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1 | I went with my family on the very first day at 10:30am. I read the other reviews and it seems like the proceeding days were worst than the day I went. From a distant the tent looks like Baymax laying on the floor. Haha. Surprisingly, parking on the dirt road was $10 (luckily we had cash on hand). \n\nWe tried to register our wrist bands which was a waste of time because the machines kept messing up due to the sunlight. As I scanned my band to participate in the activities, another person's information appeared instead of my own. Fail. \n\nThe most exciting part of the experience was the \"training\" area. Since we went the first day, the lines weren't as long and all of the machines were functioning. They didn't function very well (Iron Man and Hulk training activity), but they still worked. The laser maze and rock wall were the best training activities, but I felt like I could have done the rock wall at a real rock climbing gym. \n\nOur mortal bodies grew weak. We needed sustenance! And everything was overpriced (as expected) and tasted worst than Subway. \n\nThe second part of the training dealt with learning about several villains such as Red Skull and Madame Hydra. It was kind of... Dumb. We couldn't really hear the interactive screens that gave brief infos about each villains because of the loud music and chattering going on around us. \n\nAs we proceeded into the 3D dome area, we pretty much strained our necks as we had to look up the whole time while the show was projected onto the ceiling. This made me pretty dizzy and caused a headache. \n\nI'm getting tired of writing this review... \n4D was 'aight. Again, it was neck straining and not fantastic.\nGift shop was similar to those overpriced gift shops at Disneyland. \nSave your time and money. Don't go. \nThe End. |
1 | STAY AWAY! Save your money and get more Christmas presents for your family. I had purchased the 99.00 VIP pass. That pass basically got you 1) one time access anytime 2) free parking 3) access to front of the line 4) free t-shirt and poster 5) and access to the VIP lounge. Let's start by saying people must of read the reviews for this place because when my group went at 8pm last night one was here. So, basically I spent 99.00 on parking, a t-shirt, and poster. How did I like the Marvel experience? It sucked. Entering the training room was like going to a Chuck E cheese with 1/2 the games not working. Then you would self guide yourself to another room where you watched a short animated cartoon. The last room...the 4D a room set up theatre style where you sit and watch a cartoon and your seat shakes and you get an occasional gust of air blown on you. Now if you are 12 and under you would probably appreciate the Marvel Experience, but if you are a grown adult you would probably had wished you had spent your hard earned cash on a steak dinner with a bottle of wine for two. |
1 | Let me start by telling you what they got right - the story is good and relies on comic book lore that goes a little deeper than the cinematic universe. There is one moment near the end that genuinely brought a smile to my face which I won't ruin for you, and the staff seemed like they genuinely wanted to help. However, none of that can make up for the complete disorganization and technical malfunction we experienced.\n\nI was part of the 10:00am Saturday group that others have written about. First, we spent 45 minutes trying to register our wristbands on malfunctioning kiosks, which was made especially painful by the fact that the wristbands didn't seem to work at all and that the registration served no purpose.\n\nWe moved through the first two domes in a long line but without any specific problems. When we got into the first experience dome, what others have referred to as the arcade dome, we began to see clearly that the experience was not ready for the public. We were told that the Iron Man flight simulator didn't work, only to see people using about an hour later with a long line. We waited 30 minutes to get into the laser shooting gallery, only to have it malfunction when we went inside, where they left us standing in the dark for 15 minutes before unceremoniously being told to leave. The only functioning exhibit we were able to experience was the reconstructing the adaptoid, which was ok but not anywhere near the entertainment we expected for the price of admission. By the time we left this room we we were already frustrated.\n\nWe then moved onto the vestibule for the next exhibit, where we waited for another 30 minutes for the next dome, where we were told 110 people were 'stuck'. When we finally moved inside, they passed out 3D glasses and we were told we would begin our training. Moments later, they told us to take off the glasses because the 3D wasn't working anyway. The 2D animated movie was ok, and might have been awesome in 3D but who knows. Most of the people I was with ceased being able to follow the story at this point anyway.\n\nThe next chamber in between training and the climax was good, and actually the best part of our experience, which I won't ruin for anyone. If the rest of the exhibit had worked as well I wouldn't be complaining.\n\nMost insulting was the '4D' ride at the end. They took our malfunctioning wrist bands before we entered, and throughout the presentation it became clear that we would have been participating if we had them. There were no '4D' effects beyond what you could get in a flight simulator at Dave and Busters. The movie was not in 3D.\n\nThe store at the end looked like it had some nice, unique merchandise, but we were so irritated and angry we just rushed through it and left, not interested in spending even one more dollar.\n\nI spent $215 dollars on 4 adult and 2 child's tickets and $10 for parking for an experience that left me sad, dissapointed, and angry. I had high hopes for this. I have since learned that some people have been offered refunds or passes to return when they have things working, but no one has reached out to us despite our attempts to contact them. The uneven reimbursement just adds insult to injury.\n\nUPDATE: I was contacted and offered a refund, which Ticketmaster processed right away, so kudos to the Marvel Experience and Hero Ventures for doing the right thing. |
1 | Work out your glitches before you open. This is for kids. Arcade games are juvenile and not challenging. Unorganized. Long lines. The 3D movie crashed two minutes in AFTER they took back our glasses cause the 3D wasn't working. The motion ride was carnival quality at best. OVERPRICED!!! For what you get. Two hours of my life never get back. Not to mention the silly revolving doors between tents where the person behind me shoved the door into my heel. Like the other commenters, I was so angry by the time I got to the end. no way was I paying a ridicules price for our pictures. Save your blood pressure and money. Look elsewhere for fun. |
1 | Not worth the time, much less the price of admission. The VIP package doesn't add anything of value.\nIt's a colorful game of waiting in line, dodging small children. The \"training simulations\" aren't calibrated, so you can't play them without encountering more glitches than hits, making the 40 minute wait that much more bitter in hindsight. \nThe registration was broken, so we didn't get several of the features of the expensive package or any of the personalization that is supposed to be a feature of the whole Experience itself.\nThe opening scene had to be restarted several times because the audio and video didn't sync up.\nThe room transitions were poorly managed, with a bored looking person in a SHIELD t-shirt letting the music play a few loops before pressing the button to open the doors, making for a really engaging and immersive time, imagining you're in training for an actual government contract job, waiting for the instructor who is running behind due to a pile of paperwork and red tape.\n\nDon't waste your time, money, or sanity. |
1 | The Marvel Experience was REALLY an experience. It was the worst experience that you could imagine!. The lines were long, long, long. After we waited in line to get in (only so many are allowed in at a time--makes sense to me) BUT and I mean BUT, there is NO time limit once you get in. Hence, there are too many people in the Training area. We waited 45 minutes in line to get into one of the Training games. (game lasted 3 or 4 minutes) This \"experience\" is being marketed as an Adult experience, but in reality it is for kids and at least 50% of the people there today at 11:30am were kids between the ages of 6 and 8. There were too many other things that were wrong, but that would take up too much of my time. If I could give a rating less than a One, I would. Save your money, give it to charity, do anything else with it, but.......... Do not go !!!!! |
1 | UTTER WASTE OF TIME and MONEY !\n\n$130 for family of four with parking and $4 for a bottle of water for.... waiting in line to get in to a tent where you AGAIN wait for in line to play second rate kinect games. Then you move on to the next tent where you AGAIN WAIT and WAIT to watch some trite Sunday morning cartoons.\n\nThe worst part of this is the way this is set up. THERE IS NO WAY TO LEAVE - you have to go through this gauntlet of boredom and tackiness to exit. I seriously thought about using the emergency doors, no joke here. We couldn't wait for this NIGHTMARE to end. We couldn't get the hell out of there fast enough. \n\nWhoever came up with this, started with this question. How can I separate bunch of fools from their money while putting least amount of effort? I disagree with previous reviewers in that the poor experience was due to technical difficulties. The poor experience is due to fundamentally flawed design at every level. Almost everything there from plot of the story, cartoon design, organization, the attractions inside the tent, the 4D ride seems to be an afterthought. Something thrown together hastily and on the cheap. There were few set pieces that look nice... but that's not even worth the trip.\n\nWhat they excelled at was how to extract your cash. Starting with the overpriced tickets, parking, photo opportunities, way overpriced cafe and the classic exit through the gift shop. Now If your cash wasn't enough they also have you input personal information under guise of obtaining your \"agent\" ID cards. Sadly you never get a physical ID and in retrospect this was just a way to gather your personal information be resold for even bigger profit. It's just SICKENING. \n\nShame on Marvel. I actually enjoyed most of of their movies. Now every time I see Iron Man or Captain America I seriously cringe. I am definitely will not be seeing any more of the upcoming Marvel movies in the theatre or purchase any merchandise. It's a shame because Jon Favreau take on Iron Man really turned be on to the genre. On the opposite side of the spectrum we have projects such as Marvel experience - which completely turn me off from the Marvel franchise. |
1 | After sending an email via the Marvel Experience site, I received an email expressing apologies and offering return tickets or a refund. \n\nIMO, the groups that experienced the severe tech difficulties, should have been approached by management before we left the \"experience\". That probably would have saved a lot of the negative reviews.\n\nFor the apologies and return/refund tickets, they get an additional star. |
1 | Overall spent $300 for an experience that was hyped up to be the best experience. At least that's wasn't what was shown on the advertisement my nephew saw. That is the only reason we all wanted to go as a family.\n\nWhat did we really get? RFID bracelet that didn't work. Why make us spend multiple time registering. In the end, the games showed me up as some 8 yr old white kids. \n\nThe Hulk game and Iron man game were not even sync or calibrated. Whats the point of waiting in line to training and no be able to do anything except crash into the mountain or not even move the hulk. You should invest in a XBOX. At least they know how to get those game working\n\nThe only good game was the laser black widow game. Too bad you only had 1 of them and it also had the longest line. What were you thinking?\n\nThe 3D? Really? First of all, it didnt work or wasn't 3D to begin with. Then we had to keep looking at the done. Why not just tell us to lay down on the floor? It would have been better than have to keep our neck in that uncomfortable position.\n\nThe 4D? Great, still no 3D but now our seat gets some movement. I guess it wasn't bad but from the look of the movie, i suspect our faces should have appeared on the screen to be part of the movie BUT since the RFID didn't work, we had some random people I didn't know. I don't think a single person on the screen was in my party.\n\nIf you wanted us to test out the ride for people in the later day, I understand. But you really shouldn't be charging for that since you didn't get your act together! It should have been free or a greatly reduced price; not the same price as every one else. \n\nOh also you should have mention the $10 parking on the website. Not all of us carry cash. Lucky we had enough change in the car to cover this. Even the sign directing us to the parking lot didn't mention $10 until we got to the gate. Stupid poor planning! |
1 | They should name the name from the Marvel Experience to the Awful Experience. How can a company that makes such good movies associate with this rip off? My kids were frightened. I really need to look into this and see if anyone who runs this company has experience at this. I heard Magic Johnson was involved? |
1 | The Marvel Experience has a lot of potential. The idea of playing the role of a recruit for SHIELD, training, and helping to defeat Hydra is awesome. However, the execution of this event was so disappointing that words can't even express it.\n\nIf you go, DO NOT buy VIP\nWe bought 2 regular VIP tickets for $100 and one Level 9 ticket for $180. The only difference between the regular VIP and Level 9 VIP was a small cheap spiderman action figure. THAT IS IT. Supposedly you get a custom figure from the gift shop, but none of the employees knew what it was so we didn't get it. The \"VIP Lounge\" which we all had access to was a small crappy tent with 2 small couches, and the VIP food consisted of small cups of fruit, vegetables, and popcorn. Not what we expected for the price. The VIP bathroom they advertise is only next to the VIP lounge tent, so with the exception of the first 10 minutes you are there, you will be using the regular bathrooms with everyone else. \n\nNothing seems to work, not even the employees\nMost of the employees didn't seem to know what was going on. It took us almost an hour to even get access. Some employees were in character, calling you a recruit and acting as if it was all real, but most of them were apathetic and disinterested, and our VIP concierge was even texting on her phone. The wristbands you get at the beginning are supposed to be programmed with your information so that when you are in training, you scores can be recorded. BUT the machines that you use to register your information were broken when we were there, so our characters were just \"First Name Last Name\". The training modules used Kinect to detect your movements, and often did not register when you were doing something. When I played the Iron Man game, it did not once register any of my movements. When I complained to one of the employees, she said it just doesn't read some people. Umm..Okay? Not what I wanted to hear after waiting in line for 30 minutes to play this game.\n\nIt just goes from bad to worse\nAfter you complete your training, you go to a dome-shaped tent to receive your mission. It is projected on the ceiling of the tent, and you are told to sit on the dirty carpeted floor to watch it. If this sucked for me, I'm sure this sucked for the older people there who brought their grandchildren. The transitions between each experience thereafter are unnecessarily long and you will find that you spend a large portion of your time just standing and waiting. Keep in mind, this is after the 2.5 hours you spent in the training room, waiting for 30 minutes at a time in line for each activity. When you do finally get to the final chamber where you, one of the recruits, are needed to save the day, you are asked to lift your arm band to save the day, only to realize they took your armband. You will then go to the giftshop where you see more employees in this one room than you saw in the entire event, and they follow you as you walk around the giftshop to make sure you aren't stealing anything. Stealing from them? I feel like they stole from me! I want my $380 back!\n\nThe moral of the story\nBe a real superhero. Save your money, save your time, save your sanity. Don't go. |
1 | So all of the things I posted about and feared...came true! Big surprise! So where can I get our refund? We had to pay 10$ MORE to get NEW tickets so we'd be secured a spot. Thank god we did because the lines for those who were told to come at \"any time\" were atrocious. Poor kids waiting in the sun...EXACTLY what I feared. The ride was not in 3D and was short. A lot of props were very cheap and plastic they looked super fake. Legacy Effects should have been hired to do the props. It was laughable actually. A lot of things were not working and it was supposed to be geared towards adults....uhm, no...this was definitely for little kids. Even the marvel section at Universal (before being bought by Disney) was a way better experience. As someone with a low income, this was incredibly expensive and disappointing. The wrist bands tracked us for what purpose? They took them away before the MAIN RIDE?! So now you have all of my information and for what? Leave the production to Disney, Legacy or Stan Winston for a GOOD experience. Very poorly executed. Oh and we found some of the busts and frames they were selling for 75% cheaper at HOBBY LOBBY the DAY of the event! LOL. Give me a refund. Total bait and switch. |
1 | I really wish I could have my money back. And I'm kind of embarrassed that this was a gift activity too. I'm writing this review actually, as I stand in a Disney-length of line to partake in a simple and probably overrated video game activity. Pretty sure the website hyped this up much more than needed. The \"times of entry\" that you purchase tickets for, are overcrowded, for one... And for the first 45 mins you are here, nothing is happening.\n\nThere is a ratio of 5:1 kids to adults. The age of these kids!? 3-6 years old. The rules and FAQs do specifically state that this experience is for older kids and adults. And sure enough... A kid is crying next to me while the mother yells at the poor staff member because her kid is too small and unable to activate the video sensors. \n\nFor the price of $30 per person, and then paying $10 for parking... You too can enjoy crowded rooms full of snot nose kids, screaming parents, long lines to pathetic \"experiences\" and a marvel themed caf\u00e9!!! \n\n... A kid just threw himself on the floor in crying hysterics next to me |
1 | Interactive video games that don't work well and some surround screen video that wasn't well done. Not worth the time and definitely not the price |
1 | Not worth the time, much less the price of admission. The VIP package doesn't add anything of value.\nIt's a colorful game of waiting in line, dodging small children. The \"training simulations\" aren't calibrated, so you can't play them without encountering more glitches than hits, making the 40 minute wait that much more bitter in hindsight. \nThe registration was broken, so we didn't get several of the features of the expensive package or any of the personalization that is supposed to be a feature of the whole Experience itself.\nThe opening scene had to be restarted several times because the audio and video didn't sync up.\nThe room transitions were poorly managed, with a bored looking person in a SHIELD t-shirt letting the music play a few loops before pressing the button to open the doors, making for a really engaging and immersive time, imagining you're in training for an actual government contract job, waiting for the instructor who is running behind due to a pile of paperwork and red tape.\n\nDon't waste your time, money, or sanity.\n\nEdit:\nCalled ticketmaster several times and eventually they authorized a refund.\nCan't increase the rating in good conscience as I still don't think the show is worthwhile or well put together. Maybe with its next incarnation it can become something I'd enjoy and recommend. |
1 | i will spend the rest of my life trying to build a time machine so i can go back to decmber 23 2014 and convince myself not to go to marvel experiance!!! worst experiance of my life, yes that is rite, worst of my life for sure. it was worse than that time uncle jimmy was inappropriatly touching my leg, it was worse that crapping myself in the third grade and trying to hide it from my classmates. the closest thing i can think would accuratly describe how this turd of a event made me feel would be getting 3 duis in one day and contracting aids the next day. do not go! i want a refund but the idiots that work there were to busy making sure i was \" excited \" so i couldnt get a refund, i would have rather killed myself than stay another minute to argue with someone about getting my 100.00 dollars back. oh and the website will tell you about all this tecnology they have yet the phone in your pocket is more advanced than anything you will see at marvel experiance |
1 | I never complain but this was awful. I felt sorry for the girl putting on the bracelets. She was having a hard time. The kiosks were down so couldn't even activate them. Then we go wait in a line. They let 120 in at a time. So after 20 mins or so waiting there we got in. Look it's Iron Man's mask. Why does it look like a plastic toy? All of the \"movie props\" looked like cheap plastic. I went to the little marvel area at Disney and everything looked real. Here it looked cheap. Then came the lines. I waited in the wall crawl line with the kids while my wife waited in the 3D shoot em up line. We were able to do both after over an hour. So we had been in line for about 1 1/2 hours overall and got to do two things that took a couple mins each. Maybe 5 mins at the shoot em up. The kids were bored so we went to the next area. We got to see a video on one dome and the \"4D\" motion ride. Those were decent but not worth the $120 we paid for tickets. When I asked the kids what was the best part, it was eating at YC's afterwards. As a fan boy I am totally disappointed by this. If I could give it negative stars I would. |
1 | Long lines. Only 2 of the training room events worked. I waited 5 hours in line, and only got at most an hour of \"experience\" out of it. The staff was extremely friendly, but did not keep any order in the areas. VIP cut off everyone for everything at anytime. No separate line. No real explanation. Nothing. I came into this super excited and left with $40 for a terrible event. Plus $10 extra for parking in a dirt lot next to the event. Do not waste your money on this. |
1 | Not worth the money at all. Long lines. Disorganized. I could play these \"games\" at home for a fraction of the cost. Obvious cash grab and a waste of time. \"The Money Extortion\" |
1 | I was disappointed when our check in time was for 11:30am and we didn't even get in until almost 12:30pm. Then not only did we wait an hour to get in, there is long lines everywhere. We waited at least an hour to do a 5-6 minute 3D game and then the lines were too long to do the other training so we just went on to the 3D movie and then that pushed us right into the 4D movie. So we were there from 11:30am - 2:30pm and did 3 (5-10 minutes each) things. Very disappointed. A small churro was $5 so even to feed my kids a small snack would have been $25. Very interesting idea and we would have enjoyed it more but my kids actually had more fun at Peter Piper Pizza after the Marvel Experience. That's all they have talked about was playing games. Never mentioned the Marvel Experience once to their friends. \nThey were not prepared for such a large number of people. I figured having a check in time would help eliminate the crowd but it was a waste of our time. |
1 | I am only giving this one star because it is not possible to give it zero. I was so very excited to bring my son to this. We had been eagerly anticipating this event.....I don't even have words to express how disappointed I am. I genuinely feel robbed. Robbed of my hard earned money. Robbed of my precious valuable time. And robbed of my sanity as I stood in Dinseyland long lines to play overrated arcade games the DIDN'T work. I believe the website and \"Blogs\" are guilty of false advertising. I wouldn't waste my time if this event was free. I hope I can find a way to get my money back. I would also like to note that I have never written a review before in my life. I decided to sign up with a Yelp account in hopes to save someone else from the major disappointment I just experienced. |
1 | DO. NOT. WASTE. YOUR. MONEY.\n\nI know what you're thinking: How bad could this be? No way Marvel would endorse something that isn't 100% awesome. This must be a guy who went on the first day when they had glitches, it has to have gotten so much better since then. \n\nDon't do it. Marvel really duped us on this one. There are two decent activities to participate in (a shooting game and a maze) but both require a full hour wait and last only a few minutes at best. The rest of the area has very little interactivity. I went several days after the opening night and everything was working, nothing was out of service. Despite that, my kids (7 and 9) were bored the entire night. \n\nThe 3D/4D graphic shows were cool, but they were very brief and not at all worth the $150 we paid for a family of 5. I'd love to have time travel as a super power so I could go back and tell myself not to waste the money or the time. Hopefully, you don't make the same mistake. |
1 | OMG do not, I repeat DO NOT waste your money!\nIt was literally a walk thru museum.... Couple 5 min 3D simulations but nothing more than the vibrating chair at bed bath and beyond. |
1 | Yelp limits you to 5001 CHARACTERS in your reviews--which simply is not enough for things like \"experiences.\" That said I have posted a full review here on our blog at for all to see complete with pictures if you would like more details about my comments below\n\nDisclaimer:\nIt should be noted that I refrained from reading any reviews or watching any news stories about this event prior to our visit so I kept my own expectations as high as they should have been for the cost of the tickets. Also, while some may say it is not fair to compare something like this to \"Disneyland\", I disagree. Disney as the parent company who has \"theme park\" entertainment down to a science would never settle for the poorly executed design and management of this experience to exist. No reason to re-invent the wheel- pool resources from the Disney parks gurus and fix the kinks. Several of the activities inside the experience are actual activities AT Disneyland (in the Innoventions attraction in Tomorrowland) so there should be zero \"kinks\" with those, yet there are.\n\nCost: For our family of 4 (2 adults 2 teens) we paid $145 for the Marvel Experience plus an additional $10 for parking and shelled out another $20 for a souvenir photo. So at $175 we are not talking about chump change.\n\nTime: We had tickets for Sunday December 28th at 3pm- the web said the experience would last 90-120 minutes. We were there for 3.5 hours ( i.e. 210 minutes) from 2:45pm until 6:15pm. Approximately 60 minutes of that was actual \"experience\" everything else was standing in line.\n\nWould we do it again?:\nnot likely- at least not at the cost that it was. Again it was nearly $30 per person\n\nPros: It's Marvel so if you like Marvel you will be able to find something to like about it.\n\nCons: 1-interestingly enough kids 6 and under were FREE- which blows my mind because there sure were a TON of them and they take up a TON of time on the activities that those of us that PAID to be there are now having to wait for. Due to the structure of the activities I believe every person who enters should be a paying ticket holder that would make it fair. 2- parking was an additional $10 (if you ever go to anything at Talking Stick you KNOW you have to pay for parking, this just always sucks- but at $10 per event they need to PAVE that lot- the dirt is getting old) 3- poor crowd management (read full review for details) 4- low value high cost (see full review for details of what $30 per person gets you) |
2 | I went with a group of friends and we had a lot of fun. I enjoyed all the things I could do, especially the laser maze, the 3-d shooting and the motion-effects theatre. I would compare this more to an interactive museum experience rather than a disneyland-esque experience, so just go with that frame of mind when going. |
1 | I know what The Marvel Experience feels like whenever I've gone and seen a Marvel movie. Fun, excitement, laughter. All joyous emotions. I felt none of that during this experience. This was just flat out horrible on many levels. \n\nI avoided the dreaded $10 parking fee that others encountered. When I went with a buddy of mine Sunday night it was pretty dead. Guess the bad word of mouth had made it thru by then. \n\nThe staff was just so blah. No excitement or enthusiasm of any kind. But I will say that it was at night so maybe they are just tired from repeating the same stuff over and over.\n\nThe \"interactive\" stuff isn't much. It felt very cheap and that they were thinking. Let's just slap the name Marvel on it and people will love it. The Spider-man wall climb was just a regular rock climbing wall that moved. Would it have killed them to make a rock climbing wall that looked like the side of a high rise building? Or something like a magnet or velcro suit that let's u stick to walls? Dome 1 mostly consisted of monitors that had the origins of the characters which were all covered many times before in Marvel movies and cartoons. And the noise level of the dome drowned out the sound of the televisions, so you couldn't hear anything anyways. The \"museum\" was a joke. I was thinking it was a hall of Marvel history with props from some of the actual movies. All the props looked like plastic toys you could get a any toy store. Most of the games didn't work right. The holo simulator was ok, but it felt cheap. As far as computer animation has come along the graphics for the heroes in dome 1 was very lackluster. \n\nThe Quinjet that was advertised so much as a life size one that you wouldn't believe it was all one piece. Was just pretty much a wing. There was no cockpit or seats or anything like that. Just more monitors telling you about the origins of the villains.\n\nThey took away our initial bracelets when we reached Dome 2 and I for one have no idea why they gave them to us to begin with. Cause they told us when we first walked in that those bracelets they gave us didn't work. It just made no sense at all. The 3d movie was cool but it ends right when it starts getting good with no conclusion and the staff ushers you right into the next room. The 4d ride was fun for what it was. But again without those bracelets working the part where they want you to interact falls flat. \n\nThe gift shop was full of overpriced items and not many things to choose from. It consisted of a certain amount of items just spaced out in different parts of the gift shop. \n\nAll in all for $37 its a major ripoff. I would feel like a straight idiot if I paid for the VIP package. The games are the same type of games you would find in a Peter Piper. You would think they would have people dressed up in character costumes walking around the place for photo ops. And it basically focus on The Avengers. If its a true Marvel experience where were all the hundreds of characters that they have in their library?\n \nIf your a 5 year old kid. This place is a blast. I got excited when I first pulled up to the place and I saw those huge domes all glowing and the music blaring. But if your a true Marvel fan thinking your going to go into the mecca of the world of Marvel universe. You'll come out very very VERY disappointed. |
1 | Waited 1.45 hour for a 5 min shooting game and another hour to spend 1 min. walking through laser beams. Two of the attractions were broken and the wristband to track your points and keep the groups moving through were also broken. |
1 | Huge disappointment. Gave it so many chances and excuses for it not to suck. But I'm the end it just flat out sucked. Not worth the 30 dollars if you're over the age of 12. I will stick to the Marvel comics/movies. We also noticed(while standing in an hour line for something that didn't work) was the interactive animations were full of lag and looked as someone set up a Xbox 360 kinect to use. |
1 | Not much else to say that others haven't. 13 YO kid as well as 2 adults; all were bored. Don't compare lines to Disney because there at least there is a pay-off at the end. We waited almost an hour for a shooting gallery we could play on XBox. UGH. Why is the 4D experience not in 3D??? |
1 | Do not waste your money or time.\n\nThe wait times were 30-45 minutes for each event, the technology was old, and nothing seemed to work. I was given a wrist band for no reason. The motion seats were nice, but the 10 minute 4D experience movie should have been in 3D. |
1 | Got the VIP packages and that was now way worth the additional 100 plus for this experience. If your lucky once inside you can find a staff member with a red hat who is supposed to be your concierge to get to the head of the line. Well that only works on entry and one interactive exhibit. You stand in line for everything else. The VIP tent is tiny with $7 drinks and your VIP T shirt. NOT even close to being worth it. You do however save the $10 parking fee, whoohoo , it's a dust bowl dirt lot. Overall the group running it mentioned several things were not right, like the screen printed poster not being available (part of VIP), the 3D not working on something's , and the RFID wrist band, what's with that? It didn't do anything. Overall the $25 ticket might be okay, but not the VIP. |
1 | I agree with others that this would have been more entertaining and fun if I were younger. \n\nI knew there would be many children, so I went in with that expectation. In reality, the adults and teenagers were much harder to deal with. Two forty-something year old women stood in line behind my boyfriend and me and they shouted as if they were at a concert. They would not shut up about every little thing they observed and kept butting into other people's conversations. Long story short...these kinds of events attract idiots and people of all walks of life. So brace yourself for an airport-like experience.\n\nThe entire event was rather boring and full of long lines. It focused on the Avengers characters; but for political correctness, they threw in the Black Panther and the \"strong woman type\" She-Hulk. \n\nNone of the registration kiosks were open. So it seems they never fixed their IT issues. The technology is a bit dated, and to be honest a lot of the interactive games were of same quality as DisneyQuest in Chicago (closed since 2001). Seeing the Cox logo on a screen was in bad taste. I'm surprised I didn't see more sponsorship logos around. \n\nIt's not worth the drive, headache, or money to go. I would rather drive to Universal Studios Florida from AZ and stand in their lines for some decent thrill rides than this load of crap. |
1 | As you can see from the reviews, The Marvel Experience sucked. \n\nWhat are you going to do about it?\n\nThis whole fiasco was put on by a group called Hero Ventures entrusted by Disney with the Marvel brand and they are taking a big steaming dump all over it. Disney, as caretaker of the Marvel brand, has dropped the ball. As a lifelong Marvel fan, I'm pretty pissed.\n\nIf you feel the same way, let Disney know: |
1 | The Marvel Experience, more like I took your money and there is nothing you can do. Do not go, 4-D will never happen. You will never be immersed in the 3-D and 4-D. \n\nThe Marvel website promised a lot, LOL. If you go do not expect a lot. Don't expect anything except long lines. |
1 | I was looking forward to this event in Scottsdale as it was one of the few times my fiance and I could get away from work to do something together. Unfortunately the day was far from pleasant. It began by not going in at our scheduled time, but over an hour later. We tried to relax with soda and water as the sun beat down on us, only to find the concession stand had only room temperature drinks! We were also unable to register our wrist bands which made the experience not quite as immersive during the \"training\" as I felt like I saw just \"First Player\". There were long lines for each activity and game, and the staff didn't seem to care much about it instead goofing with their phones, ignoring my questions, and talking with other employees about non work related activities. And the games and activities did not work or respond well at all. We finally gave up to go in to more hurry up and wait lines to see the 3D dome. the sound was so muffled we couldn't understand half the dialogue. Then came more hurry up and wait while we waited for the ride. The ride itself wasn't bad though and unfortunately the only thing that went well. Even the gift shop area seemed poorly managed by employees that were more interested in talking to girls that were obviously much younger than them and \"checking them out.\"\n\nI felt as if I wasted my ticket money and spent it for overpriced warm drinks, poor staffing, and standing in line for 4 hours of my day. So glad I didn't opt for VIP |
1 | Don't. Just don't. Every horrible thing people have said on here is 100% true. I read reviews before going but kept thinking that it couldn't really be that bad. Trust me, it is. I'm not technologically advanced as far as 3D and 4D so I was sure that those things would interest me and seem cool. Wrong. It was sooooo bad. Let me lay out my complaints for you, one by one.\n\n1)We went on 12/30 at 11:30 am. It was hot in the main dome. Uncomfortably so. This is AZ people. Even in the winter, the sun shines. Have adequate a/c and ventilation ready.\n\n2)The lines. For heaven's sake, the lines. I've stood in shorter lines at Disneyland. Not too mention after you stand in each line the game lasts no more than a minute. So I just stood there for 45 minutes to be entertained for 60 seconds.\n\n3)Broken stuff. The registration booths were broken but they still gave you these stupid bracelets to wear. They did absolutely nothing. Nothing. Try to explain that to a 5 year old who wanted to scan his bracelet at every game or exhibit we went to. Also that day one of Spiderman's climbing \"walls\" (these were a freaking joke) were down as was some of the Ironman games.\n\n4)The expense. I took my 5 year old so he was free. Which was good because if he wasn't I would have been asking for my money back. Everything inside was overpriced, just like the ticket itself. They had a souvenir popcorn bucket for $10. You'd think for that price it would be something cool, printed with characters and stuff on it. No. It was a white bucket that said The Marvel Experience in black. That's it. \n\n6)The 3D/4D portion. Both the movie and ride were ridiculous. For the movie you had to stand in this dome and crane your neck up to watch it on the ceiling. You weren't allowed to sit and watch this. No, that would make too much sense. Same for the ride except you were sitting in a vibrating chair for that one. It was still uncomfortably high on the ceiling. And you can only ride the ride once. This should be said with a huge disclaimer before you buy the tickets. Sure, it was kind of lame but if I had been able to ride it more than once it might have lessened the blow. \n\nOverall my 5 year old loved it. I can't imagine anyone over the age of 5 loving it though. He thought the ride was cool. It's just too bad we could only ride it once. If it came back next year I definitely wouldn't take him unless the prices the went down and everything else went up. |
1 | Just wanted to write a review to chip in with what the others said. I would not recommend going. If you have little kids (under 8 maybe), they might like it but unless you have a lot of money to waste it probably wouldn't be worth finding out. A lot of the attractions are not very accurate. There's one where you strike a pose and you summon a superhero based on your pose. 8 out of 10 people would change their pose and summon the same superhero. Also, there's nowhere to sit. You wait in line after line and nowhere to sit. By the end, we were excited for the sitting ride. That actually was a cool part; really, the only cool part. Yeah, just thinking about it now depresses me a bit. I would gladly have the memories erased from my brain if I could have the money back. |
1 | Ripoff is the only to accurately describe my experience. To further explain the price was too high for what you got in return which was overcrowding to the point inhibiting participation. The experience could all be had on wii and a local gym. |
1 | I was ready to be a SHIELD recruit. But recruits are relegated to being INACTION figures standing in long lines forever for 2 lame rides. 4D just means you're entering a Dollar-Deducting Disappointment Dome. Run for your lives! Keep your $34/person in your wallet. Parking is an extra $10. The most fun we had was laughing while reading bad-funny Yelp reviews about The Marvel Experience during the endless wait for Nothing Much. Thank God our tickets were comped. Kill me now.\n\nTo be totally fair, I should add that the people working this event in Scottsdale were beyond nice and pleasant. We're talking Disney level niceness. The staff was great. |
1 | Save time and money with the Marvel Home Experience... here's how in 7 easy steps!\n\n1. Stand in a corner for an hour.\n\n2. Setup your favorite light gun game... I like Duck Hunt. Stand approximately 20 feet away from the light gun for an 1 hour.\n\n3. Play the light gun game for 5 minutes.\n\n4. Walk around your house for 30 minutes trying to decide on a thing that you don't want to wait for the next hour to do. \n\n5. strap a lcd monitor to your ceiling, and put in an animated Marvel movie. Anyone will do it doesn't really matter. Watch that movie for 10 minutes or until your neck gets too sore to continue... whichever comes first.\n\n6. Sit in a chair and continue to watch that movie while rocking back and forth. Spray some compressed air in your face 4 - 5 times. \n\n7. Go online to and look at overpriced crap. Don't buy anything.\n\nThere you have it. All the fun of the Marvel Experience in your own home. \n\nSeriously, all the bad reviews on Yelp are fairly accurate. Really long lines, lackluster events, promised experiences that are often broken. All leading to the ridiculously overpriced gift shop. I regret every minute I spent there today. Hopefully the people in the next town this traveling circus goes to next read Yelp before buying tickets. |
1 | What a freakin scam!!!! I have not been this let down in awhile. Ok so the web site promoted this amazing 3 and 4 dimensional experience, and I went to see the state of simulation technology. \n\nI should have known it wasn't going to be good when Robert Downey Jr. was not Tony Stark in the intro cartoon while you waited in line to be let in. It only got worse from there.\n\nIt begins in the \"main dome\" which I expected to be an interactive dream... What I got was a bunch of displays of plastic that didn't do anything, a line to play a shooter game that would be better on the wii, which then proceeded to a five minute dome movie that was a cartoon, and a three minute simulation ride, where the seat moved, again with a cartoon. And that was it... no amazing interaction with the marvel characters, no four dimensional holograms that brought you into the action, no 360 degree movie experience to make you feel like you were there... In short, Disney made \"circle vision\" in the 60's and it was WAY BETTER than anything I saw in my 2 hours in this cheap scam to sell marvel apparel.\n\nIf you had a kid, who was 6, MAYBE they would enjoy it... MAYBE.\n\nDo not waste your money... Go go karting instead, there is a place right around the corner... |
1 | I jumped on to write a review, and sadly looks like I'll just be echoing a lot of bad reviews. \n\nDespite my poor review, My 5 year old had a great time. We got there right at opening, and had purchased a VIP ticket. DO NOT buy the VIP ticket. It did not do anything for us once inside. It only lets you get in to a shorter line once or twice. We waited in plenty of lines. \n\nVIP lounge had great staff, but was not worth the time. Lounge food was mostly communal bowls of chips, and pretzel mix etc, during flu season. I was a bit grossed out. Not even a complimenatry soft drink available. Just water. You could buy soda and beer at ball game prices.\n\nPositives: The Staff was incredible. Really great people wanting to help you have a good time, many in character, with great attitudes. I bet they heard a lot of complaints which is unfortunate as we liked every person we met. \n\nThe technology worked for us throughout the event, and was very cool. Bracelets were waste of time. They should eliminate this aspect.\n\nIt's the lines that ruin the event. As everyone has been repeating, the 30 minutes to an hour in line for a just ok activity is a massive let down. \n\nI would give this event a thumbs down, and the VIP Pass a double thumbs down.\n\nIf they reduce the number of folks, it may improve the event. |
1 | Let me add to the other reviews that mention the endless lines, malfunctioning exhibits, poorly trained staff, ridiculous refreshment prices, unadvertised parking fees and no warning that purses and strollers are not allowed inside. We were there on the infamous first Saturday, however, and I understand that there may be early glitches, and other excuses for Marvel to have robbed us of $100+. \n\nHere's another reason they suck: my husband was injured in one of the only experiences that was functional that day. I will fully admit that it was his fault, thinking he could be more flexible than his frame allows. The security and EMT staff were very kind and prompt. The husband ended up in the ER, but fortunately his injuries were not too serious. However, what appalls me is that they did not follow up with a phone call to either me or my husband when several staff members emphatically said they would, in order to make sure he was ok. I guess they were just relieved that we have insurance and are not litigious. |
1 | We had photos taken at The Marvel Experience, but the paper stating the website where the photos are located got lost. We have tried contacting corporate to no avail. Does anyone happen to know the website URL? I will update my review and rating once someone contacts me back. |
1 | NOT WORTH IT FOLKS! Not enough words to convey about my experience but here goes. \nAfter reading all the hype, decided to take a chance and spend $30/ticket. I am a fairly new Marvel fan and went with someone who is a [middle-aged] Marvel fan. The VIP tickets might have been a better bet IF I could have afforded them (about $100/ticket). The \"hyper reality\" is just HYPE. Poorly executed event, to say the least. The lines were incredibly long and once you got to do or see something, it only lasted a couple minutes. We only got to do three things in our 3 hours there! We stood in line for one 3D event for over an hour and the even took just 2 minutes. In our experience, there were numerous equipment malfunctions and glitches, so many kinks have to be worked out yet. We went on 12/30 so assumed any issues would have been fixed by then, but nope! The staff was poorly trained and at times, many of them did not seem to have any management or guidance around. A couple staff members completely ignored us when we asked questions, and others simply did not know or seem to care. \nOH and let me mention the $10 parking fee that they don't bother to tell you until you show up. Sadly we did not have cash on us and ended up being late to the ticket start time. Not a big deal in the end because at our 5pm start time we stood in line and waited for almost 20 minutes before being let in.\nAt the end of the event you get a free cheap plastic bracelet for completing and passing the Shield training and becoming a Shield recruit, whatEVER. Also at the end is a souvenir store where you can pay for overpriced this and that. Walk right on out folks.\nThis was a partial Christmas gift to someone I care about. I think it's safe to say we both felt let down. The hype says this event is geared to older kids and adults, however, it was clearly set up for younger kids, and kids under 6 were apparently free. Really young kids were the only one who seemed to enjoy it. And of course, food and beverage prices were astronomical. So overall, I would recommend foregoing this experience and save your money for something else. The people who put this on should be utterly ashamed of themselves. It was awful. |
1 | This event was horrible. Lines, lines, lines. Has anyone been successful in getting their money back?? Ticketmaster won't budge. |
2 | So, I was reluctant to see this but my wife dragged me to it. Surprisingly, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The four singers did a great job and did justice to Sir Elton John, Barry Manilow, and billy Joel. A nice clean respectful show. |
2 | I had never been to a Dutch Brothers before but one just opened up near my house and upon my daughters insistence we went. Best service I think I have ever had! Not only was one person friendly but everyone was super friendly. I have never had an experience like that at any food/drink establishment! And of course the drinks were delicious! ! Good job Dutch Bros on hiring great young people! |
1 | My box of loaded fries came with a surprise: A DEAD FRIED COCKROACH!!!!! Luckily the incompetent employee forgot to put fork in my bag so I had to pick cheesy fries by hand and that allowed me to notice the bug!!! Big one too. |
1 | The fucking employees are incompetent stop hiring highschool dropouts. When we got back the order was wrong the fries were cold, was so exited when they recently opened, with the shitty service and even shittier food i hope the shut this place down |
1 | It's just sad, to be so excited to finally see a checkers and them to be so shitty. I ordered a big chicken club they assured me they had the right order and it wasn't. ..when I called to see if i could get some kind of something back for my wrong meal and super cold food they pretty much told me go fuck myself. Don't waste your time here cause the bad customers service and horribly cold food will just piss you off. Smh hopefully the right person see this and I can get back my 26$ we spent for something I would not eat in a zombie apocalypse. |
1 | Oh god it was terrible! The employees were annoyed with the customers and even made fun of the guy in front of me. When I got my food there was a roach or cricket leg in it. Seriously. I'll starve before I eat here. |
1 | As you walk in the order Kiosks are too close to the door and you walk right into people trying to order or people are walking into you as you order, bit akward, I don't suggest using them. The food was somewhat bland and a little overpriced for the quantity you get. There was fast and friendly service and the place was very clean. If you are hungry and you love to eat be prepared to drop a lot of cash! |
2 | Quite a selection of donuts. Even had cronuts. The price for a dozen was around 10.00.\nThe donuts were fresh and delicious. The ladies behind the counter were kind and swift. \nI like the fact that they open at 5AM, I can then pick up a dozen for my office. |
2 | I am not much of a doughnut person anymore but this place could convert me. I stopped here because of Michael U's glowing review because I know what high standards he has.\n\nI got two fritters--an apple and a blueberry--and one croissant doughnut, a.k.a., cronut, that was raspberry filled. The fritters were both quite good and while one was bought for my wife, she only got a small taste of it. I had it gone in a flash.\n\nShe didn't care for the raspberry cronut thinking it was too sweet. I soon dispatched the rest of that so she didn't have to suffer.\n\nBefore sundown, all three were gone even though I promised myself I'd save something for the next day, |
1 | It's not terrible. Sushi menu is definitely limited. Did not try the hibachi only the sushi which was just ok. Not bad and not good. Probably wouldn't go back voluntarily. Some of their food is out of the box frozen like the crab Rangoon instead of made to order. I asked the waitress and she told me it was frozen. The ginger salad was terrible because the ginger sauce was bad. Salad lettuce was browning. If you have options, I say pass. |
2 | Nice atmosphere. I expected this to be more of a takeout place, but it is definitely more of an eat-in experience. We ordered a Hibachi chicken meal, and some sushi rolls (Alaska and Tuna) The hibachi came with a salad, soup and choice of several sides. The salads came out, and almost immediately the soup and our main courses were brought to the table. The timing could use some improvement. The sushi was very good and the texture was better than most local places. We will definitely be back! |
2 | I have been to the other Monks locations so I was excited when I heard they were coming Sun Prairie. I was not disappointed. We each orded something different and shared. I really liked my chicken sandwich and the fish tacos were great. My husband had a breakfast burger that while not something I would normally order, was pretty good.\n\nThere really aren't many places in Sun Prairie to eat besides fast food and I can see Monks being one of our favorites. I took away a star because the dining room is packed with tables, when full it is a tight squeeze to get around. |
2 | Great hospitality, great service, great food! And they're open 23/7! |
2 | Great service and amazing food. The meatball sliders are bond and the truffle Mac and cheese is something you will crave. This place is open 24hrs. Awesome place for late night food and drinks |
2 | This place was recommended by the O'Sheas bartender. Excellent lunch. So good we went back for dinner. Calamari was the best EVER!!!!! Highly recommend!!! |
2 | Forget about other nearby locations for breakfast. This is the place. Delicious Belgian Waffles, Smoked Salmon plate and the most beautifully cooked poached eggs I've ever eaten. Service outstanding from everyone here. Good ambiance. Been here twice for breakfast. Will definitely be back to try lunch and dinner. |
2 | For a place that's barely been open two weeks, this place is destined to be a hit. With an eclectic bistro menu downstairs and traditional chop house upstairs it has something for everyone. I had the grilled Mahi with quinoa, but also had tastes of the stroganoff made with fillet, the chicken parm and the gyro cheesesteak. It was all amazing. With some of Caesar's Palace's and Las Vegas' top restauranteurs, this place has all the makings of a home run. The level of detail in the decor, food quality and bar offerings really is like no place I have ever been. |
2 | The food is excellent and the service is great. Very homey and warm environment. The beef stroganoff is the best! Cheesecake is a must as well. Will go back again! |
2 | Stumbled upon this place while walking around Caesars palace. I'm obsessed with the earl of sandwich inside planet hollywood (literally go there every time I'm in vegas) so I was pleasantly surprised to find a new location! \n\nThis branch is inside a mini food court next to smash burger, a ramen place, starbucks and a seafood restaurant so there's plenty of seating and different food options of someone in your party isn't craving a sandwich. \n\nYou can't go wrong with the full montague or chipotle chicken sandwich, but every sandwich I've tried is good. The bread is crunchy and soft and the ingredients are of good quality. Eat a sandwich there, take one to go.. Yum! |
1 | Good food (small portions), Horrible Service\n\nI suppose any new restaurant has to work our wrinkles, and this place has a lot of wrinkles to work out. While the food is good, the portions are smaller than similar restaurants. That said, the service is horrible here, even by Chinese restaurant standards. I felt like I was back in China w the rude servers and lack of hospitality. I suppose I will come back again to see if the service improves after being open for awhile, but for now, this place is a fail. |
1 | Waitress dropped a pair of scissors on the ground, wiped it on the towel and proceeded to cut the food. Nothing is outstanding here. Much better when it was Cathay house restaurant. The turnip cakes and taro balls were extremely salty. Egg tart is not bad along with the tripe. Siu Mai, shrimp balls, and banh cuon were hit and miss. Service was below average. Neglected our table a lot and we had to verbally call them over. Chrysanthemum tea. |
2 | This used be Cathy House. . Now The Jade. . It is an improvement. . Dim sum is way better. Prices are still to be determined. They need to quickly get rid of the Nasty carpet and remodel the bathrooms. . They are busy and could use some help with getting the dim sum carts around more quickly. . Over good place. |
2 | I just started coming to Puzzles after following my colorist Jenna from another salon. I love it! The studio is set inside Hair Personality and it has a wonderful cozy vibe decorated with art from local artists. Each time I've been offered a glass of wine or other refreshment. Jenna and Samuel are wonderful and I would definitely recommend this place. The color and cuts have been fabulous thus far! |
1 | Pizza is great but service is crap. waited 10-15 min with 4 ppl in front of me to order a slice! of pizza then another 10-15 to get it. then u have to go search for water and napkins in the food park. not to mention trying to find a place to sit and eat the 7 yes 7 dollar slice of just peperoni pizza. no common sense is practiced here. |
2 | Hard choosing a place to eat when you're on the strip with young kids. You can't go wrong with pizza (though not my personal first choice.) Was walking through Caesars and saw DiFara. Ordered a whole meat pizza for the family. Honestly the BEST food court or restaurant quality pizza I've tasted. Worth a try whether you are looking for something fast or just plain delicious pizza! |
2 | Woooo!!!! Love this place!!! Missed ir soooo much. Havent had it in years. Since i moved to Vegas. Best fastfood FRIES!!!!!! Hands down |
1 | Don't go here. I know you might want to try it but these good reviews are people who sadly have no taste buds. I got fries a burger and the spicy chicken. The spicy chicken which I am almost positive they drive down the street got it from McDonald's re wrapped it and gave it to me for 50 cents more.. Only McDonald's chicken is better quality.. That's right McDonald's is better which is the only time I have or will ever say that. Their burger was flavorless and had the same consistency as burgers you find in the frozen dinner isle at Walmart. They have a lot of bells and whistles. Like wings, seasoned fries and whatever but trust me it's not worth it. Don't waste your time go across the street you'll be happy you did. |
1 | I had high hopes for this place. When I learned that they were building one (at this location), I was incredibly stoked because (previously) they only had 1 on Boulder/Lamb and that was way to far for me to drive.\n\nThis would be the first time I have been able to eat frequently at a Checkers since I moved to Las Vegas from Georgia 10 years ago.\n\nUnfortunately, there are just too many flaws with this place for me to overlook, and here they are:\n\n(1) The cooks can't tell the difference between sandwiches: I ordered a Big Chicken Deluxe... the only difference between the 'Deluxe' and the regular Big Chicken sandwich is that the deluxe comes with a tomato and cheese. ON 2 OCCASIONS IN A ROW they forgot to add the tomato and cheese. I had to bring it back to the counter and explain it to them. The SAME staff prepared it both times... so apparently they don't learn their lesson nor do they care.\n\n(2) Pricing and menu layout is inaccurate and incredibly confusing. They have a HUGE sign on the OUTSIDE window stating that the \"Big Chicken Deluxe\" is 2-for-$6 yet on the menu (at the top) inside the building, it says it's 2-for-$5 ... I pointed this out to the cashier and she did nothing to get this corrected. So, I ended up paying MORE than what the menu says.\n\n(3) For some strange reason, they make EVERYTHING available except napkins. Keep in mind this is really greasy food, so you're going to need some napkins. But, if you want napkins you have to go out of your way to ask them for some because they don't have the foresight |
1 | Went to checkers on a friends recommendation that they used to eat it all the time in California. I will start off by saying that the food is ok hence the one star, if I could give this place a 0 stars i still would give just the one star for the food. \n\nThe reason for the 4 star reduction is because of napkins and 3 stars because of the really crappy engineered drive through. Its the thinnest drive thru we have ever driven through. we made a wide right hand turn from the pick up window and still scraped our rim. Ok so I thought maybe we are just somewhat retarded and decided to eat our food in the car and watch other cars and how they navigate what I felt was crappy design. It took us 15 minutes to eat our food and in that time frame we counted 22 cars, 14 of them being Suvs out of the 14 suvs 9 of them hit the curb or ran over it. The other 8 vehicles 3 hit the curb. \n\nI would never ever recommend this place to anyone especially anyone who cares about their cars. If someone from Checkers reads this, I really think you guys need to redesign that drive thru. |
2 | The food at this place is amazing. My favorite is the Chicken shawarma! I bring all my friends and family to this restaurant! The staff is friendly and very professional. Very delicious food, don't hesitate to give this place a try! |
2 | Love this place! The portions are generous but it's not so much food that you feel gross afterwards. You can tell all the vegetables are fresh especially in the tabouli.. The tabouli is my favorite and its satisfying but still light.. If you are looking for authentic Lebanese food in Henderson/7 Hills area I suggest Shawarma Plus forsure. |
2 | My wife and I live in the area and are pleasantly surprised by how nice Dakota came out. Contrary to the other nightlife spots in this area, Dakota has a great morning and daytime vibe. The interior is crisp and clean yet inviting. \n\nNow the best part of our visit was the coffee. The cappuccino was smooth, the milk and coffee seemed to blend perfectly and create and almost silky texture. I can say it was the best cappuccino I have had in AZ. We will definitely come back for breakfast and will likely try lunch as they have a no mayo Tuna Melt. |
1 | Went for dinner with friends tonight. The place itself looks great, loved the lighting and projections on walls. That is the only thing that we found we liked. The music was a little loud and played during the commercials on TV, it was good club music though. When game came back on they switched on the audio for TVs. This was so loud that we could not talk across the table or even to the person next to us without raising our voices. This would not be a place to sit down for a relaxed meal and enjoy the company of the people you are with. Staff were friendly and for the most part attentive although apologized a lot for things they did not yet have. \n\nWe visited the website for the restaurant which is quite well done, the phone number listed though goes to a property management company that is not open on weekends. This number is on the website as well as on their facebook site. The menu on the website looked very good with a lot of options, once we got to the restaurant there was a limited menu. This was explained as they were trying some other options. The menu was so limiting as to have no appeal. Since they were trying out some options you would think they would come back and ask you what you that of them but this never occurred. There were salads but no appetizers. If you drink alcohol there were certainly options available. However, when ice tea was requested the response was the company they contract with had not delivered it so there was no ice tea yet. Certainly picking up a few bags of cold brew tea at a grocery store could solve this until vendor delivers. \n\nAs to the food itself, the short ribs had good flavor however they were cold inside. There was an Navajo fry bread option that had lamb on it. The flavor of the lamb, although a tad bit salty was overall very good. The \"fry bread\" itself was inedible. It was nearly impossible to bite through and the taste was unpleasant. Of the three slightly bigger than silver dollar sized fry breads less than one of the actual bread parts was eaten. The meatballs were underwhelming and another ravioli/noodle dish looked so unappetizing as to not want to eat it. The Caesar salad was unremarkable and nothing about it wowed us. Portion sizes were small when based on price. The dishes almost seemed like appetizers rather than entrees\n\nHope this is just the issue that happens with a new opening and that they have success. It is concerning though if they have been open for less than two weeks and are already trying new menu options. The online menu was certainly appealing, the menu in the restaurant, had it been on line we never would have gone. Based on quantity and quality after we got done eating there we left and went out to eat. Do with the Dakota success however based on tonight they have a ways to go before they will be ready for primetime. |
2 | Great ambiance, absolutely love the decor, very inviting and comfortable. The layout is great and not awkward when it's crowded. Went on a Friday night, good crowd great group of people. \n\nThey have a great brunch went on a Sunday and lots of TVs for game days! They have a DJ on Sunday's too . During the week they have a cute little coffee shop on the side for a quick coffee, pastry, and small snack that opens at 630 am. Great customer service easy to get a drink, definitely will be back! |
2 | Red Rice serves the best chicken kelaguen! \n\nI am Chamoru and grew up eating Chamoru food and this place by far has the best chicken kelaguen I have ever had. I ordered the Grand Opening Plate which had 2 scoops of red rice, 1 scoop of chicken kelaguen, 1 lumpia, 1 shrimp patty, house salad (it was a choice between potato salad, grilled eggplant with coconut milk, or cucumber salad), bbq chicken, 1 bbq pork rib, bbq beef and a side of dipping sauce for the meat. The red rice was as it should be, orange-reddish color and not dry or too wet with a subtle flavor of achote which definitely complimented the other items on the plate. The bbq chicken was my favorite out of all the bbq. Grilled eggplant with coconut milk was just like my mom used to make, creamy and somewhat smoky with a slight citrus twist. \n\nI went to Red Rice for dinner during their grand opening and though there was a bit of a wait, it was understandable. The service was great though. They apologized for the wait and even gave me 10% off my next visit which is a plus because I will be back. The only con was the limited parking but I didn't mind walking over from the adjacent plaza. \n\nRed Rice definitely does Guam proud! |
2 | As a person who have lots of Chamorro friends, they've been hyping the place up on Facebook even before they opened.\n\nHere's my two cents: food was great. Tasted very authentic and now there's a place I can go to when I'm craving some red rice and kelaguen. The kimchee was also great! \n\nBut, I think that next time, I will just order for pick up. Maybe it was the fact that they just opened, but the room for sitting is very limited. There's about 8 booths that seats 4 and one table for 6. There was 7 of us and someone had to sit in the car to eat. Yeah.... That wasn't too pleasant. The wait for the food is about 15-20 minutes after ordering. But the up side to that is that they make everything fresh. \n\nAside from that, I really have no complaints when it came to the quality and taste of the food. My niece and sister loved the lumpia (egg rolls) and I also liked it and the shrimp patty is also an honorable mention. Perhaps they might expand, which I hope they do. They are garnering alot of attention in the Islander community. And I wish them the best. I hope that they become very successful! I will definitely come back..for to go. LoL |
1 | Buffet was recently open after renovation so my husband and I are thinking it should be pretty good....wrong. We arrived at 8:30 am for what we thought was a Saturday brunch offering champs, nope. Price is $21.95 but on Monday - Friday is $18.95...same food so why the increase? I can go to the Fiesta in Henderson with champs and better food for $8.99 Sat/Sun but we wanted to try something we thought was going to be an what a joke. \n\n\nFood: everything I tried looked and tasted like food was leftover from the day before and reheated. \n\nShrimps were all water logged, the crab legs had a brownish color to them with an odd taste. \n\nPastries none..all offerings were donuts. They did have a fresh crepe bar, but then again looked very dry. I didn't want to stand on line for crepe paper. \n\nOverall I'm rating this one star because I have no choice. |
1 | Having moved 15 times and having been referred to Classic Delivery- WHAT A NIGHTMARE. VERY unprofessional and S L O W!!!!!!! A move that should have taken no more than 6 hours stretched out to 10 hours. The movers seemed to be strickly out of prison....just a TOTAL HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE. Would DEFINATELY NOT RECOMMEND. |
2 | We had the best experience. The movers were super polite and friendly. The service impeccable. The cost reasonable. The truck was well equipped , everything was wrapped in plastic then wrapped in blankets. There wasn't a mark on anything. I cannot stress how impressed we were. I give them my highest rating , \nThey do book out about a week in advance so don't hesitate to call. \n65 per hour. |
1 | A man came to the house to estimate. He gave me a card without a persons name on it (?) He said he recommended a large truck with three men. That is what was sent.\nVery nice men, contract employees, not employees of the company - but very nice.\nThey said they couldn't get all of our things in one truck and suggested they call for another truck. We declined at that due to the additional cost. We had to make three additional trips with our vehicle and still leave several items in storage.\nA call to the office offered no help. |
2 | Scottsdale Beer Company has only been open 2 days and the food and service were fantastic !!!!! Great new local hangout!! Didn't try the beer but it looked like they new what they were doing! |
2 | Just found my new favorite hang out. This place has it all, good service, great beer selection, TVs all over the place, killer food menu, even the house music is on point. We will be visiting this place regularly. |
1 | Really disappointing. Either the place was having a really off night (which you absolutely cannot have when you first open) or its just not good food. \n\nlet me start with one thing... we are not picky people. we honeslty are not one of these couples that send things back. we are the type like most who will just accept the bad food as a bad choice and eat something when we get home :)\n\nstarted with drinks... my girlfriend (who is cuban) said the Sangria was undrinkable. we sent it back - trust me - when it comes to alcohol we are never picky. if it gets you buzzed - it works. lol she couldnt even drink it. had to settle for a beer - of which her glass smelled like a wet rag. she was too embarrassed to say anything because we had just sent back the sangria\n\nwe ordered 4 things - some tapas and a margarita pizza to share.\n\nso - let me also say the place was empty.. only 3 tables were being used. probably bc that have done such a bad job letting people know its now open for business after many delays. the place is really nice. we walked in and were excited. looks like a very cool fun place to eat. \n\nbut the food was all a disappointment. they didnt have any platanos. so they had to cancel that (but still charged us for it on the final bill). the battered cod tapas were so salty they become almost inedible. she had a half of one and i choked down a couple more bc i was starving. but it was waaay too salty to be served in a restaurant. the pizza had potential - but the crust was odd.. we were joking that it looked almost like a wonton. i dont know if it was old or supposed to be like that - but it was hard. really hard. didnt taste fresh. again - i ate it because i was starving. she ordered the stuffed peppers tapas. also - very strange texture and taste. she ate half of one.. i stopped after a small taste. \n\ni know they are new - and i personally think they are having a hard time managing fresh food until crowds start coming in. we also got a kick out of the food being so bad and the chef outside shmoozing with the other two tables (which were obviously friends and family which made us the only real customers) instead of being in the kitchen. maybe if the chef spent more time in the kitchen and not on the floor the food will taste better.\n\nits a shame. i live across the street and was looking for this place to be a goto place like garfields was. perhaps i will try it again in the future. but someone will have to drag me. \n\ni write this in hopes the people at latin fish read this and work out all their kinks. id like them to succeed i think the place has a lot of potential to be a great hang out. |
2 | When Corey sent the email about tickets being available for the show I jumped at the opportunity to score 2 free tickets. What a fun night! I honestly didn't watch a ton of I Love Lucy when I was little, but I knew enough about the show to know (kind of) what to expect. \n\nBut the show was so much better than I even expected. The cast were great, and Lucy and Ricky were perfect in their roles. I loved the combination of humor from the show, and humor from pulling an audience member on stage. My boyfriend and I were both entertained the entire time. \n\nThe Overture Center is beautiful, and our seats weren't half bad at all. Only complaint was that they are so close together. My boyfriend was pretty uncomfortable by the end of the show. He's pretty tall so he had to pretty much sit in a ball the whole time. But, I realize that's not always something that can be avoided! |
1 | Wow, really? Bought one item from them, a ham and cheese croissant. First, I couldn't pay with my credit card since they weren't ready for such a strange form of payment. Then, they were supposedly heating my order up with their toaster oven press and when I got to my room it was as if they had taken it out of the refrigerator. Too bad I didn't notice it until I was already to my room. Obviously they didn't have their little heater plugged in or something. Plus, the woman at the counter who took my cash didn't even say thank you. The other lady who thought she was heating up my order did say thank you to me. That's the only reason they're getting two stars and not one. You provide lousy service; you get one or two stars from me on Yelp. Don't underestimate the power of reviews from real customers. It'll decrease your businesses if you stink. Thanks for reading. |
2 | We tried the Cheese Danish w lemon. Creamy, flaky and not overly sweet. It was fantastic. Chocolate croissant was yummy too! |
1 | Long line, inefficient staff. Maybe my expectations were too high but it just wasn't as good as I was hoping for the calories. We had the bread pudding and carrot cake cookie. Eh. |
1 | First: Please note that many people are reviewing the restaurant NOT the bakery. \nMy review is for the bakery. I have been coming here for years, but I am extremely sad to report that my last two visits have revealed that they just don't care any more. \n\nThey seem content to just coast on their laurels selling this stuff to rubes and foreigners \n\nThe coffee is good, but the pastry is where they need to re-focus. \n\nFirst, the biggest offender is their Macarons. They served us a nasty hateful hard lump of a cookie last week. This thing was seriously rock hard. They are supposed to be crispy with a slightly softer interior. That is the WHOLE POINT of the cookie. When we complained they said \"that is the way they are supposed to be, and the softer ones are old\" No, no, they are not. You overcooked the crap out of these which formed, essentially, a meringue. \n I have eaten Macrons across the world and made them myself. I was in Paris a few month ago and took down a half dozen of these from Laduree. I am pretty familiar with this stupid little cookie because my wife loves them. \n\nDo not insult me by telling me this hammer-substitute is in any way acceptable. They told us to take it up with the downstairs location if we did not like it and refused to refund or exchange the cookie. Astounding. \n\nThe rest of the menu items have just gone downhill. Their croissants are all but indistinguishable from the stuff they sling at buffets. The outside should be flakey and the inside tender. Not some glupey congealed mess. You know how I know its a terrible croissant? There was absolutely no flakes to clean up. \n\nI hope Dominique Ansel opens a location and shows you guys whats up. |
1 | I'm shocked everyone time I go to a Bouchon Bakery outside of Yountville. They are never good. Two stars just because it's located right by the elevators for the Venetian tower. But seriously, these places dilute the Bouchon brand :-( |
2 | Ryan was as good as everyone on yelp has claimed. He was courteous, knowledgable, and helpful. I had some issues with my irrigation and he fixed them all quick and made sure all of the other lines looked as they should.\nWould definitely recommend this company to others and they will be my \" go to \" company for landscaping. |
2 | Professional \nFriendly\nOn time AND affordable!\nWe will definitely call again if we need their irrigation repair services!! |
1 | Phone calls always go to voicemail and messages are not returned. Stupid way to do business. |
1 | Looks like all of the good reviews have gone to their head at this place! Jason and Ryan came out last fall and did a wonderful job pruning, etc. Called them to come back this spring and no response after first call. After second call, I was told they could only come on a Monday. I work Mondays, and left a message what days would work for me. NEVER heard back from them! After 3 calls, nothing. Very UNRELIABLE and UNACCOMMODATING.. |
2 | Ryan Rocks! I called him this morning for some sprinkler help and some potential landscaping for my backyard. He showed up to my house within an hour and answered all of my questions! When I showed him how my irrigation box was leaking, he knew right away what to do - he went a grabbed a new part out of his truck, put it on, and it was fixed! He then set up my watering timer and we talked about some landscaping and pricing. His prices seemed great and I will definitely use him in the future! To top it all off, when I asked him what I owed him for fixing my irrigation leak and his time, he said don't worry about it! I was shocked and couldn't believe his service! Thank you so much Ryan! |
Subsets and Splits