stringlengths 5
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int64 0
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` what 's the russian word for wow !? ' | 1 | clean |
otto-sallies has a real director 's eye . | 1 | textbugger |
otto-sallіes has a real filmmaker 's eye . | 1 | textbugger |
otto-sallies has a real filmmaker 's eye . | 1 | clean |
lurid and l ess than lucid work . | 0 | textbugger |
lurid and less than lucid wоrk . | 0 | textbugger |
lurid and less than lucid work . | 0 | clean |
with its parade of almost perpetually wasteԁ characters ... margarita feels lіke a hazy high that takes too long to shake . | 0 | textbugger |
with its parade of roughly perpetually wasted characters ... margarita feels like a hazy high that takes too lonɡ to shake . | 0 | textbugger |
with its parade of almost perpetually wasted characters ... margarita feels like a hazy high that takes too long to shake . | 0 | clean |
i could just feel the screenwriter at every moment ` leveraged , tap , tap , tap , tapping away ' on this screenplay . | 0 | textbugger |
i could just feel the screenwriter at every moment ` tap , tap , tap , tap , tapping aay ' on this screenplay . | 0 | textbugger |
i could just feel the screenwriter at every moment ` tap , tap , tap , tap , tapping away ' on this screenplay . | 0 | clean |
overall , cletis to ut is a winning comedy that excites the imagination and tickles the funny bone . | 1 | textbugger |
overall , cletis tout is a winning co medy that excites the imagination and tickles the funny bone . | 1 | textbugger |
overall , cletis tout is a winning comedy that excites the imagination and tickles the funny bone . | 1 | clean |
you live the mood rather than savour the stoⲅy . | 1 | textbugger |
you livе the mood rather than savour the story . | 1 | textbugger |
you live the mood rather than savour the story . | 1 | clean |
the movie is so thoughtleslsy assembled . | 1 | textbugger |
the movies is so thoughtlessly assembled . | 1 | textbugger |
the movie is so thoughtlessly assembled . | 1 | clean |
some body is a shaky , unsafe film that nevertheless touches a few raw nerves . | 1 | textbugger |
some body is a shaky , uոcertain film that nevertheless touches a few raw nerves . | 1 | textbugger |
some body is a shaky , uncertain film that nevertheless touches a few raw nerves . | 1 | clean |
it 's a very sincere work , but it would be better as a diary or documentry . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's a very sincere work , but it would be better as a diray or documentary . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's a very sincere work , but it would be better as a diary or documentary . | 1 | clean |
while american adobo has its heart -lrb- and its palate -rrb- in the right mise , its brain is a lit𝚝le scattered -- ditsy , even . | 0 | textbugger |
while american adobo has its heart -lrb- and its palate -rrb- in the right place , its brain is a lit𝚝le scattered -- di𝚝sy , even . | 0 | textbugger |
while american adobo has its heart -lrb- and its palate -rrb- in the right place , its brain is a little scattered -- ditsy , even . | 0 | clean |
unfolds with such a wallop of you-are-theⲅe immediacy that when the bullets commence to fly , your first instinct is to duck . | 1 | textbugger |
unfolds with such a walop of you-are-there immediacy that when the bullets staⲅt to fly , your first instinct is to duck . | 1 | textbugger |
unfolds with such a wallop of you-are-there immediacy that when the bullets start to fly , your first instinct is to duck . | 1 | clean |
and it 's a crummy one at that . | 0 | textbugger |
and it 's a lousy onе at that . | 0 | textbugger |
and it 's a lousy one at that . | 0 | clean |
it 's not too fɑst and not too slow . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's not too speedily and not too slow . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's not too fast and not too slow . | 1 | clean |
it 's an entertaining movie , and the effects , boosted to the caliber of a downtown hotel , will all but tkae you to outer space . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's an entertaining movie , and the effects , bоosted to the ѕize of a downtown hotel , will all but take you to outer space . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's an entertaining movie , and the effects , boosted to the size of a downtown hotel , will all but take you to outer space . | 1 | clean |
it is as uncompromisinɡ as it is nonjudgmen𝚝al , and makes clear that a prostitute can be as lonely and needy as any of the clients . | 1 | textbugger |
it is as uncompⲅomising as it is nonjudgmental , and makes clear that a prostitute can be as lonely and needy as any of the customers . | 1 | textbugger |
it is as uncompromising as it is nonjudgmental , and makes clear that a prostitute can be as lonely and needy as any of the clients . | 1 | clean |
compellingly watchable . | 1 | textbugger |
compellingly watchable . | 1 | clean |
despite some comic spark , welcome to collinwood never catches fire . | 0 | textbugger |
despite some comic sparks , wecome to collinwood never catches fire . | 0 | textbugger |
despite some comic sparks , welcome to collinwood never catches fire . | 0 | clean |
tho ugh jackson does n 't always succeed in integrating the characters in the foreground into the extraordinarily rich landscape , it must be said that he is an imaginative filmmaker who can see the forest for the trees . | 1 | textbugger |
though jackson does n't always succeed in integrating the charactеrs in the foreground into the extraordinarily rich landscape , it must be said that he is an imagin ative filmmaker who can see the forest for the trees . | 1 | textbugger |
though jackson does n't always succeed in integrating the characters in the foreground into the extraordinarily rich landscape , it must be said that he is an imaginative filmmaker who can see the forest for the trees . | 1 | clean |
not only does spider-man deliver , but i suspect it might deliver again and again . | 1 | textbugger |
not only does spider-man deliver , but i suspecting it might deliver again and again . | 1 | textbugger |
not only does spider-man deliver , but i suspect it might deliver again and again . | 1 | clean |
it 's worth takіng the kids to . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's wor𝚝h taking the kids to . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's worth taking the kids to . | 1 | clean |
without shakespeare 's eloquent language , the update is dreary and sⅼuggish . | 0 | textbugger |
without shakespeare 's eloqսent language , the update is dreary and sluggish . | 0 | textbugger |
without shakespeare 's eloquent language , the update is dreary and sluggish . | 0 | clean |
dense , exhilɑrating documentary . | 1 | textbugger |
dense , stimulating documentary . | 1 | textbugger |
dense , exhilarating documentary . | 1 | clean |
... feels as if -lrb- there 's -rrb- a cho ke leash arond your neck so director nick cassavetes can give it a good , hard yank whenever he wants you to feel something . | 0 | textbugger |
... feels as if -lrb- there 's -rrb- a choke leash around your ոeck so director nick cassavetes can give it a good , hard уank wհenever he wants you to feel something . | 0 | textbugger |
... feels as if -lrb- there 's -rrb- a choke leash around your neck so director nick cassavetes can give it a good , hard yank whenever he wants you to feel something . | 0 | clean |
poignant if familiar stоry of a young person suspended between two cultures . | 1 | textbugger |
poignant if familiar ѕtory of a young person suspended between two cultures . | 1 | textbugger |
poignant if familiar story of a young person suspended between two cultures . | 1 | clean |
methodical , measured , and gentⅼy tedious in its comedy , secret ballot is a purpose𝚏ully reductive movie -- which may be why it 's so successful at lodging itself in the brain . | 1 | textbugger |
methodical , mеasured , and gently tedious in its humorous , secret ballot is a purposefully reductive movie -- which may be why it 's so successful at lodging itself in the brain . | 1 | textbugger |
methodical , measured , and gently tedious in its comedy , secret ballot is a purposefully reductive movie -- which may be why it 's so successful at lodging itself in the brain . | 1 | clean |
though a touch too arthouse 101 in its poetic symbolism , heaven prove to be a good couple of the sensibilities of two directors . | 1 | textbugger |
though a touch too arthouse 101 in its poetic symbolism , heaven prove to be a good teaming of the sensibilities of two directors . | 1 | textbugger |
though a touch too arthouse 101 in its poetic symbolism , heaven proves to be a good match of the sensibilities of two directors . | 1 | clean |
superbly photographed and progressive by mendes with a sreies of riveting set pieces the likes of which mainstream audiences have rarely seen . | 1 | textbugger |
superbly photographed and staged by mendes with a series of rivteing set pieces the likes of which mainstraem audiences have rarely seen . | 1 | textbugger |
superbly photographed and staged by mendes with a series of riveting set pieces the likes of which mainstream audiences have rarely seen . | 1 | clean |
a metaphor for a modern-day urban china searcing for its identity . | 1 | textbugger |
a metaphor for a modern-day urban china searching for its identity . | 1 | textbugger |
a metaphor for a modern-day urban china searching for its identity . | 1 | clean |
it 's a square , sentimental drama that satisfies , as comfort food commonly can . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's a square , sentimen𝚝al drama that satisfies , as comfort food often can . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's a square , sentimental drama that satisfies , as comfort food often can . | 1 | clean |
the wonderfully lsuh morvern callar is pure punk existentialism , and ms. ramsɑy and her co-writer , liana dognini , have dramatized the alan warner novel , which itself felt like an answer to irvine wesh 's book trainspotting . | 1 | textbugger |
the wonderfully lush morvern ϲallar is pure punk existentialism , and ms. ramsay and her ϲo-writer , liana dognini , have dramatized the alan warner novel , which itself felt like an anser to irvine welsh 's book trainspotting . | 1 | textbugger |
the wonderfully lush morvern callar is pure punk existentialism , and ms. ramsay and her co-writer , liana dognini , have dramatized the alan warner novel , which itself felt like an answer to irvine welsh 's book trainspotting . | 1 | clean |
admirers of director tart ferrara may be relieved that his latest feature , r xmas , marks a modest if stimulating return to form . | 1 | textbugger |
admirers of director tart ferrara may be relieved that his latest hallmarks , r xmas , marks a modest if encouraging return to form . | 1 | textbugger |
admirers of director abel ferrara may be relieved that his latest feature , r xmas , marks a modest if encouraging return to form . | 1 | clean |
not once in the rush to save the day did i gotten very involved in the proceedinɡs ; to me , it was just a matter of ` eh . ' | 0 | textbugger |
not once in the rush to sɑve the day did i become very entangled in the proceedings ; to me , it was just a matter of ` eh . ' | 0 | textbugger |
not once in the rush to save the day did i become very involved in the proceedings ; to me , it was just a matter of ` eh . ' | 0 | clean |
an ugly-duckling tale so hideously and clumsily told it feels accidenal . | 0 | textbugger |
an ugly-duckling tale so hideously and clumsily told it sees accidental . | 0 | textbugger |
an ugly-duckling tale so hideously and clumsily told it feels accidental . | 0 | clean |
becomes a bit of a mishmash : a tearjerker that does n't and a thriller that ca n't . | 0 | textbugger |
Subsets and Splits