stringlengths 4
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float64 0.01
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MENTION1932 This is all you'll ever be known for. Very sad, that, but funny too. :) MENTION4686 MENTION2749 MENTION3088 | 0.322139 | 0not sexist
The dish the other contestants really want to taste in schadenfreude. #MKR | 0.368628 | 0not sexist
MENTION2107 I've only got 10 minutes, so gotta keep it simple. I'll figure something out. :) | 0.105598 | 0not sexist
#mkr Channel 9 sticking it into Channel 7 over the contestant who plays tennis. Probably in cahoots with each other to lift ratings. | 0.393184 | 0not sexist
abs complete.. i hate doing video workouts w/ a grownup trainer idk why.. | 0.312095 | 0not sexist
Seriously, who the fuck are half of these ppl #MKR | 0.933483 | 0not sexist
Celine. SHUT UP. #MKR | 0.876845 | 0not sexist
This challenge is really separating the good cooks from the bad #MKR | 0.285788 | 0not sexist
It is alright for a woman to work, but breadwinning remains primarily a male responsibility | 0.100266 | 1sexist
RT MENTION2838 xbox's were designed for gamers and make up was designed for beauticians, get the idea #promise #lol | 0.194978 | 1sexist
MENTION2972 MENTION1729 now I have a bunch of people coming into my mentions from her. Yayyyy. | 0.279605 | 0not sexist
MENTION4245 YUP. | 0.107034 | 0not sexist
I despise female comedians and female rappers | 0.831964 | 1sexist
Hold door for anyone who follows behind u MENTION1034 I think less of guys who don't hold doors for girls. I just do. | 0.212758 | 1sexist
Logie for most disgusting person on tv - Kat - so much joy in winning by playing unfairly #mkr | 0.705051 | 0not sexist
MENTION3950 why would it? | 0.172353 | 0not sexist
some motorcycles depreciate faster than cars | 0.08707 | 0not sexist
I am not one of those "I don't need a partner" people ! I love dating, I love playing my role as a date! I'm good with going out and staying in | 0.068263 | 0not sexist
It would of been funnier if those two bottom teams just got eliminated haha #mkr | 0.369189 | 0not sexist
MENTION295 that's fine. ^.^ | 0.199392 | 0not sexist
and when you have marginalized, traumatized members of your OWN GROUP telling you they're hurt or uncomfortable, you listen. | 0.356593 | 0not sexist
It is foolish to regard scrubbing floors as more proper for women than mowing the lawn | 0.759828 | 0not sexist
Nachoshield is getting a bit quieter again. | 0.186579 | 0not sexist
You've got a strong grip for a kid. https://t.co/9xuILE3D3d #counterculture#poetry #poetryslam #poet #PoetryCypher #PoetryInMotion | 0.114202 | 0not sexist
Fkn hell, you just had to go and say it another 3 times #done #MKR | 0.908536 | 0not sexist
Love Is In The Air, all you lovely MENTION1267 folks <333 #HappyValentinesDay http://t.co/vtEr973m9d | 0.093476 | 0not sexist
MENTION3574 that was my intention. :P | 0.146047 | 0not sexist
Kat you truly are a bitch and the lowest form of a human being. The only saving grace is that the other teams can cook #mkr | 0.933497 | 0not sexist
If a person pays for a date's meal they were taught right, but if the date EXPECTS them to pay for the meal they were taught wrong. | 0.153984 | 0not sexist
Today's goal: get G'Gater to urge use of Logan Act against dissenters on grounds that MENTION3332 is a foreign government. Difficulty: low. | 0.216583 | 0not sexist
Without 'her', even a HER0 is a 0.....☺
#HappyWomensDay #womensday
😄 https://t.co/Q5a3855EWE | 0.266846 | 0not sexist
I agree! RT MENTION2142: MENTION37 I think Pinterest should stay being an adult thing! #pr20chat | 0.44905 | 0not sexist
MENTION140 haha, you have until ~ 3:30 PST. :) | 0.131219 | 0not sexist
And White people who bring up queerness or being a survivor as a way to SILENCE WoC? Because no WoC are queer? None survivors too? Ugh. | 0.432425 | 0not sexist
MENTION1782 MENTION3653 You have the right idea! | 0.139452 | 0not sexist
If I hear the word SASS one more time!!!!! Im gunna blow! #MKR2015 #MKR | 0.493603 | 0not sexist
MENTION4296 people think that implying association via follow is a bad thing. but it's shockingly accurate. | 0.228984 | 0not sexist
It is important for partner to help their partner and not only be focused on a career. | 0.016811 | 0not sexist
I think it's odd when females don't have nice penmanship. It's boys who should be the ugly writers. | 0.688912 | 1sexist
Judges comments are so funny! #mkr | 0.234442 | 0not sexist
Don't put on the cape unless you're ready to be a hero. http://t.co/j2jo5jaLmx | 0.075454 | 0not sexist
In the discussion bout what drake said .. female rappers (Lauryn hill) don't count. hey..... oh well. | 0.30119 | 0not sexist
MENTION3559 it could go either way. I'm not very predictable. | 0.117911 | 0not sexist
She started punching him like a pungeball https://t.co/2W9pQ8CScX | 0.612695 | 0not sexist
A woman’s guess is much more accurate than a man’s certainty – Rudyard K
#womensday | 0.476677 | 1sexist
MENTION126 http://t.co/mE9EwHqKeP #5, genius | 0.069172 | 0not sexist
GOP rookies are the dumbest creatures on the face of the earth. | 0.927976 | 0not sexist
I'm getting too many friend reqs from people I don't know. I'd rather just manage a page and keep all that stuff separate from pics of leo. | 0.134937 | 0not sexist
Surely we are being Punked #MKR | 0.361131 | 0not sexist
It is rare to see women treated in a sexist manner in Television. | 0.36133 | 1sexist
http://t.co/hBBh4lcCqs MENTION4533 Women referees suck man. And no I'm not sexist but damn bruh that wasn't a good call | 0.829039 | 1sexist
MENTION886 it's hard for me to find good marvel schwag. i've got a nice print from target (lol), but DC sadly does better mechandising. | 0.124329 | 0not sexist
I have yet to meet see or know a woman who knows how to drive or what on Earth she's doing on the road! save our roads! | 0.097558 | 1sexist
LRT: It's fucking rich when women are delegated the lion's share of housework and then mocked for their prowess at it. | 0.898849 | 0not sexist
Hey followers, I'm back from a 2-week vacation and ready to call people sexist again. Thanks for sticking around. | 0.282716 | 0not sexist
MENTION1016 MENTION1160 But then all that sweet $0 an hour cash money I make from this Twitter would be gone! | 0.272817 | 0not sexist
I just saw a woman masterfully parallel park that’s a first for me https://t.co/NdC8j0aqv3 | 0.074708 | 1sexist
“A good player is as strong as the right coach needs them to be.” | 0.016299 | 0not sexist
I don't get it! Why deconstruct a tart, that's just weird #MKR | 0.198594 | 0not sexist
A major fault that women have is their personal vanity, as shown by the exaggerated importance they attach to minute details of dress and grooming | 0.289137 | 1sexist
If you open the car door for your grandparent, you win. | 0.119998 | 0not sexist
MENTION3220 5th edition doesn't exist. WE DON'T SPEAK OF THAT | 0.124169 | 0not sexist
If you have followers and you play cod you are automatically a successful youtuber. shit its true idgaf | 0.927032 | 0not sexist
Meanwhile back in the English Boyz tent. #mkr http://t.co/ezWQnQIiYH | 0.116613 | 0not sexist
Love that Kat and Andre think they are doing well but are getting slated by the campers #mkr MENTION786 | 0.12107 | 0not sexist
Just a few minutes until this panel starts. Zoe goes last. Making the announcement when she does. Teasers until then. :) | 0.094323 | 0not sexist
I'd rather be helped by a guy who knows what he's doing. | 0.064229 | 0not sexist
Well done Ash and Camilla. An ambitious brekkie menu pulled off. Deserved. 👍 #hungrycampers #MKR | 0.365349 | 0not sexist
I hate all sports announcers | 0.794252 | 0not sexist
MENTION1675 MENTION4204 Please. two women would mean double the drama because each partner is try… https://t.co/wgppRHd5Ll | 0.123241 | 1sexist
most Corybn worshipers and brexiters tend to be men (in my experience on here anyway) so I expec… https://t.co/DadM3Zu1d4 | 0.358529 | 0not sexist
kids should not cut men's hair. | 0.089361 | 0not sexist
Oh my lord... #blondemomentforthe #KillerBlondes MENTION786 #MKR | 0.501875 | 0not sexist
One should never trust a woman’s account of another woman | 0.223268 | 1sexist
RT MENTION650 Anti feminist piss me off.. | 0.87728 | 0not sexist
just had a non-sexual conversation with a elder and my heart is still racing. this one seemed to even have ideas like a spouse does?! (cc: MENTION999) | 0.134453 | 0not sexist
MENTION1059 I have only ever seen female OBGYNs I don’t feel comfortable with the men. Period. | 0.311532 | 1sexist
Women who changed the world! #InternationalWomensDay https://t.co/Vxq21l9zZO #BeBoldForChange #ADayWithoutWomen https://t.co/w4mOaHuY4W | 0.20564 | 0not sexist
.MENTION4293 Until now, I've never talked to you. But I'm sure you won't let a little thing like truth stand in the way of a story. ;) | 0.152534 | 0not sexist
MENTION1266 by her saying anything a person can do a kid can easily do twice as good SMH don't be a hypocrite | 0.691689 | 0not sexist
Yes, a lot of his followers are bots. We have known this. This isn't news. | 0.096696 | 0not sexist
You can I fail to take these model/DJ robots setiously | 0.076615 | 0not sexist
Kat and Andre got through 🙍😔 this seems rigged how can anyone be worse then kat and andre #MKR | 0.433189 | 0not sexist
as an adult you should know how to change your own tire no exceptions. | 0.116103 | 0not sexist
Too many cooks. #MKR | 0.202769 | 0not sexist
Act like a man. #Lane_RYS17 #Lane_RYS17 #Lane_RYS17 #Lane_RYS17 #Lane_RYS17 #Lane_RYS17 #Lane_RYS17 #Lane_RYS17 #Lane_RYS17 #Lane_RYS17 | 0.537345 | 0not sexist
Women set the standards for moral behavior | 0.161092 | 1sexist
MENTION1191 I laid the bike down intentionally vs having a worse accident. I was bruised but fine. | 0.172274 | 0not sexist
Oh, no. My inbox. | 0.096269 | 0not sexist
Not that I watch it but still aha #mkr | 0.244573 | 0not sexist
MENTION3851 my views are largely tempered by my former tax bracket. and although i like the idea of flat tax, doesn't work well at pov lvl. | 0.098812 | 0not sexist
Women are incomplete without men | 0.568103 | 1sexist
MENTION1076 MENTION3164 eh, this is turning into more of a legal concern. | 0.220576 | 0not sexist
MENTION1932 See, I read that as a certificate authority breaking off and being its own island of site authentication. I need a break. | 0.096728 | 0not sexist
Annie and Lloyd are in sudden death! No surprise there. #MKR | 0.607978 | 0not sexist
MENTION176 Nutrition is key to closing the .#Aboriginal life expectancy gap http://t.co/IHtNiRJMa9 MENTION1764 http://t.co/ktnqAD0TM3 | 0.065882 | 0not sexist
MENTION1712 not if you're a woman...and it fits right...most guys will appreciate a woman who looks good in one! | 0.18831 | 1sexist
When ur on ur period and can't eat, sleep or walk so you gotta lie in bed like a potato and take the pain like a man https://t.co/HBg0vyftxr | 0.334478 | 0not sexist
"We can’t achieve any of our goals without the participation of women and girls" - MENTION164 on #WomensDay https://t.co/J3ceJqpINR | 0.12363 | 0not sexist
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