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I (17f) and my friend/on & off boyfriend (18m) are both huge pranksters and we usually pull stupid pranks on one another. I am white and he’s Native American. He’s got long hair down his back. The other day I was spending the night at his house and thought it would be funny if I tied his hair around those metal bars on his bed frame. I kept shaking him roughly to wake him up and it took me like 20 seconds. He started trying to get up and began dreaming out. I told him what I did with his hair & at first he laughed then asked me to untie it. So I tried but I couldn’t get his hair loose. I didn’t know what to do so I woke his mom up and asked her if she could help. She couldn’t get it either. My friend started crying when his mom came back in the room with scissors. She had to cut his hair & its now neck length. They were both severely devastated and I didn’t see the big deal because it was just hair. He forced me to drive home at like 2 am. It’s been a couple of days and he still hasn’t spoken to me. He told me his hair was a huge part of his culture & I told him I don’t understand what I did wrong because it was just a prank that went bad on accident. I was just being a kid. That’s what kids we do, we do stupid shit. I didn’t mean for it to go wrong nor was it my fault that his hair go super tangled due to his continuous tugging and pulling. ###### | YTA - all you had to do was apologize and show contrition
Instead you belittled his culture, repeatedly offered excuses and tried to shift the blame on to him ###### |
I (19F) have been in lockdown at home ever since my university sent everyone home. A lot of my followers were interested in what i was up to so i started documenting my life in lockdown with videos.
Before corona I landed a big internship with a big company. People wanted to know how that was going so i started recording my meetings and one-to-ones and posting them on my site along with updates on what i've been working on.
One of the videos got really popular and my boss found it. He says I betrayed his trust and I shouldn't come to meetings next week until the issue is sorted out.
AITA for making videos of my own life? ###### | YTA -
Let me translate this for you. When your boss says "you should not attend company meetings until we figure this out," he is really saying "We are stalling while we prepare your termination documents and working with our lawyers to determine if legal action is necessary."
Did you sign an NDA before starting your internship? ###### |
I took a trip and brought a game (an old-school RPG called Lunar if anyone's wondering) I've been wanting to play. The airplane was loud so I figured I'll play it with the sound on and without headphones. After a few minutes, the person next to me who was working on a laptop gave me a dirty look and asked me passive aggressively if I could turn the sound down. I did turn the sound down because maybe I broke some etiquette rule since I'm not a frequent flier like it looked like they were, but I have been wondering if they were the asshole or if I was. ###### | YTA -
>I think I might be the asshole because maybe I broke some etiquette rule since I'm not a frequent flier l
This has nothing to do with flying etiquette, you would have been the asshole pulling this shit in any public space where people are in close quarters. ###### |
My parents are very wealthy and I grew up spoiled and completely unprepared for life. When I met my wife she has a lot of issues with my family and especially my mom. My mom has been diagnosed with a personality disorder but very few people know that. My mom was very clear that we were not allowed to tell our significant others. I decided my wife should know because it explained why my mom was the way she was but also so my wife could have all the facts before agreeing to have kids. There is literally no hope for my mom because too many people enable her but I wanted to be honest with my wife.
My mom hung up on me when she found out and sent someone to repossess the car she had given me, took back her offer to get us a house for a wedding gift, and said we would never see another penny from her. She didn’t even buy us a cheap wedding gift or a card. My mom still wants a relationship though my dad wanted her to cut me off completely and he hardly speaks to me these days.
I’m still close to my family but the financial discrepancy is huge. My mom pays for my nieces and nephews to go to private school, takes them on lavish trips, is fully funding their college, and plans to buy them car when they turn 16.
My son is 10 and definitely notices that his cousins have more. So far he doesn’t know that my parents pay for so much of it but I think in a couple years he will figure it won’t. WIBTA if I asked them to treat my son equally. ###### | YTA -
"Listen, mom, I only told wife you have BPD in case she wanted to make sure people like you are eliminated from the gene pool. No offense but you've always been awful and your mental defect explains everything, just get over it. Now can you please send me $15K for Junior's tuition and resume payments for my car? Love you!"
You do have one thing right, you certainly are unprepared for real life. ###### |
My daughter and her husband (34 and 33 respectively) just went through a second failed IVF cycle.
At the realization that they failed yet again to become parents, her husband was devastated. They live in New York but he said he’s going to extend his business trip in South Beach and stay with a friend for a few weeks to catch up.
My daughter is asking me for money to get counseling. She recently lost her corporate job and her husband refuses to pay for counseling or go. The only available therapist that specializes in infertility counseling in her area is apparently out of network.
My daughter tells me that she doesn’t know when she can pay me back because her husband controls most of the finances.
And to be honest, I wasn’t sympathetic to her cause because when she was 21, she was pregnant and even her boyfriend at the time was a great man (unlike what we all think of her current husband) and intended raise the baby with her, she said that she didn’t want to “do this” with a 36 year old and aborted it.
All signs at the time pointed to a healthy pregnancy and we were all mentally prepared to help her through it and babysit it, and what she did upset a lot of people.
I do feel like she threw away the chance to be a mother because of her need for everything to line up and be perfect.
So I told her that I was really reluctant to spend a bunch of money to comfort her and assuage her feelings when she’s apparently forgotten that she had a healthy pregnancy but didn’t appreciate her expected child at that time.
And for that reason I don’t really want to give her the money and will not. AITA? I just don’t think there’s much more to accept than the fact that she had a chance before and she opted out of it, and because of that she has to accept she may never be a parent and move on from it, just like her father and I have had to, with no sympathy from her. ###### | YTA I hope this is fake because if not then you're a horrible mother. You actually wanted your young daughter to have a child with a man fifteen years her senior?? I'm not surprised that you think he was a great man though.
You don't have to pay anything for your daughter, but I hope that she does get some counseling and cut all the toxic people out of her life. ###### |
My friend showed me her new website selling her art services, and as someone who doesn't know much about art I got curious. I saw that one of her pre-drawn artworks has a 1,200 dollar price tag which i thought was insane. And she also does animation and once did a commission for $3,000 for 60 seconds of animation which is insane. So I casually remarked that it's extremely expensive for an artwork and she got mad and said that I obviously know jack about art. A bit of an overreaction? ###### | YTA for devaluing her work, her technical skills and her time. A lot of artists get this reaction all the time from ignorant amateurs and even from clients (!!!) and it is exhausting. FYI, 60 seconds of animation could easily represent 60 to 160 hours of work, it is ridiculously time intensive and requires a lot of skill. ###### |
So long story short my ex and I were living together and we broke up. She hadn't moved all her stuff out, including furniture, kitchen appliances, etc. We had a very sudden and explosive breakup and she packed up her clothes, makeup, and other essentials and moved in with her brother. So her brother called me and asked me if he and my ex could come to move out all her stuff. It had been a while since we broke up because she didn't have a place for her furniture because it took a while to find housing because of the pandemic. Problem is, I had already thrown out a few small things like a coffee maker, some souvenirs from her study abroad trip, her vacuum, etc. I was like okay whatever. Her brother asked me if they could do it while I wasn't there because she really didn't want to see me and he couldn't do it alone because he didn't know what was hers and what was mine. I said that was fine and trusted them to be honest and left my house. She still had a key. So they move all the stuff out and I find a key on the table.
That evening I'm trying to relax and I find that my N64 is gone! I am furious and I call her brother who doesn't answer the phone and has my number blocked. She and I went halvsies on the N64 and she had bought some of the games for me for my birthday. I was so mad when I discovered it was gone and that they stole it and even worse intentionally cut off all means of communications with me so I couldn't respond to them. So I call the police and tell them that there was a home robbery and I need them to get my stuff back. The cop tells me there is nothing they can do and not call back. My friend tells my I'm an asshole because my ex is black and calling the police on them could have been fatal. So reddit, AITA? ###### | YTA
You had already thrown away a bunch of her stuff, her vacuum, coffee-maker and mementos - surely those are worth at least 50% of a N64? I'd call it even and be done with it. ###### |
I have HSV-1, the virus that typically causes cold sores in over 50% of the population. I sometimes also get it down there, but it’s the same virus. I went on a date with a guy I met on bumble last night. One thing led to another and we ended up sleeping together. Yes we used protection. I wasn’t having an outbreak, so chances of passing it to him were slim to none. Usually I tell people I have herpes before sleeping with them, and they usually don’t care. I don’t know why I didn’t say anything this time around, I was feeling embarrassed about it. So am I the asshole for sleeping with him without telling him? ###### | YTA
I didn't even need to read. You always share with your partner if they have a chance to get a STD just for sleeping with you. Doesn't matter how slim the chances are. ###### |
I dated "Alex" for six years. I loved him very much and still do. He wanted to get married, but I didn't think we would be compatible as husband and wife. He was my first serious boyfriend and I was his first serious girlfriend. I didn't want to marry him and then have doubts years later. There were warning signs towards the end like he wanted to live in the city and I wanted to live away from the city. He loved travelling and I didn't. He wanted five kids of his own and I wanted to adopt.
We broke up and it hurt him a lot. A couple of years later, he started dating "Kayla" who had a major issue with my still being friends with Alex. There was nothing between Alex and I. We are much better as friends than lovers. Plus we hang out with the same social crowd. Kayla became outwardly hostile towards me even though I told her that she is far more compatible with him than I was and I was already in a serious relationship myself.
They ended up getting married and I got an invite. Kayla rescinded the invite saying she didn't want ex-girlfriends at her wedding. I was like whatever. Recently I reconnected with Alex when a mutual friend passed away and she emailed me asking me to stop trying to mess with her marriage. I told her that the only reason why he married her was because I didn't want to marry him and if I wanted him back, then I could.
That shut her up for awhile, but she later called me a "fucking bitch." ###### | YTA this wasn't a rebound marriage they started dating a couple of years later. You made it sound like if you snapped your fingers he'd ditch her and come running. I'd have called you a whole lot more names than that. ###### |
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