由國家專技考試合格人員檢驗,這邊其實民航局有分25公斤以上才需要檢驗,25至150公斤、150公斤以上是不一樣的管理狀況,是不是來說明一下專技人員的分級檢驗。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "現在要檢驗或者是委託檢驗是25公斤以上才要檢驗,一般5公斤、10公斤都不用檢驗,這跟大家報告一下。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第二,檢驗人員希望要有國家的專技考試,你建立的專技考試是哪一些證照?" }, { "speaker": "周玉端", "speech": "其實我們有航空工程的專技人員,但是好像民航局都一直忘記有這樣的專技人員,其他的行業,舉例來說,我們的土木、建築都有完全專技人員的考試來核准相關的,不管你要做設計或要做很多其他的驗證,都是由這些土木技師、測量技師、結構技師來做這一件事,我想航空工業是很專門的產業,結果我們自己反而不把這樣的專技人員放進去,我自己覺得有一點可惜。" }, { "speaker": "周玉端", "speech": "你說我們國家沒有的話就算了,國家有這樣的東西,結果民航局在訂定這樣的法規時,也不放進去,訂定這樣的技術人員的目的到底何在,這個是我的建議。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "謝謝。因為航空工程技師,確實國家考這一項用的地方不多,但是如果有考過的,大家比較知道航空工程技師主要是用在製造設計,我不能說全部,尤其是建國號戰機及未來民航局的整個設計,這個證照絕對用得到。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個我要評估一下,現在我們國家航空技師執照,我不知道數量有多少;當然如果有這個證照申請——不是執照——變成你這個單位的檢驗人員,當然是非常非常好,這個我們一定很增列,至少具備背景、專業技能這一塊,自然是很加分,我先這樣報告,如果要把它列進來,必須要評估一下全國數量有多少,不然就剛才所講的,這個一刀切下去,就會限制很大,這個跟大家補充一下。" }, { "speaker": "周玉端", "speech": "不好意思,我再補充一下,其實組長提到現在有多少,其實包含您剛剛提到不管150公斤以上需要的量,其實也沒有很多,整個證照體制的建立,整個法規跟主管機關要配合,才可以專業建構起來,就像組長您所提到的,未來還有更多的這一種業務,如果現在不開始做,什麼時候開始做?這個是我的建議。" }, { "speaker": "周玉端", "speech": "我覺得任何技術的發展,本來就一定前期會比較顛簸,如果認為這個是比較正確的方向,應該朝這樣來訂定,這個是我的建議,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "有關於資格的部分,「大專院校」建議刪除,如果今天剛好數位政委辦公室的人員在這邊,我舉一個例子,如果今天數位政委哪一天卸任了,剛好有這一些技能,限制大專院校,但是講一個很實際的,目前大專院校等級參差不齊。" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "現在訂了大專院校以上畢業,沒有相關執照,只要這個條文符合,其實就可以了。但是另外一個,下面二、三、四以下的相關訓練及條文規定,如果把這個刪除,其實可以培養更多相關證照的人員,不是只有限制第1款,就以學歷限制。" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "我講一個很好笑的,有統計的,大專院校其實英文能力不足的有多少?如果只看條文,只把大專院校限制,這不是很神奇的規定嗎?而且現在又沒有明列相關的證照、資格,這是第一個條款,限制大專院校畢業,其實二至四不是重點嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個論點我倒不反對,但是我是個人不反對,我不知道法規有沒有這個限制,這個也寫下來,包含民航系統,如果是可行,這個意見我們應該可以接受。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "有關於檢驗的部分,我是給你們一個忠告,因為無人機真正在控制是軟體、電子方面的東西,這不只是工業的東西,坦白來講,全世界沒有任何一個國家敢說他的無人機標準是什麼,你的馬達壽命是多少、你的螺旋槳壽命是多少、你的電子控制系統是怎麼運作,這不是我們民航局現在可以做得到的,你們把這個包進去,不是給自己找麻煩嗎?" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "我們建議既然全世界都沒有在做,我們整個國家包含了工業單位、電子單位、科技單位,都不是你們民航局的下屬,你們剛剛講,檢測的責任是在你們身上,你們為何要攔這個責任呢?" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "你們要檢驗,我們覺得有經過各個管道或者是各個規矩去申請認證,你們去看這個就好了,我不相信有哪一個單位知道怎麼檢驗,GPS裡面的非控系統高度器、加速器及這一些軟體,誰來檢驗?你叫誰來檢驗?裡面會電腦的,還要會懂空氣動力學,這個太難了,我覺得是做不到的事情,所以你們不要把它複雜化。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "我認為檢驗是在檢驗,但是以民航局的立場,這個東西經過一個合法的管道,我們來做這一方面的認定就好了,不然根本沒有標準。現在有哪一個人可以告訴我說他的多旋翼、他的馬達如何轉,就要換另外一個馬達,像換汽車的火星塞一樣,沒有標準如何檢驗?因此這個部分我建議簡化。你們辦法沒有訂清楚,就來開這個會,大家不清楚,你一言、我一語的,這個會開不完。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "謝謝,我先跟各位報告,其實剛剛提的,民航局要做這麼多,不過因為今天是直播,我也不能講心理話(笑),我跟各位報告,檢驗是全世界的趨勢,民航局不做,責任還是在民航局。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我跟各位報告,現在參加亞太地區十幾個國家,6月已經第四個回合了,25公斤以上的檢驗標準很快就會出來,而且是國際上的,我們也參加,6月是在美國,因為輪到美國DC(華盛頓特區)在辦,去年是在新加坡辦,是亞太地區的,不是講歐美的,亞太地區十幾個國家,25公斤以上的檢驗標準很快就出來了,基本上是用ASTM(美國材料和試驗協會)跟RTCA(航空無線電技術委員會)的標準,就是一般的工業標準組合出來無人機的標準。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "現在組長已經公開跟大家講,現在這個辦法都還沒有出來,大家都還在研究。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "你聽我講問,先不用急,先跟各位報告。這個檢驗剛剛講25公斤以上,剛剛討論過程大家都不知道,而是有一些東西已經確定了,但是完整的,像剛剛你講到的兩個字,我也跟你呼應一下,我們會用簡要式的方式來檢驗,不是一拿來,每一個25公斤以上就證明電磁波、可靠度及壽命多少,未來出來的標準也不是這種標準,如果大家有去查,我想各公司會知道,ASTM基本上只是在講製程、簡單測試就ok了。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "不能等到那個出來我們再來做,因為25公斤以上是很大的飛機,風險性是非常大的,我們會根據這十幾個國家,剛剛講是初期的簡要式的檢驗標準,隨著未來的科技,一年以後再來講現在講法規的科技,可能又分得不一樣,這個我百分之百同意。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我在訂的過程中發現,可能又有新的東西在發展,這個確實困難,但跟大家報告,不是我想要管很多,而是不管,責任還是在頭上,也是在局長的身上,依照政府的角度,因為大家是玩家會認為管那麼多幹麻,最好不要管。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "未來如果不小心被撞到的那個,假設百萬分之一的機會,被撞到會覺得很奇怪,這麼大的東西會在這邊出現,同樣都是沒有標準,同樣都是一體兩面,在這中間確實是不好做,我也跟大家報告,不是我們為做而做,剛剛點出幾個要點,我們會漸近式的進行,因為無人機的發展太快了,我想做這樣的補充。" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "剛剛有提到一部分,第4款的部分其實還有排除的條款,第2項的條款是可以排除的,如果由機關團體需要經民航局認可的這一些證明,是不是可以用其他公告的方式,須民航局網站公告檢驗人員的證明文件及證照。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "是不是第4條?" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "第4款,就是完成民航局所辦理的條文。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們未來委託出去,檢驗人員每一年會辦講習,可能會到北、中、南,可能是在我們這邊辦,也有可能是到中、南部去辦講習,被委託單位的檢驗員必須要回來上課,因為這樣的標準才會一致化,第4條是在講這個。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們辦完講習就會發給你一個證件,我們民航局自己也會有登錄,發給參加者證明文件,當然標準化是一定要的,一旦委託出去,一定要標準化,不能委託出去之後就不管,這是我的責任,目的是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "上面不是有註明嗎?不是有排除條款嗎?「經民航局認可者,得不受前項第二款相關經驗之限制」?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "主要是因為日出條款,假設我明年1月1日要生效,這時沒有人經過講習,所以三年內的部分,施行起三年不受剛才第2款的經驗限制,目的是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "這個時間限制是不是可以排除掉?第一個是日出條款,因為在第2款的部分,有註明有相關的時間,「具有遙控無人機設計、製造、改裝或操作等相關經驗三年以上」,對不對?第4款已經有排除第2款的部分,因為事實上如果你本身今年沒有能力,但第二年引進相關國外的技術、證照,在這個條文限制,是不是要引進三年之後,也就是引進這一些相關的技術之後,才能符合第2款,對不對?日出條款過後?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第2款是「具有遙控無人機設計、製造、改裝或操作等經驗三年以上」。你的意思是第2項?" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "第4項排除,就是第4款排除。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "你講的是三年的這一個?" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "「自本辦法……」是條文第2項。「條」下是「項」,接著是「款」,現在講的是第2項,「自本辦法施行後三年內」,你指的是「三年」不要放?" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "時間。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "三年不要放?" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "(點頭)" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我沒有聽懂,不好意思,你可以再說明清楚嗎?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "不好意思,我可以幫他解釋嗎?他的意思是「自本辦法施行後三年內」其實是日出的設計,他是希望這個設計不要是只有日出,而是以後附相關文件、並經民航局認可者,就可以不受第2款相關經驗之限制,是不是這樣?" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "(點頭)" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "所以是「三年」要拿掉的意思,而不是下面的「三年」?" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "我指的是時間方面的這一些限制。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個我們再評估一下。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "其實目的還是剛剛講的,我們先講這還是檢驗,這是25公斤以上的檢驗,所以我們希望一點點經驗,有一些經驗的人來做,會做得比較好,標準化也比較好,目的是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "如果都交給民航局來作認定,真的很誠實來講,我們最不希望受到行政的人情,至少有一個標準,而這個標準出來,只要符合標準,我們再來講技術好或是技術不好,如果變成沒有三年,純粹是民航局來認,我說實在的,不是好的條文。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "有沒有要收回去還是?" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "你加時間,你又不把國家標準,像ISO或者是ANSI或相關其他的標準加上去,只加了時間,今天假設只要符合現在前面的條文跟後面的條文,只要有這一些規範,不遵守其他相關的國際法規,其實這個檢驗出來的標準,對民間來講就是看一個笑話。" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "我舉一個例子,像民航局或是社會輿論要訂無人機法規,事實上黑飛事件不斷,我們訂相關的法規,是不是真的大家能接受、先進能接受,或者是可以杜絕這一些事件,但是訂了這麼嚴格的標準,事實上大部分的條文其實在限制,或是作空白授權?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "瞭解你的意思。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我剛剛一直在講,這個法規會隨著時間修訂,像剛剛大家都有提出來的,像限制也不照辦,都沒有限制也不是辦法,因此從這中間就取得了,大家看到「具有遙控無人機設計、製造、改裝」,我們後來把「操作」加進去,因為如果沒有操作的話,是很嚴,只有從事設計、製造、改裝的才有,這個證明文件更難拿到,至少接受無人機有操作,我們初期會用簡要式的方式,至少有相關的經驗、瞭解無人機的人來做會比較切合,至少比開放式的,像完全沒有經驗,由幾個人來認可,你很專業,他看起來不夠帥所以不行,這樣不好,所以我建議維持三年會比較適當,當然後面會隨著時間來修訂。" }, { "speaker": "張政雄", "speech": "事實上就我所知,訂定這個規範,滿多有經驗的人沒有在現場,但是我們斟酌很多點在討論,很多人可能只是片面的印象,所以等一下不妨主席可以調查一下現場,25公斤以上固定翼無人機、多旋翼、直升機具有操作經驗的可以舉手,我覺得這個比較明確瞭解這一些人在設計經驗的操作過有什麼建議。" }, { "speaker": "張政雄", "speech": "我想提的是有關檢驗代表的部分,檢驗代表是具有無人機設計、製造、改裝或操作等相關經驗三年以上,我們在無人機術科考核的分項裡面有分固定翼、直升機、多旋翼,甚至其他,我想問的是檢驗代表如果只具有固定翼的經驗,是不是只能檢驗固定翼?" }, { "speaker": "張政雄", "speech": "這樣子看起來的話,在檢驗的品項裡面,事實上每一個item的類別,可能會有各式各樣的檢驗代表存在,意思是很難有一個檢驗代表具有四種、三種以上無人飛機設計、製造、改裝及操作的經驗。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我先從第二個回答,不然等一下會忘記。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個是委託辦法,其實民航法委託通過之後會訂兩個子法,一個是無人機的管理規則,那個已經經過說明會、預告,應該最近就會公告,實施日期要等行政院核定日期,這是第二個委託辦法。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "剛才也提到詳細無人機證照的分類,檢驗的分類會在管理規則裡面已經訂好,那裡面有不同的類別,而那個類別就是剛剛所說的,你的經驗會對應檢驗的關係,這是第一個。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第二個,會不會永遠只有一個?不會,一般無人機玩家,大概不會只玩單獨直升機,我們會把多旋翼的,會有一個族群的概念,不是單一型號有一個,而是族群的,類似直升機是一個族群,模型飛機是一個族群,多旋翼是一個族群,你飛的就是相近的,因此檢驗的關係也會存在。但是你交付的族群有經驗,當然也可以申請多項的,這是先回答你的第二個問題。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第一個問題是25公斤以上的,在座的要調查一下嗎?如你所講的,很多人或許不在現場,25公斤以上有操作經驗的揮手或者是可以舉手?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "所以你想要聽聽看他們對於這個條文的意思嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張政雄", "speech": "我要講的意思是,事實上我們應該要回歸到你的法條本身,訂定誰是我們要傾聽意見的人,臺灣很開放、民航局也很開放,大家都可以表達意見,只是有些人在底下來不及表達或者是沒有被點到,這些人覺得才是我想諮詢的對象,因為有這樣的經驗過,可以提供很多的意見,如果我從頭到尾都是飛小型無人機,這種人永遠不會滿足25公斤以上的經驗,但是表達的意見非常多,我要表達的意思是,是不是爭取一些有經驗的人,對於訂定草案的內容來提升更大的幫助?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "25公斤以上的,現在單獨25公斤以上的,目前的條文,等一下當然可以隨時提到,有沒有要提修正意見或者是討論的?" }, { "speaker": "張政雄", "speech": "有沒有要先從分類開始?比如固定翼開始。" }, { "speaker": "周玉端", "speech": "其實就像剛剛建議的,到了重量很大的飛機以上,其實真的飛機失事的可能性,造成的安全性會很重,我其實滿支持這樣的條款,應該至少要從事三年經驗,不能才剛碰這一架飛機就馬上可以檢驗飛機這一件事,我滿支持這樣的條款,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "鍾鴻振", "speech": "我大概講一下,25公斤以上的檢驗,單純一個檢驗單位其實就夠了,25公斤以上的飛機,如果以定翼機來說,翼展其實非常地大,飛行的限制條件也非常地多。依之前檢驗的條件來說,需要飛機的形式,重新新設計製造的,或者是自行開發的,不會是這種大宗進口的東西。" }, { "speaker": "鍾鴻振", "speech": "其實以數量來講,並不需要多到委託很多機關來做這一種檢驗,這個跟考照不一樣,考照初級屬於玩家,25公斤以上,25公斤的飛機,如果以直升機來說的話,翼展至少在1米5以上,非常地大,不單單是檢驗,連場地的限制都非常多,空域高度都可能超過400呎,空域都跟民航局申請過,檢驗的部分為何弄得這麼複雜?" }, { "speaker": "鍾鴻振", "speech": "檢驗跟考照是完全不一樣的,不需要委託這麼多的單位,民航局弄一個單純的檢驗單位,定翼機25公斤的飛機,它的結構不單單是只要搬得起來、搖一搖沒有問題就好了,飛上去一個副翼,基本上翅膀可能就碎掉了,轉彎的時候,整個機身的結構非常重要,很可能速度稍微過快,整個飛機就解體了,散得到處都是,零件掉下來砸傷人,這個機率非常地大。" }, { "speaker": "鍾鴻振", "speech": "你需要檢驗的飛機絕對不會是市面上買得到的飛機,應該不會多到那一種需要委託到各個單位去申請這麼多的檢驗單位,一個單純專門檢驗,裡面只要分清楚各項細別,定翼機、直升機及多旋翼,這一種特殊製造或者是廠商自己開發的單一機種在未上市之前做一個安全檢驗,包含電子系統、飛控系統各方面,一個單位執行這個東西就好了,就不用搞這麼複雜了,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林正銘", "speech": "我要表示的是,因為我們在三十五年前,我有一個遙控飛機,如果有玩過遙控飛機的人都知道,是飛龍航空模型俱樂部,我們當時玩到直升機是25公斤以上了,而且我們學過輕航機。所有25公斤以上的飛機,其實我們以前在玩的時候,我們要顧慮到引擎,但引擎都是國外進口的,飛機本身也是國外進口的,都是日本的,這個引擎是德國的,其實只有遙控器的問題而已。" }, { "speaker": "林正銘", "speech": "今天的空拍機也是遙控器的問題及軟體,只要檢驗跟軟體有關的,這個軟體飛上去之後,是不是有干擾或有什麼問題?因為現在的空拍機,說實在的,比我們以前飛遙控飛機簡單得很,你說會有什麼問題,其實問題並不是結構上的問題,而是在軟體上、GPS的問題,我相信應該是以這個為重才對,並不是以你所謂他的結構,我們所有25公斤以上的飛機,或者是我們現在玩的小飛機,通通都是進口的,人家出場就已經完成的,都已經檢驗很合格了。" }, { "speaker": "林正銘", "speech": "像我們現在所討論的都是廠商的問題,或是以後委託的問題,這一些委託的問題,應該是在國內自己製造飛機才需要,國外進口的根本不需要,因為國內的沒有比國外的好,這是我一個小小的淺見,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "概念是一樣的,如果你有國外零件ASTM(美國材料和試驗協會)的證明,基本上那一相對人會簡化,確實很多都是自己,可能網路上買進來組裝出來的,所以才需要這個檢驗上一致性,目的是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "不過謝謝三位給我們的意見,我想這個也是會參考,也就是25公斤以上的。" }, { "speaker": "林正銘", "speech": "其實應該注重在遙控器軟體跟無線電的問題,那才是重點,因為那個關係到會干擾,無人機怕會干擾,我們的遙控飛機是怕遙控器的射頻干擾,因此我們以前在玩的時候最怕這個,因為我們以前都有申請過陸總部的遙控器的頻率,我們都有申請過,所以我們應該是注重在電子方面才對。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "有,一定有這一項,因為叫「UAS」,system就是包含特別對地基、地面台的,所以才會有RTCA等DO文件的要求。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "因為時間的關係,我先跟各位報告,要上洗手間的就請自便,不中場休息,不要憋太久,對身體健康不好,這一題我先打住,我先維持三年,我們先往下第5條。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第5條沒有收到相關的資訊,有沒有朋友想要表達意見?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第5條,申請文件。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "沒有意見我們就往下,第6條。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第6條開始,我報告,剛才是檢驗,委託檢驗在前面那一條結束。接下來是第三章,也就是操作人員,也就是在講考試,人員證照的測驗。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "接下來為各位朋友宣讀第三章有關於操作人員測驗業務委託的資格。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第6條:「受委託機關(構)、團體辦理遙控無人機操作人員學科及術科測驗業務者,應經民航局審核並具備下列資格之一:一、從事遙控無人機設計、製造或教育" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "訓練之公、民營事業機構。二、具有遙控無人機操作能力之機關(構)、行政法人、財團法人、公私立大專院校或社會團體。」" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第7條:「受委託機關(構)、團體辦理遙控無人機操作人員學科測驗業務者,應指定具備下列條件之監考人員從事監考作業:一、大專以上畢業。二、熟悉測驗程序或曾完成民航局所辦理之測驗相關訓練或講習並取得合格證明文件者。受委託機關(構)、團體辦理遙控無人機操作人員術科測驗業務者,應指定完成民航局所辦理之測驗相關訓練或講習合格並具備下列條件之監評人員從事術科測驗作業:一、基本級監評人員:(一)持有有效之遙控無人機專業操作證。(二)近五年從事遙控無人機操作工作,操" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "作經驗累積達二年以上。(三)無因故意或重大過失致人死傷之遙控無人機失事事件。二、高級監評人員:(一)持有有效之遙控無人機專業操作證。(二)近五年從事遙控無人機操作工作,操作經驗累積達三年以上。(三)無因故意或重大過失致人死傷之遙控" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "無人機失事事件。自本辦法施行後三年內,監評人員具有實務專業經驗,由其機關(構)、團體之負責人檢附相關證明文件經民航局認可者,得不受前項相關操作經驗之限制。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第8條:「受委託機關(構)、團體辦理遙控無人機操作人員學科及術科測驗業務者,應檢附下列文件向民航局申請核准後,始得辦理遙控無人機學科及術科測驗業務:" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "一、登記證明文件。二、實際從事遙控無人機操作或設計、製造、教育訓練之說明及證明文件。三、監考人員或監評人員名冊。四、備有經民航局認定之測驗作業所需場地及設備之說明文件。五、測驗業務工作手冊,內容至少應包括組織及人員職掌、測驗能量、測驗作業及品質保證程序。前項第三款之名冊如因人員離職或異動時,受委託機關(構)、團體應於三十日內檢附新名冊報請民航局核准。」以上請討論。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "首先第6條的部分,我們在第3條的時候有相關的討論,我們請民航局按照剛剛第3條的評估相關條件,請他們來評估第6條,我相信大部分對於第3條的限制,針對這個地方的說法是一樣的,因此我們就不重複剛才的討論。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果針對這邊還有額外跟檢驗不一樣的,再歡迎提出來。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "因為監考操作的人員,應該不需要那麼高的學歷,這個學歷是可以降低一點,這個是我們的認為。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "第二,認為必須要五年的經驗,像我們中華多旋翼算是臺灣第一個專有多旋翼的團體,我們在申請的時候,大陸也沒有類似像我們這一種多旋翼的團體,這個是在民國104年的事情。104年那時大家都不懂的情況之下,到現在也不過大概是四年多的時間你就要要求五年的經驗,我覺得這一條有一點嚴苛。尤其我們只是在按表操課,監考操作技術的人員,所以我們是覺得可以放鬆一點。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我澄清一下,剛剛提到的是第6條,我們直接進到第7條。第6條應該都沒有意見,我們直接進到第7條。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "第1條提的要在第6條討論。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第3條討論的所有內容,我們都會放到第6條的內容評估。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "對,可是剛剛組長說要在這裡回答。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "他是說違規的部分在後面。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "我列的不是違規,而是條件。「受委託單位應由其事業主管機關證明,在業務內無違法、違規紀錄」,因為現在是要委託人家辦測驗,我是列在條件,而是申請條件、要件。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "您的意思是一樣要有這一張?" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果您提到有違規、違法紀錄,具有遙控無人機檢驗能力的公司如何放進來,請民航局第3條討論第6條也要一體適用?" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "(點頭)" }, { "speaker": "陳芊霓", "speech": "我們是植保機業者,我有一個疑問,我們公司是從事遙控無人機設計,我本身就是原廠,也就是我本身具備測試自己飛機的能力,所以我本身是可以申請測驗業務者資格,因為植保機的話,我不曉得你們是否清楚,它有很多款式,會懂植保機,不代表會操作其他品牌的植保機,這部分如何做評測?是原廠評測自己的飛機,或者我也是可以評測其他品牌飛機?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "問的比較技術,我們不會針對每一型特別來做評測,現在是講考試,先不要講檢驗,檢驗的部分不管你有什麼機子,有programmer,農保機也是在考你的技巧,農保機也有一個等級在考,那是考你的技巧,像一些程式內建的概念,那是一般性的,不會針對A公司、B公司,都是特別的要求。" }, { "speaker": "陳芊霓", "speech": "不好意思,我想詢問的是,因為上面表示的是,「含遙控無人機製造廠、原廠、認可或授權的訓練中心」,自己本身品牌就是有訓練中心,因此本身就是具備這樣的條件,或者是這個條件沒有寫得很清楚,是設定在測試哪一種。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "你問的是第6條的資格?" }, { "speaker": "陳芊霓", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "如果是從事遙控無人機設計的測試,當然就具備第1款。" }, { "speaker": "陳芊霓", "speech": "我的意思是,我們設計自己的飛機,我們當然可以自己評測自己的飛機是不是可以,或者是人員操作可不可以,但是你們這個法規完全沒有寫,比如好幾個品牌,等於我也是一個考試的會場,每一個人都可以來考嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "是的,所以剛剛講這個是委託辦法,我們前面有一個管理辦法,現在已經在交通部,你也可以上網看一下,我們剛剛講無人機有分類,現在是講考試,證照有分幾個,我忘了是分幾個,分兩個,一個是基本的、一個是專業的,專業的又分有不同的等級,依照那個級,你可以申請任何一級,看你自己,但是你具備第1款資格以後,進來就要申請第幾級,當然不能只考自己的,你要對外,不然民航局沒有必要委託你這個業務,我想是這樣簡單的回答。" }, { "speaker": "黃文鑑", "speech": "有兩個問題要請教主席:" }, { "speaker": "黃文鑑", "speech": "第一,因為學校機構是屬於私立大專院校,就是財團法人這一項,如果我們要辦操作人員的委測,是學科、術科在條文裡面,是不是一定要同時申請?還是學科和術科可以分開申請?在第6條、第7條裡面,這樣看不出這個規定。" }, { "speaker": "黃文鑑", "speech": "另外,在術科考試的部分,在學科需要經過民航局所辦的相關訓練、講習,但是監評人員好像沒有看到這一項,在這個法規裡面沒有看到這一項,也就是這一、兩點。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "先回答第一點,依照法規可以分開申請,也可以分開給,但是又回到剛剛講的,這個數量跟分配,我講地理位置,北、中、南,大家知道學科畢竟是術科的前置準備,這個是因果關係,畢竟是學科分開申請、分開許可,這個是成立,沒有問題的。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "但是我們也希望來申請委託的人,先評估一下,如果只當作學科,一樣最後還是要考術科,究竟方便來考學科,你也可以維持下去,當然也ok,但是學科沒有術科,就要拿學科的及格證明來拿另外的術科來考,就會有這樣的複雜,這個是技術的問題,但是法規是獨立的,這是第一個部分。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第二個部分,後面講習的資格,術科的人員也會有,也是要有一致性的,後面的條文應該會有,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個部分有人有一個建議,第一個是有關於經驗的限制,「基本級監評人員」及「高級監評人員」,這邊是監評人員,還有一個是監考人員,在監評人員的經驗限制是從事五年加操作經驗二年以上,還有一個是操作經驗三年以上,但是因為這個地方都還有一個但書,就是本辦法施行三年不受限制,三年之後才有這個經驗的限制。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "剛剛有人問的問題是,五年經驗限制是否太嚴苛?也有人問到另外一個問題,是不是要加上操作時數的限制?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這兩個確實是可以評估的議題,這個提出來一定都有看過。現在無人機要有飛行的紀錄,確實很快就會推行,在訂的時候我們考慮,現階段這個時間點,有一些飛手可能自己有紀錄,自己的飛行時數、操作時數自己會有紀錄,可能大部分都沒有。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們規範有關於飛行時數紀錄,我們規劃先不用強制性推動,但是會有民航通告,包含軟體,我們也在評估,但是不會是在6月,可能是在年底,我們有一個APP的圖資軟體,也在評估是不是要變成把log登記在裡面的軟體,這個我們也在評估。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我先跟各位報告,有關時數限制,現在這個階段沒有列入強制性,我們會推廣,我們發民航公告,建議各位開始來做紀錄,然後我們會有格式給大家參考。隨著科技進步,重量一直增加,未來的取證,那個飛行時數,看起來未來是必要性,我在這裡跟各位報告。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "至於五年的部分,因為五年是有評估,因為你要作檢驗,像監評的五年時間是不是需要這麼多,我覺得也可以開放討論一下,這個是可接受的。" }, { "speaker": "林正銘", "speech": "五年的經驗再來當監考官,我覺得怪怪的,有五年的經驗要當監考官,是不是有飛過五年的人都不用考試?這有一點怪,我認為監考的人員,是要五年的飛行經驗。" }, { "speaker": "林正銘", "speech": "像遙控飛機飛了三十幾年、空拍機也飛了四年,我們的經驗可能也沒有辦法符合你五年空拍機的經驗。而且既然還沒有考試,五年有這個經驗可以來監考,等於我們若有五年的,就不用考試了,這個怪怪的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個地方先澄清一下,因為有一個日出條款,就是三年內、五年是不算的,如果你要的話,是從現在開始的兩年。還有,最近只有兩年或三年的經驗,在這三年內都可以當監考的監評人員,不是只有符合五年就可以了,這個地方應該是「持有效之遙控無人機專業操作證」,沒有因為故意或重大過失致人死傷之失事事件,這幾個都符合。" }, { "speaker": "林正銘", "speech": "OK,我現在跟你講,如果以前有飛龍航空俱樂部的人員在場的話,我們大家都有證件,而且是陸總部的,還有一張是民航局給的證件,這個證件是在杭州南路那邊給的,我們的證件都還在,那不是五年,已經三十幾年了,而且都有照片,我怎麼辦?我如果可以當監考官的話,是不是可以不用再考試了?在座有一個台中的高老師,他也是一個高手,他要不要考證?我先請教貴單位解釋。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "很厲害,我們一定尊敬,但是很抱歉,還是要考試,政府規定,我不知道前面民航局有發過證,那是多久以前?我們民航局滿先進的。" }, { "speaker": "林正銘", "speech": "有。民國71年的時候就發了,我有那個證件,還有一個是陸總部的遙控器的頻率證件。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "要把它保存起來,因為現在這個新規定的舊證失效了,我們過去沒有發證,但是因為沒有看過,民國70幾年還有這麼先進的概念,我很敬佩那時發證,發證是沒有拘束的,因此建議那個證好好保存起來,可以好好做紀念。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "但是當初發證的背景可以瞭解一下,當初是用什麼樣的理由是發什麼證件。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們會找他們看一下。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "我們會看一下,你說民航局發證,應該是中國飛行青年社的證,應該不是民航局的證,因為中國青年飛行社跟當時軍種總部好像是秘書長或者是理事長的關係。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "依民航局,那時候不可能發證,釐清一下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個部分還有什麼問題嗎?" }, { "speaker": "鍾鴻振", "speech": "我問一下,有關於人民團體飛行經驗的認定是由協會直接開證明就可以?因為我們不是從事相關工作,我已經通過專業的評鑑,三年之後,我也沒有從事相關的工作,人民團體協會來爭取評鑑人員時,這個人員的資格認定,我從事這個飛行有三年以上,由協會來開證明給民航局,還是有什麼認證方式?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們會尊重協會或是團體發的證明文件,證明你確實在這裡面有工作,或者是操作的經驗,我們希望仰賴各個協會團體來做這一塊,我們也非常希望有這樣的機制。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "因為個人不能證明自己,要透過協會或者是公司或者是其他的機構來做證明,這個我們是接受的,沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "我們提的那個是五年的限制,我覺得太嚴苛了,像老前輩一輩子在玩空拍機,也不過是四年的時間,這是最近這四年才開始的,你說要有五年的經驗,因此這個有一點強人所難。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "因為這個是日出條款,所以是三年後才開始有五年的限制,並不是現在就要有五年的限制。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "等於三年後要累積兩年。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "現在控制飛機,有一些國中生就控制得很好,我覺得可以放鬆一點,監考的人不好找,因為沒有人把這個當職業,如果條件太苛的話……" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "也許具體的建議是等到三年相關經驗條款落實之後,再請民航局到時評估,因為相關條款落實是不是出現一些問題,然後再滾動修正,這樣ok嗎?" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "(點頭)" }, { "speaker": "劉得鋒", "speech": "有關於學科跟術科測驗的測試單位,是否需要具備無人機的檢驗人力?因為上面有提到,我們是訓練單位,其實對於檢驗這個人力是缺乏的。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "如果是學科不需要檢驗能力,是一項對一項的對應關係,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "江明福", "speech": "針對第7條第2項說明的部分,第2項訂定「二、第二項訂定執行術科測驗之監評人員之條件。其中,基本級監評人員係對應考人執行遙控無人機飛行前後、飛行任務" }, { "speaker": "江明福", "speech": "設定及執行,以及緊急狀況處置之實際操作測驗」,這應該是一個科目,而且是針對2公斤以下的基本科目,但是2公斤以上的基本測驗科目就不是這個科目,因此我覺得應該有漏掉,應該把2公斤以上的科目加進去。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "這個是細節,標準組做一些補充說明,對於說明欄,確實2公斤以上跟2公斤以下考的東西不一樣,2公斤以上還要考一些相關術科的技能科目,如果要補充的話,我們要講的是基本監評人員是考基本的,高級的監評人員是考高級的,說明欄部分再做補充說明,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "下一條。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有關於文件的檢驗申請文件,有一個建議是「組織評鑑人員前應先檢附名冊送民航局核後辦理之」,請多旋翼遙控安全發展協會是不是有建議?" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "我想這個變動會很大,我剛剛有提到,這並不是一個工作、不是一個正常的事業,可能都是一些來兼差、兼職,所以變動會比較大,這只是行政上的慣例而已,沒有特別的意思。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "你是擔心組織評鑑人員之前,人突然加進來?" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "如果中途有換了講師或者是換了術科的考試,到時是送名冊而已。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第2項有提到「名冊如因人員離職或異動時」,只要三十日內,因為確實是動態的,有人臨時不來要另外請,但是前提要合乎資格,要按照自己的SOP,找合乎資格的,三十天內要報到民航局來作修訂就可以了,所以應該沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們往下處理第四章。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第四章是受委託者的責任。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第9條:「受委託機關(構)、團體應訂定相關業務工作手冊,報請民航局備查後,作為辦理委託業務之依據及相關人員之工作指導。前項手冊如有修正,受委託機關(構)、團體應於三十日內檢附新手冊報請民航局備查。」" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第10條:「受委託機關(構)、團體之檢驗代表及監評人員應定期參加民航局辦理之相關委託作業講習取得證明文件後,始得繼續執行檢驗或人員測驗業務。」" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第11條:「檢驗代表、監考人員或監評人員執行業務時,應獨立、公正,不得有任何不當且影響檢驗或人員測驗結果之行為。受委託機關(構)、團體對其檢驗代表、監考人員或監評人員,不得干涉或影響其判斷,並不得命其作不實之紀錄。」" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第12條:「受委託機關(構)、團體不得指派有下列情形之一者,擔任檢驗代表、監考人員或監評人員:一、曾犯妨害考試、詐欺、背信或其他足認有影響執行委託業務公正之罪且經判決確定者。二、曾違反前條第一項規定者。」" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第13條:「受委託機關(構)、團體應於完成檢驗或測驗後之七個工作日內,將檢驗或測驗結果,依指定之管理資訊系統陳報民航局。受委託機關(構)、團體應妥善保存受檢(測)者資料、各項結果及相關文件,保存期限至少三年。」" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "以上,請討論。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第9條沒有收到任何的意見,第9條有意見嗎?沒有的話,我們沒有收到相關的意見,如果沒有意見的話,請問有誰有相關的意見?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第10條是講習,目前也確實沒有收到任何的意見。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接著是糾紛協調機制,主要中華多旋翼遙控安全發展的規定,接著是包含中華多旋翼都有建議要錄影存證,是建議要保留三十日以上,Gavin是沒有加,看起來是要保留三年。也有建議如果有不公或重大意外或其他緊急事件得由民航局成立申訴或糾紛調解專案妥處。這幾項是不是請民航局回應一下?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第1項是依照民航局的規定及相關標準的規範,進行糾紛處理或者是進行什麼?這個是比較細部的說法,我們可以評估,我們原來沒有寫的是,當然執行就是按照理念、核定,因為要申請委託,會訂SOP、配套,剛剛也有講民航會有一個準則,各委託單位會按照那個準則來協出程序,實際上沒有寫,就是要依照民航局的規範標準,當然寫下去的意思也是一樣,可以加。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "因為依據刑法第10條,如果承辦工作算是公務人員,這部分要跟大家講清楚,不是來的話就可以隨便弄,到時人家檢舉會有刑事上的責任,所以我們不是說你來幫我看一下,不是這樣子,既然我們處理國家公務,要把這個事情講清楚。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "另外受託單位的話,我們希望在上面註明,不可以影響到應考人員的權利,不是說我今天來考試,老闆跟老闆娘出國,像辦校慶或什麼,我覺得你們要特別說明,你要承辦公家業務的話,公家要有統一的標準,並不是要開就開,或者是專門再給自己方便的,檢驗自己的東西,自己放水,這個以後會天下大亂。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "還有一個是考試沒有考過,考了半天都沒有考過,明明技術差,說監考官有問題、跟他有仇,到時是不是要接受一下申訴,或是讓人家吵架?我想申訴也好、不公也好,這個部分應該要有一個調解的機制,民航局要能夠受理,糾紛才能平息。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我先澄清一下,這邊提到依法其實受刑法第10條,也就是「受國家地方自治團體所屬機關依法委託,從事與委託機關有關之公共事務者稱為公務員」,這個地方其實涉及的是一樣的,也就是這個到底受委託單位跟政府間是什麼,這個都在講。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "你們要講清楚,不要讓人家覺得反正沒事,就去申請一個來,到時有糾紛的話,變成人家的問題,你們好像沒事了。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "不會啦!所有的最後責任一定是在民航局上,其實委託單位真的不按照規定做、亂做一通,我們沒有去監督、沒有被發現,也是民航局的責任,偶發事件當然會回到自己的程序上,原則上是這樣講。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "但是我先表達一下,有關於刑法的那一個,我先跟大家分析,不是一定沒有刑法或者是一定會有刑法,答案不是這樣,我們先講證照並沒有委託單位去發證照,所有的證照是回到民航局來請領,我們委託你辦理考試,所以考試通過以後要先同意。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "先回到為何有什麼責任?不能作弊不能明明沒有考,然後全部打勾,因為我認識你,就全部都ok,如果是這樣的話,第一個是有偽造文書的問題;第二個,比較嚴重的是如果這個機子有檢驗,這個人根本沒有考,然後就建議合格,民航局不知道就發證了,這個機子拿出去,然後掉下來打到一個人,還有重傷或者是財產損失了,他一告,發現這個機子有檢驗合格,這真的是我發的,根本沒有考,這時的連帶責任才上去。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "至於刑法、不刑法,其實是你的安全責任,我按照你的SOP做,你的考試標準,確實十項一項項考,每個人的標準不同,所以民航局每一年都要標準化訓練講習,訓練就是這樣,希望大家一致,但是事實上不一致,像某個人第1項認為標準是這樣、那個標準是那樣,但那個不會有影響,我們會去檢討怎麼這麼說、這麼嚴,我們會去檢討,但是沒有像法律的責任這麼嚴重。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "法律上黑字白紙寫得很清楚,現在是幫國家執行公務,我們知道民航局很通人情,但是不知道考生跟考試的教官兩個人有糾紛的話,告來告去,我們把話講清楚,變成人家的紛擾了。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "考試的糾紛一定是民航局處理,是我們委託出去的,不可能民航局不管。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "我們在很多法律上有寫,如果有爭議的話,要組成什麼單位來處理這個事情,要讓考試跟被考的都知道,萬一有什麼紛爭的話,要找誰處理,這是要進到告知的責任,將來參與事務的話,很多人不在,後面看法令的人就知道怎麼做、怎麼來面對這個事情。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個委託並不是第一次委託無人機,像現在航空人員、駕駛員、維護人員,我們都是委託,所以委託就如你所講的,難免會有一些爭議,不要講糾紛,民航局一定是會處理、一定會去瞭解,剛才你講的有錄影,這個很好,我們可以考慮去調查,每個事件、爭議都調查、瞭解細節是在哪裡,這是現有的機制,但一般法規不會說哪一種爭議由民航局來組織什麼小組。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "沒有,很多法律都有寫,公寓大廈管理條例很清楚,有爭議就由誰來調解。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個不是調解,只有考試過不過,或者是標準不一樣,只有這樣子,因為這不是法律上的調解,如果法律上有爭議,一定是到法院去,我們民航局也不可能處理刑法或者是民法的事,民航局是處理專業的事,像有問題、爭議,是不公或者是題庫洩漏了,或者是答對,但是你改錯,一定是民航局在處理,但是有關於民法、刑法的訴訟爭議,你寫了,也處理不了,先請諒解一下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我舉一個例子,民航局擔心的是,如果有不公或有重大的意外,我只是舉例,在考場裡面有人突然打架了,打架這一件事,其實應該是去告法院,民航局要處理的話,就要調解委員會來調解,但是他們也沒有權限來做這個事情,所以民航局擔心的是這個。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "調解不代表你們要解決,而是你們將來來受理,因為將來考無人機不可能用人去開,就是使用你們的電子設備,像現在的監理站一樣,飛機到定點以後,這個設備認為有問題,就是告來告去的,民航局要開一條路,如果有什麼紛爭,就由你們來解釋、排解,如果排解成,或者真的不關你們的事,我們就上法院,就是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "未來看到這個辦法的人,能夠知道萬一考試有什麼問題的話,我可以找誰申訴,把這個意思寫出來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "您的意思是,打架或是其他跟考試無關的糾紛,本來不應該?" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "本來就沒有你們的事,他們也不會找你們,我懷疑監測考試的儀器有問題,或者是我認為考試官有問題,向誰檢舉、申訴?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個就是民航局。因為委託單位是人,人就是監評人員、考評人員,資格一定是審查要件,像設備、場地這一些設施一定是,所以當你懷疑其中一個有問題,其中民航局主管機關一定是民航局。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "人家老百姓一看就知道是要找誰,這是給人家方便。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我覺得他們的意思是檢舉申訴窗口,還是在別的地方有嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "其實這個有寫、沒有寫都是我們,我們用民航通告的方式來讓大家瞭解,好不好?考生在考的過程有什麼疑義,我們會給一個窗口來作說明。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "針對第11條有沒有建議?有關於中華多旋翼安全協會還有另外一個建議,如辦理教育訓練業務,除應該遵守相關法令外,應經民航局審核後准許辦理,我不確定,因為這比較偏教育訓練,是不是訂在這裡?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第11條其實對於訓練,誠實跟各位報告,因為訓練的部分,現在沒有納入到核准的要項,辦訓練不需要民航局核准,無人機要推廣、訓練,我們其實很樂觀其成,但是我們目前沒有把它變成一個門檻才能辦無人機的訓練,目前沒有。我知道你提出來的意思是希望要有,應該是這個意思?" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "對。我們剛剛馬上聽到一個現成的例子,農保機有專業的訓練,其他幾個專業的單位都有訓練,到底是以誰為準?我認為在訓練的部分應該要有統一一個規則,我的考試是這樣考的,當然就有相應的這一些訓練機制出來。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "但是訓練跟考試不是同一件事,所以我想還是要把它釐清,才不會造成民眾的混淆,到底上哪一個課、受哪一個訓才算數,結果去考試,但根本不是這樣考,否則到時又會有糾紛。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "你的建議很好,其實我們內部有討論過,在管理辦法也有討論到這個,訓練要不要經過民航局核准才能辦,因為這個會連結到證照,回到剛剛有人提到飛行時數的logbook要不要開始實施,這一個階段是不是可以先做這樣的建議?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "如果訓練機構要變成給證才能實施,可能這個門檻、細節會很多,我們先做研究,隨著法規一直在進步,我同意,而且也相信未來很快訓練機構會納入,像無人機的,只是這個時間我們先做這一個委託,如果現在再評估連考試前還要訓練,因為訓練單位背後有很多意義,不是只有推廣訓練,大家鼓掌訓練有幫助,這是教育式的,很好。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "但是未來考試,跟考重機一樣,一定要去訓練五十個小時、一百個小時才能來考,這個會連結複雜度,這個是不是容許,我們未來再請專家來做評估,看看怎麼實施,不然貿然再加進去,可能複雜度會很高,好不好?" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接下來第12條有關於人員資格的部分,中華多旋翼發展協會額外建議,「不得曾犯妨害秘密、個資之罪並經確定」,另外一個是如果有不當的情形,已經擔任的人應該註銷擔任的資格。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不過這個地方,民航局這邊認為因為證才有註銷的問題,他登錄是名冊的關係,名冊不用註銷,只是拿掉而已,這地方請民航局再回應一下,也就是個資跟妨害秘密是不是ok?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "建議要加入妨害秘密跟個資,我先跟各位報告,其實未來實施,你提到個資,包含委託場地去找的監評代表人,送到民航局來,發現規則有訂這一條,這兩個層次,你找他的單位,你也要確認他有沒有這樣的犯罪紀錄。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第二,你報到民航局來,民航局也必須要想辦法去查證一下,這一些人有沒有這一些紀錄,因為規則訂出來就會有責任的問題,在我的理解上,如果你一旦規則訂出來,假設你找我,到機關去當監評人或考試,我自己要去告,你問我有沒有違反這一些紀錄,我自己要講有或者沒有,有當然就不會用它了,沒有的話,我要自己宣告沒有,至少有問過、查證過。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第二層才會到政府部門來,怎麼查證,現在必須要跟其他部門打交道,因為刑法的紀錄,就你講到的個資,並不是行文去問法務部或是哪裡,人家會告訴我,不見得,這是實際上的困難,但我們現在也會去詢問跟解決這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "原來就已經妨害考試、詐欺、背信足以影響業務之罪判刑確定者,如果再加妨害秘密,也是一樣,四項變成六項,查證上就是多好幾個,因此徵詢看看大家的想法。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "法律上不太可能讓你查這個人犯什麼罪,但刑事局會告訴我他有沒有前科,只會做這兩件事。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "我之所以會提到妨害秘密及個資的部分,因為我們在使用飛機的圈子裡面,有時會執行一些比較特別的任務,我們也不希望我們的名字洩漏出去以後,開始有一些其他的人進來,因為這個圈子很小。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "我們只是說既然要我們提意見的話,我們就提出來,是這樣子的,不堅持,我們不浪費時間。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "我想提一下意見,其實查證不困難,有先進講,查證的部分,一般人只要去警察局申請,他會告訴你有沒有犯罪,這是一種,像義消或其他的公務單位,在查證的時候,公務單位可以行文,警察局會把詳細的資料只有提供給公務單位,這是做得到的,其實個資的部分不會有問題,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們知道要行文,行文到你所在,也就是自己戶籍所在地,程序上會複雜,不是不能做,而是可以做。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "那不是行文做的,那是到警察局繳200元,給你一張良民證就有了。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "那個是自己。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "另外一種是主管機關,像保全業法,我們有六、七百個員工,警察局就定期告訴我們誰有沒有犯罪紀錄,就是這樣,不難。" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "這個查證非常簡單,像義消跟一般人民申請200元的良民證不一樣,會提供完整的紀錄,只是這個限定於公務單位申請,這個其實不難。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們行文就會有。所以我建議用原來的條文,我不知道妨礙秘密跟個資這兩個加進去,你限制得越多,但是正面、反面意見(都有),我建議是不是可以先維持原來的條文?" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "贊成。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接下來有關第13條,資料保存是sli.do上有人建議的,「建議依個人資料保護法及相關法規以避免妥善保存為前提、另外衍生的商業利用」,我想跟您剛剛提到考過一次試之後,就源源不覺上來了。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "個資法本身就有很完整的一套規範,我們在做相關規定時,在個資法的部分來講,也必須要遵守。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "會在民航通告裡面處理?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "不寫也一樣要遵守。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這是要有一個強調。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有關於資料保存有沒有其他的意見?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第五章。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "主題是受委託者的監督。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第14條:「民航局得隨時派員監督受委託機關(構)、團體執行各項業務之情形、調閱本辦法規定之文件、檢查作業場所及設備。」" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第15條:「受委託機關(構)、團體如有喪失第三條或第六條之資格、因檢驗代表、監考人員或監評人員離職或喪失資格或其他足以影響委託業務之正常執行者,民航局得中止其委託業務執行之一部或全部,至改善完成為止。」" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第16條:「受委託機關(構)、團體有下列情形之一者,民航局得終止委託業務之一部或全部:一、有前條之情形,經民航局中止執行委託業務,逾二個月仍未改善者。二、干涉或影響檢驗代表、監考人員或監評人員之判斷。三、未依業務工作手冊執行委託業務,致影響檢驗或測驗之結果。四、出具不實之檢驗或測驗結果者。五、其他違反法令規定者。」" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "以上,請討論。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第17條我們有收到兩個意見,一個是「有效期間二年」,主要也是中華多旋翼遙控安全發展協會,是「增加受託人自主終止受託或因其他業務停止業務」,另外一個是「終止委託關係時移交所有測驗受考資料」,這個是他們建議的兩個條文,請民航局。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "建議要增加自己責任,也就是增加自動繳回的文字說明。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "自主終止跟移交時要繳回?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "受考資料,前面基本上有提到三年內要保存。系統檢測的成果要陳報民航局,我先講法規關係,受委託單位,意思是自己停止了、不做了,你的紀錄還是要保存三年?" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "移交。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "你的地方還是要保存三年,意思是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這邊的另外一個問題是,如果公司註銷了,或者是直接搬走,地址不一樣了、電話也打不通了,怎麼要相關的資料?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "所以法律規範這一類的,不能不告訴,然後就清掉、丟掉,然後說不要的。一種是要想辦法交到民航局這邊,民航局就不會說前面三年的資料,但是如果不做,然後又不保持,有人三年期間要去查,然後說全部清掉。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "這個建議只是法令寫得不夠完整,把它完整化。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "瞭解,我們評估一下,看文字怎麼加在第17條的地方。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "也有可能是第13條,因為保存是在第13條。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "對,如果你自己繳回、終止的話,必須把紀錄繳到哪裡。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "你們講保存三年是正常的狀態、合作的狀態下,萬一我不幹了,或者是不續約了,要往哪裡丟?你們要寫清楚,不然到時是誰的責任?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們在第13條或者是第17條,如果終止的話,三年的資料如何繳?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "OK。中華多旋翼遙控安全發展協會建議「可依據實務兼辦其他無人機持照相關事務」,這個一開始民間跟政府的關係有討論到,是不是可以請民航局看一下。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "你們自己評估,我沒有特別意見,不要浪費時間。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個沒問題,事務兼辦,接受我們委託的,基本上都是兼辦。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "只是加一個合法兼辦,不會因為之後怎麼樣,然後被處罰,而是加在第17條是不是妥適?可能民航局要評估一下。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "不用加就可以,因為你來申請,就是一個公司、一個法人或者是財團法人,基本上有成立的公司法章程在那邊,我們加在上面,也就是委辦的事項,性質就是兼辦性質。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們往下走,接下來是規費。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第六章講的是附則的部分,第17條剛剛已經有一些討論,我再唸一下。" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第17條:「委託業務有效期間為二年,受委託機關(構)、團體於期滿前三個月內,應檢附符合第四條或第七條規定之文件向民航局申請辦理重審。」" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第18條:「經民航局審查合格之受委託機關(構)、團體應依附件繳納審查規費及審查人員差旅費用。受委託機關(構)、團體執行檢驗及人員測驗業務之各項收費項目基準,由受委託機關(構)、團體訂定並報請民航局備查。」" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "第19條:「本辦法之施行日期,由交通部定之。為配合本法之施行日期,明定本辦法之施行日期由交通部定之。」" }, { "speaker": "朱衍達", "speech": "以上,請討論。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "基本上這個規定是因為中華民國有一個叫做《規費法》,因此才有特定的規定,我們有收到許多人的建議或者是訂定相關的標準來做收費的爭議,之後會用行政指導的民航通告來做收費的機制,這是接下來可能會做的事,等一下請民航局幫忙解釋。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,有人建議一樣是中華多旋翼的發展協會,一開始討論關於官方跟民間的關係是什麼,他們討論如果民間是由官方來要求處理官方的事情,其實你應該是幫公務機關解決問題,所以不應該支付費用,應該是由政府提供補助,不過其實前面已經處理非常多了,就看民航局還要不要做額外的說明。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "謝謝,主要是第18條,剛剛講支付費用,那個是政府委託兩種,這個是其中一種,因為委託你要付你錢、編預算,所以汽車車輛每一次限制五十輛、一百輛,但是航空的做法,我們是合格的,基本上就符合,因為航空的數量並不像汽機車的概念,只要合格的來申請,我們就會委託。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "但是我們剛剛講說未來會有民航通告,希望區域性的有一些規劃,很多人申請,那個是行政資源,會互相有一些問題,我們先跟大家報告。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第二,第18條第1項,我想主持人有幫我講了,有關於民航局審查,那個是政府規定,一定要有規費,政府投入一定要收費,先跟各位報告,這一塊是另外一個法律的規範。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第2項收費的基準,我想很多專業玩家在這邊,我想25公斤以上,未來要到幾公斤還不知道,大家可以想像以現在來訂每一台收3,000元、5,000元或1萬元,現在訂出來合適嗎?現在訂不出來,直升機的多旋翼,你說200公斤,或許未來訂出來,我們再分等級跟現在等級或許又不一樣,因此我們也有一個評估,這種收費標準,像要25至50公斤的這個等級多旋翼,如果申請合格,我們就會請你報一個要收多少費用,或許25到50,然後再分三個收費,像三個收費或者是兩個收費,比如檢驗,要一個人或者是兩個人的人力,大概多少的時間才能完成檢驗,你自己評估出來投入多少及收費標準給民航局備查。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "其實民航局會慢慢建立外部委員的,剛剛一直在講民航通告,現在至少有四、五個以上,包含收費的基準,我們會寫民航通告。要請專家給我們建議,我們會訂出一個範圍,類似多旋翼的,舉一個例子,25公斤至50公斤的收費,我隨便亂講是5,000元至1萬之間,或者是5,000元至8,000元的範圍內,如果超過這個標準,表示應該要檢討一下。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "直升機的舉一個例子,可能3,000元至5,000元,像模型飛機或許是6,000元至8,000元,會有一個範圍,按照你實際上的評估報這個價錢來備查,未來就按照這個費用去收,因為你自己要財務平衡,民航局只負責技術委託,不做財務上的審查,以上。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "檢驗的部分我同意,但是測驗的話,大家去考試算不出來嗎?國家的公務應該要有一個標準,不是去台北考的筆試是200元,到高雄就變成2,000元,這樣不很奇怪嗎?天下大亂。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "那個會處理。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "對啊!人員測驗業務不應該現場自己訂,排除人家來這裡考試,所以來就訂2,000元。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "可能學科很清楚,那個是在台北市很貴,我們在馬公也開一個,當然馬公或許比較便宜,那個範圍比較窄,可能500到600或者是200到300的範圍。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "我覺得辦法要訂清楚,不要造成太多的爭議,不然很多人打電話問你,你說不知道,要他打電話自己問問看,這不是很奇怪嗎?這個業務是我們政府在辦的公務,對不對?變成我自己要去處理、自己問,這邊問的跟那邊問的不一樣,不是製造困擾嗎?" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "我再講最後一個,回到前面講規費的問題,我們再三確定一件事,無人機的法案是屬於國家的公務,執行的責任在政府單位,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "第二,這並不是賺錢的事業,並不是像開補習班來加盟,今天來解決政府的問題,結果請你們來一趟,還要付你們機票錢、高鐵的錢,差旅費要老百姓付,這個是小事情,但是這個寫出來,我覺得很奇怪,收審查規費150元、200元,但是相關的人員、差旅應該由你們政府機關自己編列預算才對,怎麼會叫老百姓、叫我們來幫你出機票錢呢?我有一點想不通。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "公務人員出差不是你們的人來出差,我舉一個例子,有必要到現場現場去看,假設我是民航局,有兩位要去看,這個時候你規費,像唯一的審查費裡面通包,並不是高鐵費出3,000元的意思,而是這個審查包裝裡面總共要5,000元,要去幾趟也是政府出的,搞不好一趟就解決,搞不好三趟。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個規費裡面可以有人員差旅的費用,這一項必須要考慮進去,這個是規費法裡面的。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "人家幫你們解決問題,你們怎麼叫人家出車費,不是很奇怪?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我沒有特別的意見,但是法律寫在那裡,所以我們條文才會寫在這邊,審查規費是會放在裡面,成本分析的項目也會寫在裡面,這個是按照規定,所以不能自己決定不收,請見諒一下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這邊好像有提到。" }, { "speaker": "李宜真", "speech": "如果是一般民間單位想要申請檢驗或者是測驗委託機構的話,在營業項目當中是不是應該需要增加哪一個營業項目?這個經營項目是否為特許?他的發票或者是收據要如何開立?謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個部分請耿簡技回答。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "這個部分本身是一個委託的業務,跟你本身在做工商登記,因為公司行號在做工商登記會有一些項目,這一些項目裡面,我們這個遙控無人機所謂的委託測驗,相信這個是很新的東西,應該現行的工商登記的項目裡面不會有,目前的設定是資格符合、提出申請的文件,文件經過審查ok之後,這一些並且具備名冊、相關場地等等來符合規定,如民航通告等細節的內容,我們就會把這個業務來做委託,這樣就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "至於這個東西連動到所謂實際執行業務是否屬於商業行為,收費當然是要有一些收據,只是收據在帳目當中性質為何,這可能是在被委託者那裡面要做安排,大概這樣做說明。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "規費是我們處理,而且是一次的,只有審查的時候有所謂的審查規費收取,但是未來作業費的收取是由委託者處理,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "李宜真", "speech": "我們對於來參加測驗的人或者是檢驗的人開立的是收據或者是發票?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "一般財團法人基金會大概是用作業費的方式就可以了,公司的部分倒沒有,所以為什麼我們前面公司有提到,公司會連結到那五個名詞,那幾個名詞再加上我們委辦,我想不管開發票或者是開收據,基本上就沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "李宜真", "speech": "開發票跟收據有很大的差別。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "基本上是沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "李宜真", "speech": "我們也不想違法,但是如果想要開收據,剛剛理事長都有說,這並不是很賺錢的生意,我們幫民航局解決這個問題,如果還要我們開發票的話,這個……" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個部分……" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "我建議要問清楚國稅局,他們是鬼見愁,並不是你講一講就算了。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我知道,所以發票連結上去都是你們公司的項目,只是到底要開收據、發票,我不知道要怎麼講。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們請民航局再瞭解清楚,我們再回應。有關於規費的部分,看有沒有人有什麼建議?" }, { "speaker": "石志忠", "speech": "因為你們有提到考照的地點、場地需要我們這一些廠商,像學會要自備場地,是這樣的情況嗎?我現在看到你們的場地,像你們要考一個大型的考照,長要250米、寬度要20米的空間。" }, { "speaker": "石志忠", "speech": "我們的小港機場就在下面,右邊是屏東機場,上面有空軍機場,請問高雄市還有考照的點嗎?這個場地有遙控協會,不好意思,也沒有辦法負擔做出這樣的場地,民航局要處理這樣的事嗎?" }, { "speaker": "石志忠", "speech": "像你們給市政府有公文,希望7月1日前提出一個適合且合法的飛行場地,我們提供給高雄市政府,你們的回應是,在民航的規定當中,這邊是航道,可能不考慮,這邊是軍用場地,可能要再問軍方那邊,結果我們看一看,高雄市根本就沒有場地,所以這個場地要怎麼處理,民航局來處理,或者是高雄市政府來處理,又或者是協會要自己處理?協會一定沒有辦法,各個地方的協會都一樣的問題,哪裡來的合法場地去考試?請回答一下。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個問題是為何民航法無人機通過以後,民航局要這麼多的時間?其中很重要的是縣市政府這一塊,民航局沒有能力去找土地,大家都可以理解,為何400呎以下要公告跟協助協會,找到縣市政府覺得發展這個很正面,希望縣市政府要協助,我們站在台北市天龍國都去想哪一個地方可以玩,真的是超乎我們的能力範圍,因此需要縣市政府來協助。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "但是你剛剛也提到一個重點,不要是你的模型飛機,多旋翼在機場室公告,也不會在那邊統一公告考場,也不會影響飛行安全,特別是安全的情況下有這些地方,因此點出的問題我同意是問題,因此才需要跟各縣市政府,包含也讓縣市政府瞭解,高雄市這麼大,有山區、河川地,都沒有合法的地方,我們希望跟高雄市溝通,因為很樂意由無人機來做場地,因此我們沒有辦法回答能解決或者是不能解決。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "但是也可以理解,很多縣市政府很鼓勵,至少花蓮、苗栗是縣市政府出來或者是來找場地,因此就一起努力來找出這一些空間,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "石志忠", "speech": "不好意思,衍生的問題,如果在民航局裡面,規定那60公尺的限航區裡面也是不能成立嗎?如果今天是傳統的航模,他飛其實也沒有飛很高。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "航模一起飛就超過了,不是嗎?" }, { "speaker": "石志忠", "speech": "60公尺還好,有一些也不會這麼高。" }, { "speaker": "石志忠", "speech": "《02:51:46》:" }, { "speaker": "石志忠", "speech": "航模60公尺,綽綽有餘,目視距離一般來說飛100多,實際的高度是5、60公尺而已,60公尺15層樓的高,一般我們航模沒有飛那麼高。" }, { "speaker": "石志忠", "speech": "因此如果你們規定都要在限高60公尺以外的話,高雄市就剩下三區可以了。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我要諮詢航管組的意見,其實60公尺也是在機場四週,我先報告,我先講,不代表未來不行,也不是說未來一定行,過去的思維,民航局大概不會同意,但是這不是我決定,或者是現在講了就算了。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "因為大家都會知道,正常的時候是ok的,不正常的時候就不知道的思維,因此過去就會比較保守,先給大家知道為什麼這樣,但是比較好的,還是要找機場四週以外的地方。" }, { "speaker": "石志忠", "speech": "屬於民航局以外軍方管的部分呢?像岡山、橋頭那部分,旗山也被屏東那邊的海軍訓練基地涵蓋到,這樣子高雄市就沒有合法可以飛的飛場,像台北市也是涵蓋那60裡面,怎麼處理?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "像台北市有找航模那邊,所以至少有一個,會不會再有第二個、第三個,其實我們跟台北市、新北市一直在溝通,要能夠找出來,高雄市也是希望這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "你剛才提到軍方國防部的,這一塊也真的,民航局說實在是國安優先,不要說航模休閒娛樂,連民航機要飛國防部,大家都同意,國安沒有打折、不打折的,不同意就是不同意,所以這一塊也讓大家瞭解一下。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "有關於場地的部分,我們有一個建議。因為我們知道很多警、消已經逐步在運用了,我們也認識一些單位,他們專門在做這一些,好像使用,可是未來如果民航局實施證照制的話,他們勢必也要有證照,這些單位他們有的是地方。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "因為我們做的幾乎都是幫民航局解決問題,如果我們要把這個地方找出來的話,最好是找這一些公部門,問一下他們各縣市警察局、消防隊,你們對於無人機的運用有沒有什麼計畫、準備在哪裡訓練,到時我們去貼他們就可以了,一方面解決問題,二方面大家也不用再傷腦筋了。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我完全同意。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "所以民航局也在找,像宜蘭的工業區,比如宜蘭有一個新竹科學園區到宜蘭的,他們也很樂意,因為那邊很多場地,因此我們也有接觸,他們那邊很樂意在東部,至少多開幾個區域,我們民航局會努力;但是決定權會在地方縣市政府,當然還有自己的單位,我們還是會去努力來找。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "民航局的長官也有跟我提到過找場地的問題,我會去找幾個地方,人家第一個開口就問有沒有補助,所以我特別提到的是,我發現你們真的很窮,去看人家場地還要跟人家拿車馬費,也提不出具體的補助方案,連寫在上面都不寫,如果寫上去的話,很多立法委員也好,很多單位都知道我們今天可以來補助,可以把民航局當成窗口,這是很現實的問題。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "像剛剛的大老闆也有講,他們是臺灣數一數二的大公司,賺的也是一點錢,沒有什麼錢,要大家來冒風險,我覺得法律要寫得清楚一點,不然我相信以後一定會有很多的爭議。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "謝謝。土地跟經費確實目前政府的兩大難題。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "政委在,請政委幫忙一下,是不是?老是欺負民航局,每個單位什麼事情都找他,真的有事又不理他、不甩他。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "謝謝為我們著想。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "我只是要把事情做下去,不然坐來這裡坐什麼?" }, { "speaker": "吳修廉", "speech": "我想請教一下,相信今天會來到現場的各個團體都是有意思想要成為民航局考試的單位,我的用意只是想明確知道民航局的態度,前面的法條看起來是不是有可能自己成立一個單位,自己的飛機自己驗、自己的人員自己考,也就是利益迴避的問題,我先說並沒有預售任何的立場,我沒有任何的答案,很希望瞭解一下民航局態度是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "吳修廉", "speech": "第二,如果民間已經有單位,針對考試設計一些自動化的感測設備,理論上當然會更客觀、更精準來做考試的判斷,像這樣的自動化設備,我們有沒有可能提前先使用、上路,以上兩點,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "先回答第一個問題,其實機制是這樣子的。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第一個答案是,你自己的單位有多少人,有多少的機子可以自己決定。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第二,民航局一旦委託給你,你是要全部對外開放,不是說只驗自己,別人來都拒絕,那個是不行的,一旦民航局,剛剛有講到,像報名那邊都拒絕,那邊有什麼理由,像什麼都不考,我們民航局就會對外處理。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第三個是監理,像你剛才自己問到的問題,自己五個人好了,十部機子也好,只要全部對外開放,你要自己驗,原則上是ok,但是民航局會特別去看,假設你的員工考你,理事長要考,所以員工一定都不敢廢,這時民航局派一個人在旁邊看,就是看員工怎麼考你,會有這樣的機制,但是我們容許你自己驗、自己考,原則是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們有一個機制,大家都知道,你去考當然希望自己通過成就感,不是不及格,人家給我們一張證,大家都不想要這樣的狀況,我們的機制會防止這一塊,因為我們對航空業也都是這樣子,這個是第一個。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第二個問題電子化,這應該是正面的。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "因為現在測驗分成術科跟學科,學科測驗相關的指南跟術科測驗,不管是操作的項目、要領或是後續所謂的及格標準,我們現在正在積極研訂。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "初期我們的判斷是用測驗人員標準化的方式去做,因此並沒有用機器來作輔助,但如果現在有機器來作輔助的話,前提還是經過測驗官標準化的動作,做完之後是一個合格的人員來做這一件事,我們鼓勵使用電子設備。" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "未來漸漸走向電子設備,大概是一個趨勢,但在初期的時候,還是以人為主、以電子裝備為輔助來做,可能是比較合適的做法,後續看怎麼樣的做法來做相關的規範內容,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我先說一下,您之後我們收一下sli.do的問題,如果還有其他的問題,我們再請大家提問。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "《03:00:46》:(大桃園)" }, { "speaker": "林正銘", "speech": "從頭到尾都沒有聽到到底規費是多少,因為我是一個消費者玩家,我們也想要遵守法律,到底是多少錢,是不是有一個統一的?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "有。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "看一下sli.do上的問題,我們現在已經收在這個地方。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第一個是「有關檢驗人員及監評人員,預計在三十日前報民航局核准,會不會影響受委託機關人士彈性之虞,設定內涵是什麼?承前提問,以第5條、第7條為準,是不是以事後報備為查,要另列臨時異動的條款?」我們先一致唸完。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,「考證出來後,證書有效期是多久?」這個是另外一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,「如果業者歇業,是否可以連結營業登處那邊統一處理?就不用再一一陳報上去,這樣太慢了。」這個是有關於機關介接的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「如何證明飛行經驗與飛行時數?前面已經有回答過,讓協會出具證明。」民航局是接受的,看民航局有沒有要補充。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,「假設有設定汽車駕訓班,那麼未來可以增設無人機駕訓班這塊行業嗎?」前面有提到訓練的部分,他們還在評估,之後看要不要研議,看民航局有沒有要補充。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「能夠開放有條件的夜航及夜拍,不要一能夠開放有條件的夜航及夜拍,不要一味的禁止,這樣會抹煞臺灣美麗的夜景!」我們等一下也會請民航局來回應。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "是不是可以請您再說明一下您是什麼單位?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "《承上》" }, { "speaker": "林正銘", "speech": "大桃園。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個是三十日內,並不是三十日前,本來就是報備制,今天考官沒有來,就找一個合格的來考,三十日內修訂你的名冊就可以,不是施行前,施行前是行不通的,等於是後的意思。" }, { "speaker": "施能大", "speech": "其實關於這一條覺得很神奇,這邊是寫「民航局核准」,如果三十日內報了不准,報備跟核准是不一樣的,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "那是備查制,因為名單是要核准,就是一般實務上你確定要找到合格的人,民航局不會不同意。" }, { "speaker": "施能大", "speech": "有所謂核備跟核准,如果是核准的話,那就不一樣了,民航局可以不准。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "可以不准。" }, { "speaker": "施能大", "speech": "之前考過的人是不是算數?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "要重考。現行機制就有,我多說一點,第一個是資格不符的,如果真的找了一個資格不符再報來,我們也會尊重你,你資格不符,包含備考的人都要重考,這是無庸置疑。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第二,你不熟悉考試的過程,你找來,然後人家考十項,你考六項,這個當然也要重考,這也是為什麼還是要核准確認考試有效效力。" }, { "speaker": "施能大", "speech": "為何不改成事前?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "只要有人不在就不要考,考生的權利影響更大,就是前一天,人家突然說臨時怎麼樣,所以不能拿來當考官。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "你可以找到別的、他願意來,這對我們來說是很正面的,不要因為這樣把你的業務卡住,這並不是正面的。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們要確保你考試的是有符合效力的,目的是這樣子,你只要按照你的標準作業,不用特別顧慮,實際上是有備查的機制,只是用法律核准來證明我有一個追訴權,因為如果備查,一旦考生說無辜的,說新來的幫我考,怎麼知道考八項或者是考六項就及格了,結果民航局一看不合格,然後備查變成要承認他的效力,這是有問題的,這個跟大家做說明。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有紀錄了下來了。證書的有效期是多久?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "兩年。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果業者歇業,有沒有辦法連結營業登記處來統一處理?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "因為歇業是在經濟部,如果要歇業的話,就通知現在暫停,然後接下來正要繳回,就結束了,這更簡單,再被動查這個,可能……很多是財團法人基金會那一塊是查不到的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "財團法人登記並不是營業登記。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "下一個問題,「請問如何證明飛行經驗與飛行時數」?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "剛才有講,我們會尊重航協會出的證書。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「假設我們有設定汽車駕訓班,那麼未來可以增設無人機駕訓班這塊行業嗎?」" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "未來是會往這個趨勢,因為隨著無人機越來越大,未來的考照是一樣的,自己學一學是可以的,現在都要統一到駕訓班,我想未來是這樣的趨勢。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "最後,「是否能夠開放有條件的夜航及夜拍」?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們的感覺規則跟民航法當中已經律定了,個人的是不行,只有法人、團體協會的,經由許可以後是可以,個人休閒娛樂是不行的,這個是法律是律定的,沒有空間了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "sli.do上面已經收完,現場有沒有意見?" }, { "speaker": "陳呈緯", "speech": "主席、各位先進大家好,我想請問一下考場跟受測單位的關係,一個場地可以委託多個單位嗎?有幾個單位可以去申請?或是一個場地一個單位申請?以上。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "基本上我們是開放,但是那個場地使用權必須有文件的使用授權,這個場地假設河川地是公家的,河川局也同意你用,你一、三、五,他二、四、六,這個出來是ok的,私人土地也是一樣的,但前提條件是要符合空運資格。" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "剛剛有提到時數的部分,剛剛有回答協會部分的開立證明,其實民航局這邊就會認可,但是請問一下,如果這個協會可能成立四年,我們沒有問題,開立了三、四年,但是如果協會今年或去年才成立,開立兩年、三年或者是四年的證明,這怎麼計算?謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個比較技術性,我們基於互信的原則,私底下我們會去探聽、查證,無人機的例子跟超輕型載具有一點類似,也是會尊重協會,我們不要說被騙,被呼攏一至兩次,開的證明你認識他嗎?他是你的會員,或者是從別人的管道說這是假的,或者是虛報灌水,我們有權利,拒絕不會讓你再開證明,這是我們日常在做的情況。" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "但現在這個委託辦法,大部分是有時數、時間,以年計,可能未來是以時數計,如果這樣的話,直接認可的方式,是不是有最基本的標準?假設可能組織成立三年,可能開立三年內的,如果今天成立兩年,開立兩年內?" }, { "speaker": "Gavin Chang", "speech": "只要有人成立協會,我今年成立可以開立五年或是三年,這個認可是非常缺乏公信力,或者這就是……" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "實務上就是這樣,如果協會只有兩年,不可能開超過三年的證明,也就是兩年以上,我們這邊會有紀錄可以查詢,這是最基本的,不能無限制的,或是不認識的鄰居都開證明,這樣當然不行,因此第一個是會員、第二個是時間,不可能超過成立的時間。" }, { "speaker": "高臨凱", "speech": "如果我的飛行時數在過去五年,大疆(DJI)紀錄都很完整有幾百公里,是不是就可以承認?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "大疆用什麼制度來做這個紀錄?" }, { "speaker": "高臨凱", "speech": "詳細的飛行紀錄非常清楚,記錄的非常清楚。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "協會或者是有一個紀錄系統,而是這個公司也經過民航局有這樣子的無人機相關的,確實有一個系統在記錄那一些飛友,我們基本上也會承認。" }, { "speaker": "高臨凱", "speech": "所以即使我的協會只成立三年或者是半年?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "從另外那邊再開證明出來。" }, { "speaker": "高臨凱", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "楊敏政", "speech": "大家好,今天這個是委託草案,委託的當下,一個很重要的,當然民航局將來會去審核,只要符合資格的人(就可以)。可是剛剛理事長也有講過,這個是不賺錢的行業,大家具有委託、審核,也核可了,但是到最後可能撐不下去了,將來這一個規費會不會因為這樣子而去做變動呢?因為規費目前已經有訂了,可是將來沒有辦法撐下去啊!" }, { "speaker": "楊敏政", "speech": "所收支的部分,如果沒有辦法達到平衡,一開始組長也有講過,撐不下去,往往一直重複這樣子,民航局又來審核,另外有意見的這一些人,將來對於所有的考照制度、完整化會不會受到衝突?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第一個規費不是受委託者的,規費是民航局收的,國家收進國庫,也不是進民航局。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "因此你看到的附件是規費的,不是檢驗費,也不是考試費,先第一個澄清。你問的檢驗費用或是考試的費用是否足以單位的平衡,剛剛講的那是收費基準,我想很多在座的可能都是委員,25公斤到幾公斤的收費標準範圍,像5,000至8,000就是這個範圍,直升機的可能是7,000至9,000,模型機可能3,000至5,000,這個範圍有問題,大家業界訂出來,檢驗不管是複雜或是台北市、屏東市,應該是這個數字,是合理的,每一個受委託的場地,我檢驗30公斤了,你自己再訂一個基準,再報民航局來備查,你訂7,000,你要訂天花板也可以,要訂地板也可以。" }, { "speaker": "楊敏政", "speech": "各家自己制定,以後就衍生出來,這邊很低的價錢,是不是會形成削價競爭?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "因此我們有一個地板價,然後有一個天花板價,在這範圍內,如果你還有競爭力,你去考的人,覺得環境、考試的過程是否夠專業、符合,這確實會有一些市場的機制存在,因為從官方來訂統一標準,我想那也是另外一個災難。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "如果訂25公斤,大家一律3,000元,可能會佔便宜,因為成本低,我講的是土地的成本低,因此可能也不適合律定一個固定的標準,而是一個範圍,這個範圍我特別強調,會徵詢實際上在業界的玩家、協會,或者是即將要申請檢驗的,來提出檢驗的這個機子,至少分三類,其實有四類,一類是綜合型的,就是類似直升機、多旋翼跟模型機,還有一個綜合型的,這一些我們會逐一來訂準則,或發一個民航通告的方式。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "我有一個最後的建議,主管機關我是很誠懇建議你們,你們一定要有自己官辦公營的場地,你們要有一套自己的機制在,我們這一些非官方的團體願意幫忙,不是應該的,不幫你們的忙也是應該的,這個圈子非常小,利潤非常微薄。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "在這一種情況之下,你們要是萬一沒有場地,然後我們國家訂這個法案,而沒有辦法推動的話,會不會對你們造成責任上的問題?可能你們到時都高升了,但是底下來接的人會很慘,公務人員一天到晚光是我們打電話來吵,這個事情都不用做了。" }, { "speaker": "成湘鄉", "speech": "唐政委,拜託你們一定要幫忙,我個人對民航局,坦白來講,我不是很樂觀。" }, { "speaker": "張政雄", "speech": "我想請問一下,有關監評人員跟委託機構間的關係,鑑評人員有分為基本跟高級,基本是兩公斤以下,如果委託機構的監評人員事實上是只有一個基本的人員,是不是也可以受理委託業務?像2公斤的無人機場地比較小。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這是可以的,所以才分級,你申請的,因為會牽涉到你的場地,甚至你的設施,還有人員證照的等級,所以是ok的、沒有問題的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "現場有沒有提問?" }, { "speaker": "黎東碩", "speech": "我想明確問一下,在座各位先進都已經瞭解整個委辦辦法以後,第一次考試到底是誰來考?明確的日期,因為苗栗很多青年磨刀霍霍想要拿到國家級的證照,這個先訂出來以後,有了第一批的考官,我想今天訂的辦法,大家都有資格以後,這個產業才會發展得更好,第一個要怎麼考及相關的規範,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "謝謝你問這個問題,剛好做一個收尾非常適合。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "其實主持人、副主持人都在,現在民航局就如大家所講的,我們訂這個好像憑空而定,確實如大家所講的,我們好像是這樣,但是我們實際上是特別謝謝中科院做這部分技術的協助,特別報告,也謝謝中科院。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這邊是講如何預考,包含管理規則預計這個月在交通部會先完成法制程序,這個委託辦法假設很順利,因為接下來還要預告,公聽會修訂完以後還要再預告,至少還要再兩個月,假設5月通過,我們也會建議行政院,整個無人機生效日期,因為行政院還沒有核定,假設訂在明年的1月1日,這時民航局或者跟大家有六個月,法規都已經確定、不會再動了,考試的標準也都確定了,委託標準也都確定了,這個時候不會再動,只有等生效日期,這時民航局準備辦預考,我們希望無縫接軌,我想很多公司都在做這些無人機的業務。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "假設生效日期是那一天的時候,我們在前面這六個月,大家要考試的可以去考,委託單位有申請的,我們先去看場地,檢驗有資格的,我們會先看能力。但是因為法規沒有生效,所以不能發證,可以先把這些審查的,特別是講預考,像場地跟檢驗先審查,人員考試我現在變成不是委託單位,而是玩家,因為那時委託單位還不能出場,法律還沒有生效,我們跟中科院,形式上是民航局,民航局先找一個苗栗市的場地,目前希望在北、中、南各自找到一個場地,目前正在找,但已經確定應該至少有兩個。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "考場學科的更多,學科的沒有問題,我們至少會找兩個,航模的也會另外有,會在這六個月的期間,記得民航局第一輪先詢問有報考意願的、需要報考的,我們在網路上有登記,那時登記將近九百人,我們會再做第二輪的確認,這九百人或是八百人要報考的等級是屬於哪一級的,利於我們接下來的規劃。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "至少這六個月的時間,我們由民航局自己來考人員的證照,學科跟術科由民航局來考。考的過程民航局的人員都在裡面,我們希望第一波考過的資深者——我先用資深來形容,不見得是幾年以上的——我們會從這裡面再找出種子,我們會優先,種子當然會搭配,要申請的場地已經有意願,會變得差不多,從這裡面找出種子,然後我們就會跟他在這個過程來做訓練。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個考試過了,我們只會發給你一張考試及格證,那時還不能發證,但會一直到法規生效,像1月1日行政院正式實施,就拿那一張證明來民航局這邊換無人機證照,你剛剛講的,我是法人要審查,我們會儘量事先審查,但不保證一定1月1日審查得到,我們會先審查,到時假設審查完,取得資格就可以作業,這個時間就會縮短,我們目前的規劃是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "這個過程沒有委託,我們只是會先做審查,一直到1月1日以後才會正式委託出去,也就是1月1日剛剛講的,之前都審查過了,人員、場地、裝備及核可,像剛才講的都訓練過了,這個場地就可以開業,1月1日來考的就可以到你這邊來報名,目前的規劃是這樣子,詳細的我們會等進一點的時候,這八百人我們會再做一次,7月1日要考到專業級的,是直升機的,或者是哪一種機器的,你希望你的所在地是在北、中、南,我們再來評估,看能不能考得完,六個月的時間可以考多少人,這個會計畫。" }, { "speaker": "黎東碩", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "黎東碩", "speech": "我想第一批如果考完,很公正、公平、公開,在座很多先進就會瞭解未來的辦法是什麼,我想很質疑的是第一批怎麼出來,非常謝謝民航局的用心。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "因為時間來不及,我們就把sli.do上收一下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第一,「所謂通告是指航空業的飛航公告或者是另外的發送方式?一般民眾如何得知相關訊息?」" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第二,「請問一個考試機構,可以申請多個考場嗎?」" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第三,「請問法規規定是妨礙學校或研究團體對於研究發展?例如:多機飛行、過夜飛行、火箭研究是否規範在內?」" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第四,「是否承認國外相關無人機或飛行操作證照?有承認與驗證程序嗎?」" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我也簡短說明,因為時間的問題,民航通告(AC)會在民航局網頁民航通告專區及無人機專區,問答集也會放在無人機專區中,隨時是公開的。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "第二,一個場地搭配多個,或者一個機構搭配多個場地都是可以的,但是你的規範裡面要寫清楚,核准你的時候,一定是很具體哪一個場地,你如果還有時間區隔還要分時間,核准的部分就會很清楚。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "學校本身就是法人,剛才如果私立大學,就是財團法人,如果是公立學校一樣可以申請,所以是法人,可以在夜間,只要SOP做好,跟民航局核定以後就可以去執行,所以是具備法人的身分,意思是可以申請例外。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "最後一項,外國人的部分……" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不是外國人,國外相關的無人機。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "因為操作是跟著人,操作證有一個專章,會認可他,但他不能做例外的,就是只能做休閒娛樂,不能經營商業活動或是做研究,我們不許可,人的部分不許可,一定是臺灣的法人,可加入協會或是公司,再來考我們的證照,外國人可以考我們的證照,但不能拿美國或日本的證照,然後就開始作業,外國操作證的認可只能做休閒娛樂。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "國外的機子我們也有一個認可的程序,但跟我們自己檢驗程序幾乎是雷同的,25公斤以下是不驗的,25公斤以上是用認可外國檢驗的方式。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "我很快問最後一個,如果臨時要找一個國外的機種團隊來做任務,怎麼辦?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "是屬於什麼性質?" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "先不管,不要說娛樂,也不要講說災難,但他的任務是有必要性。像表演。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們有沒有開一個特別許可?" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "做法是必須在臺灣找一個法人的身分,把那個團隊相關活動規定放在你們法人的下面,以臺灣法人的名義來做申請。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "機子的形式之前沒有被認證過的,一樣要重來就對了?" }, { "speaker": "耿驊", "speech": "25公斤以上應經檢驗或認可。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "對,要單機。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "不能像民航的航空器,之外已經認證過了,他申請飛來臺灣。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "我們會簡化,如果在美國已經拿到型別,基本上我們有一個認可程序。" }, { "speaker": "蔡尚宏", "speech": "我們現在看不到辦法。所以我們還是可以嘗試來做這一件事?" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果沒有什麼意見的話,我們今天就到這裡,非常感謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "謝謝兩位主持人、謝謝大家,很抱歉沒有提供便當,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "林俊良", "speech": "剛剛講了,幾個條文評估以後,我們就不再開說明會,但我們會預告,放在網頁上預告,因此大家如果真的再發現有什麼問題,可以寫mail進來我們管道,我們可以再次評估,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "今天與會的人大家好,歡迎大家來參加第46次開放政府協作會議,今天場地感謝基隆區漁會借我們這個場地,廁所是出門左手出去在一、二樓的樓梯間,後面也有準備茶水,桌上也有茶水,因為接近中午了,大家肚子會餓,所以我們也有先準備餐盒,大家邊開會的時候,一邊享用。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "因為這個議題受到滿大的關注,因此也有開第二會場,唐鳳政委在第二會場跟大家說明協作會議正式發生的事情,因為有滿多的民眾有關注,因此我們也有開放直播,假設有關心的人也可以分享給他們我們今天在youtube上有直播。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "再來,因為我們在事前有先寄議題手冊給各位,有關這個案子的背景,有需要紙本,在我的左前方也有準備。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "今天會議紀錄有一位速錄師,會把大家拿麥克風——再強調一下,是拿麥克風講的話都會逐字紀錄在會議紀錄裡面,我們會再用mail發給大家,大家可以修改自己發言的部分,像我現在講話可能不是那麼通順,大家可以會後再作修正,我們逐字紀錄也會公開。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "有關於議程的部分就交給詹壹雯小姐。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝大家今天來到協作會議,因為三樓有很多貴賓,就是各區漁會總幹事來,我台語也可以,等一下會儘量台語、國語一起說,如果不是很通順,請大家多多包涵。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們今天協作會議要討論的議題是漁港要開放釣魚,但是「全面」二字,我在這裡先作確認,我們有跟釣友確認過,「全面」並不是要全面開放的意思,而是希望中央或者是地方政府可以全面示範,能不能開放再討論,我先來作釐清。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我是今天的主持人詹壹雯。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "上一頁的簡報,我們今天要來開的會不是「修正」,我先講好,我們是討論而已。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "對,我跟總幹事報告一下,這個是在網路上的原文,不代表我們今天會議只能按照這個方向進行。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "今天是找辦法,不是「修正」漁港法全面開放。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "抱歉,跟大家提醒一下,如果沒有拿麥克風的話,我們的話不能記錄,因此如果大家要發言的話,請拿麥克風。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們先澄清一下,這是提案人提的題目,我們只是先這樣寫,不代表我們今天會往這個方向討論,請大家先見諒一下。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "大家不要急,我們等一下討論的題目,後面會有,請大家不要急。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "今天的主持人是我本人跟我的同事林雨蒼,我們會共同主持。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個就是你剛剛所說有問題的地方,這個是網路上提案人的用字,但是我們今天要回歸到更核心的問題來盤點,所以不一定會依照這個方式,因為有可能沒有辦法落實或者是法已經被修正了,我們等一下都會在會場中討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "今天大家撥空來到這裡,就是因為其實漁港要開放釣魚的問題已經吵十幾年了,牽涉到的人差不多有愛釣魚的人、漁民、漁會、中央政府跟地方政府,牽涉到的人很多,這個問題吵了十幾年,我們希望今天可以透過比較公開透明的會議,能夠達成一點共識,我們今天沒有要比人數多、也沒有要比聲音大,每個人都是平等的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "唐鳳辦公室依據多元跟平等的精神,我們拍攝了一支影片,等一下放這個影片的時候,請大家看一下,不知道昨天有沒有人看過,因為昨天在網路上已經有在宣傳,這個影片其實想要凸顯的問題是,因為漁港開放釣魚牽涉到太多的人,問題也非常複雜,很難解,可是如果大家願意來到現場開這個會,甚至願意在網路上先花一點時間看直播的話,代表我們的溝通是有第一步的,我們有溝通的機會。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "請同事幫我們放一下影片。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "不管影片好看或者不好看,這是我們同事為了給大家做一個前情提要的宣傳片,我們儘量顧及各個不同立場的人。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我希望剛剛那樣子影片的呈現,可以釐清一下剛剛包括全國漁會、陳文欽總幹事提出來程序的問題,我希望可以慢慢透過我的報告來跟大家來作釐清。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "剛剛看完影片,相信大家很清楚會議的目標,是要互相溝通跟釐清,等一下我報告之後,等一下提案人跟各部會報告,就是要幫助大家瞭解問題的面向、事實,一項項釐清,希望今天會議結束之後,大家都可以找到大家都可以接受的方案。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "不過人也有說新聞報導很大,行政院是不是有立場了?大家今天來開會應該有很多的疑問。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "先不要管立場,你有聽過安麗嗎?先不要管立場,你有聽過協作會議嗎?很多人沒有聽過,我們今天先不要管政策往哪個方向進行,我們今天只是邀請大家來幫我們盤點,這個問題這麼難解,但是機會跟困難處在哪裡,每個人的意見都一樣重要。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "借我工商宣傳一下,唐鳳辦公室協作會議跟一般公部門會議有什麼不同?我們有四大元素:第一個要透明,比如來有會議的直播,所以今天沒有辦法到現場,沒有辦法到今天二樓、三樓兩個會議室的全國民眾,只要你關心這個議題,都可以上網址來看直播,我們已經把網址貼在唐鳳的臉書上,歡迎你們收看直播並且給予意見,也會有逐字稿,今天五個小時的會議,每個人講的每句都會有逐字稿,之後會公開在網路上,誰講什麼話,就必須為他的話負責。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二個參與,邀請所有的人一起來決定政策。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第三個課責,就是今天討論過的東西,不會船過水無痕,船過水一定有痕,這就是今天要討論的問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第四個是涵融,總之就是會受到影響的每個人都來討論,所以其實漁港開放釣魚的議題會影響到哪一些人,你們看一下左右的鄰居就知道,就大概是這一些人的面孔,當然還有專家學者,也很重要。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "為什麼唐鳳辦公室要推動協作會議?因為傳統的會議可能會是政府在辦公室裡面找專家學者研議政策、推動,然後發現民間、地方沒有辦法執行,所以就造成反彈,我們希望新時代政府在制定政策的時候,應該要以使用者需求為導向,有需要的人你們說需要什麼東西,第一步政策還沒有具體落實的時候,你們就進來討論,政府依照大家的需要來制定政策。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我講一個比喻,比如我們今天去吃辦桌,八人桌,有的人不喜歡吃牛肉、不喜歡吃辣,有的人不放蔥,像我就不吃香菜,這樣大廚要怎麼煮?不然我們找大家一起來廚房煮,煮自己喜歡吃的,這樣才合味。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這樣煮出來的菜,下個禮拜唐鳳政委會跟蘇院長作報告,也會把牽涉到今天這個議題所有部會的同仁,會轉知相關部會這個訊息。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "現在很簡單,省一下時間,把今天會議的流程跟大家介紹一次。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我跟大家報告今天會議的目的是什麼?我們跟傳統的公聽會、說明會並不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "等一下會有提案人、各部會、教授的簡報,幫助我們釐清事實、瞭解問題的面向。下午1點40分開始,我們會有一個分組的討論,大家桌上都已經有東西,如果餓的話,有東西就是一面吃、一面開會,我們預計4點會結束,希望透過今天的協作方式,我們可以一起產出共同的解決方法的共識。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我的左邊有議題手冊,所有政府相關同仁在幾個禮拜內產出的一份報告,這邊會場的貴賓都已經索取完的話,可以請工作同仁拿到三樓的會場給大家參考。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我等一下報告完之後,會請每個人用1分鐘的時間介紹你自己,你從什麼單位來,還有你對今天會議的期待是什麼,今天來這裡開會有什麼期待,為了省時間,請大家用1分鐘自我介紹,也讓別人認識你。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "為什麼讓大家認識你很重要、為什麼表達立場很重要?因為我們今天並不是要拼聲音、也不是要拼聲音,如果你來一百個人,但是你是共同一個意見,我們就是受到一張紙上,但是今天有兩個人來,你有兩個不同的意見,我們就寫在兩張不同的紙上,這是我們協作會議最大的重點。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "等一下我會用這個工具跟大家介紹,大家看到這個東西之後,像三樓的貴賓,等一下看到這個覺得很奇怪,不知道是什麼,這其實很簡單,很單純的是我們之前有訪談、蒐集一些資料,先給大家看,比如這邊有漁業署對這個議題的看法、這邊有漁會、地方政府、釣友的意見,我們都貼在上面,等一下會放大給大家看,也請現場的大家幫我們補充。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "補充之後,我們下午就會進行分組的討論,第一會場的大家,我們會分成兩組討論;第二會場的人,你們可以同時看到討論什麼東西,全臺灣關心這個議題的朋友,你們也可以收看直播,如果你們熬得到1點40分的話,也可以聽到我們在討論什麼東西。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們下午討論的重點就是要平等跟多元,大概會是用這種形式,下午大家分組就是像這樣的方式來討論,讓大家稍微看一下。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "討論完之後,大家炒出來的菜就是共識,要跟大家報告。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個網址,大家可以掃一下,三樓有很多貴賓已經在掃,並在網址上提問,收看直播的每一個朋友,如果你們關心這個議題,你們對這個議題有建議及看法,也可以掃這個網頁,可以在網路上提問,等一下收意見的時候,我們會即時由同仁收進來並作討論。大家都掃好了嗎?給大家5秒鐘,還沒有掃到,但是還有需求的人,請跟工作人員說。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "接下來請大家自我介紹一下,講一下你的大名、來自什麼單位、今天對這個會議的期待是什麼,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "各位朋友大家好,我是漁業署副署長王正芳。剛剛主持人也有提到,最近新聞報導說行政院有開過幾次會,要指定50處釣點為目標來努力,我在這邊特別跟各位說明一下,這50處的釣點不是全部在漁港,包含在商港、漁港及其他適合的地點來設定釣魚區。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "漁港檢討是在不妨礙漁船的作業、漁船的航行安全,不會造成港區的污染前提下劃設。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "在進行漁港檢討的時候,會邀請漁民團體跟釣魚團體,大家來共同討論,以上簡單說明,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "不好意思,主持人。因為今天來的人有4、50個人,在二樓的會場,每個人如果1分鐘的話,要自我介紹一個小時,我想這樣子,我們剛剛也已經有簡報了,漁業署副署長以中央主管表示意見了,提案的團體跟縣市政府、老師、漁業都在這裡,樓上還有很多人,事實上大家很關切的是要來表達意見。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "我想很多的程序、作業的流程,我想你們很清楚,這個就由主辦單位按照程序來做,重點表示意見,我建議是不是縮短這一些沒有必要的,只要等一下大家發言的時候,先簡單自我介紹是誰就好了,我們就不拘這個流程。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "我們很習慣公聽會要充分表達意見,協作會議也好,用協作會議的精神,重點是來溝通跟表達意見,這樣才實質進入議題,好不好?不好意思,這個是我個人的意見,當然要尊重大家的意見。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "如果大家都同意的話,還是請大家自我介紹,你來自什麼單位,快速帶過,因為這有一個問題,在網路上收看的大家,他們需要知道誰代表他們在這邊開會跟講話;或許沒有人有機會發言。第二個重點是,我們這邊有速錄師要幫大家記錄,要先確認每一個人(名字),大家快速20秒帶過。報單位跟大名就好了。" }, { "speaker": "王清要", "speech": "各位來賓,我是漁業署王清要,我是負責企劃業務,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "我是漁業署專門委員胡其湘。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "我是漁業署企劃組漁港規劃管理科科長陳吉芳。" }, { "speaker": "沈建中", "speech": "大家好,我是海洋委員會綜合規劃處處長沈建中。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲昌", "speech": "大家好,我是海洋委員會海洋資源處專委吳憲昌,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "賈治國", "speech": "各位先進大家好,我是海巡署專門委員賈治國,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "柯勇全", "speech": "大家好,我是海洋保育署專門委員柯勇全,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳奕樺", "speech": "大家好,我是海巡署科員陳奕樺。" }, { "speaker": "林芳民", "speech": "大家好,我是宜蘭縣政府海洋及漁業發展署林芳民,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "鄭永裕", "speech": "大家好,我是屏東縣政府農業處副處長,今天帶領海洋及漁業事務管理所所長鄭永裕,大家好。" }, { "speaker": "曾毓宗", "speech": "大家好,我是琉球區漁會輔導股長曾毓宗。" }, { "speaker": "劉瑞卿", "speech": "大家好,我是高雄市林園區漁會總幹事劉瑞卿,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "大家好,我是台中市台中區漁會總幹事趙朝森。" }, { "speaker": "陳春生", "speech": "大家好,我是蘇澳區漁會總幹事陳春生,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "童錦杰", "speech": "大家好,我是新竹區漁會總幹事童錦杰。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "大家好,我是全國漁會總幹事林啟滄,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "大家好,我是成功大學海洋科技與事務研究所陳璋玲,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "歐慶賢", "speech": "大家早,我是海洋大學歐慶賢,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "郭煌村", "speech": "大家好,我是中華民國釣魚生態保育協會郭煌村,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林哲瑋", "speech": "大家好,我是林哲瑋,可以叫我雨蒼。" }, { "speaker": "汪昭華", "speech": "大家好,我是新北市政府漁業及漁港事業管理處處長汪昭華。" }, { "speaker": "高明帕桑", "speech": "大家好,我是桃園市漁牧科科長高明帕桑。" }, { "speaker": "吳建威", "speech": "大家好,我是台中市海岸資源漁業發展所所長吳建威。" }, { "speaker": "楊文賢", "speech": "大家好,我是海洋局漁港管理科科長楊文賢。" }, { "speaker": "何惠玫", "speech": "大家好,我是基隆市政府產業發展科科長何惠玫。" }, { "speaker": "謝濬鴻", "speech": "大家好,我是新竹市政府產業發展處漁業科科長謝濬鴻。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "大家好,我基隆區漁會總幹事陳文欽。" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "大家好,我是磯探聯盟釣魚協會執行長王昌凌,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉家梅", "speech": "大家好,我是臺灣釣權會北部分會李宗治會長的代理人劉家梅。(台灣釣權會於3月29日提供補充資料)" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "大家好,我是臺灣釣權會創會會長游清江,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林昱宏", "speech": "大家好,我是宜蘭區釣魚協會的代表林昱宏,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "彭建智", "speech": "大家好,我是花蓮台東花蓮分會副會長彭建智,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳信勳", "speech": "大家好,我是南部神之岸拋社長陳信勳。" }, { "speaker": "戴朝旭", "speech": "大家好,我是北部北釣團社團戴朝旭。" }, { "speaker": "李志祥", "speech": "大家好,我是釣魚人社團李志祥,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "大家好,我是提案人,我是瘋路亞社團的俞澤宇,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝大家簡單自我介紹,也讓三樓會議室大家認識二樓的大家。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們現在放一下提案人的簡報。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "人民應該不應該守法?政府機關是不是應該依法行政?民國95年1月27日總統府公告漁港法第18條,漁港主管機關在不妨礙港區作業、安全及不造成港區污染情況下,應指定區域訂定相關措施,公告開放民眾垂釣。立法院立法三讀後,行政機關要在多久的時間內公告實施呢?" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "查詢立法院文檔,自公布後第三天起發生效力,十三年過去了,政府機關有沒有依法行政?漁港總數有233處,實際開放的漁港為18處,第一類漁港有9處,實際開放2處,第二類漁港213處,開放16處。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "民國94年12月29日,立法院和行政院農委會針對漁港法修法的問題有激烈的討論,立法院最終是以應開放民眾垂釣修法,法條很難理解嗎?" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "在法律用語中,「應」就是必須的意思,也就是說漁港主管機關在不妨礙港區作業、安全及不造成港區污染情況下,必須指定區域訂定相關措施,公告開放民眾垂釣,不受第1項第4款的限制。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "大部分的漁港是完全開放民眾垂釣的,只有少部分的漁港有劃禁止區域限制民眾垂釣,漁業署企劃組組長王清要在漁業廣播電臺接受採訪時,有拿出一張日本的漁港示意圖跟大家解說,這個日本平冢TAMA三郎漁港,這個漁港是針對妨礙港區作業、禁止民眾垂釣,紅色的部分就是製冰場。影響港區的地方禁止進入,藍色的部分就是航道。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "日本有條件開放釣魚的漁港和漁港法第18條不妨礙港區作業安全的要件完全一致,漁會多次提到垃圾亂丟、港區污染問題,垃圾和污染問題,權責單位是環保署和各地的環保局,依照廢棄物清理法第27條,該怎麼做就怎麼做,建議予以重罰。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "因此依照漁港法第18條的要件,把妨礙港區作業、港區安全的區域劃出來,和日本有限制釣魚的漁港一樣,把這一塊區域用紅線劃出來,禁止民眾釣魚。由主管機關召集漁會、漁民代表及相關釣魚團體一起來開會,針對每一個漁港逐一討論,決定如何開放。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "這樣做很難嗎?不要忽略了,幾乎所有的漁民都是釣客,釣客不能在漁港釣魚,漁民當然也不行,我們要求針對已開放、未開放的漁港進行全面檢討,這不是施捨,而是必須。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "我們來討論修法問題,而是強烈要求政府依法行政,漁港是漁民納稅蓋的嗎?是漁會出資興建的嗎?部分漁會反對漁港開放給民眾釣魚,請問漁港的所有權是誰的?我們認為興建漁港是有其必要性,政府出資來興建也是合理的。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "94年12月29日,農委會在會議上表示,漁港要讓它多元化兼具休閒跟觀光的功能,並不是只有一個功能,當時農委會提到有開放防坡堤給民眾釣魚,立法院也修法通過了,由此可知,漁港是公有財,漁港是公共建設,而非民間團體或者是社團法人的,試問立法院修法通過,相關機關可以不執行嗎?這還是民主法治的社會嗎?" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "立法院法都通過了13年,相關機關卻沒有執行,難道是藐視國會嗎?108年中央政府總預算第一卷第49頁載明,立法院內政委員會在預算會議中,要求海巡署將釣客趕出漁港,這也是這一次提議的引爆點。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "相關主管機關沒有依法行政,還要加強取締,主管機關不依法公告,開放漁港給民眾釣魚,導致民眾到漁港釣魚違法,這是什麼鬼島臺灣?在臺灣釣個魚怎麼就變成了賊呢?在臺灣釣魚人錯了嗎?釣魚是全世界最多人參與的活動,在臺灣有200萬人參與其中。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "釣魚活動是我國國民第四大戶外活動需求項目,全美估計有4,000萬個釣魚人口,帶來了45億美元的釣具零售規模,並且提供了100萬人的就業機會,在美國釣魚的費用甚至高達了1,150億美元。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "2017年2月12日國家地理頻道介紹紐西蘭的影片中,一條金真鯛在相同的重量下,由漁民捕獲可以賣到9元美金,如果是釣客釣貨,則是創造了高達88元美金的商業價值,巨大的商機不要,而是將200萬人以上的釣客推上危險釣場。難道是釣客的命不是命?" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "光是2001年到2010年,新北市民眾到危險水域從事釣魚活動溺斃的人數就高達164人,在這麼短的距離,一個人收費500元,如果出了意外、危險,甚至人不見了,應該由哪一個單位負責呢?為什麼不直接搭座橋過去呢?不只安全,又可以收費管理。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "另外,港區內符合漁港法第18條的區域,為什麼沒有開放呢?和美漁港,一艘船都沒有,為何沒有全區漁港?外木山漁港,這個漁港有外港、外堤,但是他開放的區域非常小,如果依照漁港法第18條的要件,他能夠開放的區域,至少是現在開放區域的十倍,這樣的開放方式是如何決定的,有跟釣魚團體討論嗎?" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "漁港開放難道不用邀集相關關係人前來討論就隨便劃個區域隨便了事嗎?我們建議不管任何人在港區亂丟垃圾,造成港區污染依法重罰,不要客氣,問題是垃圾是誰丟的?(播放新聞影片)" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "漁業署企劃組組長王清要在漁業廣播電臺提到的幾個問題,我們在此一一回答,第一個問題是垃圾問題,我們回答依廢棄物清理法第27條沒有落實執法,全部都是釣客的錯嗎?不能因為政府不執法,而怪民眾不守法。第二,公共建設本身就必須要考慮到人民的方便和舒適性,甚至垃圾桶跟廁所就有必要性。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "有關於違規停車、私自進入或者是移動漁船,我們的回答是:第一,很多車子是跟著漁民的車子進入,這一點可以被管理,而且目前漁港已經陸續增設柵欄,只有船長能夠進入。第二,私自移動漁船纜繩,這一點可以訂定相關規範。第三,進入停泊中的漁船,我們建議重罰,私自移動船支,我覺得這很可能是漁民,有多少民眾有多少能力移動漁船?" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "第三個問題,進入漁民作業區域和漁民產生衝突,在港區鑽鑿打洞,針對第一個問題,我們建議依照漁港法第18條的要件,我們劃定禁止釣魚的區域。第二個問題,港區鑽鑿打洞依法重罰,不要客氣。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "第四個問題,有關釣客在港嘴或航道上釣魚,造成釣客、漁民間的衝突,我們的提議是,在這兩個區域禁止使用投釣。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "第五個問題,因為惡劣天氣所導致的釣客安全問題,我們的回答是:第一點,建議在惡劣天氣下,釣客不得進入漁港釣魚。第二點,因此我們推動政府在港區興建安全設施,讓民眾安全垂釣。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "第六個問題是,釣獲瀕臨絕種及提醒過小的魚種,我們的回答是,漁民不能捕捉的魚,釣客不能釣,比照辦理就行,不需要另行訂定相關的規則。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "我們希望針對已開放和未開放的漁港進行全面檢討,制定行政規則及協商禁止開放區域,依法進行全面開放漁港港區讓民眾垂釣,和日本有限制開放釣魚的漁港一樣,把漁港作業區域劃出來,作為禁止區域,其他區域進行開放,我們要求主管機關表列時間表,召集漁會、漁民代表、相關釣魚團體討論漁港開放民眾垂釣事宜,漁會於開會前整理出禁止釣魚區的範圍,在開會中討論,以利達成共識,並於六個月內依法完成公告,全面開放漁港讓民眾合法安心垂釣,回顧目前漁港開放釣魚的區域,有符合漁港法第18條的要件嗎?幾乎沒有。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "依照漁港法第18條,依照漁港法第18條,排除妨礙港區作業,安全及不造成港區的污染情況下,是不是應該全面開放?每個漁港的狀況都不一樣,所以我們才會建議漁港的主管機關必須召集漁會代表、釣客代表,大家來共同協商、討論、尋求共贏,而不是敵對。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "我們忠心期盼釣客跟漁民間是和諧、並不是對立的,在台南曾經發生過漁民和釣客的衝突,最後釣客死了,漁民被判刑,而這一切絕非我們所樂見的,在新聞媒體上,常常看到漁業署、漁會都提到釣客的安全問題,應該做一些安全設施的建設,讓釣客安全坐釣。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "漁港開放民眾垂釣,我們的建議是:設置安全設施,興建護欄保障釣客的安全,建設安全適合釣魚的平台設施,漁港需提供廁所和垃圾桶方便民眾使用,漁港需設置救生器材作為緊急救難之用,風浪過大嚴禁民眾進入港區釣魚,港區僅限使用釣竿釣魚,不得使用其他網具從事捕撈活動,港區嚴禁鑽鑿打洞,違者從重論處。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "港區嚴禁丟棄垃圾、廢漁線、玻璃瓶等雜物,依照廢棄物清理法第27條從重處分,港區停泊的船支,民眾未經同意,不得登船,漁港停泊的纜繩,民眾不得碰觸,如果在航道釣魚,民眾須禮讓漁船通行,民眾不得以任何的理由阻擋漁船出入,釣客必須有釣竿數量的限制,建議一人最多兩竿,釣竿多、問題多,不要忽略釣客在漁港的功能。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "讓我們看看別人,想想臺灣,建議由海洋委員會主導開發,跟日本一樣,獨立基座結合觀光休閒的釣魚平台,讓臺灣成為真正真正的海洋國家。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "參考國外的經驗,休閒漁業將會慢慢取代商業漁業,當魚的量不變時,如何讓魚的價值更高,這才是臺灣漁業未來的發展,我們希望能夠把釣魚的人口增大,釣魚的人口增多了,參與的人多了,娛樂漁船的生意就會變得更好,釣具店一家一家開,這就是我們的願景,希望大家一起努力,讓釣客和漁民共創雙贏,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝提案人的簡報,我看完簡報,發現其實釣友跟漁民或者是地方政府是有一些共識的,我們等一下一起討論,接下來請漁業署的同仁幫我們簡報。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "現在為各位就「修正漁港法釣魚並全面興建釣魚平台」議題作報告,這一次的報告主要是依照這幾點來說明,請參閱。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "首先針對提案人的訴求部分,提案人在網路上的訴求,主要是有12點,我們把這12點按照幾個面向來分類。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "剛剛提案人的簡報,大部分都有提到,我們主要是針對法規面的部分來說明,就是他認為釣魚活動是最值得推廣的休閒活動,港區也是相對安全的釣魚場所,因此提案人期望國內所有漁港都要全面開放民眾來釣魚,另外一個是大小漁港都要建設釣魚平台。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外還有提到一些有關於漁港裡面釣魚行為的管理,這部分我就不再重複說明,請各位參閱。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外,有關於垂釣區的管理與清潔的經費部分,他們認為漁港不能以任何的名義來向民眾收取費用。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "這一個部分是在這次開會之前,我們有蒐集了有關於漁港開放垂釣部分的相關利害關係人,包含正、反方的意見,反對方的部分,我們也蒐集到部分的漁民團體及地方政府的主管機關,認為目前在漁港裡面,釣魚跟我們目前的漁作在空間上有部分的衝突,因此反對漁港全面釣魚。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外,目前臺灣在漁港裡面釣魚,欠缺一些自治管理,常常製造髒亂,也會破壞漁港的碼頭設施,也有一些行為是影響航行的安全。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "漁港的部分,數量非常多,漁港在管理維護上的人力跟經費非常不夠,因此這一個部分也是會影響到後續開放的程度。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外,支持方的部分,剛剛提案人也有提到,還有部分的釣魚團體,他們認為要求漁港主管機關應該要落實漁港法,要擴大開放漁港垂釣,目前開放的漁港太少,他們也認為漁港跟漁業資源應該要全民共享,不應該獨厚我們的漁民。另外,也針對漁港垂釣應加強管理。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "報告一下有關於目前漁港開放釣魚的現況,就法規面來講,我們漁港法第3條第1項第1款要說明的是,我們漁港主要是供漁船使用的港,這部分是要規範我們漁港當初設立的主要使用目的。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "漁港法第18條第3項,漁港主管機關在不妨礙港區作業,安全及不造成港區污染的情況之下,應該指定區域訂定相關措施、公告開放民眾垂釣,這說明的是漁港內的空間利用是可以多元,但必須次要使用目的,不能跟主要的使用目的相衝突,才在容許之列,且剛剛提案人也有提到,每個漁港的狀況都不一樣,沒有辦法全部一視同仁要求開放,必須由各個漁港主管機關來評估,也就是依照第18條第3項來作評估,適合的部分才應該指定區域,訂定相關措施公告開放。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "我們剛剛也有提到全國漁港數總共有222處,依照主管機關的不同,大概分為兩類,第一類有9處,第二類有213處,第一類是由中央主管機關即農委會來主管,第二類是由各地方政府來主管,依照漁港所在地的不同,我們可以分成臺灣本島、離島,離島總共有86處,臺灣本島有136處,離島的部分主要是包含澎湖、金門、連江、台東、綠島、蘭嶼及小琉球,離島的部分是86個港,本島有136個港。136處基本上漁港在商港裡面有12處,在河道當中又有19處,因此真正臨海岸的只有105處的漁港。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "跟各位報告,有關漁港的一些管理現況,因為我們漁港跟商港比較不一樣,我們漁港是24小時開放,高度開放的空間。再加上漁港的管理、人力及經費不足之情況之下,因此很多第二類漁港,基本上沒有辦法做到每個港都有管理人員,因此管理強度非常低。也因此影響各地方縣市政府漁港主管機關評估開放漁港垂釣的原因之一。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "目前漁港開放的狀況,主要集中在新北市、基隆市、宜蘭縣、高雄市,有18個漁港,這是從民國95年修正漁港法之後,各地的漁港主管機關評估後開放的結果,就第一類漁港部分來跟各位作補充說明。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "一類港目前是有9處,當然從95年到目前,有些一類港變成二類港,有些二類港變成一類港,目前數量是9個,這9個裡面,有五個基本上都是在商港裡面,漁船進出都要經過商港範圍。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外,港內的漁船噸位比較大,而且港內的船隻數量非常多,漁事作業非常頻繁,因此扣掉這5個比較不適合開放的港之外,其餘4個部分,我們評估釣客多、有較多魚的地點,因此我們開放了烏石港、八斗子漁港,我們也做了一些相關的安全措施。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "接者說明由各地漁港主管機關提供,或者我們自己拍攝,目前在漁港裡面釣魚一些脫序的行為的照片,包含雖然是來休閒釣魚,但是一個人卻持很多竿,比較嚴重的是,因為要立竿,因此會把碼頭設施鑽洞破壞,另外漁港有設護欄,但釣客常會爬到上面去。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外一個,因為釣魚時間很長,可能會引火焚煮食物。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外,沒有經過允許就任意登上漁船垂釣。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "再來,比較多問題的是垃圾的部分,釣客自己製造垃圾,沒有帶回去,然後就隨意棄置在港邊造成髒亂。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外一個是會甩竿,這也常常造成設施的一些破壞。因為有一些漁港比較小,因此港嘴比較窄,在港嘴的部分,如果是甩竿的方式,可能也會造成航行安全上的疑慮,包含漁船螺旋槳跟魚線會鉤到。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "這一次針對提案人議題的部分有簡單分析與對策,一個是漁港要全面開放民眾釣魚,剛剛已經說明過,目前在航道上釣魚跟我們漁事作業會有衝突。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外,我們漁港法第18條已經做了規範,就是在不影響作業、安全及環境污染的情況之下來作開放。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外,釣魚朋友認為我們漁港開放的比例目前還是非常低,因此我們的對策是建議依照漁港法第18條的部分,在這三個原則下來作開放。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "依照原有的機制來開放,目前沒有劃設垂釣區的漁港,我們請各個漁港的主管機關再會同釣魚團體、海巡單位大家一起去現場會勘,我們再來協商看看,是不是還有可以開放的區域,因為這一個檢討,基本上是要滾動式的檢討,並不是一次檢討完就到後面了。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "另外,相關的協商包含管理機制跟收費,因為漁港跟商港不一樣,管理能量不足,而且又是高度開放的區域。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "第二點,相關的協商,我們認為包含管理機制跟收費,因為剛才有提到,漁港跟商港不一樣,管理人力及經費不足,而且又是高度開放的區域。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "第二大點,提案人有提到一部分有關於垂釣管理跟安全維護,基本上這一個部分,剛剛簡報上也有說明了,我們提出來的對策,基本上我們是建議垂釣區能夠委託釣魚團體來管理,因為現行漁港法已經規定了,針對垂釣區域訂定相關的管理措施,這個管理措施不一定全部是要由漁港主管機關來自行管理,這一個部分漁港法其實也有規定,有關於部分的設施,其實也可以委由相關的團體來管理,因此我們也建議釣魚團體是不是可以自治來管理,也要比照使用者付費的原則。" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "剛才有提到很多漁港,尤其是小漁港,基本上政府機關沒有辦法有專門的人力在現場,因此地方政府都是委請當地的漁會來做維護,因為以前漁港大部分都是只有漁民在使用,現在因為漁港多元化,我們希望各種不同用途都能進來使用,進來使用的相關團體是不是也可以負擔相關管理責任?" }, { "speaker": "陳吉芳", "speech": "以上是主管機關的簡報,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝漁業署同仁的簡報,成大陳教授也有一份簡報跟大家分享,請陳教授。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "主席、各位與會大家好,我簡單針對這個議題來表達我個人的看法,請大家多多指教。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "因為今天探討是屬於開放漁港的部分,等一下會扯到有關海釣管理的議題,我簡單報告一下,我設定幾個議題。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "因為現在目前釣魚團體有點訴求臺灣是海釣禁止嗎?我等一下會做一個說明。還有有關於漁港的功能,剛剛漁業署已經說了非常詳細,及到底漁港開放垂釣是不是應該要做的事情,提案人有提到一些看法。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "還有包括整個議題的問題大概會有哪一些面向、大概會提建議及未來海釣管理的建議、看法。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "我想到底有沒有禁止海釣,其實我覺得這部分還是要替政府說一句公道話,其實漁港只是你們的場域之一,剛剛提案人的簡報也有提到,漁港的封閉push一些人到危險的場域,其實漁港開放了,釣友還會去那邊釣,這是場域選擇性的問題。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "現在目前來講,海釣的場域上是多元的,大家可以看一下,包含漁港、商港,像墾丁國家公園也有開放垂釣點,還有包括基隆嶼,現在有所謂的自治條例,只有這一些有受到相關的法規有一點限制以外,事實上其他的場域,釣客可以去釣的,像一般性的海堤或是事業性的海堤,很多釣客都可以釣,這個是我在一篇報告有提到整個海釣的狀況,一個是船釣、一個是岸上的部分,今天的議題是有關於岸上漁港場域的部分,我show幾張圖片給大家看。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "海釣事實上是沒有禁止的,你可以看得出來是船釣的部分,這也是船釣的部分,這個是屬於漁業署娛樂管理辦法針對娛樂漁船事實上有做一套制度,在推動海釣、船釣的部分。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "我拍了一些照片,你可以看得出來,我們常常講一些波特船,目前還有一些管理上的空白,還有包括遊艇,這個是船釣的部分。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "釣客可能也非常熟悉的,像灘釣、堤釣,右邊這個是鰲鼓溼地,這個是一般的事業性海堤,這些都沒有什麼管理,目前根本沒有做限制或禁止。你也可以看得到很多釣客在釣,包含海堤、磯釣等等,我要講的是,如果把漁港的開放區域,當然可以討論,但這只是海釣場域裡面的一個選項。再來,這邊也是一些堤釣,這是基隆嶼自治條例裡面所推動的島嶼磯釣部分。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "第二,漁港的本質,這部分剛剛漁業署已經談到非常詳細了,這部分我就不再提了。我只是想強調的是,因為剛剛有提到一個論點,漁港是由人民的納稅錢所蓋的,所以應該開放團體,我認為這樣的論述,我沒有說它不對,但是我要講的是,事實上政府所蓋的公共設施,為了公共設施的目的使用,其實常常會設定一些使用上的限制,最典型的例子是高速公路,當然也可以說是政府蓋的,有路權,是不是行人、摩托車都可以上去?我的意思是公共設施並不是完全沒有使用上的限制。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "漁港法事實上是有漁港的法定功能在,回歸到海釣的部分呢?漁業署有針對法講得非常清楚,漁港法裡面,海釣的活動是次要功能,但是要強調一點,漁港的次要功能,事實上海釣也是其中之一,因為還有其他的次要功能在,像有水上運動也會要求漁業署就閒置性的漁港來做水上運動的試驗基地,一個團體出來要求的話,這個漁業署要面對跟解決這樣的問題,因此我覺得回歸到本質來說,漁港法的本質在於還是以漁業為優先,然後再來是次要的功能。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "提案人有提到,漁港的開放是不是政府應該作為的事項?當然就法來講,事實上是有提到一些前提條件,應該要開放、訂定相關的條例,因此就這一個法來講的話,可能對漁政主管機關來講,有一個義務要去評估,評估到底漁港有哪一些區域可以做開放,至少要做到這一點。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "第二,如果開放出來的話,可能相關的措施,剛剛提案人也提了非常多,也就是相關的措施到底要怎麼訂定,我覺得對漁港主管單位來講,依照法來講,要做到這兩點,評估到底是不是開放垂釣區域,再者是相關措施的擬訂。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "再來,這是現在目前新北市版本,新北市在所有的漁港裡面開放比較多的垂釣區域縣市。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "當然一個問題的本質是,到底漁港開放垂釣會牽扯到哪一些問題?我覺得第一個是剛剛提到的,像漁政單位是不是要針對漁港一些可以開放的區域來作一致性的評估標準,可以讓地方政府參考?" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "第二,針對我們所講的場域管理,事實上提案人及漁業署有提到一些部分。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "第三,更高層次的管理,就是到底所謂生物資源的管理。在漁港開放做釣魚,可能涉及到這三個面向的問題。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "評估標準怎麼樣,我覺得只是提一些意見出來,可能再經過主管單位、相關團體來做更進一步的討論,也就是評估標準是什麼?像不影響船舶的航行、停靠及碼頭作業,或者沒有其他的使用者,因為漁港多功能之後,事實上釣客並不是唯一的使用者,像剛剛有講到遊客,在那個區域裡面遊客走來走去,是不是開放?這個是一個考量。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "還有包含區域的水域、特性及位置的合宜性等等,尤其剛剛有提到開放之後要設流動廁所,可是有一些場域不見得可以做這樣的設施,因此我覺得這個可能要因地制宜來作考量,這是一個評估的標準。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "再來,有關於場域管理的部分,我覺得可能你們比我瞭解,釣客的部分可能更認知到什麼東西是釣魚行為上的安全及考量,因此我只是簡單提一下,像安全設施、清潔維護,是不是要提供一些服務設施,還有包含釣客自我行為的要求,我覺得這個部分在場域管理,可能要探討這一些面向,也許再依據漁港法來訂相關的措施辦法。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "再來是屬於生物資源,這部分是更高層次的問題,這也是管理上漏洞、空白。這個要不要去做?我覺得大家會提到未來要不要走向有釣魚證,把釣魚變成一項休閒漁業產業去對待,這樣會不會涉及到相關的問題,這部分我就不再touch到。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "所以我要講的是,提到建議的部分,我覺得個人看法是漁港法的部分,也許漁業署可以針對這個做評估指標的標準,第二個是針對場域的管理,可以做一些一般性的原則,第三個部分是海委會可以針對所謂生物資源的使用的部分來做一般性的探討,尤其海釣法規的探討。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "最後再花1分鐘,我們把漁港海釣的層級拉到比較高一點,所謂的海釣管理,其實不外乎有兩個重點,一個重點是建置環境安全跟友善的場域,漁港當然是其中之一,另外一個是我們講的資源問題。" }, { "speaker": "陳璋玲", "speech": "再來,安全場域的部分,這部分我就不太詳述了,這是一些建議、現況,還有包含未來、資源保育的部分,當然我也提供一些promotion,也把臺灣目前現況的海釣管理來作簡單分析。簡單到此為止,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝沈教授的分享。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "她從更大的框架,海釣管理的部分,以及漁港其實分為主要使用目的、次要使用目的來作釐清,因為今天的題目跟與會大家有關,我們還是先就漁港,你說這只是其中一種場域來進行討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "主要使用目的,依漁港法目的,先要給漁民作業,我想在場的釣客團體們也不反對,你們的提案簡報也是一樣,要以漁民優先使用為主,其他不會使用到的地方或是有些漁港其實已經比較沒落,或是船支停泊率非常少的,如果適合開放釣魚的話,是不是有機會跟地方政府因地制宜來設置一些開放釣魚的區域,我想這個是你們的訴求。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我剛剛說看起來花花的東西,帶大家盤點一下。" }, { "speaker": "彭建智", "speech": "剛剛沈教授說明的部分,我覺得有一些東西應該要釐清,你說有一些東西叫做「主要功能」、「次要功能」,我舉一個簡單的例子,只講頭髮,那個是次要功能,我是不是可以全部理掉、拔掉呢?我覺得中華民國臺灣人民都是有繳稅的,基本上功能很多,大家都可以使用、共融、共利,並不是一些主要、次要的部分,我該犧牲哪一個部分,我覺得這個部分都可以來討論,我們都可以溝通。" }, { "speaker": "彭建智", "speech": "包含上述放了一些釣魚什麼的,其實現在很大的問題,包含所謂談到的生態保育、漁業釣魚,我們的釣魚限制裡面,我們的漁體大小,甚至有釣魚證之類的問題,其實我覺得這個東西其實是為了臺灣後代,臺灣目前最大的漁業問題,三個東西,第一個是混淆漁業、第二個是底拖網、第三個是扒網,這三個只要按照現行法令,3海里之外作業,500公尺之內不得拖網、3海里之內不得底拖網,三年之內,臺灣的漁業絕對會復興,謝謝各位。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝彭建智的先生。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "您剛剛說的漁業資源枯竭,包含3海里的底拖網,其實漁會非常認同,他們也知道有少數的漁民用底拖網,可能把珊瑚礁撈掉,其實對漁會來說也是非常困擾,謝謝你的補充。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "各位釣友、總幹事、長官,大家好,我們之前在辦釣權會,我記得有一些政治人物都有來。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "我跟大家說一下,沿革歷史可能要細說從頭,像從國民政府來,戒嚴時代來的,如果要去海,如果要沿岸作業,是要紅牌跟白牌,不是隨便可以去,以前是老人家來顧海邊,我們現在的漁港、商港,不好意思,並不是任何人可以去,在路邊就擋下來,就會在派出所擋下來,會說這個港是漁民、漁會的,我跟各位報告一下,因為港是金世界(音譯),如果這個歷史要建設,不好意思,那時沒有商港法、漁港法,也沒有促參,你不能取漁會的名字,要取誰的名字?要取縣市市長的名字,要蓋不蓋都可以,不要就算了,蓋一蓋要用政府的錢。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "以後漁港法、商港法要被政府充公,今天全臺灣第一個到今天共產,包含停車場也是,800萬投資,那時蓋活動中心什麼,那不是以漁會的名字來取。我跟各位報告,大家用這個港不是沒有錢,像船靠過來,政府要拿錢,才有東西拿,漁港基本管理法,副署長,有沒有?要拿管理費,我想那一筆錢是維修這個港,不是,那時候政府跟漁民收錢,不好收,根據拍賣場,然後跟漁民笑,因為政府沒有辦法24小時跟收,收一收之後,包含我們現在有一種,你們釣客說要辦手冊,那是我們戒嚴時代,有那個比較方便,辦船員手冊,可以知道不是普通人進去,如果要進去,派出所的憲兵站在那邊,政府審查後才可以去。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "所以這個漁港確實漁民有投資,你如果說這不是漁民,不好意思,一年維護費,加一加可能花了幾千萬,到90幾年有2,000多萬,漁會有一條「協助管理漁港設施」,這個是法定的,卻沒有給我們,漁港法也有規定,漁會雖然這一條97年取消,但是不能取消,如果他們有爭吵,像一根鐵、一個洞跑出來,大家就在罵漁會,不會罵海巡署、縣政府,而是第一個罵漁會,不是怕你們在吵。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "不好意思,我再說一下,像那裡有11個會,我跟大家講說攻擊我,台中港沒有位置,垃圾一大堆,像漁港事業廢棄物1噸2,800元,還要載去高雄,那時林佳龍市長拜託我收3,000多,那個漁港維護是我們在維護的。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "我現在電腦也不要開,像公共廁所,垃圾都倒下去,也是我在載,你們釣魚團體都有在垃垃圾嗎?沒有啊!都說我為何不繳錢,我就再去繳,但是結果去檢舉,然後海巡署就來補一些水電錢,不好意思,垃圾都是我在買單,漁友、釣客,漁會買單,我在幫你們倒垃圾,拜託,一個月要18萬、20萬的垃圾,我要找誰拿?" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "所以漁業署、停車費,沒有多久的時間,要跟漁民收乾淨,又不能收停車費,要收固定時間,你不能收清潔費的,不然人家會罵,如果收清潔費,絕對會罵漁會,第一個是開雙B,理事長來說什麼清潔費,拿錢去吃藥,然後來就是釣客,會說釣魚要繳什麼錢,我們何必要屈膝說這個是維護費。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "這50元拿來也不是多少,這個帳幾千萬的,市政府的開口契約來,嚇死人了,我看網站,那個漁港是很安全的,但是我說是很不安全的,我不是怕你們釣魚,而是怕不安全,從上面摔下來,怎麼會有時間照顧你們安全?不是怕你們釣,而是不要妨礙漁友,你們就去釣,但是大家要互相,我問你們,釣魚是不是很好的休閒活動?是的人就舉手?你們都不要舉手,不是嘛!" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "感謝台中漁會的總幹事補充。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "所以這個港不是漁會、漁民的,而是漁會跟漁民投資的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我現在要確認一下,沒拿到麥克風請等一下講話,我要確定一下台中總幹事講的話,我們的紀錄有沒有問題,大家先不要急。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "剛剛總幹事有幫我們說到漁港的歷史脈絡,其實漁民跟漁會其實有付出一些維護或者是經營的成本,可能土地後來變成公有,跟現在很多廟一樣。也有講到使用者應該要付費的問題,我相信現場有滿多釣客,其實也同意使用者合理的付費,如果可以讓現場的設施或是垃圾清潔可以更好的話,我想這是沒有問題的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "王組長需要發言,是不是?剛剛的意見,因為時間的關係,我們都貼在上面,都是沒有口頭一一確認,部分的釣客不願意付錢,每個群體都有少數的人比較不自律或者是不願意付費,但是我相信今天來現場討論的大家,是朝著願意使用者付費的目標來進一步討論細節。請王組長補充一下。" }, { "speaker": "王清要", "speech": "首先,針對剛剛提案人提出來有關日本的部分,日本的釣魚,我想大家都知道,日本的規定非常非常多,而且一定有使用者付費的問題,他們非常非常自律,這可能跟國內是完全不一樣的狀況,這是第一點我必須要提出來。" }, { "speaker": "王清要", "speech": "第二,漁港清潔維護,我想這是非常重要的問題,剛剛也有提到用廢棄物清理辦法,大家可能忘記了,漁港理論上是優先適用漁港法,所以漁港法最起碼是罰3萬至15萬,廢棄物清理法是1,200至6,000元,因此必須要瞭解這部分是有完全不一樣的差異性在。" }, { "speaker": "王清要", "speech": "另外,很多人提到,到底釣魚團體在以後的管理過程當中扮演什麼角色,大家都沒有提出來,除了釣友自律之外,釣魚團體跟我們協商之外,以後管理責任是不是要負?我想這個部分也必須要(提)。我還是用日本方面的,他們雖然興建很多釣魚平台,但是不要忘了,他們都要釣魚證,要向漁會申請釣魚證。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "沒有釣魚證!" }, { "speaker": "王清要", "speech": "一樣,釣魚票就是釣魚證。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "不一樣!" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們再請王組長補充完之後再補充。" }, { "speaker": "王清要", "speech": "我要強調,不管是釣魚證或者是釣魚票,我們希望是使用證付費,我們希望的是有秩序的管理、有規則的釣魚方式,我們希望大家有機會到漁港釣魚,這個是我們的說法,以上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝王清要組長的補充,剛剛提案人俞先生是不是要補充?" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "首先,我第一個要澄清一下,我先解釋一下,可能日本的內文你沒有看,上面有寫出來,日本有分262罰則,什麼是262罰則?20%是初學者到漁港,60%是帶家庭去漁港,20%是有問題的,所以法規裡面的要求有寫得很清楚,哪一些情況下,這都是2018年發生的問題都有列出來。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "第二,日本沒有所謂的釣魚證,日本有釣魚票,什麼是釣魚證?釣魚證在日本的網站有寫得很清楚,他寫日本如果釣魚證是國家管理,釣魚票是民間管理,這部分我希望要講清楚。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "另外,教授剛剛講的釣魚證跟釣魚手冊是兩件事,國外在管理釣魚大小,不是釣魚證,而是釣魚手冊,釣魚手冊適用的對象不只是釣客,連漁民一起規範,多大的魚能釣、多大的魚不能釣,這部分要先弄清楚,希望大家弄清楚,如果有需要,我這邊有表格。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "再者,你會發現我全部都沒有攻擊,我報告裡面有一段比較敏感,所以拿掉,你會看到中間有跳掉,但是我們絕對沒有攻擊,沒有講到任何漁民的不對,我們做任何事都是無罪推論,臺灣的法律是無罪推論,不會一個漁民的錯誤歸到所有的漁民。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "同樣的,漁業署的報告,部分的釣客的問題變成全部釣客的問題,這個是不對的,如果按照刑法就刑法,廢棄物清理法就照廢棄物清理法,您剛剛又有講一個問題,臺灣有一個法律是叫做「一罪不二法」,不是廢棄物清理法就是依照漁港法。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "前幾天有一個事情,基隆的海邊有一艘船倒油漆,我們去問海巡,他叫我們去找環保局,我不知道是要找漁港還是找環保局,我不懂,這個是很清楚的,主要廢棄物的主責單位是環保署,只要做就罰,不管用什麼方法,要罰3萬或者是15萬,都隨便你,只要是有亂丟垃圾,而且新北市只要你丟垃圾,他收3,000元,1,500元給檢舉人,你光是檢舉垃圾可以賺到翻,抓到一個算一個,所有的釣魚團體都支持,只要你有垃圾,有抓到誰丟就罰誰。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "第二,誰在港區裡面鑽洞?沒有關係,儘量罰,罰到掛都沒有關係,絕對沒有問題,只要有違法,跑到船上的部分,很抱歉,這個是叫做私闖民宅,在刑法裡面有,有偷東西,不好意思,這一些少部分的人依法處理就好了,刑法第306條,我們絕對沒有問題,但不能把少數釣客的問題變成我們的問題,我希望是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "而且今天的主題從頭到尾,從內政委員會要求海巡開始抓人的時候,1月22日至29日取締、警告,1月30日開始抓,我才來提案,他不來抓我們,我們幹麻提案?我們提案的目的只有一個,這是政府自己搞的,真的不想提案。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "今天的部分很簡單,我們要求只有一件事,其實剛剛教授也說法已經寫得很清楚,高速公路的部分,民眾寫可以就可以,但是法已經寫要開放民眾釣魚就是可以,所以沒有正負的問題。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "我講得很現實,落實執法,但是有一個問題是,如何落實執法可以達成共識,這才是我們要的,說真的,我們國家因為有你們的幫忙,所以國家才能日益壯大,因此願意跟你們討論,用什麼樣的方式來達成共識,把法落實就好了,我希望不要把少數的問題變成我們的問題,大家一起來討論少數的問題,少數的問題都不在這裡。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "我剛剛講少數的問題,犯罪就犯罪,沒有什麼法,直接罰就好了,抓去關就抓去關,隨便你,我們針對如何落實,如何把這個東西做好,大家可以共存共榮就好了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝補充。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我先確認一下,大家目前最在意的問題,不能影響既有漁船作業使用,我相信各方都有格式。第一個是垃圾的問題,第二個是安全的問題,這個是在場最在意的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "就算是一般的遊客到漁港裡面也有可能亂丟垃圾,這一些東西我們來設定一些制度,好好管理,我們不要落入哪一個人不自律,然後就當作那個群體以偏概全討論,這樣沒有幫助。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "剛剛蘇澳漁會總幹事要發言?" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "我先回應!他剛剛講到基隆,我先回應一下。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "我希望大家注意一件事,今天漁會來的人比較少、漁民代表比較少,今天漁民要拉白布條,我把它擋掉,我說不要,以禮相待,大家來講。唐鳳政委來的時候,我講,我不反對釣魚,我希望你們瞭解一件事。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "你剛剛講說漁民在那邊倒油漆,不要亂講,出去會被打,我不騙你,剛剛是說倒油漆,什麼是叫做「倒油漆」?那是洗船底,我昨天為了這個事情,到紅牌區叫他拿無毒證明給我,不要亂講話,我希望大家講的是一件事,你們徵求的是,開放漁港,剛剛講拖網,你們也有釣客不守規矩,你講的都是少數,不要把少數的人帶進來這邊,你用詞小心一點,不要你講的……" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "不好意思,我的麥克風有線,所以我有優先發言權,因為我的麥克風有線。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "兩邊都有共識,不要落入少數不自律的人,他們有什麼行為就開始指責,這個對於我們今天的溝通沒有任何好處,我們應該在這邊都是願意討論跟守規矩的人,我們一起來訂定一套規矩來管制那一些不守法的人,這是今天會議的目的。蘇澳漁會總幹事剛剛舉手滿久的。" }, { "speaker": "陳春生", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳春生", "speech": "我剛剛特別提到,出發點把照片講到釣客,沒有訪問到漁民,這個是我第一個認為,起步就不標準了。" }, { "speaker": "陳春生", "speech": "第二,剛剛有提到漁業是很專業的生存地方,漁港是生存權在爭的地方,但是現在海釣或是在港區裡面釣的,我跟各位講,已經96年了,還有四年就100年,我跟各位講,可以生存到現在100年當中,很多人付出心力跟維護。" }, { "speaker": "陳春生", "speech": "第三,我剛剛也有提到你們已經開放到18處,請問一下這18處裡面的港區維護或者整個過程中,有沒有得到漁民的信賴?社會公正人士的信賴?如果這18處已經很信賴人家之後,我相信為了這整個社會的和諧情況之下,我相信都會有很好的平台溝通。" }, { "speaker": "陳春生", "speech": "再來,我跟各位講,在十幾、二十年前,不可以開放磯釣的時候,我們的漁民甚至不會影響到你們去那磯釣,我不理你們,你們去那邊釣魚,釣得很開心,我們也不檢舉,因為大家共存共榮。" }, { "speaker": "陳春生", "speech": "但是現在已經影響到整個過程,我跟你講,釣友說:「有一支釣竿,我釣魚耶!」跟你說法條是95年開放,但是這個港區有沒有開放?沒有,漁民要卸貨的時候,他說在釣魚,雖然這個是少數的人,但是確實有沒有多數的人?我跟你講,是10多萬人,是不是可以跟我們講一下、掃一下,或者是怎麼樣?結果沒有,我們掃得很乾淨,這個是誰的錢?我們漁會花錢的。" }, { "speaker": "陳春生", "speech": "跟各位講,現在不是在辯論什麼,我們希望在要做之前,先把大家做好,然後跟漁民來做一些說明,你知道嗎?你們一直強調這是漁會的權利嗎?我跟各位講,漁會成立到現在六十幾年的歲月裡面,只要臨時發生事情,我是政府跟漁民間的平台。" }, { "speaker": "陳春生", "speech": "你知道我的意思嗎?船在3海里裡面,人家是在行駛,你卻在釣魚,而造成我們的困難,我們希望大家能夠冷靜來思考,是不是18處弄一個讓我們漁民能夠接受的地方,大家再來談,你們今天已經是第46次的協作會議,我們希望大家用溝通理性的,好不好?我們希望大家冷靜思考,我們絕對不需要跟你們是對立的,好不好?我們是為了生存,並不是為了娛樂,好不好?感謝,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝總幹事,因為你強調要理性溝通,但是我們現在看三樓的人已經有一些情緒了,我們會議建議怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "會議還是進行,我想今天有很多的漁民自主性在三樓,他們都沒有機會表達意見,他們看我們討論半天,他們很擔心,在樓上看不下去,又沒有機會參與,這一種協作會議,當然我們找學者、專家、主管機關要來開會,你用公開的平台之後,所有的漁民來到現場沒有辦法參與,他們來幹什麼?他們的擔心是什麼?為什麼會擔心?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "總幹事,我來釐清一下,沒有關係,樓上100多條我們都有收到意見。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "我想提案單位事實上一直在強調「依法行政」、「依法辦理」,確實,所有的東西依據一定要有法,沒有法就是叢林法則,有罰沒有執行也是叢林法則,大家為何這麼擔心?法那時候修是什麼修?94年要修的時候,為了「應」跟「得」要不要開放,那時候有疑慮,最後「應」之前。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "不得的行為前面有五條我不再敘述了,安全各方面,那個是「應」的問題,但是「應」是有安全的、是不能採捕的,細節我不再談,在這個前提之下,主管機關要在不妨礙安全跟造成港區的污染,再來是要指定區域,訂定相關措施,之後才公告開放釣魚,是不是有這一些前提?" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "因為有這一些前提,因此加了一個「應」,這個前提有沒有做?有沒有訂相關措施?有沒有落實執行?全面都是衝突,並不是要開放多少,多少不是問題,而是漁民擔心的問題,我也不希望釣客每天在漁港跟漁民有衝突,漁港是和諧的、漂亮的,是歡迎所有人來的,所以今天如果沒有完整的措施,讓我們這邊在吵架,讓整個漁民擔心,我覺得這個是非常不應該的,只是建立一個平台讓我們吵架而已,我覺得這也是不負責任的做法。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "所以,我們知道有很多的國家,像日本、歐美,釣魚團體都知道人家訂了很多的規定,為什麼不把這一些規定好好訂好之後,再看哪一些地點是可以被開放的,哪一些地點是適合開放的,這樣子才不會造成衝突,你還沒有這一些配套,都還沒有取得大家的信任之後,你就開始弄這麼大的事情,大家當然會怕,吵架會繼續吵。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "釣客過世了,我們很悲傷,不需要這樣,漁民付出很慘痛的代價,也不需要這樣子,漁港法第3條就是有訂了,也就是主要供漁船進出的港,我們希望漁民只要安全進出漁港,安穩在漁船停船、整捕的訴求,很難嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "政府在沿海地區所設的投資,並不是只有漁港、商港,還有軍港,非常多,因此所有的東西要有法的規範、前後先後秩序,我們要的是平和、和諧,要能夠有共識,我想這個才是負責任的作為,我覺得我們的漁民有很多的意見要讓他們參與,今天絕對不會有事情,但是他們很擔心。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "那18個港如果開放之後,做得很好,我們也希望做得好,為什麼這麼擔心?因為沒有做嘛!剛剛講說該罰就罰,有罰嗎?沒有辦法罰啊!為什麼?公務員有辦法,主管機關、縣市政府的公務員有辦法罰嗎?如果到最後又變成叢林法則,我覺得我們很遺憾,也會非常擔心。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "可以檢討,前提是什麼很清楚,事實上我們漁港有部分低度利用的,很漂亮啊!漁業署曾經有票選過十大魅力漁港,辦了三、四次,臺灣也有很漂亮的漁港,也有很多沒有聽過的漁港,很漂亮。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "還有港區港口的地方,並不是很安全,我跟你講,像蚵仔寮漁港在港嘴,漁港一進來後,浪就倒了,人就不見了,最近又有這個案例了,氣候變化,船一進來,浪就不見了,因此沒有什麼地方,漁會、漁民知道,什麼時候是適合的、是可以協調的,但是不能說都沒有調解,然後兩個月以內要開放50個地方,這個是大家最怕的。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "大家在簡報的時候,六個月以內要全面開放,怎麼開放?他們說就不要講了,開放就好了,就不要再講了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "請問我可以說話了?" }, { "speaker": "陳春生", "speech": "你也不用生氣,讓漁民來這邊發表心聲之後,他們要回去就回去,要怎麼檢討,要講就再來講,不然今天沒有辦法繼續開會下去,這樣好不好?你瞭解我講的嗎?這個是程序發言。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我要非常謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "瑞芳區漁會代表", "speech": "政府開會真的是浪費太多資源,你可以跟各地方政府、漁會,因為漁會跟漁民最瞭解,大家可以協調跟座談,不要把這一些人叫來,漁民跟釣客會發生對立,這樣對立,好嗎?釣客的代表,你們講的我也很贊成,你喜歡休閒,我也喜歡休閒,但是有的人喜歡爬山、有的人喜歡釣魚,但是你們有沒有想到,你們去休閒的時候,有沒有顧到他們的肚子,先顧肚子再顧佛祖,他們的生計怎麼來的?我們處長在這裡,95年說釣魚區劃設下去,真的很不合理,現在船舶都沒得停了,停到大家吵架了,像港灣的航道,人家打到打架,你今天開這個會,漁民找來,有3、400個人,我們被罵,總幹事找來這邊要做什麼,要開三個小時、五個小時,都沒有關係,結果開回來也沒有結果,我們也不能要求漁民,所以你說要開放,那裡有300多個人在講,你們開也沒有關係,你要開三天、五天沒有關係,讓幾個漁民代表發表心聲。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "可以先讓我講一下嗎?開門之前先跟我講一下。感謝你們三位,你們把漁民最擔心的部分,像情緒的展現都先表示出來,今天為什麼要有這麼多方在這邊,因為政策很難落實,政策落實要符合每個人的需求,所以要找大家來協商那個機制,剛剛理事長說還沒有機制就是要做,沒有,今天就是要來做這個討論。" }, { "speaker": "瑞芳區漁會代表", "speech": "你把風聲都放出來,漁民會擔心,行政院說那一些話,漁民會擔心。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "所以你們要把難處講出來,怎麼樣不可能、怎麼樣可能,大家都講出來,才會知道之後執行怎麼樣,我必須要幫負責任的平台澄清一件事,就是sli.do上面,剛剛有人說三樓都沒有辦法參與到會議,我們今天開放直播跟網頁,剛剛收了100多條的訊息,都是三樓的人打進來的,我剛剛邊主持也有邊看,也有很多是複製貼上,希望不要任意開放,以政府部門來講也不知道要怎麼任意開放,今天是要有管理制度,在適合的地方,因地制宜開放,這邊有100多條意見,三樓的大家,我們都收到你們的意見了,都在這裡,100多條我們都有看到,所以你們一定有參與到。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "接下來大家要怎麼進行,再繼續補充,我們讓沒有講過的話,先講話。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我覺得今天已經有一個共識出來,第一個就是不要亂貼標籤,我們知道有的人是不守規矩,但是我們有一個問題,我們在不瞭解那個群體的時候,我們會誤以為那些人通通都是跟那一些不守規矩的人一樣,但是我相信這邊的釣客團體都守規矩,這邊的漁會、漁民都守規矩,大家希望管理可以好好落實。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再來,我相信大家都同意一件事,當然不守規矩的事,要有一個管理規則來做管理,才有開放的條件,我相信大家都同意。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再來,漁港是漁民的作業還是先優先,在不妨礙漁民的狀況下,有良好的管理、乾淨的環境、有好的管理規則,再開放給釣魚團體釣魚,我相信在場的大家,通通都同意這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "所以接下來要問的是,以前我們發生過一些問題,像你們剛剛有提到,有發生丟了垃圾,但是罰不到,這個我們可能要釐清一下,我們怎麼讓他以後是罰得到的,讓不守規矩的釣客知道怎麼樣守規矩。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再來,我們要思考哪一些地方可以開放,開放的條件有哪一些,漁民有哪一些需求是一定釣客絕對不能侵犯的,我們一定要談清楚,相關的罰則要訂出來,這樣子我們就可以讓釣客有地方安全釣魚,但是漁民絕對不會受到妨礙,一樣還是可以使用漁港用以前的東西,在這個過程中是不是還有一些東西可以讓大家雙贏,像釣客之後有沒有機會跟漁民合作,我們就之後再來談,我想我們今天主要的方向是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "首先,還有沒有人要補充?這邊講完以後,我想要請地方政府幫我們補充一下,剛剛有提到,為何廢棄物罰不到,我們請地方政府幫我們分享一下經驗。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "對不起,理事長,其實我剛剛講得不夠好,我先跟你道歉。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "第二,其實非常支持大家的講法,我們先訂定規則,六個月不是一定的,只是我們的想法、目標,可能一年、兩年,但是只是目標而已,那六個月只是參考。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "第二,希望跟漁民大家一起來討論,並不是一定要給你壓力做到什麼程度,我們希望的是,有這一些事發生了,很棒,我們想辦法來解決,用什麼方法來解決?大家協議,找到共同點,大家一起解決問題,你看到我的報告往這個方面來走,希望大家坐下來討論,大家有一個共識,未來開放就不會釣客到漁港會跟漁民起衝突,漁民跟釣客起衝突,我們想辦法規避掉,這才是我們的目的,也希望大家能夠接受。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "不好意思,我在表達上做得不好,請大家見諒,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不好意思,地方政府之前,我們先收一下sli.do上的意見,其實我們都已經先貼上便利貼了,我相信跟大家表達都差不多:" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「漁民有漁業相關規範,釣客沒有相關管理規範,怎麼可以貿然開放?」這個剛剛已經幫我們說過了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「釣客影響漁民作業環境,不瞭解水性,易發生危險,有管理機制跟規範之嫌,不應貿然開放」,這個是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「嘉義各個漁港無休閒垂釣功能,船筏停泊數量多,擔心漁民作業」,我相信釣客也不希望影響漁民的作業。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「各船支已飽和」。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「嘉義漁會大會已經決議,避免影響魚作及衝突」。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這邊的意見其實都是三樓的人貼下來的,還有網路上的朋友,先跟大家補充。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "彰化縣有提到「船筏超過容納量,漁船已經用了很多」,怕影響停泊。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「漁港是政府蓋給漁民使用的」是漁船作業的家,要開放也不應該造成作業的污染,釣客也完全同意這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「須與當地漁會漁民充分溝通,建立完整配套措施,再選擇適當地點開放」,提案人的提案裡面就有提到,要當地都溝通完之後再來開放。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「漁船作業設計,沒有設計釣魚防護考量」,確實沒有錯,沒有做相關的安全考量,所以也有建議如果要開放,要也一些安全措施。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「本法不屬於漁法通用性,各漁港條件不同,應由地方管轄政府統籌是否開放訂定規定」,這個你們剛剛有提到因地制宜,大家也都同意,每個地方要分開討論,漁業署的立場也一模一樣。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「漁港是漁民維持生計,對釣客是休閒娛樂」,我們剛剛說過了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「釣客釣線容易和進出口船舶徹夜相纏,造成漁民及釣客間的衝突不斷發生」,這個是過往常常發生的問題,其實提案人有建議,船支航行的東西,看是不是不能用拋竿的,只能用垂釣,看討論的時候是不是可以討論這個地方可以開放,這個是議題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「漁作繁忙的漁港、漁會,因為釣客眾多已經很困擾了」,這個一樣,我們不可以影響到漁民的作業。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「釣魚休閒的人不應該跟顧生計的漁民搶漁港」,我們就收下來,這其實大家也同意,不要影響工作的漁民。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「釣客與娛樂為主」,這個是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「現今政策不增加,興建漁港、所有漁港飽和情形,無非是人與船爭位」,請漁業署澄清這個狀況是不是這樣,其實人與船爭位的概念,不希望釣魚的時候去妨礙到漁民的作業或者是漁民的停船。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「反對任意開放漁港供釣客垂釣」,這個一樣的,是複製貼上了八次,我們收到強烈的意見,我們收在這個地方。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個是sli.do上按讚超過10個以上的意見,為了避免影響會議的進行,我們先進行往下。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝雨蒼講的sli.do就是你們剛剛可以提問的網頁,我知道剛剛三樓有兩位漁民要下來發言,我先請高雄市海洋局的科長,先發言完之後再換你們發言,可以嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "先讓他們講。" }, { "speaker": "張文村", "speech": "今天都是知識分子、專家,要開放漁港,當然很歡迎,但是在第18條已知前的但書,那三條讀一讀,能不能開放?為什麼不學外國?弄一個突堤給人家釣魚並管制呢?偏偏要在漁港裡面,你們在座各位當然不會,但是有的釣客留下了魚餌、魚鉤、帶去的飲料跟瓶瓶罐罐,不是說每個人,但是其中就是有,這個環保誰要負責?" }, { "speaker": "張文村", "speech": "再來,會跟漁民發生衝突的是什麼?人性,我正在抓魚正在吃,吃好的時候,一艘漁船開過去,趕走一些魚,心情不好,就會跟你互罵,是不是這樣?為什麼釣客跟漁民有衝突?就是你改漁港法第18條的前提,這個很簡單,第18條的前提提到這裡,我講到這裡,漁民要退出這個會,我們不要開。" }, { "speaker": "宜蘭縣漁民權益協會", "speech": "我是常務理事,我說利害關係給你聽,如果漁船開過去的話,繩子如果捲到,釣線丟到手呢?如果拖下去,是不是會發生生命的問題,你有沒有想到?不可以說顧肚子而已,像全家大小都等著漁民來抓魚,你們是屬於休閒娛樂而已,但是我們的魚友是沒有的,你們要考量這一點。" }, { "speaker": "宜蘭縣漁民權益協會", "speech": "我今天要講都講不完,有很多的問題,像現在南澳漁港,船如果開過去,浪很大,如果噴上去的話,發生問題是要找誰?是要跟釣友拿嗎?或者是要依照國家賠償法?" }, { "speaker": "宜蘭縣漁民權益協會", "speech": "民以食為天,大家先吃飽再來照顧娛樂,這個我是很認同的。" }, { "speaker": "宜蘭縣漁民權益協會", "speech": "政府機關帶公務人員來這裡,其實我要漁會的總幹事都退席,不要講了啦!" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "如果今天大家退席,大家都不參加這個會議,你剛剛說的那一些擔憂還是繼續存在,說實在的,我們現在就是要協調,可以好好管制。他也很擔心,所以需要大家來幫忙,他們的政策才可以符合大家的需求。" }, { "speaker": "李原漳", "speech": "再見,漁會會再發動,要去大包圍啦!並不是不會,感謝!" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "剛才的意見都已經收下來了,剛剛也有提到要額外建一個突堤開放釣魚,這個在提案人的簡報,他們也是這樣建議,海委會目前也有在研議這個方向是不是可行,我先跟大家補充意見。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "衝突的狀況,我們補充一下,非常感謝剛才兩位幫忙補充,一個是漁船踩到釣魚線,把釣客拖下水會影響安全,也會引發衝突,因為釣竿其實很貴,釣客也會不高興,然後引發衝突,這個該怎麼辦?我們的管理要考慮到這個狀況。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外一個是漁船航行過去,結果魚被船趕走了,釣客也不滿、引發衝突,我們是不是就要說清楚漁船的航行造成的影響,自己要承擔或者是怎麼樣,我們要想清楚;但是不管怎麼樣,我相信釣客都同意,不應該影響漁船的作業,所以漁船過去怎麼樣,那應該是釣客就這個地方要概括承受。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "剛剛也有提到垃圾留在現場,其實前面垃圾的問題也有處理到,像漁民生計跟釣魚休閒的平衡,其實我們也有收到這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們今天得到一個很核心的問題,發生安全問題怎麼解決?這個安全包含釣客的安全,如果發生了,那怎麼辦?如果影響到漁民的安全,那該怎麼辦,這應該是大家最核心的問題,我們就收在這個地方。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "前面包含漁業總幹事所提到的,漁港第18條要有但書才可以開放,要訂定措施在可以開放釣魚,大家都一樣,大家不希望釣客跟漁民在漁港發生衝突。許多國家有相當多的管理規定,我們收到的管理規則訂好再開放,要因地制宜,漁民要有安全整捕的漁港,雖然有罰,但是沒有罰到,我們請幫忙補充。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "開發18處的釣魚,是不是得到社會大眾認同,我們要想一下,未來開放的釣點,怎麼得到大家的認同?有的釣客釣民,漁民沒有檢舉,但是有的釣客釣魚,漁民之前沒有檢舉,可是釣客誤以為釣客在裡面亂檢舉而造成困擾,怎麼樣兩邊好好溝通,讓釣客也瞭解漁民在港區裡面的正常作業是什麼,不要搞不清楚狀況。漁民卸貨的時候,不願意讓出位置,這個要定義清楚,不可以妨礙漁民的作業。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們意見先收到這裡,先交給主持人。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝雨蒼很快速幫大家收了意見,你們的意見都有聽到,我們今天並不是要比大聲跟人多,你們的意見我們都會很平等收上去。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "如果大家退席,不參與這個討論,你們的困擾跟擔憂還是會繼續存在,我們非常有誠意找各方來討論,三樓會場的意見也都會收進來。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "怎麼樣落實管理機制、減少糾紛,甚至未來衝突發生的時候,要如何解決,好好管理,讓不自律的人可以更自律,這個是我們今天要討論的問題。想要請高雄海洋局的楊科長幫我們分享一下,因為4月1日才開了一個跟漁會、釣客共同討論未來釣魚平台如何劃設的會議,有滿不錯的成果,請高雄的科長跟我們分享一下。" }, { "speaker": "楊文賢", "speech": "謝謝主持人。" }, { "speaker": "楊文賢", "speech": "針對今天這個議題,我們兩天前也在高雄海洋局的會議室發生過、衝撞過,我們在會場呼籲雙方先冷靜一下,傾聽對方的需求是什麼,好好的聽。" }, { "speaker": "楊文賢", "speech": "我們那天蒐集到釣友的意見,希望漁港可以開放釣點讓他們釣,釣的魚其實是很重要,他們是哪裡有魚就會去釣魚,但漁港裡面,也就是水比較淺,有一些品質很差,釣的魚能吃嗎?他們也會考慮,他們不希望在那邊釣魚,希望在水質清澈有魚的地方,在那邊釣。" }, { "speaker": "楊文賢", "speech": "站在漁民的立場,這是漁民的生計所在,那個是他的財產,因此整個漁港區域裡面,有停泊區、卸魚區、整捕區、曬網區,其實整個漁港在基本設施、公共設施,其實每一段漁民都有用途在使用了,所以經過我們的會場,我們二樓漁港有15個,一張一張平面圖拿出來討論,我們就這個港來討論,看看哪一個區域。" }, { "speaker": "楊文賢", "speech": "討論的結果,十五張的結果都一樣,漁港只要是內部範圍內的,我們通通排除,讓釣魚團體這邊,他們希望不要在漁港裡面,他們要的是防波堤的外側,就是有一個共同聚焦的地方,好像雙方都可以認同或者是接受,因為防坡堤的外側,漁民不會在那邊航行跟作業,但是現實上目前都是「肉粽角」,如果政府要開放給民眾來釣魚,我認為在現場的環境上,要做一些安全上的防護措施,要把它做好,不然貿然開放,也會有一些顧慮。" }, { "speaker": "楊文賢", "speech": "需要做什麼?釣魚團體有提到,我們可以比照外國,可以做先進、符合環境的釣魚平台,平台做了以後,如果經驗充足的話,可以把欄杆、垃圾桶、剛剛所需要的設備放進去,然後再訂定管理的措施,未來他們也同意,剛才我已經有問了,他們願意認養,就可以減少政府對於以後維護管理的顧忌。" }, { "speaker": "楊文賢", "speech": "另外,有關於使用者付費,也就是由他們去考量。" }, { "speaker": "楊文賢", "speech": "再來,釣的地點部分,經過15處的漁港討論起來,我們發現有達到共識,可以列為去評估的點,我們也檢討出來這6處的漁港,這個部分我們接下來也會召集地方的漁會、釣魚團體到現場看哪一段是適合的。" }, { "speaker": "楊文賢", "speech": "但是這個有一個很重要的問題,這邊也有提出來,其實是地方政府經費的問題,因為我們是漁港管理機關,基本設施、公共設施、一般設施,我們光是在養護這一些預算,已經非常地捉襟見肘,已經不足了,要顧漁民的碼頭、廁所,這已經入不敷出了,實在是沒有錢再來做休閒性的釣魚平台。" }, { "speaker": "楊文賢", "speech": "剛剛有看到提案人也有提議,新增的海委會,現在也在高雄,海委會針對這個議題可以好好納入考量,平台的部分,因為那個是漁業以外,我認為海委會要好好做,如果可以的話,地方政府絕對可以全力配合,我們可以興建平台,讓漁民的問題解決,釣魚團體的問題也解決了,我們這個會議也是不斷找,像剛剛署長所講的要三贏的策略,因此我建議以後是不是聚焦在於不要再把問題發散,應該要收斂,來找有建設性的解決方案,這個是我的建議,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝楊科長的分享,收一下你的意見跟確認一下。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "高雄市政府也是找了各方,並不是地方政府跟漁會討論,都是各方跟有需求的人討論,包含哪裡有魚,釣客就哪裡去,結果劃了那邊,真的是船過水無痕,所以沒有人要去釣,不然就是風平浪靜不符合釣客的需求,錢花了好像浪費公帑。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二,漁港的水質不佳,釣上來的魚不能吃,所以在停泊區內,大家都有共識,不會是釣魚的區域,反而是在防坡堤外側才會是,其實牽扯到安全的問題,高雄市政府也會有一些強化安全的措施,甚至會使用釣魚平台建置的方式,如果要建置釣魚平台的話,包含使用者付費,要有一些經費的來源,第二個是會不會有可能需要中央經費的挹注,這是地方政府提出來的問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "高雄市有非常好的開始,也希望可以給地方政府借鏡。現場有沒有要補充?" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "漁業署副署長、各位長官,海洋署、各區漁會總幹事、各政府單位漁業主管,我在這裡要感謝詹小姐、林先生,費了這麼大的心思,做了這麼好的溝通平台,讓釣魚團體可以表述我們的想法跟意見。" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "剛剛俞澤宇先生釣魚的報告非常地精進,漁業署的答覆也非常切合實際,我們剛剛總幹事提供的意見都非常地好,都是值得參考的。" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "我在這裡簡單說明一下:" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "第一,剛剛有一位先生發言好像很衝動,說我們的釣線會纏繞漁船,會造成傷害的問題,我們對於漁船會有傷害、對釣客也會有傷害,因此將來有開放給民眾釣魚的時候,這個我們一定要避免,也就是管理者的問題,船在航行,怎麼可以用遠頭去拋呢?那就不對,你可以手竿在旁邊釣就好了,船怎麼進出也不會勾到它,會影響到它,怎麼在那邊釣呢?" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "所以漁港法裡面,你們都已經敘述得很清楚了,這一些要件,只要妨礙到港區的作業跟船支的航行會製造污染,你就不要,釣客也不會傻傻做那一件事。" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "第二,剛剛看到一些相片,像在八斗子製造很多污染,我內心感到非常慚愧,為什麼?因為當年八斗子漁港的建置是釣權會,我們提供了很多的意見,本來是要給釣魚團體來管,結果到最後不了了之,漁業署好像有撥經費給基隆區漁會。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "沒有。" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "這樣我不清楚,如果沒有的話,既然要開放給民眾釣魚,是不是應該協商哪一個團體來管理?或是交給區漁會來管?不管是誰來管,有人管就會有清潔。" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "我想要強調一下,這個會丟垃圾,是我們臺灣人的恥辱,為什麼?臺灣人都喜歡亂丟垃圾,包含釣魚跟游客及其他的人,太多了,釣魚民眾也有好的,像我們在這邊在座的幾個釣魚代表,像陳先生,他們都發動淨灘,揀了很多垃圾,我們也有好的釣友,為什麼不往這個方向來走?垃圾不落地,自己的垃圾自己帶回家,這個要靠教育。" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "第二,假設像漁業主管機關,你就給他一些垃圾桶,對不對?如果可以的話,也可以建一個廁所,讓他們可以在那邊方便,你沒有廁所、又開放,人那麼多,大小便當然隨處大小便,不然就是有人民團體收一點費用,這個使用者付費,也可以做清潔的維護工作。" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "我在這邊要跟趙總幹事非常感謝,也要向您抱歉,因為台中港北防坡堤開放以後,很多釣魚團體都把垃圾給你們,釣權會敢保證,我自己收回家。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "這個是一個負責的態度,對不對?你既然要做這一件工作,你的管理單位,就要負那一份心,對不對?不能把這個問題丟給別人,那是不對的,所以我在這邊也要為釣魚朋友再次感謝趙總幹事。" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "對於他們將來新的釣魚團體若再製造垃圾,麻煩你們跟港務公司檢舉,要處罰他們,不然大家只享福利、想賺錢,不盡一點義務,行嗎?我在這邊要誠心呼籲,因為漁業資源保護是全體國民的責任,海洋資源要共享、海洋的環境要大家共同維護,這是我個人的見解,對與不對,我不知道。" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "最後一個,臺灣漁業要發展,要能夠轉型為休閒漁業才有希望。簡單來講,臺灣近海很多拖網或是定製漁網,都是白牌那個,那個很方便,如果讓我們的釣客可以方便去坐船,不用船員證,因為我們考一張船員證要2、3萬元,考到船員證還不見得可以上船。" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "所以很痛苦,有的地方說真的,觀光娛樂漁船不足,所以建議政府來思考,是不是像潮汐港,或者是彰濱這一帶的漁港,我們很多的釣客為了要搭船,在近海釣魚就要考船員證,是不是用什麼其他的方法,對不起,耽誤大家這麼多的時間,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我快速收一下您剛剛提到的意見。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝今天在場的釣客團體都是非常自律的,其實開放釣魚之後,當然要避免衝突,不影響漁民作業,我們重申了非常多次,會製造污染本來就不應該做,所以是文化教育。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "再來,如果今天真的協商出一個大家都可以接受的區域,也訂了一套大家都可以接受的管理規則,誰來落實管理那個單位?我們今天也有可能需要討論出一些機制。是不是有人要發言?" }, { "speaker": "陳信勳", "speech": "各位長官、漁會代表,我是陳信勳,第一次發言。" }, { "speaker": "陳信勳", "speech": "針對楊科長的部分,我稍微補充一下,因為那一天會議,其實我自己還有提供一些意見,但是沒有被他們直接紀錄進去,其實我覺得高雄市政府的這個方法是很好的借鏡,我們其實可以針對每一個港口來逐一討論,我們用這樣想像,在那邊吵沒有什麼意義,因為其實大家大原則的方向都是對的。" }, { "speaker": "陳信勳", "speech": "可是剛剛教授這邊有提到海釣管理的部分,我覺得漁港其實有一個海釣沒有辦法取代,真的是相對安全,我們釣客並不是每一個都像我這一種身強體壯,我們要考量到有可能爸爸、媽媽帶著親子休閒,有一些是老人,甚至其實漁民本身也是釣客,退休了也會去漁港釣魚,大家可能都忽略這一點。" }, { "speaker": "陳信勳", "speech": "如果打翻一船人,說所有的釣客行為,都不行,像我們在馬路上,我們不能因為有飆車族,所以限定所有的機車都不能上路,我相信大家都尊重、同意這個原則。包括像海釣,其實海釣的費用也不低,所以並不是每個人都可以承受,為何漁港開放有其必要性,因為會比較親民一點。" }, { "speaker": "陳信勳", "speech": "我相信大原則,我們真的也不是一定要全面性開放,像有一些作業的超級危險區域,我們怎麼可能去那邊釣?" }, { "speaker": "陳信勳", "speech": "我最後要補充一點,其實釣魚這一件事,剛剛有提到魚不好吃、不能吃,所以不能釣,我個人不這麼認為,對我來講,有沒有魚,或者釣上來的魚能不能吃不是重點,我只是體驗活動。" }, { "speaker": "陳信勳", "speech": "漁港的相對安全性,有沒有辦法取代的部分,我希望這部分大家可以理解。" }, { "speaker": "陳信勳", "speech": "最後,再說一點,你說管理辦法沒有辦法開單嗎?我為什麼在商港就收到兩張罰單了,那個是誰開給我?我的意思是有人來開單,一定有方法可以找到人來開單,是不是這樣子,我補充一下。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝陳信勳的補充。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我確認一下,出海的海釣確實,如果大家搭娛樂漁船出去會有比較高的費用,可能一個人是1,500元或者是2,000元或者是3,000元,也只是其中一種釣魚的方式,釣魚有海釣、灘釣等各種,我們現在都討論其中一種方式,但我們討論的是比較大的管理規則。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "商港剛剛也有提到,如果有違規的行為就可以開單,如果在漁港或其他的地方,都有執法機關可以開單,你們要講的就是這個,對於不自律的人就是依法處罰。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我知道地方縣市政府聽到這個,有時也會頭大,因為他們就是人力不足,因為中午時間已經1點多,大家可以用前面的餐盒;血糖太低,沒有辦法思考。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我佔用大家5分鐘,快速把這幾個禮拜來盤點跟訪談的問題帶過,就可以進入中午的綜合討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "希望三樓在場的貴賓也可以一起看。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "有這個提案是因為有釣魚民眾的需求,希望可以全面盤點漁港來作開放,我們顧及了幾個角色,他們有哪一些相關的意見:" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第一個是漁業署,依漁港法第18條第3項的規定,有一些但書,只要不影響漁船的作業、安全、不污染港區的情況下,應該可以指定一些區域,訂定相關措施、開放,我們現在就是缺乏相關措施,所以今天下午會針對這個東西來討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二,漁港法第12條也有規定,其實主管機關也可以逐年編列預算向使用者收費,目前漁業署收費針對9個第一類漁港已經有一個管理作業要點,只是有沒有落實,我們等一下一樣下午討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "目前一類漁港,比如八斗子、宜蘭烏石港開放的時候,目前沒有針對釣客收費,烏石港要搭到一字堤是船舶費,但是釣的話,現況沒有收費。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第三,地方政府有什麼問題?如果開放越多,相關的設施、建置及經費可能會不足,就像剛剛高雄楊科長提到的一樣。其實法有規定可以收費,就是看之後怎麼落實" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "再者,有關於人力不足的問題,要去巡查哪一些人在違法地方釣魚,或是不當的行為,人力真的不足。我們也聽到晚上很多釣客喜歡晚上去釣魚,因為魚比較多,但是公務員晚上加班,然後現在勞基法通過之後的加班費很貴,要付出這麼大的行政成本,公務員半夜去那邊巡,在不合規定的地方釣魚,對公務機關來說是一個困難,並不是不願意做,而是結構上有這樣的困難,所以有沒有可能未來可以有釣客或者是其他的團體可以進場自主管理,這是我們討論到的解法。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "再來,部分的漁港沒有多餘的區域可以劃設,像基隆的正濱漁港,就是停船率非常高的地方,在地的漁船都停在這裡,所以或許不是那麼適合開放釣魚,但是像其他有一些漁港的堤外、漁船停泊率少,如果適度開放休閒釣魚,或許可以刺激當地的觀光發展,這都可以再討論可行跟不可行在哪裡。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "目前的執法單位是以海巡作為執法機關,如果港區或是海上的安全,其實海巡現在依法會去做,漁港法都有提到,像海巡的同仁有任何的問題也可以提出來。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "再來,各縣市開放程度不一,剛剛有很多漁會總幹事不斷幫我們重複歷史,95年就修法開放,但是有些縣市全部盤點了,比如新北市或基隆市,所以目前開放最多的是在這兩個地方,有些縣市其實完全連盤點都沒有盤點過,我們是不是有機會來做盤點?能不能開放我們再說,但是先做盤點的動作。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "再來,政府機關最怕如果你今天去不是劃設的地方釣魚,你出事是你的錯,但是今天劃設這個區域給你釣魚,但是你被浪捲走或者是失足滑落的話,很多民眾會要跟政府求償國賠的問題,這是政府最擔心的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們今天討論的主軸會希望大家不是說你就是要做或怎麼樣,而是我們從大家彼此擔心的點出發,解決彼此擔心的點,我們才有繼續往下討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "像剛剛提到釣客自律、是不是可以自行投保保險、自主管理,或者是國賠法是不是有可能會修?像你如果失足的話,可能要自己負責任之類的,那都是有收到的建議,不一定會在今天下午要討論,如果是比較發散的,就不耽誤大家的時間。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "像浪高的預警機制,這個是政府單位可以做的,如果你接到預警,像你的手機可以收到,你上一個APP,還是去了,你的確要自己負責。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "剛剛也有提到你丟垃圾就罰,為什麼很難罰?因為有地方政府表示他們稽查了100多件,但是真正成案可能只有15件,因為丟個垃圾,結果依漁港法第21條罰3萬,執法的人開不太下去,丟垃圾,罰3萬,你在找我的麻煩嗎?人的心態會有這樣的感覺,因此這個或許事後可以討論,或是給漁業署參考。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "漁民跟漁會有什麼樣的意見?我們剛剛有聽到很多,第一個是擔心漁民的作業被影響,今天的討論平台是希望可以協商出不影響漁民作業的區域。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二,有些漁民會提到很多釣客拼命釣,然後拿去漁市場賣,是不是與民爭利?其實我們有跟漁業署確認過,你自己釣魚的話,是不可以拿去市場賣的,漁業法有規定,你沒有經營漁權,違法的例外不要一直加進來討論,因為這樣子會模糊焦點;甚至有人建議可以參考日本的剪尾制度,日本的釣客要把魚剪掉,就不能進魚市場,這個也是把關的機制。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "再來是垃圾跟停車問題,最多人提到的,因此我們今天坐在這裡,要共同研擬出一個規範。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "最後,釣客團體的擔心是什麼?非常擔心少數人不自律而影響觀感,他們自己都知道,因此剛剛游會長都跟台中的總幹事道歉了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "劃設的平台不一定很符合需求,水很平靜,政府部門覺得劃最安全的地方,釣客覺得最沒有魚,劃給我要幹麻?這是彼此前期沒有溝通的結果。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "接著是基礎設施不足,像剛剛甚至有提議到,垃圾其實也可以自己帶走,這也是一個做法,我們可以細部再討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "釣客團體也同意:" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第一,以不影響漁民作業為優先。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二,使用者付合理的費用是可以接受的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第三,收委管費用,會擔心有些少數釣客會反對,為什麼?現在釣魚不用收錢,你們去爭取好、設置平台給我,釣魚變成要收錢,可能也會有這樣不同的聲音,這個都要群體去做溝通。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "快速幫大家盤點一下,主持團隊訪談各個單位收到的意見,現場會針對這個東西補充?" }, { "speaker": "童錦杰", "speech": "剛剛螢幕上這一些問題就不重複講了,我只講一個,你們從頭開始簡報時,觀念就不對了,我要替漁民多講一些公道話,你說漁港獨厚漁民、漁船,這個不對,臺灣中華民國的政策,整個憲法、每個職業都是不同的,每一個農民、漁民都是自己的國民,每一樣的目的跟管理計畫是不一樣的,剛剛有提到。" }, { "speaker": "童錦杰", "speech": "按照你這樣講,石門水庫是不是要開放?高速公路是不是400萬的機車族,我們連署就上高速公路,可不可以?當然是不行啊!所以每一個地方,立法都有一個機制,我們漁港法也是,漁港法是立法院修法出來的,大家並不是笨的人。" }, { "speaker": "童錦杰", "speech": "所以,我建議這個觀念並不是獨厚漁民,按照這樣講的話,農民的GDP要跟工業比嗎?不能這樣講、比喻。" }, { "speaker": "童錦杰", "speech": "第二,剛剛有提到,我們還是尊重漁業署,經過評估以後,我們再來檢討開放幾個區域,我們是很尊重且同意的。" }, { "speaker": "童錦杰", "speech": "我很強調,剛剛有提到垃圾丟,我在漁會這麼多年來,六艘漁船找我,找不到元兇,一艘船1,000多萬,有一次沉下去,找不到人,結果漁民要求國賠,政府倒楣啊!對不對?放沖天炮把船燒了,是不是要管制?都是要管理的,這個機制一定要,以上建議。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝新竹區與會的總幹事,剛剛新北市政府的汪處長是不是要發言?" }, { "speaker": "汪昭華", "speech": "我想提幾個點:" }, { "speaker": "汪昭華", "speech": "第一個,我們漁民為什麼會這麼樣擔心?我覺得剛剛會議開始說,今天協作會議已經有非常充足的準備,有十場的會前會,可是在這樣的準備過程中,卻釋放了一個訊息,就是你要開發50區,所以在沒有協作會議之前去釋放這樣的訊息,我覺得就是造成我們漁民為什麼這麼激動的問題,因為大家說要檢討,其實我說真的,漁民真的非常願意,但是不可以在沒有討論之前,釋放這樣的訊息,也造成地方政府跟漁民中間花了非常多的精神作溝通,這部分我覺得是今天會議,外面這麼多的漁民情緒激動的問題。" }, { "speaker": "汪昭華", "speech": "另外,在漁港開放的問題,我想新北市政府應該有這麼多的經驗,因為從法令一開始修法,我們97年開放了十處,這個部分跟漁會經過了非常多的溝通,包括魚作稍微比較頻繁一點,民眾有需求,我們也給他開放了,包含了野柳、深澳。" }, { "speaker": "汪昭華", "speech": "另外,其實有跟中央反映,希望在漁港管理第18條裡面,所說全面管制,就是給地方政府來做管制措施,其實應該有全國一致性的規定,這部分不是交給地方政府自己去訂,我們可以針對開放的地方去協調,但是你的管制措施,不可能每一個縣市不一樣,這個也會造成民眾的困難。" }, { "speaker": "汪昭華", "speech": "另外,各個港的,無論是商港、漁港或者是其他的地方,你不可以對於違規的事項、同一個事項有不同的罰則,這個部分也是我們一直希望中央能夠跨部會來協調,因為這個會牽扯到商港法、漁港法、水域游憩管理辦法及觀光釣點等等,因為釣點不是在漁港,其實待遇的地方可以很多,臺灣有這麼長的海岸線並不是只有漁港可以釣魚,而垂釣的安全,我們新北市政府,一直以來都非常重視,所以對於釣客安全的規範、釣客安全的違法行為的一些取締,我們也是做的最落實的。" }, { "speaker": "汪昭華", "speech": "但是剛剛提到每一年5至10月,去取締這樣的行為,我們必須連同誰?我們必須連同海巡、警察單位,為什麼?因為違規的人必須確認身分,我們是沒有這樣的權利,因此必須花費很多的人力。" }, { "speaker": "汪昭華", "speech": "另外,在罰則的部分為何會罰不下去?因為他的罰則的確是非常地高,不符合比例原則,這也是我們新北市政府為什麼在100多次這樣的勸導行為裡面,卻只有罰15次?這是我們會考慮到,除非在極度危險的地方去釣魚,你又不聽勸導,我們才會裁罰,但這不是正常的管道,我們也希望能夠有一個跟釣客、漁民中間有三方三贏的效果。" }, { "speaker": "汪昭華", "speech": "另外,我們還有一個問題,其實我想我們的釣權團體也提到了,釣魚是休閒體驗,並不是一個漁業行為,可是這幾次在討論的議題,一直把它跟漁業行為牽扯在一起,我們的觀光單位卻沒有進入來處置,其實並沒有檢討漁港有沒有垂釣的地點,應該是全面性檢討垂釣的地點,應該可以在哪一些地方最安全、又最符合大家需要的。" }, { "speaker": "汪昭華", "speech": "我非常謝謝今天可以見到釣權會的會長,其實在102年就有提供給我們意見,其實跟北部分會的會長,大家都有討論,我們開放哪一些區域可以符合大家的需求,這個部分我們也跟漁會討論過,所以其實103年也重新公告過,這個部分我覺得政府單位,尤其地方政府單位,都會基於協調民眾、漁民、中央單位期待來做這樣的事情。" }, { "speaker": "汪昭華", "speech": "另外,其實接下來我覺得大家在討論的東西,像剛剛講了很對,後面的管理機制與權責單位的問題,開放應該不是問題,而是管理機制跟後面的權責是一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "汪昭華", "speech": "其實我們的草里漁港在106年的時候,也公告整個港是開放的,但是也曾經尋求釣權會,希望能不能來作管理,可是這部分還沒有得到正面的回應。" }, { "speaker": "汪昭華", "speech": "今天在這裡,我也希望釣魚團體跟漁會一樣,他們代表的是全部的釣友,我們草里漁港的部分,是不是可以做示範港?讓你們來作管制跟規範,就像我們委託漁會來管理漁港一樣,這可能是很好的示範,讓漁民不會擔心,在釣客這邊,大家也知道真正如果到漁港去做垂釣動作時,可以怎麼管制、怎麼收費,以上的建議,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝汪處長,我們先收一下汪處長的意見,等一下再補充。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "剛剛有提到在會議前釋放開放50處,其實剛剛王正芳副署長已經跟大家回應了,是區域或者是地點,並不是50個港,而且現行開放就有30幾個點,如果你要用點來算的話,我們當然知道媒體效應一出去,會造成漁會非常大的恐慌,但我們必須在這裡做事實的釐清,剛剛王副署長已經有跟大家澄清過了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二,管理的法規因為現在第18條有提到應訂定相關措施,那個「措施」或許沒有做一致性,現在有做第一類劃設垂釣區及管理作業要點,有這個要點,但是第二類還沒有,因為各地的使用狀況跟港的內容或是地形都不一樣,他們希望可以地方有彈性自定,但是地方提出這樣的需求,或許下午的時候可以好好溝通,要有一個一致性的大原則,彈性可以保留在什麼地方。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第三,針對違規的釣魚行為,不管在什麼地點,海釣或者是商港釣或者是漁港釣,應該要有一個裁罰標準,才不會讓執法人員難以落實。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第四,行政部門、地方政府被託管的話,都要跟海巡、警察有公權力的人介入才可以取締,因為要確認身分跟開罰,這會回到人力不足的問題,管理的細則我們必須要建置。還有行政單位、有公權力的單位,警察局或者是海巡這邊,可以怎麼樣互相搭配跟快速溝通的機制,也必須要建立出來。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "有關於劃設釣魚區的相關標準,因為新北市政府算走得非常前面,全台開放18個一、二類漁港,新北市佔了11個,在十多年前漁港法修正沒有多久,就全部盤點及開放,所以汪處長提供了非常寶貴的經驗,第一線所執行的難處,大家要一起來幫忙解決。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "再來有提到開放其實並不是問題,因為新北市開放這麼多,但他們遇到這麼多管理、權責單位會有一些矛盾上的問題,需要大家來幫忙解決。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "也很感謝汪處長提到,願意需要新北市的草里漁港,願意來做示範港,如果討論機制可行的話,新北市已經舉手願意做試辦點,願意來試辦看看,謝謝汪處長的意見。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們讓沒有發言過的先發言,等一下會再輪回來。" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "大家好,本人參與釣權運動差不多有26年,參與過政府大小協作會議已經數不清了,包含商港法第18條,現在改為為商港法第36條,包含漁港法第18條,也是本人跟各個釣魚協會、各個單位協作起來的。" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "包含現在基隆市島礁磯釣管理辦法,包含很多漁會代表的意見、釣權代表的意見及各單位的意見,其實都沒有提出具體的辦法,本會這邊針對要怎麼樣落實漁港法第18條,能夠滿足到社會大眾的需求,釣客、漁民能夠創造三贏,本會有率先草擬配套措施。" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "這個配套措施有三個單位要來執行,第一個單位可能跳下來,也就是主管機關要配合的事項,各級主管機關應在下列區域設立紅線、警告標誌,禁止民眾垂釣,這個是非常重要的,因為漁船有漁船的作業區域,包含上下卸貨、漁船停泊的位置,接著是油庫,加油的時候應該劃為禁區。再來是航道,也就是我們所說的港嘴的地方,依照國外的經驗,全部畫為紅線,大家知道紅線是禁止進入,如果禁止進入的話,我們依照漁港法相關的罰則來開罰,我覺得這個是依法有據,像我去釣魚,垃圾都會清理得很乾淨,大家爭執這麼多的意見,像漁民的意見、漁會的意見,我覺得最簡單的部分沒有做,只要把紅線劃定出來,當然釣魚協會這邊希望如果要劃定這個紅線,就是所謂的行政單位所謂的盤點,我們希望能夠一起來討論這個區域,講一句難聽的,我們也不希望在漁船卸貨的地方釣魚,很多釣客為何會在這個地方釣魚?因為他們不守規矩,我們現在開始檢討一下下列的行政措施。" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "中央及地方機關要配合的事項,我們建議了以下八點要點:" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "第一,颱風期間,中央氣象局發布海上、路上警報,或者是風浪預報最大陣風達到9級以上,禁止港區垂釣,這個是列為第一個重要,因為人民關天,畢竟在海上救援及各個行政單位,也是要針對人類來做第一個保障。" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "第二,港區僅限於釣竿使用,不能用網具,如果今天帶網具網魚,這個網如果底了,那會破壞生態,也是不行,所以僅限於釣竿,這個是第二套的配套措施。" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "第三,漁會釣客會在旁邊鑽洞跟破壞漁港的設施,因此第三點的部分,如果有鑽鑿打洞的情形,就罰最高的部分30萬,罰一次以後,坦白來說,沒有人敢釘釘子,依照漁港法來裁罰。" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "至於廢棄物處理辦法,如果按照所謂法律的位階,認為漁港法3萬至30萬,大過於廢棄法第27條,我覺得釣客也沒有意見,如果去做執法的行為,也是一樣,設定一個區域,如果今天要針對這個區域來做丟垃圾,叫一個人去那邊看,或者是政府單位會去做一些配套措施,我們今天要做配套措施,就是要把這一些規定訂定出來。" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "像民眾停靠的區域,如果碰觸船支的纜繩,民眾也不可以碰。曾經有人把漁船的纜繩多繞兩圈,這個船在退潮的時候,退潮會有潮差,漁民在綁纜繩的時候,依照經驗要綁幾圈,民眾就不知道,多繞兩圈,漁船就壞掉了,這其實對漁民來說是非常大的損傷,因此我建議在這一條裡面也必須要規定在裡面。" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "再來,釣客的部分,我也有看到漁會也有提供照片,像有人喜歡打洞,七、八支,漁船要過去的話,我們會明文規定在第7條,釣客不可以超過兩支以上的釣竿,這個是比較實質的做法。到時所謂執法的部分,我跟各位說明如何執法。" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "第八點,漁港必須穿救生衣跟防滑鞋,依照相關的規定,我們列入強制的範圍,在美國、日本、澳洲,甚至在紐西蘭,他們從事釣魚的休閒活動,基本上要穿救生的防護裝備,因為國際間海上救生的相關規範也有做研究,如果民眾穿了救生衣落海,穿的救生衣落海,死亡率非常高。" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "我這邊有一份資料,在民國106年至108年北部海巡署的資料,像宜蘭縣政府、基隆市政府,因為北部巡防署的管轄區域,總共有21件,受傷13人、死亡16人,包括全國的話,每一年平均下來,從102年至現在106年、108年的資料,每一年平均最少發生7,715件,包含了海上救援、打撈浮屍,包括處理海上意外的救生、救難,因為海巡署沒有辦法把案件逐一的卷宗調出來給我,因此相關的單位要注重所謂釣客安全。" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "曾經在水域遊憩法有作提案,我們有多次會議,公部門有協調,希望把釣魚休閒活動納入安全的管理規範,穿救生衣跟防滑鞋來保證釣客的安全,基本上觀光局跟漁業署對於提案互踢皮球,我認為皮球踢很大,這個是毫無擔當,由行政院政務委員張景森,裁示釣魚跟露營一樣不需要管,露營會死這麼多人嗎?我的數據告訴我們,一年就要死這麼多人,沒有關係,這是張景森特別指示,民眾必須自己照顧好自己的安全。我請問這個是符合人民的需求嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "在網路上也發起要穿救生衣,像小魚放生跟垃圾要帶走,我們推行相當多面,相信未來配套實施在一個主管機關,其實50年來釣魚沒有主管機關,漁業署是負責掌管海洋資源跟照顧的漁民,是針對漁業及從業人員在漁業法裡面規定相當清楚。" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "我們把這個事情推測到交通部觀光局,交通部觀光局認為掌管遊客跟特定的區域,包含發展觀光條例第36條,他們也說我們只是管遊客的安全,釣客截取海洋資源,並不是誰來我們這邊休閒遊憩,所以基本上觀光局踢得一乾二淨,也不願意當釣魚人的主管機關。" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "但是在2018年的時候,海委會成立,執掌內容為臺灣總體海洋海域、海洋管理及保育永續經營發展等相關業務,基本上我們在3月20日於行政院由陳其邁副院長開了所謂為了漁港這邊可以落實漁港法的時候,也特別裁示,如果這樣相關的業務,像海洋資源的永續經營,本席建議未來釣魚休閒產業跟漁業是沒有關係的,是交給海委會來做規範,制定出國人釣魚休閒的管理辦法,振興釣魚休閒產業,保障釣客安全。" }, { "speaker": "王昌凌", "speech": "回歸到剛剛的配套措施,所有興建安全措施的部分,第一個是興建護欄,保證釣客的安全,因為大家有提到,漁會的代表剛剛有說,漁船開過去之後,如果到大浪會潑到,如果增加所謂的護欄,也可以保證釣友的安全。如何未來興建安全舒適的釣魚平台,海委會也要做詳細的規劃。漁港的救生器材、預算也是中央提供預算及資源,我們的配套計畫也會把這一些配套措施交給各個單位,有需要再跟我們拿,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝王執行長的補充。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "等一下1點40分,也就是2分鐘後會進行分組討論,大家有更多想法,其實分組討論很重要,我等一下再開放一個名額講,但是我必須要幫漁業署跟海委會澄清一下,覺得他們沒有擔當,他們願意坐在這邊,願意跟大家用分組討論的方式,像在上課一樣,一對一跟近距離溝通,我相信他們是有展現出他們的誠意。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "不管怎麼樣的結果,之前有一些人不滿意,我們就不討論,但是希望今產出的共識是大家雖不滿意,但是都可以接受、且可以具體被落實的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們就會進行分組討論,大家發言非常踴躍,沒有中場休息時間,等一下大家分組討論更重要,之後會如何具體落實才更需要被討論的。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "感謝主持人很辛苦整理上午的一些建議事項。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "感謝釣魚團體提供很多具體的建議,雖然是積極開放、有效管理,但有效管理好像缺了一環,除有漁民、政府單位及海巡外,但是釣魚團體的角色在哪裡?好像沒有,我是提醒一下,剛剛新北市政府汪處長有提出來,他也展現誠意了,未來管理部分,請釣魚團體積極參與。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "因為好像都在提有違規、取締處分,但處分不是目的,自律才是有效的管理方法,所以我建議等一下討論的時候,請釣魚團體在這個管理的角色上應該要有一定角色扮演。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "另外,縱使開放的區域範圍裡面,政府做一個簡易的設施也不一定安全,因為一個防坡堤在那邊、一個瘋狗浪上來的時候,那怎麼辦?你把一些安全責任都丟給政府,釣客的自律、要求在哪裡呢?出來釣魚所面臨的生命財產安全對其家人如何交代呢?請問釣魚團體對釣客的安全,保險要不要自己處理?不只是發生問題,家裡也會找政府,像地方政府也有提出來,看看後續的處理怎麼樣,因此這兩塊就拜託釣魚團體好好想想。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "剛剛很多漁民、漁會有意見,因為是長期的衝突產生的,我們今天好好坐下來談,管理要有一塊完整的想法,建議當地的釣魚團體、漁會要怎麼建立協調互動機制,創造漁民跟釣客雙贏。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "我跟各位報告,漁港有222個,其實是非常低度的管理,雖然漁港法海巡署可以進行取締,但不可能一直去現場取締,要達到處分的要件,「丟」的動作才會產生法律效果。" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "建議釣魚團體要提出你們具體的角色扮演,在開放釣魚的同時,要具備什麼條件、角色,我們的釣友要自己付出什麼東西,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝副署長的補充,包含自律才是有效管理的方法,釣客團體是不是可以進場作為管理的其中一個角色,其實釣友們的習性,你們最清楚,什麼浪、什麼季節,他們會跑去哪裡,其實你們是最瞭解的,或許由自己的團體的人,自己管理是最有效的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "再來是保險跟政府求償的問題,安全的問題真的是政府最在意,我知道會有很多釣友會說不用擔心我們的安全,但只要有一個萬一,全國2,000多萬人,只要一個人或者是一個人的家屬去跟政府吵不完,他們的確需要擔心,這個是我們需要擔心的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "再來是當地的漁會跟釣客要建立互動的機制,時間有一點超時,我們讓基隆市漁會總幹事發表完之後再進行討論。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "不用分組討論!" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "好,那我們現在直接討論。總幹事不好意思,因為我們有設計一些工具單可以幫助大家討論。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "剛剛漁業署沒有擔當,是無法擔當,我舉一個例子,現在要開放漁港怎麼認定?叫漁業署跟行政院開會嗎?如果有一個委員講一句話,政府的政策不開放,漁業署敢講嗎?連講話的機會都沒有。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "要找漁港開放的話,這個是誰認定?所以我講的是,要開放漁港是找誰來認定,這個先講好,總不能漁民沒有去,然後漁會也沒有去,然後漁業署去了,漁港漁業署管了,漁業署答應就好了,漁業署能擔當什麼?我先幫你消除一下,漁業署能擔當什麼?我不曉得漁業署能擔當什麼,他能講什麼?行政院這麼大,嘴巴塞住就不用講了,現在釣客只是丟問題而已,你們來開放,認定的人先講好,到底誰來認定、誰有辦法認定?" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "第二,我呼應一下汪處長講的事情,釣客這麼多,你們現在講的都是罰、抓,到底是誰來管?為什麼不先自制一下?" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "我舉一個例子,八斗子現在兩個防坡堤開放,大家可以隨時去看看,垃圾一堆,尿騷味更重。現在基隆港東防坡堤,現在釣一次有500元,有便當、礦泉水、保險,還有賠了200多萬,有人在管,這個就是自治、自律啊!你們這一排釣友誰敢保證釣友沒有問題,你跟我講一下,我拿手機的照片給你看,我天天在照,我不騙你,停車也好、垃圾也好,打鐵釘也好,我馬上給你看。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "應該先就這18個開放的地方,來做一個怎麼樣的管理方式才對啊!就把這兩個防坡堤讓協會來管,先管看看,你們有沒有辦法整理這個地方?有沒有人力整理這個地方?通通歸你們管,沒有不好啊!都如你們的願啊!你們自己先去管一下,看那個能不能管,有沒有尿騷味、垃圾,再來講。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "你叫公務人員怎麼管?禮拜五來釣魚,到星期天都是晚上,公務人員沒有勞基法,也沒有一例一休,也沒有關係,先確定誰要管,或是海委會來管?敢不敢講?因為海巡署已經來講說如果要開放,那就沒有辦法,海巡已經來跟我講了,很多單位來跟我講沒有辦法。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "我現在想問的是,誰來管?因此我們先請釣友先自律一下,那個地方就讓他們去管,像基隆東防坡堤一樣,他們自管,這18個都管好以後,我們再來講管哪裡。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "第三,我舉一個例來講,政府設了這麼多的公園,誰出錢?漁港雖然是政府出錢,但是漁民有繳錢,要搞清楚這一點,漁會管理、漁會收了錢,這個地方,漁會一年要花多少錢,你們知道嗎?你們只有講漁民沒有繳錢,不對,我也認為這個是公設施,但是這個是專業的公設施,並不是普羅大眾的公設施,為什麼高速公路不能騎機車上去,這個我也抗議啊!" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "所以,不要跟漁民爭,因為已經現有在那邊作業了,不用爭這個。安全可以,海岸線這麼長,我跟你講,要釣魚的人,不會在漁港釣,你在爭也沒有用啦!就去磯釣那邊才刺激,你說外國怎麼樣,外國就有辦法造堤釣魚了,有辦法造釣魚、就應該造公園,你要讓人家釣得安全、讓家裡的人安心,你去釣魚,沒有怎麼樣,你不要常常吵這個,沒有用。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "我們現在所有的議題都往漁港丟,不對,漁港已經專用了,像我提了,為何商港不能開放?貨輪這麼少、設備又好,然後交通又方便,然後又寬廣,這麼好,我們不要一直糾結在漁港,政府應該要為大家想,也應該為你們想。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "海岸線這麼長,老是設置海岸線,就講說破壞什麼的,不用,我們造一個好一點的海岸線,造一個平台,讓你去釣,這樣就解決了。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "為何基隆有29公里的海岸線,難道找不到一、兩個讓你們開放釣魚的地方嗎?不可能嘛!像之前講說保育區要開放100多公尺讓你釣魚,神經病,我是不是要開放漁船,讓你去捕魚啊!沒有道理,這麼長的海岸線,找哪一個地方可以設點,哪一個地方有魚可以釣,這樣才是啊!我一直不懂你們現在丟了這麼多的問題,漁業署有辦法管?我不相信,你這麼厲害,海委會你可以管嗎?政務委員很大,我沒有騙你,真的,一句「漁港開放,你有問題嗎?」" }, { "speaker": "王正芳", "speech": "有啊!" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "官這麼小,敢說嗎?漁民從來沒有去一個場合,我們都不知道,你們開了十場、這麼多場,我們希望政府要解決問題,並不是五千人上網,漁民五萬人都有可能,不要五千人上街頭,真正坐下來討論你們的釣點在哪裡,什麼才是你們安全、你們要的,但是大家有一個前提,大家相處、相融才有辦法,你常常說漁港要開放,我搞不清楚。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "你看那裡有人在釣魚,你說他行不行?今天是沒有船支進來,如果有船支回來的話,你趕他,看要不要走,他絕對不會走,這個是有理的,但是你開放之後,神主牌就會說這裡可以釣魚,然後就要打架嗎?沒有道理啊!所以我們現在不要一直鎖在漁港,而是找一個安全、好的釣點,讓你們安全、安心,讓家人無顧慮,那才是重點,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝總幹事補充,像我一開始放的影片,今天是要冷靜、理性、各退一步來討論,所以剛剛有重申到,要安全、討論出大家都可以討論出同意的地點,而且也不會影響到漁民既有的作業使用。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "還有管理人力的問題,是大家需要幫部會一起想辦法的。大家發言很踴躍就不休息了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "不好意思,下午的會議就離開的話,您的意見就沒有辦法被納入,因為我們今天會議是到4點,希望大家可以參與討論,因為那一些細節跟機制等一下討論會更具體的東西。" }, { "speaker": "歐慶賢", "speech": "海洋大學歐慶賢第一次發言,我上次其實有跟主席談過,我後來有一些補充資料,今天談的這個問題,假如2、30年前根本就不用談,那時臺灣的漁業非常興盛,漁港根本就供不應求,但是發展到今天,漁業有一點式微,所以變成看到一些漁港閒置,是這個現象。" }, { "speaker": "歐慶賢", "speech": "但是漁業署的動作其實很快,大家都清楚,95年漁業就修正漁港法,加了剛剛所講的第18條第3項,就是要規劃垂釣區。" }, { "speaker": "歐慶賢", "speech": "他的動作也很快,因為我在教法規的,那一年的6月就出來,剛剛有看到的第一類漁港垂釣區劃設及管理作業要點,因為中央的九個是他管的,假設大家詳細看這個要點,這些問題都沒有什麼太大的問題,因為該要求的、如何劃設的原則,該怎麼管的,上面都寫得很清楚,問題是落實的情況是如何。" }, { "speaker": "歐慶賢", "speech": "像剛剛新北市汪處長講的,我看了網站,他們規劃了十一處,但這個問題來了,現在只是規劃,但是後面的管理沒有,劃設在那邊,這個是問題,這樣也不行,只做半套,所以後面的管理才是問題。" }, { "speaker": "歐慶賢", "speech": "剛剛有講到我們怎麼辦,因此這個要點的前面那三個字拿掉就好了,就變成第一類、第二類的全部要符合行政規則來做。" }, { "speaker": "歐慶賢", "speech": "至於裡面細部怎麼樣,誠如剛剛協會的理事長所講的,大家再來談,但是原則上我很佩服漁業署在那麼快的時間弄出這個劃設及管理作業要點出來,而且非常詳細,我相信他應該有看過國外非常多的資料,才有辦法把該注意的全部都寫了。" }, { "speaker": "歐慶賢", "speech": "但剛剛總幹事也講了管理,到底是誰要來管理?我這幾天也查了日本的資料,可以開放,但是一定要在規範下局部開放,一定要有條件的。還有剛剛也有提到錢的問題,劃設這些設施,還有未來的管理,所需要的經費誰來出?事故發生時的責任歸屬是誰?誰要誰負責?日本是國賠,由政府負責,他們調查得很清楚,我把他們做的問卷調查結果,就是釣客自己負責下開放的,大多數的釣客同意,有事情我自己負責,也不會對他人造成困擾。但是這個海或者是公共設施的這些東西,應該讓國民能夠充分利用,符合前面所講的觀點應該開放。" }, { "speaker": "歐慶賢", "speech": "但是政府的責任在哪裡?除了剛剛講的劃設跟管理之外,政府當然有責任提供公務給國民來利用,所以政府也有防止國民利用時產生事故的責任,假設公共設施欠缺應該有的安全性,因此而造成損害者的話,政府就負有損害賠償的責任,縱使你本人今天拍胸脯說不會行使損害賠償的請求權,但不保證你的家屬不會去追究,因此開放採取安全對策,還有落海安全設施的話,政府就行政上,你說完全免責、沒有法律責任?這個是不可能的,所以前面這一排跟後面那一排的政府部門要注意,在規劃的時候要慎重,開放的時候要確實管理,萬一後面有問題的時候,就要回到行政規則來處理,上面講得很清楚。" }, { "speaker": "歐慶賢", "speech": "另外,他們也有做問卷調查,問一般港區附近的老百姓,七成同意有條件開放,所謂的有條件指的是什麼?像釣客有垃圾自己帶走,還有已經劃設危險的地方,絕對不能進去,這個要嚴格管制,如果真的有問題的話,釣客自己要負責,不要轉嫁到其他人的責任。" }, { "speaker": "歐慶賢", "speech": "剛剛已經談了很多,我再重複,日本釣魚振興會有提到五個在發展這個的困擾,第四點有提到釣客跟漁民的糾紛,這跟大家提的差不多,可見會有這個疑慮,因此剛剛提案人講說少數,常常就是因為少數,害得大家把這一件事處理不成,這裡有講一個理由,魚港是漁民工作的場所,所以釣客到漁民工作場所釣魚,最好釣客不要造成漁民的困擾,就是要守規矩,通常會有糾紛的點是什麼?第一個是亂丟垃圾。第二個是漁民工作的場所,漁船進進出出,多少會妨礙到漁民的工作,還有漁港內亂停,要洩漁貨或幹麻,進出就會影響到工作。第三個,剛剛也有提到,在港嘴的時候,即使沒有看到甩竿,但是看到拿著甩竿在那邊剪線,漁民看到下鉤,因此會不高興,我們也不用去強辯。任意在漁船上釣魚,像看到碧沙漁港,那都是小艘船釣魚,或者會移動漁船、或者會破壞漁船。還有釣線會勾,勾到的時候,拿不起來就剪斷。還有剛剛提到進入禁止的場所,像紅線會畫出來,不光是漁港,商港也全部都劃設了,所以基本上我讀書以前到現在,我住漁村,我一直認為漁港是漁船的家,當初政府蓋這個漁港,是為了漁業發展,是為了讓漁船去停泊,漁業上有一點走下坡,像空間都是在閒置,我覺得讓出來無所謂,因為越先進的國家,海洋休閒活動是越熱絡,這個我們也承認,這個要認真規劃,像新北市烏石港,真的是要慎重規劃,後面的管理才重要。" }, { "speaker": "歐慶賢", "speech": "下午大家要快的話,因為要開到4點,大家都暈倒了,因此剛剛講的要點,從那裡面討論,假設今天沒有辦法談出來的話,大原則是這樣子,你們都很有經驗,未來怎麼管、該注意到什麼,漁業署也好,我覺得行政院有人講到要開50個,我覺得那個言之過早,搞不好盤點出是可以開60個,搞不好盤點的結果是只能30個,話不能這樣講,不負責任。" }, { "speaker": "歐慶賢", "speech": "從外行到內行,這個不好,這個東西問權責單位漁業署,那麼快的時間,95年就訂出這個東西,那時或許沒有像今天你們釣魚協會這麼熱絡,像開始例假日,車子停得滿滿的,這個形式已經形成了,誠如陳總所講的,要坐下來好好談,因為釣魚你們內行,但是漁港管理我們內行,船不用停這麼多,也是事實,沒有什麼不能談的,框架在那邊一定要開五十個港,但是後面的管理跟安全設施,這弄下去都要錢,政府的錢在哪裡?這個後面都有一些東西,不用從長計議,但是很快可以坐下來談,是不是半年內這麼有效率,很快就出來了。" }, { "speaker": "歐慶賢", "speech": "如果沒有這麼快的話,可能有一些示範進行,讓大家皆大歡喜,因為這個活動是很健康的,總比飆車好。因為對先進國家,這是越來越熱門的活動,但對於漁業,我們日常慣用的區域,可能大家也要注意到各退一步,注意使用上的便利,因為我們是靠這個謀生。" }, { "speaker": "歐慶賢", "speech": "常常在上課的時候,他們整天站在那裡,不知道在做什麼,但是一天都沒有釣到,釣到晚上11點59分59秒的時候,這個活動是可以推,但還是要想一些規劃,我覺得漁業署有進到責任,我覺得這個也沒有那麼困難,來做所謂的劃定及後續管理的進行。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝歐慶賢教授的補充,有提到今天的議題是值得討論,相關的法規也有,現在有第一類的、第二類或怎麼管制,等一下會討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "剛剛也有提到日本的範例給大家參考,可能又會有人說因地制宜、民情不同,因為一個社會法律是是文化價值的展現,因應臺灣的地方,我們應該用什麼樣的管制規則一起討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我知道都大家開得滿累,但是分組討論滿重要,分組討論完產出的方案,最後唐鳳會下來幫大家總結。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我現在跟大家確認,如果等一下分組打散之後討論這兩個更具體的題目,每一組都會有很多元的成員,有公部門、釣客團體、漁會,大家把「困難處跟期望」講清楚落實,這樣是不是可以?請大家幫我們確認一下題目,我們就開始分組。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "我是台中區漁會總幹事趙朝森第二次發言,因為針對漁港法,現在大家討論,那個配套措施在做,現在漁友講的,像港澳公司都有問題,你把這一條寫得很好,說要開放什麼不妨礙的。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "我請問你們一個邏輯的問題,現在在港內漁船釣魚,我是不是要被罰3萬?這是除外條款,大家考慮船外釣魚,是要多少錢來釣魚?我這樣問大家就好了,資源利用,我下網罰3萬,用政府的船去釣,是要幾萬元來釣,你跟我講啦!" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "商港法我今天先不講,不管是休憩或者是資源利用,釣民在這個地方釣魚,10萬起跳,接著就50萬,不好意思,有立委,第71條,有600元、3,000元,這個是釣友跟我反映的。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "我們現在如果要去出海,我算是笨蛋,我去釣魚,這樣是不是比較簡單?我來釣魚,政府又開放,我來北堤這裡,大家平心而論,外面有白帶魚,裡面有石鯛,國防需要有安全的考慮,我幫政府顧國安的問題,你是休閒的,你今天訂這個法,我說這一條訂下去,就違反憲法,第7條沒有保障我,為什麼你們釣魚的比較有道理?我這樣講比較不客氣,你們罰600元、3,000元,我在旁邊的港區再利用,我抓一尾魚5,000元,現在抗議,我說不能抗議,現在大家來講清楚,不然資源會利用,你們在外面釣,我不是你們比較高竿就對了,我是抓魚生存的,卻變成是笨蛋,大家要講清楚,如果要處理的話,那就變成釣魚池。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "抱歉啦!如果你們認為可以的話,明天我要來楓港跟交通部請,我有模型飛機、無人機,要開放空運,不然我的店會倒,像那個跑道也要用F1的塞車道或者是馬拉松,聽清楚啦!我們沒有要計較什麼,你們就是要付出代價,不然漁民在港區內辛苦抓魚,一艘船花費幾千萬,政府海巡來巡邏,一開下去就是像10萬,50萬以內是可以沒入的,講難聽一點,政府如果收5,000萬,一支桿子給你,10幾萬好不好?這有合什麼公平正義原則?你們大家看一下是不是啦!漁民利用這個資源,我們被罰得卻比較重,政府照顧你們釣友,卻不照顧漁民,這個是一國兩制,第2項如果沒有研究好,你們絕對有違憲的嫌疑,大家將心比心,我平常那麼辛苦去捕魚,不是,我卻變成笨蛋,一下子要罰600元、3,000元,漁民要哭卻沒有眼淚,問我怎麼被罰10萬,報紙還被報導,這樣有理嗎?如果你們今天要在漁港這邊釣就對了,一個人如果罰3萬,就要一個人收3萬,這樣講比較快啦!" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝台中漁會總幹事補充,他剛剛有提到另外一個問題,等一下分組的時候,相關的漁業署同仁可以進一步回覆。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們回來確認剛剛上面的兩個問題,等一下分兩組,兩組都要討論這兩個問題,第一個是「如何在漁民、釣客團體都可以接受的狀況下,規劃部分適當區域供釣客釣魚?」例如像剛剛講的航道、港嘴不能,有些有魚群的地方,釣客會移動,我們要怎麼劃設,我們要劃紅線禁止不能釣的地方不能釣,或者是我們要劃另外一個可以釣的地方,那一些機制要怎麼建立,這個是第一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二,剛剛所有的人都在提經營管理要如何落實,包含人力、資源或者是地方政府,他們還要跟有公權力的警察、海巡合作等等,我們如何落實經營管理?讓第一個漁民的作業不會受到干擾,這個是最大的前提,也是漁港法所保障的;第二個釣客是自律,也是前提,自律及如何進場管理,第三個公部門、行政部門,你們也要解決他們的擔憂,跟現在所面臨的第一線的困難。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "在大家都可以接受的狀況下,我們來討論如何落實是有可能的。等一下討論完的結論,唐鳳政委會下來幫大家做一個總結。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "你只有訂漁港,目標還是漁港,你們一定要漁港釣嗎?是不是可以增加一題:「政府是不是應該增設釣魚平台讓你們釣?」公園也可以,不是別的議題,我們今天是充分討論啊!你這裡只討論漁民,有理嗎?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "沒有啦!總幹事我們真的要釐清一下,開場簡報我就有提到,今天這個提案確實在這裡,但是其他商港或者是海釣的地方,也有可能下一次再做另外的討論,因為一次再討論這麼多地方,討論不完。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "不是,我現在講的是說,「政府是否應該增設漁港以外的釣魚平台給你們」?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個是另外一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "你要列進去啊!" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "第二,不用落實管理,你只要確定管理單位,誰要管?以後漁會找誰處理這一塊?" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "我舉一個例子,新北市政府在貢寮釣魚,等新北市政府的人從板橋到貢寮,兩個小時,人跑掉了,你管什麼管?對不對?我們先不要落實,誰是管理單位?縣市政府都在,「不用落實」,如何確定!" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們分組討論開始,謝謝,等一下可以一起分組討論。我們要找你們一起討論怎麼做,才會讓你們安心。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "第一,我覺得今天討論的重點不是在這裡,漁民朋友有提到一個很大的問題,也就是垃圾的問題,這裡面我們好像沒有看到,可是我覺得一件事,要解決這個問題,如果真的要解決,說真的,一個做不到的東西,國外有新北市海洋警察,我們這邊沒有,我們不可能叫中央去成立海洋警察部,因為事實上就像剛剛有提到的,去要這麼多人,要一個海巡、新北市的人,還有一個警察,國外只要一個海洋警察就解決了,我們要三個人才能解決,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "剛剛提到的問題其實在第2題,執法人力是不是要有另外的權責單位,等一下都可以討論,非常謝謝大家今天這麼踴躍,我們分組討論進行更充分的溝通,現在開始分組。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "假設還有意見,可以到等一下的分組討論再提出,我的左邊是第一組,我的右邊是第二組。(開始分組)假設沒有聽到的,等一下可以再來跟我說。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "確認一下,第一組上來幫大家報告的是胡專委,第二組是哪一位會上來跟大家分享?第二組剛剛推派的是是誰?雨蒼嗎?好。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "先聆聽一下剛剛第一組討論出來的解法。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "唐政委、各位可敬的夥伴們,奉桌長指示來報告我們這組熱烈討論的結果,來跟唐政委跟各位報告。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "我們針對兩個問題:" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "第一,我們如何劃設一個垂釣區?我想這個是很關鍵的問題,一上午大家談了很多意見,我們提出了幾個解決的辦法。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "讓釣魚團體提出適當的區域,讓主管機關跟釣魚團體、漁會現場會勘及討論,這個是我們的解決辦法。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "其次,我們也要劃定一些比較屬於公共的危險區,比如特別排除的地方提醒注意,像油等等的危險區域。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "另外,也要確認是否全面開放漁港?不適合漁港的就不用討論。當然也有人說應該要先有目標再來溝通,其實我們的程序都是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "這個是我們劃設的程序,基本上都要讓利害相關團體都有參與,地方主管機關、漁民的代表、漁會團體及釣魚團體,也就是三個利害相關團體。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "我們提出的解決方案是不否認有一些困難跟障礙,最主要的是,我們知道釣魚團體的組織也許不是那麼剛性或者是大家熟悉瞭解,我們碰到的主要障礙是釣魚團體不明,每一個縣市可能不一樣,也許北、中、南等等,這個是我們碰到的困難與障礙。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "我們針對這個有哪一些克服團體跟方法?像全國性的釣魚團體提供資訊,邀請他們來參與。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "另外,我們也要盤整及調適現有的規定,畢竟經過這個討論,我們發現其實有一些朋友可能對現行的規定還不是那麼瞭解,我們其實也有必要盤整跟調整,因為很多的問題討論了一整天,很大一部分是執行力的問題,並不是規定的問題。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "最重要的事情是,也就是負責的單位,因為我們講了這麼多,一定要有組織、人,人沒有組織也很難來做公共事務,因此我們這一組提出臺灣釣權會、臺灣釣魚大聯盟,不管怎麼樣,我想大家都同意它是釣魚的代表。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "另外,各級漁港主管機關可能有一些資訊,還有中央主管機關,也有可能,這一個部分我們認為劃設區域時、負責的單位,我們面臨到釣魚的團體,若各地方不明的時候,我們有一個負責的單位,這個是我們針對如何劃設垂釣區域中,第一桌提出的各項看法。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "另外,最重要的是,劃設之後經營管理,其實這個是核心中的核心,很多人談,都是說劃設之後的管理機制跟管理方法為何,這個問題看有多重要,我們有很多非常有建設性的、創新性的看法。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "第一,畢竟很多人看到的也許是只有一個面,但是漁港主管機關看的比較周全、全面,看的面向比較廣,所以漁港主管機關可以提出一些限制跟要求,各位都知道漁港有其特殊性,像東岸、西岸,都不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "像漁港法相關規定來落實、執行,教授也有舉例,其實第一類漁港有劃設的準則跟管理辦法,八斗子也有一個平台的規範,那也很值得大家來落實跟參考。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "第三,我們覺得很重要的是,應該讓釣魚團參與這個工作,參與工作就是要提出一個經營管理計畫書,因為剛剛提到地方政府或者是中央政府在經費及人力上的限制,要往前走,你要爭取大規模預算或者是人力沒有這麼快,讓釣魚團體熟悉這個行業、屬性來參與這個工作,提出經營管理計畫書,這個是我們這裡面提出的建議。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "還有一個很有創意的是,由釣魚團體提出管理跟地方來申請開放,很像很多地方政府的公園或者是空地,給一些假日市集、年貨大街的概念,有很好的管理機制就開放,依現行法規來做,也就是把開放的區域一起來,我相信地方主管機關對於開放會更積極,這個是針對管理的意見。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "還有一個,我們已經開放了18個漁港,是不是先挑1、2個示範性改善,因為我們沒有擴大開放,可能大家對於現行18個開放的點都有很多很多的疑問或者是問題,我們是不是挑1、2個來示範性改善,我覺得這個也是很有建設性的。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "另外也有夥伴提到比照社區公約,社區公約也可以來參考。我們覺得很重要的是,要有一個常態性的溝通平台,也許是這樣子,由主管機關、漁民、漁會及釣魚團體,我們有一個常態性的溝通機制。管理是包羅萬象,我們覺得應該有一個常態性的溝通平台。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "大家提到環境面的問題,也有夥伴提到我們要有釣客的識別,救生衣、背心跟帽子,也就是你在漁港裡面的身分是什麼,我相信對你的行為也會有一點約束,所以這也是我覺得很好的建議。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "另外,我們也覺得落實管理裡面,我們都知道漁港有很多執法機關,像海巡等等,民眾也可以幫忙檢舉。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "像現在常常停車,如果拍照,主管機關都會來,因為漁港是公開開放的地方,所以民眾也可以幫忙來檢舉,像現在手機拍照都很容易,1999都很容易。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "像休閒釣魚不可以出售。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "也有人建議,是不是有一個休閒釣魚的專法,這個也有人提到。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "還有一個是,執行機關有人建議應該由海委會或者是保育警察擴編,這個是比較長期的。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "另外,還有一個地方漁港可以自行訂定細節,類似像自治條例,像直轄市或者是縣市政府,其實可以訂定一些自律規範,漁港釣魚也是可以參考現行的規定來做。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "另外,如何落實垂釣區來管理?這個我們也有台中的朋友很強調,他說同樣的違規樣態、罰則應該一致性,他說商港法,好像漁民違規捕撈就要罰10萬、50萬以下,好像很高。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "另外,漁港法如果罰3萬,漁港法是6,000元,這個也是在管理上,罰則應該要有一致性,這個是我們認為在落實管理的部分。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "我們面臨到哪一些困難跟障礙?" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "第一,漁港內我們知道是一個開放空間,樣態太多,像現在很多的活動都會在那邊,那個是公共使用的區域,像違規樣態很多,除了釣魚以外,很多休閒活動都在漁港的區域範圍。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "還有一個設施,畢竟漁港當時是為了漁港使用,要轉型、擴增很多休閒活動的時候,設施是跟不上的,這個是我們面臨的障礙。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "另外,釣客發生安全的問題,我想這個大家都關注,漁民的安全我們也要注意,釣客發生的安全,我們也要注意。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "我們聽了很多地方政府及處理辦法,建置這一些維管經費,像釣客,我們也覺得是要面臨、處理的。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "另外,最重要的是,我們今天聽了很多地方政府,還有過去的處理辦法,建置這一些維管經費,很多地方政府,像今天高雄、新北都面臨了人力跟經費上的不足,所以這一個部分也是在管理上,為什麼我們希望釣魚團體能夠參與這個工作,這樣才可以往前走。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "還有,發生釣客與漁民衝突的問題,我想今天影片也都有,這個是我們困難跟障礙。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "克服的辦法我們也有,一個是確認管理機關及團體,我們認清事實及適用法律,像漁港裡面有違規樣態,像有的人用環保法規、漁港法規及交通、亂停車,確認管理機關及團體,也就是認清事實適用的法規,這個是我們確認的管理機關。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "還有釣魚設施由釣魚團體來出一個簡易設施,釣魚團體的設施,可能比較熟悉那個領域,可以提出一些簡易的設施。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "另外,如果釣客來到漁港,應該要享受這個權利,應該要負擔一些責任,像保險、安全的問題,保險的問題也要做。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "最重要的是,我們剛剛講到建立釣魚團體跟漁會的協調機制,回應剛剛所講的平台,因為這個管理的東西,一定要有一個協調機制,大家可以對話,像今天的團體,因為你的立場不同,因此我們希望可以建立一個協調機制。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "負責單位就比較多了,一個是委託當地的釣魚團體管理,就是剛剛所講的,我們要有一個釣魚團體來參與垂釣區的經營管理。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "另外,也可以委託第三方,行政規則都可以委託辦理、都有這個機制。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "另外,設施的部分,當然我們也希望漁港主管機關跟休閒的釣魚主管機關能夠補助,這個就是要花錢解決。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "另外,大家也覺得我們提到是不是有一些自律做得好,可以減少很多管理的成本,我覺得臺灣其實有進步,我最近很喜歡走路,我覺得街道上乾淨很多,我覺得自律是最高貴的行為,這個部分是釣魚團體自律規範可以來提升。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "另外,因為我剛剛有提到,如果大家都知道現在維持既有的機能跟建設已經捉襟見肘,釣魚團體呼應前面的經營管理計畫,以使用者付費的概念,酌予專款專用來負擔,這個是我們這一組提出來的。" }, { "speaker": "胡其湘", "speech": "我也很感謝我們這一組熱烈討論,讓我們腦裡激蕩,我相信對話使人透明,希望大家在爭議中或者是現實中繼續往前走,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝第一組精彩的分享,我們現在由第二組由雨蒼幫我們分享。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們其實討論得滿激烈的,有糾結在一些問題上,這一組首先其實應該先討論的是,如何落實管理?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實落實管理最容易去掉的兩個,第一個是規則有哪一些,像有人提到安全、建立一些倫理的文化、鑿釘打洞這一件事可能要有一些相應的規則來處理。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "誰來管理的又遇到問題,第一個是不是找公權力來處罰,也就是依法重罰,這個要由海洋警察來做。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "人力不足的部分,可能要麻煩自主管理,可能要寫清楚;漁民會有疑慮的部分,已經開放18個點,先做好相關的管理。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "可是在公權力的處理部分,就遇到了最大的問題,當地的政府最容易遇到的是舉證的問題,找不到到底是誰亂丟垃圾、找不到到底是誰亂停車,當地鑿釘打洞到底是誰也不知道,所以現場要導入一些監視器的方式,用入場管理的方式,像釣魚票的方式來做身分的揭露,才知道今天有哪一些人進來了,那一些人是誰、在那邊亂丟垃圾,這樣才能去找到。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "當然,這個地方我們也會提到是不是有辦法去委託團體來管理,用使用者付費的方式?當然漁會的釣客團體,就他的認知,像目前的法律來說,沒有辦法引用使用者付費,他擔心這個地方會有違法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們假設今天一定由民間團體、釣客團體來處理的話,可能會發生什麼事,他擔心收費的團體會被釣客來罵,政府圖利他,誰讓你可以在這邊收錢,這是第一個最大的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第二個問題是釣客團體,釣客有時出事,也許不是釣客,他的家人會去找團體求償,有的團體因為這樣子,而釣客被海浪捲走,結果團體告上法院,到現在還纏訟,不知道怎麼辦。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外是有關於公權力的問題,他們建議這個地方需要由政府來收錢,就不會有這麼多的問題,當然政府也會覺得應該由釣魚團體來管理,這是我們這一組最爭執不下的問題,到底是政府管或者是釣魚團體管理。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,有人會協助這是不是政府釣客來產生,反過來說,他們覺得應該由政府這邊來產生管理的窗口,讓他們來協調,所以公部門協助釣客團體來組織管理平台,這是一個方法。但是由政府管,就是前面提到人力預算的問題,人力預算如果有問題的話,我們民間團體就說是不是去議會、立法院幫你們爭取預算,讓你們有更多的人力、資源把這一件事做好,這是他們提出來的解法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "當然其他的問題,包含像團體求償的部分,相關的保險要落實,也要制定一些安全的規定,比如救生衣、防滑鞋,這個是國際規定,釣客就一定要穿的東西。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再來,有關於公權力的部分,需要建立一些檢舉的窗口,不一定要有獎金,目前是118叫海巡沒有錯,但這個地方可能其他的方式要包含訂定相關的法律,避免亂丟垃圾,這個罰則要夠合理。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "釣客團體其實有提到,他們可以鼓勵釣客錄影存證,目前亂丟垃圾的部分,釣魚團體已經非常努力在做宣導了,甚至還有做投影片,比如這麼大的魚都可以帶走,為何小小一片垃圾帶不走。他們宣導這麼久,為何結果一直都沒有很好,因此他們認為這個地方,真的需要政府跟公權力來重罰,讓他們真的知道這一件事是不可以在這個地方亂做的,因此他們認為這個地方真的需要政府的幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "在財務的部分,因為財務很可能會被罵圖利,因此他們擔心這個地方收費的問題,另外一個是會有黑箱的問題,比如釣魚團體有些資格是不合的,因此有人提出來管理方案是不是要說清楚,像跟政府提案的時候,要說清楚到底會提供哪一些服務、一天會收幾次垃圾,會提供廁所怎麼樣的清潔服務,相關的財務,也要想辦法透明,不然避免一些釣魚,甚至可能他的資格是有問題的,透過釣魚平台來斂財,這會造成非常多的疑問。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "當然地區的管理平台也是可能可以做的一些方式,如果可以的話,才會採試辦的方進行,可能這地方就由地方政府來負責,有的人會認為釣客團體來負責,這是我們這一組比較僵持不下的意見。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,在適當規劃垂釣區的部分,首先有一個大家都同意的一件事,要把垂釣區標示清楚,但是這個地方就出現一些問題,有一說是因為政府現在漁港法第18條有一些前提在,依據前提,應該是負面表列來畫紅線,告訴大家這個地方不能去,但地方說中國漁工也會使用紅線,因此會造成一些混淆。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外一個,根據漁港法,看起來應該是正面表列,因此這是我們這一組僵持不下的地方。有的人會建議不管怎麼樣,漁會、釣魚團體、主管機關協商劃定區域,這個是大家不爭的事實。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "低度利用的漁港,有人認為會優先開放,但是也有人會認為低度利用的漁港,搞不好魚也不會過來,這個是問題,不管怎麼樣,這個條件不妨礙漁民作業,這個前提是大家認同的,不妨礙漁民的航行安全,這個也是大家漁民認同,但是要如何確定,是要由釣客、漁民團體一起協商,在現場會勘的時候,到底有哪一些是可以、哪一些不行,由政府來公告,然後避免產生額外相關的溝通成本,這個就要由三方來一起負責。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我補充一個剛剛比較沒有提到的,他們認為由政府管理經營的部分,他們建議中央要訂定開放之後的管理規則,可能是中央自己訂定,也有可能是中央跟地方政府一起訂定,但是也有人擔心如果一層一層訂下來,可能會過於冗長,所以也許這個地方到最後是不是由地方的認養團體不收錢的方式來處理,這個也是一種方式。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "現有法律是可以管理,但是要有管理的主體。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "最後,有關於委託管理的部分,有一個比較大的爭議,也就是使用者付費到底如何,他們認為釣魚團體是協會,可能是非營利組織,沒有辦法收錢,當然我們這一組比較沒有想到公私的解法,這個地方我認為會需要釣魚的專法來做相應的處理,這個是我們這一組討論到的一些東西。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不知道這一組有沒有人要補充?" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "尊敬的唐鳳政委、漁友、釣客及漁業署,我認為蔡里長,那時還有葉匡時,當時國民黨還在執政的時候有來找我兩次,問我為何那個地方不讓釣魚團體收錢跟管理,工務局委託經營、管理,如果在那邊釣的話,如果再把瘋狗浪打下去,就算我寫切結書,但不好意思,我太太就要告政府了,設施管理不良,先生掉下去難道不用賠嗎?" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "這個業主很聰明,土地還有寫一些條款,要回饋漁村,我們如果在做慈善事業的,港區的維護,清潔也要發包,員工是基本的,清潔發包是裡面有清潔公司,漁港跟唐政委報告,漁港裡面為何會有收事業廢棄物?那是露台,一噸2,800元,收了就糟了。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "拜託陳菊市長收3,100或者是3,200,政府笨蛋,沒有收管理費,沒有叫他收租金,人家掉下去,政府還要賠他,政府是怎麼做生意?我想不透,頭殼壞掉了,應該要他們自己經營費用,可以收錢,不然說難聽一點,我如果跟你們講,然後還有哪一個單位,那個土地要租,你在那邊釣魚,為何公漁民會罵?" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "我現在開一艘船,我變成笨蛋,我罰下去5萬或是10萬,船就收了,然後開放在北堤釣魚,你們卻拿到免死金牌,釣魚比我還聰明,釣的比我下網抓的還多。我下網來抓魚,若海巡看到就抓到,抓了之後就開單,我釣了,你為何要罰3萬?同樣的意思,不管啦!就是要開罰啦!" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "政府的頭腦很死,有沒有什麼基本的設施要讓他們收,然後自己去管理這個組織,才可以來運作這個團體,才可以營運這個團體。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "跟政委報告,你不收費,很多團體不知道有沒有跟釣客收費,垃圾都說他們要自己倒,然後換我來倒,這個是事實,釣客休閒,我漁民買單,我替你們倒垃圾,一噸是2,800元。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "為什麼交通部就這個法律收回去?因為團體自己收、自己租,不能說不給租,掉下去的話,公務員會嚇死,為了釣魚,在那邊掉下去,任何一個眷屬絕對會去告政府的,切結如果有效的話,海巡不會被判刑,說有切結書,到法院,政府都會告輸。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "拜託一下,釣客型的船員手冊,中心是有賺錢的,你們訓練一下,不要亂報,我可以有門道可以拿到船員手冊,是要訓練休閒型的船員手冊,到地方來辦,收錢的話,他們也不要,我們認為現在不要一直叫人家下去,是叫小蜜蜂,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "彰化那邊是很大的魚場,政府現在發現做下去的話,那裡是很重要烏魚的魚場,沒有驗證,不曉得到底會影響多少的魚業環境,坐浮動碼頭或者是什麼,像我經營娛樂的,我載到那邊,也不會有國賠,我可以跟他們釣客來簽契約、買商業保險,這樣就解決事情,不是大家到漁港來吵架,漁港是有錢的,我剛剛也講了第7條,會違反公平原則?我利用公平資源,我在港內下網就要罰3萬,不好意思,是在港內釣魚,一次被罰幾萬?漁民說以後都來釣魚就好了,為何要捕魚?是不是?在港內的錨泊區,他們可以釣魚,罰600元、3,000元,如果下網的話,那一天報紙刊登出來,一尾魚5,000元,扣回來就好了,以後不用捕魚,為何要來釣魚?漁業署跟交通部,大家要想一下出路,並不是綁在這裡,跟漁民每一天在吵架、打架,如果比較衰的,還會拿十字弓來射。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "政府的腦要比較活,要比較公平正義,不要都在利用那個資源,為何罰600元、3,000元,那個是休閒的。" }, { "speaker": "趙朝森", "speech": "投資生產業的,罰得比休閒得還重,漁民的北堤如果走過去,回來就會罵說這個都是木頭政府,政府要如何處理?公平正義要好,所以你說那一條,立法委員也是有責任,你說不妨礙什麼的,結果罰的那個就3萬,是不是要超過3萬才能釣,這個邏輯上都有一點爭議的,拜託我們尊敬的唐委員回去行政院處理,看要怎麼樣來處理這個難題,我們不要在那邊吵,都沒有用啦!顧漁民都顧不了了,不好意思!" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "現場政委、各單位的代表長官,我想至少兩組剛剛的討論,我們也很開心看到至少大家認同,在減少這個議題,不能影響到漁船的作業安全跟航行安全的部分,這是大家要確保有共識的。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "不過今天因為我們這樣的會議分兩個場域,今天有很多很關心、關切的漁民來到會場,但是他們沒有辦法充分表達他們的意見,他們很憂心、也很擔心,為什麼到現在看到這個議題之後,大家都主動來,其實今天如果沒有妨礙到他們,他們認為沒有問題,不會突然來這邊,捕魚很重要,沒有人想來這邊,捕魚跟生活會比較重要。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "他們很擔心,為什麼擔心?過去不管有開放的區域或者是沒有開放的區域,就是曾經造成很多的衝突跟潛在的這一些問題存在,所以他們擔心如果沒有適當評估、充分管理措施的話,以後的衝突會源源不絕,一定會產生。因此要依照行政院漁港法來辦理,有規定這部分是必須要有相關的措施、辦法,要趕快來訂定。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "剛剛也有討論了,訂定的方式、明細訂出來,管理權責單位是誰,把它訂下來之後,訂清楚了,再來針對現行已經開放的十八個漁港你示範、管理,只要管好,而且把它做得好的話,解除漁民的疑慮,大家不會說一定要來這邊糾紛,其實釣客很多都是我們的好朋友,我們也希望漁港這麼漂亮,要把它維護下來,我們不希望有一些部分造成危害的人,要怎麼辦理就怎麼辦理,但要溝通跟充分瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "瞭解漁業、瞭解漁港功能,我覺得這是非常重要的,漁港做什麼用的,漁港怎麼運作的,這個是非常重要,因此今天不管大家的共識或者是還需要討論的,未來接下來應該是直接到各個漁會、各個漁港,全臺灣222個漁港,不管有開放、沒有開放,每一個漁港的特性都不同,水文、海域及氣候造成的危害及整個利用率完全都不同,一定要到基層跟漁會漁民提出很善意的一些建言。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "而且要現場去瞭解他的作業模式,有些漁港24小時作業,有些是白天出海、早上回來的,每一個作業型態都不同,所以港區也不見得是安全的,港區也經常造成危害跟意外的事件,也是非常多的,我們也憂心忡忡,難得今天政委召開這個會,老師、縣市政府過去遇到的問題,我們都清楚,只要是漁民的問題,漁會是責無旁貸。但是很期待長官聽到漁民的聲音,一定要落實,我們不希望因為這樣的開放,而造成未來更大的衝突。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "我們也不希望政府的檢討過程中,造成漁民的疑慮跟不安,所以他們要的很簡單,希望在漁船進出港時是安全的,我的漁船停在港區裡面,在卸魚跟整捕時,是安穩及平安的,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "唐政委、剛才兩位總幹事的發言都非常好,我今天非常感謝唐委員提供這麼好的平台,讓我們的釣魚民眾跟各釣魚團體跟漁民團體代表,還有各漁業署的長官,這個溝通平台說真的很棒,今天的討論,說真的,我個人的感覺是非常平和,而且有形成共識。" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "我個人的淺見,將來的開放,權責要相對等,不能說開放給釣魚團體,他光享受權益,全部不盡義務,這個是不對的。" }, { "speaker": "游清江", "speech": "第二,我建議彰化這個地方不是要做風車,風車利用廣大的區域,建造海釣平台,既然政府這麼龐大的投資,倒不如在這個地方興建,像剛剛總幹事所提出來的,我們不要用船員證,用身分證就可以搭他們的漁船,到平台上釣魚,這樣也等於輔導我們的漁民轉型為休閒的漁業,因為魚獲量採捕的越多,利用價值不高,但是衍生的價值非常地高,這是我的想法,不知道對或不對,所以我們的漁民如果可以往休閒的方向來走,或許更可以產生更多的價值,這一點本人建議不知道對不對,請大家及委員參考。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "感謝政委今天來傾聽我們這麼多人講話,但是開這個會,讓越來越多人感覺不對勁,希望政府這一次並不是射箭畫靶,是來解決這麼多人在吵這個問題而已,相對的,我希望我們漁會,我提出一個要求是:" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "第一,要開放任何一個漁港都沒有關係,你不能只找漁業署來開會而已,我希望能讓漁會、漁民協商參與、同意之後再來開放,我想這個很重要,因為漁會、漁民可能比漁業署更瞭解漁港的作業、時程、方式、時段。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "第二,政府講開放都在騙人了,現在開放十八個,我希望政府先確定哪一個單位要來管,你有單位來管再開放那個地方。沒有人管,就來開放那個地方,我認為這都是騙人的,你只是在製造釣客跟漁民的衝突而已,你不是在解決問題,真的不是在解決問題。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "第三,我希望政府能夠除了想到漁港以外,商港還有臺灣這麼多的海岸線,你能蓋一個公園給都市的人休閒、散布,也應該蓋一個釣魚平台,讓這一些釣友安全地釣魚,讓這一些家屬放心、安心去那邊釣魚,那才是的,不要在這邊講一講都不算數,只有想漁港而已,我想釣友不用找漁民衝突,政府應該為你們做,漁港是政府做沒有錯,商港也是政府做的,但是他有專業使用的範圍,不要在那邊衝突。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "我沒有說不可以,像新北市政府有很多,是真的沒有在使用的漁港。但你們不見得想去,因為那裡不見得有魚。" }, { "speaker": "陳文欽", "speech": "你們可以提出很好的構想,跟政府講哪一個地方的釣點不錯。我講的不是漁港,我現在講說還在釣,你看看可能嗎?應該找海岸線來設一些平台,安全的讓他們釣魚,讓漁民相信,有互信、讓漁民相信政府,讓我們跟釣友彼此間有互信,才會長久,不要在那邊一句就直接說要開放50個,一定要讓大家相信你,一定有用,不然解決小問題,一定會造成大問題,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "完全同意,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們稍微收攏一下網路上的朋友用sli.do提的問題,有一些是比較多情緒型的,像這個是漁業捕撈,可能是有一些相關的問題,也就是擔心生態的問題,其實之前漁民訪談,大家都同意永續漁業的重要。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "像船員手冊已經泛濫發了,現在還開放海港垂釣,會跟漁民起爭執,提到的是一些爭執的問題,這其實前面都已經處理過了,我們都收進去了。再來,也是浩劫的問題,前面都提出了,反對漁民無償使用納稅人出錢的港口,剛才已經有非常多,漁業代表已經有說了,他們其實有付港口的使用費,跟大家澄清一下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "為何釣魚平台一定要蓋在海港範圍,我國海岸線這麼強,為何不選擇最適合的釣魚?這個呼應總幹事的說法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "像鑽油平台也是讓人家收平台,之前參與的立委已經有一些規劃。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "為什麼要開放在釣港,有什麼好處?是不是促進觀光,有沒有海岸線?海邊觀光是不是有人管理,我們覺得這個也是跟剛剛的意見類似。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "像剛剛也有提到離岸風機底部聽說效果不錯,建議可以設在這個地方。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們的意見大概收到這裡,時間交給唐鳳。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天真的非常謝謝大家,五個半小時,真的是滿長的會議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家願意待在這邊5個半小時,完全超過表訂的時間,本身就已經表示大家有對話的意願。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我其實完全同意:持續對話、互信,這是非常重要,這個是邁向成功的第一步。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天大家全部的意見,不但是直播,現在大概還有200多個人在看,不但有直播、逐字紀錄,接下來四天,我們沒有連假,我們接下來的四天裡面,會把大家今天的便利貼的紙本數位化,把它變成是行政院可以接受的政策格式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在接下來的四天連假,我自己也會幫忙整理,之後就會在接下來恢復上班的那一天,去找蘇院長或陳副院長的時間,忠實反映每個人的想法。我絕對不會只講一邊,而不講另外一邊,全部完全透明公布在網路上面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,我們今天討論的是漁港案釣要怎麼改善、互信,其實大家提到的所有新的建議,包含海釣平台,其實今天提到非常多,像海岸風景區、磯釣、商港等等,這些其實行政院是請張政委去作通盤的檢討。所以這個通盤的檢討,張政委辦公室的朋友也有在這邊,當然相關的內容,張政委辦公室會完整收到,來擬訂後續全體相關的政策,不會只是在做漁港岸釣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是,要如何改善漁港內的釣點?這個是非常值得討論的。這個是今天討論的主題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後,我想要再跟大家說明一次:陳副院長之前的意思是,全國海岸線裡面盤點出50個釣魚的區域,所以大家如果真的看到「50」是接「釣點」,不是接「漁港」,拜託不要接「漁港」,是在全國50個「釣點」,這個訊息請在場的各位,特別是漁會的朋友們瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為行政院自己的訊息,中央社、公視、新聞稿有出去,但是在傳的過程裡面,如果大家有一些疑慮,可能後面會加一個問號,傳到第二手、第三手,問號就不見,變成驚嘆號,這我們都瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以不管是在自己的LINE群組或者是漁會的大會,麻煩傳播這個概念:我們要找50個釣點,當然有一些地方是現有的,像已經開放的18個漁港裡面,也請大家來盤點,但是是「整個海岸線」50個釣點,來做增進、改善及示範。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝大家5個半小時都在這邊,謝謝大家願意來八斗子進行重要的討論,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "我們下個月20日之前會公告嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個釣點是整體的盤點,不是說從漁港去找,如果有漁港盤點出來,像剛剛說現有的18個漁港,裡面是每一區算一個,就是一個漁港裡面可能有幾個釣點。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "經過這麼長的時間,大家反映意見之後,我們該做的事情還很多,下個月20日之前,50個釣點還會公告嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個釣點是整體的盤點,不是都從漁港裡面去找。簡單來講,如果有漁港盤點出來,比如現有的18個,裡面每一區算一個,那這一個漁港就是有兩個區。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "是不是有時間的壓力必須完成?是不是造成剛剛提出來的問題,結果很草率的行為,然後20日之前就公布,我們擔心這個過程不夠完整、充分、不夠讓大家瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以我的理解,現有各種不同的區域,包含漁港、商港等海岸線上的釣點,目前在院裡面已經盤點到接近40個釣點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的意思是,在新釣點方面,這個壓力並不是在漁港上。但是漁港這邊,當然也會有釣友所爭取的,就是在盤點時,不可以不管釣客。如果釣客知道有一些釣點是比較好的,像是待轉型的漁港之類,漁會也是認為「不能由漁業署代表我們」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以雙方利害關係人的現勘流程,我覺得兩組提到的流程,這個程序上是非常重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我在這四天整理完之後,我第一個上班時間,就會約蘇院長或陳副院長的時間,來強調這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個重點,是確保大家所有這一些朋友們,可以第一時間收到接下來這個盤點程序怎麼樣完成。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "不好意思,政委,我們擔心這個程序跟過程是很重要的,現在如果已經認為評估差不多40個了,這裡面有沒有漁港?因為我們要的是,你認為適合的漁港一定要跟漁會、漁民溝通、共識之後才做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。其實兩邊都是相同的想法。" }, { "speaker": "林啟滄", "speech": "不然沒有的話,我想今天做的都是白做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我瞭解,兩邊都是一樣的訴求。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不管是釣客、漁民也好,都希望是「nothing about us without us」,也就是「跟我們有關係的事情,不能排除我們的參與」。這個我非常同意。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "謝謝唐政委、大家今天熱烈參與這樣的活動。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "我的想法跟理事長的想法一樣,第一個,我們覺得有一個壓力,反正13年都等了,但我們不希望再等13年。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "第二,我們希望妥善溝通,比你的壓力更重要,我們希望的是,釣客團體、釣魚團體跟理事長這邊,大家妥善溝通,找出一個共識點,依序開放,而不是一次到位,只有一個要求,就是不要再13年。" }, { "speaker": "俞澤宇", "speech": "這一段時間要開放多久、開放幾個釣點,大家達成共識,我們就沒有問題了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常高興大家來這一次的社創巡迴,現場越來越多,現在有三個不同的現場,我們稍微遲了一點開始,等一下自我介紹的時候,我就不致詞了,跳過這一個部分。我們等一下自我介紹的時候,儘量簡短,大概是單位或組織的名稱,還有怎麼稱呼。當然如果最近一、兩個月來,從上次巡迴到現在,有什麼新的想要號召大家參加的,還是可以業配,主要是這三件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "依照慣例,從我左邊開始自我介紹,再請遠端的朋友們,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "各位夥伴大家好,我是好牧人全人關顧協會牧師,今天還有延續性的問題想要提出討論,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡月雲", "speech": "主委、副座及各位夥伴大家好,我是日晟聯合會計師事務所的會計師,今天主要是提一些長照服務相關的稅務爭議問題,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉松杰", "speech": "政委、各位領導及同仁大家好,我是台中市林業生產合作社的理事主席,這個是我第二次參加這個座談會,也感謝過去政委帶領之下對我們的支持,因為林業產業的復甦是需要大家共同來支持,我們有一些已解決的問題,希望在會議上能夠得到各位領導、政委的支持給我們協助,我們的呼籲是希望重新建立臺灣林業的產業鏈,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "政委、副座、各位夥伴大家好,我是中華民國儲蓄互助協會的組長,我叫康建民,提了四個問題比較多,要為合作社、儲蓄合作社發聲,我們遇到一些法規面、實際執行面的問題,我們尋求各部會的一些協助,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王佳以", "speech": "大家好,我是台中市林業生產合作社的王佳以,理事主席已經講過了,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉松杰", "speech": "政委、各位夥伴大家好,我是來自南投的豐民有限公司,針對在地的農業,像茶葉類或者是農產的部分來作一些推廣及行銷,想說第一次來,想跟大家瞭解一下,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "沈夙崢", "speech": "大家好,我是立委林靜儀立委的助理,今天過來瞭解一下,看看有沒有委員可以幫忙、協助的地方,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "石茱樺", "speech": "政委、副座、各位夥伴大家好,我是來自日月潭,我們是紅茶種植與生產,希望能夠用企業的能力來協助當地的農民,對於社會創新的議題非常有興趣,因此今天來參加,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳江杉", "speech": "政委、副座及各位先進大家好,我是中小信用保證基金中部服務中心的主任陳江杉,很高興來這邊跟大家解說一下信保提供的服務,信保是在協助中小企業,如果擔保品不足、具有發展潛力的時候,你要跟銀行融資往來的時候,我們都可以提供信用保證,協助各位中小企業去跟銀行取得融資,以上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林佑聰", "speech": "政委、副座,各位夥伴大家午安,我是水保局農村組的林佑聰,我們組內其實有一些業務是跟農村社區的有關,今天與會是想瞭解社會創新之類的想法。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "大家好,我是經濟部中小企業處鍾宜珊,負責社會創新,中小企業處擔任行動巡迴的幕僚,希望今天大家可以給我們指教,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "政委、副座,大家午安,我是台經院康廷嶽,我們是中企處幕僚的幕僚,有關於行動巡迴的相關事務,都可以跟我們反映,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "曾怡渟", "speech": "大家好,我是覺心股份有限公司怡渟,今天很開心可以過來參與實地巡迴的座談,我們另外的夥伴在台中場,希望可以藉由每一次巡迴座談來連結更多社會創新資源,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要cue台中的夥伴嗎?看這一次的音質,先請貝蒂。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "大家好,我是中小企業處胡貝蒂,中小企業處一直協助中小企業、新創企業、最近在政委領導之下,我們也在處理社會創新跟總統盃駭客松,希望相關的單位一起來參與社會問題解決的問題,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝,我們看一下台中收音有沒有比上次好一點。" }, { "speaker": "張葦君", "speech": "政委、胡副、各位長官,大家好,我是台中社會創新實驗基地營運團體覺心營運股份有限公司的執行長張葦君,很高興第二次來參加台中連線場,也跟南投現場的台中夥伴們說,以後我們每個月都可以跟巡迴座談連線,希望可以報名台中連線場,我們希望可以把麥克風交給提案夥伴。" }, { "speaker": "林怡璇", "speech": "大家好,我是台中市社會局林怡璇,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳進財", "speech": "各位與會人士大家好,我是地政司陳進財,我是第一次來參加,希望能夠提出一些意見來幫助需要幫助的人,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林亞歆", "speech": "政委、各位夥伴大家好,我是內政部的承辦人林亞歆,第一次參加這個活動,請各位指教,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "台中的朋友發言的時候,還是儘量離麥克風近一點,因為你們的狀況跟上次有點像。" }, { "speaker": "李秀惠", "speech": "政委、各位夥伴大家好,我是台中市國際關懷印尼協會李秀惠,很高興有機會可以來這裡參與,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡杰諺", "speech": "政委、大家好,我是好牧人關懷協會的蔡杰諺,希望可以帶了滿滿的收獲學習到很多東西。" }, { "speaker": "戴家銘", "speech": "政委、大家好,我是心詠設計實驗所的負責人,我主要是跟轆轆散步市集擔任動態攝影師,希望用數位內容來翻轉不同的東西,我現在是在耕耘這個部分,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "許志宏", "speech": "政委、大家好,我是歐卡爾健康社會企業的負責人,我姓許,我也是第一次參加這個聚會,希望有一個不錯的交流,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不好意思,你們現在的這一支收音,我們聽不到,是不是要換一隻麥克風?" }, { "speaker": "郭慈明", "speech": "政委你好,在座、遠方連線的夥伴大家好,我們是臺灣社會企業永續發展協會,今年承辦了台中市勞工局非營利組織的培育計畫,有關於社會創新方面,想要瞭解大家的需求、我們這邊可以配合的著力點,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "張葦君", "speech": "台中這邊工商一下,5月11日、12日亞太社企高峰會,台中社創實驗基地也是夥伴,我們負責做團購票務的窗口,台中、南投的各位朋友們,可以歡迎跟我們團購,五十個人團購,便宜很多,請大家跟我們報名,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實自介的時間確保所有的設備都是好的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果有興趣參加亞太社企高峰會,歡迎台中社創來團購。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們有一個QR code,是今天的留言板,有很多補充的資料,特別是關於賦稅問題,因為我們來不及印成紙本,所以財政部有很多補充回應,唸網址不可能記得起來,不管是掃QR code,或者是手動放入sli.do或者是00409,都可以進入這個空間,進入這個空間之後,也隨時歡迎在上面匿名或者是具名的提問,在上面的提問,基本上都會進入逐字紀錄,效力跟大家是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常高興台中朋友們的加入,確實收音比上次好很多,所以大家如果掃得差不多了,再給大家20秒,我們請台北分場的朋友介紹一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們還有一位朋友,是不是要跟我們自我介紹一下?" }, { "speaker": "廖振益", "speech": "大家好,我是廖振益,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "切換到台北的畫面,請台北的同仁們跟我們介紹一下,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "簡靜怡", "speech": "政委、胡副、南投、台中現場的先進朋友大家好,我是中企處的夥伴靜怡,今天很榮幸擔任台北視訊現場的主持人,今天台北現場總共有十一個部會,為南投、台中的與會代表提供即時的回應。" }, { "speaker": "簡靜怡", "speech": "我們先請農委會的夥伴先介紹,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "范家翔", "speech": "政委好,台中跟南投的朋友大家好,我是農委會林務局范家翔,我主要是辦理林地管理的業務,今天的提案有很多涉及到公私林輔導,也有請我隔壁的高技正一起來,希望今天可以跟提案方做比較有效的交流,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "潘仕剛", "speech": "政委好,各位夥伴大家好,我是原民會的承辦人,今天是第一次參加這個巡迴座談會,請大家多多指教,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "政委好、各位夥伴大家好,我是行政院公共工程委員會企劃組專門委員,張兆琦,很高興來參加巡迴座談,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "政委好、大家好,我是勞動部勞動力發展署副主任葉良琪,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "吳筱薇", "speech": "大家好,我是勞動力發展署的同仁吳筱薇,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳淑貞", "speech": "大家好,我是財政部國有財產署的人員陳淑貞,今天很高興來參加這個座談會,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "謝亨莉", "speech": "政委好、各位夥伴好,我是財政部賦稅署謝亨莉,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉品妏", "speech": "大家午安,我是財政部賦稅署劉品妏。" }, { "speaker": "林素珍", "speech": "大家午安,我是內政部合作及人民團體司籌備處的同仁林素珍,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "政委及各位夥伴大家好,我是內政部合作及人民團體司籌備處的鈺聆,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "徐崇恩", "speech": "大家好,我是內政部合作及人民團體司籌備處的徐崇恩。" }, { "speaker": "王靜媛", "speech": "大家好,我是衛福部社家署的王靜媛。" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "大家好,我是衛福部社家署張純嫚,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉雅文", "speech": "大家好,我是衛福部長照司劉雅文。" }, { "speaker": "顧愛如", "speech": "政委好,大家好,我是文化部文資司,我們是負責社區營造業務。" }, { "speaker": "鄭麗芳", "speech": "主席、各位與會來賓大家好,我們是金融監督管理委員會出席這次會議的代表,我是鄭麗芳,在我旁邊這位是鄭佩欣。主辦單位在會議前蒐集之問題中,儲蓄互助協會所提問之一與金管會有關,我們很高興能參加這樣的會議,作意見交流與溝通,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "江韋辰", "speech": "政委好,與會先進同仁大家好,我是文化部文化發展司的同仁江韋辰,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "呂弈潔", "speech": "政委好、各位同仁大家好,我是教育部同仁呂弈潔,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳佩玲", "speech": "政委好、各位司長大家好,我是教育部國教署陳佩玲,也跟今天的題目有關,是同一個項目。" }, { "speaker": "黃琪芬", "speech": "政委好、各位好,我是教育部國教署承辦人黃琪芬,很高興來參加這個座談會,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們直接開始,因為今天的案數稍微比較多一點,我剛剛算了一下,每一案只有11.5分鐘左右,所以我覺得我們儘量切中主題,我們通常處理方式是,我會投影一下部會初步的回應,先看我們的提案人有沒有看了部會的回應之後有什麼想法、額外說明的,再看現場的朋友們有沒有要追問的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "再看台中現場朋友,如果兩個現場朋友類似統問統答差不多的話,我們再請台北的朋友們跟我們分享,一直到這個問題大家充分釐清了,就會往下一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "1-1其實是比較簡單的勞務作價課稅的問題,這個原因當然是因為好牧人全人協會是我們第一個實驗案,就是協會去控一家閉鎖型公司,協會是用勞務出資,而不是用捐款變成資本的方法,所以這個部分看王牧師或者是會計師跟我們說明一下?" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "我個人針對這個問題再說明一下,因為我們剛開始用NPO投資開設社會企業公司的時候,本來一開始有考慮到用信用、勞務及技術這三個層面看哪一個方式來出資,因為信用的評估跟政府的法令取消掉,因此變成考慮用勞務或是用技術。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "事實上NPO組織在做社會服務工作當中的技術或者是我們服務的能力是比較專業的,可是要用技術來評價很難評價,所以為了不要造成太大的困擾,所以用勞務來出資。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "當會計師辦理完登記勞務出資或者是登記公司成立之後,我們發現了一個問題,因為現在年底了,要報所得稅,報所得稅的時候,會計師問我們勞務出資的資本額要如何抵掉,但是是分攤抵、分年抵或者是分次抵,或者是不用抵,我們突然間不知道怎麼回答。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "我們原本是打算第一年是要有盈餘,可是如果分年抵或者是分次抵或者是一次抵掉的話,第一年就是虧損,發現我們不是要虧損,我們根本也沒有任何營業的情形,所以這個部分就會產生所得稅會突然暴增,或者是營業稅還要再繳5%,在這個部分當中,我們想要問在這一個部分我們要如何處理?" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "當然如果按照法規沒有明確的話,我們也可以用賴皮的方式,就制定十年、二十年之後再來抵勞務,能夠生存下來之後再來說,如果生存下來再來付稅金都沒有關係,可能是十年或者是二十年,或者我們等到把出資額、股份賣掉的時候,再來繳所得稅跟營業稅,這個都有可能性,但是我個人比較期待的是,我們大家有一個共識,大家要比照辦理,然後按照這個遊戲規則來走,會比較好一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我先確認一下,你們取得的勞務出資的股份是一股一權嗎?或者是有特別的投票權?" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "一股三權。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "會做這個設定是因為協會對這個公司有控制力,為何不是1%的股份或者是1股300權,可能比較少看到嗎?或者是也希望協會的分潤是1/3左右?" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "政委問了一個好問題,如果是1股300權就可以馬上有1股300權,這個是控股的問題,但是會計師幫我們設計的過程中,常態性的黃金特別股,好像最高是三倍而已,如果沒有規定是三倍的話,往後或者是再交給別人,那就無限量。" }, { "speaker": "蔡月雲", "speech": "這個題目會延續到2-1的問題,剛剛王牧師問了非營利的組織,營利組織以勞務投資有同樣的課稅問題。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "如果是個人的勞務出資就沒有營業稅了,取決個人沒有營業稅,營利單位,勞務出資有營業稅,非營利組織是屬於這兩者的中間,如何認定它?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為在sli.do上,財政部已經有一些書面回覆,是不是可以投影一下?你們有收到嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "有溝通過,但是沒有收到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,財政部認為以勞務作價投資公司,應以換出勞務或取得股票之時價,從高認定銷售額課徵營業額,這個協會銷售給這一家勞務公司,獲得的是股份、股權,這個是基本的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分,這邊有一個比較詳細的書面,這是不是可以請財政部的朋友用比較口語的方式來回答我們?" }, { "speaker": "劉品妏", "speech": "政委好,我這邊先就營業稅的部分來說明,其實在營業稅法的規定,只要在中華民國境內,你有銷售或勞務都應該課徵營業稅。" }, { "speaker": "劉品妏", "speech": "不管你是公司組織或是非以營利為目的的事業機關組織,像協會的這一種情況,這一種勞務作價的方式,以營業稅法的規定,還是以銷售勞務的部分,所以這一個部分目前的規定應該還是要課徵營業稅,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "謝亨莉", "speech": "法人股東部分,法人股東跟公司間的契約約定,到底勞務提供期間有多久,是一年或者是超過一年,如果投資那個年度就可以完成所有勞務的話,那就認列全部的收入,如果勞務履行是分好幾個年度的話,那就分不同的年度來認列收入,看是依照勞務期間或者完工進度去認列收入。" }, { "speaker": "謝亨莉", "speech": "法人股東在認列的時候,他會認列一個收入,同時一定會有一個成本費用,是核實減除的,也就是收入減掉成本費用,去核實計算課稅所得,這個是投資方的部分。接受方的部分則是相關費用如何認列,接受方的部分是接受這一些勞務出資的話,其實就看性質是什麼,回到商業會計的處理方式,只要這一些費用跟所得稅方面是有關係、跟公司經營有關的話,都是可以核實認列的,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個聽起來滿清楚,不因為協會是非營利組織而有不同。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "複數表權的特別股並沒有上限,並不是一股最多只能三權,所以如果你要的是實質控制權的話,不管是拿到否決權特別股或者是1股300權,也是稅的問題,這也是留一個紀錄,不曉得會計師有沒有要追問?" }, { "speaker": "蔡月雲", "speech": "如果是非營利組織,提供的勞務是屬於免稅的勞務,所謂免稅的勞務是非營利組織提供社福性的勞務,像王牧師的case是老人共餐的部分,那是免稅的勞務,對好牧人而言,這是免稅的勞務,這個要課營業稅嗎?我講的這部分是指營業稅。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個免稅的勞務,你的意思好比是長照裡面已經規定這一些服務免稅?" }, { "speaker": "蔡月雲", "speech": "在營業稅法裡面有規範是依長期照顧服務法設立的長照組織,他們提供的長照服務是免徵營業稅。" }, { "speaker": "蔡月雲", "speech": "意思是提供一些本來按照長照的法,定義是免營業稅的服務,但是現在的對價並不是現金而是股權,在這個情況下,是不是還適用長照裡面的免營業稅的認定。這個部分不曉得之前賦稅署的同仁有考慮過嗎?" }, { "speaker": "劉品妏", "speech": "我想會計師提到的是,他的部分假如符合剛剛會計部所講之前財政部107的令,依照長照法設立的長照機構,提供長照服務的話,可以免徵營業稅。剛剛作價投資的部分,屬於銷售勞務的範圍,是課稅範圍,而課稅範圍有分兩種,應稅是5%或是免稅,如果落到剛剛免稅範圍的話,是屬於營業稅課稅範圍,不過適用的是免稅,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解,所以這應該很清楚。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "容許我再問一下,免稅條例當中規定提供社會福利勞務及政府委託代辦的社會福利勞務,如果是政府委託代辦社會勞務,這比較簡單,可以有跟政府的契約書,但是如果是立案的社會福利團體提供社會福利勞務,像我們這樣子,就真的是提供社會福利勞務。我不曉得賦稅署如何認定?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是非政府委託代辦的社會福利勞務,這個有一個認定的準則嗎?是給這個主管機關的協會認定或者是如何認定?是看賦稅署或者是衛福部有沒有相關的經驗?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們講的是營業稅法第1條第8項第4款,逗點後的那一小段。" }, { "speaker": "劉品妏", "speech": "我們在營業稅法施行細則第16條之4的部分,有針對營業稅法第8條第1項第4款社會福利勞務有一個簡單的說明。我這邊唸一下,這個是指兒童及少年福利與權利保障法、老人福利法、身心障礙者權利保護法、社會救助法、家庭暴力防治法、性侵害犯罪防治法、性騷擾防治法及其他社會福利相關法規規定辦理社會福利服務、職業重建服務及社會救助等業務所需之勞務。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們這邊問的是長照,長照法以我的理解,其實是已經有一個很明確的財政部令,長照法裡面所規定設立之長照機構提供的長照服務,機構也是長照機構,服務是長照服務,這樣是算在社會福利的範疇,應該沒有錯吧!" }, { "speaker": "劉品妏", "speech": "向外解釋,這個部分是免徵營業稅的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "機構跟服務兩個都是依法的時候,不需要是政府委辦的,也算在裡面。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "我再延伸出去一個問題,有關課徵的年限,因為這個會牽扯到費用的問題,然後就會牽扯到損益的問題,這部分當中的年限有限制嗎?還是由業主自己去規劃?因為這樣子的話,就會牽扯到所得稅的問題,因為營業稅就會牽扯到所得稅的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看他們的書面回答並沒有限制,也就是沒有特別去限制。" }, { "speaker": "謝亨莉", "speech": "所得稅並沒有規定一個年限,應該是契約這邊怎麼約定,然後回到商業會計法上認定,所以所得稅並沒有另外規定,就會跟著商業會計法去走。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "新創個人的好像有三年的規定,我說個人的投資,可以延續三年後按照實價當中去課所得稅。我們這樣子沒有年限的話,假設我有非分之想,一開始可能前十年提供勞務,就長期當中,我們有股份、控股,但是我完全都沒有所得,我們也不需要所得,可能十年、二十年、三十年,雖然有200萬,搞不好還會有增值的股票,但是我們不曉得。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "這個是要優厚NPO來創業,或者這個是漏洞,我不知道。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為NPO有責信的需求,我們當時同意NPO控閉鎖型的時候,也是說閉鎖型本身章程跟營業都必須要對外公開,如果你有非份之想,大家看到你都有非份之想,會變成是以透明來取代我們在法律上應抓一個年限。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然也因為大家都看得到,所以我也瞭解到好牧人會有一個壓力,好像前兩年不能虧太多錢等等,但我覺得創業本來就會起起浮浮,這個也不需要那麼有壓力。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看朋友對前面有沒有要補充的?或者是台中的朋友?" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "唐鳳委員、吳副處,我是吳宜叡,我們公司主要是做文具文創居家收納、辦公環境及工業整理的專業收納、開發製造廠的原創廠商,我會來這個場次的原因,除了要見我好朋友。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "最主要的原因是,可以跟唐鳳委員這麼傑出優秀的碰面機會。最主要在南投有一個很大的投資案,我們很謝謝企業處及工業局等等在國際行銷的案子,因為對照我們投資的金額,總營造金額會高達21億的部分,我們現在是獨立作戰,相對壓力比較大、比較辛苦,然後再看委員或者是文化部,我們要建一個現代臺灣、文化臺灣及南島臺灣,我們想要讓它變得很有趣的部分。我們也願意開放我們的場地,無償提供給南投創新基地使用,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒問題,我們自介非常歡迎業配,我們在台北也有文化部的同仁,所以我想我們發言都會做成逐字紀錄,在紀錄編輯的時候,如果有更多好比像一些網址、影音要附上去的資料,也都很歡迎加在我們的共筆裡,歡迎你來,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們先回到剛剛到2-2,2-2的部分,其實賦稅署也有一些書面回覆,簡單來講是依法設立作為增免營業稅的要件,並不是營利或者是不營利,並不是組織本身的營利或者是不營利,而是不是依照長期服務照顧法設立,提供是不是長照的服務,是用這兩個當要件,這兩個我們剛剛講過了,看有沒有需要釐清的部分。" }, { "speaker": "蔡月雲", "speech": "解釋令有規範,主體也一定要按照長期照顧服務法成立的機構才可以符合免稅的要件,但是我們在實務上發覺有不公平的現象,不是按照長期照顧服務法設立的機構。雖然也是衛生局的特約單位,提供相同的長照服務卻要課徵5%營業稅。" }, { "speaker": "蔡月雲", "speech": "回到交易性質來看,同樣是提供長照服務的老人送餐,也是衛生局的特約單位,送餐價格由衛生局訂定,依長期照顧服務法設立之營利組織免營業稅,非依長期照顧服務法設立之營利組織提供相同服務,卻要課徵營業稅。顯見這是租稅不公平。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我們現在講的是你的服務內容是居家或者是社區式的,但是設立的時候,並不是按照長照法人的做法?" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "我用我的案例來講好了,我現在有一個好牧人協會,愛蔓延社會企業股份有限公司,這兩個單位都跟衛生局有簽長照特約,但是如果好牧人去送一個便當,我們不用開發票,或者開發票可以免稅,但是愛蔓延送一個便當要開發票,發票是應稅5%。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "但是這兩家公司都有跟衛生局簽特約廠商,然後做這樣的動作。像長照、交通都是如此,長照的輔具買賣及維修也是如此,這一些都不是機構。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "但是延伸出來的,現在是一個開放長照的市場中,很多要轉型成社會企業,但是事實上在這當中會延伸出企業在這當中的稅比較高。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們沒有想要變成私立社區型的機構?" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "沒有辦法變。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個部分看賦稅署的朋友要不要先回答一下?" }, { "speaker": "劉品紋", "speech": "我是賦稅署,剛剛有說過營業稅,不管是公司組織或者是非營利組織,有銷售或者是勞務都要課稅,但是因為為了配合整個長照制度的建立,因為長期照顧法已經有一個針對長照特別的規定,所以我們針對這一些假如依照長照服務法成立的長照機構提供長照服務,給予一個比較特別的免稅規定,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們的意思是,你要進入那個私立機構的體系,才可以免稅,但是簡單來講,它並不是沒有營業稅的這一件事,因為特別做這個政策,所以免稅,因此跟你剛剛所講的是完全一致的,並沒有事實認定上的落差。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你可能要用麥克風。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "要成為機構,機構就變成必須是要有一個建築物,建築物就必須要變成消、安、檢等等安全措施通過,才會成為機構。至於做送餐不需要一個機構,做交通車輔具、買賣不需要是一個機構。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣滿清楚,非機構式的沒有放在以機構為主的免營業稅的規定裡面,對不對?聽起來這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不管衛福部的朋友有沒有要補充的?在政策上或者是政策方向上?" }, { "speaker": "劉雅文", "speech": "因為長照資源需要很多、很廣,我們非常鼓勵各單位來成立長照機關提供服務,不分營利或非營利的單位,均可向地方政府申請簽約。至於有關長照機關營業稅稅賦相關規定由主管機關依權責辦理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,短期之內並沒有要調整的想法,這樣子我們還滿瞭解的,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣子其實也無形之中有很多服務還是由協會這邊來提供的狀況,就會出現,對不對?因為如果經過公司,你們會多營業稅?" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "報告政委,我們已經有兩種不同屬性的單位可以應變政府這一些規定了,我們比較沒有影響。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "我只是在幫助這一些單純投入的社企公司,副座要幫他們講話,他們投入長照,不瞭解NPO的情況之下,光是這一些課稅沉重得要死,我聽到了某些社企為了做輔具,一年營業額2,000多萬,低收入戶、中低收入戶只要他們要負擔的錢,他們完全吸收並捐給他們,他們以為是賺錢,但年終報稅的時候,再加上5%這一些稅的時候,發現竟然虧了50幾萬,營業額2,000多萬,他說今年營業額要擴4,000多萬,稅算進去,只是小賺20萬而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一開始就要把它算在裡面?" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "算在裡面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有些在NPO工作的朋友也會薪資回捐,算到賦稅之後,還能不能養家。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天社會企業一直強調自由市場,如果真的是自由市場的情況之下,這並不是自由市場,NPO做長照的工作是優勢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "賦稅署跟衛福部的朋友肯認你的見解,朋友要用社會企業的方法,要用長照,我們可以避免他來看一段逐字稿。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這個應該滿清楚的,會計師也沒有要補充,我們就往下,就會到3-1。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "3-1的部分,主要是在講以林地造林面積的部分,因為政府推廣獎勵造林,有一個很具體的訴求,希望用責罰的撫育模式來做保安林的經營,大概是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我不曉得王理事主席要聽農委會的回覆或是要多說一些?" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我想我們都很熟悉,這個產業有這個需要,因為太熟悉了,合作社有時跟我們的主管機關提供出來,有時會認為有一點私相授受。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "今天政委讓我補充一下,我先補充一點,其實我們提出這個方案,是要解決好多問題的,以林業造業的問題,森林也要健康成長,如果森林不去照顧它,很多樹也是有生命的,像相思樹是三、四十年的壽命,樹一老化,整片相思樹就會滅絕。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "樹在老化的過程是排出二氧化碳,在年輕成長的時候是吸收空氣中的二氧化碳、光合作用變成木材,當它老化之後開始腐化,過去吸收的這一些木材,開始腐化就會排除二氧化碳,對於環境也是不利的。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "臺灣林業用地佔了全國60%多,所以森林面積相當大,但我們有一個產業,農民可能有一個很大的產業,也就是菇類產業,需要大量的木材,在森林的佔率在過去其實木材是夠用的,因為木材是因為臺灣過去環保的號召,尤其環保一號召,林務局也很頭痛,環保團體一反對,所有政府公務人員都不敢做事。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "環保團體的反對,我們木材不砍,第一個是森林會老化,第二個是產業缺材料,發生什麼問題呢?務農最近這幾年,年年虧損,為什麼?木材的原材料不好,所以產量變得很少,可能產量過去的一半,因此香菇的價錢很高,我們自己又生產不出來大量的香菇。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "菇農會賺錢,消費者花更多的錢來買國產香菇,因此從越南轉口的大量香菇,就進來了,對消費者其實是不利的。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "還有一個更嚴重、重要的問題,有很多不是合種香菇的木材放進去種香菇了,因為巨木削不夠,其實東南亞的品質不好,第二個從海關拿的一些報表、數據,以坊間、學者所統計的,把所有闊葉木進來的原木都認為是種香菇,還有其他做家俱的用途,因此裡面隱藏了非常多的有毒木材進入菇類的產業當中,這可能過去在網路上的大家,曾經被提出來過。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我知道林務局的位置也很為難,畢竟大家想像的林業,像皆伐是一次一個區重新砍掉重新種樹,這是老百姓都不理解的,會覺得把樹砍了就不對。大家會覺得砍了新的辦法,像相思樹就適合這樣來經營,我們希望透過責罰的方式,將老的相思樹砍掉,讓年輕的相思樹生長得更好、讓它有更大的空間可以成長。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "而且相思樹有很大的特性,它的製播能力很強,所以在過去傳統種過相思樹的人都知道,如果相思樹每隔十年、二十年,這個樹林會越成長、產量又高,樹木又健康、環境又是好的,所以我想透過這個機會,這個話不要讓林務局來說,由我們產業來說,我希望環保團體都可以來參加、瞭解,我們提出這個方案是不是有利的。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "當然,最大的主管機關是林務局,我們想聽一聽林務局對我們這個方案,是不是有什麼其他我們沒有考慮到的,或是你們有什麼顧忌的,我們大家來探討。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "這個事情第一個不違法,一切在法律的原則之下來進行,第二個是對各個產業都是有利的,現在請林務局可不可以針對這個問題來答覆。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "先澄清一下,您這邊所說的不違法意思是,並沒有違違反臺灣森林經營管理方案?" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "高義盛", "speech": "剛剛王理事主席所提的相思樹的菇蕈類缺乏的問題,農委會從102年開始推短期經濟林契作,六至十年就可以收獲來因應這一塊。" }, { "speaker": "高義盛", "speech": "至於剛剛理事主席所講的,林務局有一些面積的相思樹林的部分,必須考慮林地分區位置進行森林經營,這幾年我們在屏東林區管理處,已經有針對相思樹林來進行一些整理跟一些利用,已經有把一些伐材來作利用,這部分會後我們會再跟理事主席作進一步的說明及溝通,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我剛剛有看到你們有一個網頁,叫做「臺灣木材網」,可以投影一下嗎?也就是「台灣木材網」,這確實是最近才有的方案,就是以國產材作為好像不只種香菇,還有做其他的,各種東西都可以做,也有規劃在當地人不反對的情況下,能夠去試出可能600公頃,如果沒有記錯的話,那是國有林的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這是新的政策,當然需要多方瞭解,不曉得理事主席有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我提一個,高技正提出來的,他認為釋出是更新造林,就是我講的,砍掉之後再種樹,這是林務局五、六十年來的造林方式,林業的經營,我想這是一種經營方式。另外一個我提出來的是,長期進行擇伐,不重新造林,這一片森林長久了,很濃郁、很密,我將老的砍掉,兩棵中間我把老的,砍掉之後,從外觀來看,這一篇森林還是完整的,第一年的空間可能比較大,但是空間大,樹就要更好的成長,光合作用、碳存量就增加,森林維持健康,而且我的森林不會有砍掉的時候,不需要看到光禿禿的山,整片山都是永遠維持的一座森林。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們還是在國有地、人工林的範圍嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "包含保安林地,這是沒有違反法律的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是叫做擇伐,不曉得林務局對這個有沒有什麼想法?我知道你們一直有在評估,但是我不曉得你們對這個評估的狀態?" }, { "speaker": "高義盛", "speech": "跟政委、理事主席報告,這幾年對於林地森林裡面都有在做疏伐作業,就是林相的整理,森林裡面比較不好的林木,或者是比較密、長得比較不好的,把它移除掉,讓存活的的林木有生長的空間,這個部分陸陸續續有在執行。" }, { "speaker": "高義盛", "speech": "針對於理事主席所講的相思樹,整理出來利用的部分,在我們的屏東林區管理處的轄內這幾年也有在做。" }, { "speaker": "高義盛", "speech": "另外,屏東縣永在林業生長合作社,整合的森林經營面積,到目前為止大概有900至1,000公頃左右,就是逐年在做林相的更新,種的是相思樹,而且是有計畫在執行。種植比較密,大概所謂的短期五年至十年,會做一個整理伐,就是把比較密、生長不好的移出來做太空包,整理出來之後,存活的林木生長空間有了,然後繼續去培養,做將來大概三十年之後的木材生產利用。" }, { "speaker": "高義盛", "speech": "因此這部分在屏東縣及屏東林區管理處轄內的案例可以提供理事主席參考,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "講的是前幾年有通過FFC的認證,把這個當作林業管理的一種方法。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "政委、高技正,我相信政府一直在努力做這一件事,至少十幾年了,但我們看到、面臨的菇蕈類產業,原材料缺乏是一年比一年嚴重,我不知道所有的努力在哪裡,我不當官,只會看到產業的現狀,跟各位當官的來反映這個情況。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "至於你們如何輔導,但是我看的現況是越來越嚴重,短期經濟林確實推廣了很多年,台中市菇類原材料需求最大的縣市,但是我們的短期經濟林推了二十年,好像只有4公頃多,所以短期經濟林的推動及效益,甚至永在的事情,永在的木削也是賣到新社鄉去,因為新社鄉的菇類佔了60%以上,一個新社區,但是成果怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "如果永在的那一套經營方式,既然是產業,就要有經濟效益,如果沒有經濟效益,政府如何補貼,永遠推廣不開來,因此我今天提出來的,我們綜合考量,以產業的角度,我們提出這個呼籲。當然這個事情我們也可以做示範,如果達不到經濟效益,我們自己來出這個錢,來花這個錢,我們都有這樣決心。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我們站在產業立場,我們提出來的違法,不違反任何一條法律,我們希望主管機關,你的思維有所改變,為了整個產業、社會環境,為了所有百姓吃的安全問題,不是為了單一林業上的問題,我們來解決這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "因此我們一直希望這個事情是大家最好的實際現場,哪怕我們做一個示範、推廣來做經濟效益的評估,能不能將這個產業延續,因為臺灣菇類產業的問題相當嚴重,因為之前有出現過驗出戴奧辛跟有毒物質,裡面全部都是有機溶劑的東西,吃得可以安心嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "所以我覺得我們都不違法,只是一個觀念的改變,為何政府不能為全民著想?我們這個營業產業的發展,我們是著重產業鏈整體的發展,我們跟很多政府部門都提過很多問題,我只是一直希望站在政府輔導產業、照顧全民的角度來做修法,甚至不修法、不違法的情況都能做的事情,我們希望政府來支持,我們不希望政府任何來支持,因為主導權是在林務局身上,哪怕提出一部分來做示範的點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我釐清兩件事:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,剛才提到永在那900多公頃,大概不是全部都去做太空包,實際上離量還有一段距離。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "那在整個產業裡面……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "去年10月林務局確實已經有一個經營及輔導的作業規範,簡單來講,任何人可能包含農民團體,也包含市政府、任何人農契等等,都可以去提一個森林經營的計畫書,這個您知道嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我們不但知道,我們一直在推,但是到目前為止,我們的森林經營計畫還沒有批准下來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "等於一通過就遞件了。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我們在還沒有通過之前,就做森林經營的規劃,也接受林務局委託屏科大的教授給我們作規劃。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在問的是四個月過去,怎麼都沒有?" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "而且永在的做法不一樣,是把相思樹種得很密,在長了五年之後,就把中間砍一部分,因為人力成本太高了,你根本不可能、划不來,永在的產品在整個新社區,確實是經過森林經營認證,但菇類產量在新社的成績非常差,因此這麼好的背景都推不出去?因為產業要經營下去有一個經濟效益的問題,政府再強大、再有錢,用錢砸在產業上,產業不可能持續,因此是用產業的方式來經營,這樣的產業才有競爭力,才可以持續發展,而不是完全靠政府的力量來做這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。因為時間的關係,3-1到3-2的這一段,是在這一個程序裡,不知道是哪一個地方,因此想要問林務局有沒有可能儘量在後面您剛剛已經說會跟理事主席商討,但是如果有一些,也可以讓大家知道的,因為畢竟社會創新是為了讓大家新的政策或者是法律有哪一些新的社會創新方法,儘量補充在我們的書面逐字稿裡面,也讓所有可能會想要提類似計畫書的朋友們知道這一件事,也包含理事主席在3-2非常多具體的建議,看能不能儘量不要只在這邊用講的,儘量有一個書面的東西,我們可以在網路上給所有的朋友看,看有沒有對3-1、3-2補充的?" }, { "speaker": "高義盛", "speech": "政委、理事主席、各位夥伴報告一下,關於理事主席生產合作社的經營計畫書已經經過屏東科技大學的協助編擬好了,也送進台中市政府農業處去進行審查了,因為有些審查的意見已經請林業合作社再做修正,我們會持續來關注這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "高義盛", "speech": "我們去年所頒布的公司有經營輔導的規範,這個是我們農委會林務局希望公司有臨這個區塊,能夠永續經營,誠如理事主席所講的,也就是可以永續經營,等於政府機關輔導陪伴短暫的幾年之後,他們可以進行一個產業的作業,不用再有政府的協助,可以自立更生,這個是我們希望做的。" }, { "speaker": "高義盛", "speech": "由於臺灣林龍(音譯)或者是承租人的面積是比較小的,如果是個別來做的話,比較沒有那一些經濟效益,所以我們希望把它整合起來,就像台中市林業生產合作社,整合了一定面積來做森林經營的規劃與操作。" }, { "speaker": "高義盛", "speech": "因為現在誠如理事主席所講的,相思樹的原料、木削比較缺乏,因此這一個部分我們也會協助林業合作社看怎麼樣來做他們整合的林地,進行栽種,希望五年或者是十年的時間,可以生產這一些有用的木削出來,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣應該算滿清楚,看理事主席有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我希望的是林務局有沒有這個方向,後續的事情、務實的事情,我們繼續往下走,因為很多事情是理念,理念可以接受再來做這一件事,如果沒有辦法的話就不往下走,不然也不順暢。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想之前大家對於永續的觀念普及,大家發現永續,但是永續也是有發展,所以永續跟發展並不是互相矛盾的。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我們可能比較膚淺,我們是針對產業實際面來做這一件事,林務局提了很多口號,26年前就提了獎勵造林,但是26年前參加獎勵造林的農戶,到現在對政府都不滿,對結果都是失敗的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "上次巡迴有提過。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "因此我們希望不要再失敗了,我的重點是放在永續發展裡面,等五年、十年是錯的,有何意義?我們看得到,就不要重蹈覆轍。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "理解。接著是內政部的題目,是3-3,雖然被分類成個案協處,但是其實這個是政策的溝通,就是為什麼我們不再做公地放領,內政部有很完整的說明,主要是因為國土計畫及全面這樣子的一種保安、水源涵養疑慮沒有辦法消除的想法,內政部這一段滿經典的,他們可能被問過很多次,不曉得你們有沒有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我覺得內政部發這個文滿經典的,我提的並不是要求政府來做公地放領,臺灣就有,早期的承租戶就有做公地放領,上次開會的時候有提到,我手上還蒐集了,從日據時代到民國50幾年,也就是有收這個田賦,農民很完整交了稅金,看了就嚇一跳,農民可以繳上幾萬元的稅金,當年幾年繳了40幾萬,這個是很多的錢,當時是以農養工,發展起來之後,對農民也確實是回饋,但是對農民來講,並不是所有的農民都理解政府的德政。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "像我提到的國民黨政府過來的時候,大地主擁有這一些土地,政府拿了股票、買下來之後,再放租給佃農,有少部分的佃農可以放租,這個是平地的問題,山區的問題,像平地的地主拿到政府給的錢,將土地釋放給佃農,山區的農民是逐漸開墾種田,他們的地變成是政府的,農民還得放領一次,當時很多農民,尤其社會秩序不發達,農村也貧窮,因為日據時代,還沒有國民黨時代初期這麼高,因為社會環境不一樣,因此很多農民不願意放領,因為沒有資訊。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我們從土地放領整個百分比來講,越靠近山區的地方,放領越低,當時又沒有電視。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我提到這一些,像我提到兩個案例,不只這兩個案例相當多:" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "第一,他們都是合法,從國民黨時代也好,從公地放領之前,每一年、每期的稅金到現在都沒有中斷過,當時公地放領1公頃,到這個時代是10萬元,這個公地就放領,如果提前繳掉是6,000多元,1分地就繳掉了,沒有放領的農地到現在,1分地到現在已經將近4萬元,等於比公地放領的農民,遠遠拖了四至六倍,都有,就看你是什麼繳法,他們很守法,沒有接受放領有幾個原因。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "農民很窮,沒有辦法繳這個錢,農村那時又這麼落伍,所以這一些農民是弱勢團體,像一個新的區塊,也不在民國91年發布命令,就是在那個地區的人來危害公共安全之虞的地方來停止放領。我們現在提的案例都不在這個範圍之內,也不在民國96年又發了一份文,公有平地不再這邊放領,這裡講的是平地耕地,我提的是因為臺灣有一個規定,海拔100公尺以上都是山坡地,不管是山坡地或者是良田都是山坡地,都是一般農業區的耕地、農業用地,都不在這兩個範圍之內,這有很多歷史的原因。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我們提出來有這個完全合法的,如果依據民國96年,我手上拿的這一份下載的文,96年所寫的內容,用政治面來考量,裡面講了幾段話,他認為技術放領叫做獨厚特定的少數族群,我要請問真正獲利的90%以上提前放領那一些人,他們得到利益了,他們過上好日子了,那一些沒有跟上腳步的,他合法有資格的,當時他沒有接受的人,他沒有能力接受的人,原來在我們的理解,我們認為是弱勢,他們是可憐、他這輩子沒有辦法得到土地私有化的利益,到最後我們的政策在修訂時,被他們講的是認為如果給他們公平、正義的原則,就是獨厚特地的少數族群,我想這個是違反促轉會……這裡沒有促轉會,這個是獨權時代的法律條文,我覺得這樣是太嚴苛了。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "第二,他認為他認為現在的數量很少了,而且直接寫如果抗爭的話,正當性不足,因為人少,抗爭不起來,而抗爭正當性不足,有違法嗎?他是最默默守法的人,訂了這樣的詞、發了一個文,我覺得我們現在的社會是這樣子嗎?他們是受害者,我們到最後認為給他們平反的話,我們就是獨厚他們,他們早就都享福去了,現在還默默辛苦,而且我講的是一切合法,是完全沒有中斷、也不執行承租的,都是耕地放領之前本來都一直延續下來,這個租金繳得已經遠遠比這一些私有土地的租金,比給政府四倍之多了,因此剛剛林林總總講了很多,我們強調的是這一些,我挑不出瑕疵的案例,這麼弱勢,我們竟然還這樣子,我覺得心理很難受。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我們從事林業生產合作社之後,我大力推動給農民,尤其這一些是窮地方的農民,我感受到很多這一些,像他們一直默默犧牲風險,為國家、社會付出這麼多,到最後他們的下場、他們心理掛念,總是覺得為何受到不公平的待遇?我覺得今天有這個機會,我必須要站出來為這一些人講這一些話,這個全部是別人的,但是我覺得這個話不講,我成立這個合作社,我都覺得對不起自己的農民。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們在講的並不是公有平地耕地,而是非公用的山坡地,也就是100以上?是不是?" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "100公尺以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "上次您有提過一次,這個部分有兩個部分,一個是國有財產局對於94年,就是2005年以前有使用之事實,可以有一些專案處理的可能性,我記得當時是講到這邊,當然94年之前沒有實際在用的,94年之後……" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "65年以前。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "65年以前使用之事實。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們書面上是記載台中市政府跟農委會都有一些現場想要回覆的部分,不知道是哪一個部分要先?" }, { "speaker": "范家翔", "speech": "因為提案的幾筆土地都是國產署監管,我們現在本身的林業用地,也有林農要放領,在內政部是於96年核不再放領的政策,也是依照這個林地來放領,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "之前有一些專案處理等等,大概是到96年就停了,意思是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看有沒有朋友要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我自己覺得當初函釋的一些用詞,如果會造成不妥的情緒,這個是我們應該要改善的,不應該要變成大家爭取自己覺得應該有的權利,然後就被當作是不妥的做法,我覺得爭取自己的權利是理所當然的,這個是很抱歉。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "因為政府不屬於他們管的,而且原來林地就是不放領的,當初作業錯誤,所以才造成少部分有放領,我現在提的整個區塊都是放領掉了,都不在目前的法律規定,故意不再繼續放領的範圍,像這個夾在中間?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你的意思是,畸零地……" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "既不在91年3月11日這一份文裡面規定的,像河川、集水區公共地方的範圍也,不在平地、耕地放領的範圍。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "理解,但是內政部書面裡面有提到你剛剛講的這一些都是個別的林相或者個別的海拔,但他說在2012年跟2015年用花東跟宜蘭大南澳地區重新評估政策,這個是綜合評估了,沒有管特定的。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我理解。剛剛提到這一件事,現在政府的政策與過去政策不一樣,是管地、不管人,以前是管人、不管地,像我提出這幾個地區,99%的都已經放領完了,可能只有1%的農民在當時因為有個別原因的關係,兩個人的原因是不一樣的,所以他沒有……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "會有非常強的相對剝奪感,這個我們瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "他講的花東,那是重新在評估新的地方,我講的是這塊都已經放領了,剩下零星的這幾塊,當初有強化,這是適合放領的地方,並不是不適合,照理來說早就有這樣的資格了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我理解。不曉得內政部寫這一段的朋友們,有沒有在台北,是不是可以給我們一個比較簡短的說明?" }, { "speaker": "陳進財", "speech": "與會人士大家好,剛剛有提到平地的部分都已經停止放領,他所舉例的這幾筆土地,一筆是山坡地保育區的農牧用地,兩筆是一般農業區的農牧用地,其實兩筆一般農業區的農牧用地,也就是屬於平地、用地的部分。" }, { "speaker": "陳進財", "speech": "山坡地保育區的農牧用地,其實在我們的書面資料裡面也有提到,在91年也就是不再辦理放領,但這只針對山坡地的,山坡地可以放領的有兩種,一個是宜林地、一個是宜農牧地,宜農牧地在94年的時候全面禁止,94年有指示高、中、低海拔三區,低海拔三區的部分,就是涵蓋在我們山坡地保育區的農牧用地、宜林地、平地、一般農業區的農牧用地,政府在全面檢討、辦理,在此說明,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們現在看不到你,是不是可以用什麼訊息來確認講完,我們再請技術同仁沒有視訊的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過就是剛才要講的那個問題是完全一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "過去是劃分錯了,所以造成他們沒有辦法放領,後來要申請,由地政局來確認這一塊地確實是農牧用地,並不是林地,因為這樣的原因來放領。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為作業錯誤。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我再提一下,類似這樣的案件當然也有,但有些農民是因為當時作業錯誤,不能放領,很多農民不能繼續辦承租。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我裡面有提到兩塊地,一個是一般的農業區,一般的農業區不在平地,而是在山坡上的農業區,當時的地都放領,是因為陽明山計畫放領,將旁邊過去的河川地把它整治、填土做成耕田,政府也把這些都列為農牧用地。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "當時地區放領的理由是用陽明山計畫配耕,就直接配耕給你、放領了,造成那個區塊的這些人因為不需要配耕的範圍,但早就屬於耕地放領,他們不懂得在那個時候爭取自己的權利,因為資訊、各方面的,而且他們也沒有那個知識,所以他們認為政府耕地放領,一切都符合。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "從民國50幾年就已經開始在國產署這邊交租,交到民國60幾年,在當地全面公地放領的時候又把他們遺漏了,因為不在公地放領的區域,而是在陽明山計畫配耕放領,一次被排外,一次被遺漏,我覺得這可能是作業上有所疏忽的。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我看到當時土地劃分,農牧用地改成林地,因為作業疏忽,讓農民受損了,後來予以恢復,這樣的情況是作業疏忽,讓土地兩次機會都沒有用上,有沒有機會在這一塊附近的人也能夠把土地給他們。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛內政部很明確來講,如果要這樣做,即使是專案辦理,時間也已經過了,以我的理解,就是94年至96年,最後101年綜合評估之後,即使是專案,他們也沒有依據可以重新放領,我聽到的是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "我知道,在法律的規定,既然訂了就是,我的意思是有一個特例,因為作業疏忽而申訴,所以申訴,像這樣的情況,有沒有因為一次作業疏忽,有沒有這個機會能夠澄清?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可能要從行政救濟的方式去做,跟您剛剛所講的是同一個程序。" }, { "speaker": "王春森", "speech": "請問地政司的朋友們認為是否可行?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請回覆一下,我們之後共筆上更新會比較容易。" }, { "speaker": "陳進財", "speech": "主席、王理事主席,大家好,剛剛的問題是如果能不能補辦放領的部分,其實基於政策上全面禁止放領的部分,目前是沒有補辦放領的這一樣措施,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "目前就是沒有這樣子的措施,非常明確的回答。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們再往下,第四項主要講的是,社福的相關補助,以營運力佳的為主,一開始的組織是還沒有量能出現的時候,比較難取得政府合作的資源,當然勞動部這邊有一個很好的書面回覆,其實多元就業開發方案跟培力就業計畫,這兩個是因為對人,希望大家盡可能投入社會活動跟勞動,所以在這個過程中,其實不需要很大,甚至需要一、兩個組織,他也會想辦法在多元培力裡面輔導,不曉得廖總幹事對書面回覆有沒有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "廖振益", "speech": "其實我是這麼想的,既然政府要推動我們的社創行動,我感覺到很多人、很多社區其實人力或者其知識有限,就算他們想要推動社創的話,也不知道到哪裡去,所以我建議政府能夠設一個單一窗口,很像輔導農民單一窗口、輔導社會企業單一窗口,這樣子我們很多社區如果要申請的話,那就比較單純、簡單。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想目前大概分兩個方面,一個是地方型的,服務是以這一區為主,另外一種是服務不管是線上或者是國際的,或者是產品性質的,那個是往外的,這兩個可能不太一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這邊特別講的是,有關於在地的就業機會跟在地的照護等等,我想是比較地區性的,我們目前確實有一個叫做「地方創生」的計畫,是由國發會主辦,因為以前大家也知道可能社區發展協會系統、里長系統及各個不同的系統,可能彼此間比較沒共同的願景,常常會變成各自做各自的,社會企業創業的時候,跟哪裡就是一個問題的,如果是政府計畫的話,產、官、學、研、社會分別跟不同的部會合作,所以比較沒有綜合的效果。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此從今年開始,國發會的要求是,就有一個單一的窗口來做每一個地方的共識凝聚,這個是鄉鎮市區公所,中央當然是以國發會作為主窗口,但是從鄉鎮市的區公所來說,會有一個共同的提案進來,要讓當地的產、官、學、研、社裡面讓大家知道,因為以前他們常常被跳過,因此這個想法是不要跳過區公所,如果現在就說有沒有什麼地方創生的事業提案或者是要發起地方創生的願景或者是工作會議等等,理論上區公所要問一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果你是第二個、第三個問的話,慢慢這一些量能會累積到區公所,這個是在地的部分。但是對於國外、國際行銷的部分,那個也是有單一窗口,那個是中小企業處,就是在社會創新的新創圓夢網上,這部分就比較是數位、對外的,大概分這兩個不同的系統給您參考。" }, { "speaker": "廖振益", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "廖振益", "speech": "我想的比較簡單,因為公部門有很多都是各自做自己的工作,因此像很多設計師或者是民間團體,他想投入社創這一個區塊的話,其實他們真的很困難,所以我會建議既然我知道了,就建立一下,最好能夠設一個單一窗口,這樣很多團體就省得麻煩跑來跑去的。" }, { "speaker": "廖振益", "speech": "甚至申請上、計畫書,民間有時也比較困難,設立單一窗口的話,單一窗口裡面有專人來輔導這個社區將來如何申請做,比較難達到社創理想,也能夠創造一些民間知道的個人,所有的理想來推動他們的社創服務。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個非常感謝,確實是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今年的目的也是希望經過地方創生的流程,本來鄉鎮市區公所不知道我們要做什麼,後來會慢慢瞭解,這個是同樣的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果大家ok的話,是不是到5-1。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "5-1是康組長的問題,這個問題大概分成兩個部分,可不可以嫁接儲蓄互助社325社給有資金的需求,像NPO或者是合作社來參加目前社區營造或者是地方創生的工作,這個是一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一件事,我看內政部也有回答的,建議地方創生跟其他相關政策的時候,其實不只是內政部所屬,也就是別的相關政策時,也可以多想到儲蓄互助社,這個不是只有內政部自己在做社造,是包含所有國發會做這個部分,這個是跨部會的部分,有沒有補充?" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "政委、副座、各位長官大家好,很開心針對內政部專員所提到這一些書面的資料跟經濟部中小企業處所回覆的意見,因為我們在地方上,包含部落跟偏鄉,有很多的合作社或是NPO組織,他們透過外界的捐贈,或者是有取得政府補助標案時,他們有執行一些產業。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "但是面臨到資金的問題不足,所以導致像他們的理事主席或是負責人需要去舉債,又或是自己先掏要包墊錢,等到半年後或者是一年後政府的經費下來之後,才可以彌補整個合作社或者是NPO的營運,短期一年的周轉金,他們在籌措是相當困難,而且去銀行也是相當難融資,這是實際的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "第二個部分,像內政部這邊有提到的,其他部會儲蓄互助社大概只有原民會的有比較多的方案推動,例如像101年開始小額周轉金跟創業的貸款,小額是5至7萬,創業是30萬,針對原住民身分的,大概超過1萬筆,總金額是7億資金的貸放,這個都是來自於各地方原住民儲蓄互助社的資金,來幫助原住民朋友,這個是現有原民會的做法。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "但是非原住民地區,像原住民的偏鄉或者是都會區,其實像個人或者是NPO合作社,更是需要周轉的資金,但是有的可能可以很順利取得外界的資金,或者是透過個人跟銀行借貸,我聽到滿多的是要靠創辦人或者是理事主席本身的熱情去投入資金或者是一切。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "像儲蓄互助社是非營利法人,如果是融資借貸的話,是必須要入社成員社員,所以經營的話,像信貸的話,股金是100萬,500萬以內,法人的話是沒有問題的,因為我去查過,像金管會推的天使基金,一個單位也才400萬,所以我覺得以那個額度來講不是太大的問題,重點是假設要透過融資借貸的話,就是要參加當地的互助社要成為法人社員或者是個人社員。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "另外一個部分是,根據儲蓄互助社第9條第7款、第8款,也就是參與社區營造,協助社區產業發展、參加合作社會型態的業務,這個部分是104年修法之後通過,這個是比較積極面的做法。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "因為有很多的NPO或者是合作社,他希望透過天使基金一樣,能夠投資,他不要舉債的方式,這個其實在目前條文裡面好像還沒有看到。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "另外一個部分是,也有人提到是可以透過信保的部分,當然之前也有接觸過中小企業信保、農信保跟原信保,原信保是歸中小企委託辦理,這個我不是很清楚,但是目前因為儲蓄互助社並不是銀行業、金融機構,所以不能承辦相關的信保業務。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "信合社可以,但是儲互社不可以?" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一些部分,您可以分享嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳江杉", "speech": "政委、副座您好,目前信保基金所承保的對象必須有公司登記、商業登記或是有稅籍登記相關的公司才有辦法做。" }, { "speaker": "陳江杉", "speech": "至於剛剛有講到一個是不是可以承作信保的機構,也就是有銀行的親合社,也就是要跟我們簽約,因為我們互助社這邊並沒有跟我們這邊簽約。" }, { "speaker": "陳江杉", "speech": "我解釋一下,你要簽約,因為要享受這個資源,就必須要先有捐助款,因為這個捐助款,基本上對於銀行來講,他們捐1元,但是最後面從信保基金獲得未清償的款項,可能大概會有2、3元左右,因此很願意捐款做這樣的事。" }, { "speaker": "陳江杉", "speech": "目前信合社的話,因為業績相對上做得比較少,所以就算他們有捐款,或者他們的捐款目前比較少,整個評估下來,他們覺得做得企業沒有這麼多,所以他們後續信合社的部分,也慢慢今年也減少了一些信合社。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是因為法律不准他們,而是這個賺不了錢?" }, { "speaker": "陳江杉", "speech": "對。他們覺得不划算,後來他們就沒有做了,沒有做中小企業這一塊,因為這邊目前不是我們的簽約機構,所以沒有辦法服務。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是就算你們可以簽約,也要想一下要不要簽約,我聽起來這個意思是滿清楚的。這個當然是信保的部分,其他的部分,我們知道社會金融、普惠金融,並不是大家忘記儲蓄互社,上面沒有寫到,然後就會覺得都寫了,所以這個是列舉沒有列舉到而已,我覺得內政部的書面裡面有一個提醒很好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為其實儲蓄互助社本來就可以做政策性貸款,只是各部會不知道有這一條,所以變成好像只有原民會在使用,我剛剛聽起來意思是這樣子,並不是法律的問題,而是法律不用改的,更多的部會更瞭解到儲戶法裡面可以承辦政策性貸款,特別是在地方性質比較高的這些政策裡面多考慮一些儲互社的可能性,我聽起來是這樣,並不是真的要改什麼儲互社法。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "主要是因為各部會很多政策性放款作業,都是他們內部訂定的相關規定,其實在國外儲蓄互助社跟信用合作社在很多國家都是合作金融的兩支,像在泰國、韓國、菲律賓,像東南亞地區,英國、美國都一樣,有兩個合作金融的系統,但是在臺灣,比較清楚信合社,比較不知道儲互社,建議各部會能夠多多考慮。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "儲互社跟信合社可以合成什麼嗎?我們有沒有一個詞比較好用?或者其實沒有?" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "沒有,在國外就是兩個系統。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "請問你們自己有貸款的要點嗎?" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "或者是分開來的貸款要點?" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "跟你們借貸,一定要成為你們的社員才可以借貸嗎?" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "因為儲互社是封閉式的,不管是儲蓄或者是貸款,都是封閉式的,不像銀行,因為部分的信合社有開放部分的,銀行是有開放不特定的多數人,像儲互社是免所得稅跟營業稅,因此我們是要特定的人,就是社員。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "在哪裡知道這樣的訊息?或者是社創平台或者是內政部網站?" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "在內政部的網站。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我做兩個具體的建議:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一個,確實會落入不是營利就是非營利,就是救濟,但是儲互社講得很清楚,既不是營利,就是救濟,而是互相服務。這是很符合社創的精神,只是真的知名度比較小而已,所以內政部的提醒我覺得很好,我們在所有包含社創方案資金取得的這一個部分,凡是我們在網頁上或者是任何公開有講到的部分,我們如果有提到像信合社的地方,就是系統性的解釋,當然是在講融資的部分,這個是第一個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,其實內政部也有參加地方創生會報,所以剛才內政部的提議有提到希望地方創生事業在做融資的時候,可以讓各地的區公所,因為是窗口了,尤其是325社有所在的區公所,也許也可以知道這個是等於推薦提供金融服務的地方,而這個可能要到地方創生會報去提,不過我想這邊也可以留一個紀錄,非常感謝提醒大家儲互社的重要性,這個滿重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個很重要的是衛福部的社工司,其實這邊已經有一個書面的回答,台中市政府當然有權責,我不知道還是可見度的問題,也就是其他非台中的政府不知道可以這樣做,或者您知道有其他的原因?" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "感謝社會救助及社工司的回覆。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "第二點有關於「儲蓄互助社」推動,至於台中市政府委託推動,這是台中市政府主責,這並不是內政部主責,要作一下更正,台中市政府主責,是台中市政府社會局救助科。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "第一,108年衛福部有補助了38個方案,有2,900多萬,這部分其實據我們在地方上的瞭解,其實很多方案針對社工、人力的補助,金額是滿多的,因為沒有人力就沒有辦法去推動政策,這個我們也能理解。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "現在主要是落在受輔助對象的身上,比如像我們資產方案的累積多元,這個錢進入到他的戶頭,或者是教育脫貧,像他本身真的家戶或者是個案真的有受到課程的受益,應該是以實際的來看,當然只有金額,這個我們不知道狀況怎麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "當然,像台中市政府是從101年至今,因為協會就在台中,因此就佔地利之便,到目前為止推動資產累積方案的儲蓄發展帳戶,當然目前一戶有兩代,親代、子代,大概150戶是有300人參與在這個方案當中,有的已經結案,也就是三年結案,儲蓄在儲戶社當社員。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "目前儲蓄是2,000萬,這一些人儲蓄2,000萬的股金,貸款大概一半是1,000萬,也就是20%的人有去借貸,其他的人希望能夠多存一點錢,當然其身份是中低收入戶,台中市政府很重視這一塊,也有把方案拿去做中央部會的評比,我的理解是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "剛剛提到各縣市政府,內政部在101年有推動平民銀行計畫,這個計畫目前已經結案了,有七個縣市,像桃園、中、彰投地區及台南、嘉義、屏東的社會局有曾經配合辦理推動過,101年至105年結案,至107年全部都結案。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "七個縣市又有三十三個儲戶社,一位是400戶,儲蓄的金額是超過1,000萬,但是他的借貸金額超過他自己所存的,大概是1,200萬,也就是兩至三成的人有融資的需求。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "我們是在想說其實這樣的方案是可行的,但因為主責單位不一樣,現在內政部變成衛福部,而且很多縣市政府的救助這一塊的承辦人可能對儲戶社也不是那麼清楚,所以在這邊提出來,希望主責的衛福部能夠多做一些推廣,或甚至可以有一些合作,以上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們用2016年協助自力脫離貧窮實施辦法,也就是法規的level,這邊講到資產累積,想到的是儲蓄投融資,其實在辦法裡面有明訂無形資產特別講的是社會支持網絡,是不是可以透過儲戶社或者是其他社會金融的方法來累積社會支持網絡,長期看起來比我們完全看到帳面上存多少錢還要重要,只是這個比較難量化,所以第一步邀承辦的朋友們瞭解到無形資產也是資產一部分的重要性,我們絕對可以做成今天巡迴的紀錄,這個是沒有問題的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於其他的部分,不曉得衛福部的朋友有沒有想要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "沒有補充。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "合團司。" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "內政部合團司補充一下,延續剛剛政委所講的無形資產這一塊,有時一個脫貧方案只是短暫、一時的,像金融借貸也是一時,比如數據上的變化,但更重要的是一個自然人或我們剛剛所講的公司負責人或創業者,以自然人的身份加入儲蓄互助社成為社員,這未必是一種門檻或限制。" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "其實成為儲互社社員之後,後續社員所獲得的無形社會資產,也就是社員間互相幫助及儲互社為社員提供的服務才是重點,我建議康組長等一下可以介紹一下,例如互助基金制度對一個家庭可提供的協助與保障,我覺得大家對於這一塊是比較沒有看到的。" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "儲蓄互助社不只是發揮金融儲蓄借貸的功能,還有其他層面,所以才會提到像在脫貧方案的部分,如以銀行作為方案承作單位,銀行當然可發揮專業的金融借貸功能,但如以儲蓄互助社作為承作單位,還可發揮其他額外的功能。也許脫貧方案兩、三年結束了,但是社員或整個家庭,可以一直待在儲蓄互助社裡面,在儲蓄互助社享受到相關的服務,這個部分想要特別補充,也可以請康組長做一點補充說明,讓各部會多一點瞭解,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我之前去新樓儲蓄互助社的時候,他們有專門給二代的,甚至三代的,這個是整個家庭在加入之後就會有的關聯,當然裡面有一部分確實是宗教的因素,但是我想宗教之外,光是大家都願意彼此服務,這就是很長期的關係,所以這真的是大家都可以參考的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們馬上就要碰到一個5-3比較困難的地方,為什麼儲蓄互助社是社團法人,而不是社會團體的這一件事,衛福部已經有一個說明,誠然你們是非營利社團法人,但是這邊講的社會團體,特別講的是依人民團體法立案,這個是列舉幾個法,但是忘記有儲互法的情況。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像我們剛剛提到勞動部多元就業裡面,他們有幾個,就是專門把儲互社寫進去,我們在定義的時候,我們是以哪一個法定義的社會團體,所以如果有想到就可以寫進去,如果沒有想到就沒有寫進去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "內政部我覺得非常幫你們的忙,覺得性質是不是可以稍微函釋一下,或者是解釋一下就可以把它當作等於是比照立案之社會團體,也就是符合C的部分,我瞭解是內政部的立場。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我比較想聽的是,衛福部會需要我們做什麼才可以做出這個解釋,或者是我們真的得回去改文字?" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "我們這邊簡單說明一下,在社區照顧關懷據點服務量能計畫有提到獎補助的對象,第一點是立案的社會團體,我們所謂立案的社會團體是指依人民團體法立案之社會團體。" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "第三點,其他團體則是指社區宗教組織、農漁會、文史團體等非營利組織。" }, { "speaker": "張純嫚", "speech": "因為康組長的儲蓄互助協會不屬於上述這2種組織,所以無法成為社區關懷據點的獎補助對象。不過,本署有先初步討論,未來如康組長想成立社區關懷據點,本署就非營利組織納入哪些團體來研議、討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為以我的理解,其實真的對於社團法人的來源法少一段而已,但是這樣聽起來,如果這樣的話,還是要回去改那個辦法,不能用一個解釋就直接放行,我聽起來是這樣子。長照司有人在嗎?" }, { "speaker": "劉雅文", "speech": "政委好、康組長及各位夥伴大家好,長照司說明,我們為整合服務資源跟有效運用資源,我們從108年起整合社區關懷據點跟巷弄長照站獎助機制,因此儲蓄互助社須成為社區關懷據點,才可以加值辦理巷弄長照站。" }, { "speaker": "劉雅文", "speech": "但是以擴建長照資源來講,非常鼓勵儲蓄互助協會來申請辦理長照機構。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣大概瞭解,C據點是一回事,居家是另外一回事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我不曉得內政部的朋友,我理解他們兩個,一個司、一個署,拿這個書面就可以開始作業辦法的檢討了,我不知道內政部,尤其是合團司有沒有更多的論點可以讓我跟部裡面討論的?" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "政委,我們有提到有關於衛福部有一個社區整體照顧服務體系計畫的行政作業須知規定,裡面其實很明確寫到在成立A、B、C這三種的辦理資格有什麼類型,我們看C單位的辦理資格,其實長照司也有提供。" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "第二點,也就是C據點,內容是寫「社區、宗教組織、農漁會、文史團體等非營利組織」,從這個文字來看比較像是一個例示,至少組織形態要是非營利組織,而儲互社就是非營利社團法人,其實從這一方面來解釋,應該有彈性跟空間。" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "再來,很多宗教組織可能是財團法人,人民團體法也是合團司主管的法規,很多的組織並不是依人團法設立,農漁會也不是,而是農漁會法,這邊是用「...\"等\"非營利組織」字眼,是不是可以用來做解套?" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "另外,是否儲互社非必要先成立社區關懷據點就能做C據點的服務?" }, { "speaker": "林鈺聆", "speech": "剛剛講到居家或者是機構等等,我不知道是不是B單位的類型,不過以現在我們對儲蓄互助社的量能等等,一個在地的社區組織,其實在發展C單位的類型,這個是最適合的,以上補充,希望可以在這邊多一點討論,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "理解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,你們希望既然儲互社是一個非營利的社團法人,應該直接該當「等非營利組織」的「等」,但是以我的理解,從長照司跟社家署的角度來看,把儲蓄互明白寫上去,不但少了很多爭議,而且事實上也有一種打廣告的作用,我列了這麼多,沒有列到儲互社,好像儲互社不存在一樣,但是並不是,事實上是存在的,我倒沒有那麼堅持一定要用解釋把儲互社塞進去裡面去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像可以在文史團體、農漁會旁邊,我覺得也是一個很好的方法,不知道這邊有沒有什麼偏好或者想法?" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "因為104年修法的時候,在儲互社第27條有提到可以辦理社員托育安養戶的業務,因為長照機構設置區的管理辦法第10條有規定,章程需要載明長期照顧服務的字眼,所以變成我們有的地方儲蓄互助社本身也有關懷協會,有兩個團體,像關懷協會就是另外一個,還有一個是儲蓄互助社,現在只能用關懷協會的名義申請,而且現在是B級,應該是A或B級單位,然後也有成立很多據點,但是是用關懷協會的名義,並不是儲蓄互助社的。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "按照長照司這邊有提到,辦理資格的部分,我不知道這一些團體本身的章則是不是也有長期照顧服務的字眼?也是要透過他們的大會去修改章程,當然地方上的團體去修改,經過縣市政府核定,這個很容易,但是儲蓄互助社有儲蓄互助社法,第9條是立法院通過的相關任務。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "我們裡面要增減一個字,都要經過立法院三讀通過,你說要增加長期照顧服務,這個字眼可能就要很久的時間了,所以這部分我反而建議是不是在辦理資格這邊的認定,可能會比較容易,如果要從修改章程那邊,我們可能會比宗教團體、農漁會及文史團體難很多,這個會有實際上的困難。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "根據第9條,是接受政府或者是公益團體委託代辦事項的任務,這個是不是可以適用?或者是一定要長期照顧服務字眼,或者是不能再解釋「自辦理資格裡面討論」。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "協會本身是依據人團法設立的協會,但是協會不等於是儲蓄互助社,協會是儲蓄互助社所籌組產生的,所以兩個法人格是不太一樣的,協會是可以組成,但是我們推動還是要各地的儲蓄互助社,因此是在各個部落或者是鄉鎮鄰里,因此這個還是有落差,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,第9條這邊有一點像,好比像第7條「參與社造」,第8條「參加協會辦理之各項合作事業型態之社會企業業務」,這一些坦白來講都有一點像,所以我們要去解釋也沒有那麼困難,但是我的偏好,一向都是明文寫起來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像第11條也有說中央主管機關只要核可的相關事項,想必是你們提出申請,主管機關應該是內政部,內政部只要說「可」,你們去申請C級的長照工作算在第11個,也就是「我核可的任務」,這樣就比較沒有解釋不確定的風險,因為解釋不確定的風險,一向都是存在的,如果有一個很明確的函,這個是我核可你去做的相關事項,這樣子對衛福部來講也比較有一個依據,不管修改辦法或者是做解釋,也就是這個是主管機關可以做的事,你知道我的意思嗎?" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "跟政委報告一下,在105年曾經有申請過,內政部也有給衛福部,他們需要我們提供更多的說明,包含人力、軟及硬體設備,都要我們再評估,我們還沒有開始進行這個業務,所以應該是說等到同意我們辦的時候,我們要開始辦的時候,再請主管機關來同意、檢查是不是可以,這樣應該比較符合。法令還沒有通過,我們不可能準備這一些東西。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我瞭解,這個狀況跟好牧人當年的狀況是完全一樣的,誰都沒有說於法不容,但是也變成沒有人敢變成第一個做的。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "報告政委,我來補充報告一下,這個是我們常年配合太久了,我們瞭解了,他們現在的問題是切身不明,再加上現在的長照、尤其是巷弄據點的辦理模式,今年剛剛所整合好、又明確化,如果社福單位又跟社會申請據點加C型據點,如果是部落,就跟原住民委員會去申請,然後加C型據點,如果是衛政的話,就跟社會局申請。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "我說他們切身不明,到時要跟哪一個部會、哪一個局申請,跟社會局申請,就一定要申請關懷據點加C型據點。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "剛剛衛福部說申請C型據點,未必是要申請關懷據點,這樣的說法是錯的,如果是要申請關懷據點,又要符合關懷據點的原則,然後再加上符合C型據點的原則,然後我不曉得現在原則兩方面加起來的話,你們切身可以分得清楚嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "聽起來關懷據點跟C型據點,這兩個都要有,對不對?並不是說跳過關懷據點,然後加一些長照等等的服務?" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "假如我們的儲蓄互助社並不是每一個社都可以,有部分的儲蓄互助社有社區關懷據點,像加值長照服務站的話,章程還是沒有那一段話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的提議是要像好牧人一樣,第一個進沙盒的。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "假設主管機關要讓我們試辦的話,我們願意來做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也就是內政部要有一個書面是要你來申請,內政部不會擋你,內政部要變成公司發起人的時候,在某些條件符合的情況下,這個是核可之相關事項,內政部要先講這一句話,之後才是衛福部的,所以我剛剛一直說內政部是可以出一個函,但是必須要有一個收文的對象,而是願意來做這一件事的某一個儲蓄互助社,我們覺得儘量朝這個方向來試試看。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "之後我會後會再問一些合團司,也許有接觸過,看哪一個比較在地都不會反對的朋友,做這個工作很久,或者是用協會的名義做很久,用這個來當作試辦,好不好?我們儘量往這方向來處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後一個是中小學推廣的部分,教育部有一個補充說明,可以投影一下嗎?其實國教署跟金管會本來就有合作做一個金融基礎教育推廣的合作計畫,所以在這個部分裡面,一個是縣市政府已經有一個依據了,第二個是也許金管會本來還不是很認識你們,也可以讓金管會認識一下,這個是他的書面回應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想先問一下,除了這個書面之外,不管是國教署或者是內政部或者是金管會等相關部會,有沒有要口頭補充的部分?不過目前沒有畫面……正在換電池,但是有聲音,看台北的朋友有沒有要補充說明的?" }, { "speaker": "鄭麗芳", "speech": "政委您好,金管會書面資料已附於會議資料中,這邊再作口頭補充說明。" }, { "speaker": "鄭麗芳", "speech": "金管會辦理走入校園及社區的金融知識宣導,宣導內容主要有六個面向:正確金錢觀、正確使用卡片、正確理財、正確理債、消費者金融權益須知、及詐騙防止與救濟。這些宣導內容事實上與宣導目的是有關的。" }, { "speaker": "鄭麗芳", "speech": "當時金管會推動這個宣導活動,係有鑒於金融市場快速變化及複雜度日益提升,金融消費者面臨較大金融風險,且各國亦將如何提升全民金融知識列為施政重點。因此金管會於95年起即結合了銀行公會、信聯社等相關單位,辦理金融知識宣導活動,目的係為提升全民金融知識的普及。" }, { "speaker": "鄭麗芳", "speech": "如果學校對金融知識宣導活動有需求,依現行機制,可逕至本會官網報名場次,本會將調派經培訓合格之金融講師到場宣導,但協會現行提議的儲蓄互助運動及合作運動推廣,與本會金融知識宣導的目的係有所區別的,建議由主管機關內政部主政,或者是向學校之主管機關教育部洽詢。" }, { "speaker": "鄭麗芳", "speech": "謝謝,以上是金管會補充說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,這邊類似像通識,不會特別對特定銀行、特定信合社或者是儲戶社去做任何的介紹,所以我覺得儲互社的宣導是另外一個層面的事情,這跟那個是互相補強的,好像不是金管會的內容。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們新課綱本來每一個學校都很有壓力,就是要跟在地的社群自己做自己學校的特色課程、選修、加深、加廣等等,可以唸一大堆,如果要跟某一個學校的課發會比較好,或是跟縣市政府的教育局,其實中央也不會去限制每一個學校發展怎麼樣的教材教法,這個是柔性課綱,不會是教育部的執行單位。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想可以直接找中小學,並不會像以前那樣子,只能從第8節課、社團、周邊活動,而是可以直接進入課堂,這個是比較大的差別。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分是,看國教署有沒有要補充的部分?" }, { "speaker": "陳佩玲", "speech": "政委好及各位師長大家好,誠如政委所說的,其實現在的國中小,他的管轄權在地方政府,也就是縣市政府當中,我們其實要走進校園,我們建議可以直接跟地方政府來進行合作或者是聯繫,以上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以是教育局的管道,比較不會是教育部,不知道有沒有要說明或者是補充的?" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "我們在這邊做一個說明,剛才金管會代表你的回覆,其實儲互社目的事業主管機關以前有財政部,後來變成金管會,是銀行局的三組,就是信合社那一組,我們的主管機關就是那一組,所以金管會的人知道是儲蓄合作社,並不是金管會的人都知道。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "我們也知道金管會在校園推動有關於理財知識的重要性,而且中小學的課綱也把這個納入重點。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "我們現在要提倡的是,剛剛提到六大主題,其實似乎沒有屬於理財跟防詐騙那一塊,其實中小學生,應該是更強調儲蓄的認知、自我屬性的瞭解,我想這個是比較重要的。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "當然,這一個方面我想不會相衝突,當然也不會推廣任何的商品或者是什麼組織,針對觀念或者是知識性的部分來做宣導。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "當然,現在儲互社在地跟各個學校也是有一些連結,只是整體來看,比較中央的層級是有關於合作社的教育問題,因為最近這十年,合作社原生社消滅,合作社是4,000多社,也就是100多萬人全部加起來,但是學校的部分是以前所謂的福利社,就是被很多的7-11或者是便利商店取代,這個是現況。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "另外,相對來講是合作教育的部分沒有了,因為沒有這個組織推動,所以就不需要具備這樣的教育安排,這個是事實。像以前有所謂的儲蓄郵局或者是一本存褶可以存錢的概念開始,然後再去推動有關於合作社或者是儲互社這一方面的教育,這個就涉及到整個政策面,並不是單一縣市或者是學校校長的問題,這個是整體的。" }, { "speaker": "康建民", "speech": "當然地方上我們還是會持續跟縣市政府或者是學校聯繫,利用這一個場合提出來有關於整體政策的部分,希望能夠多多重視,也就是合作教育跟儲蓄互助社的概念。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "完全同意。如何讓學校的老師發現消費合作社變成教育的一部分,是能夠融入課綱,而不是要額外做工作,然後又完全沒有教學的時數跟點數,我想這個是比較切實的問題,之前的社創聯繫會議也有請國教署幫忙,尤其是8月新課綱上路之後,也許這一個部分可以開始有一些翻轉,但是更多的是要在內政部還沒有完全提出來的那個中長程計畫裡面去進行處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過我想因為時間的關係,可能沒有辦法講到太多政策的部分,我想之後儘量用書面的方式補充給組長瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還有6分鐘來看sli.do的問題,我們先把大家比較關注的題目稍微看一下。覺心營的張葦君,不知道是在台中還是在哪裡,在台中場。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這裡有一個很有趣的問題,教育部有一個大學創業管理跟行動學習計畫,這個輔導學生全程參與的歷程裡面,公司的運作設立跟關閉清算都看作是學程的一部分,意思是要學著如何讓公司解散掉,因此這一位朋友提到但是因為公司名稱裡面又沒有特別加註這個是練習或者是什麼之類的,那這樣的話,就會有公司清算的紀錄,對他之後的創業不利,大概是這樣的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這個倒是非常有意思,就是設立公司本來就是學習的一部分,所以他是負責人也是當然的事情,只是大家對於公司有倒掉的經營,可能會有不利的詮釋。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是我覺得這個是臺灣的問題,在矽谷成功收掉幾家公司表示很厲害,能夠處理掉投資人,也沒有跑路,下一次創業會更容易,不知道為什麼有時會有黑名單的感覺。 當然馬上有一個想法,也許你創的時候就在公司名稱裡面很明確把這個是測試或者是什麼寫進去,就讓人看到之後就知道這個不算什麼,這本來就是測試而已,不曉得大家有沒有什麼想法或者是要補充的部分?" }, { "speaker": "張葦君", "speech": "因為我有做教育,也跟很多大學合作,這個計畫對於學校來講,也跟很多大學做合作。" }, { "speaker": "張葦君", "speech": "遇到教育部的計畫,對於學校來講,課程不一樣就是要處理,可是對於學生在實作的過程,但對於學生在實作的過程中,就是要改變,對於做創業教育的業師來講,這個是很奇怪的想法。" }, { "speaker": "張葦君", "speech": "第二,學生有這個紀錄,剛剛政委所講的,矽谷來說是正面的紀錄,但是對於臺灣來講,現在經濟還沒有全面流轉到歡喜來做這一件事,所以現在有一個很奇怪的現象,教育部鼓勵同學設立公司,增加新創事業倒閉的機率,覺得這是很奇妙的矛盾,不知道經濟部、教育部有沒有溝通過這樣的事情?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我是今天才知道這一件事,但是我覺得這分兩個方面,是不是創業的過程中就不要關公司,我創業過很多次,也關了不少公司,這個是創業的一部分,我覺得不要讓學生對把公司收掉有創傷的感覺,這個規劃並沒有錯,我要幫規劃這個學程的人講一下話,但是確實像紀錄或者是其他的社會污名化的狀況,這個確實是可以檢討的,我想這可以請教育部……不過高教的同仁,今天好像沒有在這邊,會後會把您的建議提供過去,也包含我剛剛講的這一段,看他們有沒有什麼可以調整的部分,然後再作書面的回答。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在sli.do上,勞發署已經自己回了自己的問題,這個還滿好的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "然後有一個業配,文化部在4月24日至5月5日在松山文創華山跟花博爭艷館有一個文博會,我們列入紀錄。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還有一個比較有趣的是,在數位趨勢的浪潮底下,申請陪伴計畫或者是相關的方案,也就是去連結在地的營造,有沒有網站或者是APP的部分,是不是能夠列為核銷的範圍,不過我想這個是每一個計畫都不一樣的部分,所以我想這可能只能書面回答,因為我現在不太可能讓十一個部會每個唸過一遍他們相關的計畫能不能核銷,但是一般的來講,只要你是能夠說是勞務,而且勞務的成品對你所幫助的這一些人有幫助的話,這個一般來講是可以的,但是每一支計畫的細項都是不一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "外籍移工的問題是打0800-777-888,目前就這樣子。您還有補充嗎?" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "謝謝唐政委,很開心也很感動如此艱澀的議題,這麼協會的領袖跟政務官員這麼耐心跟仔細,自己提的是與自己切身或者是比較急迫性的,我想提的是在這個土地也生活40年,也在海外唸書、大學研究所,在國外推了20年,我的一些感觸想要提出來,唐政委有提到逐字紀錄,也有跨部門的單位在這裡。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "我提一個跟自己有關的,剛剛很簡單提過了,我還是很想先提,因為我怕提太多,會被人家卡掉,打造一個夢工廠是以臺灣為主題的,我在做的事情比較像地方政府的觀光、文化部、貿協這一類的,我們在打造這一顆樹的代價花了1、20億,我個人等於是傾家蕩產,用生命、山窮水盡在做這一件事,所以八樓是要集合臺灣的冠軍,也就是樹上摘果,樹下是生活臺灣,像小型、文創、農創,我們有一些工商服務的招商的部分。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "像文化部這邊,因為樹的總投資額,營建案的會超過13億,是由澳洲威廉司,像加拿大的結構技師打造的。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "主要是想要彰顯土地跟文化價值,我的日本客人來到臺灣,在台中的高鐵問我一句話:「Why all Japanese?」因為所有台中高鐵的餐廳,這些全部是日式系列的。在我們的寶島臺灣,但是我們看不到臺灣的東西,我們看到比較多的美國控制,像中國、日本兩大經濟文化的角力,跟民眾憧憬歐洲,比較看不到這個部分,這是跟我個人比較有關的。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "跟產業有關的,其實現在的租稅從17.5%拉到20%,也就是賦稅、營業稅可以降低,或是像個人俗稱的富人稅,我們都誠實繳稅,從45%降到40%,我的意思是如果這一些部分可以轉達這個比例降低,其實臺灣跟對岸最不利的狀態是,對岸有龐大的外資,世界全球100大、500大,紛紛熱情湧入,這個是臺灣比較吃虧的。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "臺灣是製造業,在出口比較需要的是,如果政府可以幫我們跟各個國家談FTA,我知道這個有難度,所以我等一下提的,都不需要各部會回答,除非政委有指示。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "台中市的捷運綠線已經動工很多年了,目前還沒有完工,但看不到捷運藍線、紅線、黃線的規劃,如果前瞻計畫八年8,000億的部分,可以把捷運線延伸到南投或者是彰化來,或是台中市可以看到捷運綠線、藍線、紅線及黃線同時都動工了,這對於中臺灣其實有很大的幫助。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "另外,我想提議成立宗教管理法,因為臺灣的宗教其實不管是感謝師傅的,或者哪一個團體等等,包含在南投請101的建築師建造超過50億元的中台禪寺等等,臺灣所有的宗教是很大的吸金、資金的投入,但卻無法可管,四大會計師不用簽證,像小小的營收不到10億,這是做最嚴格的規範。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "美國知名學說說企業家其實是最大的慈善家,我們每賺1元,都是非常努力上下游、下單、管理才賺到1元,我自己常常捐給慈善團體,他們所有的執行長當然都是有給職的,但他們大概是花40%的行政管理費,甚至是60%的行政管理費,這個是慈善團體,而且慈善團體常常規模比我們還大,比如說400人的,我不太好意思講,像有一些展望會等等,都是100人、200人或是400人,這個規模相當大。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "慈善團體還有法在管,但是宗教團體是臺灣並沒有法規,我在自己的刊物裡面也有寫到一篇,叫做「行天宮的智慧」,在四年前已經不再燒香,因為有一些縣市的服務很好,像台中或者是台北縣市,台中的部分地區,他幫你蒐集這一些金紙,然後再統一焚化。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "因為現在中部地區,特別南部更嚴重的PM 2.5,我想提議是不是有機會,南投沒有什麼污染的企業,但南投卻要受到很大的海埔新生地的六輕麥寮空污、癌症罹患等等,到全球最大的火力發電廠,現在是火力全開的五根煙囪,中臺灣是在這個部分。中臺灣這麼嚴重之下,但是如我們看行政院AQI的空氣監測品質,高雄市跟台南市,其實比台中的空氣、南投的空氣更污染、嚴重很多,所以這部分也順便想要建議一下有關於宗教管理法。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "剛剛政委有提到文博會、文化部及創意中心,這一些單位接了政府的案子之後,還會再發包出去,我建議臺灣在世界上最大的宗教活動,像鎮南宮的媽祖,其實這個相當有意義,在走的也體驗很大,如果我們可以把日本等等,透過文創無論設計一些周邊商品等等,把儀式可以做好一點,我認為文化部也可以來協助,像台中大里有一個菩薩寺,是由很有名的江文淵建築師做的,每一個時代的宗教,應該是要有那個時代的宗教廟宇,我的意思是,不管是天主、基督或是阿拉或是佛、道,這個時代不要再蓋古老東方、中國的廟宇,這個是我的建議。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "我覺得我們的新文化可以產生,因為像很有名的建築師,也就是設計這個基督教醫院,他是作為基督教宗教也在改變,我認為把一些土地公拆掉了,因為臺灣是全世界最有愛心的地方,我們一直募資,把舊的廟、石雕跟木雕的,我自己是學設計、美術的,我看了非常心疼,把這一些廟拆了,蓋了大理石、水泥砌出來的,砌出來的是仿古的時代意義。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "另外,因為唐鳳政委本身就是在開放政府跟透明政府的努力非常強大,因為衛生下水道的部分,不管是哪一個黨執政,都沒有政績、也看不到的,所以全臺灣六都到南投縣,接受衛生下水道比率很低,但是假設可以把下水道公布出來,我們的家庭廢水、工業廢水,因為有一些違章工廠,我自己是製造業出生,這個政府其實經濟部、工業局做得相當好,如果不是這麼完全合法的工廠跟家庭廢水,排到河流,我們是污染河川、也污染臺灣的海洋。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "有關於國土的部分,像中南部的部分,因為大量養殖虱目魚,一直抽地下水而造成土地下陷,造成前瞻計畫要再砸大家的錢,連治水都有困難,給中南部一個建議,不一定要一直抽水,日本一直跟我們進口虱目魚,臺灣的漁夫很高興技術贏過他們,事實上不然,日本的國土保護得很用心,因此寧可從臺灣進口,不願意自己做漁塭,我們自己有聽到有關於這一些事。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "我到武林農場那一條路上,那邊有一個梨山,是不是有必要在2,700米至2,500米,我們把樹林砍掉?如果可以把平地保護得很好,是不是比較有經濟效益?清境農場標高2,500米都是砍掉的,有很錯綜複雜的原因,我覺得不方便提太多。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "英文列為官方語言,上次有一個民調相當高,我建議可以先從新臺幣跟駕照,不管關島、日本國際駕照是沒有用的,而是有些國家承認臺灣的駕照,因為我帶國際駕照是沒有辦法租,因此我建議身分證、駕照跟新臺幣是不是可以有英文的標示,如果外國人來臺灣旅遊,拿那一張回去,只能認孫逸仙跟蔣介石,沒有辦法認這個部分,這是內政、財政部很簡單的小動作。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "再加上之前因為唐政委代表的是開放政府跟青年參與的這一塊,之前青年有做一個部分,就是每個人都投票,大家都說很漂亮的新臺幣,為何二十年、五十年不能改變?像是南島核心,像平埔、高山、臺灣的5G為主體,並不是政治人物在其上。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "大家不要有太多的聯想,其實很單純,我們繼續使用民國紀念對臺灣是好的嗎?有沒有什麼方便?我長期在國外,全球都是西元年,歐美都是西元年,日本最近改,因為我們用民國來改,這個是封建下來,每一個朝代的1911年開始記元,這個並沒有一個憲法來規定,因此這個是不是要建議。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "另外一個宗教管理法,一個空污法,我覺得跟對岸落差太大,對岸幾乎每一個地方都是電動車,公交車、機車是電動的,當然我知道現在有一些老車的爭議,我自己是一個業者,我也很不想提一些影響到打拼土地的利益,但是空氣污染跟電,如果電能可以掌握,像胡副在這邊,可以掌握這一些技術,臺灣一定可以在綠能這一塊更拿到分數。" }, { "speaker": "吳宜叡", "speech": "像衛生紙丟馬桶,一個先進國家跟落後國家,每一個國家衛生紙,如果有簡單的法規,規定像所有的衛生紙一定要可分解,如果不可分解,面紙類一種是可分解、一種是不可分解,比臺灣先進跟落後的國家,其實基本上都是丟進馬桶的,我覺得這個可以減少很多垃圾,就可以減少很多焚化爐、空污,這大概是我的一些提案,不好意思,謝謝,耽誤大家寶貴的時間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝,從小到大回應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "衛生紙到馬桶,環保署每一年都有在推,這個是沒有問題的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "身分證明年年底會改版。其他很多是要動到法律的部分,我想有立委助理在這裡,像宗教法人法並不是在行政院說了算。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "跟國際簽FTA的部分,我也業配一下,大家可以看一下投影,我們七天之後,會跟AIT一起推出一個網站,叫做「」,這是包含了FTA、您剛剛講在臺灣國際上英文駕照,您有任何覺得美國可以跟臺灣一起做的事情,就像今天用sli.do一樣,就丟到這個網站上,最多人同意的,兩個月之後,AIT會辦一個轉場,把大家的想法彙聚成之後,變成真正可以做的事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以FTA可能要在這裡,沒有辦法在社創會議就談出FTA來,我們畢竟沒有美國代表在現場。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分,我覺得像央行等等部會,如果事前有書面提案,我可以確保承辦科的人坐在台北跟台中,但是因為口頭,所以沒有辦法詢答,但是逐字都記錄下來了,如果各部會要拿過去回應的部分,我們就會請他們回應在逐字稿的共筆裡面,其他比較地方性的部分,我想這一個部分就只能記錄下來,然後請市政府的朋友們參考,非常感謝你的建議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們差不多到了動議的階段,有沒有最後想說的部分?" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "報告政委,我想提有關於一年前的提問,也就是有關於咖啡業的問題,農委會有回覆技術轉移,昨天衛福部有電話跟我回覆了,因為現在分為食品級、健康食物級及藥物級,這個都是一個困難。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "農委會的技術轉移廠商也是我們的新創圓夢的登記立案新創公司。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以他們送的申請或者是農委會送的申請?" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "送的申請是之前在中部送,他們在屏東送。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "後來是說資料不足就駁回嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "我知道的是藥毒所跟衛福部溝通過,他們也有找研究單位研究,研究之後還是不建議,還是怎麼樣不知道。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "我要講的是,新創公司已經有網路在銷售了,這全世界當中有兩個國家開放在銷售,這個可以成為垃圾變黃金。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我理解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "上次去年4月10日,也就是剛滿一年,當時是說茶改所會幫忙提供這一些資料給衛福部,後來表示收到、看完,決定還是不讓你上架,這樣我瞭解了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我再請同仁瞭解一下。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "這個很明確是創新的東西。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過衛福部有兩個,一個是資料不足、一個是證明資料對人體不一定是有益的,我想我們再瞭解一下,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "我可能要再回覆吳董事長的問題,剛好也是宗教人士,宗教當中或者是社福當中有很多不可說的秘密,因為我就在裡面,採取的是能夠按照我們可以做的東西,把它透明化,因此我很支持唐政委的公開透明。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "公開透明尤其在財務區塊的公開透明,我一直採取這樣的作業方式,可能會踩到一些人的紅線,比如我們現在的協會,宗教法人也是一樣,宗教都是一樣,所有的收入有幾種收入:一個是捐款收入,也就是捐贈去讓人家抵稅;第二種可能是政府的補助收入,補助收入,政府會開扣繳憑單;第三種是營業收入,像辦活動或者是收的那一些報名費等等。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "我最近要把它透明化,所謂的透明化就是去申請發票、開免稅的發票,國稅局很免為其難,終於給我辦了,因為他說你們可以不用開發票,因為開發票兩個月要報一次然後又課不到稅,每兩個月報一次,可以把營業所得資料拿來,收的費用就是這麼多,要繳多少稅就繳,不要讓人家猜忌,但是會造成某些公部門的困境。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "我一直採取的政策是,我慢慢做到已經把它變成是模式的話,透明化的情況之下,可能大家很多NPO想要比照辦理,這樣的情況之下,就會慢慢塑造一個風氣,才會改變這樣的情形,否則我很佩服吳董事長,你敢說、說了之後就會踩到別人的既得利益,像某些宗教佔了很多國有地,他們踩不得,某些金錢,他們怎麼來的,說不得的。如何慢慢透明化,我覺得解決方案比提出問題更重要。" }, { "speaker": "王世欽", "speech": "我們看見問題並想像如何解決這一些方案,我們先嘗試來做,做成功就可以成為一個指標並學習,我傾向是這樣子,因此很支持政委的公開透明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "社會創新用之於社會,公益的部分大家都很熟悉,取之於創新的部分,確實要慢慢變成文化的一部分,這個是大家要一起努力的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不曉得台中跟台北的朋友有沒有最後的補充?" }, { "speaker": "許志宏", "speech": "我在2017年的時候,有去申請有關於長照2.0,也就是去做跟師資培訓的單位,期間我們陸續都有辦理所謂的師資培訓。" }, { "speaker": "許志宏", "speech": "18年的時候,我們收到口頭的告知,中央的方案已經關閉,未來不曉得會不會再開啟,可能會再開啟,中間有一些已經培訓通過的師資,目前是無法做到更新,是不是可以再作更新或者是後續的政策方案有什麼樣的通融?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK,這個是在sli.do上有的問題,我想衛福部的同仁如果剛好知道的話,快速口頭回答一下,有關於中央已不再接受師資培訓的更新名單、不收件的問題,如果剛好是別的承辦同仁,可能請他用書面回覆。" }, { "speaker": "劉雅文", "speech": "不好意思,不是承辦師資培訓的單位。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有書面,我們直接用sli.do的書面,您就轉給承辦科的同仁就好了。" }, { "speaker": "劉雅文", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果大家都還ok的話,今天巡迴就到這邊,非常謝謝大家提出的建議,也非常謝謝大家花時間在這邊。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "First of all, thank you so much for making the time. It’s a pleasure seeing you. I think we met in Tokyo the last time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "It was at the Elevate Summit mid last year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it’s very impressive, that VR demo?" }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly. It’s very impressive." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The use of Oculus Go is a very nice touch and generated quite a response." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "We are making good progress on the Elevate. We’re still on target for final testing in the next year and a half to two years and commercial run maybe a year after that." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "That’s on track. Good progress. Also, autonomous, very good. It is another big vision that we have." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, we launched the Taiwan CAR Lab, I’m sure that you know about it, in the Shalun City, which I talked about in the Uber Elevate Conference. You’re more than welcome to try it out." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "I would love to one of these days. Good progress, plus for these dimensions. One of the reasons today, Minister, I wanted to get your advice was on something that you are probably familiar with that’s impacting how we operate today, and all the rental car partners and drivers with us, which is the 103-1 regulation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, the rental/taxi separation." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "The rental separation. The consultation period is going on currently with a date of two weeks from now. I just wanted your perspective. I’ll lay out some of the thinking and what we are seeing, but would love your own perspective." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK. You are currently in Taiwan working with both rentals and taxis?" }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Correct." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’ve used Uber to call both, [laughs] so I think you are in a uniquely interesting position to see that if the taxis metered by distance, versus rentals by hour, is clearly separated how will it impact your allocations?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think most people use Uber to make short travels. That would necessarily mean that most of the currently operating under the rental part, they will need to get an additional license, in order to become e-taxis." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s actually what I talked with David Plouffe when he came a couple years ago. He was saying that the examination to get into the professional driving license and the operational license is kind of difficult, and we are happy to streamline the process. I’m very happy that since then, Uber has been working with the drivers to get their professional driver’s license." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The hurdle at the moment is less than two years ago. If your rental car drivers decide to become e-taxi drivers, it’s an additional exam to go through." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "From your understanding, there’s a taxi license, there’s a rental car license, but the diversified license is not?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s part of the taxi license." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "That’s the multi purpose taxi..." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "OK, that’s the..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. That’s what I mean by e-taxis." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "One of the challenges that the rental car partners that we’ve talked to are seeing is one of the proposals is limiting it to a one hour rental for any trip. Most of the trips that the rental car drivers took today took less than an hour." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "95 percent is less than an hour, which means they will not be able to do the current way that they are structured. That will be a big loss. The challenge, at least as far as our understanding, is this multi purpose kind of permit is..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Let’s just call it e-taxi. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Let’s call it e-taxi." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "One is there is no dynamic pricing. Two is there are supply caps on them, number of licenses that we can get. Both of those will make it very challenging to switch and come under this..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is a surge pricing clause, actually, in the e-taxi..." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "We go by meters, still, so each car is..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s part of the 2015 consultation’s result is that we created e-taxi that could respond to the need. For example, when it’s raining or whatever, and there could be surge pricing. The thing that we didn’t go into was offering discounts under the meter, so it needs to be at least at meter or above, but not under meter." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "There’s a floor on the pricing, but currently if you want to operate an e-taxi, you would still need to have a meter in your vehicle. The surge pricing is multiplier of the meter pricing. That’s actually a very manual way to do the pricing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m sure we can automate it, though." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "Yeah?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "By the time that your algorithm is updated, I’m sure that as long as you pre-announce it somehow, like how the formula is to the passenger before they click the button, I think it does satisfy the e-taxi regulation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If the e-taxi regulation needs adjustments, we are very happy to look into the regulation to make sure that it makes sense with your current implementation of surge pricing. It’s not meant as a technical burden to block you from using the e-taxi plan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Most of the worrying that I heard about is the cap of the total number of e-taxis. The total amount of taxis — including fleets as well as independent taxis — there is a cap, and it’s shared by e-taxis as well as traditional taxis." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But as far as I understand, even if all of your current rental car drivers decide to become e-taxi drivers, there is still sufficient room in that cap. It’s not like you will hit a cap right away." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "It’s pretty close to the cap." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. If you’re going to grow by 10 fold, then we need to talk. But at the moment, there is no job loss even if everybody decides to become an e-taxi driver." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "From your perspective, Minister, where should there be a meter in the taxi? Is there a scenario where you see the meter going away?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. That was also part of the e-taxi consultation. The meter is meant as a transitional device. We are actually looking into the possibility of virtualizing that meter. The meter is there mostly to give accountability, so that people can know exactly how it’s being calculated." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m sure if they can use the app to call e-taxi, they can also trust a virtual meter in their phone as long as it satisfies certain criteria. That’s never something that we want to technically block the app implementation." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "One question for my understanding." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Can this license be transferred with the current rental car companies, or will the driver have to partner with the new taxi fleet company or somebody else who might have a taxi license existing?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They will need to partner with someone who has a taxi license. It could be the same driver and the same cars, but there would be a new plate for the car." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Is there a way to do this while still remaining with the existing rental car partners? Many of them have invested a lot of money to buy the cars as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, I understand, which is why I say it’s a matter of the plate. It’s not a matter of car. We’re not saying that you have to buy entirely new cars. I do hear that the cap is actually quite close. There is limited room to grow. In that, I do concur." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is partly why there is a clause in the new rental car service that says if a municipality decides that it needs to move some of the rental cars into de facto taxi service, then the municipality can just decide so, and MoTC will never say no." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "That’s the one hour minimum." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, because it is meant to separate the rental versus taxi." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "For that part, I think it’s in the regulations that says the municipal governments get to..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Can override." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "Yeah, can override the decision. That’s the only part. There’s still a return to garage requirement?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No. I think that’s a misunderstanding. We’re very happy to clear that misunderstanding." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is exactly the same clause in the regulation for e-taxi. The e-taxi clause basically says, because it’s not painted yellow, it’s not allowed to just be hailed by anyone hailing from the pedestrian lane." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s what clause means. It means it cannot be hailed to stop on the road. It’s the same wording as e-taxi. We’re not saying e-taxi has to return to garage after each trip, either." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "That’s why we were very confused. From our understanding, having a lot of consultation with different lawyers, that’s the advice we were receiving, that this could potentially mean that the vehicle will need to return back to garage." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would concur that the 立法理由, the third column, the explanation column, is a bit ambiguous. That, I would concur. If you look at the text itself, not the rationale, the text is actually the same as the e-taxi." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If this is interpreted into that you have to return to garage after each trip, that it will actually apply to e-taxis. I don’t think that’s the motivation. I do think the rationale could be clarified." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "How do we get that clarified? It would be very helpful if we could get some written clarification from you or MoTC." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure. Actually, have you seen the short video at 志琪七七?" }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "Yes, I have." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It contained that clarification from the MoTC Department of Railways and Highways." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "I think for us to be very comfortable with the operation that..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You would need a written statement?" }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "We need a written one from the MoTC or from the government." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. It’s now during the consultation period, and your ask is very legitimate. I’m sure it will be treated as part of the consultation input. They will, of course, address that as part of the reply to consultations. That will be the time point." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "Since we’re talking about a consultation period, we do have some comments on the consultation." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "One of the other things that, Minister, you’ve been a champion of is transparency and collaboration. With your website,, with the 103-1 proposal, there were over 7,000 comments that were on the website with some proposals, changes. Many of them actually had concern at what would happen to rental car companies and partners." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "I’m not sure the MoTC has seen that or taken that into consideration." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They certainly have." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "They have?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Any particular perspective emerging from that based on the input?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The first thing is that clarification is badly needed, because many have misinterpreted the return to garage rationale. It’s a stretch, but I can convince myself to read the rationales column that way, although it’s not intended that way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think the MoTC do need, after consultation period, to make a version that is free from ambiguity. That will be very helpful to everybody involved. That’s the factual part." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Many people worry about the difficulty in converting from the existing rental car investment into e-taxis. That’s something that the MoTC is actively looking for. We know that there are sufficient licenses, but we haven’t a very clear communication around that matter, especially by municipality. That is something MoTC is actively looking into." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Finally, the municipal override part. I think that is intended as any mayor can decide that within their municipality, they don’t actually want to add on the number of taxis. If so, they can do an override. That part, MoTC need to communicate more clearly as well." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "How quickly, Minister, do you think the process will be from converting former rental car licenses to an e-taxi license?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For the driver, it’s relatively simple. They just pass the exam. If there is already available license for them to partner to, then it’s usually just a matter of a couple of weeks or so." }, { "speaker": "Willy Wu", "speech": "I want to address because similar to what Amit here said is, in addition to helping other drivers, a lot of rental car companies also invest into vehicles. That is something that we shouldn’t forget, because they will be added as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They have their own apps as well." }, { "speaker": "Willy Wu", "speech": "Yes. These are the local platforms that were built, because two years ago, we had this business model. It’s very important to make sure that these rental car companies..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They have the optional to carry over to the e-taxi." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "The companies." }, { "speaker": "Willy Wu", "speech": "The companies, yes. The companies need to have...Perhaps they should also immediately get some sort of..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "License." }, { "speaker": "Willy Wu", "speech": "License something. Without that, all the drivers get taken care of and then left the company itself." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. That’s very important." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "Their needs also have to be heard. What’s currently very challenging for us is that, what happens if you transfer these drivers to become e-taxi drivers? What happens to these companies, the rental companies that are there that invested so much?" }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "We do as a platform, as their partner feel the responsibility to also just not abandon these..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. Those are two tabs in your app, one for rentals and one for taxis. You don’t want to abandon one of the two tabs. That I do understand." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "Another thing is that, let’s get into that scenario where these 10,000 drivers are transferred to e-taxi." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Like the majority of them." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "We don’t see how this will benefit taxi drivers, because that’s just adding 10,000 more taxi drivers to the competition." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Well, they are already competing now." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "The thing is, when they are added to the e-taxi category, we see this benefitting the taxi companies, because there are plates that these drivers need to purchase from the taxi companies, and they will be working with taxi dispatchers. This would benefit sure these companies." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "In terms of how this will benefit the existing taxi drivers, how this will improve their livelihood, it’s very challenging for us to see if the government doesn’t have an appetite to deregulate pricing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we have heard is that surge pricing doesn’t concern them at all, but the undercut pricing does. It creates a competition environment that they cannot actually compete, because no taxi driver is allowed to under meter or to offer a discount. Some fleets tried that years ago, and it’s not legal." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you talk about deregulation, as in giving the freedom for taxi drivers to offer discounts, I don’t think that can be addressed by the current consultation on rental cars." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "It’s actually not about offering discounts. It’s about allowing dynamic pricing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That we can totally do, as long as it doesn’t undercut the meter." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "I think the challenge, Minister — if I can jump in – is Uber globally must have maybe about four million drivers active on the platform. A lot of them are former taxi drivers, all the taxi drivers in the various countries that they are in." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "For the significant majority of them — if not of all of them — their earning on a platform is higher than what they earned when they were driving a taxi. It ranges from 15 percent higher to 30 , 35 percent higher." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "That’s the key reason why many driver partners have come to the platform. It’s beneficial for the drivers." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I understand that." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "The way we can do that while still offering competitive prices to riders is increasing the efficiency of how much a car is utilized. That’s a fundamental business model. If your car was utilized 15 percent, if you can utilize it 50 percent, you can make the driver more earnings while giving a rider low prices." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We hear the same wish from the local fleets that develop their own apps, too." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Correct. The challenge with that is you cannot increase efficiency by that much if you don’t offer a pricing flexibility on both ends. Pricing flexibility is required, for example, on off peak hours, when demand is low to offer a lower price so that demand is higher even in those times." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "My concern with this one is we will move the drivers over to an e-taxi license but their earnings will actually be hurt. They will earn less than what they are earning right now because we will not be able to increase efficiency by that much over that taxi driver today. That is my concern with what we just discussed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You’re asking, essentially, that in the off peak hours, to have the freedom to offer discounts?" }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Off peak hours is one key area. Then you do a microcosm, supply and demand balance. Any time demand is less supply is more, have the flexibility to offer the lower pricing as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Do you have any numbers that says, during the off peak hours, if you can get, I don’t know, 10 or 20 percent off over the current meter, that covers a large majority of the cases?" }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Yes. Actually, I’d be happy to give you case examples from multiple countries that have done so." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Other e-taxi fleets are actually asking the same. If we’re saying all e-taxi fleets are allowed to have a off peak discount by some definition of off peak, andif that covers both your needs and the existing e-taxi fleets’ needs, because the e-taxi policy is a regulation, it’s easier to change." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is just like the optional meter installation which is also something pretty much all the e-taxi fleets are asking. You just signaled that you would like that as well?" }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "It should be optional, in my mind. It should not be mandatory for somebody to have a meter, or a printer, or a radio dispatch device. If you are using an app, you don’t need all of those things." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. Of course, then we would say that in the app you have to offer exactly the same information that you would have on a physical meter." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Absolutely." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The e-taxi regulation is not immutable. It’s not like we were keeping it fixed forever." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It would be really productive if the current e-taxi operators and the de facto... Actually, you’re partnering with the Crown Taxi fleet, right?" }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s an e-taxi operator." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "Yes, tie in to e-taxi." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you can work with them a little bit to get maybe your internal consultation to what it wants from the new e-taxi regulation, that would be very helpful." }, { "speaker": "Willy Wu", "speech": "One thing that we’ve seen in other countries around the world is also we would want some sort of pilot. Changing a lot of these to prove that this is effective to using data might take some time. What we’ve done in other countries is, for example, using some kind of things such as Uber Flash." }, { "speaker": "Willy Wu", "speech": "We can use the platform and have taxi be part of this, but also, give that flexibility to either give them the up front pricing or have the flexibility before going in and changing all the regulations like a sandbox. Maybe that’s something that we can explore here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Do you two have any municipal interest in getting the pilot running...? I ask because the local regulations —and fines too — are the municipal’s business, right?" }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you don’t have the mayoral buy in for this, actually, there is very little what we in the central government can do." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "That’s the challenge." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "In Hong Kong, for example, one of the things, as Willy said, was we’ve got people who are doing point to point. Then we started on boarding taxi as well. This is a pilot that we would run for the next six to nine months." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Test every assumption that we’ve made on taxi driver earnings. That help to calibrate what the final regulation comes to. So that we’re not doing something which causes some change in a way that we not thought through or that is very negative to the rest." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There may be unforeseen corners, too, that people do not anticipate. You said there was a challenge in getting mayoral support here?" }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "That’s the challenge. I don’t think the government either whether it’s a municipal or central government wants to be the first to run this pilot. We really would need some help with the regulatory sandbox space where we can run a pilot and prove that it’s actually an effective method." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "I’ll give you an example. If we approached the MoTC about this pilot and they would tell us that you should go to the city government." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Especially a rural city... That’s really what MoTC wants." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "Let’s face it. This will be best tested if it’s in a metropolitan area. They would ask us to go to the city government. If we approach the city government, they would tell us that since you are not a taxi dispatcher or you’re not a taxi company, you are not allowed to run this pilot." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. You need to ask one of your three e-taxi partners to approach them." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "The challenge for the partners is that if they start asking for this then they get a lot of push back from others in the industry." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You think that they’re not strong enough to resist that pressure?" }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "The fact that we are here today is evidence enough that we’re not able to." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If so, have you ever considered to get into the business of being an e-taxi fleet operator?" }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "To be an e-taxi fleet operator?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "That’s a conversation that internally we are having. We’ve been debating and debating." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then you wouldn’t have to depend on your partners to resist the push backs." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "Yes. There are pros and cons." }, { "speaker": "Willy Wu", "speech": "With everything that’s happening, we will also want to quickly show that this method works. It’s also having to do with time such as if we go through the whole process, it might take us a month before even test out this pilot of flexible pricing to taxi beyond an Uber Flash model." }, { "speaker": "Willy Wu", "speech": "What we’re trying to do is quickly show that, \"Hey, can we find a sandbox somewhere?\" We’ll show it to everyone that this will work. That’s what we want to pitch for as well." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "Yes. That’s the challenge that we’re currently facing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If the sandbox is small scale, would that still work for you? Is this mostly about publicity, or do you actually want a large municipality to get as much data as possible? As we talk about that, the larger the municipality is, the more entrenched the existing rental and taxi fleets are." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "We currently operate in Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung and Kaohsiung. None of these are..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...are small enough." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "I don’t know what the small scale definition is that you’re referring to. In order to run a pilot, it will have to fit the actual transport landscape. It will have to be useful for the people who live in the metropolitan area. In order for us to test it, it will need to at least be, say, a medium sized city." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A medium sized city. OK." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "They tested this in Mumbai before with the taxi part of the deal, but it’s a very big city." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "We have some examples from Singapore and we have examples from Hong Kong that we’re piloting. Even Japan, now, is looking at the deregulating taxi pricing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It goes together with the municipal override. If a mayor wants to try Uber Flash, they can simply say, \"For the next X months, I’m going to evoke the mayoral override on the one hour rule.\"" }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Correct." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For a mayor to say that, that also means that by the time of X months, that they better show some evidence to the citizens." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Evidence either way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. Exactly. It needs to be a fair experimentation." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "For sure." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s preferable to you as compared to a very small scale, purely political construction." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "There are two things that are preferable. One is scale that you can show results." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Two is a certain period of time that gives this transition and us to be able to prove that it works versus a sudden flip of a switch where you say, \"All rental cars and all rental car partners now convert to this one.\" That’s our preference." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK. You summarized it well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not necessarily about Uber Flash though? It could just be a transitional period from rentals to e-taxi proper." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s two things. That’s what I’m saying." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "It could be a transition period, Minister. Again, unless the dynamic pricing and the supply caps are clear, my sense is it’ll be more of a pilot than a transition to complete the policy. You don’t know how some of these will work if it’s not pure dynamic pricing and low supply caps. That’s the challenge." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Across the world, those are the two conditions that determine how successful this model has been for the other partner. Those are the two asks, which are still not completely clear as we just talked about." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We just talked about it’s surge on one way, not the other way. [laughs] It’s currently not hitting that cap but close." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Almost." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Those are the two conditions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re very happy to talk about it for a start. There’s a e-petition that calls to re look into the e-taxi regulations too." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "Is that on" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. It’s also on It’s not regulatory pre announcement. It’s an e-petition." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "Has it reached the threshold already?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, it has. It calls to the municipality to re look into the current e-taxi regulations that make it more fitting to your partners as well as other e-taxi fleet operators." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To recap, the return to garage and the current distribution of caps that are the two numbers that MoTCs can clarify to make sure that everybody is on the same page, essentially." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "We are going to solve is one largely, Minister is that 10,000 partners and 200, 300 rental car partners, the drivers don’t lose their livelihood overnight. And rental car partners don’t lose the investment that they’ve made over the past two years. They have legitimate and regulated business." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Certainly." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Those are two key aspects." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We share the same concern. Anything else you would like to explore?" }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "In terms of process because we are very, very interested in trying this pilot to show that we will bring benefits to the taxi drivers as well. Process wise, how would you advise that we do this, call it Uber Flash pilot? I understand that there are sandboxes now." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There are. If you enter your application into the system, then they will take a month or so to find you partners, basically match making with municipalities that are interested." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s an existing process. We’ve done this for many other things like the Upark, which is another app that lets you install a small lock on your private parking space, basically converts it into a parking lot." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But then the MoTC said \"OK, if you’re on average over a period of months, operates less than eight hours a day, then we say you’re just a part-time parking lot. We’re not charging you the same tax as a professional parking lot.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is one of the cases where the platform economy sandboxes work pretty well. That’s because everybody sees that it’s different from professional parking lots. It’s like self managed parking lots, basically. So there is a process." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s meant for municipalities to enter this kind of partnership. They don’t have to absorb all the risks themselves, basically, because they’re overseen by the Ministry of Economy Affairs throughout." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "I remember that you were in charge of the Sharing Economy Consultation. There were public hearings, and all that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. We renamed that regulation to \"Platform Economy\" right after the consultation, because that name was the consensus." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "That was two, three years ago?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That was in August 2017." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "I’m just wondering if there was a plan, because this issue is such a controversial issue, and there is so many comments and discussion going on. Do you have plans to host similar meetings?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Multi stakeholder consultations around e-taxi regulations?" }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Truth to be told, a recent e-petition raised this possibility to participation officers in the MoTC. They’re currently still working at the MoTC chain of command to get the minister’s and the MoTC staff’s feedback on whether it is a good idea to hold multi-stakeholder consultations around e-taxi, which is the topic of the petition." }, { "speaker": "Renne Chou", "speech": "Can you disclose some timeline on this piece of work?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I just checked with them today. As far as we know, they are still in the MoTC approval process." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Because that timeline would then, then lead to overlap with the current timeline." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, I don’t think there will be any overlap, because the MoTC will first give a summarized response, including clarification, to the 103-1 consultation, which is about rentals. It is not about e-taxi; it’s about rental cars, so there’s no logical overlap between the two consultations. I think it’s very likely that they will just give a summarized feedback, including clarification to their current 103-1 rental consultation before they determine how to respond to the e-taxi petition." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "If there’s a big difference between the two in terms of timeline, and a decision is giving on 103-1 in two weeks, then drivers might not be able to switch to the final e-taxi version..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I agree. A kind of sunrise period, or at least a systemic way to do the conversion, I think they’re high on MoTC’s priority." }, { "speaker": "Willy Wu", "speech": "That’s for sure. I wanted to make sure there’s no big gap, or else there will be a period where the driver, themselves..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That would be..." }, { "speaker": "Willy Wu", "speech": "Yeah, that would actually hurt both the drivers." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That, we totally understand." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "Thank you so much for your time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you for your time too." }, { "speaker": "Amit Jain", "speech": "I appreciate it as well. Always a pleasure. Thank you for pushing technology, pushing progression in Taiwan, which obviously you’re a champion of the future." } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "開始吧!" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "政委、各位長官,以下由我們來作報告,今天主要是談到一些票選規劃、評審機制、工作坊、輔導會議、國際松的進度,還有獎勵的規劃。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "這個是上次會議的一些重點摘要,我們都base on上次的會議紀錄來做一些調整。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "票選的部分,前兩天有決定我們會再往後一個禮拜,所以現在你們在收件截止之後隔天開始到5月1日,會由民眾來作票選,這個票選還是會透過「Join」平台在進行,這個是會用平分投票法進行。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不好意思,這個有一個修改,上次簡報是說每人點數100點,等於可以選一個投10票,或者是兩個投7票,各票7票等於是7749,改成99點是我們去總統府那一次,我們跟雨蒼討論之後,100點的風險是會灌10票給一個,那就忘記這一件事,等於我們沒有用評平方投票法,所以99點至少只能灌9票,剩下來1點18票,也會想說比較會花一點力氣來看其他的提案,不會灌了一個就走。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "廣宣的話,我記得當時是講說用公共政策網路參與平台已經註冊的使用者試著接觸到他們,所以可能不限於FB,因為像參與平台有一個電子包,每一個禮拜所有有註冊的會員都會收到,因為我們這邊如果做成決議只用FB,他們真的只會用FB,所以像電子包等等一切可能的途徑都請大家參加。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "再來是評審的部分,之前有提到社會影響力跟民眾參與度,就是由民眾票選來決定,其他的70%是由主委來決定,我們會在評委的會議時再做綜整。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "目前民眾票選時間是4月22日至5月1日,評委這邊是多幾天到5月5日,我們5月7日會公布20組入選的團隊,之後複選的話是透過兩個工作坊,也就是30日那一天會做複審,然後在7月1日公告,最後決選也是最後挑出決選。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們報告一下有關於工作坊的規劃,目前今年做兩次,第一次是在5月26日,第二次是在6月29日至30日,我們上次有討論過,希望邀長官們可以到場指導,我們把兩次的工作坊約略期程規劃做出來,這個是第一次工作坊,也就是5月26日的部分。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們早上開始會有整個活動團隊的說明、介紹,之後請政委來幫我們給團隊一些鼓勵,然後給一些期許。我們之後安排做open data的簡報,我們儘量多一些時間給團隊做事,所以分成上午跟下午兩個時段,早上有一個半小時,下午就看府裡面哪一個長官可以到,我們這邊大概安排半小時的空檔,假設是秘書長到的話,他會講一下話,我們會安排跟實作的團隊來做一些互動與交流,接著再回到團隊實作這邊,因此加起來有三個小時的實作時間。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "最後是由二十個團隊來做5分鐘的pitch,我們評委跟專家來做一些comment,現在第一次的工作坊,大家不知道有沒有……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看起來跟上一屆沒有太大的差別?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們只是把時間放得比較寬一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "流程是很類似的。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "團隊都要求他們全部都要到,團隊成員每一個都到?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然盡可能到,至少一隊要到一個,不然我們不知道要怎麼輔導。但是如果是多方結合,像我記得之前高雄氣爆的那一組,他們是非常多方,他們自己內部各方會有邀來一個的內規,這個是不用明文約束。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "跟各位報告,我們在二十隊選出來之後,也有個人報名的階段,我們會把二十隊在提案的時候,他們的需要會整理出來,然後我們在那中間就會開始做一些事情,希望他們在工作坊的時候,那一些需要的support可以透過個人報名而進來,不是直接來現場,我們現在期待的需要那一些部分,像資料分析等等的部分,我們會儘量去找那一些專家,透過個人報名進來,然後就移到這二十個團隊需要的部分,因此到時他們應該可以到場來跟他們一起做這些事,並不是那個團隊在現場做,要個人報名的目的是把這一些團隊需要、不足的部分,可以透過其他的力量join進來,因此從評審出來之後我們就會來做那一件事,因為現在這麼多隊,我們不會在這個時間做,我們要等評審完、二十隊出來了,他們在申請表裡面有需求的部分,我們就會把它彙整出來,然後開始做。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這個部分要當成工作項目,在5月26日之前要做,而且可能要提前,去年是一次很正式的會議來處理這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "是,我們會依照大使的意見再安排。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "去年也有需求沒有辦法被滿足,大家需要的是,像資料工程師,後來其實會裡跟工研院……去年是余副在督導這一件事,所以他就有稍微協助策動工研院跟資策會,要不然你假定那個提案,像民眾票選票數也很高,評委覺得這個題目很好,裡面可能有idea,但是沒有那一些資料工程師,或者甚至連資料在哪裡都沒有,去年有這樣的case。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "如果在這前面沒有前置量處理的話,5月26日,連那個team都沒有辦法形成,因此前置量要稍微抓好。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們基本上5月5日評委會做完作業,之後那兩、三個禮拜就會做這一件事,會裡面那邊其實有跟……" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "但是要match,像有些個人的工程師,因為一定要等到評出來、公告之後,知道有這一些,然後對這個題目很有意思,而且他們正好缺我這個專長,去年是有一個機制讓他去填志願。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今年也有。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這個時程會抓在哪裡?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "5月5日至26日這二十天,有二十天的時間,我們會裡面,主委針對會裡面已經有的……" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "我建議你不要抓這麼鬆,因為線上幾天會填就會填,不會填就不會填,就抓個十天之類的,後面可能就要工作小組進去看一下是不是都有,如果沒有的話,我們如何協助它把它處理好?或者有一組大家都要參加,去年也有這樣的狀況,因為題目有趣,大家都要去,不然協調到其他的組。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "現在的想法是,報名當作extra,我們希望滿足基本的需要,那二十隊進來,我們想辦法可以確認是誰。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "反正你要把名單提出來,因為去年是直接把要幫忙的這些工程師或者是工作小組的名單,現在沒有看到,不知道安排多少人、誰要幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "去年是有stand by的,所以才會那麼快。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "因為同仁也有工作要做,你現在調動他的話,可能……因為去年余副督導,像工研院的大數據也是他督導的,資策會這一些也是他督導的,所以他知道什麼人的工作狀況是可以允許他來支援這兩個月的時間,因此要儘快協調一下,不然怕到時候你希望他來支援,但是他手上的確有工作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該這樣子講,其實大概可以先預篩一下,去協調這邊類似像預備隊的編制,我覺得是可以比個人報名更早一點的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想要抱持著一種,即使完全沒有人個人報名,我們也能運作的前提。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "去年我跟嘉凱討論過,就算不在這二十隊,但是好比像第25名,你覺得他做的跟前二十隊的某一個有一點像或者是有一點綜效,這樣子的話,其實也可以很主動地去接洽要不要轉成個人報名?因為會報名就是願意花三個月了,預備隊也是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我稍微提醒一下,去年資策會的經驗是及早把一些要處理的規範事先處理。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我看給規劃要再仔細一點,因為我看這個東西跟去年一樣,規劃得非常粗糙,像你要多少人協作、每一隊有幾個人,你們都要有自己的名單,我建議你們去找余副再談一談,今年要不要邀工研院幫忙,或者是一定要找余副來當評審委員,並請他來幫忙,把協助人員單來確認,如果做事那麼不精細,其實大家都會很擔心。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "像那一天的按鈕,一個人按,然後其他人在那邊不知道要做什麼,每一樣的事情,我覺得應該要安排妥適、做精細一點,不然那一天陪你們去場勘,我也很尷尬,外交部也打電話來罵人,你們怎麼會場勘,然後什麼都不知道,場勘的時候,什麼都不曉得,都說是你們委託單位的人,我拉館長到一邊講說到底要不要椅子、線要怎麼拉、幾M都不知道,我們去場勘幹麻?這一些外交部是會告狀,會打電話來罵的。後來就說台北賓館不借你們了,請總統府緊急發文,如果做事這麼不精細,還會再重來一次。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "陳菊秘書長跟劉副非常挺這一件事,你們那時台北賓館會直接開天窗,因為那時外交部的處長非常生氣,我打給他,他說叫誰來都沒有用,意思說連總統要借都不行,我覺得你們不能再這麼不精細了。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "包含這一次這麼糟糕,有這麼少的隊伍,我覺得你們每一件事應該精細做,跟去年一模一樣,連輔導團的人員到底是誰、幾個人,全部都沒有,我在台經院當過組長,以前我同仁這樣做事,是不及格的,我一定要講重話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以台北賓館有沒有借到?我比較關心結果。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "台北賓館我後來借到了,因為只有記者會。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "府方的人一定會有壓力嘛!例如你們真的要到那一天舉辦,要借多少場地、面積、怎麼舉辦,今年有多少team,都要很仔細出來,不能在記者會前幾天,你們布置了才發現椅子的東西是皺的,這應該是總統規格的東西,我覺得應該要細緻一點,這個是非常地粗糙。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以大概兩個部分:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,我們剛剛講預備隊的部分,麻煩跟余老師瞭解一下。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們會再請教。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個,我想工作坊是在科輔大樓,那個還好,比較沒有場地上的顧慮,但是實際要用到總統府的時候,我想包含場布、預演等等的東西,可能要提早會比較精確,我想這個是非常好的提醒,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "還有跟政委報告,我覺得文總要邀請,因為文總一直很質疑今年找資策會,給了800萬,品質做那麼差,所以麻煩邀請文總。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你說邀來我們這個會議嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不是我們這個會議。而是工作坊的這一些活動,因為是總統府的活動,麻煩邀請一下文總,只要是總統府的活動,麻煩邀請文總。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的意思,是他們到場要做什麼?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "他們就是貴賓,貴賓就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以貴賓名義,人數不限來參與這個活動?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "對。你們這個真的要做細緻一點,沒有一個活動規劃案是這樣做。甚至去年我們在做的時候,工作坊當天要吃什麼東西、用什麼吸引人、你們公關媒體活動怎麼做的,這都沒有,我覺得這個是很糟糕的,去年我跟文櫻討論到那一天要給大家吃什麼,像金峰滷肉飯、要不要吃冰,我們已經照顧到希望這個團員,我們沒有給你錢,但是你來參加,你覺得非常開心、非常爽,但是這個東西就只有一個場地,然後把去年的照片拿來貼一貼,這個要做什麼?這個值800萬嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以仁甫這邊希望看到50頁A4左右的那一種。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "你可以放附件,可是這個都沒有,什麼都沒有啊!我覺得很糟。如果這個東西要跟陳菊秘書長報告,要邀請她,也都沒有詳細的東西,我們怎麼邀請?她也不知道那一天協作有多少人,你們那一天的活動、整體安排就只有這一個流程,到底是有跟大家一起要拍照,或者是每一組談完要拍照,我們幫總統安排的所有流程,包含從談參到所有的流程都非常地詳細,我每一次上大簽都很詳細的,比你們這個詳細100倍,這個是非常糟糕。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們是有細流,但是沒有show出來或者是目前沒有細流?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們會往下把這個做出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。當然我也幫同仁講一下,其實不管仁甫剛剛提到輔導團,甚至潘處長在裡面的角色等等,我們都是今天才收到院裡面的正式指派我當執行長,所以院內公文流程比較慢,所以有一些細流可以預先規劃,當然很難當作定案提出來。我想活動的細流跟行政作業是兩件事,活動細流確實要比較細一些。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "不好意思,我提醒一下,委員的名單現在已經出來了嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有,已經出來了。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "可是總統府還沒有收到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天副院長有確定人選。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "應該是要有草稿出來委員會的名單,還有包含你們這個什麼時候辦場勘、場地規劃,有沒有直播,我不曉得……我覺得你們這個東西真的要做詳細一點啦!這根本是把去年的照片po給我們,連人都沒有,這到底是要討論什麼?討論這個議程嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "因為現在都還沒有召開籌委會,還沒有名單的話,因為可能府內也有內部程序,也要正式從府邀請,然後再來召集,還有很多事要追認。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我知道,我們之前也一直在等行政程序。我要講的是說,因為其實像評委,是從院發聘書,如果沒有記錯的話,執委才是由府發。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "評委比較沒有關係,是執委。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "既然今天已經接到副院長的回函,我們今天就馬上提報過去。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "好,有關委員名單須附相關附件,都有嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,那個都有。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我再跟政委報告,我覺得每一個東西下一次都要交細的,團隊實作怎麼做,陳菊秘書長到底怎麼跟人家做,每一個桌子要講幾分鐘、談什麼、討論什麼。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "第二,指導會議到底怎麼進行,不能去年我們做過了,今年就說按照去年,所以就不用發,至少要放附件或者是有什麼創新,去年指導會議知道什麼不好的,然後再改進,不能每一個細項,包含活動簡介,當天的會議司儀是誰、主持人是誰,這一定都要先弄好,你們要有一個規劃、構想,不是只有放一張,把去年的表放過來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那個麻煩下一次工作會議以前,先用書面補過來,我們下次工作會議的時候,可能對著細流看。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我也瞭解到其實大家做簡報的習慣,有的時候會覺得做一堆細流,到會議上把方向改掉,那就白做了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過,我們這個是第二屆,真的比較不會有這個情況,所以細流我覺得可以先做。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "我回答有關於民生公共物聯網有關的部分,像第2頁,在簡報大綱下一頁,因為7日有二十幾個團隊,我們開始聯名宣傳,我們現在已經開始進行,所以讓我知道以後,我們可以找團隊的人進來,因為我們現在已經在進行了。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "我舉一個例子,像5月2日至4日是要辦說明會了,因此我們之前就有在做了,5月7日當然沒有問題,我只是說如果能夠盡早,就趕快處理,我們趕快把總統盃黑客松放進去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "等於這邊給一些文案、文字來說明這兩個如何說明介接的粗稿,老師都可以儘量改,除了在網站上有連結的之外,我覺得比較好的方式是,其實我們多來回幾次,你寧可先給一個很粗胚的東西,大家甚至開一個共筆,我覺得都比最後1秒鐘收到覺得來得好,不要怕沒有面子,大概是一個團隊。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "這邊有一個contact person,你們的對話就會非常快,因為我們這邊也有一個team。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "第二,有關於英文的部分,這裡到官網或者是到資料服務平台連結,我想請教一下?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "目前是到官網。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "請他們再進到資料服務平台,或者是直接到資料服務平台裡面?我們現在資料服務平台的英文版也做好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是嗎?" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "對。我們趕快改,因此今天已經出來了,他知道我們今天來開會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為英文版的首頁還點不到資料庫平台的英文。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "對。所以我會趕快,反而那個連結沒有建起來,因此我今天才發現,沒有錯。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解,這邊反正版面的空間很大。我現在才知道你們英文上線,太棒了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得我們就是民生公共物聯網的logo,你們的資料平台並沒有自己的logo,是不是?他就是叫自己的資料平台?" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得比較好的是你到官網,我們右邊再加一個連結或者是按鈕,就跟你們的首頁的連結或者是按鈕一樣,按了之後就直接連到資料服務平台,網址就直接email給你們,這樣的好處是,我們其實現在看這個,很多人不知道是可以按的,雖然是可以按的,我們加一個按鈕在旁邊,至少資料服務平台大家會感興趣跟點進去,這樣子兩個都有,既有官網,也有資料服務平台。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "太好了,我們會把英文官網趕快建起來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不然很像我們預先幫你們公開。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "6月29日要邀總統,這個確定了嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是後面的下一張簡報。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果要的話,總統府有總統府的規矩,因為我們有好幾個活動都是我幫總統府主辦,如果是6月29日的活動,三個禮拜前,所有的規劃書都要給我,因為我要上大簽,因為我們還有維安,是前三天,我還要開維安會議,我還要協助主持人的維安會議,所以並不是只有兩頁,包含場地,維安會議細到總統動線要怎麼走,那一天要留多久、跟哪一些人講、一隊隊有沒有簽名,不是只有兩張紙。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不只時間,剛剛王仁甫提的是連空間都要做到細流,這個我想沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果6月3日以前沒有給我,我們就不邀總統。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "我建議執行團隊,有關於這一些,因為府內部不是只有總統說ok,或者是維安,他們都有需求,有一點前置量,就直接請教辦公室這邊。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "看需要什麼資料。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "比如動線,預先從哪裡進來,萬一有狀況的話,他們都要考慮。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "他們連一個禮拜前,電梯的維安都要檢查,維安人員也是很辛苦,我只是跟你講說,我們國家一直都是這樣做,所以6月3日以前所有的東西都要給,而且是要給符合品質的東西。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們會在6月3日前至少提前一個禮拜先給仁甫看過。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不是一個禮拜前,而是5月這個東西全部都要做完,資安大會是1月都已經搞定跟上大簽,我們是提前三個月都把東西弄完。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一樣,寧可你提早交還不是非常完備,因為仁甫的經驗非常豐富,告訴你說還少哪一些格式,不要說到比較接近了,大家才做不到。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我們連發言人室都要溝通,那一天他們要上新聞、FB,什麼東西要怎麼幫你們宣傳,大家把事做好,寧可做細膩一點、多考量一點事情,不是這樣很粗糙,因為上次外交部是真的非常不高興。麻煩你們一下,去年我們連總統那一天,做大使館邀,還有即席翻譯,看是不是邀請,都要做。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "對不起,講到邀請函,這一次是由行政院這邊發邀請函,對不對?有關邀請函,去年的時候,其實邀請的對象出現很多錯誤,我們是一個個核對,因此花了很多時間,而且印了很多次,像名字跟抬頭都不能錯,這個很重要。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "有外交的,一定要這樣,不能錯一個字,那不是很嚴重,那是會被笑或者人家做文章,所以你們在做每一件事都要很小心,如果不知道的話,我們可以找外交部的人協助,可是要提早,你們要在行程上說需要什麼協助、要寫清楚,我們昨天開會才知道這麼多單位都說不要,我們打電話去邀,不是只有每一個部會打電話,要去拜訪或什麼,我去年都跟著拜訪,今年司法院跟考試院我們再幫忙邀請。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果都要打電話,就不需要你們了,我也很會打電話,把800萬給我們就好了,你們要做細膩一點,真的用心去拜訪、拜會,不要打錯字,拜託一下,我以前當組長的時候,不是這樣子,我只能這樣跟你講。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。諮委辦公室可以接案喔?(笑)" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不行。除非放我回去法人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想邀請的部分,這一次跟去年比起來,比較好的是,外交部PO錢科長、外交部團隊其實也是這次工作團隊的一部分,有這個資源的話,要儘量去使用,有的時候就像剛剛所說的,你有一個很粗略的版本,不要怕給外交部的同仁,因為大家之前都有開過籌備會議,聯絡方式彼此都有,如果沒有的話,就趕快加一加。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像錢科長之前也是國傳體系的,非常瞭解這一些運作,就不用自己google去找這一些人如何稱呼,其實有一套完整的範本,所以我覺得既然團隊裡有這樣的人,我們就要盡可能去使用,我常常說大家儘量用我也是這個意思,我早一點知道總比晚一點好。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "工作坊的部分,我們下個禮拜再提一個更細的規劃出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "你們會議資料是不是都可以先寄給大家?不要現場拿到,大家才在看,工作坊比較細的東西,大家前三天可以先寄給大家,大家可以回信給你們的意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你也可以現場按照大家的意見再抽換,也沒有人會怪你們,有一個錯的版本比沒有的好,這當然是因為第二屆了,第一屆這樣做可能會出事,現在有一個藍本,最壞跟去年一樣,盡可能早一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們往下。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "第二天30日的部分,大概是把那二十隊因為要進到十隊,因此我們分幾個來做。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我提一個問題,第二次要換到張榮發基金會去,他們那邊的網路容量可能要去確認。而且是要有高使用量的環境。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最簡單是日租一條專線,這個在任何場地都可以做。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們會再處理,如果現場沒有,我們就跟中華那邊處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為那個日租很便宜,就算租著完全不用,也比沒有好。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "報告政委,如果你要中華電信幫忙,我絕對不會幫你們,上次場勘的時候,你們臨時要他們,我跟文櫻打電話到中華,給馬總幫忙拉線,如果今年又前三天凹中華電信幫忙,我們絕對不會幫你們的,你們所有的需要幫忙都要做好規劃,並不是應該怎麼樣,你瞭解我的意思嗎?你們要先弄好,並不是把沒有做好的東西轉嫁給我,我也會被罵,我是會被叮得滿頭包,好不好?你們剛剛的回答都是不及格的,那一天到底有沒有需要網路,那個是的場地,應該要搞清楚,瞭解嗎?真的拜託一下。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們會先跟場地的負責單位確定,沒有的話,那個部分我們會處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們現在已知6月30日,你現在填一個場地去租日租,他們的作業期非常寬裕,事實上你要gigabit,他也會幫你拉,但是如果你是6月15日才讓他知道的話,那就是另外一回事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然也有例外,像在占領立法院的時候,48小時就處理完,但是沒有要什麼都走例外的程序,例外程序會消耗大家的社會資本,這也是真的。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們就按照這個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就算放著不用,大家就安心。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "沒問題。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "所以那一天的網路頻寬要多少,你們到底可不可以負荷這麼多人,你們都要寫清楚,要不要中華電信幫忙,拜託你寫細一點,不然我們根本不知道要討論什麼,可是你細的,大家就可以幫你想、找資源,把事情做完,就像政委所講的,去年辦過了,去年會議檢討的困難與問題你們要列出來,今年想辦法解決,不是再把去年的東西拿出來,然後連細的都沒有,這樣要怎麼弄?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請繼續。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "所以現在原則上大家如果同意的話,5月第一次工作坊還是維持在民生科服部分,6月這個部分,因為民生科服的部分我們會移到開放文化基金會裡面處理,這個場地我們也都是現場看過了,這個比民生科服那個還大,因此原則上這個場地都是沒有問題的,從場地的角度。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "借了嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們已經去借了,等今天政委確認大家ok,我們已經有先跟他們講了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好。所以這個用法是一樣的,這個會議室就當階梯使用。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "這個是在中間,旁邊兩個小的,所以中間就是我們旁邊的十四樓。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我跟政委建議一下,去年你們民生科服我們都場勘過、看過、討論過,如果今天民生科服這一天的時間沒有借到,換張榮發,這個場地你們也不熟,我建議你們還是要場勘,做場勘規劃,這不是你們場地,你們會更不熟。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "那一天我更擔心的是,那一天是總統,你們讓總統去一個不熟的場地,我心理很擔心,你們做事又這麼粗糙,如果是這個場地,我們也不熟,麻煩你安排兩次場勘,並不是一次。麻煩還要排一次維安會議,維安會議是要去現場,現場的動線。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "麻煩你問張榮發基金會,這個活動總統有沒有到過?如果沒有到過的場地,我們的維安考量就會非常緊張,有到過的場地他們會很放心,每一個東西在哪裡,像電梯有問題要怎麼修,那都是一門學問,所以麻煩你們去問,這個場地總統有沒有去過,或者副總統有史以來有沒有去過?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有史以來有,這個我有找到。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "因為那個跟防火都有關係,他們都會擔心。如果有去過,麻煩你講哪一年、什麼時候、哪一個總統去過,做事情細膩一點,拜託一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛這個提醒很好,可以協助我們維安團隊調出精確的資料。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "他們很辛苦,他們連總統去的動線,哪一個門進去、哪一個門上去,人家都是很辛苦的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個場地就麻煩你們take care。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我提醒一下,那一天如果真的總統要到,那一天有沒有其他人的活動或者是會議,你們要問清楚。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "那一天會不會有抗議?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "我建議你們要在那裡的話,趕快去台北市把路權弄起來。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "得提前三天申請。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "反正要想一個名目租起來,因為到那時候很多變數,越接近選舉,就會有人跟著要做一些什麼事,就要把那個東西排除,去年本來要在台北賓館辦活動,也是因為外面路權申請不到,府內很擔心總統在移動的過程裡面,會不會碰到陳抗,所以才會到府裡面辦決賽。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "因為是三天都會被借走,五、六、日,但是往後一個禮拜會影響後面的事情。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "你們之前沒有先去book嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "去年就被book了。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "你們怎麼沒有調查清楚?我覺得這個是你們的問題,你們的問題,你們要設法排除,到時會議就要講清楚,然後細膩地講,這個活動規劃並不是照幾張照片就好了,如果活動照片照了,我可以找維安團隊,你們絕對是被嚴刑拷打。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "景福門那邊,維安相對還好,離台北賓館,就是相對來講防守比較容易一點。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我們開維安會議的時候,警方跟所有的人都要來,總統要簽一個名,他們維安都會有問題,看會不會拖太長,因為整個維安看起來很簡單,很多人要承擔政治責任。所以拜託你,這個是大家的工作,你一定要把它搞清楚,好不好?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "這個場地可以嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個場地副總統之前有去過,純粹從地形上來講,並不是很容易攻擊的地方,所以我是覺得原則上可行,但是我並不是維安的專家,其實在場並沒有人是維安的專家,因此比較好的方法是今天做成一個決議,請你們儘快地跟維安團隊合作,調出之前我記得應該是副總統,無論如何總統或者是副總統上次去那邊的動線,就像仁甫所說的做兩次場勘。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "維安那天的會議,維安三天前的會議或者是什麼會議,這個地方是他們要進去時,是可以進去做維安的,整個動線跑一次流程,所以你們借這個場地,最好不是只有借那一天,如果是總統要去的話,可能前三天要做場布或者是兩天場布,然後維安會議會進去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得請維安團隊跟他們講就好了。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果要邀總統,不是只有借那一天喔!我先講清楚。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "會有安全的人員進駐在那裡,不然檢查完走了。可能要儘快跟他們大樓談這個事情,如果之前總統有去過,他們曾經配合過處理,因此場勘的時候,最高的物業管理的主管要在,每個房間要開進去讓他看,像機電房裡面有什麼東西,可以開進去看,可以決定那個地方後續的安全怎麼做。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "所以像我們今年資安大會,我們場勘前三天,資安大會都借了,然後隔天場布,第三天開始進場,所以前三天開始借那個場地,因此你們要邀總統,看起來很簡單,事實上如果是場地,很好規劃,可以多借幾天,如果是別人,都是有成本考量,你們都要規劃清楚,並不是這麼匆促的東西。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "像我維安第一個問你們借了幾天,今天場勘完、弄完以後,你們隔天又被別人借去弄一大堆有的沒的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這邊的要求,維安團隊都會提出來,你們三方去會勘,如果無法完成,我們的備案是總統可能要……" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們的備案是租一個場地,把現在用的場地請到那邊去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是嗎?要這樣嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "因為我的成本是一樣的,我乾脆租一個更好的場地。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你是說張榮發基金會嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "你跟他們換,我們維安團隊就比較沒有問題,因為那個是資策會場地,他們不擔心,進出也不會很複雜,你們好好考量。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "每一個樓層都很安全的,地下室都是他們的。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "反正是要場地,就找一個。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "2、300個人,你可能沒有辦法想像,那個是他們的工作,他們也很辛苦。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得延一個禮拜是三個案子裡面最不好的,張榮發基金會,如果他們覺得我們沒有辦法配合事前的維安,或者是維安這邊提出一些要求,你們覺得難以滿足,你們在第一次共同場勘的時候,就會一次發現,就要請這邊然後做對調場地。我覺得這兩個都比延後好,所以無論如何先租下來。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我會覺得A案應該是直接交換、直接租下來,因為我們無法掌握的變數是外面有沒有人申請遊行,那個是無法確定的,如果有的話,就沒有辦法去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以CK的意思,是無論如何就先跟本來要辦活動的人先講?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "A案是交換,這樣子會比較妥當。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "你要邀總統,你們會很辛苦,要多花很多時間,所以我的個性是這樣子,我book總統的時間是三個月前,仁甫都是前三次,我說沒有關係,我先搶時間,既然要邀總統,就要搶,現在都已經太晚了,我根本不確定這個時間,總統是不是已經有時間卡住了,但是我們為了搶時間,我覺得最好這一、兩個禮拜把這個東西做好,我指導你們做好、給我們搶。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果總統的時間沒有搶到,你們就按照你們的,也不用這麼高的等級,你們先要把東西給我,我把你們的時間搶下來,好不好?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "除了這樣子的話,你們路權是不是要先申請下來?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "那個不會有問題啦!張榮發這個才會有問題嘛!" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "張榮發基金會還是比台北賓館好一點,次序是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "這裡是人家會想要陳抗的地方,你們民生大樓那邊,不會有人去弄。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "請不過啦!因為有一些規定。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們會按照總統的規格做出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想我們這幾個人陳抗的經驗都比維安的經驗多(笑)。我們在這裡很難往具體維安的細節想。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我覺得CK剛剛提的,先去談換場地的事,這兩個併行是不會有問題的,談的時候不要只是徵詢意願,可以說不好意思,這個場地總統要來,或者是有什麼緣故,一定得在那個場地,不然通常台出這個理由,當然是好好講,不是用總統壓他們,但是好好講的話,大部分的人應該是可以理解的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果你們要邀總統,我跟政委建議,4月26日把東西給我,我還有兩、三天把東西弄完,好不好?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "下個禮拜先做出一版,我先看一下,我過來跟你們討論都沒有關係,先給我。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝仁甫,臨時加入法人編制。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我先把事情做好。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "國際松三天,你們場地確認都可以用了嗎?那三天都已經book下來嗎?好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果都沒有問題的話,就進入國際松的討論。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "這個部分大概政委要統合出去,包括這幾個問題我們提供,等這幾天就會回了,整個網站也上了。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "現在是有兩個部分,一個是我們在國內松的部分,基本上那邊就是國內松的英文翻譯。另外一個是點進去之後就可以直接到International track,或者要做proposal submission,可以直接點到提案那邊,所以現在應該是方便很多了。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "基本上是有兩個英文,一個是International track的英文,一個是國內松,主要是在介紹國內在做什麼事,大概兩個網頁。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過我有一個提問,但是我們的國內松英文版還是寫sustainable infrastructure,這個似乎是錯的,因為這並不是我們國內松英文版的。都不寫字,不然就是把「智慧國家」打上去,不然我剛進這兩個頁面,我不知道我在哪裡。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們把國內松英文版的主視覺換成smart nation,這樣就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Enabling sustainable infrastructure,就不要放那六個icon,因為那六個跟這個毫無關聯,你在主視覺區分,大家比較知道在哪裡,proposal才不會送錯,如果送錯的話,說不定沒看到,就不見、被搓掉了,後面就有問題,雖然細節,但是也是看一下。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們會把兩個主視覺修改。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "本來主視覺一樣,只是抽換那個字,國際松就是改一個色號或者怎麼樣,就是做另外一個主視覺。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "評審的部分就依照上次工作會議的指示,我們就是五位,這兩個贊助者都有一位代表,我們評委召集,然後再加上兩位。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "目前大概來臺灣的部分,預計是希望邀四至六位,現在的目標大概是四隊。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "最後,嘉凱的建議是我們就是兩隊進去,可能這兩個贊助者可以有比較多的in put。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很好。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "目前的規劃是這樣子,這個是主要的計畫,因此這個提案會到5月24日截止,這邊會有一個禮拜的時間來作業。之後我們在6月3日會公布四至六隊要來臺灣的,我們在18日至20日要在這邊做他們的黑客松,21日他們下午才會進去,因為早上是國內松,中午之後,國際松的團隊才會進來,也會早一點讓他們進來可以做一點準備,因為早上是國內松的比賽,就不把他們帶進來。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "不好意思,就不會跟總統有交流?因為總統是中午的時候,可能會跟團隊,如果去年的話是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們就會確定時間是到裡面來。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "去年是午餐時間?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "進去的話,就是要知道有沒有多兩桌?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "我們長官有考慮到,因為現在成果展也要進來,因此成果展會有五隊,也就是十五隊,再加上國際松兩隊,就等於是十七隊,場地我們現在可能要再增加,我們現在主辦的團隊這邊,認為他們希望跟總統交流,還是不要?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "他們很難得。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "你們對話這一些細的東西,都要把東西想細膩一點,如果有問題的話,就大家提出來解決。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然這兩隊是有實質的為原則。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "大家花這麼多的成本找來,就是希望可以對話,多給一些政策建議。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "還有昨天開會講的,我覺得人民提案的議題有很多是很棒的,你們昨天有提,現在在附件許願池,你們現在列得很好,但是有相關的部會跟政委報告,昨天派執秘主持,你們這個要編頁碼,不然也不知道……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "比較奇怪的是黑底黑字。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "要寫附件幾,我不知道附件第29頁這一個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我有看到。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "跟政委報告,我們有建議,我們希望許願池是部會站出來解決問題,總統聽到了,只是部會或者是院長,把人民想要解決的問題解決,我覺得各部會的依循很好,但是有的很奇怪,為何全部都是國發會?有的部分你們再諮詢一下,就是把部會寫上去。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "有些問題的部分,如果要副院長還願的這一個部會如何規劃,然後怎麼樣主責部會來做,甚至副院長可以指示現在有一些部會為何沒有提案,可以做一個內部的提案機制,未來可以提案來做這一件事,也就是把人民的困難解決掉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個有兩個部分,另外一個是國安會,雖然看起來很像。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得現在很多部會,尤其像地方政府,停車格這一些,可能會有一個困難,他們不是那麼容易說服他們的長官用公務身分來還願,如果很容易的話,他們早就做了,這個是行政上的困難。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛仁甫提的一個解決方案是,直接由我們的召集人即副院長等於用一個函的方式,說這一些許願池滿好的,希望各個長官盡可能鼓勵他的下屬公務員來還願。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "最好是副院長經那一天記者會講,最好要有一段像副院長來還願,看怎麼樣回復大家的許願,我覺得這個規劃案,昨天提的都要把它做出來,可以讓政委去邀副院長。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "錄一段可能要在比較後面,就是這一些進入投票期,或者是民眾許願池,真的有人進入二十強了,那個時候露出會比較好的,不然沒有人知道哪一個會進他講的,難道我們要他講二十六個人嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "甚至可以讓部會也知道有這個困難跟問題,讓他們有壓力,最重要的是這個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以地方政府的部分,可能我們就是用這個方案。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於各部會的部分,我覺得也是因為民眾的這一些,這其實有一點像民怨調查清單一樣,有一些部會已經在做了,你放到總統盃黑客松就是怕人不知道才會放過來,有一些他們在做的,可能比較初期,他們並沒有覺得一定要弄到人盡皆知,如果做不好的話,要怎麼辦?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的具體建議是,可以告訴他們說,同仁在去年也有很多,像以個人身分或者是找民間的朋友,又或者是找社群等等幫他提,然後說本科配合辦理,那個同仁就沒有政治風險,這樣的情況之下,我覺得去年有參加過的可能知道,但是去年沒有參加過的三級機關可能不知道有這一種狀態,我覺得這個就不能用公文函了,不妨用email或者是其他方式,要你還願,並不一定是要你用主管機關的身分,你甚至不一定要簽到市長或者是部長,你的三級機關覺得幾個年輕同仁請個公假或者是事假,也可以來參加這樣的活動,也可以把選項二很明確讓他們知道,也就是會報跟我們討論之後所做的綜合建議,這個就沒有任何的拘束力,跟副院長的函不一樣,原來可以這樣做。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "所以現在有國際松的部分,因為現在講到國際松,好不容易找到外面的人,請他們跟總統對話,像公民許願池可以挑一、兩個,我們不知道國際松的人要來做什麼,可以把臺灣有一些問題,像國際的,我不知道如何讓國際支持我們。或者是市區淹水的警示系統,我想各國都會有淹水的問題,有一些是一般的問題,我們臺灣解決不好,可以請教各國的高手,你們除了對外連結、國際連結,我們找國外的高手是要幫臺灣解決問題,我覺得這個要連結在一起,剛才沒有講得很清楚。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是我們在許願池的摘要也可以適度翻成英文,提供給我們這一些國際松的對話來做參考,當然他們參考完說不定什麼都不做了,像副院長發函,說不定地方政府跟各部會什麼都不做了,但是我們至少讓他們知道這個是我們感興趣的題目,他們來這邊,就算不一定跟總統,因為不是每一個都會到最後兩隊,跟臺灣人聊這個題目,是臺灣社會有感、有興趣的,這個比較像建議性質的工作,但是至少做的大家比較對焦,這個是滿好的,我們是摘要翻譯,不一定全翻。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "對,不用全部,幾個國際比較關心的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "像第30頁,「市區淹水的警示系統」上面寫「各地方政府」,我建議也列水利署。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "水災不是已經做了嗎?我記得是成大做的,這可能沒有全面做。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "但是今年有環境的建設,水利署透過防災中心補助各地方縣市來做淹水。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "全國好像也有講過這一件事,對不對?所以我覺得確實作為主政機關,因為要被copy到。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "目前今年很大的計畫,補助各地方,應該有十幾個都有提案了,所以這個是滿大規模的,把水利署放進去。因為地方政府非常臨時,他們真的有些地方政府的能力很大。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "建議水利署,如果他們真正要進來承擔這個責任的話,可以邀一、兩個,這麼大的面積,比如比較容易淹水的縣市某個會淹水區域,當作實作的案例。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "因為實務上慢慢都請水利署去統籌了,才會有成果。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一些留空的,是因為你們知道填什麼,但是政治上很困難,所以不填(笑)?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "你們最好還是填一下,如果有什麼困難的問題,我們可以討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像專門針對台北市的,為何不能寫台北市?這個有什麼困難嗎?我們一定要寫各地方政府嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "他寫台北市就是台北市。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "15其實一定有警政署,跟院資安處的工作,我不覺得你們不知道,可能就是覺得政治上有風險。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但就算有風險,還是要分案,不分案的話,這幾個就沒有了,等於沒有依據。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "第六個,好像不是能源局。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "能源局在做這個,這個也是有。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "第四個應該還有交通部。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "路燈也跟地方政府有關。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。所以就是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "16是不是NCC的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "16是NCC沒有錯,可能也因為之前,不太有人想要填上去,但是還是要填,並不是說不填就自動完成(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我覺得可以找國際來幫忙,報告政委,像淹水的,還有垃圾處理,還有環境保護,包含動物保護的議題,我覺得有幾個,你們可以先寫幾個框架讓外國人知道我們在關心這個,然後再舉例,像人民關心的是捕獸夾,那個已經很detail,不然我們請人來,像有人花大錢浪費國外的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "副院長還是往各地方政府,各地方政府最多就是收到一個函的copy而已,我們把寫各地方政府的,像「7」是交通部,「23」也是,「26」一定是環保署,「24」是農委會的動保,「20」是剛剛老師所說的水利等等,現在寫各地方政府的,還是幫他找到主責部會,即使地方政府,完全沒有看到,我們至少也會有一個主責部會來做這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「22」其實如果專門針對PTT,那是台大的,所以算教育部……我亂講的(笑)。但是如果是一般性在講的話,這個還是院資安處的,這個都是分得到的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "另外一個,我跟你們講,昨天我們跟蔡執秘開到7、8點,你們答應今天投影片還要再改一版,但是你們36頁都沒有改,像監察院還在溝通,你們還是寫確定不提案。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我們昨天討論的是,你不能開會的時候說這個投影片要改,我們看到的東西又一樣,這樣很不好,昨天的開會到底是在開什麼,我也不知道是在開什麼,我看東西一定很細,你答應我的,就算到火星、天涯海角,一定都要追到,你們後面這一頁都沒有改,監察院還在溝通,司法院要提案,昨天已經講要提,但是沒有列進去,你們根本都沒有改,我們昨天開會到7、8點是要幹麻?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們可能要引進電子紙的技術,才可以即時更新。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "昨天執秘開會前會,你們開完會也沒有改,今天跟政委報告,不能這樣做事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這個部分當然是ongoing持續更新,謝謝仁甫補充。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "會前會不要前一天,你們作業也來不及,如果你很能幹,前一天開會前會把東西弄好,今天上給政委都沒有問題,但是你又答不到,不要前一天開會,大家又累,你們又做不到,這樣很不好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這請團隊參考。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "問一下,剛剛仁甫提到國內題目,看國外有沒有要接招,跟這一次國外比較有關的是防災相關的,這怎麼個連結過去?當然國外也有市區淹水共同的問題,所以怎麼連結?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果真的要進來,把這個做出來,要花很多時間,他們要分享經驗給總統都很好,他們如何克服這一些困難、怎麼做,他們有沒有實際的案例?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "國內看到的是市區淹水的這一件事,想聽聽國外的經驗,想聽他們的經驗或者是想變成他們來參加國際松的題目?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該這樣講,為何國際松只邀團隊,而不邀個人?而是因為在當地已經有一些實作,當然他們的情況跟臺灣的情況不一定一樣,一定不一樣,所以來臺灣的主要工作是把之前的解決方案,試著用一個小試點的方法,其實我們說5G也是類似,只是今年5G不可能實際施作,但是概念是一樣的,他來這邊找,所以我們的目的是確實變成他的題目。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "如果這樣的話,是不是在國際松那邊的競賽主題說明那一段,是把這個東西放進去?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是系統提示?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "然後對外的這一些communication package也要highlight scenarios。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "擇要翻譯就好了,民眾在許願池,講的一定比較生動,比我們要求部會提案,一定要繪聲繪影。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們再挑一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,稍微再挑一下。我們再往下。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "剛剛把時程報完,我們這邊是在國際松上網頁有的東西,這邊大概跟嘉凱討論一下那三天預期要做的事,大概是整個program的介紹跟團隊的pitch之後,給他們一些時間實作,那一天晚上應該有一個歡迎的活動。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "第二天除了實作以外,也是跟臺灣的團隊有一些互動,這些互動就包含兩個部分,第一個是去年那幾個卓越的團隊,因為他們今年沒有要參加隔天的比賽了,所以他們時間上會比較多一點,而且已經有一些已經完成的,像衛福部的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "兩邊開始找可以結合的。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "對,邀請他們來。然後會找一些贊助者來做一些sharing,我們會再進一步跟兩個贊助者來談。第三天是要把那兩隊選出來,因為這個是禮拜六,現在是四至六三天。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在我們邀卓越團隊來分享的這一段,能夠參加跟他們互相工作分享資格或者是名額是什麼?你必須去年得過獎。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "是今年二十隊跟去年的……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "等於是二十五隊?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我前兩天有收到紐西蘭那邊,說上次水寶寶太棒了,又要我們協調一隊過去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想說既然國際松的人都來了,也許可以說未來想要把他帶到別的活動,等於是後續的這一些朋友們,當然我們不會出機票,他們指定一或兩個人,我覺得在這裡很適合,因為一方面除了之前的水寶寶之外,也不認識其他的人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "二方面,今年新的二十隊,可能自己看過之後會有一些想法,就不待我們指派了,我們可以變一個通例,不只是對紐西蘭,而是後面所有的活動,覺得我們產生的隊伍可以變成他們的種子,可以在這個時候來是最適合的。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我有一個建議,7月19日像紐西蘭或者是其他的活動,想要來拉廣告的就拉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "給他5分鐘或者是10分鐘?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "或者是3分鐘。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "讓他講一下Lightning Lab GovTech到底是怎麼回事,其實像民生公共物聯網,不只是黑客松的活動,而是計畫到底是怎麼回事之類的,這個是有系統式的交流。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "19日那一天安排這一些。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個有個影子之後,他們講話會比較有主題,不然會變成每個人只能講自己的那個題目,那就比較宅,所以我們儘量安排一些紐西蘭怎麼做的、民生公共物聯網怎麼做的,都不用查,但是至少讓大家在一開始做之前有一張大的pitcture。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "其實英文翻譯都是外交部幫忙,今年我覺得那一天總統講,那個外交部的,但是協作會議那一天當天的安排流程,一定要有英文的在,否則這一些團隊協作的時候也搞不清楚什麼的,你們英文的人員安排都要規劃清楚,好不好?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "仁甫講的是口譯程度。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "那一天除了總統致詞跟頒獎活動,我們請外交部幫忙,你們平常co-working這一塊,那一些外國人英文的協作,也要派幾個英文比較好的人來幫忙,或者是國際處每個人英文都很好,都可以幫忙做這一些口譯,你們可能要安排清楚。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "是這三天嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "那沒有問題,我們那邊應該英文都還好。每一組至少會配一個。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "去年媒體公關熱度的部分一直被檢討,文總已經很熟稔,我們還拜託媒體,我私底下也請誰幫忙寫專稿,今年都沒有做,所以只有那一天記者會之後就沒有任何的熱度,去年文總還滿認真的,就算沒有錢,我們想辦法每週或者是每月有一個熱度出來,去拉這整個活動的熱度,但是我沒有看到媒體的宣傳,那個熱度如何維持?怎麼做?所以媒體的計畫,我都沒有看到,那個一定要補上去。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不然我們做得很辛苦,因為這個活動對內是希望我們的政府單位,這些科長們可以創新、提案,對外讓人民知道如何參與政府的活動,然後如何宣傳這一個活動、提高所謂的公民參與度,還有open data,提高人民對政府的信心、提高整個國家創新的能耐。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個不是有找專門的小編團隊嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "公關公司那一天跟我場勘都不知道,連椅子要坐哪裡都不知道,如何對你有信心?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,會操作議題的團隊,不一定會看椅子……" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "第二件事我覺得很生氣,你們當初說要找沃草,結果你們給沃草那麼少錢,後來也沒找沃草,你們的公關宣傳現在到找誰?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我並沒有覺得一定要找沃草,但是現在是找誰?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "是technews幫你們整體規劃嗎?之前跟我們報告是講沃草,現在也沒有人,沃草沒有合作,到底是誰?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我再提一個計畫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "目前還沒找到嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "中間其實找了好幾家談。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "現在到底是誰?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還是沒有確定的,是不是?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果還沒有確定的話,可以理解仁甫會比較焦慮。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我非常焦慮啊!文總都在看這一件事,為什麼要給資策會辦,不是給文總辦,如果給你們辦,你們就要辦的比文總好,或者是差不多,去年給文總多少錢?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "60萬。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "只給60萬幫忙到這個程度……你們是800萬。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,但是我覺得文總這一次,即使我們現在請他們進場,他們不一定能夠在裡面操作。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "沒有,再這樣……我沒有臉再去拜託人家一次。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我覺得回到文總不是一個選項。子維有什麼建議?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我覺得誰辦,每個單位直接跟媒體聯繫、交情怎麼樣都不一樣。如果我們現在要解決問題,就宣傳方面,我會覺得我們的難處是,如果找到最有利的議題,就會很容易宣傳,我現在隨便舉例,裡面有一題是能不能透過這一次黑客松,要降低酒駕,我隨便講,你光是有這一題,很多媒體不關心這個也會放話,他很關心酒駕,誰辦是一件事。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "現在看有沒有辦法找出來,要跟現在社會大眾最熱門、最關心的議題,你搭他的車,順水推車比較容易。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我覺得子維講到重點,我們去年那麼少錢為何還可以操作幾個題目?因為政委做報稅的問題,大家就用這個議題發酵,今年你們應該也是拉幾個,像剛剛子維所講的,我不知道你們的包裝是什麼,反正你們這個東西真的很匆促,我不曉得,你們把那個東西,到底委託誰都寫清楚,到底怎麼做,拜託,不然我真的不知道該怎麼交代。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不然被罵的都是我,我都要唱那首歌了,好不好?被唸的都是我,媒體公關是誰,是不是先確定好不好?" }, { "speaker": "呂忠津", "speech": "雇員在上班時間唱歌?(笑)" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "老師就不要害我。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為5月1日前後,其實去年重新設計全面windows也可以用,這個再配上減稅的各種狀態,其實本來大家就會有一陣子發現好像還不錯,所以這其實是媒體操作的時間點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "再加上我們其實有去年五個案例,尤其像來demo的那兩個,其實現成的視覺素材是非常充足,像衛福部離島的那個連影片都有的,其實交給媒體宣傳公司,這一些東西不用事先拍,不用管曝光的部分,這個部分其實理論上是比較好操作才對,但是現在當然主要的原因是沒有固定、確定的團隊,好像累積了比去年多五倍左右的彈藥,但是好像沒有辦法曝光的情況,這個要提早解決。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "還有,你們要找人家,不要凹人家,給50萬還要派四個人幫忙,不要把大家的信用都用掉,我覺得資策會過去給人家……人家罵的是,政府給你800萬,你最後拿50萬叫別人做事,還要附兩個人,所有的人會罵得很難聽,甚至政委也會受傷。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我受傷倒是無所謂,本來我就是來幫你們擋砲火的,如果出問題都是我的問題。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "所以麻煩你們找公關媒體也給合理的pay,麻煩你們。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "還有,你們要給我的時間點,這個都要附,樓上都會問得很清楚,總統都可以幫忙FB。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "總統也有LINE了。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "對,你們的東西規劃好,大家是全部幫忙,一體把這一件事做好,不要沒有規劃很零亂,這個案子就不會做好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以當然就是下週一,至少團隊比較確認;第二,剛剛仁甫提醒的是可能要細到什麼時候出什麼樣的訊息。有些訊息比較適合由總統出,有些比較適合行政院資安處,有些訊息我可以出,但是我們都沒有辦法在沒有具體的規劃之前做任何事。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "去年做到每個月、每兩週要達什麼都很清楚,你們把資料要清楚,至少跟去年一樣,把填空題填好,好不好?拜託一下,那個東西我們都沒有看到,非常擔心,我們去年第一次看到這個程度,這一次都沒有了,連諮委也擔心到不行了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒關係啦!發生什麼事都算我的問題,那個是對外的。我們繼續。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "這個評審也是相同的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可是你有兩個scalability重疊,這樣對嗎?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "一個是social impact……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們要不要某一個換字?就是您寧可去用viability……或者viable on a large scale之類的,兩個抽換掉一個。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "還是把social impact拿掉就好了,因為下面有一個can it be transferred as well,類似。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "所以我們把這個刪掉?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。當然我們理解中間那個是廣度橫向延展,後面是深度縱向延展,可是大概很少人能夠光看這個字就有一致的腦補,所以刪一個是比較簡單的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請繼續。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "我們這個團隊會給一些獎盃等等。像嘉凱跟我們一些夥伴已經在處理了,我們後面還有做一些,還會再做國際廣宣的事情。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "國際廣宣有沒有需要政府單位配合?我們先提出來,這邊先協助協調並交換。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們這邊現成的是一些紀念品貼紙,像觀光局或者是永續發展的徽章,這個我們都可以給,但是除此之外有沒有一些比較實質上的?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "昨天談的是一些宣傳管道。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們需要什麼?這個是不是我們也會交給未來的公關團隊一併處理?或者是不同的人?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "一併提出好了,似乎應該是整體的,國內外宣傳應該是一起。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我不確定,因為你們要找公關團隊,他有能力handle國外宣傳這一塊嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "應該是說規格先提出來,如果假設是60萬的預算,應該只能執行國內的部分,國外的部分如你所說的,提出我們需要什麼東西,看看是不是有什麼……" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "他們能做的是用media的角度來做,我們昨天在討論像這一些是點對點很明確的目標,來跟他講說找starup的同溫層,或者是找這一些商會、工會的同溫層來對應訊息,像AIT或者是法國、英國駐台在管ICT的專案,他們常在做兩邊的科技交流,這個是很具體的,他們公關做不到這一塊,這是兩個不同的宣傳管道。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "但是我是說兩個東西應該放在同一個裡面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然不可能找到這一些去對口,但是可以設定幾月幾日出國內訊息,幾月幾日出國外的訊息,這個應該要做出來。不然也會有自己訊息打架的問題,就像我們常常看到兩個主圖一致很奇怪的情況,所以我覺得至少讓這邊先把路線弄出來,當然他們沒有執行的預算,可能要五倍才有,等於很多執行需要確認出來之後,我們再去找。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "那一個單位需要跟政府有關的。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "戶外的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "同樣的請去找我們上次那一位,當然如果真的需要辦公室琬梅也可以聯絡,我們大概就是以這兩個為主要的對口。這樣差不多了。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "現在大概準備了一些,現在初選會規劃一個時間,在5月2日,到時再配合時間來作業。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "5月2日是禮拜四嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那一天我是可以,但是能不能全程,我看一下,好像可以全程,那就先這樣,但是可能要準時結束,因為我晚上就出國了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我再過一次,因為要畫押的,我看一下。民眾票選時間延後是5月1日?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "就是往後順延長一個禮拜。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "國外有一些做平方投票法的研究者問說,是不是可以先把每個人每個人每一秒投什麼票記下來,這個部分應該還好吧!你應該用一個代碼化的方式存起來,後來也許用開放演算法的方式,讓大家來研究這個東西,或者再去做統計的一些工作,反正先留下來再說。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "然後投票系統,之前有提到本身開放源碼的這一件事有做規劃嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "之後會再出一版,因為之後的東西沒有辦法開放出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。我的意思是前端的部分?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "那可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是現在就可以嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "現在不行。我會另外寫一個平方投票的版本。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是用新版或者是舊版?" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "新版。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好的。我們覺得要用公信力的話,4月22日的時候至少要公開,大家至少知道我在用的最後會投到哪裡去之類的,我覺得這個比較是一個good face,這個投票雖然是新的制度,但是也是跟所有的線上投票一樣,會有一個公平的計分等等,所以我們儘量4月22日的時候,至少把前端的部分公開出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "後端當然不是用資料庫帳號密碼,但是也在最大的可能性上公開,這樣大家比較有所依據,授權就用你們常用的MIT或什麼的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "公民許願池的部分,加入的部分我們大家都建議了很多,就是這樣子,再整一次。如果需要我們發一個院數位字或者是需要副院長稍微背書一下,這個往部會的部分是沒有問題的,我們後來還有提到一個私下透過非正統管道,讓你們也可以鼓勵基層的公務員,也就是讓個人的身分來參加這一件事,如果爆炸的話,至少長官不用負責,因為理論上是民間朋友提到,這個訊息可能要出去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第四點的話,基本上使用資策會科服大樓,除非已經預借的那個團隊因為天災地變不可抗力就是不能去張榮發,不然就是按照嘉凱的建議,以民生科服大樓為A案,其他都沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "陳世祥", "speech": "再幫他們找一個可以接受的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,其他就看大家有沒有動議?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我發現你們每一次開會都沒有效率,還是做一個追蹤管考,跟政委報告的時候,把上次開會答應要做的事,管考項目列清楚,看有沒有達成、遇到的困難是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "另外,執秘開會前會所有的管考項目都列清楚、日期也列清楚,這樣就不會重複了,換句話說,執秘已經處理過了,政委只要裁示是否可行就好了,好不好?不然就重複開會,昨天搞到7、8點,今天再搞一次,我們開那個會前會要做什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "理解。所以就差不多這樣?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "國際松宣傳,也就是邀請報名宣傳階段,個人名義去對國外推……反正你有50萬粉絲,這個時間點要放什麼時候?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是不是給我一個package?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "要有一個節奏。因為我剛剛列了私人管道,立刻有人已經表達了會報名的意願了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常好。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "也是菲律賓員工的科技導向。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我自己會參加類似的活動,但是沒有辦法把握是什麼時候講最好的、開始講是最好的,你們這邊有一個什麼線路是可以開始在twitter上貼,另外還要給我兩、三天的時間去跟外交部確認怎麼樣最符合他們現在的策略。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "是素材的部分?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。外交部的手上,包含各個使館有可能會聯播,比我一個人的粉絲要來得多。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "就納到整體的裡面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "放在整體規劃裡面。那今天就這樣了,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "很謝謝大家來參加「Join」平台連署案有關於兒虐的案子,同時也謝謝廉政署借我們這麼高級的場地。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我先稍微介紹一下環境,外面的場所區都放在外面,請自由取用,廁所是這邊出去之後,右轉走到底再到左邊。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "假設我們今天在發言的時候,覺得大家的講話太快、來不及發言,可以掃布幕上的QR code,或者是打,有一個房間號碼,是00412,這個上面是匿名發言,也就是說不想讓大家知道是誰發言,都可以說這個工具。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "今天唐鳳應該下午會過來。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我們這邊有兩台攝影機,基本上是做影像紀錄並不公開,我不確定各位有沒有一定要直播,在場的各位有一位不願意直播,就不直播,如果不好意思講的話,可以在sli.do上發言,我們的主持人會收上面的文字。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "流程的部分,就交給今天的主持人雨蒼,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "大家好,我是今天主持人雨蒼,非常感謝大家今天願意來參與協作會議,這個是開放政府聯絡人第44次的協作會議,這次的主題是由莎拉小姐連署「殺害16歲以下直系血親繼親者處死刑或無期徒刑」,我們一開始還是先請大家做一個簡短的自我介紹,你只要講你的姓名、匿稱、來自哪裡及與議題的關聯就好。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "以我來說,我是雨蒼,我是來自於PDIS小組,我們在這一個會議主要是主持人的角色,我就把麥克風往下傳。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "大家好,我是壹雯,我是唐鳳辦公室的成員。" }, { "speaker": "皓婷", "speech": "大家好,我是皓婷,我也是唐鳳辦公室的成員。" }, { "speaker": "馬克", "speech": "大家好,我是馬克,今天在討論的時候,我會幫忙做一些討論。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我剛剛有介紹過,我是唐鳳辦公室的蔡玉琪。不好意思,剛剛跟大家介紹,她是我們今天的速錄師,會幫大家用麥克風講的每一句話都會記錄下來,我們事前都有留email,除了寄會議資料之外,也會寄逐字稿,大家可以修改自己部分的逐字稿。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "因為今天桌上型的麥克風有一點問題,等一下會用無線的麥克風請大家發言,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "Wendy", "speech": "大家好,我是唐鳳辦公室的Wendy。" }, { "speaker": "彭志煒", "speech": "各位大家好,我是原能會PO彭志煒。" }, { "speaker": "胡則華", "speech": "大家好,我是金管會的胡則華,今天下午有兩個分組活動,我負責主持其中的一個,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "大家好,我是佳玉,我是促進轉型委員會,今天也是來擔任桌長。" }, { "speaker": "陳莎拉", "speech": "你好,我是提案人陳莎拉。" }, { "speaker": "游舜傑", "speech": "大家好,我是附議人游舜傑,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "大家好,我是王薇君,兒童權益促進協會。" }, { "speaker": "洪雅莉", "speech": "大家好,我來自勵馨基金會,我是雅莉,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "大家好,我是鄭仕偉,來自內政部警政署。" }, { "speaker": "葉宏彥", "speech": "大家好,我是來自教育部國教署葉宏彥。" }, { "speaker": "孫旻儀", "speech": "大家好,我是教育部國教署科長孫旻儀。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "大家好,我來自新竹市政府社會處,我是兒保社工的督導喬羽華,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "大家好,我是郭瑜芳,法務部調辦檢察官。" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "大家好,我是台北地檢署檢察官蕭永昌,因為我本身目前擔任婦幼組檢察官,希望在今天的會議當中跟大家交流,也提供大家一些法律上參考的意見。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "大家好,我是法務部的PO,真的很感謝,今天這個場地是我們跟廉政署借來的,這個場地非常好。看到這麼多人來出席,我以主辦機關立場表達謝意,另外也感謝協辦機關衛福部、教育部、內政部,當然也要感謝提案人及附議人,還有我們的專家一起來參加,等一下希望透過這樣的會議可以充分討論,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "大家好,我是林春燕,我是來自衛福部保護服務司,我們今天算是協辦機關。" }, { "speaker": "陳映竹", "speech": "大家好,我是陳映竹,我是衛福部保護服務司,我是負責兒少保護業務的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "在自我介紹之後,我來重新介紹一下PDIS,我是雨蒼,這個地方你剛剛有提到他是PO,PO到底是什麼?其實是開放政府聯絡人制度裡面的PO。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個制度為何會存在?是因為唐鳳剛入閣的時候,會希望開放政府這一件事,可以成為政府努力推動的業務,希望可以透過像資訊透明、開放資料來擴大公民參與、強化政策的課責,還有涵融、多元。但是大家知道公務體系有很多文化,那不是一次就可以改變,因此我們希望透過這樣的協作會議平台,或者是開放政府聯絡人制度,讓有專責的人可以瞭解這一套制度,也就是開放政府到底如何運作,這個人我們希望像這樣的角色,對內可以整合縱向聯繫、對外跨部會協作機制,進一步使開放的想法可以內化在日常公務運作當中。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "為什麼有這一場協作會議?因為莎拉小姐來提議,而這個提案是在12月7日通過檢核,很快在1月17日就附議通過,現在是進入回應階段,為了妥善回應,所以今天進入這一場的協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們的流程是,在連署達標前,其實政府已經開始在運作了,他們會決定負責的政府單位是什麼,然後初步去做一些議題的處理,在連署通過以後,經過開放政府聯絡人月會投票通過之後,就由PDIS跟部會一起籌劃會議。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是為了理解問題面向、對齊事實、釐清爭點並達到初步的構想。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不過我們必須要講說今天的會議不會有具體的決議,因為很多的東西是透過今天這個地方,盡可能蒐集大家的意見,相關的東西,討論出來的一些建議,唐鳳政委會在下週政委向蘇貞昌院長及相關政務同仁做報告,這個是作為後續政策研擬的參考,是不是可以具體做的,就可以接下來做。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "今天其實會前都有給大家一份議題手冊,這個手冊的目標是希望大家會前能夠先瞭解一些背景的資料,讓資訊是一致的,而且如果都有印出來在手邊都可以隨時取用,如果沒有的話,我們可以準備幾本,事前可以讓大家看到相關的資料,歡迎大家在會議中不知道,可以隨時翻閱。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "今天的議程大概是長這樣子,現在是開場跟來賓自介的階段,接下來是由我來做協會在的流程、工具、目的介紹,接著會請提案人簡報或者是口頭說明,接著是主責部會簡報,包含主責跟協辦部會的相關簡報,有法務部、衛福部簡報,內政部、教育部這個地方都是口頭說明並搭配書面資料。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "11至12點的時候,我們會做初步的確認事實與釐清爭點,中午吃飯之後,我們會找一些比較核心的問題之後,進入到分組協作,可能就是討論一下如何協力及早發現並幫助需要的家庭、親職教育,我們會分享總結與意見交流,把這個會議結束。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個是我們相關的東西,但是中間的過程,其實我們會再次把這個事實釐清、瞭解到底是不是哪裡還有什麼地方其實是我們事前的會議並沒有蒐集完整的,下午其實就是去發想,我們已經知道核心的問題是什麼,還有沒有什麼解法是目前政府沒有想到的,民間其實有非常多的idea,或者是已經在做的,可以跟大家分享,有沒有機會讓政府一起下去幫忙彙整會議的結果。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "協作會議的流程與工具,其實最核心的目標是希望大家可以一起協作,產生解決問題的共識,只是我們這個地方重視的是意見的多元性,如果有100多人但是有一個意見,我們只是收到一個意見。但是兩個人有兩個意見,我們可以收到不同的面向,我們希望透過這個方式,看清楚世界的全貌。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個是設計思考雙菱形的概念,這看起來很不懂,但是其實是將問題盤點清楚的工具,然後歸納出真正應該解決的問題,很多時候看到一個問題就發想一個解法,但是我相信大家都有這樣的經驗,不一定真正能夠解決問題,而是把問題更糟糕了,因此我們希望大家再來做概念發展,如果政策要執行之前,再進行設計、測試,最後再來做真正的執行,這樣比較不會造成比較多的傷害跟問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "今天的問題是:問題盤點、蒐集問題、意見、事實確認。問題歸納、定義。討論方案。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們最後希望產出完整的紀錄,後續回歸到部會,是協作會議的一個特色,其實政府有很多討論,但是政府很多討論,有時埋藏在一些地方,不一定找得到,我們希望透過公開的方式,這一些紀錄被留下來,如果有問題都可以找這個紀錄,我們希望這個紀錄盡可能完成,幫助看這個紀錄的人都可以釐清我們到底在討論什麼。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "今天這個場子,並不是聽別人的想法,也歡迎大家說出自己的想法,說出自己的想法以外,我們也要去理解不同立場在意的東西是什麼,我們希望大家可以帶著不同的想法回來,帶著一定程度的共識或者是互相彼此的理解回去。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "在這個過程中,我們要邀請不同的利害關係人來參與,包含了跨部門,像有看到法務部、內政部、教育部、衛福部,像我們也有第一線的工作人員,比如社工督導、專家學者,也有相關的單位、組織及末端的朋友。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們希望先有了政策之後,最後訂定法規的時候,再來開公聽會,瞭解大家的意見,我們希望未來有機會可以反過來,一開始也許還沒有具體政策的時候,先讓大家一起來討論真正的問題是什麼,政府據此規劃相關的服務、做相關的政策檢核,再做最後的法規、意見回饋,我們希望可以透過這個方式來改變政府制定政策的流程。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如何把這個問題問好?我們有一個過去的案例可以跟大家分享,是有關於全國漸近式免洗餐具的案例,當時盤點很多問題,像免洗筷取得容易且免費,或者是免洗餐具造成垃圾增量等等,但是其實是民眾沒有自覺與養成自備餐具的習慣,有一些是可以治本的情況,因此我們希望先把所有的問題盤點出來,大家都知道問題有哪一些;但是大家彼此看見的面向是不一樣的,透過這個方式,我們把這個形象摸出來之後,我們彙整出來之後才知道真正的核心問題在哪裡。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "找到核心問題以後,如何解決問題?這個地方是在盤點問題以後,我們會請大家初步發想有哪一些是大家可以做的,不只是政府可以做的,有可能也要想一想民間有什麼可以做的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們目前已經做的事情是做了問題的盤點、問題的歸納,成果是各位手上看到的議題手冊,接下來今天會做的事,我們再一次做問題的歸納,今天可能有很多的專家學者或者是朋友,可能之前沒有跟你們對話過,你們發現有什麼東西是我們之前漏掉的,我們會在早上的時候跟大家蒐集意見,我們確認問題定義之後,在下午的分組討論邀請大家一起來跟我們發想相關的解法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們這次手冊後面有一個地方叫做persona,我們後來檢討這個單字很容易不知道是什麼,這個詞叫做「人物誌」,這個其實就是個案的範例。為什麼會有?我們之前訪談的時候,有些老師有提到過,我們大家對於案件很多時候我們的瞭解是比較片面跟片斷的,如果有一個比較全貌的瞭解,才比較知道如何協助、幫助這樣的人。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們這次的核心問題之一是:兒虐會發生在什麼樣的家庭?我們希望透過這樣的方式,呈現目標族群樣態,只是眾多樣態的集體呈現,並不是真正發生的個案,請大家不要聯想到真正發生的個案,我們從個案裡面彙整出來的樣態,我們希望透過這個樣態幫助大家、刺激大家思考,更細緻思考如何好好預防兒虐的發生,我的報告到這邊,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "不好意思,因為剛剛有兩位參加者後到,我想讓他們稍微自我介紹一下。" }, { "speaker": "鄭雅文", "speech": "大家好,我是代表國教署國中小組,我是鄭雅文科員,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "各位好,我是高雄醫學大學附設紀念醫院的醫師,我叫尹莘玲,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我插播一下,sli.do上有一位匿名的朋友說建議今天不直播,我們今天本來就沒有要直播,先跟大家說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "陳暄尹", "speech": "大家好,我是提案人,當初會提這個提案,現在的網路非常發達,我也參與非常多家長的社團,一旦在媒體上有各式各樣的遺憾發生的時候,就會在群組裡面引起非常熱烈的討論,大家的面向大多是指責加害者。" }, { "speaker": "陳暄尹", "speech": "我們看每一個案例的時候,針對父母或者是繼父母的加害都會反映特別大,因為我們覺得孩子最信任的,就是我們最親密的人,最親密的人讓他們受害更深。" }, { "speaker": "陳暄尹", "speech": "我會針對這個法案來提,是因為我覺得在刑罰對於長親致死的案子有一個明確的條例,是死刑或者無期徒刑,可是對於我們的孩子,不管是自己的或者是繼子,卻沒有這樣子明確的條例,所以我希望以這個案例的改變,可以讓兒虐保護法更完善。" }, { "speaker": "陳暄尹", "speech": "不管這個案例在提案、附議或者是附議成功之後,其實我收到非常非常多網友的討論。今天可能要提出另外一個方面,我有收到一個網友提到沒有辦法同意這個提案,因為他覺得如果加害者是刻意,因為想要死刑或者是任何的原因,而殺害這個孩子,我覺得這應該是要從根本的部分去想起為何我們要對孩子這樣子,所以希望今天在這個會議中,我們能夠對於兒虐的部分,從更多面向、基礎來保護孩子,希望孩子未來能夠更健康成長,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "謝謝提案人的分享,我們接下來是不是請主責部會法務部來跟我們作報告?" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "大家早,我是郭瑜芳,今天非常高興、也非常榮幸有機會來參加開放政府第44次協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "也謝謝剛剛莎拉小姐提到為何會有這個緣由,其實我們透過媒體的新聞報導後,我們看到真的有許多兒虐或者是有侵害孩子生命權的悲劇在臺灣的社會上出現,而且這個出現的頻率也算是應著媒體的報導,我們經常可以看見,每一次、每一個事件都讓我們每一個人,尤其是作家長的,我自己也是,我有兩個女兒,都會覺得非常地心痛。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "面對這樣的問題,是刑罰就可以解決得嗎?從法務部的角度先拋出一些看法,讓大家進一步思考刑罰與這樣子社會悲劇的直接關聯。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "今天報告主要的大綱,先跟大家介紹刑罰的目的是什麼?第二個是法務部在殺害直系尊親屬的刑罰修正案,以及對於16歲以下兒童未成年人,如果有虐待及傷害行為有什麼調整,這兩個都有刑罰的修正案。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "司法在保護兒童及少年的社會安全網上,刑法跟刑罰可以著力的點在哪裡,以及應當怎麼樣分工,今天也有其他的主管機關到現場,到大家為社會安全網的建構來提出意見。今天也提出案例作為報告的結論。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "刑罰本身的目的是在制裁犯罪人,是對法益侵害的處罰,這個是刑罰的理論,也就是刑罰的應報理論,刑罰的目的有很多個,也就是應報理論,很直觀的是以眼還眼、以牙還牙。其實這個以眼還眼、以牙還牙是有其意義在的,當一個人犯罪了,國家對他處罰的界限,不能超過他應受的,也就是以眼還眼、以牙還牙另外一種解釋,你處罰他不能超過他應得的,這個是近代刑罰很重要的一個目的。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "第二個是,理論上是一般預防原則,這個是在說什麼?也就是傳達一個想法,告訴社會一般人不要犯罪,因為犯罪會受到很嚴厲的處罰,這個是一個預防再犯的功能,著眼於大眾的安全。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "第三個功能是特別預防功能,也就是著眼於犯罪人,你處罰他是為了讓他以後不要再犯罪,這一種處罰可能就有很多種,你要預防他不要再犯罪的話,你可能是要教育他、治療他,這個是特別預防目的對刑罰的種類就有不同的想像。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "因此,就刑罰的目的論來說,行為人罪責的原則是最大的指引,那再加上一般預防及特別預防理論,這個是近代刑罰處罰的目的。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "我們來看一般預防,你提高刑度,能不能達到威嚇的目的,從來實證的經驗研究是,沒有辦法證明刑度的提高或者是威嚇,還有犯罪率的降低有什麼因果關係,這個經驗上其實是沒有的。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "我們來看一下刑罰修正案,有關於虐童的行為,法務部處理刑法第286條草案,右邊是現行的條文,左邊把凌虐或者是概括性的規定,如果要妨礙孩子的身心健全或發育,要處六個月以上、五年以下的刑,法官判刑已經被限制了,六個月以上,也就是不能判罰金,這個是法定刑裁量下限的基準。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "第三,我們講說凌虐孩子因而致死的加重結果犯,會被判處無期徒刑或者是十二年以上有期徒刑,如果意圖營利,對孩子施以凌虐的話,那個刑度更高,所以在刑法第286條,法務部提出的修正草案,已經對於虐童的社會呼聲說,必須要加重處罰做出一個正面的回應。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "至於,剛剛莎拉小姐有提到對直系尊親屬有處死刑、無期徒刑,卑親屬沒有這樣的規定,我們看出刑法修正條文,把直系尊親屬的部分,修正條文改成「犯前條之罪者,加重其刑至二分之一」,我們把條文改了,這個目的是希望給法官比較大的裁量空間,因為在這個社會上,有一些人殺害了他的父母,我們可以看到有的是照顧他二、三十年,久病父母照顧到他自己也崩潰、生病了,殺母自殺,母親死了,法院只能判死刑或者是無期徒刑,如果各位是法官,判得下去嗎?所以在這裡其實就法條的鬆綁,就刑度的鬆綁,讓法官在個案當中有更多的裁量空間,達到刑罰的目的。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "這裡要講一個社會安全網的角色跟分工,雲林地方法院最近有一個判決,這是一個悲劇,這個案例是發生在彰化少福院的案子,其中一個少年霸凌其他的少年,霸凌的方法是用性侵害的方法霸凌,這個新聞稿是有對外公開的,如果大家要更進一步瞭解這個案例的話,大家可以上雲林地方法院的官網,可以找到這個新聞稿,其實法官在這個新聞稿,最後有提到其實起訴是安全網的一環,但是只是後端,往往已經沒有辦法挽回發生的悲劇,有效的手段是從源頭下手。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "在少福院的孩子,其實就是少年初犯的刑事犯罪,會到少福院是最後的手段了,其實少福院是類似跟監獄一樣,只是裡面是少年。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "我的時間到了。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "最後,其實源頭是在家庭,法官講本案的源頭是在家庭,這個往往是最需要愛的人,為何這麼不可愛?為何這麼要傷害別人?越不可愛的孩子是越需要愛的,人口外移跟老化在每一個家庭之中,都有因子存在,因此貧富差距有天壤之別,這一些孩子打從一出生,擁有的就非常大。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "我昨天研究了很久,就是「好運得時鐘,而懷運得龍眼」,其實孩子出生在哪裡是沒有辦法決定的,因此如何翻轉結構,這個是我們在座每一個人及臺灣的每一個人沒有辦法逃避的責任。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "面對這一些犯罪者,我們除了量刑之外,還能做什麼?" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "法務部是身為社會安全網成員之一環,有效追訴犯罪,給犯罪者應有的懲罰,這是我們責無旁貸的責任,希望社政能及早掌握脆弱家庭的風險因子,還有從教育端也能給予一些家庭教育及學校教育一些相應的配套措施,讓我們能夠一起來預防悲劇的再次發生,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接下來請衛福部。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "大家好,接著由我代表衛福部來跟大家就今天要討論的事情作說明,今天就衛福部的立場是這樣的,對於這種殺害兒童的行為,當然在法律上應該要得到制裁,現行的一些法律規定,包含兒童及少年福利與權益保障法,還有現在法務部正在修的刑法已經這麼做了,這部分我們就尊重。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "另外一端我們覺得也是非常重要的,其實能夠發生這一些潛藏可能受虐的孩子或者知道他的家庭,其實因為有一些脆弱性,需要及早被幫忙,避免這樣的事情發生。還有更重要的是,我們現在在我們的社會上,是不是還是沒有建立起去尊重一個孩子的主體性,然後用所謂體罰的方式來管教我們的小孩,我覺得這也是我們必須要翻轉的傳統文化價值,才不會讓這種以暴制暴的文化,繼續在我們的社會下去。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "我先帶大家看一下從一些實證的研究所看到的現象,衛福部在2017年委託了劉淑瓊與呂立醫師做了一個重大案件的研究分析,我們提供了100年至105年總共有四件的重大兒虐案件,結果可能是這個孩子受到了重傷害或者是死亡,我們分析看到了幾個現象:" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "第一,這一些被害的兒童,年齡都非常小,九成是6歲以下的,有四成是1歲以下的幼兒。還有,這些受害的兒童,有九成都是屬於未就學跟未托育,都是關在家裡的。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "我們看到的是幼兒的脆弱性,表示一旦受到不當的對待、照顧,及致命的危險性比一般的兒童更高。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "還有這一些受虐的隱藏性,因為這些孩子沒有參與公共生活,其實外人不容易發現,如果就是只有跟這一些對他們施虐的照顧者生活在一起的話,除非他身旁的其他人有這種意識,能夠及早幫他們求助,否則等到他被發現的時候,可能都已經是很嚴重後果了。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "我們也去分析,到底這些施虐者為何會對孩子做這樣的傷害行為?其實有六成的施虐者對兒童的發展欠缺認識的,我們剛剛講受害的兒童,很多都是比較幼齡的小孩,大家也知道幼齡的小孩是更高度的依賴照顧者的照顧,照顧者本身其實不認識一個孩子發展的狀態,很容易用錯誤的方式來照顧孩子,當然也很有可能會對孩子造成不可磨滅的傷害。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "有四成其實因應壓力或衝突的能力不足,有1/3是心情沮喪、憤怒的時候,自我控制的能力比較低,這兩個加起來,當我照顧一個比較難照顧的孩子,我也覺得壓力很大,但我又沒有辦法控制好自己的情緒,因為這樣失手而對孩子造成傷害,其實真的在實務上不少;其他差不多都是三成左右,本身對孩子欠缺關懷的特質,或者相信只能用體罰來管教孩子,有可能施虐者自己過往的成長經驗是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "孩子有什麼特質?其實這些被傷害的孩子,他們大概都會有一些比較高度需求的,我們也知道因為孩子各式各樣,有的人會覺得像天使很好照顧,吃飽睡、睡飽吃,但是有些孩子是沒良心,不管怎麼樣都是一直哭,很難安撫,可能這個孩子本身有身心方面的一些限制,也不是孩子故意找麻煩,但當家長沒有這樣的認知,他認為都已經盡可能滿足你了,但是你還是哭個不停,還是來找我的麻煩,當這樣想的時候,也有可能對孩子造成傷害。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "另外一個,我覺得很值得重視的是,這一些重大的案件當中,我們發現有73%的孩子,是過去從來沒有被人家通報是惡報案件,像剛剛所講的受虐的隱蔽性是沒有被發現的,只有27%是曾經有被通報過。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "這一些家庭跟社區有什麼關係?其實大概有七成的家庭,父親或母親都是在很年輕的時候就生孩子了,很年輕有可能未成年,或者是18、19或者是20歲,當這個年紀的年輕人還在享樂、玩樂,很辛苦要維生工作,但他們這麼年輕就是要承擔作父母的角色,你就知道他的壓力有多大。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "有四成三的家庭其實是沒有得到原生家庭的支持,也沒有相關的支持網絡來幫他們減輕照顧的壓力,所以這就是我們覺得特別需要預防的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "我簡單報告我們在目前為止努力的方向:" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "第一,兒少法可以在3月29日快速修正通過,這裡面有幾個輿論非常關注的重點,包含不適任人員資料庫的建立、托嬰中心設監視器的管理規定。另外一個特別要講的是司法及早介入,因為我們過去社工處理案件時有接到通報,但是我們去訪視的時候,就是找不到孩子,因為有些家長也知道社工要來,因此就趕快把孩子帶走藏起來,社工在缺乏比較強制力的公權力介入之後,會因為找不到孩子錯失良機,所以這也是修法,司法警察可以及早介入。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "另外,有關於預防的部分,因為我們推動社會安全網路,希望及早針對一些風險或者是脆弱因子的家庭來提供支持性的服務,因此未來會在多處佈建社福中心。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "另外也是針對6歲以下,剛剛講最危險的6歲以下,會有一個主動的關懷方案,篩選的因子是,如果這個孩子出生登記的時候,不是父母去登記,而是逕為登記,或是沒有繳健保,沒有按時來做預防注射,或者是應入學而沒有入學,或者是父母本身犯罪入監,或者是父母很年輕20歲以下,這一些對象,我們就會把他列為是要主動關懷的,看到那個孩子有沒有得到適當的照顧。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "風險預警也是現在在努力的,我們現在透過一些案例的分析,知道哪一些是兒虐的高風險因子,我們希望未來可以建立風險、預測的模型,可以針對通報進來的案件當中,及早辨識出哪一些是具有高度風險,我們要更及早介入,避免這一種憾事發生。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "最後要強調,如何提升社會大眾防暴的意識?對暴力不要使用、姑息跟隱忍,這個是每個人的責任,如果社區的每一個人都有這樣的共識,我覺得就會形成保護孩子集體的安全網。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "另外,我們也希望再多支持這一些有需求的家庭,我們希望能夠運用鄰里的力量,發現一些在地的支持、方案,希望能夠讓這樣的家庭、社區有更多的連結,降低他們的孤立感,也希望社區發揮守望相助的精神,一方面我們支持受暴的家庭,另外一方面也協助監督施暴的行為不要再發生。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "我想衛福部也是很重視兒童的虐待議題,我們也知道這個工作要能夠有一些效果,絕對是需要靠大家一起努力來完成,我們很高興今天有這個機會來跟大家一起研討,希望跟大家找出更有效的對策,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "謝謝衛福部,請問一下教育部或者是內政部有沒有要口頭報告或者是說明?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "好,都沒有。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接著是議題分析跟釐清的時候,我簡短一下跟大家說明一下會使用的心智圖,這個之所以叫做「心智圖」,意思是把大腦裡面思考的方式放出來,我相信有一些人可能比較不習慣看很長的文字,我個人就沒有那麼習慣,我就會比較習慣看有連線的方式。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們透過這個方式,把問題一個個解析出來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我歸納出來最重要的,相信大家比較希望做到,也就是如何有效預防殺害直系子親的部分?第一個有提到加重罰責以增加嚇阻效果,其實剛剛有發現,很多人壓力很大,或者是缺乏支持、心情沮喪缺乏控制的能力,沒有想到會被罰得多重的情況,再加重不一定比較有方法,這個是剛剛檢察官特別提到的預防當事人犯罪、預防一般人犯罪的理論,其實我們對於殺害兒童的犯罪,在兒童節已經通過了,加重處罰的規定。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "除了這個地方,其實大家最期待的,不管怎麼樣,都是希望可以預防這一件事發生,因為已經到末端,傷害都造成了,我們希望傷害還沒有造成之前就接住。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個時候就要來思考如何把它接住?我們想辦法要發現高風險的家庭,我們有彙整高風險家庭的樣態,包含剛剛提到的,其實政府進入狀況是14.9%的高風險在案,4.5%是高風險半年內結案。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "遇到困難的時候,其實我相信很多在座父母,大家育兒遇到困難會找誰?其實52.2%是找親戚,28.4%是自己想辦法,只有1/4發生兒虐的案件,他的親友關係會充分提供協助,這是目前看到的狀況。我記得找政府的比例好像也滿低的,至少我自己也不會。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "家庭態樣這個部分,剛剛有報告到的,案由的部分,像小孩哭鬧的問題等等,有一些狀況,我相信養小孩一定都會遇到,像哭鬧的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "案主的狀況,其實86.8%是剛才提到的,其實1歲以下的比例是很高的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "高風險家庭樣態其實有非常多可以通報的點,在之前的訪談,提案人有提到16歲以下的孩童可以做身心的健康檢查,衛福部大家認為6歲以下可能會比較ok,因為大部分是發生在6歲以下,可是對政府來說如何強制有時是一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再來,有關於社區通報的部分,包含113或者是鄰里長的通報,有主動通報是有獎勵,沒有通報是有相關的責任。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "醫療體系也有相應的問題,一個是社區診所被通報,好像有被報復的疑慮,因此通報的比例是要大家一起思考如何被強化,還有建立相關的合作機制,也要做相應的強化。目前,林萬億政委強化社會安全網裡面對這一塊有做加強。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有關於教育體系通報的部分,像社會安全網的通報、連結的照顧系統,像有一些幼兒園的部分對於案例的敏感度比較弱,其實國教署有做相應的加強宣導。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "社工雖然有做家庭處遇計畫,可以做親職教育、轉介心理諮商的功能在,像衛福部提到的,現行的家長對於社工的處遇比較抗拒,他們可能會認為小孩子是自己的,為何要來干涉我,這個也是需要注意的地方。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "社工自己也有很多的問題,像人力不足,有些是民間的NGO資源缺乏,政府單位間的溝通及轉銜,有一些是居無定所,也就是直接把小孩帶走跟藏起來的,這邊就包含強化職業訓練、提升待遇人數、協助處理等等。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "親職教育的地方,其實我們之前有蒐集過,有很多弱勢家庭其實可能要賺錢或要幹麻,雖然被通報高風險,但是沒有親職教育,雖然沒有時間來參與,爸爸沒有要去工作,結果施虐者是爸爸,媽媽來上課,這樣效果也沒有很高,這個如何強化也是可以討論的點,也許可以強化相關的處置或者是給社工更多的工具讓他們到宅服務,也是一個方法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個地方我們進一步講,有時親職教育不一定是高風險家庭,像現在的教育思維,隨著時間演進,已經跟很多不一樣,該如何做,也是我們可以討論的問題,我們大致上可以彙整的相關東西,有沒有覺得哪一些是我們漏掉或者是覺得可以再跟大家分享的?有人願意再多說明、跟我們分享的嗎?不知道有沒有漏掉整理的?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "衛福部要不要再幫忙多說明一點?因為你們在報告的樣態,我們發現其實有跳過去,就你們這個地方要不要幫我們說明一下衛福部遇到比較大的困難是什麼,還有遇到的樣態是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "針對剛出生的嬰兒,像國外如果家庭功能比較ok的,不需要政府特別介入。有一些家庭比較脆弱性的,其實在懷孕去產檢、生完小孩的一段時間,是會有醫療體系的公衛護士來介入的,像在產檢的時候就會討論承擔親子角色的轉換,並做照顧孩子的基本知能的訓練,等到生完孩子回到家的時候,也會定期訪視,瞭解孩子受照顧的狀況,還有看看這個家長是不是因為照顧的壓力在崩潰的樣態,有一些喘息服務的方案來協助。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "在國外相關實證的研究,也證實這個是有效、預防的方案,其實讓衛福部來講,我們也很想接著來推動這樣的工作。過去醫療端的任務非常多,要額外間再增加一個部分,需要再更多的溝通。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "很多醫療、護理人員都已經過勞,會覺得怎麼可以加工作?如果這個共識是重要的方案,我們還要再想想看,也可以達到這樣目的的其他替代方式,我想大家下午在討論的時候,也可以一起做一些發想。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "對於生產或者是這一件事,很多數還是到醫院,除非自己在家裡生,因為我們沒有產婦到家裡,所以多數還是會去醫院,因此在醫院端的工作者,他們對如何幫忙辨識出哪一些是有需求的家庭或者是孕產婦,然後及早連結相關社會福利的資源,我相信這樣運作起來,看似是有機會可以減少的,現在國內比較缺乏的是主動到家裡去做育兒指導的家妨方案。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "雖然在社福端有育兒指導跟提供到宅的服務,這一種提供是被動式的,如果家長有需求、申請,評估之後可以申請這一項服務,我就可以給他連結資源,但是剛剛看到整理出來的資料,有些人是有需求,但是可能不需要跟公部門求助,因為在過去的生命經驗當中,可能公部門是來找麻煩,或者是被貼標籤,是很不好的經驗,因此比較不會主動跟政府求助。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "但是他們又是我們覺得最需要被幫忙的人,因此也可以想一想,如何讓這一些服務主動找到他們,而不是要讓他們來主動找政府,這個是大家可以再給我們更多的建議,我們真的希望不要再看到這樣的事情發生,可以靠大家的力量再做。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "另外,我要強調的是,我們看了這麼多的案件,很多家長還是迷信管教是最佳的方法,不管是學齡的孩子或者是學齡以下的孩子,在1歲至3歲的孩子大小便時用管教的方式來訓練他,但是這個手段不一定是適合幼齡的小孩,要翻轉家長的觀念,是不是有可能也可以來推體罰,不管孩子幾歲或者是其他的方法,我們不要用體罰的方式,這個也是要改變我們的文化。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "最後,為什麼要做社區的工作?我們剛剛講小孩子受虐的隱蔽性是不會被外人發覺,其實就是身旁的大人,也就是照顧者的其他親友,有來往、發現且有這樣的意識,也可以及早通報來跟我們求助,我們可以及早介入,或者是鄰居或者是出來買東西會看到,如果大家都有這樣的意識可以主動通報,這個也是我們很需要的,這個是為什麼要推社區防暴,讓所有的這一些民眾可以具備這樣的概念,不要再想說是別人家的孩子,好像不關我們的事,大家要有共識,每一個孩子是我們要讓他共同守護,讓他安全成長的責任,補充到這裡,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "非常感謝。我記得王理事長長期在這個議題上有關心。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "其實我常常協助的是兒虐死亡的案件,我長期在通報的案件,更多的是直接通報給社會局,只要是社會局大概都知道。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "今天我不能完整參與,因為我下午2點要陪伴內湖的托嬰死亡案做解剖,所以很抱歉,今天不能全程參與。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "其實我要講的是在親職教育上,我不知道大家知道不知道現在親職教育的功能是什麼?方式是什麼?甚至就連我去陪伴案件的調解官,到底是什麼樣的程度,我不知道在座的大家是否知道,調解官可以告訴被害家屬說孩子最終還是有價錢,如果是這樣子應對的方式,甚至心態是這樣子,我覺得政府為何會讓人民不信任,這個是非常關鍵,我只是要提這個點。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "親職教育的部分,是用什麼樣的方式來提?3月20日有這樣的一場講座,像零體罰、零兒虐是我們的目標,但是如何讓更多的家長知道教孩子不是教訓孩子,這一點非常重要,教小孩一定是用理性、你想要把他教會,你是為他好,但是教訓是帶情緒的,我那一場演講得到非常多的迴響,後續也有很多的大學或者是醫學院的邀請。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "我覺得其實在這樣的一個口號下,大家是會思考的,我為何會講教孩子而不是教訓孩子的這一句話?我們上街頭的時候,保護兒童不要有受虐兒,有一個阿伯經過我的身邊說:「你的意思是我們以後都不能教孩子嗎?不能打小孩我們是要怎麼教?」我說:「是教孩子,不是教訓孩子,我不知道你這樣是不是瞭解?我說你是為了他好才教?」他說:「是。」我說:「你沒有先處理自己的心情,就沒有辦法處理小孩。」這個是很多父母要學習的,這個是要教育部多幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "我這七年來,其實我最期待的是教育部,為什麼?其實我支持死刑的,最後應該要得到的懲罰,跟有沒有嚇阻犯罪,我覺得一點關係都沒有,我根本不在乎,應該要得到的懲罰,尤其我做的都是兒童,非常多都是兩、三歲,我今天要去陪伴解剖的孩子,不到十一個月,沒有恩怨情仇的孩子,如果他們是被這樣子的惡性手段殘殺的話,我覺得判他死刑一點都不為過,是不是嚇阻一點都不在乎。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "我們在意的是社會安全網那一個組成的因子,沒有人可以置身事外,可是我們長期的教育,讓我們許多的這一些素材都長歪了,已經長歪的要經由社政來協助,但是社工即便增加再多的社工,坦白來說也只是收拾這一段已經發生的善後。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "司法是最後端,但是最前端我們能做什麼?我們是不是要有一個二、三十年長程的教育計畫?來培養更多優質的未來父母?這才是能夠防止事情的發生,重判兇手應該做的就沒什麼好討論的。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "我覺得更前端的,我更希望我們的國家能夠做預防性的這一塊,可是我想在資源上,我看到真的非常少,我們的政府一向喜歡處理問題,因為這樣就有很多政績,你預防就不發生了,為何要做?他當然不想做,可是我們都知道在這一塊如果前端不做,社政早晚也要垮掉,為什麼?因為社工在整個業務的過程中,很多的社工其實心力交瘁,其實我自己也曾經有過很想放棄的時候,我是一個比較特殊的被害人。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "我們在講嚇阻,被害人都有分非常多的樣貌,甚至想法,整個哀傷的承受度非常不同,我可以舉到上百樣不一樣思維的人,沒有一個人會是一樣的想法,可能會有部分的想法會一樣,但是有很多想法會不一樣,即便他不支持死刑,但是有可能會因為他的家人需要有一個重判來得到心理的安慰,這個要不要?要吧!" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "所以我覺得一直不停在是不是要判死刑上做很多的辯論,我想應該是從我們的國家一直沒有協助被害家屬,為什麼解剖相驗是我在陪?全臺灣都我在陪?臺灣的保護是在做什麼?高檢的檢察官說我陪家屬去開庭,他都沒有看過犯保人,如果我們的犯罪保護司做得這麼糟,如何奢望已經發生的這一些被害家屬能夠去信任我們的政府?" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "甚至對於這樣刑罰上,一定就是往最高的方向去做要求,而且就算這樣的要求有了這樣的好結果之後,甚至得到這樣的結果,其實是空的,過程中一直在受創,有非常多其實我不太方便,因為我可能要講好幾個小時,講不完,我也不用演講稿。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "很多部門其實都欠缺了一個對於被害家屬真實的理解,還有在有溫度協助上的訓練,我們的國家缺乏這個,各個部門都是一樣的。我今天比較想要講的是,協助犯罪被害人,我覺得這一塊資源應該要注入更多,而不是我們一直看到的加害人,他好像是一個最被重視的一塊,其實對很多被害家屬來講,心理的痛,不是感同身受,並不可能感同身受,但是我覺得起碼要有一點同理心,這樣的聲音會越來越少,如果被害家屬幫政府講一句話,感受到好的對待,我相信很多政策都會慢慢讓一般的民眾瞭解政府是不是很用心在做事情。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "我最後補充一句:對於林萬億政委的社會安全網,我非常不滿意。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不滿意是在哪一個點,是不是要說一下?" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "我一直在唱黑臉,我也實際上是黑臉。對於林萬億政委有私心想要增加社工,其實這一句話我從他是社會安全網的時候,他就非常不滿意,為什麼?當時這樣的言論出來之後,我們知道社會會有期待,今天新竹社會處可能本來有100個社工,增加30%,等於是130,明年來檢視從500個案件變成600個,為什麼?新竹社會處要不要掛掉?會不會被罵死?一定會,因為沒有減少(案件),增加人力,案件當然不會減少嘛!" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "我講一句比較貼切的,社工就是擦屁股,是不可能防止事情發生,一定是通報過去後,社工才去做。這樣的言論出來,我看到大家的言論上非常期待,增加社工,社工以後就會認真做事,社會上很多人都會覺得社工不認真,社工為何不覺得怎麼樣?但是不知道社工沒有那個權限,甚至還會被恐嚇。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "學校有責任通報,醫療院所有責任通報,剛剛講得很好,像地區不管是學校、幼兒園,甚至在地區的診所,或者是里長或者是大樓的管理員都是,但是有很多人都怕被報復,很多案件都轉到我這邊來通報。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "還有一個是,我今天在網路上看到什麼樣的案件,而這個案件我看見之後,假設我是一般網路上的民眾,我看到之後,我覺得這個小孩子,我必須要去救援,我講的是實際的案例,他就跑到派出所報案,然後就叫他做筆錄。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "他做完筆錄之後,就說等到後續起訴的話,會寄傳票給你,請問哪一個人願意?我今天曾經到刑事警察局偵九隊報案,十個月之後我接到了傳票,我要到事發地的台中開庭,我跟性侵的加害人就坐不到2公尺的距離,我的個資在他前面全部被唸出來,我無所謂,我比較白目,但是一般的人,坦白來講,這樣子開庭,拿到傳票就嚇死了,會不會擔心被報復?一定擔心,怎麼跟他的老闆請假?到時會不會來報復?然後影響到我的公司?" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "親友也會覺得是不是會影響到他的家人,這個都是問題,但是在這一些環節上,誰去解決了這一些問題?因為有人雞婆報案才知道,我才說希望有案件給我,由我去報就好了,因為大家不知道後續可能會產生什麼樣的結果。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "這樣的案件通報人一定要去出庭,而且是因為善意通報,跟他是無關的,這個要不要大家去做檢視?其實需要檢視的地方非常地多,社會安全網一直在宣導。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "我對林萬億政委更不滿的第二點是:他為什麼都不願意聽我們的聲音?社會安全網,我們在做兒童虐待、家暴的這麼多案件,如果你真的想要建構一個完整的社會安全網,你為什麼沒有邀集更多的實務這一些單位、大家一起共同討論,沒有,我只有給他一句評語,好大喜功、自以為是,我講到這裡,再批評下去,他要受不了了,他是一個非常沒有誠信的人。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我整理一下剛剛沒有收到的各種意見,前面衛福部的部分不好意思收了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實國外在產檢就有討論承擔親子角色轉換的相關教育,其實某個程度也是希望有更好的父母,當然後續也有追蹤與喘息服務對於醫療與護理人員有額外的負擔,這個是比較困難的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "目前國內缺乏的是到宅的育兒指導,目前是處於被動申請才有,導致家長管教才是最有用的方式。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "該如何發展零體罰?還有如何落實社區的防暴?王理事長的意見是,目前親職教育的功能方式,我們要好好檢視一下,從經驗看起來,調解官居然告訴家長,孩子最後還是有價錢,代表他的意識並沒有建立起來,所以像調解官的素質有一些評估跟檢視。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "當然王理事長是支持死刑的,她認為要用懲罰,但並不在嚇阻的功能,現在的教育其實並沒有發揮教出更好父母的功能,還有現在教育與教訓孩子的認知如何落實。目前犯罪被害保護有沒有落實,是不是有溫度的犯罪被害窗口來提供給他,教育的部分是需要二十年至三十年的長程教育計畫,但是像犯罪保護這一塊要好好強化犯保協會的功能。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有關於社會安全網的建議,增加社工造成更多社會的期待,坦白來說,社工是擦屁股的角色,其實社工很多會導致案量更多,其實社公法已經做了非常多的工作,我們等一下看是不是可以跟我們分享一下這個地方的困擾是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "增加社工並不會解決,因為大家怕被報復而不敢通報的問題,通報出了很大的問題,有通報的人要求被出庭,結果跟犯罪的人坐在一起,很明顯是知道誰通報,被算帳是要怎麼辦,這可能是一個需要處理的問題,不然大家沒有通報的意願。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "希望社會安全網計畫希望找社會安全網……" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "我說的是報案人,不是電話的通報人。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我有一點想要釐清一下報案人跟通報人不一樣?" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "通報是依法令通報,我是一般的網路民眾,所以我打電話。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "打113之類的?" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "對,那都是通報,跟法定的通報人是一樣的。但是報案人是要到警察局,像我在網路上,當時報的案件,你不知道他到底在哪裡,可是又很急迫,所以跑到偵九隊,就是要做筆錄,但是馬上就找到孩子了,那是一個埔里的案件,其實十個月以後,我根本就忘了這一件事,我收到傳票後,而且還是性猥褻(案件),我嚇了一跳,因為沒有很清楚,如果我是一般民眾,我真的會嚇死。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "可能我(的案子)是個男生,然後去通報,老婆收到傳票,這下子不知道怎麼解釋我為何要開這個庭?我家人說這個是什麼案件,當然大家知道我在做什麼,但是我看了以後,也是想那時將近一年前我去通報的那個案件。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "像這一種過程,如果一般的人很熱心,我覺得保護小孩子很重要,看到網路上那個,就把這一些拿到警察局去報,不然打電話也沒辦法講,因為不知道地點、姓名,我去了以後,但是結果是這樣的時候,其實有一個網友很熱心,報了以後,他打給我說:「姑姑,原來我後面還要出庭?為什麼他們沒有事先跟我講,這樣子我會被報復,我的家庭怎麼辦?」這是不是一件想要讓大家研究更多需要幫助孩子的時候,相對他們有這樣的困擾。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "他們是不是報了以後,可以有什麼樣的代理人?可能不管是由警政或者是社政有一個代表人就行了,他已經這麼善意做這樣的事,結果後面還要被懲罰,這有一點奇怪。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我不知道警政署這一塊是不是可以回應一下?" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "這個是刑事程序,請由法務部回應。" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "我要先確認一下,要問的問題,是不是報案人要出庭或者是不出庭的問題,還有身分保密的問題,是不是?如果是這個問題的話,像王理事長所說的,可能網路上看到一些什麼事,然後他想要做類似檢舉的動作,這個在地檢署有一些人會寫一些檢察長信箱進來,我們都會分案來處理,有些人會留聯絡方式,有些人不會留,因為那個東西不強制留真實姓名之類的資料。" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "有時檢舉的內容,一些東西比較具體,我們也不用再傳檢舉人,因為跟檢舉人沒有關係,但是有些東西不具體的話,還是要問到底你說的這一件事,人、事、時、地、物,有時檢舉內容交代的不太清楚。" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "這個時候可能就變成要通知檢舉人來開庭說明,說實在的,我心中的OS是,如果可以的話,你有留電話或者留mail的話,以實務工作來說,如果可以回email或者是打電話給你,對檢舉人也方便,不然檢察官等於要排一個庭期,還要通知檢舉人,不知道檢舉人是不是會來,不過政府機關做事要留紀錄,開庭的紀錄跟私下打電話給你跟email的方式,原則上是很不正式的,所以會變成被迫可能用開庭的方式來處理。" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "第一,我們不要求檢舉人一定要出席,他不是被告,原則上這一種情況,也不會像證人沒有出庭,就拘提。" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "如果不方便的話,擔心洩漏真實姓名會被報復的話,其實這裡我沒有辦法跟各位說全國檢察官都是像我一樣的做法,但如果以我來做的話,身分資料會儘量隱匿。" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "所以我個人不太理解,像王理事長所說的,一定要傳他到、坐在被告旁邊,到底是什麼樣的案子,是刑事或者是民事、是在地檢署或法院開庭,我不太清楚是怎樣的狀況,但是一般來說,我處理案件來說,因為我們都可以理解王理事長所說的狀況,完全是人性,因此我們不會像王理事長說的那樣處理。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個有時其實是看個案,法務部先收到這樣的意見,可能未來兩邊先私下講一下那個案子、狀況,再看法務部未來有沒有一些改善的發展或者是怎麼樣都可以。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "這個回答不是回答。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "現在的狀況是,您提的個案可能有一些細節。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "那個是我自己親身經歷的案件,甚至案號都調得到,像台中地方法院,後來這個加害人自殺死亡了,你可以去查一下,打「鬼婦」就可以查到這個案件,猥褻自己的親身女兒,我就是那個報案人。如果我今天換成一般人的話,你知道多可怕?這個是後來我的辦公室地址不公開,我甚至現在在這邊開會,我也不會打卡,因為老是有人要殺我。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "我覺得檢察官或者是司法都不知道我們在做這一件事,其實我們冒了多大的生命危險,可是我不在乎,我在乎的是一般的民眾,你們怎麼樣去保障他。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "沒關係。" }, { "speaker": "洪雅莉", "speech": "除了民眾之外,我們都是組織的頂端,我們要知道第一線發生的事,我們在頂端的人,如何用好的系統、好的介入處理去處理或者是預防或者是解決第一線發生的事情,因為我們也是在實務工作,我們是一個NPO,其實看到實務工作很多的現況,其實真的很感謝今天的單位,幫我們把每一個面向的問題,其實都已經整理得夠好了,但是我們要問到底如何解決?" }, { "speaker": "洪雅莉", "speech": "社安網也出來了,推行不夠好,還可以怎麼解決?我覺得每一個策略都是有沒有執行到底?執行的過程,我們發現以為這個策略有用,但是其實不是,像我們以為社安網有用,但是不是的時候,到底有什麼可以滾動修正或者是可以馬上再處理、調整的機制?我覺得這個也是最重要的。" }, { "speaker": "洪雅莉", "speech": "一個新的修法出來了、一個新的策略出來了,真正執行下去有改善嗎?有解決問題嗎?我覺得最終跟後續貫徹到底缺乏的,永遠不缺新的idea。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我說明一下剛剛的意思,我們有詳細的紀錄,如果有個案的部分,對細節不是非常好的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "剛剛檢察官有提到,針對個案的部分,他們覺得怎麼樣的回應可以比較能夠回應,您也知道草率的承諾跟回應的時候會出亂子的,可以後續提供更多的細節讓他們瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "謝謝理事長提到個案的情況,我們先不要談個案,就刑事訴訟程序上,之所以有些案件需要報案人來做筆錄,我們來想一個社會情狀,報案人一定是聽到什麼或者是看到什麼,聽到跟看到什麼的親身經歷,在證據上來講是非常重要的,必須透過一個證人在法庭上、在偵查庭上對法官、檢察官的陳述,就陳述的證言作為認定報告有罪的基礎,這個是為什麼有時報案人非常非常重要。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "當一個案件如果有很多其他的證據,或者是被告被抓到就自白,不需要報案人的時候,我相信檢察官或者是法官不會勞駕報案人,但是偏偏有一些案件可能直接證據並不是那麼多,或者是蒐證上有困難,報案人的親身經歷,對於刑事案件能不能成立,我們能不能真的把犯人繩之以法,讓他付出要懲罰他,他做錯事了,我們要動用國家刑罰權來懲罰他,這個時候報案人的角色就出來了,這個是刑事訴訟法的規定。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "我們要體會到報案人要擔心自己的安危,不願意跟加害人、施暴者同時出現,其實法律上也有規定證人保護法,對於有生命、身體、自由、安全可能有危害之虞的證人,是有法律規定可以保護他的。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "我相信在個案當中,這樣的證人有提出的這樣的需求,都會依法來做,我們回應理事長。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我覺得他們問的是如何提出需求,也就是檢舉跟報案的時候,如何有需求,如何被提出?" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "在檢舉跟報案的時候就可以這樣說,如果在警方做第一份筆錄的時候,就可以麻煩警方同仁說會註明擔心安危,這一份的筆錄都講得非常清楚了,以後不願意再出庭,或者是不願意跟加害人對質,又或者是不願意跟加害人同時在同一個法庭或者是偵查庭出現,這樣子的心情都是可以在做筆錄時就表達的。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "最後一定會問有沒有其他的陳述,這個時候就可以把自己的心情講出來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "也就是其他陳述要說一下不願意出庭、不願意跟嫌疑人接觸的說法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是不是要回應被害人保護法?" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "容我看一下資料,剛剛有提到被害人保護的問題,法務部在107年底有修正了加強被害人保護方案,這個方案有非常多的內容,也經過行政院核定,主要的內容是,剛剛王理事長有提到陪伴,在相驗及解剖的現場提供即時協助,這個需求真的是有一個回應,有一些原則已經律定了,在命案或者是社會矚目案件的相驗,檢察機關的法警是要迅速通報檢察官,在所有的過程中,要讓家屬知道案件進行的流程。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "地檢署也會很快跟犯保(合作)——剛剛王理事長也有提到犯保功能好像跟不上需要——這一點我們也看到了,我們要加強這樣的聯繫,以及請他們跟家屬立刻、即時溝通的服務提供。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "除此之外,有一個整合政府部門資源來強化被害人緊急保護措施,例如醫療服務、居住安置、法律協助、安全保護,還有必要的經濟資助,這也是要來著手進行的。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "對於剛剛提到人身安全及隱私的保護,我們要來督導相關的單位,對於具有危險性、威脅性及主使被害人心身恐懼的加害人,如果我們沒有辦法提出足夠的證據,讓法院來羈押被告的話,當這個人被交保或者是釋放,而被害人有要加以保護的話,地檢署會趕快來通知程序的進行,告訴被害人說加害人被加保了,這個告知的程序很重要。除此之外,也會通知被害人所在地的警察機關來採取必要的保護措施。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "被害人隱私權的保障及提供法律扶助的很多項目,我們都有一些精進的做法,大家也可以上網看一下法務部對外公布的新聞資料,都有詳盡的內容,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "法務部有最新的修法,是有關於加強犯罪被害人保護方案,有一些方案推出,落實有一點時間,第一線如同勵馨所講的,到第一線的執行狀況怎麼樣,雙方再聯繫,確認一下政策是有落實。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我看到勵馨的執行長一直點頭,有沒有要分享的?" }, { "speaker": "洪雅莉", "speech": "沒有,就是剛剛所說的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們請新竹來分享一下社工的困擾。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "謝謝理事長幫我們發聲。我們接到通報的時候,民眾會覺得不配合,社工是誰、憑什麼來家裡、憑什麼到學校去,還要把我的孩子照相,為何會有權力來做這一件事?民眾質疑這樣的事,我們在執行兒少保護工作的時候,其實是非常不配合,家長覺得這個是我的孩子。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "像我們也很希望從教育端來培養下一代的優質服務,這並不是你的孩子,你是獨立的個體,你有一個監護權、法定代理人的角色,這個觀念很難翻轉,有時跟家長談,從小被打到大,但是現在在哪裡,現在是教授、醫生,老實說很感謝我爸,也就是這個觀念的固著性,這個是非常難鬆動的一塊,老實說名片拿出來都是要叫總經理、董事長。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "所以要對這樣的人來做親職教育,不見得是弱勢家庭,甚至施虐者並不會這麼覺得,你說我是施虐者?跟民眾的差距是非常地大。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "有時我會覺得在做兒少保護調查訪視時,會很希望婦幼隊,我是司法社工,我今天就是你給我婦幼隊的警察制服,會不會有一個權威性,或者是讓家長知道這個是犯罪行為?所以政府是用這麼高的規格來對待兒童的犯罪行為。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "但是體罰跟管教,這個界限有時很難,像我們看到孩子的照片,像大片瘀青,爸爸就是少幾分打幾下,或者是偷東西打幾下,或者是在學校被寫聯絡簿而打幾下,有一個合理化的管教原因,我們看到的是手瘀青,他說這個並不是虐待,哪是虐待?是在管小孩,拿法條給他看,說哪裡不能打小孩?教師法有零體罰,但是我們的家長並沒有零體罰。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "如果打的是軀幹或者是頭部,可以說是傷害,但是的確是打手跟屁股,五下、十下、十五下可以嗎?你說不能打,那麼三下可以嗎?三十下可以嗎?我們的底限是孩子是獨立的個體,你不能傷害他,我覺得有很多定義性的問題,在實務現場上會有一點模糊、灰色地帶。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "再加上有懲戒權,我覺得實務工作上的模糊地帶很多,像重傷害的顱內出血的不用講,像親職教育的強制性,現在性侵害加害人的處遇計畫是法院直接請衛生局執行,家庭暴力被害人在家暴法的處遇計畫也是寫在保護令裡面讓衛生局去執行。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "但是兒少保護親職教育的法條是落在第102條裡面,也就是行政處分,因此我們就看到如此重視兒虐的事情,但是卻把所謂兒虐的施虐教育或者是家庭處遇計畫,也就是這個規格感覺上很像沒有家暴法或者是性侵害防治法的規定,其實民眾不怕社工,他不來還要怎麼樣?如果你不來,不然我到宅好了,所以是處罰社工,你要罰他錢嗎?他不來,我在系統上,其實就變成我要想很多元、到宅服務。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "這個家長是摩托車店的老闆,我們社工真的到宅,進到摩托車店,就修摩托車,還會特別把在修的摩托車一直發動,我們的社工就會說某某先生怎麼樣,不然就是說一些小故事,不要有一些僵化的法條或者是他愛聽的,但是這個家庭很特別,他就是看摩托車店的老闆,只要一進到摩托車店就是不對話,還是請同仁說還是去。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "實務現場的確有一些無奈,其實衛福部也有給社工一些協助跟幫忙,但是最難鬆動的是民眾跟家長,其實一線社工有講的是,真的很希望警政、司法可以在整個訪視過程中的陪伴……就像我們所說我們去訪視的時候,就配一個婦幼隊或者是家防官一起去好了,以後社工跟警政聯訪是兒少保護調查案件的SOP,不好意思,我這麼快就把這個想法提出來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "非常感謝,我們整理一下,最常遇到的是民眾不配合,如果社工跟警政聯訪,婦幼隊陪同,其實有公權力,民眾可能比較容易配合。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有時親職教育的對象可能不是弱勢家庭,這一次整理的人物誌其實是中產家庭的樣態,大家印象中可能常常以為都是弱勢的家庭才會有兒虐的問題,但是沒有,很多中產階級的家庭,可能父母高成就,但是一樣有這樣的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "家長並沒有規範,甚至民法還有懲戒權,導致實務上有很多替代,讓大家覺得管教的界限在哪裡,反而是更難拿捏了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "因為前端其實剛剛王理事長……好,請,您先發言,發言完我們再收一下sli.do上的問題。" }, { "speaker": "孫旻儀", "speech": "教育部這邊,其實我想要承接剛剛有提到社工跟警政聯訪,還有衛福部其實都有提出來,到宅親職教育服務的這一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "孫旻儀", "speech": "其實教育部有在考慮這個問題,因為其實以往我們在學校推親職教育,遇到的困難點是來的家長,應該是說該來的都沒有來,所以其實我們一直在思考如何解決這個問題,因此最近其實在跟地方政府教育局處研擬一個方案,我們從教育端去結合社政端、家庭教育中心、地方福治中心、地方鄰里長之類比如志工的人,我們希望可以成立一個team,不是老師到府家訪的概念,而是一個專業的團隊,把親職教育送到家。" }, { "speaker": "孫旻儀", "speech": "我們目前希望發展一個觀察檢核表,會去篩出高風險的學生及家庭,未來會補助縣市政府成立專責人力有個案管理的機制以外,裡面篩出來的個案,在學校端沒有辦法實施親職教育,透過這個team,也就是到宅把親職教育相關的知識,像相關的網路資源家庭,可能是社會救助,或者是希望能夠提供,又或者是這個家長有藥物濫用,又或者是有酒精濫用的情況問題,要如何提供醫療上協助的相關資源,就是做成一個資料夾送到家裡面,聯合專業的人力到府協助他,我想補充的是這一塊,這個是我們目前預計希望可以做,我們未來希望可以跟社政及警政協力。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個是從教育端結合社政端的鄰里長,希望可以組成專案團隊來送親職教育,把親職教育送到家,希望有觀察檢核表篩出個案,如果學校有親職教育做不到,就是以上述團隊到宅來做親職教育。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們來看一下,希望社工、法醫及檢察官的經驗,我們有請社工分享,依照檢察官的經驗,看醫生這邊有沒有什麼經驗。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,證人保護法是一個建議,希望未來相關的檢舉案件,警方應該主動告知並且建議,作為例外,才能真正讓報案人安心,不會讓報案人因為善意而恐懼,這邊是內政部收下來看有沒有機會,或者是內政部有沒有要回應的?" }, { "speaker": "洪雅莉", "speech": "我想補充一點小意見,因為我們看到兒虐樣態分析的時候,其實最近有幾起兒虐案件,其實都是小爸媽的部分,其實我們要再次強調,我們在做這樣子處遇的時候,千萬不要一不小心把所有的小爸媽都標籤為照顧不了的父母,這個在我們實務上也常常看見,只要有一個兒虐的案件出來,如果恰巧他們的加害人是小爸媽的話,其實所有的年輕未成年的父母都被指責了,只要他們未成年,好像幾乎要等同於他們照顧不了、他們有兒虐的可能性,事實上並不是這樣子,他們很努力學習照顧寶寶,也照顧得很好的年輕的爸、媽。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我覺得這個一直都是兩難:" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第一,我們要盡可能希望找到可能發生的兒虐,或者是需要幫忙的家庭,但是反過來說,我們也不希望找到他們的過程,反而導致他們被標籤化,或者是遭受到社會不當的對待,這個是我們要注意的點,大家在討論的時候,並不只是努力找到,這個過程也要小心如何避免他們受到傷害。" }, { "speaker": "陳暄尹", "speech": "大家好,我們是一般民眾,剛剛聽了這麼多,想要提出關於一般民眾的疑問。剛剛聽到很多是親職教育,我想知道親職教育的普及,不知道它的程度有多少?我也必須說,現在是網路時代,這個連署案能夠成功是網路的力量,因此是否應該在網路做更多的方法跟落實?現在不管0至100歲,每個人都會用手機,你看新聞不見得會看,我家是沒有電視的,所以我都是用手機。" }, { "speaker": "陳暄尹", "speech": "我覺得是否在官方政府的多方宣導下,必須更多的措施?我不知道針對新聞法有沒有什麼規定,但是如果能夠在每一個新聞固定、規定都必須宣導如何修法,必須說兒少法在我提出案件的時候,我並沒有看到修正法案,我是今天到這邊,後續才知道有修法,所以這一個部分在一般民眾的眼中,我看到的是政府沒有任何的作為。" }, { "speaker": "陳暄尹", "speech": "所以我覺得在網路的落實跟宣導方面,必須多更多的努力,才不會讓我們這一些上層的人做的努力,並沒有被民眾看見,以至於民眾對社會與政府的失望。" }, { "speaker": "陳暄尹", "speech": "包含,我覺得新聞的發送,不管是罰則的修正,或者是兒少親職教育,甚至任何公共措施,就像剛剛所說的,很多東西是需要自己主動去申請的,可是如果我不知道這一件事,我要去哪裡申請?如果我們藉由網路,我在網路的平台,每一個新聞台,甚至是政府的,我覺得不限制政府的,就像我今天加了國發會的FB,我才知道國發會的內容,這個是受限制的,老實說很多媽媽只會加購物頻道、新聞台,但是新聞再怎麼樣都會被看到的,所以不管是網路、平面或者是報紙,政府必須做一個規定,固定的公告跟固定時間。" }, { "speaker": "陳暄尹", "speech": "像今天的協作會議也是經過政府的努力才有這個東西,因此在網路的宣導方面,可能政府必須加200%的努力,才會讓一般民眾更瞭解不管是親職教育,還是罰則的部分。" }, { "speaker": "陳暄尹", "speech": "最後問一個小小的問題,我是一般民眾,我一直很想知道直系包含繼親嗎?繼父母、繼子女?" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "如果透過法律的程序來收養,基本上就是子女了。" }, { "speaker": "陳暄尹", "speech": "我要問的是,假設透過法律,我離婚、你也離婚,我原本的小孩,我跟你結婚了,他算我小孩的直系嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "是生父?" }, { "speaker": "陳暄尹", "speech": "不是,是繼父。" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "民法有規定原則上是夫妻共同收養。" }, { "speaker": "陳暄尹", "speech": "所以沒有辦收養,其實不算繼親,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "陳暄尹", "speech": "這個是我要釐清的問題,因為很多繼父母是不會去辦收養程序的,就沒有辦法依照這個罰則去判刑,不是嗎?我覺得這個也是必須修正的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "因為我記得目前是只要虐待兒童都有罰,因為其實有很多案例,就我所知可能是同居人,連收養都沒有。" }, { "speaker": "陳暄尹", "speech": "既然都要修法了,我覺得在名詞上的定義是否應該是更明確的?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "游舜傑", "speech": "大家好,我是附議人,其實我是一般民眾,對於法務部、衛福部或者是內政部、兒童促進協會的理事長,可能針對這一塊有專業自己的領域。" }, { "speaker": "游舜傑", "speech": "我為什麼附議這個議題?之前社會新聞一直報虐童案,一般的社會老百姓看這個新聞就是覺得該死,法官最後的判決,其實讓人民是無感的,可能是雷聲大、雨點小。" }, { "speaker": "游舜傑", "speech": "虐童致死跟酒駕致死,老實來說兒童虐童致死,還要來得過分一點,好像都是死亡,兒虐致死其實比酒駕致死還要來得過分一點,為什麼?兒童虐童致死,那個是慢慢、逐漸式的讓你凌虐致死,酒駕是一撞就死了,你對一個兒虐、兒童沒有反抗能力的人,你這樣子的做法,老實說我覺得比酒駕致死來得過分。" }, { "speaker": "游舜傑", "speech": "我也滿認同理事長剛剛講的內容,該死刑就死刑,何必浪費社會資源?謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "感謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "彙整一下,兒虐致死比酒駕致死更過分,法官的判決讓你是無感的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,繼父母沒有辦收養程序,就不算直系,建議未來要修法的話,這個要更明確一點。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我確認一下,您對於資訊的瞭解是從新聞或者是自己有看判決書?" }, { "speaker": "游舜傑", "speech": "新聞。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "沒關係,我們收到這裡,我們看一下這個地方,因為親職教育,我們有很多是可以回應的,法官的部分我先說明一下,因為今天是檢察官,檢察官其實沒有辦法替法官說話,這個是行政院的會,所以也不能邀司法院來與會。" }, { "speaker": "游舜傑", "speech": "法官是審判獨立沒有錯,但是做的判決讓人民感到非常失望。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "我說一句,我協助的案件大多數是判十年至十三年,有一個是凌遲幼兒死亡,不管是1歲至3歲,我手上非常多的案件都是一審十三年,上訴維持原判,再上訴是駁回,然後就定讞,十三年,玩死一個孩子,十三年,就是這樣,這麼簡單,民眾會覺得怎麼這樣子,十至十三年。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "謝謝分享。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們回到關於親職教育的部分,如果網路上有更多更普及的官方政府多方宣導,可能規定新聞一定要宣導,事實上讓大家主動去申請,罰則跟主動申請要做宣導。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我記得前一陣子衛福部的LINE也有,我不確定新聞稿也有,我不確定新聞到底狀況怎麼樣,固定的公告跟讓大家知道這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "一個是關於教育部的部分,也是王理事長早上所提到的,親職在學校的部分,對於小朋友,不是托嬰中心的那一種,而是一路國中、高中上來的過程,目前有沒有什麼強化的措施?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外一個,再請衛福部回答,其實衛福部做了很多東西,我也是這一次有看到,他們做了一些網站或者是什麼的宣導,我們等一下可能請衛福部宣導,並請教育部說明一下親職教育的部分,然後再請衛福部跟我們分享一下,目前到底有哪一些資源,如果真的要求助,有哪一些管道。" }, { "speaker": "孫旻儀", "speech": "剛剛其實有提到在網路上提供相關親職教育資源這一塊,其實教育部終身教育司有包含相關親職教育的訊息都在上面。" }, { "speaker": "孫旻儀", "speech": "其實各縣市也有家庭教育中心,我知道各縣市的家庭教育中心其實也有成立相關的網站,上面都有關於家庭教育及親職教育相關的訊息會帶到上面。" }, { "speaker": "孫旻儀", "speech": "另外,剛剛有提到其實我們要強化的部分,我們首先要推的,也就是剛剛所提到親職教育到宅的服務,那個是我們首要推動的重點。" }, { "speaker": "孫旻儀", "speech": "在這一波的兒虐當中,其實針對小爸媽親職教育這一塊,未來會跟地方政府合作,發現學生有未婚懷孕的情況,目前希望針對個案的學生,我們會提供有關於親職教育及育兒知識相關的協助,會在這一個部分來做相關的強化,並協助孩子,如果未來要能夠生育的話,需要的一些育兒知能及相關的知能。" }, { "speaker": "孫旻儀", "speech": "我們目前跟跟地方政府合作,研發小單張,如果孩子有未婚懷孕的情況,不只是小媽媽,也包含小爸爸,也可以有一些資源上的教育端協助,像就學上的協助,或者是未來在教養孩子上需要哪一些協助,尤其我們希望強化小爸爸,在這一個部分的強化,以及相關資源上的協助,這個是我們目前在努力的方向。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "感謝,接下來請衛福部。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "我想補充兩點,第一個是社會及家庭署,他們有所謂的育兒親職網,他們有很豐富育兒相關的資訊。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "另外,衛福部心口司出版了一本0至6歲的正向教養手冊,這個已經放在網站上,民眾可以下載,其實有一些民眾看過了以後,他們都給我們很不錯的反應,當我們有這樣的資源,我們也會透過衛福部的這一塊去發布,但是現在是要看民眾對於加入政府成立這一些粉絲團或者是LINE,他們有多高的興趣?其實我常常會覺得有興趣的民眾,自動會找到資源,但是有一些民眾一直覺得沒有需求,等到有需求的時候,才會想到要找這個資源。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "我要投入多少的成本,讓每一個民眾不管是不是都需要知道,這個投入的成本真的很高。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "你剛剛建議新聞的方式,我相信做自殺防治或是做兒虐防治,我們很希望新聞台報導相關的新聞,上一個求助專線是幾號的字,爸爸照顧者的悲劇時,將1966的專線打在上面。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "但你知道新聞台很現實,不付費就不幫忙做,除非自殺好像法律有規定,所以是可以的,我們113以前有跟他們宣傳過,我現在看到一些報導,也會這樣子加。只要要求新聞台要加這個部分,我們有努力過,其實沒有,部長跟新聞電視台的人,跟他們倡導,並拜託他們幫忙,但這樣子就不是我可以控制的。" }, { "speaker": "林春燕", "speech": "我同意你的說法,政府的網站因為沒有辦法做到讓民眾都很喜歡,我也希望能讓你瞭解我們的限制,因為政府的預算就是層層關卡受限,有的時候並不是不願意創新,我們也很想,但是還有會計會層層卡我們,不能做到像民眾的期待,我們就努力。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這邊有一個東西,我剛剛有一點漏掉,其實剛剛的提案人有建議是不是醫生跟檢察官分享第一線的困難,我們先請檢察官,再請醫生,然後就結束早上的議程。" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "我先說一下抱歉,我有看到這個問題,但是問題本身太泛泛論,這裡說的第一線的經驗,我不太清楚是哪一方面的經驗,因為中間有休息時間,大家有任何問題的話,都歡迎來交流,這個問題本身太泛泛,一時之間我不知道該從何說起。" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "另外,我跳出檢察官的身分,我以一般民眾的身分來講,我對於莎拉提案人所說的方法,其實是非常心有戚戚焉。不過我覺得期待電視台太不實際了。當然現在是一個網路的世代,有一個東西滿明顯的,我不知道大家有沒有注意到,如果以Google為例,若有這方面的搜尋紀錄,後來在社群網路的時候,像這一些相關的商品、資訊為何一直跳出來?" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "事實上這是大數據的運用,如果從大數據的運用,其實可以說不知道政府的粉絲頁、網站有這一些資源也無妨。我的意思是,只要有人去搜尋「小孩哭鬧怎麼辦?」、「小孩晚上不睡怎麼辦?」,搜尋引擎就可以優先跳出這些官方粉絲頁或網站在、或使用社群網站時就會很容易在網站側邊顯示這方面的相關資訊。我的意思是如果可以做這一方面的結合,是不是可以做主動觸及式的廣告,讓有需要的人更有機會知道這一些資訊。這個部分是跳脫檢察官身分的一點個人小感想。" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "有關於檢察官的經驗,其實中午休息的時候都可以再一起交流。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這真的是大困擾,因為大部分都是棄育兒派的戰爭。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "我講一下我個人的經驗,我做兒虐已經做了很多年了,我跟大家分享,其實做兒虐的醫師在醫療單位,真的需要膽識,而且那個膽子要很大,因為我碰到一些實際的案例,其實我本身有法醫的專業,所以我覺得我的驗傷應該是沒有問題的,當初我回高醫,我就跟醫院說我要做兒虐,醫院也很好,當時其實我用的是最新的科學儀器,全臺灣都沒有,我們高醫是第一個用的,當時醫院也是我要什麼就給我。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "所以本身如果醫療單位真的要做的話,首先要有好的醫院,第二個是要有好的醫生,因為醫生都很熱忱,因此當我跟他說我們大家一起做兒虐好不好,大家都願意,因此天時、地利、人和都ok,所以就開始做了。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "基本上家防中心並不是簡單的case送過來,而是沒有辦法判定的case可以送過來,我們首先要考慮到的是小朋友的安全,因此一個醫院真的要做兒虐的話,要考慮到我們醫院裡面的設備是不是可以保護小朋友?因此我當初做的時候,我跟醫院講的是我要門禁卡,要申請監視器,還要緊急呼叫鈴,要可以通告警衛,這些都要簽,也已經做了。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "有一天做我想像的事情,然後就發生了,也就是山上有傷的小孩送過來,問說送到哪裡,社工說送到高醫,因此帶到我這邊之後,家長就開始在外面大吵大鬧,因為我有監視器、緊急呼叫鈴跟門禁卡,也沒有辦法進來,他們叫很大聲,他們全身發抖,我跟他們說不用擔心,進不來的。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "我們的警衛就打電話給我,因為他們在監視器當中有看到家屬在裡面聽人家大叫大鬧,問是不是需要他們過來,我說需要,他們就馬上到了。到了之後我們的家屬就比較安定一點,後來警衛還問是不是需要叫警察,他們說不需要,我們的社工說去跟家屬溝通,另外一方面幫孩子做身體的驗傷。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "我們醫院的特色本身是法醫,而且專業是非常夠的,而且小朋友說是他撞的,小朋友兒虐就會採取行動,我們本身是法醫的專業,有一個好處,所以那個case就結束了。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "第二個案例是小朋友送過來,發現有咬痕,但是在我們來講我們會認為不是,我們會查到底是誰咬他的,就會把那個人繩之以法,這樣才有意義。我們的醫學院有很多資源,我們就找牙科教授想辦法幫小朋友,當時已經啟動司法調查,當時是有三個嫌疑人,就要變成做咬痕鑑定,就要取牙模,然後才能做假牙並比對到底是誰。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "我們講說當時找個地方去做,當時牙科教授的恐懼讓我印象很深刻不要在醫院,知道是誰就慘了,我們就警察局好了,所以當時安排場地是在警察局,當時牙科教授也帶另外一位牙醫生過去,我說我陪同,我是陪同人,很多案子都會出席,為了要我們的醫師安心,因此會陪同。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "因為是警察局,我們接著就進行採齒模,但是牙科教授,我覺得對於醫生的保護還不夠,我們先說好,也就是眼神示意不能出聲,第二個是絕對不能叫我的名字,所以我當時知道他的恐懼感是很大的。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "當時有三個嫌疑人,我們都採了,採齒模,他非常生氣,當時還好有警察在,都沒有打我們,但是我們知道他非常憤怒了。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "後來牙科教授就做牙痕的鑑定,就確定三個人當中是誰咬的,寫了一個鑑定報告給檢察官,檢察官說會依照我們的報告來予以起訴。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "我後來想到的是,像剛剛理事長所講的,如果真的傳喚我們鑑定人出庭的話,變成其實那個醫生的恐懼就會除了,因此我覺得雖然我當初跟其他醫生說一起來做兒虐,大家一口答應,也願意幫忙,但是我覺得還是對他們有虧欠,因為我沒有想到之後的問題。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "也很感謝今天檢察官跟我說保護證人的計畫,所以我回去也會跟醫生講,叫他們不要那麼害怕,其實我自己也怕,但我們說社會責任就勇敢擔起來。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "我這邊有一個看法,就像當初我們檢察官所講的,如果可以從根本來做,可能會比較好,其實根本應該是家庭,如果家庭做一些研究,你會發現其實家暴是很重要的議題,所以有些國家會用很多的心力來做家暴,為什麼?因為他說家暴目睹兒童的話,長大變成施虐者,會變成從家庭方面做起,這個是比較有效的方法,因此就不會有那麼多,因此我們發現有很多施虐者,像剛剛的主人所講從小被打到大,從小也是受害人,只是從小變成一個成人,因此不知道這一方面是不是可以考慮?" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "我覺得我們的兒虐在國內,剛開始做的時候,有很多醫院的醫生也很怕,但是他們很勇敢擔起這個責任,醫院跟醫院間彼此會有交流。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "我們分享一下跟檢察官的經驗,我覺得非常好,有些醫院有碰到兒虐,但是沒有辦法確定請求資源。小朋友身上有傷,但是醫生沒有辦法判定有哪一些問題,因此就請我們過去,我們高醫團隊、小兒科醫生就過去了,一看就知道這個是有問題的,因為新傷、舊傷在一起,而且那一些傷都是輕傷,我們當時跟社工的合作是說要啟動司法調查,因為沒有人承認是誰做的。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "當時地檢署的檢察官,我覺得高雄有非常好的檢察官,因為他們婦幼組每一天都會排值班檢察官,一接到這個案子的時候,就馬上跟我聯繫,問我是不是可以留在醫院,我馬上過來,我就問檢察官如果小孩子身上有什麼傷,就判定是兒虐,最怕的是,如果醫院通報判定錯誤的話,怎麼辦?就會浪費司法資源,因此當場判定的話,馬上就指揮司法警察去調查,我們的運氣也很好,是有去到公司當中施虐,被所有的監視器錄起來,然後就是有把錄影帶扣起來,檢察官一看就知道所有發生的情況,因此檢察官很順利破案。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "社工在很快的時間把小朋友送給我看,我們覺得如果有問題的話,啟動司法調查,檢察官、警察也是很快的,大家一起來想辦法破案,其實案件我覺得是很完美。" }, { "speaker": "尹莘玲", "speech": "我個人跟警察的合作,我覺得是非常好的,因為有些案子沒有辦法解決的話,我們還可以請鑑事科做現場重建,因為本身是法醫,所以也學過鑑事學,因此會跟鑑事科討論,當時是做兒虐,後來發現訓練醫生是很重要的,因此我儘量訓練醫生、警察,如果每個人都具備專業的話,這個效果會更好。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "因為時間的因素,我們早上先討論到這裡,其實我們看得到做兒虐的醫生要有好的醫院、醫生來做相應的資源,接著是大家都一樣,不管是報案人或者是社工或者是醫生,都很怕遇到報復的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "記得之前蒐集意見的時候,通報的教育單位也是有一樣的問題,所以很多時候其實需要警察或者是檢察官來幫忙介入,讓當事人比較不敢恣意妄為報復。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再來,sli.do上有收到一些問題,像第一線報案,警方做筆錄時,可能警政署幫忙收一下,就是加一些未來相關的出庭,是不是統一未來加害人,我覺得也不是對事,而是面對面,「是否願意跟加害人面對面,並且經由報案人同意」。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再來,還有一個是警察做筆錄會有套用的例稿,也許把這個問題加到例稿裡面,可以幫助警察去記得這一些問題。" }, { "speaker": "郭瑜芳", "speech": "是「對質」。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是「對質」,不好意思,我們意見收到這個地方。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "本來預計要討論的問題是,本來要討論的問題是,及早發現跟強化親職教育的部分,今天看起來是非常多人提到怕報復的問題,我們等一下主持團隊中午休息的時候,會看是不是把題目適當修改,在這個地方分享經驗,大家一起想一下是不是可以一起解決這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "補充一點,社工跟警政聯訪已經有了,其實警察單位是非常願意配合的,但是沒有角色,他們就是站在後面,我比較期望的是在兒虐事件的調查裡面,警方是有角色的,聯訪現在是ok。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "非常感謝補充。也不是必須,而是角色到底是,必須要有一些角色,現在也許就是站在後面保護你不會被打,但是是不是可以更積極一點。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "因為法規上,現在沒有比較明確的……" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "程序上就一起。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "「約制跟調查」,不要把調查的功能都在社工身上,如果是犯罪事件的話……" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "這個時候內政部就要發言了,其實聯訪那一塊,我們一直都有在做,沒有問題。我再補充剛剛講到通盤聯訪的部分,其實社工在做兒虐、兒保的時候,你是專職在做這個工作,但警察除了聯訪以外還有很多勤務,所以沒有辦法做到通盤性,而是個案性的,這個是職務協助的概念,你來申請,我們警力狀況可以配合就會配合,警察在這一塊其實從來沒有置身事外。另外就調查這一塊而言,依照兒權法規定,社工本來就主責兒少保護案件的調查、訪視跟處遇,所以調查工作是在社工身上。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "當然如果涉及刑案的話,有犯罪嫌疑,警察一定會出手,這個沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "有關於協助保護案件執行處遇的部分,其實告誡這一塊,警察都沒有問題,如果社工提出你們的需求,像要去告誡嫌疑人不要對小朋友有不利的作為,我們都可以配合,但是保護社工的這一件事,我曾經在衛福部開會被與會的老師指正,警察的角色並不是保護社工,而是保護孩子!依照兒權法的分工,我們本來就是主責兒少人身安全的維護,因此進入案家的時候,我們的主要角色是保護孩子,不要讓他受到父母親的施虐或者是不當的對待。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "如果社工認為需要像警察這樣具有強制力的角色跟施虐者做約制告誡的話,警察很願意配合、協助。" }, { "speaker": "鄭仕偉", "speech": "至於其他角色的部分,我覺得這部分應該是個案性的討論,要有個案出來,我們瞭解到社工對家長在溝通上有什麼問題,我們警察可以協助幫忙的,我們來配合,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "非常感謝補充。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "所以警察除了陪聯訪之外,還有很多勤務,我們相信,我們之前開過幾個案子,其實大家都知道警察、消防隊是少數24小時執勤的單位,就會有非常多的勤務在他們身上,尤其警察穿著制服大家會怕,所以有非常多要制約的東西,很多都要麻煩警察,警察很辛苦,像動保都有。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "內政部的補充是社工主責訪視、調查、處遇,除非涉及犯罪警察才會出手,警察到場的目的要保護小孩,並不是保護社工,補充到此。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "可以補充一句嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "其實婦幼警察才是應該要共同來做保護孩子的工作,我不知道大家是不是曉得,婦幼警察的人力非常不足,甚至婦幼警察還要被總統府叫去做一些別的勤務,為什麼?你們去查一下,不要把婦幼警察這樣用,太離譜了!" }, { "speaker": "洪雅莉", "speech": "我只要貼一張貼紙,大家不要忘記這個案子當中,媒體的角色,像剛剛有說要貼一個電話,是讓媒體知道如何報導這個案件,就像剛剛民眾、提案人所說的,大家從媒體當中得這一些東西,到底是帶風向來增加社會仇恨,我覺得是要在討論的框架裡面。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "要不要多提一下?" }, { "speaker": "洪雅莉", "speech": "我不知道他們的目的是什麼,讓閱聽人增加仇恨,好像唯一死刑才可以解決仇恨,好像一定要死刑才可以解決這個問題,事實上並不是,那個情緒其實是被媒體報導而引發的,因此是不是可以有更清楚、客觀的報導事實,並不是渲染仇恨,或者是還沒有查證之前,我們就貼了很多人的標籤,我覺得被傳遞過程中很需要被留意的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "非常感謝。還有人補充關於媒體的事情嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "先吃飯吧!" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我也覺得這個滿大的。" }, { "speaker": "王薇君", "speech": "這個討論不會完。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們先收到這裡,先進行到吃飯的時間,我們大概1點20分的時候回來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "今天早上的討論其實很熱烈,我們的問題稍作修改,可能跟一開始原來預計討論的不太一樣。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第一個問題,我們改成「我們如何強化兒虐的保護機制,以增加通報的意願,及早發現0至6歲的兒童遭到不適當的對待」,這個是我們早上避免被報復,可能要看怎麼樣強化。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外一個,大家很想知道,一個人到底怎麼樣去強化親職教育,其實政府做了很多東西,但是沒有到一般人的手上,到底原因為何,我們怎麼做到這一件事,我們如何強化親職教育,讓家長有更多的知識、資源幫助、照顧小孩有更為妥適的生長環境。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個過程也可以思考,剛剛勵馨的執行長也提到媒體的角色,我們在這個地方也可以想像如何突破媒體的困境,透過網路的方式,讓大家可以收到這一些相關的資訊。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們會分兩組,一個是在這裡,另外一組是在玉琪那一桌,我們分兩個組,同樣角色的人麻煩分開,像提案人、附議人各一組,如果是地方政府的教育單位是一組,法務部這邊也麻煩,如果身分是重疊的話,就分開到兩組去,麻煩大家移駕,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "第一個問題是「如何強化兒虐通報的保護機制,以及增加通報的意願及早發現0至6歲兒童遭到不適當對待」的部分,現在的問題包括了檢舉人可能害怕被報復,或者是額外有一些出庭或者是個資洩漏的風險。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "再加上可能其他專業人員也會有這個考量,這個診所的醫生導致通報之後,導致診所的生意不好,或者是家長來診所這邊報復之類的。還有的一些問題點是,大家還是有個人自掃門前雪的觀念。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "另外還有一個問題是,現在一線社工這邊會接觸到非常多的毒寶寶,有非常多的毒品人口是在社區流竄的,因此導致有戒斷症狀的毒寶寶非常地多。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "另外一個衍生的問題,其實大家都在宣導通報的同時,導致一個議題無效通報非常多,也就是這個通報的資訊太少了,也就是可能是無效的通報,加上強化親職教育的部分。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "現在的親職教育並不是那麼普及,除了兒虐之外,也要關心到承認暴力的狀況,因為一個會打太太的先生,有可能未來也會打自己的孩子,甚至讓自己的孩子學習到暴力,這個部分也有提到政府的宣導不足,家長其實是不願意接受這個親職教育的。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "這一些一般性的親職教育,很難讓我們的高風險家庭接觸到。所以解決的部分,其實剛剛有提到,可以在筆錄後面去加註是否願意出庭,還有比較快速便捷的通報方法是打113或者是110,其實很快速的方法,可以免去在系統上通報的繁瑣。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "還有,夥伴提到可以建立官方一個固定的幼兒全身健康檢查,在這個檢查的同時,可以進行訪問、資料的更新,這個是強制性的,有一點像教招。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "另外,可以善用網路的通報及追蹤的機制,爆料公社這一塊其實是有提出來,但是其實並不是那麼建議,可能會有一些無效通報或者是真實性的問題。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "另外,也有提到證人保護法的部分,還有通報人保密、被害人及家屬訴訟參與和保護,在公衛護士家訪的部分也可以解決到通報的問題,也就是透過公衛護士來發現。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "其實也可以提供醫院端的支持,像門禁或是緊急呼叫鈴之類的配套措施來增加醫療院所的通報醫院,透過宣導去增加敏感度,還有衛福部有辦理社區防暴的宣導活動及責任人員的教育訓練。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "建議針對無效通報的處理方式,我們會建議希望通報人可以多納入通報的資訊,讓通報的資料是更明確的,可以減少無效通報的案件數,也希望未來在健保的系統裡面加註一些藥酒癮,或者一些高風險的因子,讓這個人就醫的時候可以及早被辨別。加強橫向的學校聯繫或者是透過提供給一般家長有親職教育的正確認知。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "因此剛剛第一題困難的部分,其實就有提到官方的機關人力是不足的,可能像有一些比較偏鄉,衛生所的公衛人力、社工人力很難執行到一些解決辦法的部分。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "另外,也有人提到兒少法現在法條的一些寫法,好像會限縮其他單位網絡單位的責任,會覺得好像都是社工的事。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "克服方法的部分,其實衛福部這邊有訂高風險孕產婦的關懷計畫,現在好像有在幾個縣市執行,另外還有結合其他各類的資源。這個是第一題的部分。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "第二題,如何強化親職教育的議題上,現在的問題是,我們親職教育的不普及,可能在網路的使用上是比較少的,政府的宣導不足,家長也不願意接受親職教育,可能親職教育很難被真正需要的族群接觸到。解決的方法是我們在做結婚登記或者是生產時要做一個強制性的衛教,或是結婚登記前就要做親職教育。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "還有,在使用網路搜尋關鍵字的時候,會強制跳出一些政府的宣導品。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "另外,辦理家長團體志工的協助,還有是建立網路廣告專業,透過政府高公權力的部門來建立網路廣告的普及性。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "另外,還有結合社政跟衛政的資源來加強兒童人權的宣導。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "婦產科醫生的部分,因為會直接接觸到產婦,因此可以針對婦產科醫生及醫院的護理師可以加強宣導。也可以強制置入一些電子遊戲,可能買點數或是電子遊戲玩到一個程度的時候,去完成親職教育的課程。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "剛剛有提到搖晃娃娃的器材,其實可以讓新手的父母模擬在抱這個娃娃的力道,怎麼樣的程度會傷害到孩子。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "最後提到強化SEO,讓一般人能看到,這個是專有名詞。這個困難與障礙是,可能政府的預算現在比較少,還有一個是個資法的問題。" }, { "speaker": "喬羽華", "speech": "克服方法的部分,政府可以在網路上置入網頁,請網紅幫忙宣導,或是請媒體增加企業社會責任或是拍攝社工的故事,或是拍一些高品質的電視,像《我們與惡的距離》,類似像這一種,大家追,追完後會有觀念的轉化,接著是強化電視的廣告。以上是我們這一組的報告。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "請問第一組的朋友有沒有要補充或者是要說清楚,或者是覺得要再補充的?如果沒有的話,我們接下來情況第二組。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "大家好,我們是第二組,因為我們的便利貼有一點亂,重複滿多的,我儘量簡潔講討論的主軸。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "雖然我們的主題大概會是在講,本來一開始的題目是在講檢舉人應該如何被保護,我們這一組很多是第一線的工作人員,回饋了更多如果通報機制很浮濫的話,該怎麼辦的問題。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "我們就討論來跟大家說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "其實前面一開始,早上的討論比較多是在可能檢舉人因為檢舉的成本過高,或者是專業人員在遇到第一線家暴小孩時,透過一些保護機制,預防在現場或者是之後被報復的情況。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "就解決的部分,其實有提到是可以用匿名代號,或者是法律上有一些機制可以防止,像是可以透過秘密證人或是事前宣導可以不用參與出庭的情況來解決這樣的問題。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "可能之前的狀況是,大家可能比較不知道出庭時可以請求隔離加害人,就是要加強這一方面的宣導,又或是在開庭通知書上要加強這樣的權益說明。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "另外一個部分,其實現在有提到是不是透過線上匿名通報的系統,可以降低通報人身分曝光的問題,其實現在有一個網站是「關懷E起來」,以及113都具備這樣的功能。不過也有人提到「關懷E起來」其實是給專業人員直接做線上匿名使用,所以內容要填得非常詳細,如果民眾要報案的話,其實從113就可以進行這樣子的報案,而且現在113基本上是不會外洩大家的個資。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "困難跟障礙的部分,後面我們有提到也許現在可以有不同的方向來進行通報,或者是有很多民眾會選擇在網路上進行爆料,但在網路上進行爆料的情況,可能會導致其實整個救援的時間會被延後,所以其實在困難跟障礙的時候,我們這一組比較多的討論是有關於浮報的原因及困境。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "像現在有很多人想要在網路上直接做爆料的原因,可能是來自於想紅,或者是爆料的觀念勝於報案,這樣的基本觀念其實基本上需要進行宣導及規範。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "另外,關於第一線的人員會遇到只要一看到小孩受傷就要立刻回報,但是這樣回報的過程,有時未能掌握充分的資訊,往往會導致社工人員在調查時的困難,到底是政府或者是社工要多負一點責任,或是現場第一線的醫療人員要多負這樣的責任問題。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "目前在教育現場會有一個辨識量表,但是因為小孩子們在現場遇到的狀況,比如可能只是單純受傷或者是小朋友間的嬉鬧會被陳報上去,其實在教學現場會被老師抗拒。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "其實我們這一組還是要針對各自專業人員的義務要有比較明確的規範及說明,因為現在大家可能會有一個互推的狀況出現。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "再來,其實有提到目前的問題,我們這一組在討論的是,現在為什麼會有漏接的狀況,所以漏接的狀況有提到,現在鄰里單位的通報機制也沒有這麼明確,但是鄰里是社會安全網很重要的一部分。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "透過現有的醫療機制再多增強一點對兒童受傷的追加調查服務,因為剛好我們這一組衛福部的同仁其實提得滿細,可以藉由現有的定期疫苗施打作業來進行追蹤,因為現在疫苗可能指年紀比較小的小朋友會有施打疫苗的服務,也許可以演化成成長門診,也就是0至6歲追蹤,如果醫生發現這個小孩子的身體狀況出問題時,也許可以做進一步的訪查及訪視。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "可是目前遇到的困難及障礙,就算現在發現這個小孩可能有問題,但後來很難做持續地追蹤,小孩子被通報的居住地、戶籍地,在當時可能沒有那麼清楚,因此就有提到目前在追蹤小孩子的情況底下,還是會遇到一些困難。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "像這一些所謂比較高風險的家庭,可能會因為父母吸毒的關係,或者是因為躲債的情況之下,當下並沒有留下正確的聯絡資訊,因此難以作追蹤,這邊其實有提到是不是有可能會提出規範性的,比如透過罰鍰或者是罰款的方式進行,可是也會再繼續討論到,一旦開始施行之後,大家是不是會更不想要被國家發現,因此會躲避這樣的追蹤。其實小孩子現在到底在哪裡,包含移民署、教育部、內政部等等的機關,現在在行政院已經有在治安通報的部分,有進行互相的比對處理了,這是正在進行中的方案。兒少福權的推動小組,也許之後他們可能會再針對小孩如何追蹤的部分繼續加強。以上是我們第二組的第一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "有關於親職教育的部分,我們這一組會有兩個面向:第一個是有關於既有的資源沒有被看見,這一些資源要如何落到真正不同的族群手上?再者,其實現在有很多潛在風險對象是我們沒有辦法好好追蹤的,這個機制基本上是沒有的。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "第一個是如何讓既有的資源,落到特定的客群身上,其實這一組的解決方法,其實針對不同的點來提出建議,比如在醫院方面提供資訊,或是像剛剛網路上提到設定關鍵字的部分。有提到特定族群傳親職訊息,這個王理事長有提到會到台語電台,會比較符合隔代教養的情況,在不同的媒體或介面平台上露出。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "我們這一組也有提到,希望可以跟公司作配合,也許可以提供員工協助方案。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "可是這樣子的問題,我們剛剛提了很多群體,針對不同的群體有不同的困難及障礙,特別是在公司這邊,可能會有一個疑慮,比如這樣會不會降低公司去僱用有小孩員工的問題。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "剛好少提到一個困境,需要這個服務的家庭,他們可能因為不想參加親職教育,因此要額外請假,所以才提到員工協助方案,如果被社工發函說有親職教育的課程,才會有職場污名的問題。不好意思,這個部分沒有寫得很清楚。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "再來,如果是醫院或者是其他單位,其實還是會有難以強制的問題,通常會主動去搜尋這樣訊息的人,某個程度就已經不是高風險的人,前面不管是各式各樣的合作,還是會遇到沒有強制力的問題。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "在克服的辦法部分,我們這一組有幾個部分有提到,也許我們在親職教育的推廣管道還要再有更多元性,比如跟業者或者是媽媽教室,像新婚或者是未成年結婚,也許他們婚禮飯店的現場,好比上了多少課之後可以打折等等,這個是一些創意的發想。還有懷孕的父母要接受親職教育的部分。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "相關的負責單位,可能是醫院、衛福部或者是推動的教育局、社會局等等的機構,另外一個部分是有關於潛在風險對象的調查,認為要透過醫療端或者是社區端盡可能多的資源,或者是因為潛在風險對象可能會有一些福利、輔助提供的需求,也要有一些教育課程的要求。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "這一個部分有另外拉出來,目前親職教育可能面對到一個問題,他在教學的教材上的內容或者是資源上,其實滿不足的,雖然有推動個別化的親職教育資源的提供,王理事長也有提到還是覺得可以讓他變成某一種義務教育的形式,也就是向下延伸,也就是0至6歲。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "最後,有關於克服的部分,親職教育的部分很重要,資源也很多,但是還沒有系統性的方式來培育新的師資,現在各縣市在推動個別化的親職教育設計,還可以再更加強,比如我們小組裡面就有提到針對外籍,可能會有現場配偶的翻譯人員接受親職教育,解決親職教育是滿重要的方向。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "關於這一點的話,主要的負責單位是有各縣市的家庭教育中心,教育部、衛福部及地方政府的配合,以上是我們這一組的討論。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "我們這一組有沒有人要補充?" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "這一些討論過程中有希望一些法律與實務作業上的改變,我們希望胡蘿蔔跟棒子齊下,棒子是用行政罰鍰的方式來處理,胡蘿蔔的部分可以透過租稅減免。" }, { "speaker": "蕭永昌", "speech": "此外,生育補助好像有3萬元,這筆錢目前似乎是一次性發放。我們也希望不要用一次發的方式,而是用分次發的方式,如果要繼續領後面的錢,就要按照我們的規矩,像是定期到兒童門診讓醫生做一些檢查或是訪視,然後進而落實設計的法制能夠真的被實踐,這是我要補充的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "謝謝大家,請問第二組還有人要補充嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們接下來請唐鳳。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天非常謝謝大家來參加這兩個題目的討論,我自己學到非常多,剛才左耳跟右耳要分別聽一邊的分組討論,真的是獲益良多。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "先跟大家說明一下,今天的討論接下來流向哪裡?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,今天的逐字紀錄,大家都會收到,大家會先一起編輯,編輯到大家對自己的發言,特別是剛剛我看到有一些朋友在報告或討論時,引一些相關的研究或者是報告,或者是一些相關其他網路上的資訊,或者是像「SEO」到底是什麼意思等等,因為這整份逐字紀錄最後公開的時候,我們會請主管機關法務部對線上7,000多位的網友,附上今天整個完整的討論紀錄。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以,這是廣義家庭教育的一部分,並不一定現在是親職的人,才需要想這些事情。我想,整個社會都是小孩的大家庭,大家都預先瞭解有這一些事,我覺得是比較好的,不只是雙親而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此,希望大家盡可能在做共筆的時候,如果覺得推薦未來要從事親職或是家庭教育裡面,應該要多看一些reference,有一些相關值得參考的情況,不一定要限於你已經講的話,可以在你講的話後面打括弧附註,或者是用網址連結的方式,來推薦未來收到這一份逐字紀錄的朋友來看,這是第一個部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,這是一個連署案,一個多月以後,也就是三十五天之後,法務部會做正式的回應,我們會採取當責的態度,今天大家有一些具體的建議,我也理解法務部是其中一部分的主管機關而已,但是他們會去做綜整,我們在教育部、衛福部,甚至其他的部會,能夠做什麼來做盤點、綜整,把大家的具體建議逐點給網路上的大家知道,這是從現在算起來一個多月以後的事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第三,在以上兩個時間點之間,會請主持團隊把最後大家分組討論的報告,做成行政院裡面政策制定時的長官參考格式,我們會提供給院長室。院長室收到之後,如果有一些不太清楚,或者是有些想要進一步討論的,那這個題目也有主責政委,也就是林萬億政委,可能會開更多的會議,來釐清今天大家講的創新方法的可行性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個部分應該是在下個禮拜左右,整理出一份給院長室的報告,隨時院長室有新的裁示等等,我們會第一時間讓各部會知道,也會在下一次的開放政府,每一個月的會議裡面提出來、做一個最終的管考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以上是幾個我們今天討論的結果,接下來會在行政體系當中的流向。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天的協作會議也有公視的朋友在這邊,會後會想要瞭解一下大家對於這樣討論形式的想法,歡迎各位知無不言、言無不盡。其實這樣的方式,也是起示範的作用,希望更多的朋友或者是主管部會,在碰到複雜題目時,我們希望球不要有漏接的情況,不要每個都各自做了很多事,但在某些情況下,卻都沒有想到全貌。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這種協作式討論會議的主要特色,是大家都知道彼此做什麼,而且如果有漏接的地方,也可以第一時間讓我們知道,我們就可以即時反映,不用等到下一個會計年度再來做反映。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這次非常謝謝大家來參與協作會議,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "今天會議到這邊,非常感謝大家的參與跟貢獻,謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Let’s get started. How can I help you?" }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "As I wrote, artificial intelligence is now on everybody’s mind, right?" }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "How is Taiwan doing in terms of research and application of artificial intelligence. Of course, US, China, everybody thinks about those countries." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "Then a long time, nothing. Then Japan, Korea. Taiwan is on nobody’s monitor." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Mind, right, except on the multinationals, who are all very insistent on setting up AI centers here." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "I know there’s some things going on, but what’s the vision on Taiwan? Where do you see Taiwan right now in the whole setup in the world, and what’s the vision for the next 5 or 10 years?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The vision is really simple. It’s innovation, collaboration, inspiration. We see AI as something that’s in the flow of the current Taiwan’s 5+2 industrial focus. You would know that the first of the 5+2 is AIoT, or AI powered Internet of Things." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We call it Asia.SiliconValley, because in Asia, trade is very complementary nowadays. The intermediate goods just move around countries. Anything, including this iPad, is made in the world. Taiwan specialized." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As you mentioned, semiconductor is one, but also in the smart machinery as well as in the creative use of the IoT devices. The IoT devices is not just deployed in the industrial setting, but also in the citizen science setting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan, I think...It’s unique in Asia, where there’s a inexpensive air quality measurement box, air box, then you automatically see thousands of people just connecting together their individual measurement devices, because they care about their air quality and they, frankly speaking, want to trust their neighbors’ numbers more than the government’s numbers. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very quickly you can see this kind of open data platforms arising by people donating data into the commons essentially. This configuration is really unique, and it also means that whenever there’s a new emergent algorithm coming from the AI research, it is not only channeled to the private sector but also the social sector as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The social sector takes care of creating their own data, curating their data, making the data legitimate through distributed ledgers and so on, and co creating the norms around the use of such data. I already showed you two of the prime examples of mobile AI stations. These are what we’re saying when we mean regulatory co creation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It means that we collectively set the societal expectation of what to automate, when to automate, where to automate, and then shuffle our curriculum, our AI training program, such as the AI Academy that’s going to join us shortly to basically educate people in responsible use of AI, where they learn about AI." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They learn it in the context of solving a real social problem using co created data across sectors, so that everyone can learn to be a data steward in a data collaborative. I think that is our main vision, it is essentially democratizing this vision for AI based technologies." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s the very high level overview, but that’s the guiding principle." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Japan, they talk about Society 5.0." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To integrate, to include the elderly, especially. The same in Taiwan, of course we’re not as old as Japan, but we’re getting there. It’s the same direction." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan kind of has a natural niche in the batteries, in the optics, in the IoT as I mentioned, that forms part of this AI mobility platform so whomever wins at the end as the brunt of AI mobility including actually drones. I went to Tokyo for the Uber Elevate conference where they want to make those vertical take off and landing devices that essentially takes people from the top from one skyscraper to another skyscraper." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Again, the battery power, the many of the chips and so on, they are part of the Taiwan. They could only be sourced in Taiwan, because it’s a rapid iteration. People really want the chip design, the interaction design, the field study, ethnography, experience design and so on to make in very closely knit cycle, because nobody really know what’s the right formula, you just have to swarm and experiment a lot." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan is kind of...We have something in each of those areas. People really, I think, Google bought HTC’s cell phone department, but then turn it into the AI research lab it is, because they really want to tap into this integrated fast iteration prototyping process. Whatever brunt it has in the end, I think Taiwan always really have a niche in the kind of being white label part of this creative ecosystem. That’s what we already have." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think what we also want to sell, which is another very new thing, is that we’re a very good sandbox for AI regulatory co creation. Anyone can break a law or regulation for a year, if they think their AI application is good for public benefit." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Case in point, there’s a what we call telecom operator that partnered with a bank that says using AI, we can give the younger people who never have traded with the bank in any relationships, we can figure out how much to loan them within their risk limit, simply by looking at their mobile telecom payments history." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They don’t really need to go over the counter for KYC, because when they get their SIM card, we already check their identification. In essence, they can just start banking through their mobile apps in the sense of inclusive financing, because they introduce a new algorithm to calculate the risk factors in loaning to those students." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We say, \"Yeah, but have...\" Before we turn it into regulatory text, \"Have anyone really your code?\" They are like, \"We can try for a year on 5,000 people. How about that?\" Then we calculate the risk and say, \"OK, go ahead.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If there’s impersonalization or any people gaming the system, it will be detected early on. The data will be shared. It will be open innovation. If it works, then we’ve merged the norm back to regulation. If it doesn’t, because it’s open innovation, somebody else learns from it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This kind of sandbox is systemically breaking existing laws and regulations. I think it’s something that Taiwan has to offer. For AI based mobility, we also have the Taiwan CAR Lab in Shalun, a green energy city, that can serve as a proving ground and simulation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not only on the technology, but on the social configurations, their reactions around AI mobility technologies, just like the self driving tricycles and their relationship with the lab here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, it’s open. It’s generally available now. The CAR lab is generally available. If you want to make a trip to Shalun, you can already see the self driving vehicles just roaming around in the simulation field." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Here, it’s the Taiwan C Lab, and Shalun in the Taiwan CAR Lab, C A R, connected, autonomous, and road testing. It looks something like this, because it’s literally just outside a high speed rail station." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is not just for technical testing. It’s actually for social acceptance testing. It’s one of the more exciting things in working policymaking, is just to look at how the society want, in terms of regulation. Instead of saying, \"Oh, it would work,\" or, \"It wouldn’t work,\" just try it out and see it actually working, to some degree." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then collaborating on continuous integration, lawmaking." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "At what stage will you put it into real use?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Usually, after a year of sandbox testing. It can be extended to up to two years, but then we need to make a collective decision as a society whether this autonomous vehicle is good or not. We also use AI based conversation to make such a judgment." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once such a judgment is done, then we determine whether we incorporate those learnings into a regulation, or whether it’s really not a good idea, and it should be tried in some other way. It’s not limited to cars." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It could be cars that fly, ships, or whatever. Just autonomous vehicles." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "What about data protection? You were just talking about this student film thing?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "You have to have access to all this data." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the aggregate, of course. Not the raw." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "The fintech AI, so it’s already used?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, it’s live." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, we have an EU style privacy protection act, our PIPA. We are in the process of getting GDPR adequacy. It should be real soon now. That means that we only use such data, either voluntarily, opting in, or in the aggregate, without any way to identify." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Taiwan Bio Bank, yes, Taiwan Bio Bank. It’s in early stage of partnering with a non profit called Taiwan AI Labs. AI Labs is nonprofit, and it’s founded by, I think, director of Cortana, Microsoft speech AI, called Ethan Tu, who also happens to be the founder of PTT, Taiwan’s Reddit, basically." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A very popular social sector, hosted by National Taiwan University, I would call it bulletin board system, a BBS. Crowdsourcing and respect for privacy, while making collective intelligence work, is always the main ideas in AI Labs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "AI Labs has three focus, healthcare, smart city, and human interaction. It’s all on their website. I don’t need to go into details. The main idea is that being a non profit indeed, what we call a social enterprise they were able to offer very competitive hiring conditions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People trust the AI Labs team to preserve humanity with privacy spirit, while in the same sense, working with cancer research or other bio bank research. It is a, I think, ethics first approach, really is very helpful in developing such kind of cross sectoral trust." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, building relationships. Japan and Taiwan is similar in viewing data not just as material but rather as beginning of a relationship. Actually, GDPR is moving to this way of thinking as well." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "What would you say is Taiwan’s unique contribution? If you compare it with US or China?It’s all data driven. Taiwan is small islands and not so many data available." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I wouldn’t say so. I mean, the citizen science, as I mentioned, is a proof that if we distribute and democratize the data stewardship then we’re not relying purely on a centralized data collection which could be expensive. That is why data is likened to oil in the first place. It’s expensive to collect and extract. Otherwise, it has no other similarity with oil. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a bad analogy except that it’s expensive to extract and to collect. If we democratize the collection and if we use deep learning and newer techniques for analysis, then it’s neither expensive to collect nor to analyze, to extract." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Essentially, by building artificial intelligence on top of our existing plan on industrial innovation based on collective intelligence, we’re saying that an AI doesn’t need to be a centralized power. That is Taiwan’s unique contribution in that our main employment is provided by miss meets by small and medium enterprises." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Each of them has a very different configuration of social problem they need to solve in order to go about any business. It’s less vertical integration. Rather it’s more swarm like behavior to solve emerging issues both domestic and abroad. By empowering them to utilize AI and automate whenever they could appropriately, we get the AI talent from all sectors instead of only by CS majors." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We get AI talents by essentially the miss meets looking to reinvent their flow without relying on trickle down from the largest corporations as in other nearby countries. I’m not saying we’re just better. I’m just saying it’s a different form of innovation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we’re saying is that we’re essentially a partner. Whatever your centralized collection device or application is, there’s some part...It could be the chips. It could be the acoustic or optics. It could be the edge computing devices. It could be anything that is invariably designed or produced in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we’re saying is that we’re not particular saying we’re locking in in particular data monopolies as you talk about. We’re not particularly betting any surveillance capitalist regimes. [laughs] Rather, whatever they’re using, first we’re in the loop because they use Taiwanese components." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, we make sure that our own regulation is done in a way that provides ample opportunity for newcomers, for miss mets to build on the existing base and to, essentially, do social innovation. I’m not blindly saying, \"Social innovation is great. You can disrupt the large monopolies.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we’re saying is that we’re happy to work with large monopolies. They’re all setting up AI centers in Taiwan. Once our talent understand the logic in which they operate, then they take those logic and also apply it to solve real social issues." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "That’s why there’s a lot of start up initiatives in Taiwan going on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "Tell me about talent. That’s probably now the main headache of all companies or countries that they don’t have enough talent. This AI fever is pretty huge. I know in Taiwan there’s a lot of very clever people and very mathematical and natural science oriented." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It used to be that Japan is the strictest when it comes to immigration for white collar talents. Taiwan is not as strict but still pretty strict. Singapore used to be the most liberal with the Gold Card Visa and everything, entrepreneurship programs, and so on. In Tsai Ing wen’s government, we basically copied everything Singapore has to offer." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We wrote our own Gold Card 4 in 1 visa. Singapore is three year. We’re three year but renewable. We also made sure that we have a special foreign talent law that makes it very clear that if you are one of the needed, being brain drained talent areas, including art, you can work in Taiwan without having to first find a employer." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For people with this kind of talent, we’re essentially location independent. We can work anywhere. It doesn’t matter for us. What we’re saying is, for those digital nomads, when they come to Taiwan, they don’t have to have a employer." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They can still work for their own LLC somewhere else. They just enjoy the food here. [laughs] Gradually, over the course of three or five years, they can build a deeper cultural relationship with the people here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, maybe after five years or so, would consider to be also Taiwanese. We’re making it really easy to go through it. Actually, you were around in Taiwan in the ’90s. In Taiwan, we have a national ID number. For foreign people, it’s the residence certificate. They look different. The number is different. The second digit is a digit for nationals but the English alphabet for foreign people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It makes it very obvious that foreign people are foreign people even if they have permanent residence certificates. We’re fixing that. Starting next year, the second digit will be normalized. It will look the same format for both people with residence certificate and the nationals." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s A1 or A2 something, for nationals. It will be A8 or A9 something for foreign people. The national EID will look very similar. It’s all touch NFCs and PKI, just like Estonia, for both domestic and also foreign nationals. That will create a much more welcoming system for people to try out Taiwan for a while and to be also Taiwanese after a while. We’re getting pretty good feedback on those programs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Brain drain to, especially, Silicon Valley but also other innovation centers has been reversed in the past couple years. Ethan Du came back from Microsoft. He didn’t come back alone. He brought his friends, and teams, and so on with him." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re seeing now that Facebook just today opened its new research headquarter here in Taiwan, the Facebook Taiwan HQ. Of course, Microsoft convinced 200 or something AI researchers here and so on. All of the fame is eyeing Taiwan to be their AI talent." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "What about German companies?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s really I think [laughs] something we should improve on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, and we’re happy to share, but we also like, after our period of sharing, that they come back." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re surely open to competition, but we also have one of the better trade secret and copyright protection laws around. People would usually have kind of a non competing clause. This is all part of modern world." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan is not better, not worse, in terms of this kind of protection, but I think really, what convinced people to come to Taiwan for essentially entrepreneurship, after a while in working with large combative companies, myself included, is really the meaning making, the place making aspect of it, the social aspect of it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think people are looking less about just having the cutting edge innovation and [Taiwanese] it for a local counterpart, because we don’t have a great firewall to foster that kind of innovation. The PRC is really good in doing that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We don’t have that, right? What we do is kind of a catalyst between different data paradigms. The GDPR paradigm, the US minus California paradigm, and of course, the PRC paradigm, are very different in how the data concentration of power is distributed, managed, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan is maybe only like Hong Kong, and unlike anyone else, regularly, symbiotically, deal with the three data paradigms. I think the meaning making part in taking an innovation and merging it with another data paradigm, and make some new meanings out of it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is just plain impossible to do in its original habitat and vice versa. I think that is one of Taiwan’s main attractions if you are an AI entrepreneur." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "What’s the catch?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The catch is that people have heard of Thailand, but not Taiwan. [laughs] That’s the main catch. We have a very good story. We could really do better in telling that story." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "Would you say that now those AI entrepreneurs or digital people, they go more to Taiwan because it’s notexpensive to live?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. The cost of living is one thing. As I said, a digital nomad can live anywhere. Mostly, it’s only time zone diametrics. All places in the same time zone is the same for us. What makes Taiwan the preferred destination in GMT+8, plus or minus one, is, as I said, the social interactions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Cost of living, of course, is one. The food is one. Broadband as human right is easily overlooked but also explains why a lot of people go to maybe Yilan and Taitung and so on. Traditional, if you were a surfer, you would prefer those places. It’s excellent view and so on. Now, thanks to broadband as human right, you can also be here and enjoy 100 megabits per second without any interruption." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It becomes preferred place for people to not just host retreats but actually have entire labs there. Because of the broadband, it suddenly solves the discoverability problem. People can still discover you even if you’re literally in the mountains or by the sea. We don’t see that in many of the more upcoming Asian countries. They haven’t solved the broadband as human right there." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "You already put this in the constitution that broadband’s a human right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Mm hmm. It’s Tsai Ing wen’s presidential platform. We put it in what we call the forward looking infrastructure plan. Anywhere in Taiwan, actually even outside Taiwan like in Dongsha Island or something, if you don’t have 10 megabits per second, it’s my fault. Being held accountable like this is very important as well." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "This is even without 5G." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. It’s with 4G and cable technologies." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "When is your target of 5G being available?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You mean generally available? It’s next year like everybody." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "Technically." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Technically, of course, there’s already sandboxes just like any other country where setting, again, one year if you’re for profit, renewable if you’re not for profit then make testing fields already." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You can go to selected verticals Foxconn may be one of them to enjoy 5G in those limited areas and test whether one of the profiles in the current R16 fits your demand. General availability for telecoms and so on, that’s next year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, we benefit from the geography. In the municipalities, there’s sufficient amount of people. We can still afford competition even the auction price. In the rural areas, people generally agree to share their infrastructure anyway. The geography defines how the broadband is naturally distributed. We still have a pretty healthy ecosystem of two or three plus two or three operators." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "Do you think with 5G there will be a huge step up to have even more difference?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "5G certainly makes the number of simultaneously connected devices exponentially more. That’s not the main attraction. The main attraction is on very selected use cases. I usually think of two use cases. One is the worker operatings that construction machines to take down buildings and so on currently with 4G because it’s outdoors. It’s impossible for them to do it safely from a control center." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They have to be in that place and with all the workplace safety issues to operate such heavy machinery. With 5G, it becomes then possible for them to incarnate themselves in those dumb terminals and essentially remote pilot all those dangerous workplace operations." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When the construction workers do their piloting that way, then it creates enormous possibility for AI as a co pilot to see what they see, to hear what they hear, to understand their decisions, and remind them of their safety issues that may have been overlooked." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Essentially, train apprentices, AIs as pilots instead of having to wait for something 100 percent perfect to replace humans. The co learning thing is one of the missions that 5G provides. That is one part. The other part, 5G is necessary is the low latency use of autonomous driving." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Currently, autonomous driving is either low speed or in dedicated lanes that can already provide the 5G like connectivity. For massive amount of cars, random placed out of nowhere, 5G is still needed for the latency of mobility. Everything else, we can fiddle with WiFi and fiber and make it happen." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "A huge amount of money is put into start ups. In TSIthey told me this is very well financed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. The start up is extremely well financed in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "Which is a very good thing because this is a development everywhere." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. Taiwan has traditionally been all miss met when it comes to job anyway. A very large percentage, 70 percent or something, provided by miss mets. Miss mets partner naturally start ups. Large verticals, less naturally. The configuration of our miss met is predetermining a friendly to startup culture." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "If you put 100 in, how much would come out?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, we do have some idea. The best answer is that they approve it. We encourage them to fail fast. One of the start up entrepreneurship classes in universities is just three months. The student has to start a company and do some business and close the company. Hence, put their finance record as the company closes. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, we want to get this idea of fail fast and provide post mortems and contribution to the ecosystem. When you fail, you fail in front of everybody. Everybody learns something because of your failure instead of always having to be acquired or bought. We also encourage acquisitions but only when it makes sense, not randomly." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan’s main attraction in startup scene is not particularly the ease of getting loans or the ease of getting your credit even before you release your product to being assured by the miss met fund or whatever. We have kind of pioneers, some of those designs, the e tree and things like that. Now pretty much everybody else has those designs as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s still mostly the culture of not afraid to fail. That is the main strength. That can be compared more easily with Japan, which is still finding the normativity in their curriculum for a parent to not panic when their child decide to become a entrepreneur. They have a huge challenge to culturally solve for parents to acquiesce their children to be entrepreneurs." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "You talked about the sandbox example. Taiwan, as well as Japan, are not very much known for being un bureaucratic." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. That’s the new story we need to tell. We design a lot of innovation systems for...It pays for the bureaucrats to innovate. The Presidential Hackathon is one. The innovative regulatory sandbox for another." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, the idea is always the same. If you participate in, say, the Presidential Hackathon, your choice as the public servant is vast. You can innovate on any of those ideas. You don’t have to deliver it yourself. You can just partner with a civil society or a private sector friend who will then pitch for you. You can say, \"Oh, I’m just their partner,\" or whatever." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If it fails, of course, you suffer no shame because you were just partnering. If it works then every year, we choose five teams. There’s no money in the prize. The money is the president’s promise that within the next budget year your idea will be part of public service. This is a hack to take the risk away but share the credit with the career public service. They love it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The last Presidential Hackathon last year has more than 100 participants. All five out of five winning teams become every day operations in public service including using AI to detect water leakage, and using AI to prevent domestic abuse before they happen, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "These are the new story we want to tell is that we found ways to work around the silos in the ministries and cross the local and national regulations. Many such attempts are met with enthusiasm by younger career public servants. The cabinet office in Tokyo is also trying to do something like that lately." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I just visited Tokyo and met with people from the cabinet office. They say all the elderly states people are now giving more free reign to the young reformists in the career public service to try to come up with some kind of cross silo innovation reaching. I don’t know how well they’re going. At least there is public signals to that direction, which is new." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "I saw that in theopen data index, Taiwan is on top." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, but they stopped compiling that last year. We’ve been on top for two years while it’s there." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "It´s on governments but it’s not comparable on enterprise side, right? Open data?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s the open data barometer, I think. No. It’s less easy to compare apple to apple when you have TSMC on one side and Foxconn on the other side. What does it even mean for them to be open data? There are data collaborative in Taiwan that stems from the private sector." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I don’t think it’s useful to have a global data index kind of thing for them. It may make sense to, for example, index them using the sustainable development goals to rate them on the impact of their programs on the society. Maybe we can do that but not on the raw number of data. I don’t think that works." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "You want to share information. How far do private companies like the big ones, TSMC, Foxconn, cooperate with you, are willing to share their information?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right but then there’s some call centers for them. For example, around cooling systems, around recirculation of water that are not their core business. They’re just they have to do as part of their business." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For these issues, they’re actually kind of willing to participate in the circular economy, panels and making sure that their technologies is also available for other people to use and so on. Of course, that’s not their core business. It’s the incidentals they have to produce. We see the same with the open source movement." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Still, most of AI cutting edge research is open source. That’s also because they hoard the data but not the algorithm. They’re perfectly happy to publish all the algorithm but not necessarily the data." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "Every country has always the fear that too much information isiphoned off by somebody else." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s what I don’t understand. Unlike oil, when you copy data the original copy is still there. It’s additive. It’s intangible. You don’t take anything away by sharing data. You can’t siphon off data. The original copy is still there." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s because people connect AI directly to job loss instead of job reorganization or re architecting. That’s, again, why Taiwan’s missing based innovation model works. People can plainly see that you don’t lose job because of AI. You do have to re engineer your jobs to be co pilots with AI, essentially." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "With less fear of job loss, there’s less cause to automation tax or universal basic income. That’s also a very popular response. The UBI movement in Taiwan is...There’s no pressing social tension for the UBI. UBI is like a litmus test. If someplace UBI has a huge advocacy, it means that there is some social tension around automation in particular sectors." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, because UBI never got very popular...I say this with full empathy. One of the main UBI proponent advocacy group is based right here. [laughs] That also means that we have almost no social tension around automation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan’s geography makes it very clear that when we say something is a human right we deliver. Inequality can’t be felt in a bubbling way. If you go to any indigenous group or any rural places, you can plainly see that we’re pretty modern. Then the perception of AI taking away jobs is not easily sustained. People can clearly see it’s not the case." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "You talk about all the social benefits." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, like solving aging population issues and so on." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "You need to have money to solve problems. If AI is too open, what’s the income base of the companies who pay their employees or the income base of the country to pay for all the social benefits?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a risk and cause reducer. The question is, if electricity is freely available, how could company make money? Electricity enable a new kind of business. I think AI, it’s easier if you treat it less like a kind of new form of energy or a new form of current that’s run through all the different sectors." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As long as they speak data [laughs] they can be plugged into this new grid of automated or assistive intelligence. If you take this view, then it becomes obvious that you don’t focus on taxing the use of electricity. You can still do some of that, but you tax the surplus. You tax the outcome because of application of electricity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s OK to be open about electricity standards. We center AI on the sockets, after all, [laughs] and it can be open around particular appliances, but not on the particular combination of the application, which is why people can very clearly see that when its core competence, then the data is siloed. If it’s not core competence, the data is shared." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The algorithm can always be shared. It doesn’t really matter. It’s a call center anyway." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "What do you think about the idea that some kind of setup like a AI related technologies be taxedinstead of people? The more robots you have in a company, the more tax the company should pay." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a interesting idea. It’s a interesting idea. As I said, it often reflects a social tension around job displacement by automation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think compared to UBI, of course, this is maybe more feasible...actually, on a similar scale. [laughs] In any case, yes, as I said, it’s a kind of regulatory response to social tension, because the representative really has to do something that convince their constituents." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, there’s as far as I can see no present pressure for the regulators and the policymakers to answer to the social tension, which is pretty low." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "Again, can we talk about the question I started with? Where do you see Taiwan in 5 to 10 years as better off than right now, or is the competition getting too strong from other countries that Taiwan needs to fear..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, I think, first of all, Taiwan’s an island who erase five centimeters anyway, [laughs] whatever the humans do. [laughs] The biodiversity, the ecology would be there. But from a AI point of view, I think Taiwan is in a really good place when it comes to digital transformation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "AI Academy, people send their presentations. [laughs] Maybe I can just proxy in. I think they really have a good point here in saying that here, I think, of just...There’s really good examples around digital transformation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, what they do basically they’re a AI training camp. Their students are existing managers, like MBA as well as people part of their career is already around smart machinery or fabrics or whatever existing industries, and they are looking to transform their industries. That’s their constituents’, that’s their students’ space." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They basically work with lots of what we call smart machinery manufacturing or whatever companies and identify their pain points. Basically, there’s lots of university students, but they’re not readily helpful [laughs] when they want to digitally transform their industries." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What they are doing, basically, is focusing on the four particular use cases around flaw detection, predictive maintenance, automated flow control, and optimization around materials to basically prove that AI doesn’t need research. This is pure application." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On the pure application front, they don’t need to bring in outsiders. They can just digitally transform their existing workforce into people wielding AI, essentially, even if they are just a SME with 5 people or 10 people. That’s their main logic." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is defect detection, and they made a point of not designing anything and sell as packaged solutions, but rather teach the industries how to co work with deep learning systems. These cases then turn themselves into advocates of this kind of co created optimizations and defect detection issues." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This one I think it’s called index. They needed to manually turn the parameters to get the quality consistent. After introducing a co pilot, they can turn the knobs for them. Then they can see that humans and AIs make different kinds of errors. That, basically, makes it clear that first, they go for their AI co piloting in their own industry." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then they take these lessons away from their industry and become alums or teachers to the next batch who want to then spread this innovation to other SME industries and so on. It’s a rolling alum system. There’s huge amount of classes that’s going on. This is why I’m really optimistic in that you can see not only the code and the foundational infrastructure technologies, it’s democratized." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s the experience of integrating AI into miss mets that is being democratized. They can often take it to increase their job mobility for sure. It also make horizontal integration much easier than previously. They now all talk through the same language that is data." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think in five years or so we’re going to see the miss mets still going strong. AI would have helped the horizontal integration that were previously impossible or very costly into general purpose partnerships not limited to within Taiwan but also internationally." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "Awesome." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right. Of course, you have to learn anyway. During learning, you have to make some essays and some testing anyway. Why don’t just make it as part of your digital transformation plan? That not only guarantee jobs but also guarantee a sense of money making." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Before AI it used to be difficult. In a highly automated pipeline, there is maybe only three neighboring people, a very large factory and in workplace isolation, loneliness, and so on. It’s a real problem. Now, all these parts could be automated. People can, again, go back to those central rooms of piloting remote construction workers [laughs] and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They can be a social atmosphere and sharing. They’re essentially more strongly socializing functions. Now, they have to work with their community like researchers do instead of a purely automated kind of job." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not only pushing people toward the creative or strategic dimension. It also pushing people toward a high socializing dimension as well. That’s a good vision to be guiding the development by." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "Japan right now has a very new program for small children for learning AI related knowledge. Does Taiwan have similar program?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. For using AI information literacy and so on, that is part of our curriculum starting from the seventh grade. The literacy like the ethics around data science and so on, it’s imbued in all the different classes as part of the information media literacy curriculum design criteria starting from the first grade, the primary school." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then it’s part of every class. It’s not a class in itself. I think data science/programming/AI application it’s seventh grade." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On the 9th grade, there’s already lots of partnership classes with Google and Microsoft and also domestic AI training curriculum for people who already got a undergrad admission or people who are looking to work for a couple years before getting to undergrad to essentially equip themselves with AI over the summer or the second semester of the 10th grade. That is also very popular." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "By the time they are in the undergrad, by next year, I think, half of Taiwanese undergrad student need to be capable of coding, regardless of their majors. Again, we fused coding into all existing majors rather than requiring everybody to learn \"computer science.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think that is also very, very integrated in the sense that if you’re a major in translation, of course you will learn about AI in the speech domain, in the text domain. If you’re a medical student, you learn about AI in the imaging domain, or expert analysis domain, and knowledge representation domain." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re not saying AI for AI’s sake, but enhancing the existing majors by incentivizing them to learn to code. That is pervasive in all our undergrads." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Graduate level, there’s four AI centers representing their region in Taiwan for AI based research. They coordinate their research programs that are more graduate study level. That’s the main shape of Taiwan’s AI integration in curriculum." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "Mainly you talk about all the strong points of Taiwan. What would you say is the weak point of Taiwan on AI?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As I say, we’re not telling our story very well. It’s like the best kept secret. [laughs] It really is true. When I went abroad, many people, when they think about Taiwan, they still think the martial law days or the early days after the martial law, or the ’90s." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As we said, Taiwan wasn’t known for a flexible, innovative regulatory environment back then. Taiwan wasn’t really known actually for human rights back then. [laughs] Many people heard Taiwan is the first country for marriage equality to be realized constitutionally. They’re like, \"What? Is this the Taiwan that I know about?\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That proves that we’ve been telling our story kind of terribly, actually, over the past 10 years while we’re being radically transformed into a by all means, pretty Switzerland like, regulatory system and human right system in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People’s catch, in their minds, are still kind of stagnant in the image maybe 20 years ago. I think that’s Taiwan’s main challenge, actually. We domestically also have generations that are used to dictatorship, or at least authoritarian thinking." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a fault line. I’m the last generation to remember the martial law. Everybody younger takes freedom for granted, but everybody older is authoritarian. [laughs] I think this kind of culture clash, while not unique to Taiwan, really defines Taiwan politics, and defines many of the social controversies, protests, and so on, in the past few years." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’ll eventually get over it, but we’re really facing a challenge in intergenerational solidarity. It’s really badly needed now. We’re not doing perfectly this." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "Nobody’s perfect." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "What are the best areas for German and Taiwan to cooperate in AI?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Lots of things. You can attend the presidential hackathon. We’re having a semi permanent relationship with New Zealand now, because they have a very similar program of three months of gov tech tech accelerator program, where the private sector, or social sector, can tell the government that, \"This part need to be changed by AI, and I will show you how.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The government promises to implement the winning team’s idea into public service. In there, three months is right after our presidential hackathon. We’re just shuffling teams that won our hackathon to New Zealand." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s really a radical trust for the Wellington Water Company to be sharing all their SCADA data, like pressure measurement, or whatever, with the Taiwanese AI team. It flows pardon the pun both ways, because then we co create the solution around mitigating climate change, which is a new thing for everyone." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think, around common topics, such as this, there’s less international competition because if you don’t mitigate climate change, nobody wins. For these kinds of issues, identify the Sustainable Development Goals, I think there’s natural synergy, natural partnership." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Really, if we don’t solve it, nobody’s a winner. On more purely economic issues, of course, the trade secrets and all those competitive issues you mentioned, will enter the picture." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "My recommendation was just to identify the Sustainable Development Goals that you care the most. It could be around climate science. It could be around plastic waste in the ocean. It could be around upcycling existing agricultural materials." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It could be around anything, and then we apply AI to solve these common problems together." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "Right. Thank you very much." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you so much." }, { "speaker": "Juergen Maurer", "speech": "I hope it didn’t take too much of your time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, it’s just fine. I’ll send you the presentation from the AI Academy. I think it’s really high quality, worth a look. I’ll also send you the transcript for this conversation, and, of course, you will redact everything that you have said." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If there’s any snippets that you find that are worth quoting in its entirety, or you want to re write part of my sentence and so on, just let me know." } ]
[ { "speaker": "梁齡之", "speech": "我先自我介紹一下,我是大會總召,David是我們這一次的主持人。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "您好。有兩張名片,一張是協會、一張是公司,我是數位金融下午場的主持人,到時再麻煩您。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "梁齡之", "speech": "文華是我們今天主要的寫手,我們這一次整個活動的marketing,我們都是小公司,所以會把自己搞得非常大。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有什麼可以聊一聊的?" }, { "speaker": "梁齡之", "speech": "快速先跟委員介紹一下我們Mix創新設計年會在做什麼,這個活動已經辦了七年了,今年是第七屆,「mix」的意思是混合、多元融合,所以雖然這整個場次,我們參與者大概是設計背景、設計業或者是資訊服務做軟體平台之類的,但是我們找的人都是非常多元,我們最主要是希望在原來做設計這樣領域的人,不要只看這一塊的東西,最好不同的領域都可以接觸、瞭解,可以幫助大家做比較多、擴散出來的想法,這個是大概大會的精神。" }, { "speaker": "梁齡之", "speech": "接下來,我就把這一件指交給其他幾個人,所以這次請唐委員來滿希望聽到您在做政府、數位創新做了哪一些事,還有未來可以做哪一些事,詳細的題目就要交給他。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "我快速順一下,3分鐘。數位金融一整個下午其實總共有三位講者,包含委員您。第一位講者是COBINHOOD的產品長,這整個兩天下來是在講創新與設計,因此他會從區塊鏈的角度來看設計。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像是誘因設計、錢幣設計?" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "沒有錯。區塊鏈發展得很快,我跟他聊了幾個題目,包含設計跟研究如何去呼應市場的快速變化,這是一個;另外如何從無到有,來營造信任感,把一個新的品牌、平台設計出來,那個也是很有趣的。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "另外,往後看三至五年,區塊鏈發展的趨勢裡面會有設計挑戰與機會,這個是第一個講者會談的事情,大概是有40分鐘。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "另外一個講者是政大金融科技監理創新實驗室的執行長臧教授,他會談到的事情主要是監理跟創新的兩難..." }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是RegTech?" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "對。金融監理設計如何兼顧創新探索,以及監管風險上的監控,他會講這一件事。另外一個比較有趣的是,從金融創新跟社會的結合,回頭看臺灣有什麼機會點,這個是第二個主講者會談的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Social impact這一些?" }, { "speaker": "梁齡之", "speech": "我補充一下,其實老師還提到一個點,我們之前講金融創新都是從我們這一段使用者,像民眾或者是銀行業來看,其實提到會從政府那邊的角度來看監管怎麼回事,我覺得也是滿有趣的點,這個老師也會提到的。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "因為主題是在創新、設計與金融有關。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "前兩個都是40分鐘,然後沒有問答?也就是主持人帶領?並不是底下的觀眾?" }, { "speaker": "梁齡之", "speech": "不是,是自己講。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。也就是傳統的形式。" }, { "speaker": "梁齡之", "speech": "對,大部分的形式都是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "最後三位講者都講完之後,其實我們有安排一個panel在後面,這個panel一樣是40分鐘,會請三位講者,包含委員一起坐下來對談。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "我目前有設一個主題,也聽聽看委員的意見。這個主題我想往後看一個世代,我們先把這個世代定義在20年。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "類似2040年這樣子?" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "對,所以往後看一個世代的20年後,我們期待的數位金融創新可能會有什麼面貌。這個就好玩了,因為往回看過去20年有很多變化,我們這裡就往後看20年。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一個水晶球的動作。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "第一輪的題目我會先做這樣的提問,比較結構性一些。我想這樣子來回問答共15分鐘,每個人都可以蠻好發揮的。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "第二,前面可以向您一樣用。第一個提問出來的同時,sli.do就在那邊蒐集題目,後面的panel有25分鐘,讓台下的發問是比較充分的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,應該是說我的40分鐘才是sli.do為主,但是到panel的時候會鼓勵舉手發問,即使是我的部分,有人願意舉手的話,當然要鼓勵他,我們通常都是說舉手的優先等級會高過於螢幕上的。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "所以第二輪會讓台下所有的參與民眾充分發問,這個有一個操作經驗或者是技術問題要請教您,後面這25分鐘,一樣是用sli.do來試試看,有三位講者,sli.do的操作上,您有沒有什麼樣的經驗?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們可以從頭到位用同一個,簡單來講,在第一位上台前,我們就把sli.do的螢幕投影出來,任何人都先登入,不會很像中間才要找code的問題,登入之後我們是跟他講,等於是兩個,一個是到我的時候,如果我覺得專門問我的,我當然先回答,但是如果我覺得大家都可以回答的,我不會把它拿掉,等於是在panel的時候,這也是不錯的題目,大家可以來集思廣益,所以可以分這兩個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我是用按讚最多的,我回答完之後可以選擇不把它拿掉或者是把它拿掉,因此專門問我的,不會有什麼想法的,好比像我在公部門工作有一些心得等等,我回臺灣就會收掉,但是比較展望式的,大家可以有開放式的回答,我回答完之後,我留在上面,這樣我們到panel的時候,就優先請另外兩位,從他們的角度提出一些挑戰,我覺得都是非常好的。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們就是從頭到尾用一個code,我們是5月1日,可能通常就是用501或者是0501之類的,反正就是一個好記的QR碼,我等一下就可以做出來,然後mail給大家,我們直接投影那一個就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "好,沒問題。5月1日下午的行程大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "唐委員對於整個活動下午的安排有沒有問題?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有,我參加過很多次,時間結構大概知道就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "沒問題,文華有一些想要跟您對談的部分。" }, { "speaker": "鄧文華", "speech": "我這邊算是有兩個比較簡單的問題想要請教您:" }, { "speaker": "鄧文華", "speech": "第一,您是2016年10月上任,在2017年當時上任一年後有三件事你印象最深刻,一個是Mac報稅,一個是公部門實習生計畫,還有一個是不管政府要怎麼樣就是要做的這一種企圖心,這三件事當時印象很深刻。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第三個類似不會等著政府,我們叫做社會會自己去創新。" }, { "speaker": "鄧文華", "speech": "現在已經兩年半有看到跟先前不一樣的東西。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你說這三個嗎?今年windows也不一樣,報稅系統不用跟朋友借Mac,我想還滿直觀的,畢竟不可能一年之後大家都用Mac,我們還是要顧慮到普惠,今年政府推出非常多減稅的方案,但是這個報稅體驗本身,我們報稅的金額當然大家會看重,因為報稅無論報多或者是報少,心情還是不可能變好,我們說痛快,痛了就快一點,Mac去年滿痛快的,今年也會讓windows使用者體會到一樣的,就是經過使用者參與調整過的流程,等於是以使用者為中心的流程,這個當然滿重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Ray的話,我們今年也有一些改進,Ray就是Rescue Action by Youth(青年救網站),我們前兩年主要是在相容性上,有一些網站需要flash,你用iPad打不開,或者是有一些網站是用ie only,你用手機開的話需要橫向捲動,大家已經詬病已久。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們在過去兩年請了70幾位實習生,把所有的中央部會可能500多個網站全部都做過了iPad、Mac、Android不是IE的瀏覽環境檢測,所以他們不只是挑毛病,還提出具體可行的方案,改這一段CSS就好了等等,其實這個基本做得差不多了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們今年會做深一點,會變成「服務流程」優化,也就是不會再從網頁到網頁,會從touch point到touch point,我們會用服務設計的方法重新檢視大家比較習慣用的高衝擊力的網站,如果壞掉、很不舒服的網站的服務流程。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以以前是只要會上網就可以當實習生,但是今年必須要有使用者體驗、設計等等相關背景的朋友才能做,因為這個是比較involve的過程,這個目標是什麼?這個目標是從明年開始,我們今年這一些實習生的具體建議會變成我們的服務流程的一個基準,這個基準就會希望像英國的模式,每一個部會,如果流程跟別人都不一樣,當然還是可以有自己的網站來服務,如果流程是幾個標準流程之一的話,我們就會在一站式的平台,也就是「」去提供一致性的體驗,包含字體、顏色、位置等等會進行一定程度的統合。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然本來部會喜歡技術維護網站就繼續維護,我們會要求他們提供一套API,讓大家用這一個方式來使用同樣的服務,因此會給你兩個入口,一個是部會的入口、一個是一站式的入口,大家的體驗就會是一致的,我想這個是滿大的改變,我們也因此跟國發會合作,然後會推出叫做「GDSG」,也就是叫做「政府數位服務準則」,我們今年都是在beta,這些同學看beta,到明年就會是正式版,這個在使用者體驗,尤其是高度互動性的,像報稅這一種,大家在過程中會不斷地跨部會調資料,然後會不斷地用登錄方式、使用各種各樣的載具,也就是每一個人都一定會用的一些服務、衝擊力的服務,我們會用這樣的方式開始逐步導向體驗,所以Ray的部分,我想有滿大的進步。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "SI的部分,當然我們在以前民間倡議或者是發起一些新的創新不等政府,其實民間的熱度過了之後,其實不一定有那個能力不斷維運它,所以就會變成大家一時很高興做出了一個原型,民間也很喜歡,但是我們做服務設計都知道後面的操作跟著使用者的需求不斷地精進這個服務,這才會花掉可能九成以上的時間,大家一股作氣做出一成的時間,然後做出九成的亮點,不能說不困難,那個很需要創意,但是比較不花時間,但是後面的部分才正要開始。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們在去年發明了一個制度,現在已經簽上了辦理要點,叫做「總統盃黑客松」,我想這個是顛覆大家對於黑客松的想像,因為大家聽到黑客松可能兩天或者是最多三天的活動,但是總統盃黑客松是一整年的活動,活動期是三個月,因此這個跟傳統上的黑客松,已經提升到總統級的程度,我們的做法非常簡單,任何人都可以覺得總統當時有承諾做一些事,而這一些事可能有更創新的做法,所以民間可以說做到一個程度,但是我們有能力,而缺資料或者是維運的人員,這個是一種可能性,又或者是公部門的朋友說我有資料,像台水手上有大家的用水、水壓、水流量等等的資料,但是缺技術,需要做機器學習的人來找到漏水點,也許有技術、資料,但是法規一直卡住它,像做遠距醫療的朋友遇到這樣的問題,像電子簽章,我們知道遠距醫療法規當時沒有鬆綁等等,所以不管是法規上的或者是資料上的,又或者是技術上的,民間不一定要湊齊一個隊,做到一個部分,像剛剛所說的一小部分提案,提案之後我們會媒合,媒合任何一個隊伍,都至少有這三方,就是法遵的專家,通常是公務員,也可能不一定是公務員,像資料的取得者跟看守者,還有技術上的專家,所以領域專家、技術專家、法規的專家或行政專家,這三方面加在一起組隊之後,我們會媒合成二十個覺得有可行性的案子,經過兩個月的輔導之後,在demo day跟總統報告,最後總統會挑出五隊來頒獎。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "頒獎是沒有獎金的,完全沒有錢,這個跟一般黑客松不一樣,只有一座很漂亮的獎盃,但是獎品是什麼?是總統跟我們會承諾把這五隊的想法及創意在下一個預算年度變成公費的一部分,所以給他的獎勵是拘束力,他會變成真的行政流程,我們會盡可能一切可能在接下來的一年變成公共服務的一部分,這個就解決了維運的問題,民間專心做創新,等於整個公務體系願意幫民間的創新做維運,而且會變成公務預算的一部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "去年的隊伍到今年都已經導入了公務流程,因此我們的紀錄還不錯,大家是可以相信的,去年100多個隊伍,反正前5個隊伍,我覺得都非常棒,今年也會再做一樣的操作,最大的不同是,今年有要點了,也就是這個是每一年都會發生的,並不是誰當政委或者是誰執政。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,我們也會有國際的參與,去年其實有一隊去紐西蘭了,也幫他們解決漏水的問題,我們今年會邀請全球各國的朋友們,尤其是亞太區域的來臺灣,也把他們的pitch帶來給總統、看過,鼓勵民間跟創新的部分更進一步結合進我們的政府行政流程裡面,大概是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "鄧文華", "speech": "如果要回頭找去年的5隊,上網找?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,找總統盃黑客松就一定找得到。" }, { "speaker": "鄧文華", "speech": "就可以看得到?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "鄧文華", "speech": "第二個問題跟大會有直接相關的,大會請委員講的議題是「臺灣社會創新發展趨勢」,這個是很大的題目?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "鄧文華", "speech": "底下會QA是一回事,或者是QA還沒有熱起來,我不知道委員自己看到什麼或者是已經看到什麼創意發展的趨勢?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們說社會創新可能是相對於5+2的產業創新,像新的概念、技術,像分散式的帳本,出現的時候,當然有產業裡面的用途,也就是5+2產業創新,最前面的是人工智慧也就是物聯網的用途或者是智慧機械的用途,或者是輕農業、循環經濟,當然區塊鏈都有非常多的運用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是區塊鏈的特色是社會創新,從我們的角度來看,它是有社會的參與,也就是取之於社會,所有的人都可以自己去弄一個幣出來,自己都可以參與區塊鏈治理,這個是人人為我的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我為人人的部分是有公益性的,當一個區塊鏈的創新做出來之後,其實不是特定的公司或者特定的研發者得利,事實上是所有正在這一個鏈上的生態系統都會因此不管是解決一個問題,讓每一秒鐘能夠清算的交易量變多,或者是讓他在對抗攻擊時的韌性變得更強等等,每一個創新都不是只對創新者有好處,而是對整個所有區塊鏈生態系都有好處,是任何人都可以參與,而且在創新發生之後,因為改變了一些社會上彼此關心,可以讓整個社會都得到公共利益,就是公共參與、公共利益,這個是我們對社會創新基本的定義,所以每一個產業創新相應的一些社會創新在這邊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得臺灣的社會創新有兩個特色:第一,我們的公部門對於這一些社會創新,真的是採取打不過就加入的態度,我們在周邊的國家是非常非常少見的。" }, { "speaker": "鄧文華", "speech": "別人是?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "通常像這一種民眾自行量測空氣品質的這一種社會創新到了一個規模,不會到2,000個,不到200個,主持人就會被請去喝茶,然後就會被問要不要加入政府,有一點威脅到環保署的心裡了,如果他不聽話的話,到200個點就消失了,我們旁邊的國家、地區、經濟體都常常發生的情況。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "尤其是在亞太區域,我覺得我們是最自由的一個地方,就是社會創新可以理解到引領法規創新,而不是法規創新一定擋在社會創新的前面,就是Regtech好像在臺灣確實是要從屬於社會的需求,而不是好像永遠擋住社會的發展。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這個是臺灣的優勢,但是這也讓大家對於各種像沙盒這一種在國際上可能本來只用在金融創新,但是到了臺灣就用了無人車的平台經濟、5G,反正你講得出來的東西,後面有一個沙盒,也就是一般性沙盒,真的啊!所以我們到最後有一個沙盒一站式入口網,也就是,因此我們把所有的沙盒,也就是很像前店後場一樣,是所有沙盒的前店,大家山也沙盒、海也沙盒。這一種導致治理機制的轉換,我覺得這個是臺灣的第一個特點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "臺灣的第二個特點是,我們的社會創新並不拘泥於特定組織的形式,而且是從二、三十年以前就這樣子了,有一些很老牌的,像合作社形式、NPO形式,或者是公司形式,他們一直做的事情是不斷地結合社會上最新的議題跟想法,但是跟他們本來核心的關懷,然後變成大家都可以接受的社會行動、集體行動,他們在臺灣不會說好像這個就是NPO專門要做的事,或者是這個是CSR要做的事情,或者是專門合作社運動,很像其他的經濟體,覺得要做這個是要成立合作社,但是在臺灣各種組織形態都會加在一起來做這樣的行動,因此跨組織的靈活性,可能因為臺灣絕大部分的人的工作都是在中小企業裡面,這可能也很有關係,大家會因地制宜地為了當地社會需求去創造出組織間互相合作來,並不是很像等到大公司或者是財閥想到這一件事才能去進行作業,所以這一種地區性、小規模的,以中小企業為主導的社會創新,我覺得這個也是臺灣的特色。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一個是公部門有別於其他旁邊不是那麼自由國家的態度,第二個是民間組織的形式不一定是透過公部門或者是代議政治的媒介,自己可以透過中小企業的關係就達成社會創新,我覺得這兩個是臺灣比較大的差別。" }, { "speaker": "鄧文華", "speech": "我這邊差不多了。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "我這邊有一些跟設計有關的問題。由於這一次創新設計年會很多參與者,都是在使用經驗設計、服務設計或者是研究相關的專業從業人員,我問幾個問題來作前導,在年會當下我們可能沒有辦法聊這麼多,也許在逐字稿發布的過程中,可以讓大家做個參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,這個是好事。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "第一個問題比較大一點,我看過您的發言各方面,我覺得您對設計的關注程度是高的,而且是廣闊的,光是在sayit上跟設計有關的就是有295個mentions,很多且很廣。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "很廣的設計裡面包含了服務設計、課綱設計、溝通設計、社會設計、制度設計、股權設計等各種設計,您覺得設計對您來講是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想設計就是設想跟計畫,設想的話,可能是在一開始是第一個菱形的地方,就是探索大家對這一件事的意見,一直到我們試想如何怎麼樣,試想如何就是所謂的HMW,所以第一個部分是設想的這個階段,也就是大家一起來設想如何有一個共同的價值,我們可能立場不同、體驗不同、生活方式不同,但是這個都是看見一件事不同的角度,所以到最後可以凝聚出共同的設想,這個是設想的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然設計裡面也有計畫的部分,計畫的部分是這樣子一個共同的設想,我們要怎麼樣用一些可行的方案、快速迭代、公開測試、讓更多人捲動跟參與,讓大家凝聚成這一件事就是要這樣做,這個是設想跟計畫,大概相當於設計思考裡面的兩個菱形。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "所以您說設計、設想剛好是double diamond的兩個菱形?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我自己是這樣想的。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "這個詮釋非常棒。另外有一點,設計如果是核心能力,要怎麼樣能夠更有效地,在政府裡納入且利用這個能力。因為我發現唐鳳您底下有不少的設計師 (笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常多。第一個hire的就是設計師,我知道設計師會自己長,就會自己network到別的設計。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "像芳睿、書漾。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "皓婷才剛從上海IDEO回來,我們也有像在加拿大做服務設計的另外一些朋友,也是透過見習生計畫,沒有要坐在哪裡辦公,所以即使是在加拿大,我想芳睿現在在英國,也是一起工作。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "我想接著問的是,如果設計作為其中一個重要的核心能力,一種重要的core competence,怎麼樣放到政府裡面去,然後產生好的結果。在您一路嘗試的過程中,您會怎麼看這一件事?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實政府本來就必須做設想的工作,也必須做計畫的工作,所以其實並不是政府裡面的公務員沒有設計思考的能力,但是我覺得比較大的差別是,因為我們畢竟是一個民主的國家,所以設計師可以比較arrogant,可以很自大,他覺得就像作者導演一樣,可以精確地掌控到每一個接觸點的最佳狀態,這一種情況在很小的產品設計上也許可以有這樣的狀態。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是像政府的特色是,你就算不喜歡我們的服務,也是得用我們的服務,這個跟傳統產品是不一樣的,傳統產品設計沒設計好就不賣,你的競爭對手就會賣得比較好,別人就去用比較好的產品就是了,整個公共利益並沒有因此而受損,只是公司就少一個產品線。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是我們在公部門做服務設計的時候,如果沒有做好,大家除了上網連署罵政府報稅軟難用之外,也不能往別的地方報稅——理論上可以——但是這樣投票成本就很高了,所以公部門有一個特色是即使做的不好,大家會有一些適應方法,這樣長期下來,確實如果不是抱持很謙虛心態來做設計的話,會助長剛剛所講的這一種可能全知的一些謬誤或者是一些認知上的困難,這一些可能都不是公務同仁有任何惡意,但是只是因為我們並沒有養成讓使用者在前期就參與設計、決策的這一個習慣,所以就會變成使用者在後期,我們看到的都是一些對於後面菱形的調適,也就是所謂上有政策、下有對策,就是這個意思,我們看到很多對策,但是我們往往忘記民間之所以有這麼多對策,可能一開始的政策其實不太對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得我們做總統盃黑客松、社會創新行動方案、沙盒及這一些開放政府聯絡人機制,都是希望讓民間的對策能夠提到政策研擬的前期,等於讓對策去影響政策,而不是單向地只是政策去影響對策,所以民間的對策一旦能提到設計的前期,到第一個菱形發散的時候,這樣子就比較可能凝聚到更好的設想,而不是在一個設想裡面去做一些對策性的計畫,我想這個是我主要在設計上跟公務同仁傳達的概念,他們做事情並沒有任何問題,他們能力也都很優秀,但是會吵的不要一直當作要糖吃,只是想要進廚房一起吵菜,這兩個最基本的概念是,我們這兩年多一直在培養公務同仁的。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "瞭解,這個很棒。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "我最後有一個問題是反思,也想問問看您的意見。我們自己在做設計服務、設計顧問的同時,很多時候我們也是做設計共創。共創的過程我自己有一個反思,那個共創的過程中,不可避免地會有一些趨同性,根據這一些人的脈絡,以及所收到的資訊,或是在時間、資源上的框架。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "相處久就變成同溫層等等。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "對,結果出來的時候會有趨同性。看起來很合理,但是把那個脈絡看遠一點,趨同性有一點狹隘,所以會有這個狀況。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "一方面我在想,真正根本的創新其實有時來自於專業的投入,或者是特定的聰明才智,像所謂的相對論,比如像……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "相對論前面也有很多個研究者,愛因斯坦如果沒有提出相對論,過幾年另外一個人看到同樣的系統也可以提得出來,只是不可能那麼快。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "或者是像貝聿銘的金字塔,有一些其實不見得是共創能夠達成,共創也可能達成,但可能是另外一個層次的難度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "埃及的金字塔才可以靠共創。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "沒錯,所以我剛剛講回到那個反思,我們現在在很多的做法上,我覺得共創設計其實是滿好的,補充了過去脈絡不充足的缺憾。以你的經驗,這裡可能會有一些瓶頸或限制,要怎麼樣權衡跟克服?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實我們聽到共創,公部門不一定這麼買單的原因,會知道發散之後可能收不回來,或者是發散之後都是收到一些枝微末節的東西,很難收到我們在設計上叫「conceptual integrity」,概念的一致性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那這個概念的一致性,在傳統上,確實只有一個資深的設計師,他一個人、最多兩個人,他腦裡才有辦法裝下那個概念的一致性。然後才能夠帶著個整個團隊,在後面計畫部分有共同的願景。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我自己是做軟體設計,所以我自己也理解到共創大部分就是在做前一個菱形的事情,當你收到一個試想如何的時候,後面是堅持用「共創」的方法來做,那它很可能會趨同,因為大家已經進入專業方案的評估了,其實對大部分來參加的人來講,必須要付出很大學習的心力,才能夠跟上後面那個Diamond的討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然從公民教育的討論來看,這也不是壞事,但確實誰也沒有那麼多時間,去跟後面後面Diamond的部分,這也是真實的。這也是我們現在這種持續性民主、參與式民主,它跟代議式民主是互相補強,而不是去取代,因為很多到後面的時候,確實有一些專業的、有一些助理團隊的認真問政立委或議員們,他在那個後面可以跟到比較深,可以花比較多的人力去研究,也可以擔任一個輔助設計師的角色。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,每個人的溝通方式是不同的,所以如果前期大家都透過議員、立委或政委,這樣會變成溝通方式跟我們不太一樣的人,等於完全沒有進場的空間。所以我也同意說方法論上共創不是從頭用到底。我們在共創到,找到一個共同願景,或是一個粗略的共同願景時,就是試想如何還在發散的時候,也許我們就可以開始說「接下來我們的重點反而是夥伴關係,而不是有多少人加入」,而不是有多少人加入,我們並不是有多少人加入本身是個KPI。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們讓所有的人加入,讓5,000人連署、10,000人連署,其實背後是要找到新的夥伴關係。當那個夥伴關係形成的時候,後面那個Diamond可能就會靠這個新的夥伴關係來驅動,至少不會我的想法沒有進來。其實新的報稅軟體,很多網友的貢獻可能就是整個使用者journey裡面的一張便利貼,不太可能跟到便利貼後面的試行階段。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是這就好像蓋一間廟或是金字塔,上面還是有你名字,你會覺得不是你生的,至少是你接生的,這樣還是有一個好處,我們推出一個全新體驗的時候,本來可能有一些後做力的,但是非常多幫忙接生的朋友,他們在前期有參與過,發散時有參與過,所以他們會說「這個我來defent」,有一種認同感、參與感,這個就逼我們關起門來,只有到deliver時再讓人看到,這個一定覺得外來的,就算完全一模一樣的東西,一定是外來的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得共創也不只是對品質,對前面的先期溝通、對放在社會脈絡裡面,也是有好處,不是只是放在運行的脈絡裡面。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "所以在前面探索,跟獲得廣泛性的理解,是很有幫助的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "越後面就要往後面的夥伴關係去想,就不完全是co creation。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "你點了很棒的一點,co-creation本身並不是產出物,而是夥伴關係。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。其實我常常是說我們在黑客松不管做什麼題目,都是讓我們彼此認識的藉口而已,夥伴關係才是主要的產物。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "對,要分清楚共創的主要產物跟次要產物。其實設計產出都是附帶的,設計得高或低都是再說就好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒錯,就是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "我的問題到這裡。" }, { "speaker": "梁齡之", "speech": "我最後稍微補充一下,我們這一次的大會,這一些UIG、AJ,還有IXDA臺灣,還有其他的夥伴一起合辦,這七年來我們都稱呼那個是熱血大叔,因為其實看了業界整個環境的狀況,所以辦了這樣的一場協會,因為唐鳳在當天(5月1日)最後一位講者,可以當天再給大家一些鼓勵,希望大家可以來做一些什麼樣的事,像以您的角度或者是立場的話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家的提問,順著大家的提問來回答,但是這個我有聽到、沒有問題,大家放假,我是上班(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "梁齡之", "speech": "好喔!大概是這樣子,今天耽誤您一些時間,非常謝謝您。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "對了政委,這個小禮物要送給您,其實是一份政府出版物。這個是台北市資訊局,之前曾經委託我們做的研究規劃案。研究題目是,如果台北市政府市民手上要裝一個APP,也就只需要一個APP的話,那麼這個APP應該長什麼樣、提供什麼服務。特別留一本紙本給您,是因為我覺得這一件事很有趣,很值得持續發展下去。這個是台北市政府資訊局起了個頭,但我覺得這個只是起點,並不是終點。重要的是,這就像我們剛剛談到,雙菱形前面的探索跟定義問題,應該要花比較多功夫,而且只做這一件事就值得了,但是老實講,大部分政府服務在剛開始規劃或是建置的時候,我覺得這一件事做得比較少、稍微辛苦了一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "去年採購法改成先期規劃,也就是100萬也算小額,這樣差很多,因為以前只能用9萬9來做這一件事,但是去年開始用99萬9,我覺得大家能夠花的心力就是以前的10倍,或者也許一樣,只是以前是爆肝,領1/10的薪水,這也是有可能的,但是我覺得那樣不能長久,因此我覺得在規劃階段快速做出一些甚至會被丟掉的習慣是建立在主計讓業務機關這樣做的這一件事上,所以我現在真的巡迴的時候,碰到人就講說先期規劃花99萬,多花一些。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "是的,那都是可以做的。一個是如何讓前期規劃可以花足夠的時間跟資源。我常常講double diamond的第一個菱形,光是把問題搞清楚就值得了。但是大部分時候都沒有去做第一個菱形,就要趕快去做所謂的開展設計跟交付,趕快把東西做出來,然後也不問前面為何要做這一件事。不問就很可惜,因為後面做了一堆事情,卻不知道一開始是為何而做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我剛剛講了,公部門很多時候沒有競爭壓力,做錯了,市民得用,因此在這一個情況下,當然比起業界,確實比較沒有那麼大的壓力去找出人民要什麼,但是我覺得各位主要的社會功能,其實是讓市民瞭解到,第一個市民指的更好的,也就是美學上或者是時間上值得更好的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,達到更好的方式,必須是透過有點像組織社會運動一樣,大家廣泛討論,我覺得這個廣泛討論是讓我們在公部門內部說大家都已經爆炸了,我們非來凝聚一些東西不可,我覺得這個中間是有互相提升的作用,因為對公務同仁來講,就算以拆地雷的心情,我去做一些,後來發現不只風險降低、品質提高,這時才會覺得值得做的事,因為公務員在意的是服務品質,在意的是方向錯了,方向錯了、品質再好也沒有意義,但是讓他知道這個品質也沒有壞處。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "我覺得在這案例之後,如果有機會,希望在前面可以做比較妥善的探索跟定義,把這個discover & define的設計流程,變成是政府服務規劃專案裡面by default會發生的事,流程上會有一致清楚的要求。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "另外一個是用戶測試與驗證,也就是把使用性測試 Usability testing 當做是政府服務上線前,最基本要做的門檻,不只是有壓力測試或者是功能性測試而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是現在請很多見習生來做的這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "是的。剛剛講的這兩件事,一個在前面把why定義清楚,一個在後面做適當的驗證,而且是從使用者的角度來做驗證。及早拿到回饋、修正,才去真正上線。這兩件事情如果頭尾夾一下,變成標準流程裡一定會發生的,就會帶來非常大的改變。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是政府數位服務流程,也就是GDSG裡面明文規定,現在主要的困難是,首先需要主計跟長官們的基本概念,這個要變成類似社會通念,好比開會的時候桌上要放杯水,必須要到沒有的時候會很奇怪,並不是特別關注的案例、民間有壓力的案例、多方厲害關係人弄不好的案例趕快來做persona,現在老實來講是這個情況,你也很清楚,但是我覺得量變產生質變,累積產生的案例,當大家捲動足夠多的人,大家會覺得這一件事為什麼他沒有錢規劃測試,這個還要一段時間,像文官學院有做類似的課程,你們都有參與。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是像這一些薦任升簡任的朋友這樣子的idea,到真的組成跨部門的team,操作過一次、兩次的個案開始比較有信心,這個是需要時間,我覺得再兩、三年,尤其是縣市政府,慢慢到民間會說為何沒有的情況,所以我覺得大方向是對的,很感謝大家一直在這邊填補數位轉型裡面的方向性上更接地氣,我們提出的抽象概念跟各位提出的都是一樣的,但是越多這一種實際的案例越知道我們在講什麼。" }, { "speaker": "陳文剛", "speech": "沒有錯,往後如果有需要幫忙,整個專業社群,像臺灣使用者經驗設計協會、HPX、IxDA,我想都可以幫助到您,如果有需要再讓我們知道,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Announcer", "speech": "We interrupt this podcast with some important news. Let’s rewind and check out the biggest news stories from this week. It’s time for \"Taiwan This Week.\"" }, { "speaker": "Host", "speech": "Welcome to the first part of this week’s two part Taiwan This Week, \"Taiwan Relations Act panel discussion’s special.\"" }, { "speaker": "Host", "speech": "Both panels were recorded live at a roundtable event, hosted by ICRT, the International College Provisional Office of the National Taiwan University, and the American Institute in Taiwan at the National Taiwan University, entitled \"Taiwan Relations Act at 40 Where We’ve Been, and What’s Next.\"" }, { "speaker": "Host", "speech": "The event brought together former and current Taiwanese and American Government officials and academics to discuss the history and future of the accord that has been the cornerstone for Taiwan US relations since 1979." }, { "speaker": "Host", "speech": "The first panel titled \"TRA Foundation for Progress\" is hosted by American Chamber of Commerce Taipei President, William Foreman. It looks at the history of the act and features American Institute in Taiwan Chairman, James Moriarty, former AmCham head Robert Parker, and Academia Sinica research fellow, Joanne Chang." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "Thank you very much. I’m delighted to moderate this panel this morning. The subject is TRA Foundation for Progress. We’re going to be looking at the history of the TRA from different perspectives. I’m delighted to have such a great panel. I’ll introduce everyone, starting from my right, Robert Parker." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "Mr. Robert Parker practice international business law in Taipei, Washington, DC, and San Francisco for four decades. He established two successful venture capital firms in Silicon Valley. He was awarded Taiwan’s highest civilian honor. That’s the Order of Brilliant Star for his contributions to US Taiwan relations." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "Most interesting for us today is he was the AmCham, American Chamber of Commerce’s chairman. I think the title then was president before we’ve changed the nomenclature when the US brought off official diplomatic ties with Taiwan. He played a very active, critical role in drafting the TRA." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "Next down the line, Ambassador James Moriarty. He’s the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the American Institute in Taiwan since October 2016. He’s been the director for China Affairs at the National Security Council. That was from 2001 to 2002." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "He’s also served as a special assistant to the President of the United States and the senior director for Asia at the National Security Council. That was from 2002 to 2004." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "Finally, at the very end, we have Dr. Chang Jaw Ling. She served as the deputy representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the US from 2004 to 2006, she’s also deputy secretary general of the National Security Council from 2006 to 2008. She’s currently an adjunct research fellow at Academia Sinica’s Institute for European and American Studies." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "Very honored to be with you today, and let’s start the discussion. The first question I would like to ask Ambassador Moriarty, if we could just imagine a world without the TRA, what would that look like? What would this strategic part of the world be like?" }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "Everybody, wake up, please." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "Very much awake." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "Very much awake. I want to start off by saying that everybody is always taught to be careful about hypotheticals, but this is such an important hypothetical that I’m going to grapple with it head on. Basically, what the Taiwan Relations Act did was, it gave a legal basis for US relations with Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "Just as importantly, that means that it gave the US a legal basis to consider Taiwan’s security an important interest to the United States of America. The Taiwan Relations Act put in wording with respect to security, that I don’t think the administration at that point had really expected, or frankly, actually very much welcomed." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "I think the predominant view, not the predominant, but a view held by many was that gradually, China and Taiwan would somehow become one, without stating any specific way that that would happen." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "What the Taiwan Relations Act did was, it made it clear that it had to be US policy that that could not happen through the application of force, through coercion, the threat of force. That led to a different world. It led to a world where it helped the democratic institutions of Taiwan flourish." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "It helped guide the tricornered relationship that C.J. Chen laid out so well, to a period of relative stability that has lasted for 40 years." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "Frankly, the other side of the strait knows that we view stability in the strait, that we view the future of Taiwan as very important issues, and that the future of Taiwan can only be settled at some point to the satisfaction of the peoples on both side of the Taiwan Strait." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "It was incredibly far sighted. The alternatives are very ugly to look at increasing coercion, perhaps no development of the democratic institutions here. I’m very thankful to a very, very wise Act of Congress signed by President Carter, that helped establish and continue the stability in the Taiwan Strait." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "Just a follow up question to that, there’s often talk about how the US might just be treating Taiwan like a bargaining chip? What kind of role does the TRA play in making sure that doesn’t happen?" }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "Excellent question. Anybody who advocates for somehow swapping Taiwan for some sort of gain with China has to explain how that can be done within the context of the Taiwan Relations Act." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "Inevitably, most of the talk you’ll hear implies that we, the United States, would be OK with a more coercive policy on the part of China, and that obviously would be breaking laws that exist." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "Whenever I hear people advocating for, \"Well, Taiwan is so important to China. Therefore, we have to listen to the Chinese, listen to their concerns,\" those concerns are usually what we call the velvet glove over the iron hand. The implication is that we would stand by while the mainland implemented a much more aggressive policy." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "Frankly, from my reading, the Taiwan Relations Act rules that out. You would have to explain how you could get around the Taiwan Relations Act and agree to a much more coercive policy against Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "It is ultimately the safety net under the relationship, which makes it clear to the mainland that we cannot stand by while a more aggressive policy is adopted towards Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "Mr. Parker, I’d like to ask you a question. I think I’ve read something that you’ve said, that I think is really fascinating, about derecognition. You said this is a crisis that virtually everyone had seen coming, and no one was prepared for." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "I’d like to have you talk a little bit about your experience in playing this key role in drafting the TRA. Especially, I’d very much like to hear a description of your experience testifying before Congress in 1979, and how this testimony led to the TRA. More specifically, how receptive was Congress to proposals for changing the Carter administration’s proposed legislation?" }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "I think it’s fair to say that we had certain hopes in that rather long period before the normalization with China and derecognition of Taiwan. Those of us here had hopes that the terms on which that change would take place would be more reasonable, more favorable to Taiwan than they turned out to be." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "In our view, the Carter administration largely capitulated to China’s terms in doing that. We had hoped for example that the embassy here, although that was going to be going away, might be converted into a consulate, like the consulate in Hong Kong, and that there would be that element of official relations kept in place, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "It came as a shock when the terms were as flatly contrary to Taiwan’s interests and the interests of American business in Taiwan as they turned out to be." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "As a result, those of us here really had to scramble to try to put together a coherent position that we wanted to advocate to the Congress, and at the same time deal with the local institutions here that were affected by the break in relations. I think there probably had not been a full recognition up to that point of how much the infrastructure of daily life in Taiwan for Americans and American business dependent on the US military presence." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "Specifically, the Mutual Defense Treaty and the agreement under that called the SOFA agreement, S O F A, Status of Forces Agreement, because it was really under the SOFA agreement that institutions important to Americans and American business here existed." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "That included the Taipei American School. It included the radio station in those days called American Forces Network Taiwan, AFNT, the premises that were occupied by American institutions. All of it really rested on the foundation of the Mutual Defense Treaty and the SOFA agreement." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "When we realized that those were going to be gone, completely gone, that we would have to reinvent a structure of life here in Taiwan at the same time that we were advocating for a Taiwan Relations Act in Washington that would provide the legal framework going forward that American business and American families needed." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "I think at that time, you were given the nickname the underground ambassador because of your involvement, the amount of time, and how much you dedicated to keeping things running and helping with the TRA. How did you do that while holding down a job at your busy law firm?" }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "It did take all my time. The nickname was partly a compliment and partly a tease. I wasn’t called the underground ambassador within AmCham. Our Taiwan friends used that moniker to talk about me. It came about first during that period when there was no embassy and the interim before AIT was set up." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "Life went on as usual, the parties and the banquets and so on to which the American ambassador would ordinarily have been invited. Since there was no American ambassador and not yet an AIT director, they invited me. I was in conversation with some of our Taiwan friends. They said that they called me the underground ambassador." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "I said, \"Well, thank you. I’m complimented.\" I have to say that that term underground in my country has a little bit of a negative connotation, too. They said, \"Yeah, here too.\"" }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "Dr. Chang, I wanted to ask you a question. We talked a little earlier. You used the phrase that I thought was very interesting that we were talking about the positive foundation that the TRA has provided." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "You mentioned that the US has had many belts and roads that have helped Taiwan that have grown out of this relationship over the past 40 years. I was wondering if you could talk a little bit more about the positive side of the foundation that the TRA has laid down. Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "Thank you very much. It’s a great honor for me to be here, sitting with Jim, Mr. Parker, and you. I remember President Kennedy in 1961 he said one good remark. He says, \"Victory has 1,000 fathers. Defeat is an orphan.\" Looking back 40 years now, and we found Taiwan Relation Act was a success story." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "I realized there are thousand fathers. American Chamber of Commerce is one of them. Today, I brought the 1979 congressional hearing report. Parker’s then chairman and made a very lengthy statement. Even 40 years later, I think those recommendation are valid. I would hope you can distribute and also reminded yourself what you did 40 years ago." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "Taiwan Relation Act with 424 members of Senate and member from House, many of them consider they are father of Taiwan Relations Act. All of them are not only father, I’m sure there were female member of US Congress. They were mothers." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "A lot of the question raised, including one the reporter asked me about Taiwan Relations Act. I personally think Taiwan Relation Act is the beginning of congressional effort to pass legislation to enhance Taiwan and US relations. After all, in 1978, December 15, President Carter gave us seven hours’ notice. US Taiwan relation at that time was falling apart." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "US Congress seized the moment, tried very hard to mobilize support, and pass the TRA. A legislation can be a cold legislation with no warm human being feeling. Taiwan Relation Act, over the 40 years, we have seen evolution." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "For example, 1979, it was 96 Congress. From 96 Congress until 2013, 2014, cumulatively, each year, there were more than several dozens of proposed legislation resolution related to Taiwan. Many of them became blocked. This is the beginning of congressional effort to pass legislation to enhance US Taiwan relation." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "Last year, we have seen the concrete report of Taiwan Travel Act and the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act, and now, one after another. We should not just look at Taiwan Relation as such. Cumulatively, there are so many." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "For example, Director Christensen has mentioned of WHO. Personally, I wrote a article on WHO/WHA. From 1999 to 2004, the US Congress passed five resolution and later became US domestic law, to support Taiwan’s participation in WHO/WHA." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "These are concrete example of congressional effort to help Taiwan to participate in international organization. That’s part of the effort. Over the 40 years, I can cite too many. 2002, for example, the 2003 fiscal year, and the US Congress add something inside in consider Taiwan’s a major non NATO Allies." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "One after another, on security issue, economic issue, on participation in international relations organizations, Congress played important role." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "I’d like to respond to that." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "Go ahead." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "Dr. Chang makes a really important point that we sometimes overlook. That is that the enactment of legislation is not just the functioning of machinery. These are human beings. The human factor enters into it and did enter into it in a big way when it came to the TRA." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "Specifically, President Carter did us a backhanded favor by his very maladroit, poor handling of the Congress before he announced the change in relations. Three months before, Congress had passed a resolution, almost unanimously, putting the president on notice that he should not do anything to terminate the mutual defense treaty without consultations with Congress." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "He didn’t. No such consultations took place. If Carter had brought in key members of Congress, powerful senators, important committee chairmen from the House, huddled with them privately, and put an arm around them, and brought them in, giving them a feeling that they were part of a historic change in American foreign policy." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "He might have gotten a very different act, one that we wouldn’t have liked nearly as much. He didn’t do that, and Congress was furious. Because of their anger at Carter, they were wide open receptive to the proposals that we made for a better bill." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "There were other things that worked in our favor. Carter’s bill was poorly drawn, and so it was easy for us to attack, and hard for the State Department witnesses to defend. The other witnesses on the private side tended to address issues that were strategic, or political, or academic." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "We were really the only ones, AmCham, addressing the practical issue faced by Americans and American business in Taiwan, and the need for a sufficient legal framework for the continuation of normal trade and investment, and other relations between the United States and Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "As a result, the committee staffers who actually drafted the TRA paid attention, and went back to our written testimony, and told us, when they came at our congressional delegation later, that they had gone back and consulted AmCham’s testimony numerous times in the drafting of the TRA, certainly made us feel good." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "Mr. Parker, I wanted to ask you about the whole process or the activity that was going on at that time, especially here in Taipei with AmCham and bringing that the perspective of people on the ground." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "Many of you in AmCham involved in this were working for multinationals that were probably thinking of doing business in China eventually. I’m just curious what the home offices thought about this, what kind of messages your memberships were getting from..." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "You’re exactly right. The home offices had already began to have dreams of sugarplums about the opportunity of the market in China. Our AmCham members here in Taiwan were of course just the Taiwan arm of those companies, and couldn’t go off in a completely different direction." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "What we did, starting with a couple of years before I was chairman, when \"Dutch\" Van Gessel was chairman of AmCham, we laid down a policy that said, \"AmCham Taipei does not oppose US improving relations with the PRC, provided it’s not done at the expense of Taiwan.\"" }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "We proceeded to advocate the kind of position that we developed further when I testified before Congress." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "The atmosphere in Taiwan when the derecognition announcement, as we called it, was made, was, of course, an outburst of emotion. People were hurt. They were angry, but I thought one of the fascinating aspects of it was that the mood was not anti American. It was anti Carter and his administration." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "For the Americans who were here, it was just the opposite. The Americans in Taiwan were embraced by Taiwanese, sometimes literally embraced. [laughs] People would come up, and grab your hand on the street, and say, \"We’ll always be friends, never mind Carter. Taiwan and America will always be friends.\"" }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "It was a very heartening time, and of course, it led to opportunities for us to work together and get things done on the local projects that we had here." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "Ambassador Moriarty, I wanted to ask you, what do you think the most successful component of the TRA has been over the past 40 years?" }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "That’s a tough call, except I will go back to my original point, which is, it provided a security safety net." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "Without that security safety net, the economic relationship, the people to people relationship would have become much more difficult pretty quickly in the sense that, as you’ve seen recently, the temptation would be on the part of the folks across the strait to try and increasingly restrict contacts between the United States and the people of Taiwan in almost every area." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "As I said before, we wouldn’t have the legal underpinning for pushing back." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "Folks within any administration that argued that \"Well, this is a very important relationship for China. Therefore, we have to listen to the Chinese,\" would not have to explain how that was in conformity with the US strategic interests expressed by Congress, and, importantly, signed into law. That’s the difference here." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "This was not a resolution. It was not a sense of the Congress statement. It was US law, binding on future administrations, that would have to be changed by the Congress to say, \"Well, we’re not going to conduct this sort of people to people relationship because the Chinese are upset with it." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "\"We’re going to allow them to sanction US companies who continue to work on Taiwan, but want to do work on the mainland.\" It gave an underpinning for everything we wanted to do. It made an ability for an administration to unilaterally change practice with respect to Taiwan impossible." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "Dr. Chang, I wanted to ask you, you did a wonderful job talking about the benefits, the positive aspects of the foundation that the TRA has created. I was wondering if you could talk a little bit about the setbacks. We’re not being negative here. It’s constructive criticism that every policy, every law needs." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "How could it have been implemented better, and how has it been affected, or interpreted, or used by different administrations over the years?" }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "Thank you very much. I think at the first 10 years, even first 20 years, the implementation of Taiwan Relation Act sometime is inconsistent. It’s up to the administration to really implement. A law can be cold law and can be neglected." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "A law like Taiwan Relation Act can be warm, or even now, I feel passionate toward this law because it has contribute so much. Nevertheless, during the past 40 years, we have seen from time to time, there is vacillation, inconsistency." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "For example, 1982, the August 17 communiqué signed by US and China, I think it’s inconsistent with Taiwan Relations Act. In 1994, the Clinton administration, the ban of travel of top Taiwan leadership is another one, because the TRA did not mention about that." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "Later, in 1998, June 30th, when President Clinton was in Shanghai, he mentioned three no’s. All this, in a way, indicated that a law is just a law, but it require a lot of effort by the US administration." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "Today, we have seen the Trump administration, actually, starting from the Obama administration, they kept mention Taiwan as a vital partner of rebalanced policy, as a key element of rebalanced policy during the Obama administration." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "Now, Taiwan as the reliable partner, a good force for the world and also Taiwan as success story, but in the past, recently, very often we heard Taiwan as a problem." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "Now, we are a contributing factor for the goodness of the earth, but still, we need to remind ourself it happened in the past. We hope we can prevent any inconsistency violating the spirit in the language of Taiwan Relations Act." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "Dr. Chang, I’m curious. Which administration, in your view, was the warmest to the TRA? [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "For the time being, I feel the heat from Trump administration, and also the passionate feeling of US Congress toward Taiwan, it’s a wonderful feeling." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "I remember, not long ago, 2009, 2011, 2012, different US former official for example mentioned about arm sale to Taiwan should be reconsider. Because cross strait relation was good, there may be less need for US arm sales to Taiwan, not long ago. The current feeling is a great feeling, but we should not be obsessed with it." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "We need to continue to work out our democracy, not perfect, but still one of the best in Asia. I remember Freedom House gave us grade of our democracy freedom higher than United States, last year and this year as well. We surpass the United States in terms of democracy, rated by the Freedom House. I like to say because TRA has a provision about the US concern of human rights." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "Very often, we heard from Carter administration former official say, \"Well, the recognition contribute to Taiwan’s democracy.\" I say, \"Hey, wait a minute. How about give China a try, see whether the recognition of China will help to be a democratic political systems? What about Cuba?\"" }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "We went through very difficult process. Many fighter in Taiwan in the ’80s and they were jailed, but US concern about Taiwan’s human right records and many other issues also help Taiwan to remobilize ourself to gradually become a multi party systems, and become democratization, and without any blood." }, { "speaker": "Joanne Chang", "speech": "We appreciate Taiwan Relation Act, but I don’t think it can be repeated in other political systems." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "Mr. Parker, I’m wondering if you can share some of your reflections about the early days, just after the passage of the TRA. I understand that the State Department imposed some rather onerous restrictions, especially on contact between US and Taiwan officials, flights, this type of thing." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "These are restrictions that really weren’t called for by the TRA. They weren’t required by the TRA, and I was wondering if you could talk a little bit more about that. I understand after President Carter left office, these restrictions were reversed, but what was going on in the early days?" }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "There was a lot of history behind that. In part, you could say that, certainly accurately, that the Carter administration didn’t like the TRA. They wanted something very different in the omnibus legislation that they had put forward, and that the Congress scrapped." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "There’s further history beyond that, too, that goes all the way back to America’s policy toward China in the late ’40s, early ’50s, the so called who lost China debate in Washington, and a lot of turmoil that caused, particularly within the State Department, and led to the removal of some people and career difficulties for others." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "That led to the emergence of a core of people in the State Department who were much more sympathetic toward the PRC and saw Taiwan as an obstacle to improving relations with the PRC, rather than looking at Taiwan primarily as a great American friend." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "When the derecognition took place and the TRA was enacted, there were a number of factors that came into play, some pressure from the PRC, but a lot of it growing out of this animosity you have to call it that toward Taiwan, on the part of certain people who were in the State Department and whose careers, they felt, had been adversely affected by previous policy." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "One of the five people in the Carter administration who played a key role in the normalization of relations with China was the assistant secretary for Asia, Richard Holbrooke. Dick Holbrooke was no friend of Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "If any one individual could be pointed to as the author of those rather onerous requirements that forbid officials from meeting one another in their offices, and required congressional delegation aircraft that came to Taiwan to take off and fly to Guam, and sit on the tarmac in Guam rather than be on the tarmac in Taipei, silly requirements like that." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "I had a conversation with Holbrooke at one point and upbraided him on that, and he came right back at me. He was a very smart guy, but very arrogant. He said, \"Well, I can say that the staff or other people in the State Department were responsible for that,\" but he thumped his chest and said, \"I did it.\" [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "When he moved on he ultimately wanted to become Secretary of State and would have, if Hillary Clinton had won the election in 2008, but because she didn’t, Obama did and Hillary took that job herself." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "When Holbrooke passed from the scene, at first professionally, and later on, unfortunately, literally he passed away, it opened up the possibility of doing things in a more normal way." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "He just had more of an affinity for the PRC. What..." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "Yes, he was very much trying to ingratiate himself with the PRC, and I think he did a good job of that. [laughs] He was also involved in another dust up that he and I had, that came right out of the TRA. The administration said that all of the treaties and agreements between the US and Taiwan, other than the Mutual Defense Treaty, would continue in effect." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "They only said that. They didn’t put it in writing, and so when we testified to Congress, we urged them to put it in writing, and they did." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "Five months later, by coincidence, I happened to be in China when Vice President Mondale was there because all of the Asian AmCham chairmen were there. Mondale announced that the US had entered into a new air transportation agreement with the PRC, and was terminating the air transportation agreement with Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "There was media in the room and there were PRC people. I waited until they were out, and I said, \"Mr. Vice President, with all due respect, that violates the TRA.\" Of course, he got Holbrooke, sitting right next to him, he turns and clears it with Holbrooke." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "That night, Holbrooke and I have another head to head dust up and I said, \"Look. The real issue here is whether you see this as precedent for terminating other agreements with Taiwan.\" Holbrooke comes back and said, \"Of course. It’s consistent with our whole policy of improving relations and expanding our relationship with the PRC.\"" }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "I said, \"Well, I’m sorry, but it violates the TRA.\" [laughs] I went back and I sent cables to key members of Congress. Congress really read the Riot Act to Holbrooke and the State Department, and that was the end of that kind of nonsense." }, { "speaker": "Robert Parker", "speech": "There was that period after the passage of the TRA when it took a while for things to shake out and really be done the right way." }, { "speaker": "William Foreman", "speech": "We will soon move into the question and answer part of our program but I thought before we did that, if any of the panelists had any further thoughts, anything that they would like to add? Ambassador Moriarty?" }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "I will quickly add that what we’re hearing from both sides of me is a back handed endorsement of the wisdom of the act itself, that basically, Congress set limits to what any administration could do vis à vis trying to \"improve relations with China.\"" }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "Basically, they had to look at the act and realize that they can’t willy nilly cancel treaties, that they have to agree to the basic terms, that there are limits as to how much any administration can do and yet stay within the confines of the Taiwan Relations Act. It’s very wise." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "A quick comment. Basically, what you’ve seen is, there are two factors at play here. Congress is well aware that you now have a solidified democracy in Taiwan that does all the great things that we heard about this morning. That is a really responsible player on the international scene, a terrific partner as we look at an Indo Pacific strategy." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "There’s also a dawning recognition, again, as we heard this morning, that China views itself as a competitor with the United States. Therefore, the United States has to see itself as a competitor with China." }, { "speaker": "James Moriarty", "speech": "We do want constructive relations, but basically, we should not be in the business of throwing out the Taiwan Relations Act, or, in many other fields, giving China benefits without any return." }, { "speaker": "Host", "speech": "That will conclude our first panel discussion on Taiwan Relations Act, Foundation for Progress, 1979 to present. Once again, thanks to our panel members, Joanne Chang of Academia Sinica, James Moriarty, AIT chairman, Robert Parker, former AmCham president, and of course our moderator, Mr. William Foreman." }, { "speaker": "Host", "speech": "Please, once again, put your hands together for our panelists." } ]
[ { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "Welcome to part two of this week’s, \"Taiwan This Week,\" Taiwan Relations Act Panel Discussion Special. In the second part of the show, it features the second panel discussion, which was also recorded live at the Taiwan Relations Act at 40 — Where We’ve Been, and What’s Next event which took place at the National Taiwan University." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "The event brought together former and current Taiwanese and American government officials and academics who discussed the history and future of the accord that has been the cornerstone for Taiwan US relations since 1979." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "In the second panel discussion, I moderate the TRA new opportunities roundtable, at which Minister without Portfolio, Audrey Tang, KMT lawmaker at large, Jason Hsu, and Tunghai University associate professor of political science, Albert Chiu, discuss the current status of the Taiwan Relations Act and its future." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "We’re going to talk about the Taiwan Relations Act in the future, not in the past. William Foreman, of course, covered the past. We’re going to look at the future. Here’s my panel." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "I got Albert Chiu here on my right. He’s an associate professor of political science at the Tunghai University in Taichung. He’s an expert on politics in Taiwan, has conducted research, and written extensively on a wide range of subjects, including electoral trends, political campaign activities, and the legislature." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "Next to Albert is Jason Hsu, who’s a KMT lawmaker at large. He’s also, of course, held positions with the executive UN’s Youth Advisory Council, the Educational Radio Advisory Committee, and the Ministry of Education’s National Education Advisory Committee. He’s also the curator and co founder of TEDxTaipei." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "At the end, we have Minister Audrey Tang. Of course, Audrey Tang has served as digital minister in the administration of President Tsai Ing wen since October of 2016. She’s in charge of managing digital information publishing by government agencies. She’s also served on the National Development Council’s Open Data Committee and the K 12 Curriculum Committee." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "Like I said earlier, we’re going to jump straight in with the TRA as it may be in the future. I’ll start with Minister Tang at the end. How do you view the status of the Taiwan Relations Act after 40 years and see its current place in the relationship between Taiwan, the United States, and China?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’ll give a very brief remark. As Director Brent Christensen have announced, we are actually crowdsourcing the answer of this question from each one of you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you google for 數位對話, or if you google for “digital AIT”, you get into this conversation platform that looks something like this that asks everyone in a democratic fashion to define the future of the free and open Indo Pacific together and define Taiwan’s relationship in relation to that strategy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would just reach the wisdom from the crowd, because the topmost statements are already in, perhaps just from people right here. There’s people saying that in this new era, the US and Taiwan should work very closely with non traditional multilateral organizations. That is to say, hybrid organization that combines the multi stakeholder form versus a multilateral form." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For example, international NGOs. For example, the global entrepreneurship congress. For example, the Open Government Partnership or the OGP. All these have the same characteristics. Is a combination between the major groups that cares about one or more sustainable development goals. It’s global in nature. Yet, it can only be realized in the free and open society." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That means that we’re value aligned. At the moment, this particular suggestion has the most rapport and most resonance among all the participants. I look forward to have your statements also in the mix." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "Jason, how do you see the current status of the Taiwan Relations Act?" }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "Thanks for having me. It’s great to be here. Obviously, TRA serves as a legal foundation that governs the basic principle of how US Taiwan regulated the state affairs. We can tell by the fundamental shift in the US strategy towards China, particularly after Trump took office in 2016, going from a strategic partner to strategic competitor." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "We realize that there’s been a fundamental wake up call in terms of US really becoming a strategic competitor towards China. With that in mind, we realized that there’s been a several push within the Congress. There are three major important legislation that are being signed in Congress." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "Number one is National Defense Authority Act, which basically provides the legality for the US ships to dock in the ports of Taiwan, and also encourage the US high level officials to visit Taiwan and vice versa, for Taiwan high level officials to visit Washington." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "Also, we’ve seen the introduction of the Taiwan Assurance Act, which is introduced by Senator Tom Cotton and also supported by Representative Cory Gardner. You can tell by a strong push by the US Congress to solidify the ever strong relationship between Taiwan and US." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "We also must be cautious in mind that any type of a strategic partnership or competition can change overnight with the change of status or the change of dynamic. Taiwan has to stay nimble and stay flexible in understanding the dynamics between the US, Taiwan, and China relationships." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "With TRA celebrating the 40th anniversary, I feel this means solidarity and also cementing the strong relationship between Taiwan and China. We will continue to pursue a closer relationship and closer cooperation both officially and unofficially, as suggested by Minister Tang, and to foster a deeper relationship between the two sides. Thanks." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "Albert." }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "Thank you, Gavin. It’s my honor to be here to talk about the issue in a panel with the two panelists. If we look back to the year of 2016 when Donald Trump surprisingly won the election, since two years ago, we have seen a lot of progress in terms of strengthening the Taiwan US relations." }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "This really reminds me of a theory created by the policy scholars Bryan Jones and Frank Baumgartner’s the Punctuated Equilibrium. It is a theory to major and explain long periods of policymaking stability and policy continuity, disrupted though by short but intense periods of instability and change." }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "In a word, the window is open right now for whole new US Taiwan relations. Regardless of different opinions in the society of Taiwan, I think all of us, each of you in the ballroom today, we have witnessed this great potential for us to explore a new relationship between Taiwan and the United States." }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "This does not mean that we position ourselves in a way that we want to fight against China. Rather, we actually enter a new stage, on one hand, to make sure that the democracy, as well as the security in Taiwan, is not only important to us, but also important to the United States." }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "On the other hand, it is a great chance for us together, Taiwan, as well as United States, to help China to find a new way out, because to my perspective, China now is still in a wrong direction, which the time is not long enough for us to see its effect. I believe it would be revealed near in the future. That’s my short remark." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "Audrey, do you have anything to say about Albert’s comments?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A couple of things. One of the things that, as I mentioned, sustainable development goals, the SDGs, it is a global commitment. Everybody, including the PRC of course, has agreed that by year 2030, these are the 17 important issues that humanities need to solve together. We happen to believe that it can only be solved by a free and open collaboration among those issues." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "First, I fully agree this is not a zero sum game for the SDGs. I further agree that the current way of a more top down approach of governance is perhaps not the best way, because the 17 SDG is partnership for goals. We cannot form partnership without exchanging data, exchanging evidences, exchanging things in a free and open manner." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If we censor even people who publish harmless information about the environment, for example, then that is impossible to form a foundation for relationships and partnerships vis à vis the sustainable development goals." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I do think Taiwan can help not only with the PRC but also with everybody, especially in Indo-Pacific Region to show how exactly to build a transparent and accountable partnership. The US is our great partner in this endeavor." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "Probably comment on that?" }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "One thing we do have to bear in mind that the current trade war might come to a temporary stop because of the diplomatic measures, as well as political arrangements." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "We must also bear in mind that what’s at stake here is the high tech and intellectual property that is essentially, it’s at the core of the trade war. A trade war will evolve to next stage going from goods to goods tariffs to the intellectual property and technology espionage, as well as high tech trade war." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "It is up to Taiwan to secure an important, crucial position in the triangular relationship by leveraging our high tech strength, especially knowing that our semiconductor, our global supply chain, as well as our AI, and as well as our intellectual property." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "Those are the things I feel if Taiwan were to, as Professor Chiu said, to harness this open opportunity that we should really focus on what matters among this what we call a triangular relationship, which is our strength in technology and intellectual property. Those are the things I feel that’s very, very important. Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "Albert, we’re moving from trade into economy. What do you think could be done to raise the level of the security commitment by the US towards Taiwan? Do you think the Taiwan Relations Act could be upgraded from a policy to a law in the form of a binding defense treaty?" }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "I think this is a great question. Law according to the previous panelist, the professor from Academia Sinica, she mentions that law could be cold. Law, in principle, is something that’s written in the government system that the administration is supposed to implement. When it comes down to the real governance, it might be another business. It might be another situation." }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "I think TRA provides a very sound framework for the United States to provide necessary assistance to Taiwan. It also depends on the extent to which the current administration, and even the next administration after 2020, the United States to implement it." }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "A couple thoughts on this. First of all, I think the US Taiwan relations in the past two years has been further institutionalized. Many of these progresses, different from the situations even prior to 2016, are law binding. That means laws like the Taiwan Travel Act, or laws like what Lawmaker Hsu just mentioned, the NDAA, the National Defense Authorization Act, in 2019, these laws are law binding." }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "That means that the US administration really has the obligation to implement it, but the matter is how. I think your question is on the right track in the sense that the current Trump Administration needs to come up with a more concrete major to implement those laws. The law is not only from the TRA, but also from the NDAA, and even the Taiwan Travel Act." }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "I know that tomorrow, the formal spokesperson of the Congress, Paul Ryan, he’s coming to visit in Taipei. That’s going to be another sensational news in Taiwan. I think this all serve as a good start for the high level visit between the two countries. Personally, I would like to continue to see more of this happening in the near future." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "Minister Tang, would you like to see a binding defense law signed between the US and Taiwan?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I do agree that code is law, by that I mean algorithm code and also data sharing programs that provides the binding in my profession way, that doesn’t even require human intervention or human interpretation. Case in point, the Department of Homeland Security in the USA has an Automated Indicator Sharing system or the AIS system." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The system basically says whenever in the US there’s a cybersecurity attack, there’s some DEFCON level being raised by some United States actors and/or other actors, then there is a machine to machine translation that translates between the different standards that different units has so that everybody knows that there is cybersecurity attacks going on and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan in the past couple of years has been very fortunate in working with the US quite closely on getting this automated machine to machine translation and communication system set up." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Personally, to me, that signifies a level of trust that is, of course, laws are great, but this signify a level of trust for us to be willing to look at cybersecurity in particular, but also at this information and other issues as a common epidemic that is threatening democracy, and that we’re willing to tackle together using evidence based way that we can share together." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I personally value that mostly because that’s my portfolio. In this department, I also think that it extends beyond US and Taiwan. For example, our Presidential Hackathon in which we select five teams every year and get a president’s guarantee that they become the public service." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Last year, one of the winning teams used machine learning to solve water leakage for water pipes. It may look like very trivial, but it’s actually a great issue in the days of climate change. There were then invited by New Zealand to Wellington to work for another three months." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It takes a great trust to hand to some other country’s team all your water flow, all your water pressure, all your scale down dimension and data. That is the kind of binding issues that binds all of our concerns together and build co creative teams together. I look forward to collaborating with the US more on that particular front." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "Jason?" }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "This is a quite difficult question to answer. Also, I think it covers a wide variety of complexity as the situation we face today. Obviously going forward, we will see China continuing to push the envelope. We’ll see more and more crossing the centerline of the Taiwan’s trade, of their fighter jets." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "Also, we’ll see more and more activities being harnessed in the cyberspace to continue to influence Taiwan. To answer this question, as a lawmaker and legislator, I think one fair and responsible comment on this is we have to understand the balance of power in the US system where executive branch or administrative branch have against or check balance between executive branch and legislative branch." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "I think with the current setup, all the laws, including TRA, and as well as the Taiwan Travel Act, Taiwan Assurance Act, and the National Defense Authority Act, those are served as congressional consensus, which means it’s the consensus of the people because Congress essentially meaning the people." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "Whether or not it will be authorized and executed by the president is a question to be answered. I think in the current complexity in the US China trade war and various other interests involved, there’s a high level difficulty in enacting that going from a congressional consensus to a law binding law." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "We also have to understand that in the US, the administrative department upholds one China policy, which still governs on the international community as the highest principle of understanding Taiwan, China, and US dynamic. I feel the legislation and the congressional support that we are having are strong." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "Whether or not we want to push it to a law binding law, I think there’s a lot of complicated questions to answer. What I would like to see is more practical and substantial cooperation between US and Taiwan. For example, on the cybersecurity front, I feel that Taiwan can play an important role to serve as a regional intelligence hub. We have a great pool of engineers." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "I also mentioned on our high tech intellectual property, as well as our IP and importance in the global supply chain, as Chairman Gou also mentioned in a previous session, those are important things and substantial things that we want US to collaborate with us to continue to make Taiwan strong by leveraging our strength that we already excel, and then make us irreplaceable and unattackable by any outside force." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "I was talking about upgrade in the TRA. Do you think there’s a possibility the United States could seek to downgrade the TRA or even initiate the enactment of another act if a government in Taipei signs a peace treaty with Beijing? Minister Tang?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’ve heard a lot about “peace treaty” or “peace accord.” There’s many different words for it, but I have yet to see a substantial elaboration of what that actually means in international law or in military terms. It seems like more of a rhetoric to me at this stage." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If we look at history, no peace accords have actually protected peace very successfully for very long periods. People who are touting peace treaty or peace accord could be much more helpful and substantial if they can just bring out the terms in substantial international law and defense deployment terms." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In terms of Taiwan’s own experience, there was a lot of treaties or accords, and so on that was signed under President Ma Ying jeou. It is also very clear in terms of evidence that how differently these accords are executed or being implemented by the PRC now that Taiwan has democratically transitioned to another government." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would actually say that I agree very much with Chairman Moriarty’s comments that the US has a relationship with a free and democratic system. It’s the governance system that USA is in partnership with. As long as we keep this part free and not interfered — while I don’t know what exactly the so called peace accord entail — I’m sure that the USA would still see Taiwan as a valuable partner." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "Albert, do you think there could be some downgrades or changes if Taiwan signs a peace treaty with Beijing?" }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "I think this question should be understood in two dimensions. First of all, in downgrading the system which I don’t think so, I think quite the opposite. Both Taiwan and China are working in the direction that leads to more friendliness, even including Chairman Gou. He had a very great deal that the people in Taiwan, we have witnessed this, and even with President Donald Trump." }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "That was nothing we have ever seen in the history of Taiwan in the past. That’s number one. My response to you is no. I don’t think United States, but that’s my speculation, of course. It’s still up to the US administration to develop." }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "The second question regarding the peace accord, I would like to kindly view it as, in fact, issue that makes substance. Why? Of course, Taiwan is an isolated country and is often suppressed. The original term I would like to use was “bullied,” but then I changed the term. Instead, I used “suppressed” by China." }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "Of course, we crave for peace as people of Taiwan, but the matter is how. Is it in a way that one country, two system equally down, or in a way that China accepts the idea to transition itself to democracy?" }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "Unfortunately, lately, we haven’t talked about this a lot anymore in the society of Taiwan, unlike say 20 years ago when Taiwan was even more affluent than China, our rule of law, and our civilization was much better than that in China." }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "We now in Taiwan, unfortunately, we see the two camps — Pan Blue, Pan Green. Maybe Lawmaker Hsu can address to this later on. For the Pan-Green parts, they talk about making a link to the United States, but not in a way that also invites the United States as a good partner to try to transform China in the direction of democracy." }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "On the other hand, Pan Blue, there are two factions or two versions of Pan Blue. On one hand, which is more like deep blue that’s more or less accepted version of one country, two system, although they deny this. On the other way, another version is probably like Lawmaker Hsu, more like moderates and more open to different kinds of possibility, especially in a sense to transform China." }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "Unfortunately, in the society of Taiwan, we don’t talk about the democracy in China that much as opposed to 20 years ago. I think we do want peace, but how? On what basis do we talk about peace with China? Like what I say, it’s all about \"stigmatization\" of politics in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Albert Chiu", "speech": "Not much different from that in the United States is that a lot of people stigmatized the conception of the peace accord. If we really bring in to the issue or the elements of the democracy in China, I would say the super majority of the time, these people would accept the idea. Perhaps from that point on, we can talk more about what to do in our policy for the next step." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "Jason?" }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "This is an if question, and this is obviously a big if. First of all, I feel any leader in this country attempting to engage in dialog or negotiation with mainland China can now compromise the two things, two most important value of Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "One is our freedom, and second is democracy. Those should serve as the most important things to enter into that agreement. Insofar as what has been laid out, it’s just an idea. I don’t think at this point in time it is useful to discuss whether or not this could be true or this could happen." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "Secondly, we must not forget, there are over estimated five million Taiwanese living and working in China. I think we have to really count what’s at stake here if the leaders use any type of anti China, pro China, or any sort of ideology as a way to wage election campaign because that would scare people into a very isolated thinking. Again..." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "Thank you very much. Thank you for all your questions, members of the audience..." }, { "speaker": "Jason Hsu", "speech": "...we sit here and we talk about where Taiwan stands in the world. We also want to talk about what value and contribution we can offer to the world. Let’s not forget, let’s not underestimate ourselves. These are the things that politicians use as a language, as tactics in the campaign. Whether or not it can be materialized, there is a lot of questions to be answered." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "Minister Tang, any come back on Jason or Albert’s comments?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Actually, I do agree that, as I said, \"peace accord\" is at this point just election rhetoric. If there is a more substantial regulatory or international law proposition, then we can talk about this for real. I think, for now, let’s table this issue." }, { "speaker": "Announcer", "speech": "That will conclude our second and final discussion today on Taiwan Relations Act, new opportunities, present and future. Once again, we’d like to thank all of our panelist and our moderator." }, { "speaker": "Announcer", "speech": "Audrey Tang, Minister without Portfolio. Jason Hsu, KMT at large lawmaker, Albert Chiu, professor at Tunghai University, and of course, our moderator, Gavin Phipps, ICRT. Please put your hands together for them." }, { "speaker": "Gavin Phipps", "speech": "You’ve been listening to the second part of the two part Taiwan This Week — Taiwan Relations Act Special Panel Discussion Show, which was hosted by me, Gavin Phipps, and recorded live at the National Taiwan University. Thanks for tuning in to this week’s two part special Taiwan This Week, which covered the Taiwan Relations Act. We’ll be returning to our regular format next Friday, April the 26th." }, { "speaker": "Announcer", "speech": "Tune in again next Friday evening at 8:00 for another informative. Look at the top stories of the week with Taiwan This Week. Don’t forget to also check out our podcast on our website, Keep it here for more music and news only on ICRT FM100." } ]
[ { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "大家早安,謝謝大家今天來參加第45次協作會議,我們今天的主題是這邊有一個石先生提案,有關於BIM制度。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我是唐鳳政委的幕僚,我叫蔡玉琪,剛剛已經有人知道sli.do的號碼,這個問題我等一下回答。今天的場地是在財稅中心的場地,我的左邊是有茶水,外面有飲水機。今天有一個平台叫做,我們等一下在討論的時候,如果您的意見沒有被放上來,或者是來不及發言,又或者是不好意思想要匿名發言的話,我們都可以用這個,您可以搜尋,然後輸入416,就會進來這個畫面,如果不會操作的話,就可以跟旁邊的工作人員詢問。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "大家講話的時候,請一定要拿麥克風,我們的工作人員會傳麥克風下去,速錄師會將您用麥克風講的話每一句話寫下來,會後會寄信給各位與會者對自己的發言修正,請留意不要修到別人的發言,如果不小心修到的話,都可以再跟我們聯絡做修正,另外本紀錄會在十個工作天後公開。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "大家有看到這兩台攝影機,這個是我們要做影像的紀錄,而這個影像是不會公開的,我們現在是把麥克風交給今天的主持人雨蒼,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "大家好,我是今天主持人雨蒼,非常歡迎大家來到開放政府聯絡人第45次的協作會議,主題是羅媽媽提的,「政府應仿工地主任職能課程制度,將BIM人員分級制度納入公共工程,以確保BIM的執行品質」,我是在公共數位創新空間(PDIS)的角色是主持人的角色。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接下來也請大家幫忙自我介紹,自我介紹的時候,可以像我剛剛那樣說一下姓名、匿稱、單位及與這一個議題的關聯為何,我巴麥克風傳下來,大家可以先自我介紹。" }, { "speaker": "小忻", "speech": "我是小忻,我是附議人之一。" }, { "speaker": "小蘇", "speech": "大家好,我是附議人之一,叫我小蘇就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "各位好,我是提案人石晉方,謝謝各位。" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "大家好,我是附議人Alex,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡秉諺", "speech": "大家好,我是附議人,我叫蔡秉諺。" }, { "speaker": "林尚儀", "speech": "大家好,我是工程會林尚儀,代表政府機關。" }, { "speaker": "賴娼華", "speech": "大家好,我是工研院賴娼華,陪同勞動部推動職能政策。" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "大家好,我是勞動部勞動力發展署職能標準的黃俐文,我們是協辦單位。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "大家好,我是工程會蔡志昌,代表今天來做工程會的簡報,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "大家好,我是工程會李文欽,今天代表參與分組座談及回答問題,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳家慶", "speech": "大家好,我是工程會陳家慶,今天會同我們主辦單位來出席,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王名玉", "speech": "大家好,我是工程會王名玉,參與今天議題的討論,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "廖致中", "speech": "大家好,我是廖致中,代表內政部營建署建築工程組出席,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "大家好,我是內政部建築研究所劉青峰副研究員,我代表內政部出席說明一些BIM的研究成果,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "李超雄", "speech": "大家好,我是內政部營建署中部辦公室李超雄,我們是營造業的主管機關,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "譚羽文", "speech": "大家好,我是新北市政府工務局工程科譚羽文,我是陪同專委出席。" }, { "speaker": "包晃豪", "speech": "大家好,我是新北市政府包晃豪,今天一起來出席討論這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "高文婷", "speech": "大家好,我是內政部營建署建築管理組組長高文婷,我們是中央建築主管機關,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "李珏暉", "speech": "各位好,我是內政部營建署技士李珏暉,代表內政部主辦機關,謝謝。(會後補充資料))" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "大家好,內政部營建署建築管理組科長陳清茂,今天跟大家討論這個議題,以上。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "大家好,我姓周,代表中華民國工程技術顧問商業同業公會,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "張錦峰", "speech": "大家好,我是臺灣省土木技師公會張錦峰,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "張清雲", "speech": "大家好,我是臺灣省土木技師公會理事張清雲。" }, { "speaker": "楊高雄", "speech": "大家好,我是代表中華民國土木技師公會全國聯合會楊高雄,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "梁家駿", "speech": "大家好,我是梁家駿,代表全國營造業工地主任公會,公會被點名到開會事由,因此今天來參加會議,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "李華琛", "speech": "大家好,我是李華琛技師,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林書安", "speech": "大家好,我是林書安,代表結構技師全聯會,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳正平", "speech": "大家好,我是陳正平,代表結構技師全聯會,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "吳國楨", "speech": "大家好,我是吳國楨,代表中華民國電機技師公會來出席,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉碩閎", "speech": "大家好,我是桃園市政府建築管理處副工程師劉碩閎,代表台南市推動BIM發展,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "大家好,我是新北市政府工務局周詠傑,代表新北市政府還有長官參加今天的會議,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "賀麗娟", "speech": "大家好,我是來自勞動部賀麗娟,今天來這邊是做服務的,下午可以跟大家一起討論,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "大家好,我是開放政府聯絡人PO王俊凱,今天會議的前置作業,有一部分是我在負責的,下午的時候會擔任桌長,再跟大家一起討論,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "楊天柱", "speech": "各位好,我是台北市建築師公會楊天柱,代表台北市建築師公會。" }, { "speaker": "許坤榮", "speech": "大家好,我是許坤榮,我代表全國建築師公會,我是全國建築師公會的資訊主委,我們全力在推動BIM設計端的發展。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲彰", "speech": "大家好,我是臺灣區綜合營造公會, 副總幹事吳憲彰,代表公會來參加這個會議,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "陳政顯", "speech": "大家好,我是陳政顯建築師,我代表新北市建築師公會,因為資訊主委今天有事,不能來,我是資訊小組BIM的成員,大家好。" }, { "speaker": "林建宇", "speech": "大家好,我代表高雄市建築師公會,我是紀律主委,林建築師。" }, { "speaker": "陳岳憲", "speech": "大家好,我是陳岳憲,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "謝謝大家的自我介紹。我看到sli.do上,有人問「是否有即時影像可以關注」,我們這一個會場上有任何一個人不願意直播的話,我們基本上這個影像是不會公開出去的,我想我們先花個30秒,假設有覺得不好意思,就是怕有直播的話,你講話會比較緊張等想法,我們先花30秒,有人想要發表意見的話,先上,對於直播的這一件事公開與否發表意見,也可以現在直接表達也可以。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "既然有人問有沒有直播,我們就會問有沒有人反對直播,請問有沒有人反對直播,反對的請舉手?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們今天可能就不直播,但是我們會再問一下會後影音是不是可以公開。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果是這樣的話,我們繼續走下去。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "今天之所以會有這一場的會議,是因為唐政委上任之後,行政院一直推行開放政府聯絡人制度,這個制度到底是什麼?是為了落實開放政府的理念,現在其實非常多的國家希望做到開放政府,透過資訊透明、開放資料的東西,進而擴大公民的參與,強化政策課程、收斂多元意見,因為這樣子,所以大家看到非常多來自不同地方的人,其實是因為大家都跟這個案子有關係,因此想要來表達意見。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "可是開放政府的這一件事,大家都知道我們的社會其實一直都有一些文化,要改變文化其實並不是一次可以做到的,所以在行政院3524次會議,當時的行政院長指示專人來做,因此才有開放政府聯絡人的制度,對內要橫向整合、縱向聯繫,也就是各個部會間要可以彼此互相溝通,所以今天可以看到內政部、勞動部的朋友一起在這裡。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "各位要跨建部會的協作機制及部會的力量,逐步匯集力量,發揮滴水穿石的力量來內化公務的運作,這個是我們的理念,也是我們一直嘗試的一件事。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "為何會有今天這一場協作會議?是因為有一位叫做「羅媽媽」的提議者在「Join」平台上提議這個題目,到了2018年9月4日提出之後,在2019年1月2日連署通過,經過開放政府聯絡人的月會,投票票選,然後就開了這一場協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們開這一場協作會議的目標是希望可以理解問題的面向,也就是提出來的建議到底要處理什麼問題,對齊的事實,我們確認一下大家所看到的事實是一樣的,然後釐清爭點來收到一些初步的構想,這個是會議最主要的目標。但是今天的會議不會有一個具體的決議,也不會有任何人下命令說一定要做什麼事,然後叫大家動起來,不會的,今天主要是先來蒐集意見,並做初步的發想。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個結論,唐鳳政委會在下個禮拜政務會議的時候,會向蘇院長及相關政務委員報告,做後續研擬的參考,如果有很不錯的建議,也歡迎各位帶回去直接做。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "各位會前都有拿到議題手冊,我們方便大家會前瞭解蒐集到的相關資料,讓資訊一致,也可以隨時取用相關的資訊,並可以看得到資料,我們在會中的時候,隨時翻閱議題手冊。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "今天的議程怎麼樣?早上現在這個階段是我們的開場跟來賓自介,會議目的的介紹,我們要來介紹會議的流程、工具及目的,畢竟這一場會議跟傳統的公聽會是不一樣的,我相信非常多人都參加過公聽會,但是協作會議也是第一次,因此會跟大家說明一下為何這樣設計及設計背後的理念是什麼,還有今天的目的是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接下來我們會邀請提案人簡報、口頭說明,還有主責的相關部會來幫忙跟我們簡報,工程會有10分鐘簡報,接著會使用心智圖確認事實及釐清爭點,接著是用餐跟綜合討論之後,我們會進入到下午分組協作的部分,這個地方是再次釐清問題、發想可能的解法,最後分享總結與意見交流,最後唐鳳政委會說明這個會議決議如何使用。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "協作會議的流程與工具,為了做到的目的是希望可以一起協作來產出解決問題的共識,如果一百個人有同樣的一個意見,我們只會收到一張便利貼,我們知道這個問題很多時候是非常多面向的,所以我們需要更多的人一起來給意見,對我們來說,其實一百個人給同一個意見,還是只有看到問題的一面,可是如果兩個人有兩個意見,我們有收到了不同的意見,我們就有機會看到這個問題的全貌長什麼樣子,因此這個會議的設計會以多元性為目的,所以人數再多也不一定有用的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們是使用服務設計的雙菱形概念,聽起來是英文,但是看起來像兩個,其實是一個非常簡單的概念,當發現了問題以後,我們透過問題的盤點,把各種不同的問題找出來,接下來經過歸納的過程,找出真正重要的問題,接著針對真正重要的問題,我們來做初步的概念發展,然後我們做設計,最後來測試這個想法是不可行,然後最後來執行。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們今天做的工作,最主要的是做問題盤點、蒐集問題意見,確認大家瞭解的事實是什麼,接下來我們需要把問題做歸納跟定義,然後再來找出真正大家在意的問題,再來討論可能的方案。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們的紀錄會完整把它產出,也會盡可能對外公開,後續進行的話,我們會盡可能回歸到部會。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們聽別人的想法,也說出自己的想法,我們希望大家可以帶著不同的想法過來、然後帶著一些共識回去。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "當然,我們也會邀請不同的利害關係人一起來參與,像跨部門的業務單位、第一線的工作人員、廠商、專家學者、單位及組織,甚至是末端的使用者,邀請大家一起參與,一起給出完整問題的面貌。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們希望未來的政策可以有不同的面貌,過往是到立法院開公聽會了,這個時候才開公聽會給意見,我們希望一開始蒐集意見,找到真正核心的問題,我們再用這個問題來規劃未來的服務、甚至去做後續的政策規劃研擬。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "當然,要找出好問題的前提是我們要先問好問題,但是我們每個人知道問題的面向有哪一些,但是我們瞭解的面向不一樣,就很像瞎子摸象一樣,我們需要彼此交流看到的東西真正的問題,彙整大家的意見,才能看見問題的全貌。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如何解決問題?我們把問題盤點、發想定義之後再來發想,我們會使用心智圖,其實我們已經盤點出相關的問題,也把問題做了歸納,這個是我們已經做的事情,我們要確認問題之後,再來發想相關的解法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們上午其實是希望可以對齊事實來釐清爭點,下午的部分是分組討論來發想解法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個是我們今天的會議規劃,也是我們今天設計的理念目的,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接下來我們請提案人分享一下提案的想法。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "首先,我要謝謝唐鳳政委提供這樣的機會,也感謝雨蒼及其團隊,這幾個月來,院長重視民意,透過這樣的平台,讓這樣的議題,在這麼多的官員、業界先進一起共同討論。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "感謝各位業界先進,我今天只是扮演一個提案人而已,其實在BIM裡面,很多先進,像周協理、許建築師,其實很多都已經在BIM領域推了滿久了,我也只是其中的一份子,因緣際會,因此發起這樣的附議,我想我接下來解釋一下,為何會有這樣的想法。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "當然當時一開始用工地主任職能課程的制度,將BIM人員分級,工地主任是一種職能課程,220個小時,且是訓證分離;換句話說,220個小時的課上完之後,還要經過公共工程委員會統一的命題考試,才能取得工地主任的資格,所以不是上完課就可以取得這個資格,而是訓證兩個分離。以目前BIM的人員,有沒有什麼比較可以套用的?所以我們那時想說工地主任的職能課程,剛好是職能課程來可以來套用。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "BIM的現有的資源狀況,目前相當清楚,BIM因為沒有人負責,BIM輪為應付的項目,國家編列之預算已經被審計糾正。BIM是屬於高技術項目,要求工地主任及品管人員來做,其實有點緩不濟急,他們也反彈滿大的。廠商隨意應付BIM的需求,沒有真正落實執行,導致高比例的BIM是後BIM,其實等於是應付。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "許多的地方政府,像台中市政府住宅處也有統一發包BIM。許多地方政府希望能夠將BIM延伸到至物業管理,但是因為BIM的竣工模型無人負責、品質無人管控,導致各個BIM案品質不同,無法納入同一平台,形同浪費。如果這麼多的BIM,全部拿回來放在政府同一個平台,不知道要怎麼放,因為沒有同一個平台、標準,所以就浪費了,沒有標準、人員負責是最根本的原因。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "依照採購法第70條,因為我們在探討現在有什麼法源可以用?政府採購法第70條,機關辦理工程採購,應明訂廠商執行品質管理,就是這「品質管理」四個字,這對我們來說,將所有的圖說釐清,這才是品質管理最高的重點,可是現在我們的品質管理淪落到工地,到底有沒有嚼檳榔、戴頭盔、有沒有綁安全帶,對於圖說這一塊反而放任,因此應該把它導正回來,因為我們的工程是依圖施工,圖說不清楚,當然就非常地混亂。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "我們認為政府採購法第70條事實上是有足夠的法源依據,我們不太希望今天透過立法院要再立一個法,緩不濟急,有沒有什麼法源可以套用?其實我們看到政府採購法第70條,這個品質管理是可以用的,因此這個BIM才是真正體現工程品質管理,而非將品質管理在工人有無戴安全帽的事情。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "再來,BIM法律位階的說明,工程契約範本當中,第1條第2款的定義、解釋,指機關依契約提供廠商全部圖樣及其所附資料,另有廠商提出經機關認可之全部圖樣,及其所附資料,包含樣品及模型;換句話說,BIM模型是可以套這個,BIM模型是具有與工程圖說相同的法律位階地位的,所以到時出事的時候,若跟大家講說BIM僅供參考,依照這一條,沒有辦法,脫離不了法律責任。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "再來,BIM證照導入公共工程的目標,是要有專門的人員負責BIM的工作,有專責的人員負責BIM模型的正確性。依採購法BIM模型位階等同設計圖說、施工圖說,必須有專人負責,否則將來發生事故,像維冠要究責是設計責任、監造責任或施工責任難以釐清,我們有設計模型、施工模型、竣工模型,將來這些東西拿出來,這一些數位模型,其實二、三十年以後還依然存在,圖說可能被蟲蟻咬光了,但是數位的一定還在,到時責任如何釐清?" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "再來,仿品管人員機制設立BIM人員,編列專屬BIM執行費用及人員資格、限制,人員必須由國家認可之證照、證書,人員及費用依工程經費等級編列,2億至5億的建築工程配備至少一名建模員,5億至10億至少配備一名建土建建模員、一名水電建模員、一名協調員,10億以上再配置一名經理,這並不是我率先提出來的,事實上建築研究所有一研究案仿新加坡BIM國家指南,各位可以參考。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "BIM證照導入公共工程的效益在哪裡?公共工程一年3,000億,我們按照史丹佛大學的調查,一年可以節省10%的話,一年可以節省300億,等於一年可以蓋兩座淡江大橋。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "BIM人員分級制度納入的建議步驟,法源採用採購法第70條,權責單位是公共工程委員會或內政部營建署可討論。我們知道公共工程委員會即將併入國發會,但是基於為國家的未來,還是請你們真的可以勇於承擔責任。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "再來,依採購法第70條工程採購品質管理及行政院頒布的公共工程施工管品質規定訂定BIM制度,只差一個行政命令、多訂一個制度就可以了,因為法源就已經有了。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "我們來看問題,臺灣高等法院93年度上字第128號判決,業主附有提供正確設計圖說的附隨義務,若違反業主應附不完全給付的責任,即使設計圖說是業主委託第三人設計。換句話說,委託建築師或是委託這一些工程顧問單位,依採購法契約範本的定義圖說,指機關契約提供廠商全部圖說,這邊全部已經講過了,當建築師提供的圖說,被營造廠依圖說建置BIM模型發現錯誤百出,是否負不完全給付的責任,使用者可以申請國賠嗎?像維冠。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "第二,當營造廠繳交竣工模型, 其效力等同竣工圖說。將來發現竣工模型不正確, 送模型的營造廠和接收模型的政府是否該負法律責任?公共工程有提出效益性。各位可以參考,我的回覆是:BIM任務非全面性、強制性的,而是應該要有一個規模,我同意。依照營造業法第30條的規定,承攬一定金額以上的規模,可以仿照這樣的規定,因為並不是所有的工程要設工地主任,這邊比照金額承攬5,000萬以上,高度36公尺以上的工程。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "我們來看一下工程會的意見,他說增加履約成本,沒有錯,是增加履約成本,但那是工程前期,而工程會自己去做調查的結果,這是工程會自己的調查結果之成果報告,可以看到減少施工期間的變更、減少施工過程的衝突,高達60%、85%,所以工程會事實上對這是正面的,為何在這裡面反而是負面的?" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "再來,我們現在認為工程會應該站在國家整體效益看待此事,而不是某一個單位、參與角色,你要看到整體效益到底有沒有更好。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "再來,BIM技術的應用發展,各位可以看到有86%的人會繼續使用,這是工程會自己調查,如果真的這麼不堪的話,為何86%的人認為要繼續使用?美國史丹佛大學提出BIM的效益調查研究,消除40%預算的變更,工程估價準確度小於3%、工程估價時間少於80%、碰撞減少費用達合約價格10%、工程專業時間減少7%,工程會的意見,大部分公共工程的品質與要求,透過既有的技術與方法已可達成,個人則認為採用BIM技術非達成前述工程品質、功能要求唯一途徑,卻是目前世界各國公認有效的工具。另答覆如下:" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "第一,工程復雜是採用BIM的兩大原因,一個是57%、70%,或許BIM技術非達成這個品質與功能要求的唯一途徑,但是是最有效的方法,這無庸置疑的。否則為何工程會要花這個錢來做調查研究,陳主委為何會推BIM?" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "第二,公共工程委員會的意見,「政府採購法第26條執行注意事項」第2點規定:「招標文件中所定供不特定廠商競標之技術規格,應以達成機關於功能、效益或特性等需求所必需者為限。」因此他說採用BIM技術前,應評估確認採用BIM技術之必要性,而非一體適用」 。這個是工程會自己的調查結果,他有做統計,每一季的統計。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "我們來看一下,如果按照統計資料的推估,事實上108年是有489件採用BIM,如果以平均每件2億以上才會用,以4億功能計算的話,發包金額佔3,000億的65%的工程已經在用BIM了,為何工程會對於65%以上用BIM還持著旁觀者的角度?" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "公共工程委員會的意見,之於機關評估BIM的效益、需求的個案,依最有利標的評選辦法,將BIM的資歷、人力納入考量,沒有錯,用意良好,但得標之後是否落實BIM的運用呢?如何利用BIM落實工程圖說、品質管理,不能單靠廠商佛心來著,否則對國家整體效益是沒有效益的。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "再來有關於公平性,我們來看一下,我們今天提出來,因為最早配合勞動力發展署在推iCAP課程,不要這麼狹隘的看這一件事,今天土木技師公會、建築師公會,乃至於中華民國建築模型的標準協會都可以申請iCAP課程,我們採訓證分離,大家去申請、大家訓練,大家就考試,考試是有主管機關統一辦的,也不是我辦的,所以不要誤以為我提案的人,就是圖利我個人。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "如果大家有志一同的話,應該是我們團結起來,不是我們互相抵觸,每一個單位都可以辦這個課程,只是頂尖提早辦了,而其他的單位不能辦,沒有這一回事,像工地主任央大都在辦,考試你能過嗎?憑實力,就30%、40%。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "再來,公共工程委員會的意見,「機關所擬定、採用或適用之技術規格……不得限制競爭」,我們沒有限定競爭,但是本身的思維應該提升到國家等級,國家整體競爭力的思考應對。中國大陸將BIM明訂在其十三五計劃明訂BIM列入當中,台灣若和歐美先進國家同步,不僅透過提升BIM技術,還可輸出營建技術到東南亞。若要採納本提案,自應規畫導入策略及期程,工程會不用低估營造廠商的應變能力。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "這邊的iCAP課程,我剛剛已經提了,BIM並不是我們獨佔的,這個訓證是分離的,以上我做了一個簡單的報告,謝謝各位。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接下來請工程會幫我們做簡報。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "接下來由我來跟各位做相關的簡報。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "這個題目是「政府應仿工地主任職能課程制度將BIM人員分級制度納入公共工程」,我們並沒有反對BIM技術,我們一共四年的執行期間,集合了很多產、官、學、研界的人來討論如何將BIM放入,我們把十二次類別要他們提供去進行施作,經過四年施作完之後,要因案制宜跟循序漸進,這個是我要先跟大家說明的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "對於這個議題來講,我覺得必須要先釐清,到底公共工程是否需要導入BIM,公共工程導入BIM的時候,是不是需要有專業人員,應該是從這個角度來切入,我們再來談是否要做分級制度。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "我簡報會把研析意見跟各位說明,我們會從效益、必要及公平這三方面來分析到底要不要使用,然後最後來做結語。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "我剛剛有講過,我們必須要先探討的是,公共工程是否需要採用BIM技術及是否需要BIM的專業人員?事實上依政府採購法來講的話,工程會是政府採購法的主管機關,我們通常要求你今天是一個公平、公正、公開的採購環境,所以我們一些採購必須要先依政府採購法第26條的規定來作盤點,也就是說,你必須根據這個個案的功能、效益及特性來訂定你的採購需求,你必須要符合不限制競爭的前提之下下去做評估。所以,我們也是依據這樣的概念才會導出這個結論,我們要由個案的主辦機關來評估、採用,而不是全面推廣,而是我們經過四年的研究所獲得的結論。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "我要再提一點的是,剛剛石老師有提到,如果出了問題到底是誰要負責的狀況,依據技師法第16條的規定,公共工程技師講得很清楚,會用到BIM的都是一些規模比較大、介面比較複雜的工程才會用到BIM,目前的狀況是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "通常這一些工程應該都符合技師簽證工程當中的相關工程,如果用技師法第16條跟公共工程的規定來看,設計及監造都必須親自為之或者是監督底下下去做才可以,也就是如果今天工程用BIM的話,這一些BIM到最後的成果還是回歸到專業的技師來負全責,現階段來講,還是屬於設計、監造的專業技師所應該負責的領域,這一點還是必須要跟大家說明,事實上並不是沒有人來負責,依現在來講,就是由負責簽證的設計、監造的技師來負責。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "我剛剛講到我們會從效益性來研析,103年至106年開了六次的會議,有找產、官、學、研來討論,也有請機關來試辦,因此得到這樣的結論。BIM是在規模較大、介面與複雜度程度較高的公共工程比較有效益,因此才會用因案制宜跟循序漸進的方式來推動。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "機關要依據個案需求,而且機關要有執行的能力再去推動會比較好,如果機關沒有執行能力,像如果是用後BIM去推的話,主管機關是沒有辦法看出來的,效果就會打折扣,因此你的個案需求跟機關有無這個能力,是導入是不要要用BIM的關鍵。現階段我們認為不可以全面性跟整個強制性推動,這個是我們經過四年推動平台所得到的結論。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "在必要性來講的話,事實上我們有提到公共工程的品質與功能需求,並不是要透過BIM才可以達成,很多現在的作業程序跟技術方法都可以達成,我們很清楚瞭解到,印度的泰姬瑪哈陵 ,你說它的品質不好嗎?功能沒有達到要求嗎?不可能是這樣的狀況啊!你今天採用BIM技術,並不是達到品質跟功能要求的唯一途徑。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "以公共工程來講,公共工程最要求的是什麼?並不是要求BIM的品質,而是要求公共工程的品質及其功能有無達到需求,這個是有無達到目的,從以前沒有BIM的時候也做了很多偉大的工程建設到現在,不是沒有BIM就做不到,BIM只是一個輔助工具而已。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "這邊還是要強調,因為事實上依政府採購來講是要公平,不可以對於廠商有一些資格的限制,因為現在BIM還在發展當中,我們如果現在就講說所有的工程一定要用BIM的話,會造成一些不公平的競爭,也就是說,我們必須要根據機關在功能效益與特性需求的必須者為限,也就是符合採購法第26條的規定才來做BIM,並不是強制性、全面性來推,這個是工程會的立場。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "在公平性方面來講的話,事實上我剛剛講了,BIM也是一個輔助工具,BIM的專業職能滿多的,事實上公共工程涉及的專業職能也很多,BIM是其中的一項,而且是剛開始發展的項目而已。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "你說今天一定要有專業人員,但是今天結構技師,是不是也要有相關的分級制度?在公平性來講,臺灣現階段的廠商,有80%是屬於中小企業,如果跟他講用BIM以後,他真的有辦法適應嗎?今天並不是導一個軟體就可以使用,必須要下降到現場的施工人員瞭解到BIM,因此這並不是我要推一個BIM就有辦法落實到現場的施工人員來瞭解到BIM,才有辦法把工程做起來。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "如果真的要用BIM的話,事實上BIM的軟體,現階段在全世界當中,目前都發展當中,有二十幾個軟體在使用,臺灣引進三個軟體,如果今天要用BIM的話,你要用哪一個軟體?用哪一個標準來檢驗?今天學了A,結果今天考試是C,今天BIM還是一個商業軟體的情況下,你去強制某一個軟體,可能涉及到限制競爭的問題,這是要考量的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "另外,你導入分級制,以現在的專業技師來講,也沒有分級,你達到執照跟做二十年的,我們認為是相同的,資格限定,我們並沒有對這麼重要的專業技師來分級,為何會對BIM分級?我們是覺得有一點本末倒置了。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "我最後強調一點,工程會沒有反對要用BIM,我們認為現階段要因案制宜及循序漸進來做。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "另外,根據我們的統計資料,還是有在成長的,工程會現在有三個政策在推BIM,我們納入金質獎的評選項目,如果有用BIM的話,我們會加分。第二,我們會用最有利標評選時納入的評分標準、評選的計分項目之一,如果有用BIM的話,可以加分,來取得這個標案。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "第三,如果顧問公司去做BIM研究的話,這一些錢可以納入投資抵減,因此強調一點,工程會並沒有排斥,只是要因案制宜,循序漸進而已,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "謝謝,在工程會之後,我們是不是先請內政部。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "主持人、各位與會的先進朋友們大家早安,我代表內政部今天來做5分鐘的簡報,這個簡報當中,主要分成兩個部分,從今天的題目裡面,內政部認為應該分成兩個部分來思考:" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "第一個部分是BIM的技術,BIM的技術政府要不要推動?要從怎麼樣的角度來推動?腳步邁進的步伐要如何拿捏?" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "第二,從業人員如何培訓、訓練?訓練的方式在國內外有哪些方法?哪些是可以作為我們參考的?" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "以下說明內政部過去推動的情形,並提供本部建研所所做的研究給大家來參考。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "第一,因為本部營建署有代辦公有建築工程的業務,這個部分因為在很早以前就有配合推動相關BIM技術的運用,不管是從建築設計或者是施工管理,又或者是使用管理,從建築設計的角度來看,是可以減少設計上的錯誤,施工管理的部分,是可以達到提升施工品質,同時對於工程進度的管理也有一定的幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "另外,對於建築物所有權人移交之後,將有利於掌控日後管理維護整修,或者是設備更換等等的每一件事,可以用最有效、清楚、明確的資訊來作管理,所以我們在代辦公有建築工程時,就開始導入BIM的推動。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "第二個部分,剛剛提到人員培訓的部分,106年本部建研所有相關研究,這個問題我們等一下在簡報當中會再作說明。本部建研所針對人力培訓提出了很多不同國內外的資料,以後有哪一些方向可以走。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "第一,公有建築物導入BIM的推動,從101年開始,因為施工進度管理、施工品質介面整合需求,在施工階段先開始推動,把BIM導入,當時總計有九個代辦工程來施行。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "102年的時候,開始把建築設計規劃的階段導入,103年則是全面實施推動,22件的代辦工程納入BIM的技術。到今年3月底為止,總共有31件。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "這樣的運用目的希望在有效的經費之下建立BIM模型,然後進行相關的分析,很多問題不要發生在施工階段才發現這個問題,能夠提前檢討相關的圖說,強化工程管理、減少設計的變更。之後,也會持續來研修相關的代辦契約內容,希望能夠公有建築物完工啟用後,在使用管理階段能夠充分運用。" }, { "speaker": "陳清茂", "speech": "下一個部分是106年建研所委託研究的內容,由本部建研所簡單說明。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "- [ ] 接下來由我來說明一下106年本所國內BIM培訓方案研究的簡介。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "因為內容滿多,我們簡單介紹一下,第一個背景是當初,因為建研所在100年左右就開始研究推廣BIM技術,因此我們參考一些國外的經驗,把它整理出來,看看國內以後不管是民間或者是公家部門要做的時候,可以有一些參考。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "因為BIM是新的技術,以前建築產業比較少碰到資訊的部分,對於新技術、人力能力的部分,業主如果要找BIM的廠商,也不知道BIM廠商的人員專業能力到哪裡;第二,具有BIM專業能力,也不知道如何展示自己具備哪方面的能力,因此我們才會做這樣的案子。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "研究的第一個目的是了解國外的認證制度如何做的;第二,如果國內要做的話,可以參考的能力區分種類及哪一些能力需求;第三,BIM人力要如何培訓。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "研究的過程是參考美國、英國、新加坡的部分,因為延續之前有參考新加坡經驗的研究成果,所以我們先參考新加坡的部分來作一些建議。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "我們也有參考國內BIM實務的專家意見,把專業人力的種類或者是工作內容的部分,把整個資格需求訂出來,再進行問卷調查,了解業界覺得應該比較符合國內的需求,所以重要的成果之一,剛剛有提到國內人員認證的方法可以提供給大家參考。第二,是有關人力的專業能力區分和課程規劃要如何去訓練。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "我們簡單介紹一下研究成果,把BIM各類人員的主要工作分成這三個類型,第一個是BIM的經理。目的在於如何把業者的需求透過執行計劃、如何透過訂目標用途及分配到各個專業包商的工作裡面去,能夠把業主的需求落實到專案執行的過程中。協調員的部分,基本上是針對不同的專業建築師、技師或者是其他的專業技師所做的模型,在設計及施工階段如何整合。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "另外,最後建模員的部分,則是在於具備如何建置BIM模型有一些基本的知識。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "在這個案子當中,我們有把每一個人能力的課程訂出來,上面的部分是基礎內容的部分,我們希望不管是哪一個階段、種類的人員都要有BIM的概念,如果對臺灣以後有BIM指南的時候,或者相關的契約條文,這個基本的內容要讓大家都瞭解。在有這樣的基礎之下之後,再依照不同的工作類型,分別進行不同的訓練。像BIM經理是需要瞭解業主需求到哪裡,然後判斷模型的需求程度。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "經理及協調員的部分是偏向整合的部分,也就是4D模擬、BIM的估算或者是工進模擬排程的部分,以後有更多的AR、VR的應用部分。有關於建模員的部分,則是建模技術操作的部分,以後是用新技術如3D列印的部分來輔助建模。研究成果希望讓大家知道不同BIM的人才、工作內容及所須的能力有哪一些,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接下來請勞動部。" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "大家好,剛剛大家有提到iCAP的認證,勞動部針對職能導向課程的品質認證做法跟主要內容向今天與會的朋友簡單說明。" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "勞動部做這個職能導向課程的認證是從102年開始,主要的目的是有鑒於現在市面上大大小小的課程,非常多,有的課程培訓經理,有的課程是培訓如何操作單一的技術,但不管是怎麼樣的課程,我們都會期待訓練的內涵,能讓學員結訓的能力是符合當初設計的目的與能力的要求。勞動部為了做這一件事,因此就開始做課程的認證機制,我們稱為「iCAP」認證。" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "「iCAP」認證可以參與的目標對象,包含現在市場上會去辦理教育訓練的單位,像學校機關、機構、公協會等等都可以,我們主要的審查其實是運用現在非常通用的教學設計模型為「ADDIE」,審查課程的時候,從一開始分析產業或是勞動力就業市場能力的gap在哪裡,到根據這樣子設計教學的職能或者是技術的目的去規劃課程、教學目標,還有教學內容的設計。" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "最後,一樣要回到一開始職能依據、發展課程地圖來做教學方法及教學資源的籌設,接下來進行課程的辦理,在「iCAP」認證課程裡面相當重視證據的蒐集,送審課程的所有過程都要留下證據,尤其是對於學員結訓的學習評量佐證及內控機制,如果審查指標都通過了,就會發給「iCAP」的認證標章。" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "「iCAP」的標章其實主要是對這個訓練課程從發展、規劃、執行到成果評量來做品質的把關,是一個課程品質的管理制度。也就是透過這一些指標來引導我們的辦訓單位,能夠一步步把課程建立起來,而且課程的實施及學員結訓要求上都可以符合原先設定的目標能力,這個是課程認證的標章,希望透過這樣的方法,能夠有提高臺灣訓練的品質,iCAP並不是職業的資格。" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "因為課程是通過勞動部勞動力發展署iCAP認證審查的,所以會授權將「iCAP」的標章印在學員的結訓證書上。" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "職能導向品質課程認證是102年才開始辦,我們協助了學校及訓練單位來進行課程優化,截至108年3月31日止有765門課程有通過認證,勞動部自己有很多自辦訓練已都有做iCAP導入。" }, { "speaker": "黃俐文", "speech": "而今天要討論主題BIM的部分,目前有一家單位申請五門課程通過「iCAP」的認證,以上背景的資訊,請各位參考,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "大家簡報結束之後,我們要進入事實釐清的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "在事實釐清之前,我們先讓大家看一下其實現在sli.do上有一些提問。簡報超時我們知道了。前面還有一個問唐鳳什麼時候會來,她今天早上、中午都有行程,下午的時候她會聆聽大家的報告,並收納大家的意見。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,「利用上課時間請學員協助覆議,要求學員申請多個email重複投票,甚至提出禮券的回饋,這樣決議出來的議題,難道不是在圖利少部分的人而已嗎?」我們先收下來,這個可能是一個背景的東西。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「BIM是一個技術,美國、新加坡、英國都有在採用,代表這個技術是對工程管理是有幫助的,但是BIM的人才太少了!所有投標廠商都想要得標都說有這技術,但誰能對這技術的品質來做把關?」品質把關的部分我們等一下都會收到心智圖。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「這些訓練應該由營造廠商以在職訓練的方式,用自己實際的標案來訓練員工,這樣比較符合公司行號的需要。訓練出來的人就可以投入生產線,而不是去外面上了一堆課回來 ,還不一定能用。」這也是一個滿實際的建議。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「模只是技術面,各種技師的溝通是否都要用到BIM?」我覺得這個其實是非常重要的議題,我們有幾個非常重要的議題,提案人提到圖說不一致,這要怎麼辦,工程會有提到依法技師必須要負責,但我們都知道,經過我們的訪談,其實我們大家都知道,圖說不一致其實是滿常見的事情,這一件事到底該怎麼辦?後的問題是溝通面的問題,我們等一下會花時間來討論一下這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「BIM年要花多少錢,每年Upgrade 及買licence要花多少錢?」我們有看過工程會的評估報告,確實也提到了軟體的費用對於成本的負擔,包含人跟軟體不採用BIM裡面其中非常大、會考量問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「2D界面管理造成營建成本控制及施工品質管控困難度高,BIM技術、3D界面管理方式提供解決方案,但工地有模型,無法發揮成果,還是要有會操作此BIM技術的人員,因此建議比照工地主任制度 以發揮新技術之效能」這個地方我們晚一點會討論,也許需要這樣的人,工程會也說有些案子自己比較需要用BIM,是用一個方式來鼓勵廠商,如果用BIM的話會加分,並不是什麼都可以使用,等一下可以請工程會說明什麼不可以使用BIM的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「icap機電課程的講師,本身也不是機電專業。icap課程就應該跟實務面結合,而不是只有會軟體操作即可」,請勞動部收下來當作一個建議。剛剛勞動部有提到一家申請了五家,看起來是提案人的這一間公司,提案人也說歡迎大家去開設相關的課程,如果要取得認證也可以取得認證,他都歡迎,因為他的簡報有提到,我幫他重複說一下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這邊的意見我們都先收起來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實前面提案人引用了一個判決,其實提案人跟工程會都有提到關鍵的問題,也就是圖說不一致的這一件事到底該怎麼辦,其實就我們的瞭解,其實圖說不一致,確實滿常發生的,提案人的想法是利用BIM的方式可以讓圖說更一致。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我不知道關於圖說不一致的這一件事,有沒有人可以分享一下實務發生的狀況是什麼,為何圖說會不一致?有人願意先分享嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蘇瑀婷", "speech": "大家好,我之前都在營造廠,我在營造廠工作的時間,如果就建築的話已經四年,室內的話也差不多四年多,時常會遇到圖說不一致,我們常常接到的是業主的設計變更,業主說這邊要變更,後續的設計單位也要跟著業主的需求來做變更,但是現場已經在施工了,我們營造廠最後接受到的訊息是圖又改了,現場都已經要做了,還在改設計,一次改還不只第一個版本、第二個版本、第三個版本,到了已經要施工了,圖面還沒有確定到底要怎麼做,因此這個會造成圖說不一致,我們已經要畫施工圖了,但已經來不及了,你們要一直改,變成這邊改到了,那邊又沒有改到,因此時常會有這一種錯誤的發生。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "圖說不一致其來有自,我去業主去現場看了一下,發現櫥窗顏色並不是我想要的,格局的動線並不是很滿意,所以圖說變更,並不代表圖說不一致,而是主管機關的需求變更所造成的,這個也佔了很大的比率。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "工程主辦機關,說真的,我們今天發包一個案件,絕對不會要求廠商提出圖說不一致的成果給我們,工程主辦機關身上,我覺得是不合理的,我們今天發包就是要完美設計的設計圖,讓廠商可以施工,結果今天設計廠商設計出來的圖說不一致,認為是主辦機關的問題所造成的圖說不一致,我覺得這有一點本末倒置了。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "如果用BIM確實可以做一些碰撞檢查,可以預先把圖說不一致的地方找出來,找出來節省的工錢會回饋給主辦機關嗎?不會啊!今天發包出去1,000萬的工程,今天用美好的圖說順利做好以後,也是付1,000萬,如果今天圖說不一致,然後改來改去,我要是付你1,000萬,所增加的成本還是要去吸收,不能說今天為了圖說一致,工程要加100萬,讓你引入BIM,可以很順利進行把工程做完,這個沒有道理。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志昌", "speech": "今天發包這個工程,廠商得標之後就是要順利完成,不能說沒有辦法順利完成,因此要另外給一筆錢,就要另外順利完成,這個是本末倒置了。最後省下來的錢,不會因為導入BIM分了50萬,然後給主辦機關,也是廠商拿去,不會分享給主辦機關,我簡要說明到這裡,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "您的意思是,目前圖說不一致,常常會造成工期的改變、成本的增加,這一件事政府並不會因為你做這一些改變,所以多給你錢。所以這個成本是廠商要吸收,廠商不會有動機讓圖說不一致?" }, { "speaker": "蔡其昌", "speech": "所展延的工期跟成本都是要廠商自己吸收的。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "請幫我把簡報放到高等法院判決書的附隨義務。(簡報第8頁)" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "業主分階段,請了設計單位,圖說收回來,然後發包給營造廠,營造廠拿到的圖說,其實在場的大家有工程實務經驗都很清楚,其實我們的水電都只有路線圖、昇位圖,根本都沒有做高程。沒有做高程的調配就申請建照,把所有的工程衝突交給營造廠來解決。而這個過程事實上大家都知道先天不良、後天如何調整,後天如何調整?你讓營造廠疲於奔命,營造廠說總價承攬,因此要負責到底。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "依照臺灣高等法院93年度上字第128號判決,業主負有正確設計圖說之附隨義務,何謂正確?你的高程不正確,人家依設計圖做出來的模型一塌糊塗。台中已有營造廠這樣做,第一件事把BIM建出來,然後就是跟業者要求變更,不然就是要告,請問這個責任是誰要負?業主不是有附隨義務,要有正確的圖說嗎?如果過去沒有BIM的話,各個專業圖說,我們或許看不出來,但是放在同一個平台,用BIM一看的時候,所有的管線都在走廊上方擠的一塌糊塗,這個要調整嗎?沒有釐清就發包了,業主要負擔附隨義務?所以這個是法律責任問題。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "並不是今天圖說丟給你之後就是要營造廠負責到底。我拿到設計圖說要來施工,但你的設計圖說有問題,就叫我去施工,這沒有設計圖說附隨義務的問題嗎?這個是第一個。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實我覺得很多問題並不是找一個人負責就可以搞定這一件事,還要先確認一件事,所謂的業主到底是誰?" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "公共工程就是市政府、公部門等。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "圖是政府提供嗎?" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "我是市政府住宅處,我發一包設計,請建築師幫我設計,設計圖說好了回歸到業主這邊,接著要做營造標的發包,先回到業主,業主再發包,業主再發營造包的時候,我就有提供正確圖說的附隨義務了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "業主從政府那邊拿到……" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "建築師或者是工程顧問公司拿到的設計圖說,我們知道問題一大堆,只是不用BIM是用2D的圖說。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我懂你的意思,你的意思是,目前臺灣政府因為一開始拿到設計圖說、發包的時候,並不是提供BIM,而是2D圖,不完整的狀況之下,造成碰撞,而造成後面承包廠商的困擾?" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "的確是,政府在發包工程的時候,一定要是正確、無誤的圖說才可以發包給營造廠施作,這個是政府的責任。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "政府在發包工程、設計圖說,是經過一定的品質檢查,像委託顧問公司、建築師事務所來做設計,政府機關對這個圖說進行驗收的動作,像工程的碰撞、管線安排的合理性,甚至耗能源是否合理,在做設計圖驗收的時候就要做到完整無誤,再用完整無誤的設計圖發包,這個是營造廠施作。營造廠在施作之前會有施工前的協調會,也就是由施工廠商,設計的人及主辦機關一起來參加,如果施工廠商認為設計圖有問題,在當時就可以提出異議。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "如果施工階段發現有錯誤的話,也不是去改圖,要經過變更的程序,要業主、營造廠商同意變更圖說,才可以改圖跟施作,並不是一句話就叫廠商可以無限次重工,並不是,我們是有履約的管理程序。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "傳統的2D來設計的時候,有一些衝突檢查比較難以檢查出來。我們工程會講說有一些複雜、管線、機電的工程是可以來做檢查,像剛剛講到效益性,因為有付出的成本,多的軟體、人員訓練及多的設備,這一些是誰出的?有一些是政府機關在採購時會多一些錢,但是有一些廠商基於自己的競爭力,用這一套節省很多工時、教育也比較好,因此就採用了,這個是成本跟效益分析,基於如此,我們工程會的立場是鼓勵用BIM。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "我們考慮到一些效益性的問題,因此我們認為還是機關,自己判斷這個東西要求是不是要全部用BIM,像剛剛施董事長有提的,比如剛剛有提到AC路面的問題,像河岸工程的問題,沒有碰撞的問題,工程很大有幾億,但是就不需要。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "因此我對這一段的敘述來做一個總結,當然政府機關會對設計圖說負一個完整的責任,但是並不意味著產生錯誤之後是要由營造廠來承擔,是有一個契約的管理程序,並不是設計圖出了錯誤,然後由營造廠百分之百吸收。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "理解。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個地方確實政府的圖說出來之後,在設計廠商給政府以後,政府當然會有一個程序確認是正確無誤的,接下來發包之後,如果營造承商發現有問題,也是有協調會來處理來作契約變更,看是什麼問題來作修正,這個是有既有的程序來處理,並不是全部都是由承包廠商來吸收。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,還有一個問題是,其實剛剛也有提到政府並不是所有的工程都一定需要導入BIM,有一些是處理河川、馬路鋪面,這一些事情其實規定一定的金額以上都使用BIM是不ok的,但是你們是鼓勵在大型的專案當中使用,並不是一定的東西在金額以上會使用,這個是你們的分享。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "等一下請建築師來幫忙分享一下,就您所知目前圖說不一致的狀況,大概是怎麼樣發生及為何會這樣子?" }, { "speaker": "梁家駿", "speech": "工地主任的職業法定職能是依照營造法來的,BIM基本上並不是屬於法定職能的要求,這個是一定要先說明,基本上是缺乏法律依據的,要進一步檢討,如果要強勢規定,一定要做法令的檢討。" }, { "speaker": "梁家駿", "speech": "有關於訓證是分離的,沒有錯,但是這裡面產生一個問題,這麼多的管理技術,為何要綁定BIM?是不是有圖利的問題?我覺得這個也需要澄清。" }, { "speaker": "梁家駿", "speech": "事實上目前的工程管理,不管是重疊套圖、試圖、預算執行、制圖檢查或者是bar chart,工程會主管機關、營造數主管機關成立很多年了,我們蓋了很多好房子,壞房子也很多,各都是很多的。" }, { "speaker": "梁家駿", "speech": "我們這個BIM的最大功效在哪裡?BIM是在物業管理維護,40年至100年,其實總統府已經超過100年,今天是否需要用BIM?末端的使用者會不會用BIM來協助做這個建築物的管理?我們一直沒有考慮到這一塊,我們一直強調的是設計施工,我們有一點本末倒置了,因為我們的目的是延長使用壽命,然後節約東西,我們不討論,都是一直停在設計監造這一塊,我覺得非常奇怪。" }, { "speaker": "梁家駿", "speech": "BIM是很貴的東西,一套是要15至20萬,一個東西只用一套嗎?絕對不夠,而且每一年還要申請,過了三年以後就不支援了,這一些錢請問誰要出?未來機關的使用者怎麼辦?絕大部分的機關維修費都非常少,因此這個東西我覺得現階段是不可行的,沒有錢、也沒有能力來做這一件事,這個是非常奇怪的事,除非我們的工程體制要作改變。" }, { "speaker": "梁家駿", "speech": "再來,剛剛有很多機關提到,我們有489件已經做了2億以上的BIM,營建署也有做30幾件,我要問一句,這一些BIM做完的工程,目前有沒有追蹤管理?在使用維護上有無達到其功效?BIM是最末端的使用者,而不是在設計、監造,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有關於圖說不一致的部分,因為後續也有不一致的部分。" }, { "speaker": "梁家駿", "speech": "事實上就如很多先進所提到的,很多都是功能需求變動,很多機關的人員變動實在太快了,機能是隨著主管的意見而不同,很多圖說不一致都是那樣造成的,當然需求改了、內容就改了,這個事情太多,大家都碰到了,我個人的經驗當中,這個佔90%以上。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "也就是業主覺得要改就改了,然後造成現場施工的各種困擾?" }, { "speaker": "梁家駿", "speech": "對,事實上就是這樣子,因為說明改了要做成工地會議紀錄,然後要準備做變更設計,至少都是兩、三個月以上,跑不掉的,這個是要按照舊的改或者是拆掉重做,就像剛剛所講的,拆掉的錢沒有人付給你的,是不是就在放那裡或是先做,當然圖說就不一致了。" }, { "speaker": "梁家駿", "speech": "變更了兩、三個月,可能又再變更了呢?這種事情太多了,因為我們機關不曉得要做什麼?我覺得我們不能一直怪設計單位或是營造單位一直說這怎麼做不好,我們的機關自己都做不好。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我覺得您提到的這個問題,其實看起來就算不用BIM,2D的圖會發生,BIM一定會發生這一種事,因為需求變更。" }, { "speaker": "梁家駿", "speech": "我們應該這樣講,因為是不斷進步的,BIM有其功能,我們並不是說它不是一個好的東西,不是,它是一個好的東西,但有必要每個人都要吃一樣的東西嗎?顯然有問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有沒有什麼工程是一定要用BIM的?" }, { "speaker": "梁家駿", "speech": "如果是一個很優秀的工地主任,你這個圖看了3D圖建立不起來嗎?這個是不可能的事,這個是二十年、三十年的經驗,你怎麼看不出來?你當然看得出來,只是這一些人並不是很多,我必須要承認,就是這樣子,因為每一個行業裡面都有很shock的人,這個是很正常的,當然也有經驗還需要再培養的人,這也是正常的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "非常感謝建築師。我們先整理一下,我剛剛發現我漏講了一個東西,我們彙整大家的意見,我們會使用心智圖。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "前面的部分是我們收到的各種意見,像剛剛所說的圖說不一致,我們看到的核心問題是各個階段的問題,這個是非常核心的問題,當然提案人提到可以用BIM解決,其實不一定是BIM,而是流程的問題,而導致這個問題,所以不管用什麼,其實都是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,有關於是不是要全面使用BIM,也就是等一下會討論,這個等一下會分享一下,不少的先進都有提到了,有人覺得BIM其實是工程都可以用,但對於工程會來講,像路面、鋪面及河床其實沒有必要用BIM。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再來,各位剛剛的發言都收攏在這裡了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "包含「圖說不一致」的部分:「很有可能是主辦機關需求變更造成」、「用BIM 可以減少碰撞與圖說不一致,但不會影響主辦機關付出的成本」。大家會抗議其實不應該用施工廠商來吸收,其實工程會有澄清了,如果有不一致的地方或者是有問題需要修改,或者是錯誤修改,應該也是ok的,如果錯誤修改要加錢也ok的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "後面「目前複雜的工程是鼓勵廠商來做BIM的模型檢查」,大家同意的一件事是大家在碰撞檢查上是有幫助的,這一件事是大家都同意的一件事。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,其實看起來確實不是所有的工程都一定要用BIM,這個也是大家都同意的。另外一個分享是,很多工程管理技術為何一定要用BIM?碰撞檢查是它的優勢,但是BIM的最大缺點是在成本的部分,人有沒有使用BIM的能力,也就是提案人提出人才培訓的原因。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外一個是軟體升級的問題,也就是BIM產業的問題,這個也不是我們除非找廠商來做BIM的軟體,不然看起來是沒有辦法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我記得有一些BIM規定,不太確定,看是不是有先進可以幫忙分享。做完的工程,是不是有後續使用?是後續的維護管理,等一下請你幫忙澄清。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有人認為最大的是要後續維護感覺,因為可以很快知道管線在哪裡,要在哪裡換?但是後面的維護人員是否可以維護,這個是很大的一塊。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "剛剛先進提到BIM最大的作用是物業管理,其實是BIM首要功能是做空間的衝突碰撞檢查。在設計施工階段,不同的廠商非常多,所以透過BIM的平台,可以用3D的方式放在一起來看出碰撞,其實最大的功用在這裡。如果要做物業管理之用是另外一個議題,因為現在沒有統一的標準,建出來的模型要延伸到物業管理之用,還須要匯整共識。" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "如果要做衝突碰撞檢查之用,坦白來講,建的模不會很細,因細管線容易避開碰撞,現場的人,能夠很靈活調整。大的管線如果沒有事先碰撞,如果到施作、發現問題就來不及了。另外要做物業管理之用,應該要編列另外一筆預算,不該算在營造廠身上。坦白來講,我們建的模型只是為了施工所用,BIM最大的用途是在施工檢討,並不是物業管理之用。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個地方我們會前收到的意見有另外的想法,第一個是施工的每一個階段建模的精細度是不一樣的,一開始碰撞檢查精細度跟後續的物業管理移交的精細度是不一樣的精細度。但是這一件事有一些缺乏管理,引入的時候有一些問題,我不知道大家有沒有人願意跟我們工作分享使用BIM,但有遇到一些困擾的。" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "大家好,我是附議人,我這邊分享一下,因為我是重BIM的使用者,我本身是工地主任出生的。" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "首先圖說不一致,我這邊有很深刻的體驗,時常工地現場在灌漿,會忽然發現這邊有一個窗戶、這邊有一個樑,但是圖面上我們拿到的都是核准圖,也就是這一份圖會到施工人員的手上,是經過很多單位,他們都核准過,不過我們都是用人工去判讀這一些圖說的正確性。因此會有施工錯誤產生的情行." }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "很厲害的工地主任有在建模,但我們是腦袋在建模,很有經驗的工地主任,其實觀念很好。" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "但是現在卡在一個問題,我們現在是依圖在施工,我們的工程都是3D,但是我們讓他們的圖是2D,要建3D的工程永遠都是少1D,像管線這麼多,在這麼多的角落,真的是靠2D,就是頻率波,要有很多剖面,還是有很多不可預測的施工風險.而且.現代建築有很多是不規則的建築物,雙曲線的建築物,我們拿到設計圖,看一個月,可能才看30%,懂這個建築物怎麼做或者是工程怎麼做。這就是現在靠2D圖紙來指導工程的現狀.做好工程.困難度高." }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "我們會發現在CAD上,這個圖都是核准的,但是建置起來像樓梯的位置發現會相碰撞。當然這個技術不能代表工程的全部,今天現場要灌漿,今天要叫材料,現場施工品質查核,這個是BIM沒有辦法做,這個是工程人員要去做。" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "而BIM的技術很大的強項,能夠模型建立起來,事實上可以事先發現問題,像建築、結構、機電的碰撞問題,在模型都看得很清楚。" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "我常常說用到BIM技術之後,就不會再用2D,現在為何要拿智慧型手機,以前都是拿BB call跟大哥大,使用性就是有其好處,也可以節省很多時間,而且可以降低很多不可預測的風險,我們拿到2D圖說可以蓋起來,但是很多風險是看不到的,2D的圖說沒有辦法展現。" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "2D的圖說都是來自於人,我遇到過設計單位,因為設計變更要改圖,我碰過的是沒有一個工程是不變更的,都在變更,有些是因為使用者需求、有些是因為施工工法變更的關係,都在變更。以2D方式改圖都要改到三更半夜." }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "現在用3D.設計單位說改圖不用改到天荒地老,你要出一張剖面圖,5秒鐘就出了,只要你模型建起來,出圖是瞬間的,但是非常快速。出圖快速.讓設計單位更可以把時間花在設計上.而不是畫圖上." }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "在設計端、施工端,這個模型可以結合我們交給使用單位或者是管理中心,可以將這一些物業管理或者是警報、消防的系統可以結合在這裡面,舉例來說.可以知道五樓的辦公室是不是有緊急事故,在這個模型當中都可以展現這一些數據.供管理中心人員做緊急判斷及疏散。" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "像未來50年很多都是設備要維修,結構體不太需要維修,也可以在這個模型資訊裡面展現,非常方便。" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "像我們交一大推圖給管委會,還有給一些管理維修手冊,進入BIM時代.現在是交給模型,雖然版本會升等,每一年會有一些新功能出來,這個模型當時可以操作的話,是可以繼續使用的,這個是軟體方面,我針對這一些問題來作分享,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "謝謝,使用上有什麼困擾及需要解決的問題?因為我們今天要談的是BIM如何落實?" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "BIM的落實,我覺得BIM的從業或者是各單位一定要知道,BIM可以做得到跟做不到有哪一些,這要先釐清,這樣就不會誤會了。" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "像我有上過工地主任240個小時的(課程),然後取得證書並參加考試,工地主任要四年回訓一次,像我們所說的,工程技術會不斷進步,因此回訓的效果不錯,四年要回訓一次。" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "透過這一些講師,他們有時會帶來一些新的工程觀念,工地主任的教材也都是工程委員會去編的,有一個共通的回訓教材,大家會有共通的語言,甚至在執行時,會有執行的標準,不然有時我講的跟你想的不一樣,大家對BIM的認知不太一樣,會產生很多溝通的時間。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實前面有人提了一些問題,有人覺得沒有實務經驗的人直接學BIM,在現場溝通可能也會有一些問題,因為你自己是工地主任,你又學了BIM,如何覺得在職進修是比較好的說法?您覺得是認同的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "我覺得學BIM有兩個,一個是軟體的操作要會,第二個是怎麼樣把BIM用在工程,這也需要學,這要在工程現場學,才有辦法學得到,因為現在沒有公司教你如何蓋房子,一般蓋工程一定要在現場學,光課堂上講的,可能沒有辦法。" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "但是學軟體可以在課堂上學,但是如何運用,像這個模型如何出圖、出數量或是這個工程如何出一些3D剖面,這個是能夠作為施工現場指導用的工具,因此我在現場的時候,會出3D的透視圖來跟廠商溝通。" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "我們的施工團隊都非常專業,你看圖可能不懂,但是拿模型給他看,他就知道怎麼做了,一般的BIM技術是在施工前作檢討,所以我們設計單位到施工單位,施工單位到施工前應該是前一個月,就要把所有的問題檢討出來。檢討出來也不是BIM的從業人員去回答這個問題,像今天檢討到建築結構有問題,今天檢討到結構跟機電有問題、有碰撞了,這個是什麼?這還是要回歸到專業單位,因為有些是法規的問題,這個還是要請設計單位來回覆這個答案。" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "回覆答案給BIM的從業人員,他再去修正模型,然後再出施工圖,這樣就比較正確,還是要經過此流程才能得出正確的施工模型。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "意思是既有的流程可能還要做一些相應的改變?" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "對,還要一直延續,這樣才能獲至正確的施工品質。" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "以前不可預測的工程品質風險,以前是看不到的,我二十幾年的工地主任(經驗),很多地方我也看不到,透過拿到2D的設計圖也看不到;今天有BIM,我覺得非常幫助,能夠事先把問題找到,而且可以事先解決問題。工程可以碰到的問題,用BIM可以釐清,如果現場去灌漿,如果不看,不去施工查核.當然會有問題,那個是施工的問題。" }, { "speaker": "Alex", "speech": "但是圖面的檢討,這一種技術、圖面的釐清、設計的釐清,像很多業主單位為何會變更?因為看到很多漂亮的外觀圖,但是裡面的空間也不是很清楚,這也不能怪業主,因為當初給他的東西,他也不曉得,不能很鉅細靡遺瞭解建築物的外觀與內在,因此BIM的技術可以解決這一方面,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有沒有人想要分享這一塊?有沒有地方政府有發包使用經驗的來分享一下使用的狀況?好或者不好?有沒有什麼規範可以幫助做更好的使用?" }, { "speaker": "包晃豪", "speech": "我是新北市工務局包晃豪,我在101年就配合新北市政府推動智慧城市,因為我開始用BIM來蓋公共工程,等於是建築物比較多。" }, { "speaker": "包晃豪", "speech": "我分享一下我們採用的方式,現在採用的方式是用統包的方式,我們並沒有把BIM的費用另外拿出來,我們也是跟工程會剛才所提的,如果會BIM的技術,我們會在評選時有一些比較好的加分考量,大概是用這樣的方式。" }, { "speaker": "包晃豪", "speech": "我們推動BIM,有很多的好處,像剛才先進也對這一方面有一些見解,包括管線的衝突檢查、我們在視覺上的溝通是相當方便,大家互相看到3D的圖就知道溝通上是要講什麼東西,這個方面就會比較明確一點,包括我們要確認位置,可能3D的圖調出來會比較方便。" }, { "speaker": "包晃豪", "speech": "另外,像我們在推動市地重劃的部分,對土方的部分也是用BIM去做,做起來會比較方便,這個是有推動的方向。" }, { "speaker": "包晃豪", "speech": "後來維護這一塊,我們也有做進一步的努力,因為剛才很多先進都有提到維護的物業管理這一塊,其實跟設計這一塊有一些比較粗、細的問題,剛剛主持人也有提到。在設計的時候,其實他的需求比較不一樣,最主要是在碰撞檢查跟溝通管理上,可能會有比較好的成果。" }, { "speaker": "包晃豪", "speech": "到後面的維護管理部分,是五大管線,像消防、排水、空調、機電、電信的這一些模可能沒有建到,在後續的維護管理可能會比較需要。" }, { "speaker": "包晃豪", "speech": "所以我們在去年,就有頒布一個建築物BIM竣工模型的校付準則,廠商完工的時候,要把BIM交給我們的時候,有包括哪一些東西,我們就會寫在上面,我們會經過廠商來做審查,把交付的檔案交給我們,審查完才來採納,後續就有比較細的模型來執行維護管理,我們現在執行的模式大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "包晃豪", "speech": "剛剛有提到導入BIM來分級,像很多先進也有提到,如果用金額來分,像工務局有養護工程,也就是道路坑動,像鋪馬路這一塊,如果要用BIM來建,可能會緩不濟急,因為在鋪馬路的時候,一個禮拜就鋪完了,如果用BIM來建,適用性就沒有麼高、效益上也沒有這麼高,鋪馬路也不用BIM來做溝通協調。如果要推BIM,我覺得還是可以找一些重點的工項來推。" }, { "speaker": "包晃豪", "speech": "另外,剛才有提到是不是BIM要用一個證照制度,像跟工地主任來頒發證照,我看以前從首繪到電腦繪圖有一定的過程,後來是學校有訓練,訓練出來大家都會用,這樣的過程,業主或者是廠商也覺得這個比較好用,包含改圖跟以後再重複使用這一些設計圖的話,會比較好用,自然二人後來都會變成用電腦繪圖。" }, { "speaker": "包晃豪", "speech": "剛剛博士也有提到,在BIM的推動也可以消除一些預算之外的變更,工程估價準確度的誤差率會比較小,估價的時間會比較少,碰撞後檢查的費用也可以達到契約價10%,還有完工期程會減少,我想既然有這麼多的優點,大家都已經熟悉之後,自然而然大家都會往BIM的方向來推動,以上是我初步的看法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實會前有大家之前的報告,其實這邊有提到用BIM的效益,像縮短審核時間、改善對項目的瞭解、減少對施工的衝突。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "提高專案的品質雖然預期很高,但是成本控制也有類似的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "推動BIM使用的最大困難,還有培養BIM的人才佔了65%,這個是複選的,看起來加總超過100%。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "還有缺乏建立BIM元件。另外也有未明確制定規範標準,就是剛剛提到粗細的問題,像BIM推動藍圖不明確,還有缺乏建立樣版,這個是目前看到的一些困難與問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "當然使用BIM其實很多是上級長官的要求,政策要求也是有,也就是70%是最多的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我這邊想要請教一下,是不是有一些工會的朋友可以跟我們分享一下,我相信你們手上有一些東西有用BIM,有一些沒有。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "用BIM有什麼困擾?如果要真正落實的話,除了人才培訓,還有哪一些是我們需要處理的?" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "其實通常都是跑第一棒,都是我們先服務業主,老實說BIM是一個好東西,國內推了很多年,應該有十年,其實有很多的困難,剛剛sli.do上有show包含規範,人才也是其中之一。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "我們看一下契約、軟體的費用,其實要解決的問題非常多,我們也希望機關有機會,大家可以想辦法把問題解決。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "今天主題我認為BIM的東西不會有人反對不應該採用,只是成本跟時間的考量,因為工程規模有大有小,小工程投入的人力、資源及費用、期程都比較少,比較大型的工程,不用業主講,我們就會採用BIM。當然人才也是一個問題,我們會從方式、管道來找厲害的人。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "最後做了這個東西之後,BIM的模型是誰說了算?其實以我們真正做工程顧問來講,還是要回到負責任的人,像技師,因為技師在圖上簽字,不管是做預算、模型或者是做時程,都算是一個輔助的角色,真正還是要有服務的人員。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "像技師是一個責任,他的證照賦予其責任,我贊成推動BIM的教育,像學校推廣BIM的課程都ok,但是不要太早把制度來影響,要什麼樣的證照來做,像不會說要寫程式就要有懂JAVA的程式才可以,不會因為沒有證照所以不能學JAVA,這個是限制,我們從市場的需求來吸引大家來上課,因為我們需要BIM的人才,不會因為政府要求這個證照因此說會因而影響人才。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "我們要有的是經驗的人才,使用BIM的成果是回到工程上,是幫助工程,不管是碰撞或者是數量,讓工程、如期、如質完工才是,BIM是流程、工具,我們願意採用,絕對不反對,訓練這一件事是一環,是不是最迫切要解決的問題,是值得考量。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我問一下,大家都覺得BIM是好東西,如果有證照,你是不是會對它比較有信心?" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "像微軟有很多證照,像Oracle也有證照,我們會比較說他有證照了,然後政府就放在標案的資格限制,這個是有問題的,不應該用民間的證照來綁住投標。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲彰", "speech": "我想導入BIM技術有兩個,一個是硬體設備跟一個是人員訓練,人員訓練常常不可能,等一下換他講,營造廠大部分都是中小型比較多,佔了八成,因此操作度跟熟悉度是我們一大的挑戰。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲彰", "speech": "工程會開了很多會,包含了新北市、台北市,像新北市的統包案很多,但是考量了很多,所以剛剛工程會講到的BIM是循序漸進,並不是強制性,有設計到費用、熟悉、操作的專業人才,因此在BIM還沒有推動之前,工程做得很好。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲彰", "speech": "我簡單來講,你剛剛提到的圖說不一致,這裡面營造廠大部分都是按圖施工,如果這裡面有設計不當的錯誤,要怎麼辦?剛剛工程會的長官,有提到業主需求的時候,可以變更設計,如果我們廠商有變更設計要提出來,定作人不願意辦理變更設計,要怎麼辦?這部分要請長官說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲彰", "speech": "因為我們是按圖施工,裡面都涉及到規範,規範的數量,也就是圖說跟實作數量、詳細價目表的數量不足等等這一些的爭議非常多,也就是所謂的漏項的部分,因此這一個部分也是將來要靠合約的契約來訂、解決,短時間並不是那麼容易,看長官怎麼做。" }, { "speaker": "吳憲彰", "speech": "因此看廠商標這個工程,存在一些不確定的風險實在太多了,像很多流廢標並不是沒有道理,我們會請廠商詳細瞭解,有時我們很好、優良的廠商做這幾個案子,都倒閉了,相當多,因此存在很多不確定的風險,因此靠政府機關的長官。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "是不是要多說一下?" }, { "speaker": "許坤榮", "speech": "我是許坤榮,代表全國建築師公會,我是全國建築師公會的資訊主委。我們非常積極在推動BIM,我們最近才出的這一本書,基本上是BIM的實務手冊所做的研究,經過一年的成果整理出來,我想等一下給主席好了。" }, { "speaker": "許坤榮", "speech": "剛剛談了很多問題,慢慢會收斂到整個核心,如果BIM沒有辦法跟專業的技術人員(技師、建築師、土木技師、結構技師)結合在一起的話,BIM很容易流於形式,效果不只會打折扣,也很可能會出問題的。" }, { "speaker": "許坤榮", "speech": "所以建一個正確的BIM,不管是在設計端或者是施工端,我們要關心的是什麼是專業的BIM最後的成果,才可以作為後面往下執行的依據。" }, { "speaker": "許坤榮", "speech": "基本上,十幾年來非常清楚BIM是一個趨勢,但是是不是每一個建築師、專業人員馬上能夠踏入,這裡面有很多問題在糾葛。最重要的是技術發展的成熟度,目前為止所有的技術都是國外的歐美發展。 很多是在歐洲發展好,美國大企業直接買下來,然後直接變成商業化,因此現在的價格是非常高的。" }, { "speaker": "許坤榮", "speech": "這樣高的技術,什麼樣的案子才能夠用、什麼樣的案子才可以在地化,這個是目前我們幾乎每個人碰到的最大瓶頸,因此有沒有人說BIM是國家發展,讓專業的人來用?" }, { "speaker": "許坤榮", "speech": "中國大陸也很希望,可是還沒有那麼容易,我們看到BIM的趨勢是幾千年來建築的設計到施工最重要的一個突破,整個人類的社會在建築土木的營建技術當中,最關鍵的突破,這個確實是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "許坤榮", "speech": "我們談BIM,不可能沒有效果。四十年前的BIM概念發展出來的時候,基本上是在美國建築師公會所發表的一篇文章,像美國AIA general的文章,基本為止是沒有改的,是基本資訊的資料庫,不管是幾何或者是非幾何的資訊,到目前為止到十多年前才有商業團體可以用。" }, { "speaker": "許坤榮", "speech": "從人類的歷史來講,十多年真正可以在實務上用是非常短暫的,在地化所需要的時間,恐怕要更長。因此一個是在地化的問題,一個是費用的問題,都是我們目前面臨的困境。" }, { "speaker": "許坤榮", "speech": "但是我們如果談的這一些東西,我們是不可以直接解決剛剛石博士所談的教育訓練,要不要證照的問題,我們知道未來的發展如果完全進入正軌,這整個的教育訓練制度,當然應該要面對。" }, { "speaker": "許坤榮", "speech": "可是問題是我們應該如何看待這樣的推動?如果我們參考的是全世界各國,每一個政府都在發展BIM的角度來講,像工程會所講的都是對的,如果看到的都是一、兩個小案子,目前可以實現的效益,會發現都非常侷限的。" }, { "speaker": "許坤榮", "speech": "但是不管是美國、英國、中國大陸、新加坡,各國全力發展BIM的時候,其實隱含的另外一個意思是,把BIM資訊串聯IoT、AI,未來的智慧城市、智慧生活的串聯,意義遠大於現在在講設計、施工裡面一、兩個小的效益。可是短期來講,連美國BIM的國家標準,短期內推動最重要的效益,確實就是設計跟施工的協調整合。" }, { "speaker": "許坤榮", "speech": "可是所有的國家在往前發展,看到的都是未來Iot、大數據跟AI與BIM完全接軌在一起,因此國家在看這個問題看不到小點,每一個小點都會出問題,效益不夠大就對了,因此我想剛剛談了,我想BIM是要推動的,但是不能只看到某一個單位,不只是政府單位,還是某一個團體看到某一個小點,就說現在有沒有那一小效益,因為那一點小效益絕對不足以支撐整個推動大國家的趨勢,為何這麼多的國家,傾國家的力量投入在BIM,我想不管是政務委員或者是行政院、國發會,面對這個問題,確實是很重要的一個時刻,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "楊天柱", "speech": "我們剛剛許博士的論點是學術性的,他的架構很大,我的實務經驗跟各位報告一下,我四年前開始接觸BIM,整個事務所標到新北市的案子,我們為了符合合約,把硬體、軟體都找老師教,合約上給90萬,全面把公司跟著政府朝向全面化來執行。" }, { "speaker": "楊天柱", "speech": "結果這個案子1,500萬我被罰了500萬,破新北市的紀錄,這個慘痛的教訓是倉促之下的結果是損人不利己。這個案子之後我還跟業主說為何我會被罰500萬。" }, { "speaker": "楊天柱", "speech": "臺灣公共工程的問題,絕對不是BIM可以解決的,所以我們花了這麼多的心血、找了這麼多人開這個會,目的是什麼,我們要BIM來解決什麼?因為BIM是一個藍圖,能解決的東西太多了,人才有多少、國家的政策有多少,這個東西並不是短期之間開一個研討會,也就是頭破血流的東西來瞭解這個東西需要什麼、如何來做。" }, { "speaker": "楊天柱", "speech": "剛剛提到一個公共工程,其實我們解決的是品質、圖說的不一致,BIM可以解決嗎?理論上是可以解決的。但是實務上可以解決嗎?這個是一個很大的問號。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "實務上遇到的問題是什麼?一個是公共工程是哪一些問題?" }, { "speaker": "楊天柱", "speech": "公共工程的問題,我在這邊講三天三夜講不完,長官都很知道。就是關營造廠等,我們不是神,我賣房子,我有一個工地全面用BIM,我沒有放棄,因為我知道它是一個好東西,我跟前面的人都同意要推動BIM,但是要做什麼?每一個人的想法不一樣,我為的是什麼?並不是為了國家,而是為了我自己,因為很多東西,我們不是神,所以做不到,因此要花錢、砸錢來認為我們可以做到的。" }, { "speaker": "楊天柱", "speech": "這個研討會很好,不要專業的人來講,所有的人來講,包含小包跟綁鋼筋的工人都來講,但是有沒有意義?事實上工程進度為何會流標的問題?絕對不是BIM可以解決的。" }, { "speaker": "楊天柱", "speech": "你說要整合這個圖,可能嗎?為什麼流標?這一點錢是最低標,不然就是1平方米多少錢,我的工程從1坪6萬元做到10萬元,這個問題是什麼?這個是錢嗎?你有沒有足夠編合理的預算給人家達到一定的品質?現在最有利標是看這個,如果查核全部甲等,沒有乙等,閉著眼睛選你,人才最重要,我們的工項有幾百個工項,你叫技師負責、建築師負責,他會嗎?一根螺絲釘要怎麼鎖?工牙、牙製或者是燒焊的,每一個都有規範,誰會整合這個?包含營造廠、技師,包含每一個發包之後的小包,都會說這個管子要如何接。" }, { "speaker": "楊天柱", "speech": "我們的現場BIM縮小了一個建築物,一個很大覺得很好找,但是這麼小的一個圖,你的眼睛要在那邊想如何繞,當然是現場好繞,把所有的圖說不符的事情,在現場解決了,這樣子不好,因為畢竟並不完美,有時會損害一些結構,因此蓋完房子,亂七八糟,明管一大堆,就是這樣子,設計者希望全部都內含、放在裡面。" }, { "speaker": "楊天柱", "speech": "這個工項這麼多,要如何檢核是誰才可以,這個要給人家足夠的時間、錢。" }, { "speaker": "楊天柱", "speech": "像設計單位都一樣,從初步規劃、都審,有時搞個不好花了兩年,業主天天翻來翻去,樓層天天在改,但是每個都有不同的意見,十幾個委員,兩年都有意見,然後就改死了,花了兩年做完設計之後,兩個月要完成細部設計跟預算,你說神能做到嗎?六十天要把所有的細部圖做完,一、兩千張的圖畫完,還要把預算書算出來,為何會有漏項漏算?誰是神?這個是神的工作,一定有人負責,500萬就是這樣罰,反正認定房子要賣,就一直賣,所以建築師做公共工程哀號遍野,國家要解決問題,一定有方法,不是坐在這裡討論BIM。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實您這裡有一個很大的重點,公共工程的問題,其實大家都想解決圖說不一致的問題,工程的問題是工項太多了,整合起來要花時間,還有人才來好好做確認,但是人才、時間、金額的這幾個問題如果都沒有解決,政府一直使用最低標,並不是最有利標來好好考量整體的品質及相關的成本,公共工程的問題,基本上就沒有辦法被解決,這並不是BIM可以解決的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們先看一下sli.do上的問題,這個問題看起來滿多,像營造廠以在職訓練的方式,這個大家都同意過了。像剛剛許博也提到了,如何跟現場的工地專業結合,這其實跟現場工地專業結合,這其實是BIM在使用上最核心的一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「BIM最好的導人不應該在設計端該用,這應該前期要檢討,營造廠商都在修改、大改設計,這樣對嗎?」其實剛剛也有分享,營造廠很多時候,有時政府、審查委員的意見不一致,又有業主、各個地方的人都出意見,不斷協調、不斷地改,然後就出了各種不同的問題,兩個月改完,因此很容易出現現場已經施工,但圖還在改的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「提案人說的調整完碰撞的案子實際上問題一堆,這樣跟學員收取高額學費教出來的分級制度,究竟有什麼實質的效益?」這個分級制度我們澄清一下,就我們所知,建研所雖然使用的是分級制度,但是其實意思只是人員的分類,並不是人員要分級,我幫忙澄清一下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「以目前台灣工程界的現況來說,本來也該開始注重,需如何立法、規範等。提案人至少讓大家有討論的機會。」這個是一個建議,其實前面有提到,建築師這邊有提到,如果真的要使用,要有一個法源依據,因為工地主任有一個法源依據,如果真的要使用,是要有法源依據,才可以這樣使用。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「工地現場的問題就是現場無會利用甚至操作BIM軟體的人,導致模型丟到現場之後無人管理及審查」,這個是不是等一下請工地現場的人幫我們分享一下使用上的困擾。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「其實問題不在於建模,而在後續運用上,不論是FM、智慧建築、城市等,都與BIM、IOT有結合,這個是跨內政部與經濟部的事情,但我們都看不到有整合的跡象」,等一下看內政部是不是可以幫我們分享一下IoT跟BIM是不是可以整合,我們會前確實比較沒有收到這個意見。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「工地主任是依照\"營造業法\"所訂的職務,主管機關是\"公共工程委員會\",在業務執行上相對有權有責」。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「BIM版本不向下相容,成本高」,這個軟體的問題,我們有收到,我們如果還有時間,也許下午的時候大家可以分享一下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「商品,消費者要不要買由消費者決定,但是身為臺灣的消費者,政府不應該為我們消費者把關嗎?」其實剛剛有提到了,他們建議使用BIM,並不是每一個案子都強制使用BIM。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「在要求民間具備BIM技術認證資格前,是不是政府單位本身就該具有\"審查BIM\"的認證資格呢?」我記得有一些政府,新北市那邊其實已經有團隊可以看BIM了,如果自己的人員無法看BIM的話,可以找有審查資格相關的人來幫忙看。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「台灣政府單位做的BIM研究,標案找來的廠商,翻譯國外文件差,完全不理會國情制度,無法套用。」我們收下來,可能請研究單位好好翻譯,也許要找臺灣的人翻譯。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「目前台灣官方對於BIM的認知與審查機制不足也是大問題。 (不要說公宅那種每天寫BIM日誌或碰撞報告的叫做審查,業界都知道是假的)」這個問題也收下來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「問題在制度,如果BIM確實能縮短工期或是減少錯誤,乙方應該也會拚了命想做,問題是縮短了工期要被檢討,降低了造價要被追繳,多編了錢執行BIM,但是作業流程沒整合,增加了工作,整合更複雜困難」這個確實是剛剛所提到的一些問題,就像您剛剛所提到的,其實這個問題並不是BIM就可以解決,這個是整體的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「技師、建築師說了才算,那取得這些ICAP課程的BIM經理證照的人有什麼用?」 因為多了一個角色、溝通的成本,是不是可以解決現場的溝通問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「長期業界研發投入不足,才是整個工程業界一攤死水的主因,BIM只是冰山一角,如果主事者還是抱持要有500家事務所使用才考慮制定相關政策」後面好像就沒有寫下去了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「這提議只是拋磚引玉,目的是讓上位者運用國家資源,訂定更好的BIM職能,不能否認國際間大國都在發展了,台灣底層工程人員很可憐,都要幫上面的人擦X股,有BIM應該能減少擦的次數吧!」這個提到碰撞或者是有一些地方有用,大家都覺得有用,只是BIM使用起來確實成本很高,到底該怎麼辦。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「近年來各先進國家把“BIM投資”列入“知識經濟”的課題之一。那麼,BIM建模人員的身分不該和BIM投資一樣好好定位嗎?」其實也是今天提案的東西,我們就先收下來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「成熟的做法應該由建言所或者建築中心這類有公信力的組織來辦理」辦理培訓嗎?或者是辦理什麼?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「建議由勞動部開設BIM技術士的考試,由官方提供學生一套規範。讓學生能夠具備一定的BIM基礎。如果讓私人作為評定的機構,會有疑慮。」其實臺灣有很多認證有類似的狀況,民間考試,但是政府去認證,這個東西是不是應該到這個地方,其實前面有不同的意見,有人會覺得學校有教,其實重點還是跟實務如何結合。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「沒有建築建造就沒有使用維護,在建築前就要先把BIM建築好,但前提是建模的人要有把模型\"正確\"建置,不是有模型就好,這才是BIM的最大成效」。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「政府應以公力量制定BIM流程規範,讓各地工程可以統一標準」這個地方其實是很不錯的建議,也就是這個流程如何設計,畢竟看起來現在有了BIM之後,有的流程跟既有的流程可能會不一樣,如果流程沒有修改,可能會造成更多的困擾,這個流程到底要如何處理,這可能是一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「在教育的部份,建議產學合作,讓學生下工地邊做邊學,自己經歷比紙上讀書來的有用。」這個是一個建議。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「政府要重視並且有個規範出來確保BIM人才的發展。」前面有提到BIM還在發展中,這麼快弄下來或者是推動是不是好的,這可能是有問題的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「贊成推動BIM,也覺得工程會所採措施不夠積極,但對於有利標評選的措施也會造成不公平競爭!但也不能像提案人建議要強制配有多少有證照的人,也是增加中小企業的負擔反而阻礙BIM的推動」。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「實際上取得證照的人真的也不能代表什麼,因為發認證的單位根本就沒有公信力可言。自己多增加點工程實務與設計概念可能比較實際。」這背後的意思是BIM跟實務結合。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「現場後續如何運用比較是問題,需要有工程專業經驗及同時懂BIM軟體應用才能達到真正使用BIM的目的,有經驗不會用BIM,會用BIM但沒有工程經驗的工程師,是目前執行最大的問題」這個是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「未來,BIM建模人員的工作模式比較可能,也應該是,成為大建築師事務所和大營造廠的一部份,或中小建築師事務所和營造廠的聯盟團隊,也會是物業管理公司的諮詢顧問伙伴,或操作使用教育訓練師。所以,目前請思考對於BIM建模人員、BIM協調人員、BIM經理人員的定位?」" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「政府應有更實惠誘因如協調軟體公司降低購買及維護費用、增加工程預算,不能老是要廠商加湯加料不加價來強制企業協助做政策推動,剛才所說循序漸進推動是不夠積極的。」這其實也是因為軟體的困難造成更大的問題,看政府是不是可以幫忙解決,前面有分享韓國是自己幫忙開放軟體?" }, { "speaker": "許坤榮", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「勞動部委託的頂尖上課,但上課的師資根本不是專業技師,內容多有錯誤」,你們就收下來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「提升營造業的管理及品質及相關專門職業人員的專業能力,不是就好了?」我相信他們推動工地主任制度、推動認證及定期回訓,其實都在提升專業品質的能力,如果大家還有什麼更好的建議,也許等一下休息的時間,我們就可以跟工程會建議。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們請兩位分享:第一個是,內政部這邊是不是可以幫忙分享BIM現在有沒有跟IoT或者是AI結合的計畫,就是智慧國家的部分,到底有沒有相關的規劃?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外一個,我們是不是可以請工地現場的人幫忙分享使用BIM之後發生的問題,這兩個分享完就進入到中午休息的時間。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "關於IOT的部分,我們的研究中希望未來能夠做到這一個部分,但是目前在結合上,其實因為剛剛有提到,我們連最基層、最基本的概念是,BIM在整個生命作業的流程當中都還在建置當中,如果我們自己建模的流程沒有建好,IoT進來會有困難。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "例如現在建築物內部在做IoT的設備,因為每一個房間都會設偵測的儀器,收集像空氣品質或者是其他溫度、濕度,還有一些是智慧型的引導避難系統,他們會在主要的通道或者是主要的門口,如果今天火災真的發生了,他們希望可以引導你,像今天是往左走或者是右走。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "像這一些智慧設備在還沒有BIM結合之前,在建築物空間的部分,都還是拿舊的2D圖來,他們可以用自己的邏輯來定義每一個空間的編號或者是位置,然後把這一些編號放到系統裡面去,讓系統知道每一個設備是放在建築的哪一個地方。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "但是因為每一套系統可能都有不同的空間編碼邏輯或者是習慣,以後在資料整理上會有困難。我們未來希望可以跟BIM整合,發展還沒有結合之前,他們是用2D圖來做,我們希望如果未來BIM對於這整個作業流程可以建立好,他們可以提早到設計階段,可以跟設計階段的建築師一起工作,他們在設置這一些設施的時候,可以把空間的名稱、命名的邏輯一起來做,這一個東西可以在設計階段做好的時候,在後端的每一個系統整合時就比較容易整合,這個是我們想要往後推的部分。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "有關於剛剛提到的AR、VR的部分,目前廠商其實有在做,像之前我們到台中去參加展覽,有一間公司是叫「衛武資訊」,是建國工程在建造高雄衛武營藝術中心時,因為建築物外形有很多曲線,當初為了讓施工順利,因此在工程當中導入 BIM,學習到很多經驗,也知道對於BIM的特殊需求,希望能夠為業界提供服務,直接把團隊拉出來,然後成立一個「衛武資訊」。這間公司透過室內BIM的模型跟材質的部分,甚至燈光的部分有建立模型。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "一般的民眾如果直接套上VR的鏡頭,可以用點到點的方式在虛擬建築內移動,來瞭解建築物的內部狀況怎麼樣,他們希望未來可以跟消費者多做一些溝通。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "比較直接應用的範圍,第一個想到的是為了賣房子,樣品屋是不是一定要建模型?是不是直接VR進去看?" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "這一段的運用比較偏向商務的運用,這個東西是只要我們的標準建好之後,建設公司應該可以自己發展特色。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "之後有打算規劃把哪一些標準訂定下來嗎?" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "參考國外的經驗,我們要訂定的標準是協同作業指南的部分會繼續推,還有元件的標準及空間秘密的標準,因為我們之前就算有參考一些國外的文獻翻譯給國內參考,有人反映是没有制度或不一定全部符合需求,我們會持續改進。" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "有關於利用BIM於建築物生命週期的部分,ISO目前已經公布了一系列的標準出來,ISO19650-1、-2,國內的部分也會試著推廣給民間知道。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "你剛剛說了哪一些?" }, { "speaker": "劉青峰", "speech": "資訊編碼、元件編碼跟空間資訊。" }, { "speaker": "楊高雄", "speech": "其實大家也很瞭解BIM的功能,我們在引入的時候,現在工程會跟營建署推行,因為很多是設計端完才從施工端往上推,因此施工廠檢討這一些圖的時候,發現有圖面不合的一些問題。" }, { "speaker": "楊高雄", "speech": "我們現在應該分兩塊,像新北市政府,是用統包的方式,設計也是在廠商裡面,現在很多發包的事情,像建築師或者是技師已經把圖設計完成,然後再轉給施工廠商。" }, { "speaker": "楊高雄", "speech": "目前營建署推的時候,也就是施工端發包的時候要導入跟減少碰撞的問題,但是設計端的時候,但是坦白來講,像剛剛建築師公會也有提到還是錢的問題。" }, { "speaker": "楊高雄", "speech": "工程會講多花錢,其實後面檢討來產生錢,但是前端給的,依臺灣的標準給的設計費可能不是很夠,因此建築師那邊可以把請照圖請出來就ok了,但是本身要整合機電及空調的一些事,常常又有業主的變更,變更完之後,這個東西因為在那邊也沒有導入BIM的問題,因此在改的只有,常常會套圖的時候沒有套到。因此BIM的功能是要產生這個功能,我們要從設計端來推BIM的導入。" }, { "speaker": "楊高雄", "speech": "像剛剛有提到你給的費用夠嗎?如果把這一些檢討完了,接著是如何把這一些東西,因為現在如果設計跟施工是分開的,設計端引入BIM,BIM如何傳達到施工廠商?剛剛前輩已經提到了,你在維修管理的部分,這個部分如何傳達到那邊?他們在推人才的訓練是需要的,這人才的訓練,會有設計端、施工端及維修端,不見得有不同的人才,不然這個交給營造廠,營造廠也接不起來,然後變成要委外,那就會面臨一些溝通的問題。" }, { "speaker": "楊高雄", "speech": "像現在也是在當主任技師,像剛剛有提到這一些東西轉到工人,他們現在的語言跟你講的語言是不一樣的,他們原先等於根本不是產生的圖,他們認為這個東西來看,不合還是用傳統2D的圖來產生。" }, { "speaker": "楊高雄", "speech": "因此這個面臨了幾個階段不同,像新北市政府或者是有一些東西是統包,而統包的問題是從設計端導入,像你給的費用是多少,是玩真的或者是假的?" }, { "speaker": "楊高雄", "speech": "你真的是把這個東西進去檢討,像剛剛講了很多缺失的問題,工地所講了,當然回過頭來,這個是承包廠商的問題,設計都是我的事情,如果導入真的。" }, { "speaker": "楊高雄", "speech": "像BIM現在在目前的最大功能是做檢討、碰撞,很多東西變成很落實,好像只是在檢討碰撞,這個並不是真正導入施工或者是到小包的問題,這個是有待證照訓練,這個是很確實要做的。" }, { "speaker": "楊高雄", "speech": "另外,這一些證照如何做,也就是政府要如何跟民間結合哪一些時候要認定這一些證照的執行,像品管這一些東西,哪時候該導入這一些東西,真正對整個工程的幫助有多少,剛剛講說是不是會這樣造成,如果在前端也把錢給了設計者,整個東西都整合完了,以後營造廠在承攬工程或者是統包的話,我知道有這樣的成本就知道可以減少,那就不用這麼多錢。" }, { "speaker": "楊高雄", "speech": "因此很多東西是蛋生雞、雞生蛋,有什麼互相的東西,這一塊要如何主導?面臨BIM這一套軟體,因為各種廠商,有不同的結構。像現在講說用LIBIT(音譯)在談,有建築、土木跟機電,但是在我聽到,這一套在機電方面,可能比別的不好。他們說機電部門是用另外一套、他們是用這一套,因此他們是在溝通。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "沒有標準?" }, { "speaker": "石晉方", "speech": "IFC。" }, { "speaker": "楊高雄", "speech": "如果政府自己主導、有發展一套,那個是共同標準,就不會有這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "楊高雄", "speech": "但是有的人用這一套,甚至於機電用這一套,所以剛剛講BIM是全部溝通的問題,設計端怎麼轉給營造端,又如何維修端?這個是制度上來考量,BIM的功能如何認同,這個是絕對需要,如何串聯起來,也就是如何執行證照制度,可能留待政府來考量。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我聽到滿關鍵的事情,對打的用途是減少碰撞,而是減少施工單位的成本。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "問題是如如果設計就沒有用BIM,施工單位才用BIM導入來檢討設計圖,很容易出現各種困擾,應該是在前期的設計多花錢用BIM做出來交給後端,並不是前面做平面圖出來,後面施工單位補充BIM來減少碰撞。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "後面到民眾的部分,其實新北市的地方有提到指南,裡面有一個BIM的標準有訂出來,這個是新北市的經驗。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "因為時間的關係,我們已經超時半個小時了,接下來先進入中午的用餐時間,我們大概休息到1點20分,請大家吃完之後,我們1點20分再回來,大家接下來要進行下午的分組討論,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "大家好,我們是不是要澄清一下有一個主管法規的問題?" }, { "speaker": "李超雄", "speech": "有關於早上發言中,有一個是工地主任跟營造業法的主管機關,現在是內政部,並不是工程會,我們應該要予以更正一下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "非常感謝,我們接下來會進行分組討論,我早上有提到雙菱形最核心的問題,我們剛剛討論了一下主持團隊、小桌長討論一下,現在目前預計要討論的問題是:" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第一,如何改善BIM執行的溝通與成本問題,使BIM與現場的施工成果是一致的?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個是第一個大家早上所提到圖說不一致的問題,還有背後的成本,像人、軟體的成本等等。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第二,如何在建築生命週期中妥善BIM技術,以充分發揮BIM的效益?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個是您提到關於整個生命流程中,設計如何交給中間的施工,施工如何交給後面的維運,這幾個流程到底怎麼樣來妥善使用這個效益?這個是我們擬出來兩個大家覺得最核心的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有沒有人建議我們這個地方要做任何的調整?如果沒有的話,我們下午就這樣子討論。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接下來分兩桌,第一桌會在這裡,請兩桌的朋友幫我們把桌子併在一起,另外請幫我們搬到地方來,這邊還有一組。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們下午會分兩組討論,請大家相同身分的人分到兩邊去,像內政部的朋友一位在這裡,一位在那邊分開討論,工程會、勞動部麻煩,其他包含公會的朋友,像提議人、附議人都分到兩邊,麻煩大家了,我們盡可能讓大家討論這兩個問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們請第一組的朋友跟我們分享一下討論的東西是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "各位大家午安,我們這一組有兩個題目,第一個題目是如何改善BIM執行的溝通與成本的議題,使BIM的模型能夠跟現場的施工成果一致。先講清楚背景是用在建築工程,有哪一些議題?" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "第一,導入BIM的時候,現場到底是誰在負責整合,目前的狀況是我們沒有辦法在成本中訂出標準、規格,因為目前的執行是case by case,也就是每一個案子訂標準。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "為什麼會有這個題目?工程最後還是要回歸到採購法第70條,對於品質管理有其定義。因為目前看起來並沒有太多的制度,所以每一個案子看自己的業主來決定。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "因為工程大小不一致、環境也不一樣,到底用什麼方式解決?工地能解決問題最重要,工地解決90%的問題。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "以我們做工程的立場來講,像安全、品質是最優先的。BIM是一個工具,並不是一定能夠解決所有問題的保證。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "這個很重要的是,現在業界碰到的狀況是,軟體的費用太高,當然人才費用還好,但是因為人才會流動,真的要推動的話,其實碰到一些軟體的問題跟人員訓練的問題。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "我們目前國內工程發包之後,其實很多營造廠都會再發小包,並不是全部的工程都是大包完成的,其實大包轉小包,很多BIM的工作又切分,其實到底有沒有可能讓業主享受BIM的成果,還是值得考慮的。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "另外,回到施工成功的定義,到底我們BIM建模的範圍在哪裡,是全部都建嗎?一個螺絲也要建嗎?其實這個都可以值得考慮的。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "另外,很多的現況是,業主為了趕潮流,所以要使用BIM,其實業者並不太清楚BIM到底是要做什麼,也許有編費用、也許沒有編費用,大家也不曉得做什麼東西出來。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "最後,還有一個議題是,目前BIM在設計或是施工,其實沒有辦法延伸到物業管理,其實效果是沒有辦法下去的。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "我們還有提出一些解決方式:" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "第一,其實也沒有那麼悲慘,因為很多案子,業主會委託PCM的專案管理,專案管理有一個角色,也就是負責工程的品質進度、契約法律問題,包含BIM模型的整合,常常會寫在PCM的合約當中,因此如果有委託BIM的PCM的話,其實是有人在做這個事情,這邊舉個例子,像高雄地鐵也有人在做PCM的整合,像三鶯輕軌都有。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "另外,其實BIM一直都有人在做,只是沒有變成制度,在發包之前還要經過設計審查,不管是專管顧問或是獨立的審查單位,審查模型或是預算,又或者是審查的發包文件,其實做過一些內部的審查,其實可以解決一些問題,但是並不一定是使用BIM的工具。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "施工的現場,其實BIM到現場的時候,不可能隨時改模型,像現場的小問題就可以現場處理。像公投到現場,也就是領班才可以解決一個問題,BIM有一個很好的紀錄。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "其實我們有很多的現況,像到底BIM的成本怎麼樣,有些機關會仿效、有些機關是凹廠商來做,不見得有費用。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "再回到一些辦法,其實我們已經有按圖施工的機制,當然如果現場的施工團隊沒有按圖施工,那個是要透過監造或者是PCM的角色帶業者去監督,公共工程有三級品管制度,施工廠商、業主廠商及各負各的責任,BIM是大家使用的工具。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "其實BIM是一個工具,也就是上下有產業鏈,從軟體公司、顧問公司、營造廠至業主,大家要有權利義務的觀念,這個產業鏈還沒有形成。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "我們講到費用的部分,目前政府公共工程,為了提升品管,其實是有編品管的費用,目前在BIM這一塊,還沒有說到底應該要編多少費用在BIM上,這個是可以加強的。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "但是也不是那麼悲觀,我知道BIM在很多的場合是有其影響力,像投標的時候是加分的條件,金質獎是評審的要點,有些廠商也是願意自己提升水準來使用BIM技術。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "有關於這一點是,用懲罰的方式,廠商來採用BIM,這個是誘因,逼你來用BIM。還有一些其實機關已經在做了,像新北市已經有訂一些標準,像竣工驗收的標準。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "另外,有關於設計階段,其實BIM是全生命週期,因此在設計階段的時候就應該要導入BIM。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "其實工程會有表示,在1月份就有訂定公共工程預算手冊,裡面有編列BIM的費用可以單獨編列預算,機關是依據這個手冊來編預算,因此是可以編這個預算。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "其實我們會遇到一些困難,我們有沒有審查的機制?或者是模型交出去之後,到底是誰來審查?因為後面沒有標準,像有電腦來幫你審查模型,目前審查上是有困難的。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "第二,我們業界在推的時候,你買軟體、維護要錢、請人要錢,那個成本一直在增加,現場應該沒有軟體公司,軟體公司都是在收使用費、租賃費用,那個其實是很大的成本壓力,也就是成本太高。如果今天是普及的工具,就是要有低門檻,門檻太高的話,普及是有困難的。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "其實機電很難把所有的東西建設起來,像起點跟終點,沒有辦法畫圖就要走死角,其實現場施工的時候,沒有辦法完全跟BIM模型一致。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "另外,國內在推BIM也這麼多年了,其實我們滿缺人力,像要審查模型,你是不是要很多建模的經驗?不管是監工人員或者是PCM人員,如果要推全面使用BIM的話,有這樣足夠的人力或者是能力嗎?" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "像剛剛提到編列預算要點,這個費率是多少?一直還沒有一個定論,雖然有一個研究報告出來,但是那個是參考,還沒有見諸文字。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "像我們也有提出一些解決的辦法,有一個部分比較異想天開的事是,既然受制於軟體公司,受制於檔案版本,是一個開放格式的,能不能請政府出資?開發一個BIM的軟體,聽說韓國有這樣做,就不用受制於軟體、資料格式。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "我們也提出一些比較前瞻性的,像今天要驗收BIM,除了人力之外,到底標準在哪裡?什麼樣叫做BIM的建模完成跟驗收?目前沒有一個BIM的驗收標準,據說新北市政府應該是有,其他單位應該是沒有、其他的機關也沒有,模型建完了,到底誰說了算?這個很麻煩。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "我們也有提到,其實現在需要人才,剛剛也有討論一下,像土木系有教電腦繪圖,但是像BIM這一塊其實跟專業整合,也就是結構有結構的、機電有機電的、建築有建築的,這一塊也希望學校能夠加強並提升人才的供應。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "後面講到一些機關,像大家有提到相關的機關,包含教育部。第一個題目到這邊是不是要先暫停?好,繼續。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "我們這一組有兩個題目,第二個題目也滿大的,我們講的是建築物生命週期要如何妥善使用BIM來發揮全部的效益。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "因為我站在設計顧問,我們都是先領頭羊使用BIM交給營造廠,最後把模型交給業主,最後有一個狀況,也就是預算編不夠,像現在工程發包都很困難,桃機T3發包也很困難,如果預算編太低,連發包都困難了,裡面還要編BIM的費用,再編BIM的費用更高,所以如果都發不出去的話,費用就不夠了,又要廠商做BIM,其實是有問題的。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "接著是模型建完、交給業者,他知道不知道這個BIM模型有什麼用處?會不會使用?我們設計一台車,但是交給不會開車的人,其實是沒有用的。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "工程師有一個發包機關,也就是一個建設機關或者是使用機關,使用的時候是物業管理的角色,他的模型並不是使用的模型,而是建造的模型,也就是使用模型跟建造模型不一致,裡面的BMR也不是他要的,有些設備是採購,有些設備是建造,其實在物業管理上要重新整理,這都是使用上的問題。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "當然用BIM是期許,可以解決一些我們講說隱性成本的問題,像把設計、施工到營運的串聯,如果用得好的話,我們去看BIM的費用也有這樣一張上去的圖,如果做得好的話,資料不會lose,成本是可以降低的。但是一樣,我們要有竣工交付的規範在那裡,才知道大家講的是一樣的語言,不要我幫A機關做這個東西、幫B機關做那樣的東西,這樣裡面東西不一樣,很麻煩。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "講到建築物生命週期,如果從設計到施工都一致的話,我們希望目前唯一能夠貫穿使用就只有BIM的技術。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "有一些努力,像新北市政府有開發樣板檔,你用那個樣板檔出來,就可以省下一些功夫,我記得那個只剩下建築工程。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "新北市政府算是領頭羊,也在一些土建工程,像我們公司做的淡江大橋是用BIM模型,可以增加效益,也可以把很困難的工作,有機會可以完成。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "我知道新北市政府有在做設施維護,像新北市的大樓有一個BIM的模型,要發揮效益的話,BIM模型並不是在設計端、建造端及使用端的維護,這個是我們的期許。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "BIM的期待不太一樣,像大象一樣,有的人摸到腳、有的人摸到鼻子,很難一個叫做一體適用,一定是因案制宜,因為工程的特性、地點及價格都不太一樣。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "我們有一些希望,類似比照CAD有一個標準,是不是有一個建模的版本出來,也就是有一些國家的樣板檔給我們,我們享受的成果是機關,不管是機關或者是使用單位要來頒布。" }, { "speaker": "周頌安", "speech": "我們還缺一些國家標準,其實國外有,但是國內目前是沒有的,以上簡單報告,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第一組的朋友有沒有要補充的?沒有的話,我們請就第二組。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "政委、今天參加會議的先進,大家好,我是新北市政府工務局這一邊。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "我們第二組的議題也是兩大塊:" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "第一塊是「如何改善BIM執行的效率溝通及成本」,第二塊是「用全生命週期的觀點來考量BIM的效益」,我自己解讀成平易近人的用詞,我們前期會面臨到的是設計階段、施工階段的一些過程、效益的這一些溝通、介面。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "第二塊是講全生命週期,也就是到後面的使用端、營運維護管理,後面的權責跟受益的單位,我相信也是不太一樣,相信是分別來講。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "第一塊的部分,在施工設計階段,普遍來講看到的問題,我們這邊所說的是成本問題,像預算不夠、人力不夠,官方沒有相對應的標準,中小企業居多的臺灣,在各事務所,不管是建築師事務所或者是結構技師事務所等等比較類似專門、專業分門別列的分工,每一家小型企業的公司要去承擔這整個BIM的費用,還有跟軟體廠商一些購買的成本,這個相對來講是高的,這個是現況設計、施工的細部問題。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "解決的辦法,像我們昨天有提到,在預算就要直接名目單一編列方式,也要建立一些一定金額以上的門檻、規模,就要有BIM紀錄的運用,通常在新北市的經驗,基本上有這樣子的規模跟經驗,通常都有相對應的複雜性,所以我們會認為複雜性要夠,才有應用BIM技術施工在溝通上的需要,只是因為複雜性夠比較難量化,因此一般用類似金額及門檻的方式來表達。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "再來,像行政院在規範上也要有一些補充,像新北市也有建議在地方政府位階的程度上該有的一些標準跟配套,像參考新加坡政府的降低成本做法,比如用採購的方式,讓軟體這一個部分可以由政府這一端,讓採購的成本可以降低。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "還有另外一個是,有一個資訊提前被揭露,這個是在施工跟設計階段,我們目前發現資訊提前被揭露的這一件事,我認為是一體兩面,有好也有壞,通常大家看到的好是增進溝通、效率及介面整合的問題,因此用BIM的技術,讓原先在2D上看到的一些疑義,釐清在前端看到這一些問題。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "以我們推動的經驗來講,議題兩面的另外一面是什麼?其實是在制度上並不一定會因為這樣資訊提前被揭露,讓大家以前在施工階段發現了問題,第一線的人就處理掉、收掉,工程還是蓋完,其實不見得是有被反映回來,但是工程還是蓋完,竣工的時候也是用抽驗的方式,其實大家看起來平順過了這個過程就完工了,但是資訊揭露這一件事,提前被搬到設計的時候,就拿來被攤在陽光下。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "攤在陽光下之前,又牽扯到各權責單位,通常在設計階段,建築師的壓力很大,五大管線系統等等,還不見得這麼明確的資訊完整,但是已經先進來、回饋意見了,但是都扛在這樣的權責,加上傳統的時程,於設計階段,我們用舊有的思維,給的時間比較少,成本也是比較少,這個都是之前的問題。但是要解決之前在後面這麼多的問題,這是在制度上沒有辦法跟進提前待解決的事項,因此市府這邊用統包的經驗,讓權責的事情用一個統包的方式、履約的管理來執行,大家其實都在同一個專案裡面,就是統包的採購,不管是設計或者是施工團隊,今天資訊提前被揭露,有問題其實是回饋到履約上要考慮是不是要敲掉重做,如果看到這樣子的問題點,你不去處理,你的建築師不跟你的營造廠商,你是同一條船上的人,你不講這個問題,立論當然會被吃掉,因此統包的制度,履約的經驗在我們推了八年來講,我們是可以稍微彌補制度上還沒有辦法這麼完美、完備的狀況,這個是目前初步的解決辦法。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "其實還是會衍生出一些困難,包括這邊提到的是,像工程經費是目的事業主管機關不單一編列這樣的費用?坦白來說,新北市政府的經驗,我們推了八年,我們從一開始沒有編,到後來104、105年度的時候,有單一列項的編列,到後來現在又沒有編,會有這樣子的過程跟經驗,其實是因為你有編,名正言順地要花這一筆錢到這樣的成果交付,但是審計又會來K,這又是另外一個克服的障礙,審計通常都會站在編這樣的預算、經費,就必須要有這樣的目的、效益,而且會拿不同的案子去比較我在板橋跟土城蓋的專案,因為這兩個的專案目的不一樣,在BIM的目的、技術上不一樣,但是他們的觀點通常會解讀500萬花在這邊,為什麼這邊有做到碰撞檢查,但是在另外一個案子卻不是做碰撞檢查,而是額外的項目,會做水平的比較,但是卻沒有辦法反映出工程的獨特性,而沒有說BIM技術在哪一個工程上。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "我們為何沒有編列單一的費用?一方面是多編就要多跟審計單位解釋,第二方面我們雖然沒有編,我們要達到什麼樣的目的,因此新北市政府在目的上,要很清楚想說這個工程的複雜性在哪裡,我們在小組的討論上有舉一個,像在樹林的行政中心,我們自己蓋之後,新工處的辦公室,在玻璃帷幕這一塊非常特殊、專業,預算也非常高,失誤率也很有可能,如果你沒有先前的一些組裝、吊裝的組立模擬,後續會直接在營造廠上戰場的時候會發生滿大的問題。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "我們預先覺得這個工項值得用BIM的技術去預先告訴可能會發生的問題,所以我們的目的就寫成我需要在這樣的單一工項去做碰撞的檢討,其實就會一些其他一般別人會做BIM項目的,我們預算還是有限,但是我們花在重點、我們覺得需要的目的跟項目,因此我們最後也沒有採用單一編列的預算,但是不見得代表每一個機關都適用,如果一開始還是比較新手,沒有辦法很清楚知道這個工程的特殊性跟複雜性在哪裡,我需要用在哪一個技術上,那就不見得。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "還有一些責任分攤的問題,我這邊再加快一點。我們在另外一個大的議題,有關於維護管理方面,在生命週期的考量上,我們目前發現可以克服的,像建研所有提供資料庫建立的研究,或許也是可行,但是牽扯到的人又非常多,像可能講說是前端的材料商,材料商的資訊要進來到工程端,工程端的資訊才會回饋到營運維護管理端,這個資訊一條龍的串聯,不知道是模型幾何的串聯,因為會改設計或是一些變化,但資訊在最源頭上,當然最理想上的是由供應端,像大同電機跟我講這一台設備運轉的一些指數等等需要的資訊,加上後續維運保養的廠商聯絡方式等等,所以在這塊元件資料庫是有被提到的,也才有可能有IoT的運用,可視化的資訊,政府拿到這一些資訊,政府其實是很多資訊一直in put進來的單位,但是這些資訊要拿來怎麼用,這是政府這一端要好好思考,可以拿來管理的一些思維。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "在BIM技術還是有一些IFC通用格式,所以我們在交付上其實也不會有到太大的困擾。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "如果是這樣子維運管理的思維,其實我們有提到共同供應契約,如果維運管理、物業管理單位還需要付那一些軟體成本的話,一樣也是事後勢必可能的反彈聲浪,因此還是有提出共同供應契約的方式,在採購方面可以把成本降低。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "當然,相關的標準、交付的品質,一定要有相對應的規範,才可以維持住模型相對應幾何的資訊或是設備本身的品質要正確。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "最後,CP值要夠高,這個是指其實要為了後端有效益在用的話,其實你不去叫它用,它還是會用,這個是這一張要解釋的。" }, { "speaker": "周詠傑", "speech": "其實剛剛的單位,我們cue了滿多,以上稍微有一點耽擱到,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我稍微補充一下,我們那一組基本上還是覺得建築工程,一定金額以上有固定比例用於BIM,對於廠商來講是比較明顯可以降低這樣的誘因。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "另外,鼓勵採用最有利標的建議,可能還是有一些問題,像BIM要採用最有利標會好一點,或者是會推動最低標來做說明,當然大家會擔心責任分攤的問題,只有一個人來寫報告,因此這個地方要讓公務員一起開會,產出最有利標是比較好的,最根本的是給審計部建立BIM的概念,為何BIM這麼重要,不然每一案都比來比去,大家搞得很痛苦。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "人才的部分是大家該在意的點,可能規範的培訓人才是一個方式,像要定期回訓。有人建議要採現在的技術士的方式,但是有人提到,如果採技術士,要建立職能基礎考照,還要法規來保障就業,未來改變,你的法規來寫BIM,這怎麼辦?也許是附在技師、建築師的訓練裡面,除了2D的工具以外,也學3D的製圖工具,也獎勵製圖的人員學BIM的3D製圖工具,也要麻煩勞動部、教育部及內政部。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "在元件資料庫的部分,其實材料商要有誘因,因為很多廠商都不瞭解,會覺得要偷他的機密資料,因此需要一些解說,目前會引入國際的元件資料庫,從竣工的模型來蒐集相關的東西,有人建議像其他國家要用國家級的層次來強制要求是比較好的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "最後生命週期的部分,像防災、工安檢查都有很大的幫助,像IoT,比如哪一個地方的冷氣要打開,管理的人可以很明顯看到建築物哪一個地方需要我去處理的,但是BIM上面就要輸入一些維護的資訊,像耗材何時替換這個是很重要的,未來要規劃有一些BIM的協作平台,也有人提到有一些協作平台了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "只是目前我們不知道維護者對BIM的想法是什麼,業主要有sense才知道怎麼用,也要讓他知道CP值夠,花很少的成本就可以維護,因此讓他覺得這個是值得的,比如維護的廠商要會改BIM,不然沒有辦法使用,像經濟部的能源管理可能是一些相關的主管機關。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "快速補充到這裡,不知道有沒有人要補充?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "補充到這裡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常謝謝大家參加,其實在「Join」平台上,這並不是第一次討論BIM,剛好一年之前審計部第五廳也有一個參與式的審計,希望大家集思廣益,透過網路去,讓審計部更瞭解BIM是怎麼回事,當時拿了衛武營等等的這些模型,試著去徵詢大家的意見,結果不是非常流行的題目,所以大概只有幾十個人參加。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想審計部並不是完全沒有概念的,以他問出來的問題,他也可以瞭解到,其實這個有一點共通格式,如果不是足夠多的人用的話,就是在資料環境裡面,比較難有綜合的效果,但隨著產業鏈上下游,大家慢慢越來越使用,網絡效應才比較有可能出現,大家才比較進入到協作的工具當中。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實在這裡面,剛剛沒有唸到被質疑圖利的這一件事,其實我們以推動其他國家標準,像大家知道office,國家也有一個開放office的標準,像微軟牌子或者是其他的,都可以用公文的方式來交換,這一些其實不是對特定的軟體來設定要求,只是對他的資料格式來設定要求,其實以我的理解,英國也是這樣子做的,其實是沒有圖利的問題,大家比較放心。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天的部分,大家收到很多具體可行的意見。接下來這一個意見大概會有三個流向跟大家說明:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一個是往公開的部分,我們在大家共筆編輯10天之後,我們會對外公布今天的逐字稿,其實裡面除了大家講的話之外,像剛剛有提到比如專有名詞或是一些參考資料,像提到其他國家的做法等等,也很歡迎大家之後手上會有逐字稿編輯的連結,所以在自己講話的那一段裡面,很歡迎你打一個括弧或者怎麼樣,把未來所有會看到這一份會議紀錄的人,你覺得應該多看哪一些連結或是哪一些參考,或者提到一些術語、定義等等,放在哪裡都補充到共筆當中,應該一次性讓大家完整的瞭解,也比較知道講話的論據從何而來,這個是公開的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,以我的部分,我們的主責機關,像內政部、工程會會在下個月,就這一個部分的可行性來作評估後,再次綜合回應給在「Join」平台連署的五千多位的朋友們。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第三,接下來大概週末左右,我們會整理一份討論,給行政院內部參考用的,哪一些是可行方案、哪一些是需要院長室知道的背景資訊等等的一份標準格式,我會傳給院長室的朋友。院長室如果有任何的想法,或者是覺得哪一些部分優先推動,比較接近國家的政策,像院長或是工程會或其他相關部會的政委,會就院長覺得特別可行的部分,我們可能會再召開會議,如果發生的話,我們會第一時間讓各位——當然的利益關係人——及各部會的開放政府聯絡人知道,這個是往院長的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "公開的部分、「Join」平台上正式回應的部分及向院長的部分,大概是今天討論的三個流向,因為時間稍微delay到,很謝謝大家願意花這麼多的時間,讓大家願意對這件事有一個全局的概覽。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實做政策也就是在建築一樣,在狀況還沒有那麼明朗的情況之下揭露,其實也是政府資訊公開法裡面的擬稿階段公開,雖然看起來會有很多可能的爭議,但總比到最後才發現蓋的東西不符合實際需求來得好,所以政策其實也要用這樣的方式在先期的階段來進行設計及討論,再次感謝大家的出席,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們今天的會議就到這邊,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure. Would you prefer to converse in English, or would you prefer Mandarin?" }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Either Mandarin or English is fine." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Let’s do English, because it’s easier for you to just make a material available locally. Let’s just do all English." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "That’s perfect." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure, of course." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I think they sent you an email to let you know?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They did." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I had an initial meeting with them, and they’re very interested. The question right now is whether or not to open the event to the public. I’m pretty sure there are going to be interest, but they were a little nervous about it." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "They wanted me to reach out t other groups, and make sure that there are other people who want to co-sponsor the event before we make that final decision of whether or not to keep it to just the employees or open the event to the public." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Employees, as in their company’s employees?" }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Yeah. This particular group is with the LGBTQ group." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I did visit their headquarters last April. They have already hosted me. I don’t think it’s a problem of their internal logistics. They may be nervous about potential protestors?" }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "No. I think it’s just more the person who’s handling it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They do run open-to-public events in that venue?" }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I don’t know about public events at this particular company. I do know that there are a lot of other companies hosting events all the time. I think it’s just a precaution." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It could be physically, only open to their company employees, but then you live stream it or make it available online and people can partciipate over the Internet. That’s also pretty common." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I don’t think it’s a problem at all. It just takes a little bit time in doing more out-reach to other organizations, and finalizing exactly which groups are going to be involved. Maybe it will take another two weeks before we can finalize the date." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure thing." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I know you had given me a couple availabilities, but I was thinking..... I just saw the information about the hackathon, and the final date is July 21st, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yup." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Do you think it works better for you if we host it the week right after that? That way you can..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "That way you can talk about the outcome of the meeting. I’m going to propose to them either July 23rd or 25th, because I understand there are certain dates that you are more available.Tuesday for us would be Wednesday for you, and 25th will be Thursday, I think, in the US and Friday for you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You mean 23rd of July?" }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Uh huh, or 25th. This is just a proposal. I have to run it by them and just make sure it works for everybody." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That would be early morning..." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Yeah, this will be evening our time or afternoon our time, so it will be 24th for you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Early morning my time, sure." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Or the 25th?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Which will be early morning for me." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Right." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would prefer this time, simply because it gives more room here." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "OK, the first option is the 25th, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right, the 25th as an option." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "All right, great. I will propose that. Then there is a possibility once I start talking with other communities, they might prefer June." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "At that point, I’ll get back to you on that. Also, wanted to check with you on the format of the event. I know originally you were very interested in having a complete open forum." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Just ask me anything." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "They’re also proposing to have 30 minutes interview first and then Q&A for the second half." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Does that have to be a live interview, or can we agree on the questions so I can prerecord the answers?" }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I’m thinking it’s live interview because you’re going to be doing it..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Why?" }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Why? This was also my original idea as well, but they also suggested that, and I think that’s because as much as we know about you because we have done a lot of work and going through, but people coming to the meeting, they may not have taken the time..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, of course, playing an interview is fine. Why don’t we just prerecord my answers and you can play the visuals during the interview? That way we ensure it’s on time." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "OK. I think the fact is, because it’s already a video conference, that’s not completely the same as a live event. I’m guessing that we...I need to bounce this off them." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "My intuition tells me the more live activity we do, the better. You’re not going to be there in person. To make it up for that, we want this interview to be live, so that it’s not just a video playing on the screen. There’ll be more..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s going to be exactly the same for the audience, though." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I think the perception is that it’s more interactive that way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not, as the audience is not going to have an input in what the moderator asks." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I understand that. I totally get what you’re saying. I can run it by them to see if they have any questions. Is that what you preferred?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Well, prerecorded clips is easier because I can show a lot more visuals. I can weave those visuals into my answers. If we do it through video conferencing, I will be very busy sharing my screen and answering questions and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If we do it scripted, it will be much easier and I can show a lot more visuals. I would suggest, usually, my experience that it works best if it is around 20 minutes prerecorded." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I can check with them." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then you can separate it into four questions or five questions. Then you give me the questions beforehand. You can still have the moderator asking the questions live." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then you play the prerecorded clips which is my answer to those questions, and after those 20 minutes, during which people can freely ask questions on Slido, then I’ll answer through telepresence or through videoconference." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "This is the thing, because if we open to the public, there are actually going to be people sitting live in the room watching this interaction. If it’s not live, it would be like people sitting there watching a video. Do you see what I’m saying?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure. People anticipate that. At the end of the 20 minutes, I’ll, of course, dial in. I can even dial in and listen to myself speak." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "You know what, I’m going to run this by them. My intuition tells me this looks more real because it’s interactive." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you really want interactive you can rent a double robot and bring my avatar into the room. I can walk around and chat with people. That’s live interaction." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "First of all, I’m going to run this by them and see how they feel about it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure, of course." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I’m OK either way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What I’m saying is that if we do prerecorded right, it will look and feel exactly the same as if I’m teleconferencing with you." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Except that the person who’s doing the moderating, she will be in the room. It looks like a real dialog." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We would script it so that she asks me and then I tilt my head to listen. Then I give back my answers. This is very easy to script." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I want to make sure we are on the same page. What you’re saying to me, I want to make sure I understand it correctly, is that one thing we can do is let you know the questions we want to go over so that you can prepare all the visuals. They we still ask you the question live, right? Is that what you’re saying?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. Then the so called live answer will be actually prerecorded video." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I understand. I think we’re talking about the same thing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re talking about the same thing. For the audience, it’s as if I dial in in the first. In actuality, all the visuals and everything is scripted. I basically play a video and share a screen." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Yes. That’s fine. I think we’re talking about the same thing. I’ll let them know and then I’ll confirm that. I’ll try to get a little information of the moderator and send it to you before we finalize everything in case you have any concerns or whatever." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "You’re OK with a 30 minute conversation and then classic Q&A, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "How long is the Q&A?" }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Do you have any limitation? It’s not finalized yet. We were thinking 30 minutes. It depends on the time of the day." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think 20 plus 40 is usually what has always worked best. 20 minutes is like TED Talk range. People’s attention span is probably going to...If you do 30 and you don’t give them a way to influence what the moderator will ask, because it’s all pre scripted anyway, people start to lose interest." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Let’s keep the opening brief, 18 or 20. Actually, in my experience, 15 works best, I’ll defer to the organizer, at max, 20 and then 40 minutes or more of questions." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Great. People can drop out anytime. People who are interested can stay longer and other people who have hard stops could leave early. I’ll let them know. Then I’ll get back to you again and provide more update when we finalize everything." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Now, I have a couple questions about your background information. Now, that you have worked in the government for a little while now..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "With the government, but yes." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "What would you say are some of the important lessons you’ve learned about bringing changes?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I joined the government with three conditions. First, I get to work anywhere. Here is my office, location independence. I get to publish everything that I see, every meeting that I chair. That’s called radical transparency. Finally, I don’t give orders, I don’t take orders. That’s called voluntary association." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is entirely horizontal way of exercising power as opposed to the traditional top down, vertical way. My main learning is that public servants are very eager to innovate. As long as I’m here to distribute the credit and absorb the risk using this new methodology, they’re all very willing to..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Like the Presidential Hackathon, which is one of the prime examples, because people, hundreds of teams, propose ways to improve public service. Mostly coming from a 科長, which is like a division head level of the public service." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Perhaps they didn’t have the budget, perhaps they didn’t have the political will, but they are very willing to innovate, actually. What they require is that a change from the original way of power distribution which is that the minister always gets the credit in the old days. They always get the blame if things go wrong." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We flipped this matrix so that they can propose. In the Presidential Hackathon, we coach them to form the cross sectoral teams. If it doesn’t work it’s just a hackathon. It’s expected to fail." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If it works then they get all the credit and meet with the president and things like that. By flipping the pay off around by absorbing the risk and distributing the credit, we discovered that the public service is very good innovators and as innovative as any private sector. That’s my main learning." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Giving them the autonomy to innovate and recognition for bringing change." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "That’s right. If anything fails, it’s Audrey’s fault." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "With clear accountability. That’s awesome. I know one big focus for you is government transparency. There’s also a lot of concern about cybersecurity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Cybersecurity is the foundation of transparency. Otherwise, nobody knows who types those transparent data." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "[laughs] That’s right. How do you balance national security with transparency?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, any government has confidential or national security information. We have a pretty good national security act that says that if it’s classified material, of course, it’s not to be mixed with the transparent data. It’s part of my regular transparency plan. I don’t even touch confidential or national secrets. I don’t even know any national secrets." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When they run the military drill, for example, I take the day off. I still don’t know where the bunkers are. Because of this, anything that I see is, by definition, compatible with freedom of information. Basically, I use my own physical isolation to protect the national security from being accidentally exposed because I simply don’t know about it." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "One of the things you are trying to do is empowering all the citizens to have a say in how the government should be run." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. Anyone can summon me very easily." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Right. Right now there’s also a rise of populism. There are concerns about the future of democracy. We are starting to see that sometimes people can be manipulated and incited very easily." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For a time, not continuously." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "My question is, what do you say to people who are concerned about the future of democracy, or even starting to question the wisdom of the masses? What would you say to that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The masses could only provide two bits of input every four years. Of course, it’s very asymmetrical." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Very good point." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then it pays to meddle with the election and so on. You only need to confuse people on one day which is the election day. If we do democracy more continuously, that is to say, everyday people can raise a petition with 5,000 people, can participate in participatory budgeting with their local population." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They can form a regional revitalization scenario planning forum and summon the National Development Council. They can meet me every Wednesday here in the office hour or they can summon me through every which means. It means that every time the agenda setting power is determined by what people really cares about rather than only every two years or every four years." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If we do democracy in a continuous fashion the people focus more on the policy, on the things instead of on the people. Because in traditional representative democracy, the representatives are those in charge of agenda setting as in what is important and also the delivery, which is how do you do this effectively?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The legislative both makes law but it also oversees budget. These are two different functions. What we’re saying is at any time people can raise what is important to the lawmakers, to the policymakers, by essentially saying, \"OK, we have a social innovation. We have autonomous vehicles. We have AI banking. We have whatever.\" That is not foreseen by existing regulations." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We use a system called sandbox where everybody can apply for one year of exemption from existing fines, and regulations, and penalties. In return, they must be open and share the actual experiments, and the failures, and the data protection, and everything that relates to that particular experiment." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a limited-time, limited-space monopoly, in exchange of open innovation. Whenever we see an emergent phenomena or emergent innovation, we’re saying, \"OK, let’s try it out for a year and what happens.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That, basically, leads the agenda of the policymakers so the policymakers don’t have to regulate on something that we don’t have firsthand experience of. Social innovation can drive regulatory innovation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is the basic co creational method that we’re improving democracy. We still have a group of people who are MPs and so on. They don’t have to be forced into handling something that they don’t have any firsthand experience of." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "You’ve touched on a couple really important points. One of the reasons for the rise of the populist movement is because, for example, there is a lot of distrust. With better communication, you are gaining that trust but you’re also educating people about what really is going on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "That’s a really great point." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you have a friend who only respond to your calls every two years, of course, there’s a lot of room for rumor to grow. If you can practically meet that friend every week, then there’s no room for rumor to grow." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "What do you think about fake news? If you are put in charge to deal with the issue, what would be the strategy that you would take to combat fake news?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Disinformation, which is my preferred term by the way. We don’t really know whether fake news is meant to mean disinformation that pretends to be news or actual news, that isn’t fact checked. There’s two different definition that doesn’t overlap. It’s very hard to put the operational definition." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We see this information as like an epidemic of the mind. It is basically virus of the mind, that infused a sense of usually outrage, but it could be any other emotion, for people who cannot help but share this piece of information. Even if they know that it’s potentially misguided, it struck a chord, so that people really need to share it with somebody else." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That makes the message viral, basically. There’s two different forums that were making this...basically managing this epidemic. First, is that to treat it as spam, as junk mail. We sort the original junk mail issue, not by loss, but rather by just adding a flag that is spam button to every email, and so forth." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Having it red flagged, sort of thing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly. Mail is actually private communication. It’s not the state’s place to look into people’s email. If people voluntarily say, \"Oh, here, there’s a self-proclaimed royalty that wants to offer me five billion dollars,\" and so on, if they flag that as spam, it’s not one to one communication at all." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re donating, flagging that into a public SpamHaus network, to basically identify these spots as not worth the attention of people, so when sufficient people flag that as spam, then the incoming email of sharing that signature goes to the junk mail folder." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, it’s not censorship. It’s still in your mailbox. If you specifically search for it, you can still see it. It just doesn’t waste your time by default." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "The person who receives it, is the person who....can it classify whether that’s disinformation...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Well, when you flag something as spam, you’re helping everybody else. When a sufficient number flags something as spam, and it’s checked as spam by this SpamHaus, and other domain blocking lists, then for every new people who received the same piece of email, that goes to their junk mail folder." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They don’t have to participate in this flagging, in order to benefit from the social innovation, that is the collaborative flagging response. In Taiwan, we have a popular end to end encrypted app called Line, which is like WhatsApp. Because it’s encrypted, nobody can peak into content." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re building partnerships with Line, which in turn is partnering with a lot of social sector innovators, to whenever you see a potential rumor in Line, you can forward it very quickly and easily to third party fact checkers. When a sufficient number of people raise the red flag, so to speak, then they can be fact checked." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Line has dedicated a piece of that software into the real time clarification of popular rumors and disinformation campaigns. That system then feeds into the international fact checking network so that, for example, soon Facebook is expected to launch an algorithm change so that anything that’s checked by the local fact checking network goes into the spam folder for physical users." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is to say, by default, it doesn’t show it anymore. Then, if you only have one friend, of course, it’s forced to show it. If you have any other friend, it prefers to show other friends’ posts." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you look specifically into it, you still see it, because it’s not censorship. If you go to that friend’s wall, you can still see a small information icon that says, \"This is fact checked by the Taiwan Fact Checking Center and click here to learn more.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This inoculates people’s minds by getting the rumors when it’s still misinformation not necessarily disinformation into everybody’s mind that, \"Hey, this is an information manipulation and this is trending but this is the actual truth.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The second part is to make sure that people who influence the propagation of information, for example, there’s popular ways to influence election by buying position targeted social media or otherwise media advertisements." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now, unless one of them knows transparent campaign donation law, every single donation to every election campaign starting from the previous election is downloadable as open data, as CSV, as Excel spreadsheets, essentially. It’s very transparent. Because of that, people with a lot of money who are not local Taiwanese, they cannot donate to election campaigns." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What they do is they buy advertisement. We see a lot of influx into advertisements in the previous election. Now, we’re passing the same as the US, the Honest Advertisement Act. It’s currently in the parliament. It’s expected to be passed soon." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It says if you, during elections, buy advertisement or otherwise influence the media using money, you have to be held on exactly the same standard as campaign donation. They need to be listed. They need to be public. Only domestic people can sponsor. Foreign people cannot. There will be a large penalty." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Every time, just like the anti money laundering, the platforms, the people who place the ad, the people who pay the writers and so on, they all need to disclose the stakeholders, so they will make sure that the entire chain is within the cap of campaign donation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is one of the main vehicles the foreign or other influence is going to meddle the election. I would say legally because we haven’t passed the law yet. [laughs] At work, we’re now blocking that from happening." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On the disinformation, we control the spreading and we make the media literacy part of the K to 12 curriculum. That is within our civic building, vaccination, and antidotes. Then we are also making sure that the people who spread those news through the infusion of cash or whatever is stopped or at least revealed as what exactly they’re doing." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "That’s really exciting. Since you touched on foreign involvement, I’ve got a flipside. There could also be people who really want to help contribute to making Taiwan a better place. I’m curious, for example, you have this joint platform where people could provide their suggestions and ideas. I know with the hackathon you are also recruiting other teams." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. Also with sandboxes, there’s a lot of foreign innovators that are interested." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I guess my question is, is there a place or is there a plan for people whether they’re Taiwanese or they’re foreigners who are interested in providing innovative ideas other than the annual hackathon?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. All we’re asking is a resident’s certificate, the ARC. You don’t have to be having a national ID in order to participate in the joint platform or to start a petition. The reason why we passed the Honest Advertisement law that way is because election is restricted to people with voting rights. Naturally, campaign donation is similarly restricted." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To raise an important issue, one of our most active groups in the joint platform is actually people around 14, 15 years old. They started one of the most popular petitions which is banning plastic straws in national identity drinks like the bubble tea. [laughs] That became policy now for indoor drinking." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You need to have a sustainable way like stainless steel or the other recyclable or upcyclable material in place of plastic straws. That is one count of an e petition by a 15 years old. They don’t even have voting rights but they are already very active participants. We’re also encouraging people with resident certificate to participate in the same way. It broaden the definition of citizenry." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "To expand on that, let me give you an example to explain where I’m coming from. For example, in one of our meetings, there were two Americans and a Taiwanese American who had suggestions for Taiwan Tourism website. These two Americans had lived in Taiwan before. They are so passionate about everything Taiwanese." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "We were sitting around talking about Taiwan and they touched on the issue of the website by the tourism bureau. They were like, \"You know there’s so much misspelling. I just wish somebody would tell them to do something about it.\" I’m saying a suggestion like that in terms of global communications." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I think the bureaucrats are very committed to their work but sometimes they don’t understand the other cultures or languages as well as the locals do. For people from outside of Taiwan, whether they’re Taiwanese or they’re Americans who wanted to contribute ideas to improve our global communications or strategy towards better diplomacy with other countries, is there a way of sharing their perspectives right now? Is there a plan?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. We do have a national bilingual strategy starting this year. There’s a few things. First, all their regulations that concerns partly or mostly foreign people, it’s now required to be bilingual. By giving advance notice to people who...There is a lot of communication gap." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Most foreign people don’t even know that a citizen digital certificate that’s also is available to foreigners. Not many people know that it is or that we’re changing the ARC numbers. It currently starts with two letters while the national start with one letter and a digit. We’re fixing that by changing the second letter into a digit as well. It looks like national IDs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That enables a lot more service, for example buying train tickets and movie tickets. What we’re saying is that we, of course, welcome everybody to go to the joint platform which has the regulatory commentary period of everything. If it concerns foreign people, we make sure that it’s bilingual. Leave your comments there. That is a good first step." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you know that your contact or how to reach you, most of the time the ministries do reach you if they have another clarifying issues and so on to talk about. Making yourself a joint platform you can comment on regulations, on budgets, on e petitions and they will all be considered. You can use your native language. That’s the first thing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, I think for websites, we’re rolling out a series of new websites. They are all national level. They all end in Previously, what we have heard is that it’s translated from the traditional Chinese website then it’s very difficult to navigate, because it assumes a different cultural context." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now, if you want to know, for example, how the Taiwan AI strategy is you Google for AI Taiwan and you can get into this new domain that is Whenever you see anything that is, it is made with English first, with mobile first, and with an aim to communicate to people with a different culture." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is the face of Taiwan. The domain name is owned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the MoFA. My suggestion would be try a MoFA Taiwan on Twitter and to engage in dialogs on Twitter and other social media of our TECRO and TECO offices. They are now all required to have a social media presence of shared branding." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They will be your window into reaching the tourism bureau, and the other areas. Our bilingual strategy is just starting. If you see or the Presidential Hackathon, which is, anything you feel that there is a need to improve, let me know on Twitter. I’m audreyt on Twitter. Tweet me." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "That means that the suggestions are not limited to domestic issues. You can actually give suggestions for foreign policies." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, actually the national ID number mismatch is raised by someone on Twitter, who just Tweeting about it. I got back to him about our group resolution and so on. Just do public communication on Twitter. I think that’s the easiest way." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I just have two more questions. They are personal questions for you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Obviously, we know that you have made a decision early on to make a sex change, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m post gender. I don’t care. My gender’s whatever." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I’m just curious, what does it mean to be a woman, to you? The reason that you wanted to redefine yourself, there’s a drive, a sense of maybe a connection to a certain sex. So what does it mean to be a woman to you?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m curious. I went through two puberties. I know something about going through the male puberty as well as the female puberty. The female puberty, of course, connects more with the body. The body asserts itself more. One feel more sympathy and then empathy about their surroundings and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, in each puberty, I’d only spend maybe three years. Any longer would of course cause a lot of social..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...with the family and so on. We’re all very familiar with that. In any case, I think having gone through two puberties lets me relate with people’s experiences more, because people have gone through puberties, most of the people, anyway, that I interact with." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then people tend to basically assume a different range of social interactions when they’re going through puberties, because of social expectations, social scripts, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That gives me a larger reach to interact with people to do less with the pre described presumptions, but then also being able to relate how it is like to be, basically, an intersectional perspective on things." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "An intersectional perspective means that we all have our more vulnerable moments, more vulnerable positions, but we also each of us have our own advantages, our own uniqueness. Intersectionality means then to take our advantages, our uniqueness, but putting it in a way that empowers people who are currently minorities or otherwise oppressed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, I would define myself as post gender, as in, my gender is really whatever. You cannot really offend me. Just call me whatever." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "I can tell that life experience made you a more empathetic person, because you’re able to look at things from so many different perspectives." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "That’s something I really appreciate and it really comes through. Last question for you, what’s on top of your bucket list?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m actually traveling to the US tomorrow early morning. I’m going to Detroit to talk with the International Women’s Association, organized by Taiwanese, I think it’s Taiwan Women’s Association US or something. They have an annual meeting. We’re going to talk about how technology for social good can be uniquely seen from a more feminine perspective." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is a very interesting topic, and especially starting this year, the US and Taiwan has a mutual interest in fostering women entrepreneurship. That is something that Taiwan is really good at and especially my domain, which is software. Engineering and software design, the gender is very balanced, more so than more hardware oriented fields." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I can bring our perspective that alert people to be more gender sensitive in their designs as well as in being more inclusive. In Taiwan, feminism has really gained large strides. We have a president who has long been an advocate for equality, and then previously our vice president Liu Chao shiuan, as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They basically designed an entire local gender impact analysis framework, so that every single policy that Taiwan Central Government passes need to be seen by different gender lenses, and to make sure that it doesn’t systematically exclude people of certain gender in some way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is something that I’m very happy in sharing, and now we’re lifting this into a more all the different SDGs can piggyback on this existing impact analysis framework, so that we can also evaluate the impact endangered species, on indigenous people and the other more marginalized groups just as we first designed for women." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is something that I’m very interested and I’m going to share in Detroit. Then I’m going to DC. There is a lot of meetings and talks about how we can collaborate on fixing this information. That is also Taiwan bucket list." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Awesome. Any chance you want to come out to San Francisco?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Maybe next time. I did visit San Francisco already." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Yeah, I’m sure you have, because you used to work for Apple." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "With Apple, but yes." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "OK. Thank you so much for your time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you for your time." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "There are a lot of interesting thoughts that you mentioned today that I can probably share in the event announcement. It’ll be a good intro as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’ll send you a transcript in a day or two, feel free just to co-edit it after we publish, feel free to use it any way you want." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "OK. I’ll keep you posted once I have more information." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you so much." }, { "speaker": "Nancy Lin", "speech": "Thank you." } ]
[ { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "So nice to meet you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’ll make a transcript. We get to co-edit for 10 days." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Sure, I’ve read about it. It’s so nice to meet you. A little bit about myself, I’m Ryan. My parents are Taiwanese, so I’m a Taiwanese citizen. I went to elementary school in a local School and an international school after middle school so I’m bilingual." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Actually, last summer, I met Dees in San Francisco who introduced us. How did you meet Dees, by the way?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "He was here [laughs] in a presentation about Mozilla Common Voice." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Oh, I see. He’s no longer with Mozilla anymore. I met him at a startup in San Francisco called Coil that I was actually interning at over the summer. I’d like to tell you a little bit about what we’re doing. I think it’s really interesting." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Personally, I’m really interested in entrepreneurship, startups, that kind of stuff, as well as the freedom of the Internet, maybe tied to that topic, the blockchain. Have you heard about Coil before, by the way?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Like donating browser resources for websites?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "It’s a little bit different than that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Oh, OK." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "The idea is that currently the business model on the Internet is mostly ads. There are some subscriptions, and the advertisements is most of it. The value chain works in a pretty simple way. The user goes to a website, and then the website provides free data in exchange for user’s data and it will show some advertisements that are from advertisers paid by the key websites." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "The idea is that we want to change the incentive system. Currently, I feel that as well, because I’ve worked on small websites since I was around 12, 13. I’ve felt that incentives were kind of misaligned, because the users were the ones that were actually using the website." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "From the website’s point of view, they were getting money from the advertiser. They weren’t getting any money from the user, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Making sure the user’s experience was as good as possible wasn’t their first priority. What do you think?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I generally agree with the assessment. As far as I understand Coil, because in its current form, it’s the browser extension. It’s trying to kind of reshape the experience." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "So that it’s more easily monetizable, right?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yeah. The idea is that once a user subscribes to the Coil service, every millisecond through the Interledger Protocol we will send a fraction of a penny to the website depending on how long a user stays on the website." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a kind of tracking way." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Sorry?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s kind of a tracking system because then a website is going to know exactly how many milliseconds a user is actively browsing the page?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yeah, but the website doesn’t get information about each user. They just get the money sent through the Interledger protocol. The Interledger protocol allows them to withdraw the money from the protocol in different ways, such as cryptocurrency. Coil also works with some payment providers so they can withdraw in XRP or through in cash, that kind of stuff." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "The main idea is that, first of all, we want to empower content creators, especially content creators who are marginalized by current platforms, so that all creators can exist without the risk of censorship from centralized platforms and can be supported directly by users. That’s the platform in a nutshell." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s built to be ledger agnostic, right?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is an Interledger, if I understand it correctly. Then a particular realization with the particular ledger technology, basically the user has the freedom to choose." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yes, they can choose. For example, they can take the money out the websites and can withdraw. In the future, once we build enough connectors for it, they can use Bitcoin to withdraw. They can use Ethereum. They can use XRP Ripple. Or they can withdraw maybe through a regular banking system once we’ve built a banking credit card connector on Interledger." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What exactly is the current ledger implementation that actually it’s been deployed?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Currently, since we’re still in beta, we only support the XRP Ledger, the Ripple ledger, which I think is a pretty good system. It’s pretty secure, can process all our transactions pretty fast. We do have teams that are currently building the Ethereum connectors or maybe a Lightning Network Bitcoin connector in the future, as well as a USD connector." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is not at all related to web mining, which is narrow and things like that?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "No." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is no logical connection at all?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "No. I was working on something that was linked with mining, the same idea but before I joined them. I told them about the project, and then they said, \"Why don’t you come intern for us instead?\" I actually built a little project called OBlocker over the past year or so." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "How do you spell it?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "OBlocker?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Odblocker?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "OBlocker, like AdBlocker, but with an O in front. The idea was basically that people browsing the Internet can use this little program that will mine cryptocurrency in the background to pay out websites." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I spent a lot of time working on it and the economy of scales never made fully sense. There’s nowhere near enough money with my specialty after the prices dropped to support that as well as I think it slows down a lot of computing devices which..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...adding up." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yeah, which is..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It doesn’t work on mobile anyway. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yeah, doesn’t work on mobile. I think it’s bad, it’s negative for people whose devices aren’t as powerful. I think that’s a big problem, especially with ASICs taking over most of the market. Coil is completely updated." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK. How can I help? What would you like to talk about?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I’m curious to hear your thoughts on such a system. What do you think about it?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "From a point of a creator, I think anything that’s as easy as adding AdSense has a chance. At this point, as a creator, AdSense is kind of the go-to." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "The golden standard." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The standard if you want to monetize your content, because it’s a lot of externalities that Google measures anyway. Google packages that as analytics, or as customer relationship, or things like that. That basically helps you to help them to track the user. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is a kind of dynamic. There’s a book called \"Surveillance Capitalism\" that basically deconstructs this whole idea of Google." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Of Google..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, of how Google..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Those analytics services..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, exactly. Right, so as a creator, I’ve been advocating like self-hosted analytics, and things like that. It doesn’t offer the same network effect that Google analytics is able to offer. Simply because there’s no easy way to track movements across different domains." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re all owned by similar-interested creators. Unless they pre-agree on an analytics server, there’s no easy way to fabricate the insights of interactions across those creator’s domains." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Google demographic data for the websites’ users that they kind of share..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "That’s the value add that they provide." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. Just by nature of being a browser extension, Coil has the possibility of offering that tracking." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you do it in a way that preserves the autonomy and shape it like a data collaborative, rather than a kind of data monopoly, then I think it has a resource, which is the creator’s desire to learn about how the people browsing the Web is interacting with their creations." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, money does good. The behavior and such is what people are opting-in for analytics for. I own a domain called that is a linked dictionary website that basically has like..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I read about that, it’s part of the g0v..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "g0v, yeah, they’re part of the g0v movement." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "g0v, yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, it can show you calligraphic representations, all sort of different ways of writing this particular character across the ages. It’s a lot of calligraphic forms, how to pronounce it, what’s its English, French, German, and Taiwanese Holo, Hakka, etc." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This has a huge number of visitors, of course, and a lot of quality content that are basically public domain or under Creative Commons license. This is just a presentation of that. I did place a Google AdSense advertisement which is dynamically priced, meaning that I’ll only bid if nobody else bids on it and to all the words that in the Chinese language." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is advertisement on every possible keyword. It works really well. What I learned during that AdSense experiment was that the main value is a longer relationship of what is trending." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In that point, a particular Taiwanese follower called me up. It is trending. There is a panda named that and people typing their searches...It’s very new. It’s emergent. Nobody bothered to place a advertisement for that particular word. That place an advertisement on every word [laughs] it gets redirected to my dictionary. Then I started learning about..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "You actually got clicks at a very low price because there wasn’t bidding on it, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. The original price. I only bid if nobody else bids." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "You bid the absolute minimum." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right. Exactly. The absolute minimum. It’s almost zero cost." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "That’s interesting to know." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then what I learned is ways to keep people engaged once they come to the site." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "To decrease the bounce rate." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s exactly what we’re looking for or something similar. Then I offer them some gamified systems so that they can contribute to dictionaries, for example, indigenous language dictionary and things like that. It gives them something to participate in." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What I learned during that is the longer you can keep the browser extensions connection with the website and the creators, the deeper the relationship can go. Previously, offers to create more value for Google as a result. Google keeps tabs on both sides. If one can use the interledger protocol or some other way to provide a similar value, it could be advertisement. It could be sponsorship." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Google has data on every part of the funnel even on hardware side like Chrome, Android, all that stuff." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly. Google Analytics, of course." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Every website." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. I imagine newer Firefox extensions are just Chrome extensions. What extension is Chrome’s browser? Is Coil strategically only offering Firefox extension or Chrome?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I think there’s a Chrome extension for sure." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Is there Safari as well?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I’m not sure. I think the team might still be working on them. It’s still in closed beta. The open beta hasn’t launched official yet. We need an invitation code right now to sign up." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is a Chrome extension?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yes. There is a Chrome extension. The idea is that we want to propose a...Web monetization is our overall intellectual protocol is the underlying but monetization is the overall. We want to propose it to browsers. We’d like to include it within..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Part of the web standard?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yes. To add it to the web standards protocol. The team at Ripple...Coil was a spin-off of Ripple. Our CEO used to be the CTO at Ripple. They managed to add the web payments protocol to a lot of popular browsers." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "We are hoping to do the same with web monetization now that we’re currently in the process of that. Web monetization, once integrated with all major browsers, would mean that we wouldn’t have the need to have an extension or the polyfill. It will all be part of the browser." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Is there a polyfill?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yes. We used to have a polyfill. That was how it works. Our website can add a meta tag to your website and then combined with the extension they can read the meta tag." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not the polyfill in the sense that you can do without an extension." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "No. There were plans for a polyfill. As of the current stage they’re using extension. It’s probably a pretty simple way for both websites to adapt and for the users to set it up. It was more reliable than a polyfill, we found, the extension." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That makes sense." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "The idea was that eventually, we wouldn’t need an extension anymore at all. The actual web monetization is open standard. Coil was one provider of payments. We encouraged other companies to also start initiatives based on monetization and pay-ups are different. Coil currently is general platform." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "We pay more or less equally to all websites. A different provider might, for example, focus only on gaming. They would pay more to game websites. While you’re playing games they will pay more to support gaming’s more intense server costs and could eventually do that but could also be brought apps. It’s pretty simple to integrate Coil into app. You just put a meta tag into HTML file, window..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Container." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yes, container in an app. On that side, there’s not much difficulty there. We hope it eventually becomes a full platform thing. Going back to what you said before about data analytics, it’s interesting you mentioned that you had a lot of fun with AdSense. Looking at what data they had." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "AdSense plus Analytics." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "The combination. These two are well-integrated with each other. You can connect with AdSense and with Analytics as well. I used to spend a lot of time playing around with Analytics. How can I increase my bounce rate? How can I increase my average time on site?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "It goes to what countries to go visit from. What device they visit from. Mobile visitors, how can they improve mobile potential? That’s a fundamentally flawed look at this. I’m not looking at, how can I make a user’s experience better? I’m looking at, how can I put more AdSense ads per website over the user?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You’re essentially proxy matrix." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "If instead the matrix becomes, how much time is used by the website? One step further, how much value can a website create for a user? Clearly, we can quantify that. That’s a more in the future thing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. Which is why I said at the end of the film, I always convince my users to become co-creators, essentially, by helping digitalize the dictionary, helping finding the typos in the dictionary, and so on. Basically create some public value for everybody else, rather than just me and the user." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is a different version to action. It is a real fact when it comes to metrics. If you only look at the very beginning of the interaction, and only calculate approximate metrics, I do agree that it doesn’t really represent anything you created. It measures addiction, basically." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "That’s being pretty really negative actually to the user. For example, games, like lootbox mechanisms, where people are essentially gambling thousands of dollars of money and these game developers are learning from the casinos as to how to capture the user’s attention. I think that’s pretty negative." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "On that note, just as a side note, did you have any thoughts on regulation of lootbox or casino-style mechanics on websites of digital experiences? In Europe, for example, some countries actually ban..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Oh, I get it." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": " games that use lootboxes. Is that just because of the odds? I think..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, there is a very similar problem, here. You need to accurately review the attributes." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Like some websites that don’t destroy all the..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "...on stats. That’s a pretty bad issue..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": " defrauding the users, that kind of stuff." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Heading back to Coil, the idea is the Internet of value, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Mm-hmm." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "One thing I’m curious about your thoughts on is how we can measure values for the subjective thing, like a website might have value for me and to you, like value website, a lot that I would value it on. We were having a discussion, internally, about what metrics should we look at to measure the user’s stats." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Is it a combination of things? Or is it something that’s quantitative or more qualitative, or something that users can subject to be choosed, like a star rating, or like a comment box, or like a thumbs up, thumbs down button for each website?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What are you quantifying it for?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "To measure value. The idea is that maybe, eventually, we’re going to pay out different amounts at different websites. Right now, we’re only paying based on time spent on the page." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "For example, certain pages, let’s say a finance tracker, that’s Mint, it’s a finance tracker. You probably want to spend a lot of time on your finances website, but it provides a lot of value for you. It makes sure that you’re not spending too much, it helps you keep your finances in check." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Compare that to a clickbait article website, maybe something like BuzzFeed algo, where it drags your value to user. If you ask the user, they generally will say, \"Yeah, I don’t think BuzzFeed should get 10 times more money than My Finance Tracker, just because I spent 10 times more time on BuzzFeed.\"" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Kind of discourage that kind of more exploitative, attention-based economy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Are you capping it somehow? Or currently there’s no cap at all?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Currently, there’s no cap. Currently it’s beta so users can experiment free. We also get some information on how users are interacting, so we get feedback from them on, things to improve." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re counting only the active path..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...while the user is engaging?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Is on the path, yeah, engaging." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then it’s not, for example, if I leave the space for an hour and go back, will it count for an hour, or you will detect that...?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "There’s basic anti-fraud measures in place. A couple weeks after we launched, we noticed that a couple users were paid..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very easily, yeah." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Earn like $50 off setting up a lot of devices all at the same..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "It was pretty funny because we were already getting fraud from the users before almost any genuine users came on. That was really early, so we’ve taken steps to fix that at a pretty basic level." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "There’s some metrics used to track active engagement. Currently, it’s just if you stay on the website for a long time, they get paid more." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "The idea is that, for example, in the future, let’s say you video stream the website, video-streamed websites take more resources on their end, compared to just text-based websites. Should we pay them more? Or, for example, if the websites provide more value, should we pay them more?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A couple of things. First of all, is it a fixed, monthly payment, based on the percentage of browsing activities?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Just like Spotify?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "It’s a little bit different. Right now, you’re getting paid five dollars, but we don’t just pay out five dollars to these websites. We actually do micropayments to them. It works out to like few dollars an hour, per person." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "For example, if we both buy a subscription, and I’m going to stay like 40 hours a day and you use it for 20, then you’ll expect to be subsidizing some of my usage , and you might actually only donate..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right, so it’s like a collective." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yeah, and I would donate too. Kind of like collectives, like I think Roadmap in your social impact article. That’s how it works." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In that case, then, it’s very interesting because it creates an incentive for people to kind of maximize the hours spent. If it’s all just prorated what went on, just a free ride." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It does create a perverse incentive for people to spend more time, because it’s a proportional reward your spent time?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "That is the issue. Our train of thought, there was some internal discussion of this as well. Initially, we were worried that by prorating it for each person, for example, if I spent 10 percent of my time on this website, they get paid 10 percent from my month’s payment, then it would actually create a negative effect on..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, a diverse..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yeah, it would affect the outcome. It’s like, \"Oh, I don’t want to give this website that much money, so let me close it.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Or, \"Should I support this website?\" We don’t want the users to think about that. We just want them to use the website..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Why wouldn’t you want a user to think about that? I mean, with a credit card, I get a monthly bill. It is a customary gesture for people at least every month, perhaps every week, to review the effects my donations had, right?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Right." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Are you keeping this opaque, or do you want to be kind of completely transparent?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "The users will be able to see which way their money is going." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, if they request for it, but not actively saying, you know, \"This month this is our sponsors...\"" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "They will be able to see a page, but I’m not sure what exactly page, and whether it’s available to users." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In other subscription-based website, like Patreon or whatever, there is this feel-good monthly report that lets people see how exactly they’re spending their time on. I think it could be a perfect chance for people to kind of intervene. If I see this is proportionally large..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Right, realizing, \"Oh, I’m spending so much time on these clickbait websites.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right, \"So maybe I can just dial down.\" Maybe the user should have their preference that says for example, you provide a natural cap, but the user can lower that cap." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Oh, they can do that. They can adjust how much money..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, but only with intentions, right?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’d have to think about it then. What I’m saying is that maybe it’s easier if you just monthly, or every other week, remind users somehow through an email or something like that." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Like send a report. Oh, these are the websites..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, because it’s the value of analytics. This is what my credit card company offers me, an analysis of my spending habits." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "That’s interesting, because the train of thought before was we don’t want to interfere in the user’s..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But it’s not interference. This is adding like an insight into your..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Actually it’s like..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...ah-ha habits." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "There’s a couple extensions out there that do the exact same thing. This would be an added layer of that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is the feel-good part, because they can feel good that these websites..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Supportive." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...are now being supported. It’s not just a trivial number of dollar amount, because we can also include in the total payments you made, like a co-collective. Of course, it doesn’t compromise privacy, because I don’t know about it anyway." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I get to know that I’m one of the 50,000 people that frequent this website, and it makes me feel good, because then I’m part of the collective, and I’m supporting I’m one patron to any thread... any web comment author, and then I only get one dollar per month, but then I get to know that this particular artist is being supported by 100,000 people, and it makes me feel like I’m part of that 100,000 people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That gives a stronger incentive to engage more with the creator, rather than just me being on my own rather behavior. Which, as it’s said, everybody can look at their whole browsing history. But nobody does that, right?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Unless you want to clear it. [laughs] Just showing them one person is part of a collective, and how they’re in proportion of the collective is useful by itself." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "That’s interesting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That provides a natural touchpoint for them to adjust their rated weight for one, cap for another, into this pool." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "That’s interesting. That’s going to look like a self-policing mechanism for how much time you’re spending on websites." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then any other voluntary, let’s just call it votes. Of course, it suffers from the people that want linearly power one thing up, and everything else down because of this..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yes..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": " vote." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the Ethereum community, they’re running this idea of quadratic voting. QV basically say you can take the square root of the points that you have and that becomes the prorated vote. I’m not saying that you should take the square root of the time spent. I don’t know, you make sure that it makes sense. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If the user has a way to dive between the different options, if it’s done through quadratic voting, I think it then gives people more incentive to look more closely into each choices and how those choices synergize with each other." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s another thing I think maybe you can look into, is whenever there’s a kind of voluntary expression of preference is that if they’re only offering the one..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Like a yes or no." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...yes or no, maybe you can try some sort of quadratic voting." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Like out of 10, they can borrow. They can..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly. There’s a interesting visualization of QV, which is like a cup. Then it’s like a triangle, and then you dip into it, and the height is the vote that you give, but the volume is the point that you’ve spent." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s one, and three, and five, and seven for each traditional voting, so you’re literally pouring into a champagne cup or something. That gives a nice visualization of filling in the glasses of the creators, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What I’m saying is that, with my example, you providing those insights into the collective of their own behavior. Second, you let them express preference. Knowing that they’re expressing their preference while it takes effort from them actually creates value by signaling it to your collective." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Right. I think things like Patreon shows how much people are willing and interested in interacting with this specific community. They want access to that new content, premium content, behind the scenes..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s when a creator can announce their pledges. If 10,000 people donate to me and then I agree to make one extra product every week or something like that’s a very familiar arrangement. I must say that with monetization as a protocol should address this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If a extension allows a way for such creators, it could be used for Patreon, it could be OPENCOLLAB or things like that to hook into this, then you get to learn more about how each of your subscription in the outer web is doing to fund creator’s career. That is another thing that provides social value." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Value exists between two social actors. It doesn’t really exist abstractly on one solo mission. Any attempt to capture value purely on a single user scenario isn’t going to work. If I recognize that my favorite creator is gaining some extra time to draw one more product every week, that provide social value to me." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "You’d be willing to pay for that, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right. Then I know that my payment helps the creator goes that extra mile." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I think maybe more direct feedback information about the creators and how they spend the income, how Patreon does it or, how social media installments influences..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Speaking about Patreon, it may be interesting to plug into their API, if they have one, to let the creators announce on their website, many people already do, through a button or something." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "We’re working on a creator system that might be a little bit similar to a Facebook or a Patreon for creators, not in terms of the pledges but in terms of the updates. A lot of people send updates." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "If you’ve streamed a certain amount of money to them this month or you’ve spend a certain amount of time engaging some content you have access to, their latest updates or some premium content as well. One thing we really want to do is micropayments. We don’t send lump-sum payments. We send payments every second." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "We wanted to open the door for things that weren’t possible before. You know CodePen? The idea is we’ll have paid CodePen. You would pay the micropayments while you’re on the CodePenCodePen for every second that you’re running it." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "In the back end, we’re spinning something like an AWS cloud to run your thing that you are paying for with micropayments. The second that you close the website that instance closes or is used by some other user that is also streaming. We’re still not 100 percent sure what micropayments will bring to the web." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Things like video streaming, if, as each byte of data is sent from the video server to the user, the user sends a fraction of a cent back to the video website as the transfer of data and the transfer of money, if it can exist in the same medium, both through two different protocols, the Internet protocol and interledger protocol." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Previously, the cost was in storage and then computation and bandwidth. Then storage become free. [laughs] Now, it’s mostly computation, some bandwidth." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Bandwidth is pretty cheap as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s just computation, and some bandwidth, and then negligible storage. We have a way to recover the computation costs that would work. It is much easier for your model which is clearly sponsored the use of the screens rented computation rather than using client computer to run computation to the mine, to pay then you go back. [laughs] There’s a huge amount of value in electricity loss along the way." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Web mining was a cool idea. I don’t think it really works in practice. Right now, mostly uses for it are pirate websites or other illegal hacks." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. I’m saying that as you walk in there and introduce the website, open the website that UI looks a lot like web mining." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Oh, I see." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That it’s kind of identical, so it’s just my first guess." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Maybe I can tell the UI team about that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The difference is that Coil is donating, right?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Right." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It doesn’t explain that John is already paying Coil as a subscriber. If I’m not a subscriber then the only thing I have of value is my browser computation. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "We want to make that distinction clear. Blockchain is pretty popular technology right now. We’re not leaning too much on it. We are using a blockchain to power the interledger protocol. It’s..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s negligent." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yes. It’s not the main thing of the common. We’re not doing ICO or anything like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "STO or thing like that." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yes. We’re just using blockchains in this platform." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As you should." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Maybe how JPMorgan is using it for some internal banking project. Actually, on the topic of micropayments, one of the thing we also thought that we could do is maybe something with gaming. I know Taiwan has pretty vibrant gaming market." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Esports market." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yes, Esports market, gaming market. The idea is that maybe gaming companies in the future don’t have to focus as much on monetizations through exploitive groups like premium games, cost mending problems, a lot of things that I feel are pretty negative to the user’s experience. No one loves these cosmetics." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "If users are streaming payments, the gaming history has less pressure to use these techniques. Money in the gaming industry’s really tight, multi-tech industry. Gamers are less lucrative than other tech-based opportunities because of high filming costs, a lot of competition. What do you think about the current gaming industry and how gaming economics work?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I play mostly indie games. I’m not the best person to offer my opinion. [laughs] I can download one indie game from the group GOG or whatever and play for a month. I’m not the ideal person to ask this question. I view gaming more like chess." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A fixed set of rules and I enjoy mostly turn-based games. I spend a lot of time on it but not interactively. I’m the wrong person to ask is what I’m saying. I do agree that if more games is able to build on each other’s successes that would mean a lot." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I have a friend called Rufus Pollock. He wrote \"Open Revolution\" which is a openly pay-what-you-want book that explains that, just like Spotify. He thinks that both patent and copyright need to be reformed so that it should be freely available but then paid by remuneration rights, which is paid by actual use." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The drug is paid by how many life it actually saves. Music is paid by how many hours it’s actually played and things, basically micropayments through a redistribution. He thinks that it makes new creations easier because it’s not entangled in patents and copyrights." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "New creations still gives the royalties implicitly by a fork from your GitHub. Then, if I monetize that, then you would automatically still get a screen credit. This is a interesting model. It currently only has worked in very centralized like Apple Music or Spotify models or in state-owned..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "It’s the Spotify model. Looking to the Spotify model to all copyrights." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s the Spotify model. That’s right. Exactly." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I had a conversation with someone that worked at a VC firm. They had a lot of investments in companies that had a lot of the copyright and all the patents. They were a customer using blockchain to license it. This would be one step further, removing the old copyright or patent system and replacing it with a system where it’s pay-per-use." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I like that idea. I think it’s more beneficial. You hear all the time about technologies or medical discoveries that are kept because of the patent or because of the copyright, the companies can’t increase collaboration." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It will give the game-making community some more economic incentive and shift more of the AAA games into essentially platform builders. Then it will make economic sense for them to encourage more of the modding community. Theoretically, this is really good." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then it’s setting free what we thought as \"intellectual property\" into something of a co-ownership model. To make it work, you first have to solve micropayment. [laughs] There is a natural synergy with the revolution model and the work that you’re working on." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Interesting. I like this Open...What is it?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s called The Open Revolution." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "The Open Revolution." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. He’s an economist. There’s lots of economy stuff. You can... [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "For example, books too, I think would be a great model for micropayments. Most creators would benefit from micropayments except for maybe certain more clickbait or more popular use. Even most journalists will also benefit." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Have you had a chance to be involved with journalism in Taiwan? I know all around the world, journalists are worried about social media and how it’s taking over all of the journalists’ profits." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Subscription-based investigative journalism is already in Taiwan, there’s quite a few cases that actually worked from all those magazine, \"The Taiwan Reporter.\" Things like that are genuinely engaging their readers so that they’re willing to..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Are you using online model?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s still paywall, subscription-based." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Like the \"The New York Times\" or \"Wall Street Journal.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right. Initium is doing the same, I think. \"Apple Daily,\" which is a newspaper is, for their own website, getting your social media profiles in exchange for the right of reading the articles and things like this. It could be monetized in every which way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is a pretty mature market in Taiwan that the journalists are generally not as dependent on social media advertisement anymore. I mostly talk about web media. Of course, the traditional media like TV and so on is pretty advertisement-based." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Would you be more positive about maybe small creators in Taiwan compared...These large brand like New York Times or Wall Street are famously very successful business models. They have that brand and the users have that need." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "When you look at smaller bloggers that are starting out or maybe don’t have as much of an established community, maybe they’re the ones who are hit even harder. Maybe not because their costs are lower. They’re not a setup company." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m not as worried. Also, the cost of actually producing content, even video blogging, is negligible. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Is quite low." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I don’t think there is a shortage of quality content being produced. However, there is a lot of know-how, and common assets, and the free models that people can use as part of their creations, the templates for their stories and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "More of the things in the commons the more higher-quality the culture becomes. A part of our minister of culture plan, there is a lot of high-quality. The Taiwan Digital Asset Library." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Graphics." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. The Digital Asset Library is what I’m thinking of. Whenever they make a movie or something, it offers free three dimensional..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Assets." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Assets to everybody. That enables creators to very easily set their scene anywhere in Taiwan. What we are saying is that if we build commons so thick that you can very easily turn your idea into a convincing creation work." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "That work in creativity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That encourage creativity. Instead of sympathizing only particular creators, it democratizes the creator community." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "If you have a large library of free, public..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s creative commons. Yes. That’s the main work I’m doing. Because Taiwan has a pretty good culture of creative commons, our very transcript is going to be creative commons license." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Of collaboration." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It creates more synergy between different localities of artwork and creation. That is the main work that we’re doing. When that is already the case then the social sector and the private sector doesn’t see it as zero-sum. This is something that they can add to." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I see. What do you think about the blogger community in Taiwan? I was pretty surprised when I looked overseas and realized that I don’t think bloggers are as prominent as they are in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There are still plenty of bloggers around..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "There’s bloggers all over the world. For example, especially Taiwan, they’re really centralized with these platforms, whereas the US, they mostly set up themselves a WordPress. They don’t use a shared...Maybe now this Medium has taken back a lot of the bloggers in the US. What do you think about blogging community in Taiwan?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I find it really interesting that Taiwan has so many bloggers with Pixnet. I wrote a project charity work a year ago where I connected bloggers to charities. The bloggers could visit the charities, use their website as a platform." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To promote the charities?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yes. To promote the charities, to spread awareness for causes like autism, for example, on kids." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Personally, I’m on Medium now. I have my own blog in my office, What I’m seeing is that people is very much willing to write on forum but a old way of segregators and so on doesn’t scale that well and it doesn’t solve the discovery problem which is why people converge to a more centralized Medium." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "What do you think about Medium as a platform? I think they’re recently going changes where they’re pushing a paid version." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Indeed." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "What do you think about that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They put it on the tin. They said that they’re going to monetize this stuff. It makes sense and it still respects the creator. If I said I work in the public domain, as I always do, then it doesn’t force a paywall." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It encourages people who are in the creative commons to build a community around it. It still lets people who want to monetize using a non-commercial creative commons or other CC licenses for their work to be able to actively monetize their by a subscription-based model. It is a..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Medium has pretty strict rules on what the users can do with regards to monetization. There is a little bit of concern involved with Medium creators that are lured into the platform being allowed to monetize any way they want. There is really strong encouragement from Medium to join their paid platform so that you join their payroll. Do you read Hacker Noon?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Mm-hmm." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Recently they left Medium." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They did?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yes, they did. They had a public crowdfunding. They raised around a million. I think that’s the limit in the US for how much you can raise for the public. Now they’re on their own platform. They used the money to build a platform to hire more staff, essentially." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m less worried because of the migration paths from a Medium community into your own platform is relatively straightforward compared to a physical page. It’s almost impossible to migrate from a physical page to your own website." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Their only loss is probably a loss of referral traffic that they’re..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. I’m less worried about Hackernoon is what I’m saying, which is why I’m still on Medium. The blogging community is very flexible and is mostly a social connection anyway." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is already a backbone of microblogging supporting bloggers [laughs] so you can still rediscover the social connections through microblogging, through Twitter or in the early days in Taiwan in [Taiwanese] ." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Nowadays, Mastodon has some users now and things like that. Having a microblogging layer to still be a consistent social layer while the underlying platform can change, at the moment it’s working..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "The actual blogging has changed a lot even in the past 10, 20 years. Medium is pretty recent, past five, six years?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. What I mean is that the blogging community is pretty resilient to the underlying technology. As you remember the time I was part of the group that translated the term blog to Mandarin. [laughs] 部落格 as we say so in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’ve seen generations of platforms. When Movable Type threatened to charge royalty or something people migrated en masse to WordPress or whatever." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "People moved en masse." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "You don’t think there’s..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "...bad guy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": " what I’m saying." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Interesting. I’m curious what’s Taiwan’s stance on net neutrality. That’s an issue that I was really..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No. Our telecom operators is behaving so well that it’s not even a active political issue." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "OK. That’s good to know." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There are some terms, actually, put into the Digital Communication Act, the DCA, for net neutrality, but it’s still waiting Parliament to be passed into action." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I see." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We do have a net neutrality draft bit." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I know it was a huge issue in the US, as well as Europe recently, was Article 13, it passed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It helps that one of our largest telecom is still like 36 percent state-owned." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "State-owned, right. They always fall in line with the government. I see. It’s interesting how I think Comcast was it, or maybe it was Verizon, wasn’t it? I think maybe Verizon, they’re actually looking to expand more into content with acquisition stuff..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "...AOL." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...the stack." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "They don’t want this to be defunded, but they also want to own all the content on the site. I would say both." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s the US direction. Meanwhile, in the EU, they’re doing link tax, so they’re now pulling in two completely different directions." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yeah, but Taiwan is not aligned with..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "[laughs] We’re not doing anything active over there." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Nothing too extreme." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, we have to be compatible with these different world orders." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I was worried about the traffic in the US, because I feel like it’s a terrible idea to be a little strict, too extreme with a website browser. That kind of goes back to the old days of like AOL, when they were acquiring Internet access." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I see." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "That’s a terrible idea. It looks like Netflix is at the center." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re very blessed with Taiwan’s current telecom operators." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "It’s not a monopoly in any way. Whereas I think in a lot of countries, it’s a lot closer to a monopoly, and that’s how to accommodate such a large distribution." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "That’s interesting. I know you talk a lot about social innovation. I’m curious where your interest in social innovation began." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Maybe the internet itself. It’s one of the earliest social innovations that I participated." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I was interested in social innovation, for example, a corporate point of view. Are you aware of Public Benefit Corporations in the US?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Benefit Corporations, yes. We’re introducing that regulation, I think, in Taiwan soon." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "What is it called in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It will be the guideline for recognizing social innovative organizations." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "It’s like a type of company that..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It could be company. It could be co-op. It could be a NGO. In the US, actually charities are a form of company that have to fit a certain 501 code of tax. What we’re saying is that if you declare your public purpose, you deliver your public reports, you do your, what is it called...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...benefit reports. Then whether you’re a company or NGO, or whatever, we recognize you as a social innovation organization." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Does the government provide any incentives for...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, like low-interest loans and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Maybe tax...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not tax, because each organization form has its own tax code. It’s impossible to offer a tax benefit across organization types, but we can offer like better interest loans and more dynamic allocation of resources by treating these as partners in our policymaking and things like that. Basically treat them as a larger social sector." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I really love the work that nongovernment organizations do, like charities, NGOs. I also feel like being in a company of the past has been a strong incentive to actually do..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Which is why Mozilla is both a company and a foundation. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yeah, like my Mozilla. Have you heard of KaiOS ?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It does ring a bell. Are they based in Taiwan?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I actually met with their team in Taiwan. They’re local. What they’re working on is really interesting. They’re actually working on..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right, it’s the successor of Firefox OS." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "They’re actually growing really fast. They have, I think like 89 million users now." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, I read about that." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "In India, or Turkey, they’re providing like..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s good to know that Firefox OS lives on. Lots of my friends used to work for that particular department, and they got laid off and become free foxes. [laughs] It is very good to see that, because of all the good work carries on." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I think KaiOS has pretty much took the Firefox OS, and kind of changed a bit to make it a little bit more commercial, because according to them, originally, Firefox OS has more limitations on what they can do because of their whole mission." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "More than." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Also, Firefox OS wanted more of the touch. The touch devices are expensive. Cheap touch devices are..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Doesn’t work well." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yeah, have a poor user experience. They went back actually to the old kind of button-based. They’re doing, I felt it was interesting. I’m not sure how much demand there will be for it in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think people want that kind of feature phone for their grandparents. There is a stable kind of demand for that age group, and so there is always demand, I think. It’s not just because of low cost but also because of less complicated interface." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Right. Their other sales is that they have group of people who can only afford this kind of device, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. That’s..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "For them, it’s their first experience of the Internet. When I talked to them, what I found the most interesting, maybe you’ll find it interesting as well is that when they’re building these things, they have to keep in mind how the Internet works, because the Internet is optimized for large devices, for large phones." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "How do you let people use Facebook, such a complicated interface?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To be a graceful fallback." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yeah, how can you let people use Facebook with just buttons? You go up, down, left, right with each button. How do they scroll? How do they do anything?" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "They actually have to work with these companies and create custom apps, custom experiences for these people and also to introduce them, what is search? What is Google? Basically, introduce them to the Web for the first time. I found that they were doing interesting..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Indeed." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "They actually mentioned that they have a little group of people who are tired with the modern Internet, with modern social media, and all the baggage that that brings at times. They want to return to a simpler time." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Some of them will use a KaiOS phone for a couple months. They still have the basic messaging functionality, but they’re not watching videos on it all the time because the screen is less than two inches." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s much harder to build addiction using that interaction." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "On the government’s side, is there any concern about especially younger people with tech addiction? Any health issues it brings, for example." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, which is why digital literacy, critical thinking, and so on is built into our new curriculum starting this year. That’s the active curriculum now. It’s called 媒體識讀." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Is it more focusing on STEM education?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Mm-hmm." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Is it like..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s part of STEM education, actually, because it crosses all of the disciplines. We teach students to treat anything, including the teacher as not authority. They’re just resources. Then it encourages critical thinking on any information that they receive." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you view things as a more paced, like slow think, instead of fast think, it makes it less easy for people to get addicted, and it also makes it more difficult for this information to grow as well. That’s part of our disinformation awareness campaign as well. Not everything that you receive as a message from your LINE group is true, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s many curriculum activities being developed under the umbrella of critical thinking..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "That’s interesting, because I think fake news is really a big issue..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The dissemination..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "...especially how gullible people are..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "This kind of education probably helps to cut down on that. Like Facebook is hacking a ton of issues..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "On Facebook and other social media platforms will..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. They’ll be more accountable of the negative externalities of their platforms to the society." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Yeah, because they are spreading misinformation on a really massive scale." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right, so if this fact check is false, then it is flagged to demote its virality. It’s like sending a spam..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "...have like a herd mentality that works with people on the Internet. If one person says, it kind of becomes like almost like a tribal sense." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly. I do have another call to attend to, so perhaps we can follow up on email and so on." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Sure. We can..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Later this evening, there will be a vTaiwan meetup here. That’ll be right here. They’ll be throwing a meet up. Feel free to linger around." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I see." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then there will be people bringing in pizza. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Oh, cool. Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s every Wednesday at 7:30..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I see. Here?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right here. They meet here." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Oh, I see. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to attend tonight." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, I understand..." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Oh, yeah. I’ll make sure and attend some time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Is it like a hollow hackathon?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a regular meet up." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Oh, OK." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You will meet many of the civic testing groups and so on. It’s usually from 7:00 to 10:00." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "7:00 to 10:00." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Three hours. I figured you could drop by any time." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Cool. Yeah. Thank you so much. I really enjoyed meeting you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No problem." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "I really appreciate your time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure. Yes. Really enjoyed talking to you." }, { "speaker": "Ryan Chang", "speech": "Hope you found it enjoyable." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. It’s really nice to know that Firefox OS lives on. [laughs]" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Let’s get started." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "First of all, Minister Tang, thank you so much. I know it’s 10:30 at night, Friday night there, right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Surprisingly, I’m in Detroit. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "You are? [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "Wow." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I just woke up, actually." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "Good to know." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "What are you doing in Detroit?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a annual meeting of the Taiwanese Women’s Association. I’m giving a keynote tomorrow." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "That’s awesome." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "That’s amazing. Which organizations? These are all women’s empowerment associations that are all Taiwanese?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. It’s all Taiwanese. They’re called NATWA. I think they’re North American Taiwanese Women’s Association. They’re indeed the primary Taiwanese American working women empowerment, and they’ve been around for, I don’t know, three decades or something." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "Great. Cool. Was that today or it’s this weekend?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s going to be tomorrow." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "I see. Basically, we just wanted to hop on a call to talk a bit more about your recent exciting endeavors. Obviously, you’ve been doing really amazing things, empowering Taiwanese citizens, but also connecting Taiwanese civil society to the global goals." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Literally. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "Based on learning and reading more about what you do, we feel like you’d be a really excellent fit to our Oslo Freedom Forums. As you know, Oslo Freedom Forum, we went to Taiwan for the first time last year in November 2018. It was very exciting. It was a great learning experience." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "We really hope to continue connecting with Taiwan’s civil society but also empowering and amplifying balanced voices, local youth, and things like that. For this year, 2019, we are going back, but the date is still TBD. We’re trying to find a venue and everything, but we’re working on outreach right now." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "Given your involvement, do you have any organizations or individuals that you think would be interested in connecting with us for anything?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Date wise, is this still going to be around the end of year? I remember you were like November last year, right?" }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "Yes, November, but I actually did not attend. Jenny and I have been going back and forth with different venues. This is my first time doing an event in Taipei. Last year the forum was a little bit stuffy, is what we were told. It was a bit formal. It didn’t allow for networking connectivity. It didn’t allow us to bring society together. It didn’t allow us to have balance of different political views." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "This year, it’s important for us to unite everybody around the common good. The idea was to find a venue that supports that process." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "Since we are branching away from just the hotel culture, we have had a little bit of trouble. We’re thinking, it looks like it’s going to be between September and November. We were hoping to actually do something closer to October, say, a little bit away from the election time. I know it’s all crunched, coming in for January." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You’re breaking away from the hotel culture. Did I hear that right?" }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "Mm hmm." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There was a OTF Summit, the Open Tech Fund Summit that was also in Taipei, and they chose a pretty good hotel. I was there. Do you mean that you’re deliberately choosing a venue that’s not a hotel?" }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "Yeah, I’m looking for something that allows for more engagement with those on stage and those offstage. Sometimes there’s a formality with hotels. Again, I’m not familiar with all the hotels in the city. If there is something that you feel as a venue was really functional, allowed for better engagement, and I would say more egalitarian." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "I want it to be more accessible, especially for youth. I don’t want it to just be high society. I want it to be all society. Sometimes the hotel is a barrier to entry." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Does it have to be Taipei City, or are you open to considering other cities?" }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "I think Jenny and I were discussing this. We’re open to other cities. The problem is, whatever city we’re in, we want to make sure that we’re engaging the audience. We don’t want to go so far away, where maybe media is not interested in being a part of it, or youth is not interested in being a part of it. It has to be strategic, unfortunately, so that we can really bring groups in a united way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I see. How many people do you expect will attend this year around?" }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "Jenny, how many did we have last year? Around 400, was it?" }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "Yeah. I feel like last year was around 300. This year, of course, we’re going to try to shoot a little bit higher, but also keep it realistic, like 400 or 500 this year maybe?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "400 or 500 in Taipei City and also which is not a hotel already narrows it down to a handful of choices." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To be egalitarian as a focus... Well, my office, which is the Taiwan Social Innovation Lab, may actually fit such a description." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We do have to negotiate with Minister of Culture, which runs the C LAB, or the Contemporary Culture Lab. I think by the time that you were around last year, the C LAB was not even generally open, so this is a relatively new venue." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s where they have, for example, one of the larger g0v hackathons this May, that is just next month. They have very similar requirements, like everything is on the ground floor, or at most, the second floor. Things are more spontaneous. It feels that there is no hierarchies and so on, so it is a possibility." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I cannot guarantee you the C LAB’s availability, especially it’s now becoming a very popular place, hosting for example the Night of Ideas from France, and so on, there’s many international activities being held around there. I’ll give you the link to the venue for your consideration. I do feel the same way, that hotel, sometimes vertical restricts conversations." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "No, I agree. Thank for the suggestion. We’ll definitely look into it. Let’s see if we get lucky, and they have some availability for us." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "As far as, coming back to the city, I think it’s also important to feature not only the tech community, but also women. It’s very important that we balance our stage and balance our perspective. For us, having someone like you participate on our stage as far as a speaker, or otherwise, we would be honored. I wonder what your interest in that would be." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "My office is literally inside the C LAB, so regardless, I’ll be there." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m, of course, very willing to attend. It’s difficult to pre-agree without like a week range of dates. I’ll just signal that I’ve very interested. I think the major travel I have is around the end of October, the week of 20th, from 20th to the end of October, I’ll be in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, which is far from Taipei." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Otherwise, I think I’ll be in Taipei. The sooner you let me know which week you intend, the better that I can guarantee my participation. I’m highly motivated and willing to attend, even if I’m abroad. I’m happy to attend through avatars, robots, holograms, and all that." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "That’s incredible. May I ask what you’re doing in Ethiopia, and it’s OK if it’s personal." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure. No, I don’t have anything personal in Ethiopia. It’s the Social Enterprise World Forum or the SEWF. This time there’s two SEWF co-branded ones. One is Taiwan, the Asia Pacific Social Enterprise Summit, where we give the partnership award for like the STG, the Biosphere Inclusive Business Social Progress Partnership." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We co brand with SEWF, so they help bring in people to Taiwan. Around the end of the year, we help bring in people to Ethiopia, which is their annual summit." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "Incredible. I didn’t even hear about it, so now I have to look this up. This is wonderful." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s called Social Enterprise World Forum. Coincidentally, I think their main theme in Ethiopia is also around women entrepreneurship and empowerment." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "We have to look out for that one, I guess, guys." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "[laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "Sorry, go ahead, Jenny." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "Sorry. Also, Minister Tang, we were also thinking about going to Taiwan at some point this summer for a planning trip, and also to meet with civil society, NGOs, etc. I saw online that you’ll be at the Techsauce Global Summit in June. Do you plan to be in Taipei or in Taiwan over the summer, and what dates would work best if we were to go visit you?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is a lot of traveling from now to May. There is only a brief weekend, which is May 11th that I’m in Kaohsiung for the Asia Pacific Social Enterprise Summit, but otherwise there’s lots of travels. I think the travel stops June 3rd. Starting from the weekend of June 3rd, let’s make it June 5th just to be sure, then I’m available for meetings in Taipei." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "Good. We’re thinking of going sometime either June or July, and it’d be really great to meet you. We recently, also, connected with 楊黃美幸." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, our ambassador at large." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "She was very delightful, and we really look forward to seeing her there as well. I think it’s really exciting that HRF and Oslo Freedom Forum is starting to really work with the community and engaging. I think this is a exciting trajectory. We’re excited that you’re on board and definitely interested." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As for the organizations, are you looking for people who help setting an agenda, people who are delivering talks? What kind of partnership are you looking for at this stage?" }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "So far, we connected with the foundation for women’s development. Let’s see, Foundation for Women’s Rights Promotion and Development." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "婦權會?" }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "Yes. Let’s see, last year, Taiwan’s Foundation for Democracy was there as well. We had the Marriage Equality Coalition. This is just the beginning, we’re scraping the surface right now. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Just to make sure, are you connected with the FWRPD, the Foundation of Women’s Rights Promotion Developments, the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, and also the Marriage Equality Platform?" }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "Yes, so far." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "These are very good starting points. The FWRPD was also our main partnership in the social enterprise work forum efforts. They’re very well connected with the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Similarly, the TfD with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You’re in really good hands." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "With us, we already have an amazing community of activists and speakers. When we think about how we build those partnerships, it’s how to also further our activists work globally. When we’re talking partnerships, it’s people on the ground who are interested defending against tyranny, those who are interested in building a community after we leave." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "It’s not just that we come in, we do an event, and we go. We want to set a mark, or at least set a process, or begin a connection. Hopefully that will allow for problem solving, for strategizing, for thinking out of the box on how to solve some of these problems that we bring to the surface. I think from a partnership perspective, it’s not only just attendees or otherwise. We also have this expo space." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "It’s called the Interactive Expo, we’re interested in the technology scene to maybe show how we can merge technology and human rights, and how we could use technology to solve a lot of our human rights issues. Those kind of partners are very incredible creative dissidents, and creative activists are always partners that we look for and also can feature in our expo space." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "It’s really holistic, and we’re thinking with Prachi, as well, who’s on this call, we’re thinking of different ways we can build more of a grassroots initiative around it. We’re not just a conference. We want to be a little bit more than a conference." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "My suggestion would be to look into, there’s a working platform across all the NGOs around the two covenants. That’s the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and of course, on Economic, Social, and Cultural rights. Every time around they write shadow reports. They organize all the human rights activists in Taiwan. I think there’s a similar one for the CEDAW too." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s the main topical coalition of all the related human rights workers to systemically look at how Taiwan can both help internationally as well as requires help internationally. If you look for the shadow report co-authors, you’ll probably find the right people to network with and connect you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Every time they publish a shadow report, there’s a credit list of all the civil society organizations that contributes to the shadow reports. I think these are the ones that are your natural allies." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "That’s great. Thank you so much. Prachi, do you have any thoughts? Did we lose Prachi?" }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "I think we may have..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Hey, greetings." }, { "speaker": "Prachi Vidwans", "speech": "Thoughts? I think this has been really interesting. I feel like basically our goals have been already laid out by Sevim, but I also didn’t go to Taiwan last year, so I’m really excited to come and learn more about the dynamics on the ground and the groups that are working together and what connections already exist between organizations, both in Taiwan and in the region in general." }, { "speaker": "Prachi Vidwans", "speech": "Another element, too, is that our goal with all of our conferences is to create this global community of pro-democracy activists, people from all over the world who are fighting similar battles. It can be tough for us to balance bringing in the international perspective and also addressing local issues. Our global conferences are in Mexico. We’ve done one in Johannesburg." }, { "speaker": "Prachi Vidwans", "speech": "Mexico has a lot of serious political issues that are going on, so does South Africa, though it’s less violent. Both of these, we consider them democracies. Taiwan is a democracy, but it’s confronting authoritarianism in a very direct way that these other locations don’t." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Literally in the front line." }, { "speaker": "Prachi Vidwans", "speech": "Exactly. I’m trying to understand how we can address this topic in Taiwan without creating problems for the people that are joining our network, but there is so much more relevance to authoritarianism in Taiwan than there is in like South Africa. I don’t really have a specific question about that, but I’m looking forward to learning more about out when our planning trip ends." }, { "speaker": "Prachi Vidwans", "speech": "If you have insight on how we can talk about China, and the spread of Chinese authoritarianism in Taiwan, in a way that’s safe for the people in the room, I’d love to hear about that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you mean safe from the police in Taiwan, I assure the police in Taiwan will be on your side. [laughs] There really is that Taiwan has absolute speech freedom. I think the only thing that you can’t really hold a public forum about is advocating conquering of Taiwan by force. That one is still not allowed. Otherwise, everything else is just fine." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Again, even people who are talking about PRC in a pro-PRC way, enjoy lots of freedom around speech and assembly. Really, there will be no trouble for your extended networks, no matter which position that they hold." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For people that are visiting come from Hong Kong or Macau, and so on, generally, they’re welcome as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If people come from PRC, they may need applications well in advance. If you have visa issues for people from regimes that previously had a much more close relationship with the PRC — we need to be very precise here — then they may need visa help. Our office is also very happy to provide this help." }, { "speaker": "Prachi Vidwans", "speech": "That’s amazing. Something we’ve discussed is how to figure out how to balance our marketing and our presence in the press." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Last time around, you already sent a pretty good signal by being pretty much non partisan in your assembly and working with one of the opposition party lawmakers, Jason Hsu, right? I think that sends a pretty good signal that you’re not here to advocate for any particular parties." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If we continue this non partisan or cross partisan connection and signal, I think you’re pretty safe. Myself, I’m independent, I’m non partisan as well." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "Something interesting that was mentioned to me from one of our colleagues was that there’s a lot of misinformation in some media circles. Is this something that you have witnessed? Do you have any opinion on that? Should we comment on that?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a recent study and publication from someone called Puma. He said that’s his nickname, and he’s working with the Taiwan Association for Human Rights, the TAHR, which I’m sure that you have already connected with, but they are one of the main association behind the shadow reports, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you look for the report on misinformation and information manipulation, these are the keywords that you need to search for. There’s plenty of discussions right now about systemic campaigns to sow discord, as well as to specifically target elections. These are not new. We’ve been witnessing it in the past few elections." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The way that the people who want to influence elections is very interesting, because we have one of the most developed sunshine laws when it comes to campaign donations. This year, we will publish all the individual donation records under structured data, so that it’s readable, analyzable, and so on. It’s a model for the rest of the world." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because of this, then people use a lot of other ways, like placing a lot of targeted advertisement or misinformation campaigns, and so on, through paid advertisement on social and traditional media. That’s a new development, partly connected to why because of our campaign donation laws are so transparent, people consider other ways, especially if they’re foreign capital." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re now working with the Parliament. They’re now deliberating a honest advertisement amendment to the election laws to make sure that the campaign donations and political advertisement are held on the same standard of disclosure as well as limiting them only to domestic people, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "These are pretty new developments, and I’m happy to share more if you’re interested about that on your planning trip." }, { "speaker": "Prachi Vidwans", "speech": "I think we’re definitely interested. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "Definitely. Anything else from the rest of us? I don’t want to take up more of Minister Tang’s time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, that’s just fine." }, { "speaker": "Prachi Vidwans", "speech": "I’d love to learn a little bit about what you’re working on right now, and what initiatives you’re working on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m working on quite a few things. Right now, I’m working on the Presidential Hackathon, which is an interesting way for the civil society to set an agenda for the public service by essentially making what we call trilingual teams of civil society domain experts, data science and IT experts, as well as public servants or regulatory experts, and forming those trilingual teams." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There are hundreds of proposals last year, and we’re on the second year, actually. There’s already more than 100 proposals too. Every year, we choose. This year through popular voting, using quadratic voting, as well as a panel of experts using range voting, to make sure that we select at the end five winning teams." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They get no monetary prize, but they get a presidential promise and a presidential office demo day to make their ideas public service by the next budget year. We delivered all five of five last year, and there are quite a few related to your work. For example, one of them is to provide human aide to people who cannot afford to own a car." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They re-planned their help centers, and so on, around public transportation, walking distances, and piggybacking on existing services offered by other CSOs to make sure that people get a fair legal counsel, even when they cannot afford it, and things like that. It is a very interesting way to do government innovation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This time around, we’re also working with the open contracting partnership, internationally, so that people who can also apply for international engagement could look at our procurement data, for example, to make sure that we’re even more accountable than we already are." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Here are the related links if you’re interested in recommending other teams to participate, and have a change to demo to our president. I think the international track is still open for participation for another month or so. That’s the thing that we’re working on right now." }, { "speaker": "Prachi Vidwans", "speech": "Very cool." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "I’m definitely going to look through this." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "I was reading your article about how tech is vital for the future of democracy. I was wondering what kind of results you’d seen from your efforts as minister in that space." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very positive." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "Great." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re hosting a conversation right now about the future of Taiwan/US relationship. It’s one of the cases where we really use what we call AI-moderated conversations..." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "Oh, cool!" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Here is the link: If you open that link, and scroll to the bottom, you can already see the hundreds of people who participates interest to sign in. You can also vote anonymously each other’s opinions, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very interestingly, it highlights not only the divisive issues, but also the majority opinions. Because there is no reply button, there is no way for ad hominem attacks, trolls, or whatever. Tt’s a very civil way to talk about common agenda. This is actually one of the most polarizing issue in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because we have worked with many polarizing issues, we worked with like this technology in Taiwan has been worked with mainstream media. The continuation of death penalty following a random killing. It has been used for associating Singaporean style caning to drunk driving. Uber, also. Basically, all the divisive issues you can think of, we’ve deployed this technology to really good result." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s make people aware that actually they agree with most of their neighbors on most of their issues, most of the time. For the conversation not to get derailed by divisive issues. I think this is one of the cases really working. We’re also working with the e petition participatory budgetary regulatory announcement, and so on, in conjunction with this technology." }, { "speaker": "Prachi Vidwans", "speech": "I can see this being really useful, too. Say this is a very polarizing topic, but these majority groups are kind of close to one another, like..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. If you want to experiment with this, it’s free, as in free software. You can set up a copy of the software, or if you just want to try around, here is the link for you to try around:" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You can start a new conversation anytime." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "In a way, because you don’t have these, I guess, trolls, there’s no way to sew divisiveness in the conversation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. The insight here is just to take away the reply button. Once you take away the reply button, everybody becomes civil." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "That’s kind of an interesting phenomenon." }, { "speaker": "Prachi Vidwans", "speech": "Fascinating. I think most people say, well, not most people, but there’s a discussion whether anonymity brings that out in you. Maybe it’s just the ability to argue that brings this on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s exactly right. It’s just like email. Anyone can anonymously send anyone anything. If they send it to millions of people at once, they risk being flagged as spam and go to people’s junk mail folder. Still, it’s no censorship. It’s just you can’t you always waste other people’s time anymore by default." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "That was really interesting." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "I can play with these links all day." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "I’m just thinking, \"What can we do with this? There’s so much to ask. There’s so much to do.\" Jenny, anything else from you?" }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "Let’s see. No. I think this conversation was really great and super informative. I’m pretty excited that now we have this dialogue going. It’s great. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Is it OK if I just publish this unedited to YouTube after our talk? I don’t think we have mentioned anything confidential. If you object, we can publish a transcript instead." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I can make a transcript. We can co-edit for 10 days, and we publish through text instead of through video." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "I think so." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Let’s do that." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Prachi Vidwans", "speech": "Great." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "[laughs] Very cool." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "Very cool." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Anything else?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re good then." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "I have a lot of ideas. I feel very excited about the potential and what we can do. I hope the place is available. We’ll reach out to them. We hope to get you a date as soon as possible. We want to get it by May, to have a date, so we can send out to all. We’re looking forward to it and look forward to seeing you this summer, hopefully." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, see you in June or July." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "Or July. All right. Take care." }, { "speaker": "Prachi Vidwans", "speech": "Great." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Take care." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "Bye." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Cheers." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "Thank you very much." }, { "speaker": "Prachi Vidwans", "speech": "Bye." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Bye." }, { "speaker": "Sevim Abaza", "speech": "Bye." }, { "speaker": "Jenny Wang", "speech": "Bye." } ]
[ { "speaker": "Ben Hopkins", "speech": "I see it’s 10 after 12:00, so why don’t we go ahead and get started? It is my great privilege to welcome everyone to today’s event, which fortunately, we are able to host Minister Tang from Taiwan, who’s joined us today." }, { "speaker": "Ben Hopkins", "speech": "I should note today’s event is being not only held in-person, but it’s also being live streamed. Actually, what you see up here is the minister has very kindly set up as part of the live streaming the opportunity to ask questions, submit questions online." }, { "speaker": "Ben Hopkins", "speech": "Either please scan the barcode or go to and have your questions coming in during the presentation. At the end, when we open up to Q&A, we’ll take some of those questions online. My name is Professor Ben Hopkins." }, { "speaker": "Ben Hopkins", "speech": "I’m the director of the Sigur Center for Asian Studies. We are the university’s center for Asian studies. We have a long-lasting and close relationship with TECRO and great interest in Taiwan. It’s a great privilege today to welcome you all to one of our annual Taiwan events." }, { "speaker": "Ben Hopkins", "speech": "That’s really all I have to say, except to introduce Deepa Ollapally, who is today’s moderator, and will introduce the minister herself, so Deepa." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Good morning, everyone, or good afternoon. I’m really honored to be able to do the introduction for Minister Audrey Tang. When I was looking at her bio, there’s so many things that one could talk about." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "The first word that came to my mind was, \"Wow.\" Here’s somebody who has that wow factor, if I may. Minister Tang is the first Digital Minister of Taiwan, and I would say one of Asia’s most innovative and exciting thought leaders and activists on governance and the use of digital space for that." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Minister Tang serves on the Taiwan National Development Council’s Open Data Committee, the K through 12 curriculum committee, and she also led Taiwan’s first e-rulemaking project. Minister Tang works on a variety of consulting with Apple, works with Oxford University Press on crowd lexicography, and with social text on social interaction design." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Also, actively still contributes to gov-zero..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "g0v." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Gov-Zero." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "A vibrant community, with the call to “fork the government,” and I wanted to make sure I didn’t mispronounce that word." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Careful to say that. Let me just a few things about Minister Tang that I found particularly interesting. Minister Tang started her work with computers at a very early age. I think the first thing that she did was create an educational game for minister’s younger brother." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Also showed, I think, a lot of personal courage, because at 15, left school with the blessings of the head teachers, and went on to start a company, many companies along the way. At the ripe old age of 33, I think, decided to retire from private sector and focus on the public sector." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Really want to do what the minister has called deliberative democracy, to start that kind of a movement on that. Finally, in 2016, when the minister was asked to be the first Digital Minister and join the government, apparently, she was asked to a write a job description." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "I happened to read the job description online. It was a poem, which was, I think, very innovative, very inspirational, very intelligent, and kind of irreverent and fun. I have a feeling that those words probably describe the minister herself, personally and professionally." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "With that, I would invite you to come up. Just one small thing I just also wanted to mention that I haven’t. If you look around the room, there are some very interesting photographs that TECRO has kindly brought with them." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "These are in the back, on these easels in the back. Some of them have photos of the minister as well, engaging in dialog between US and Taiwan on things that some of you may know about, the GCTF, and so forth, which has been at the forefront of fighting fake news, which certainly in Washington, it would be very welcome." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Thank you. Thank you very much." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you so much. Really a pleasure to be here to share with you some stories. I see that people online, even in the room, have already started asking questions. May I remind people to like each other’s questions?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The questions with the most number of likes flow to the top. Top questions get answered faster, like this one. \"What does fork the government even mean?\" In computer programming, fork means taking something that’s going to a direction and change its governance model by splitting the governance committee and developing it in the other way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It doesn’t actually destroy the original work. It actually creates a copy. You hear it in Bitcoin, blockchain governance, in other ways that basically says, \"Take something and run to a different direction,\" with the hope to merge in the future." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The g0v community does that professionally. g0v is a domain name that is literally is For each of the government services that the g0v activist doesn’t like, or think the government should do, but haven’t been doing, the g0v activist does a shadow government website." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For example, the legislative is Predictable, the shadow legislative in g0v is It solves the discover problem. You don’t have to Google search for anything. You just take an existing government website, change the O to a 0, and get to the shadow government." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The government that’s built by the g0v always relinquish copyright, so by the next procurement cycle, the government can just merge it back right in. I will show a few examples of the g0v project that became national websites and national services." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a way to gently push the government by creating essentially a standby version, that is the fork of the service, that is with the intention to be merged back. Keep the questions coming, because we are now at zero questions. I’ll resume my ordinarily programmed slides, which is my talk." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Today, I would like to talk about the shared values in the US-Taiwan relations, and strengthening democracy through open governance. Now, just to begin things, when we talk about crowdsourcing or crowd collective intelligence and things like that, usually what we say is that it’s a consultation about a specific domestic matter." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very rarely do we share the real agenda-setting power of what exactly are we going forward, why we’re going forward, the important priorities and so on, in an online way. Mostly, because of trolls. Now, in Taiwan, we’ve been perfecting the tool that is originally developed in San Francisco, I think, in Seattle, called" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": " is basically AI-moderated conversation that lets people resonate with each other’s statements without the possibility to troll. Just last week, actually, we launched with the AIT the first of its kind, a digital dialogue of how Taiwan’s role in the global community can be promoted." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We just crowdsource people’s ideas, and there’s zero trolls so far, just hundreds of very useful suggestions. If you go to, you can see the system. The system, very simply put, is that when you get there, you see one statement from a fellow, for example, Dr. Kharis Templeman from Stanford." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You can either agree or disagree with that statement, but there’s no reply button. As you press agree or disagree, the next statement shows up. You can just press agree or disagree. As you do that, the avatar -- that’s the blue circle -- moves along the axis of different camps." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You can see how close you are to your social media friends and so on. It produces automatically a chart that lists the divisive statements, as well as the consensus statements. Now, most of the social media and the mainstream media over-focus on divisive statements." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Essentially, waste people’s time, because people are not going to agree overnight on the divisive statements. Actually, letting people have a reflective view of what people’s really consensus are gives us a pointer of which that we can say, \"Most of people do agree on most of the things most of the time.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That enables the US-Taiwan relations to go forward, because by the end of each two-month cycle, the AIT will run a public forum that invites live experts and AIT personnel to discuss the top resonating statements, and how it may be integrated into the US-Taiwan relationship." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The four promotes is going to be the four topics the next eight months or so. I welcome everybody to participate. One of the most resonating statements colored red here is from Dr. Templeman here. I will just read it aloud." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "\"Taiwan is on the frontlines of global confrontation with authoritarianism. Taiwan can work with the US to promote our shared values of protection, of rule of law, freedom of speech, and assembly, religious tolerance and pluralism, and a voice of ordinary citizens in government.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think this kind of system explains the part of voice of ordinary citizens in government. Of course, the other shared values are very important as well, especially that we’re really in front line, confronting authoritarianism." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is from a website called a CIVICUS Monitor, where the human right activists use to monitor how free any given country are. It’s in the level of open or obstructive, repressed, to closed, based on how many human rights violations, or violations on freedom and speech and assembly incidents and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As you can see in our part of the world, Taiwan is really the only place that can be called fully open, meaning that there’s no obstruction whatsoever on people’s freedom of speech and assembly. This is in direct contrast with a nearby jurisdiction, the PRC, which is evolving very quickly to a different direction." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’ll just make a couple quick contrasts. For example, with the relationship between the state and the citizen, people have perhaps heard of the social credit system, that is coupled with a mandatory education app." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is in the PRC. People are blocked of freedom of traveling, of assembly, and so on, because of their lack of conformation to the social credit system. Whereas in Taiwan, we use exactly the same Internet technology, but the other way around, we make the government transparent to the people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is the inaugural g0v project, actually. It starts as, that shows an interactive chart of all the budget items in the national budget. People can drill down to each of the thousands of year-long projects and see all the KPIs, all the procurements made, all the different assessment that the National Development Council did and so on, and leave real-time commentary." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now, while back in 2012, the commentary is mostly people chatting among themselves. Now, it’s part of the national regulation. In the e-participation center,, not only you can see the budget, but you can also participate in the agenda-setting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once people comment on any piece of budget, the public, career public service, dedicated to just respond immediately without actually going through middle persons, like the MPs or the mainstream media." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That actually enabled the MPs and mainstream media to have a lot more open source intelligence and to work on top of that to give more good investigative reporting, and the public service doesn’t have to pick up 30 phone calls, one after another, asking about the same thing, essentially." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "While there was initially some resistance, now, all the different ministries have adopted. You can see literally all our budgets there. Making the government transparent to the people, not the other way around." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Another contrast could be made between the state and the private sector, whereas as we understand that now, even in Hong Kong, but mostly in PRC, any company above a certain size need to have a CCP party branch." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now, in Taiwan, it’s the other way around. Our regulatory co-creation system, or sandbox system, is designed so that instead of the party, the ruling party, or the state directing the direction of the companies, as those party branches are wont to do, we asked the companies to essentially break regulations and let us know about it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The sandbox system is designed so that anyone can work with any municipality and say, \"Hey, I want to experiment in platform economy, and AI-based banking, and self-driving vehicles, and whatever, that our regulators did not think about.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We agreed to not fine them, or punish them for a year, but in return, they must engage in open innovation, and share all the data and assessments with the wider public. By the end of the year, if the public thinks it’s a good idea, then it becomes regulation, basically." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If the public doesn’t think it’s a good idea, we thank the investors for paying the tuitions for everyone, and the next innovator need to start somewhere after that. This is basically having the social innovation leading regulatory innovation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s pioneered in the UK with FinTech, but we’re now really using this model for pretty much everything. As Vice President Pence said last October, I believe, Taiwan’s embrace of democracy shows a better path for all the Chinese people. Indeed, I would say, all the people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On the other hand, this actually creates a contrast to the kind of legitimacy, or lack thereof, of the PRC, which is, I think, partly why the PRC have been aggressing lately. This background is an inside joke. It’s a censorship of a pretty harmless popular game called \"Devotion\" on the Steam gaming platform." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Just because the red seal there happened to contain the name of the president, Xi Jinping. That’s the only reason. Otherwise, it was a really harmless thing, but it got censored nevertheless. We see a lot of such kind of bravado, and all sort of different confrontations, and even flying the jets over the middle of the strait and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think none of these are projection of power. None of these are power projections. They are projection of insecurity. Of course, Taiwan is not alone in facing such aggressions, especially around the AIT@40 event." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have many, many supporters coming from the US, and we launched a digital dialog. Even though, that the day we launched a digital dialog, there’s large-scale military action in our surroundings by the PRC." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think that again shows the insecurity. In any case, we are very welcome our international like-minded countries in support of furthering our democracy. I will just say a couple things about protecting the security of our democracies that we’ve been developing in the past couple of years." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "First, we’re securing our elections against foreign tampering. Tampering takes many, many forms. It could take forms of precision targeted advertisement over social media or regular media. This is actually something that we’ve seen worldwide, that people basically weaponize social media in order to influence elections." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think that is also because Taiwan has one of the world’s most advanced campaign donation laws, the most transparent one, so that all the donation record is actually going to be released, I think, this June for the previous election in machine-readable format, essentially Excel spreadsheets and individual records, not just summaries and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because we’re that transparent, that means that people...Of course, only domestic people can donate to campaigns. People with other means of influence usually choose advertisements over campaign donations in order to support their candidates." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re changing our laws, quite a few laws. We introduced the equivalent of the Honest Ad Act here in Taiwan’s legal system. It’s currently in the parliament, going to be passed soon, that we hold campaign donations and advertisement over social or any other digital media to the same standard for radical transparency." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re making sure that any disinformation campaign, the narrative gets exposed, and we develop a \"notice and public notice system\", partnering with the E2E encrypted chat application vendor LINE, in order to put digital accountability, so when people see a spreading disinformation, there is a counter-narrative showing in the same tab, in the same app." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That we attach such clarifications in real-time, a partnership with our civil society fact-checkers. In this, I think the US has played a really good role, a positive role, through the GCTF training framework." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think I’m in that photo. That’s when we train the journalists in the Indo-Pacific region, not just bilaterally, but everybody in the region, about how to expose disinformation, how to basically communicate effectively when there is an information manipulation campaign." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The GEC, the Global Engagement Center, has also provided ample funding opportunity for the civic tech and other developers in the private and social sector to develop competent measures for this regard. We’re very grateful about that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, we’re also working on cyber security. You may have heard that just last week, we published the so-called blacklist of non-secure devices in the use in government properties and for government personnels, and people working in critical infrastructures." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is actually just the latest of a progression of development. I remember around six years ago, when we were just deploying the 4G networks, there was a question from one of the telecommunication vendors, that whether they can use devices from the PRC." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Our National Security Council and the National Communications Commission at the time decided that while they are market players at that point, when there is escalation, everybody knows that in PRC, market actors become non-market actors through one means or another." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because of that, during the 4G deployment, we said explicitly that nobody in critical infrastructure for communication infrastructure in 4G should use PRC components, market actor or otherwise. Of course, we continue this into 5G, and now, people are waking up to it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re really happy that people are waking up to it. We, of course, again work closely with the US on automated indicator sharing and on US-CERT — that’s the Computer Emergency Rapid Response Team — and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We also share our training frameworks. Of course, protecting the facilities and institutions of democracy, the basic cyber security and election security, is really so that we can do innovation. The innovation that I am particularly in charge of is called open government." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The US, of course, is the founding member of the Open Government Partnership, currently at the fourth national action plan, from the Trump Administration. We use the same ideas of Open Government internally in Taiwan as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is to say, to make the government transparent, participative, accountable, and also inclusive in the sense that we bring the technology to the space of people, rather than asking people to come to the space of technology." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Perhaps unique in the world, we establish what we call the Participation Officer Network. I think Italy is copying this network with their Minister of Direct Democracy. The idea is very simple. In every ministry, there is a team of people, just like officers talking with media or officers talking with the parliament." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s officers talking with emergent issues that are going to be networked collective action. Basically, we meet with the protestors before they actually go to the street. Maybe they just want an invitation to the kitchen, so to speak." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We co-create solutions on any and all emergent social, cross-ministerial, inter-agency issues. Indeed, my office is like 22 people. In Taiwan’s 32 ministries, I can poach, at most, one person from each ministry." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is an entirely horizontal, cross-cutting, inter-agency, digital strategy. The PO network, extended network, is about 100 people strong in each and every ministry. Whenever there is a, for example, epetition and so on, we work on collaborative meetings that invites all the stakeholders together." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We, indeed, travel to the place. For example, this is Hengchun, the southmost of Taiwan, a popular tourism place. They petitioned. Many thousand people petitioned for the deployment of Blackhawk helicopters to their local airport to serve as ambulance cars, because they are 90 minutes away from any major hospital." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Diving accidents are sometimes fatal because of that. The Minister of Health and Welfare has said, \"OK, we applied for a larger hospital, and the different deployment, but there is no funding from the NDC.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Maybe the NDC can consider working with the Minister of Transportation, and the Transportation said, \"Building a faster highway, we are still evaluating on that. Maybe not this year. The budget’s just really not there. Maybe the Ministry of Interior can say something.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Ministry of Interior says, \"We don’t have extra Blackhawks in the Ministry of the Interior. Maybe Minister of Defense can say something,\" and so on. This is the usual shape of inter-agency things. Because of participation officers now, or the PO network, we have on the regulatory level, what we call the Ice Bucket Challenge Clause." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That says if an agency or ministry A think B should own it, and B thinks C should own it, and C thinks D, and D thinks A should own it, then I’m sorry, everybody travels to Hengchun. Everybody owns it. Seven ministries all traveled with me to Hengchun." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We met with all the local stakeholder, and using exactly the same live streaming or Slido, and so on, technologies to pinpoint exactly the common values across all those different positions. We understood finally that people want to trust their local clinicians more." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "At that time, they don’t even have the place to serve as dormitory or to do training, things like that. We settled on a plan that is actually what we call Pareto improvement, that leaves nobody worse off, and improves people’s life generally." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because it was live streamed, the legitimacy is really, really high. People can really see that all the different factions locally have, after summoning us to Hengchun, agreed on this solution. I talk with the premier." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Every couple week, we do a collaboration meeting. The next Monday following each meeting, I meet with the premier and send a synthetic document to the premier’s office. They commit just really a large amount of money... I think, 400 million Taiwan dollars or something to really drastically rebuild that local hospital facility, and fly over the doctors from Kaohsiung to train there, instead of flying people to Kaohsiung — Which, of course, this new solution is much safer." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In we can see all the 43 or so cases that we’ve done this in a radically transparent manner. Actually, I joined the cabinet to work with, not for, the government." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There was three conditions of me working in the cabinet. That are radical transparency. Everything that I hold as a chair, every meeting that convene, we publish the entire transcript 10 days -- 10 working days now -- to the Internet, and location independence." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I get to work anywhere. This is my office in the Social Innovation Lab in Taiwan. Anyone can apply for 40 minutes of chunk of my time. It’s my office hour every Wednesday from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM. The only conditions that you need to agree for me to publish our conversation online." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s my office hour. Finally, voluntary association, as I said. I don’t command my colleagues. They come literally from each and every ministry. We use pure horizontalism to make sure that we figure our project, our views of everybody." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The regional social innovation organization tour, which we re-index all our work using the Sustainable Development Goals that we really put everywhere, on name cards, t-shirts, and whatever. We make sure that we travel to the local social innovators working on one or more SDGs, and telecommunicate back to the Social Innovation Lab, and making sure all the 12 ministries are there." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People see each other across their screen, and can really solve cross-ministerial issues that are related to regional revitalization. There’s many, many other networks internally that we’re expanding outreach and even citywide participation officer networks." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This methodology, we, of course, publish on the as papers and also as comic books. That’s our training material, in six languages, including indigenous. Because everything is publicly online, we do get a lot of inquiries from the civic tech and gov tech communities in all these great cities that are experimenting with this kind of open governance." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have lots of allies. We run workshops, and we’re very happy to share our open governance approaches in the Indo-Pacific and also abroad. I would just like to conclude with the new consultation platform that the AIT and Taiwan has established together, the Indo-Pacific Democratic Governance Consultation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think the first one will be in September around human right and other issues concerning regional democracy. We’re very happy to share what we have learned regionally and do whatever we can to assist others around the world who are pursuing progress in their own countries. Thank you very much." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Thank you very much, minister. If you could join us at the table for the next part." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Thank you so much." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Minister Tang, thank you so much for that really vivid talk. All I can say is that it’s too bad we can’t clone you and send you across the globe to start this kind of a movement. Following the minister’s talk, we have two of my colleagues from George Washington University to give a short commentary and some reflections on digital space and governance issues." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Their own views on some of this and their own findings, to round out the remarks. First, we will start with Dr. Susan Aaronson. She’s a research professor of international affairs at the Elliot School. She’s also a senior fellow at the Think Tank Center for International Governance Innovation in Canada." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Susan is currently directing projects on digital trade and protectionism. Also, works on artificial intelligence, trade, and a new human rights approach to data. It dovetails very nicely with what the minister just laid out." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "She holds a PhD from Johns Hopkins University. Following Dr. Aaronson, Dr. Scott White will give his remarks. He is an associate professor here at the George Washington, and also, he directs the new cybersecurity program and Cyber Academy, which is a very interesting, a new educational platform." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Dr. White holds a Queen’s Commission and was an officer in the Canadian Forces Intelligence Command. He brings a security background to this discussion as well. After he did his PhD, he was an officer with the Canadian Security Intelligence Agency." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "He has consulted with a variety of law enforcement agencies across the globe, and he holds a PhD from the University of Bristol in the UK. With that, let me ask Susan to lead off." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "Hi, everybody, and nice to see you here. Thank you, Minister Tang. It’s an honor to follow you, given all the good you’ve done in the world. Deepa asked me to try to focus my presentation, thinking about this in the context, both of my own research, and also of China." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "I’ve decided to do something different from what Deepa asked, and what I’d like to do is put it in a larger context of the world in which we live today and the role of technology." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "Then what can the United States, an aging democracy, learn from this vibrant new democracy? The reason I’m saying that is because I used to teach corruption. When I taught it, I learned that attacking corruption is all about trust." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "It’s all about building trust and forging anti-corruption counterweights built on trust. It’s in that context that I’ll comment on some of the innovations that Minister Tang has done. Thinking about this in terms of technologies, we can be techno-optimists or we can be techno pessimists." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "I’d rather be neither because I think technologies, especially data-driven technologies, have given us both the best and the worst of times. I would say today, almost every democratic society, from Sweden to Taiwan to the United States, is threatened by corruption, inequality, terrorism, and technology tools that both improve our lives and threaten our quality of life." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "One reason I think is that these new technologies contribute to a decline in trust and a rise in distrust. They’re not the same thing, two very distinct things. Trust is the social capital that enables good governance and the rule of law, but no one knows how to build trust once it’s lost." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "That, I think, is a key problem if you want to achieve good governance. Let’s compare the United States and Taiwan. Trust in government has been declining, and in institutions, has been declining for a really long time." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "In Taiwan, it seems to be, obviously, in some areas, it’s declining, but in other areas, it’s on the rise. Minister Tang has said her approach, built on trust. Her premise is, from what I read that you wrote, is that if the government trusts the people with agenda-setting power, then the people can make democracy work." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s \"The Economist\" piece." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "Right. What has she done to achieve that objective? Again, I’m not criticizing it. I want to highlight it. She’s created a multi-pronged strategy, an infrastructure for a more effective feedback loop. Individuals can influence government, and government hopefully hears what the people are saying and responds to it." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "I think her idea of participation officers is really quite brilliant. The problem is, it does nothing to really build that trust. I think that’s something that you need to figure out how to do in a time of disinformation, misinformation -- which is another different thing -- and alternative facts." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "Another thing that Taiwan has done, and the minister spoke about this, is using crowdsourcing to improve law and regulation. A lot of governments have been experimenting with this. I’m ambivalent about it because it tends to be special interests that care about this that are involved in it." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "Nonetheless, I think it can build the trust. That’s why I’m ambivalent. On one hand, you don’t get average people, but you do get them to see that government is responsive, and you get them involved. I think that’s a really, really good thing." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "It also seems like it’s started to work on issues in Taiwan. That is really impressive, a consensus approach, built on dialog. It’s interesting to see. OK, this is a lie. My research isn’t sensitive, but we looked at, where is Taiwan in terms of open government, governing data?" }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "Honestly, to my amazement, Taiwan, if you like beauty contests, rankings, perception metrics, Taiwan ranks number one in the open data governance index score. That’s pretty impressive. All those things are things that Minister Tang has achieved and Taiwan has achieved." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "I want to just put it in the larger context of technological things, and then I’ll shut up. I think misuse of data is forcing us to rethink a lot of things that we took for granted as goods. Good number one is trade." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "In terms of trade, every government -- and believe me, I’ve been looking, I’ve spent two years looking -- every government has some degree of what I call data nationalism. They want to control certain types of data, and they have all sorts of excuses." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "Because it’s personal data, because it’s secret data, etc. That challenge us to rethink whether or not openness is an inherent good and trade is an inherent good. We have to think, what is a barrier to data openness, and what isn’t? What is necessary public policy?" }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "That’s just something to think about, and I don’t know if Taiwan has thought about that. Number two, more and more companies -- strangely enough, these companies happen to be US and Chinese -- are organizing and owning more and more of the world’s data." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "I find that deeply scary, and I don’t understand why more and more scholars are not thinking about this. Google’s mission, as example, is to organize the world’s data. That’s the mission statement of a company? Is that appropriate?" }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "That company, which I think aims to do good, but certainly doesn’t in everything, has so much of the world’s public, personal, and proprietary data. Just so that you know it, anytime a company takes your personal data and creates an algorithm, and tries to come up with, whether it’s an ad or it’s a solution to a problem, that company owns that solution and owns that data." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "So much of our data and so much of the solutions to many of the world’s problems are going to reside in companies. That’s going to have huge effects on democracy, but it’s also what we call information asymmetry if you study economics." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "Other nations and companies can’t effectively challenge the market power of these firms. Then finally, we have seen some of these firms, such as Facebook and Twitter, have become tools that both, on one hand, support democracy and undermine democracy." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "More and more, these companies are being asked to do the job of government. What do I mean by that? That is, they make decisions about data. Your data, my data, but also, data that is essential to knowledge." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "They have to make decisions as to when to take it down, how to take it down, and what to take down. I find that deeply disturbing. In the future, we’re going to need strategies that better help the public govern these companies, as well as our governments better understand data use and misuse, better understand the mixing of public, proprietary, and personal data sets." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "How will democracies like the United States and Taiwan educate our citizens about this? I have no idea, but I do know this, that that is going to be an essential good governance and open governance question. Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "All right, thank you." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Thanks, Susan, for that broader context and for touching on your research, at least. Now, to Scott White for further context, however, he wants to contextualize that." }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you, Minister. They were lovely words. These are challenging times for me personally. They’re challenging times because I’ve built a career on secrecy. I was in the intelligence services, and secrecy of information is what we do and what we collect." }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "Ultimately, somewhere along that chain, you have disseminate that information. Intelligence officers realize that at some point along the continuum, that information that’s going to be of value must be disseminated to other partners to share and then operationalize." }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "That, in itself, is a dichotomy for me, having spent my career in secrecy, to now find the optimal path is one of openness. You’re challenging me, Minister, at my very core. The problem we have is governments need to confront the challenge of cyberspace, whilst being equal and just." }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "Preserving innovation and honoring the social contract that it has between the citizens and the state, whilst at the same time, maintain security. Responsible governance, then, is new to cyberspace, but ultimately imperative." }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "The model that our friends in Taiwan have expressed, one of openness and accountability, is a utopian state for us. How do we get there? How do we get there sir, or ma’am, ladies and gentleman? How do we get there?" }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "How do we get there whilst at the same time have security? We are confronted by a government, Madame Minister, where right beside you, that has spent a great amount of time, a great amount of money, in creating probably the most dynamic social security force that we have seen." }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "China has been very open with its concept of cyber sovereignty and the desire to extend its own ideas and its own ways of social governance to the cyber world. They are the midst of building the most extensive governance regime for cyberspace and information telecommunications that any country has seen in the world." }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "Recognizing that technology and the advances that are being made so quickly cannot be controlled relatively easily by government. As we have the expansion, the growth of technology, so, too, do we have the desire to control in China." }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "This leads us to a variety of issues that we have to deal with. How do we, in democratic societies, advocate for openness, whilst at the same time, one of our large adversaries is moving mountains to create an environment of security and dare I say, even social repression?" }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "When we do a security audit for Beijing, we find that the extent to government is well beyond that of just the society, just beyond the local governments, through to companies. We see this presently in my own country of Canada when the Americans asked for the arrest and detention of the vice president of Huawei." }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "Huawei has just moved to 5G. Will we meet them there? Against this challenge, then, against this challenge, we have a government that is expansionist. We see China mobilizing in much of Africa now to assist the developing world in large projects, whilst at the same time, we see Chinese government control in those societies." }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "The social contract is there for China and its people. The social governance that they extend through the communist party makes it very clear the ambitions of the Chinese government. How, then, do we confront this government, whilst at the same time as the minister has said, create an open, honest environment for the people?" }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "That’s not just an academic question for us. It is a real-life question. It is a real-life question because democracy is being challenged around the world today. In fact, dare I say, it is being challenged here. Dare I say, when we have a president who on occasion will ask members of his cabinet to engage in activities which we would deem not prejudicial to the best interest of the democracy." }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "I know that we’re going to go to questions, so I won’t spend too much time. The challenge, again, for us is how do we create a secure environment? We know that model. Our friends in China are very cognizant of the model they use." }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "It is the largest model that we see. Taiwan and India have introduced a new model for us. The Taiwan model, one of openness, fairness, accountability, all the things that we would like to see. Yet, on the other hand, we have a very aggressive state moving equally as dynamically through the world to impose a different system." }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "How do we engage in the cyber world, commerce, democracy? It is probably the greatest democratic tool we have right now. How do we engage there, whilst at the same time, protect our national security, and therein protect the values that we share here in the United States, that we share with our friends in Taiwan, openness, justice?" }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "All of the things that we were raised on, all of the things that our security forces spend a career maintaining. This is the dichotomy. This is the problem that we are confronting with. This is ultimately the challenge for security services." }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "I’ll leave you with that, and we’ll look forward to taking questions. Thank you very much." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Thank you very much, Scott. I think I’m delighted that we have two commentators, who, one coming from a much more radical openness to a more tempered set of views that are necessary to raise, I think, at this forum." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "I think Minister Tang, you’ve opened an extraordinary conversation here that we have now a variety of ways in which to address it. I know there are many questions. I can’t see behind me, but what kind of questions we have coming up." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "If you don’t mind, I would actually like to take the first question. Although I know there are many questions out here, I can’t resist. It’s a straightforward question for you. That is, the fact that this kind of open governance, and your innovative system that you’ve introduced, provides, I think, Taiwan a very important, what I would call, soft power." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "In the international arena, regionally in particular, especially when, as you lay out the difference between the PRC and Taiwan, there is that huge asymmetry of soft power, I think, in your favor. How does one, because I teach, you look at these things, and how important is soft power at the end of the day?" }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "I have some students here. How do you, Minister Tang, how would you formulate the use of soft power in projecting Taiwan in the international and regional settings?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Certainly. My name card literally has a picture of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which I wear also, and print underneath it the slogan, \"Taiwan can help,\" which is a trending hashtag in Taiwan occasionally." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan can help, I think, summarizes how we’re posturing to the international community, basically saying that in the UN Sustainable Development Goals, because it is collectively agreed by PRC alike, by year 2030, we’re going to focus on 169 issues in 17 categories." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Mainly, the issues are structural. They can only be solved if, across sectors, people have reliable data, people can build partnerships on the reliable data, and get the innovation in the open. Taiwan starts to offer in medical governance, in the air quality and water quality, and in what we call the civil IoT system, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’ve all built in an open source way systems that people can readily use without getting controlled by people in Taiwan. You don’t have to be subservient to our innovations and networks to use and contribute to our open collaborative innovations." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s actually the main message during the UN General Assembly that was in New York that I sent to our partners and my counterparts in other countries. That in any and each Sustainable Development Goals, there is models in Taiwan that we can offer to help in a non-colonial way." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Thank you so much. The floor, I will now open the floor to questions, as well as the virtual space here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Anyone from the audience? In the flesh always takes priority." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "When you ask the question, please do identify yourself. Yes, this gentleman." }, { "speaker": "Audience Member", "speech": "Thanks. Leo Bonsnar. I’m a disaster researcher doing work in Taiwan and Japan. My question for Dr. Aaronson, I think, how do we deal with this conflict I see between soft power and trade? When President Trump just put in the tariffs against China, there was a big article in the paper about a soybean farmer out west who’s really upset." }, { "speaker": "Audience Member", "speech": "Now, he can’t sell his soybeans to China and get the money he wants. It seems like that fellow really doesn’t care that China is throwing Muslims into concentration camps or undermining universities around the world. He just wants to sell the soybeans and make money. How do we deal with that?" }, { "speaker": "Audience Member", "speech": "How can that be addressed with this way that trade, in a way, is undermining the whole democratization and soft power business? Or to put it as, I think, Lenin said, the capitalists will sell you the rope that you can, needs to hang him with, something like that?" }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "[laughs] Actually, my true area of expertise, the bulk of my research has been on the relationship between trade rules and human rights. It’s very difficult to measure how trade affects human rights. I think your question is such an important one, and I very much appreciate it, but I think you’re conflating two very different. If I may?" }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "First thing is, is the problem that the farmer doesn’t think about the connections between trade and human rights? Is the problem that Donald Trump doesn’t care about human rights, and is using trade policy as his main tool to bash a wide range of countries, including our allies? Is the problem that we all don’t understand how trade can enhance human rights?" }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "It can do so directly, indirectly, and over time. I would argue that China teaches a lesson that we do have more leverage with more trade. I think we’re losing that leverage. That doesn’t mean that it will directly enhance human rights. In fact, it can have simultaneously terrible effects on many human rights. It doesn’t seem to me that the problem is with the farmer." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "The problem is us, that we didn’t do a good job of educating the farmer about the relationship between trade and human rights, which is complex, and not so black-and-white. I have strong views on it, which is I think more trade over time tends to yield more human rights. It depends on the human right. We just can’t bully China into changing its...That authoritarian regime is determined to stay in power." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "More trade, less trade, whatever we do. Given that that’s a reality, how do we have more leverage over China on these issues? I believe it’s by partnering with other nations to work together to change the behavior of China, but we’re not doing that. I think that’s the more worrisome problem. I think it’s very hard. I was recently in Switzerland, and it looked to me like I saw an awful lot of Chinese tourists." }, { "speaker": "Susan Aaronson", "speech": "More Chinese people have the right to freedom to see other countries, to get educated in other countries. I hope they’ll learn something about democratic values, that’s through more trade. What a long-winded answer. Thank you for asking." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Thank you. Yes, gentleman in the back, and then we’ll take a question from the..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The great beyond." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "The great beyond." }, { "speaker": "Audience Member", "speech": "Hi. I’ve wondered in Taiwan, are they addressing the situation in transportation, such as airbag issues, by using digital technology to track and follow problems like this, and require repairs to the vehicles?" }, { "speaker": "Audience Member", "speech": "It’s an international issues. We have a problem here. We have a mist of it. I think success here has been generally fairly decent, I understand, in automobile repairs. We now have the new situation with problem with aircraft repairs. We have issues on a new aircraft after certification. Are they looking at this in Taiwan for US aircraft?" }, { "speaker": "Audience Member", "speech": "Are the, say, Toyota and Lexus vehicles, which has suffered many problems with, pun intended, acceleration, has that been addressed at all? I think digital is a way of following a lot of this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure, yes. I don’t have many specific details, but I do personally work on two cases that may be relevant. One is, we do use distributed ledger technology. People call it blockchain. Feel free to continue calling it blockchain. I’m going to say it’s distributed ledgers, that we’re using DLTs to track supply chain." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Honestly speaking, it starts with data that is not in the private sector, but rather people’s measurement of air quality, water quality, atmospheric, free of privacy concern data. Still, that is very important, because when Dr. Aaronson said that Taiwan is number one in the global open data index, I want to emphasize that open data in Taiwan doesn’t only mean open government data." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It means open data from the citizen scientists, from the private sectors, in a true collaborative, data collaborative way. How to generate trust between a supply chain of any manufacturing, of a shipping line, of the so-called the code storage between a manufacturing of a food to its final safety space, organic food, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All of this needs people who don’t have implicit trust in each other to contribute data to a common pool that people trust, that cannot be mutated by any other party. When it makes sense to use distributed ledger technology, we do use the distributed ledger technology." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan is, I think, one of the most advanced place and use blockchain for governance, maybe behind Estonia, who retroactively renamed their EID system to say that they run on blockchain before the term blockchain appears. I think we can’t really fight with that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In any case, we’re really progressing and using distributed ledgers to give accountability across the different sectors. The other thing that I mentioned about the sandbox system, is really the sandbox system is a data collaborative system designed to have trust of the entire, for example, self-driving cars." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Just like the M City, we have a proving ground for self-driving cars and other kinds of vehicles. Again, the data arrangement is such that people who partner in such a data collective do have not just the visibility to each other’s data, but for private data, they also have the ability to ship algorithms to one another, and run the algorithms locally by the data operators." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Give our statistics that we can mathematically say it’s provably true, or true to within a reasonable doubt, that people did not fake that during their proving ground experiments in the sandbox. That’s a lot of technical detail." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, we incentivize by giving essentially one-year monopolies, free from penalties from the law, in exchange for such data collaboratives. That’s the two cases that I have that be tangentially related to the question that you have, and also addresses part of Eric’s question. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Scott White has a question, and then..." }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "Madame Minister, again, the bravery is so apparent to me, how do you address the openness, the trust that you hold so true with your own security services?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very carefully." }, { "speaker": "Scott J. White", "speech": "What is the solution?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The solution is really a hack. As part of my radical transparency working condition, I don’t even look at state secret. No state secret passes my office. My office have a dedicated personnel to handle confidential information. I don’t see any state secret whatsoever. When there is a military drill, where the cabinet members are asked to go to the bunkers, I just take a day off." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is called physical isolation. Basically, I don’t know anything about state secrets. Therefore, I cannot accidentally compromise them. I’m not advocating that everybody follow suit. There’s going to be people working on national security. For example, on my work on cybersecurity and so on, I work on the general outline, without going into specific cases, which actually gets pretty far — but I only work with OSINT." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Thank you. I’m going to ask Richard to read off one of the questions. I think the second one on disinformation looks particularly interesting." }, { "speaker": "Richard", "speech": "A threat of disinformation is that people could be persuaded, not necessarily that they are. How can g0v help reveal how influential disinformation actually is?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I get to wear my civic hacker hat, because the question asks about g0v, not government, which gives us a much wider range to talk about. There’s certain limitations to what the state can do for disinformation without going into state propaganda or censorship of information and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The g0v community has come up with a pretty good innovative solution. It’s called Cofacts, or collaborative fact-checking. It’s a bot called Cofacts bot. Many people go to the Cofacts website, which is" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not a government website, that basically asks people to install bots, basically add bots as friends. Whenever they see on WhatsApp-like channels, in Taiwan, it’s called Line, it’s end-to-end encrypted, so the state doesn’t get to view what’s inside the envelope." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Nevertheless, when people feel unsure about any information that people have passed to them, they can just simply forward to that bot. That bot will forward it to a group of collective fact-checkers that basically does two things. First, anything that’s flagged by two or more people gets a public URL, so that basically, anything that’s trending, before they get weaponized, it gets exposed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People inoculate against that potentially weaponizable misinformation, so that it doesn’t actually turn into disinformation. The second thing is that once the collective fact-checkers adds up the materials and write a clarification to fact-check if it’s false, partly true, or things like that, the bots gets back to everybody who forward that to the bot." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It adds to the conversation without censoring anything away. There’s many derivative project. There’s one on BBC and CNN covered, the MeiYu bot, the “Aunt Jade” bot that basically you can invite to your family chatterings and channels." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, it takes every incoming message. It doesn’t store it, but it compares with the entire database of Cofacts. If it’s fact-checked as false above a certain similarity, it just says on the family chat channel that, \"This is fact-checked as false, and things are not what this says it are. Please view this to know more.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think the idea is that it saves people from the effort to correct their parents and their children. A bot does that for them. It’s so effective that we can literally see a trending map of the disinformation or misinformation campaigns." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, that the LINE accommodate itself after seeing the success of this civic tech innovation, now agrees, I think by June or so, to basically have this as one of their built-in features. For anything, any message, you and long-press and forward it to the Cofacts and other fact-checking community as a built-in function of the LINE app itself." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They are going to dedicate a tab for real-time clarification, so that there’s a balance of views for everybody using that end-to-end encrypted system. The beauty of it is, just as how we solved spam, we don’t solve spam by forcing everybody to disclose people’s email contents to the government." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Rather, we ask all this email agent, what we say the user agent, which is the vendors, to put a flag button, too, so that people can flag something as spam. Therefore, voluntarily contribute to the international spam-blocking network, the Spamhaus Project." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once it’s rated as spam, it’s not censored. It still goes to your mailbox, it just goes to the junk mail folder, so that you can check it when we have too much time. It doesn’t waste people’s time, on average." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is the kind of agreement we’re reaching with social media companies such as Facebook, that’s going to dial down the virality of things that are fact-checked as false by the International Fact-Checking Network, of which Taiwan is a member." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Thank you. Could I just follow up and ask, to what extent that is being adopted by other countries? It seems like such a widespread problem, especially during elections. Especially in India right now, there’s a lot of disinformation going on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I don’t actually manage the Cofact project, but from what I’ve seen on GitHub and the public development, that it’s being ported, adapted to WhatsApp." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This really is a social construct. We have received a lot of interest from the Code of Japan, and the Code for All world internationally. As long as there is at least three or four people who agree to meet every week to look at people’s flagged-as-rumor messages, you can get this crowdsourced fact-checking going." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think there’s many early attempts at the moment, but I don’t have any numbers as of whether it gets to the same degree as LINE in Taiwan. I think that’s also because LINE is not operating in the entire world. It is mostly within the East Asia region." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They basically chose Taiwan as the pilot site, and see whether this digital accountability design actually makes the disinformation issue at least more visible to the research community. If it does work, I’m sure that other E2E encrypted channels, like WhatsApp and so on, will learn from this effort." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Thank you. Other questions from the audience? Yes, in the front. One second. There’s a mic right there." }, { "speaker": "Audience Member", "speech": "I’m Milo. I’m an intern at the US-CON business council. Taiwan is complying with the Sustainable Development Goal. It has also complied with several other conventions, like EU’s GDPR, and UN’s two covenants. I’m wondering, what is the rationale between why Taiwan is so committed to complying to these international conventions, and where you see this compliance going in the future." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because we can help. If we’re not compliant ourselves, there’s no way that we can offer help to our diplomatic allies in like-minded countries. We really SDG index everything. Our CSR reports that are SDG indexed, and I think, is ranked one of the highest in the world, and also, I think over 50 percent now. Our university also indexed their work in social responsibility, again, within the SDG framework." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you look at our voluntarily national report, that only outlines what the state commits to do, there’s very comparable reports on a dashboard. We’re going to introduce a dashboard shortly that you can just select any of the goals and see the different sectors in Taiwan, and what they are capable of contributing to." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re also giving out regional awards, like the APSIPA, the Asia-Pacific Social Innovation Partnership Award. That gives awards not to specific organizations or individuals, but to unlikely partnerships across countries and across different sectors in advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Our top prize this year went to the Cigondewah Fashion Village Lab that is part of the UN Creative City Network." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "To answer your question first, that we really have to be compliant, because it’s a common language that allows sectors to talk to each other. It’s just common vocabulary. The second thing is that because we’re willing to help, we also use this as an extended way to mark our existing efforts that you can see in our VNR and other social responsibility reports." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Any other queries? Yes, on the side, gentleman over there." }, { "speaker": "Audience Member", "speech": "My name’s Steve. I work on mostly security issues related to Taiwan. Of course, our primary concern are physical kinetic attacks, and making sure the country’s prepared to deal with that. Our discussion today gets to a wholly different sort of threat that we’re very worried about in supporting our allies in Taiwan, which is a cyber attack, which we’ve brought up." }, { "speaker": "Audience Member", "speech": "I don’t want to get into the details of the nature of that attack, what might happen, and so on, and so forth. What I’d really like to hear, from someone who is dedicating their life to working with the young people in Taiwan, any kind of a sense from you, do the young people in Taiwan have any sense of the threat that they’re under?" }, { "speaker": "Audience Member", "speech": "Do they feel a sense of urgency? This is my question. Do they feel a sense of urgency in being prepared both individually, and as part of a generation, that’s going to have to confront this thing? Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The answer is an unequivocal yes. I wouldn’t say that before 2014. I think 2014 really is the watershed year, with the Sunflower Movement and the Occupy Movement, where young people literally occupied the parliament for 22 days to put a stop to the cross-strait service and trade agreement that was just fact-tracked through the parliament." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Somehow, constitutionally, a loophole makes that it doesn’t have to be subject to the same process that all the bilateral agreements have to go through. Beijing is a domestic city of Taiwan, you see. In any case, [laughs] in 2014, that constitutional was viewed with some tolerance by the general population. The Occupy really brought it to everybody’s mind, that we do have this constitutional loophole going on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People are willing to go to the street, half a million people on the street, many more online. I was one of the persons who maintained communication framework during the Occupy. After the Occupy, I would say the younger generation do feel a sense of urgency, of protecting our democratic way of life. Also, that it made, for example, cybersecurity a very popular choice of career for young people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Really, being a white hat hacker in Taiwan ensure that you can get paid well. Five to seven percent of all government project procurement goes to cybersecurity, that you get to meet with President and Digital Minister personally once in a while and so on. That they don’t fall to the dark side, which always has cookies." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In any case, [laughs] it makes cybersecurity and general awareness a very popular thing in the young generation. They do see PRC more as a conquering force. They don’t have any conception of the overlapping sovereignty and other kind of ideologies that basically still is in the mind of people who still remember the martial law." }, { "speaker": "Audience Member", "speech": "Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "We have actually come to the end of the program. I want to just make a couple of announcements. One, this is the last week of class. I want to thank those of you, who I know you’re very busy, those of you who came to hear the minister and others speak." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "I also want to say that the photo exhibit, which there are only eight of them right here, but we are working on setting up a larger, 40-plus set of photo exhibits in the future. Stay tuned. We’re still working on trying to get that, to have an exhibit here at the Elliott School on that, a journey of US-Taiwan relations. Some of the key elements are here. Also, we are having lunch right after, yes." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Thanks for waiting patiently. Right outside in the hallway, we collect it. Then sit outside or come back here. Also, thank you to IIIP for advertising the event and joining us. Finally, let me just say what a tremendous honor and privilege it was to have you, Minister Tang, to grace us with your presence." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Really, I can see that you can ignite a movement almost on this digital governance. Even I am so inspired and excited by some...I’m someone who is a political scientist who’s shunned technology as much as I can, but you have really made it so accessible and so exciting." }, { "speaker": "Deepa M. Ollapally", "speech": "Thank you, and thank you also to my fellow of panelists here." } ]
[ { "speaker": "薛美瑜", "speech": "本地華人媒體的朋友們,大家下午好,今天非常高興能夠安排國內數位政委唐鳳唐政委跟我們媒體朋友有一個互動的機會,我想唐政委其實是不太需要太多介紹,因為我想大家可能都從不同的訊息管道得知其實唐政委不管在生涯哪一個階段都有非常傳奇性的經驗、也非常傑出的成就,大家對她是非常熟悉。" }, { "speaker": "薛美瑜", "speech": "她是第一次到華府來,在幾天忙碌行程中間,我們自己代表處的同事其實都說,跟唐政委學到很多。" }, { "speaker": "薛美瑜", "speech": "我發現雖然政委平常負責處理的業務項目,比較熟悉的是有關開放政府、數位治理或者數位經濟這一些相關的議題,但我自己個人的觀察是,這幾天下來參與一些不同的拜會活動,我覺得唐政委也是一個很棒的傾聽者跟溝通者。" }, { "speaker": "薛美瑜", "speech": "我也不佔用大家太多的時間,我就把接下來的時間交給政委,然後之後也歡迎媒體朋友們大家有任何問題踴躍提問。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝大家。其實我們時間相當充裕,我們有一個小時,看大家想要知道什麼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們這一次來華府大概有三個我們預先設定的題目,這個之前我們在智庫的活動上有跟大家分享,在喬治華盛頓大學的時候也有聯訪,那時也有提到這三件事:一個是怎麼樣保護我們的選舉,不會被境外勢力滲透、操縱、如何保護民主。第二件事,資通安全上怎麼樣守護,尤其是關鍵基礎設施,但是也包含所有設施的安全,這個是第二件事。第三件事情也是我自己很關心的,我們怎麼跟全世界主張開放、主張自由,所謂開放政府的所謂這些夥伴達到更深一層的聯盟關係,包含印太地區,但是其實是全世界的。大概這三件事,是我們這個禮拜在華府的工作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這幾天在華府,我們討論這三件事的時候,講到臺灣,最常聽到的單字就是「frontline」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這反映兩件事,一個是臺灣的處境確實令人感到險峻,另一個則是,臺灣在華府真的有非常多的朋友,我們在這個星期的拜會,加在一起大概二十場以上的拜會裡面,反覆聽到這一些朋友說,臺灣的前途並不是台灣自己的事情,而是跟區域穩定、全球戰略都高度關聯。這個是第一個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個,我們在GWU那一次,大家問我會面的層級,我說符合大家的預期。現在一個禮拜下來,我可以跟大家講,層級是超乎我們自己的預期,應該也是超乎各位的預期。但是基於臺美默契,我當然沒有辦法講任何細節,但是確實是超乎預期。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第三個,我想台美不只是我剛剛講的這一些互信,事實上我們的互利關係。雖然外界看到很多外交上、軍事上的協助,但其實在民主創新這個題目跟資安防護的這個題目上,有些時候我們走的是比較前面的,所以其實在這個裡面,美國也很需要台灣來扮演很重要的角色。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,我們在看的也不只是短期,重點是這個長期的共同價值,就是「民主自由」,這個是我們瞭解臺美關係的方式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在4月23日,印度有一個「泰戈爾文學獎」頒給蔡英文總統跟臺灣人民,頒獎表示說民主跟人權是人類社會最高的成就,任何人都應該有各種各樣的自由,表達的自由、言論的自由、選擇的自由、寫作的自由等等。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想國際社會,對我們在這一次來訪的訊息,跟這個獎是一樣的。國際社會需要支持、保護、鼓勵及熱愛臺灣人民,同時毫不猶豫地去承認我們的國際地位。我們因為被承認這樣的國際地位,也會為全球的永續跟繁榮做出更多的貢獻。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後,我想綜合以上,這幾天所有在華府的這些朋友們,提醒我們的是,我們不要只用臺灣海峽的角度來理解臺灣的戰略位置,我們至少應該用到印度洋、太平洋的角度,以及用全球的角度,結合整個印太地區的人民,共同爭取所謂「自由開放(Free and Open)」的價值。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這大概是一點小小的心得。我也不佔用大家時間,大概還有50分鐘,就請大家開始問吧!" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "您在跟美方會談的時候,他們有沒有對於臺灣這些資訊的安全,您說前線或者是面對的挑戰,還有實際上網路的攻擊滿嚴重的,在這一方面您怎麼告訴美方臺灣政府採取什麼樣的措施來保護資訊安全?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今年開始《資通安全法》的架構,我想是非常重要的一步。不只保證我們所有做資通安全的朋友,包含我們的白帽駭客的社群及朋友們,有足夠的預算,因為政府所有新的計畫是5%至7%的預算都會放在資安上,有足夠的recognition,讓大家瞭解到資安就是國安這一件事,以及我們在臺灣自己有一個所謂的白名單,就是我們有通過資安檢測的,這個從最基本的一些IoT,就是所謂物聯網的設備,從IPcam,就是有攝影能力的聯網裝置開始,逐步會擴增到可能超過二十項,各種各樣不同在生活上會碰到的物聯網裝置。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在臺灣,我們從以前4G的時候就決定,某些產地的產品是不能在4G核心網路出現,這比較是一種黑名單的想法。這個我們當然繼續做,但是在今年開始,我們也有一個白名單的想法,有通過這樣子物聯網標準檢測的,不但優先使用,而且慢慢可能到年底的時候,就會變成在某些關鍵的地方,只能使用這一些白名單上的設備。這個訊息,跟美國目前在國際上想要促進的訊息,是非常相符合的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想在這一方面,為什麼我們剛剛說有些走在前面,這其實是很好的例子。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我有兩個問題:您說過跟美國友人見的層級超乎預期,不能談,有沒有談到一些超乎預期的議題?所見層級超乎預期,是不是希望您這裡傳達給蔡總統或者是政府的其他官員?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "第二個問題,我們知道AIT最近致函給臺灣政府為了Uber的事情,這一件事有沒有提到?您怎麼回應?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二題比較簡單。這一次到目前,沒有在任何拜會裡面聽到關於103-1的consultation相關的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "雖然面對面沒有提到,但我當然收到了email。Email裡面雖然有提到,其實我的回應也很簡單,因為Uber亞太區的Amit Jain跟我其實在台北有一次會面,就在我出國前,大家都知道我會面是一定會有逐字稿的,所以這個逐字稿已經公開上網了,就在我們PDIS的網站上,裡面我非常詳細的解釋各種option 。所以其實從AIT的角度來看,其實這樣子一份對話紀錄,對AIT也是有幫助的。不是把policy本身,而是這個policy的形成、環境等等,大概都跟Uber有一番非常坦誠的溝通,所以那個部分倒是在臺灣就處理了,並沒有在這邊變成討論的話題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "您的第一個問題是,有沒有什麼訊息希望我帶回去?其實我們駐處的同仁自己就會寫電報了,這大概不需要我帶回去。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是他們想要的是,因為我畢竟是在技術上比較瞭解,所以我們有很多比較細的,已經到技術規格層級的一些討論,這個可能是為什麼駐處同仁說我們互相教學相長:我學一下怎麼做外交、他們學一下資訊技術。這樣一種教學相長的貢獻,不會是由我帶回去,而是駐處會繼續深化這一方面的交談。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "想請教您這一次,在假新聞這一方面的訊息與美方溝通的過程中,您個人覺得最大的收獲是什麼?在美方這邊您學習到什麼,我們或許可以做得更好的地方?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "另外,您提到跟美方的會面,如果層級不能講,可不可以讓我們知道一下,大概是哪一些部會?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。我父母都是新聞工作者,這個您知道,我是絕對不會用那三個字的,所以我在提的時候,都要把它放在「」裡面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們現在講的disinformation,就是符合惡意、虛假、危害,這個我們在臺灣叫做假訊息。除了假訊息之外,其實有更多資訊操縱、各種各樣的方法,所以我想不會把這個錨頭,放在各位新聞工作者的身上,這個我必須要講的非常非常清楚。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於具體的合作,當然有相當多合作,因為其實美國對於怎麼樣保護選舉、不要受到境外訊息的攻勢,他們有一些想法,也做成一些報告,所以就這一些報告做了很多具體的討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外很重要的,是境外的資金怎麼樣確保不會透過廣告、包括社群媒體的廣告等等的這一種方式來影響選舉。因為政治獻金是有一定的上限,而且也只有本國人能夠捐獻,但是現在開了另外一個後門的話,其實境外的資金根本不需要走政治獻金,也可以很容易影響選舉,這個部分我們目前有一個草案,相當於美國的《Honest Advertisements Act》在我們的立法院,當然他們的國會也正在討論,所以這一個部分有很多具體的交談。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於相關的機關、單位的話,其實您從議題去想就好了,我沒有辦法告訴你是哪幾個部會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家還有沒有想要討論的?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "您在前天NDI跟IRI,這兩個政黨的智庫,您比較著重於哪一方面的議題?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常好的問題。NDI跟IRI其實自己加在一起,有一個叫做Design 4 Democracy,就是為了民主而設計,這個新的coalition。他們是試著把美國西岸一些大的技術廠商、社群媒體平台、搜尋引擎等等,跟東岸DC這邊大家關心的,我們剛剛講那幾個議題,嘗試把雙方的語言加以會同,讓大家更能夠就事論事,而不會讓做技術的跟policy的人聽不懂彼此在做什麼,所以他們自己這兩個智庫非常focus這一件事上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在臺灣,我們也一直透過各種各樣的方式,像創新的法規沙盒、總統盃黑客松,以及跟公民科技社群的各種各樣合作,都是把技術的語言跟法規的語言進行轉譯。因此,美方對於我們的「總統盃黑客松」其實是非常非常有興趣,而且也認為我們在臺灣的公民科技社群,對於整個區域都有示範性的作用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們也很樂意,不一定是跟行政院這邊,而是透過我去理解到臺灣的公民科技社群,看有哪一些題目,是他們覺得非常值得在印太地區發揚光大的,那個部分其實花了很多時間討論。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我想請教一下,美國在2016年的大選裡面有很多假訊息的問題,我們上次的選舉也有非常多這一類的訊息。因為我們同時明年都會面對總統大選,美國在這一方面有沒有比較關切,尤其是1124那一次選舉之後,我們在這一種資訊的掌握跟資訊的防堵上,我們做到什麼,我們下一次即將要面臨的總統大選,我們有沒有什麼可以互相合作跟交流的地方?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們剛剛講的公民科技裡面,其實就有一部分是在處理這一個問題,相信大家都知道所謂「真的假的」、「美玉姨」或者是LINE在「數位當責計畫」裡面所合作的「臺灣事實查核中心」、「MyGoPen」或者是等等這一些,都是廣義來講,屬於公民科技的範疇。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個部分不但他們有興趣,而且也引發了更多的「我們可不可以輸出」這樣子的合作模式討論,所以我想這一個部分的討論是非常地hit the ground running,一講出什麼東西,好像就有很多可以做的事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另一個是數位當責計畫本身。因為這是讓大家在LINE上面看到很多可能的假訊息,一開始可能也不是假訊息,而是有所爭議的訊息時,大家可以用一個比較簡單的方式,一目了然看到包含行政院,但是不僅止於行政院在內,各種各樣即時澄清的一些方法,這個我們叫做「notice and public notice」,這是處理假訊息各種方法的其中一種方法,這一種方法的好處,是民間有非常多的朋友可以來參加,不會只有行政院說了算的情況。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為這樣的關係、模式,在美國這邊其實也同樣面臨到,不能任意去侵犯言論自由、是新聞自由。而如何在不侵犯的情況下,適度去做平衡,而不是一下子就下架的做法,這其實他們也是非常有興趣,這個也是很具體的例子。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "政委我想請教您第一點跟第三點都有提到台美的關係,是不是可以再稍微elaborate一下第一點跟第三點。第一,臺灣的前途跟美國戰略有哪一些關聯,華府的朋友有沒有跟你提出?第三,美國需要臺灣哪一方面?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「民主創新」跟「資安防護」,你希望我把這兩個四字展開就是了?講的更多一點,哪一些民主創新、如何資安防護,是這個意思嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "民主創新上,當然我們在做的事情是除了守護選舉之外,我們在選舉跟選舉間,讓民間可以用更多的方式來參加政府政策制定跟議程設定,好比像總統盃黑客松最近在投票,第一次使用平方投票法,雖然平方投票法是在美國發明的,但是臺灣是全球第一個政府來使用這個投票方法,這個就是很好的合作案例。平方投票法的發明人、乙太坊的發明人,也都錄影來稱讚臺灣搶先在總統盃黑客松使用這樣的投票制度,這是第一個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個,好比像在臺灣,我們有一個叫做「公共政策網路參與平台」(,在這個上面,其實任何人都可以連署,五千人連署就可以召喚跨部會的開放政府聯絡人,到好比像恆春去看他們的醫療需求等等,這個部分其實也是學美國以前一個叫做「WeThePeople」的白宮連署網站,但是我們在上面加了非常多,讓大家不會只是提出意見,而是能夠進入共同創造的過程。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像剛剛上線的Windows現在也可以用的報稅系統,就是今年完全都是用網站就可以去進行報稅,這就是這種共同創作出來的結晶。當時有一位設計師在連署網站上說「報稅軟體難用到爆炸」,在這樣的情況下,我們邀請所有批評指教的朋友,一起到財政部、一起做出新一代的報稅系統。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以現在上路的這一套,讓Windows的使用者也可以用——不需要跟Mac使用者借電腦——這是共同創造出來的。大家在這邊都覺得這一套做法,可能比美國的發展還要更先進。剛剛提到的這兩個智庫也好、其他的智庫也好,他們在別的國家也在推行這樣一種不只是投票,而是兩次投票之間,日常可以參與民主的制度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以,我們不管是在技術上、法規上、開放政府聯絡人這一套訓練的教材上,都跟他們有非常多實質的合作,這個是民主創新的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在第二個部分是資安防護的部分,我們剛才已經講了,我們在4G的時候,就已經做了一個systemic risk,就是全面系統性風險的評估。因為這樣的關係,PRC的製品當時是沒有進入我們4G的核心網路,這一件事的評估可以說是早於其他各國。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此這個評估到了今天,當然我們在資安上因為《資通安全法》而有更多的措施,但單單是這個系統性評估的這一件事,就已經值得美國,以及現在跟美國比較相關的、一些正在評估5G核心網路資通安全風險的朋友們,讓他們有可以參照學習的對象。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "剛剛講投票制度是?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "叫做「平方投票法」。簡單來講,每個人有99點,你把它想成點數,總統盃黑客松今年有100多個選項,99點你可以投99個選項各一票,因為一票只需要1點。但是你如果想要投哪一個項目兩票,兩票是4點,三票要花9點,四票是16點,所以平方投票法的意思是你要投幾票,你要花的點數是它的平方。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以99點,你灌票全部灌在一個上面,你只能灌9票,也就是81點,而且這樣子你還剩下18點,意思就是說你還得去投別的,因為不能再灌下去了,因為10票是100點,你沒有100點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這樣的情況下,大家會更平均地去想到底要支持哪一些具體的專案,這個其實是用數學上他們已經證明過,在某些前提條件滿足的情況下,這個是最恰當、最適當的投票方法。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "這個是誰發明的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一位叫做Glen Weyl的研究者。他是在美國發明的,但是臺灣是第一個在世界上政府去使用它。當然Colorado的民主黨也用這樣的投票方法來分配他們所支持的法案,但是那個是政黨在用,我們是政府在使用。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "面對中國大陸的滲透這一塊,臺美有沒有具體的合作方案?您剛剛聽到5G的部分,美國有希望臺灣在5G的政策上跟美國站在同一陣線?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想美國一定不會想要任何經濟體跟他站在對面,所以你後面這一個問題,其實是預設答案的問題——美國當然希望所有人都站在他這邊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但從臺灣的角度,我們很高興美國醒過來站在我們這邊,因為我們六年前就做過這個評估了,所以這個是雙向的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以應該這樣講,我們合作是非常多層級,單單確定我們雙方對於這個問題的認知是不是一致的,這個層級就已經很重要,這一次主要是在這個層級上,往後當然可能會有更多的合作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家沒有問題了?我們好像沒有花到一個小時……" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "因為您講話很快(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "(笑)對不起。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "有關於開放政府聯絡人,關於您講全世界開放政府的聯盟,是不是可以多講一下?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我在當數位政委之前,其實就已經以公民社會的角色,來參與開放政府夥伴關係。我在剛入閣、2016年底的時候,也是在巴黎,當時開放政府年會,我也是閉幕典禮的講者。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這一件事,不管是在加入行政院作為數位政委前,或者我現在作為數位政委,都是我自己心裡面覺得非常重要的題目。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個題目有一個好處,就是要加入開放政府夥伴聯盟的會員,必須要先自己在出版的自由、言論的自由、集會結社的自由上到達一定的水準,才能申請成為會員,所以這個就表示在裡面,幾乎按照定義,就都是跟我們價值比較相近的朋友,跟其他國際組織的情況不完全一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在OGP裡面,我們能夠發揮的空間比較大,而且OGP在區域也有很多不同的會議,像之前在首爾,臺灣也有非常多的朋友參加,而且不只是公部門的朋友,也包含私部門、社會部門的朋友,每一次OGP的年會,臺灣的團都是非常大的團。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一次OGP的年會會在渥太華,是5月底的時候會召開,我們在渥太華不是只有公部門的朋友,非常感謝外交部的幫助,也會有非常多的民間社群朋友跟我們一起參加。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為OGP的設立,一開始的supporting unit畢竟是在DC這裡,所以我們也非常希望美國盡量協助。美國自己在OGP裡面,才剛提出第四次國家行動方案,所以不分哪一黨的政府,對於開放政府夥伴關係都是相當看重的。我們也很希望美國的開放政府行動方案,跟我們開放政府相關的行動,能去加強對彼此的效果,這一點也是非常重要。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我想再問一下,當了數位政委這一段時間,您覺得對臺灣來說,對臺灣最大的挑戰是什麼?希望能夠再加強、解決的是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常好的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實臺灣在很多方面是得天獨厚,因為地理的關係,我們可以像蔡英文總統提出「寬頻人權」的這樣一種想法,在很多別的國家還是只是Internet as human right,任何人都要能夠連到網際網路,但是在臺灣是任何人都要能用很快的速度連得到網際網路。這一方面是這兩、三年有相當長足的進步,尤其這邊有很多智庫的朋友,聽到在臺灣用4G的速度、非常快的速度上網,而且不限流量,不到20美元一個月,都很難想像竟然有這麼好的地方。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在這個過程中,我們其實看到臺灣自己在數位發展上累積了非常多,因為大家都可以用寬頻上網,所以一方面當然有很多民主上的工作,可以用這樣的方式來做,好比像大家可以很容易看到立法院的黨團協商直播,或者是我們自己行政院辦的,也有很多直播,之後參與式的,像司法也有很多可以參加的部分,或是像總統盃黑客松,大家都可以線上投票,像這一些東西是地方大的地方,比較難那麼快去研發出來的,所以這兩、三年累積了滿多的成績,也在D.C.這邊有跟大家做很多分享。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是反過來講,當每個人都有4G吃到飽的時候,就會變成某個影片,可能是不實的,或者是斷章取義的,或者是透過現在最先進的人工智慧,乾脆是合成的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以前有卡通式的「動新聞」,就是編劇想出來的,可能不是真的發生的畫面,但是可以用演員去演,看起來是這幾個人有這樣的模擬,當然當時出現的時候,也有過一些討論,但是現在的人工智慧已經發展到看起來不是卡通了,而是真的就是那一些人,很像大家都可以穿著唐鳳的表皮,演一些事情或者是做一些事情,或者是講一些我沒有講過的話,因為我常常公開演講,所以語音合成起來,聽起來也會跟我的聲音是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像這一種東西,在大家都有4G吃到飽的情況下,那其實是非常容易流竄的,這一種影片不用花很多錢,就可以全部下載下來,在社群媒體或者是點對點加密的通訊軟體上,分享這一些影片,那也是非常快、容易的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以,當然一方面政府要即時澄清,現在大家都可以看到是用影片的方式在進行了;二方面也要讓大家理解到「寬頻即人權」的情況下,媒體識讀變成非常重要的一件事,所以這一件事也讓我們不但把「媒體識讀」放到十二年國民教育的課程綱要,在今年上路,也要讓大家瞭解到其實每個人現在拿起一個手機,在youtube上面變成youtuber(實況主)的情況下,他其實就是媒體了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "各位媒體受的訓練、查證的訓練、平衡的訓練,所有這一些拿起手機當youtuber的人都應該要有這樣的訓練,才能負起作為自媒體的社會責任。這就是為什麼我們在國民教育、終身教育各方面都讓大家瞭解到「寬頻即人權」的情況下,社會上可能會有的各種衝突,或者各種比較不好的部分,我們要怎麼樣克服它。" }, { "speaker": "薛美瑜", "speech": "還有任何的問題嗎?" }, { "speaker": "薛美瑜", "speech": "如果沒有,我們就謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝大家,謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "Minister Tang, I will start off with a more personal question, which is tell me about the first family of Taiwan, which I hear includes some cats and dogs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "A whole fleet." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s Ācái and Xiǎngxiǎng, the two cats of President Dr. Tsai Ing-wen. After she became president, she also adopted, I think, three dogs that was retired from service. I’ve met them, yeah." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "It sounds like a good group to have around." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. They wouldn’t want to interfere into public construction or anything like that. All they want is catnips. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "I heard they’re uncorruptible, which is something we should all aim to be." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly, completely incorruptible. [laughs] That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "Tell me a bit about your visit to the US. What are you hoping to achieve here? Tell me a little bit about what you’ve working to build." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure. I’ve been to US many times in the Silicon Valley, and in NYC. I was just in Detroit for three days before coming to DC, but it’s my first time in DC. Really happy to be here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s broadly speaking, three topics that I’m in DC for." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The first one is around how to protect elections against foreign manipulation. That includes, of course, propaganda of all kinds, disinformation, malinformation, and the hijacking of media narratives and things like that. I’ve had a lot of conversations with think tanks and with people focusing on this particular topic." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The second topic is what we call hard cyber -- that’s cyberspace security -- because Taiwan six years ago did a systemic risk assessment when we did our 4G telecommunications infrastructure. And after that, We decided that PRC components must not enter our core infrastructure." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re very happy that six years later, now people are waking up to the systemic risk." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "There’s been so much hype about 5G and which countries are moving to ban it, which countries are moving to restrict it, which countries are embracing it. From your own experiences, what kind of evidence have you seen that the PRC is using these networks for espionage?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’ve had that discussion six years ago. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, when we did a 4G assessment, we understood that really, there is no distinct characteristics between a market actor in the PRC, versus a state-owned operation unit in PRC." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When there’s potential of escalation, or even in non-escalated times, the PRC government, and indeed, the party, has a lot of non-market forces that they can use to influence the behavior of their so-called private sector." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the recent years, we’ve seen developments such as any enterprise above a certain size in the PRC must have Communist Party branches in that particular enterprise. All these systemic risk factors tell us that there really is no so-called market actor when it comes to PRC and telecommunication facility." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is the kind of analysis we did back when we were doing 4G." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "You mentioned that this is a conversation that Taiwan has been having perhaps six years ahead of the rest of the world. I can see, with the general preoccupation with electoral interference and your eye towards protecting your elections in 2020, what kinds of conversations are you having now that you feel like others will still be working their way through in six years’ time?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. I think in Taiwan, we are holding the free and open civil society space as the most treasured asset that we have. Whereas our nearby economies sometimes use the term, for example, “disinformation” to expand the state reach into de facto state censorship, that is something that we never do." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Our developments, our innovations around this disinformation crisis basically centers around the idea of “notice and public notice.” We never do administrative takedown or any of the other things that our nearby economies are some considering, and some even already implementing. We’re not going there." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we are seeing is that we use crowdsourcing, collective intelligence, with full collaboration with, for example, our leading E2E, end-to-end encrypted instant message platform called LINE, which operates mostly in East Asia, into what we call a Digital Accountability Framework, where people can easily flag something as a potential disinformation, just as we can flag something as spam." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’ve found it’s a really good metaphor, because email is private communication, where the state should not be a party to." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When you flag something as spam, you voluntarily donate that into an international framework so that whenever the spammers try to send email again, after a sufficient number of people flagged it as spam, it still reaches its destination — but it reaches the junk mail folder." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s not censorship. If you have too much time, you can look through them all. By default, it doesn’t waste people’s time. That is the kind of reaction that we’re getting from our civil society, that the government should actually do more education attribution work." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Indeed, we fund a very popular public TV series called “The World Between Us,” that talks about weaponization of media. It has, I think, 95 percent approval on IMDb, and even better domestically. That, again, I think both in our K-12 education, and probably education like that, is also very much worth public funding." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "When it comes to moving the conversation in the US beyond a succession on bots and trolls, how do you think that conversation needs to be refocused to move it forward in the US context, from what you’ve seen?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "From what I’m seeing, really, there is a perception of polarization, as if people in the Congress, when you ask a random person about the two parties and so on, they may have this perception that they disagree on everything." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Whereas in fact, if you look at the actual Congress -- we just visited the capitol this morning -- most of the things, actually, people agree on most of the things most of the time. It’s just the media and the social media, especially, over-focuses on the polarized part of the political discourse." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, we are working with the civic technology community to build things like what we call the Digital Dialogue Platform. This, we build in conjunction with the AIT, American Institute in Taiwan, to, for example, ask what people think about the future of the Taiwan-US relationship." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This kind of narrative shows everybody that actually, most of the people agree with most of their neighbors on most of the things most of the time. Whereas the social media may over-focus on those five divisive points, there’s actually a lot more that people have a rough consensus of." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think these kinds of technologies, more so than polarized social media, can focus, again, our conversation on the rough consensus that we do have. This picture is actually an experiment that the people in Bowling Green City have learned, talking about the future of the Bowling Green City." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When people ask each other, “Are we a divided into partisan communities or are we a united community?” before and after they participate in this virtual town hall, the reaction is very different. I think there is a way to move beyond polarization." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "What are some of the other ways that you find radical transparency has reshaped democratic culture in Taiwan? I know you’ve said that Internet and democracy are intertwined in a pretty unique way. Tell me a little more about that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In our case, Internet and democracy are synonyms, whereas maybe in other jurisdictions, Internet and authoritarianism are synonyms, because they arrived together, roughly speaking." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In our case, there’s a radically transparent budget display in the national e-participation platform," }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Anyone can look at any budget item, drill down to see its year-to-year, month-to-month KPI, delivery, procurement, you name it, and have a real-time conversation, really, with public service, without any intermediaries." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This kind of radical transparency affects public service, because then the public servants can give the why, not just the what, of policymaking, and enable, for example, investigative journalism to do much more solid work, without having to race with getting those groups up to speed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People now have the same evidence for budget, for procurement, and for regional development. There are many databases. Now, we can’t claim credit, because this is actually a civic tech project. Back in 2012, it’s the inaugural g0v project," }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s just after I become the Digital Minister, I merged the original fork into the government so that it now become protected by regulation, and is indeed part of our law and legal system. There’s many other examples." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For example, the radically transparent campaign finance records. Starting this year, all the campaign donations will be published in machine-readable format starting this June, and in row-to-row data, instead of just a summary." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It all enables individual investigators and researchers to have a much better, fine-grain detailed idea of how the politics is working." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "Radical transparency can be seen as a driver of deepening democracy, in contrast with the more twinned authoritarian impulses of something like a social credit system, where the government is trying to pull citizens into its alignment." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They are making the citizen transparent to the state, right? Whereas we are the other way around. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "Exactly. So many countries are in the process of democratic backsliding. What do you think that finding a Taiwan-inspired model could do for those countries that are in that gray zone between democracy and authoritarianism?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s many people -- for example, just recently, in Thailand, in both parties, and also Future Forward -- they have visited Taiwan and indeed learned from Taiwan about peacefully transition, in their case, back to democracy, to trustworthiness between the governance system and its people, meaningful youth participation, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Just seeing how in Taiwan, the digital has lowered the risk of the career public service when it comes to democracy, when we can meet with people who are about to protest out on the street and co-create something new and that is satisfactory, or at least people can live with together, I think that is a very compelling narrative that can tip, as you said, the gray zone jurisdictions back into the democratic impulse." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "What’s a memory that stands out to you of a setting where you’ve pulled in someone who has been expressing dissent online?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Or even toxic." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "Or even being toxic. How have they been brought into the mix of actually shaping policy?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because May 1st is the tax season in Taiwan -- about four days, five days now, around the corner -- this year, actually, across Taiwan, all the Windows, Mac, and Linux users use the same web-based tax filing system." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We piloted that with Mac and Linux users last year. It’s really the first time that people had a 96 percent approval rating of the tax filing experience, which is unheard of. Usually, you don’t really like the tax filing experience in itself." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Nobody really likes filing tax, [laughs] but we managed to deliver something that makes it compelling for people to go through the process. Indeed, it started with something very ambitious. Indeed, because two years ago, there was an e-petition." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is relatively tame of the toxicity back at the time. This e-petition reads, “The tax filing software is explosively hostile.” Its content is all negative emotions, but that is relatively tame, compared to the social media, which calls for the resignation of the prime minister, of the Minister of Finance, accusing corruption of the vendors, and things like that -- all because the Oracle Corporation at that year deprecated Java applets, and our tax filing system for Mac and Linux used to run on Java applets. It creates a very bad experience for people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now, what we did is that the participation officers, a team of people in each ministry in charge of engaging people who are about to go to the street, basically intervened on the e-petition platforms." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That anyone who complain -- and there’s more than 80 percent of people who do -- anyone who complain about our tax filing experience automatically gets an invitation two weeks afterward to the co-creation workshop." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This very simple intervention really changed. We saw that the petitioner, why is he so angry? Because he is a professional user experience designer. He would feel upset whenever there’s some line spacing issues or sans-serif versus serif issues." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because of these, to him, unbearable ugliness of the tax filing experience, of course, he’s very upset. Once we invited him to the kitchen, so to speak, it was really helpful in triaging the thousands of inputs online -- because we live streamed the meeting, you see -- into the user journey that categorizes the entire encounter of people with the tax filing system." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "After four co-creation workshops, the people who wrote really aggressive comments meet face-to-face with the people who they flame to. They really can’t keep attacking each other once they are co-creating. Finally, they delivered a new tax filing system." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "That’s really interesting. I’m thinking about mapping this onto a US context. If we were to pull in Twitter trolls and attempt to have a co-creation workshop, I wonder how that would go. How did the government address safety concerns?" }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "This is a country where there’s no shortage of guns, and people express a lot of anger online. How do you deal with those most extreme outliers? I’m sure they’re not making complaints about the tax filing system, but they’re a big part of political discourse in the US when it comes to fighting disinformation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Certainly. Actually, the system, the artificial intelligence-moderated conversation that I just introduced, does a wonderful job to take the bite out of the statements. What we have discovered is that if you take away the reply button, people become civil overnight." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "That’s really interesting." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All our platforms -- the e-petition platform, the platform, the Slido platform that I use to collect Q&As during town halls -- they don’t have reply buttons. All you can do when you are in our system is basically to see a statement from a fellow person." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The only thing you can do is to click agree, disagree, or pass. Even if you really don’t like this statement, the only thing you can do is propose something else for other people to resonate with. That actually takes the entire arsenal of trolling away." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If they just keep trolling, people just pass them or disagree with them, and they sink into nowhere. It doesn’t really consume people’s mental bandwidth. It’s just like going to the junk mail folder. People still compete, but compete on bringing more eclectic and nuanced statements to each other." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The face-to-face setting is, of course, also important. Most of our collaboration meetings take place in my office, which is the Taiwan Social Innovation Lab. It’s shaped by people with trisomy differences, people with Down syndrome." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They see the world through a different geometric lens. When we shape the space through their eyes, it brings the creative part out of people. We have excellent food and drink and chef." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "That’s fantastic. I wouldn’t mind stopping by for a little." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s self-driving tricycles that just roams this space. It’s all very creative, is what I’m saying. Even the most, the people with an axe to grind, enter the space, enjoy excellent food, and become tame." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "When did you first get a sense that you would want to build your career around the Internet and governance? When did this occur to you as something that you could make your focus in this way?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it was around maybe I was five years old, something like that. I remember, at the time, Taiwan just had its first election, a true multi-party election. I still remember the martial law and the lifting of the martial law." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "My parents, they were both political commentators and journalists, and were discussing an upcoming election. There’s two parties, the Nationalist Party, the KMT, as well as the Democratic Progressive Party." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They asked me which party do I think that they should vote. At that time, I think, at five, I already understand what a national citizen means, but I don’t know what progress actually means. I asked my parents, what is progress?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I still remember they explain it in the term that everybody has some different experience in social injustice. Each element can be improved piecemeal." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "So it’s just like a sphere; we want to have everyone on the surface of the sphere to have an equal distance to the core to that sphere. That is our constitutionally-protected rights." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That basically explains why progress is all over the place. All it does is to ensure equality and access to the basic fundamental rights that is the core of our constitution. It’s a really powerful way to explain progress or social progress. I guess it sounds very appealing to me." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "It goes way back. That’s remarkable." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "Tell me about how your experience as a white hat hacker has changed the way you approach your job?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I am just an amateur white hat hacker. My training is in building new systems. I’m an architect. I just know basic cybersecurity. As a civic hacker, I guess I do have a lot of relationships with both the civic tech community." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Indeed, with the white hat community, I remember in one of the HITCONs -- that is the premiere Taiwan conference on cybersecurity, it’s called Hackers in Taiwan Conference -- they put out those trials, capture the flag trials for other white hats to test." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Before I entered their opening ceremony, I reported that, “Oh, I found two or three of those things really within my league,” and solved them on the way there. [laughs] I guess that gives me some street credibility." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When I came to the administration, I brought with myself a cybersecurity product, an open source one, called Sandstorm that people can build additional applications, like ordering lunchboxes together, on top of the sandboxed cybersecurity system." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We work with the white hat community. They did pentesting -- penetration testing -- on that for six months, filed three CVEs, and concluded that really, that’s the most secure public service, best system that they could find." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We worked with two teams. After they’re OK with it, we then open it to the entire public service. Of course, we have other regulations that ensure that new public procurements include at least five to seven percent dedicated to cybersecurity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s in addition to the IT budget. I think we keep the white hats well-recognized, well-paid, excellent career. They meet with the President and Digital Minister once in a while to make sure that they don’t fall to the dark side, which has cookies." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "Speaking more about the dark side, what have you learned in the last year about electoral manipulation that you think everyone should know?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Great question. I think that the core message I want to get across is that everyone is media now. To be a media practitioner, to be a journalist, to be a broadcaster in the old days, before social media, involves a set of common-sense training." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of how to check your sources, of how to do the narrative in a balanced way, of how to communicate effectively, of how sensationalism differs from an argument, a narrative, and things like that. That’s what the basic journalism training...It’s not even journalism, just media literacy training." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Nowadays, of course, everybody is their own radio station. Everybody is their own television channel. That doesn’t mean that we should dial back the expectation of media literacy, and indeed, journalistic training." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We should actually make them into the K-12 basic curriculum, and let everybody understand that just like fire, we teach people’s responsible use of fire not by saying that only people who are professional pyromancers can wield fire. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We teach cooking at a very young age, how to use fire responsibly, how it may destroy cities if we don’t construct our cities well, how it may harm people. We don’t do this by taking back fire from children. We make sure that they learn how to use fire responsibly when cooking." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Do the same with journalism, with media literacy, and with the basic standards of critical thinking." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "How do you think major platforms like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube, should be taking steps to recalibrate their offerings, given what we know now about how they’ve been used to spread a lot of disinformation that has, at times, derailed public conversations around politics?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right, the negative externalities. I think there’s quite a few things." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Especially during election, it would really help if people can tell whether a tweet, for example, is really from someone that’s about to run, that’s really officially declared to run, as versus someone who impersonates them, or verified malicious." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s that kind of account, too, especially in the age of deep fakes, and indeed, of machine-automated, generated propaganda. Like in the previous election system, these two technologies are not that mature, not that off-the-shelf." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the 2020 one, both technologies, thanks to recent breakthrough in machine learning, are going to be very convincing." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "What’s the wildest deep fake that you’ve seen in your line of work?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "[laughs] Actually, it was of myself." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "Really?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "Tell me about that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I actually built a 3D-scan model of myself, the first thing I did, even before becoming Digital Minister, because I want to have meetings with schoolchildren in virtual reality, in which I lower my avatar to be the same height as they are." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "That’s amazing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We can talk about their kindergarten buildings and so on, without me seeming very imposing or very tall. That is a kind of deep fake, if you think about it. [laughs] If I can convince the children that what they see before their eyes is a just scaled-down version of me, I can also make that avatar do anything." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "You could have a three-foot-tall Minister Tang going to a local school to give an approachable conversation? I can see how that could be weaponized by nefarious actors." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. What I did two and a half years ago was I released that model. I actually released all the recordings and films myself and so on publicly online under Creative Commons licenses, saying, “Now, everybody can make Audrey say anything convincingly.”" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s two and a half years ago. Of course, the technological progress has lowered the expense in setting up GPU clusters and so on ever since then. Then people need to understand, unless I tweet from my own account, no film of me is me." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think that is the kind of awareness that both the platform and social media platform suppliers, vendors, need to make it really clear, that it’s not just a verified account, but it is really that person themselves making this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Nobody else can really impersonate, because we can’t really trust that a video is the evidence now." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "You think that in the future, there could be 30 videos of a hypothetical candidate, and we’re going to need to give people using social media platforms an understanding that they can only really listen to one that has been brought through a very official channel." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Trust that account, right. There are many technologies nowadays that, for example, I take pictures of myself when I want to prove that I am really somewhere on Earth at this time point, talking to these people, using apps like Truepic." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "Cool. You want to take one?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure, but of course, then I think it will require a GPS connection? Oh, there is GPS signal. That’s great. Right, so we can take one together." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "Foreign Policy, at TECRO." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. That proves that we’re really here. All right." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "Come on in. Come on in." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, come on in. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "I’m just curious." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, what it does is that it uploads it to the blockchain and takes the hash, the signatures, and runs it through a series of tests. It can even detect whether the camera is taking photo of another photo, things like that." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "Oh, right." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Detecting the accelerator and everything, all the different signals of forensics. This is applied forensics." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "That’s how you know that we’re the real Foreign Policy and the real Audrey Tang." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right, exactly, [laughs] in the real TECRO." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "I think it’s remarkable that we’ve got through a whole interview, we’re both trans, and it hasn’t been the first order of conversation. I think that’s really refreshing to be able to have a wide-ranging conversation about the work that we do. But I will ask: How has your identity informed you as a digital citizen?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it enabled me to empathize more, and to have a larger tolerance for when people just don’t see other people’s viewpoint. It enables us to be a much more effective intermediary that helps people understand that they, although seem very different, they do have common values.I think it makes me a better facilitator." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "I can definitely relate to that idea of learning how to break through polarization and be a facilitator through the kinds of experiences that being gender non-conforming brings." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "What do you wish people asked you about more often when it comes to your work?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s a great question. I guess I would like people to ask, “Where’s the citation?” Like the Wikipedia question, “Citation needed.”" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If more people start asking, not just, “Is it true or not?” but “Where did you see that? Where did you hear that?” I think it makes us stop and take a deep breath, so we stop being vehicles of any memetic manipulation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Any memetic manipulation, any disinformation or malinformation campaign, can be defeated very simply by saying, “Citation needed.”" }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "You think the answer to fake news is fact-checking?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right, or really just the habit of checking in general." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "Well, thank you. Thanks so much." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Jefcoate O’Donnell", "speech": "Thank you all so much for our round table. It’s been a great way to finish the week, and I appreciate the work that went into it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Awesome, thank you." } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們正式開始。有一個致詞參考稿,我還是唸一下。本會陳副召集人(昱築)、各位青諮會委員、以及各機關代表,大家午安!" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝大家在百忙中撥空前來參加青諮會第2屆第2次會議的會前會,其實也是第一次的會前會,今天有14位委員親自出席,也有2位委員李欣委員、鍾雨恩委員從線上同步參與。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們大家都知道第一次會議主要是頒委員聘書、安排委員相見歡、模擬電子投票等等的事情,這個是我們彼此要討論意義的會前會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然為了確保這個會議品質的效率,青諮大會事前先對焦,確保大家提的這一些案子跟各部會瞭解的事情是相同的,所以就「委員提案」及「會議議程規劃」進行討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這次是以穿得非常正式、從來沒有看這麼正式的偉翔還有打領帶,以及智文、彥嘉的三位委員提案,稍候會請提案委員的順序,各自先說明兩個內容,各部會都已經有書面的回應,我們看看今天能不能將書面的回應變成具體的建議,各機關也可以來釐清,最後再確認主、協辦機關。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想確認主、協辦機關是最重要的,因為確認完之後,大家才可以分門別列把該辦的事項在大會裡面提出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一個議程是,我們在確認第二次正式會議的流程規劃,因為跟上一屆不太一樣,我們會有安排,由陳副召集人代表青諮會來呈現這一段時間我們所做的一些成果報告,還有這一些有別於上屆的運作,像巡迴座談等等,因此為了把握今天會議時間,我們開完之後,還要再開巡迴座談的檢討會,因此我們開始這一次會前會的各項議程。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "報告事項,剛剛主席已明確說明。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "第二屆第二次會議,目前暫訂108年5月下旬或6月上旬召開,正確開會時間須向本會召集人詢問並經委員確認後,再通知各部會。我們直接進入到今天的討論事項。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "今天討論事項共有三個提案,提案彙整表及提案內容、相關機關研處情形,幕僚單位已彙整如會議資料。今天議程最重要是要確認部會回復與委員所提案內容是否對齊,再來要確認各提案的主協辦機關。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "未來的主辦機關要負責綜整各協辦機關的意見,所以主辦機關有一個非常重要的工作,要把各部會的回復情形綜整成一個整體的綜整意見,而其他部會的協辦意見,原則上會當作附件讓大家參考。以上說明如果大家沒有什麼問題的話,就進入實質的提案討論。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "第一案,「安排第45屆國際技能競賽代表團於108年度國慶典禮遊行」,由今天穿得很帥的偉翔提案,請黃偉翔委員說明。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "我稍微說明一下這個案子的緣由,這是國際技能組織(WorldSkills International)舉辦的技能競賽,臺灣從1970年開始參與國際技能組織,1971年開始參賽,臺灣在國際技能組織中,是非常資深的會員。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "一直以來我們國家在國際技能上的表現都很不錯,近幾屆的世界排名都是前幾名,所以一直以來,技能群體幫助臺灣在國際上透過技能發光,或者是透過技能來跟國際社會交朋友,此刻國際非營利組織平台是國際參與很重要的方式,國際技能組織就是其中一個。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "國際技能組織除了辦競賽,例如木工、花藝、油漆、CNC車床...等,還有做一些國際職能鑑定、技能發展之類的研究,某部分來說,對到實質運作政府行政業務,像勞動部的職能基準或是教育部技職教育的業務,都能做一些發酵。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "至於為何是國際技能競賽的代表團可以,為何不是發明展、設計展...接受國慶喝采?因為國際技能競賽是奧會模式,用Chinese Taipei參與,有眾多會員國,去參與的賽制選手,各國政府主導且分多個階段選拔,由國家選出國手,再由國家培訓、由國家帶團作為代表團出去,這個業務在台灣的勞動部勞動力發展組職能基準與競賽組中,符合這樣的條件,才有公共性,只有奧運跟國際技能競賽,這個是與其他國際賽事的主要區隔。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "為何要現在提此案?有幾個原因:" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "第一,這麼多的技能群體,除了有國手以外,後面有代表團、技職師生、技能發展訓練師、社會各行各業、贊助廠商等,所以是一個技能產業鏈,從教材、教法、設備、師資...等。更何況雖然是勞動部負責的業務,但參與競賽的國手大部分是教育部的技職學生,所以政府滿多部會的業務成效,都會在這裡呈現,這也是一個主要原因。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "另外一個,國際上的競爭越來越激烈,國際技能組織現在的會員國已80個,且正逐年提升。目前是以歐美國家居多,目前新增最多的是台灣關注的新南向國家、東協或非洲等,這是目前正在國際極速發展的事情。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "再來,這一屆於2019年8月,在19日至26日舉辦的世界賽,主辦國是俄羅斯,但下一屆2021年在中國上海,我覺得中國因素是可以思考的一件事,中國2011年才開始參賽,上一屆已經爬到世界第一,在基層配合一帶一路、中國製造2025等主體政策擴增高階技能人才,也撒了許多資源,這些對台灣技能團隊都是壓力。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "最後可以分享的是,這並不是沒有先例,去年亞運有遊街,大家應該都知道。現在提議的是一個世界等級的賽事,而非亞洲賽層級的賽事,我想以這樣的比例原則,之前在亞運的層級,有機會國慶典禮上展現,我想以技能群體、百工百業的勞工,或者是教育部技職教育這麼多的技職師生,像勞動部勞動力發展署的職業訓練,後面有一大群人,現在參與的又不只是亞洲層級,而是一個國際賽的層級,我想這些原因是為何現在要提這個案的原因。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "接下來,看起來癥結點在於籌備會,這個狀況還是要先請內政部來說明一下,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝,解釋非常清楚,以我的理解,這個其實是在之前上一屆有一些基本的討論,當時的方向也都是覺得樂觀其成,但主要是覺得我們要找一個時間去拜會籌備會的立法院長,因為很多是立法院長來決定的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個主責應該滿確定是民政司,因為他們是秘書機關,是不是請民政司的朋友們回應一下。" }, { "speaker": "簡鈺珒", "speech": "內政部民政司代表發言,誠如剛剛主席跟大家說明,國慶的活動每一年是由國慶的籌備會來召開,籌備會是每一年會成立,召集人是立法院蘇嘉全院長。今年度的籌備會還沒有召開,這個議案已經有先跟長官報告,籌備會成立後,之後會有一個叫做「大會處」,主責所有國慶大會的活動規劃,這議案會納入到今年的活動規劃報告當中,最重要的是立法院蘇院長的同意。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "什麼時候會有籌備會的成立?" }, { "speaker": "簡鈺珒", "speech": "歷來是4月中旬到5月之間,目前都在籌備工作,現在正在請示院長成立籌備會的時間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大概到青諮大會的時候是很好的時間點,請兩位蘇院長就這一件事來討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請問勞動部及教育部的朋友有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "邱月雲", "speech": "主席,基本上委員這一個提案,其實就勞動部來講,謝謝委員對這一個有關技職倡議的重視。" }, { "speaker": "邱月雲", "speech": "就勞動部來講,其實在辦理相關的競賽,勞動部目前有組團參加,包含在國際辦的競賽,另外一個是亞洲分會的競賽,勞動部都有組團參加,今年108年的部分,勞動部還是會組團參與,也就是青年組及青少年組相關的賽事。勞動部配合整個規劃大會的狀況來推動,以上補充。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "教育部這邊應該是技職司,是嗎?先請教育部的朋友分享。" }, { "speaker": "朱楠賢", "speech": "第一案偉翔提的部分,我們是非常開心,希望這個案子將來可以在國慶的籌備會可以通過,讓這一些國際技能競賽的選手也一樣可以繞街鼓勵,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有什麼要補充的,就敬表同意,我們之後因為社企的部分也會有很多政策的訊息藉此露出,如果教育部在技職教育上需要大家知道的,也可以藉由這個機會,因為這個是很新的,想必會成為新聞的焦點,如果成真的話,也歡迎儘量提出,我們一併轉到籌備會這邊來進行處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一案看其他的委員們或者是線上的委員們有沒有要補充或者是詢問的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確定內政部主責及回應,就看籌備會跟第一次青諮大會的時程,然後報告安排拜會或者是至少讓大家知道這一件事是蘇院長理解的事,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "進入第二案。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "第二案,「社會住宅包租代管」和「住宅補貼措施」中的租金補助,應可同時申請,並採擇優原則。這個案子由葉智文委員提案,請委員說明。" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "大家好,我是葉智文,第二案我主要想要提出討論的部分是,現在政府推動的社會住宅,也就是包租代管及租金補助,對於房客的誘因上,其實在執行面會相斥,主要的是社會住宅的包租代管,其實有比較可預期的政策綜效,包含對於產業的業者扶持、房東端跟房客端,在租金補貼上,其實很單純就是補貼房客的租金補助。但是實際上在第二期社會住宅包租代管的計畫當中,鼓勵現有租約的房東、房客,他們直接轉為社會住宅包租代管裡面的服務對象。" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "但是在進行這樣的時候,其實我覺得在執行面上會看到一件事,因為房客假設以台北市為例,一般身分的房客,在申請一般租金補貼的時候,每個月至少可以有5,000元,一年是6萬元,如果延伸到弱勢戶、中低收入戶,最高一個月可以領到1萬1,000元的租金補貼,這是使用一般政策住宅補貼措施。" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "一旦申請為社會住宅、包租代管的時候,我想內政部相關同仁有說明,他們承租金額的前提是市場租金的八、九折,這個市場租金是由業者議價,而不是由政府這邊由經費來作補貼的。" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "但是社會住宅包租代管裡面,對於房客誘因的這個點,其實租金補貼的名額是相對少很多的,基本上全臺灣因為礙於包租代管補貼經費的限制,第一個是租金補貼的名額少很多,因此對房客來講,如果他們想要配合這個政策申請社會住宅的包租代管,前提是要簽一個租金補貼的系統因素,沒有辦法申請一般的租金補貼。也就是說,今天對房客來講,拿一般的租金補貼,其實所拿到的金額會比申請包租代管多很多,像台北市一般身分來講,一般的租金補貼是每個月5,000萬,一個月6萬元。" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "但是在簽約租金的前提下轉為包租代管的話,每個月實際上是沒有補貼的,一年實付的租金差了6萬元,這一件事在執行面上,會造成一個很大的程度,房客對於這樣的政策配合度不高的情況,我補充一個數字,去年申請租金補貼的房客,全臺灣應該有6萬多戶,台北市有1萬戶左右,但是包租代管截止到今年3月多,是3,000多戶的名額,政府不擔心租金補貼發不出去,但是包租代管是政府主要推動的政策之一,也就是期待八年有8萬戶的成效出來,所以目前看起來好像在這兩邊房客誘因的點上,其實執行上是有一點衝突的。以上報告,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以具體建議其實是在擇優補助的前提之下,希望申請包租代管的時候,不用先簽租金補助的放棄同意書,但是如果不簽的話,假設租金補助是擇優就會領這個,等於包租代管的方案沒有辦法再領,是嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "以現在這個時間點的政策推動上,因為大部分業者的租金補貼的名額已經沒有了,換句話說,假設現在的房客要申請為包租代管,肯定不會願意配合房東跟政策來成為包租代管的政策,如果申請就代表放棄台北市每個月5,000元的租金補貼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "理解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個部分的主責應該是營建署同仁?" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "首先關心社會住宅包租代管、社會補貼的議題,對於民眾提供三種協助措施,一個是社會住宅,是由政府興建的社會住宅,也就是申請承租的部分。第二種,剛剛委員的形式是包租代管的形式。第三種,住宅協助措施是住宅補貼,住宅補貼有購物貸款的利息補貼、修繕貸款利息補貼及租金補貼。" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "包租代管在推動的時候,在市場上不容易找到房子承租的民眾,所以由政府跟業者間來建立一個管道,有一些比較弱勢的民眾在市場上也能夠找到適合的房子,由業者來幫忙包租代管的服務。" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "剛剛委員關心民眾沒有辦法享有兩種補貼,因為目前基於政府的財政狀況及住宅補貼資源有限的前提之下,目前住宅法是有明訂同一位民眾以享有一種政府住宅補貼為原則,所以剛剛提到我們目前所推的這幾種補貼,民眾是可以擇一來申請,也就是選擇最適合他的,比如想要承租政府興建的住宅就想要申請,如果要申請租金補貼就來補貼,目前是有擇一的原則。" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "剛剛委員有提到希望民眾在不放棄租金補貼的情況之下,也能夠申請包租代管,現行的做法是民眾可以同時提出申請,如果有兩種都審查通過核定後,可以擇一個對他最有利的方式,我們目前的做法是由委員關心的方向,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "聽起來兩位的說法有一點不一樣,這邊的說法是,在申請包租代管的時候必須先簽租金補助放棄同意書,還不知道申請會不會成功,你剛剛的意思是申請成功的當下才決定是不是要放棄,這個順序實際是如何?" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "民眾如果來申請租金補貼的時候,我們會請他切結如果申請到租金補貼,比如承租社會住宅或者是有提出社會住宅申請等等,會選擇一種來放棄另外一種。" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "有關於我們在計畫當中,有弱勢戶的名額跟經費的部分,剛剛委員提到好像業者是弱勢戶的名額用完了,以至於民眾沒有辦法,我想這是計畫內容的問題,跟放棄租金補貼與否,這部分會後再跟委員溝通,我們之間再針對計畫內容來進一步瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我確認一下我的理解,切結的內容雖然申請的時候就先填寫,但生效的是在生效的時候,等於申請到了,這個切結才發生效果,而不是光遞出申請,就把另外一個放棄掉,對嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "我們都是以站在民眾最大利益的方向來辦理這一些程序。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以一部分也是溝通說明需要加強的地方,因為也許有些人看到乍看之下,覺得先放棄一個才能申請一個,但這樣聽起來兩邊都不是這樣子,兩邊都是要拿到了才放棄另外一個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有沒有想要回應的?" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "我請問一個比較實際的案例,這樣子會比較具體。" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "假設有一個符合社會住宅包租代管一般戶身分的民眾,原本已經提出了租金補貼的申請,假設台北市每個月是5,000元,假設也確定過了。同時,社會住宅包租代管的第二期計畫當中,房東也來討論加入社會住宅包租代管並配合申請,這個時候房東、房客會提出申請,這個房客現在有一個重點,已經得到了租金補貼每個月5,000元的同意確認,這個時候為了配合房東跟政府的政策,願意申請社會住宅包租代管。" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "申請社會住宅包租代管,租金、房客、房東資料都沒有問題的情況之下,社會住宅、包租代管過審,接下來就是簽約。這時房客假設要再配合包租代管的政策前提下,原本5,000元的租金補貼,還會不會在?我的問題是這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我可以幫忙回答,住宅法第9條的部分,您的問題是不是可以挑一個,這個我瞭解度並不是很高,要不要解釋一下?" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "但是實際上在包租代管裡面,其實實質上沒有拿到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我理解,只是確認一下這個情況,雙方的理解一樣不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "如果要選擇加入包租代管的部分,租金補貼的部分就要停止,如果要繼續領租金補貼的話,包租代管就不適合。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第9條裡面有一個是如果行政院專案同意的話,可以接受兩種以上的住宅代管的利息補貼,但是這個跟租賃能不能,我想問的是,到底行政院有專案同意過這一種雙重補貼的情況嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "目前還沒有,住宅法施行後還沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是留這樣的可能性,但是實務上並沒有一個可以參照在什麼的情況之下,可以雙重補貼,這樣雙方的理解應該是相同的,因此您這邊主要的訴求,我聽起來還是走包租代管的方式,但願意放棄掉包租代管的折扣,但卻領那邊的補貼,等於是折衷型的專案?" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "對,就在剛剛的例子來講,等於房客如果要配合社會住宅、包租代管,就必須每個月放棄每個月5,000元的租金補貼,因為社會住宅包租代管裡面,能享有的是市場租金八折或九折的簽約租金,但是他沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你現在提的基本上是包租代管有另外一個選項,以市場租金全額支付業者,但去領他們那邊的補貼。" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "市場租金八、九折應該是這個政策原本的精神,就是讓業者三方都去比價,但我想提出的是,有沒有可能讓房客這邊,像原本5,000元是過的、可以申請的,在社會住宅、包租代管裡面,並沒有額外拿到實質的租金補貼,5,000元有沒有可能沿用包租代管?這樣對於房客的誘因其實也會增長很多。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想確認一件事,租金沙盒是由政府所補助,所以無論如何應該是該當住宅法裡面的補貼,但是一般戶的市場租金八折、九折在住宅法裡面也算是補貼嗎?或者是政府出的錢?" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "報告主席,因為包租代管當時主要開辦是要協助在租屋市場上不容易租到房子的民眾,租金補貼的政策目的是要協助已經在市場上租到房子的家庭,如果社經狀況需要政府補助的部分,政府提供補貼,因此當時開辦的目的是有不同的族群與對象。" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "以提到台北市民為例,如果一個月租金補貼5,000元的話,政府一年提供6萬元的經費在協助家庭,至於政府付出包租代管的經費成本,平均一戶要7、8萬左右,看身分別不同,所以剛剛一開始跟各位報告的,基於政府財政資源有限的情形之下,政府針對不同的住宅措施或者是不同國民特殊的情況有不同的協助,因此原則上是一個家庭以提供一份協助為原則,讓政府的資源能夠公平地協助到需要的國民,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我剛剛在問的是,包租代管裡面一般戶的部分,是不是也算是住宅法第9條補貼種類承租住宅租金的部分?" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "本來在包租代管的計畫本身,政府就有幫他支付房租給房東的部分,因為租金補貼並不是他額外拿到,本來要付1萬元的房租,但基於政府的協助是只要付6,000元,另外4,000元是由政府付給他房東或者是業者,他是說租金差額1至4折是由政府補助,是所謂租金的差額。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛委員講的是一般戶,一般戶的是一成或是兩成,那也是政府幫他補滿嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "包租代管的制度,本來規定要加入的房東,本來是可以出租1萬元的,但是如果要加入的話,就必須以市場租金8折或者是9折來租給包租代管。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "政府有出錢?" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "政府有出其他的錢,而且這個錢是像剛剛報告的,實際補助民眾的經費還要高,按平均政府協助,包租代管計畫戶數來計算的話,平均政府每協助一戶包租代管的家庭,所付出的成本是比租金補貼還要高。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我理解。但是政府付的其他錢,是不是住宅法第9條裡面的任何一款?因為如果不是的話,就沒有競合的問題了。" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "但是是不同的住宅協助措施,像入住社會住宅的話,就不能再領取租金補貼,因此是剛剛一開始報告的,目前這幾種住宅協助措施,我們政策是一個家庭政府以提供一種協助為原則。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。所以您的意思是,同一年度僅擇一辦理,其實並不是政府在哪一個地方出了錢,而是這一些都是政府所辦的住宅相關住宅補貼措施,只要算是措施,就只能一次挑一種,而不是看政府直接給付房客或房東之類的?" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有聽懂嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一案要怎麼樣往下?你聽了之後有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "其實這個是認定上的討論,政府對於這整個政策成效的期待來講,如果這樣理解的話,可能在認定上比較去突破,我想社會住宅的包租代管畢竟是政府主力推動的政策之一,在這樣的認定,回到執行面的房客端是很主觀的,今天要不要配合政府的政策,講白了是對我有什麼實質上的好處,如果今天要我配合這個政策,但是損失原本可以拿到的權益,民眾的配合度相對來講就不會很高,我想從社會住宅包租代管第一期的數字來講,或者是從這幾個月有部分的業者在租金補貼名額已經沒有的前提下,各家業者數字增長的狀況來講,我覺得應該就可以看出端倪,所以我覺得政府期待有包租代管的政策,我想房客誘因這邊還是重要的一個環節。" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "我們講去年6萬多戶,已經申請了租金補貼的這些房客、房東來講,這一群人其實對於政府的政策相關優惠,不管是配合度或是敏銳度上,相對於其他人都是最高的,今天要推動包租代管的住宅政策,為何沒有辦法從這一些敏銳度先開始著手,從這些人著手來講,其實我們會看到八年八萬戶、一年一萬戶的包租代管,這個KPI並不見得是什麼困難的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "先聽聽看我的想法,你有三個具體建議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一個,我們剛剛發現其實只是溝通上的問題,也就是租金補助放棄同意書,所以這一個訴求我想可以滿足了,因為現在實際上要的是在不犧牲掉既有補貼的情況下,可以不要去領後面的這一種補貼,但同時房東還是在包租代管計畫當中,等於房客擇優去處理,但是房東還是介入這個計畫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "即使是這樣子,無論如何兩邊的補貼還是得放棄一種,尤其如果是弱勢戶的話,完全沒有辦法讓他兩種都保留,因此這種是必須還是要放棄其中一種,所以你的訴求一沒有辦法按照現在的文字往前推,除非你的訴求是要行政院專案同意,但行政院專案同意又沒有先例,這樣你需要舉證的東西會高過目前上面寫的理由,你知道我的意思嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一個要確定的是,我們是不是打住宅法第9條的行政院專案同意,如果不是的話,你的具體建議可能就沒有辦法用這個文字來寫,因為畢竟要專案同意才可以保留。但是你的具體建議二、三是很好的,二講的是希望從主責機關這邊理解到能不能在第二期稍微檢討一下包租代管的政策,讓它的誘因更強,尤其是那些本來也許有這些身分拿到租金補助的人,可以在看了之後,還是願意加入包租代管,但是這個設計可能實際上的方案不是繼續領補貼,而是用某種方式檢核他的資格之後,得到不亞於那樣的意義,我聽起來是這個意思。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果你很希望要行政院的專案同意的話,可能要擬出一個為何很需要行政院專案同意的理由,這大概是兩條路。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得還是可以討論一下,是不是麻煩營建署這邊先具體瞭解一下剛剛所講到的一些實務上的狀況,包含預算編列的情況等等,看是不是可以看到有針對到這邊具體實質的point,也就是房客感受的回應,比較不是好像在上位只能選一種,本來就只能選一種,這個我們大家都瞭解。可以嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林美桂", "speech": "(點頭)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看這邊有沒有想要再討論?" }, { "speaker": "葉智文", "speech": "(搖頭)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "麻煩雙方再確認一下,我們儘量到大會的時候,這個是可以讓院長瞭解到具體的爭點在哪裡,比較不會需要回來住宅法這邊,就是在現有住宅法框架底下,試著做出讓院長瞭解看政策有什麼小規模更動的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看要不要補充?" }, { "speaker": "陳雅惠", "speech": "有關於住宅政策如何執行,其實剛才營建署已經補充說明很清楚了,我們再說明一下,這一個案子是因為將總處列為主權責機關,其實剛剛基於住宅政策如何落實住宅法的精神、住宅方案計畫擬訂及執行,其實依住宅法第2條的規定是內政部的權責,而且請主管機關為協辦單位,所以我們建議將總處將承辦單位給刪除。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們的意思是不管最後談出什麼來,都是在住宅基金裡面,不會用到外面的錢,所以這個跟您似乎沒有關係。" }, { "speaker": "陳雅惠", "speech": "因為計畫要先擬訂、方式怎麼做完之後,然後才可以知道怎麼處理。其實住宅法有講到,住宅法第2條有提到,住宅政策的擬訂,住宅政策跟全國性的住宅計畫擬訂與執行,還有全國性住宅計畫財務規劃、住宅政策的補貼、市場品質、相關制度的建立與研究,其實都是內政部的權責。如果真的以後需要協助的時候,其實我們總處最後就方案時,如果需要幫忙的時候,我們再給予協助,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣的話,確實以這一案目前的狀態,主計總處我看了一下你們的書面回應,以內政部營建辦理之外,也沒有辦法再有更多實質的貢獻。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是這一案之後發展到一個新的可能計畫,或者是需要用到一些別的預算,我們那時再讓總處進來,您的意思是這樣嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳雅惠", "speech": "(點頭)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們到大會的時候,請主計總處提供書面意見。因為會前會是有逐字紀錄的,我們可以說在會前會經過討論的關係,這一案在大會的時候,請營建署給予口頭意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那就下一個。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "第三案,「鑑於臺灣社會少子化及大學同質性過高,如何『提升大專院校國際化』並『吸引國際學生至我國攻讀學位』,長期經營培育人才,並協助就讀期間媒合企業實習機會,以期未來能根留臺灣抑或成為我國駐外企業所能聘請之人才』」,由黃彥嘉委員提案,請委員說明。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "大家好,我是青諮委員彥嘉,我先跟大家說明一下,這個案子並不是完全由我提出來,而是之前參加「亞洲‧矽谷」在國發會由陳主委所討論的一個議題,當時的會議上包括現在台科大總經理林之晨、前無名小站創辦人Wretch都有在會議當中。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "這個議案是Wretch提出來的,有關於外籍學生、外師總數,相較於鄰近的國家我國的比例是偏低的,當時討論的時候,因為各部會都有派人參加,我希望在這個案子提出來,讓這個案子可以繼續延續下去。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我再簡單說明一下,我當時提這個案子期待的事情是,其實我看完所有部會的回應,我看得出來政府其實做了很多事,但是我比較在乎的是我們對外籍學生,特別像新南向政策特別是東南亞學生的行銷方式如何,我看到這一些回應,都是參加展覽,有一些臺灣意象的攤位,但是並不是很確定這個與在地的學生需要、想要聽到的內容是不是一致。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "第二,在部會當中我們滿好奇都有給一些獎學金,甚至有做到一些企業實習的媒合,大家看到這些數字都比我們預想的低非常多,都是千位數,很多數字幾乎都沒有過五千,當初Wretch提出來的原因,除了是希望台灣的高等教育更具競爭力外,臺灣少子化也是一大隱憂,因此如何吸引外籍人才來讀書並可以長期跟留於臺灣就非常重要。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我滿好奇的是,我們給出獎學金的人,像幾千、幾百,這一些人長期留在臺灣長期在臺灣的人有多少?甚至是來唸語言,也就是短期的學生數量是偏多的,而提出這個案子為何會把國發會也納進來?原因是這個提案與人口發展有直接的關係,需要有長遠的考量。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我今天凌晨才剛從曼谷回到臺灣,我到曼谷的時候拜訪駐泰童大使,我也跟他聊了一下有關於泰國學生在申請要來臺灣唸書的流程。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我相信這個是外交部在處理的,但是我聽完之後,我相信教育部可以花時間瞭解,一個泰國的學生要來臺灣唸書,中間的流程有多麼繁瑣?像成績單、學校認證到外交部認證,再到我們的外館認證,整個泰國這麼大,我們只有一個外館在曼谷,而且許多事情是需要親辦。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "最近駐泰的辦事處也要搬家了,離曼谷有一點遠的地方。我在想說如果這一些所謂申請的流程如果可以簡化,像東南亞的學生在申請流程可以更快速,甚至有沒有可能作電子化的認證而省去這一些繁瑣的手續?這一次因為我到曼谷辦活動,我問了幾個學生,他們到臺灣來唸書,很多人說手續很複雜,所以不想來,這可能就是一個可以改進的方向。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "應該這個議案其實坦白來說並不是具體要解決的問題,而是要把「亞洲‧矽谷」會議討論的東西衍生下去,我有幾個具體的建議:" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "第一,我會建議各部會如果有能力的話,其實應該要透過外館或者是我們自己的資源來訪談在地的學生,我這次收到部會的回應,其實蠻驚訝部會做了很多事,但如同我說的,我不是很確定這個已做的事情跟想來臺灣的學生們想要的是不是一致的。我之前有到教育部跟部長分享,主秘、次長也都在場,外籍學生來就讀,不單單只是在乎獎學金而已,來唸書之後的實際機會,甚至回去後工作能不能延續都是很重要的考量點。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我比較意外的是,從101年至107年已經協助企業聘僱僑外生1,600人,我滿意外的是我們花了六年的時間,只留下1,600人。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "包括我自己本身的事業,我們在擴展一個市場,我們不會從我們自己的角度來想事情,而是先到那個市場去訪談在地的使用者、客戶,得到一些insight之後,才會做商業的決定。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "第二,國際行銷的方式,因為我們這次去外館的時候,他們也提到成立很多Youtuber的頻道,包含他們邀請在臺灣唸書的外籍學生,但是我覺得很可惜的事,頻道follow的人數其實滿少的,我後來問了幾個台商,台商有在看,但是在地的泰國學生並沒有太注意到這個頻道,因此我會覺得在做這一件事的時候,我可能會有另外一個考量,也就是實質的KPI,並不是我們有這個頻道出來,別人就會看到,而是做了這個頻道,這個頻道的推廣方式,這個是我看部會回應所看的,以上簡單說明,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以剛才的具體建議裡面,當然大部分講的是推廣,不過您剛剛也有追加一個希望盡可能用電子化,反正無論如何流程精簡的方式,讓學生一旦動念要來臺灣之後,不會覺得要跳過多少關才能來臺灣,我想是不是也有可能衝到正式大會的具體建議去,因為我上次也去泰國,他們真的抱怨這個滿嚴重的,因為他們都要臨櫃,其實我們真的只有一個駐處,除非剛好住在駐處旁邊,不然要跑兩、三趟,其實是非常不方便的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然這個我也理解,也許主責部會就要稍微改一下了,但是無論如何我覺得這個寫進去,這樣子的訴求比較完整,比較不會變成像調查案的感覺。我想絕大部分還是教育部,看教育部這邊有沒有什麼想要回應的?" }, { "speaker": "朱楠賢", "speech": "主席,首先謝謝彥嘉委員的提案,他曾在國發會提過,我剛好都在場,尤其彥嘉是做使用者體驗,所以倒回來從第一線的角度來看這個問題,我們從上面往下走,他是從第一線往上,確實會觀察到一些盲點。" }, { "speaker": "朱楠賢", "speech": "整個案子國際化吸引人才進來,坦白來講,這個是行政院的大政策,我們應該要來做一些事,像竹科也在幫忙,那一塊的成效,或者是本身公司的國際化,這個是可以努力的。" }, { "speaker": "朱楠賢", "speech": "我想就教育部的部分,我們也不迴避,先請國際司就招生的部分來說明。另外高教技職的部分進行補充。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑雅", "speech": "謝謝唐政委、彥嘉委員的指導,非常感謝。在招收境外生的部分,在107年總共有12萬7,000人的境外生,在臺灣大專校院攻讀學位或者是研習(非學位生),根據我們的統計共來自一百四十八個國家。事實上我們整體的對外招生是對全球來進行,如果涉及單一國家,我們必須針對單一國家,例如政府推動新南向政策,新南向國家共有十八國,但是我們還是挑出幾個招生重點的國家,針對每個國家制定不同的策略。最重要的策略上,第一個還是到當地親自辦理教育展或者是招生宣導,直接與有意來臺的學生及家長接觸及說明。我們在海外工作的時候瞭解到,父母要將孩子送到不是那麼熟悉的國家留學,除了當地的高等教育品質之外,未來就業的出路之外,社會是否安全、飲食是否能夠合乎其需求,涉及很多生活的細節,所以如果可以透過校友、老師在當地面對面解說,事實上可以提供家長在做最後決定時的臨門一腳。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑雅", "speech": "剛剛彥嘉委員提到在網路無遠弗屆的時代,如果有比較指標性的人物,像網紅可以登高一呼引發風潮。我們實際上沒有單一明確的代言人,但是以馬來西亞這個外籍生最多的來源國家,其實我們雙方在文化上有許多共通點,我們的流行文化有非常高的接受度,因此吸引馬來西亞的學生來留學。我們在海外辦教育展招生宣導的時候,的確是針對當地的特色,一百四十八個國家裡面,我們會分不同的區域、重要性及等級來做這樣的工作。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑雅", "speech": "另外,在國內我們委託財團法人高等教育國際合作基金會擔任單一窗口,而這個窗口有一個網站「Study in Taiwan」,針對來臺留學網站裡簡化成七個申請步驟,大家的手邊如果有網路,可以參閱。其實是把整個來台留學一個大概念先做出來,但是事實上真的要來臺留學,的確沒有這麼單純,我們的同學要到海外、例如到歐美去留學也需經過繁複的過程,所以這網站提供一個概念的引導,真正實質的重點是學生要讀什麼科系、領域,甚至到什麼大學,從單一窗口的網站連結到臺灣各個大學校院,大學網站再提供進一步的資料,而每一個大學還會有招生的簡章,裡面有很細的規定。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑雅", "speech": "我們也知道在跨文化的藩籬當中,還有很多不同的任務,必須迎刃而解,但是在原來母國學歷證件要驗證,另外還有健康檢查證明、財力證明、語言證明,才能申請簽證,而簽證這一關是跟整體國土安全有關,因此這一個部分,我們的確也尊重外交部的權責。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑雅", "speech": "教育部很希望能夠瞭解我們的外籍生來臺灣留學,我們的強項在哪裡,從我們的強項來出發,才可能擴大招生。每一年針對外籍生來台之後發出大型的問卷,歸納出Study In Taiwan的十大理由,包括華語教育、前瞻科學、多元的文化、友善的自由環境、對於境外生的輔導支持、社會安全等等,這都是臺灣的強項,教育部再針對個別國家來做招生的規畫,我們的駐外單位及海外的留台的校友會,則在當地設計出適合的招生行銷專案。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑雅", "speech": "每一個來臺灣留學的學長姐都是代言人,他們的口碑跟推薦,在我們過去的經驗來講,是我們招生最重要的助力。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑雅", "speech": "針對留台的部分,教育部與勞動部、經濟部合作,因為我們學生畢業之後,很多留臺法規並不是教育部訂定,我們所做的是宣導,比如想要留在臺灣工作,未來實習,我們透過很多不同的場合、研習會及網站在宣導,我們持續建構友善的環境歡迎境外生到臺灣留學,再次感謝彥嘉委員的指導。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Study In Taiwan的網站裡面,剛剛要我打開,我就打開了,確實有一個很漂亮如何來台的方塊,不過目前您剛剛提到的,study in Taiwan in seven steps及scholarship的這兩個方塊,其實連結是壞掉的,所以有空麻煩請修一下,您如果提到了,我就必須點看看壞掉的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,不過FB我覺得經營得還行,其實最上面的那一則短片比較像委員所提到的,是以學生的角度去把它分享出去,但是確實目前在上面分享的人一共八個,我想影片拍得再好,如果後面沒有很專業的公共關係團隊,並沒有辦法對應到我們想要看的人的手上,其實是非常可惜的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這一個部分,FB也是高教基金會在經營,一部分是請他們明年或者是今年的預算裡面有一些相關的計畫,這確實是可以精進的地方。另外,您提到有一些部分其實已經超出國際司的部分,這一個部分我想也會請外交部這邊來幫忙協辦。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看其他司處有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "王淑娟", "speech": "大家好,針對委員提案就提升大學國際化或者如何透過特色領域吸引學生就學乙項,目前也是高教司重要政策,即高教深耕第二部分的內涵,透過優勢的研究領域來吸引國際生來研習。" }, { "speaker": "王淑娟", "speech": "針對新南向政策,過去幾年有透過聯盟的方式分領域推動,例如工程,商業或者是人文藝術及教育等領域,在新南向的國家來說是非常有吸引力,也配合台商比較多的國家地區,透過聯盟的方式跟當地的台商、產業接觸,讓他們的學生能夠透過當地的環境來理解我們在臺灣怎麼樣做連結。" }, { "speaker": "王淑娟", "speech": "因為這樣的新南向的政策,以及高教深耕政策的輔助,在新南向的人及國際學生來這邊的人數其實逐年增長,每一年至少都有10%成長,至少在高教端是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "王淑娟", "speech": "委員所建議的,包含透過優勢領域來吸引國際學生,還有透過如何跟當地合作與駐外館合作,我們去年開始把幾個聯盟的角色整合在駐外館的角色,我們稱為三心整合的部分,會結合我們在過去在外面有幾個駐點,大家去討論怎麼樣討論過學校跟當地學校有網絡的內涵來做深化及處理,委員所指教的部分,我們會在下一年度開始新南向策略跟國際的策略,在學校深入討論,會做政策的調整及計畫的挹注,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這個也是滿具體的高教深耕討論的結果,這一個部分就看委員有空參加的話,當然就繼續參加,我想這一些才可以把議題加以推進,反正這個部分是肯定會持續辦理的,非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還有其他教育部的同仁想要補充的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "龔琳晏", "speech": "委員好,我稍微補充一下,有關於技職司在推動新南向產學合作專班,剛剛委員有提到新南向學生的招收。" }, { "speaker": "龔琳晏", "speech": "其實我們從106學年度的部分,招收開辦新南向產學合作專班,在106年學年度的部分,學生註冊有2,931人,107年度第一學期,也就是上學期有開設89班,人數是3,955人,人數的部分是呈現有穩定成長。" }, { "speaker": "龔琳晏", "speech": "這個專班,其實我們是招收新南向國家的學生來臺灣就讀,這個課程跟廠商結合有一定比例的實習課程,讓學生在臺灣,除了學生的專業知識之外,也參與了實作與實習的部分。" }, { "speaker": "龔琳晏", "speech": "為了維持專班的教學品質,我們在量的成長部分,我們會更先著重在教學品質的扎實與穩定,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "龔琳晏", "speech": "除了專班品質的部分,我們也照顧到學生的輔導及學生來臺灣就學,第一個是面對到華語文的部分,在學生的教學,比如我們有規定108學年度註冊學生,第一個學期要有5學分10個學時的正式華語課程、及華語的輔導課,這個比例相當高,也就是用密集班的概念,在輔導學生除了在學得專業知識以外,他們的華語能力能夠在臺灣就學時,能夠有非常好的基礎,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個部分我想也很同意,可能不是衝量,而是把這個品牌做好,我想未來希望可以如期通過的新經濟移民法也是很類似的想法,各部會的論述統一,我想是很重要的,還有教育部同仁要分享嗎?或者是其他部會的朋友有沒有要分享或者是回應的部分?" }, { "speaker": "莊阿甘", "speech": "主席、委員大家好,我是經濟部代表,有關委員詢問經濟部協助僑外生留臺成效的部分,就我們知道,在101年之前,政府對於僑外生留臺有諸多的限制,包括2年工作經驗、每月新台幣47,971元的薪資限制,所以留下來的僑外生人數較少;然在103年7月,國發會研提「強化優秀僑外生留台工作行動計畫」,放寬了僑外生申請工作證的限制。" }, { "speaker": "莊阿甘", "speech": "從103年7月開始,僑外生留臺有越來越多的趨勢;而經濟部目前正配合政府整體法規的鬆綁,以及教育部推動新南向的政策,來臺就讀的僑外生增加,協助企業攬才。具體作法係協助企業深入校園與僑外生對接,搭建一個企業與學生媒合的平台。" }, { "speaker": "莊阿甘", "speech": "目前有意願留臺的僑外生有增加的趨勢,他們也願意為海外的臺商效力,未來經濟部也將配合新經濟移民的實施,協助法規的宣傳,幫助更多僑外生留台。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我之前也有去日本討論類似的政策,因為大家知道日本是最不歡迎外國人的國家,但是因為人口的關係,可以是180度的變化,臺灣很類似,不只是法規鬆綁的問題,我想法規鬆綁大家幫了很多忙,而是如何讓國外的朋友們改變我們的印象,讓父母聽到臺灣或者是留學,覺得這個是不是最好的選擇或者是第一選擇,子女要做出這樣的人生規劃,如果爸媽對他有成見也是很困難的事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我要講的是,我們的TA不只是十幾歲或者是這一些朋友們,也是包含對於臺灣比較沒有那麼歡迎外國人的這一種形象,這也是要打破的,這也是國發會所謂雙語國家、環境政策很主要的目的,當然我們說2030年,理論上都覺得任何語種的人來臺灣也是很受歡迎,從現在到2030年有事情可以一步步推進,因此對外政策論述一致,這的確是滿重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看科技部的朋友?" }, { "speaker": "游靜秋", "speech": "針對園區的部分,我們希望為園區的企業選才,也希望學校的一些課程來培育人才,所以在科學園區的部分,已經進行有關於科學園區的人才培育計畫。" }, { "speaker": "游靜秋", "speech": "其中除了希望搭配高科技產業需求,特別安排規劃課程之外,也有針對企業實習的部分來提供一些補助的經費。" }, { "speaker": "游靜秋", "speech": "在整個園區的資源也有限,因此我們以106學年來看,全部企業實習的人數也不過將近300位左右,因為實習的學生都由老師這邊來挑選的,我們目前知道的是,還是以本地的學生為主。" }, { "speaker": "游靜秋", "speech": "未來我們在計畫訪視的過程中可以再瞭解,申請學校執行計畫時,學校本身外籍生的狀況,還有實習申請的程序,以及外籍生參與的情形,這是我們在做計畫訪視的時候,可以再加強的部分,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為書面上比較沒有看到,我主要看到的還是有來台研習的十大理由,未來可以請這一些人來當代言人,如果有些是確定以前要做的事,這個就再寫起來。" }, { "speaker": "齊清華", "speech": "主席、各位委員大家好,真的很感謝彥嘉委員關心這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "齊清華", "speech": "在留用在臺優秀的僑外生方面,各位先進有提到,目前其實是可以評點制來申請留臺,自從103年評點配額制開始施行以後,核准留臺僑外生人次逐年攀升,至107年10月底止,大概有8,000多位的僑外生留臺工作,成效是非常好的。" }, { "speaker": "齊清華", "speech": "另外,國發會也非常重視彥嘉委員提到的人口政策,所以未來人才、人力雙缺口的情況下,國發會已研擬完成「新經濟移民法(草案)」,並於107年底函送立法院,將於立法通過後實施。在這個草案當中,對於外國專業人才方面,我們鬆綁了工作類別與受僱者及雇主資格條件,所以大專以上學校畢業的僑外生亦為適用的對象。" }, { "speaker": "齊清華", "speech": "另外,在新經濟移民法當中,新增引進並留用外國中階技術人力,包含具中階技術工作能力的僑外生,在我國取得高中職以上學校畢業證書或海青班畢業證書的外國學生、僑生及其他華裔學生,拿到畢業證書以後,符合一定薪資水準並具備專業證照(明),由雇主提出申請,在總量管制及產業配額下,就可以留臺工作。" }, { "speaker": "齊清華", "speech": "其實政府現在已經有相關的機制在運作,包含了留用及引進僑外學生的部分,各部會在推動相關的政策有需要本會協調的部分,本會都會盡力來協調處理,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還有其他部會的同仁想要補充嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有的話,因為我們跟立法委員不太一樣,青諮委員都是自己跳下來幫忙辦理,看有沒有什麼想要分享的?" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我再補充一個故事,我在曼谷的時候跟五個泰國學聊天,這五個英文不太ok,還找了另外一個泰國人來翻譯,我看了這個網站,這個copy right是2014年,有一點恐怖,現在已經2019年。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我跟這一些學生聊天,我們想要到臺灣念書,我們想要學中文但英文不好,接觸到我國窗口的時候,是需要大量的英文溝通,甚至網頁只有英文,所以我覺得這只是另外一個思考,不管是新南向政策或是其他的政策上,有沒有可能在政府的對外網站上來做多語系,以我來講,英文、日文還可以,但是如果叫我去歐洲唸書,我看到全德文的網站,我第一個可能就會放棄,這個是我在行銷上的一點建議,減少早期接觸時無法直接得到幫助的障礙。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "網頁的內容有更新,只是copyright那一行沒有更新。但是這個確實也是,反正包含修網頁也是我們的工作,所以這也可以一併講一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實上面很多素材,我們現在在推另外一個是叫做「社會創新行動方案」的時候,我們用的策略是會儘量把像勞動部、經濟部做的這一些素材,都用一種創用CC授權,等於還是打copyright是誰,可是你一面說如果你拿去用、不用問過我,等於是預先授權。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然CC授權也有很多種,好比像商業利用,或者像維基百科一樣,用了之後還可以讓別人繼續改做,以我的理解,教育部其實一向都是用最鬆的那一種,只要註明出處就可以了,這個是教育部用的角度來CC授權,既然教育部有一個先例,我也瞭解到這個是民間機關,只是請他們參考而已,如果這一些都是原創內容,我看起來是原創內容的話,放CC授權的好處是別人拿去翻譯也不用問過你,多了很多志工可以幫你翻譯,畢竟新南向國家這麼多,也沒有辦法出一個文案就全部翻譯出大眾語言,但是至少翻譯不用先問過你,這樣子志工願意翻譯的人就比較多,這也是可以考慮的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然網站本身的話,我們之前也有看過一些網站,如果用了非英文系的外國人,有一個比較簡單的方法,也就是google的自動翻譯放上去,這其實也差很多,會偵測瀏覽器的語言,然後自動顯示成泰文,雖然翻譯有一點差強人意,總比一看都看不懂來得好一點,我想以技術上來講,是一、兩天可以做完的事,也許跟修正超連結一起,就是請Study in Taiwan的朋友參考。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑雅", "speech": "謝謝政委的指導。CC授權跟自動翻譯的部分,我們會儘速轉達。剛才seven steps of how to apply,經瞭解方塊快要修好,同時原本有另外一個連結可以點選。" }, { "speaker": "楊淑雅", "speech": "在study in Taiwan的臉書,按讚的人數是19萬,將近20萬。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,這其實是經營的問題,分享一下,我們常常看的是瀏覽或者是人次之類的,但是FB看的是每一則實際有機觸及多少人,也就是願意主動分享,好不容易經營到10幾、20萬人了,有時會因為長官說每一天都要有新的發文,從臉書的角度來看,他是你幫他創造多少廣告流量,所以只要看到連續兩、三篇都沒有人轉或者是按讚跟互動,就會把你的權種往下修,所以會變成多少人使在都沒有用,也就是新的發不出去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這個是現在各部會的小編,現在都有很多進步,尤其谷發言人領軍之後,大家瞭解到質才是重要的,真正的互動才是重要的,或者一大堆人看直播、玩《還願》才是很重要的,這一種高品質互動越多,才真的碰得到人,不然在上面經營出來的按讚人數,有時會變成臉書來判斷10萬人看到你的東西,裡面只有5個人按讚,下一則就幾乎不會讓你給別人看到,這也是我們在經營上要比較注意的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有要補充或者是詢問的?" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "我補充一下,因為跟教育部技職司與技專校院的夥伴熟,這政策大方向是希望來臺灣工作或者是有一段時間的移工朋友們,不管有沒有學位或者是打工或者是賺錢,希望有一個好的經驗帶回各母國,讓他們成為各台商或者是當地中小企業的骨幹。所以剛剛彥嘉跟其他人討論的時候有討論到,為何外籍學生留下來工作的人這麼少,目的不一定是找在台灣工作的移工。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "還有一個是為何台灣教育圈到各國都是參加展招生,我要幫技職夥伴解釋一下,其實參展的背後,據我的理解,不同的學校有自己的網絡,像我的母校是台科大,可能比較重在印尼那邊。我舉科大的教授,到各國每一天的行程排滿滿,從早到晚有很多攤去招生,所以不是表面上看起來好像參展而已,都是跟打仗一樣,所以有很多是資料後面的辛苦沒有被看見,這也順便分享給大家。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "最後一點想要在這邊分享,因為在場有很多社會意見領袖,我覺得南向專班被過度污名化,像打工第一年是20小時上限,第二年起則是可以實習,上限40小時,每一週工作可能5至6天,也就是511制度,五天工作,一天上課、一天休息,但是有時我覺得在媒體上,或者是大家在討論的時候,有時是打工出問題,但是把罪怪在實習,或者有一些不是南向專班,當拿來罵南向專班,分別是不一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "我覺得招生是辛苦的,尤其臺灣的環境,像技專校院的夥伴又面臨大環境的挑戰,如果不太正當言論的時候,請幫忙指正一下,大家都是意見領袖,話語權都很高,像最近這幾年小小的案例不斷被放大,因為這樣的招生能力,其實我們的技專校院的夥伴都很努力,被污名化是很可惜的事情,我解釋一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "污名化是很可惜的事情,但是對於勞動化的意識越來越高漲,這個是一體兩面。我們自己內部要有一種不只是把國外的夥伴當成是新經濟移民,這當然只是法的名稱,也瞭解到這一些新經濟移民帶來新的觀點、不同的多元價值,這是一件好事,並不是稀釋掉一些,像多元價值社會的這一件事要很明確從外面傳遞出去,其他朋友才會覺得是來臺灣為被接納成一部分,美國做得很好,也就是民族熔爐,我們也有滿好的條件,一開始在臺灣也有相當多不同的族群,我們在這一個部分,我們自己內部處理得越好,我覺得對外也是越好的一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以討論事項就到這邊,剛剛的主責機關都已經確認了,也就是第一案是由內政部。第二案是由營建署,主計總處免列。第三案是教育部,請外交部的朋友們,尤其是跟學生相關的領物處理上,也給我們一點書面的報告,讓教育部一起綜整在下次大會報告,因此大概需要外交部寫什麼,可能國際司是最瞭解的,因此請教育部的朋友們幫忙開一個題目,我們再跟外交部調資料。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "委員提案方面,再請彥嘉跟幕僚單位一起簡化,實質上來的步驟,包含電子化或者是駐處有一些安排,把文字寫進提案裡面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在社會住宅這邊請委員看是不是在下一期的包租代管裡,儘量不要用兩邊兼得,因為這個真的不容易,而是實質上保持類似本來優惠等等,那個文字稍微調一下,大概是這兩個調整,至於國慶遊行,大家一片同意,好像沒有需要調整的部分,文字就不用調了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣大家都ok嗎?如果沒有什麼意見的話,我們就往下議案。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "請看到會議資料第15頁,有關行政院第二屆第二次會議流程,幕僚單位已先規劃如附件,正確會議時間將另行通知。會議地點原則將於行政院大禮堂召開,半小時報到與交流、主席致詞。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "然後進入報告事項,在報告事項部分,剛剛主席已特別說明,今年度因應第二屆運作方式的新增,將由陳副召集人代表向院長報告這期間之亮點的成果。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "幕僚單位也會報告108年1至3月份工作,包含兩個小子題,第一個部分是1至3月分計四個部會辦理11場活動或會議,邀請39位委員參加。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "第二個子題是第一屆提案,原有16案持續列管,這中間已有部會已辦理完成或有相關成果,將於大會時報請院長瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "接著是討論事項,今天的討論事項案由一至三皆會安排進行逐案討論,接著是臨時動議。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "接著會議結束。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "以上針對第二屆第二次會議議程進行說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有關於Rich的部分,有跟你們覺得要如何分配?" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "5分鐘時間給我,好不好?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "只要5分鐘,35對5。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "看副召需要多少時間,幕僚單位全力支持,都可以調整。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你要他講35分鐘,就要給得出35分鐘的材料。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得不用太拚,如果你最後發現25分鐘,不用拖到35分鐘,我想重點是品質,因為以我對院長的瞭解,他可能中間有事、沒事會問一下,你如果有35分鐘的時間、談了35分鐘的報告,院長一開始問問題,就會擠壓到討論事項,所以我覺得稍微有一點buffer,也是比較好的,我們副召加油,看大家對這樣的結構,有沒有什麼想要討論或者是詢問的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很感謝幕僚同仁,我們就這樣子確定,以40分鐘為原則,多退少補,我們如果有充足的35分鐘來做討論的話,討論的品質會比較好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有問題的話,今天就這樣,看臨時動議?有沒有動議案要提出?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有的話,現在非常感謝同仁參加,現在3點29分,5分鐘後會有委員留下來開巡迴的檢討會議,非常感謝這一次的視訊會議非常地順,沒有要修正任何影像、音響的設備,也是滿好的,非常感謝大家參加,謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "高遵", "speech": "非常謝謝媒體朋友參加唐政委的媒體茶敘。" }, { "speaker": "高遵", "speech": "還有幾位電視台的朋友還沒有到,我們準時開始茶敘,我們先請政委開始,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,非常高興有這個機會,我們大概半年一次跟各位有這樣子的茶敘。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我剛回臺灣,之前都在華府,時差還沒有調過來,今天語速會比較慢一點,不過這不一定是壞事。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們請大家儘量想到什麼就問什麼,我們外面有一些茶點、飲料等等,很歡迎大家一面取用。" }, { "speaker": "高遵", "speech": "政委麻煩大家直接提問,請。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "想請問政委,前陣子從美國回來,你們在華府有提到假新聞……假訊息的問題,你們有沒有談到美國與臺灣具體合作方式來對抗假訊息?政委後來在回國前跟媒體座談時,有談到這一趟在美國,美國在臺灣,常常提到前線的字,結果郭台銘先生在FB發文因為蔡總統的政策,讓臺灣成為車前卒,想讓政委說美國提到臺灣,講到前線是怎麼樣來形容臺灣?政委又如何看郭台銘的評論?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想後面的問題我先回答,前面那題要比較久的時間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "基於郭董事長的成長背景,我可以理解他聽到這個詞,相當程度上是連結到過去冷戰記憶的想像。其實我在美國也有提到,好比像最近北京當局一直挑戰海峽的中線。但我覺得,這個與其說是力量的展現,不如說是一種不安全感的投射,就是反映出對方的治理模式說服力、缺乏自信。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我前天晚上有跟各位表示,其實我也有在PTT推文,說這一次在造訪華府的時候,聽到frontline的詞,不管是各個智庫的朋友或者是華府其他國家的朋友,我們碰到非常多國家的朋友,大家的想法都是:臺灣是民主創新的前線,也是價值推進的前線,這裡的重點是開拓的精神,就是frontier的精神,在這方面臺灣完全是不孤單的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果只從上個世紀觀點來看臺灣角色的話——當然不是說不能用這個觀點來看——但是用這個觀點來看,會有一點侷限臺灣發展的可能,也低估現在發展到今天,在印太、全球也好,可以發揮的潛力。我想事業遍布全球的郭董,應該要有這樣的遠見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "前面的提問時,很高興您主動改成假訊息,我當然是不會用「假新聞」三個字,假訊息其實是全世界的問題,我們去非常多智庫,其實他們很可能這兩年專門在研究這一件事,也發了相當多的報告,理解到有些報告在臺灣翻譯成中文,也有看到臺灣做調查報告的朋友們,繼續追這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想大家都有同樣的理解,假訊息並不是想要特別去倡導某一種政治言論,而是想要摧毀大家對於民主的信心,要塑造出一個假的公民社會,好像羅秉成政委在假訊息危害防治方案的院會後記者會所講的,我們特別是針對故意的、虛假的、有危害的這一些來處理,也有很多國際的朋友們觀察到,有相當多別的經濟體、別的管轄領域的朋友,好像是說要處理假訊息,但是不小心處理到一些其實不一定是虛假的,不一定是故意的,不一定有危害的東西,反過來講,好像讓言論自由也好、新聞自由也好來受到一些挑戰。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得臺灣最開放的核心價值,我們現在在處理的,基本上都沒有任何像事前審查的一種威脅到新聞自由、言論自由的做法,但是在這一個情況下,我們非常快速給予一些反應,其實我們這個之前在GCTF的時候,我有給過一個簡報,而這個簡報叫做Defending Democracy,分享了臺灣的一些做法,好比像在國際上很有名的,我們在60分鐘之內反應,所謂「讓事實傳播的速度比謠言快」,這是新傳處的朋友們最新的要求。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "或者是這一次也有分享「數位當責計畫」的一些平台,像LINE即時澄清、顯示及說明,以及未來notice and public notice的一些構想。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然很重要的是,我們不能讓境外的資金影響選舉。因為臺灣覺得政治獻金透明是非常重要的事——剛好最近幾天大家又重視了一陣子——但是政治性的廣告,之前卻是沒有相同的限制的。我們送請立法院修正的一些法案,特別是公民投票法、選罷法,對於透過資金想要打廣告或者是想要影響選舉的這一些資金,第一個只能是境內,第二個是要有充分的揭露,這個是不侵犯自由的前提之下,來即時因應假訊息的各種做法之一。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我想問一個follow up的問題,你在華府跟智庫討論時,有沒有可能針對總統大選的假訊息,臺灣跟美國會有哪一些做法,或者是有預期假訊息會全面更加嚴重?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "另外,您覺得目前臺灣政府單位對於處理假訊息這邊做的足夠,或者還有哪一些可以改進的?謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一個部分,其實像《Honest Ads Act》在美國也有完全相同的提案,在他們的國會裡面,就是要充分揭露,不管是境外或者是境內的,特別是社群網路,但是任何數位通訊傳播者跟在選舉期間相關的廣告都要揭露,這個是雙方同時在推的法案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對於這個法案在實行的時候,尤其是從社群網路平台的角度來看,在法遵上也會有要做的事,這個我在華府時,有和西岸派駐在華府的大型社群網路代表來進行商談。這也是我覺得很重要的一點:其實沒有人想要假訊息跟他的平台劃上等號,每個人做平台的人都希望大家在這個平台上看到的事情是真的,是親朋好友有一定的互相瞭解之後,然後才散播的,而不是盲目散播。因此「媒體識讀」是大家最重要的共識,去讓這個介面設計出來的時候,不要那麼容易去魚目混珠等等。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們聽到一些新的發展,像Twitter在美國跟第三方公益團體合作,像擬參選人的帳號,不是只有藍勾勾,而是上面會標註成擬參選人,減少一些魚目混珠,還有可以減少冒充等等的一些設計,我想這個是大家都在想的題目。所以不只是智庫,還有很多第一線的實務工作者,不管社群平台或者是技術人員都在想這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,我覺得政府在處理假訊息危害上,只是拼圖的一角,政府當然可以做的事是我們自己快速澄清,或者是主動不等到謠言流竄,就先快速地100秒把100件政府做的事讓大家知道之類的,可以用很多主動的方式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是我想更多的,還是要靠閱聽者、社會大眾,警覺到是有假訊息危害的這一件事,然後能夠在看到的時候,不只問這個是「真的假的?」——這個是很好的第一步,但是也要問出「來源請求」,也就是「這個是哪裡來的?」,「為什麼你這樣講?」、「是在哪裡聽到的?」等等。只要能夠多停下來問一些查證的工作,我想大家就不會受到這樣子的心靈流感影響。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我六年前跑過行政院,這一次再重新回國來。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "有兩個問題想請教政委,您這一次到美國見到美國高層級的官員,也廣泛接觸到他們的智庫,我想請政委談談,他們對於這一次2020年總統大選非常關切,您可以談一談他們認為2020年總統大選在兩岸關係上有什麼樣的變化及影響?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "第二個問題,我想請教政委的是,前一陣子行政院剛提出草案,有關於資通產品安全的部分,有關八大基礎設施,特別是科學園區,他們也要納入規範,當然目前是不強求,但是鼓勵,政委是不是可以談談您覺得這個部分將來的做法怎麼樣?或者是當成規範的理由,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我倒著回答好了,第二個問題在講CI,也就是關鍵基礎設施,這個是因為有很多關鍵的基礎,不管是能源的或者是水資源的,這類的關鍵系統,如果somehow被遠距拿下來的話,所造成對於民生生活上的危害,當然絕不小於一個政府機關的網站或者是系統被拿下來。所以當時在訂定關鍵基礎設施的時候,是以可能造成的損害或者是危害為基礎。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實臺灣六年前在4G網路核心系統建置時,就有過一個叫做systemic risk,也就是系統性風險的評估,所以當時也沒有讓我們覺得可能會有危害的關鍵基礎設施產品,進入4G的核心網路。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "從這點上看起來,其實是領先於其他國家,很多國家到最近才在做系統性的風險評估,所以不管是電信的也好、能源的也好、水的也好等等,這些都是看這一個系統性的威脅會造成整個社會多大的風險,而不只是一點一點對那個使用者或者是地方的危害是什麼。這種系統性風險評估的方式,也是這一次他們非常好奇的。尤其我去大西洋理事會(Atlantic Council),對於資通安全辦的論壇,這一次叫做#ACCyber,這個是第一次我們這邊有人在台上做分享。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我在談這些系統性風險的相關議題時,在場六十幾個的朋友都感到相當興趣,這一方面也有很多實質的交流,我們在做的方向是正確的,而且其他各國都在做非常類似的評估,我們的經驗是很可以給他們參考,這也是我們很具體的貢獻。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "前面的部分是關於接下來的大選。接下來的大選,大家當然都很關心,我們主要關心的是民主制度的這一件事,會不會還被大家所尊重、所相信?也有很多很敏銳的觀察員問我許多上次選舉的問題,像我們競選投票當日不能宣傳,為何公投法沒有規定當日不可以宣傳?或者是大家在進行公投的時候,碰到了很多讓大家不盡人意的投票體驗,這一些大家都非常關心,覺得我們在民主深化的創新過程中,還是要大家覺得是可以相信、是公平的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然公投法現在有一個修正案送到立法院,也把之前發現的一些困難,包含剛剛講的境外的資金、政治廣告等等的部分,大概都做了一些修正,所以我們主要還是就制度上來進行討論,比較沒有特別討論到特定的候選人。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "有兩個問題要請教政委:" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "第一,有關於5+2產業創新計畫即將執行、屆滿三年,不曉得政委的心得是什麼?因為您之前特別有提到「亞洲‧矽谷」,這個部分有達到預期的目標嗎?還有哪一些地方要加碼?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "第二,南韓的5G在今年4月開台了,初期有很多混亂的狀況,到達預期網域的速度。我們很想瞭解的是,臺灣5G垂直應用,大概什麼時候會看得到成果?政委認為在5G創新應用上,臺灣有哪一些法律障礙、經營管理的現實可能會使這個進程沒有如預期般的順利?謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「亞洲‧矽谷」的點我唸成「連結」,「亞洲‧矽谷」這個方案,我當時剛進行政院的時候,大家主要關心的是是不是真的可以連結到矽谷,畢竟把點加上去的意思是,真的很希望矽谷可以看到臺灣是聯繫亞洲不可或缺的,不只是像之前的生產或者是研發,那也是在運用跟創新上的基地。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「亞洲‧矽谷」執行這一陣子下來,我們很高興由於AI行動方案,我覺得宣布的時機點及在當時的一些配套,包含外國人才專法等等,都相當得宜,所以我們現在看到國際上所有跨國做AI的大廠,不管是微軟、Google、Amazon、FB講得出名字的這一些,有些是把臺灣當作在亞洲最重要的研發及創新的基地,也有些是把臺灣的AI創新直接整合進去,幫人工智慧跟現實世界去進行對接,像無人自駕車等等的題目,把臺灣當成非常重要實驗的場域,在這邊可以實際實驗這一些想法是work或者是不work。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這裡面,包含開幕沒有多久的沙崙自駕車測試場,都對於國際非常有吸引力。又或者是這一次總統盃的黑客松,去年第一次讓全臺灣100多個人提案,最後5個隊伍都是公部門、私部門及社會部門交岔組隊,總統頒獎的獎品其實也沒有獎金,因為是公務員,而獎品會在接下來的九個月裡面,會把想法實際落實變成公共政策的一部分,由國家來維護大家的創新。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像這樣的做法對於國外非常有吸引力,因此我們今年的總統盃黑客松也有很多國外的朋友感興趣,不是只像去年一樣得名的團隊去年去紐西蘭,今年也很有興趣從國外來臺灣,所以包含像open contracting partnership的夥伴關係,或者是我們現在在邀的Deepmind、OpenAI等等,這一些都是最重要的創新者,也很願意來臺灣去把這一種國際上的創新在臺灣進行試點、實現,所以我覺得「Taiwan Can Help」這個品牌,我覺得現在對於大家真的是非常有吸引力的,也就是encourage effective partnerships。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "再往前面的題目來講,我覺得在做5G的時候,我們現在在想的是,我們要把5G實質的應用跟5G現在正在快速發展的技術盡可能有多的、不同的垂直實驗場域來進行測試,如果是非營利性質就可以一直測試,即使營利性質也允許測試半年、一年的時間。為什麼要這樣子?誠如你所講的,5G有各種不同的運用可能,像一次要有非常多次的裝置,這樣子調配的方法就有非常多延遲的調配方法是不一樣的,有一些情況下是可以用現有的4G、光纖跟wifi去模擬,有些情況好比在自駕車的情況,現有的是模擬不出來的,是在實驗場域做測試。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我在去美國華府之前,也特別去底特律的密西根大學自駕車實驗場M-City,也跟那邊的主持人交換,我們再從5G到5G,我們如何讓自駕車變成從pre-5G到5G技術的驅動力,讓大家可以第一時間就體會到5G應用的必要性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以,我想這個都是靠每個地方自主垂直實證場域長出來的,比較不是國家由上而下來說臺灣只能發展這兩種應用的profile,如果這樣的話就有可能賭錯了,但是因為現在是大家都可以自主來申請實驗,這個是類似沙盒的概念,所以我自己是比較正向的看待這樣的一件事。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我想請教一下,我們之前政院有通過刑法的修正草案,就是關於散播假訊息的部分,這一次您去有採訪假訊息的交流,散播有分源頭跟一般民眾的散播,以目前不管是技術或者是各國在做的這一塊,我們如何確保所抓到或者是瞭解到的是源頭,或者可能只是下面的其中一環,這個部分有沒有辦法克服?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "第二個問題,之前我們有針對危害國家產品的一些限制。因為最近看到有一些國家,像非核心的部分同意可以去做,這一塊目前有比較明確的是哪一些非核心的,比如像華為來進行,哪一些核心我們認為不適合的,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過後面那一個是國內技術設施的定義,目前所謂您剛剛所講的這一份限制,當然是公務機關,也包含在關鍵基礎設施裡面,這個是比較清楚的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是我也想提醒一個,除了這個之外,還有一個白名單,好比像現在關於有連網路的攝影機,也就是所謂的IP Cam,這樣子的一種IoT,也就是物聯網的裝置,現在資安處有另外一個計畫,並不是哪一些不推薦使用,而是反過來我們經過測試之後,哪一些是推薦使用,哪一些是比較沒有資安疑慮。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "目前這樣一份白名單的想法才剛開始,但是未來以我所知,已經有超過二十類各種常用物聯網的裝置,會放在白名單的測試裡面,這樣子的好處是,我不是只說不要用什麼比較好,而是用什麼比較好的引導作用;第二,雖然目前是建議的性質,但是未來在比較核心或者是更關鍵的基礎設施裡,也許這個就會變成只要在採購這一些項目的時候,我們就強烈推薦你是使用白名單,而不是介於白跟灰名單裡面的產品。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過當然,目前由於實際通過測試的量沒有很大,這只是一個大致的方向,但是這個方向其實很受各國所肯定,我也有在Atlantic Council分享我們的這一個方向,各國都說也是在往這個方向去思考,這一方面臺灣並沒有落後,是滿領先的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於attribution,就是你看到有一個訊息怎麼樣去溯源的問題,確實我接觸的智庫,大致都說attribution是最困難的問題,這個是非常不容易的。尤其是在像LINE有點對點加密的情況下,就算LINE想要告訴你最早是誰傳的,他自己都無從得知。這個情況之下,幾乎不可能用強制的手段來做到這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是這不表示我們沒有解決的方法,舉例來講很久以前有所謂的垃圾詐騙郵件,其實每一封電子郵件都是單獨的,要說一個連鎖信或者是垃圾信一開始寫的人是誰,也不可考,但是我想重點並不是單純一開始的,因為中間還有突變等等,重點是把傳播的方式用系統性的分析找出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當時網路社群的做法,就是在每一個接受電子郵件的產品裡面,都加上一個小旗子,只要按那個旗子就是檢舉為垃圾詐騙郵件,你檢舉之後,這樣一封信就不是兩個人的事情,而是貢獻出來的網路社群,讓網路社群一起去分析這樣子的一封信,包含裡面從哪裡傳到哪裡的擋頭的部分,這個是有怎麼樣的徵兆,只要有足夠多的人檢舉,就會歸納出這樣子一個當時是用人工智慧技術來歸納出這樣的pattern,只要符合這個pattern的,還是會寄到你的信箱可是會跑到垃圾郵件,不會再跑到收件匣,嚴格來講這並不是言論審查,因為是有收到,只是時間非常多的時候才去看,並不會浪費掉大家的時間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們現在在處理假訊息危害的時候,技術社群常常提出來的方法,也是在臺灣有好比像「真的假的」、「美玉姨」的方法在運作,靠大家自主檢舉,檢舉之後來分析這樣的流向跟pattern,這樣的做法其實也是一個相當好的創新,相當多周邊的國家,我去華府的時候,都有提到他們很受臺灣的啟發,甚至已經把臺灣這一套程式拿去他們那邊使用。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "看起來這個比較屬於自主性,這樣法條訂定的實務性上,實質性能夠發揮作用到什麼程度?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該這樣講,這一些法條都是在現有的法條上去進行明確的定義,也就是透過對於故意、虛假、危害有這樣的一份範本,然後回過頭來系統性檢視。不過這個部分是羅秉成老師的專業,我只是確保在這個技術上有一些相應的配套。但是在法律實質的工作上,以我的理解,就是拿剛剛所說嚴謹的假訊息定義,回去把現有的法律補足、加上定義裡面可能未完善的部分,倒不是從頭來說這件事本來可以、現在不行,而是這件事本來就不行,但是不行的要件原本沒有那麼明確,我們試著把它明確化。" }, { "speaker": "高遵", "speech": "歡迎媒體繼續提問。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我可以私下請教政委,因為每個人關心的不一樣?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "直接問就好了,沒有關係,不一樣也沒有關係。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我想請教,剛才您提白名單的部分,可不可以再更詳細說明是什麼樣的做法,像前面的黑名單是有規則來規範政府機關或者是基礎設施的採購,白名單的部分,我們是怎麼樣來做?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。像目前我剛才講的那個IP Cam,就是由經濟部工業局公告的叫做IP Cam的資安產業標準及檢測規範正式版,這一件事是有一個驗證工作,包含他的資安標準及怎麼樣驗證、確保來的產品有符合資安標準,這兩個都有很具體在網路上,所以直接找臺灣資通產業標準協會,大概就可以看到這一些相關的公告。因為網站上寫得很清楚,所以我就不唸網站了。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "這兩個可以搭配?也就是黑名單、白名單將來如何使用?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "目前的情況下是,黑名單的部分,當然是以行政規則的方式不推薦大家使用,目前白名單的部分是建議性質,並沒有任何的強制力,只是從我們的角度來看,隨著未來白名單的東西越來越多,也越來越包含到大家實際會用的各種方方面面,在最核心的部分,也許就會逐漸開始說我們只推薦使用白名單的產品,但是這並不是既定已經有一個行政規則出來,這個只是一個大略的方向。" }, { "speaker": "高遵", "speech": "還有其他的媒體提問嗎?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "像剛剛講的基礎設施的科學園區部分,像有很多涉及到高科技廠商的問題,將來這怎麼去區隔?所有高科技廠商都不能用那一些黑名單,會限制您剛剛所講的關鍵技術。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大致的想法是,如果是主要通訊系統的一部分,有可能是因為某一個設備被劫持,然後透過那個設備再繼續去劫持別的設備,在這一種情境底下比較不推薦使用。當然如果本身是自成一個網絡,也可以證明沒有辦法從非核心區連結到核心區的話,當然因為每一個關鍵基礎設施裡面都會有專業資安的能力,這個是為何要編專業資安人力來判斷這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我想再請問一下,您這一次去華府談的其中一個題目是,「守護選舉不受境外勢力操縱」的部分,所謂境外勢力的定義是不是中國北京那邊的勢力?所謂的「操縱」有預期是哪一些的操縱方式?像假訊息的散布或者是影響,是不是主要影響操縱的模式?謝謝,有哪一些的應對之道,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想「境外勢力」的定義在不少地方,但如果說到選舉的話,建議是用《公民投票法》第20條的定義,簡單來講就是:「一、外國團體、法人、個人或主要成員為外國人之團體、法人。二、大陸地區人民、法人、團體或其他機構,或主要成員為大陸地區人民之法人、團體或其他機構。三、香港、澳門居民、法人、團體或其他機構,或主要成員為香港、澳門居民之法人、團體或其他機構。」" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "您剛剛是說有哪一些可能會干擾選舉的做法,其實為什麼公民投票法第20條這樣子列舉,就是因為像最近才送到立法院的公民投票法的修正草案當中,特別講到如果是在國內有做數位通訊傳播、廣告推播的這一些經營業者,不能去接受我剛才唸的這些人對於選舉的廣告,大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "透過資金來集中產生出跟選舉有關的訊息,我想這個是一個大宗,這個也是我們現在希望立法院可以儘速三讀通過,來確保只有國人用正當、會透明揭露出來的政治獻金,來加入這一個選舉的活動,但是境外的勢力,基本上是不能用好比像廣告或者是精準行銷等等的這一種方法來做這樣的工作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這確實在之前的選舉,並不是明定非法的事情,所以我也沒有辦法說當時這一件事是對或不對,但是我們希望在接下來這一次選舉,很明確來說這一件事是不可以的。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "政委這一次有提到訪美、Twitter及社群網站有談到一些假訊息新的發展做法,像Twitter是除了藍勾勾以外,候選人可能會有其他的標示。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在當然都還在討論,但是主要目的,是讓Twitter使用者不會被同名同姓的帳號混淆。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "有沒有可能這一個東西也應用到臺灣未來的選舉上?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "都有可能。只是現在參選人用Twitter還沒有非常多,不過我覺得會越來越多,我想這一些都保持很通暢的討論管道。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "這個Twitter之外,像FB有沒有類似的機制?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實不管是FB、Twitter或者是Google的大的幾個,每一次因應選舉都有對策的小組,所以這一個部分我想會繼續跟這一些平台業者去,具體列出在其他國家最近一年或者是兩年做了哪一些事,哪一些在臺灣來使用是make sense的,我們就會說在臺灣這邊用相同的方式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有些在臺灣的地方,必須是要因地制宜,我想這一些平台業者都很願意跟我們做這一方面的創新。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我想請教政委,假消息的部分,剛剛有提到是源頭的追溯的部分,我不知道假消息定義有沒有討論到,因為這個比較牽涉到更多是假新聞的部分,因為假消息比較廣義,狹義有一些新聞上的處理,會被誤判或者是可能被判斷是假新聞,在定義上有沒有做一些討論,像什麼是假消息及定義,你們有沒有做一些比較清楚的定義?" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "因為我們在尋找有一些定義,這個是不是假消息或者只是一個意外或者是疏失而造成訊息的散播。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "第二,政委有提到跟FB這樣的平台業者,他們有這樣的小組,你們是會定期跟他們討論,這個是多久時間的討論?或者比較像是有事情才討論或者是怎麼樣,你們之間溝通的互動模式是怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "先回答定義的問題,假訊息危害防治專案裡面,羅秉成政委對於假訊息是明確的定義,這次在美國也是用這張簡報跟所有的智庫、其他的朋友們分享,intentionally harmful untruth,就是故意、虛假、危害的三個要件,這三個要件要同時滿足才能說是假訊息,像您剛剛所講的,很多並不是故意的,或者也沒有造成危害,或者是其實是真的,在這一些情況之下,其實就沒有滿足這樣的要件。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我剛剛特別強調的是,臺灣不會因為要處理這個,只是把有爭議的,但是其實不是故意危害的揣測訊息,也變成好像言論箝制,當然不會這樣做,這個是核心價值,保持自由跟開放。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們絕對不會說為了要處理假訊息,結果導致在國際人權的組織排名裡面,掉到不是開放的這個情況,這個是我們要極力去避免的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這裡也要講到的是,所造成的危害或者是損害,也就是造成公眾的危害或者是損害,並不是政府形象的危害或者是損害,公眾的危害或者是損害,那才是對質的部分,如果是政府特定形象的危害或者是損害,可能是政治的嘲諷或者是其他的,或甚至是寫得很好的新聞,我覺得這個不是假訊息的範圍裡面,所以這個定義是非常清楚,而且我們如果看行政院幾波修法的話,都是循著這個定義把法規裡面,尤其是法律裡面,如果很可能會不小心超出這個定義的,把它再收回這個定義來,這個是非常清楚的一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他您剛剛所問的,對於新聞自由的侵害部分,我想目前在假訊息防治的這幾波修法裡面,大致對於專業的新聞工作者,都是希望大家有自律的原則,像查證等等的部分,如果這一個原則沒有遵循或者是這個原則遵循的過程中需要社會更多的幫忙,這也許有一些法條來處理這一個部分;但是簡單來講不會把新聞工作,謠言、假消息混為一談,這個是為什麼不用「假新聞」這三個字,因為同時包含了「查證未盡周全的新聞工作」,「內容根本不是新聞工作而冒充新聞工作」,或者「是新聞工作,但是標題跟內文不符」等等的狀況,都會被這樣子稱呼,這已經沒有操作型定義了,所以我不會說這三個字。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "跟其他業者?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "跟其他業者溝通的方式,我覺得這分成兩個,一個像你剛剛所說的,有事情發生的時候,當然會有round table,尤其是之前NCC也不只是平台業者,也包含所有在做假訊息防治的一些社群等等的部分,他們有開過好幾次這一種確保大家彼此間知道彼此在做什麼的會議,這個是既有的平台。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "除此之外,我們在進行一些法規的討論時,之前像我也有去主持過關於有關於數位通訊傳播法,也就是徵詢各界意見的時候,有請一些平台業者討論,這個都有逐字稿。所以簡單來講分成兩種,一種是多方利益關係人,包含不只限於平台業者,定期讓彼此知道在做什麼事,這個在DIGI⁺數位國家創新經濟小組的民間諮詢委員會,已有台北市電腦商業同業公會提案,讓民間自己來組織「網路治理」的平台,進行多方的討論,這個是繼續在走,這個是民間的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在政府這邊,則是每次有相應的法規影響到這些利益關係人時,我們確實會直接跟他們討論,這一些討論也會有一些實質的成果,像LINE的數位當責計畫,這個是實際的成果之一。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "並且沒有一個固定時間來開會,而是比如像修法的時候,或者是有提案的時候,才會做雙方的溝通?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,但是這個是雙向的,如果各大平台業者覺得他們也有一些事情想要來主動幫忙,或者是覺得行政院這邊也可以做得更好的部分,像之前做第三方事實查核的朋友,希望行政院更即時回應他們事實查證需求等等,我想各方都有發起權。並不是只有我們可以請大家來開會,而是大家都可以發起請求來進行這樣的討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是網路治理的常態,也就是不管是公部門、私部門、社會部門及媒體等等,只要覺得這個題目有相當眾多的利害關係人就可以發起聚會的請求,目前是用這一種比較adhoc的方式在做。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我再追問一個問題,在處理假消息的時候,不一定是假消息本身要處理,我不知道向各大網站,比如在PTT版上,行政院做一個澄清的專版,這樣在網路上可能會有一些輿論,也就是反對或者是不樂意這樣的狀態發生,當然在處理假消息的時候,好像也需要處理這樣的情緒,或者是一些反映,我們再討論的時候,或者是跟國外交流這一些有沒有討論到,行政院內部有沒有針對這一些反映來做?比如未來要怎麼樣更深度的解釋或者是我們會怎麼樣安撫這一些情緒?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好像也不能說安撫,就是每一個社群有每一個社群運作的方式,這也是網路治理的核心,每一個社群自己有自己的常模,我們自己是叫做網路空間的常模(Cyber Norms)。常模這一件事本來就是要透過不斷地對話才能形成的,尤其臺灣有相當好的言論自由,這個對話裡面一定會有一些比較激烈的意見,我覺得這都是很棒的,因為這樣子,大家才能知道哪一些是板規、哪一些的習慣是這樣子,哪一些是有很好的理由,哪一些是某個板這樣子而已,這個是越辯越明的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "行政院也好,或者是其他有意於參與網路治理的政府機關也好,就是要習慣這樣子的一種社群或者是溝通,辯論甚至辯證的文化。因為這一種文化,才是讓這樣子的一個網路自治體,能夠去新的威脅或者是新的網路情勢來的時候,可以很快反映最主要的原因,而不是好像這個常模放在這邊,完全是文字寫死的,都不能動的,這些常模是可以動的,像在維基百科上要改任何一個維基百科的文章,中間要經過反覆辯證的過程。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實從我的角度來看,在簡報裡面也有,是讓大家更清楚地知道這一件事,如果當作是流行病學的比喻,這其實是中間的研究、開發、Universal Access的一部分,透過大家越討論就越瞭解這是我們共同面對的一件事,我覺得你剛剛講得很好,我們在處理的最後還是人跟人之間信任如何重新達成的問題,而不只是一則一則的假消息。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像我們也不可能跟流行性感冒病毒來談判,因為是不同層級的東西,所以我們在處理的不只是一則一則的訊息,而是透過一則一則的訊息「應該要怎麼樣處理對大家比較好」的討論,讓大家瞭解到相信面對一個共同的情況。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我剛剛有問到你在國外交流的時候有案例或者是方法嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。其實這一次我有去兩個主要的智庫,都是美國國家民主基金會轄下的國際共和學會(IRI)跟全國民主學會(NDI),他們加在一起叫做新的倡議,也就是「Design 4 Democracy」,這裡面就是如同你所說的,透過像這樣子的一個個案例,在全世界各國去促成大家在討論的時候,讓民主更深化,好像並不是一味擴張國家權力的文化。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以跟公民社會也好、跟社群也好,都是夥伴關係,而不是哪一邊說了算的關係,PTT是非常好的例子。其實他們覺得是非常激勵的,是在亞洲地區少數可以說是民主創新的最前線,舉臺灣的例子來看,應該這樣子去跟社群達到共同治理,所以是很受我們的鼓舞。" }, { "speaker": "問", "speech": "我想問一下政委剛好有提到白名單,這個是政府有在制定嗎?或者是什麼樣的機制?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我剛才特別提到的是IP Cam,也就是工業局、臺灣資通產業標準協會一起來做規範,這一個規範目前以我的理解還沒有完全進入標檢局的程序裡面,但是這一些都是在討論當中。" }, { "speaker": "高遵", "speech": "還有其他的媒體要提問嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天就這樣子了,非常感謝今天大家問了很多很棒的問題,我們照例逐字稿會儘快放在網路上,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "Thank you. Thanks so much for making time. I’m really excited to chat with you. I have lots of questions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Okay." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "It’s now been five years since the Sunflower Movement. Could you tell me what was most significant about that moment from your perspective and what you think the legacy of that moment has been?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "From my perspective, the Sunflower Movement is the first time that people have seen with their own eyes, with half a million people on the street and many more online, that it is possible, actually, for the 20 or so NGOs to converge over time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They occupy the environment, rather than diverge, as many other occupies did. A focused conversation is possible. That is an existential proof that collectively raised imagination of democracy merges as a citizen assembly, or people have to say, but rather we can actually converge into something actionable with professional facilitating and civic technology." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think that’s the main thing. The main legacy is of course that in Taiwan many people now expect to participate in democratic affairs between elections." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People’s imagination has been opened. Other mayors, like some who are following the Sunflower Movement, who did not have an open government plan lose their platforms. People who do have an open government plan or who participate in the Occupy find themselves mayors sometimes without expecting it." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "There was this very fervent moment, this fertile moment of disruption after the 2008 crisis around Occupy Movement and then, in places like Spain, with Podemos. So many of those moments faded out and they lost their energy. How has the Sunflower Movement and its legacy maintained the engagement and energy around participation?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is because in Taiwan we’re relatively new to democracy. You see it to a lesser degree in Spain and to many like Estonia, who found it after the Internet. For people who don’t have a legacy system, there’s less inertia because there’s no 500 years, 200 years of republican tradition to honor." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re literally the first generation that can actually do democracy because it was illegal in our parents’ age. Because of that, there’s a lot more room to innovate. There’s a lot less inertia to fight. The public service generally sees the Internet and digital technology as something that can potentially take away the risks and improve their efficiency and share the credit." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Whereas, if you have a system that just honor cross-generations, like five generations, then it’s actually very difficult to challenge, as we’re building a new system, to be complementary. It will already have a well-understood norm in the society. We don’t have that norm." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "It’s interesting that you say that. Another one of my questions was how you’ve ensured that the bureaucracy and establishment are supportive of rather than oppositional to the idea of forking the government." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "Even in my own experience, there is a resistance to new forms of input. Systems are the way they are. Governments are designed to counter against risk, they’re very risk averse. How have you been able to communicate to the public service that public participation actually reduces risks for proposition?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, the idea is that we offer a net reduction of risk. There are three main motivations as far as bureaucracy is concerned. One is, as you said, management and reduction of risk. One, of course, is still very important is the efficiency and, indeed, certainty of service. That is also very important." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The other thing of course is due credit. If a public servant innovates, then they want to be recognized, not having the ministry taking all the credit and only absorbing the blame when things go wrong. All these is three credit attribution efficiency, that is to say effective allocation of resources and risk reduction." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "These three, they’re not fungible. Meaning that too much forking the government ideals somehow trade one for the other. These are not fungible. All our offices’ improvements and projects are Pareto improvements in the sense that we don’t trade one for another." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We make some advance, a little bit, on one of the three but without actually causing more trouble on the other two. Because my office is literally horizontal, like one person poached from each ministry, and so because I don’t give them orders." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I don’t take orders from them, I just ask people to work out loud. That’s the only ask that I have. Because of that, any project that rose out of my office is by definition a re-constellation of many different values across ministries." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is how we make sure that our bureaucracy is OK with it, because our office is over 50 percent bureaucracy. We don’t have one dominant ministry and neither one dominant value. It is a cross-cutting, cross-silo organization." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "I find that interesting because one of the ways that we’ve seen the public service treated traditionally is as an anonymous entity where people didn’t get individual recognition or credit for their contributions. That seems to be counter to the way that you’re approaching it where you’re empowering public servants." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right, and honoring them as heroes, basically." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "That’s great. I noticed that Taiwanese public servants are using Apolitical, the platform. How has that been useful in your observation?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A few things, they share our story and they help us discover people doing more or less the same work. We also engage with many other platforms, like the GovLab in NYU. They also have the CrowdLaw platform, the data collaborative platform, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re given a lot of autonomy to freely join our international counterparts, that OneTeamGov from the UK, another great example. All these great examples are people, as you said, highlighting their individual contributions in a way that is not afraid for the public to learn from mistakes as well" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Anything that is culturally similar to ours, we naturally found that very useful in the sense of building a platform for solidarity and reminding us that we’re not in this alone. Rather, we’re part of this global movement." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "It’s interesting because what you say also accords with the economist Mariana Mazzucato, recently been talking about elevating and celebrating the public service and the way that public service has been hollowed out over the years and de-skilled. So much of their work and skill base has been moved to the private sector. Is that something that you’re trying to counter in Taiwan?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Certainly. I think in Taiwan we have excellent public service, like a single-payer, very reasonable, top-notch healthcare system. We just started our tax filing season. Tomorrow is the first tax filing day." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Again, this is all cross-platform, very useful, like a full user journey designed by people who petitioned to make it better and things like that, co-created tax filing experience. A lot of things that in other jurisdictions would be private sector \"competitions,\" in Taiwan are \"co-creations\" from the citizens." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It has long been a part of Taiwanese public sector culture to make sure that if there are services that the citizens just cannot opt out, healthcare and tax filing being two prime examples, then actually, we should approach it as a co-creative process rather than a private sector competition." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In normal service design, in normal private sector, the client can always say no and switch to a competitor. The fact is you cannot say no and refuse to file tax or refuse to apply to Medicare. You can, but it won’t get you very far. In these circumstances, it makes far more sense to absorb the creative energy rather than to disperse them into the public sector." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I have to pick something up, just 20 seconds." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "No problem." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All right, thank you, that’s some drinks." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "Oh, nice. [laughs] I’ve been talking to a lot of people who are working on deliberative democracy and participatory budgeting and/or distributed forms of engagement, so people in Iceland, in Brazil, in Belgium, and hopefully, soon in Spain, once their election’s over." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "The challenges I see, one of the big challenges that’s hardest to overcome, I think, is communicating how much time we need to take for citizens to have a participatory and ongoing relationship with their politics rather than a sort of set and forget, vote once, delegation approach." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "How have you overcome that in Taiwan? What motivates people to have a more participatory role in their democracy?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right. I think, first of all, Taiwan is really having a couple unfair advantages. One is that we offer broadband as a human right because of our geography. Anywhere in Taiwan, even remote islands, if you don’t have 10 megabits per second, it’s personally my fault. You can talk to me." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If anyone want unlimited 4G access plan, to deliver such broadband, it is less than $20 US per month from all major telecom operators." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is really unfair, right? [laughs] Because of that, when we build participatory platforms, we don’t have to limit ourselves as in other jurisdictions, like some of them use participatory budgeting, but are afraid that people won’t have the bandwidth, so they have to use automated teller machines in order to collect those and display things like that. That was actually considered in Portugal." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I mean, that’s very creative, but it is actually very limiting, because if you want to go to BPB, you first have to know about us and you have to walk to a nearby bank, and then you have to operate this ATM, which really isn’t designed as a voting machine, and things like that. But that’s like the last mile solution that I have." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now with more social media accounts than citizen population and free broadband, not really free, but almost free broadband access as a human right, I think that enables us to basically provide a full context of policy-making, so that anyone who want to know any bit of the budget can just drill down to the budget item and have a real time conversation with public service on that particular budget item for all thousands of our national budgets, for example." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is this context, not saying, that makes it more attractive. Because people usually are just curious how is my neighborhood doing, and things like that. It is just an informative piece just like Google Map, that people would like to explore." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If something occurred to them at that time, then of course they just leave it on the platform or they start an e-petition or things like that. It’s all part of the flow. They don’t have to specifically go to a town hall in the specific Sunday to do something specific. It’s all kind of an ongoing process, just part of the exploration." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s also another kind of model that we’re following, is that we bring the technology to the space of people rather than asking the people to come to the space of technology." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once there are an e-petition with 5,000 counter signatures, for example, then we make sure that if it’s a local matter, all the relevant ministries are summoned into that locality and to have a real face to face conversation that is still amplified through 360 live streaming and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because of that, for everybody, all these decoders involved, they can minimize the personal cost to them to participate in this process. They’re always met with at least an equal kind of contextualizing benefit that make sure that if they put in one hour of time, it can save at least one hour of reading, because people are contextualizing for each other." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think just making it a learning experience rather than something like a jury duty convinces a lot more people because it’s more fun, really." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "Oh, that’s fantastic. Let me just jump on that one point. You talked about optimizing for fun before." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "Can you explain what that means in an open democracy, and particularly in a youth participation context? How do you define it?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "A few things, right. It’s instant gratification, so just making sure that if people put in just five seconds to get a rush thinking, that they’re contributing meaningfully to the democracy. It can just be one upvote or one downvote, or it could just be one posted note in a user journey, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Always just provide a real time feedback of how their single action mattered. I think that is very important." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The second part is that once there is really a fighting power to the consultative or co-creative process, always make sure that if they’re willing to spend more than five minutes of time. If they want to spend 40 minutes of time, for example, then they can just, like you did, email me and book my 40 minutes of my time on the record." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because it’s on the record, then it also saves everybody else time. Because then you read my previous interviews, right? It’s like people build on each other. Just being part of something larger is also part of the fun." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Instant gratification, a way to just convert a small commitment into a larger commitment and some way to make the larger commitment to transcend individuals. I think these three together makes these optimised for fun to be optimal." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "Yeah, absolutely. Tell me about your, when you have those consulting hours, and very long hours, by the way, 12 hours." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "Sitting and waiting and anyone can book in to see you. What do people bring to you? What typically happens when you’re at the Social Innovation Lab?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Well, quite a few things. I mean, just let me look at tomorrow’s schedule, because tomorrow appears to be a Wednesday, right? It’s Labor Day, but in Taiwan public service is still working on Labor Day. Let’s see, my first booking is from the BLab. They’re making a ’let’s be the change together’, business for good, social innovation competition." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re asking me if I can maybe hold a starting ceremony or be one of the judges and indeed connect that to our APSIPA, Asia Pacific Social Innovation Partnership Award, which is our way to promote SDGs, the sustained development goals. That’s one thing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The next meeting is from Crossroads, which is a local organization intending to make foreign people understand Taiwan more. Also making sure that Taiwan’s uniqueness, like our work in human rights, our work in democracy, innovation and things like that is also translated into a foreign context, because too much of this information is still just in Mandarin Chinese. They really want to make sure that they’re bilingually sound." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Afterwards, there’s also a mix, like innovation, design for social change annual summit. I think I’m going to connect social innovation to fintech as in working on fintech inclusion. That’s the main topic to talk." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s been a team using AI to analyze biometrics to make sure that for long-term care circumstances, the elderly can automatically notify their clinics and their doctors if they have something that is an accident waiting to happen." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They probably want some support in the new telemedicine and telediagnosis law. If the regulations don’t fit, maybe they’ll ask for a one-year sandbox in which we agree to not fine them for violating the regulation exchange for innovation and so on. I can go on, but you get the basic idea of my office hours." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "Yeah. It sounds like when you’re in your office and having those consulting hours, you’re acting as a connector between these different parts of government and civil society, commercial/government entities or individuals and then linking efforts to broader missions -- whether it’s a sustainable development goal, Taiwan’s focus on expanding it’s cultural diversity or recognizing cultural diversity." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "Would you define your role then as a connector?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Really, a catalyst. Because they connect, there’s something to connect to. Rather I just facilitate the contextualizing process and post our conversation publicly to the Internet as Creative Commons Zero transcripts and/or YouTube videos." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because of that I don’t really know who I’m connecting them with. It’s usually people who discover those transcripts, people who look at the Taiwan social innovation platform, who discover they share common goals and energies." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They don’t even need me, right? They can just form synergies naturally together. Sometimes just by occurring in the Social Innovation Lab, they’re waiting for my office hours, they see any of our events. Any event that has one or more global goals as a focus can freely use the Social Innovation Lab, so a lot of spontaneous connections happen." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m more of a catalyst. Of course, sometimes I intentionally connect, but that’s maybe one in three cases." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "I’d love to ask you about the vTaiwan process. I read your paper and found the four steps fascinating and where that you’re using existing technology. It’s not needing to build anything new, really." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. It’s all off the shelf." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "All off the shelf. The success that you had through that process in reframing the debate about ride-sharing. Are there any other examples that you can share that show that method in practice?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. There’s 26 cases, and they’re all on I think there’s quite a few cases that shines because they couldn’t be done in the other ways of consultation. Of course, people talk about ride-sharing and Airbnb because that’s something that internationally, everybody is facing a similar concern." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Truths to be told, they could also be handled by regular consultation because there are unions and associations after all. I think where this shines is that for example, when we’re talking about teleworking, there is no union of teleworkers because we’re all in different industries." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When we’re talking about how to move Taiwan companies who register from Cayman Islands back into being registered in Taiwan by introducing special voting stocks and closely held corporations, maybe company with English names and maybe company with a purpose-driven, like benefit corporations and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Again, there are no clear cut existing associations of all the Taiwanese company that register in Cayman Islands. [laughs] It’s just a tax device or a governance device. In cases in which there are no obvious top-down hierarchical organizations, that’s where the vTaiwan approach shines." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It enables people who don’t have a voice because they don’t have a organized presence that has a protocol dealing with the governance. It enables them to discover each other, form a kind of ad hoc stakeholder coalition, and even maintain that relationship afterwards." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think vTaiwan has generating the fintech sandbox like the self-driving vehicle sandbox, indeed, the platform economy sandbox. All those sandboxes are basically ways for people who engage in open innovation to discover their own coalition. vTaiwan is not just a consultation process. It’s a meta-process that generates more consultative processes." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "I think that’s interesting. Is that process, and I understand it’s...What is it? The bonded coalition model? I haven’t that quite right. Let me have a look. The coherent blended volition model. This idea that it’s people who weren’t a coalition before but find themselves with shared values." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "I think it’s incredibly appealing. If you’re providing advice on how a city might take up a structure or a method like this, what advice would you provide?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’ll repeat what the co-creators of Social Innovation Lab has prioritized, their consensus. The first thing is to have a kitchen and a cafe and a resident chef. The second thing is for the place to be open until at least 11:00 every night because the retail and weekly meet-up is from 7:00 to 11:00 every Wednesday evening. I usually stay until 10:00." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then, the third thing is to make sure that anyone who participates records fully either through telepresence or regular Google Docs or HackMD as we use, making sure that people can discover what people are working on from afar." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think with these three elements, that is to say, excellent food, a relaxed atmosphere with no deadlines and timing, and a recurrent record-keeping culture, anything can happen. I think that are the off-line ingredient of the online vTaiwan process that people often overlook. I am very grateful to Tom Atlee who discovered this and wrote it in excellent logs." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "That’s interesting. I think we’ve become so seduced by the idea of tech tools that we don’t realize the importance of people being in a space." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "These are also social technologies." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "I don’t think it was immediately clear to me what the relationship was between g0v and your role in the Social Innovation Lab. Can you explain to me how?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "G0v is just a meme, really. The meme says whenever you see any government service or website and think, \"Why is nobody making this improvement,\" just omitting that \"nobody\" and do the same service but with the O replaced to a 0. It’s a meme." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The is from Italy. They show also the Italian budget with all the drilldown like in our topic. They don’t ask for license or patent or authorization or anything. It is literally a meme." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People who are in the g0v community, roughly speaking, agrees to work out in the open using open-source and Creative Common licenses for the public good and in a radically participative way because it’s implied by the license." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It allows people who are even not of the same nationality to contribute because there’s no domestic open-source. Basically, it’s participation from everybody to the benefit of the public service and not just public servants, but to the public service." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think this creates a culture of people pressuring the government without anything negative. That’s what \"fork\" means. \"Fork\" doesn’t mean destroy what’s there. It means taking what’s there, bringing into a different direction with the hope that some day, the mainland merges back or the mainland disappears and you become the mainland." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is the forking the government meme. I think I cultivate this meme. I consider myself a g0v contributor, nothing more, nothing less." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Social Innovation Lab is one of the physical places that we’re experimenting with open-space technology, with focused conversation methodologies to make sure that the g0v culture seeps out from a digital sphere and into a more day-to-day like all the other sustainable development goals, not just goals 16 and 17." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "That’s interesting. Just to clarify, does that mean that actually this practice, g0v in Italy, the practice of forking or making a parallel..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. There’s a sub-reddit created just two days ago called \"g0v.\" Again, it’s randomly started by somebody, and people coalesce around it. There is no any formal connection, recognition or any numbering system that controls who can use G-0-V, and who cannot." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All the important brandings and trademarks and so on are all open-source licensed anyway. Anyone who thinks that they fit with the g0v badge gets to use the g0v badge." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "It’s interesting, because it’s become so identified with Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It starts from Taiwan. It became internationally known after the Sunflower Movement. That’s already more than two years after its inception. Of course, it’s associated with Taiwan because most g0v people learned it from Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On the other hand, there’s also many Taiwanese people all over the world, like g0v in Washington, DC or g0v in UK and Europe and so on. They also participate in the main g0v Slack channel, which is also a telebrand channel and an IRC channel." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They report from all over the world trying to do pretty much the same thing. They identify as g0v contributor and less like Taiwanese. I think there’s a kind of overlapping identity." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "I’ve read in your interviews before that you’ve said that your introduction to democracy and politics and social organizing was online for years before you got the right to vote. Interestingly, the Citizens Foundation in Iceland also talk about upgrading democracy in the operating system." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s true." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "What are the characteristics or principles of the digital world that most need to be put in this reboot of democracy?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The idea of forking is really core, and even for software programmers like the original domain in which fork is used is not until the invention of the Centralized Version Control Systems, and with it the conflict-free resolution data types that it makes merging, really, almost effortless." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It used to be the case, when I first participated in the Free Software community, that forking was taken very seriously, because it’s very difficult to merge things back. If you fork something, it’s forked for good." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But now with Git and all the different equivalents of Git in, for example, co-creation of documents, co-creation of spreadsheets, all those collaborative editors and so on, suddenly it becomes very easy to fork anything, and still with the pretty good hope of merging it back." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think that is a really great metaphor of governance. This is what we intentionally incorporate, as I said, as the sandbox regulations. A lot of sandboxes just fork regulations for a year and merge it back, or at the Presidential Hackathon, where people take a proof of concept in delivering a public service in a different way." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Every year, we pick five cases and the President say, \"OK, so by next year, all these five winning cases will become public policy.\" It’s all an encouragement of a little bit of deviation, a little bit of forking, but with the promise or at least with a high chance of it being merged back." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "On the President’s Hackathon, are core participants all civil servants?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, we insist on building a trilingual team every year. Every year, we select and indeed curate 20 teams." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "By trilingual we mean that each team have to have at least one technical expert on data or AI, and so on, one domain expert, whatever social issue they’re trying to solve, and very importantly, one expert on public service, on regulation, on RegTech essentially. That is more often a public servant." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Almost by definition it is cross-sectoral. We found that it makes more sense for each teams if they don’t have one of the three or two of the three trilingual roles to form these coalitions before they actually try to develop the first prototype." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "That makes a lot of sense. I want to talk about your super ministry again and how that functions in practice. I read that you have too many volunteers, and now you’ve got at least a representative, that the goal is to have one representative from each ministry." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "How does that function in practice in terms of achieving outcomes? Are they self-selecting in that they have an agenda or a burning issue when they come to you? Are there set political issues that are introduced or from civil society? How do they determine what they want to act on?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It differs for each ministry. The minister of foreign affairs, of course, have a agenda of pushing the idea of “Taiwan Can Help” on the global goals. That is just the value of our foreign ministry." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then, of course, they are dispatched to our office, reconcile the work we’re doing within the framework of SDG and making sure that we approach foreign ministries or foreign organizations or foreign CSOs in a appropriate platform that is conforming to the UN SDG, so that’s what they bring to the table." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s many other examples. The people from the ministry of culture, for example, cares about youth engagement a lot and takes care of engaging with our youth counselors to make sure that they all have agenda-setting power." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Not just on things young people care about, but really across all the different ministries and with a very accountable way of showing how each youth counselor have achieved not just in its agenda-setting power but actually in the delivery." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because there are almost always co-creators of some kind of public service, and so build a rapport between the young people and the ministries. That’s what our dispatch foreign minister of culture bring to the table." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Each one, when they join our office, what I look for is that they bring a complementary skill or value set, and then they’re more of a giver than a taker, and that’s really the only to-hiring condition that I make. Other than that it is just pure horizontal, and people just chat among themselves to find interesting thing to do." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "You’ve actually answered another question that maybe you can clarify. I’ve noticed you using the hashtag \"taiwancanhelp.\" Is that something that is directed from Taiwan, the idea that Taiwan can help on the SDG specifically? Is that where that comes from?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. It starts from not all the SDGs. I think it starts from our bid to the World Health Organization. Because of political reasons, Taiwan was denied entry to the Annual Summit of the WHO for quite a few years now." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "But Taiwan really is excellent when it comes to all sorts of just disease prevention and healthcare, good health and well-being and so on. Just for SDG 3, as part of the minister of foreign affair and minster of health and welfare, the WHA bid, they developed this taiwancanhelp hashtag." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then we discovered that actually Taiwan can help on pretty much everything in the Sustainable Development Framework, and so we gradually just expanded that to include all the SDGs." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "As others are learning from you, who are you learning from at the moment? Who are you modeling in terms of open government and participation?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In open government summits, I think that’s one of the main venues that the open government community got us, and I think I learn from the cutting edge thinking of various communities, like this year the host country is Canada." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Canada has a lot emphasis on indigenous inclusion, for example. That is something that Taiwan is also grappling with. Our President, herself part-indigenous, just formally apologized for the indigenous nations’ different treatments and things like that just a couple of years ago." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re really early on into this truth and reconciliation process, and a lot of our e-participation methodologies really is designed with a Han ethnic norm, for lack of a better term, and that makes the indigenous populations’ participation not as active as other people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We did excellent age groups. The 65 years old participate as much our 15 years old, so we did that really well in terms of inclusion, but not so when it comes to indigenous." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We learn from the Canadians and the way that they approach indigenous honoring the tradition, making sure the truth and reconciliation is indigenous-driven, and we make sure we learn from them." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We, for example, translate our open government manuals and so on into indigenous languages, and that’s a direct learning from them. I can keep saying a lot like concrete small things, but what I mean is that really inclusion, there is no end to inclusion." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Just by making sure of paying attention to what every other culture is doing in terms of intersectionality often reveals the kind of hidden, excluded communities that we, nevertheless, have not yet considered in our open government presence." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "Fantastic. Thank you so much, Audrey. This has been really, really helpful. Thank you so much for you time. This is fascinating work, so thank you so much for sharing it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you, and thank you for contributing to the Creative Commons." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "Absolutely." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...and I’ll upload it to you, too." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "Great. Thanks so much, Audrey. Thank you. Have a great evening." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You too." }, { "speaker": "Jess Scully", "speech": "Thank you. Bye-bye." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Bye." } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天謝謝各位辛苦的評審看了這麼多的案子,來做綜合的討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "先講一些程序,今天發言是有逐字紀錄,大家有十個工作天編輯,再對外公開,在第一次發言的時候,麻煩講一下自己的姓名,方便我們的速錄師記錄,這個是第一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,我們今天確認二十隊團隊入選之後,就會進入媒合跟輔導期,這一次的黑客松跟去年的一樣,就是我們所有的評審委員都可以擔任當然的輔導委員,意思是如果覺得這二十隊任何一隊或者是一、兩隊你覺得他提的概念不錯,但是需要更多一點的加強才能做得比較好的成績,非常歡迎直接認領,不管本來評多少分,就可以開始跟工作人員接洽,我們會盡可能跟每一個隊伍找到輔導團的成員,當然這個是評委的權利,並不是義務,如果很忙就算了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "除此之外,還有一個輔導團的成員,如果有哪一些隊伍真的都沒有評審認領的話,我們就會想辦法讓輔導團的人來認領,大概是這樣子,我們直接開始議程。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "政委,以下就由我來作報告。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我想整個初選的流程是這樣子,很感謝各位委員很辛苦幫我們提了一百多個案子,我們目前走到今天的初審會議,我們之後就依照對外公告的時程,預計5月7日會正式對外,把前二十隊的結果報告。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們把之前一些提案來作一些分析並跟各位委員報告,總共132件裡面,整個機關單位的分配是這樣子,包含中央政府單位,也包含五院有39件,地方政府有28件,民間團體有45件,學校有6件,然後有3件是個人的。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "根據我們今年的六個議題,目前全球夥伴有14件,城鄉創新有9件,國家永續有27件,產業發展有7件,開放政府有40件,跨域合作有35件。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "這裡面有4件比較特別的,他們是由單一的單位來提的,是跨單位來提的,我們之前有說跨單位合作案不會給予考慮,總共有4個案子,包含銀髮天使,是由內政部、衛福部一起的,主要是做銀髮安居的企業。衛福部、新北市政府及另外一個案子是在做流感疫苗接踵的提案。第三個是由台北市政府跟SG這邊的合作案子。最後一個是由內政部跟財團法人提的案子。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "跟各位委員報告,目前四個案子統計的結果,除了第四案擺在21名以外,其他前三案都是在20名以內,這個也跟各位報告一下。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "根據132案相關的技術人才,後續我們媒合需要,我們有做一些統計。我們確定20隊之後,我們會把20隊的各種需要的人才支持的部分再整理出來做後續媒合用。另外,有關於資料掌握的部分,我們也有做一些分析。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "有一些單位還沒有,另外這個部分是等這20隊今天確認之後,也會把資料做出來,到時會再跟國發會有一些討論。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "後面這幾頁是我們把前40名的團隊整理出來在這邊,等一下政委會做一些討論。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "(簡報第11頁)剛剛跟大家報告,我們總共有三個主題,裡面有70%是由各位委員打分數,有30%是民眾票選的,我們那個部分有2,000多的有效票進來的,這是包括評委、票選的成績都在這裡面,最後算出來的結果是這樣子,我們是把前40名都列出來,因為40名以後的分數其實差很多了,不知道這前面有需要調整的地方。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們大概看了一下,跟民眾票選這邊比,總成績前40名裡面,前15名的票選都在這裡面,前20名裡面有10隊是票選前20名的,也都在這裡面,所以基本上應該大致都還有吻合。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "當然這裡面有一些團隊,大家可以參考一下會稍微特別一點,可能是民眾票選沒有那麼高,也有委員覺得這個案子很重要,大部分並沒有離得很遠,我們把前40隊的資料整理出來給大家參考。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "有委員根據這個案子的創新性、可行性來評估,中間30%是由民眾來票選的,民眾票選都有,所以大家有什麼垂詢的話,我們這邊負責的同仁也在場,可以協助提供。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "這20隊今天確認之後,5月7日公告之後,我們就會開始有兩次的工作坊,分別在5月26日、6月29日,6月30日基本上是一個複選的會議,那一天大家需要到場來,有20隊進10隊的評審,有20隊是7月21日進總統府決賽,給委員的信裡面,都有給相關的時程給大家通知。我們在會議以前,都會跟大家再做提醒。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "這個是工作坊規劃的安排,到時也是希望各位委員能夠盡可能撥時間出來跟20個團隊一起協助,把他們的案子做得更完整一點,因此我們在兩次工作坊實作後段之後,都有安排一些輔導會議。這包括在座的評委會,我們有另外專家輔導團的這一些專家們,我們都會邀請一起來參加兩次工作坊與指導會議。29日是第二次的工作坊。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "(簡報第19頁)30日那一天會安排做複審會議,今天確認20隊是會做final pitch,最後會選出10隊要進到決賽。以上是我們目前的報告,之後交給政委來主持20隊的決定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。,我剛剛看了一下這前40隊,分布其實是還滿平順的,但是確實在20名左右做了一個cut off,我看了還好,好像沒有差小數點2位的情況。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "通常碰到這樣的情況,先看看所有評審們對於假設寫的前20隊就是20隊的話,有沒有想要進一步釐清的?有沒有覺得在前20隊裡面有哪一隊或者是哪兩隊有比較嚴重的問題,不應該進入重點輔導這20隊裡面?或者有沒有其他的觀察或者是想法?大概都可以提出,我們就不特別點名,任何人想到就可以發言,我們就先把時間給大家。" }, { "speaker": "嚴婉玲", "speech": "我個人對於第13案跟第20案有一些擔心,第20案稅務資料相當敏感,我不知道對於金融監理會不會有影響。" }, { "speaker": "嚴婉玲", "speech": "我先確定哪一份?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這兩個上面的名次不完全一樣?" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "大張紙是按照提案的順序。A4是按照成績的排序。" }, { "speaker": "嚴婉玲", "speech": "我現在提的案子是第11名「早知道」的案子,這個會不會有金融監督監理擴張的問題,我們請金管會確認是不是可以這樣執行?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好的。另外一個?" }, { "speaker": "嚴婉玲", "speech": "第20案在這邊,也就是第1名,我不太確定,因為從提案出來,我不知道這個案子是這個公司既有商業模式的提案了,我們是要幫他完善他的商業模式的提案嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "嚴婉玲", "speech": "這是不是黑客松的精神?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我解釋一下,其實在FixTW那一案裡面,他們現在有很多要額外橋接的成本,才可以達到他們的商業模式,因為許多縣市政府目前檢舉資料尚未有一致的API的標準,基本上他們是一個請求,看能不能他們覺得最好用的標準,就讓所有的縣市加以一致跟正規化,這樣的好處是別人要進入這個市場會更容易,因為不需要再像他們一樣做每一個縣市清理的工作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以公共利益來講我覺得還好,並不是要求政府按照他的格式去寫,只是希望縣市之間不要那麼不一致。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看其他的評審,等一下一起處理,所以除了剛剛講的國稅局的案子有一個爭議之外,看大家有沒有什麼其他想要分享的,也就是可能會有爭議,要取得什麼才會繼續下去的。" }, { "speaker": "瞿筱葳", "speech": "我想提一個疑問,因為我看到好幾個提案是有關於電子化,二十名以內有疫苗,應該有三至四個是電子化,我想要釐清一下黑客松的精神,有一些是跨部門的,是不是要用黑客松的形式來跨部門的處理,或是還有民間的東西?但我看有一些提案很單純,可能用email就可以處理的,我想要瞭解總統盃黑客松對於電子化的概念是怎麼樣看待?好像上一屆也有類似的,但是跟民間不太一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。我想先就20名以內來討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛特別講的是衛福部疾管署、衛生局、HTC的這一案,確實是上一屆在前五名裡面,像也有「離島不孤無限支援」的那個案子,把紙本後送、取得授權等等的方式單純電子化,變成可以用健保卡、自然人憑證就可以進行視訊彙整的工作,所以這種單純把行政電子化的這個提案,確實在去年也有出現,而且最後有到前五名,這是事實分享。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "有些時候電子化的貢獻是不於只是送紙本變電子,而是在於流程,因為紙本所涉及的流程是傳統的流程,電子化的過程是在流程的簡化及效率化,那個部分有一些突破,我看起來這個流程有主要貢獻,並不是在data science的貢獻。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "有些是資源配置,有些是要做資源配置,要知道哪裡是資源的缺口,這個部分是要靠電子化,這個也是力求公平。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還有沒有想提出討論的個案?" }, { "speaker": "徐曦", "speech": "評審的過程中,有些隊伍提出基礎建設的部分,例如像跟自然人憑證或者是驗證相關的,我們需要共通的基礎設施,我們想要請問一下,因為不可能每個人同時都做,有一個共通的,也就是怎麼樣的方法幫助他。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是非常好的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們在上一屆的做法,如果在前20名裡面,如果有一些隊伍,你覺得跟20名以後的隊伍有綜合效果,像需要共同的基礎建設,我們會強烈建議後面那一些隊伍的人併到前面隊伍裡面來,一起來解決這一個共通的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "既然會提案,那就是至少願意接下來兩、三個月裡面花一些時間,來做覺得在意的人、事的開發,所以當時我們的評審輔導其中一個重點,也是去找那一些在20名之外的,再併回前面20組裡面去,所以這個是你覺得已經有看到的話,也許直接跳下來當他們的輔導,或者是如果沒有這個時間的話,至少給一個書面建議,我們跟幕僚單位想辦法讓輔導委員去做這個工作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有其他想要討論的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我們看一下……請。" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "不好意思,我還在確認之前對這一些的評語,因為我對健康資料學生型數位網路照護,那個是第23名。其實我兩個案子比較有疑慮,一個是剛剛有提到的力霸那個案子,因為有提到要開放健康的資料,裡面有提到期待的應用會讓人比較擔心,包括像開放給企業做員工的健康管理,這點其實有可能會造成開放給員工健康管理,企業以健康資料作為評估或是解僱的依據,可能會加深就業歧視,也會造成一些社會的問題。" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "即便我們把健康資料匿名來講的話,對很多企業來講,比如100人以下的小企業裡面,誰有憂鬱症,其實馬上就知道了,也不用匿名,去個資化也沒有用。" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "另外,而且慢性病的患者也很容易變成詐騙對象,也可能會一直收到一些廣告,對癌症治療仙丹的廣告,尤其是慢性病患者會變成詐騙對象,像跨性別、心理疾病患者、愛滋病患者也會面臨如果要求診或就醫紀錄,可能會變成他們個人隱私或是個人生活會曝光在就業、生活的各個面向上,因此會造成就業、生活上的困難,因此我認為第94項,其實是有一些考慮的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果今天討論前面20隊,後來有刷掉3隊的話,我們再來實質討論這個意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為今天有逐字紀錄,我們也會公佈在網路上,讓健保署的同仁可以參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但因為目前不在20名以內,所以我們應該不會實質需要碰到這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實這個提醒很棒,我們在去年前20隊裡面,也有本來想要拿這一種健保資料,不是只給他個人分析,而是更廣義去蒐集,後來也是在評委的輔導之下改邪歸正……不是,是做了比較尊重的個資應用,如果評委要跳下來輔導的話,這個是要考慮的問題,這個是沒有問題的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是在23名,所以沒有問題,這個是很ok的,我們是以簡報成績統計的前20名作為主要討論標題。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我有一個技術性的疑慮,第11名隊名是「力霸慶富早知道」,因為提案的機關是財政部北區國稅局,我剛剛請雨蒼查了一下,這個案子還在訴訟中,還沒有三審定讞,由財政部提的案名是這樣,名字是「總統盃黑客松」,慶富案的相關當事人、公司,我覺得會讓人家在官司還沒有定讞以前,有這個疑慮,如果到時有人抗議,我覺得應該要有一個說法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。我想可以跟提案人溝通,更改隊名,不提到具體公司名稱。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們看別的19個,有沒有其他要討論的部分?" }, { "speaker": "CK", "speech": "目前排名第一名的,這個是crowdsourcing的部分,他的重點在於能不能接,像心態及法規上的部分,交通局的部分,只要說現在無法做,是不是直接就出局了?這個是現實面,我們要先評估。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是運作中的服務,所以不太可能不處理。但是確實如果不積極處理的話,效益是會受影響的,這個確實是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "CK", "speech": "民間自己跑一趟是可以,但是東西沒有接到,執法單位沒有用,也就是純參考而已,讓他們進來了,然後協調的結果還是原地踏步,會不會浪費那個名額?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我理解。不過以我的理解,他們目前的情況是,無論如何都會送回各個縣市的警察局,所以這一個案子要處理的是,每一個縣市警察局系統會一直改的問題,倒不是民間現在自行糾舉的,這個是各縣市政府的;有一些沒有API的,要有一個模擬的瀏覽器,會很麻煩,但是以我的理解,還是全部送到警察局,並不是有一個義警隊在那邊糾察,是有對接到的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是不是集中討論一下「早知道」這案?剛才子維的意見是要拿掉特定公司名稱,另外有提到要的資料,包含希望銀行體系提供案件的名單、司法體系可以提供相關裁處的名單等等,這一些確實是做得到的,我聽起來的意思是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "嚴婉玲", "speech": "會不會造成金融監督監理權限擴張?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實有這個顧慮。看大家有沒有其他擔心的?可以一次講。" }, { "speaker": "徐曦", "speech": "這個案子我看到的評語是,銀行並不是不知道,或許我們的金融機構可以,但是裁量權還是在各自的銀行端。" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "我有一些沒有寫在評語裡面。像稅務資料,以提案人來看,應該是打算用稅務資料,這個是每一年一次,以每年一次的資料來作為淘空的計算依據,可是像如果未來有進步的話,是上市公司,好像每三個月遇到一次,才公開一次財報,是不是?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是的。" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "以財報來看,會比一年一次稅籍資料還要即時,而且還要有用,我在最近兩個月開始淘空,我在稅籍資料是看不到的。" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "另外,稅籍資料本身是不是可以拿來做偵查犯罪的依據其實是有疑慮的。" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "我在想的是,是不是可以有這樣的過程或者是修改?如果從上市公司會計財報上有計算的話,我想應該是比較沒有疑慮,而且比較有效果的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。一個是目的外利用的問題,也就是稅籍資料是不是可以這樣用,另外一個是縱使可以這樣用,或者是法條為平常可以用的資料,是不是可以有明確的制度來授權這樣的使用,不然確實像剛剛所講的,就會有「財政部這邊產生一些資料,這個看起來跟監理也有關係」,但是到底怎麼樣發生關係,以及如果在監理上被集中調查等等,到底有沒有回應或者是申復的機制?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,這個提案人是要說要用機器學習的方法做,如果中間有系統性歧視狀況出現的話,到底要怎麼處理等等,這個都是大家覺得要釐清再進行的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家對於這一案有沒有其他的想法?" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "剛剛也有提到,有關於資料來源其實有替代性的方案,我想在整個效果上會比原先的提案是更有效的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要輔導到有替代的資料,理解。看同仁有沒有其他的意見?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "這個部分的關鍵是在於適法性疑慮,如果排除替代方案,其餘部分的可行性有多高?關鍵在這裡,並不是所有部分的分析是資料來源適用疑義的部分。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "如果有替代方案,在實務上也有可行性的話,還是可以支持。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "聽起來的意思是,我們是要做剛剛的釐清,釐清之後如果不可行或者是不恰當這樣利用的話,傾向是我們幫他找替代的資料來源,而不是這一案完全不做,我聽起來的意思是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "這個案子本身的精神上還是有價值的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有時候解法有疑慮,但是確實反應了真正的社會問題是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有其他的意見?如果沒有的話,我們會跟這一位提案人進行兩個協調,一個是對於線條,第二個是不是接受會先跟主管機關確認這一些資料來源有疑慮的有沒有要這樣使用,如果沒有的話,我們建議替代資料,如果建議這兩個條件的話,我們讓它繼續做下去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家對於這樣的處理方法有沒有意見?如果沒有的話,我們就確定了。如果這樣的話,前20名是不是按照簡報上?20名不分名次,對不對?我們在公布的時候是沒有在管名次的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "評審的評語是不是要提供給隊伍,這個是參賽隊伍目前提出這個要求的,是落在20名或者是40名?" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "之外。但是因為有正式來問,所以還是要回覆一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我是不是可以提一個提案,看每一個評審,因為是在「之外」,我的評審都可以公開,因為我對每一個隊伍都是一樣的,就是主審不下評分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是大家要不要把全部公開,我覺得是不是尊重每一個評審?每一個評審覺得全部公開無所謂,那就公開那一些部分,是不是比較好一點?比起我們一案一案打起電話來要問全部的評審,這一案要不要公開,這樣是不是簡單一點?" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "可以。" }, { "speaker": "嚴婉玲", "speech": "匿名的方式嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然也可以。我們在去年的做法是對於前20名的,我們的綜合評語是全部拿掉評審名字,但是全部公開,我們的去年做法是這樣,但是今年現在是在初審,去年是沒有公開評語的,以我的理解。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "大概在新聞稿裡面?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,那個是綜整過的,沒有個別評審的匿名公開,去年是沒有這個,如果大家願意匿名公開,我覺得也比不公開來得好,所以每個評審覺得要具名或是匿名公開,當然所有人都具名公開,除了一個人的話,就可以具名公開了,但是應該不至於到這個程度。" }, { "speaker": "蔡淑芳", "speech": "我有一點想法,因為這次有真的不知道在寫什麼的東西進來,這樣公開……" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "您是說投稿嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蔡淑芳", "speech": "因為我們常常處理一線的,為何評審這樣講,可能會耗掉很多力氣,如果都沒有的話,我們是按分數公開的,可能比較沒有那麼多爭論,提供給大家參考一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!我們也可以如果評審決定要匿名或具名公開,可以給一個門檻,像我的綜合評分是30分以上的,我才公開。這樣其實就可以解決掉一大部分這邊的這一個問題,就是有一些乾脆被評成0分的,又很想知道評語。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "我說一下在評分時的狀況,從最終評分可以看到某些提案我打很低分,這些案子大多來自同一人。我很認真看提案內容,在評語把粗糙的的提案行為點出來,另外達到某個分數以上我認為好的提案也會給評語,其他介於中間的就只打分數。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "再來,還有一個部分是,我覺得在與地方政府溝通這個計畫的時候,可能有一些不足,我們委外執行團隊有到各地方政府宣傳去鼓勵提案,但或許因承辦同仁沒有了解總統盃設辦理的精神,提出的案子只是資訊化的層次,像這樣的提案,我也覺得不應該來到這個場合來,而是本身業務範圍進行,有些依法要辦的業務,因為預算資源不足做不到,趁此活動把案子提上來,像這類的提案我也在評語回饋他們意見。所以我覺得我的評語可以公開,且具名公開。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!因為每個人在意的不同,每個人的公開條件都尊重,好不好?像蕭老師是全部公開,就算打0分的,特別是打0分的,或許有一些評審是只有一定分數以上的公開,又或者是怎麼樣,是不是請幕僚機關這邊,每一個評審拿到一個criteria,這樣就不必互相遊說,我覺得這個是比較好的,請再一一確認,議程上往下。" }, { "speaker": "徐曦", "speech": "剛剛提到評語的部分,我提出一個意見,分數我看到個人的評語並不高,但我認為是一個問題,提出問題的方法是讓這個問題往更高的方向走。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你說哪一個編號?" }, { "speaker": "徐曦", "speech": "「稽查逃逸外勞」。我認為這需要被解決的問題,他們提出的方法是後的方向推,因為我認為外勞逃逸是結構上的問題,這樣子的評語,我們想要讓他們知道,因為這好像也是政府單位,所以我認為讓他們知道、改進的話,其實是有幫助的。" }, { "speaker": "徐曦", "speech": "我不確定是不是可以可以公開?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!我覺得另外一個可能性,你把要挑著的要公開就公開,其他的不公開,這樣也可以,幕僚單位我想每一個評審,到底要公開哪一些告訴幕僚單位就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "基本上有人來要求?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不是要求,而是每一個委員給你一封信,這一封信裡面是要公開哪一些評語,講的方法可以說要公開這四隊的評語,或者是要公開全部的,或是公開前40名的,不管怎麼樣,公開的方式可以選具名或是匿名,全部就是這樣子,只要一個transaction。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不好意思,剛剛討論到有一個案子可能需要請他送相關的資料,並確認使用,如果經過確認這一案,是沒有辦法執行下去的話……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是說沒有辦法用那一些資料?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "或者是走不下去的話……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這是兩件事,一個是如果那些資料沒有辦法這樣利用,就輔導他取得替代資料,如果也沒有辦法取得的話,這一案就走不下去,就進不到前十名,就是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "因為我們現在選出20名。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們以去年的經驗,一旦公告20名之後,第21名是不遞補的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這邊看起來20個,至少有10幾個都做得出一些東西,我覺得這一屆的品質並不比上一屆差。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們議程上往下走。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們現在已經有確定20隊,個別的團隊我們會再跟他們說。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "之後下一次的話,我們5月7日會把這個東西正式公告出去,我們下次就是5月26日第一次工作坊。第一次工作坊到現在有一些個人的報名與媒合。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。個人報名的部分,我再次重複,儘量讓沒有入選的,也就是110多隊的朋友理解到可以看一下前20隊跟所做的性質有沒有重疊,或者是前20隊已經解決的話,本來關心的問題可以一定程度得到解決,如果那樣的話,就可以強烈推薦他用個人身分報名加入前20隊,這樣的話,其實每一個隊伍都會變得比較豐富。" }, { "speaker": "瞿筱葳", "speech": "評審的過程如果有下一次總統盃黑客松的話,是不是建議有初選,或者是提案的單人次數是否有限制,又或者是提案的本身內容有下限,很多地方都是寫一行一行的,這個是太過於簡略了,舉辦的流程是不是可以稍微調整一下來參考?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是院核定的要點,所以應該是會有下一屆。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這個提議真的可以想一下,因為我們在到一半的時候,也發現有人後來用了一大堆不同的Gmail報名,所以在系統上用任何技術方法來卡,那就是再弄幾個Gmail帳號,或是把中文名字取成跟隊名一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們並不是沒有做一些因應,而是這次有人確實很想要提出多案,所以最後阻止不了。我們之後會考慮到這個情況下,至少確保他的內容,至少有一個預篩的機制,不要浪費到評委的時間,大概是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "有一個程序上稍微要處理的,我們20隊裡面,疫苗那一隊是不是沒有隊名?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,你要輔導他,要寫一個隊名出來。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "「早知道」那個隊名回來的時候,我們確認之後,是要授權來做處理?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK,我這邊這樣子,我先提一個看大家是否同意預設的名稱,如果最後協調失敗的話,我們直接運用這樣子的名稱,也就是看是不是第20隊,也就是校園流感疫苗接踵電子化,是不是直接用題目的名稱來當作隊名,如果沒有在期限之內給我們回應的話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,「早知道」,如果沒有想出一個沒有「慶富」名字的話,那同樣是以「……政策系統」作為隊名,如果大家不反對的話,我們就用這個當作備選方法跟他們協調。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們的目的是希望他們想出一個有創意,但是又不太有爭議的名字,好嗎?程序上大概就先這樣子,看大家有沒有其他的程序上要提出來的意見。" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "「銀髮天使」牽涉到要編制指數,還有「智能防洪即時預警系統」其實有牽涉到水利的專業知識,還有會塞車的智慧交通號誌處理,那也有交通資訊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "嘉義的那個?" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "我建議是不是可以輔導他們跟大學合作,去做這樣子的指數及水利的分析,我想這個部分地質水利背景,不然執行上會有一點困難。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。那沒有問題,這個請就接下來run輔導團隊來參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Smart那一案是資料英雄有聯合提案,所以那個網絡裡面應該是有一些相關的人員。" }, { "speaker": "CK", "speech": "他們是台北市大地處,有地質水利的專家。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,那一隊應該還好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有要確認或者是詢問的意見?" }, { "speaker": "嚴婉玲", "speech": "其實我在評選的過程,常常會感到困惑,或者是看到這個表會感到困惑,有幾隊我自己很喜歡,沒有進入前20名,但是有幾隊我覺得創新性也不是那麼高,為何會在前20名,當然這個是個人喜好的問題。" }, { "speaker": "嚴婉玲", "speech": "我想知道的是,總統盃黑客松希望呈現什麼面貌?比如以第13名「化學品分享平台」來說好了,老實說這並不難做的事情,有沒有必要以總統盃黑客松的高度來鼓勵這一件事?像第24名復仇者聯盟來整合各種不同的農業名詞,然後可以統一這個農業用語?我覺得這樣子的案子是很重要的。" }, { "speaker": "嚴婉玲", "speech": "我的意思是,有一些看起來並不難的案子,有一些是需要更多人知道、更多人想像的案子沒有被排進來,這個問題可能沒有答案,我只是跟大家分享不知道其他人會不會有這樣的疑慮?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "會。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "化學品那一題,我給他滿分,我太太是中央化學所的研究員,過去幾年擔任中國化學會秘書長,對於化學品安全問題一直努力透過教育與提升意識跟學界與業界作很多的溝通。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "在政府分工上,這件事情負責的是環保署化學局,感覺得他們做得不夠,我今年也審過化學局的科技預算計畫,他們在計畫上做得到的部分離第一線關心此事的人真的差很遠,我跟我太太談化學品安全雖然沒有深入細節,但是我知道她在擔心什麼事。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "循環經濟也是科會辦推動的業務,與這個提案也有相關,這是來自民間的提案,我是覺得很好,看到有心的人想解決這個問題,也知道僅靠政府沒有能力做好,他算是在修理政府,我希望看到這樣的題目在總統盃的機制裡有個成功的機會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這一次為什麼納入平方投票法,主要的原因是我們希望社會通念上,希望大家都能夠進來,也就是希望社會創新,也就是社會能夠參與、對社會有公共利益,參與的這個部分,希望權重更高一點,幕僚希望15%,我們硬生生弄到30%,主要的原因是希望往你們這個樣態多一點到前20名。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實也有化學品分享平台,民眾票選104名,幾乎沒有人投給他,可能1、2票,也就是只有源頭給他,完全沒有任何拉票的能力,在這個情況之下,為何還進到前20名?就像老師剛剛所說的原因,我們在政府裡面常常某一件事按照法律,好比像《毒性及關注化學物質管理法》,就是只有某些單位可以管,但是其他的單位對這一件事有意見,常常會碰到踩線、破壞體制的疑慮。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一個單位的人來講,真的沒有認識外界高手的能力,因為就不在法律授權給他的東西裡面,所以總統盃黑客松有一個功能,不管這一些法人或者是科長組織起來,請外面的不管是法人或者是民間來提案,這個沒有進二十強或者是沒有做出來,可以說本科只是配合辦理,可以說只是奉獻,查出來之後,這個說法就會有所改變,然後就終於可以脫離權責不相符的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "民眾票選名次是在非常後面的,大概都在反映出政府結構性的問題。" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "對於「手搖飲安心喝」,創新很大,實際上在應用上的時候,其實很多農民長年的經驗就可以看清楚,這個提案是建立一個APP,用手機去掃描害蟲,然後傳到農試所,然後就顯示這個是什麼蟲、用什麼藥,但是這一件事,其實農民查農作三、五年都知道什麼蟲了,就知道APP要怎麼再去掃,我覺得這個在實際應用的流程是會有問題的,當然這個東西的技術可行性是滿高的,技術可行性是ok,但是在實際上是不是能夠替代農民本來就認識的害蟲,這個是比較大的疑問。" }, { "speaker": "瞿筱葳", "speech": "我想要問一下媒合相關的問題,因為有兩個提案是接踵,提案編號是97,這是童來就打的功能,是不是可以彙整進來?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以。" }, { "speaker": "瞿筱葳", "speech": "因為我是一直要帶小孩打針的媽媽。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要看「童來就打」的那一個team是否願意被併進去,如果那個team沒有人被併進去,也沒有幾院……叫接踵電子化幫他們做,如果他們人願意進去的話,我覺得BIM案作是非常好的。" }, { "speaker": "CK", "speech": "我們現在是否適合討論入選團隊題目的價值?還是僅針對可行性進行討論?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然媒合之後,實際做了之後,具體解法都會變,我們以去年的例子,本來選定的題目來做那個題目事實上是極少數,二十隊裡面有四、五隊做那些事,其他都是擴張、改變及周轉,因為我們這一屆一樣,評委會有輔導委員的資格,因此這邊看到一些,就直接講出來的話,我覺得這個未來輔導的方法,像剛剛提醒茶農實際的使用者體驗,到底哪一些部分是可以判斷、新的害蟲等等要先釐清、瞭解,我覺得是還好,這個是可以列入紀錄的。" }, { "speaker": "CK", "speech": "如果可以談的話,那我就提供我的看法給大家參考。" }, { "speaker": "CK", "speech": "同樣用剛剛化學品共享案例,我也希望這組入圍。雖然很明顯剛剛提到的是民眾認知跟評審認知有很大的落差,但是我看到它的價值在哪裡,這個問題是超級重要、超難解的。為什麼?因為有類似需求的政府單位,沒有1萬個、也有1千個。若沒有一個統籌辦理的主管機關,都只能各自採購、各自浪費或是作廢,這不只是省錢的問題,還有很多相關廢棄物處理的問題。" }, { "speaker": "CK", "speech": "這個問題之前有處理過,給大家參考,當年SARS的年代,如果大家有一點年紀,還會記得,像口罩缺貨,所以後來就拼命採購,連一般醫療口罩都是,疾管署就突破了採購法,做了一些創新的採購模式,可以共同契約採購,且是開口契約,讓各機關快要到期的即期品可以有二次流通的機會,所以大家並不會因為到期報廢就得重買。也創造了一個口罩的次級市場,可能在國內,也可能在國外。我看到的是像這樣的價值,有可能在這一件事做一些法規的突破、跨部會的協調並讓它發生。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常好。大家有沒有其他想要講的?" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "像化學品採購,我覺得放進來是很好的,但是要解決化學品的保存,像這種東西,你拆封了,誰要用?我不太確定,已經拆封的化學品如何保存?因為解決這個問題才能分享。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們去年的網頁還是看得到,寫起來2018,這邊也提醒一下團隊,去年佳作跟入選的這兩個名單,目前是壞掉的,所以請修一下。去年我記得是把前40名一次公布,就是21到40算到佳作,但是也沒有什麼。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "有送一件黃色的T-shirt。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一次是有黑色的T-shirt嗎?我們有沒有什麼東西是給21名至40名的?有多的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "有T-shirt。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "反正至不濟有貼紙。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "可以有T-shirt。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至少不要比去年差。我們鼓勵21名至40名的,以佳作團隊名單釋出,然後送一件T-shirt。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有要分享的?" }, { "speaker": "嚴婉玲", "speech": "不好意思,最後再提一點,對於明年比賽的一些建議:" }, { "speaker": "嚴婉玲", "speech": "第一,因為我們知道有不同來源的隊伍,包括民眾自己提案、跨部會提案、地方政府、中央政府提案,可是如果全部混在一起的話,我覺得對民眾的提案相對不利。即使是地方政府動員的,他們可能在民眾票選的名次上都很努力拉票,仍然進不了前20名。" }, { "speaker": "嚴婉玲", "speech": "像台南市政府的案子就沒有進前20名,那個案子也不怎麼樣,我只是在想到底有沒有可能分項呢?比如中央的案子也許可以有幾個進來,20是可以被切分的數字,也許20是可以保留中央、地方,這個是可以思考的方向。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個很棒,接下來執委會開會時,這個可以列為討論的議程,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他有沒有想要提出來的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我們就確認初選入圍和佳作名單。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常準時,剛好一小時結束這個會議,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Audrey Pon", "speech": "我們明天其實要見銀行局的副局長解釋。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "中企處你們會一起去嗎?" }, { "speaker": "程道琳", "speech": "會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以假設明天是最好的情況,你們就可以說將會提供這個服務?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Pon", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個很ok。" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Pon", "speech": "那就不打擾你,我知道你還有一個會,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "You are based here?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. It’s my office." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "We’re happy with the show on the 24th?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure, very much so." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "I’m happy you’ve been happy with it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very professional interviews. Then, people ask me to sign all sort of things after that. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "There you go. That’s good publicity. I’m sorry, because I didn’t send you any draft in between." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No, that’s fine. Very used to this. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "There’s definitely two topics we’re going to tackle today. The first one, the portrait, I want a feature of you on the French magazine I’m also writing for, which is called \"Technikart,\" which is a little techy, but kind of edgy and everything." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "What we are trying to do in Technikart is to tackle whatever’s called power. You’re the right person to do so. Then there’s part of the discussion I want to have with you about an upcoming book I’m trying to put together right now. You’ll see we’ll dive into this discussion. It’s about what we could call digital elites." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Digital what?" }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Elites." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Ah, elites." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "You’ll tell me if you feel you’re part of them, or not, or frightened of them for some reason. I was attending a workshop with my friend and your friend, Michael Lin from MIT, yesterday. He says, \"Hi.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "[laughs] I’m just a tweet away." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Let me see how this is work. It’s bring you to me in a more digital journalist way. It’s fun. I think it will work." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s fine. We can also send you our recording." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "That’s great. We’ll have a doublecheck recording. Let me see if it works. I can’t put...No, I’ll do this this way. We’re at the Social Lab which is the innovation place when it comes to Taiwanese ecosystem. I’m sitting with Audrey Tang. Hi, Audrey." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Hello. Welcome to the Taiwan Social Innovation Lab." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "I wanted to sit with you for a very good reason. You’re the secretary of digital when it comes to the government of Taiwan, but you’re way more than this. Before entering government, you were a hacker." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m still a civic hacker. A civic hacker is someone who looks at systemic issues in the society and creates social innovations, innovates with people in order to solve common social environmental issues. We’re not a cyber security hacker, which is like white hat or black hat hackers. We are hackers of no hats." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "While under in government, did you feel that, for some reason, you had to cut into your core values as a hacker again, or are you more trying to bring to the government or an institution the hacker type of mold?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Actually, I’m working with the government, not for or in the government. By working with the government, I have three principles going in. That is radical transparency. Everything that I hear, every meeting that I chair, is published to the Internet." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Location independence. I can work anywhere, including here in the Social Innovation Lab. All my team is formed through a voluntary association of all the different ministries in Taiwan. We have 32 vertical ministries, each with one minister." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m one of the horizontal ministers. My office is literally one person at most from each ministry. Technically, I can have 32 colleagues. At the moment, I have 22." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Would you say that’s in a way breaking silos?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would also say it’s not actually challenging existing silos or disrupting them. We’re merely providing a complementary horizontal relationship between the silos, so that people can get into the habit of what we call working out loud, which is not afraid of letting other ministries know what your agency or ministry is doing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is at the core of open innovation and introducing it in the public service actually increase the personal credit, success, and self fulfillment of the public service. While I absorb all the risk, so far, I pretty much get all the support from the different ministries that send dispatch to my office." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, there are exceptions. For example, the Ministry of Defense have yet to send any dispatch, but that’s very understandable." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "The previous secretary of digital actually also took part in some government or politics hackathons with g0v hackers, as based in the community, being part of it for so long, which is such a tradition here in Taiwan, to try to bring together what the e-government or civic tech could bring to politics." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so. In Taiwan, we’re very unique in having a directly elected president who appoints the premier, who appoints the cabinet, and that’s us. Because of that, it’s a separate branch from the legislative. Because of that, in the cabinet, there’s more independent ministers than ministers of any party." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You can’t say that for many other liberal democracies. Because of this, we’re much more neutral when it comes to party politics. When we’re drafting our regulations, our policies ready them for the parliament’s review we can operate in the way that is truly multi-stakeholder and less interfered by party politics." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Which happens, if I’m not mistaken, on vTaiwan which is a platform where citizen can...There we go. We have an interaction of a future voice on V Taiwan here." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "From what I read, over the past few days, even legislation has been passed on Uber taking into account what citizen have been saying on V Taiwan. Is it something super genuine when it comes to the making of the law here? Is it this tool you would use once in a while?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s both. For all the regulatory pre announcements, all the regulations, and all the policy drafts, and all the draft of bills and so on need to be announced on e-participation platform. Unlike other governments’ e-participation platform where it is mostly posting a draft bill and asking people to write emails, this is a back and forth conversation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You can see thousands of ongoing projects, and all the budgets, KPIs, procurements, and so on in a very well informed fashion in e-participation platform. Anyone who gather 5,000 people of e-petition signatures can summon me personally along with any ministries involved to have a real discussion around whatever people are petitioning for." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What I’m saying is that first there is a baseline of participation for all the budgets and all the projects. For things that people pay attention to, as evidenced by 5,000 of petition and so on, then we pay special attention and use a multi-stakeholder consultation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We can’t afford to run the same process for all the thousands of policies. One, we’ve focused, instead, on what the people tell us that are most important to them." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "I don’t know if you’ve been following closely the grand débat we had in France over the Yellow Vest Movement. Do you think that it’s a new form of direct democracy that could be brought to Europe? Of course, European election are coming. We’re definitely craving for more political debate there." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think the grand debate is one of the, what we call, social innovations. It’s participatory meaning that people have agenda-setting power. Although the government initially said a few topics that they want to discuss, people discuss whatever they want to discuss and the participating real agenda setting. That proves that democracy is not just voting every two years or every four years." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In information science terms, that would be like two bits of information uploads every two years and four years. That is not enough information to inform what the government is doing. This day-to-day democracy, continuous democracy underlies both the Grand Debate as well as what I said, the e-petition, the participatory budgeting, and everything here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It lets people, whenever they think that there is a social issue that need to be tackled by cross-sectoral partnership, they can raise the awareness to the entire society. They don’t have to wait until the election voting day." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Elections are coming here, too, in 2020, January, if I’m not mistaken again. Do you think Taiwanese people are craving for political debate still even though there are background question when it comes to mainland and those type of topics? Would you say that Taiwanese citizen and voters per se, even in the design even before being citizens?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so. In Taiwan, as we have seen the previous referenda, people put into a lot of energy into getting the signatures required for having binding referendum. We also learned from the previous referendums that people are craving for more well versed discussions, well informed discussions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Before the results of the referendum are in people are already saying, \"We wish that people who propose counter referendum to each other have more time to deliberate on that particular issues.\" We’re switching to a more nuanced, more deliberate pace of conversation before referendums." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a draft bill amendment in the Parliament now that relaxes the time constraint when the signature being gather into the next election for referendum to pass so that the future referendums, not only that we hope that it will not violate any United Nations resolutions on human rights and so on. This is a e-petition subject, but also that it is given more time for real deliberation and debate." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Some of the Taiwanese e-government features make me think a lot about Estonia, of course. Would you say that there’s also a question of scale, Estonia having like 1.3 million inhabitants, there’s 23 inhabitants here in Taiwan? Is that a question of scale or of mindset?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it’s most of a broadband access. If in a society many people have broadband access, or indeed the majority of people has, then it feels that there is less of digital gap when we introduce e-governance." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If in a country where there is a spanning landmass where only a few percent of people have true broadband access, then they can very easily reinforce existing inequalities. In Taiwan we’re very fortunate in having broadband as a human right, meaning that in Taiwan you can have unlimited 4G for less than 20 Euros per month." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If anywhere in Taiwan, even in a remote island, you don’t have 10 Megabits per second, it’s my fault, you can talk to me. Because of these conditions, Taiwanese people enjoy a high degree of e-participation without worrying about mounting inequalities." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have measured, for example, the age groups of our e-participation, and people around 15 years old and 65 years old are the two M shaped [laughs] participation groups. We don’t have that much of intergenerational issues when it comes to e-participation. Everybody is very willing to participate in public debates in the Internet." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Our remaining challenges is perhaps through the indigenous cultures as well as new migrants, but for Mandarin-speaking and English-speaking people, I think we have a really good, inclusive e-participation landscape." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Inclusion and trust are definitely the two words which are actually the base to build upon an e-government and really efficient e-administration." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have a way of saying. We say, \"We don’t ask people to come to the space of technology. We ask the technologists to bring their technologies to people.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is why in the Social Innovation Lab here I have the office hours. You are in my office hour, but I also actively tour around Taiwan to go to the rural places, indigenous places, offshore islands, and so on, and have a face to face conversation with the coops, NGOs, and social entrepreneurs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "While I do that, thanks to broadband as a human right, we have people here in the Social Innovation Lab, the Public Service from 12 ministries to participate through two way telepresence to see whatever I see, to hear whatever I hear so that people can build rapport, that is to say trust to the central ministries." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The central ministries’ people don’t treat those localities as abstract numbers or PowerPoint slides or thing like that, but actually real breathing people. We help building that kind of facilitative ecosystem so that anywhere in Taiwan, anyone want to summon this two way conversation can do it through a youth council or through the social innovation tools or through e-petition." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Coming back to your path as a hacker being an official of the government right now, how do you feel coming from more of a counterculture and type of the Internet and your style bringing that spirit into government?" }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Would you say that at some point that will lead us to a very interesting discussion I guess on what could be called the digital elites at some point? What do you think about, again, counterculture versus a more normalized culture?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think I’m not from a counterculture as Buckminster Fuller put it. If you see a system that is old and that is broken, don’t bother to fix it. Rather build something new that makes that old system obsolete. That’s my theory of change. It is complementing existing political systems." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m not trying to fix or disrupt or challenge it, so I wouldn’t classify myself as counterculture. I think I’m more from the future, and [laughs] as we know the future is already here. It’s just not actively and evenly distributed." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The idea of social innovation is simply to get the latest in the cutting edge thinking of the futurists. For example, there is a new voting system called quadratic voting that allows people to cast votes in the terms of points." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Everybody gets 99 points and for one vote you spend one point, two vote four points, three vote nine points, and so on. That will maximize the preferential utility of each vote’s cast." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thanks to the social innovation system, we adapt that and actually used this in the last week’s Presidential Hackathon. Taiwan is actually the first country to use at a country national level, a real election and for Presidential Hackathon topics, data collaboratives as we put it, a general population of quadratic voting system." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is just one of our democratic innovation examples, but what I’m getting at is that this is not a counterculture. We’re not fighting the one person, one vote system. We’re just bringing our new systems and showing the people where it actually makes more sense to do so." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Which would actually please our friend Glen Weyl, I guess, which is a fierce defender of the..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...of QV, yes." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Exactly. Would you say it also relies on a new way to rethink the Internet as we know it? Of course, we have Tim Berners-Lee broadly speaking about the fact that basically his printer has been taken under monopolies by a monetized form of the Internet platforms." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "That we probably need to go back to the basics and to a more pure decentralized vision of it or mindset of it. Would you say in this way that a forum could be the future of Internet?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. For the Presidential Hackathon actually Glen Weyl as well as Vitalik Buterin have personally recorded recordings to explain to the Taiwanese people why this kind of voting is a good idea." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because of that, I think it is not just one future or one vision we’re making toward. What we’re doing essentially is forming new, what we call, data collaboratives." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Any Presidential Hackathon team, we select 20 teams as a cohort each year, and each team need to have three kind of people. There need to be a technologist versed in data and code." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There need to be a domain expert versed in the sustainable development code that this innovation is trying to achieve, and there need to be a regulatory public service expert that is well versed in how to translate this idea into the existing administrative system." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If a team comes and they only have one of the three players, we actually coach them to form those trilingual teams that makes it possible to not only maximize the impact but actually bring the innovation into everyday life." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "After three months of co-creation, the President herself presides over the Demo Day and select five winning teams, and there’s no money. What they have is a trophy that is a projector. When turned on, it shows the President herself giving that trophy to the people, so it’s very useful in internal negotiations." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What it symbolizes is a Presidential promise. Whatever the proof of some concept the five winning teams has proved in the three months the President and me, personally, promise by the end of the next fiscal year whatever their idea is, we do whatever it takes to change regulations, budgets, and whatever to make that idea into public service and support it indefinitely." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Through this way, what we’re saying is that not what our vision of innovations is for the society, but rather what the society through quadratic voting and through trilingual partnerships can go back to the agendas that empower and change the presidential platform by way of data collaboratives." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "In a way, we’ve been seeing over the past few seasons, a lot of user backlashing on technologies. Even though those people and citizen per se, are really good users of technology, they don’t want to buy more of it, just for the reason of privacy, just for the reason of fake news, just for the reason that basically technology has been invading their lives, and not in a way they want to be." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "We’ve seen also platforms on the other end, understanding that type of backlash, and trying to redeem themselves, but way less demanding from their users actually. Are we on a threshold of a change here?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I do think so. I think people are becoming more aware. Thanks to advanced regulations like GDPR, and so on, that there was a exploitive externalities that fueled the current, what many scholars have said as a surveillance capitalism. I think even the capitalist themselves have realized that this is not sustainable because trust is not a renewable resource." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you deplete trust, if you lose the fiduciary relationship with the so-called users, then basically what is left is just manufacturer addiction. Even that doesn’t last. I think people are more and more aware that if you build a relationship with the people, not users, it needs to be a relational. It’s not transactional. That’s what GDPR means." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It means that once I give you my data, we begin a relationship in which that I can hold you to account, I can ask you to explain, to be portable and things like that. The more you honor that relationship, the more satisfactory that our database collaborative relationship would be." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think we’re having a sea change, at least here in Taiwan, to shift away from the more commodity-based \"data as oil\" metaphor which doesn’t work anymore, and into a more data as beginning of a relationship metaphor." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "On the other end, we were, of course, talking about the societal issues when it comes to technology, and the way again, we’re somehow backfiring in technology. There was also the other part of it, the economical version of it, way more monopoly than there used to be out there in this world, against cyber maybe." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Still, do you think that global platforms...they could be Asian, they could be American, whatever they are. Actually, do they have some political or societal project for us?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think, first of all, they no longer identify as any particular nationals. When I talked to those multinationals, I really do feel like they’re semi sovereign and doing semi diplomacy, simply because that most of their agenda are now made in the world, but rather than made in any particular country." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That said, I do think that there are some commonalities between the large platforms and that of a government, namely that we both value trust and our people, the people who trust our services. Basically, because of the monopolistic situation you just pointed out, they have little other choice. That is pretty much the same with government." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you don’t like the tax filing experience, it’s not like you can find another tax filing experience. [laughs] Because of that, I think we’re all paying much more attention, not just to efficiency and certainty of service delivery, but on the systemic injustices that our policies could actually cause, and other ways to actively remedy those injustices, and also making it more democratic." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In terms of governance, what the existing open source ecosystem have showed us, and what the blockchain governance projects have showed us is that it is possible actually, in a risk profit mindset -- not just for profit, risk profit mindset -- to introduce a sense of governance back into it, so that it’s not a pure cooperative, but it’s not a pure for profit either. It’s something in between." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "These hybrid organizations, there’s many names like B Corps, or benefit organizations, social innovations organizations, and so on. I think just the people on both sides of the spectrum focusing on public good and governance on one side, and on profit and monopolistic power on the other side, trying to converge somewhere in the middle, that realizes our common values without sacrificing each other’s positions." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Yet, if you take the Yellow Vest phenomenon for instance in France, even though they never really named it this way, what they’re somehow showing us is that probably some part of...France is part of what’s called the startup nation, whatever it actually means. They don’t want to be part of it, because first, they don’t feel they belong." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Second, with all these researches and analysis about the fact that we’re going to break 30 to 50 percent of the jobs as we know them by 2030, because of automation, because of privatization, because of AI, they’re telling us, \"Yeah, but that’s our jobs you’re going to crash, basically.\"" }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "\"We don’t want to buy the part of the story where you’re telling us that 6 out of 10 jobs in the future have not been created yet and that we probably can create them together. Again, what we are focused on is pay in the end of the month, not saving the end of the world.\"" }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "From your perspective, how can we reconcile both parts, and try to actually make a social contract 4.0, if you may, work?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it’s not really a point of creating or losing jobs. I think it is more of human dignities, and how people feel that they are needed by the society and fulfill the society’s needs. That is why we’re seeing much more of an emphasis, as I said, on social innovation organizations, what we call platform cooperatives, where people take control of the platform." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If a platform reduces people’s dignity, then just don’t add that feature. If you have a true governance model where the workers and the people who are impacted, the stakeholders, can collectively decide -- quadratic voting or not -- the collective future of that particular platform, then you don’t tend to have that kind of conversation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You tend to have the conversation as we had in the Presidential Hackathon, like how to solve water leakage problems using machine learning. How to make the remote islands enjoy more clinical benefits by introducing tele-diagnostics, and e-health, and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s the same technology, but it is not maximizing profit. It is maximizing the people part of it, the partnership part of it, the planet part of it, the peace part of it. The profit is just a by product of solving a problem really well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The inverted priorities here, by placing profit over the other important pillars is really at the core here. I’m not advocating, of course, pure socialism, but having a really good reflective lens through which the people can see the planet and people externalities that each for-profit actions take and holding those accountable, is a really good first step." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once people become aware of the negative externalities those for-profit steps take, then people are less likely, even the investors, to invest in such negative externalities. Just making those reliable numbers accountable and making sure that people commit to whatever sustainable goals that they say they are committing to, keeping people honest is a really good first step." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "I heard that people won’t use technology they don’t understand, or they don’t trust. How do you intend to make those forums of new direct democracy usable or super seamless when it comes to their utilization or usage?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "By making it really easy to deploy. I usually use the example of fire. Fire was a civilization defining technology, but it also has its dangers. It has destroyed whole cities and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We mitigate against the risk of fire, not by restricting fire to a certain elite class of people and telling those early pyromancers or whatever can dominate the fire use in the society, but rather by teaching cooking to every child, and teaching them the harms, the dangers of fire, while they can wield fire responsibly and make food for their friends and families." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is very akin to how we deploy technologies. In Taiwan, we have media literacy, critical thinking right in the K-12 curriculum." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They learn that if they have a different worldview, if they want to improve society in a way that is non-conforming to the existing technologies companies ways, then they have all the support of, as I said, bandwidth and broadband as human rights of free access to all the open collective intelligence datasets of the GPU and AI computation, and all these things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People can wield AI just like people wield fire when they are in a very young age. I think that the democratization of these technologies is really the only way to empower the citizens to understand how is it like to get data steward." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once you have the experience, the firsthand experience of running an air quality measurement device on your balcony as a data steward, then you begin to understand the tradeoffs that Google, or Facebook, or other data platforms are having." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Before you have that firsthand experience, you won’t know actually the right question to ask of those data platforms. Having firsthand experience right in the K-12 education, I think one of the most important things for digital literacy in all countries." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "If we do acknowledge there’s some workers on this digital economy landscape, we could probably also agree on the fact that there are digital elites on the other hand. How would you define them? Do you feel you’re part of this digital elite per se?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The word hacker originally means a carpenter that makes their own tools. Anyone who can reshape existing tools to fit the societal need, to put in, I think the word is bricolage, to put in whatever the tools are at hand. It may be snippets on GitHub. It may be snippets on Stack Exchange. It may be Arduino hardware, Raspberry Pi, and to improvise a solution that society needs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is the spirit of a civic hacker, and I do think that it is somewhat elite. The defining characteristic of the hacker ethic is that we want to maximize the number of people who have this capacity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is why we support the freedom of association, assembly, journalism, and things like that, by making sure that people with concerns can always very easily get the access to the tools that amplify those concerns. We’re not hoarding the power, and our power is that of a network making power. It’s not a power within a network." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Speaking of networks, would you think that the elites would be more global because we’re talking about digital and more open minded?" }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Of course, we’re also talking about digital, or would you in a way say they do belong to this platformization of the world and the vision that will tend to actually harmonize what we’re thinking about, the way we do access information and the way we do politic. The way we get any good online." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Either in a way some here, we could have that form of harmonization on the Internet." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it’s not just about the social ends, the social goals. If you ask any large platform, of course, they tell you that they’re working toward the betterment of humanity. All of them do." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I don’t think it is just about the goals. I think it’s also about the means to achieve the goals. I think the key question to ask is that can I fork your project? Meaning that, can I take whatever you’re offering me and take it to a different direction? Is it possible to reuse the part of your work, without subscribing to your agenda? If people answer yes, if their project can be forked, just like most of the blockchain governance nowadays, then I do think that it is then of a global nature." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They are willing to give up control, even artistic control over their projects, so that people can appropriate those technologies to create appropriate technologies that fits a local context. If they say no, do you have to pay a licensing fee, do you have to subscribe to our agenda, or patterns, or things like that, then I don’t think that they are of a truly global nature." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think there would be a colonizing spirit, that want to impose their part of the world view into the world. That is mostly detrimental, I think, in nature." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "While I do see and empathize with the idea of world optimization, as some people in Silicon Valley says, I do think that a collaboration among different people and respecting people’s cultural differences, is much more important than optimizing for any particular utility functions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Just as here in social innovation lab, we’re trying, for example, self driving tricycles. We’re observing the new social norms, that is gathering people around those self driving vehicles. Here in Taiwan, people expect those vehicles to first yield to the elderly, and then women, and then people with disabilities, and finally children." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The priorities here is difference. Where the vehicles are manufactured in Boston, the MIT actually run an online test. It’s actually the other way around. People prefer the vehicles to yield to children first, and the elder the last. There’s no right or wrong in those different social norms." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What is really wrong is to take one social norm, and through digital platform agenda setting or amortization, to expect every part of the world to subscribe to the same value system." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Would you say that \"tech for good,\" it’s like a new tagline, and so many other digital types of trendy places? Tech for good is like, what, tech washing in a way?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No. I think social innovation, of course, is about the common good in the goals, but it’s also about wide participation in the means." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When we say \"tech for good,\" I think we overemphasize the ends, the goals part, while making it not so clear the idea of open innovation -- it really allows everybody, even empowering the people who don’t even know that they could be impacted, to first let them understand through, for example, your journalistic work, how people could be impacted, and then letting people understand that they could also be agenda setters in technologies." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think this part is missing in many \"tech for good\" narratives. Again, if you just have technologies for the people, you tend to forget about the technology with the people, but it’s the \"with the people\" part of this important." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "You actually tackle the very forward question I wanted to ask you about. Again, how do we go back to this narrative and bring those people who are now opposing the fact of belonging to this digital society? How do we bring them back to the table, and try to create the society with it? Believe it or not, we’ll have to live together in the near future. Right?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. I think the answer is not bringing them into technology. It’s bringing technology to these people. I think if you have a good social design, it should feel natural to the people involved. If people are not used to, for example, using smartphones to do participatory budgeting, you can use whatever they’re using." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It could be automated teller machines or ATMs. The idea of appropriate technology or social innovation is not really that it has to be new globally, that you can file a patent on it. It just has to be new to the particular segment of society, that they can feel that they benefit from it, and can understand it, and can steer its directions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It has to be new in only that local sense. It’s not new in the global pattern sense. Just by making sure that we apply whatever the appropriate technology is on the local level, we can bring the technology to people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "People can continue to have town halls, to have the tribal gatherings of village elders and so on, where just a digital minister, that’s me, is participating as one of the facilitator in using 360 live stream and other technologies, so that they can summon the people here in the capital city in Taipei to join their tribal meetings." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re not using technologies to say, \"Hey, everybody here has to install some web browser, install an app,\" or things like that. We’re bringing ourselves, the technologists, into whatever the people are feeling comfortable with. That’s an ethnographic approach, or in plain language, just hanging out with people. I think that is very important for all technologists." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Would you say that we are in the end, heading to a post-digital type of society?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I do think that maybe in a decade or so, there will not be a role of digital minister, because other ministers will finish the digital transformation and reimagine their relationships in a co-creative future. Maybe we will still have analog ministers, [laughs] to talk with the analog world." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think these next 10 years or so, where the digital transformation happens, is that we will stop attaching like e-whatever. It used to be fashionable in an email to say, \"Oh, it’s nice to e-meet you.\" It’s not fashionable anymore. People just meet each other. Email is just one of the ways of writing mail. Now people just say mail." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They don’t even say email anymore. I think dropping the \"e-\" prefix, I think, is really the key to digital transformation. Only when we stop saying e-government or e-participation, it’s just governments, it’s just participation, then we can truly realize the dreams of digital transformation, which is let us re-understand the idea of how people can listen to each other at scale." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Is there anything you want to add to this conversation?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would just like to quote one of my favorite songs from Leona Cohen, that says, \"There is a crack in everything. And that is how the light gets in.\" While the current digital world has a lot of gaps, a lot of inequalities, injustices, those are actually the lights, the cracks that allow people to discover each other, and to find our common values." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As you quoted Sir Tim Berners-Lee, we are here to rediscover the purpose of the web and let the web to be the connecting force that connects the forces together." }, { "speaker": "Marjorie Paillon", "speech": "Thank you very much." } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請開始。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "今天是108年5月9日,上一次我們見面是半年前,也就是12月20日,前面開了三次會議,跟大家說明一下今天是重要的日子,今天在這樣的場合,跟署、政委碰面,是107年5月7日,我剛剛查了一下。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡君", "speech": "所以我們今天要慶祝一下嗎?(笑)" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "我們前面開的三場協作會議,是因為我們後續要做試辦計畫,這一段期間,過去沒有碰面的這半年期間,署內做了一些研議,現在有一些比較具體的計畫出來,那個計畫目前還沒有送出去,希望在試辦計畫出去之前,還是有一個機會跟各位做一個資訊同步,看有沒有大方向等等,協作會議完之後,還有一些需要再調整的地方,因此第一個部分會請署內針對試辦計畫來做簡報,第二個大部分請國發會、政委辦一起幫忙給一些建議,時間交給署內。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "政委、參事、處長及大家早,今天因為蔡副署長有立法院交辦的業務,必須要做居家醫療整合照護的協調會議,會議有一些外部代表,因此今天沒有辦法參加本次會議,所以由我來代表。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "非常感謝政委之前的指導,在這半年的時間,我們做了一個初步的建議,我初步瞭解一下還有一些討論的空間,我們先請科長跟大家做非常簡單的說明,如果要補充的話,我等一下再來補充。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "政委、各位長官大家好,健保署現在報告虛擬健保卡的就醫模式的試辦計畫,請大家看投影片的首頁,我們目前署內討論的是就醫模式的試辦計畫,目前定調是這樣子,今天會就兩個方案來進行報告,一個是無實體健保卡的方案,一個是居家輕量的藍牙方案。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "在投影片第3頁,依三次的協作會議,未來健保卡的規劃有三個原則,一個是虛實併行,第二個是小規模試辦,第三個是以滿足就醫情境為主。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "第4頁,無實體健保卡的試辦分兩大塊,左邊是居家醫療服務、右邊是一般醫療服務,因為人口的老化失能,大家需要居家醫療服務增加,醫療團隊出去出訪,其實設備負擔跟一些程序滿繁瑣的,本署研發了居家醫療藍牙輕量方案,這個方案在3月份已經上線了,等一下會詳細說明。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "投影片右邊,我們會選擇門診就醫的情境來試辦虛擬卡方案,看看就醫的民眾如何應用虛擬卡及面臨到的一些狀況,這個是我們在無實體健保卡方面要進行的試辦。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "第5頁,主要是要測試虛擬健保卡在門診流程中應用的情形,預計是在正式啟動後的六個月內要完成這個測試,希望透過這個測試可以達到使用經驗的蒐集、障礙評估、資訊安全、成本分析來作為未來政策推動的建議,包含可行或者是需要再確認釐清的點,透過這個試辦方案來進行瞭解,108年度計畫經費是300萬元。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "第6頁,試辦計畫有三個要講的重點,一個是虛擬卡認證的方式,第二個是試辦的場域在哪裡,第三個是要完成什麼流程。虛擬卡依照三次協作會議,是QR code、NFC二擇一都可以,未來增加擴充性及身分確認,我們把臉部掃描的方式納入在這個試辦的計畫當中。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "試辦的場域,醫院一家、診所十家,收集500位以上的有效個案,從申請虛擬卡、掛號、就醫、批價領藥及就醫資料的上傳完成完整程序,這個是這個方案主要的三個要做的事。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "談到對民眾端的就醫流程來講,大致上是什麼樣的情形?我們500位民眾,先徵得他的同意來加入這個計畫,我們就會幫他申請虛擬卡,現在假設綁定民眾的手機上,民眾要就醫之前會透過這個APP來產生一次性的通行條碼來作為憑證,裡面會有基本的身分資料,到了診間之後,醫療人員必須確認其身分,因為虛擬卡上面沒有照片可以核對,因此醫院的系統必須跳出照片來進行身分確認。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "如果加入臉部辨識的話,就診時民眾對著相機來掃描,透過資訊技術的比對,確認這個人就是他本人來就醫。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "看診結束之後,民眾拿著手機,透過一次性的通行條碼來進行批價、處方箋領藥,這個時候又回到NFC或QR code的這兩種方式之一。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "第8頁,就醫情境試辦500位以上的有效個案大概是怎麼分布?目前醫院一家、診所十家,醫院是至少100個有效就醫個案,診所十家共100位,還有300位是作為這兩種機構中收案的彈性,說不定醫院可以收案比較容易,或者是診所收案比較容易,到現在還不確定,這個留容彈性。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "比如我今天被收案了,但是我同時有在A醫院看或者是B診所看,我只能算一個個案,這個是我們在委辦案裡面的收案原則。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "另外,蒐集個案必須有不同性別跟不同年齡層,這個必須要涵蓋,且必須取得當事人的同意書,這也是收案原則。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "第9頁進入到居家輕量藍牙方案,我們的APP在3月1日上線了,上線之後的流程,現在是居家團隊在出訪之前,先準備好網路、藍牙讀卡機,下載APP並設定,看診前必須要認證雲端模組、醫事卡,讀卡機要跟APP配對,民眾的健保卡也要認證,之後開始看診。APP的功能可以讀取健保卡的就醫序號、就醫資料跟查詢就醫系統,最後是產製處方箋的QR code。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "居家訪視團隊交付民眾處方箋,民眾拿這個QR code就可以去社區藥局調劑,藥局也可以透過VPN,程式產製處方箋PDF檔列印存查,大概是這樣完成了居家輕量藍牙的看診模式。因為才剛上線,所以持續推廣中,也辦了好幾場的說明會,持續了蒐集使用人員的意見來優化APP,包含餘藥天數提醒、就醫資料匯入及增加藥局處方箋QR code的作業方式,希望未來可以提升醫療團隊出訪的意願,並增加居家醫療服務的推廣。以上兩案的進度先簡要報告到這邊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝,看有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "剛剛科長的報告再稍微解釋一下,在居家輕量藍牙的方案進度,確實在我們的3月份已經上線,但是因為可能還要再跟醫療院所多做宣導及說明,所以屆至到5月3日為止,目前有61家的特約醫事機構有申請,這個部分我們在內部的主管會報的情況,我們都有責成各分區來加強,當然後面的APP還會做一些滾動式的修正,這個部分就會先跟大家作報告。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第二個部分,今天我們重點會放在虛擬實體健保卡的部分,在內部研擬的過程中花了5、6個月當中,自從政委交辦之後,我們自己有做一些討論,在討論的部分,我們第一個是遵從協作會議的指示,是用OTP跟NFC這兩個方案為主,但是在這邊也要跟大家報告,重點是在身分辨識的這一件事,在門診的看診情境,也就是第7頁的資料,我們一直在思考的問題是,當民眾拿一個虛擬的健保卡去就醫時,我如何去做身分辨識的這一件事,是我們比較疑惑的部分,當然之前也有做一些蒐集照片,因為本來不是做健保卡,或者有什麼樣的情況,但是因為那個還在內部陳核當中,我們再說明,身分辨識是寫在標規需求裡面,寫下去之後,看政委辦有沒有指導的部分,我們再來討論,這個是身分辨識,也就是我們需要再討論的部分。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第三,我要跟大家報告的是,有效個案的部分測試,當然科長有特別提到,前提是要得到當事人的同意,第二個是IRB,謝謝500個個案只有半年的時間,經費只有300萬,我們不敢把人數增加太多,主要要有醫院跟診所的就醫情境原因,因為我們現在強調在分級醫療、雙向轉診的部分,我們希望從不同的面向、就醫情境的模式來找到適合的就醫情境,我們就這個部分想要再跟政委報告及說明,先做這樣的報告,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想先問一下資安處。" }, { "speaker": "施雅亭", "speech": "我們聽一下今天會議的方案,後續如有一些跟政策衝突的部分,我們會帶回去看怎麼樣做一些建議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "資安處有就人臉辨識有相關的規範嗎?" }, { "speaker": "施雅亭", "speech": "處內目前沒有明訂。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看處長。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我想請教兩個稍微跟技術有一點關係的問題:" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "在簡報第6頁時,剛剛科長報告時,最左邊是用QR code跟NFC,組長是說OTP跟NFC,是OTP會放進來嗎?或者是什麼樣的情境?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "第二,居家輕量的方案裡面,處方箋去社區藥局拿時,健保卡最主要的功能是做辨識,就是讀健保卡裡面某些的資料,除了身分資料以外,還有沒有其他特別的資料?我要問的目的是,不是現在,而是如果日後民眾拿了其他的晶片或者是感應,比如假設以後有所謂的new eID出來,或者是現在的自然人憑證,當然要調整系統,但是我的重點是,是不是靠A123456789之類的身分證字號就可以取得這一些資料,還是要其他資料?看署裡面的想法是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "處長想詢問的是,QR跟OTP是不是同一件事,第二個是有沒有想過拿自然人憑證或者是其他的憑證就診的可能性。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "我說明一下,OTP其實是一次性的通行條碼,我們現在委辦案裡面直接簡化為QR code。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "QR就是OTP的載體?" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "有關於eID未來跟本署資料,其實這一案現行的實體卡的確還在使用,在今年的部分,我們會完成這個虛擬卡的測試。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "就我所知,像eID到明年年底的發卡量是2%?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "其實發卡量不是考量重點。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "這當中eID的規格會產生、明朗化,這時候我們在一邊會配合看怎麼樣介接,事實上組長也有指示請我們跟內政部聯繫,看未來的方向如何配合。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是今年下半年測的是使用者體驗,明年上半年第二次滾動的時候,也會比較明朗,納入做第二次的滾動,聽起來是這個意思。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "我指這個標案300萬的部分,簡單來說,就是用我們的OTP加人臉辨識當作我們的就醫身分識別,目前是用這樣的方式在寫,因此沒有針對剛剛處長提到的想用自然人憑證的部分。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "現在問兩個問題:" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第一,為何要透過《人體研究法》?是因為有人臉辨識的關係?" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "因為要蒐集個案的意見,要個案加入,依人體研究法,所以需要送審。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "好。就醫資料匯入的功能,是要匯出檔案,然後再匯入嗎?或是手機上直接可以匯入?因為匯入有一些是比較繁瑣的那一種。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "哪一頁?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第10頁。" }, { "speaker": "林雋煥", "speech": "我講一下好了,我先補充一下有關於問到eID取代IC卡的這一件事,如果現行用紙本處方箋領藥的時候,還是會插健保卡,因為健保卡是前一家醫療院所,開立的處方還是會寫在卡片前面,在看紙本的時候,也會看卡片的內容是否一致,如果不一致,會聯繫前一家院所,確定處方的內容怎麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "林雋煥", "speech": "這個QR code不可能隨便的人拿到,然後隨便的人去讀,就可以讀得到裡面的資訊。所以我們確認既然藥局一定要插卡,要讀取這張QR code的時候,確定人是在的,像是個案本人去,或是其家屬去領藥,我們插健保卡去取ID跟生日的資料,卡片會有資料,也可以在線上取得資料內容的一致性。" }, { "speaker": "林雋煥", "speech": "後續eID可以當作一把鑰匙進來,往後的虛擬卡在寫卡的資料在雲端,也可以check的話,我們也會納入這樣的功能進來。" }, { "speaker": "林雋煥", "speech": "有關於就醫資料匯入的部分,因為醫師在居家案當中,會登打一些處方的資料或者是就醫的資料,包含SOAP的部分,當打完之後回去院內的時候,會做一些IC卡上傳或費用申報,我們不希望院所登打兩次,我們希望這樣的資料在現場按上傳之後,我們會將資料傳到署內的VPN平台,從那個平台再匯出來的格式。" }, { "speaker": "林雋煥", "speech": "目前規劃有兩種檔案,一個是JSON檔一個是CSV檔,會讓它這樣子匯進來。我們還沒有公告,但功能初步已經草擬出來,希望在下個禮拜會有一場會,還有5月24日也會有兩場會,會邀集醫療院所資訊人員、HIS廠商,還有軟體資訊廠商開會並討論一下這樣的草案,確定之後才會作公告。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "會匯出成檔案,還要傳到手機上,由手機匯入的這一件事本身有一點怪。" }, { "speaker": "林雋煥", "speech": "手機登打之後上傳,然後匯出VPN,然後再匯出來到HIS系統。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我覺得那個地方可能VPN開了API之類的,直接匯入會比較好一點。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我再確認一下,我記得技術有建議未來是使用非對稱,目前的規劃是用對稱式的加密嗎?我們那時開會,好像有一些社群的朋友,他們有建議要用非對稱式的方式來做健保卡。" }, { "speaker": "孫浩淳", "speech": "目前這個部分,並沒有另外設計出一套金鑰。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "比較大的問題是人臉辨識。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們在會議上有強烈建議不要使用生物辨識,而且不要把生物辨識的東西存在某一些單一的伺服器裡面,你們這個地方是用人臉辨識來取得辨識,你們是要取得人臉的資料上傳到伺服器裡面,最少是醫院的伺服器,這個非常嚴重的問題,你們會面臨到臺權會一天到晚的抗議,他們可能就是砸鍋扎營,就是要把這一件事擋下來,我覺得這件事會讓政策非常麻煩。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再來,中國政府政策各種系統會大量使用人臉辨識,這個會讓人家覺得臺灣是不是在新疆化,所以我覺得這一個部分,會議上都有建議,不懂為何還會跑出來。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "我可以先確認釐清一點,目前規劃署內的人臉辨識,是選擇或者是必要?現在是往哪一個方向?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是用來節省看診的醫師,辨識這個人是健保卡上照片的時間而已嗎?如果人臉辨識失敗的話,是看照片上比對,或是如果人臉辨識失敗,就無法看診?" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "我剛剛大致有提到,假設這裡沒有人臉辨識的話,診間基於就醫的安全其實還是要比對到底是不是本人,而這個是系統跳出來的照片,我們現在規劃的是,這兩種OTP或者是NFC再加上人臉辨識,因為其實這個就是身分確認的基本,因為人的臉會變化,之前交的照片也有可能會無法辨識,所以這是在這個案子裡面的選擇。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個沒有必要,可以用照片就好了,現在的照片就可以用,現在世界各國就可以用照片,我不知道哪一個國家是要用人臉辨識才可以就醫,除非像中國。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "先回到一開始的問題,我們的人臉辨識是必須或者是選擇?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "現在的標規,目前是寫「must」。" }, { "speaker": "趙偉翔", "speech": "身分辨識在醫療場域的話,還是必須由現場的醫事人員來作確認,這是他們必須要做的一件事,現在的做法是必須要核對IC卡上的照片。使用人臉辨識的,人臉資訊是從交的照片來的,這一段不必由醫事人員來處理,而是直接在診間,用電腦去幫醫事人員解決這個問題,可以解決掉醫事人員的負擔,讓機器辨識取代人工的人臉辨識。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "你的東西存在哪裡?是健保署的資料庫?或者是存在醫院的資料庫?如果資料外洩在哪裡?這都是很嚴重的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們拿晶片卡去醫院的時候,不會像辦手機門號一樣去影印健保卡上的照片,基本上是不留存的,比對完就忘掉了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "雨蒼的意思是你們在設計的時候,如果隨傳隨調照片資料到院所資料的話,你很難控制院所的資料不繼續留存個案的照片,這樣是不是不會逸脫本來做人臉辨識、身分辨識的目的去使用,這個是剛才雨蒼主要的concern,這個是個資上或者是資安上都有一些顧慮。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你說醫院全部不裝軟體及運算,只是即時把拍一張照片回傳伺服器,是這個人或者不是這個人,當然沒有這個問題,因為照片的資訊並不是在院所裡面,第一個是這樣會很慢,每一個照片傳上去就會等他,說不定比醫生還要慢,第二個是拍照的角度有什麼問題,如果辨識不了就要設第二次,第三次,並不是像egate,好比在入關的時候,人臉不行還有指紋,沒有第二個因素,就要拍好幾次照,你們剛剛說這個是must,所以等於是醫生不能自己用眼睛辨識就算數,所以大概是這兩個考量。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果放在醫療院所的話,就有目的外利用的顧慮,如果放在健保署的話,相對沒有,但是應用性上還不如人,大概是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "最後必須要講,因為第一場會議大家就已經提到了,不能把資料存在政府的伺服器上,頂多是在手機上用我的指紋把它解鎖,我覺得是大家在會議上可以接受的底限,如果我們會議上已經談出來的底限,這樣被輕易推翻,這個對協作會議是非常大的不尊重、也對與會者非常大的不尊重。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們要給一個非常完整的理由。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "也可以讓別人不會在外面抗議,而且就我所說的剛才,非常多人對中國、新疆所發生的狀況非常地憤怒、也非常擔心,現在健保卡要蒐集大家的人臉資料,背後的想像,光想那個風險就非常嚴重,我覺得會在健保署外面埋鍋造飯抗議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然之前健保署也已經處理過一些不實訊息,比如「無相片健保卡強制換卡」的標語,但我現在還是用無相片卡,確實沒有被強制換卡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果做人臉辨識,大家不免會聯想換卡要附照片的這一件事,跟人臉辨識有印象上的掛鉤,這個是公共關係上可能要考慮的一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實這一些在new eID都討論過了,是不是要重新開啟戰場,這個是政治上要考慮的一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過,當時寫成must的話,表示您有一個很好的理由,您剛剛提到主要是要節省診間醫師辨識的時間,就是這個理由?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "政委,不好意思,我想再思考一下,今天就是討論。我可以瞭解林雨蒼剛剛提到的重點,其實協作會議確實針對生物特徵這一件事是有排除,屬不討論的範圍內,我們現在是試做方案,其實試辦的內容主要是要提到蒐集使用者經驗、蒐集未來使用障礙、成本估算,假設我們現在思考一件事,如果臉部辨識的這一件事是選項,也就是假設有這樣的可能性,因為反正是試辦,這個有沒有可能允許的?因為試辦是我們要請人來做這樣的評估,我不知道這個部分是不是有這樣的空間,又或者其實根本就不要了?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這個是兩回事,如果這個是探索,那就表示至少應該分兩組,一組是用人臉辨識、一組是沒有試用的,這樣才是有實驗的意義,才可以比對控制跟實驗,說不定測出來,發現人臉辨識引進之後,事實上個案的體驗更差,那時才有依據,但是目前的規劃是沒有控制組的,我們這邊當然會很擔心,因為就會變成好像人臉辨識已經是如果不好的話,我們也不太知道會不好,半年之後也很難說不要他的東西,有一種先入為主的感覺,所以如果你們很想測人臉辨識,我會覺得那並不是個案一定得經過的過程。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於你要變成很想嘗鮮做人臉辨識,再要求加入人臉辨識,那就要專門對這一件事,也就是關於事前告知。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在辦健保卡給出相片的時候,當初個資法的蒐集有一個使用目的,當時是寫「製卡使用」,並沒有說會變成人臉辨識使用,並不是你們往道德那邊寫一個方案就可以解決的,每一個人都要很明確知道如果現在卡上的照片會變成人臉辨識,這到底是什麼意思,這個部分到底要怎麼樣做,可能可以有一些細緻的做法,並不是說絕對不可以討論,但是這個放在表格裡面還有很大一段距離,看聚焦討論之後,明年的實驗可以討論這個,並不是說這個討論都還沒有的情況下,今天的這一場會議來當作辦法。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "在試用及探索的階段,那時候有疑慮,就要有很好的說法,否則民眾會自然而然聯想有一些爭議,在新的健保卡會變成要做的事情,所以那個階段像雨蒼提的問題,都要有很好的回答。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我並不是反對實驗新科技,而是因為之前有過疑慮,之前解決疑慮的方法是,我們接下來測試就先不用討論了,那個是第二次協作會議很明確的限制。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果現在回來說,當時不談是因為我們已經就要做了,這個哪裡怪怪的。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "比如你們要能說是在參與當事人同意之下,且有一些控制的方法,即便探索也不一定未來要做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣就比較像第三次協作會議裡面,確認設計要做類似的規劃,那麼要滿足的條件是要列出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "目前沒有列出來,雖然有一些國際通用的準則,但是我們不知道我們的社會是不是都能接受。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這兩個脫鉤比較好。我們先做這個測試,有控制組,你再加一個變因上去,至少是比較好的比對。" }, { "speaker": "彭巧菁", "speech": "我想藉此機會提醒一下,大家是否記得內政部當年換發身分證要蒐集按捺指紋一事,引起很大的風波及爭議,後來有立法委員聲請釋憲,大法官會議作成的解釋是釋字603號。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是的。" }, { "speaker": "彭巧菁", "speech": "當時引起爭議的其中一個問題是,戶籍法規定未依規定捺指紋者,拒絕發給國民身分證,形同強制按捺並錄存指紋,以作為核發國民身分證之要件,但其目的為何,戶籍法沒有設明文規定,有違憲法保障人民資訊隱私權之意旨。縱使其目的是為達到國民身分證之防偽、防止冒領、冒用、辨識路倒病人、迷途失智者、無名屍體等目的而言,亦屬手段過當,不符比例原則之要求。也就是說,戶籍法中規定換發身分證要按捺指紋的目的何在,要有明文規定,且目的與手段需符合比例原則。剛剛政委所講的外界擔心是否有目的外利用,即與該號解釋的精神相同,解釋文中明確闡述:國家基於特定重大公益之目的而有大規模蒐集、錄存人民指紋、並有建立資料庫儲存之必要者,則應以法律明定其蒐集之目的,其蒐集應與重大公益目的之達成,具有密切之必要性與關聯性,並應明文禁止法定目的外之使用。(當時外界的疑慮是政府蒐集存錄人民的指紋是在管控、監控人民)。" }, { "speaker": "彭巧菁", "speech": "推論到健保署這個人臉辨識的議題,如果健保署蒐集存錄人民的生物特徵,或是建置人臉辨識系統,同樣會面臨是否違憲、是否有法律明確規定其目的、是否符合比例原則等等的挑戰,因此我會給健保署一個提醒,如果要做這個嘗試,我建議你們先請教一下法制單位,在健保法沒有授權或沒有明確規定的情況下,可以掃描蒐集人臉的特徵嗎?請健保署再思考看看。" }, { "speaker": "彭巧菁", "speech": "就像剛剛政委所講的,如果真的要實驗的話,應該有對照組跟控制組,另外也建議先確認即使在實驗階段是不是也要取得一些法律的依據。另外剛剛科長有說這個案子必須要經過IRB委員會的審查,是因為要取得醫學上相關的資料,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "本案即使沒有人臉辨識,依照《人體研究法》調查及分析行為亦需要送審。" }, { "speaker": "彭巧菁", "speech": "我查了一下人體研究法,條文規定,人體研究(以下簡稱研究):指從事取得、調查、分析、運用人體檢體或個人之生物行為、生理、心理、遺傳、醫學等有關資訊之研究。" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "其實在每一次的討論當中,不管有沒有人臉辨識,我們都會要求承作團隊要依人體研究法來辦理,送IRB委員會審查決定可簡審或免審。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "除非我們永遠停留在測試階段,而不實際在施行,不然測試階段需要法源的《人體研究法》和施行階段的法源階段是不一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大法官當時已經說蒐集的目的必須要法律明訂,重大公益的目的必須要證明,必要有關聯性,然後禁止目的外之利用,這個剛剛討論過了,重大公益目的及法律明訂的蒐集目的,這兩個勢必我們在施行階段,而不是測試階段,如果最後真的要做的話,是必須要證明的。目前非常難證明這兩點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我並不反對做一些測試,但是如果我們做了測試,但是沒有法源去施行,那即使這個測試出來百分之百很好,仍然等於是白做了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝法制單位的提醒。我不是說不能排到明年的討論當中,只是說今年的試辦,是不是把控制組做好?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "其實應該是兩件事。假設要做對照組也是明年之後的事,第二個剛剛巧菁提到的是要做普及性的處理,也是要考慮適法性的處理。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "人臉辨識也不是完全不能做,政委剛剛提到e-gate,入出國移民法,給民眾的感覺是自願性,不做這一件事,他可以有另外一條路可以走,為何要提供這個?對他來講有便利性。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "同樣的,把邏輯用到這裡的話,如果我們做人臉辨識,對於就醫或者是有什麼比較好的方便性,從這一方面,我覺得就可以解釋對民眾的說服力,會比較強。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "另外一點,我也要提醒一下,大家知道要發new eID,雖然是明年要發,但是據我所知,今年下半年左右,內政部會對外宣布這一件事,對外宣布的時候,我目前瞭解的是,可能會由部長召開記者會對外宣布,換句話說,部長對外宣布時,我們要想像一下,那時有民間的聲音或者是記者的聲音馬上問發了new eID和健保卡關係是什麼,或者什麼時候可以來看病的問題,這樣就跑出來了。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我建議署裡面要馬上考慮到這樣的問題要如何作適當的回應?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "坦白來講,內政部一定是尊重你們的意見。你們有稿子,內政部就會唸,但如果沒有的話,他們不會幫你寫。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "時間點是什麼時候?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "下半年,其實大概兩、三個月就到下半年了。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "因為我們現在雙軌在併行,但是當內政部宣稱的時候,像new eID是不是可以看病?如果內政部的說法是尊重衛福部,衛福部的說法是配合內政部辦理,看起來就是政府沒完整說法的樣子。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "比較理想的狀況是,內政部也可以大概講一下,衛福部又完整來說在什麼樣期程,在技術上如何銜接時可以處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實你們剛剛講得很好,好比下半年就可以說目前的健保卡正在測試中,我們會在下一次滾動檢討的時候,當內政部eID的應用程式介面比較明朗的時候,就會放在滾動測試,我並不是說你們要這樣講,但是剛剛是這樣講。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "看起來滿具體的,不只是「配合辦理」。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "我們會配合eID進程討論相關介接事情。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "我補充說明一下,其實處長也是委員,內政部eID有一個委員會議,我有參加兩次,其實在第一次發言的時候,我有特別強調eID未來因為有很多各個政府單位都會做服務的介接,健保不是只有民眾端,還有醫事機構端,我們必須要提前做工作會議的討論。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "事實上我也有跟戶政司的張司長說過,今天跟政委報告完之後,比較定調的部分,我們接下來就會跟內政部的科長及同仁一起來做後續的討論,因為我知道內政部的資格標好像已經有廠商了,可能這部分如果他們的廠商願意跟我們談的話,我們也願意尊重,先做這樣的補充說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果他們的廠商不願意跟你們一起談,你要跟我說,無論如何要跟你們一起談。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "謝謝政委。因為內政部現在有顧問標,一方面在開技術規格,孫高分可以再補充,事實上我們有很多的系統都要提早處理,也要跟醫界溝通,還有涉及成本的問題,這個先跟大家報告。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "大方向是署內會跟內政部談,但是只要發生問題了,會請政委辦協助。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "只要還在滾動式實驗,不管是居家或者是無實體的範圍,就算是協作會議的處理,中間有任何問題,請隨時讓我們知道。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "內政部得標是朱瑞揚律師。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "知道。" }, { "speaker": "孫浩淳", "speech": "其實明年的預算已經有規劃了,如果政策上eID可以作為健保就醫的憑證,像修改的部分,比如資訊預算有做必要的編列。當然明年預算還沒有走正式程序,因此還不知道,拜託院內多支持。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "包含雲端寫卡。" }, { "speaker": "孫浩淳", "speech": "那一些都有納入,我們一再跟院內的會議都有建議,像API、測試卡都早一點放出來給其他機關測試,因為我們後面照顧的是2、3萬家院所,其實未來民眾誰會就醫我不知道,我希望兩、三萬家都準備好,但是前提是健保署也準備好,才能夠釋放一個版本給外面使用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要滾動測試的原因是不用一次處理,其實對大部分的人來講,我們去年報稅就有跟Linux來用新介面,大致上可以先理解測試一小部分的想法,因此我覺得大家要的只是一個比較確定的方向,並不是幾月所有人都要寫好,那個是很容易出錯。" }, { "speaker": "孫浩淳", "speech": "跟政委報告一下,因為發民眾eID卡的這一件事是確定的,但是不太能限制民眾拿eID去哪一家院所,以我們第一次導入健保卡的經驗,越多院所越好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,我的意思是在明年年底剛開始發卡之後的半年,如果說在這幾家院所先期測試,而且還要特別申請等等,我覺得這是民眾可以接受的,只是不能拖到那時候再來講這一件事而已。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡君", "speech": "不好意思,我想確認一下,剛剛的說明當中,有一段話,有提到如果明年新eID可以作為看病的憑證,我不曉得這一句話形成的前提是什麼?或者只是發卡?因為用了憑證這兩個字,然後又說可以成為看病的憑證,或者剛剛是口誤?" }, { "speaker": "孫浩淳", "speech": "其實看病憑證並不是簽章法那個憑證,而是現在健保卡有法定就醫憑證,現在只能拿健保卡就醫,不能拿其他的證件來就醫。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡君", "speech": "如果可以的話,是健保署本身要去修相關的法規嗎?會有這一段的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "可能有法規修正的問題,而且不能就健保法,而是所有各部會的法規都必須要盤點,因為現在eID已經是一把鑰匙了,所以可能各部會應該是要做法規盤點。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡君", "speech": "就其他部會來講,也許沒有健保這麼大的問題,new eID其實是一個網路身分證的概念,當其他部會是屬於申辦業務的時候,必須檢附身分證明文件,今天透過網路申辦,我有網路上身分證明文件時,基本上大致可行。" }, { "speaker": "陳怡君", "speech": "剛剛高分所提的這一句話,我要確認的是,你們的明年如果可以,這個如果可以,誰會來做這一件事?然後預計什麼時候做?我們目前有沒有盤點過什麼樣的法規可能必須要修,然後我們打算怎麼修,才可以銜接new eID發起之後,不管是要小幅試辦,或是系統準備等等。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "小幅試辦的問題比較小,像實驗時的實驗法及布署的時候是不一樣的,布署的時候會牽涉到健保法第16條,第16條的競合,我不知道你們目前討論的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "法律面應該是這樣子,其實在部裡的政策上,在健保署我們認為有一些業務上要滾動式修正的法律,但是部裡面有不同的考慮,這個會期就到了,下個會期可能有這個機會時再說。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "至少現階段法律的部分,我們跟內政部討論之後,我們會請法制單位來盤點,但是會面臨到健保法第16條的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "目前有在處理,但並不確定時程?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "可能現在的時機不對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我理解。我們下一次特別是如果實驗計畫碰到new eID的具體規劃出現的時候,一定是我們這個實驗計畫在走的時候。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "什麼時候?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "還是不確定,不會很快。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "但是我們各部會都會有相關。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "國發會的委員會,下個禮拜四的早上召開,議題就是new eID的進度報告,內政部會來報告,衛福部是國發會委員之一。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "委員是...?" }, { "speaker": "彭巧菁", "speech": "委員應該是部長。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "下週四是國發會的委員會?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "我們再往上簽。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請繼續關注。" }, { "speaker": "彭巧菁", "speech": "請教一個問題,我記得之前政委和陳部長在面談後的結論,是測試要兼顧到地域或區域的均衡性,也就是北、中、南、東都要做測試,但這一次健保署規劃的測試是一家醫院跟十家診所,不知道是不是受限於經費,或者是你們考慮先做小規模測試?" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "其實有跟署內提,有一個需要討論一下,的確在三場協作會議,並沒有那麼認真討論,接下來試作是在什麼層級的院所,我自己設想的是在講醫院,這一次我知道醫療機關是署內的重點,診所加進來可以很理解,比重上是1比10,我不知道政委辦在這一個部分就此比例上有什麼樣的建議?今天也稍微聽大家的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們目前醫院只挑一家的原因是?" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "醫院本身的系統比較複雜,我們希望這一個案子本身是在蒐集使用者的經驗跟障礙評估,反而並不是去處理內部的那一些HIS系統如何連結的問題,成本是花在使用者經驗的蒐集,所以才會一家醫院、十家診所。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "診所有特別想嗎?" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "診所目前是留一個彈性,因為也擔心六個月的時間,如果要考慮城鄉或者是北、中、南、東,可能網路的問題會跳上來,也就是網路連線的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得是這樣子,因為我們不會一次測試完就施行,一定會有下次,下次的時候,我們有這一次測試的初步結論,我們可以比較知道哪一些使用者體驗感覺上在城鄉會不一樣,哪一些大概會一樣的部分,希望下一次規劃的時候,能夠根據這一個去擴大其地域上的多元性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是這次確實不堅持,重點是把實際的測試文化建立起來,也就是讓大家習慣我們有什麼政策可以先這樣測一下,所以我覺得不用特別一定要在今年的時候說十家醫院之類的,確實是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而且現在人臉辨識的錢省下來了,可以再多花一點力氣來做使用者體驗設計的蒐集,做得更精細一點。" }, { "speaker": "許展銘", "speech": "我問一下,虛擬卡這一塊,醫院的部分,現在是門診看診、掛號、批價,健檢這一塊都沒有?" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "暫時不測。" }, { "speaker": "許展銘", "speech": "未來想要再擴大嗎?檢查層或者是病歷室嗎?" }, { "speaker": "郭貞吟", "speech": "下一測或許是住院或急診會納入,場域會更精緻化,像城鄉、醫院的各層級,第一次測試條件,我們比較彈性一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個沒有問題。這樣子未來實際真的能夠施行的機率比較高,如果一下子就測非常困難的,醫院在建置上出了很多問題,使用者體驗會不好,就沒有下一次了,我只是想要理解。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "我只是想要確認,所以剛剛政委的指示是這一次建立測試文化,下一次如更多的多元性,所以不管是地域上或者是診所的比例,以目前署內的規劃不用做?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這次不一定要做。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我再補問一個,所以3DES暫時不會改嗎?" }, { "speaker": "孫浩淳", "speech": "目前還在使用現在的健保卡,不會馬上改。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為是走VPN?" }, { "speaker": "孫浩淳", "speech": "之前都是走VPN。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以不是問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "因為一開始要用健保卡的二代卡,就是因為3DES?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在沒有這個理由了,他們評估過了。" }, { "speaker": "孫浩淳", "speech": "之前二代健保卡的計畫,會希望爭取新卡把加密的強度增強,目前這計畫還沒有結論,所以是先維持現有的情況下做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在是用VPN來當加密層,這個是比較精確的講法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果未來對用健保卡買機票有疑慮的話,我們希望趕快切換到new eID,就是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看有沒有其他要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "今天討論最多的是在臉部辨識的部分,政委給我們的指示是,原則上這部分是不採納。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在這一次的實驗計畫裡。如果要加到明年裡,我們就這個部分特別來協作。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "現在要做總結的話,我剛剛有打一下。先看大家有沒有新的議題要提出的?" }, { "speaker": "陳怡君", "speech": "請問一下,試辦結束的時間是?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "到年底。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "我先把大家記錄到的唸一下,第一個是人臉辨識、第二個是內政部new eID關聯,最後是測試場域的部分。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "人臉辨識考量點有以下四個:第一,協作已有共識不放入;第二,資料放醫院內有人權等等相關問題,放署內會有效率,要等更久的問題;第三,人臉辨識有目的外使用問題,也應考量有無法律依據、是否需修法;第四,政治上的風險不可輕忽。基於以上四個考量,政委不反對測試,但是要考量上述因素,如果署內真的、真的很想做人臉辨識,至少要有控制組,政委建議本次先做控制組,明年再考慮是否納入人臉辨識。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "第二個部分是有關於內政部new eID的關聯,國發會跟政委辦都有提醒,內政部下半年度會辦記者會,署內會需準備好被詢問到相關的狀況,政委有幫忙整理連署的說辭,可以稍微說一下。整體跟內政部的處理原則,署內務必要主動與內政部聯繫,有問題時請政委辦協助,因應new eID是不是有法規調適的問題,署內知道有健保法第16條的相關問題,但需要待合適的時機再進行討論。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "第三個,有關於測試場域,政委指示一定會有下一次的測試,下一次規劃的時候,再依據這個測試的結果,擴大地域、層級上的多元性,這次不堅持,把測試文化建立起來,這個部分看看有沒有失準或者是其他要討論的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「根據這個」應該是「根據此次測試結果」,其他都沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "看大家有沒有想要討論?沒有的話,我想詢問一下,這一次會議之後,署內標案出去之後下次碰面時間點,大家有沒有覺得還需要再做sync的機會?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "我跟政委報告一下,標案目前還在簽核當中,剛剛在報告的是目前簽呈內容,依今天結論要重新修正簽呈,所以可能稍微延遲一下,我們期待能夠在今年度完成測試結果,測試的結果,當然最後還是要跟政委來作報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是不是可以約實際上第一家醫院,或者是診所,準備好讓使用者測的那一個時間點?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "應該是找到醫院、個案嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "系統也建置到一個程度,就是實質上可以開始測的時間點?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感覺上可能7月或者是8月?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "我不覺得那麼快,可能要到第四季。第四季才有辦法跟政委報告的程度。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "是在使用者之前?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是測試準備好的時候。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "收案前?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "系統建置完成、收案前。" }, { "speaker": "彭巧菁", "speech": "我剛剛問健保署的同仁是否有預估何時會找到廠商或醫療院所,我的擔心是若是廠商得標,還得去找合作的院所,加上還要經倫理審查委員會的審查通過,這會拖延時程。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "不是啊!" }, { "speaker": "彭巧菁", "speech": "你們醫療院所有打算是哪一家嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "應該這樣說,我們的標規是open的,意思是醫療院所可以來得標,也可能是資訊廠商,也可能是學會,這都是可能。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "健保政策雙向轉診,因此有合作的聯盟醫院診所可以搭配,所以院所的可能性是高的。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第二個部分是,如果資訊廠商的話,因為現在談HIS廠商是有可能的。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "第三個我想也有相關的學會。" }, { "speaker": "彭巧菁", "speech": "如果是後兩者呢?" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "我問一個很基礎的問題,我想知道這個標案到時的得標者是一個,或是一家醫院十家診所,所以會有十一個得標?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "單數決標,並不是複數決標。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "所以如果是一個醫院,就要自己找其他的?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "當然。診所也要去找醫院。" }, { "speaker": "彭巧菁", "speech": "假設今天不是醫療院所,而是你剛剛講的後兩者。他們也要自己去找合作的醫療院所嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "對。不然怎麼找個案?" }, { "speaker": "彭巧菁", "speech": "這個也需要時間。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "是投標的時候,投標的資料就已經講說找到合作廠商是誰。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "我們會辦理採購評選會議進行審標。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,實質的資訊到決標的時候都會有。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "具體的個案都提到了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "從決定到系統建置完還有時間。我的建議是,當然在開這樣的會一定是決標後了,至少是在第一個人能夠進來,也就是收案前,所以決標後到收案前的這一段時間,對他們的實行狀況,時需要我們幫忙看就隨時讓我們知道。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果還ok的話,就在正式對外之前,來約一個時間。" }, { "speaker": "怡君", "speech": "決標後再來討論?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "說不定招標出去之後也許沒有人投標。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們就來協調工程會。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "健保署勸導大家來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果大家瞭解到,實際在施行的時候,這個會變成可用的一個東西,應該會比較有意願。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但如果這只是一個純粹可能性的研究案,讓那個廠商感覺到做完了,也不會施行的話,那比較不可能有意願。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "也許會有所謂的加分項目,廠商可以自己發揮可能的想像空間,我在這邊確認,協作會議不討論這一些題目,是不是不在這一些項目裡面?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們說人臉辨識?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "對。因為500個個案是最低數量,也許有辦法收到更多的case,也有辦法做到政委您剛剛所提到的實驗組、對照組的話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "300萬就可以做到這個?" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "我不曉得啦!假設有的話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有的話,是不是建議分兩期,也就是內部去爭取明年擴大實驗,或者是有剛剛提到的預算。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是可以讓他知道我們不反對拿這個概念去評估,但是就算這麼有能力,今年就是專門做協作會議討論到的這個範圍。" }, { "speaker": "怡君", "speech": "我覺得加分項目是不是回歸到採購法評選辦法的規定?你們要考量的是,就算投標提出這樣的建議,實質上健保署會面臨到政治或者是行政上風險,因此我們的建議是從這個方面來考量,採購法回歸到採購法,提出這樣的建議,或許你們最後在執行上是,跟廠商協調的是,在這一段時間提出給你們,未來要做分組測試時的規劃,並不是在今年度執行,這個會落入到合約承諾等等,這個沒有辦法現在告訴你是不是可以加分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "規劃跟執行脫鉤,不要把規劃當作執行的加分項目。" }, { "speaker": "Peggy", "speech": "所以剛剛的意思,是等到約莫下半年度決標了,我們再來接洽聯繫,看什麼時候碰面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "決標時就可以接洽了。如果有碰到什麼困難的話,也請讓我們知道。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天就這樣,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們就開始。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們還是從上次會議開始,接著會談團隊的品質、初評的狀況,再來比較重要的是個人報名,再來是工作坊、專家輔導團、國際松等等,總共有3個會議,這個是第5次的工作會議,這個是4月份的。我們這邊大概都已經執行了,有一部分的話後續會做報告,請大家看一下,如果沒有問題的話,我們就快速run一遍。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "接著是工作坊這一些,等一下會做更詳細的報告。如果大家沒有針對第五次工作小組會議……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們都ok。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "再來就是蔡執秘主持的後續規劃會議,這邊基本上都已經做了。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "這個是5月2日政委主持的,也就是初選的辦理說明,這個是在科技大樓做的,共有幾位委員出席,在當天選出前20隊。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "這個是當天會議當中決議事項的辦理情形,包含這20隊,我們在7日已經公布了,評委這邊要參加輔導團的,總共有5位評委去參加,我們到時也會通知他們一起來。這個團隊改名字,等一下再做報告,三跟四再作報告。另外,公開的這個部分也都已經處理了,等一下一併報告。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "另外,有關於個人報名的部分,我們在5月7日當天通知了所有132個報名團隊沒有進到前20名,鼓勵他們來參加報名,這個也發了,新聞稿也特別對外講這一件事。21名至40名,政委有指示要用佳作團隊公布,我們也做了,這個T-shirt製作完成之後會來發放。第8項是後續在委員會時再來處理,網頁的部分也已經執行完畢了,以上是上次5月2日初選評審會的一些決議辦理情形。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "剛剛前面講的,有包括政委指示的,名字國稅局已經有改名了,已經把那兩個公司的名字都拿掉了。衛福部本來沒有隊名的,也加進去,也就是「疫苗全都露」,這都處理了。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "有關於委員爭取到國稅局那個案子有無適法性的問題,問過他們,他們說應該沒有那個問題,因此基本上那個部分已經處理完了。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "有關於評委意見要不要公開,這個是我們徵詢與會委員的意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也就是蕭景燈委員、徐委員跟我,我所有的評語都一樣,這三個是可以公開的。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他是用「不公開處理」這樣ok。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "這邊跟大家報告一下,那天沒有參加評委會的,有把他們在書面提報的需求,把它再整理提出來,包括審計部、嘉義市、北區國稅局、桃園醫院、國衛醫院及工研院的提案。下面有農委會、資策會、環保署、海洋委員會及衛福部的案子,一共20件。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "接續,我們會做媒合的工作,這邊的做法大概是現在個人報名從8日開始,我們已經通知了所有132隊裡面,21名以下的可以來參加個人報名。另外,我們也在組協作團,所以這兩邊到時都會一起報到個人報名這邊來,我們現在預計17日會做一個媒合會議,由政委來主持媒合會議,之後20日會公布媒合的名單,就會進到26日第一次的工作坊。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "另外,我們在工作坊的時候有專家輔導團,現在是五位評委,CK也進到專家輔導團,除了CK以外,其他四位評委也同意參加,一起進到工作坊裡面,主要是26日跟6月29日兩次的工作坊,30日基本上是複審會議,複審會議就會選出10隊要進到決賽,大概整個流程現在是這樣作業。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "看看政委的指示,還有額外的專家會參加媒合會議,因為剛好執秘那一天不在,到時潘處長那邊是不是可以有一位代表於17日的時候也出席一下?我們之前,這幾天會打電話跟20個團隊談一下他們的需求,如果有一些資料方面的需求,處裡面有代表可以在的話……" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我想要請教一下,5月17日媒合會議主要的功能是希望能夠達到什麼樣的目的?" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "現在20個團隊可能有一些不同的需求,包含技術上、資料分析及資料上的需要,我們現在希望在17日的會議,能夠幫他補齊一部分的需求,所以我們現在除了個人報名以外,還有我們準備十幾位工程師會進來協助。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以媒合除了人以外還有資料?" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "如果有進一步的資料需求,也請資管處代表幫忙,如果沒有的話,也ok。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "資料的部分,是不是報告完再說一下?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為像裡面「磐石行動」就是針對資管處來的,我們先把這一個部分走完。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "剛剛提到媒合會議,是不是可以邀請幾個輔導團的幾個人?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想輔委、評委願意加入的,以後都叫做輔導委員。我想輔導團,如果任何人願意出席的話就出席,我覺得這是比較好的,就正式發一個邀請,我們會在媒合會議裡面,主要是討論可用的人力、可用的資料上的需求。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一些人力也許不在我們掌握之中,好比像科技會報的時候,吳政委就說裡面海波浪那一組,他也會想要推薦已經知道在做這一部分研究的人力,越多人來,我們可以找到的人力跟資料的範圍就越廣。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "今天再發一個邀請。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "之前有表達過意願的評委跟輔委。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "把20個團隊提的需求再做一些彙整。我們17日開一個會,我們這幾天會再跟他們20個團隊走一輪,把比較具體的需要彙整出來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "資料工程是什麼意思?資料分析很清楚可以理解,像蒐集數據,資料工程師是再清理它嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可能是清洗吧!格式轉換之類的。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "或者是不要推出來那一些的資料工程。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們會再確認,因為這個選項是延續之前去年的,並不是今年的。因為這樣子,我們會跟20個團隊走一遍,稍微比較具體化一點。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "下禮拜三是個人報名結束了,我剛剛看了一下是7個人報名,現在缺口的部分,有沒有要想辦法……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不是說有資策會的?" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們有10幾位工程師,因為我已經有跟數位所談過這個事情,所以他們會請一些同仁一起進來做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。所以目前是我們手上這批人,還有個人報名的7個人?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像工研院、巨資(音譯)有去問過嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們會再確認一下。不過到時可以進來協助的人,一定是要進到個人報名再進來嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不一定。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "因為可能後面有一些人想要來協助,或者他們自己團隊又找到額外的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那個沒有關係。現在只是說如果這個階段就進來,我們可以幫他媒合,讓他找到我們覺得他比較適合或是有缺口的隊伍,如果之後再個別徵人的話,當然是那一些隊伍了,就不會在隊伍當中重新調度,所以這其實是一個可調度的會議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們當然特別要看的是,他們自己向社群徵人的能力比較差,以前都是公務員,沒有那麼好的人脈等等,這也是為何需要輔委跟評委過來,因為等於是仲介一些資源給他們,所以這個階段的目的是這樣,後來會再找資源,這個是一定的。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們再談細一點會比較好,不要等到26日那一天再來處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而且這也是讓我們更精細的知道問題意識,因為常常報名的時候是給了一個解法,但是那個解法要解決的問題來講,說不定這個解法並不是最好的解法,我們在去年一大半都是這樣的例子,是在大家重新檢視之後,問題還是一樣,但是會改變一個路徑,媒合會議的其中一個重點是大家用比較聚焦方式把這20個題目再看一次。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "媒合的地方有一個小疑惑,最早的其實媒合對象包含相關領域的公務員、資訊專家會來,再來還有一個議題領域的專家,中間有非常多是議題分析的東西。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我只是舉一個例子,像剛剛提到「詐貸淘空早知道」,雖然是國稅局提出來的,但是這個領域跟白領犯罪是有關的,我們可能要找一些白領團隊的專家,但現在看專家輔導團裡面,其實是沒有白領犯罪的專家,這一種專家,我們有什麼方式去處理會比較好?比如我們看團隊有沒有需求,然後我們找人給他們訪談,或是中間有什麼處理方式?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "按照去年的經驗,是先確定要解決的問題,列出我們目前手上有的人力跟他們實際需要的,像你剛剛所講的人力,至少要跟那個團隊先確認過一次,也就是真的想要這樣的來幫忙,這樣的情況下,我們也許就可以問評委、輔委——或包含自己——手上有沒有符合這個條件,這個CK應該比我來得熟,所以應該是還ok,我們在媒合的時候,並不是當場要完成媒合,而是把缺口很明確列出來。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "5月26是星期天,這個是科技輔導的。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "是不是回到個人報名的部分?我有一個想法,剛剛提到只有7個人報名,接下來就要動員資策會跟工研院的人力,有沒有其他的管道?比如校園管道,像AI相關科系,比如從行政院或者是教育部的管道可以發一些活動通知信,其他可以再用私人的管道做第二波宣傳。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "之前數國組是不是有一些contact?包含校園正在做AI教學的團隊?" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "是看科技部。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看科技部做什麼,不是我們自己去做。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我不知道我們這邊需要的人跟剛剛講的AI科系那麼match。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "各個隊不就有這些……" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們會再跟他們細談一次。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我感覺大部分如果政府單位來的提案,他們是領域專家、有議題,但是沒有技術的人力。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是一半有資料,另外一半不一定有。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "資料工程需要民間的合作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以具體建議是,我們去找之前已知有在開資料學相關課程的科系。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "很多大學都有,有一些管道,是科技部或教育部的管道去reach。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣聽起來不一定是科技部,因為科技部是graduate level,或者是已經很深在做AI技術本身的,這個聽起來比較undergraduate這個level,這個部分我們之前教育部有發過函,在去年,有記得嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "去年其實就是宣傳跟請大家報名。去年好像CK有找政大的學生進來做資料分析。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我一個所拉7個進來,一個所就拉了7個統計碩士進來,那個是有效的,只要他們知道訊息,就會有興趣。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "下禮拜還有一點時間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "上次CK請學統計的說法,看你覺得如果以教育部的身分發比較好的話,我們也可以協調教育部,他們畢竟是共同主辦單位。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "只要可以發到系辦,然後系辦發給他們的學生,這樣就足夠了,學生就會自己知道這一件事了,只是說帖那一段話要看怎麼寫得比較吸引人?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可能要幫忙一下,你去年成功拉到,表示是有用的。如果是這樣的話,我想就不走科會報或者是科技部這一條線,我們就走教育部的這一條線,文案就麻煩CK跟執行團隊幫忙看一下,因為他們也要作業時間,請教育部以這個決議來發一個函。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "我們請開放基金會幫忙在他們下面的社群做邀請,看看是不是有一些效果,像有一些寫程式的社群或者是開源的社群。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再給我,我去他們的聊天室貼一下。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我補一個(意見),我不知道這樣好不好,但給大家一個建議。像後面有一些「消滅海飛、美麗海洋」,開放政府聯絡人的會議,有接觸到一些相關的團體,像「全職爸媽休憩小棧」也有訪談過勵馨,如果有機會的,我覺得這20項列一些可能相關的團體,看是不是麻煩你們再幫忙問問看是不是有接觸。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們再來聯絡看看。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "海廢這一個議題,昨天去漁業署時,他們也關心這個問題,就是海上活動造成的海廢,並不是路上造成的海廢,他們也認識,而這個已經公布了,所以跟他們說這已經入圍了,鼓勵他們私下交流,並且一起組隊,就是漁業署跟海委會一起。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "如果是部會間的話,剛剛參事有給一個很有意思的意見,像「詐貸淘空早知道」,其實可以考慮是不是有辦法聯絡到重金訴的檢察官。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "剛剛跟政委有講過,他們議題清楚之後,需求出來之後,因為法務部或者是司法院調辦事法官,很多都出自於重金訴的,所以這個不太難,等到更清楚之後再來聯絡就好了,像刑事廳的法官。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得在訪談的時候,盡可能把明確的需求拿到,人跟資料要分開問。這兩個拿到之後,比較有依據,用各自的人脈想辦法找到組隊的自願。因為有一個時間的commitment,所以並不一定問到的人都全程參與黑客松,那沒有關係,只是最後頒獎的時候不能上臺,但還是可以實質上團隊的幫助者。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "工作坊的時間已經好了,5月26日是第一次工作坊,也就是科技服務大樓,6月29日是在國際會議中心,評委會只是單純的pitch,再回到民生科服裡面做。以下之前已經有跟大家報告過了,這是第一次工作坊的安排。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "時間有幾個沒有連續。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "包括邀請秘書長、總統,我們之前4月底不要說透過仁甫那邊送到府裡了。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "不好意思,要有正式的邀請函過來,因為秘書長室希望看到正式的邀請函,再把時程訂下來。" }, { "speaker": "何全德", "speech": "資料都已經給秘書長,那可能只是一些資料,因為他們需要一些正式的東西,他們會簽報,這個是麻煩在此。" }, { "speaker": "廖慧美", "speech": "還在簽,我們上個禮拜就簽出來了,我們這邊有發函。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "針對秘書長到了半個小時有一些細的計畫。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "首先秘書長到場的時候,會邀請到會議室來做簡短的說明。大概5分鐘的時間,我們會讓秘書長進到VIP室,邀請政委跟秘書長說明一下,邀請他進場,進場的時候,我們直接從後面的門進到前面的舞臺上,給予所有的團隊加油打氣。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "我們給一些期許、目標,然後就說這個地方加油的是什麼,我們會在之前提供給府內。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "在整個繞場的過程中,我們也安排好動線,這一些團隊們很期待跟秘書長有一些留影的時間,因此他們有一些道具,像旗幟、名稱,呱吉會在這一段時間成為這一段時間的引導。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "最後的部分,會集合在第一個圖最下方,有一個紅色方塊,從媒體高台上往下拍照,成為合影的畫面。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "在這個過程中是馬拉松,秘書長會產地棒子給主要的負責人,像他們承接的接力棒是往前跑的概念。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "最終我們其實做了一條很像馬拉松終點站的概念,還沒有到,是跨到重點的概念。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "這兩頁是拍照時的橋段。我們跟呱吉有稍微講一下,但沒有想說這個就是確定的,因此我們想說這個會議聽大家的意見。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "呱吉的助理有另外一個想法,這一段跟秘書長的互動,會做拍錄、做後製,在呱吉自己的平台上,可能不是當天播,而是後一、兩天會全程播放。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "飲食的部分,我們會針對比較容易拿在手上的,上回其實有討論過,湯水比較不方便的話,我們會再調整,下面的部分,像甜品據說是去年滿受歡迎的選項,因此我們選了滿有地方特色的選項。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "再往下,可能有一些是隨時補充飲食的地方,包括爆米花跟棉花糖,如果還是真的太餓的話,有一些小杯裝的時候來取用。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不過湯湯水水到後來只剩下料,湯其實消耗得很快,如果撈完了怎麼辦,可能要加湯嗎?" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "我想基本上都是分裝好的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "那應該還好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有大鍋湯的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不過,這邊有一個小小的提醒,因為這次有一個隊伍是講海廢的,盡可能不要太多一次性塑膠包狀跟拋棄式的餐具。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "這一個我們會注意。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "下一個是有關於總統的部分,時間點會跟秘書長的一樣,流程也是大致相同。雖然場地不同,但是仍然準備了一個所謂的貴賓室,還是邀請政委跟總統作一個簡單的說明,完畢之後我們就進場。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "就是到講臺上,跟所有的團隊來做一些勉勵,然後再往下。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "等一下,有必要在貴賓室講嗎?可以在大家面前講嗎?就是不用再過場,你們如果再過場,人家難免會有考量跟擔心,而且還要增加時間。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "所以直接進場?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "總統進場,接下來唐政委報告、簡介。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "設計一個在臺上的橋段,因為你只有5分鐘,總統聽完之後,然後接過麥克風。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "就把前段移到主會場來做。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "說不定總統要有一些影像。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "這個有直播嗎?" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "有。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "要直播的話,可以直接做。" }, { "speaker": "何全德", "speech": "如果秘書長要的話……" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "程序注意一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這部分稍微修改一下,也就是總統的部分,秘書長的部分一樣。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不好意思,我剛剛想到一件事,不過可能比較沒有關係。5月25日其實在空總那邊有辦g0v黑客松,我滿強烈建議你們看要不要找一個人趕快報名,找一個人去看裡面的氣氛長什麼樣子、飲食是如何被消耗的,最好的話,自己的人可以參加一、兩個人跟人家討論,感覺一下討論的氣氛,像總統交流、秘書長交流,這樣其實比較可以抓得到感覺。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我昨天打給我學弟,就是沃草的祖儀,因為他在政大小我五屆,我碩班的時候,他大一。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "因為我跟他很好,我昨天打電話問他,你們跟他吃飯,然後沒有計畫給他,他有跟唐政委講過,他不太曉得這個活動會變成總統要力推的政策,因為站在社群跟黑客的立場,社群的立場是覺得如果可以變成政府的政策,基本上這一些工程師很願意付出很多事情,所以我建議從秘書長那一場到總統這一場,馬拉松接力棒不是重點,當然你們已經排得很好了,我的意思是要讓所有人知道這個東西以後會變成國家的政策,會變成執行。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "5隊會變成政策,另外15隊不保證。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果那個變成政策,看怎麼樣留念,像要刻名字或怎麼樣。重點是讓他們給覺得這個東西會在人生中實現,他跟我講這個是最重要的,因為他當初不太瞭解這一件事,所以變成沒有辦法幫忙,因為當初是要求他要派5個人,一個人2萬,他受不了,那個成本太高了,所以他這樣跟我講。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "他昨天做了兩個建議:" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "第一,網頁要跟大家講;" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "第二個,因為後製的部分,你們再跟呱吉談談看,我不知道你們現在要找誰,現在要轉介給另外一個人,然後再轉給另外一個人,所以現在的媒體公關是誰?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在有確定嗎?" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "我們整合了不同的單位在做不同的執行,包含自己既有的平台。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "他有一點擔心,因為他們幫你們的東西都有在追,他覺得可以更好,所以這部分你們再問一下呱吉,因為我剛剛有聽到他也要幫你們後合什麼,你們就問他,當然菊姐辦公室也要跟他們討論,還有總統辦公室。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果他們有一些東西覺得不錯,要做整體性包裝,可以一起合作,看怎麼弄,如果府方這邊,因為我還沒有問過,如果發言人室的想法是要自己來弄,事前可能就要稍微再討論、規劃一下,因為他們或者有一些點看要怎麼弄。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "這一場的主持人是不是呱吉?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "這個開放今天來討論。因為是在網路上的聲量,因為之前第一場記者會跟秘書長都是他了,呱吉其實講話比較多,我怕他在總統這一場比較難以控制。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "可能資料一樣要給他們,他們也會評估。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "就是看整體包裝的概念是什麼。我剛剛講第一個主題是最重要,總統來就是希望公民實現;第二,我們一直說希望把創新文化刻到讓公務員可以實現,一個是公民、一個是公務員,所以這兩個核心主軸要拉出來。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "第二場媒體的部分,我們還沒有定案,也就是總統的部分,總統發言人室那邊,他們有他們的要求,我們先配合總統那邊的為主。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "其實總辦那邊希望我們把這一次20組團隊的題目給他,到時再來研究,看總統是不是確定要出席,還有再看要怎麼樣做,我們要詳細的(名單),像組隊或是題目,就是給他一些詳細的資料。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們再另外整理出來。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果是這樣的話,後面20隊的人,目前看起來是我們這個活動要執行用的,如果要給總辦,最後的成果,像把技能、人才需求去掉,那個不需要,總統不需要知道資訊工程人才,你們要把後面最終可能會達成的目的要寫一下。例如:會做出什麼來,然後他們才會知道這20隊裡面,有的名稱一看就知道,目前看不出來做出成果是什麼,然後字不要太多。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "你們之前有統計入圍的表嗎?我覺得用那個不錯,像政府部門或者是跨政府部門的主題類型,細部的東西很簡單寫一下,我猜不會有太多的時間,讓他知道公部門跟私部門合作的這一件事有發生,有一些重要的議題是牽涉到農業、服務的,就是跟民眾福祉有關的部分,其實幕僚會比較好幫大老闆準備資料。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們把前面那些分析做出來,下面是媒合團隊的資料當附件,到時這樣會比較好處理。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "到時是不是配合科會辦發給府內的附件?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "不用,這個先給我,因為總辦要先看。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們把它做好,禮拜一就會給。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "你們第二次工作坊,確定大老闆要出席的話,我會邀請你們那一次也要發函邀請所有的指導委員會委員,不然從頭到尾突然最後一天……假定他們可以的話,就讓他們一起輔導。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "執委是什麼時候會開第一次的?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "最好在那一次之前開一次執委會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對啊!我們現在執委是什麼時候?" }, { "speaker": "廖慧美", "speech": "現在委員名單,在簽要請總統府發聘函了,所以總統府這邊聘函,發了我們就可以動了。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "召集人是秘書長嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "召集人是副院長。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "可以建議副院長同時召開,第一次會在會場發。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我覺得會場發就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果都沒有,這一些長官都不知道這一些狀況,萬一後續有什麼東西要跟的話,會被罵。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "而且秘書長跟總統沒有提過一些名單,你們可能還是要先把名單列一下。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "去年的狀況是這樣,因為提案團隊有出來,假定提案有比較多的,他的長官一定要跟他要求,大老闆來,他的同仁在現場,他不知道,像去年衛福部部長幾乎都到,他沒有到,一定交代次長,因為這個也是禮貌,他的同仁在努力,主觀不知道,這有一點怪異。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "這一次唐政委跟諮委拜會司法院、監察院的時候,親自邀請司法院院長、監察院副院長,你們可能要記錄一下,你們要列一個貴賓名單,大家要列進去,尤其是司法院的院長,因為許宗力大法官很重視,而且他們今年有一隊入選。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "邀的這兩個都入選。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我覺得可以邀請他來,如果沒有辦法,他一定會邀副院長過來,我覺得這還是需要,把貴賓名單寫出來,這樣我們比較知道,例如有的是市政府,像財政部部長,如果是秘書長,就邀次長,如果是總統,那就邀部長,大概是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個有問題嗎?有問題要說。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我們會邀,總統到當然部長會到,秘書長的話,搞不好部長也想到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們是以邀部長為原則,他要指派次長,那是他的工作。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "你們邀的時候,要寫,例如衛福部,就幫政府弄衛福部入選團隊有5隊、4隊,比較貼心一點,我們這麼多隊,像財政部幾隊,給他的時候就知道有入選誰,他們會比較瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "是我們擬草稿,然後科會辦從你們的窗口發,或者是黑客松指導委員會?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果是要發文,當然是科會報。另外一個,像署立桃園醫院這一種,地方跟中央有跨域的,你們寫跨域合作,這兩個都要邀,不要只邀衛福部,而沒有邀桃園市,以後這個才會更有意義。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "對,因為裡面也有一些地方政府的。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這一次地方政府可能特別請他們首長。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大使想要問一個,我們裡面有一隊是「產業聚落水戰情預測管理平台」,就是水的AIoT那一隊,是UA,就是曾藍婷(音譯)報名的,應該是數位轉型所的PM,因為她現在代表的機關是直接寫資策會,等於跟活動的承辦機關是相同的,雖然我們理解這個活動並不是數位轉型所在承辦,但是從外面看起來不會知道資策會裡面有各所。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,他的隊員都是數位所的人嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "你們再確認一下,如果是個人組隊的話,我建議不要用會,到時萬一又入圍、得獎,自己抽獎都不行了,同仁都不能得獎了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我是覺得還好,隊員裡面有資策會是沒有問題的,只要不要讓外面覺得代表資策會出賽,這個有一點像臺灣智庫的狀態,那就是像去年搶救水寶寶,裡面也有資策會的同仁,但是大家不會覺得那一隊是資策會的隊伍,所以我想這個隊員的屬性可能要釐清一下。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "如果是個人的話,要取得隊名。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有隊名,是「國土智慧需求隊」。看大家有沒有其他要提出的?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "這一次的協作會議有做媒體包裝嗎?" }, { "speaker": "楊家淳", "speech": "工作坊都會。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "秘書怎麼做?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "因為基本上我們定位成是媒體公開行程,像秘書長的部分,所以會先以府方的新聞規劃為主,你們那邊也會發秘書長的公開行程。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "秘書長好像不會發公開行程。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "對,只有總統、副總統有。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "科會辦的窗口來發媒體開放通知,我們這邊也會。秘書長那一層有呱吉的,然後總統的部分是臉書的直播。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我建議一下,因為現在平面跟直播有互動,互動的事情,我覺得你們可能要想一下,第一個是媒體要放,第二個是這一些互動關係要怎麼做紀錄,比如秘書長去每一桌講互動如何做紀錄。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "當然府方是自己在府內做,他們很重視那個互動,所以有請紀錄做稿,旁邊一定有人寫,旁邊一定是拍照。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "第三,這一些東西在新聞稿裡面會跟誰互動跟做什麼。我現在想的是你們互動的方法是什麼,例如最簡單的是老梗,跟去年一樣簽名跟聊天,你們的互動其實是什麼?然後媒體上的呈現方法,像每一隊很希望,他們沒有見過秘書長,他們跟秘書長講話,講更簡單,你們有排專業的攝影官嗎?直播會不會跟著每一桌?最後剪輯活動,這個互動的東西會不會有連結?每一隊的標示性怎麼做?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "呱吉為何要後製?就是要把隊名打上去。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "所以媒體公關是他要做嗎?是他們要幫你們做最後的媒體包裝嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我們自己會有隨行攝影跟錄影,像紀錄或什麼,也會有專業的攝影師,我們會全程錄影,我們錄影下來也是要剪輯片斷,在7月21日的時候,有一些片斷組成影片來播。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "呱吉可能在他的臉書上有片段的直播,但是有對於一些東西寫上去。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果他願意是很好,但是跟秘書長要先講好,如果那邊可以做一題……重點是出資前要先讓秘書長看過,看完以後覺得ok,東西才出去。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "每一週要跑的時候,至少要三個人,第一個是主持人,介紹幫忙主桌,第二個是誰記錄,第三個是攝影官,或者是直播錄影官如何錄。如果是在府方都攝影官,但是如果還有秘書長,可能沒有,你們有沒有要排?那個東西怎麼樣弄,所以你們還是要做一個工作安排表,我覺得這個是需要的,因此我覺得這個行程要稍微再細一點寫,如果後面真的要跑的話。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "地方已經確定了?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "定了。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "上次維安的事情你們知道嗎?前兩、三天會去開維安會議,不能亂動那個地方,他們應該很明白,因為他們常常辦總統去的活動,你們要提一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛提到隊名會需要事後後製上去,為什麼?現在隊名不是都很確定了嗎?不能直接key上去或者是弄一個logo嗎?或者是呱吉沒有這個技術?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我們再跟他們溝通一下。" }, { "speaker": "楊家淳", "speech": "應該是說呱吉有他自己的風格在,所以他的剪輯跟互動會自己處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是他的訊號源跟直播是不同的訊號源?" }, { "speaker": "楊家淳", "speech": "不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣我瞭解了。" }, { "speaker": "楊家淳", "speech": "因為大平常的style是自己拍。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "所以呱吉會陪著秘書長逐桌嗎?" }, { "speaker": "楊家淳", "speech": "我們現在這樣設計。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "你們可能要寫清楚。記錄是你們自己的人在旁邊寫,然後記起來?" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們會派專人跟。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "要寫一下,如果秘書長有裁示或總統,總統那邊應該是府方會有人,秘書長室可能要處理一下,每一桌幾分鐘?2分鐘?" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "對。2分鐘停留,1分鐘時間移動。我們有製作大板子,可以快速讓秘書長知道要做哪一些事,這個我們要做的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "每一桌會照相嗎?" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "會。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "秘書長會跟秘書長照相?" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "我覺得應該會。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "你們要考慮清楚。你要想一下,我去美國白宮的時候,時間很快,他們跟我們談的是我們現在談的都是廢話,最重要是跟長官拍照,所以開始一直拍。所以這一場應該是你們要想一下,到底是?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我覺得秘書長那個,因為最後有一個大合照,大家盯著鏡頭看,但是在現場的話,我們攝影官拍照。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "我建議你們這個部分稍微慢一點,因為你這個時間很趕,秘書長還沒有來的時候,你們就事先說會幫大家拍,不然會很亂,大家都想跟長官拍,我們拍,然後會擺在一個地方讓你們下載,這個你們設計過之後,大家會貼在社交社群。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可能事前通知信就已經說了。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "對,請大家務必留在位置上,攝影官一定會拍到,不要說每一組很那個拍,因為攝影的人都知道,如果是一個桌子的話,這邊要拍、那邊要拍,所有的人都會被拍到,到時再放到一個地方下載,歡迎他們用那個轉貼,這個也是對活動會有幫助,或者擺在網站上。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我們會儘量做。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "因為時間很短,我們建議如果時間安排,比如每一桌可以找定點來說位置,1、2分鐘其實非常短。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "都叫他們聽你們的,不然長官來的時候,真的會亂成一團。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們一隊有3個人拿出手機來。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "像老師所說的,要有一個攝影官幫所有的人拍。你們要攝影官就是做這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個事前講清楚,一定都很聽話。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果要簽名的話,是以你們發的旗幟為主去簽,你都有統一講清楚,不然那一天突然大家臨時有一些人亂了套就會比較麻煩。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我事前會跟團員講清楚,因為我們也有直播,所以我們會控制一下,直播就是不斷電。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "但是總統府的部分,我想先確定一個,總統有專屬的攝影官嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "有。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "總統攝影官是要拍總統,你們的攝影官是拍活動,我注意你們每一個成員都拍到。像詹大使很厲害,每一個長官的臉都有拍到,他們很開心。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們會先跟攝影師及團隊溝通好,把剛剛大使講的,每一個桌子大概在什麼定點拍,這樣就會快一點處理,可以事先講好。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "可能要稍微想一下,至少什麼角度拍幾張,每個人都有拍到。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "要當成是活動延展的是一個工具,因為你拍好,拿回去會做什麼?藏起來自己看嗎?不可能,就會弄到他的臉書跟社群媒體。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "總統的部分,像錄影可以進到哪裡去?" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "我不知道,你們現在的國際會議中心會比較大,其實如果有攝影官來的話,我會希望你們在旁邊一點,不要擋到總統的鏡頭,你在旁邊一點是沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我想確認一下,我們是第一場有直播、這一場也有直播嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "例如衛福部部長,他要坐在哪一隊?你們這個可能都要先協調好、想一下,如果有邀到那一些貴賓,要邀哪一隊?像去年農委會有來,還好去年入選,每一個單位就一隊,所以他們的部次長就坐在他們那一隊邊,然後總統來的時候,也可以跟總統講一講他們的想法是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "因為可能有的很多隊,所以要想一下如果部長來要坐哪一隊,可能都要安排好。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "我們有考慮到他們的座位,所以我們列好之後會做一版。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "就是放在隊伍裡面,有的部會像之前有來兩個,甚至司長也有來,也就是部長來了,次長可能會跑,或者是司長都會來,你們可以分到不同隊,這個都要先貴賓先邀。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "調查就好了,他們有他們的想法,你就是儘量讓他們像衛福部那幾隊比較近,比較好就近照顧。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "526也快到了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有一個資訊我想要請問一下,去年我記得總統還有到唐鳳到每一隊去,我記得後來那個時間有延遲,本來是多少時間,大家還記得嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不記得。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "只要總統在,沒有延遲就沒有延遲。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "有晚一點,因為中間有規劃一個break。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們拿吸收掉就好了。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "應該是說,如果在我們府裡面延遲比較不緊張,但是在外面是會比較緊張,現在的侍衛長可能比較好,因為我剛剛講女侍衛長很兇,我們還被罵過,所以如果那個時間講好延遲很多。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "主要是我怕過去一組都去掉5分鐘,只有2分鐘的狀況,我怕到時候會延遲到5分鐘的心理準備。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "不可能這樣子,這樣事後一定會被罵。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這2分鐘也太短了。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "其實是表達一個關心,細部的東西一定到最後才停,長官不會有這麼多的時間聽你說,這樣就安排乾脆聽大家pitch就好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要到最後10隊或是5隊才可以跟總統demo。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "這個時候來其實給大家鼓勵,表示長官很重視這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "所以最後還有10隊的交流?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實有10隊、5隊的都有。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "你們要做好那一天要講清楚,要跟秘書長講什麼,不要講太久,你可能稍微介紹你們自己、每個人。第二個,希望秘書長怎麼樣,你們要擬好那個簡單的提綱給他們,他們自己想。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "然後還要有一個舉牌員表示時間到了,一個領隊、舉牌員,可能要比較細緻,不然那一天這個缺一角、那個缺一角,就亂掉,因為我在台經院當過組長、辦過很多活動,所以我也希望你們這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝仁甫提醒。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "網站上的文案剛剛仁甫很明確提到入選的最後5隊的創意,能夠在明年成為具體的政策,這個是他的文字,我覺得這個文字很好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實我們去年還有一點暗示的味道,但今年的網頁特別把「誰來晚餐」變成最主要的獎,大家還有一些想像空間,覺得好像進入政策,但是現在會覺得吃個飯就沒有了,現在會覺得把吃完飯之後,還是會變成具體政策,吃飯是為了解釋那個政策。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不是陪吃飯摸頭大會,你們應該最後會變成一個政策。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "明年成為具體政策。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們的紀錄滿好的,去年五隊都有成為實作出來,因此我想在網頁上講清楚還滿重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛仁甫有一個提醒,每一個團隊要有識別,因為如果讓每一隊自己做隊徽、隊旗,很難有視覺的統一性,我明天剛好在社企高峰會,會介紹總統盃黑客松,那是跟聯合國UNDP做永續發展目標亞太區的人介紹,所以我是把每一隊都配了一個聯合國永續發展目標,169項裡面挑了20項出來,每一個配一隊,也沒有重複的,運氣滿好的,因為聯合國那一些視覺圖示都沒有著作權的,等於拋棄著作權,所以等於是呱吉也好、阿D也好,至少在設計上有比較一致視覺的圖示。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然如果很不滿意圖示要抽換再說,但無論如何是20個一起看起來,大家可以比較一目了然知道哪一些在做醫藥、哪一些在做毒物化學品,都有比較好的視覺設計,我想這就給你們參考。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "總統的活動,什麼時候預演?你們預計什麼時候開會議,你們可能都要寫一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請繼續。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "總統合影的部分,這個是加油棒跟旗幟,如政委所講的,每一個都有,其實是沒有錯,大小大概是兩手舉起來,不能太大,不然會擋住。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "要拜託總統穿黑客松的T-shirt,因為團隊都是穿白色的。" }, { "speaker": "林秀貞", "speech": "總統很希望去年穿白的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "他喜歡跟人家在一起。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我們看一下下一頁。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我覺得也不一定,因為工作人員群如果都是一樣的顏色,我覺得跟工作人員群穿一樣的顏色。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "他喜歡當學員,就讓他跟大家一起就好了。只是總統有T-shirt,怎麼會沒有?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一定都有,怎麼可能沒有?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "兩個長官,如果兩個顏色,那就兩個顏色,都給。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "但是他們會比較喜歡跟大家穿一樣的顏色。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "那就給兩個顏色。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "但是要寫清楚黑色是什麼意思、白色是什麼意思。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "現在定調團隊穿白色,工作人員是穿黑色。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "工作人員是黑色,瞭解。最後留影的樣式是這樣子,比如加油棒。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "有一個人會自拍?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "應該是主持人,就是帶動。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "是跟全部2、300人自拍嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "一隊一隊的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "看起來是一隊一隊的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "全部。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "全部的自拍棒有這麼長?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "重點是那個廣角的程度,並不是棒子的長度。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實沒有很小,他是專業的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他是專業的,我們要相信專業的。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "你要偷跑,因為那個通常會場不是這樣,那個沒有問題,要趕快拍了就跑了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得到時候不要硬飛。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我們的活動變成新聞頭條。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "那有什麼不好?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "蔡總統公然違法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "在禁航區飛無人機。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "我們申請一個沙盒。在國際會議廳申請一個沙盒,現在條例不是過了嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是過了。這個是定點。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "這個可能要試試看,我不知道成效怎麼樣,會不會臉都很小。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "其實主持人跟總統、團隊的,其實那時會有很多媒體,媒體是不是照這樣子,這只是自拍完。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "我給國際處一個想法,有一種設備是擺在中間,也就是繞360度,拍完再回去剪。類似用自拍棒就可以控制它,就是擺一個地方。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是360的那一顆球,我們辦公室有,我們可以提供。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不然那個自拍棒要很長。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "剛剛政委有交代過,我們現在就是等於……" }, { "speaker": "廖慧美", "speech": "說明一下,5月8日現在委員名單已經確定了,只是在等發而已。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "這邊幾位過來同意的評委,所以我們會把它按照如政委的……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "基本上是輔委出席的地方,他們就可以出席,完全比照。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們會再發邀請函。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "其實只要總統簽「可」,就可以做了,不見得要拿到聘書。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "因為做聘書還有一段時間。簽「可」就可以開始弄。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "國際松的部分,上次政委指示的那兩個團隊,我們已經透過科技組去邀請了,今天會再追一下。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "之前OCP已經有確定了,應該就等OCP確定人選。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "現在是有四隊提。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "OCP確定了,他們預計兩位,一位評審、一位當mentor。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "像工作坊提出上次團隊的邀請與介紹,你們說會鑲進去,會鑲在哪裡?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "去年我們有放進去,好像是在午餐時間,好比是在午餐後半段。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "午餐後半段,他們會來join,我們會問他們兩次工作坊哪一天方便,我們會希望那兩天都有上次五隊來join。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們希望在這個時間往下,到時會再寫進去,我會分別徵詢這五隊哪一天方便,不要集中在同一天來,而是希望兩天工作坊有不同的團隊。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "上次雨蒼有建議來要分享怎麼樣在這邊成功,也要提醒他們說這個東西已經變成在執行,也就是鼓勵大家,可以分享過程如何做可以入選,我覺得這個比較重要,因為我不知道正副會長到底瞭不瞭解?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我只是建議,既然我們有第一屆的人了,他們的成果分享,要放在午餐就要寫是誰,然後怎麼分享,因為我們上次有提。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們會再更新上去,現在還有幾隊沒有報進來的。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "已經知道大概還有7、8隊表達意願,但都不在這個上面,這個禮拜會去追一下,那個禮拜大家要記得來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大家一定都等最後一天,你講也沒有用。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "下個禮拜OCP會舉辦一個線上的AMA,讓有興趣報名的來這邊,有什麼問題的話,要來線上討論。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我現在比較擔心中國廣東那一隊,是什麼性質團隊?也就是最後要進總統府,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "沒有。現在是報名而已,我們還有兩輪,現在就是報名。初選入圍的才會來臺灣,才會複選那三天的製作以後,最後兩隊才會進來,所以是兩段。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我問一下,上次講國內松,報了好幾個案子的那個單位,已經知道哪一個是他們提的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "就是2、3、4。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "2、3、4都是他們?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是的。我認識這位朋友。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "但是現在也沒有說不能,讓我們知道他的背景,我們大概知道這3隊是同一個來源來的,真正同一個團隊還沒有放進來,除了第一隊以外。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們只是要讓仁甫安心,我們可以不用特別討論所謂中國廣東的議題。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "維安要講清楚。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不用擔心這一件事。這件事不會發生。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "AI那邊也在找了,有1、2隊要來報名,往下的時程是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "中國廣東隊伍是不是民間的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這三隊是同一個人。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "這不用討論。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "上次政委有指示24日是最後一天?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就不要再延了。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "現在7月18日跟7月21日就會做黑客松,AI團隊如果有來的話,他們就會直接來作互動,這是相關的安排,所以如果AI國際隊來,他們自己的活動會再來一天。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果國際松要來,因為去年的活動有邀各國的大使,我們邀了2、30個國家,那時沒有大使,所以國際邀了那幾隊,他們的大使要邀。去年邀請函英文版,要一個個字看,所以花了很多時間,那一個部分你們要提早準備。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "這個部分外交部有特別講,他們要提,名單要弄,我們會跟他們一起配合,外交部已經聯絡了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不用擔心,外交部的英文拼字不會有問題。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "他們會有名單,到時再一起送過去,這已經跟外交部……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "錢科長已經對過了。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果工作坊到時他們進來,有一隊也是在府方裡面協作,你們跟去年比較不一樣,就是把大使館邀來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不能全部跟去年一樣,有一些東西還是要想一下。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "沒有,因為國際松是禮拜六就公布名次了,到了禮拜天他們中午才進來,他們只是來分享。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們沒有上午的部分,但是下午的部分大使會來,這個沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "他們大使要邀一下。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "基本上來臺灣,那四隊的駐台都會邀請。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "跟外交部講的話,要提早一點,因為去年是我們在幫忙,這一些大使都很忙,所以最好是一個月前訂,像那個國家比如最好是7月21日之前,也就是7月21日之前就要趕快邀,前兩個禮拜邀請函就要做出來。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "其實6月1日就知道要來的那幾隊,其實我們都會放進去,不會等到最後那兩隊再邀,四隊我們都邀了,那部分我們會再跟外交部把時間再往前一點。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我補充一下國外可能邀的AI團隊,除了上次的單位之外,我有在接觸OPAL Project,背後有一些歐洲大電信公司、世界經濟論壇、MIT、哈佛及英國那邊的學界,所以如果邀成的話,我不知道他們現在打算是要用報名參加國際松的團隊或是藉機會來這邊觀摩、交流,我正在跟他們瞭解中。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!這個以他們為主,OPAL是很值得爭取。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉塊", "speech": "這是重量級的計畫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個非常好。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "紅色的部分是目前已執行項目,簡單跟各位報告一下,在這次的投票人數大概有3,000多人,完成投票的有2,040人,在5月7日公布名單之後發新聞稿,讓個人報名的部分增加,接下來就要等到20日,會再次有名單公告。這兩個部分其實有簡單討論過,我們可以設定在決戰,但是會再討論看是否適合,然後要看什麼樣的方向再作溝通。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "這是我們相關的時間軸,有一些部分是從網路發酵之後,接下來要做的應該是得獎團隊影像的曝光,所以在6月應該是focus國際松相關的promotion,下一段在7月的部分,我們是針對黑客松的團隊,就前十名的部分,讓他們有機會一直到會後。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "整個露出的方式,我們大概會有17則的新聞稿加消息稿,至少有35則以上的社群內容,還有10則以上的影像報導,我們預期將近會超過100次的媒體露出,以及10萬人以上的社群蒐集,再加上5,000以上的瀏覽率。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "10大黑客要不要改成10隊黑客?因為每一隊至少有三個不同的專業,十大好像十個人,但是至少是三十個人,是不是有一點圖文不符?" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "我這邊有一個建議,因為現在很多資料還是在總統盃黑客松的網站上,你們在網站上如果有跳出LINE Box,所以那個沒有人知道,我建議還是要來寫,也就是每一則新聞稿是URL,在share這一篇文章的時候,才會被其他的社群媒體傳出去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像我們要特別點開,才知道那個連結壞掉了,就是沒有自己的網址,你知道我的意思嗎?不然Google就會告訴你了。所以蕭老師的做法是非常對的。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "像資策會的團隊需要我幫忙,就來找我,兩個小時把它搞定,我覺得我們IT的能量應該可以應付。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝蕭老師,主任自帶黑客。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "要記得給老師諮詢費。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我有一個小建議,我們現在有入圍的名單跟佳作的部分,我們點開之後跳出畫面。可是人家想要把那個copy出去都沒有辦法copy。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以跳出的都給一個網址,就是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "上個禮拜還是有國外友人搞不清楚國內松的英文網站跟國際松的網址,他們還是以為我們比的是另外一個題目,因此很困惑地寫信問我,來自肯亞的困惑。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們現在已經有特別加「international track」。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "人家還是迷路了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是不是把smart nation加一個domestic track,你們在最上面已經有internation track跟domestic track,只是主圖沒有標domestic track,一看標上去就好了,比較不會迷路。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "針對獎盃的部分,我們找到台中精工,就是把臺灣精品重新弄,獎盃象徵的是蒲公英,因為可以帶來希望,也可以延續,我們覺得這樣的意義有一點類似,因此將設計加上下面有一個label,就是要加做的部分,不曉得各位委員有沒有什麼意見?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "他是滿實用性的。中間是插花的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我本來想說是倒過來,然後插自拍棒(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這有一點像。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "你們這些人真的想像力很好耶(笑)!這個也可以擺啊!" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "是什麼材質?" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "是鑄鐵材質。就是是一個老的工藝。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "那個是藝術品?" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "可以插花。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,那個是花器,當然可以插花,當然不能插自拍棒。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但我們這個客製化的部分,只是包一個名牌上去?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "去年好像是文櫻特別找、特別做的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "去年很棒,去年的很不錯,還有協調作用,表示是總統盃,也就是獨一無二的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在這個是一般市面上買得到嗎?" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "(點頭)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "喔!是可以買得到的?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "有沒有機會請他做一個調整,對他來講是branding,是不是可以特別為這個不要後面再有的,但可能可以在上面露出特別是他的貢獻,因為大概不太可能付很多錢,不然問文化部有沒有特別推薦青創的藝術家。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "不然問文化部看有沒有什麼推薦的青創的藝術家有做的。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "之前我們有問過他們,他們還沒有過來。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "因為時間有一點趕,如果要重新設計,然後要再製造,數量是60個。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "每個人都要有一個,你叫人家來這麼久,卻什麼都沒有,太過分了(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "一個人一個。去年是多久做完?上次的藝術家做多久?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "一、兩個月,但是做的形式、設計都確定了。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "數量要先有,後面才會快。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我很坦白說,我覺得去年的比較讓人印象深刻,就是拿到了就是很有總統盃的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沿用去年的設計,是不是一個選項?" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "也許用去年再改今年的特色再有一些變化。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為去年的科技元素真的滿好的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "看去年的設計師是不是可以幫一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "稍微找他一下。我覺得市面上如果買得到,有一點怪怪的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "因為是總統盃,大家就會開玩笑,花了四個月,拿到一個可以買得到插花器。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實確實,因為插花這一件事用不太上,自拍棒。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至少要雷雕一下,把自拍棒放進去?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "自拍棒好像對我們來說比較實用一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得我們還是找一下去年的那一位設計師,我們看一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "即使是要用新的設計,我也建議要跟市面上買的有顯著不同,不然一定會被批評。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "不然去年還有投影機,我覺得那個投影機真的很棒,也許把花器中間放投影機也是一個選項。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "放一個微投影設備。然後那個代表臺灣的意義。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "把你的手機擺進去,給你一個網址。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有道理,麻煩討論一下。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "每一個人都可以獲得的紀念品,是臺灣的顏色、地圖,還有黑客松的標示,可以成為開瓶器、行李掛牌。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個不錯。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "臺灣菸酒公司部分贊助,所以會放上他的logo。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "會贊助啤酒嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "啤酒是我們要買的,交換一下,就是國際松要。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "可以去啤酒廠買,那個感覺還不錯。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "這也是可以開瓶。是不是?" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "對,也可以當行李牌。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個不錯,很有創意。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "這個質感還不錯。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "也可以貼在冰箱上。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "後面的白白是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是讓你寫你的聯絡方式。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "地址、聯絡電話及手機號碼。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "你怕丟掉,就可以貼在人家的冰箱上。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "怕走丟可以掛在胸前。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "好像應該放一個手環。" }, { "speaker": "許以琦", "speech": "大家會覺得環保杯,因為大家會覺得環保杯是通俗的東西,我們選擇臺灣的社企,他們用稻草,把廢棄物可以再使用,變成環保可熱的杯子。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "然後會打上「總統盃黑客松」的字。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "就開瓶器我問一個問題,如果臺灣菸酒公司贊助,像適合寫「敬贈」單位的名稱嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "沒有,「敬贈」會拿掉。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我的意思是總統盃黑客松可以寫贊助廠商嗎?這個是合適性的問題。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "請擺到後面去,不要擺在前面,因為你要這樣擺,一般的大品牌,不可能讓你跟他的logo合併,你要這樣擺,付出的代價絕對是超乎他的想像,幾乎要買他們公司了。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這個成本是多少?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "200。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我們預計做多少?100份嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "1,000份。而且這個是所有的總統府。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "所以我們要想換到什麼品牌,我們是否願意讓他交換。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "如果放前面,那可能要再加一個0才有資格。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "麻煩擺到後面,他們應該可以理解,大公司的品牌一定有專業的人。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "不做字吧!後面放一個小的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為他們有「TTL」的logo,所以放這個角落其實也不委屈他們?" }, { "speaker": "何全德", "speech": "那是國營企業。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "如果你們需要,請他們整個拿掉,沒關係,因為之前找台電跟誰幫忙,那時就整個拿掉。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過TTL配這個logo,我覺得滿中性的,如果放背面的話,不會跟總統盃混淆。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "不要放在前面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們儘量不要出現。Tobacco & Liquor或者「菸酒」二字。但是以他們的縮寫,像TTL或者是小的logo,我覺得那個放背面還好。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "我覺得你們跟他們講清楚,這個東西不是臺灣菸酒專屬的,你現在只是要找人幫忙,只有兩種可能,第一個是資策會的錢不夠,第二個是臺灣菸酒非常愛國,所以願意付錢,既然願意付錢、愛國,就不需要他自己的logo。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "我們會跟他協調,如果不放在這裡,我們放在其他的地方、其他的製作物上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "都好,這個你們自己決定,只是不要在這上面出現英文字「Tobacco & Liquor」或者是中文字「菸酒」,這個是我們的底限,其他你們自己。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "「菸酒」一定會被批評很慘。你們可以找中華電信,為何是臺灣菸酒?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "因為那個是啤酒的開罐器。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "沒關係,這也可以拿來開cable。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那個是另外的東西。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "你乾脆送網路線的夾子好了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對啊!開cable是夾子。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "也可以啊!中華電信很多這一種紀念品,為何黑客要開瓶器?中華電信這一種東西超多的,跟資訊網路有關。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實,我們往下。" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "杯子有問題嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "杯子很好。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "剛才菸酒基本上不要放logo,如果他們不願意幫忙,我們就找人跟中華電信談,請中華電信幫忙,連logo都不要了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你說TTL三個字嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "對,都不要,因為黑客松是我們辦的,我們還要找人贊助,他們只有自願贊助,還要放logo,不行的。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我覺得要再次確認,裡面在講有一些像循環經濟或是回饋給環保的,要做背景調查,確定是有在做,不要到時出來這一家公司,到時候被連帶,只是做一個正當程序。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "既然有杯子,我建議再一雙筷子,因為那個很便宜,會場都不要看到有免洗筷,請他們來參加工作坊的時候,自己帶杯子,因為現場不供應,到的時候,下次自己帶來。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "其實臺灣現在大家的習慣滿不錯的,甚至如果可能的話,提醒要不要自己帶來,我覺得這個沒有什麼好客氣的,碗可以幫他們準備,但是如果已經有杯子,然後再有一個筷子的話,現場不會再看到,一定要自己帶來。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "在工作坊的時候?" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "國內環保意識比較高的活動,甚至都是用可以洗的碗筷。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "鐵盒便當之類的。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "我們在辦黑客松是不是要強調這個訴求。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那就請往零廢棄的方向規劃,不是說這一次做到零廢棄,但是在預算可安排的範圍內往零廢棄的方向。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以「5」沒有問題了,「4」要重來,「3」的部分不用擔心,「2」是什麼東西?" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "剛剛已經處理了,我們就按照政委的指示。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好,其他就請府幫忙了,我們按照今天的會議決議請幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "「3」我覺得就不用了,不然在網頁上寫是「國外」、「其他國家」?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得不要特別註明,沒有必要。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有一個臨時動議,也就是有關於投票的開放資料,資料的部分我再跟你確認一下開放的資料長什麼樣子,我們要放到哪裡貯存,再跟唐鳳確認一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "本來我們就有一個github。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "可是我們的投票歷程紀錄要放github上面?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "為什麼不呢?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "因為那時是說有興趣的人可以來申請。但是我們如果直接放github就等於沒有申請,我們直接放github?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們是說國發會來的記錄是要做二次匿名化,就是連我們都沒有辦法還原的匿名化,如果那樣的話,就沒有任何各自問題,我們就往上丟。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再來是那個網頁,其實後來有好幾次的前端修改,最後的程式可以再匯出寄給我嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為github是18天前的。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "有一個臨時動議,因為今年的活動有特別提說民眾參與的部分,我在想說其實現在民眾參與的形式都有,不管是許願池或者投票,我想說民意的部分,應該都要再強化一點,因為現在看來,大部分還是跟去年一樣,大部分都是政府機構,會覺得好像都是政府機構在玩,我們現在出來的題目有哪一些跟原來許願池有相關的,這個我們再來整理。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "另外,因為你們現在都要跟部會聯繫,這一些部會提這些題目,在部會裡面是不是已經有一些民意的基礎,那部分其實未來不管是新聞稿或者是宣傳的時候,可以來做比較好的包裝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,只有當提案單位是公務機構的時候,如果是民間的話,他們自己有民意,就不用再問了,但是如果是公務機構,像司法院,你特別去提示他們,他們現在在做的這一件事,是不是之前某些民眾參與的論壇,或者參與的機制所造成他們會想到要做這一件事,不管是超連結或者是名字,像司法院一定可以給你司改國事會議第幾組講到人民更可親近的做法,這個跟他們的題目有關係,所以讓他們給出這樣的文案,有這樣的文案,後面再說這個部分有民眾的意見在裡面等等,我們就可以比較solid,就比較不會是比較抽象的概念,主要是要提醒這個。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們跟團隊溝通的時候,我們就順便跟他們說一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是如果是純民間的團隊就不用問這個。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "有關於20隊的資料,剛剛國際處說還會再跟他們確認一下資料?" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我們有幾個建議,第一個是要瞭解他們真正要什麼資料,第二個可能可以建議他們跟那個資料擁有的團隊一起合作,如果資料擁有的團隊有人可以加入他們的話,其實對資料的取用會更方便。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我舉例來講,目前看到的一些是要中央氣象局的衛星雲圖自動氣象觀測站的資料,如果沒有中央氣象局的參與,我們當然還有其他的方式去處理,假設中央氣象局不參與他們的團隊,變成我們要跟中央氣象局協調,他是否可以提供為這次比賽所提供的資料,像這一種衛星雲圖、雷達圖中央氣象局都會用收費的方式,這就比較麻煩了。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "所以可以請中央氣象局參與他們的這個團隊,這樣大家就可以一起合作,就會變成要協調中央氣象局為這個比賽弄出一個資料,這有幾種……" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "因為協調人跟協調資料是兩種協調法,潘處長的意思是我們優先協調人,人到了,資料就會進來。這一定是你去協調。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為協調人跟協調資料是兩種協調法,潘處長的意思是我們優先協調人,人到了就會有條件進來。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "他們去協調,後來一定要你協助看看。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那當然。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "還有一個,可能是比較麻煩的,我也沒有辦法去協調的,其實大家都在這一件事上,除了資料面以外的問題,還有一個系統面,如何合在一起,這個要問警政署。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "警政署去跟各縣市警察局合作,幫目前檢舉的每一個縣市分別請廠商建置的介面,弄一個共通性的API出來。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "目前看起來,每一個縣市都有一個檢舉的網站。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "就內政部警政署。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "所以在我們這邊,我比較難著力的,資料面我可以,其實中央氣象局,我只是提醒現在瞭解的過程當中,是不是就可以把這個帶進去?如果還是不行,我們當然會處理協調。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "處長的意思是,像fixTW,我們幾乎要警政署的人進來一起合作,因為並不是人不來,而是資料來的事情。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "建議可以找警政署的資訊科技中心。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "還有一個是像美國open 311的data標準,也許透過這個機會來建立拖吊或1999的或什麼都可以建立。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們的目的當然是這個,從國發會的立場,各部會有的時候,可以放在政府資料標準平台,就是「」,目前沒有這個政治能量來要求每一個部會生什麼API出來,你不講,。我講就好了,所以我們現在在這個階段,以總統盃的名義,讓警政署進來,幾乎是唯一的解法,他沒有plan b。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "就是串幾個縣市。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "也可以。但是因為警政方面,就是要警政署……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那個是domain knowledge。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "因為這一次我看已經有嘉義、桃園什麼的,因為他們首長是本來就會來參加這個事情,所以先讓他們……因為警政署會覺得要同意。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那當然,這個在規劃上,我想不管是他們的資訊、綜規都已經有類似的規劃,之前的問題是屬於地方權責,所以警政署有這個規劃也不一定能做,我們趁這個機會有地方來的時候,至少兩、三個簽下去,像去年的那一個,也就是超北市的通報系統,也是他們兩個先做,然後再慢慢擴散出去,所以只要有兩個,這個就可以做,大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "看已經走到哪裡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有要提醒的?" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "有一些題目會遇到法規及政府運作的狀況,這個部分我們在工作坊的時候,我們要看協調到什麼樣的人來參與,比如有些是有關的,也就是東西買了之後,事實上是不能搬的,設計就是東西要搬,也就是從AA頒到B,這個是化學品,錢買了就變成財產,然後不能拿掉,然後就放在實驗室等他,讓他有一天爆炸。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "理論上這是副院長召集的會議,所以並沒有協調不到的人,只是幕僚做的事是要非常精確,就是到誰、哪一次來,我們希望看到什麼樣的決議,大概要到這個程度,並不是要幫這20隊分別額外的開會,而是精確的程度要非常清楚,我們這樣才能不管是請副院長辦公室或者是請其他人來做協調。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "對這20隊有一些小小的concern,有一些我看起來是政府單位的人,像銀河天使都是政府單位的,這都是政府單位的隊伍,完全沒有民間的隊伍,我們是不是需要要求他們,儘量至少去諮詢民間的專家,或者是邀請民間的專家來做?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們媒合的時候,資料及資訊科學的部分,一定是會以民間的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "對,但是我的意思是說民間的議題專家,像司法院這邊是不是……法扶算完全民間,但是法扶確實也有機會,因為他們會遇到一個問題,像「雞婆小組」,我不太確定,衛福部有熟悉的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這應該要反過來,應該要盡可能透過開放文化基金會之類的,可以讓他們報名的方法,變成可以進場的專家,但是很難反過來告訴這一些團隊說一定要去民間放幾個暗樁進來,這一些團隊可能比較困難。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我的意思並不是要找暗樁,有適合NGO的人願意進來,這當然是最好的,但是如果沒有的話,請他們一定要請教民間的NGO,我覺得這也是一個方式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "類似使用者訪談。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "類似。如果都是公務員的話,請務必要這樣做,其實這幾天的訪談也是這樣,我們問完公務機關的時候,常常感覺還不錯,但是問到第一線民眾的時候,會覺得千瘡百孔,所以我覺得這個東西讓民間有感,計畫不一定只有公務人員,而是要有相關的學者或者是民間的人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "個別訪問團隊的時候,如果是公務機關,民間的沒有問題,像「資料申請小幫手」更不用煩惱,如果是純官方的話,第一個是問會提這個idea是不是之前某些公民參與的結果進來的,這個我們剛剛講了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果有一個明確的答案,那很好,就可以順著再說之前提出這一些意見的,像司改國是會議的那一些委員,或是那一些NGO,是不是也有可能邀他們進來作個人的參與者,或至少是使用者訪談的對象,這是順著第一個答案來的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是第一個問題進不來,也盡早讓我們知道,評委跟輔委推薦補以這一塊空窗的地方,這個是本來要講的,如果本來關係很好,已經講了10個,這個也不用特別操心。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "你們現在上面是寫第56、57頁,你們的主題跟主軸到時要寫出來,儘量不要寫1至8,我們最好是結合可能部會提的一些議題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,就是前10名的隊伍,我們現在寫上去就是內定的。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "上面是不是隊伍的宣傳?" }, { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "王仁甫", "speech": "第二,到時你們的貴賓名單,可能要趕快弄出來,到時給他們府方的時候,最好連那個都一起有,給總統看比較好。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "好。那一天到底有哪一些人會陪,這個滿重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "府方有建議還可以加上去。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "潘處長所提的問題,你們會在哪一個地方check這一件事?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "現在還可以拆開來講,資料的部分,在5月17日之前,他們會去拜訪,所以這在5月17日,大概就可以知道後續如何處理。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "第一個要擔心的是,誰怎麼樣跟警政署聯繫,讓警政署可以進來?警政署之後如何協調,就要看前面這一塊誰要誰去?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "內政部是共同主辦單位,看這邊有沒有什麼建議?我們直接請科會報辦,有一個類似便簽嗎?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "有一隊是民眾檢舉的。這一件事按照他的規劃,他希望設計出一個APP或者是什麼東西,能夠到各個縣市政府目前已經有的,現在問題是各個縣市政府都有了,如何合起來,一定要有一個機關來做這件事。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "看起來警政署是比較適合的,可是我們在之前所有的,警政署目前可能都還不知道這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "張文櫻", "speech": "剛剛政委的意思是發一個便簽?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是先打一個電話。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "就是在這個機制裡面,可能要有一個什麼時間點,因為要開始做了,真正把資料來的議題,或者可能需要跨機關協調的,誰會去final這一件,說不定都不知道這個問題,結果到後來來不及了,因此可能在什麼時間點,或者是在5月26日的程序去確定所有的團隊都不會再有拒絕的議題,也就是不會到6月29日才發現原來這個要找。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "我們會先掃,最後面的是第一次工作坊就確定了,還有一些細節沒有出來,最慢到第一次工作坊。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "大使關心的是在第一次工作坊就會解決了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該這樣講,17至26日之間,我們需要往其他部會的橫向媒合不管是透過便簽或者是其他方式,大概17日就會很明確要找誰的清單,我們在17日當時再來決定要用哪一個程序去做,可能比較好。" }, { "speaker": "陳正然", "speech": "所以17日彙整完之後,18日或者是19日就要再開一個working level的會議,要跟科會報確定要如何follow up。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果到20日,有某些部分是需要我出面,好比像直接拜訪的話,20日讓我知道。" }, { "speaker": "王志祥", "speech": "好。現在的目的是要在17日前,要再掃一輪出來,那一天政委主持的會議,需要再往下主持的會議,再開一個會議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "20日需要我動的就可以動了,不需要我的,科會報就可以動。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們盡可能那一週協調完,到週末工作坊的時候,該出現的人,至少他們可以先出現、先聽清楚這一些團隊要什麼,其實一開始要的,真的是像處長所說的,人到場,並不是帶著資料或者是廠商或者是預算過來,畢竟這20隊一定不會在當時立刻說這個解法是最好的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一次協作的時候,真的只是把大家需要的攤在桌上,通常我們的經驗是到第二次才比較清楚具體要什麼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們在聯絡的時候,也要給這一些橫向單位放心的保證,不是像一般政委召集的會議一樣,來了就要帶解法來,沒有那麼強的要求,只是希望犧牲一下週末的時間,聽清楚這個團隊需要什麼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有什麼想要提醒或者是討論的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我們今天會議到這邊,謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "今天的sli.do號碼是00513,大家有意見就可以在平台上發表,請政委開場,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "今天有報告案、心得分享,議程稍微豐富一點,所以我開場不講太多。不過有一件事情要請大家幫忙,我們跟AIT有一個數位對話的空間,有人已經很自動打了「」上去,這是我們運用之前在「Join」平台上場合的登入、pol.is的系統,我們跟AIT一起架了一個介面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,我們會把怎麼樣讓臺灣在世界上更有知名度的這一件事,看美國可以幫什麼忙,讓大家投贊成、反對及意見,這個是第一波,大概在6月的時候,我會幫忙主持,像國組司跟AIT的政治組對大家在這上面參與的一些共識來進行討論,看哪一些可以參採、哪一些不能參採等等,就很像迷你的協作感覺,非常感謝外交部及外交部裕興在PDIS就這一件事上的協助。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來是每兩個月會對經貿、安全保護、人民跟人民間的關係等等,都有這樣的對話,所以如果對主題本身有一些想法的話,我們歡迎到上面投票,只要10秒鐘到50秒的時間就可以投完,如果有任何的想法都很歡迎分享出去,如果有更多大家的一些激蕩出來的想法,這個在外交上會變成公眾外交的一部分,以上工商服務結束,進入議程。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "月會間,有開幾場協作會議,請佳玉幫我們分享一下在兒虐案擔任小桌長的經驗。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "大家好,我是促轉會的研究員,我是佳玉。這次是剛好擔任PO的角色,其實兒少議題跟本會的關係不大,但是在本會之前,其實政委辦公室有給予很清楚的脈絡與手冊,也有把事前的會議寄給我們,其實在擔任PO的過程中,我覺得在議題的接軌上還算是滿順暢的。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "在當天的時候,其實就會很明確看到不同的專家或者是不同的部會,甚至民間團體大家所在乎的重點是什麼,所以這一次擔任PO的過程中,其實我覺得有一個滿大的收獲,可以很快累積快部會的意見,專家跟彼此間很快速的流通私人的議題。" }, { "speaker": "黃佳玉", "speech": "這一次特別有提到要分享這個月會報告,在這樣的協作過程中,可以比較快速進行到跨領域、跨部會的協作機制,也很期待未來有更多的參與機會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是兒虐案,像BIM有沒有小桌長願意跟我們分享一下?希望我們以後可能每一案多多少少,如果小桌長可以給我們一些回饋的話,我們更知道怎麼樣調整,BIM的小桌長是?" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "主席、各位先進大家好,內政部參與了BIM的這個案子,這個案子翻譯過來叫做「建築資訊模型」,這個是採用新的比較3D方式的構圖來處理建築上的一些可以處理的問題。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "因為我是第一次擔任小桌長,所以心中比較忐忑不安一點,但是事前跟雨蒼及壹雯都有聚焦、釐清問題時,都有做了一些功課,所以我覺得擔任小桌長的事先功課還是要做,議題可以釐清比較清楚,我們也很謝謝PDIS在現場協助的人力與技術。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "這次協作會議有兩個重點:因為我主持的那個討論,其實是有提案人,而提案人本身一直有很強烈的發表他的意見欲望,所以中間有幾次試著要讓他稍微少講一些話,因為他發言次數比較多,所以變成在時間掌控上比較沒有那麼完美,像第二個議題討論的結論變得很快,多元發言的機會就稍微少一點,這個是我比較沒有控制好的。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "第三點,因為BIM算是專門的技術,所以相對來參加的是建築、營建專業人士,他們其實彼此間應該也都有認識,可是可能提案人本身自己有經營企業,所以有一些人對於其發言,還有那一天sli.do記錄下來,對他比較有個人性的一些說辭或者是比較針對性的說法,這個部分我也是儘量如果發言太尖銳的話,我們要轉移一下其他的,讓其他可以稍微平衡一下對話,不要變成到時候大家都是針對個人,以上經驗提供分享,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "比較公開、利益關係人比較多元的時候,有時桌長的工作,就是讓其他部分的人平衡,如果是比較少部分的人或一對一的時候,很多時候是根據自己的利益來發言,但是發現在看的人一多了,其實就會開始用公益的角度,人是很奇妙的,桌長常常要提醒大家不是只有一方的講法、一方的人在看,很謝謝分享,看有沒有任何人要分享當桌長或者是參與會前會的經驗?" }, { "speaker": "賀麗娟", "speech": "勞動部PO代表,也是剛剛BIM參與人協作會議擔任桌長的工作。我在這裡分享的是,勞動部為何被徵召參與BIM協作會議,勞動部是協辦部會,但是在那個議題當中,勞動部在裡面議題的份量是非常小的,這個要衍生到後面擔任桌長產生困難的問題。" }, { "speaker": "賀麗娟", "speech": "我在之前會同意被徵召的原因,第一個勞動部是協辦單位,所以我想說同意吧!第二個是我曾經服務的機關,我在國發會工作,曾經參與兩次協作會議,一次是主辦單位,即國旅卡的議題,第二個參與協辦是雙胞胎綁籤的公托經驗,我自以為對協作會議滿瞭解的,所以可以。第三個是去年有上過唐政委開的課,六個小時,所以我覺得可以,基於這三個可以,所以很爽快答應了。" }, { "speaker": "賀麗娟", "speech": "但是參加之後,我的心得跟大家分享,跟我答應的議題跟我距離太遙遠了,BIM這個議題在過去完全沒有接觸過,雖然政委辦公室給了很多的幫忙,無論是書面的資料很完整,還有之前參加了一次會前的沙盤推演,甚至在沙盤的時候,我還覺得自己可以。" }, { "speaker": "賀麗娟", "speech": "等到真正實作的時候,我真的有一點被嚇到,當場發現討論的過程,因為非常地快,倒是沒有像第一桌,剛剛內政部同仁的狀況,但是會有不斷衍生出問題時,我發現沒有辦法掌握cue誰來接話,又或者是如果陷入漩渦裡面,我必須找誰來講話,把這個議題能夠帶出新的議題,或者是得到更多的答案,我覺得沒有辦法做到這一點,我想這個部分自己檢討的結果是,應該對於BIM的議題,真的是不夠瞭解,我想要立一個團體是要相當程度的瞭解,所以才會有辦法。" }, { "speaker": "賀麗娟", "speech": "因此,我建議未來參加協作議題的桌長人選,雖然對這個議題不熟的人會比較客觀,但是我覺得如果真的要領導出一些有用的資訊,可能還是需要有一點相關的知識背景比較恰當。" }, { "speaker": "賀麗娟", "speech": "另外,即便這樣子,我還是很有勇氣且鼓勵大家,如果有機會,還是建議在座的大家能夠來擔任桌長,因為我還是一本初衷,我覺得這真的是訓練個人問對問題、蒐集更多資訊、綜整解方的能力,對自己是很大的幫助,對於未來在部會裡面處理跨單位議題時,相信對部會有非常好的幫助,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝很坦率的分享,確實這一種高度技術性是技術性最高的協作之一,可能澎湖南方四島或者像恆春的議題,地方性的也是非常高的,一個專業技術性的門檻就很像你沒有去過那個地方,很難瞭解那邊的地圖是在講什麼的道理,所以確實也覺得有人導覽帶路或者是當地的人一面當桌長,我覺得是滿好的想法,大家不要因為有一些協作議題技術性比較高就退卻,在人力安排上也可以安排一個是比較程序性的、另外一個是比較技術性的,一桌有兩個主持人的形式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣有一個好處,因為常常我們技術人員很容易陷入好像解決方案的思考裡面,會忘記其實還有更多的是,大家怎麼看這一些解決方案,就是實際用到大家身上的可能性,所以還是有一個人在旁邊看著,然後說是不是有使用者的觀點、大眾的觀點再講一次,有的時候完全太短的話,反而也會有一種溝通上的難以溝通情況,因此多所有一些平衡是滿好的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有其他要分享的部分?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有的話,我們就下一個。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "在報告協作會議的辦理情形之前,我先宣布自下一次6月的月會開始,各協作會議的後續辦理情形,請在一週前提報政委辦公室作彙整,格式於寄送開會通知單一併提供。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "那就進入辦理情形報告案,有兩個案子是同一個部會,序號9、44請法務部,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "主席、各位夥伴,法務部PO報告,序號9的部分,事實上上次開會,我就想提出來,但是因為上次我剛好另外有要公,所以沒有來,但是今天還是做一個說明。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "這個案子行政院羅政委在3月12日的時候已經有一個具體的結論,請內政部警政署研提具體需求內容或條文草案版本,並請法務部儘速邀集司法院及相關司法警察機關進行本條例的研修事宜,因此具體所謂廢除的議題並不存在,往後是從研修的部分著手。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "從3月12日至現在,有兩個月,會前有請教主管的業務司承辦同仁,他說最近會召開會議來作討論,就研修的方向廣泛討論。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "這個議案既然廢除的議題已經不存在,所以是不是建議可以解除列管?" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "序號44的部分,在4月12日廉政署的會議室召開了協作會議,非常感謝當天內政部、衛福部、教育部及勞動部都有派員來參與,當然也要感謝剛才提出報告的佳玉及金管會的則華擔任桌長,讓會議順利進行,尤其利害關係人提出非常非常多的建議,法務部都已經收到各相關部會的回應資料,今天我出門前才蓋章,已經彙整完成往上呈核了,希望在5月17日的時程內,能夠儘快上網回應,以上報告,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "序號9這邊,我記得上次有提過,因為法務部在2017年7月20日於「Join」平台回應的參採情形,是說將配套法令進行完整研議之後,再一併提案函請立法院審議,我記得當時月會時講的是,如果有一個很明確的,可以回網友的,直接在「Join」平台上,雖然已經過了回應階段,但是至少是讓網友看到參採情形往前一步具體文字的話,我們當然可以在這邊解除列管,是不是請法務部在下次月會擬一段文字,我們先稍微一起看一下,如果覺得這已經可以用來在「Join」上公開回應的話,我們下個月就不用再報這一案,因為開放政府最後的end point還是這一些提案人,如果他們什麼看不到的話,我們在這邊解除列管是很困難的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,序號44的通常提案,字眼比較尖銳的,怕討論的時候會開花,但是這一次在桌長們的協助之下,我覺得討論的深度是非常好的,我們在這邊也看到參採情形非常地完整,不曉得看主持團隊或者是其他朋友有沒有想要對這個事前有接到的參採情形有沒有什麼想法?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝法務部、內政部、衛福部、教育部、勞動部的五個單位,對於序號44彙整情形給予非常完整地回應。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "有兩個建議與想要請教的:有關於第三點,「建議事項」,有關於通報人保護的部分,法務部是以刑事訴訟法可能未來會有增修條文保護被害人訴訟權利等等來作為回應,我覺得這邊的回應其實跟當天討論的解法,也就是王理事長所說,如果有人希望有效通報案件時,但是卻會怕自己曝光被報復,所以對於通報人相關的保護措施,比如他們在做筆錄時,警方是不是應該要主動告知他是可以不一定要被傳喚,或是可以主動要匿名或者曝光等等,所以目前法務部這邊的回應其實並沒有直接針對通報人保護來回應。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "內政部有提到刑事訴訟法第176條之1,有關於證人的義務,我看了一下證人保護法第3條跟第15條,其實還有一定的義務,像檢察官、法院於審理當中,需要傳喚證人時,證人有其應負的義務必須要出席作證,但同時證人保護法第15條也有規定檢舉人、告發人、告訴人或者是被害人,他們認為自己有被保護必要時,其實可以請求法院、檢察官、司法警察給予一定的保護,所以目前看起來內政部這邊的回應似乎沒有非常直接回應到當天協作會議的建議,不知道是不是可以請兩個單位幫我們補充及釐清一下?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "因為不太確定這樣的回覆如果在「Join」平台上回應時,一般的民眾是不是看得懂,因為其實通報人保護,我們認為是非常重要的,在協作會議討論的重點,因為這其實是如果沒有被落實的話,的確會降低一般民眾希望可以有效通報兒虐案件的意願,麻煩這兩個部會幫我們補充一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "法務部針對所提建議部分,我看了一下似乎都有把一些相關的保護規定、新修訂的做法列出來,只是好像不是那麼清楚,因為現在這個案子剛在簽辦的過程,我會把這個意見帶回去,讓主管司看是不是把這一件事說得更清楚,釐清他們的疑義,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "內政部。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "報告主席,因為這部分內政部算是協辦,按照部分工是給警政署,我會再瞭解一下,當天協作會議的發言,是不是有確實回應到,或者是解法應該要針對解法來做補充。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有時對這個技術議題很熟,自己腦裡會補充相關性,但是大部分民眾是不一定看到編號來補上相關性,因此要麻煩再多辛苦一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還有,300字之內,其實單獨看很容易,但是其實如果全部綜整出去,其實是非常長的文章,因此想要再提醒一下,因為我們現在「Join」平台介面已經改成參採情形會先看到了,所以參採情形哪一些對提案人來講是新的,我覺得這一件事可能是比較重要的,也就是哪一些我們的做法真的有所改變。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然有些是澄清的,我們早就在做,他們不知道而已,這個也是可以寫,但是多多少少就是在比較後面的位置。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "包含前面脈絡的釐清、如何讓人可以看得下去,我自己建議是參考那時寫的,像壓力最大的提案叫做「超額徵收之稅款還歸還於民」,那一案財政部花了非常多的力氣,用輕重緩急的方法來回應,因為這一案沒有社會敏感到那個程度,也不一定會被放大檢視,但是字數比較多,我們用這樣的方式最後會重新編排,當然內容都是非常好的,我只是在講相對順序而已,也請參考,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們往下。" }, { "speaker": "王玲紅", "speech": "主席、各部會PO夥伴,大家好,我是衛福部的PO,接著由我報告新一代國家健保憑證規劃案,首先謝謝政委一直非常關心這個案子,本案在5月9日,已由健保署組長及相關人員,先向政委報告相關的作業進度,目前健保署還在簽辦採購標案中,進度作業上或決標後如有什麼問題,都會主動跟政委辦報告,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。下半年真的可以用手機看診,在10個診所跟1個醫院,如果各位有興趣,也歡迎參與衛福部的體驗,我們再往下。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "接下來是序號45,先請內政部報告。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "主席、先進,我報告一下大方向,BIM技術未來一定會使用,相對的第一個重點是量的問題,人跟經費其實都要足夠,這整個大環境,確認這兩項要瞭解技術的應用其實是沒有那麼容易。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "第二,現在會參採的,大概會比較複雜或者是規模比較大的一些工程,這在使用BIM來講才會比較有效率。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "第三,回應剛剛第一個部分,人才要夠,所以人才要夠要施加一些訓練,或者是在職場上做一些實務的操作,才有可能廣泛運用。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "因此我們推論下來,在工程中編列合理的預算,訂定這一些查驗的機制,是比較容易領導、落實BIM的應用。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "第二個部分是比較著眼在這一些公共工程或者是建築物後續的應用上,因為一開始設定是都是用在規劃或者是施工前用BIM,但是事實上BIM的使用可能會產生更好的效果,這個部分我們其實有比較往後推一點,以後在物業或者是使用階段的管理上來講,這個部分其實是滿值得期待的,但是還是需要整個配套比較完整時,在市場上才可以比較成熟地運用。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "我們會後有再盤點了一下內政部有處理到的一些現況,108年至3月底有導入BIM於建築工程部分大概有31件,希望檢討碰撞分析或者是圖說時,可以發揮比較強的功效。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "建研所這邊其實有組成一個算是BIM的推動小組,因為現在還在初始的階段,事實上還在找委員的階段,還沒有完成組成運作。還有,今年大概8月會辦新加坡國際研討會,讓大家瞭解新加坡在這邊使用BIM的成效,這部分如果在座或者是工程界有興趣的話,可以一起共襄盛舉,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "同樣序號45﹑接下來請工程會。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "主席、各位夥伴大家好,我是工程會PO,有關於這個議題,工程會已經參與了4月16日的協作會議,當天我們的收獲很多。" }, { "speaker": "張兆琦", "speech": "我們也依當天的討論結果研提參採情形,接者將請業務單位說明。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "政委、各位與會的同仁大家好,這一次PDIS的協作會議讓我們收獲很多,事前工程會對BIM的態度是鼓勵他使用,但是所有的案子都要用,更不用說一定要限定所有的人才來用,經過這一次協作會議的多元討論,我們的心得是加強納入決策的信心,我們會有所調整。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "這一次協作會議加強原來立場的信心,漁會擔任的所有人之外,像公協會或者是各地方政府的意見,3D建模跟工程資訊很有效的建立,運用的場域是在規模比較大、複雜程度比較高的工程才需要運用。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "另外,在導入運用的時候,知道自己的需求是什麼,BIM能提供多少功能,能提供機關與廠商的技術能力,這一種情況之下,經過特定訓練的人才可以執行這樣的業務。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "此外,像提案人所講簽證的工作,經過與會的人認為設計成果效果應該是由建築師或者是各科員、技師來負責,BIM只是當作設計成果呈現的工具,似乎還要不用到簽證這麼正式的程序來確認,實際上的設計責任跟施工責任還是要由各科員的職業技師及建築員來做。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "綜合以上的討論,工程會未來對於推動BIM的業務,我們還是有三個主要的面向:" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "第一,我們透過政府的電子採購法,我們一直在統計BIM的技術運用趨勢,包含每一季運用機關數量、案件類型及金額等等,我們彙整這樣的趨勢,如果有比較大的變動,我們會提供給相關的主辦機關來參考。我們統計104年到現在,這個趨勢不論是機關的數量或者是案件的數量,都呈現一個逐漸穩健成長的趨勢,這個趨勢目前維持著。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "第二,工程會剛剛講到我們是鼓勵的態度來鼓勵機關,跟廠商運用BIM技術,比較具體的是從103年開始,我們把BIM列入公共工程品質金質獎的項目,目前統計的結果是,拿到金質獎的BIM案件比例一直上升當中,到這兩年一直呈現穩定的狀態,因此推動是有效果的,廠商跟機關也知道其好處。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "另外,我們在工程顧問公司,如果有投入經費做BIM相關研究發展費用,我們也會列入投資抵減的項目來抵減。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "比較重要的突破是,我們在去年,像很多機關反映了,很多主辦機關要求廠商要執行BIM業務,但是費用都混同在勞務技術或工程服務裡面,並沒有臚列出來,讓廠商做了很多工作,但是並沒有給他一個合理的費用。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "在去年7月已經修改公共建設的評估手冊,經過評估,而這個案子確實需要BIM,我們允許在這個計畫裡面獨立編列項目,我們今年有一個委託研究案,蒐集各個不同類型BIM運用的案件型態來統計其費率,如果有一個型態或者是固定的趨勢可以遵循的話,我想我們也會很樂意公布出來,讓大家來使用。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "經過PDIS的會議,最大的心得是,一開始覺得協作會議好像滿擾官的工作,一般是拉票,並不是催票,之後我跟主辦單位說我是在享受PDIS帶來的服務,因為在環境裡面,我聽到多元的聲音,除了多元之外,經過組織,還有經過議題的爬梳、心智圖的分析,很容易聚焦到某一個面向上來產生力量,這個是對PDIS正面的評價,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實協作會議一定程度上也是政策的建模,如果強制大家每一項要做的話,會像工程會強制大家都要做BIM一樣,確實是擾官的動作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然透過像月會的投票,其實讓大家慢慢累積出經驗之後,挑選哪一些案子真的透過這樣政策建模的方式,有可能蒐集到一些在急著做決定的會議、可能蒐集不到的多元意見,所以也是很感謝大家持續用投票的方式來告訴我們哪一些案子大家覺得比較適合。我們往下。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "接著是序號46,農委會請。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "這個提案我們於4月3日八斗子漁港召開的協作會議,我們希望藉協作會議來經過充分的溝通與討論,並分兩組來探討,希望在漁港法的規範下規劃出適當區域供民眾釣魚,並且加強漁港內經營管理的措施,導正目前釣魚的亂象。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "協作會議之後,我們就協作會議的結果、結論來參採的情形來評估。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "漁港法本來已經有指定的區域、相關操作來公告開放垂釣的規定,我們要依照這個規定來辦理,因此在漁港法的部分,我們認為不需要修正。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "至於提案人建議相關釣魚的措施,的確是可以納入各漁港主管機關設置垂釣區的措施來參考。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "接下來,我報告一下這一陣子我們對於釣魚區評估的結果,在第一類漁港的部分,第一類是有九個漁港,在108年4月9日開始,本會漁業署陸續邀集當地的釣魚團體、漁會、海委會來會勘,並且已經在4月底已經完成盤點。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "第一類漁港我們開放八斗子跟烏石港兩處,這一次會新增新竹漁港跟東港鹽埔漁港,目前還在研議中的是梧棲、安平、烏石會另外再開一處。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "第二類漁港的主管機關是各縣市政府,目前已經完成6個縣市,也就是高雄、彰化、金門、台中、台南、嘉義的會勘,原來開放16處,這一次會新增9處,目前還沒有會勘的是9個縣市,這一些盤點我們會在5月底前完成。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "這樣統計的結果,我想真正可以開放的是29處,研議中的還有9個縣市跟3個第一類的漁港,我想應該對於達標是審慎樂觀的,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個案子其實是協作會議把盤點原則跟釣客自律的原則來確立,農委會之後也花了非常多的時間實際到地方會勘,而且不斷精進中間的做法,所以非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想到這個部分,大概已經多少回應這個提案人的訴求,所以協作會議的時候,跟漁會達成的共識是很重要的,這個盤點必須要是滾動式的,並不是急著在5月一定要全部做完,這樣勢必會犧牲品質,但是也不需要覺得第一批之後再也沒有了,我們會不斷滾動式檢討,我覺得這個也是讓大家劍拔弩張的情緒稍微緩和下來共識的結論,因此再次感謝這一次協作會議參與的朋友。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "接下來是序號47,請交通部報告。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "主席、各位PO大家好,交通部提案報告,我們在民航局辦理一個協作會議,找了許多相關的利害關係人來,也有許多的意見,民航局會針對草案第3條、第7條、第13條、第17條,會依據當天會議的結論來調整內容。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "第18條的部分是「委託辦理業務機關(構)團體所收取各項費用要如何開立證明」,這部分民航局瞭解評估相關規定後再辦理,這個辦理的情形會納入民航通告當中。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "委託的辦法依協作會議的意見評估調整後,將於5月31日前再辦理預告,並推動後續的法制作業,以明確民用航空法、遙控無人機專章施行後,各受委託機關(構)團體得依相關規定落實執行遙控無人機之建言,以及人員測驗業務符合民航法的規定。" }, { "speaker": "Ghost", "speech": "這一案因為已經依照協作會議修正,預計5月31日辦理預告,建議這一個案子是否解除列管?以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "解除列管,非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這次願意在實際實行預告之前就進行協作會議,相信也會對預告的討論品質更精準,我看了一下相關無人機社團對這一次反映都相當好,大家覺得有一些他們看起來一定需要修的部分,如果在預告前有溝通,然後沒有修的話,就會影響到對整篇的理解,現在都已經即時做出修正,所以在預告的時候,應該就可以比較有就事論事的討論,再次感謝交通部。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "進入月會投票前,先詢問一下相關的部會有沒有需要自提的案子?" }, { "speaker": "羅定紘", "speech": "政委、各位先進PO大家好,我是故宮的PO在此報告,從吳院長就任以來,期望能夠優化使用者經驗及提升民眾的參觀體驗,唐鳳政委也跟吳院長進行視訊確認雙方的合作意願,PDIS小組與故宮在過去兩、三個禮拜,啟動了多次初步合作項目的討論,在此非常謝謝政委與政委辦的協助,我們最後決定以「線上購票流程再造」作為協作議題,麻煩各位PO投票給我們,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "線上購票的流程再造,其實故宮長期以來,如果線上要買故宮的票,要假裝自己是外國人才買得到的情況,也很感謝故宮院長很願意透過PO的平台,把它這樣子提出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想放諸國際,因為月底就要去加拿大分享,國務院作為內閣成員是非常難得的一件事,也非常感謝院長願意用跨部會協調的方式,未來可能改善的過程中,也會有其他各部會需要幫忙的地方,所以如果大家有投這一案票的話,也很希望大家參與這一個設計的案子,還有其他想要自行提案的朋友嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我們就進入介紹的部分。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "請國發會對於這一次投票的議題來作說明。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "大家好,5月份的協作議題建議總共有三則:" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "第一則是建議改善臺灣托育條件,降低托嬰的師生比,這一則提案在24小時就達到5,000人附議成案,快速成案是在提案之前發生托嬰中心幼童窒息致死事件。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "第二則,不孕症相關補助納入健保,在去年11月有提過建議協作,本未成案議題,後來票選並沒有超50%。這一次會再提的原因主要是,今年又有兩則與不孕症相關的提案,在5月4日有一則提案是有關於試管嬰兒擴大補助的議題,而這個提案之後,我們客服收到許多民眾的建議,除了這個議題的建議以外,包含不孕症也希望納入補助,並有部分民眾認為,這個議題可對少子化會有改善。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "第三則是法規草案預告,我們建議衛福部的食品添加物使用範圍及限量標準的預告,民眾討論留言建議認為這一次的修改幅度比較大,因此應該要辦理業者間的溝通說明會,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝,感覺上跟衛福部的關係都滿大的,有沒有相關的部會要說明?" }, { "speaker": "王玲紅", "speech": "主席、各位PO大家好,今天三個案子都是衛福部的案子,衛福部深切感覺到民眾對衛福部的關切與期許,我們會更加努力。" }, { "speaker": "王玲紅", "speech": "想再確認的是同一個部會是不是可以不連續兩個月擔任協作單位主辦機關,另如果同一個部會有兩題都被選上的話,是不是可以只選一題協作?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "王玲紅", "speech": "今天共三題,我先對不孕症治療相關補助說明一下,其他兩題,將請本部社家署跟FDA再詳細說明。" }, { "speaker": "王玲紅", "speech": "有關於不孕症治療相關補助,在去年107年11月PO月會的時候,也有被列入票選,當次會議決議得由本部自行研議是否召開協作會議。會後本部也於會議逐字稿中補充相關的說明,包含一些不孕症的相關統計數據及政策評估資料。另本部國健署在108年、109年也都有爭取公務預算外的額度預算,但基於預算額度跟政策優先性的考量,因此爭取上沒有辦法如期。所以本部國健署認為目前主要還是缺乏足夠且穩定的預算來源支持,仍無召開協作會議之必要性,建議還是不要列入協作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外兩案?" }, { "speaker": "陳瑾瑜", "speech": "社家署針對序號第一個議題來做補充說明。" }, { "speaker": "陳瑾瑜", "speech": "有關於民所提的降低托嬰中心師生比的問題,其實107年於民眾「提點子」的部分,也有提過降低幼兒園的師生比,還有要支持立法、強制托嬰中心及幼稚園設立現象監視系統的這兩個連署案,去年都有納入協作會議,於去年6月24日也有召開協作會議,我們透過這樣的協作會議也形成了一些討論。" }, { "speaker": "陳瑾瑜", "speech": "去年一整年教育部跟衛福部一起共同為這樣不管是幼兒園或者是托嬰中心的照顧比都有進行是不是人力配置比例要做一些調整,相關爭點、各方立場、邀請專家學者、兒少福利團體、家長團體及地方主管機關透過相關的會議來研商討論。" }, { "speaker": "陳瑾瑜", "speech": "去年在討論的時候,這個議題也考量到整個兒少的人身安全受侵害,其實並不是只有從人力照顧比的部分就可以來達成,不能單靠這個部分,因此我們也從透過去年協作會議的建議,我們也分別就部裡面,也就是托嬰中心的聘僱托育人員、薪資待遇,還有在職訓練課程的納入、訪視輔導的加強等等各方面的策略共同併進。" }, { "speaker": "陳瑾瑜", "speech": "主要107年8月1日,行政院這邊配合少子女化的政策,實際上在8月1日已經有推動托育公共跟準公共化的政策,其實準公共化的政策,當時也有考量到因為簽約的條件是要符合一定資格的托嬰中心,而且當政策有規定限制兩年內不能調漲收費,所以一旦照顧比的部分有調動1比5或者是往下修的話,也會造成托嬰中心的成本增加。" }, { "speaker": "陳瑾瑜", "speech": "成本若增加的話,我們要併同考量到是不是收費的議題也會有所可能造成負擔增加,而國人是否有這樣的能力負擔、有此意願負擔?而且1000多家的托嬰中心要增聘托育人員等等是否要一次到位,這一次相關的議題都要併同配合準公共化政策執行一段時間之後來檢討。" }, { "speaker": "陳瑾瑜", "speech": "因此,我們希望這個議題可併到今年於8、9月時,我們配合準公共化政策執行一年了,我們應該可以來做相關檢討時,然後再納入討論。因此這一個議案是目前都一直持續討論中,我們是不是可以建議納入協作會議,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝,另外是食品添加物,這個滿有意思,預告期非常長,是半年,是不是也請說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "廖家鼎", "speech": "主席、各位代表,大家午安,食藥署針對這個案子做一些簡要的說明。我們去年11月28日有遇到一個食品添加物使用範圍及限量標準的草案,其實這個並不是一個新的政策,是將現行食品添加物標準當中調整部分的內容,比如我們跟國際接軌導入一些新的食品分類系統,把線上標準來做表格化的管理,參考國際間的一些管理規範、功能分類及編碼系統等等,做一些標準裡面的部分內容修訂。" }, { "speaker": "廖家鼎", "speech": "這個預告期間是訂180天為廣泛蒐集各界意見,到這個月28日大概就期滿。目前「眾開講」的平台,大概統計了40則的發問,其實滿多是重複的意見,主要focus一些特定的實務應該要對應標準草案當中,哪一項食品分類的限量,可能有民眾問到果蔬汁跟調味飲料要如何區分,或者糖漿是不是飲料濃縮物,或是沖泡式的產品,算不算對應到飲料類的標準,還是有限量的對應分類,都是一些比較細部的問題。我們這一些很積極,在4月於北、中、南、東共有四場的草案說明會,參與了570位不同食品產業者的代表。" }, { "speaker": "廖家鼎", "speech": "在這一些說明當中,我們也跟各界說明訂定的緣由、修訂的內容及與現行標準的差異比較等等,看起來也收到一些不錯的成效。在現場也針對一些像「眾開講」常見的問題,也經過充分的溝通說明之後,好比在5月份「眾開講」上,已經沒有相關的這一些提問了。" }, { "speaker": "廖家鼎", "speech": "我想這個部分是,未來如果在預告或是公告時,也同步把一些蒐集在手上常見的Q&A的問答集也會一併彙整完,詳細的資料公開讓外界可以作參考,我們認為這個議題尚不至於有擴大討論的必要,也建議此案不作為協作會議的討論議題,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛講的常見問題,我想就是是在食品添加物標準的查詢系統,就是「」,有一個「常見問題」專區,我想最後「眾開講」不管有沒有進入協作,告訴網友說有這個地方可以查詢,我想這是很重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過目前的「常見問題」是空的,所以我不知道哪一些是常見、哪一些不常見,所以到最後綜合回應時,不管有協作與否,常見問題區還是要有資料,大家比較知道這一些問題已經被問過了,所以等於是網站實際上的提醒。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有想要詢問或者是其他的問題?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我們開始投票。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "衛福部說上個月已經有處理過病房營養照護及診間營養諮詢的案子,如果今天還是有衛福部的大於50%,由衛福部選擇的話,不管是預告也好或是連署也好,都可以用再多爭取兩個月的部分,把它延到下一個月再開始辦理,或是下下個月,如果覺得有需要的話,我們就開始投票。現在是53分,大概到55分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想結果滿確定的,在剛剛預告上,麻煩TFDA把剛才綜整回應網友列入常見問題集的兩個部分,請務必處理得比較好一些,因為大家比較關注。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他兩個連署案上,大家很明確告訴我們說不是很適合協作,我們也是尊重大家的意思。接下來這個月裡面,我們的精力就會集中在故宮自提的線上購票流程的這一案,我們就確認了。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "國發會有一個臨時動議,很高興各位使用平台,從去年到今年,參與平台有關相關部會或地方政府實際上來跟我們要原始的程式,他們要自建。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "以中央部會來講的話,NCC可能是由資策會科法所規劃,一開始希望多方利害關係人來溝通,文化部的綜規司,像去年底或者是今年初有一個想要對外的全國文化會議或者是公民文化論壇,他們要自己建一個平台。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "另外,勞動部勞動力發展署,實際上要針對勞工的議題,當初的構想是就「提點子」當中,他們要自己建一個平台,也是類似做「提點子」的模式,但是成案可能會比較低一點,因此會做勞工議題的回應。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "另外,教育部青年發展署實際上要提供大專院校學生提案與學生會投票的平台系統,實際上因為國發會的系統是開放的,各單位都可以來,只要是要做公共政策參與都可以來申請程式自建,但因為我們考量到每一個機關都要建自己的平台,可能議題上還是容易分散,沒有辦法聚焦,自己還要再做團隊維運,如果有特定的需求,我們建議使用國發會的平台。" }, { "speaker": "王國政", "speech": "國發會沒有辦法提供服務的話,再麻煩自建,但是很多部會來詢問的時候,一開始的主軸是要自建,我們跟他談一些問題。但有部分是沒有後續、沒有持續追蹤,因此我們認為如果相關部會有想要做公參的意見徵詢,像勞動部的勞工議題徵詢,原則上國發會還是很高興各位可以跟我們一起合作,少部分還是可以做一些客製化調整,以上提供給各位參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝,只要動得不要太大,國發會還是可以請廠商改程式。其實看到很多地方政府在來回協作的過程中,也擴充了「Join」本身的功能,等於不是只有那一個縣市的民眾享受到這一個新的功能,而是其實他的需求,別的縣市也會要,因此等於一起水漲船高享受到這一些新功能。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然如果部會規劃的程序跟「提點子」、「眾開講」、「來監督」差太多,有時自建無可避免,但如果只是在程序上做一些參數的調整,好比像提案門檻之類的,其實程式都可以改的,我想國政主要想要講的是這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有其他的動議要提出?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "不好意思,交通部有一個報告案,請。" }, { "speaker": "楊惠如", "speech": "主席、各位與會代表,我們交通部對於這個提議,也就是立網約車專法保護代步駕駛作業權益的案子,我們這邊有一個簡單的簡報想要作說明,請業務單位的同仁來作說明。" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "各位與會、長官大家好,交通部路政司就這一個提案來作報告,簡報大綱請參閱。" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "目前Uber與小客車租賃業合作之後,因為有小客車租賃業的代步駕駛去從事短途載客服務,當然Uber透過很多管道來招攬很多駕駛來靠行租賃車,由Uber透過其APP實際從事訂價,這樣的情況變成是在離峰時段是用削價競爭,尖峰時段又把費率提高的方式,破壞整個小客車運輸市場的秩序。" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "我在這邊跟大家報告一下,我們在召開北區分區座談會時,是在台北區監理所,就是在士林那個地方,我們開一個分區座談會,座談會結束之後,我們就用Uber的APP叫車要回交通部,那時Uber的APP跳出來的費用是168元。因為當天有很多Uber的代步駕駛在那邊抗爭,所以那邊叫不到車,我們後來坐計程車回來,實際上坐計程車回到交通部是265元,因此168元與265元,中間差了100元。" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "再來,4月18日發生地震之後,台北捷運系統停止了兩個小時,Uber的叫車系統平台,它的費率是平常的2至3倍,就是大家叫不到車的時候,其實是可以把費率抬得很高。" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "我們為了要避免這樣的情況持續發生,所以我們進行計程車、分業車的管理,我們在2月1日預告修正103條之1,當然目前的簡稱是第103條之1。修正的重點是要禁止小客車租賃業車子外駛巡迴攔客,目前有一個情況,有很多黑色的R牌租賃車,可能在夜店的周邊或是外面等候即時派遣,我們要避免這樣的情況發生,也希望租賃車以一個小時為起租時數,這個費用大概是從台北到機場的費率,再來是車輛要有一些專用的標示。有民眾提議要建立網約車的專法,目的是要保護租賃業跟代步駕駛的就業權利。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一份簡報是可以公開的嗎?可以隨同今天的紀錄公開嗎?還是要簽一個公開的版本出來?儘量在十個工作天之內簽一個可以公開的版本。" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "應該可以公開。要再確認一下。" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "我們從這裡可以看得出來,附議人是以雙北地區為主,大概是佔了3%。再來是台中,台中是583,高雄是537,其實這幾個附議的地區,Uber跟租賃業有提供服務的地區,是以雙北為主。" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "我們認為這一種運輸的服務,不應該有地域的限制,如果像花東偏遠地區,也就是個位數字,我們認為這種運輸服務應該是普及型的,不能在生意好做的地方鼓勵大家來做生意,也引起計程車業者跟租賃業者雙方的對立,因為這樣子投入之後,可能到最後大家都賺不到錢。" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "其實Uber最近這半年來,因為車輛不斷地投入之後,變成是供過於求,Uber的司機私底下也有反映被抽成很高,因為被抽了25%,最近這半年的生意也沒有以前那麼好做。" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "至於提案的人,希望能夠立一個網約車的專法,其實就網約車的話,目前已經存在,而且有相關的法令,我們現在在汽車運輸業管理規則,就已經規定多元化計程車,其實就是透過網際網路的平台來整合資訊,甚至透過APP也可以概算車資,所以目前計程車客運服務業,已經有提供這樣的服務。" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "我們在修法的預告期間有開了北、中、南、東開了四場的分區座談會,當然邀請小客車租賃業,甚至Uber代步駕駛自救會的成員,然後計程車業者也有共同參與。" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "在預告期間我們有跟Uber公司,來的是亞太地區公共政策總監、臺灣區總經理、公共政策協理及Uber公司律師,都有到交通部來開會討論。再來,我們也有邀請小客車租賃業、計程車公會來交通部協商。" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "當然最重要的是,我們有跟代步駕駛自救會的這一些成員,包括總召跟李威爾,李威爾並不是真名,而是化名,他對外都自稱李威爾。這一位就是李威爾,我們每一場分區座談會,就是他發言最主要的發言人,一開始會用程序的問題來杯葛,認為不應該開這樣的分區座談會。" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "整個會議的進行過程,還是希望他們留下來,當然有兩場他們退席抗議,但是讓他們退席抗議之前,都讓他們講了半個小時的話。" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "總結是:國內目前已經有網約車的計程車,我們這一次修103條之1,其實就是在規範小客車租賃業透過資訊平台,提供一個專章、專用條文,至於有關民眾之前的提議,我建議是不是可以不用再召開協作會議,因為我們的時程滿趕的,也希望我們應該是在最近一個月內,我們就會把這個條文公告施行了,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這個要分兩個層面來講,一個是第103條之1的案子,確實如同簡報,請一定要讓我們能夠公開,這一案裡面包含座談會密集邀集利害關係人協商,這部分看起來已經有用這樣的方式進行一些討論,所以在第103條之1的部分,當然你們等於本於權責,秉持開放政府的精神來處理就好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但我還是要說提議立網約車專法的提議,尤其是底下很多連署者的留言,比較像要重新檢討多元化計程車,像硬體的需求等等的部分,這一個部分說實在的,跟第103條之1是分開的,所以我滿同意你剛剛所講的,第103條之1溝通協商程序內容的這些資料,我想這部分沒有問題,只要用民眾容易接觸的平台、接觸方式,盡可能完整、即時公開,讓資訊公開透明、有完整的政策履歷的情況下,就可以減少溝通成本及釐清的誤解,尤其未來作做相關決策的時候,公信力也會稍微高一點,人家現在是公司了,會有更多互相PR的情況。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是在網約車的部分,我還是覺得在未來的規劃上,時程不一定要跟第103條之1綁在一起,還是應該要引進各方的參與,像各方業者、消費者、公部門等等,看是不是可以透過共同協作來消弭對立,把我們現在說實在多元化計程車聽過或用的人,還是沒有那麼多的情況下,看是不是更符合使用者的需求,這也是交通部可以考慮的一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在「Join」的回覆上,我覺得還是要小心一點,如果直接把提案跟第103條之1綁在一起,很多連署人是大概不會同意的,所以在回應相關質疑的時候,還是要全面看包含底下得分比較高的留言,不要受限於本來提案,尤其不要受限於第103條之1的票面,我知道交通部大部分的精力都是在忙第103條之1,但這裡面有很多聲音告訴我們網約車的這一件事,也就是我們講多元化計程車的這一件事,不是未來沒有精進的空間,也請交通部一併參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看有沒有想要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "回應一下政委,有關於多元化計程車鬆綁,目前也在進行討論,包含費率低,甚至是不是可以一個駕駛接受多個派遣,目前正在討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的意思是當然第103條之1先處理完再碰這個,但碰這個的時候,當時參與連署的人其實是你的朋友,並不一定是來抗議的,不管未來是不是用協作會議的形式,我覺得把這一些人納入,我覺得還是對後面的調整一定很有幫助,但我理解第103條之1,目前交通部希望跟這個連署脫鉤處理,這個我是完全支持。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我可以做一個確認嗎?有關交通部提出不召開協作會議的部分,政委這邊是同意嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該在時程上,也就是在你們辦第103條之1處理完之前,我們暫停關於要協作的這一件事,但是畢竟大家之前有投票,說這一件事值得協作的,請你們的第103條之1稍微緩下來的時候,再回過頭來來檢視多元化計程車的時候,再來評估要不要納入這一個連署案的連署人來進入協作的過程中。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,我在這裡也同意你剛剛的論點是很好的,我們還在第103條之1的時候,這兩個非常容易混在一起,因此在第103條之1正式公告之前,我想我們暫停關於協作的提議。但是第103條之1最後如果真的公告之後,還是要回來處理,這樣可以嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王昭明", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有要提出討論或分享的?如果沒有的話,我們請故宮的PO之後開始規劃協作的部分,我們之後也會讓各部會的PO可以瞭解有哪一些可以參與的部分,請交通部的簡報確立要如何公開,今天到這邊,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "會前會會有逐字紀錄,今天會後會將逐字紀錄的內容寄給各位,大家可以針對自己的內容再作修正。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "可以提醒一下,因為我們還是會前會,如果有覺得不適合被錄音或者是紀錄,可以先說一下,我們再討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝大家撥冗來參加今天的會前會,延宕了一個半月,我們終於還是要開。我先跟大家討論一下當天的會議形式可以是什麼,然後我們再對一下新修法條進來之後,我們在會議上還是會遇到一些需要說明的地方,大家再一起來看怎麼準備。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "目前預定的形式,我不確定中選會有沒有接受到相關的資訊,我們會希望兩個半小時有一點像院版草案的說明會,當然不是會前會的法案說明會的程序,只是我們覺得這樣子對大家來說都是比較輕量化的會議方式,不用開一場六個小時的協作會議,確實中選會這一次也會有很多問題,大家幫我看,隨時有問題要補充的,就先提出來。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "因為有兩個半小時,我們預計剛開始還是會由主持團隊來作開場,我們會非常精簡介紹協作會議的概念是什麼,當天不是協作會議,我們還是會介紹一下開放政府的原則,我們會以心智圖、與會者對齊資訊,包含之前訪談、所有的與會者對齊資訊,就是包含之前訪談、閱讀的資料、蒐集得如何、有哪一些爭點,這一次中選會又回應了哪一些部分,哪一些還沒有回應,我們當天會先跟大家盤點清楚。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個心智圖會跟中選會、法務部這邊會跟大家看過一遍。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "心智圖盤點完之後,我們會請中選會作簡報,針對這一次修法有回應到民間或者是立法院意見的部分,請你們來做說明。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "是針對人權的部分或者是要整個修法草案說明?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個可以討論,因為只講人權或者是講修法草案的優劣不太一樣,我們等一下可以一起討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "最後,大概會有將近40分鐘至1小時的時間,來開放現場的與會者來討論或者是事實的釐清,最後只做綜整,不需要再有具體的結論或者是回應。大概是這樣,目前到這邊有什麼問題嗎?如果沒有的話,我們接著往下走。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們不一定都需要直播,但是我們內部昨天開了一個小會,會建議直播有兩個原因:第一,因為這個版本進立法院審議或者是協商,我相信很多人會在不瞭解的狀況下,還是會炮聲隆隆,如果有直播的話,可以先讓有疑慮的人理解院版的精神跟具體的回應有哪一些。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "另外,這邊寫得有一點白,資料先公開了,之後中選會到立法院備詢時,其實有防守的說法,也就是先前開了什麼樣的會議,我們的想法是這樣,當然中選會有什麼樣的擔心,大家可以提出。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們會希望主體是說明會,只是加入協作會議的元素,我們原先的A版本設定是草案的說明,因為我們確實覺得草案有回應到滿多具體的東西;第二,我們會逐條對應心智圖,像我剛剛所說的,哪一些有疑慮,中選會具體回應了,哪一些還沒有。藍色的部分請大家幫我看一下,這邊需要跟中選會確認,對於民間可能有疑慮,但是這一次修法並沒有修進去的部分,是否有辦法做出說明?這個是需要給你們評估的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "本辦公室的立場覺得這要有滿高的把握做足,因為去立院備詢的時候也是一樣的,要做足大家都不懂,或者是認為修法版本不足的前提來做準備。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第三,我們會收整意見,我們等一下也可以討論有沒有要邀立法委員或者是他們的助理出席,因為當時訪談的時候是訪談了李俊毅、蘇巧慧、林靜儀辦公室,如果作為訪談利害關係人,應該要被邀請出席,但是也是由你們做最後的定奪,那個說法是現場發散了討論出來所有的意見,可以提供給未來立法院審查或者是協商時作為參考,這就是那一天會議的收場。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我這邊快速走一下流程,大概9點30分開始,我們開場做協作會議開放政府的簡介,花45分鐘的時間用心智圖盤點爭點及具體回應的部分有哪一些,留15分鐘給中選會做簡報及說明,1個小時的現場討論,與會者的所有意見,我們會即時收到心智圖上,放到該放的位置,最後總結於12點散會。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "以上先聽聽看處長跟法務部有什麼樣的想法?" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "抱歉,時間訂在什麼時候?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "5月24日。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "地點是中選會處理?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "社創。" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "對不起,法務部的立場是協辦嗎?我記得上次有提到,是不是不需要?" }, { "speaker": "黃王裕", "speech": "這次是第二次會前會,第一次會前會是在2月12日,辦公室原先考量利害關係人可能會詢問同婚法案的問題,本來要把法務部列為協辦機關。但是在上次的會前會,已向政委說明同婚法案雖然是這個提案的緣起,但是跟這個案子是不是要修正公民投票法並沒有絕對的關聯,本部如果列為協辦機關,在現場可能會讓整個爭點沒有辦法收攏,因此上次會前會,政委同意不把法務部納入。不清楚這次要納入法務部的考量是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "前次會前會為2月份,現在已經5月了,狀況不太一樣,當然考量有關於人權的部分,所以才會再請部裡面出席。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我補充一下印象好了,裡面的訪談資料是說人權公約的相關規定有沒有違反,但是其實那時有人提到有沒有人權公約的部分到底該怎麼處理,法務部其實有注意到,也許可以再分享一些,到底實務面上中選會要認定是不是違反人權公約時,如何跟法務部討論,這可能是相關的部分,這個給大家參考。" }, { "speaker": "黃王裕", "speech": "所以這一次列入是希望本部就人權公約的部分表達意見嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我不敢肯定是不是,這一塊看起來是法務部在這一場會議裡面幫忙的地方,因為這個地方人權公約的認定,我想中選會沒有法務部這麼專業。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再來,還會有一個比較異常的爭點,可能會再冒出來的,有的人會問,我們到底要不要經過大法官釋憲的部分?這可能應該是要知道。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個要決定是討論人權的選項或者是如何盤點,等一下可以再決定,以上是我們辦公室的建議,如果你們還是有什麼意見可以提出來。" }, { "speaker": "黃王裕", "speech": "因為本部今天來的單位有兩個,一個是跟人權業務有關的法制司,另外一個是跟同婚有關的法律事務司,所以需先釐清正式會議時欲就哪部分請我們表示意見,這會影響我們當天派員的單位。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們應該先可不可以,而不是討論你們要不要來。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個可以會議結束前再做決定,先不討論內容的話,也先不討論有沒有這個,先看一下這個議程,就是用說明會結合協作會議的方式,有沒有什麼樣的問題?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "原先這個案子的緣起,是同婚的議題,然後涉及到人權的議題要不要公投,按照現在的規劃,好像要把整個公投法的修法都納入,我們認為不是很恰當。因為體制內跟體制外,到底怎麼樣去做結合?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "現在正式的法律案到立法院去,立法委員的相對版本現在已經有26個,而且陸續進來了,而且這個法案目前是高度爭議性、具政治敏感性,加上本會主委人選的問題,所以有很多問題並不恰當由我們這個幕僚人員來回答,有一些高度應該等於是政務官的高度來處理。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "但是如果你只限於人權這一個部分的話,人權就是現在有的版本,我們來討論的話,第一個比較容易聚焦,第二個是比較容易有結果,不會實際上開花,開了半天而沒有結果,因此在這一個部分,我們也可以做釐清。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "其他的議題可會扯到身分證要不要影本的問題、要不要同意投票的問題,那個是高度政治性的問題,因此我們建議如果要的話,專門針對人權侵害的這一些能不能公投議題來做範圍就可以了,那就有很多討論的空間了,不需要擴大。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝處長說明,是不是可以容許5分鐘盤點一下我們之前訪談的面向怎麼樣,然後回來決定到底只討論提案是否涉及合憲或者是兩公約的問題,也是可以討論,等一下我也有疑慮想要請中選會回答。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "依照中選會在官網上的全國性投票流程,我們盤點出這樣子,會有三個階段:提案階段、連署階段、公告討論及投票的階段,這個是我們的分類,有錯誤你們可以指正。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "黃色的地方是我們訪談或者是資料蒐集大家覺得有疑慮、我們可以提出的問題,橘色這邊是把中選會修正的法條補上去了,比較精簡地摘要一些文字而已;綠色的部分是民間團體或者是一些學者專家的建議行政機關;提案階段中選會的審核,其實是這一次會有這個提案的來源,他們認為判斷涉憲是不是過於寬鬆,跨題有可能導致違憲的疑慮,像同婚的法條及法案,比如提案人說不足等,這一些是比較小的問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "其實民間本來就希望增訂工程事項,不違反憲法所違反的權利內容,以及如果涉及國際公約的話,對民間來說,他們一直誤用的可以做實質的審查,但是中選會有說沒有東西。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們這一次回應已經修法修在第1條了,「明定不得違反我國已締結、經總統批准或公布之國際人權公約及其施行法之規定」,但是這個會有一個滿大的問題,這個是我自己心中會把問題展開的原因,原本就要合憲,或者是現在把兩公約放進來,其實這個問題都沒有被解決。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個議題的提案界定還是可能會有一些執行上的困難,我們不確定,因為牴觸了某些的價值觀就可以拿出來說,但是你這個可能違反了什麼樣、侵害什麼樣的依據,這個等一下需要中選會幫我思考。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個是我個人認為可以把議題展開討論,而不侷限於這邊的原因,但當然中選會在這一題上,因為這個是你們當初講出來的難處,經過這一個多月你們有非常多具體的回應,在機制上真的有辦法把關的話,我們可以討論正確的項目。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這就是針對現行在提案、審查階段有可能涉及人權,這個是民間團體的一些意見,比如在這個階段就加入司法、檢察的機制或者是修法,過去的意見就是要修法,所以這一個是第一個問題點。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "其實中選會在第9條也做了非常多的補充,把提案未來可以明確化。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "接著,提案人數不足的部分,中選會第10條也做了一些修正的說明。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "另外一個爭點對大家比較大的爭點是對於提案是否合憲的部分,既有流程如果不合憲要舉辦聽證會跟補正,民間團體的疑慮是聽證會的會議紀錄並沒有辦法完整看出討論的脈絡、不夠透明。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二,利害關係人的認定有疑慮,到底哪一些人可以參與聽證會、哪一些人不行,所以民間建議可以加入法庭之友的制度。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "聽證會如果補證合憲之後就會往後走去連署的階段,如果不合憲的話,提案人或者是領銜人可以走大法官解釋的部分。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "通過之後會有哪一些問題?像這一次伴侶盟就人這個提案通過,其實是一個行政處分,他們覺得這個行政處分其實某種程度上會剝奪了少部分的人的權利,因此打了司法救濟,但是對他們來講司法救濟的管道其實不太夠,他們認為如果有違憲疑義的時候,救濟管道不夠,而且也不夠即時。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "另外一種立場是,如果補回的時候,提案人不處理,希望這個公投案繼續的人也沒有辦法有救濟的管道。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "很感謝中選會做了這一次的修法,也就是在第5條之3,這邊有做了一個為終局不受理救濟,這邊有補足了上面救濟管道的疑慮。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "再來,有關於連署階段,最多人或者是立法院,可能大家很在意的是是否本人連署等等,中選會新增了一個電子連署是在第10條之1,有關於造假的連署案民間或者是立法院會希望可以附上身分證影本,他們會希望課予領銜人或者是提案人更多相關的責任,因此中選會第9條也有給這個東西作為具體的回應,也有補足這一些把關事項。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "再來,有關於成案、不成案,第三個階段的公告討論到投票階段的時間,我覺得也是非常多人在意的點,他們覺得從成案到投票的階段實在太短,因此這一次中選會有做了具體的回應,也就是第23條的部分,也就是延長到三至六個月。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "之於這一次討論非常多的假反方取得的資源、金流及假資訊的查證等等,這一次在修法當中就沒有處理到。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "再來,有關於投票及開票日當天,有關於流程不順暢、投票日是不是應該綁大選,還有是不是可以有宣傳或者是什麼錄影拍攝等等,這一次中選會也有做了相當多的回應,主要是在這個部分,也就是投票日不得宣傳、不得攜帶什麼工具、會有何相應的罰則,這一次的修法都有明訂,公投及選舉日都有做文字上的修正,然後也放寬了一些投票權人的限制。第6條新訂了這個部分。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "接下來是後端,如果提案通過之後會有什麼法律效果,其他人要提出司法救濟的時候,在這個階段有什麼法律效果。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "全部盤點完之後大概是這樣子,我們可以再回過頭來討論處長所說的問題,我們本來設想的舉辦是,我們會像剛剛一樣幫大家盤點完,會讓與會的人知道意見都被放在上面,其實這個是第一個消除壓力的方式,並不會覺得我講了很多,好像只聚焦在某一個部分,這個第一個部分。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二,如果我們先盤點完之後,其實可以看到中選會不管是在提案階段、連署階段,甚至是投票日當天很努力做出了一些回應,的確是可以實質上解決某些問題,這個是加分的部分。但是確實也有一個風險,還是有一些比如資訊查證、不合憲的地方沒有被處理到,這個就會需要準備跟解釋,這邊是風險,就會需要去評估,我們報告到這邊,進行開放性的討論,看主持團隊有沒有要補充?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "處長的意思是,我們之前蒐集這麼多,但是現在既然有院版,對於事務官來講,有些問題我們現在如果沒有辦法回答等一下再處理,有辦法回答的,如果基於院版,就拿院版捍衛政策立場來說明,我覺得這個對於事務官來講很做得到。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我承認處長剛剛有提到,部分確實是政務官層級的決策,(要處長解釋)這個強人所難,但是在下面有對應,我講直白一點,就算那一天是鬼擋牆,因為在座各位都一樣,我們的立場就是院版,我們都是行政院的人,所以如果有對應的,我在想或許不用拘泥,因為那一天能講的都寫出來,都放在立法院了,對社會做解釋、政策辯護來捍衛,我覺得這個是大家的職責。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "至於上面沒有辦法回應到、院版沒有辦法回應到,這個細部來討論,大致的原則上看處長覺得怎麼樣?我們就是以院版的立場來說明。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "有關於到底修訂在第1條,會不會還是有許多民間團體認為沒有辦法真正把關的問題,老實說沒有被解決,如果沒有設這個機制的話,因為你沒有辦法在提案的時候就確定會不會抵銷,必須產生法律效果之後,你不可能在這個時候就有辦法做定奪,除非像兩公約可以發函給其他的行政機關來做說明及解釋,這個是可以的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "但是我們訂了這個,其實我們覺得這樣入法非常好,但是訂了這個之後是不是真的可以解決未來有類似提案,中選會在這個階段的壓力,這個我不太確定,要問你們比較清楚。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "如果範圍要廣泛討論的話,當然也沒問題,但是這樣的話,就會產生議題太過寬泛,變成大家反而沒有辦法作很好的聚焦" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "現在有院版草案之定論,我們當然要作說明來捍衛院版的草案,這個是沒有問題的,但是如果又把議題放出去,會好不容易已經彙整意見了,又放出去重啟討論,會沒完沒了,所以應該是哪一邊沒有解決的,我們再來處理就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "所以您的意思是說有一些已經回應了。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "已經有結論的部分,現在又拋出來討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "如果他們提到這個會議沒有解決,中選會的回應是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "當然可以回應,為什麼有些議題我們沒有納入,是可以說明,但是我覺得這一個部分,我們要瞭解本次會議主要的目的是什麼,如果主要的目的是草案來說明,我們當然可以作概括的回應。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "如果現在要解決問題的話,那就要聚焦。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們這個問題也可以試著討論看看。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我不太確定可不可以處長有沒有辦法,我相信您在做這一些東西之前,也有蒐集很多各國的法例,當有人提到這個問題,當沒有人提到的時候,就我們之前的蒐集有好幾個各國的法例怎麼樣,跟大家解說一下,但是因為內部還在討論中,所以目前還沒有定案,這一次的修法沒有放上去,但是我們內部已經有研擬,這樣的回答大家也ok,會不會給您帶到很大的壓力?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我相信中選會很會回答這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "同時也讓大家知道中選會有在思考這一件事,只是目前內部還沒有定論,所以目前還沒有辦法跟大家說我們的立場是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "如果這次定位是對外說明回應的話,那我們當然也沒有意見,但是如果這一次的會議定位是要來解決提案人的問題,我們建議只要針對這個。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我是覺得當然針對已經立法的部分,如果還有疑慮可以解決,但是針對以外的,也許是事實的澄清就好了,若真的提到的話,我相信有的人會真的很想提到這一塊,就做事實釐清就好了,主持人就幫忙收出來,目前中選會也沒有辦法確定澄清或再提修法,也不可能,我們意見就先收到這裡,就聚焦在中選會可以幫大家解決的地方。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "剛剛處長講到重點,本次會議的定性,我們根本上為何要舉辦這個案子,剛剛處長有講,其實我們就是要回應提案人的基本訴求,我不認為我們辦公室現在有權力要求中選會去辦另外一個公眾說明,這個並不是我們跟他們的公眾關係。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我的意思是並不是定性要解決問題就不處理其他的問題,因為一定會有人問其他的問題,你不回應他的話……" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們應該不是處理這個部分……" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "主持人說好,雖然這一塊不是主要討論的重點,但是很感謝中選會已經做了釐清,還是把會議的焦點放回去,只是溢出我們規劃的範圍,你們要有一個柔軟的方式承接下來,我們再拉回來繼續討論議題。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們能做的已經在後面,就是轉呈立法院,中選會現在沒有另外一個出路,不能這樣講。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "為什麼?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "因為已經有院版了,行政院沒有要處理,必須要坦白講,這個是事實,所以中選會沒有辦法說另外的方式處理,因為院版有就有,沒有就沒有。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "事實釐清各國的狀況怎麼樣,現在目前確實還沒有結論,所以才沒有處理,我覺得這個答覆很合理。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個時候把球丟到立法院,這個是非常好的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "那個版本是可以回答的,我覺得要求處長這樣講,說中選會已經過了院版,沒有放進去,如果中選會主委在場可以這樣講,我覺得處長在場這樣講,太為難他。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "剛剛的建議是只討論這個部分,是不是可以跟我們說一下你們瞭解民間吵的狀況是什麼,你們可以具體回應,而且可以討論更細緻,並且可以讓與會者有一些瞭解,因為我目前有什麼想像不到有討論方式不會被引爆,雖然我們法條修得滿好,因此需要先跟你們對齊過。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "這一個部分其實我們跟一般人的看法,有時很難解釋更清楚,但是我還是儘量把這個跟大家解釋一下。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "按照憲法第17條的規定,人民有選舉、罷免、創制、複決之權為基本的權利,如果以這個為準的話,這個是我的基本權利,我要提什麼案子,這個要看我的意思,所以公投議題應該不受任何限制才對。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "但同樣的,憲法第136條也有規定,創制、複決兩權之行使以法律定之,換句話說,即便創制、複決是基本權利,但是你還是要在法律的架構下行使,既然在法律的架構下,當然也是在憲法的架構下來做這個提案,來行使你的創制、複決權,這應該是沒有問題的,大家容易理解的。至於哪一個部分是直接民權可以行使的部分?哪一個部分是憲法保留或法律保留給代議或行政機關行使的,這一個部分涉及到直接民權跟間接民權兩者之間,權力分立的問題。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "哪一個機關有辦法判斷呢?你要站在非常高的高度,來作這個判斷,也就是審議機關的高度要很高才有辦法說這是屬於直接民主的部分、這個是屬於間接民主的部分,因為目前沒有很明確的立法,來作這個區分。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "現在怎麼分呢?現在是按照公投法來做分際,公投法只有規定薪資、租稅、人事、預算,這幾個項目不能投的,已經明確規定,這等於是具體內容,這種事情就不能投公投。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "另外有一些不是很明顯的,像原住民事務的部分,雖然有規定,可是並沒有說可以公投,而是要依照原住民基本權利法來進行。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "另外,公投法還規定不能瞭解提案真意的,已經投過而不能再投等等的,我們的審查目前是按照公投法的規定來作審查,這也沒有問題,依照公投法有一些議題內容,像薪俸、人事、租稅、預算,都是排除在公投議題之外的,所以有些人認為公投案審查機關,不能就公投內容作這個實質審查,我們也不知道在講什麼、法律上並沒有所畗實質或形式審查的區分。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "現在審查案件產生爭議的則是公投法第2條第2項序文的規定,是講全國性公民投票,依憲法規定外,其適用事項如下,什麼叫做「依憲法規定」,這個解讀的範圍就很抽象了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "處長可以幫忙說明一下嗎?我就是一般素民的民眾,可以瞭解第1條訂之後,跟原本的舊法有什麼不同嗎?因為我現在聽到有訪問過處長,所以謝謝處長給我們一些概念,但是我聽起來剛剛的說法跟現在有修正草案之後,聽起來還是一樣,因為其實現在沒有權力分立的原則。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "我還沒有講完。因為第2條第2項序文有「依憲法規定」,比較窄的解釋是憲法規定的公投(修憲公投及領土變更公投)是屬於立法院發動交給全民公投的,所以人民不能自行發動這二項公投,但是從修法歷程中來看,我們認為並不只是憲法規定的二項公投要按照憲法規定,假如是人民提出的公投案,有涉及到憲法規定的,那就是憲法保留的規定,就不可以來公投,但是這個部分目前法院並不認同我們的見解。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "法院認為憑什麼講這類公投涉及憲法規定就不能投?因為按照憲法第78條的規定,解釋憲法屬於司法院的權限,這個是他(司法院)的權限,所以中選會不能判斷是不是違憲,要等到公投投完之後,行政部門去起草,草案送給立法院,立法院通過,通過之後有人適用,適用有發生疑義才能申請解釋,才能作違憲的認定。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "我們認為這一個部分還有爭議,因此還在上訴當中,因為公投提案已經很明顯涉及到憲法條文了,你還要再繞一圈嗎?不需要兜一個圈子,好比食物已發霉,有腐臭味就表示食物壞掉不能吃了,不應該等到吃下去拉肚子以後,才說食物壞了,不能吃。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我想問一下,剛剛提到這個還在上訴中,是哪一個?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "對,我們對這個有一個具體的案子提出上訴,就是陳冲的負數票公投案,總統副總統怎麼選的,依憲法增修條文的規定是經由相對多數制選出來的,怎麼可以用了一個負數票投票制來取代?所以我們認為這個是憲法保留的規定。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "目前法院的見解,顯然是採取保守的態度,認為我們沒有直接認定公投內容為違憲的權責。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "但是現在如果按照院版修正條文,那就不是憲法的層次了,而是國內法律的層次了,雖然這一些國際公約及其施行法,部分條文還是屬於原則性的,抽像性的規範,但是有很多的一般性意見,這些一般性意見等於是在解釋公約內容的法制意見,因此有很多具體的內容,這個會是屬於比較具體的法律的層次,所以我們不用來解釋憲法,我們來適用這個法律(公約),可以對若干明顯違反人權公約就可以來作審查了,就比較有一個依據,不會說是我們在解釋憲法,可以有一個比較具體的東西來操作。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "不需要動不動就提升到解釋憲法的位階,不需要,有很多人權規定可以來做我們的參考。當事人不服,當然就可以去打行政訴訟,最後當然還是回到大法官作解釋。爭議可以減少。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "此一修正司法院,也覺得是ok的,因為你要把什麼有違憲疑義的公投案都事前送給他們審,這跟權力分立原理完全違反了,因他是事後權,也就是最後的救濟,不能事前就來審查,然後事前大法官說可以,後來爭議,大法官要如何審理?更何況如果僅有大法官才能認定,所有公投案執必要全部送去司法院先審,實務上也不可行,因為人民所提公投案是自由形成的,所以大法官審認一個公投案認為有違憲,那好了,提案者祇要再修改一下,又送一個提案,如再違憲,然後再來一個,可以無限次來,可以改幾個字重新提案,對不對?沒完沒了。而且依照現在的規定,是審查機關認為公投案有問題,要經過而補正的程序,大法官認為違憲,那我補正完再給你有沒有違憲就好了,大法官豈非要審二次,所以實務上完全不可行,還是要由一個機關來作篩選。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "當然不一定是要賦予本會審查權限,我們都沒有意見,但起碼要有一個機關來做。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我想請教一下,這一條看起來是很重要的爭點,如果細分的話,是什麼流程,到底是誰,比如當中選會發現有這個疑慮的時候,你們發函給誰問?你們是發函、行文給衛福部來認定有無違反,或者是行文到聯合國?衛福部自己決定就好了,或者是衛福部要召開一個會議,包含外部專家給建議,然後再回復一個綜合的建議?這個要不要時限?是不是要一個禮拜內或者是一個月內就好了?我覺得這個也許是會議上具體的討論,對中選會會比較有幫助,是不是也許聚焦這個問題會比較好一點?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "現在實務上從107年初修法之後,總共有37個公投提案案,其中有7個公投案,一次審查就通過了,另外30個公投案都有辦理聽證,其中有18案經聽證後要求其補正,補正後合於規定的有18案,換句話說有25個公投案是合於規定的,17個案是命其補正不補正的,所以5個案是補正後仍不符規定的,其中包含剛剛所講的負數票制公投案。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "所以現制是提案內容如果有問題的話,就要聽證,將來如果有違反人權公約的問題,我們不是發函,我們會直接找法務部、或相關機關來,請他們聽證,這樣就比較容易判斷。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "所以我們現在決定一下當天討論的議題草案的說明或者是公投提案的事項往下延伸?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "看你們,如果是這樣的話,我們就以這個為準,你們要簡報的話,你們可以做綜合的簡報" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "可以。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "但是我們針對這一個部分來跟大家說明,看這樣是不是可以?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "跟處長說明一下,我們這個盤點,不會決定今天會議的議題講人權提案,我們就把這邊的資訊揭露,因為那個對於利害關係人跟與會者來講是很明顯沒有被尊重,所以既定的程序會看完,我們會協助收斂把議題聚焦在這裡,如果有人太開花或者是講價值觀的辯證,主持團隊會收回來,這個是不用擔心,我們的目的就是要做到這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "我們報告是針對這個?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "如果其他有相關的,比如有沒有制止公投案進行的權利等等,我們也可以稍微講一下,人權議題相關的當然沒有問題,但是主要針對這個,看這樣大家是不是可以作一些妥協的解決?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "如果當天有人講到程序不夠透明或者是假資訊的部分,主持團隊會協助哪一些會回應,其他沒有,我們可以快速說今天討論的主題是這個。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "拜託麥克要修正一下,這個不會是修正草案的總說明會。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "法務部就不會處理到人權那一塊?這樣法務部要出席嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "那個最後再討論,等一下再討論誰要來、誰不用來。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "就是針對人權部分的議題。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "如果只有一第1條就明確寫第1條,以中選會來講。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "第1條是立法委員的版本,但是第2條是除憲法規定外,有一些限制的項目,第10條才是駁回,如果有違反則1、2、10是相關的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我覺得依照提案人所說的去作說明就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "流程上一樣是這樣子,但是我們會多做的是心智圖快速對齊資訊之後就快速整理,會有中選會簡報來說明,如果會場上有其他的機制,其實也跟人權的把關有關,你們也看過,你們經歷了非常多的回應,因此應該可以充足說明。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "開放現場討論就交給主持團隊來收斂,可能當天會需要非常多中選會的人即時回應。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們確定一下直播的這一件事,你們覺得直播是ok的嗎?有沒有很擔心?我們尊重部會,並不是必備的選項,前面兩個是我們建議的原因,中選會有否決的權利,也可以跟我們講一下。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "原則可以,除非有不同的意見。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "最後的說法我需要再跟子維討論,其實沒有結論,我們最後收一個是不是要給這一些彙整的意見交到立法院參考等等,中選會覺得沒有問題,因為未來戰場在那邊。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我想先確認一下部會的意見,如果當天有立委的助理出席……" }, { "speaker": "徐易麟", "speech": "已經有草案了,為什麼還會有?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "主持團隊會出,不要讓他們覺得我們今天討論的東西好像不了了之。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "如果有立委助理出席,他們的發言會不會對你們有壓力?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "我覺得他們應該可以接受。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "那就按照上面的。因為如果他們在場,你們可以接受的話,這個對我們來講,是一個出口,講一講,都已經在這裡,還要怎麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "其實通常會讓部會簡報,但是這一次,我們把9點45分的心智圖跟部會簡報調過來,是因為知道意見都收了,中選會其實有非常具體的回應,或許感覺上比較好,不會你們說完之後,大家再打開盤點,大家會看到沒有被處理的部分,我要看的是資訊吸收的時間點會有落差,因此我們建議是這樣,我們先盤點完,然後聚焦。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "反正我們就是簡報的那一個部分就對了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "對,我只是解釋一下為何更動。" }, { "speaker": "徐易麟", "speech": "簡報需要先給你們嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "會議前三天。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "玉琪會再跟你們確認。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "接下來的分工,可以確認剛剛法務部那邊是誰,像法務部有明確他們的立場。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我問一下,如果有提到兩公約,兩公約的主管機關是法務部嗎?" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "立法院公投法討論是司法法制委員會,在做討論的時候,法務部的代表會在場嗎?" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "會。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "那我建議你們來。" }, { "speaker": "孫魯良", "speech": "公民投票法修正草案第1條第3項規定是否違反國際人權公約部分,應如何認定及其認定流程,尚無相關公投法授權之法規命令草案,故法務部就此一部分尚無法表示意見,且如何認定是否違反兩公約,應屬公投法修正後之後端事項,是否會於協作會議討論?第二點是現行國內法化的國際人權公約除兩公約外,還有CEDAW、CRD、CRPD,主管機關為性平處及衛福部,如果協作會議邀請法務部的目的是因為法務部是兩公約施行法的主管機關的話,那建議一併邀請性平處及衛福部。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "法務部的建議是其他像法務部等要列席,還是你們的建議是,因為現在都是協辦?" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "我們都是列席,不一定要協辦。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "差在哪?" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "當時的狀況是,我們來做適當的發言而已。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "如果是協辦的話,你們的角色是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "可能一開始就要上去。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "但是也沒有簡報了,所以差在哪?我只是好奇。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "協辦聽起來角色比較重。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "會比較有誠意。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "心理作用?" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "我們可以列席。但是還有衛福部、性平處,都要列席。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你們的意思是這樣嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "法務部其實中間的功能不只是人權公約,另外還有包含法律程序到底怎麼樣,如果真的開花到大法官釋憲之類的東西,還可以再幫忙解釋一下,所以法務部的功能是比衛福部多一些,但是那個只是在事實釐清的部分,並不是具體怎麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "剛剛已經有提到要具體收攏。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "怕來的人搞不清楚狀況就一直講。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們做一個決定,剛剛法務部提出兩個建議,一個是你們不要掛協辦,你們列席。第二個,你們認為應該也要邀請衛福部跟性平處列席,要不要邀這兩個單位列席,我們辦公室決定,所以不用在這邊討論,因為不管怎麼樣,你們就是列席,都還是要來,如果到最後沒有邀他們,那就是我們的決定,那就這樣。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "當天事情解決了。先確認一下當天要邀的人,我這邊列的是之前有訪談的NGO、立委及學者,看有沒有其他的?也歡迎的話,有時間也可以邀請,法務部雖然是列席,你們也可以建議一下,或者這個要事後想一下再補給玉琪?" }, { "speaker": "徐易麟", "speech": "如上面就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "之後都可以再補充。法務部有什麼建議?" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "沒有。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "玉琪快速講一下行政分工。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "因為那一天定調是針對人權的部分,主持人是壹雯跟雨蒼,心智圖就是剛剛那個,sli.do是現場可以匿名發言,主持人會適時收意見,有可能會請相關部會,也就是由主持人收尾。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "直播現在定調會公開,因此我現場會詢問一次現場。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "你們剛剛是說?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "基本上詢問現場,或者是直接定調直播。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "就直接直播了,現場有人反對直播,他就出去。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "他反對直播,可以處理,但是我設想應該不會有這種情況。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "地點是在社創中心,請中選會發開會通知單,立委助理是由我們辦公室去邀?其他的部分由中選會處理?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "立委通知應該是由你們邀或者是我們邀?" }, { "speaker": "徐易麟", "speech": "我們不會特別寫助理,就是寫委員辦公室。我們這邊會發開會通知單,議程請再給我。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "出席名單請在5月21日以前都給我。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們剛剛說的那三個委員是因為我們訪談到這三個。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "他們也有提案。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "如果有其他建議的委員,你們認為可以說明,也可以把開會通知單放上去。玉琪剛剛說的出席跟開會通知單不一樣,三天前的出席名單是確定會來。還有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "徐易麟", "speech": "出席者也要列哪一個單位嗎?包含立委那一些都是列列席嗎?包含法務部或者是接下來的都是列席單位。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "列席跟出席是不一樣的角色。" }, { "speaker": "徐易麟", "speech": "因為開會通知單有出席者跟列席者。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我個人的判斷是都出席。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "你被列為列席者是去聽,而不發言,大概是這樣子。剛剛有講好,法務部一定是列席,還是出席?" }, { "speaker": "羅柏", "speech": "不是協辦,出、列席都沒有關係。" }, { "speaker": "徐易麟", "speech": "所有單位都寫出席者。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我要確認的都需要解釋了,如果大家都沒有問題的話,就會議結束了。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "先跟大家說一下,我們等一下的會議都會做逐字紀錄,因為今天速錄師有另外一場會,所以用錄音的方式處理,在收到紀錄的十個工作天內編修,十個工作天後公開,大家可以修改自己的發言內容。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "請馬克先開始。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "大家好,等一下的簡報先講一下PDIS對於接下來故宮協作會議可能的規劃,我們想先跟大家分享一下目前的規劃,並確認這樣是不是ok的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "整體的時程,就像上面寫的這一些日期,這個簡報會提供給你們,不好意思,沒有辦法事前先提供給你們。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "當初有跟學仁稍微討論一下整個時程的狀況,我們知道6月底的時候,RFP需要公告招標,因此往前整個時程出來,所以在6月10日的時候,我們會開協作會議,那一天協作會議會是一整天的會議,預計早上9點30到下午5點,詳細的議程等一下會有投影片說明。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接下來會有一個協作會議的會後會,因為我們要整理協作會議上得到的建議,我們預定是在6月12日是早上的9點至12點,基本上跟今天的組成有一點像,是故宮的同仁跟PDIS的同仁,我們會確認每一個建議是不是參採。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "6月17日至21日,我們會從這裡面擇一天召開,需要跨部會協調的部分,因為有一些需求可能需要其他部會的幫忙,等一下會有一些範例,可能需要的部分。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接下來,時間走到這裡之後,6月底在RFP公開招標的同時,我們會需要把協作會議的所有會議紀錄,包含會議的影像錄影、逐字稿,以及剛剛整理出來的參採與否的說明表,我們會一併公開,我們預計公開在我們自己的官網及故宮的官網。如果時程順利的話,6月底公開招標,7月底應該會決標,決標之後應該就會開始做。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "那時知道故宮的安排是明年農曆年前,希望自動購票機上線,因為按照完整找使用者進來設計,除了初期的設計之外,中間流程的測試也是很重要的,所以我們會預計在9月跟11月有一個流程測試的協作會議,這個時間點都可以再討論,如果要要求廠商做這一件事的話,建議可能寫在RFP裡面,這個是整體的時程。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我先把所有的簡報報完,到時再一個個討論。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "剛剛提到一個擇日召開跨部會協調會議的部分,基本上內容是這樣子,就像我們之前有討論到的,我們要在線上做人別辨識功能的話,要介接內政部戶政系統的東西,這一些是我們辦公室可以幫忙召開協調會議的部分。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "再來是票卷金流的議題,因為我們自己參訪故宮的部分,發現只有微信、支付寶跟Apple Pay,我們覺得很奇怪,問了學仁這邊,國內常見的行動支付,不能符合一些規定,如果可以的話,幫忙補充一下大概是什麼狀態。我們自己猜了一下需要財政部、主計總處的幫忙,也不知道對不對,請你們再確認一下。我們之前有聊到過的這兩個部分,有沒有其他已經知道的我們可以幫忙的部分?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這個協調會議,像6月10日的協作會議,大家有舉出一個我覺得很不錯的idea,但是需要新的部會幫忙,我們也是會在這一個跨部會協調會一併處理。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們大概講一下9月、11月的流程測試大概要做什麼,因為日期有一點遠,因此我寫出大概的目標,通常在做資訊系統的時候,會先有一個互動的原型出來,然後接下來會有雛形系統出來,接下來再正式上線,等互動的原型出來的時候,再找一些人來做應用性測試,然後給予動線做一些建議。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "雛形系統的時候也會做一個應用性測試,這時候因為是雛形系統了,所以改的幅度可能不大,可能是一些呈現資訊上的建議,大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我補充一下動線設計,指的是數位介面的動線。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "對,不是實體的動線。更精確一點,這邊講的是自動購票機的畫面。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接下來是進到比較近期6月10日的協作會議,內容規劃有兩個目的,第一個是我們希望秉持協作會議的精神,儘量有多元的角色參加,因為不同面向的角色就可以提出自己的自身經驗,然後提出不同的問題,我們希望透過越多元的方式,把問題跟建議盤點得越完整,因此這邊可能會有一些的身分,像一般人的現場、線上購票,特殊身分的現場、線上購票,還有包含網路平台的這一些,也可以提出他們的需求。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "再來是在地旅行社,並不是透過網路的,而是真的要貸款去的,或者是一些導遊之類的,這一些角色可能都要邀請來參加會議,然後提供一些意見,這邊之所以打上點點點,因為我們不知道多元角色有哪一些,可能故宮的經驗會比較充足,可能要麻煩你們再補充。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這個來參加的人,整個主要會議的目的是提出缺點、建議創新的做法,這個是現有的流程,是有自動購票機跟線上購票的,但是他可能比較受限,所以我們請這一些人一起來講說依他的使用上或者是依他的經驗,他有什麼地方做得不是很好,可以怎麼樣改進。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "以及可能會看到有一些其他旅遊的經驗,比如去台北101,覺得台北101做得不錯,或者是高鐵購票的APP做得不錯,類似這樣的經驗分享出來,盤點進現有的購票流程,有哪裡是可以增進的,我們是打算做這樣的事。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "另外,我們打算在會中發散想法,另外去確認每一個可行性,其實要確認可行性是有困難的,大家腦力激蕩,先這樣盤點,我們會後再慢慢確認這樣是否可行,行的話,我們就採納,如果不可行我們就敘明原為何這樣就好了。這邊是發散,確認可行性是在6月12日的會議。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "6月10日協作會議的詳細流程是這樣子,一開始會有一些開場來賓的自我介紹,協作會議的目的稍微講解一下,今天的流程、今天會用到哪一些工具。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "一開始的時候,我們會先想要確定這個協作會議的目標,到底有哪一些是要被滿足的,所以我們除了事前有盤點之外,我們會請在場與會人員共同盤點使用情境,比如是國外的旅客購票之類的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著是請他們分享在其他的電子票卷流程有沒有好的經驗可以跟大家分享,我們先蒐集起來,早上的主要目的都是很發散的,先讓大家暖腦,先打開想像,這樣子在下午討論的時候,我們可以扣合早上提出來不錯的idea,然後去精進流程,所以到這邊就會是午餐,接著就會進入到正式檢視流程的部分,因此在檢視流程的部分,我們希望故宮對自動購票跟線上購票進行簡短的簡報,這邊就可以跟大家說明目前的狀況是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接下來我們就分兩個部分,一個是自動購票機,我們整個攤開來,開始檢視跟精進,大家會不斷想到早上分享一些良好的經驗,就會把它加進來。中間會有一個稍微的中常休息10分鐘。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接下來是另外一個重要的主題,就是線上票務的部分,同樣也是流程的檢視跟精進。最後會有一個成果報告,我們抓預計是一個小時,所以整天的議程是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "在這個協作會議之前,我們有事前準備要請大家幫忙,第一個是我們為了要拉齊與會的人員對於這一些東西對購票東西的知識,想要把所有的經驗跟大家分享,因此我們需要準備一本議題手冊,這一個議題手冊會在會議前跟著會議通知一起發給會議人員,知道目前的狀況是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這個議題手冊是故宮提供的素材,希望下班前提供給我們,然後由PDIS撰寫這一本手冊,我們會在5月29日完成,留個兩天的時間讓大家一起確認定稿,沒有問題之後,這個議題手冊就訂下來,會跟會議通知一起發出去。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著是與會人員的部分,如同剛剛所說的,我們希望儘量多元,不太清楚故宮那邊接觸的面向有哪一些,因此還是要請故宮建議,我們希望故宮整理比較完整的清單,在5月24日下班前跟我們一起確認,應該是說給我們,我們會花幾天的時間確認一下有沒有問題,在5月28日的時候也會給出一個完整的版本,然後麻煩故宮於6月3日的時候,對這一些與會的人員、議題手冊、會議通知一起發出去。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "發出去之後,可能還要麻煩故宮做一件事,就是確認他們是不是真的會來,這個是在6月5日的下班前,會訂在這邊的原因是6月7日是端午節,我們希望在6月5日下班前先確認,確認的方式是提供會出席的名單給政委辦公室。這個是事前作業的部分。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "會議當天的部分,我們需要一個會議室,可以容納50個人,我們預計要找30個不同的角色來協作,包含工作人員,初估會有40幾個,我們抓50個,我們希望場地是比較足以容納這一些人數的。這個是場地的部分。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著是協助討論的人員,因為我們當天是會分小組討論,30個人預計分5組,每1組這邊政委辦公室都會出1組主持人去討論,有議題是非常針對故宮現有的流程,這個我們不太清楚,所以故宮是不是可以派5個人,1組1個人,幫忙回答問題,所以有協助討論的人員是5個。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接下來是會議用具,因為議題手冊不知道大家是不是事先閱讀,因此我們希望當天有印,接著是工具單,下午的流程精進的部分會需要用的工具,還有一些文具,也就是下午精進流程會需要用的,像便利貼跟筆的部分。還有名牌是大家討論的時候,彼此知道對方是誰,所以需要名牌,這個也是需要事前準備的。這個會議需要跨一整天的,所以需要中午餐點。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "事前有提到議題手冊跟與會人員,議題手冊的內容,我們目前先盤點,大概是票卷種類的介紹,目前有哪一些不同的票卷,還有哪一些票務的情境,像在哪裡購票、退票,遇到什麼樣的情況會怎麼樣的處理,有現有的流程,分別線上跟自動的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "除了故宮之外,故宮是國際知名的博物館,我們希望跟其他的博物館比較,因此有國際博物館的資訊我們希望可以納入,如果故宮這邊有整理的話,希望可以先整理,並且提供給我們。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接下來是初步的RFP規劃,因為6月底要招標了,因此會有一個初版,預計要做什麼,我們也可以讓與會人員知道,這樣子的話,比如他們有一些建議,我們已經做了,他們就不用重複提了,大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "有一個點我不確定有沒有,但是如果有的話,可以寫在這邊,那一天絕對不會討論到的東西,我不確定有什麼絕對不會討論到的,但是我舉一個例子,像以前討論新一代健保卡的時候,有一個點是健保署絕對不會討論的,也就是健保卡跟身分證合併,這一件事是他們的底限,我不確定在線上購票這邊故宮有沒有什麼底限,如果有的話,我們必須要在議題手冊裡面先講清楚,大概是這樣,大概可以想一下,看有沒有什麼東西是絕對不討論的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "與會人員的部分,我們這邊預計是30人,跟剛剛一樣,請故宮協助盤點跟邀請,在整個票務流程裡面參與不同角色的人。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "剛剛有提到各種票務情境,這個聽起來有一點模糊,這邊先舉例一下,比如是國外的散客在國外購票,希望即滿即用,之前有請我們同仁稍微打電話詢問一下,像旅遊網站跟旅行社的一些需求,希望故宮幫我們做得更完整。像國外散客在網路購票,用QR code可以進場之類的。平台業者希望可以透過API來介接票價查詢或購票的部分,又或者是平台業者需要退票給客戶的時候,需要一個重新清算票房務或者是旅行社的需求。這個是我們需要故宮協助盤點的部分,這個你們掌握度比較高,到時把資料給我們,我們會入議題手冊,而且會在議題手冊裡面告知說當場再盤點一次,因為有一些東西可能是我們漏掉、我們不知道的,但是來與會的人員,我們有一些經驗。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "剛剛有提到國際博物館流程的部分,我們希望國際流程稍微說明,比如我們如果有截圖的話,那樣會更好,比如每一個步驟會有截圖,每一個步驟是什麼。又或者是比如驗票的部分,比如是拿到電子票證,有可能放email,或者是加入手機的電子錢包之類的目前國外做法,我們先盤點一次,到時在腦力激蕩的時候,可以加入現有流程。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "最後,早上講到協作會議會有一個工具單,工具單預計長成這樣子,我們會先把現有的購票流程,不管是自動售票機或者是線上購票,我們先把整個流程畫出來,大家可以逐步討論每一個步驟有什麼疑問、建議,如果有一些比較突發其想的想像,我們也可以收進來,就當作其他的參考,我們會用工具單跟便利貼的方式來完成,所以協作會議的整個目前規劃大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "基本上這個是我們昨天準備的內容,我們就一頁頁來看有沒有要確認的事情或者是釐清。這個有沒有問題?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "這個是上次已經有稍微討論過的時程。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "確認一下,如果我們在9月跟11月,這個時程不是很確定,像我講如果是測試的協作會議,變成8月或者是10月,這個也無所謂,就是在招標的過程,等於是在實作的過程中納入,這個有問題嗎?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "以會議紀錄上公開的這一段,如果以當時的協作會議上網公開,或者是寫在RFP裡面,對於採購的形成會造成影響,或者是對於採購法這一邊會不會有一些疑慮?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "沒有錯,所以這一點也要跟你們確認,到底採購的內容、合約的關係比我們清楚,這個我們不用過問,所以要等到決標之後再公開,這個也可以,因為這個對你們來講是最安全的。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "因為我們看到會公告,會想到是不是影響到採購跟廠商間可能遭到一些疑慮的問題,因此我希望決標以後再送公告。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們的會議紀錄第4項,本來是6月底會議紀錄上網公開,我們就寫「決標後」公告,就是在那之後,這樣可以嗎?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這一頁有沒有其他的?" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "像7月底決標,我們在9月11日測試,其實會跟整個採購是不是有廠商進來,他們提的工程計畫書都有一些關係,所以這個時間沒有辦法。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "當然,剛剛子維的意思就是這樣,這個是有彈性的,可能會落在例如更晚一點、更早一點都沒有關係,這只是我們的預估而已。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "還有一個,其實得到會議的相關結論之後,如果是可行的,在機關也確實是可行的,我們會納入需求計畫書裡面,其實就會是在一個採購評選的範圍裡面,我不知道會議紀錄上網公開是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們現在講會議紀錄是6月10日,我們看一下。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "基本上那一天因為是協作會議,所以一定會有的是逐字紀錄,會有一位速錄師在現場打下每一個人講的話,當然分組討論的時候沒有辦法打,因為分組討論的時候是六組併行,但是最後報告的時候還是會有逐字紀錄,跟今天的逐字紀錄會有一個修改期,大家確認講出一些會讓人誤解的話,或者是咬字不清楚被紀錄下來的東西,或者是錯字,這一些東西確認完之後,如同剛剛所講,在7月底公開,這個是會議逐字稿的部分。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "有關於錄影的部分,其實我們有一些影像的側錄,這個部分是可以討論的,也就是會議錄影要不要公開?有的人會覺得影像被公開不好。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "像參採與否的說明表,這個是之前健保卡的,因為健保卡用兩次協作會議來收需求,像第一個建議出發前透過電話的來取得病人授權的功能項目,如果健保署不採用就直接寫不採用,為何不採用有一個敘明理由就好了,這個表格公開出去,因為我們需要給與會的人一個交代,給了哪一些建議,採用或不採用。因為秉持開放政府的精神,我們除了寄與會者之外,我們也會希望上網公開。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "等一下,這裡講的說明表是6月12日那一天才會決定,也就是第2項。剛剛方科長的意思,我大概瞭解了,因為6月12日的那一些結論,那邊會決定相當程度可能故宮會進到未來的標案當中,這個當然是在決標前,這一定是要討論的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "不過沒有關係,我想這樣子好了,在之前的會議全部都不會公開,看你們什麼時候決標,因為有提到決標的日期現在還不知道,搞不好第一次流標沒有人知道,決標往後延。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "從6月底開始那幾項,其實都是預想的,在情境順利情況下的時間點,如果有任何的變動,看那個時候的情況。不過我想到的一個問題是,我們在決標前,相關的會議紀錄,因為牽涉到標案內容,應該予以保密,這大概沒有什麼問題。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "這邊有一個建議,剛剛講的我都贊成,其實是這樣子,在那個會議裡面,因為會議的人各行各業的人都有,可能不熟悉採購法,我們熟悉採購法的人在作業的過程必須要轉換,像提一個建議,然後只舉一個標準、只舉一個廠商,那只是善意的,但是在我們採納進去的時候,必須一般化成三家以上或者是一個國際規格,要做這一種處理,至於是否公開,剛剛那樣子應該是ok的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你提到6月10日的討論會很分散,所以6月12日,像你剛剛講的那個是最重要的,也就是在6月12日最重要的,那一句話雖然是好意,但是在採購的流程應該要怎麼樣處理,這個應該是做得到。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我們再往下。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們先寫6月17日至21日,擇日召開跨部會的協調會議,這個是我們現在預判,我們大概在6月10日的協作會議,因為各種意見很發散,大家提出來不同的使用情境,會牽涉到其他部會的業務,像剛剛也有舉了兩個例子,在這樣的情況之下,如果故宮現在可以確認有一、兩件,大概一定要跟其他部會處理,我們現在在6月10日以前,我們就可以先約6月17日至21日中間,同一天來專門討論,因為我們很篤定6月10日開完之後,遲早要處理的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "為何不等6月10日開會再處理?因為等於發開會通知、找人說明,一、兩個禮拜就過去,來不及,所以寫這個日期是這樣的意思,因此要請故宮幫忙想一下,搞不好上面這兩個我們想錯也不一定,有沒有一定會登報的?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "對,一定是有的,像國人身分驗證是比較確認的。但是票務金流的部分,現階段採用微信跟支付寶,我們在試辦,因為我們在推行動支付的時候,目前有簽約的廠商就是這一些。就是微信、支付寶、Apple Pay及所有的信用卡,因為故宮招標的行動支付項目就只有這一些,所以當然他就沒有辦法它介接到我們的街口或者是LINE Pay,我上次有講過街口跟LINE Pay在手續費的處理上有一些問題,我們最近也一直希望解決這個問題,也有跟主計、銀行在談,如果透過銀行的招標,並不是直接找系統廠商,可不可行?銀行有沒有這樣的意願,他先吸收手續費,往後我們再撥付給他們,有部分的銀行是說內部要考慮一下,他們要討論,因此這一個議題目前並不是那麼緊迫,因為我們招標,行動支付的廠商,未來電子票卷當中,我們都會要求得標的廠商一定要做介接,應該是這樣的方式。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "所以應該是說現在並不是因為某些法規,所以導致不可行?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "本來也是有,但是後來在國發會……" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "其實很多的問題原因是主計跟財政部的法規把我們繞來繞去,如果政委辦公室這邊能夠找到他們那邊很厲害、通達的人,一下子就把問題解決了。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "這個是在國發會開行動支付會議的時候,其實主委有提示金管會是不是可以就這一個方面來鬆綁,金管會也有說會討論。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "所以這一個有關手續費是先扣或者是事後再申請的這一塊,現在可能金管會那邊也有可能再處理,因為上次在國發會的行動支付會議當中,主委已經有請金管會那邊能夠研議。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "就像剛剛提到的,或許跟我們的主計單位、銀行,如果雙方面可以談,銀行那邊願意先吸收,或許他們願意來標,也說不定,我們現在積極跟銀行、系統廠商聯繫。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "我補充說明一下,故宮有一些狀況,就是外面不太清楚,也有其發展的緣由,像剛剛所講的,因為早期都是用現金,因此有一個法規,還是內規,每一天都要結帳一次,因為那個現金放在辦公室裡面就會被偷或者怎麼樣,所以早期十幾二十年來有一個規定就下來了,導致所有的事必須每一天都要清一次。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "像手續費被拿掉了,可能150元當中就收147元,變成我的帳不對,那個就變成必須更改財政部所談的規定,早期是現金主義時代的規定,到現在電子支付還必須要follow,導致問題出現,如果要更改它,原始的概念,什麼事情都沒有了,根本不用做任何的調適,而是法規要改,並不是這一些流程繞來繞去。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "剛剛講內規是故宮內規?" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "就是不清楚。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "你們的法制單位知道嗎?" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "我們這邊主要是負責售票,就是主計人員要求我們這樣辦,我們就這樣辦,至於有沒有相關的法規或者怎麼樣,也有可能是會跟著承辦人各自的認知。我們這邊是業務單位,他怎麼規定,我們就怎麼配合去做,可能一個年假過了以後,可能現金收了1,000多萬,就在辦公室裡面堆1,000多萬,其實風險也很高,他們當初也有他們的考慮。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "故宮我講機關裡面的主計最大,他說怎麼做,我們就配合他怎麼做,我們沒有配合他做還不行。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個我們理解,但是我的意思只是說主計怎麼說、你們怎麼做,如果回頭跟法制單位確認,會不會得到正確的資訊?" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "在故宮的文化之下,他給的也不清楚,他搞不好是師傅教他的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "但是總是有一個白紙黑字的東西。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "所以覺得應該是要找到跟財政部、主計處非常聰明的人。就是位階比較高的。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "其實故宮票務這幾年,像我們跟北北基好玩卡怎麼做,其實是一個禮拜以後才結帳,有一些彈性,但是還是要有主計單位同意,我們簽的時候會主計,然後就這樣簽,我們每一天都結帳的話,這個也是方便性,說實在的,我們現在的票務都是委託賣票,每一天都要收到幾百萬的現金,他們也不願意承擔這個,而且我們每一天結帳的話,像我們每一天要對帳,他繳的帳是不是正確,如果等到一個禮拜或者是一個月來對帳,要抓那個帳稍微有一點疏失的話,可能要花費更多的人力來處理,主計單位也站在這樣子,我們每一天對帳的話,可以比較減少後面帶來所產生的一些後果。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "這樣聽起來,其實某一些部分需要一些彈性,像你剛剛講的北北基好玩卡是一個禮拜結帳一次,這個部分是感覺上沒有商量好行動支付的這一個部分,是不是應該要每天結帳呢?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "其實像支付寶跟微信,因為是屬於境外的,像信用卡的話,今天刷了卡,明天銀行就把前天的帳撥到國庫,但是微信跟支付寶,因為是屬於境外,金管會的規定是有錢進來,銀行才可以撥款,所以我們在支付寶、微信的境外的部分,都是按照金管會的規定,在一個禮拜以後才撥款進來,這個其實是沒有什麼差別的。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "我們剛剛講的是LINE Pay跟街口,因為是系統廠商,還是必須要透過銀行,是不能自己來的,因此還是必須要透過銀行。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "現在有跟銀行洽商,如果用目前的方式,街口或者是LINE Pay的手續費先吸收,一個月再來跟故宮申請,他們內部也有討論這樣的事情,因為我們知道目前臺灣LINE Pay跟街口用的人滿多的。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "現在跟系統廠商、銀行那邊,都有積極跟他們聯繫,希望能夠讓故宮真的是很方便可以有這樣購票的行動支付。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "應該是這樣講,先釐清一下,這個項目擇日召開跨部會協調會議,其實理論上、關係上是故宮提出需求,因為現在這整個系統重整,需要加進功能,因此想要解決什麼問題,藉這個跟唐鳳政委辦公室合作的機會,希望可以進行跨部會協調,其實順序是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以你要,我們就幫忙,如果想一想如果不要或者是什麼,那就不要,所以你要哪一項就講清楚,不要覺得一定要跟財政部,金管會怎麼樣,沒有,要看你們的需求,我們不會主動召開,所以我們現在只是在討論,你們現在是有表達的機會。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你們現在可以做這個決定嗎?第一項沒有問題,第一項是你們有這個需求,這個是很明確的。第二個呢?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "因為票務需求是我們目前有在跟銀行談的,或許我們已經跟銀行談好了。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "一直有一個問題,也就是每一天要結帳,不能兩卡刷一卡。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "那個是他們自己本身POS的問題,跟這個沒有關係。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "第二個看起來,你們現在還沒有辦法決定,我的理解是這樣子。第一項已經確認了,我覺得程序還是要完備,是不是請學仁看,用一封email給玉琪,稍微說明一下,基於什麼票務需求,因為要跟內政部協調,請唐鳳政委辦公室擇日召開協調會議,協助故宮與內政部什麼司洽談什麼議題,大概是這樣。因為主動權是在你們身上,我們收到之後會來辦,我們會約雙方可以的時間。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "第二項回去想一想沒有關係,你們現在有想到可以講,如果沒有想到或者是事後想到再講。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "下一頁。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "要不要講一個時間?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "5月24日會有一批資料過來,這樣好不好?第二項要不要辦,或者是有沒有想到第三項,一併在5月24日提供給唐鳳政委辦公室,我們才可以安排時間,這樣好嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我剛剛已經說了,這個其實預告很久了,也要看標案內容,大家先要有一個簡單的理解,知道有這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "故宮就是把它寫進招標規範讓廠商做?" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "其實測試是本來一定要的,只是像用這樣的方式測試,還是要有一些外部的單位進來做測試。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "到時會不會有專家再幫我們看一下?" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "如果是以協作會議的形式,基本上民眾,到時與會的人員,就很像這一次協作會議一樣我們都會討論。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "我們都會討論。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "找使用者來測試。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "不會把我們放生。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這個還是要想清楚,因為這個跟標案有關,我們辦公室認為一套完整的意見蒐集的流程,應該具備這一些元素,還要有這一些會議,這個是建議,你們標案實際上去執行,最後要怎麼寫。這個是6月10日當天的,這一頁有沒有什麼問題?" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "像KKday那一些人……" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這個是舉例。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "感覺我們跟他們平常不熟,我們跟旅行社很熟,但是跟線上的並不是那麼熟,怕找不到。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我之前有跟KKday打過電話。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "我們有辦法聯絡到?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "他們之前有來拜訪過我們,因為我們跟KKday有合作,我們跟高鐵的委託合作,他們委託KKday,TripAdvisor是北北基好玩卡的廠商,我之前聯絡的是美國、亞洲那邊,他們現在有在賣我們的票,有切500張的票在賣,但是這個是因為人在美國,所以沒有辦法。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "這個只是範例。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "30人的功能是這樣,第一個是我們自己設想當天如果討論分五組,共有六組,所以30個是這樣乘出來的。有一點落差,沒有關係。但是我們希望30個人儘量多元,要滿足各種使用情境,不是一家公司來很多人,那個沒有用,而是專門有一個我是怎麼樣進到故宮的經驗,他是要來講的,還有他對於新系統的期待,所以這個是30人的,是要多元。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "剛剛我們提到故宮這一案先從設想到的名單來想,可能會提到你有的日期,我們就會看上面,像列了20個過來,好像還少了一、兩個使用情境,也可能是我們想辦法去約,也不一定,但是我們也會告訴你,所以過程是這樣子,請你們先草擬一個草稿,因為你們互動比較多。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "你期待旅行社我們找或者是你們找?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "可能拜託你們。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "至於一般的個人。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "我現在講旅行社的問題,旅行社還有一個管理公司,因為目前旅行社都是向他預約,也就是安天跟雅凱的南北院,我們也應該會帶進來。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "語音導覽公司,因為他們是實際跟我們合作的,他負責導覽,因此也負責賣,因此情境應該都很瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "我說一般個人,怎麼找?像這一種旅行社,其實他們很有興趣,可是這一一般的,像我們確實很多是屬於上面這一種,就是一般客人。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "沒有關係,如果這個不好找,我來幫忙想,應該可以,應該可以找得到,所以你們在一般個人的項目裡面,你們覺得比較困難,大概都是跟既有的窗口一起?" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "還有嗎?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我提供一個想法,因為其實一般個人我們辦公室會前還沒有討論過,但是其他協作會議的話,像其他協作會議是「Join」平台的連署案,因此我們會直接在「Join」平台上公告,這個「一般個人」也有機會,我們要對外說開這樣的會議,大家報名,像比如收5個,類似這樣的方式。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "說不定故宮小編PO在臉書上公告也可以當成一個露出的活動之類的。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "還是你們要先嘗試看看?如果找不到……" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "可能要確認一般個人有幾個,因為我猜可能會來三十個之類的,所以我們要參考的那個數字,就是配比怎麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這一頁還有什麼?6月10日是盍各言爾志,是很發散,你想要講什麼,我們真正去蕪存菁是在6月12日。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "我再打岔一下,其實故宮有兩大群體,一個是北院、一個是南院,南院算在你這邊嗎?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "這個電子票卷是整合南、北院,不再分,同一個系統,因為我記得是兩個系統,所以很亂,我們現在要整合成一個系統。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "可是南院的性質好像又不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "北院很複雜,南院很簡單,做一套衣服給兩邊穿,這個是好主意。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "可以說明一下所謂的複雜跟簡單嗎?" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "例如北院對於團客,假設來電話的話,控管會很嚴格,像我是旅行社,我預定了今天的12點,當然我沒來,我就會數次數,三次就把那個往下架,因為時間就是我們的資源,南院是有來就好了,那個是完全不同的。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "沒關係,這個在我看來可能不會影響到設計,因為實際上用比較嚴格的規定去看南院也無所謂,只是看看現場有沒有要遵循的,有沒有什麼其他或者是簡單與否的?" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "因為我們最近接到院長的指示,就是要修我們參觀時的標準,院長指示要朝單一票制的方式來做,現在也在考慮、研擬。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "所謂的單一票制是大家都收一樣的錢?" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "因為這一種東西,政治性比較強,就是本來150元,結果現在收300元的時候,立法院第一個就會跳出來。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "因為我們最近昨天的院會又提出來,院長已經指示我們的參觀收費要調整,票價不漲,但是簡化一些,我們剛接到指示,所以才剛開始發想而已。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "因為這個非常影響到6月10日討論的內容。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "但是因為這個目前還沒辦法。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "剛剛有一項是票價種類,在某一個地方。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "票卷種類不會修改。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "要不要討論?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "我們只是使用票卷的人,票卷種類是不會變的,因為目前院長是說票卷還不會漲價,就是350元,未來漲價,那個是以後的事,只是使用者的問題而已,跟國人比較有影響,其他比較沒有什麼影響。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "你所謂的使用者指的是?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "一般遊客或者是國人,因為現在是150元,或許以後也是要買300元的票,這個是在某個時段當中有產生的優惠。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "但是你剛剛說以不漲價的前提為討論,然後使用者會不一樣,你的意思是買150元的票會變多?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "有可能在某一個時段是150元,像羅浮宮就是這樣子,每個時段賣的票都是一樣的,但是每一週、每一個時段裡面,所有的人都會用優惠票進去的。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "你的票卷種類就是必然改的。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "可是現在比較多,變成比較少。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "對,在做設計的時候,如果是以使用者的身分為出發點的話,這個絕對會被影響到。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "還是沒有辦法,只能用現在在執行的這個。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們的討論基礎,我們現在沒有辦法預想過,就像剛剛科長講的,能不能改,我們現在在座都無法判斷,所以不要以可能的變相,不然沒完沒了,我不做這一件事,我們就以現有的制度下來做。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "院內先研議,大家想一想,我在想的是,過去的討論都討論過了,但是故宮在定案之前,我們不會納入,因為這個對我,這個不切實際。這一頁有什麼問題?如果沒有問題的話,我們就下一頁。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這個部分對於哪一句話的內容,你們想要知道更多?因為這個是故宮第一次開協作會議,有沒有看得懂、又看不太懂的?" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "我們現在針對目前所用的電子票卷售票當然是沒有問題,可是至於國外這個部分,其他的對我們來講。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "你是說其他電子票卷流程的分享?" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "對。這個部分其實……" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "等一下,共同分享其他電子票卷流程的意思並不是故宮去講其他電子票卷,而是在場的與會人員依照其個人人生經驗去分享,所以有些人可能會說某某電影院的票卷有,但是高鐵的票卷沒有的。我們會進一步問他,那你覺得為什麼好用,汲取出這一些好用的元素,看有沒有辦法加進故宮的系統。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "我們可以提供的是故宮現在相關的,不管是人工售票、網路售票或者是電子售票,這個系統其實對我們來講是在試辦階段,目前看起來是有成效的,只是或許內部還在做檢討。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "我們可以提供的是這個部分,至於其他外部的,像對我們來講,目前可能比較沒有辦法提供。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "是在做接下來的?" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你講的是這個對不對?" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "對。故宮可以提供的應該是目前這一個部分,後續我們當然會有一些規劃,也就是要達到的,有些其實是比較外部的部分,比較沒有這樣的相關經驗。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "坦白來講,我跟科長的想法不完全一樣,如果故宮完全不熟悉,這個我可以理解。但是如果現在故宮要開一個票務重新再設計的標案,但是如果都沒有對於其他博物館,不管是國內或者是國際的,特別是跟故宮同等級的,如果我故宮都沒有掌握,我是覺得有一點怪。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "我是覺得沒有辦法掌握到這麼完整。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們覺得截取畫面就非常足夠了。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "實際上沒有在那邊買過票,而是在那個設計系統裡面多一些操作。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "像你們跟KKday有一些聯繫的管道,可以詢問他們跟國際博物館合作的方式,這個是另外一種做法,就是這個是平台跟博物館的溝通方式。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "再來,實際線上買票就是自己上去買,這個就知道,大概是這一些。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "又或者我們也可以提供一個協助,因為我們其實這件事有跟觀光局問過,請他們介紹窗口,像剛剛科長提到一個問題,可以有一些解決,像做促進旅客的旅行社,因為他們很熟,比如我去倫敦,不太可能不去大英博物館,或者我去巴黎,不可能不去羅浮宮,這個時候旅行業者去講說他看到什麼,我是建議故宮還是真的自己要做一點功課,因為這個是前幾大博物館,到底怎麼樣,還是要能夠講一些。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "在故宮其他案子,至少叫廠商去做功課,要來標,必須拿來分析之後來說明。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "那個是未來。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "不過至少到6月10日前做多少、算多少,但是也要做,坦白來講,最後整個標案結束對外宣布的時候,我想需要講一些,比如比較國際上的各大博物館有幾大功能是人家沒有的,這個一定用得到的。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "這個我們來努力。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這一頁有沒有問題?" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "我沒有意見,我只是確認一下,因為購票有三種可能性,一種是人工現場購、一個是自動販賣機購票、一個是線上購票。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們當天跟院長會議的,明確講出是要做線上購票流程,不包含人工。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "其實一開始是明確指出要線上購票流程,因為線上購票流程跟自動購票機是包在一起的RFP,因此我們又包含了自動購票機。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "如果要RFP,應該也要含人工的?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "有。電腦受票介面在人工櫃台上使用。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "是後台整合在一起,只是來源不一樣而已。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這一頁還有沒有要問的?還有哪一句話想要知道到底是在講什麼?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "沒有。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "下一頁,這一些時間點有沒有問題?或者是行政事務有沒有問題?現在發現哪一個時間點,你們現在想,就講,不然就這麼定了。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "5月24日其實是下個禮拜五,等於是一個禮拜的時間。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "第一項的素材下一頁要詳細說明,你們先看一下作業時間上,有沒有窒礙難行的部分?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我說明一下,討論協助人員是Mark剛剛有再說明的,其實是可以在討論的時候說明。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "如果這個都沒有問題的話,我補充一件事,故宮的會議是什麼時候可以確認?時間你們看哪一天ok,我們的人會先去看一下當天的場地,我想當天是6月10日。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "不知道合不合用,因為故宮的會議室……" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "或者你們的會議室很多,我們也可以去那邊。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "多媒體室。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "創意工坊。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們會做分組討論,如果階梯式沒有辦法討論。" }, { "speaker": "羅定紘", "speech": "那一天跟院長報告的會議室,那個50個人應該是坐不下,那個是最大的。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "那個是創意工坊嗎?" }, { "speaker": "羅定紘", "speech": "不是。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "會議室像桌子都不能搬東西就比較不適合。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "看起來不是很正式的會議室。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "沒有關係,完全不需要正式,如果可以容納得下50個人的話。" }, { "speaker": "羅定紘", "speech": "那邊可能塞不進去。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "我們把兩件事合在一起,我們跟學仁約一個時間,就去故宮看,沒有那個場景講,我們選一選,大家覺得這一間不錯,甚至那一間就是場勘了,另外再約時間,這個細節再講。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "一定要在故宮嗎?" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "最好是,除非找不到地方。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "要看創意工坊太小。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "沒有關係,我們再想,現在先不用想其他的地方。你們約時間,去看就對了,不用討論細節。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "其他沒有問題了,只差一個場勘的時間。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我說明一下工具單的部分,基本上是我們這邊會設計好,要麻煩你們輸出,並不是請你們設計。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這個議題手冊的內容,張皓婷你要不要講詳細一點,到底5月24日要提供什麼。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "有一個問題,你們剛剛提到整合南、北院,南院現在賣的票卷總共跟北院是一樣的,有分350元、150元,然後也有不同的。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "南院現在是全部150元。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "怎麼會不一樣?" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "南院的外國遊客好像不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "所以票卷的內容是不一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "其實不會產生什麼影響,因為只是單純賣150元,但是南院也會350元的票,也會賣。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "只是沒有賣出而已?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "也有賣,只是現在台北350元的票,南院也有在賣,因為我們現在是外國人的話,可以買350元參觀兩院,國人的話,只有150元可以看兩個院,因此沒有差別,這個是沒有差別的,在賣票的方式是沒有差別的。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "其實我有一個建議,當然這個建議是可以被討論的,這一次協作會議已經包含非常多的東西,然後北院的情況也非常複雜,我現在個人的傾向是,我們可能先不要討論南院,但是並不是說未來沒有辦法把它加入,其實南院的情況比較簡單的,所以討論最複雜的整合之後,要實行在南院裡面也不是很難的事。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "但是在這一次的協作會議當中,不要太發散,我們又要想說與會的人,然後重新又要再打開很多東西,我覺得要討論的事情實在是太多了。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "所以我們這一次其實在電子票卷的設計裡面,並沒有故意把它分成南、北院,而是故宮的電子票卷。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "但是現在只討論北院,你同意嗎?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "所以我說不要去討論南北院,現在電子票卷做出來就是南北院都通用,所以其實我們本來是focus北院,其實是以後南院也可以用,不會分成兩套系統。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "可能要提醒一下,你們到時放到南院使用,也是要測試,並不是很確定會一模一樣。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "所以我們有寄出需求書,我們希望北院run起來,然後再整個移到南院,因此需求計畫的時程就是按照這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "如果是這樣的話,我們就同意不討論南院的部分。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "所以票卷之類,我們再問一次,會有350元跟150元,150元會分一些不同的身分,就是國人。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "其實還是有75元。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "這個是財政部規定的,假日一定要……" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "沒有關係,這一些都是會……" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "因為這個不是確定一定是用75元,就像專委講的,不要討論以後未來的事,所以我們以現在目前票卷來講就好了。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "所以你們的票卷種類可能就要提供我們所有,包含75元,包含團體,你會給他什麼折扣,這都要幫我們列出來。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "我們團體很固定,就是320元,加一個語音導覽30元。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "其實這個我也有好奇,所以有國人談話會預約嗎?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "國人談話是150元加30元。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "所以這個是不一樣的票卷種類。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "這個是加。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我知道對你來說是等於,但是對我們來說不同身分又要全部列出來。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "實務上是很多人會化整為零,其實一群人會管制他的聲量,不然有一些導遊很難管,不就叫他預約,有一套管理的方法,事實上因為價錢並沒有產生什麼優勢,所以他們就躲過了。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "可是你如果有這樣的種類,還是要列出來給我們,不管是用什麼原因才把它化整為零。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "因為比如說剛剛聽起來外國人的團客是有30元的折價,因為350元包含語音,但是本國人團客沒有,150元還要加30元。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "不要考慮到預約導覽那一塊,有優惠,國人就沒有優惠。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我會覺得你們提供給我們的資料可以先包含語音導覽,到時我們可以再看語音導覽增加的複雜性有多少,我們再來說要不要把它除外。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "確認一下,剛剛提到75元的票,現行應該是有在運作的,所以並不是未來式。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "只是放在同一句話。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "各種票務情境是剛剛Mark提到國外散客可以在網購票,但是希望可以即買即用,我舉一個更明確的例子,我是國外的散客,我到故宮來櫃台排很多人,我這個時候想要拿出我的手機掃QR code買票,就不需要排隊,這個也許是一個情境。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "我們有。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們只是希望你們把所有的情境都列出來而已。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "是要圖片或者是文字敘述?" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "其實我們現場已經有放APP了。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "太好了。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "掃就可以進到網站購票。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們有試。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "只是我們沒有買,因為是350元。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "可是就是類似像不同的情境,還有不同的身分,因為國外的散客會怎麼做、國內的散客怎麼做,平台的業者會怎麼做,所以這一些都可能要把它整理出來,到時比較好討論在線上購票的時候應該怎麼樣設計。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "目前對平台業者並沒有來賣票,比如是直接切票,然後來換票,像高鐵、KKday都可以換票,目前可以掃QR code進場的,只有北北基好玩卡,全部的設備都由他們提供,所以順理成章就用了,因此平台業者這一個部分是沒有的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我說明一下,這邊想要列主要的是各種的使用情境,不代表現在一定要有,據你們所知,還有其他的合作方式,但是現在沒有提供,這個無所謂。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "但是可以列在上面。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這邊有一個北北基好玩卡有一個情境,其實是刷他們的QR code,並不是刷你們的票,那個是他們的票、並不是你們的票,但是中間有一個合作的機制,剛剛也有講到旅行社切票的部分。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "我們不對旅行社切票。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "對,但是未來是有可能,或者根本就不可能,類似這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "對旅行社這邊是比較沒有做切票。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "他可以是一個可能的情境,然後全部列出來,但是你們非常確認旅行社就不切票,這個就不在討論的事項裡面。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "切一大宗票。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們提醒兩點,不管現在有沒有的,都儘量弄,另外一個並不是只有購票而已,還有一些查詢退票,或者其他不知道什麼狀況,但是跟票務有關係,就儘量想,麻煩你,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "現有購票流程,這個比較明確的,後來又再寄了一個,其實我們會想要知道所有的流程,反正使用者會遇到的每一個步驟,我們都需要,包含在線上,如果是用支付寶付款或者是信用卡付款或者是其他行動支付付款看到的畫面,我們都需要,因此這個再麻煩你再注意一下。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "再來國際博物館購票流程,這個已經有討論過了,我覺得這個可以從剛剛講到的,從旅遊平台來瞭解他們後台怎麼做,但是實際上這裡我們最期待的其實是使用者在線上購票時的流程畫面,所以其實那其實已經很好。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "再來,初步RFP的規劃,其實你們已經有了,只是要在議題手冊上放多少,我覺得這個是可以討論的。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "第六點,不討論的事項,剛有舉一個例子,像切票的部分,你們有沒有想到不討論的東西?我們這邊不討論南院,這個是剛剛的結論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "初步RFP規劃落入議題手冊,就會有保密的問題。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "可以提供的是,我們希望要呈現的一些功能,硬體設備那一個可以,設備那就不太適合,功能性是可以放。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "建議不要寫RFP。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "應該是說在議題手冊上,不會明確說是RFP。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "就是需求功能。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個要看怎麼拿捏,再給我們看相關的資料。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "只是硬體規格不適合在這個時候就提供。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "當然。所以例如像你們提供的時候,稍微過濾一下,因為你要假設我們沒有能力幫你判斷什麼可以公開、什麼不可以公開,所以給我們的東西,預設是都可以公開的,如果看一看覺得有什麼不足,那再另外問,但是原則上都是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "右邊與會人員剛剛有講過了,請小編先找找看。稍微蒐集一下,不要兩手空空。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "我們有進去看,只是沒有截圖而已。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "像東京國立美術館。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "工具單是等到所有的資料都齊全以後會再更新。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "因為剛剛有一些內容有修改。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "第一,6月10日、6月12日會議紀錄,也就是決標後公開。跨部會協調,現在只確認一項,人別一定要做,發一封email給玉琪,作為我們的依據,其他你們如果有想到,5月24日以前要回報給我們,我們再安排時間。9月、11月,大概知道會有這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "下一頁看起來也沒什麼問題,反正名單裡面草擬,就再補充。這個也沒有什麼問題,像共同盤點、共同分享並不是你們講的,而是大家一起講。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這一些時間點,剛剛看起來沒什麼問題,玉琪另外再跟學仁約場勘的時間,我們實際上去故宮看,儘量以故宮為主為原則。像剛剛講RFP是你們過濾完之後再給我們。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我想補充一個,有關於與會人員,你們想要請小編在線上邀請本國人,對不對?在篩選的部分,身分都是本國人,比如他們是學生、他們是長者,這個還是要兼顧多元性。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "後面都是範例,那就這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "是不是有哪一些東西是可以被當作驗證的依據?我後來覺得剛剛有看到你們講健保卡的那個,其實我們不是一定要身分證,只是我們希望的是要有東西可以在,不管是在電子受票也好,或者是在網路售票的時候,其實是有一個機制可以驗證的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我分享一下我所知道的,除了報稅上有用到的身分證、健保卡、自然人憑證之外,其實有一個叫做「軟體憑證」,但是那個不太可能,線上購票當然可以,自動購票機可能就不行,你不可能帶一個USB插上去,這個有一點怪。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "還有一個是,之前國發基金有投資一間公司,是用手機跟五大電信業者合作來做人別確認,因為那一間公司前一陣子財務有一點狀況,所以不知道他還在不在,但是這個技術是有的,是用手機做人別驗證。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "還有可能被討論到的,像2020年10月要發的eID,這個也有可能會被討論到的,大概是這一些。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "不管是身分證或者是健保卡,或者其實你們是有學生身分可以買票,因此包含國際學生證、學生證,這一些都是你們有可能會遇到的身分辨別的卡片,這個是一個考慮。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "另外一個考慮是,因為這個只是買票,有多少使用者願意因為線上購票,而把身分證上傳到線上驗證,這個也是可以在使用情境上討論,或者是在與會的時候跟大家確認的事情。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "就我的猜測,報稅案為什麼會成功,因為報稅其實是比較高門檻,然後又比較複雜的事情要做,因此我要用身分證辨別,這個是理所當然的事,但是我買一張故宮的票,會不會這麼做,這個又是另外一件要考慮的事。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "因此,我們的身分辨別不會只放在線上討論,有可能是在現場要做驗票,這個是我們要協作的範圍之一。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "也有可能是自動購票機本身可以掃身分證後面的8碼,這個還是要跟內政部合作。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我只是要提醒大家,不會限縮在線上而已,而是可以討論的空間會比較大一點。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "不過現在故宮的設想是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "在猜的是擇日召開跨部會協調,是要找誰來。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "卡在哪裡就找誰來。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "故宮其實目前考慮到的,因為這個價差會比較大,像國外跟國內的價差比較大,如果是直接在線上購票,透過一些機制,當然是去逃票,本來是350元的,結果買了150元,假設我們同意在這個機器買的話,不會在這個過程中驗票。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "但是現在大概的做法是,特別身分別,像高鐵一樣,就是直接臨櫃買,由臨櫃的人去驗證,如果買不到相關的憑證,就是買一般票,大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "我們目前的規劃是,需要驗證是到櫃台,到櫃台幫你驗證,我如果只有買一張票,我不會把我的身分證資料上傳,一開始設想,我們就設想需要驗證的,有優惠資格的都是到服務櫃台上驗證,但是出的票是一樣的,都是一張QR code的票,不會另外設一種,這個是我們目前的規劃。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "你們有規劃要在例如電子閘門那邊做驗證嗎?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "其實南院現在就可以了,可以顯現不同的燈號,如果是在人工櫃台購票,根本不需要再驗證,直接可以刷QR code進場,這個是一種方式。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "北故宮的人流其實非常地大,如果有一點糾紛,一擋下來,後面都不能動,其實也是很困擾,所以基本上只要經過前面驗證,後面都不會看,剛剛學仁有分享,南院因為人很少,所以只要刷了你的票當中,已經有你的身分別,如果你是外國人,可能是亮一個燈號,如果是一個免費票,就會亮一個燈號,現場閘門的同仁就可以判斷這個人、身分,當然我們是用抽查的方式,也就是這個方式不太符合。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "基本上在台北故宮,大概沒有辦法做這一些,因為人流太多,一下子就把大廳擠爆了,一點小錢跟遊客有一些爭執的話,我們客訴的機會就非常高,因此一般不會再做這一種動作。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以故宮現在到底需要我們做什麼?" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "我們要講的是,現在的規劃是,希望臨櫃去做驗證的身分,可是另外一方面,院裡面其實希望的是在系統裡面就直接分不同的票來賣,不用再驗。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "所以?" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "所以我們還是希望能夠達到直接在系統上做人別驗證。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "人別驗證還是需要。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "如果這個東西可以篩選掉90%……到底可不可以,像剛剛所講的身分證用這樣子驗證,不管用這樣的機制也好,或者是相關的法令上可不可以這樣做,其實我們不是很清楚,但是我們還是希望往這個方向走。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你們說院內希望你們這樣做?" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "除了人別驗證,像內政部國民身分證以外?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "後面寫「不限身分證」,包含健保卡或者是其他。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這個要怎麼想?因為什麼卡要找不同的單位,算是同一個題目,如果你們最後決定,就是要用健保卡跟身分證,比較單純,有沒有想到第三種、第四種?那就再加而已,這一件事文化是看你們的需求,不是我們要做的。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "我們需求最大是國人嗎?學生會不會也很大?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "其實不需要到這麼複雜。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "再提出資料。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "你們就說要哪一個,我們再幫你們看。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "其實有一點好奇,為什麼不輸入身分證字號的這一件事?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "我們有考慮,我們本來想說如果輸入身分證字號就可以了,問題是如何認證,這個是很困難的,像A123456789就可以用了,這個有想過。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "因為身分證最後一碼變成是識別碼,所以一頁的數字合理,就會當成是真的身分證,背後不知道。" }, { "speaker": "黃子維", "speech": "這樣很好賺。今天就先這樣,所以我們簡報改一改之後,你們看這個比較清楚,謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "王春申", "speech": "您好,我內人聽到我今天來見你,他在IBM電腦那邊做data scientist,如果有機會要跟您請教。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒問題,是我要跟她請教。請坐。有什麼我們可以幫忙的地方,我只知道你們要辦這個論壇,可是網路上幾乎都沒有訊息,所以是第一次辦?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "對,第一次辦。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以稍微介紹一下?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "好的。最主要是這樣,因為王雲五自學成功,已經是典範級人物,這幾年我不斷推動自學力的概念,就是我覺得任何人的學習都是靠自學的能力來幫助自己,可是在學校還太在乎外在的力量,很少去提升自己的一些動機跟自學的策略,所以我做兩件事:一個是在學校找一些老師,包括心理學或者是經濟、行政不同科系的老師,聚在一起來談如何幫助學生自學;另一方面,在基金會這邊想要組成這個論壇,不同行業的人,就是不同領域的人來談,包括何飛鵬是出版界很重要的人物。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我之前也跟他有過對談。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "還有心理學的老師,我談王雲五的,還有一位是佛光山的法師,邀請您來,所以在不同的角度來談不同領域的自學怎麼回事,我覺得未來社會、世界是很自學的時代,自學力的開發比外面的教育制度或者教育策略、教育方法的概念重要很多,所以我想回過頭來來做一個自學的提倡或者是自學的革命。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個非常好,會主要想來的這一些朋友,你們目標的群眾大概會是哪一些?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我希望讓社會各界的人都來聽,我知道有興趣的家長很多,但是我也希望擴大一點不只是學校,就是學生自學的概念,應該是各行各業的人都知道你要在你的生活中有一點成長。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "終身學習。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "現在談的素養或者是歐盟談的learn to learning的概念,我想要從那一個部分來談,所以我希望把群眾擴大一點點,大概號召也是號召每一個行業的人。" }, { "speaker": "王春申", "speech": "我想把這一些事情發出去,就是說成長電腦工程師協會,很多需要自學才可以維持自己工作,然後做事尤其在電腦方面,每三個月的資訊都會淘汰,所以自學是很重要。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這個意思是不會去限制來的人的年紀或者是這一些資格,然後場地的是在?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "在國家圖書館。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大概多少人?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "300人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這是免費的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "免費的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以等於是300個人的講座。等於他們來之後是一年辦一次嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我期待一年辦一次,甚至能夠到別的國家辦,希望能夠這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解,所以第一年的目的,當然是說讓大家知道有這樣的一個活動、一個行動,二方面是希望未來您提到明年可以辦得更大、可以擴散,是這樣的目的。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "對。這樣會有一個互補的效果,一個是6月28日,也就是國家圖書館,在第二份的資料裡面,那個是學者們從學理上來談,另外8月份這個是從各個領域,就是各個行業來談,有不同的想法、不同的策略來為自學力的東西。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以您在大會的這一個部分,報告的是王雲五先生本人的學習程度?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "對,這個很有意思,是讀百科全書,這個是架構,當時在全中國是沒有人的,就像現在的維基帶來大的架構一樣,因此思考的問題並不是從專業入手,所以任何的東西找到任何的位置、相關的知識、學科來建構一個網,這個也使得他後來在整個政府的服務,變得身分比較特殊,並不是一個黨派,而是任何一個發言、思考,沒有一個大的架構,而且是純知識性的思考比較多,比策略性高一點,所以我覺得這個是他能夠在長期鬥爭很激烈的政府環境。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "早期的那個情況。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "對,竟然能夠擔任重要的工作,後來到臺灣來,兩個蔣總統都器重他,可見他有他很特殊的能力,他不是一個權謀之人,如何達到這個地步,我個人認為還是他的思想架構,那是全中國很少人思考這樣的問題,任何的問題是從架構、知識的位置、位階來思考大規模,那個是沒有人(這樣做的),因此後來編很多百科全書,像叢書,他的思考就是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "理解。如常法師會從什麼角度來談?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "因為他是佛陀紀念館的館長,我現在跟他確認,他還沒有完全確認,他是學藝術方面的,他大概會從宗教,大概是談星雲大師的自學,因為星雲大師是自學成功的一個典範,他自己也自豪,我現在幫他編一本書來談他的自學之道他也很自豪他的自學成功,他受很少的教育,後來每一件都是他自己發明的。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "他現在蓋佛陀紀念館的佛光山,很有趣的是,拿橘子擺出來跟建築師溝通並且拍下來,建築師根據他擺橘子、蘋果的位置建構佛光山的地基及建築物,他非常得意自學的能力。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我後來甚至想一個問題,也就是每一個成功的人都有自學的故事,成功的定義很難說,每一個人大概都有自學的(部分),像張忠謀,他是一個博士,但是在大學沒有學過如何成立大的管理企業、台積電,是自己研究出來的,因此每一個人都有其自學故事。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我為何找不同的行業?讓大家知道自學並不是在學校裡,或者是在家裡要自學,也不是在哪一個領域、行業,像我是學文學的,比如文學、閱讀都要自學,並不是的,我現在在彈吉他,老師教得再好,回家還是要自學,我創自己的學習模式,每個人都要用他自己的方法來找到最適合自己的自學策略。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我自己覺得找如常法師大概會談星雲大師的自學,何飛鵬大概會談經營企業的過程,心理學的老師林文瑛本來就是從事教改工作,很早以前就投入教改,大概是心理學方面的討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以還是有一些學術性質,並不是完全個人經驗分享?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "何飛鵬已經約到了嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "對,已經約到了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後的座談是我們四個人嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "對,我來主持,大家留下來談,因為我們之前沒有留很多時間給大家回答,所以座談的時間,大家簡單談,也可以接受當場參加的人提問。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過25分鐘,如果300個人的話,可能只有3個人問得到問題。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "大概這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個形式是確定的,像地點什麼都借到了?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "對,都借到了,沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我會參加的是2點開始,一路到5點左右?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "是,如果您可以的話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我這邊演講大概有兩個,如果你們有直播的設備,我盡可能希望直播,因為很多人並不是那麼容易可以來中山南路20號,因為臺灣很多人住在不是高鐵沿線。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二,縱然沒有直播,也盡可能有一個高畫質的錄影,我們會後再把錄影上傳上去,常常一個地方的直播不穩定,所以直播的畫質、音質都差強人意,如果有比較專業的,不管是麥克風或者是別的收音設備,這個之後我們透過開放的方式放在網路上,等於就算不是這300個人,或者是聽了不錯,回去覺得親朋好友也可以再擴散這個知識,所以你們同意用開放的授權,把我演講的內容公開出來的話,一般都是會答應的,這個沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "謝謝。如果把文字稿也編輯成冊的話,您也同意?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,沒有問題,我素材都公開了,隨便各位怎麼改做。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "因為我們是出版社,有很強烈的出版意願。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "絕對沒有問題的。這樣的話,是不是先留8月17日2點到5點下來。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "這個時間可以嗎?如果您覺得需要調整的話?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個ok。我這邊需要給你們的是簡報,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我通常會用自己的電腦來接簡報,這個場地看起來應該也可以支援,所以就儘量給我一條足夠長的簡報線,不管是VGA或者是HDMI都可以,給我一個放類似電腦這樣的一個架子、台子,我自己就可以操作我的簡報,但是我的備案也會在會前一個星期左右給你們一份PDF檔,即使我的電腦接不上或者是投影有問題,至少你們的電腦也可以完成這個簡報,我大概只需要這個;你們會前有直播給我網址,如果沒有網址,至少會後錄影給我檔案。" }, { "speaker": "王春申", "speech": "直播沒有問題,因為我們新書發表會都有直播。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "不過我們應該要更好的設備。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒關係,有多少是多少。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我要爭取一些。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我演講的主軸大概是你們提綱,把我自己的自學過程分享出來,我在自學上的一些心得,大概是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "如果題目的話是?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們這邊的題目一般是怎麼給的?好像一個自學力能教嗎?如何教?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "都可以,是林老師喜歡這個題目,非常口語的,但是都可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!我想一下,我們就叫做「數位社會與創新自學」,後面要加一個「創新自學方法」或者是「創新自學力」,既然你們都「自學力」,那就「數位社會與創新自學力」。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "太好了!另外6月份的活動,如果有什麼樣的意見或者提供幾句話也可以,如果您有興趣的話,也是在國家圖書館,就是有幾位老師在學術上的討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我看一下。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "或者您有空可以來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過當時我在文官學院,沒有辦法。如果你事後也有整理成一些文集的話,再寄給我,我再看。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "這一些學者特別喜歡整理文件。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我理解。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我們幫星雲大師出了一本書叫做「自學之道」,我到時把資料給您看,如果您方便,是不是可以擔任我們的推薦人,您看過之後可以先決定,不急,先跟您提一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒問題,謝謝你。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我可以請教您一個問題嗎?就是萌典的問題,我第一次認識您大概是透過萌典,很多年前覺得非常好,我也教華語,也是中文老師,我覺得非常棒,在那個時代大概是最好的,因為國家教育部的字典是非常難用,完全可以逆向的操作。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "但是後來出現一個小問題,後來臨時政府必須要跟教育部切開來,不過我後來發現大陸或者是香港有一個叫做「漢典」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "知道。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "它當然很多缺點,但是它有一個優點,它增加了很多古文字跟古音,我們這邊是放在異體字典,而且是各自分散的,我們還缺乏大家比較關心的,不是異體字,而是聲音的問題,就是音韻的問題,「漢典」把很多古代中古的擬音放上去,我覺得這個我們可以做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是啊!我們在中研院有一個叫做小學堂,主要是做古文字的部分,但是上古音的部分,以我的理解,臺灣好像比較沒有以公部門大規模來處理。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "對,我覺得很可惜,如果可以結合到我們的系統來……上文的字放著很多人讀不懂,我們學過語音學當然知道,學過國際音標可以,所以如果每一個上古音找一個懂得國際音標的人去發音、錄音,上古音變的有意義,因為每一個擬音都不同,誰擬的都不太一樣,如果發出來的話,給沒學過的人也看得懂,也聽得懂大概怎麼回事。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "像現在講台語,很多台語的問題或者是國字的問題,都要從中古音追溯起,因為現在很多小學老師、中學老師,如果遇到一個字不會唸的時候,就查字典,然後開始抱怨,為什麼這樣?其實不抱怨,很多是古音的關係,如果字典可以解決這個問題,我覺得可以消除中小學老師心中的焦慮。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我先確認一下,以我的理解,有發音在「漢典」只有現代音,其他廣韻只給音標,那樣有什麼不夠嗎?音標不就直接拿來用就好了。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "不過很多人不會發,因為是根據國際IPA來的,但是臺灣大部分的人沒有學過IPA,尤其小學、中學老師千分之九百九十九沒有學過,對他們來講是沒有用的工具,不過這個是透過資訊技術,現在大部分的語音都可以用合成的,其實像很多人也是用google翻譯,內建語音合的能力,也許不是請人去錄音,因為音實在是太多了,我們可能是直接轉一個IPA跟語音合成的工具。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "對。然後把它跟我們的異體字典結合在一個系統當中,那就更棒了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這個部分國教院一直都有一些技術在做這一方面的東西,但是目前好像研究人員在使用,好像比較沒有一般對外的,你有跟「漢典」聯絡過嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你要不要跟「漢典」聯絡一下,問有沒有可能他們廣韻的那一個部分,看有沒有可能接上一些免費的IPA。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "對,這個是好方法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為以我的理解,Google、微軟、Amazon,這幾個大的都已經有IPA發音的功能,所以也許「漢典」的作者改個幾行就解決了你的這個問題,這個可能是最簡單的。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "對,這個是好主意,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看還有沒有什麼想要討論的?" }, { "speaker": "王春申", "speech": "很高興你願意幫助我們。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我們董事長來以前講過他的祖父曾在這邊辦公,副院長,他來這邊所以有很親切的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "小時候放假,沒事就把我帶過來一起上班。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以也常常來我們這邊?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "不常,就是放假的時候,那時候小時候5、6歲頑皮,就是趴在桌子下面,電話跟現在不一樣,沒有辦法打出去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有錯。" }, { "speaker": "王春申", "speech": "桌上有5、6個電話,因此秘書說要跟誰打電話,我就馬上把一個電話抓下來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "挺有意思。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "再請教一個問題,因為佛光大學很想把自學力變成我們很努力推動的一個活動,所以我們教務長特別要求,校長也跟我講說如果有機會請教您的話,有沒有可能邀請您過來演講。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然可以。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "就是自學的概念,讓學生得到一個振奮的精神,讓大家覺得不要那麼被動。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是通識嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "應該全校的學生跟老師,我想老師來的不會少。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒問題啊!" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "再跟您安排。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "直接跟筱婷約時間。" }, { "speaker": "王春申", "speech": "自學是整個國家經濟很重要的,每個人的能力就可以把事情做出來、做好,做最好的就是完全靠自學,因為學校教不夠,等於讀書在學校教你怎麼樣,自己要怎麼樣學,需要用的東西是要靠自己找資料,如果臺灣真的要變成一個國際化、獨立的地方,最重要是要把經濟搞出來,也就是經濟獨立,所以自學是一個主題,也就是鼓勵每個人把自己加強,用自學的方法。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "最近談到教育的改變、教育的翻轉,像張威成(音譯)是我的師弟,我覺得真正的問題在於學生的學習動機、自學動機跟策略的問題,所以我不斷改變不要老是對於老師的評鑑,這個路線剛好相反,自學要自評,我要知道學什麼、評鑑自己,然後再評鑑老師給我這個相對的條件,老師跟學生商量你要什麼、我給你什麼,所以我們所有的活動幾乎都反過來做。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "所以我們的學習活動中成果展,都是讓學生去提計畫,學生辦、老師參加,我最得意的事是,老師說學生都不讀書,大家都抱怨這一件事,我說:「不是的,學生愛讀書,只是他讀的書不是老師要他讀的書。」所以我辦了一個活動,讓學生自己提一個書單,規定老師看,然後學生上臺告訴老師說:「我讀了這一些書,你們覺得怎麼樣?」" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "因為老師抱怨學生、老人家抱怨年輕人,是兩千年的歷史了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有人類以來就是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "老一輩永遠抱怨年輕人不讀書,因為我學了很多資料,因為我是讀古文的,太多資料是老人家抱怨年輕人不讀書,但是從來不是這樣,那些人變老了,就開始抱怨年輕人。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我的做法是,可不可以重新思考、檢視這樣的結構,不是這樣的,當年輕人開始有自己的想法、要讀自己的書時,要代表這個時代轉變的速度感出現了,當越來越快速,可能10歲就覺得年輕人不讀書的時候,代表時代感不一樣,速度越來越快,那個落差就一直出現,這個是必然的,因為到了後現代社會之後,不可能避免這樣的狀況,我一直努力想要改變所有的,是前教育部長,他學教育的,但是他是很老的教育觀念,我不斷改變他們的想法,學生才是學習的主體,教職員跟老師是教學校的主體,因為我們留很久。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "既然他們是學習主體,怎麼樣讓變成真正的主體,叫他們站起來講話,我們在旁邊喝咖啡就好了,所以我們常常說最好的學習是學生很努力學,老師喝咖啡。當然這個是開玩笑的,但是一部分是真實,老師付出太多了,剝奪了學生學習的機會,學習的動機是叫做「點火學」,就是點燃學生的學習之火、熱情,之後是自學策略,因此我們之後是訂了以自學為目標的教學策略,老師雖然教學,但是我的教學是幫助學生自學,我是階段性的,真的達到你開始自學就退出了,否則在旁邊看就好了。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我在歐洲教過一年的書,我發現一個很有趣的現象,我們學生太喜歡聽老師引導,太喜歡接受引導,這個太喜歡接受引導,把博士班當作大學部在教,我們把中學生當小學部在教,這個是很可怕的事,因此我回來很雄心壯志要改變這個東西,這個是我的目標,我很想改變這個事情。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "最近在看五四運動一百週年,明天下午要跟胡適紀念館的館長對談五四運動一百年的事,我不斷讀胡適、王雲五的資料,我覺得很有趣的是,胡適是對文學、語言學外行的人,他誤打誤撞發現一個天大的秘密是所有的中國文化都要改變,這個是天大的秘密,他開始改變所有生活的一切東西時,真的改變了。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我們必須要說改變是反覆的力量更大,因此現在更糟糕了,我們的結論是,德先生完全沒有,比以前還糟糕了,賽先生也沒有了,因為現在只有講只有科技、沒有科學,所以這個是很大的問題,反撲的力量很大,我們現在到底要做什麼?我們正在做什麼?我們現在並不是教一課國文、一課數學就可以了,我們很努力改變人類到下一步,自學力是目前找一個比較好的切入點,如果所有的人都改變學習的方式跟態度,或許下一個階段,也就是臺灣人來講,臺灣人可以有比較多的機會可以活得快樂一點、自在一點,這個是我推動的目標。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "所以您剛剛問我說下一步怎麼做,我希望下一步讓佛光大學的聲音變成臺灣的聲音,臺灣的聲音變成全世界跟人家對談話題,並不是臺灣小,就不跟人家談自學力,不是,很一個人都可以發光的,我的光照亮佛光,佛光照亮臺灣,臺灣照亮全世界,大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們在歐洲哪裡教?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我在斯洛維尼亞。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "為什麼會跑去那邊教學?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "很簡單,我從12歲打太極拳,現在56歲,請你說看不出來,謝謝(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看不出來12歲(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我打了很久的太極拳,我教過一些歐洲的人,他們到全中國,後來到臺灣學,發現我教得太好了,打得太厲害了,他們完全無法想像太極拳這麼厲害,因此回去之後一定要我過去教,可是我不可能過去教太極拳,他們發現原來我教中文的,教中國哲學、會教華語教學,所以把我找去教他們的華語、中國哲學。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是還是有教到太極拳?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "還是有。所以我在那邊教了一年,認識了好朋友。那個國家很有趣,他們是特殊的型態,他們的失業人口不焦慮,所以我覺得人類應該往這邊發展,失業的人不應該焦慮,少子化之後根本沒有地方住,我有兩個房子、兩個女兒,你怕什麼?一定有地方住。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "第二個是基本的生活開銷很低,牛奶比臺灣便宜、雞蛋比臺灣便宜,雞肉、豬肉都比臺灣便宜,這樣的話,變成你有很少的收入,他們的收入比我們高,你就可以過得很快樂,因此他們很多人每一天彈吉他、唱歌及跳舞,人在不焦慮的時候才有創作能力,他們就做到這一點。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "到中國就不用講,他們還在發展的初期,我跟他們講說:「你們蓋每一個高樓,有一天會後悔,對我來講是糞土,一定會後悔,人類要住的是矮的平房,你蓋二十八層,第十五層樓要幹麻?沒有意義。」所以他們的生活大概是比較,我覺得一個3萬多元美金,臺灣2萬多元,而且錢以前是社會主義國家,竟然能夠發展出一個非常適合人類居住的環境,這個是我非常喜歡那個調調。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我演講的題目是五十年後的臺灣,我覺得我們每一個讀書人、老師都要把五十年後的臺灣當作思考的第一個重點,第一個是看不到了,不是為了我來思考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "您才十二歲,應該看得到。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "六十五歲,樣子比較老一點。我的意思是說以五十年後臺灣來思考,以將來思考的話,台北市根本不是長這樣子,招牌都不見了,不同的樹代表不同的行業,我們家門口或者是開餐廳,門口可能一棵蘭花,這個醫院可能一棵杏樹,斯洛維尼亞我看不到招牌,很大的美術館只有這麼小的招牌掛在門口,我覺得這個才是我們要的,我們為何要招牌?因為招牌是非常經濟的思考,其實人類不是為了經濟而存在,我的想法是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "因此,我在想說不斷反省五十年後要什麼,如果人口降低到2,100萬,你幹麻蓋房子?你只能重新翻修,不能再加蓋了,拆掉變成公園就好了,因此五十年後來思考,很多事情都不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "如果我們真的知道未來是2,100萬,我們為何擔心少子化?少子化是必然的,早就規劃好怎麼辦,現在在講說我當老師,我教過小學、國中、高中、大學、博士班,我知道一個班最好教是八至十二個人,我們現在還三十幾個人,我們一天到晚抱怨流浪教師太多,哪裡太多?是我們每一班人數太多了,如果我們把每一班的人數降低到十二人,開玩笑,全國的流浪教師都不夠用,對不對?而且教育資源投進去之後,一開始國民政府是15%,後來才被連戰改成降低下來的。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "如果大量投資教育產業,如果相關的產品文創、產品教育資源,整個經濟會活絡,會變成教育經濟學,阿扁講過一句話「投資在教育最划算」,大量投資教育,讓臺灣變成教育島,可以大量輸出。像原住民不一定要學國語學得很好,因為南島語系跟漢藏語系是不同的語系,所以硬逼他學國語是很困難的,其實他學德語、法語,學得很快。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我碰過很多原住民的朋友,像老師、同學,他們學外語,是很快的,我問為什麼?其實沒有特別快,而是學漢語的特別快,我那天想了一個很荒謬的點子,宜蘭專門是德語區,屏東是法語區,不同的山區可以用不同的語言,可以發展他們獨特的文化能力,他們直接學會,然後直接跟外國溝通,一個外國觀光客、教師,反正整個宜蘭的原住民,跟德語有關的,產品什麼都進來,那都好玩。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你有跟族人聊過嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我跟族人聊過,發現他們的語言能力比我們強很多,他們有興趣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "願意往這個方向?" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "因為我談的是老師跟學生,一般的族人很少談這個問題,但是我聽他們在講國語被嘲笑的時候,我內心覺得憑什麼嘲笑人家,他的語言我都不會講,憑什麼嘲笑人家。這個是可以思考的點,我們跳脫華語中心,雖然我當過播音員,教過中文,但是我很討厭華語中心的概念,我覺得語言是臺灣多元的文化、語言,每一個地方會發展自己的語言特色。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "甚至還可以有一個山東語區也無所謂,如果大家願意、有人願意的話,都沒有關係,就是看大家的意志,有沒有意識到不同的語言才有意義的,並不是每個人都學好華語、國語,並不是這樣子的,如果是這樣的話,滿可以發展特色。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "對不起,聽我亂扯,因為我對於未來的想像,就是五十年後的臺灣是五百年後的臺灣,我不斷想十幾年之後,確實有比較奇特的想法,眼前的規劃,像台北市的規劃,沒有想說五十年後的規劃怎麼樣,很多是白做工,因為可能二十年後就要被消滅了,很像三重過來台北的引道,它蓋的時候我就在了,想說哪一天會被拆掉,拆掉的時候發現我老了,我竟然看到一個橋蓋好,然後再拆掉,人生多悲哀?這麼多年來,台北人在做什麼?浪費我們的生命在做無聊的事情,把一個橋蓋好,然後再拆掉。如果我們先想好五十年後怎麼樣或者是五百年後怎麼樣,就不會浪費時間。對不起。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很好。因為我們原住民族教育發展法、國家語言發展法都通過了,其實全族語教學是一個潮流沒有錯,但是確實用族語去學不是英語的外語,這個是我第二次聽見,這個是非常有創意的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "按照您的說法,您已經有跟族語的老師們有探討過這樣的見解,因為我目前接觸到的是,像他們的數學課本,並不是用華語的邏輯在做,他們都是已經融入他們的生活,用族語來編這一些課本,用族語來學德語或者山東話,這個是我之前沒有聽說過的思路;如果你們真的有在做這一方面的教材教法,我是很有興趣,歡迎隨時email我。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "太好了。" }, { "speaker": "王春申", "speech": "族人問題是沒有字。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "可以記錄。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "族語現在都是用拉丁字母,剛才老師講的是拉丁字母學別的拉丁字母比較容易,硬要他去學注音符號是比較困難的,當時我課發會的時候,我也是十二年國教課發會委員,我主張因地制宜,就是原住民族人多的地方,也許真的用漢語拼音去教華語,不要用注音符號去教。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "反過來講,如果是華語的人多的地方,你教台語,說不定可以用注音符號教台語,所以不要被工具所限制,我覺得這個是滿重要的一個概念轉換。不過這一、兩年,大概該有的法律都已經通過了,現在主要的問題是很少有人去編教材教法,所以如果有接觸到願意做這樣的人,我們隨時保持聯絡。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "太好了。" }, { "speaker": "王春申", "speech": "我們也補助一些原住民的小學,所以可以考慮往我們做事的方向。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "我們補助過一些山上學校的書、電腦設備,捐贈給他們,我們也可以再考慮跟他們談,不過他們是小孩子,我在想是不是要從教師這邊著手身邊的教材。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在很多實驗小學都是用全族語來進行,或者是像在仁愛路三段99號,我的另外一個辦公室樓上就是透過視訊的方式,有一個原住民族語言圈的計畫,等於全臺灣想要學特定的原住民族語,當地沒有老師,是透過視訊的方式在早自習的時候可以加入語言圈,所以有各種方法。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "這個很好玩,像跟德國、法國的某一些人想要學某一個原住民語的,可以語言交換或者是相互學習,這個也是很好的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個真的是挺有意思,如果以後稍微有一點成形的話,就歡迎隨時跟我聯絡。" }, { "speaker": "林明昌", "speech": "感謝你的支持。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "黃瓊雅", "speech": "有一些委員要到11點才會到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是不是有一些事務性的,看之後逐字稿也可以瞭解一下,我們先稍微報告一下,我看一下,現在還有27分鐘。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是不是把後續的活動看一下?因為那個比較不需要執秘他們,那也沒有真的要報告,那就是資料而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有要討論的部分嗎?或者這都已經確定了?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "卓越團隊一共邀四個?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "應該是說五隊,有一隊還沒有確認,有四隊已經確認了。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "下個禮拜天有兩隊,也就是水寶寶跟零時差,那三隊原則上都是6月29日。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你說還沒有約到的是哪一隊?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "現在都約到了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是到今天早上都確定了,是五隊分成兩組。所以「搶救水寶寶」跟「零時差」各有15分鐘,另外三個各10分鐘,這個時間都跟他們講了?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也許稍微講一下「實戰PitchSkill」大概會講什麼嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "是教團隊可以怎麼樣簡報。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是會有實際的例子demo?" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以大家拿1.5小時的時間,當天的簡報是什麼時候?是下午?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以等於早上聽完之後,趕快回去改簡報,然後下午就用得到了。用意是這樣子?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以下午的報告是什麼時候開始?是總統一合照完之後就開始?" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "4點10分開始。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "每一隊中間不休息,是不是?就是120分鐘,然後每一隊去除,大概是5分鐘?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "大概5到6分鐘。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是是可以有簡報?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。跟政委報告,報告的地點可能不會在20個團隊的現場。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "是在一樓嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "沒有。這個是在國際會議中心,這是另外一個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以是一組一個,不會聽到別組的。跟去年一樣。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不然後報的有優勢。所以這一個部分的場地,你們都已經規劃完了?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "總統常去國際會議中心,所以維安什麼的應該都不是問題?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "主要是因為這樣子,所以才到那邊去,可能維安上大家的issue會比較少。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以各個團隊是什麼時候要到場?是9點要到或是9點30分?" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "9點至9點30分是報到的時間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "複選評審會議,也就是工作坊的那一天?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那個部分的順序是要抽籤嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "我們應該是在29日就會有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以順序跟指導會議,也就是前一天一樣嗎?就是抽歸抽、評歸評?也就是抽籤的方法決定嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這個是你們要做實體的籤嗎?反正20個,也還好。這樣子看起來差不多。東波要講什麼,你們有掌握了嗎?就是簡報檔或者之類的?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "還沒。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請跟他要最新版本的簡報檔,我們儘量實際開場前可能三天左右要到,一方面是因為我們也要做一下timing,包含如果他的電腦有問題,我們要用自己的電腦播放等等。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "二方面,按照他的訊息,我怎麼接到他的訊息去,所以盡可能提早跟他要到,因為我們這些人如果不跟我們事先要,就會造成臨場抽換,會有各種各樣的問題,所以儘量事前要一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以工作坊跟評審,看起來很完整,謝謝,所以關於這個時程,看大家有沒有什麼想要詢問或是想法的?就是後面附件的部分,我們現在只是在串場,我們在等其他人來。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我想問一下5月26日那一天,因為大家第一次正式見面,所以各個提案瞭解狀況,比如有一些資料額外協調工作的話,如何跟國發會互動?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們是不是可以事先確保data stewards都可以約到那一天去?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為如果來的只是窗口,其實到下一次再見面,已經不知道什麼時候。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "所以這一塊我們的想法是,有沒有可能因為其實是……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在都有列出來。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "對,這些都有列出來,因為會涉及到不同的地方政府,有沒有可能是在26日這一天把相關的機關找來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "即使還沒有同意要組隊,至少來聽聽看這什麼東西。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "聽聽看大家的想法,甚至實際的活動,比如加速要處理的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個部分請你幫忙轉,或者我們這邊發便簽?" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "我建議是主辦單位的活動,不確定要邀哪一些單位的話……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果不確定的話,再請盈志幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "我們可以初步分析一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請分享一下聯絡簿,到底寫給誰比較有用。但是不會用你的名義寫。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來我也有一個程序性想要問一下,像這一大本33頁,我只是隨便舉一個例子,第33頁的「海波浪」,他們說希望在工作坊的時候邀到荒野保護協會,這並不是行政院所屬部會,不是「行政院荒野保護協會」,我們也要幫他約過來嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我不太確定為何是找荒野保護協會,像我記得黑潮也是在做這個,可以瞭解的是,到底有沒有熟悉相關的NGO,我那邊有朋友可以問到荒野保護協會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "會找荒野是因為荒野做環島海岸垃圾嗎?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這個我比較清楚,荒野跟綠色和平,他們這兩年有做沙灘垃圾的調查計畫,所以可以看到那邊活動的訊息,因此才想要用民間的資料合作,如果有需要的話,我可以找那個計畫的負責窗口,看他們有沒有空過來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們可以用官方的做法,也是發開會通知,但是切時段,屬於那個時段,邀請他們過來。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "因為這是正式活動,可以發通知,也可以跟他們聯繫有沒有收到,跟一般的會議看有沒有差別。看請他們派誰來,除非他們堅決不來,也沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不來就不來,我們沒有強制力。" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "第二,如果有20個團隊,他們各有需求,我們要不要切分時段?他們早上就來,搞不定到下午才會到,可能對他們來講,時間會浪費很多。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我確認一下,那一天是不是一整天的?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "那其實不用。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這20個團隊,我們跟他們聯絡的時候,都有說會開這個會,如果有需要,我們可以直接call-out,如果有需要的話,可以現場連線,大家可以再確認一下,看有沒有這個需要,大家過了之後,大概先提示一下,整個團隊要先打給他們,也就是先後看誰要先聯絡一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。不過我們講的是對外面,也就是對想要約的團隊,因此這樣聽起來有兩個:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,5月26日的會通,我們什麼時候會發?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我補充一下。嘉凱你是熟荒野保護協會,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "現在在第32頁有看到他們寫已經找了綠色和平進來,因為荒野這一次是跟這個一起做的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "那他們的人已經在裡面了?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "綠色和平已經答應跟他們組隊了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "所以他還需要荒野一起來?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "其實綠色跟荒野很熟。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最簡單的方法是,我們已經知道發會通的時間,像5月26日之類的發會通,我亂講的,不管哪一天發會通,嘉凱會拿到會通的全文,我們會把全部要約的都放進去,如同葉寧所說的,其實會特別講到團隊的實作是下午才開始,如果你很想來聽「搶救水寶寶」的分享或者是聽我致詞——當然沒有人要來聽我致詞的話——當然可以早上就來,不然可以一起來吃個午餐,我想可以在會通裡面寫得比較清楚。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "拿了這一份會通,我們在送出去的同一天,就看輔委、評委認識哪一些人,像嘉凱就可以拿這一份會通去跟荒野講一下是什麼性質,不要讓他覺得一定來就一定要跳坑,沒有這樣子,他來只是瞭解一下這一件事是怎麼回事。大概就這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "會通的部分,會請國際處把要邀的單位都給我們,我們就會發正式會通,國際處有準備邀請函的部分,機關、機構的首長也有另外一個邀請,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以作業時程上,其實我們今天談完也差不多了,你們禮拜一彙整一下,彙整之後就給這邊去發。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "我們會把今天大家要討論、要邀請的單位確認下來,到時會把清單給科會辦。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "由科會辦來發,這是對外的部分。對內的部分,我們今天討論到一些公部門需要給資料或者是不是需要給資料,而是給人的地方,就一次彙整給莊盈志看一次,其實他知道有暗樁更適合,那就抽換一下人,會通給更適合的人, 就這樣處理,所以附件的部分,處理到這裡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛嘉凱有一個程序的問題,我們討論一下,我們現在有一堆個人參賽的名單,大家手上有一份24個人報名,其實只有21個人,因為又有一位我們很熟悉的朋友報名了3次,這裡面分成兩種狀況,一種狀況是就像前10頁「是否願意接受主辦單位」都寫否,他們只去嘉義市那一隊,如果不的話就不來了,我們也很好奇為何不一開始組隊就算了,知道這一件事的原因嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "他們目前有加入嘉義市的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "為何又在這邊個人報名一次?" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "先報名,後來才加入一次。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講前10頁已經處理好了,我們就跳過。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他大概都是願意接受主辦單位的媒合,不願意的,我想我先挑出來,閒置化學品(第18、19頁),一位是中國化學會的秘書長,一位是嘉義應用化學系的副教授,他們也都是指名要參加這個隊伍。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們現在有併進這個團隊裡面嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "目前沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是他們想要加入,但是還不知道他們的存在,是這樣嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們聯絡的時候,有跟團隊說有這兩位或者還沒有?" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "我們說有一些個人報名的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有講到這兩個人?" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是我們等一下可以call out的狀況,他不接受媒合的意思是,如果這個團隊不認可他們,我們就沒有他們可以用,對不對?所以這個是最容易處理的,我們是不是等一下就列到議程當中,我們直接跟化學品那一隊說有這兩位都是老師們想要參加,如果他們願意的話,是不是就直接加到他們團隊的名單當中,這樣子也省去作業等待的時程,如果同仁可以打電話就可以打了,麻煩現在聯絡一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分我們看到第20頁跟第19頁,其實是同一個人,只是不小心按了兩次而已,擅長的工具是google,這個是非常有意思的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不願意接受媒合的就這樣子了,剛才CK是說……" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我想問一下不願意接受媒合,還是有機會的話……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有沒有實例?舉一下。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "比如司法院那一個,第41頁,包含裡面的成員都是司法院,但是他的目標是希望可以幫助民眾來看懂判決,下面的專家都是有一個對於不太確定司法界的記者是不是看得懂。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你的具體提議是把應用化學系的找過去嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不是。這個狀況下,我看了一下沒有人報這個團隊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有人報這個團隊,那也無所謂,因為其他人,除了現在正在例外處理的,不願意接受媒合之外,理論上都願意接受媒合,所以意思是只選了其中兩、三隊,但是我們覺得司法院很需要人,是可以把那一些人抓過來的,也就是「是否願意接受媒合」,選「是」,那就可以,我們現在是在討論「否」的部分,因為「否」的部分可以用程序解決,同意就同意、不同意就不同意,我們還是尊重「否」,不要把化學會拿到司法院裡面去,好像哪裡怪怪的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在只有一個選「否」的是陳祐廷,陳祐廷說不願意接受主辦單位媒合,看有沒有什麼意見?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "依照之前提案的部分,是不是只有雲端農業的部分是可以match起來?就是之前在其他的地方有提到資歷。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實他在國際松也提了三個案子,也是多才多藝的朋友。「雲端農業」是雲農那一案是不是?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "他們沒有需求。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "雲農是第幾頁?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "如果政委看表,很清楚我們都有列了,前面7隊是有需求的,後面沒有需求,這個我們先整理出來,大家看這個簡報資料,從第3頁開始。雲農是在第5頁,所以這邊很多,人家沒有需要就不用幫他處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "已經21個人。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "所以那個還要再確認。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們有團隊的上限人數嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "之前說10位。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們為何是說10位?我不太記得了,有人記得嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "那個是配合府裡面的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "喔!對!總統府的場地,所以不是我們的什麼獎盃製作預算之類的,沒有這個問題。如果只是場地的話,我們建議不要逼他,如果實際最後他得獎了,就是挑10個人來,好不好?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "我們也是發10個獎盃。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "獎盃製作有沒有預算的問題?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "10個多10萬。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們如果確定只能發得出10個獎盃的話,獎盃上有沒有寫名字?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "沒有個人的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那還好,等於他們挑10個人來,來的人都有獎盃可以拿,但是其他人都還是隊員,我們在網站上都還是隊員。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "也就是如果進到最後10隊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果最後得了優勝團隊,獎盃就是只有10個,反正來幾個就是頒幾個。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "就是他們代表領獎。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於他們回去要上半年放一個人家、下半年放一個人家就是他的自由了,所以我的具體建議是不要逼他們。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "那只是通知他們。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一個是未必進10強,第二個是我們那時再跟他們說挑10個人,因為場地限制的關係也不遲,我們試著這樣處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "雲農那邊如果沒有需要人的話……" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "雲農的人會不會太多?有21個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你是說把他們的人數分給別人嗎?不過上次高雄氣爆也是非常多人,因為他們有6個單位,全部加起來,所以就很多人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果很詳細去看的話,有農事、茶改、服務創新……一家公司,不是,這個是「要,不藥的安全」,事實上是很多元性,如果有多元性的話,應該還好,如果大家有不同的意見也可以提。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我考量前兩次工作坊場地限制的問題,因為每一組是一樣的,如果來兩倍的話,有辦法安排嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們現在怎麼分?一桌是繞著那一個桌子坐嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "長桌的兩側。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "長桌倒比較容易處理,現在只是要不要破例而已,現在把桌子加大而已。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "去年20隊,一隊10人左右,就是把場地8分滿,還有工作區。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "因為多了一倍的人。1、2位都還好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "臺灣資料科學公司一進來之後,其實嘉義這個也變成11個人了,還不加上別的媒合進來的,所以我們需要一個一致的規範,你不能說多1、2個還好,但另外一個跟他說只能派10個人來。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "那就多10個來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想我們一視同仁。他們團隊多少人無所謂,但是工作坊也好,或者是來領獎也好,反正就是挑10個人來,我們就給10張門票,紀念品的話,便宜的可以多給嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "開瓶器還好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果開瓶器都要省錢的話,那個也……有21個人就21個開瓶器。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "T-shirt跟開瓶器都ok。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "T-shirt跟開瓶器都獎勵參加,一隊是10個人,最後個人來2、3個,反而後來的2、3個沒有T-shirt跟開瓶器都還好,儘量T-shirt跟開瓶器都給。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想大家都沒有意見的話,我們就這樣來處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "祐廷這邊如果雲農不需要的話,大家看哪一個團隊比較好?哪一個團隊比較可以吸收?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "我們已經聯絡了衛生研究院跟海委會,他們都在等,要call-out,剛剛有說有兩題,一個是化學品,要等大家都到了再call-out。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "化學品那一題可以先call-out,因為不管大家有沒有來,我們問的問題都是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你好,請問是吳先生嗎?" }, { "speaker": "吳政峰", "speech": "你好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我是唐鳳。" }, { "speaker": "吳政峰", "speech": "政委你好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們現在剛好在做個人參賽的報名,我們有收到兩位個人參賽的名單,有指名要加入你們的團隊,別的沒有要加入。想先跟你講一下這兩位的狀態,有一位趙秘書長是中國化學會的秘書長。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外一位是邱秀貞老師,是嘉義大學應用化學系的一位副教授,email再請團隊再提供給你們。另外,化學會還有一位劉載春老師。想問一下這幾位,他們之前有找您接觸過或者是談過嗎?" }, { "speaker": "吳政峰", "speech": "在LINE上有交換意見過。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你對他們想加入團隊的意願如何?" }, { "speaker": "吳政峰", "speech": "當然很歡迎。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是不是直接把他們列入你的團隊名單?因為我們現在雖然場地的限制,就是活動大概都只有10個人可以參加,但是我們並沒有限制團隊的大小,所以我們會盡可能把你們需要的都媒合上,因為目前3個人,3+3是6個人,所以是放得下的,因此您覺得ok的話,我們就做成紀錄。" }, { "speaker": "吳政峰", "speech": "好的,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一案就這樣子,另外那一案倒不需要現在call out,按照剛剛所講的,先把會通擬出來,提供給CK,CK幫忙問一下的方式去處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛陳祐廷有沒有人要幫他找別的隊伍?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果都沒有的話,我們就不約陳祐廷了?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "希望參加的這些隊伍,依他的優先順位,也就是雲端產業農業,但是因為雲農那邊表示並沒有希望個人報名,在這樣的情況之下,因為也沒有願意接受主辦單位媒合,所以我們經過這一次討論,是有逐字稿的,我們之後覺得這一次非常感謝他的貢獻。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以上,選「否」的都處理完了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "林育新是工研院想要做的,是「氣喘遠離我」,這個是哪一個?是環保署的那個,環保署那個是願意接受人來的,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "直接把它媒合進去,因為這個是他的首選,他感覺上看起來技術上是比較相符的,所以除非覺得「詐貸掏空早知道」那邊太單薄了,不然我們再重用,否則還是尊重他的第一個選擇,因為像「詐貸掏空早知道」,所以其實我們先尊重選否的人的選擇。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對不起,因為處長才剛來,我們先把程序性講一遍,我們先把名單講一遍,就是邀某一隊,因為前10頁都已經邀到了,那一隊都同意他們加入,所以我們根本什麼不用做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "陳祐廷老師因為選的是我們討論之後,可能「雲農」是比較適合他的,但是「雲農」那邊也沒有需要隊員,因此感謝他的貢獻。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,有化學會的幾位朋友,有做化學品的分享,我們有call-out給團隊,他們表達原因,而且在LINE上也跟他們通話過,可能會有5、6個人的團隊,但還是少於10個人,所以應該沒有問題。我們現在處理的是第14頁,也就是林育新的case,因為「氣喘遠離我」那一隊也還需要人,而且看起來他的技術還算符合,因此我想我們暫時先尊重他的第一順位意見,如果「詐貸掏空」都沒有人,我們再回來改決定,因此「否」的部分都處理完了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分請這邊稍微報告一下。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "政委、各位委員,以下由團隊來報告,今天大家手上有幾份資料,包括現在要報的簡報資料,有一份比較厚的是20個入選團隊的一些細資料。另外有附一頁對照表,這20個團隊在哪一頁,所以如果大家看一個團隊,上面有頁碼可以直接對照。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "另外,剛剛政委在補充個人報名的這一份,總共有24個。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "我們現在接續往下報告,我們整理了一下這20個團隊當中,有真正提出來媒合需要的,我們放在前面的7個隊伍,資料整理上也有把各個團隊現在的隊員人數,後面有一些個人報名的,像我們寫了有一些先放上來。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這邊依序是前面有需求的團隊,後面從「FixTW」以下,這邊他們目前都沒有提有媒合的需求。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "以下是個別團隊有提需要的部分,我們整理出來。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "政委是要從個人這邊把它處理完,或者是要回到哪裡?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "把有媒合需求的盡可能滿足完,我們再討論沒有媒合需求的,剛剛化學品分享,3個人已經變成5個人或者是6個人,環保署從7個人變成8個人,這個是剛剛已經做的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果大家不反對的話,就對有媒合需求的一對一對來看這樣子有沒有滿足到,如果沒有滿足到的話,大家手上有沒有一些名單可以幫他滿足這個需求。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "第一隊做「AI輔助遠端救護」的部分,這(簡報頁面)是他們提出的需求。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實有一個「本土化的語音辨識系統」的語音辨識工程師,另外一個是把這個東西接到這一套系統裡面,包含這個看起來前端、後端都要,其他加起來的,大概是做使用者體驗的設計,簡報高手是不是暫時先跳過一下?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「消防派遣員」是什麼意思?有人知道嗎?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "第一線的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是實際有派過OHCA的人。他們的人看起來並沒有第一線派遣的人。有什麼想法?我們要不要反過來?像消防派遣員我們要從哪裡生出來?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "開外掛或是從名單當中?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "名單裡面,我沒有看到消防員來報名。我們是不是可以動員之前總統盃有得過的,因為去年也有一隊做OHCA。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "去年OHCA跟EMT相關的,有一些是在高雄、有一些是在台北,如果要邀請他們的話,是以邀請的方式加入這個團隊的話,可以啊!我可以問問看他們有沒有時間,因為我認識他們。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "麻煩問一下,這個題目跟他們去年的題目,可能高達八成是有重疊的,所以等於是他們去年沒有做完的一些想法可以拿來這邊做,儘量用這樣的方式說服他們過來。我想系統設計師跟消防派遣員大概都可以這樣處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為這個跟去年最大的差別是,他們想把急救報案的語音資料庫拿進來做分析,我們知道去年有誰真的有,像1999那一隊好像也沒有消防的,1999是一般詢問的。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "去年119。他們是拿call center的資料,但是看派遣紀錄,並不是看報案內容,沒有電話裡面的描述去做data。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這邊想要做的事是,其實在派遣原端直接來判斷是不是OHCA患者,這個跟去年累積的資料不一樣,蕭老師或者是執秘知道有類似的題目嗎?就是直接打到消防隊的語音紀錄。這好像不會特別留?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "系統裡面一定會有留。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "留metadata?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "到metadata的等級應該沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這個意思是真的找到消防局,然後願意開始在進線的時候,說「為了總統盃黑客松,然後以下對話將進行錄音」(笑);不然資料怎麼來?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以聽起來最困難的部分,反而是這一個部分?" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "對,因為之前針對包含了語音訊息,其實在open data的時候有討論過類似的案件。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "當下主管機關認為這個報案資料用不到說有誰,所以這一個部分沒有辦法。但是以這個案子的處理方式,另外一種的處理方式是邀請機關的人來加入這個團隊,因為是機關內的權責,也許是可以做處理的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的意思是,我們的錄音還是要告知,也就是聲紋資料。你的意思是我們隨便找一個台北市、新北市、桃園市的消防局,然後說某一個進線電話,開始說「因為總統盃黑客松的關係,這一通電話將會錄音,在當地本地計算,不提供給別人。」你提的是這樣的意思嗎?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "這種做法就比較不會有一般人擔心的個資問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那當然。有人認識消防局嗎?配合度比較高的。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "我認識台北市的,我可以問一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為如果沒有任何一個消防局進來的話,感覺上這個POC可能都做不出來,而且他們可能到一半就會被迫改題目,因為完全沒有資料可以用,所以這邊可能麻煩聯絡一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "反正我們說「聯絡一下」的意思是要加到會通的收件者裡面,他們不來就不來,我們要拿會通,請他們聽一下這一隊的想法是什麼,具體的人名是什麼,再請團隊提供。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "加了會通之後,放在那邊一定會打電話回來,因為搞不清楚狀況,是誰擔任call center。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "科會報發的函,是科會報接。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "可以先跟他講一下。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "我們會事先聯繫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們剛剛講的順序是,會通擬出來還不要發,所有這一些中介者們,都先拿到這個會通,給大家一、兩天的時間先通知一下,通知完之後,然後會通再發出去,是這樣的順序。" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "理解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "本土化語音辨識系統,你們聯絡團隊的時候,「本土化」到底是什麼意思?有人知道嗎?是要聽得懂台語還是?" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "對,可以聽得懂,口音的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不需要字正腔圓,慢慢唸一句話,這樣當然是不可能的。所以主要是台語嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有誰在做台語的語音辨識?工研院?" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "上次去台南智慧製造中心裡面,有一個孵化器是成大的團隊在做台語的語音辨識。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是mixed嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "要去確認一下,現場demo是台語的。孵化器是在南科製造。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們這個prediction的domain非常窄,只要是OHCA跟不是而已,所以這個對語音辨識的要求沒有那麼高,不是所有急重症來急診都要判斷得到,說不定有機會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "蕭老師有他的聯絡方式嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "我找一下再提供給資策會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他還有人認識做台語語音辨識的嗎?就是混合語音辨識。如果沒有的話,最壞的情況是,接現成的語音辨識的API,那當然沒有台語,現在的腔調也都還可以,所以如果做proof of concept的話,還是做得到一個程度,但還是以台語的為優先的,如果真的做的好,很快原住民族語言、客家話很快會出現,但是無論如何麻煩先把台語做起來,因此麻煩蕭老師找一下團隊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這邊有提到為何他們需要簡報高手嗎?其實看起來每一隊都需要簡報高手?" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "對,其實每一隊都有這個需求。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果通案處理,你們先找一個稍微會一點點簡報,但我們在工作坊的時候,請真正的簡報高手來帶大家教學一下,你們已經排了,對不對?是不是可以一定程度稍微吸收一下這個需求?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不然數位國家組也有找到簡報高手,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "那是沃草。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想他們也會對這些有興趣。但我會比較不希望有一些簡報高手的才有簡報高手,因為每一隊其實都一定有需要,所以我想我們通案用一個簡報訓練,可能也讓沃草那邊知道一下,視覺傳達是總統盃黑客松很多隊伍都需要的,如果他們願意來參加的話,不一定要馬上組隊,但就來工作坊看一下有什麼東西,他們可以變成關心的一些視覺傳達內容。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這個也是滿好的,但他們不來也不會怎麼樣,所以這也麻煩跟沃草聯絡一下,所以這5個差不多這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "系統設計師方面,就是全端,我們現在可以用的預備隊大概有幾個人?" }, { "speaker": "林志翔", "speech": "有10來位協作的,然後巨資有兩、三位,大概就有十位上下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我看林志軒比較重要的還是資料分析,這邊有列一堆前端的東西,不一定真的是那麼擅長的,說不定只能管後端,所以預備隊有前端的人,即使我們這邊剛剛加了消防派遣員,然後加了一個語音辨識的可能性進去的話,也才7個人,所以預備隊這邊能做前端進去的話,我想這個隊伍就很完整了,我想試試看用這樣的方法做,所以這一隊就這樣,看大家有沒有想要詢問的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們接著往下看化學品的分享平台,Ozone。他們要一個前端跟資料分析,目前我們剛剛幫他們媒合了一個進去,其他看大家有沒有什麼想法,覺得這一頁你們有沒有認識或者覺得比較適合進來的人?林育新是我們剛媒合進去的,學R學了五年,SaaS都會,所以感覺上資料分析那一個部分大概已經滿足了,所以他們現在需要一個視覺設計師,也就是UI、UX的人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們預備隊裡面有這一種嗎?也就是視覺設計,像體驗設計?我先看一下個人參採名單裡面有沒有設計師,好像專門沒有學UX,但是專門有第23頁翁介誠的那一位,感覺上什麼都會,所以這個當然是一個可能性,不過他自己的主觀意願比較不是來做Ozone,這一隊完全沒有做設計的人,他們的隊伍是……" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "參與的隊伍,這一家公司就是做AR、VR,因為他們也有參與智慧城鄉top down計畫的執行,或許透過他們的成員,這當然商業公司的參與。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "卡米爾,是不是民生公共物聯網的那一個團隊?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "是。去年我們看過。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也就是掛路燈空氣盒子的那一家。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。加起來是這兩家。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "卡米爾跟宸訊都是環保署的配合廠商,他們本身都有做資料分析,還有做資訊系統的能量,所以基本上這一些前端都是一開始在處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我有看他們Airmap的網站,UX還不錯,但他們應該會願意,民間UX的人加入是滿高興的,因為確實可以做到一個程度,但是感覺並不是完全從UX出發來寫,主要還是他們的spec收到什麼寫什麼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得就算完全沒有媒合進去,像CK所做的也可以做到一個程度,這邊沒有人認識專門做UX的人嗎?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這邊的問題是,要變成正式的,這一些都是以後可能的配合廠商,所以現在找一個幫他設計的介面,這個會有問題。他們是做前期研發而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是可以進去的,也就是資料分析的那一個部分,所以如果大家對於UX、UI沒有覺得特別要媒合特定的人進去的話,我們就先放著,如果之後大家有想到的話,那就鼓勵他們過來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "文櫻主任現在不在,是不是?" }, { "speaker": "曹元良", "speech": "她今天不出席。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "個人是持續報名中嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有,停了。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "因為下一個週末是g0v黑客松,不知道有沒有機會去那邊?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然可以,要他們直接跑去空總那邊提案才會有人,不能說資策會跑去幫他們提案找人,這樣好像也很奇怪,因為我們很難幫他們把價值主張講得很清楚,因此我想這個是一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果這樣的話,我想我們這個就先放著,之後如果碰到有人的話,我想這種先放著,請團隊列成一個清單,就是真的缺的,也許從現在開始到工作坊中間,可能會碰到一些閒置的親朋好友,還是可以把他們推薦進來,所以這個也許就這樣子。我們往下。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "下一個是「銀髮天使」,只有一個數據分析的需要。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一案是「銀髮安居高度需求名冊」,是把包租代管跟長照加在一起作分析,這個相當地奧妙。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這邊說需要數據分析,可是64頁寫得是需要視覺傳達,所以到底需要什麼?因為團隊裡面都是一大堆資料非常強的資料分析師,所以很難想像他們需要資料分析。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "應該是第64頁這邊的成果呈現。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以是64頁為主,因此需要視覺。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "我們的個人報名有……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第幾頁?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "15頁。他的優先議題沒有列這也是做成果呈現表達,他是公衛學院。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果這一頁的話,雖然擅長的技能是成果呈現,但是擅長工具裡面倒沒有特別講的,這個感覺上跟他的能力跟這一堆戶政司、統計數的好像重疊得比較高。所以執秘的意思是寫的成果呈現,大概相信他可以做成果呈現?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "對,因為他算是domain knowledge。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "CK覺得?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "覺得要做成果呈現,應該每個人都可以嘗試,他本身也是domain know how的人,所以他的背景是偏公衛統計,因為他還有另外一個身分,臺灣也是服務學習,就是比較是質性的東西,因此可能跟公眾比較有關。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以大家覺得這portfolio算是適合,所以就加進去,那就加進去。這個算是有媒合到了,我們往下。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "下一頁是「國土智慧巡守隊」,這個是在34頁。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是水的IoT那一案。這一頁倒是非常跨領域:第一個是希望農田水利會派一個人,這是非常清楚的;接下來希望有一個工業工程的去做綠色供應鏈管理,這個是環工;第三個,需要有一個會做統計圖表的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們自己的領域裡面,環工也已經有一些人了,所以感覺上他們很需要的是,農田水利會這邊的領域知識,其實35頁團隊需要的是同時需要嫻熟PaaS、SQL跟GIS實作能力的技術好手,跟這邊媒合的三個專家,好像都沒有什麼關聯。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們在訪問的時候是什麼意思,我可以先問一下嗎?他們說非常需要一個有GIS的,但是這邊需要我們媒合的三個都不是寫程式的,所以其實他需要四個或者怎麼樣?因為不是我打電話。" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "他會不會需要的不是技術的人員?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "call-out。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!確認一下是不是比較好?因為按照他寫的這三個,確實都不是我們傳統上所寫程式的,但是他說也要嫻熟PaaS跟SQL,然後不用好像很奇怪。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我的看法是,他們要的不是計時的人員,因為裡面就有好幾個寫空間分析的,他們要的是場域,他們沒有場域要做實驗,因此要做水利或者是有圳排的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是實際去做插排的人?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "他們提到的另外一個是可以找工業區管理處,因為工業區管理處管自己的水,對不對?按照這邊或者是執秘的經驗,我們找水利會比較容易或者是找管理局比較容易?或者其實都很困難?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "如果是水利會的話,其實農委會有很大施力的地方,如果能夠把農委會報進來的話,這個完全不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。而且農委會自己裡面,其實也有水質檢測等等的這一些對口。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "可以call-out了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!沒問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你好,請問是曾小姐嗎?" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們在看你們訪談的紀錄,因為你們現在需要三個,一個是水利專家,最好是直接在公部門裡面主管插排的人,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另一個是做綠色供應鏈管理的工程人員,第三個是做平面設計。因為在訪談的紀錄裡面,你們需要嫻熟平台服務研發,SQL跟GIS的技術好手,因為看起來你們已經有好幾個技術好手了,所以可以稍微解釋一下後面PaaS、SQL跟GIS用在哪裡嗎?" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "我們現在是有水盒子的裝置,對不對?他們現在做測試的時候,是哪一個點,然後去收資料,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "如果要變成public service,是不是有一個平台?設置的點是不是布局在某一個區域?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過這個有兩個,一個是像空氣盒子的平台,後面講的是要有一個實作的場域,不過邏輯上是先有後面的,才有前面的。" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "我們要先確認這個裝置是可以用的,要放到DB裡面才可以做分析,對吧!" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以現在主要是想要場域嗎?" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們這邊列了很多,像農田水利會、工業區的管理處,或者是全臺灣有在做灌溉的,你們有特別偏好他的好比像地理位置、大小或者是管理方式嗎?" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "大部分都是在北部,但是我自己在分處長梁博士,我跟他認識,真的需要的話,我會請他幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "哪一個分處?" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "就工業區的部分。另外一種是直接到農地工廠很多的地方去設點,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得,還是有農委會的背書比較妥善。" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "我現在不知道農田水利會管轄的單位是不是農委會?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是,指導單位應該是。這個是最近的事情,他們已經是公法人了。" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "他們也是屬於法人,他們需要透過關係來請求他們的協助並讓我們做實驗。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。另外「綠色供應鏈管理」,可以多說一些這是要供應鏈管理的哪一個部分?" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "我這樣講,現在的水盒子可以檢測水中的污染物質對不對?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "實際上在做檢測的時候,現在的sensor是可以測量流速,其實管的截面積跟流速就知道其排水量,我們就會知道這一家工廠的水土是多少。這一個部分我們也希望在這一次裡面水的情報是可以做很多事情的,所以我們希望瞭解綠色供應鏈當中對於水足跡比較瞭解的人,也不用幫什麼,就是請教一下他們怎麼計算。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以,可能是之前他們曾經做過類似研究,或者是發過類似paper的老師?" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "對,我們瞭解一下可以做到什麼程度。有時製程水的耗用不見得是在排放口,我們可以知道那個情報,我們想知道的是,現在掌握的這一些技術是不是有可能可以更深入的去做更多的運算跟分析。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。就是在綠色供應鏈管理這邊,你們有已經知道像大學的研究所或者是研究單位已經在做這個題目或者是已經有過publication,我們是可以幫你們發開會通知。" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "我們沒有這一個部分的連結,我們想做,像空氣盒子跟水盒子,他們在架構的規劃很類似,對不對?但針對水的特殊性,其實應該牽涉到水足跡,對不對?這一部分我之前在塑膠中心有接受過培訓,如果我真的找不到人,我們就去請教塑膠中心。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。最後簡報敘事那邊,我們簡報單位會安排一個所有的團隊都可以聽、可以分享的課程,我們也會請一些視覺傳達的朋友在媒合工作坊出沒,因為這是共用人力,可能不會專門配一個隊員,但我們也會盡可能幫你們想哪一些視覺傳達的朋友們更適合,我想這個可以到做出一個原型之後,可能到第二次或甚至第二次之後,我們再來找都不遲,我們先把這個可行的範圍畫出來。" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "我們當然是希望可以接受很厲害的好手幫忙,就是給他data,他可以把故事視覺化。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!我們儘量。因為目前20隊裡,超過50%都有相同的需求,顯然是最搶手的一個職業。" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "我應該好像要轉行。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是說故事的天下(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個部分我們儘量,但前兩個部分我盡可能幫你們安排。" }, { "speaker": "曾蘭婷", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "看法規那邊有沒有什麼辦法?因為他們在做sensor。" }, { "speaker": "吳君孝", "speech": "大家好,我是君孝,我看一下需求,其實跟農田水利會都有在接洽,去年相關的講師,大概跟全台各地的水利會都有接觸,水利會本身是有在做的,他們有碰到的問題,他們在很多的管道渠道之後,後來的水戰情預測怎麼做,這一塊是有共同性的缺口,只是水利會這邊有沒有相關的專家是可以提供協助的,因為後來實際去瞭解,因為我自己本身做資料分析,我實際去瞭解水之後,我發現水利工程是很深的學問,跟整個本身的灌排水設計,還有泥沙淤積的狀況非常相關,這邊是需要專業的知識、溝通與交流。" }, { "speaker": "吳君孝", "speech": "我本來是純資料看,但是後來我們到現場的狀況後,發現差異性非常大,因此假設有一些專家協助,其實會讓後面做比較順的。" }, { "speaker": "吳君孝", "speech": "第三,我覺得簡報敘事的視覺化圖表,其實全臺灣在做都是非常搶手,我想都可以對這一塊有議題非常有興趣的人,其實我們公司自己也在做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是也要進來嗎?" }, { "speaker": "吳君孝", "speech": "我們會看狀況,我現在處理農田的部分,最麻煩的是水,其實最能夠產生田間的相關狀況,回過頭來整個的水品質、狀況,還有是不是有一些重金屬的污染源,這一塊是還沒有辦法掌握到,其實是這一塊資訊還沒有很清楚,這個對產業來講是會有實際上的幫助。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以26日有空嗎?要不要來聽一下?至少不是隊員,也是老師。" }, { "speaker": "吳君孝", "speech": "應該可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "會通發一下。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛才處長說農田水利會,我們邀誰比較快?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我建議請農委會來提一下,農委會如果能夠去指派一個農田水利會來參與的話,這一件會進行得比較快,不過我會concern的實際情況,農委會會擔心這個做出來會不會自己打到自己人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以就要要找一個比較沒有問題的去農田水利會,相對上來講,而不是最集中的那一些農田水利會。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "也許有水利會,但是沒有農田(笑)。不過我覺得七星都有水利會,只是他們沒有什麼田。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "剛剛這一隊,我們覺得還滿不錯的,像新竹水利會或是更北邊一點的北基水利會,也許對於這種敏感度就降低了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "新竹的針對性相對低。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "這個就做成紀錄。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "邀農委會?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "如果能夠到單位的話,農委會的農田水利處更明確。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想我們就把剛剛很具體的需求,因為電話都有逐字稿(紀錄),那一段可以直接提供給農委會水利處的朋友,然後很明確跟他說關於水足跡、差排的兩個部分,請他們推薦相關的人來我們第一次的議題工作坊,來了不一定需要加入成為隊員,但是我們強烈建議讓新的IoT硬體,可以有一個政治上比較不敏感的場域來做測試,因為這個團隊也說如果不幫他們媒合好的話,他們就要自己衝進那一些農地工廠測了,可能也沒有什麼顧忌,我想就這樣處理。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "一個小小的建議,好像他們叫灌排,不叫插排,我不知道插排有什麼意思?我的意思是跟農委會溝通或者是那個的時候,講灌排,他們會比較瞭解意思,如果講插排的時候,不知道怎麼問。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "謝謝處長。" }, { "speaker": "謝掍霖", "speech": "我建議可以多找幾個團隊來協助,一個是Re-Lab,一個是簡訊設計,這個都可以邀他們都來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK,所以意思是之前找過的那些朋友都過來。我們交情有這麼好嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "可以聯絡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡訊設計有CSR的部分,就是「圖文不符」。那應該算CSR吧?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想都不強制啦!我們就跟他說這邊有一批大眾都關注的資料,如果願意來幫忙做成一些圖文的話,也對他們的可見度,可能有一些幫助。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們有什麼可以給他們?就只有T-shirt,對不對?也不會有車馬費?來的送T-shirt,就這樣處理,這一案差不多就這樣了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們往下,「抵嘉真順」。這個他們已經有一整票資料科學有限公司的人進來了,而且他說他們需要會Python的人,裡面也有應該不只一個人會Python,所以這是不是表示已經滿足了?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果這樣的話,那就這樣子,他們看起來這一組人進去之後,好像真的變成必須挑10個人到場,已經超過10個人了,因此這一案就這樣,我們往下。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "「磐石行動」在第69頁。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是自願加入國發會資管處的一群朋友。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "那就加入,好像不只磐石像資料蒐集小幫手。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "真的,一個前端、一個後端,你們data平台2.0,就做完了,不如他們兩個湊在一起做,變成data平台。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想一方面需要的東西,其實有一個介面,這個介面在分類上比較符合大家的實際用法;第二個,他希望能夠把目前用的規範跟國際通用標準來做系統檢視,看是用自動的格式翻譯或是產出一系列,我們是不是可以改成國際規範,我們其實在民生公共物聯網做過一樣的事情,我們用SensorThings這一些,但是我們碰到的就是只有一小部分的資料,巨資這一群人看起來是什麼都要做,看有沒有要加入的多餘人力?" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "基本上5月26日就會參與活動,所以基本上可能有不同角色,一個是這個團隊裡面的,另外一個也是多數的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以意思是願意把名字列進去的意思?" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "到時會一起來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們處裡面有人會CKAN嗎?你們現在不是用CKAN架的?" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "現在不是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "CKAN是縣市的才用。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "我釋放一些資源進來。去年做台中市的data hub的改版時,規格寫CKAN,當時執行的團隊,是逢甲GIS的團隊,但是有一些規格,像meta data還是不會做,所以我請他們找東波,東波也熟CKAN,在中研院之前生物多樣性中心,裡面也有一、兩個工程師熟悉,因為東波也是這一次邀來的講師,可以透過東波找一些人進來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "他也是專家輔導團嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也是輔導團的。我現在比較想知道的是,他們要指定會CKAN的意思是似乎是自己幫data.gov加非官方入口的意思,有到這個程度嗎?" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "好像沒有到這個程度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "只是對這個資料本身優化這個架構,其實老師所講的團隊就非常適合。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "我們請執委聯絡一下東波,他們就有資源可以進來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是一個。因為東波希望儘量把所有的資料之間的關聯可以自動被發現,所以我想這個跟他的議程是相當符合的,因此看不是他自己,不然就是他之前執行的團隊裡面,有沒有人能夠幫忙做這個很重要的工作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "資管處這邊就是以一個友情贊助,但不寫到隊員名冊的方式來參加。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "知道我們的意思。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "是隱藏版。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以自由在NPC跟PC之間切換。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們指明要CSS到bootstrap,這個太細了,我想任何會前端的工程師都可以滿足這個,我們個人裡面還有什麼人力可以用的?有沒有人看起來跟他們比較像?好像也都還好。資策會這邊應該是有前端的人。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們就不用個人參賽的人。因為看起來這一票人好像比較不是做前端的,他們對前端好像不是很有經驗,所以我覺得你配一個比較強的前端給他們還是比較好,就是不要被bootstrap所限制,他用semantic web都可以,高興就好,semantic UI都可以,因為這個東西如果最後沒有做出一個使用者用起來比data.gov方便的,至少第1頁入口的話,demo的時候會非常吃虧,因為只能有一個樹狀圖或者是什麼,我們有多少資料集改成國際標準,那個沒有什麼說服力,除了對我們這一些人之外,因此我們覺得還是要配一個比較好的前端,幫忙他們配一下。這個就先這樣。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "下一個是化學品的分享。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛媒合了幾個都是domain expert,好像比較不是技術的expert。他們自己是有一個會寫JAVA的,但是他們還是需要一個做網頁平台製作的,他寫JAVA,大概沒有前端的部分,這個有沒有人自願想要做的,好像之前有看到,對不對?都是跨區的,可能這邊不太行。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一位許軒綸,在第25頁,他會用AI、photoimapact、office,感覺上跟這邊要的好像相當不match。意思是可以叫別人做嗎?擅長的程式語言是email嗎?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "公司應該生技產品的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,但沒有前端的產品?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "看他們的網站,可能也要有很多前端。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我建議這一組,像2、3、4的化學領域專家,就要看政府的哪一個部門,幫他邀請。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "後面有寫,像環保署、勞動部、交通部,自己寫經濟。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我先看一下,我覺得這個好像比較像23頁的翁介誠,也就是成大資訊所,這雖然不在他的志願裡面,但是因為這個要做的是滿前端的,要能夠接得上後面的java資訊系統,要能夠去做一個網頁平台,然後要能夠在化學品調度時的調度程式,因此擅長工具全部都點滿了,好像滿行的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "你說23頁?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有,是第23頁。他看起來很強。這看起來雖然是單一的use case,但是需要前端的高度整合,所以全部集中在一個人,比我們前、後端各派一個人要好一點,如果大家覺得還ok的話,我建議資料庫分析建立網頁平台製作,其實說真的,這是兩個不同的專業,既然這一位翁介誠自己說都會,我們就派他,就跟他講說人家真的很需要你。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "我們跟他聯絡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其他的部分,像化學品管理實務經驗,我們有一些domain expert。職安法、毒管法,這個好像有點名對不對?這是毒化所或者是環保署?我們是不是先看一下第48頁的回覆,這跟勞動部真的有關係嗎?感覺上主要還是環保署的事情,或者無論如何他們來就約,不要?就是環保署,對不對?運輸規定是在經濟部嗎?好像沒有聽過經濟部在做這個。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "先請環保署。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果有需要再……" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "因為環保署化學局。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "毒管法在他們那邊。這個部分是不是就先環保署?我們直接先到化學局,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就不用在環保署分一次案。麻煩直接邀化學局的朋友過來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我看起來2、3、4,都可以請化學局的朋友來推薦,他自己如果不是的話,就應該知道誰是,我們就不麻煩勞動部了,好不好?所以這部分就先這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是資管處的另外一半,也就是資料申請小幫手,也就是前面的那一段。這一段就是點名要一個資管處的同仁,而且要一個縣市政府的開放業務同仁,而且還點名要有一個Taiwan Bar,這個還要先進。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想先問一下縣市政府開放資料同仁,你們有沒有一個關係比較好的?台中、台南這邊。他是要承辦啦!並不是要主張。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "並沒有覺得當時要比較熱心。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也就是比較熱血的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我問一下,江明宗現在是在台南市嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。江明宗現在是做開放資料業務嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我不知道。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "他是市長室的秘書。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們是上一屆的「國土巡守隊」,這一屆還有人直接用了他們的名字,然後加上「智慧」二字,但是「巡守」是完全不同的東西,就是從土地變成水。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "江明宗當然可以邀,畢竟是去年十強的團隊,還是會建議你剛剛所提到的雙北?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第12頁有看到江明宗,他這屆是一個休憩小站的隊員。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "有了小孩就換隊了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "而且他是那一隊裡面唯一公務體系的,如果他抽掉之後就沒有跨部門了。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我有一個想法,縣市的挑選原則,是一個配合的愉快單位之外,希望透過這兩個月,套上去這個流程一次,然後等於有一個場域實驗,然後找這樣的對象,所以要找已經有一個開放資料基礎了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好的。我的具體建議是,我們不特別一定只能哪幾個縣市,只能由這邊來做判斷,盡可能是以承辦的層級,最高可能到科長,而不能再往上,再往上的話,說不定直接跟這個隊伍吵起來都有可能,所以我們這樣第一線的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "同樣資管處的同仁,也是在精神支持、不列名的狀態下實質參與,我想就這樣子來處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "視覺影像敘事都寫了「Taiwan Bar」,就說視覺溝通的所有人……" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "我列一下,我會發一個邀請函。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果真的有必要,我可以錄一段2分鐘的短片,無論因為真的都點名了,我想我們無論如何會邀一下,有興趣就有興趣,沒有興趣就沒有興趣,至少有善盡邀請的義務。這一個部分可能就差不多先這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,proof of concept,其實等於已經寫完了,在做的事是透過總統盃黑客松,盡可能讓他們申請的回絕率偏低,因此他們並不是缺什麼資料,而是什麼資料都缺的形狀,跟其他輔導過的滿不一樣的,所以我建議真的讓越基層的同仁進來越好,雙方的語言可以對齊,我們可以附一個精美的簡報。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們再往下。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "下一隊是「審計小尖兵」,也就是第65頁。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是我們監察院的朋友。目前有兩個人都是學Power BI,這個感覺上有一點像「Join」平台「來監督」的那一種各項計畫經費的支用,但是我們這邊當然之前只能用管考處的成果,雖然管考處那邊也不斷在增加,像跟科技會報同步了,但是畢竟只有一些文字基礎描述的資料。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "應該是審計部那邊會蒐集到各個機關的資料。因為我不曉得實際上在去年或者是前年的時候,有發審計部召開一系列的工作坊,這個工作坊是希望透過傳票的資料來分析每一個機關的經費支應情形,也許是從一個案子衍生出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們在聯絡的時候,他們有提任何說服力的一些範例嗎?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣很難腦補。" }, { "speaker": "吳君孝", "speech": "如果有一些可以推薦的,是不是直接聯絡?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒問題,直接聯絡。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我覺得他們要做的是open spending、open budget的服務出來,因為我不知道他們資料裡面都有了,我不知道他們要處理的人及前端呈現,有這個結果之後才會找人來,要的是先把資料呈現,如果裡面團隊,也就是報名的人裡面,有沒有興趣在,那個是另外一回事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是有基礎的探勘能力。他看起來比較像做「詐貸掏空」,「詐貸掏空」這個有需要人嗎?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以「詐貸掏空」也需要相同的人,或者是我們尊重一下吳同學,如果他比較想要做「詐貸掏空」那就讓他做「詐貸掏空」,我們還有哪一些個人參賽的人可以用?好像已經沒有了,對不對?剛剛都分得差不多了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們可以call-out一下嗎?我比較想瞭解「資料探勘」這四個字到底想要做什麼?剛剛科長有提到幫他們訓練或者教學,這個是跑去他們那邊?" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "是,因為我們之前有一點類似資料應用團隊。資料應用團隊希望可以得到協助,政府機關的資料能夠有一些額外的,雖然那時候其實包含在司法院、審計部,審計部那時我們幫他們做的是資料分析。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "那時跟我們一起合作下來,因為傳票的資歷會跟另外一張傳票間是可以選的,後續就會請審計部改變。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你們是請一個廠商幫他們嗎?" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "那時媒體露出有廠商。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個廠商還在嗎?" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "還在,那時候是找聯經數位,不聯經數位是找GDP的人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。所以這樣聽起來還是非常早期概念傳達的部分,沒有真的傳票資料拿來,然後寫出什麼東西來。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "而是傳票資料應用還沒有產生?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是還不知道最後要做什麼,像電子發票開物價,endpoint當時還沒有找出來,這可能要瞭解一下他們想要的endpoint,然後我們再來配廠商,感覺上是比較適合的,因為我現在光看除了知道所有手上的東西都視覺化之外,Power BI就可以了,其他好像一下子看不太到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就等團隊聯絡到,我們再回過頭來處理。這個最壞的情況,就是再用你們那邊預備隊的人,至少能夠去做到一定程度的資料工程,這個是沒有問題的,但是我比較在意的是最後endpoint給民眾看的價值是什麼,那個有了,我們才比較真的能夠去做像議題分析等等的東西,如果問題意識還沒有出來,現在很難配人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們是不是剩兩個?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "對。其實「審計小尖兵」,我覺得其實是前期,就是R那個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是啊!我想人力我們這邊是有,但主要的問題是,想要從資料發覺議題,就是議題分析的人,但你拿審計資料,簡單來講什麼都可以分析,因為他太廣泛,而不太知道要媒合哪一個domain knowledge的東西給他,我一下子沒有想法,但如果有想法的話,歡迎隨時提出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "接下來是司法院。" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "第40頁。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個感覺上不是非常需要domain knowledge,「2」跟「3」都是一般網站的開發團隊,都可以處理的,因為這個domain都非常深。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「自然語言處理」要看做到什麼程度,這邊的提案內容是「將判決書中的法律用語即時翻譯成白話文」,你要很簡單來做,只是做一些字的替換,對不對?就是「尚難非謂且不得不」之類的,把雙重否定消除掉之類的,但是如果要做得很細,那就真的做語意分析了,我看起來這邊並沒有真的要做到AI或者是機器學習的樣子。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "只是會給你做白話文翻譯,那很容易,有一些關鍵在於前後文跟斷詞,那一些是容易誤判的地方,我是看個人報名裡面,倒是有一位自然語言的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第幾頁?" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "第2頁。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看能不能抓過來這裡用,他寫「否」,但是可以凹一下,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "楊士青", "speech": "配對可以配到第二個。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他如果要配的話,就會配到資料分析小幫手那邊去?" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "我第一個想法是,因為去年我們辦這個活動時,當時杜弈瑾好像是我們的評委,他最近開發的雅婷輸入法,我知道他應該有處理一些,你亂講,動詞跟名詞對調,到時還是幫你弄回來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不過判決書不是中文,而是另外一種語言。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "那邊我有介紹他們,因為判決書資料加密是open data,所以不知道他們有沒有拿那一些資料去做判決書專門的研究。" }, { "speaker": "蕭景燈", "speech": "是不是也pass這個訊息給AILab,然後邀請他們?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我的建議是,民間有一些在處理法律白話文、用科技方法處理的團隊,或者法律科技法律公司,是不是邀請他們跟司法院合作,他們技術上的議題關注已經有一段時間了,就是合適性的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我覺得不是他們,其實坦白來說,法律白話文的文章還是稍嫌艱澀,有一個大家讀裁判書,他們也是有時寫得比較深一點,可能有一些新的記者,或者是專門做他們的編輯,會更適合一點,如果真的要找這一塊的話。比如法操的編輯,或是公共電視的吳東牧這一種。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是很適合,可是他們可能沒有辦法一下子就學會jieba?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "當然他們不會學會,但是我的意思是,我們可以媒合一些像專家輔導團的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是,當然可以啊!" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我們輔導團,每個人都可以媒合這一種來協作的工作坊。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這個題目如果是我來做的話,我會先找白話文翻譯的記者,或者像法操這樣的角色,他們先用工人智慧翻了100篇文章,然後用這個當data,然後慢慢往整合系統性的白話文處理,但是這個工程非常耗大,因此這兩個也不可能完成到多少,所以他們要怎麼做策略問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實邱國豪的狀態看起來做的不是語音,看起來做的是文字是text domain,但是他很想去AI輔助遠端救護,但是AI輔助遠端救護,需要的又比較是voice domain的東西,又會有一個個人意願跟所需要的有一點miss match。但是到資料審計小幫手倒是滿適合的,因為裡面會有很多需要做語意分析的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還是我們比較軟性的問一下邱國豪,我們理解到他不接受我們的媒合,我們也理解到第一個雲農沒有要人,第二個是working911要的是voice domain,所以他如果要做text domain,大概就是去資料申請小幫手,這個你先讓他知道。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,再說我們這邊的這一次媒合會議當中,覺得司法院其實有一個滿適合他的題目,然後都是text domain,他學了這一些,可能比在資料審計小幫手比911更好用,看他是不是願意考慮一下,但是如果他不願意考慮一下,我們絕對不應去媒合,這樣還是按照他的順位,去AI或者是資料申請小幫手,我們比較軟性的講一下,這不算媒合,而是算資訊提供,因此這一個部分就這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像剛才雨蒼跟CK講到的這一些,已經實際在做法律白話文的團隊,我覺得你們想到就直接提供給團隊,我們就發會通,這個是絕對可以發的東西。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "你是說直接發會通給他們?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,這邊有司法院的題目,我覺得感興趣,而且白話文是大家一起共同的價值,所以你來,不一定要當隊員,但至少來工作坊,大家稍微認識一下,看有沒有可以一起加入的地方,如果沒有就沒有了,至少監督他們,對不對?所以這個部分大概就這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛蕭老師提到AILab的voice domain後面,其實也有做text domain的一大堆東西,是不是直接去AILab總機,然後問司法院現在有一套這樣子的東西,看他們要不要派幾個人來,來的話就是以個人名義參加,這樣可以嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我更正一下剛剛的說法,有幾個都滿不錯的,像「一起讀判決」,像法操、吳東牧都是滿適合的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們現在是只加不減,所以有人唸到名字的,我們就會聯絡他,這是一個冰桶挑戰的節奏(笑),只要收到了,覺得還有誰更適合,我們再去邀他,所以自然語言跟軟體開發大概都解決了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像介面設計跟美工RWD,我覺得他們現在這一秒,好像還不太需要做這一件事,而是先把核心功能做起來,至於有哪一個介面設計的人看司法院網站不順眼,覺得應該改更漂亮一點,我們剛剛不是會邀所有的視覺傳達團隊了嗎?我想他們不需要下來寫程式,只要畫一個漂亮的版型,我覺得會PHP的人也很多,就把版型套一套,其實就差不多了,這不是高度困難的前端網站,大部分的邏輯都在後端,所以應該還好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後一個了。" }, { "speaker": "林秀英", "speech": "第43頁。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這邊就只有一個人,然後需要一大堆人。有沒有什麼想法?這個是還滿專業的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這邊點名的是證交、櫃買、聯徵、評議中心,這四個看起來確實都有一些關係,我們就聽他的?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "「詐貸掏空」後面的會計師事務所經驗的部分,是不是要聯繫一下金管會,這個是參事的建議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是金管會的哪一個局處?" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "銀行局。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "它同時也是聯徵、消費評議等等的窗口,葉寧的意思是我們先問金管會,就一次發出來?" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "要的是這個專長,但是沒有這一方面的知識。說不定金融局比較知道邀誰比較對,像授信額度之類的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!在第44頁洋洋灑灑列了海關、地政司、投審會、法務部、金管會、民航局等等的這些資料,這些好像都要有人到,這一些都是業務單位的人要到,因為這裡面都牽涉到鏈結資料,按照我們新的規則,基本上就是即使你用的是統計法,也要那一個業務資料的統計機關來幫你做統計,不能跨機關,然後要你調這個東西給我,所以這一些看大家如果覺得地政司……地籍是在地政司嗎?" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "地籍是在地政司。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以看國發會有沒有覺得哪一些不太match的?不然我們會全部都邀了。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "只有一個。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "看起來這一些資料都超級個人隱私,而且還要把那一些人勾稽起來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對啊!這是鏈結資料,所以我們要確保資料是在不離開主辦機關之下做這一件事,這當然是這樣子,我們在初審的時候就已經相當多朋友提醒這一件事了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果大家都不反對的話,就按照這邊列的,因此就會變成所有資料的主管機關,再包含剛剛葉寧所說金管會的銀行局;經濟部的股東名單應該是在商業司;地籍是在地政司;起訴資料是兩邊都有,對不對?法務部跟司法院都有?" }, { "speaker": "葉寧", "speech": "法務部。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們找法務部,每一個都找到該管的三級機關,然後說要做一個很厲害的連結資料,希望大家牽成,也就是石頭湯的概念。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "個人參賽裡面,我記得還有把「詐貸掏空」當作其志願,因為「詐貸掏空」這邊很缺人,所以基本上像黃晨軒之類的,我想我們都把它放在這裡。怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我再多問一個,因為那一些資料可能不是個人隱私的問題,如果涉及國家機密就不能了嗎?我確認一下,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,當然。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為國家機密法,上面都已經有一個分類,所以如果有國家機密,一定會有註記,國家機密法是你的任何系統、你的輸入只要是國家機密,整個輸出都變成國家機密,所以跟總統盃報告的時候,就要跟總統關在房間裡面報告,不能讓別人聽到,要全部塗黑,但是我們沒有要做成這樣,所以是以非機密資料為分析的依據。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一案如果真的做得起來的話,不失為我們現在所謂open演算法或者0 data的例子,因為是有高度公共利益,但是做不起來就做不起來,反正就黑客松。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想個人的部分大概就到這裡了,對不對?其他還有什麼議程?" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "這個部分剛剛一開始政委已經有講過了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我們快速過一遍。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "個人的分配只有一個人的問題,就是最後一位,像許軒綸,我現在問的問題是,他的自願是這樣沒有錯,他的專長是否符合化學品的需求,化學品是否需要他?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你想要他去哪裡?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我找不到他可以去的,因為他寫出來的專長經驗其實都不太相符,他只有興趣相符,但是技能未必相符。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對啊!說不定他擅長用聲控寫程式,你怎麼知道呢?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我的問題是,所有報名的個人都一定要?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒有一定要。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我們也不希望來的人是會造成提案單位困擾的人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實。不過因為是聽我們調度,如果覺得任何一隊比較適合他,可以讓他去做,因為他的AI一定不是人工智慧,一定是Illstrator的意思,至少可以做一些視覺的排版之類的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "化學品那一案有需要視覺傳達嗎?好像也還好,對不對?沒有特別需要。反而需要的是「產業聚落水戰情」,對不對?如果我沒有記錯的話,這是第34頁,就是配合簡報敘事的圖表設計,至少會Illstrator跟photoimpact,至少會做圖表設計,那還是我們接受CK的這個動議,把許軒綸派到國土智慧巡守隊那邊去,因為他們畢竟是純民間組織,感覺上吸收五湖四海的人,可能比較有經驗。" }, { "speaker": "吳君孝", "speech": "我可以發表一些小建議嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "來啊!" }, { "speaker": "吳君孝", "speech": "就參賽的角度來講,大家會來參加,其實除了對於參賽團隊有興趣之外,另外一個其實在過程中,人跟人之間的協作,我不知道過程中是不是會有機會讓參賽的個人可以跟團隊接觸、討論?" }, { "speaker": "吳君孝", "speech": "像我之前自己在招募團隊的時候,其實我自己比較看重的是人,所以是人跟人中間合作的過程中所產生出來合作跟協作的方式。" }, { "speaker": "吳君孝", "speech": "他們其實不單單是挑團隊,其實是在挑當我今天這樣的團隊時,我們在這樣的協作過程中,雙方可以獲得一些什麼,所以我覺得就總經理的角度來講,他對這樣的題目會感興趣,這個是其一;丟到其他的團隊時,不見得會找得到他想要的,其他的團隊在這樣的程度上,我覺得讓雙方碰面聊一下可能會更好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過水戰情也是他希望參加的。" }, { "speaker": "吳君孝", "speech": "其實我想跟這三個團隊聊過之後做決定,所以我覺得這一種媒合應該是雙方的,就我自己個人提的這三個團隊,我分別跟這三個團隊聊完之後,我可能想要選擇誰,當然這一種參賽團隊他們也會去挑選,因為並不是想要來參賽的人,都可以滿足到整個團隊的空缺當中,甚至剛開的缺、來參加的人,並不能滿足這樣的方式,但在過程中或許可以找到自己的定位跟角色。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個我也很同意。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們剛剛只是純粹把這三個志願看了一遍,前兩個比較沒有成果呈現傳達的需求而已,但是您剛剛提醒的是,即使這個團隊沒有這個需求,但說不定就是交朋友,發現有這個需求,也亦未可知,意思是這樣嗎?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "一般黑客松這樣做很好,但是這個問題是,他們第一次見面,也就是5月26日,看第18頁的議程,很難再插入時間,事先安排就先進去了,除非有額外的時間來做這一些媒合的工作,就是多邊的媒合,我覺得受限於整個問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得我們是不是有一個折衷案,像剛剛道德勸說的另外一位一樣,聯絡一下這一位徐總經理,然後很明確跟他講說化學品跟雲農這兩個實際的需求是什麼,因為我們只看這一位擅長技能的話,一下子看不到很match,因此我們本來覺得因為產業聚落的水戰情會畫圖的人,因此看起來是符合的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是如果這一位徐總經理其實對於閒置化學品分享那邊的議題分析,其實是有其議題上的興趣或甚至有這個能力,只是沒有寫出來的話,我們還是尊重其最後決定,好不好?我們這兩個是不是折衷一下?" }, { "speaker": "吳君孝", "speech": "因為整個時程安排上,因為沒有辦法在那邊做,是不是有可能讓雙方團隊,在那之前雙方碰面,或者是電話先聊過?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可以啊!這個並不困難,一個是先去詢問他的意願,如果他的意願已經很明確了,我們就不用speed dating,他如果說先跟化學品的團隊聊一聊如何,再回去給化學品那一隊的聯絡方式,我想至少email是可以給的,這不是什了不起的個資。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果他們的email通訊之後,像我們聽到化學品有自己跟個人LINE通訊,如果通訊之後,他們回來告訴你說:「對不起,真的用不到。」我想還是尊重團隊,最後是以團隊為主,但是至少有一個互相認識的機會,非常感謝這邊的提議。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果互相認識之後真的很棒,說不定團隊可以發展出他們本來沒有想像出的一些做的方法來。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "我們會先跟他聯絡一下。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "我們可以看到資料提出來的需求,我們這邊初步分類,然後分成四個,包含團隊可以自己處理的,一半以上的團隊都可以自己處理。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "第二,有些資料基本上有一個機會,像產業區等等,這一些基本上都可以做切割的。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "不過其中第三類是有一些資料的需求,目前看起來還不是那麼明確,包含編號3,也就是第9頁有提到需要中央機關縣市政府的河川的雨水的下水道,這不是很明確發表河川、下水道。因為要比較明確知道需求,才有辦法分析可能涉及的。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "另外,還有一個第32頁,也就是「海波浪」提出來的,也有一個海洋水源的資料。海洋水源的基本資料,本身又是海洋委員會成員組成的,不太確定這是不是跨過海洋委員會所擁有的資料範圍呢?我是說所謂的海洋水源資料是哪一些機關的?" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "還有一個是,第39頁有一個叫做「抵嘉真順」,裡面有提到一個道路的長度,這個道路的長度指的是公路局要的,不管這一些道路長度或者是哪一些範圍的資訊?我想這部分可能要再清楚明確一點。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "我講一下水源資料的事情,因為那是去年,海洋委員會剛成立的時候,因為他們要建立data base、統整跟海洋有關、別的部會計畫的資料。其中水源資料是非常敏感的,甚至有到機密級的,因此那個部分不能當作一般的資料,比那個個資還嚴重很多的,常常是當作國家機密在處理的,我覺得那部分是已經有,自己要拿出來用,在我們的競賽上面是要考慮的,除非水文是非常明確的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可能只能把非敏感的結果公布。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "現在先談這一個部分的話,我們就不去做任何的協調,我們就叫他不要用,我們也不會介入,以國發會的立場,不會介入作協調。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "還有一個部分,有一些會談到資料,像第5頁的第17條專案,其實是有談到資訊後來會跟警政署或者是地方機關有關,我想說這一次的會議,基本上也可以讓警政署跟地方政府的警察局邀來一起提這個方案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們一個個來,道路長度那邊,其實應該是配車流量跟交通號誌來改變時間長短,所以應該是從一個紅綠燈到另外一個紅綠燈的距離,聽起來是這樣子,因為在做的其實是要對交通號誌來做最佳化,所以感覺上不是抽象的道路長度,一個紅綠燈到另外一個紅綠燈的距離,從他的提案裡面還滿清楚的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個要跟誰要?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "不用要啊!這個是open data,這個是基本的道路圖資可以算出來的,因為有標註這個是省道,所以可以先去OSM看,看道路圖資是歸在內政部或者是交通部,這個是現成的open data。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "只是有沒有能力算出來而已。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "缺的話,是GIS的領域專家,去處理計算轉換的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我想這個不用特別去要,這個就先這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "車流量可能是交通部那邊的事情,不過這個你們都可以處理,你們只是道路長度不清楚而已。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "不過同一個案子,像路口監視器也比較敏感一點,在OD的時候要路口監視,入口監視會比較傾向到……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過路口監視器現在在民生公共物聯網防災的部分,也就是國道已經開始有了。不過這個其實也有辦法,讓他只拿到車子的數量,但是沒有辦法辨別車子,也是有這一種拿法,但是這當然是比較需要一些處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過,我想這個還是可以一致性的問一下,如果能夠處理到一個程度,因為現在也有非常多跟大學合作,去把它識別化到一個程度,然後去處理的這一種做法,所以我想我們先看最後要做什麼,然後再倒推到「資料最小化原則」,可以滿足到他的需求,但是又不需要給到重新識別出特定車主的程度,這個說不定有機會,比ETC有機會。所以這個就先這樣。像水文的部分,我們剛剛已經處理了,基本上國發會就不需要特別做任何事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像剛剛講到第9頁,這個有什麼困難嗎?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這個我覺得直接問水利署open data的單位就好了,他們有這個資料,他們會負責彙整各縣市,所以看他們可以到什麼程度,從那邊開始。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過上次治水成效追追追的時候,他們是不是有一些抗拒?" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "這些已經是open data了,不是額外的。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我們這裡的疑問,不知道要的是哪一些細項的部分,因為我單純就文字來看,像河川雨水下水道等等的歷史資料,所謂的河川,我講的誇張一點是指長度或者是流量或者是什麼,又或者是裡面的水質?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該是水位。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "比較清楚一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "好啊!這個請團隊打一次電話,或者是寫一次email,或者是你們要介入,要幫忙打一下,問一下他們要的資料欄位。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我想請問一下,在5月26日第一次工作坊的時候,這些團隊都會來嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "跟去年一樣,就去那邊擺攤,然後跟這一些不清楚或者是要協調的,在裡面幫忙?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。而且就像我們剛剛所說的,其實無論如何水利署都知道他們在講什麼,所以有公務員裡面的在場,我們就可以解決了,所以就不用再打一次電話了,就是用工作坊來解決。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛的這幾個資料就這樣,下一個是API的,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "吳君孝", "speech": "我剛剛看的預設部分,其實寫的是農田水利會,所以這邊是不是要先釐清要的資料區段,是屬於上游區段或者是灌溉的區段。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "農田水利會不是另外一個嗎?" }, { "speaker": "吳君孝", "speech": "如果可以配合智慧監測,或者是農田水利會的溝渠集中水量多少,因為其權責單位不一樣,所以其實要看他們的用途,還有他們要用的區段是什麼樣的區段。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你講的是行動端,並不是監測端,而是說如果要做行動的話,農田水利會可以幫忙做調節,你的意思是這樣嗎?農田水利會並不是給資料,而是要做行動的。" }, { "speaker": "吳君孝", "speech": "應該是說要的資料不知道是在什麼樣的資料段,如果是土石流的部分,像水利會本身是有在做的。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "他們的理想是要做全部的,從天下掉下來,不管是在山上或者是山坡,或者是到了平地,一直到了進口的出海,他們希望能夠找的是全部宏觀做全球的,所以希望有機會穿越。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛會邀農委會水利處,所以我想就已經放在裡面了,無論如何媒合的時候,水利處的人應該會到,確實這個文義並不是非常地明確,所以如果真的需要水利處額外再量什麼,或者是水利處手上的資料,要當天一併確認,如果其實只是列舉,但是並不是現在一定要水利處什麼資料,我們也是當天就知道這一件事。水利處當然如果對這個有興趣,也是很歡迎用個人身分加入。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝有注意到這一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們回FixTW,這個是第4頁,剛才主要的爭點是,我們到底要邀哪幾個警察局?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "對於國發會的角度來看,它不是資料面,所以這上面的東西不需要open data或者是資料的部分,要的是跟其他機關的API。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該是說反過來的data,而是使用者產生的data,並不是對外開放政府的data,這個是公民科學自己量的空氣盒子,而且還要要求進入環保署的open data,所以我記得討論過一次,我們的結論是警政署非來不可,第二個是最好有一、兩個暗樁,我們比較喜歡的或者是比較喜歡我們的警察局,在他們比較有限的資訊預算裡面去進行調整,簡單來講是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有什麼想法或者是意見?或者現在就從警政署打一個公版,要求大家用,這個成功機率非常低,你還是要從他的手上有的東西先改。" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "我建議這個團隊是不是有跟其他的單位討論過?我們可以打散掉,先知道,然後看他們比較希望哪一個場域來做。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過我看他們的提案,他們好像跟警察機關的關係並不是非常良好(笑),當然我也很同意CK,我們可以再問一次,但是我不一定會有什麼好結果,但是沒有關係,就問吧!現在可以call out吧!" }, { "speaker": "劉嘉凱", "speech": "當初考慮團隊時,就是考慮到可行性的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "一定有可行性,現在只是說我們要施壓到什麼程度而已,如果只是挑一個示範點,當然應該做得到,但是他們真正要的是能夠跨區,那就爆炸,這個我們都很熟悉,所以先看一下至少兩個聽到他們的名字,而不會跑掉的警察局,我們再來試試看協調。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在call-out的時候,看大家有沒有其他要提出來或者是討論的部分?如果沒有的話我就快速走一下後面的部分。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "在地方政府裡面的各種回報,也就是跟業務局處,很多縣市長認為應該收到1999,讓研考單位管,市長管一個就好,其他不用。地方政府相當多的程度會有兩套系統在跑,現在1999收進來之後,就到不同的部分,這是一端先做好,可能到了第二年的計畫,再把另外一邊sync過來。如果沒有確定是這個團隊跟警察局已經有,倒是有介紹一個研考大會跟他配合,然後再回報。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "1999的研考會資訊中心。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這當然可以,因為有的1999已經做API,只是客製化能力有沒有強調為這個use case去做欄位,這個是很難講的。" }, { "speaker": "蔡昌富", "speech": "你好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "請問是FixTW嗎?" }, { "speaker": "蔡昌富", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我是唐鳳。我們現在正在開媒合需求的會議,你們這邊提的是需要跟警政署、地方政府的警察機關合作,警政署可以約到,這個沒有問題,各地方政府很多個,就是2、30個,真的滿多的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此,想要問你們有沒有已經知道,或者是曾經合作過的警察機關?如果沒有的話,是不是有像在1999的研考或者是資訊機關,你們曾經有接洽過的?" }, { "speaker": "蔡昌富", "speech": "我們跟社團有一些合作,但是不算是FixTW這邊的直接合作,都是問一些法條或者是案件的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你的使用者裡面,你們一定有做一些統計,優先約到兩個或是三個縣市的承辦機關,對你們的影響力最高的?" }, { "speaker": "蔡昌富", "speech": "那肯定是雙北的,就是直轄市。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "想都不想就可以回答了?" }, { "speaker": "蔡昌富", "speech": "比較好合作的應該是雙北、台中。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "台中也不錯。" }, { "speaker": "蔡昌富", "speech": "越往南的縣市,像台南、高雄會比較高一點,土地會比較大一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "主要的原因是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "蔡昌富", "speech": "主要在於民眾的習慣。像南部會比較嚮往自由一點,北部的比較有法制精神,或者說是守規矩?南部在檢舉這一塊會比較困難。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝很完整的論述。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想我們就記錄下來,如果有警察局的承辦願意,這個當然最好,不然儘量往研考會、資訊局、資訊中心去約,我們儘量以雙北跟台中為主,我們第一次在媒合會先把資訊系統對齊,如果做出來一個原型,我想別的縣市就比較容易沿用,也比較不用花他們的開發經費,我們就往這個角度來做。" }, { "speaker": "蔡昌富", "speech": "感謝協助,謝謝你。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那就這樣,也就是雙北跟台中。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "他好像也不排除1999?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他不排除,如果警察局覺得他有開發能力就問警察局,沒有的話,我們就問蕭老師的意見。" }, { "speaker": "蔡志宏", "speech": "我報告一下,因為看起來很多縣市,像交通檢舉也可以從1999裡面。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有內建分案。因為他們要的其實比較是直接訂經緯度、拍照,這一些欄位可以直接進去,不用分完案之後,再key一次,其實全部只要這個而已,所以並沒有那麼困難,難的都是政治上的,都不是技術上的。看大家有沒有其他想要討論的,不然就快速走一遍工作坊的議程。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "跟委員報告,接下來是第一次工作坊,這20個團隊都會參加第一次工作坊,歡迎大家儘量踴躍參加第一次工作坊。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "我們中間也有邀請去年五個卓越團隊的兩個隊伍來跟今年新參加的團隊來做經驗分享。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "下午預計府裡面的秘書長會到場跟大家打氣,我們之後有一個指導會議,如果各位委員比較方便的話,就儘量參加,幫團隊再提供一些進一步實作的建議。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "第二次工作坊預計是在6月29日召開,也是有實作與經驗分享,目前邀總統來幫大家打氣,這個部分還要再進一步確定,同樣的,下午還是有一個指導會議,隔天正式做複審的時候,再給大家最後的建議。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "30日那一天主要是評審委員會針對團隊來做複審,就是會從20隊裡面再挑10隊出來進到複選,7月21日就會到總統府裡面來做活動,最後再選出卓越的5隊團隊,未來的幾個活動是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有什麼意見?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "搶救水寶寶跟零時差各有15分鐘,另外3個各有10分鐘,這也是我們考慮過之後,我們之前在總統府的分享,像搶救水寶寶跟零時差上去,所以是用這樣的方法來調配時間。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果大家都沒有意見的話,我們議程就確認了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有沒有臨時動議?剛剛打電話沒有聯絡上的?像司法院要不要再試試看?如果沒有的話,那就算了。" }, { "speaker": "王志翔", "speech": "我們會再聯絡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們主要想要知道的是資料分析的問題意識大概長什麼樣而已。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "跟目前的比較沒有關係,去年的5隊裡面,因為涉及的機關比較多,我們現在一直持續輔導,得到還滿不錯、正面的肯定。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "他們希望有機會,因為涉及兩個部會,一個是消防、一個是衛福的醫療體系,他們希望有機會能夠在適當的場合讓他們的長官知道有這麼一件要合作的事情,甚至於未來到底是有哪一個機關繼續接手處理,他們也希望找一個適當的時機表達。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "如果26日的話,他們說了也不是達到預期想要的結果,有沒有其他的場合?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是向上管理,有沒有指定哪一個層級的長官知道?比如部長、次長或者是主秘?" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "倒沒有特別說哪一個場合,他們在談的過程中,因為是29日的工作坊會作報告,29日因為是總統會在場,也許會在那個場合上去說遭遇到的困難,包含所謂誰來當兵,或是後續的專案推動要一些經費,也許會在這個場合上作一些說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們報告的時候,總統還沒有來。" }, { "speaker": "莊盈志", "speech": "那就沒有辦法了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們不是要找他們麻煩的意思。實際時程安排上,總統不太可能提早12點到,所以這是需要協調的話,我覺得是不是在這個之前,也就是6月29日之前,我們專門為了這一隊來稍微協調一下,這是不是比較好?" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "可以啊!政委覺得以政委的身分來……" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我畢竟是總統盃黑客松的負責政委。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "對,我覺得這個是名正言順,我們就找一個適當的時間。就兩個部會的適當時機,像執秘或者是更高的,兩個署的署長。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我來邀的話,當然署長是會到的,只是時間有沒有空而已。但是現在到6月29日,也還有很多時間,現在才5月17日而已。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "如果政委出來的話,就不限制在6月29日。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "6月29日的話,我們有很好的理由,我們是說理論上會出席,但是沒有在的報告去進行簡報的refinement。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "實際確保refinement,去確保實際跟其他各隊分享的時候,有完成所謂總統的承諾,他花三個月做出來,我們花九個月去輔導他進入公務體系;如果在6月29日做的話,比較沒有這麼好的理由了,所以我們儘量6月29日之前排一個,然後會通的標題是總統盃第二次工作坊準備。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "資料我們來準備,還是以政委辦的評議,我們來聯絡那一些人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "還是以總統盃黑客松,等於類似會前會,也就是相關籌備活動。一旦得了前五名就算我們的了,所以這邊就可以繼續處理。" }, { "speaker": "潘國才", "speech": "我們儘量這樣來處理。" }, { "speaker": "張小姐", "speech": "您好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "您好,請問是審計部嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張小姐", "speech": "是,敝姓張。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為你們的提案有入選前20隊,裡面的成果呈現傳達、視覺設計等等都沒有問題,你們有填「從資料發覺議題」,就是議題分析的專長,但是我們從這邊,也就是你們的提案內容裡面,我們可以想像的是可能是部會的一些傳票或者是花費資料等等,但是議題分析,你們主要想要發覺出怎麼樣的議題?也就是問題意識大概是什麼?我們這邊有相當多的人才,但是不太知道哪一個方面比較符合你們的需求。" }, { "speaker": "張小姐", "speech": "我們自己內部有討論過,因為資料比較涉及到各機關單位收支的情況,所以我們有跟業務單位討論,是不是先暫時以會計報告,也就是每個月上去會計報告資料分析的對象,但是畢竟我們在裡面比較久了,有一些議題的發想比較沒有辦法全面,我們侷限在業務的部分,因此不知道我們的資料提供,由第三者來看的話,會不會有更多的想法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以會計報告,你們目前的想像大概會有哪一些議題?先不管外面的,你們自己會想到哪一些?" }, { "speaker": "張小姐", "speech": "因為每個月各個機關會把收支的情況送到審計部來,他們裡面的蒐集情況會依照每一個歲入來源別依照他的預算科目、他的收入情況跟支出情況,我們做成一個圖示,讓民眾比較清楚知道在執行上是不是有超前或者是落後的情形。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK,所以主要還是其達成的狀態?" }, { "speaker": "張小姐", "speech": "對,這個是我們目前想到的,我們不曉得是不是由第三人來看這一些資料是不是有不一樣的發想。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "您這邊也有說相關的NGO,也就是民眾會來看這一些報告監督的NGO朋友們,您目前的回應是也沒有特別希望他們加入,所以我可不可以釐清一下,您希望加入的人的身分或者是專長,您覺得怎麼樣對你們是最好的?" }, { "speaker": "張小姐", "speech": "目前想像的是偏向IT人員。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "具有資料分析的能力,議題並不是某個特定的專業,而是以一般常民的角度,去分析一般民眾對這一件事,會怎麼樣看是最感興趣,感覺上是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "張小姐", "speech": "是的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個比較像類似資料新聞學的工作,並不是在裡面去做特定的政事別,或者是特定的領域分析?" }, { "speaker": "張小姐", "speech": "目前是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣我們瞭解了,謝謝你。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常謝謝大家的時間,我們今天就先到這邊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "中間想到任何人可以組隊打怪的,就再把他們邀進來,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...and we’ll publish this transcript." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "Yes, that’s fine. Just to let you know, we’ll often record and make a transcript, and then what we do is we take excerpts and make it into kind of a question-and-answer session. It might not match exactly. We edit it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you for the editing work, because English is like my fifth language, so I would appreciate a lot of editing work." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I don’t have anything after this, so feel free to just ask me anything." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "Let me get this going." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "Let me explain a little bit the project. Actually, Iris is the one who does research on what happens in China with journalists." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "We don’t think we have a lot of influence -- we publish statements and criticize them -- but we’re very concerned about what China is trying to do to influence beyond its borders. We’re looking at Hong Kong and Taiwan, and eventually we wanted to look at other jurisdictions, as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re doing a lot of work in Australia, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "Yes, Australia, New Zealand. Some in Africa. Even Canada and the United States." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "My question here is Taiwan has a very open society and freedom of the press, which is one of the reasons we don’t come here very often, frankly, because we don’t have to worry about it too much. At the same time, China is making an effort to influence public opinion here through the media." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "China is the opposite, in terms of the openness of the media. What we’re trying to figure out is how can Taiwan maintain that freedom of the press and the openness in the face of an adversary that is using many different means to try to influence you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The PRC wasn’t always going the opposite direction. For a while it seemed like it would get better, but then comes a new regime and everything goes backwards." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "So I’m not saying that PRC was always a opposite influence, but especially in the past four years or so, with the rapid closing of the media and speech freedoms, and censorship not only after the speech, but before the speech too." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You see a lot of Internet automated censorship. These were originally only deployed around October, or something like that, but now it’s years-round." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I do agree with your assessment that recently the PRC has been really narrowing down." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan we essentially rely on the society itself to tell disinformation. That is to say intentional, harmful untruth, versus a journalistic work. It’s not always easy because just 30 or 35 years ago Taiwan was where the PRC is. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "Without the technology." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. A lot, especially the elderly, have a difficulty telling disinformation apart from truly journalistic work, simple because the state-run TV media at the time were the only permitted channels and there was, frankly speaking, lots of propaganda around, so it’s not very easy to tell." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For people who are born or educated after the lifting of the marital law, which is after the ’80s, they have a broad swathe of information sources to choose from. Our democracy, with the first presidential election in ’96, coincides with the World Wide Web, so people associate democracy with the democratization of information sources." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have had, since ’96, a long time to have a educated civil society, so that people generally can take a more critical thinking attitude when it comes to media sources." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I’m the last generation that remembers martial law. If you ask anyone who is younger than me, then they say of course that you need a second opinion on every information sources. They don’t grow up blindly trusting the authority, or even their teachers. They learn to fact check, even on the lectures, using Wikipedia and whatever." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We do rely on people’s general access. We have broadband as human right in Taiwan, so no matter how rural, indigenous, or remote the places are you’re guaranteed to have 10 megabits per second. If you don’t it’s my fault. Because of that, people generally have a handheld smartphone device that they can use for fact checking, essentially." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is a long answer, but I think the immune system is in the civil society and in its broad selection of information sources." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "In your recent visit to the United States, you did mention about measures to try to counteract disinformation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "Could you talk about that a little bit?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, of course. My slides is publicly available. Disinformation is a threat especially for urban societies. We do have a legal definition of disinformation, that is to say intentional harmful untruth, and most importantly, harmful is to the public, to the democratic system, not harmful to the image of a minister -- that’s just good journalism, right? [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It has to be harmful to the society as a whole for it to be qualified as disinformation. We have three -- broadly speaking -- strategy to counter disinformation, and all three has with its core value that we don’t sacrifice the freedom and openness of our society, especially because that’s our national identity." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Especially around Taiwan lots of jurisdictions, not just the PRC, now use disinformation as an excuse for state to do censorship, for the state to do general correction order, and things like that. We don’t want to go there, because we still remember the martial law." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Nobody who remember the martial law would want to go back. It’s really bad old days. That’s the premise..." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "I lived here, by the way, under martial law." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It was really bad." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Both of my parents were professional journalists, and they were operating at the brink of the martial law. Their boss, the head of \"China Times\" at the time, Yu Chi-Chong, had to constantly navigate the KMT censorship versus the press freedom, and it’s not pretty. Nobody really want to go back there." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In disclaimer, my father resigned before China Times got bought by pro-PRC owners." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Important clarification. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In any case, what we’re rolling out is threefold. First, before a propaganda campaign or disinformation spreads, we usually observe that there is a point where they are doing some kind of limited testing or A/B testing, and that’s before it became really popular. It’s just testing the meme, the variation, to see whether it would go viral, so to speak." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Each of our ministry now has a team that is charged to say if we detect that there is a disinformation campaign going on, but before it reaches the masses, they’re in charge to make within 60 minutes a equally or more convincing narrative." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That could be a short film, that could be a media card, that could a social media post. It could be the minister herself or himself doing a livestream. It could be our president going on a standout comedy show. [laughs] It could be our deputy premier watching a livestream of a video game." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a large selection of modalities, [laughs] but within 60 minutes there’s something that is viral, that could go viral. Our observation is that if we do that, then most of the population reach this message like a inoculation before they reach the disinformation, and so that protects like a vaccination." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That protects them against the onslaught of disinformation. This is particularly useful during the pomelos incident, where during the last MP election for Tainan or something, there was a disinformation campaign about the fruits, pomelos, being dumped into a water reservoir, and it is entirely fabricated." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Council of Agriculture responded within 60 minutes, and with a really convincing way, and so I think..." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "How did they respond?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They did multiple ways of responding to various events. The COA, I think they initially got someone speaking Taiwanese Holo, and livestreamed on their Facebook page. They also, of course, rolled out a press release, and we have a dedicated press release section, dedicated to clarification right in the front page of our Executive Yuan, our administration." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "At once glance, you can see each and every clarification in real time, and we measure how long each ministry takes to respond, kind of like a scoreboard. They do compete with each other in that kind of friendly rivalry, and so they all respond faster and faster until they reach the 60 minutes mark. They also pass through their LINE, Facebook, and other social media accounts of Dr. Tsai Ing-wen, our President, of our Premier, our Deputy Premier, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Each of them has a large number of followers, and so they basically ask their followers to spread the clarification so that it reaches their friend and families before the disinformation does." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The mainstream media, of course, then picks up this counter-narratives and then do a balanced report. What we have witnessed is that if we don’t come up with this counter-narratives and ready videos or films, or at least picture cards, then after six hours, that’s after a news cycle, it’s hopeless now." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then each and every media will already frame the narrative so that any clarification will look like a very weak attempt, but if we respond within the same news cycle, then it is actually a pretty fair coverage. That’s our first line of defense. Truth to be told, it is actually very cing. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "I would think so. I would think it would be very difficult to train people to respond in that kind of time frame." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we’re doing is a few things. First, that each ministry, some of them have the budget to contract out to professional communication firms. Also, we try to get the ministers to pre-approve frequently asked questions so that they can use these material in real time, without going back to approval." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Even with that, deputy ministers, as well as director generals, they do have a 24/7 channel for this kind of real clarifications. If something escalates really quickly, then they can approve really quickly." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is very time consuming because this is not part of the public service training. We do have to get this kind of cross-discipline team assembled within each ministry to do that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It took a while. We started assembling this since Kolas Yotaka became our spokesperson. They only become really pervasive by last month or so, so it really took a while, but now if you look at our real-time clarification it’s really quick. That’s the first line of defense." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Some of them do get viral without our notice. Usually it takes place on end-to-end encrypted channels, like WhatsApp, but in Taiwan it’s called LINE. It’s the same thing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What end-to-end encryption means, unlike Facebook, Twitter, or something that’s google-able, these channels you cannot use search engine to discover them. It’s like a closed room, an echo chamber, and so it’s really easy for them to mutate into a more potent meme before they release this out in the wild, so to speak." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have developed, in conjunction with LINE and various on Facebook and friends, a system, what we call Notice and Public Notice. This system is akin to the anti-spam system." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "Akin to what?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you receive an email and you think it’s spam or junk mail, theoretically it’s personal communication. The state should have nothing to inspect your email. If you think this email is from a random country that has a princess that has $5 million that ask for your account or whatever, then you can flag that as spam." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Back in the early 2000s we, the Internet community, convinced each and every mail operator to add that flag button to its interface so that when you flag that as spam you’re essentially donating the signature of this message. It’s not involuntary. It’s a voluntary donation to a global system called the Spamhaus, the Domain Block List, and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There’s a whole system for that. It’s like the email’s immune system so that after sufficient people flag it they do a correlation. After they correlated the sender of the spam, once the sender sends another email it still reach the recipient, it’s not censorship, but it goes to the junk mail folder so it doesn’t waste people’s time by default." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If we have too much time we’d go through the junk mail folder. If you do look at a junk mail folder, you’ll still see a warning bot that says, \"This is probably junk mail. Think twice before responding.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re developing a very similar system here where people online and other instant message systems, they can forward a suspicious disinformation to a bot. Currently the most popular bot for that is called CoFact, for collaborative fact, but very soon, in June, LINE will build that as its core functionality so all you have to do is to press a message, or a long tap, and then you can flag it as disinformation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When sufficient people flag it, it goes into a public database where you can see all the trending disinformation, propaganda. That, by itself, inoculates people because it becomes a social object in the open, google-able, that people can talk about." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Even more than that, we have professional fact checkers in the Taiwan FactCheck Center that looks at the trending disinformation as reported by this mechanism and do a real reporter fact-checking public audit to that by checking to the sources, and so on, and publishing the report. The TFC, or the Taiwan FactCheck Center, is entirely nonpartisan and only accepts small donations, and so it’s generally well trusted." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Here are all the reports that they just published. For example, there was a really popular rumor that says whenever a earthquake is larger than degree 7.0 then other nearby jurisdictions can send its rescue teams without the approval of the country that suffers the earthquake. A excuse for invasion, you see?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "God knows why they spread this message. In any case, it is a popular message, and so the Taiwan FactCheck Center go into the conventions, the actual treaties that our Minister of Foreign Affairs signs, and things like that, cites, or its sources, and finally say this is false." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once they do that, we expect that this would inform the Facebook’s algorithm so that it will stop being preferred to show on people’s newsfeed, but it’s not censorship. If you look specifically for that friend, that post is still there, but they have a warning that says it’s already fact-checked as false." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you click here, you can learn more, but if you have any other friend, then Facebook prefers to show you the post from other friend instead of this one. They say that it can decrease the virality to maybe less than one fifth of the original reach, which is pretty significant." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We are reaching very similar agreements with other social media as well. And so LINE, Facebook, and so on, they are all on board to implement this \"Notice and Public Notice\" system, which is definitely not a notice and takedown system. We’re not taking anything down, you see." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Finally, during election, we have a special set of rules -- it’s the same as the US-proposed rule called Honest Advertisement Act -- that says because in our campaign donation, everyone who donates has a cap, and the auditing, the Corrective Yuan publishes down to each detail in a machine-readable format like a spreadsheet, each and every donation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think it’s the most transparent in the world, one of the most. Because of that, we do witness that foreign money prefers not to enter through this route, because it will get revealed, you see. They prefer to buy precision target advertisement on social media or even on regular media. They do also news placement or 業配. That’s also very popular." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In any case, they can just infuse money to influence the election in this way without declaring them as campaign donation. So We’re basically saying no, it’s the same as campaign donation. You have to reveal it in exactly the same way, and only domestic people get to spend money and sponsor political advertisements." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Each advertising agency, each middle person, need to reveal where their funding sources come from, just like anti money laundering. By the end of the chain, if it points to a foreign national, or to a PRC, or Macau, or Hong Kong source, then that is actually a crime." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we’re saying is that elections are special, and we’re protecting elections in a way that is much higher than the usual notice and public notice system. At the end of the day, I think the most useful education tool is media literacy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We also use special budget and public money to fund a very popular TV series that’s 95% on IMDb, and I think even more popular domestically, that talks about how news is manufactured, how newsrooms work, how people use a divisive social issue to drive the wedge, those different social media parts and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s called \"The World Between Us.\" It’s really, really popular here. I think HBO Asia is going to license it. This is paid by taxpayer money out of our public TV. This kind of lifelong education is, at the end of the day, I think the most useful, as my first answer." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "When governments are putting out this kind of... Governments put out information all the time. Is there any potential down the road for abuse of this system, when governments have this capability of creating messages and trying to make them go viral very quickly?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Well, everybody has that capability now. What we are saying is that let us add our piece of puzzle, so to speak, to this information market. It really is a trolling-for-attention campaign. The people who are spreading this information, they’re really not interested in having a rational discourse. What they’re doing is that they turn off people’s appetite for rational discourse." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What we’re saying is that we always package our narrative in a way that contributes to rational discourse. Of course, the opposition party, or anyone really, can oppose our view. That is entirely fine as long as we keep it in a way that makes engagement to rational discourse fun. That, I think, is the end goal." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re not saying we’re the ministry of truth. We’re saying people could find it enjoyable to participate in rational discourse." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "What’s been the experience so far in producing these messages in terms of...How’s it going? Have there been mistakes made? Obviously, there have been mistakes made. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course. A few things. For these media literacy productions, I think we’re really fortunate that we found really good scriptwriters for \"The World Between Us\"." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The only mistake is that at one point, they confused the Judicial Yuan with the Ministry of Justice. [laughs] Out of the entire 10 TV series, I think that is the only mistake they made, and they did publicly apologize about that. This is really rare, and it’s of really high quality." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As for the president and premier, and deputy premier, and minister produced videos. So far, they are really highly acclaimed. We haven’t seen any significant backlash so far. I think the most the opposition party has complained about is that the ministries spend too much money on it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It really is a sizeable chunk of the budget for communication, but if that’s the most that they can argue, it means that we did something well." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "How serious has been the problem of disinformation?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Depends on who you ask. If people spend a lot of time on social media, people generally report that they get awash in their Facebook feeds with things that are divisive. I think that really is a problem." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It may or may not be exclusively a disinformation problem; it may just be a bad interface design of social media. They encourage people to focus on the divisive part because they gather people’s attention and they spend more time on it. That is a general problem. It’s not just a Taiwan problem." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If people get their sources of information from Internet rather from the television channels and traditional printed press, then we do get another set of feedback that says that there are some TV channels that dedicates more than 60 percent or sometimes 70 percent into coverage of one particular political figure or one particular issue without any constraint on the balance of reporting and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Our NCC has already corrected some of the most controversial part of it that is clearly not journalistic work anymore. That is a separate set of problems." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I would add that in Taiwan, these two problems feed into each other. Sometimes, people have a divisive issue, a meme going on on social media, whereas in Japan, because it’s not fact-checked, it is nothing to investigate. The press will just ignore that, and so it’s just social media." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, many media, and that includes the pan green and pan blue camps, will actually source these social media memes into their regular news and adding very little value to it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once they do that, then they of course get quoted again by the social media, because each of those mainstream news has its own YouTube channel, and Facebook page, and so on, and so it’s very easy to get recirculated back and creating more division." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is why we have to respond within 60 minutes, because one iteration of this is essentially just one hour, and we cannot wait until the news that is fact checking, which takes a day, and we respond to their fact-checking calls, and so on. There really is no room for that. We think an hour, this cycle would have already run one iteration." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "One of’s not a criticism so much as a critique of the NCC, is that the fines against the broadcasting companies are quite small compared to their revenue size and therefore don’t present much of a deterrent." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Indeed it’s not much of a deterrent. At this point, it’s mostly saying that this is not the norm. This is beyond the norm. This is not journalism anymore. Basically, this is telling the public that this is not journalism." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I do agree that it’s not a real deterrent, which is why, during the election, we are going to have a separate set of rules, a separate set of laws. Many of them are now in draft stage awaiting the parliamentary review probably in June." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Because it’s in the parliament, I cannot talk too much, because the MPs will have to decide. Basically the draft bill says during the election, all the media coverage that intends to influence the result of the election is escalated in both the fines, the penalties, the offences, the timeliness of the judges to intervene." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We learned from the French laws that says during the election campaign period, there’s a special court that looks at the media’s propaganda and so on, and do an injunction within 72 hours. Usually, it takes longer, but in an election, it doesn’t really work like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In many ways, this augments the NCC’s existing rules and regulations, in the sense that it’s much more broad. It covers any digital platform, any printed platform, anything, whereas the NCC currently only do radio and television bands." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think this is where we’re going to see the first try in the next election, and we’ll also amend the rules accordingly." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "What’s the standard deployed here? Is it accuracy? Is it fairness? Is it balance?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On disinformation?" }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "For the election time." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s the same. It’s intentional harmful untruth. That’s a legal definition." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "That’s quite interesting. Where has the inspiration for this approach come from? You’ve mentioned France. Are there other inspirations that have come? Obviously, you have some domestic ones also." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The Honest Advertisement Act I think is from the US. I think they are now still debating it. Maybe it will pass before the US does. There is also some inspirations from how this the spam was handled in the early 2000s. It’s structurally very similar." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There was a round of discussion that this inspired by the NetzDG in Germany, where the large platforms are in charge of doing its own regulation of hateful content and so on. We ultimately didn’t quite go that way, mostly because, first, what we care about is intentional harmful untruth, but what the NetzDG model cares about is hate speech. It’s substantially not the same." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Also, we feel that it would lead to a chilling effect, because the large platforms will tend to over-censor. That is why we developed instead a notice and public notice model." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "Eventually, the courts will have the jurisdiction to decide whether it’s intentional, and intentional and harmful." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure, but it’s the same, digital or otherwise. The court has always had a say on that, and you can appeal the usual way by the rule of law." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "It’s very interesting. As you mentioned, many other governments in the region are taking quite a different path of..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Singapore, I think, is a recent example." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "Singapore, Malaysia, the law is still on the books." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The general correction order of Singapore is really innovative in the sense that even unrelated social media platforms, they can also issue a general correction order, and these social media will have to put on those clarifications, even if those disinformation did not touch that media." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "How to technically enforce it is really challenging, actually. I don’t really quite see how that could technically be implemented without banning Telegram outright. [laughs] But we’ll see. The Singapore people are also very innovative. Maybe they’ll figure out some technical way." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "Iris, do you have a question you want to add?" }, { "speaker": "Iris Hsu", "speech": "We were talking about the legal framework in terms of fake news." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Disinformation. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Iris Hsu", "speech": "Disinformation, yeah. Do you think that Minister Lo’s approach could potentially be somehow, how do you say it, somehow harmful in the future for press freedom?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Do you mean like backfire?" }, { "speaker": "Iris Hsu", "speech": "Mm-hmm." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You do understand that Minister Lo Ping-cheng is a human rights lawyer, right? From all our meetings, I think not harming human rights, including the right to expression, is on the foremost of his thoughts." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Of course, any laws may have unintended consequences. I’m not saying that during the election those 72-hours rule may or may not have an adverse effect. For example, I can easily imagine like two competing media companies each flagging each other’s paid advertisements. That may be a possibility, because they can afford to pay it, even if each case would cost them 3,000 NT dollars. Maybe they would do that, maybe." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On the other hand, they have to do it only in the name of the person who run, so the candidate’s name is on the stake, and they can only target paid advertisement or paid reporting or things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There need to be a kind of sponsored money trail on this part. The harm need to be to the public, and they need to be initiated by a candidate that runs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This, I think, is a really narrow criteria, whereas most of the press’s work if you are not sponsored by any campaign, is actually not touched by Minister Lo’s legislation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I can easily think of a lot of corner cases. But in the general case, where the media serves their subscribers, or just the journalistic community, then they’re not actually classified as a political advertisement, and so not part of this spot, or not part of the 72 hours." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "A number of people have said to us, talking about Taiwan’s democracy being relatively young, it’s been 30 years, and yet this is quite an innovative system. I’m wondering what your own assessment is about the depth of the democratic values among the population. You mentioned once the revoltion against the martial law." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "How do you assess that? Some people will say, \"Well, people don’t necessarily value the freedom of speech.\" I have no way of knowing if that’s true." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You can look at it in several ways, right? If you’re talking about the right to vote, then our voter turnout is pretty good. The public interest on referendum is at all-time high. We do have people participate even between votes, e-petition, participatory budgeting, you name it. It is actually a really high participation rate. I don’t think anyone disputes that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As for whether people really value freedom of expression, I think each and every time when the members of the Parliament even start consulting or even talking about any measures that could potentially block Internet access, or that could potentially... for example, the notice and take-down system is not invented by spam or disinformation encountering communities. It’s invented by copyright enforcement communities." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For copyright reasons, all this conversation we just had, we had that before. There was people who petitioned in the MPs, saying if there is a oversea copyright of a violation pirate website, then we should hold the ultimate button to basically close it down and block any Internet communication to that website." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Even in this very narrowly defined case, people flooded the MPs telephones and office, and there is a lot of blackouts by popular websites, my website included, [laughs] and things like that. People show it very clearly that they don’t want any kind of censorship even in the name of protecting intellectual property, because it is a slippery slope." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Generally, in Taiwan, it’s extremely unpopular and would be borderline political suicide to propose anything that blocks the freedom of expression, especially on the Internet." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "All right. These are the main questions I had. This is very interesting, and I’m really intrigued by what you’re trying here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s really a very innovative system that’s born out of necessity. I usually say that Taiwan is caught between the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate, and that’s why we have lots of earthquakes, but that’s also how the Jade Mountain grows by five centimeters every year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "All this pressure results in us having to think higher and propose a more innovative system that’s more universally applicable instead of regressing." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "Before I heard you explain this, my initial reaction is how do you avoid the trap of censorship or governments deciding what is truth or not truth." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "It seems to me you thought of a way around that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It may or may not work, but it certainly beats going back to martial law days." }, { "speaker": "Iris Hsu", "speech": "I have one last question." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes?" }, { "speaker": "Iris Hsu", "speech": "When you were countering this disinformation, do you trace their origin?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes and no. We look at it as a kind of epidemic and virus of the mind. Just like -- I don’t know virus, [laughs] or whatever -- influenza, you do trace its origin. Again, it’s very hard to pinpoint at which point did it start to mutate into this particular form that goes viral. These are two very different things." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s easy to trace who posts that particular message. It’s very hard to say at which point this message becomes virus so that everybody posts it. It’s two different questions." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Just like with a biological virus, you can’t really interrogate a virus. [laughs] It’s not the same category of things. We do keep an eye on the general trend of where it comes from, whether it looks like a composition that is domestic, whether it looks like a mission translated oversea message, whether it carries a fingerprint of a amateur, or whether it looks like a professionally-done thing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "On the other hand, at some point when it goes viral, everybody actually does its own second or third level recreation on it. Once those remix enter the memetic marketplace, all hope is lost. You really cannot trace anything about it anymore, because it just becomes a meme." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Once it becomes a meme, what we can only do is that we make our own counter narrative and we make those reach more people than those memes reach the same people." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "It is, on the question of source of funding for political advertisements. That can be much harder to trace, can’t it...?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They have to file taxes somehow, right?" }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "Eventually." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Well, those media outlets, they have to file taxes somehow..." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "Eventually, but to do it in real time, or within 72 hours, as you say, that could be quite difficult." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right, but that’s exactly the same as anti-money laundering, right? Theoretically, you can catch money laundering by the flow of bank accounts -- or by bitcoin flows, in principle. What we’re really doing is that we put a really high kind of criminal penalty on it. We encourage whistleblowing, all these usual things." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "So for this case, we make sure that it really becomes a social norm that says political sponsored advertisement, it’s the same as campaign donation. We rely on people who are intermediaries and their conscience to flag this as wrong, essentially." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In the previous election, there’s a lot of that happening. But it was not clearly illegal -- or it is questionably legal -- but it was not very clearly illegal. People generally thought, \"Yeah, maybe it’s just earning a few bucks.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Now we’re flagging this to send a very clear message that this is the same as a political donation. Essentially saying this is campaign money, and if you accept that from a foreign national without disclosing the fact, it’s just like money laundering." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "Very good." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Steve Butler", "speech": "Thank you." }, { "speaker": "Iris Hsu", "speech": "Thank you so much." } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝大家,不好意思,稍微等了一下,我們開始這一次社創聯繫會議,在場也有很多朋友在高雄的社企高峰會渡過了非常棒的兩天,我自己也學習到非常多,再次感謝各部會同仁們的協助,還有三個主辦單位,也就是喜憨兒、Impact Hub、社企流的協同幫忙,我們這三天分別跟這三個團隊進行討論,也看我們怎麼樣可以在明年做得更好,但是無論如何我想對於國外的訪賓來講,這一次社企高峰會都是非常有Impact,我也持續在會後,不管是在網路公開的場合或者是一些相關的國際活動裡面,都看到大家覺得臺灣非常地Impactful,所以非常非常感謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們今天的議程就開始。" }, { "speaker": "鐘宜珊", "speech": "報告事項案由一,歷次聯繫會議辦理情形,請鑒察案。第一項,社會創新實驗中心規劃及辦理情形,這一項主要是社創中心無障礙空間設置,無障礙空橋已經在5月20日建置完成,建請解除列管。" }, { "speaker": "鐘宜珊", "speech": "第二項是社會創新服務共同供應契約採購上架說明,本年度本部推動社創勞務跟財務納入共同供應契約,已經分別在4月22日、5月21日召開評選會議,預計6月、7月會分別完成上架。勞務部分會有一些體驗活動、財務部分會有循環經濟的產品。" }, { "speaker": "鐘宜珊", "speech": "另外,社創登記資料庫會根據上架的社創登記組織進行SDG的分類,預計在6月的時候會分類上架,共契的產品、廠商也會依據SDG的分類進行特別的說明。本案持續辦理,後續回歸例行推動機制,建請解除列管。" }, { "speaker": "鐘宜珊", "speech": "第三項,教育部大學社會責任實踐計畫,申請對象以資源配置問題,請教育部說明。" }, { "speaker": "胡士琳", "speech": "教育部針對大學社會責任實踐計畫跟聯合國永續發展目標盤點情形進行說明,依據前次的決議,我們目前已經先針對107年度核定220件計畫,請計畫團隊在結案的時候,去對應計畫內涵是否有對焦相關目標及細項。" }, { "speaker": "胡士琳", "speech": "目前盤整起來220件計畫當中,共有137件計畫有對應到17項指標,有一些計畫也有進一步盤點其所對應細項的情形,我們有補充一個附件資料是目前初步的盤點結果,在大家的桌上,請參閱。" }, { "speaker": "胡士琳", "speech": "另外,我們在未來進行108年的成果、109年徵件時也會思考再引導計畫進行對焦SDG的目標及細項的盤點原則,因為從這一次的盤點情況檢視來看,可能各計畫在認定是否有對焦的一些大方向原則,還有待一些共識釐清,教育部也會持續跟郭老師的團隊來作進一步討論,未來則視外交部需求適時提供相關的盤整資料,供外交部盤整運用,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝,我瞭解這個是統計資料,實際的細項資料,包含計畫名稱、對應的指標已經放在USR的網站上嗎?或者是開放資料平台或者是其他可以取得的位置?" }, { "speaker": "胡士琳", "speech": "針對這一次學校填列出來的盤點狀況,我們目前再做一下檢視,確認屬性相似的計畫是不是確實都有類似的盤點結果,我們在6月初把計畫名稱跟內容再次對焦之後,就可以放在USR的官網上,供相關的團隊參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。以教育部一向的習慣,用創用CC的授權,不只是外交部編列我們的自願性報告時可以使用,也包含地方政府,其實我之前去桃園市才聽說地方政府也想要編列他們自己永續的報告,就像紐約市一樣,我們知道紐約市的報告跟美國的報告是不一樣的,因此在這一個過程中,我覺得我們的USR無論如何都是非常適合被放進去的成效指標,所以建議這個資料公開的時候,採用開放授權,讓每一級縣市政府跟中央政府都可以使用,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "第四項,勞動合作社適用勞動基準法的普世性,請工程會及衛福部說明。" }, { "speaker": "劉慧君", "speech": "主席、各位先進大家好,工程會發言,針對這一項案由的決議,總共有兩項,第一項要修正勞務採購契約範本,本會已經有循程序,將範本的修正草案函請相關的機關、相關的公會來表示意見,剛好這一段期間,採購法的修正草案進入密集的朝野協商,在4月30日三讀通過,並且在昨天即5月22日時總統公布,所以要配合母法,因此勞務採購契約範本修正的部分,目前第1項的部分還沒有完全完成。" }, { "speaker": "劉慧君", "speech": "第2項的部分是要加註投標廠商切結書的部分,這個部分已經遵照指示、辦理完成了,以5上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "徐于婷", "speech": "衛福部說明,有關於本部依照上次會議決議去參照工程會的勞動採購契約進行契約範本的修訂,已經納入合作社非具聘僱關係社員的勞動權益,我們已經在今年2月19日函知各地方政府據以辦理。" }, { "speaker": "徐于婷", "speech": "有關於修正的條文,也請各位與會者可以參看我們的附件1,也就是第10頁的部分,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "內政部有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "主席、各位代表大家午安,內政部報告,我們這一次真的要感謝主席的協助,還有經濟部、勞動部、工程會及衛福部的協助,我在這裡真的要跟大家懇切報告,我們要爭取並不是合作社的特權,而是在合作社法的框架下應該要有合理公平競爭的環境。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "大家一直在努力,前面先感謝,但是要跟大家報告新的狀況,像舊的合約在走的部分,有廠商看到沒有僱傭關係,所以有一些扣款價金的部分,合作社因為沒有錢,提出來的訴訟金額很小,事實上承攬了好幾年的工作,總計金額很大,有好幾千萬,卻只能提出50幾萬的訴訟。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "另外,有一個新的陳請案件是,新的合約上就已經在上面註明了,雖然都符合現在這樣子,但是新增扣款條件,也就是沒有稅的話,要把營業稅扣掉,沒有具有僱傭關係,你的勞健保給付,像勞退也要扣掉,經過計算之後,合作社拿到的價金真的都扣完之後,拿到的只比基本工資23,100元,多了240幾元,連合作社的行政操作費用都沒有。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "我在想是不是上有政策、下有對策,我們要保障的應該不是業主,而是應該保障勞工。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "而且這個合約是承攬性的勞務合約,並不是派遣性的,應該是多少的錢完成一定的工作量,應該是這樣子,如果這樣的合約部分,有一些新的狀況出來了,很不好意思,我們一直不斷拋問題,希望大家一起來解決,以上先報告到這裡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。其實我覺得這個是文化,大家知道有這個新的範本,還有這個範本在實際承辦適用的時候,知道它的精神是什麼,這是有賴於所有相關部會的朋友們,不斷把我們之前討論的過程跟內政部這邊所釐清的,包含不實具有僱傭關係等等的部分讓大家知道。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我知道很多藝文界人士做文化創意的部分,聽到採購法三讀通過,當然一方面很高興,二方面是覺得一開始而已,好像是敲門磚,其實實際上在開標案的時候,所有的承辦人員、審計及主計的朋友們,還是要知道新法的精神什麼,所以在精神完全沒有被理解之前,就會出現上有政策、下有對策的情況,所以我覺得內政部可以的話,其實多多少少把一些各部會可以使用的說帖,或者是你們覺得比較好的標竿案例,也就是稍微指出來,開始放在你們的合作勞動網上面,或者是用什麼別的方式提供給大家參考,不然常常聽到的是哪一些個案不對、哪一些個案不能做或者是哪一些個案不好、哪一些會出麻煩,反而一些比較好的案例是讓大家比較知道的空間,因此可以往這個方向想想看。在新的文創採購法上也會用這樣的方式來鼓勵大家,有一些標竿案例,不過真的是很辛苦。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "第五項,2019亞太社會企業高峰會辦理規劃,本案將於報告事項案由二來進行說明。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "第六項,107年社會創新相關業務執行成果。上次的決議是請各部會依主責業務來持續推動社會創新,因為這個是大家一直持續進行的,所以建議先解除列管,社會創新行動巡迴座談會辦理情形。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "第七項,社會創新行動巡迴座談會辦理情形。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "經濟部今年已經分別在新竹跟南投辦理兩場座談會,台中社會創新實驗基地也以視訊的方式加入連線,桃園市社企中心也會在宜蘭場共同連線,後續會適時提報,並在聯繫會議中說明,本次建議先解除列管。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "第八項,亞太社會企業高峰會籌備情形,一樣會在案由二的部分進行說明。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "第九項,請各部會推薦108年社會創新職能訓練課程師資及職能補充訓練課程類別,請勞動部說明。" }, { "speaker": "陳建成", "speech": "勞動部在此要謝謝各部會的幫忙,提供我們很多資料,未來將會運用在相關的會議及訓練課程當中,本案建議解除列管。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "OK。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有要詢問的部分,這樣子聽起來除了採購法配套的那個措施還沒有完全完成,下次再聽一次實際的狀況之外,其他的應該都可以解除列管,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "案由二,亞太社會企業高峰會辦理成果,請鑒察案,請喜憨兒社會福利基金會說明。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "大家好,我首先非常感謝各部會在這一次高峰會的協助,我們在5月11日、12日非常順利地舉辦了這一次的高峰會。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "同時也要非常感謝Impact Hub、社企流的三個單位合作,大家在這個過程當中都相當地辛苦。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "我們這次順利完成24場的議程,其實是超過1,200人在開幕式與會,參加國外的講者,大概有15個國家以上,現場的直播部分,也超過了1萬人次,這是我們在這兩天主要的成果。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "因為其實這個報告還算是滿緊急提供的,因此我們主要是摘要式地先跟大家報告一下比較重要的成果。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "在社企市集的部分,很開心這一次60個攤位,經由各部會的推薦,其實這應該是我個人參加過最成功過一次的市集,因為我為了要協助長官,所以我大概介紹了兩次以上(每一攤)。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "其實每個攤位都非常清楚闡述自己社企的理念,還有對於相關服務的提供,也很開心,其實在各部會推薦的過程中,真的讓我們去理解到各式各樣不同類型的社會企業。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "整個社企市集也很開心,其實除了與會的人員有參與之外,還有很多其他其實不是參與峰會的人員也受到社企市集的吸引,一同來參加。這幾天攤位的生意算滿不錯的,這個是非常開心的部分。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "再來,媒體跟社群的露出,電子媒體的部分,大概有44則;海外的部分大概有34篇,媒體的部分因為社企流這邊也在,如果有比較細節的部分,我們都可以再提出補充說明。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "最後,再次感謝大家的參與,我們不管是參與的人員、講者,其實都對這一次的峰會非常地感動,希望接下來明年有更棒的表現,以上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外兩個主辦單位也有要補充嗎?" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "都還在休息當中。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "辛苦了。" }, { "speaker": "楊琇雁", "speech": "我們最後這一頁是,我們在跟設計師討論的時候,他們說這個峰會真的受到很多人支持,因為第一次排到這麼多合作夥伴,也是給他很大的挑戰,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實。我記得我們有邀請兩位開幕講者,其中一位是加拿大的Tonya看了贊助單位,尤其是各部會都有進來,就問臺灣真的是跨那麼多不同的部門,真的有整合這麼好嗎?是這個設計師很厲害或者是我們真的所有的部會、所有的部門都全力支持,是表演而已或者是平常就這樣?我說平常就這樣子,這個是非常非常難得的,每一個部會都把社會創新、永續發展這一些概念變成大家施政的共同目標,他覺得這個是非常非常羨慕的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "雖然,我們在接下來裡面會說臺灣每5個人是1個人聽過永續發展,還有很多努力的空間,Tonya是說在加拿大50個人有1個人聽過就不錯了,因此她是非常感到鼓舞的,也跟我們要了英文的社創調查回去參考,我覺得這個對我們在外交上也是有非常大的幫助。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "各個部會的攤位也都讓人印象非常深刻,我自己印象深刻的是環保署的兩次循環、三次循環的demo,也是把經濟提升到有感的程度,在5+2裡面是比較晚啟動的一個,也覺得是靠這樣的峰會,讓大家對於循環經濟有一個非常好的瞭解,所以如果各個部會可以的話,向主協辦人員敘獎,讓大家在下一次峰會的時候更積極投入,讓國際看到溫暖的暖實力。下一個。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "案由三,108年度社創大調查結果說明,請鑒察案,請同仁簡報。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "由我來跟大家報告這次社會創新大調查的結果,首先很感謝經濟部中小企業處特別支持民間的調查,讓台經院、星展、願景工程及在座的社企流、Impact Hub都有共同參與社創大調查,事實上社創大調查在5月8日這一天有舉辦記者會,希望可以舉辦社創高峰會,一起讓大家看到臺灣這麼努力在推社會創新。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "其實整個調查,我們事實上都希望過去這幾年,無論是在推社會企業、社會創新都是很好的概念,但是事實上在民間,像我剛剛提到的星展願景在2015年、2017年都有針對民眾在做認知度的調查,事實上在2018年社會創新行動方案通過的時候,提高民眾對於社會創新或者是社會企業認知度作為很重要的目標,因此我們也希望透過這樣的方案、調查來瞭解在方案執行的過程中,是否有更進一步的結果,也謝謝主席,剛剛有劇透一下,這個結果還不錯。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "這個調查主要分成兩個部分:" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "第一,一個是剛剛提到民眾認知度的調查,另外一個也是希望更瞭解社會創新企業營運的現況,讓我們在社會創新生態圈或者是政策挹注的時候可以更活絡。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "簡單跟大家分享一下,在民眾的部分事實上也通知地區、年齡分布調查了2,144份,社會創新企業的部分,除了中企處這邊有一些登錄的企業樣本,當然也包含了公司型態、NPO型態,也有民間的對象,公司型態是佔了六成五左右,事實上我們將近300份回卷。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "很快跟大家分享一下結果,民眾到底對於社會企業認知度是多少?相較於2015年、2017年,事實上今年的結果是從將近原本兩成不到,到現在的三成水準,有很明顯地提升。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "其實對於「社會企業」這四個字,或許民眾認知度還可以有進步的空間,但當我們對民眾解釋社會企業概念之後,其實有超過3/4的民眾是很支持社會企業的理念。其實我們看有一點微幅下滑,事實上也提升了我們自己對於社會企業理念的推升,也需要跟社會大眾多溝通。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "另外,其實對於民眾是否願意用實際行動來支持社會企業,我們發現這個比例也是非常地高,超過六成都是願意實際支持,甚至我們在實際的問項跟進一步來問,大概願意提高的價格是10%左右,也就是差不多六成左右。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "另外,社會創新這樣的概念事實上延續方案,我們希望透過創新、科技的模式,讓很多的社會問題被解決,事實上大概有17.8%左右的民眾聽過這個名詞。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "另外,我們解釋了這個理念之後,其實高達六成五都是相當認同的。當然,其實主席有劇透永續發展目標的部分,目前有兩成左右有聽過,不過我想在座應該是百分之百都有聽過吧!所以這個比例是非常高。不過比較有趣的是,我們發現年輕族群、高學歷族群對這個是非常關心。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "在實際目標裡面,17項當中,國內關注的是優質教育、優質工作、經濟成長及消除貧窮,也就是SDG 4、8、1的三個目標。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "在企業的部分,事實上台經院過去做了好幾年的追蹤調查,所以我們也在這一次的調查裡面,有做一些追蹤的比較,不過看起來比較多的社會創新組織都是在5年以下比較新興的概念,事實上也呼應這幾年一直希望好的概念可以實踐,他們可以出來有一個很好的組織形成。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "當然,目前是一個初創的階段,所以在資本額、員工數都是相對比較小一點,但是我們發現這一些社會創新組織,其實有非常高的比例都有聽過SDG相關的資訊,尤其是公司型態的部分,其實比例將近有七成,顯示其實對於公司的營運怎麼樣接軌SDG是相當地重要;主要銷售的型態還是在零售服務,其次是一些教育學習的部分。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "當然其實對於議題的關注,在臺灣其實滿特別的,大家都滿關心銀髮、老年的相關議題,另外生態的部分也是主要的重點之一。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "回應到17個目標裡面,其實跟民眾端是有高度重疊,大家都非常關心第4項目標的「優質教育」其實超過了三成多。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "另外,針對「良好健康與福祉」、「負責任消費與生產」,也是大家關注的目標之一。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "比較特別的是,我們發現社會創新組織當中,有高達四成三的創辦人是女性,相較於我國整體中小企業比例而言,其實高出非常地多,也呼應國際上大家認為女性特質有助於實踐社會創新的結果,在臺灣也有這樣的實證結果。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "另外,經營狀況的部分,我們也看到年齡別多屬於一個不太一樣分布,其實我們在這邊發現一個很特別的地方,公司型態的社會創新組織,其實滿多都是青壯年作為創辦人,是要實踐理想,但也必須要同時兼顧商業模式。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "但在NPO的部分其實有滿多高齡的世代在做創辦人,因此我們發現很多在實務上都是過去有一定的經濟基礎,有所成就之後回來,希望透過NPO的形式來做社會創新,因此在組織形態上也會有一些差異性。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "另外,我們其實也發現有高度的社會創新組織,還是透過銷售服務來達到主要的營收來源,而且非常好的結果是,我們在今年發現這一些組織有獲利的狀況大幅提升,相較於去年的結果。甚至在虧損的比例上也有下滑,所以其實整體來看這一些組織經營的改善或變成比較健全的方式,已經有很明顯地呈現。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "當然還有一些經營的挑戰,主要大家的反映都是在行銷或者是品牌,甚至是消費市場的開拓,因此也希望有相關的資源可以反映在這一些面向上。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "當然,其實我們在政策需求上,也詢問民眾是否需要社會創新的這一些相關認知,的確有看到滿高度的需求,這也是大家可以一起共同努力的目標。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "總結幾個重點:" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "大家可能對於社會企業的認知度已經突破新高,有三成,認知度雖然兩成,但是對於這樣的理念是非常支持;有關於SDG的關注目標裡面,不論是教育或者是工作或者是消除貧窮,這個是大家非常關心的目標。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "在企業端成立的時間比較短、規模比較小,但是看到不論是女性的部分或者是營利的部分,其實都有非常大幅度的改善,過半的業者就SDG的目標為實踐的工具,其實也希望大家未來對於在行銷市場或者是品牌上也可以給社會創新組織更多的協助。" }, { "speaker": "康廷嶽", "speech": "以上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝這一個報告,看大家有沒有想要提出詢問或者是討論的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,這一份中文版跟英文版都已經公開在網路上了,很歡迎大家儘量使用,也可以作為各部會施政的參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實各個部會的作為跟永續發展目標裡面細項目標,其實一定都有扣合的,對內永續會或者是循環經濟這一方面,其實大家去進行回應之外,這一些民間的朋友,其實也可以幫我們達成所謂的國家目標或者是總體目標,所以這一個部分我想我們的價值跟這一些社會創新組織的價值是一致的,這一次的調查也更堅定臺灣其實非常認同一面發展有效的經濟商業模式,但是一方面又可以共同解決社會跟環境問題,所以如果大家願意的話,可以參考這一個調查的結果,讓我們在行銷及創造獨特的品牌價值上一起幫助民間的朋友們。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "108年度社會企業世界論壇組團規劃及經費事宜,請鑒察案。" }, { "speaker": "張秀禎", "speech": "主席、各部會的代表,對於我國往年參與SEWF的部分,外交部一向都非常地支持,我們除了提供私部門參與這個會議所需要的經費補助,我們也會請駐館提供相關的協助。" }, { "speaker": "張秀禎", "speech": "今年度我們將會遵照唐政委辦公室的指示,來主責辦理SEWF組團的事宜。今年的做法,我們想比照往年勞動部的做法,我們會委託一個NGO的代表來負責組團,這個經費我們粗估是需要新臺幣250萬元,因為本部的經費有限,我們還是勉勵地控留新臺幣150萬,100萬我們希望勞動部可以分攤,以上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "勞動部可以嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "因為外交部今年首次接手辦理SEWF組團,屬調適過渡期,我們同意分攤這樣的金額,分攤上有兩個原則,一個是這邊列的分攤新台幣100萬元額度內。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "第二,如果實際支出的總額有更動的話,我們分攤的經費不會高於外交部的部分。目前這個金額原則上是可以的。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "另外,因為今年由外交部負責受理跟審查補助,所以對於備註欄的補助標準,也就是要怎麼審查,本部也沒有意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣可以嗎?" }, { "speaker": "張秀禎", "speech": "可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "本案請外交部非政府組織國際事務會負責組團事宜,也請民間的組織來協助辦理,這個組團經費的分攤表,按照剛剛勞動部所加的附註,我們列入紀錄,並按照這個方式來辦理。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "案由五,108年社會創新專業人員訓練發展規劃,請鑒察案,請勞動部說明。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "政委、各位與會先進大家好,以下由勞動部報告「推動社會創新職能訓練課程」的進度。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "主要希望大家屆時能夠廣為宣傳周知。簡報大綱請參閱。簡報第2頁,會有這個報告是因為希望藉由「規劃辦理社創人才培訓課程」,加強社創在業人才的培訓來推動社會創新。在簡報第3頁,我們在上次社會創新第四次聯繫會議之後,相關的部會有回覆一些預估參訓的人數,我們評估之後,預計先試辦兩班,合計50人,每一班36小時,作為未來辦訓的參考。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "預計7月份會在台北開課,9月份在高雄開課,參訓的對象除了各部會推薦的人之外,有意申請我們多元培力就業計畫的人,或者其他對這個議題有興趣的人都可以參加。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "在簡報第4頁,我們會逐步完成社會創新人才的培訓規劃,在教材部分,有八類領域,我們會逐步完成,所以今年先擇定四類領域來做教材的彙編,未來會逐步完成各類的教材。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "簡報第5頁,各部會之前已經提供一些職能補充等新增的課程建議,我們會再邀集社會創新、教育訓練領域的專家學者提出修正課程地圖的建議。" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "最後,課程在7月、9月即將開辦,屆時我們會再提供各部會資訊,麻煩幫我們廣為周知,推薦民間單位的人員參訓,以上簡報,謝謝聆聽。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝,這個簡報很棒,可以公開嗎?" }, { "speaker": "葉良琪", "speech": "可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為大家會後會收到逐字稿及相關的簡報連結,請各個部會協助宣傳周知及推薦人來參訓,謝謝。下一個。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "三、討論事項,案由一。研商社會創新組織登錄原則,及可串聯之政府資源,請討論案。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "政委、次長及各位長官,大家好,我們要研商「社會創新組織登錄原則」,以及為了讓這個原則實際上讓社創跟社企廣為運用,因此我們希望各部會有多一點的資源來串聯。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "前面前頭的緣起是,因為經濟部在立法院第9屆第5期的黨團附帶決議裡面,有關於公司法當中,希望社會企業的定義還沒有達共識前,希望我們來研議是不是要用專章或專法來處理社企入法事宜。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "我們考量公司法是一個組織法,而且目前提出來的版本,公益公司專章沒有辦法涵蓋合作社、非營利組織,所以我們在5月的時候,廣泛邀集了社會企業、政府部門及相關當時公司法提案的一些代表,我們想說是不是由經濟部先行規劃,以行政規則的方式來推動,因此我們當時擬訂了社會創新組織登錄原則的草案。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "草案的原因是因為草案比法條更快速、彈性,而且各部會在援引使用的時候可以更便捷,我們希望用這個登錄原則,鼓勵社會創新組織來揭露社會使命。而且更重要的是,希望透過行政部門努力,提升社會大眾來認識什麼叫做社會創新組織,讓我們的擴散可以更加地快速。因此,我們在5月辦了三次的座談會,我們把版本提供出來讓先進討論。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "其實最重要的是,希望各部會跟我們提出的是,因為這一個原則,我可能有哪一些配套的資源可以讓不同的組織型態,像合作社、非營利組織、公司,依著各部會的使命,可以提供更多的資源來做串聯,然後來提高其動機,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們為何會把它叫做「社會創新組織」?主要的原因是希望跨越各種不同的組織型態,所以往下翻一下的話,我們可以看到包含了營利事業、非營利事業,營利事業當中,又包含了合夥事業、有限合夥、無線、有線、兩合等等,非營利的部分無所不包,財團法人、社團法人、人民團體、合作社及儲互社,都放在裡面,以及按照這一些農會、漁會、農田水利會及農業合作社等等的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為剛才USR這邊也有回報每一項永續發展目標在這邊都有做一些扣合,所以我們也在想說是不是計畫辦公室,而不是這所大學,這個計畫辦公室是不是也有可能納入成為組織形態。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實每一個規管的密度,在本來的主管機關是不一樣的,因此我們希望無論如何,他們都要揭露其使命,每一個揭露使命的方式、公益報告的方式,請大家參閱,主要的原因是,我們如果在公司法、在剛剛講的一堆儲蓄互助社法、合作社法等等,全部都加類似意旨的文字,希望立法院三讀,不知道什麼時候才做得完。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此我們的想法是,在行政規則這一個層級,唯一不能做的是,不能有罰則,我們是不是試著在鼓勵、沒有罰則的前提下,先試行一陣子,也讓立法委員們能夠參考試行的結果,最後再來決定採用專法、專章、專節、專條等等的方式,在法律體系當中整理完備,因此我們的動機是這樣子,這也跟當時美國的共益公司法主要的推手在來臺灣的時候也取得了他的理解,他也覺得這是很好的模式,以前厄瓜多也是用這樣的模式在做,這個背景跟大家說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是草稿的版本,因此各部會看到之後,現在如果有什麼想法就請提出,如果沒有的話,也很歡迎在5月底之前提出書面意見。有沒有任何的朋友們要詢問?" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "我再稍微補充一下,這樣的原則出來之後,其實我們有找相關的局處、部會來討論一下,其實政委剛剛有提到的,整個沒有罰則的部分,因為我們只是上架,所以大家來懲罰,只是沒有把東西填好,就是下架。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們還可以公示,還可以說哪一些人沒有填好,因此我們下架了。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "大概是這樣的概念。因此我們下架的那一條文字,各部會覺得沒有上架跟下架的標準,所以我們目前是講說如果外界有一些判決確定的,大家討論一下,然後就讓他下架,這是第一點補充,可能各部會對於這一個部分有一些疑慮的話,這可能是可以再聊一聊的。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "第二,因為我們可能時間來不及,之前找了一些社企的組織來討論過,像NPO的部分還沒有,像NPO的部分,比如內政部或者是勞動部一起推薦,瞭解到我們現在做的情況,他們這樣的東西有沒有辦法配合,我們未來會再開一次會,再找這一些NPO的組織來聊一聊。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "第三,真的要麻煩各單位幫忙,也就是怎麼樣的資源可以配搭上來,社創組織才願意上來登錄,以自己經濟部來看,剛剛有提到共同公益契約的部分,要上架的組織,一定是要在上面登錄有案,我們才可以上共同公益契約,這個是經濟部的配套,有關於Buying Power是社創組織的登錄,因此希望未來配搭。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "因此盤點這一些資源的時候,希望可以給這一些有登錄的社創組織。另外,剛剛有提到補助的事情,如果社創組織參加SEWF,如果在上面登錄的,我們是不是就補多一點,也可以類似像這樣的方式,讓更多人也願意去做這樣的登錄跟揭露,讓這樣的平台受到更多人的認識或者是願意參與,以上補充,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我們也瞭解這一個規管密度很低的——很可能是最低的一個——沒有罰則,但是我們沒有說這個一定是大家的一些獎勵辦法或者是一些鼓勵辦法充足條件,也可以把它當作是其中一個必要條件之一,像共同公益契約,這絕對不是充足條件,而是必要條件,而且是必要條件之一。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個要經過審核,才可以經過共同公益契約,並不是進了登錄之後,而具有很強的排他性,運氣好的話,是希望所有的組織都可以登錄,是希望往這個方式登錄,各個嚴格規管,希望在組織形態、業務範圍當中再更進一步規管,好比是做投資的話,事實上很難是在非營利事業組織適用,必須要轉成像債券等等的融資來使用,這個並不是所有部會的資源都當作是必要條件,當然更不是充分條件,而是必要條件裡面可以參考的一個條件,大概是這樣的強度。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有什麼想要提出來的?" }, { "speaker": "胡士琳", "speech": "謝謝政委,教育部這邊想要詢問一下,剛才有特別提到,USR計畫的部分,希望能夠把它納入登錄的範圍。" }, { "speaker": "胡士琳", "speech": "想確認一下,現行各個學校執行的USR計畫團隊,不見得會有明確的計畫辦公室,如果是以教育部整體USR計畫的推動中心來講,也是隸屬於一個大學當中,在登錄之後,要揭露相關的章程或者是契約,或者合夥契約等等的內容,可能就現行的推動模式,大概會跟大學的章程有一些混淆,因此請示如果希望把大學在執行USR的這一件事也共同登錄,有一些條款的規範是不是可有特殊性的敘寫。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然可以,其實對於有限合夥跟合夥事業其實就已經不是章程了,因為根本就沒有章程了,我想每一個組織型態一定都有需要重新檢視的部分,如果我們現在對於好比像這一個USR的計畫本身,並不是一個法人,所以有法人格的是大學而已,這個執行中的大學是用什麼方式來揭露,所屬USR的公益報告書,其實文字會跟這邊的章程兩個字有無法扣合之處,是不是麻煩教育部給一個文字來,我們就寫進去。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "再看其他部會的朋友有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。當然可以,其實對於有限合夥跟合夥事業其實就已經不是章程了,因為他們根本就沒有章程,所以我想每一個組織型態一定都有需要重新檢視的部分,如果我們現在是對於好比像這個USR的計畫本身,本身並不是法人,所以唯一有法人格的就是大學而已,而這個所執行中的大學是用什麼方式來揭露,所屬的USR的公益報告書,文字跟這邊的「章程」二字有無法扣合之處,麻煩教育部給出一個文字來,我們直接寫進去,好不好?" }, { "speaker": "胡士琳", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛講到非營利事業——包含合作事業——這一個部分的會談,很希望所屬的部會先把這樣的草案大概描述給相關的利害關係人知道,5月底之前如果可以提出這樣的名單,這邊應該就會辦座談會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在5月底之前,如果有先盤點出來,可以把這樣子的登錄當作是剛才講的充分,而不是必要條件之一的相關資源的話,好比像如果有一些獎勵創新,這一些社會創新組織,也把它加到創新各個不同項目中間之一,像其實以我所知,中企處就是這樣在做,現有創新獎跟產業創新並列的做法,或者是創櫃版也是把社會創新當作創新的認定原則等等,你們所屬的原則裡面有提到創新、社會效益的,這一些部分都麻煩盤點一下,把第一波所能夠釋出的,交給中企處這邊進行彙整,這個是滾動的,並不是這一班車開走就不能再提。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "登錄原則第一次對外公布的時候,這個是立法院要求我們所提供的案子,我們不會只有很乾的條文,而是登錄之後有哪一些具體的資源可以運用,大概是這樣的政策目的。請說。" }, { "speaker": "田基武", "speech": "主席、各位先進,這邊先請教一下,因為在規定第4點當中,一直強調所謂的「定期」,「定期」怎麼算?是開始登記的時候算?或是每一年在什麼時候要來做登錄的動作?這是不是可以再講得比較清楚一點?" }, { "speaker": "田基武", "speech": "因為我們是管理財團法人的部分,就以喜憨兒基金會為例,他們會怎麼寫這個東西?如果有一些範例,其他的基金會知道原來要登錄的是這些,可從章程當中截取哪一部分進行揭露,我想這樣子會幫助更多的團體願意加入,他們會認為這些已經在做了,可以使他們覺得那不是陌生的,而不至有抗拒的情形,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。這個是非常好的提醒,我們這邊的文字是,每一年揭露,並沒有說每一年的什麼時候揭露,我們在第4點的時候也是一年未揭露,所以這個實質的意思是,每一年可以挑自己喜歡的任何時候來揭露,只要在1月1日至12月31日中間的任何一個時間點為揭露就可以了,所以剛才講說規管密度是所有相關組織裡面最寬鬆的,可以今年1月揭露,然後明年12月31日再來揭露,因此目前的文字是這個意思,如果需要細修的話,我想之後經濟部的法規朋友們再來細修這個文字。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於有沒有從非營利組織的角度來看,一些財務報告裡面,有關於公益影響力範本等等,這一些是喜憨兒基金會被cue了,要回答嗎?" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "未來會依營利事業、非營利事業稍微有一些範本,未來在填的時候,可以很簡單陳述其要表達的事實,應該會有範本。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實在場的三個社企高峰會的主辦單位都是這一方面的專家,如果對於製作公益報告書或者是怎麼樣揭露章程對於社會使命扣合有一些疑義的話,其實之前在社會企業行動方案時,其實從經濟部這邊就有一些範本出來了,當時有一些模範章程等等的範本,我們現在也應該要重新解釋,就是更新到我們最新的文字,儘量讓兩邊的文字加以扣合,這個是非常好的提醒。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想儘量針對每一個不同的組織形態,不只是營利、非營利,營利、非營利之1、之2、之3的六種型態都有不同的指引,他們的組織架構都不一樣,可能都各自舉出一些需要注意的事項,這樣的話,大家在填報的時候,才會覺得我本來就在做這一件事,也就是把我做的事公開而已。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然,另外還有看到的是下架其實是未揭露,並不是未充分揭露,所以意思是如果在寫的是比較草率或者是怎麼樣,這一些都是公開的,所以整個社群會去輔導他,下一年做得更好,但是如果填的是不夠完整或者不夠詳細的話,其實沒有要把它下架,我們只是希望他下一年做得更好,我們提供的範本跟實際的情況不一致,也有再回過頭來參考其他人在上一年所填列的公益報告,然後做得更好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,這個是完全幾乎沒有罰則,幾乎不太可能下架的情況,只要大家還願意每一年把自己登錄的內容越填越詳細,大家越來越知道彼此的社會使命是什麼,我們目前是在這個狀態。" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "請看到(三)「2」,目前這邊寫「農業合作社法」,目前沒有這一部法,看是要直接將「農業」去掉,或者是歸到前面的「合作社」就可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "將「農業合作社」拿掉好了,因為合作社跟儲互社已經放一起了,我想放一起,你們ok嗎?" }, { "speaker": "陳佳容", "speech": "可以。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這兩個是廣義的合作事業,我們就放在同一個分項。有沒有其他要提出來的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,就對於這個文字或者是未來可以提供的資源,儘量在月底之前,也就是一個禮拜的時間進行初步的盤點。" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "這個程序,我們可能就會循一般的程序報院,到時再請行政院做處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然。我想今天的這個會議,我們責成經濟部循一般的法規流程,對不對?我知道這個是部的行政規則。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個是行政規則,簡單來講是各位在援引這個規則的時候,其實本來就可以援引,也就是跨部會援引行政規則,只是法過來不能援引他而已,但是現在也沒有要立什麼法來援引,所以我會建議在部的層級處理,然後在下次的社創會議,如果你們已經頒布的話,來進行一個報告案,可以嗎?" }, { "speaker": "胡貝蒂", "speech": "好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們這樣處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果可以的話,我們就下一個。" }, { "speaker": "鍾宜珊", "speech": "案由二,109年度Buying Power社會創新產品及服務採購機制,以及亞太社會創新合作獎規劃,請討論案。請同仁簡報。" }, { "speaker": "侯家楷", "speech": "長官、各位先進,團隊這邊來作說明,有關於Buying Powe及亞太社會創新獎的規劃,事實上這兩個獎項背後的命題,其實我們在思考的是,如何設計獎項或獎勵的政策來帶動資源進入社創的領域,因此前面會先稍作一些分析來說明這個背景。" }, { "speaker": "侯家楷", "speech": "爬梳整個從社會企業到社會創新的過程,現在走到從過去培養單獨的創業家,到現在思考如何引導跨界的進行合作,所以在面對同一個社會問題當中,不管是投資人、企業方、政府、社會企業、非營利組織如何共同投入,這個共同的投入不管像高峰會的實踐,除了這個之外,我們都在思考怎麼樣有一些誘因來設計。" }, { "speaker": "侯家楷", "speech": "要多方的合作,就爬梳一下各自目前的現況,從社會企業最近這個大調查之外,KPMG最近有一個內部的客戶資料來跟大家分享,左邊的縱軸是一個營收的規劃,下方是成立的年限,圈圈大小是人數的規模,雖然近幾年受限景氣的影響,但是社創在整個市場的改變下,不管是因為食安的議題或者因為主流企業CSR開始願意用更高的成本來採購社會創新產品及服務時,社創企業整體是有成長的。其實過去大家的印象是小型偏多,但是目前來看,十年以上在整個成長階段的,其實不是少數,營收破億基本上超過快十家左右。" }, { "speaker": "侯家楷", "speech": "隨著社創企業的成長,帶動的是企業這邊要如何面對跟因應,有很多不一樣的討論,其實從CSR切入的觀點來說,這樣的合作其實是訴求共同的戰略價值,其實乍聽之下,企業做社會資源投入時都是以回饋的目的,不過以這幾年觀察來說,有越來越多企業CSR的主管會跟業務部門聯手合作,因此他們在問的問題是,比如以零售通路商來說好了,過去有一些公益資源在做慈善的捐贈,但他們現在會討論的是,能不能省下一點慈善捐贈的比例來跟企業合作,因為在市場上社會企業的產品是越來越有競爭力的,其實反而是比較貴的。" }, { "speaker": "侯家楷", "speech": "目前在中小企業處這邊除了這兩個獎項之外,其實有非常多跟主流企業工作,其實是可以怎麼企業本身的競爭力,但是這個都是在前期的階段,慢慢有越來越人接受了,因此我們也在思考在前期溝通的過程,有沒有怎麼樣是最有效的方式來降低溝通門檻,因此獎項才是我們後來討論出來的第一步。" }, { "speaker": "侯家楷", "speech": "快速說明一下,在這兩個獎項的實踐,我從Buying Power其實就是訴求國內內須市場的成長,在這兩年的實踐當中,遊戲規則非常簡單,只要採購到一定的額度,採購的對象是上一案在討論的社會創新組織登記資料庫的廠商,只要在上面登記之後,主流企業在上面瀏覽,然後願意採購,把它的憑證送給我們執行單位做確認之後,他就可以敘獎。" }, { "speaker": "侯家楷", "speech": "第一年測試的時候,106年做了8,200萬,當時在整個光譜當中,年節贈禮是相對多數,但是在去年就成長到1億5,000萬。數字成長之外,其實我們看到最令人振奮的是,在供應鏈採購的部分,不管是鮮乳坊、露易莎,全家、芙彤園,其實一年的單都是超過3,000萬以上的,應該是說這個獎項其實在企業內部會降低溝通成本,讓他們的業務單位可以感覺有多一點的目的性去讓利,然後讓業務單位去設計合作,但是在嘗試過後,看到消費者的反映是正面的、營收是成長的,到目前為止都有越來越多的企業跟我們討論如果要系統性的採購或者是跟他們的採購科談,怎麼樣開闢一個專門的渠道來討論社企的產品怎麼進到他的通路,甚至到他的核心本業,像壽險業有越來越多跟長照團隊合作,這也是業務上的往來,這都在計算的範圍內,因此這個獎項的實踐在內須市場,因此一直協助社創的廠商跟主流企業做更多B2B的對接。" }, { "speaker": "侯家楷", "speech": "回到亞太社會創新獎的部分,在於臺灣推動社會創新這麼多年來開始舉辦高峰會累積討論,我們也在思考是不是可以用政府的名義來看亞太的一些案例,甚至是做一個敘獎的動作,但是事實上就經濟部的立場而言,有一個更經濟面向的考量,雖然社會創新是非常有地緣性跟社區性的,我們想說藉由亞太獎的掃描過程中,是不是可以看到一些案例,其背後的脈絡是相似的,或許可以透過這個網絡來瞭解是不是可以到彼此的國家踩點,或者是看看是不是有複製的可能,因此在這一次社會創新合作獎裡面,我們組了七國的評審團,總共有十三個國家、六十二件的申請案,我們在上個月的高峰會有頒獎。" }, { "speaker": "侯家楷", "speech": "現在有越來越多的討論,現在私底下不管是新加坡或者是泰國的團隊就會說是不是有更多的機會來臺灣討論合作的細節,或是邀請臺灣得獎代表去那邊做更多的開發。" }, { "speaker": "侯家楷", "speech": "這兩個獎項在未來的規劃當中,以經濟部的立場來說,希望邀請各部會的長官一起來參與,就是在這個亞太社會創新合作獎的部分,因為蒐集亞太各國的案例及資料,因此這一邊在簡報上有囊括各個獎項有不同部會一起參與,像不管是相關的討論或者是案例的研析,又或者是來參與或者是與會,這個是合作獎的部分。" }, { "speaker": "侯家楷", "speech": "在Buying Power的部分,因為畢竟是帶動國內市場、搭配登記資料庫的設計,希望各部會的長官可以鼓勵旗下的一些社會創新組織來登錄,因為會成為敘獎的採購對象,除了變成採購對象之外,各部會如果可以參與跟設計一些獎別,像勞動部可以有一個就業促進獎,像旗下陪伴的團隊,在這個資料庫裡面也可以讓企業看到,除了多元就業培力方案補助之外,還有更多來自於市場的關注、資源,我們要去架構那個可能性。" }, { "speaker": "侯家楷", "speech": "以金管會的例子,是在談跟主流企業於對接的時候,是不是可以有一個企業的社會創新獎,去刺激他們思考履行應該有的CSR責任之外,是不是可以更積極擁抱環境與社會風險來變成商業模式之一,農委會可以提一個食農創新獎,衛福部可以談一個長期照護的獎,教育部可以談教育創新獎。" }, { "speaker": "侯家楷", "speech": "我們在做未來的規劃,也就是希望怎麼樣利用這個政策工具可以吸引更多的資源,除了看到社會創新一部分的創意團隊之外,其實各部會都有非常多不一樣的組織,如何把資源或內須市場打開。" }, { "speaker": "侯家楷", "speech": "因此,結論而言,是誠摯以經濟部的立場來說希望大家可以一起參與獎別,可以把生態系做得更完整。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "尤其最後Buying Power的組織形態跟使命多元化,我想滿重要,尤其是接下來的登錄原則,會特別包含大學、非營利組織的各種型態來進行溝通,他們也會想說在做的事情,是不是也可以被相關部會的朋友們所理解,因為對一個好比像大學的U-start或者USR的團隊來講,我或者是經濟部的部長來頒獎,比起教育部長來頒獎,他們可能比較喜歡教育部長來頒獎,其實是差很多的,各部會所屬相關大概都有類似的情況,因此一部分看是不是可以向上管理一下,給部長、次長來頒獎,二方面是希望透過各自的管道來周知,透過這樣的話,也才可以累積社群,第二個是好的型態讓大家知道像大家知道跨部門整合是可以做得非常好的,因此很誠摯希望大家儘量來響應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有其他想要詢問的?" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "因為我們已經登錄306家社創新生的LINE群組,其中有一位社創的夥伴是愛物的貨品,他說政府一直常常做宣導品,是不是宣導品不要因為(價格)壓得很低,即便買了社創,又叫社創去買一整本供應商的宣導品,是不是可以給他們製作宣導品,量的質感好一點。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "像大家打開我們用心幫大家準備的小茶點,像勝利廚房來說,其實他跟喜憨兒一樣,以前我自己是做內政部優先採購,我們要買身障的烘焙或者是便當,有時吃一次,Oh My God,對不起。" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "除了介紹他自己以外,還會告訴他今天主要的客戶,也就是我們的承辦單位,是說這個是為了台經院客製安心好餐盒,現在要走的,不管是買一般好吃的或是吳寶春的,已經不輸他了,他有這樣的企圖心,因此希望各部會可以給他這樣的舞臺。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "感謝,請大家參考。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "剛剛的社創調查裡面也有說,只要品質是一致的情況下,為了社會或者是環境講得出造成什麼積極地影響,大家願意投入高達10%的議價購買,在這個過程中,我想公部門也可以考慮一下這一方面的做法,畢竟每一個部會都有自己的社會跟環境使命,只要能夠扣合又不犧牲品質的話,也許可以考慮更緊密的夥伴關係,這個是秀玲發言的用意。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看有沒有其他的動議要提出來?" }, { "speaker": "呂貞慧", "speech": "針對Buying Power,這個是具有鼓勵的效果,但是頭獎是500萬,我不知道額度是怎麼訂出來的,因為像現在有總統創新獎,我們的額度其實是200萬,其實額度並不會那麼高,但是這個獎勵效果是一定有的,不知道500萬、100萬、50萬,頭獎的500萬額度是不是已經訂了,或者是這個預算本身就已經編列了?" }, { "speaker": "黃秀玲", "speech": "抱歉,這個是「買」啦!以前最會買的是我們經濟部跟我的好朋友勞動部,這個是「買」的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是得獎的人付錢,不是頒獎的人付錢(笑)。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個簡報也許未來也可以適度做一些調整,你應該是說「採購:500萬」、「採購:100萬」、「採購:50萬」,不會讓大家覺得好像你得了一獎,忽然間就進帳500萬,不是這樣子的,而是前面要加一個負號,但是不是這樣,謝謝這邊的意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有要提出討論?如果沒有的話,我們很準時,不到6點就結束這個會議,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "大家好,謝謝大家今天在這個滿重要的日子撥冗來參加今天上午的協作會議,這個案子其實也延宕了滿久,希望今天可以有一些事實上的釐清,也讓中選會這邊做充足的說明。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們今天協作會議的形式跟過往比較不一樣,我們先介紹一下主持團隊,大家可以看到跟我穿一樣衣服的都是唐鳳辦公室的同仁,我今天跟雨蒼是主持人,大家會聚在這邊就是因為去年底有這樣的提案,由網友在網路上提出了「支持修正公民投票法,明訂不得透過提出公投的方式,限制、剝奪或介紹人民享有的基本權利」,所以今天大家坐在這邊一起討論,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我先簡單說明一下今天的議程,今天跟一般的協作會議方式不太一樣,我們通常協作會議會開六個小時,上午經過事實釐清跟開放討論之後,我們下午還會再分組針對核心的問題來討論,但是因為這個議題其實不管在行政院院內或者是立法院請已經都有諸多的討論,為了不要太耽誤大家的時間,而且現在其實戰場已經轉到立法院了,今天只切上半場,今天還是會把主持團隊在這一、兩個月來訪談、資料蒐集及院版的新修正草案會跟大家做一個事實的釐清,然後接下來請中選會回應之後會開放現場討論,所有有疑問、補充意見的都可以提出來,我們會在12點的時候就結束今天的會議。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個網址是右邊那一個,大家可以看一下,因為今天的會議有直播,我先請教一下,有不願意直播的人嗎?有現場任何人覺得今天不應該直播嗎?如果沒有的話,我們就秉持著開放政府透明的精神,我們今天就直播,讓沒有辦法到現場的,然後更多關心一個議題的民眾看到我們的討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個網址大家可以用手機直接收入一下,就直接打,進去之後輸入00524,就是今天的日期,可以在線上提問,可以匿名、具名提問,看直播的網友如果有正在聽現在會議討論的話,也可以輸入這個網址在線上提問,我們會把問題收攏進來。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "說一下為什麼今天會有這一場的協作會議?因為去年底這樣的提案,10月29日在國發會公共政策參與平台通過了,在12月6日非常快速達標,去年11月24日剛過,那時候講亂象,都有非常多的感觸,覺得是非常重大的事情,因此非常快速的成案,經過行政院PO月會投票之後,這個議題就形成,我們在今天一起召開一場協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "因為我們今天的人數其實比過往少一些,通常我們的協作會議一場會有30至40人,我們今天還是快速的請大家彼此花1分鐘的時間,知道你是誰、你來自哪一個單位跟議題的連結是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "孫魯良", "speech": "大家好,我叫孫魯良,我來自法務部,我與這個議題的關聯性是兩公約施行法的主管機關。" }, { "speaker": "蔡寶惠", "speech": "各位與會的代表大家好,我是行政院性別平等處的代表,我們今天有承辦同仁跟我來與會參加,我們跟這個議題的關聯性是因為我們性平處有主辦一個CEDAL的公約,因此跟這一個案子有一些關聯,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "大家好,我是中選會法政處處長,今天主要公投審議的業務是我們出來負責的,所以有機會跟我們來說明一下,我們現在公投法立法這個過程,因此我們覺得這個機會難得,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐效鈞", "speech": "大家好,我是中選會法政處的科長,也是代表主管機關來參加這個協作會議,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "Jackroy", "speech": "大家好,目前是學生,議題的關聯性就是我目前是提案人。" }, { "speaker": "Alice", "speech": "大家好,我的名字叫做Alice。我現在是一個家庭主婦,我跟這個議題的關聯是,我在網路上看到這個連署,我覺得看起來很值得支持,所以我就連署了,有人告訴我說今天有這樣的協作會議,只有五個名額,我就說這樣子看起來好像很值得參加,所以我就強迫了我的家人幫我帶2歲的小孩,讓我可以孤身來到這裡跟大家一起切磋,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "大家好,我是輔大法律系的吳志光老師。我對這個議題的關聯性,因為唐鳳委員辦公室有跟我聯絡,說希望提供一些資訊意見,我個人對公民投票有一些研究,因為每一個人的時間有限,所以特別附了一個約莫在一個月前發表的文章,剛好是中華民國憲法學會就公投議題所辦的研討會,跟今天的主題有直接關聯,等下如果有發言未盡周全之處的話,有的部分我會儘量講白話,非學術性,非法律人看起來有一點吃力,以上。" }, { "speaker": "林孟葳", "speech": "我來自蘇巧慧委員辦公室,我們辦公室有提供公投法的修正案。" }, { "speaker": "丁宇徵", "speech": "大家好,我是李俊俋委員辦公室,法案助理丁宇徵,來這裡聽大家的意見。" }, { "speaker": "戴宜光", "speech": "大家好,我是林靜儀委員辦公室的戴宜光,因為我們辦公室有提一個版本,所以來這裡跟大家共同討論,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "祝健芳", "speech": "各位夥伴大好,我是衛福部社家署的代表,我是祝健芳副署長,我們今天會過來,主要是因為這個議題涉及到我們目前擔任幕僚的兒權公約跟身權公約,我們的同仁一一自我介紹。" }, { "speaker": "黃慧真", "speech": "大家早,我是衛福部社家署身心障礙福利組的同仁,我叫黃慧真,我們這邊是負責身權公約。" }, { "speaker": "李宜蓁", "speech": "大家早,我是衛福部社家署李宜蓁,我們是負責兒童權利公約的幕僚作業,很高興跟大家進行交流及討論。" }, { "speaker": "王靜媛", "speech": "各位大家好,我是衛福部社家署王靜媛專案助理,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "大家好,我是臺灣陪審團協會的監事,後面我的辦公室主任林秉權,我也是臺灣公民參與協會的理事長,我們有組了一個民間公投修法聯盟,由七個公民團體來組成,我們特別關心公投的修法,因此到此瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "林秉權", "speech": "大家好,我是臺灣陪審團協會的主任林秉權,就像剛剛所說的,我們有要提一個修法版本,我們今天來看看提出什麼樣的建議與交流,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝大家,請容我佔用大家一點時間,跟大家說明一下什麼是唐鳳政委辦公室這兩年多來推動的開放政府協作會議,舉一個5月報稅的例子好了,大家不知道2018年、2019年的改版,其實是我們辦公室跟財政部合作的,為何會有這個合作?其實當初是有網友在公共政策參與平台上提案,說報稅軟體爆炸難用,每一次報稅氣得要死,安裝元件裝不了,整個流程非常不順暢等等,然後那時候時代力量黃國昌委員在質詢財政部有提出這樣的說法。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "當時有一個財政部的開放政府聯絡人認為這個問題需要被解決,還不到5,000人連署成案時,就主動找我們辦公室協助,一起用協作會議的方式來解決這個問題。我簡單來說,因為比較牽涉到技術流程的改變,所以我們從頭到尾開了四場,主要是要找使用者自己來改善畫面,是誰?也就是在網路上提案爆炸難用的人,或者是網路上一些資訊界的朋友,覺得這個政府的軟體怎麼可以這麼爛,罵得最大聲的人就把他們找來一起討論,問他們怎麼樣比較好。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "當然同時間公部門也要找一些專家陪同,因為很多時候民眾想像的畫面可能不見得在技術上做得出來,所以那一場會議就會有公部門的人、網路上的民眾,還有一些資訊專家一起參加,讓大家自己來畫,覺得報稅軟體每一個頁面要怎麼樣才會比較順暢。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們開了四場的會議,包括請國稅局內部的同仁自己先做內部測試,我們盤點出問題,把問題面向擴大之後,把整個流程攤開來,大家一步步看每一個細節應該如何,然後作充分討論,所以2018年改了第一版,後來因為Mac的系統不太能用,所以2019年再改了一版。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個是我們的成果,雖然在前期看起來會比財政部自己外包一個資訊廠商來得久,因為你要做非常非常多的討論,然後你可能會曠日費時,通常公部門都會很擔心,在前面討論這麼久,政策什麼時候要推出,什麼時候才可以改報稅軟體,結果其實滿好的,一方面在網路上找聲量很大的人來參與了,意見也貢獻進去了,其實實際上報稅軟體,我想今年大家應該會體會到比過去兩年好用非常多,因此在政策的推行上就會少了非常多民間反彈的力道。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這其實是開放政府的核心,民眾通常都會覺得政府應該服務提供者,你們有專業、資源,所以你們應該要提供一個非常好的政策,公部門通常也都這樣想,所以很常自己閉門造車、找專家學者開會,政策施行之後到身上就被罵翻了,不食人間煙火、難以落實等等,公部門心裡也非常苦,並不是沒有做事,也是加班,做得要死,為什麼永遠都會遭到民眾的罵聲,是不是非常民粹、民眾不理性等等,可是我們想要說的是,其實我們應該把所有的使用者,也就是一般的民眾拉到最前面一起參與討論,雖然在前面政策制定跟討論的階段,看起來成本比較高,其實是把未來外部的成本、不可控的成本在前面就提早解決了,這個是開放政府的核心。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "要再說一遍,開放政府是希望透過資訊透明,像今天會有直播、逐字稿的紀錄,還有資料開放的方式擴大公民參與,沒有到會議現場的民眾,他們只要關心這個議題都可以透過線上的方式或者是搜尋會議的逐字稿,可以瞭解大家討論的脈絡。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "政策的課責不只是公部門制定、政策的人需要被課責,如果民眾比較前期要給意見的話,每個人都要為自己的意見負責。涵融多元的意見,我們儘量蒐集利害關係人的想法,我們有形成了一套制度,就像各個部會有國會聯絡人、新聞聯絡人,其實唐鳳政委上任之後,因為林全院長的指示,我們有一套開放政府聯絡人制度,在行政院轄下的30幾個部會,每一個部會都有一個以上的PO,就是負責對內溝通跟對外協調的工作,因此訂定了一個要點。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "開放政府主要是這四大精神:透明、參與、涵融及課責。為何需要呢?剛剛就不贅述了,就字面上可以望文生義,為何需要開放政府?其實最主要是希望可以建立起公部門跟民眾間的互信,而不是互相地指責或者是謾罵,這個其實可以減少非常多的溝通成本,也會讓公共政策在制定的過程中不會搖擺不定,讓社會付出更大的成本。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們所謂的開放政府協作會議,協作會議其實只是一套執行剛剛那四大精神的工具而已,如果像有些部會,比如衛福部,很常在網路上有提案,很多案子跟衛福部相關,衛福部說本來就有找公民參加的會議、有逐字稿,會議也夠透明等等,他們某種程度已經符合這樣的精神,所以並不是一定要開完六個小時會議,很工具性的才叫做「開放政府協作會議」,並不是,而是在政策制定的過程中融入這樣的精神就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "還有一個非常重要的是,每一個人的意見都一樣重要,我想這個跟大家平常在電視上看到對議題的發聲很不一樣,通常大家就是動員,今天要站在哪一邊,就動員非常多的人去,就算來了一百個人、五百個人就代表一個聲音及立場。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "但是開放政府的精神是你有一百個人同一個意見,你是一個利害關係人,但是你們來了兩個人,卻有不同的想法,我們應該把你們的意見平等並陳,因為你們代表兩種不同的觀點,不同的觀點對於政策制定其實都有幫助、好處的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個就是比較概念性的東西,我簡單說過就好了,或許沒有實際案例,因此會很難理解。比如像剛剛所說的報稅系統,被民眾點出一個問題,我們會先蒐集一些資料,然後找利害關係人,包含網民、專家或者是部會來協作,我們會先把問題發散,到底這個問題這麼小或者是有更多的面向、更深層的問題需要被解決,先做發散,發散完之後發現最後的核心問題並不是本來的那一個。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我舉一個例子,像先前有一個提案是「解除機車兩段式待轉」,民眾抱怨很多不要機車兩段式待轉的話,最直觀的方式要解除或者不要解除,但是事實上真的跟機車兩段式待轉絕對關係嗎?不是,我們找民眾來討論之後,先發散之後再收斂,核心的問題的確是有部分的待轉格太突出了,所以待轉區變成待撞區,大家覺得非常不安全,但是並不是所有的待轉區都不安全,真正要解決的是那一些不安全的待轉區。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "有什麼樣的解決方式?有可能太突出的就調整它,或者是現在有少數的路段其實有機車的左轉道,可能會發展出不同的解法,讓民眾使用的體驗可以更好、可以達到真正的目的。這大概個是我們每一個協作會議或是政策制定的流程,大概都會經歷過需要先盤點問題、發散,然後找出真正需要被解決的問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這是我們今天會議希望大家都可以謹記在心,每一個人的發言都一樣重要,不管你今天的官位如何,或者你只是一個高中生或者是來自哪裡,你們的意見都非常重要,而且希望透過這樣的平台、討論,可以達成互信。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "接下來,我們會先佔用一點時間,幫大家釐清一下之前做的一些訪談跟資料關於這個提案,或許大家對於整個公投法修正有更多面向的意見或者是問題的探討。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我先簡單說一下看起來有一點複雜的工具是什麼,其實大家只要放大裡面的字就好了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "等一下請大家看這兩個螢幕的重點是什麼?這個是全景圖,這個議題我們資料蒐集之後,展開整個是這樣子,為了讓大家看字填的是什麼,所以會縮大、放小,你們等一下可以對照一下我們現在講的這個便利貼可能是在哪一個位置,要麻煩大家第一次看到的人關一下,但是我們先利用這個工具幫大家盤點一下問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "依照中選會的網站,其實公民投票有一個流程,就是從提案到最後有一個流程,所以會分為第一個提案是提案、第二個提案是連署階段、第三個階段是連署成案後會有公告討論的階段,最後會有執行或者是司法訴訟的階段。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們從第一個階段開始盤點起,大家幫我看一下,如果資訊有任何的錯誤或者是有意見要補充時,麻煩請提出來,我們現場會有夥伴幫忙大家把即時的意見再貼上去,我們會做即時處理,會全部收攏在一起。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們先看第一個提案階段,大家看橘色的便利貼,這個是中選會院版有回應的部分,我們有橘色跟相對應的法條,等一下會幫大家說,接下來是意見蒐集的部分。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們訪談蒐集到的意見是,中選會在審核提案時,判斷涉憲的標準可能過於寬鬆。或者是跨提案有衝突時,有沒有導致違憲的風險?提案如果涉及國際公約的時候,中選會是否有能力判斷是否違反?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "綠色的便利貼是「建議」,他們建議如果提案涉及國際公約的話,應該要由公部門負責的秘書或者是幕僚單位來判定,有關於判斷涉憲標準過於寬鬆的部分,當初民眾希望可以在公投法裡面增訂憲法所保障權利內容不得違反。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "還有另外一個面向是,如果提案人數不足的話,補提的次數可以有幾次,不足就一直亂提,不能讓行政機關有抬高的成本,所以那個提案次數或許也需要限制,這一次在第10條裡面也有寫到「提案人數不足,補提一次」為限。大家可以看到在提案的部分,中選會其實有主動回應,包含院版的未來提案要有簡文,簡文不超過10個字,主文不超過50個字,你的理由數不要超過1,000個字,必須要非常言簡意賅你的提案及需求是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第1條是有關於會不會涉及人權議題,其實第1條已經新訂進去了,「明定不得違反我國已締結經總統批准或公布之國際人權公約及其施行法」,這次是明定在第1條的草案裡面,可能民眾還是有問題,但是人權的議題非常抽象跟廣泛,什麼議題要推到底都可能涉及人權,比如核電廠要不要興建,也涉及環境權跟人權,所以這個模糊可能是一般民眾會擔心的,請中選會進一步幫我們說明。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "也有民眾提議是不是可以在提案的階段就加入司法合憲的檢查機制,但是當然也有另外一部分的說法是其實司法院是被動的,如果在這個時候主動進場的話,也會有很大的問題。另外一個是,希望可以修正公民投票法,實際上行政部門也已經做了一些回應。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "提案審核之後,中選會就會決定這個提案是合憲或是不合憲,不合憲的就要舉辦一場聽證會,並且中選會會請提案人補正你的資料,這邊大家有什麼意見?第一個,有人認為利害關係人認定有問題,他覺得這一題也想要參加聽證會表達意見,因為覺得這一題是合憲、想要被發表,但是可能不被認為是利害關係人,沒有被邀請到場,有可能會造成民眾不滿的部分。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二,聽證會的會議紀錄會是不是可以更完整透明?讓沒有辦法參與、沒有辦法認定利害關係人的人,也可以瞭解當天討論的脈絡,還有中選會當初給出的結論是否合理?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "具體的建議是:第一,是不是可以放寬利害關係人的認定;第二個是不是可以加入像法庭之友制度。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "聽證會舉辦完之後,中選會會再進一步審核,如果還是不合憲的話,提案人會聲請大法官解釋或者是中選會做這樣的動作。如果聽證會舉辦結束之後是合憲的,通過的話,可能會有一些問題,第一個是如果遭到駁回,但提案人不希望處理的話,其他想要附議的人、想要舉行這個公投的人,就沒有其他救濟的管道。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二個是反方認為有違憲疑義的話,他們的救濟管道好像也不太足夠。針對這邊提出的建議是,如果提起訴願的話,被駁回就要再提起行政訴訟。但是可能有一些問題,司法程序非常曠日費時,像今天5月24日是特別的日子,當初提這個案子的伴侶盟,他們當初有打官司,可是他們提出行政救濟之後,一直到公投結束,那個案子其實都還在非常前端,所以對他們真正的主張,好像有一點於事無補,所以他們當然會提出這樣的疑慮。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "具體的建議是,希望審核的機制可以調整、審核的時間拉長,在提案審核的階段,或許可以讓其他救濟管道有進場的機會。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "中選會其實在救濟管道於這一次修法有一些具體的回應,第一個是「為終局不受理之救濟:行政爭訟,保全證據」等等,在第53條他們有做一些相關的規定、給予回應。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "再來,去年11月24日公投爭議非常大的,像非本人連署的問題,其實這一次的修法,第10條之1有增加電子連署的部分,一般民眾都會覺得在連署階段,其實審查的機制應該要更嚴謹,但如何嚴謹,其實大家眾說紛紜,像很多人會說連署的時候,應該要附上身分證影本,這一次中選會的修正草案第9條加進去,直接做回應,或者是要請連署的人要附上相關的資料等等。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第12條、第13條是這次院版草案裡面所多出來的,連署人的名冊要以提出一次為限,不能造成中選會造成太多的行政成本和負擔,如果不合規定的話,只能再補提一次,這是大家自我約束或者是看重公投案。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "如果連署之後審查,會再分案、不成案,不成案的,我們就沒有蒐集到太多的意見,成案的話就可以成立辦事處及反方的辦事處,像會有電視發表會、辯論及公共討論等等。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "大部分有一些想法,成案之後到投票當日的公共討論時間太短,這個是大家沒有辦法讓大家因為資訊夠透明跟足夠的討論,所以這一次中選會在第23條草案有提出來連署成案之後到投票日一定是三個月以上、六個月以內的討論時間才足夠,他們的確有修法做出回應。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "另外,假反方取得的資源從哪裡來,像境外資金也是大家的疑慮,大家希望明訂查證機制。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "另外,無法立即查證錯誤資訊的散播,像電視辯論會的時候,有可能不同價值觀的人會覺得對方講的是錯誤的資訊,但在那個當下沒有辦法被即時釐清。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二個是資金量不對等造成傳播資訊不對等,像民間其實有一些意見,包含公投宣傳的機制是不是應該做一些控管,還有辯論會或是公眾討論之後,相關部會要澄清哪一些資訊被誤傳,行政機關應該要澄清或是用廣告或是影片的方式來做反宣傳。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這邊還有一個問題:連署案成立之後成立辦事處,但是如果登記為反方,就很難管制,因為有政治獻金的問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們可以看一下這邊有非常多橘色的東西,其實投票當日,大家覺得非常亂,然後中選會做非常多的回應,像大家覺得投票非常卡,少數開票都有人宣傳、拍照等等,投票方式的優化,限制每次公投的提案數量,或是設立公投日應該避開大選,這是當時蒐集到的民間意見。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "中選會做的一些具體回應,像第24條包含選務人員其實可以讓更多人來參加,也就是增加人手的意思,然後第7條是降低了一些可以投票的門檻。還有公投修正的文字,最近新聞也吵得很熱,將「應」改為「得」。還有,第6條公投日應為放假日,也是在這一次的修正草案裡面。關於宣傳做了一些限制及相應的法則,大家可以看一下。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第四階段是公投結束之後的執行階段,這邊會比較是在檯面下的一些管道,像提案人或者是附議人自己去進行一些司法訴訟,這邊蒐集到的意見就比較不多。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這大概是辦公室團隊大家針對這個議題所做的資料蒐集及盤點,不知道現場有沒有人針對剛剛哪一張便利貼或資訊,想要更正、補充或是有更多的想法?我再確認一次,現場有沒有人對剛剛所盤點的資訊,有沒有意見?" }, { "speaker": "Jackroy", "speech": "大家好,目前公投限定事項當中,是不是有機會可以再增訂「教育的內容不可以公投」,其實大多數的民眾並不是教育界的專家,所以教育的內容我們開放給民眾公投,是不是會有一些疑慮?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們會先把意見收上去,等一下等中選會簡報完之後,大家做綜合討論時,我們會一併回應。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "在投票及開票的部分,其實應該要再加一欄,應該是「電子投票」,有傳統投票跟國外用的電子投票,所以應該加「電子投票」。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "公投日應該避開大選,下面應該加一欄,「門檻跟投票率」,因為門檻跟投票率會因為避開大選,而沒有辦法避開投票率,因為我們有限制,所以可能永遠無法成案。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "所以您的意思是,如果它跟大選要脫鉤的話,應該要思考門檻的問題。謝謝補充。" }, { "speaker": "蘇魯良", "speech": "抱歉,有國際人權公約的幕僚或者是秘書處單位來審查是否違反人權公約,可能法務部有疑義,像兩公約的部分,其實涉及教育權、工作權,這部分是不是可以由法務部來審查?我們這邊提出一個疑義。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "等一下大家可以開放討論這一個問題,我們會先把這個意見收上去。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "給大家一個選舉觀察,國外的觀選客進來,其實臺灣一直不開放選舉觀察。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們請處長幫我們針對今天的議題說明一下並給予一些回應。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "大家好,因為我是第一次參加這個型態的會議,看起來好像跟我們一般公部門的會議差別很大,公部門是比較嚴肅一點,大家都不茍言笑。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "剛才主持人跟大家做公投法全貌修正的強化,我們在今天會前會也說明了,今天因為時間或者是跟議題的關係,所以比較注重在人權這一個部分,其他的部分,我們討論的機會比較不多。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "由於法律通常是比較硬梆梆,比較沒有什麼感情,我儘量用比較輕鬆的方式來表達。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "首先跟大家說明一下有關於公投法的幾個草擬,公投法是民國82年,那時我在內政部當科長,突然有一天司長找我去,說院裡面的副院長昨天邀集法務部、內政部跟院裡面的長官,大家做了一個決議,希望內政部在一個禮拜內,把公投法的草案報給院裡面審議,我們當時手上還有其他的案子,根本就沒有辦法,但我們長官的命令也不敢不從,不從只好回家種田,問題是家裡沒有田。還好之前我們也有請吳教授,那時剛回來,幫忙把德國幾個的創制、複決法,我們都有翻譯幾個國家。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "不負使命,在一個禮拜內,把相關的機關,大家一起找過來開會,然後把整個草案報給院裡面去。院裡面差不多審查了一個半月,也急著要報出去,因為那時立法委員要改選,因此希望將公投法早一點提出去。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "在立法院由於朝野的爭議很大,連名稱都有爭議,內政部又報了四次,終於到92年,在大家吵吵鬧鬧中,於92年訂的公民投票法,當時我從內政部到中選會。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "制定的時候,我已經不在內政部了,但是92年完成時,改成公民投票法。然後歷經了四次修正,一直到107年1月3日,才說公投法的主管機關改為中選會。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "我講這一段話的意思並不是天下掉下來的禮物,其實我們是「藍色香菇」,但是要澄清的是,之前所謂鳥籠不鳥籠,或者是東廠、西廠,其實我們沒有任何的動機,我們只是真的上次公投所造成的一些檢討來做修正,所以先要跟大家澄清。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "第二個部分,講到比較根本的問題,當初創制複決法改成公投法,原先創制複決法草擬的時候,是所謂直接創制跟直接複決,因此要完成草案,大家爭議很少。但是公投法突然改了,除了把重大政策納進來之外,把法律的創制變成一種間接創制,所謂的間接創制就是原則創制,把複決變成直接複決,為何這樣改?我也不知道,一個是直接、一個間接,所以107年在修的時候,我們也建議是不是要把兩個間接都間接。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "這樣改造成兩個影響:第一,你的創制是立法原則,所以是一個原則,並沒有具體條文,有沒有違憲?誰知道,對不對?所以變成不是一個具體的,只是一個原則。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "複決是直接的,這樣很奇怪,就有條文違憲,因此就有違憲的處理,因此整個制度在我們看起來滿奇怪,我們上次也具體建議是不是修成一塊,但是立法院所不參採,而且說是算什麼咖,為何會做這樣的建議,但是不管了。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "現在這個制度大家認為可以通,就繼續延續下去,我們也沒有進一步修正,但是間接創制並不是沒有優點,間接創制可以把議題拋出來之後,立法院在決定、修法時在草擬,有深層的討論,而且也可以更深層在立法院有得到一些民意的基礎,可以強化整個民主政治的機制,所以間接跟直接都有其好處。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "目前不管是間接或者是直接,按照我們憲法第2條的規定,中華民國的主權屬於國民全體,然後按照第17條的規定,人民有選舉、罷免、創制及複決之權,現在看起來是這個是我的權利,要怎麼提就怎麼提,應該管不了我,但是我們回頭又看到在憲法第136條又規定,創制、複決兩權之行使以法律定之,也就是公投的行使並不是毫無限制的。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "司法院釋字第645號也解釋得很清楚了,「人民經由創制、複決權之行使,參與國家意志之形成,在不改變我國憲政體制係採代議民主之前提下來行使這一項權利」,我們最近有一號判決,是台北高等行政法院所做的判決,「人民所提的公投除不能牴觸憲法明文規定外,亦不能侵犯各該憲法機關之權利核心領域,或對其他憲法機關權利之行使造成實質妨礙,或導致責任政治遭受破壞或剝奪憲法所賦予其他國家機關之核心任務,或進行取而代之或使機關彼此間權利關係失衡等情形」,所以在大家還沒有睡著之前我翻成白話,人民提案還是要有一定的界限,這個是最主要的宗旨。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "這個界限在哪裡?怎麼劃?只有按照公投法現在很明確劃出來了,劃了哪一些?預算、租稅、薪俸及人事,這個是很明確劃出來的,這個實質內容是不可以的,其他包括提案事項、提案要瞭解其爭議等等,有一些形式上的限制,但是實質的只有預算、租稅、薪俸及人事,這一些大家就比較明確了,比較不明確、比較含糊的部分,是所謂公投法第2條第2項第2款序文,他是怎麼規定的?「全國性公民投票除憲法規定外……」,就是憲法規定的事項之外才按照公投法來做,這個是什麼意思?我們的解讀是,憲法規定事項不能來公投,所以你整個憲法架構、司法院大法官解釋等等的整個憲法架構,不應該進行公投,不僅是憲法規定的領土變更公投跟修憲公投,除了這個公投之外,其他如果有涉及憲法規定的公投都不可以的,這個是我們的解讀、我們的見解。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "如果這樣的話,我們的見解簡單來講跟法院是向左的,法院可能限縮了,只有修憲不行,其他都可以。總而言之,舉一個例子好了,我們是說可以來審查,他們說沒有這個審查權,我們是說公投的議題如果涉及到憲法規定的,法院說哪裡可以審查,釋憲的審查要等到行政部門草擬法案,然後公投通過,行政部門草擬法案,立法院通過之後,才可以經過大法官釋憲,這根本不能來釋憲,是這樣的意思,如果是這樣的話,因為時間的關係,所以我們簡單說明。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "現在的爭議還在上訴當中,但是這個案子還沒有結束,現在法院的爭議,這好像我們早上看到有一塊麵包,麵包上面已經長霉了,中選會認為這個東西壞掉、不能吃了,但是法院認為為何可以來認定,應該要等吃下肚、肚子痛或者是掛急診,才可以由大法官來說這個東西壞掉了,這個是兩個不同的邏輯思維。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "目前卡在這裡的意思是,到底人權能不能列進去,現在沒有辦法審查,第一個是抽象的,也就是立法原則的,所以沒有辦法審查。另外一個,要等到實踐之後才有辦法審查,這個是兩大爭議。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "關於兩大爭議是用國際公約來當審查的標準,第一個是屬於法律,按照司法院的解釋,國內公約是屬於國內的,而且按照吳教授的講法,現在國內的人權公約,也已經國內法化,所以在這個地方來審查,我們認為是可以符合標準的,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "接下來讓大家可以自由發言,不過一開始其實我剛聽到提案人提到,其實教育的事項不能拿開放投票,可不可以說清楚,有針對哪一案的具體想法,你認為不能拿來投票的?" }, { "speaker": "Jackroy", "speech": "教育內容的部分,基本上當然是針對去年第11案公投的部分,教育內容基本上經過很多專家學者來做一個制度性的研究、探討後,才去制定出要教什麼內容。" }, { "speaker": "Jackroy", "speech": "人民在這一個部分,其實沒有專業的知識,像性別平等教育裡面,他們有足夠知識可以瞭解到性別、平等教育在教什麼。" }, { "speaker": "Jackroy", "speech": "再來,有關於之前有看到歷史課綱裡面的一些公投事項,這一個部分也是會有疑慮。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這邊需要釐清,您提到的理由,他並不是專家,所以不能表達意見的話,接下來很麻煩的是誰是專家,這一件事更難處理。但是我相信你提到第11案,第11案有另外一個狀況,他很可能涉及人權,當他涉及人權的時候,我們在人權那個地方做處理,我不知道怎麼樣比較好,我們在人權方面處理比較好,或者是專家方面那邊處理比較好。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "要什麼樣的議題內容不能來公投,目前還是由立法來裁量,但是並不是說它沒有界限,有一些界限由立法院可以來判斷,具體還是要由立法院來做判斷。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "至於很多專業的東西,到底可不可以公投,比如五花八門,像公投法制定到完成,各式各樣的議題都有人提,包含各式各樣的國旗、國號等等,像許多的議題都有人提,但是為何後來只有四項列進去?因為在各國的立法例,這四項是比較清楚的,這四項的人事預算,薪俸、人事涉及到所謂的道德風險,像大家都免稅,恐怕沒有人投票一定會過的。比如像還稅於民等等,因為公投是大家一起來負責,這個可能是大家負責的,也可能會變成因為責任的分散,大家都不負責,因此直接民權跟間接民權有其界限。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "是不是可以列進來?還是經由立法院來做判斷,這個很難講說哪一些不行,但是原理來說,責任政治或者是其他的權力分立要平衡,並不是由公投來取代教育部作判斷,這個是不能完全等價。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "我補充一點,除了剛剛呼應中選會賴處長的說法,世界各國的立法例裡面,假如有限制的事項,我看到的例子是財政、租稅、預算、人事、薪俸,當然還有一些國家有特殊背景,因此增加一些項目,但是就教育議題而言,我首先表達我的立場,對公投第11案,我自己從2005年開始擔任教育部性平會的委員,到現在已經14年了,就同志教育的立場而言,我個人認為提案的內容,其實明顯與性別平等教育法的精神不符,不以為然。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "但是回到要不要把教育事項列為限制事項,我只能講說就世界各國的公投立法例來講,我大概還沒有聽聞過教育是列為公投事項,反之教育事項往往是熱門的公投議題,從美國跟德國的經驗正是如此,往往是熱門的公投議題。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "如果從另外一個角度來看的話,我們就另外思考,是不是牽涉到人權的問題,是誰的人權?像受教育者、父母等等的,那個是另外一個議題,如果是限制事項的話,立法例的話,似乎比較少受這一方面的思考,以上。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們收攏一下剛剛的意見,其實提案日有提到應該要增訂教育內容,剛剛中選會的回應是能不能公投的界限是要由立法院判斷,目前的公投法其實列了四個禁止公投的事項,剛剛吳志光教授有補充,其實往往在其他國家的案例裡面,教育就是公投的選項,只是涉及人權或者是的確涉及部分權益時要如何判斷,這個是要進一步思考的問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我不知道立法院的同仁們對於剛剛這樣的討論,被cue到有沒有什麼樣的想法或者是回應?等一下有想法再歡迎提出。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "有關於剛剛何監事有提到一個問題,您是不是有提到關於人權的問題?沒有,好。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "針對電子投票的部分,我記得目前好像政府有一些規劃,不知道中選會是不是要跟大家說明一下你們的困擾跟困境是什麼,這個要跟大家說明嗎?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "因為這個議題是要跟處室所主管的,跟電子投票所涉及的問題還很大,目前各國立法例也不一樣,而且有的是本來電子投票又改回來了,又改成一般其他的投票方式。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "除了經費之外,還有其他相關配套的措施,都還有待研議。當然早期我們也找一些投標機制,公司也有來做過簡報,不過這一個部分不是屬於我的權責範圍,所以我沒有辦法很深入地跟你答覆,因為其所涉及的問題還很多,美國的州務卿到我們這邊來參訪,他說「應該是我們向你學習,因為人工是一張一張的,而且當天就可以開完票,這個是非常確實的」,他們每一次投票,二、三十張票,以前是用打洞的,都還有若干的問題。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "電子連署跟電子投票不一樣,因為我到國外考察過,連菲律賓這個國家都用電子投票,會牽涉到投票的過程,因為我們可以看到去年在投票的過程中,程序很混亂,時間拉長。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "電子投票是減少人力成本、增加效率最好的方法,國外有非常多的國家都有這個案例,如果現在中選會沒有這個規劃,我會建議在電子投票下,請政委研議,參考國外的經驗來做一個了結。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "國外經驗的部分,是不是請教一下吳老師。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "這個其實是電子政府的一環,我曾經作過專家訪談,在研考會時代就已經委託學者專家做比較制度上的功能研究,主要的問題還是出在信任,乃至於身分驗證的問題。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "有一個問題是,憲法上規範的投票叫做「平等直接無記名」,還有「秘密」這幾個原則。電子投票標榜的其實一方面提高投票率、公民參與,還有一個很重要的是網路取代馬路,但是我們如何在憲法的原則上考量所謂的秘密投票,秘密投票是不受任何人影響。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "我們都知道亮票還有刑罰,電子投票是直接針對選舉或者是投票結果,大家都知道在家裡上網,大家一起討論,他們那時還有想到駭客入侵,可以掌握投票數,各式各樣的疑慮,其實當時都有討論到,這個是值得思考的想法,但是也有制度設計上的疑慮。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "到了投開票所,用電子化的方式沒有問題,但是不進投開票所的這一種遠距,按照政府資訊公開法的話,這個全部都會上網,所以各位有興趣可以翻那個研究報告,我已經忘了是誰主持了,其實那時滿熱烈的討論,以上補充說明。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "電子投票有兩種,一個是可以透過網路,在不同的國家可以投票,但是現在談的電子投票像大學聯考,一樣,填好一格格之後,透過一個機器掃進去,全部就寄票出來,那是現場的電子投票。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "各位可以參考菲律賓開始實施了,我親自去那邊考察,我現在談的並不是網路電子投票。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我確認一下,我之前在美國的時候,其實一台機器,然後每個人跑進去按那一台進去,那也是你定義的電子投票嗎?" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "電子投票分很多種,當然現在大家最擔心的是國外,因為這個電子投票會牽涉到在過程當中的人力跟成本加高,但是電子投票是可以降低的,所以這部分我建議要研議,因為你說十年前的研議跟這幾年國際變化趨勢是差很多的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "理解。等一下你們這邊有意見要分享嗎?" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "我們是私下討論。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "其實不只十年前的研究,本會就已經做過三次研究,而且各國的制度大概都瞭瞭解,除了菲律賓之外,你這邊的爭議是i-Voting或者是e-Voting,是投票機或者是從網路投票,SITR整個都是電子投票。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "美國奧勒岡州全部都通訊投票,都是用寄的,反正各個方式都有,但困難點在於我們目前因為大家一直認為這一部分還沒有取得共識,不需要經過這一種,而且以後有紛爭的話,也很難處理,根本就沒有辦法知道正確性在哪裡。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "當然韓國是說投了,他有票根,到時如果爭訟的話,還有一個驗證,韓國也是有投票機,不過是集中開票,所以其他集中的,全部送到投票區去運作,涉及的問題很大,而且那時我們估了滿高的數目字。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "法國是小地方,因為成本太高了,小地方超過30張的話,也沒有辦法用投票機,因此大大小小的地方,各個投票所不一樣,因此我們都有瞭解、都有在研究。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝處長的補充。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "我想臺灣的科技想做都不是問題,我丟這個議題,在座有一些國會議員跟政府官員,自己可以去評估。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "對於電子投票、電子連署其實有諸多討論,之前在大院臨時會都有更多、更細緻不管是在國外案例參考或者是在臺灣到底可不可以執行跟討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "扣合今天的主題,希望大家回到公投法院版修正草案第1條第3項的增訂事項,我們已經明訂關於人權議題,「不得違反我國已締結經總統批准或公布之國際人權公約及其施行法」,這一條增訂下去之後,院版其實非常有誠意提出來回應民眾的擔憂,但到底要如何被落實,我不知道你們還有沒有一些疑問,因為像今天包括兩公約、身心障礙者公約或者是CEDAW,衛福部跟性平處都在現場,是不是請法務部的同仁幫我們說明一下,等一下再請中選會說一下之後這條法如果通過之後,可能會什麼樣的進行,或是機關間怎麼樣合作,以及這樣子是不是有辦法具體回應到民眾這邊的疑慮,我們希望大家針對這一題來作一些討論。" }, { "speaker": "孫魯良", "speech": "其實法務部認為有疑問的是,如果一個公投案提出,中選會認為這個有違反國際人權公約的話,接下來的做法是什麼,處長的回應是會開一個聽證會或是公聽會。" }, { "speaker": "孫魯良", "speech": "組成的成員為何?到底由誰來決定這個是違反國際人權公約?我想這有國內法國際人權公約幕僚單位都會面臨到的一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "針對剛才法務部的說法,處長有什麼樣的回應?之後公投法會有各式各樣的議題,哪一些已經觸及到這個,會不會需要相應的主管機關來回覆或者是澄清或者是評估?不知道中選會有沒有什麼意見?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "剛才時間有限,沒有講得很清楚,為何現在要把修改成涉及到人民權利義務不得違反國際公約作一個標準,因為不管是憲法的規定也好,或是國際公約的規定也好,都屬於一般比較抽象性、原則性的規定,所以又加上我們適用所謂立法原則,也是一個不確定的去做公投的標的,所以大家都不確定,你怎麼知道哪一個是違反哪一個,法院也覺得你們不應該有這樣的權限,其實不是的。其實我們的主張認為假設涉及到這個條文的話,就不可以列入,不管有沒有違反我們的主張。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "如果涉及條文太抽象的話,也沒有標準,所以我們是說國際公約的施行法比較具體,加上有一般性意見,你就可以比較有一個客觀的認定,不會說大家都是一些原則性的,就是這個有沒有,變成沒有辦法操作,但如果你把一般性意見或者其他的意見加進來,大家比較有一個客觀的認定標準,在我們看來,這是比較可以操作的。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "至於參加人如何認定,那當然還是一樣,聽證對於這個問題,大家來討論,最後還是由委員會來做決定,但機關的重要意見,還是要給我們比較明確的意見,我們才有辦法來作決定。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "不知道性平會這邊、衛福部,如果關於未來公投案有可能涉及相關公約的話,你們可能會做的是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "祝健芳", "speech": "其實衛福部的立場跟法務部先進提到的概念是類似的,其實CRC跟CRPD兩個公約涉及政府部門跨部會的面向,其實是全方位的。在身障者而言,涉及到從就醫、就學、就業、就養跟社會參與,像環境空間、物理環境當中,是不是無障礙、合理調整。" }, { "speaker": "祝健芳", "speech": "尊重到兒童的主體性表意權、相關意見的一些尊重,不能由家長來代替兒童做一些決定,所以這一些議題的範圍涉及到政府各相關部門,因此今天如果在公投法當中,很明確把這樣的涉及到這兩個公約明確禁止的事項當中,要把它投諸作為公投法的公投議題,我們覺得在審議確認是不是有違反這樣的公約精神,我們會建議,因為它畢竟是一個公投的議題討論要不要納入,因此還是建議應該要由公投法的主管機關來召集跨部會的單位來表達意見並確認。" }, { "speaker": "祝健芳", "speech": "衛福部這邊處理跟法務部的立場是一樣的,法務部是針對兩個公約,我們是針對CRC跟CRPD這兩個秘書單位,因此這部分,我們希望程序上還是應該回到公投法決定要不要納為公投議題主責單位的角度。邀一些相關權責單位一起來作一些討論,以上是衛福部的意見。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我先釐清一下大家想問的問題、現在的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實現在大家可以看一下這邊的圖,我們目前的狀況是,連署之後審查,中選會審核時,當中旬會發現有疑慮的時候會開聽證會,現在目前關於人權公約的處理方式,其實跟其他的方式都一樣,中選會如果發現跟人權公約有關,找人權公約的主管單位一起來開聽證會,請他們表達意見之後,再由中選會的委員會來做一個最後的確認,確認真的違反人權公約,不能讓他問,或者是沒有辦法讓他違反通過。其實目前是這樣子,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "一開始法務部提到的,因為有些人權公約,也許主管單位是法務部,裡面涉及的細項涉及到衛福部,這時這地方可能有一個爭點,這時是不是也可以請衛福部一起出席,我不知道法務部的意思是不是這樣?" }, { "speaker": "孫魯良", "speech": "請相關的權責機關一起出席。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "中選會覺得這樣的意見可以嗎?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "這一個部分應該沒問題。因為現在實務上公投的議題本來就五花八門了,有動物權、同婚議題等等,本來就五花八門,其實這一些內容是不管的,我們管這個議題是不是適合公投,由公投法來做決定,所以他的議題可能會五花八門,相關機關來做聽證,我們都會邀請各相關機關來做確認,就是這個範圍是在哪裡,並不是這就違反了什麼東西,而是超過直接民選的界限,我們就做這個判斷。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "因為議題我們也不懂,像很多勞動權也要請勞動部,涉及到動物權的,也要請農委會,也是由各相關部會來幫助我們做決定,所以不會這就交給相關的機關去處理,因為公投不能投,還是要由我們來做決定。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "理解。這個地方我覺得民間團體就我的印象,我記得之前陪審團協會有開過記者會,不希望公投的審查委員會再回來。我不太確定,像這樣的做法,你們自己的觀點是?我們再重新講一次,一開始公投題目提到中選會以後,中選會看這個議題是不是跟人權有關,如果跟人權有關的話,請相關的部會來表達意見,現在聽起來不限於主管的單位,如果他們發現這個部分也許主管是法務部,但是有涉及到衛福部,也會找衛福部一起來表達意見,之後再到中選會的委員會上做最後的確認,我不太確定民間團體如何看待這一件事,何老師有看法?" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "大家可以看到到最後審核還是在於中選會,最後還是會進行實質審查,所以這部分還是沒有辦法回到我們所需要的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "理解。我可以多問一個問題嗎?因為這個決定最終其實還要有人來做決定,你們認為這個是要由誰來做決定是比較好的?" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "第一個,中選會的委員要能夠被社會大眾接受,在過去的審查案子過程中,有些東西是有圖利某方,比如像稅改的案子,他就沒有辦法去進行,因此就否決掉,所以我認為中選會委員身分的部分,應該是要被社會大眾可接受的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我確認一下,您的意思是做這個決定的人,可能是需要一個讓社會大眾可以接受,是這個領域專家的人,一起來做他到底是不是涉及違反這個決定,所以您會認為中選會目前的委員……" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "因為所有的過程到最後還是審核,審核的背後,如果沒有辦法超然公正的時候,這個審查就沒有辦法符合一些公民的期待。所以我可以在這邊加一個「中選會委員的資格」。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "您提到是中選會委員的資格,或者是認定這個案子到底成不成案的委員?" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "對。因為所有的過程當中,都是由中選會來審查,所以還是實質審查,而不是幫助提案人能夠修到比較符合可以提案方式,現在所有的提案過程中,中選會的態度都是刁難、駁回、說明、再議。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "當事人吳景欽教授的案子就是被法官刁難,因為我們這邊有一個複數選票協會的理事長也是,因為你們沒有邀請他們兩方來。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "像這個問題,我建議應該邀請過往提案過程中應該被駁回的案主,他們每個人的情況不太一樣。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "理解。您的意思是如果未來要好好處理這個程序,應該要重新審視過往被駁回的個案,瞭解他們被駁回的理由、到底發生什麼事。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "因為陪審團的聽證剛過,聽證過了之後,最後的審查資格也是中選會的委員,因為現在有沒有過,還不知道,但民間公投修法聯盟,大部分都是非常多被駁回個案的成員提的,因為沒有被邀請,每個個案的情況都不太一樣,我也不方便在這邊幫他們說明,他們在中選會開會的過程中,這樣的過程非常反覆,現在甚至有的還在打官司,而官司打贏了,也沒有辦法成案。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "您提到讓中選會來決定,這個是具有實質審核,另外一個是做決定的這個人員組成,應該要社會公信。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "第一,我認為第一個是成員的問題。第二個,是審查或者是幫助提案人能夠順利提案?這是不一樣的。因為像國外會有一個公投辦公室協助,會提案的有很多面向,像有一些學者、公民團體,但有一些民眾也想提案,但是可能不具這樣的專業時,我們公投法不是應該要幫助公民更能夠提案成功嗎?這部分的機制是沒有被建構起來的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "第一個是中選會審查的問題,也就是包含人的問題;另外一個是,中選會在這個程序中,是簡單的審查駁回,或是幫助大家提案通過?" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "我希望把問題回到今天的主題,就是人權是不是可以公投?但是也可以間接回應,只要有審核的機制,其實形式而言或是實質而言,有時很難區隔,以及後續的救濟可能才是重點。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "這也是當初其實我們把公投審議委員會給廢了,有了中選會之後,好像鳥籠就打開了,但從來就不是這麼簡單的事,其實還是老問題,只要我們有限制事項,只要有我們發現可能公投的一些所謂副作用,像這一次人權不得公投議題時,我們就會聯想到、馬上想到公投制度要怎麼樣再更周延設計,包含後續所謂的救濟機制。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "今天簡單來講,像我的發言針對今天的主題,人權可不可以公投?回應這個問題之前,我們先姑且不論所謂人權的標準是什麼,例如今天官方版本、行政院的版本所提出來,以國際人權條約,我們已經簽署國內法化的版本,這樣的版本在比較法上,我等一下會舉一下瑞士的例子,但有更多的兩種模式:一個是沒有把這個議題考量進去,只有一般的限制事項,所謂的公投有沒有違憲問題,大部分美國是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "另外一種是進行合憲性審查,像倡議者比較希望看到的,我在文章裡面看到兩個國家,典型的是德國跟義大利,我要特別談到一件事,不是光人權議題,而是廣泛的合憲性審查,包括權利分立,包含違反中央跟地方分權等等,裡面一個核心的議題是,究竟如果我們把人權不得公投的議題放進審查機制裡面,具體操作會發現哪一些問題?" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "我簡單來講,馬上發生的問題也是這一次中選會的版本跟立法委員有提出版本,在精神上恐怕後續救濟機制的根本差異在哪裡?就是要不要直接進入違憲審查機制?" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "我們以德國為例,只要有所謂以合憲性作為事由的話,多半配套的很簡單,把你駁回了,不管是用違憲或是限制事項或是什麼形式的理由,通通都可以向各方的憲法法院來提出救濟,讓憲法法院直接對這個案子被駁回,被駁回的機關可能是內政部,也可能是議會,他們公投審議的機關五花八門都有,但是最重要的是,直接進入違憲審查程序,也就是像我們的大法官來講,這個問題一錘定因,究竟這個提案是不是可以出來。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "但是剛才賴處長有提到一個根本的問題,是我國體制上設計很大的問題,跟德國不一樣的是,德國是直接創制,所以人民是直接提出一個完整的法律案,這個過程中怎麼協助法律案,又是另外一個技術性的問題,所以就違憲審查的標的而言,是非常明確的,因為裡面就提到只要滿16歲就可以結婚,這還沒有成年,結婚年齡都已經講好幾歲,還說這是婚姻登記,又或是家屬或者是伴侶的登記等等,在法案當中已經清楚呈現。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "大法官的憲法法院是可以據以審查,如果我有前例,像748號,如果沒有前例的話,就違反平等原則、婚姻自由保障等等的話,有一個具體審查的範圍。我們採取的是間接創制,叫做「立法原則」。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "誠如賴處長所說的,「立法原則」是不是可以作為一個已經成熟的違憲審查標的,其實是有爭議的,因為舉一個例子來說,大法官的審查,其實為尊重民意,通常採合憲解釋原則,不輕易宣告違憲,能夠合憲解釋的範圍內來做合憲解釋,以這一次公投12案,其實標的本身已經預留,還是主文本身已經被改到,包含最後中選會加上理由書,已經改到還是有可能將來縱算是專法,仍符合第748號婚姻綁上的情況之下,如果那個送去違憲審查的話,大法官會說這不能投嗎?我自己也存疑啦!應該不至於,因為是可以解釋為「最後的法案可落實至符合748號的地步」。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "以這個來講的話,有一些同志團體認為12號案根本剝奪了所謂民法的空間,這根本違憲、不能讓他提出來,但如果就剛剛所說的,如果是完整法律案,就可以看得出其違憲性。像這一次在立法院通過了,如果不是748號施行法,而是12號案施行法,或者是林岱樺委員所提的案子,那個違憲性可審查與否就很明確,是完整的法律案。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "因此我要講的是,賴處長剛剛一語道破間接創制下的,很早以前有提到間接創制是不得不然,我們可不可以直接創制?立法院不用陽奉陰違,我們直接透過法律案,就是我們要的,也不要你再落實了,間接創制有間接創制的好處,但憲法在設計上已經沒有空間給直接創制視為法律案的空間,這跟各國,像德國、瑞士的設計是不一樣的,我們的憲法有解釋上的困難。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "憲法第170條的規定,「本憲法所稱之法律為立法院三讀通過」,光這一條就卡死了,這個跟其他國家立法,如果給公民投票直接創制空間的時候,像德國所謂的法律有兩種法令,一個是公民投票通過、第二個是未通過,因此很難改變的情況之下,間接創制其實是有標的明確的問題,這個是一個層面。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "另外一個層面,這一次為何會有這個問題?儘管有人覺得人權的範圍不確定,這個要怎麼審查,國際人權公約是不是直接,我覺得這個問題這麼講,國際人權公約現在中選會的想法是,畢竟已經國內法化了,而且國際人權公約好像有某種程度的具體化確定等等,但是還是強調這個叫行政審查,不是違憲審查,所以如果駁回之後的救濟還是行政救濟,而不是直接向大法官聲請釋憲,我知道這是司法院的態度,但是不管怎麼樣,我自己比較保留,原因是我認為已經實質違憲審查。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "原因很簡單,如果我們要拿國際人權公約的條文,來做所謂公民投票提案內容審查的話,各位要注意,嚴格講起來,絕對不是看條文這麼簡單,我是參與過國際人權公約逐條注釋,我負責撰寫的是ICCPR第6款,也就是死刑的問題、生命權保障的問題。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "在座的衛福部代表非常清楚,絕對不是在條文裡面,尤其是要參考CRC、CRPD、ICCPR的General common,而且以第6條為例,像General common的最新版本其實非常詳密,法務部的中文版出來了,這是非常詳密,很多時候是他們的解釋跟詮釋,而這一種解釋跟詮釋,如果已經有大法官的解釋就算了,如果都沒有的話,某種程度,中選會就要自己實質做解釋,這個條文究竟能不能阻擋這個公投,或是這個公投符合?我個人來看,在國際人權公約實質上已經高於一般普通法律,而被大法官屢次援引作為違憲審查基準的情況之下,是實質意義憲法的情況之下,這不是合憲性審查,什麼才是合作憲性審查呢?所以這個問題如果事後有爭議的話,應該不是進入行政訴訟,而是直接到大法官那邊,但是大法官不想理,這是目前的困難。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "請各位看到立法委員的版本就比較明確,不得侵犯人權,不然就是立法委員有想到,就直講說跟德國一樣,駁回之後就直接聲請釋憲,那邊那個簡單明確,但問題在於我也覺得這樣比較簡單明確,但這樣子司法院是否點頭,是一個問題,但重點是立法的政策上,我們要這樣子做嗎?" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "我提供幾點意見:瑞士在2018年以前,是世界上公投最沒有信任的國家,並沒有租稅預算不得公投的,只有一個模糊條件,像1999年,憲法重新修訂時,就說違反國際法上強制規定,是不能公投標的,主要是要擋什麼?實際操作很狹隘,也就是擋一些排外的法案。結果沒想到2008年一個案子通過之後,像瑞士聯邦憲法第7條第3項,成了瑞士人永遠的羞恥,公然通過,禁止蓋清真寺尖塔,這不是侵害宗教自由,不然什麼是?明顯地針對特定族群的特定信仰的特定象徵,寫在憲法裡面,這十年來沒有改掉,瑞士瘋狂地辯論,怎麼會搞成這樣子?是不是要收回來在事前就做所謂的合憲性審查,但還沒有通過,也就是瑞士有在思考這個問題,我們要不要做人權範圍的限制,不要有這樣子的提案出現,而且57對43通過,瑞士對這個非常非常頭痛,怎麼會通過這樣的提案。所以,我覺得這一次的提議內容有異曲同工之處,但是瑞士如果這麼做的話,他們的配套措施也是倡議,前聯邦法院的院長也是要搭配,立刻進行違憲審查機制,由聯邦法院來擔任。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "如果有所謂人權不得公投國家的話,其實這個機制的配套,還滿重要的,直接不要訴諸於一般的救濟途徑,而是直接進行違憲審查。我最後講一個義大利的例子,中選會的官員熟悉各國制度,義大利的國家很特別,沒有創制,只有複決,因為已經有一個明確的標的,所以要違憲審查很簡單,這個法律廢掉有礙人權。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "義大利是公民投票的提案,是由最高法院組成公投審議委員會,實質審查是由義大利憲法法院直接做公民投票、實質審查,所以義大利憲法法院就一錘定因,這個違憲、不能投就拒絕了,拒絕力不低,也引起很大的爭議,主要是爭議審查的標準,但是裡面不乏這個提案如果過了,這個法律沒了、有礙人權保障,不乏有這樣的見解出現。所以我的看法是,縱算是按照行政院版本通過,我也比較保留還要訴願、行政訴訟這樣子一關關打上去,其實已經是合憲性爭議,依我的見解來看,這個是第一點。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "第二點,很重要的一點是,像剛剛講說瑞士公投的例子來看,有沒有必要在所謂人權提前在審查的部分,就要做一些把關等等,我知道民間團體有一些不同的意見,因為覺得鳥籠已經夠多了,看到租稅預算等等這一些,已經限制這麼多了,又加上人權,人權的標準這麼寬,是不是只是阻礙民權,而不是幫助公民投票?" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "我這樣來講,還是那個老問題,我在文章當中也感慨,從瑞士的例子跟這一次的例子都凸顯出來,當公民投票有可能去侵犯到……不是有可能,而是經驗上是如此,侵犯到少數人權的時候,我們不得不去思考如何有一個預防機制。為何我還是贊成事前,而不是事後?事後的話,各位想想看,如果這一次12號案通過,立法院最後通過的,不是施行法,而是賴士葆委員或者是林岱樺委員版本的話,我們當然可以想像最後一定又到司法院了,司法院有釋字第748號,宣告違憲的機率很大,但是要對700萬民意直接又去那個……而不是113席的多數立委。所以,為何設計事前審查的一個原因是不要等到民意覆水難收的時候,有反民主多數決的那種正當性壓力的少數事件者來承擔壓力,在直接先做防火牆,這個是第一點。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "第二,為何我們要事先擋這個?我舉一個例子是愛爾蘭公投,同婚合法的公投,對很多少數人來講,他們重點並不是在那個結論,而是在那個過程,公投的論辯跟投票過程中,引起的社會對立跟紛擾,往往是最重要的二度傷害,基本上這個紛擾並不是間接的民主,就是那個代議制形成,會有那麼強烈的效應,我們知道700加300是1,000萬人動員投票等等,跟113人討論,只是一些人在外面包圍,社會效益有時是不一樣,因此才會一直有這樣的想法跟倡議,尤其少數人的人權維護是不是要提前到審查階段,然後輔助違憲審查機制,以避免這一種憾事再發生,以上簡單發言,不是簡單發言,講太久了,對不起,我等於是論文報告,我怕看不懂,所以儘量簡化,以上。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我稍微消化一下老師的東西,其實今天也有直播,也有很多人在線上看,我說明一下老師的說明。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "請幫我打開中華民國憲法第170條,「本憲法所稱之法律,謂經立法院通過,總統公布之法律。」這個是一個前提,這個代表我們就算公投通過了,只能通過一個立法意旨,必須要經過立法院,這個是憲法的限制。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "所以我們通過的是一個立法意旨,目前看起來大法官要針對立法意旨來作審查是比較困難的,因為同樣的立法意旨可以得出一個違憲的法律、也可以得出合憲的法律,這個可以變成判斷上非常非常地困難。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "現在針對人權方面的控管,第一個是我們的憲法有規定,第二個是我們接下來是人權方面的規定,人權方面的規定,就剛才的流程是由中選會召集相關的機關表達意見之後,再由中選會的委員來做決定,但是做決定的依據,看起來的是國際人權公約、國際人權公約的各種一般性意見都在裡面,把這一些一般的意見容納進來之後,再讓中選會決定。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "這個地方就會比較特別,因為通常我們對於法律的解釋是不是違憲是放在大法官,但大法官又常常援引國際公約的解釋來做合憲性的解釋,所以如果這個地方中選會其實做一樣的事情,其實很有可能會變成中選會看起來好像已經在做實質合憲性的解釋了,這是比較危險的地方;但是反過來說,我們是不是要前期控管,老師的意見應該是要做控管,原因有兩個,第一個是政治跟壓力非常大,變成要讓大法官面對民意、解釋立法院的東西,這個壓力是非常大的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "再來,公投的過程造成各種紛擾,其實對這個社會傷害最大的東西,我相信大家都不會希望老師剛剛提的例子,像瑞士有一個違反宗教自由的這種公投案,很多人也許並不是希望這一種事情發生,這一種東西該怎麼做,現在看起來還是有非常多不同的爭議跟處理方式,我不確定我是不是有大致上都有說到?" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "基本上還有一點,同婚團體在想辦法撤銷12號案、11號案公投的過程中所碰到的挫折,我在文章當中也有交代,原則上其實學理上、外國的憲法法院裁判見解,都已經一致確認,公民投票本身是power,不是right,是權利的行使,而不是基本人權的維護,是人民直接作主,參與國家政策的形成與決定,所以當人民去公投時,是立於國家機關的地位,我們對公民投票的理解跟限制,應該回到權力分立的本質,並不是光對人民民權權利的限制,這是兩個不同的層次。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "基於這個理解,有一個比較麻煩的問題來了,在這個過程中,利害關係人比如同婚團體跟反同婚團體,反同婚團體的案子,各位有沒有發現一點?同婚團體幾乎只能用一張我有一個提案,我沒有辦法擋他、撤銷他,這個跟一般人權的權利衝突不一樣,我蓋一個房子,像鄰居覺得危害工安的話,利害關係人可以去撤銷建照跟使照,這樣不一樣。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "法院的見解是說這個是人民權利的行使,如果侵害你的權利的話,就投票見真章啊!民主的自由競爭,在沒有投票之前,怎麼知道你會輸呢?萬一立了一個法律不好的時候,限制你的結婚權利,你也可以救濟、聲請釋憲,意思是這樣,邏輯就是如此。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "因此,在這個前提之下,我們可以看得出來,包含德國、義大利都有經驗,不承認有利害關係人在所謂的提案、甚至事後所謂公投撤銷訴訟裡面,撤銷對他不利的法案,最後只能訴諸於因為不利的法案,不讓我所謂的婚姻登記,只能叫家屬登記時,用盡法律救濟途徑,再去聲請釋憲,只能如此。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "因此基本上少數保障而言,幾乎也只能仰賴可能所謂的審查機制,因為是權力的禁足,並不是right侵害right的問題,我們可以直接在以right為主的救濟機制當中保障,因此以目前高等行政法院、最高行政法院的邏輯,或是我說這個是power的問題,並不是right的問題,因此直接由公權力來保障少數的right,我們希望現有的救濟途徑,在這個過程中,讓他的right不受人家power影響的話,目前來講是有困難的,在比較法上也是如此,所以才更需要仰賴事前的違憲審查機制,以上補充。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "老師的意思是,因為公投的這一件事是權力的行使,並不是right的保障,所以當這一事侵害到少數的時候,少數只能訴諸到power來彼此禁足,這時很容易出現非常多的問題。這一種power的行使,應該要利用政府公權力的power來保護少數人的right,因此在這一個地方,審查機制可能是比較好的方式。這應該是老師的意思?" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "是。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "很感謝吳教授,因為他很多文章,我們都有敗讀過,像公投法訴訟,他是現在唯一有在寫公投訴訟的文章,所以有很多理念,尤其是歐陸方面的,都是來自於吳教授的引薦。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "但是有一些基本的問題,可能討論也討論不完,尤其是利害關係人的問題,一開放利害關係人,會變成公益訴訟的性質,公益訴訟,法院可能也受不了,那個是比較麻煩一點的,所以這一個部分我們只能限制最好的來做,就有這樣的回應。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "陪審團協會可能對我們有一些誤解,機關滿意度來講,我們是排尾的,這是機關組織的特性。衛福部可能是大家最滿意的,因為大家都是在給予社會福利等等,法院排在尾端,一定是一方敗訴、一方勝訴,我們也是一樣。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "本會的委員其實根本也不喜歡來做這個事情,我為何要做這個審查?涉及到憲法等等,等於是做得罪人的事,但是我們還是不得已,法律賦予我們職權,總是要有一個機關來決定,我們也很高興,像司法院大法官來審理,大家都很輕鬆愉快,當然是樂觀其成。事實上目前的法律還是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "中選會在上次的37個提案當中,實質駁回了才5個,一個是涉及到還稅於民,一個是涉及到總統制度的兩案,其他三個被駁回,其實是不知所云,因此三個案子也沒有救濟,事實上只有兩個是實質上駁回。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "委員的產生其實是不必要的,因為各國的中選會委員,可能也有,我要挑他們的人一個客觀中立,也就是完全政治等等的,這個是一種想法,但是這種可能會找不到,因為沒有一個人針對政治白癡可以來處理這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "另外一種,制度上讓機關來保持其中立,第一個可能是政黨,大家來做平衡,由政黨跟政黨來做彼此制衡的中立。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "另外還有一個是一個任期到了,現在替換一半,就是任期交錯制,誰提了誰也不知道派系是什麼,目前我們就是用這一種方式,制度上儘量達到客觀中立,可能不盡人意,但最後還是由法院來做救濟,只能這樣講。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我想補充問一個問題,中選會應該要想辦法幫助這個案子成案,就我所知,好像有一條,公投法是這樣,好像也讓中選會滿困擾,你們要不要也說一下對於那個疑慮?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "現在是駁回之前要先開聽證,聽證之後要求補正,補正回來不行才會駁回,因為像37個案子,實質上駁回5個,我們也有這樣的結果,我們盡可能依照法律的規定,儘量讓人民來舉行公投。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "當然,我們這一次也有做一些檢討,有一些人是真心誠意來做這一件事,人民提案是為了公益來做的,有些人是為了特別利益,或者是為了選舉來做這個目的,因此其實篩選是有必要,有一些根本不是,而是弄一個假議題來做設定等等,這當然是公投法,以後要怎麼樣解決,我們現在是這樣的處理方式。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我先確認一下,我們雖然是有公投法,但是有些案子真的不ok,還是要讓它成案,這個大家都理解。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "中選會在現行的條文中,中選會在駁回提案並沒有具體告訴民間團體應該怎麼補正,以至於這個提案人往往沒有辦法適從,如果要叫提案人補正,你要怎麼補正,應該要具體說明。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "所以你的意思是,補正的程序要想辦法,像有一個單一窗口,一次把所有的意見列出來,一次補正完?" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "一開始提案送到中選會審查,第一階段要連署1,800,如果這個提案出了問題之後,退回之後是不是要重新提。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "因此我會建議,如果今天中選會未來在幫助公民團體的提案過程中,應該要有一個機構,就是在這個提案之前,那個圖片當中,應該要有一個服務窗口,就是讓很多人可以有相關的問題,可以去諮詢與瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "接下來提案之後,他被要求補正,你補正也要有人協助,因為我這邊的當事人沒有來,但他們在補正的過程中,都造成非常多的困擾。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "你要不要直接說一下?" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "像複數選票,比如吳景欽教授的稅改,他沒有說明補正,中選會要他補正,但是卻沒有告訴他如何補正,要告訴人家說怎麼補正,因為當事人沒有來,所以我也不知道如何轉述。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "我想法條的規定是要協力來補正,怎麼樣補正也沒有史無前例。我們以往真的很熱心,像他講什麼,結果我們變成專業被告,我講什麼、他就記錄什麼,像錄音或是種種方式,說威脅我或是脅迫,誰敢跟你協力、聯絡呢?" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "因為他說當事人不在。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "像哪裡要威脅他,我是說這個資料可能哪裡有問題或者怎麼樣,結果大家變成專業被告一樣,聽證會公然講誰威脅我,所以我們只能盡我們的能力,在書面上跟他協力,這個問題要瞭解到實情,你才知道。像你們這個案子也是一樣。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我確認一下,現在目前中選會對於補正,你們是會給書面意見,再請他們補正,你們是確定會給嗎?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "確實他們不在場,聽轉述可能會有一些問題,總之一邊的觀點是有補正,這邊的觀點是有提供書面的補正意見。還有一個問題是中選會有困擾,這不限於個案,有的人有一些想法,或是可能有一些想要講的東西,但是沒有在文字上寫得非常清楚,因此透過這個方式,有時會覺得好像政府機關在為難他,這件事情也會讓政府機關感到困擾,我們先記下來。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "我建議在提案之前有一個服務窗口,我不是提案人,我看這樣的過程,要幫助公投提案人能夠順利,這個服務窗口,國外都有案例可循,我建議加這個窗口。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "就是在之前有一個服務窗口。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我不太確定國外對於公投是怎麼樣幫助他們提案的。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "各位有興趣可以看中選會在幾年前,現在立法委員黃國昌教授所做的,應該是法國、義大利、日本、美國的公投機制審查研究,裡面介紹破為詳盡是美國,美國因為公投在若干州滿發達的,其實是在所謂的協助人民公投有一些制度設計,不過我要先講一下美國的情形。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "美國的公投,其實已經到某種程度的境界,美國有公投公司,像公關公司專門幫你搞公投的,一張票換多少錢,美國已經到這個地步了,因此美國很多經驗,因為我幾乎每一年去美國,在路上會看到連署案。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "但美國的制度設計是怎樣,如何協助草擬公投主文理由等等的官方協助機制,乃至於協助上公投的那一種透過私人或者是財團公關公司運作的,那個另外一個境界、另外一個層次的問題。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "我再回應一下,德國的例子跟美國又不帶一樣,德國因為有強大草根性公民社會的團體組織,所以他們的公投其實相當多都是經年累月公民運動團體去推動,所以我先不講最後能不能通過,妥適跟成熟度,其實基本上官方要協助的空間有沒有那麼大,他們基本上已經是專業操作了,他們的那一種所謂公投的倡議團體、網頁、版本及專業程度,那真的是瞠目結舌。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "所以基本上我們的公投,其實是107年才鬆綁,在此之前,公投渴望不可及,所以就民間團體去操作公投、運用公投,乃至於怎麼樣在公投程序裡面,表達自己主張的話,目前臺灣其實還沒有所謂專業公投團體,主要還是原來各個社運團體的倡議,現在要透過公投。因此我期待臺灣以後有專門的公投倡議團體,可以做各種NGO的協助,專門協助各式各樣的NGO,告訴你怎麼搞公投,美國是商業化,德國是社運化,簡單就是這樣分析。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "簡單政府要辦的角色,我回應一下賴處長,有時他很為難,其實這是一種行政指導,但指導多,又怕民眾覺得在暗示我、干預我,舉一個例子來講,像12號案的理由書最後一段,還加了那一段文字說不能違反748號,然後說不是行政處分,意思我只是提醒你,不管怎麼樣,沒有辦法逾越748號,但也是被告了。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "我們如果要協助公民有這樣子,在公投理由的撰述上通過的話,文章裡面有一段有提到,簡單來講是,其實是中選會發展出來,是第27頁的「註81」,所謂明確性要求跟禁止誤導、誘導,援引公證公約,就是ICCPR第25條對這個問題的描述。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "我自己的看法是,就現行公投法而言,其實是發展出新的形式上審查標準,但就這一點而言的話,卻是很多公投提出的團體裡面,大概是要跟主管機關磨合,這個叫做「明白精確」,不能有誤導性等等,實質審查駁回的不多,很多是這一條。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "很多我們可以看到真正的訴訟當中,實質的也是少數,很多是形式,美國亦是如此,因此基本上這的確是公民投票權利在行使過程中,雖是形式上的問題,但是並不是實質內容審查問題,不是限制事項,但卻是一個大問題,這個值得我們討論,但已經超出我們值得討論的範圍,以上。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝吳教授的補充。剛剛附議人是不是有一個問題?" }, { "speaker": "Alice", "speech": "不好意思,我只是想要瞭解一下,大家都認為我們這一次支持修正公民投票法,明訂不可透過提出公投案的方式,限制或是剝奪人民享有之基本權利,也就是人權的部分,大家都是同意的吧!" }, { "speaker": "Alice", "speech": "我這樣子聽起來,其實比較大的重點在於審查到底是誰的責任,因為我也聽到平常很常聽到的兩公約,但我根本不知道裡面是寫什麼,因此剛剛很認真google了一下,但是赫然發現好像有看沒有很懂。" }, { "speaker": "Alice", "speech": "其實我坐在這邊,事實上有一個很大的問題,就是人權這個東西,大家是不是也要清楚去界定他?只要是個人,就適用這個東西,這一次大家之所以會對同婚結婚這一件事造成了這麼大的反映,其實追根究柢,有些人認為同志不是完整的人,所以他們的權利才會受到損害,如果你是一個人,就是有權利、義務,那應該都是平等的。" }, { "speaker": "Alice", "speech": "我比較擔心的是,我們現在提出要符合兩公約或者是符合國際性的這些法律來看,可能是很久以前制定的法,或者是因為太籠統,而導致有一些少數人的權利,還是被犧牲,就是其實我是比較擔心這一件事,所以坐在這邊。" }, { "speaker": "Alice", "speech": "當然,我非常認同事前審查的部分,我並不覺得限縮了公民提出提案的right或者是power,我覺得並不受到直接影響,因為我們去年才開始第一次的公投,這個部分我覺得我們還是需要一點扶助,最起碼不會弄出一個大家啼笑皆非,還有人以為自以為是的東西,我覺得這樣子比較不會侮辱到大家的智商,這個是我的想法。記得告訴我,大家覺得人權這一個東西是不是需要被保障。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我先稍微做一些釐清,首先政府成立的目的其實是為了保障人權,但如同我們在議題手冊裡面所寫的,人權的定義是不斷在與時俱進的,有些東西也許以前並不覺得是人權,像以前奴隸制被認為是可以的,以前中國社會或我們的文化也都有所謂的童養媳。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "但是隨著人權的進步,這一些觀念會不斷往前走,但反過來說,人權這個東西如果定義很細,解釋的方式就會更多,像現在定義的人權,以後反而會造成另外一個人權的阻礙,我們會有一些模糊性的定義,我們會在憲法裡面,民法、刑法或其他的法律慢慢落實。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "當然,後來在馬英九總統任內,也簽署了國際的人權公約,把所謂的兩公約以及後來簽署,現在不是兩個了,而是一大票的人權公約,這一些人權公約都是在聯合國那個地方解釋出來,希望世界各國可以來保障自己的人權。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "最主要就我所知,可能有錯,來源是因為在二次世界大戰的時候,希特勒的種族滅絕的事太駭人了,大家開始反思怎麼會有這一些事,國際社會才開始重新討論我們的人權到底該怎麼保障,也才會有聯合國出現、也才會有人權公約一系列出來,是不斷被討論出來的。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "當然有很多東西,像以前大家都有死刑,後來聯合國的人權公約開始認為廢死是一個價值,像大家可能覺得婚姻是一男、一女,在那個年代,一男、一女的婚姻還是非常棒的事,因為那時還有養妾的事,但規定在一夫一妻之後,如果要兩個當事人合意結婚,而不是只限於一夫一妻,這樣的東西就變成合意了,這個變動就會出現。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "其實人權的議題非常廣,就像一開始主持人提到的,核能提到的環境權等等,這其實是中選會一直以來的困擾。我相信這邊大家都是同意提到人權的東西,只是人權的保障,必須透過程序的東西來落實,因此今天才會一直討論這個程序上如何規劃,最後才會達到大家想要的結果,稍微來做釐清。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "很抱歉,因為其實一開始沒有說清楚,我們想說有寫在議題手冊當中,也許看得清楚,也許我們寫得不夠好,或是沒有講清楚,在這邊也跟大家解釋。我不確定對於這一題有沒有想要作回應的?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我同意雨蒼所說的,其實不同的價值立場或者是不同信仰的人,其實每個人對於人權的定義是模糊的,非常有愛的人會覺得每個人的利益或者是權利應該都被重視,這也就是原本的公投法第2條,還有現在新增訂第1條,之所以困難的地方,就是行政機關儘量把它明確化,儘量讓每一個部會都涉及到的東西,大家都應該納入討論,但是實際上還是很難被一條條界定,因為就像雨蒼所說的,界定了某些條,其實就等於反面排除某些條,因此有可能聽起來,還是覺得有一點模糊的,的確可能會有這樣的狀況產生。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "因為模糊的,所以釋憲把這個東西具體化,像弄出同性婚姻的平等,以及一般性意見,其實一般性意見有一點像對於人權公約的釋憲,這個條文當時到底講的是什麼,各國在解釋的時候,不可以做錯誤的解讀,當然像今天重要的日子一樣,人權能夠繼續往前走,希望透過這個方式來保障。你是不是要提到人權的困難?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "對。即使現在如果以草案第1條來說,因為委員會的組成,其實是多元,而且是相對獨立的,大家來看今天這個提案是不是已經涉及兩公約,或是其他公約的實質內容,是不是有需要召開部會,像剛剛副座所說的,由中選會發起來評議,或者是針對這個細部來討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "處長是不是可以再幫我們說明一下這個機制?民眾只感受到我的提案有沒有過,過跟沒有過,兩邊都有各自的期許,但其實中選會是有一些機制,而且也有被落實的,是不是請處長幫我們說明一下,關於這個提案,委員會審查,或者未來因為一些新修法召開跨部會的討論機制?我覺得可以再說明一下,因為我覺得或許剛剛沒有聽得非常清楚。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "簡單說明一下,如果現在有案子進來,形式上我們看一下是不是符合提案人數的規定、表件格式都沒有問題,然後擬意見,提給委員會來作決定,來看這個案子是不是ok。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "通常也誠如吳教授剛剛講的,這到底是不是一個很具體的案子可以來投,或者是現在的政策,現在的政策來投創制是沒有必要的,或者這個是不存在的政策,要來複決也是不必要的。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "對於這一方面及用詞的問題等等,這已經是比較大的爭議,已有這一項的爭議,委員會就會覺得是不是先來開聽證,因為議題也五花八門,由各機關、內政部、法務部等等來聽證,聽證的紀錄再交給委員會來決定,是不是要請他來補正、有無補正的必要,再來看有哪一部分補正,請當事人來補正,補正完了再來進行第三次的委員會,看是不是有符合規定,所以是經過好幾道程序。但是有時因為會期安排來不及,聽證的程序,也就是先徵詢委員的意見,因為30天要決定,因此用傳真的方式徵詢委員是不是要聽證,我們擬意見給他。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "現在這個程序已經有一定的方式,比較沒問題。產生疑義以的是我們的標準,像一些抽象的法律,或者是不是人權,這都比較抽象,但是人權現在可以解決了,為什麼?因為兩公約有施行法,而且有一般性意見,有很多詮釋,因此比較具體可以判斷,因此這部分我們認為是沒有問題的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝處長的回覆,不知道針對今天的議題,大家還有沒有其他的疑惑,或是需要補充的意見?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我剛剛先稍微回應一下何監事,有說今天沒有請到其他的團體來現場,很抱歉,因為今天是針對這個提案,還有提案人邀請的利害關係人,可能是誰,以及主辦機關,我們可能沒有辦法針對去年37案,或是16案的每一個團體都找來討論,比較抱歉,我們針對今天的提案,有一些人不方便參與,很抱歉,我們先回應你們的問題。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "因為有委員的助理來,我簡單說明一下,在成案辦事處裡面,現在是延長三至六個月,必須要三至六個月內,要連署到38萬以上,因為行政院的版本裡面有身分證,所以難度已經提高了。我要問的是,過去因為有身分證,所以讓連署更困難,現在把身分證取消,現在又要加入,但延長的時間只有三至六個月,真正能夠在三至六個月連署38萬,目前是財團跟政黨有可能,所有的公民團體,包括廢死聯盟,如果要提這個,我相信很難在三至六個月完成,因為是有連動的關係。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "另外,公投不得綁大選,因為本來公投法裡面,也就是可綁大選,也可不綁大選,現在修成了脫鉤,應該還是要保留可綁大選,因為現在公投法有1/4的門檻,再加上不得綁大選,我個人有參與過四次博弈公投,雖然是地方公投。我也看了全世界的公投當中,公投投票率要超過五成以上,非常難,大概都是三成至四成之間,這樣肯定過不了門檻,這部分也讓大家知道一下。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝陪審團協會補充關於公投門檻,加了身分證好像被提高了,這樣子也會讓民眾沒有辦法直接行使對於社會議題、公共議題形成的看法。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "身分證的部分,加上身分證,中選會是不是可以幫我們補充一下?身分證到底是解決什麼樣的困擾?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "因為時間的關係,其實PPT也有稍微提到。上次的公投,我們檢討的結果,大概有這樣的問題,沒有給予涉及少數群體,讓他有包容的機會,因為公投是人民來立法,還有立法院間接立法,反而是人民直接立法,讓這一些少數群體的參與機會,等於是相對變少,反而比間接民權的機會還少,這是第一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "第二,因為這個時程很倉促,所以沒有很細緻來作闡述,因為是針對特別的議題,可是整個社會的預算、人事,這一些資源的分配是全面的,因此很容易沒有辦法來做平衡的關照,這是公投的缺點。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "另外,上次的確是有一些人並不是主動要公投的,而是把這個當成競選的工具或者是議題來處理,所以我們被檢討之後,我們認為你是真心誠意來做這一件事,這是很重要的,因為這是人民立法,跟立法院的立法,應該是同樣的嚴謹才對,所以我們認為應該把這一方面,尤其是連署這一個部分,這個是明顯的,在國外就是這樣子,也就是偽證,就是刑事犯直接來處理的,因此我們做了若干的修正,其實都是因為的確會造成問題來處理,不是為了卡什麼卡什麼,根本不是這樣的問題,真心誠意來完成我們公投立法、強化民主政治,這才是比較重要的,這是我們修法的意思。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我補充一下,其實身分證的部分,有一個比較困擾的地方,之前是只有簽名,簽名這一件事,代表公家機關來判斷簽名是真的還是假的。其實判斷的人,很多是當地戶政事務所的人,他們也沒有鑑識的能力,沒有辦法說簽名是真的或者是假的,因此出現這麼多的問題,如果有身分證,可以比較確定是不是偽造身分證,因為偽造簽名這一件事是很難被判斷是不是被偽造,但是身分證的偽造比較好判斷,這個是就我所知的相應緣由。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "第一個,要不要身分證影印本,這個是必須要透過大眾討論,目前並沒有看到,像國會議員也沒有開過相關的公聽會跟社會大眾對話。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "第二,假設要身分證影印本,你的連署時間,難度就會增加,對不對?現在設定三個月到六個月,也是只有財團有辦法,你剛剛講的問題,只要是財團跟政黨要動員都沒有問題,但是公民團體,一定加了身分證之後,因為在鳥籠公投的時候,我們公民團體有發動過,但是難度非常困難的,發動三個月之後就放棄了。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "當你用身分證之後,你的公投是三至六個月,你的時間是不太足夠的。" }, { "speaker": "丁宇徵", "speech": "我回應一下,當時是黨團有邀請學者專家,就公投法的一些疑義,像上次大選公投過程中有發生疑義的時候,有請大家討論如何處理它。要不要附身分證,如何避免身分證被濫用,這個都是後續技術上可以再討論的地方。" }, { "speaker": "丁宇徵", "speech": "您提到有身分證部分的半年連署期太短,是不是可以拉長?我這邊有問題要請教吳老師,有關於公投在世界各國的比較上,目前公投綁的大選情況,在全國性公投的比例是多少?這種東西是強制性公投或是諮詢性公投?因為我自己在找的時候,很多公投是諮詢性,像美國是地方公投,並不是全國性公投,因此沒有綁大選。" }, { "speaker": "丁宇徵", "speech": "我歐洲查到目前好像只有在丹麥在過去160幾個公投當中,只有丹麥是大選綁公投,有人說當年有大選,也有兩次公投,可以辦三次的全國性投票,這樣的情況在臺灣而言,大選綁公投是不是適合的推動方向?" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "我沒有做過專門的研究,但是大部分像修法案一樣,可能「得」,並不是「應」,裡面有一個很重要變數,之前有高度的正當性應綁大選,是我們的門檻太高,現在門檻砍了一半,正當性是不是因此降低,這個見仁見智。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "以去年1124為例的話,有10個案,不乏有大家關心的議題,時空背景下如果沒有綁大選的話,是不是有1/4的人投票,我不覺得有那麼悲觀,因為有些議題,像12號案是高度動員,所以這個問題,基本上這麼講,假如在設計上是給公投制度更周延,像要拉長連署,像空間、時間等等,很難跟所謂固定要舉行的大選,一定要掛鉤在一起,大選並不是隨便來選的,除非是內閣的國家,動輒倒戈。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "如果要綁住的話,其實要配合一個比較合理的期程,讓大家公共思辨,不要一個月辯論,最好六個月大家可以辯十場等等,或者是連署九個月等等,一定要綁大選的話,的確有一些技術上的困難。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "如果就這一點而言的話,像現在的門檻已經低了,但是未來萬一不綁大選之後,導致公投紛紛垮在1/4的時候,那就會回來了,不綁大選就是鳥籠公投,因此就只能看這次通過之後,下次拭目以待,這會不會有一些影響?因為這還是跟議題公民的關係與參與度有關。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "以去年來講的話,剛好是十個一起投,如果大家分開投的話,大家可以想像哪一些有1/4,哪一些沒有1/4,但是跟大選綁在一起的話,往往是另外一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "整個公民投票的設計,理念上是希望還權於民,讓人民成為第二號立法者,特別跟大選綁在一起,或者不一定要跟大選綁在一起,公投在各國的經驗當中,我們可以看到非常強烈的,往往是誰在野,誰是公投主要的營舞者,這個是永遠不變的道理,非常非常明顯。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "1995年在德國寫碩士論文的時候,就是寫公投,基本上在朝有執政可能性的政黨,其實不太願意輕易發動,免得執政時,包袱很多。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "發生很多公投的話,有兩大類:第一個是民間的倡議團體,完全的純粹理念;另外一個是在政治上,就是無執政之可能,但利用公投跟有執政的政黨對著幹,就是這樣子。基本上這是很難避免的,如果你跟大選綁在一起的話,當然更難避免候選人是領銜提案。" }, { "speaker": "吳志光", "speech": "我只能講說回歸到民主常態,公民投票其實自然而然是民主政治當中權力禁足的一部分,跟選舉、政黨的競爭是沒有辦法完全脫鉤的,這個沒有辦法。只是跟大選不要綁在一起的話,也許我們在理念上,比較可以就事論事,這的確是如此。但萬一1/4都沒有的話,一股呼聲又回來,這個是鳥籠公投,好不容易要連署28萬,就會在門檻上,不綁大選怎麼辦?如果綁大選,技術上選舉有固定的日期,除非跟其他的國家講一下,一年要配一次,否則有一些技術上的困難,因此這個問題並不是這麼容易,非黑即白,現在變成「得」之後的話,行政機關有一個裁量的空間,其實各國大多數是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "後面還有想法嗎?我先釐清一個事實,修法之後的三至六個月是指公告討論階段,並不是連署的階段。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "是三個月至六個月要完成連署,也就是第一階段之後的第二階段。我先簡單回應。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "你說連署的時間?" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "連署還是六個月,現在是成案之後,要形成公共論壇,這一定要一段時間,起碼要三個月,現在一個月根本來不及。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "我說你六個月,30幾萬,公民團體是不夠的。" }, { "speaker": "賴錦珖", "speech": "六個月不夠是另外一回事。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "因為現在的公投法已經在立法院二讀,行政院的版本已經在5月18日過了,所以下個禮拜有可能是三讀過了。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "我回應民進黨助理談的,幾個月前開公聽會,我說要不要再開一個,讓民間團體來討論,他說沒有問題,之後就是強度關山。因為是環環相扣的問題,你的連署門檻提高,你說獨立公投,我也沒有反對,但這個過程完全都沒有討論。" }, { "speaker": "何宗勳", "speech": "你說以獨立公投來投,臺灣現在目前沒有門檻,就是博弈公投,金門一次、馬祖一次、澎湖兩次,都沒有超過五成,只有四成。我也去查了一些國外沒有門檻的公投,他就是在五成上下左右,那個是很高的,通常都是在三成至四成之間,所以今天一旦脫鉤、又設門檻,可以知道難度是很高的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "不好意思,因為這邊有直播跟逐字稿,所以如果有錯誤的資訊,我必須要即時更正,二讀是蔣絜安委員的版本,院版其實還沒有逕付二讀,這邊有委員的助理,請他們說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "丁宇徵", "speech": "不是不開公聽會的打算,而是大家知道在上上個禮拜,民進黨的召委排了公投法,最後遭到什麼結果?國民黨的整個委員把整個霸占了兩天,這個部分連會議都沒有辦法討論的情況之下,我們怎麼覺得如何開公聽會?程序問題要有,召委連坐上主席台宣告議事討論公開的程序怎麼進行時,這個要如何這一定會有公聽會?你的指責有一點昧於事實,作為過度跳躍的情況,我跟你說當天的情況可以調錄影帶,召委當天連主席台都沒有登上去,對,這個是一個問題,不能這樣子過度去說為何沒有開公聽會。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "停一下,簡單來講,李俊俋委員有承諾要開一個討論會。" }, { "speaker": "丁宇徵", "speech": "我們是說會在委員會開,因為委員會的召委是張宏陸委員,我們家委員並不是召委,所以我必須要澄清,我們建議可以開一個公聽會,必須搞清楚主、客體是什麼,要開全部關於公投法,有27部的公投法在那邊修,開到公聽會,我覺得也是理所當然,但是連委員會都無法開成,大家都無法討論的時候,這個問民進黨委員,請問適合嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "我釐清一下,因為現在在立法院開會的時候,國民黨不斷阻擋,所以民進黨沒有辦法開會,沒有辦法開會討論,就沒有辦法決定如何開聽證會。大概先到這個地方,因為不太是我們今天討論的過程,我們希望大家有機會還是可以多多討論。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "有關於這個部分,還有需要澄清或者是處理的議題嗎?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "剛剛有沒有任何事實資訊不符,有沒有要澄清或者是要補充的意見?因為我們的時間差不多了。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "如果目前沒有的話,非常感謝大家今天參與,看得出來,因為今天的主題主要是針對人權提案的部分,其實大家對於在聽證會的機制,或是以後如果關於事涉兩公約審查要如何跨部會召開,或是連署階段、身分查驗都有各式各樣的關係,很感謝今天有三位立法委員辦公室的助理在現場,希望你們可以把資訊帶回去,未來如果在臨時會有機會做討論的時候,可以做一些參採。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "今天的逐字稿在完成之後會十天給大家修正,比如像吳志光教授的資料、其他部會或是與會者有任何要補充的資訊,都可以直接加在上面,這個是一份完整、公開的資訊,謝謝大家的參與。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "我開會通常都很準時。現在過了3分鐘,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "不管是行政部門或者是學術界,或者很多司改會相關的大律師、相關民間團體,對於偵查不公開這個原則,到底能不能確立、落實,大家都很關心,所以今天我們公聽會是不是邀請相關的行政部門或者各單位來參加,我很快介紹一下今天參加的好朋友,包括NCC吳副處長、司法院刑事廳李法官、法務部檢察司郭主任檢察官、刑事警察局朱副局長、研究員陳先生、媽媽嘴咖啡負責人呂炳宏先生,學術界劉教授還沒有到,他可能在路上。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "另外,實務界有衛星廣播電視商業同業公會自律委員會詹主委,還有司改會召集人施泓成律師。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "(鈴響)這個鈴好像是表決鈴,我如果不去,一次就罰1萬,三次就罰3萬,但是還有5分鐘,我這樣趕過去大概是1分鐘而已。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "今天討論的議題我覺得非常重要,但是不管是整個事件的當事人也好,或者是在報導的媒體、或者是在處理這一些事件的行政機關,包含警政人員、司法人員,怎麼樣我們在偵查的過程中,不會讓受害人再次受到傷害。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "我曾經就這個案子,偵查不公開,嚴重違反的狀況,不是今天一、兩天才發生的,長期存在一段時間,我也曾經質詢過警政署署長,我說為什麼我坐在電視機前面,連續半個小時的新聞,全部都是警政新聞,為何國家大事都沒有,為何國際情事都沒有,全部都是對全民利益、對國家沒有太直接關係的,我認為這不是資訊,這相對是雜訊,因為不是那麼重要,比方蒞庭造成別人的不滿,警察因而要處理打架問題,又或者是超車事件,大家對這一件事有起了一些爭執,然後警方去處理。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "為什麼媒體每一天都在報導這一個新聞,到底是從哪裡來的,我想大概跟警察的執法人員有一定程度的關聯性,所以這個部分為什麼要開公聽會,我們也準備了很久,也謝謝唐鳳政委辦公室的團隊,我們必須花兩個小時的時間來討論,先容許我離開5分鐘,我進去表決一下,我等一下馬上回來,我們就開始做行政部門的簡報。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "離開的這一段時間,我們就請詹小姐幫我們主持一下。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "不好意思,議程都打在上面了,是不是可以先給大家直播的網址跟線上提問的連結。跟大家說明一下,唐鳳辦公室PDIS團隊這次主要是協助事前訪談籌備,會議現場的透明、多元參與,我們為了可以增加民眾的參與,像今天的公聽會會有直播、線上提問,無法到現場的人,大家收看直播的時候,可以輸入這個網址,在上面匿名或者是具名提問,我們等一下在綜合討論的時間,因為左方有非常多的工作人員,我們會即時把線上提問的意見收到心智圖裡面,等一下也會跟大家介紹。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "如果有線上收看直播的,在現場也要匿名給予意見的夥伴,可以打左下角的網址,輸入531,就可以在網頁上進行提問。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "接下來,接下來會請部會簡報,部會簡報的順序由司法院李法官先開始,司法院、法務部、警政署,最後是NCC,每個部會是5分鐘,部會簡報的時候,請大家到我右前方的台子。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "先請部會簡報,簡報完之後,我們等一下會由團隊跟大家盤點我們會前訪談大概10位利害關係人及蒐集到的資料有哪一些,先請司法院,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "李明益", "speech": "主持人、各位先進大家好,今天出席的先進滿多的,我就不一一致意,為了節省各位的意見。" }, { "speaker": "李明益", "speech": "我在這邊做一個偵查不公開立法過程的背景說明,偵查不公開最主要其實規範的對象,顧名思義,規範的是偵查階段的一些作為問題,基本上跟法院審判端的部分,關聯性沒有那麼強,不是沒有關係,只是關聯性沒有那麼強。" }, { "speaker": "李明益", "speech": "為何參與不公開作業辦法的制訂與研修,其實母法的依據是刑事訴訟法第245條第5項,刑事訴訟法是我們本院的主管法規,也因此在第5項授權規定這一個部分,也就是由我們會同行政院來制定這樣的辦法,這個是法源依據的問題。" }, { "speaker": "李明益", "speech": "其實偵查不公開作業辦法早在民國101年12月的時候就已經發布施行,我們送立法院備查的這一段時間,因為委員針對作業辦法的內容有一些意見,因此我們後來再次做修正,在中間有做一些修正。" }, { "speaker": "李明益", "speech": "不過似乎社會各界對於偵查不公開的原則落實似乎是很有意見的,而且在總統府的司改國是會議也把這樣的問題列入議題來討論,並且做成了決議。而其決議是認為針對偵查不公開作業辦法的部分,認為「相關單位應該就本辦法中過於抽象、概括及籠統的規定提出更具體明確的修訂,就得公開事項為具體性指導原則之研擬」,大概是做這樣的決議。根據這樣的決議,本院跟行政院著手就偵查不公開作業辦法的修正來研議。" }, { "speaker": "李明益", "speech": "後來歷經幾次會議的討論,也完成了修訂,已經在3月15日公布了,因為施行期間是三個月,所以6月15日就開始施行了。我在這邊跟各位簡要報告幾個修正的重點。" }, { "speaker": "李明益", "speech": "第一個是立法目的的部分,偵查不公開除了要維護偵查程序的順利進行之外,當然很重要的是就被告或者是犯罪嫌疑人的名譽、隱私及安全也要保障,但是我們認為將來這個部分也會涉及到被告的日後公平審判的問題,因此在這一次的修訂,特別把公平審判這樣的保障列入偵查不公開的立法目的當中。" }, { "speaker": "李明益", "speech": "再來,偵查不公開要求的範圍,除了偵查程序、偵查內容之外,我們這邊也另外增訂了新增的部分,檢、警人員就辦案過程中所得心證的部分也不得公開,這個是重要的修正。" }, { "speaker": "李明益", "speech": "第三個部分,條次有一些變更,是這樣子的:之前的規定是,在第8條是規定哪一些事項不得公開,第9條又規定哪一些事項、什麼情況之下是可以公開,但是我們認為這樣的立法體例在順序上可以有檢討的地方,偵查不公開既然是原則,我們就應該是想只要是偵查過程、內容及心證的部分,原則上通通不能公開。但是問題是這樣的話,事實上實務上有窒礙難行,也影響到民眾「知」的權利,因此我們在一個原則之下,應該先就第8條設定例外可以公開的一些情況。" }, { "speaker": "李明益", "speech": "第9條再來規定例外可以公開的情況之下,哪一些是絕對不能公開,絕對不能公開又規定一項,就影音資料的部分在什麼情況之下是可以公開,因此整個體例的邏輯思維是這樣的設計。" }, { "speaker": "李明益", "speech": "再來,這一次比較重要的修正是,整個偵查不公開的落實是要提升其層次,事實上在偵查不公開的作業辦法,在101年制定之後,檢警機關事實上有針對這個辦法又制定了一個孫法,有一個孫法來落實子法、母法的規定。" }, { "speaker": "李明益", "speech": "不過相關部分的規定提升到子法的規定,也就是偵查不公開之作業辦法,這個部分包括有明文規定偵查機關、偵查輔助機關要指定新聞發言人,設置適當的處所作為媒體採訪地點及劃定採訪的禁制區。第二,偵查機關或偵查輔助機關要組成偵查不公開的檢討小組,上級機關要組成偵查不公開的督導小組,而且還要明訂如果不遵守偵查不公開相關人員的處理程序來強化其究責機制。以上我做簡單扼要的修正報告,如果各位有什麼意見要就教的話,我再回應各位,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝李法官說明,我們接下來就法務部的郭檢針對這個議題來說明。" }, { "speaker": "郭諭芳", "speech": "主席、各位先進大家早安,我是法務部檢察司調部的檢察官,非常榮幸今天有這個機會來說明這個偵查不公開的內容。" }, { "speaker": "郭諭芳", "speech": "剛剛李法官已經就偵查不公開的重點已經有一些介紹,我將偵查不公開作業辦法、偵查機關、偵查輔助機關一些有關的事項,還有大家有一些問題都在這裡提出、並請各位指教。" }, { "speaker": "郭諭芳", "speech": "有關於偵查不公開的作業辦法,將在108年6月15日施行,立法的目的有三個:維護偵查程序順利進行、保障被告及被害人及訴訟關係人之隱私與安全、落實無罪推定原則(避免標籤犯)問題出現。" }, { "speaker": "郭諭芳", "speech": "有關於偵查不公開作業辦法新規定的修正重點為何?第一個是如同剛剛所說的,避免標籤犯的情況發生;第二個很重要的是,以後司法警察機關必須落實發言人的制度,這個是落實司改國是會議決議的事項;第三個是公開案件的類型明確化、不得公開事項明確化,這也是剛剛李法官有提到的,這一次辦法第8條、第9條有明確而且細緻的規定,包括什麼情況下在偵查中有什麼案件可以公開。" }, { "speaker": "郭諭芳", "speech": "就算可以公開的時候,有什麼事項、偵查內容是不可以公開的,第8、9條都有詳盡地規定,就這一些詳盡的規定,我們也做了一些教育訓練,讓檢察機關、司法警察機關人員能夠對新辦法有所熟悉。" }, { "speaker": "郭諭芳", "speech": "跟機關有關的還有兩點:一個是劃定採訪禁制區;第二個是成立偵查不公開檢討小組、偵查不公開督導小組。" }, { "speaker": "郭諭芳", "speech": "會不會造成黑箱作業?我們的回答是不會的。偵查的程序及內容,經審酌公共利益及合法權益的保護,可於第一時間適度公開說明,同時兼顧新聞自由與大眾知道的權利。而且偵查終結後,重大矚目案件將會對外說明,因此偵查不公開,其實偵查的內容、順序只是在時間上不公開,至於案件起訴之後,法庭是公開的,就可以對外說明,所以會不會造成黑箱作業的這一點,請媒體朋友放心。" }, { "speaker": "郭諭芳", "speech": "另外,有關於媒體採訪的禁制區會不會阻礙新聞採訪的自由?在4月25日的時候,一、二審的檢察機關有進行會議,對於落實媒體可以採訪的區域都已經有劃定,對於禁制區的部分也有一些律定,這個部分是因應司改國是會議的決議,而且各機關因為辦公環境設計的不同,也會採取因地制宜的做法。" }, { "speaker": "郭諭芳", "speech": "第四,有人破獲重大案件是不是可以發布新聞、陳列證物?這一些案件對於國家安全、社會治安有重大的影響,為了維護公共利益及保護合法的權益,自然是可以發布新聞的。" }, { "speaker": "郭諭芳", "speech": "至於查獲的槍支、毒品等證物,如果事先經過機關首長的核準,也可以適度的公開。" }, { "speaker": "郭諭芳", "speech": "剛剛邱委員指教的,電視媒體的新聞常常有一些錄影,這一些畫面的播出,在這一次的偵查不公開的作業辦法當中,對於跟案件有關的錄影、照片是不是可以公開,也有一些律定。" }, { "speaker": "郭諭芳", "speech": "這一些案件涉及到國安、重大治安災難、社會矚目案件,或者是媒體報導、網路事實有誤,有澄清必要時,事先要經首長核準,也要適度公開,而且去識別化的要求,也是要看個案的需要。" }, { "speaker": "郭諭芳", "speech": "最後,對於違反偵查不公開,有無究責機制?我們的答案是有的,現在警察機關、司法機關都要設置偵查不公開檢討小組,上級機關要設置偵查不公開督導小組,必須要按季檢討、定期公布檢討報告,如果發現所屬的人員違反偵查不公開,也要依據相關的法規送請處理。" }, { "speaker": "郭諭芳", "speech": "法務部對於新的偵查不公開作業辦法有什麼?我們在第一階段已經舉辦了講習的課程,在北、中、南有四場的講習辦理完畢,而且在法務部的內網設置了落實偵查不公開」專區,提供條文、上課講義、問答集給同仁參考,對於一、二審檢察機關責成臺灣高等檢察署督導落實本辦法,以上法務部的報告,敬請指教,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝郭主任檢察官針對這一次修法、討論的提綱給予非常詳細的說明,等一下還有更細緻及需要被討論的問題,我們等一下會在綜合討論時討論。" }, { "speaker": "王順隆", "speech": "主持人、各位委員大家好,我是內政部警政署刑事警察局王順隆,因為偵查不公開業務是警政署列管的,今天由副局長帶領我到這裡出席公聽會,我感到很榮幸,以下由我來報告。" }, { "speaker": "王順隆", "speech": "有關警察機關偵辦刑事案件落實偵查不公開與新聞處的規定,事實上我們按照的辦法也是現在目前的偵查不公開的作業辦法,除了這個辦法之外,我們除了要求同仁遵守不公開以外,也有律定新聞處理作業要點,以下我們就警察處理要點、具體做法、執行狀況、策進作為、相關作為等來做一個摘要的報告。" }, { "speaker": "王順隆", "speech": "大綱請參閱、概況說明也請參閱。" }, { "speaker": "王順隆", "speech": "在現行做法的部分,現行各警察機關在落實新聞處理的具體做法部分,主要是依據剛剛所講的,我們有訂頒「警察機關偵辦刑案新聞處理應行注意要點」的規定,這個要點大概總共有15項的內容,包含了可以歸成四大主軸,包含指定報案人的機制、規定發布新聞的要件、維護偵查秘密措施、內控機制等等。因為6月15日起,新辦法即將施行,我們為了因應新的作業辦法,在6月15日就要上路了,本署及各警察機關,陸續也完成了員警的教育訓練。另外配合作業辦法,我們也在修正處理要點的內容,這個新的規定,在畫面上可以看到,藍色的部分是屬於維護偵查機密提升的部分,包括偵查保密措施、劃設採訪禁制區、定期辦理教育訓練,在右邊粉紅色的區塊,是屬於防止同仁濫發新聞的功能,包含明確訂定發布內容的規範,這個內容規範是依據作業辦法的那幾項規定。另外,也嚴格律定報案機制、新聞檢核程序等等。另外,我們也會定期檢討及公布我們的查處缺失。" }, { "speaker": "王順隆", "speech": "警察機關在發布新聞或者是接獲媒體採訪的程序,我們事實上也有律定四道程序:第一道是我們要先檢視發布的刑案新聞是不是有一些作業;第二個是新聞要發布,程序上是要由警察分局長或者是相當職務的主官來核準,才能發布;第三個程序是我們現在比較新的作業是,有一個檢核機制,也就是要有主官、相關不公開業務的主管單位、公關單位來檢視新聞的內容是不是合適;第四個是新聞發布一定要公開,不能私下提供給特定的媒體等等。" }, { "speaker": "王順隆", "speech": "在執行情形的部分,警政署的勤務指揮中心跟刑事警察局,每一天事實上都有在監看電子及平面媒體的報導,主動發覺機關是不是違反相關的規定。我們也統計了103年至107年間,我們總共交查了382件,違反規定的有173件,處分的人數也有174人,包含記過、申誡等等都有。" }, { "speaker": "王順隆", "speech": "在策進作為的部分,剛剛在監看這一些媒體,也就是警察機關發布這一些有違反規定的內容,我們會進行檢討與分析,我們也會邀請各警察機關要強化相關的事項,包括下面三個部分,要強化偵查卷資料保密等等,包含我們要求同仁一定要落實偵詢室、管制非案件調查人員接近等等,我們主要是要從源頭來管制,避免可能一些不當的就從源頭洩漏出去。" }, { "speaker": "王順隆", "speech": "第二,我們發布新聞要基於公益,當然發布的資料,我們律定同仁不能發布就性向、交友、親屬等等無關公益的訊息。" }, { "speaker": "王順隆", "speech": "第三,最主要是針對電子媒體的部分,還有一些影像,像個人資料等等,我們要求同仁一定要做去識別化,像一般案件的逮捕、空間影像,以後儘量不公開,事實上就是不能公布。" }, { "speaker": "王順隆", "speech": "建議一:偵查不公開的辦法,剛剛先進也有提到我們劃設禁制區,這個影響比較大,因為偵查隊辦的刑案比較多、卷證比較多,所以我們在辦公區會做一個區隔。不過要請媒體朋友注意的是,記者是不是不能進警察單位,其實也不是這個意思,因為我們記者朋友如果有採訪需求進出機關,也是歡迎,但是因為偵查隊的辦公室,可能電腦或者是桌上會有偵辦的卷證,我們會做適當的區隔,比如架一個屏風等等,以後請媒體朋友要儘量配合。" }, { "speaker": "王順隆", "speech": "建議二,對於案件採訪資料,如果媒體朋友除了警察提供的資料之外,如果是屬於自行評論的,是不是可以在報導內容加一個「促進」等等,避免這個是偵查所得的事實,這個也要麻煩媒體朋友注意一下。" }, { "speaker": "王順隆", "speech": "在案件還沒有判決確定,希望這個報導也要比較中性,不要有預斷評論性質的辦法,可能會影響大眾的設定等等。" }, { "speaker": "王順隆", "speech": "結語的部分請參閱,以上報告,敬請指教。" }, { "speaker": "王昱浩", "speech": "我是警工會,我想截斷一下討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們是可以留在綜合討論,或者您認為在這個時間點?" }, { "speaker": "王昱浩", "speech": "現在這個時候比較恰當。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "請問王股長是不是可以先回座,因為等一下您的問題我們收起來之後,我們一定會討論,這個時間點先讓你發言,我們先請王股長,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王昱浩", "speech": "不好意思,打斷大家。剛剛刑事警察局提到處分的問題,第一個是處分的種類是怎麼樣?刑事警察機關發布的新聞稿不合規定,或者是私下放出去的消息違反了偵查不公開,處分的對象會是誰?處分的對象到底是稽查警察人員隨便把偵查的事項拿出去給大家講,隨便拿到LINE群組亂傳,或者是分局長或者是副分局長的這一些人?如果是處分私下的話,是如何查?或者是殺雞儆猴?或者是你們會公開處理分局長?" }, { "speaker": "王昱浩", "speech": "每一次警政署的職務會報都會比較每一個警察機關所有的正、負面輿情、數量,只看數字、正負面,不看內容,我們得到了很多垃圾新聞,這一些核定的人通通都沒有關係,但如果有偵查不公開違反的問題,基層就倒楣了,基層敢不敢不違法?新聞稿是誰寫的?承辦人寫的,或者是訊息不透露給媒體?長官施壓的狀況很多,這個是長官自己私下透露出去的,也很多,這一些東西有沒有處分到?我真的很想看到處分的人到底都是哪一個層級、哪一個職務的人,以上,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "謝謝警工協會的王昱浩先生。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "接下來我們繼續請行政部門做簡報。" }, { "speaker": "吳娟", "speech": "邱委員、各位先進大家早,有關於廣電媒體落實偵查不公開的挑戰與義務,通常就以下幾個方面來做簡短的說明,接著說明通傳會的權責,是基於通訊傳播基本法、組織法的定位與權責是廣播電視的主管機關,依照廣播電視法、衛星廣播電視法的授權,監理廣播電視事業。事實上網路媒體的管理及社會相同,應該由各個法令的主管機關依權責來處理,當前媒體的型態多元、而且也互相影響,因此偵查不公開是採取部會協力的方式來共同推動。" }, { "speaker": "吳娟", "speech": "前面的先進已經針對了是訴訟法的相關規定,我就不多說。" }, { "speaker": "吳娟", "speech": "事實上大家都都說目前並不包括了新聞媒體的一些規範,不在他的規範對象裡面。媒體的特性、大家監督政府、報導真相、服務民眾知的權利,這個是大家眾所週知的。" }, { "speaker": "吳娟", "speech": "依照新修正的偵查不公開作業辦法第8條規定,針對偵查中的案件有揭露的意外規定,但是我們也比較好奇的是,依照偵查不公開的辦法裡面,哪一些訊息是該適度公開揭露,要怎麼樣去衡平與公共利益的關係,這個事實上日後有待於綜合機關研判。" }, { "speaker": "吳娟", "speech": "偵查期間如果媒體有違法或者是不當取得資訊,當然可以由偵查機關視個案的情況依媒體的法令來進行處理。" }, { "speaker": "吳娟", "speech": "媒體報導偵查案件有哪一些規範,在民國65年發布的廣播電視法第22條裡面,雖然有偵查或者是審判中的訴訟事件不得評論之規定,但是之後的衛星廣播電視法及有線廣播電視法就沒有納入相關的規範,這個是因為立法者刻意排除,以避免限制廣電媒體言論自由,有礙於媒體第四權的行使。" }, { "speaker": "吳娟", "speech": "現行廣播電視法及衛星廣播電視法都有更正權、答覆、答辯權的設計,以保障當事人的權益。如果媒體報導是有誹謗、公然侮辱或者是侵害他人的人格情形,當然會受到民、刑法的約束。" }, { "speaker": "吳娟", "speech": "如何改善廣電媒體的報導?首先,當然落實檢警調的消息來源保密,媒體除了透過發言人外,沒有辦法透過其他的官方管道獲得司法案件的偵辦情形,並且強化究責機制,將會有助於司法當事人隱私的確保,以避免娛樂審判。" }, { "speaker": "吳娟", "speech": "目前電視新聞媒體都有成立了新聞自律委員會,相關的開會資料也都會公開上網,但是學會跟衛星公會也訂定了新聞自律綱要,綱要當中也都涵蓋了犯罪事件、司法案件的處理分則,通傳法是透過民眾監督、業者自律及法律規管的三律共管機制,尊重言論自由的前提下,管理媒體內容的呈現。" }, { "speaker": "吳娟", "speech": "最後,為了保障司法人權、提升司法新聞品質,通傳會將會持續透過各種措施,除了本於法定職權媒體自主及依法裁處以外,也會跟司法院、內政部、法務部的相關部會共同合作,建立政府部門、廣電媒體及相關公學會之溝通平台,並辦理座談會,以強化廣電媒體新聞自律內控機制,增加從業人員專業知能,以維護司法人權,以上簡單報告。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "謝謝NCC副處長的簡報" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "我想您提到如何廣電媒體的報導,我想這三點:包含落實消息來源保密、教育訓練及三律共管機制,這個沒有從法律約束,而是口頭約束。" }, { "speaker": "吳娟", "speech": "有。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "如果可以出現法律約束力的話,是不會出現這麼多的亂象,這個的確是很多人的共同感覺,因為很久以前就不看社會媒體報導,我看運動台、卡通台,就是不看新聞台,因為新聞媒體跟警政機關的默契,新聞同仁如果不積極去發覺社會正面的能力,上班就到警政機關,警政機關有相關的事情、案件,當然手上有相關的影片,包含了密錄器、執行必要的蒐證,還有警政機關可以調到的監視器,這一些都是在媒體上可以廣泛散播。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "當然警政機關有相關的規定,要在什麼樣的狀況之下可以提供給媒體,但是現在不是,所有的案件都可以提供給媒體,小到連超車、道路一些超車去執行臨檢,密錄器也可以提供給媒體這,都是在偵查過程中所必要的影像,為何在偵查中媒體可以拿到?" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "或者是採取某些攻堅行為的時候,像查緝毒販,媒體不可能去攻堅,一定是警方才會有攻堅的蒐證影帶,為何這個蒐證影帶在媒體鉅細靡遺公開呈現?我只能針對警政機關更強力約束,沒有五次也有三次,我會把要把警政署長移送監察院,如果沒有辦法具體落實偵查不公開的話。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "雖然已經來辦公室說明好幾次,也有相關的規範,但是沒有執行,或者是執行太過於寬鬆,變成是用KPI,包括分局派出所,都是發言人,只要媒體記者把麥克風拿給你,就說這個犯罪是什麼樣的狀況,這個是常態嗎?這個是合理的嗎?我為什麼印象很深刻?因為有一個市民朋友,他有視覺失調,在捷運站揮舞刀子,甚至查到他的母親,警政機關就會有其資料,因為要通知他的家人,結果所有的媒體都訪問他的母親,結果他的母親要為他的子女行為道歉,但是他的子女是一個認知失調的人,我看到很多亂象都覺得非常不可思議。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "縱使NCC或者是警政署有相關的說明,我們有相關的法律機制,也有約束的機制來讓這一種情況,也就是偵查不公開可以具體落實,但是現在我覺得落實力非常非常低,社會上也有很多對這個不滿的地方。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "今天的重點是集中在如何落實偵查不公開,偵查不公開是該緊守分際、落實,要瞭解問題是在哪裡,我們也瞭解媒體更多自律的功能,社會相關的團體,或者相關改革的協會,我們共同把這一些亂象做一些管控,這個是我剛剛對於NCC小小的評論。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "接下來,我們要請誰報告?都報告完了嗎?下一個議程是各部會的簡報都結束了,我們接下來做盤點。唐鳳政委辦公室有做一些資料,牽涉到偵查不公開的相關單位、人員,比方說當事人,不管是被告、原告、公務人員、警察機關、調查局、廉政署或者是媒體、閱聽者,其實就落實到不公開的面向。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "針對這四個面向所面臨到的現況是什麼,我們針對這一些現況來做一些分析,而這一些現況有一些不合理,我們如何提出有效的解決方式,把這一些不合理的地方矯正或者是調整。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "我們把議題的脈絡做釐清,這一個部分請唐鳳政委辦公室來做說明。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "在開始說明之前,我補充介紹一下與會的來賓,剛剛政大學系的劉昌德教授及司改會黃盈嘉律師、高涪暄研究員以及警工會的王昱浩北區聯絡人。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "大家手上有彩色的心智圖,這個是蒐集的資料跟訪談的資料所整理的資料,如果看不清楚就請比照手上的心智圖。我們針對不同的角色、現況面臨的問題及這一次修法所做出的回應,或許還有哪一些窒礙難行的部分,我們做了一些資料的整理。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "首先,最上面,我們今天開公聽會要解決的是「落實偵查不公開的困難」有哪一些,其實相關的法律規範都有、各機關都有要點,但是如同委員所說的,還是會有一些不恰當或者是違反偵查不公開原則事情不斷出現,非常謝謝之前所有受訪的人都給予了寶貴的第一線意見。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們從最左邊的角色開始,檢察官、調查局、廉政單位現況有什麼樣的問題?第一個是偵辦機關其實跟媒體之間會有一個供需的關係,有依賴媒體的需求,媒體可能會翻閱卷宗自行報導資料,第三個是若違反相關人員偵查不公開的時候,檢討機制無法落實,就像王昱浩聯絡人所說的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這一次新版的作業辦法有提出一些作業改善,像第10條媒體翻閱卷宗的部分,未來會訂定媒體禁制區;針對檢討機制,未來會由機關內部設置3至5人的不公開檢討小組,上級機關會有督導小組,這個是修法上的回應,這個修法也會提出疑慮,像檢討小組、督導小組都只有內部人員會不具有公正性、客觀性,這個可能會被受到質疑。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二個,像警察機關的部分,現況上會遇到的問題可能是每一個員警對於億偵查不公開的考量及判斷基準不一樣,像記者拿麥克風之後,覺得有些事可以講、有些人覺得不可以講,因此會造成有一點紊亂的情況出現。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "所以第12條新修正辦法是強化願景的教育訓練是重要的一環,第二個是統一在第10條修法,以後會統一設立發言人制度,統一對媒體發言,其他的人不得對媒體發言。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二個部分,警方也需要透過媒體塑造打擊犯罪、維護民眾的形象,所以有時也是需要合作,有些是秘書室的長官要求員警提供一些密錄器或者是偵查不公開的資料,員警也無法不從,等一下會討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "紫色(便利貼)的部分是有把意見收上來了,像乘除是什麼方式、違反的樣態有哪一些,還有長官要洩漏的時候,基層原則要如何辦?這個是第一線的心聲,這個是我們在的時候都要解決的問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "接下來,警察有媒體露出的KPI,這個是過去的,這次也針對不當的現象,在第13條的修法修正了,應該要取消媒體曝光作為考評,但是實際上我們在訪談的時候,也是會說媒體曝光不作為考評,但是是不是也是有可能會影響這個人陞遷,比如他的案子常常有媒體的曝光率,這個當然沒有相關的證據或者是數據可以證實,但是這個是大家共同心中都有的疑慮。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "當事人的部分,像案件的被告或者是被害人,有時也會對媒體放話,也就是在偵查的過程中,當事人如果公開訊息的話,要怎麼辦?其實這個作業辦法規範的是申辦跟增補機關,目前沒有相關的法律會去約束它。有一個法務部的意見是,建議訂定妨礙司法公正罪,相關的修法還沒有,這個或許是未來可以考量的方向。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "接著是媒體的部分,其實作業辦法沒有約束到媒體,但是媒體也是在這整個事件中非常重要的一環,也訪談了衛星公會、NCC,第一個其實包含了媒體確實會需要點閱率、流量,所以大家會正像報導,因此不會你有、我沒有,因此會形成這樣的情況。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二個是即時新聞沒有辦法查證,這個是另外一個面向的問題,還有包含平面、電子媒體無法管控,這個是很多民眾的疑慮,但是並不是NCC的權責,是不是需要專責機關或者是法律有待大家討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "媒體的部分,其實邱委員有提到,像三律共管機制,包含媒體要自律、第二個是他律,像有媒體同樣的人當作當然委員,也會請外聘的學者專家,其實是有外部機制,也就是他律的機制。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "最後一個層面是當自律跟他律都沒有辦法落實的時候,就會有法律相關的規定,比如媒體報導了兒少或者是性侵相關的,又或者是社會秩序維護法的這一些法律時,其實還是有法律工具可以制裁的,到底這一些法律工具實際成案的案件數有多少,大家還是會有一個疑慮。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "也會有民間單位提到其實NCC當然沒有辦法在事前管控內容,會有言論自由疑慮,但是NCC是監理機關,所以有換照、評議的過程,所以如果有些媒體如果確實經常有勸導,但是不聽的情況,是不是在換照的時候是可以給予一些相關的限制或者是約束,這個或許是NCC可以考慮的工具。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "接著是閱聽者,媒體說會這樣報導其實是民眾這樣看,因此法治教育是相當重要的。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二張是當違反偵查不公開的時候會有什麼補救機制或者是究責機制,像媽媽嘴的呂先生在現場,司法很快會還他清白了,但是在媒體上,標籤化、輿論效應已經造成了,對於被標籤化的權利受侵害的當事人,像他的被以往權、更正權、個人申訴管道是否足夠。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二個是究責機制,像律師、訴訟代理人如果一樣在偵查過程中洩漏一些資訊的話,其實有依律師法可以懲戒,媒體一樣會回到新聞自律委員會來額究責,針對機關是依照檢討小組、督導小組來做審理,但是一樣會面臨到檢討小組會追蹤不到洩漏來源及蒐證的問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "這個是主持團隊針對這一個議題所做的一些盤點,我們看到最右邊,因此在這一些事實基礎、各方的意見之上,其實今天的會議會希望更聚焦、更細緻的討論,因此請拉到有一個「會議預計方向」,有些人有紙本,有些人沒有,沒有的話請快速聽我說一遍。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們訪談的利害關係人當中,大家非常在意的是,不管是學界、公務機關、NGO,第8條、第9條有將相關不可洩漏的事項明確化,但是像第8條第1項第1款、第3款,所謂的社會矚目案件,是時候可以被公開說明,有人覺得這種事情很小,應該要讓民眾知道,政府機關卻認為不需要,但是有時似乎案件很大,但是並沒有非常重要的公共利益,或許並不需要讓民眾知道,這個判準也許是未來落實法規上會遇到的問題,等一下會需要細緻討論及個案說明。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "另外,有關於新版作業辦法第11條,機關內部會指定三至五人組成「偵查不公開檢討小組」,如果沒有外部人員的話,公正性、客觀性是否足夠?上級機關要指定有關人員三至五人組成督導小組,這個「有關人員」是誰?會不會像警工會所說的長官間有包庇的情況,應該要檢討的事情就沒有檢討到了,這個是不是具有外部客觀性?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第三個,有關於定期教育訓練,像「偵辦及偵輔機關」,一年需要兩個小時,或者是可以更多,他的課程是可以單純受課式的,或者是找到非常多元的角色,找到工作坊的形式,我們用個案慢慢凝聚出包含社會矚目案件的判準或者是媒體、偵辦主動機關的原則。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "最後,如果偵查不公開未落實,當事人名譽受損害的時候,該如何進行救濟?像被以往權,是否可以要求網路平台業者移除不名譽的內容和搜尋的結果,行政機關會說當事人可以找Google、FB要求他們下架,但是我們覺得兩邊的力量權衡其實是非常不平衡的,是不是有辦法有一個機制?也就是當司法單位、法務部還給當事人清白的時候,行政機關這邊有一個機制,可以請相關的平台下架?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二個,廣電法第23條、衛廣法第44條都有當事人可以申訴,要求媒體平衡澄清,記者會講的是被害人有罪,但是最後是掛一個新聞稿,因此比例原則不符合,因此標籤化無法被去除,接著是偵查、偵輔機關的公開澄清是否符合比例,這個是要為了保障被標籤化的被害人,以上幾點是我們需要綜合討論時更細緻討論。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "謝謝唐鳳政委辦公室,脈絡補得很清楚,接下來進入比較實時的討論階段,大家都有想法,從閱聽者、監督者的角色,我作為閱聽者的角色,都會看到電視節目、新聞節目,這個是被動接受。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "但是被動接受的結果是,閱聽者是也許中、小學學生,可能是大學生,閱聽者是被動接受新聞資訊,你注意看,有很大比例跟篇幅,我一直強調,「ROC」是「Republic of Crime」,犯罪共和國,一直播新聞節目,大概有80%是非常爭議的犯罪新聞,這一些犯罪新聞不應該出現在電視媒體上,我們曾經有感覺到厭惡感,我們國家或者是學生覺得是不是黑幫治國或者是犯罪盛行,作為一個閱聽者也好,希望能夠改變。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "作為一個閱聽者,監督行政部門,行政部門是警政署因此希望媒體塑造形象,每一個警察機關偵查不公開的標準判斷不一,這個是推托之詞,應該要有一個一致的標準,這個在世界各國,行政機關有這麼大的彈性,一個所的所長可以接受媒體的訪問,每一個派出所都是發言人,而不需要經過警政署或者是分局或者是警察局的相關核可嗎?" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "一個所長就把犯罪的樣態過程提供出來,他不是偵查機關,而是執法人員,因此這樣就會變成在輿論上的呈現是一種誤導。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "接下來進入討論階段。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "綜合討論之前有一些影片,我們先看一下,作為一個引子,然後開始討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "影片有3分多鐘,大家都是滿熟悉的。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "這個是執法人員的密錄器,不見得是執法人員所提供的,也許是上級人員要求的,他看到的東西,不見得是他所強調的,也不是他所認知的,這個也許需要相關警察機關的偵查,為何可以呈現?" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "這個密錄器是屬於偵查不公開的資料當,為何每一天都可以出現?員警執勤的密錄器都有,卻成為新聞的來源。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "第二段影片是俗稱的星光大道,被告或者是嫌疑人會不斷被拍攝,在壓制嫌犯的時候是不是要有一些遮蔽的措施,大家是不是要有進一步的討論?" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "警工推的王昱浩先生有提出一些問題,大家可以看到在螢幕上,包含處分的種類是什麼、公開發布新聞稿不合規定時要懲處的是誰、基層員警被處分時要如何辦、洩漏如何查證?是不是請警政署給予一些回應,其他的各個單位或者與會者針對這個地方有意見或者是想法的,就可以隨時舉手,邱立委辦公室會協助大家讓大家討論。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "我希望每一位都可以充分發言,是不是請還沒有發言過的。" }, { "speaker": "朱宗泰", "speech": "各位先進、代表,就所說的問題再作說明,有關於本署針對警察機關違反偵查不公開原則的查處機制,接獲民眾的陳情之外,我們就業務內容來進行列管,我們也教督導單位來查處之外,本署的行政指揮中心每日監看報導,違反偵查不公開的情事。" }, { "speaker": "朱宗泰", "speech": "經分析,近年來違反規定的案件,主要以發布新聞,依律定的程序來辦理,提供資料為適當提出,為媒體召開情形。" }, { "speaker": "朱宗泰", "speech": "媒體大部分跟警政單位的互動不錯,市場到警政單位聊天泡茶,這個是確實的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "朱宗泰", "speech": "經統計,103年至107年查處疑似違反偵查不公開的案件,總共有382件。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "打斷一下,全年?" }, { "speaker": "朱宗泰", "speech": "103年至107年。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "我光看數據就很奇怪,一年60件,6天才1件,一個禮拜才1件。" }, { "speaker": "朱宗泰", "speech": "從去年10月間,警察機關落實偵查不公開,發布新聞的檢核表,裡面的內容規定很詳細,發布的要件是什麼,核心不得公開或者是揭露之事項、資料,這個部分有很多事項。" }, { "speaker": "朱宗泰", "speech": "另外,這個檢核表要經過公關刑事單位陳核到局長之後才發布,10月才開始實施,接著因應偵查不公開的作業辦法,我們把這個檢核表再針對內容做修正,以後針對檢核表的內容逐項來勾選。" }, { "speaker": "朱宗泰", "speech": "另外,裡面也有指定要由哪一個層級的發言人來代表發言,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "每一個派出所所長都是發言人,甚至一般偵查隊的小隊長都是發言人,如果5年360件的話,給我一個月,我檢舉超過500件,你懂我的意思嗎?所以這個部分是有法,卻沒有執行,這個檢核表是假的,簽到局長才給發言人,你早上發生,新聞就上來了,可以接到局長那邊去嗎?" }, { "speaker": "朱宗泰", "speech": "警察局是由局長,分局的話是由分局長來核定。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "如果把你們的公文流程調上來的話,你們一件都調不上來,這個已經講很清楚了,沒有必要在這邊再講。" }, { "speaker": "朱宗泰", "speech": "剛剛有提到處分層級,我們也有處分到分局長,並不是只有基層的同仁,像去年高雄也有一件,是處分到分局長、偵查隊長,各記過一次,這個是我們發現之後,那一次處分比較嚴重,是到分局長,並不是只有基層的同仁。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "第一段影片,警方在執行路檢查緝毒品,有密錄器,媒體為何會拿到?這一件有無列管?" }, { "speaker": "朱宗泰", "speech": "就影片的話,應該是我們本身提供的。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "有沒有列管?你根本不知道啊!" }, { "speaker": "朱宗泰", "speech": "我們從去年就開始。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "這個是我三年前質詢的,拿一大堆的法律條文給我看,你們依據什麼,完全沒有在做,問題是在這裡,因此偵查不公開,最需要落實的是警政機關。" }, { "speaker": "林雨蒼", "speech": "不好意思,我是唐鳳政委辦公室助理主持雨蒼,警工會有一些需要警政署澄清,就你們懲處的樣態是在什麼地方?這個是第一個部分。第二個,你們在列管偵查不公開的案件之後,你們內部是做什麼相應的查處,是不是可以幫我們分享一下?第三個,非常感謝委員剛剛有提到一件事,目前偵查不公開,我們大部分針對新聞跟媒體,但是針對Youtube或者是粉絲團的露出,有沒有做相應的查處?是不是可以幫我們補充一下這三點,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "你可以想一下,可能沒有辦法回答,我先邀請其他的單位。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "今天也有新聞自律委員會的詹怡宜主委。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "我們跟詹主委訪談的時候,有提到第8條未來媒體跟政府機關互動上可能不一樣,您這邊有什麼想法?有什麼意見?" }, { "speaker": "詹怡宜", "speech": "這個是針對偵查不公開的新辦法,其實大致上媒體來說也是肯定的,我相信包括剛才看到類似高雄市政府警察局的小驗剪輯露出在影片上,這個是一個問題,像在觀念上,當警政單位有一些宣導,讓社會大眾瞭解警察非常英勇、做很多事的時候,也會用很多方式,其實也不是透過媒體,而是可以自己放上去Youtube,自己呈現來做宣導,因此大家也都希望這個東西取得一個平衡,一方面我們可以看到警察有做一些事,這個是我想警政單位在露出這樣影片時的概念。" }, { "speaker": "詹怡宜", "speech": "另外一方面,當然我們知道為何要有偵查不公開的作業辦法,其實最重要的是要保障這一些當事人的人權,剛剛提到要公平審判,不希望這一些東西在執法或者是宣導的過程中,又或者是偵辦的過程中,我們看到一些可能會違反到人權的原則,我覺得這個互相的平衡是很重要的。" }, { "speaker": "詹怡宜", "speech": "過去,我認為的確有一些部分,我們這樣的互動狀況可能沒有做得很好檢討,過去有幾件事,包含這一次有特別提到,像媽媽嘴事件,有一些是很遺憾造成的狀況,也可以在這個階段好好討論。" }, { "speaker": "詹怡宜", "speech": "不過我覺得這個當中有一些事,像社會大眾對於新聞媒體有一些失望或者是覺得不夠好的地方,但是我們仍然很堅信新聞自由的價值,我們希望很多事,雖然有三律共管,但是我們最希望透過的是自律。" }, { "speaker": "詹怡宜", "speech": "但是在過去的十年以來,新聞的自律一直透過幾次的事件當中,我們再一次次地檢討當中,其實是有一些改善,可能邱委員還是不喜歡看電視新聞,但是我相信如果我們再透過偵查不公開,我們最近已經透過記者回報,其實警察機關因為有偵查不公開的作業辦法,已經非常緊縮了,記者已經跑不到新聞了,不像過去這樣。" }, { "speaker": "詹怡宜", "speech": "而大家也比較有意識,是不是有什麼東西怎麼樣保護,也為我們透過各個媒體間彼此的協調,我認為這一整個作業辦法的大方向是可以朝著比較正面的方向來突破、改進。" }, { "speaker": "詹怡宜", "speech": "當然,我覺得剛剛在討論,還有很多細微的事情,有的時候包含我們在看政治,像會有放話的可能性,這個部分可能是真的很難去追查到源頭,或者是一直對於機關做限制,但是一定會有漏洞,這個部分也很難限制媒體,不能因為可能成為放話的工具,或者是可能在報導當中會有一些問題,因此就不報導,然後就對媒體管制,這個其實也不是就民主社會互相求進步成長的好方式,如果一直用管制、限制的方式。" }, { "speaker": "詹怡宜", "speech": "所以,我們比較認為透過約束相關單位的偵查不公開,也就是透過這樣的作業辦法,大家一再提出這一整件事是為了偵查順利、公平的審判、當事人人權的保護,這樣的概念我認為是好的,而新聞的從業人員也是在這樣的觀念之下尋求自律。" }, { "speaker": "詹怡宜", "speech": "我當中對於今天提出有幾點,包含第8條關於哪一些東西,因的確有一些時候是需要公開的,像過去發生了幾個案子,的確在採訪的過程中,像為何沒有被受騙,因為有過這個報導,看過、知道這個人是騙子,因此才沒有再被騙,類似像這樣的案子,我相信有時適度揭發一些偵辦當中的案子,讓社會大眾瞭解,也有他的必要性,並不是全面的,完整過程當中就媒體報導,我想也不是這樣子,主要是這一些的拿捏。" }, { "speaker": "詹怡宜", "speech": "因此,比較大的問題是,接下來怎麼樣在第8條,也就是哪一些是屬於影響社會大眾生命、自由、安全,哪一些是要防範的,哪一些是重大影響,因此要適度的公開說明,到時在執法、真正運作時,我覺得這個才是我們接下來會碰到的問題。" }, { "speaker": "詹怡宜", "speech": "因此,我認為大致上這樣的作業辦法修正,我們共同來提升對於偵查不公開的概念,我認為是正面的,以上。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "謝謝詹召集人。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "接下來聽聽學者、專家的意見,劉教授坐了很久,請政大新聞系的劉教授。" }, { "speaker": "劉昌德", "speech": "各位、與會代表大家好,我是劉昌德。剛剛詹主委有提到媒體的部分,我自己就議程大綱第4點跟大家交換一下意見。剛剛委員提到很久不看新聞台,我說老實話,作為一個新聞系的教授,不敢很久不看新聞台,但是每次看都有一些感想。" }, { "speaker": "劉昌德", "speech": "這幾年不管是我自己或者是我的這一些新聞系的同事們,我們都會對於媒體現象有非常多的批評,但是今天我想在這個場合,首先想要幫新聞媒體比較正面的功能來說話,這一次委員跟唐鳳辦公室很認真事前準備議題手冊,我事前看了,裡面整理了一些非常多,特別今天呂先生也有到,在這個手冊裡面,容我直接唸一下,因為我想呂先生等還會有一些說明。" }, { "speaker": "劉昌德", "speech": "呂先生在第二段提到,第二次羈押的時候,法官要求呂先生禁語,出去不能講話,他認為不合理,當時有去問金紙店的老闆,說呂先生有去買金紙,但是不能反駁,因為他不能對媒體講話。我有一點驚訝,為何法官可以要求他自己的權益,媒體問他,卻不能講話,我不知道為何,這個也許要請教司法相關的專家,不管是法官或者是警政的人員。" }, { "speaker": "劉昌德", "speech": "我覺得如果這樣來看,就這一個單一的事件來說,如果呂先生可以對媒體講金紙店老闆所說的,跟他的狀況完全不合,也就是有兩造平衡報導時,回過頭來來說,落實偵查不公開有非常重要的目的,就是要保障訴訟關係人的名譽、隱私及安全,呂先生當時的各種狀況已經被司法機關公開了,但是他不能在媒體上為他自己的權益作辯駁,我覺得這樣是不對的,如果媒體在這個有呂先生的說法,這樣才是保障他的名譽、隱私及安全。" }, { "speaker": "劉昌德", "speech": "因此我要說的是,媒體在監督環境上,以及對於訴訟關係人來說,不見得是負面的角色,我們怎麼樣讓媒體到正面的角色?前一陣子公視《我們與惡的距離》,其實媒體「與惡」不會有距離,是要站在對面,要站得更近、更好,要更監督這樣社會失序的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "劉昌德", "speech": "詹主委在,但是的確現在還有一大段落差,現在碰到的問題,還是存在的。唐鳳辦公室有幫我們做一些整理、聚焦,裡面有關於幾點,我很快說一下我的想法:" }, { "speaker": "劉昌德", "speech": "我們在報導這一些案件,也就是對於偵查不公開的原則來說,我給媒體的建議是,我們應該要做的是原則、例外、具名,所謂這裡面有提到要討論的重大案件,簡單來說是媽媽嘴的這一個事件,或者不是謾媽媽嘴咖啡殺人,發生這樣的殺人案件,這個是很多人都知道的咖啡廳,出現了這個命案,會影響社會大眾的安全問題,這個部分我們要說明,重大案件需要可識別的資料,這個沒有問題。" }, { "speaker": "劉昌德", "speech": "而這一些都是必須要從個別的案件來看,我現在很快來說剛剛辦公室提供的兩段影帶,一個是警察追緝,第二個是賣假證件的公司,對我來說第一段不應該讓嫌疑人被辨認出來,原則上是這一種匿名的案件。但是第二段是重大公益的相關案件,也就是我的建議是這樣,這些事件來看影響的層面來看有多廣,以及具名與否,對於公共利益有沒有幫助,像剛剛第二段對於賣假證件的,如果對於一般人來說知道賣假證件,但是不知道誰涉嫌賣,在這個時間點上不要接觸這樣的公司,但是因為沒有再繼續往下看,所以我不知道具體的內容。" }, { "speaker": "劉昌德", "speech": "第一段帶毒品的影帶,知道是誰帶毒品,對於體人到臺灣社會毒品泛濫並沒有太大的幫助,但是它並不是新聞,如果是的話,對於可辯證的資訊播出,剛剛辦公室提到重大的案件影響層面以及具名與否對於我監督的環境來說有無幫助,這個是我判斷的準則。" }, { "speaker": "劉昌德", "speech": "第二,現在媒體上有更正權的規定,但是我們都碰到一個問題,這個都要請教NCC的吳副處長,實際執行上,舉例來說,我們就用媽媽嘴的事件,當時一定是頭條,但是我們做落實偵查不公開的公聽會也有關,現在電視有沒有辦法用頭條來還給這些人清白,這個實務上是很困難的。" }, { "speaker": "劉昌德", "speech": "到底大街小巷打人的更正權有沒有被落實,到最後連道歉都沒有,我自己的意見是需要落實更正權,但是在實際的操作上,NCC跟業者都會發現有困難,我個人目前的建議是,既然我們目前新媒體,也就是網路媒體這麼發達,不見得這一些更正都以頭條處理,以頭條報導頭條處理,可能需要不管是社群或者是網路上來進行,進行一些滾動式的修正,這個是我的建議,並不見得可行,這個是碰到非常大的困境。" }, { "speaker": "劉昌德", "speech": "第二,有關於自律的部分,大家都知道自律很重要,自律才能維護真正的言論自由。但是我們一直喊三律共管,自律無法落實,如何用法律的方式來協助他落實,我的建議是,NCC的相關法規儘量不要干涉內容,但是媒體犯規太多次,應該要扣分或者是換照的時候不予換照,就是用其他的方式來協助自律的達成。如果每一次要NCC直接開罰,我覺得這個是一個傷害跟過大的行政成本,以上三點給委員及與會者參考,也是我們可以進一步討論的方向。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "謝謝精密的分析。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "更正權的部分,如果用同樣的篇幅,也許還不會那麼不愉快,通常更正權是很小的,像放了三、四遍,而且篇幅很小,其實有更正,但是沒有告訴你更正的幅度有多大。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "另外,像新聞媒體很多是商業電視台,一定要有商業利益,取材是一定要有收視率,收視率高的前提就是快、聳動,沒有去做查證或者是平衡報導,因此這一個部分謝謝劉老師的提點。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "我們請呂先生針對自己的經驗來跟大家分享,接著再請司改會說明。" }, { "speaker": "呂炳宏", "speech": "大家好,我是呂炳宏,我想針對老實說的更正權再提一下,其實在廣電法第23條裡面其實限制了根本不是太多的問題,而是15天內才要求更正,我舉一個例子,像當時電視台報導一個龍捲風,說我在推車燒金紙,新聞露出的時間是3月23日,最後不起訴是4月12日,其實15天內要如何更正?如果新聞可以做到自律的時候,如果願意用一個小時去演棄屍、燒金紙的動作,也一個小時不要棄屍、燒金紙,這樣對媒體自律是不是有更大的約束力?這個更正權真的是太弱了。" }, { "speaker": "呂炳宏", "speech": "剛剛老師還有提到執法、順法的問題,像偵查不公開101年發布的時候,102年8月修正第9條第4款。其實剛剛警察新聞媒體處理要點時,其實在101年8月生效,在108年3月才廢止,而廢止之後,剛剛有分享的是你們有新的辦法要在6月15日公布,但是其實剛剛一講完,我很訝異,有辦法了,但是我上網路找不到。" }, { "speaker": "呂炳宏", "speech": "坦白說,101年公布時,102年就已經把修掉了,但是孫法一直保持著,因此剛剛提到愛與鐵血,依據警察新聞處理要點是可以公布的,所以如果你說你的檢核表是在去年10月公布的話,坦白來說,我記得去年還有一個新聞處理要點公布,其實就提到可以適度公布,這個方法是有問題的,因此我建議有沒有辦法可以讓我們先瞭解草案預計要怎麼樣,這個是我想講的。" }, { "speaker": "呂炳宏", "speech": "剛剛老師有提到公共議題部分,什麼東西可以露出、什麼東西不能露出,其實某種程度像剛剛講到法官叫我不能講話以外,檢察官那時也在整我,102年3月13日在我第二次羈押我失敗,新聞媒體說失責,這個是題外話不要講,但是在那一天檢察官的新聞稿裡面就把我家地址寫在上面,就說我必須在那個地址,禁止離開,並且把名字、地址都放在新聞稿裡面,我請司改會幫忙幫我發文給法務部看能不能拿掉,我可能是個案,但是我又覺得這不是個案,因為在新聞公布辦法當中說這一些都可以露出,因此有沒有辦法把這一種東西作更正呢?這個是我想要提的第三個點。" }, { "speaker": "呂炳宏", "speech": "最後,我想講的是,其實在去年司改國是會議時,有一個無罪推定的標語,必須要在平面媒體、電子媒體上落實,我看到有落實,大概是幾篇新聞而已,後面就沒有了,是不是無罪推定的標語,有沒有機會放上去?我覺得這個是很好的方法,但是如果光連標語都放不上去,要如何自律?我想講的是這個。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "謝謝呂先生,有親身的經驗。李法官跟郭主任檢察官都在,請郭主任檢察官說明。" }, { "speaker": "郭諭芳", "speech": "謝謝主席、呂先生的提問,有關於剛剛提到更正權的部分、新聞稿把地址寫出來的部分,這一次偵查不公開作業辦法第8條、第9條有這樣的規定,思考的層次是對於重大矚目案件,在偵查如果要發布新聞,我們必須要先看第8條,也就是什麼樣的案件類型可以發布,當初呂先生的媽媽嘴案件是有發布的必要。" }, { "speaker": "郭諭芳", "speech": "但是發布的時候有什麼可以講、不可以講,不可以公開的東西就規定在第9條,而且公布的內容還必須要去識別化,103年的案件講得也許多了一些,新的辦法對於這個前車之鑒,我們有做了檢討,因此在第8條的規定以後,再去識別化,以及被告、訴訟關係人的這一些隱私資料都不會再公布,以上是先簡單回應。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "謝謝。李法官要不要指導一下?" }, { "speaker": "李明益", "speech": "謝謝委員、先進的指教,剛剛老師、呂先生有提到對外不可以發言的部分,確實刑事訴訟法第245條裡面關於應該遵守偵查不公開原則的義務主體當中不包括被告,但是被辯護人。" }, { "speaker": "李明益", "speech": "在這次修正前第5條第3項有規定:檢察官、檢察事務官、司法警察官,司法警察得告知被告、犯罪嫌疑人、被害人或其他利害關係人,關於偵查不公開之規定,並曉諭不公開或揭露中之程序或內容,這一個部分因為法律沒有明定,在偵查不公開作業辦法的子法中做這樣的規定,事實上也有一些質疑的聲音。" }, { "speaker": "李明益", "speech": "但是在這一項的解讀上,一般認為是道德性的勸說,其實在這一次修正的過程中,本院針對這樣一項規定流程的必要性,事實上我們也有跟行政院溝通過,後來協調的結果訂在現在修正後的第6條,做了一些修正,而其修正是:「檢察官、檢察事務官、司法警察官、司法警察得告知被告、犯罪嫌疑人、被害人或其他訴訟關係人關於偵查不公開之規定,並得曉示如果你公開或揭露偵查中之所知悉程序或內容,對案件會造成可能的影響」。這樣的用語跟修正前的規定,實質上可能不會差異太大,不過他的用語會更柔性一點,還是希望被告或者是犯罪嫌疑人或者是被害人原本不受法律限制不受偵查不公開原則的訴訟關係人,可以的話,盡可能不要對外公開說明,以上我的補充,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "我請教一下李法官,剛剛呂先生說對外禁語,這個是合乎法律規定嗎?是不能做任何的陳述嗎?在媒體上受了很多不實的渲染或者是陳述,幫自己的辯護都沒有,所以法官一句話說不能陳述,這樣合理嗎?" }, { "speaker": "李明益", "speech": "其實就像我講的,被告或者是犯罪嫌疑人本來不是偵查不公開原則所受到的對象,因此做這樣的規定,其實是柔性的勸告,尤其是犯罪嫌疑人覺得清白需要澄清時,除非在偵查中得到的訊息是所謂的因秘密的事項,如果公開洩漏的話,恐怕會有法律上的問題,如果是針對本身個人所要做辯白,沒有逾越法律的規定範圍之內,我個人的意見是,這部分比較不會有法律責任上的問題,我的前提是必須要在法律限制的範圍內,除非有可能涉及到其他的法律責任,如果沒有這一方面的問題,事實上並不是偵查不公開原則限制的對象,因此基本上如果對其個人清白有所說明的話,基本上我個人認為是可以的。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "民間司改會小組有三位律師到場,有施律師、黃律師跟陳律師。先請施律師。" }, { "speaker": "施泓成", "speech": "各位媒體朋友、委員、同仁,司改會因為我們是負責偵查不公開的部分,原則上會分享以目前來講,司改會在做偵查不公開所遭遇到的一些問題,也許可以作為之後偵查不公開精進的參考。" }, { "speaker": "施泓成", "speech": "首先來講,針對媒體的部分,因為我有兩個部分的想法,第一個警察的問題,我們遇到最大的問題是自媒體的部分,也就是愛與鐵血系列,就我個人的立場來講,其實警方為了要表現出英勇或者是塑造正義的形象,是有形象上宣傳的必要,但是涉及到被告或者是其他相關人等時,這個部分是不是有取得他們的同意,是不是會影響到我犯錯了,我要被偵查、懲處,這個形象被放在愛與鐵血或者是其他的媒體上我覺得這個是會受到懲罰,不應該受到的懲處。" }, { "speaker": "施泓成", "speech": "其實我們針對這一個部分,我們曾經有發函請各個警察局或者是派出所,他們假如有不同的影片時,我們通常得到的回函時,因為這一些影片仍然存在Youtube上,他們認為這個有教育的意義,但是我不清楚所謂的教育意義是什麼意思,如果是任何的報導,任何報導都有教育意義,為了查緝酒駕,但是對整個公共利益,也許個人犯了酒駕,但是對於整個公共利益的問題哪裡,為了不讓大家吸食毒品,所以就這樣報導,這樣的話,每個都可以報導,每一個都有教育意義。因此我們所謂公共利益的部分,必須要很嚴正釐清。" }, { "speaker": "施泓成", "speech": "我剛剛聽到王股長的報告,他們的現行規定是依照所謂檢警媒體處理的注意要點,就如剛剛呂先生所講的,3月的時候已經廢止,為何這個時候還會有現行的規定,現行的規定到底是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "施泓成", "speech": "第二個部分,針對新聞媒體的部分,其實就司改會我個人的經驗來看的話,就我個人媒體的部分來講,比較大的問題,我認為沒有據實報導,因為犯罪新聞來講,其實對於媒體來講是有衝擊性、渲染力,其實很多是大家喜歡看的新聞,但是媒體在報導的時候,像檢警調發布的新聞之外,也許有蒐集、也許沒有蒐集,但是弄出來的東西來講,可能看一篇小說或者是微電影,是不是有經過事實或者是什麼樣的查證,我個人認為這樣是滿有爭議的。" }, { "speaker": "施泓成", "speech": "其實當事人有一些案件,其實新聞媒體講的東西,但是事實上並沒有發生,我們記得有函詢某個媒體,其實是警方給的訊息,結果我們就函給警察局,但是警察局說根本沒有跟新聞媒體講過這一些事,其實新聞媒體的資料來源是什麼,究竟有沒有據實報導,或者是報導的過程中有添加一些想像或者是來源的資料,有沒有做查核,我認為這個部分是有必要再做確認的。" }, { "speaker": "施泓成", "speech": "第三個部分,所謂的究責部分,究責的部分,其實我有兩個意見,第一個關於我們剛剛所說的,在作業辦法規定之後有一個懲處的動作,懲處之後,如果認為有違反偵查不公開的部分,涉及到個人名譽隱私的部分,被害人要如何做?我的想法很簡單,懲處這一些員警或者是承辦人員好了,但是還是公開的,如果理論上被害的話,這一些行政機關要用什麼方式來處理?我們在公開的部分有一個機制,也就是做一個主動更正,或者是懲處這一些之後就算了,而被害人就留待他們自己跟我們提出申訴,或者是跟我們請求國賠,又或者是檢警調違反的部分來做更正,這個部分似乎沒有考慮到。" }, { "speaker": "施泓成", "speech": "我再接續呂炳宏所說的部分,他之前有跟我們申訴,士林地院針對羈押的部分還是有新聞稿,新聞稿上面還是把之前呂炳宏先生被限制住居的地址還是留在上面,如果現在去查,新聞稿上面還是有呂炳宏先生或者是其他機關關係人,都還是有留存其新聞稿在,既然是刑事無罪了,這個新聞稿不一定是要整個撤掉,但是也許是要把限制住居地址的部分,也許要做適當的遮掩或者是處理。" }, { "speaker": "施泓成", "speech": "當然,呂炳宏先生的案子我不認為是個案,也許之前違反不公開或者是認定無罪的部分,所有被限制住居的資料還留在上面,這樣是不是合理,我覺得也有進一步探討的必要,以上報告,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝陳律師,司改會的陳律師或者是黃律師有沒有要補充?" }, { "speaker": "陳昱廷", "speech": "謝謝各位先進,裁定新聞稿的部分剛剛施律師有補充。我針對司改會成立偵查不公開小組,我也有稍微參與法條修正來提出一些觀察。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱廷", "speech": "就我自己的觀察,在舊法的時代主要有兩個問題,第一個是如何認定公開的課題,其實內涵不充足,另外一個是已經制定的法條,其實落實的情況不是很好。我先講法條落實的情況,像剛剛主持人提到星光大道的問題,就是放任媒體拍攝被告或偵查中的嫌疑人,其實在舊法裡面,也就是第8條的地方,有一條是「偵查機關不得任由媒體拍攝被告或是犯罪嫌疑人」,其實如果我們有好好落實舊法偵查不公開條文的話,其實這樣的情況也不會發生。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱廷", "speech": "剛剛也有指示我們沒有阻止媒體拍攝,像如果Google新聞的話,有一些比較小的地方派出所,甚至會把抓到的犯罪嫌疑人直接架著,讓媒體去拍,甚至已經不是容認了,而是直接讓媒體去拍,因此這個法條未落實的情形,在新法的時代要想辦法解決。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱廷", "speech": "另外一個,認定內涵不充足,我舉一個比較具體的案例來看,在聚焦方向第一點跟第二點,其實都是偵查不公開作業辦法可以公開的例外情形,但這都是比較抽象的判斷標準,要怎麼樣去認定,還是要有一些實際的案例去形塑一個判斷的標準,我們才有比較辦法適用,如果單看文義的話,像社會矚目案件,比如媽媽嘴案、南港小模命案,這個是不是矚目案件?當然是。但是如果認定是矚目案件,後面所有的東西都倒出來給媒體,其實新法的部分還有規定什麼可以公開、什麼不可以公開,都可以處理這樣的情況,但是還是不夠充足,因此還是要有後續檢討、後續形塑判斷標準的機制,而且要讓每一個偵查業務的調查局的人員都要知道這樣的標準,我們才有辦法樹立標準化的流程,讓大家比較知道如何認定。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱廷", "speech": "第二個是告知民眾注意防範的必要,這個也是滿抽象的標準,像剛剛施律師有提到協助一個個案,其實那個個案的具體情形我講一下,那個是民眾,在道路上,被警察攔道路違規,申訴的內容是路上有發生車禍,其實是根據前面一位警察的交通指揮,他逆向繞過車禍的現場,沒想到繞過去之後,後面事故的另外一端警察攔下來說是違規逆向,在這個過程中,遵從指揮怎麼會被攔下來,情緒有一點激動,因此講一些比較情緒性的語言,被以妨礙公務罪來逮捕偵辦。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱廷", "speech": "而這個過程就被警方的密錄器錄下來,然後被放到網路上,我們行文給當地的警局,但是警局的回文說這樣是有教育意義的,因此放到網路上,我們很懷疑這樣的交通事故,也就是警方跟民眾的衝突,而且甚至還沒有釐清,這個情況到底怎麼樣的時候,就放上去瞭解到底有什麼教育意義。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱廷", "speech": "因此,這個是第一線公布資訊的人,其實不太知道什麼樣的情況應該公開、什麼樣的情況不應該公開,因此才會走到第三點,也就是要有檢討小組,也就是什麼樣的情況可以認定公開,也沒有外部的意見,自己做的話,等於沒有檢討到。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱廷", "speech": "如果第三點可以落實,然後可以把怎麼樣不能公開的情況,也就是懲處做出來,也轉告周知,讓各個偵查機關都知道的話,也就是配合第四點的教育訓練,也就是把第三點的結果結合第四點的教育訓練,我們在可以落實偵查不公開的作業辦法。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱廷", "speech": "最後分享一點,因為我們有開一個申訴的專線,讓民眾檢討申訴不公開的情形,像剛剛副局長有提到,在103年至107年只有382件的交辦,沒有做過精確的統計,一個月算下來是5件左右,我們接到申訴案件的電話遠超過這個數字,因此這個案量要如何做起來,因為有足夠的案量才可以形塑標準,警政署公布作業辦法,也就是警察機關或者是偵查機關到底是依據什麼樣的辦法做事,讓大家可以很好、很容易找到這個標準,然後可以開放民眾申訴。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱廷", "speech": "案件有一定量之後,我們在形塑這個標準會比較容易,以上我的分享,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "謝謝司改會幾位大律師精闢的分析。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "其實相關的管制是用在作業辦法,要落實也是很抽象的部分,也就是違反國家安全、有教育意義,認定都是在警政機關,認為有教育意義,有什麼案子都可以,有國家安全、重大安全都可以。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "我覺得應該可以提升到法律位階,如果警政機關或者是司法機關,像違反偵查不公開的部分,是不是在法律上有更明確的罰則?因為你只要在媒體上呈現,透過警政機關所提供的影帶,警察永遠是正義的一方。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "另外一方是犯罪嫌疑人、被害人,永遠是落實的一方,真正的是不是這樣子?但是媒體上呈現警察一定是正義的一方,所以我覺得對於影帶的需求,這個需求的強度一直都很高,但是你的原則一定要把握,我現在覺得不僅沒有把握,而且有泛濫之虞。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "像一個月5件,我請同仁看這一些新聞,一天抓50件出來,委員會就質詢,一件件來看,有這個作業辦法,有跟沒有是一樣的,也就是警政機關的心態,我覺得警政署的同仁,第一個是對於模糊地帶、抽象概念要更明確化,基層員警相關的約束是很重要的,否則每一天看這一些犯罪新聞,覺得臺灣是不是一個犯罪的天堂。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "今天謝謝民間司改會、學界劉教授、詹主委、司改會三位大律師、警工會的三位同仁,你們的意見都非常重要,有沒有要補充的?" }, { "speaker": "王昱浩", "speech": "各位與會的來賓大家好,我還是要幫警政署講一下話,包含去年頒布新聞檢核表,雖然頒布了,表示有在重視,但是可能稽核的力道不太大,所以基層機關不遵守,也會本末倒置,事前不遵守,事後媒體監看之後才追檢核表,這個東西是可以改正的。" }, { "speaker": "王昱浩", "speech": "第二,今年偵查不公開作業辦法頒布出來之後,刑事局這邊其實就辦了很多講習,我有去參加的同事是刑事局辦的講習都非常好,刑事局是有在做的,但是花了多少的人力在做,也就是你重視什麼業務,如果刑事警察局的人力夠的話,每一個案件都抽來看,機關是不是就不違反辦法,不管是舊法或者是新法,這樣就不違反。" }, { "speaker": "王昱浩", "speech": "第三,我們剛剛一直討論到自律的問題,只有媒體需要自律嗎?或者是只有警察機關、檢察機關需要自律嗎?應該不是,像教育意義,比如愛與鐵血的影片說不可以公開蒐證影像、畫面及照片,就放到自己的自媒體上,到底教育意義在哪裡?是教育大家:" }, { "speaker": "王昱浩", "speech": "一、不該犯案——這個本來就有教育了——或者是教育大家說被搜索時就長這樣子;" }, { "speaker": "王昱浩", "speech": "二、或者是教育拒絕違法搜索,因為唯一同意的依據是被問「看一下,好不好」,最後他有同意;" }, { "speaker": "王昱浩", "speech": "三、或者是要教育警察不管,你們大家要自己小心一點,像媽媽嘴的案子。比如:台南之前抓一個通緝犯飛天走壁,你講了、播出來,然後通緝犯看到,這樣合理嗎?你不僅沒有保護到當事人,也沒有保護到證人,偵查方法是反正跑掉了,警察也沒有方法抓到我,對不對?也就是靠地區用兩隻腳,我實在搞不懂要如何教育。" }, { "speaker": "王昱浩", "speech": "還有,警察應對媒體來講,應對比例好不好?我想像在場有很多跑過記者,面對這一些警察時,他們是不是什麼都不會講?只會唸稿,他們沒有受過訓練,站出來發言是因為剛好在那個位置,我們所有業務的同仁,包含秘書室都沒有受過專業的訓練,所以也不知道新聞能力,因此擔任粉絲團小編的時候,什麼都不知道,有畫面最重要,比如好人好事有畫面就好了,甚至粉絲團的小編是同仁在輪,像宜蘭、花蓮的分局很多都這樣搞,他們沒有受過訓練,也要想辦法叫他們擔,每一個禮拜有一些新聞績效,好讓長官去局務會報、署務會報不會太難看,壓力是在小編身上,他沒有辦法管偵查是不是不公開的問題,所以自媒體是不是要遵守新聞能力,這個也是要考慮的範疇。" }, { "speaker": "王昱浩", "speech": "又或者是當他違反的時候,我們到底要如何去補償,這也是自律的一環,難道我們去查處、申誡、記過就好了嗎?當事人的名譽就平反了嗎?沒有啊!粉絲團還是在,哪一家媒體有自己播放出影片?沒有啊!你被侵害的當事人,或者是法務部、司法院,你被侵害了偵查問題,怎麼辦?難道這樣子就過了嗎?就有一次申誡、小過,你再繼續違反偵查不公開,地檢署、法院要不要判案?當事人都被大家未審先判,或者是要不要國賠?這樣是不是算違法?底下核定新聞稿、透露新聞訊息,是不是違法?要不要申請國賠?大家都是這樣子,所以一直做下去。" }, { "speaker": "王昱浩", "speech": "刑事局在這邊,你們做了檢核表,希望新法上路之後可以實施。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "高層一定要很重視,如果不重視的話,比較屬於基層的員警就不會當一回事,因此我在立法院可以有更強的監督領導,要落實偵查不公開,如果法律處分是很嚴重的事,行政處分是可以處理的,像剛剛同仁所說的,任何派出所的所長都可以當作發言人來掌握這個案情,沒有受過任何的訓練,你們難道不知道嗎?你們應該都知道,沒有受過這樣的專業訓練,沒有講清楚,因此容易誤導民眾,你們要的就是一個績效,因此這一個部分我覺得可以用預算、更強力的監督來監督警政署來重視這個問題,要你們提出檢討報告。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "五年才360件,我實在是匪夷所思,代表你們沒有當一回事,公聽會把問題丟出來,希望大家勇敢面對這一些問題,否則臺灣因為偵查不公開,沒有具體落實,會傷害很多的人權,也對整個事件的版面會有很大的負面影響,警政機關要拿出改革的魄力與決心。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "謝謝大家,時間差不多,我做一個總結:兩個小時當然非常不夠,這個問題留待未來更多的討論,但是今天有這樣子的包含事前訪談、會議現場公開,每個人的意見,我們都收在心智圖上,你們手上有的心智圖連結我們都會回去分類。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "今天的共識,不管是來自行政機關、NGO或者是民間的個人,對於落實偵查不公開其實有幾個共識,要打破既有的文化,像偵辦機關、媒體的互動狀況,還有媒體當中的既有陋習、強化教育、檢討機制必須要落實,這個必須要有外部的力量監督,懲處也必須要透明,像剛剛司改會有提到,警政署是不是可以將相關的檢討文件,透明公開在網路上,用個案的累積,讓各界可以知道到底檢討的判決是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "當然今天討論完還是會有許多爭點留待未來再貢獻意見,包含公共利益、有無教育意義是非常模糊的標準,還有關於當事人的更正權,像廣電法第23條15天內要更正,這個廣電法未來修法時是不是要進一步修法,還有政府機關都有一些新聞處理要點,今天大家都有點出一些還有一些關節沒有被打通的地方,希望未來內部作業要點可以做更細緻的處理、把關。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "非常謝謝邱志偉委員,今天其實是唐鳳政委辦公室第一次與立法院作這樣的合作,我們引入協作會議了「多元」、「透明」的精神,謝謝邱志偉保持非常開放的心胸,願意做這樣的嘗試,包含我們今天有直播,也開了線上的提問,收了一下線上提問,但沒有什麼人提問,沒有關係,因為我們今天的議題手冊,你們拿到紙本、心智圖也會有紙本,這一些資料未來都會留到網路上,之後各位參加類似的公聽會,其實你們參加類似的公聽會,上網搜尋逐字稿及相關資料都搜尋得到,其他沒有來參與會議的人,他們如果想要參考的話,我們所有的意見都會併陳放在網路上讓大家參考。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "羅政委辦公室也非常關心今天的公聽會,今天的資料也會轉給羅政委辦公室的承辦同仁參考,在6月15日正式公告施行之前,或許他們可以做一些參採。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "感謝唐鳳辦公室團隊,所有的技術組同仁、主持團隊及速錄師,我們今天的逐字稿都有逐字紀錄,十天內編修完成,再請邱委員辦公室寄給大家一些確認用字、專有名詞有沒有錯誤,如果十天都沒有錯誤之後,我們就會完整公開上網,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "邱志偉", "speech": "我還是要講一下,我們必須要持續監督,我們有一個檢核表,針對行政部門到底有沒有落實偵查不公開,三個月了,今天是最後一天了,下一個會期開始,我再召開這個公聽會,再來檢討看看,警政署這一段時間看的新聞稿有沒有改善,大家經過三個月給大家時間,到底有沒有落實新版的檢核辦法,如果大家感覺上都沒有變,問題就是在執法機關,謝謝大家參與今天的公聽會,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "胡曉萍", "speech": "談一下,你之前網絡上的駭客,當時為何會入閣當部長?是不是可以講一下剛剛的三個原則?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我在2014年底的時候,因為有參與太陽花運動的關係,當時因為公開透明是所有政治人物的訴求,不這樣訴求就沒有辦法當選,因為這樣的關係,在2014年底的時候,我們有參與運動的人,很多人被邀請到內閣裡面當understudy這樣的角色,所以當時是蔡玉玲政務委員,她的辦公室就是這一間,邀請我當她的技術顧問,所以我們一起在g0v零時政府的黑客松去提出像vTaiwan這樣的專案,跟所有的人問說Uber如何進入臺灣,或者是遠距勞動要怎麼做的這一些東西。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為這樣的關係,當時安排300位所有12職等的領導者在政府裡面,都來聽我上課,大概是300人,從那個之後,我一直開設這樣訓練的課程,11、10、9、8、7職等一路教下來,可能教了1,000位公務員,所以這一方面我在入閣之前是以一個技術協力者的角色,跟當時毛治國內閣跟張善政內閣時合作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "到了林全內閣的時候,其實張善政老師跟林全老師都是無黨籍,他們交接的過程也是很透明的,我雖然不是在內閣裡面,但是我還是可以繼續去看到下一任內閣想要做什麼事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以是在2016年大概8月的時候,林全老師當時是院長,他認為我們還是需要有一位有點類似像蔡玉玲老師,有一些在數位上跟公民討論的促成者,因此拜託我去找人,我找了幾個,他們都忙、都沒有空,所以只剩我了,我就加入了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是我當初加入的時候就提出三個條件:" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第一,location independence,像我在哪兒上班都在哪上班,但是人事行政總處是有一個函,是說可以這樣子做,只要公務員的工作跟網路有關,就不受空間跟時間的限制。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個是叫做radical transparency,就是我看到的都可以公開,這樣子一對一的專訪是沒有獨家的,我們的逐字稿也要公開。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第三個是voluntary association,我不下命令、也不接受命令,我做的事是把不同的人的這一些價值綜合在一起,變成像通道一樣,像我們在辦公室裡面,其實有各個部會自願過來的人,我不打他們的分數,他們打自己的分數,我唯一要求他們的,就是必須要能夠公開,讓其他部會同仁知道他們在做什麼事。" }, { "speaker": "胡曉萍", "speech": "您是第一位數碼政委嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,第一位的數位政委,就是第一次正式有這樣的名字。" }, { "speaker": "胡曉萍", "speech": "從過去也做了三年,您自己的心得及在臺灣推動想要做的事,有面對什麼挑戰或者是成就嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我不受命令、也不下命令,其實沒有任何挑戰可言,因為會來找我的人,做的事不怕人知道、只怕人不知道,所以好比像我不會哪一天跑到國防部說用我的方式做事,所以會實際來我這邊的,大概都是像我們有內政部的同仁、文化部、教育部,你也知道比較是面對大眾的,像國家通訊委員會等等,都是有一些事情,希望能夠跟大家溝通、希望大家知道的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在這個過程中,我覺得學到最多的,只要有人願意吸收風險、願意把正確的credit歸給公務員,其實公務員是很願意創新的,主要的問題像我剛剛在採訪時所講的,主要的問題是之前沒有這個透明,所以如果有事情做得好,都是政委、部長或者是總統的功勞,如果事情做不好也是公務員的錯,但是現在有基金的透明,可以看到是哪一個公務員是很好的創意,如果實驗有問題,就可以怪我,因此我學到最多、最有成就感的,我剛剛提到的創新都不是我的點子,都是一個個公務員的點子,而且回去看逐字稿,也可以告訴你是誰的點子。" }, { "speaker": "胡曉萍", "speech": "你幫他們創立平台、網站或者是系統嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "胡曉萍", "speech": "你覺得當時當了第一位的數位政委,你最大的使命是什麼,而且覺得現在有做到嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我沒有什麼使命,就是做興趣的。" }, { "speaker": "胡曉萍", "speech": "可以簡單談一下你的工作範圍是什麼?就是他們來求助,是求助什麼?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "主要有三個,一個是開放政府,就是如何讓公務員先相信人民,就像我們剛才講的,把我們的預算、工作的項目等等都公開,再讓人民能不能來相信政府,也就是互信的工作。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個是叫做社會創新,就是讓第三部門,也就是社會部門的朋友,用大家能夠參與的方式,一起創造一些對大家都好的事情,政府是全力支持,但是絕對不會去主導,不管是合作社、公司,或者是基金會、協會型態的朋友,很願意一起來讓環境跟社會、經濟同時變得更好,這個是第二個,這個也同時是為什麼我們現在掛一個永續發展目標的徽章,就是因為我們的社會創新是以這十七個聯合國永續發展目標作為總索引。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第三個是所謂的青年參與,包含我剛剛講的,讓十五歲的朋友透過電子連署來提出一些政策,或者是在行政院也有一個青年的諮詢委員會,這個是這一場政府有院級的諮詢委員,這個委員在臺灣的各地,隨時可以來組織一個會議,就所有的青諮委去那個地方探討那個地方的發展,然後再透過視訊的方式,連回社會實驗中心,我剛剛講的那一些部會的朋友,都即時跟在地的社區工作者交談,交談出來的結果之後,青諮委員會變成一個提案,提到一年三次的大會上,讓院長拍板定案變成一個實際的政策,就很像政委一樣來參與政策的方法,我們有大概二十五位的青年委員。" }, { "speaker": "胡曉萍", "speech": "他們跟政府之間的橋梁,把他們的心聲帶進去?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,協調這一些部會開會的能力,他們本身又是各個不同部會來推薦,因此這二十五位的青年委員,不會只關注教育、勞動或者是創業,他們關注的包含海洋、城鄉的永續、原住民族或者是這一些東西,都有青諮委員在負責。" }, { "speaker": "胡曉萍", "speech": "再包含年齡十八歲以下到六十五歲以上的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒錯。" }, { "speaker": "胡曉萍", "speech": "畢竟現在是網路的時代,大家都透過網路是可以接觸更多。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,寬頻是人權,所以任何地方如果沒有10Mbps的話,那就是我的錯,我們就要再加以建設、修改。" }, { "speaker": "胡曉萍", "speech": "所以包括網速也是你們的工作範圍之一?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我們有一個叫做「數位國家創新經濟」的方案,我是三位主責政委之一,像數位落差確實是我常常關心的範圍。" }, { "speaker": "胡曉萍", "speech": "臺灣在亞洲地區是排第幾?像新加坡或者是韓國第一個位置?也就是網速的排行榜?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實像您剛剛提到的是Akamai在量,但是Akamai的位置量出來的,跟中華電信量出來的並不是很一樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "總之,我比較在意的並不是速度,而是它的可及性。" }, { "speaker": "胡曉萍", "speech": "就是普及性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是不是所有的人都可以觸及,因為到了100Mbps以上,平常沒有差很多了,但是對大部分離島或者是原住民族的朋友,你一條512k跟10Mbps是可以差非常多的,當然我們速度也算快,但是不會特別求快,我們要確保衛生所、高中、學校,每一個原住民族的數位機會中心都有相同的基本網速,我想這個是更重要的。" }, { "speaker": "胡曉萍", "speech": "謝謝你。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "It’s a good logo." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes, thank you." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "How is it going?" }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Good." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "It’s been amazing four days. First time in Taiwan, not last for sure. Incredible island, very nice people. Super food, very interesting topics. We’re working like every second of our trip here." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What are some highlights that I may be of help to...?" }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "We had a discussion with the Young Innovators organized by Legislature Jason Hsu on Saturday. That was very interesting. Obviously, today, we had a close session with EPA. We were all discussing our various SDGs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, the Secretary for the National Sustainability Council." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Exactly, yes, yes. They are masters of the SDGs there. Well, we went to Hualien for two days to visit the Tzu Chi Foundation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Oh, OK. I’m going to Hualien early tomorrow too." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Oh, so you will not be coming to the EPA conference." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "No." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "OK." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "I guess you can’t be everywhere." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. That’s right. What’s your impression so far?" }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Well, it was wonderful particularly this meeting this morning with the conversation and having the four committee members say that’s right working with environmental SDGs. I think we...I personally got an impression that Taiwan could offer a lot to the world." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK. That’s great." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "We need to know how to get to the world basically because of all the challenges. Other than that, I think a lot of...There are some peculiar stories around cases that we could also share." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Particularly when it comes to the ecosystem, the mountain ecosystem, how..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, definitely." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "...30 percent of the land is being occupied by the mountain. The mountain is 2,300 to 3,000 millimeters of rain falling in days’ time, very torrential and subtropical. I think that’s a unique case." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "And the fact that this mountain will cover now and coming from a human and livestock touch gives me an impression that on that side of the country, actually you...I mean the mountain is consuming more carbon than releasing carbon." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "So how would this we tell to the world? Also, my whole idea is, there is no better thing than the SDG as a platform to break actually the impediments that you have in order to be able to share your experience to the world." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "This platform is an apolitical platform. This is supposed to be a platform that..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It transcends the political issues." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "...politics, human rights, and human experience, everything. I think the sky is the limit when it comes to this platform." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "My impression is, don’t hit the rock. Look for the soft land areas, and work on the soft areas. Build that confidence and more align more friends around that. Then move to the rock, but there are still soft areas that you can explore." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "SDG is one of that. Climate change is a global citizens’ issue. It’s not a big or small country. It’s not a poor or rich country." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You can’t politicize it out. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Exactly. You couldn’t get more opportunity than this one, actually, to see how you can move out of the quagmire situation that is there right now. Otherwise, you will suffer from the stereotype, and also suffer from the chicken and egg stuff." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "If you don’t build that confidence, you do not have moral right. If you stay away and just talk about the rhetoric as a single song all the time, then you will not help yourself, and you will not break from the shell." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "That’s my observation, and a lot of Taiwan seems like working very hard now on Taiwan SDGs, but there is nothing like Taiwan SDGs practically. 54 percent of SDGs are national, but 46 percent are global." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Are global, yes." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "You need to go to the world out there. You need to be part of the dialogue. They need to be part of the discourse, to contribute the successful stories like this one, and also maybe challenges as well. That’s what we say, and HLPF is one platform." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "As you know, people are going there and reporting, but HLPF is reporting somewhere. This is the story that you are telling. It’s one thing to tell the story, but it’s another thing to bring people at it." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Can you do it? That’s what I talked to the vice president this afternoon." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right. Have you talked with the people who are doing the voluntary local reviews for the municipalities of Taipei and Taoyuan? They’re following the example of New York and doing local reviews also." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have our national reviews, of course, but I think in the local review, they can highlight the diversity around the municipalities. For example, there is like 10 percent of the world’s marine species, the biodiversity, in our seas." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If you are an inland municipality, maybe you don’t care that much about sea life. The diversity represented by municipality, also very important." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "I think the peculiarity of the ecosystem is extremely important. Look, the coastal issues of science around the coast, you can have, in many countries, this kind of thing. If you go to New Jersey in the US..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly. Those coasts are the same, in a sense." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Right. This one is completely different. This is completely different. This is the one place where you have the big ocean and the mountain together." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Also, you can tell that, this is not a subtropical environment character. A lot of countries will have this kind of thing. Their water challenge is completely different. This one’s very peculiar. If I were you, I would clearly start building cases around this." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re actually coding our existing cases where there are collaboratives around particular issues. Like the one that we shared last time, around using machine learning to detect water leakage, and that we partner with Wellington, with New Zealand." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "SDG is a very convenient language that we are working on 6.4. Everybody said, \"Oh, you solved 6.4.\" That become a common language. This year, we actually engaged the population to vote the 100 or so cases that become the cohort that is 20." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "At the end of it, of course, we’ll select five to be merged back into the policy. They will win the trophy from the president signifying that their solution will become part of the public service by the end of year." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The important thing is that they all have their flags in their teams, cohort, public communication materials. It’s just concrete goals, concrete targets. This is like 20 out of 169 right there. It really increased the reach." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "This is the national?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This is national. This is the presidential hackathon." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "One thing that I will probably suggest tomorrow is to replicate that, but at an international level. You see, when I came to listen to you at SIPA -- great speech -- one thing that I walked away with is this, \"Taiwan can help.\"" }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Which I found really interesting, and so out of this world, in a way. What does that mean, Taiwan can help? When has it ever happened that a country is asking to go out and be supportive of others? Shouldn’t it be the other way, where a country is asking somebody else’s help?" }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "The geopolitical situation, obviously, is a fascinating one, but that’s the one thing that really touched me. I’ve been thinking ever since about how to try to get out of that and break the barriers of geopolitical BS, and actually use the talents that you have." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Not just the resources, not just the money, but also, the intellect. You’re doing it on a national level. Why not expand it on an international level?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "This year, we are choosing this as our Presidential Hackathon’s international tracks theme, \"Enabling sustainable infrastructure.\" It is explicitly coded so that we can get not just 20 domestic teams, but 6 international teams as well." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We get application from 15 countries. We selected six. That’s Australia, Netherlands, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and New Zealand. These are the principal contact. They may be international crew members also." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They are focusing on things that are, broadly speaking, sustainable infrastructure, like climate change mitigation, like looking at sea waste and how it flows with the seas, so that you can estimate the area from the beach using just machine vision and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Using Open Contracting to make sure that it’s fully accountable, that how the procurement counts toward making environmental impact without taking away from other parts of the environment so that it’s a net positive and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We are expanding it to international level but maybe not as fast and certainly not as loud as we can be. That is what we need help..." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "That seems to be an amazing first step. My question would be what was the process for the selection of those six countries? Why was it done?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, so basically, we partner with sponsoring organizations. This time, we partnered with the Open Contracting Partnership or the OCP. OCP uses procurement data and so on to track infrastructures to make sure that they agree with the SDGs without pulling away from it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s basically an accountability initiative internationally. They send to other members saying, \"OK, Taiwan is releasing for the first time their procurement data for other people to analyze and also donating our talent to analyze other countries’ procurement data. What kind of infrastructure focused on SDGs can you propose?\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We got a lot of applications from 15 countries. That is the process. I’ll be very happy to work with more broader sponsoring organizations, not just the Open Contracting. Open Contracting is maybe focusing a little bit too much on SDG 16 and some 17, but that is..." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "That would be 17. That’s the whole central..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Sure, sure, sure. That’s the main thing." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "That’s the main thing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’d be happy to partner with more environmental or more equality or gender or some other sponsoring organizations." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Let me share with you since you’re not coming tomorrow an example of something that I have contributed to. Two years ago, Denmark did that. Just at the very beginning of the SDGs, Denmark said, \"You know what? We are a small country, but we want to try to help internationally. We are a developed country. We think we’re doing great on some indicators.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, Denmark can help." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "They sponsored. They used a lot of their private sector, so Carlsberg and Novo Nordisk. They were all partners. They said, \"Look, this is a way for Denmark to be relevant on the international scene.\" They actually sponsored almost a representative from every country, youth but youth defined as over 25, people who had expertise in four SDGs." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "It was education. It was health. It was infrastructure and then there was a fourth one. It was a one-week event where you first arrived in Copenhagen, and they gave you broad instructions of what was going to happen. Then, you were split by SDG. I was a judge on SDG 3 for health." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Then, the teams decided what they wanted to solve as a problem." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "They were split into 20 teams. Each of them worked for one week on trying to come up with a solution of the SDGs, and the judges were saying, \"This is not going to work,\" or, \"You are on the right path.\" At the end, there was...Every team came back to Copenhagen." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Oh, there was water. It was water, education, health, and infrastructure. Then, they presented in front of consultants and experts. In each SDG, one team won. The prize was funding for proof of concept and then scale-up. For instance, in health, it was a Blockchain initiative that won for Nigeria to try to prevent counterfeit drugs to circulate in the country." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Something similar where you actually work on more than one SDG and you are...You give the opportunity for Taiwanese talents to comingle with international talents, people who..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, I think this is an excellent design." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "I thought it was really good. One week seems to be a good amount of time. If you do it one day, you’re not...You’re just at that process where the juice starts to flow and..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. In the presidential hackathon, we’re doing five days." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Perfect. That seems adequate, and it’s very...People get to know each other. The other thing that I really appreciated with Denmark was the fact that every country was together. They had to actually have multiple continents represented in each group. That’s something to..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, I think that will certainly require more than public sector funding. For the public sector, the most we can get is the winning team gets to demo to our president and be selected as part of our public service." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "OK." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s something that maximizes impact, but it is not the same as securing, as you said, the impact finance that makes the prototype happen. Maybe we should talk to our social finance sector and see what we can get out of it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think there’s also a related thing that I encountered a couple of months ago called Unreasonable Goals. It is basically a similar idea, just getting to 16 because not the 17s world-changing entrepreneurs and just making a cohort and with mentorship and things like that." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They select one team from each of the 16 SDGs to showcase what kind of drastic impact they can do, and they have this kind of notebook that says just Unreasonable Goals. I think this is a similar design." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, I think for the next year’s presidential hackathon, we really should broaden the international partnership. This year is really just a pilot." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "I mean what really concerns me is like having all these kind of great ideas. How do we really see off these things, spot them and measure that and all these ideas becomes products and products becomes something..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "I think if we continue to do this, for sure I mean it will have some effects for one or the other. But at the same time, we want to see how we can use what we have in hand..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly, exactly." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "I think really like take stock of what we have done so far and make it a case, make it a product, make it something so that on the platform that we are talking, these kind of ideas can be marked as a case and then with some kind of theories on the back and forth, people take it as something that Taiwan contributed to the world." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah. We’re building such an index at the moment so that you can see that each municipalities and counties focus on, of course, different goals. They are asked to choose top two or three priorities, and then you can see exactly which they are and why they are focusing on this and what are the local initiatives that solves one of those priorities." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "You can also see nationally what other top stories are there to further these issues. This icon is what we are spreading the idea of the products or services that also deliver one or more of the SDGs values. We are basically making social environmental procurement, supply chain integration, and basically just making the case by featuring those products and services as the SDG-based social innovators." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think mostly, we just need a couple years more to make it more known internationally because there’s a lot of, I think, pretty good design, but at the moment, we see limited penetration, and mostly just in Asia, because mostly, we have Indo-Pacific links. I think there is a new thing that we just did that may interest you and may be replicable." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s called the Social Innovation Partnership Award. This is the first award of its kind that we’re aware of, that gives out SDG-based award not to any single organization or individual. It gives to partnerships, so at least two organizations must enter together." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Basically, the idea is that we recommend people to suggest unlikely partnerships, like the winner is actually from Indonesia, the Cigondewah Fashion Village Lab. It’s from Bandung. It’s basically a fashion production with a lot of waste." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Then they partnered with people from the Netherlands to introduce a way to make those waste back into upcycling products, form a local co-op, and make those damaged village regrow itself, and build an international brand out of it." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a really good story to tell, but the key thing is that there’s like five different players here. They can’t really get this model working without the UN creative city supervising its work and things like that. What we’re trying to highlight is the unlikely collaboration between three sectors to make SDGs work." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "They applied for a future project together, or this is a reward for a partnership that’s already occurred?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s a reward for a promising partnership. They have to show that some work has been done." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "They have to get together and say, \"We will be working together.\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They have to sign that they are already working together in a formal way. It includes some really interesting cases that it may be CSR, but it is actually, for example, Carrefour." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Carrefour Taiwan?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, CareFor Taiwan works with the animal protection group to just get out a publicity campaign about free range chickens, about getting consumers to prefer eggs that are produced in a way that are..." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Cruelty-free." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That are cruelty-free, and then they are also moving onto other projects that focus on, for example, carbon neutrality and things like that. They do it in a way that basically, with the consumer’s taste, by essentially providing free design service for the advocacy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Being CareFor, it is unlikely partnership, to say the least. They are actually piloting in Taiwan. I think it’s the first in Asia. That’s why they get the award, and so on. I think that’s an interesting, this is small scale." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We just chose 10 partnerships this year, but we are trying to expand next year. Maybe not just as Asia-Pacific. They may be interesting project to replicate." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "It’s good to go through this Asia-Pacific, because before you go to the global, it’s good also to say, you have something that relate the region. This thing is national, the regional..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right, and the juries are all from Asia-Pacific. Judges, there’s no Taiwan judges that vote. We can say that we’re neutral. We’re just providing a platform. Therefore, being even non-political, then we are already non-political. There is common vocabulary from Asia-Pacific." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "It’ll also help you to focus on common issues. Also, when the jury do the evaluation, they have common values that they take into consideration." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, we have a judge from Hong Kong, and they have no problem at all with this arrangement. I do agree that maybe we just expand the Asia-Pacific reach a little bit more before replicating on that." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Your strategy should be how to build online." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Before you go into the peer thing, if you just start engulfing something around you, then expand, and then expand, and looking for soft targets, as I told. Then using the soft platforms..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s apply the lesson just from our meeting last time." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Then what will happen is, when you go to make a case, you’re not longer talking about the bilateral cases. You are talking about, this is a citizen’s right. This is citizen’s project, citizen’s right. How can three million people do not have that right to contribute?" }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "This is something that any citizen anywhere, whether in the moon or..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’re showing that they’re already collaborating." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Right, exactly. That is how this thing is strong. Your narrative should be changing around the issues. That would help a lot, as far as we’re concerned." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We’ll do that. We’ll totally do that." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "What would you say are your gaps? What are some of the things that you wish you could have through collaborations?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "What Taiwan needs from...?" }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Your particular ministry, in terms of digital and..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I don’t think in Taiwan, we’re that much in need of technology. What we need is essentially a transformation of thinking about not just ICT, but digital. This is the same as everywhere, but particular so in Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Taiwan traditionally has a very hardware-oriented culture that is focusing on, for example, supply chain management, the semiconductor, and things that are very large volume. Now, we are moving toward the people, the planet more." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It requires a different thinking that is not linear about just making a profit, reducing cost, and things like that. Rather, a longer-term thinking about the total value capture. Of course, we have great friends in KPMG, PWC, and so on that helps us to get this new ESG, like total value, accountability, whatever." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The publicly-listed the companies in Taiwan do actually provide the most SDG-indexed CSR reports by percentage. I think it’s over 500 reports every year, which is a really large number. The fact is that publicly-listed companies is just a tiny fraction of the Taiwan economy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Most of Taiwan economy, 80 percent or more, is MSME. Many medium and small enterprises are still in the more, do one thing and do it well, profit-oriented..." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "The antiquated, the antiquated." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right, and like business as usual. Maybe they do do a lot of charity in their spare time when they earn a profit, but they don’t yet turn their head around the idea of the total value that they can actually make a planet and people aware, supply chain, and things like that. That is seen as luxury of the more larger enterprises." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Circular economy is like the next generation for the people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think upcycling is something Tzu Chi really understands. If you talk to Tzu Chi, they have actually a profitable company just doing two-time, three-time upcycling." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "They should be studied by every business school and every management..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly. There is a similar one, the Chun-chi, the Spring Pool for glasses. Glasses upcycling, there is also a great story to tell here. Chun-chi and Tzu Chi are like the two upcycling stars of the Taiwan economy." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They’re all 20 more years focusing on this. They’re all really large. For the MSMEs, they’re like, \"Ah, that’s for the large players.\" They don’t quite see, until, of course, when the next generation takes over the leadership, see the total values." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s what we’re trying to get by getting people attending the Social Enterprise Summit, the APSIPA, the partnership award, the Taiwan Can Help badge, the social innovation mark. All of it is just to get people to declare their true total value." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For the medium and small enterprises, it is an uphill battle. I think what we can rely on is that at the time, just two years ago, only one in five people have heard of social entrepreneurship, and almost nobody has heard of SDGs." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Today, almost one in three knows about social entrepreneurship and one in five knows about SDGs. We’ve made a large progress just getting the message out. Whether they actually convert to triple bottom line is another issue altogether. I think that’s our main challenge." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Your work on capturing the values, you said, the tripple bottom line. Have you ever thought of actually capturing the real cost or cost of production?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right!" }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "I was trying to read a report shared by the EPA. They’re talking about carbon custody and this kind of thing. This seems like, as a new design for airline industries and this, but in real sense, every cost of production now." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "The one that we use is just the production cost. We are not costing all the eco services. This is a model that I believe it might work for you, very simply. You have already some sort of foundation on these kind of tasks." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Indeed. We do have the basic..." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Every production has to be costed now. Every production has to start costing the eco services. The models have not..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The thing is twofold. First is to factor out the external costs. The second thing is to actually make it fashionable to just buy upcycled products, to just choose recyclable or glass straws over plastic straws." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The EPA has done great work on that and so on. Of course, we fight one battle at a time. The thing is just to make it a kind of trend for the consumers." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Minister, look. Our way of actually production will never change. We still think like increasing production is..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Is an end in itself." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Right. Until such a time that we start really costing what increasing production really costs you..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, to the environment and to the society..." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "You can look up on something like bringing the service, rather than the product. People need the service, so you don’t have to bring the product, if you will be able to bring the service." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, I understand that." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "When you cost that, then nothing will be profitable. Then everybody will be sharpened and start looking on how to deliver the service, rather than the product, because this part is the big part of the cost." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I see. Making ownership more like a liability." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "That side is like the heaviest example. Ownership is a liability, absolutely. That’s what I mean. Why do you have to own when you need a service? You need a ride. You don’t need a car. You don’t need a car." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "You have a car because you need a ride. If you provide the ride, then why do you have to need a car? If the ride is available as the simplest service ever, then everybody will stop, because now, we don’t have confidence. That’s why we need to have our own car." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "If we get out of that thing and build a system that actually guarantee the service is available, then the ownership will be the liability." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That will be the actual turning point to shift toward a post-GDP assessment." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Exactly, that’s what I’m saying. The gross thing will be completely different." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It will be measuring something else." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Exactly. Until such a time where we get to that stage, we will not stop exploiting the eco services. This theory of achieving SDGs within the planetary boundaries is not going to work, because the planetary boundaries are already being violated." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Look, our history in the last hundred years is about increasing population, aging societies, lifetime, average lifespan. Everything is increasing, because there is no limit on the resource for eco service." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, I just did an online calculation that was my lifestyle. I used 1.5 spheres per year. [laughs] I really should cut down on my air travel, because I’m... [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Wishful thinking for all of us." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "That’s actually one thing that, based on your experience and what you have done so far, I think if you build that, that would be super, super novel contribution to the world. Nobody’s capturing this thing now." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "OK." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "At Columbia, we have a mentorship program which I don’t know whether you participated in. Basically, as a student, you can mentor somebody in community of Harlem or downtown. Then once a week, you go and you have this one-on-one time with somebody maybe less lucky than you." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "You choose a field like mathematics or whatever. What about having these Fortune 500 Taiwanese company mentor the smaller ones? It may not be in the same field, so that there is no competition, that it isn’t seen as we’re trying to figure out what you’re doing." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "And acquire you. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "And acquire you, exactly. More like, we’re already on the path for reaching the SDGs. We are completely compliant for climate change and things like that, and we actually think it’s good. It’s good business. It’s good business practice." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "We want to share that with the next generation, the smaller ones. Do you think that that’s something that..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The thing is that we really need to create a powerful incentive for them to do so, because the CSR officers, the BD strategy officers, we see some of the mentorship coming from, for example, the DBS bank." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The DBS bank provides that, because they select social entrepreneurship as their differentiator in their bank. They offer a lower interest rate for business that are making a good ecological or social impact. They personally do the mentor." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That is because, of course, as financial service, they want to be seen as a reputable financial service for those companies, because they will never compete each other, you see?" }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s harder if you don’t have a financial sector that is clearly separate from the ordinary businesses. We are seeing that from the old bank, also, from other banks. The financial sector are providing some part of that service." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Sometimes, they need a little bit of a nudge. Maybe there are companies that are very advanced. This morning, TECO came to present. They seem to be involved a lot in trying to reach the SDGs with Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Maybe nobody has thought about this idea of a mentorship with smaller companies. If this was suggested, to me, the way to go is not have the government try to push it. It should almost be inspired. You could suggest it, but if it’s inspired..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Like the TSMC Launch a Campaign and things like that?" }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "For instance. Then it’s up to the bigger company to say, \"You know what? We want to do that. We want to help.\" Then, once they do, then you promote..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Promote it. That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "...the S out of it. You’re like \"Look, this is a company that’s doing well, and it’s a company that’s doing good.\" Then you inspire others. Forever, this company will be seen as being the leader in that field. Then others will follow." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Currently, I personally give out the Impact Award if they decide to integrate the SDG innovative companies into their supply chain, and they buy over five millions per year. Then I personally go and give an award." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is basically rewarding business development and supply chain integration, which is great, but it’s not mentorship. Maybe we can actually give out special prize for mentorship. Of course, it’s harder to objectively judge whether the mentee actually learned something, you know what I mean?" }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s more difficult to quantify." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "That’s true, unless the mentee starts to adopt some of the practices." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right, in a measurable way." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Yes." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It’s harder to measure, but I think it’s worth pursuing. Maybe just like a partnership award that both of the sides, the mentors and mentees, provide some sort of quantifiable KPIs that they decide by themselves, certainly not the government." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "They just have to say, \"OK, which SDGs it’s correspond to?\" That’s the only thing that we audit, maybe something like that. I’ll be sure to talk about it in our next social innovation meeting and see what the ministries think of it." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Whether there is a..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, because we do have to have the endorsing ministries in order to, for it to happen. It’s not a purely digital thing, but I think it’s a great idea. Thank you. This ownership as liability thing, I think it actually agrees with most of our indigenous culture in the eastern side of Taiwan." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We just need to amplify the cultural impact of our indigenous population, which by area, is half of Taiwan, but by population, less than three percent. We really need to amplify their voices." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Excellent. How do you try to tackle the aging issue?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "The aging population? Actually, that’s one case where digital diagnostics, digital telemedicine, and robotics and AI is already helping a lot. It is not a future sense. It is basically that enables a limited amount of clinicians to keep track of a large amount of the aging population." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "My own grandparents, my maternal grandpa is 101 years old now. All four of them are still around. I am very fortunate. I still visit them twice a month. They actually benefit a lot from being able to digitally meet their doctors, and have a lot of just continuous relationship." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "The data shows that at that age, for example, in Japan, six percent of them have dementia. You can’t even communicate. They can’t even..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "My grandpa doesn’t have any short-term memory to write to long-term memory anymore, so every day is a new day for him. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "They are now trying virtually to craft a new insurance system, because they don’t even know what they sign for. They don’t even know what they’re contributing. It’s becoming very complicated. The insurance companies are working on a special insurance..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "For amnesia?" }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Right, for dementia, because their number is growing. Six percent is..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is true, it is true. We’re actually fortunate enough to, I think, just engage the elders, like even in the earlier stages of dementia to just stave it off for longer, just by including them more into, for example, participation." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have our e-participation website. I maybe talked about it, but it’s 5 million user out of 23 million population, one quarter. We see two spikes in participation. One is 15-years-old, another is around 65. These two groups have the most time on their hands, and they think most about public welfare. The people in-between think about private benefit." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Interesting. The other analysis is like Japan now, 64 percent of them are above 65." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "What does that mean? The rest of the population is about 36 percent, and less than 18 are 10 percent. Only 26 percent of the population will have a voting power different from above 65 people." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s right." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Every policy, every future direction..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Caters to the elderly." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": " catered to the elders. Unfortunately, there is no voting limit. Even you are dementia, you can still vote 105, 104, because no one will stop you. Below 18, you can’t. This is becoming now an issue." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "The future policies will depend on this group, and they have strong association everywhere." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "In Taiwan, maybe not. The 15-years-old in Taiwan are very powerful in their campaigns. Actually, the most powerful e-petitions we receive that had an impact, most of them are from 15-years-old." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "We have a 15-years-old that petitioned for banning of plastic straws or any one-use plastic anywhere. The EPA is forced to respond. They are actually delivering. This year, they are just banning plastic straw for indoor drinks." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "When the EPA initially thought the petitioner must be a very strong environmental activist to gather 5,000 people in such a short time. When we meet her, she is just a 15-years-old senior high school student." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "She said that it’s her civic class assignment to find a petition topic that can mobilize people. I think it’s really good that they can meaningfully participate in this way, without having to stop from attending class every Friday, which is happening elsewhere, [laughs] and effecting real change." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "There is also a petition just recently. We met another 15-years-old, a guy in, again, senior high school that petitioned for the referendum act to be changed so that we cannot take away human right, as agreed by the human right covenants in the UN." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "As a rule, referendum, just as you said, is going to count the majority of population, sometime to the detriment of the minority of the population. The human rights covenants are there to protect the minorities." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "He petitioned that it should never be included as a referendum topic. We actually adopted that as well. The 15-years-old are really changing the world, at least in Taiwan. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Because they are listened to. I think that’s really..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Right, they’re empowered." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "That’s a local advantage that they have as Taiwanese." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "And strong associations easily become a tribe." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It is, that are exclusive." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "If it becomes a tribe, then everything will be a mob. Individual rationality will disappear. When you vote on tribe, you think as a tribe, because the tribe becomes your identity. This is the so-called populism, is that, at the end of the day." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "You will have another identity, and that identity will become your tribe. Then you are looking for all other excuses to make your tribe bigger, smarter, and superior. Then when you vote, you vote as a tribe. You don’t vote. You lose your personal rationality, I think." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "That’s why this strong association, particularly for those people who are not anymore productive in the regular work, who are actually sitting. All what they are doing is chewing these ideas of politics and this. It will become like a big sect." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think there is one way, is just to make sure that there’s multiple chance of meaningful participation. Basically, weaken the referendums and the votes every four years. These are still democratic institutions, but if people can participate daily on the budgets, on the petitions, on the regulations, and things like that, it’s much more for them to do." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "It will also encourage the best of people for the 15-years-old and the 65-years-old, who care about the same thing, to build intergenerational solidarity. Whereas if it’s just one vote every two years, there’s no time for them to build, and no topic at all to build something..." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "I am glad we are conversant on it, because this is becoming now a future issue buzzword. It will completely affect the way politics and so on." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Very much so, very much so." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "I am glad. This is very important." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If we only limit the referendums to the only thing that people can express, then maybe we just get Brexit every few years. [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "No, it’s good to dwindle things into small pieces and make them to vote every day, so they shouldn’t wait for the big..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Exactly." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "You want to be Switzerland?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yes. That’s where we’re going." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "You know that there is fatigue after a while?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I know, I know." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "I am half-Swiss. I can tell you that after a while, it just gets like, \"Oh, my god, we’re voting again.\" There is proven..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "100-page referendum booklet, who reads that? [laughs]" }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "It’s very inclusive as a result. Anybody has an idea, 100,000 signatures, and it goes to referendum." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think basically makes it less like the four tribes within Switzerland." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Yeah." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "If anything, it makes the tribalism more mutually reinforcing than anything." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Yeah, I think that’s bringing it to the extreme. There should maybe be like an intermediate body that says, \"OK, so, you have 100,000. Let’s look at it, and see whether it’s of interest to the national...\"" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Bodies." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Exactly, to see whether...Mostly, they are not inconsequential. They are typically a lot about current issues of ethics or government. Whether GMOs should be plainly labeled, whether they should be coming from Switzerland, the migrants..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Universal basic income?" }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Huh?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Universal basic income." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Exactly, yeah. The one that we had last Sunday was about gun ownership. There is military service still, and we have to do it until 42. We have to do it every other year. You do it at 18 for two years, and then you do it every other year." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "You are obligated to keep your gun or your rifle at home. In fact, Switzerland has the highest ownership of guns, even to the level of or higher than America. Of course, we have much lower crime. I think that now, with the rates that’s going on worldwide and the craziness, so we had this vote about whether or not we should control guns." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Also, because we were completely in disagreement with the EU. I think at some point, the EU came and said, \"All right, if you want to stay part of the EEE, then you’re going to have to.\" Anyways, it’s typically on Sundays, and it happens a lot. That’s the extreme." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "I think the Swiss model of a longer deliberation before each referendum, even though it does cause fatigue, it also creates a better polity, a sense of polity." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "It is participatory. It is participatory." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "That’s where we’re going, for sure." }, { "speaker": "Belay Begashaw", "speech": "Thank you very much." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Yeah, thank you for your time. I think these are very important issues to think about collectively." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Minister, thank you so much." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Thank you so much." }, { "speaker": "Yanis Ben Amor", "speech": "Any New York trip happening soon, like early in July or in September?" }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "Maybe my robot..." }, { "speaker": "Audrey Tang", "speech": "...I am cutting down air travels. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it." } ]
[ { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "飛碟聯播網,花蓮太魯閣之音廣播電臺,我是清盛,今天要訪問的人物是政務委員唐鳳,我覺得根本不用多做介紹,直接請唐鳳來跟大家say hello。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "Hello,我是唐鳳,非常高興在這邊跟大家在空中相會。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "謝謝你來上我們的節目,你有沒有先想過一件事,來到我們花蓮的廣播電臺有想說什麼話題?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我事前其實有看到訪綱,在我的業務範圍裡面,開放政府、社會創新、青年參與,我們今天大概主要是聊開放政府的話題?" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "你居然把訪綱這一件事說給聽眾聽了。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "不過我要講一件事,我試圖瞭解一件事的時候,就是給年輕人建議的事,剛好最近明明不是選舉的時候,但有很多選舉的話題,大家說要給年輕人什麼東西,然後如何如何。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "於是當我看到你說要給年輕人這個建議的時候,你並不會給年輕人建議的這個話,可不可以請你跟大家說一說,因為花蓮的青年也有一些想法,也希望大人聽到他們的聲音,而你的想法卻跟大家是不同的,是不是可以先談這一件事?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得其實青年是整個社會的領航者,我們在公共政策網路參與平台裡面,最有影響力的一些連署案,大概都是15歲上下的朋友提出來的,也就是說即使還沒有投公投或投票的投票權,但這些朋友都會提案,好比像禁用一次性的塑膠吸管這一類的餐具,這就是一位15歲的朋友提出來的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "或者公投的時候,不應該違反國際的人權公約,因為人權就是保護少數,你多數去公投,一定贏少數,這個也是另外一位15歲的朋友提出來的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來講,我覺得青年是幫我們指引出社會公共利益的方向,所以不是我要給他們建議,而是他們給我的社會建議,我的工作是把他們的建議帶到公務體系裡面。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "好,試著回到我的主題。我要問一下,15歲的青年,你有試圖跟他們見面過、瞭解一下?我其實對於青年很好奇,什麼樣的環境滋養出他們願意提出意見及他們提出的意見是如此地清楚,我覺得這是很重要的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,我覺得有兩個特點,一個是他們目前就是動員組織的能力是非常非常強,這一個其實當時因為有參與318的時候一些通訊的工作,但是後來我們就發現在課綱微調案的時候,我們知道參與的人再小一個年齡層,但是其實因為他們是網路的原生族群,所以在組織上用的這一些網路工具,幾乎是完全不需要特別學習,就是他們平常溝通的工具就可以當組織的工具,不像數位移民,像我是12歲才開始接觸網際網路,我原生的思考還是用筆,所以看到我還在用筆。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "不要這樣講,你面前是一個電腦,我面前是一張紙。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,但是還是有一個類比往數位的轉換,我們叫做「調變解調器」。(笑)" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但15歲的朋友們原生就是數位的,所以在橫向組織上,他們完全有一種不孤獨的感覺,因為網路一個很核心的重點是,就算你在意的事情只有千分之一的人在意,但是網路就可以讓你在兩千三百萬人裡面,直接找到那個跟你相同在意的那一些人,所以這件事是任何人不管在意的事情再小眾,還是會覺得有2萬3,000人跟我有一些的想法,而且我知道怎麼找到那2萬3,000人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以禁用一次性塑膠吸管這一類的時候,從環保署開始要開協作會議的時候,瞬間可以動員到5、6,000人來連署,一定是環團的某一個大老,但出來一看是15歲的小女孩。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "你看到是2萬3,000人,這是2萬3,000人的同溫層,這個同溫層如何擴散成全國的事務,而其中您是政務委員,如何思考同溫層所推的事情跟全國可以意見是相同或可以往這個方向前進,我覺得頭痛的問題是在你身上吧!其實我丟出來了,我的同溫層如此地厚,我告訴你就是如此,但畢竟是2萬3,000萬的同溫層,如何面對全國的議題?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想這裡面很重要的事情是,雖然大家都有不同的立場,但是都有共同的價值,因為我們如果一下子就跳到解法的話,誠如你說的,有8,000個人連署,把臺灣的時區改成跟日本一樣,連署人也是一位年輕人,改成「GMT+9」,又有另外一個年輕人發起一個反連署,又說臺灣的時區應該留在「+8」,因此我們內部都叫做「8+9」的提案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個提案一共有1萬6,000人,所以其實很大,但你真的看,其實是同溫層,因為大部分你到街上問說時區要不要改,他大概是一點感覺都沒有的。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "連概念都不在。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是他們因為有同溫層,所以會舉出各種是,如果你有夏令時間或者是改了時區的話,你可以節省能源、促進觀光、促進消費、可以促進金融市場,會舉出各種各樣不一定完全真實,但就是要用來支持理由,而且可以說服同溫層的一些說法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我們到底要如何處理,當然是很頭痛,但好在我們在行政院裡面有一群人叫做「開放政府聯絡人」,他們的意思是要對內橫向整合所有相關的業務機關,當看到這一些論點的時候,就會知道經濟部的開放政府聯絡人會去聯絡工研院,工研院真的還試算過,如果我們用夏令節約時間的話,到底會不會省到電,結果好像只有0.000%的差別,但根本沒有差別,所以每一個部會的開放政府聯絡人,透過這樣的方式找到業務機關,逐一用事實來回應同溫層的論點,讓大家看到不會促進觀光,除非我們違反勞基法,也不會促進金融的交易等等,當我們這樣算出來之後,發現我們改一個時區,真的需要花很大的一次性成本,而且每一年還要花更多的社會成本,這個成本是可以量化的,當量化提出來的時候,我們就會發現「+8」這一方、「+9」這一方邀來見面三分情,在網路上吵得很厲害,但是一起來看到這一些事實的時候,忽然就沒有辦法吵起來,而且大家後面的感受就會願意分享出來,所以「+9」那一方的感受是,要的是從上海、北京來桃園機場的朋友,逼著他們要改一下手錶,來彰顯這邊是一個不同的管轄領域,所以這個才是他真正想要的東西。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們後來發現如果你要這個的話,其實有更有效的方法,不然人家講一句「一國兩制」,香港有不同的貨幣、很多大國有不同的時區就解決了,所以我們就說同樣是花這一些錢,能不能用別的、更有效的方法來讓國際知道臺灣跟PRC是不一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "後來集思廣益,我們想說原來可以透過人權的方式、可以透過開放政府的方式,讓全世界知道好比像立法院裡面的性別平權是比其他地方不一樣的,我們有婚姻平權,我們花同樣的預算還更有效讓國際知道我們跟PRC的不同,這樣就發現,「+9」、「+8」的人都聽得下去,而且願意一起集思廣益去想說要怎麼花預算來達到大家的共同價值,我覺得先讓事實端讓出來,讓大家都退一步,找到共同的價值是很重要的。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "而且你的工作就是在溝通的決策上?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,絕對是這樣,而且我絕對不下命令,當然也不接受命令,所以簡單來講是,我不斷像滾雪球一樣,建議更多的人進來,事實上這是有一個實施要點,而這個實施要點裡面特別加了一個條款,我們匿稱是「冰桶挑戰條款」,就是如果有兩個以上的……" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "「冰桶挑戰條款」?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,就是ice bucket的這個條款,就是權責機關如果有兩個以上,好比像衛福部覺得這個是交通部的事情,交通部覺得這個是內政部的事情,在裡面常常會推來推去,所以這個條款是,如果有爭議的話,大家都是主辦機關,一個都跑不掉,只能加人進來,不能說自己不想管。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像恆春要建一個空勤總隊、要放在恆春機場的連署案,因為有各種不同的解法,到最後我們讓內政部、國防部、交通部、衛福部、國發會一起跑去恆春討論這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "講到這一件事,你剛剛提到開放政府聯絡人這一件事,就是橫向溝通,在過去不管是中央政府或者是地方政府上,一向都出問題。我不能說您任內,您應該很討厭這兩個字,在這個過程當中,橫向溝通在這兩年當中,有變比較好嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過其實我的辦公室本身就是完全以橫向溝通組成的,一般來講,政委大概只有一個或兩個機要秘書,這個是政委辦公室的標準編制,就是大概兩個人、三個人,但我們辦公室有二十幾位朋友,這一些人是哪裡來的呢?基本上就是各部會的公務員,很多會毛遂自薦說想要到唐鳳辦公室工作,所以我就跟當時的秘書長,也就是現在的陳美玲主委。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "你沒有恐嚇他們說來這裡其實很累。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不會喔!來我們這邊每天都6點下班,我自己因為發現行政院有一個不成文的習俗,老闆不走的話,幕僚不敢走,所以我自己5點多就走了,有的時候我開會開到7點,發現辦公室只剩我一個人,所以生活品質是很好的,而且考績都自己打,所以其實對公務人員來說是很好的工作環境。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "好,您剛剛話被我打斷,您剛提到國發會。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "陳主委當時是秘書長,為了不要破壞制度太多,所以就達成一個協議,最多只從每一個部會調一個人過來,所以我們有32個部會,理論上我可以有32位同事,但是目前當然沒有32位的同事,為什麼?因為有一些部會沒有派人來,好比像國防部就一直沒有派人來,或是陸委會都沒有,我想我們都可以瞭解原因是什麼,因為激進式的透明,對他們來講太激進了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是做的那一些事情是不怕人知道,只怕人不知道的那一些部會,好比像內政、教育、文化、通傳等等,這一些其實都是很願意大家知道他們的工作,外交部再過了一陣子之後,等吳部長上來之後,他們也發現他們有公眾外交的部分,所以外交部也有派人來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以這些朋友們,其實平常我要求他們的唯一一件事情,就是他要所謂的「work out loud」,就是要放聲工作,工作的時候不要怕別的部會知道他們在做什麼,所以我們有一個共用的看板、聊天室等等,完全是用平行社群的方式,你在這個部會提出一個想法,你就要去lobby我的辦公室裡面別的部會朋友跟你一起做這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為協作的架構本來就不是奠基在指揮體系上,所以我們所蹲出來的這一些政策,基本上都不會犧牲某些價值、成就某些價值,簡單來講,我們會自己在辦公室裡面,看起來很像零和的角力,找到部會間共同價值之後,端出對公務員都不壞的一些解決方案來。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "你剛剛提到的是協作式的治理方式,這也是你這幾年希望推行的事情,也實際在落實,這個協作式的治理方式,你覺得從中央到地方,地方可能做得到嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想其實地方反而比較容易做到的,因為中央其實在管的都是一些比較抽象的法律、法規、準則,比較難去快速地應變,所以我們在中央為了快速應變,還端出所謂的政策沙盒、法律沙盒、法規沙盒等等的方式,讓地方能夠說「我就是想要試一個新的跟中央法規不一樣的新東西,我給你一年的時間試看看,如果試出來,不管它是自駕車、無人機或者是金融創新AI理財這一些東西,只要最後地方證明了法規比中央的版本好,我們過了一年之後就把地方的法規變成中央的法規。」就是有這樣區域創新的系統,我們發現區域裡面的這一些縣市,現在比較願意開始跨局處提出一些案子出來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在有這樣的可能性之前,當然很困難,因為每一個局處都有相應的中央部會,去縱向lobby絕對比他橫向溝通來得容易,但是我們現在是說你在做這樣沙盒的時候,你要先跨局處進行溝通,或是做地方創生提案的時候,要先在區公所跟產官學研社都開過會,你如果沒有做到橫向溝通的話,我們根本不會進入到審議的程序,因為中央創造出這樣的空間,所以我覺得讓地方現在開始比較願意橫向溝通,多成功很難講,但是至少是新的公務文化。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "就你的瞭解,在地方創生的努力上,比較好的協作式治理方式,有這樣的縣市嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得因為地方創生是很新的架構,這個架構我們目前都還在蒐集提案的階段,當然之前在所謂設計翻轉的那個階段,有一些里山等等的這一些架構,又或者比這個更早的,好比像台南做一些社區營造的朋友,好比像仕安等等,這一些地方都是大家耳熟能向,這是陳美玲主委跟當時曾旭正副主委,等於把這一些地方的經驗,等於中央能夠端出一套如果別的地方也能夠像這一些地方一樣,產、官、學、研、社好好坐下來談出地方願景的話,我們就留10%的預算,專門留這一些由下而上的提案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我會覺得它的範例,並不是在現有的架構裡面,都是在那個之前,可能20年的社造界裡面,我們看到做得比較好的案例,我們試著用地方創生來促成它。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "今天訪問的是政務委員唐鳳,今天談的是公務機關改革的事情。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "其實從協作式的治理方式,再談開放政府聯絡人這件事情,都是一步步探尋我們在公務人員、公務體制的改革上有沒有可能這麼做。想問的事情是:你為什麼想要促進公務人員改革的事情,這是一個很大的工程。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是這也是一件很有意思的事情,我覺得公務員其實並不是不想創新,而是有之前很多法律在威權時代留下來的,所以好比像剛才修了一個國賠法,就是去山裡、海邊及明明有告示,但是不看,竟然要國賠的這樣一部法,但這一部法其實重點並不是在國賠不國賠,而是會讓公務員採取一個非常保守的心態,因為誰也不想要因為惹到國賠的關係,在公務生涯裡面留下這樣的污點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "同樣的道理,像圖利罪、瀆職罪等等的東西,都是讓公務人員沒有辦法有效地進行橫向串聯。更不要說公務人員服務法裡面有一條非常不合理的,公務人員即使是在下班時間,也不能發表以個人公民的身分,任何關於他的工作的任何評論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這其實是在其他國家是沒有的,你說公務員組公會,好吧!各國都有,多多少少都有一些限制,但我只是要發表以我個人評論而已,這樣子等於是讓事務官完全沒有橫向發聲的可能性,所以我是非常肯定,像公務革新力量聯盟等等的朋友,一直試著去調整這樣的一種舊時代的威權,好像由上而下聽命令事務官的架構。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我會覺得,我們現在已經到民主的時代,大家也瞭解到公務員有他的專業,但在此之前,公務員只能聽縱向的命令,所以當有他的專業、創新的時候,一方面是如果他的老闆把它否決掉,我們外面完全看不到。二方面是如果真的做了什麼好事,大概所有的功勞都是長官,如果又不小心撞到國賠或什麼東西,問題都是公務員的,所以這樣的情況下,到底誰要創新?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以,我在做的是儘量創造一個空間,因為我們在討論的過程,剛剛講的這一些協作、地方巡迴全部都是公開的,所以任何人想出一個新的主意時,任何記者,就算同溫層之外的朋友,都知道是哪一位公務員想出來的,所以他有credit。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個是這一些沙盒都是容許失敗的,所以如果失敗了,就是實驗失敗,我們再來一次就好了,所有的風險是由我來吸收。我吸收風險,他們獲得credit的情況下,我就發現公務人員非常非常願意創新,我想這是我願意投入工作的原因,就是要示範這個並沒有什麼大不的,只要稍微改變這樣的空間,其實公務員內部就有非常多創新的動力。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "也就是說公務體制的革新,不是要增添公務人員的麻煩,而是幫助公務人員。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,可以說我們辦公室有一個核心的價值裡面,有一個非常重要的,就是讓公務員的作業流程更加輕鬆,這個更加輕鬆,很多時候是體現在同樣的事情,為什麼要管考兩次?為什麼科技發展計畫跟公共建設計畫用兩套完全不同的系統管考呢?為什麼同樣一件事要填五個表等等,這些都是因為本來在縱向命令的過程裡面,大家都不知道其他人在做一樣的事情,所以我們去修了統計法、去修資訊採購範本,讓公務員也可以多多少少做到填一次之後,自動在別的地方出現的情況,這樣就比較多的時間來做價值判斷,而比較少的時間覺得自己是工具人。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "當他不認為是工具人之後,他可以有價值判斷、他可以有思考,他如何能夠做好政府跟民間的橋梁,而不是政府跟民間之間,反而有什麼,反而觸法,而碰到許多許多的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "沒錯。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "今天訪問的是唐鳳,進個廣告,我們馬上回來。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "歡迎回到飛碟聯播網,花蓮太魯閣之音廣播電臺,熱情東海岸的節目,我是清盛,今天訪問的是政務委員唐鳳,非常難得她來上節目,我們今天居然要談的是公務體系的問題。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "老實說,這是我自己在選擇話題的時候,我自己在跟地方的公務人員,不管是在接洽或者談事情的時候,我發現如果公務人員能夠更優游的,或者是更清楚他要做什麼,或者是在橫向溝通上不會這麼礙手礙腳的時候,我真的希望每一個公務人員都希望能夠幫人民做到每一個事情做好的地步。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "今天是訪問唐鳳,我們今天就特別從公務體系這個事情來談,因為政委對於公務體系的改變,這一件事情也非常地希望能夠好好施行。但什麼是良好的公務文化?我覺得這個不管是公務人員或者一般民眾,恐怕也要去瞭解的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是。其實我的工作剛剛講了,其實「讓公務人員的作業流程更輕鬆」是其中一個部分,但是它最終的目標是要「建立政府跟民間的互信」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "政府跟民間的互信,其實政府必須先相信人民,人民再相信政府,如果政府都不相信人民,就要人民相信政府,那個叫做法西斯,大概不是臺灣的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以簡單來講,政府要怎麼主動相信人民呢?我們透過四個方法,這個也是國際上對開放政府的定義:第一個就是所謂的透明,透明的意思是,我們資料一蒐集到,我們甚至還沒有詮釋,我們就公開出來,這裡講的當然不是隱私的資料,這裡講的是公共的資料,好比像大家都最關心的空氣污染、水污染,或者是地層、地質這一些,大概沒有辦法主張隱私權的這一些資料,一條河流不能說你不能來量我的水質,這一些東西如果是經過人的詮釋再發布,就算公務人員再專業,有的時候民間還是會覺得是不是藏著什麼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是如果是一蒐集就發布,我們根本人都還沒有看到就發布,大家用機器就可以很輕鬆處理的格式,我們又不禁止民間去改做,這些條件都滿足了,這個叫做「開放政府資料」,它就可以透過透明的方式,讓大家看著相同的事實做出決策。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然臺灣的特色就是像剛剛講的空氣品質,不只政府在開放資料,民間也在開放資料,有很多很便宜的空氣盒子,像有很多學校把它當作教材,有很多人乾脆就直接放在他家的陽台,這一些空氣盒子也同時都在量測空氣裡像PM2.5等等的濃度,由民間發起開放資料。所以我們透明的這一個部分,希望從私部門、社會部門、公部門都可以把手上的資料,不經詮釋開放出來,讓大家在相同的基礎上進行討論,這個是第一個部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第二個部分是參與,參與的意思是,如果我們現在要做一件事,他會關係到某些利害關係人,這一些人應該要有機會知道他即將要被影響到,而且要怎麼樣進來,在我接政委以前,其實當時行政院完成了一個很不容易的改革,就是讓所有的法規命令都有60天的預告期,之前通常只有7天到14天。7天到14天是什麼概念呢?就是你一看到的時候,它就已經生效了。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "因為公文往來嘛!" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,沒錯。而且大部分這個公告還只是說你留一個承辦人的電話,你可以打過去,你打過去,首先你根本也不知道情況,所以你大概都是問他到底情況怎麼樣,等到你終於知道情況了,其實14天已經過去了,然後這個時候你的意見就已經不算數了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以在我當政委之前,也是在陳美玲秘書長當時領導之下改成60天,意思是你可以有2、3次的往返,你可以真的比較知道這一件事會怎麼影響你。在我進來之後,我當然也做了一個更新,就是讓這60天裡面的往返,是在一個公開的平台發生,而不是私下打電話給承辦人,你公開的留言、承辦人公開地回覆,這樣子承辦人只需要回復一次,他不需要接40通的電話,每一通都在問一樣的事情,所以這樣的參與,我想有一個公共參與的平台,也是讓彼此互信的方法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "最後兩個我快速帶過:一個很重要的是所謂的當責,也就是accountability,這個字非常難翻。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "你現在跟我說「當責」,你翻成中文,我也不知道要怎麼翻。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我現在都不翻成「當責」了,都翻成「交代」,簡單來講,大家提供意見,這一些意見對內到底變成什麼樣的政策,對內必須要給一個交代,對外這一些意見到底有沒有影響政策,怎麼影響利害關係人,對外也要給一個交代,這是一個雙面交代。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "所以中間的「當責」是我們自己?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。整個公務體系,每個人看到這樣子收回來的意見之後,就有一個責任告訴給出這一些意見的人,他的這一些意見在接下來如何變成公務流程,以及如果公務流程真的因為他而踩了剎車、轉了方向盤、踩了離合器等等,他的結果是什麼,這一些事情必須要做出政策的履歷,包含政府的預算、政府到底花在哪裡、有哪一些採購案、開了哪一些研究案、執行的KPI是什麼,我們目前在同樣這個平台裡面,所有接近2,000個政府中長程計畫,都放在「來監督」的平台裡面,每一個人都可以知道所有的這一些錢到底花到哪裡去,以及大家的留言到底有沒有造成政策的改變,這是當責的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "第四個部分,inclusion是涵融,但是我講涵融,你也不知道我在講什麼,所以我通常我們現在講的是……" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "一整個包容……真的很難翻。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對不對?inclusion真的非常難翻譯,所以我現在通常講的,是讓15歲的人可以進來,因為傳統上你沒有投票權,你什麼都不是,我們現在是讓即使沒有投票權的人,或者像桃園有辦移工的參與式預算,他們也沒有投票權,他們還需要找四國語言的翻譯,讓他們有意義地來討論到底要不要辦泰拳的活動,或是在生活上需要什麼設施,預算的分配權等於是交給本來沒有參與權利的一群人,所以我們開放政府越做,不能變成一小部分的人在參與,必須要是本來的民主制度、代議民主的人不讓他參與的人,也讓他參與,這是第四個部分,叫做inclusion。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "政委,這樣聽下來,您現在做的事,講的這幾個原則,那個基礎是叫做「開放」,當我們在面對政府的時候,「開放」這兩個字是必須要做到的,我也必須跟你坦誠,在我們地方,不管是議會或是縣政府,「開放」這兩個字,其實不一定就是我們所認知的「開放」,怎麼辦?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實在立法院黨團協商,好不容易直播了。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "但是他們抽個菸出去就不在議程當中。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這我理解。但是至少我們確立一個原則,所有有拘束力的會議,都必須留下紀錄,這個是要給出交代;當然在沒有拘束力的場合,不管出去是抽個菸或是抽什麼別的,當然在過程當中,這個一定會有事先的溝通,這個無可厚非,可是你永遠不能否認還是有一個機會,就是在外面喬到一個程度,但是裡面一直播的時候,還是可以翻案,就是說有拘束的場合,必須是給全民交代。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個在立法院,我們好不容易爭取到這個,我們在監察院爭取到像立委的政治獻金,所有的立委在國家這一層,所有的個人所得這一些,包含他的投資到底理財能力高不高,這一些我們都必須要詳細讓全民知道,所有這一些落實到地方的時候,都打一些折扣,真的是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們目前六都有簽一個open data charter,就是「開放資料憲章」,在裡面關於特別是政治參與的這一些資料,是有一些承諾的,但是六都之外,確實從我政委的角度看起來,確實都打了滿多的折扣。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "怎麼辦?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "大概有兩個方法,一個是有些人用公民不服從的方式,像當年監察院還沒有公開逐筆政治獻金的時候,那就是號召當時g0v零時政府,一群人跑去監察院,每個人影印一部分的政治獻金拍照或者掃描,回來之後切成一小塊,瞬間幾千人就在線上鍵盤救國,幫忙把這一些東西辨識成試算表,當時監察院很緊張,因為就算每一格有三個人看過,有兩個人都覺得是某個數字,可能沒問題,還是不能否認也許有時沒有掃好,可能還是有一點錯誤。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "對,或者是輸入錯誤。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,都有可能。監察院就說這個資料不一定可信,我們可以很大方說「你做、你開放」,你用一個品質不太好、自己跑去開放的資料,去造成一股政治壓力,不然做這一件事之前,當時我還沒有入閣,立法院政治獻金的陽光法案永遠排在最後一案,不是不排,永遠排在最後一案。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "就是擱置不處理。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,每一次都屆期不續審,但當民間有公民不服從的情況出現時,忽然間給監察院很大的壓力,所以當然在後來行政院的協助之下,監察院真的就完全開放了,是今年才開始的事情,所以這是第一種方法,用草根的方式,像我瞭解有些人真的跑去縣議會相關的人物財產申報的地方,他是只能看、不能拍的,他就用默背的方法把它記出來,都有這一種方法。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那第二種方法,我覺得剛剛講的比較是由下而上的橫向改革,另外一個方法是由上而下告訴他說如果做某些比較透明的事情,對你是有好處的。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "回到我們今天的主題,就是公務體系的改革。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是的,好比像我們有辦一個叫做「總統盃黑客松」,這樣的活動就是完全以總統的高度,去讓地方對於地方的事務,想要改造的人,讓他有一個機會,跟可能像科長級的人去進行協作,他們都知道說只要一碰到縣議,大概就會卡關,也不會撥預算,就算你提了預算案之後被砍到零,但是因為我們開外掛,是總統府辦的活動,這一位科長每一次都可以說「本科配合辦理是環團提的,是民間社團提的,我們配合辦理」,但我們一看文字就知道是他寫的,在這樣的情況之下,每一年會挑五個提案出來,然後總統會親自頒獎,這個獎是沒有獎金的。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "他們為什麼要做?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "去年的五個提案之一是叫做「離島不孤,無限支援」,就是要在離島的地方,建立一個新的判斷要不要把病人後送到本島的醫療機制,這是很大的工程。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "WOW!這個很棒。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "為什麼這樣子?因為民間有壓力,當時是在夜黑風高又下雨的晚上,急著要後送摔了直升機,我們知道有這個不幸的事件,但是當時每個人都說「不是我能夠改變的,因為裡面有太多太多的公務文化,太多太多的像你的大醫院裡的病歷跟衛生所的病歷,能不能在病人沒有無視的情況下,兩個病歷互相交換,這個是個資法等等,每一個部會都有不同的詮釋,然後就會把事情卡住」,所以民間的朋友們提出這樣的案例,然後也有很多衛生所的朋友們加入這個開發。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "他們花了三個月的時間,因為總統盃黑客松是三個月,真的做出一套用國際叫做「FHIR」的新制度,真的讓病人的家屬跟病人,及後送的單位三方去彙整,所以舊的這個情況,就是資訊不完整、決策片斷、病人家屬沒有辦法參與決策的情況,就改成能夠不要像以前走紙本、傳真、申請等等的方式,就能夠完全用即時彙整,三方都看著螢幕的方法去判斷要不要後送,這樣每一次後送,大家對於衛生所的信心是增加一點,並不是減少一點。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你問到如果沒有獎金,為什麼要做這一件事?那個獎盃是一台投影機,這個投影機只要一打開,就會投影出總統頒獎給你的畫面,所以這個在內部協調非常有用,如果你的衛生所所長,如果你的署長不想給你經費,你只要把神主牌放在桌上,把投影機打開,小英的臉跑出來,他們就不能說不。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "這樣有一點像尚方寶劍。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是這樣子。我們每一年給出五把這一種尚方寶劍,代表總統府的一個承諾,就是我們用盡一切力量,當你這三個月會證明這個東西好之後,我們花接下來的九個月,讓你的概念在明年就變成政府的一部分,以後我們幫你養,你就不需要再實驗。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "好,總統黑客松是每一年都會辦嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "每一年都會頒,已經有要點了。像蘭嶼後送的例子,我們為了他去改了個資法、健保法、健保憑證製發辦法、醫療法、緊急救護法、直升機管理辦法的六項法規解釋,全部鬆綁,而且編了很多新的預算,現在已經不只在蘭嶼,在很多偏鄉也都開始適用,所以有這個尚方寶劍,真的很重要。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "我期許我們的政府單位能夠有人去報名黑客松,我一定會做專訪,你要做幾集都好。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "最後一個問題是,我們談到公務人員能夠怎麼做,我們期許能夠幫公務人員一起為我們國家、為地方能夠好好做出不一樣的視野出來,民眾在這一件事情上,其實是有非常重要的位置。民眾可以怎麼做?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為大家都知道我有兩頂帽子,一方面是政務委員,但是一方面我也是零時政府g0v活動的參與者跟貢獻者,零時政府的口號是不要問為什麼沒有人不做這一件事,先承認你就是那一個「沒有人」,意思是每一次你看到政府哪一件事沒有做,或者沒有做好,我們政府的網站或者是服務,後面一定都是「」,所以零時政府的朋友會自己跑去做「」,所以你就是政府網站把「o」換成「0」,你就進入了影子政府。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以當年第一個網站,2012年我還沒有加入的時候,就是把中央政府把500頁的總預算,變成一個互動式的,讓大家一目了然,而且可以針對特定預算討論的視覺化系統。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "到了2014年、2015年台北市率先採用,接下來很多縣市採用,終於對中央造成壓力,然後2016年中央就採用了。採用的時候,當時因為我剛當政委,大部分的部會都說本來只有23個人可以管考我們,要讓2,300萬人來管考我們,他們是非常非常抗拒,所以我就說:「我們先用行政院自己管考65項,我們先試個一年,沙盒的概念是大家先來做看看,小規模的,然後來看到底發生什麼事。」後來發現這65個專案,自從公開管考之後,承辦人少接很多電話,因為一Google就知道發生什麼事,根本不用去問承辦人,承辦人也不用擔心第39通電話跟第40通講得有一點不一樣,然後明天就有人爆料,然後就出事了,因為只需要公開講一次。所以試了一年之後,現在接近2,000個中長程計畫,所有32個部會,現在都願意加入這樣的一套系統。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "從民間的角度來看,這個叫「待用政府」、跟「待用咖啡」是一樣的,政府沒有做好,你做一個比較好的出來看看,你只要採取開放的授權,意思是你不怕政府收割,這樣一旦民間產生一股力量,政府就會告訴承包廠商說:「你明年的那個提案,你就把他的構想抄進來就好了」,大部分的時候是不需要額外的預算,大部分的承商是非常願意來收割這一些民間civic tech,就是公民科技的成果,不要公民科技裡面都是寫程式很宅的人,現在寫程式的人,百分比已經掉到30%以下了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不管是任何的專長,我們尤其需要會說故事、文字的溝通專長,或者是影像的專長、議題分析的專長、設計的專長等等,都可以一起做出想像中政府更好的提案,而且g0v也有自己的g0v grant的方式,會給你50萬左右的錢,讓你把這個東西做到一個程度,這個獎助金就造成看到現在很多大家都有用的,好比像「投票指南」,好比像「真的假的」,在LINE上面,包括後來美玉姨、事實澄清的應用,像阿龜微氣候等等,這一些都是g0v獎助金出來的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一些覺得需要跟政府進行結合,這時我們也不吝於收割,像g0v裡面有一個提案叫「政府資料小幫手」,是讓人在申請資料的時候,讓人跟國發會的平台加以對焦,讓承辦人不會覺得你要A、我給你B的情況,這個就從g0v的獎助金帶到總統盃黑客松,所一有一種互相收割的關係。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "今天非常謝謝唐鳳委員接受我們的訪問,我在聽的時候,之後要跟大家說的事情是,我們必須相信公務人員都是有能力的,我們也要相信我們人民的力量,而人民的力量不是只是在投票的那一個時刻當中,後續我們人民的力量,可以發表出我們自己的希望、發表出我們希望推動政府能夠做哪一件事,就是從最基本由下而上的力量。" }, { "speaker": "林清盛", "speech": "非常謝謝政委唐鳳接受我們的訪問。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "非常感謝,謝謝大家。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "大家好!剛剛進來握手花了一點時間,各位委員有的講很多事情,我要聽清楚很不容易,不是因為老了重聽,而是因為講的方式讓我覺得很新鮮,從養魚到吃魚,還有教如何喝酒,然後又接著說教二代怎麼接班,內容很廣泛,我都會注意聽。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "我很注意聽人家講話,因為從人家的講話裡面,既然要講,一定是想表達什麼,我都很注意聽,所以我不是一直握手就往這邊走,因此花了一點時間;不過,從這一趟就可以學到很多。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "各位都是年輕人,我以前也年輕過,我當律師的時候,還不到24歲,當時去律師公會,在管律師公會的管理,他會趕我,說:「這個是律師的地方,並不是隨便可以坐的。」其實我已經是律師,所以才進去。後來因為我的頭髮掉很快,所以大家不會覺得我年輕,因此我當律師,那時律師跟人家談話要收錢,叫做談話費,常常來請教我案件的人,聽我給他分析案情之後,都很高興說:「蘇律師,你法律學很好,口才又很棒,聽你講完之後,我就放心了,律師你看起來很年輕耶!看起來差不多40幾歲而已。」那時我才20幾歲。我也年輕過,只是我看起來老。以前我當省議員的時候才34歲,也是省議會最年輕的省議員,但現在竟然變成最老的。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "但是年輕跟老,好像不是看日曆上的年紀,而是看你的觀念。如果你的觀念很新,永遠年輕,有些人雖然年紀很輕,但是他的觀念很老;有些人隨時保持高度興趣、一直吸收,他永遠很年輕,有些人老是在講很老的事情,根本不知道世界走到哪裡。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "行政院青諮會的各位委員,是來自各行各業、很多面向,為行政院、還有全國行政機關注入很多新觀念,這樣行政機關才不會自以為是,或者是老氣橫秋,才會與時俱進。我看到各位在各領域非常熱情投入,有些才剛起步,有些已經在幫助別人;有些是有很多新的創意,所以今天特別邀請各位來,有這個機會在這個地方,我們希望把握時間,好好談談並交換意見。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "行政院裡的這個地方叫做「大禮堂」,就是最高行政機關裡面最重要的地方,所以你看,為了歡迎大家,鋪這個紅地毯,為什麼這麼重要?因為行政院長交接就是在這裡,我已經在這裡交接兩次了,這個地方真的是最重要的地方,邀請大家來。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "很感謝唐鳳政委事先跟各位一起討論會議提案內容,我相信今天有很重要的案子要進行,我希望各位永遠保持年輕,以年輕人的熱情看臺灣、看我們的國家,希望我們的國家不斷地進步,這樣子才能在世界有一席之地,希望我們一起加油,今天謝謝大家的到來,我們一起讓這個會議能夠有好的結果,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "謝謝院長的勉勵,現在開始本次會議議程。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "本次的報告案總共有兩項,第一項我們將請陳副召集人昱築代表說明,青諮會第二屆108年1月至5月成果報告,讓我們有請陳副召集人到台前為各位簡報說明。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "院長、各位秘書長、長官、夥伴大家午安!我是第二屆的副召集人陳昱築,還沒跟院長自我介紹,我本身是一個國際的組織,也就是臺灣的分支,專門在臺灣推動永續、社會創新的組織。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "其實跟院長很有緣,院長您在上任當院長的時候,青年署還是青輔會的時候,我那時有參加青年國是會議,在中山堂也有跟院長報告,結果報告完之後,這個提案後來政府就立法了,學校就不能有體罰,覺得青年進到體制內,有一些改革、有一些建言,我覺得臺灣政府是相信年輕人可以做這樣的事情,因此當第二屆青諮會,教育部問我的時候,我覺得這一件事要積極努力參與,為臺灣、青年來做一些努力、一些事。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "這個大會已經是第二屆了,其實我們在第一屆已經run過兩年的時間,其實這兩年來我們發現一些東西是必須要被改變的,因此第二屆一開始的時候,做了幾項調整,在開大會之前,我們會有一個會前會,會跟各部會相關的承辦人員或是跟各部會相關負責的同仁,一起來討論這樣的提案怎麼樣能夠讓它更完整。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "除此之外,我們這一屆就有非常多院長強調接地氣的做法:" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "第一,我們有巡迴座談,所以每兩個月會由青諮委員當主揪,我們會去不同的場域、討論不同的議題,甚至是參觀。除此之外,這一屆還有非常棒的編制,是任務編制的列席,不同部會提供一些機會,讓很多青諮委員到跨部會任務編組的會議當中,來提出一些寶貴的建言。除此之外,也有有部會邀請諮詢。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "像政府安排的會議及諮詢,但很多時候,青年委員想要自己拜訪部會,我們還有一個機制是「組團拜會」,所以我們也去過三個不同的部會拜會過了。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "不管是透過提案討論、巡迴座談、任務編組、部會的邀請諮詢之後,透過這樣的機制,我們成立一個叫做「青年協作平台」,因此接下來跟院長報告,到底怎麼樣來操作這六個不同的運作方式,這樣的運作方式跟院長一樣,雖然沒有像院長這麼軟Q,但是是在做接地氣的事。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "我們從今年1月開始到5月,我們做過三場巡迴座談及一場的委員工作坊及會議的會前會,第一場的巡迴座談就到了宜蘭,是因為我在宜蘭還有經營一個宜蘭青年交流中心,我們專門做的是就業與創業的培力,這個巡迴座談非常好的是,像宜蘭的主題是青年農業、青年返鄉的議題。除此之外,我們在討論會議之前,我們會跟在地的組織去參觀、拜訪或者是有一些交流的機會。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "但是在會場的同時,我們之前會蒐集所有來參與的青年委員,在地的青年意見及想法,在台北的現場會有各部會的回應,會有唐政委主持,主持之後青年發表意見,各部會在台北的現場,大家會透過視訊的方式來回應青年的提問。其實在場有一個非常好的地方,宜蘭縣政府終於知道要做什麼事了,終於知道真的是要幫助青年,因為很多青年返鄉之後,創業想要開店,無論是咖啡廳、衝浪店也好,或者想要經營民宿,可是宜蘭縣政府並沒有一個完整的機制。所以接下來在下一個年度開始,宜蘭縣政府知道要有一個創業的統一窗口,讓更多的宜蘭年輕人知道要做什麼事,這個是巡迴座談也可以得到一個非常好的亮點。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "第二,像在新竹的君薇委員,他們不只做地方創生的事,他們還有發行一本雜誌叫做《貢丸湯》,幾乎書店都買得到,在場因為在新竹,所以討論的主題是跟舊城文化保存復興非常有關係的主題,早上也是由君薇的夥伴帶著我們去參觀新竹的老城區,帶著當地的文化脈絡之後,召集了不只是新竹的年輕人,還召集了台南市的青年諮詢委員,一起來跟我們做深度地討論。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "這一場的討論有兩個重點,一個是民宿合法與老建築物的微整形,其實很多青年返鄉之後,他們會選擇一個場域,當作一個載體來做一個事情,不管是開咖啡廳或者是民宿,但是很多時候在法規上的限制,讓這一件事是不可行的,或者是法規有非常多模糊的地帶,讓年輕人不知道怎麼做,所以我們在場討論說如何把民宿合法化的這一件事,尤其具有人文歷史風貌的區域地域定義得更清楚,讓年輕人真的知道做這一件事是正確的,讓他也可以合法。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "另外一件事,是文化部與老建築整修的專案,希望簡化申請的步驟,希望讓年輕人可以回到家鄉來做老屋重現的這一件事,而且我覺得在新竹巡迴完之後,君薇不斷召集這一些人開會,這個是巡迴座談非常好的運作機制。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "第三個也是我主揪,因為今年5月在高雄舉辦的亞太社企高峰會,也是由我,我是其中一個主辦單位,我們請了非常多的青諮委員能夠一起到高雄去,探討跟社會企業、社會創新有關的議題。這個會議其實有1,200多個人參與,所以其實這一次我們還有做一些調整,在這個會議上不只是很粗淺推廣社會企業,還有非常多深度討論的工作坊、交流的意見,青年的朋友們都有共同的參與,所以未來大家在提出解決方案的時候,能夠考慮環境、經濟、社會的永續平衡。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "除此之外,任務編組也是一個我們今年很重要的運作機制,像我們在3月的時候,故宮也邀請我們三位青諮委員,像偉翔、天浩、定芳委員去參加了故宮專門做兒童青年事務諮詢委員會,地方放了一個很長FB貼文,他說原來政府做了這麼多事,我怎麼不知道,因此透過這樣的方式,讓年輕人瞭解政府的運作之外,年輕人也有非常多的想法,像剛剛院長所說的,可以回饋到整個政府的運作機制。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "除此之外,像智文有參加內政部營建署的住宅審議會,彥嘉也參加了國發會的「亞洲‧矽谷」計畫,我跟阿彭參加了財政部國產署的任務編組,提供一些國有財產署的土地運用新做法,除此之外還有參加社會創新聯繫會報。因此任務編組的機制,可以讓年輕人瞭解到年輕人的運作。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "除此之外,部會也會邀請非常多不同的委員們去做分享,像天浩、彥嘉有去教育部分享做了什麼事,雨恩也有針對青農在做什麼事的會議,阿彭也有U-start參加這樣的啟動儀式,讓更多年輕人提供部會提供更多的意見。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "除此之外,像組團拜會的這一件事我覺得非常棒,因為以前不能做這一件事,今年有這樣的事,讓年輕的諮詢委員更有動力去拜會部會來提出問題,然後部會回應之後,就可以化作是提案的養分,因此我們有去了國發會,而且有非常多的委員,這一屆大會有非常多的委員們,大家在做地方創生的事,國發會的副主委跟我們交流的時候,有提供很多民間上的做法或者是問題。而且,大家對於新公布TEASA的資料庫提供很多反饋的意見。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "另外,也有去衛福部,像時間銀行跟兒少發展的部分,蘇次長非常熱情接待我們,而且一一回答所有的問題。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "上個月我跟希慈一起去了外交部,外交部也是有不同的司長、委員會的執行長來跟我們交流,我可以提一下,我覺得這個非常棒的是,台北有一個NPO聚落,這個聚落是可以讓臺灣的NPO到這個地方來,我們提供很多的諮詢及服務。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "那個時候我們就有跟外交部稟報,加拿大的兒童基督教基金會有跟我們聯繫,希望在臺灣設一個據點,結束之後外交部的非政府事務委員會非常積極聯絡我,希望可以促成這一件事,因此我們在上上禮拜,剛好加拿大這個人有來臺灣,我們帶他去參觀這個場域,所以加拿大現在也決定要在臺灣設立一個分支機構,這個是民間的力量,讓民間的力量配合政府、外交部的運作,可以在臺灣形成一個據點,這個是非常棒的回饋機制。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "除此之外,也是透過剛剛上面不同的做法,所以像我們有不同的委員們,無論是青年署的「青年好政」系列論壇,或者是在11月要舉辦全球青年趨勢的論壇,還有包含唐政委推動PDIS故宮線上售票系統,非常多的委員們一起加入這樣的協作,因此這一件事可以讓更多的政府夥伴們知道民間的想法、民間運作的方式,也可以讓更多這樣的系統或是更多這樣的論壇、座談會,真的討論到民間需要的問題,能夠更接地氣。" }, { "speaker": "陳昱築", "speech": "因此這樣的運作方式,也呼應院長所說的「會做事、接地氣」的兩個重點,因此這兩個運作方式,我們希望今年到明年青諮委員的任期,我們接下來能夠有更多的提案,能夠去解決更多現場大概看不到的問題,可以讓整個臺灣政府的運作能夠越來越好之外,也可以讓臺灣是一個永續的國家,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "謝謝陳副召集人的說明。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "報告事項二,青諮會第二屆108年1至5月份幕僚工作報告:" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "(一)108年1至5月份計有教育部、國發會、文化部及內政部等10個部會辦理30場活動或會議,邀請青年委員計77人次參加。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "(二)青諮會前(第1)屆委員提案經決議列管計36案(含臨時提案),尚在「進行中」之前屆委員提案計16案,於每次會議召開前,均請部會協助更新最新辦理情形。建請解除列管案件,均先行通知原提案委員,並提會前會確認,這16件「進行中」之提案,本次提請解除列管計13案,其餘3案持續辦理中。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "(三)本次會議原有3件委員提案,並提108年4月29日會前會討論,其中葉委員智文所提涉及「社會住宅包租代管」政策檢討與建議部分,因目前「社會住宅包租代管」第2期計畫即將執行,經葉委員與主政機關-內政部營建署討論後擬暫予撤案,並俟第3期計畫草案提出後再另行提出建議或再提案。因此,本次會議討論事項之提案數由3案減為2案。等一下會針對這兩案進行討論,以上說明完畢。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "報告第2案,其中提到本來有第3項提案,因為跟現在進行中的社會住宅包租代管政策的作法有點不一樣,但因為這個政策已經在進行中,要另外等適當時機再討論或提案,所以原本要討論3案減為2案,這樣的情形,提案委員是不是都已經清楚了?以上兩個報告案,大家有沒有意見?" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "那就這樣,我們進入討論案。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "討論事項,在討論開始之前,要先跟各位說明一下,麻煩委員跟機關代表在發言時,請先告知自己的姓名再開始發言,時間以3分鐘為限,滿3分鐘按鈴2聲提醒各位,請各位掌握發言的時間及重點,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "本次的會議計黃偉翔、黃彥嘉兩位委員提案:第一案,安排第45屆,國際技能競賽代表團,於108年度國慶典禮遊行請討論案,提案委員為黃委員偉翔,請黃委員說明。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "謝謝院長、各位夥伴大家好,我說明一下提案,但是上面有資料,我就不再講。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "我直接分享個案,很多人會說這個是什麼競賽?剛剛院長也有問我,大家都知道體育有奧運,棒球及足球等項目,想像有另外一群人也在比奧運,只是他們比的是百工百業,例如花藝、木工、美容等等的世界比賽。臺灣從1970年就參加「國際技能組織」,1971年開始參加「國際技能競賽」" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": ",比賽的成績一向都很好,比如前幾屆,我們的成績於團體的排名,一定都是前五名以上,但很可惜的是,國內一直沒有被重視,這個是提案的初衷。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "我分享一個個案。我們Skills for U最近在拍技職國手紀錄片,以國手為例子,昨天在南台科大,我們怎麼拍他呢?早上8點就去拍他,一直拍到晚上11點,因為他每天從早上8點就開始練到晚上11點,這樣的時間不只是持續一個月,她練了整整一年,而且在他當上國手之前,還花了3至5年的期間苦練,只為了成為臺灣的西點的國手。像這樣的國手其實在訓練的過程中,並不是只有自己,有很多培訓團隊,有來自工會及來自企業、政府團隊等,一個國手後面代表的是一整個領域的人,而臺灣在國際上參加有54項的比賽,就有54群各行各業的人,這一段期間(幾十年來)其實都沒有被政府用合適的高度看見。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "去年有亞運在國慶的遊行,我覺得對於同樣很努力的技能群體,是有相對的剝奪感,好比看到體育為何會這樣受政府重視,學技能的人們為何是如此?最後的分享是,首先,因為國際組織參與的人越來越多,競爭越來越難,各國像歐美、韓國、日本、中國等等,甚至新南向、非洲都有參加,因此競賽的刺激度更高。" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "第二,最近在2011年中國又加入,但是在去年上一屆已經是世界第一了,才參加幾年就已是世界第一,技能基層很焦慮,2021主辦國正是中國,在上海。今年8月底比完賽從俄羅斯回來,剛好10月是中華民國國慶,可以在那樣的場合,有一點像去年亞運遊行的方式,透過這樣的方式來鼓舞代表團,也鼓舞百工百業的夥伴們,後面很多很辛苦支撐臺灣很基層各行各業的人,勞動部的職訓師、教育部的技職師生,因此這一案很具體,希望在今年10月,讓今年8月底比完賽回來的代表團,在國際賽可以受到一些鼓舞的安排,我的提案到這邊,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "謝謝黃委員說明,本案的主辦機關為內政部,由勞動部、教育部協辦,請主政機關內政部代表回應。" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "內政部這邊先作一個說明,剛剛黃委員的提案,內政部基本上是贊成的。我們每一年要舉辦國慶各項活動,都會協調相關機關、團體及學校來組成所謂的籌備委員會,而這個委員會現在目前是由立法院蘇嘉全院長擔任主委,內政部是負責秘書作業。" }, { "speaker": "邱昌嶽", "speech": "黃委員提案是認為第45屆參加WSI相關職業技能競賽的這一些夥伴們能夠參加國慶典禮的活動,接後受國人的喝采,來彰顯他們多元職業的價值,這個部分我們已經提到今年6月4日籌備委員會成立大會的當天,向蘇嘉全院長口頭請示過,同意納入這整個國慶大會活動的來規劃辦理,後續會協調勞動部、教育部把這一項工作做好,以上。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "先請教育部潘部長。" }, { "speaker": "潘文忠", "speech": "院長、各位委員,特別要謝謝偉翔委員提這樣的一個提案,因為確實黃委員及幾位委員長期對技職教育事實上是實際在體驗跟一直幫忙推動。" }, { "speaker": "潘文忠", "speech": "技職教育我想這幾年確實從蔡總統就非常重視,甚至直接提出技職教育應該是臺灣非常重要的教育主軸之一,我想以這樣的高度在推。這幾年確實不管是相關的政策,包含預算的支援,像前瞻計畫就投入80億來進行技職優化,因此我想在這個技職工作上,應該可以看出目前在整個政府上不只是重視,也希望能夠提供給更多有這樣興趣跟機會的學生一個很好的平台。" }, { "speaker": "潘文忠", "speech": "當然有機會在國內參加競賽或者是到國際參加WSI的競賽,其實都是臺灣之光,因此如果有機會來加以肯定,我想教育部也一定會全力支持。" }, { "speaker": "潘文忠", "speech": "去年辦理產學大師,其實也正是一個更高位階的獎勵,我想是這樣的做法。今年也提出獎勵這一些國手可以到國外培訓及參加比賽,我想這一些都是在打基礎,但是如果可以像運動選手,可以爭取最好的成績,也能夠讓國人共同看到,我想對他們肯定、對很多技職教育,都會打下很大的信心,這個對十二年國民基本教育、技職發展也好,因此教育部也會全力共同發展這樣的機會。" }, { "speaker": "潘文忠", "speech": "如果有機會成為國慶的慶典,我想也讓這一些,包含不管是遊行等等,就是由技優選手一起共同打造,更有代表性,以上補充。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "勞動部。" }, { "speaker": "許銘春", "speech": "非常謝謝黃委員對於國際技能競賽這一些國手的重視,其實國際技能競賽等於在技能界奧林匹克的賽事,其實臺灣參與在這樣的賽事已經很久了,一直都有很好的表現,就以上一屆在阿布達比,我們的獲獎率是88%,也跟院長報告,勞動部的林常次是擔任WSI副總會長。" }, { "speaker": "許銘春", "speech": "今年3月WSI常務理事會特別來臺灣召開,甚至還說「臺灣是不是有興趣來爭取2022年的年會」,因此他們對臺灣的國際技能這一塊的耕耘跟表現是非常非常重視的。" }, { "speaker": "許銘春", "speech": "我也跟院長報告,因為國際技能競賽國手的選拔是競爭非常激烈,初選、複選之後,還要經過非常長的一段時間培訓,前兩、三個禮拜還有一個培訓測驗,我也邀請林萬億政委讓參與比賽的國手作模擬的服務,也同時鼓舞我們的國手。" }, { "speaker": "許銘春", "speech": "今年有58位國手在8月16日出發參加國際技能競賽,8月29日返國,跟各位報告,今年我打算親自帶隊去,代表給國手的重視跟鼓勵。有關讓國際技能競賽國手參與國慶的遊行,勞動部非常樂觀其成,而且也會全力來協助,讓活動圓滿完成。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "很謝謝主辦部會,剛剛提案人黃偉翔委員已經有做了相關的說明,主辦部會也都贊成,不曉得在座各位委員有沒有反對的意見?" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "我想問今年8月去比賽,不知道成績會怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "黃偉翔", "speech": "一定會很好。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "因為國慶遊行是歡迎國家的英雄,也是讓大家歡呼,所以一定要很好的成績喔!" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "我覺得提這個案子非常地好,也謝謝相關部會都很樂意地為這個案子努力,要讓年輕人有好舞臺,才能演出精彩,演出精彩之後,其實就應該給他喝采,喝采以後,大家才會有樣學樣,才會越來越精彩。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "我們一直說要注重技職教育,但與其說教一堆,不如讓英雄出現,走上英雄路,讓大家喝采,就有更多的年輕人願意跟著來,所以這個案子大家都贊成的話,第一個是給剛成立的國慶籌備會,就像上次安排亞運得牌選手遊街一樣,這一次如果國際技能競賽代表團有好成績回來,我們一樣要給國手們歡呼,讓他們凱旋遊行。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "第二,許部長說她要一起帶隊等,不只是要帶隊去,事先也應該給他們好好的加油、訓練,或者提供相關支持;不要只有台上10分鐘,而忘了台下的10年功,請勞動部多多給他們支持。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "上個禮拜我才陪同蔡總統到高雄左營國家運動訓練中心,就是展現政府有決心。蔡總統也宣示,我們要用63億的錢改善國訓中心,其中要特別蓋相關訓練場所,增加設施,並興建良好的選手與教練宿舍,讓他們改善相關的環境。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "此外,針對選手設計客製化訓練,提供適合的教練、訓練師、按摩師等,不同的選手,需要不同的科學醫療分析及有效的服務,主要是希望明年多爭取一塊、甚至是兩塊,為臺灣爭取更多的金牌,因此就像體育方面我們是如此用心用力一樣。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "在技能方面也應該這樣,這就是百工百業,就是讓各行各業都有達人、都有英雄,你看日本光一個做壽司的達人,90歲了,他的兒子60歲都還跟著爸爸在學,歐巴馬去日本還特別去吃那個壽司。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "日本人為了學臺灣做包子,跪在那裡三天三夜,師傅才要收,其實我們在學校教育要推動技職教育,如果讓這些得獎的好手、國手也能夠在國人面前受到喝采與歡呼,不但是實至名歸,等於是讓年輕人起而效尤,也希望教育部可以安排,不但回來後要有國慶車隊遊行,也應該讓這些達人,也就是這個國手、高手到相關學校與科系,讓他們可以分享他是如何辛苦努力才能得獎,他做的事代表什麼意義,其實給孩子看到不同領域的達人、職人,也讓孩子多一個判斷、或者是選擇。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "一方面請內政部就本案先跟國慶籌備委員會預留活動行程,也就是將有可能得牌的國際技能競賽選手及國手,可以安排讓他們走凱旋大道,讓他們接受歡呼。另一方面,請勞動部提供事前的關心與支持,希望能夠得到更多的好成績。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "請教育部事後也安排可以到各個技職學校,甚至不一定技職學校,一般學校都可以讓他們去展現高超的成果,讓孩子們看到原來行行出狀元,不是只有體育才有國手,而是許多方面都可以,我相信最高的榮耀應該是這樣,這樣做會比只有一個國慶遊行幾小時的榮耀更有實際效用。我們做這樣的決議,好不好?第二案。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "第二案,鑑於少子化及提升我國高等教育競爭力,提升大專校院國際化、特色化,吸引國際學生是我國攻讀學位及簡化、便利申請流程三面向,長期經營培育人才,並協助就讀期間媒合企業實習機會,以及未來能根留臺灣或成為我國駐外企業聘請之人才,請討論案。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "提案委員為黃彥嘉委員,請黃委員說明。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "院長好、青諮委員黃彥嘉發言,各部會長官們大家好,今天因為已經有各部會的回應,我就不說太多細節,我想讓院長知道一下這個提案的故事來由。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "剛剛院長進場時,我可能是在第一個,院長走比較快,我來不及介紹自己,我是黃彥嘉,在矽谷創業,今年開始公司擴展到東南亞,所以其實對新南向政策的感覺是非常有感。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "當在東南亞開發市場的時候,我就非常好奇東南亞的學生到底對臺灣的印象是什麼,這些東南亞非常優秀的學生,有沒有興趣到臺灣來唸書,未來成為我們的人才,因為我們公司自己本身是做使用者體驗,使用者體驗是一個滿新的領域,重點在提供產品服務的時候,我們去瞭解我們的使用者到底對我們產品的一個期待,所以我就擅自在東南亞期間訪問非常多在地的學生,問了他們有關臺灣的學校在東南亞招生的過程,包括招生到申請的流程。第一點簡單來說,他們對臺灣的印象是F4,所以我有點驚訝的是,原來臺灣給人家的印象是停留在蠻久之前。就是對我們的藝人、對臺灣的發展,他們是停留在F4的時代,志玲姐姐都結婚了。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "當我在訪談他們的過程中:" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "第一,我們發現當我們的學校去招生時,我們給出去的資訊跟學生所期待的資訊中間是有落差,比方我們發現學生到一個國家去唸書時,不單單只是在乎這個國家的生活品質,更包括實習機會,還有未來的就業發展,所以當我在胡志明的時候,我就很好奇,為什麼越南的學生非常想到南韓去唸書,因此就拜訪了胡志明科技大學,後來瞭解到南韓政府跟胡志明政府有簽一個學術協定,因此前20大胡志明市大學畢業學生,到首爾去唸碩士班是免學費的,因此對學生來講是有第一個很大的吸引力。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "第二,在首爾唸書的期間,他們的企業包含三星、LG都有直接提供學生在校時的實習機會,在首爾、實習的過程中表現好,可以在回越南的時候,直接到三星、LG在越南的分公司擔任小型的主管,因此到一個國家去唸書,可以得到產學一條龍,這個是我在跟他們訪談中得到的一個點。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "第三,我上個月的時候,到泰國去出差,我也拜訪了駐泰的童大使,瞭解一下為何泰國學生對於來臺灣念書,有興趣但是卻卻步了,我透過訪談瞭解到一個點,就是在於我們如果申請來台唸書的過程,一定有一個步驟,就是最高學歷文件的認證,一定需要透過我們的駐外館來做認證。整個泰國這麼大,我們的外館只在曼谷,目前在泰國接受親自辦理,所以可想而知,知道在泰國的北部、南部,可能需要親自到我們的駐外使館,因此在這個流程上,造成他們的學生有一點的困擾,因為他沒有辦法郵寄代辦。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "我也知道我們的駐泰外館搬家了,搬離開市中心更遠了,非常有可能會再造成進一步的不便利。同時我在我的提案當中,找了很多網路上的數據,去證明我們外籍生來臺灣唸學位生的比例,在亞洲國家是比較低的,我們來唸語言這一種短期學生的比例不算低的。" }, { "speaker": "黃彥嘉", "speech": "相較新加坡、日本等亞鄰國家,我們可以瞭解到,外籍生攻讀學位比例高的的國家,學術跟競爭力是更好的。簡單將我的提案說明,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "主辦是教育部,請。" }, { "speaker": "潘文忠", "speech": "院長、各位委員,我想針對黃彥嘉委員及幾位委員的提案,確實目前在擴大招收境外學生來臺就學,一直是我們希望持續推動的重點。" }, { "speaker": "潘文忠", "speech": "107年整體境外學生人數達到12萬7,000人,相較於10年前增加了2.2倍,其中攻讀學位的外國學生,也達到2萬8,000人,相較於10年前增加2.7倍。尤其是自106年開始,持續推動新南向政策,當中人才培育一直是重要的基礎,因此新南向國家到臺灣來的學生人數,也持續增加。" }, { "speaker": "潘文忠", "speech": "當然,剛才黃委員特別提到的,例如我們的學校,不管是一般大學或者是科技大學,所提供的高等教育及技職教育,對新南向國家有相當的吸引力,但是我們必須也考慮這一些國家、學生的需求。" }, { "speaker": "潘文忠", "speech": "所以在新南向的招生裡面,特別有技職產業專班的概念,這一些因為正在起步,所以各個學校從那一種廣泛性的,只要把學生找來的想法到現在如剛才院長所提到的,那一種客製的概念,其實各大學也慢慢把自己的這一個招牌,希望能夠發展起來,因為只有這樣才能有機會去對接到臺灣來讀書的這一些國家學生。也因為有這樣的品牌,以後才好宣傳,因為你要來我們的某個科大的強項,還有已經來讀書的這一些學長、學弟,其實是未來最好的發展。" }, { "speaker": "潘文忠", "speech": "我報告兩個比較重要的,像這一次在新南向,比較大的進展,像交大,有台積電、聯發科,幾個比較大的企業來跟交大合作,對接到印度,他們預計招收150位印度最頂尖的科技大學雙博士的學生來修習,臺灣來招收國外的學生,也希望頂尖的學生願意到臺灣,這個是交大,最近也確實成形了。" }, { "speaker": "潘文忠", "speech": "國內非常知名的企業贊助,也為臺灣在學界、產業打下很好的基礎,這個是近期最好的發展。" }, { "speaker": "潘文忠", "speech": "當然,今天媒體有在討論我們跟印尼的這一些互動,其實印尼從一開始,畢竟這個國家對學生、政府各方面,其實常常處於不確定,但是因為啟動了新南向的招生,後來印尼政府也跟我們已經從原來學校招收學生,變成政府對政府,學生在印尼已經修習完國立技職學校三專課程,之後來臺灣進修二技,進來的這一些學生,連科大都認為這一些學生更優質,而且各方面的基礎都比較好,所以像這一些從量到質的持續發展,應該是持續在變動。" }, { "speaker": "潘文忠", "speech": "當然,剛才黃委員有再補充,我們可能對新南向國家可以有更好的招生策略及宣導,這部分我們會透過幾個窗口,尤其是臺灣教育中心,把臺灣好的品牌,推廣給新南向國家的學生進一步瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "潘文忠", "speech": "有關到臺灣來所需辦理的文件驗證手續,確實對新南向國家,相較於其他已開發的國家,在做法上有不同的考量及規範,因為這一些區域的文件,曾出現被變造的案例,待會請外交部另外補充,是否研議讓學生申請入境時有更便利的做法。" }, { "speaker": "潘文忠", "speech": "另外,針對延攬更多優秀僑外生,國發會擬訂的新經濟移民法草案,已經提到立法院,如果可以順利審議通過,這些優秀人才,未來應該是可以留在臺灣,也請國發會作補充說明。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "請外交部。" }, { "speaker": "周中興", "speech": "院長、各位青年好朋友,外交部代表周中興就這一個議題跟各位補充報告,謝謝黃委員親自到東南亞館處去走訪,像您剛剛提到的問題,比如最高學歷的部分,要由當事人本人親自去提出申請,我在這邊報告,我想他拿到的資訊是錯誤的,而且他可能是有不正確的瞭解,不管現行的規定或是實務上,像最高學歷的驗證,可以由本人或授權第三人委託別人來代辦,所以這不需要本人親自辦理,目前實務上的做法如此。" }, { "speaker": "周中興", "speech": "像你提到郵寄的部分,開發中國家的郵政系統不像臺灣這麼健全,就我個人的瞭解,很多地方在鄉下的門牌號碼是沒有的,所有的文件證明、所有的學歷證件,事實上對個人來講,都是非常非常重要的證明文件,所以在這些特定的國家、郵政不彰的國家,或者是偽造、變造文件特別多的國家,我們目前實務上並沒有開放郵寄申請,這是實務上的考量。" }, { "speaker": "周中興", "speech": "但是我們相信如果針對個別的國家,如果他們的未來,郵政的部分,安全性能夠解決的話,我們也會滾動式檢討,這是就剛剛黃委員所提的這個問題來作簡單答覆,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "如果沒有郵寄的話,是用什麼方法?" }, { "speaker": "周中興", "speech": "當事人可以委託他人來代辦,就是剛才黃委員所提議的,是可以委託他人來代辦,所以辦理的方式是委託或是郵寄。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "辦好以後的文件送達方式是?" }, { "speaker": "周中興", "speech": "辦好就交給受託人,就是代辦人。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "當天可以一趟辦好嗎?" }, { "speaker": "周中興", "speech": "不是當天,因為有些文件是需要向原核發機關來查證,因為東南亞有一些,或者是開發中的國家,有一些文件偽、變造的情形,相對來講非常地嚴重,因此必須要透過一個查證的程序,這樣才是維護我們國內高等教育水準的做法,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "接著是國發會。" }, { "speaker": "林至美", "speech": "院長、各位委員,國際人才、國際學生來臺灣就讀學位,是很重要的延攬人才方法。過去這一些僑外生在這邊畢業之後,他們很難留下來,是因為有工作經驗跟薪資的門檻,所以國發會在103年針對如何吸引這一些優秀的僑外生,唸完學位可以在臺灣工作,我們就跟勞動部一起設計一個配額評點的機制,也就是用設計的評分標準,讓他們不用受工作經驗與薪資的門檻,而是因為他們有一些其他的能力資格條件,然後就可以留下來。" }, { "speaker": "林至美", "speech": "因此,從103年一直到目前為止,透過評點制可以留在臺灣工作,核准的人次大概已經超過1萬人次,幾乎所有在這一邊唸學位的僑外生,大部分都可以留下來,我想這也是我們希望留下來這一些青年外國學生,然後成為我們的優秀人才。" }, { "speaker": "林至美", "speech": "剛剛部長有提到我們現在在研擬的新經濟移民法,希望不只是大學以上學位的人才可以留下來,我們甚至覺得有一些唸高中或者海青班的僑外生,其實也有相當多技術的人才,希望未來透過新經濟移民法,他們也可以留在臺灣工作,以上。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "很謝謝!" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "彥嘉提案很重要,裡面幾個基礎認知有落差,現在經由相關部會說明,應該可以進一步掌握更正確的資料。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "我特別代表行政院,講政府的態度,我上次當院長的時候,特別要教育部跟外交部一起努力吸引國外好人才到臺灣來,因為老實說,美國之所以成為世界超強,就是因為全世界最好、頂尖的黃金頭腦,在受完最好的教育後去美國,然後通通留在美國、為他們做事,所以美國才能超強。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "臺灣少子女化,更有必要吸引國外的好人才來,所以上次我當行政院長的時候,就要教育部跟外交部特別編列預算,吸引國外的好人才或年輕人到臺灣來。如果能夠留下來最好,因為教育訓練好了,在這邊有就業機會,對他也好,對我們國家更好。所以,請外交部駐外館處多多宣傳,讓各國、不只新南向國家,願意來的,儘量讓他方便進來;但是就像剛剛外交部講得好,相關國家的制度,比如像他們的郵政,不一定像臺灣這麼好,所以同時也要小心。因此,手續上也是要注意,不是隨便要作奸犯科的人跑到臺灣來,沒有這一回事,歡迎來,但是我們要照規矩來,讓他方便,但也不能隨便,更不能作奸犯科,以為到臺灣是如入無人之境,我們絕對不是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "非洲豬瘟,我上任第一天就跑到機場去,要求手提行李百分之百抽檢,像越南、香港,連北韓都淪陷了,不然昨天、前天,端午節就沒有肉棕吃了,是真的,不是假的。我們的努力,大家要有信心。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "尤其教育部要讓來臺灣的僑外生,真的覺得臺灣是好地方。讓僑外生能夠在這裡學到東西,他回去就是最好的口碑,最好的宣傳其實是口碑。我當屏東縣長的時候,屏東有一個漁村,都是外籍新娘,姐姐嫁來覺得好,妹妹又嫁,最後表妹也來了,他那邊整個村嫁到這邊整個村來了。因此,臺灣應該是這樣,教育部就各個學校、各個方面,讓這些學生在這裡,真的讓他覺得能夠學到東西。臺灣真的好,人好、景物好,連吃的東西都好,其實來臺灣,看到這麼多的好,不用宣傳,自然感覺好。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "再來是請國發會,剛才有說已經做相關因應措施,因此要留下來應該都很方便,超過1萬人,我覺得非常好。像彥嘉的提案是要更進一步,希望把這些人才留住,既然都來這裡學了,就可以考慮讓他們留下來貢獻他們的才能等,這樣對我們國家也好,因此請國發會、經濟部、科技部努力把人才留住,讓他們「楚材晉用」,因此,本案就做成上述決議,好不好?那就這樣,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "臨時動議?" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "有沒有臨時動議?" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "沒有的話,今天的會議到這裡圓滿結束,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "接下來是大合照的時間,請院長、各位長官與全體的委員至大禮堂外,大廳階梯進行合影留念。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "跟大家報告,外面的階梯是這裡最好的地標,所以你看如果有電視報導出來,都是在那個階梯。" }, { "speaker": "蘇貞昌", "speech": "因為這一棟建築物比我還老,這一棟建築物是日本時代蓋的,1940年代完工,那個階梯是最好照相的地方,現在請各位移駕,我還有禮物要送大家,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡君蘋", "speech": "感謝今日與會的各位同仁,今天的會議到此圓滿結束,離開前請到報到處領取準備的餐盒,再次感謝大家今天的蒞臨,謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "大家早安,我是唐鳳政委辦公室的幕僚,我叫蔡玉琪,應該部分的人有收到我的信,很謝謝你們來參加我們今天第50次開放政府協作會議,今天討論的主題是「故宮博物院電子票務流程改造」,先簡單做一些場地的介紹,後面有飲水機,廁所在這邊出去左邊有看到指示牌,很抱歉,今天場地或許比較悶熱一點,如果大家需要透氣的話,隨時可以至外面透氣再回來。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "大家看到前後有兩個攝影機,今天會做影像紀錄之後,PDIS小組將會在6月或者是7月的時候剪一支影片,假設您對於攝影覺得有一些顧慮的話,麻煩再跟我說。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "今天大家的發言及紀錄,將由速錄師Wendy幫大家把有拿麥克風的每一個字都會打進去,事後都會再寄email給大家,可以編修自己講的話,有一些文句不太通順的話,都可以再修正。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我先把主持棒交給張皓婷。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "大家早,謝謝大家星期一還到這邊跟我們一起協作。剛剛蔡玉琪有提到是行政院開放政府第50次的協作會議,今天的主題是故宮博物院電子票務流程改造,今天我即皓婷跟Mark是主持人,如果大家對於今天的簡報有疑問的話,就隨時提問,今天的會議形式是互動,甚至是鼓勵大家多發言、多對話的形式,所以大家不要拘泥於過往可能心目中或者是想像中的政府會議。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "今天的地點,我覺得也非常有趣,故宮的票務同仁也有分享,創意工坊是故宮以前很多工藝師在做漆器、陶器的地方,選在這裡是各位可以有很多發想,為這一次電子票務流程改造來進行貢獻。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "今天會做什麼事?其實今天算是滿長的會議,我們會希望在一開始的時候,先讓各位小小自我介紹,大概跟我們講一下你跟這一個的議題有什麼關聯,再來我們會介紹一下協作會議。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "早上的重點可能會在共同盤點可能的使用情境加上票選,因為我們這一次是在做電子票務流程的改造,其實這一次比較特殊的是,我們有邀請到一般參觀博物館的民眾、也有邀請到旅行社、旅遊業者,你們可能會想說為什麼他們也會在這邊,其實電子票務是一體很多面的,我們會希望各個使用這個票務系統的人都可以到這邊來,共同參與討論。當然民眾會在線上購買票務,但是旅行社、旅遊業者也會跟故宮購買團票,大量訂購導覽系統,這一些都是在電子票務的範圍裡面。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們會確認一下故宮的現有購票流程,可以分享一下現有的挑戰來瞭解一下,我們可以知道自動票務跟線上票務的時候改造,像挑戰、困難跟前因後果都考慮進去。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "4點至5點的時候就會邀請各組上來做成果報告,我們這一次有四個小桌子,其實你身旁的各位就是你們接下來會協作的同伴,等一下自我介紹的時候,你們就會發現他們可能是來自哪一個單位。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "如果可以的話,就從這邊開始,方便幫我跟大家介紹一下你的姓名、希望大家如何稱呼你、希望來自哪一個單位、跟這一個議題即電子票務改造的關聯性是什麼。" }, { "speaker": "何淨慧", "speech": "大家好,我是豐趣科技,敝姓何,因為我們幫故宮在進行電子票務試營運的部分。" }, { "speaker": "方倫連", "speech": "大家早,我是國立博物院秘書室科長方倫連,這個業務是我們承辦的,歡迎各位來參加,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "王芸芬", "speech": "各位好,我是國立故宮博物院秘書室主任,我們也很高興今天有這個機會來聽聽大家的意見,針對電子票務及現在票價要做一些修改,因此想要利用這個機會聽聽各位的意見,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "林貫文", "speech": "大家好,我叫阿貴,我是深活股份有限公司,代表IxDA來參加會議,我們先做跟使用者互動相關的設計。" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "大家好,我是雄獅集團旗下的旅行社,也就是寶獅旅行社的協力,我負責整個路徑旅遊的事務,很高興能夠來參與這樣的會議,因為我們現在有負責、推廣所有的個人電子票、團票操作的部分,因此集團派我來代表參加這個會議,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "張庭堃", "speech": "大家好,我是台北市華江高中老師張庭○,我今天會參加這個會議是因為我們班有一位故宮青年文化大使邀請,我是從民眾的立場,因為基本上學生來故宮是不用門票,但是學生可能會跟親友或者是他的一些朋友,所以我是從民眾的角度來看電子票證的改造流程,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "各位大家好,我是故宮秘書室,我是這個電子票卷的承辦人,是負責票務的工作,所以我非常希望今天的會議,希望大家能夠提供給我們更多的意見,能夠在需求面更符合大眾的需求,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "大家好,我是代表數位有限公司來這邊,我跟各位一樣,是IxDA臺灣的成員,我們主要是負責在產品設計跟互動設計上有一些研究,所以透過這樣的機會,跟大家一起加入這個工作坊。" }, { "speaker": "詹壹雯", "speech": "大家好,我叫詹壹雯,我是唐鳳辦公室主持團隊的工作人員,很高興今天看到大家。" }, { "speaker": "蕭聿廷", "speech": "大家好,我是資策會蕭聿廷,目前有跟國發會一起協助機關作流程改造,今天受國發會的邀請,一起來這邊學習,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "謝宇婷", "speech": "大家好,我叫做謝宇婷,我現在是北藝大博物館所,也是故宮的青年諮詢委員,今天來這邊是做博物館的研究者,還有一位單純的學生提供一點小想法,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "呂昊霖", "speech": "大家好,我叫呂昊霖,我也是IxDA臺灣的成員,剛畢業於實踐大學工業設計研究所,在研究所的期間研究的是人體互動的設計,希望可以跟大家分享一下我的想法,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "孫梓云", "speech": "大家好,我是目前畢業於華江高中的學生,也是故宮青年文化大使,目前也是青諮會委員,今天應該是以一個學生的角度來與會,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "張偉琳", "speech": "大家好,我叫張偉琳,我是所屬國立故宮博物院秘書室,我是協助學仁哥處理票務的部分,有問題都可以詢問,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "楊立瑋", "speech": "大家好,我是高雄國立科學工業博物館的單位,我叫楊立瑋,我是應票務的業務單位、主任邀我來這邊,可是他今天沒有到,我今天自己來這邊,其實我們館正在籌劃電子票務的部分,希望今天可以得到更多的靈感帶回去,可以讓我們的館有更多的注意,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蕭逸琦", "speech": "大家好,我姓蕭,我是金界旅行社,主要負責國際的業務,因此常常跟故宮買票,一次買就是幾百張的票,希望這一次電子票不要為了幾張票加了一些東西,上次的會議幫忙很大,基本上還好,我們希望做得更好。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "大家早,我是安天視聽股份有限公司,我們是負責溝通的語音導覽的部分,我們是負責現場有關於票務的銷售及語音導覽器,歡迎大家來參與,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "李柏廷", "speech": "大家早安,我是李柏廷,其實我們最主要的項目是互動設計跟室內設計,同時因為我很幸運擔任故宮的青諮會委員,所以希望可以跟大家一起討論這個議題,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "董錦文", "speech": "大家好,我叫董錦文,我是安天語音公司現場營運經理,我們最主要是要負責故宮的實體票及電子票,從購票到取票認證,還有核銷一直到退票,這一連串都是由我們在處理,如果有任何的問題,都歡迎跟我們這邊互相交流一下,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "劉惠媛", "speech": "大家好,我是劉惠媛,我是中華民國博物館協會的理事,也是臺灣數位文化科技與藝術協會的理事,我今天很高興來這裡是因為我自己是博物館管理及研究方面的專業,很希望能夠透過協作會議知道這樣的會議對專業的判斷之未來管理有什麼樣的幫助。" }, { "speaker": "劉惠媛", "speech": "現在也是教育部美感教育實驗計畫的主持人,我們正在做未來國、高中及國小學生及第三方的博物館方面合作,所以對於票務跟未來的觀眾有很大的潛力,我們想要瞭解一下大家的想法,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蕭榮興", "speech": "大家好,我是蕭榮興,我來自資策會,我有兩個身分,我本身是有科技背景的,所以我過去也待過行政院科技會報辦公室,從技術面的角度,希望今天有一些貢獻。" }, { "speaker": "蕭榮興", "speech": "第二,我本身也是國發會數位服務準則的幕僚團隊,這個目的是希望透過像這樣的設計思考的角度,能夠把它的精神放到我們剛剛談到的政府數位服務的準則裡面,我們希望未來在各個機關實際推動上可以參考這樣的架構,能夠去落實他們服務的精進與改善,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "趙致緯", "speech": "大家好,我是豐趣的趙致緯,我們是協助台北市政府把台北的旅遊景點電子化以後,包裝銷售到國外去,然後帶國際的旅客來台。" }, { "speaker": "趙致緯", "speech": "故宮一直是台北很重要的景點,包含也是在臺灣做的景點,因此很高興能夠來參與這個會,讓故宮的產品在國外被看得到,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "吳雨靜", "speech": "大家好,我是國立故宮博物院秘書室吳雨靜,今天主要是做票務方面的支援,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "龍珮寧", "speech": "大家好,我是國立故宮博物院的志工,通常在服務的時候,都會遇到客人問票去哪裡買、票價多少,所以今天是以志工的身分來參加。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "我是教育展示處的副處長,我們非常關心大家的意見,因為我們就電子發票數位的部分,有一點的觀眾服務,因此想知道大家的觀點,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "徐孝德", "speech": "大家好,我應該是會場裡面年紀最大的,但是心態卻很年輕,在文創處,故宮很多商業模式都是由我創建。" }, { "speaker": "徐孝德", "speech": "我今天來主要是因為我們教育展示處有一個觀眾服務科,裡面有一個很重要的業務是語音導覽,剛剛安天有提出來。因為現在秘書室的票務請安天的標案、語音導覽的標案一起含括進來一起操作,因此跟我們沒有關係,還是有關係,就是有間接的關係,因此今天順便來聽一下。但是因為等一下中間有兩個重要的會議要先離開,這邊先跟大家做個說明。" }, { "speaker": "吳紹群", "speech": "各位夥伴大家好,我叫吳紹群,我是教育教展處第四科,我們科是開放政府的承辦窗口,今天不管討論什麼,我都會來。" }, { "speaker": "吳紹群", "speech": "第二個,電子票務這一件事牽涉到兩個層面,一個是除了票務本身的需求單位,即故宮秘書室之外,另外一個是資訊技術的諮詢及可行性上,是由資訊科提供必要的know how,所以上、下我都要聽一下事態發生到什麼地步。" }, { "speaker": "吳紹群", "speech": "再加上我又是窗口,我是上一任的PO,現在這一任的PO也是科內的署員,所以今天會經常出現在這邊,但是因為勞路命,有很多事情,也會跟副處長一樣,中離一下,但會經常出現關心大家,謝謝各位。" }, { "speaker": "張誥驛", "speech": "大家好,我是工程會的出席代表,很開心來參加這個協作會議,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "Stanley", "speech": "大家好,我是酷遊天國際旅行社,可以叫我Stanley。大家比較知道我叫kkday,我比較負責臺灣相關的產品,所以其實這邊有一些夥伴也是我們合作單位,跨故宮、豐趣及雄獅集團,很高興認識大家。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們這邊還有一位剛剛到的。" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "我也是kkday酷遊天的同仁,我跟Stanley其實一直以來都在耕耘臺灣的產品,主要也是推給國外旅客來台的部分,我們有一些國內外跟業者合作的部分,希望跟大家交流切磋,我叫JIM。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "謝謝大家的自我介紹,你會發現同桌有很多不同的角色,這個是我們刻意安排的,因為在下午的協作,我們希望每一個來自不同方向的意見都被聽見,希望被納入在這個討論當中。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們很鼓勵你在現場發言,但是有一些時候,可能有一些難言之隱,像你想匿名來參與,請你到sli.do上面去,這個是一個網路發言平台,你可以在上面匿名留言,我們就會知道你的意見,我們也會適時上去看看大家的留言,然後會把它納入在會議裡面。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "如果要參與的話,請打網址,輸入610就可以了。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "回到最剛開始,什麼是開放政府協作會議?一開始的投影片,我相信大家對於名字感到有一點陌生,我先花一點時間工商服務一下,介紹一下什麼是開放政府協作會議、什麼是「開放政府」。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "顧名思義,現在政府有推動非常多開放政府的政策,希望透過資訊透明、開放資料來擴大公民參與,其實你們今天的與會就是一個開放政府很好的表徵,希望我們可以強化課責、涵融多元的意見,最重要的是,我們希望民眾、政府及各方利害關係人都有對話,藉此能夠建立一個互信的機制。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "其實在行政院第3524次會議,開了很多會,在林全院長指示,應該要有專人負責開放政府的工作,這也是唐鳳政委一直在努力的方向,所以我們在行政院還有所屬各機關都有一個「開放政府聯絡人」,它其實跟聯絡人是有一點類似的,在政府跟民眾間扮演一個橋梁,所以我們今天在故宮也有一個開放政府聯絡人主動提這樣的會議,讓我們今天可以在這裡參與。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "其實開放政府有四個很重要的要點:透明、參與、涵融及課責。其實透明就是把政策制定於前期時就拿出來跟大家一起討論,可能很多公部門的同事們會覺得這麼早還不知道要怎麼樣辦理時就拿出來討論,這樣到底好嗎?會不會炮聲隆隆,我們發現在很多經驗裡面,越早期讓民眾來參與的話,其實這個政策制定的方向才可以更往對的方向納入,政策在推行的時候,民眾比較支持,甚至會比較瞭解原來政策的制定有這麼多困難,因此會比較諒解。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "像參與是讓大眾參與,這非常重要。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "涵融是利害關係人來自各個不同的領域,我們希望只要跟這個議題相關的人都可以來參與討論,這個是涵融最重要的精神。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "課責的部分是,今天所有的討論都會被納入在一個紀錄當中,到底有沒有被採納,我們都要好好來跟大家做回覆,所以大家不用擔心今天討論的東西,最後到底到哪裡去,一定會有一個紀錄,來跟大家回覆是否採納。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "為何需要開放政府?其實如果公部門跟大眾的信任基礎越高的話,我們有更高的機會來完善公共政策,其實這個是最終極的目標,我們希望溝通管道並建立互信。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "其實實踐開放政府的方式有很多種,只要符合剛剛四個要點都可以算是實踐開放政府,我們今天要來做的,其實是協作會議,這個是其中的一種。什麼叫做協作?大家一起來討論、一起來參與這個政策或者是這個平台的建置。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "可是每一個議題,大家可能都會有不同的想法,你們來自各個不同的方向,你的想法有的時候也許會衝突、有的時候也許是對立的,可是我們要在溝通還有在對話之中尋求一個平衡、尋求一個最終的解決方法,這個就是協作的精神。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "(這個圖)有一點糊,但是可以看得出來,以前在做公共政策制定的時候,可能會先從政策開始,到流程,使用者及公民其實是在很後面的階段才開始參與,但是那時政策已經頒布了,可能會發生其實不適用,或者是很多地方沒有考慮到的一個結果;但是新的流程,如果使用者或者是公民在前面就可以參與討論。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我自己是設計師,其實設計裡面也是一個用這樣的方式來運行,我們在早期就加入使用者的經驗、研究,請大家一起來分享、測試,請大家出錯的可能,少走非常多的冤枉路。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "接下來想請馬克幫我們介紹協作會議的實際案例,這個案例其實跟今天的協作非常相關。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我是馬克,因為這個案子基本上我經手比較多,皓婷想說由我來介紹,我不能問大家有沒有報稅,因為大家都有報稅,大家都是用Windows下載版還是網頁版呢?如果你今年是用網頁版的話,你用的其實是這一場協作會議的產出,這一場協作會議往前推到2017年報稅時,其實報稅第一天,報稅平台大當機,財政部上新聞,然後就被立法院質詢,黃國昌拿這一張圖賣財政資訊中心的主任說「你這個Mac報稅系統難用到爆炸,還被網友連署,是不是應該要處理一下」。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "其實在立法委員開始質詢這一件事之前,我們的開放政府聯絡人在財政部的開放政府聯絡人,那時是楊金亨,他就有發現這一件事,他主動把這一件事丟到我們的開放政府聯絡人定期的會議當中提案,跟今天的場合很像,我們就找了民眾一起來開會。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "那個開會的會場有工具,就像你看到的桌上,這個開會的會場就是我們找民眾一起來,因為反映不好用的其實是民眾,你找財政部的同仁來給你5分鐘就報完,因為他超級熟練這樣的流程,所以我們找了利害關係人一起來。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們看現有的畫面,看一步步使用者自己提出一些改善,當然使用者提出改善,有些可能不可行,所以我們找了有經驗的設計師,像IxDA協會的同仁一起幫忙,有些是故宮本身的限制,每一桌其實都有故宮的同仁,我們每一桌都有財政部的同仁及設計師一起幫忙,重新設計了這整個報稅系統的畫面,最後實作成網頁版。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "實際上的會場大概是這樣子,因為我們當時把整個流程鋪在桌上,一步步帶著大家做,今天採用分組,因為一步步大家一起做的時候,大家發言的空間很有限,這個是我們學到的經驗,這一次是用分組的方式,等一下大家桌上也會突然出現一張很大張的紙,那張紙上會出現每一個步驟,我們憑借自己的經驗跟專業,看著每一個步驟,然後區劃出可以改成怎麼樣,或者是留下一些文字的經驗,或者有自身的經驗說這個真的不好用,但是不知道如何解答,大家可以一起集思廣益把這個東西解決掉,因此最後的狀態就變成這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "Mac的網頁版很少人用過,我相信,因為真的不太好用,我們當時實際找兩個人去測的時候,報稅的時間要花一個小時,從理解到最後報完稅。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這個並不是我們自己測的,而是網路上INSIDE 200秒就完成,我們覺得他手腳很快,但是實際上不用花這麼久,這個是大家一起產出、一起集思廣益產生的結果,因此我們把這個成功經驗再複製一次到故宮的流程完,謝謝大家提供意見,分享到這邊,請皓婷繼續。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "為何大家會坐在這邊,我不知道大家對於現任故宮院長吳院長有沒有瞭解,他其實對服務者經驗及服務設計相當感興趣的一位院長,他常常會微服出巡,然後去觀察民眾到底是怎麼樣參觀故宮的。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "唐鳳政委知道這一件事之後,知道有很大的空間,我們其實在今年4月的時候,唐鳳政委就有跟院長會面。會面之後我們確定要來做這個主題,我們開始進行利害關係人的訪談,去觀察使用者到底怎麼樣進行參觀,還有一些會議的討論準備。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "6月10日參加協會作,今天結束之後到底大概會發生什麼事?其實今天的討論,我們是希望把大家的需求全都蒐集起來,所以今天與會的人,你們不只是專業的角色,也許你是故宮的內部同仁、設計師、學者及志工,你是一個身分,但是我相信大家也有另外一個身分,大家都是民眾,你也會拿自己自身在故宮參觀的經驗,或者是國外、國內各大博物館的經驗分享給我們,這個是很好的靈感及協作的題材。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們今天協作完了之後,我們會開一個會議,來看哪一些東西是可行的,哪一些是適合故宮的,我們會做一個參採的會議,接下來就會進行實際上的設計。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "其實我們預計今年下半年,我們還會再開一次的協作會議是指我們今天的討論結果,最後一定會有一個設計的產出,廠商實作的時候,我們還要再讓他做一次測試的協作,那一次的協作就會有一個具體的東西讓大家測試,會有不一樣的分享或者是成果,我們之後有更多詳細情況時再跟大家分享,也歡迎大家參與,我們今天的電子票務會在明年上半年上線。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "剛剛有提到利害關係人的訪談及訪查,這個是在設計圈及設計師裡面會很常用到的,要瞭解這個議題,並不是以自己為出發點,而是以這個議題的使用者為出發點,就像我剛剛提到的,除了民眾之外,其實有很多不同方向的人,包含旅行社、旅遊平台、導覽業者,當然也包含故宮內部,所以我們實際在這一些面向都找了人一起來討論、訪談,也整理了一些比較初步的資料。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們會希望今天與會的人在某些時候一百個人可能只有一個意見,但是這個情況不會在今天發生,我們希望今天與會的人有兩個意見,意見越多元會越好,也希望你可以分享自身的體驗、自身的經驗來讓大家知道,當成是這一次協作會議的原料。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們常常說協作會議就像大家一起來做菜,你們每一個與會者都是廚師,你會上什麼菜,大家一起來做、一起討論,然後端出一盤非常美味的菜。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "每個人的意見都非常重要,不管你今天是誰、是民眾或者是故宮內部的人,甚至可能是學生、設計師,或者是專家,無論你是誰,每一個人的意見都一樣重要,所以每個人都是平等的,我們希望鼓勵非常多的對話,藉此也可以建立信任。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "這張圖的顏色有一點淺,就很像我剛剛講的歷程,其實今天的會議是在這個歷程裡面非常初始的階段,所以在設計研究方法裡面的雙菱形,我們是發散、收斂再發散、再收斂的過程,今天就是發散,今天還沒有要收斂,所以我們會鼓勵大家用很多的想法來這個地方塞滿,因為我們會希望這個東西可以蒐集到越多的意見越好,當然也不是天馬行空我今天討論電子票務,但是我要來告訴你翠玉白菜放在三樓並不好,我隨便舉一個例子而已;所以,我們還是會限縮在今天要討論電子票務,當然下午在協作討論或者是早上討論時,我們還是會鼓勵發言,但是如果有一點可能已經偏離我們主題時,我們也是會適時提醒。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們接下來會花一些時間來盤點使用情境及需求,這個是要邀請大家來參與的部分。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "(心智圖)這個部分是我們在事前訪談時的初步資料,其實這個東西就像我剛剛講的,這個是非常非常開端,我們只是蒐集了一些比較基本的使用者需求,其實我們還故意在上面留了非常多的空間,讓大家今天可以參與,把它加入你的經驗都會濃縮成一個不同的便利貼,貼在上面,這一些東西都是以後我們在參考要設計時的一個使用者需求。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "其實這次電子票務,我把它基本上簡單分成了幾個步驟:從一開始的時候,你可能會計畫要來參觀,從計畫開始;一直到購票;下一步是支付;下一步是取票;接著是入場。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "這幾個流程是在做電子票務的時候,或多或都會接觸到的流程,所以我們接下來會依照這樣子的步驟去盤點每一個不同角色的需求。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "你在看到橘色的部分,現在是民眾的需求,可是再往下看,這邊就會有旅遊業者的需求,還有故宮內部的需求,所以我們接下來花一點時間,我先大概講一下這個角色當中盤點的需求角色是什麼,就會開發給大家一起補充這裡面,可能你自己個人參觀經驗是什麼,或者是你認為還可以有更多怎麼樣的需求。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我先簡單舉例一下,在民眾的部分,於計畫當中,我在參觀故宮的時候,我不想人擠人的時候來,我想要避開參觀人潮,到底會不會人擠人,我想說安排一個士林的一遊,因此預約日期跟場次,有利我的參觀。或者是我8月要來台北,但是不知道哪一天比較好,所以要瞭解8月13日,今天人比較少,所以會選擇那一天,這個也是一個需求。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "還有另外一個需求,在計畫的時候,也許我常常去逛博物館,我知道我很喜歡聽語音導覽,因此我在買票的時候,是不是可以一起預約語音導覽,這個是做到的時候可以做到的需求。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "接著往下看現場購票,我希望不用排隊就可以買票,因此可以很快入場。接著,我會希望語音導覽、買票一次到位,現在我不是很清楚最近大家有沒有參觀故宮,現在是先買票,再到另外一個櫃台去排語音導覽,因此現在是分開來的。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "再來,這個是今天討論的主要方向之一,我可以用行動裝置來買票,現在的人很常會用手機,因此很多東西不管是電影票、高鐵票都是在手機上買的,不知道是不是可以做到這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "國人也可以電子購票,學仁可以分享,但是目前沒有開放優惠票購買的。其實國人有優惠票,因此會希望出示身分證,是不是可以用身分證以外的證件來辨別身分。我這邊上面寫的東西,不代表每一個東西故宮都沒有做到,其實不管有沒有做到,我們都希望可以擺在上面,其實上面有很多是故宮的同仁在努力,甚至都已經有做的東西了,但是我們要把它盤上去,到最後才會呈現一個非常完整的需求圖。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "再來,有關於支付的部分,我希望可以用習慣的付款方式來付款,我習慣用現金,或者是行動支付非常方便,有LINE、街口,如果是中國來的旅客,希望是使用支付寶,或者是微信,還有很多國外的旅客是使用信用卡,所以這一些都是個人習慣的支付方式,希望都可以支援。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "再來是取票,很多都是紙本票卷,不可以用無紙化取票,其中一個方法是QR code,是不是可以加入手機錢包等等的,還有一個人是跟家人一起來參觀故宮,但是我家人不會買票,一次買了五個人的票,這個取票的機制是什麼?" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "接著是入場的部分,買完票提示可能的下一步,這個是我們觀察故宮的參觀民眾,現在買完票之後,可能可以入場、寄物、買語音導覽,但是其實在現場,可能沒有很強烈的指示,然後大家都不知道該往哪一邊走,所以變成一進到會場之後才發現語音導覽還在外面,我要去買語音導覽的時候,發現我的包包放在寄物櫃裡面,語音導覽需要證件,因此導致動線可能會重複的問題,因此買完票之後提示下個部分是有幫助。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "另外,我有取票的機制、也會有入場的機制。如果前面有很多人在排隊的時候,我可以很快速入場排隊。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "有關於民眾的部分,會有一個退票的需求。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "旅遊業者的部分由我來跟大家說明。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "一樣分成計畫、購票、支付、取票及入場的步驟,在計畫的部分,根據我們的訪談,我們會知道不管是旅遊平台或者是旅行社,我們在這邊都算成旅遊業者,會希望瞭解當月預約的狀況,會要排團客進去參訪的時候,那一天的團客排很滿了,排進去就要等語音導覽的狀況,因此會希望當月預約的狀況先知道。接著團體預約是日期跟場次,因為旅遊平台跟業者都有一些談話有參觀的需求,因此希望可以在線上預約。我必須要強調,現在故宮已經有了,只是這個需求都會盤點上去。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著是購票的部分,像票卷與導覽機合賣是他們也有提到的。票卷與專人導覽合賣的部分,其實有時旅行社去的時候,對不起,我知道在場很多旅行社、在場也很多一般民眾,所以我說明一下。導覽機的意思是,我今天導遊帶團去,我不想請故宮的人幫忙導覽,可能排不到,導遊幫忙講,但是又不能在館內大聲喧嘩,可能會一對多的耳機,希望這個東西可以一起處理掉。然後這邊是如果今天想要請專人來導覽而不是想要請導遊來導覽的話,我不是在線上預約或者是購票的時候就可以做到這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "另外,向故宮購買單張票卷降低切大量票風險,所謂的切票意思是,如果今天我是一個旅行社,我跟故宮買票,我可以預估今年大概會有多少的人來參觀,所以我就會一口氣買了一堆票過來,然後再開始賣。這樣的好處是,我確定有這一些票可以賣。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "如果現在是用單張買的方式,就會變成當有一個人跟旅行社報名,再跟故宮買,然後再拿給參觀的民眾,這樣就需要等待一些時間,像如果大家有去kkday買過羅浮宮的票,會需要一個工作天的日期來做確認,就是因為他背後並沒有單張票卷的電子票卷管道,單張票卷的管道是送一個需求過去,也就是做確認給你,這樣子國外旅旅客站在門口想要即買即用就沒有辦法,所以旅遊平台跟旅行社業者是用切票的方式,庫存一些票手上,買的時候就可以馬上給你,因此切票的目的是即買即用的需求,但是單張票卷可以直接買的話,沒有人工作業去審核的話,就沒有辦法直接屯在倉庫裡面,因此不會賣不完的狀況發生。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "另外還有線上購買團體票部分,剛剛都有提到,他們在線上合作、購票的,跟旅遊平台時候,他們會需要誘因,主要是票價優惠,因此有一些平台業者有提到。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "在支付跟取票的部分並沒有太多的不同,因此在入場的時候,會想要有一個及時核銷的功能,當你今天進場的瞬間,因為我是一個平台或者是旅行社,我等於是代賣,當你進場的瞬間就知道這一張票用掉了,那一張票賣出去,但是沒有被用掉,那個都可以做控管。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "另外是可以直接用電子票入場,不好意思,我要提到kkday,目前故宮的電子票大概有兩種,一個是跟豐趣買的,他們的QR code可以直接走故宮的電子票務閘門進去,但是如果是跟kkday買的話,必須先到櫃台用專屬的掃描器,換了一張票卷之後,再走一般紙本票卷進場,我不確定有沒有講錯,如果有講錯的話,再麻煩大家幫我補充。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "當然如果大家的電子票卷都可以拿著直接走電子票卷的閘門入場的話,不管對平台或旅客來講,其實都是比較方便的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "再來,有關於其他的部分,其實就有講到我線上賣你票,也會有線上退票的需求,也會有換票的需求,換票的需求其實跟剛剛切票的大量庫存是比較有關係的,如果庫存起來一堆票時候,可能1月買的票,然後到12月發現快過期、賣不完,這個時候想要退,但是這時候退的話,這個帳掛在1月的帳,我總不可能12月去修1月的帳,這樣看起來很奇怪,所以通常會有一種換票的方式,因此可能會有換票的需求,但是換票的需求是跟著切票,退票的需求是跟著單張購買,大概是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著,或者另外一種做法,票卷有沒有沒有日期的限制,賣給我就是賣給我,不會過期,這也是一種做法。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "另外,故宮提供統一的票務接口,他們其實有提到101,101的電子票務做得不錯,他們可以透過電腦對電腦,用API對接的方式,直接處理完所有買票、退票的流程,也希望未來故宮未來電子票卷可以有這樣的服務。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "有關於故宮的部分,這個是我們私底下交流意見時蒐集來的,故宮在計畫的部分,其實也很希望可以控制團體的人數,也可以達到最好的參觀品質,在計畫的部分,其實大家都有一些需求。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "有關於購票的部分,目前的規劃其實是想要有自動購票機、線上購票,人工受票一樣,還是會在,但是人工售票的定義會落在處理需求的狀況,一般的狀況應該可以用自動購票機或者是線上夠票就買完了,如果你真的有特殊狀況,才會去人工售票,其實最主要的目的是想要減少人力的成本。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "再來,還有疏散購票人潮,不知道大家大家有沒有看到手上的資料?其實在農曆過年期間,故宮的人流量是會大增的,那時候會有購票的人潮,大家會排隊,希望可以用自動購票機的方式來疏散購票的人潮,或者是有大量的旅客來的時候,希望可以有自動購票機幫忙處理掉一些售票的東西。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著是增加線上購票的人數,如同剛剛所講的,如果以節省人力為出發的話,如果在線上購票的,現場的人力可以再精簡一點。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "有關於支付及去票的部分其實都還好,故宮在這一個方面並沒有特殊的需求。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "或者是說我們等一下如果大家想到的時候,這個是補充的時間。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "對,等一下會有一個補充的時間,會把盤整完的東西跟大家講一遍。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著是統整電子票務、參觀、提升參觀品質,像參觀數據分析也是故宮有想到的東西,好比像減少人力的部分,這個是目前遇到比較大的困難,大家可以幫忙集思廣益一下,看有沒有什麼比較好的做法。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "像優惠票種的人別驗證,這個是櫃台做的,櫃台的售票人員,拿身分證給他看,就可以買國民的優待票。如果現在做在自動售票機怎麼辦?線上購票又怎麼辦?大家可以一起想一下如何解決。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "這個是目前為止我們所做的訪談整理,今天與會的大家,我們都希望提供一下你們自身的參觀經驗,不管是在計畫或者是購票,甚至是在所有的步驟上,好比支付、取票、入場及其他的部分,不曉得是不是可以先請哪一位先跟我們分享一下,不管是哪一個流程或者是實際在不同的地方,又或者是在故宮參觀的經驗?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "通常這個時候會冷場是正常的,不然我們這樣來討論好了,這樣討論會具體一點,因為我們現在有五個步驟,我們從「計畫」的步驟開始。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "大家可以想一下,比如你有去過哪一些地方玩,像你在去之前,你得到某些資訊覺得不錯,像我們在議題手冊上有提到環球影城的部分,這個是去大阪的時候,你在去之前就知道一些人流量,這樣其實是滿不錯的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我發現在講的時候,有人在點頭,根據以往的經驗,點頭的人就要負責講一下接下來的經驗。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我先確認一下有沒有要自願的?沒有要自願就有人要被自願,目前都沒有,是不是可以麻煩一下老師分享一下經驗。" }, { "speaker": "張庭堃", "speech": "大家好,我們要到一個地方買票,通常都會看自己有沒有身分的優惠,所以我覺得現場一些標示其實相當重要,因為如果剛開始搞不清楚狀況就跟著去排,接著才發現你排的隊伍是不對的。我自己印象是,曾經有到一個地方,因為那個方式還是用人工售票,並不是用電子售票,就用很簡單說明,然後用不同的排隊方式,好比有什麼優惠就排這裡,在會場很快紓解人潮。" }, { "speaker": "張庭堃", "speech": "如果在電子票務方面,像如果要預購,比如網路上的介面,可能很清楚要讓大家知道有什麼樣的身分來預購,至於後面的取票、驗證的方式,值得大家再進一步討論。因為對使用者要買票進場,希望能夠知道人潮,而人潮有很多是場館本身有很多經驗,可以先提供預估有多少,然後再加上團體先預估,讓民眾瞭解什麼時候要避開人潮。" }, { "speaker": "張庭堃", "speech": "剛剛提到的是票卷的部分,我覺得比較困難是,像人工驗證,你線上買,就必須要到現場驗證,因此我剛剛的想法是,對於民眾來講,第一個是希望能夠找到我最優惠的部分,不要說買錯了,到現場再換優惠,這樣可能會增加作業的麻煩,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "謝謝分享,剛剛有提到在現場標示的部分,我不知道故宮或者是安天的同仁,有關於這一點可以跟大家分享一下現在故宮的現況怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "董錦文", "speech": "大家好,目前故宮的部分是分成東側跟西側兩邊的櫃台,兩邊的櫃台現在上面都有故宮制式的一些標示,包括買票、租借語音導覽,遇到連續假期跟人流比較多的時候,我們會機動把原本在櫃台上的一些標示,用真人來延伸,就是用舉牌的方式,因為人在排隊,所以會把真人的方式,往外延伸。" }, { "speaker": "董錦文", "speech": "第一個部分是臨櫃的時候,客人可以直接用目視的方式哪一些是買票、哪一些是租借導覽其,第二個部分是排隊,有紅龍的引導,再加上人員的舉牌告示,如果都已經排滿,像51長假跟過年期間都要排到外面去,其實客人不派排隊,而是怕排錯隊,如果排的隊伍是對的,就像去迪士尼樂園,他們都排得很長,大家排得很高興,排到第二個部分才知道這邊是排導覽器,也就是要買排,還要再排一次,不要是客人,是我自己也會抓狂,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "想要問什麼樣的情況之下會排錯隊?就像您剛剛提到的,不是排很長的隊,而是排了隊之後,發現排錯隊,不知道故宮的參訪民眾或者是在場的經驗會排錯隊,瞭解一下在疏散的人潮上做什麼調整?" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我這裡釐清一下,雖然我們剛剛其實是從規劃開始講,不過沒關係,大家已經到進場或者是購票的地方,其實排錯隊的問題,其實是剛剛都有提到的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我進一步釐清,這個是入場的時候排錯或者是購票的時候排錯或者是什麼樣的狀況下排錯,我們就可以慢慢紀錄在我們的需求上,是不是可以請你再分享一下?" }, { "speaker": "董錦文", "speech": "我們在排隊的時候,如果標示很清楚,像第一階段客人沒有很多的時候,客人可以很清楚知道哪一邊是購票、哪一邊是語音導覽。如果人流很多就會到第二道去,我們會請真人拿牌子延伸,讓客人知道哪一邊是排這個、哪一邊是排那個,但是客人一多的時候,我們牌子是舉著,客人會跟著隊伍,會跑到寄物處那邊去,現在東側跟人流排隊的隊伍。" }, { "speaker": "董錦文", "speech": "如果當人潮多的時候,甚至連續假日的時候,他們是會有交錯的,所以就是這樣的原因,我們教育展示處特別針對這個問題開始做調整跟改善,所以最近幾次的連續假期,像這一種排錯隊的情況,已經比以前減少很多,這一種抱怨也少了很多,還是要謝謝故宮大力的配合,尤其是在連續假期跟長假的時候,其實排錯隊最大的原因是,我個人是覺得告示的部分,就是要再往外衍生,這個可能是當時的人已經排到哪裡去了,如果排到外面的廣場,臨時的告示牌,我們要事先準備,我們在51長假及這一次的端午節假期,這一些問題都沒有再發生,大概是這樣,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "謝謝分享。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "其實買錯票的這一件事,不只在現場發生,可能在線上也會發生,像我自己個人分享,我第一次因為這個案子到故宮來時,我是看到有一個一般民眾在線上的身分,我可能就買了,但是到了現場之後,才發現原來國人是有優惠的票價,因此在線上購票也是可能會有買錯票的情況發生,這個部分不曉得是不是可以請現有線上購票的豐趣分享一下,有沒有可能有類似的情況經驗。" }, { "speaker": "何淨慧", "speech": "這個的確是有可能的,因為那時跟故宮進行試營運,只是先把一個範圍限縮在海外觀光客會購買的東西,之所以國人的票沒有推上去的原因是因為要驗證的問題,所以才沒有把國人的票放上去,如果購買的人對票價沒有那麼熟悉的話,是會有買錯的問題,遭遇到的問題就如同團隊整理出來的,要如何驗證。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "除了驗證的部分,等一下大家下午在協作的時候,進行討論外,其實剛剛安天的分享也是很好的靈感觸發,現場可以做很好的告示牌,也就是不要買錯票,在電子票務是不是有類似的情況可以這樣運行,我們可以把這樣的路線告訴大家,身分到底是誰,你可以買怎麼樣的票,其實是在電子票務上也有可能可以做到的事。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "剛剛是講計畫的,有沒有可能會遭遇到的事?或者是在逛博物館時會做怎麼樣的計畫?" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "我再分享一下,我有看一下議題手冊,我就去故宮官網來看這一件事,可以看到民眾流程內的情境,在故宮首頁找到跟故宮有關的部分,像第一層的連結上就看到購票的這一件事,必須要透過你去選擇參觀,然後在裡面也會有一個線上購票的選擇,我覺得跟故宮自己也有選擇,大都會博物館去做比較的話,其實他們把購票的按鈕放在首頁的正右上方,像清楚的深紅色來凸顯,這個是第一個遇到發生的問題,我不知道在網站上是不是可以找到這個案子。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "像很明確不同的優惠價格,像年票或者是不同身分的票種,我想要體驗一下線上購票流程,進入線上購票流程發現,其實我將帶領你到外部的網站,希望你可以先知道這個網站是信任的網站,對於這個使用者,不會覺得現在就在使用故宮本身提供給我的服務,我在用這個服務的時候,故宮導引到外部的網站,知道我相信這個外部網站的隱私權或者是安全性,身為一個使用者,明明是購票,為何要去釣魚網站?所以在購票流程會有一些對於系統的指引。我希望大家可以就這邊也可以分享一下你們在使用故宮既有線上購票的體驗。" }, { "speaker": "劉惠媛", "speech": "這個是很難得的機會,其實博物館研究裡面,以故宮為例,將近75%是團體的遊客,25%是個人的遊客。在博物館的行為裡面,其實從團體跟個人的購票方式都是不一樣的,所以我的建議是這樣,因為今天有很多是屬於旅行社的專業,這個是兩個完全不一樣的情況,我看到的數字裡面,比較特別的是,近兩年來,故宮團體的訪客跟個人的訪客已經非常接近了,像50%、50%及49%,這個討論非常有意義,我們要討論電子票卷流程時,這個是兩個不同的路徑。" }, { "speaker": "劉惠媛", "speech": "我建議剛剛有一些專業的夥伴談到入場跟驗票的事,這個是另外一件事,如果我們回來談,我們當時很想知道,如果以國內外的旅客在使用電子購票或者是像KKday,是不是有注意到新的變化,或者是個人的購票行為或者是團體行為,因為團體又有三至五人的家庭或者是小的家庭跟十五個人以上專業團體的操作差異。" }, { "speaker": "劉惠媛", "speech": "因此我很想知道,第一次團體客人使用電子購票行為跟個人行為,像你剛剛提到的是個人體驗,另外一個是因為國人跟外國旅客的差異,所以像我也很想知道就教於各位,平日跟假日的差別,以及連續假日國內外觀光客購票行為可能都會有差異,所以我很想聽聽看有經驗的人的分享。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "是不是可以先請哪一位旅行社跟故宮購買團體票卷的業務,請跟我們分享一下在處理這一塊的經驗?" }, { "speaker": "蕭逸琦", "speech": "我們買了不少團體票,因為是油輪的關係,我們要先上去訂,然後當天再來看,每一團訂四十個人,然後每這一團下來買三十個人,因此買票,如果要跟101來比的話,101這點好很多,我訂四十個,但是導遊一報下來就拿三十五個給他,我們先買了一堆票,然後直接給我扣,這個是信任感,但是故宮當然也是差不多,我覺得這個東西在流程上於101快很多,這個是信任。" }, { "speaker": "蕭逸琦", "speech": "我們到國外去旅行的時候,我以前有帶學生團到巴黎羅浮宮去,學生票的話,像那一些導遊已經買好一堆票,然後問你哪幾個是二十歲以下,這個是信任感的問題,我覺得為了驗證這麼幾個,搞了這樣子很多不同的票種,這個是很囉嗦、麻煩的事,對我們旅行社而言,我們通常不會講說大人票、小人票,這樣就是一種票,不需要這麼麻煩,麻煩是個人的購票,但是團體而言是大人、小孩一種票,這樣才好操作,不然每一天是這個65歲、這個15歲,對不起,我沒有辦法操作。" }, { "speaker": "蕭逸琦", "speech": "因此在團體的操作,相對簡單,但是是信任感的問題,不要為了一個人搞懂搞西,而且故宮又是耳機,常常娃娃叫,我做油輪的,每一分始終很寶貴,停的是只有七、八個鐘頭,如果是耳機弄了半個鐘頭,我們常常收到客人的抱怨,其實在故宮的時間太長了,像拿票、拿耳機搞了很久,我們希望這一點的流程可以更加地簡便一點,對我們會好一些,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我釐清一下,剛剛有提到第一個是可以參考101的系統流程,這個比較順暢,我剛剛自己聽下來,聽到比如預定四十個人,但是實際上到場三十五個人的時候,直接會給我三十五張票就進去了,這個是順暢的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "所以會有一個需求是在網路上預定的時候,跟實際上到場的人數是不一樣的時候,這個必須有一個快速的應變。" }, { "speaker": "蕭逸琦", "speech": "一直都是這樣子的,其實故宮也是訂四十個,來這邊的話,導遊在報,但是要現金給,101不一樣,先買了票,因此直接扣我的票,所以是不一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "所以101是切票的狀況,所以是要扣掉,但是這邊因為不是切票的狀態,所以要現金購買?" }, { "speaker": "蕭逸琦", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們先記錄到這邊,大家下午要討論的時候,可以想到網路預約的時候,跟實際到場的人數不同,這一個需求要記得處理。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們繼續講下一個部分,如果是團客的話,希望不要分很多票種的需求,對不對?這樣的話,會不會有比如團裡面有18歲以下的,他覺得應該要少繳一些錢?" }, { "speaker": "蕭逸琦", "speech": "這個我們都自己吸收了,不想麻煩。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "目前故宮的狀況,會需要買不同的票種或者是團體來就算人頭,然後算350元?" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "用統一的收費標準,這樣會引起客訴,因此基本上是要針對談客、散客,國人及境外客來區別。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "所以旅行社分享,基本上都是境外客?" }, { "speaker": "蕭逸琦", "speech": "對。" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "境外客有分,其實故宮對於票務的細節並不瞭解這麼多,所以歐美客並不會瞭解這麼多,像華人是大部分的旅客,他看得懂,像故宮針對小孩有優惠或者是免票額,他的條件符合,也會來討論。" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "我們說票種的種類越單純越好,像是境外客,我們比較希望有一個比較好的規範來規範。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "不好意思,我想再請你分享一下,因為你剛剛有講到很多狀況,有沒有哪一個旅遊景點處理這一些狀況處理得很不錯?可以跟大家分享一下?您知道我的意思嗎?像你有帶團或者是團去到哪一個地方,同樣也是有不同票價的入場,但是有一些處理的措施,你們覺得還不錯,可以讓故宮學習參考的?目前有想到嗎?或者是這個是超級困難的?每一個旅遊景點都很奇怪?" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "這個不是業者可以提出來的,因為故宮是國家單位,所以對於旅客類別的票價制定本來有很多不同的優惠方法,一複雜,相對起來我們要把票務的規則全部歸類起來,當然有相當的難度,因此各類的優惠票價一多,其實對於規則的制定跟超商就比較困難。" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "我們可以舉其他的例子,像101好了,101可以比較簡潔來處理,其實票務規則並沒有那麼複雜,像全票、團體票及小孩票而已,所以不複雜的話,相對處理起來是比較容易的。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "不好意思,剛剛有一點斷掉的關係,我們回去再重複一下。你剛剛有提到一點,其實在首頁上並沒有明確購票的按鈕,另外一個部分是會導到外聘網站,是不是信任來讓你覺得這個東西有一點存疑,因此使用者經驗對你來說是比較大的部分。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "有什麼其他是需要補充的嗎?" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "我想要問一個問題,你們提到使用情境分析當中有一個「一般國人情境」,不清楚故宮,也就是不知道可以做線上購票,或者是不知道有優惠票的資訊,想要瞭解的是,這個為何不知道線上購票?是不是當時那樣的情境,而不知道如何購票,進而影響到線上購票的人數沒有那麼多,因此想要就這一些問題在訪談時的一些使用者經驗?" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "不是很確定您擬稿的問題,是不是可以用另外一種方式描述一下?" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "一般國人情境有提到不清楚優惠票是什麼,也不知道可以做線上購票,想要知道訪談時不知道時是如何不知道這一件事,是不是可以從這一方面來瞭解,像在網站上需要多做一些說明,或者是可以加強這個訊息的討論。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "針對不知道優惠的部分,現在線上購票的部分,並沒有很明確說,可能在下面的小字有說「國人享有優惠價」,但是其實在購票的流程裡面並沒有寫到「國人享有」這樣的優惠,因此是在標示上的部分。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "你提到不知道線上購票,我們並沒有特別詢問,不過感覺上是線上購票,因為現在目前也只有限於外國遊客,可能在網站上也不是非常地清楚,所以這一個部分不曉得有沒有回答到你的問題?或者這兩個問題故宮的同仁會不會有另外你們的想法需要分享的?" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "我回答一下,故宮的首頁可以考慮加進「買」的按鈕,第二個問題是為何故宮網頁會出現告示的警語,這個可以開會討論這一件事,很久以前故宮到公家機關的網站,因為雙語管理出了一些問題,因此在立法院上,一時之間完全想不清楚怎麼一回事,因為那個已經超出我們的範圍了,我們後來被修理得很慘,記取這樣的經驗。" }, { "speaker": "謝俊科", "speech": "這個社會環境還不太一樣,因此可以在故宮內部來討論這一件事,至少可以分等級,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "在計畫的部分,我們進行到下一個步驟,也就是「購票」。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "購票的部分,不曉得大家是不是有其他相關的購票經驗?甚至這個是我們今天與會是有其他博物館來參加的同仁們,是不是可以說明一下你們遭遇到的困難或者是現在的體驗怎麼樣?" }, { "speaker": "楊立瑋", "speech": "我們現在沒有找得很好,現在是有現場售票系統,現在有民眾排隊售票,現在是有規劃電子票務的部分,因為我們館的票種滿複雜的,所以我們現在是有嘗試用自動售票機來代替,其實它的功能有限的,只能賣全票、學生票或者是長者票,但是其實有很多優惠組合,其實用受票機沒有辦法做到,因此我覺得票種的單純部分,我覺得是一個還不錯的方向。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "不好意思,你剛剛提到是可以做到學生票跟年長者的購買,目前的身分認證是怎麼操作的?" }, { "speaker": "楊立瑋", "speech": "驗證是很大的問題,其實我們有設置自動進場的閘口,但是還是要有人去做驗證,所以其實是一個很大的問題。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "在自動售票機要進場,跟悠遊卡一樣,是在閘門要驗證。像剛剛有提到比如購票的時候,像我們去買悠遊卡或者是買捷運的票,或者我們去電影院買票之類的,有沒有人願意用自動購票機或者是買票的經驗,他覺得這個體驗不錯,希望故宮的體驗不錯,有沒有人願意分享?" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "我覺得大家過去購買很方便或者是優質的消費體驗是會跟手機憑證綁在一起,購買跟使用幾乎一線之隔,拿這一台去刷就好了,行動識別是未來的趨勢。" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "我跳回到剛剛的部分,因為我們kkday在國內、外,像很努力在想說有哪一些可以試,其實是很類似的,像前一陣子,我們有同樣的對話,在跟香港的海洋公園說不能賣香港人,要如何擋他進場?他也是一張QR code就可以刷進場,可以歸納出一個結論,應該要回到票務的設計,要分國人跟國外的旅客,是為了什麼?" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "我們也有跟高鐵合作,國外遊客有優惠票,國內沒有,所以要逐一看為何會這樣設計,一定有其意義,高鐵運輸是有公共性在,故宮也有,當時有設定一些優惠票種給國人,有其邏輯。" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "其實是在國人跟國外的體驗完全分開,當作不同的事件來看,只要在閘口上牽涉到認證,除非有實名制的購買或者是相關的自然人憑證,不然一定是需要人工的,因此最多的狀況是人工來辦,如果今年的比例是七成、三成,其實不太需要注意到這邊,還是可以僱人去看,不可能零人力,我要跳脫零人力,可以有有限人力,可以節省掉大部分的旅客就可以做,像剛剛有提到大人、小孩,刷了就過,反而國內的旅客票種多了,還是需要人工去介入,就算拿了一張手機刷,跳出來寫學生卡,好比年紀有一點大或者是研究生之類的,所以我覺得票種的設計是為何要設計這麼多,要鼓勵人們如何來做,這個問題是比較大的。" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "因此我想到的另外一個條件是,如果故宮比較明確的是要給國人,國外的旅客訂不到這個時段就是一個可能性,票種的可能性會導致這個行為。像跟日本環球影城有做這個設計,每三個月會給我們一次,新的下三個月日曆,分成這三種票種,有淡季的價錢或者是什麼價錢,平日來就可以做,別的票就不可以拿到別的地方用,國外旅客有判斷的空間。" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "我們拉到計畫的部分,可以便宜一點,可以把人潮導到平日去,不要週末去,因此可以透過這一些假期,大家精打細算算到最精,那個其實就左右了人們最後實際的訪問行為,因此回到票種的設計跟回到認證的機制,因此最前端的票種來想,如何在現場的服務可以貫徹當初要設計這個票種的原因,一點淺見,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們有把剛剛這邊收上來了。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "剛剛有提到身分驗證不可能零人力,這個是非常好的提醒,我們先記下來,對不起,我們現在要收的是需求。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "國人跟外國人票務應該分開這一個部分,其實想要達到的是讓整個流程可以再更簡化。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "再來,我覺得這邊分享得很好,讓我們有新的想法像以票種設計到處使用者行為的部分,我想問的是,這邊有沒有一些更具體的需求?比如剛剛有講到環球影城一個月曆有三個不同票價的狀態,我們是不是想要把人流導到淡季的做法,我們也放在這邊。因為我覺得這個比較像大家可以討論要如何做的,這個可能是心法,譬如票種設計是要導出使用者行為。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "不好意思,我再拉回來,剛剛我們走到購票的部分,有沒有人想要分享在購票上的一些經驗?我在找跟我有眼神交流的人。" }, { "speaker": "謝宇婷", "speech": "我剛剛在聽的時候,一直都覺得有一點抽離,因為比如像剛剛提到分流、博物館跟環球影城及GR pass,我在想說這一些是可以類比的嗎?像遊樂園大部分的人進去是要待一整天、8小時,但是我很少遇到有人可以待故宮待8小時,我個人的極限可能也就是7小時之類的。" }, { "speaker": "謝宇婷", "speech": "因此我在想淡季考驗性有多高,要站一整天要如何算?" }, { "speaker": "謝宇婷", "speech": "有關於GR pass真的很貴,因此大家會精打細算,像故宮的票,比如同等級的博物館實際上老實說不貴,其實是正常價,也就是以一般的博物館來說。" }, { "speaker": "謝宇婷", "speech": "我們唯一想到的兩點是:一個是關於有一些故宮的展覽,有正館跟另外的特展,但就是有一些館是在買票的時候,直接會去說你可以同時買只看正館跟側館一起買的東西,但是會去故宮買特展是本國的觀眾,所以其實還好。" }, { "speaker": "謝宇婷", "speech": "另外,其實我自己不是唸博物館的,因此我們博物館國際聯盟有一張卡,大部分的博物館是走進去,因此大部分是不用排隊的,因此我每一次進去的時候,有一些特殊身分的人,其實很多時候在想說,我拿那張卡,進去是要換票或者是排隊,然後讓他檢查,又或者是要跟著排或者是不用排等等,但是因為這個比例實在是太少了,因此我覺得有一點不是一般觀眾。" }, { "speaker": "孫梓云", "speech": "我講一下學生的部分好了,我自己是從來沒有排隊,我進故宮沒有太大的問題。但是有一點是,其實現在以一般的高中生來講好了,都不知道學生可以拿學生證的這一件事,就算知道,上網的時候也不知道要買票,也是要付錢給他看票,基本上不用,進去拿學生證給他,可能這一方面的說明,大部分的人都不知道,帶朋友來是帶學生證,什麼事都不用做,看完就可以進去,比較熟悉的人講才會知道。" }, { "speaker": "孫梓云", "speech": "但是從網頁上看不到這一點,只要拿卡就進去,只要知道自己免費,但是不知道進去要用什麼樣的方式。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我重複一下,在網站上標示,也就是特殊票的購買方式,甚至是換取的方式並不是很清楚,所以讓你的同學,不曉得他到底是要購票好或者是可以用什麼樣的方式來進入故宮。" }, { "speaker": "孫梓云", "speech": "其實優惠都寫得超級清楚,有個點是他們不曉得要先買票,也就是不用付錢再進去,他們不知道只要拿學生證就可以進去。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "購票的部分是不是需要補充?" }, { "speaker": "楊立瑋", "speech": "博物館有一個機制,你的門票會比較便宜,故宮不曉得是不是有這樣的制度?" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "我來說明一下,我們的票,現在其實有跟幾個單位合作,比如101、順益、美麗華,未來現在也有規劃,以後電子票卷當中會有一個B2B的項目,等於以後也會有API的串聯,直接在線上取票就可以了,這個是我們未來的設計方向。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們有遇到網路的問題好了。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "我現在等於是打一個廣告,目前有一個標案,目前故宮會出一張故宮卡,我們會邀請所有的博物館一起加入這個博物館,用非常便宜的價格,就像荷蘭一樣,每一個國民都可以申請這張故宮卡,這張故宮卡是很便宜的價格,一整年可以參觀所有的博物館,我們目前在做這樣的整合,現在也在招標,未來如果廠商出來的時候,我們會拜訪各個博物館,希望他們能夠融入到這個卡當中,一起參加,能夠提升國人、參觀博物館的風氣。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "說真的,以目前參觀故宮的國人只有兩成而已,其實這一個案子是跟電子票卷以後會結合在一起的,也就是在一個共同的網站上,一個共同的平台來做,等於是一個事先的廣告,可能有一點離題,但是讓大家瞭解一下,故宮在做電子票卷平台,讓故宮加入參觀博物館風氣的項目,可以讓大家有所瞭解,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "今天收到很多購票的部分,其實我們今天有一位故宮的志工,先給你一下心理準備,相信志工在第一線的時候有遇到很多購票、進場的問題。" }, { "speaker": "龍珮寧", "speech": "通常他會遇到的問題是拿了QR code不知道去哪裡,早期有101的連票,這個是比較麻煩的部分。" }, { "speaker": "龍珮寧", "speech": "現在過年的期間,我們會看到,很多陸客是買攜程的,在那一個關卡卡了很久,就是要等著進去。" }, { "speaker": "龍珮寧", "speech": "有時可能是一個家庭,然後可能是買了四、五張,可能客人覺得只要用一個QR code就好了,但並不是,是要打開PDF,要掃這四張,也就是一個QR code可以有幾個人,這個是一個問題。" }, { "speaker": "龍珮寧", "speech": "剛剛好像裡面也有,但是因為我自己本身也是旅遊業者,所以其實我們有時帶客人來的時候,就是買攜程,我們要進去解說的時候,是要租語音器,變成旅行社要額外付30元,然後再去租,就是350元的票,還要再加30元。" }, { "speaker": "龍珮寧", "speech": "我們那時想說有沒有辦法直接買攜程票時,那個系統就是能夠設計一副語音導覽器或者是耳機。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我來釐清一下,像第一個是QR code多人分票的部分,這邊的經驗是如果有多個QR code的話,反而很麻煩。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "等一下看別人有沒有多的靜電,並不是一個QR code,而是多人入場,這邊有相關的經驗。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們可以分享一下,如果是一個QR code多人入場大概會什麼樣的狀況。剛剛有講到的是語音部分,其實並不是語音導覽,應該是那個導覽機對不對?就是子母機的那一種,並不是語音導覽的那一種,到那個地方輸入編號,然後就可以聽的語音導覽機,這個是子母機的部分,希望在買票可以一次到位,攜程買票是旅客自己買嗎?要如何知道有子母機的需求?" }, { "speaker": "龍珮寧", "speech": "旅行社有團體,他們booking旅行社先上攜程買票之後來提供解說。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "所以其實他來跟旅行社訂了行程,你請他們去攜程上買票?" }, { "speaker": "龍珮寧", "speech": "其實旅行社跟他說在之前要先說如何買票,物品是不是可以照相跟寄物等等,然後還有提供導覽,除了有故宮自己的定時導覽要自己上網預約,還有一種是私人導覽,有一些旅客在導覽時會詢問私人導覽。像大陸有一套系統,他們自己可以在上網導覽,要再多付30元。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "像在團體導覽的時候會先預定,在買旅程的時候是個人買,在旅遊的網站裡面,有提供買攜程的話,我們有提供導遊,等於這一家公司提供導遊。" }, { "speaker": "曾學仁", "speech": "但是故宮很優惠,即使不到10個人——10個人才可以是團體——還是優惠導遊,可以以導遊證來租30元的導覽機,這個其實跟團體是不同的處理方式,這個是我們特別優惠給導遊,因為你有帶團,只要你出示導遊證,我們還是給你租30元的導覽機,因此跟攜程的參觀卷可能要分別來處理、跟團體的也要分別來處理,沒有辦法一起處理,畢竟攜程來只有三個人或者是六個人,因為你有來,我們可以來租30元的導覽機,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "感謝大家提供很多想法。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這邊購票的部分其實我們剛剛一直打轉的是個人買票,這邊有提到另外一個部分是旅行社,旅行社是不是有機會先幫旅客買好票或者是什麼樣的運作方式,或者什麼方式可以運作更好?本來是有兩位,現在有第三位的隱藏旅行社,是不是可以跟我們分享一下,如果就旅行社的角度,如果要買故宮的票可以更好,如果要提供的話,可以更好。" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "要說明一下,因應現在自由行的旅行越多,所以越來越多境外或者是國內的這一些旅遊服務商會衍生出很多不同的加值服務,像剛剛提到從攜程去訂散客的電子票,但是攜程會另外提供一些加值服務,比如攜程會安排攜程的導遊帶客人來解說,不會走故宮的導遊服務系統,只會跟故宮訂單獨的導覽服務器,因此針對散客服務是衍生很多不同包裝的加值服務,這一些東西其實我覺得應該要分門別列一下,不是在兩個票務系統的設計裡面。" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "剛剛講的團客的部分,團客跟自由行的票務流程也是不一樣的,如果只提到電子票的部分,那個是針對個人散客的票務系統,團客的部分沒有電子票,是旅行社這樣的系統先做日期跟旅客的人數預定,然後由導遊在現場用現金來購買,然後另外再買導覽器的服務,因此我覺得票務種類跟這一些客人類別在事前要先分類清楚,否則在這邊一起討論,我覺得會有混淆的狀況,以上。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們先一口氣聽完三位分享再來統整好了。" }, { "speaker": "龍珮寧", "speech": "其實差不多,我們就會面臨到必須要支付那30元,可是客人已經買票的問題。" }, { "speaker": "蕭逸琦", "speech": "大部分我們是做歐美客人,歐美客人會相當獨立,因此會自己解決這個問題,如果是小團,是由導遊解決了,相對是簡單,並沒有那麼複雜。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "這個是購票的部分,我們接下來再往支付的方向,其實支付相對單純,我們希望可以用習慣的付款方式付款。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "不曉得這一個部分有沒有特殊的狀況,像故宮在購買電子票卷時遇到一些支付的情況,或者不管是旅行業者或者是旅遊平台在支付上有沒有遇到什麼挑戰可以分享?" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "這個可以引用在B2B的支付,目前越來越看到大家的趨勢,大家都會有核銷的概念在,像這樣的票卷核銷使用與否與最後的決算是需要掛鉤在一起的,因為邏輯上都會衍生成為一個事後結帳,並不是預先付款、預先支付的概念。" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "其實現在遇到全世界的各種票卷業者百百款,有的人系統很完整、有的人系統很單純,到底是預付或者是事後結,這個是關鍵的分野。以我們來講,如果檢視一個月來回頭結算真正核銷的票卷,然後再結清,這個是偏好的流程,但是在支付上,尤其是在條件的設定,進而以系統來支援條件,最後得到的是業者平等的方式來接掌,應該是以B2B的角度比較需要。" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "以業者來講,對平台或者是旅遊同業來講的話,其實自己在線上收單的方式,是要不斷精進,像各式各樣的pay都要整合進來,像2C跟電子票卷的設計是沒有直接的掛鉤,這個就用比較長的時間來做結帳的方式,像匯款或者是電匯這些。" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "要做成預付或者是事後結的架構,剛剛有提到事後結跟旅遊平台業者是比較方便的做法。" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "對於支付的部分,像旅行社在支付的部分,有什麼特殊的狀況?" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "現在應該是兩個購票流程,一個是散票、一個是電子票,等於是事前支付,就是系統業者是先做切票或者是壓票的動作,先通過渠道讓消費者取得。" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "但消費者的渠道、通路或者是平台商,是不是可以精準傳遞給消費者,這個是一個問題,尤其現在碰到很多境外的平台,因為消費者有其習慣性平台購買行為,像大陸來的消費者一定會透過大陸的平台業者去習慣,不可能臨時在臺灣下載kkday,基本上大陸下載不會做這一件事,因此會有一個相關的旅遊平台購物,像會攜程或者是什麼平台等等,他會去買。" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "但是這一些平台業者會不會很清楚地幫我們去揭露相關故宮的訊息,這個是我們沒有辦法保證,像我們在上架期間,我們會希望能夠儘量告知消費者說故宮電子票卷的使用規則,我們會儘量,但是消費者有看、沒有懂,第二個是平台客服可能也不見得瞭解,像全世界這麼多百百種的商品,是不是針對故宮單一的特定也清楚,也不敢打包票,因此消費者買了電子票卷之後,也不瞭解電子票卷的使用及細節,因此會有一些問題產生,這也會造成線上動線的困難。" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "另外,有關於團體票的部分,因為團體基本上是由旅行社封閉的作業系統跟故宮預定,現場是去取票,包含結帳,在淡季就算了,在旺季的時候還有一堆持散票的旅客,包含團體客又一堆在大廳當中,像要控制客人集結,還有語音導覽器還有一些改善的空間,結帳就要花一堆人力跟時間,這個可以跟故宮再作討論的。" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "像跟101的做法是,我們先買大量金流的方式來處理,因此散票的流程先來處理。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "剛剛有提到,如果是團票的話是用101大量切票的方式來處理,這個沒有誤解。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "散票的個人票,其實剛剛有提到因為你們這邊有先切一部分的票到旅行社,所以散票的方式也可以,不好意思,可以麻煩你再說明一下嗎?" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "現在是系統商先把大批的票切出來到系統商,系統商先切出來,像代銷的業者通過我們的渠道再銷到其他境外的旅遊平台,應該是這樣的流程,現在沒有辦法直接API,後面的問題因素也很複雜,包含這個平台有沒有辦法API,還有語系的部分。" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "像境外的部分,也有很多是類似的,比如切給攜程,像100張的QR code,然後再透過他的系統發散到消費者去,現在的流程是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "所以旅行社的票是現在切給他們的?" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "對,大陸幾個知名的是這樣,雄獅切了一大筆在手上。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "剛剛有提到的海外的代銷業者,也有一個狀況,對於票務的票價並不是那麼清楚。" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "我們會把票務的使用規則用文字清楚發給對方,按照票務發給他們來說明露出上,但是對於中國大陸的平台,不只數萬種,可能是數十萬種,他們的消費者有沒有這樣來作詳細閱讀,我們是沒有辦法做保證的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "可以幫我縮小一點嗎?我自己的想像是大量切票的部分,是在購票的部分,代理商的部分也是到購票那邊去,並不是支付的問題。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "在支付方面,其實如果是團客的話,是到現場直接付現金,如果切票的話,是切票的話付掉了,是這樣沒有錯吧?" }, { "speaker": "李廣才", "speech": "(點頭)" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "其他旅行社有不同的情境可以跟我們分享嗎?或者大部分也是走這樣的模式?" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "如果沒有要補充的話,我們就進行下一個部分,也就是在取票的部分。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我先解釋一下好了,我們這邊框取的部分是,如果你在線上購票,然後最後應該會拿到一張票卷,這張票卷的形式怎麼樣?比如你可以收到一封email裡面有一個QR code,但是你用APP訂的,上面會自動產生一個QR code,這個是線上的,發現在QR code上,這個是目前的狀況,希望大家可以多分享一下有沒有其他的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "再來是自動購票機的部分,目前的狀況是在那邊點完、支付完之後,會拿到一張感熱紙印出來的QR code,然後直接取到這一張票。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "比較不一樣的是,像kkday是買到之後到現場,然後再換成紙本票卷,這個是比較不一樣的流程。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們想到的是,取票的部分是不是有什麼需求?比如有些人覺得QR code可以加入手機錢包,那其實也不錯,像剛剛講到這一位志工兼旅行社所講到的,多人入場的時候,希望不要拿到多個QR code,希望拿到一個QR code就好也是一個選項,是不是有其他願意跟我分享的另外方式?" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "我們叫做「多人一憑證」的情境,也有業者都有不同的模式在做,但是多人一憑證的情形,其實就會回到剛剛分工說可能完全沒有人力的涉入跟有人力的涉入,除非在閘門的設計上有人能夠做到感應一下,出現五次轉動閘門的次數,就五個人轉,這個在閘門的設計上讓它完全自動化做,像在日本的遊戲業者拿去,等於是由人員刷了之後再撕票給他,跟現在的做法是一樣的,所以這個是在結構上的設計,不然會變成刷了之後,客人可以刷五個人,然後進十個人,這個之前也有這樣做,因此沒有辦法控管。" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "我覺得滿關鍵的是,行動化、無紙化是基本配備,因此在電子票卷的票務上是基本配備,可能是一個手機友善沒有PC版憑證的組成,像kkday的組成還是有PC版跟手機版,我們希望簡化客人使用上比較相關的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "不好意思,這邊有提到多人一憑證需要人力控管的部分,這個是大家可以記在心裡面的東西。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "目前想到的方式是儘量往行動裝置上放,上面有提到PC版、行動裝置版的部分,是不是可以請你再多說一下?PC版跟行動裝置版有什麼差別?可以讓大家參考一下,你們為何有這樣的狀況、有這樣的取捨?" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "現在是有核銷的元素在裡面,可能是手機或者是感應器,也就是一個固定的機台,最終都有掃描這一件事,一般我們常看到,像PC版是很大的PDF,客人不斷需要在上面去縮放或者是刷,像PDF的轉換過程中掃碼非常順,其實邏輯是為了核銷最有效率的設計憑證,這個是我們目前看到最大的差別。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "PC版的意思是給你很大的文件,裡面包含QR code,過了之後你甚至要印出來,然後拿去掃描。所謂的手機版是符合你的手機大小,儘量把QR code儘量放在正確的位置,省去縮放的時間。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "取票的部分得出新的想法,像手機版要儘量注意,不單純是QR code,而是為了手機要設計。還有沒有取的部分?" }, { "speaker": "董錦文", "speech": "我想請教一下kkday的同學,因為目前很多客人都在反映,所有的電子票、購票只有臨櫃來換票,因為對客人來講是非常不方便的一件事,尤其是逢年過節的時候,因為故宮一定大排長龍,要取你們家的票,必須要排兩個小時,完全失去電子票購票的意義及價值,這個部分是不是可以改成一般的廠商,出什麼,就可以直接在入口、閘口進入,這個方式是不是可以幫我們說明一下,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "這個有很多前因後果有這樣的模式,我們不排除,也非常想要優化體驗,不管是UI,流程上跟業者討論,如何讓業者最順,我們的最高指導原則是故宮體驗,像剛剛提到的優化過程,我覺得可以跟這個脫鉤來討論,為什麼非常積極想要參加這樣這樣的流程,最大化的旅客體驗,其實是想要從策展單位根本改變跟設計,一開始就做到了,用我們自己的核銷案、APP及其他外掛的程式來做,一定會產生這樣的行為,因此非常希望參與這樣的過程,只有從基礎建設建好,基礎建設做到完整的,我們這一些其他的業者在可以用配合的角度來做服務的方式來做串接,不管是API或者是未來電子化的資料庫,有這一些寄存。" }, { "speaker": "張澄", "speech": "至於現有流程的優化,這個很值得討論的題目,會後看怎麼樣把流程再優化,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "何淨慧", "speech": "現在在談的角度是,現在旅行業者有提到憑證希望多人入場,這個是團體票的概念,kkday都是在做散客的部分,因此是以散客的概念進去。其實旅行社業者提到事先切票、事先購買或者是事後核銷再付款的部分,也是以旅行社B2B的概念來討論,kkday會以散客的角度來討論,大家好像不是在同一頁上。" }, { "speaker": "何淨慧", "speech": "我先稍微釐清一下核銷這一塊,因為現在在分享,也就是高空步道的部分,很多旅行社會訂團體票,像一個憑證是代表30張票,最後有一個QR code是30張票,不可避免的是人力,像這個導遊是28個人,就可以按加減,訂了這張票是30,可以減2,就是變成28張,可能後面有一個落單,發現三張QR code,可以再核銷兩張,就是可以讓人分批入場,因此提到團體票的部分,相信旅客社的確會需要一張憑證而多人入場。" }, { "speaker": "何淨慧", "speech": "剛剛提到的是散客的部分,一張憑證是否可以多人入場,像這個可以代表5個人,是不是滾動5次,但是又會牽涉到這整個票價結構,像小朋友會不會被關到,像轉動5次,其中一個小朋友是免票的,第6個人就被卡住了,有一些博物館的做法,像大都會博物館就要做換票的動作,也就是這個憑證,5個人之後,到大都會博物館的票機是要換票憑證再入場,這個是有很多做法。" }, { "speaker": "何淨慧", "speech": "剛剛有提到憑證是不是要電子化,或者是電子化是不是必要部分,其實這個又牽涉到國內觀光客跟海外觀光客,這個行為相當複雜,因此現在團體有國內、國外,國人也有團體及散人,但是又更細。" }, { "speaker": "何淨慧", "speech": "以海外的觀光客而言,有些人未必是有網路的,因此這個在整個票務系統當中,大家覺得這一些東西好像是必要的時候,背後可能有一些在實際運作上的小「眉角(臺譯)」分享給大家。" }, { "speaker": "林貫文", "speech": "剛剛有提到團客跟散客,我們在想情境是不是有一個優先級的情境出來。第二,其實我要分享的是,多人一憑證或者是一人一憑證,某一個人買票之後要分給人,像團客或者是家人買票都是一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "林貫文", "speech": "我們分享高鐵的案例是他們了之後,是以身分證字號或者是電話號碼把票分出去,這個是滿直覺的。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "謝謝大家分享,為何召集大家來?也許在身分上的需求不一樣,有時需求是一個對立的狀態。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "好比今天一開始的時候,跟大家講的是,我們儘量發散,然後在適當的時候斟酌像優先級的排序,我們希望把所有的需求、所有的意見都納入進來,這樣才不會有遺漏的部分。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "今天可能會聽到,有的時候是以旅行社的出發點來作討論,有的時候是以民眾的出發點來討論,這個對我們來說是非常需要蒐集的部分,這個要再說明一下。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "取票的部分如果是這樣的話,我們再進入到下一個入場,像剛剛有提到不管是在紙本的取票或者是電子取票,在下一步是拿到票要進場,其實大家的發言都有反映在某一些剛剛有盤點到的需求上像買完票後,我忘記誰拿了QR code之後不知道要做什麼,可能需要寄物或者是買導覽,現在在討論的是線上購票或者是電子票務,因此在電子票務的介面上,我們是不是可以提示可能的下一步?" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們也想要聽聽看,不管是民眾或者是旅遊業者,你們在入場時,有沒有遇到一些困難,或者是你們想要分享一下你們的經驗?" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "剛剛其實有提到滿多閘門驗票的部分,因為你們有安排人力在不管驗票,是不是可以跟我們分享一下你們的經驗?" }, { "speaker": "董錦文", "speech": "這個部分我請櫃台主任跟大家作一個詳細的說明。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "大家好,我們在入場的機制上,我們分為團體跟個人的部分,團體我們都有單獨像旅行社,直接從另外一個入口,所以很快在入口區,我們在清點人數之後是直接入場,沒有讓遊客來等待,只是在前段稍微慢一些。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "在個人票入場的部分,當客人買好了票入場,我們在入口處核銷的時候,可以分為紙本票跟電子票的兩個單位,紙本票直接持我們的票卷,從入口處撕票之後就直接入場,這是沒有什麼困難。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "但是在電子票的部分,我們常常發現購票會買到小朋友的票,因為故宮這邊本身有18歲以下的小朋友直接免票,因此在攜程或者是購買相關的票卷會產生小朋友的問題,也會直接跟客人講說如果是從各自的問題,我們沒有辦法幫你作退票的動作,直接請你們入場的動作,但是入場的部分直接請他們入場,少多少張就進多少位,是這樣的處理,因此是比較單純化的。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "因此在入口處是三個閘門來進行,其實是很快速的,除非遇到比較大的節慶或者是連假期間,在最外側的時候買好票,有引導的人員,直接在入口處的地方來作分流。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "甚至於包含故宮提供了很多優惠,像學生的優惠、免票的優惠,也會在入口處設了一個服務台,我們先做免票認證,很快速地進入,所以故宮做這一塊,事實上有考量很多的細節,因為我們的連假也很多種,所以才會導致於大家認為入口時好像很複雜,但是事實上並沒有,在票口上已經解決了將近七成以上的問題,剩下的部分是免票認證,在入口處,有派兩位同仁在那裡,很快速解決相關的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "所以剛剛的說明,我想要確認你的意思是,其實你們在購票的部分就已經處理掉大部分的問題,所以在入場的機制不會有太多,除了人別驗證之外,不會有太多其他的挑戰,是這樣嗎?" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "是的,在購票的時候,請國人優先處理證件,因為有長者票、免票,我們已經直接在入口處的服務台,我們就做免票驗證的動作,事實上免票認證之後就直接入場,並沒有讓遊客等待,或者是讓國人再反覆排隊的問題,我們直接進場,如果是外國人,在電子票售票的第一個介面,就先講我們18歲以下的小朋友是有票的,請他不要買成人票種就好了,常常會產生錯誤的現象,會直接跳過那個介面,然後就到我們的櫃台說買到350元,然後退票,事實上並不是標示不清楚,而是不去閱讀。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "因此我們的票口上常常會碰到退票的退票狀況,大部分是這樣產生的,也就是買18歲以下小朋友的票,第二個是沒有閱讀清楚是學生、國人,然後買了350元的票,就要求退票;第三種是國外來的,就是針對故宮博物院相關的,就有一個蒐集的癖好,比如要去蓋章,像要蒐集故宮的電子票卷、紙本票,請換一張票給我,我們也會產生很大的困擾,因為就是電子票,也就是給一個QR code而已,我們的主本票非常精美,有的人有蒐集的習慣,就會說要退票,電子票要換成紙本票,因此這是遊客常常遇到退票的狀況,這是實際上碰到的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "現在你已經使用過,也沒有辦法換票給你,已經入場過了,也沒有辦法再處理,除非還沒有使用,直接請櫃台的人員先作退票的工作,然後重新買紙本的票卷,是這樣相關的,因此實際上我們在購票的時候,已經解決了大部分的問題。在免票的部分,在入口的時候,也直接做了一個這樣先前篩選的動作,因此入場的時候,個人票、團體票分得很清楚,就直接進去,並沒有想像中的那麼複雜。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這邊剛剛的說明,大概是因為我們在購票的時候已經分票種了,所以入場的時候就已經單純,是選擇這樣的取捨。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "其實跟剛剛一位博物同仁是不一樣的取捨,大家有發現嗎?科工館的同仁分享,在驗證的時候不太嚴謹,但是在進場的時候去確認是不是有這個身分,哪一種都有好、有壞,大家思考哪一種是好的及優缺點。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著下一個,大家有提到的是,像用了電子購票,然後實際上想要紙本票部分的需求,這個部分的需求,我們先記下來,但是先移到購票的部分去,這個比較不像進場的問題。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "對於進場的部分,還有沒有什麼經驗想要分享的?比如像剛剛有提到另外一個部分,比如進場有分不同條的通道進場,這個方式運行起來是順暢的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "其他的人有沒有經驗分享?像你去別的景點,但是他並不是這樣做的,或者是那樣做也不錯?如果目前沒有的話,我們是不是先往下一個議程走?" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "接下來請故宮的學仁分享一下目前的線上購票及自動購票機的流程,大致上簡介一下遇到的困難。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "其實今天早上盤點的所有需求,像故宮等一下會跟我們分享現有的流程,在中午休息時間,我們也會讓大家有時間可以去玩一下找出來的參考,這三個東西都會是下午協作時的基本潘,你們可以透過不管是從需求出發,或者是參考現有或者是其他的部分,來做下午的協作。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "先請故宮幫我們說明一下,我是秘書室曾學仁,故宮電子票的承辦人。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我覺得自己是一個非常幸運的人,我原本是在器物處服務,在106年調到秘書室來管理票務的工作,當時覺得故宮應該要來發展電子票務,因此向長官提了這樣的案子,長官也非常贊同這樣的案子,應該要來實施。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "當時其實有提到科技計畫當中,但是在科技計畫當中,因為科技計畫包含了很多項目,當時的科技委員認為應該要朝電子化的項目來進行,所以我們開始於107年初的時候提出電子票務的計畫。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "之所以非常幸運的人是因為剛開始要提這個計畫時,台北市觀傳局做了一個北北基好玩卡的項目來跟故宮合作,當初承包廠商豐趣來談論合作的事項,在我們的入口為了要核銷北北基好玩卡設了一個核銷機器,我們當時想說應該可以趁這個機會,透過台北市觀傳局來協助故宮試辦網路售票及自動受票機的試辦作業,後來因為台北市觀傳局配合及支持,因此就開始試辦。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "所以其實我們在整個試辦、於規劃的階段當中想到很多,到底試辦的時候是要賣什麼樣的票?因為我們知道故宮的票種非常非常地多,而且我們後來在做電子票務規劃時,其實我們發現在國內或者是國外,很少會針對國人或者是外國人作為票價區分,國人是多少、外國人是多少,這個是一般的票卷,很少區分為國人跟外國人,尤其我們很有幸的是要跟101合作的時候,他們的執行長,對於票價調整,第一句話就說故宮落伍了,票價為何要分成本國人跟外國人,沒有做這樣區分,因此提這樣的建議了。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "因此在做電子票卷時,也在思考是不是有一個思考的方向,可以把它變成一般的票卷,也就是所有的人都是這樣,但是針對國人或者是某一些時段,其實剛剛有很多先進都有提到有分流跟不同的票種來做界限,像剛剛kkday有提到,比如有熱門的時段跟冷門的時段,因此我們在這個時候有考慮,當然還是要承辦長官知道目前的情況。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "所以我們當時的想法是,因為故宮參觀的遊客80%以上都是外國人,因此要自動售票機及網路預約的時候,是以一般普通票,等於是以外國遊客為主,這個是大宗,而且對人流有影響的票種,尤其在假期的時候,這一些外國人會比較多,因此我們才想說試辦一般普通票的網路售票及自動售票機。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們在規劃時,網站預約30天內的票卷,一個人最後可以買9張,為什麼有9張的限制?因為跟我們合作的信用卡公司、中信公司,因為金流的問題,所以免簽的限制,因此希望我們限制在9張當中,因此也是說有一些金融法規的限制,因此才希望我們能夠在9張當中。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "預約的時段也是參考現在目前團體預約的時段,分成6個時段,每一個時段是500個人,但是網路預約的人並不是很多,很多人習慣到現場買票,也是因為沒有推展,但是也是希望未來故宮能夠走向一定要網路預約購票,現場不提供購票,這個也是希望得到長官們的支持,我們也很希望能夠走到這一步,一來就可以直接刷QR code,直接到故宮展場參觀,不需要再買票,這個是我們的理想及未來的目標。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們在自動售票機的時候,也是一樣,我們是以350元為主,目前入館的方式,因為配合北北基的核銷,我們有設立自動售票機的機器,我們後來要求是不是可以有兩台的機器,後來想到是在網路上預約,可以走快速通道,不用排隊,只要在網路預約,就可以走快速通道,不管人流就可以直接刷卡進場。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "因此我們在今年春節的時候,為了能夠推展網路售票,在春節期間,在網路售票就可以打8折,因此有提出這樣的一個優惠辦法,其實使用的人數很少,其實大家不在乎那個8折,所以我們透過各式各樣的方式,來推展網路售票。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "核銷的付款方式是用信用卡或者是支付寶,但是遊客會質疑為何現在會用信用卡跟支付寶,我們知道現在國發會一直在推展行動支付,故宮也是希望能夠朝行動支付的方向,因為有招標的關係,我們目前所招標的支付方式作為試辦時支付方式,招標的只有信用卡,但是當信用卡招標時要求可以用銀聯卡,因此都可以刷。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "行動支付的部分,我們只有招標支付寶,當時因此就以支付寶為主,現在微信也可以用了,因此以後只要有招標的,我們都會放在行動支付、電子票卷的付款方式。但是目前遭遇的困難是,大家都很習慣用LINE pay或者是街口,因為LINE pay跟街口是要直接扣掉手續費,然後再匯款給國庫,一般信用卡都是先匯款進來之後,一個月以後再申請手續費,這個是符合主計法規的規定。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "因此目前遭遇到的是,我們去年提出要用LINE pay跟街口,遇到這個關鍵,因此這個招標了之後的系統廠商或者是銀行來標,像LINE pay有各個銀行來合作,如果中國信託來標,他願意不願意收其他銀行的LINE pay,這個是很大的問題,因此遲遲沒有做LINE pay跟支付的招標動作,但是我們希望解決這樣的問題,以後在招標的時候,希望能夠把這一些行動支付都完全納入到電子票卷當中,這個是我們以後要爭取的。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們在網路售票時,其實如果完成網路受票付款,是會透過email的信箱當中,其實我們有直接分享的功能,我們有提供可以分享,但是購買很多張票的大都是一個家庭,並不會分享給他的家人,因為我實際在入口時,看到他們操作,一家子來是一張張找,他們一家人旅遊,一定一個人負責買票,然後一個個核銷,絕對不會再分享給其他人或者是什麼人,大概是用這樣的流程。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "院裡面一直不斷尋求更多元的購票方式、更符合大眾需求的電子票卷,因此我很幸運,豐趣這邊可以幫忙,現在又有唐政委可以來協作,說實在的,我擔任票務的工作是兩年的時間,雖然一直蒐集意見,但是的確需要很多人提供意見給我們,不要讓我們自己關著門,自己想大眾的需求,因此我覺得真的是很幸運的人,希望藉著今天,大家可以提供一點意見,讓我們在做電子票卷的這一件事上,可以更完善,也更符合大眾的需求。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "簡單跟大家講一下目前自動售票機的操作情形,目前是提供四種語言,中文、英文、日文、韓文,當你點進去之後,其實剛剛安天已經提醒了,我們為了符合使用的資格,我們就會跳出畫面,像年滿未滿18歲免費,國人持身分證到櫃台購票,這個也很清楚了,就像剛剛安天的同仁所說的,他們根本不去看,就直接跳過售票,因此可以選擇張數,最多六張,也是中國信託免簽費用的限制,我們後來有付款的方式,只要你選擇之後,就會又跳到付款方式,會提醒與付款,還有銀聯卡的方式,像銀聯卡是要輸入密碼,支付寶的方式QR code,然後就會出現一張感應紙出來,就可以直接到刷卡到機器當中。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們覺得我們應該提供很簡單,你來以後,你一看就會使用的畫面、介面,所以我們目前的電子票卷都是朝著非常簡單,只要使用者一進來,可以馬上瞭解如何購票的情形,因此下午討論時希望提供更多的意見,可以更精進,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "謝謝學仁的分享,他剛剛有提到現在現有的流程,還有現在現有流程為何是要這樣子設計的。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我重複今天早上一直到現在,我們盤點了很多不同的需求,不管是從民眾的角度,或者是從旅遊業者的角度,甚至是從故宮的角度。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "線上購票的部分,發現投影機有一點不清楚,可是不用擔心,我們下午的工具單會其實有把自動購票機、線上購票的流程都印在紙上,下午在協作討論的時候,工具單都有這樣的流程,提供給你們參考。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們接下來是午餐時間,在午餐之前,想要先跟大家提醒一下,我們有準備一些其他電子購票流程的參考,其實我覺得與其我在這邊講,告訴你們說這一些東西怎麼樣,我會鼓勵你們在午餐的時候,我會把這兩個網址放在上面,像這個是大都會博物館,裡面也有看到,其實有很多設計反映了我們很多早上討論到的需求、問題點,像這個是他們的票務。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "另外一個是紐約的現代博物館,他們也是在這邊有一個購票的網站,鼓勵大家看一看,有反映到我們過去討論到很多討論的東西,也會幫助接下來下午協作的參考。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "早上的流程走到現在,不曉得與會的大家到目前為止有沒有任何的問題?如果沒有問題的話,我們可能進入午餐的時間,大概在1點10分的再回來進行下午協作的部分,不會是像這樣子台上分享,而是分組討論,因此可以跟小組的成員熟悉一下、瞭解一下其他的情況。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我這邊再快速補充一下,我們下午協作的部分,會分成兩個部分,第一個是自動購票機,也就是剛剛學仁有幫我們走過的流程,其實在早上討論的時候,我們也發現其實有一些規劃比較不足的地方,我們把比如散客、團客,及國外散客、團客討論,下午是國外散客的部分,第二個部分也把散客、團客分散討論會比較清楚,這個是我們下午會做的大概分享。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "另外,早上提出的不管是需求或者是建議,我們會在中午吃飯的時候綜整,在下午的時候幫助大家貼在上面,我們一個提醒,現在設計的流程是不是有符合需求,這個是下午會發生的事情。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "中間有一個小小10分鐘的休息,不知道大家有沒有發現,所以下午的討論並不會一連串直接下去,中間會有稍微10分鐘的休息,大家不用太害怕,這樣補充,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "不好意思,剛剛發現便當需要再10分鐘的時間,我們一起來看一下我個人覺得他們的網站設計非常好,其實你一點進去,你搜尋大都會博物館,其實可以直接看到這邊,有很明顯地方,就可以直接買。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "點進去之後,有一段說明,其實英文並不是中文的語系,但是其實也有講清楚,跟故宮有一點類似的地方,如果是紐約人的話,你自己想要付多少就付多少,所以跟其他人的票價是不一樣的,所以你在一進去的時候,要付多少都沒有關係,只要符合這個身分之下就可以做這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "接下來才跟你講一般的民眾可以怎麼做,這個是故宮也可以參考的部分。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "接下來也會告訴你其實也有很多身分別,像有這一些不同的成人、老人、學生、小孩,還有一個部分是小孩不用錢,但是也要買票,這個跟早上呼應到很多人買了一般票之後,發現小孩子不用買票,為什麼要這個?其實是一樣的道理,但是預防你買錯票,因此加了這個欄位。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們點老年人的部分,大家發現有什麼東西不一樣嗎?其實你買了一張票之後,你發現有一個欄位是跳出來的,可以讓你賣語音導覽,但是在你還沒有點任何的票之前,這個欄位是沒有在的,因此是把一些你可能在第一時間沒有看到的資訊先藏起來,以維持這個版面的簡潔性,但是一買票之後,告訴你也許需要做語音導覽,因此會再彈出來。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "其實我覺得有一些值得參考的地方,我們再往下。有一些專人的導覽,還有一些剛剛提到的會員機制,還有一些是special combination pass,但是是藏起來的,但是不同的票卷,像是北北基好玩卡及不同的套票,像有沒有賣一般的故宮不一樣,也許這一些資訊都先藏起來,這個是我們可以參考的部分。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "像我隨便買了一張票到下一步去,實際上只有一步,也就是選了票,然後就可以開始付款,所以就把我的資訊投入,然後在同一個頁面也可以輸入我的信用卡資料,我只要按「買」,我就可以完成購票,因此實際上總共說起來只有三步,滿簡潔有力的。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們再看MoMA,其實這兩個有一點相似度是非常高的,像「選擇您要參觀的日期」,也可以讓你選日期,你可以選其他,但是預期來線上的日期是今天或者明天,如果都不是的話,我再進去點日期就好了,所以實際上是預設了一些選項,可以更方便進行。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們再往下看,然後也是一樣,會有成人票、學生票,會告訴你說這一些特殊的身分,有需要出示證件,也就是有一個提醒。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "他可能想要推的東西,你買票不一定是語音導覽,但是在這個情況之下是一本書,可以買一個套票,如果跟這個一起的話,是什麼樣的價錢。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我想要回去看一下上面,大家都一定會有電商購物的經驗,對不對?其實電商購物有一個很重要的經驗是我需要我的下一步跟知道總共有幾個,其實是只有三個步驟,現在是第一步,接下來會進行到哪一個步驟,我們再看會到下一個步驟。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "這個部分就跟之前一樣,這個有小小的一句話是「只需要簡單的三步要完成購票」,這個是跟電商一樣鼓勵你填完這一些動作,因為我們有試買,你送出你的定單之後會送出什麼東西,當時買了學生票跟小孩子的票,像寄給我一個email,裡面有兩張票,一個是學生、一個是小朋友的,我們可以看到在他們的機制,在買多人的時候,他們會給我有兩個QR code,我其實是有兩個的,所以這個其實都會是我們的參考。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我甚至有做到退票的部分,退票的部分,他們是沒有自動化退票,但是其實在這個信裡面告訴你說有任何的問題,請你聯絡這個email,我很簡單告訴他說我想要退票,然後在一個小時之內就說退票已經完成了,這個可能不是自動化,還是有人來處理這一件事,但是也是非常簡單的步驟。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "像這一些票務都可以給你們參考,我們在議題手冊上都有一個可能不是博物館,但是是高鐵,像剛剛大家其實也有分享,高鐵在做分票時,其實是可以讓你用訂單號碼進入,可以跟你的家人或者是朋友來做分票。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "這一些都是一些不一樣的操作模式,當然一個問題可能會有很多不同的解法,我們提供的是除了需求之外,可能給你們一些不同的參考,下午協作的時候,大家就可以針對你們不同的需求,以及不同的優先級來作討論。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我會鼓勵大家,上去看一下我們剛剛介紹的那兩個網站,自己點點看,看是不是好用或者是覺得哪裡需要改進的部分,食物應該快要來了,請大家喝水、休息一下,我們大概是1點10分再回來作下午的討論,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "在工作人員發放東西的同時,我想要就下午的協作來說明,大家都有看到桌上有一張很大的海報紙,其實早上跟我們盤點的流程有一點相似,一樣是分成最上面藍色的部分,有計畫、購票、付款、取票、入場的這幾個步驟,其實這個就是我們下午的討論會希望依照早上我們討論的所有東西,包含可以往前面看一下這個投影片,我們早上花了很多時間在盤點使用的情境還有需求,需求是包含不管是民眾的部分,然後還有旅行社的部分,還有故宮的部分。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "其實需求我們同時有在事前先準備了一份,這個是我們在早上討論之前,先印出來的,我們盤點出來的基本需求,當然今天的討論,早上有非常多補充的部分,等一下每一桌都會有一至兩位PDIS的同仁擔任小桌長,他們手上會有早上討論的補充,所以在討論的時候,只要有提到的部分,他們就會把這一些東西再寫在便利貼上提供大家來參考。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我先來介紹一下準備的工具,這個工具單其實是一個流程,所有的東西都會只是一個參考,如果你們非常有想法,然後可以直接設計出來你們覺得理想中的故宮線上購票或者是自動購票機應該長什麼樣子的時候,桌上會有空白的紙,讓你直接畫出來心目中理想的畫面什麼。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "當然不一定每一個人可能是用畫面來表達的,你也可以用文字敘述,你覺得這個東西你建議可以怎麼樣去做,你就可以拿出這個桌上綠色的便利貼你都可以把建議寫在上面。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "你有看到工具單上有分成需求與建議,其實一個需求也許有很多不同的建議可以來解決,所以其實我們為何會把這一些需求都印出來也是因為這個原因,也許大家可以來參考,在不同的討論之中、激蕩之中,可以想出不同的建議或者是解法,分別記錄在工具單上。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "我們還有準備一些其他的,像今天早上分享的大都會流程、MoMA的流程,也印在一張A3的紙上,每一組都會有,所以你們也可以在討論時,如果想要回去看看這一些參考的東西,你也可以在組內有這一些流程可以去作參考。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "包含還有一張是高鐵購票,像今天早上有提到高鐵購票的分票機制,這個在上面都可以看得到的,這一些都是非常靈活的,為何會使用便利貼?也許這一件事發生在購票的步驟,拿一個簡單的例子來講好了,我們今天早上討論到很多人別驗證的問題,也許可以在購票做,也有可能在入場的時候做人別驗證的機制,這一些都是靈活的,有一個問題也許在不同的步驟被解決,這一些都是可以討論的。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "今天的分組是故意把大家都打散了,所以在組裡面都會有民眾的角色、故宮的角色,也有設計師的角色,有不一樣的角色,所以這個用意是希望大家針對不同的出發點一起來做這樣的協作。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "下午我們把它分成兩個協作的部分,第一個協作是先從自動購票機開始,先從桌上這一張單子,下面的參考是現有自動購票機的流程,所以等一下會請小桌長再幫我們帶領著大家一個步驟來看,看怎麼樣把所有的需求可能化成可行的建議,然後我們再把這一整個步驟記錄下來放在協作的工具單裡面。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "說明到目前為止,大家有沒有什麼問題?如果沒有的話,我們就開始進行下午的協作討論。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "我們在自動售票機的問題定義上,我們把自動售票機定義成大家來到故宮現場了,主要服務的客群就會是在現場購買普通票的人群,我們有看到在之前檢附的數據裡面,有看到的是購買普通票的人數占比是28%,以服務這28%為主,在自動受票機這邊,就沒有再討論其他票種類型的部分。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "主要第一個是在整個動線及流程的設計上,我們首先在動線上會希望這一些自動售票機會放在入口處,因為我們組內有同仁有提到自動售票處是放在裡面的,如果服務購買普通票的客群,會放在人工受票櫃台的前面,放到那邊會放到額外的選項來做購票的動作,像同組的學仁也有提到自動售票機會放在東側跟西側的入口,這個也是我們期待的事。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "在自動售票機的附近可以擺放跟博物館相關的手冊及導覽的資訊,可以讓大家購票完之後可以領取什麼樣的東西來做下一步的動作。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "如果是回到整個介面流程上的話,我們在前期的時候,會希望做一點不同的設計,我們希望可以讓使用者預先知道是否適合使用自動售票機,第一個是身分上是否適合,如果我是國人,我想要買優惠票號,我就不應該使用,因為售票機主要是為了普通票的人來作服務。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "接著是支付方式上是否適用,現在在自動售票機上不能用現金支付,這一點在自動售票機上也要很明確顯示,像信用卡及現金支付,如果要現金支付的話,要到人工櫃台購買。所以在計畫前期的話,我們有提出這幾個建議。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "進到流程上,首先會選擇語言,在選擇語言的時候,接下來會進到下一個介面,如果是未滿18歲,其實可以不用票卷就可以入場的,接著如果是國人的話,其實可以有特殊的優惠。我們也有提到這常常是大家會忽略訊息的畫面之一,我們希望可以把這樣的訊息拉到選擇語言之前就顯示某一些特殊的身分類型是不用用這個售票機的,根本還沒有開始使用這個售票機之前是不需要使用,然後進行我應該要進行的操作。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "真的進入購買程序之後,我們發現幾個比較大的問題,第一個是在取消這樣的按鈕上,他的說明其實很模糊,不知道取消的是什麼樣的內容,因此希望在取消這個按鈕可以做更明確文字上的說明,我們覺得寫「回到上一步」是滿可以接受的文字說明,點了這個按鈕之後可以回到前一步的動作上。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "我們也期待在購買票卷的時候,可以把語音導覽一起進行購買,但像同組的學仁也有提到其實在結構上有一些金流的問題,可能沒有辦法在購票的時候一起購買,不過我們覺得這次提供方案,是否可以執行,我們之後再說。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "我們在付款的時候可以支援更多的支付方式,像Apple Pay、Samsung Pay,我們發現其實沒有太大的問題,但是其中有一個事情是,在付款失敗的頁面,目前是沒有提供給我們的,我們沒有辦法針對付款失敗的頁面來做一些整個使用者流程上的調整,假設付款失敗了,是不是可以用比較好的導引,跟他們說要如何重新進行付款或者是購買,因為現在介面上沒有提供,所以我們在這邊討論比較少,我們覺得這個是可以研究的方向。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "接著回到購買完了之後,我們希望這個付款成功的頁面可以顯示接下來拿到這個QR code可以做什麼事,可以買語音導覽、寄物或者是想要入場的時候入場,然後給予很明確的指示是拿了這個QR code可以做什麼事。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "同時我們針對QR code可以有什麼樣不一樣的運用上,我們也提出比較特別的,像我們可以把QR code美化或者是購買商品的廣告,又或者是優惠卷等等的廣告,吸引大家進禮品部來進行購買或者是消費。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "同時可以用電子QR code的方式來進行無紙化的環保政策,也有人提到我們可以針對QR code可以做一些AR上的應用延伸,不會讓大家拿到這一張紙刷完之後就丟掉,可以做後續的互動。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "我們在第一個自動售票機主要討論到這邊。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "接著有關於線上購票,首先在計畫前期,我們希望提供兩個不同的頁面,兩個不同的頁面其實有其功用在,一個是關於怎麼樣協助你規劃來故宮的行程,這當中會提供的資訊包含了可能如果你要走深度導覽的話,可能要在故宮安排四小時,或者是想要走馬看花兩個小時,比較智慧化的行程規劃,除了這個之外,這個頁面也會提供例如你的即時在故宮的人數,因為在議程裡面有提到其實如果故宮現場參觀人數超過200人的時候,會暫時停止入場,我們希望協助你規劃故宮頁面是可以提供這樣的訊息,不然故宮到場的時候而沒有辦法進行參觀的動作。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "希望也可以針對去歷史的流量來推估,想要參訪的那一天人是多少,也可以透過這一些訊息來故宮參訪行程的規劃。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "第二個頁面是票價資訊的頁面,就是把故宮所有的票價類型列出來,也可以標明哪一些是支援票價可以購買的,像聯票是沒有辦法在線上的票務系統購買,哪一些是可以的,在瞭解票價資訊之後可以進行購買的動作。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "在第1頁可以知道哪一些是可以購買的票,然後來進行加減,可以知道哪一些票的類型需要買多少張。在這個購買票的頁面上,我們覺得大都會博物館提供的票價操作是滿直覺的,像票的類型、價錢及後面的張數可以做加減,我們覺得這個介面還不錯。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "我們進到張數之後,想要選一些日期,他會需要選日期、也需要選時間,現在除了顯示這個時間還剩下多少名額可以購買,因為每一個時段只有500人,除了顯示還有多少票數之外,我們希望有一個比較質性的顯示,如果剩下12個名額,代表這一個時段的人是比較多的,現在如果只是純粹顯示500的話,使用者不會知道500代表數字的質性上涵義是什麼,現在可以知道這個時段的人比較擁擠、這個時段的人比較少,場內比較空曠,可以選擇這個時段參加。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "除了質性的解釋之外,也希望可以顯示如果在這個時間去故宮,然後通關的話,可以走一個快速的道路,因此在解釋上並沒有很明確解釋,我們覺得這個對於線上購票是很大的誘因,因為快速通關可以不用跟大家一起排隊,我們需要在介面上提供。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "假設現在選了某一個展場日期好了,希望在下面可以跟我說展期說正在收復中,並不會提供給大家參考,然後可以提供給大家資訊說如果想要看展覽式東西的話,就不能有這個時間,來做這個提醒的動作。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "同時我們也希望在選時間的同時,也可以選擇在同一個頁面內加購語音導覽的服務,像剛剛提到一樣,有一些金流或者是結構上的問題,我們提出這樣的建議。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "最後一個,在既有的平台上進入購買的狀況中,你需要加入會員的,你可以透過google、fb或者是電子信箱的帳戶方式來加入會員,我們希望可以提供一個不用加入會員也可以購票的途徑,讓那一些覺得自己不需要加入會員的人,也可以透過不加入會員的方式來進行供票的動作。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "最後確定擬了訂單、確定購買的地方,除了顯示購票的票種、票數之外,其實沒有顯示你的日期與場次,我們覺得確定你的訂單而言是很重要的資訊,應該也要提供在這個介面上。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "在整個支付的介面上,其實因為我們大部分是採用電子票,不會用實體寄送票卷的方式,我們知道付款的表格有一點過時的,還要提供聯絡地址、電話等等,所以這一頁的修改,像不再需要這一些內容的話,我們就儘量精簡表格需要填寫的內容,大家可以快速進行付款的動作。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "在整個付款的過程中,沒有太大的問題,因為這個跟銀行本身的支付流程有關,這個在訂單確認的狀況下,我們其實有兩個地方可以修正,第一個是可以增加聯絡客服的按鈕,提供給大家一個地方針對自己票務有疑問的話,可以跟客服聯絡。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "我們希望訂單呈現上可以提供一個是否核銷的訂單顯示,假設這個QR code已經被使用的,我們可以顯示這個QR code已經被使用了,如果跳脫這個流程,回到整體上來看,提到是不是可以在整個票務系統購買除了普通票的票務,我們希望這一件事可以發生在線上購票的系統上,如果要實現這一件事,就會衍生出兩個問題:第一個是團體票要給幾個QR code,第二個問題是如果我是優惠票的話,我會要知道如何處理身分認證的問題。" }, { "speaker": "楊晴", "speech": "大家可以看到下面有很模糊的表格,那邊有提出一個解決方法,並不是給實體的QR code,而是給認證的條碼,然後再去人工的櫃台來做掃描、身分驗證的動作之後,就可以取得可以入場的QR code,然後再進行入博物館的動作。或者是我們可以在票口出示你的身分認證方式,我們覺得這兩個都是可行的解決方法。以上是我們的討論。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "謝謝第二組的分享,我們再看下一組。" }, { "speaker": "林貫文", "speech": "我們這一組在看的時候,主要是看購票流程裡面,其實目前國人用身分證在用人工售票,我們在想主要讓國人用身分證,也可以在售票機直接買。" }, { "speaker": "林貫文", "speech": "所以我們在分的時候,選語言沒有問題,接著我們事先忽略掉警示語,然後我們第一個想法是用國內、國外來分,中間的過程是用一般票或者優惠票來分,因此這個時候其實有兩種走法,如果用國內跟國外票來分的話,其實是用國內票,還是區分是要買150元的票,因為你有身分證,或者你要買免費的票,後來我們覺得免費的票就讓它不用票,因此要票就直接進去好了,因此國人變成是350元、150元的選項。國外的人是350元跟優惠票,用這樣的走法來走。" }, { "speaker": "林貫文", "speech": "有一點像購物車的概念,類似150元選了幾張,350元選了幾張,其實介面看起來是類似的,但是你的優惠票是全票或者是優惠票選幾張,選完之後,然後跟你確認如果是優惠票,你有這一些像駕照、身分證或者是健保卡,我們把認證這一件事,如果沒有辦法做在自動售票機,也就是像掃身分證來做驗證的話,驗證的方式就會做在閘口的部分,就會跟他說有這幾種身分證是可以接受的,像信用卡是沒有辦法接受的,它會顯示「我知道了」。" }, { "speaker": "林貫文", "speech": "金流有提到是不是要加LINE pay跟街口進去,我們考量到這個比例是不是足夠高,如果不夠高的話,這個可以解決大部分國人的付款需求了。" }, { "speaker": "林貫文", "speech": "下一步,因為其實優惠票跟現場票,因為閘口要驗證的方式可能是不一樣的,所以到時我們可以把像是海關一樣,像本國人、外國人的入口可以分開,可以加速進場要驗票的有效性。" }, { "speaker": "林貫文", "speech": "票閘口也可以像捷運一樣,你是拿優惠票,因此也可以有一個警示的概念,大概是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "張偉琳", "speech": "有關於線上售票的部分,我們思考的是旅途中因為有很多遊客是外來的遊客,如果他們有預約時間的問題,其實很多外國遊客不是很願意購買的,所以我們考慮到這個問題,因此我們是有取消掉預約時間跟日期的部分,所以在旅途中旅客也可以買票,也可以避開人潮。" }, { "speaker": "張偉琳", "speech": "我們也有給建議,如果要推行線上購票的話,可以考慮跟特展進行結合聯票,很多人喜歡看特展,因此有考慮到這個部分,因此可以推行線上購票。但是在購票的時候,預估人流的部分,也可以讓線上購票的人去避開人潮。" }, { "speaker": "張偉琳", "speech": "因為其實故宮本院網站上,我們覺得在購票的部分,比如優惠票卷或者是4點30分以後,國人入場的地方寫得太下面,在旁邊放了線上購票,很多旅客還沒有搞清楚就點進去買,可能跑完流程之後才發現原來是可以不需要做這一些多餘的動作,我們要到現場購票,所以我們覺得要整合一下他的說明,放在一開始的部分。在你入線上購票的地方時,也要再說明一次哪一些是免費的、哪一些是有優惠的。這個我們就說取消預約的地方。" }, { "speaker": "張偉琳", "speech": "有關於購物車的部分,我們說要登入會員,因為有購物車的話,以後方便購買其他的產品,才不會買完這個產品之後,又再想買其他的,因此再刷一次卡。" }, { "speaker": "張偉琳", "speech": "付費的方式,我們剛剛有提到主流的付費方式,多餘的部分,不需要為了少部分的遊客,因為一點點的付費方式,像收入有350元或者是1,000元以內,我們覺得沒有這個必要。" }, { "speaker": "張偉琳", "speech": "因為我們剛剛是說提供自動對票的部分,QR code會分……" }, { "speaker": "何淨慧", "speech": "以現行的方式,比如說一個人買了9張票的話,一樣會從email跟一個中心看到9個QR code,但是以現行的話,那個閘門就沒有辦法做開闔,或者是用滾動式的,像現在捷運入口閘門,必須要有一個工作人員在旁邊看。" }, { "speaker": "何淨慧", "speech": "這個是現行的一個做法、一種做法,有另外一種做法是,如果我們現在假設買9張票有一個QR code之後,其實觀光客希望能夠蒐集紀年票的需求,或許可以讓他拿他的QR code到自動對票機去,一張代表9張票,刷了之後,自動對票機出了9張紀年票給他,分給他同行的朋友,每個人持一張QR code,這個是有設計或者是比較漂亮一點來入場,因此這樣子就可以做到像捷運一人持一票,然後閘門是可以開闔的那個狀況,我們這一組提的方向應該都是不錯的方向,我們這一組差不多報告到這邊。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "請下一組。" }, { "speaker": "Cindy", "speech": "我們目前這一組先報告有關於自動售票機的部分,如果針對客人的需求上,我看到自動售票機,我只知道這個是自動售票,但是我不知道你是針對哪一些做服務,像有國人優惠、免票、4點30分免費進場,一般的民眾在看到自動售票機,不會知道裡面有提供什麼服務,必須到臨櫃做介面操作的時候,才會發現這個問題。" }, { "speaker": "Cindy", "speech": "目前在執行上比較多的是,國人按了票,雖然在第一頁有顯示,但是也是會按錯,我們這邊討論的是,我們在免費驗證時,是不是說如果今天是購買國人票的時候,現在是提供350元的票種,有辦法改成均一票價就沒有問題,但是如果有票種差異性的時候,在買的時候,是不是可以輸入國人的身分證字號的驗證,如果身分證字號是正確的,就可以進到購買國人優惠票的頁面,但是如果輸入的資訊是錯誤的,當然就進不了下一個頁面。" }, { "speaker": "Cindy", "speech": "一開始還是身分驗證的,這個會牽涉到買錯,雖然我們現在目前的介面是有很明顯的顯示,但是客人在操作的時候,一心一意想要買票,看到,但是照按,然後發現裡面不用票,然後就很生氣說為何不用這個票,然後就臨櫃做退,但是少買就沒有辦法,這個是比較有爭議的部分。" }, { "speaker": "Cindy", "speech": "自動售票機的部分,因為現在有一些旅客到博物館來參觀,還是希望有一個留存可以做紀年,目前現行的階段是只有出現感熱紙的QR code,我們這一組的建議是,因為QR code也是紙本的一部分,只是我們現在是不是讓紙本跟電子票結合,就是類似像高鐵票這樣子,我的正面、反面一樣有票種、票價,但是可以印上比如故宮三寶的logo,可以成為另外收藏的票種,等於滿足客人用電子票的便利性,然後加上有一個留存跟紀年的性質,也就是避免他今天買了QR code之後說這個是一張紙,他說想要換一張紙說這個紙比較漂亮,因為對於亞洲客人來講,這一輩子可能只來一次故宮,對於金髮碧眼的亞洲人以外,他覺得那個是有中國風,因此有收藏的價值。" }, { "speaker": "Cindy", "speech": "在QR code的部分,這個部分可能沒有辦法,只能拿那一張QR code,所以日後如果電子票或者是紙本的部分可以稍微結合,比如故宮三寶的那一些圖案如果可以列印上去,對他來講是另外一種可以收藏的票種,就解決了電子票種的問題。" }, { "speaker": "Cindy", "speech": "接著,我們在購票的時候,因為現在目前進場的客人,大多數都有語音導覽的需求,是不是在買票的時候,我可以在購票的頁面下面再提示如果有需要這一方面的需求,可以往哪個方向走,然後他的價格是多少、目前可以提供的語種有哪一些,然後你必須要提供哪一些證件來做抵押或者是出示,如果有語音導覽的需求,要往哪一個方向來尋求協助或者是達到目的,在售票的介面上可以做指引或者是導引的工作。" }, { "speaker": "Cindy", "speech": "接著有些時段是,動線的引導跟時段,像有一些時段是如果為了要控制進場的參觀人數,比如在特定的時段銷售,像某些時段是像用餐時間是讓比較少,比如可以建議這一個時段是人流比較少,可以建議多選擇這個時段,可能必須有一些所謂優惠或者是特別的部分,然後吸引他在人流比較少的時候來進場參觀,不要擁擠。" }, { "speaker": "Cindy", "speech": "我們提到購票的頁面會先分票種,比如現在是150元,你在按的同時,你先確認今天買了什麼票,不是只按了幾張,到最後結帳的時候才知道原來今天買了這一些票,第一關的時候,讓他確認今天買的是什麼票種,避免有購錯票的疑慮。" }, { "speaker": "Cindy", "speech": "像0元的部分,現在18歲以下是免費,我們這一組的討論是防待機制,18歲一樣出票給你,出票給你是0元,票口驗證也是一個評估的依據,我今天看到0元就是免費,然後就讓你進去了,這樣就像防待機制,如果今天有導覽的需求,就可以導覽,像故宮有什麼活動,比如有臉書按讚之類的,有什麼活動在這邊加註,可以讓大家今天買了票之後有哪一些附加的東西,可以做加購或者是購買,也就是參觀會更超值一點。" }, { "speaker": "Cindy", "speech": "接著是付款的方式,我們想要因應的是現在付款的方式是多元化,因此我們想到付款的方式,現有的維持之外,我會增加比如悠遊卡、Apple Pay或者是現金支付。接著有些刷卡的部分,像現場執行,比如韓國卡是有掃碼,因為是海外聯航支援的原因,他的卡即便刷也沒有辦法出票,因為是海外聯航支援,雖然一直出現付款成功,但是沒有出票,而是付款未成,有時是海外金融體系的原因,有些卡如果售票機沒有辦法辨識或無法接受,是不是在這個介面上可以做一個提示,避免客人一直刷,然後刷了票又不出來,就更緊張、更急躁,不能接受的部分,是不是可以在付款的介面先做警示的提醒,避免刷下去的時候就連續的,因為逼了沒有票繼續做這個動作,避免臨櫃處理的問題。" }, { "speaker": "Cindy", "speech": "自動售票機硬體的部分,我們在現場有發現外國人把它的信用卡直接往出票口插入,我問他,他是說因為一個孔,我們想辦法機器拿出來,是不是可以在硬體上提示,比如信用卡就打一個「X」,就知道這個地方並不是插信用卡,而是要出票的,因此在插信用卡的地方有一個圖示,讓他知道這個口是在插信用卡,那個口是出票,不要把信用卡拿到出票口插入,這個在硬體上可以修正或者是圖示的標示,我想會更清楚。" }, { "speaker": "Cindy", "speech": "接著是取票的部分,因為牽涉到有些人可能需要購票證明,像有一些是商務的客人,可能需要回去報帳,是不是在最後取票列印的時候,可以問他是不是需要列印購票證明,如果需要的話,在取票的時候連同購票證明一併給你。" }, { "speaker": "Cindy", "speech": "紙本的部分目前是按照以票根為主,QR code的話,客人唯一拿到有數字,就是付款後最後一張付款的刷卡聯才可以付錢,因此在取票的時候,我們這一組的討論,是不是在這一個部分因應一些商務客人或者是有一些臺灣人帶外國客人來臺灣玩需要報帳,沒有那個報不了帳,因此在購票證明的時候,是不是可以讓他知道今天如果需要購票,就在取票的同時,也把購票證明一併給你,不需要再回到臨櫃說這個要怎麼樣取得購票證明,如何證明買這一些票。" }, { "speaker": "Cindy", "speech": "選項的部分是,因為有一些人是覺得要實體要印,有些人要QR code,今天是要實體或者是QR code,如果今天選了QR code等於是買定離手,而不是換一張實體的票給我,我覺得很明確告訴他這一些資訊,避免他出來之後,像進去看到別人的票很漂亮,然後出來說也要一張跟他一樣的,但是已經選了QR code,這個是實體票卷跟電子票卷結合,正面有票價、票種,但是我的正、反面還是會印上圖案,像白菜、毛公鼎跟肉形石,可能成為另外一個可以收藏的票種,可以解決電子票及收藏的問題,這個是我們這一組的討論。" }, { "speaker": "趙致緯", "speech": "在計畫的部分,其實每一個旅客都有不同的需求,就是有些國際旅客喜歡的是不預約,就是他沒有辦法控制他的行程,所以喜歡沒有預約的票;但是有些旅客或者是故宮的政策,希望在比較沒有那麼急的時候,提供旅客比較好的服務品質時,就提供有預約日期、預約場次的票讓消費者選,因此提供不同的票種讓旅客自由彈性選擇是很好的方式。" }, { "speaker": "趙致緯", "speech": "另外,我們會建議要給旅客比較完善的資料,像今天要來的話,故宮的購票網頁上可以知道現在大概有多少人正在裡面參觀,或者是多少的預約票,可以知道後續一個月內有多少人是已經完成預約了,可以調動來訪故宮的時間點,所以有一個部分是,因為身分的驗證部分是比較複雜的,所以建議把身分驗證的票種降低比較少一點,可以不要降低人力的部分,包括票種的單純化,還有包括身分的驗證,這個是比較簡單的。" }, { "speaker": "趙致緯", "speech": "我們有建議的是,因為現在的介面只有賣國際旅客的票,後來是跟自動售票機一樣,在一個介面當中可以選所有的票種,包括了可能是國外的票、國內的票及優待票,還有18歲以上的票可以選購,旅客比較不會知道有那麼多的票種,國人票買到國外票,或者是18歲的小孩幫他買票了,因此看到所有的票種,旅客算是18歲以下的票就可以選18歲以下有多少人。" }, { "speaker": "趙致緯", "speech": "概念是故宮建置閘門時,閘門那邊人流需要快速進出的,所以在故宮那邊是一人一卡的進入。這個部分我們對於通路的部分還是有一個建議,給同業有一個B2B的分銷機制,讓通路有比較好的對接機制。" }, { "speaker": "趙致緯", "speech": "在訂購流程時,他的票種跟的購買流程要比較詳細地說明,讓旅客知道後續的步驟是怎麼樣的。" }, { "speaker": "趙致緯", "speech": "我們會建議購票的那一頁,也就是少掉數字的部分,然後在購票完下一頁是加購的項目,像要加購特展的票,也許也要加購語音導覽或者是額外消費的部分,也可以多一頁的部分來做。在票種的部分,像國人的部分,比如線上購票的時候,就直接請他輸入身分證字號的部分,做初步的盤點。" }, { "speaker": "趙致緯", "speech": "所以這邊原本的頁面上都有票價的部分,建議把剩餘的票數拿掉,然後可以跟kkday一樣,如果是可以購票的日期,那個日期是比較明顯的,數字是不需要的,點到日期以後,右邊的時段再顯示出剩餘的票價就好了,旅客在購買的時候會比較簡單。" }, { "speaker": "趙致緯", "speech": "下一頁是填使用資料的部分,像填身分證字號就在這一頁購買,像要購買票種的數量、價格之後,現行的流程就是確認使用者條件。" }, { "speaker": "趙致緯", "speech": "在付款的時候,建議他的票種、方式多元一點,像國際比較常用的,像信用卡那一些都要,比如要LINE pay支援,像要用會員卡的訂單查到現在的QR code或者是email的部分很清楚知道訂到票、訂到時段,是比較好的。然後提供多元的付款方式,讓旅客可以做購買,這樣比較習慣。" }, { "speaker": "趙致緯", "speech": "最後面,我會建議像剛剛講的,建議的是一人一票進站,所以我們會建議是有自動取票機的部分,旅客來的時候可以憑著訂單任何一個QR code,可以買了多少個大人、小孩、國內跟國外的票,因此一次就把票跑出來,票上面有不同的顏色,是國外票或者是國內票,或者是優待票都有不同的顏色,每個人都可以拿一張票,包含右下角畫的那張圖。" }, { "speaker": "趙致緯", "speech": "所以那個票的部分,也就是旅客會拿著QR code到換票機裡面換出票,所以有不同的票種,因此右邊是進場的部分,旅客就會手上拿著票跟識別證到安天驗票的部分來做人的驗票,然後安天進去之後下面就是閘門,到那個時候,每個人的身分都已經驗完了,一人一QR code就直接進場了,所以整個動線就不會在閘門時瞬間卡得非常地多,他的驗票的部分,又統一在安天進場時可以驗票完,這大概是我們的建議。閘門的部分建議用安款協助執行,大概是這樣,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我先跟大家道歉,因為剛剛討論完之後我忘了指定是誰了,我決定不要出賣我的組員,所以我自己上來講,只有第一張而已,第二張就會換人了。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這個是自動購票機,我們那邊的組員一致同意,其實都到現場了,就算現在人很多,也不會想要不進去,也會想要進去,因此計畫的部分就直接切掉,而沒有討論。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接下來這邊很感謝我們那一組有一個安天的同仁,因此提供一些資訊,比如人流是9,000到1萬2,也就是一天的人流,尖峰的幾個日子時可能會有2萬至3萬的人。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們把一些目標訂下來,像自動購票機,目標是散客而不是團客,團客不要用自動售票機來了,我們遇到的限制是4點30分之後國人免費的問題,我們想說4點30分之後,國人走到自動售票機的時候,就不能出國人的優惠票,這個地方其實是因為第二個原因,我們希望國人跟外國人是分開的,有一點像大家在過海關的時候,有一個本國人的窗口跟外國人的窗口,而且根據我們同仁的經驗,上面一定要非常明確地寫「現有臺灣身分證的人才可以走到國人的購票機」,根據他們的經驗,他們會發現對岸有一些同胞跑過來說其實跟你是同一國,我也是國人,就拿著中國大陸的身分證出來說要買優待票,會遇到這樣的狀況。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "如果我們要避免這樣的狀況,國人跟外國人的售票機直接拆開,直接分成兩個不同售票機的方式,國人售票機的話,這有一點天馬行空,說不定有可行性,可以刷身分證或者是護照的掃描機。這個可以解決一些事,曾經遇過一個國人拿身分證,連續在同一天買了6張國人身分證的票,他們也沒有辦法阻止,因為他就拿了身分證過來說要買國人的優待票,就給他票,他回去就拿著給外國朋友,然後再拿著身分證過來,你也沒有辦法阻止他。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "所以如果我們可以刷身分證的話,照理來說我們的系統應該可以鎖定,比如今日已經買過了,就不讓你再買的方式,因為故宮的票是一整天都可以用的,因此這樣的方式就可以避免跑票的疑慮。雖然在這邊討論的時候是說外國人刷本國人的身分時,也會有跑票的疑慮之類的,所以我們希望可以這樣鎖起來,一天只能買一張。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "我們是希望在這裡的選擇,我們會覺得上面的文字之所以會一直被掠過,大家直接按確定,因為他的字很小,第二個是看起來沒有太大的誘因,因此希望一進來是現在要做的事是確認優惠身分,大家看到「優惠」就會稍微停一下,就會問說西元幾年後出生的,不要問未滿幾歲或者是已滿65歲之類的,是用幾個是非題的方式,先在前面篩選是不是有優惠身分,如果不是的話,才進到後面的購票。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "前面幾個簡單的是非題只能篩選年齡跟國人,所以到這邊售票的時候,希望可以變成承認幾張、18歲以下幾張,這個0元票要不要賣,其實在我們的組裡面有兩個不同的聲音,既然沒有0元票,為何要出票給你?但是又會有人覺得放在這裡其實有一種警告你說這個18歲以下是0元,你自己要注意這一件事。也有人覺得前面跟你講這麼多了,你還不注意,這個是你的問題,所以這邊大概會有這樣的取捨。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "0元票的部分,因為我們同仁分享0元票的部分,大部分是接近18歲的外國人會有問題,因為有時小孩就很明顯看出沒有18歲,接近18歲的外國人就很難驗證身分,必須要叫他拿一些身分驗證證明文件出來。其實國人有一個更大的範圍,學生也是免費的,學生很容易超過18歲還是學生,所以國人基本上都會用學生的方式來處理,如果他沒有辦法出示學生證的話,就會請他登校務系統驗證學生身分之類的。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這邊也是有其他組提到的,這邊會有需要回上一步的功能,通常按取消就從頭開始了,然後就會很氣。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這裡有講到一個是,有人需要票卷做紀年的這個狀態,其實這邊同仁跟我們分享的是,其實紙本票跟電子票卷,目前不能直接換的原因是兩套不同的金流系統,所以如果這兩套金流系統未來可以做結合,不管是出紙本票或者是電子票,背後都是同一個票務系統的話,如果要換票可能不是太大的問題,所以到時還是可以拿著QR code——用過也沒有關係——就可以換一張紙本票。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這邊有一個事前預約的語音導覽,就是在取票的時候是不是可以取得語音導覽,在前面的介面可以直接按幾組語音導覽。但是這邊有一個想法是不能直接在語音導覽上直接選語言,因為現在支援語言有15種,非常多,但是在介面上不是很好選,建議是取號碼牌到語音導覽的櫃台那邊,然後拿號碼牌給他,然後再拿導覽機給你。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "另外一種想法是,如果做得比較完整一點的話,甚至可以拿自己的手機當作導覽機,包含下載安天的APP,然後再下載QR code,可以獲得故宮語音導覽權限的一段時間。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這邊有一個優惠票種人別驗證的部分,如果在前面沒有辦法抓到刷身分證或者是護照的話,希望在進場的時候可以出示證件。這邊有講到的是,下一步的提示,我們會覺得付款成功,請持取票入場的畫面有一點單薄,像現在有五台購票機,你站在這裡,然後你的語音導覽會在這個地方,你的入場會在這個地方,這樣就比較知道接下來要去哪裡走。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "自動購票機大概是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "我們這一組討論的,有關於線上現場的部分跟線上的部分,我們分成這兩段來討論。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "現場的部分,我們如果是臨櫃的購票,我們臨櫃購票上,如果現在要加入150元外國人優惠的部分,我們有提到可能直接先分流,分流之後購票之後在入場有驗證,這樣篩選掉大部分的問題,然後我們再做其他的票種上的認證。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "如果是在我們的線上購票,線上購票的部分,我們就可能涉及到團體跟個人散客的問題,團體的部分其實我們已經做得相當好,我們跟導遊間請他們先作預約,就跟他說時段上大概已經有多少人,希望他們不要蜂擁而至在這個時段上過多的人流進場,因此我們會在預約的人員上告知,假設這個時段,好比9點到10點有1,000人入場,我們會說是不是可以更晚一些,讓人流分散,因此團體的部分是可以做疏散的動作,不要全部集中在那邊,大家都沒有辦法做事。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "第二,一般來講,我們平常的人流量,我們不會說特別擁擠,但是碰到尖峰時段或者是連續假期期間,才會碰到進場參觀的人員過多,因此在網路上,線上購票的系統上,有一個快速通關的動作,也就是希望藉由分時段入場的動作,讓我們的預約人能夠分段,按照上面的時間,分時間進場,我們就會解決相關的問題,這個是我們線上跟現場直接分開的第二個動作。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "我們在線上目前已經有票卷跟導覽機合賣的介面,客人也可以直接在線上預買我們的票卷,用QR code的方式掃碼入場,故宮都完成這樣的動作。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "專人導覽的部分,像志工訓練及人員排班的問題,我們的時間上有困難,大家都希望藉由老師的講解比較快速,但是畢竟是我們開放下一個月的時候,已經幾乎都是滿載的,因此也不可能另外再加場次,因此這一個部分我們需要還要再做討論,目前我們暫時讓他暫停,就是依照現在目前的狀況來做這樣的處理。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "至於多人的QR code的部分,我們這一組來討論,像一般的散客,線上購買一人一票,但是如果是一個家庭式的,有多人數的,我們建議用顏色的不同來分,像一張QR code是不同的顏色,像10張票,掃了以後我們在我們的掃描器上乘以10,讓這10個人一次進場,不要分開來,第一個我們難處理人數,第二個我們造成認證上的困難,只要是QR code不同顏色就可以快速進場、快速離開,可以在入口處,這個是分顏色處理多人數跟單人數的問題。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "我們國人認證,我認為直接在票務上做150元的買票入場是可行,但是我們把所有的人設算成你遵守法律的,你買了票之後攜帶證件,陪同我們的QR code一起進場,既然是買150元,就有這樣的問題,所以我們說多人的票,就是我們平常國人都是買150元,所以0元的部分,就是學生或者是未滿18歲,75歲是長者票,就是假日的票卷,因此這一些東西都是進入國人優惠票的介面,很多都會在裡面顯示出來,告訴你說國人4點30分之前是要進場買這個票,4點30分之後是免票入場的,買了票之後是不退票的,告訴他這個票卷是不能退票的,不然4點30分之後要求我退票是增加我臨櫃的困擾,這一段就不能執行。" }, { "speaker": "韋竹戎", "speech": "所以如果在150元涉入線上預約票選的部分,這個部分就做一個建議出來,就是比較大的機率,讓他們瞭解4點30分的問題,來減少臨櫃的動作,謝謝大家。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "不好意思,我講完後面。關於這邊剛剛講到購票的,其實我們在討論的過程中,才知道原來現在的線上購票是快速通關,我們覺得實在太可惜了,沒有跟大家講說這個是快速通關,因此是要說這個介面是要重新設計,要非常強調這個是快速通關,但是不知道如何強調這個介面,所以先留了一張白紙在上面,因此要強調這個是快速通關。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "既然是快速通關的話有一些限制,就有一些時間的問題,4點30分的問題,假設今天預約是3點至4點進場的人,其實4點之前還沒有進場,我們讓他還可以繼續使用這張票,對他已經是優待了,因此他這個時候還跟我們講說4點30分之後是免費的,這張票要退的話,我們覺得太不合理了,因此要講明不給他退票。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "這邊有講到一個重點,線上購票我們覺得應該要針對散客,如果是團客要走線上購票的話,我們要想辦法禁止這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "接著往後面的話,在付款的部分,我們覺得線上付款的方式,如果要用刷卡的話,其實要輸入的資訊有一點,所以如果可以的話,我們像Apple pay或者是Samsung pay之類的東西,行動支付如果街口跟LINE pay有問題的話,至少Taiwan pay是沒有問題的吧!" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "有人說(應該是故宮的同仁):" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "其實我們是有的,但是不多。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "所以是使用率偏低的,博物館的同仁說是可以接受轉帳,至於這個轉帳是不是可以做,當然是可以考量的,像要多開這個轉帳來接受付款的話,成本是不是會提高很多。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "再來,有關於取票的部分,線上取的時候,其實有提到一個,我拿到票之後,我除了票之外,沒有其他的資訊,相對的其他資訊都是文字敘述的,因此這邊希望可以提供地圖之類的東西,大概會長成這樣子,像警語完之後會有園區地圖、院內地圖,甚至會有你要入場時的一般入口或者是快速通關的地圖在哪裡。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "QR code手機版的問題,目前最後的QR code的頁面是小小一個在上面,我們是不太確定在手機上會怎麼樣呈現,但是在手機上可以呈現的像這樣子,就像一支手機有大大的QR code下面才是文字的話,使用上怎麼樣才比較方便。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "再來,如果買多人票入場的話,我們會希望在刷的畫面上時,一刷下去之後會直接顯示現在這張票背後代表幾個人頭、有幾個不同的身分,那一些人必須要到場的時候一次進場,所以我們會覺得像清凈高空的地方,可以分批入場的這個機制,其實我們討論了一輪之後,覺得應該可以不用做這個東西,它的實用性不是很高,因為一群人來,應該會一起進去,應該不太會分散進去。" }, { "speaker": "Mark", "speech": "如果你真的是帶團的,並不是散客的話,應該也不會希望你的團客是分批進去的,大家集合好之後再進去,我們希望在這個地方做到一群人到場之後再進去,大概是這樣子。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "感謝四組的分享,謝謝大家今天在禮拜一從一早9點30分開始參與我們的協作會議,我們從一早開始,大家分享不管是情境或者是需求上,進入到下午的實作,我們分成四組,大家可以聽得到這一些成果,可能有一些重複的地方,但是我看到也有很多集思廣益想到的,不管是人別驗證要如何解決,或者是國人的優惠票的部分,應該怎麼樣自動購票或者是線上購票做不同的處理方式。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "大家可能也許會好奇下一步到底是什麼,其實就很像我今天講的,今天是一個發散的過程,在一整個電子票務系統改造,我們都還在非常前期的部分。所以今天大家的意見都非常地寶貴,大家的集思廣益對我們來說都非常地重要,所以我們都會一一記錄下來,就很像今天早上有講到有逐字稿,也有留下這一些工具單,全部都有紀錄,接下來會跟故宮的同仁一個個考慮進來,看這一些東西是否參採。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "不管有或者是沒有參採,我們都會針對這一些意見來回覆,當然把我們的東西都準備好之後,再跟大家分享。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "早上也有提到不管這一個標案可能會開始,然後進行的過程中,我們希望還會有一個協作的測試,所以到時候不管邀請大家再繼續與會或者是給我們一些意見,我們都會非常地感激。" }, { "speaker": "張皓婷", "speech": "再次謝謝大家今天寶貴的時間,也謝謝大家來參與我們的協作會議,謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "政委,題目都看過嗎?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "都看過了。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "政委是不是直接回答。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我有一些問題想要問你。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實你這個問題有一個預設,就是本來組改想要達成的目標,但是我對組改沒有太大的瞭解,我在這邊才兩年多而已,你這邊提到哲學的觀點,就是組改好像已經先有一個未來的樣態,透過我們的行動,讓這個未來可以一點一滴在現在實現,所以本來那個組改在院本部而言,本來想要達到什麼,這個其實我完全不知道,所以這個可能是我要先請教你,我接下來的回答才比較對焦。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "因為我們院的組改目標跟行政院整體的組改目標是一樣,就是精簡、彈性、效能的三大目標,因為目前來講已經七年了,精簡也沒有達到,彈性也似乎沒有達成,效能也沒有提升,三大目標都是落空。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "從76年到現在,有關於探討組改的論文、學說、著作幾百篇,但是問題是沒有一篇從人性的哲學思想去切入,都是在結構面、法制面,叫做「組織流程職能改造」這一方面去探討。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "政委在推動的時候,第一個是你要改造新制的模式。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "主要是有新的文化。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "其實政委在推動這一塊,這個是整個組改最重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我為何會先這樣問,因為我也有上網看一下資料,但是我覺得不管是精簡也好、效能也好、彈性也好,似乎我們叫做比較像「工具價值」,比較像為了達成某個東西中間的價值,並不是最終價值。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我常常舉一個例子是,我們推開放政府,我們一直在倡導透明,但是透明並不是最終價值,它只是工具性價值。政府跟人民間彼此互信,這個才是最終的價值,所以如果我們做透明的方式,反而會導致雙方喪失信任,這個工具性價值就隨時應該要拋棄,或者隨時應該要調整。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是,我剛剛想問的是,當時在規劃組改的時候,因為我當時年紀比較小沒有參與,所以想問,不管是效率或者是精簡或者是彈性上,有沒有什麼不是工具性價值,而是這一種最終價值的東西,作為當時的目的?" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "因為一開始是俞國華院長,後來是連戰院長,俞國華院長走的是威權統治要蛻變到民主的時候,是一個部會一個部會在改,連戰當院長的時候是大規模在改,但是當連戰院長要推動的時候,只是組織結構的改變,但是蕭院長上來的時候引進企業型政府,這個時候以顧客為導向,從大有為政府變成小而美政府,從官僚型的體制轉換成服務型的體制。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我可以說「有更好的服務」,算是這一種最終的價值嗎?" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "沒有看到。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "那麼當時的原因是?" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "那個是仿效外國,就是美國柯林頓總統組改有成效,也就是仿照他,但是柯林頓改組也沒有很成功,現在看出來沒有很成功,現在換了總統,似乎沒有辦法應變,美國政府包含中央政府跟州政府,是沒有辦法應變那個突發狀況,因此美國的組改也不算成功。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "美國、英國、德國、日本、韓國,還有對岸的中國大陸,只有中國大陸有看到成效,中國大陸成效是因為以前是共產主義的威權,要邁向改革開放,也就是要解放思想,從鄧小平開始,基本上已經有吻合改變模式、自我超越,基本上已經有達到了。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "我從這個看到有興趣,這個學習型組織才是我們組織改造政府要推動的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我先快速綜整一下,就來處理你的問題。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你覺得組改的困難是,好像這一種剛剛講的這些精簡、彈性、效能的價值,好像是外於每一個公務員的,好像是從外面要求他們達到的,但實際上並沒有內化成為好像大家自己用可行的方法來達成這個最終價值,所以不管是在臺灣或是你剛剛舉的一些國外的例子,他沒有達到好像公務人員文化本身的轉變,好像只是放在不同的籃子裡面,可是雞蛋還是雞蛋,沒有變成小雞之類的,比較沒有孵化的新文化出來,這個我大概瞭解了。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "目前好像是中國大陸有新的文化,其他全世界各國都沒有。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "可是你會不會覺得,好像PRC最近幾年有倒退的感覺?好像中央集權,本來有些下放的,又有點收回來。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "習近平上來有倒退的趨勢,可是我們不是看人家壞的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是當年他們做好的部分,我們可以來學習?" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "對,看當初鄧小平如何實踐是檢驗真理的標準,去摸索累積經驗,主要是探討那一塊,現在PRC基本上在倒退。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一點要回到毛澤東時代的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "對,有點這個感覺。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個不是我們今天要探討的,我瞭解了。那就開始。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "第一題:您在還沒有進政府時是在民間企業,因為民間企業的改造跟政府機關的改造其實是大同小異,組織推動的改造是因為外在環境,好比各國組改是為了提升國家競爭力,或者是國內的政治情勢或者是環境變化脈絡的影響,組織自己內部本身的需求,認為需要組織改造,不知道您的看法?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我之前在一家新創企業,叫做Socialtext服務,它是幾個幾個人組成的,我們的目的在當時,就是透過資訊工具來幫助Fortune 500的大公司,進行內部的流程改造。我們不會叫「組織改造」,我們不去碰組織,我們只做工作流程。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們作為一個新創企業,其實內部的文化跟大公司是完全不一樣,但是我們觀察到這一些大公司為何想要進行流程改造?最大的原因反而不是好像快要被競爭者吃掉了,大部分的原因是,他們覺得他們本來有一套有效的文化,但這一種文化沒有辦法傳承,隨著比較年紀大的時代慢慢離開那個組織,這時累積在人身上,而不是累積在系統身上的東西慢慢會消失,新的人來的時候是照著前輩的方法做這一件事,但是不知道為何做這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "長此以往就變成儀式化,當有新狀況發生的時候,舊的這一些因應方式,因為當初設計的人已經不知道在哪裡了,那個文化沒有留下來,所以就會變成用機械性的方式來反映市場的情勢,這時領導的階層就會感覺到力不從心,有新的情勢來,也希望屬下來因應,但是屬下完全沒有辦法因應,大概是這個時候就會希望管理公司或找我們公司來介入。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們接的案子,大公司比較多,但是也有一些國營企業跟政府部門,但是人數都是在1,000人到1萬人以上的組織。我很同意如果民間企業沒有辦法因應新的轉變時,會想要尋求改造,但我自己的經驗都是在流程改造上,我比較沒有規劃過人事的改造過,所以這個是我自己經驗的侷限,我先講。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "另外,我覺得國際競爭,跟私部門的競爭還是有一些不一樣,因為私部門的競爭是表現在顧客不跟你續約,或是跑去競爭者那裡了等等,但是其實以國際的競爭者來講,你要真的說國民用腳投票,說真的,並不是一件很容易的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也就是說,當國家有一個服務真的沒有做好,你的替代服務是很難去找,我們的報稅體驗如果很糟糕,要找一個別的國家報稅嗎?這個門檻比較高一些。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我會覺得我們能夠跟在企業的經驗相比,可能只有領導階層沒有辦法好好瞭解發生的事情跟因應變局,像這一種指揮的無力感,這個是可以相比擬;但是底下是行銷部門,或者是客戶關係部門的運作,本質是不一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為公部門的運作邏輯是不一樣的,市民並不會因為一個市政府的服務很差,就輕易舉家搬到另外一個市。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "這個是領導階層?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對。這個是領導階層的危機感,這一點可能是相同,但是外在的話,我覺得差異滿大的。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "以你的瞭解,我們組織改造提出來,是因為歷史的因素或是臨時突發情況需要改變,或是政策不斷延續改變的過程?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "以我在院本部實際看到的狀況,像食安辦或者是資安辦,都是有重大的事件、或是重大的社會情勢,我們覺得好像如果沒有一組專責的人的話,好像難以交代的情況。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個難以交代的感覺,不是像領導者——像院長或者是總統——或是從立法院,也是從各個不同的部門,看起來都覺得你如果沒有掛這個牌子的組織,你難以向這麼重要的事情交待。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "同樣的事情,我們也看到前瞻基礎建設計畫的時候,本來是規劃五個不同的分群,然後又追加,追加的那個是社會上覺得比起治水、數位,這一些事可能更加重要,所以好像非加進「因應少子化友善育兒空間」、「食品安全」、「人才培育促進就業」不可。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我覺得有很多我自己看到的,是因應一個社會上新興的事務,不一定是全新的,但是因為某些社會事件,導致社會關注而必須回應,我自己在院裡看到有新編組或者有加新的人的時候,大部分用的理由是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "這個是組織改造成功或者是失敗的因素,主要的原因是什麼?是組織層級參與程度或者是對話的深度或者是基本性的問題?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我自己覺得是這樣:我們辦公室的組成方法,可能您也知道,是在我入閣時,跟當時的陳美伶秘書長提出,說因為有相當多部會的同仁想要借調到院本部跟我一起工作——可能是知道考績會自己打、準時下班之類的——但無論如何這樣來的要求越來越多,當時我們討論說好像不應該漫無節制去擴大政委辦公室的編制,所以當時有一個約定是,從每個部會只能來一個人,如果有第二個人要來的話,就是一進一出,這個部會隨時有一個人在這邊。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "像當時外交部還沒有人過來,後來發現外交部覺得他跟我們的工作其實有相關,就有派一位朋友過來,這一位朋友到一個程度回去當科長之後,再輪調另外一位,不會外交部同時來兩個人。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然我們也有觀察到一些趨勢,好比像面對人民的部會比較願意來,如果純粹不面對人民,或有一些機敏性質的,像國防部、陸委會,也不會派人到院本部。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "為何要從這個角度回答?因為我們在這邊是做一個實驗,而這個實驗是如果所有人都是自發的想要做一件事才要做,而不是用任何外在的方式,我的希望是,我們可以做出一些事,是不會犧牲掉任何部會的價值,而我們這邊唯一的要求是,任何部會的朋友來這邊提出一個想做事的時候,都必須讓所有其他部會在這邊的朋友知道。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為每個部會是反應不同的價值,不然就組改成同一個部會就好了,所以這個折衝就會是內在我們覺得提出案子的時候,就要自動進行折衝,不然爭取不到其他部會的支援,所以這個前提之下,等於大家慢慢都變成像你所說的學習型組織,大家都學會用不同部會的角度來看事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這是「橫向領導」或者是「僕人式領導」很重要的一點。因為即使我判斷很精確,但那也只是在我的價值體系裡面判斷很精確,如果到另外一個部會,而這個部會的核心價值跟我的核心價值有別,此時不管我的判斷力再好,也不表示我的判斷對他的判斷有意義。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "惟有當這些價值不太一致的朋友能夠圍在一起,願意想說「我們的立場不同,但是有哪些共同的價值」,例如像我們很常推的永續發展目標,也就是要下一代、下下一代到七代以後,比起現在更好,那這個大概是大家都可以同意的,我們再運用這樣的基礎去做事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "也不諱言,這樣的溝通成本很高,而且也常常討論到最後,原本提出的方案就決定不做了,這都有可能,但至少它有一個特點,不會因為外在的、好像被迫要接受一個跟你的價值不符合的價值,而去提案或者是去進行行動。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我剛剛回答你這個問題是,如果組改是有一個外在的價值,但是被改造的那一些,內心沒有辦法陳述這些外部價值,到底對他個人的價值如何集合起來?我覺得這樣子的組改,就需要讓這一些朋友們瞭解到,為什麼要用這種方式組織?現在的單位要怎麼做?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們在這邊,一開始就說其實我們唯一的價值是,我們希望跨部會可以互相協作。不一定完全信任彼此,但是至少理解到有共同的價值,這個是最主要的事情,我們是以這樣的心情在幫其他的編組跟辦公室。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "所以您的意思是,成員的參與、對話,然後建立共同的願景?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,你可以想像是好比教育部來的朋友,就是一個人,你可以想像如果教育部在這邊有50個人,其他各部會都只有1個人,大家基本上就是為教育部服務,任何人來都是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以多元性是很重要的。如果沒有這個多元性的話,很容易變成是哪一個價值看起來人最多,就會變成最有道理,但是實務上在施行的時候,碰到很多別的困難。這種情況,在我們這邊就比較不會發生。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "就您的經驗,一個成功的組織改造,它的型態應該是怎麼樣?以前公共行政學者賽蒙講過「完全理性」決策途徑,後來發現人不可能是完美的,蒐集的資訊也不可能是全方位,因此改變成「有限度理性的決策途徑」。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "就是「Bounded Rationality」。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "後來有一個妥協漸進的決策途徑,或者是我們因為缺乏上一題所說的參與對話及基本訓練,我們這個會不會變成形式改革?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你提到的順序,我覺得當然要從「參與對話達到基本信任」開始,也就是本來沒有很多信任,但是透過參與、對話慢慢達到信任。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是我覺得這裡還是要有一個很重要的觀念。傳統上在運用溝通行動理論框架時,常常會強調說你的參與是帶著你獨特的生命經驗與專業,好像拼圖一樣,你拿你的這一份拼進來,為大家共同找出一個更好的、達到溝通理性的解決方案等等。但是我覺得,那是比較機械化的、線性的一種運用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如同我剛剛特別強調的,英文叫做「suspension of disbelief」。像在看電影或是看小說,有一個情況下,你會暫時先放下成見,瞭解到這個世界可能跟你的不一樣,但是你為了要讓這個電影或是這個小說對你發生意義,因此願意把一些心理的不相信或是懷疑暫時放下,不是完全放下,不是看了愛麗絲夢遊仙境之後,就覺得那個才是真實世界,你必須要稍微放下一點點,才有可能用新的角度來看世界。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以,我覺得參與在這裡,不只是把自己事實性、可理解的部分納入,更重要的是把感受性的部分納入溝通行動,就是我願意先去感受那一些跟我感受不一樣的人,到底是怎麼感受同一件事情的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "簡單來說,我們對同樣一件事情,好比像拿最近的一些例子來講,像氣候變遷,現在大家都說要減碳,但是不同領域的人、不同部會的人,甚至不同年齡層的人,你如果去作調查,對於氣候變遷的感受是非常不一樣的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "即使是科學證據上,大家都支持的情況下,那個迫切感、覺得一定要從自己做起的感覺,可能某些人有很強的動力,也有些人覺得其實也還好。感受是沒有對錯的,除非我們可以先稍微放下自己的感受,先去感覺到原來對同一件事,別人也可以有不同的感受,這個參與才不會停留在很浮面的程度,這樣的對話才不會只是資訊交換的對話,而是可以變成放下心中一些成見、比較深度的對話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們說現在要循共同的價值,如果沒有放下心中的情緒或者是成見,這個共同價值其實是並沒有的,我們只有共同認知的事實,這個確實是可以達到,但是沒有辦法達到共同的價值,所以這個放下也是很重要的。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "政委剛剛的意思是,有一點符合20世紀初期德國哲學家胡塞爾,現象學裡面有提過,先存而不論,先把它抽出來,大家平衡內心的直覺去觀察事情的本質,然後再把我們的經驗恢復回來,各自用自己的角度切,如果大家知道這個事情的本質是什麼,針對這個事情的本質去探討,類似這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "胡塞爾當年還是比較個人的,是人跟自己經驗的對話。當然我剛剛講的,比較像伽達默爾,也就是哲學詮釋學的想法,我們可以無限逼近對方看事情的視域。雖然不可能完全達到,但對方的感覺後面必然有所本,除非可以融入他的視域,不然這個感覺後面的有所本,你是看不到的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我剛剛講了三個:先稍微放下自己的判斷,先願意瞭解對方有不同的感受;第二個是因為你融入對方的感受到一個程度,可以因為對方的感受,瞭解到新的生命經驗或是他為何有這樣的價值;第三個是你終於可以放下,看到也許一些我的成見已經過時了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個「放下」才是最重要的,因為你剛剛提到文化的轉型,好比說威權主義,那就是一套世界觀。世界觀其實都是自洽的,當你在裡面的時候,看起來總是非常有道理。除非你從內心放下,否則無論從外部舉多少的例子,好比當年有人覺得太陽才是中心、地球不是中心,你想要說服那一些覺得地球才是中心的人,那如果你只是一直舉出事實,他們就會一直加上一些理論上的一些修補,還是不會放棄他的價值觀。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此要讓一個人是地球是世界中心變成太陽才是太陽系的中心,你可能是需要他這一種放下內在的改變,而不是在外面一直舉出一些事實性的東西,或者是逼他去看一些望遠鏡的數據,按照科學式,這個都是沒有用的。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "因為政委在推動創新的學習型組織,我有上網去看,在各部會推動這個,像農委會或者是其他部會,國稅局做得還不錯,跟民眾的互動。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "對,衛福部也有一組人做這個。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "其他部會我覺得比較像政令宣導,對於民眾的反映,幾乎都不合理,你說你的、我做我的。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "這是回到之前政府那邊所講的,可能組織文化根本就沒有改變,雖然你有創新的組織,但組織的成員還是依循舊有的文化操作,所以這個組織改造幾乎等於是沒有成效的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "應該這樣講,我們在做的其實只是建立一套系統,這一套系統是所有部會的,像以前只有國發會管考處跟監察院看得到的那一些季報表、KPI、做了多少的研究案、下個月多少採購等等這一些都可以直接上網、進行討論。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "確實如你所說的,我們讓接近2,000個中長程計畫上網,民眾也有很多意見,但是我們沒有辦法控制機關要如何回應民眾的意見。也就是說,我們制定的是一套程序,這個過程不能瞞著大家不讓大家看到,或是有人參與的時候,不能有5,000人來但是你不回應。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是我們很難控制,就像你說的,他回應的時候到底是很真心從中有所學習,或是他根本就覺得這一些朋友的提案是沒有道理的,然後就回應一般部長信箱一樣的,把它逐點回應完就結束了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們目前觀察到的是,如果有面對面、透過協作會議的方法,先瞭解提案人為何提出具體建議後面的感受,及後面的具體事實,各部會比較容易回應到那個真正的點,因為像也有一些在那個平台上,你也許有看到一些提案,希望內政部把我們的時區改成跟日本一樣,就是GMT+9,你當然也知道內政部不可能改成GMT+9,可是如果一開始是說不可能或者是不予參採,就錯失了一個很重要的機會,就是為何有8,000多個人想要改我們的時區?透過我們的協作會議,我們就瞭解到,是想要PRC來的人要調手錶、讓臺灣在國際上的能見度更高之類的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "雖然連署人往往舉出很多不盡完備的理由,像對節能減碳或者是交易、勞基法的落實、對觀光有所幫助等等,但因為當各部會就事論事回應這一些事實性的提議,而有所對焦。我們可以看到,不但有一次性的成本,而且每一年都要花不少錢,而且最後只要人家說一句「一國兩制」,其實什麼效果都沒有了,我們真的很難達到國際能見度的目標。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "只有達到這樣的瞭解,我們才有可能導引這8,000多位想要改時區的朋友,想說同樣是花這麼多錢,能不能一起做出一些讓臺灣能見度更高的事?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很多人開始說,要多宣揚人權,像最近通過的婚姻平權,甚至是開放政府、永續發展的外交等等,這樣子就從剛剛講的這一種,好像有一點稍微懸置自己,先聽別人的感受、還要去體會別人或者怎麼樣,就會進入一個創造力的循環,才能「放下」一定要把時區改掉的成見。不但可以開始有創造力出現,內政部也會發現原來人家不是真的完全來鬧的,他們也有一些有價值的建議可以提出來,所以內政部後來在每一年的言論自由日或者是在這一些地方,就會特別著重這一些朋友在意的點,而不是去改時區。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我覺得每個部會如果接受到這些提案人的資訊不足時,一定是非常地防衛性,首先會認定這個解法是沒有道理的。但是我們如果停在這一層,而不去用協作的方式,我即使不認同你,還是願意聽你說話,合作是我們彼此關係已經很好,我們一起做一件事,協作是關係不怎麼好,說不定還是死對頭,但是我願意說暫時放下來一下,先聽一下到底有什麼要講的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果透過這樣的程序,我們的觀察是,大部分的部會在回應的時候,他即使不參採,也比較能夠把不參採的理由,說到讓這一些民眾能夠覺得好,但還是有一些可以貢獻的事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有一些時候也不是完全不參採,只是那個時程,因為大部分的民眾並不知道,政府制定中、長程計畫去爭取預算,這一些東西都是半年、一年,至少是以「季」為期。雖然政府並不是想到可以做、瞬間可以生效,但是透過這樣的過程,讓民眾知道我們也願意讓好比像塑膠吸管,當時環保署有一個連署,願意把它減掉,但如果沒有規劃替代方案,造成的困難會比造成減塑或是減碳還要更多,所以我們必須要循序漸進。這也是讓民眾瞭解到我們的價值跟民眾是相同的,但是我們有一些可行性上的顧慮,這一些講完之後,也許民眾就會覺得也可以幫環保署說話。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "或者像民眾認知錯誤,有一個連署是覺得感熱紙燒了不環保、會產生有毒物,但是討論完之後,發現如果你用感熱紙的話,反而不但沒有毒物,而且造成的環境傷害,其實比你用彩色紙去印當時傳單、或印一些優惠卷還要來得少。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "民間長期以來的誤解,透過這樣的對話得以解開,所以我不會覺得民主就是人民提的,政府一定都要接受、一定都要反映到人民滿意為止,我覺得「爭取客戶滿意度」在這裡並不是正確的事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "正確的事,是先問民眾想要達成這個的後面價值是什麼,讓大家看到公務人員跟民眾其實有相同的價值,然後不一定一開始的解法就是最後的解法,還是可以一起探索「我們如何」達成不同的可能性。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我不會認為哪一些部會一定永遠都是鐵板一塊,但是我也很承認有些部會傳統上面,不管開公聽會、說明會,跟人民溝通的方式,一向都會讓基層的承辦人覺得花時間,但不會增加決策品質,也就是蒐集到的雜訊會比蒐集到實際的資訊要來得多太多了。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我們現在致力做的,是運用一些新的元素,讓蒐集進來的雜訊可以過濾掉自己,或者自己可以純化自己,然後最後收到部長或次長層級時,看到的都是新資訊。有的時候成功、有的時候不成功,總之這個是我們在做的事。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "這樣聽起來,其實政府在推動這個,就是典型的學習型組織,就是我們的組織跟社群互動,然後學習成長,這個是典型的學習型組織。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是的。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "亨利·柏格森於1917年是諾貝爾文學獎的得主,他有提到「創造進化論」,用「創造進化論」來創造達爾文物競天擇的理論,他裡面提到因為達爾文的進化論,只有進化,但是進化的過程很慢,可能會有一些突發事件,像有創造,比如像你剛剛所說的食安辦成立,還有節能減碳辦公室這一種,還有資安處的成立,因為外在的突發事件,所以我們要創造這個組織出來,接著就讓他慢慢進化,有一點比較吻合亨利·柏格森的創造進化論的理論。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "他提到的重點是,我們要從心去感覺,不是從外在去感覺,像你剛剛有提到看電影一樣、看小說一樣,我們要投入這個電影裡面的角色,要投入那個角色才有感覺,也才會引起共鳴,政府有沒有認同這個亨利·柏格森理論?如果用這個來推動我們組織文化的改變?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "現在在演化生物學上,也沒有說一定是漸變的模式,大家都知道即使在生物學裡面,也有所謂的間斷平衡論、災變論之類的,大家都以為本來是慢慢長,但是也有可能是慧星撞地球、氣候變遷,會突發增長,會遇到一個新的平衡態,我們再慢慢進行進化。所以並不只是在哲學上,現在在自然科學上也有相當多這樣想法,這個先敘明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是我滿同意的是,剛剛其實講了兩個面向,一個是如何融入別人的感受,放下自己的成見,我們講的第二個面向是,如何有一些新的概念進來,用學習式的方式去找出一些新的可能性,讓每一個參與的人都能內化這一個可能性,這是另外一個方向。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但我覺得把這兩個連結在一起的,還是一個自省的能力,不管是作為公務員也好,或是作為其他服務的工作者也好,我覺得都要常常詢問:第一個我自己是誰,我在這個組織裡,我作為這個組織內跟組織外的橋梁,我正在做什麼工作?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一件事其實每一天都不一樣。我們討論組改,就是在挑戰以前每一個人被賦予一個特定的職位,好像這個特定職位的指揮鏈裡面,只需要做固定的角色工作。但是我其實看過很好的公務員、很有創造性的公務員,像葉寧常常舉他自己當例子,他說並不是因為在承辦或者是科長或者是什麼不同的職等,就很像要壓抑住自己的創造力,任何時候你覺得對這件事有一番見解,只要把這個見解有很明確的方式,讓你的同事知道,這個見解本身就有力量,不是這個職等本身給你力量。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要形成一番見解,就必須要不斷審視,以現在在這一個位置看到的資訊,在融入旁邊的人的感受,又有一些創造出口的時候,那自己在這個中間起到轉化的作用是什麼?這個作用跟內心轉化力量連結緊密的程度,我覺得是決定在組織改造的時候,這個個人能夠多大去內化這個組織改造的動能。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果一個人跟創造的動能是非常遠的,等於有多少指令來做多少的事情,也就是完全異化的狀態,即使我們放再多學習型組織的框架在這兩邊,其實個人在這中間,反而很可能更覺得無力。因為以前還有一個很明確的軌道可以走,但現在看起來什麼都可以做,但又沒有明確命令的時候,其實就有一段難以找到方向的情況。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我會覺得沒有辦法一蹴而及,但是我們儘量在小的、先不求傷身體,就是不會造成公務員額外的風險、盡量不造成公務員額外的工作負擔,而且也會適度有credit的情況下,讓大家做一個小的試驗,即使沒有實際造成改變,至少不會對你的陞遷有太壞的影響,也不會對你的工作讓你每一天都要加班到10點,也不會因為你的長官創造額外的風險。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實我看很多國外類似的改革,他們都是想要拿這三個,也就是工作的簡化、風險降低、有更好的成就感,好像彼此交換,比如工作多一點、換一些成就感,或者是多冒一點險可以減少一些工作量或怎麼樣。但是我覺得除非整個舉國上下,所有的公務員都能認定共同價值——可能只有戰爭的時候才有這樣的情況——不然這三個是沒有辦法彼此交換的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我們在做的大概都是柏拉圖改善,就是不犧牲任何兩個的情況下,稍微把另外一個做多一點,這是對你問題的具體回答。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "前面已經訪談10位長官,他們一直認為,我們確實最需要的是建立學習型組織,但是如何建立,大家莫衷一是。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "大家共同的觀點,是領導高層的決心,比較高階的長官是認為應該要由人事處來推動,但是我在人事處服務,我不覺得有那個能力推動,反而由外來引進外部的勢力,來推動這一種組織完全的改變,不知道政委您的看法?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "當然我們的人事結構比較特殊,因為有一個專門的權力,也就是考試院在決定滿大一部分的事情。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在我進來這邊之後,也發現其實研考架構,像國發、人總、銓敘,中間有很微妙的三角關係,好像很難在任何一長在沒有另外兩長同意的情況之下來推行大規模的改變,即使是請假從半天要改成一個小時,都要等快一年的時間,才能這三方面都覺得同意。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "至於具體的做法,像很多人在倡議考委在減少人數之類,因為我不是學這一方面的,因此我不知道到底會不會有效,但我覺得這三方面,像管考、實際日常的人總作業,還有銓敘在制定規則的這三個部分,我覺得還是要先達到一個比較快速的迭代,也就是我們會先挑試點,做某一個東西,他不會造成太大的影響,但是我們試出來之後,是有一點結晶化,我們發現這個做法不錯、而這個做法不錯,國發會也不會吝惜擴散到其他部會,甚至地方政府,這邊當然就會需要人總的一些函釋來說這樣做是可以的,又要銓敘或者是監察院那邊,不要來說這樣是錯的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "其實審計這邊也扮演一個很重要的角色,當我們引入外部資源的時候,其實很多時候會需要審計的方法,這個時候又需要監察院這邊的協助,所以這其實是跨了三院的事情。我想特別稱讚審計部的是,他們有一陣子用了「Join」平台,來做參與式審計,也就是以前他們看到一個新的做法,好比像本來的庇護工廠是補助特定的弱勢,但是台北市發明一個方法,是用0元租給這一些弱勢,但是讓他們自負盈虧的社會企業,前面是非常容易審計的,一個蘿蔔一個坑,KPI達成就達成,但後面是有一點像投資,也就是不知道最後會做得多好,那個彈性比較大,這個時候如果審計在以前的角色,很容易從行政的角度來看,好像是他來踩剎車,因為他沒看過,讓我們不能做這種改造。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "從民間的角度來看,好像是他來阻擋創新,這一些社會企業也會覺得好像審計部因為看不懂,明明他們講得很清楚,而且國外也有先例了,審計部說難以審計,所以就擋住了,因此兩面不討好,但是透過參與式審計,在網路上就去問所有的人,說對於這一件事的疑慮是什麼,我覺得剛剛講的民間對行政院對提出建議,因為提出建議的人還是比較少,但是願意提出疑慮的人是非常多的,所以當審計部去問大家有什麼疑慮的時候,大家就會提出幾百個疑慮來,審計部就會蒐集成九個爭點,那一個案子會找負責社會企業的政委,這個時候我就要負責,我就要說:「這九個爭點,就要說這幾個方式來加以解釋。」審計部就會變成兩面討好,會回去跟民眾說:「你看你的疑慮,我們集合了,唐鳳政委已經加以闡釋,所以如果有問題不是審計部的問題,我的問題。」也回去跟地方政府說來做,就用這九點來做新的審計原則;如果最後沒有做出來的話,那就願賭服輸,你們說你們創新比較好,但是實際上沒有比較好的話,並不是審計單位卡著你們。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以透過這一種公開、參與式的審計,審計部的正當性提高之外,這一種裡外不是人的狀況,得以緩解,等於透過群眾參與來重建正當性,而且讓有人,也就是我去吸收政策風險,所以像這樣的結構,我們應該要多推廣,就是隨著大家再有更多這一種公開、討論參與時,大家就比較不會覺得好像都會歸責於我。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得在公行裡面,有一個用詞,也就是「accountability」,長期在公行課本裡面被翻成「課責」,最近翻成「當責」,或者是「問責」,這三個是最常見的翻譯。可是因為在中文裡面,本來「責」是「責任」的意思,但是很多人會看成「責備」的意思。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此大家看到透過公開的參與式審計,達到accountibility,大家忽然會很怕,是要問責、要責備我的意思嗎?所以我現在就比較都不會把那個字翻成跟「責」有關係,現在就直接翻成「交代」,對內要嘗試這一種新方法的人,給一個評估跟交代,對外即對這一些提出疑慮的民眾也有一個交代,因此是雙面交代。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "在主動交代的過程中,我們就自然產生了責信,但你不用講「責」這個字。我覺得大家對於accountibility的誤解,大家覺得很像不敢主動參加,我覺得很大一部分是限制出人事、銓敘、審計、研考的這四個單位,好像有一點緊箍咒的這種感覺,因為大家一看到accountibility,都會覺得誰是不是要下台了、誰怎麼樣考績會被打丙等,但其實我們這套協作治理(COGOV)架構裡的accountibility,並沒有這個意思。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "剛剛政委有提到像審議式在推動,現在有一個問題是,如果法規沒有鬆綁,這一些彼此對彼此,政委是不是可以說我們的法規要進一步鬆綁?" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "因為我在翻閱其他先進寫的論文,因為現在的組織法當中有規定部會最多只能設6到8個業務單位,但我們院本部沒有被限制,因此可不可行以院本部當一個實驗,如果沒有這一些法規的限制,可能會做得更好。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得這當然是一個可能性。因為像我剛剛講的,每一個部會借調一個人的這一種事,在別的部會如果不容易做,那只能在院本部做,但是我覺得我們實驗出一些心得之後,如果不去擴散,那又會造成權力過度集中在行政院,所以這其實是很需要拿捏的平衡。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果不試一些新的方法在院本部,其實也看不太出來在別的地方有那麼大的實驗空間。但如果我們實驗太過火,那就會造成實驗的結果無法複製到其他部會或地方政府,尤其地方政府之前受到更多銓敘法規的限制,這個可能您比我清楚。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "目前還是。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是,我們好不容易鬆綁一小塊,也就是資訊人員,以前到一個職等之後,就非到中央部會不可,因為地方政府沒有放得下他的地方,這個就造成我剛剛最早講的,也就是老手的經驗沒有辦法傳承到新手,因為還沒有真的變成老手,就必須離開他的學習空間,就會造成地方的職能,隨時都在蒸籠還沒有蒸好,把蓋子打開、把最熱的拿走,這樣的狀態。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以我會覺得行政院院本部是很好的實驗場所,但是如果不把最後末端的,也就是這一些尤其是地方者的法規鬆綁掉,他們能夠運用我們實驗成果的程度就會很有限。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "可是歷史上由上往下推比較容易,由下往上推比較難,我們最高行政機關,也就是由政府來往下推比較容易。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "是的。所以像剛剛所說開放政府聯絡人,在每一個部會有一個橫向溝通的組織,台南市目前有使用,當然台南市有一些好處是因為他們之前有過比較開放政府的這一種做法,也就是當賴清德前院長也是市長的時候,曾旭正副主委當時是副市長,陳美伶主委當時是研考會主委,其實就有運行過這一類的橫向跨局處的溝通,所以他們現在在做的比較是明文化。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "把它明文化有一個好處,也就是其他的局處,就算本來跟當年的巡迴公民論壇沒有關係的,也可以因此藉此學習,因為很誠實來講,我們每一個政府的開放政府聯絡人,其實他案量不一樣,有一些勞逸不均的情況。有一些是因為他的文化,有連署到他的手上時,就不是很想出來討論。有一些是事實上就沒有人,很少有人會來提案希望蒙藏會要做什麼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是他有一個好處是,像故宮的開放政府聯絡人,在此之前是沒有人提連署案給故宮的,但是他還是可以透過當桌長旁聽、學習等等,可以想說這一套東西可以怎麼樣用在故宮,所以也許不是只是照抄行政院的制度,也許在故宮是透過青年諮詢委員會,多運用他的創意工坊的東西來造成他們自己內部的創新,這個時候就吸收一些風險,可以說是被行政院指派來當開放政府聯絡人,因此不得不賴引入一些實驗性的東西,這個有一個依據,我想對各部會都是非常重要的。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是,我覺得並不是可以很簡單來說,我們這邊做了實驗,實驗的結果可以往外傳,反而是可以做實驗,而不會被降級、黑名單的感覺,這個倒是比較容易外傳,比起任何實驗的結果,我覺得都容易擴散。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "像政委剛剛提到的地方政府,也就是還沒有蒸熟就要調到中央去,因為人才過度集中在中央,地方人才流失,很難推動政務。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "我剛剛聽政委所說,像法務部地檢署的檢察官,在威權時代最高是10職等,要再往上升,要調到高檢署,現在已經打破這個制度了,現在的檢察官只要任職久一點,也可以昇到14職等,不必要升到主任檢察官。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "我們是不是可以把這一套制度引進到其他的公部門?也就是打破官職等的限制?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "要完全廢除官職等,或許不是那麼容易,因為現在不但有職缺的作用,也有銓敘的作用,他有各種作用。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "但是確實這一些約定俗成的東西,像你一定到某個程度就要到中央,也許可以去逆轉。像國發會地方創生裡面,有一個逆轉的想法,也就是公務員可以回到家鄉,透過遠距工作的方法,甚至還是中央的公務員,可是他人可以在,當然一開始都是中興新村,因為人民需要活化,但是現在可以在全臺灣各地,像這個是把他實際的所在地、物理所在地,及他的指揮鏈脫鉤。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個其實是很powerful,像日本是內閣資深的事務官,要升到一定職等之前,要先參加地方創生,要跑去他比較熟悉的一些縣,用中央的視野來帶領他們,過兩年或者是三年再回到中央來,這個變成是晉升必要的條件。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的意思是,當然人才往中央流這個沒有辦法一下子廢止,但是我們可以創造一些對流的條件,其實像現在說臺灣人才外流,可能到了大學,研究所出去了,我一直覺得這並不是壞事。但是之後如果創業的時候,如果題目很適合臺灣,要帶一團人回來,以前的問題是創業的夥伴帶不回來,因為臺灣對外國人才限制非常重,但是最近兩年開始鬆綁,所以我們開始說有一團人回來。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果我們說人才不可以外流,那也可以設立各種東西、阻擋人外流,就變成一個閉關鎖國的國家。我認為重點反而是鼓勵對流,地方跟中央是一樣的,我覺得我們應該鼓勵中央回流到地方,但是並不是地方就讓他們不能到中央,這大概也不是很合理。" }, { "speaker": "莊國宗", "speech": "謝謝。" } ]
[ { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "很高興看到大家,我們準時開始。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "先請尚在列管的這一些協作會議事項,還是按照部會的時間,請序號9跟序號44,請法務部先簡報一下。" }, { "speaker": "柳嘉蕙", "speech": "羅柏PO臨時有事,所以請我代理。" }, { "speaker": "柳嘉蕙", "speech": "有關第9號的部分,表格裡是我們之前提供的後續推動規劃文字,我們希望最後可以解除列管。" }, { "speaker": "柳嘉蕙", "speech": "另外,第44號的部分,上次會議有提到關於好像是通報員保護的部分,要做一些更多的說明,這個部分我們也有提供。" }, { "speaker": "柳嘉蕙", "speech": "其中法務部已經研擬刑法第286條的修正草案,盡可能補足法律對於虐童行為人的處罰過輕,以及保護機制尚有不足的部分,但我們這邊發現事實上有關於通報人保護的業務,應該是屬於衛福部的權責,這個部分我們後面也有提供一些參考的法條,這些法條也顯示跟衛福部比較相關,因此這個部分希望衛福部協助幫忙。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為我基本上月會講的是,你的這一段文字能不能在「Join」平台上再次回覆給當初提案的這一些朋友們知道,如果可以的話,你實際上有回覆的話,我們這邊當然就可以解除列管。" }, { "speaker": "柳嘉蕙", "speech": "我們這邊先擬這一段文字,假如政委這邊確定可以的話,我們之後會針對這個文字回覆,在這個平台上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我的具體建議是可能要有一個期程會稍微好一點,但是那個期程不一定是要幾月幾日,可能是今年下半年或什麼之類的,還是要給大家說某一個時間點之後,什麼事都沒有發生的話,我們是不是可以再說一下的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "接下來請序號37的新一代健保卡規劃案,衛福部請。" }, { "speaker": "張鈺旋", "speech": "有關健保卡目前的規劃,在今年5月9日承蒙政委指導後,相關的採購招標規範有做一些修正,目前正在採購作業當中,我們期待自己希望能夠在今年7月底之前完成採購程序,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想我們這案,就列管到採購程序實際達成,可以回應之前有參加過的朋友們為止。請繼續。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "接下來請序號45,有關於BIM,請內政部。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "主席、各位先進大家好,內政部這邊報告,有關於BIM使用之後參採情形及辦理情形,有關於參採的部分,我們繼續會在相關的社宅或者是相關的都辦的公共建設這邊來使用。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "目前沒有比較具體的數據,可是這邊是有構想,到年底的時候,營建署要就這一次協作會議之前的數據跟到年底的數據,後續要做一個長時間的追蹤,我們案子裡面有討論到其實BIM有一部分的發展是要到完工之後物業管理的部分,這個部分先前在討論的時候,其實沒有那麼成熟,可是這樣看起來,可能後端的部分會採用比較多,因此我們會請營建署再關注這個部分。" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "比較近期的進展,可能是營建署建研所在做8月國際研討會的先期作業了,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這一案我後來看網路上討論案等等,就大家實際有面對面對焦的這一件事,反映大致滿不錯的,所以我覺得還不錯。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我覺得線上的回應,看起來已經足夠了,到這個程度可能先解管。這個是變成常規的計畫?" }, { "speaker": "王俊凱", "speech": "對,這個是要納入參考。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我們現在請工程會。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "工程會報告一下對提案的後續參採及後續推動情形。在成果參採的部分,經過PDIS平台討論,我們的共識是規模比較大,或者是程度比較複雜,這個工程採用BIM才有效益,也才能推動。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "在執行BIM的成果,像提案人所提簽證的部分,我們認為依法應由各科別的建築師、設計師來負責,我們會達成這樣的共識。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "參採的部分是,雖然全部都一定適用用BIM的人員來做BIM的工作,但是我們有解釋如果就個案的功能、效益或者是需求,經過採購法第26條評估過了之後,你可以透過評選的機制,選擇具有較佳BIM技術的廠商或是人員來執行這個工作,我們認為是可以的,這是參採的情形。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "至於後續推動的部分,我們大概是維持既有的步調,我們一樣是在蒐集跟調查BIM的案件,還有一些應用的技術資訊,我們也持續鼓勵機關跟廠商來執行BIM的技術,包括兩個具體的方向,我們從103年開始,公共工程金質獎的BIM列入評選項目,經過這四年來,採用BIM的案件,佔公共工程金質獎得獎的比例穩定上升當中,這已經有一個成效出來。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "像提案人單獨編列經費的這個部分,我們事實上持續在做,除了去年在公共建設經費估算編列手冊,我們已經明確講說BIM技術,如果認為這個案子當中,有需要運用的話,可以獨立在這個計畫當中單獨編列經費,這一定可以的。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "至於要編多少費率,事實上在今年開始研究、搜尋各個契約的案例,我們從案例裡面去蒐集這一些費率的組成跟比例,如果到了一個成熟、穩定且有共識的情況之下,我們會適時來加以公布,這是我們的後續規劃。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "以上是工程會成果參採情形及後續的推動規劃,在上個月即5月份,我們已經在「Join」平台上回應了。陳請人就這一個個案在陳請,我們也已經回覆了,不過他的陳請內容比較偏重於PDIS會議的執行狀況,他有一些意見,我們已經跟他答覆了。" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "所以綜合看起來,參採的部分也部分參採在做了,後續的規劃,我們也適度回應陳請人、提案人的一些訴求,包括經費的編列,至於費率的部分,我們也持續在做,這可能還要過一陣子,才能夠把這個data蒐集完整,做適時的公布,因此目前好像不需要再繼續列管這一個案子,因此我們建議解除列管這個案子,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "先問一下,修訂委託的專業服務案是執行到哪一個年份,是不是執行完之後一定會公布?或者是不一定,可能要再蒐集一年之內的?" }, { "speaker": "李文欽", "speech": "報告政委,我們這個案子是在上個月開始決標,執行的期間會跨到明年,所以才會算出來,這個數據我們也會請各個公會,像利害關係人一起來研議,如果大家認可這樣的資訊,我們才會公布。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因為重點是要有一個行情,如果沒有一個行情、我們只看到個案的話,每個人都會有不同的想法。所以如果大家對於費率有一個共識的話,這個是比較好的結果。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想「Join」平台並沒有說好比三個月之後不能回應,所以如果最後是有共識的,或者是最後在這個共識會議裡面,希望納入更多意見的話,其實還是可以回來這邊把當初有參與協作會議,或者是甚至所有來連署的人,再次讓他們知道這一件事。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這樣聽起來是一年之後會有回應,我們在這邊就不列管,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "接下來請序號46號,請農委會。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "接下來由農委會報告第一類及第二類漁港經過盤點後的開放情形,第一類的漁港本來是九個,原來開放兩個,也就是八斗子跟烏石漁港,這一次經過盤點以後又新增了六處,這六處只是三個港六處,像新竹漁港一處,東港鹽埔漁港一處,台南市安平漁港四處。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "經盤點以後不開放的漁港有高雄市的前鎮漁港、宜蘭的南方澳、基隆的正濱漁港、台中的梧棲漁港,這四個漁港因為是商港內的漁港,所以暫時是不開放的。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "在第二類漁港裡面,原來開放是十六處,這一次經過盤點以後,可能會開放九處,也就是高雄市的彌陀、興達、永新、蚵仔寮、中芸,還有金門縣的復國墩、新湖、羅厝,台南縣的將軍,所以加起來第二漁港開放了二十五處。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "目前還沒有完成盤點的縣市有新北市、苗栗縣、宜蘭縣、屏東縣、連江縣,這五個縣市我們會促使他們在6月底以前盤點完成,盤點的結果有四個縣市是不開放的,有台中市、彰化縣、新竹縣、嘉義縣,這樣統計下來是,在漁港的部分,總共可以開放三十三處,到目前為止不包括還沒有盤點的五個縣市,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我有看到你們上個禮拜在「Join」平台上回覆了?不過那個回覆是比較早的資訊。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "我們去更新。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "你回覆的時間是6月4日,但是你回覆的文字是希望能夠在5月底前做什麼,預定4月底前做什麼。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我瞭解你們簽核花了很久的時間,這一案全國矚目,但很難說我們在6月貼出我們預計5月跟4月各做什麼的回應,看起來並不是很通順,我想「Join」平台就算已經貼了,還是可以修改。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果把時序改成您今天報告的這一個時序,如果已經確定的,那也酌予更新上去,那我覺得不需要貼一篇新的,可以把舊的、明顯不太對的文字,先把它修掉,接下來8月底之後,有一個相關管理措施出來的時候,再把管理措施貼上去,我覺得這個就可以比較好的結案。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這因為大家都比較關注,所以我想還是等8月底管理措施出來之後再解管,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "現在要進入月會投票,請國發會對於議題先作一下說明。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "大家好,6月份協作議題,國發會這月建議計四則,有三則是民眾提案的「提點子」,有一則是法規草案預告,以下我大概說明一下這四則的來攏去脈。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "第一則民眾提案是「應課徵空污稅」,從2016年開始,相關的提案總共有九則,這次這則在短短十二天之內就已成案了,甚至包含昨天經濟日報,還有報導這一則提案財政部需要在兩個月之內具體回應。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "第二,「行政院應督促所屬針對—臺2線竹圍到紅樹林道路交通擁塞問題,提出具體對策,加速治本改善」,當初會建議這一則,主要是這一則到今天總共有4,242個附議,還有二十九天才截止,按照這情形看起來,應該是會成案。另外一個原因是,民眾在敘述這一個提案,說明從民國85年到現在已經二十三年,覺得問題一直沒有解決,所以把從八十五年到現在政府機關歷次處理說明,希望行政院能夠有比較具體的對策。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "第三,「要求農委會和內政部民政司合作,鄰里長應參與動保教育課程,做家戶普查推動家犬貓結育和浪犬貓造冊管理」,這個提案其實先前一些相關動保議題的延續,這提案會涉及到縣市政府來推動,到今天已經有3,656個附議,再11天截止。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "第四個,有關於法規草案的預告,衛福部「預告『農藥殘留容許量標準』第3條附表1、第6條附表5修正草案」,會建議這個主要是,台大郭華仁老師有在平臺討論區,臉書以及部分網路媒體,針對這一個草案預告的修正,有寫了滿多的論述,故引起了滿多民眾的互動討論。" }, { "speaker": "劉宗熹", "speech": "到上個禮拜,共有508則的討論,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "請問財政部有沒有要先做一些說明?" }, { "speaker": "蔡承奮", "speech": "主席、各位先進大家好,財政部賦稅署的PO第一次發言,本議題課徵空屋稅的部分,有關法規及實務面部分想先請本署江科長說明。" }, { "speaker": "江雅玲", "speech": "政委、各位先進大家好,財政部賦稅署發言,首先說明房屋稅是財產稅一部分,是以享受政府公共服務的受益原則為課稅基準,是以房屋現值按照實際使用情形採比例課徵,授權地方政府因地制宜,評定房屋現值及訂定徵收率,是地方政府的重要財源。" }, { "speaker": "江雅玲", "speech": "我們在103年的時候,為了落實居住正義,並適度提高非自住房屋的持有成本、抑制屯房,維護租稅公平,修正房屋稅條例第5條,把自住稅率維持在1.2%,非自住的住家用房屋稅率由1.2%到2%,提高為1.5%到3.6%,並授權各地方政府可以視所有權人持有戶數來訂定差別稅率,修正過後的非自住住家用房屋稅稅率為3.6%,是自住稅率的3倍。同條例第6條規定,各地方政府得視地方實際情形,在法定稅率內分別訂定徵收率,提經當地民意機關通過後報財政部備案。" }, { "speaker": "江雅玲", "speech": "目前各地方政府非自住住家用的房屋稅徵收率有17個縣市(其中包含6都中的新北市、高雄市及臺南市)都是按照最低的1.5%來訂定徵收率。訂定差別稅率有臺北市(2戶以下都是2.4%、3戶以上都是3.6%),宜蘭縣(2戶以下都是1.5%、3戶到7戶都是2%,8戶以上都是3.6%),連江縣(2戶以下都是1.6%、3戶以上都是2%)。另外,採單一稅率較高稅率有2個縣市,桃園縣2.4%,新竹縣1.6%。因此從這邊可以看得出來,各地方政府約77%的縣市,其實都是按照最低的稅率來訂定徵收率。另外像臺北市有針對起造人待銷售住家用的房屋(像一般所稱建商代售空屋),3年內沒有售出的可以按1.5%稅率課徵,因此目前在房屋稅條例架構之下,授權各縣市依照他們房屋的使用情形(包含空屋也是使用情形之一)因地制宜,按照政策及財政需求來規定其徵收率,以上說明。" }, { "speaker": "蔡承奮", "speech": "政委,此部分再補充說明,誠如同仁所報告的,其實以現行的法規來說,房屋稅條例的所定的稅率已經可以供地方政府採取差別稅率來運用了,事實上剛剛提到的,有很多縣市其實還沒有用到最高稅率,而多數是用基本的稅率。" }, { "speaker": "蔡承奮", "speech": "依目前來講,有關稅目的區分來講,我們有分國稅跟地稅,國稅是中央政府所可以掌控,地方稅是屬於地方政府的權限,地方政府是不是要提高自用住宅的房屋稅稅率,往往涉地方財政收入、地區經濟發展、稽徵實務及人力配置;當然更重要的是,地方政府也不排除地方民意的考量。" }, { "speaker": "蔡承奮", "speech": "就以最近的例子,上個月台南市政府財政局有提案要把非自用住宅的房屋稅稅率提高,但在議會中無法通過,所以有關課徵空屋稅的部分,我們建議不列為協作,當然民眾所提到的問題,我們會在「Join」平台裡面來作妥適的說明,以上補充。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "這個提議,確實是多方意見分歧、公眾參與熱烈,賴前院長也有在政見裡提出來。但是我覺得以目前在平台上看到的贊成、反對論點,還沒有非常聚焦,我剛剛有聽到你們實務上這一些考量,但拿這一些去回應,其實目前不是非常對焦的,我只是做這樣的觀察而已,並不是一定要怎麼樣。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "序號2,有關於台二線的部分,先請交通部。" }, { "speaker": "許鉦漳", "speech": "政委、各位先進大家早,交通部公路總局報告,有關於台2線竹圍到紅樹林的交通問題,我們有跟提案人聯繫,其主要的訴求是在北側平面道路興建的部分,因為淡北道路環保署審查的時候,環評小組是同意的,但是在大會上,因為要補充一些資料,所以目前還是在請新北市補充資料之中。" }, { "speaker": "許鉦漳", "speech": "這個部分主要的訴求是淡北道路的建設,我看相關贊成的論點裡面,大概都是贊成要支持淡水河北側道路的興建,大概是這樣的說法。至於台二線本身相關拓寬的部分,我們在89年時,曾經提出全線高架,但是當初也是因為環評審議不通過,因此不能去開發。" }, { "speaker": "許鉦漳", "speech": "後來在98年也提出要做相關的拓寬,那時的估計是88億,但最主要是用地的部分,跟拆遷量非常大,立法院也要求說不能去做相關的開發,如果以現在重新初估,大概140億左右才能完成這樣的拓寬,但是拆遷量有可能民眾是不會接受的,所以目前公路總局也支持台2線的拓寬是不能做,但是我們支持新北市趕快把淡水河北側道路趕快完成,如此對於台2線壅塞應該是可以解決,所以民眾的訴求應該是這一條路。" }, { "speaker": "許鉦漳", "speech": "有關於民眾其他的訴求是,有關於現在台二線部分,像一些左轉車道的開闢等問題,其實公路總局最近已經在做台二線相關管理策略的研究,對於目前民眾所提這三處的左轉也評估過,交通量左轉的量大概是在5%以下,有的是佔整個交通量1%左右,這部分我們在相關的管理策略當中,會做相關的道路斷面微調,因此整體上來說,台二線壅塞問題如果要解決,一個是本身微調的部分,像交通策略改善的部分,我們會做。另外一個是要靠淡水河北側平面道路,才能比較能夠解決這樣的問題,我大概做這樣的說明。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有關於環評程序的部分,請環保署。" }, { "speaker": "余家光", "speech": "政委、各位夥伴大家好,環保署PO報告,環保署以環評的角度來說明,本案不需要參加協作的理由。" }, { "speaker": "呂雅雯", "speech": "政委、與會各位先生、女士大家早安,接續剛剛交通部公路總局副局長的說明,民眾提案的主要訴求是要解決台2線的壅塞這個問題,剛剛公路總局副局長其實提了好幾個方案,其中跟環保署有關的部分,就是方才有提到淡水河北側道路興建案,因為這個案子現在還在環評審議階段。" }, { "speaker": "呂雅雯", "speech": "這一個環評案的開發單位是新北市政府,在之前幾次的專案小組已經有審查過,最近一次審查是在今年5月8日環評委員會的大會,大概進行了三個多小時的討論,有各方的意見、包括地方政府、民眾、委員的意見也都有充分表達,經過很仔細的討論之後,決議還要請開發單位新北市政府再補充修正一些資料,然後在今年7月31日以前送到環保署,我們會再安排環評大會來討論這個案子。" }, { "speaker": "呂雅雯", "speech": "就這個案子本身,跟環保署有關的是環評審議部分,如果開發單位在7月底送補正資料進來,我們會來安排審查,不論最後的決定是怎麼樣,環評審議完成其實就是告一個段落,因此可能不太適合作為協作會議的議題,以上。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "此案目前還沒有成案,對不對?按照這個速度,假設6月底或者6月下旬成案,離實際上送件環評,大概是一個月,對不對?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "程序上,你們說就可以剛剛回應先回應,但是實質上爭點最大的這一個,因為是兩個月回應,所以確實是可以先按照環評的程序,不管最後結果怎麼樣,有結果之後再來做實質回應,剛剛聽起來你的意思是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "意思是說,協作會議不可能影響環評的程序,所以假設要協作,也是等環評結束之後,再看有沒有什麼可以協作的部份,我聽起來的意思是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "有關於序號3,也就是貓狗寵物造冊的案子,先請農委會。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "農委會報告,其實現在在平台上,除了這個提案以外,還有另外三個跟動保有關的提案。" }, { "speaker": "陳抄美", "speech": "農委會作為動保的主政機關,看到這樣當然很緊張,所以我們其實已經規劃於6月17日要邀集動保團體及各地方政府來舉辦座談會,這幾個議題都會納入,希望在這一個座談會可以凝聚一個共識,如果在6月17日沒有共識或者是另外有什麼爭議的話,我們是不是建議這個提案協作會議在7月份比較適當,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我想實際舉辦的月份你們可以挑,但是確實如果併案來看的話,有點像上次動保稽查員,還沒有完全處理完的題目。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "上次有回應時,大家覺得好像還不錯,但是還沒有處理完的,現在又冒出來的感覺。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以聽起來農委會並不反對協作,而是要基於開座談會的材料來協作。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "還有一個是法規草案,有關於農藥殘留容許量標準。" }, { "speaker": "張馨文", "speech": "政委、各位PO大家好,本案是法律的預告案,並不是「提點子」的案子,這個案子是在4月的時候開始預告,在6月20日就會完成截止預告,本部食藥署已經有準備相關的回應,我們會做妥適地說明,建議先不要進行協作。" }, { "speaker": "林旭陽", "speech": "食藥署報告,有關於農藥殘留的部分,是在今年4月23日辦理的,這一次的修訂,包含34種農藥,有248項的標準。" }, { "speaker": "林旭陽", "speech": "這次在這個平台上,大家反對的原因有幾個,我們整理了一下:所有的反對意見,第一個是就書面文件過於草率,第二個是嘉磷塞的致癌風險,第三個是嘉磷塞進口的雜糧。" }, { "speaker": "林旭陽", "speech": "針對這一些反對意見主要的問題,我來作說明:第一個是,業者向衛福部申請農藥建議殘留標準規定的,衛福部有一個具體的作業方式,所以業者必須檢具審查資料,包含17項要件向衛福部提出申請。衛福部會依程序進行審查,評估國人最大的攝食風險,遠低於嘉磷塞的每一日容許量,每一日攝取也不會造成國人的健康危害,才會通過修訂,才會進行現在草案的預告。" }, { "speaker": "林旭陽", "speech": "另外,有關於反對的意見,像第2點致癌風險的部分,其實嘉磷塞,比如歐洲食品安全局,或是聯合國、世界衛生組織的農藥殘留專家聯繫會議,甚至美國國家環境保護局,還有國內的專家,就是行政院農委會的評估結果,都認為按照目前的科學證據使用的情況之下,在飲食的曝露之下,嘉磷塞對人類不具有危害,因此在美國的環保署,也將嘉磷塞列為非人體的致癌物。" }, { "speaker": "林旭陽", "speech": "基於另外一個很重要的原因是,像我國不太適合種植雜糧,像燕麥、大麥這一類的,所以我們必須要仰賴進口。我們還是要比照先進國家的做法,我國是WTO的會員國,我國可以受理出口國跟業者申請,建議進口農作物的容許量。" }, { "speaker": "林旭陽", "speech": "因為這個草案在當時預告時,於今年5月15日,立法委員也召開反對嘉磷塞農藥容許量的記者會,我們也在這個記者會上針對草案訂定的原因、修訂的內容、現行標準的差別,來進行逐一的說明,目前我們也彙整平台上508件草案的意見,在6月24日預告期結束後,會持續關注相關的報告,以作為草案繼續調整的參考依據。" }, { "speaker": "林旭陽", "speech": "考量多數的意見,還是基於反對製造商及農藥嘉磷塞的著眼點,而不是基於科學評估來取得的結果。也就是訂定食品中殘有農藥的容許量,除了食品科學跟基本的管理知識之外,還要有一些毒理學、風險分析的專業背景,才有利於大家溝通跟討論訂定過程的合理性。" }, { "speaker": "林旭陽", "speech": "因此本案經由衛福部審查程序、結果及討論,在大家不同的基礎情況之下,不易透過協作達成共識,因此建議此案不作為開放政府聯絡人協作會議的題目,以上報告。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "瞭解。我聽起來你的意思是,這個是需要多重專業的討論,如果以「Join」平台上的留言來講,可能只有一小部分的留言者,有相關的專業來進行討論,所以擔心如果讓所有的留言者,以及所有看到環境資訊中心、上下游新聞報導的人都來討論的話,會擔心沒有一個聚焦的討論?我聽起來的意思是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "不過,你們自己有要再召開這一類的評估會議嗎?因為我們之前也有一種模式,是以前把專家會議的形式,但是適度讓它的過程公開,有考慮過這一種做法嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林旭陽", "speech": "根據大家的意見,我們會考慮做調整的參考依據,調整的參考依據還是要按照原本的專家會議,而專家會議調整完之後,會做諮議會的審查,再進行預告的程序,也是要再來一次。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以意思是即使要協作,你們的講法是這並不會在13天之後生效,而是有另外一個60天的預告,我聽起來的意思是這樣。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "所以如果要進一步討論,是要以新的在60天預告的版本,是這個意思嗎?" }, { "speaker": "林旭陽", "speech": "經過專家的會議之後,還是要做一次預告,還是有60天的部分,因為不管是對國內或者是國外,這個至少是60天的預告,也就是要蒐集意見。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "因此重新預告的這一件事,我們儘量不要說「公告」,公告就是生效了;重新預告的這一件事,不管最後投出來的結果怎麼樣,會重新預告這一件事,在這一個討論時間,也就是13天之後,如果確定會討論、修正及重新預告的話,請儘快在「眾開講」上綜合回覆,只講這一句話就好,可以避免很多無謂的猜測。" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "我們進入投票的程序。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "麻煩大家投票,現在是38分,投票到40分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "「空污稅」連署案,是大部分覺得很值得用協作的方式來討論。農委會這部分未達 50% 票數,我想就是看你們實際看過那個座談會之後,如果覺得協作有需要的話,我們就直接排,如果你們開了座談會後發現都已經逐點回應了,這個就由你們自己決定。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "農藥殘留容許量的部分,重新預告就麻煩你們一到期就重新預告就好了,至於環評的部分,看實際的狀況,因為其實連署還沒有完成,國發會覺得連署完成、環評完成,還有爭點的話,也許下個月還可以重新提出,但這個月就不再做處理。這個月的規則就這樣子,謝謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "有沒有其他的動議?" }, { "speaker": "蔡玉琪", "speech": "政委辦有擬一個月會投票的規則,我們會在近期內將草案寄給大家看,會在下一次7月可以施行,可以稍候我的信件。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我先講一下脈絡好了,因為之前有一些約定俗成的做法,包含未達投票半數的議題自行決定是否召開,或者是同一個主辦機關在同一個月或者是連續兩個月之內,可以選擇僅得辦理一場協作會議等等,也有不少PO反映因為之前這一個並沒有明文,所以就會變成大家援引的時候,不知道援引什麼的情況。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "過去經常援引之前月會的某些討論或者是某些隻字片語等等,但其實這個運作,包含我們的協作會議的程序、協作會議須知、開放政府聯絡人等等,其實都已經有明文化了,所以等於我們月會提案跟投票原則,是唯一目前沒有明文化的部分。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "我們並沒有什麼顯著地改動,就把目前約定俗成的東西,在PDIS同仁們的協助之下,把它變成明文,並沒有實質上太大的改變。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "主要的一個是,像主辦單位自行提案的時候,不須經由票選來成為協作議題,除此之外都沒有實質上的更改,這也不是立刻生效,而是下一次月會再適用,在場都有非常多法規文字的專家,來協助我們表示約定俗成的意思。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果大家有看到文字上什麼缺漏或者是可以修改的,到下一次月會開始之前,都非常歡迎提供給玉琪,會儘量把大家可以操作、援引的版本變成開放政府聯絡人成文化規則的一部分,非常感謝玉琪的努力,這其實並不是那麼容易的事,非常感謝。" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "看大家有沒有其他的動議或者是要提出來的?" }, { "speaker": "唐鳳", "speech": "如果沒有的話,我們就準時結束,謝謝大家。" } ]