stringlengths 1
| Expansion
stringlengths 2
| IsWord
bool 2
classes |
AFAIUI | As far as I understand it | false |
AFAP | As far as possible | false |
AFC | Away from computer | false |
AFFA | Angels Forever, Forever Angels | true |
AFJ | April Fool’s joke | false |
AFK | Away from keyboard | false |
AFPOE | A fresh pair of eyes | false |
AFZ | Acronym Free Zone | false |
AGI | agility | false |
AH | At home | true |
AIAMU | And I am a money’s uncle | false |
AIGHT | Alright | false |
AIR | As I remember | true |
AISB | As it should be | false |
AISI | As I see it | false |
AITR | Adult in the room | false |
AKA | Also known as | true |
ALCON | All concerned | false |
ALOL | Actually laughing out loud | false |
AMA | Ask me anything | true |
AMAP | As much as possible | false |
AMBW | All my best wishes | false |
AML | All my love | false |
AMOF | As a matter of fact | false |
AO | Anarchy Online | false |
AOC | Available on cell | false |
AOE | Area of effect | false |
AOM | Age of majority | false |
AOTA | All of the above | false |
AOYP | Angel on your pillow | false |
APAC | All praise and credit | false |
API | Application Programming Interface | false |
APP | Application | false |
AQAP | As quiet as possible | false |
ARC | Archive | true |
ARE | Acronym rich environment | true |
ARG | Argument | false |
ASAP | As soon as possible | false |
ASIG | And so it goes | false |
ASL | Age/sex/location | false |
ASLA | Age/sex/location/availability | false |
AT | At your terminal | true |
ATB | All the best | false |
ATEOTD | At the end of the day | false |
ATM | At the moment | false |
ATSITS | All the stars in the sky | false |
ATSL | Along the same line | false |
AWC | After awhile crocodile | false |
AWESO | Awesome | false |
AWOL | Away without leaving | false |
AYBABTU | All your base are belong to us | false |
AYDY | Are you done yet? | false |
AYEC | At your earliest convenience | false |
AYOR | At your own risk | false |
AYS | Are you serious? | false |
AYSOS | Are you stupid or something? | false |
AYT | Alright | false |
AYTMTB | And you’re telling me this because | false |
AYV | Are you vertical? | false |
AYW | As you were | false |
AZN | Asian | false |
B | be | false |
B& | Banned | false |
B-DAY | Birthday | false |
B/C | Because | false |
B/F | Boyfriend | false |
B/G | Background | false |
B2B | Business-to-business | false |
B2C | Business-to-consumer | false |
B2W | Back to work | false |
B4 | Before | false |
B4N | Bye for now | false |
B8 | Bait | false |
B9 | Boss is watching | false |
BA | Bad Ass | true |
BAE | Before anyone else | true |
BAFO | Best and final offer | false |
BAG | Busting a gut | true |
BAK | Back at keyboard | false |
BAM | Below average mentality | true |
BAMF | Bad Ass mother fucker | false |
BAO | Be aware of | false |
BAS | Big Ass smile | true |
BASIC | anything mainstream | true |
BASOR | Breathing a sigh of relief | false |
BAU | Business as usual | false |
BAY | Back at ya | true |
BB | Be back | false |
BBC | Big bad challenge | false |
BBIAB | Be back in a bit | false |
BBIAF | Be back in a few | false |
BBIAM | Be back in a minute | false |
BBIAS | Be back in a sec | false |
BBL | Be back later | false |
BBN | Bye, bye now | false |
BBQ | Barbeque | false |
BBS | Be back soon | false |
BBT | Be back tomorrow | false |
BC | Because | false |
BCNU | Be seeing you | false |
Subsets and Splits