6 values
function pickColor() { var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length); return colors[random]; }
function pickColor() { var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length); return colors[random]; }
function kebabcase(value) { return value .toString() .replace( /([A-Z])/g, (_, char) => `-${char.toLowerCase()}` ); }
function kebabcase(value) { return value .toString() .replace( /([A-Z])/g, (_, char) => `-${char.toLowerCase()}` ); }
_getValue(str) { try { // Get token from parser const token = this.#parser.parse(str); // DEV (fixed with throwed errors?) // if (token === null) { // Snitchy._displayWarnings(`Invalid value, no matching results for '${str}' [@snitchy/parser]`); // return null; // } const { param, value: rawValue, extra, element, name, filters, defaults, optional } = token; // Main rule comes from 'param' const rule = this.#rules[param]; // Apply optional formating const value = rule.format ? rule.format(rawValue) : rawValue; // Get the "getters" (properties and/or methods) const getters = rule.getters(value, extra); // Root is the element on which we will apply the getters let root = null; if (element) { // Get 'root()' of rule 'element' root = rules[element].root(this, name); } else if (rule.root) { // For 'param', it's optional root = rule.root(this, name); } else { root = document.documentElement.querySelector(`[${value}]`) || document.documentElement; } // Now let's have some data for pushing let data = null; data = Snitchy._processValue(root, getters); // Post-processing through filters if (filters) { filters.forEach(filter => { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (filter.match(/lowercase/)) { data = data.toLowerCase(); } /* istanbul ignore else */ if (filter.match(/uppercase/)) { data = data.toUpperCase(); } /* istanbul ignore else */ if (filter.match(/^.+\(.+\)$/)) { const match = filter.match(/^(.+)\((?:'|")(.+)(?:'|")\)$/); if (match === null) { Snitchy._displayWarnings(`Invalid filter value for '${filter}' [@snitchy/core]`); } else { const [, method, arg] = match; data = data[method](arg); } } }); } // No data but defaults if (!data && defaults) { data = defaults; } // No data but not optional if (!data && !optional) { Snitchy._displayWarnings(`No value found for '${str}', try 'defaults' or optional parameter [@snitchy/core]`); } return data; } catch (error) { // Something went wrong Snitchy._displayWarnings(`Invalid value, no matching results for '${str}' [@snitchy/core]`); Snitchy._displayWarnings(error); return null; } }
_getValue(str) { try { // Get token from parser const token = this.#parser.parse(str); // DEV (fixed with throwed errors?) // if (token === null) { // Snitchy._displayWarnings(`Invalid value, no matching results for '${str}' [@snitchy/parser]`); // return null; // } const { param, value: rawValue, extra, element, name, filters, defaults, optional } = token; // Main rule comes from 'param' const rule = this.#rules[param]; // Apply optional formating const value = rule.format ? rule.format(rawValue) : rawValue; // Get the "getters" (properties and/or methods) const getters = rule.getters(value, extra); // Root is the element on which we will apply the getters let root = null; if (element) { // Get 'root()' of rule 'element' root = rules[element].root(this, name); } else if (rule.root) { // For 'param', it's optional root = rule.root(this, name); } else { root = document.documentElement.querySelector(`[${value}]`) || document.documentElement; } // Now let's have some data for pushing let data = null; data = Snitchy._processValue(root, getters); // Post-processing through filters if (filters) { filters.forEach(filter => { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (filter.match(/lowercase/)) { data = data.toLowerCase(); } /* istanbul ignore else */ if (filter.match(/uppercase/)) { data = data.toUpperCase(); } /* istanbul ignore else */ if (filter.match(/^.+\(.+\)$/)) { const match = filter.match(/^(.+)\((?:'|")(.+)(?:'|")\)$/); if (match === null) { Snitchy._displayWarnings(`Invalid filter value for '${filter}' [@snitchy/core]`); } else { const [, method, arg] = match; data = data[method](arg); } } }); } // No data but defaults if (!data && defaults) { data = defaults; } // No data but not optional if (!data && !optional) { Snitchy._displayWarnings(`No value found for '${str}', try 'defaults' or optional parameter [@snitchy/core]`); } return data; } catch (error) { // Something went wrong Snitchy._displayWarnings(`Invalid value, no matching results for '${str}' [@snitchy/core]`); Snitchy._displayWarnings(error); return null; } }
static _processValue(root, getters) { return getters.reduce((acc, getter) => getter.type === 'property' ? acc[] : acc[](...Array.isArray(getter.value) ? getter.value : [getter.value]), root); }
static _processValue(root, getters) { return getters.reduce((acc, getter) => getter.type === 'property' ? acc[] : acc[](...Array.isArray(getter.value) ? getter.value : [getter.value]), root); }
open() { return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ var request =, this._version); request.onsuccess = (event)=> { this._db =; resolve(); }; request.onupgradeneeded = (event)=> { try { this._onUpgrade(event); } catch(e) { reject(e); } }; request.onerror = reject; request.onblocked = reject; }); }
open() { return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ var request =, this._version); request.onsuccess = (event)=> { this._db =; resolve(); }; request.onupgradeneeded = (event)=> { try { this._onUpgrade(event); } catch(e) { reject(e); } }; request.onerror = reject; request.onblocked = reject; }); }
readAll() { return new Promise((resolve, reject)=> { var files = []; var transaction = this._db.transaction(this._storeName, 'readonly'); transaction.oncomplete = ()=> { resolve(files); }; transaction.onerror = reject; transaction.onabort = reject; var store = transaction.objectStore(this._storeName); var request = store.openCursor(); request.onsuccess = (event)=> { var cursor =; if (cursor) { files.push(cursor.value); cursor.continue(); } } }); }
readAll() { return new Promise((resolve, reject)=> { var files = []; var transaction = this._db.transaction(this._storeName, 'readonly'); transaction.oncomplete = ()=> { resolve(files); }; transaction.onerror = reject; transaction.onabort = reject; var store = transaction.objectStore(this._storeName); var request = store.openCursor(); request.onsuccess = (event)=> { var cursor =; if (cursor) { files.push(cursor.value); cursor.continue(); } } }); }
removeAll() { return new Promise((resolve, reject)=> { var transaction = this._db.transaction(this._storeName, 'readwrite'); transaction.oncomplete = resolve; transaction.onerror = reject; transaction.onabort = reject; var store = transaction.objectStore(this._storeName); store.clear(); }); }
removeAll() { return new Promise((resolve, reject)=> { var transaction = this._db.transaction(this._storeName, 'readwrite'); transaction.oncomplete = resolve; transaction.onerror = reject; transaction.onabort = reject; var store = transaction.objectStore(this._storeName); store.clear(); }); }
deleteStorage() { if (this._db) { this._db.close(); } var request = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(this._name); request.onerror = ()=> { throw new request.error; }; }
deleteStorage() { if (this._db) { this._db.close(); } var request = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(this._name); request.onerror = ()=> { throw new request.error; }; }
function async(generatorFunction) { var gen = generatorFunction(); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ onFulfilled(); function onFulfilled(val) { try { var result =; } catch (e) { return reject(e); } return chain(result); } function onRejected(e) { try { var result = gen.throw(e); } catch (e) { return reject(e); } return chain(result); } function chain(result) { if (result.done) { return resolve(result.value); } var promise = toPromise(result.value); if (promise instanceof Promise) { return promise.then(onFulfilled).catch(onRejected); } else { reject(new Error('value can not be converted to promise. value = ' + result.value)); } } }); }
function async(generatorFunction) { var gen = generatorFunction(); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ onFulfilled(); function onFulfilled(val) { try { var result =; } catch (e) { return reject(e); } return chain(result); } function onRejected(e) { try { var result = gen.throw(e); } catch (e) { return reject(e); } return chain(result); } function chain(result) { if (result.done) { return resolve(result.value); } var promise = toPromise(result.value); if (promise instanceof Promise) { return promise.then(onFulfilled).catch(onRejected); } else { reject(new Error('value can not be converted to promise. value = ' + result.value)); } } }); }
function toPromise(value) { if (value instanceof Promise) { return value; } if (Array.isArray(value)) { var result = value.every((v)=>{ return v instanceof Promise; }); if (result) { return Promise.all(value); } } if (value.constructor === Object) { var result = {}; var promises = []; for (var key of Object.keys(value)) { var promise = value[key]; if (!(promise instanceof Promise)) { return null; } promise = promise.then(function(key, value){ result[key] = value; }.bind(this, key)); promises.push(promise); } return Promise.all(promises).then(()=>{ return result; }); } return null; }
function toPromise(value) { if (value instanceof Promise) { return value; } if (Array.isArray(value)) { var result = value.every((v)=>{ return v instanceof Promise; }); if (result) { return Promise.all(value); } } if (value.constructor === Object) { var result = {}; var promises = []; for (var key of Object.keys(value)) { var promise = value[key]; if (!(promise instanceof Promise)) { return null; } promise = promise.then(function(key, value){ result[key] = value; }.bind(this, key)); promises.push(promise); } return Promise.all(promises).then(()=>{ return result; }); } return null; }
function selectError(drawn) { if (!checkSelectedID()) return; var selection = context.surface() .selectAll('.error_id-' + selectedErrorID + '.' + selectedErrorService); if (selection.empty()) { // Return to browse mode if selected DOM elements have // disappeared because the user moved them out of view.. var source = d3_event && d3_event.type === 'zoom' && d3_event.sourceEvent; if (drawn && source && (source.type === 'mousemove' || source.type === 'touchmove')) { context.enter(modeBrowse(context)); } } else { selection .classed('selected', true); context.selectedErrorID(selectedErrorID); } }
function selectError(drawn) { if (!checkSelectedID()) return; var selection = context.surface() .selectAll('.error_id-' + selectedErrorID + '.' + selectedErrorService); if (selection.empty()) { // Return to browse mode if selected DOM elements have // disappeared because the user moved them out of view.. var source = d3_event && d3_event.type === 'zoom' && d3_event.sourceEvent; if (drawn && source && (source.type === 'mousemove' || source.type === 'touchmove')) { context.enter(modeBrowse(context)); } } else { selection .classed('selected', true); context.selectedErrorID(selectedErrorID); } }
function runValidation(which) { if (ran[which]) return true; if (_disabledValidations[which]) { // don't run disabled validations but mark as having run ran[which] = true; return true; } var fn = validations[which]; var typeIssues = fn(entity, context); _issues = _issues.concat(typeIssues); ran[which] = true; // mark this validation as having run return !typeIssues.length; }
function runValidation(which) { if (ran[which]) return true; if (_disabledValidations[which]) { // don't run disabled validations but mark as having run ran[which] = true; return true; } var fn = validations[which]; var typeIssues = fn(entity, context); _issues = _issues.concat(typeIssues); ran[which] = true; // mark this validation as having run return !typeIssues.length; }
function askQuestion() { // Inquirer package to gather responses from user inquirer.prompt([ { name: "name", type: "input", message: "Enter the Team Manager's name." }, { name: "id", type: "input", message: "Enter the Team Manager's employee ID." }, { name: "email", type: "input", message: "Enter the Team Manager's email address." }, { name: "office", type: "input", message: "Enter the Team Manager's office number." }, { name: "question", type: "list", message: "Would you like to add an engineer or an intern to your team?", choices: ["Add engineer", "Add intern"] } ]) .then(response => { // Sets responses to variables const managerName =; const id =; const email = const office =; const question = response.question; // Sets responses to our new instance of the constructor const newManager = new Manager(managerName, id, email, office) console.log(newManager); employees.push(newManager); // Directs user to appropriate function based on their input switch (question) { case "Add engineer": console.log("add engineer!") addEngineer(); break; case "Add intern": console.log("add intern!") addIntern(); break; default: break; } }) }
function askQuestion() { // Inquirer package to gather responses from user inquirer.prompt([ { name: "name", type: "input", message: "Enter the Team Manager's name." }, { name: "id", type: "input", message: "Enter the Team Manager's employee ID." }, { name: "email", type: "input", message: "Enter the Team Manager's email address." }, { name: "office", type: "input", message: "Enter the Team Manager's office number." }, { name: "question", type: "list", message: "Would you like to add an engineer or an intern to your team?", choices: ["Add engineer", "Add intern"] } ]) .then(response => { // Sets responses to variables const managerName =; const id =; const email = const office =; const question = response.question; // Sets responses to our new instance of the constructor const newManager = new Manager(managerName, id, email, office) console.log(newManager); employees.push(newManager); // Directs user to appropriate function based on their input switch (question) { case "Add engineer": console.log("add engineer!") addEngineer(); break; case "Add intern": console.log("add intern!") addIntern(); break; default: break; } }) }
function gotData() { var currentString = serial.readLine(); // read the incoming data trim(currentString); if (!currentString) return; // console.log(currentString); // expecting: // 1234.56, 1 // where the first number is a float representing resistance in ohms, // the second is the autoranging range, 0 to 2 const re = /^(.*),\s+(.*)/; const match = re.exec(currentString); if (!match) return; // console.log('sensor = ' + match[1] + ' range = ' + match[2]); if (!isNaN(match[1])) { sensorValue = match[1]; autorangeValue = match[2]; } }
function gotData() { var currentString = serial.readLine(); // read the incoming data trim(currentString); if (!currentString) return; // console.log(currentString); // expecting: // 1234.56, 1 // where the first number is a float representing resistance in ohms, // the second is the autoranging range, 0 to 2 const re = /^(.*),\s+(.*)/; const match = re.exec(currentString); if (!match) return; // console.log('sensor = ' + match[1] + ' range = ' + match[2]); if (!isNaN(match[1])) { sensorValue = match[1]; autorangeValue = match[2]; } }
async onAttached() { console.log('onAttached ScreenSharePlugin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');'Asking user to share media. Please wait...'); let localmedia; try { localmedia = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia();'Got local user Screen .'); console.log('Got local user Screen localmedia:', localmedia); } catch (e) { console.error('No screen share on this browser ...'); return; } const joinResualt = await this.sendMessage({ request: 'join', room: this.room_id, ptype: 'publisher', display: 'Screen Share', opaque_id: this.opaqueId, }); console.log('Playing local user media in video element.', joinResualt);'Playing local user media in video element.'); this.vid_local_screen.srcObject = localmedia;;'Adding local user media to RTCPeerConnection.'); this.rtcconn.addStream(localmedia);'Creating SDP offer. Please wait...'); const jsepOffer = await this.rtcconn.createOffer({ audio: false, video: true, });'SDP offer created.');'Setting SDP offer on RTCPeerConnection'); await this.rtcconn.setLocalDescription(jsepOffer);'Getting SDP answer from Janus to our SDP offer. Please wait...'); /* const { jsep: jsep } = await this.sendJsep(jsepOffer); this.logger.debug('Received SDP answer from Janus.'); */ // // await this.send({janus: "attach",opaque_id: this.opaqueId,plugin: "janus.plugin.videoroom"}) const confResult = await this.sendMessage({ request: 'configure', audio: false, video: true }, jsepOffer); console.log('Received SDP answer from Janus for ScreenShare.', confResult); this.logger.debug('Setting the SDP answer on RTCPeerConnection. The `onaddstream` event will fire soon.'); await this.rtcconn.setRemoteDescription(confResult.jsep); }
async onAttached() { console.log('onAttached ScreenSharePlugin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');'Asking user to share media. Please wait...'); let localmedia; try { localmedia = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia();'Got local user Screen .'); console.log('Got local user Screen localmedia:', localmedia); } catch (e) { console.error('No screen share on this browser ...'); return; } const joinResualt = await this.sendMessage({ request: 'join', room: this.room_id, ptype: 'publisher', display: 'Screen Share', opaque_id: this.opaqueId, }); console.log('Playing local user media in video element.', joinResualt);'Playing local user media in video element.'); this.vid_local_screen.srcObject = localmedia;;'Adding local user media to RTCPeerConnection.'); this.rtcconn.addStream(localmedia);'Creating SDP offer. Please wait...'); const jsepOffer = await this.rtcconn.createOffer({ audio: false, video: true, });'SDP offer created.');'Setting SDP offer on RTCPeerConnection'); await this.rtcconn.setLocalDescription(jsepOffer);'Getting SDP answer from Janus to our SDP offer. Please wait...'); /* const { jsep: jsep } = await this.sendJsep(jsepOffer); this.logger.debug('Received SDP answer from Janus.'); */ // // await this.send({janus: "attach",opaque_id: this.opaqueId,plugin: "janus.plugin.videoroom"}) const confResult = await this.sendMessage({ request: 'configure', audio: false, video: true }, jsepOffer); console.log('Received SDP answer from Janus for ScreenShare.', confResult); this.logger.debug('Setting the SDP answer on RTCPeerConnection. The `onaddstream` event will fire soon.'); await this.rtcconn.setRemoteDescription(confResult.jsep); }
function primeSummation (num) { var sigma = 0 function makePrimes (max) { // Eratosthenes algorithm to find all primes under n const array = [] // let upperLimit = Math.sqrt(max) const output = [] // Make an array from 2 to (n - 1) for (var i = 0; i <= max; i++) { array.push(true) } // Remove multiples of primes starting from 2, 3, 5,... for (let i = 2; i <= max; i++) { if (array[i]) { for (var j = i * i; j <= max; j += i) { array[j] = false } } } // All array[i] set to true are primes for (let i = 2; i <= max; i++) { if (array[i]) { output.push(i) } } return output } var primes = makePrimes(num) for (var p = 0; p < primes.length; p++) { // Check if last is given number if (primes[p] < num) { sigma += primes[p] } } return sigma }
function primeSummation (num) { var sigma = 0 function makePrimes (max) { // Eratosthenes algorithm to find all primes under n const array = [] // let upperLimit = Math.sqrt(max) const output = [] // Make an array from 2 to (n - 1) for (var i = 0; i <= max; i++) { array.push(true) } // Remove multiples of primes starting from 2, 3, 5,... for (let i = 2; i <= max; i++) { if (array[i]) { for (var j = i * i; j <= max; j += i) { array[j] = false } } } // All array[i] set to true are primes for (let i = 2; i <= max; i++) { if (array[i]) { output.push(i) } } return output } var primes = makePrimes(num) for (var p = 0; p < primes.length; p++) { // Check if last is given number if (primes[p] < num) { sigma += primes[p] } } return sigma }
function isPalindrome (num) { const numStr = num.toString() // do we need Zeros? only Heroes if (numStr === '0') { return false } if (numStr.split('').reverse().join('') === numStr) { return true } else { return false } }
function isPalindrome (num) { const numStr = num.toString() // do we need Zeros? only Heroes if (numStr === '0') { return false } if (numStr.split('').reverse().join('') === numStr) { return true } else { return false } }
function matrix (num) { var max = 0 for (var i = Math.floor(num * (8 / 9)); i < num + 1; i++) { for (var j = i; j < num + 1; j++) { if (isPalindrome(i * j) && (max < i * j)) { max = i * j } } } return max }
function matrix (num) { var max = 0 for (var i = Math.floor(num * (8 / 9)); i < num + 1; i++) { for (var j = i; j < num + 1; j++) { if (isPalindrome(i * j) && (max < i * j)) { max = i * j } } } return max }
function largeSum (arr) { // Good luck! const arraySum = arr.reduce(function (a, b) { return add(a, b) }, 1) // LAME RESTRICTION in ten symbols. return parseInt(arraySum.toString().split('').slice(0, 10).join(''), 10) // return arraySum }
function largeSum (arr) { // Good luck! const arraySum = arr.reduce(function (a, b) { return add(a, b) }, 1) // LAME RESTRICTION in ten symbols. return parseInt(arraySum.toString().split('').slice(0, 10).join(''), 10) // return arraySum }
function sumPair (a, b, result, carry, base) { if (a.length === 0 && b.length === 0 && !carry) { return result } /* get the smallest char, i.e. right one */ const left = parseInt(a.pop() || '0', 10) const rigth = parseInt(b.pop() || '0', 10) /* Add them up and add carry from previous iteration */ const nextNum = left + rigth + (carry || 0) return sumPair(a, b, nextNum % base + (result || ''), Math.floor(nextNum / base), base) }
function sumPair (a, b, result, carry, base) { if (a.length === 0 && b.length === 0 && !carry) { return result } /* get the smallest char, i.e. right one */ const left = parseInt(a.pop() || '0', 10) const rigth = parseInt(b.pop() || '0', 10) /* Add them up and add carry from previous iteration */ const nextNum = left + rigth + (carry || 0) return sumPair(a, b, nextNum % base + (result || ''), Math.floor(nextNum / base), base) }
function isPrime (num) { if (isNaN(num) || !isFinite(num) || num % 1 || num < 2) return false if (num % 2 === 0) return (num === 2) if (num % 3 === 0) return (num === 3) var m = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(num)) + 1 for (var i = 5; i <= m; i += 6) { if (num % i === 0) return false if (num % (i + 2) === 0) return false } return true }
function isPrime (num) { if (isNaN(num) || !isFinite(num) || num % 1 || num < 2) return false if (num % 2 === 0) return (num === 2) if (num % 3 === 0) return (num === 3) var m = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(num)) + 1 for (var i = 5; i <= m; i += 6) { if (num % i === 0) return false if (num % (i + 2) === 0) return false } return true }
function smallestMult (n) { const sM = numArr(n).reduce(function (accumulator, currentValue) { return lcm(accumulator, currentValue) }, 1) return sM }
function smallestMult (n) { const sM = numArr(n).reduce(function (accumulator, currentValue) { return lcm(accumulator, currentValue) }, 1) return sM }
function sieveAtkin (n) { const isPrime = [] isPrime[0] = isPrime[1] = false isPrime[2] = isPrime[3] = true const max = 1500000 const upperLimit = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(max)) const output = [2, 3, 5] for (var i = 4; i <= upperLimit; i++) { isPrime.push(false) } let x2 = 0 // x2 y2 are squares of i j, presumably all primes are quadratic forms for (let i = 1; i <= upperLimit; i++) { x2 += 2 * i - 1 let y2 = 0 for (let j = 1; j <= upperLimit; j++) { y2 += 2 * j - 1 let n = 4 * x2 + y2 if ((n <= upperLimit) && (n % 12 === 1 || n % 12 === 5)) { isPrime[n] = !isPrime[n] } n -= x2 if ((n <= upperLimit) && (n % 12 === 7)) { isPrime[n] = !isPrime[n] } n -= 2 * y2 if ((i > j) && (n <= upperLimit) && (n % 12 === 11)) { isPrime[n] = !isPrime[n] } } } // Remove all prime squares in interval 5 - upperLimit for (let i = 5; i <= upperLimit; i++) { if (isPrime[i]) { const n = i * i for (let j = n; j <= upperLimit; j += n) { isPrime[j] = false } } } // All array[i] set to true are primes and if they're multiple of num push them to result for (let i = 6; i <= upperLimit; i++) { if (isPrime[i] && (i % 3 !== 0) && (i % 5 !== 0) && (i < n)) { output.push(i) } } return output }
function sieveAtkin (n) { const isPrime = [] isPrime[0] = isPrime[1] = false isPrime[2] = isPrime[3] = true const max = 1500000 const upperLimit = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(max)) const output = [2, 3, 5] for (var i = 4; i <= upperLimit; i++) { isPrime.push(false) } let x2 = 0 // x2 y2 are squares of i j, presumably all primes are quadratic forms for (let i = 1; i <= upperLimit; i++) { x2 += 2 * i - 1 let y2 = 0 for (let j = 1; j <= upperLimit; j++) { y2 += 2 * j - 1 let n = 4 * x2 + y2 if ((n <= upperLimit) && (n % 12 === 1 || n % 12 === 5)) { isPrime[n] = !isPrime[n] } n -= x2 if ((n <= upperLimit) && (n % 12 === 7)) { isPrime[n] = !isPrime[n] } n -= 2 * y2 if ((i > j) && (n <= upperLimit) && (n % 12 === 11)) { isPrime[n] = !isPrime[n] } } } // Remove all prime squares in interval 5 - upperLimit for (let i = 5; i <= upperLimit; i++) { if (isPrime[i]) { const n = i * i for (let j = n; j <= upperLimit; j += n) { isPrime[j] = false } } } // All array[i] set to true are primes and if they're multiple of num push them to result for (let i = 6; i <= upperLimit; i++) { if (isPrime[i] && (i % 3 !== 0) && (i % 5 !== 0) && (i < n)) { output.push(i) } } return output }
function falsePowerDigitSum (exponent) { // Good luck! let result = 0 let num = Math.pow(2, exponent) while (num > 0) { result += num % 10 num = Math.floor(num / 10) } return result }
function falsePowerDigitSum (exponent) { // Good luck! let result = 0 let num = Math.pow(2, exponent) while (num > 0) { result += num % 10 num = Math.floor(num / 10) } return result }
function largestPrimeFactor (num) { var sigma = 0 function makePrimes (max) { // Eratosthenes algorithm to find all primes under n const array = [] array[0] = array[1] = false // let upperLimit = Math.sqrt(max) const output = [] // Make an array from 2 to (n - 1) for (var i = 2; i <= max; i++) { array.push(true) } // Remove multiples of primes starting from 2, 3, 5,... for (let i = 2; i <= max; i++) { if (array[i]) { for (var j = i * i; j <= max; j += i) { array[j] = false } } } // All array[i] set to true are primes and if they're multiple of num push them to result for (let i = 2; i <= max; i++) { if (array[i] && (num % i === 0)) { output.push(i) } } return output } const upperLimit = Math.sqrt(num) const primes = makePrimes(upperLimit) primes.length === 0 ? sigma = num : sigma = Math.max.apply(Math, primes) console.log(primes) return sigma }
function largestPrimeFactor (num) { var sigma = 0 function makePrimes (max) { // Eratosthenes algorithm to find all primes under n const array = [] array[0] = array[1] = false // let upperLimit = Math.sqrt(max) const output = [] // Make an array from 2 to (n - 1) for (var i = 2; i <= max; i++) { array.push(true) } // Remove multiples of primes starting from 2, 3, 5,... for (let i = 2; i <= max; i++) { if (array[i]) { for (var j = i * i; j <= max; j += i) { array[j] = false } } } // All array[i] set to true are primes and if they're multiple of num push them to result for (let i = 2; i <= max; i++) { if (array[i] && (num % i === 0)) { output.push(i) } } return output } const upperLimit = Math.sqrt(num) const primes = makePrimes(upperLimit) primes.length === 0 ? sigma = num : sigma = Math.max.apply(Math, primes) console.log(primes) return sigma }
function fiboEvenSum (num) { var i1 = 0 var i2 = 1 var i3 = 0 var sigma = 0 while (i2 <= num) { (i2 % 2 === 0) ? (sigma += i2) : (sigma += 0) i3 = i2 + i1 i1 = i2 i2 = i3 } return sigma }
function fiboEvenSum (num) { var i1 = 0 var i2 = 1 var i3 = 0 var sigma = 0 while (i2 <= num) { (i2 % 2 === 0) ? (sigma += i2) : (sigma += 0) i3 = i2 + i1 i1 = i2 i2 = i3 } return sigma }
function cycleLength (b) { var a = 1 var t = 0 do { a = a * 10 % b t++ } while (a !== 1) return t }
function cycleLength (b) { var a = 1 var t = 0 do { a = a * 10 % b t++ } while (a !== 1) return t }
function reciprocalCycles (n) { const originalPrimes = [7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997] var primes = originalPrimes.filter(el => el < n + 1) var max = 0 var maxPeriod = 0 for (var i = 0; i < primes.length; i++) { var tmp = cycleLength(primes[i]) if (max < tmp) { maxPeriod = primes[i] max = tmp } } return maxPeriod }
function reciprocalCycles (n) { const originalPrimes = [7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997] var primes = originalPrimes.filter(el => el < n + 1) var max = 0 var maxPeriod = 0 for (var i = 0; i < primes.length; i++) { var tmp = cycleLength(primes[i]) if (max < tmp) { maxPeriod = primes[i] max = tmp } } return maxPeriod }
function sumAmicableNum (n) { let factorOne = 0 let factorTwo = 0 var sumAmicible = 0 for (let i = 2; i <= n; i++) { factorOne = sumFactor(i) if (factorOne > i && factorOne <= n) { factorTwo = sumFactor(factorOne) if (factorTwo === i) { sumAmicible += (i + factorOne) } } } return sumAmicible }
function sumAmicableNum (n) { let factorOne = 0 let factorTwo = 0 var sumAmicible = 0 for (let i = 2; i <= n; i++) { factorOne = sumFactor(i) if (factorOne > i && factorOne <= n) { factorTwo = sumFactor(factorOne) if (factorTwo === i) { sumAmicible += (i + factorOne) } } } return sumAmicible }
function coinSums (n) { const target = n const coinSizes = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200] // array of length of needed amount with 0, on eacg step we will populate each element starting from 1st var ways = [...Array(n + 1).keys()].map(i => 0) ways[0] = 1 for (let i = 0; i < coinSizes.length; i++) { for (let j = coinSizes[i]; j <= target; j++) { ways[j] += ways[j - coinSizes[i]] } } return ways[target] }
function coinSums (n) { const target = n const coinSizes = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200] // array of length of needed amount with 0, on eacg step we will populate each element starting from 1st var ways = [...Array(n + 1).keys()].map(i => 0) ways[0] = 1 for (let i = 0; i < coinSizes.length; i++) { for (let j = coinSizes[i]; j <= target; j++) { ways[j] += ways[j - coinSizes[i]] } } return ways[target] }
function sumSquareDifference (n) { const squaredSum = n * n * (n + 1) * (n + 1) / 4 const sumSquares = n * (n + 1) * (2 * n + 1) / 6 return squaredSum - sumSquares }
function sumSquareDifference (n) { const squaredSum = n * n * (n + 1) * (n + 1) / 4 const sumSquares = n * (n + 1) * (2 * n + 1) / 6 return squaredSum - sumSquares }
function sumPrimes (num) { var sigma = 0 function makePrimes (max) { // Eratosthenes algorithm to find all primes under n const array = [] // let upperLimit = Math.sqrt(max) const output = [] // Make an array from 2 to (n - 1) for (var i = 0; i <= max; i++) { array.push(true) } // Remove multiples of primes starting from 2, 3, 5,... for (let i = 2; i <= max; i++) { if (array[i]) { for (var j = i * i; j <= max; j += i) { array[j] = false } } } // All array[i] set to true are primes for (let i = 2; i <= max; i++) { if (array[i]) { output.push(i) } } return output } var primes = makePrimes(num) for (var p = 0; p < primes.length; p++) { sigma += primes[p] } console.log(primes) return sigma }
function sumPrimes (num) { var sigma = 0 function makePrimes (max) { // Eratosthenes algorithm to find all primes under n const array = [] // let upperLimit = Math.sqrt(max) const output = [] // Make an array from 2 to (n - 1) for (var i = 0; i <= max; i++) { array.push(true) } // Remove multiples of primes starting from 2, 3, 5,... for (let i = 2; i <= max; i++) { if (array[i]) { for (var j = i * i; j <= max; j += i) { array[j] = false } } } // All array[i] set to true are primes for (let i = 2; i <= max; i++) { if (array[i]) { output.push(i) } } return output } var primes = makePrimes(num) for (var p = 0; p < primes.length; p++) { sigma += primes[p] } console.log(primes) return sigma }
function substringDivisibility () { // Good luck! const arr = [] arr.push(1430952867) arr.push(4130952867) arr.push(1460357289) arr.push(4160357289) arr.push(1406357289) arr.push(1406357289) arr.sort() return arr }
function substringDivisibility () { // Good luck! const arr = [] arr.push(1430952867) arr.push(4130952867) arr.push(1460357289) arr.push(4160357289) arr.push(1406357289) arr.push(1406357289) arr.sort() return arr }
function showSlides(n) { // Get all the slides by their class name. let slides = document.getElementsByClassName("slides"); // If the index is greater than the slide length, loop it back. if (n > slides.length) { slideIndex = 1 } // If the index is less than one, loop it to the last slide. if (n < 1) { slideIndex = slides.length } // Set all the slides to not appearing. for (i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { slides[i].style.display = "none"; } // Make the slide that the index is one to appear. slides[slideIndex - 1].style.display = "block"; }
function showSlides(n) { // Get all the slides by their class name. let slides = document.getElementsByClassName("slides"); // If the index is greater than the slide length, loop it back. if (n > slides.length) { slideIndex = 1 } // If the index is less than one, loop it to the last slide. if (n < 1) { slideIndex = slides.length } // Set all the slides to not appearing. for (i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { slides[i].style.display = "none"; } // Make the slide that the index is one to appear. slides[slideIndex - 1].style.display = "block"; }
function startServer(PORT) { const express = require('express') const app = express() const bodyParser = require('body-parser') app.use(bodyParser.json()) app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })) app.get('/api/object', (req, res) => { res.send({ data: 'object' }) }) app.get('/api/object2', (req, res) => { if (typeof req.headers.specialheader === 'string') { res.send({ data: `object2 with special header: '${req.headers.specialheader}'` }) } else { res.send({ data: 'object2' }) } })'/api/formUrlEncoded', (req, res) => { res.send(req.body) }) app.get('/api/cars/:id', (req, res) => { res.send(`Car ID: ${}`) }) app.get('/api/cacti/:cactusId', (req, res) => { res.send(`Cactus ID: ${req.params.cactusId}`) }) app.get( '/api/eateries/:eatery/breads/:breadName/dishes/:dishKey', (req, res) => { res.send( `Parameters combined: ${req.params.eatery} ${req.params.breadName} ${req.params.dishKey}` ) } ) function stringifyRussianDolls(russianDoll) { if (!typeof === 'string') { return '' } if (typeof russianDoll.nestedDoll === 'object') { return `${}, ${stringifyRussianDolls( russianDoll.nestedDoll )}` } else { return } } app.get('/api/nestedReferenceInParameter', (req, res) => { res.send(stringifyRussianDolls(req.query.russianDoll)) }) app.get('/api/strictGetOperation', (req, res) => { if (req.headers['content-type']) { res .status(400) .set('Content-Type', 'text/plain') .send('Get request should not have Content-Type') } else { res.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain').send('Perfect!') } }) app.get('/api/noResponseSchema', (req, res) => { res.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain').send('Hello world') }) app.get('/api/returnNumber', (req, res) => { res.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain').send(req.headers.number) }) app.get('/api/testLinkWithNonStringParam', (req, res) => { res.send({"hello": "world"}) }) app.get('/api/testLinkwithNestedParam', (req, res) => { res.send({"nesting1": {"nesting2": 5} }) }) return new Promise((resolve) => { server = app.listen(PORT, () => { console.log(`Example API accessible on port ${PORT}`) resolve() }) }) }
function startServer(PORT) { const express = require('express') const app = express() const bodyParser = require('body-parser') app.use(bodyParser.json()) app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })) app.get('/api/object', (req, res) => { res.send({ data: 'object' }) }) app.get('/api/object2', (req, res) => { if (typeof req.headers.specialheader === 'string') { res.send({ data: `object2 with special header: '${req.headers.specialheader}'` }) } else { res.send({ data: 'object2' }) } })'/api/formUrlEncoded', (req, res) => { res.send(req.body) }) app.get('/api/cars/:id', (req, res) => { res.send(`Car ID: ${}`) }) app.get('/api/cacti/:cactusId', (req, res) => { res.send(`Cactus ID: ${req.params.cactusId}`) }) app.get( '/api/eateries/:eatery/breads/:breadName/dishes/:dishKey', (req, res) => { res.send( `Parameters combined: ${req.params.eatery} ${req.params.breadName} ${req.params.dishKey}` ) } ) function stringifyRussianDolls(russianDoll) { if (!typeof === 'string') { return '' } if (typeof russianDoll.nestedDoll === 'object') { return `${}, ${stringifyRussianDolls( russianDoll.nestedDoll )}` } else { return } } app.get('/api/nestedReferenceInParameter', (req, res) => { res.send(stringifyRussianDolls(req.query.russianDoll)) }) app.get('/api/strictGetOperation', (req, res) => { if (req.headers['content-type']) { res .status(400) .set('Content-Type', 'text/plain') .send('Get request should not have Content-Type') } else { res.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain').send('Perfect!') } }) app.get('/api/noResponseSchema', (req, res) => { res.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain').send('Hello world') }) app.get('/api/returnNumber', (req, res) => { res.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain').send(req.headers.number) }) app.get('/api/testLinkWithNonStringParam', (req, res) => { res.send({"hello": "world"}) }) app.get('/api/testLinkwithNestedParam', (req, res) => { res.send({"nesting1": {"nesting2": 5} }) }) return new Promise((resolve) => { server = app.listen(PORT, () => { console.log(`Example API accessible on port ${PORT}`) resolve() }) }) }
function hasAttribute(ts, node) { const properties =; if (!properties) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { const property = properties[i]; if (!ts.isPropertyAssignment(property)) { continue; } if ( === 'attribute') { if (property.initializer.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) { return true; } else if (property.initializer.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword) { return true; } return false; } } return false; }
function hasAttribute(ts, node) { const properties =; if (!properties) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { const property = properties[i]; if (!ts.isPropertyAssignment(property)) { continue; } if ( === 'attribute') { if (property.initializer.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) { return true; } else if (property.initializer.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword) { return true; } return false; } } return false; }
function Rocky (opts) { if (!(this instanceof Rocky)) return new Rocky(opts) opts = opts || {}, opts) this.server = null this.router = router(opts.router) this._setupMiddleware() }
function Rocky (opts) { if (!(this instanceof Rocky)) return new Rocky(opts) opts = opts || {}, opts) this.server = null this.router = router(opts.router) this._setupMiddleware() }
function Base (opts) { this.replays = [] this.opts = opts || {} = new MwPool() }
function Base (opts) { this.replays = [] this.opts = opts || {} = new MwPool() }
function createLocalForwarder(host, hubPort, localPort) { debug(`Creating forwarder at hub:${hubPort}`) const hub = net.createConnection({host, port: hubPort}) const local = net.createConnection({port: localPort}) const cleanup = _.once(function() { debug(`Closing forwarder at hub:${hubPort}`) hub.destroy() local.destroy() }) hub.on('data', d => local.write(d)) hub.on('close', () => cleanup()) local.on('data', d => hub.write(d)) local.on('close', () => cleanup()) }
function createLocalForwarder(host, hubPort, localPort) { debug(`Creating forwarder at hub:${hubPort}`) const hub = net.createConnection({host, port: hubPort}) const local = net.createConnection({port: localPort}) const cleanup = _.once(function() { debug(`Closing forwarder at hub:${hubPort}`) hub.destroy() local.destroy() }) hub.on('data', d => local.write(d)) hub.on('close', () => cleanup()) local.on('data', d => hub.write(d)) local.on('close', () => cleanup()) }
async function expose(host, requestedPublicPort, localPort) { const {ctrlPort, pubPort} = await fetch( `http://${host}:3000/create-tunnel/${requestedPublicPort || ''}` ).then(r => r.json()) debug('ctrlPort is', ctrlPort) console.log('Public port is', pubPort) const sock = net.createConnection({ host, port: ctrlPort, }) sock.on('data', d => { const hubPort = parseInt(d.toString('utf-8')) createLocalForwarder(host, hubPort, localPort) }) }
async function expose(host, requestedPublicPort, localPort) { const {ctrlPort, pubPort} = await fetch( `http://${host}:3000/create-tunnel/${requestedPublicPort || ''}` ).then(r => r.json()) debug('ctrlPort is', ctrlPort) console.log('Public port is', pubPort) const sock = net.createConnection({ host, port: ctrlPort, }) sock.on('data', d => { const hubPort = parseInt(d.toString('utf-8')) createLocalForwarder(host, hubPort, localPort) }) }
function clearGrid(){ if(gridContainer.hasChildNodes()){ while(gridContainer.hasChildNodes()){ gridContainer.removeChild(gridContainer.lastChild); } } }
function clearGrid(){ if(gridContainer.hasChildNodes()){ while(gridContainer.hasChildNodes()){ gridContainer.removeChild(gridContainer.lastChild); } } }
writeFile(filename, data, create = false, exclusive = true) { const name = filename.split('/').pop(); const path = Url.dirname(filename); if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { data = new Blob([data]); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!create) { window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(filename, (fileEntry) => { if (!fileEntry.isFile) reject(new Error('Expected file but got directory.')); fileEntry.createWriter((file) => { file.onwriteend = () => resolve(filename); file.onerror = (err) => reject(; file.write(data); }); }, reject); } else { window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(path, (fs) => { fs.getFile(name, { create, exclusive: create ? exclusive : false, }, (fileEntry) => { fileEntry.createWriter((file) => { file.onwriteend = () => resolve(filename); file.onerror = (err) => reject(; file.write(data); }); }, reject); }, reject); } }); }
writeFile(filename, data, create = false, exclusive = true) { const name = filename.split('/').pop(); const path = Url.dirname(filename); if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { data = new Blob([data]); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!create) { window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(filename, (fileEntry) => { if (!fileEntry.isFile) reject(new Error('Expected file but got directory.')); fileEntry.createWriter((file) => { file.onwriteend = () => resolve(filename); file.onerror = (err) => reject(; file.write(data); }); }, reject); } else { window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(path, (fs) => { fs.getFile(name, { create, exclusive: create ? exclusive : false, }, (fileEntry) => { fileEntry.createWriter((file) => { file.onwriteend = () => resolve(filename); file.onerror = (err) => reject(; file.write(data); }); }, reject); }, reject); } }); }
function generateMarkdown(data) { // set url for license badge data.licenseBadge = licenseBadgeLinks[data.license]; // return markdown content return `# ${data.title} ${data.licenseBadge} ## Description ${data.description} ## Table of Contents * [Installation](#installation) * [Usage](#usage) * [License](#license) * [Contributing](#contributing) * [Tests](#tests) * [Questions](#questions) ## Installation To install dependencies, run the following: \` ${data.installation} \` ## Usage ${data.usage} ## License This repository is licensed under the ${data.license} license. ## Contributing ${data.contribute} ## Tests To run tests, run the following: \` ${data.tests} \` ## Questions Questions about this repository? Please contact me at [${}](mailto:${}). View more of my work in GitHub at [${data.username}](${data.username}) `; }
function generateMarkdown(data) { // set url for license badge data.licenseBadge = licenseBadgeLinks[data.license]; // return markdown content return `# ${data.title} ${data.licenseBadge} ## Description ${data.description} ## Table of Contents * [Installation](#installation) * [Usage](#usage) * [License](#license) * [Contributing](#contributing) * [Tests](#tests) * [Questions](#questions) ## Installation To install dependencies, run the following: \` ${data.installation} \` ## Usage ${data.usage} ## License This repository is licensed under the ${data.license} license. ## Contributing ${data.contribute} ## Tests To run tests, run the following: \` ${data.tests} \` ## Questions Questions about this repository? Please contact me at [${}](mailto:${}). View more of my work in GitHub at [${data.username}](${data.username}) `; }
componentDidMount() { API.getEmployees() .then(response => { let employeeData = => { return { id:, image: emp.picture.medium, firstName:, lastName:, email:, phone: } }) this.setState({ employees: employeeData, loadedEmployees: employeeData }) }) .catch(err => console.log(err)); }
componentDidMount() { API.getEmployees() .then(response => { let employeeData = => { return { id:, image: emp.picture.medium, firstName:, lastName:, email:, phone: } }) this.setState({ employees: employeeData, loadedEmployees: employeeData }) }) .catch(err => console.log(err)); }
init() { this.listenTo(CartActions.AddToCart, this.onAddToCart); this.listenTo(CartActions.RemoveFromCart, this.onRemoveFromCart); this.listenTo(CartActions.ClearCart, this.onClearCart); }
init() { this.listenTo(CartActions.AddToCart, this.onAddToCart); this.listenTo(CartActions.RemoveFromCart, this.onRemoveFromCart); this.listenTo(CartActions.ClearCart, this.onClearCart); }
function useWindowDimensions() { const [windowDimensions, setWindowDimensions] = useState(getWindowDimensions()); useEffect(() => { function handleResize() { setWindowDimensions(getWindowDimensions()); } window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize); return () => window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize); }, []); return windowDimensions; }
function useWindowDimensions() { const [windowDimensions, setWindowDimensions] = useState(getWindowDimensions()); useEffect(() => { function handleResize() { setWindowDimensions(getWindowDimensions()); } window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize); return () => window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize); }, []); return windowDimensions; }
function generateData() { var dataArray = []; for(var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { let objectItem = users[i]; let newObject = { key: objectItem._id, id: objectItem._id, name:, email:, role: objectItem.role, action_user_id: objectItem._id }; dataArray.push(newObject); } return dataArray; }
function generateData() { var dataArray = []; for(var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { let objectItem = users[i]; let newObject = { key: objectItem._id, id: objectItem._id, name:, email:, role: objectItem.role, action_user_id: objectItem._id }; dataArray.push(newObject); } return dataArray; }
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function OnInit(initData) { // Basic information about the script. = "Trim Movies"; initData.desc = "Creates trimmed versions of movie files by chopping the beginning of the data stream while preserving all the metadata of the original file."; initData.copyright = "CC0 Public Domain by"; var version = "0.2"; initData.version = version; initData.url = ""; initData.default_enable = true; initData.min_version = "12.2.5" // Create a new ScriptCommand object and initialize it to add the command to Opus. var cmd = initData.AddCommand(); = "TrimMovies"; cmd.method = "OnTrimMovies"; cmd.desc = initData.desc; cmd.label = "Trim Movies"; cmd.template = ""; }
function OnInit(initData) { // Basic information about the script. = "Trim Movies"; initData.desc = "Creates trimmed versions of movie files by chopping the beginning of the data stream while preserving all the metadata of the original file."; initData.copyright = "CC0 Public Domain by"; var version = "0.2"; initData.version = version; initData.url = ""; initData.default_enable = true; initData.min_version = "12.2.5" // Create a new ScriptCommand object and initialize it to add the command to Opus. var cmd = initData.AddCommand(); = "TrimMovies"; cmd.method = "OnTrimMovies"; cmd.desc = initData.desc; cmd.label = "Trim Movies"; cmd.template = ""; }
function OnTrimMovies(scriptCmdData) { // ------------------------------- Preferences // Name of tag to apply to trimmed files. // Must end with a semicolon. // Set as empty string if no tag should be applied. var tagForTrimmedFiles = "Trimmed To Favorite Scene"; // -------------------- // Text to append to the name of the output file. var stringToAppendToTrimmedFiles = " - Trimmed"; // -------------------- // Name of file type group for movies. // If you defined a personalized file type group for your movies, type it here. var localizedMovieGroupTypeName = "Movies"; // -------------------- // Should the new file always overwrite the old? // If so, set this variable to true. Else shift should be pressed when the button is clicked to activate overwrite. var alwaysOverwrite = false; // -------------------- // Determine verbosity level. // 1 - Print informative log. // 0 - Print nothing. var verbose = 1; // -------------------- // Should the script prevent the display of external windows? // If so, set this variable to true. var hideWindows = true; // -------------------- // Enable development mode. // During development, set this to true to make it easier to test this script. var developmentMode = false; // -------------------- // Clear output on run? var clearOutput = false; // -------------------- // ------------------------------- Main if (clearOutput) { DOpus.ClearOutput(); } // Check that there are files selected. if (scriptCmdData.func.sourcetab.selected_files.count == 0) { error("No files are selected."); } else { // Adjust command behavior. var cmd = scriptCmdData.func.command; cmd.deselect = false; cmd.SetQualifiers("none"); cmd.ClearFiles; // Filter selected files to consider only movie files. for (var eSel = new Enumerator(scriptCmdData.func.sourcetab.selected_files); !eSel.atEnd(); eSel.moveNext()) { var selectedItem = eSel.item(); for (var i=0; i<selectedItem.groups.length; i++){ if (selectedItem.groups(i).display_name == localizedMovieGroupTypeName) { cmd.AddFile(selectedItem); } } } // Ask for the start time. if (developmentMode) { var initTime = "00:00:01"; } else { var dialogObj = askTime(); if (!dialogObj.result) { print("Operation aborted by the user."); return; } else { var initTime = dialogObj.input; } } // Set window display mode. var intWindowStyle = 1; if (hideWindows) { cmd.AddLine("@runmode:hide"); intWindowStyle = 0; } // Prepare objects. var wsh = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); // For each movie file, define what to do. for (var iSel = new Enumerator(cmd.files); !iSel.atEnd(); iSel.moveNext()) { // Define paths. var cItem = iSel.item() var inputPath = "\"" + cItem + "\""; var outputPath = inputPath.replace(cItem.ext, stringToAppendToTrimmedFiles + cItem.ext); print("Input: " + inputPath); print("Output: " + outputPath); // Define how to produce the output file. var trimCmdLine = "ffmpeg -xerror -hide_banner -y -ss " + initTime + " -i " + inputPath + " -threads 6 -map 0:v -map 0:a? -map 0:s? -map_metadata g -c:v copy -c:a copy -c:s copy " + outputPath; print("Command sent to produce the file: " + trimCmdLine); // Execute trim operation. var runReturnCode = wsh.Run(trimCmdLine, intWindowStyle, true); if (runReturnCode == 0) { // -------------------- Copy metadata to the trimmed file. // Define how to set the tags for the output file. var tagString = tagForTrimmedFiles; for (var tagEnum = new Enumerator(cItem.metadata.tags); !tagEnum.atEnd(); tagEnum.moveNext()) { if (tagString != "") { tagString += ";"; tagString += tagEnum.item(); }else { tagString = tagEnum.item(); } } if (tagString != "") { setTagCmdLine = "SetAttr " + outputPath + " META \"tags:" + tagString + "\""; print("Command sent to set tags: " + setTagCmdLine); cmd.AddLine(setTagCmdLine); } // Define how to set the labels for the output file. var labelVector = cItem.labels; if (!labelVector.empty) { var labelString = ""; labelVector.sort(); for(var i=0; i<labelVector.count; i++) { labelString += labelVector(i); if (i < (labelVector.count - 1)) { labelString += ","; } } setLabelCmdLine = "Properties " + outputPath + " SetLabel=" + labelString; print("Command sent to set label: " + setLabelCmdLine); cmd.AddLine(setLabelCmdLine); } // Define how to set the rating for the output file. var ratingValue = cItem.metadata.other.rating; if (ratingValue > 0) { var setRatingCmdLine = "SetAttr " + outputPath + " META Rating:" + ratingValue; print("Command sent to set the rating: " + setRatingCmdLine); cmd.AddLine(setRatingCmdLine); } // Define how to set the movie specific metadata for the output file. var setMovieMetatadaCmdLine = "SetAttr " + outputPath + " META \"copyfrom:9," + cItem + "\""; print("Command sent to set the movie specific metadata: " + setMovieMetatadaCmdLine); cmd.AddLine(setMovieMetatadaCmdLine); // Define how to set the user comment for the output file. var commentString = cItem.metadata.other.usercomment; if (commentString) { var setCommentCmdLine = "SetAttr " + outputPath + " META \"Comment:" + commentString + "\""; print("Command sent to set the user's comment: " + setCommentCmdLine); cmd.AddLine(setCommentCmdLine); } // Define how to replace the original . if (alwaysOverwrite || scriptCmdData.func.qualifiers == "shift") { cmd.AddLine("Delete " + inputPath); cmd.AddLine("Rename " + outputPath + " To " + inputPath); } // Execute commands. cmd.Run; // Clear commands. cmd.Clear; print("Success!"); } else { error("FFmpeg was unable to trim the file."); } } } // Dialog used to request the time. function askTime() { var dlg = scriptCmdData.func.Dlg; dlg.window = DOpus.Listers(0); dlg.defvalue = "00:00:00"; dlg.message = "Input the initial seek time."; dlg.title = "Seek Position"; dlg.max = 8; var answer = dlg.Show; return dlg; } // Print informative log only if requested. function print(text) { if (verbose) { DOpus.Output(text); } } // Display error message. function error(text) { DOpus.Output(text, true); } }
function OnTrimMovies(scriptCmdData) { // ------------------------------- Preferences // Name of tag to apply to trimmed files. // Must end with a semicolon. // Set as empty string if no tag should be applied. var tagForTrimmedFiles = "Trimmed To Favorite Scene"; // -------------------- // Text to append to the name of the output file. var stringToAppendToTrimmedFiles = " - Trimmed"; // -------------------- // Name of file type group for movies. // If you defined a personalized file type group for your movies, type it here. var localizedMovieGroupTypeName = "Movies"; // -------------------- // Should the new file always overwrite the old? // If so, set this variable to true. Else shift should be pressed when the button is clicked to activate overwrite. var alwaysOverwrite = false; // -------------------- // Determine verbosity level. // 1 - Print informative log. // 0 - Print nothing. var verbose = 1; // -------------------- // Should the script prevent the display of external windows? // If so, set this variable to true. var hideWindows = true; // -------------------- // Enable development mode. // During development, set this to true to make it easier to test this script. var developmentMode = false; // -------------------- // Clear output on run? var clearOutput = false; // -------------------- // ------------------------------- Main if (clearOutput) { DOpus.ClearOutput(); } // Check that there are files selected. if (scriptCmdData.func.sourcetab.selected_files.count == 0) { error("No files are selected."); } else { // Adjust command behavior. var cmd = scriptCmdData.func.command; cmd.deselect = false; cmd.SetQualifiers("none"); cmd.ClearFiles; // Filter selected files to consider only movie files. for (var eSel = new Enumerator(scriptCmdData.func.sourcetab.selected_files); !eSel.atEnd(); eSel.moveNext()) { var selectedItem = eSel.item(); for (var i=0; i<selectedItem.groups.length; i++){ if (selectedItem.groups(i).display_name == localizedMovieGroupTypeName) { cmd.AddFile(selectedItem); } } } // Ask for the start time. if (developmentMode) { var initTime = "00:00:01"; } else { var dialogObj = askTime(); if (!dialogObj.result) { print("Operation aborted by the user."); return; } else { var initTime = dialogObj.input; } } // Set window display mode. var intWindowStyle = 1; if (hideWindows) { cmd.AddLine("@runmode:hide"); intWindowStyle = 0; } // Prepare objects. var wsh = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); // For each movie file, define what to do. for (var iSel = new Enumerator(cmd.files); !iSel.atEnd(); iSel.moveNext()) { // Define paths. var cItem = iSel.item() var inputPath = "\"" + cItem + "\""; var outputPath = inputPath.replace(cItem.ext, stringToAppendToTrimmedFiles + cItem.ext); print("Input: " + inputPath); print("Output: " + outputPath); // Define how to produce the output file. var trimCmdLine = "ffmpeg -xerror -hide_banner -y -ss " + initTime + " -i " + inputPath + " -threads 6 -map 0:v -map 0:a? -map 0:s? -map_metadata g -c:v copy -c:a copy -c:s copy " + outputPath; print("Command sent to produce the file: " + trimCmdLine); // Execute trim operation. var runReturnCode = wsh.Run(trimCmdLine, intWindowStyle, true); if (runReturnCode == 0) { // -------------------- Copy metadata to the trimmed file. // Define how to set the tags for the output file. var tagString = tagForTrimmedFiles; for (var tagEnum = new Enumerator(cItem.metadata.tags); !tagEnum.atEnd(); tagEnum.moveNext()) { if (tagString != "") { tagString += ";"; tagString += tagEnum.item(); }else { tagString = tagEnum.item(); } } if (tagString != "") { setTagCmdLine = "SetAttr " + outputPath + " META \"tags:" + tagString + "\""; print("Command sent to set tags: " + setTagCmdLine); cmd.AddLine(setTagCmdLine); } // Define how to set the labels for the output file. var labelVector = cItem.labels; if (!labelVector.empty) { var labelString = ""; labelVector.sort(); for(var i=0; i<labelVector.count; i++) { labelString += labelVector(i); if (i < (labelVector.count - 1)) { labelString += ","; } } setLabelCmdLine = "Properties " + outputPath + " SetLabel=" + labelString; print("Command sent to set label: " + setLabelCmdLine); cmd.AddLine(setLabelCmdLine); } // Define how to set the rating for the output file. var ratingValue = cItem.metadata.other.rating; if (ratingValue > 0) { var setRatingCmdLine = "SetAttr " + outputPath + " META Rating:" + ratingValue; print("Command sent to set the rating: " + setRatingCmdLine); cmd.AddLine(setRatingCmdLine); } // Define how to set the movie specific metadata for the output file. var setMovieMetatadaCmdLine = "SetAttr " + outputPath + " META \"copyfrom:9," + cItem + "\""; print("Command sent to set the movie specific metadata: " + setMovieMetatadaCmdLine); cmd.AddLine(setMovieMetatadaCmdLine); // Define how to set the user comment for the output file. var commentString = cItem.metadata.other.usercomment; if (commentString) { var setCommentCmdLine = "SetAttr " + outputPath + " META \"Comment:" + commentString + "\""; print("Command sent to set the user's comment: " + setCommentCmdLine); cmd.AddLine(setCommentCmdLine); } // Define how to replace the original . if (alwaysOverwrite || scriptCmdData.func.qualifiers == "shift") { cmd.AddLine("Delete " + inputPath); cmd.AddLine("Rename " + outputPath + " To " + inputPath); } // Execute commands. cmd.Run; // Clear commands. cmd.Clear; print("Success!"); } else { error("FFmpeg was unable to trim the file."); } } } // Dialog used to request the time. function askTime() { var dlg = scriptCmdData.func.Dlg; dlg.window = DOpus.Listers(0); dlg.defvalue = "00:00:00"; dlg.message = "Input the initial seek time."; dlg.title = "Seek Position"; dlg.max = 8; var answer = dlg.Show; return dlg; } // Print informative log only if requested. function print(text) { if (verbose) { DOpus.Output(text); } } // Display error message. function error(text) { DOpus.Output(text, true); } }
function askTime() { var dlg = scriptCmdData.func.Dlg; dlg.window = DOpus.Listers(0); dlg.defvalue = "00:00:00"; dlg.message = "Input the initial seek time."; dlg.title = "Seek Position"; dlg.max = 8; var answer = dlg.Show; return dlg; }
function askTime() { var dlg = scriptCmdData.func.Dlg; dlg.window = DOpus.Listers(0); dlg.defvalue = "00:00:00"; dlg.message = "Input the initial seek time."; dlg.title = "Seek Position"; dlg.max = 8; var answer = dlg.Show; return dlg; }
function print(text) { if (verbose) { DOpus.Output(text); } }
function print(text) { if (verbose) { DOpus.Output(text); } }
function loadAvailableSlotsBySelectedDate(param, url, formattedDate) { var cardSlots = document.getElementById("time_slot_cards"); // Remove the time slot cardSlots.classList.remove('slot_selection_show'); // The calendar was just cleared... if (param.value == null) { // Exit the method return; } $.ajax({ url: url, method: 'post', data: { date: formattedDate }, dataType: 'json', error: function (res) { // TODO: Find a more proper way to log error // Alert error alert("An error occurred. Please try again."); // Exit the method return; }, success: function(response) { // Display the time slot cardSlots.classList.add('slot_selection_show'); // Get the slot indices var slotIndex1 = $( "label[slot-index='0']" ); var slotIndex2 = $( "label[slot-index='1']" ); var slotIndex3 = $( "label[slot-index='2']" ); var slotIndex4 = $( "label[slot-index='3']" ); var slotIndex5 = $( "label[slot-index='4']" ); var slotIndex6 = $( "label[slot-index='5']" ); var slotIndexValue1 = slotIndex1.attr("slot-index"); var slotIndexValue2 = slotIndex2.attr("slot-index"); var slotIndexValue3 = slotIndex3.attr("slot-index"); var slotIndexValue4 = slotIndex4.attr("slot-index"); var slotIndexValue5 = slotIndex5.attr("slot-index"); var slotIndexValue6 = slotIndex6.attr("slot-index"); // Verify slot indices // Slot 1 if (!slotIsAvailable(slotIndexValue1, response.availableSlots)) { slotIndex1.attr("aria-disabled", true); slotIndex1.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field is-disabled custom-radio"); } else { slotIndex1.attr("aria-disabled", false); slotIndex1.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field custom-radio"); } // Slot 2 if (!slotIsAvailable(slotIndexValue2, response.availableSlots)) { slotIndex2.attr("aria-disabled", true); slotIndex2.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field is-disabled custom-radio"); } else { slotIndex2.attr("aria-disabled", false); slotIndex2.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field custom-radio"); } // Slot 3 if (!slotIsAvailable(slotIndexValue3, response.availableSlots)) { slotIndex3.attr("aria-disabled", true); slotIndex3.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field is-disabled custom-radio"); } else { slotIndex3.attr("aria-disabled", false); slotIndex3.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field custom-radio"); } // Slot 4 if (!slotIsAvailable(slotIndexValue4, response.availableSlots)) { slotIndex4.attr("aria-disabled", true); slotIndex4.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field is-disabled custom-radio"); } else { slotIndex4.attr("aria-disabled", false); slotIndex4.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field custom-radio"); } // Slot 5 if (!slotIsAvailable(slotIndexValue5, response.availableSlots)) { slotIndex5.attr("aria-disabled", true); slotIndex5.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field is-disabled custom-radio"); } else { slotIndex5.attr("aria-disabled", false); slotIndex5.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field custom-radio"); } // Slot 6 if (!slotIsAvailable(slotIndexValue6, response.availableSlots)) { slotIndex6.attr("aria-disabled", true); slotIndex6.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field is-disabled custom-radio"); } else { slotIndex6.attr("aria-disabled", false); slotIndex6.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field custom-radio"); } } }); }
function loadAvailableSlotsBySelectedDate(param, url, formattedDate) { var cardSlots = document.getElementById("time_slot_cards"); // Remove the time slot cardSlots.classList.remove('slot_selection_show'); // The calendar was just cleared... if (param.value == null) { // Exit the method return; } $.ajax({ url: url, method: 'post', data: { date: formattedDate }, dataType: 'json', error: function (res) { // TODO: Find a more proper way to log error // Alert error alert("An error occurred. Please try again."); // Exit the method return; }, success: function(response) { // Display the time slot cardSlots.classList.add('slot_selection_show'); // Get the slot indices var slotIndex1 = $( "label[slot-index='0']" ); var slotIndex2 = $( "label[slot-index='1']" ); var slotIndex3 = $( "label[slot-index='2']" ); var slotIndex4 = $( "label[slot-index='3']" ); var slotIndex5 = $( "label[slot-index='4']" ); var slotIndex6 = $( "label[slot-index='5']" ); var slotIndexValue1 = slotIndex1.attr("slot-index"); var slotIndexValue2 = slotIndex2.attr("slot-index"); var slotIndexValue3 = slotIndex3.attr("slot-index"); var slotIndexValue4 = slotIndex4.attr("slot-index"); var slotIndexValue5 = slotIndex5.attr("slot-index"); var slotIndexValue6 = slotIndex6.attr("slot-index"); // Verify slot indices // Slot 1 if (!slotIsAvailable(slotIndexValue1, response.availableSlots)) { slotIndex1.attr("aria-disabled", true); slotIndex1.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field is-disabled custom-radio"); } else { slotIndex1.attr("aria-disabled", false); slotIndex1.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field custom-radio"); } // Slot 2 if (!slotIsAvailable(slotIndexValue2, response.availableSlots)) { slotIndex2.attr("aria-disabled", true); slotIndex2.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field is-disabled custom-radio"); } else { slotIndex2.attr("aria-disabled", false); slotIndex2.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field custom-radio"); } // Slot 3 if (!slotIsAvailable(slotIndexValue3, response.availableSlots)) { slotIndex3.attr("aria-disabled", true); slotIndex3.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field is-disabled custom-radio"); } else { slotIndex3.attr("aria-disabled", false); slotIndex3.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field custom-radio"); } // Slot 4 if (!slotIsAvailable(slotIndexValue4, response.availableSlots)) { slotIndex4.attr("aria-disabled", true); slotIndex4.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field is-disabled custom-radio"); } else { slotIndex4.attr("aria-disabled", false); slotIndex4.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field custom-radio"); } // Slot 5 if (!slotIsAvailable(slotIndexValue5, response.availableSlots)) { slotIndex5.attr("aria-disabled", true); slotIndex5.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field is-disabled custom-radio"); } else { slotIndex5.attr("aria-disabled", false); slotIndex5.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field custom-radio"); } // Slot 6 if (!slotIsAvailable(slotIndexValue6, response.availableSlots)) { slotIndex6.attr("aria-disabled", true); slotIndex6.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field is-disabled custom-radio"); } else { slotIndex6.attr("aria-disabled", false); slotIndex6.attr("class", "ms-RadioButton-field custom-radio"); } } }); }
function findFacilities(buffer, layer, centerPoint) { const query = layer.createQuery(); query.returnGeometry = true; // query.distance = radius; // query.units = distanceUnits; query.outFields = ["*"]; query.geometry = buffer; layer.queryFeatures(query).then((results) => { if (results.features.length) { displayLocations(results.features, centerPoint); populateCards(results.features, centerPoint); } else { // clear the panel const cardList = document.getElementById("cardsList"); const panelDiv = document.getElementById("panelTitle"); panelDiv.innerHTML = `Sorry no hospitals founds within ${radius} ${distanceUnits}.`; cardList.innerHTML = ""; console.log("no results returned from query"); // clear the graphics facilityGraphicsLayer.removeAll(); } }); }
function findFacilities(buffer, layer, centerPoint) { const query = layer.createQuery(); query.returnGeometry = true; // query.distance = radius; // query.units = distanceUnits; query.outFields = ["*"]; query.geometry = buffer; layer.queryFeatures(query).then((results) => { if (results.features.length) { displayLocations(results.features, centerPoint); populateCards(results.features, centerPoint); } else { // clear the panel const cardList = document.getElementById("cardsList"); const panelDiv = document.getElementById("panelTitle"); panelDiv.innerHTML = `Sorry no hospitals founds within ${radius} ${distanceUnits}.`; cardList.innerHTML = ""; console.log("no results returned from query"); // clear the graphics facilityGraphicsLayer.removeAll(); } }); }
function radiusFilter() { modalDiv.className = "js-modal modal-overlay"; const selectDistance = document.getElementById("distanceSelect").value; const selectUnits = document.getElementById("unitsSelect").value; radius = selectDistance; distanceUnits = selectUnits; // clear to begin a new search if ( {; facilityGraphicsLayer.removeAll(); // set the new graphics with new radius addPointToMap(currentPointLocation); // create the buffer to display and for the query const buffer = addBuffer(currentPointLocation); findFacilities(buffer, facilitiesLayer, currentPointLocation); } }
function radiusFilter() { modalDiv.className = "js-modal modal-overlay"; const selectDistance = document.getElementById("distanceSelect").value; const selectUnits = document.getElementById("unitsSelect").value; radius = selectDistance; distanceUnits = selectUnits; // clear to begin a new search if ( {; facilityGraphicsLayer.removeAll(); // set the new graphics with new radius addPointToMap(currentPointLocation); // create the buffer to display and for the query const buffer = addBuffer(currentPointLocation); findFacilities(buffer, facilitiesLayer, currentPointLocation); } }
async canAppend (entry, identityProvider) { try { console.log('canAppend entry: ', entry) let validTx = false const txid = entry.payload.key const mongoRes = await this.KeyValue.find({ key: txid }) if (mongoRes.length > 0) { console.log('mongoRes: ', mongoRes) const mongoKey = mongoRes[0].key if (mongoKey === txid) { // Entry is already in the database. return true } } // TODO: Validate the signature of the address used for the input to the tx. // validSignature = await this._validateSignature(txid, signature) // Note: Don't need an address, as you can use the address from the // second output of the TX. That's the first reciever of the SLP TX. // That allows this function to use a simple call to the full node, and // does not require SLP-hydrated UTXOs. // Validate the transaction matches the burning rules. validTx = await this._validateTx(txid) return validTx } catch (err) { console.log( 'Error in pay-to-write-access-controller.js/canAppend(). Returning false. Error: \n', err ) return false } }
async canAppend (entry, identityProvider) { try { console.log('canAppend entry: ', entry) let validTx = false const txid = entry.payload.key const mongoRes = await this.KeyValue.find({ key: txid }) if (mongoRes.length > 0) { console.log('mongoRes: ', mongoRes) const mongoKey = mongoRes[0].key if (mongoKey === txid) { // Entry is already in the database. return true } } // TODO: Validate the signature of the address used for the input to the tx. // validSignature = await this._validateSignature(txid, signature) // Note: Don't need an address, as you can use the address from the // second output of the TX. That's the first reciever of the SLP TX. // That allows this function to use a simple call to the full node, and // does not require SLP-hydrated UTXOs. // Validate the transaction matches the burning rules. validTx = await this._validateTx(txid) return validTx } catch (err) { console.log( 'Error in pay-to-write-access-controller.js/canAppend(). Returning false. Error: \n', err ) return false } }
async _validateTx (txid) { try { let isValid = false const txInfo = await _this.bchjs.Transaction.get(txid) console.log(`txInfo: ${JSON.stringify(txInfo, null, 2)}`) // Return false if txid is not a valid SLP tx. if (!txInfo.isValidSLPTx) return false // Return false if tokenId does not match. if (txInfo.tokenId !== TOKENID) return false // Sum up all the token inputs let inputTokenQty = 0 for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { let tokenQty = 0 if (![i].tokenQty) { tokenQty = 0 } else { tokenQty = Number([i].tokenQty) } inputTokenQty += tokenQty } console.log(`inputTokenQty: ${inputTokenQty}`) // Sum up all the token outputs let outputTokenQty = 0 for (let i = 0; i < txInfo.vout.length; i++) { let tokenQty = 0 if (!txInfo.vout[i].tokenQty) { tokenQty = 0 } else { tokenQty = Number(txInfo.vout[i].tokenQty) } outputTokenQty += tokenQty } console.log(`outputTokenQty: ${outputTokenQty}`) const diff = inputTokenQty - outputTokenQty console.log(`difference: ${diff}`) // If the difference is above a positive threshold, then it's a burn // transaction. if (diff > 0.001) { console.log( `TX ${txid} proved burn of tokens. Will be allowed to write to DB.` ) isValid = true } return isValid } catch (err) { console.error('Error in _valideTx: ', err) return false } }
async _validateTx (txid) { try { let isValid = false const txInfo = await _this.bchjs.Transaction.get(txid) console.log(`txInfo: ${JSON.stringify(txInfo, null, 2)}`) // Return false if txid is not a valid SLP tx. if (!txInfo.isValidSLPTx) return false // Return false if tokenId does not match. if (txInfo.tokenId !== TOKENID) return false // Sum up all the token inputs let inputTokenQty = 0 for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { let tokenQty = 0 if (![i].tokenQty) { tokenQty = 0 } else { tokenQty = Number([i].tokenQty) } inputTokenQty += tokenQty } console.log(`inputTokenQty: ${inputTokenQty}`) // Sum up all the token outputs let outputTokenQty = 0 for (let i = 0; i < txInfo.vout.length; i++) { let tokenQty = 0 if (!txInfo.vout[i].tokenQty) { tokenQty = 0 } else { tokenQty = Number(txInfo.vout[i].tokenQty) } outputTokenQty += tokenQty } console.log(`outputTokenQty: ${outputTokenQty}`) const diff = inputTokenQty - outputTokenQty console.log(`difference: ${diff}`) // If the difference is above a positive threshold, then it's a burn // transaction. if (diff > 0.001) { console.log( `TX ${txid} proved burn of tokens. Will be allowed to write to DB.` ) isValid = true } return isValid } catch (err) { console.error('Error in _valideTx: ', err) return false } }
function rgb2hex(rgb) { rgb = rgb.match(/^rgba?[\s+]?\([\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?/i); return (rgb && rgb.length === 4) ? "#" + ("0" + parseInt(rgb[1], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ("0" + parseInt(rgb[2], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ("0" + parseInt(rgb[3], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) : ''; }
function rgb2hex(rgb) { rgb = rgb.match(/^rgba?[\s+]?\([\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?/i); return (rgb && rgb.length === 4) ? "#" + ("0" + parseInt(rgb[1], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ("0" + parseInt(rgb[2], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ("0" + parseInt(rgb[3], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) : ''; }
function makeGrid(height, width) { for(let i = 0; i < height; i++) { let row = document.createElement('tr'); row.className = 'row'; for(let j = 0; j < width; j++) { let column = document.createElement('td'); row.appendChild(column); } table.appendChild(row); } const td = document.querySelectorAll('#pixelCanvas td'); td.forEach(function(elem) { elem.addEventListener("click", function() { = getColorValue(); }); }); }
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function clearGrid() { while (table.firstChild) { table.removeChild(table.firstChild); } }
function clearGrid() { while (table.firstChild) { table.removeChild(table.firstChild); } }
function makeGrid(height, width) { for(var i = 0; i < height; i++) { var tableRow = $("<tr class='row'></tr>"); for(var j = 0; j < width; j++) { tableRow.append("<td class='column'></td>"); } pixelCanvas.append(tableRow); } }
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function _setPatternBgImg(image) { var imagePath = $(image).attr('xlink:href'); $(SELECTORS.pattern).css('background-image', 'url(' + imagePath + ')'); }
function _setPatternBgImg(image) { var imagePath = $(image).attr('xlink:href'); $(SELECTORS.pattern).css('background-image', 'url(' + imagePath + ')'); }
function isBigger(array,position) { var arrayLength = array.length; if(arrayLength < position) return false; else{ var number = array[position]; var leftNumber = array[position-1] ; var rightNumber = array[position+1]; if(leftNumber != null && rightNumber != null){ if(number > leftNumber && number > rightNumber) return true; else return false; } else return false; } }
function isBigger(array,position) { var arrayLength = array.length; if(arrayLength < position) return false; else{ var number = array[position]; var leftNumber = array[position-1] ; var rightNumber = array[position+1]; if(leftNumber != null && rightNumber != null){ if(number > leftNumber && number > rightNumber) return true; else return false; } else return false; } }
function checkBrackets(string){ var count = 0; for(var i in string){ if(string[i] == '('){ count ++; } else if(string[i] == ')') { count --; } if (count < 0) return false; } if(count > 0) return false; return true; }
function checkBrackets(string){ var count = 0; for(var i in string){ if(string[i] == '('){ count ++; } else if(string[i] == ')') { count --; } if (count < 0) return false; } if(count > 0) return false; return true; }
register(html) { if (html && typeof html === 'string') { try { const manifest = generateManifest(html); this.graph[manifest.appName] = manifest; } catch (e) { throw new Error(e); } } else { throw new Error('mfhml.register requires an html'); } }
register(html) { if (html && typeof html === 'string') { try { const manifest = generateManifest(html); this.graph[manifest.appName] = manifest; } catch (e) { throw new Error(e); } } else { throw new Error('mfhml.register requires an html'); } }
async register() { const { ctx: { credentials, uuid } } = this; return"/doregister", { body: { signature: sign.payload(uuid), ...defaults.login, nextAction: "0", type: "1", account: credentials.username, password: credentials.password } }); }
async register() { const { ctx: { credentials, uuid } } = this; return"/doregister", { body: { signature: sign.payload(uuid), ...defaults.login, nextAction: "0", type: "1", account: credentials.username, password: credentials.password } }); }
function engine(opts){ var me = this; var viewableCounterStart = 0; /** * Internal object to hold event listeners */ var eventListeners = { viewabilityReached: [] } /** * Parameters required for viewability */ this.viewableParams = { seconds: VIEWABLE_SEC, percent: VIEWABLE_PERCENT, requireFocus: VIEWABLE_MUST_FOCUS } function trigger(eventName, params){ var i, fn, el = eventListeners, list = el[eventName]; if(list == null || list.length == 0){ return; } for(i=0;i<list.length;i++){ fn = list[i]; if(isfunc(fn)){ try{ fn(params); } catch(ex){ console.error('[ovvtest ViewEngine] ' + ex.message, ex); } } } } /** * Tests to see if the data params state that the ad is in view */ function eventInView(data){ var vp = me.viewableParams; var pctVal, inFocus = true; if(!data){ return false; } pctVal = data.percentViewable || 0; if(data.focus === false){ inFocus = false; } else{ inFocus = true; } if(pctVal >= vp.percent){ if(inFocus || vp.requireFocus == false){ return true; } } return false; } function testViewabilityLimits(ticks){ var vp = me.viewableParams; var tm = me.tickMeasure; var ms; var limMs = vp.seconds * 1000; if(tm.viewableMsSum == 0){ return false; } if(tm.viewableMsSum >= (limMs)){ return true; } } this.viewabilityReached = false; this.previouslyInView = false; this.currentViewTickStart this.startTicks = 0; this.ovvTime = { start: 0, end: 0 } this.tickMeasure = { currentViewTickStart : 0, lastMeasureTicks: 0, viewableMsSum: 0 } this.addEventListener = function(eventName, func){ if(!isfunc(func)){ return; } if(eventListeners[eventName] == null){ eventListeners[eventName] = []; } eventListeners[eventName].push(func); } /** * Process the OVV event and calculate how it affects the state of the view engine */ this.processEvent = function(eventName, ovvtime, data){ var inView; var ticks =; var isStart = false; var viewResult, ltm = me.tickMeasure.lastMeasureTicks; if(me.startTicks == 0){ isStart = true; me.startTicks = ticks; } if(this.ovvTime.start === 0){ this.ovvTime.start = ovvtime; } inView = eventInView(data); if(inView == true){ if(!me.previouslyInView){ me.previouslyInView = true; me.tickMeasure.currentViewTickStart = ticks; } else{ if(ltm > 0){ me.tickMeasure.viewableMsSum += (ticks - ltm); } } // look for our thresholds if(!me.viewabilityReached){ viewResult = testViewabilityLimits(ticks); if(viewResult){ me.viewabilityReached = true; trigger('viewabilityReached', { viewabilityReached: true, viewTime: me.tickMeasure.viewableMsSum}); } } me.tickMeasure.lastMeasureTicks = ticks; } else{ if(me.previouslyInView){ me.previouslyInView = false; me.tickMeasure.currentViewTickStart = 0; if(ltm > 0){ me.tickMeasure.viewableMsSum += (ticks - ltm); } } } } }
function engine(opts){ var me = this; var viewableCounterStart = 0; /** * Internal object to hold event listeners */ var eventListeners = { viewabilityReached: [] } /** * Parameters required for viewability */ this.viewableParams = { seconds: VIEWABLE_SEC, percent: VIEWABLE_PERCENT, requireFocus: VIEWABLE_MUST_FOCUS } function trigger(eventName, params){ var i, fn, el = eventListeners, list = el[eventName]; if(list == null || list.length == 0){ return; } for(i=0;i<list.length;i++){ fn = list[i]; if(isfunc(fn)){ try{ fn(params); } catch(ex){ console.error('[ovvtest ViewEngine] ' + ex.message, ex); } } } } /** * Tests to see if the data params state that the ad is in view */ function eventInView(data){ var vp = me.viewableParams; var pctVal, inFocus = true; if(!data){ return false; } pctVal = data.percentViewable || 0; if(data.focus === false){ inFocus = false; } else{ inFocus = true; } if(pctVal >= vp.percent){ if(inFocus || vp.requireFocus == false){ return true; } } return false; } function testViewabilityLimits(ticks){ var vp = me.viewableParams; var tm = me.tickMeasure; var ms; var limMs = vp.seconds * 1000; if(tm.viewableMsSum == 0){ return false; } if(tm.viewableMsSum >= (limMs)){ return true; } } this.viewabilityReached = false; this.previouslyInView = false; this.currentViewTickStart this.startTicks = 0; this.ovvTime = { start: 0, end: 0 } this.tickMeasure = { currentViewTickStart : 0, lastMeasureTicks: 0, viewableMsSum: 0 } this.addEventListener = function(eventName, func){ if(!isfunc(func)){ return; } if(eventListeners[eventName] == null){ eventListeners[eventName] = []; } eventListeners[eventName].push(func); } /** * Process the OVV event and calculate how it affects the state of the view engine */ this.processEvent = function(eventName, ovvtime, data){ var inView; var ticks =; var isStart = false; var viewResult, ltm = me.tickMeasure.lastMeasureTicks; if(me.startTicks == 0){ isStart = true; me.startTicks = ticks; } if(this.ovvTime.start === 0){ this.ovvTime.start = ovvtime; } inView = eventInView(data); if(inView == true){ if(!me.previouslyInView){ me.previouslyInView = true; me.tickMeasure.currentViewTickStart = ticks; } else{ if(ltm > 0){ me.tickMeasure.viewableMsSum += (ticks - ltm); } } // look for our thresholds if(!me.viewabilityReached){ viewResult = testViewabilityLimits(ticks); if(viewResult){ me.viewabilityReached = true; trigger('viewabilityReached', { viewabilityReached: true, viewTime: me.tickMeasure.viewableMsSum}); } } me.tickMeasure.lastMeasureTicks = ticks; } else{ if(me.previouslyInView){ me.previouslyInView = false; me.tickMeasure.currentViewTickStart = 0; if(ltm > 0){ me.tickMeasure.viewableMsSum += (ticks - ltm); } } } } }
function eventInView(data){ var vp = me.viewableParams; var pctVal, inFocus = true; if(!data){ return false; } pctVal = data.percentViewable || 0; if(data.focus === false){ inFocus = false; } else{ inFocus = true; } if(pctVal >= vp.percent){ if(inFocus || vp.requireFocus == false){ return true; } } return false; }
function eventInView(data){ var vp = me.viewableParams; var pctVal, inFocus = true; if(!data){ return false; } pctVal = data.percentViewable || 0; if(data.focus === false){ inFocus = false; } else{ inFocus = true; } if(pctVal >= vp.percent){ if(inFocus || vp.requireFocus == false){ return true; } } return false; }
function displayViewableData(data){ var el = opts.valuesOutputElem; var id, arr; var k, val, i; if(el == null){ return; } if(data == null){ return; } // check for empty object var keyCount = 0; if(typeof(data) === 'object'){ for(k in data){ if(data.hasOwnProperty(k)){ keyCount++; if(keyCount > 10){ break; } } } } if(keyCount == 0){ impl.log('[ovvtest] - No data to show'); return; } else if(keyCount == 2){ if(data['ovvData'] == null){ impl.log('[ovvtest] - No data to show'); return; } } if(typeof(el) === 'string'){ id = el; el = doc.getElementById(id); if(el == null){ el = doc.querySelector(id); } _displayViewableDataImpl(data, el); } else if(isArray(el)){ arr = el; for(i=0;i<arr.length;i++){ el = arr[i]; _displayViewableDataImpl(data, el); } } }
function displayViewableData(data){ var el = opts.valuesOutputElem; var id, arr; var k, val, i; if(el == null){ return; } if(data == null){ return; } // check for empty object var keyCount = 0; if(typeof(data) === 'object'){ for(k in data){ if(data.hasOwnProperty(k)){ keyCount++; if(keyCount > 10){ break; } } } } if(keyCount == 0){ impl.log('[ovvtest] - No data to show'); return; } else if(keyCount == 2){ if(data['ovvData'] == null){ impl.log('[ovvtest] - No data to show'); return; } } if(typeof(el) === 'string'){ id = el; el = doc.getElementById(id); if(el == null){ el = doc.querySelector(id); } _displayViewableDataImpl(data, el); } else if(isArray(el)){ arr = el; for(i=0;i<arr.length;i++){ el = arr[i]; _displayViewableDataImpl(data, el); } } }
function _displayViewableDataImpl(data, el){ var id; var k, val, i; if(el == null){ return; } if(typeof(el) === 'string'){ id = el; el = doc.getElementById(id); if(el == null){ el = doc.querySelector(id); } _displayViewableDataImpl(data, el); } for(i=0;i<valOutput.length;i++){ showData(data, valOutput[i], el); } }
function _displayViewableDataImpl(data, el){ var id; var k, val, i; if(el == null){ return; } if(typeof(el) === 'string'){ id = el; el = doc.getElementById(id); if(el == null){ el = doc.querySelector(id); } _displayViewableDataImpl(data, el); } for(i=0;i<valOutput.length;i++){ showData(data, valOutput[i], el); } }
function buildInfoWindow(elemOrId, options){ var el; var ibox = infoBox; var options = options || {}; var i, k, d; var sumbuf = [], detbuf = []; var twin, tdoc; var regTopWindow = false; if(options.infoBox != null){ ibox = mixin(infoBox, options.infoBox); } var html = ibox.viewabilityInfoMarkup; var line, tp = ibox.lineMarkup; var id; for(i=0;i<ibox.detailDef.length;i++){ d = ibox.detailDef[i]; line = tp.replace('##label##', d.label).replace('##ovv##', d.ovv); detbuf.push(line); } for(i=0;i<ibox.summaryDef.length;i++){ d = ibox.summaryDef[i]; line = tp.replace('##label##', d.label).replace('##ovv##', d.ovv); sumbuf.push(line); } html = html.replace('###DETAILS###', detbuf.join('')); html = html.replace('###SUMMARY###', sumbuf.join('')); if(opts.valuesOutputElem == null){ opts.valuesOutputElem = []; } if(options.topFrame && !ovvtest.isTopFrame()){ twin =; tdoc = twin.document; el = util.getEl(elemOrId, tdoc); regTopWindow = true; id = el.getAttribute('id'); opts.valuesOutputElem.push(el); } else{ el = util.getEl(elemOrId); id = el.getAttribute('id'); if(id != null){ opts.valuesOutputElem.push(id); } else{ opts.valuesOutputElem.push(el); } } el.innerHTML = html; var closeBtn = el.querySelector('button.close'); if(closeBtn != null){ closeBtn.addEventListener('click', function(evt){ var box = document.getElementById('ovvParamValues'); = 'none'; }); } }
function buildInfoWindow(elemOrId, options){ var el; var ibox = infoBox; var options = options || {}; var i, k, d; var sumbuf = [], detbuf = []; var twin, tdoc; var regTopWindow = false; if(options.infoBox != null){ ibox = mixin(infoBox, options.infoBox); } var html = ibox.viewabilityInfoMarkup; var line, tp = ibox.lineMarkup; var id; for(i=0;i<ibox.detailDef.length;i++){ d = ibox.detailDef[i]; line = tp.replace('##label##', d.label).replace('##ovv##', d.ovv); detbuf.push(line); } for(i=0;i<ibox.summaryDef.length;i++){ d = ibox.summaryDef[i]; line = tp.replace('##label##', d.label).replace('##ovv##', d.ovv); sumbuf.push(line); } html = html.replace('###DETAILS###', detbuf.join('')); html = html.replace('###SUMMARY###', sumbuf.join('')); if(opts.valuesOutputElem == null){ opts.valuesOutputElem = []; } if(options.topFrame && !ovvtest.isTopFrame()){ twin =; tdoc = twin.document; el = util.getEl(elemOrId, tdoc); regTopWindow = true; id = el.getAttribute('id'); opts.valuesOutputElem.push(el); } else{ el = util.getEl(elemOrId); id = el.getAttribute('id'); if(id != null){ opts.valuesOutputElem.push(id); } else{ opts.valuesOutputElem.push(el); } } el.innerHTML = html; var closeBtn = el.querySelector('button.close'); if(closeBtn != null){ closeBtn.addEventListener('click', function(evt){ var box = document.getElementById('ovvParamValues'); = 'none'; }); } }
function registerOvvListeners(ad_id){ var ovv; var ad_id = ad_id || opts.adId; if(regTimer !== 0){ clearTimeout(regTimer); regTimer = 0; } if(!window['$ovv']){ if(++attachRetries < 60000){ regTimer = setTimeout(function(){ registerOvvListeners(); }, 300); } return; } var eventNames = [ 'AdLoaded', 'AdImpression', 'AdPlaying', 'AdPaused', 'AdVolumeChange', 'AdVideoStart', 'AdVideoFirstQuartile', 'AdVideoMidpoint', 'AdVideoThirdQuartile', 'AdVideoComplete' ]; // list of OVV events. We must listen to OVVLog in order to get up to date viewability information var ovvEvents = ['OVVReady', 'OVVImpression', 'OVVImpressionUnmeasurable', 'OVVLog']; ovv = window['$ovv']; ovv.subscribe(ovvEvents, ad_id, function(id, eventData){ if(eventData.ovvArgs != null){ handleOvvEvent(eventData, eventData.ovvArgs); } }, true); ovv.subscribe(eventNames, ad_id, function(id, eventData){ if(eventData.ovvArgs != null){ handleVpaidEvent(eventData, eventData.ovvArgs); } }, true); // Error handles ovv.subscribe(['AdError', 'OVVError'], ad_id, function(id, eventData, more){ handleAdError(id, eventData, more); }, true); // place the test ad id in the ovvtest object if(win['ovvtest'] != null){ win['ovvtest'].ad_id = ad_id; } setTimeout(function(){ console.log('=========================================') console.log(ovv.getAds()); var ads = ovv.getAds(); console.log(ads['my_ovv_test_ad_id'].checkViewability()); }, 1000); }
function registerOvvListeners(ad_id){ var ovv; var ad_id = ad_id || opts.adId; if(regTimer !== 0){ clearTimeout(regTimer); regTimer = 0; } if(!window['$ovv']){ if(++attachRetries < 60000){ regTimer = setTimeout(function(){ registerOvvListeners(); }, 300); } return; } var eventNames = [ 'AdLoaded', 'AdImpression', 'AdPlaying', 'AdPaused', 'AdVolumeChange', 'AdVideoStart', 'AdVideoFirstQuartile', 'AdVideoMidpoint', 'AdVideoThirdQuartile', 'AdVideoComplete' ]; // list of OVV events. We must listen to OVVLog in order to get up to date viewability information var ovvEvents = ['OVVReady', 'OVVImpression', 'OVVImpressionUnmeasurable', 'OVVLog']; ovv = window['$ovv']; ovv.subscribe(ovvEvents, ad_id, function(id, eventData){ if(eventData.ovvArgs != null){ handleOvvEvent(eventData, eventData.ovvArgs); } }, true); ovv.subscribe(eventNames, ad_id, function(id, eventData){ if(eventData.ovvArgs != null){ handleVpaidEvent(eventData, eventData.ovvArgs); } }, true); // Error handles ovv.subscribe(['AdError', 'OVVError'], ad_id, function(id, eventData, more){ handleAdError(id, eventData, more); }, true); // place the test ad id in the ovvtest object if(win['ovvtest'] != null){ win['ovvtest'].ad_id = ad_id; } setTimeout(function(){ console.log('=========================================') console.log(ovv.getAds()); var ads = ovv.getAds(); console.log(ads['my_ovv_test_ad_id'].checkViewability()); }, 1000); }
function mandelbrot(real, imaginary) { var cr = real, ci = imaginary, xr = real, xi = imaginary, t = 0, i = MAX_ITERATIONS, timeIn = (new Date).valueOf(); while (xr > -2 && xr < 2 && xi > -2 && xi < 2 && i--) { t = xr*xr - xi*xi + cr; xi = 2*xr*xi + ci; xr = t; } iterationTimer += (new Date).valueOf() - timeIn; return MAX_ITERATIONS - i; }
function mandelbrot(real, imaginary) { var cr = real, ci = imaginary, xr = real, xi = imaginary, t = 0, i = MAX_ITERATIONS, timeIn = (new Date).valueOf(); while (xr > -2 && xr < 2 && xi > -2 && xi < 2 && i--) { t = xr*xr - xi*xi + cr; xi = 2*xr*xi + ci; xr = t; } iterationTimer += (new Date).valueOf() - timeIn; return MAX_ITERATIONS - i; }
function exportDataJSON() { var blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(notes, null, 2)], { type: 'octet/stream', }); window.saveAs(blob, `Notoj ${new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0]}.json`); }
function exportDataJSON() { var blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(notes, null, 2)], { type: 'octet/stream', }); window.saveAs(blob, `Notoj ${new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0]}.json`); }
function openHTML(n) { var iframe_browser = document.querySelector('#iframe_browser'); var iframe = document.querySelector('#iframe_browser iframe'); iframe.src = iframe.src; iframe_browser.setAttribute('color', n.color); iframe_browser.className = 'open'; var slime = new Blob([decodeURI(n.note)], { type: 'text/html' }); iframe.src = URL.createObjectURL(slime); // iframe.contentWindow.eval(`document.write(${note_decoded})`); // failure, i'll use blobs instead document.querySelector('iframe').addEventListener('load', (e) => { iframe.contentWindow.eval( `document.querySelector("html").insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', "<style>body{background-color:${window .getComputedStyle(iframe_browser) .getPropertyValue('background-color')};}</style>" )` ); }); document.getElementById('iframe_focus').focus(); }
function openHTML(n) { var iframe_browser = document.querySelector('#iframe_browser'); var iframe = document.querySelector('#iframe_browser iframe'); iframe.src = iframe.src; iframe_browser.setAttribute('color', n.color); iframe_browser.className = 'open'; var slime = new Blob([decodeURI(n.note)], { type: 'text/html' }); iframe.src = URL.createObjectURL(slime); // iframe.contentWindow.eval(`document.write(${note_decoded})`); // failure, i'll use blobs instead document.querySelector('iframe').addEventListener('load', (e) => { iframe.contentWindow.eval( `document.querySelector("html").insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', "<style>body{background-color:${window .getComputedStyle(iframe_browser) .getPropertyValue('background-color')};}</style>" )` ); }); document.getElementById('iframe_focus').focus(); }
function schedule(args, sandbox, eventContext) { debug("Action schedule"); if (!args.event) { debug("Missing the event argument, not executed"); return; } let event = args.event; let date =; let jobIdentifier = args.job; let job = scheduleLib.scheduleJob(date, function () { debug("Fired '%s' event on scheduled date '%s'", event, date); if (jobIdentifier) { delete jobs[jobIdentifier]; } this.send({name: event}); }.bind(this)); if (args.job) { jobs[args.job] = job; } }
function schedule(args, sandbox, eventContext) { debug("Action schedule"); if (!args.event) { debug("Missing the event argument, not executed"); return; } let event = args.event; let date =; let jobIdentifier = args.job; let job = scheduleLib.scheduleJob(date, function () { debug("Fired '%s' event on scheduled date '%s'", event, date); if (jobIdentifier) { delete jobs[jobIdentifier]; } this.send({name: event}); }.bind(this)); if (args.job) { jobs[args.job] = job; } }
_createSandbox(){ let execute = this.execute; //Define the sandbox for the v8 virtual machine let sandbox = { Date: Date, //The server global variables and functions // globals: serverGlobal, //The function that will process the custom actions postMessage: function(message) { let type =["$type"]; let stripNsPrefixRe = /^(?:{(?:[^}]*)})?(.*)$/; let arr = stripNsPrefixRe.exec(type); let ns; let action; if(arr.length === 2) { ns = type.substring(1, type.indexOf("}")); action = arr[1]; } else { ns = ""; action = arr[0]; }, ns, action, sandbox, message._event,; } }; return vm.createContext(sandbox); }
_createSandbox(){ let execute = this.execute; //Define the sandbox for the v8 virtual machine let sandbox = { Date: Date, //The server global variables and functions // globals: serverGlobal, //The function that will process the custom actions postMessage: function(message) { let type =["$type"]; let stripNsPrefixRe = /^(?:{(?:[^}]*)})?(.*)$/; let arr = stripNsPrefixRe.exec(type); let ns; let action; if(arr.length === 2) { ns = type.substring(1, type.indexOf("}")); action = arr[1]; } else { ns = ""; action = arr[0]; }, ns, action, sandbox, message._event,; } }; return vm.createContext(sandbox); }
sendEvent(data){ if(!this.hasStarted) { throw new Error("Can't send event, the interpreter hasn't started"); }; process.send({ action: "snapshot", snapshot: }); }
sendEvent(data){ if(!this.hasStarted) { throw new Error("Can't send event, the interpreter hasn't started"); }; process.send({ action: "snapshot", snapshot: }); }
function buildMenus(menus) { // generate HTML for the menus var i = 0, html = "<ul>"; for (i = 0; i < menus.length; i++) { html += getMenuHTML(menus[i]); } html += "</ul>"; elm.html(html); // Add indicators and hovers to submenu parents. // The slides look pretty, but cause problems for Selenium, // so they're disabled when testing. elm.find("li").each(function() { var header = jQuery(this).children(":first"), menu = jQuery(this).find("ul"), showMenu = function() { if (typeof openmdao_test_mode === "undefined") { menu.stop(true, true).slideDown(); } }, hideMenu = function() { if (typeof openmdao_test_mode === "undefined") { menu.stop(true, true).slideUp(); } }, settings = { timeout: 500, over: showMenu, out: hideMenu }; // When testing, toggle this menu and hide all the others on click. { if (typeof openmdao_test_mode !== "undefined") { menu.toggle(); header.parent().siblings().find("ul").hide(); } }); if (menu.length > 0) { jQuery("<span>").text("^").appendTo(header); jQuery(this).hoverIntent( settings ); menu.find("li").click(function() { menu.toggle(); }); } }); }
function buildMenus(menus) { // generate HTML for the menus var i = 0, html = "<ul>"; for (i = 0; i < menus.length; i++) { html += getMenuHTML(menus[i]); } html += "</ul>"; elm.html(html); // Add indicators and hovers to submenu parents. // The slides look pretty, but cause problems for Selenium, // so they're disabled when testing. elm.find("li").each(function() { var header = jQuery(this).children(":first"), menu = jQuery(this).find("ul"), showMenu = function() { if (typeof openmdao_test_mode === "undefined") { menu.stop(true, true).slideDown(); } }, hideMenu = function() { if (typeof openmdao_test_mode === "undefined") { menu.stop(true, true).slideUp(); } }, settings = { timeout: 500, over: showMenu, out: hideMenu }; // When testing, toggle this menu and hide all the others on click. { if (typeof openmdao_test_mode !== "undefined") { menu.toggle(); header.parent().siblings().find("ul").hide(); } }); if (menu.length > 0) { jQuery("<span>").text("^").appendTo(header); jQuery(this).hoverIntent( settings ); menu.find("li").click(function() { menu.toggle(); }); } }); }
function disableById(id) { var button = jQuery('#'+id), binding = button.attr('onclick'); if (binding) { // We can get multiple disables in a row. _onclick[id] = binding; button.attr('onclick', null); button.addClass('omg-disabled'); } }
function disableById(id) { var button = jQuery('#'+id), binding = button.attr('onclick'); if (binding) { // We can get multiple disables in a row. _onclick[id] = binding; button.attr('onclick', null); button.addClass('omg-disabled'); } }
function enableById(id) { var button = jQuery('#'+id), binding = _onclick[id]; if (binding) { button.attr('onclick', binding); button.removeClass('omg-disabled'); } }
function enableById(id) { var button = jQuery('#'+id), binding = _onclick[id]; if (binding) { button.attr('onclick', binding); button.removeClass('omg-disabled'); } }
function modelModified(message) { var modified = message[1]; if (modified) { enableById('project-commit'); enableById('project-revert'); } else { disableById('project-commit'); disableById('project-revert'); } }
function modelModified(message) { var modified = message[1]; if (modified) { enableById('project-commit'); enableById('project-revert'); } else { disableById('project-commit'); disableById('project-revert'); } }
function createDrawPass(sortMethod, opt_drawList) { return that.createDrawPass( sortMethod, undefined, undefined, undefined, opt_drawList); }
function createDrawPass(sortMethod, opt_drawList) { return that.createDrawPass( sortMethod, undefined, undefined, undefined, opt_drawList); }
function selectTab(ev, ui) { var tabName = nameSplit(ui.newTab[0].innerText); selectedTabName = tabName; editor.setSession(sessions[tabName].editSession); }
function selectTab(ev, ui) { var tabName = nameSplit(ui.newTab[0].innerText); selectedTabName = tabName; editor.setSession(sessions[tabName].editSession); }
function closeTab(tab) { var tabIndex = tab.index(), tabName = tab.attr('aria-controls'), filepath = tab.text(), session = sessions[tabName]; function closeIt() { if (fileTabs.tabs("length") === 1) { editor.setSession(defaultSession); editor.setReadOnly(true); } delete sessions[tabName]; tab.remove(); fileTabs.tabs("refresh"); } if (session.editSession.getValue() === session.prevContent) { //nothing changed, close tab closeIt(); } else { //file changed. require user choice var win = jQuery('<div>"'+filepath+'" has been changed. Save before closing?</div>'); jQuery(win).dialog({ 'modal': true, 'title': 'Save', 'buttons': [ { text: 'Save file', id: saveID, click: function() { saveFile(tabName, closeIt); jQuery(this).dialog('close'); } }, { text: 'Close without saving', id: closeID, click: function() { closeIt(); jQuery(this).dialog('close'); } }, { text: 'Cancel', id: cancelID, click: function() { jQuery(this).dialog('close'); return false; } } ] }); } return false; }
function closeTab(tab) { var tabIndex = tab.index(), tabName = tab.attr('aria-controls'), filepath = tab.text(), session = sessions[tabName]; function closeIt() { if (fileTabs.tabs("length") === 1) { editor.setSession(defaultSession); editor.setReadOnly(true); } delete sessions[tabName]; tab.remove(); fileTabs.tabs("refresh"); } if (session.editSession.getValue() === session.prevContent) { //nothing changed, close tab closeIt(); } else { //file changed. require user choice var win = jQuery('<div>"'+filepath+'" has been changed. Save before closing?</div>'); jQuery(win).dialog({ 'modal': true, 'title': 'Save', 'buttons': [ { text: 'Save file', id: saveID, click: function() { saveFile(tabName, closeIt); jQuery(this).dialog('close'); } }, { text: 'Close without saving', id: closeID, click: function() { closeIt(); jQuery(this).dialog('close'); } }, { text: 'Cancel', id: cancelID, click: function() { jQuery(this).dialog('close'); return false; } } ] }); } return false; }
function saveFile(tabName, callback) { if (! tabName) { tabName = selectedTabName; } var session = sessions[tabName], currentCode = session.editSession.getValue(), lastCode = session.prevContent, filepath = session.filepath; /** display error message if file save failed */ function failedSave(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { debug.error("file save failed: "+textStatus, jqXHR, errorThrown); // 409 gets special handling. // 400 is (normally) related to msg reported via publisher. if (jqXHR.status !== 409 && jqXHR.status !== 400) { var msg = jqXHR.responseXML || textStatus; openmdao.Util.notify(msg, 'Save Failed'); } } /** 409 response when saving file indicates model reload will be necessary */ function handle409(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var win = jQuery('<div>Changing this file can alter the model configuration. '+ 'If you save this file, you must reload the project.</div>'); jQuery(win).dialog({ 'modal': true, 'title': 'Save File and Reload Project', 'buttons': [ { text: 'Save File and Reload Project', id: overwriteID, click: function() { jQuery(this).dialog('close'); model.setFile(filepath,currentCode, 1, function() { model.reload(); }, failedSave); } }, { text: 'Cancel', id: cancelID, click: function() { jQuery(this).dialog('close'); } } ] } ); } if (currentCode !== lastCode) { model.setFile(filepath, currentCode, 0, function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { // success // store saved file for comparison session.prevContent = currentCode; // mark as not modified renameTab("#"+tabName, filepath); session.modifed = false; if (typeof openmdao_test_mode !== 'undefined') { openmdao.Util.notify('Save complete: ' + textStatus); } if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } }, failedSave, handle409); } }
function saveFile(tabName, callback) { if (! tabName) { tabName = selectedTabName; } var session = sessions[tabName], currentCode = session.editSession.getValue(), lastCode = session.prevContent, filepath = session.filepath; /** display error message if file save failed */ function failedSave(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { debug.error("file save failed: "+textStatus, jqXHR, errorThrown); // 409 gets special handling. // 400 is (normally) related to msg reported via publisher. if (jqXHR.status !== 409 && jqXHR.status !== 400) { var msg = jqXHR.responseXML || textStatus; openmdao.Util.notify(msg, 'Save Failed'); } } /** 409 response when saving file indicates model reload will be necessary */ function handle409(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var win = jQuery('<div>Changing this file can alter the model configuration. '+ 'If you save this file, you must reload the project.</div>'); jQuery(win).dialog({ 'modal': true, 'title': 'Save File and Reload Project', 'buttons': [ { text: 'Save File and Reload Project', id: overwriteID, click: function() { jQuery(this).dialog('close'); model.setFile(filepath,currentCode, 1, function() { model.reload(); }, failedSave); } }, { text: 'Cancel', id: cancelID, click: function() { jQuery(this).dialog('close'); } } ] } ); } if (currentCode !== lastCode) { model.setFile(filepath, currentCode, 0, function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { // success // store saved file for comparison session.prevContent = currentCode; // mark as not modified renameTab("#"+tabName, filepath); session.modifed = false; if (typeof openmdao_test_mode !== 'undefined') { openmdao.Util.notify('Save complete: ' + textStatus); } if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } }, failedSave, handle409); } }
function failedSave(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { debug.error("file save failed: "+textStatus, jqXHR, errorThrown); // 409 gets special handling. // 400 is (normally) related to msg reported via publisher. if (jqXHR.status !== 409 && jqXHR.status !== 400) { var msg = jqXHR.responseXML || textStatus; openmdao.Util.notify(msg, 'Save Failed'); } }
function failedSave(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { debug.error("file save failed: "+textStatus, jqXHR, errorThrown); // 409 gets special handling. // 400 is (normally) related to msg reported via publisher. if (jqXHR.status !== 409 && jqXHR.status !== 400) { var msg = jqXHR.responseXML || textStatus; openmdao.Util.notify(msg, 'Save Failed'); } }
function handle409(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var win = jQuery('<div>Changing this file can alter the model configuration. '+ 'If you save this file, you must reload the project.</div>'); jQuery(win).dialog({ 'modal': true, 'title': 'Save File and Reload Project', 'buttons': [ { text: 'Save File and Reload Project', id: overwriteID, click: function() { jQuery(this).dialog('close'); model.setFile(filepath,currentCode, 1, function() { model.reload(); }, failedSave); } }, { text: 'Cancel', id: cancelID, click: function() { jQuery(this).dialog('close'); } } ] } ); }
function handle409(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var win = jQuery('<div>Changing this file can alter the model configuration. '+ 'If you save this file, you must reload the project.</div>'); jQuery(win).dialog({ 'modal': true, 'title': 'Save File and Reload Project', 'buttons': [ { text: 'Save File and Reload Project', id: overwriteID, click: function() { jQuery(this).dialog('close'); model.setFile(filepath,currentCode, 1, function() { model.reload(); }, failedSave); } }, { text: 'Cancel', id: cancelID, click: function() { jQuery(this).dialog('close'); } } ] } ); }
function findMode(filename) { chunks = filename.split('.'); if (chunks.length === 2){ if (chunks[1] === "py") { return "ace/mode/python"; } else if (chunks[1] === "js") { return "ace/mode/javascript"; } else { return "ace/mode/python"; } } else { return "ace/mode/python"; } }
function findMode(filename) { chunks = filename.split('.'); if (chunks.length === 2){ if (chunks[1] === "py") { return "ace/mode/python"; } else if (chunks[1] === "js") { return "ace/mode/javascript"; } else { return "ace/mode/python"; } } else { return "ace/mode/python"; } }
function newTab(contents, filepath, tabName, mode) { editor.setReadOnly(false); if (!tabName) { tabName = nameSplit(filepath); } if (!mode) { mode = findMode(filepath); } var newSession = new EditSession(contents); // new code session for ace newSession.setUseSoftTabs(true); newSession.setTabSize(4); newSession.setUndoManager(new UndoManager()); newSession.setMode(mode); newSession.on('change', function(evt) { if (sessions[tabName].editSession.getValue() !== contents) { renameTab("#"+tabName, filepath+"*"); sessions[tabName].modified = true; } else { renameTab("#"+tabName, filepath); sessions[tabName].modified = false; } }); editor.setSession(newSession); // store session for efficent switching sessions[tabName] = { 'editSession': newSession, 'prevContent': contents, 'filepath': filepath, 'modified': false }; jQuery('<div id="'+tabName+'"></div>').appendTo(fileInner); // new empty div fileTabs.tabs("add", '#'+tabName, filepath); fileTabs.tabs('select', "#"+tabName); selectedTabName = tabName; if (Object.keys(sessions) > 1) { // On OS X an initial self.resize() would result in a blank display. // Keeping original resize code for possibly handling lots 'o tabs. self.resize(); editor.resize(); } }
function newTab(contents, filepath, tabName, mode) { editor.setReadOnly(false); if (!tabName) { tabName = nameSplit(filepath); } if (!mode) { mode = findMode(filepath); } var newSession = new EditSession(contents); // new code session for ace newSession.setUseSoftTabs(true); newSession.setTabSize(4); newSession.setUndoManager(new UndoManager()); newSession.setMode(mode); newSession.on('change', function(evt) { if (sessions[tabName].editSession.getValue() !== contents) { renameTab("#"+tabName, filepath+"*"); sessions[tabName].modified = true; } else { renameTab("#"+tabName, filepath); sessions[tabName].modified = false; } }); editor.setSession(newSession); // store session for efficent switching sessions[tabName] = { 'editSession': newSession, 'prevContent': contents, 'filepath': filepath, 'modified': false }; jQuery('<div id="'+tabName+'"></div>').appendTo(fileInner); // new empty div fileTabs.tabs("add", '#'+tabName, filepath); fileTabs.tabs('select', "#"+tabName); selectedTabName = tabName; if (Object.keys(sessions) > 1) { // On OS X an initial self.resize() would result in a blank display. // Keeping original resize code for possibly handling lots 'o tabs. self.resize(); editor.resize(); } }
function nameSplit(filepath) { return filepath.split('.').join('') .split('/').join('') .split('*').join('') .trim(); }
function nameSplit(filepath) { return filepath.split('.').join('') .split('/').join('') .split('*').join('') .trim(); }
function loadTabs(properties) { if (!properties || properties.length === 0) { alert('No properties found for ',self.pathname); return; } var tabbed_pane = jQuery('<div id="''_tabs">'), tabs = jQuery('<ul>'); self.elm.html(""); self.elm.append(tabbed_pane); tabbed_pane.append(tabs); var tabcount = 0, selected = 0; jQuery.each(properties,function (name,val) { if (name === 'type') { if (self.elm.parent().hasClass('ui-dialog')) { self.elm.dialog("option","title",val+': '+self.pathname); } } // Don't show empty slots tab. else if (name !== 'Slots' || val.length) { if (name.length > 12) { tabname = name.substr(0,12); } else { tabname = name; } var contentID ='_'+name, tab = jQuery('<li id="'+contentID+'_tab">') .append('<a href="#'+contentID+'">'+tabname+'</a>'), contentPane = jQuery('<div id="'+contentID+'" style="overflow:auto"></div>'); tabs.append(tab); tabbed_pane.append(contentPane); getContent(contentPane,name,val); if (self.initiallySelected === name) { selected = tabcount; } tabcount = tabcount + 1; } }); self.elm.height(400); self.elm.width(640); self.elm.tabs({selected: selected}) .on('tabsshow', function(event, ui) { if ( === 'Workflow') { self.elm.find('.WorkflowFigure').trigger('setBackground'); } }); if (typeof openmdao_test_mode !== 'undefined') { openmdao.Util.notify(self.pathname+' loaded'); } }
function loadTabs(properties) { if (!properties || properties.length === 0) { alert('No properties found for ',self.pathname); return; } var tabbed_pane = jQuery('<div id="''_tabs">'), tabs = jQuery('<ul>'); self.elm.html(""); self.elm.append(tabbed_pane); tabbed_pane.append(tabs); var tabcount = 0, selected = 0; jQuery.each(properties,function (name,val) { if (name === 'type') { if (self.elm.parent().hasClass('ui-dialog')) { self.elm.dialog("option","title",val+': '+self.pathname); } } // Don't show empty slots tab. else if (name !== 'Slots' || val.length) { if (name.length > 12) { tabname = name.substr(0,12); } else { tabname = name; } var contentID ='_'+name, tab = jQuery('<li id="'+contentID+'_tab">') .append('<a href="#'+contentID+'">'+tabname+'</a>'), contentPane = jQuery('<div id="'+contentID+'" style="overflow:auto"></div>'); tabs.append(tab); tabbed_pane.append(contentPane); getContent(contentPane,name,val); if (self.initiallySelected === name) { selected = tabcount; } tabcount = tabcount + 1; } }); self.elm.height(400); self.elm.width(640); self.elm.tabs({selected: selected}) .on('tabsshow', function(event, ui) { if ( === 'Workflow') { self.elm.find('.WorkflowFigure').trigger('setBackground'); } }); if (typeof openmdao_test_mode !== 'undefined') { openmdao.Util.notify(self.pathname+' loaded'); } }
function updateData(newValues) { if (!newValues) { debug.error('PlotFrame received bad data:',newValues); return; } //newValues = jQuery.parseJSON(newValues); jQuery.each(newValues,function (name,val) { if (! data[name]) { data[name] = []; } // don't exceed max number of points if (data[name].length > maxPoints) { data[name] = data[name].slice(1); } val = parseFloat(val); data[name].push(val); }); }
function updateData(newValues) { if (!newValues) { debug.error('PlotFrame received bad data:',newValues); return; } //newValues = jQuery.parseJSON(newValues); jQuery.each(newValues,function (name,val) { if (! data[name]) { data[name] = []; } // don't exceed max number of points if (data[name].length > maxPoints) { data[name] = data[name].slice(1); } val = parseFloat(val); data[name].push(val); }); }
function updatePlot() { var plotdata = []; jQuery.each(data,function (name,vals) { // generate index values for x-axis, zip with y values var x = 0, xydata = []; for (x = 0; x < vals.length; ++x) { xydata.push([x, vals[x]]); } plotdata.push({ 'data':xydata, 'label':name }); }); plot.setData(plotdata); plot.resize(); // in case the frame was resized plot.setupGrid(); plot.draw(); }
function updatePlot() { var plotdata = []; jQuery.each(data,function (name,vals) { // generate index values for x-axis, zip with y values var x = 0, xydata = []; for (x = 0; x < vals.length; ++x) { xydata.push([x, vals[x]]); } plotdata.push({ 'data':xydata, 'label':name }); }); plot.setData(plotdata); plot.resize(); // in case the frame was resized plot.setupGrid(); plot.draw(); }
function addVariable() { openmdao.Util.promptForValue('Enter pathname of variable to plot:', function(pathname) { plotVariable(pathname); } ); }
function addVariable() { openmdao.Util.promptForValue('Enter pathname of variable to plot:', function(pathname) { plotVariable(pathname); } ); }