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So she is his wife. Let's take a deep breath and calm down. I then give the wife the meat wrapped in banana leaves. |
"Aa~, they're beautifully dismantled. This helps a lot. Some adventurers are rather sloppy." |
"Thank you" |
"It's 330 Dal for all three; there's no problem, right?" |
"Yes" |
"Speaking of which, it seems like snake subjugation has finally begun. The village chief is pretty difficult to move." |
"...It looks so." |
"Do you participate in the subjugation?" |
"….No" |
"Oh my, is that so?" |
"Yes" |
What should I do, and how should I handle a talkative woman? 3...I can't leave...it won't end. 10 minutes before I can leave the store? The talk was finally over when the store owner returned to the store. Or rather, the owner is the one that stopped the talk. It was good. |
I sigh in relief as I leave the store. In the last part, I needed clarification on what we were talking about, but I knew the date and time of the subjugation, so it was good. For now, let's just stay away from the butcher. |
If the snake subjugation begins, I'll consider going to the next village...That's not good. I just remembered that I needed to gather blue potions. The remaining potions are three...I want ten potions, but I want to secure at least six if that's impossible. If I consider Sora's food, it would be about fifty bottles? However, it's impossible. What should I do? Is blue potion the only one Sora could eat? For now, let's go to the dump. |
There are two blue potions in front of me, so there are five in total—not enough. I put the potions I found before taking Sora out of his exclusive bag. It's a measure so Sora won't be seen in public.5 . Take Sora out of the bag and place a portion of another color. |
"Won't you eat it?" |
He doesn't even glance at it. Like I thought, it's useless. Until a blue potion is abandoned, I'll stay in the village for a while. It's outside my plan, but I'll be worried if I don't have it...Anyone is fine, so I hope you can throw a lot of blue potions. |
A lot of potions from the practice stage were discarded. No way, with this, I don't have time to give them my thanks. The blue potions I'd picked were already discolored, but there were 37. All of this is for Sora's food. Sora's appetite is lacking, but there are no problems with two to three bottles a day; I have no choice but to give up on it.1 There are a few more days before we leave the village, so we can expect more. Now that the potions are secured, I can move towards the subsequent preparation, Ra,tom2. Alright. |
In the village, the snake's subjugation will begin this evening. Looking at the state of the village, it will take about 3 days with these large numbers of adventurers. Before leaving the village, I'll make a trap for wild rats. Wild rats will escape as the adventurers move around in the forest. If I set up a trap, I can secure many wild rats. This is the first time I have done this, I am still determining how it will go, but I will know if it's worth doing without trying. |
I then set the trap inside the forest. It's 30 in total. It's my first time making this many in one day. It may be a bit sloppy, but it's alright. Let's do our best to hunt wild rats. After setting up the last trap, I head to harvest some nuts. I don't know its name, but I found a sweet and delicious fruit. It's pleasantly sweet when you're tired.3 After I got 2 of them, I returned to where my bed was. |
With this, I'm ready for the journey. Since the potions have been secured, what else must I include? The rope that I used for the trap has run out. And next is….. I want clothes. Mine has become a bit smaller now. I want some bamboo tubes, too…. but bamboo doesn't grow around here. After checking the surrounding presence and confirming no problems, I removed Sora from the bag. Sora's body then trembles. |
"You can't do that~; that's food for the journey." |
I said as I looked at Sora, the waterdrop-shaped body that stretched out more than usual. When his usually waterdrop-shaped body is stretched…. Sora/s appearance seems weird...Could it be that he is expressing his discontent? Rather than that, how far can you stretch your body to the side? When I look at him, the body pushed to the side tremble. Overwhelmed by such a figure, I averted my eyes a little. I have never seen his body like that, but no means no!4 I won't be able to depart like this. |
I will look for the things I need at the dump. About Sora... I'll take him with me. There may be blue potions that I still need to find. I'll know by seeing Sora's reaction. |
After that, I managed to find several ropes. Unfortunately, there are no clothes here. Let's hope for the next dump. I looked at Sora. He lay down buried in garbage. I hurriedly picked him up and evacuated him into the bag. The dump seemed unsuitable for Sora. After getting the necessary stuff, I returned to my bed. |
Sora, who comes out of the bag, stretches his body in discontent. He entered my sight momentarily, but I ignored him and started preparing for the journey. Since all the ropes I found were cut short, I will connect them to a usable length. Since I found a piece of cloth, I checked the broken part and cut off only the part I could use. When the preparation was over, I turned my eyes to Sora….. he was sleeping...As I thought, Sora is at his own pace. |
I was able to catch nine wild rats. According to the adventurer, many snakes were rampaging; perhaps that is why the hiding wild rats moved in large numbers. Nine wild rats from thirty traps is much more than I expected. It's a happy miscalculation. |
And for some reason, there's a snake in one of the wild rat traps. The moment I saw it, I fled with haste, but I wanted to sell it and change it for money. So I went to the dump and found a torn but sturdy bag. The broken part can be sewn and repaired with a string. I then cover the trap with the bag and slowly push it in. The snake broke free from the trap when it was inside, so I hurriedly tied the bag's entrance with a string. The sounds of the snake moving around inside the bag frightened me. I used a basket before, so it made me feel a little safe….. let's sell it quickly! The wild rats can wait for later, and with a quick pace, I head to the village pharmacy. |
In the village, adventurers happily drink together and boast about the day before. They'll go hunting again this evening, so let's hurry up. I apologize for Sora, but he will likely spend another day in her bag. |
"Excuse me." |
"Nn? Oh, so it's you." |
"Is it okay for me to sell the snake again?" |
"It's okay. The snake that was killed was weak and could not be used. After the subjugation, the number of snakes decreased, and it was difficult to obtain a good one, so I wanted to obtain one." |
The bag then moved because the snake was rampaging inside. It was horrifying. I brought the bag slightly away from my body to the store owner. The store owner laughed a little, seeing my appearance. Even if you laugh at scary things, it will still be frightening; it can't be helped. |
"It's in good condition today as well." |
Looking into the bag, the store owner nods once. |
"You are really good at hunting." |
"Eh! That's not true." |
"Is that so? Snakes brought by other adventurers are often quite tattered. That would make a fine medicine.3 But what you brought is still lively and will become an excellent medicine. For me, it's a happy outcome." |
"Thank you" |
I'm glad it could be of use. |
"It's 2 Gidal" |
"Thank you" |
I left the store after receiving the money. My face became loose. It's a happy outcome. Is it only flattery?4 But I'm happy. |
With a light step, I head to where I collected the wild rats. Take Sora out of the bag and hand him today's portion of potions. It took a long time to dismantle all nine because of its number, but I could finish it before the sun went down. I heard subjugation will be this evening, so I should head back to the village soon. When I look at Sora…. he is sleeping; he really is at his own pace. I put Sora in the bag and then head to the village. |
As if swapping with me, the adventurers are entering the forest. Apparently, I was on time. After seeing the adventurer, I head to the butcher…..Is the store owner there? |
"Excuse me." |
I opened the door and peeked inside. |
"Oh! Is that you lad5, what's wrong?" |
It's the store owner, I'm glad! |
"I want to sell some wild rats. Is it okay?" |
"It's more like that'll help me a lot rather than it's okay nowadays; everyone but the lad only brings snakes." |
I then give the owner nine pieces of meat wrapped in banana leaves. |
"It's a great amount again. Iyaaa~ lad is really amazing." |
"Thank you" |
"The condition of the meat is also good! So it's 1080 Dal in total. Since the snakes' subjugations started, it's becoming hard for me to obtain meat, and that makes the price rise." |
"Yes. Well then, please." |
"I've been short of meat since the serpent began to increase. Both the selling price and the buying price kept rising. If the price of the dried meat goes up, the adventurers will complain immediately. I am grateful to the lad for bringing me meat, thank you." |
After receiving the money, I headed to the square open to adventurers. I just remembered that I had to buy dried meat for the journey. Could I become absentminded because of all the gratitude? But I'm happy. |
The subjugation seems to have ended in two days. I heard there were so many adventurers that the time it took to finish was short. After all, there were many snakes on the village's left. I saw a snake that had been defeated, but there were many snakes. |
Was the forest more dangerous than I thought? 1 . I have to be more vigilant. |
I go buy dried meat and then leave the village. The village roads should have been somewhat safer after the subjugation. Today, we'll head to the next village, Ratom. Somehow, many surprises are happening in Ratto village, like me meeting Sora and taming him and figuring out what he eats and how much he needs….. The price of the snake also surprises me. |
Oh, there were a lot of good things. Sora became my partner. I look at the trembling Sora in my arms. He is at his own pace, but still, he's cute. Words of gratitude from the butcher and the pharmacy store owner. That makes my cheeks lose every time I remember it. |
I'm happy! I'm Happy! |
Right now, remembering it makes me can't stop grinning. Composure is essential when on a journey, so I must calm myself. Take a deep breath and calm my heart. Alright, Let's head to Ratom. |
What is this? I can somehow smell something burnt. Is something burnt? |
I stop and look around. Sora in my hand is also trembling harder than usual. There is no sign of monsters or people, but I sometimes miss it if it's the presence of an adventurer. I walk while being cautious and checking my surroundings. Should I leave the village road? Walking down the village road, I see smoke rising in the distance. ...My body then became stiff, and I felt nervous; it was my first time in this situation. |
As I approached, little by little….. I realized that the thing raising the smoke was something like a box. Someone was lying in the shadow. I approached him with a quick step while being cautious and checking the surroundings. I didn't feel the presence of someone lurking. |
I turned my sight to the fallen person and held my mouth. He was already dead. I could see traces of his body being gouged by something and the traces of battle that remained in the surrounding area. The traces suggest the possibility of multiple people. I then put Sora, who was in my hand, inside my bag, as they might be bandits. There's a chance that they will target Sora, who is a rare monster. |
I feel bad for the dead person, but there's nothing that I can do. I leave him as it is, and while being cautious of my surroundings, I leave the place quickly. However, I can see a carriage a little farther. I stop and take a deep breath to calm down. After all, I can't feel the presence of anyone. |
When approaching the carriage, there were several corpses, all of which were severely damaged. There's a horse that falls a little away from the road, but I can see that it already died. |
Apparently, they were attacked by monsters instead of bandits. Bandits never kill horses, and the scars are not from swords. There may be ferocious demons around here. The people who died are too severely damaged. It's not the first time I see a person who is killed by a monster, but it's a bit shocking. It will be better to leave this place soon. |
I then left the carriage quickly. After a while, I noticed I was running, so I stopped and stopped my feet. When I run, my attention is disturbed, and I might overlook the presence of monsters. After taking several deep breaths, I finally calmed down. |
"Haah~... That's surprised me." |
I want to sit down, but this place could be better. With a quick step, I walked towards Ratom village while carefully checking the presence around me, and soon I heard something. While nervous, I listened to the sound, a human voice. Adventurer? Traveler? Merchant? While cautious of my surroundings, I approach the sound. |
"Ah, it's Ratom village." |
Hearing many voices means that I have arrived at the village. Feeling relief, strength leaves my body. First of all, I have to let them know that someone has died at the village's government office in Ratom. |
I look around when I enter Ratom village. It's more lively than other villages, and there are many adventurers. The village is getting bigger as I approach Otorwa town. Is it easier to develop the closer it is to town? |
The village office should be near the entrance, so I looked around the signboard. Looking in order, I found a signboard of the government office a little away. It might be doubtful coming from a minor who traveled alone, but I must tell them about the dead people. |
"Excuse me." |
Upon entering the office, there were four adventurers and a big sister[efn-note]. She said oneesan here. The sentence sounds weird here, but it sounds okay in the other sentence. If you have better suggestions, let me know in the comments[/efn_note]. Being gazed at by everyone is making me nervous. |
"Is something the matter?" |
The big sister kindly spoke to me, who could not move due to tension. I felt relief. |
"On the village road near Ratom village, some people were attacked by monsters and died …" |
"…..Eh!….. which village road?" |
"It's the village road that heads to Ratto village. But it's close to this village." |
"Umm, do you know how long it needs to go there?" |
"With my feet, I don't think it takes 30 minutes to go there." |
At the end of my answer, the big sister distorted her face and immediately rushed to the back room. |
"Huh? A monster comes out nearby? " |
"Yes, there is a possibility that the village might be attacked if we don't investigate it immediately." |
I can hear a thunderous voice coming from the back room. The adventurers are also looking at the back room. |
From there, a very tall man emerged. His body was scarred. When he approached me, he crouched down to meet my gaze and started speaking, his tone slightly reduced. |
"A~, I'm not doubting you, but is it really on the village road near here?" |
"Yes … I found it scary, so I ran, so scared that I didn't know the exact distance, but I immediately heard voices from the village." |
After staring at me, the man let out a big sigh and scratched his head. |
"A~ this, seriously….. a monster huh~" |
Subsets and Splits