6 values
function ce(elementName, className, child) { const el = document.createElement(elementName); className && (el.className = className); child && ac(el, child); return el; }
function ce(elementName, className, child) { const el = document.createElement(elementName); className && (el.className = className); child && ac(el, child); return el; }
function multilineStringToNodes(input) { const textNodes = input.split('\n').map((s) => ctn(s)); let returnedNodes = []; textNodes.forEach((e) => { returnedNodes.push(e); returnedNodes.push(document.createElement('br')); }) return returnedNodes.slice(0,-1); }
function multilineStringToNodes(input) { const textNodes = input.split('\n').map((s) => ctn(s)); let returnedNodes = []; textNodes.forEach((e) => { returnedNodes.push(e); returnedNodes.push(document.createElement('br')); }) return returnedNodes.slice(0,-1); }
function initMap(data, filters) { const element = document.getElementById('map'); if (!element) { return; } $(".map-container").show(); map = new google.maps.Map(element); secondaryCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map, [], { clusterClass: 'secondarycluster', imagePath: 'images/markercluster/m', minimumClusterSize: 5, zIndex: 1, }); primaryCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map, [], { imagePath: 'images/markercluster/m', minimumClusterSize: 5, zIndex: 2 }); primaryCluster.addListener('click', function(e) { sendEvent('map', 'click', 'primaryCluster'); }); secondaryCluster.addListener('click', function(e) { sendEvent('map', 'click', 'secondaryCluster'); }); showMarkers(data, filters); // Initialize autosuggest/search field above the map. initMapSearch(data, filters); loadOtherCountries(); }
function initMap(data, filters) { const element = document.getElementById('map'); if (!element) { return; } $(".map-container").show(); map = new google.maps.Map(element); secondaryCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map, [], { clusterClass: 'secondarycluster', imagePath: 'images/markercluster/m', minimumClusterSize: 5, zIndex: 1, }); primaryCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map, [], { imagePath: 'images/markercluster/m', minimumClusterSize: 5, zIndex: 2 }); primaryCluster.addListener('click', function(e) { sendEvent('map', 'click', 'primaryCluster'); }); secondaryCluster.addListener('click', function(e) { sendEvent('map', 'click', 'secondaryCluster'); }); showMarkers(data, filters); // Initialize autosuggest/search field above the map. initMapSearch(data, filters); loadOtherCountries(); }
function initMapSearch(data, filters) { // If disabled, hide the search fields and don't bother attaching any functionality to them. if (!showMapSearch) { $('.map-search-wrap').hide(); return; } // Search element (jquery + html element for autocompleter) const $search = $('#map-search'), searchEl = $search[0]; // Initialize the map search autocompleter. autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete( searchEl, { types: ['geocode'] } ); // Avoid paying for data that you don't need by restricting the set of place fields that are returned to just the // address components. autocomplete.setFields(['geometry']); // When the user selects an address from the drop-down, populate the address fields in the form. autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', () => { let place = autocomplete.getPlace(); if (place.geometry) { // Get the location object that we can map.setCenter() on sendEvent("map","autocomplete", $search.val()); let viewport = place.geometry.viewport; if (viewport) { fitMapToMarkersNearBounds(viewport); } else { sendEvent("map","autocomplete-fail", $search.val()); console.warn('Location data not found in place geometry (place.geometry.location).') } } else { console.warn('No geometry found, attempting geocode...'); sendEvent("map","search", $search.val()); // Attempt a geocode of the direct user input instead. const geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); const searchText = $search.val(); geocoder.geocode({ address: searchText }, (results, status) => { // Ensure we got a valid response with an array of at least one result. if (status === 'OK' && Array.isArray(results) && results.length > 0) { let viewport = results[0].geometry.viewport; fitMapToMarkersNearBounds(viewport); } else { console.warn('Geocode failed: ' + status); sendEvent("map","geocode-fail", $search.val()); } }); } }); // Setup event listeners for map action links. $('#use-location').on('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); sendEvent("map","center","user-location"); centerMapToMarkersNearUser(); }); $('#reset-map').on('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); resetMap(data, filters); $search.val(''); sendEvent("map","reset","default-location"); }); }
function initMapSearch(data, filters) { // If disabled, hide the search fields and don't bother attaching any functionality to them. if (!showMapSearch) { $('.map-search-wrap').hide(); return; } // Search element (jquery + html element for autocompleter) const $search = $('#map-search'), searchEl = $search[0]; // Initialize the map search autocompleter. autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete( searchEl, { types: ['geocode'] } ); // Avoid paying for data that you don't need by restricting the set of place fields that are returned to just the // address components. autocomplete.setFields(['geometry']); // When the user selects an address from the drop-down, populate the address fields in the form. autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', () => { let place = autocomplete.getPlace(); if (place.geometry) { // Get the location object that we can map.setCenter() on sendEvent("map","autocomplete", $search.val()); let viewport = place.geometry.viewport; if (viewport) { fitMapToMarkersNearBounds(viewport); } else { sendEvent("map","autocomplete-fail", $search.val()); console.warn('Location data not found in place geometry (place.geometry.location).') } } else { console.warn('No geometry found, attempting geocode...'); sendEvent("map","search", $search.val()); // Attempt a geocode of the direct user input instead. const geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); const searchText = $search.val(); geocoder.geocode({ address: searchText }, (results, status) => { // Ensure we got a valid response with an array of at least one result. if (status === 'OK' && Array.isArray(results) && results.length > 0) { let viewport = results[0].geometry.viewport; fitMapToMarkersNearBounds(viewport); } else { console.warn('Geocode failed: ' + status); sendEvent("map","geocode-fail", $search.val()); } }); } }); // Setup event listeners for map action links. $('#use-location').on('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); sendEvent("map","center","user-location"); centerMapToMarkersNearUser(); }); $('#reset-map').on('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); resetMap(data, filters); $search.val(''); sendEvent("map","reset","default-location"); }); }
function centerMapToMarkersNearUser() { // First check to see if the user will accept getting their location, if not, silently return if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((position) => { // Use navigator provided lat/long coords to center map now. centerMapToMarkersNearCoords(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude); }, (err) => { // Hide the "User my location" link since we know that will not work. $('#use-location').hide(); }, { maximumAge: Infinity, timeout: 10000 }); } }
function centerMapToMarkersNearUser() { // First check to see if the user will accept getting their location, if not, silently return if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((position) => { // Use navigator provided lat/long coords to center map now. centerMapToMarkersNearCoords(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude); }, (err) => { // Hide the "User my location" link since we know that will not work. $('#use-location').hide(); }, { maximumAge: Infinity, timeout: 10000 }); } }
function fitMapToMarkersNearBounds(bounds) { // get center of bounding box and use it to sort markers by distance let center = bounds.getCenter(); const markersByDistance = getMarkersByDistanceFrom(, center.lng()); // extend bounds to fit closest three markers [0,1,2].forEach((i) => { const marker = markersByDistance[i]; if (marker) { bounds.extend(marker.position); } }); map.fitBounds(bounds); }
function fitMapToMarkersNearBounds(bounds) { // get center of bounding box and use it to sort markers by distance let center = bounds.getCenter(); const markersByDistance = getMarkersByDistanceFrom(, center.lng()); // extend bounds to fit closest three markers [0,1,2].forEach((i) => { const marker = markersByDistance[i]; if (marker) { bounds.extend(marker.position); } }); map.fitBounds(bounds); }
function centerMapToMarkersNearCoords(latitude, longitude) { const markersByDistance = getMarkersByDistanceFrom(latitude, longitude); // center the map on the user const latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude); const bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); let hasMarker = false; bounds.extend(latlng); // Extend the bounds to contain the three closest markers [0,1,2].forEach((i) => { const marker = markersByDistance[i]; if (marker) { hasMarker = true; bounds.extend(marker.position); } }); if (hasMarker) { // zoom to fit user loc + nearest markers map.fitBounds(bounds); } else { // just has user loc - shift view without zooming map.setCenter(latlng); } }
function centerMapToMarkersNearCoords(latitude, longitude) { const markersByDistance = getMarkersByDistanceFrom(latitude, longitude); // center the map on the user const latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude); const bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); let hasMarker = false; bounds.extend(latlng); // Extend the bounds to contain the three closest markers [0,1,2].forEach((i) => { const marker = markersByDistance[i]; if (marker) { hasMarker = true; bounds.extend(marker.position); } }); if (hasMarker) { // zoom to fit user loc + nearest markers map.fitBounds(bounds); } else { // just has user loc - shift view without zooming map.setCenter(latlng); } }
function showMarkers(data, filters) { if (!map || !primaryCluster) { return; } const bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); const applied = filters.applied || {}; const hasFilters = applied.states || applied.acceptItems; const markers = getMarkers(data, applied, hasFilters && bounds); if (applied.states) { primaryMarkers = markers.instate; secondaryMarkers = markers.outofstate; } else { primaryMarkers = markers.outofstate; secondaryMarkers = []; } primaryCluster && primaryCluster.clearMarkers(); secondaryCluster && secondaryCluster.clearMarkers(); for (const marker of primaryMarkers) { marker.setOptions(primaryMarkerOptions); } for (const marker of secondaryMarkers) { marker.setOptions(secondaryMarkerOptions); } updateClusters(primaryCluster, secondaryCluster); let $mapStats = $('#map-stats'); updateStats($mapStats, markers.instate.length + markers.outofstate.length); // HACK. On some browsers, the markercluster freaks out if it gets a bunch of new markers // immediately followed by a map view change. Making the view change async works around // this bug. setTimeout(() => { centerMapToBounds(map, bounds, 9); }, 0); }
function showMarkers(data, filters) { if (!map || !primaryCluster) { return; } const bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); const applied = filters.applied || {}; const hasFilters = applied.states || applied.acceptItems; const markers = getMarkers(data, applied, hasFilters && bounds); if (applied.states) { primaryMarkers = markers.instate; secondaryMarkers = markers.outofstate; } else { primaryMarkers = markers.outofstate; secondaryMarkers = []; } primaryCluster && primaryCluster.clearMarkers(); secondaryCluster && secondaryCluster.clearMarkers(); for (const marker of primaryMarkers) { marker.setOptions(primaryMarkerOptions); } for (const marker of secondaryMarkers) { marker.setOptions(secondaryMarkerOptions); } updateClusters(primaryCluster, secondaryCluster); let $mapStats = $('#map-stats'); updateStats($mapStats, markers.instate.length + markers.outofstate.length); // HACK. On some browsers, the markercluster freaks out if it gets a bunch of new markers // immediately followed by a map view change. Making the view change async works around // this bug. setTimeout(() => { centerMapToBounds(map, bounds, 9); }, 0); }
function updateClusters(primaryCluster, secondaryCluster) { if (primaryCluster) { primaryCluster.clearMarkers(); primaryCluster.addMarkers(primaryMarkers); } if (secondaryCluster) { secondaryCluster.clearMarkers(); secondaryCluster.addMarkers(otherMarkers); secondaryCluster.addMarkers(secondaryMarkers); } }
function updateClusters(primaryCluster, secondaryCluster) { if (primaryCluster) { primaryCluster.clearMarkers(); primaryCluster.addMarkers(primaryMarkers); } if (secondaryCluster) { secondaryCluster.clearMarkers(); secondaryCluster.addMarkers(otherMarkers); secondaryCluster.addMarkers(secondaryMarkers); } }
function updateStats($elem, count, states) { let statsHtml = '', prettyMarkerCount = number_format(count, 0); // Default to no states. statsHtml = `(${prettyMarkerCount})`; if (typeof states === 'undefined') states = []; if (states.length > 0) { let statesFormatted = states.join(', '); statsHtml = `in ${statesFormatted} ` + statsHtml; } // If we're at zero, just clear it out for now. if (count === 0) statsHtml = ''; $elem.html(statsHtml); }
function updateStats($elem, count, states) { let statsHtml = '', prettyMarkerCount = number_format(count, 0); // Default to no states. statsHtml = `(${prettyMarkerCount})`; if (typeof states === 'undefined') states = []; if (states.length > 0) { let statesFormatted = states.join(', '); statsHtml = `in ${statesFormatted} ` + statsHtml; } // If we're at zero, just clear it out for now. if (count === 0) statsHtml = ''; $elem.html(statsHtml); }
function number_format(number, decimal_places, dec_seperator, thou_seperator) { // Init defaults. if (typeof decimal_places === 'undefined') decimal_places = 0; if (typeof dec_seperator === 'undefined') dec_seperator = '.'; if (typeof thou_seperator === 'undefined') thou_seperator = ','; number = Math.round(number * Math.pow(10, decimal_places)) / Math.pow(10, decimal_places); let e = number + ''; let f = e.split('.'); if (!f[0]) { f[0] = '0'; } if (!f[1]) { f[1] = ''; } if (f[1].length < decimal_places) { let g = f[1]; for (let i = f[1].length + 1; i <= decimal_places; i++) { g += '0'; } f[1] = g; } if (thou_seperator != '' && f[0].length > 3) { let h = f[0]; f[0] = ''; for (let j = 3; j < h.length; j += 3) { let i = h.slice(h.length - j, h.length - j + 3); f[0] = thou_seperator + i + f[0] + ''; } let j = h.substr(0, (h.length % 3 == 0) ? 3 : (h.length % 3)); f[0] = j + f[0]; } dec_seperator = (decimal_places <= 0) ? '' : dec_seperator; return f[0] + dec_seperator + f[1]; }
function number_format(number, decimal_places, dec_seperator, thou_seperator) { // Init defaults. if (typeof decimal_places === 'undefined') decimal_places = 0; if (typeof dec_seperator === 'undefined') dec_seperator = '.'; if (typeof thou_seperator === 'undefined') thou_seperator = ','; number = Math.round(number * Math.pow(10, decimal_places)) / Math.pow(10, decimal_places); let e = number + ''; let f = e.split('.'); if (!f[0]) { f[0] = '0'; } if (!f[1]) { f[1] = ''; } if (f[1].length < decimal_places) { let g = f[1]; for (let i = f[1].length + 1; i <= decimal_places; i++) { g += '0'; } f[1] = g; } if (thou_seperator != '' && f[0].length > 3) { let h = f[0]; f[0] = ''; for (let j = 3; j < h.length; j += 3) { let i = h.slice(h.length - j, h.length - j + 3); f[0] = thou_seperator + i + f[0] + ''; } let j = h.substr(0, (h.length % 3 == 0) ? 3 : (h.length % 3)); f[0] = j + f[0]; } dec_seperator = (decimal_places <= 0) ? '' : dec_seperator; return f[0] + dec_seperator + f[1]; }
parse(text) { const input = text || ''; const chars = new antlr4.InputStream(input); const lexer = new SightlyLexer(chars); const tokens = new antlr4.CommonTokenStream(lexer); const parser = new SightlyParser(tokens); if (this._errorListener) { parser.addErrorListener(this._errorListener); } return parser.interpolation().interp; }
parse(text) { const input = text || ''; const chars = new antlr4.InputStream(input); const lexer = new SightlyLexer(chars); const tokens = new antlr4.CommonTokenStream(lexer); const parser = new SightlyParser(tokens); if (this._errorListener) { parser.addErrorListener(this._errorListener); } return parser.interpolation().interp; }
_flushBuffer() { if (this._buffer.length > 0) { this._handler.onText(this._buffer, this._startPos.line, this._startPos.column); this._startPos = { line: this._line, column: this._column }; this._buffer = ''; } }
_flushBuffer() { if (this._buffer.length > 0) { this._handler.onText(this._buffer, this._startPos.line, this._startPos.column); this._startPos = { line: this._line, column: this._column }; this._buffer = ''; } }
_processTag(source, line, column) { const snippet = this._buffer + source; this._buffer = ''; const tok = this._tagTokenizer.tokenize(snippet, 0, snippet.length, line, column); if (!tok.endTag) { this._handler.onOpenTagStart(tok.tagName, line, column); tok.attributes.forEach((attr) => { const decoded = attr.value ? he.decode(attr.value, { isAttributeValue: true }) : attr.value; this._handler.onAttribute(, decoded, attr.quoteChar, attr.line, attr.column); }); this._handler.onOpenTagEnd(tok.endSlash, VOID_ELEMENTS[tok.tagName]); } else { this._handler.onCloseTag(tok.tagName, VOID_ELEMENTS[tok.tagName]); } return tok.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'SCRIPT' && !tok.endSlash; }
_processTag(source, line, column) { const snippet = this._buffer + source; this._buffer = ''; const tok = this._tagTokenizer.tokenize(snippet, 0, snippet.length, line, column); if (!tok.endTag) { this._handler.onOpenTagStart(tok.tagName, line, column); tok.attributes.forEach((attr) => { const decoded = attr.value ? he.decode(attr.value, { isAttributeValue: true }) : attr.value; this._handler.onAttribute(, decoded, attr.quoteChar, attr.line, attr.column); }); this._handler.onOpenTagEnd(tok.endSlash, VOID_ELEMENTS[tok.tagName]); } else { this._handler.onCloseTag(tok.tagName, VOID_ELEMENTS[tok.tagName]); } return tok.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'SCRIPT' && !tok.endSlash; }
function animationHover(element, animation) { element = $(element); element.hover( function() { element.addClass("animated " + animation); }, function() { //wait for animation to finish before removing classes window.setTimeout(function() { element.removeClass("animated " + animation); }, 2000); } ); }
function animationHover(element, animation) { element = $(element); element.hover( function() { element.addClass("animated " + animation); }, function() { //wait for animation to finish before removing classes window.setTimeout(function() { element.removeClass("animated " + animation); }, 2000); } ); }
function linearFit(xSeries, ySeries) { let sum = function (p, c) { return p + c } let xBar = xSeries.reduce(sum) * 1.0 / xSeries.length let yBar = ySeries.reduce(sum) * 1.0 / ySeries.length let ssXX = (d) { return (d - xBar) * (d - xBar) }).reduce(sum) let ssYY = (d) { return (d - yBar) * (d - yBar) }).reduce(sum) let ssXY = (d, i) { return (d - xBar) * (ySeries[i] - yBar) }).reduce(sum) let m = ssXY / ssXX let b = yBar - (xBar * m) return (x => { return (m * x) + b }) }
function linearFit(xSeries, ySeries) { let sum = function (p, c) { return p + c } let xBar = xSeries.reduce(sum) * 1.0 / xSeries.length let yBar = ySeries.reduce(sum) * 1.0 / ySeries.length let ssXX = (d) { return (d - xBar) * (d - xBar) }).reduce(sum) let ssYY = (d) { return (d - yBar) * (d - yBar) }).reduce(sum) let ssXY = (d, i) { return (d - xBar) * (ySeries[i] - yBar) }).reduce(sum) let m = ssXY / ssXX let b = yBar - (xBar * m) return (x => { return (m * x) + b }) }
async create() { if(!this.validate(this.table) || !this.validate(this.db)) { return false; } let queryData = ""; for(let name in this.fields) { queryData = queryData + name; /** * Add column data */ if(this.validate(this.fields[name].type)) { let type = this.fields[name].type; queryData = queryData + " " + type; } if(this.validate(this.fields[name].length)) { let length = this.fields[name].length; queryData = queryData + "(" + length + ")"; } if(this.validate(this.fields[name].constrains)) { let constrains = this.fields[name].constrains; queryData = queryData + " " + constrains; } queryData = queryData + ", " } queryData = queryData.slice(0, -2); try{ let statement = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + pgPrepare(this.table) + " ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY " + pgPrepare(queryData) + ");"; let createTableData = await this.db.query(statement); if(createTableData.rowCount !== 0){ return true; } } catch(e) { } return false; }
async create() { if(!this.validate(this.table) || !this.validate(this.db)) { return false; } let queryData = ""; for(let name in this.fields) { queryData = queryData + name; /** * Add column data */ if(this.validate(this.fields[name].type)) { let type = this.fields[name].type; queryData = queryData + " " + type; } if(this.validate(this.fields[name].length)) { let length = this.fields[name].length; queryData = queryData + "(" + length + ")"; } if(this.validate(this.fields[name].constrains)) { let constrains = this.fields[name].constrains; queryData = queryData + " " + constrains; } queryData = queryData + ", " } queryData = queryData.slice(0, -2); try{ let statement = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + pgPrepare(this.table) + " ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY " + pgPrepare(queryData) + ");"; let createTableData = await this.db.query(statement); if(createTableData.rowCount !== 0){ return true; } } catch(e) { } return false; }
validate(data, checks = {checkNull: true}) { if(checks.checkNull) { if(data == null || typeof data == "undefined") { return false; } } return true; }
validate(data, checks = {checkNull: true}) { if(checks.checkNull) { if(data == null || typeof data == "undefined") { return false; } } return true; }
async create() { if(!this.repository.validate(this.table) || !this.repository.validate(this.db)) { return false; } let queryDataNames = ""; let queryDataValues = ""; for(let name in this.repository.fields) { let value = this[name]; if(this.repository.validate(value)) { queryDataNames = queryDataNames + name + ", "; if(typeof value == "string") { value = "'" + value + "'"; } queryDataValues = queryDataValues + value + ", "; } } queryDataNames = queryDataNames.slice(0, -2); queryDataValues = queryDataValues.slice(0, -2); try{ let statement = "INSERT INTO " + pgPrepare(this.table) + " (" + pgPrepare(queryDataNames) + ") VALUES (" + pgPrepare(queryDataValues) + ");"; let insertData = await this.db.query(statement); if(insertData.rowCount !== 0){ return true; } } catch(e) { } return false; }
async create() { if(!this.repository.validate(this.table) || !this.repository.validate(this.db)) { return false; } let queryDataNames = ""; let queryDataValues = ""; for(let name in this.repository.fields) { let value = this[name]; if(this.repository.validate(value)) { queryDataNames = queryDataNames + name + ", "; if(typeof value == "string") { value = "'" + value + "'"; } queryDataValues = queryDataValues + value + ", "; } } queryDataNames = queryDataNames.slice(0, -2); queryDataValues = queryDataValues.slice(0, -2); try{ let statement = "INSERT INTO " + pgPrepare(this.table) + " (" + pgPrepare(queryDataNames) + ") VALUES (" + pgPrepare(queryDataValues) + ");"; let insertData = await this.db.query(statement); if(insertData.rowCount !== 0){ return true; } } catch(e) { } return false; }
checkInputs(inputChar) { if (this.mode === 'Inputting') { const tempString = this.userInput + inputChar; this.userInput += inputChar; this.showinputProgressCircles(tempString); this.blocks.flashAndPlayAudio(inputChar); // Checking input one on one if (this.levelString.indexOf(tempString) === 0) { // console.log('So far good.'); // If the player's input is completely same to this.levelString if (tempString === this.levelString) { this.gameContinue(); } } else { this.replayTimes > 0 ? this.replayCurrentLevel() : this.gameOver(); } } }
checkInputs(inputChar) { if (this.mode === 'Inputting') { const tempString = this.userInput + inputChar; this.userInput += inputChar; this.showinputProgressCircles(tempString); this.blocks.flashAndPlayAudio(inputChar); // Checking input one on one if (this.levelString.indexOf(tempString) === 0) { // console.log('So far good.'); // If the player's input is completely same to this.levelString if (tempString === this.levelString) { this.gameContinue(); } } else { this.replayTimes > 0 ? this.replayCurrentLevel() : this.gameOver(); } } }
showinputProgressCircles(tempString) { this.inputProgressElement.innerHTML = ''; // Updata circle div elements in any level this.levelString.split('').forEach((data, index) => { this.inputProgressElement.innerHTML += ` <div class="circle${index < tempString.length ? ' correct' : ''}"></div>`; }); this.inputProgressElement.classList.remove('correct', 'wrong'); // If all inputs are correct, make circles blue if (tempString === this.levelString) { setTimeout(() => { this.inputProgressElement.classList.add('correct'); }, this.playInterval); } // If not, make circles red immediately if (this.levelString.indexOf(tempString) !== 0) { this.inputProgressElement.classList.add('wrong'); } }
showinputProgressCircles(tempString) { this.inputProgressElement.innerHTML = ''; // Updata circle div elements in any level this.levelString.split('').forEach((data, index) => { this.inputProgressElement.innerHTML += ` <div class="circle${index < tempString.length ? ' correct' : ''}"></div>`; }); this.inputProgressElement.classList.remove('correct', 'wrong'); // If all inputs are correct, make circles blue if (tempString === this.levelString) { setTimeout(() => { this.inputProgressElement.classList.add('correct'); }, this.playInterval); } // If not, make circles red immediately if (this.levelString.indexOf(tempString) !== 0) { this.inputProgressElement.classList.add('wrong'); } }
function bac2Color(bac) { bac = bac * 255; var base = 0x0000FF, color = base; //remove the 'blue' value the higher the bac is. color -= bac; //add the 'red' value the higher the bac is. color += (bac << 16); color = Math.round(color); color = color.toString(16); //zero-fill string while(color.length < 6) { color = '0' + color; } color = '#' + color; return color; }
function bac2Color(bac) { bac = bac * 255; var base = 0x0000FF, color = base; //remove the 'blue' value the higher the bac is. color -= bac; //add the 'red' value the higher the bac is. color += (bac << 16); color = Math.round(color); color = color.toString(16); //zero-fill string while(color.length < 6) { color = '0' + color; } color = '#' + color; return color; }
function update(dt) { updateEntities(dt); checkCollisions(); checkWater(); }
function update(dt) { updateEntities(dt); checkCollisions(); checkWater(); }
function updateTally(result) { if (result === 'lose') { score.tally--; } else if (result === 'win') { score.tally++; } }
function updateTally(result) { if (result === 'lose') { score.tally--; } else if (result === 'win') { score.tally++; } }
function checkCollisions() { /* * loop through the enemies and identify them as 'enemy' */ for (var i = 0; i <= allEnemies.length - 1; i++) { var enemy = allEnemies[i]; // if you're on the same row as enemy if (enemy.y === player.y) { //delineate player and enemy boundaries var testThis = enemy.rightLimit >= player.leftLimit; var testThat = enemy.leftLimit <= player.rightLimit; // if you're within the boundaries of an enemy if (testThis && testThat) { //reset player position player.init(); // loop through all the enemies and indivdually reset them (passing the lose parameter) allEnemies.forEach(function(enemy) { enemy.init('lose'); }); // update the tally and render it updateTally('lose'); score.render(); } } } }
function checkCollisions() { /* * loop through the enemies and identify them as 'enemy' */ for (var i = 0; i <= allEnemies.length - 1; i++) { var enemy = allEnemies[i]; // if you're on the same row as enemy if (enemy.y === player.y) { //delineate player and enemy boundaries var testThis = enemy.rightLimit >= player.leftLimit; var testThat = enemy.leftLimit <= player.rightLimit; // if you're within the boundaries of an enemy if (testThis && testThat) { //reset player position player.init(); // loop through all the enemies and indivdually reset them (passing the lose parameter) allEnemies.forEach(function(enemy) { enemy.init('lose'); }); // update the tally and render it updateTally('lose'); score.render(); } } } }
function checkWater() { if (player.y < gameProps.rowHeight - 40) { youWin(); } }
function checkWater() { if (player.y < gameProps.rowHeight - 40) { youWin(); } }
function youWin() { player.init(); allEnemies.forEach(function(enemy) { enemy.init('win'); }); updateTally('win'); score.render(); }
function youWin() { player.init(); allEnemies.forEach(function(enemy) { enemy.init('win'); }); updateTally('win'); score.render(); }
async function openCloudDBZone() { console.log('try to open zone') try { const config = new CloudDBZoneConfig('BaseZoneA'); cloudDBZone = await agcCloudDB.openCloudDBZone(config); console.log('open zone success:'); console.log(cloudDBZone); return true; } catch (e) { console.log('open zone failed:' + e.message); return false; } }
async function openCloudDBZone() { console.log('try to open zone') try { const config = new CloudDBZoneConfig('BaseZoneA'); cloudDBZone = await agcCloudDB.openCloudDBZone(config); console.log('open zone success:'); console.log(cloudDBZone); return true; } catch (e) { console.log('open zone failed:' + e.message); return false; } }
async function subscribeSnapshot(onSnapshotListener) { try { const query = CloudDBZoneQuery.where(BookInfo); query.equalTo('shadowFlag', true); const listenerHandler = await cloudDBZone.subscribeSnapshot(query, onSnapshotListener); return listenerHandler; } catch (e) { console.log('subscribeSnapshot error:' + e.message); return null; } }
async function subscribeSnapshot(onSnapshotListener) { try { const query = CloudDBZoneQuery.where(BookInfo); query.equalTo('shadowFlag', true); const listenerHandler = await cloudDBZone.subscribeSnapshot(query, onSnapshotListener); return listenerHandler; } catch (e) { console.log('subscribeSnapshot error:' + e.message); return null; } }
async function executeQueryComposite(object) { try { return await new Promise(resolve => { console.log(object); const query = CloudDBZoneQuery.where(BookInfo); if ( > 0) { query.equalTo('bookName',; } if (parseFloat(object.minPrice) > 0) { query.greaterThanOrEqualTo('price', parseFloat(object.minPrice)); } if (parseFloat(object.maxPrice) > 0 && parseFloat(object.maxPrice) > parseFloat(object.minPrice)) { query.lessThanOrEqualTo('price', parseFloat(object.maxPrice)); } if (parseInt(object.bookCount) > 0) { query.limit(parseInt(object.bookCount)); } query.orderByAsc('id'); cloudDBZone.executeQuery(query).then(snapshot => { const resultArray = snapshot.getSnapshotObjects(); resolve(resultArray); }); }); } catch (e) { console.log('query failed with reason:' + e.message); return null; } }
async function executeQueryComposite(object) { try { return await new Promise(resolve => { console.log(object); const query = CloudDBZoneQuery.where(BookInfo); if ( > 0) { query.equalTo('bookName',; } if (parseFloat(object.minPrice) > 0) { query.greaterThanOrEqualTo('price', parseFloat(object.minPrice)); } if (parseFloat(object.maxPrice) > 0 && parseFloat(object.maxPrice) > parseFloat(object.minPrice)) { query.lessThanOrEqualTo('price', parseFloat(object.maxPrice)); } if (parseInt(object.bookCount) > 0) { query.limit(parseInt(object.bookCount)); } query.orderByAsc('id'); cloudDBZone.executeQuery(query).then(snapshot => { const resultArray = snapshot.getSnapshotObjects(); resolve(resultArray); }); }); } catch (e) { console.log('query failed with reason:' + e.message); return null; } }
async function queryDataByOrderWay(filedName, sortType) { try { return await new Promise(resolve => { const query = CloudDBZoneQuery.where(BookInfo); if (sortType === 1) { query.orderByAsc(filedName); } else { query.orderByDesc(filedName); } cloudDBZone.executeQuery(query).then(snapshot => { const resultArray = snapshot.getSnapshotObjects(); resolve(resultArray); }); }); } catch (e) { console.log('query failed with reason:' + e.message); return null; } }
async function queryDataByOrderWay(filedName, sortType) { try { return await new Promise(resolve => { const query = CloudDBZoneQuery.where(BookInfo); if (sortType === 1) { query.orderByAsc(filedName); } else { query.orderByDesc(filedName); } cloudDBZone.executeQuery(query).then(snapshot => { const resultArray = snapshot.getSnapshotObjects(); resolve(resultArray); }); }); } catch (e) { console.log('query failed with reason:' + e.message); return null; } }
function loginWithPhone(countryCode, account, password, verifyCode) { let credential = getPhoneCredential(countryCode, account, password, verifyCode); if (!credential) { return Promise.reject(new Error('credential is undefined')); } return login(credential); }
function loginWithPhone(countryCode, account, password, verifyCode) { let credential = getPhoneCredential(countryCode, account, password, verifyCode); if (!credential) { return Promise.reject(new Error('credential is undefined')); } return login(credential); }
function loginWithWeChat(token, openId, autoCreateUser = true) { let credential = agconnect.auth.WeixinAuthProvider.credentialWithToken(token, openId, autoCreateUser); if (!credential) { return Promise.reject(new Error('credential is undefined')); } return login(credential); }
function loginWithWeChat(token, openId, autoCreateUser = true) { let credential = agconnect.auth.WeixinAuthProvider.credentialWithToken(token, openId, autoCreateUser); if (!credential) { return Promise.reject(new Error('credential is undefined')); } return login(credential); }
function loginWithQQ(token, openId, autoCreateUser = true) { let credential = agconnect.auth.QQAuthProvider.credentialWithToken(token, openId, autoCreateUser); if (!credential) { return Promise.reject(new Error('credential is undefined')); } return login(credential); }
function loginWithQQ(token, openId, autoCreateUser = true) { let credential = agconnect.auth.QQAuthProvider.credentialWithToken(token, openId, autoCreateUser); if (!credential) { return Promise.reject(new Error('credential is undefined')); } return login(credential); }
function link(linkObj, param1, param2, param3) { return agconnect.auth().getCurrentUser().then(async user => { let credential = undefined; if (linkObj == "phone") { credential = getPhoneCredential('86', param1, param2, param3); } else if (linkObj == "email") { credential = getEmailCredential(param1, param2, param3); } else if (linkObj == "QQ") { credential = agconnect.auth.QQAuthProvider.credentialWithToken(param1, param2, true); } else if (linkObj == "weChat") { credential = agconnect.auth.WeixinAuthProvider.credentialWithToken(param1, param2, true); } if (!credential) { return Promise.reject(new Error('credential is undefined')); } await; }); }
function link(linkObj, param1, param2, param3) { return agconnect.auth().getCurrentUser().then(async user => { let credential = undefined; if (linkObj == "phone") { credential = getPhoneCredential('86', param1, param2, param3); } else if (linkObj == "email") { credential = getEmailCredential(param1, param2, param3); } else if (linkObj == "QQ") { credential = agconnect.auth.QQAuthProvider.credentialWithToken(param1, param2, true); } else if (linkObj == "weChat") { credential = agconnect.auth.WeixinAuthProvider.credentialWithToken(param1, param2, true); } if (!credential) { return Promise.reject(new Error('credential is undefined')); } await; }); }
function userReauthenticateByPhone(countryCode, phoneNumber, password, verifyCode) { let credential; if (verifyCode) { credential = agconnect.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credentialWithVerifyCode(countryCode, phoneNumber, password, verifyCode); } else { credential = agconnect.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credentialWithPassword(countryCode, phoneNumber, password); } return agconnect.auth().getCurrentUser().then(async user => { if (user) { await user.userReauthenticate(credential); } else { return Promise.reject(new Error("no user login")); } }) }
function userReauthenticateByPhone(countryCode, phoneNumber, password, verifyCode) { let credential; if (verifyCode) { credential = agconnect.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credentialWithVerifyCode(countryCode, phoneNumber, password, verifyCode); } else { credential = agconnect.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credentialWithPassword(countryCode, phoneNumber, password); } return agconnect.auth().getCurrentUser().then(async user => { if (user) { await user.userReauthenticate(credential); } else { return Promise.reject(new Error("no user login")); } }) }
function userReauthenticateByEmail(email, password, verifyCode) { let credential = ''; if (verifyCode) { credential = agconnect.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credentialWithVerifyCode(email, password, verifyCode); } else { credential = agconnect.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credentialWithPassword(email, password); } return agconnect.auth().getCurrentUser().then(async user => { if (user) { await user.userReauthenticate(credential); } else { return Promise.reject(new Error("no user login")); } }) }
function userReauthenticateByEmail(email, password, verifyCode) { let credential = ''; if (verifyCode) { credential = agconnect.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credentialWithVerifyCode(email, password, verifyCode); } else { credential = agconnect.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credentialWithPassword(email, password); } return agconnect.auth().getCurrentUser().then(async user => { if (user) { await user.userReauthenticate(credential); } else { return Promise.reject(new Error("no user login")); } }) }
function updatePhonePwd(newPassword, verifyCode) { return agconnect.auth().getCurrentUser().then(async user => { if (user) { await user.updatePassword(newPassword, verifyCode, 11); } else { return Promise.reject(new Error("no user login")); } }); }
function updatePhonePwd(newPassword, verifyCode) { return agconnect.auth().getCurrentUser().then(async user => { if (user) { await user.updatePassword(newPassword, verifyCode, 11); } else { return Promise.reject(new Error("no user login")); } }); }
function updateEmailPwd(newPassword, verifyCode) { return agconnect.auth().getCurrentUser().then(async user => { if (user) { await user.updatePassword(newPassword, verifyCode, 12); } else { return Promise.reject(new Error("no user login")); } }); }
function updateEmailPwd(newPassword, verifyCode) { return agconnect.auth().getCurrentUser().then(async user => { if (user) { await user.updatePassword(newPassword, verifyCode, 12); } else { return Promise.reject(new Error("no user login")); } }); }
function updatePhone(newPhone, verifyCode, lang) { return agconnect.auth().getCurrentUser().then(async user => { if (user) { await user.updatePhone("86", newPhone, verifyCode, lang); } else { return Promise.reject(new Error("no user login")); } }); }
function updatePhone(newPhone, verifyCode, lang) { return agconnect.auth().getCurrentUser().then(async user => { if (user) { await user.updatePhone("86", newPhone, verifyCode, lang); } else { return Promise.reject(new Error("no user login")); } }); }
function updateEmail(newEmail, verifyCode, lang) { return agconnect.auth().getCurrentUser().then(async user => { if (user) { await user.updateEmail(newEmail, verifyCode, lang); } else { return Promise.reject(new Error("no user login")); } }); }
function updateEmail(newEmail, verifyCode, lang) { return agconnect.auth().getCurrentUser().then(async user => { if (user) { await user.updateEmail(newEmail, verifyCode, lang); } else { return Promise.reject(new Error("no user login")); } }); }
function updateProfile(profile) { return agconnect.auth().getCurrentUser().then(async user => { if (user) { await user.updateProfile(profile); } else { return Promise.reject(new Error("no user login")); } }); }
function updateProfile(profile) { return agconnect.auth().getCurrentUser().then(async user => { if (user) { await user.updateProfile(profile); } else { return Promise.reject(new Error("no user login")); } }); }
function startApp() { inquirer.prompt({ name: "mainmenu", type: "list", message: "What would you like to do?", choices: [ "Show All Employees", "Add Employee Info", "Remove Employee", "Show Roles", "Add Role", "Remove Role", "Show Departments", "Add Department", "Remove Department", "Exit" ] }).then(responses => { console.log("You selected: ", responses.mainmenu); switch (responses.mainmenu) { case "Show All Employees": showEmployees(); break; case "Add Employee Info": addEmployee(); break; case "Remove Employee": removeEmployee(); break; case "Show Roles": showRoles(); break; case "Add Role": addRole(); break; case "Remove Role": removeRole(); break; case "Show Departments": showDepartments(); break; case "Add Department": addDepartment(); break; case "Remove Department": removeDepartment(); break; case "Exit": connection.end(); break; } }); }
function startApp() { inquirer.prompt({ name: "mainmenu", type: "list", message: "What would you like to do?", choices: [ "Show All Employees", "Add Employee Info", "Remove Employee", "Show Roles", "Add Role", "Remove Role", "Show Departments", "Add Department", "Remove Department", "Exit" ] }).then(responses => { console.log("You selected: ", responses.mainmenu); switch (responses.mainmenu) { case "Show All Employees": showEmployees(); break; case "Add Employee Info": addEmployee(); break; case "Remove Employee": removeEmployee(); break; case "Show Roles": showRoles(); break; case "Add Role": addRole(); break; case "Remove Role": removeRole(); break; case "Show Departments": showDepartments(); break; case "Add Department": addDepartment(); break; case "Remove Department": removeDepartment(); break; case "Exit": connection.end(); break; } }); }
function showEmployees() { // select from the database let query = "SELECT, employee.first_name, employee.last_name, role.title, AS department, role.salary FROM employee LEFT JOIN role ON employee.role_id = LEFT JOIN department on role.department_id =;"; connection.query(query, function (err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.table(res); startApp(); }); }
function showEmployees() { // select from the database let query = "SELECT, employee.first_name, employee.last_name, role.title, AS department, role.salary FROM employee LEFT JOIN role ON employee.role_id = LEFT JOIN department on role.department_id =;"; connection.query(query, function (err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.table(res); startApp(); }); }
function addEmployee() { inquirer .prompt([ { type: "input", message: "What's the first name of the employee?", name: "firstName" }, { type: "input", message: "What's the last name of the employee?", name: "lastName" }, { type: "input", message: "What is the employee's role id number?", name: "roleId" }, { type: "input", message: "What is the manager id number?", name: "managerId" } ]) .then(answer => { connection.query("INSERT INTO employee (first_name, last_name, role_id, manager_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", [answer.firstName, answer.lastName, answer.roleId, answer.managerId], function (err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.table(res); startApp(); }); }); }
function addEmployee() { inquirer .prompt([ { type: "input", message: "What's the first name of the employee?", name: "firstName" }, { type: "input", message: "What's the last name of the employee?", name: "lastName" }, { type: "input", message: "What is the employee's role id number?", name: "roleId" }, { type: "input", message: "What is the manager id number?", name: "managerId" } ]) .then(answer => { connection.query("INSERT INTO employee (first_name, last_name, role_id, manager_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", [answer.firstName, answer.lastName, answer.roleId, answer.managerId], function (err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.table(res); startApp(); }); }); }
function showRoles() { // select from the database let query = "SELECT * FROM role"; connection.query(query, function (err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.table(res); startApp(); }); }
function showRoles() { // select from the database let query = "SELECT * FROM role"; connection.query(query, function (err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.table(res); startApp(); }); }
function addRole() { inquirer .prompt([ { type: "input", message: "What's the name of the role?", name: "roleName" }, { type: "input", message: "What is the salary for this role?", name: "salaryTotal" }, { type: "input", message: "What is the department id number?", name: "deptId" } ]) .then(answer => { connection.query("INSERT INTO role (title, salary, department_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [answer.roleName, answer.salaryTotal, answer.deptId], function (err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.table(res); startApp(); }); }); }
function addRole() { inquirer .prompt([ { type: "input", message: "What's the name of the role?", name: "roleName" }, { type: "input", message: "What is the salary for this role?", name: "salaryTotal" }, { type: "input", message: "What is the department id number?", name: "deptId" } ]) .then(answer => { connection.query("INSERT INTO role (title, salary, department_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [answer.roleName, answer.salaryTotal, answer.deptId], function (err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.table(res); startApp(); }); }); }
function showDepartments() { // select from the database let query = "SELECT * FROM department"; connection.query(query, function (err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.table(res); startApp(); }); }
function showDepartments() { // select from the database let query = "SELECT * FROM department"; connection.query(query, function (err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.table(res); startApp(); }); }
function addDepartment() { inquirer.prompt({ type: "input", message: "What is the name of the department?", name: "deptName" }).then(answer => { connection.query("INSERT INTO department (name) VALUES (?)", [answer.deptName], function (err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.table(res) startApp() }) }) }
function addDepartment() { inquirer.prompt({ type: "input", message: "What is the name of the department?", name: "deptName" }).then(answer => { connection.query("INSERT INTO department (name) VALUES (?)", [answer.deptName], function (err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.table(res) startApp() }) }) }
function downloadCsv(req, res) { // choosing to utilize axios OVER an import of the service // because making a "GET" request will allow this controller // to utilize a micro-service located at the following endpoint: const url = 'https://' + config.get('server.fqdn') + '/api/content/search/contacts.json?category=SBIC' axios .get(url) .then(result => { const csv = createCsvFromJson( res .header('Content-Type', 'text/csv') .status(httpStatus.OK) .send(csv) }) .catch(error => { res.status(httpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).send(error) }) }
function downloadCsv(req, res) { // choosing to utilize axios OVER an import of the service // because making a "GET" request will allow this controller // to utilize a micro-service located at the following endpoint: const url = 'https://' + config.get('server.fqdn') + '/api/content/search/contacts.json?category=SBIC' axios .get(url) .then(result => { const csv = createCsvFromJson( res .header('Content-Type', 'text/csv') .status(httpStatus.OK) .send(csv) }) .catch(error => { res.status(httpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).send(error) }) }
async function checkHomepage(url) { $browser.get(url) .then(async () => { console.log(`Page ${url} loaded.`); if (url === `${baseUrl}/`) { // First make sure the main homepage is not static let staticMarker; try { staticMarker = await $browser.findElement($'___WARNING__STATIC_HOMEPAGE___')); } catch (e) { // good } if (staticMarker) {'This homepage is static: backend must be down!'); } assert.ok(await $browser.findElement($driver.By.css('div.featured-article')), 'no featured article'); } }); }
async function checkHomepage(url) { $browser.get(url) .then(async () => { console.log(`Page ${url} loaded.`); if (url === `${baseUrl}/`) { // First make sure the main homepage is not static let staticMarker; try { staticMarker = await $browser.findElement($'___WARNING__STATIC_HOMEPAGE___')); } catch (e) { // good } if (staticMarker) {'This homepage is static: backend must be down!'); } assert.ok(await $browser.findElement($driver.By.css('div.featured-article')), 'no featured article'); } }); }
async function decorateSocialLinks(blockEl) { blockEl.querySelectorAll(':scope a').forEach((linkEl) => { const { title, type, className } = getSocialLinkDetails(linkEl.href); if (type === 'unknown') { // remove links with unknown type linkEl.remove(); return; } if (type === 'email') { linkEl.setAttribute('title', title); linkEl.href = `mailto:${linkEl.textContent}`; linkEl.className = className; return; } linkEl.innerHTML = ''; linkEl.appendChild(createSVG(type)); linkEl.setAttribute('title', title); linkEl.className = className; }); const ul = blockEl.querySelector('ul'); if (ul.hasChildNodes()) { // add language specific text const parent = ul.parentNode; const placeholders = await fetchPlaceholders(); const followMe = document.createElement('p'); followMe.classList.add('social-links-text'); followMe.textContent =; parent.prepend(followMe); } }
async function decorateSocialLinks(blockEl) { blockEl.querySelectorAll(':scope a').forEach((linkEl) => { const { title, type, className } = getSocialLinkDetails(linkEl.href); if (type === 'unknown') { // remove links with unknown type linkEl.remove(); return; } if (type === 'email') { linkEl.setAttribute('title', title); linkEl.href = `mailto:${linkEl.textContent}`; linkEl.className = className; return; } linkEl.innerHTML = ''; linkEl.appendChild(createSVG(type)); linkEl.setAttribute('title', title); linkEl.className = className; }); const ul = blockEl.querySelector('ul'); if (ul.hasChildNodes()) { // add language specific text const parent = ul.parentNode; const placeholders = await fetchPlaceholders(); const followMe = document.createElement('p'); followMe.classList.add('social-links-text'); followMe.textContent =; parent.prepend(followMe); } }
_signTransaction(fromAddress, hash, privateKey) { let key = ec.keyFromPrivate(privateKey, 'hex'); // * Elliptic cryptography offers us a public key in form of // * `y^2 = ax^3 + bx + c`, with prefix of 0x04. // * I tried extracting 'x' component of ec public key to use that as // * wallet address, but the library does not support calculating 'y' // * component of public address from 'x' component. // * Therefore, I am settling for Public Key as wallet address for now. // TODO: Revisit this if (key.getPublic('hex') !== fromAddress) { throw new Error( 'You are attempting to sign someone else\'s Transaction' ); } let sign = key.sign(hash); return sign.toDER('hex'); }
_signTransaction(fromAddress, hash, privateKey) { let key = ec.keyFromPrivate(privateKey, 'hex'); // * Elliptic cryptography offers us a public key in form of // * `y^2 = ax^3 + bx + c`, with prefix of 0x04. // * I tried extracting 'x' component of ec public key to use that as // * wallet address, but the library does not support calculating 'y' // * component of public address from 'x' component. // * Therefore, I am settling for Public Key as wallet address for now. // TODO: Revisit this if (key.getPublic('hex') !== fromAddress) { throw new Error( 'You are attempting to sign someone else\'s Transaction' ); } let sign = key.sign(hash); return sign.toDER('hex'); }
addTransactionToThePool(transaction) { if (this.#transactionPool.length >= this.#maxTransactionPoolSize) { // broadcast this transactionPool to enable mining eventEmitter.emit(constants.EVENTS.TRANSACTION_POOL_FILLED, this.transactionPool); this.#transactionPool = []; } // Here transaction.fromAddress acts as a public key let isTransactionValid = this.verifyTransaction(transaction, transaction.fromAddress); // TODO: add a method to check if the transaction is already in pool if (isTransactionValid) { this.#transactionPool.push(transaction); } else { throw new Error( 'Attempted to push invalid transaction onto the pool' ); } }
addTransactionToThePool(transaction) { if (this.#transactionPool.length >= this.#maxTransactionPoolSize) { // broadcast this transactionPool to enable mining eventEmitter.emit(constants.EVENTS.TRANSACTION_POOL_FILLED, this.transactionPool); this.#transactionPool = []; } // Here transaction.fromAddress acts as a public key let isTransactionValid = this.verifyTransaction(transaction, transaction.fromAddress); // TODO: add a method to check if the transaction is already in pool if (isTransactionValid) { this.#transactionPool.push(transaction); } else { throw new Error( 'Attempted to push invalid transaction onto the pool' ); } }
createTransaction(fromAddress, toAddress, data, privateKey) { // Do not allow transactions if there are any other transactions pending in the pool if(this.isAnyTransactionPending(fromAddress)) { throw new Error(`There is already one Transaction pending from this Address: ${fromAddress}`); } let transaction = {}; transaction.fromAddress = fromAddress; transaction.toAddress = toAddress; = JSON.stringify(data); transaction.timeStamp =; transaction.signature = this._signTransaction( transaction.fromAddress, this._generateHash(transaction.fromAddress, transaction.toAddress,, transaction.timeStamp), privateKey); return transaction; }
createTransaction(fromAddress, toAddress, data, privateKey) { // Do not allow transactions if there are any other transactions pending in the pool if(this.isAnyTransactionPending(fromAddress)) { throw new Error(`There is already one Transaction pending from this Address: ${fromAddress}`); } let transaction = {}; transaction.fromAddress = fromAddress; transaction.toAddress = toAddress; = JSON.stringify(data); transaction.timeStamp =; transaction.signature = this._signTransaction( transaction.fromAddress, this._generateHash(transaction.fromAddress, transaction.toAddress,, transaction.timeStamp), privateKey); return transaction; }
isAnyTransactionPending(fromAddress) { for(let i = 0; i < this.#transactionPool.length; i++) { if(fromAddress === this.#transactionPool[i].fromAddress) { return true; } } return false; }
isAnyTransactionPending(fromAddress) { for(let i = 0; i < this.#transactionPool.length; i++) { if(fromAddress === this.#transactionPool[i].fromAddress) { return true; } } return false; }
createBlockchain(name) { this.#blockChain = new Blockchain(name); eventEmitter.on(constants.TRANSACTION_CREATED, this.#onTransactionListener); eventEmitter.on(constants.TRANSACTION_POOL_FILLED, (transactionPool) => { this.#pendingTransactionPool = transactionPool; }); eventEmitter.on(constants.BLOCK_MINED, this.#onBlockMinedListener); return this; }
createBlockchain(name) { this.#blockChain = new Blockchain(name); eventEmitter.on(constants.TRANSACTION_CREATED, this.#onTransactionListener); eventEmitter.on(constants.TRANSACTION_POOL_FILLED, (transactionPool) => { this.#pendingTransactionPool = transactionPool; }); eventEmitter.on(constants.BLOCK_MINED, this.#onBlockMinedListener); return this; }
saveBlockChain() { return localforage.setItem(this.#blockChain.getName(), this.#blockChain.getBlockChain()) .then(() => { console.log('Successfully saved Blockchain'); return this; }).catch((error) => { console.log('Failed to save Blockchain'); console.log(error); }); }
saveBlockChain() { return localforage.setItem(this.#blockChain.getName(), this.#blockChain.getBlockChain()) .then(() => { console.log('Successfully saved Blockchain'); return this; }).catch((error) => { console.log('Failed to save Blockchain'); console.log(error); }); }
loadBlockChain(name) { localforage.getItem(name).then((blockChain) => { this.#blockChain = new Blockchain(name, blockChain); eventEmitter.on(constants.TRANSACTION_CREATED, this.#onTransactionListener); eventEmitter.on(constants.TRANSACTION_POOL_FILLED, (transactionPool) => { this.#pendingTransactionPool = transactionPool; }); eventEmitter.on(constants.BLOCK_MINED, this.#onBlockMinedListener); return this; }).catch((error) => { console.log('Failed to load Blockchain'); console.log(error); }); }
loadBlockChain(name) { localforage.getItem(name).then((blockChain) => { this.#blockChain = new Blockchain(name, blockChain); eventEmitter.on(constants.TRANSACTION_CREATED, this.#onTransactionListener); eventEmitter.on(constants.TRANSACTION_POOL_FILLED, (transactionPool) => { this.#pendingTransactionPool = transactionPool; }); eventEmitter.on(constants.BLOCK_MINED, this.#onBlockMinedListener); return this; }).catch((error) => { console.log('Failed to load Blockchain'); console.log(error); }); }
saveWallet() { return localforage.setItem(this.#wallet.getWalletAddress(), this.#wallet.getPrivateKey()) .then(() => { console.log('Successfully saved Wallet'); return this; }).catch((error) => { console.log('Failed to save Wallet'); console.log(error); }); }
saveWallet() { return localforage.setItem(this.#wallet.getWalletAddress(), this.#wallet.getPrivateKey()) .then(() => { console.log('Successfully saved Wallet'); return this; }).catch((error) => { console.log('Failed to save Wallet'); console.log(error); }); }
loadWallet(walletAddress) { localforage.getItem(walletAddress).then((walletPrivateKey) => { this.#wallet = new Wallet(walletPrivateKey); return this; }).catch((error) => { console.log('Failed to load Wallet'); console.log(error); }); }
loadWallet(walletAddress) { localforage.getItem(walletAddress).then((walletPrivateKey) => { this.#wallet = new Wallet(walletPrivateKey); return this; }).catch((error) => { console.log('Failed to load Wallet'); console.log(error); }); }
createTransaction(toAddress, data) { let balance = 0; let newTransaction = null; if(data.type == 'currency') { balance = this.#blockChain.getBalance(this.getWalletAddress); if(balance >= data.value) { newTransaction = transaction.createTransaction(this.#wallet.getWalletAddress(), toAddress, data, this.#wallet.getPrivateKey()); } else { throw new Error(`Transaction amount exceeds balance: ${balance}`); } } else { newTransaction = transaction.createTransaction(this.#wallet.getWalletAddress(), toAddress, data, this.#wallet.getPrivateKey()); } eventEmitter.emit(constants.EVENTS.TRANSACTION_CREATED, newTransaction); return this; }
createTransaction(toAddress, data) { let balance = 0; let newTransaction = null; if(data.type == 'currency') { balance = this.#blockChain.getBalance(this.getWalletAddress); if(balance >= data.value) { newTransaction = transaction.createTransaction(this.#wallet.getWalletAddress(), toAddress, data, this.#wallet.getPrivateKey()); } else { throw new Error(`Transaction amount exceeds balance: ${balance}`); } } else { newTransaction = transaction.createTransaction(this.#wallet.getWalletAddress(), toAddress, data, this.#wallet.getPrivateKey()); } eventEmitter.emit(constants.EVENTS.TRANSACTION_CREATED, newTransaction); return this; }
_generateHash() { if (arguments.length === 0) { throw new Error('There is no data to hash'); } let dataToHash = ''; for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { dataToHash += arguments[i]; } let hash = sha256() .update(dataToHash) .digest('hex') .toString(); return hash; }
_generateHash() { if (arguments.length === 0) { throw new Error('There is no data to hash'); } let dataToHash = ''; for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { dataToHash += arguments[i]; } let hash = sha256() .update(dataToHash) .digest('hex') .toString(); return hash; }
verifyNewBlock(block, difficulty) { let difficultyString = Array(difficulty + 1).join('0'); let hash = this._generateHash(block.previousHash,, block.timeStamp, block.nonce); if((this.getLastBlockHash() === block.previousHash) && (hash === block.hash) && (hash.substring(0, difficulty) === difficultyString)) { return true; } else { return false; } }
verifyNewBlock(block, difficulty) { let difficultyString = Array(difficulty + 1).join('0'); let hash = this._generateHash(block.previousHash,, block.timeStamp, block.nonce); if((this.getLastBlockHash() === block.previousHash) && (hash === block.hash) && (hash.substring(0, difficulty) === difficultyString)) { return true; } else { return false; } }
proxyData(data) { Object.keys(data).forEach(key => { Object.defineProperty(this, key, { get() { return data[key]; }, set(newVal) { data[key] = newVal; } }); }); }
proxyData(data) { Object.keys(data).forEach(key => { Object.defineProperty(this, key, { get() { return data[key]; }, set(newVal) { data[key] = newVal; } }); }); }
function doneTalking(roomId, userName) { return (dispatch) => { if (socket) { socket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: socketAction.TALKING_FINISHED, roomId: roomId, userName: userName })) dispatch({ type: STOP_TALKING, payload: { action: socketAction.TALKING_FINISHED, roomId: roomId, userName: userName, } }) } } }
function doneTalking(roomId, userName) { return (dispatch) => { if (socket) { socket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: socketAction.TALKING_FINISHED, roomId: roomId, userName: userName })) dispatch({ type: STOP_TALKING, payload: { action: socketAction.TALKING_FINISHED, roomId: roomId, userName: userName, } }) } } }
function userIsOnMobileDevice() { var userAgentString = HtmlService.getUserAgent(), mobileKeywords = [ 'mobile', 'android', 'iphone' ]; for (var j in mobileKeywords) { if (userAgentString.toLowerCase().indexOf(mobileKeywords[j]) !== -1) return true; } return false; }
function userIsOnMobileDevice() { var userAgentString = HtmlService.getUserAgent(), mobileKeywords = [ 'mobile', 'android', 'iphone' ]; for (var j in mobileKeywords) { if (userAgentString.toLowerCase().indexOf(mobileKeywords[j]) !== -1) return true; } return false; }
function countdown() { // call function to be executed every 1 second let timeInterval = setInterval(function() { // when last question is done, stops timer and calls All Done if (questionNum === questionsArr.length) { clearInterval(timeInterval); } // time left, decrement by 1 else if (timeLeft > 0) { timeLeft--; timerEl.textContent = timeLeft; } // stops timer and sets time left to 0, when reaches 0 else{ timeLeft === 0; clearInterval(timeInterval); timerEl.textContent = timeLeft; qDisplayEl.remove(); allDone(); } }, 1000); }
function countdown() { // call function to be executed every 1 second let timeInterval = setInterval(function() { // when last question is done, stops timer and calls All Done if (questionNum === questionsArr.length) { clearInterval(timeInterval); } // time left, decrement by 1 else if (timeLeft > 0) { timeLeft--; timerEl.textContent = timeLeft; } // stops timer and sets time left to 0, when reaches 0 else{ timeLeft === 0; clearInterval(timeInterval); timerEl.textContent = timeLeft; qDisplayEl.remove(); allDone(); } }, 1000); }
function condenseArray(arr) { if (arr.length === 1) { console.log(arr[0]) return; } for (let i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) { arr[i] = Number(arr[i]) + Number(arr[i + 1]); } arr.pop(); condenseArray(arr); }
function condenseArray(arr) { if (arr.length === 1) { console.log(arr[0]) return; } for (let i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) { arr[i] = Number(arr[i]) + Number(arr[i + 1]); } arr.pop(); condenseArray(arr); }
function ageToPrice(typeDay, age) { let isOld = age > 64 && age <= 122; let isMidAge = age > 18 && age <= 64; let isKid = age >= 0 && age <= 18; let prices = {'Weekday' : ['12$', '18$', '12$'], 'Weekend' : ['15$', '20$', '15$'], 'Holiday' : ['5$', '12$', '10$'] }; return isOld ? prices[typeDay][2] : isMidAge ? prices[typeDay][1] : isKid ? prices[typeDay][0] : 'Error!'; }
function ageToPrice(typeDay, age) { let isOld = age > 64 && age <= 122; let isMidAge = age > 18 && age <= 64; let isKid = age >= 0 && age <= 18; let prices = {'Weekday' : ['12$', '18$', '12$'], 'Weekend' : ['15$', '20$', '15$'], 'Holiday' : ['5$', '12$', '10$'] }; return isOld ? prices[typeDay][2] : isMidAge ? prices[typeDay][1] : isKid ? prices[typeDay][0] : 'Error!'; }
function multiplicationTable(num) { for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { console.log(`${num} X ${i} = ${num * i}`); } }
function multiplicationTable(num) { for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { console.log(`${num} X ${i} = ${num * i}`); } }
activate (key) { this.disposables.add( atom.commands.add('atom-text-editor', { [`rails-transporter-plus:open-${this.type}`]: () => this.trigger() }), atom.keymaps.add(`rails-transporter-plus/${this.type}`, { 'atom-text-editor': { [`${key}`]: `rails-transporter-plus:open-${this.type}` } }) ) }
activate (key) { this.disposables.add( atom.commands.add('atom-text-editor', { [`rails-transporter-plus:open-${this.type}`]: () => this.trigger() }), atom.keymaps.add(`rails-transporter-plus/${this.type}`, { 'atom-text-editor': { [`${key}`]: `rails-transporter-plus:open-${this.type}` } }) ) }
function handleDrag(event) { var explorePanel = document.getElementById("explore_panel"), renderPanel = document.getElementById("render_panel"), handle = document.getElementById("split_handle"); // Sets limits to sizes of panes if (event.clientX < window.innerWidth - 10 && event.clientX > 200) { // Resizes panes based on mouse position = 100 * (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) + '%'; = 100 * (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) + '%'; = 100 * ((window.innerWidth - event.clientX) / window.innerWidth) + '%'; // More taxing to update tabs here (updates tab sizes) chromeTabs.layoutTabs(); } }
function handleDrag(event) { var explorePanel = document.getElementById("explore_panel"), renderPanel = document.getElementById("render_panel"), handle = document.getElementById("split_handle"); // Sets limits to sizes of panes if (event.clientX < window.innerWidth - 10 && event.clientX > 200) { // Resizes panes based on mouse position = 100 * (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) + '%'; = 100 * (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) + '%'; = 100 * ((window.innerWidth - event.clientX) / window.innerWidth) + '%'; // More taxing to update tabs here (updates tab sizes) chromeTabs.layoutTabs(); } }
function goToSearchView() { // Hides file view components and shows search view components let search = document.getElementById("search_view"); let searchBtn = document.getElementById("search_tab_btn"); let files = document.getElementById("files_view"); let filesBtn = document.getElementById("files_tab_btn"); search.classList.remove("hidden"); files.classList.add("hidden"); searchBtn.classList.add("open"); filesBtn.classList.remove("open"); }
function goToSearchView() { // Hides file view components and shows search view components let search = document.getElementById("search_view"); let searchBtn = document.getElementById("search_tab_btn"); let files = document.getElementById("files_view"); let filesBtn = document.getElementById("files_tab_btn"); search.classList.remove("hidden"); files.classList.add("hidden"); searchBtn.classList.add("open"); filesBtn.classList.remove("open"); }
function saveHtmlFile() { console.log("write file called"); // Gets iframe doc and html let iframe = document.getElementById("html_disp"); let doc = iframe.contentDocument? iframe.contentDocument: iframe.contentWindow.document; let htmlString = doc.documentElement.innerHTML; // Writes html from iframe to file fs.writeFile(open_files, htmlString, (err) => { // writes to file that is open in iframe if (err) { alert("An error ocurred updating the file" + err.message); console.log(err); return; } alert("The file has been succesfully saved"); }); }
function saveHtmlFile() { console.log("write file called"); // Gets iframe doc and html let iframe = document.getElementById("html_disp"); let doc = iframe.contentDocument? iframe.contentDocument: iframe.contentWindow.document; let htmlString = doc.documentElement.innerHTML; // Writes html from iframe to file fs.writeFile(open_files, htmlString, (err) => { // writes to file that is open in iframe if (err) { alert("An error ocurred updating the file" + err.message); console.log(err); return; } alert("The file has been succesfully saved"); }); }
function updateTab(node) { if (tabMap.get( { chromeTabs.updateTab(tabMap.get(, { title:, id:, favicon: node.element.childNodes[0].getElementsByClassName('file-icon')[0].src }); } }
function updateTab(node) { if (tabMap.get( { chromeTabs.updateTab(tabMap.get(, { title:, id:, favicon: node.element.childNodes[0].getElementsByClassName('file-icon')[0].src }); } }
function renderPage(node) { // Check if file exists try { // Throws error if file does not exist let integrity = fs.statSync(node.path); console.log(integrity); // Add new tab if (!(chromeMap.has( { chromeTabs.addTab({ title:, id:, favicon: node.element.childNodes[0].getElementsByClassName('file-icon')[0].src }); chromeMap.set(, node.path); tabMap.set(, chromeTabs.activeTabEl); } else { chromeTabs.setCurrentTab(tabMap.get( } // Render web page let disp = document.getElementById('html_disp'); disp.src = node.path; // Saves the open file path for saving open_files = node.path; // update date last accessed let currentTime = new Date(); let date = currentTime.yyyymmdd() if (node.last_accessed != date) { updateNode(node, "last_accessed", date); } } // Path integrity has failed catch (err) { missingPath(node); } }
function renderPage(node) { // Check if file exists try { // Throws error if file does not exist let integrity = fs.statSync(node.path); console.log(integrity); // Add new tab if (!(chromeMap.has( { chromeTabs.addTab({ title:, id:, favicon: node.element.childNodes[0].getElementsByClassName('file-icon')[0].src }); chromeMap.set(, node.path); tabMap.set(, chromeTabs.activeTabEl); } else { chromeTabs.setCurrentTab(tabMap.get( } // Render web page let disp = document.getElementById('html_disp'); disp.src = node.path; // Saves the open file path for saving open_files = node.path; // update date last accessed let currentTime = new Date(); let date = currentTime.yyyymmdd() if (node.last_accessed != date) { updateNode(node, "last_accessed", date); } } // Path integrity has failed catch (err) { missingPath(node); } }
function openInBrowser(node) { // Opens path in another electron window (NOT IN USE) //, '_system'); // Check if file exists try { let integrity = fs.statSync(node.path); console.log(integrity); // Opens path in external browser //shell.openExternal(path).then(_ => _); shell.openItem(node.path); // update date last accessed (if does not match currently) let currentTime = new Date(); let date = currentTime.yyyymmdd() if (node.last_accessed != date) { updateNode(node, "last_accessed", date); } } // Path integrity has failed catch (err) { missingPath(node); } }
function openInBrowser(node) { // Opens path in another electron window (NOT IN USE) //, '_system'); // Check if file exists try { let integrity = fs.statSync(node.path); console.log(integrity); // Opens path in external browser //shell.openExternal(path).then(_ => _); shell.openItem(node.path); // update date last accessed (if does not match currently) let currentTime = new Date(); let date = currentTime.yyyymmdd() if (node.last_accessed != date) { updateNode(node, "last_accessed", date); } } // Path integrity has failed catch (err) { missingPath(node); } }
function renderSearchResults(results) { // Clear results list let resultListHtmlObj = document.getElementById("results_list"); resultListHtmlObj.innerHTML = ""; for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { let treeNode = $(`#${currentWorkspace}_tree`).tree('getNodeById', results[i].id); resultListHtmlObj.appendChild( createSearchResultListItem(treeNode)); } // Show new result quantity let resultsLabel = document.getElementById("results_label"); resultsLabel.innerText = `(${results.length} results)` }
function renderSearchResults(results) { // Clear results list let resultListHtmlObj = document.getElementById("results_list"); resultListHtmlObj.innerHTML = ""; for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { let treeNode = $(`#${currentWorkspace}_tree`).tree('getNodeById', results[i].id); resultListHtmlObj.appendChild( createSearchResultListItem(treeNode)); } // Show new result quantity let resultsLabel = document.getElementById("results_label"); resultsLabel.innerText = `(${results.length} results)` }
function createSearchResultListItem(node) { let resultNode = document.createElement("LI"); resultNode.className = "list-group-item"; // for bootstrap // Result itself will be an anchor let resultAnchor = document.createElement("A"); resultAnchor.className =; resultAnchor.appendChild(document.createTextNode(; // Opens context menu on right click of workspace button resultAnchor.oncontextmenu = function (event) { spawnContextMenu("search-result", event, node) }; resultAnchor.ondblclick = function () { renderPage(node); } resultNode.appendChild(resultAnchor); return resultNode }
function createSearchResultListItem(node) { let resultNode = document.createElement("LI"); resultNode.className = "list-group-item"; // for bootstrap // Result itself will be an anchor let resultAnchor = document.createElement("A"); resultAnchor.className =; resultAnchor.appendChild(document.createTextNode(; // Opens context menu on right click of workspace button resultAnchor.oncontextmenu = function (event) { spawnContextMenu("search-result", event, node) }; resultAnchor.ondblclick = function () { renderPage(node); } resultNode.appendChild(resultAnchor); return resultNode }
function spawnContextMenu(type, event, context) { // Base context menu element let menu = document.getElementById("context_menu"); // Base list element for context menu options let menuList = menu.getElementsByClassName("menu-options")[0]; menuList.innerHTML = ""; // Initialize default positioning let posX = 0; let posY = 0; // If event has node associated with it (jqtree event) if (type == "file-tree") { // Menu options for all nodes menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Rename", function () { openModal("single-input", "Rename", ["New Name: "], function (name) { updateNode(event.node, "name", name) }) })); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Delete", function () { openModal("confirmation", "Delete", ["Are you sure you want to delete this?"], function () { deleteNode(event.node) }) })); /*menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("cut", function () { alert("implement cut paste") }));*/ // Menu options for folder nodes only if (event.node.type == "folder") { menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Create Folder", function() { openModal('single-input', 'New Folder', ['Folder Name: '], function (name) { createFolder(event.node, name); })})); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Import File", function () { get_file(event.node) })); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Import Folder", function () { get_folder("folder", event.node) })); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Import Web-Scrapbook", function () { get_folder("wsb", event.node) })); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Import Scrapbook", function () { get_folder("sb", event.node) })); } // Menu options for file nodes only else if (event.node.type == "file") { menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Open in Browser", function () { openInBrowser(event.node) })); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Get Info", function () { openModal("get-info", "Information", [event.node], null) })); } // Set menu position based on click event posX = event.click_event.pageX; posY = event.click_event.pageY; } // Right click on workspace button else if (type == "workspace-button") { // Menu options for all workspaces menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Rename", function () { openModal("single-input", "Rename", ["New Name: "], function (name) { renameWorkspace(name, context) }) })); // Check if backend is not indexing if (workspaceQueues[context].length != 0) { let opt = document.createElement("LI"); opt.className = "menu-option"; opt.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Delete')); = 'not-allowed'; menuList.appendChild(opt) } else { menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Delete", function () { openModal("confirmation", "Delete", ["Are you sure you want to delete this?"], function () { deleteWorkspace(context) })})); } //menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("cut", function () { alert("implement cut paste") })); // Set menu position based on click event posX = event.pageX; posY = event.pageY; } // Right click on search result else if (type == "search-result") { // Menu options for all search results menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Preview", function() { renderPage(context) })); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Open in Browser", function() { openInBrowser(context) })); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Show in Tree", function() { seeSearchResultInTree(context) })); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Get Info", function () { openModal("get-info", "Information", [context], null) })); // Set menu position based on click event posX = event.pageX; posY = event.pageY; } // Window height and width let windWidth = window.innerWidth; let windHeight = window.innerHeight; // Display and position context menu element = posX + "px"; if (posY > windHeight / 2) { = (posY - menu.offsetHeight) + "px"; } else { = posY + "px"; } = "block"; }
function spawnContextMenu(type, event, context) { // Base context menu element let menu = document.getElementById("context_menu"); // Base list element for context menu options let menuList = menu.getElementsByClassName("menu-options")[0]; menuList.innerHTML = ""; // Initialize default positioning let posX = 0; let posY = 0; // If event has node associated with it (jqtree event) if (type == "file-tree") { // Menu options for all nodes menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Rename", function () { openModal("single-input", "Rename", ["New Name: "], function (name) { updateNode(event.node, "name", name) }) })); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Delete", function () { openModal("confirmation", "Delete", ["Are you sure you want to delete this?"], function () { deleteNode(event.node) }) })); /*menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("cut", function () { alert("implement cut paste") }));*/ // Menu options for folder nodes only if (event.node.type == "folder") { menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Create Folder", function() { openModal('single-input', 'New Folder', ['Folder Name: '], function (name) { createFolder(event.node, name); })})); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Import File", function () { get_file(event.node) })); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Import Folder", function () { get_folder("folder", event.node) })); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Import Web-Scrapbook", function () { get_folder("wsb", event.node) })); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Import Scrapbook", function () { get_folder("sb", event.node) })); } // Menu options for file nodes only else if (event.node.type == "file") { menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Open in Browser", function () { openInBrowser(event.node) })); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Get Info", function () { openModal("get-info", "Information", [event.node], null) })); } // Set menu position based on click event posX = event.click_event.pageX; posY = event.click_event.pageY; } // Right click on workspace button else if (type == "workspace-button") { // Menu options for all workspaces menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Rename", function () { openModal("single-input", "Rename", ["New Name: "], function (name) { renameWorkspace(name, context) }) })); // Check if backend is not indexing if (workspaceQueues[context].length != 0) { let opt = document.createElement("LI"); opt.className = "menu-option"; opt.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Delete')); = 'not-allowed'; menuList.appendChild(opt) } else { menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Delete", function () { openModal("confirmation", "Delete", ["Are you sure you want to delete this?"], function () { deleteWorkspace(context) })})); } //menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("cut", function () { alert("implement cut paste") })); // Set menu position based on click event posX = event.pageX; posY = event.pageY; } // Right click on search result else if (type == "search-result") { // Menu options for all search results menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Preview", function() { renderPage(context) })); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Open in Browser", function() { openInBrowser(context) })); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Show in Tree", function() { seeSearchResultInTree(context) })); menuList.appendChild(makeContextMenuOption("Get Info", function () { openModal("get-info", "Information", [context], null) })); // Set menu position based on click event posX = event.pageX; posY = event.pageY; } // Window height and width let windWidth = window.innerWidth; let windHeight = window.innerHeight; // Display and position context menu element = posX + "px"; if (posY > windHeight / 2) { = (posY - menu.offsetHeight) + "px"; } else { = posY + "px"; } = "block"; }
function makeContextMenuOption(text, func) { let opt = document.createElement("LI"); opt.className = "menu-option"; opt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); opt.onclick = func; return opt; }
function makeContextMenuOption(text, func) { let opt = document.createElement("LI"); opt.className = "menu-option"; opt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); opt.onclick = func; return opt; }
function postRequest(path, context, json_obj) { console.log("Post Request called: ", path, context, json_obj); var start =; var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { // For latency var end = console.log(`Index time: ${end-start}`); // Handles response handleResponse(xhttp.responseText, context); } };"POST", "http://localhost:5000/" + path, true); xhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhttp.send(JSON.stringify(json_obj)); }
function postRequest(path, context, json_obj) { console.log("Post Request called: ", path, context, json_obj); var start =; var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { // For latency var end = console.log(`Index time: ${end-start}`); // Handles response handleResponse(xhttp.responseText, context); } };"POST", "http://localhost:5000/" + path, true); xhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhttp.send(JSON.stringify(json_obj)); }
function addToQueue(endpoint, context, jsonObj, guid) { // If queue is empty, add to queue run command immediately if (workspaceQueues[guid].length == 0) { workspaceQueues[guid].push([endpoint, context, jsonObj]); // Enabling overlay to disable search functionality if command requires indexing queueOverlay("index"); // Make post request postRequest(endpoint, context, jsonObj); } // If queue is not empty, add command to queue and wait else { workspaceQueues[guid].push([endpoint, context, jsonObj]); } console.log("Added", [endpoint, context], "to " + guid + "queue: " + workspaceQueues[guid].length); }
function addToQueue(endpoint, context, jsonObj, guid) { // If queue is empty, add to queue run command immediately if (workspaceQueues[guid].length == 0) { workspaceQueues[guid].push([endpoint, context, jsonObj]); // Enabling overlay to disable search functionality if command requires indexing queueOverlay("index"); // Make post request postRequest(endpoint, context, jsonObj); } // If queue is not empty, add command to queue and wait else { workspaceQueues[guid].push([endpoint, context, jsonObj]); } console.log("Added", [endpoint, context], "to " + guid + "queue: " + workspaceQueues[guid].length); }
function initTrees(workspaces) { workspaces.forEach((workspace) => { readTree(workspace); }); }
function initTrees(workspaces) { workspaces.forEach((workspace) => { readTree(workspace); }); }
function readTree(workspace) { console.log('read_tree called'); fs.readFile(appDataPath + "/workspace_repo/" + workspace + "/tree.json", 'utf-8', (err, data) => { if (err) { alert("An error occurred reading the tree file :" + err.message); return; } console.log("The tree file content is : " + data); // If json contains tree data: make a tree if (data.length > 0) { makeTree(workspace, JSON.parse(data)); } }); }
function readTree(workspace) { console.log('read_tree called'); fs.readFile(appDataPath + "/workspace_repo/" + workspace + "/tree.json", 'utf-8', (err, data) => { if (err) { alert("An error occurred reading the tree file :" + err.message); return; } console.log("The tree file content is : " + data); // If json contains tree data: make a tree if (data.length > 0) { makeTree(workspace, JSON.parse(data)); } }); }
function createFolder(node, folderName) { let newFolder = { name: folderName, type: 'folder', id: uuid4() }; let $tree = $('#' + currentWorkspace + '_tree'); // If parent node if (node) { $tree.tree( 'appendNode', newFolder, node ); } // If root else { if ($tree.tree('getTree')) { $tree.tree( 'appendNode', newFolder, ); } else { makeTree(currentWorkspace, [newFolder]); } } // Write tree data to tree json file in the workspace repo treeToJson(currentWorkspace); treeToBackupJson(currentWorkspace); // Adds tooltip logic to tree (when adding a folder node in this case) addTreeTooltips(currentWorkspace); }
function createFolder(node, folderName) { let newFolder = { name: folderName, type: 'folder', id: uuid4() }; let $tree = $('#' + currentWorkspace + '_tree'); // If parent node if (node) { $tree.tree( 'appendNode', newFolder, node ); } // If root else { if ($tree.tree('getTree')) { $tree.tree( 'appendNode', newFolder, ); } else { makeTree(currentWorkspace, [newFolder]); } } // Write tree data to tree json file in the workspace repo treeToJson(currentWorkspace); treeToBackupJson(currentWorkspace); // Adds tooltip logic to tree (when adding a folder node in this case) addTreeTooltips(currentWorkspace); }
function deleteNode(node) { console.log(node); var toDeleteFromIdx = getChildFileNodes(node); console.log(toDeleteFromIdx); // Update tree $('#' + currentWorkspace + '_tree').tree('removeNode', node); // Write tree data to tree json file in the workspace repo //treeToJson(currentWorkspace); // Adds tooltip logic to tree (when deleting a node in this case) addTreeTooltips(currentWorkspace); // Sends index command, node Id, and current workspace to backend // Adds command to queue addToQueue("index/delete/" + currentWorkspace, null, {'json_lst': toDeleteFromIdx}, currentWorkspace); }
function deleteNode(node) { console.log(node); var toDeleteFromIdx = getChildFileNodes(node); console.log(toDeleteFromIdx); // Update tree $('#' + currentWorkspace + '_tree').tree('removeNode', node); // Write tree data to tree json file in the workspace repo //treeToJson(currentWorkspace); // Adds tooltip logic to tree (when deleting a node in this case) addTreeTooltips(currentWorkspace); // Sends index command, node Id, and current workspace to backend // Adds command to queue addToQueue("index/delete/" + currentWorkspace, null, {'json_lst': toDeleteFromIdx}, currentWorkspace); }
function updateNode(node, key, value) { console.log("update node called: "); console.log(node); let tempObj = {}; tempObj[key] = value; // Update the node $('#' + currentWorkspace + '_tree').tree( 'updateNode', node, tempObj ); // Updates chrome tab for the node updateTab(node) // Write tree data to tree json file in the workspace repo //treeToJson(currentWorkspace); // Adds tooltip logic to tree (when when updating a node in this case) addTreeTooltips(currentWorkspace); // Trigger reindexing of node if (node.type == "file") { // Convert to required format for JSON.stringify (no circular relationships in JSON) var sendData = { id:, path: node.path, name:, legacy_ingest: node.legacy_ingest, ingest: node.ingest, source: node.source, icon: node.icon, last_accessed: node.last_accessed } console.log("Send data: "); console.log(sendData); // Sends index command, node Id, and current workspace to backend addToQueue("index/update/" + currentWorkspace, null, {"json_lst": [sendData]}, currentWorkspace); } }
function updateNode(node, key, value) { console.log("update node called: "); console.log(node); let tempObj = {}; tempObj[key] = value; // Update the node $('#' + currentWorkspace + '_tree').tree( 'updateNode', node, tempObj ); // Updates chrome tab for the node updateTab(node) // Write tree data to tree json file in the workspace repo //treeToJson(currentWorkspace); // Adds tooltip logic to tree (when when updating a node in this case) addTreeTooltips(currentWorkspace); // Trigger reindexing of node if (node.type == "file") { // Convert to required format for JSON.stringify (no circular relationships in JSON) var sendData = { id:, path: node.path, name:, legacy_ingest: node.legacy_ingest, ingest: node.ingest, source: node.source, icon: node.icon, last_accessed: node.last_accessed } console.log("Send data: "); console.log(sendData); // Sends index command, node Id, and current workspace to backend addToQueue("index/update/" + currentWorkspace, null, {"json_lst": [sendData]}, currentWorkspace); } }
function treeToJson(workspace) { console.log("tree to json called: " + workspace); // Gets tree json of current workspace tree treeJson = $('#' + workspace + '_tree').tree('toJson'); // Writes to tree json fs.writeFile(appDataPath + "/workspace_repo/" + workspace + "/tree.json", treeJson, (err) => { if (err) { alert("An error ocurred updating the file" + err.message); console.log(err); return; } console.log("The tree json has been succesfully written: " + workspace); }); }
function treeToJson(workspace) { console.log("tree to json called: " + workspace); // Gets tree json of current workspace tree treeJson = $('#' + workspace + '_tree').tree('toJson'); // Writes to tree json fs.writeFile(appDataPath + "/workspace_repo/" + workspace + "/tree.json", treeJson, (err) => { if (err) { alert("An error ocurred updating the file" + err.message); console.log(err); return; } console.log("The tree json has been succesfully written: " + workspace); }); }
function treeToBackupJson(workspace) { console.log("tree to json called: " + workspace); // Gets tree json of current workspace tree treeJson = $('#' + workspace + '_tree').tree('toJson'); // Writes to tree_backup.json fs.writeFile(appDataPath + "/workspace_repo/" + workspace + "/tree_backup.json", treeJson, (err) => { if (err) { alert("An error ocurred updating the file" + err.message); console.log(err); return; } console.log("The tree backup json has been succesfully written: " + workspace); }); }
function treeToBackupJson(workspace) { console.log("tree to json called: " + workspace); // Gets tree json of current workspace tree treeJson = $('#' + workspace + '_tree').tree('toJson'); // Writes to tree_backup.json fs.writeFile(appDataPath + "/workspace_repo/" + workspace + "/tree_backup.json", treeJson, (err) => { if (err) { alert("An error ocurred updating the file" + err.message); console.log(err); return; } console.log("The tree backup json has been succesfully written: " + workspace); }); }
function scrollToNodeInTree(node) { // Open up all parent folders if a node is nested let parent = node.parent while (parent) { $(`#${currentWorkspace}_tree`).tree('openNode', parent); parent = parent.parent } // Scroll to node $(`#${currentWorkspace}_tree`).tree('scrollToNode', node); // Highlight the node $(`#${currentWorkspace}_tree`).tree('addToSelection', node); // Unselects node onclick document.addEventListener('click', tempDeselectNode, true); function tempDeselectNode() { console.log("temp deselect called"); let nodeTemp = $(`#${currentWorkspace}_tree`).tree('getNodeById',; $(`#${currentWorkspace}_tree`).tree('removeFromSelection', nodeTemp); document.removeEventListener('click', tempDeselectNode, true); } }
function scrollToNodeInTree(node) { // Open up all parent folders if a node is nested let parent = node.parent while (parent) { $(`#${currentWorkspace}_tree`).tree('openNode', parent); parent = parent.parent } // Scroll to node $(`#${currentWorkspace}_tree`).tree('scrollToNode', node); // Highlight the node $(`#${currentWorkspace}_tree`).tree('addToSelection', node); // Unselects node onclick document.addEventListener('click', tempDeselectNode, true); function tempDeselectNode() { console.log("temp deselect called"); let nodeTemp = $(`#${currentWorkspace}_tree`).tree('getNodeById',; $(`#${currentWorkspace}_tree`).tree('removeFromSelection', nodeTemp); document.removeEventListener('click', tempDeselectNode, true); } }
function replaceFilePath(node, newPath) { // TEMPORARY UNTIL INDEXES ON NODES updateNode(node, "path", newPath); // Renders page renderPage(node); /*$('#' + currentWorkspace + '_tree').tree( 'updateNode', node, { path: newPath } ); // Writes to tree file treeToJson(currentWorkspace); // Renders page renderPage(node); // Writes to tree backup file treeToBackupJson(currentWorkspace); // Adds tooltip logic to tree (when first making the tree in this case) addTreeTooltips(currentWorkspace);*/ }
function replaceFilePath(node, newPath) { // TEMPORARY UNTIL INDEXES ON NODES updateNode(node, "path", newPath); // Renders page renderPage(node); /*$('#' + currentWorkspace + '_tree').tree( 'updateNode', node, { path: newPath } ); // Writes to tree file treeToJson(currentWorkspace); // Renders page renderPage(node); // Writes to tree backup file treeToBackupJson(currentWorkspace); // Adds tooltip logic to tree (when first making the tree in this case) addTreeTooltips(currentWorkspace);*/ }
function enableOverlay() { document.getElementById('overlay-label').innerHTML = 'indexing...'; $('#overlay').show(); $('#overlay-message').css('display', 'flex'); }
function enableOverlay() { document.getElementById('overlay-label').innerHTML = 'indexing...'; $('#overlay').show(); $('#overlay-message').css('display', 'flex'); }
function addTreeTooltips(workspace) { let titles = document.getElementsByClassName("jqtree-element"); // jqtree-title (alt) for (let x = 0; x < titles.length; x++) { titles[x].onmousemove = function (e) { // Clears global timeout on move if (delay) { clearTimeout(delay); } // Begins new timeout delay = setTimeout(function () { // Gets the node corresponding to the element let node = $('#' + workspace + '_tree').tree('getNodeByHtmlElement',; // Sets content for tooltip let content = []; if (node.source) { content.push("<i>" + node.source + "</i>"); } //content.push("("); // TEMPORARY EXAMPLE // Spawns popup for tooltip spawnTooltip(e, content); }, 600) } // Prevents spawning of tooltip if hover breaks titles[x].onmouseleave = function (e) { if (delay) { clearTimeout(delay); } } } }
function addTreeTooltips(workspace) { let titles = document.getElementsByClassName("jqtree-element"); // jqtree-title (alt) for (let x = 0; x < titles.length; x++) { titles[x].onmousemove = function (e) { // Clears global timeout on move if (delay) { clearTimeout(delay); } // Begins new timeout delay = setTimeout(function () { // Gets the node corresponding to the element let node = $('#' + workspace + '_tree').tree('getNodeByHtmlElement',; // Sets content for tooltip let content = []; if (node.source) { content.push("<i>" + node.source + "</i>"); } //content.push("("); // TEMPORARY EXAMPLE // Spawns popup for tooltip spawnTooltip(e, content); }, 600) } // Prevents spawning of tooltip if hover breaks titles[x].onmouseleave = function (e) { if (delay) { clearTimeout(delay); } } } }
function usernamePrompt() { dialogs.prompt("Please enter your desired username and confirm", "user").then(function (r) { if (r.result) { appSettings.set("username", r.text); } }); }
function usernamePrompt() { dialogs.prompt("Please enter your desired username and confirm", "user").then(function (r) { if (r.result) { appSettings.set("username", r.text); } }); }
function update(protocol) { DEFS.VERSION = protocol.VERSION DEFS.TYPES = protocol.TYPES DEFS.SCHEMES_NAMES = protocol.SCHEMES_NAMES DEFS.SCHEMES = protocol.SCHEMES DEFS.RPC = protocol.RPC DEFS.compile() }
function update(protocol) { DEFS.VERSION = protocol.VERSION DEFS.TYPES = protocol.TYPES DEFS.SCHEMES_NAMES = protocol.SCHEMES_NAMES DEFS.SCHEMES = protocol.SCHEMES DEFS.RPC = protocol.RPC DEFS.compile() }
function payload(msg) { return JSON.stringify({ op: "publish", topic: "/foo", msg: msg }); }
function payload(msg) { return JSON.stringify({ op: "publish", topic: "/foo", msg: msg }); }
function runBenchmark(name, benchmarkData) { console.log(name); // encode object to CBOR byte array console.time("CBOR encode"); var x = CBOR.encode(benchmarkData); console.timeEnd("CBOR encode"); // payload as base64 console.time("CBOR payload"); var xp = payload(arrayBufferToBase64(x)); console.timeEnd("CBOR payload"); // payload object as JSON console.time("JSON payload"); var zp = payload(benchmarkData); console.timeEnd("JSON payload"); // size over the wire console.log("CBOR payd:", xp.length, "bytes"); console.log("JSON payd:", zp.length, "bytes"); // depayload from base64 console.time("CBOR depay"); var xd = base64ToArrayBuffer(JSON.parse(xp).msg); console.timeEnd("CBOR depay"); // decode CBOR byte array to object console.time("CBOR decode"); var x1 = CBOR.decode(xd); console.timeEnd("CBOR decode"); // depayload object from JSON console.time("JSON depay"); var z1 = JSON.parse(zp).msg; console.timeEnd("JSON depay"); }
function runBenchmark(name, benchmarkData) { console.log(name); // encode object to CBOR byte array console.time("CBOR encode"); var x = CBOR.encode(benchmarkData); console.timeEnd("CBOR encode"); // payload as base64 console.time("CBOR payload"); var xp = payload(arrayBufferToBase64(x)); console.timeEnd("CBOR payload"); // payload object as JSON console.time("JSON payload"); var zp = payload(benchmarkData); console.timeEnd("JSON payload"); // size over the wire console.log("CBOR payd:", xp.length, "bytes"); console.log("JSON payd:", zp.length, "bytes"); // depayload from base64 console.time("CBOR depay"); var xd = base64ToArrayBuffer(JSON.parse(xp).msg); console.timeEnd("CBOR depay"); // decode CBOR byte array to object console.time("CBOR decode"); var x1 = CBOR.decode(xd); console.timeEnd("CBOR decode"); // depayload object from JSON console.time("JSON depay"); var z1 = JSON.parse(zp).msg; console.timeEnd("JSON depay"); }
function add_id_to_all_forms(){ var iteration = 1; // Iteration of forms var id_text = ""; // Auxilary variable $("form").each(function(){ id_text = "form_" + iteration; // Variable with prepared ID if(!$(this).attr('id')){ // If form doesn't have ID already... $(this).attr('id',id_text); // Add automatically generated ID iteration++; } }); }
function add_id_to_all_forms(){ var iteration = 1; // Iteration of forms var id_text = ""; // Auxilary variable $("form").each(function(){ id_text = "form_" + iteration; // Variable with prepared ID if(!$(this).attr('id')){ // If form doesn't have ID already... $(this).attr('id',id_text); // Add automatically generated ID iteration++; } }); }