Dataset Viewer
int64 2
| question
stringclasses 377
values | hint
stringclasses 97
values | answer
stringclasses 4
values | A
stringlengths 1
| B
stringlengths 1
| C
stringlengths 1
| D
stringlengths 1
| category
stringclasses 20
values | image
imagewidth (px) 55
| source
stringclasses 563
values | L2-category
stringclasses 6
values | comment
stringclasses 177
values | split
stringclasses 1
value |
1,377 | What's the profession of the people in this picture? | nan | C | baker | butcher | carpenter | designer | identity_reasoning | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,000,968 | Where is it located? | nan | A | Xi'an | Beijing | Tokyo | Shanghai | celebrity_recognition |,1191410713&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=120&f=JPEG?w=1331&h=800 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 2.png | dev |
1,001,333 | Which mood does this image convey? | nan | C | Angry | Sad | Anxious | Happy | image_emotion | | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
2,000,977 | What is the name of this city? | nan | C | Shanghai | Milan | Pari | London | celebrity_recognition |,3373777912&fm=224&app=112&f=JPEG?w=500&h=346 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 11.png | dev |
2,001,802 | Which of the following captions best describes this image? | nan | D | A family having a picnic in a park | A person hiking on a mountain trail | A group of people sitting around a campfire | A person kayaking on a lake | image_scene |  | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
2,000,656 | In the picture, which direction is the man wearing a hat facing? | nan | C | facing the camera | back to the camera | facing the little boy | facing the floor | object_localization | COCO_test2015 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 000000006392.jpg | dev |
1,492 | Which corner are the oranges? | nan | C | up | down | left | right | object_localization | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
3,001,907 | What kind of human behavior does this picture describe? | nan | D | A group of coworkers are playing a game of basketball during their lunch break, dribbling and shooting hoops while building teamwork and camaraderie. | An artist is sculpting a statue in a studio, chiseling away at a block of marble while creating intricate details and shapes. | A family is having a barbecue in their backyard, grilling burgers and hot dogs while enjoying each other's company and the warm weather. | On a snowy night, a man was playing the piano alone in the snow with a cigarette, and the light hit him, looking very lonely. | action_recognition | | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
2,001,433 | who is this person? | nan | C | Tom Hanks | Elon Mask | Simon Cowell | Elton John | celebrity_recognition | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
2,001,926 | What kind of human behavior does this picture describe? | nan | A | A man in a cowboy hat sits sleeping in the sun with a fallen apple at his feet. | A group of friends are playing poker in a basement, betting chips and bluffing while trying to outsmart each other. | A doctor is performing surgery in a hospital, using advanced techniques and technology to save lives and restore health to patients in need. | A couple is horseback riding on a trail, cantering and galloping through scenic terrain while bonding with each other and their equine companions. | action_recognition | | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
1,659 | Which Python code can generate the content of the image? | nan | B | count = 0
while (count < 10):
print 'The count is:', count
count = count + 1
print "Good bye!" | count = 0
while (count < 9):
print 'The count is:', count
count = count + 1
print "Good bye!" | count = 1
while (count < 9):
print 'The count is:', count
count = count + 1
print "Good bye!" | count = 0
while (count < 9):
print 'The count is:', count
count = count + 2
print "Good bye!" | structuralized_imagetext_understanding | | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,606 | what style is depicted in this image? | nan | D | impressionism | post-Impressionism | modernism | dadaism | image_style | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
3,001,956 | In nature, what's the relationship between these two creatures? | nan | A | Competitive relationships | Parasitic relationships | Symbiotic relationship | Predatory relationships | nature_relation | relation_reasoning | nan | dev |
3,000,523 | What feeling is represented in this image? | nan | A | disordered | angry | supportive | engaged | image_emotion | Internet | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
3,000,866 | The picture shows a scene of flame reaction. Please select the metal that most possibly used in this experiment. | nan | D | Iron. | Sodium. | Nitrogen. | Copper. | physical_property_reasoning | Internet | attribute_reasoning | dev |
53 | Which one is the correct caption of this image? | nan | A | A group of giraffes and zebras in a wildlife exhibit. | A man wearing a black hat while talking on a phone. | An empty kitchen with a window and a refrigerators. | A bowl of bananas sitting on the kitchen table. | image_scene | description | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
3,000,543 | Which emotion is being depicted in this image? | nan | A | sadness | anger | loneliness | happiness | image_emotion | Internet | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
252 | Which of the following could Laura and Isabella's test show? | People can use the engineering-design process to develop solutions to problems. One step in the process is testing if a potential solution meets the requirements of the design.
The passage below describes how the engineering-design process was used to test a solution to a problem. Read the passage. Then answer the question below.
Laura and Isabella were making batches of concrete for a construction project. To make the concrete, they mixed together dry cement powder, gravel, and water. Then, they checked if each batch was firm enough using a test called a slump test.
They poured some of the fresh concrete into an upside-down metal cone. They left the concrete in the metal cone for 30 seconds. Then, they lifted the cone to see if the concrete stayed in a cone shape or if it collapsed. If the concrete in a batch collapsed, they would know the batch should not be used.
Figure: preparing a concrete slump test. | B | if the concrete from each batch took the same amount of time to dry | if a new batch of concrete was firm enough to use | nan | nan | physical_property_reasoning | scienceqa | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,420 | What's the profession of the people in this picture? | nan | C | librarian | radio host | gardener | lawyer | identity_reasoning | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,001,442 | who is this person? | nan | D | Kate Winslet | Keira Knightley | Victoria Beckham | Helen Mirren | celebrity_recognition | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
1,395 | What's the profession of the people in this picture? | nan | C | driver | teacher | waiter | tailor | identity_reasoning | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,000,535 | What feeling is represented in this image? | nan | B | angry | sad | engaged | distressed | image_emotion | Internet | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
3,000,465 | How many years passed between the signing of the Treaty of Versailles and the beginning of World War II in Europe? | Look at the timeline. Then answer the question. | A | 20 years | 15 years | 23 years | 35 years | structuralized_imagetext_understanding | scienceqa | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,001,409 | What's the profession of the people in this picture? | nan | D | pianist | photographer | dancer | writer | identity_reasoning | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
7 | What is correct Python code to generate the content of the image? | nan | B | x = lambda a, b, c: a + b + c\nprint(x(5, 6, 2))\n | class Person:\n def __init__(self, name, age):\n = name\n self.age = age\n\np1 = Person("John", 36)\n\nprint(\nprint(p1.age) | x = lambda a, b: a * b\nprint(x(5, 6))\n | a = """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,\nconsectetur adipiscing elit,\nsed do eiusmod tempor incididunt\nut labore et dolore magna aliqua."""\nprint(a)\n | structuralized_imagetext_understanding | code | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,001,367 | Which mood does this image convey? | nan | B | Angry | Sad | Anxious | Happy | image_emotion | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
2,000,594 | Which action is performed in this image? | nan | C | biking through snow | shoveling snow | pushing car | snowboarding | action_recognition | action/aras | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | aras_clips/pushing_car/-IUP8NjVWWY_0.mp4 | dev |
3,000,100 | Which one is the correct caption of this image? | nan | C | a red double decker bus is seen coming up the street | A motorcycle leaning on a car in street. | A man is eating a hot dog while wearing a suit. | A bike sitting near the water that has boats in it. | action_recognition | description | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
3,000,619 | What motion this image want to convey? | nan | A | angry | sad | terrified | happy | attribute_recognition | internet | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | mood_6.jpeg | dev |
1,000,783 | Which image shows the highest sharpness? | nan | D | down right | upper left | upper right | down left | image_quality | koniq10k | coarse_perception | 8627453045_3872832716_5756343761_3881103730_3 | dev |
1,000,289 | Which property do these three objects have in common? | Select the best answer. | C | flexible | blue | smooth | nan | function_reasoning | scienceqa | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,000,958 | Which is the main topic of the image | nan | A | A cow is eating grass | A sheep is eating flowers | A horse is eating hay | A goat is eating leaves | image_topic | COCO train2014 | coarse_perception | 12.png | dev |
1,200 | What will happen next? | nan | B | the motorcyle is gonna go forward | the motorcyle is gonna crash | the motorcyle is gonna go backward | both A,B, and C | future_prediction | | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
478 | Which term matches the picture? | Read the text.
The stem of a plant contains different types of tissue. Two of these types are xylem and phloem. Xylem tissue carries water and nutrients from the roots of the plant to the leaves. Xylem moves materials in only one direction, up the plant's stem. Phloem tissue carries nutrients from the leaves to other parts of the plant. The nutrients in phloem tissue can move in two directions, either up or down the plant's stem. | B | phloem | xylem | nan | nan | function_reasoning | scienceqa | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,001,711 | What's the function of the demonstrated object? | nan | A | Bulldozing | Cutting platform | clean | measurement | function_reasoning | | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,001,171 | What can be the relationship between the two main persons in this image? | nan | C | Lovers | Sisters | Teacher and student | Colleagues | social_relation | relation_reasoning | nan | dev |
3,000,715 | Extract text from the image | nan | A | UNIVERSITY HALL | SCHOOL HALL | EDUCATION HALL | ACADEMIC HALL | ocr | TextVQA test-split | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 0a96487c90a85f97.jpg | dev |
1,093 | Are the two sofas the same color in the picture? | nan | B | same | Not the same | Can't judge | nan | attribute_comparison | | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
1,000,971 | Where is it? | nan | C | Nanjing | Shanghai | Xi'an | Wuhan | celebrity_recognition |,1113883513&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=138&f=JPEG?w=892&h=500 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 5.png | dev |
1,000,660 | How many Cows in this picture? | nan | D | nine | four | one | two | object_localization | COCO_test2015 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 000000000019.jpg | dev |
2,001,913 | What kind of human behavior does this picture describe? | nan | C | A woman is practicing tai chi in a park, moving fluidly and gracefully through the ancient Chinese martial art form. | A group of coworkers are doing team-building exercises, playing games and solving puzzles while strengthening their collaboration skills. | The two men tore together with force, with their faces hideous. | A group of friends are dancing to music in a living room, swaying their hips and waving their arms in time with the beat. | action_recognition | | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
1,000,856 | What job is the person in the image most likely to do? | nan | A | farmer | athlete | cashier | nurse | identity_reasoning | Internet | attribute_reasoning | dev |
1,000,388 | What do hedgehogs do when they are scared? | Read the passage about hedgehogs.
Hedgehogs have sharp spines that cover their backs. Some people think they look like little spiky balls! When they are scared, hedgehogs roll up into a ball. This keeps them safe from foxes and other animals.
Hedgehogs eat things like insects, worms, and snails. They hunt for food in hedges and other plants, just like wild pigs, or hogs. This is how they got the name hedgehogs. | A | They curl up into a ball. | They shoot their spines like arrows. | nan | nan | physical_property_reasoning | scienceqa | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,001,618 | Which category does this image belong to? | nan | B | microscopic image | abstract painting | MRI image | icon | image_style | | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
3,000,082 | Which one is the correct caption of this image? | nan | D | THERE IS A COMMUTER TRAIN ON THE TRACKS | A large city bus is parked on the side of a street. | A man holding a frisbee in the field close to some buildings | Five people stand on a shoreline, with woods in the background. | image_scene | description | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
2,000,607 | What is the shape of the small yellow rubber thing that is in front of the large yellow metal ball that is behind the small matte object? | nan | C | sphere | cylinder | cube | nan | attribute_recognition | Clevr | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | CLEVR_val_000005.png | dev |
3,001,172 | What can be the relationship between the two main persons in this image? | nan | D | Colleagues | Lovers | Husband and wife | Teacher and student | social_relation | relation_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,001,750 | What is the most likely purpose of this poster? | nan | D | To celebrate Christmas. | To celebrate National Day. | To celebrate New Year. | To celebrate someone's birthday. | ocr | | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
3,000,210 | Based on the image, what does the contrast between the traditional monk garb and the use of a cell phone symbolize? | nan | D | The man is disregarding his spiritual beliefs by using a cell phone. | The man is using the cell phone as a materialistic possession. | The man is abandoning traditional values in favor of modern communication. | The man is embracing modern technology while still adhering to traditional practices. | function_reasoning | reasoning | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
717 | Who is the person in this image? | nan | A | Steve Jobs | Donald Trump | Jack Ma | Jing Wu | celebrity_recognition | Google | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
2,001,301 | what is the color of this object? | nan | C | yellow | green | red | blue | attribute_recognition | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
3,001,154 | What can be the relationship between the two persons in this image? | nan | B | Mother and son | Brother and sister | Husband and wife | Father and daughter | social_relation | relation_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,001,428 | who is this person? | nan | A | Tom Hardy | David Beckham | Prince Harry | Daniel Craig | celebrity_recognition | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
3,000,670 | How many people are visible in this picture? | nan | C | six | seven | eight | three | object_localization | COCO_test2015 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 000000001412.jpg | dev |
1,000,517 | What emotion is illustrated in this image? | nan | B | sad | love | anger | happy | image_emotion | Internet | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
2,001,093 | Are the two sofas the same color in the picture? | nan | A | Not the same | Can't judge | same | nan | attribute_comparison | | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
3,000,889 | Which option describe the object relationship in the image correctly? | nan | B | The car is behind the suitcase. | The wine bottle is in front of the cat. | The cat is drinking beer. | The cat is under the backpack. | spatial_relationship | vsr-train2017 | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | 000000199940.jpg | dev |
302 | Complete the statement.
Boron trifluoride is (). | The model below represents a molecule of boron trifluoride. Boron trifluoride is used to make many types of chemicals, such as plastics. | B | an elementary substance | a compound | nan | nan | physical_property_reasoning | scienceqa | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,001,407 | What's the profession of the people in this picture? | nan | A | repairman | pianist | photographer | chemist | identity_reasoning | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,000,364 | Is plastic a mineral? | Plastic has the following properties:
no fixed crystal structure
not a pure substance
made in a factory | A | no | yes | nan | nan | attribute_recognition | scienceqa | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
2,000,022 | Which one is the correct caption of this image? | nan | C | Tray of vegetables with cucumber, carrots, broccoli and celery. | A pretty young woman riding a surfboard on a wave in the ocean. | A narrow kitchen filled with appliances and cooking utensils. | A person with glasses and a tie in a room. | image_scene | description | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
2,001,621 | what style is this painting? | nan | C | gouache painting | pen and ink | ink wash painting | watercolor painting | image_style | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
819 | Which scene category matches this image the best? | nan | B | manufactured_home | campus | badlands | field/cultivated | image_scene | scene/places365_val | coarse_perception | Places365_val_00000012.jpg | dev |
3,000,511 | Which can be the associated text with this image posted on twitter | nan | D | #ShibArmy has been outstanding over the years. 💗 | Now that I got myself a real new shiba Inu dog 🐕He told me to buy some #Leash and #Bone Looks great right ? Woof 🐕#shibarmy #Huobi ( when leash ? ) 😁#SHIBARMYSTRONG | $SHIB
We mailed the stickers to the first real Shiba Inu owner💌📮🗾
(The dog's name is Jiro.)
Thank you🫶🏻🐕🥷🇯🇵
#イッヌ愛好家 #柴犬愛好家 | Hey #AiShiba Squad! Refreshed your OG NFTs yet? Unleash the charm of your AiShiba by refreshing metadata! But don't keep the fun to yourself - Snap, tweet, tag us! Share your digital pup with the world! Remember, sharing is caring & life's always more fun with #AiShiba! | object_localization | socialmedia | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
3,001,056 | What kind of weather is depicted in the picture? | nan | A | rainy | windy | snowy | sunny | image_scene | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
2,001,594 | Which category does this image belong to? | nan | C | digital art | photo | medical CT image | 8-bit | image_style | | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
3,000,587 | Which action is performed in this image? | nan | A | swing dancing | passing American football (not in game) | jogging | lunge | action_recognition | action/aras | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | aras_clips/swing_dancing/529qCPkz8NI_0.mp4 | dev |
1,483 | what is this? | nan | C | spring roll | mozerella cheese stick | bread stick | cheese stick | celebrity_recognition | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
3,000,757 | Who is the person in this image? | nan | B | Xiang Liu | Morgan Freeman | Donald Trump | Jackie Chan | celebrity_recognition | Google | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
1,000,228 | What is the capital of Washington? | nan | D | Denver | Spokane | Seattle | Olympia | attribute_recognition | scienceqa | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
1,847 | What direction is Italy in the Mediterranean Sea? | nan | D | east | south | west | north | spatial_relationship |,26.1089918,4z?entry=ttu | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
2,001,005 | Which is right? | nan | C | The cat is jumping on the floor | The cat is running on the floor | The cat is lying on the floor | The cat is standing on the floor | physical_relation | COCO train2014 | relation_reasoning | 9.png | dev |
1,000,294 | Think about the magnetic force between the magnets in each pair. Which of the following statements is true? | The images below show two pairs of magnets. The magnets in different pairs do not affect each other. All the magnets shown are made of the same material. | B | The strength of the magnetic force is the same in both pairs. | The magnetic force is stronger in Pair 1. | The magnetic force is stronger in Pair 2. | nan | physical_property_reasoning | scienceqa | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
3,001,945 | In nature, what's the relationship between these two creatures? | nan | D | Competitive relationships | Parasitic relationships | Symbiotic relationship | Predatory relationships | nature_relation | relation_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,001,174 | What can be the relationship of these people in this image? | nan | C | Colleagues | Lovers | Classmates | Brothers and sisters | social_relation | relation_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,000,951 | Which is the main topic of the image | nan | B | A car driving on the road | A bus driving on the road | A train driving on the road | Two buses driving on the road | image_topic | COCO train2014 | coarse_perception | 5.png | dev |
2,000,768 | Which image is the brightest one? | nan | A | down left | down right | upper left | upper right | image_quality | koniq10k | coarse_perception | 6992326754_7636475996_1057997640_5508551413_0 | dev |
1,182 | What can be the relationship between the two persons in this image? | nan | A | Mother and daughter | Sisters | Grandmother and granddaughter | Lovers | social_relation | relation_reasoning | nan | dev |
3,001,410 | What's the profession of the people in this picture? | nan | C | dancer | writer | architect | photographer | identity_reasoning | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
861 | The picture shows a scene of a chemical experiment. Please select the raw materials that may be used in this experiment. | nan | B | Water and sodium. | Concentrated sulfuric acid and sucrose. | Diluted hydrochloric acid. | Concentrated sulfuric acid and water. | physical_property_reasoning | Internet | attribute_reasoning | dev |
1,000,819 | Which scene category matches this image the best? | nan | C | field/cultivated | manufactured_home | campus | badlands | image_scene | scene/places365_val | coarse_perception | Places365_val_00000012.jpg | dev |
2,001,567 | The object shown in this figure: | nan | D | Has a relatively low melting point of around 419°C | Is an essential micronutrient for humans and many other organisms | Is a bluish-white metal that is commonly used in galvanizing and as an alloy in brass and other metals | All of these options are correct. | physical_property_reasoning | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,000,838 | What the nature relations of these animals | nan | A | mutualism | parasitism | predation | nan | nature_relation | internet | relation_reasoning | mutualism_4.jpeg | dev |
3,000,346 | What is the name of the place shown? | nan | C | Connecticut | New York | Rhode Island | New Hampshire | object_localization | scienceqa | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
1,001,002 | Which is right? | nan | D | One washbasin is on the bottom of the other | Two washbasins are far from each other | One washbasin is on the top of the other | Two washbasins are next to each other | physical_relation | COCO train2014 | relation_reasoning | 6.png | dev |
1,879 | What direction is Australia in New Zealan? | nan | D | northeast | southwest | southeast | northwest | spatial_relationship |,26.1089918,4z?entry=ttu | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
3,000,021 | Which one is the correct caption of this image? | nan | A | a young boy barefoot holding an umbrella touching the horn of a cow | A giraffe standing by a stall in a field. | A stop sign that has been vandalized with graffiti. | A man rides a surfboard on a large wave. | action_recognition | description | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
2,000,027 | Which one is the correct caption of this image? | nan | B | A picture of a vase of flowers on a shelf. | A bathroom with multicolored tile, bathtub and pedestal sink. | A parking meter sign points to where the meter is | A woman is walking across a wooden bridge with a surfboard. | image_scene | description | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
1,000,914 | Which of the following statements match the image? | nan | C | A green triangle is to the left of a yellow ellipse. | A triangle is to the right of an ellipse. | A triangle is to the left of an ellipse. | A green cross is to the right of a red shape. | attribute_comparison | shapeworld | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | world-28.png | dev |
562 | Which art style is showcased in this image? | nan | B | depth of field | pencil | vector art | Baroque | image_style | Internet | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
1,000,510 | Which can be the associated text with this image posted on twitter | nan | B | New the walking dead summit rick and michonne footage of crm helicopters 😳😳 | #BSFInterceptsPakDrone #Punjab #Amritsar Smuggling attempt with drone was foiled by #BSF on Amritsar border. When Pak drone crossed border at night, alert BSF troops intercepted it with firing & brought it down. Later during search, DJI Matrices 300 Chinese drone was recovered. | Capture magic in action with the all-new Insta360 X3 ✨ The ultimate 360 action cam is available now | Helicopters spray chemicals over homes | object_localization | socialmedia | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
1,479 | what is this? | nan | C | a covid test kit | a pregnancy test kit | a biopsy | a chemical tube | celebrity_recognition | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
1,270 | which image is more colorful? | nan | A | The first image | The second image | nan | nan | image_quality | | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
1,734 | What does this sign mean? | nan | C | Smoking is prohibited here. | Something is on sale. | No photography allowed | Take care of your speed. | ocr | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
415 | Which is the main persuasive appeal used in this ad? | nan | A | ethos (character) | logos (reason) | pathos (emotion) | nan | image_topic | scienceqa | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
3,000,665 | How many people can you see in this picture? | nan | A | four | one | eight | ten | object_localization | COCO_test2015 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 000000000651.jpg | dev |
1,001,157 | What can be the relationship between the two persons in this image? | nan | C | Husband and wife | Father and daughter | Mother and son | Brother and sister | social_relation | relation_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,001,846 | What direction is Czechia in the Mediterranean Sea? | nan | B | west | north | east | south | spatial_relationship |,26.1089918,4z?entry=ttu | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
1,001,734 | What does this sign mean? | nan | D | Take care of your speed. | Smoking is prohibited here. | Something is on sale. | No photography allowed | ocr | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
1,000,018 | What is correct Python code to generate the content of the image? | nan | C | x = 1.10\ny = 1.0\nz = -35.59\n\nprint(type(x))\nprint(type(y))\nprint(type(z))\n | x = 1\ny = 2.8\nz = 1j\n\nprint(type(x))\nprint(type(y))\nprint(type(z))\n | print(10 > 9)\nprint(10 == 9)\nprint(10 < 9)\n | x = lambda a: a + 10\nprint(x(5)) | structuralized_imagetext_understanding | code | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
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