[ { "question": "Can I bring my father/uncle/children…?", "answer": "Yes, home inspections are not just for buying a home. If you are planning to sell your home, you can get a “pre-listing” home inspection, which can tell you what your buyer’s home inspector may find and give you time to correct potential problems before placing your home on the market. Also, if you have a newly built home, getting a home inspection prior to the builder’s one-year walkthrough may if appropriate help you identify issues that need to be addressed by the builder before the warranty expires. Another option is a home “Checkup” that is designed more for maintenance than for Real Estate transactions. More can be found on Home Checkups HERE. An home inspection is not a warranty, guarantee, appraisal or certification. Nor does a home inspector have X-ray vision. We cannot see inside walls, floors, ceilings or appliances. The home inspector does not take things apart or poke holes in things. To avoid potential damage, the home inspector cannot light pilots, open or close valves or start systems that are turned off, and will not do anything where there is a risk that it cannot be un-done (Imagine if we test the breaker for the refrigerator and it gets stuck OFF?). The home inspector does not move furniture or boxes to get to things. We can arrange for experts to follow up on things of concern. For example, we can take water samples and have them sent out to laboratories for complete and thorough examinations. Some basic tests can be performed on-site but they should be only used as screenings. Your mortgage lender may require ‘certified’ tests from a lab for water, radon, asbestos and lead. We DO offer some of those tests. Water testing requires 24 hours advance notice as the test kits need to be prepared. Test collections can only be done Monday through Thursday because it must go overnight to a Maryland Certified lab. Currently the EPA is strongly suggesting that ALL homes (single family, Townhouses) get a Radon test. We have seen high levels in all parts of our territory and the long term risk in not worth not getting the test. If you DON’T have a Radon contingency you don’t need to get a test from us, but we still recommend you pick up a test and use it after you move in. We currently are working with a Radon Lab that allows us to place the canisters for them. The lab will pick the canisters in 2-3 days, read the results and provide the report back to you and your agent via Email. Currently this is only available in Montgomery and parts of Frederick counties. As for Termite inspections we always recommend going with a Licensed Termite/Pest firm that will issue a RENEWABLE termite certificate and back it up with a warranty. If you maintain the Warranty and Termites are ever found, the Pest company pays for the treatment and repairs of any damage, not you. It is important to maintain your warranty as like the ads say, termites can cause significant damage with little or no visible signs. No, and the reason is to protect you. There are currently no government standards for mold inspectors; only guidelines for mold inspectors and remediators that have been established by the professional Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification group through their s520 Guidelines publications. There are also widely differing methods for collecting air, bulk, tape, viable, and non viable samples and no agreed upon standards by ASHI, NAHI or the insurance industry for the benefit of the general public’s health and welfare. We can tell you that if you can detect a damp or musty smell or have a current or past water intrusion (or indicators thereof), there could be suspect mold issues at hand. We can inform you of companies that do provide excellent services within our network of service professionals, who have good accountability and integrity that can service your needs. Please note this is for informational purposes only, and Inspections by Bob is not connected with nor profits monetarily by any associations with those companies. If the house we are inspecting has a forced air HVAC system, we can perform a swab test that will screen for the presence of certain mold types. This is only a screening, and is only for the presence of mold in the ventilation system. We strive to answer every call personally. When you call, you will most likely be talking to “Mrs. Bob” — Welmoed (it’s pronounced “VEL-moot”). She can answer many of your home inspection questions, as she is an ASHI Inspector. You might reach our daughter Diana (otherwise known as “Little Bob”), who has been learning the home inspection business by looking at pictures from our inspections for the last 13 years. We do use an answering service only if no one is available to take your call personally. The company we use only answers for home inspection companies, and its agents have years of experience helping clients and answering their questions. Using a call center allows you to get help more quickly by eliminating “voice mail tag” while still allowing us to give our clients our full attention when we are on site. Inspections by Bob is not a large, impersonal firm; Bob Sisson performs most of the home inspections. He arrives in a clearly-marked vehicle and will be wearing an IBB uniform, as shown in this picture. If Welmoed Sisson is performing your inspection, she will be arriving in a clearly-marked vehicle and will be wearing an IBB uniform. Beyond telling the scheduler where the structure is, when the home inspector should be there, and how payment is going to be made, there are a few things you can do to get ready. All utilities and systems and appliances should be on and functioning. This includes water, electricity, gas, furnaces and air conditioning systems. All doors (exterior and garage) should be unlocked and accessible. Anything in the way of attic or crawl space access should be removed. Any manuals or service records for systems should out and available. If you are a buyer, we strongly suggest that you be present during the home inspection, as you will be better able to relate to the comments when you see what they come from. We also recommend leaving any other family members at home; the inspection is your opportunity to learn about the property, and it would be best not to be distracted. A home inspection can take upwards of an hour per 1,000 sq. ft. so a typical 2,500 sq. ft. home should take about 2½ hours. This will vary depending on the particular home, its age, components and whether it is occupied or empty. Also, allow an additional half hour for going over the report with the home inspector. When the home inspection is complete, you will receive an emailed copy of the report before the inspector leaves. You will also receive a 3-ring binder with informational brochures pertinent to the property, as well as a copy of “Basic Home Systems,” an 80-page book on how your home works and how to maintain it. Click here to see what your report will look like. Some of the informational brochures we include in the report cover topics such as polybutylene piping, garage door openers, smoke alarms, well & septic systems, dryer vents and hot water safety. If you like, you can download a sample report to see what a typical home inspection report looks like. If you have any questions regarding the home inspection report you receive, you are always welcome to contact our office for clarification, either via email or phone call. You will learn a lot more if you are present for the entire inspection, but you do not need to be. You will need to review and sign our contract before the start of the inspection. It contains descriptions of what we will be doing, not doing, our liabilities and their limitations. If you cannot be present at the start of the inspection, your agent may be able to sign for you, or you can download our contract, sign it and fax it to us prior to the inspection. We do routinely work with remote buyers who can’t be present for the inspection at all. In those cases we scan and email the entire report to the buyer along with any important pictures as well. We then arrange for a conference call to go over the report and any important pictures with the buyer. Many home inspectors market aggressively to real estate firms, in hopes of getting agents to give referrals. Sometimes, though, a home inspector who is “too picky” and jeopardizes too many of the agent’s sales might find their cards forgotten in a desk drawer! We belong to the Independent Home Inspectors of North America (IHINA), and do not market ourselves actively to real estate firms by doing presentations, “educational seminars” or other self-promotional methods. The majority of our business comes from the Internet, Angie’s List, and personal referrals, and as such we don’t have to worry about “messing up” a sale and jeopardizing a subsequent referral. Bob takes his time and finds everything he can, big or small, as that is what you are paying us for. We don’t need to care if the realtor thinks we are “too picky” or “too slow” and won’t refer people to us in the future. Even so, we have realtors who do recommend us to their clients! Of course, but your home inspection will be just as thorough as if you had received the referral from any other source. We don’t think so. Those ads cost a lot of money, so they need to do a lot of home inspections. We would rather take our time on each and every home inspection and have smaller ads. Simply put, No. There are many roofs that should not be walked at all such as Wooden Shake or Shingle, Clay, cement or other tile roofs. Metal roofs or steeply pitched roofs are dangerous even for professionals. That leaves a small amount of roofs, and walking those after precipitation is equally dangerous. Roofs that are extremely hot or cold can easily be damaged by walking as well. If we cannot walk a roof, we will usually observe it either from the top of a ladder (so we can inspect the inside of the gutters), or with a pole-mounted camera. Not as much as some would say. Most roofs show tell-tale signs elsewhere when they have problems. There will be signs in the attic, under the eaves, on the soffits or trims, or maybe in a upstairs closet or on a splashblock. Gravel on the splashblocks or pieces of the roof in the yard are rarely good signs. The roof that would be problematic is the roof that looks good, is young, and has no interior or exterior danger signs, but has potential problems anyway that only a roofing professional would find. No. Unfortunately there are home inspectors out there who offer very quick and cheap home inspections. A professional home inspection is no place to cut corners. We feel that the home inspections done by Bob are fairly and competitively priced, and reflect the service being provided. We take our time (averaging over an hour per 1,000 sq. ft) and provide a quality report on site in a binder along with a book on “How to Operate Your Home” for future reference. We provide “final Walk through” assistance or follow up visits at no or minimal cost and telephone consultations are always free for our clients." }, { "question": "You certainly could, but why would you want to?", "answer": "We have performed many inspections for carpenters, electricians, plumbers and general contractors and all have said we have seen things that they would have missed for a variety of reasons. We know where to look, what to look for and have the tools to do the inspection. We may have been in homes in the same neighborhood, or built by the same builder, that give us some insight as to what to expect and where to look for particular issues. We come prepared to go in the crawl space and the attic and onto the roof. We are comfortable opening the electrical panel when it is live. For those who want to see a BRIEF description of some of what we do please read THIS." }, { "question": "Do You Do Repairs or Who can I get to do the repairs?", "answer": "Doing any work on a property that an inspector has inspected is a violation of the State’s Code of Ethics, ASHI’s Code of Ethics and a number of other good organizations. It just is too great a conflict of interest. We recommend finding qualified contractors through Angie’s List. Angie’s List only accepts contractors that have been highly recommended and insists that they maintain that high recommendation. It is crucial to make sure that the people who are doing the work are licensed to do the work they are performing. Work may start as basic carpentry, and then involve moving outlets or pipes. They may be great carpenters, and seen the electrical work done hundreds of times, but they are not licensed to do the electrical or plumbing work. If they say, “Oh, I can do that for you…” the hair on the back of your neck should go up! Permits are required anytime you are moving or adding electrical fixtures, switches or outlets. Moving or adding plumbing fixtures requires a permit. An electrician may not pull a permit to add a single outlet, but he is putting his license on the line. A reputable contractor will warranty their work, and they carry insurance. Doing any work on natural gas or propane appliances requires a Master Plumber with a Gas Fitter Certificate, and, in most cases, also requires a permit. This includes Installing a gas stove, furnace or hot water heater. Yes we do have an Infra-Red Camera, more appropriately called a “Thermal Imager” and we don’t use it routinely as it greatly exceeds the standards of practice for both the State of Maryland and ASHI. Where we do occasionally use it is to confirm, or provide further indicators, of issues that other things have pointed to or indicated. A thermal imager can artificially enhance things to appear to be problems when they are not, and can be fooled into thinking there are not problems by other conditions. We consider it just another tool in our arsenal to be used when appropriate. To read more about how we use our thermal camera go HERE. No, it is not possible to offer a guarantee or warranty on a home inspection. A home inspection is a “snapshot in time” and while we can advise clients on the average lifespan of systems and appliances, we don’t have a crystal ball! Systems and appliances can, and do, fail spontaneously, and sometimes without warning. We can only report on what we find in the home on the day we see it. We welcome any who can add eyes and thoughts to the inspection, however we strongly suggest that small children NOT be brought as this is your opportunity to learn as much as you can about your possible future home. You will not get all of the possible benefits of the inspectors knowledge and experience if you are constantly chasing children. Please contact us at (301) 208-8289 for any additional questions you may have." } ]
[ { "question": "What are the pricing and qualification structure for CPTT?", "answer": "Must be a full-fledged CSAT (finished all 4 CSAT Modules, completed supervision requirements, sent in the final application and in good standing). *A $100 late fee will apply if registered within 14 days of training." }, { "question": "What if I am a CSAT Candidate and want to switch from CSAT to CPTT?", "answer": "IITAP would encourage you to continue with your CSAT training as the knowledge and assessment tools that you learn in the CSAT training will be very beneficial for working with the addict and the partner. The CPTT training does focus specifically on the betrayed partner but having a well-rounded education for both parties will be excellent education for your practice. As a CSAT-Candidate, you will have access to all assessments on recoveryzone.com. This includes the SDI 4.0, PTSI-R, MAWASI, and IPAST. The CPTT will have access solely to the PTSI-R and IPAST." }, { "question": "How many CEs will each Module be?", "answer": "Each module will qualify for 20 IITAP CEs as well as the CEs that IITAP is accredited to give." }, { "question": "Will you be offering more CPTT trainings?", "answer": "Yes, we will be offering more CPTT trainings in the future. The goal would be to do multiple in a year similar to CSAT trainings." }, { "question": "Can I be a CSAT Candidate and a CPTT Candidate?", "answer": "If you choose to do both CSAT and CPTT training at the same time IITAP would extend the 2019 only CSAT discount and supervision requirements. This means a candidate would be required to take 30 hours total of supervision (for both CSAT and CPTT)." }, { "question": "If I am currently a CSAT or a CSAT Candidate do I have to fill out an application prior to registering for the CPTT program?", "answer": "No, if you are a CSAT or CSAT Candidate in good standing you would not be required to fill out the application form." }, { "question": "Will the CPTT have their own Listserv or will it be part of the CSAT Listserv?", "answer": "Similar to the CSAT Listserv, the CPTT participants will have a seperate Listserv solely for those who are attending the CPTT modules." } ]
[ { "question": "Why am I seeing an increase in Visa Misuse and Zero Floor Limit fees?", "answer": "A Purchase Return Authorization is a mandate or a directive that enables a card issuer to authorize and validate a refund for a cardholder and minimize chargebacks and fraudulent cards if the account doesn’t exist or has been closed. The return authorization mandate is intended to improve the current cardholder experience by allowing them to view a credit/return on their online banking statement in real time, receive text alerts and minimize return inquiries. Currently, the cardholder returns a product for a credit. When the merchant processes the return, the point of sale (POS) system doesn’t dial out; it stores the transaction in the system, and the cardholder is unable to view the information in their account until after a merchant settlement is processed and posted by the cardholder’s issuing bank. With this new directive, cardholders will return the product for credit but when the merchant processes the return, the POS will dial out and the merchant will receive a response on their POS. The cardholder can then view the transaction information immediately in their account they have with the card issuing bank. In most cases the response from the POS terminal will be an approval, but if a decline is issues, it would generally be in response to a fraudulent card or the fact the account is closed or doesn’t exist. The merchant is liable for potential fraud and/or a disputed transaction by the issuer if an unauthorized return is submitted for settlement. If another Visa card is not available, the merchant can choose another form of credit, depending on the refund policy, including cash, check, in-store credit or a prepaid card. The merchant can also choose to submit the return for settlement without an authorization (known as a forced-post) if their POS can process that type of transaction. NOTE: If a return is not made on the original card or with an approval, the merchant is liable for potential fraud and /or a disputed transaction by the issuer. Failure to obtain a proper authorization for return transactions may increase fee exposure for failing to properly authorize and settle every transaction. Yes – upon approval of a return transaction, your POS will display “approved” with the 6 digit approval code. Yes –the Voice Authorization Center will be updated to support return authorization functionality. Yes – failure to support this mandate will result in additional fees assessed for non-compliance. This may also result in an increase of non–defensible chargebacks for no authorization. The merchant account is assessed a fee each time the POS device connects with the network. With this change, the POS device must connect with the network for both purchase and return transactions. Not supporting the mandate by properly authorizing and settling the return transactions will incur additional fees." } ]
[ { "question": "How do I get paid and how fast?", "answer": "Once your Nimble loan is approved, it'll be transferred to your bank account within 60 minutes if confirmed by 4:30pm AEST during banking days. Otherwise the payment will be processed on the next business day. Clearance time is subject to your bank. Depending on your bank, you may be paid within minutes of confirming your loan 7 days a week, including public holidays." }, { "question": "No computer?", "answer": "No worries. You can do everything in just a few taps via your mobile device. Easy! Please note, we take responsible lending seriously and before assessing your loan, we always look at whether the information you provide indicates that you can repay comfortably." } ]
[ { "question": "Do you think your husband had bugged your matrimonial home in Walton-On-The-Naze before he divorced you?", "answer": "The rough situation dull of allegations, anger, and hatred break the relationship between you and your husband in Colchester. We all think someone bugged her inside Walton-On-The-Naze to receive the feedback regarding just what she's got left in order that my children and I also grow to be concern with older relatives case. We are worried about our old Aunt who lives on her own within Walton-On-The-Naze as we believe the health professional that she's truly close to has become controlling and has bugged her in order to alter her will. Feeling as if somebody is viewing your actions can feel terrible and as a consequence of this with a method to show concealed mics and digital cameras within Harwich a Bug Sweep within Colchester can discover these units and be eliminated. To understand for good if someone has bugged your room, Private Detectives Colchester are certified of doing an Bug Sweep within Colchester. During a professional Bug Investigation by Private Detectives Colchester in Colchester, the investigator will find bugs or cameras hidden in your Sudbury home and conduct an investigation into who put them there. The data uncovered in the investigation will generate a position in which you is capable of holding matter further after the Bug Investigation inside Colchester may be determined." } ]
[ { "question": "Summer is approaching – is this the year you replace your home’s air conditioner?", "answer": "Before you do, read up on our frequently asked air conditioning questions. Our cooling system pros address homeowners’ common concerns when it comes to air conditioning installation. Know the answers ahead of time and you’ll know what to expect when it comes time to make a purchase decision." }, { "question": "When should I start thinking about air conditioning installation?", "answer": "The average service life of a central air conditioner is 10 to 15 years. So, if your home’s system is nearing, within, or beyond that range, now is the best time to start investigating your options. Planning ahead for air conditioning installation allows you to start looking into new equipment and qualified installers, so you find the best system for your needs and budget, as well as an installer who provides reliability and value. There is no definite price tag on air conditioner installation. The fact is, the price varies greatly, due to factors related to the equipment you select and your home. The average price for central air conditioner installation is $5,000 to $6,000." }, { "question": "Now, what makes the price vary?", "answer": "The capacity of the system – smaller homes need smaller air conditioners, while larger homes need bigger ones. The bigger the system, the more it costs. The energy efficiency of the system – in general, more energy efficient systems cost more versus their lower efficiency counterparts. They utilize advanced technology to keep your home cool with less energy consumption. While their upfront cost is more, their operating cost is less when installed correctly." }, { "question": "Your home – does your home have what it needs for your new air conditioner to operate properly?", "answer": "Duct repairs or new duct installation may be necessary, depending on the condition of your existing ducts. Upgrading thermostats and adding a zoning system will also increase the cost of air conditioning installation. Our “Air Conditioning 101” guide helps you choose the best air conditioner for your home’s comfort needs." }, { "question": "Can I just install my new air conditioner myself?", "answer": "A new cooling system is a significant investment. Air conditioners are also very complex systems. Attempting to install your new air conditioner on your own can lead to a number of problems if you don’t know what you’re doing – not only can poor installation damage the system and hinder home comfort, attempting this complicated task yourself could put you in danger. Air conditioning installation is a job best left to the pros. But, you don’t have to wait for a contractor appointment to begin the process. Many contractors are using ecommerce to add convenience for their customers. Through your contractor’s online store, you can begin researching air conditioning installation anytime! You can even purchase new equipment and installation packages online – these will be performed by your qualified contractor." }, { "question": "How do I find a contractor for air conditioning installation?", "answer": "Check out our guide “How to Prepare & Install Your HVAC System” to learn more about the importance of quality installation and how to select the right HVAC installer for your home." }, { "question": "Instead of air conditioning installation, can I just repair my old one?", "answer": "Repair or replace is the big question homeowners face when it’s time for air conditioning installation." }, { "question": "Do you put money into repairing a system that could fail again, or invest in a new air conditioner that has a warranty?", "answer": "If the cost of repairs to your existing system is 50 percent or more of the cost of air conditioning installation, it’s best to invest in replacement. If your current air conditioner is 10 to 15 years old, it’s near time to replace anyhow." }, { "question": "Air conditioners experience more breakdowns in their last two years of service – have you been spending more on repairs over the last few summers?", "answer": "Time to consider if your money is best spent on air conditioning installation instead of repairs." }, { "question": "What benefits will I gain from air conditioning installation?", "answer": "When installed correctly, a new air conditioner delivers the reliable comfort your failing unit couldn’t. Aging systems lose efficiency each year – air conditioning installation gives you a new unit with much higher efficiency, which equates to lower energy bills. New air conditioners are backed by warranty coverage, which will save you money should repair needs arise during the warranty term vs. an older unit where coverage has expired. HVAC.com is here to help homeowners navigate their home’s heating and cooling systems. We offer a number of air conditioning installation resources and those on other household HVAC topics. If you have air conditioning questions, you’ll find the answers on HVAC.com. When it’s time for air conditioning installation, turn to a trusted local HVAC contractor for help. Use our HVAC Contractor Directory to locate a nearby HVAC company to assist you with your new cooling system needs." } ]
[ { "question": "Who is Serious Diving?", "answer": "A. Serious Diving is owned and operated by Ramon Guerrero Garcia. We specialize in the Whale Shark tours departing here from Isla Mujeres. Ramon is an avid professional diver, skin diver and spear fishermen. He has spent the last 20 years researching the Whale Shark phenomenon here on Isla Mujeres and was the main driver in creating the eco-tourism industry around these animals in the area. He has fought had to ensure that any tourism that takes place is sustainable and works to educate people while protecting the Whale Sharks. Q." }, { "question": "What is the tour cost?", "answer": "A. The official price set by the official regulating bodies is $125 USD minimum for a tour. Q." }, { "question": "Can we book a private tour ?", "answer": "A. The price to book a private tour is $1250 USD. To reserve a private tour, please go to our reservations page and follow the instructions there to reserve a private tour. Q." }, { "question": "When is the Whale Shark Season on Isla Mujeres?", "answer": "A. The official opening date for the Whale Shark Tour season as set beginning June1, 2019 and the closing date of the season is September15, 2019. Anyone offering to take you outside of these dates is running illegal tours. Q." }, { "question": "Can I touch the whale sharks?", "answer": "A. Under current regulations snorkelers will NOT be permitted to touch the Whale Sharks. These tours are designed as eco-tours and in order to protect the Whale Sharks and the participants, rules specify that snorkelers do not go within 2 meters (6.6 feet) of the Whale Sharks. For full rules of participation click here for our Rules page. Beware of anyone who claims they will allow you to violate the rules. The Mexican Army is charged with enforcing rules and can detain non-compliant boats who do not in compliance or violating the rules. No one wants to waste a day of their vacation or hard earned money with a spoiled trip. Q." }, { "question": "Do you ever not encounter the Whale Sharks?", "answer": "A. Unlike most tours in other parts of the world, the density of Whale Sharks in the area nearly guarantees that you'll experience an encounter. Last year at least 99% of our tours encountered Whale Sharks and we expect this year to be no different. Q." }, { "question": "How many sharks can I expect to see in on a tour?", "answer": "A. On average the tours last year encountered between 20 and 50 Whale Sharks during the course of their tours. Q." }, { "question": "Are the sharks dangerous?", "answer": "A. Whale Sharks are very docile creatures and pose no real threat to humans. For detailed information on the sharks please check out our shark information page. Q." }, { "question": "How do I reserve?", "answer": "A. From the home page on this site you can enter your tour dates and number of passengers to verify if there is availability for a given day. Once you have found your preferred date you can use this website to book your reservation completely online. There is a $60 USD per person deposit required to hold and confirm a reservation. We use Paypal online services to accept credit cards or other Paypal payments from the website. Q." }, { "question": "How many days in advance do I need to reserve?", "answer": "A. From this website you can make reservations up to 3 day prior to the tour. If you would like to make a reservation within 3 days of your desired date, we recommend you pass by Adrian's Internet Cafe next to the grociery store in the main square downtown at 8:00 each evening to make plans directly with Ramon. Q." }, { "question": "What do I do when I arrive on Isla?", "answer": "A. Unless you have made prior arrangements via email before you arrive, the day before your tour, just come by Adrian's Internet Cafe (next to the grociery store in the main square downtown) at 8:00 pm to pay and confirm your trip and receive times and instructions for the following morning. Simple! Q." }, { "question": "What if I need special help or just want to meet Ramon?", "answer": "A. If you need special arrangements or would just like to get to know Ramon feel free to either email him at [email protected] or stop by the restaurante Muelle 7 (next to the gas station on the main street left of where you got off the ferry). Ramon is typically there during the eventings from 4-7pm, but you may also catch him during the day if he is not out fishing. If you stop and and ask for him they will be able to let you know if he's there or when to stop back. For last minute inquiries or requests please come directly to the restaurant, if Ramon is on the water he may not get your email the same day. A. For detailed information on the tours please check out our tour page. Q." }, { "question": "What if my dates are already full?", "answer": "A. There are other reputable organizations here on Isla Mujeres that provide tours. Come by Adrian's Internet Cafe (next to Super Express on the main square) when you arrive on Isla and we'll hook you up with another provider we trust. A. Do to the seasonal nature and limited availability of our tours we can not provide refunds for tours cancelled within 30 days of the tour date. We highly recommend that you purchase travel insurance to cover youself in the event that you must cancel your trip. Cancellations received before the 30 day period will be issued a refund for any deposit paid minus a $10 USD per person handling fee. If your tour is cancelled due to weather and we are unable to accommodate you before the end of your trip we will issue you a refund. Q." }, { "question": "What if I am part of a large group that wants to be together?", "answer": "A. We cannot 100% guarantee that your entire group will be together unless you make prior arrangements with us via email. Boat assignments are done the morning of the tour and depend on the number of tour participants and boats available. If you are in a large group we highly recommend that you either make arrangements ahead of time or arrive early the morning of the trip and advise a guide of the size of your group. This way your guide can factor that into his planning and do his best to accommodate your group. If you have questions about our Whale Shark Tours, please check our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page." } ]
[ { "question": "Can I check my orders status?", "answer": "If you have create an account with us during check-out, you may login anytime to check your order status. Creating an account with us is simple and hassle free, no activation email is require to activate your account. However, if you do not wish to create an account, we will still email you to update every stage of your orders, and you will still enjoy the Customer Loyalty Program. Pending - meaning your order is not complete. All orders in Pending status with no payment check-out or no email communications informing on payment/delivery menthods, will be auto remove within 24-48hrs. Processing - meaning your order is currently being process and we will update your account and also email you on the order or delivery details soon. If it is a pre-order item you will also see this status. Delivered - meaning your item has been sent (to the post office) and the details will be updated in your account. We will also follow up with an email with these details. If there are 2 or more check-out completed within 24 hours or before the 1st order is posted, all orders will be combined into one shipment. Hence, to save on shipping cost, please combine all orders in one check-out if possible." }, { "question": "When wrong items are ordered?", "answer": "If you have made a mistake in your order(s), please contact us (indicating your order number and item(s) you want to remove) within 24hrs after the checkout is done, and indicate your order number. Yes, you may cancel your orders within 24hrs after you have do a check-out. If you have already made payment via Paypal, we will refund you the full amount. However, cancellation is not allowed after orders have been mail out. Please refer to the refund/exchange for more details." }, { "question": "Are all transactions at www.etradersplace.com secure?", "answer": "We ensure security are met in all areas. Our website is secured by RapidSSL utilizing 128-bit SSL certificates (the seal can be found on the bottom left of all pages in our website), hence offering the highest level of encryption or security possible. We do not collect nor store our customers credit card details in our database and server. 2) Bank Transfer: DBS and Citibank (bank details will be shown during check-out). Please notify us the bank transfer details (e.g reference number, date of transfer etc) after it's done. If you prefer other payment options not mentioned above, please contact us." }, { "question": "What are your shipping rates, returns and refunds like?", "answer": "We like simplicity here, so you do not need to do a test checkout to find out the shipping cost. All items are indicated with a shipping calculator and individual weight which determine their shipping cost. Shipping discount is available for 2nd items onwards. You may view our shipping and returns page for all the information. If you are organising a group purchase (multiple members purchase in one check-out) in a forum/blog/message board, please contact us on the items and quantities to enjoy the discount. You may mix and match the items from our website to reach the amount. For Pre-Order items, discount is calculated based on the stated normal price. Other coupons or discount issue by us are not application for this program. Note: This discount is not applicable for items that are rare, limited edition, out of production and hard to find." }, { "question": "What is the condition of the items offer here?", "answer": "All items sold in our website are original, brand new and in mint condition. For boxed set items, they are new, unopen and seal in original manufacturer packaging. If you are organising a miniature contests etc, and is looking for more miniatures collections/prizes to add to your list, or is organising a charity function, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to contribute our works for you." } ]
[ { "question": "Does a refraction cost extra?", "answer": "Yes. Many serious eye diseases don’t cause symptoms until they have advanced enough to cause permanent damage. The only way to know your eyes are healthy is to schedule regular exams. Diagnosing problems early gives you the best possible vision – for life. Myopia, also called nearsightedness, is difficulty seeing objects at a distance. It’s usually caused by variations in the shape of your eye or the curve of your cornea. For example, your eye might be longer than usual, shaped more like an oval football than a round soccer ball. Or your cornea (the clear tissue that covers the front of your eye) might curve enough to make you nearsighted. Hyperopia, also called farsightedness, is a tendency to see better at a distance than up close. It’s usually caused by an eye that is flatter than usual, like a ball that is not completely round. It can also be caused by having a flatter cornea than usual. The cornea is the clear tissue at the front of your eye. If you are farsighted, you might see well until your 30s or 40s. If you are very farsighted (severe hyperopia), your vision might be blurry up close, at a distance or both. With time, activities that require good vision up close, such as reading, usually become more difficult. Presbyopia is difficulty reading or doing other activities that require good vision up close. Unlike myopia (nearsightedness) and hyperopia (farsightedness), presbyopia is not caused by variations in eye shape or corneal curve. As you get older, the natural lens inside your eye hardens and doesn’t flex as easily when your eye muscles focus it. This makes reading and other close-up activities more difficult. Presbyopia usually happens after about age 40. Astigmatism is an eye condition caused by an irregularly shaped cornea, the clear tissue that covers the front of your eye. It can also be caused by an irregularly shaped lens, the structure inside your eye that focuses light. The irregular shape of your lens or cornea can cause blurred or double vision, headaches and other symptoms. Astigmatism can affect your vision up close and at a distance. A refraction is the examination an ophthalmologist (eye M.D.) or optometrist (O.D.) uses to measure the amount of vision correction you need. If you wear glasses or contacts or are interested in refractive surgery, this exam is essential. Your doctor needs to evaluate your vision carefully to write an accurate prescription for corrective lenses or plan refractive surgery. Your eyes change as you get older. Even if you’ve never worn glasses or contacts, your doctor might discover you actually see better with corrective lenses now. Some medical conditions affect your eyes and vision. If you have one of these conditions, your doctor needs to do a refraction as part of a complete eye exam. Many insurance companies, including Medicare, do not pay for the refraction and the patient is responsible for payment. Eye exams are recommended periodically, with the interval differing for various age groups. In the first three years of infancy, a child should have vision checked along with normal pediatric checkups. Between the ages of three and six (the most crucial period of eye development) an eye exam should be scheduled every year or two. After that period, until adulthood, exams should be scheduled as necessary. For example, for people with a family history of eye problems, those monitoring a diagnosed eye disease, or those with certain high risk diseases such as diabetes, it is recommended that exams should be performed at least once a year. Regular eye exams are the best way to keep you seeing your world clearly." } ]
[ { "question": "Home / Faq / Do I need a TEFL certificate to teach abroad?", "answer": "Strictly speaking the answer is no, you do not have to possess a TEFL certificate in order to find work as an English language teacher. In some countries around the world it is still possible to secure employment simply by being a native English speaker. However, there are several reasons why we would strongly recommend that you complete a TEFL training course before you set off to teach English abroad." }, { "question": "Why has a TEFL certificate become more important?", "answer": "In recent years many popular destinations for EFL teachers have begun to tighten the requirements necessary for teaching English in schools and language centers. A recognized TEFL certificate is now required in order to secure a work permit in many countries, whilst the ever growing number of teachers with a TEFL qualification means that employers in the majority of countries will no longer accept unqualified teachers. Put simply, if you want to live and work in any popular destination across the world, you are more than likely to need a TEFL qualification. Another important factor to consider is the salary, benefits and overall working conditions that each job has to offer. This varies considerably from one country to the next but one fact remains consistent, the jobs that offer the best packages in most situations will require a TEFL certification." }, { "question": "Is a TEFL certificate really important?", "answer": "As well as official requirements and personal benefits, there is one other very important reason why we consider it necessary to earn a TEFL qualification before you enter the world of English language teaching. The ability to speak a language does not mean you are equipped to teach it!" }, { "question": "What will I learn from a TEFL certificate course?", "answer": "Teaching a language requires certain specialist skills and knowledge which allow you to pass on what you know to your students. Completing a reputable TEFL course will ensure you are clear on the structures of English grammar such as the tense system, conditionals, modals and passive voice, and how to teach them effectively. You will also learn essential teaching skills including how to plan your lessons, methodologies for effective teaching and how to manage your students. Not only will this knowledge help you to secure a good teaching position, it will also ensure that your students have the best chance of improving their English abilities. If you want to earn a competitive salary in a professional environment and you consider it important that your students are given the best opportunities to progress, then we think the answer is YES!" } ]
[ { "question": "Why does Shutterfly, Inc. own its manufacturing and production facilities?", "answer": "Shutterfly, Inc. believes that controlling our supply chain drives higher quality, more rapid innovation and greater efficiencies. For example, we are able to maintain our delivery times, even during the peak fourth quarter, because we control our own production. However, we continue to evaluate outsource manufacturing alternatives, to ensure that we are delivering the highest quality at the lowest possible cost." }, { "question": "What operating metrics does Shutterfly, Inc. track to ensure that the business is run at its optimal efficiency?", "answer": "In addition to number of customers, number of orders, average order value and average orders per customer per year, we look at a number of internal cost and quality metrics. Examples include: press waste, machine uptimes, number of customer complaints, customer service response times and issue closure rates, number and aging of software / site bugs." } ]
[ { "question": "(OS X v10.7 Lion) - Details of an answer | Buffalo Inc.\nWhat is the Delegate Authority server feature?", "answer": "This is the feature to configure the access restriction by using Delegate Authority of the authentication to an external SMB server." } ]
[ { "question": "What do I have to do to apply to the Sheltowee Venture Fund?", "answer": "Applications to the Sheltowee Venture Fund are only accepted from members of the Sheltowee Business Network. The least expensive option for membership is as an Explorer. The normal price for membership as an Explorer is $297. You can contact a Mentor of the Sheltowee Business Network and they can provide you a code to get $200 off of this membership, so your total cost will be $97 for an Explorer membership." }, { "question": "Why do I have to join the Sheltowee Business Network?", "answer": "The goal of the Sheltowee Business Network is to start and grown businesses. The Sheltowee Venture Fund must be highly selective in the investments it makes. Therefore most applicants will not receive a capital investment. It is our goal to provide value to all members of the Sheltowee Business Network. All applicants will receive feedback from Mentors of the Sheltowee Business Network to provide value to applicants with recommendations on how to build their business." }, { "question": "Once I apply, how long before I hear something?", "answer": "The process can take anywhere from 30 days to 120 days. The Fund will not be making investments until the 2nd quarter of 2019." }, { "question": "What benefit do I get if I join the Sheltowee Business Network as an Entrepreneur?", "answer": "As an Entrepreneur member of the network, members have the option to participate in the full curriculum of Business in a Box or in the Fund Raising program that focuses on existing businesses who need help with fund raising. Members who join as an Entrepreneur are guaranteed an opportunity to present to the investment committee of the Sheltowee Venture Fund." }, { "question": "Why am I being required to hire someone from the Sheltowee Business Network with the investment funds?", "answer": "In most cases the Sheltowee Venture Fund will require our portfolio companies to engage someone from our circle of trust to assist them in building their business. This is the human capital that we bring to the table. Our experienced mentors bring tremendous value to the table for our portfolio companies." } ]
[ { "question": "Q. I need help with my GSTR 310 paper, where should I start?", "answer": "If you are undecided on your topic, our LibGuides may provide you with some direction. Below you will find links to both the GSTR 310 guide as well as our general Christianity guide. LibGuides are especially useful when you first begin the research process because they include recommendations for specific reference works and article databases in that field. They also include the call numbers related to the discipline so that you will know where in our collection to browse for books on your topic." } ]
[ { "question": "What is the process ?", "answer": "If you are expat living in Nepal and you have your home-land driving license, please see in FAQ for converting foreign license in Nepal . However if you have never obtained driving license and you want to learn driving and get nepalese driving , following are the essential docs you need to submit . 5. Filled, signed, stamped application ( which is in Nepali language but you can get assistance of driving school for filling it . I have two-wheelers license and want to get light vehicle license ." }, { "question": "Do I need to reappear in driving theory test ?", "answer": "Yes, according to current driving rule in Nepal , you are supposed to give theory test even though you have two-wheelers license." }, { "question": "I am Nepalese Citizen living in Europe and Australia, what is verification process while converting my license ?", "answer": "If you have Nepalese driving license and you have been living in abroad ,Most states in USA, Australia and Europe accepts our license. However you get 6 months probation period and The authority where you live, proceed for license verification through nepalese embassy. If you want to get it done quickly , you should send someone or yourself in Transport management office and verify it and send it back to Embassy of Nepal . Thus , you can convert your nepalese license. However you are subjected to go through some tests in some situation." }, { "question": "I am from Tibet or other country and have been living in Nepal for long time, can i make nepalese driving license ?", "answer": "if you are tibetan nationality and have been living in Nepal for long time, if you have received nepali nationality , you can seek to have driving license as like other nepalese.If you have not received residence permit or citizenship after years of residence in Nepal, rule does not allow you to apply for license. However if you have relationship or work residence permit, you can proceed for Nepalese driving License. I have western Driving License, i.e." }, { "question": "USA, Australia, UK and European Countries , can i covert my license in Nepal ?", "answer": "Yes, if you have driving license from developed nations where validity and realiablity is not questionable, you can claim at Transport Management Office Nepal to convert it . However, you need to present the following documents. Once you prepare all these documents, you should arrange to meet head ot Tranport Management office." }, { "question": "Can I apply for driving license in Nepal ?", "answer": "if you are foreigner living in Nepal with residence permit, you can seek to have driving license in Nepal. However, if you are here in Tourist visa, you are not qualified to apply for the Nepalese Driving License. Suzuki Driving School is an innovative, well-managed driving school situated in peaceful atmosphere of Ekantakuna Lalitpur, just one stone-throw from Ringroad. We have created friendly atmosphere where you learn something about road civilization and safety every time you come at our school.SDS differs from other driving school in terms of Quality Training ; Methods to instruct, Resources,Technology, Instructors, Training periphery and other Amenities. We believe, Safety, civilization on road is one brick of overall development of Nepal." } ]
[ { "question": "Can I dive when I have my period?", "answer": "A big majority of female divers dive during their period. Some studies suggest that it might increase the chance of decompression sickness. However, there is no proof and for decades female divers have dived while menstruating. As usual, the most important thing is to dive carefully and to stay well hydrated. What is certain is that sharks are not a risk." } ]
[ { "question": "am i supposed to book MY CHARTER IN ADVANCE?", "answer": "Charter’s advance booking is not compulsory , but we highly recommend to book your charter as far in advance as possible to ensure the availability of boat." }, { "question": "what is the policy in case of cancellation of charter?", "answer": "20% penalty is charged for the cancellation made four days before your charter. 50% charged for less than four days notice while full cost is charged for less than 24 hours notice." }, { "question": "am i compensated in case of bad weather?", "answer": "Weather is always unpredictable so we suggest you to come prepared. In case of cancellation of your charter due to bad weather we try to reschedule it as soon as possible. If rescheduling is not feasible for you then we charge no fee." }, { "question": "what is the maximum size of group accommodated?", "answer": "All charters have a 6 passenger maximum limit. We are U.S. Coast Guard Licensed and Regulated for 6 passengers, no exceptions." }, { "question": "Do you guys have license and proper training?", "answer": "We are U.S. Coast Guard Licensed and Regulated. Our captain and crew are all trained in first aid, fire, hygiene and boat safety." }, { "question": "At WHAT TIME DOES MY CHARTER START?", "answer": "We have different timings depending on the package, but the earliest we start is at 6am." }, { "question": "Do you allow alcoholic drinks?", "answer": "Yes, alcoholic drinks are allowed however for your own safety, glass containers are not allowed. Metal or plastic container are only allowed. We expect you to drink responsibly." }, { "question": "is it possible to get my fish cooked after my charter?", "answer": "Yes and we recommend it to you for complete experience. You can also take your freshly caught and cleaned catch to some restaurants where you can get it cooked." }, { "question": "can i take my catch to my home?", "answer": "Yes, you can take your catch to your home. However you will have to keep it cold while traveling." }, { "question": "is it possible to have my catch mounted?", "answer": "Yes, it is possible to do so and our crew can guide you regarding some good and reputed companies." }, { "question": "WHAT IS THE CUSTOMARY TIP OR GRATUITY?", "answer": "Throughout the Fishing World it is customary to Applaud your Captain & Crews efforts with a Tip. In Hawaii 20% is the standard rate." } ]
[ { "question": "Q?Why should I deal with a business lawyer as opposed to doing some of the ground work myself?", "answer": "Stevensen Business Lawyers works with small businesses and not just for them. This means we think about your business and your expenses, not just the final bill. Yes, we encourage you to do some of the legwork, if you have the time and inclination, but with our guidance and an informed strategy formulated at the start. Not only can this keep your legal costs down, but we believe your input and active engagement in your matter could lead to better outcomes. An informed strategy can cut down the amount of time you spend getting the run-around. Q?I’m thinking of starting a business." }, { "question": "Can’t I just delay that for now?", "answer": "The absence or deficiency of contracts is the single biggest legal problem faced by small businesses today. We regularly see the fall-out from having business arrangements that are undocumented or poorly documented. Not documenting your partnership arrangement, for example, is particularly risky. Everyone has a different recollection later of what was meant at the time. This can increase the cost of resolving a business dispute as you try and piece together the collage of conversations and emails that you say maps your arrangement rather than a formal document. Having your contract drafted by an experienced business lawyer can limit the risk of a future costly litigation arising because you have no written contract or the contract in place was not adequately tailored to your needs. If you do have a business dispute it is best to get our advice early on to set your agenda, rather than having another set your agenda for you and risking acceleration to costly litigation if things don’t go exactly according to plan. In the end it can generally keep down your overall operational costs." }, { "question": "Q?Why should I choose you rather than seeing my local suburban lawyer?", "answer": "We’re here to talk about business – your business. Unlike many local suburban lawyers we’re not side-tracked with clients buying property, going through a divorce, or planning a pre-nup. When you make a booking with us you will be seeing an experienced commercial lawyer without paying for fancy overheads you don’t need. Come and see for yourself." }, { "question": "Q?Why should I get a lawyer to look over my contracts rather than just copying someone else’s document from the Internet?", "answer": "When you sign a document you will usually be bound by all of its terms even if you did not read or understand it. It costs more to fix up a mistake than to get a lawyer to do it correctly in the first place. We have seen “one size fits all” agreements being adapted without any input from a lawyer. The result can be dangerous. You risk entering into the wrong type of agreement (legal-wise and tax-wise) or it really might not suit your business goals at all. To avoid this, we encourage you to prepare a list of things you would like to see within your agreement, and then bring it to a reputable commercial lawyer. We can prepare a formal contract that protects you as well as being tailored to your particular requirements and industry. We therefore strongly caution you against signing any contract before a lawyer has checked it. We regularly review contracts and agreements and can advise you on changes and updates to protect your legal position and advance your business goals. When you enter into so-called “Standard Terms & Conditions” of your suppliers without reading the “fine print”, you can risk facing Court action if things go wrong. We can assist you through the entire process from the very start, as we tailor contracts to suit the specifics of a business deal, and to manage the type of risks that can arise in your specific circumstances." }, { "question": "Q?How will you keep in touch with me and let me know what’s going on?", "answer": "We want you to be a client and a friend, but we don’t need to see you very often. After your initial meeting or consultation with us we will try to limit face-to-face meeting time. As small business owners ourselves, we recognise your time is valuable. We will use e-mail to inform you of any new developments on your case, and usually telephone you when seeking your input." }, { "question": "Q?What is a Solicitor’s Trust Account?", "answer": "Frequently solicitors hold money on behalf of other people, for instance, money held on behalf of a client to pay for expenses such as stamp duty, or client moneys held on account of anticipated professional fees. In New South Wales solicitors are required by Sections 135 and 144(2) (b) of the Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW) 2015 to hold any such monies as trust money in a separate bank account, and to disburse those monies as directed by the person on whose behalf the moneys are being held." }, { "question": "Q?Why do you ask for an upfront deposit?", "answer": "By helping us keep our paperwork down, we can keep our prices to you down. It is standard practice for solicitors to ask for a deposit that is put into trust. We ask for upfront payment usually of an amount equal to our fees for the initial legal work plus any upfront expenses (if there are any). Your payment will be put into our general trust account and managed according to the requirements of clause 42 of the Legal Profession Uniform General Rules (NSW) 2015, i.e. we are not paid our professional fees until that work is completed and billed to your satisfaction." }, { "question": "Q?After you become my business lawyers, what do I need to do?", "answer": "Be in communication, be upfront and give us all the information you can. You can ask questions, all the questions you need. After you sign or accept a written retainer agreement with us and pay your deposit, we will get on with the legal work. We may ask for further clarification from you of a particular point related to the factual circumstances. With each step of the process we will encourage your input and aim to foster a teamwork approach with you. You know your business best and your insights can often be helpful in fostering our knowledge of your matter and ultimately tailor the legal strategy adopted to meet your specific requirements. Please keep us fully informed and tell us about any new developments in your case, perhaps by e-mail. We encourage you to ask any questions you may have arising from our written advice to you. Often the process of our clarifying any issues raised by you provides an opportunity to fine-tune the strategy for meeting your goals in a particular legal matter. If at any time we use legal words which are unfamiliar to you or if there is anything being said which you do not understand, please tell us and we will seek to clarify what is meant. Before finalising any documents we have prepared, for instance your business’s Terms and Conditions, we send you a draft to read through and ask for your suggestions and comments. At other times we may ask by e-mail for your clarification of a particular point. We value your feedback on any documents we prepare and the opportunity it provides for us to further tailor documents to suit your particular circumstances." } ]
[ { "question": "How can I save a search in an EBSCO database?", "answer": "This video tutorial will show you how to save searches in a variety of EBSCO databases, including CINAHL, OneSearch, PsycInfo, and SocIndex." } ]
[ { "question": "2) Why is the state of Washington offering the UMP Plus option?", "answer": "UMP Plus focus on making healthcare more affordable and on keeping members healthy with preventive medicine and better coordinated care so they don’t develop more serious or chronic conditions. The state’s choice to offer these options aligns with the PEBB program’s commitment to providing high-quality medical benefits for PEBB members." }, { "question": "3) Who is eligible for the UMP Plus -- UW Medicine Accountable Care Network?", "answer": "* Employees and their covered spouse or state-registered domestic partner who are enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B are eligible for UMP Plus, even if the spouse or state-registered domestic partner is enrolled in Medicare." }, { "question": "4) What organizations are included in the UMP Plus -- UW Medicine ACN?", "answer": "The UW Medicine ACN brings together the skills, services and geographic reach of exceptional healthcare organizations. Our network supports close coordination of care and shared decision making between you and your care team about preventive health and treatment of any chronic or acute health conditions. We to offer a complete range of services, from preventive and primary care to advanced specialty care, all available within a single network. Close coordination of care and shared decision making between you and your care team about preventive health and treatment of any chronic or acute health conditions." }, { "question": "6) How much does UMP Plus cost?", "answer": "Please check with your employer’s personnel, payroll or benefits office for more specific information on monthly premiums and any other costs associated with UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN. **Premium applies to state agency and higher education employees. Non-Medicare retirees and COBRA members may have different premiums. Visit hca.wa.gov/ump and select “Your cost for care” under the UMP Plus plan for more information.K-12 and employer groups should check with their personnel, payroll or benefits office for premium information." }, { "question": "7) How is UMP Plus -- UW Medicine ACN different from the care I’m already receiving at one of the network organizations?", "answer": "Patients who are currently seen at one of the UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN hospitals or clinics will continue to receive the same high-quality care they receive today, regardless of their chosen benefits plan." }, { "question": "8) What pediatric care is offered through UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN?", "answer": "UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN offers access to a broad network of experienced pediatric providers and clinics, along with some of the best pediatric hospitals in the nation, including both Seattle Children’s Hospital and Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital." }, { "question": "9) What type of cancer care is offered through UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN?", "answer": "UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN provides the most advanced cancer care available, with comprehensive services that include expert diagnosis, surgical services, medical and radiation oncology, education and support. Several internationally renowned cancer care providers are members of the network, including the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA), a world-class cancer treatment organization that is a partnership between UW Medicine, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Seattle Children’s Hospital. SCCA patients have access to the latest cancer treatments including stem cell and bone marrow transplantation, gene therapy, high-dose chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, proton therapy, minimally invasive surgical techniques and other specialized therapies." }, { "question": "10) What is the UW Medicine ACN Virtual Clinic?", "answer": "The UW Medicine ACN Virtual Clinic provides patients with healthcare from the comfort of home, office or other location. It is offered to enrollees in UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN at no cost. The clinic is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. During a virtual clinic visit, a board-certified family practice doctor or nurse practitioner provides assessment and treatment for urgent care issues over the phone or through a webcam on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Visits typically last about 20 minutes. The virtual clinic provider can recommend home care options, suggest over-the-counter treatments, write a prescription, direct you to an urgent care facility or the ER if necessary, and help you find a convenient pharmacy." }, { "question": "11) If I choose UMP Plus -- UW Medicine ACN, do I have to choose a primary care provider?", "answer": "Choosing a primary care provider is always recommended, but it is not required under UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN. Primary care providers are familiar with your health history and are the “first responders” to your healthcare needs. They are important in coordinating your care with other providers for consultations, procedures and services. When you sign up for UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN, you will have many options for selecting a primary care provider who meets your health needs and is convenient to where you live or work." }, { "question": "12) In UMP Plus - UW Medicine ACN, do I need a referral to see a specialist?", "answer": "No, you do not need a referral to see a specialist. However, in order to receive in-network benefits, the specialist must be in the UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN network. We recommend working with your primary care provider to help coordinate care with network specialists." }, { "question": "13) How do I know if my provider is in UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN?", "answer": "You may search a database of network providers, clinics and hospitals by visiting uwmedicine.org/umpplus. You may also search a database of primary, specialty and ancillary providers at regence.com by clicking on “additional providers” beneath the provider search window. Or simply call the dedicated UW Medicine ACN Contact Center at 1-855.520.9500 (TRS: 711). Note: The Regence provider search can help you find more ancillary providers. However, it may also bring up non-ancillary providers or facilities that are not in your UMP Plus network, and you may pay significantly more if you use these providers or facilities. If you are not sure how services will be covered, call UMP Customer Service at 1-888-849-3681." }, { "question": "14) Can I see a healthcare professional outside UMP Plus - UW Medicine ACN network?", "answer": "We encourage patients to stay within the network to minimize their out of-pocket expenses. Although there may be some exceptions, if you receive non-emergency services from providers outside the network, you can expect to have higher co-insurance (your share of the cost for covered services) payments. If you plan to see a new provider or if your primary care provider refers you to a specialist, it’s a good idea to make sure those providers are in the network before you proceed with your appointment. If the service you need is not available in the network and if your in-network provider believes it is in your best interest to see an out-of-network provider, he or she can request a network waiver before out-of-network services are performed. As a reminder, there are two UMP Plus plan options. To make sure your provider is in the UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN network, visit uwmedicine.org/umpplus or www.hca.wa.gov/ump-providers-plus, or call the UW Medicine ACN Contact Center at 855.520.9500 (TRS: 711)." }, { "question": "15) Can different family members go to different physicians and different hospitals or clinics within UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN?", "answer": "Yes. You and your family members may use different facilities and providers within UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN for your care. The UW Medicine ACN offers complete care, from primary to specialty, and from prevention to highly complex treatments. It also covers a wide geographic area that includes seven Western Washington counties and is convenient and easily accessible from your home or office. No matter where you and your family members choose to get care within the network, we recommend working with a primary care provider to receive the most benefit from the coordinated care the network offers." }, { "question": "16) What is an ancillary provider or service?", "answer": "Ancillary care refers to the wide range of healthcare services provided to support the work of primary and specialty providers You do not need a referral to see an ancillary provider. However, in order to receive in-network benefits, the ancillary provider must be in the UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN network or contracted with Regence BlueShield." }, { "question": "17) How do I know if an ancillary provider is in the UMP-Plus plan network?", "answer": "You will receive in-network benefits for UW Medicine ACN-affiliated providers as well as providers contracted with Regence Blue Shield. **Note: The Regence provider search can help you find more ancillary providers. However, it may also bring up non-ancillary providers or facilities that are not in your UMP Plus network, and you may pay significantly more if you use these providers or facilities. If you are not sure how services will be covered, call UMP Customer Service at 1-888-849-3681." }, { "question": "18) If I switch to the UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN from another PEBB medical plan, do I have to transfer my medical records or will that be done for me?", "answer": "If your current provider is already in UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN, you do not have to do anything. If your provider is not in the network, your records will not be transferred automatically. We recommend contacting your current provider, who will ask you to fill out a “release of information” form. On this form, you can indicate where you would like your records transferred." }, { "question": "19) How do you safeguard the privacy of my medical records?", "answer": "Patient privacy is critically important to each healthcare organization in UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN. Your medical records are available only to those healthcare providers within our network who are directly involved in your care, and those records are protected by stringent privacy regulations." }, { "question": "20) Can I only enroll in UMP Plus -- UW Medicine ACN during open enrollment?", "answer": "New employees who live in a county covered by UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN can enroll when they become eligible for benefits. All other PEBB benefits-eligible employees who live in counties covered by UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN can enroll during the annual open enrollment period of November 1-30, 2017 for coverage starting January 1, 2018. Eligible members may also enroll outside of the annual open enrollment period when a special open enrollment event occurs, such as marriage or the birth of a child. To find out more about when you can change your coverage, visit www.hca.wa.gov/pebb and select “Change your coverage” under your member type (employee, retiree, or COBRA/continuation coverage). To enroll in UMP Plus – UW Medicine visit hca.wa.gov/pebb and log in to My Account or submit a enrollment change form within the required time frame. Note: University of Washington employees must use Workday instead of My Account or forms to make changes." }, { "question": "21) When does my coverage start?", "answer": "Coverage under plans chosen during the annual open enrollment period (November 1 – 30) begins January 1 of the following year. So, if you enroll during November 1-30, 2018, your coverage will begin January 1, 2019. As a reminder, any appointments prior to the date your UMP Plus — UW Medicine ACN coverage begins will not be covered under UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN unless you are already a member of that option." }, { "question": "22) Where do I call to make an appointment?", "answer": "You can make appointments, find out if a provider is in the network, find clinic locations, get answers to billing questions and access other healthcare resources through a dedicated phone number and a single, centralized UW Medicine ACN Contact Center at 855.520.9500 (TRS: 711)." }, { "question": "23) Where do I get more information about the UMP Plus -- UW Medicine ACN?", "answer": "Besides the information on this website, you can also call the dedicated UW Medicine ACN Contact Center at 1.855.520.9500 (TRS: 711). To find out more about all UMP Plus plans, visit www.hca.wa.gov/ump/plan-ump-plus. For information about prescription drug coverage under UMP Plus visit www.hca.wa.gov/ump-drugs-plus. For information on who to contact for specific questions about plan details and coverage, visit ww.hca.wa.gov/public-employee-benefits/contact-pebb-program. For specific questions about plan details and coverage, including the following, please contact your employer’s, personnel, payroll or benefits office. 24) I’m a provider looking to join the UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN." }, { "question": "How do I make this request?", "answer": "If you are a provider interested in joining the network, please visit uwmedicine.org/aco/for-providers and fill out the web form to submit your inquiry." } ]
[ { "question": "What does it cost to use Stilio?", "answer": "Every photographer on the Stilio network sets their own prices, so you get to choose which photographer you want to use based on your personal marketing budget. Stilio charges an additional $5 transaction fee on each confirmed orders. Stilio is a nationwide network, meaning photographers and agents across the United States can register on Stilio.com and provide or gain access to real estate photography services." }, { "question": "Does Stilio train the photographers in the network?", "answer": "While Stilio allows each photographer to maintain their individual style, there are a number of ways that Stilio works to guarantee high quality photography. First, every photographer who is listed on the Stilio network goes through a lengthy approval process. This includes a quiz and a manual portfolio review. Secondly, Stilio provides an instructional guide to real estate photography, which encourages best practices and tips to produce the highest quality products. Third, Stilio requires a professional level of photography equipment for all photographers. Fourth, Stilio provides continuing education resources for photographers to help them continue to hone their skills. And finally, Stilio offers world class editing services to photographers." }, { "question": "What if there are no Stilio photographers in my area?", "answer": "If there are no Stilio photographers in your area, let us know ([email protected]). We will be happy to start recruiting qualified local photographers to join the network for you!" }, { "question": "Can I use Stilio’s editing on my own photos?", "answer": "At this time, Stilio’s editing is only available to photographers on the Stilio network. If you think you have the equipment and ability to be a Stilio photographer, you can register as a photographer at registration." }, { "question": "How can I let my current photographer know about Stilio?", "answer": "Log into your Stilio account and go to your Stilio dashboard and send your current photographer the referral link (located on the bottom left)." }, { "question": "How fast will I get my photos back?", "answer": "Stilio-edited products are delivered in less than 24 hours after the shoot takes place (assuming the photographer sends Stilio the photos for editing the day of the shoot). For custom edited products, please ask your photographer or view their product description in their profile." }, { "question": "What is the difference between the four types of photo editing?", "answer": "Standard Photography: The photographer takes a single shot and the Stilio editing team brings it to life. Advanced Photography: The photographer captures the entire dynamic range of the scene through HDR photography. The Stilio editing team takes the multiple exposures taken by the photographer and combines them into one beautiful photograph. Prestige Photography: For those listings that require a little extra attention. The best equipment combined with enhanced editing and large file formats make these photos magazine-ready. Photographer Editing: The photographer takes and edits their own photos in their personal style. View the photographer’s profile for details about their custom-edited photography." }, { "question": "Virtual Staging – Vacant listing got you down?", "answer": "Add virtual staging to instantly improve your listing’s online performance. Check out Stilio’s virtual staging library to pick the furniture that fits your listing’s needs." }, { "question": "Virtual Twilight – Missed that perfect sunset shot?", "answer": "Stilio can edit a daytime photo into a twilight photo when you order Virtual Twilight. Listing Teaser – Hook your buyers with the Stilio Listing teaser. Perfect for social media, the 30 second listing teaser is an impactful, inexpensive tool for generating online interest in your listing." } ]
[ { "question": "How do I know if my fuse box is faulty?", "answer": "If your fuse box keeps tripping or blowing fuses, it may need replacing. Other signs that your fuse box is not working properly include humming, sparking and lack of power." } ]
[ { "question": "Q: If my school already has a team, what does NYA do?", "answer": "A: NYA hopes to make youth cross country and track enjoyable and accessible for everyone. During Cross Country, we take care of the entire meet process (at all six meets), from entries to course marking to scoring to awards. Coaches no longer have to waste time or money on administrative aspects of the cross country season. Coaches can simply focus on what they do best - coaching. NYA will work to provide courses with the best balance between fun for the runners and spectator-friendly for the parents. NYA will take care of facilities and security at all meets. During the track season, NYA will host 4 meets during the spring (see list of dates on the Meets page). If your Elementary or Middle School already has a track program, athletes are encouraged to compete for their school at their school meets and at the Sunday NYA meets. For Cross Country, the Post Season Program runs after the school season finishes." }, { "question": "Q: What if my child runs in another XC league?", "answer": "1) Our program is open to all athletes and all schools...more kids from all over middle TN equals more competition and more fun! No need to signup through a school (can be home schooled). 3) We will provide a variety of true cross country courses in the area that will be fun, provide great scenery, and will be challenging! Please email us with any questions. We promise to be hassle-free and inexpensive to all in middle TN." }, { "question": "Q: Does NYA coach our school or children?", "answer": "A: Only for the Post Season Program and Competitive Team. For the Developmental Program, coaches will consist of parents, school PE teachers, school coaches, PTO members, school sponsors, or others interested in volunteer coaching youth running. While NYA does not coach your children during the Developmental Program, we will provide support for those beginner coaches. It's easy, we promise!" }, { "question": "Q: How much of a time commitment is the Developmental Program?", "answer": "A: The Developmental programs (track and XC) generally last between 4 and 6 weeks, with meets typically on Sundays afternoons. Though running requires a commitment just like all youth sports, it is designed to compliment other sports rather than detract from other sports. For example, many high school baseball and swimming programs have their teams run cross country in the fall to build strength and endurance for the winter and spring. Our efficient Sunday meets also leave time for Saturday soccer, football, & baseball, as well as morning and evening church services." }, { "question": "Q: Ok, I read the program overview, I read the FAQs, but can you tell me how it all works again?", "answer": "A: Absolutely! It can get confusing. NYA operates just as any other youth sports organization (e.g., youth baseball, youth soccer, youth basketball, etc). The major difference is that cross country and track do not have to be team sports. An individual can compete as unattached representative of their school (no team) or as part of an organized team of fellow schoolmates. If you are interested in getting a team started at your school school, we can help with that. Most school teams are started by parents! Unattached runners can choose to practice on their own at home. We have workout plans and ideas at your disposal on the coaches' page of our website. TN State rules also allow unattached runners who do not have a team at their school to participate with the school team closest to their residence. Home School athletes can form a home school team or participate with the school team they are zoned for. They are, of course, also welcome to participate as an unattached individual. Once you have identified the coach of your school team, all team related activities (except meets) are at the discretion of the coach. If a parent is interested in coaching a team, but is unsure because they have no significant experience with the sport, NYA can help them get started (over the phone, by email, on site) - whatever works for you. We also have a coaches' page with ideas for stretching, drill work, and training plans. During the season, NYA will host 4 (track) to 6 meets (cross country) and will take care of all administrative duties (see the Registration page for details related to what your registration fees cover). If you decide NYA is right for your family, you simply register through the registration tab on our website." }, { "question": "Q: What does it mean to be an unattached runner vs. a team runner?", "answer": "A: One thing: Team Scoring. All participants are eligible for individual awards and overall placement. In every race we will post results of all individuals who ran with the place and time they finished. For Cross Country, individual awards are given to the top 10 finishers per gender per division (top 15 for championship races). In track, the top 3 finishers per event are awarded ribbons (top 5 for championship races). Please note that in track, ALL HEATS must be run of an event before place awards are given. All athletes are given participation ribbons for each meet/race." }, { "question": "So what is team scoring then?", "answer": "In cross country, your school must have 5 athletes per gender (per division: ES 3rd-5th grade, MS 6th-8th grade) in order to score as a team. Schools that do not have 5 athletes (per gender per division) can still participate they will just not be eligible for team awards. They will always be counted in the overall awards. In track, teams do not have to have a certain number to participate in team scoring." }, { "question": "Q: Is cross country just road races for kids?", "answer": "A: No. Cross country requires running on various types of terrain, such as grass, dirt, mud, and often times requires jumping over hay bales, small water holes, and logs. In general, the races will take place a state parks, metro parks, or local golf courses and will consist of a giant loop with many twists and turns so that there will be many locations to see your child run." }, { "question": "Q: Can my child wear 'spikes' for running?", "answer": "A: Yes, all ages can run in spikes during cross country and track seasons. We recommend nothing longer than ¼ inch spike!" }, { "question": "Q: My child is in 5th grade, so why is he/she running in the 'Elementary School' division?", "answer": "A: We understand that in some school districts, Elementary School is K-4 and Middle School is 5-8. However, we are remaining consistent with state guidelines for competition at the Regional and State level. For the state meet in Knoxville, races will be run 3rd-5th and 6th-8th. Please contact us with any questions you might have!" } ]
[ { "question": "Q: How much will it cost to have my damaged/broken vacuum looked at?", "answer": "A: Absolutely nothing! We always give free estimates and will call you to go over any problems we find and the solutions we can offer, so there are never any surprises." }, { "question": "Q: Do you carry bags/filters/parts/accessories for my vacuum cleaner?", "answer": "A: We carry many different styles of bags, filters, and accessories and will almost always have what you need in stock! On the rare occasion when we don’t have it immediately available in the store, we can always place a special order and find you what you need in a timely manner and at a competitive price." }, { "question": "Q: Why do my vacuum cleaners only last 6 months – 1 year before they break down?", "answer": "A: Many vacuums sold in big box stores store are cheaply made, often overseas in other countries. Here at the Vacuum Cleaner Hospital, we make it a priority to sell high-quality products, with preference towards ones that are made in the USA. The vacuum cleaners we sell, if treated well and given routine care, will last you and your family for generations." }, { "question": "Q: What should I do to keep my vacuum in good condition for as long as possible?", "answer": "A: We recommend that you have your home’s vacuum cleaner serviced by us at least once every 3-5 years. This service will include us taking apart your vacuum and cleaning out the entire machine, as well as performing preventative maintenance on the vacuum’s motor. Additionally, be sure to change your vacuum cleaner’s filters as often as the manufacturer recommends." }, { "question": "Q: Should I buy a bagged vacuum cleaner or a bagless vacuum cleaner?", "answer": "A: Our recommendation will almost always be for a bagged vacuum cleaner, as we believe that they provide a much cleaner environment for your home. The levels of filtration found in a bagged vacuum cleaner are unmatched by bagless systems and will do a much better job of keeping your home and the air inside it dust-free. Additionally, the vacuum itself should last longer because less dust will be allowed to get inside the motor. Despite this, we understand that many of our customers prefer bagless systems, and are always willing to work with you to find the right vacuum to match your needs." }, { "question": "Q: What can I do with my old vacuum cleaner when the time comes to buy a new one?", "answer": "A: We accept any and all vacuum cleaners as part of our trade-in program. When the time comes to buy a new vacuum, bring in your old one so we can take a look at it and give you a fair deal! We will then recycle your old vacuum responsibly, so we can do our part to reduce waste." }, { "question": "Q: What is the best vacuum cleaner to buy?", "answer": "A: This is entirely dependent on your cleaning needs. Variables such as the surfaces in your home (hardwood vs. carpet), how many pets you might have, and many other factors can play a role in determining what the best vacuum for you is. At The Vacuum Cleaner Hospital, we will work with you to find the best vacuum cleaner to suit your needs. And if you don’t like it, don’t live with it! We offer a 60-day exchange policy because we are committed to making sure that you end up with the right vacuum cleaner for you." } ]
[ { "question": "GDC is a not-for-profit organization established in 1990 to help breeders reduce the prevalence of genetic diseases in dogs..\nWhat does the registry have to do with the Sealy DNA test research?", "answer": "SIGHT is working closely with the lens luxation DNA research project at the University of Missouri to help locate family groups of dogs whose DNA is important to the project." }, { "question": "What is the purpose of the registry?", "answer": "The main purpose of SIGHT is to help breeders make breeding decisions that will reduce the prevalence of lens luxation. The goal of SIGHT is to register as many Sealys as possible, including every known affected dog and its relatives. When a breeder know s that a dog is affected she can estimate the risk that other relatives may have for carrying or passing on the defective gene." }, { "question": "Why should I register my dog with SIGHT?", "answer": "The effectiveness of the registry is directly dependent on how complete it is. Since lens luxation is a late-onset disease, we can never be certain that a dog is free of the disease. That’s why we urge every owner to register their dogs and then update their registrations with yearly eye exams. In addition, as more dogs are registered, we will be able to contact registered owners whose dogs appear to be at greater risk for lens luxation as suggested by new information in the data base." }, { "question": "Could my dog develop lens luxation if neither parent has it?", "answer": "If both parents carry the defective gene there is a very high probability that some of the puppies will be affected. A dog may carry the defective gene and show no symptoms of the disease." }, { "question": "What’s the simple version of the genetics of lens luxation?", "answer": "Without a gene test, we cannot prove that a dog is NOT a carrier." }, { "question": "How does the genetics of lens luxation work?", "answer": "Researchers believe that lens luxation is an autosomal recessive trait. There is probably one key gene involved in lens luxation, and a dog must inherit that gene from both parents to be affected with the disease. Lens luxation is what is called a “late onset” disease. It generally occurs in Sealys between age 4 and 8. A dog who is a carrier may have been bred many times before one of its offspring shows symptoms, and that is what makes the disease very, very difficult to control. If a dog carries only one copy of the gene, that dog is called a carrier, and will not show the trait. A carrier will pass along copies of the gene to some of its offspring each time it is bred. A fairly simple rule of genetics gives the probabilty for how many puppies in a litter will carry the gene, but there is no way to know which individuals are the carriers. When both parents carry the gene, another rule of genetics predicts that some of the puppies will inherit copies of the genes from both parents, and will be affected. Several others will inherit just one copy of the gene from one parent and will be carriers. And the remaining puppies will not inherit copies of the gene at all. Without a DNA test, the only way we know a dog is a carrier is if it has produced an affected offspring. The parents of an affected dog, in the case of lens luxation, are assumed to be carriers. If a dog is a carrier, but has many excellent traits, that dog can still be bred, but only under strict guidelines. The dog must not be bred to another carrier, and every one of the dog’s offspring must be presumed to be a carrier until proven otherwise, either by a DNA test, or by several test breedings to a known carrier which produce no affecteds." }, { "question": "How will breeders use the registry to help reduce the risk of lens luxation?", "answer": "If enough dogs, including affected dogs, from a particular family group are registered, GDC can create a genetic pedigree of that group. The genetic pedigree shows clearly where the affected dogs are in the family, and with that knowledge, the breeder can determine which dogs are probably carriers, and what the carrier risk is for other dogs. GDC will provide information, resources and access to canine genetic counselors to help breeders with complex risk assessments and breeding questions." }, { "question": "What is a genetic pedigree?", "answer": "A traditional pedigree shows the parentage back through three or more generations. If you take a traditional pedigree and begin filling in the rest of the close relatives (siblings, half-sibs, offspring, multiple matings, etc. ), you’ve got the beginnings of a genetic pedigree. The genetic pedigree can include 75-100 or more dogs and shows the relationships among them as graphical chart. If enough closely related dogs are registered, the genped provides a comprehensive picture of the location of affected and carrier dogs in a family. With that information breeders can make risk assessments about breeding any two dogs." }, { "question": "Why doesn’t the registry just publish a list of affected dogs?", "answer": "Focusing on affected dogs without information about the dogs’ close relatives is of very little value over the long run for breeders. The key to making good breeding decisions is being able to estimate carrier risk in the relatives of an affected dog. In addition, exclusive listing of affected dogs tends to create a “witchhunt” atmosphere among breeders. Cooperation and sharing of information is crucial in the fight against a genetic disease. That’s why SIGHT only releases information on family groups of dogs and provides guidelines for how breeders can use that information." }, { "question": "How prevalent is lens luxation among Sealyham Terriers?", "answer": "We do not have an accurate estimate of the prevalence for lens luxation in the breed. We continue to collect enough reports about affected dogs to know that without an immediate and comprehensive effort to stop the spread of the gene, the problem could become much worse than it is now. As we gather more information in the SIGHT registry we are finding that a significant percentage of Sealys are probably carriers of the defective gene." }, { "question": "Why don’t we just stop breeding to carriers?", "answer": "First of all, we can only confirm that a dog is a carrier if it has produced an affected offspring. Without a gene test, we can only estimate the carrier risk of dogs who are related to affected dogs. And just because a dog has not produced an affected offspring does not in any way ensure that it is not a carrier. Second, the Sealyham gene pool is very small, and removing carriers from the breeding program may also remove many of the good traits that are essential to the breed. In simple terms, if we have a Sealy who has many good traits but is a known carrier, we need to find a mate for that dog who has good traits as well, but has a very low carrier risk. And we must inform buyers of the risk, and track the health of all puppies for the rest of their lives. The SIGHT application gives step by step instructions. We encourage a CERF eye exam by an ophthalmologist or a basic eye exam by a veterinarian, but it is not required for SIGHT registration. There is no charge for registering a dog affected with lens luxation or a dog that is an assumed carrier of the gene (must have produced affected offspring). The first-time registration is $10 per dog. Subsequent updates with new eye exams are $5. The rates are reduced for registering several related dogs at the same time." }, { "question": "Why should I register my dog if it doesn’t have lens luxation?", "answer": "Until we have a 100% accurate DNA test, we cannot say for certain that any particular dog is not at risk." }, { "question": "Will SIGHT certify my dog as being clear of lens luxation?", "answer": "Not at this time. When a 100% accurate DNA test is available, SIGHT will then be able to certify the genotype of a dog." }, { "question": "Can I provide a blood sample for DNA research without registering?", "answer": "I’m confused about where to send the application forms. Always send the eye registration forms to GDC, PO Box 177, Warner, NH 03278. If you are submitting a blood sample send copies of the forms to the University of Missouri research lab as well. See the application for details." }, { "question": "Why does SIGHT emphasize registering complete litters?", "answer": "It is extremely important to record every dog in a litter because we cannot know for sure which dogs may develop the disease. If one dog in a litter isn’t recorded, and that dog has lens luxation, the registry will not be able to identify carriers in that line, and may provide inaccurate risk assessments." }, { "question": "Why is SIGHT an \"open\" registry?", "answer": "An open registry provides all evaluation information (negative and positive) on a dog to users of the registry. Breeders must know which dogs are affected in a family group in order to lower the risk of producing more affected dogs, while at the same time preserving those good traits that they consider valuable in a dog or its line." }, { "question": "Can I register but keep my dog’s eye evaluation private?", "answer": "SIGHT is an open registry. All information is available to any Sealyham owner who has also registered a dog with SIGHT. Owners who register their dogs agree to make health information in the registry available to other users of the registry. Keeping information about a dog with lens luxation from other breeders is essentially a guarantee that the defective genes will continue to be spread throughout the breeding population." }, { "question": "Will the registry really help reduce the prevalence of lens luxation?", "answer": "Using an open registry to select against a single recessive trait is effective if a significant number of dogs are registered, and if breeders follow a proven methodology for making breeding decisions based on the information in the registry. There are a number of documented cases where intensive projects such as the SIGHT registry have significantly reduced the prevalence of single-gene and even multiple-gene disease within several generations of dogs. For more information, see \"Control of Canine Genetic Diseases,\" by Dr. George A. Padgett (Howell Book House). We must be cautious, however, because the mode of inheritance of lens luxation has not been proven. At this point researchers strongly believe that the disease is simple autosomal recessive and that it involves a single gene. We are proceeding on that assumption." } ]
[ { "question": "What should I choose?", "answer": "When configuring your SSL Certificate, you are asked to choose your webserver type. If you don’t know which server type you have, simply choose “Other” and your SSL Certificate will work on any server type for sure. For certificate authorities, the webserver type question is more a statistics question than an attribute which your SSL Certificate will be configured by. Certificate authorities needs to know what are the most used server types in order to build their certificates compatible with all these server types." } ]
[ { "question": "What happens if I get bullied?", "answer": "Above all else, bullying seems to be your biggest fear. You only have to read what current Year 7 students say about bullying to realise that they were as worried as you and that in reality it rarely ever happens. If it does happen to you CPS has a highly effective system to deal with bullying immediately. An assembly will be held at the start of the year to discuss this issue with you." }, { "question": "What do I do if I get lost?", "answer": "There are maps to help you find your way around. The school map in your A to Z should give you a good start. The easiest thing to do is ask a fellow student, a member of staff or if you are really lost go to the student reception at the front of the school building. Strangely enough this was one of the big questions you asked the most. You can view a map of the school to find the location of all the girls and boys loos!!" }, { "question": "Will I be able to stay with my friends?", "answer": "The school tries really hard to keep you in a HOUSE group with at least one of your friends. This is so you can be competing for the same 'team' when it comes to House events such as Sports Day etc. However, we can't promise that you will be in the same tutor group. Registration lasts for 25 minutes in the morning and students are encouraged to sit in mixed year groups. Lessons are taught in mixed ability groups and so will be different to your morning tutor group as well." }, { "question": "Is it easy to make friends?", "answer": "Another one of your questions that cropped up time and time again. The simple answer is YES! You'll be amazed at how quickly you get to know your know your fellow classmates and by the end of the first week your phone will be ‘bulging’ with new names and contacts. Look at the advice from year 7 to see what they have said about making new friends." }, { "question": "How long have you got?", "answer": "There are so many opportunities for sports and PE activities here. All of them are absolutely lovely!!!!!" }, { "question": "Are there any school clubs?", "answer": "There are plenty of school clubs. Information about these will be announced or displayed in your tutor group or in the various departments. Remember, if in doubt, just ask your tutor or teacher." }, { "question": "Do we have to be in Class and on time for the first couple of weeks?", "answer": "The simple answer is Yes, but as with any new place it might take you a while to find your way around comfortably. Teachers will allow a short amount of time within the first week or so, the important thing to remember is, don't worry, if you get lost ask a fellow student or teacher or check the map in your guide." }, { "question": "What if I get stuck doing work?", "answer": "Your Teacher and Tutor are always there to help and will always try to help. If you are stuck with something in your homework, go and find the Teacher at lunchtime and ask them to explain it again. Your fellow students are also on hand so don't forget to ask them too." }, { "question": "What type of rewards do we get?", "answer": "In a lesson you might receive a 'house point' for good work or behaviour. If you receive 8 'house points' you are awarded with an 'Achievement Point'. You can also receive 'Achievement Points' for working 'above and beyond' or going the extra mile. Achievment Points are logged on your school record and can earn you even more rewards as an individual and for your House. A class group can earn a 'Year Point' for your year group. This go towards a Mufti Day when your year reaches 50. Termly, we hold a Celebration House Assembly where students who have excelled in lessons, tutor time, achievement, attendance etc are recognised and celebrated." }, { "question": "Do we have pegs and lockers to keep our belongings in?", "answer": "Not necessarily. You can purchase a locker at a cost of £5 (£2 is returned at the end of the year in exchange for your key). You will need to be prepared and carry with you what you need for that specific day. A good strong, comfortable rucksack is essential. When you have P.E. lessons all of your belongings are locked safely away in the changing rooms." }, { "question": "What musical instruments are there?", "answer": "The music department has a fairly good range of instruments on hand, with plenty of electric keyboards to help you brush up on your musical skills. There are also guitars for use in lessons." } ]
[ { "question": "When should I apply for my child's admission ?", "answer": "♦ Playgroup: Apply in September for the next academic session. Parents are advised to apply when the child is 2+ years old. ♦ Nursery to Class X: Apply in January for the next session. ♦ A' Level: Apply in June or July for the next session." }, { "question": "What is the procedure for admission ?", "answer": "Once the application form is submitted it will be assessed in a pre-selection process. If selected, then the student and parents will be called for the admission test and/or interview (depending on the class in which you want to admit your child). After the test and/or interview either admission is offered, regretted or the names are placed on the waiting list if there are no vacancies." }, { "question": "How long is the admissions process ?", "answer": "We receive a large number of applications every month. We need to go through several procedures like pre-selection, admission test, parents' interview and so on. Therefore, we need some time to complete all the steps. However, all the procedures are generally completed within two weeks after receiving the application." }, { "question": "What questions might be asked during the interview ?", "answer": "The interview is an opportunity for potential parents to ask us questions and get clarifications on any aspect of our school, and it is a chance for our admissions committee to get to know the parents who are applying. There are no specific questions nor do parents have to prepare in any way. Most interviews are conducted as general conversations." }, { "question": "The written exams are taken on which subjects ?", "answer": "The exams are taken on three core subjects - English, Maths and Bangla. However, Bangla is exempted during the admission test for foreign students. Please note that it is mandatory for all students in Scholastica to take Bangla, so please discuss this with the school’s personnel if you have any concerns. The school does offer special classes for students whose proficiency level in Bangla is lower than the requisite standard due to living abroad, or for foreign students. For students who want to enter in Class IX, they may be required to take additional tests depending on the subjects they choose for the O’ Level. For A’ Level admission, various academic criteria must be met. Please talk to our staff for the full details." }, { "question": "Why do you take a security deposit and when will it be refunded ?", "answer": "If any student leaves the school without any notice then enrolment will be cancelled after two months and security deposit will be forfeited. However, if any student leaves in July or August then the security deposit may be refunded, if all the conditions for a refund are met. Talk to our Admissions office for details or read the policy in our Student Parent Handbook." }, { "question": "How and where do we need to pay the monthly tuition fee ?", "answer": "The tuition fee can be paid in cash or with credit card at the campuses in Dhanmondi, Gulshan, Uttara and Mirpur. We also have provisions for automatic bill payment through your own bank accounts or credit cards. Please talk to our Admissions office for the details." }, { "question": "Why is the Admission Fee non-refundable ?", "answer": "The Admission Fee is a charge for the processing of forms and various other administrative procedures. As such, it is not refundable." }, { "question": "Where can I get an Admission Form ?", "answer": "The Admission Form must be downloaded from our website. Please note that hard copy admission forms are no longer available for picking up at our campuses. If you have trouble downloading our form, please email us for a copy at [email protected]." }, { "question": "Where can we submit Admission Forms ?", "answer": "Forms can be submitted at the four campuses located in Dhanmondi, Gulshan, Mirpur and Uttara." }, { "question": "Do you provide canteen services ?", "answer": "Yes, we have canteen services at our Senior Campuses. We assure hygienic foods for students at our canteens as well as quality service." }, { "question": "What is the difference between CIE and EdExcel ?", "answer": "CIE stands for Cambridge International Examinations. Scholastica offers the O’ and A’ Level curriculum under the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) examinations board. The curriculum is very similar to the O’ and A’ Level offered under EdExcel, and these qualifications are recognized all over the world." }, { "question": "What are the minimum criteria for getting admission to the A’ Level program (Class XI-XII) ?", "answer": "The A' Level is a very rigorous and demanding course of study. It may not be suitable to all students. Students may take only those subjects at the A' Level which they already completed at the O' Level and they must attain minimum grades at the O’ Level, the details of which are available at the Admissions Office. Students given provisional admission will be given confirmation to continue only after their O' Level results are accepted by the school." }, { "question": "How does the school communicate with parents ?", "answer": "We stay in touch with parents via email and hard copy notices, a monthly campus newsletter, and SMS for urgent messages or reminders. We have set up a private password-protected website for parents to download important notices and key documents. We welcome parents to meet with teachers and management by making appointments. We also encourage parents to get involved in the school community. In addition, we invite parents to attend various school events, observe classes and act as volunteers. We are open to parents’ ideas, suggestions and problems/concerns, which are shared through email or Parents Suggestion Box." }, { "question": "How are Bangla and our national heritage addressed in Scholastica ?", "answer": "Scholastica is committed to upholding and nurturing the cultural heritage of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Studies is taught as a compulsory subject from Class III to VIII, and is offered as a subject in the O’ Level. Bangla is, of course, a core subject and is compulsory from KG I to Class X. Participation in various cultural, musical and dramatic presentations to observe important national events is encouraged, and occasions such as International Mother Language Day, Pohela Boishakh, and Independence Day are celebrated with vigor and creativity in all the school campuses each year. Assembly is conducted every morning where the National Anthem is sung and our Bangladeshi flag is raised." }, { "question": "What is the approach to teaching in Scholastica ?", "answer": "Scholastica has developed its own curriculum up to Class VIII, which embraces modern international best practices in teaching and learning. Read more about our curriculum and approach to teaching on our \"Our Curriculum\" page." }, { "question": "How are teaching standards maintained ?", "answer": "Every campus has a Training & Development Unit made up of Academic Supervisors who observe teachers, conduct workshops and provide coaching to teachers. Scholastica’s Curriculum Development Unit (CDU) oversees the development of the academic program. The unit ensures that a high standard of education is delivered uniformly at all levels of the school and ensures best practices in teaching. It monitors the delivery of the academic program and comes up with effective services and strategies for imparting our curriculum and maintaining consistency. The unit also oversees the planning of the annual syllabus based on the custom-designed curriculum of the school. All teachers go through a one-year diploma in teaching from a sister concern, SPEED, and many are given English language training as well. We also conduct regular training programs on IT skills, first aid, and need-based training." }, { "question": "Regular teaching demonstrations and subject-specific workshops are carried out; as well as training from CIE.\nHow does the school provide opportunities for whole child development ?", "answer": "art, music, drama and physical education are a fundamental part of curriculum. We have many after school programs, including sports, cooking, debate, Duke of Edinburgh, boy scouts, French, photography, etc. Numerous sports facilities are available – hard courts, swimming pool, indoor gym and access to fields—that allow us to foster excellent sports teams. We also encourage field trips outside Dhaka – all over Bangladesh, and abroad. We provide leadership programs like exchange programs, and participation in all kinds of conferences. And of course our arts program is vibrant, with several plays, recitals and performances conducted throughout the year." }, { "question": "How are the needs of individual students met in Scholastica ?", "answer": "We respect and understand that individual students have different strengths and weaknesses and varying backgrounds, interests, emotional and academic achievements, and so we have set up an anecdotal record system to record strengths and weaknesses of each child. We work with students on an individual basis to give them any support that they need to keep up with the standard set in class. We practice differentiation in the classroom to cater to varying needs. For the middle school students who struggle in Maths and English, a Skills Lab program has been set up. We do not encourage private tuition generally, and take the responsibility of ensuring academic achievement for all students." }, { "question": "How is safety and security maintained in Scholastica ?", "answer": "We have written policies and procedures on safety and security issues. We have an inspection unit who regularly inspects campuses to ensure there are no safety threats. For security purpose, Security Card has been made compulsory for parents to pick up their children. Various security procedures are maintained at exit and entry points of all the campuses. Regular trainings are provided on first aid, emergency evacuation procedures and use of fire extinguishers. Fire drills for the entire school are done twice a year. A full-time nurse is available on the larger campuses; in other campuses selected faculty and management have been given first aid certification." }, { "question": "What are all the fees and costs that a parent might have to incur in Scholastica ?", "answer": "The school is transparent about all costs; all fee-related policies are clearly spelled out in the Student Parent Handbook. Different payment modes are available for parent’s convenience. There are no yearly charges or development fees. There are no charges for field trips, after-school clubs, or extra-curricular programs i.e. sports facilities, swimming program, library, computer lab, science lab or any other educational facility. Only out-of-town trips might incur a charge, but all such trips are voluntary. Student’s ID Card, Security Card, exercise books and papers are provided by the school. Textbooks and stationery can be purchased through the school or from external sources." } ]
[ { "question": "Are the electronic devices in the Care Systems different?", "answer": "No, the devices are not different. All Beaute electronic devices at this point are the same and operate the same. They are sold separately based on the attachments that come in the care system package, either skin cleansing brushes or nail and pedi pads." }, { "question": "Where can I order BEAUTE replacements - brush heads or nail and pedi pads?", "answer": "You can order BEAUTE replacement brush heads and nail and pedi pads here www.beautecompany.com as well as at www.amazon.com." }, { "question": "Do you accept international credit cards and orders?", "answer": "At this point, we only accept credit cards and orders from the United States. We are working on being able to provide our products in other countries, come back soon. Due to our fast workflow, we cannot accommodate changes and modifications to already submitted orders. Please, consider your purchase carefully before adding it to your cart and submitting your order. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. You can reset your password by clicking on \"Login\" and then click on \"Forgotten Password\". You will be prompted to enter your email address and a temporary password will be sent to your email inbox." }, { "question": "How to change the nail & pedi pads and the brushes?", "answer": "Once you select the pad or brush you need, simply press it down to attach it to the head base. See more inside the \"How To information\"." }, { "question": "Can the device get wet?", "answer": "All devices are waterproof and can be rinsed or used in the shower but are not designed to be submerged in water, please avoid using it in the bath tub." }, { "question": "Can I use my BEAUTE device while I am taking a bath?", "answer": "While your device is waterproof, it has not been designed to be submerged in water - so, please, avoid dipping it in the bath tub. To activate your warranty register your device at www.beautecompany.com/product-registration by following the instructions. BEAUTE warrants the device against defects in materials and workmanship for one year from the date of purchase. For more information see full warranty details at www.beautecompany.com/warranty. The limited warranty covers defects arising from normal use. In the case of such a defect, we will exchange the defective product with an equivalent new device. For more information see full warranty details at www.beautecompany.com/warranty." }, { "question": "In the case of device exchange or replacement, will the warranty period get extended?", "answer": "No, should you exchange or replace your device, the warranty for the new device will remain valid until the end of the original warranty period for the initially purchased device. I do not see an answer to my question." }, { "question": "How can I get more help?", "answer": "We are sorry you are not able to find what you are looking for, please email us your question to [email protected] or use our contact form and we will get back to you within 24 hours." } ]
[ { "question": "Why do I have to authorize my Facebook and/or Twitter account?", "answer": "A. This is to facilitate CrescendoSPeak to share the campaign message that you have supported. Q." }, { "question": "But why does the authorization message say you need access to my friends list?", "answer": "A. The access to “Friend List” is for the sole purpose of calculating your social reach. There will be no interaction with any person on the list and no posting on their behalf. Q." }, { "question": "Will you post to my friend’s account as well?", "answer": "A. CrescendoSPeak will not post anything on your friend’s account. The only post will be on your feed. Q." }, { "question": "What is Social Reach and how is it determined?", "answer": "A. Social Reach is the sum of the friends and followers of the supporter’s Facebook and Twitter accounts respectively. Q." }, { "question": "What if I do not want to support a campaign anymore?", "answer": "A. You can opt out of supporting a campaign by going to My Profile-> Supported Campaigns. You will be able to see all your supported campaigns and you can withdraw support by clicking the “withdraw support” button. Q. I have submitted my crescendo but it has not been approved yet." }, { "question": "Why is that?", "answer": "A. It typically takes 2-3 working days for the approval process. In case you want an expedited approval, please read about our Expedited Approval feature in the features page. Q." }, { "question": "How much does it cost to start a crescendo?", "answer": "A. Creating a basic crescendo is completely free and so are many of our support features that go along with it. However there are certain features that we offer for a premium. These features cater to specific purposes. For further details please click here. Q." }, { "question": "Should I shorten the link before submitting?", "answer": "A. CrescendoSPeak automatically shortens the link for you. You need not bother with such trivialities. Q." }, { "question": "How do I put a YouTube video in my campaign?", "answer": "A. Just copy paste the URL of the Youtube video that you want to embed in the \"Embed Video\" bar in the \"Start\" page. Q." }, { "question": "Can I add photos/videos/change story after submitting the campaign for approval?", "answer": "A. We do not offer editing of the campaign post the approval process. You can however post updates on your campaign page. Q." }, { "question": "What is the embeddable widget and how do I use it?", "answer": "A. The widget is a small snapshot of your crescendo. The code is available on a campaign's project page. Just click the \"Embed\" link and copy and paste the code into the HTML of your webpage. Q." }, { "question": "How do I promote my crescendo?", "answer": "A. Visit our instructions page to view some heady insights as to the building of your crescendo. Q." }, { "question": "How many supporters should I target?", "answer": "A. Supporter goal is highly subjective. It depends on the crescendo builder’s ability to garner support and also on the content of the message. More the supporters, more is the social reach. Thus, the best judge for the target is you. Q." }, { "question": "What happens if I do not reach my supporter goal?", "answer": "A. If the supporter goal is not reached before the launch date, then the message isn’t blasted. If you still want a message blast, kindly read about our Grenade feature in the features page. Q." }, { "question": "Can I support a crescendo via my Facebook page?", "answer": "A. Facebook page has likes rather than friends. Thus, supporting via a Facebook page will not offer any increase to the social reach of the crescendo. You can however encourage your page followers to build the crescendo by putting it on the page. Q." }, { "question": "Will the message be only posted once?", "answer": "A. Yes! The message will only be posted once on the Peak day (if the campaign is successful). And at it’s Peak your Crescendo will Speak." } ]
[ { "question": "Who are the Tomatosphere™ partners?", "answer": "Tomatosphere™ is an award-winning program where students investigate the effects of the space environment on the growth of tomato seeds. Educators who register for the program receive two sets of tomato seeds. One package contains seeds sent into space on the International Space Station or treated in space-simulated conditions (space-simulated seeds undergo treatments that simulate the extreme conditions of interplanetary travel). The other contains \"control\" seeds, which are untreated. Students plant the seeds and conduct experiments to explore the effects of the space environment on the germination of tomatoes. Tomatosphere™ is a free program and seeds typically arrive in classrooms between February and April each year. Through Tomatosphere™, students learn how to conduct a scientific experiment and compare germination rates of the two groups of seeds. Classrooms discover which seeds are the “space” seeds and which are the control group after they submit their results online. The Seed Investigation (measuring germination) takes between 1-3 weeks. Educators may choose to continue growing the plants, conducting other inquiries such as plant vigour, over a longer time period (4-6 additional weeks or longer). Planting can take place at any point in the year, but results should be submitted by the end of June (for spring planting) and by mid-January (for fall planting)." }, { "question": "How do I order seeds?", "answer": "Canadian educators, homeschool or community groups can receive seeds by registering online at tomatosphere.letstalkscience.ca. It’s free to register and seeds typically arrive in the mail between February and April. Educators must register each year in order to receive seeds. I’m located in the United States." }, { "question": "How do I order seeds?", "answer": "The Tomatosphere™ program is operated in the United States by First the Seed Foundation. If you are located in the United States, please visit firsttheseedfoundation.org/tomatosphere to register for seeds. I’m located outside of Canada and the United States." }, { "question": "Can I still participate in Tomatosphere™?", "answer": "At this time, Tomatosphere™ is only available in Canada and the United States due to the high demand and limited number of treated seeds available for classrooms. Students will compile information, the teacher will submit the results online at the Tomatosphere™ website and the results will be combined with the other experiments across Canada. An automatic response will then convey which of the seeds were in each of the two seed packages. Students will be able to compare their class data with other classrooms. In addition, teachers receive a certificate of participation for students in the class. The certificate is signed by former Canadian Space Agency astronaut, Dr. Robert Thirsk, and the principal investigator of the Tomatosphere™ program, Dr. Michael Dixon from the University of Guelph. Tomatoes are extremely versatile and nutritious. They have high levels of vitamin A and vitamin C and also contain lycopene, an ingredient that may help prevent certain cancers and cardiovascular disease. Tomato plants are an ideal choice for space travel as they provide wholesome nourishment and water through transpiration from their leaves. Through photosynthesis, tomato plants also convert light energy and carbon dioxide exhaled by astronauts into oxygen that is needed for survival." }, { "question": "What types of seeds are involved in the program?", "answer": "The seeds are a plum tomato type from traditional, conventional sources and have not been altered through any means (including biotechnology). They are a variety of seed from H.J. Heinz Canada - H9478 F1. This is a very versatile variety that can be used for tomato paste products, fresh juice, and whole peel. The plants will produce mature fruit in a period between 85 and 105 days depending upon growing conditions. One group of seeds is a control group; these seeds have had no special treatment. A second group of seeds are either sent to space to spend time on the International Space Station or are treated in space-like conditions. Mars will be the next major global space program after the International Space Station and the establishment of a base on the Moon. Canada is positioning itself to play a signature role in the exploration of Mars and in the provision of life support and closed environment systems for space travel. The consortium of partners who oversee Tomatosphere™ include the Canadian Space Agency, HeinzSeed, Let’s Talk Science, First-the-Seed Foundation, Stokes Seeds, and the University of Guelph. Let’s Talk Science manages the operations of Tomatosphere™ in Canada while First the Seed Foundation manages the operations of Tomatosphere™ in the United States. A listing of Tomatosphere™ supporters in Canada can be found on the supporters page." } ]
[ { "question": "Question: Does BARC Connects' Internet or cable TV service work with my off-the-shelf device (Roku, TiVo, Apple TV, Xbox, etc.)?", "answer": "Answer: Yes, these devices will function over our network since they simply require an Internet connection to function. However, we will not be able to provide technical support on these devices, as we can only support the devices we provide inside the home, such as the Wi-Fi router, DVR and cable set-top boxes." }, { "question": "Question: If I move within the two-year commitment period, can I assign my contract to the next tenant/owner?", "answer": "Answer: Yes, we offer an assignment form that you and the assignee would sign. The assignee would then assume the remainder of the term of your contract, however, we will allow them to change the services if they choose. They only need to maintain Internet service for the remainder of the contract term. But, if they do not sign the assignment form, you would be responsible for paying the contract break fee per the terms of your service agreement." }, { "question": "Question: Am I locked into the package I select for the entire two-year period?", "answer": "Answer: Absolutely not. We want to be as flexible as possible to accomodate your needs. As long as you keep Internet service, you can add or subtract services during the two year period (service call fees may apply). We know our services are going to be all new to you, and we want all our customers to have a superior customer experience. If you take our cable TV service and decide you like your old TV service better, you can cancel it. We're not going to make you keep stuff you don't want. You just have to keep the Internet for two years, and it's going to be so fast you won't want to give it up." } ]
[ { "question": "Q What percentage of patients do you turn away?", "answer": "3. Keratoconus or any abnormality found during the eye check which deems them unfit. You will appreciate that there cannot be a fixed percentage for this. However, important is that if LASIK is not found suitable, we do explore other procedures which may benefit more." } ]
[ { "question": "Home » Frequently asked Questions on Health » How can I get the quality of a particular drug checked?", "answer": "Q: There are many drug companies in this country. It is very confusing and suspicion arises on the quality of the products." }, { "question": "Please inform the procedures by, which I can get the quality of a particular drug checked?", "answer": "A:This is true. There are at least 26,000 companies producing over 45,000 brands. The names of most reputed manufacturers appear on DoctorNDTV.com. However some companies on the list get their brands produced by smaller companies. Hence it is necessary to check the name of the manufacturer as printed on the pack. There is no simple procedure to get the quality of a brand checked by patients." } ]
[ { "question": "What if my vehicle has been wrecked?", "answer": "Contact your installer for specific instructions on how to handle this situation. Depending upon the amount of damage to your vehicle, you may need to obtain a new IID. Should you have to replace your vehicle, you will need to have a device installed in your new vehicle. Have the installer complete a Certification of Ignition Interlock Device Installation, VL-082, and return it to this Department." } ]
[ { "question": "What is the difference between cross-border consultation for a given MSP and general sea-basin cooperation on MSP?", "answer": "According to the Regional Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning Roadmap 2013-2020, the HELCOM-VASAB Guidelines on trans-boundary consultations, public participation and cooperation (HOD 50-2016) have been adopted in 2016. They could be of use for eventually all Baltic Sea countries to carry out trans-boundary consultation according to a common practice. Consultation of more practical topics is arising in the course of elaboration of maritime spatial plans, e.g. trans-boundary impacts of the plan, or trans-boundary coherence of the planning provisions. This usually takes place in bilateral or trilateral interactions (cross-border interactions) and refers to the formal process, which takes place between affected Baltic Sea Region (BSR) countries and their authorities on specific provisions foreseen in a given Maritime Spatial Plan. Cooperation on maritime spatial planning is understood as a more open and preparatory process with focus on information and knowledge exchange as well as development of common understanding. Co-operation at pan-Baltic level concerns strategic and farsighted decisions”." }, { "question": "How should cross-border cooperation be carried out between countries?", "answer": "The MSP Directive urges Member States to cooperate in their MSP processes with the aim of ensuring that maritime spatial plans are coherent and coordinated across the marine region concerned, especially taking into account issues of a transnational nature. The Directive does not set specific measures for cooperation, recognising that there are differences between marine and coastal areas. MSP authorities should develop the most appropriate mechanisms of cooperation. This is likely to include one authority circulating draft versions of their plan for comment by neighbouring authorities and those comments being taken into account. Comments may also be invited from other transnational organisations and stakeholders. Other mechanisms of cooperation may be agreed by authorities, such as a forum at an early stage of planning where issues of joint concern may be identified and priorities set out. This may be followed by subsequent meetings and on-going contact, where the development of key issues in emerging plans is kept under review. Established mechanisms for cooperation may extend to the implementation of maritime spatial plans. The Seanergy 2020 project has developed a set of seven criteria to evaluate the different MSP regimes across the 17 EU Member States one of which is cross-border cooperation. In this practice the findings concerning best practices in cross-boundary cooperation for MSP will be elaborated. In addition the Seaenergy 2020 project also produced a Cross Border MSP Case Study demonstrating transnational cooperation on MSP can lead to benefits for offshore wind development. The HELCOM-VASAB Working Group agreed on principles for trans-boundary consultation within specific MSP processes as well as trans-boundary pan-Baltic cooperation in more general terms. The guidelines are legally non-binding, but recommended to be applied voluntarily to set joint standards for MSP cooperation in the Baltic Sea region as outlined in the guidelines. The study, Cross-border cooperation in Maritime Spatial Planning, was designed to assist the European Commission (EC) and Member States in the implementation of the MSP Directive through the identification of good practices of MSP, with a particular focus on cross-border cooperation. The practices are derived from reviewing an inventory of non-European global MSP processes, and an in-depth analysis of four case studies. The practices are presented to support and encourage cross-border cooperation in MSP, while recognizing that MSP is primarily a social and political process with major economic consequences, as well as a scientific and technical challenge. With respect to MSP cooperation with third countries, the project East West Window has demonstrated how to involve Russia to MSP even when authorities responsible for MSP were not existing. Further investigation into this topic is included as part of the study on cross-border consultation, prepared by the EU MSP Platform for the European Commission, to be made available in late 2018." }, { "question": "Are there already examples of trans-boundary plans available to show how such a plan could look like with proposals for selected areas and recommendations for designated issues?", "answer": "The Trans-boundary Planning in the European Atlantic (TPEA) Project was part-funded by DG MARE with the objective of investigating the delivery of a commonly agreed approach to cross-border maritime spatial planning (MSP) in the European Atlantic region. TPEA was a pilot initiative, bringing together Government bodies, research centres and data agencies from the UK, Portugal, Spain, and Ireland. Compared to other European Sea Basins trans-boundary plans in the Baltic Sea are reasonably well developed. A number of projects have been carried out over the past decade. The first major project BaltSeaPlan accompanied the EU Maritime Policy by supporting the introduction of Integrated Maritime Spatial Planning within Baltic Sea Region. More recently, the Baltic SCOPE project conducted case studies for two cross border areas: the Southwest Baltic (South-West Sweden bordering Denmark, Germany and Poland) and the Central Baltic (the Latvian sea border with Sweden and Estonia). The EU DG Mare funded ADRIPLAN aimed to deliver a commonly-agreed approach to cross-border MSP in the Adriatic-Ionian region, considered as a whole and more specifically through two Focus Areas: (1) Northern Adriatic Sea; (2) Southern Adriatic/Northern Ionian Sea. The case studies included in the study, Cross-border cooperation in Maritime Spatial Planning, are four non-European examples of cross-border MSP processes and plans: the Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management Plan (SAMP); The Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR); The Coral Triangle Initiative for Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI- CFF); and Xiamen Marine Functional Zoning (MFZ). Case study summary reports are available to present an overview of each MSP initiative, and outcomes and lessons learned from each process. The MARSPLAN - BS project included development of a pilot maritime spatial plan for a cross-border area Mangalia-Shabla, between Bulgaria and Romania. The pilot plan was developed in 5 steps: review and analysis of existing and future activities and uses in the cross-border area Mangalia (RO) – Shabla (BG), development and assessment of alternative strategic scenarios for the region, selection and description of the optimal strategic scenario and goals for maritime spatial planning, elaboration of a Maritime Spatial Plan for the Cross-border area next to the Romanian and the Bulgarian Black sea coast. These lessons learned are derived from four case studies analysed as part of the study, Cross-border cooperation in Maritime Spatial Planning. They highlight and compare the MSP practices that have been more critical to the success of each case study based on their contexts, as identified in the Case Study Summary Reports. Lessons learned cover factors related to the context, drivers, goals, design, collaboration and consultation, and results of MSP processes analysed. The Working Group was established to ensure cooperation among the Baltic Sea Region countries for coherent regional Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) processes in the Baltic Sea. Harmonization of policies required to identify, designate and manage MPAs.Development of a work programme aimed at identifying, designating, and improving effective management of protected areas (coastal and/or marine). Chapter 4 of the Handbook lays out a preliminary common vision for the future of the Adriatic Sea taking into account environmental, economic, social, government as well as climate change and innovation issues. The \"Adriatic Atlas to support ICZM and MSP\" is the first Web Atlas for the Adriatic Sea that was developed, within the Shape project, through a cross-border approach. The Adriatic Atlas is designed as a tool for storing, visualizing and managing data which are necessary for the implementation of MSP and ICZM policies in the Adriatic basin and through a cross-border cooperation approach. These good practices were developed to support and encourage cross-border cooperation in MSP, particularly given that the practice of MSP is a social and political process, as well as a scientific and technical challenge. Practices were identified from each case study developed as part of the study, Cross-border cooperation in Maritime Spatial Planning, and compared with common practices identified through the Global MSP Inventory. Evidence of MSP authorities working together on defining transborder issues, collecting and sharing data, creating common GIS platform, undertaking stakeholder engagement etc. The project designed a process for cross-border MSP and developed a concept for monitoring and evaluation. A review on development of electricity distribution systems in Poland, Lithuania and Kaliningrad district (Russia) and OWE development related problems. The study provides visionalised decisions for interconnection of main grid networks and potential wind power parks. Analysis of links between economic, social and ecological marine spatial planning processes with the aim of providing practical input for the development of a long-term strategy towards evaluation and monitoring of MSP in the Black Sea. There is a need to establish a network of marine protected areas in the Alboran Sea, with an integrated and focused on cooperation perspective and building from the results and milestones from the Roadmap 2020 for Mediterranean MPA. The analysis on ADRIPLAN Focus Areas downscaled and applied at the sub-regional level the overall MSP methodology developed by the project. This analysis entered in more details of the site-specific environmental, socio-economic, regulatory and governance conditions, allowing to propose for those areas more focused, precise, short-term and locally applicable measures or recommendations. Review and analysis of existing and future activities and uses in the cross-border area Mangalia (RO) – Shabla (BG). Development and assessment of alternative strategic scenarios for the region. Selection and description of the optimal strategic scenario and goals for maritime spatial planning. Elaboration of a Maritime Spatial Plan for the Cross-border area next to the Romanian and the Bulgarian Black sea coast." } ]
[ { "question": "What Do I Need To Show to Obtain a Library Card?", "answer": "Adults can also use two items of valid ID that support each other in listing name and address. Photo ID is preferred. ● Post Office box as proof of address. Identification with permanent address is required, although a PO Box can be used as a mailing address." } ]
[ { "question": "Where are the best prices?", "answer": "Pricing for the same procedure can vary based on a number of factors such as the country or state where the procedure is performed, type of implant if necessary or other additional requirements such as diagnostics or pathology. While cost is always a factor, IHP focuses on quality at all times. Our provider partners provide us beneficial prices to extend to our clients but we will never sacrifice quality to save money." } ]
[ { "question": "So you have bought a pair of sheepskin footwear and maybe you think they are too tight?", "answer": "Sheepskin is one of those unusual materials of which there is no equivalent. Most people know that leather shoes stretch. Well with sheepskin shoes, this happens even more so. A good fit means the shoe is nice and firm – almost and we mean almost to the point of being a little uncomfortable. This is because they stretch. Another key factor is that wool compresses with your weight. You might start with 5mm plus wool poking at your toes from all angles but soon you will find the wool flattening leaving more room. With some styles, such as the Classic Boots, the toe area will dome up at the front, moulding to the shape of your feet. Refer to our sizing chart at the time of ordering for more help. Orders are generally processed within 7 business days. Then it will take anywhere from a couple of days (if you are physically nearby) to several weeks to be delivered to you. Generally, most of our affiliated suppliers will send an email to you. Some of them allow you to login and view your order information. Please check with the specific affiliated supplier in question. All our affiliated suppliers use different methods for collecting payment but they are all secure. To find out specific details about their payment methods and security, refer to that particular affiliated supplier’s FAQ. Australian manufacturers get this question regularly and the answer with regards to Jumbo Ugg Boots is NO! Jumbo Ugg Boots sell their own products, manufactured in Melbourne, Australia. It is a brand of sheepskin footwear called “Jumbo Ugg” which is not affiliated to the US company that own the UGG Australia brand – called Deckers. Jumbo Ugg Boots also sell other styles of footwear under their other brands which are made overseas. The product description clearly shows which products are Australian made and which aren’t. Look for the green and gold tag for peace of mind. Our other affiliated suppliers only sell the brands they deal in themselves. The word Ug,Ugh,Ugg has been associated with a style (not brand)of footwear for many years in Australia so you will find many people advertising ug,ugg or ugh boots. The word ugg is found in the Macquarie Dictionary. Most of the UGG Australia production occurs in China and not in Australia. Do not be fooled! If you want genuine sheepskin, ugg/ugh/ug boots buy the ones made here in Australia!!!!!!!! To learn more visit the Australian Sheepskin Association." } ]
[ { "question": "What form should I use and how do I get them?", "answer": "For a Regular Passport, use DS-11: Application for Passport. This form is available online or at our office. The form must be presented and signed in front of an Acceptance Agent. Your most recent passport is more than 15 years old. The passport application forms are double-sided. Although the second page requires no data from the applicant, it contains important information, official legal statements, and is a required part of the application form. Read the form before completing. If you are applying because your passport was lost or stolen, you will also need to submit Form DS-64." }, { "question": "Where can I get my pictures taken for my passport?", "answer": "The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors now offers passport photo services. Passport photos are $10 for two color photos. No appointment is necessary." }, { "question": "What if I need a passport immediately?", "answer": "The San Diego Regional Passport Office provides emergency passport services. Hour of operation are from 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Customers are required to have an appointment AND need to show proof of travel within two weeks. Appointments can be made 24 hours a day via the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778. All customers seen in the Regional Office will be charged an expedited fee of $60.00. Emergencies do not require an appointment, but proof is required such as a death certificate, etc. The San Diego Regional Passport Office is located at 401 West A Street, 10th Floor, San Diego, CA 92101. - Passport Book: U.S. Passport Books are valid for travel by United States citizens anywhere in the world, although travel to certain countries and/or for certain purposes may require a visa. - Passport Card: The U.S. Passport Card can be used to enter the United States from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Bermuda at land border crossings or sea ports-of-entry and is more convenient and less expensive than a passport book. The passport card cannot be used for international travel by air. Like the traditional passport book, it reflects the bearer's origin, identity, and nationality and is subject to existing passport laws and regulations. All U.S. citizens may apply for a passport card. 1) If you have a U.S. passport book and are eligible to use Form DS-82, you may apply for the card by mail. You can use Form DS-82 to renew your passport book at the same time that your apply for your passport card. 2) If you have never had a U.S. passport book or are not eligible to use Form DS-82, you must apply in person using Form DS-11. 3) All passport cards will be returned using First Class Mail. Passport cards cannot be shipped to you using overnight delivery." }, { "question": "How much does a Passport Book cost?", "answer": "Please visit our fees page for more information. Passports are usually received within 4 – 6 weeks of submitting the application. If you will need visas from foreign embassies, allow more time. To find out the status of a pending application, visit http://travel.state.gov to check the status of your application online. Or you may call the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778; TDD Users: 1-888-874-7793 or e-mail [email protected]. The National Passport Information Center is a toll-free service. Customer service representatives are available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) Monday through Friday, excluding Federal holidays. Automated information is available 24/7." }, { "question": "Must I have a social security number?", "answer": "Section 6039E of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 requires that passport applicants provide this information. Passport Services gives this information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) routinely. An applicant who fails to provide the information is subject to a $500 penalty enforced by the IRS. If you have questions, call the nearest IRS office. To find out the status of a pending application, visit http://www.travel.state.gov/content/passports/english/passports.html to check the status of your application online. Or you may call the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778; TDD Users: 1-888-874-7793. The National Passport Information Center is a toll-free service. Customer service representatives are available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) Monday through Friday, excluding Federal holidays. Automated information is available 24/7." }, { "question": "How can I change the name on my passport?", "answer": "To request a name change, a correction to the descriptive data printed on the passport, or an extension of the validity of a limited passport, submit form DS-5504, Application for a U. S. Passport Application (Name Change, Data Correction and Limited Passport Book Replacement), along with the passport that needs the change." }, { "question": "Can my foreign-born child become a citizen?", "answer": "The Child Citizenship Act of 2000 (CCA), Public Law 106-395, applies to certain foreign-born children. If eligible under this law, these children will automatically acquire U.S. citizenship, provided they meet certain conditions. Please visit http://www.travel.state.gov." }, { "question": "How can I get in touch with the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS)?", "answer": "The Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services has a national customer service center. For information on immigration matters, call 1-800-375-5283, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. or visit www.bcis.gov." }, { "question": "How can I get more information regarding travel abroad?", "answer": "The Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. State Department, maintains a web site with information on various topics that may interest you. Please visit http://travel.state.gov for more information." }, { "question": "And when do new passport requirements go into effect?", "answer": "On June 1, 2009 the second phase of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) went into effect. Travelers are required to have a passport book, passport card, or other travel documents approved by the Department of Homeland Security in order to be able to re-enter the U.S. when returning from Mexico, Canada, the Caribbean, and Bermuda by land or sea ports-of-entry. The first phase of this initiative, which went into effect in 2007, required passports for re-entering the U.S. by air in those locations. The passport card is different from a passport book because it was designed to meet the requirements of the land and sea phase of the WHTI. The passport card is valid in border communities where crossing the border is a daily occurrence. The passport card is not valid for international air travel. The passport card may only be used at U.S. and sea ports-of-entry when arriving from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Bermuda. You will need a passport book for international air travel." } ]
[ { "question": "Do I have to purchase the item from ASUS or its reseller in order to qualify for a rebate?", "answer": "A: By submitting the rebate form to asus.4myrebate.com and clicking the link in the confirmation email, you automatically agree to receive email and other correspondence from ASUS. You may opt-out of such email, newsletters and other correspondence by sending a removal request to our customer service department at [email protected]. Your opt-out status will not affect your rebate submissions to asus.4myrebate.com . We will never share your email address or personal information with any unrelated third party except as necessary to fulfill transactions that you initiate." }, { "question": "Q: Do I have to purchase the item from ASUS or its reseller in order to qualify for a rebate?", "answer": "A: Yes! For a small fee, which will be deducted from your rebate amount, ASUS offers the No-Wait Rebate service level. We guarantee that a payment will be mailed within 5-7 business days of the receipt and approval of your rebate documentation. A: In order to claim your rebate, you must first visit our website at asus.4myrebate.com and click on Claim Your Rebate. You will need your offer code for the product that you will be applying for. If you do not know your offer code, it can be searched for by category or manufacturer. Enter the required information and print the online rebate form. Sign the printed form and mail it to the specified address along with all required documentation. You will be able to follow your rebate status on our website using your confirmation number or email address. A: Filling out the online rebate form makes it easy to track the status of your rebate. This also ensures that all the information required to validate your rebate has been accurately recorded. ASUS requires that you mail in the rebate form and supporting documentation to verify that the correct product was purchased during the rebate promotional period. A: You must use a separate mailing envelope and form. ASUS must keep individual records of each submitted rebate form. Even if more than one of the same rebate offer code is being submitted, each must be mailed in their own envelope. Be sure to read the requirements for each application and sign all rebate forms. A: Your rebate form may be reprinted at any time. Simply click on Track Your Rebate at the asus.4myrebate.com website and enter your rebate tracking number or the email address that was used during the registration. Once on the rebate status page, click on Print Your Rebate to view and print your original rebate form. You may now reprint the form, sign it, and send in the required documentation. A: If an email address is not provided, we have staff available to help you. Please call (888)820-8964 or email us at [email protected] for assistance. A: As the status of your rebate updates, you will receive updates via email. You may also enter your tracking number or email address on the Track Your Rebate page to see your current status. If you are still having trouble, you may email your inquiry to [email protected]. A: After completing the online portion of the rebate application, you should receive an email within 24 hours allowing you to print the completed rebate form and track your status. If you have not received your tracking code within 24 hours, you may email our customer service department at [email protected] for further assistance. Please include all details on the rebate that you are applying for. A: Email confirmations are generally sent within a few minutes of application submission, however in many cases it may take longer for delivery. If you haven't received your email confirmation 1 hour after applying you should first check your SPAM or Junk Mail folder as some Internet service providers, especially smaller providers, employ browsers or other utilities which may erroneously identify your confirmation email as SPAM and block its delivery. Using an email account from a popular provider such as MSN, Yahoo, Hotmail or Gmail normally prevents blockages that may occur with smaller providers. If you haven't received your confirmation email after 24 hours or require assistance in changing your registered email address, please contact our customer service department at (888)820-8964 by having tracking number ready or by email at [email protected]. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. A: Please contact our customer service team at [email protected]. We will be happy to assist you!" } ]
[ { "question": "online from I Mediate ?", "answer": "mandated to proceed with the relevant deliveries. are reserved to professionals only. by e-mail your login & password in a 2-days delay. request access to the film by clicking on the \"Request Access\"\n(whole balance of the MG paid) access to the film. authorization of access to the film is active on the website. your device through your usual reading software. be back on the store page. address and password on www.imediateservicing.fr to go further. dependent on the stage of payment and delivery process." } ]
[ { "question": "Which versions of Informatica PowerCenter does ID environment manager support?", "answer": "Version 4.x of ID environment manager supports the following versions of Informatica PowerCenter: 8.6, 9.1, 9.5, and 9.6." }, { "question": "How does one access ID environment manager?", "answer": "ID environment manager is accessed via a standard web browser. The following web browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome." }, { "question": "Is a versioned Informatica repository necessary for using ID environment manager?", "answer": "ID environment manager can be used with a versioned as well as with an unversioned Informatica repository." }, { "question": "How does ID environment manager interact with Informatica PowerCenter?", "answer": "ID environment manager and Informatica PowerCenter interact solely though Informatica’s own mechanisms (ENFACED resp. PMREP)." }, { "question": "What are the hardware requirements for an ID environment manager server?", "answer": "For version 4.x of ID environment manager, the following minimum hardware specs are recommended: 2 physical cores, 50 GB HDD server, 4 GB RAM, 25 GB database server." }, { "question": "Are Active Directories supported by ID environment manager?", "answer": "Version 4.x of ID environment manager supports LDAP and open source LDAP. ID environment manager naturally also has its own internal user administration system." }, { "question": "What operating systems can ID environment manager server be installed on?", "answer": "Version 4.x of ID environment manager supports the following server operating systems: AIX, Linux, Solaris and Windows are tested and approved; essentially, any OS that supports the Oracle Glassfish application server." }, { "question": "What databases are supported for installing the ID environment manager metadata repository?", "answer": "Version 4.x of ID environment manager supports the following databases for metadata repositories: Oracle 10.x and up, DB2 9.7.x and up, and DB2 10.5.x and up are tested and approved." }, { "question": "What Informatica PowerCenter repository databases are supported by the ID environment manager?", "answer": "Version 4.x of ID environment manager supports the following Informatica PowerCenter repository databases: Oracle 10.x and higher, DB2 9.5.x and higher, DB2 9.7.x and higher, DB2 10.5.x and higher, and MS SQL Server 2005 and higher are tested and approved." }, { "question": "What does the ID environment manager metadata repository consist of?", "answer": "The metadata repository of ID environment manager consists of a file repository and a database repository. For example, metadata from Informatica PowerCenter objects is stored in the database repository while the extracted objects themselves are stored in the file repository as XML files." } ]
[ { "question": "1. Who can attend the cems annual events?", "answer": "Everyone in the CEMS Community can attend the CEMS Annual Events. Meetings. Several governance meetings are opened​ only to respective stakeholders (Executive Board, Alumni Association Board and Local Committees, Communication Directors, Program Managers, Marketing Committee, Academic Committee, LBCG and MBC Committees or Student Board). Graduation Ceremony. The Graduation Ceremony is on a first registered, first seated basis for graduates and their guests and for the Academic Community. All Social Events are opened to all community members. 2." }, { "question": "Can students (not graduating this year) attend the graduation ceremony?", "answer": "Yes, CEMS Students can, of course, join the Graduation Ceremony as an official guest, registered in the system, as well as attend the Graduation Party. Registration closed on October 30 for Academic Members and Alumni and November 15 for Students. If you have any doubts regarding your registration, please contact [email protected]. 4." }, { "question": "IS THERE AN EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION FEE?", "answer": "For the Academic Community, the early bird ended on July, 27 (23:59 CET). For Students, Alumni & Guests, any payment before September, 14 (23:59 CET) included a 10% discount. 5." }, { "question": "HOW MANY GUESTS CAN I BRING?", "answer": "Each Graduate is eligible to bring two (2) guests. If you require extra seats, please contact [email protected]. Under no condition can Graduates not attending the Graduation enter guests for other students. 6." }, { "question": "WHAT IS THE COST OF THE EVENTS?", "answer": "This year, the CEMS Annual Events are financially secured by the CEMS Alliance and must be covered by registration fees. Thank you for your contribution in making this a memorable experience, a great celebration and a 30th Anniversary we will never forget! 7." }, { "question": "WHY MUST I PAY AT THE TIME OF THE REGISTRATION?", "answer": "Due to the number of NON-VALIDATED registrations, the organizing committee must request payment at the time of registration. If you would like to register but need more time for payment, send us an email at [email protected]. 8." }, { "question": "HOW CAN I PAY FOR THE EVENTS I HAVE CHOSEN TO ATTEND?", "answer": "See Registrations & Fees on ​www.cems.org/aeregistration. Seats and participation to events are definitely booked after the registration has been paid in full. Because of the limited number of seats, it is encouraged to register and pay as soon as possible. 9." }, { "question": "WHY IS THE GRADUATION DINNER LESS EXPENSIVE FOR THE GRADUATES THAN FOR THE GUESTS?", "answer": "We would like to keep the cost down for Graduates, and avoid charging for the Graduation Ceremony. 10. I WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THE GRADUATION DINNER, BUT NOT THE GRADUATION PARTY." }, { "question": "CAN WE RECEIVED A REDUCED PRICE?", "answer": "The party is an integral part of the dinner, and at the same location. It is not possible to deduct the cost of the party if you (or your guests) decide to leave after the dinner." }, { "question": "11. what is included in the graduation ceremony, dinner and party?", "answer": "The CEMS MIM Graduation is a very special moment for CEMS MIM Graduates and their guests. The Ceremony at the MFCC will include inspirational speeches and entertainment - and most importantly, the moment where Graduates receive their diploma. After the ceremony, Graduates and guests will meet and greet over a drink, followed by a dinner accompanied by optional beverages. The Party takes place at the same venue. The fees are a contribution to the organization of the Graduation Activities, which is financially secured by the CEMS Organization. Costs of the event are to be entirely covered by registration fees. Thank you for your support! 12." }, { "question": "Can I make changes to the registration for guests?", "answer": "Changes could be made until registration closed. Please note that the organization will not get involved with ticket exchange, and that the names of those attending the events will be checked according to the registration database. Therefore, a person attending the event must be the same one that appears in the registration - alternatively, the person attending can provide a written document from the registered person stating that he/she allows a third party to use the tickets." }, { "question": "13. what happens if i cancel my participation or my guest(s) participation to the events?", "answer": "Cancellations were to be confirmed in writing by email to [email protected] until the registration deadline (November, 15th, 23:59 CET), minus a handling fee of 12€. Right now, no refund is possible. In cases of no-shows, no refund will be made. Graduation Ceremony and Activities. Smart Formal - tuxedo, national costume, or a formal dark suit and tie/long dress, smart suit, or a formal cocktail-length dress. For other attendees, there is no formal dress code, although elegance is preferred. Other Events. Wearing what is appropriate for the event attended is advised. For example, business attire at formal meetings and events. 15." }, { "question": "How can i order the official graduation clothing for the ceremony?", "answer": "The CEMS Head Office will provide the official Graduation shash for the ceremony, which will be handed out at the event." }, { "question": "16. do i need a visa to travel to malta?", "answer": "If you are NOT part of the Schengen area, you might need a visa to travel to Malta. For more information on who requires a visa, visit the official website." }, { "question": "19. what will the weather be like?", "answer": "The average temperature in Malta during the month of December ranges from 18°C to 15°C. The average sea temperature is 19°C." }, { "question": "20. what do i need to bring to enter the dinner and parties on both friday and saturday?", "answer": "Bring your confirmation email, which states that the dinner and/or party have been paid for and any further email from the organization regarding changes. Identification (ID) / Proof of age is required at the entrance. Bring your passport or driver's license for checking." }, { "question": "21. where do i find the photos of the cems annual events and graduation ceremony?", "answer": "After the events, all photo albums from the CEMS Annual Events and Graduation Ceremony 2018 will be available on the CEMS Flickr Site." } ]
[ { "question": "What time do the races begin?", "answer": "The Marathon begins at 6 a.m., Half Marathon at 7:30 a.m., 10K at 7:40 a.m. and 2 Mile at 7:50 a.m. Please note the beginning of the Half Marathon is at 7:30 a.m. All those participating in the 10K and 2 Mile are asked to enter the start finish area through the softball complex to avoid runners at start/finish line. 3." }, { "question": "Can I register day of the race?", "answer": "Yes, day of registration will begin at 5:30 a.m. and close at 7 a.m. It is strongly suggested to pre-register at the Cottonwood recreation center or on active.com for best pricing. 4." }, { "question": "Can I switch races once I have registered?", "answer": "Yes, if you switch to a race of less distance there will be no refund. Changing to a longer race must be done at least one week in advance and processed through event coordinator Ryan Bigelow. 5." }, { "question": "If I cannot race can I get a refund?", "answer": "No refunds, but we will allow you to transfer your registration fees to another participant. 6." }, { "question": "Can I walk the Marathon, Half-Marathon or 10K?", "answer": "Yes, the courses will be supported with water stations until 1 p.m.\nFrom 10th Street take your first right and an immediate left, between the skate park and the softball complex will be the primary parking area. Overflow Parking will be across the street at the little league complex. 8." }, { "question": "Why is awards ceremony so long after run?", "answer": "We like to give time for most participants to finish, even if they know they did not place many like to see who did and also to give the timing company adequate time for accurate results. 9." }, { "question": "Why can't I register immediately prior to the race?", "answer": "Your registration has to then be input into the timing companies tracking system and if we allow everyone to register immediately prior to the event there may not be enough time. The earlier you can register the better! 10." }, { "question": "Are there aid stations along the course?", "answer": "Yes, there will be 2 available for the 10K, 10 for the half marathon and 15 for the full marathon. Water or sports drinks will be available along with energy gel at designated locations. 11." }, { "question": "When can I pick up my bib and my shirt?", "answer": "We will have a bag pick up the Friday before the race at the Cottonwood Recreation Center, 150 S. 6th Street between 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. or you can pick it up the morning of the race at Riverfront Park. 12." }, { "question": "What is the policy if there are unsafe weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances?", "answer": "City of Cottonwood staff reserves the right to cancel or to modify the race if deemed necessary to protect the participants, the volunteers and spectators. Since the staging of the race results in substantial up-front expenses regardless of whether or not the race is completed cancellation or modification of the race will not result in the refunding of race entry fees or future race credits. Possible scenarios include: change of race start time on the scheduled date, modification of the race format, change of race date or cancellation of the event. Thank you for your understanding. 1." }, { "question": "What will happen if I fail to appear at my hearing?", "answer": "If you fail to appear, a default will enter in the amount of the standard fines, plus a $50 default fee per count, and a $20 extension fee per case. Also, the Motor Vehicle Department will be directed to suspend driving privileges. Driving on a suspended license is a criminal offense. 4." }, { "question": "How do I request a hearing?", "answer": "- The words, \"I want to enter a plea of not responsible and request a court hearing\"\n- A list of the charges for which the hearing is desired. Please hand deliver or mail your request to 665 East Mingus Avenue or fax the request to 928-634-7864. A request to set a case for a hearing will not be taken over the telephone. 1." }, { "question": "What happens at a pre-trial conference?", "answer": "You or your attorney will be given an opportunity to meet with a Prosecutor to review the facts supporting the state's criminal charges against you. At the pre-trial conference, you are entitled to review a copy of the complaint(s), any written police reports or any other evidence that the state intends to use at the trial. Witnesses do not attend the pre-trial disposition conference and no testimony is taken. However, victims do have the right to be present if they request to do so. 2." }, { "question": "What happens at a trial on criminal charges/complaints?", "answer": "You have the right to have the court issue subpoenas for witnesses to ensure their appearance at the trial. If you decide to appeal a decision made against you for a criminal violation, or a citation with both criminal and civil traffic violations, you must file a NOTICE OF APPEAL with the Cottonwood Municipal Court within 14 calendar days from date of judgment. If you fail to file an appeal before this time period expires, you will lose your right to appeal. 4." }, { "question": "What costs are involved?", "answer": "There is a $17 appeal compact disk (CD), preparation fee assessment. This fee covers the cost of making a CD of the proceedings and must be paid the same day that the notice of appeal is filed. If more than one CD is required (if the hearing is longer than 60 minutes), you will be required to obtain the services of a court reporter to prepare a written transcript. You will be charged for the preparation of the transcript. In the event that you must hire a court reporter, you may set up a payment arrangement with the court reporter directly and the $17 appeal CD preparation fee will be refunded to you. 5." }, { "question": "Can I have an attorney represent me for my appeal?", "answer": "You may have an attorney represent you during the appeal process. You may also proceed pro-per (acting as your own attorney). 6." }, { "question": "Will the Court appoint me an attorney?", "answer": "The Court may appoint an attorney for certain criminal appeals. You must first be deemed indigent. To attain this status, you must submit a written request for a public defender and provide a sworn financial statement for the Cottonwood Municipal Court to rule on. 7." }, { "question": "What if I cannot afford the costs of an appeal?", "answer": "If you cannot afford the costs associated with the appeal process, you may ask the Court to consider you indigent. In order to attain this status, you must provide a sworn financial statement for the Cottonwood Municipal Court to rule on. 8." }, { "question": "What is a memorandum and when does it need to be filed?", "answer": "Upon receipt of your notice of appeal and your written memorandum, the Cottonwood Municipal Court will forward a complete copy of your case to you and the state. A memorandum is a written statement that you send to the Cottonwood Municipal Court setting forth the legal issues and legal reasons why you are appealing the judgment of the Cottonwood Municipal Court. Once the Cottonwood Municipal Court has received both the appellate memorandum (from the party filing the appeal) and appellee memorandum (from the opposing party), the case will be forwarded to the Yavapai County Superior Court. Failure to pay any costs or fees, or to respond to any notices from the Municipal Court or Superior Court may result in your appeal being dismissed. You should read and respond to all notices received from either court. 1." }, { "question": "What is a Court Interpreter?", "answer": "A court interpreter is a person who is an officer of the court that provides impartial and confidential language services to all parties in a judicial setting. A court interpreter adheres to the principles, practices, and code of ethics for court interpretation. 1." }, { "question": "How does the appeal process work?", "answer": "An appeal is a legal process in which a higher court (Yavapai County Superior Court) reviews the decision of a lower court (Cottonwood Municipal Court) based on the audio or transcribed record of your hearing. An appeal is not a retrial of your case, and you cannot present new evidence or testimony. You are responsible for all appeal charges/fees. You may appeal civil traffic findings, criminal rulings and civil orders. Civil Traffic - You have the right to appeal a final decision of a civil traffic matter in this court by filing a Notice of Appeal within 14 calendar days of the judgment of responsible. You are not required to pay the fine or post the bond to exercise your right to appeal. However, if you choose not to pay the fine or post the bond on the day the final judgment is entered or make arrangements to pay with the court, the court will enter a default judgment against you and additional fees will be assessed. Criminal - You have the right to appeal a final decision of a criminal matter in this court by filing a Notice of Appeal within 14 calendar days of the judgment of guilty. You are not required to pay the fine or post the bond to exercise your right to appeal. Civil Orders - You have the right to appeal a final decision of a civil order in this court by filing a Notice of Appeal within 14 calendar days of the judgment. 4." }, { "question": "When can warrants be issued?", "answer": "There are several different times in criminal cases when warrants can be issued by Cottonwood Municipal Court. Read a detailed explanation on the Warrants page. 6." }, { "question": "Where do I have to report for defensive driving class?", "answer": "There are several locations available. for a complete list, consult the Supreme Court Website or call 888-334-5565. Street parking is available in front of the Court at 665 East Mingus Ave. If the parking lot is full, you may park across the street by the Justice Court in the public parking area, or at the library or at the Recreation Center. Subpoenas are orders to give testimony in court and are issued by the Cottonwood Municipal Court. Parties may subpoena individuals by completing the subpoena form at the court. Parties are responsible for completing the forms and having the subpoenas served on the person who is to appear in court and testify. 11." }, { "question": "There is a warrant out for my arrest, what do I do?", "answer": "Appear in court as soon as possible during business hours to see a Judge. If you appear in person, you should be prepared to post some or all of the bond. During non-business hours, bonds can be paid at the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office/County Jail. 12." }, { "question": "Can I get a marriage license from Cottonwood Municipal Court?", "answer": "You cannot get a marriage license at Cottonwood Municipal Court. You may obtain a marriage license at Yavapai County Superior Court. 13." }, { "question": "Can you help me get child support?", "answer": "You may speak with the prosecutor regarding your rights as a victim. You have the right to be present at all court proceedings, if you desire. 16." }, { "question": "Can you help me sue a contractor, neighbor, etc.?", "answer": "No. These cases are filed in justice courts. Contact the Verde Valley Justice Court at 928-639-5820. 17." }, { "question": "Can you tell me if my license has been suspended?", "answer": "You will need to call the Motor Vehicle Division at 602-255-0072. Information is also available at Arizona Department of Transportation Website. 18." }, { "question": "How do I get a continuance for defensive driving school?", "answer": "For one continuance to complete the defensive driving school, you can call the court at 928-634-7537 prior to your court date. 20." }, { "question": "How should I dress for court?", "answer": "Casual business attire is appropriate for most court appearances. Tank tops or shorts are not appropriate for courtroom proceedings. Clothing with visible offensive wording is not permitted. 21." }, { "question": "I went to defensive driving school, now what happens?", "answer": "When you complete the class at one of the schools listed on the brochure given to you by the police officer, the school notifies the court and the charge is dismissed on your record. For further questions, call the Court at 928-634-7537. 22." }, { "question": "What is the Self Service Center?", "answer": "To access these services, go to any Yavapai County Superior Court branch or visit the Online Court System Page. 1." }, { "question": "Where is Cottonwood Police Department located?", "answer": "Normal office hours are from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Monday through Friday. However, dispatch is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you arrive at our location after hours, there is a phone near the front glass doors which will automatically dial dispatch when you pick up the receiver. 3." }, { "question": "Can I find out if I am wanted?", "answer": "The best way to find this information is to contact the courts directly. Because we cannot verify your identity over the telephone, we can't release the information if you call. If you come to Records in person, we are required to notify an officer to check the warrant status for you. 6." }, { "question": "How do I request a police report?", "answer": "Reports can be requested in person at the Cottonwood Police Department or through the mail. In both cases the address is: Cottonwood Police Department 199 S 6th Street Cottonwood, AZ 86326 Copies of reports cost $5.00 per report. For questions concerning reports contact the records department during normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) at 928-634-4246 or Fax at 928-639-0611. 7." }, { "question": "How do I report an accident?", "answer": "For accidents involving injury requiring medical attention call 9-1-1. For hit and run and other non-injury accidents call 634-4246. For private property and delayed accidents with minor damage and no injuries a Citizen's Report of Accident form can be obtained at the Cottonwood Police Department. 8." }, { "question": "How do I have my finger prints taken?", "answer": "Finger printing is offered to the public Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The fee is $5 for the first two cards (per person). Each card thereafter is $5. 9." }, { "question": "How do I report a crime?", "answer": "If a person is at risk of bodily injury or death or if it's a crime in progress with a potential of loss of property dial 9-1-1. For other criminal activity dial 928-634-4246. Remember to keep yourself safe, do not disturb evidence and be the best witness you can. 10." }, { "question": "How do I report a medical emergency?", "answer": "Dial 9-1-1. Try to remain calm. Don't hang up. Listen to the questions carefully. Carefully answer all questions and follow all instructions. Be prepared to give your location and phone number. Also be prepared to give the patients location if different than yours. The better you can follow these simple instructions the better the service the Cottonwood Emergency Community can provide for you or your loved ones. 11." }, { "question": "What are the curfew hours?", "answer": "For children under 16 years of age the curfew hours are 10 p.m. - 5 a.m. For those 16 and 17 year of age the curfew is midnight to 5 a.m.\n- On the sidewalk abutting their residence or on the next door neighbor's property with the consent of the neighbor. 12." }, { "question": "When does my child need to be in a car seat?", "answer": "Arizona State Law requires children to be in a child restraint system (car seat) until their fifth birthday. There is no longer a weight exception. A booster seat is also required for a child who is at least five years old but under the age of eight and who is not more than four feet nine inches tall. Seats in cars are designed for use by adults so consequently little people do not fit properly. The lap belt should fit snuggly across the hips not the stomach. In a collision a lap belt across the stomach will put too much pressure on internal organs which will result in injury. The shoulder belt should fit over the shoulder and across the chest. At no time should the shoulder belt cross the neck. Many children will place the shoulder harness behind there back to avoid it rubbing on the neck. This is like not wearing a seat belt at all. The seat belt was not designed to be worn like this and will not provide adequate protection in a collision. There are many items that are available to make the seat belt fit the child. These include extra belts and clips that attach to the seat belt itself to squeeze it down to fit the child. Most of these items are not crash tested so it is unknown how they would perform in a collision. The only safe way is to make the child fit the seat belt. This is done by using a booster seat. This makes the child sit taller so the seat belt will fit correctly across their body. Many people ask which is the best child seat available. The answer is to get the one that will best fit your car, your child, your budget, and one that you will use every time your child gets in the car. 13." }, { "question": "My street light is out, how do I get it repaired?", "answer": "Call the Police Department at 928-634-4246 or email. Remember to get a good location for the light; Street name, pole number or closest address to the pole. 14." }, { "question": "How do I notify the National Sexual Assault Hotline?", "answer": "Cottonwood Police Department holds a ZERO-TOLERANCE policy regarding Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment. If you feel you have been a victim of either of these circumstances by the staff of the Cottonwood Police Department or another inmate, please notify the National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673)." } ]
[ { "question": "Do I need an account to use your service?", "answer": "There is no need to sign up for an account with DoubleDial—just dial our access numbers and all billing is done by your existing phone provider." }, { "question": "Are there any service charges or other hidden fees?", "answer": "We’re up-front about our rates and there are no fees beyond the prices quoted. The rates shown on our website are inclusive of VAT and are based on the cost of calling from a BT landline. Other operators’ charges may vary—please consult your phone provider. Our “free” access numbers assume you get free calls to UK landlines as part of your package. They will otherwise be charged at your standard landline rate." }, { "question": "How will I be billed for my calls?", "answer": "Charges for calls to our access numbers will appear on your normal phone bill. Please note that if you receive itemised billing only the call to our access number will be displayed, and not the full international number you reached. We are unable to provide you with any statements or other paperwork ourselves." }, { "question": "Can I call DoubleDial access numbers from my mobile or a payphone?", "answer": "You can dial our access numbers from any UK phone, however be aware that charges for calls from mobiles or payphones may differ from those shown on our site. Please consult your provider for further information." }, { "question": "When does billing for a call begin?", "answer": "Because you are charged by your existing phone provider, billing will begin as soon as your call is connected to our access numbers. I feel I have been overcharged for a call! Because you are billed by your existing phone provider it is not possible for DoubleDial to overcharge you. The costs of calling our access numbers are set by the UK telecommunications regulator, Ofcom. Most landline providers tend to adhere to these charges and these are the rates that we display on our website, but we cannot guarantee what your particular provider will charge. If you feel that you have been overcharged please consider contacting your phone provider to discuss your bill, or consider contacting Ofcom if the issue remains unresolved. You can get in touch with the DoubleDial team on our Contact Us page or via the address in the website footer." } ]
[ { "question": "Q What is infrared heating?", "answer": "A Infrared heating is an economical way of heating your home or business using radiant heat. A Infrared heating works using waves that heat the surface of people or objects in the room rather than heating the air. These surfaces include walls, windows, floors and ceilings. These surfaces then gently warm the surrounding air creating a more natural warmth." }, { "question": "Q How do they compare to a traditional convective warm water central heating system?", "answer": "A One of the most noticeable differences is a more even temperature as the infrared heating provides minimum floor to ceiling temperature variation." }, { "question": "Q How is the temperature controlled?", "answer": "A The temperature can be controlled via a wireless digital thermostat or the infrared panel can be switched on or off at the panel." } ]
[ { "question": "Who can I send it to?", "answer": "A: Please submit your product ideas to [email protected]. We will evaluate your concept based on these factors: does it fit within our product families, is there a market need for this, can we manufacture it, cost & profit potential, and patentability. We receive many submissions, and review these on a monthly basis so please allow some time before we reply to you." }, { "question": "Q: Can I order product on-line?", "answer": "A: Miller Manufacturing is a manufacturing company and does not sell product online direct to consumers. To locate a retailer that sells our products, please call our customer service department at 1-800-260-0888, or visit the Where to Buy section on the Miller website." }, { "question": "Q: How many incubators do you make?", "answer": "A: Miller currently manufactures one incubator sold with additional accessories as the 9300, 10300, and 11300." }, { "question": "Q: What is the difference between the 9300, 10300, and the 11300?", "answer": "A: The 9300 incubator is our only incubator it does not include a circulating fan. The 10300 includes the fan, and the 11300 includes both the fan and egg turner." }, { "question": "Q: How do you clean an incubator?", "answer": "A: To clean our incubator use mild soap and water. Do not use bleach. The plastic screen included in the digital incubators (9300, 10300, and 11300) is dishwasher safe to 155 degrees. Q: Water freezes at 32°F." }, { "question": "Why does the deicer turn on in the 40° range and not in the mid 30s?", "answer": "A: As water cools it get denser and sinks to the bottom of the tank, but once the temperature drops below 40°F, water actually gets lighter and remains at the surface. Thus, the surface can get colder and start freezing even though the water just a few inches below the surface is still at 40°. Therefore, to make sure the deicer protects the tank, all deicers are set to turn on above 40°F. Q: Why does it say \"Do Not Use Extension Cords?\" A: UL (Underwriters Laboratories) standards require the statement \"Do Not Use Extension Cords\" to be on all deicer products for safety reasons. However, API products are UL approved for use with our patented LOCKNDRY® detachable power supply cord which is available at most stores that handle our products. The LOCKNDRY cord provides a secure, water-resistant connection for safe operation of API deicers." }, { "question": "Q: Why do I need a deicer in my pond?", "answer": "During the winter when a pond is covered by ice, harmful gases build up in the water due to decaying matter and fish waste. In order to protect the fish, a hole should be kept open to allow the gases to escape from the water." } ]
[ { "question": "How do I decide if I want to reface my cabinets or get new cabinets?", "answer": "Cabinet refacing is ideal if you are satisfied with your kitchen layout and countertops but want to give your kitchen a brand new look without the disruption of gutting your whole kitchen. Cabinet refacing is quick and convenient. Learn more about cabinet refacing. New cabinets are best if you are unhappy with your current layout. It is best to start with a clean slate in these instances and design the kitchen that will make you happy. Learn more about kitchen remodeling. The owners have been in the kitchen business for 33 years and located in Las Vegas for 10 years. CabinetCraft has a tremendous reputation both with customers and suppliers. CabinetCraft is a proud recipient of Angie's List Awards. Please look to Angie's List to review our customer service, quality of work and pricing with an A1 rating! We do have a very nice showroom located on the corner of Charleston Blvd and Buffalo. Our showroom hours are M-F 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday by appointment. As well as a kitchen cabinet and kitchen refacing showroom, we also have a Home Center next door which offers closets, entertainment centers, blinds, shutters, and flooring." }, { "question": "What materials do you work with and install?", "answer": "We offer both solid wood and the very popular MDF Foil. We offer select wood in all species: maple, cherry, oak, etc. We do our own staining and can color match to your specifications. Our MDF Foil is top quality and surpasses wood in longevity and durability. Foil does not warp, discolor or fade and can be very easily cleaned. Foil comes in an endless combination of colors, edges and door styles. We have realistic wood grains ranging from basic solid colors to exotic designs and finishes. Once you give us the go-ahead, we will come back and measure. With refacing, all doors and drawer fronts are custom made and takes about 2-3 weeks in production with usually 3-5 days to install for an average kitchen. With new cabinets we will re-measure and carefully go over the kitchen layout with you to insure your satisfaction. New cabinets take about 3-4 weeks to make and about 3-5 days to install." }, { "question": "What is the advantage of getting a countertop with CabinetCraft?", "answer": "Many positives! First, we are very price competitive. We will coordinate the demo of the existing countertop and arrange to haul it away. We then template for a custom fit, build a sub-top and get the countertop fabricated ASAP to insure that you do not have too much down time. The reason we come out and give you a free estimate is that every kitchen has different needs. Rest assured we are extremely price competitive and we guarantee to beat Home Depot, Sears, and Lowe's refacing prices by 30%. We also give a low price guarantee from any other company. We have no franchise fees to pay, no commissions and we're not greedy." } ]
[ { "question": "Biography, gossip, facts?", "answer": "Anton Lazarev (born May 29 1990) is a Russian professional ice hockey forward currently playing with Metallurg Novokuznetsk in the Kontinental Hockey League." }, { "question": "When is Anton Lazarev's birthday?", "answer": "Anton Lazarev was born on the 29th of May 1990 , which was a Tuesday. Anton Lazarev will be turning 29 in only 39 days from today." }, { "question": "How old is Anton Lazarev?", "answer": "Anton Lazarev is 28 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 10242 days or (even more geeky) 245808 hours. That's a lot of hours!" }, { "question": "Is there a Anton Lazarev action figure?", "answer": "We would think so. You can find a collection of items related to Anton Lazarev right here." }, { "question": "What is Anton Lazarev's zodiac sign and horoscope?", "answer": "Anton Lazarev's zodiac sign is Gemini. The ruling planet of Gemini is Mercury. Therefore, lucky days are Wednesdays and lucky numbers are: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41 and 50. Scarlet and Red are Anton Lazarev's lucky colors. Typical positive character traits of Gemini include: Spontaneity, Brazenness, Action-orientation and Openness. Negative character traits could be: Impatience, Impetuousness, Foolhardiness, Selfishness and Jealousy." }, { "question": "Is Anton Lazarev gay or straight?", "answer": "Many people enjoy sharing rumors about the sexuality and sexual orientation of celebrities. We don't know for a fact whether Anton Lazarev is gay, bisexual or straight. However, feel free to tell us what you think! Vote by clicking below. 0% of all voters think that Anton Lazarev is gay (homosexual), 0% voted for straight (heterosexual), and 0% like to think that Anton Lazarev is actually bisexual." }, { "question": "Are there any death rumors?", "answer": "Yes, as far as we know, Anton Lazarev is still alive. We don't have any current information about Anton Lazarev's health." }, { "question": "Is Anton Lazarev hot or not?", "answer": "Well, that is up to you to decide! Click the \"HOT\"-Button if you think that Anton Lazarev is hot, or click \"NOT\" if you don't think so. 0% of all voters think that Anton Lazarev is hot, 0% voted for \"Not Hot\"." }, { "question": "Which teams did Anton Lazarev play for in the past?", "answer": "Anton Lazarev had played for various teams in the past, for example: Atlant Moscow Oblast and HC Ryazan." }, { "question": "Does Anton Lazarev smoke cigarettes or weed?", "answer": "It is no secret that many celebrities have been caught with illegal drugs in the past. Some even openly admit their drug usuage." }, { "question": "Or does Anton Lazarev do steroids, coke or even stronger drugs such as heroin?", "answer": "Tell us your opinion below. 0% of the voters think that Anton Lazarev does do drugs regularly, 0% assume that Anton Lazarev does take drugs recreationally and 0% are convinced that Anton Lazarev has never tried drugs before." }, { "question": "Who are similar ice hockey players to Anton Lazarev?", "answer": "Reto Amstutz, Manuel Strodel, Ondrej Zošiak, Alex Pietrangelo and Zach Boychuk are ice hockey players that are similar to Anton Lazarev. Click on their names to check out their FAQs." }, { "question": "What is Anton Lazarev doing now?", "answer": "Supposedly, 2019 has been a busy year for Anton Lazarev. However, we do not have any detailed information on what Anton Lazarev is doing these days. Maybe you know more. Feel free to add the latest news, gossip, official contact information such as mangement phone number, cell phone number or email address, and your questions below." }, { "question": "How much does Anton Lazarev earn?", "answer": "According to various sources, Anton Lazarev's net worth has grown significantly in 2019. However, the numbers vary depending on the source. If you have current knowledge about Anton Lazarev's net worth, please feel free to share the information below. As of today, we do not have any current numbers about Anton Lazarev's net worth in 2019 in our database. If you know more or want to take an educated guess, please feel free to do so above." } ]
[ { "question": "(Don’t present a dissertation “proposal.”) Would I want to be remembered for this paper several years from now?", "answer": "Third, get a second opinion on whether it is suitable for a conference presentation and the best way to revise for submission. Remember that many of the people who attend the annual ACCUTE conference are not giving papers. It can be a good plan to attend one conference first, to see how things are done. Feel free to contact the ACCUTE office with questions or for assistance with your submission." } ]
[ { "question": "Just what is a Track Driving School?", "answer": "A typical track school run by a club will consist of a purpose built road course venue rented by the club, a group of experience drivers hired by the club as instructors, and a group of sports car enthusiasts that want to learn more about track driving or even racing, in a controlled environment. Students are divided into run groups based on experience level, rather than speed potential of the car. 1. High Performance Driving School: Gives a student the opportunity to learn by gaining experience in mastering the techniques and concepts of high speed driving. Students begin to implement the knowledge they usually have read about in high performance driving books. The problem is you can read every book ever published on the subject, fully comprehend all the concepts and jargon, and still have no clue of what you are dong once you get behind the wheel. The reason for this is because the sensitivity, vision, hand, foot, eye, and mental coordination can only be developed with seat time. This is visceral. I don’t know exactly how to explain it. Perhaps people who fly airplanes or have done downhill ski slalom may understand. It’s not that it’s difficult, in fact anyone can learn high speed driving at a competent level, it just takes time and coaching. 2. Racing School: The high performance driving school discussed above teaches the basic skills necessary to drive at competitive levels but it does not teach you how to race or be competitive in a race. Racing schools teach race craft. Race craft is the strategic planning required to get ahead of the car/cars in front using whatever means necessary within the established guidelines set by the sanctioning body of the race series. Race craft is focused on gaining track position as opposed to driving the \"perfect\" and fastest qualifying lab. Cars that are racing will almost always turn slower lap times than cars that trying to catch up with those ahead in order to race them. However, part of race craft is having the basic skills to be able to drive the correct fast line in order to qualify well, stay ahead once ahead, or catch traffic in front. 3. Specialty School Car Clubs do not typically run racing schools because racing schools specalize on a specific form of racing. I would include the Buck Baker Oval Track School, ROY HILL Drag Racing School, Bondurant School, and Stage Rally schools examples of specialty schools. 4. Clinics such as Asphalt Ventures and Teen Survival which provided individualized focus on specific aspects of high performance driving such as car control, instructing, and specific technique. They may use small groups and divide a venue into segments for running practice drills and excerizes. What you learn at a Driving School is based on the Comprehension and Performance Milestone you are at. 3. Proper seat & driving position-Mirror position-seat belts or harnesses snug-correct head and hand position. 5. Up-shifts and Downshifts properly and selects appropriate gear. 6. Smooth clutch release and observes engine redline. 9. Vision- looks into turn, past apex and toward exit. 11. Throttle on before turn exit. 13. No abrupt sawing steering wheel inputs. 18. Can recognize and is sensitive to vehicle feedback." }, { "question": "Will I learn all these items in one school?", "answer": "No, again it’s important to have reasonable expectations of what can be accomplished in one weekend. These are the set of skills that can be expected to be accomplished before moving to the next run group. Depending on the person, what background and experience they bring, it can take several or many, many, weekend schools to achieve a milestone. Typically an instructor will pick one or two items to work on at a time that will give the most return on the effort. Anymore and the student will go into overload and the learning process will stop." }, { "question": "What is MotorsportsReg.com?", "answer": "Website devoted to managing amateur motorsports events, participation, scheduling, registration, and entry fee payments. Cost is paid by the club posting the event. You set up a drivers profile once and then choose the events you wish to enter off the schedule. It will tell you about events and clubs in your area and help manage your schedule." }, { "question": "Can my son or daughter enter the driving school?", "answer": "Anyone that is 18 and has a valid driver license can enter the driving school. New drivers are suggested to have attended a defensive driving school first. To preparea minor for a driving school, see http://www.streetsurvival.org/ for info about the Teen Driving program." }, { "question": "How do you know what group to put me in?", "answer": "The driving school coordinator will make a judgment call based on the information provided on the entry form. We look to see if this is your first time on track, what other venues, and organizations you have driven if any. We give most credence to driving schools that have credibility and in-car instruction. Just because you attended 25 member days/lapping days at VIR, does not mean you have reached the advanced level. For all we know, you have been repeating the same mistakes for 25 days. The ultimate evaluation will come from an in car instructor." }, { "question": "Where do you get instructors?", "answer": "The in-car instructor is the foundation of our driving school. They have the largest impact in our ability keep both your driving and the event fun & safe. They ensure you have a good time and learn something useful and return to attend another school. We require instructors to attend at least one Instructor Clinic in the past two years and have been instructing at least one year. The vast majority of our instructors started out as driving school students and graduated through the run group ranks at of the Marquee Club (BMWCCA, PCA, TRIANGLE Z CAR, etc.) run events. They have vast experience of the driving protocol, procedures, and the proper running of a driving school event, as well as the communications skills to teach their students. Many are current or former SCCA racers or have instructed for a professionally-run school such as GarGuys, TrackQuest, etc. They are in fact, if not quasi-professional, a very proficient group of experienced drivers that have accumulated vast amounts of seat time, between 20 to 30 schools, before they started instructing. Look around at the students attending your school; you will be the \"next generation\" of instructors. I’ve been shopping around, some schools cost about $300, others $500, and some run into the$1000’s." }, { "question": "If all the instructors and venues are the same, why such a difference?", "answer": "Of the types of schools discussed above, they can be organized by a local/regional car club, or a company that does this for a business. At the grassroots level, the best value for money, in our opinion, will be schools run by car clubs. We put on drivers schools for the benefit of our membership. Entry fees are based on cost: renting the venue, operating cost of the event, gifts or t-shirts, with just enough money left over to pay the rental deposit for the next school. All of the officers and staff at our events are volunteers. Some marque clubs specify that you can only participate in a specific make of car. Others, sell out so fast, it is difficult for non-members to get enrolled, so there are almost as many groups running driving schools as there are students to fill them. Instructors at professional schools should have additional qualifications. Many of the upper scale schools will offer additional instructional tools such as telemetry and electronic lap times. Schools where you drive your own car are going to be substantially less expensive than schools where you \"arrive and drive\". Professional Schools can offer instruction in Sedan, Sports Car, and even Open Wheel Race Cars." }, { "question": "Whoa, cars spinning off and impacting tire walls - can I wreck my car doing this, or even get hurt?", "answer": "Yes. This is a form of motorsport and all motorsports are dangerous. You are required to wear a SNELL approved helmet when on track at all times. This is not cosmetic or to make you feel like a racer. This is to help save your life in the event something goes seriously wrong. A successful school is a partnership of the Students, Instructors, and Organizers to do the best possible job they can, help them and help their fellow drivers towards reaching the prime objective: Driving home safely in the same car your arrived in the same overall condition. See the question about getting HPDE insurance for your car." }, { "question": "Do I need to bring a helmet or will the club provide one?", "answer": "Students must supply their own helmets. The club has a very limited number of loaner helmets as backup for sub-standard or helmets that do not meet the requirements." }, { "question": "What type of helmet do I need to enter a THSCC Track Event?", "answer": "All students, instructors, as well as any passengers, are required to wear a helmet with SNELL SA rating not older than 2020. Full face or open face design is up to the discretion of the student. We recommend full face for the added protection it offers. Examples of acceptable helmets are SA2010 and SA2015. Anyone without a proper helmet will not be allowed on track. There are no exceptions to this rule." }, { "question": "What is SNELL?", "answer": "\"The Snell Memorial Foundation is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to research, education, testing and development of helmet safety standards. Since it’s founding in 1957, Snell has been a leader in helmet safety in the United States and around the world.\" Visitwww.smf.org and learn as much as you can about helmets." }, { "question": "How can tell my helmet is good?", "answer": "All SNELL rated helmets will have the Snell Memorial Foundationsticker attached to the inner surface of the helmet under the cloth liner slightly above and behind where the ear would rest. This label will have the SNELL logo and rating such as M95, M00, SA00, or SA05. The letters indicate rating and the number specify year. Visit www.smf.org for additional info. If you are ever in doubt about a helmet’s condition, contact the manufacture and arrange to have it tested." }, { "question": "Why are HPDE Drivers required to have a higher spec helmet?", "answer": "The SA rating stands for \"Special Applications\". This rating was done specifically for automotive competition use and is tested for blunt force impact as would be experienced hitting a roll bar/cage or B-Pillar in addition to being fire resistant. The M rating stands for Motorcycle. M helmets must meet a minimum specification for visibility and peripheral vision as they are primarily designed for motorcycle road use. The SA helmets offer better impact protection while many of the newer styles have excellent visibility and can even be worn with glasses." }, { "question": "Who is responsible for my safety?", "answer": "You and only you are responsible for your personal safety and for the safety of your car. It is you driving the car and you are expected to be in control at all times. In this sense you control the risk. Everyone is responsible for his or her own damage and for any property damage that could occur. This does not need to be an issue unless you make it one. Never lose site of the Prime Objective." }, { "question": "What happens if I wreck?", "answer": "To be sure you must obtain and read your actual insurance policy. If you are not sure about a clause in the policy, have your agent contact the underwriter for clarification. Most accidents at schools have little to no consequences but as the saying goes \"do-do occurs\". We don’t post or advertise any times for student drivers so there is no confusion about this not being a timed event. This is why some schools do not allow stopwatches in the paddock. The driver is responsible to pay for any damage to the track or facility. If you bend the guardrail or tire wall, you pay for it, not the club." }, { "question": "I would love to do a school, but shouldn't I wait to upgrade the suspension/motor/interior/exterior of my car first?", "answer": "Remember, as stated above, High Performance Driving schools are not hardware dependent. You generally want to start out with a stock type car on street tires and learn to drive it \"as-is\" first. Then make objective decisions about what is getting in the way of you becoming a better driver, but only after you have mastered the car as it is. Most cars need money spent on brakes and cooling systems before adding horsepower. Dollars spent on driving school will pay dividends long into the future and allow you to enjoy the capabilities of what you have now. If there are safety issues, by all means, be sure they are corrected before you drive on track. The best time and money spend is for seat time." }, { "question": "What is Track Driving like?", "answer": "Track Driving should always be fun but challenging. It should absorb 100% of concentration. It is work, but fun work. You should never feel intimidated or stressed out. If so, let the instructor know and work together to fix it. You should always know exactly what to expect from every input you give, if you are not sure, and then talk that over with your instructor." }, { "question": "How do I prepare for a school?", "answer": "1. Down load tech forms and info at http://www.thscc.com/ and register by going to http://www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/event/login.form and find our event on the schedule. 2. Go over each item on the tech form to insure your car track worthy and will last the weekend. We are serious about making sure the break fluid is not more than 3 months old and that none of the hoses or belts or suspension components are marginal. Read the Tech Guide so you know what to check. 3. Read the HPDE Survival Guide & Other documents from the HPDE MENU. 4. When you are reasonably sure you have addressed all the issues on the car, have the Annual Tech inspection performed at a shop of your choice or attend one of our tech days. 5. All registration is on line now. If you need help just email [email protected]." }, { "question": "Can I get the Tech Inspection done locally or do I have to attend one of the tech days?", "answer": "Annual tech can be done by the shop of your choice. We schedule several annual tech days for the sake of convenience. We only ask that your car be thoroughly and independently verified once a year ,independently on a lift, using the checklist on our form. A short grid checklist is also included on the form for you to use on the day of the event." }, { "question": "Do I still need the Tech done if my car has a Logbook?", "answer": "No. We will honor current SCCA Club Racing, BMWCCA Club Racing, PCA/POA, NASA, and other nationally recognized organizations logbooks. However, all cars can be subject to a safety audit at any time or as deemed necessary by the Technical Director. It is the driver/owners responsibility to insure the car is SOLO1 compliant." }, { "question": "Do I need to have a roll bar if I’m only doing the driving school?", "answer": "No, Unless you are driving a convertible. Only convertibles are required to have SCCA TT spec roll bars and vehicles participating in the Time Trial." }, { "question": "What is a SCCA TT Spec Roll bar?", "answer": "SCCA roll bars are defined in the SCCA TT Rules Section 18.2. It must consist of a main hoop, two vertical supports and a diagonal bar. The Roll bar should also contain a horizontal bar for mounting the harness straps. Most OEM \"Show Bars or Roll Hoops do not meet this requirement. We require that all Time Trial bars be inspected and verified SCCA TT Level 3 or 4 compliant. The Tech Guide is kept up to date. Please read the Tech Guide for specific info." }, { "question": "What is needed to enter the High Performance Driving School?", "answer": "1. Reliable road worthy car that passes the safety inspection checklist. 2. Mfg suggested speed rated tires with at least 2/32nd tread. 3. Stock 3pt seat/shoulder belt in good condition. 4. SNELL approved helmet SA2010 or higher. 6. Long sleeve shirt and long pants of natural fiber material &close-toed shoes." }, { "question": "Suppose the weather is bad?", "answer": "The event will run rain or shine. If weather conditions become dangerous, such a lightning, or winter conditions, the event will shut down until conditions improve. Refunds cannot be given if an event is shut down or canceled due to reasons beyond our control." }, { "question": "Can two people share a car?", "answer": "Yes. So long as both people are not in the same run group. Be sure to mention this when you register." }, { "question": "Who do I see about a complaint or protest?", "answer": "Please find someone in a yellow staff shirt at the event and we will address your concern as best we can." }, { "question": "What kinds of things should I bring to a HPDE event?", "answer": "Having forgotten something at nearly every driving event I've been to, I decided to get, ah, organized. Feel free to steal / copy my list and make it your own! This is based on a list I copied from a BMW website. Items I consider optional or that are not always needed are in italics." } ]
[ { "question": "How are the leasing installments taken?", "answer": "The rental installments are typically between one to four payments, they are taken as post dated cheques spaced evenly throughout the lease term. These payments will be taken in advance when signing the lease agreement and be held by the Landlord. As each installment is due the landlord or their property manager will cash each cheque." }, { "question": "Are utility bills included when leasing?", "answer": "All utilities are the responsibility of the tenant. DEWA is the supplier for water and electric in Dubai and for many properties the DEWA will also include the A/C. When not included you will require an additional connection, this is called Empower. For data and television packages there are many suppliers, the main suppliers being OSN, Showtime and Du. In all cases your agent will advise you which connections you require and are best suitable to your chosen property. There is an agency fee applicable, being five percent of the annual lease amount. Also for some properties you may require a residents pass, this could be for the access to the pool, beach or fitness facilities. For most properties this is included, but where not included your agent will advise you, and of the costs involved if required. Standard leasing contracts are for twelve months. Three months prior to the contract expiring your agent will contact you to discuss if you wish to renew. Any changes to the contract are governed by the rental committee and its current laws. If you wish to vacate the property you will be required to inform your landlord three months prior, and at the end of the term an inspection will be carried out and your deposit returned, provided the property is returned in the same condition it was leased out to you." }, { "question": "What precautions should I take when leasing property?", "answer": "Firstly only work with regulated brokers. Always ask to see the agents RERA broker number. This will ensure they are a registered agent and are licensed to practice in Dubai. Always ask lots of questions and request anything you have agreed with the agent to be included in the lease agreement. When handing over any payments request this to be at the agents office where possible and always take receipts and form a paper trail. If you are unsure about anything, walk away." } ]
[ { "question": "However, you may not know what that means, and what does it mean for the average small business owner, client, or general web browser?", "answer": "It’s true that the court decision and the law itself was complicated, however this single decision has the ability to impact everything we do and see online. Below, we’ve listed some frequently asked questions as well as the effects it may have on your small business. Net neutrality is a nickname for a set of rules called “The Open Internet”. These regulations were supposed to provide fairness among all websites. It demands that ISPs treat all websites with the same level of respect, meaning one website cannot load faster on a broadband connection simply because they paid the ISP to make that happen. In addition, a website cannot run slower simply because it uses more bandwidth than another website (YouTube and Netflix are two examples of data eaters because both stream content without a required download), and a website that consumes more data cannot be charged by an ISP to maintain a decent speed. Secondly, the Open Internet laws require that all ISPs are upfront to all of their customers about how “too much traffic” is handled, and where you are routed when there are too many people online consuming too much data. A few days ago, Net neutrality was discontinued on a 2-1 decision in court." }, { "question": "Didn’t This Already Happen in 2010?", "answer": "Not exactly. In 2010, The FCC’s Open Internet laws were challenged by Comcast, which had been throttling the use of BitTorrent and other illegal websites to control their traffic. It was decided that the FCC couldn’t enforce Net neutrality, but the agency penalized Comcast for picking and choosing which data it throttled. After this, formal Net neutrality rules were formed, and it is these rules that were challenged in court." }, { "question": "What’s the Biggest Way This Could Affect My Internet Use as a Personal User?", "answer": "It’s important to know that things for you, as a regular user, probably won’t change overnight. Instead, you’ll see changes over time as long as the court ruling holds. However, provided that the court ruling does hold, you’ll begin to see a different sort of Internet service business model that will affect you in the office and in home. One of those models could be simply charging big companies, like Amazon, Netflix, or Google, fees to access a certain ISP’s network. If the company didn’t pay, then the ISP (such as Verizon, Comcast, or Time Warner cable) could simply block the website until fees were paid or, in Netflix’ case, make it so slow that it would be impossible to stream videos. In addition, an ISP could prioritize certain websites in exchange for money or special services. So, Comcast could approach Hulu and tell them that they’ll make their website lightning fast if Hulu gives Comcast users rights to certain TV shows or movies. These changes will ultimately increase the costs to operate an ISP, meaning that those price changes can and will be passed on to the consumer in due time. ISPs argue that this will allow them to open up new forms of income, thus defraying the cost of being an ISP, which will lower prices for the customer in the long run. So far, the way the court decision will affect smaller businesses is uncertain. However, it is possible an ISP can charge any number of small businesses to keep the speed of their website up to par with competitors. Your small business may also get charged for prioritized Internet access, so if you want your broadband Internet to load as quickly as you’d like it to so you can keep up with customer orders and phone calls, you may see yourself paying more in the future. However, it’s unlikely that the battle with Net neutrality is over just yet, and there are still many unanswered questions that will be covered in months to come." } ]
[ { "question": "Do online personal injury calculators work to tell me my case value?", "answer": "If you were hurt in a serious car accident, slip and fall accident or other kind of accident in which you were injured because of someone else’s carelessness or negligence, it is normal to wonder how much money you can expect to see by way of compensation. Don’t be fooled by those personal injury award calculators you might see online, claiming that if you enter just a few facts into your computer, it will magically tell you how much money your case is worth! The truth is, even when you sit down with an attorney for the first time to discuss details about your accident, it is impossible to put an exact dollar value on your case. An online calculator is more likely than not just going to feed your information to a personal injury lawyer so that they can follow up with you. That’s fine, but let’s just be clear as to the main reason that these online tools are out there." }, { "question": "Can you help me evaluate a settlement offer given to me by the insurance company?", "answer": "A good accident lawyer isn’t going to throw a dollar number out there during an initial consultation, for the simple reason that the facts of your case must first be thoroughly investigated which includes reviewing the police report, becoming familiar with the accident scene, speaking to witnesses, and so forth. Just as important is the need to wait until you have completed your medical treatment or at least have a very good idea as to what you can expect in the future in terms of your physical condition due to the accident. Since one of the main components of your case will involve payment or reimbursement of your medical bills, you don’t want to leave anything out. This is one of the main reasons that insurance companies for at-fault parties are going to be so quick to offer you a settlement, if in fact they even accept responsibility for having caused your injuries. They want to get your signature on a settlement agreement before you get a lawyer and before you incur more bills for doctors, physical therapy, pain medications or injections or even surgery because once you have settled, there is no coming back and forcing them to give you more money, not even with a lawsuit. Your case is forever closed once you sign a settlement for your injuries." }, { "question": "What if I am already done with my medical treatment- can’t we estimate a case value?", "answer": "If you are done receiving all of the medical treatment that you are going to receive for the accident, are back to work and feeling about as going as you are going to following your injury, and can give the attorney a very good summary as to how the accident happened, then it is possible and even likely that an attorney can give you range of what you can expect, but that is very different than throwing around numbers immediately following an accident or expecting an online tool to give you any measure of accuracy in terms of telling you how much your case is worth. It is worth mentioning that an important key to the value of your case is not only the cold facts and amount of your medical bills and other measure of damages, but also how your case is going to be presented (think about the various lawyers in the classic and very funny movie, My Cousin Vinny)." }, { "question": "Will the case go as far as trial and if so, will you make a good witness?", "answer": "The human component can never be taken into an account by a computer widget which is why it is important to have a real conversation with a real attorney about your accident." }, { "question": "How can I find out more about my own injury case?", "answer": "Don’t be afraid to talk to a personal injury lawyer. A good lawyer is not going to intimidate you or rush you into anything but instead, should be helping you to understand how the process works and what you might expect in terms of your own case. This will allow you to make a decision as to when and how you may wish to move forward after a serious accident. If you live in or around Chicago, or the accident happened here, give us a call at 630 250-8813 if you are curious about what a personal injury case might look like for you. I fell down at a store and am being blamed for it." }, { "question": "What now?", "answer": "If you fell down at a store, place of business, or other public location and were injured to the point where you required medical treatment, hopefully a report was made at the time. If you are trying to hold the owner responsible for your injuries, it can be an uphill battle, especially if you are trying to handle the case without a lawyer. In order to be able to hold another legally responsible if you fall or somehow get hurt while out in public, it is important to prove fault. To defend against fault, the shop owner or their insurance company will often try to blame the person who got hurt by saying that they were not looking where they were going or tripped over their own feet. Unless they were there and actually saw what happened, this is usually just a guess designed to protect the place of business. If you are the one who got hurt, it is going to be up to you to prove how the accident happened, and not the other way around where the business owner has to prove that it wasn't their fault. You, unlike the the store owner or employee (in most cases), were right there and can give your version of how the events happened. Be careful though, insurance adjusters are highly trained and may ask you tricky questions designed to build a case against you and deflect blame." }, { "question": "How can I prove what happened when I fell?", "answer": "Try to remember everything that you can about what you noticed immediately before you got hurt." }, { "question": "What were you doing at the time?", "answer": "If you were with anybody, ask them what they remember or what they noticed. Independent and unbiased witnesses are the best because they have nothing to gain by embellishing the facts and are a great resource, if someone was around and saw what happened. Their contact information may be on the incident report, in case you did not get their name and phone number at the time of the accident. Surveillance tapes, business records, and employee statements can often be helpful in establishing how an accident happened." }, { "question": "What if the insurance company says it is my fault and refuses to pay?", "answer": "Slip and fall cases, also known as premises liability cases, can be tricky and business owners quick to deny blame. Maybe they don’t want their insurance rates to go up or are afraid of bad publicity. Some may take it personally if they are accused of not keeping their place of business in anything but the best condition. Their insurance companies earn more profit if they can get away with paying out as little as possible to those who are injured and before they offer a dime on your case, they are going to want solid proof about what happened. By denying your claim, they are essentially forcing you to prove that what happened was somehow the business owner’s fault for being careless. Remember, the insurance company or store owner’s decision not to pay or determination that the injury was your fault somehow, is not the end of the story. That is why our legal system exists. The best thing that you can do after falling down in a store or getting hurt in a public place is to speak to an attorney. A personal injury attorney will listen to the facts of what happened and should give you an honest assessment of what they think your chances are for compensation. It must be shown that the property owner did something wrong. For example, if a liquid spilled on the floor and they knew about it but did not clean it and you slipped, the owner can be held accountable. But if you tripped (as we all do sometimes) on a perfectly good floor for no real reason, this is not the property owner’s fault. After speaking to a lawyer, if he or she thinks that you are likely to succeed in a claim against the store owner, they will want to talk to you about your injuries. If a lawyer takes your case, then your lawyer can deal with the insurance company and hopefully bring about a reasonable settlement to compensate you. If not, a lawsuit might be necessary. If you fell down or got hurt in a public place and are being blamed for what appears to be the business owner's fault, or if their insurance company is trying to pressure you into a low settlement, be sure to give us a call." }, { "question": "Not sure if the settlement is reasonable?", "answer": "It probably is not, for a number of reasons. Give us a call today and we can help you to evaluate your claim and suggest the next steps." }, { "question": "What is a Notice of Health Care Provider Lien?", "answer": "If you sought medical treatment following an accident, it is very possible that you may have received a document called a Notice of Health Care Provider Lien, either from the hospital or other medical provider directly or, more likely, from a law firm representing the provider. The two most important things to understand is that you cannot ignore the lien and that as long as the lien is respected, you have no reason to worry. No one likes to receive a letter or official looking document from an attorney’s office that they have never heard of. Usually this spells trouble, demands money, or threatens legal action. Relax, Health Care Provider Liens are a normal part of the complex legal process that occurs after an accident, even if you have not filed a lawsuit. Simply put, the hospital, doctor or clinic just wants to make sure that it is paid for services rendered. The normal way that is often accomplished, without an accident or someone to blame, is by having the bill submitted to a patient’s health insurance and then by billing the patient directly for any amount that was not covered by health insurance. The provider then has to hope that the person can pay their share of the bill, and that they do so quickly. However, when the health care provider has reason to believe that the injured patient will be bringing a claim against whomever was at fault (for example, another driver in the case of a car accident), the health care provider can take an extra step to legally protect their right to get paid. This is done by issuing a Health Care Provider Lien. Your medical bills were likely submitted to your health insurance company for payment, or you may intend to pay a portion of the bill out of your pocket while your case is going on, but when the lien is issued, the health care provider likely does not know what is going to happen to its bill yet. They want to make sure that they get paid. The lien means that by law, the bill has to be dealt with when your case against the other party is complete- before you even take your share. Your attorney will be addressing the bills at the end of your case and making sure that the liens are properly handled. Once you receive your check at the end of the case, all medical bills should have already been handled which leaves you with peace of mind. It is very important to keep in mind that if your health insurance company paid a bill, they may exercise their right to subrogation, which is closely related to the topic of health care liens. If you have been trying to deal with the insurance companies, requests for information, bills and legal notices after an accident, it can seem overwhelming. Unfortunately, there are right ways and there are wrong ways to handle an injury case. It may be time to speak to an attorney, especially if you were seriously hurt as there may be a lot at stake. Give us a call at 630 250-8813 for a no-obligation strategy session with the attorney. I was hurt in an accident while visiting Illinois." }, { "question": "Do I need a local injury lawyer?", "answer": "If you were hurt in an accident in Illinois but you live out of state, you may be wondering if it is worth hiring a lawyer. Chicago is a very popular place to visit and because traffic can become quite congested, we do unfortunately see many road accidents. The decision as to whether or not you need a personal injury lawyer is determined by many things, only one of which should be where the accident happened in relation to where you live. The fact that you were only visiting should not be the sole determining factor. You certainly have the right to file a claim or even sue, if necessary, even if you don’t live in Illinois. Most injury cases can be successfully completed without your ever having to set foot in a courtroom and if a lawsuit is not filed, it is unlikely that you will even need to come back and be physically present in order to have a good outcome. That being said, it does not mean that you can remain completely uninvolved. As with any case, you need to be in touch with your attorney and actively cooperate in the process, but much of that is done by telephone and email anyway. Depending on how many steps need to be taken to complete your case, it may not make much of a difference that you live out of state. It is possible that you might be asked to return to either give a sworn statement, deposition, or maybe even appear for an arbitration but if you would rather do so by telephone, this is sometimes possible with an agreement from the other side or by way of court order." }, { "question": "Can I use a lawyer in my state if the accident happened in Illinois?", "answer": "Your case will be in Illinois and Illinois laws apply. If you were hurt here, you should hire an attorney who is not only licensed here but who is familiar with local rules and custom. Every state has their own set of laws and even if your case doesn’t “go to court”, you will want a lawyer who understands how laws are applied in our state. If a lawsuit becomes necessary, a local lawyer in your own state would need to find an Illinois lawyer to work with, making your case more complicated than it needs to be." }, { "question": "Will I have to travel back to Illinois for my injury case?", "answer": "As mentioned above, it is possible and in fact likely that your entire case can be wrapped up without your needing to return. However, if your case has to go as far as a trial, it would be a very good idea for you to come back and it is possible that a judge may require you to return. Depending upon the severity of your accident, this may or may not make it worth it for you. Keep in mind though, that while the insurance companies always want to rush people through the process so that they can get out as cheaply as possible (or pay nothing), you should take your time. There are time limits called statutes of limitations that you must be familiar with- for example, two years for most Illinois car accident cases, which should give you plenty of time to heal your body before you even need to think about traveling." }, { "question": "What Should I do if I think I might want to pursue an injury case in Illinois?", "answer": "The first thing that you should do if you were hurt in an accident in around the Chicago area that was not your fault is to speak to an injury attorney in the State of Illinois. You can have a consultation over the telephone at no cost to find out what your options are. You should consider a number of factors like how the accident happened, whose fault it was, how badly you were hurt, if you had to miss time from work, the availability of insurance and so forth, before worrying about the fact that you don’t live in Illinois. If you “have a case”, the simple answer is that you should hire an Illinois attorney to get the job done. If you aren’t sure- a Chicago area attorney will be happy to talk it over with you to explain the process so that you can make the best possible decision for yourself. If you live outside of the State of Illinois but were hurt here, give us a call at 630 250-8813 to talk about your options." }, { "question": "How can a lawyer help after a car accident?", "answer": "Car Accident lawyers and injury cases are often misunderstood, in large part due to television commercials on Chicago stations showing screaming lawyers with fistfuls of cash. For most car accident victims, fistfuls of cash are the furthest thing from their mind as they focus on their recovery, getting by day to day with the pain, and wondering how they will manage all of the bills. Unfortunately, no one can go back in time to un-do the accident, but using both the legal process and medical treatments is often the best way to return life to how it was before the accident. This is what most people want after a bad accident, just go go back to how things used to be. No tv lawyers here to scream in your face. I prefer to educate my clients so that they can make the best possible decision for themselves following an accident. If you were hurt in a car accident in or around Chicago, and the accident was someone else’s fault (or mostly someone else’s fault), get in touch with us by filling out a webform on this site or giving us a call at 630 250-8813 for a free strategy session. I’m Off Work after a Car Accident but I can’t Afford it!" }, { "question": "What Should I do?", "answer": "After a serious accident, you may find yourself unable to go to work and worried about not getting a paycheck. While the hope is that this will be a temporary problem that can be covered by personal savings or the use of sick days, paid time off or vacation time, this is not always the case. Many people struggle with how to meet their living expenses if they need to be off from work while recovering from a car accident, let alone how to pay the bills that start to come in from the doctors. One of the hardest parts of my job as an injury attorney is hearing that people can’t make ends meet after their accident because they are not back to work yet and have used up all of their paid days off. Of course, you will want to make sure that you are following all of your doctor’s recommendations (such as physical therapy, etc) so that you can get back to work sooner rather than later. The natural temptation is to return to work before you are ready because you feel that you do not have a choice since your family is depending on your paycheck. With your doctor’s permission, you may want to try and see if you can return to work, but many people end up leaving again in frustration if they have returned before their bodies are ready or worse, end up hurting themselves again. If you are not healed enough to return to work and have used up all of your paid time off, there are other options." }, { "question": "What are my options if I have used all of my paid sick leave and personal days?", "answer": "Talk to your boss or the human resources (HR) department at work to find out if short term disability may be used. It is possible that you might be able to benefit from such a plan until you are well enough to work, but it may be harder to receive if your injuries are “soft tissue”, as in whiplash-type injuries. Some people have PIP Insurance, which is known as personal injury protection, which will cover their medical bills and lost wages if they are in an accident, regardless of fault. Since this is not at all mandatory, most people don’t have it. It would not hurt to look into it and find out if you have purchased this insurance and if so, what the limits are. The limits may vary in terms of dollar amounts and depending on whether or not you have other kinds of insurance. Unfortunately, it will not cover pain and suffering, etc. Your bills might also be more than what the coverage provides. While using PIP insurance usually requires you to give a recorded statement to the insurance company and possibly submit to a separate medical exam, it can still be an okay option under some circumstances." }, { "question": "Can I get my lost wages from the At-Fault Driver now?", "answer": "Being off of work and not getting paid for it after a car accident will be a very vulnerable time and it may be tempting to settle your case with the insurance company just to get some bills paid. Resist the temptation to enter into a premature settlement. The at-fault-driver is not required to reimburse lost wages as you go, rather - it comes at the end of your case. If you settle now, you will be doing so before the full extent of your damages are known- since time off from work is one piece of what are known as your ‘damages’. In other words, you don’t know yet how much longer it will be before you are able to get back to work. Once you settle, that’s it- no more money down the road from the at-fault driver or their insurance company. The good news is that your lost wages will be part of your claim against the person who hit you, so ultimately the other driver does have to take responsibility for this and reimburse you. But, since it doesn’t help you in the moment to know that eventually you should be able to recover for this lost time from work, you must explore other options. It may be that you need to borrow money from friends, family, church or other community resources if none of the above plans are an option for you. Have faith in that there is light at the end of the tunnel. If you were seriously hurt in an accident and believe that it was the other person’s fault, you should be able to recover not only your lost wages but also be compensated for your medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, medication and other out-of-pocket costs. Illinois has definite time limits, so do not wait. You should be speaking to an attorney early on to determine what you should be doing and to avoid making mistakes that can hurt you later. Give us a call if you need help." }, { "question": "What does it cost to talk to a personal injury lawyer?", "answer": "Most personal injury law firms in the Chicago area, including O'Connor Cadiz Law, do not charge anything to speak with you about your personal injury case. This means that if you were hurt in an accident and it was someone else's fault (or mostly someone else's fault), there should be no hesitation about speaking to a lawyer. At least it is not going to cost you anything. But wait, you might be thinking, I am still not sure if I am ready to talk to a lawyer. Understandable. Many people feel intimidated by going to speak to a lawyer for the first time, especially one that they don't know." }, { "question": "What actually goes on once a lawyer has you in their office?", "answer": "I can't speak for what goes on at other law firms, but I can say this: not all free consultations are equal. Some will be nothing more than a sales pitch with high pressure to hire even if you are just trying to get information. Others will have a consultation done by a paralegal who may be qualified to gather your information but cannot give legal advice." }, { "question": "And aren't you really there to get legal advice?", "answer": "Of course! While you likely will not have to pay to talk to a lawyer if you have been injured, you still want to make sure that you feel comfortable about what will happen before you go in to talk to a lawyer. At O'Connor Cadiz law, our goal during the strategy session is to be helpful and answer your questions. It is possible that you might not be the best fit for us and we might not be the best fit for you, but if that is the case- we will tell you and still try to point you in the right direction. No high pressure tactics here. If you are not ready to speak to go speak to a lawyer yet, give us a call or fill out our webform to request free information or sign up for our newsletter. We are here when you are ready, but please remember that there are strict time limits in the State of Illinois (& in other states too) about how long you have to take action or lose your rights forever. If you would like to schedule an appointment, call us at 630 250-8813 or fill out a contact form on this site to start the conversation." } ]
[ { "question": "What Should be the Capabilities of the Computer?", "answer": "Based on the tasks your computer will be given, the computer needs to be quick, powerful, and capable of multitasking. To get that quality of performance, you need to look for these parameters. The speed of your computer should be at least 2.40 GHz, though a faster processor is desirable if you can find one. Your minimum RAM is 8GB. The RAM stores recently used programs and files to allow your computer to switch between programs easily and with speed. Your Hard Drive must be at least 1TB. Anything less will not allow you to hold and manipulate the necessary applications for Data Science classes and store data while working. The minimum Graphics card needs to handle 1GB. Most schools are Windows compatible, though the OS systems are now adaptable to the Windows application. A Windows 10 Pro with 64-bit encryption is your best bet for online compatibility. With the demands of the workplace for quick and accurate extrapolation of conclusions from immense data banks, a home computer that mirrors what is used in the workplace is an essential element of taking Data Science courses online. So, the question is not, “What kind of computer do I need to study Data Science?” the question is “What are the capabilities demanded of a computer in the Data Science workplace?” Discovering the minimum requirements for the workplace Data Science computer gives you all the information you need to purchase a home computer with familiar capabilities." } ]
[ { "question": "What is the application procedure for the exchange programme?", "answer": "This should also be sent to the Exchange Officer’s email ID i.e. [email protected]. Applicants must also send via email, information regarding the exact dates of arrival and departure as well as any other information that may be relevant such as requirements of students with special needs. All documents have to be sent at least three months prior to the arrival date and the commencement of the exchange programme." }, { "question": "What is the credit system that is followed?", "answer": "Applicants are required to specify in the application form, the total number of credits that they wish to take up during the course of the exchange programme at NLSIU. The credit system followed at NLSIU is such that each course taught has 4 credits, and courses are either seminar or elective courses. The number of courses- seminar or elective that need to be taken by each exchange student may vary depending upon the credit system followed by the student’s country, and the number of credits that need to be completed as specified by respective home institutions. Every exchange student though, is permitted to sit through any class of the fifth year for the first week of the term so as to enable him/her to determine the most suitable option, and decide accordingly. For more information on the courses offered please refer to the Exchange Brochure that can be accessed here. Course outlines and further may be sent via email upon request." }, { "question": "What are the language requirements for attending exchange at NLSIU?", "answer": "To be eligible to participate in the student exchange programme at NLSIU, applicants are required to be fluent in English since all courses are taught in the English language only. The minimum requirement is a TOEFL IBT score of 80 and above, and a PBT score of 500 and above. Alternatively, applicants can also demonstrate a minimum IELTS score of 6 and above. Results of these tests are required to be sent to the email IDs mentioned above while applying for the programme." }, { "question": "What are the accommodation/meal facilities available for exchange students?", "answer": "The University campus has hostels for both men and women- i.e. the Men’s and Women’s Halls of Residence. The former has triple sharing rooms while the latter has single, double and triple sharing rooms. Exchange students have the option of taking up residence in these if they wish to stay on campus. There are a few options available in the vicinity of the campus as well- such as rented apartments. But it is strongly recommended that students take up residence on campus itself. Both the men’s as well as the women’s hostels have a mess that serves meals four times a day- for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. The costs of campus accommodation as well as meals in the mess as aforementioned are highly subsidised. A break-up of these costs (as well as other fees that must be paid) is available in the online application that can be accessed here. The campus also has a couple of other eating options that are available to students. For further details please refer to the Exchange Brochure accessible here." }, { "question": "What are the modes of travel in Bangalore?", "answer": "The NLSIU is situated in an area that is slightly removed from the main parts of the city. However, there are various options available to students for travel to these parts. Auto rickshaws ply outside campus at all hours of the day. These are suitable for short distances. Uber and Ola taxis are easily available. The newly built metro lines are accessible via metro stations that are within a distance of 1-2 kilometres from campus. For more details please refer to the Exchange Brochure." }, { "question": "What are the visa formalities that have to be completed?", "answer": "Indian immigration regulations require foreign nationals visiting India for a period of longer than 180 days to register themselves at the Foreign Regional Registration Office (FRRO) within 14 days of arrival. Foreigners need to submit an online application and schedule an appointment with the FRRO before his/her visit. For further details please refer here. Please also refer to the list of documents that are required to be submitted for registration here." }, { "question": "Where can one seek assistance?", "answer": "For assistance with the above process and with the entire exchange experience of a student in general, there is in place an Exchange “Buddy” system that allots “buddies” i.e. senior students of NLSIU who volunteer to act as peer-mentors for exchange students to aid them in settling in and adjusting to the new environment once they commence their exchange at NLSIU. The Student Exchange Committee as well as Professor Somashekhar, the Exchange Officer may be contacted for any queries regarding the application procedure or for general information. Contact information can be accessed here." } ]
[ { "question": "== Q: Is there any way to continue using Google+ after the sunset?", "answer": "== A: Google will continue offering an enterprise / corporate product, as a paid service (free for education and non-profit), which may present an option. This will be part of Google's [https://support.google.com/nonprofits/answer/3367223?hl=en&ref_topic=3247651 G Suite brand] with per-user per-month pricing tiers of $5, $10, and $25 (annually $60, $120, and $300), for Basic, Business, and Enterprise tiers, all in US dollars. Those prices will soon increase. https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/g-suite/new-pricing-for-g-suite-basic-and-business-editions G Suite Google+ will ''not'' have Circles or Collections, core elements of Consumer Google+. Qualified registered non-profit / NGO organisations [https://support.google.com/nonprofits/answer/3367223?hl=en&ref_topic=3247651 may be eligible for free usage] at the Basic level. Or you could apply to work for Google. Now, for the good part! '''Communities owned by and with members with G Suite accounts will remain!''' Of course, they will not be open to the public, since all consumer accounts will be deleted, so instead they will be turned into '''invite-only''' communities. This is all described and updated on the [https://support.google.com/a/answer/9229693?hl=en Google+ for G Suite support page]. Important: There is currently no migration of content ''back'' into Google+ possible! All consumer users' content will be deleted. For migration/export of data check [https://social.antefriguserat.de/index.php/FAQ#Content_and_Data_Export_and_Migration further down in this FAQ]." } ]
[ { "question": "What level of sewing experience do I need to sew your patterns?", "answer": "I design easy sew patterns with extra information for those new to sewing. Patterns listed as “experienced beginner” means it is expected that you know how to follow a pattern and how to operate your sewing machine. I would recommend the Easy Toy Onbuhimo as a first sewing project. The Onbuhimo Toddler Carrier and the Onbuhimo Toy Doll Carrier are listed as “intermediate” given the increased skill required for sewing through layers of foam and fabric. I aim to make patterns that can be sewn on most home sewing machines. You don’t need a fancy machine and with the right fabric, foam and needle choices, you should be able to sew my patterns on any machine. If you are having troubles with tension while sewing through foam, check to make sure the pressure foot is fully down, which is an reoccurring issue for me." }, { "question": "Where can I buy your ePatterns?", "answer": "You can buy right here on my website! I chose Gumroad for eCommerce as you can sign up for an account which gives you a library and access to future updates to ePatterns. You can also buy without creating an account, using Paypal or a credit card. Plus they have great options for me to provide savings through various offers and bundles. I started my craft business on Etsy and I love the marketplace and its community. As a buyer you have access to other customer’s reviews and are covered by Etsy’s buyer protection. In addition, your ePatterns are always stored in your receipt for future downloads. Etsy gives me great tools to provide you savings through coupon codes, gift certificates and great listings features. Craftsy is geared specifically towards crafting patterns and keeps a library with access to future pattern updates. However, it doesn’t have a coupon code function." }, { "question": "Can I sell the products I make with your patterns?", "answer": "Yes, you are welcome to sell toy and other items, that are not babywearing carriers, made from my patterns. I ask that you include a note about the item being a ‘Baby Bonda Productions Design’ on the tag and a link to my website “www.babybondaproductions.com” or to “www.babybondaproductions.etsy.com” in online listings. If you would like to sell babywearing carriers made from my patterns, please contact me first as there are additional considerations to address." }, { "question": "Are your carrier patterns compliant?", "answer": "Carrier compliance with safety regulations is based on much more than the pattern. It encompasses compliance of materials used in construction, tracking of finished products, labeling and physical testing of the product. It is not required, nor is it feasible, for a sewing pattern to be compliant. If you are planning on selling babywearing carriers, I highly recommend you join BCIA (Baby Carrier Industry Alliance) for information on meeting baby carrier regulations. For a summary, check out their post here!" } ]
[ { "question": "Q: Is it really possible to have the dream lifestyle in Cornwall?", "answer": "I get it; the Cornish lifestyle is so hyped up by everyone, you’ve gotta wonder if it’s all too good to be true! But I can tell you from firsthand observance and experience that yes, people actually do fit in an early morning surf before work, we do head to the beach once it hits 5pm, and we do spend our weekends exploring the countryside and having adventures in the sea. It’s not a myth – it’s our real life I promise!" }, { "question": "Q: Where is best to live in Cornwall?", "answer": "It totally depends what you want from your life, and also what your budget is! First off, there’s the decision between North and South Cornwall, North or South coast, and whether you want to live in a town or out in the sticks. Obviously we all would love to live in walking distance to the sea, but you’ll pay a hefty price tag for that. There are lots of holiday lets and second homes in Cornwall, many of which have bagged the best views and beachside locations, and many of which are unfortunately left vacant for half the year. Sad but true! I can’t speak for North Cornwall (I never do… I really don’t know it well up there! ), but in South Cornwall, some of the nicest (and most expensive!) places to live include Falmouth, Truro, The Roseland, The Lizard, St. Ives and St. Agnes areas. The cheapest less-sought after areas tend to be around Redruth (hi! ), Camborne and St. Austell. And then there are the sweet spot areas and upcoming places on the market right now, such as Hayle (beautiful beaches!) and the outskirts of Helston and Penzance. Sarah from Salt & Sea Stories always writes and photographs areas around Penzance and Helston on her blog, and she will totally make you fall in love with the place!" }, { "question": "Q: Will it be worth leaving my family and friends for?", "answer": "No one can tell you the answer to this, but if you’re bringing a young family (or plans for one!) with you then I always say there is no better place. Of course, I have no comparison and I am biased, but I truly had the best childhood here and some day I’d love to raise my children here too. Chloe from Life Unexpected writes a lot about family life and exploring Cornwall with children on her blog! If you’re leaving friends and extended family of course it will be hard, but let’s face it, everyone will want to come and visit you lots in stunning Cornwall anyway! Read more about why I love living in Cornwall." }, { "question": "Q: How will I make friends when I don’t know anyone?", "answer": "When I moved back to Cornwall after I quit University, I had no friends here as I’d either lost touch with them or they’d moved away for their uni journeys. Of course, depending on where you work you can make friends there, but if you work from home like me it can be difficult to socialise! I wrote some tips on how to make friends when you work from home before, but my main tip is to meet people through your hobbies. You can join clubs, from surfing and rowing to gaming and foraging, take vocational classes (pottery anyone?) or meet people in Facebook groups. That last one sounds random, but we’ve made lots of friends through our participation in local French Bulldog groups! My main source of friendship over the last year has been blogging; I’ve met some incredible people and made really close friendships just through reaching out to people who I knew had the same hobby as me, and asking to meet up!" }, { "question": "Q: Will Cornish locals be bitter about me being here?", "answer": "Some will; but that will be the same anywhere you go. Some people just don’t like change or ‘outsiders’, but there are ways you can negate that risk by getting involved in the community and not behaving like an outsider. You can follow my ‘Cornish Rules for Holiday Makers’ or read my post about visiting Cornwall sustainably too. Of course there are common decencies like being considerate to your neighbours and respecting the countryside etc, but through joining local clubs and supporting local businesses you can really start to become a part of it all." }, { "question": "Q: Will I miss the big city?", "answer": "Unless you seriously hate it, probably yes. You’ll miss having easy access to a huge variety shops that stay open late (even on Sundays! ), and you’ll miss the chain restaurants and shops that you take for granted but that don’t make it down to Cornwall. You’ll miss being able to have a cocktail on a roof terrace at 2pm because you can’t just get the train back to your flat, you have to drive, and you’ll miss how cheap taxis are when you accidentally drink that cocktail. For some people, the slow life is just too slow, and the lazy towns and lack of nightlife feel wrong. But let me say that it is rare that people move down here from the city and regret it – very rare. For most people, it’s exactly what they needed all along." }, { "question": "Q: What is the job market in Cornwall like?", "answer": "If you happen to be interested in working in hospitality, Cornwall is a pretty good shout as it’s a huge part of our economy and there are always jobs about for that! Cornwall is also known for being a bit of a tech hub too! If you’re in the software/engineering/technology industries you’re in luck because this is a big upcoming area here in terms of jobs and training. Anyway, I can’t comment on the job market too much though, as I’m self-employed so am ‘out of the game’, as it were!" } ]
[ { "question": "FAQ: What processes run overnight?", "answer": "Because this is a cloud-based system, there is no need for you to manage manual backups or back up files of your data. All content is constantly backed up on multiple secure servers and is always available to you when needed." } ]
[ { "question": "Do I need a moving permit?", "answer": "Yes, whether you move into the Township, out of the Township or within the Township a moving permit must be acquired. The moving permit is $1 and can be found online and at the Township office. Please contact Lehigh County Voter's Administration at 610-782-3194." }, { "question": "Who is our police department?", "answer": "North Whitehall Township is served by the PA State Police from the Bethlehem Barracks, Emergency #911, non-emergency #610-861-2026." }, { "question": "Where can I get rid of my old cell phone?", "answer": "North Whitehall Township collects cell phones for soldiers. Please drop off you cell phones in the front lobby." }, { "question": "Do any of the parks have a place to have a birthday and/or graduation party?", "answer": "Yes, Independence Park has 2 pavilions for rental. Call the Township for more information." }, { "question": "Who do I call for my property value and assessment?", "answer": "Call Lehigh County Assessment Office at 610-782-3038. Our office is open Monday thru Friday 7:30am until 4:00pm, closed holidays and weekends." }, { "question": "Do you accept credit cards for payments?", "answer": "No, we do not accept credit cards for payments. The Township only accepts cash, checks and money orders. The Township records do not maintain the property lines, please check your deed or hire a surveyor to have your property surveyed." }, { "question": "Is there a secure area I can leave something for the Township after business hours?", "answer": "Yes, to the left of the front double doors of the administrative building, there is a drop box. Please drop your items in this locked box." }, { "question": "Do you need an inspection for a property resale?", "answer": "No, at this time, North Whitehall Township does not required a home inspection for resale of your property." } ]
[ { "question": "Health problems?", "answer": "You never mentioned those before! No, I didn’t, mainly because I don’t have any specifically related to my weight. I don’t have diabetes or high blood pressure or anything like that. But I’ve seen where gaining excess weight has brought members of my family and I’m still young enough that without surgery or serious diet plans I can turn myself around so I don’t go that route. Probably just recently. I weighed in a little over 250, and for my height it wasn’t great." }, { "question": "Why call your blog “Start Over and Press Reset”?", "answer": "Because it’s how I need to think about this process of loosing weight. I need to give myself permission to take it one week at a time and restart the process every week. Otherwise I’ll look at this seemingly insurmountable goal and just cry until I find all the bread in the world and hoard it. Just keep trying. As of, October 2014, it is about my 8th time starting Weight Watchers and every time I learn something new about the program and about myself. This time it’s all about forgiving myself for gains and remembering that every week is a new start." } ]
[ { "question": "Is your glitter cruelty free and Vegan?", "answer": "We do not test on animals. All our products are cruelty-free and Vegan. We aim to deliver all mainland UK deliveries in up to 4 working days. We aim to ship to Europe within 5 – 7 working days and the rest of the world within 7 – 12 working days. Please check your items once received to ensure they are in satisfactory condition, if you have any issues please contact us within 48 hours. You have 14 days to return the items to us from the date you receive your order. You can return or exchange any products purchased only if returned unopened with seal in tact, in the original packaging. For hygiene purposes we are unable to offer refunds, replacements or exchanges on any open or used goods. All return costs are the buyers responsibility. Please check your items once received to ensure they are in satisfactory condition. If you receive any damaged items please contact us within 24 hours. You can email us at [email protected] Please note we aim to reply within 48 hours during office hours 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday." } ]
[ { "question": "How do you feel about the future of Jim Burke Ford Lincoln?", "answer": "I believe the future of Jim Burke Ford Lincoln looks great, I see more growth & success." } ]
[ { "question": "Does RBdigital work with Kindle Fire?", "answer": "You can use RBdigital on your Kindle Fire by downloading the app. Instructions for downloading and using the Zinio app on Kindle Fires are available from the RBdigital website. If you need help getting started, try one of our Gizmo Garage classes or contact the nearest branch library." } ]
[ { "question": "What are the specifics on yard waste placement?", "answer": "The City currently accepts computer peripherals, TVs and small appliances for recycling. Please bring these items to the Recycling Center at the Public Works warehouse (555 South Section Street). The Recycle Center is open Monday through Friday, 7 am until 3:45 pm and Saturday 7am until 3pm. Please note that the City of Fairhope also hosts an Electronic Amnesty Day in conjunction with Earth Day each year (usually the middle of April) and America Recycles Day (Nov 15 each year), and electronics can also be brought in at this time for recycling. The City of Fairhope will collect your boxes on your scheduled recycling day. Boxes should be broken down, or stacked in a manner which is easily accessible at the right of way. Styrofoam, plastic wrap and any other non-fibrous material should be removed and bagged for garbage collection. It is permissible to leave packing paper inside the boxes for recycling collection. You may also use any recycling container. Containers should be marked with our free \"Fairhope Recycles\" stickers which are available at City Hall and the Public Utilities Office. Please make sure your materials are sorted and not mixed together. You do not need a separate recycling container for each material, as long as materials are not commingled together. The City of Fairhope currently has a 47% recycle participation rate. We encourage all residents to participate in recycling, even if you choose just to recycle fiber (paper and cardboard) at curbside collection. The City of Fairhope highly encourages recycling which saves landfill space, natural resources (energy), as well as provides revenues for the city. City residents receive recycling collection once per week (the same day as trash collection, please call to verify your collection day, 928-8003). Recycling materials should be sorted for ease of collection. The City of Fairhope currently recycles mixed paper, cardboard boxes (broken down), glass containers, plastic jugs, and steel/aluminum cans at curbside collection. There is no fee for recycling collection. Please check out our Recycling page for a complete list of items that the City of Fairhope recycles and other important information. The city highly encourages residents to compost organic debris at home! Doing so will not only provide you, the resident, with a free, fertile soil additive, but it will also help our collection services in the long run by reducing the amount of yard waste and kitchen scraps that are disposed of. Note that a healthy compost pile should include leaves, green waste (vegetable trimmings, grass clippings), egg shells, coffee grinds, etc. Due to the City of Fairhope landfill closing as of 2/27/10, we have a new procedure for Trash. There are 2 kinds of Trash -- Yard debris (grass clippings, limbs, and leaves) and C&D (discarded garden pots, toys, lumber, building materials, appliances, furniture, fixtures, miscellaneous items). Yard Debris will continue to be collected curbside free of charge. You must separate the limbs and leaves. Also, we do not accept plastic bags, leaves may be placed on your curb or use a mulchable bag (which may be purchased at area stores). All yard waste should be placed at residents own right of way for collection. Furthermore, be carefule not to place debris on city streets, in storm drains or in street flumes. Doing so could not only cause traffic hazards, but could contribute to storm drain clogging and ultimately flooding. To report placement violations, please call the City of Fairhope Environmental Officer at 928-8003 or . Option One: Call in your collection and expect a charge. Option Two: Bring your items to the city dump for city transport at no charge (you must have a sticker)." } ]
[ { "question": "What should I do?", "answer": "A. Ask your immunologist for your total Immunoglobulin levels and vaccine responses. They cannot prescribe you immunoglobulin treatment until you have trialled a three month continuous course or preventative antibiotics as often SID patients respond well to prophylactic antibiotics and do not require Ig therapy. Take a look at our booklet on SID." } ]
[ { "question": "We already pay taxes; why should we donate to the Karnes City ISD Education Foundation?", "answer": "The Texas Constitution requires that the State of Texas provide an adequate education to its children with minimum standards. Regardless of proposed legislative changes being contemplated by the Texas Legislature or the Texas Supreme Court, we believe that there will continue to be a gap between the tax dollars available to fund an adequate education and the educational excellence that KCISD parents and citizens have come to expect. The Foundation is committed to annual audits and responsible Stewardship. We have no paid staff and keep our costs at a minimum. A good example is that our Silent Auction pays for the entire Gala celebration. The Foundation is governed by an independent, volunteer Board of Directors including business and community leaders, parents and alumni in the Karnes City community who are committed to our schools’ success. While the Foundation operates independently of Karnes City ISD, it shares a vision of educational excellence and student achievement. The corporation is organized exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation shall receive and disburse funds, property and gifts of any kind exclusively for the benefit of Karnes City Independent School District." }, { "question": "How does the Karnes City ISD Education Foundation benefit students?", "answer": "The Foundation supports student programs, projects and initiatives that do not receive tax-based funding. It also promotes and recognizes academic excellence by students and innovative instruction by teachers and staff." }, { "question": "How are the Teacher’s Wishes Grant Funds dispersed?", "answer": "Within our bylaws are specific rules and regulations for our educators to apply for grants. The scoring is done by a specific application process with set parameters such as: originality, student benefit, measurable goal setting, fund accountability, and how to measure success. All applications are assessed blindly by a Grant Review Committee and with the final approval by the entire board." } ]
[ { "question": "Why should I use Rob’s CD Ripper for iTunes • Import and Convert Audio CDs?", "answer": "Rob’s CD Ripper for iTunes saves a lot of time ripping your music collection into two audio formats in one step. You can have one high quality lossless file for archiving and one smaller, lower bit-rate file for play back. Compressed audio formats save disk space and allow you to store more files on your hard drive. Converting lossless files to other formats will also process much faster than re-ripping from CDs." }, { "question": "Can Rob’s CD Ripper for iTunes be used with multiple CD drives?", "answer": "Yes, Rob’s CD Ripper for iTunes will detect multiple mounted audio CDs and show them in the progress window. Ripping multiple CDs will save you time!" }, { "question": "Does Rob’s CD Ripper for iTunes keep a count of CDs and tracks that I rip?", "answer": "Yes, a running total of the rip sessions / ripped CDs and total tracks can be found at the top of the log file, just under the summary headline." }, { "question": "Can I reset the count of CDs and tracks that I rip?", "answer": "Yes, just remove or rename the “iTunes_Ripper_Log.txt” file located in the Ripped_Audio_Files folder. A new log file will be created after starting a new rip session. I edited the “iTunes_Ripper_Log.txt” file and now the count of CDs and tracks is incorrect." }, { "question": "How do I add music to my iTunes Library?", "answer": "Select “Add to Library…” from the File menu. At the prompt, navigate to the folder containing the music you want to add to iTunes. Then click “Open.” Your new music will be added to your iTunes Music Library." } ]
[ { "question": "If the injured employee returns to modified duty, am I required to pay them their pre-injury wages?", "answer": "Workers' compensation is a system that pays lost-wage benefits and medical care to employees who become disabled because of an injury or illness related to their job. If an injury or illness is found to be job-related, the affected employee may be entitled to medical care for the injury or illness, disability payments for a portion of lost wages, rehabilitation services and, in the event of death, benefits payable to dependent survivors. Workers’ compensation premiums are based on the employer's estimated risk of loss. The estimated risk of loss is a function of the class of business in which the employer operates and the amount of the employer's payroll. Each class of business is assigned a manual rate for workers’ compensation coverage based on the principle that the more hazardous the employer's nature of business, the more likely its employees will incur a job-related injury. For example, a construction company is charged higher base rates than a florist. The components of premium are further defined as the manual rates by business class are applied per $100 of an employer's total payroll. The higher the employer's payroll, the more exposure there is for the insurer should the employer have to compensate for a loss of wages due to injury. A business with a relatively high payroll will pay higher premiums than one in the same class with a relatively low payroll. Within each class of business, there is a differing risk of loss among employers depending on the emphasis each places on loss prevention and safety. An employer that consistently incurs injuries is a greater risk than one who is safety conscious and reduces injuries. The differing risk of loss between employers in a particular class code is quantified by a number called an experience modifier or “e-mod”. The experience modifier is a factor applied to the manual premium, shifting it up or down, depending on the insured's history of claims over the three years prior to the most recent year. For example, 2016 experience modifiers are based on years 2015, 2014 and 2013. The modifier changes yearly as it accounts for a new three-year period. An employer's experience modifier represents its expected losses versus the expected losses of an average employer in the same class code. Taking into account a number of factors, the National Council on Compensation Insurance, or NCCI, determines expected loss rates by class code. These class-code benchmarks are applied to the individual employer's payroll and loss history, which, through a complex formula yields the experience modifier. The formula has a component that factors in and limits the effect of any large, single loss on the modifier. For more information on e-mods see our reference guide. If an employer's losses have been greater than the expected losses for its class code and payroll, its experience modifier will be greater than 1.00, resulting in a debit to the manual premium charged. If an employer's losses have been less than the expected losses, its experience modifier will be less than 1.00, resulting in a credit to the manual premium charged. Employers who are safety conscious and keep their employees healthy pay less for workers' compensation coverage. Loss control means reduction of an employer's exposure to workers' compensation losses through recognizing, evaluating and controlling preventable health and safety hazards to workers. See the Workplace Safety section of our website for more information. The premium base for workers' compensation insurance is your business' payroll, referred to as remuneration. When a policy is written, the policy defines the premium as a certain rate per $100 of payroll for the policy period. Following the conclusion of the policy period, an audit is conducted to determine the actual payroll, or premium base, to compute the final earned premium. If the final earned premium is more than the initial premium you paid, you must pay the additional balance. If it is less, you receive a refund for the overpayment or a credit to any balance owed. Workers' compensation fraud is willful intent to withhold information or provide false information in an effort to obtain or defeat workers' compensation benefits. Fraud occurs in many forms. It includes an injured worker receiving benefits and not reporting wages from another job, for example, or a physician or health care provider billing for services not performed. No, but the insurer will likely have to pay a percentage of the difference between the pre-injury wage and the post-injury wage." }, { "question": "Looking for FAQs for your employee?", "answer": "For frequently asked questions that pertains directly to your injured worker, visit the workers' FAQs." } ]
[ { "question": "How do you describe a campus climate?", "answer": "According to Sue Rankin, campus climate is “the current attitudes, behaviors, and standards of faculty, staff, administrators, and students concerning the level of respect for individual needs, abilities, and potential.” In this context, campus climate influences and shapes how individuals and groups experience the environment of the community in terms of feeling more or less respected, included, and safe. A campus climate survey is an assessment tool, used to gather information about the experiences of community members. The data gathered will provide important information about how different community members feel included and excluded in the environment (or campus climate). Its purpose is to learn whether the college is meeting its goals for creating an inclusive, equitable, and safe community for all its members. By analyzing the data gathered, we will be able to develop a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of both our achievements in and challenges to inclusive excellence." }, { "question": "Why is it important to take the survey?", "answer": "All experiences and voices add to the campus climate. Because we all come from diverse backgrounds, how we see and interact with the world might look and feel different. Gathering information from every member of our community will help us to better understand and learn from each other the ways in which we work well together and the areas that need improvement." }, { "question": "Who will take this survey?", "answer": "All community members, who are students and/or employees of the College, will receive an invitation to participate in the 2017 Colby Climate Survey." }, { "question": "What are the dates to complete the survey?", "answer": "Students can complete the survey between March 26th – April 9th. No. You don’t have to participate in this survey at all, and if you do participate, you may stop at any time." }, { "question": "Are there any incentives for completing the survey?", "answer": "Your responses will help make our Colby community even better. We will also support our Waterville community as Colby will donate $2 for every completed survey. The funds will be shared between The Humane Society and The Sacred Heart Soup Kitchen. Additionally, for students who complete it, your name will be entered into a raffle for one of 10 gift certificates for $50 to the Colby bookstore." }, { "question": "What is the difference between an anonymous and confidential campus climate?", "answer": "In an anonymous survey, there is no way to connect you to your survey answers. Staff and faculty were given anonymous surveys. A confidential survey means that staff members from Colby’s Institutional Research office are the only people who can connect responses provided by an individual to the Colby database. The student survey is confidential. However, for this survey, your link will only be used to populate some additional demographic information about you, such as major, home state or country, or class year, for example. In both cases, if you choose to provide comments about your experiences, any personally identifying information will be deleted in reports of the survey results." }, { "question": "What will happen with the data from the survey?", "answer": "Once the survey is completed, the results of this survey will be used to improve programs and services for students, faculty, and staff, to inform policy decisions, and to identify and prioritize strategic initiatives to advance Colby’s mission of creating an engaging, respectful, inclusive, equitable and safe campus community for all its members." }, { "question": "How will the community be informed of the survey results and on-going progress of initiatives based on survey results?", "answer": "We will develop a webpage dedicated to Campus Climate Findings and Developments where community members will have access to survey data and can share their questions and concerns through an on-line community input form. As our efforts continue, the website will include a summary of recommendations as well as a timeline for implementation. We will issue a preliminary report before the end of the semester and draft a more comprehensive report during summer 2017. The report will be presented in multiple forums during the fall 2017 semester." } ]
[ { "question": "How much can an employee contribute to the Plan in 2012?", "answer": "According to the IRS employees fall into one of two categories, Highly Compensated (HCE) and Non-Highly Compensated. For 2012, the IRS defines a Highly Compensated Employee as any employee with wages earned over $110,000 in 2011. Everyone else is defined as Non-Highly Compensated. Non-Highly Compensated employees may contribute up to $17,000. Participants aged 50 or older by yearend 2012 may contribute an additional $5,500 for a total of $22,500. HCE’s, age 50 and over by year-end 2012, may contribute the additional $5,500 catch-up contribution regardless of other ADP limits below. Highly Compensation Employee’s contributions are subject to testing in accordance with IRS regulations. Currently we advise that employers limit contributions by Highly Compensated Employees to 7% of wages." }, { "question": "What is the Elevator Constructors Annuity and 401(k) Retirement Plan?", "answer": "The Elevator Constructors Annuity and 401(k) Retirement Plan is a 401(k) plan for members outside of Local One of International Union of Elevator Constructors that currently participate in the NEI Benefit Plans. Employee participation is voluntary." }, { "question": "What does it cost to participate in the Voluntary Employee Deferral to the Plan?", "answer": "Nothing. All contributions are deducted on a pre-tax basis from the employee’s pay. All plan expenses are paid by the plan at no charge to the employer." }, { "question": "What are the recordkeeping requirements of the Elevator Constructor Annuity and 401(k) Retirement Plan?", "answer": "Like any payroll or personnel matter the Plan requires that the employer perform certain recordkeeping functions. The employer must track the voluntary contribution rates and calculate an appropriate deduction each week. On a monthly basis the employer must report the contribution information to the NEI Benefits Office and make the required contribution remittance." }, { "question": "What information gets reported to the NEI Benefits Office?", "answer": "On a weekly basis, each employer must report the deferral amounts (employee contribution) to the Benefits Office on the Deferral Report Form provided by the Benefits Office. An electronic format approved by the Benefits Office on tape or diskette may also be used. Reports must be filed every week. The Deferral Report Form must be filed even in weeks when no deferral contributions are due. The earnings/W2 wages are reported on the Hours Report Form in order to track wage information for non-discrimination testing. Contributions are due no later than seven (7) calendar days after the employee receives his or her paycheck. Because these contributions represent employee withholdings, the Internal Revenue Service requires that contributions be made as soon as they can be segregated from employer assets. Late contributions or failure to make required contributions can result in severe penalties." }, { "question": "Can Voluntary Employee contributions be combined with the contributions to the “big plans”?", "answer": "No. Since deferral contributions to the Plan represent employee contributions they must be kept separate at all times." }, { "question": "Can an employer maintain its own 401(k) plan and participate in the Elevator Constructor Annuity 401(k) Retirement Plan?", "answer": "Yes but it is very complicated. Participating in two 401(k) plans should only be done after consultations with attorneys for both plans." }, { "question": "How does an employer enroll in the Voluntary Employee Deferral?", "answer": "Effective 1/1/03 employers are automatically eligible to participate without having to complete or sign any election form or Participation Agreement. Weekly employee deferral reporting and payment will be separate from reporting and payment of fringe benefit contributions to the benefit plans. The employer must contact the Benefits Office @ 800-523-4702 extension 2312 or 2302 to advise of their participation in the voluntary employee deferrals and request the weekly Deferral Report Form." }, { "question": "What happens after an employee enrolls?", "answer": "The employer will receive information from MassMutual Financial Group and the Benefits Office. MassMutual Financial Group’s enrollment kit includes sample forms, contact information and other participant and investment information. From then on, the Benefits Office will send weekly Deferral Report Forms separate from the monthly Hours Report Forms." }, { "question": "What is required for employees to begin contributing to the Plan?", "answer": "The employee must contact MassMutual Financial Group @ 800-743-5274, identify the plan, #60041 and request an enrollment kit. The kit contains general information, prospectuses, enrollment/deferral change, investment election and beneficiary forms. The employee should forward the 401(k) Contribution Enrollment/Deferral Change form to their employer for recording and payroll setup, the investment election form to MassMutual Financial Group and the beneficiary form to the Benefits Office. Frequently Asked Questions Answers to common questions about our plans." } ]
[ { "question": "How do I update a trial secretary's information?", "answer": "If you have a line which looks like this: You are \"working toward\" the PD2 title. You do NOT HAVE your PS2 title. You HAVE one qualifying score in both Snooker/P-II and Jumper/P-II and three qualifying scores in GAMBLE/P-II. And you NEED one qualifying score for each. The qualifying scores you DO HAVE will be represented as a link so you may click on it to take you to those specific entries. If you have a line which looks like this: You are \"working toward\" the APD title. You HAVE your PS3 and PJ3 titles and you do NOT HAVE your PK3 and PG3 titles. You need 5 qualifying scores in Tournament competition. You HAVE three qualifying scores in Performance National Standard with a minimum of one. The qualifying scores you DO HAVE will be represented as a link so you may click on it to take you to those specific entries. If you have a line which looks like this: You are \"working toward\" the TM title. You need 10 qualifying scores in Tournament competition. You have zero in both Grand Prix and Master Team and 3 qualifying scores in Steeplechase. And it indicates you need a minimum of two in each. The qualifying scores you DO HAVE will be represented as a link so you may click on it to take you to those specific entries. The Outstanding and Superior Performance titles are set automatically by Agility JOT. For instance, once you earn your Regular Standard Novice (RS-N) title and set it in Agility JOT you can continue to run in Novice earning more points which apply to your Novice title. Once you pass 130 points your title will reflect the Outstanding designation (RS-N-OP) and 230 for Superior (RS-N-SP). This is the case for all titles! If you have \"previously earned points\" then you can go to the \"Titles Working Toward\" page and click on the icon and enter the number of points you currently have. Then continue tracking your trials with Agility JOT. If you have a line which looks like this: You are \"working toward\" the ATCH title. You HAVE your RS-E title and DO NOT HAVE your JS-E and GS-E titles. You HAVE 85 qualifying points in REG/S-Elite and you HAVE NO qualifying points in GAM/S-Elite and JUMP/S-Elite. And you NEED 230 qualifying points in REG/S-Elite and 120 qualifying points in GAM/S-Elite and JUMP/S-Elite. Once you have entered your trial you then need to add the runs you are entered in. Go to that trial and then you will see two icons to the right of the trial. The first icon is for adding one run at a time and the second icon is for adding multiple runs at a time. If you are adding one leg at a time you will be presented with a page for enter ALL the details for that run. Then Click the Save button at the bottom. If you click on the adding multiple runs at a time then you will be presented with a page that will let you select for each day all the runs you are entered for then click the Add All Legs button at the bottom of the page. From the 'Trial Calendar' at the top of the page click on the 'Add a Secretary' icon and fill in the information for the secretary and then click save. Then this secretary will show up in your list of secretaries. From the 'Trial Calendar' at the top of the page click on the 'List Secretarys' icon and click the 'Edit' icon next to the secretary you want to change. Then update their information and click 'Save'." } ]
[ { "question": "What way the Non-Resident Indian can finance the flat?", "answer": "The purchase of the flats can be financed from the fresh remittance through the normal banking channels or from payment from original Non-Resident account or from Non-Resident (External) Accounts. When the flat is under construction, it may be possible to get instalment facilities from the builder. Loan may also be available in India for purchase of flats, for example from Housing Development Finance Corporation, ANZ Grindlays Bank, Citi Bank etc. Non-Resident Indians who are citizens of India (India Passport holders) are eligible for housing finance for the acquisition of an immovable property or construction of a new house, or a flat for their occupation or for that of their family in India. But the HDFC also considers granting of loans to Non-Resident Indians even if they are abroad, provided a family member of his or her in India is made a co-borrower and a power of attorney is given to his representative in India. Can Non-Resident indians staying abroad purchase property through an agent or through a power of attorney. The Non-Resident Indians who are staying abroad may enter into an agreement through their relatives and/ or by executing the Power of Attorney in their favour as it is not possible for them to be present for completing the formalities of purchase (negotiating with the builder or Developer, drafting and signing of agreements, taking possession, etc.). These formalities can be completed through some known person who can be given the Power of Attorney for this purpose. Power of Attorney should be executed on the stamp paper before the proper authorities in foreign countries. Power of Attorney cannot be drafted on the stamp paper bought in India." }, { "question": "Are there any formalities to be completed by foreign nationals of Indian origin for purchasing Residential immovable property in India?", "answer": "They are required to file a declaration in form IPI 7 with the Central Office of Reserve Bank at Bombay within a period of 90 days from the date of purchase of immovable property." }, { "question": "Indian citizens resident abroad require permission of Reserve Bank to acquire any immovable property in India?", "answer": "No specific permission is required by Non-Resident Indian nationals to acquire immovable Property in India other than agricultural/ plantation/ farmhouse." }, { "question": "Do Non-Resident Indians require permission to transfer any immovable property in India to a person resident in India?", "answer": "No specific permission is required by Non-Resident Indians to transfer any immovable property in India to a person resident in India." }, { "question": "Do Non-Resident Indians require permission to transfer any immovable property to a person of Indian origin resident outside India/ Non-Resident Indian?", "answer": "No specific permission is required for said transfer of any immovable property, other than agricultural, or plantation property or farm house." }, { "question": "What is the position in respect of a person of Indian origin Resident outside India (PIO) for acquisition/ transfer of immovable property in India?", "answer": "2. held in any Non-Resident account maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act and the regulations made by the Reserve Bank under the Act. (ii)A PIO does not require any specific permission to acquire any immovable property in India other than agricultural land/ farm house/ plantation property by way of gift from a person Resident in India or from a person Resident outside India who is a citizen of India or from a person of Indian origin Resident outside India. (iii)A PIO does not require any specific permission to acquire any immovable property in India by way of inheritance from a person Resident outside India who had acquired such property in accordance with the provisions of the foreign exchange law in force at the time of acquisition by him or the provisions of the Regulations of FEMA or from a person Resident in India. (iv) A person of Indian origin Resident outside India does not require any permission to transfer any immovable property in India other than agricultural land/ farmhouse/ plantation property, by way of sale to a person Resident in India. (v) A PIO does not require any specific permission to transfer agricultural land/ farm house/ plantation property in India, by way of gift or sale to a person Resident in India who is a citizen of India. (vi) PIO does not require any specific permission to transfer Residential or commercial property in India by way of gift to a person Resident in India or to a person Resident outside India who is a citizen of India or to a PIO." }, { "question": "How should the purchase consideration for acquiring immovable property in India, be met?", "answer": "The purchase consideration should be met either out of inward remittances in foreign exchange through normal banking channels or out of funds from Non-Resident accounts maintained with banks in India." }, { "question": "Can Non-Resident Indians purchase property in India through an agent or through the Power of Attorney?", "answer": "The Non-Resident Indians who are staying abroad may give authority to their relatives/ agents by executing Power of Attorney in their favour as it is not possible for them to be present for completing the formalities of purchase (negotiating with the builder or developer, drafting and signing of agreements, taking possession, etc.). Power of Attorney should be executed on the stamp paper before the proper authorities in foreign countries. Power of Attorney cannot be prepared on the stamp paper bought in India." }, { "question": "What are the provisions for remittance of sale of proceeds of any immovable property by Non-Resident Indians/ Person of Indian origin, Resident outside India?", "answer": "In the event of sale of immovable property other than agricultural land/ farm house/ plantation property in India by a person Resident outside India, who is a citizen of India, or a person of Indian origin, the authorized dealer may allow repatriation of the sale proceeds outside India, provided all the following conditions are satisfied. (b) the foreign currency equivalent, as on the date of payment, of the amount paid where such payment was made from the funds held in Non-Resident External account for acquisition of the property. (c) In the case of Residential property, the repatriation of sale proceeds is restricted to not more than two such properties. Reserve Bank has removed the existing lock-in-period for repatriation of the sale proceeds of immovable property purchased in India by NRIs/ PIOs. Accordingly, it will be in order for authorized dealers to allow remittace of sale proceeds of immovable property in India acquired by NRIs/ PIOs, irrespective of the period for which the property was held. The sale proceeds allowed to be repatriated should, however, not exceed the foreign exchange brought in to acquire the property." }, { "question": "What is the position regarding Refund of purchase consideration on account of non-allotment of flats/ plots/ cancellation of bookings/ deals in respect of immovable property purchased by NRIs/ PIOs in India?", "answer": "With a view to allow credit to NRE/ FCNR account of refund of purchase consideration by seller on account of cancellation of bookings/ deals for purchase of Residential, commercial property, Reserve Bank clarified that it will be in order for authorised dealers to allow Non-Resident Indians/ Persons of Indian Origin to credit refund of application/ earnest money/ purchase consideration made by the housing building agencies/ seller on account of non-allotment of flat/ plot/ cancellation of bookings/ deals for purchase of Residential commercial property, together with interest, if any (net ofincome tax payable thereon),to NRE/ FCNR account, provided, the original payment was made out of NRE/ FCNR account of the account-holder or remittance from outside India through normal banking channels and the authorised dealer is satisfied about the genuineness of the transaction." }, { "question": "Can NRI/ PIO rent out their immovable property in India?", "answer": "Yes. The NRIs/ PIOs can freely rent out their immovable property in India without seeking any permission from the Reserve Bank. The rental income being a current account transaction is freely repatriable outside India. Where can one contact with RBI for clarifications/ approvals etc." } ]
[ { "question": "Why should I Learn Data Science?", "answer": "Ans. The IT revolution has led to phenomenal growth in data in various formats – text, images, videos etc. both internally in organizations and externally. Explosive growth in Data Volumes due to social media, sensors and availability of next generation data storage/data computing software/ hardware has made availability and processing of Data easier. As a user of data, it is important to have an understanding of ways and means of converting data into knowledge/insights for your role. A Data Science course can help you in this journey. 2. I don’t have Statistics & Programing background." }, { "question": "Can I join the Program?", "answer": "Ans. Yes, of course! You need an open mind and the passion to learn. Juxt Knowledge courses are structured to address all learning needs. We start with understanding basic Statistical Concepts through practical use cases and applications. Then we deep dive into higher end applications. It is important for a good Data Scientist to have strong Statistical Knowledge, and you will need to travel this journey." }, { "question": "3. Who should join this Program?", "answer": "Ans. Anyone who needs to use data and take out insights from it, irrespective of functional domain, can join this course. 4." }, { "question": "What is the role of Juxt Knowledge?", "answer": "Ans. Juxt Knowledge is the initiative by Juxt-smartmandate.com, an organization active in the Data Analytics space from last 12 years. These 12 years have been spent working on multiple industries like Pharma, Media and Entertainment, FMCG etc., completing ______ (number) of projects. Practitioner approach, courses driven by experts having a strong academic background with a strong ecosystem of partners / researchers, is what you will benefit from by becoming a part of this program. 5." }, { "question": "What opportunities can I expect after the Program?", "answer": "Ans. You will get access to our Internal Projects database that can be used for practice and Learning resources (articles/videos/papers/updates) through our blog." } ]
[ { "question": "How do I make a complaint about a junkyard?", "answer": "Complaints regarding a junkyard must be sent in by writing. Details in the complaint must include the location, how long the vehicle(s) have been in that location, a general description of the vehicle(s), and why you feel this is a violation of the Montana State Law. If possible, please include any information you have about the owner and/or tenant of the property. Please be as specific as possible. The complainant does not have sign the complaint." } ]
[ { "question": "What does Super CDW and Excess Cover mean?", "answer": "We explain the ins and outs of Car Hire Excess Cover and Super CDW, to help you to decide if you need to take out a policy with this cover. Car hire firms offer their own Excess / Super CDW cover at the car rental station when you collect the car and sometimes through their website. This is cover which either reduces the size of the excess you are liable for should your rental car be stolen or involved in an accident, or removes it completely. It normally only impacts on the excess and does not extend to other elements of the insurance - so 'exclusions' such as the glass (windows,lights, mirrors etc), wheels and tyres, the undercarriage and the roof are still excluded. Sometimes separate policies are required for Theft and Damage excesses but they can also be offered in one policy. These Excess / Super CDW policies tend to be far more expensive (typically five to ten times more so) than independent car hire excess insurance policies available through companies represented on the MoneyMaxim car hire insurance service who all include cover for the excluded areas mentioned above." } ]
[ { "question": "Does the Web Portal provide call log options?", "answer": "The account admin does not need to have a Sideline number to manage an Enterprise account. Admin can simply create an account with their mobile number. The login is typically the Admin's mobile number and password." }, { "question": "Why would an Admin have trouble logging in via the Sideline mobile app?", "answer": "If the Admin does not have a Sideline number, they cannot log in via the app." }, { "question": "Can employees log in to the Portal?", "answer": "Employees do not have access to the Web Portal, but they do have access to Sideline Web Messaging for Web-based texting. Overview: This tab allows the Admin to make any payment adjustments. It includes the Admin's name, Payment Details, and Billing History. Numbers: This tab is to manage the phone numbers. Admins can assign, un-assign, or forward Sideline numbers. They can also set up the Auto Attendant, initiate a port/transfer, or subscribe to International Calling via this tab as well. Account: This tab includes the account information, such as the Admin's name, email address, carrier number, Sideline number, and Company address. The Web Portal (which the Admin has access to) does not have calling or texting history. It only shows the date the Sideline number was assigned and the date of last usage per line. Just like Sideline, the only way you can access call logs is through the web. Log in at https://my.sideline.com/desktop/#/login to view the last 72 hours of data. We recommend setting up a universal password for Admin + Employee. Team Number is not compatible with Enterprise at this time." } ]
[ { "question": "If I remove a reviewer in 'Manage Users', will they still appear as a reviewer in the 'Assigned Submissions to Reviewers' table?", "answer": "No, if you delete the reviewer, they will no longer have any assigned reviews. See Manage Users and Assigning a submission to a Reviewer." }, { "question": "How do I see who has completed their reviews?", "answer": "See The Review Table - the Reviewers View tab. I need to complete a review on behalf of a reviewer." } ]
[ { "question": "Can I get a part-time job whilst studying?", "answer": "Our Careers and Employability Service can help you identify part-time, casual or temporary jobs that would enable you to work around your study commitments - most vacancies are with employers in the local area, are non-subject related and often of a low to semi-skilled nature. Whilst there are some part-time jobs available on campus, most of these tend to be short-term and not necessarily for the duration of the academic year. We recommend that students do not work for more than 15 hours per week, as working longer hours can impact on your studies. Visa restrictions mean that international students are not allowed to work more than 20 hours per week during term time." } ]
[ { "question": "What are different types of drones?", "answer": "Drones can be classified based on multiple categories. Primarily, drones are classified as recreational, commercial and military drones. Drones are also segmented based on their size- nano, mid or large size. They are also classified based on their aerial platform- fixed wing, single rotor, multi rotor and hybrid. All of these segmentation effects flight time, durability, functionalities and more. As a hobbyist, you do not need permit to fly a drone unless your drone weights more than 0.55 pounds. For registration, one must be 13 years old or an adult can register for the child. Registration cost is $5 and is valid for 3 years." }, { "question": "Is it illegal to fly drone at night?", "answer": "You can fly drone at night if you are a hobbyist. However if you need to fly at night for commercial reasons, you need to apply for a night waiver. Apply for waiver at FAA DroneZone website with application form, and supporting documents. A waiver request is typically responded within 90 days." }, { "question": "can i fly drone over 400 feet?", "answer": "For both hobbyist as well as commercial users, it is advised to fly a drone under 400 feet or remain within 400 feet of a structure. Commercial drone pilots can apply for over 400 feet above ground level waiver under section \"operating limitations for small unmanned aircraft\"." }, { "question": "What is the maximum speed of drone?", "answer": "The world record for fastest drone stands at 163 miles per hour. However most drones fly way below that mark. As per FAA, limit of 100 mph has been set for commercial drone pilots." }, { "question": "Can i fly drone over a private property?", "answer": "You will have to consult your local and state laws. Landing and taking off from personal property is considered as trespassing. Though law is not clear on airspace above private property, owner can still consider drone over their property as nuisance, or invasion of privacy and can take action. It is best to seek owners permission to fly over private property. To become a drone pilot, you will have to learn the part 107 rules. Next, you will have to take knowledge test at one of the FAA centers. After passing the test, fill the FAA form 8710-13 and submit it electronically at the IACRA FAA portal. Drone racing is a professional event in which elite pilots in the world participate. Drones are equipped with cameras and their feed goes directly to goggles worn by pilots (first person view). A wifi fpv creates its own wifi network which can easily connect to your smart phone or tablet. Wifi FPV are great affordable option for beginners who are planning to learn to fly fpv drones." } ]
[ { "question": "Are you joking?", "answer": "No. I'm pregnant. Seriously. If I weren't morally opposed to showing you pictures of the inside of my uterus I would prove it. It would appear we are going to have a baby." }, { "question": "Do you know how many kids that is?", "answer": "Now listen, I've never claimed any mad crazy math skills, but I've got the basics down. Best I can tell that five kids in three years. So, yup! I do know!" }, { "question": "Do you know how hard that is going to be?", "answer": "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that no one whether adopting or birthing their first or their fifteenth baby can possibly know how hard it is going to be." }, { "question": "My guess?", "answer": "I will be very tired at 8:00PM everyday. Amazingly though I actually buy into that God will give you what He can handle mentality (and He can handle anything), so I actually feel pretty comfortable with it from where I'm standing." }, { "question": "So what about the boys and your adoption?", "answer": "We are working on this. Either one of two things will happen. We will get a court date before my third tri or we will have to postpone court until we can all go in the fall. Prayers appreciated. That would be Lily at twenty weeks, Ava at twenty weeks, and Baby J at TEN weeks. 1. Mama's gonna have to buy maternity clothes. 2. Mama is going to have to stop counting \"nursing\" as my primary work out. Time to hit the gym. 3. I had HUGE plans not to tell anyone about this pregnancy until I was around sixteen weeks. I landed in the hospital last Wednesday and immediately responded by demanding my phone so I could call Boo. Such a Mama's girl. 4. When I get brave or just tired enough in the middle of the night we are going to have a frank and honest discussion about Hyperemesis. It won't be pretty. In all seriousness though Russ and I consider our children huge blessings and we couldn't be more thrilled or honored that God would see us fit for more! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!" } ]
[ { "question": "What can I do to reduce the burden?", "answer": "If you believe that your property assessment valuation is the problem, you may file an abatement application. If you are concerned about high taxes in general, but not your assessment, you must address the town’s budget. Taxes are determined by the size of the town budget. Your vote at Town Meeting is the best way to express your concern. Your votes on the budget, Proposition 2.5 overrides, capital purchases. And town debt ultimately affects your real estate taxes. 4." }, { "question": "Where can I get help with an abatement request or more information on personal exemptions?", "answer": "The Assessors Office; Department of Revenue; Private counsel. The amount a well-informed buyer is willing to pay for the property. Fair market value for a parcel is the price that a willing buyer and a willing seller can agree upon when neither party is under undue pressure to complete the sale. 6." }, { "question": "What method does Manchester use to determine fair market value?", "answer": "Manchester uses a market adjusted cost approach. In some instances, the assessors may use estimated replacement costs, adjusted for depreciation and condition, to determine the value of the building and other items on the property. Commercial properties are assessed based on the income approach and market adjusted cost approach. 7." }, { "question": "What factors were used to determine my property value in the most recent revaluation?", "answer": "About two dozen factors are used in the computer model. Style of home, neighborhood, square footage of the residence, size of lot, construction grade, condition of the residence, age of the building, number of bedrooms and total rooms, full and half baths, rec room, enclosed and open porches, the number of living units, garages, attic, basement, story height, view, exterior siding, central air conditioning, fireplaces, heating, construction costs, land value. The factors were selected as they were found to have the greatest influence on market value. 8." }, { "question": "Where can I get information on properties in Manchester?", "answer": "Information about Manchester’s approximately 2,600 parcels is available on the Town website www.manchester.ma.us or at the Assessor's Office on the computer at the counter. 9." }, { "question": "Do I have to allow the assessor into my home?", "answer": "No, however, it is in your best interest to do so. The Board appreciates the cooperation given by the majority of residents who permit an interior inspection of their residences. Inspections take only a few minutes and can be scheduled to accommodate the homeowner. The assessors must make a reasonable assessment of your property, including the interior, in order to arrive at fair market value. They will most likely estimate highest value and best use if they cannot enter the residence. Interior inspections improve the quality of the valuation process and diminish errors. This saves expense for the taxpayer and the town because fewer assessments are challenged. 10." }, { "question": "What makes an arm’s length sale?", "answer": "To represent fair market value, a sale must be an arm’s length transaction, i.e., it must be a sale in which there is no relationship between the buyer and the seller that may influence the price, such as a transaction between family members. 11." }, { "question": "Why are the measurements of my residence different from those made by the real estate agent?", "answer": "For assessment purposes, measurements of buildings are made using outside dimensions. For real estate purposes, square footage is determined by making inside measurement. 12." }, { "question": "Will my assessment go up if I repair my property?", "answer": "Normal maintenance will help retain the value of your property and generally will not affect your assessment. Upgrades, additions, extensive remodeling, new fireplaces, central air conditioning, modernization of kitchens or bathrooms, and improvements in general are likely to increase the assessed value of your property. Serious property deterioration will lower the value of your investment and may result in a lower assessed value than if the property were well maintained. 13. I have recently built a home." }, { "question": "Will the construction cost be used for my assessment?", "answer": "Usually cost does not equal value. The assessors will review the costs. They will make an independent evaluation as to whether the costs plus the value of the land equate with current market value. 14." }, { "question": "Where can I get a list of recent house sales?", "answer": "Data is on the counter at the Assessors Office or Banker & Tradesman newspaper. 15." }, { "question": "When do taxpayers receive their bills?", "answer": "The actual tax bill can’t be provided until the state Cherry Sheets are published; the state has approved the town assessments; and the tax rate is established for the town. The latter can’t be done until after Town Meeting. Typically it is 6 months after the beginning of the fiscal year before the actual tax bill is available. Estimated bills are usually mailed to taxpayers in June for the first quarterly payment due August 1st. The second quarterly statement is mailed in September and due November 1st. The actual tax bill is mailed in late December and represents the third quarter payment due February 1st. The fourth and final quarter usually follows in March and is due May 1st. 16." }, { "question": "Why is the Former owner’s name still on my tax bill?", "answer": "This often confuses new owners, but Chapter 59, Section 11, of the Massachusetts General Law reads, “Taxes on real estate shall be assessed, in the town where it lies, to the person who is the owner on January 1st.....” The tax bill will carry the January 1st owners(s) name throughout the entire subsequent fiscal year. The former owner's name will be replaced by the new owner's name once the fiscal year has run its cycle." } ]
[ { "question": "HOW TO ORDER, WHAT IS THE PROCESS?", "answer": "1., if you know what you want, send us an e-mail to [email protected]. 2., We will confirm your order shortly with delivery dates and rounding it up to our packaging units . 3., IMPORTANT: ORDERS ARE VALID WITH 30% DOWN PAYMENT ONLY. You will receive the proforma invoice along with the confirmation. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE PRODUCE YOUR ORDER ACCORDING TO YOUR REQUIREMENTS EXACTLY, THEREFORE THAT UPON CANCELLING YOUR ORDER THE DOWNPAYMENT IS NOT REFUNDABLE! 4., We will contact you as soon as you order has arrived,." }, { "question": "HOW MANY EXTRA TILES SHALL I ORDER?", "answer": "As a basic rule, we recommend 5 – 10% extra for cuttings. If you have irregular floorplan , many corners, columns, etc, maybe 15%. Since the tiles are handmade, if you might need tiles later for replacement, it is better to order in one go. we sell these by the piece as well, no need to buy full cartons." } ]
[ { "question": "Why use Cherry pits, why does it work?", "answer": "Cherry pits are very good at holding heat and cold. They have a center (seed) inside the hard shell that has moisture and natural oil. When a Cherry Pit Pac is placed in the microwave, the center heats up and the shell holds the heat, and the heat is transferred on to the body when being worn. The Cherry Pits can settle into the nooks, crannies and curves of the body to deliver a very penetrating heat or cold. The Cherry-Pit-Pac can be used for any aches or pain, on stiff joints or sore muscles. It works great around the neck, on the lower back, and on areas ot the spine. It is great to use for tension, sinus and migraine head aches. It relieves sinus, menstrual cramps, toothaches, earaches and stomachs. It is excellent for relieving the symptoms of arthritis because of the way the small seeds settle around any body part, allowing the heat to reach the joints. It can be used as a soothing body massage when the cherry pits are gently rolled against the body. It is a great for warming cold feet, and also works as a bed warmer." }, { "question": "How is a Cherry-Pit-Pac different from an electric heating pad or other microwavable heat pack?", "answer": "First of all, the Cherry-Pit-Pac is much safer to use. It is non-electric, so there is no danger of electricity next to the body. It stays warm for the amount of time most health care professionals recommend, approximately 20-30 minutes. Because the cherry pits cool off after that amount, there is no danger of falling asleep and getting burned. The other important difference is that it is portable. You don't have to find electric outlets, worry about extension cords, or stay in one spot. A person can conveniently move around. Another important feature is the way the Cherry-Pit-Pac conforms to the shape of the body. Most heat pads and cold packs are rather rigid. A Cherry-Pit-Pac does not have a food odor when heated, does not cook in microwave and eventually break down like a food product would, and it is washable." }, { "question": "How was it discovered that cherry pits could be used for heat and cold therapy?", "answer": "Cherry pits have been used in Europe for many years for a variety of medicinal purposes. Cherry pits were heated on the warming plate on wood stoves. Then used to relieve aches and pains and as body warmers. Native Americans used to use all kinds of seeds, and other things and other things found in nature for heat. Even today, Natives in some of the rain forest grind up cherry pits and take them for pain relief similar to the way we use aspirin and other pain relief products. When using the microwave, care and common sense needs to be practiced. The Cherry-Pit Pac can be over heated and the fabric and the pits could be come scorched. We suggest you take care when setting the timer, i.e., don't get in a hurry and mistakenly set the timer for 20 minutes and not the required 2-3 minutes. Also, the heating time does depend on the power of your microwave. Microwave power ranges form 600 watts to 12000 watts but the power of your microwave does affect the time taken to heat up. As always supervision needs to be in place if children are using the Cherry-Pit-Pac." }, { "question": "Can the Cherry-Pit-Pac be used for moist heat?", "answer": "Because the Cherry-Pit-Pac is natural product it is always absorbing a bit of moisture. It is not necessary to add water to heat the Cherry-Pit-Pac. If a moist heat is desired you can dampen just before heating. It can be spritzed with water. The amount of moisture will depend on how much water you add." }, { "question": "Can the same Cherry-Pit-Pac be used hot or cold?", "answer": "Yes, you may use the same Cherry-Pit-Pac for hot or cold. If you desire a cold pack just place the Cherry-Pit-Pac in a plastic freezer bag and put in the freezer. It will take one to two hours to get cold. You may keep the Cherry-Pit-Pac in the freezer for as long as you like, even storing it there. If the Cherry-Pit-Pac has been stored in the freezer and you need it hot, it can be laid out to thaw for a bit or carefully defrosted in the microwave. Yes it is. We recommend hand washing in the sink in cool water with a bit of mild detergent. Rinse thoroughly, wring out as much as possible and then lay flat to dry. The easiest way to wash the original Cherry-Pit-Pac is to move all the pits to one end, hold them back while washing and rinsing the end that does not contain pits. Then move the pits to the previously washed end and repeat. It can also be washed on the gentle cycle in the washing machine (in a pillow case or laundry bag) or in the top rack of the dishwasher. Air-dry your Cherry-Pit-Pac after washing. Be sure to heat the Cherry-Pit-Pac a few times before you store it so that it thoroughly dry." }, { "question": "How long will the Cherry-Pit-Pac last?", "answer": "A Cherry-Pit-Pac will last for a long, long time. We have been making the Cherry-Pit-Pac for 25 years and our customers tell us their Cherry-Pit-Pacs are still going strong. Adding a bit of water from time to time will keep the Cherry-Pit-Pac from drying out. Adding water will also help the Cherry-Pit-Pac heat up quicker and hold the heat longer." }, { "question": "What if the Cherry-Pit-Pac doesn't work for me?", "answer": "We understand that most people buy our product for a particular problem. If a customer is not satisfied with the product, contact us and we'll make it right!" } ]
[ { "question": "What are your baths made of?", "answer": "Polymarble is a full 2mm thickness layer of Gel-Coat resin over limestone carbonated and high grade resin core. The resins used are high quality hard-wearing pigmented Gel-Coat resins – they are not a clear coat. Our Factories have developed manufacturing processes that now produce durable composite bath. Lightweight is our lighter range of baths weighing between 110kgs and 195kgs depending on the type of bath." }, { "question": "Where are they designed and made?", "answer": "The baths are European designed but manufactured in modern compliant factories in Hong Kong and Foshan." }, { "question": "The materials on other baths appear different?", "answer": "Some retailers use slightly different materials than us and source their stone from other areas of the world – however the end product is very similar." }, { "question": "Is there a waste supplied with the bath?", "answer": "Yes, a good quality clicker waste is supplied. For an even better look, stone wastes can be purchased at an additional price." }, { "question": "Is there a flexible hose supplied with the bath?", "answer": "Yes, but these are not Australia or New Zealand certified so please do not use them. Your Plumber can easily source something local, cheap and compliant." }, { "question": "I’ve slightly scratched my bath, can this be fixed?", "answer": "Yes, in the event of minor scratching or scuffing, the surface can be lightly sanded and rebuffed." }, { "question": "Is there a recess underneath the bath?", "answer": "Yes, there is a 70 - 110mm high cavity under the bottom of the bath to allow room for piping." }, { "question": "Is the waste in the middle or at one end?", "answer": "All our baths have wastes in the middle of the bath. One bath has a waste offset to one side, however it is still located in the middle – nobody likes sitting on the waste!" }, { "question": "I’m after a bath with an overflow, where is that located?", "answer": "Generally the overflows are located in the upper middle of the bath and when the bath is installed is ideally located at the far side of the bath as you approach." }, { "question": "Why should I buy my baths/basins from you, how can I trust you?", "answer": "Stonebaths is the largest online retailer of baths and basins in Australasia. We’ve been selling bathware for 12 years in New Zealand and over 4 years in Australia. We guarantee our baths for 10 years and will replace them if you have any defects. Also see our recommendations." }, { "question": "Have you ever had any problems with supply and deliveries?", "answer": "We’d be lying if we said it happened perfectly every time. On the odd occasion we experience delays in shipping, transport issues and the like. We attempt to keep you up to date of what’s happening and will rectify any situation that has occurred to the best of our ability, even on some extreme occasions, airfreighting the product in from our supplier. Retail price is full price of one of our products that we have in stock that you want delivered within 4-6 weeks." }, { "question": "What do you mean by ‘indent’ price?", "answer": "Indent price is the discounted price of the product and is discounted because you are prepared to wait 10-12 weeks for delivery of your product." }, { "question": "Why are your baths/basins so cheap compared to other suppliers?", "answer": "We’re not set up with major overheads like the ‘bricks and mortar’ retailers. Or even the other retailers that are set up online. We’re solely an internet based business sourcing our product directly from our manufacturer, distributing out of warehouses, supplying direct to you." }, { "question": "Am I able to have a look at a bath/basin/tap?", "answer": "Yes, if you live close to one of our warehouses, we can arrange a viewing for you. Let us know what product you want to look at and we can have that ready when you call through." }, { "question": "What does “Wels rated” stand for?", "answer": "Wels stands for “Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Act and it is made to Australia and New Zealand standard AS/NZS 6400:2005 Water Efficient products – rating and labelling. Wels means that the tapware is made to a certain standard acceptable to New Zealand and Australian standards and has been tested and approved independently to meet those standards. Yes, depending on the type of bath, lightweight baths can weigh anywhere between 75kg and 200kgs. Other baths can weigh up to 300kgs. Add another 30kg for packaging." }, { "question": "How is the tapware packaged?", "answer": "Tapware is packaged in a carton, packed inside a soft bag and packed around with polystyrene. Take photos and contact us immediately. If you notice damage on arrival, then notate this on the trucking receipt and give it back to the Driver." }, { "question": "What if I discover damage to my bath/basin after having my bath delivered and stored at my place for some time?", "answer": "You are required to inspect the bath/basin within 48 hours of arrival to ascertain if there is any damage. You can do this by popping the lid easily enough. If you do this 48 hours after receiving the product, then we cannot take liability for any damage that becomes apparent." }, { "question": "When I receive my bath/basin, do I have to inspect it straight away?", "answer": "Yes, (see DAMAGE) you need to inspect it and notify us in writing of any damage within 48 hours of receiving the goods. Failure to do this within 48 hours of receipt nulls any liability that our transport company (and hence us) has for replacement of your product." }, { "question": "Will the truck driver help me get the bath/basin into the house?", "answer": "No, he is only contracted to deliver the products to the kerb. He may wheel it inside a garage for you if you ask nicely but he is not required to do this." }, { "question": "Am I able to get delivery at a certain time of day?", "answer": "No, we contract the trucking company to deliver and don’t have any control over when the delivery will be. For an additional price, we can request AM or PM delivery." }, { "question": "Can I call the trucking firm and talk to them about when my products will be delivered?", "answer": "Yes, a free phone number is available and a reference number will be given that covers your delivery in Australia. In New Zealand, our freight distribution company will contact you with an ETA." }, { "question": "What if my property is hard to access, ie steep hill, tight driveway etc?", "answer": "It is your responsibility to tell us this prior to us giving you a freight quote. If the truck is turned away because it cannot access the property, then you are liable for the extra charges involved with the delivery. By direct credit to our bank account. If it’s retail price, then the full amount immediately on receipt of the invoice. If its indent price, then 40% of the invoice amount, followed by the balance of the invoice once the product arrives in the country ready for delivery." }, { "question": "What if I don’t need the bath/basin straight away?", "answer": "We will store the bath/basin for free up for up to 3 months. After that we reserve the right to charge a storage fee. In this case, as we will be storing your bath for free, you are required to pay the balance owing on the invoice to offset the cost of free storage." } ]
[ { "question": "Do I need the owner corporation’s permission?", "answer": "The owners of the unit above me pulled up their carpet and put down a floating floor.The owners corporation approved this, but it is very noisy." }, { "question": "What can I do?", "answer": "My neighbour’s boyfriend stays over and parks his car in the visitors’ parking space every night." }, { "question": "What is common property?", "answer": "Common property is all the areas of the land and building not included in any lot. It is jointly owned by all owners, and the owners corporation is responsible for its management. • the slab dividing two storeys of the same lot, or one storey from an open space roof area or garden areas of a lot (eg. a townhouse or villa), is usually common property if the strata plan was registered after 1 July 1974, unless the registered strata plan says it is not. In addition structural cubic space is usually common property unless the registered strata plan shows that it forms part of the lot. • any cubic space enclosed by a structure enclosing any of these pipes, wires, cables or ducts. If an individual owner wants to alter or renovate any part of the common property they will also need the permission of the owners corporation. The owners corporation can decide, by special resolution at a general meeting, to pass an exclusive use by-law which gives the owner the use (not ownership) of that area of common property and makes that owner responsible for the repair and maintenance of the area [s. 51–55]. If they fail to pass such a by-law, the owners corporation will remain responsible for that part of the common property. An exclusive use by-law must be registered with LPMA within 2 years." }, { "question": "3. Who is responsible for pruning trees on the property?", "answer": "If the trees are common property, it is the owners corporation’s responsibility. If the trees are part of your lot – you are responsible, as the owner. There may be restrictions on how tall the trees on your lot are allowed to grow. For more information contact the LPMA." }, { "question": "4. Who is responsible for looking after the wheelie bins?", "answer": "5. I want to park in a section of the driveway that’s common property." }, { "question": "Do I need the owners corporation’s permission?", "answer": "Check your by-laws first. Some schemes allow pets with the permission of the owners corporation – the executive committee can give this approval. Other schemes do not allow pets at all. If your by-law allows for pets then make a written request to the owners corporation and include any information to support your request, for example, information on the type of dog, how you will look after it and so on. 7. The owners of the unit above me pulled up their carpet and put down a floating floor.The owners corporation approved this, but it is very noisy." }, { "question": "What can I do?", "answer": "8. My neighbour’s boyfriend stays over and parks his car in the visitors’ parking space every night." } ]
[ { "question": "Is it possible to test the service of SMSRING.COM before purchasing?", "answer": "Yes. Please register for a FREE Demo Account. One of the SMSRING.COM officers helps you with the demo account. SMSRING.COM offers fully functional demo account. You can select your company name or brand name (6 characters) like TD-CHUKKI as your sender id in case of transactional messages. Every account comes with Lifetime validity. It depends on the intended purpose of use. 24." }, { "question": "How to get 6 letters alphabetical sender id for promotional messages?", "answer": ".csv (Character Separated Values) file. XLS files can only read by applications that have been specially written to read their format, and can only be written in the same way. CSV file can be opened in a text editor. Yes. Hindi, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Gujrathi, Marathi, Malayalam, Oriya, Punjabi, Urdu, Sanskrit, and Bengali messages deliver through smsring.com messaging platform. Every message consumes 70 characters/credit in Unicode messaging. When you recharge (buy credits for the existing account) the newly bought credits will be added to the balance credits. 31." }, { "question": "Are there any hidden charges?", "answer": "smsring.com packages don’t have any hidden fees. Transaction charges apply on few payment modes (Bank charges in case of cash deposit and transaction fees in case of credit/debit card payment). 32." }, { "question": "How smsring.com comes to know about the depositor of the amount?", "answer": "smsring.com always expects the respective payment transaction document’s soft copy from the amount depositor along with the order form. Respective documents include scanned copy of challan, fund transfer successful transaction id, cheque number, credit/debit card transaction number, etc. 33. I am in Delhi." }, { "question": "What are the credentials of SMSRING.com?", "answer": "SMSRING.com is owned by SMSRING Technologies based in Indore, India. SMSRING.com is providing messaging services from 2014 and has a strong 20000+ loyal customers all over India as on 2019. SMSRING Technologies is a registered firm as per state and central government norms. 36." }, { "question": "How do I buy bulk sms packs from SMSRING.com?", "answer": "Contact SMSRING.com or request a FREE Bulk SMS Demo Account. One of the officers will get back to you with the ordering information. 40." } ]
[ { "question": "Thinking of switching to Project Fi?", "answer": "Google’s Project Fi is certainly very impressive and we won’t blame you if you are thinking of moving from your carrier to it. From what we have heard, the Fi network is fast, mostly reliable and the apps work like a charm. The problem though lies in the fact that Project Fi is only available for the three Nexus devices we mentioned above. But if you have one of those devices or are planning to buy one, the Project Fi should be a good choice as your network. As the name suggests, Project Fi is still just a “project” at Google but it has the potential to become something big and we hope Google makes it a full term service soon and expand the service to more countries & devices. Well, here’s hoping!" } ]
[ { "question": "How can our centre get involved in Generation Pup?", "answer": "We are asking centres to help us recruit puppy owners to sign up to ‘Generation Pup’. With so many puppies finding loving homes through rehoming centres, you have the opportunity to make a massive difference to the success of Generation Pup. The main help we need from centres is ‘spreading the word’ and enthusing the new owners of puppies about the project to help us develop a large Generation Pup community. As we are looking to recruit 10,000 puppies, we would be very grateful for any help in achieving this. We would really appreciate it if you would consider sharing information about Generation Pup by having posters for owners in your centres, sharing our news on Facebook or Twitter, telling your friends and recruiting owners coming to puppy socialisation classes. With your help we can make Generation Pup a once in a lifetime study which will have massive benefits for all of dogdom!" }, { "question": "How do I get hold of recruiting posters for owners that I can share?", "answer": "If you are interesting in placing Generation Pup recruiting posters in your centre, please email [email protected] and we will provide you with posters you can print yourself or, alternatively, we can post posters to you. We will also be able to provide instructions and digital copies of the posters if you wish to help us recruit via online methods." }, { "question": "Who should I contact if I wish to host a Generation Pup recruitment event?", "answer": "Please get in touch by emailing [email protected] and we can discuss options with you." }, { "question": "Why is Generation Pup important for dog welfare?", "answer": "Generation Pup is a ‘birth cohort study’, like the well-known “Children of the 90’s” study, which has had a massive impact on knowledge about child development, health and disease, and informed many aspects of public health policy. In our study, we plan to do the same – but for dogs! Many important welfare conditions in dogs, such as gut diseases, leg injuries, diabetes or behaviour problems are influenced by multiple factors. Other research methods used to investigate these problems are limited by perhaps only collecting some of the factors important in disease development, or being unable to identify whether the factors were present before the disease developed. This study has the great advantage of collecting information about dogs as they move through their lives – so we can identify the ages at which diseases occur and which factors might have contributed to their development." }, { "question": "Can I keep up to date with how Generation Pup is progressing?", "answer": "If you would like to be keep up to date with the latest news from Generation Pup you can sign up to receive e-mail updates. Alternatively, you can follow us on facebook.com/generationpup and twitter.com/generationpup to receive regular updates. You can also visit this website for the latest news." } ]
[ { "question": "Why should I participate in an education abroad program?", "answer": "Education abroad can sharpen your critical thinking skills, deepen your capacity for independent problem-solving, offer hands-on learning experience in your academic field, strengthen your abilities as a leader, and provide priceless global competency for the increasingly connected world of the 21st century." }, { "question": "When should I go?", "answer": "Students must have a Norwich GPA in order to study abroad and are not permitted to study abroad during the semester that they intend to graduate. Aside from that when you study abroad is up to you in consultation with your academic advisor." }, { "question": "Is there a maximum?", "answer": "Yes, you may be able to go for more than one summer and/or more than one semester. Keep in mind, it is important to meet with both the International Center and your Academic Advisor; planning is key." }, { "question": "Am I required to go to a location where I can get major/minor credit?", "answer": "Not necessarily. You should choose a location where you can take coursework that contributes to your degree completion. Some students save electives so that they have more flexibility in choosing a location. Other students, especially in the STEM fields, are more likely to need to take major/minor courses abroad." }, { "question": "How early can I start applying?", "answer": "You should start planning your overseas experience as soon as possible, but you will apply during the semester before the term that you intend to travel." }, { "question": "Can I apply to more than one program?", "answer": "You should only apply to one program at a time, but you can go abroad more than once." }, { "question": "Is there a minimum required GPA?", "answer": "All students must have a 2.5 or above GPA at Norwich. Some programs may require a higher GPA." }, { "question": "Can only certain majors study abroad?", "answer": "All majors can study abroad, but it may be more difficult for some majors to find programs that fit their schedules and degree requirements. For students like this summer, service-learning, and faculty-led programs may be the best options." }, { "question": "Do I have to speak a foreign language?", "answer": "No, there are some programs available partially or entirely in English. But you should expect that if you travel to a non-English-speaking country that you will need to learn basic communication in the local language." }, { "question": "My program requires two semesters of a college-level language — what does this mean?", "answer": "This typically means that the program wants students to have completed all of the beginning level of the language and be ready to start the intermediate level." }, { "question": "Is there a list of the courses that count for my major/minor abroad?", "answer": "In consultation with you academic advisor, you should create a list of the courses that you must take while abroad or that you have the option of taking while abroad. From that list you can search for programs that meet those course needs." }, { "question": "Will all the courses that I take be awarded Norwich credit?", "answer": "All of the courses that you PASS may be awarded Norwich credit if you have the courses approved prior to your departure. If you withdraw from of fail a course while abroad, you will not bring back credit for that course." }, { "question": "Is there a limit on the number of units I can transfer to Norwich?", "answer": "You must have completed 60 credits at Norwich by graduation in order to receive a Norwich degree and 45 of your last 60 credits must be earned at Norwich. You can transfer credits up to these limits." }, { "question": "Can I take classes on a No Credit basis?", "answer": "Some programs offer coursework, internships, or service-learning without credit. You should check whether this is offered for the program you are considering." }, { "question": "Does Norwich arrange my travel?", "answer": "The Senior Coordinator for Education Abroad will help you to make plans and logistical arrangements for your experience. This may include assistance with arrangements for flights, accommodation, in-country travel, insurance, and other travel needs." }, { "question": "What kind of travel documents will I need?", "answer": "All students need to have a valid passport from their country of citizenship in order to travel abroad. You may also need a study or work visa depending on the type of travel you are planning and how long you will be in your host country. The International Center also recommends that students traveling abroad obtain an International Student Identification Card (ISIC). You can find the application on the Forms (need link) section of the website." }, { "question": "What are the overseas living arrangements?", "answer": "These vary by program. Some programs offer residence halls. Some offer apartment-style living. Others may offer the chance to live with a host family in a homestay. I live in Norwich housing." }, { "question": "What should I do about my contract through the housing office if I go abroad?", "answer": "You should let the housing office know when you are applying to study abroad. They can arrange to dismiss you from your contract for the term that you are overseas." }, { "question": "Can I afford to study abroad?", "answer": "Almost all students can afford to study abroad if they plan carefully, take advantage of scholarship opportunities, and choose a program in their reasonable price range." }, { "question": "Can I use my financial aid to go overseas?", "answer": "You may use your federal financial aid to go overseas. International Studies majors, Chinese majors, and students traveling to the Norwich CityLab: Berlin program or one of Norwich’s exchange partners may also use their Norwich institutional aid." }, { "question": "Are there any scholarships available?", "answer": "Yes. The Politi Scholarship exists at Norwich to help students fund overseas travel. There are also national scholarships such as the Gilman (for Pell grant recipients) and the Boren as well as scholarships offered by specific programs. You can find information about these and many other scholarships on our funding page." }, { "question": "Can I work abroad?", "answer": "There are some programs that permit students to work abroad. I still have a lot of questions." }, { "question": "What should I do next?", "answer": "If you have not yet done so, you should attend an Education Abroad 101 session. Check back soon for details." } ]
[ { "question": "How long does it take to create a 3D Tour of my property?", "answer": "Typical on-site scanning takes about 30 minutes for every 1000 square feet. Add in additional 30 minutes for walk through and site prep. Commercial properties typically take slightly more time due to added complexities of non residential spaces. You will receive all 3D Tours and Photos within 24 hours of your scanning appointment. Floor plans take an additional 24 hours from the time you receive your 3D Tour. All video services have a standard 48 hour turn around time due to additional editing time and revisions by you, the client. We are able to do same day turn around for photos and 3D Tours if we are given advanced noticed." }, { "question": "Do I need to be present for my appointment?", "answer": "Yes, we have a Supra key and can gain entry to any property with a supra eKey box. It is not necessary for you to meet us at a property if the home is ready for Photos/3D Tour. We will make sure all lights are turned off and the property is secure before leaving. We actually prefer that no one is present during 3D scanning due to the fact that the camera can see in every direction, often capturing people walk around in distant rooms. Although we always prefer advanced notice, we can normally fit appointments in within several days if necessary. Because we have multiple photographers we are able to double book certain time slots depending on the scope of services ordered. We are fully insured and carry an FAA Remote Pilot Certificate license for commercial drone use." } ]
[ { "question": "Can adults benefit from fluoride treatments?", "answer": "Yes. Fluoride is important in helping the fight against tooth decay and sensitivity. Gum disease or periodontal disease is a serious infection of the gum and bone that hold your teeth in place. Gum disease causes pockets in your gums harboring harmful bacteria, where brushing and flossing can’t reach. If left untreated, gum disease can lead tooth loss and has been linked to other serious health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, pre-term labor, some forms of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. Fillings can last years, but they can eventually wear out under the daily stresses of chewing and grinding. When they do fillings can start to leak around the edges, opening the door to decay and gum disease. At your preventive care appointment, we are always on the lookout for any signs and symptoms of trouble. Flossing removes plaque from between teeth, where most cavities and gum disease begin. We recommend flossing at least once a day to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Dental sealants, a thin plastic coating bonded to the chewing surface of molars, are a safe and painless way to help protect your child’s back teeth from decay." } ]
[ { "question": "Are vintage sheets of a lesser thread count?", "answer": "I&#39;ve been wanting to sew a bunting for a fun party garland! Would love to include these with the little bit I have. Hoping to make a quilt one day when I get enough. I have a baby girl being born in June and I can totally see a vintage sheet bunting hanging in her room. However, I would love to be the winner of any of it! Your vintage sheet collection has totally inspired me! Love it! So cute! I love vintage sheets but have trouble finding them lately (taking 3 girls to the thrift shops are a bit hard now) = ) This would be so cute in their room! I would love some of this vintage goodness! I just finished piecing the blocks for a vintage sheet quilt for my sister. I do not need the temptation to spend more money so I will avoid your shop…for now. I wouldn&#39;t mind winning though. You&#39;re so kind to share! I would love to win. The vintage sheets are so beautiful. I&#39;ve never been lucky enough to find any that are as lovely as yours. And I love the bunting. I think it would look very sweet in my sewing room. Wow, that quilt in the photos is gorgeous! I didn&#39;t realize vintage sheets were so pretty! I&#39;ve been stashing vintage sheets for a year and a half, but I haven&#39;t made anything yet. The sheets are few and far between in our thrift stores here in the South, ugh! Anyway, I&#39;d love to win– pick me, pick me! So very pretty – just what I need!! !<br />NOT – but who cares! Not me! !<br />Thanks for the chance! You know what us quilters love, fabric is beautiful. I am going to make a quilt for my neighbor next door. I love love love vintage sheets… and would just go crazy over a chance to win your bunting flags… that is really a great idea! Please put my name into the hat:D thank you!!! so pretty! i can&#39;t wait for the weather to warm up. i am excited for garage sale weather! <br />garage sale = cheap vintage sheets! Sign me up for the penants! I just actually bought the charm packs from your shop. Your destashing is dangerous to me….seems I am always buying/coveting your cast-offs! LOL! Can&#39;t resist gorgeous fabric that is already cut up for me 🙂 We&#39;ll see if I get to this set before the Christmas quilt kit! I love a chance to win! I&#39;ve been wanting to start a vintage sheet collection of my own." }, { "question": "Do you have any favorite thrifting tips?", "answer": "what a lovely colours you&#39;ve used! Those are so beautiful! That is a lot of work collecting all of those! Count me in! The bunting is so sweet! It would look great in my daughter&#39;s room or on the deck for a brunch. Beautiful (and I bet soft too). Great collection! Looks like it would be a lot of fun to work with. So sweet! Would love to make this bunting! Thanks for sharing! Such perfect colors together. Love them! NEATO! I have some vintage sheets of my Grandparents that I&#39;ve been wanting to do something with… these would be a great way to round out the collection. Thanks for the giveaway – great idea! The vintage sheets are very beautiful. What a great collection. oh wow, these are gorgeous! for some reason, you just can&#39;t find amazing vintage sheets like this in NZ, I so wish we could! Don&#39;t enter me. Seriously. I am trying to destash and haven&#39;t even tackles the vintage sheets yet." }, { "question": "But how do you cut your triangles?", "answer": "Really, the size looks perfect, and knowing you, you have probably developed a nifty trick! Do share! I&#39;ll take them if Aunt Spicy wins. 😛 Would love to make a bunting and/or maybe bunting quilt. I only recently realized I like vintage sheets, which is really silly! How fun! I&#39;d love to have these. Oh I love these pretties! Super fun giveaway, thanks! I would love to make a little pennant for my daughter&#39;s room, to go along with her V.S. quilt…. wow. would love to win that pennant set! Oh I have never made a vintage sheet…..ANYTHING !<br /><br />Pick me ! I can already see it hanging in the backyard while having a fun little party with my girlfriends. I love it. Thanks for the opportunity to win something so cute. Love!! have never thought to make a bunting from vintage sheets! I do hope to win! Lovely fabric, would love a set! fabulous giveaway — I&#39;d love to win &#39;cuz vintage sheets are soooo hard to find! I&#39;m a sucker for vintage sheets. Thank you for the chance to win! I&#39;d love to make a bunting for my daughter&#39;s room – her walls are kind of bare right now. Just made my first bunting, thanks for the chance to get these beauties! ADORE! This would be just the thing for my sister&#39;s college dorm room, she would looooove it!! Lovely giveaway…My walls are bare, ready for color! I like the colors of vintage sheets, but I can&#39;t get over the fact that they are used sheets. Old used sheets. But I guess if it&#39;s a non quilt I would be ok.\nah, lovely – I love your quilt too! I love vintage sheets – great giveaway! Thank you – these are wonderful colors and a great collection! Come on…you KNOW you wanna pick me! I slept on these,,,,I know I did! What sweet little pennants! I have been cutting up my sheets and using them too~ these would look wonderful with the ones I have. 😉 Thanks for the chance! I am new to the vintage sheets craze, but totally inspired to go searching for them now. Vintage sheets are AWESOME! Thanks for the chance to win! Im going to check out your sale site. Love them! Thanks for a chance to win some of my very own! Love, love love vintage! Thanks for the giveaway. Love these vintage sheets – bunting is adorable. Thanks for the chance to win!! I would love to win and give it to my daughter! She loves vintage! I&#39;d love to win! Thanks for the chance! I&#39;ve got the perfect spot in my hall just waiting for a bunting! Thanks for putting it out there for someone lucky! Super jealous of the cool sheets you find! They are amazing! I love your vintage sheet projects – so pretty! I got some of my aunt&#39;s and great aunt&#39;s vintage sheets (they were still using them!) when they died. I sold them in the cleaning up yard sales…now after seeing your great ideas I wish I had them back! Your bunting looks so cute! I love what you&#39;ve done with yours, thanks for the chance to win some of your sweet sheets, stay blessed! Wow! I have loved seeing what you have made with the sheets! You have me looking for them when I go thrifting! It would be awesome to have those fabrics! They would feel heavenly on my very sore body. I&#39;ll have to check etsy and see if any are left. Pick me! I love the vintage sheets and the bunting would be so cute for all the baby showers I host! Vintage sheets are simply delicious to look at. It&#39;s so kind of you to do a giveaway. Hope I win. Oh that&#39;s so great of you to share. Seriously. I want these. So please, please pick me! They are adorable! This would be perfect in my niece&#39;s room! Beautiful fabric, I am really starting to like vintage sheets. Well if this isn&#39;t the sweetest giveaway yet!! I love vintage and I love buntings! This is a win-win propostition, please count me in!! This would be such a pretty bunting to hang at Easter and for birthdays. Thanks for the chance to enter the draw – the vintage sheet prints are lovely. I do not own any vintage sheets and would enjoy using these to cheer my mother. They are so pretty! You have/had collected such a great bunch of them. I have been drooling over your stash for days now. I scoured my local thrift stores but found no lovely sheets. I would love this sweet collection. Thanks for the giveaway–now I bette scurry over to your Etsy shop and see what&#39;s left. Thank you for a chance to win some beautiful sheets! so so cute! I love vintage sheets!!! Yay! What a fantastic giveaway!! Thanks so much. That bunting is so fresh and pretty. Just what we need this time of year when spring is so close but still not here. This might be a great starter project for a novice like me! These would be great in my daughters room. I love this collection! I love the look of vintage sheet sewing projects but have yet to make one. love this<br />hope my number comes up! Love these fabics! Thanks for the giveaway! A pennant out of these beauties would be perfect for my granddaughter&#39;s first birthday! You&#39;re so generous! Thanks for the chance to win. My sister needs this bunting for her kitchen mantle! Thanks for the opportunity to try to win die cut pennants! the bunting is lovely, thanks for the chance. The vintage sheet bunting is great! I promise I can give them a good home where they&#39;d be loved and cared for! I was born in the 50&#39;s and was a teen in the sixties….I would love to win these memory makers! !<br />Thanks for the chance. The Vintage Sheets are so wonderful… soft and inviting. I would love a set, thank you for sharing. I love Vintage! So glad you are hacking away! I love vintage sheets, so far I have collected…..2. Needless to say I&#39;m super excited at the idea of getting my hand on some more 🙂 thanks for the chance. I know exactly what I would do with these..I can see it in my mind&#39;s eye. I just picked up some vintage sheets at a thrift store and have been trying to find some more pieces to go with it—I&#39;d love to have some from your stash to make my quilt! Oh what a clever giveaway! The colors say &quot;spring&quot;!!! WOw! thanks for the chance to win these, they would spark up my sewing room so much! OH these are soo beautiful! I love them! that bunting is screaming my name 🙂 i didn&#39;t see any in your etsy shop so they must have sold out… so i will enter to win one instead! Beautiful fabrics! Perfect for a cheery bunting! Thanks for the inspiration. So pretty! — Would love to try this. I love them.They would look great in my daughter&#39;s bedroom. I&#39;ve been watching your blog for awhile now and just became a follower. I have recently seen many people using vintage sheets for quilts and crafting projects and am VERY excited at the possibility of winning some for myself! I&#39;d love to try using some. As one that actually slept on some of those patterns… they look better now than they did then!! !<br />I&#39;d love to make a pennent banner for the sewing room here… It really needs some spicing up! beautiful! love them! I love how re-useable they are, it makes me what to go garage saleing and find some of my own! I love it. Me please! Oh it would be fabulous to win those! I love vintage sheets- such great colors and patterns. Thanks for the opportunity! Put your foot down and sew! Wow!What a priviledge to get a chance to win those beautiful pennants! Would love to have them. I&#39;m really liking vintage lately. Bought a few of my own vintage sheets a couple weeks ago. Can&#39;t wait to have the perfect project. And count me in for the giveaway! How fun! I have been looking for vintage sheets, and a great project to use them on!!! My mother and I were just talking about wanting to do a vintage sheet project! this bunting would look fab in my girlies room! Those vintage sheets are so gorgeous and they make the loveliest bunting. I&#39;d love to make some for my little daughter&#39;s room. I have been thrifting a lot, looking for vintage sheets like these! Great giveaway–thanks! You need to teach me how you part with such beautiful fabric. I don&#39;t know that I could do it. Hope I win. Sweet looking collection! I really love the look of vintage sheets, and have a bunch from my mom, but the funny thing is that we&#39;re still *using* them as sheets! They are beautiful! I just made my first pennant banner for my husband&#39;s birthday. I just started on buntings myself! I also am in love with vintage sheet fabrics! Love these! Thanks for the giveaway chance! Beautiful! The PERFECT spring time pick me up. I love the cheery colors and patterns! Oh they are fantastic – they would look lovely strung around my camper, fluttering in the sea breeze. Would love to win these! They are so beautiful! Love these vintage sheets. Makes me think I might have an old sheet in the back of my linen closet. Will have to look. Would love to win so I could make something special. Thanks. I love your bunting! It&#39;s so springy and fresh – I would love to make one! Beautiful! Love it… just in time for spring! I&#39;ve been dying to make some pennant bunting and just saw a great idea for how they can decorate my sewing room….draped all around the window! Thanks for the great giveaway! I would love a chance to win! Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win. Very cute!! I can already picture the bunting in my front entryway welcoming in friends and springtime! What a little breathe of spring your post is bringing me. We still have so much snow. I love the colors of vintage sheets and you have such a fabulous collection. I would be over the moon to own some of those vintage sheet yummies. I haven&#39;t jumped on the vintage sheet wagon yet, maybe this would be the perfect opportunity." }, { "question": "After all, it&#39;s fabric, and who doesn&#39;t love fabric?", "answer": "Thanks for a great giveway. I would just feel so honored to win these beautiful fat quarters! I&#39;d love to make a a vintage sheet bunting for my girls! I hope I am not to late to enter. These are beautiful colors and prints. Thanks for the chance to win. congrats to susanne and thank you for giving us this chance! I follow the VS blog and am so happy to have discovered it!" } ]
[ { "question": "Q: WHERE CAN I STAND UP PADDLE BOARD?", "answer": "A: ANYWHERE THERE IS WATER! Of course there are a couple exceptions to this; the water has to be safe and deep enough so the fin doesn't hit bottom but thats really about it. You can SUP board in a lake, river, pond, swimming pool, you name it!" }, { "question": "Q:HOW FAR CAN I TAKE MY RENTAL?", "answer": "A: Anywhere you'd like! We have rentals available for one hour one day or even one week. And the longer you rent for, the cheaper (per day) the rental price is. So, if you want to paddle on your week long trip to Lake Tahoe or you're just headed up to a near by lake for the day, we have you covered." }, { "question": "The first questions you need to ask yourself to find out if Stand Up Paddle Boarding is for you are: Do you feel comfortable in water?", "answer": "If you can't swim, a river, large lake, or the ocean is not such a good place to start without a professional guide or lesson. The good news is there is always a safe place to paddle! Just make sure you consult an expert paddler or rental shop to see where to start out. Always wear a life jacket, we are confident that starting in calm shallow water you can work your way up. The second question is physical fitness, although you don't have to be a professional athlete to Stand Up Paddle, it is physically demanding and we recommend young children and less physically capable adults stay close to the shore and have a paddle buddy." }, { "question": "Last question is do you like to have fun?", "answer": "Paddle boarding is a blast and people of all ages and walks of life enjoy it." }, { "question": "Q: DO YOU SELL SUP BOARDS?", "answer": "A: Yes! Let us know what your looking for or choose one the boards you have already tried while renting. Also remember that you can get a rental Stamp Card and get a discount on a new SUP board when you have accumulated a few stamps." }, { "question": "Q: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INFLATABLE AND HARD STAND UP PADDLE BOARDS?", "answer": "A: A hard or rigid board is generally made of foam (EPS or XPS) and glassed with epoxy resin. Some hard boards are just foam. Most Inflatable boards are made of PVC and they, as expected, inflate with a hand or electric pump. In general once an inflatable has reached the proper PSI (usually 12-16PSI) it is just as rigid as a hard board. One thing that surprises people is inflatables are as durable and in most cases more durable than hard boards. For example, if you drop both an inflatable board and a hard board on the pavement from the top of a car/SUV, chances are the inflatable is fine where as the hard top board has probably endured some dents, dings or cracks that will need to be repaired. Inflatable boards are variously prone to holes if they are pressed or paddled into sharp objects. However, depending on the quality of the board, this usually takes quite a bit of force to do and patching these holes are quick and easy (you're usually back on the water in 60 minutes). Inflatables are also easier to transport because when deflated they are quite compact. Hard boards do glide better through the water but that also depends on the type, style and length of the board for both inflatable and hard boards. Another benefit to hard bards is you don't have to worry about inflation and deflation before/after a paddle. ​Both boards have pros and cons. Ask us which board would fit you best and we will give you more info!" } ]
[ { "question": "Can I fill out the FAFSA before I apply to UMD?", "answer": "Yes, you can fill out the FAFSA before you’ve submitted your college application to UMD. Our FAFSA federal school code is 002103." }, { "question": "What is the UMD priority deadline for finishing the FAFSA?", "answer": "The UMD priority deadline for submitting the FAFSA is January 1. Many aid sources have limited funding so we encourage students to apply as early as October 1, when the FAFSA becomes available." }, { "question": "If I fill out the FAFSA will I get “free money”?", "answer": "Filling out the FAFSA application tells the government and universities which financial aid awards you may qualify for. You are not guaranteed “free money” as in grants and scholarships. In some instances, your financial information may only qualify you for loans/work-study. Please read more about your options." }, { "question": "Whose tax information should be used on the FAFSA?", "answer": "If you are a dependent, you will need to use your parent's tax information. If you are an independent student you must use your income. If you are married, you must use your income combined with your spouse's income. A student's dependency status determines whose information they must report on their FAFSA. For details on how to determine your dependency status, please review the Federal Student Aid Dependency Infographic or visit studentaid.gov/dependency. My parents will no longer help me with school." }, { "question": "Can I apply for aid as an independent?", "answer": "Even if your parents choose not to help you with school, their financial information is used to determine how much they could pay and your financial aid eligibility is based upon this information. If you have a severe situation please contact us to consult with a financial aid counselor." }, { "question": "I have not been with my parents for many years, is there another way I can be independent?", "answer": "were an orphan, foster child, or ward/dependent of the court at any time since the age of 13.\nwere an emancipated minor or in legal guardianship or were when you reached the age of majority in your state. were determined to be an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or self-supporting and at risk of being homeless." }, { "question": "My parents are divorced, which information should I use?", "answer": "Students in this circumstance will fill out their FAFSA based on whether or not their parents live together. For more information please review the Who's My Parent When I Fill Out My FAFSA Infographic or visit the Federal Student Aid Parent Info page." }, { "question": "I made a mistake on my FAFSA, can I fix it?", "answer": "Yes, you can make corrections to your FAFSA. Please contact our office for further assistance at [email protected]. The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is calculated from the information you reported on your FAFSA. Your EFC is a measure of your family's financial strength and indicates how much of your and your family's financial resources could be available to help pay for your education. It is a number used internally at the Department of Education. It does not reflect your cost of education." }, { "question": "Why is my EFC different than the amount I have to pay?", "answer": "The amount you have to pay at any school may be different from your EFC because your EFC is the same at any school, this number is used for internal calculations by the government. Your cost of education is different at every institution because costs and available aid are different at every school." } ]
[ { "question": "You are here: Home | Frequently Asked Questions | Brakes | What Does It Mean When My Dashboard Brake Warning Light Keeps Flickering?", "answer": "As opposed to the (usually yellow ) ABS warning light flickering – which suggests a loose wire or faulty sensor – your car’s brake warning light (usually red ) flickering could indicate your brake pads are worn and need replacing. Alternatively, your brake fluid level may be below the minimum safe level. Don’t take risks with your brakes – they’re a critical system! If you’ve a brake warning light that’s flickering, call us now on 01538 304 306 and let us put it right – before something more serious happens." } ]
[ { "question": "Can Diabetics Have Foot Surgery?", "answer": "Many diabetics ask this question to our Hillsborough podiatrists. If you have adequate circulation and your diabetes is relatively under control you may be able to have corrective surgery. If you have a foot or ankle problem that is causing you pain, having surgery to eliminate your pain is a definite possibility. Our doctors will evaluate your feet and go over your risks with or without foot surgery." } ]
[ { "question": "If barcodes are supported, is there an easy way to enter the barcode information?", "answer": "We recommend QR Codes since they have a richer data representation capability and we expect them to replace bar codes as a standard in the future. However, we fully support legacy barcodes as well. If you chose to go with barcodes, it is mandatory that you enter the barcode numeric value in the Asset Identification Number (AIN). Using our mobile app, you can scan the barcode value directly into the AIN instead of manually entering it. Alternatively, you can also generate barcodes from EZRentOut if the relevant items have AIN associated to them (More on Label Designing). Please note that only the QRCodes generated through EZRentOut are compatible." } ]