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Premise is: The Women's Haven, which provides shelter and outreach to domestic-violence victims, already has a full-time attorney.
Hypothesis is: There is a full-time attorney at the Women's Haven already. | entailment |
Premise is: uh high humidity
Hypothesis is: Air with increased water content. | entailment |
Premise is: Trong trường hợp của Mỹ 11, thông tin liên lạc bình thường cuối cùng từ máy bay lúc 8:13 sáng.
Hypothesis is: Không có bất cứ thông tin liên lạc gì từ American 11. | contradiction |
Premise is: We need to look at the implications that these differing roles have for a range of issues, such as SES core competencies, performance standards, recruitment sources, mobility, and training and development programs.
Hypothesis is: We can completely ignore the implications of the roles on mobility. | contradiction |
Premise is: yeah yeah yeah well because that's the way they they might seem outwardly but boy there's a lots going on in there
Hypothesis is: There is another layer to the surface. | entailment |
Premise is: In this situation, the value to the mailer of the improved service would be considered along with the cost of doing the work.
Hypothesis is: No consideration will be given to the cost of doing the work in this case. | contradiction |
Premise is: Is there adequate information for judging generalizability?
Hypothesis is: Output information is way too much generalized. | neutral |
Premise is: The political cleansing that did not happen through the impeachment process leaves Clinton with a great and serious burden.
Hypothesis is: The impeachment process involved Clinton's husband as well. | neutral |
Premise is: 嗯,我的祖父母总是非常非常的有爱心,而我的父母也是,我们在下边享受美好时光。
Hypothesis is: 我的祖父母是一对非常恩爱的夫妻。 | entailment |
Premise is: isn't it i can remember i've only been here eight years but i can remember coming to work from i used to live in Wylie and i could see downtown Dallas
Hypothesis is: I have only been here for two years. | contradiction |
Premise is: Over most of the 1980s and 1990s, the U.S. was able to invest more than it saved by attracting financing from abroad.
Hypothesis is: The US could save more than it invested in the 1980's and 90's. | contradiction |
Premise is: Nếu ai có ấn bản năm 1984, anh ta có thể sẽ phẫn nộ vì phải mua cuốn đó chứ không phải là một bản nhỏ hơn (và ít tốn kém hơn).
Hypothesis is: Phụ phí rẻ hơn sách. | entailment |
Premise is: Les dije que era de mi hermana.
Hypothesis is: Culpé a mi hermana. | entailment |
Premise is: Ajaj había ingresado a los Estados Unidos con una visa de turista B-2 en la ciudad de Nueva York el 9 de septiembre de 1991.
Hypothesis is: Ajaj tenía una visa de turista cuando fue a los Estados Unidos. | entailment |
Premise is: Credibility is a vital factor, and Jim Lehrer does, indeed, have it.
Hypothesis is: Everyone would believe whatever Jim Lehrer said. | neutral |
Premise is: There should be someone here who knew more of what was going on in this world than he did now.
Hypothesis is: He knew he was the only person with any idea of what was going on. | contradiction |
Premise is: В 2003 г. эти коды были отменены; сейчас все вопросы, относящиеся к международному терроризму, получают один код -- 315.
Hypothesis is: Все вопросы, относящиеся к терроризму, получают высший приоритет. | neutral |
Premise is: Les avis à l'avocat de l'opposition et au tribunal ou à l'agence administrative devraient être envoyés.
Hypothesis is: L'avocat adverse et la cour s'attendent à recevoir des avis légaux. | neutral |
Premise is: Ο Πρόεδρος Κένεντι λέει στους πιλότους: Κύριοι, βγάζετε καλές φωτογραφίες.
Hypothesis is: Ο Κένεντι δεν τους αναγνώρισε. | contradiction |
Premise is: ہے کیا؟ ہمارے پاس تقریباً ایک ایکڑ ہے، جی ہاں یہ عجیب ہے کیونکہ ہمارے پاس
Hypothesis is: یہ کوئی مذاق کی بات نہیں، ہمارے پاس صرف ایک مربع فٹ زمین ہے. | contradiction |
Premise is: Its scorecard included measures for accuracy, speed and timeliness, unit cost, customer satisfaction, and employee development and satisfaction.
Hypothesis is: Accuracy and speed are the first measurements listed on the scorecard. | neutral |
Premise is: Ως εκ τούτου, ξέρω ότι πηγαίνετε στα όρια για να είστε συμπονετικοί και να φροντίζετε τους άλλους.
Hypothesis is: Ξέρω πως απλά δε νοιάζεσαι για τους ανθρώπους καθόλου. | contradiction |
Premise is: Το First Wives Club, μια κωμωδία εκδίκησης με τρεις εγκαταλελειμμένες συζύγους, κέρδισε τα περισσότερα στο πρώτο της Σαββατοκύριακο από οποιαδήποτε άλλη γυναικεία ταινία στην ιστορία.
Hypothesis is: Οι ηθοποιοί και η υποκριτική, συνέβαλαν περισσότερο από την πλοκή στο ρεκόρ κινηματογραφικών πωλήσεων του First Wives Club. | neutral |
Premise is: في الواقع، كلمة كوارك في قاموس أوكسفورد ا كفعل يعني `تشاءم، مع مراجع القرن ال19 تشير إلى الضفادع والغربان، و الملك الحزين.
Hypothesis is: معظم الناس لا يعرفون أصل كلمة كوارك وأنها تشير إلى الضوضاء التي يصدرها الضفدع. | neutral |
Premise is: On the left of the entrance ramp is the open space once occupied by the Temple of Athena, close to which are the remains of the Pergamene library.
Hypothesis is: There are no remains visible from the ramp. | contradiction |
Premise is: ähm wie denkst du, dass die Zeitung in Colorado Springs die lokalen Interessen behandelt
Hypothesis is: Glauben Sie, dass die lokalen Zeitungen nicht daran interessiert sind, was die Bürger zu sagen haben? | neutral |
Premise is: If you are keen to learn Israeli folk dancing, the Bicurei Ha'etim Cellar in Heftman Street will teach you.
Hypothesis is: The Bicurei Ha'etim Cellar is the only place to learn Israeli folk dancing. | neutral |
Premise is: Or Sherlock Holmes?"
Hypothesis is: Was it Sherlock Holmes? | entailment |
Premise is: Мы настолько привыкли слышать, как американские компании жалуются на иностранную конкуренцию, что обвинения, которые выдвигает Kodak после своего поражения, воспринимаются как очередной скулеж.
Hypothesis is: Американские компании отвечают на зарубежную конкуренцию. | entailment |
Premise is: Though the two cities remained unlinked by rail, this was about to change quickly.
Hypothesis is: The two cities did not have a railway between them. | entailment |
Premise is: Tourist Information offices can be very helpful.
Hypothesis is: Tourist Information offices are never of any help. | contradiction |
Premise is: More detailed implementation plans also will be necessary to address business system, processes, and resource issues.
Hypothesis is: Detailed implementation plans are necessary to address business system, processes and resources | entailment |
Premise is: 迪拜是一个可以轻松到达主要机场,旅行社,酒店和西方商业机构的现代化城市,是一个理想的中转站。
Hypothesis is: 迪拜是中转站的首选。 | neutral |
Premise is: θα κάνουμε τον στόχο.
Hypothesis is: Θα πέσουμε πολύ κοντά στον στόχο. | contradiction |
Premise is: First, injected cannabinoids may not mirror the effects of smoked marijuana.
Hypothesis is: Smoking marijuana gets people higher than injected them with cannabinoids. | neutral |
Premise is: The data would be presented as required supplementary stewardship information accompanying the consolidated financial statements of the Federal Government but not in individual reports of its component units.
Hypothesis is: The data would be included in individual reports concerning the constituent units of the federal government. | contradiction |
Premise is: Boca da Corrida Encumeada (moderate; 5 hours): views of Curral das Freiras and the valley of Ribeiro do Poco.
Hypothesis is: "Views of Curral da Freiras and the valley of Ribeiro do Poco" is chapter 5. | neutral |
Premise is: Chắc chắn là FDNY không chịu trách nhiệm về việc quản lý phản ứng của Thành phố đối với trường hợp khẩn cấp, như chỉ thị của Thị trưởng đã yêu cầu.
Hypothesis is: Việc quản lý phản ứng của Thành phố đã được xử lý bởi tổ chức khác ngoài FDNY. | entailment |
Premise is: Ενώ οι αριθμοί είναι εντυπωσιακοί, οι υποτροφίες είναι συχνά σημαντικές για την πρόσληψη των κορυφαίων φοιτητών με οικονομικές ανάγκες.
Hypothesis is: Δεν δίνουμε υποτροφίες ή οικονομική βοήθεια στους σπουδαστές. | contradiction |
Premise is: INTEREST RATE - The price charged per unit of money borrowed per year, or other unit of time, usually expressed as a percentage.
Hypothesis is: Interest rate can range from zero to fifteen percent. | neutral |
Premise is: that's hilarious to to get that jack off that's right oh that's a funny story
Hypothesis is: I will enjoy telling that story. | neutral |
Premise is: Mr. Erlenborn attended undergraduate courses at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana University, the University of Illinois, and Loyala University of Chicago.
Hypothesis is: Mr. Erlenborn attended classes in at least four different universities. | entailment |
Premise is: So unlike people who are fortunate enough to be able to afford attorneys and can go to another lawyer, our clients are simply lost in the legal system if they cannot get access to it from us.
Hypothesis is: Our clients can afford attorneys and bouncing between lawyers. | contradiction |
Premise is: Finally the woman opened her eyes feebly.
Hypothesis is: She opened her eyes. | entailment |
Premise is: 当然,假定法律中存有量子不确定性是相当激进的想法,但这似乎不是不可能。
Hypothesis is: 一些认为法律中存在量子不确定性的人可能是激进分子。 | neutral |
Premise is: The finest is the huge conical-roofed Tomb/Pillar of Absalom (King David's son).
Hypothesis is: The Tomb/Pillar of Absalom has a large cone-shaped roof. | entailment |
Premise is: اس ہفتے حوصلہ افزائی کے عظیم سٹار کی محبت پر کین سٹار کی رپورٹ کی پیشکش پیش کرتا ہے،جس میں صدارتی لیمو میں رومانوی کا شمار ہوگا،اوول آفس اور یہاں تک کہ لائنر بیڈوم!
Hypothesis is: پوچھنے والے کو وائٹ ہاؤس کے بارے میں علم تھا | entailment |
Premise is: เมื่อทรายก่อตัวขึ้น ทรายก็เข้าสู่มุมทรงตัว แล้วขยายตัวเข้าสู่ขอบโต๊ะ
Hypothesis is: ทรายถูกตักโดยรถปราบดิน | neutral |
Premise is: Unless the mention of the Ritz was an accidental remark?"
Hypothesis is: Was mentioning the Ritz accidental? | entailment |
Premise is: They are the four sentences you always insert in plagiarized papers to throw the professor off track.
Hypothesis is: These four sentences force professors to skim over the paragraph and inadvertently skip the plagiarized information. | neutral |
Premise is: Χτισμένο το 688-691 μ.Χ., είναι διακοσμημένο με χιλιάδες εξαίρετα, κυρίως μπλε και κίτρινα, περσικά κεραμικά πλακίδια, με Κορανικές γραφές στα ανώφλια.
Hypothesis is: Οι τοίχοι έχουν 100000 πλακίδια πάνω τους. | neutral |
Premise is: This man claims that he has been robbed en route and is stranded without money or his plane ticket in an airport somewhere in Europe or the Middle East.
Hypothesis is: He claimed he was robbed on the way and has no money or a plane ticket | entailment |
Premise is: It was planned in the 1820s as a symbol of Scottish national pride and designed as a mini-Parthenon, in deference to the neoclassical style popular at the time.
Hypothesis is: It was designed to be a smaller version of the Parthenon. | entailment |
Premise is: Ogle, είπε με μια φωνή κρύα και απότομη σαν ατσάλι, ο σταθμός σου βρίσκεται στο κατάστρωμα όπλων.
Hypothesis is: Ο Ogle είναι πάντα στο σταθμό πυροβόλων όπλων. | neutral |
Premise is: Although claims data provide the most accurate information about health care use, ensuring adequate follow-up for purposes of obtaining information from patient self-report is important because many people do not report alcohol-related events to insurance compa-nies.
Hypothesis is: Alcohol related events that contribute to disease are often unreported by patients to their insurance companies. | entailment |
Premise is: Could you please speak to this issue, with regard to the social ramifications of gum chewing in public?
Hypothesis is: You don't have an opinion on gum chewing in public, I see. | contradiction |
Premise is: The H-2A worker must depart the country and is subject to deportation for failing to do so.
Hypothesis is: The H-2A worker committed a crime. | neutral |
Premise is: The researchers found expected stresses like the loss of a check in the mail and the illness of loved ones.
Hypothesis is: The stresses affected people as the researchers expected. | entailment |
Premise is: Релахо може да опише и шеговита връзка, загадъчно обръщане напред-назад, което със смях облекчава напрежението и заличава причината за моментното напрежение.
Hypothesis is: Relajo се шегува за икономиката. | neutral |
Premise is: You have to walk through it).
Hypothesis is: You can stay where you are. | contradiction |
Premise is: The 28 sta?tues representing the kings of Judah and Israel have been remodeled after the drawings of Viollet-le-Duc; the original ones were pulled down during the Revolution, since they were thought to be the kings of France.
Hypothesis is: The people who pulled down the statues were executed. | neutral |
Premise is: धिक्कार है! शायद आप अपने आप को समझाएंगे? वोवरस्टोन कहाँ गया है?
Hypothesis is: मैं चाहता हूं कि आप खुद ही समझाएं! मुझे पता है आप जानते हैं कि वोल्वरस्टोन कहां है। | neutral |
Premise is: Kama mimi Msikoti wa majivuno, ninahisi kuwa sababu kubwa ya hii maanzilishi ya ukosefu wa tamaa ya kilugha inapatikana kwa majimbo ya kinyumbani.
Hypothesis is: Lugha ya kikanda inawezekana kutokana na ukosefu wa tamaa ya lugha. | entailment |
Premise is: Ca'daan closed the door behind them and retied the not.
Hypothesis is: Ca'daan closed the door as they entered, and bound it shut with rope. | entailment |
Premise is: Small towns like Louisian lay scattered all over the Oil Fields; the main train line branched between them.
Hypothesis is: A main train line went between all the small towns. | entailment |
Premise is: Лингвисты, которые пишут книги, по-видимому, всегда навязывают свою точку зрения, порой, мягко говоря, маловразумительную.
Hypothesis is: Большинство лингвистов пишут книги для продвижения мнений других. | contradiction |
Premise is: i think that the people that are um have um a lower income which you automatically equate with lower education
Hypothesis is: I think higher income equals lower education. | contradiction |
Premise is: Be of good cheer,
Hypothesis is: Be of good cheer, for beer time is near. | neutral |
Premise is: In reviewing this history, it's important to make some crucial distinctions.
Hypothesis is: There's no point in analyzing the past. | contradiction |
Premise is: The Black River, at 71 km (44 miles), is the longest in Jamaica; it was an arterial route used to transport rum and lumber from the inland plantations.
Hypothesis is: The Black River received its name because the water in its stream is actually black. | neutral |
Premise is: in our town of five thousand we have one that is uh local FM AM station and their news is fed from CNN too uh it's more of uh
Hypothesis is: The town radio station never relied on any national news sources. | contradiction |
Premise is: Elle n'exploserait pas sans le détonateur.
Hypothesis is: Le déclencheur le fait exposer. | entailment |
Premise is: There are certain categories of control activities that are common to all agencies.
Hypothesis is: Control activities such as safe business practices are universally common across all agencies. | neutral |
Premise is: Περιπλανηθείτε στους ορόφους και μιλήστε στους ηθοποιούς που παίζουν τους ρόλους των ναυτικών και των οδοιπόρων.
Hypothesis is: Οι ηθοποιοί πληρώνονται δέκα δολάρια την ημέρα για να προσποιούνται ότι είναι προσκυνητές. | neutral |
Premise is: More than 100 judges, lawyers and dignitaries were present for the gathering.
Hypothesis is: Only two people showed up for the gathering. | contradiction |
Premise is: He had forgotten about Adrin.
Hypothesis is: He remembered Adrin all this time. | contradiction |
Premise is: In other words, the paper exhibited the all-too-typical journalistic tic of exposing potential conflicts of interest involving politicians while ignoring those involving journalists.
Hypothesis is: The paper shows, the journalists exposing potential conflicts of interests around politicians, but never exposing other journalists. | entailment |
Premise is: The final reason for the teen renaissance is boomer self-obsession.
Hypothesis is: Boomer self-obsession is one of the reasons for teen renaissance. | entailment |
Premise is: After the death of Columbus in 1505, Jamaica became the property of his son Diego, who dispatched Don Juan de Esquivel to the island as Governor.
Hypothesis is: Jamaica was inherited by Columbus' son, Diego. | entailment |
Premise is: 但是,他们住在奥古斯塔郊外的一个叫伊万斯的小镇上,伊万斯现在还在,我的许多亲戚仍然住在那里。
Hypothesis is: 他们有二十个家庭成员居住在埃文斯。 | neutral |
Premise is: Задержанный датирует встречу со Слахи октябрем 1999 года.
Hypothesis is: Собрание состоялось в декабре 1998 году. | contradiction |
Premise is: انہوں نے جیل میں لے جانے والے بولی، جیریمی نے خاموشی سے کہا
Hypothesis is: Jeremy aik samundari dakoo tha apni pori zindagi. | neutral |
Premise is: They won't be killing off George Clooney's character at ER like they did to Jimmy Smits at NYPD . Instead, Dr. Doug Ross is being forced out over the next two episodes because the maverick heartthrob gives an unauthorized painkiller to a terminally ill boy (Thursday, 10 p.m.).
Hypothesis is: George Clooney will lose his job because the producers don't think he can act. | contradiction |
Premise is: 120 "You do not think I ought to go to the police?"
Hypothesis is: Should I not go to the police? | entailment |
Premise is: yeah because those things i think would just snap you know
Hypothesis is: Because they would survive easily. | contradiction |
Premise is: We have taken a number of steps to empower and invest in our employees.
Hypothesis is: The steps we have taken put programs for the employees in place. | entailment |
Premise is: vahee baat New York Times ke lie nahin kaha ja sakata hai. cocaine vivaad par apne sampaadakeey mein, Times ne Bush ko eemaanadaar hone kee salaah dee aur kaha ki desh ko apana upaay karane den.
Hypothesis is: टाइम्स ने कहा कि बुश को हर किसी से बस झूठ बोलना चाहिए। | contradiction |
Premise is: In the case of speech, Fiss appears to believe that the reason the American public is less enlightened than he would wish it to be concerning matters such as feminism, the rights of homosexuals, and regulation of industry is that people are denied access to the opinions and information that would enlighten them.
Hypothesis is: People in America are very well informed on controversial topics, according to Fiss. | contradiction |
Premise is: Thời gian dành cho phụ huynh và trẻ em ở bên nhau là bước đầu tiên để thực hiện các ý tưởng và thực hành mà tôi sẽ thảo luận trong cuốn sách này.
Hypothesis is: Trong cuốn sách này, tôi sẽ đề cập đến các chủ đề mà phụ huynh và con cái của họ có thể thực hiện trong khi dành thời gian bên nhau. | entailment |
Premise is: The rustic Bras-David picnic area, for example, is set alongside a burbling stream.
Hypothesis is: The picnic area is not near a stream. | contradiction |
Premise is: and uh well if you if you got got him a power mower it'd probably take him a lot less time to do it but i enjoy doing it i feel good doing it uh i i feel a lot better doing it with a power mower with that with a with a pull tractor on it so i don't have to push so hard
Hypothesis is: He would mow your entire yard in eight minutes if he was using a power mower. | neutral |
Premise is: Πρόοδος στην Αεροπλοΐα Γίνεται, αλλά Απαιτείται Μακροπρόθεσμη Προσοχή.
Hypothesis is: Οι προϋπολογισμοί πρέπει να αυξηθούν συνολικά για βέλτιστα αποτελέσματα. | neutral |
Premise is: um-hum yeah i saw that for the first time yesterday in the evening
Hypothesis is: I was very impressed when I saw that yesterday. | neutral |
Premise is: Μου είπε τι ακριβώς χρειαζόταν και ότι το χρειαζόταν σήμερα.
Hypothesis is: Είπε ότι θα μπορούσα να το υποβάλλω οποτεδήποτε. | contradiction |
Premise is: Bauerstein."
Hypothesis is: Alfred Inglethorp | contradiction |
Premise is: Makumbusho hayakuwa imara kwenye orodha au lebo
Hypothesis is: Makavazi hayo hayapendi kuandikwa. | neutral |
Premise is: What have we for lunch?
Hypothesis is: What are we going to eat for lunch? | entailment |
Premise is: A poll of Hong Kong residents finds them sanguine about the city's future.
Hypothesis is: A poll of Hong Kong residents finds them more sanguine about the city's future than before. | neutral |
Premise is: 每天近10万人来到这里欣赏令人眩目的建筑和探索这个不断变化的城市的最新景点。
Hypothesis is: 此城市无发达的旅游业。 | contradiction |
Premise is: هناك نوعان من المزايا التطورية لمتوسط المظهر.
Hypothesis is: من المفيد أن تبدو عاديا لأن الناس يتركونك في حالك. | neutral |
Subsets and Splits