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all in all , it 's a pretty good executіon of a story that 's a batch rich er than the ones hollywood action screenwriters usually come up with on their own . | 1 | textbugger |
all in all , it 's a pretty good execution of a story that 's a lot richer than the ones hollywood action screenwriters usually come up with on their own . | 1 | clean |
it 's got all the familiar bruck heimer elements , and schmuacher does probably as good a job as anyone at bringing off the hopkins\/rock collision of acting styles and onscreen personas . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's got all the familiar bruckheimer elements , and schumacher does probably as good a job as anyone at bringing off the hopkins\/rock collision of acting styles and onscreen personas . | 1 | clean |
i felt wedged and with no obvious escape for the entire 100 minutes . | 0 | textbugger |
i felt trapped and with no obvious escape for the entire 100 minutes . | 0 | clean |
although i did n't hate this anyone , it 's not very good either . | 0 | textbugger |
although i did n't hate this one , it 's not very good either . | 0 | clean |
cattaneo reworks the formula that made the full monty a smashіng succes ... but neglects to add the magic that made it all work . | 0 | textbugger |
cattaneo reworks the formula that made the full monty a smashing success ... but neglects to add the magic that made it all work . | 0 | clean |
a moving and not infrequently breɑthtaking film . | 1 | textbugger |
a moving and not infrequently breathtaking film . | 1 | clean |
while the plot follows a predictable connect-the-dots course ... director john schultz color the picture in some evocative shades . | 1 | textbugger |
while the plot follows a predictable connect-the-dots course ... director john schultz colors the picture in some evocative shades . | 1 | clean |
anaemia , pretentious . | 0 | textbugger |
anemic , pretentious . | 0 | clean |
with few respites , marshall keeps the energy humming , and his edits , unlike those in moulin rouge , are crunchy and premeditated without overdoing it . | 1 | textbugger |
with few respites , marshall keeps the energy humming , and his edits , unlike those in moulin rouge , are crisp and purposeful without overdoing it . | 1 | clean |
light-years ahead of paint-by-numЬer american blockbusters like pearl harbor , at least artistically . | 1 | textbugger |
light-years ahead of paint-by-number american blockbusters like pearl harbor , at least artistically . | 1 | clean |
one of those unassuming films that sneaks up on you and stays with you long after you have left the thea tre . | 1 | textbugger |
one of those unassuming films that sneaks up on you and stays with you long after you have left the theatre . | 1 | clean |
all of it ԝorks smoothly under the direction of spielberg , who does a convincing impersonation here of a director enjoyng himself immensely . | 1 | textbugger |
all of it works smoothly under the direction of spielberg , who does a convincing impersonation here of a director enjoying himself immensely . | 1 | clean |
a work that lacking both a purpose and a strong pulse . | 0 | textbugger |
a work that lacks both a purpose and a strong pulse . | 0 | clean |
a moivng , if uneven , success . | 1 | textbugger |
a moving , if uneven , success . | 1 | clean |
it 's one stuff to read about or rail against the ongoing - and unprecedented - construction project going on over our leaders . | 0 | textbugger |
it 's one thing to read about or rail against the ongoing - and unprecedented - construction project going on over our heads . | 0 | clean |
-lrb- a -rrb- authentic pleasure in its laid-back way . | 1 | textbugger |
-lrb- a -rrb- real pleasure in its laid-back way . | 1 | clean |
feels like piеces a bunch of other , better movies slapped together . | 0 | textbugger |
feels like pieces a bunch of other , better movies slapped together . | 0 | clean |
has all the hallmarks of a movie designed rigorously for children 's home vіdeo , a market so insatiable it absorbs all mode of lame entertainment , as long as 3-year-olds find it diverting . | 0 | textbugger |
has all the hallmarks of a movie designed strictly for children 's home video , a market so insatiable it absorbs all manner of lame entertainment , as long as 3-year-olds find it diverting . | 0 | clean |
... too contrived to be as naturally charming as it ne eds to be . | 0 | textbugger |
... too contrived to be as naturally charming as it needs to be . | 0 | clean |
... in no way original , or still all that memorable , but as downtown saturday matinee brain confectionery , it does n't disappoint . | 1 | textbugger |
... in no way original , or even all that memorable , but as downtown saturday matinee brain candy , it does n't disappoint . | 1 | clean |
the 50-something lovebirds are too immature and unappealing to cɑre about . | 0 | textbugger |
the 50-something lovebirds are too immature and unappealing to care about . | 0 | clean |
after a while , the only way for a reasonably intelligent person to get through the couոtry bearѕ is to ponder how a whole seɡment of pop-music history has been allowed to get wet , fuzzy and sticky . | 0 | textbugger |
after a while , the only way for a reasonably intelligent person to get through the country bears is to ponder how a whole segment of pop-music history has been allowed to get wet , fuzzy and sticky . | 0 | clean |
a lot of fun , with an undeniable energy spared by secondly actresses in their 50s working at the peak of their powers . | 1 | textbugger |
a lot of fun , with an undeniable energy sparked by two actresses in their 50s working at the peak of their powers . | 1 | clean |
a breathtaking adventure for all ages , spirit tells its poignant and uplifting story in a stunոing fusion of music and image . | 1 | textbugger |
a breathtaking adventure for all ages , spirit tells its poignant and uplifting story in a stunning fusion of music and images . | 1 | clean |
this is a nicely haոdled affair , a film about human darkness but etched with a light -lrb- yet unsentimental -rrb- tоuch . | 1 | textbugger |
this is a nicely handled affair , a film about human darkness but etched with a light -lrb- yet unsentimental -rrb- touch . | 1 | clean |
a bland animate sequel that hardly seems worth the effort . | 0 | textbugger |
a bland animated sequel that hardly seems worth the effort . | 0 | clean |
unspeakable , of course , hardly begins to describe the plot and its complications . | 0 | textbugger |
unspeakable , of course , barely begins to describe the plot and its complications . | 0 | clean |
a limр eddie murphy vehicle that even he seems embarrassed to be part of . | 0 | textbugger |
a limp eddie murphy vehicle that even he seems embarrassed to be part of . | 0 | clean |
the film sparkles with the the acumen and humor of its subjects . | 1 | textbugger |
the film sparkles with the the wisdom and humor of its subjects . | 1 | clean |
though a capable thriller , someԝhere along the way k-19 jettisoned some crucial drama . | 0 | textbugger |
though a capable thriller , somewhere along the way k-19 jettisoned some crucial drama . | 0 | clean |
it 's ... amounting the extra effort to sеe an artist , still committed to growth in his ninth decade , change while remaining true to his principles with a flm whose very topics is , quite pointedly , about the peril of such efforts . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's ... worth the extra effort to see an artist , still committed to growth in his ninth decade , change while remaining true to his principles with a film whose very subject is , quite pointedly , about the peril of such efforts . | 1 | clean |
in auteil 's less dramatic but eqսally incisive performance , he 's a charismatic charmer likely to seduce and conquer . | 1 | textbugger |
in auteil 's less dramatic but equally incisive performance , he 's a charismatic charmer likely to seduce and conquer . | 1 | clean |
how many more tіmes will indie filmmakers subejct us to boring , self-important stories of how horrible we are to ourselves and each other ? | 0 | textbugger |
how many more times will indie filmmakers subject us to boring , self-important stories of how horrible we are to ourselves and each other ? | 0 | clean |
this is a movie that refresh es the mind and spirit along with the body , so original is its content , look , and style . | 1 | textbugger |
this is a movie that refreshes the mind and spirit along with the body , so original is its content , look , and style . | 1 | clean |
a much better documentary -- more revealing , more emotional and more surprising -- than its sidewalk english title gotta have you believe . | 1 | textbugger |
a much better documentary -- more revealing , more emotional and more surprising -- than its pedestrian english title would have you believe . | 1 | clean |
` if you are in the mood for an smarts weepy , it can easily worm its wɑy into your heart . ' | 1 | textbugger |
` if you are in the mood for an intelligent weepy , it can easily worm its way into your heart . ' | 1 | clean |
who knows , but it wоrks under the direction of kevin reynolds . | 1 | textbugger |
who knows , but it works under the direction of kevin reynolds . | 1 | clean |
it 's supposed to be post-feminist breezy but culminates up as tedious as the chatter of parⲅots raised on oprah . | 0 | textbugger |
it 's supposed to be post-feminist breezy but ends up as tedious as the chatter of parrots raised on oprah . | 0 | clean |
lacking substance and alma , crossroads comes up shorter than britney 's cutoffs . | 0 | textbugger |
lacking substance and soul , crossroads comes up shorter than britney 's cutoffs . | 0 | clean |
ѕimple , poignant and leavened with humor , it 's a film that affirms the nourishing aspects of love and companionship . | 1 | textbugger |
simple , poignant and leavened with humor , it 's a film that affirms the nourishing aspects of love and companionship . | 1 | clean |
at times , the movie looks genuinely quite . | 1 | textbugger |
at times , the movie looks genuinely pretty . | 1 | clean |
a delibera𝚝ive account of a lifestyle characterised by its surface-obsession -- one that typifies the delirium of post , pre , and extant stardom . | 1 | textbugger |
a deliberative account of a lifestyle characterized by its surface-obsession -- one that typifies the delirium of post , pre , and extant stardom . | 1 | clean |
this is surely o ne of the most frantic , virulent and foul-natured christmas season pics ever deliered by a hollywood studio . | 0 | textbugger |
this is surely one of the most frantic , virulent and foul-natured christmas season pics ever delivered by a hollywood studio . | 0 | clean |
i simply ca n't recommend it adequately . | 1 | textbugger |
i simply ca n't recommend it enough . | 1 | clean |
it 's a glorified sitcom , and a long , sophomoric one at that . | 0 | textbugger |
it 's a glorified sitcom , and a long , unfunny one at that . | 0 | clean |
returning director rob minko𝚏f ... and noir bruce joel rubin ... have done a fine job of updating white 's dry wit to a new age . | 1 | textbugger |
returning director rob minkoff ... and screenwriter bruce joel rubin ... have done a fine job of updating white 's dry wit to a new age . | 1 | clean |
with zoe clarke-williams 's lackluster thriller `` new best friend '' , who needs haters ? | 0 | textbugger |
with zoe clarke-williams 's lackluster thriller `` new best friend '' , who needs enemies ? | 0 | clean |
just sends it to cranky . | 0 | textbugger |
just send it to cranky . | 0 | clean |
it 's secondary to american psycho but still has claws enough to get inside you and saty there for a couple of հours . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's secondary to american psycho but still has claws enough to get inside you and stay there for a couple of hours . | 1 | clean |
one of the funnier movies in cities . | 1 | textbugger |
one of the funnier movies in town . | 1 | clean |
Subsets and Splits