677 values
1 value
2 values
[ "MIT" ]
# We provide an explicit extension package for CUDA # since the pullback kernel profits a lot from # parallel reductions, which are relatively straightforwadly # expressed using while loops. # However KernelAbstractions currently does not play nicely # with while loops, see e.g. here: # module DiffPointRasterisationCUDAExt using DiffPointRasterisation, CUDA using ArgCheck using FillArrays using StaticArrays const CuOrFillArray{T,N} = Union{CuArray{T,N},FillArrays.AbstractFill{T,N}} const CuOrFillVector{T} = CuOrFillArray{T,1} function raster_pullback_kernel!( ::Type{T}, ds_dout, points::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_in}}, rotations::AbstractVector{<:StaticMatrix{N_out,N_in,TR}}, translations::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_out,TT}}, out_weights, point_weights, shifts, scale, # outputs: ds_dpoints, ds_drotation, ds_dtranslation, ds_dout_weight, ds_dpoint_weight, ) where {T,TR,TT,N_in,N_out} n_voxel = blockDim().z points_per_workgroup = blockDim().x batchsize_per_workgroup = blockDim().y # @assert points_per_workgroup == 1 # @assert n_voxel == 2^N_out # @assert threadIdx().x == 1 n_threads_per_workgroup = n_voxel * batchsize_per_workgroup s = threadIdx().z b = threadIdx().y thread = (b - 1) * n_voxel + s neighbor_voxel_id = (blockIdx().z - 1) * n_voxel + s point_idx = (blockIdx().x - 1) * points_per_workgroup + threadIdx().x batch_idx = (blockIdx().y - 1) * batchsize_per_workgroup + b in_batch = batch_idx <= length(rotations) dimension1 = (N_out, n_voxel, batchsize_per_workgroup) ds_dpoint_rot_shared = CuDynamicSharedArray(T, dimension1) offset = sizeof(T) * prod(dimension1) dimension2 = (N_in, batchsize_per_workgroup) ds_dpoint_shared = CuDynamicSharedArray(T, dimension2, offset) dimension3 = (n_voxel, batchsize_per_workgroup) offset += sizeof(T) * prod(dimension2) ds_dpoint_weight_shared = CuDynamicSharedArray(T, dimension3, offset) rotation = @inbounds in_batch ? rotations[batch_idx] : @SMatrix zeros(TR, N_in, N_in) point = @inbounds points[point_idx] point_weight = @inbounds point_weights[point_idx] if in_batch translation = @inbounds translations[batch_idx] out_weight = @inbounds out_weights[batch_idx] shift = @inbounds shifts[neighbor_voxel_id] origin = (-@SVector ones(TT, N_out)) - translation coord_reference_voxel, deltas = DiffPointRasterisation.reference_coordinate_and_deltas( point, rotation, origin, scale ) voxel_idx = CartesianIndex( CartesianIndex(Tuple(coord_reference_voxel)) + CartesianIndex(shift), batch_idx ) ds_dweight_local = zero(T) if voxel_idx in CartesianIndices(ds_dout) @inbounds ds_dweight_local = DiffPointRasterisation.voxel_weight( deltas, shift, ds_dout[voxel_idx] ) factor = ds_dout[voxel_idx] * out_weight * point_weight ds_dcoord_part = SVector( factor .* ntuple( n -> DiffPointRasterisation.interpolation_weight( n, N_out, deltas, shift ), Val(N_out), ), ) @inbounds ds_dpoint_rot_shared[:, s, b] .= ds_dcoord_part .* scale else @inbounds ds_dpoint_rot_shared[:, s, b] .= zero(T) end @inbounds ds_dpoint_weight_shared[s, b] = ds_dweight_local * out_weight ds_dout_weight_local = ds_dweight_local * point_weight @inbounds CUDA.@atomic ds_dout_weight[batch_idx] += ds_dout_weight_local else @inbounds ds_dpoint_weight_shared[s, b] = zero(T) @inbounds ds_dpoint_rot_shared[:, s, b] .= zero(T) end # parallel summation of ds_dpoint_rot_shared over neighboring-voxel dimension # for a given thread-local batch index stride = 1 @inbounds while stride < n_voxel sync_threads() idx = 2 * stride * (s - 1) + 1 if idx <= n_voxel dim = 1 while dim <= N_out other_val_p = if idx + stride <= n_voxel ds_dpoint_rot_shared[dim, idx + stride, b] else zero(T) end ds_dpoint_rot_shared[dim, idx, b] += other_val_p dim += 1 end end stride *= 2 end sync_threads() if in_batch dim = s if dim <= N_out coef = ds_dpoint_rot_shared[dim, 1, b] @inbounds CUDA.@atomic ds_dtranslation[dim, batch_idx] += coef j = 1 while j <= N_in val = coef * point[j] @inbounds CUDA.@atomic ds_drotation[dim, j, batch_idx] += val j += 1 end end end # derivative of point with respect to rotation per batch dimension dim = s while dim <= N_in val = zero(T) j = 1 while j <= N_out @inbounds val += rotation[j, dim] * ds_dpoint_rot_shared[j, 1, b] j += 1 end @inbounds ds_dpoint_shared[dim, b] = val dim += n_voxel end # parallel summation of ds_dpoint_shared over batch dimension stride = 1 @inbounds while stride < batchsize_per_workgroup sync_threads() idx = 2 * stride * (b - 1) + 1 if idx <= batchsize_per_workgroup dim = s while dim <= N_in other_val_p = if idx + stride <= batchsize_per_workgroup ds_dpoint_shared[dim, idx + stride] else zero(T) end ds_dpoint_shared[dim, idx] += other_val_p dim += n_voxel end end stride *= 2 end # parallel summation of ds_dpoint_weight_shared over voxel and batch dimension stride = 1 @inbounds while stride < n_threads_per_workgroup sync_threads() idx = 2 * stride * (thread - 1) + 1 if idx <= n_threads_per_workgroup other_val_w = if idx + stride <= n_threads_per_workgroup ds_dpoint_weight_shared[idx + stride] else zero(T) end ds_dpoint_weight_shared[idx] += other_val_w end stride *= 2 end sync_threads() dim = thread while dim <= N_in val = ds_dpoint_shared[dim, 1] # batch might be split across blocks, so need atomic add @inbounds CUDA.@atomic ds_dpoints[dim, point_idx] += val dim += n_threads_per_workgroup end if thread == 1 val_w = ds_dpoint_weight_shared[1, 1] # batch might be split across blocks, so need atomic add @inbounds CUDA.@atomic ds_dpoint_weight[point_idx] += val_w end return nothing end # single image function raster_pullback!( ds_dout::CuArray{<:Number,N_out}, points::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_in,<:Number}}, rotation::StaticMatrix{N_out,N_in,<:Number}, translation::StaticVector{N_out,<:Number}, background::Number, out_weight::Number, point_weight::CuOrFillVector{<:Number}, ds_dpoints::AbstractMatrix{<:Number}, ds_dpoint_weight::AbstractVector{<:Number}; kwargs..., ) where {N_in,N_out} return error( "Not implemented: raster_pullback! for single image not implemented on GPU. Consider using CPU arrays", ) end # batch of images function DiffPointRasterisation.raster_pullback!( ds_dout::CuArray{<:Number,N_out_p1}, points::CuVector{<:StaticVector{N_in,<:Number}}, rotation::CuVector{<:StaticMatrix{N_out,N_in,<:Number}}, translation::CuVector{<:StaticVector{N_out,<:Number}}, background::CuOrFillVector{<:Number}, out_weight::CuOrFillVector{<:Number}, point_weight::CuOrFillVector{<:Number}, ds_dpoints::CuMatrix{TP}, ds_drotation::CuArray{TR,3}, ds_dtranslation::CuMatrix{TT}, ds_dbackground::CuVector{<:Number}, ds_dout_weight::CuVector{OW}, ds_dpoint_weight::CuVector{PW}, ) where {N_in,N_out,N_out_p1,TP<:Number,TR<:Number,TT<:Number,OW<:Number,PW<:Number} T = promote_type(eltype(ds_dout), TP, TR, TT, OW, PW) batch_axis = axes(ds_dout, N_out_p1) @argcheck N_out == N_out_p1 - 1 @argcheck batch_axis == axes(rotation, 1) == axes(translation, 1) == axes(background, 1) == axes(out_weight, 1) @argcheck batch_axis == axes(ds_drotation, 3) == axes(ds_dtranslation, 2) == axes(ds_dbackground, 1) == axes(ds_dout_weight, 1) @argcheck N_out == N_out_p1 - 1 n_points = length(points) @argcheck length(ds_dpoint_weight) == n_points batch_size = length(batch_axis) ds_dbackground = vec( sum!(reshape(ds_dbackground, ntuple(_ -> 1, Val(N_out))..., batch_size), ds_dout) ) scale = SVector{N_out,T}(size(ds_dout)[1:(end - 1)]) / T(2) shifts = DiffPointRasterisation.voxel_shifts(Val(N_out)) ds_dpoints = fill!(ds_dpoints, zero(TP)) ds_drotation = fill!(ds_drotation, zero(TR)) ds_dtranslation = fill!(ds_dtranslation, zero(TT)) ds_dout_weight = fill!(ds_dout_weight, zero(OW)) ds_dpoint_weight = fill!(ds_dpoint_weight, zero(PW)) args = ( T, ds_dout, points, rotation, translation, out_weight, point_weight, shifts, scale, ds_dpoints, ds_drotation, ds_dtranslation, ds_dout_weight, ds_dpoint_weight, ) ndrange = (n_points, batch_size, 2^N_out) workgroup_size(threads) = (1, min(threads ÷ (2^N_out), batch_size), 2^N_out) function shmem(threads) _, bs_p_wg, n_voxel = workgroup_size(threads) return ((N_out + 1) * n_voxel + N_in) * bs_p_wg * sizeof(T) # ((N_out + 1) * threads + N_in * bs_p_wg) * sizeof(T) end let kernel = @cuda launch = false raster_pullback_kernel!(args...) config = CUDA.launch_configuration(; shmem) workgroup_sz = workgroup_size(config.threads) blocks = cld.(ndrange, workgroup_sz) kernel(args...; threads=workgroup_sz, blocks=blocks, shmem=shmem(config.threads)) end return (; points=ds_dpoints, rotation=ds_drotation, translation=ds_dtranslation, background=ds_dbackground, out_weight=ds_dout_weight, point_weight=ds_dpoint_weight, ) end function DiffPointRasterisation.default_ds_dpoints_batched( points::CuVector{<:AbstractVector{TP}}, N_in, batch_size ) where {TP<:Number} return similar(points, TP, (N_in, length(points))) end function DiffPointRasterisation.default_ds_dpoint_weight_batched( points::CuVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Number}}, T, batch_size ) return similar(points, T) end end # module
[ "MIT" ]
module DiffPointRasterisationChainRulesCoreExt using DiffPointRasterisation, ChainRulesCore, StaticArrays # single image function ChainRulesCore.rrule( ::typeof(DiffPointRasterisation.raster), grid_size, points::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_in,T}}, rotation::AbstractMatrix{<:Number}, translation::AbstractVector{<:Number}, optional_args..., ) where {N_in,T<:Number} out = raster(grid_size, points, rotation, translation, optional_args...) function raster_pullback(ds_dout) out_pb = raster_pullback!( unthunk(ds_dout), points, rotation, translation, optional_args... ) ds_dpoints = reinterpret(reshape, SVector{N_in,T}, out_pb.points) return NoTangent(), NoTangent(), ds_dpoints, values(out_pb)[2:(3 + length(optional_args))]... end return out, raster_pullback end function ChainRulesCore.rrule( f::typeof(DiffPointRasterisation.raster), grid_size, points::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Number}}, rotation::AbstractMatrix{<:Number}, translation::AbstractVector{<:Number}, optional_args..., ) return ChainRulesCore.rrule( f, grid_size, DiffPointRasterisation.inner_to_sized(points), rotation, translation, optional_args..., ) end # batch of images function ChainRulesCore.rrule( ::typeof(DiffPointRasterisation.raster), grid_size, points::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_in,TP}}, rotation::AbstractVector{<:StaticMatrix{N_out,N_in,TR}}, translation::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_out,TT}}, optional_args..., ) where {N_in,N_out,TP<:Number,TR<:Number,TT<:Number} out = raster(grid_size, points, rotation, translation, optional_args...) function raster_pullback(ds_dout) out_pb = raster_pullback!( unthunk(ds_dout), points, rotation, translation, optional_args... ) ds_dpoints = reinterpret(reshape, SVector{N_in,TP}, out_pb.points) L = N_out * N_in ds_drotation = reinterpret( reshape, SMatrix{N_out,N_in,TR,L}, reshape(out_pb.rotation, L, :) ) ds_dtranslation = reinterpret(reshape, SVector{N_out,TT}, out_pb.translation) return NoTangent(), NoTangent(), ds_dpoints, ds_drotation, ds_dtranslation, values(out_pb)[4:(3 + length(optional_args))]... end return out, raster_pullback end function ChainRulesCore.rrule( f::typeof(DiffPointRasterisation.raster), grid_size, points::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Number}}, rotation::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{<:Number}}, translation::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Number}}, optional_args..., ) return ChainRulesCore.rrule( f, grid_size, DiffPointRasterisation.inner_to_sized(points), DiffPointRasterisation.inner_to_sized(rotation), DiffPointRasterisation.inner_to_sized(translation), optional_args..., ) end end # module DiffPointRasterisationChainRulesCoreExt
[ "MIT" ]
module DiffPointRasterisation using ArgCheck using Atomix using ChunkSplitters using FillArrays using KernelAbstractions using SimpleUnPack using StaticArrays using TestItems include("util.jl") include("raster.jl") include("raster_pullback.jl") include("interface.jl") export raster, raster!, raster_pullback! end
[ "MIT" ]
""" raster(grid_size, points, rotation, translation, [background, out_weight]) Interpolate points (multi-) linearly into an Nd-array of size `grid_size`. Before `points` are interpolated into the array, each point ``p`` is first transformed according to ```math \\hat{p} = R p + t ``` with `rotation` ``R`` and `translation` ``t``. Points ``\\hat{p}`` that fall into the N-dimensional hypercube with edges spanning from (-1, 1) in each dimension, are interpolated into the output array. The total weight of each point (`out_weight * point_weight`) is distributed onto the 2^N nearest pixels/voxels of the output array (according to the closeness of the voxel center to the coordinates of point ``\\hat{p}``) via N-linear interpolation. # Arguments - `grid_size`: Tuple of integers defining the output dimensions - `points::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector}`: A vector of same length vectors representing points - `rotation`: Either a single matrix(-like object) or a vector of such, that linearly transform(s) `points` before rasterisation. - `translation`: Either a single vector or a vector of such, that translates `points` *after* `rotation`. If `rotation` includes a projection, `translation` thus needs to have the same length as `rotation * points[i]`. - `background`: Either a single number or a vector of such. - `out_weight`: Either a single number or a vector (one per image) of such. - `point_weight`: A vector of numbers (one per point). `rotation`, `translation`, `background` and `out_weight` can have an additional "batch" dimension (by providing them as vectors of single parameters. The length of these vectors must be the same for all four arguments). In this case, the output array will have dimensionality +1 with an additional axis on last position corresponding to the number of elements in the batch. See [Raster a single point cloud to a batch of poses](@ref) for more details. See also: [`raster!`](@ref) """ function raster end """ raster!(out, points, rotation, translation, [background, out_weight, point_weight]) Interpolate points (multi-) linearly into the Nd-array `out`. In-place version of [`raster`](@ref). See there for details. """ function raster! end ############################################### # Step 1: Allocate output ############################################### function raster(grid_size::Tuple, args...) eltypes = deep_eltype.(args) T = promote_type(eltypes...) points = args[1] rotation = args[2] if isa(rotation, AbstractMatrix) # non-batched out = similar(points, T, grid_size) else # batched @assert rotation isa AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix} batch_size = length(rotation) out = similar(points, T, (grid_size..., batch_size)) end return raster!(out, args...) end deep_eltype(el) = deep_eltype(typeof(el)) deep_eltype(t::Type) = t deep_eltype(t::Type{<:AbstractArray}) = deep_eltype(eltype(t)) ############################################### # Step 2: Fill default arguments if necessary ############################################### @inline raster!(out::AbstractArray{<:Number}, args::Vararg{Any,3}) = raster!(out, args..., default_background(args[2])) @inline raster!(out::AbstractArray{<:Number}, args::Vararg{Any,4}) = raster!(out, args..., default_out_weight(args[2])) @inline raster!(out::AbstractArray{<:Number}, args::Vararg{Any,5}) = raster!(out, args..., default_point_weight(args[1])) ############################################### # Step 3: Convenience interface for single image: # Convert arguments for single image to # length-1 vec of arguments ############################################### function raster!( out::AbstractArray{<:Number}, points::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Number}}, rotation::AbstractMatrix{<:Number}, translation::AbstractVector{<:Number}, background::Number, weight::Number, point_weight::AbstractVector{<:Number}, ) return drop_last_dim( raster!( append_singleton_dim(out), points, @SVector([rotation]), @SVector([translation]), @SVector([background]), @SVector([weight]), point_weight, ), ) end ############################################### # Step 4: Convert arguments to canonical form, # i.e. vectors of statically sized arrays ############################################### function raster!(out::AbstractArray{<:Number}, args::Vararg{AbstractVector,6}) return raster!(out, inner_to_sized.(args)...) end ############################################### # Step 5: Error on inconsistent dimensions ############################################### # if N_out_rot == N_out_trans this should not be called # because the actual implementation specializes on N_out function raster!( ::AbstractArray{<:Number,N_out}, ::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_in,<:Number}}, ::AbstractVector{<:StaticMatrix{N_out_rot,N_in_rot,<:Number}}, ::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_out_trans,<:Number}}, ::AbstractVector{<:Number}, ::AbstractVector{<:Number}, ::AbstractVector{<:Number}, ) where {N_in,N_out,N_in_rot,N_out_rot,N_out_trans} if N_out_trans != N_out error( "Dimension of translation (got $N_out_trans) and output dimentsion (got $N_out) must agree!", ) end if N_out_rot != N_out error( "Row dimension of rotation (got $N_out_rot) and output dimentsion (got $N_out) must agree!", ) end if N_in_rot != N_in error( "Column dimension of rotation (got $N_in_rot) and points (got $N_in) must agree!", ) end return error("Dispatch error. Should not arrive here. Please file a bug.") end # now similar for pullback """ raster_pullback!( ds_dout, args...; [points, rotation, translation, background, out_weight, point_weight] ) Pullback for [`raster`](@ref) / [`raster!`](@ref). Take as input `ds_dout` the sensitivity of some quantity (`s` for "scalar") to the *output* `out` of the function `out = raster(grid_size, args...)` (or `out = raster!(out, args...)`), as well as the exact same arguments `args` that were passed to `raster`/`raster!`, and return the sensitivities of `s` to the *inputs* `args` of the function `raster`/`raster!`. Optionally, pre-allocated output arrays for each input sensitivity can be specified as keyword arguments with the name of the original argument to `raster` as key, and a nd-array as value, where the n-th dimension is the batch dimension. For example to provide a pre-allocated array for the sensitivity of `s` to the `translation` argument of `raster`, do: `sensitivities = raster_pullback!(ds_dout, args...; translation = [zeros(2) for _ in 1:8])` for 2-dimensional points and a batch size of 8. See also [Raster a single point cloud to a batch of poses](@ref) """ function raster_pullback! end ############################################### # Step 1: Fill default arguments if necessary ############################################### @inline raster_pullback!(ds_out::AbstractArray{<:Number}, args::Vararg{Any,3}; kwargs...) = raster_pullback!(ds_out, args..., default_background(args[2]); kwargs...) @inline raster_pullback!(ds_dout::AbstractArray{<:Number}, args::Vararg{Any,4}; kwargs...) = raster_pullback!(ds_dout, args..., default_out_weight(args[2]); kwargs...) @inline raster_pullback!(ds_dout::AbstractArray{<:Number}, args::Vararg{Any,5}; kwargs...) = raster_pullback!(ds_dout, args..., default_point_weight(args[1]); kwargs...) ############################################### # Step 2: Convert arguments to canonical form, # i.e. vectors of statically sized arrays ############################################### # single image function raster_pullback!( ds_dout::AbstractArray{<:Number}, points::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Number}}, rotation::AbstractMatrix{<:Number}, translation::AbstractVector{<:Number}, background::Number, out_weight::Number, point_weight::AbstractVector{<:Number}; kwargs..., ) return raster_pullback!( ds_dout, inner_to_sized(points), to_sized(rotation), to_sized(translation), background, out_weight, point_weight; kwargs..., ) end # batch of images function raster_pullback!( ds_dout::AbstractArray{<:Number}, args::Vararg{AbstractVector,6}; kwargs... ) return raster_pullback!(ds_dout, inner_to_sized.(args)...; kwargs...) end ############################################### # Step 3: Allocate output ############################################### # single image function raster_pullback!( ds_dout::AbstractArray{<:Number,N_out}, inp_points::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_in,TP}}, inp_rotation::StaticMatrix{N_out,N_in,<:Number}, inp_translation::StaticVector{N_out,<:Number}, inp_background::Number, inp_out_weight::Number, inp_point_weight::AbstractVector{PW}; points::AbstractMatrix{TP}=default_ds_dpoints_single(inp_points, N_in), point_weight::AbstractVector{PW}=similar(inp_points, PW), kwargs..., ) where {N_in,N_out,TP<:Number,PW<:Number} return raster_pullback!( ds_dout, inp_points, inp_rotation, inp_translation, inp_background, inp_out_weight, inp_point_weight, points, point_weight; kwargs..., ) end # batch of images function raster_pullback!( ds_dout::AbstractArray{<:Number}, inp_points::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_in,TP}}, inp_rotation::AbstractVector{<:StaticMatrix{N_out,N_in,TR}}, inp_translation::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_out,TT}}, inp_background::AbstractVector{TB}, inp_out_weight::AbstractVector{OW}, inp_point_weight::AbstractVector{PW}; points::AbstractArray{TP}=default_ds_dpoints_batched( inp_points, N_in, length(inp_rotation) ), rotation::AbstractArray{TR,3}=similar( inp_points, TR, (N_out, N_in, length(inp_rotation)) ), translation::AbstractMatrix{TT}=similar( inp_points, TT, (N_out, length(inp_translation)) ), background::AbstractVector{TB}=similar(inp_points, TB, (length(inp_background))), out_weight::AbstractVector{OW}=similar(inp_points, OW, (length(inp_out_weight))), point_weight::AbstractArray{PW}=default_ds_dpoint_weight_batched( inp_points, PW, length(inp_rotation) ), ) where {N_in,N_out,TP<:Number,TR<:Number,TT<:Number,TB<:Number,OW<:Number,PW<:Number} return raster_pullback!( ds_dout, inp_points, inp_rotation, inp_translation, inp_background, inp_out_weight, inp_point_weight, points, rotation, translation, background, out_weight, point_weight, ) end ############################################### # Step 4: Error on inconsistent dimensions ############################################### # single image function raster_pullback!( ::AbstractArray{<:Number,N_out}, ::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_in,<:Number}}, ::StaticMatrix{N_out_rot,N_in_rot,<:Number}, ::StaticVector{N_out_trans,<:Number}, ::Number, ::Number, ::AbstractVector{<:Number}, ::AbstractMatrix{<:Number}, ::AbstractVector{<:Number}; kwargs..., ) where {N_in,N_out,N_in_rot,N_out_rot,N_out_trans} return error_dimensions(N_in, N_out, N_in_rot, N_out_rot, N_out_trans) end # batch of images function raster_pullback!( ::AbstractArray{<:Number,N_out_p1}, ::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_in,<:Number}}, ::AbstractVector{<:StaticMatrix{N_out_rot,N_in_rot,<:Number}}, ::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_out_trans,<:Number}}, ::AbstractVector{<:Number}, ::AbstractVector{<:Number}, ::AbstractVector{<:Number}, ::AbstractArray{<:Number}, ::AbstractArray{<:Number,3}, ::AbstractMatrix{<:Number}, ::AbstractVector{<:Number}, ::AbstractVector{<:Number}, ::AbstractArray{<:Number}, ) where {N_in,N_out_p1,N_in_rot,N_out_rot,N_out_trans} return error_dimensions(N_in, N_out_p1 - 1, N_in_rot, N_out_rot, N_out_trans) end function error_dimensions(N_in, N_out, N_in_rot, N_out_rot, N_out_trans) if N_out_trans != N_out error( "Dimension of translation (got $N_out_trans) and output dimentsion (got $N_out) must agree!", ) end if N_out_rot != N_out error( "Row dimension of rotation (got $N_out_rot) and output dimentsion (got $N_out) must agree!", ) end if N_in_rot != N_in error( "Column dimension of rotation (got $N_in_rot) and points (got $N_in) must agree!", ) end return error("Dispatch error. Should not arrive here. Please file a bug.") end default_background(rotation::AbstractMatrix, T=eltype(rotation)) = zero(T) function default_background( rotation::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix}, T=eltype(eltype(rotation)) ) return Zeros(T, length(rotation)) end function default_background(rotation::AbstractArray{_T,3} where {_T}, T=eltype(rotation)) return Zeros(T, size(rotation, 3)) end default_out_weight(rotation::AbstractMatrix, T=eltype(rotation)) = one(T) function default_out_weight( rotation::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix}, T=eltype(eltype(rotation)) ) return Ones(T, length(rotation)) end function default_out_weight(rotation::AbstractArray{_T,3} where {_T}, T=eltype(rotation)) return Ones(T, size(rotation, 3)) end function default_point_weight(points::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{T}}) where {T<:Number} return Ones(T, length(points)) end function default_ds_dpoints_single( points::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{TP}}, N_in ) where {TP<:Number} return similar(points, TP, (N_in, length(points))) end function default_ds_dpoints_batched( points::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{TP}}, N_in, batch_size ) where {TP<:Number} return similar(points, TP, (N_in, length(points), min(batch_size, Threads.nthreads()))) end function default_ds_dpoint_weight_batched( points::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Number}}, T, batch_size ) return similar(points, T, (length(points), min(batch_size, Threads.nthreads()))) end @testitem "raster interface" begin include("../test/data.jl") @testset "no projection" begin local out @testset "canonical arguments (vec of staticarray)" begin out = raster( D.grid_size_3d, D.points_static, D.rotations_static, D.translations_3d_static, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.point_weights, ) end @testset "reinterpret nd-array as vec-of-array" begin @test out ≈ raster( D.grid_size_3d, D.points_reinterp, D.rotations_reinterp, D.translations_3d_reinterp, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.point_weights, ) end @testset "point as non-static vector" begin @test out ≈ raster( D.grid_size_3d, D.points, D.rotations_static, D.translations_3d_static, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.point_weights, ) end @testset "rotation as non-static matrix" begin @test out ≈ raster( D.grid_size_3d, D.points_static, D.rotations, D.translations_3d_static, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.point_weights, ) end @testset "translation as non-static vector" begin @test out ≈ raster( D.grid_size_3d, D.points_static, D.rotations_static, D.translations_3d, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.point_weights, ) end @testset "all as non-static array" begin @test out ≈ raster( D.grid_size_3d, D.points, D.rotations, D.translations_3d, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.point_weights, ) end out = raster( D.grid_size_3d, D.points_static, D.rotations_static, D.translations_3d_static, zeros(D.batch_size), ones(D.batch_size), ones(length(D.points_static)), ) @testset "default argmuments canonical" begin @test out ≈ raster( D.grid_size_3d, D.points_static, D.rotations_static, D.translations_3d_static, ) end @testset "default arguments all as non-static array" begin @test out ≈ raster(D.grid_size_3d, D.points, D.rotations, D.translations_3d) end end @testset "projection" begin local out @testset "canonical arguments (vec of staticarray)" begin out = raster( D.grid_size_2d, D.points_static, D.projections_static, D.translations_2d_static, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.point_weights, ) end @testset "reinterpret nd-array as vec-of-array" begin @test out ≈ raster( D.grid_size_2d, D.points_reinterp, D.projections_reinterp, D.translations_2d_reinterp, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.point_weights, ) end @testset "point as non-static vector" begin @test out ≈ raster( D.grid_size_2d, D.points, D.projections_static, D.translations_2d_static, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.point_weights, ) end @testset "projection as non-static matrix" begin @test out ≈ raster( D.grid_size_2d, D.points_static, D.projections, D.translations_2d_static, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.point_weights, ) end @testset "translation as non-static vector" begin @test out ≈ raster( D.grid_size_2d, D.points_static, D.projections_static, D.translations_2d, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.point_weights, ) end @testset "all as non-static array" begin @test out ≈ raster( D.grid_size_2d, D.points_static, D.projections, D.translations_2d, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.point_weights, ) end out = raster( D.grid_size_2d, D.points_static, D.projections_static, D.translations_2d_static, zeros(D.batch_size), ones(D.batch_size), ones(length(D.points_static)), ) @testset "default argmuments canonical" begin @test out ≈ raster( D.grid_size_2d, D.points_static, D.projections_static, D.translations_2d_static, ) end @testset "default arguments all as non-static array" begin @test out ≈ raster(D.grid_size_2d, D.points, D.projections, D.translations_2d) end end end
[ "MIT" ]
############################################### # Step 6: Actual implementation ############################################### function raster!( out::AbstractArray{T,N_out_p1}, points::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_in,<:Number}}, rotation::AbstractVector{<:StaticMatrix{N_out,N_in,<:Number}}, translation::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_out,<:Number}}, background::AbstractVector{<:Number}, out_weight::AbstractVector{<:Number}, point_weight::AbstractVector{<:Number}, ) where {T<:Number,N_in,N_out,N_out_p1} @argcheck N_out == N_out_p1 - 1 DimensionMismatch out_batch_dim = ndims(out) batch_size = size(out, out_batch_dim) @argcheck batch_size == length(rotation) == length(translation) == length(background) == length(out_weight) DimensionMismatch n_points = length(points) @argcheck length(point_weight) == n_points scale = SVector{N_out,T}(size(out)[1:(end - 1)]) / T(2) shifts = voxel_shifts(Val(N_out)) out .= reshape(background, ntuple(_ -> 1, Val(N_out))..., length(background)) args = (out, points, rotation, translation, out_weight, point_weight, shifts, scale) backend = get_backend(out) ndrange = (2^N_out, n_points, batch_size) workgroup_size = 1024 raster_kernel!(backend, workgroup_size, ndrange)(args...) return out end @kernel function raster_kernel!( out::AbstractArray{T}, points, rotations, translations::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_out}}, out_weights, point_weights, shifts, scale, ) where {T,N_out} neighbor_voxel_id, point_idx, batch_idx = @index(Global, NTuple) point = @inbounds points[point_idx] rotation = @inbounds rotations[batch_idx] translation = @inbounds translations[batch_idx] weight = @inbounds out_weights[batch_idx] * point_weights[point_idx] shift = @inbounds shifts[neighbor_voxel_id] origin = (-@SVector ones(T, N_out)) - translation coord_reference_voxel, deltas = reference_coordinate_and_deltas( point, rotation, origin, scale ) voxel_idx = CartesianIndex( CartesianIndex(Tuple(coord_reference_voxel)) + CartesianIndex(shift), batch_idx ) if voxel_idx in CartesianIndices(out) val = voxel_weight(deltas, shift, weight) @inbounds Atomix.@atomic out[voxel_idx] += val end end """ reference_coordinate_and_deltas(point, rotation, origin, scale) Return - The cartesian coordinate of the voxel of an N-dimensional rectangular grid that is the one closest to the origin, out of the 2^N voxels that are next neighbours of the (N-dimensional) `point` - A Nx2 array containing coordinate-wise distances of the `scale`d `point` to the voxel that is * closest to the origin (out of the 2^N next neighbors) in the first column * furthest from the origin (out of the 2^N next neighbors) in the second column. The grid is implicitely assumed to discretize the hypercube ranging from (-1, 1) in each dimension. Before `point` is discretized into this grid, it is first translated by `-origin` and then scaled by `scale`. """ @inline function reference_coordinate_and_deltas( point::AbstractVector{T}, rotation, origin, scale ) where {T} projected_point = rotation * point # coordinate of transformed point in output coordinate system # which is defined by the (integer) coordinates of the pixels/voxels # in the output array. coord = (projected_point - origin) .* scale # round to **lower** integer (note the -1/2) coordinate ("upper left" if this were a matrix) coord_reference_voxel = round.(Int, coord .- T(0.5), RoundUp) # distance to lower integer coordinate (distance from "lower left" neighboring pixel # in units of fractional pixels): deltas_lower = coord - (coord_reference_voxel .- T(0.5)) # distances to lower (first column) and upper (second column) integer coordinates deltas = [deltas_lower one(T) .- deltas_lower] return coord_reference_voxel, deltas end @inline function voxel_weight(deltas, shift::NTuple{N,Int}, point_weight) where {N} lower_upper = mod1.(shift, 2) delta_idxs = SVector{N}(CartesianIndex.(ntuple(identity, Val(N)), lower_upper)) val = prod(@inbounds @view deltas[delta_idxs]) * point_weight return val end @testitem "raster correctness" begin using Rotations grid_size = (5, 5) points_single_center = [zeros(2)] points_single_1pix_right = [[0.0, 0.4]] points_single_1pix_up = [[-0.4, 0.0]] points_single_1pix_left = [[0.0, -0.4]] points_single_1pix_down = [[0.4, 0.0]] points_single_halfpix_down = [[0.2, 0.0]] points_single_halfpix_down_and_right = [[0.2, 0.2]] points_four_cross = reduce( vcat, [ points_single_1pix_right, points_single_1pix_up, points_single_1pix_left, points_single_1pix_down, ], ) no_rotation = Float64[1; 0;; 0; 1] rotation_90_deg = Float64[0; 1;; -1; 0] no_translation = zeros(2) translation_halfpix_right = [0.0, 0.2] translation_1pix_down = [0.4, 0.0] zero_background = 0.0 out_weight = 4.0 # -------- interpolations --------- out = raster( grid_size, points_single_center, no_rotation, no_translation, zero_background, out_weight, ) @test out ≈ [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] out = raster( grid_size, points_single_1pix_right, no_rotation, no_translation, zero_background, out_weight, ) @test out ≈ [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] out = raster( grid_size, points_single_halfpix_down, no_rotation, no_translation, zero_background, out_weight, ) @test out ≈ [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] out = raster( grid_size, points_single_halfpix_down_and_right, no_rotation, no_translation, zero_background, out_weight, ) @test out ≈ [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] # -------- translations --------- out = raster( grid_size, points_four_cross, no_rotation, no_translation, zero_background, out_weight, ) @test out ≈ [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] out = raster( grid_size, points_four_cross, no_rotation, translation_halfpix_right, zero_background, out_weight, ) @test out ≈ [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] out = raster( grid_size, points_four_cross, no_rotation, translation_1pix_down, zero_background, out_weight, ) @test out ≈ [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 ] # -------- rotations --------- out = raster( grid_size, points_single_1pix_right, rotation_90_deg, no_translation, zero_background, out_weight, ) @test out ≈ [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] # -------- point weights --------- out = raster( grid_size, points_four_cross, no_rotation, no_translation, zero_background, 1.0, [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], ) @test out ≈ [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] out = raster( grid_size, points_four_cross, no_rotation, translation_halfpix_right, zero_background, 2.0, [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], ) @test out ≈ [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 3 1 1 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] end @testitem "raster inference and allocations" begin using BenchmarkTools, CUDA, StaticArrays include("../test/data.jl") # check type stability # single image @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.raster( D.grid_size_3d, D.points_static, D.rotation, D.translation_3d ) @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.raster( D.grid_size_2d, D.points_static, D.projection, D.translation_2d ) # batched canonical @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.raster( D.grid_size_3d, D.points_static, D.rotations_static, D.translations_3d_static ) @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.raster( D.grid_size_2d, D.points_static, D.projections_static, D.translations_2d_static ) # batched reinterpret reshape @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.raster( D.grid_size_3d, D.points_reinterp, D.rotations_reinterp, D.translations_3d_reinterp ) @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.raster( D.grid_size_2d, D.points_reinterp, D.projections_reinterp, D.translations_2d_reinterp, ) if CUDA.functional() # single image @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.raster( D.grid_size_3d, cu(D.points_static), cu(D.rotation), cu(D.translation_3d) ) @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.raster( D.grid_size_2d, cu(D.points_static), cu(D.projection), cu(D.translation_2d) ) # batched @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.raster( D.grid_size_3d, cu(D.points_static), cu(D.rotations_static), cu(D.translations_3d_static), ) @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.raster( D.grid_size_2d, cu(D.points_static), cu(D.projections_static), cu(D.translations_2d_static), ) end # Ideally the sinlge image (non batched) case would be allocation-free. # The switch to KernelAbstractions made this allocating. # set test to broken for now. out_3d = Array{Float64,3}(undef, D.grid_size_3d...) out_2d = Array{Float64,2}(undef, D.grid_size_2d...) allocations = @ballocated DiffPointRasterisation.raster!( $out_3d, $D.points_static, $D.rotation, $D.translation_3d ) evals = 1 samples = 1 @test allocations == 0 broken = true allocations = @ballocated DiffPointRasterisation.raster!( $out_2d, $D.points_static, $D.projection, $D.translation_2d ) evals = 1 samples = 1 @test allocations == 0 broken = true end @testitem "raster batched consistency" begin include("../test/data.jl") # raster out_3d = zeros(D.grid_size_3d..., D.batch_size) out_3d_batched = zeros(D.grid_size_3d..., D.batch_size) for (out_i, args...) in zip( eachslice(out_3d; dims=4), D.rotations, D.translations_3d, D.backgrounds, D.weights ) raster!(out_i, D.more_points, args..., D.more_point_weights) end DiffPointRasterisation.raster!( out_3d_batched, D.more_points, D.rotations, D.translations_3d, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.more_point_weights, ) # raster_project out_2d = zeros(D.grid_size_2d..., D.batch_size) out_2d_batched = zeros(D.grid_size_2d..., D.batch_size) for (out_i, args...) in zip( eachslice(out_2d; dims=3), D.projections, D.translations_2d, D.backgrounds, D.weights, ) DiffPointRasterisation.raster!(out_i, D.more_points, args..., D.more_point_weights) end DiffPointRasterisation.raster!( out_2d_batched, D.more_points, D.projections, D.translations_2d, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.more_point_weights, ) @test out_2d_batched ≈ out_2d end
[ "MIT" ]
# single image function raster_pullback!( ds_dout::AbstractArray{<:Number,N_out}, points::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_in,<:Number}}, rotation::StaticMatrix{N_out,N_in,TR}, translation::StaticVector{N_out,TT}, background::Number, out_weight::OW, point_weight::AbstractVector{<:Number}, ds_dpoints::AbstractMatrix{TP}, ds_dpoint_weight::AbstractVector{PW}; accumulate_ds_dpoints=false, ) where {N_in,N_out,TP<:Number,TR<:Number,TT<:Number,OW<:Number,PW<:Number} T = promote_type(eltype(ds_dout), TP, TR, TT, OW, PW) @argcheck size(ds_dpoints, 1) == N_in @argcheck length(point_weight) == length(points) == length(ds_dpoint_weight) == size(ds_dpoints, 2) # The strategy followed here is to redo some of the calculations # made in the forward pass instead of caching them in the forward # pass and reusing them here. if !accumulate_ds_dpoints fill!(ds_dpoints, zero(TP)) fill!(ds_dpoint_weight, zero(PW)) end origin = (-@SVector ones(TT, N_out)) - translation scale = SVector{N_out,T}(size(ds_dout)) / 2 shifts = voxel_shifts(Val(N_out)) all_density_idxs = CartesianIndices(ds_dout) # initialize some output for accumulation ds_dtranslation = @SVector zeros(TT, N_out) ds_drotation = @SMatrix zeros(TR, N_out, N_in) ds_dout_weight = zero(OW) # loop over points for (pt_idx, point) in enumerate(points) point = SVector{N_in,TP}(point) point_weight_i = point_weight[pt_idx] coord_reference_voxel, deltas = reference_coordinate_and_deltas( point, rotation, origin, scale ) ds_dcoord = @SVector zeros(T, N_out) ds_dpoint_weight_i = zero(PW) # loop over voxels that are affected by point for shift in shifts voxel_idx = CartesianIndex(Tuple(coord_reference_voxel)) + CartesianIndex(shift) (voxel_idx in all_density_idxs) || continue ds_dout_i = ds_dout[voxel_idx] ds_dweight = voxel_weight(deltas, shift, ds_dout_i) ds_dout_weight += ds_dweight * point_weight_i ds_dpoint_weight_i += ds_dweight * out_weight factor = ds_dout_i * out_weight * point_weight_i # loop over dimensions of point ds_dcoord += SVector( factor .* ntuple(n -> interpolation_weight(n, N_out, deltas, shift), Val(N_out)), ) end scaled = ds_dcoord .* scale ds_dtranslation += scaled ds_drotation += scaled * point' ds_dpoint = rotation' * scaled @view(ds_dpoints[:, pt_idx]) .+= ds_dpoint ds_dpoint_weight[pt_idx] += ds_dpoint_weight_i end return (; points=ds_dpoints, rotation=ds_drotation, translation=ds_dtranslation, background=sum(ds_dout), out_weight=ds_dout_weight, point_weight=ds_dpoint_weight, ) end # batch of images function raster_pullback!( ds_dout::AbstractArray{<:Number,N_out_p1}, points::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_in,<:Number}}, rotation::AbstractVector{<:StaticMatrix{N_out,N_in,<:Number}}, translation::AbstractVector{<:StaticVector{N_out,<:Number}}, background::AbstractVector{<:Number}, out_weight::AbstractVector{<:Number}, point_weight::AbstractVector{<:Number}, ds_dpoints::AbstractArray{<:Number,3}, ds_drotation::AbstractArray{<:Number,3}, ds_dtranslation::AbstractMatrix{<:Number}, ds_dbackground::AbstractVector{<:Number}, ds_dout_weight::AbstractVector{<:Number}, ds_dpoint_weight::AbstractMatrix{<:Number}, ) where {N_in,N_out,N_out_p1} batch_axis = axes(ds_dout, N_out_p1) @argcheck N_out == N_out_p1 - 1 @argcheck batch_axis == axes(rotation, 1) == axes(translation, 1) == axes(background, 1) == axes(out_weight, 1) @argcheck batch_axis == axes(ds_drotation, 3) == axes(ds_dtranslation, 2) == axes(ds_dbackground, 1) == axes(ds_dout_weight, 1) fill!(ds_dpoints, zero(eltype(ds_dpoints))) fill!(ds_dpoint_weight, zero(eltype(ds_dpoint_weight))) n_threads = size(ds_dpoints, 3) Threads.@threads for (idxs, ichunk) in chunks(batch_axis, n_threads) for i in idxs args_i = ( selectdim(ds_dout, N_out_p1, i), points, rotation[i], translation[i], background[i], out_weight[i], point_weight, ) result_i = raster_pullback!( args_i..., view(ds_dpoints, :, :, ichunk), view(ds_dpoint_weight, :, ichunk); accumulate_ds_dpoints=true, ) ds_drotation[:, :, i] .= result_i.rotation ds_dtranslation[:, i] = result_i.translation ds_dbackground[i] = result_i.background ds_dout_weight[i] = result_i.out_weight end end return (; points=dropdims(sum(ds_dpoints; dims=3); dims=3), rotation=ds_drotation, translation=ds_dtranslation, background=ds_dbackground, out_weight=ds_dout_weight, point_weight=dropdims(sum(ds_dpoint_weight; dims=2); dims=2), ) end function interpolation_weight(n, N, deltas, shift) val = @inbounds shift[n] == 1 ? one(eltype(deltas)) : -one(eltype(deltas)) # loop over other dimensions @inbounds for other_n in 1:N if n == other_n continue end val *= deltas[other_n, mod1(shift[other_n], 2)] end return val end @testitem "raster_pullback! inference and allocations" begin using BenchmarkTools, CUDA, Adapt include("../test/data.jl") ds_dout_3d = randn(D.grid_size_3d) ds_dout_3d_batched = randn(D.grid_size_3d..., D.batch_size) ds_dout_2d = randn(D.grid_size_2d) ds_dout_2d_batched = randn(D.grid_size_2d..., D.batch_size) ds_dpoints = similar(D.points_array) ds_dpoints_batched = similar( D.points_array, (size(D.points_array)..., Threads.nthreads()) ) ds_drotations = similar(D.rotations_array) ds_dprojections = similar(D.projections_array) ds_dtranslations_3d = similar(D.translations_3d_array) ds_dtranslations_2d = similar(D.translations_2d_array) ds_dbackgrounds = similar(D.backgrounds) ds_dweights = similar(D.weights) ds_dpoint_weights = similar(D.point_weights) ds_dpoint_weights_batched = similar( D.point_weights, (size(D.point_weights)..., Threads.nthreads()) ) args_batched_3d = ( ds_dout_3d_batched, D.points_static, D.rotations_static, D.translations_3d_static, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.point_weights, ds_dpoints_batched, ds_drotations, ds_dtranslations_3d, ds_dbackgrounds, ds_dweights, ds_dpoint_weights_batched, ) args_batched_2d = ( ds_dout_2d_batched, D.points_static, D.projections_static, D.translations_2d_static, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.point_weights, ds_dpoints_batched, ds_dprojections, ds_dtranslations_2d, ds_dbackgrounds, ds_dweights, ds_dpoint_weights_batched, ) function to_cuda(args) args_cu = adapt(CuArray, args) args_cu = Base.setindex(args_cu, args_cu[8][:, :, 1], 8) # ds_dpoint without batch dim return args_cu = Base.setindex(args_cu, args_cu[13][:, 1], 13) # ds_dpoint_weight without batch dim end # check type stability # single image @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.raster_pullback!( ds_dout_3d, D.points_static, D.rotation, D.translation_3d, D.background, D.weight, D.point_weights, ds_dpoints, ds_dpoint_weights, ) @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.raster_pullback!( ds_dout_2d, D.points_static, D.projection, D.translation_2d, D.background, D.weight, D.point_weights, ds_dpoints, ds_dpoint_weights, ) # batched @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.raster_pullback!(args_batched_3d...) @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.raster_pullback!(args_batched_2d...) if CUDA.functional() cu_args_3d = to_cuda(args_batched_3d) @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.raster_pullback!(cu_args_3d...) cu_args_2d = to_cuda(args_batched_2d) @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.raster_pullback!(cu_args_2d...) end # check that single-imge pullback is allocation-free allocations = @ballocated DiffPointRasterisation.raster_pullback!( $ds_dout_3d, $(D.points_static), $(D.rotation), $(D.translation_3d), $(D.background), $(D.weight), $(D.point_weights), $ds_dpoints, $ds_dpoint_weights, ) evals = 1 samples = 1 @test allocations == 0 end @testitem "raster_pullback! threaded" begin include("../test/data.jl") ds_dout = randn(D.grid_size_3d..., D.batch_size) ds_dargs_threaded = DiffPointRasterisation.raster_pullback!( ds_dout, D.more_points, D.rotations, D.translations_3d, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.more_point_weights, ) ds_dpoints = Matrix{Float64}[] ds_dpoint_weight = Vector{Float64}[] for i in 1:(D.batch_size) ds_dargs_i = @views raster_pullback!( ds_dout[:, :, :, i], D.more_points, D.rotations[i], D.translations_3d[i], D.backgrounds[i], D.weights[i], D.more_point_weights, ) push!(ds_dpoints, ds_dargs_i.points) push!(ds_dpoint_weight, ds_dargs_i.point_weight) @views begin @test ds_dargs_threaded.rotation[:, :, i] ≈ ds_dargs_i.rotation @test ds_dargs_threaded.translation[:, i] ≈ ds_dargs_i.translation @test ds_dargs_threaded.background[i] ≈ ds_dargs_i.background @test ds_dargs_threaded.out_weight[i] ≈ ds_dargs_i.out_weight end end @test ds_dargs_threaded.points ≈ sum(ds_dpoints) @test ds_dargs_threaded.point_weight ≈ sum(ds_dpoint_weight) ds_dout = zeros(D.grid_size_2d..., D.batch_size) ds_dargs_threaded = DiffPointRasterisation.raster_pullback!( ds_dout, D.more_points, D.projections, D.translations_2d, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.more_point_weights, ) ds_dpoints = Matrix{Float64}[] ds_dpoint_weight = Vector{Float64}[] for i in 1:(D.batch_size) ds_dargs_i = @views raster_pullback!( ds_dout[:, :, i], D.more_points, D.projections[i], D.translations_2d[i], D.backgrounds[i], D.weights[i], D.more_point_weights, ) push!(ds_dpoints, ds_dargs_i.points) push!(ds_dpoint_weight, ds_dargs_i.point_weight) @views begin @test ds_dargs_threaded.rotation[:, :, i] ≈ ds_dargs_i.rotation @test ds_dargs_threaded.translation[:, i] ≈ ds_dargs_i.translation @test ds_dargs_threaded.background[i] ≈ ds_dargs_i.background @test ds_dargs_threaded.out_weight[i] ≈ ds_dargs_i.out_weight end end @test ds_dargs_threaded.points ≈ sum(ds_dpoints) @test ds_dargs_threaded.point_weight ≈ sum(ds_dpoint_weight) end
[ "MIT" ]
""" digitstuple(k, Val(N)) Return a N-tuple containing the bit-representation of k """ digitstuple(k, ::Val{N}, int_type=Int64) where {N} = ntuple(i -> int_type(k >> (i - 1) % 2), N) @testitem "digitstuple" begin @test DiffPointRasterisation.digitstuple(5, Val(3)) == (1, 0, 1) @test DiffPointRasterisation.digitstuple(2, Val(2)) == (0, 1) @test DiffPointRasterisation.digitstuple(2, Val(4)) == (0, 1, 0, 0) end """ voxel_shifts(Val(N), [int_type]) Enumerate nearest neighbor coordinate shifts with respect to "upper left" voxel. For a N-dimensional voxel grid, return a 2^N-tuple of N-tuples, where each element of the outer tuple is a cartesian coordinate shift from the "upper left" voxel. """ voxel_shifts(::Val{N}, int_type=Int64) where {N} = ntuple(k -> digitstuple(k - 1, Val(N), int_type), Val(2^N)) @testitem "voxel_shifts" begin @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.voxel_shifts(Val(4)) @test DiffPointRasterisation.voxel_shifts(Val(1)) == ((0,), (1,)) @test DiffPointRasterisation.voxel_shifts(Val(2)) == ((0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)) @test DiffPointRasterisation.voxel_shifts(Val(3)) == ( (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1), ) end to_sized(arg::StaticArray{<:Any,<:Number}) = arg to_sized(arg::AbstractArray{T}) where {T<:Number} = SizedArray{Tuple{size(arg)...},T}(arg) inner_to_sized(arg::AbstractVector{<:Number}) = arg inner_to_sized(arg::AbstractVector{<:StaticArray}) = arg function inner_to_sized(arg::AbstractVector{<:AbstractArray{<:Number}}) return inner_to_sized(arg, Val(size(arg[1]))) end function inner_to_sized( arg::AbstractVector{<:AbstractArray{T}}, ::Val{sz} ) where {sz,T<:Number} return SizedArray{Tuple{sz...},T}.(arg) end @testitem "inner_to_sized" begin using StaticArrays @testset "vector" begin inp = randn(3) @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.inner_to_sized(inp) out = DiffPointRasterisation.inner_to_sized(inp) @test out === inp end @testset "vec of dynamic vec" begin inp = [randn(3) for _ in 1:5] out = DiffPointRasterisation.inner_to_sized(inp) @test out == inp @test out isa Vector{<:StaticVector{3}} end @testset "vec of static vec" begin inp = [@SVector randn(3) for _ in 1:5] @inferred DiffPointRasterisation.inner_to_sized(inp) out = DiffPointRasterisation.inner_to_sized(inp) @test out === inp @test out isa Vector{<:StaticVector{3}} end @testset "vec of dynamic matrix" begin inp = [randn(3, 2) for _ in 1:5] out = DiffPointRasterisation.inner_to_sized(inp) @test out == inp @test out isa Vector{<:StaticMatrix{3,2}} end end @inline append_singleton_dim(a) = reshape(a, size(a)..., 1) @inline append_singleton_dim(a::Number) = [a] @inline drop_last_dim(a) = dropdims(a; dims=ndims(a)) @testitem "append drop dim" begin using BenchmarkTools a = randn(2, 3, 4) a2 = DiffPointRasterisation.drop_last_dim( DiffPointRasterisation.append_singleton_dim(a) ) @test a2 === a broken = true allocations = @ballocated DiffPointRasterisation.drop_last_dim( DiffPointRasterisation.append_singleton_dim($a) ) evals = 1 samples = 1 @test allocations == 0 broken = true end
[ "MIT" ]
@testitem "ChainRules single" begin using ChainRulesTestUtils, ChainRulesCore include("data.jl") test_rrule( raster, D.grid_size_3d, D.points_static, D.rotation ⊢ D.rotation_tangent, D.translation_3d, D.background, D.weight, D.point_weights, ) # default arguments test_rrule( raster, D.grid_size_3d, D.points_static, D.rotation ⊢ D.rotation_tangent, D.translation_3d, ) test_rrule( raster, D.grid_size_2d, D.points_static, D.projection ⊢ D.projection_tangent, D.translation_2d, D.background, D.weight, D.point_weights, ) # default arguments test_rrule( raster, D.grid_size_2d, D.points_static, D.projection ⊢ D.projection_tangent, D.translation_2d, ) end @testitem "ChainRules batch" begin using ChainRulesTestUtils include("data.jl") test_rrule( raster, D.grid_size_3d, D.points_static, D.rotations_static ⊢ D.rotation_tangents_static, D.translations_3d_static, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.point_weights, ) # default arguments test_rrule( raster, D.grid_size_3d, D.points_static, D.rotations_static ⊢ D.rotation_tangents_static, D.translations_3d_static, ) test_rrule( raster, D.grid_size_2d, D.points_static, D.projections_static ⊢ D.projection_tangents_static, D.translations_2d_static, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.point_weights, ) # default arguments test_rrule( raster, D.grid_size_2d, D.points_static, D.projections_static ⊢ D.projection_tangents_static, D.translations_2d_static, ) end
[ "MIT" ]
@testitem "CUDA forward" begin using Adapt, CUDA CUDA.allowscalar(false) include("data.jl") include("util.jl") cuda_available = CUDA.functional() # no projection args = ( D.grid_size_3d, D.more_points, D.rotations_static, D.translations_3d_static, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.more_point_weights, ) @test cuda_cpu_agree(raster, args...) skip = !cuda_available # default arguments args = (D.grid_size_3d, D.more_points, D.rotations_static, D.translations_3d_static) @test cuda_cpu_agree(raster, args...) skip = !cuda_available # projection args = ( D.grid_size_2d, D.more_points, D.projections_static, D.translations_2d_static, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.more_point_weights, ) @test cuda_cpu_agree(raster, args...) skip = !cuda_available end @testitem "CUDA backward" begin using Adapt, CUDA CUDA.allowscalar(false) include("data.jl") include("util.jl") cuda_available = CUDA.functional() # no projection ds_dout_3d = randn(D.grid_size_3d..., D.batch_size) args = ( ds_dout_3d, D.more_points, D.rotations_static, D.translations_3d_static, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.more_point_weights, ) @test cuda_cpu_agree(raster_pullback!, args...) skip = !cuda_available # default arguments args = (ds_dout_3d, D.more_points, D.rotations_static, D.translations_3d_static) @test cuda_cpu_agree(raster_pullback!, args...) skip = !cuda_available # projection ds_dout_2d = randn(D.grid_size_2d..., D.batch_size) args = ( ds_dout_2d, D.more_points, D.projections_static, D.translations_2d_static, D.backgrounds, D.weights, D.more_point_weights, ) @test cuda_cpu_agree(raster_pullback!, args...) skip = !cuda_available end # The follwing currently fails. # Not sure whether test_rrule is supposed to play nicely with CUDA. # @testitem "CUDA ChainRules" begin # using Adapt, CUDA, ChainRulesTestUtils # include("data.jl") # include("util.jl") # c(a) = adapt(CuArray, a) # if CUDA.functional() # ds_dout_3d = CUDA.randn(Float64, D.grid_size_3d..., D.batch_size) # args = (D.grid_size_3d, c(D.points), c(D.rotations) ⊢ c(D.rotation_tangents), c(D.translations_3d), c(D.backgrounds), c(D.weights)) # test_rrule(raster, args...; output_tangent=ds_dout_3d) # # ds_dout_2d = CUDA.randn(Float64, D.grid_size_2d..., D.batch_size) # args = (D.grid_size_2d, c(D.points), c(D.rotations) ⊢ c(D.rotation_tangents), c(D.translations_2d), c(D.backgrounds), c(D.weights)) # test_rrule(raster, args...; output_tangent=ds_dout_2d) # end # end
[ "MIT" ]
module D using Rotations, StaticArrays function batch_size_for_test() local batch_size = Threads.nthreads() + 1 while (Threads.nthreads() > 1) && (batch_size % Threads.nthreads() == 0) batch_size += 1 end return batch_size end const P = @SMatrix Float64[ 1 0 0 0 1 0 ] const grid_size_3d = (8, 8, 8) const grid_size_2d = (8, 8) const batch_size = batch_size_for_test() const points = [0.4 * randn(3) for _ in 1:10] const points_static = SVector{3}.(points) const points_array = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 3, length(points)) eachcol(points_array) .= points const points_reinterp = reinterpret(reshape, SVector{3,Float64}, points_array) const more_points = [0.4 * @SVector randn(3) for _ in 1:100_000] const rotation = rand(RotMatrix3{Float64}) const rotations_static = rand(RotMatrix3{Float64}, batch_size)::Vector{<:StaticMatrix} const rotations = (Array.(rotations_static))::Vector{Matrix{Float64}} const rotations_array = Array{Float64,3}(undef, 3, 3, batch_size) eachslice(rotations_array; dims=3) .= rotations const rotations_reinterp = reinterpret( reshape, SMatrix{3,3,Float64,9}, reshape(rotations_array, 9, :) ) const rotation_tangent = Array(rand(RotMatrix3)) const rotation_tangents_static = rand(RotMatrix3{Float64}, batch_size)::Vector{<:StaticMatrix} const rotation_tangents = (Array.(rotation_tangents_static))::Vector{Matrix{Float64}} const projection = P * rand(RotMatrix3) const projections_static = Ref(P) .* rand(RotMatrix3{Float64}, batch_size) const projections = (Array.(projections_static))::Vector{Matrix{Float64}} const projections_array = Array{Float64,3}(undef, 2, 3, batch_size) eachslice(projections_array; dims=3) .= projections const projections_reinterp = reinterpret( reshape, SMatrix{2,3,Float64,6}, reshape(projections_array, 6, :) ) const projection_tangent = Array(P * rand(RotMatrix3)) const projection_tangents_static = Ref(P) .* rand(RotMatrix3{Float64}, batch_size) const projection_tangents = (Array.(projection_tangents_static))::Vector{Matrix{Float64}} const translation_3d = 0.1 * @SVector randn(3) const translation_2d = 0.1 * @SVector randn(2) const translations_3d_static = [0.1 * @SVector randn(3) for _ in 1:batch_size] const translations_3d = (Array.(translations_3d_static))::Vector{Vector{Float64}} const translations_3d_array = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 3, batch_size) eachcol(translations_3d_array) .= translations_3d const translations_3d_reinterp = reinterpret( reshape, SVector{3,Float64}, translations_3d_array ) const translations_2d_static = [0.1 * @SVector randn(2) for _ in 1:batch_size] const translations_2d = (Array.(translations_2d_static))::Vector{Vector{Float64}} const translations_2d_array = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 2, batch_size) eachcol(translations_2d_array) .= translations_2d const translations_2d_reinterp = reinterpret( reshape, SVector{2,Float64}, translations_2d_array ) const background = 0.1 const backgrounds = collect(1:1.0:batch_size) const weight = rand() const weights = 10 .* rand(batch_size) const point_weights = let w = rand(length(points)) w ./ sum(w) end const more_point_weights = let w = rand(length(more_points)) w ./ sum(w) end end # module D
[ "MIT" ]
using TestItemRunner: @run_package_tests, @testitem @testitem "Aqua.test_all" begin import Aqua Aqua.test_all(DiffPointRasterisation) end @run_package_tests # filter=ti-> occursin("CUDA",
[ "MIT" ]
function run_cuda(f, args...) cu_args = adapt(CuArray, args) return f(cu_args...) end function cuda_cpu_agree(f, args...) out_cpu = f(args...) out_cuda = run_cuda(f, args...) return is_approx_equal(out_cuda, out_cpu) end function is_approx_equal(actual::AbstractArray, expected::AbstractArray) return Array(actual) ≈ expected end function is_approx_equal(actual::NamedTuple, expected::NamedTuple) actual_cpu = adapt(Array, actual) for prop in propertynames(expected) try actual_elem = getproperty(actual_cpu, prop) expected_elem = getproperty(expected, prop) if !(actual_elem ≈ expected_elem) throw( "Values differ:\nActual: $(string(actual_elem)) \nExpected: $(string(expected_elem))", ) return false end catch e println("Error while trying to compare element $(string(prop))") rethrow() end end return true end
[ "MIT" ]
# DiffPointRasterisation *Differentiable rasterisation of point clouds in julia* [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Aqua QA](]( ![](logo.gif) ## About This package provides a rasterisation routine for arbitrary-dimensional point cloud data that is fully (auto-)differentiable. The implementation uses multiple threads on CPU or GPU hardware if available. The roots of this package are in single-particle 3d reconstruction from tomographic data, and as such it comes with the following ins and out: - Currently only a single "channel" (e.g gray scale) is supported - If data is projected to a lower dimension (meaning the dimensionality of the output grid is lower than the dimensionality of the points) - Projections are always orthographic (currently no support for perspective projection) - no "z-blending": The contribution of each point to its output voxel is independent of the point's coordinate along the projection axis. ## Rasterisation interface The interface consists of a single function `raster` that accepts a point cloud (as a vector of m-dimensional vectors) and pose/projection parameters, (as well as optional weight and background parameters) and returns a n-dimensional (n <= m) array into which the points are rasterized, each point by default with a weight of 1 that is mulit-linearly interpolated into the neighboring grid cells. #### Simple Example ```julia-repl julia> using DiffPointRasterisation, LinearAlgebra julia> grid_size = (5, 5) # 2d grid with 5 x 5 pixels (5, 5) julia> rotation, translation = I(2), zeros(2) # pose parameters (Bool[1 0; 0 1], [0.0, 0.0]) ``` ```julia-repl julia> raster(grid_size, [zeros(2)], rotation, translation) # single point at center 5×5 Matrix{Float64}: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ``` ```julia-repl julia> raster(grid_size, [[0.2, 0.0]], rotation, translation) # single point half a pixel below center 5×5 Matrix{Float64}: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ``` ```julia-repl julia> raster(grid_size, [[0.2, -0.2]], I(2), zeros(2)) # single point half a pixel below and left of center 5×5 Matrix{Float64}: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25 0.25 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25 0.25 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ``` ## Differentiability Both, an explicit function that calculates derivatives of `raster`, as well as an integration to common automatic differentiation libraries in julia are provided. ### Automatic differentiation libraries This package provides rules for reverse-mode automatic differentiation libraries that are based on the [ChainRules.jl]( ecosystem. So using `raster(args...)` in a program that uses any of the ChainRules-based reverse-mode autodiff libraries should just work™. Gradients with respect to all parameters (except `grid_size`) are supported: #### Example using Zygote.jl we define a simple scalar "loss" that we want to differentiate: ```julia-repl julia> using Zygote julia> target_image = rand(grid_size...) 5×5 Matrix{Float64}: 0.345889 0.032283 0.589178 0.0625972 0.310929 0.404836 0.573265 0.350633 0.0417926 0.895955 0.174528 0.127555 0.0906833 0.639844 0.832502 0.189836 0.360597 0.243664 0.825484 0.667319 0.672631 0.520593 0.341701 0.101026 0.182172 julia> loss(params...) = sum((target_image .- raster(grid_size, params...)).^2) loss (generic function with 1 method) ``` some input parameters to `raster`: ```julia-repl julia> points = [2 * rand(2) .- 1 for _ in 1:5] # 5 random points 5-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}: [0.8457397177007744, 0.3482756109584688] [-0.6028188536164718, -0.612801322279686] [-0.47141692007256464, 0.6098964840013308] [-0.74526926786903, 0.6480225109030409] [-0.4044384373422192, -0.13171854413805173] julia> rotation = [ # explicit matrix for rotation (to satisfy Zygote) 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ] 2×2 Matrix{Float64}: 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ``` and let Zygote calculate the gradient of `loss` with respect to those parameters ```julia-repl julia> d_points, d_rotation, d_translation = Zygote.gradient(loss, points, rotation, translation); ulia> d_points 5-element Vector{StaticArraysCore.SVector{2, Float64}}: [-2.7703628931165025, 3.973371400200988] [-0.70462225282373, 1.0317734946448016] [-1.7117138793471494, -3.235178706903591] [-2.0683933141077886, -0.6732149105779637] [2.6278388385655904, 1.585621066861592] julia> d_rotation 2×2 reshape(::StaticArraysCore.SMatrix{2, 2, Float64, 4}, 2, 2) with eltype Float64: -0.632605 -3.26353 4.12402 -1.86668 julia> d_translation 2-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{2, Float64} with indices SOneTo(2): -4.62725350082958 2.6823723442258274 ``` ### Explicit interface The explicit interface for calculating derivatives of `raster` with respect to its arguments again consists of a single function called `raster_pullback!`: The function `raster_pullback!(ds_dout, raster_args...)` takes as input the sensitivity of some scalar quantity to the output of `raster(grid_size, raster_args...)`, `ds_dout`, and returns the sensitivity of said quantity to the *input arguments* `raster_args` of `raster` (hence the name pullback). #### Example We can repeat the above calculation using the explicit interface. To do that, we first have to calculate the sensitivity of the scalar output of `loss` to the output of `raster`. This could be done using an autodiff library, but here we do it manually: ```julia-repl julia> ds_dout = 2 .* (target_image .- raster(grid_size, points, rotation, translation)) # gradient of loss \w respect to output of raster 5×5 Matrix{Float64}: 0.152276 -0.417335 1.16347 -0.700428 -0.63595 0.285167 0.033845 -0.625258 -0.801198 0.760124 0.349055 0.25511 0.181367 1.27969 1.665 0.379672 0.721194 0.487329 1.65097 1.33464 1.34526 1.04119 0.454354 -1.3402 0.364343 ``` Then we can feed that into `raster_pullback!` together with the same arguments that were fed to `raster`: ```julia-repl julia> ds_din = raster_pullback!(ds_dout, points, rotation, translation); ``` We see that the result is the same as obtained via Zygote: ```julia-repl julia> ds_din.points 2×5 Matrix{Float64}: 2.77036 0.704622 1.71171 2.06839 -2.62784 -3.97337 -1.03177 3.23518 0.673215 -1.58562 julia> ds_din.rotation 2×2 StaticArraysCore.SMatrix{2, 2, Float64, 4} with indices SOneTo(2)×SOneTo(2): 0.632605 3.26353 -4.12402 1.86668 julia> ds_din.translation 2-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{2, Float64} with indices SOneTo(2): 4.62725350082958 -2.6823723442258274 ``` ## Timings **Points**|**Images**|**Pixel**|**Mode**|**Fwd time CPU**|**Fwd time CPUx8\***|**Fwd time GPU**|**Bwd time CPU**|**Bwd time CPUx8\***|**Bwd time GPU\*\*** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: 10⁴|64|128²|3D → 2D|341 ms|73 ms|15 ms|37 ms|10 ms|1 ms 10⁴|64|1024²|3D → 2D|387 ms|101 ms|16 ms|78 ms|24 ms|2 ms 10⁵|64|128²|3D → 2D|3313 ms|741 ms|153 ms|374 ms|117 ms|9 ms 10⁵|64|1024²|3D → 2D|3499 ms|821 ms|154 ms|469 ms|173 ms|10 ms 10⁵|1|1024³|3D → 3D|493 ms|420 ms|24 ms|265 ms|269 ms|17 ms \* 8 julia threads on 4 hardware threads with hyperthreading \*\* 1 Nvidia HGX A100 GPU
[ "MIT" ]
# API Documentation ```@meta CurrentModule = DiffPointRasterisation ``` ## Exported functions ```@autodocs Modules = [DiffPointRasterisation] Private = false ``` ## Private functions ```@autodocs Modules = [DiffPointRasterisation] Public = false ```
[ "MIT" ]
# Raster a single point cloud to a batch of poses To make best use of the hardware it is advantageous to raster a batch of poses at once. On GPU hardware this is currently also the only supported mode. To raster a single point cloud to a batch of `n` images, all parameters except the point cloud should be provided as `n`-vectors. This is a more flexible interface than the often used array with trailing batch dimension, since it allows to pass in a batch of parameters that have a more structured type than a simple array (e.g. a vector of `Rotation` objects from [Rotations.jl]( ## Array with trailing batch dim to vec of array If you have data in the array with trailing batch dimension format, it is straightforward (and quite cheap) to reinterpret it as a batch-vector of single parameters: ```julia-repl julia> matrices = randn(2, 2, 3) # batch of 3 2x2-matrices as 3d-array 2×2×3 Array{Float64, 3}: [:, :, 1] = -0.947072 1.10155 0.328925 0.0957267 [:, :, 2] = -1.14336 1.71218 0.277723 0.436665 [:, :, 3] = -0.114541 -0.769275 0.321084 -0.215008 julia> using StaticArrays julia> vec_of_matrices = reinterpret(reshape, SMatrix{2, 2, Float64, 4}, reshape(matrices, 4, :)) 3-element reinterpret(reshape, SMatrix{2, 2, Float64, 4}, ::Matrix{Float64}) with eltype SMatrix{2, 2, Float64, 4}: [-0.947072487060636 1.1015531033643386; 0.3289251820481776 0.0957267306067441] [-1.143363316882325 1.712179045069409; 0.27772320359678004 0.4366650562384542] [-0.11454148373779363 -0.7692750798350269; 0.32108447348937047 -0.21500805160408776] ``` ## Pre-allocation for batched pullback [`raster_pullback!`](@ref) can be optionally provided with pre-allocated arrays for its output. For these arrays the expected format is actually in the nd-array with trailing batch dimension format. The rationale behind this is that the algorithm works better on continuous blocks of memory, since atomic operations are required.
[ "MIT" ]
# DiffPointRasterisation *Differentiable rasterisation of point clouds in julia* DiffPointRasterisation.jl provides a rasterisation routine for arbitrary-dimensional point cloud data that is fully (auto-)differentiable. The implementation uses multiple threads on CPU or GPU hardware if available. ## Rasterisation interface The interface consists of a single function [`raster`](@ref) that accepts a point cloud (as a vector of m-dimensional vectors) and pose/projection parameters, (as well as optional weight and background parameters) and returns a n-dimensional (n <= m) array into which the points are rasterized, each point by default with a weight of 1 that is mulit-linearly interpolated into the neighboring grid cells. ## Differentiability Both, an explicit function that calculates derivatives of `raster`, as well as an integration to common automatic differentiation libraries in julia are provided. ### Automatic differentiation libraries Rules for reverse-mode automatic differentiation libraries that are based on the [ChainRules.jl]( ecosystem are provided via an extension package. So using `raster(args...)` in a program that uses any of the ChainRules-based reverse-mode autodiff libraries should just work™. Gradients with respect to all parameters (except `grid_size`) are supported. ### Explicit interface The explicit interface for calculating derivatives of `raster` with respect to its arguments again consists of a single function called [`raster_pullback!`](@ref): The function `raster_pullback!(ds_dout, raster_args...)` takes as input the sensitivity of some scalar quantity to the output of `raster(grid_size, raster_args...)`, `ds_dout`, and returns the sensitivity of said quantity to the *input arguments* `raster_args` of `raster` (hence the name pullback).
[ "MIT" ]
using NicePipes using Documenter makedocs(; modules=[NicePipes], authors="Simeon Schaub <[email protected]> and contributors", repo="{commit}{path}#L{line}", sitename="NicePipes.jl", format=Documenter.HTML(; prettyurls=get(ENV, "CI", "false") == "true", canonical="", assets=String[], ), pages=[ "Home" => "", ], ) deploydocs(; repo="", )
[ "MIT" ]
module NicePipes if VERSION < v"1.3.0-rc4" @warn "Can't use binary artifacts, using your system's `grep` and `sed`." grep(f) = f("grep") sed(f) = f("sed") else using grep_jll, sed_jll end struct ShPipe{T,C} val::T cmd::C args::Cmd end # like, but doesn't throw if exitcode is non-zero and always returns process instead # of return value of f function _open(f::Function, cmds::Base.AbstractCmd, args...; kwargs...) P = open(cmds, args...; kwargs...) ret = try f(P) catch kill(P) rethrow() finally close( end wait(P) return P end function, x::ShPipe) x.cmd() do cmd p = _open(`$cmd $(x.args)`, "w", io_out) do io_in show(io_in, MIME("text/plain"), x.val) end if x.cmd === grep && p.exitcode == 1 println(io_out, "No matches found!") elseif p.exitcode != 0 print(io_out, "Command $(p.cmd) failed with exit code $(p.exitcode)") elseif x.cmd === grep # delete additional newline print(io_out, "\033[1A") end end return nothing end struct ShPipeEndpoint{C} cmd::C args::Cmd end macro p_cmd(s) cmd, args = match(r"^(.*)\s(.*)$", s).captures return :(ShPipeEndpoint(f->f($cmd)), @cmd($args)) end (endpoint::ShPipeEndpoint)(val) = ShPipe(val, endpoint.cmd, endpoint.args) Base.:|(val, endpoint::ShPipeEndpoint) = val |> endpoint macro special_command(cmd) return quote export $(Symbol('@', cmd)) macro $cmd(args...) args = map(args) do arg # interpret raw_str as raw string if Meta.isexpr(arg, :macrocall) && arg.args[1] === Symbol("@raw_str") arg = arg.args[3] end return arg isa String ? string('"', arg, '"') : arg end args = join(args, ' ') return :(ShPipeEndpoint($$cmd, @cmd($args))) end end |> esc end @special_command grep @special_command sed end
[ "MIT" ]
using NicePipes using Test @static if Sys.iswindows() const LE = "\r\n" else const LE = "\n" end function test_show(x, show_x) io = IOBuffer() show(io, x) output = String(take!(io)) output = replace(output, LE*"\e[1A" => "") @test output == show_x end @testset "NicePipes.jl" begin a = ["foo", "bar"] show_a = [ "2-element $(Vector{String}):", " \"foo\"", " \"bar\"", ] test_show((a | @grep foo), show_a[2]) test_show((a | @grep -iv FoO), join(show_a[[1, 3]], LE)) test_show((3 | @grep 4), "No matches found!\n") test_show((a | @sed "/foo/d"), join(show_a[[1, 3]], LE)) test_show((a | @sed raw"s/f\(o\+\)/b\1/g"), show_a[1] * LE * " \"boo\"" * LE * show_a[3]) end
[ "MIT" ]
# NicePipes [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage](]( [![Stable](]( [![Dev](]( [![pkgeval](]( Pipe REPL `show` output into unix tools: ```julia julia> using NicePipes julia> methods(+) | @grep BigFloat [15] +(c::BigInt, x::BigFloat) in Base.MPFR at mpfr.jl:414 [22] +(a::BigFloat, b::BigFloat, c::BigFloat, d::BigFloat, e::BigFloat) in Base.MPFR at mpfr.jl:564 [23] +(a::BigFloat, b::BigFloat, c::BigFloat, d::BigFloat) in Base.MPFR at mpfr.jl:557 [24] +(a::BigFloat, b::BigFloat, c::BigFloat) in Base.MPFR at mpfr.jl:551 [25] +(x::BigFloat, c::BigInt) in Base.MPFR at mpfr.jl:410 [26] +(x::BigFloat, y::BigFloat) in Base.MPFR at mpfr.jl:379 [27] +(x::BigFloat, c::Union{UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8}) in Base.MPFR at mpfr.jl:386 [28] +(x::BigFloat, c::Union{Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8}) in Base.MPFR at mpfr.jl:394 [29] +(x::BigFloat, c::Union{Float16, Float32, Float64}) in Base.MPFR at mpfr.jl:402 [61] +(c::Union{UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8}, x::BigFloat) in Base.MPFR at mpfr.jl:390 [62] +(c::Union{Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8}, x::BigFloat) in Base.MPFR at mpfr.jl:398 [63] +(c::Union{Float16, Float32, Float64}, x::BigFloat) in Base.MPFR at mpfr.jl:406 ```
[ "MIT" ]
```@meta CurrentModule = NicePipes ``` # NicePipes ```@index ``` ```@autodocs Modules = [NicePipes] ```
[ "MIT" ]
using Documenter, DynamicNLPModels const _PAGES = [ "Introduction" => "", "Quick Start"=>"", "API Manual" => "" ] makedocs( sitename = "DynamicNLPModels", authors = "David Cole, Sungho Shin, Francois Pacaud", format = Documenter.LaTeX(platform="docker"), pages = _PAGES ) makedocs( sitename = "DynamicNLPModels", modules = [DynamicNLPModels], authors = "David Cole, Sungho Shin, Francois Pacaud", format = Documenter.HTML( prettyurls = get(ENV, "CI", nothing) == "true", sidebar_sitename = true, collapselevel = 1, ), pages = _PAGES, clean = false, ) deploydocs( repo = "", target = "build", devbranch = "main", devurl = "dev", push_preview = true, )
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicNLPModels, Random, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays using MadNLP, QuadraticModels, MadNLPGPU, CUDA, NLPModels # Extend MadNLP functions function MadNLP.jac_dense!(nlp::DenseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3}, x, jac) where {T, V, M1<: AbstractMatrix, M2 <: AbstractMatrix, M3 <: AbstractMatrix} NLPModels.increment!(nlp, :neval_jac) J = copyto!(jac, J) end function MadNLP.hess_dense!(nlp::DenseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3}, x, w1l, hess; obj_weight = 1.0) where {T, V, M1<: AbstractMatrix, M2 <: AbstractMatrix, M3 <: AbstractMatrix} NLPModels.increment!(nlp, :neval_hess) H = copyto!(hess, H) end # Time horizon N = 3 # generate random Q, R, A, and B matrices Random.seed!(10) Q_rand = Random.rand(2, 2) Q = Q_rand * Q_rand' + I R_rand = Random.rand(1, 1) R = R_rand * R_rand' + I A_rand = rand(2, 2) A = A_rand * A_rand' + I B = rand(2, 1) # generate upper and lower bounds sl = rand(2) ul = fill(-15.0, 1) su = sl .+ 4 uu = ul .+ 10 s0 = sl .+ 2 # Define K matrix for numerical stability of condensed problem K = - [1.41175 2.47819;] # found from MatrixEquations.jl; ared(A, B, 1, 1) # Build model for 1 D heat transfer lq_dense = DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; K = K, sl = sl, su = su, ul = ul, uu = uu) lq_sparse = SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, su = su, ul = ul, uu = uu) # Solve the dense problem dense_options = Dict{Symbol, Any}( :kkt_system => MadNLP.DENSE_CONDENSED_KKT_SYSTEM, :linear_solver=> LapackCPUSolver, :max_iter=> 50, :jacobian_constant=>true, :hessian_constant=>true, :lapack_algorithm=>MadNLP.CHOLESKY ) d_ips = MadNLP.InteriorPointSolver(lq_dense, option_dict = dense_options) sol_ref_dense = MadNLP.optimize!(d_ips) # Solve the sparse problem sparse_options = Dict{Symbol, Any}( :max_iter=>50, :jacobian_constant=>true, :hessian_constant=>true, ) s_ips = MadNLP.InteriorPointSolver(lq_sparse, option_dict = sparse_options) sol_ref_sparse = MadNLP.optimize!(s_ips) # Solve the dense problem on the GPU gpu_options = Dict{Symbol, Any}( :kkt_system=>MadNLP.DENSE_CONDENSED_KKT_SYSTEM, :linear_solver=>LapackGPUSolver, :max_iter=>50, :jacobian_constant=>true, :hessian_constant=>true, :lapack_algorithm=>MadNLP.CHOLESKY ) gpu_ips = MadNLPGPU.CuInteriorPointSolver(lq_dense, option_dict = gpu_options) sol_ref_gpu = MadNLP.optimize!(gpu_ips) println("States from dense problem on CPU are ", get_s(sol_ref_dense, lq_dense)) println("States from dense problem on GPU are ", get_s(sol_ref_gpu, lq_dense)) println("States from sparse problem on CPU are ", get_s(sol_ref_sparse, lq_sparse)) println() println("Inputs from dense problem on CPU are ", get_u(sol_ref_dense, lq_dense)) println("Inputs from dense problem on GPU are ", get_u(sol_ref_gpu, lq_dense)) println("Inputs from sparse problem on CPU are ", get_u(sol_ref_sparse, lq_sparse))
[ "MIT" ]
module DynamicNLPModels import NLPModels import QuadraticModels import LinearAlgebra import SparseArrays import LinearOperators import CUDA import CUDA: CUBLAS import SparseArrays: SparseMatrixCSC export LQDynamicData, SparseLQDynamicModel, DenseLQDynamicModel export get_u, get_s, get_jacobian, add_jtsj!, reset_s0! include(joinpath("LinearQuadratic", "LinearQuadratic.jl")) include(joinpath("LinearQuadratic", "sparse.jl")) include(joinpath("LinearQuadratic", "dense.jl")) include(joinpath("LinearQuadratic", "tools.jl")) end # module
[ "MIT" ]
abstract type AbstractLQDynData{T, V} end @doc raw""" LQDynamicData{T,V,M,MK} <: AbstractLQDynData{T,V} A struct to represent the features of the optimization problem ```math \begin{aligned} \min \frac{1}{2} &\; \sum_{i = 0}^{N - 1}(s_i^T Q s_i + 2 u_i^T S^T x_i + u_i^T R u_i) + \frac{1}{2} s_N^T Q_f s_N \\ \textrm{s.t.} &\; s_{i+1} = A s_i + B u_i + w_i \quad \forall i=0, 1, ..., N-1 \\ &\; u_i = Kx_i + v_i \quad \forall i = 0, 1, ..., N - 1 \\ &\; g^l \le E s_i + F u_i \le g^u \quad \forall i = 0, 1, ..., N-1\\ &\; s^l \le s \le s^u \\ &\; u^l \le u \le u^u \\ &\; s_0 = s0 \end{aligned} ``` --- Attributes include: - `s0`: initial state of system - `A` : constraint matrix for system states - `B` : constraint matrix for system inputs - `Q` : objective function matrix for system states from 0:(N-1) - `R` : objective function matrix for system inputs from 0:(N-1) - `N` : number of time steps - `Qf`: objective function matrix for system state at time N - `S` : objective function matrix for system states and inputs - `ns`: number of state variables - `nu`: number of input varaibles - `E` : constraint matrix for state variables - `F` : constraint matrix for input variables - `K` : feedback gain matrix - 'w' : constant term for dynamic constraints - `sl`: vector of lower bounds on state variables - `su`: vector of upper bounds on state variables - `ul`: vector of lower bounds on input variables - `uu`: vector of upper bounds on input variables - `gl`: vector of lower bounds on constraints - `gu`: vector of upper bounds on constraints see also `LQDynamicData(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; ...)` """ struct LQDynamicData{T, V, M, MK} <: AbstractLQDynData{T, V} s0::V A::M B::M Q::M R::M N::Int Qf::M S::M ns::Int nu::Int E::M F::M K::MK w::V sl::V su::V ul::V uu::V gl::V gu::V end @doc raw""" LQDynamicData(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; ...) -> LQDynamicData{T, V, M, MK} A constructor for building an object of type `LQDynamicData` for the optimization problem ```math \begin{aligned} \min \frac{1}{2} &\; \sum_{i = 0}^{N - 1}(s_i^T Q s_i + 2 u_i^T S^T x_i + u_i^T R u_i) + \frac{1}{2} s_N^T Q_f s_N \\ \textrm{s.t.} &\; s_{i+1} = A s_i + B u_i + w_i \quad \forall i=0, 1, ..., N-1 \\ &\; u_i = Kx_i + v_i \quad \forall i = 0, 1, ..., N - 1 \\ &\; gl \le E s_i + F u_i \le gu \quad \forall i = 0, 1, ..., N-1\\ &\; sl \le s \le su \\ &\; ul \le u \le uu \\ &\; s_0 = s0 \end{aligned} ``` --- - `s0`: initial state of system - `A` : constraint matrix for system states - `B` : constraint matrix for system inputs - `Q` : objective function matrix for system states from 0:(N-1) - `R` : objective function matrix for system inputs from 0:(N-1) - `N` : number of time steps The following attributes of the `LQDynamicData` type are detected automatically from the length of s0 and size of R - `ns`: number of state variables - `nu`: number of input varaibles The following keyward arguments are also accepted - `Qf = Q`: objective function matrix for system state at time N; dimensions must be ns x ns - `S = nothing`: objective function matrix for system state and inputs - `E = zeros(eltype(Q), 0, ns)` : constraint matrix for state variables - `F = zeros(eltype(Q), 0, nu)` : constraint matrix for input variables - `K = nothing` : feedback gain matrix - `w = zeros(eltype(Q), ns * N)` : constant term for dynamic constraints - `sl = fill(-Inf, ns)`: vector of lower bounds on state variables - `su = fill(Inf, ns)` : vector of upper bounds on state variables - `ul = fill(-Inf, nu)`: vector of lower bounds on input variables - `uu = fill(Inf, nu)` : vector of upper bounds on input variables - `gl = fill(-Inf, size(E, 1))` : vector of lower bounds on constraints - `gu = fill(Inf, size(E, 1))` : vector of upper bounds on constraints """ function LQDynamicData( s0::V, A::M, B::M, Q::M, R::M, N; Qf::M = Q, S::M = _init_similar(Q, size(Q, 1), size(R, 1), T), E::M = _init_similar(Q, 0, length(s0), T), F::M = _init_similar(Q, 0, size(R, 1), T), K::MK = nothing, w::V = _init_similar(s0, length(s0) * N, T), sl::V = (similar(s0) .= -Inf), su::V = (similar(s0) .= Inf), ul::V = (similar(s0, size(R, 1)) .= -Inf), uu::V = (similar(s0, size(R, 1)) .= Inf), gl::V = (similar(s0, size(E, 1)) .= -Inf), gu::V = (similar(s0, size(F, 1)) .= Inf), ) where { T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: Union{Nothing, AbstractMatrix{T}}, } if size(Q, 1) != size(Q, 2) error("Q matrix is not square") end if size(R, 1) != size(R, 1) error("R matrix is not square") end if size(A, 2) != length(s0) error("Number of columns of A are not equal to the number of states") end if size(B, 2) != size(R, 1) error("Number of columns of B are not equal to the number of inputs") end if length(s0) != size(Q, 1) error("size of Q is not consistent with length of s0") end if !all(sl .<= su) error("lower bound(s) on s is > upper bound(s)") end if !all(ul .<= uu) error("lower bound(s) on u is > upper bound(s)") end if !all(sl .<= s0) || !all(s0 .<= su) error("s0 is not within the given upper and lower bounds") end if size(E, 1) != size(F, 1) error("E and F have different numbers of rows") end if !all(gl .<= gu) error("lower bound(s) on Es + Fu is > upper bound(s)") end if size(E, 2) != size(Q, 1) error("Dimensions of E are not the same as number of states") end if size(F, 2) != size(R, 1) error("Dimensions of F are not the same as the number of inputs") end if length(gl) != size(E, 1) error("Dimensions of gl do not match E and F") end if length(gu) != size(E, 1) error("Dimensions of gu do not match E and F") end if size(S, 1) != size(Q, 1) || size(S, 2) != size(R, 1) error("Dimensions of S do not match dimensions of Q and R") end if K != nothing if size(K, 1) != size(R, 1) || size(K, 2) != size(Q, 1) error("Dimensions of K do not match number of states and inputs") end end if Int(size(w, 1)) != Int(size(s0, 1) * N) error("Dimensions of w do not match ns") end ns = size(Q, 1) nu = size(R, 1) LQDynamicData{T, V, M, MK}( s0, A, B, Q, R, N, Qf, S, ns, nu, E, F, K, w, sl, su, ul, uu, gl, gu, ) end abstract type AbstractDynamicModel{T, V} <: QuadraticModels.AbstractQuadraticModel{T, V} end struct SparseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3, MK} <: AbstractDynamicModel{T, V} meta::NLPModels.NLPModelMeta{T, V} counters::NLPModels.Counters data::QuadraticModels.QPData{T, V, M1, M2} dynamic_data::LQDynamicData{T, V, M3, MK} end """ Struct containing block matrices used for creating and resetting the `DenseLQDynamicModel`. A and B matrices are given in part by Jerez, Kerrigan, and Constantinides in section 4 of "A sparse and condensed QP formulation for predictive control of LTI systems" (doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2012.03.010). States are eliminated by the equation ``x = Ax_0 + Bu + \\hat{A}w`` where ``x = [x_0^T, x_1^T, ..., x_N^T]`` and ``u = [u_0^T, u_1^T, ..., u_{N-1}^T]`` --- - `A` : block A matrix given by Jerez et al. with ``n_s(N + 1)`` rows and ns columns - `B` : block B matrix given by Jerez et al. with ``n_s(N)`` rows and nu columns - `Aw` : length ``n_s(N + 1)`` vector corresponding to the linear term of the dynamic constraints - `h` : ``n_u(N) \\times n_s`` matrix for building the linear term of the objective function. Just needs to be multiplied by `s0`. - `h01`: ns x ns matrix for building the constant term fo the objective function. This can be found by taking ``s_0^T`` `h01` ``s_0`` - `h02`: similar to `h01`, but one side is multiplied by `Aw` rather than by `As0`. This will just be multiplied by `s0` once - `h_constant` : linear term in the objective function that arises from `Aw`. Not a function of `s0` - `h0_constant`: constant term in the objective function that arises from `Aw`. Not a function of `s0` - `d` : length ``n_c(N)`` term for the constraint bounds corresponding to `E` and `F`. Must be multiplied by `s0` and subtracted from `gl` and `gu`. Equal to the blocks (E + FK) A (see Jerez et al.) - `dw` : length ``n_c(N)`` term for the constraint bounds that arises from `w`. Equal to the blocks (E + FK) Aw - `KA` : size ``n_u(N)`` x ns matrix. Needs to be multiplied by `s0` and subtracted from `ul` and `uu` to update the algebraic constraints corresponding to the input bounds - `KAw`: similar to `KA`, but it is multiplied by Aw rather than A See also `reset_s0!` """ mutable struct DenseLQDynamicBlocks{T, V, M} A::M B::M Aw::V # Aw = block_matrix_A * w (result is a Vector; block_matrix A is like block_B, but with I instead of B) h::M # h = (QB + SKB + K^T R K B + K^T S^T B)^T A + (S + K^T R)^T A h01::M # h01 = A^T((Q + KTRK + KTST + SK))A where Q, K, R, S, and A are block matrices just needs to be multiplied by s0 on each side h02::V # h02 = wT block_matrix_AT (Q + KTRK + KTSK + SK) A; just needs to be multiplied by s0 on right h_constant::V # h_constant = BT (Q + KTRK + SK + KTST) block_matrix_A w + (RK + ST)B block_matrix_A w h0_constant::T # h0_constant = wT block_matrix_AT (Q + KTRK + KTSK + SK) block_matrix_A w d::M # d = (E + FK) A dw::V # dw = (E + FK) block_matrix_A w - constant term to be subtracted from d KA::M KAw::V end struct DenseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3, M4, MK} <: AbstractDynamicModel{T, V} meta::NLPModels.NLPModelMeta{T, V} counters::NLPModels.Counters data::QuadraticModels.QPData{T, V, M1, M2} dynamic_data::LQDynamicData{T, V, M3, MK} blocks::DenseLQDynamicBlocks{T, V, M4} end """ LQJacobianOperator{T, V, M} Struct for storing the implicit Jacobian matrix. All data for the Jacobian can be stored in the first `nu` columns of `J`. This struct contains the needed data and storage arrays for calculating ``Jx``, ``J^T x``, and ``J^T \\Sigma J``. ``Jx`` and ``J^T x`` are performed through extensions to `LinearAlgebra.mul!()`. --- Attributes - `truncated_jac1`: Matrix of first `nu` columns of the Jacobian corresponding to Ax + Bu constraints - `truncated_jac2`: Matrix of first `nu` columns of the Jacobian corresponding to state variable bounds - `truncated_jac3`: Matrix of first `nu` columns of the Jacobian corresponding to input variable bounds - `N` : number of time steps - `nu` : number of inputs - `nc` : number of algebraic constraints of the form gl <= Es + Fu <= gu - `nsc`: number of bounded state variables - `nuc`: number of bounded input variables (if `K` is defined) - `SJ1`: placeholder for storing data when calculating `ΣJ` - `SJ2`: placeholder for storing data when calculating `ΣJ` - `SJ3`: placeholder for storing data when calculating `ΣJ` - `H_sub_block`: placeholder for storing data when adding `J^T ΣJ` to the Hessian """ struct LQJacobianOperator{T, M, A} <: LinearOperators.AbstractLinearOperator{T} truncated_jac1::A # tensor of Jacobian blocks corresponding Ex + Fu constraints truncated_jac2::A # tensor of Jacobian blocks corresponding to state variable limits truncated_jac3::A # tensor of Jacobian blocks corresponding to input variable limits N::Int # number of time steps nu::Int # number of inputs nc::Int # number of inequality constraints nsc::Int # number of state variables that are constrained nuc::Int # number of input variables that are constrained # Storage tensors for building Jx and J^Tx x1::A x2::A x3::A y::A # Storage tensors for building J^TΣJ SJ1::M SJ2::M SJ3::M # Storage block for adding J^TΣJ to H H_sub_block::M end function _init_similar(mat, dim1::Number, dim2::Number, dim3::Number, T::DataType) new_mat = similar(mat, dim1, dim2, dim3) fill!(new_mat, zero(T)) return new_mat end function _init_similar(mat, dim1::Number, dim2::Number, T = eltype(mat)) new_mat = similar(mat, dim1, dim2) fill!(new_mat, zero(T)) return new_mat end function _init_similar(mat, dim1::Number, T = eltype(mat)) new_mat = similar(mat, dim1) fill!(new_mat, zero(T)) return new_mat end
[ "MIT" ]
@doc raw""" DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp::LQDynamicData; implicit = false) -> DenseLQDynamicModel DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; implicit = false ...) -> DenseLQDynamicModel A constructor for building a `DenseLQDynamicModel <: QuadraticModels.AbstractQuadraticModel` Input data is for the problem of the form ```math \begin{aligned} \min \frac{1}{2} &\; \sum_{i = 0}^{N - 1}(s_i^T Q s_i + 2 u_i^T S^T x_i + u_i^T R u_i) + \frac{1}{2} s_N^T Q_f s_N \\ \textrm{s.t.} &\; s_{i+1} = A s_i + B u_i + w_i \quad \forall i=0, 1, ..., N-1 \\ &\; u_i = Kx_i + v_i \quad \forall i = 0, 1, ..., N - 1 \\ &\; gl \le E s_i + F u_i \le gu \quad \forall i = 0, 1, ..., N-1\\ &\; sl \le s \le su \\ &\; ul \le u \le uu \\ &\; s_0 = s0 \end{aligned} ``` --- Data is converted to the form ```math \begin{aligned} \min &\; \frac{1}{2} z^T H z \\ \textrm{s.t.} &\; \textrm{lcon} \le Jz \le \textrm{ucon}\\ &\; \textrm{lvar} \le z \le \textrm{uvar} \end{aligned} ``` Resulting `H`, `J`, `h`, and `h0` matrices are stored within `QuadraticModels.QPData` as `H`, `A`, `c`, and `c0` attributes respectively If `K` is defined, then `u` variables are replaced by `v` variables. The bounds on `u` are transformed into algebraic constraints, and `u` can be queried by `get_u` and `get_s` within `DynamicNLPModels.jl` Keyword argument `implicit = false` determines how the Jacobian is stored within the `QPData`. If `implicit = false`, the full, dense Jacobian matrix is stored. If `implicit = true`, only the first `nu` columns of the Jacobian are stored with the Linear Operator `LQJacobianOperator`. """ function DenseLQDynamicModel( dnlp::LQDynamicData{T, V, M}; implicit::Bool = false, ) where { T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: Union{Nothing, AbstractMatrix{T}}, } if implicit _build_implicit_dense_lq_dynamic_model(dnlp) else _build_dense_lq_dynamic_model(dnlp) end end function DenseLQDynamicModel( s0::V, A::M, B::M, Q::M, R::M, N; Qf::M = Q, S::M = _init_similar(Q, size(Q, 1), size(R, 1), T), E::M = _init_similar(Q, 0, length(s0), T), F::M = _init_similar(Q, 0, size(R, 1), T), K::MK = nothing, w::V = _init_similar(s0, length(s0) * N, T), sl::V = (similar(s0) .= -Inf), su::V = (similar(s0) .= Inf), ul::V = (similar(s0, size(R, 1)) .= -Inf), uu::V = (similar(s0, size(R, 1)) .= Inf), gl::V = (similar(s0, size(E, 1)) .= -Inf), gu::V = (similar(s0, size(F, 1)) .= Inf), implicit = false, ) where { T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: Union{Nothing, AbstractMatrix{T}}, } dnlp = LQDynamicData( s0, A, B, Q, R, N; Qf = Qf, S = S, E = E, F = F, K = K, w = w, sl = sl, su = su, ul = ul, uu = uu, gl = gl, gu = gu, ) DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp; implicit = implicit) end function _build_dense_lq_dynamic_model( dnlp::LQDynamicData{T, V, M, MK}, ) where {T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: Nothing} s0 = dnlp.s0 A = dnlp.A B = dnlp.B Q = dnlp.Q R = dnlp.R N = dnlp.N Qf = dnlp.Qf S = dnlp.S ns = dnlp.ns nu = E = dnlp.E F = dnlp.F K = dnlp.K w = dnlp.w sl = su = ul = dnlp.ul uu = dnlp.uu gl = gu = nc = size(E, 1) bool_vec_s = (su .!= Inf .|| sl .!= -Inf) num_real_bounds_s = sum(bool_vec_s) dense_blocks = _build_block_matrices(A, B, K, N, w, nc) block_A = dense_blocks.A block_B = dense_blocks.B block_d = dense_blocks.d block_Aw = dense_blocks.Aw block_dw = dense_blocks.dw H_blocks = _build_H_blocks(Q, R, block_A, block_B, block_Aw, S, Qf, K, s0, N) H = H_blocks.H c0 = H_blocks.c0 dense_blocks.h .= H_blocks.block_h dense_blocks.h01 .= H_blocks.block_h01 dense_blocks.h02 .= H_blocks.block_h02 dense_blocks.h_constant .= H_blocks.h_constant dense_blocks.h0_constant = H_blocks.h0_constant G = _init_similar(Q, nc * N, nu, T) J = _init_similar(Q, nc * N + num_real_bounds_s * N, nu * N, T) As0_bounds = _init_similar(s0, num_real_bounds_s * N, T) dl = repeat(gl, N) du = repeat(gu, N) _set_G_blocks!(G, dl, du, block_B, block_A, block_d, block_Aw, block_dw, s0, E, F, K, N) _set_J1_dense!(J, G, N) As0 = _init_similar(s0, ns * (N + 1), T) LinearAlgebra.mul!(As0, block_A, s0) lvar = repeat(ul, N) uvar = repeat(uu, N) # Convert state variable constraints to algebraic constraints offset_s = N * nc if num_real_bounds_s == length(sl) As0_bounds .= As0[(1 + ns):(ns * (N + 1))] .+ block_Aw[(1 + ns):(ns * (N + 1))] for i = 1:N J[ (offset_s + 1 + (i - 1) * ns):(offset_s + ns * N), (1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i), ] = @view(block_B[1:(ns * (N - i + 1)), :]) end else for i = 1:N row_range = (1 + (i - 1) * num_real_bounds_s):(i * num_real_bounds_s) As0_bounds[row_range] .= As0[(1 + ns * i):(ns * (i + 1))][bool_vec_s] .+ block_Aw[(1 + ns * i):(ns * (i + 1))][bool_vec_s] for j = 1:(N - i + 1) J[ (offset_s + 1 + (i + j - 2) * num_real_bounds_s):(offset_s + (i + j - 1) * num_real_bounds_s), (1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i), ] = @view(block_B[(1 + (j - 1) * ns):(j * ns), :][bool_vec_s, :]) end end sl = sl[bool_vec_s] su = su[bool_vec_s] end lcon2 = repeat(sl, N) ucon2 = repeat(su, N) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-1, As0_bounds, ucon2) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-1, As0_bounds, lcon2) lcon = _init_similar(s0, length(dl) + length(lcon2), T) ucon = _init_similar(s0, length(du) + length(ucon2), T) lcon[1:length(dl)] = dl ucon[1:length(du)] = du if length(lcon2) > 0 lcon[(1 + length(dl)):(length(dl) + num_real_bounds_s * N)] = lcon2 ucon[(1 + length(du)):(length(du) + num_real_bounds_s * N)] = ucon2 end nvar = nu * N nnzj = size(J, 1) * size(J, 2) nh = size(H, 1) nnzh = div(nh * (nh + 1), 2) ncon = size(J, 1) c = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T) c .= H_blocks.c DenseLQDynamicModel( NLPModels.NLPModelMeta( nvar, x0 = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T), lvar = lvar, uvar = uvar, ncon = ncon, lcon = lcon, ucon = ucon, nnzj = nnzj, nnzh = nnzh, lin = 1:ncon, islp = (ncon == 0); ), NLPModels.Counters(), QuadraticModels.QPData(c0, c, H, J), dnlp, dense_blocks, ) end function _build_dense_lq_dynamic_model( dnlp::LQDynamicData{T, V, M, MK}, ) where {T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: AbstractMatrix{T}} s0 = dnlp.s0 A = dnlp.A B = dnlp.B Q = dnlp.Q R = dnlp.R N = dnlp.N Qf = dnlp.Qf S = dnlp.S ns = dnlp.ns nu = E = dnlp.E F = dnlp.F K = dnlp.K w = dnlp.w sl = su = ul = dnlp.ul uu = dnlp.uu gl = gu = nc = size(E, 1) dense_blocks = _build_block_matrices(A, B, K, N, w, nc) block_A = dense_blocks.A block_B = dense_blocks.B block_d = dense_blocks.d block_Aw = dense_blocks.Aw block_dw = dense_blocks.dw block_KAw = dense_blocks.KAw H_blocks = _build_H_blocks(Q, R, block_A, block_B, block_Aw, S, Qf, K, s0, N) H = H_blocks.H c0 = H_blocks.c0 dense_blocks.h .= H_blocks.block_h dense_blocks.h01 .= H_blocks.block_h01 dense_blocks.h02 .= H_blocks.block_h02 dense_blocks.h_constant .= H_blocks.h_constant dense_blocks.h0_constant = H_blocks.h0_constant bool_vec_s = (su .!= Inf .|| sl .!= -Inf) num_real_bounds_s = sum(bool_vec_s) bool_vec_u = (ul .!= -Inf .|| uu .!= Inf) num_real_bounds_u = sum(bool_vec_u) G = _init_similar(Q, nc * N, nu, T) J = _init_similar(Q, (nc + num_real_bounds_s + num_real_bounds_u) * N, nu * N, T) As0 = _init_similar(s0, ns * (N + 1), T) As0_bounds = _init_similar(s0, num_real_bounds_s * N, T) KAs0_bounds = _init_similar(s0, num_real_bounds_u * N, T) KBI = _init_similar(Q, nu * N, nu, T) KAs0 = _init_similar(s0, nu * N, T) KAs0_block = _init_similar(s0, nu, T) KB = _init_similar(Q, nu, nu, T) I_mat = _init_similar(Q, nu, nu, T) I_mat[LinearAlgebra.diagind(I_mat)] .= T(1) dl = repeat(gl, N) du = repeat(gu, N) _set_G_blocks!(G, dl, du, block_B, block_A, block_d, block_Aw, block_dw, s0, E, F, K, N) _set_J1_dense!(J, G, N) LinearAlgebra.mul!(As0, block_A, s0) # Convert state variable constraints to algebraic constraints offset_s = nc * N if num_real_bounds_s == length(sl) As0_bounds .= As0[(1 + ns):(ns * (N + 1))] .+ block_Aw[(1 + ns):(ns * (N + 1))] for i = 1:N J[ (offset_s + 1 + (i - 1) * ns):(offset_s + ns * N), (1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i), ] = @view(block_B[1:(ns * (N - i + 1)), :]) end else for i = 1:N row_range = (1 + (i - 1) * num_real_bounds_s):(i * num_real_bounds_s) As0_bounds[row_range] = As0[(1 + ns * i):(ns * (i + 1))][bool_vec_s] .+ block_Aw[(1 + ns * i):(ns * (i + 1))][bool_vec_s] for j = 1:(N - i + 1) J[ (offset_s + 1 + (i + j - 2) * num_real_bounds_s):(offset_s + (i + j - 1) * num_real_bounds_s), (1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i), ] = @view(block_B[(1 + (j - 1) * ns):(j * ns), :][bool_vec_s, :]) end end sl = sl[bool_vec_s] su = su[bool_vec_s] end # Convert bounds on u to algebraic constraints for i = 1:N if i == 1 KB = I_mat else B_row_range = (1 + (i - 2) * ns):((i - 1) * ns) B_sub_block = view(block_B, B_row_range, :) LinearAlgebra.mul!(KB, K, B_sub_block) end KBI[(1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i), :] = KB LinearAlgebra.mul!(KAs0_block, K, As0[(1 + ns * (i - 1)):(ns * i)]) KAs0[(1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i)] = KAs0_block end offset_u = nc * N + num_real_bounds_s * N if num_real_bounds_u == length(ul) KAs0_bounds .= KAs0 .+ block_KAw for i = 1:N J[ (offset_u + 1 + (i - 1) * nu):(offset_u + nu * N), (1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i), ] = @view(KBI[1:(nu * (N - i + 1)), :]) end else for i = 1:N row_range = (1 + (i - 1) * num_real_bounds_u):(i * num_real_bounds_u) KAs0_bounds[row_range] = KAs0[(1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i)][bool_vec_u] .+ block_KAw[(1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i)][bool_vec_u] for j = 1:(N - i + 1) J[ (offset_u + 1 + (i + j - 2) * num_real_bounds_u):(offset_u + (i + j - 1) * num_real_bounds_u), (1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i), ] = @view(KBI[(1 + (j - 1) * nu):(j * nu), :][bool_vec_u, :]) end end ul = ul[bool_vec_u] uu = uu[bool_vec_u] end lcon2 = repeat(sl, N) ucon2 = repeat(su, N) lcon3 = repeat(ul, N) ucon3 = repeat(uu, N) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-1, As0_bounds, lcon2) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-1, As0_bounds, ucon2) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-1, KAs0_bounds, lcon3) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-1, KAs0_bounds, ucon3) lcon = _init_similar(s0, size(J, 1), T) ucon = _init_similar(s0, size(J, 1), T) lcon[1:length(dl)] = dl ucon[1:length(du)] = du if length(lcon2) > 0 lcon[(length(dl) + 1):(length(dl) + length(lcon2))] = lcon2 ucon[(length(du) + 1):(length(du) + length(ucon2))] = ucon2 end if length(lcon3) > 0 lcon[(length(dl) + length(lcon2) + 1):(length(dl) + length(lcon2) + length( lcon3, ))] = lcon3 ucon[(length(du) + length(ucon2) + 1):(length(du) + length(ucon2) + length( ucon3, ))] = ucon3 end nvar = nu * N nnzj = size(J, 1) * size(J, 2) nh = size(H, 1) nnzh = div(nh * (nh + 1), 2) ncon = size(J, 1) c = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T) c .= H_blocks.c DenseLQDynamicModel( NLPModels.NLPModelMeta( nvar, x0 = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T), ncon = ncon, lcon = lcon, ucon = ucon, nnzj = nnzj, nnzh = nnzh, lin = 1:ncon, islp = (ncon == 0); ), NLPModels.Counters(), QuadraticModels.QPData(c0, c, H, J), dnlp, dense_blocks, ) end function _build_implicit_dense_lq_dynamic_model( dnlp::LQDynamicData{T, V, M, MK}, ) where {T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: Nothing} s0 = dnlp.s0 A = dnlp.A B = dnlp.B Q = dnlp.Q R = dnlp.R N = dnlp.N Qf = dnlp.Qf S = dnlp.S ns = dnlp.ns nu = E = dnlp.E F = dnlp.F K = dnlp.K w = dnlp.w sl = su = ul = dnlp.ul uu = dnlp.uu gl = gu = nc = size(E, 1) nvar = nu * N bool_vec_s = (su .!= Inf .|| sl .!= -Inf) num_real_bounds_s = sum(bool_vec_s) G = _init_similar(Q, nc * N, nu, T) Jac1 = _init_similar(Q, nc, nu, N, T) Jac2 = _init_similar(Q, num_real_bounds_s, nu, N, T) Jac3 = _init_similar(Q, 0, nu, N, T) As0 = _init_similar(s0, ns * (N + 1), T) As0_bounds = _init_similar(s0, num_real_bounds_s * N, T) c = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T) x0 = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T) lcon = _init_similar(s0, nc * N + num_real_bounds_s * N, T) ucon = _init_similar(s0, nc * N + num_real_bounds_s * N, T) x1 = _init_similar(Q, nc, 1, N, T) x2 = _init_similar(Q, num_real_bounds_s, 1, N, T) x3 = _init_similar(Q, 0, 1, N, T) y = _init_similar(Q, nu, 1, N, T) SJ1 = _init_similar(Q, nc, nu, T) SJ2 = _init_similar(Q, num_real_bounds_s, nu, T) SJ3 = _init_similar(Q, 0, nu, T) H_sub_block = _init_similar(Q, nu, nu, T) dense_blocks = _build_block_matrices(A, B, K, N, w, nc) block_A = dense_blocks.A block_B = dense_blocks.B block_d = dense_blocks.d block_Aw = dense_blocks.Aw block_dw = dense_blocks.dw H_blocks = _build_H_blocks(Q, R, block_A, block_B, block_Aw, S, Qf, K, s0, N) H = H_blocks.H c0 = H_blocks.c0 dense_blocks.h .= H_blocks.block_h dense_blocks.h01 .= H_blocks.block_h01 dense_blocks.h02 .= H_blocks.block_h02 dense_blocks.h_constant .= H_blocks.h_constant dense_blocks.h0_constant = H_blocks.h0_constant dl = repeat(gl, N) du = repeat(gu, N) _set_G_blocks!(G, dl, du, block_B, block_A, block_d, block_Aw, block_dw, s0, E, F, K, N) for i = 1:N Jac1[:, :, i] = @view G[(1 + nc * (i - 1)):(nc * i), :] end LinearAlgebra.mul!(As0, block_A, s0) lvar = repeat(ul, N) uvar = repeat(uu, N) # Convert state variable constraints to algebraic constraints if num_real_bounds_s == length(sl) As0_bounds .= As0[(1 + ns):(ns * (N + 1))] .+ block_Aw[(1 + ns):(ns * (N + 1))] for i = 1:N Jac2[:, :, i] = @view block_B[(1 + ns * (i - 1)):(ns * i), :] end else for i = 1:N row_range = (1 + (i - 1) * num_real_bounds_s):(i * num_real_bounds_s) As0_bounds[row_range] .= As0[(1 + ns * i):(ns * (i + 1))][bool_vec_s] .+ block_Aw[(1 + ns * i):(ns * (i + 1))][bool_vec_s] Jac2[:, :, i] = @view block_B[(1 + (i - 1) * ns):(i * ns), :][bool_vec_s, :] end sl = sl[bool_vec_s] su = su[bool_vec_s] end lcon2 = repeat(sl, N) ucon2 = repeat(su, N) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-1, As0_bounds, ucon2) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-1, As0_bounds, lcon2) lcon[1:length(dl)] = dl ucon[1:length(du)] = du if length(lcon2) > 0 lcon[(1 + length(dl)):(length(dl) + num_real_bounds_s * N)] = lcon2 ucon[(1 + length(du)):(length(du) + num_real_bounds_s * N)] = ucon2 end ncon = (nc + num_real_bounds_s) * N nnzj = ncon * size(H, 2) nh = size(H, 1) nnzh = div(nh * (nh + 1), 2) J = LQJacobianOperator{T, M, AbstractArray{T}}( Jac1, Jac2, Jac3, N, nu, nc, num_real_bounds_s, 0, x1, x2, x3, y, SJ1, SJ2, SJ3, H_sub_block, ) DenseLQDynamicModel( NLPModels.NLPModelMeta( nvar, x0 = x0, lvar = lvar, uvar = uvar, ncon = ncon, lcon = lcon, ucon = ucon, nnzj = nnzj, nnzh = nnzh, lin = 1:ncon, islp = (ncon == 0); ), NLPModels.Counters(), QuadraticModels.QPData(c0, c, H, J), dnlp, dense_blocks, ) end function _build_implicit_dense_lq_dynamic_model( dnlp::LQDynamicData{T, V, M, MK}, ) where {T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: AbstractMatrix{T}} s0 = dnlp.s0 A = dnlp.A B = dnlp.B Q = dnlp.Q R = dnlp.R N = dnlp.N Qf = dnlp.Qf S = dnlp.S ns = dnlp.ns nu = E = dnlp.E F = dnlp.F K = dnlp.K w = dnlp.w sl = su = ul = dnlp.ul uu = dnlp.uu gl = gu = nc = size(E, 1) dense_blocks = _build_block_matrices(A, B, K, N, w, nc) block_A = dense_blocks.A block_B = dense_blocks.B block_d = dense_blocks.d block_Aw = dense_blocks.Aw block_dw = dense_blocks.dw block_KAw = dense_blocks.KAw H_blocks = _build_H_blocks(Q, R, block_A, block_B, block_Aw, S, Qf, K, s0, N) H = H_blocks.H c0 = H_blocks.c0 dense_blocks.h .= H_blocks.block_h dense_blocks.h01 .= H_blocks.block_h01 dense_blocks.h02 .= H_blocks.block_h02 dense_blocks.h_constant .= H_blocks.h_constant dense_blocks.h0_constant = H_blocks.h0_constant bool_vec_s = (su .!= Inf .|| sl .!= -Inf) num_real_bounds_s = sum(bool_vec_s) bool_vec_u = (ul .!= -Inf .|| uu .!= Inf) num_real_bounds_u = sum(bool_vec_u) G = _init_similar(Q, nc * N, nu, T) Jac1 = _init_similar(Q, nc, nu, N, T) Jac2 = _init_similar(Q, num_real_bounds_s, nu, N, T) Jac3 = _init_similar(Q, num_real_bounds_u, nu, N, T) As0 = _init_similar(s0, ns * (N + 1), T) As0_bounds = _init_similar(s0, num_real_bounds_s * N, T) KAs0_bounds = _init_similar(s0, num_real_bounds_u * N, T) KBI = _init_similar(Q, nu * N, nu, T) KAs0 = _init_similar(s0, nu * N, T) KAs0_block = _init_similar(s0, nu, T) KB = _init_similar(Q, nu, nu, T) lcon = _init_similar(s0, (nc + num_real_bounds_s + num_real_bounds_u) * N, T) ucon = _init_similar(s0, (nc + num_real_bounds_s + num_real_bounds_u) * N, T) I_mat = _init_similar(Q, nu, nu, T) x1 = _init_similar(Q, nc, 1, N, T) x2 = _init_similar(Q, num_real_bounds_s, 1, N, T) x3 = _init_similar(Q, num_real_bounds_u, 1, N, T) y = _init_similar(Q, nu, 1, N, T) SJ1 = _init_similar(Q, nc, nu, T) SJ2 = _init_similar(Q, num_real_bounds_s, nu, T) SJ3 = _init_similar(Q, num_real_bounds_u, nu, T) H_sub_block = _init_similar(Q, nu, nu, T) I_mat[LinearAlgebra.diagind(I_mat)] .= T(1) dl = repeat(gl, N) du = repeat(gu, N) _set_G_blocks!(G, dl, du, block_B, block_A, block_d, block_Aw, block_dw, s0, E, F, K, N) for i = 1:N Jac1[:, :, i] = @view G[(1 + nc * (i - 1)):(nc * i), :] end LinearAlgebra.mul!(As0, block_A, s0) # Convert state variable constraints to algebraic constraints offset_s = nc * N if num_real_bounds_s == length(sl) As0_bounds .= As0[(1 + ns):(ns * (N + 1))] .+ block_Aw[(1 + ns):(ns * (N + 1))] for i = 1:N Jac2[:, :, i] = @view block_B[(1 + ns * (i - 1)):(ns * i), :] end else for i = 1:N row_range = (1 + (i - 1) * num_real_bounds_s):(i * num_real_bounds_s) As0_bounds[row_range] .= As0[(1 + ns * i):(ns * (i + 1))][bool_vec_s] .+ block_Aw[(1 + ns * i):(ns * (i + 1))][bool_vec_s] Jac2[:, :, i] = @view block_B[(1 + (i - 1) * ns):(i * ns), :][bool_vec_s, :] end sl = sl[bool_vec_s] su = su[bool_vec_s] end # Convert bounds on u to algebraic constraints for i = 1:N if i == 1 KB = I_mat else B_row_range = (1 + (i - 2) * ns):((i - 1) * ns) B_sub_block = view(block_B, B_row_range, :) LinearAlgebra.mul!(KB, K, B_sub_block) end KBI[(1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i), :] = KB LinearAlgebra.mul!(KAs0_block, K, As0[(1 + ns * (i - 1)):(ns * i)]) KAs0[(1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i)] = KAs0_block end offset_u = nc * N + num_real_bounds_s * N if num_real_bounds_u == length(ul) KAs0_bounds .= KAs0 .+ block_KAw for i = 1:N Jac3[:, :, i] = @view KBI[(1 + (i - 1) * nu):(i * nu), :] end else for i = 1:N row_range = (1 + (i - 1) * num_real_bounds_u):(i * num_real_bounds_u) KAs0_bounds[row_range] = KAs0[(1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i)][bool_vec_u] .+ block_KAw[(1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i)][bool_vec_u] Jac3[:, :, i] = @view KBI[(1 + (i - 1) * nu):(i * nu), :][bool_vec_u, :] end ul = ul[bool_vec_u] uu = uu[bool_vec_u] end lcon2 = repeat(sl, N) ucon2 = repeat(su, N) lcon3 = repeat(ul, N) ucon3 = repeat(uu, N) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-1, As0_bounds, lcon2) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-1, As0_bounds, ucon2) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-1, KAs0_bounds, lcon3) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-1, KAs0_bounds, ucon3) lcon[1:length(dl)] = dl ucon[1:length(du)] = du if length(lcon2) > 0 lcon[(length(dl) + 1):(length(dl) + length(lcon2))] = lcon2 ucon[(length(du) + 1):(length(du) + length(ucon2))] = ucon2 end if length(lcon3) > 0 lcon[(length(dl) + length(lcon2) + 1):(length(dl) + length(lcon2) + length( lcon3, ))] = lcon3 ucon[(length(du) + length(ucon2) + 1):(length(du) + length(ucon2) + length( ucon3, ))] = ucon3 end nvar = nu * N ncon = (nc + num_real_bounds_s + num_real_bounds_u) * N nnzj = ncon * size(H, 1) nh = size(H, 1) nnzh = div(nh * (nh + 1), 2) c = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T) c .= H_blocks.c J = LQJacobianOperator{T, M, AbstractArray{T}}( Jac1, Jac2, Jac3, N, nu, nc, num_real_bounds_s, num_real_bounds_u, x1, x2, x3, y, SJ1, SJ2, SJ3, H_sub_block, ) DenseLQDynamicModel( NLPModels.NLPModelMeta( nvar, x0 = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T), ncon = ncon, lcon = lcon, ucon = ucon, nnzj = nnzj, nnzh = nnzh, lin = 1:ncon, islp = (ncon == 0); ), NLPModels.Counters(), QuadraticModels.QPData(c0, c, H, J), dnlp, dense_blocks, ) end function _build_block_matrices( A::M, B::M, K, N, w::V, nc, ) where {T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}} ns = size(A, 2) nu = size(B, 2) if K == nothing K = _init_similar(A, nu, ns, T) end # Define block matrices block_A = _init_similar(A, ns * (N + 1), ns, T) block_B = _init_similar(B, ns * N, nu, T) block_Aw = _init_similar(w, ns * (N + 1), T) block_h = _init_similar(A, nu * N, ns, T) block_h01 = _init_similar(A, ns, ns, T) block_h02 = _init_similar(w, ns, T) h_const = _init_similar(w, nu * N, T) h0_const = T(0) block_d = _init_similar(A, nc * N, ns, T) block_dw = _init_similar(w, nc * N, T) block_KA = _init_similar(A, nu * N, ns, T) block_KAw = _init_similar(w, nu * N, T) A_k = copy(A) BK = _init_similar(A, ns, ns, T) KA = _init_similar(A, nu, ns, T) KAw = _init_similar(w, nu, T) Aw = _init_similar(A, ns, T) AB_klast = _init_similar(A, size(B, 1), size(B, 2), T) AB_k = _init_similar(A, size(B, 1), size(B, 2), T) block_B[1:ns, :] = B block_A[LinearAlgebra.diagind(block_A)] .= T(1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(BK, B, K) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, BK, A_k) A_klast = copy(A_k) A_knext = copy(A_k) block_A[(ns + 1):(ns * 2), :] = A_k LinearAlgebra.mul!(AB_k, A_k, B, 1, 0) block_B[(1 + ns):(2 * ns), :] = AB_k AB_klast = copy(AB_k) # Fill the A and B matrices LinearAlgebra.mul!(KA, K, A_k) block_KA[1:nu, :] .= K block_KA[(1 + nu):(2 * nu), :] .= KA for i = 2:(N - 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(AB_k, A_k, AB_klast) LinearAlgebra.mul!(A_knext, A_k, A_klast) block_A[(ns * i + 1):(ns * (i + 1)), :] = A_knext block_B[(1 + (i) * ns):((i + 1) * ns), :] = AB_k LinearAlgebra.mul!(KA, K, A_knext) block_KA[(1 + nu * i):(nu * (i + 1)), :] .= KA AB_klast = copy(AB_k) A_klast = copy(A_knext) end LinearAlgebra.mul!(A_knext, A_k, A_klast) block_A[(ns * N + 1):(ns * (N + 1)), :] = A_knext for i = 1:N A_view = @view block_A[(1 + (i - 1) * ns):(i * ns), :] for j = (i + 1):(N + 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(Aw, A_view, w[(1 + (j - i - 1) * ns):((j - i) * ns)]) block_Aw[(1 + (j - 1) * ns):(j * ns)] .+= Aw end end for i = 1:N Aw_view = @view block_Aw[(1 + (i - 1) * ns):(i * ns)] LinearAlgebra.mul!(KAw, K, Aw_view) block_KAw[(1 + (i - 1) * nu):(i * nu)] .= KAw end DenseLQDynamicBlocks{T, V, M}( block_A, block_B, block_Aw, block_h, block_h01, block_h02, h_const, h0_const, block_d, block_dw, block_KA, block_KAw, ) end function _build_H_blocks( Q, R, block_A::M, block_B::M, Aw, S, Qf, K, s0, N, ) where {T, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}} ns = size(Q, 1) nu = size(R, 1) if K == nothing K = _init_similar(Q, nu, ns, T) end H = _init_similar(block_A, nu * N, nu * N, T) # block_h01, block_h02, and block_h are stored in DenseLQDynamicBlocks to provide quick updates when redefining s0 # block_h01 = A^T((Q + KTRK + 2 * SK))A where Q, K, R, S, and A are block matrices # block_h02 = A^T((Q + KTRK + 2 * SK))block_matrix_A w # block_h = (QB + SKB + K^T R K B + K^T S^T B)^T A + (S + K^T R)^T A block_h01 = _init_similar(Q, ns, ns, T) block_h02 = _init_similar(s0, ns, T) block_h = _init_similar(block_A, nu * N, ns, T) h_constant = _init_similar(s0, nu * N, T) h0_constant = T(0) # quad term refers to the summation of Q, K^T RK, SK, and K^T S^T that is left and right multiplied by B in the Hessian quad_term = _init_similar(Q, ns, ns, T) quad_term_B = _init_similar(block_B, size(block_B, 1), size(block_B, 2), T) QfB = _init_similar(block_B, size(block_B, 1), size(block_B, 2), T) quad_term_AB = _init_similar(block_A, ns, nu, T) QfAB = _init_similar(block_A, ns, nu, T) RK_STB = _init_similar(block_B, nu, nu, T) BQB = _init_similar(block_B, nu, nu, T) BQfB = _init_similar(block_B, nu, nu, T) SK = _init_similar(Q, ns, ns, T) RK = _init_similar(Q, nu, ns, T) KTRK = _init_similar(Q, ns, ns, T) RK_ST = _init_similar(Q, nu, ns, T) QB_block_vec = _init_similar(quad_term_B, ns * (N + 1), nu, T) h = _init_similar(s0, nu * N, T) BTQA = _init_similar(Q, nu, ns, T) RK_STA = _init_similar(Q, nu, ns, T) BTQAw = _init_similar(s0, nu, T) RK_STAw = _init_similar(s0, nu, T) QA = _init_similar(Q, ns, ns, T) KTRKA = _init_similar(Q, ns, ns, T) SKA = _init_similar(Q, ns, ns, T) KTSTA = _init_similar(Q, ns, ns, T) QAw = _init_similar(s0, ns, T) KTRKAw = _init_similar(s0, ns, T) SKAw = _init_similar(s0, ns, T) KTSTAw = _init_similar(s0, ns, T) AQAs0 = _init_similar(s0, ns, T) LinearAlgebra.mul!(SK, S, K) LinearAlgebra.mul!(RK, R, K) LinearAlgebra.mul!(KTRK, K', RK) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1.0, Q, quad_term) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1.0, SK, quad_term) # axpy!(1.0, SK', quad_term) includes scalar operations because of the adjoint # .+= is more efficient with adjoint quad_term .+= SK' LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1.0, KTRK, quad_term) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(RK_ST, RK) RK_ST .+= S' for i = 1:N B_row_range = (1 + (i - 1) * ns):(i * ns) B_sub_block = view(block_B, B_row_range, :) LinearAlgebra.mul!(quad_term_AB, quad_term, B_sub_block) LinearAlgebra.mul!(QfAB, Qf, B_sub_block) quad_term_B[(1 + (i - 1) * ns):(i * ns), :] = quad_term_AB QfB[(1 + (i - 1) * ns):(i * ns), :] = QfAB for j = 1:(N + 1 - i) right_block = block_B[(1 + (j - 1 + i - 1) * ns):((j + i - 1) * ns), :] LinearAlgebra.mul!(BQB, quad_term_AB', right_block) LinearAlgebra.mul!(BQfB, QfAB', right_block) for k = 1:(N - j - i + 2) row_range = (1 + nu * (k + (j - 1) - 1)):(nu * (k + (j - 1))) col_range = (1 + nu * (k - 1)):(nu * k) if k == N - j - i + 2 view(H, row_range, col_range) .+= BQfB else view(H, row_range, col_range) .+= BQB end end end LinearAlgebra.mul!(RK_STB, RK_ST, B_sub_block) for m = 1:(N - i) row_range = (1 + nu * (m - 1 + i)):(nu * (m + i)) col_range = (1 + nu * (m - 1)):(nu * m) view(H, row_range, col_range) .+= RK_STB end view(H, (1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i), (1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i)) .+= R end for i = 1:N # quad_term_B = QB + SKB + KTRKB + KTSTB = (Q + SK + KTRK + KTST) B fill!(QB_block_vec, T(0)) rows_QB = 1:(ns * (N - i)) rows_QfB = (1 + ns * (N - i)):(ns * (N - i + 1)) QB_block_vec[(1 + ns * i):(ns * N), :] = quad_term_B[rows_QB, :] QB_block_vec[(1 + ns * N):(ns * (N + 1)), :] = QfB[rows_QfB, :] LinearAlgebra.mul!(BTQA, QB_block_vec', block_A) LinearAlgebra.mul!(RK_STA, RK_ST, block_A[(ns * (i - 1) + 1):(ns * i), :]) LinearAlgebra.mul!(BTQAw, QB_block_vec', Aw) LinearAlgebra.mul!(RK_STAw, RK_ST, Aw[(1 + ns * (i - 1)):(ns * i)]) h_view = @view block_h[(1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i), :] LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, BTQA, h_view) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, RK_STA, h_view) h_constant_view = @view h_constant[(1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i)] LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, BTQAw, h_constant_view) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, RK_STAw, h_constant_view) A_view = @view block_A[(1 + ns * (i - 1)):(ns * i), :] Aw_view = @view Aw[(1 + ns * (i - 1)):(ns * i)] LinearAlgebra.mul!(QA, Q, A_view) LinearAlgebra.mul!(KTRKA, KTRK, A_view) LinearAlgebra.mul!(SKA, SK, A_view) LinearAlgebra.mul!(KTSTA, SK', A_view) LinearAlgebra.mul!(QAw, Q, Aw_view) LinearAlgebra.mul!(KTRKAw, KTRK, Aw_view) LinearAlgebra.mul!(SKAw, SK, Aw_view) LinearAlgebra.mul!(KTSTAw, SK', Aw_view) LinearAlgebra.mul!(block_h01, A_view', QA, 1, 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(block_h01, A_view', KTRKA, 1, 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(block_h01, A_view', SKA, 1, 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(block_h01, A_view', KTSTA, 1, 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(block_h02, A_view', QAw, 1, 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(block_h02, A_view', KTRKAw, 1, 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(block_h02, A_view', SKAw, 1, 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(block_h02, A_view', KTSTAw, 1, 1) h0_constant +=, QAw) h0_constant +=, KTRKAw) h0_constant +=, SKAw) h0_constant +=, KTSTAw) end A_view = @view block_A[(1 + ns * N):(ns * (N + 1)), :] Aw_view = @view Aw[(1 + ns * N):(ns * (N + 1))] LinearAlgebra.mul!(QA, Qf, A_view) LinearAlgebra.mul!(block_h01, A_view', QA, 1, 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(QAw, Qf, Aw_view) LinearAlgebra.mul!(block_h02, A_view', QAw, 1, 1) h0_constant +=, QAw) #LinearAlgebra.mul!(h0_constant, Aw_view', QAw, 1, 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(h, block_h, s0) LinearAlgebra.mul!(AQAs0, block_h01, s0) h0 =, s0) h0 += h0_constant h0 +=, s0) * T(2) h += h_constant return ( H = H, c = h, c0 = h0 / T(2), block_h = block_h, block_h01 = block_h01, block_h02 = block_h02, h_constant = h_constant, h0_constant = h0_constant / T(2), ) end function _set_G_blocks!( G, dl, du, block_B::M, block_A::M, block_d::M, block_Aw, block_dw, s0, E, F, K::MK, N, ) where {T, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: Nothing} ns = size(E, 2) nu = size(F, 2) nc = size(E, 1) G[1:nc, :] = F EB = _init_similar(block_B, nc, nu, T) EA = _init_similar(block_B, nc, ns, T) d = _init_similar(block_dw, nc, T) for i = 1:N if i != N B_row_range = (1 + (i - 1) * ns):(i * ns) B_sub_block = view(block_B, B_row_range, :) LinearAlgebra.mul!(EB, E, B_sub_block) G[(1 + nc * i):(nc * (i + 1)), :] = EB end A_view = @view block_A[(1 + ns * (i - 1)):(ns * i), :] Aw_view = @view block_Aw[(1 + ns * (i - 1)):(ns * i)] LinearAlgebra.mul!(EA, E, A_view) LinearAlgebra.mul!(d, E, Aw_view) block_d[(1 + nc * (i - 1)):(nc * i), :] .= EA block_dw[(1 + nc * (i - 1)):(nc * i)] .= d end LinearAlgebra.mul!(dl, block_d, s0, -1, 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(du, block_d, s0, -1, 1) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-1, block_dw, dl) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-1, block_dw, du) end function _set_G_blocks!( G, dl, du, block_B, block_A, block_d, block_Aw, block_dw, s0, E, F, K::MK, N, ) where {T, MK <: AbstractMatrix{T}} ns = size(E, 2) nu = size(F, 2) nc = size(E, 1) G[1:nc, :] = F E_FK = _init_similar(E, nc, ns, T) E_FKA = _init_similar(E, nc, ns, T) FK = _init_similar(E, nc, ns, T) EB = _init_similar(E, nc, nu, T) d = _init_similar(s0, nc, T) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(E_FK, E) LinearAlgebra.mul!(FK, F, K) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1.0, FK, E_FK) for i = 1:N if i != N B_row_range = (1 + (i - 1) * ns):(i * ns) B_sub_block = view(block_B, B_row_range, :) LinearAlgebra.mul!(EB, E_FK, B_sub_block) G[(1 + nc * i):(nc * (i + 1)), :] = EB end A_view = @view block_A[(1 + ns * (i - 1)):(ns * i), :] Aw_view = @view block_Aw[(1 + ns * (i - 1)):(ns * i)] LinearAlgebra.mul!(E_FKA, E_FK, A_view) LinearAlgebra.mul!(d, E_FK, Aw_view) block_d[(1 + nc * (i - 1)):(nc * i), :] .= E_FKA block_dw[(1 + nc * (i - 1)):(nc * i)] .= d end LinearAlgebra.mul!(dl, block_d, s0, -1, 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(du, block_d, s0, -1, 1) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-1, block_dw, dl) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-1, block_dw, du) end function _set_J1_dense!(J1, G, N) # Only used for explicit Jacobian, not implicit Jacobian nu = size(G, 2) nc = Int(size(G, 1) / N) for i = 1:N col_range = (1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i) J1[(1 + nc * (i - 1)):(nc * N), col_range] = G[1:((N - i + 1) * nc), :] end end
[ "MIT" ]
@doc raw""" SparseLQDynamicModel(dnlp::LQDynamicData) -> SparseLQDynamicModel SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; ...) -> SparseLQDynamicModel A constructor for building a `SparseLQDynamicModel <: QuadraticModels.AbstractQuadraticModel` Input data is for the problem of the form ```math \begin{aligned} \min \frac{1}{2} &\; \sum_{i = 0}^{N - 1}(s_i^T Q s_i + 2 u_i^T S^T x_i + u_i^T R u_i) + \frac{1}{2} s_N^T Q_f s_N \\ \textrm{s.t.} &\; s_{i+1} = A s_i + B u_i + w_i \quad \forall i=0, 1, ..., N-1 \\ &\; u_i = Kx_i + v_i \quad \forall i = 0, 1, ..., N - 1 \\ &\; gl \le E s_i + F u_i \le gu \quad \forall i = 0, 1, ..., N-1\\ &\; sl \le s \le su \\ &\; ul \le u \le uu \\ &\; s_0 = s0 \end{aligned} ``` --- Data is converted to the form ```math \begin{aligned} \min &\; \frac{1}{2} z^T H z \\ \textrm{s.t.} &\; \textrm{lcon} \le Jz \le \textrm{ucon}\\ &\; \textrm{lvar} \le z \le \textrm{uvar} \end{aligned} ``` Resulting `H` and `J` matrices are stored as `QuadraticModels.QPData` within the `SparseLQDynamicModel` struct and variable and constraint limits are stored within `NLPModels.NLPModelMeta` If `K` is defined, then `u` variables are replaced by `v` variables, and `u` can be queried by `get_u` and `get_s` within `DynamicNLPModels.jl` """ function SparseLQDynamicModel( dnlp::LQDynamicData{T, V, M}, ) where { T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: Union{Nothing, AbstractMatrix{T}}, } _build_sparse_lq_dynamic_model(dnlp) end function SparseLQDynamicModel( s0::V, A::M, B::M, Q::M, R::M, N; Qf::M = Q, S::M = _init_similar(Q, size(Q, 1), size(R, 1), T), E::M = _init_similar(Q, 0, length(s0), T), F::M = _init_similar(Q, 0, size(R, 1), T), K::MK = nothing, w::V = _init_similar(s0, length(s0) * N, T), sl::V = (similar(s0) .= -Inf), su::V = (similar(s0) .= Inf), ul::V = (similar(s0, size(R, 1)) .= -Inf), uu::V = (similar(s0, size(R, 1)) .= Inf), gl::V = (similar(s0, size(E, 1)) .= -Inf), gu::V = (similar(s0, size(F, 1)) .= Inf), ) where { T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: Union{Nothing, AbstractMatrix{T}}, } dnlp = LQDynamicData( s0, A, B, Q, R, N; Qf = Qf, S = S, E = E, F = F, K = K, w = w, sl = sl, su = su, ul = ul, uu = uu, gl = gl, gu = gu, ) SparseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) end function _build_sparse_lq_dynamic_model( dnlp::LQDynamicData{T, V, M, MK}, ) where {T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: Nothing} s0 = dnlp.s0 A = dnlp.A B = dnlp.B Q = dnlp.Q R = dnlp.R N = dnlp.N Qf = dnlp.Qf S = dnlp.S ns = dnlp.ns nu = E = dnlp.E F = dnlp.F K = dnlp.K w = dnlp.w sl = su = ul = dnlp.ul uu = dnlp.uu gl = gu = nc = size(E, 1) H_colptr = zeros(Int, ns * (N + 1) + nu * N + 1) H_rowval = zeros(Int, (ns + nu) * N * ns + (ns + nu) * N * nu + ns * ns) H_nzval = zeros(T, (ns + nu) * N * ns + (ns + nu) * N * nu + ns * ns) J_colptr = zeros(Int, ns * (N + 1) + nu * N + 1) J_rowval = zeros(Int, N * (ns^2 + ns * nu + ns) + N * (nc * ns + nc * nu)) J_nzval = zeros(T, N * (ns^2 + ns * nu + ns) + N * (nc * ns + nc * nu)) _set_sparse_H!(H_colptr, H_rowval, H_nzval, Q, R, N; Qf = Qf, S = S) H = SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC( (N + 1) * ns + nu * N, (N + 1) * ns + nu * N, H_colptr, H_rowval, H_nzval, ) _set_sparse_J!(J_colptr, J_rowval, J_nzval, A, B, E, F, K, N) J = SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC( (nc + ns) * N, (N + 1) * ns + nu * N, J_colptr, J_rowval, J_nzval, ) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(H) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(J) c0 = zero(T) nvar = ns * (N + 1) + nu * N c = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T) lvar = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T) uvar = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T) lvar[1:ns] = s0 uvar[1:ns] = s0 lcon = _init_similar(s0, ns * N + N * nc, T) ucon = _init_similar(s0, ns * N + N * nc, T) ncon = size(J, 1) nnzj = length(J.rowval) nnzh = length(H.rowval) lcon[1:(ns * N)] .= -w ucon[1:(ns * N)] .= -w for i = 1:N lvar[(i * ns + 1):((i + 1) * ns)] = sl uvar[(i * ns + 1):((i + 1) * ns)] = su lcon[(ns * N + 1 + (i - 1) * nc):(ns * N + i * nc)] = gl ucon[(ns * N + 1 + (i - 1) * nc):(ns * N + i * nc)] = gu end for j = 1:N lvar[((N + 1) * ns + (j - 1) * nu + 1):((N + 1) * ns + j * nu)] = ul uvar[((N + 1) * ns + (j - 1) * nu + 1):((N + 1) * ns + j * nu)] = uu end SparseLQDynamicModel( NLPModels.NLPModelMeta( nvar, x0 = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T), lvar = lvar, uvar = uvar, ncon = ncon, lcon = lcon, ucon = ucon, nnzj = nnzj, nnzh = nnzh, lin = 1:ncon, islp = (ncon == 0); ), NLPModels.Counters(), QuadraticModels.QPData(c0, c, H, J), dnlp, ) end function _build_sparse_lq_dynamic_model( dnlp::LQDynamicData{T, V, M, MK}, ) where {T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: AbstractMatrix} s0 = dnlp.s0 A = dnlp.A B = dnlp.B Q = dnlp.Q R = dnlp.R N = dnlp.N Qf = dnlp.Qf S = dnlp.S ns = dnlp.ns nu = E = dnlp.E F = dnlp.F K = dnlp.K w = dnlp.w sl = su = ul = dnlp.ul uu = dnlp.uu gl = gu = nc = size(E, 1) bool_vec = (ul .!= -Inf .|| uu .!= Inf) num_real_bounds = sum(bool_vec) # Transform u variables to v variables new_Q = _init_similar(Q, size(Q, 1), size(Q, 2), T) new_S = _init_similar(S, size(S, 1), size(S, 2), T) new_A = _init_similar(A, size(A, 1), size(A, 2), T) new_E = _init_similar(E, size(E, 1), size(E, 2), T) KTR = _init_similar(Q, size(K, 2), size(R, 2), T) SK = _init_similar(Q, size(S, 1), size(K, 2), T) KTRK = _init_similar(Q, size(K, 2), size(K, 2), T) BK = _init_similar(Q, size(B, 1), size(K, 2), T) FK = _init_similar(Q, size(F, 1), size(K, 2), T) H_colptr = zeros(Int, ns * (N + 1) + nu * N + 1) H_rowval = zeros(Int, (ns + nu) * N * ns + (ns + nu) * N * nu + ns * ns) H_nzval = zeros(T, (ns + nu) * N * ns + (ns + nu) * N * nu + ns * ns) J_colptr = zeros(Int, ns * (N + 1) + nu * N + 1) J_rowval = zeros( Int, N * (ns^2 + ns * nu + ns) + N * (nc * ns + nc * nu) + N * (ns * num_real_bounds + num_real_bounds), ) J_nzval = zeros( T, N * (ns^2 + ns * nu + ns) + N * (nc * ns + nc * nu) + N * (ns * num_real_bounds + num_real_bounds), ) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(new_Q, Q) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(new_S, S) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(new_A, A) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(new_E, E) LinearAlgebra.mul!(KTR, K', R) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, KTR, new_S) LinearAlgebra.mul!(SK, S, K) LinearAlgebra.mul!(KTRK, KTR, K) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, SK, new_Q) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, SK', new_Q) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, KTRK, new_Q) LinearAlgebra.mul!(BK, B, K) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, BK, new_A) LinearAlgebra.mul!(FK, F, K) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, FK, new_E) # Get H and J matrices from new matrices _set_sparse_H!(H_colptr, H_rowval, H_nzval, new_Q, R, N; Qf = Qf, S = new_S) H = SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC( (N + 1) * ns + nu * N, (N + 1) * ns + nu * N, H_colptr, H_rowval, H_nzval, ) _set_sparse_J!( J_colptr, J_rowval, J_nzval, new_A, B, new_E, F, K, bool_vec, N, num_real_bounds, ) J = SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC( ns * N + nc * N + num_real_bounds * N, (N + 1) * ns + nu * N, J_colptr, J_rowval, J_nzval, ) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(H) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(J) # Remove algebraic constraints if u variable is unbounded on both upper and lower ends lcon3 = _init_similar(ul, nu * N, T) ucon3 = _init_similar(ul, nu * N, T) ul = ul[bool_vec] uu = uu[bool_vec] lcon3 = repeat(ul, N) ucon3 = repeat(uu, N) nvar = ns * (N + 1) + nu * N lvar = similar(s0, nvar) fill!(lvar, -Inf) uvar = similar(s0, nvar) fill!(uvar, Inf) lvar[1:ns] = s0 uvar[1:ns] = s0 lcon = _init_similar(s0, ns * N + N * length(gl) + length(lcon3)) ucon = _init_similar(s0, ns * N + N * length(gl) + length(lcon3)) lcon[1:(ns * N)] .= -w ucon[1:(ns * N)] .= -w ncon = size(J, 1) nnzj = length(J.rowval) nnzh = length(H.rowval) for i = 1:N lvar[(i * ns + 1):((i + 1) * ns)] = sl uvar[(i * ns + 1):((i + 1) * ns)] = su lcon[(ns * N + 1 + (i - 1) * nc):(ns * N + i * nc)] = gl ucon[(ns * N + 1 + (i - 1) * nc):(ns * N + i * nc)] = gu end if length(lcon3) > 0 lcon[(1 + ns * N + N * nc):(ns * N + nc * N + num_real_bounds * N)] = lcon3 ucon[(1 + ns * N + N * nc):(ns * N + nc * N + num_real_bounds * N)] = ucon3 end c0 = zero(T) c = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T) SparseLQDynamicModel( NLPModels.NLPModelMeta( nvar, x0 = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T), lvar = lvar, uvar = uvar, ncon = ncon, lcon = lcon, ucon = ucon, nnzj = nnzj, nnzh = nnzh, lin = 1:ncon, islp = (ncon == 0); ), NLPModels.Counters(), QuadraticModels.QPData(c0, c, H, J), dnlp, ) end function _build_sparse_lq_dynamic_model( dnlp::LQDynamicData{T, V, M, MK}, ) where {T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: SparseMatrixCSC{T}, MK <: Nothing} s0 = dnlp.s0 A = dnlp.A B = dnlp.B Q = dnlp.Q R = dnlp.R N = dnlp.N Qf = dnlp.Qf S = dnlp.S ns = dnlp.ns nu = E = dnlp.E F = dnlp.F K = dnlp.K w = dnlp.w sl = su = ul = dnlp.ul uu = dnlp.uu gl = gu = nc = size(E, 1) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(A) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(B) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(Q) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(R) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(Qf) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(E) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(F) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(S) H_colptr = zeros(Int, ns * (N + 1) + nu * N + 1) H_rowval = zeros( Int, length(Q.rowval) * N + length(R.rowval) * N + 2 * length(S.rowval) * N + length(Qf.rowval), ) H_nzval = zeros( T, length(Q.nzval) * N + length(R.nzval) * N + 2 * length(S.nzval) * N + length(Qf.nzval), ) J_colptr = zeros(Int, ns * (N + 1) + nu * N + 1) J_rowval = zeros( Int, length(A.rowval) * N + length(B.rowval) * N + length(E.rowval) * N + length(F.rowval) * N + ns * N, ) J_nzval = zeros( T, length(A.nzval) * N + length(B.nzval) * N + length(E.nzval) * N + length(F.nzval) * N + ns * N, ) _set_sparse_H!(H_colptr, H_rowval, H_nzval, Q, R, N; Qf = Qf, S = S) H = SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC( (N + 1) * ns + nu * N, (N + 1) * ns + nu * N, H_colptr, H_rowval, H_nzval, ) _set_sparse_J!(J_colptr, J_rowval, J_nzval, A, B, E, F, K, N) J = SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC( (nc + ns) * N, (N + 1) * ns + nu * N, J_colptr, J_rowval, J_nzval, ) c0 = zero(T) nvar = ns * (N + 1) + nu * N c = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T) lvar = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T) uvar = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T) lvar[1:ns] = s0 uvar[1:ns] = s0 lcon = _init_similar(s0, ns * N + N * nc, T) ucon = _init_similar(s0, ns * N + N * nc, T) ncon = size(J, 1) nnzj = length(J.rowval) nnzh = length(H.rowval) lcon[1:(ns * N)] .= -w ucon[1:(ns * N)] .= -w for i = 1:N lvar[(i * ns + 1):((i + 1) * ns)] = sl uvar[(i * ns + 1):((i + 1) * ns)] = su lcon[(ns * N + 1 + (i - 1) * nc):(ns * N + i * nc)] = gl ucon[(ns * N + 1 + (i - 1) * nc):(ns * N + i * nc)] = gu end for j = 1:N lvar[((N + 1) * ns + (j - 1) * nu + 1):((N + 1) * ns + j * nu)] = ul uvar[((N + 1) * ns + (j - 1) * nu + 1):((N + 1) * ns + j * nu)] = uu end SparseLQDynamicModel( NLPModels.NLPModelMeta( nvar, x0 = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T), lvar = lvar, uvar = uvar, ncon = ncon, lcon = lcon, ucon = ucon, nnzj = nnzj, nnzh = nnzh, lin = 1:ncon, islp = (ncon == 0); ), NLPModels.Counters(), QuadraticModels.QPData(c0, c, H, J), dnlp, ) end function _build_sparse_lq_dynamic_model( dnlp::LQDynamicData{T, V, M, MK}, ) where {T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: SparseMatrixCSC{T}, MK <: SparseMatrixCSC{T}} s0 = dnlp.s0 A = dnlp.A B = dnlp.B Q = dnlp.Q R = dnlp.R N = dnlp.N Qf = dnlp.Qf S = dnlp.S ns = dnlp.ns nu = E = dnlp.E F = dnlp.F K = dnlp.K w = dnlp.w sl = su = ul = dnlp.ul uu = dnlp.uu gl = gu = nc = size(E, 1) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(A) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(B) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(Q) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(R) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(Qf) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(E) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(F) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(S) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(K) bool_vec = (ul .!= -Inf .|| uu .!= Inf) num_real_bounds = sum(bool_vec) # Transform u variables to v variables new_Q = _init_similar(Q, size(Q, 1), size(Q, 2), T) new_S = _init_similar(S, size(S, 1), size(S, 2), T) new_A = _init_similar(A, size(A, 1), size(A, 2), T) new_E = _init_similar(E, size(E, 1), size(E, 2), T) KTR = _init_similar(Q, size(K, 2), size(R, 2), T) SK = _init_similar(Q, size(S, 1), size(K, 2), T) KTRK = _init_similar(Q, size(K, 2), size(K, 2), T) BK = _init_similar(Q, size(B, 1), size(K, 2), T) FK = _init_similar(Q, size(F, 1), size(K, 2), T) H_colptr = zeros(Int, ns * (N + 1) + nu * N + 1) H_rowval = zeros( Int, length(Q.rowval) * N + length(R.rowval) * N + 2 * length(S.rowval) * N + length(Qf.rowval), ) H_nzval = zeros( T, length(Q.nzval) * N + length(R.nzval) * N + 2 * length(S.nzval) * N + length(Qf.nzval), ) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(new_Q, Q) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(new_S, S) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(new_A, A) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(new_E, E) LinearAlgebra.mul!(KTR, K', R) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, KTR, new_S) LinearAlgebra.mul!(SK, S, K) LinearAlgebra.mul!(KTRK, KTR, K) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, SK, new_Q) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, SK', new_Q) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, KTRK, new_Q) LinearAlgebra.mul!(BK, B, K) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, BK, new_A) LinearAlgebra.mul!(FK, F, K) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, FK, new_E) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(new_Q) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(new_A) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(new_E) SparseArrays.dropzeros!(new_S) K_sparse = K[bool_vec, :] H_colptr = zeros(Int, ns * (N + 1) + nu * N + 1) H_rowval = zeros( Int, length(Q.rowval) * N + length(R.rowval) * N + 2 * length(new_S.rowval) * N + length(Qf.rowval), ) H_nzval = zeros( T, length(Q.nzval) * N + length(R.nzval) * N + 2 * length(new_S.nzval) * N + length(Qf.nzval), ) J_colptr = zeros(Int, ns * (N + 1) + nu * N + 1) J_rowval = zeros( Int, length(new_A.rowval) * N + length(B.rowval) * N + length(new_E.rowval) * N + length(F.rowval) * N + ns * N + length(K_sparse.rowval) * N + num_real_bounds * N, ) J_nzval = zeros( T, length(new_A.nzval) * N + length(B.nzval) * N + length(new_E.nzval) * N + length(F.nzval) * N + ns * N + length(K_sparse.nzval) * N + num_real_bounds * N, ) # Get H and J matrices from new matrices _set_sparse_H!(H_colptr, H_rowval, H_nzval, new_Q, R, N; Qf = Qf, S = new_S) H = SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC( (N + 1) * ns + nu * N, (N + 1) * ns + nu * N, H_colptr, H_rowval, H_nzval, ) _set_sparse_J!( J_colptr, J_rowval, J_nzval, new_A, B, new_E, F, K, bool_vec, N, num_real_bounds, ) J = SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC( ns * N + nc * N + num_real_bounds * N, (N + 1) * ns + nu * N, J_colptr, J_rowval, J_nzval, ) # Remove algebraic constraints if u variable is unbounded on both upper and lower ends lcon3 = _init_similar(ul, nu * N, T) ucon3 = _init_similar(ul, nu * N, T) ul = ul[bool_vec] uu = uu[bool_vec] lcon3 = repeat(ul, N) ucon3 = repeat(uu, N) nvar = ns * (N + 1) + nu * N lvar = similar(s0, nvar) fill!(lvar, -Inf) uvar = similar(s0, nvar) fill!(uvar, Inf) lvar[1:ns] = s0 uvar[1:ns] = s0 lcon = _init_similar(s0, ns * N + N * length(gl) + length(lcon3)) ucon = _init_similar(s0, ns * N + N * length(gl) + length(lcon3)) ncon = size(J, 1) nnzj = length(J.rowval) nnzh = length(H.rowval) lcon[1:(ns * N)] .= -w ucon[1:(ns * N)] .= -w for i = 1:N lvar[(i * ns + 1):((i + 1) * ns)] = sl uvar[(i * ns + 1):((i + 1) * ns)] = su lcon[(ns * N + 1 + (i - 1) * nc):(ns * N + i * nc)] = gl ucon[(ns * N + 1 + (i - 1) * nc):(ns * N + i * nc)] = gu end if length(lcon3) > 0 lcon[(1 + ns * N + N * nc):(ns * N + nc * N + num_real_bounds * N)] = lcon3 ucon[(1 + ns * N + N * nc):(ns * N + nc * N + num_real_bounds * N)] = ucon3 end c0 = zero(T) c = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T) SparseLQDynamicModel( NLPModels.NLPModelMeta( nvar, x0 = _init_similar(s0, nvar, T), lvar = lvar, uvar = uvar, ncon = ncon, lcon = lcon, ucon = ucon, nnzj = nnzj, nnzh = nnzh, lin = 1:ncon, islp = (ncon == 0); ), NLPModels.Counters(), QuadraticModels.QPData(c0, c, H, J), dnlp, ) end #set the data needed to build a SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC matrix. H_colptr, H_rowval, and H_nzval #are set so that they can be passed to SparseMatrixCSC() to obtain the `H` matrix such that # z^T H z = sum_{i=1}^{N-1} s_i^T Q s + sum_{i=1}^{N-1} u^T R u + s_N^T Qf s_n . function _set_sparse_H!( H_colptr, H_rowval, H_nzval, Q::M, R::M, N; Qf::M = Q, S::M = zeros(T, size(Q, 1), size(R, 1)), ) where {T, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}} ns = size(Q, 1) nu = size(R, 1) for i = 1:N for j = 1:ns H_nzval[(1 + (i - 1) * (ns^2 + nu * ns) + (j - 1) * (ns + nu)):(ns * j + nu * (j - 1) + (i - 1) * (ns^2 + nu * ns))] = @view Q[:, j] H_nzval[(1 + (i - 1) * (ns^2 + nu * ns) + j * ns + (j - 1) * nu):((i - 1) * (ns^2 + nu * ns) + j * (ns + nu))] = @view S[j, :] H_rowval[(1 + (i - 1) * (ns^2 + nu * ns) + (j - 1) * ns + (j - 1) * nu):(ns * j + nu * (j - 1) + (i - 1) * (ns^2 + nu * ns))] = (1 + (i - 1) * ns):(ns * i) H_rowval[(1 + (i - 1) * (ns^2 + nu * ns) + j * ns + (j - 1) * nu):((i - 1) * (ns^2 + nu * ns) + j * (ns + nu))] = (1 + (N + 1) * ns + nu * (i - 1)):((N + 1) * ns + nu * i) H_colptr[((i - 1) * ns + j)] = 1 + (ns + nu) * (j - 1) + (i - 1) * (ns * nu + ns * ns) end end for j = 1:ns H_nzval[(1 + N * (ns^2 + nu * ns) + (j - 1) * ns):(ns * j + N * (ns^2 + nu * ns))] = @view Qf[:, j] H_rowval[(1 + N * (ns^2 + nu * ns) + (j - 1) * ns):(ns * j + N * (ns^2 + nu * ns))] = (1 + N * ns):((N + 1) * ns) H_colptr[(N * ns + j)] = 1 + ns * (j - 1) + N * (ns * nu + ns * ns) end offset = ns^2 * (N + 1) + ns * nu * N for i = 1:N for j = 1:nu H_nzval[(1 + offset + (i - 1) * (nu^2 + ns * nu) + (j - 1) * (nu + ns)):(offset + (i - 1) * (nu^2 + ns * nu) + (j - 1) * nu + j * ns)] = @view S[:, j] H_nzval[(1 + offset + (i - 1) * (nu^2 + ns * nu) + (j - 1) * nu + j * ns):(offset + (i - 1) * (nu^2 + ns * nu) + j * (ns + nu))] = @view R[:, j] H_rowval[(1 + offset + (i - 1) * (nu^2 + ns * nu) + (j - 1) * (nu + ns)):(offset + (i - 1) * (nu^2 + ns * nu) + (j - 1) * nu + j * ns)] = (1 + (i - 1) * ns):(i * ns) H_rowval[(1 + offset + (i - 1) * (nu^2 + ns * nu) + (j - 1) * nu + j * ns):(offset + (i - 1) * (nu^2 + ns * nu) + j * (ns + nu))] = (1 + (N + 1) * ns + (i - 1) * nu):((N + 1) * ns + i * nu) H_colptr[(N + 1) * ns + (i - 1) * nu + j] = 1 + offset + (ns + nu) * (j - 1) + (nu^2 + ns * nu) * (i - 1) end end H_colptr[ns * (N + 1) + nu * N + 1] = length(H_nzval) + 1 end function _set_sparse_H!( H_colptr, H_rowval, H_nzval, Q::M, R::M, N; Qf::M = Q, S::M = spzeros(T, size(Q, 1), size(R, 1)), ) where {T, M <: SparseMatrixCSC{T}} ST = SparseArrays.sparse(S') ns = size(Q, 1) nu = size(R, 1) H_colptr[1] = 1 for i = 1:N for j = 1:ns Q_offset = length(Q.colptr[j]:(Q.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) H_nzval[(H_colptr[ns * (i - 1) + j]):(H_colptr[ns * (i - 1) + j] + Q_offset - 1)] = Q.nzval[Q.colptr[j]:(Q.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] H_rowval[(H_colptr[ns * (i - 1) + j]):(H_colptr[ns * (i - 1) + j] + Q_offset - 1)] = Q.rowval[Q.colptr[j]:(Q.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ ns * (i - 1) ST_offset = length(ST.colptr[j]:(ST.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) H_nzval[(H_colptr[ns * (i - 1) + j] + Q_offset):(H_colptr[ns * (i - 1) + j] + Q_offset + ST_offset - 1)] = ST.nzval[ST.colptr[j]:(ST.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] H_rowval[(H_colptr[ns * (i - 1) + j] + Q_offset):(H_colptr[ns * (i - 1) + j] + Q_offset + ST_offset - 1)] = ST.rowval[ST.colptr[j]:(ST.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ (nu * (i - 1) + ns * (N + 1)) H_colptr[ns * (i - 1) + j + 1] = H_colptr[ns * (i - 1) + j] + Q_offset + ST_offset end end for j = 1:ns Qf_offset = length(Qf.colptr[j]:(Qf.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) H_nzval[(H_colptr[N * ns + j]):(H_colptr[N * ns + j] + Qf_offset - 1)] = Qf.nzval[Qf.colptr[j]:(Qf.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] H_rowval[(H_colptr[N * ns + j]):(H_colptr[N * ns + j] + Qf_offset - 1)] = Qf.rowval[Qf.colptr[j]:(Qf.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ (ns * N) H_colptr[ns * N + j + 1] = H_colptr[ns * N + j] + Qf_offset end for i = 1:N for j = 1:nu S_offset = length(S.colptr[j]:(S.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) H_nzval[(H_colptr[ns * (N + 1) + nu * (i - 1) + j]):(H_colptr[ns * (N + 1) + nu * (i - 1) + j] + S_offset - 1)] = S.nzval[S.colptr[j]:(S.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] H_rowval[(H_colptr[ns * (N + 1) + nu * (i - 1) + j]):(H_colptr[ns * (N + 1) + nu * (i - 1) + j] + S_offset - 1)] = S.rowval[S.colptr[j]:(S.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ ((i - 1) * ns) R_offset = length(R.colptr[j]:(R.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) H_nzval[(H_colptr[ns * (N + 1) + nu * (i - 1) + j] + S_offset):(H_colptr[ns * (N + 1) + nu * (i - 1) + j] + S_offset + R_offset - 1)] = R.nzval[R.colptr[j]:(R.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] H_rowval[(H_colptr[ns * (N + 1) + nu * (i - 1) + j] + S_offset):(H_colptr[ns * (N + 1) + nu * (i - 1) + j] + S_offset + R_offset - 1)] = R.rowval[R.colptr[j]:(R.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ ((i - 1) * nu + ns * (N + 1)) H_colptr[ns * (N + 1) + nu * (i - 1) + j + 1] = H_colptr[ns * (N + 1) + nu * (i - 1) + j] + S_offset + R_offset end end end # set the data needed to build a SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC matrix. J_colptr, J_rowval, and J_nzval # are set so that they can be passed to SparseMatrixCSC() to obtain the Jacobian, `J`. The Jacobian # contains the data for the following constraints: # As_i + Bu_i = s_{i + 1} # gl <= Es_i + Fu_i <= get_u # If `K` is defined, then this matrix also contains the constraints # ul <= Kx_i + v_i <= uu function _set_sparse_J!( J_colptr, J_rowval, J_nzval, A, B, E, F, K::MK, bool_vec, N, nb, ) where {T, MK <: AbstractMatrix{T}} # nb = num_real_bounds ns = size(A, 2) nu = size(B, 2) nc = size(E, 1) I_mat = _init_similar(A, nu, nu) I_mat[LinearAlgebra.diagind(I_mat)] .= T(1) # Set the first block column of A, E, and K for j = 1:ns J_nzval[(1 + (j - 1) * (ns + nc + nb)):((j - 1) * (nc + nb) + j * ns)] = @view A[:, j] J_nzval[(1 + (j - 1) * (nc + nb) + j * ns):(j * (ns + nc) + (j - 1) * nb)] = @view E[:, j] J_nzval[(1 + j * (ns + nc) + (j - 1) * nb):(j * (ns + nc + nb))] = @view K[:, j][bool_vec] J_rowval[(1 + (j - 1) * (ns + nc + nb)):((j - 1) * (nc + nb) + j * ns)] = 1:ns J_rowval[(1 + (j - 1) * (nc + nb) + j * ns):(j * (ns + nc) + (j - 1) * nb)] = (1 + ns * N):(nc + ns * N) J_rowval[(1 + j * (ns + nc) + (j - 1) * nb):(j * (ns + nc + nb))] = (1 + (ns + nc) * N):((ns + nc) * N + nb) J_colptr[j] = 1 + (j - 1) * (ns + nc + nb) end # Set the remaining block columns corresponding to states: -I, A, E, K for i = 2:N offset = (i - 1) * ns * (ns + nc + nb) + (i - 2) * ns for j = 1:ns J_nzval[1 + offset + (j - 1) * (ns + nc + nb + 1)] = T(-1) J_nzval[(1 + offset + (j - 1) * (ns + nc + nb) + j):(offset + j * ns + (j - 1) * (nc + nb) + j)] = @view A[:, j] J_nzval[(1 + offset + j * ns + (j - 1) * (nc + nb) + j):(offset + j * (ns + nc) + (j - 1) * nb + j)] = @view E[:, j] J_nzval[(1 + offset + j * (ns + nc) + (j - 1) * nb + j):(offset + j * (ns + nc + nb) + j)] = @view K[:, j][bool_vec] J_rowval[1 + offset + (j - 1) * (ns + nc + nb + 1)] = ns * (i - 2) + j J_rowval[(1 + offset + (j - 1) * (ns + nc + nb) + j):(offset + j * ns + (j - 1) * (nc + nb) + j)] = (1 + (i - 1) * ns):(i * ns) J_rowval[(1 + offset + j * ns + (j - 1) * (nc + nb) + j):(offset + j * (ns + nc) + (j - 1) * nb + j)] = (1 + N * ns + (i - 1) * nc):(N * ns + i * nc) J_rowval[(1 + offset + j * (ns + nc) + (j - 1) * nb + j):(offset + j * (ns + nc + nb) + j)] = (1 + N * (ns + nc) + (i - 1) * nb):(N * (ns + nc) + i * nb) J_colptr[(i - 1) * ns + j] = 1 + (j - 1) * (ns + nc + nb + 1) + offset end end # Set the column corresponding to states at N + 1, which are a single block of -I for j = 1:ns J_nzval[j + ns * (ns + nc + nb + 1) * N - ns] = T(-1) J_rowval[j + ns * (ns + nc + nb + 1) * N - ns] = j + (N - 1) * ns J_colptr[ns * N + j] = 1 + ns * (ns + nc + nb + 1) * N - ns + (j - 1) end # Set the remaining block columns corresponding to inputs: B, F, I nscol_offset = N * (ns^2 + nc * ns + nb * ns + ns) for i = 1:N offset = (i - 1) * (nu * ns + nu * nc + nb) + nscol_offset bool_offset = 0 for j = 1:nu J_nzval[(1 + offset + (j - 1) * (ns + nc) + bool_offset):(offset + j * ns + (j - 1) * nc + bool_offset)] = @view B[:, j] J_nzval[(1 + offset + j * ns + (j - 1) * nc + bool_offset):(offset + j * (ns + nc) + bool_offset)] = @view F[:, j] if bool_vec[j] J_nzval[1 + offset + j * (ns + nc) + bool_offset] = T(1) J_rowval[1 + offset + j * (ns + nc) + bool_offset] = (N * (ns + nc) + (i - 1) * nb + 1 + (bool_offset)) end J_rowval[(1 + offset + (j - 1) * (ns + nc) + bool_offset):(offset + j * ns + (j - 1) * nc + bool_offset)] = (1 + (i - 1) * ns):(i * ns) J_rowval[(1 + offset + j * ns + (j - 1) * nc + bool_offset):(offset + j * (ns + nc) + bool_offset)] = (1 + N * ns + (i - 1) * nc):(N * ns + i * nc) J_colptr[(ns * (N + 1) + (i - 1) * nu + j)] = 1 + offset + (j - 1) * (ns + nc) + bool_offset bool_offset += bool_vec[j] end end J_colptr[ns * (N + 1) + nu * N + 1] = length(J_nzval) + 1 end function _set_sparse_J!( J_colptr, J_rowval, J_nzval, A::M, B::M, E, F, K::MK, N, ) where {T, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: Nothing} # nb = num_real_bounds ns = size(A, 2) nu = size(B, 2) nc = size(E, 1) # Set the first block column of A, E, and K for j = 1:ns J_nzval[(1 + (j - 1) * (ns + nc)):((j - 1) * nc + j * ns)] = @view A[:, j] J_nzval[(1 + (j - 1) * nc + j * ns):(j * (ns + nc))] = @view E[:, j] J_rowval[(1 + (j - 1) * (ns + nc)):((j - 1) * nc + j * ns)] = 1:ns J_rowval[(1 + (j - 1) * nc + j * ns):(j * (ns + nc))] = (1 + ns * N):(nc + ns * N) J_colptr[j] = 1 + (j - 1) * (ns + nc) end # Set the remaining block columns corresponding to states: -I, A, E, K for i = 2:N offset = (i - 1) * ns * (ns + nc) + (i - 2) * ns for j = 1:ns J_nzval[1 + offset + (j - 1) * (ns + nc + 1)] = T(-1) J_nzval[(1 + offset + (j - 1) * (ns + nc) + j):(offset + j * ns + (j - 1) * nc + j)] = @view A[:, j] J_nzval[(1 + offset + j * ns + (j - 1) * nc + j):(offset + j * (ns + nc) + j)] = @view E[:, j] J_rowval[1 + offset + (j - 1) * (ns + nc + 1)] = ns * (i - 2) + j J_rowval[(1 + offset + (j - 1) * (ns + nc) + j):(offset + j * ns + (j - 1) * nc + j)] = (1 + (i - 1) * ns):(i * ns) J_rowval[(1 + offset + j * ns + (j - 1) * nc + j):(offset + j * (ns + nc) + j)] = (1 + N * ns + (i - 1) * nc):(N * ns + i * nc) J_colptr[(i - 1) * ns + j] = 1 + (j - 1) * (ns + nc + 1) + offset end end # Set the column corresponding to states at N + 1, which are a single block of -I for j = 1:ns J_nzval[j + ns * (ns + nc + 1) * N - ns] = T(-1) J_rowval[j + ns * (ns + nc + 1) * N - ns] = j + (N - 1) * ns J_colptr[ns * N + j] = 1 + ns * (ns + nc + 1) * N - ns + (j - 1) end # Set the remaining block columns corresponding to inputs: B, F, I nscol_offset = N * (ns^2 + nc * ns + ns) for i = 1:N offset = (i - 1) * (nu * ns + nu * nc) + nscol_offset for j = 1:nu J_nzval[(1 + offset + (j - 1) * (ns + nc)):(offset + j * ns + (j - 1) * nc)] = @view B[:, j] J_nzval[(1 + offset + j * ns + (j - 1) * nc):(offset + j * (ns + nc))] = @view F[:, j] J_rowval[(1 + offset + (j - 1) * (ns + nc)):(offset + j * ns + (j - 1) * nc)] = (1 + (i - 1) * ns):(i * ns) J_rowval[(1 + offset + j * ns + (j - 1) * nc):(offset + j * (ns + nc))] = (1 + N * ns + (i - 1) * nc):(N * ns + i * nc) J_colptr[(ns * (N + 1) + (i - 1) * nu + j)] = 1 + offset + (j - 1) * (ns + nc) end end J_colptr[ns * (N + 1) + nu * N + 1] = length(J_nzval) + 1 end function _set_sparse_J!( J_colptr, J_rowval, J_nzval, A::M, B::M, E::M, F::M, K::MK, bool_vec, N, nb, ) where {T, M <: SparseMatrixCSC{T}, MK <: SparseMatrixCSC{T}} ns = size(A, 2) nu = size(B, 2) nc = size(E, 1) I_mat = _init_similar(K, nu, nu) I_mat[LinearAlgebra.diagind(I_mat)] .= T(1) KI = I_mat[bool_vec, :] K_sparse = K[bool_vec, :] J_colptr[1] = 1 # Set the first block column of A, E, and K for j = 1:ns A_offset = length(A.colptr[j]:(A.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) J_nzval[(J_colptr[j]):(J_colptr[j] + A_offset - 1)] = A.nzval[A.colptr[j]:(A.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] J_rowval[(J_colptr[j]):(J_colptr[j] + A_offset - 1)] = A.rowval[A.colptr[j]:(A.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] E_offset = length(E.colptr[j]:(E.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) J_nzval[(J_colptr[j] + A_offset):(J_colptr[j] + A_offset + E_offset - 1)] = E.nzval[E.colptr[j]:(E.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] J_rowval[(J_colptr[j] + A_offset):(J_colptr[j] + A_offset + E_offset - 1)] = E.rowval[E.colptr[j]:(E.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ (ns * N) K_offset = length(K_sparse.colptr[j]:(K_sparse.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) ( J_nzval[(J_colptr[j] + A_offset + E_offset):(J_colptr[j] + A_offset + E_offset + K_offset - 1)] = K_sparse.nzval[K_sparse.colptr[j]:(K_sparse.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] ) ( J_rowval[(J_colptr[j] + A_offset + E_offset):(J_colptr[j] + A_offset + E_offset + K_offset - 1)] = K_sparse.rowval[K_sparse.colptr[j]:(K_sparse.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ ((ns + nc) * N) ) J_colptr[j + 1] = J_colptr[j] + A_offset + E_offset + K_offset end # Set the remaining block columns corresponding to states: -I, A, E, K for i = 2:N for j = 1:ns J_nzval[J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns]] = T(-1) J_rowval[J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns]] = ns * (i - 2) + j A_offset = length(A.colptr[j]:(A.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) J_nzval[(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1):(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1 + A_offset - 1)] = A.nzval[A.colptr[j]:(A.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] J_rowval[(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1):(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1 + A_offset - 1)] = A.rowval[A.colptr[j]:(A.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ (ns * (i - 1)) E_offset = length(E.colptr[j]:(E.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) ( J_nzval[(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1 + A_offset):(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1 + A_offset + E_offset - 1)] = E.nzval[E.colptr[j]:(E.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] ) ( J_rowval[(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1 + A_offset):(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1 + A_offset + E_offset - 1)] = E.rowval[E.colptr[j]:(E.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ (ns * N + nc * (i - 1)) ) K_offset = length(K_sparse.colptr[j]:(K_sparse.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) ( J_nzval[(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1 + A_offset + E_offset):(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1 + A_offset + E_offset + K_offset - 1)] = K_sparse.nzval[K_sparse.colptr[j]:(K_sparse.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] ) ( J_rowval[(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1 + A_offset + E_offset):(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1 + A_offset + E_offset + K_offset - 1)] = K_sparse.rowval[K_sparse.colptr[j]:(K_sparse.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ ((ns + nc) * N + nb * (i - 1)) ) J_colptr[ns * (i - 1) + j + 1] = J_colptr[ns * (i - 1) + j] + 1 + A_offset + E_offset + K_offset end end # Set the column corresponding to states at N + 1, which are a single block of -I for j = 1:ns J_nzval[J_colptr[ns * N + j]] = T(-1) J_rowval[J_colptr[ns * N + j]] = ns * (N - 1) + j J_colptr[ns * N + j + 1] = J_colptr[ns * N + j] + 1 end # Set the remaining block columns corresponding to inputs: B, F, I for i = 1:N offset = ns * (N + 1) + nu * (i - 1) for j = 1:nu B_offset = length(B.colptr[j]:(B.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) J_nzval[(J_colptr[offset + j]):(J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset - 1)] = B.nzval[B.colptr[j]:(B.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] J_rowval[(J_colptr[offset + j]):(J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset - 1)] = B.rowval[B.colptr[j]:(B.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ (ns * (i - 1)) F_offset = length(F.colptr[j]:(F.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) ( J_nzval[(J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset):(J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset + F_offset - 1)] = F.nzval[F.colptr[j]:(F.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] ) ( J_rowval[(J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset):(J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset + F_offset - 1)] = F.rowval[F.colptr[j]:(F.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ (ns * N + nc * (i - 1)) ) KI_offset = length(KI.colptr[j]:(KI.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) ( J_nzval[(J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset + F_offset):(J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset + F_offset + KI_offset - 1)] = KI.nzval[KI.colptr[j]:(KI.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] ) ( J_rowval[(J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset + F_offset):(J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset + F_offset + KI_offset - 1)] = KI.rowval[KI.colptr[j]:(KI.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ ((ns + nc) * N + nb * (i - 1)) ) J_colptr[offset + j + 1] = J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset + F_offset + KI_offset end end end function _set_sparse_J!( J_colptr, J_rowval, J_nzval, A::M, B::M, E::M, F::M, K::MK, N, ) where {T, M <: SparseMatrixCSC{T}, MK <: Nothing} ns = size(A, 2) nu = size(B, 2) nc = size(E, 1) J_colptr[1] = 1 # Set the first block column of A, E, and K for j = 1:ns A_offset = length(A.colptr[j]:(A.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) J_nzval[(J_colptr[j]):(J_colptr[j] + A_offset - 1)] = A.nzval[A.colptr[j]:(A.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] J_rowval[(J_colptr[j]):(J_colptr[j] + A_offset - 1)] = A.rowval[A.colptr[j]:(A.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] E_offset = length(E.colptr[j]:(E.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) J_nzval[(J_colptr[j] + A_offset):(J_colptr[j] + A_offset + E_offset - 1)] = E.nzval[E.colptr[j]:(E.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] J_rowval[(J_colptr[j] + A_offset):(J_colptr[j] + A_offset + E_offset - 1)] = E.rowval[E.colptr[j]:(E.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ (ns * N) J_colptr[j + 1] = J_colptr[j] + A_offset + E_offset end # Set the remaining block columns corresponding to states: -I, A, E for i = 2:N for j = 1:ns J_nzval[J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns]] = T(-1) J_rowval[J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns]] = ns * (i - 2) + j A_offset = length(A.colptr[j]:(A.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) J_nzval[(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1):(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1 + A_offset - 1)] = A.nzval[A.colptr[j]:(A.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] J_rowval[(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1):(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1 + A_offset - 1)] = A.rowval[A.colptr[j]:(A.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ (ns * (i - 1)) E_offset = length(E.colptr[j]:(E.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) ( J_nzval[(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1 + A_offset):(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1 + A_offset + E_offset - 1)] = E.nzval[E.colptr[j]:(E.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] ) ( J_rowval[(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1 + A_offset):(J_colptr[j + (i - 1) * ns] + 1 + A_offset + E_offset - 1)] = E.rowval[E.colptr[j]:(E.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ (ns * N + nc * (i - 1)) ) J_colptr[ns * (i - 1) + j + 1] = J_colptr[ns * (i - 1) + j] + 1 + A_offset + E_offset end end # Set the column corresponding to states at N + 1, which are a single block of -I for j = 1:ns J_nzval[J_colptr[ns * N + j]] = T(-1) J_rowval[J_colptr[ns * N + j]] = ns * (N - 1) + j J_colptr[ns * N + j + 1] = J_colptr[ns * N + j] + 1 end # Set the remaining block columns corresponding to inputs: B, F for i = 1:N offset = ns * (N + 1) + nu * (i - 1) for j = 1:nu B_offset = length(B.colptr[j]:(B.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) J_nzval[(J_colptr[offset + j]):(J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset - 1)] = B.nzval[B.colptr[j]:(B.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] J_rowval[(J_colptr[offset + j]):(J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset - 1)] = B.rowval[B.colptr[j]:(B.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ (ns * (i - 1)) F_offset = length(F.colptr[j]:(F.colptr[j + 1] - 1)) ( J_nzval[(J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset):(J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset + F_offset - 1)] = F.nzval[F.colptr[j]:(F.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] ) ( J_rowval[(J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset):(J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset + F_offset - 1)] = F.rowval[F.colptr[j]:(F.colptr[j + 1] - 1)] .+ (ns * N + nc * (i - 1)) ) J_colptr[offset + j + 1] = J_colptr[offset + j] + B_offset + F_offset end end end
[ "MIT" ]
""" get_u(solution_ref, lqdm::SparseLQDynamicModel) -> u <: vector get_u(solution_ref, lqdm::DenseLQDynamicModel) -> u <: vector Query the solution `u` from the solver. If `K = nothing`, the solution for `u` is queried from `solution_ref.solution` If `K <: AbstractMatrix`, `solution_ref.solution` returns `v`, and `get_u` solves for `u` using the `K` matrix (and the `A` and `B` matrices if `lqdm <: DenseLQDynamicModel`) """ function get_u( solver_status, lqdm::SparseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3, MK}, ) where { T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M1 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, M2 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, M3 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: AbstractMatrix{T}, } solution = solver_status.solution ns = lqdm.dynamic_data.ns nu = N = lqdm.dynamic_data.N K = lqdm.dynamic_data.K u = zeros(T, nu * N) for i = 1:N start_v = (i - 1) * nu + 1 end_v = i * nu start_s = (i - 1) * ns + 1 end_s = i * ns Ks = zeros(T, size(K, 1), 1) s = solution[start_s:end_s] v = solution[(ns * (N + 1) + start_v):(ns * (N + 1) + end_v)] LinearAlgebra.mul!(Ks, K, s) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, v, Ks) u[start_v:end_v] = Ks end return u end function get_u( solver_status, lqdm::DenseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3, M4, MK}, ) where { T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M1 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, M2 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, M3 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, M4 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: AbstractMatrix{T}, } dnlp = lqdm.dynamic_data N = dnlp.N ns = dnlp.ns nu = K = dnlp.K block_A = lqdm.blocks.A block_B = lqdm.blocks.B block_Aw = lqdm.blocks.Aw v = solver_status.solution As0 = zeros(T, ns * (N + 1)) Bv = zeros(T, ns) s = zeros(T, ns * (N + 1)) for i = 1:N B_row_range = (1 + (i - 1) * ns):(i * ns) B_sub_block = view(block_B, B_row_range, :) for j = 1:(N - i + 1) v_sub_vec = v[(1 + nu * (j - 1)):(nu * j)] LinearAlgebra.mul!(Bv, B_sub_block, v_sub_vec) s[(1 + ns * (i + j - 1)):(ns * (i + j))] .+= Bv end end LinearAlgebra.mul!(As0, block_A, dnlp.s0) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, As0, s) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, block_Aw, s) Ks = _init_similar(dnlp.s0, size(K, 1), T) u = copy(v) for i = 1:N LinearAlgebra.mul!(Ks, K, s[(1 + ns * (i - 1)):(ns * i)]) u[(1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i)] .+= Ks end return u end function get_u( solver_status, lqdm::SparseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3, MK}, ) where { T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M1 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, M2 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, M3 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: Nothing, } solution = solver_status.solution ns = lqdm.dynamic_data.ns nu = N = lqdm.dynamic_data.N u = solution[(ns * (N + 1) + 1):end] return u end function get_u( solver_status, lqdm::DenseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3, M4, MK}, ) where { T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M1 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, M2 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, M3 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, M4 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: Nothing, } return copy(solver_status.solution) end """ get_s(solution_ref, lqdm::SparseLQDynamicModel) -> s <: vector get_s(solution_ref, lqdm::DenseLQDynamicModel) -> s <: vector Query the solution `s` from the solver. If `lqdm <: SparseLQDynamicModel`, the solution is queried directly from `solution_ref.solution` If `lqdm <: DenseLQDynamicModel`, then `solution_ref.solution` returns `u` (if `K = nothing`) or `v` (if `K <: AbstactMatrix`), and `s` is found form transforming `u` or `v` into `s` using `A`, `B`, and `K` matrices. """ function get_s( solver_status, lqdm::SparseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3, MK}, ) where { T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M1 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, M2 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, M3 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: Union{Nothing, AbstractMatrix}, } solution = solver_status.solution ns = lqdm.dynamic_data.ns N = lqdm.dynamic_data.N s = solution[1:(ns * (N + 1))] return s end function get_s( solver_status, lqdm::DenseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3, M4, MK}, ) where { T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M1 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, M2 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, M3 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, M4 <: AbstractMatrix{T}, MK <: Union{Nothing, AbstractMatrix}, } dnlp = lqdm.dynamic_data N = dnlp.N ns = dnlp.ns nu = block_A = lqdm.blocks.A block_B = lqdm.blocks.B block_Aw = lqdm.blocks.Aw v = solver_status.solution As0 = zeros(T, ns * (N + 1)) Bv = zeros(T, ns) s = zeros(T, ns * (N + 1)) for i = 1:N B_row_range = (1 + (i - 1) * ns):(i * ns) B_sub_block = view(block_B, B_row_range, :) for j = 1:(N - i + 1) v_sub_vec = v[(1 + nu * (j - 1)):(nu * j)] LinearAlgebra.mul!(Bv, B_sub_block, v_sub_vec) s[(1 + ns * (i + j - 1)):(ns * (i + j))] .+= Bv end end LinearAlgebra.mul!(As0, block_A, dnlp.s0) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, As0, s) LinearAlgebra.axpy!(1, block_Aw, s) return s end for field in fieldnames(LQDynamicData) method = Symbol("get_", field) @eval begin @doc """ $($method)(LQDynamicData) $($method)(SparseLQDynamicModel) $($method)(DenseLQDynamicModel) Return the value of $($(QuoteNode(field))) from `LQDynamicData` or `SparseLQDynamicModel.dynamic_data` or `DenseLQDynamicModel.dynamic_data` """ $method(dyn_data::LQDynamicData) = getproperty(dyn_data, $(QuoteNode(field))) end @eval $method(dyn_model::SparseLQDynamicModel) = $method(dyn_model.dynamic_data) @eval $method(dyn_model::DenseLQDynamicModel) = $method(dyn_model.dynamic_data) @eval export $method end for field in [:A, :B, :Q, :R, :Qf, :E, :F, :S, :K] method = Symbol("set_", field, "!") @eval begin @doc """ $($method)(LQDynamicData, row, col, val) $($method)(SparseLQDynamicModel, row, col, val) $($method)(DenseLQDynamicModel, row, col, val) Set the value of entry $($(QuoteNode(field)))[row, col] to val for `LQDynamicData`, `SparseLQDynamicModel.dynamic_data`, or `DenseLQDynamicModel.dynamic_data` """ $method(dyn_data::LQDynamicData, row, col, val) = (dyn_data.$field[row, col] = val) end @eval $method(dyn_model::SparseLQDynamicModel, row, col, val) = (dyn_model.dynamic_data.$field[row, col] = val) @eval $method(dyn_model::DenseLQDynamicModel, row, col, val) = (dyn_model.dynamic_data.$field[row, col] = val) @eval export $method end for field in [:s0, :sl, :su, :ul, :uu, :gl, :gu] method = Symbol("set_", field, "!") @eval begin @doc """ $($method)(LQDynamicData, index, val) $($method)(SparseLQDynamicModel, index, val) $($method)(DenseLQDynamicModel, index, val) Set the value of entry $($(QuoteNode(field)))[index] to val for `LQDynamicData`, `SparseLQDynamicModel.dynamic_data`, or `DenseLQDynamicModel.dynamic_data` """ $method(dyn_data::LQDynamicData, index, val) = (dyn_data.$field[index] = val) end @eval $method(dyn_model::SparseLQDynamicModel, index, val) = (dyn_model.dynamic_data.$field[index] = val) @eval $method(dyn_model::DenseLQDynamicModel, index, val) = (dyn_model.dynamic_data.$field[index] = val) @eval export $method end function fill_structure!(S::SparseMatrixCSC, rows, cols) count = 1 @inbounds for col = 1:size(S, 2), k = S.colptr[col]:(S.colptr[col + 1] - 1) rows[count] = S.rowval[k] cols[count] = col count += 1 end end function fill_coord!(S::SparseMatrixCSC, vals, obj_weight) count = 1 @inbounds for col = 1:size(S, 2), k = S.colptr[col]:(S.colptr[col + 1] - 1) vals[count] = obj_weight * S.nzval[k] count += 1 end end function NLPModels.hess_structure!( qp::SparseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3}, rows::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, cols::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, ) where {T, V, M1 <: SparseMatrixCSC, M2 <: SparseMatrixCSC, M3 <: AbstractMatrix} fill_structure!(, rows, cols) return rows, cols end function NLPModels.hess_structure!( qp::DenseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3}, rows::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, cols::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, ) where {T, V, M1 <: Matrix, M2 <: Matrix, M3 <: Matrix} count = 1 for j = 1:(qp.meta.nvar) for i = j:(qp.meta.nvar) rows[count] = i cols[count] = j count += 1 end end return rows, cols end function NLPModels.hess_coord!( qp::SparseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3}, x::AbstractVector{T}, vals::AbstractVector{T}; obj_weight::Real = one(eltype(x)), ) where {T, V, M1 <: SparseMatrixCSC, M2 <: SparseMatrixCSC, M3 <: AbstractMatrix} NLPModels.increment!(qp, :neval_hess) fill_coord!(, vals, obj_weight) return vals end function NLPModels.hess_coord!( qp::DenseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3}, x::AbstractVector{T}, vals::AbstractVector{T}; obj_weight::Real = one(eltype(x)), ) where {T, V, M1 <: Matrix, M2 <: Matrix, M3 <: Matrix} NLPModels.increment!(qp, :neval_hess) count = 1 for j = 1:(qp.meta.nvar) for i = j:(qp.meta.nvar) vals[count] = obj_weight *[i, j] count += 1 end end return vals end NLPModels.hess_coord!( qp::SparseLQDynamicModel, x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector, vals::AbstractVector; obj_weight::Real = one(eltype(x)), ) = NLPModels.hess_coord!(qp, x, vals, obj_weight = obj_weight) NLPModels.hess_coord!( qp::DenseLQDynamicModel, x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector, vals::AbstractVector; obj_weight::Real = one(eltype(x)), ) = NLPModels.hess_coord!(qp, x, vals, obj_weight = obj_weight) function NLPModels.jac_structure!( qp::SparseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3}, rows::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, cols::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, ) where {T, V, M1 <: SparseMatrixCSC, M2 <: SparseMatrixCSC, M3 <: AbstractMatrix} fill_structure!(, rows, cols) return rows, cols end function NLPModels.jac_structure!( qp::DenseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3}, rows::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, cols::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, ) where {T, V, M1 <: Matrix, M2 <: Matrix, M3 <: Matrix} count = 1 for j = 1:(qp.meta.nvar) for i = 1:(qp.meta.ncon) rows[count] = i cols[count] = j count += 1 end end return rows, cols end function NLPModels.jac_coord!( qp::SparseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3}, x::AbstractVector, vals::AbstractVector, ) where {T, V, M1 <: SparseMatrixCSC, M2 <: SparseMatrixCSC, M3 <: AbstractMatrix} NLPModels.increment!(qp, :neval_jac) fill_coord!(, vals, one(T)) return vals end function NLPModels.jac_coord!( qp::DenseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3}, x::AbstractVector, vals::AbstractVector, ) where {T, V, M1 <: Matrix, M2 <: Matrix, M3 <: Matrix} NLPModels.increment!(qp, :neval_jac) count = 1 for j = 1:(qp.meta.nvar) for i = 1:(qp.meta.ncon) vals[count] =[i, j] count += 1 end end return vals end function _dnlp_unsafe_wrap( tensor::A, dims::Tuple, shift = 1, ) where {T, A <: AbstractArray{T}} return unsafe_wrap(Matrix{T}, pointer(tensor, shift), dims) end function _dnlp_unsafe_wrap( tensor::A, dims::Tuple, shift = 1, ) where {T, A <: CUDA.CuArray{T, 3, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}} return unsafe_wrap( CUDA.CuArray{T, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, pointer(tensor, shift), dims, ) end function LinearAlgebra.mul!( y::V, Jac::LQJacobianOperator{T, M, A}, x::V, ) where {T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, A <: AbstractArray{T}} fill!(y, zero(T)) J1 = Jac.truncated_jac1 J2 = Jac.truncated_jac2 J3 = Jac.truncated_jac3 N = Jac.N nu = nc = nsc = Jac.nsc nuc = Jac.nuc for i = 1:N sub_B1 = _dnlp_unsafe_wrap(J1, (nc, nu), (1 + (i - 1) * (nc * nu))) sub_B2 = _dnlp_unsafe_wrap(J2, (nsc, nu), (1 + (i - 1) * (nsc * nu))) sub_B3 = _dnlp_unsafe_wrap(J3, (nuc, nu), (1 + (i - 1) * (nuc * nu))) for j = 1:(N - i + 1) sub_x = view(x, (1 + (j - 1) * nu):(j * nu)) LinearAlgebra.mul!( view(y, (1 + nc * (j + i - 2)):(nc * (j + i - 1))), sub_B1, sub_x, 1, 1, ) LinearAlgebra.mul!( view(y, (1 + nc * N + nsc * (j + i - 2)):(nc * N + nsc * (j + i - 1))), sub_B2, sub_x, 1, 1, ) LinearAlgebra.mul!( view( y, (1 + nc * N + nsc * N + nuc * (j + i - 2)):(nc * N + nsc * N + nuc * (j + i - 1)), ), sub_B3, sub_x, 1, 1, ) end end end function LinearAlgebra.mul!( x::V, Jac::LQJacobianOperator{T, M, A}, y::V, ) where { T, V <: CUDA.CuArray{T, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, A <: AbstractArray{T}, } J1 = Jac.truncated_jac1 J2 = Jac.truncated_jac2 J3 = Jac.truncated_jac3 N = Jac.N nu = nc = nsc = Jac.nsc nuc = Jac.nuc x1 = Jac.x1 x2 = Jac.x2 x3 = Jac.x3 y1 = Jac.y fill!(x1, zero(T)) fill!(x2, zero(T)) fill!(x3, zero(T)) for i = 1:N y1 .= y[(1 + (i - 1) * nu):(i * nu)] x1_view = view(x1, :, :, i:N) x2_view = view(x2, :, :, i:N) x3_view = view(x3, :, :, i:N) J1_view = view(J1, :, :, 1:(N - i + 1)) J2_view = view(J2, :, :, 1:(N - i + 1)) J3_view = view(J3, :, :, 1:(N - i + 1)) y1_view = view(y1, :, :, i:N) CUBLAS.gemm_strided_batched!('N', 'N', 1, J1_view, y1_view, 1, x1_view) CUBLAS.gemm_strided_batched!('N', 'N', 1, J2_view, y1_view, 1, x2_view) CUBLAS.gemm_strided_batched!('N', 'N', 1, J3_view, y1_view, 1, x3_view) end x[1:(nc * N)] .= reshape(x1, nc * N) x[(1 + nc * N):((nc + nsc) * N)] .= reshape(x2, nsc * N) x[(1 + (nc + nsc) * N):((nc + nsc + nuc) * N)] .= reshape(x3, nuc * N) end function LinearAlgebra.mul!( y::V, Jac::LinearOperators.AdjointLinearOperator{T, LQJacobianOperator{T, M, A}}, x::V, ) where {T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, A <: AbstractArray{T}} fill!(y, zero(T)) jac_op = get_jacobian(Jac) J1 = jac_op.truncated_jac1 J2 = jac_op.truncated_jac2 J3 = jac_op.truncated_jac3 N = jac_op.N nu = nc = nsc = jac_op.nsc nuc = jac_op.nuc for i = 1:N sub_B1 = _dnlp_unsafe_wrap(J1, (nc, nu), (1 + (i - 1) * (nc * nu))) sub_B2 = _dnlp_unsafe_wrap(J2, (nsc, nu), (1 + (i - 1) * (nsc * nu))) sub_B3 = _dnlp_unsafe_wrap(J3, (nuc, nu), (1 + (i - 1) * (nuc * nu))) for j = 1:(N - i + 1) x1 = view(x, (1 + (j + i - 2) * nc):((j + i - 1) * nc)) x2 = view(x, (1 + nc * N + (j + i - 2) * nsc):(nc * N + (j + i - 1) * nsc)) x3 = view( x, (1 + nc * N + nsc * N + (j + i - 2) * nuc):(nc * N + nsc * N + (j + i - 1) * nuc), ) LinearAlgebra.mul!(view(y, (1 + nu * (j - 1)):(nu * j)), sub_B1', x1, 1, 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(view(y, (1 + nu * (j - 1)):(nu * j)), sub_B2', x2, 1, 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(view(y, (1 + nu * (j - 1)):(nu * j)), sub_B3', x3, 1, 1) end end end function LinearAlgebra.mul!( y::V, Jac::LinearOperators.AdjointLinearOperator{T, LQJacobianOperator{T, M, A}}, x::V, ) where { T, V <: CUDA.CuArray{T, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, A <: AbstractArray{T}, } fill!(y, zero(T)) jac_op = get_jacobian(Jac) J1 = jac_op.truncated_jac1 J2 = jac_op.truncated_jac2 J3 = jac_op.truncated_jac3 N = jac_op.N nu = nc = nsc = jac_op.nsc nuc = jac_op.nuc x1 = jac_op.x1 x2 = jac_op.x2 x3 = jac_op.x3 y1 = jac_op.y x1 .= reshape(x[1:(nc * N)], (nc, 1, N)) x2 .= reshape(x[(1 + nc * N):((nc + nsc) * N)], (nsc, 1, N)) x3 .= reshape(x[(1 + (nc + nsc) * N):((nc + nsc + nuc) * N)], (nuc, 1, N)) for i = 1:N fill!(y1, zero(T)) y1_view = view(y1, :, :, 1:(N - i + 1)) x1_view = view(x1, :, :, i:N) x2_view = view(x2, :, :, i:N) x3_view = view(x3, :, :, i:N) J1_view = view(J1, :, :, 1:(N - i + 1)) J2_view = view(J2, :, :, 1:(N - i + 1)) J3_view = view(J3, :, :, 1:(N - i + 1)) CUBLAS.gemm_strided_batched!('T', 'N', 1, J1_view, x1_view, 1, y1_view) CUBLAS.gemm_strided_batched!('T', 'N', 1, J2_view, x2_view, 1, y1_view) CUBLAS.gemm_strided_batched!('T', 'N', 1, J3_view, x3_view, 1, y1_view) view(y, (1 + (i - 1) * nu):(i * nu)) .= sum(y1_view, dims = (2, 3)) end end """ get_jacobian(lqdm::DenseLQDynamicModel) -> LQJacobianOperator get_jacobian(Jac::AdjointLinearOpeartor{T, LQJacobianOperator}) -> LQJacobianOperator Gets the `LQJacobianOperator` from `DenseLQDynamicModel` (if the `QPdata` contains a `LQJacobian Operator`) or returns the `LQJacobian Operator` from the adjoint of the `LQJacobianOperator` """ function get_jacobian( lqdm::DenseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3, M4, MK}, ) where {T, V, M1, M2, M3, M4, MK} return end function get_jacobian( Jac::LinearOperators.AdjointLinearOperator{T, LQJacobianOperator{T, M, A}}, ) where {T, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, A <: AbstractArray{T}} return Jac' end function Base.length( Jac::LQJacobianOperator{T, M, A}, ) where {T, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, A <: AbstractArray{T}} return length(Jac.truncated_jac1) + length(Jac.truncated_jac2) + length(Jac.truncated_jac3) end function Base.size( Jac::LQJacobianOperator{T, M, A}, ) where {T, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, A <: AbstractArray{T}} return ( size(Jac.truncated_jac1, 1) + size(Jac.truncated_jac2, 1) + size(Jac.truncated_jac3, 1), size(Jac.truncated_jac1, 2), ) end function Base.eltype( Jac::LQJacobianOperator{T, M, A}, ) where {T, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, A <: AbstractMatrix{T}} return T end function Base.isreal( Jac::LQJacobianOperator{T, M, A}, ) where {T, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, A <: AbstractMatrix{T}} return isreal(Jac.truncated_jac1) && isreal(Jac.truncated_jac2) && isreal(Jac.truncated_jac3) end function Jac::LQJacobianOperator{T, M, A}, ) where {T, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, A <: AbstractMatrix{T}} show(Jac.truncated_jac1) end function Base.display( Jac::LQJacobianOperator{T, M, A}, ) where {T, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, A <: AbstractMatrix{T}} display(Jac.truncated_jac1) end """ LinearOperators.reset!(Jac::LQJacobianOperator{T, V, M}) Resets the values of attributes `SJ1`, `SJ2`, and `SJ3` to zero """ function LinearOperators.reset!( Jac::LQJacobianOperator{T, M, A}, ) where {T, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, A <: AbstractMatrix{T}} fill!(Jac.SJ1, T(0)) fill!(Jac.SJ2, T(0)) fill!(Jac.SJ3, T(0)) end function NLPModels.jac_op( lqdm::DenseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3, M4, MK}, x::V, ) where {T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M1, M2 <: LQJacobianOperator, M3, M4, MK} return end """ add_jtsj!(H::M, Jac::LQJacobianOperator{T, V, M}, Σ::V, alpha::Number = 1, beta::Number = 1) Generates `Jac' Σ Jac` and adds it to the matrix `H`. `alpha` and `beta` are scalar multipliers such `beta H + alpha Jac' Σ Jac` is stored in `H`, overwriting the existing value of `H` """ function add_jtsj!( H::M, Jac::LQJacobianOperator{T, M, A}, Σ::V, alpha::Number = 1, beta::Number = 1, ) where {T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, A <: AbstractArray{T}} J1 = Jac.truncated_jac1 J2 = Jac.truncated_jac2 J3 = Jac.truncated_jac3 N = Jac.N nu = nc = nsc = Jac.nsc nuc = Jac.nuc ΣJ1 = Jac.SJ1 ΣJ2 = Jac.SJ2 ΣJ3 = Jac.SJ3 LinearAlgebra.lmul!(beta, H) for i = 1:N left_block1 = _dnlp_unsafe_wrap(J1, (nc, nu), (1 + (i - 1) * (nc * nu))) left_block2 = _dnlp_unsafe_wrap(J2, (nsc, nu), (1 + (i - 1) * (nsc * nu))) left_block3 = _dnlp_unsafe_wrap(J3, (nuc, nu), (1 + (i - 1) * (nuc * nu))) for j = 1:(N + 1 - i) Σ_range1 = (1 + (N - j) * nc):((N - j + 1) * nc) Σ_range2 = (1 + nc * N + (N - j) * nsc):(nc * N + (N - j + 1) * nsc) Σ_range3 = (1 + (nc + nsc) * N + (N - j) * nuc):((nc + nsc) * N + (N - j + 1) * nuc) ΣJ1 .= left_block1 .* view(Σ, Σ_range1) ΣJ2 .= left_block2 .* view(Σ, Σ_range2) ΣJ3 .= left_block3 .* view(Σ, Σ_range3) for k = 1:(N - j - i + 2) right_block1 = _dnlp_unsafe_wrap(J1, (nc, nu), (1 + (k + i - 2) * (nc * nu))) right_block2 = _dnlp_unsafe_wrap(J2, (nsc, nu), (1 + (k + i - 2) * (nsc * nu))) right_block3 = _dnlp_unsafe_wrap(J3, (nuc, nu), (1 + (k + i - 2) * (nuc * nu))) row_range = (1 + nu * (N - i - j + 1)):(nu * (N - i - j + 2)) col_range = (1 + nu * (N - i - k - j + 2)):(nu * (N - i - k - j + 3)) LinearAlgebra.mul!( view(H, row_range, col_range), ΣJ1', right_block1, alpha, 1, ) LinearAlgebra.mul!( view(H, row_range, col_range), ΣJ2', right_block2, alpha, 1, ) LinearAlgebra.mul!( view(H, row_range, col_range), ΣJ3', right_block3, alpha, 1, ) end end end end function add_jtsj!( H::M, Jac::LQJacobianOperator{T, M, A}, Σ::V, alpha::Number = 1, beta::Number = 1, ) where {T, V <: CUDA.CuVector, M <: AbstractMatrix{T}, A <: AbstractArray{T}} J1 = Jac.truncated_jac1 J2 = Jac.truncated_jac2 J3 = Jac.truncated_jac3 N = Jac.N nu = nc = nsc = Jac.nsc nuc = Jac.nuc ΣJ1 = Jac.SJ1 ΣJ2 = Jac.SJ2 ΣJ3 = Jac.SJ3 H_sub_block = Jac.H_sub_block LinearAlgebra.lmul!(beta, H) for i = 1:N left_block1 = view(J1, :, :, i) left_block2 = view(J2, :, :, i) left_block3 = view(J3, :, :, i) for j = 1:(N + 1 - i) Σ_range1 = (1 + (N - j) * nc):((N - j + 1) * nc) Σ_range2 = (1 + nc * N + (N - j) * nsc):(nc * N + (N - j + 1) * nsc) Σ_range3 = (1 + (nc + nsc) * N + (N - j) * nuc):((nc + nsc) * N + (N - j + 1) * nuc) ΣJ1 .= left_block1 .* view(Σ, Σ_range1) ΣJ2 .= left_block2 .* view(Σ, Σ_range2) ΣJ3 .= left_block3 .* view(Σ, Σ_range3) for k = 1:(N - j - i + 2) right_block1 = view(J1, :, :, (k + i - 1)) right_block2 = view(J2, :, :, (k + i - 1)) right_block3 = view(J3, :, :, (k + i - 1)) row_range = (1 + nu * (N - i - j + 1)):(nu * (N - i - j + 2)) col_range = (1 + nu * (N - i - k - j + 2)):(nu * (N - i - k - j + 3)) LinearAlgebra.mul!(H_sub_block, ΣJ1', right_block1) H[row_range, col_range] .+= alpha .* H_sub_block LinearAlgebra.mul!(H_sub_block, ΣJ2', right_block2) H[row_range, col_range] .+= alpha .* H_sub_block LinearAlgebra.mul!(H_sub_block, ΣJ3', right_block3) H[row_range, col_range] .+= alpha .* H_sub_block end end end end """ reset_s0!(lqdm::SparseLQDynamicModel, s0) reset_s0!(lqdm::DenseLQDynamicModel, s0) Resets `s0` within `lqdm.dynamic_data`. For a `SparseLQDynamicModel`, this updates the variable bounds which fix the value of `s0`. For a `DenseLQDynamicModel`, also resets the constraint bounds on the Jacobian and resets the linear and constant terms within the objective function (i.e., `` and ``). This provides a way to update the model after each sample period. """ function reset_s0!( lqdm::SparseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3, MK}, s0::V, ) where {T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M1, M2, M3, MK} dnlp = lqdm.dynamic_data ns = dnlp.ns lqdm.dynamic_data.s0 .= s0 lqdm.meta.lvar[1:ns] .= s0 lqdm.meta.uvar[1:ns] .= s0 end function reset_s0!( lqdm::DenseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3, M4, MK}, s0::V, ) where {T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M1, M2, M3, M4, MK <: Nothing} dnlp = lqdm.dynamic_data dense_blocks = lqdm.blocks N = dnlp.N ns = dnlp.ns nu = E = dnlp.E F = dnlp.E ul = dnlp.ul uu = dnlp.uu sl = su = gl = gu = nc = size(E, 1) # Get matrices for multiplying by s0 block_A = dense_blocks.A block_Aw = dense_blocks.Aw block_h = dense_blocks.h block_h0 = dense_blocks.h01 block_d = dense_blocks.d block_dw = dense_blocks.dw block_h02 = dense_blocks.h02 h_constant = dense_blocks.h_constant h0_constant = dense_blocks.h0_constant lcon = lqdm.meta.lcon ucon = lqdm.meta.ucon # Reset s0 lqdm.dynamic_data.s0 .= s0 As0 = _init_similar(s0, ns * (N + 1), T) Qs0 = _init_similar(s0, ns, T) dl = repeat(gl, N) du = repeat(gu, N) bool_vec_s = (sl .!= -Inf .|| su .!= Inf) nsc = sum(bool_vec_s) sl = sl[bool_vec_s] su = su[bool_vec_s] LinearAlgebra.mul!(dl, block_d, s0, -1, 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(du, block_d, s0, -1, 1) # Reset constraint bounds corresponding to E and F matrices lcon[1:(nc * N)] .= dl ucon[1:(nc * N)] .= du lcon[1:(nc * N)] .-= block_dw ucon[1:(nc * N)] .-= block_dw LinearAlgebra.mul!(As0, block_A, s0) # reset linear term LinearAlgebra.mul!(, block_h, s0) += h_constant # reset constant term LinearAlgebra.mul!(Qs0, block_h0, s0) =, Qs0) / T(2) += h0_constant +=, block_h02) for i = 1:N # Reset bounds on constraints from state variable bounds lcon[(1 + nc * N + nsc * (i - 1)):(nc * N + nsc * i)] .= sl .- As0[(1 + ns * i):(ns * (i + 1))][bool_vec_s] .- block_Aw[(1 + ns * i):((i + 1) * ns)][bool_vec_s] ucon[(1 + nc * N + nsc * (i - 1)):(nc * N + nsc * i)] .= su .- As0[(1 + ns * i):(ns * (i + 1))][bool_vec_s] .- block_Aw[(1 + ns * i):((i + 1) * ns)][bool_vec_s] end end function reset_s0!( lqdm::DenseLQDynamicModel{T, V, M1, M2, M3, M4, MK}, s0::V, ) where {T, V <: AbstractVector{T}, M1, M2, M3, M4, MK <: AbstractMatrix{T}} dnlp = lqdm.dynamic_data dense_blocks = lqdm.blocks N = dnlp.N ns = dnlp.ns nu = E = dnlp.E F = dnlp.E K = dnlp.K ul = dnlp.ul uu = dnlp.uu sl = su = gl = gu = nc = size(E, 1) # Get matrices for multiplying by s0 block_A = dense_blocks.A block_Aw = dense_blocks.Aw block_h = dense_blocks.h block_h0 = dense_blocks.h01 block_d = dense_blocks.d block_dw = dense_blocks.dw block_KA = dense_blocks.KA block_KAw = dense_blocks.KAw block_h02 = dense_blocks.h02 h_constant = dense_blocks.h_constant h0_constant = dense_blocks.h0_constant lcon = lqdm.meta.lcon ucon = lqdm.meta.ucon # Reset s0 lqdm.dynamic_data.s0 .= s0 +=, block_h02) As0 = _init_similar(s0, ns * (N + 1), T) Qs0 = _init_similar(s0, ns, T) KAs0 = _init_similar(s0, nu * N, T) dl = repeat(gl, N) du = repeat(gu, N) bool_vec_s = (sl .!= -Inf .|| su .!= Inf) nsc = sum(bool_vec_s) bool_vec_u = (ul .!= -Inf .|| uu .!= Inf) nuc = sum(bool_vec_u) sl = sl[bool_vec_s] su = su[bool_vec_s] ul = ul[bool_vec_u] uu = uu[bool_vec_u] LinearAlgebra.mul!(dl, block_d, s0, -1, 1) LinearAlgebra.mul!(du, block_d, s0, -1, 1) # Reset constraint bounds corresponding to E and F matrices lcon[1:(nc * N)] .= dl ucon[1:(nc * N)] .= du lcon[1:(nc * N)] .-= block_dw ucon[1:(nc * N)] .-= block_dw LinearAlgebra.mul!(As0, block_A, s0) LinearAlgebra.mul!(KAs0, block_KA, s0) # reset linear term LinearAlgebra.mul!(, block_h, s0) += h_constant # reset constant term LinearAlgebra.mul!(Qs0, block_h0, s0) =, Qs0) / T(2) += h0_constant +=, block_h02) for i = 1:N # Reset bounds on constraints from state variable bounds lcon[(1 + nc * N + nsc * (i - 1)):(nc * N + nsc * i)] .= sl .- As0[(1 + ns * i):(ns * (i + 1))][bool_vec_s] .- block_Aw[(1 + i * ns):((i + 1) * ns)][bool_vec_s] ucon[(1 + nc * N + nsc * (i - 1)):(nc * N + nsc * i)] .= su .- As0[(1 + ns * i):(ns * (i + 1))][bool_vec_s] .- block_Aw[(1 + i * ns):((i + 1) * ns)][bool_vec_s] # Reset bounds on constraints from input variable bounds lcon[(1 + (nc + nsc) * N + nuc * (i - 1)):((nc + nsc) * N + nuc * i)] .= ul .- KAs0[(1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i)][bool_vec_u] .- block_KAw[(1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i)][bool_vec_u] ucon[(1 + (nc + nsc) * N + nuc * (i - 1)):((nc + nsc) * N + nuc * i)] .= uu .- KAs0[(1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i)][bool_vec_u] .- block_KAw[(1 + nu * (i - 1)):(nu * i)][bool_vec_u] end end
[ "MIT" ]
function test_mul(lq_dense, lq_dense_imp) dnlp = lq_dense.dynamic_data N = dnlp.N nu = J = get_jacobian(lq_dense) J_imp = get_jacobian(lq_dense_imp) Random.seed!(10) x = rand(nu * N) y = rand(size(J, 1)) x_imp = similar(lq_dense_imp.dynamic_data.s0, length(x)) y_imp = similar(lq_dense_imp.dynamic_data.s0, length(y)) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(x_imp, x) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(y_imp, y) LinearAlgebra.mul!(y, J, x) LinearAlgebra.mul!(y_imp, J_imp, x_imp) @test y ≈ Vector(y_imp) atol = 1e-14 x = rand(nu * N) y = rand(size(J, 1)) x_imp = similar(lq_dense_imp.dynamic_data.s0, length(x)) y_imp = similar(lq_dense_imp.dynamic_data.s0, length(y)) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(x_imp, x) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(y_imp, y) LinearAlgebra.mul!(x, J', y) LinearAlgebra.mul!(x_imp, J_imp', y_imp) @test x ≈ Vector(x_imp) atol = 1e-14 end function test_add_jtsj(lq_dense, lq_dense_imp) dnlp = lq_dense.dynamic_data N = dnlp.N nu = H = zeros(nu * N, nu * N) Random.seed!(10) J = get_jacobian(lq_dense) J_imp = get_jacobian(lq_dense_imp) ΣJ = similar(J); fill!(ΣJ, 0) x = rand(size(J, 1)) H_imp = similar(, nu * N, nu * N); fill!(H_imp, 0) x_imp = similar(lq_dense_imp.dynamic_data.s0, length(x)); LinearAlgebra.copyto!(x_imp, x) LinearAlgebra.mul!(ΣJ, Diagonal(x), J) LinearAlgebra.mul!(H, J', ΣJ) add_jtsj!(H_imp, J_imp, x_imp) @test LowerTriangular(Array(H_imp)) ≈ LowerTriangular(H) atol = 1e-10 end function dynamic_data_to_CUDA(dnlp::LQDynamicData) s0c = CuVector{Float64}(undef, length(dnlp.s0)) Ac = CuArray{Float64}(undef, size(dnlp.A)) Bc = CuArray{Float64}(undef, size(dnlp.B)) Qc = CuArray{Float64}(undef, size(dnlp.Q)) Rc = CuArray{Float64}(undef, size(dnlp.R)) Sc = CuArray{Float64}(undef, size(dnlp.S)) Ec = CuArray{Float64}(undef, size(dnlp.E)) Fc = CuArray{Float64}(undef, size(dnlp.F)) wc = CuArray{Float64}(undef, length(dnlp.w)) Qfc = CuArray{Float64}(undef, size(dnlp.Qf)) glc = CuVector{Float64}(undef, length( guc = CuVector{Float64}(undef, length( ulc = CuVector{Float64}(undef, length(dnlp.ul)) uuc = CuVector{Float64}(undef, length(dnlp.uu)) slc = CuVector{Float64}(undef, length( suc = CuVector{Float64}(undef, length( LinearAlgebra.copyto!(Ac, dnlp.A) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(Bc, dnlp.B) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(Qc, dnlp.Q) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(Rc, dnlp.R) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(s0c, dnlp.s0) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(Sc, dnlp.S) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(Ec, dnlp.E) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(Fc, dnlp.F) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(wc, dnlp.w) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(Qfc, dnlp.Qf) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(glc, LinearAlgebra.copyto!(guc, LinearAlgebra.copyto!(ulc, dnlp.ul) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(uuc, dnlp.uu) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(slc, LinearAlgebra.copyto!(suc, if dnlp.K != nothing Kc = CuArray{Float64}(undef, size(dnlp.K)) LinearAlgebra.copyto!(Kc, dnlp.K) else Kc = nothing end LQDynamicData(s0c, Ac, Bc, Qc, Rc, dnlp.N; Qf = Qfc, S = Sc, E = Ec, F = Fc, K = Kc, sl = slc, su = suc, ul = ulc, uu = uuc, gl = glc, gu = guc, w = wc ) end function test_sparse_support(lqdm) d = lqdm.dynamic_data (lqdm_sparse_data = SparseLQDynamicModel(d.s0, sparse(d.A), sparse(d.B), sparse(d.Q), sparse(d.R), d.N; sl =, ul = d.ul, su =, uu = d.uu, Qf = sparse(d.Qf), K = (d.K == nothing ? nothing : sparse(d.K)), S = sparse(d.S), E = sparse(d.E), F = sparse(d.F), gl =, gu = @test ≈ atol = 1e-10 @test ≈ atol = 1e-10 end function test_dense_reset_s0(dnlp, lq_dense, new_s0) lq_dense_test = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) dnlp.s0 .= new_s0 lq_dense_new_s0 = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) reset_s0!(lq_dense_test, new_s0) @test ≈ atol = 1e-10 @test ≈ atol = 1e-10 @test ≈ atol = 1e-10 @test ≈ atol = 1e-10 @test lq_dense_test.meta.lcon ≈ lq_dense_new_s0.meta.lcon atol = 1e-8 @test lq_dense_test.meta.ucon ≈ lq_dense_new_s0.meta.ucon atol = 1e-8 @test lq_dense_test.dynamic_data.s0 == lq_dense_new_s0.dynamic_data.s0 end function test_sparse_reset_s0(dnlp, lq_sparse, new_s0) reset_s0!(lq_sparse, new_s0) @test lq_sparse.dynamic_data.s0 == new_s0 end function runtests(model, dnlp, lq_sparse, lq_dense, lq_sparse_from_data, lq_dense_from_data, N, ns, nu) optimize!(model) solution_ref_sparse = madnlp(lq_sparse, max_iter=100) solution_ref_dense = madnlp(lq_dense, max_iter=100) solution_ref_sparse_from_data = madnlp(lq_sparse_from_data, max_iter=100) solution_ref_dense_from_data = madnlp(lq_dense_from_data, max_iter=100) @test objective_value(model) ≈ solution_ref_sparse.objective atol = 1e-7 @test objective_value(model) ≈ solution_ref_dense.objective atol = 1e-5 @test objective_value(model) ≈ solution_ref_sparse_from_data.objective atol = 1e-7 @test objective_value(model) ≈ solution_ref_dense_from_data.objective atol = 1e-5 @test solution_ref_sparse.solution[(ns * (N + 1) + 1):(ns * (N + 1) + nu*N)] ≈ solution_ref_dense.solution atol = 1e-5 @test solution_ref_sparse_from_data.solution[(ns * (N + 1) + 1):(ns * (N + 1) + nu*N)] ≈ solution_ref_dense_from_data.solution atol = 1e-5 # Test get_u and get_s functions with no K matrix s_values = value.(all_variables(model)[1:(ns * (N + 1))]) u_values = value.(all_variables(model)[(1 + ns * (N + 1)):(ns * (N + 1) + nu * N)]) @test s_values ≈ get_s(solution_ref_sparse, lq_sparse) atol = 1e-6 @test u_values ≈ get_u(solution_ref_sparse, lq_sparse) atol = 1e-6 @test s_values ≈ get_s(solution_ref_dense, lq_dense) atol = 2e-5 @test u_values ≈ get_u(solution_ref_dense, lq_dense) atol = 2e-5 test_sparse_support(lq_sparse) lq_dense_imp = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp; implicit = true) imp_test_set = [] push!(imp_test_set, lq_dense_imp) if CUDA.has_cuda_gpu() dnlp_cuda = dynamic_data_to_CUDA(dnlp) lq_dense_cuda = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp_cuda; implicit=true) push!(imp_test_set, lq_dense_cuda) end @testset "Test mul and add_jtsj!" for lq_imp in imp_test_set test_mul(lq_dense, lq_imp) test_add_jtsj(lq_dense, lq_imp) end new_s0 = copy(dnlp.s0) .+ .5 test_dense_reset_s0(dnlp, lq_dense, new_s0) new_s0 = copy(dnlp.s0) .+ 1 test_sparse_reset_s0(dnlp, lq_sparse, new_s0) end
[ "MIT" ]
using Test, DynamicNLPModels, MadNLP, Random, JuMP, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays, CUDA include("sparse_lq_test.jl") include("functions.jl") N = 3 # number of time steps ns = 2 # number of states nu = 1 # number of inputs # generate random Q, R, A, and B matrices Random.seed!(10) Q_rand = Random.rand(ns, ns) Q = Q_rand * Q_rand' + I R_rand = Random.rand(nu,nu) R = R_rand * R_rand' + I A_rand = rand(ns, ns) A = A_rand * A_rand' + I B = rand(ns, nu) # generate upper and lower bounds sl = rand(ns) ul = fill(-15.0, nu) su = sl .+ 4 uu = ul .+ 10 s0 = sl .+ 2 su_with_inf = copy(su) sl_with_inf = copy(sl) su_with_inf[1] = Inf sl_with_inf[1] = -Inf Qf_rand = Random.rand(ns,ns) Qf = Qf_rand * Qf_rand' + I E = rand(3, ns) F = rand(3, nu) gl = fill(-5.0, 3) gu = fill(15.0, 3) S = rand(ns, nu) w = rand(0.0:.0001:.25, ns * N) K = rand(nu, ns) # Test with no bounds model = build_QP_JuMP_model(Q,R,A,B, N;s0=s0, w = w) dnlp = LQDynamicData(copy(s0), A, B, Q, R, N; w = w) lq_sparse = SparseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_dense = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_sparse_from_data = SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; w = w) lq_dense_from_data = DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; w = w) runtests(model, dnlp, lq_sparse, lq_dense, lq_sparse_from_data, lq_dense_from_data, N, ns, nu) # Test with lower bounds model = build_QP_JuMP_model(Q,R,A,B, N;s0=s0, sl = sl, ul = ul, w = w) dnlp = LQDynamicData(copy(s0), A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, w = w) lq_sparse = SparseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_dense = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_sparse_from_data = SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, w = w) lq_dense_from_data = DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, w = w) runtests(model, dnlp, lq_sparse, lq_dense, lq_sparse_from_data, lq_dense_from_data, N, ns, nu) # Test with upper bounds model = build_QP_JuMP_model(Q,R,A,B, N;s0=s0, su = su, uu = uu, w = w) dnlp = LQDynamicData(copy(s0), A, B, Q, R, N; su = su, uu = uu, w = w) lq_sparse = SparseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_dense = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_sparse_from_data = SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; su = su, uu = uu, w = w) lq_dense_from_data = DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; su = su, uu = uu, w = w) runtests(model, dnlp, lq_sparse, lq_dense, lq_sparse_from_data, lq_dense_from_data, N, ns, nu) # Test with upper and lower bounds model = build_QP_JuMP_model(Q,R,A,B, N;s0=s0, sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, w = w) dnlp = LQDynamicData(copy(s0), A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, w = w) lq_sparse = SparseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_dense = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_sparse_from_data = SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl=sl, ul=ul, su = su, uu = uu, w = w) lq_dense_from_data = DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl=sl, ul=ul, su = su, uu = uu, w = w) runtests(model, dnlp, lq_sparse, lq_dense, lq_sparse_from_data, lq_dense_from_data, N, ns, nu) # Test with Qf matrix model = build_QP_JuMP_model(Q,R,A,B, N;s0=s0, sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, Qf = Qf, w = w) dnlp = LQDynamicData(copy(s0), A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, Qf = Qf, w = w) lq_sparse = SparseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_dense = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_sparse_from_data = SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, Qf = Qf, w = w) lq_dense_from_data = DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, Qf = Qf, w = w) runtests(model, dnlp, lq_sparse, lq_dense, lq_sparse_from_data, lq_dense_from_data, N, ns, nu) # Test with E and F matrix bounds model = build_QP_JuMP_model(Q,R,A,B, N;s0=s0, sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, w = w) dnlp = LQDynamicData(copy(s0), A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, w = w) lq_sparse = SparseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_dense = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_sparse_from_data = SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, w = w) lq_dense_from_data = DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, w = w) runtests(model, dnlp, lq_sparse, lq_dense, lq_sparse_from_data, lq_dense_from_data, N, ns, nu) # Test edge case where one state is unbounded, other(s) is bounded model = build_QP_JuMP_model(Q,R,A,B, N;s0=s0, sl = sl_with_inf, ul = ul, su = su_with_inf, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, w = w) dnlp = LQDynamicData(copy(s0), A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl_with_inf, ul = ul, su = su_with_inf, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, w = w) lq_sparse = SparseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_dense = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_sparse_from_data = SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl_with_inf, ul = ul, su = su_with_inf, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, w = w) lq_dense_from_data = DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl_with_inf, ul = ul, su = su_with_inf, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, w = w) runtests(model, dnlp, lq_sparse, lq_dense, lq_sparse_from_data, lq_dense_from_data, N, ns, nu) @test size(, 1) == size(E, 1) * 3 + sum(su_with_inf .!= Inf .|| sl_with_inf .!= -Inf) * N # Test S matrix case model = build_QP_JuMP_model(Q,R,A,B, N;s0=s0, sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, S = S, w = w) dnlp = LQDynamicData(copy(s0), A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, S = S, w = w) lq_sparse = SparseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_dense = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_sparse_from_data = SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, S = S, w = w) lq_dense_from_data = DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, S = S, w = w) runtests(model, dnlp, lq_sparse, lq_dense, lq_sparse_from_data, lq_dense_from_data, N, ns, nu) # Test K matrix case without S model = build_QP_JuMP_model(Q,R,A,B, N;s0=s0, sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, w = w) dnlp = LQDynamicData(copy(s0), A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, w = w) lq_sparse = SparseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_dense = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_sparse_from_data = SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, w = w) lq_dense_from_data = DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, w = w) runtests(model, dnlp, lq_sparse, lq_dense, lq_sparse_from_data, lq_dense_from_data, N, ns, nu) # Test K matrix case with S model = build_QP_JuMP_model(Q,R,A,B, N;s0=s0, sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, S = S, w = w) dnlp = LQDynamicData(copy(s0), A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, S = S, w = w) lq_sparse = SparseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_dense = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_sparse_from_data = SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, S = S, w = w) lq_dense_from_data = DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, S = S, w = w) runtests(model, dnlp, lq_sparse, lq_dense, lq_sparse_from_data, lq_dense_from_data, N, ns, nu) # Test K matrix case with S and with partial bounds on u nu = 2 # number of inputs # generate random Q, R, A, and B matrices Random.seed!(3) R_rand = Random.rand(nu,nu) R = R_rand * transpose(R_rand) + I B = rand(ns, nu) # generate upper and lower bounds ul = fill(-20.0, nu) uu = ul .+ 30 ul_with_inf = copy(ul) uu_with_inf = copy(uu) uu_with_inf[1] = Inf ul_with_inf[1] = -Inf F = rand(3, nu) S = rand(ns, nu) K = rand(nu, ns) model = build_QP_JuMP_model(Q,R,A,B, N;s0=s0, sl = sl, ul = ul_with_inf, su = su, uu = uu_with_inf, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, S = S, w = w) dnlp = LQDynamicData(copy(s0), A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul_with_inf, su = su, uu = uu_with_inf, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, S = S, w = w) lq_sparse = SparseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_dense = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_sparse_from_data = SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul_with_inf, su = su, uu = uu_with_inf, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, S = S, w = w) lq_dense_from_data = DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul_with_inf, su = su, uu = uu_with_inf, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, S = S, w = w) runtests(model, dnlp, lq_sparse, lq_dense, lq_sparse_from_data, lq_dense_from_data, N, ns, nu) # Test K with no bounds model = build_QP_JuMP_model(Q,R,A,B, N;s0=s0, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, w = w) dnlp = LQDynamicData(copy(s0), A, B, Q, R, N; E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, w = w) lq_sparse = SparseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_dense = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_sparse_from_data = SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, w = w) lq_dense_from_data = DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, w = w) runtests(model, dnlp, lq_sparse, lq_dense, lq_sparse_from_data, lq_dense_from_data, N, ns, nu) # Test get_* and set_* functions dnlp = LQDynamicData(copy(s0), A, B, Q, R, N; sl = sl, ul = ul, su = su, uu = uu, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, K = K, S = S, w = w) lq_sparse = SparseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) lq_dense = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp) @test get_A(dnlp) == A @test get_A(lq_sparse) == A @test get_A(lq_dense) == A rand_val = rand() Qtest = copy(Q) Qtest[1, 2] = rand_val set_Q!(dnlp, 1,2, rand_val) @test get_Q(dnlp) == Qtest Qtest[1, 1] = rand_val set_Q!(lq_sparse, 1, 1, rand_val) @test get_Q(lq_sparse) == Qtest Qtest[2, 1] = rand_val set_Q!(lq_dense, 2, 1, rand_val) @test get_Q(lq_dense) == Qtest rand_val = rand() gltest = copy(gl) gltest[1] = rand_val set_gl!(dnlp, 1, rand_val) @test get_gl(dnlp) == gltest gltest[2] = rand_val set_gl!(lq_sparse, 2, rand_val) @test get_gl(lq_sparse) == gltest gltest[3] = rand_val set_gl!(lq_dense, 3, rand_val) @test get_gl(lq_dense) == gltest # Test non-default vector/matrix on GenericArrays s0 = randn(Float32,2) A = randn(Float32,2,2) B = randn(Float32,2,2) Q = randn(Float32,2,2) R = randn(Float32,2,2) S = randn(Float32,2,2) K = randn(Float32,2,2) E = randn(Float32,2,2) F = randn(Float32,2,2) gl = randn(Float32,2) gu = gl .+ 2 sl = s0 .- 1 su = s0 .+ 1 ul = randn(Float32,2) uu = ul .+ 2 w = Float32.(rand(0.0:.0001:.25, ns * 10)) s0 = Test.GenericArray(s0) A = Test.GenericArray(A) B = Test.GenericArray(B) Q = Test.GenericArray(Q) R = Test.GenericArray(R) S = Test.GenericArray(S) K = Test.GenericArray(K) E = Test.GenericArray(E) F = Test.GenericArray(F) gl = Test.GenericArray(gl) gu = Test.GenericArray(gu) sl = Test.GenericArray(sl) su = Test.GenericArray(su) ul = Test.GenericArray(ul) uu = Test.GenericArray(uu) w = Test.GenericArray(w) @test (DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, 10; S = S, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, ul = ul, uu = uu, sl = sl, su = su, w = w) isa DenseLQDynamicModel{Float32, GenericArray{Float32, 1}, GenericArray{Float32, 2}, GenericArray{Float32, 2}, GenericArray{Float32, 2}, GenericArray{Float32, 2}, Nothing}) @test (DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, 10; K = K, S = S, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, ul = ul, uu = uu, sl = sl, su = su, w = w) isa DenseLQDynamicModel{Float32, GenericArray{Float32, 1}, GenericArray{Float32, 2}, GenericArray{Float32, 2}, GenericArray{Float32, 2}, GenericArray{Float32, 2}, GenericArray{Float32, 2}}) @test (SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, 10; S = S, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, ul = ul, uu = uu, sl = sl, su = su, w = w) isa SparseLQDynamicModel{Float32, GenericArray{Float32, 1}, SparseMatrixCSC{Float32, Int64}, SparseMatrixCSC{Float32, Int64}, GenericArray{Float32, 2}, Nothing}) @test (SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, 10; K = K, S = S, E = E, F = F, gl = gl, gu = gu, ul = ul, uu = uu, sl = sl, su = su, w = w) isa SparseLQDynamicModel{Float32, GenericArray{Float32, 1}, SparseMatrixCSC{Float32, Int64}, SparseMatrixCSC{Float32, Int64}, GenericArray{Float32, 2}, GenericArray{Float32, 2}}) # Test LQJacobianOperator APIs lq_dense_imp = DenseLQDynamicModel(dnlp; implicit=true) @test length(get_jacobian(lq_dense_imp)) == (length(get_jacobian(lq_dense_imp).truncated_jac1) + length(get_jacobian(lq_dense_imp).truncated_jac2) + length(get_jacobian(lq_dense_imp).truncated_jac3)) (@test size(get_jacobian(lq_dense_imp)) == (size(get_jacobian(lq_dense_imp).truncated_jac1, 1) + size(get_jacobian(lq_dense_imp).truncated_jac2, 1) + size(get_jacobian(lq_dense_imp).truncated_jac3, 1), size(get_jacobian(lq_dense_imp).truncated_jac1, 2))) @test isreal(get_jacobian(lq_dense_imp)) == isreal(get_jacobian(lq_dense_imp).truncated_jac1) @test eltype(get_jacobian(lq_dense_imp)) == eltype(get_jacobian(lq_dense_imp).truncated_jac1)
[ "MIT" ]
""" build_QP_JuMP_model(Q,R,A,B,N;...) -> JuMP.Model(...) Return a `JuMP.jl` Model for the quadratic problem min 1/2 ( sum_{i=1}^{N-1} s_i^T Q s + sum_{i=1}^{N-1} u^T R u + s_N^T Qf s_n ) s.t. s_{i+1} = As_i + Bs_i for i = 1,..., N-1 Optional Arguments - `Qf = []`: matrix multiplied by s_N in objective function (defaults to Q if not given) - `c = zeros(N*size(Q,1) + N*size(R,1)`: linear term added to objective funciton, c^T z - `sl = fill(-Inf, size(Q,1))`: lower bound on state variables - `su = fill(Inf, size(Q,1))`: upper bound on state variables - `ul = fill(-Inf, size(Q,1))`: lower bound on input variables - `uu = fill(Inf, size(Q,1))`: upper bound on input variables - `s0 = []`: initial state of the first state variables """ function build_QP_JuMP_model( Q,R,A,B, N; s0 = zeros(size(Q, 1)), sl = [], su = [], ul = [], uu = [], Qf = Q, E = [], F = [], gl = [], gu = [], S = zeros(size(Q, 1), size(R, 1)), K = zeros(size(R, 1), size(Q, 1)), w = zeros(size(Q, 1)) ) ns = size(Q,1) # Number of states nu = size(R,1) # Number of inputs NS = 1:ns # set of states NN = 1:N # set of times NU = 1:nu # set of inputs model = Model(MadNLP.Optimizer) # define model @variable(model, s[NS, 0:N]) # define states @variable(model, u[NU, 0:(N-1)]) # define inputs if !iszero(K) @variable(model, v[NU, 0:(N-1)]) end # Bound states/inputs if length(sl) > 0 for i in NS for j in 0:N if sl[i] != -Inf @constraint(model, s[i,j] >= sl[i]) end end end end if length(su) > 0 for i in NS for j in 0:N if su[i] != Inf @constraint(model, s[i,j] <= su[i]) end end end end if length(ul) > 0 for i in NU for j in 0:(N-1) if ul[i] != -Inf @constraint(model, u[i,j] >= ul[i]) end end end end if length(uu) > 0 for i in NU for j in 0:(N-1) if uu[i] != Inf @constraint(model, u[i,j] <= uu[i]) end end end end if length(s0) >0 for i in NS JuMP.fix(s[i,0], s0[i]) end end # Give constraints from A, B, matrices for s1 in NS for t in 0:(N - 1) @constraint(model, s[s1, t + 1] == sum(A[s1, s2] * s[s2, t] for s2 in NS) + sum(B[s1, u1] * u[u1, t] for u1 in NU) + w[s1 + t * ns]) end end # Constraints for Kx + v = u if !iszero(K) for u1 in NU @constraint(model, [t in 0:(N - 1)], u[u1, t] == v[u1, t] + sum( K[u1, s1] * s[s1,t] for s1 in NS)) end end # Add E, F constraints if length(E) > 0 for i in 1:size(E,1) @constraint(model,[t in 0:(N-1)], gl[i] <= sum(E[i, s1] * s[s1, t] for s1 in NS) + sum(F[i,u1] * u[u1, t] for u1 in NU)) @constraint(model,[t in 0:(N-1)], gu[i] >= sum(E[i, s1] * s[s1, t] for s1 in NS) + sum(F[i,u1] * u[u1, t] for u1 in NU)) end end # Give objective function as xT Q x + uT R u where x is summed over T and u is summed over T-1 @objective(model,Min, sum( 1/2 * Q[s1, s2]*s[s1,t]*s[s2,t] for s1 in NS, s2 in NS, t in 0:(N-1)) + sum( 1/2 * R[u1,u2] * u[u1, t] * u[u2,t] for t in 0:(N-1) , u1 in NU, u2 in NU) + sum( 1/2 * Qf[s1,s2] * s[s1,N] * s[s2, N] for s1 in NS, s2 in NS) + sum( S[s1, u1] * s[s1, t] * u[u1, t] for s1 in NS, u1 in NU, t in 0:(N-1)) ) return model end
[ "MIT" ]
# DynamicNLPModels.jl | **Documentation** | **Build Status** | **Coverage** | |:-----------------:|:----------------:|:----------------:| | [![doc](]( | [![build](]( | [![codecov](]( | DynamicNLPModels.jl is a package for [Julia]( designed for representing linear [model predictive control (MPC)]( problems. It includes an API for building a model from user defined data and querying solutions. ## Installation To install this package, please use ```julia using Pkg Pkg.add(url="") ``` or ```julia pkg> add ``` ## Overview DynamicNLPModels.jl can construct both sparse and condensed formulations for MPC problems based on user defined data. We use the methods discussed by [Jerez et al.]( to eliminate the states and condense the problem. DynamicNLPModels.jl constructs models that are subtypes of `AbstractNLPModel` from [NLPModels.jl]( enabling both the sparse and condensed models to be solved with a variety of different solver packages in Julia. DynamicNLPModels was designed in part with the goal of solving linear MPC problems on the GPU. This can be done within [MadNLP.jl]( using [MadNLPGPU.jl]( The general sparse formulation used within DynamicNLPModels.jl is $$\begin{align*} \min_{s, u, v} \quad & s_N^\top Q_f s_N + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i = 0}^{N-1} \left[ \begin{array}{c} s_i \\ u_i \end{array} \right]^\top \left[ \begin{array}{cc} Q & S \\ S^\top & R \end{array} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{c} s_i \\ u_i \end{array} \right]\\ \textrm{s.t.} \quad & s_{i+1} = As_i + Bu_i + w_i \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N - 1 \\ & u_i = Ks_i + v_i \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N - 1 \\ & g^l \le E s_i + F u_i \le g^u \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N - 1\\ & s^l \le s_i \le s^u \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N \\ & u^l \le u_i \le u^u \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N - 1\\ & s_0 = \bar{s} \end{align*}$$ where $s_i$ are the states, $u_i$ are the inputs$, $N$ is the time horizon, $\bar{s}$ are the initial states, and $Q$, $R$, $A$, and $B$ are user defined data. The matrices $Q_f$, $S$, $K$, $E$, and $F$ and the vectors $w$, $g^l$, $g^u$, $s^l$, $s^u$, $u^l$, and $u^u$ are optional data. $v_t$ is only needed in the condensed formulation, and it arises when $K$ is defined by the user to ensure numerical stability of the condensed problem. The condensed formulation used within DynamicNLPModels.jl is $$\begin{align*} \min_{\boldsymbol{v}} \quad & \frac{1}{2} \boldsymbol{v}^\top \boldsymbol{H} \boldsymbol{v} + \boldsymbol{h}^\top \boldsymbol{v} + \boldsymbol{h}_0\\ \textrm{s.t.} \quad & d^l \le \boldsymbol{J} \boldsymbol{v} \le d^u. \end{align*}$$ ## Getting Started DynamicNLPModels.jl takes user defined data to form a `SparseLQDyanmicModel` or a `DenseLQDynamicModel`. The user can first create an object containing the `LQDynamicData`, or they can pass the data directly to the `SparseLQDynamicModel` or `DenseLQDynamicModel` constructors. ```julia using DynamicNLPModels, Random, LinearAlgebra Q = 1.5 * Matrix(I, (3, 3)) R = 2.0 * Matrix(I, (2, 2)) A = rand(3, 3) B = rand(3, 2) N = 5 s0 = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] lqdd = LQDynamicData(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; **kwargs) sparse_lqdm = SparseLQDynamicModel(lqdd) dense_lqdm = DenseLQDynamicModel(lqdd) # or sparse_lqdm = SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; **kwargs) dense_lqdm = DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; **kwargs) ``` Optional data (such as $s^l$, $s^u$, $S$, or $Q_f$) can be passed as key word arguments. The models `sparse_lqdm` or `dense_lqdm` can be solved by different solvers such as MadNLP.jl or Ipopt (Ipopt requires the extension NLPModelsIpopt.jl). An example script under `\examples` shows how the dense problem can be solved on a GPU using MadNLPGPU.jl. DynamicNLPModels.jl also includes an API for querying solutions and reseting data. Solutions can be queried using `get_u(solver_ref, dynamic_model)` and `get_s(solver_ref, dynamic_model)`. The problem can be reset with a new $s_0$ by calling `reset_s0!(dynamic_model, s0)`.
[ "MIT" ]
# API Manual ```@autodocs Modules = [DynamicNLPModels] ```
[ "MIT" ]
# Getting Started DynamicNLPModels.jl takes user defined data to construct a linear MPC problem of the form ```math \begin{aligned} \min_{s, u, v} &\; s_N^\top Q_f s_N + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i = 0}^{N-1} \left[ \begin{array}{c} s_i \\ u_i \end{array} \right]^\top \left[ \begin{array}{cc} Q & S \\ S^\top & R \end{array} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{c} s_i \\ u_i \end{array} \right]\\ \textrm{s.t.} &\;s_{i+1} = As_i + Bu_i + w_i \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N - 1 \\ &\; u_i = Ks_i + v_i \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N - 1 \\ &\; g^l \le E s_i + F u_i \le g^u \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N - 1\\ &\; s^l \le s_i \le s^u \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N \\ &\; u^l \le u_i \le u^u \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N - 1\\ &\; s_0 = \bar{s}. \end{aligned} ``` This data is stored within the struct `LQDynamicData`, which can be created by passing the data `s0`, `A`, `B`, `Q`, `R` and `N` to the constructor as in the example below. ```julia using DynamicNLPModels, Random, LinearAlgebra Q = 1.5 * Matrix(I, (3, 3)) R = 2.0 * Matrix(I, (2, 2)) A = rand(3, 3) B = rand(3, 2) N = 5 s0 = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] lqdd = LQDynamicData(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; **kwargs) ``` `LQDynamicData` contains the following fields. All fields after `R` are keyword arguments: * `ns`: number of states (determined from size of `Q`) * `nu`: number of inputs (determined from size of `R`) * `N` : number of time steps * `s0`: a vector of initial states * `A` : matrix that is multiplied by the states that corresponds to the dynamics of the problem. Number of columns is equal to `ns` * `B` : matrix that is multiplied by the inputs that corresonds to the dynamics of the problem. Number of columns is equal to `nu` * `Q` : objective function matrix for system states from ``0, 1, \cdots, (N - 1)`` * `R` : objective function matrix for system inputs from ``0, 1, \cdots, (N - 1)`` * `Qf`: objective function matrix for system states at time ``N`` * `S` : objective function matrix for system states and inputs * `E` : constraint matrix multiplied by system states. Number of columns is equal to `ns` * `F` : constraint matrix multiplied by system inputs. Number of columns is equal to `nu` * `K` : feedback gain matrix. Used to ensure numerical stability of the condensed problem. Not necessary within the sparse problem * `w` : constant term within dynamic constraints. At this time, this is the only data that is time varying. This vector must be length `ns` * `N`, where each set of `ns` entries corresponds to that time (i.e., entries `1:ns` correspond to time ``0``, entries `(ns + 1):(2 * ns)` corresond to time ``1``, etc.) * `sl` : lower bounds on state variables * `su` : upper bounds on state variables * `ul` : lower bounds on ipnut variables * `uu` : upper bounds on input variables * `gl` : lower bounds on the constraints ``Es_i + Fu_i`` * `gu` : upper bounds on the constraints ``Es_i + Fu_i`` ## `SparseLQDynamicModel` A `SparseLQDynamicModel` can be created by either passing `LQDynamicData` to the constructor or passing the data itself, where the same keyword options exist which can be used for `LQDynamicData`. ```julia sparse_lqdm = SparseLQDynamicModel(lqdd) # or sparse_lqdm = SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; **kwargs) ``` The `SparseLQDynamicModel` contains four fields: * `dynamic_data` which contains the `LQDynamicData` * `data` which is the `QPData` from [QuadraticModels.jl]( This object also contains the following data: - `H` which is the Hessian of the linear MPC problem - `A` which is the Jacobian of the linear MPC problem such that ``\textrm{lcon} \le A z \le \textrm{ucon}`` - `c` which is the linear term of a quadratic objective function - `c0` which is the constant term of a quadratic objective function * `meta` which contains the `NLPModelMeta` for the problem from NLPModels.jl * `counters` which is the `Counters` object from NLPModels.jl !!! note The `SparseLQDynamicModel` requires that all matrices in the `LQDynamicData` be the same type. It is recommended that the user be aware of how to most efficiently store their data in the `Q`, `R`, `A`, and `B` matrices as this impacts how efficiently the `SparseLQDynamicModel` is constructed. When `Q`, `R`, `A`, and `B` are sparse, building the `SparseLQDynamicModel` is much faster when these are passed as sparse rather than dense matrices. ## `DenseLQDynamicModel` The `DenseLQDynamicModel` eliminates the states within the linear MPC problem to build an equivalent optimization problem that is only a function of the inputs. This can be particularly useful when the number of states is large compared to the number of inputs. A `DenseLQDynamicModel` can be created by either passing `LQDynamicData` to the constructor or passing the data itself, where the same keyword options exist which can be used for `LQDynamicData`. ```julia dense_lqdm = DenseLQDynamicModel(lqdd) # or dense_lqdm = DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; **kwargs) ``` The `DenseLQDynamicModel` contains five fields: * `dynamic_data` which contains the `LQDynamicData` * `data` which is the `QPData` from [QuadraticModels.jl]( This object also contains the following data: - `H` which is the Hessian of the condensed linear MPC problem - `A` which is the Jacobian of the condensed linear MPC problem such that ``\textrm{lcon} \le A z \le \textrm{ucon}`` - `c` which is the linear term of the condensed linear MPC problem - `c0` which is the constant term of the condensed linear MPC problem * `meta` which contains the `NLPModelMeta` for the problem from NLPModels.jl * `counters` which is the `Counters` object from NLPModels.jl * `blocks` which contains the data needed to condense the model and then to update the condensed model when `s0` is reset. The `DenseLQDynamicModel` is formed from dense matrices, and this dense system can be solved on a GPU using MadNLP.jl and MadNLPGPU.jl For an example script for performing this, please see the the [examples directory]( of the main repository. ## API functions An API has been created for working with `LQDynamicData` and the sparse and dense models. All functions can be seen in the API Manual section. However, we give a short overview of these functions here. * `reset_s0!(LQDynamicModel, new_s0)`: resets the model in place with a new `s0` value. This could be called after each sampling period in MPC to reset the model with a new measured value * `get_s(solver_ref, LQDynamicModel)`: returns the optimal solution for the states from a given solver reference * `get_u(solver_ref, LQDynamicModel)`: returns the optimal solution for the inputs from a given solver reference; when `K` is defined, the solver reference contains the optimal ``v`` values rather than optimal ``u`` values, adn this function converts ``v`` to ``u`` and returns the ``u`` values * `get_*`: returns the data of `*` where `*` is an object within `LQDynamicData` * `set_*!`: sets the value within the data of `*` for a given entry to a user defined value
[ "MIT" ]
# Introduction [DynamicNLPModels.jl]( is a package for [Julia]( designed for representing linear [model predictive control (MPC)]( problems. It includes an API for building a model from user defined data and querying solutions. !!! note This documentation is also available in [PDF format](DynamicNLPModels.pdf). ## Installation To install this package, please use ```julia using Pkg Pkg.add(url="") ``` or ```julia pkg> add ``` ## Overview DynamicNLPModels.jl can construct both sparse and condensed formulations for MPC problems based on user defined data. We use the methods discussed by [Jerez et al.]( to eliminate the states and condense the problem. DynamicNLPModels.jl constructs models that are subtypes of `AbstractNLPModel` from [NLPModels.jl]( enabling both the sparse and condensed models to be solved with a variety of different solver packages in Julia. DynamicNLPModels was designed in part with the goal of solving linear MPC problems on the GPU. This can be done within [MadNLP.jl]( using [MadNLPGPU.jl]( The general sparse formulation used within DynamicNLPModels.jl is ```math \begin{aligned} \min_{s, u, v} &\; s_N^\top Q_f s_N + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i = 0}^{N-1} \left[ \begin{array}{c} s_i \\ u_i \end{array} \right]^\top \left[ \begin{array}{cc} Q & S \\ S^\top & R \end{array} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{c} s_i \\ u_i \end{array} \right]\\ \textrm{s.t.} &\;s_{i+1} = As_i + Bu_i + w_i \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N - 1 \\ &\; u_i = Ks_i + v_i \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N - 1 \\ &\; g^l \le E s_i + F u_i \le g^u \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N - 1\\ &\; s^l \le s_i \le s^u \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N \\ &\; u^l \le u_t \le u^u \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N - 1\\ &\; s_0 = \bar{s} \end{aligned} ``` where ``s_i`` are the states, ``u_i`` are the inputs, ``N`` is the time horizon, ``\bar{s}`` are the initial states, and ``Q``, ``R``, ``A``, and ``B`` are user defined data. The matrices ``Q_f``, ``S``, ``K``, ``E``, and ``F`` and the vectors ``w``, ``g^l``, ``g^u``, ``s^l``, ``s^u``, ``u^l``, and ``u^u`` are optional data. ``v_t`` is only needed in the condensed formulation, and it arises when ``K`` is defined by the user to ensure numerical stability of the condensed problem. The condensed formulation used within DynamicNLPModels.jl is ```math \begin{aligned} \min_{\boldsymbol{v}} &\;\; \frac{1}{2} \boldsymbol{v}^\top \boldsymbol{H} \boldsymbol{v} + \boldsymbol{h}^\top \boldsymbol{v} + \boldsymbol{h}_0\\ \textrm{s.t.} &\; d^l \le \boldsymbol{J} \boldsymbol{v} \le d^u. \end{aligned} ``` # Bug reports and support This package is new and still undergoing some development. If you encounter a bug, please report it through Github's [issue tracker](
[ "MIT" ]
using Documenter, TopologyPreprocessing makedocs(sitename="My Documentation")
[ "MIT" ]
using Eirene using Pipe #%% # ============================== # ======== Tested code ======== #%% # ================================ # ======== Untested code ======== """ get_barcodes(results_eirene::Dict, max_dim::Integer; min_dim::Int=1) Calls Eirene.barcode for 'dim' in range from `min_dim` up to 'max_dim' and stack the resulting Arrays into a vector. The returned value is a Vector of Arrays{Float64,2}. Each array is of different size, because of different number of detected cycles. First column of each array contains birth step, second column contains death step. Arrays in returned vector correspond to Betti curve dimensions form range `min_dim` up to 'max_dim'. """ function get_barcodes(results_eirene::Dict, max_dim::Integer; min_dim::Int = 1, sorted::Bool = false) barcodes = Matrix{Float64}[] for d = min_dim:max_dim result = barcode(results_eirene, dim = d) if isempty(result) && d > 1 result = zeros(size(barcodes[d-1])) end if sorted result = result[sortperm(result[:, 1]), :] end push!(barcodes, result) end return barcodes end """ plot_barcodes(barcodes; min_dim::Integer=1, betti_labels::Bool=true, default_labels::Bool=true kwargs...) Creates a plot for set of barcodesstored in `barcodes` and return the handler to the plot. 'kwargs' are plot parameters Some of the possible 'kwargs' are: - title::String - legend:Bool - size::Tuple{T, T} where {T::Number} - lw::Integer or linewidth:Integer (for more, see plots documentation): """ function plot_barcodes!(barcodes::Vector, plot_ref; min_dim::Integer = 1, barcodes_labels::Bool = true, default_labels::Bool = true, sort_by_birth::Bool = false, alpha::Float64 = 1.0, kwargs...)#; plot_size = (width=1200, height=800), # TODO add change of x label based on x values- so it is either edge density for 0:1 range values or Filtration step otherwise # TODO add ordering of bars to firstly birth time, then death time # TODO dims should be given as range, not a single min dim # barcodes = all_barcodes_geom max_dim = size(barcodes, 1) - (1 - min_dim) # TODO not sure if this is correct solution if min_dim > max_dim throw(DomainError( min_dim, "\'min_dim\' must be greater that maximal dimension in \'bettis\'", )) end lw_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :lw || x == :linewidth, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(lw_pos) lw = kwargs[lw_pos] else lw = 8 end colors_set = get_bettis_color_palete(min_dim = min_dim) dims_indices = 1:length(min_dim:max_dim) all_sizes = [size(barcodes[k], 1) for k = dims_indices] ranges_sums = vcat(0, [sum(all_sizes[1:k]) for k = dims_indices]) y_val_ranges = [ranges_sums[k]+1:ranges_sums[k+1] for k = dims_indices] if sort_by_birth sort_barcodes!(barcodes, min_dim, max_dim) end total_cycles = sum([size(barcodes[k], 1) for (k, dim) in enumerate(min_dim:max_dim)]) # for p = min_dim:(max_dim) #TODO ths can not be starting from min_dim, because it may be 0 for (p, dim) = enumerate(min_dim:max_dim)# 1:(max_dim) #TODO ths can not be starting from min_dim, because it may be 0 # @info p, dim args = (lc = colors_set[p], linewidth = lw) # b = barcodes[p][1:1:(end-1),:] b = barcodes[p][:, :] all_infs = findall(x -> isinf(x), b) for k in all_infs b[k] = 1 end # if dim == 0 # b = sort(b, dims = 1) # end total_bars = size(b, 1) y_vals = [[k, k] for k in y_val_ranges[p]] lc = colors_set[p] for k = 1:total_bars # TODO change label to empty one plot!(b[k, :], y_vals[k]; label = "", lc = lc, alpha = alpha)#; args...) end if false && betti_labels label = "β$(dim)" end # plot!(label=label) end # display(plot_ref) legend_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :legend, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(legend_pos) plot!(legend = kwargs[legend_pos]) else all_labels = reshape(["β$(k)" for k in 1:max_dim], (1, max_dim)) plot!(label = all_labels) plot!(legend = true) end x_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :xlabel, keys(kwargs)) y_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :ylabel, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(x_pos) xlabel!(kwargs[x_pos]) elseif default_labels xlabel!("Birth/Death") end if !isnothing(y_pos) ylabel!(kwargs[y_pos]) elseif default_labels ylabel!("Cycle") end # ylims!(0, 2*total_cycles) ylims!(0, total_cycles + 2) return plot_ref end function plot_barcodes(barcodes::Vector; kwargs...) plot_ref = plot(; kwargs...) plot_barcodes!(barcodes, plot_ref; kwargs...) end function sort_barcodes!(barcodes, min_dim, max_dim) sorted_barcodes = copy(barcodes) for (dim_index, dim) = enumerate(min_dim:max_dim) # if dim == 0 # permutation = sortperm(barcodes[dim_index][:, 2]) # else permutation = sortperm(barcodes[dim_index][:, 1]) # end sorted_barcodes[dim_index] = barcodes[dim_index][permutation, :] # end end barcodes = sorted_barcodes # for (dim_index, dim) = enumerate(min_dim:max_dim) # if dim == 0 # sort!(barcodes[dim_index], dims = 1) # else # sort!(barcodes[dim_index], dims = 1) # end # end end # TODO This has to be imported from other file # function get_bettis_color_palete(; min_dim = 1, use_set::Integer = 1) # """ # function get_bettis_color_palete() # # Generates vector with colours used for Betti plots. Designed for Betti plots consistency. # """ # # TODO what does the number in the function below is used for? # # if use_set == 1 # cur_colors = [Gray(bw) for bw = 0.0:0.025:0.5] # if min_dim == 0 # colors_set = [RGB(87 / 256, 158 / 256, 0 / 256)] # else # colors_set = RGB[] # end # colors_set = vcat( # colors_set, # [ # RGB(255 / 256, 206 / 256, 0 / 256), # RGB(248 / 256, 23 / 256, 0 / 256), # RGB(97 / 256, 169 / 256, 255 / 256), # RGB(163 / 256, 0 / 256, 185 / 256), # RGB(33 / 256, 96 / 256, 45 / 256), # RGB(4 / 256, 0 / 256, 199 / 256), # RGB(135 / 256, 88 / 256, 0 / 256), # ], # cur_colors, # ) # else # use_set == 2 # cur_colors = get_color_palette(:auto, 1) # cur_colors3 = get_color_palette(:lightrainbow, 1) # cur_colors2 = get_color_palette(:cyclic1, 1) # if min_dim == 0 # # colors_set = [cur_colors[3], cur_colors[5], [:red], cur_colors[1]] #cur_colors[7], # colors_set = [cur_colors3[3], cur_colors[5], cur_colors3[end], cur_colors[1]] #cur_colors[7], # else # colors_set = [cur_colors[5], cur_colors3[end], cur_colors[1]] #cur_colors[7], # # colors_set = [cur_colors[5], [:red], cur_colors[1], cur_colors[14]] # end # # for c = [collect(11:25);] # # push!(colors_set, cur_colors2[c]) # # end # colors_set = vcat(colors_set, [cur_colors2[c] for c in [collect(11:25);]]) # end # # return colors_set # end function get_birth_death_ratio(barcodes; max_dim::Integer = 3) # birth_death_raio_π = [[all_barcodes_geom[k][m,2]/all_barcodes_geom[k][m,1] for m= 1:size(all_barcodes_geom[k],1)] for k in 1:max_dim] birth_death_ratio_π = [barcodes[k][:, 2] ./ barcodes[k][:, 1] for k in 1:max_dim] return birth_death_ratio_π end function get_barcode_lifetime(barcodes; max_dim::Integer = 3) lifetime = [barcodes[k][:, 2] .- barcodes[k][:, 1] for k in 1:max_dim] return lifetime end #%% """ get_barcode_max_lifetime(lifetimes, min_dim, max_dim) Returns the maximal life times of barcode for all dimensions. """ function get_barcode_max_lifetime(lifetimes) total_lifetimes = length(lifetimes) all_max_lifetimes = zeros(total_lifetimes, 1) for k in 1:total_lifetimes all_max_lifetimes[k] = findmax(lifetimes[k])[1] end return all_max_lifetimes end """ boxplot_birth_death(areas_matrix, min_dim::Integer, max_dim::Integer) Plots the boxplot of area under betti curves. """ function boxplot_birth_death(birth_death_ratio_π, min_dim::Integer, max_dim::Integer) bplot = StatsPlots.boxplot() data_colors = get_bettis_color_palete() total_plots = size(birth_death_ratio_π, 1) for k in 1:total_plots StatsPlots.boxplot!(bplot, birth_death_ratio_π[k], labels = "β$(k)", color = data_colors[k]) StatsPlots.dotplot!(bplot, birth_death_ratio_π[k], color = data_colors[k]) end return bplot end """ boxplot_birth_death(areas_matrix, min_dim::Integer, max_dim::Integer) Plots the boxplot of area under betti curves. """ function boxplot_lifetime(barcode_lifetime, min_dim::Integer, max_dim::Integer) bplot = StatsPlots.boxplot() data_colors = get_bettis_color_palete() total_plots = size(barcode_lifetime, 1) for k in 1:total_plots StatsPlots.boxplot!(bplot, barcode_lifetime[k], labels = "β$(k)", color = data_colors[k]) StatsPlots.dotplot!(bplot, barcode_lifetime[k], color = data_colors[k]) end return bplot end #%% """ get_barcode_max_db_ratios(lifetimes, min_dim, max_dim) Returns the maximal life times of barcode for all dimensions. """ function get_barcode_max_db_ratios(db_ratos) total_db = length(db_ratos) all_max_db = zeros(total_db, 1) for k in 1:total_db all_max_db[k] = findmax(db_ratos[k])[1] end return all_max_db end """ get_normalised_barcodes(barcodes::Vector, betti_numbers::Array) Returns the barcodes which values are within [0,1] range. 1. get corresponding bettis 2. get max number of steps 3. divide all values by total number of steps. """ function get_normalised_barcodes(barcodes, betti_numbers::Array) if typeof(betti_numbers) == Vector total_steps = size(betti_numbers[1], 1) else total_steps = size(betti_numbers, 1) end return barcodes ./ total_steps end """ get_normalised_barcodes_collection(barcodes_collection, bettis_collection) Applies get_normalised_barcodes to the collection of barcodes and corresponding betti curves. """ function get_normalised_barcodes_collection(barcodes_collection, bettis_collection) if size(barcodes_collection, 1) != size(bettis_collection, 1) throw(BoundsError(barcodes_collection, bettis_collection, "Both collections must have same number of elements", )) else total_collections = size(barcodes_collection, 1) end normed_collection = deepcopy(barcodes_collection) for k = 1:total_collections normed_collection[k] = get_normalised_barcodes(barcodes_collection[k], bettis_collection[k]) end return normed_collection end """ plot_bd_diagram(barcodes; dims::Range, use_js::Bool=false, kwargs...) Creates a birth/death diagram from `barcodes` and returns the handlers to the plots. By default, dims is set to range '1:length(barcodes)', which plots all of the diagrams. If set to an integer, plots only 1 dimension. If 'use_js' is set to true, plotly backend is used for plotting. 'kwargs' are plot parameters Some of the possible 'kwargs' are: - title::String - legend:Bool - size::Tuple{T, T} where {T::Number} - lw::Integer or linewidth:Integer (for more, see plots documentation): TODO dims are defined as if the dimensions always starts at 1- this has to be changed """ function plot_bd_diagram(barcodes; dims = 1:length(barcodes), use_js::Bool = false, class_sizes = [], class_labels = [], normilised_diagonal::Bool = true, alpha=0.4, kwargs...) # TODO max min should be ready to use from input data- might be better to have better structures as an inupt # max_dim = size(barcodes, 1) # min_dim = findmin(dims)[1] min_dim = dims[1] max_dim = dims[end] if max_dim > length(barcodes) throw(DimensionMismatch("Can not have dims range larger than barcodes length")) end # all_dims = min_dim:max_dim # if findmax(dims)[1] > max_dim # throw(DomainError( # min_dim, # "\'dims\' must be less than maximal dimension in \'bettis\'", # )) # end # lw_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :lw || x == :linewidth, keys(kwargs)) # if !isnothing(lw_pos) # lw = kwargs[lw_pos] # else # lw = 2 # end colors_set = TopologyPreprocessing.get_bettis_color_palete(min_dim = min_dim) if use_js plotly() else gr() end plot_ref = plot(; xlims = (0, 1), ylims = (0, 1), kwargs...) # Add diagonal if normilised_diagonal max_coord = 1 else max_x = max([k for k in vcat([barcodes[d][:,1] for (d, dim) in dims|> enumerate]...) if !isinf(k) ]...) max_y = max([k for k in vcat([barcodes[d][:,2] for (d, dim) in dims|> enumerate]...) if !isinf(k) ]...) max_coord = max(max_x, max_y) end scaling_factor = 1.05 min_val = -0.05 plot!([0, scaling_factor*max_coord], [0, scaling_factor*max_coord], label = "") xlims!(min_val, scaling_factor*max_coord) ylims!(min_val, scaling_factor*max_coord) for (p, dim) in enumerate(dims) # colors_set[p] my_vec = barcodes[p] # TODO class size is not a default and basic bd diagram property- should be factored out to other function if class_labels != [] && class_sizes != [] labels = ["class/size $(class_labels[k])/$(class_sizes[class_labels[k]])" for k in 1:size(class_labels, 1)] elseif class_sizes == [] labels = ["class: $(k)" for k in 1:size(my_vec, 1)] else labels = ["class/size $(k)/$(class_sizes[k])" for k in 1:size(my_vec, 1)] end args = (color = colors_set[p], # linewidth = lw, label = "β$(dim)", aspect_ratio = 1, size = (600, 600), legend = :bottomright, framestyle=:origin, alpha=alpha, # hover = labels, kwargs...) if class_labels != [] class_sizes != [] for x = class_labels plot!(my_vec[Int(x), 1], my_vec[Int(x), 2], seriestype = :scatter; args...) end end plot!(my_vec[:, 1], my_vec[:, 2], seriestype = :scatter; args...) end xlabel!("birth") ylabel!("death") return plot_ref end # """ plot_all_bd_diagrams(barcodes_collection; min_dim::Integer=1, betti_labels::Bool=true, default_labels::Bool=true, all_legend=false, my_alpha=0.12, aspect_ratio=1, kwargs...) Creates a set of birth/death diagrams from `barcodes_collection` and returns a dictionary with the handlers to the plots. 'kwargs' are plot parameters Some of the possible 'kwargs' are: - title::String - legend:Bool - size::Tuple{T, T} where {T::Number} - lw::Integer or linewidth:Integer (for more, see plots documentation): """ function plot_all_bd_diagrams(barcodes_collection; min_dim::Integer = 1, betti_labels::Bool = true, default_labels::Bool = true, all_legend = false, my_alpha = 0.12, aspect_ratio = 1, base_w = 600, base_h = 600, kwargs...) total_dims = size(barcodes_collection[1], 1) lw_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :lw || x == :linewidth, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(lw_pos) lw = kwargs[lw_pos] else lw = 2 end title_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :title, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(title_pos) my_title = kwargs[title_pos] else my_title = "Birth death diagram" end colors_set = TopologyPreprocessing.get_bettis_color_palete(min_dim = min_dim) plot_dict = Dict() for b = 1:total_dims args = (lc = colors_set[b], linewidth = lw, label = false, aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio, size = (base_w, base_h), kwargs...) plot_dict["β$(b)"] = scatter(; xlims = (0, 1), ylims = (0, 1), dpi = 300, args...) for bars = barcodes_collection barcode = bars[b] scatter!(barcode[:, 1], barcode[:, 2], markeralpha = my_alpha, markercolor = colors_set[b], dpi = 300) end plot!(legend = all_legend) plot!(title = (my_title * ", β$(b)")) # legend_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :legend, keys(kwargs)) # if !isnothing(legend_pos) # plot!(legend = kwargs[legend_pos]) # else # plot!(legend = betti_labels) # end x_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :xlabel, keys(kwargs)) y_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :ylabel, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(x_pos) xlabel!(kwargs[x_pos]) elseif default_labels xlabel!("Birth") end if !isnothing(y_pos) ylabel!(kwargs[y_pos]) elseif default_labels ylabel!("Death") end end return plot_dict end ## ===- # Simpler plotting """ plot_bd_diagram(barcodes; dims::Range, use_js::Bool=false, kwargs...) Creates a birth/death diagram from `barcodes` and returns the handlers to the plots. By default, dims is set to range '1:length(barcodes)', which plots all of the diagrams. If set to an integer, plots only 1 dimension. If 'use_js' is set to true, plotly backend is used for plotting. 'kwargs' are plot parameters Some of the possible 'kwargs' are: - title::String - legend:Bool - size::Tuple{T, T} where {T::Number} - lw::Integer or linewidth:Integer (for more, see plots documentation): TODO dims are defined as if the dimensions always starts at 1- this has to be changed """ function plot_simple_bd_diagram(barcodes; dims = 1:length(barcodes), max_bd = 0, use_js::Bool = false, kwargs...) # TODO max min should be ready to use from input data- might be better to have better structures as an inupt max_dim = size(barcodes, 1) min_dim = findmin(dims)[1] # all_dims = min_dim:max_dim if findmax(dims)[1] > max_dim throw(DomainError( min_dim, "\'dims\' must be less than maximal dimension in \'bettis\'", )) end lw_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :lw || x == :linewidth, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(lw_pos) lw = kwargs[lw_pos] else lw = 2 end colors_set = TopologyPreprocessing.get_bettis_color_palete(min_dim = 1) if use_js plotly() else gr() end plot_ref = plot(; kwargs...) for (p, dim) in dims |> enumerate # colors_set[p] my_vec = barcodes[p] args = (color = colors_set[p], linewidth = lw, aspect_ratio = 1, size = (600, 600), legend = :bottomright, kwargs...) # scatter!(my_vec[:, 1], my_vec[:, 2], args...) plot!(my_vec[:, 1], my_vec[:, 2], seriestype = :scatter; args...) end # Add diagonal if max_bd > 0 max_x = max_bd max_y = max_bd plot!([0, max_y], [0, max_y], label = "") else all_births = vcat([barcodes[d][:, 1] for d in dims]...) all_deaths = vcat([barcodes[d][:, 2] for d in dims]...) max_x = findmax(all_births)[1] max_y = findmax(all_deaths)[1] plot!([0, max_y], [0, max_y], label = "") end return plot_ref end
[ "MIT" ]
# ============================== # ======== Tested code ======== using Eirene using Plots using StatsPlots #%% """ get_bettis(results_eirene::Dict, max_dim::Integer; min_dim::Int=1) Calls Eirene.betticurve for 'dim' in range from `min_dim` up to 'max_dim' and stack the resulting Arrays into a vector. The returned value is a Vector of Arrays{Float64,2}. Each array is of size (n,2), where n is the maximal number of steps taken to compute Betti curve of dimensions ranging form `min_dim` to `max_dim`. First column of each array contains numbered steps. Second column are the Betti curve values for corresponding step. Arrays in returned vector correspond to Betti curve dimensions form range `min_dim` up to 'max_dim'. """ function get_bettis(results_eirene::Dict, max_dim::Integer; min_dim::Int = 1) bettis = Matrix{Float64}[] for d = min_dim:max_dim result = betticurve(results_eirene, dim = d) if isempty(result) && d > 1 result = zeros(size(bettis[d-1])) end push!(bettis, result) end return bettis end # TODO add get_bettis_from_matrix, to wrap C= eirene...; get bettis #%% """ normalise_bettis(bettis::Vector) normalise_bettis(bettis::Array) Normalise the number of steps for Betti curves. 'bettis' can be either vector of arrays (each array contain Betti curve of different dimension) or an array containing Betti curve of a single dimension. """ function normalise_bettis(bettis::Vector) @debug "Vector version" norm_bettis = copy(bettis) @debug "norm_bettis size :" size(norm_bettis)[1][1] max_dim = size(norm_bettis)[1] @debug "typeof(max_dim) :" typeof(max_dim[1]) for d = 1:(max_dim) if !isempty(norm_bettis[d]) norm_bettis[d][:, 1] /= findmax(norm_bettis[d][:, 1])[1] end end return norm_bettis end #%% function normalise_bettis(bettis::Array) @debug "Array version" norm_bettis = copy(bettis) @debug "norm_bettis size :" size(norm_bettis) if !isempty(norm_bettis) norm_bettis[:, 1] /= findmax(norm_bettis[:, 1])[1] end return norm_bettis end #%% # function vectorize_bettis(betti_curves::Array{Matrix{Float64,2}}) """ vectorize_bettis(betti_curves::Matrix{Float64}) Reshapes the 'betti_curves' from type Array{Matrices{Float64,2}} into Matrix{Float64}. The resulting matrix size is (n, k), where 'n' is equal to the number of rows in each matrix, 'k' is equal to the number of matrices. TODO: Change the name- it takse vector and returns a matrix. TODO: get bettis could have an arguent betti_type which would determine resulting type """ function vectorize_bettis(betti_curves::Vector{Array{Float64,2}}) first_betti = 1 last_betti = size(betti_curves,1) return hcat([betti_curves[k][:, 2] for k = first_betti:last_betti]...) end #%% @deprecate vectorize_bettis(eirene_results::Dict, maxdim::Integer, mindim::Integer) vectorize_bettis(betti_curves) # === #%% """ get_vectorized_bettis(results_eirene::Dict, max_dim::Integer; min_dim::Int=1) Takes the eirene result and computes Betti curves for dimensions in range 'mindim:maxdim'. Every Betti curve is stored in successive column of the resulting array. TODO: this should return a matrix, where first col are indices and rest are B values (1st col is missing now) """ function get_vectorized_bettis(results_eirene::Dict, max_dim::Integer; min_dim::Int = 1) all_bettis = get_bettis(results_eirene, max_dim, min_dim = min_dim) bettis_vector = vectorize_bettis(all_bettis) return bettis_vector end # == #%% """ plot_bettis(bettis; min_dim::Integer=1, betti_labels::Bool=true, default_labels::Bool=true kwargs...) Creates a plot for set of betti numbers stored in `bettis` and return the handler to the plot. 'kwargs' are plot parameters Some of the possible 'kwargs' are: - title::String - legend:Bool - size::Tuple{T, T} where {T::Number} - lw::Integer or linewidth:Integer (for more, see plots documentation): TODO: min_dim is not included in all_dims variable TODO: add change of x label based on x values- so it is either edge density for 0:1 range values or Filtration step otherwise """ function plot_bettis(bettis::Vector; min_dim::Integer = 1, use_edge_density::Bool=true, betti_labels::Bool = true, default_labels::Bool = true, kwargs...)#; plot_size = (width=1200, height=800), max_dim = size(bettis, 1) all_dims = 1:max_dim if min_dim > max_dim throw(DomainError( min_dim, "\'min_dim\' must be greater that maximal dimension.", )) end lw_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :lw || x == :linewidth, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(lw_pos) lw = kwargs[lw_pos] else lw = 2 end # Create iterator for all loops all_iterations = 1:(max_dim) #TODO ths can not be starting from min_dim, because it may be 0 if use_edge_density for p = all_iterations max_step = findmax(bettis[p][:, 1])[1] bettis[p][:, 1] ./= max_step end end colors_set = get_bettis_color_palete(min_dim=min_dim) plot_ref = plot(; kwargs...) # for p = min_dim:(max_dim) #TODO ths can not be starting from min_dim, because it may be 0 # for p = all_iterations for (index, p) in enumerate(min_dim:max_dim) args = (lc = colors_set[index], linewidth = lw) if betti_labels args = (args..., label = "β$(p)") end plot!(bettis[index][:, 1], bettis[index][:, 2]; args...) end legend_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :legend, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(legend_pos) plot!(legend = kwargs[legend_pos]) else plot!(legend = betti_labels) end x_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :xlabel, keys(kwargs)) y_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :ylabel, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(x_pos) xlabel!(kwargs[x_pos]) elseif default_labels xlabel!("Edge density") end if !isnothing(y_pos) ylabel!(kwargs[y_pos]) elseif default_labels ylabel!("Number of cycles") end # set tlims to integer values max_ylim = findmax(ceil.(Int, ylims(plot_ref)))[1] if max_ylim <=3 ylims!((0, 3)) end if use_edge_density xlims!((0, 1)) end return plot_ref end """ plot_bettis(bettis::Array; min_dim::Integer=1, betti_labels::Bool=true, default_labels::Bool=true kwargs...) Creates a plot for set of betti numbers stored in `bettis` and return the handler to the plot. 'kwargs' are plot parameters Some of the possible 'kwargs' are: - title::String - legend:Bool - size::Tuple{T, T} where {T::Number} - lw::Integer or linewidth:Integer (for more, see plots documentation): TODO: add change of x label based on x values- so it is either edge density for 0:1 range values or Filtration step otherwise """ function plot_bettis(bettis::Array; # min_dim::Integer = 1, dims_range=1:size(bettis,2), use_edge_density::Bool=true, betti_labels::Bool = true, default_labels::Bool = true, normalised=true, kwargs...)#; plot_size = (width=1200, height=800), max_dim = dims_range[end] min_dim = dims_range[1] if min_dim > max_dim throw(DomainError( min_dim, "\'min_dim\' must be greater that maximal dimension in \'bettis\'", )) end total_steps = size(bettis, 1) if normalised x_vals = range(0, stop=1, length=total_steps) else x_vals = range(0, stop=total_steps) end lw_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :lw || x == :linewidth, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(lw_pos) lw = kwargs[lw_pos] else lw = 2 end # if use_edge_density # # for p = 1:(max_dim) #TODO ths can not be starting from min_dim, because it may be 0 # for (index, p) in enumerate(min_dim:max_dim) # max_step = findmax(bettis[:, 1])[1] # bettis[p][:, 1] ./=max_step # end # end colors_set = get_bettis_color_palete(min_dim=min_dim) plot_ref = plot(; kwargs...) # for p = min_dim:(max_dim) #TODO ths can not be starting from min_dim, because it may be 0 # for p = 1:(max_dim) #TODO ths can not be starting from min_dim, because it may be 0 for (index, p) in enumerate(min_dim:max_dim) args = (lc = colors_set[index], linewidth = lw) if betti_labels args = (args..., label = "β$(p)") end plot!(x_vals, bettis[:, index]; args...) end legend_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :legend, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(legend_pos) plot!(legend = kwargs[legend_pos]) else plot!(legend = betti_labels) end x_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :xlabel, keys(kwargs)) y_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :ylabel, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(x_pos) xlabel!(kwargs[x_pos]) elseif default_labels xlabel!("Edge density") end if !isnothing(y_pos) ylabel!(kwargs[y_pos]) elseif default_labels ylabel!("Number of cycles") end # set tlims to integer values max_ylim = findmax(ceil.(Int, ylims(plot_ref)))[1] if max_ylim <=3 ylims!((0, 3)) end if use_edge_density xlims!((0, 1)) end return plot_ref end # ======= Untested code # TODO add default kwargs paring function -> parse_kwargs() """ plot_all_bettis ... """ function plot_all_bettis(bettis_collection; min_dim::Integer = 1, betti_labels::Bool = true, default_labels::Bool = true, normalised=true, kwargs...)#; plot_size = (width=1200, height=800), total_dims = size(bettis_collection[1],2) lw_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :lw || x == :linewidth, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(lw_pos) lw = kwargs[lw_pos] else lw = 2 end colors_set = get_bettis_color_palete(min_dim=min_dim) max_y_val = find_max_betti(bettis_collection) plot_ref = plot(; kwargs...) for b = 1:total_dims args = (lc = colors_set[b], linewidth = lw, alpha=0.12,label=false, ylims=(0,max_y_val)) for bettis = bettis_collection betti_vals = bettis[:,b] total_steps = size(bettis, 1) x_vals = range(0, stop=1, length=total_steps) plot!(x_vals, betti_vals; args...) end # my_label = "β$(b)" # betti_vals = results_d["bettis_collection"][:hc][end] # x_vals = range(0, stop=1, length=size(betti_vals, 1)) # plot!(x_vals, betti_vals; lc = colors_set[b], linewidth = 1, alpha=0.1,label=my_label, ylims=(0,max_y_val)) end plot!(legend=true) legend_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :legend, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(legend_pos) plot!(legend = kwargs[legend_pos]) else plot!(legend = betti_labels) end x_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :xlabel, keys(kwargs)) y_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :ylabel, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(x_pos) xlabel!(kwargs[x_pos]) elseif default_labels xlabel!("Edge density") end if !isnothing(y_pos) ylabel!(kwargs[y_pos]) elseif default_labels ylabel!("Number of cycles") end return plot_ref end """ find_max_betti(bettis_collection::Array) Returns the highest Betti curve value from all dimensions. """ function find_max_betti(bettis_collection::Array) if typeof(bettis_collection) == Vector bettis_collection = vectorize_bettis(bettis_collection) end max_y_val = 0 for betti_set in bettis_collection local_max = findmax(betti_set)[1] if local_max > max_y_val max_y_val = local_max end end return max_y_val end # ======= Untested code == end #%% """ printready_plot_bettis(kwargs) Creates a plot using 'plot_bettis' with arguments which were tested to be very good for using them in prints. Used arguments are: """ function printready_plot_bettis(kwargs) return nothing end #%% """ function get_bettis_color_palete() Generates vector with colours used for Betti plots. Designed for Betti plots consistency. """ function get_bettis_color_palete(; min_dim = 1, use_set::Integer = 1) # TODO what does the number in the function below is used for? if use_set == 1 cur_colors = [Gray(bw) for bw = 0.0:0.025:0.5] if min_dim == 0 colors_set = [RGB(87 / 256, 158 / 256, 0 / 256)] else colors_set = [] end max_RGB = 256 colors_set = vcat( colors_set, [ RGB(255 / max_RGB, 206 / max_RGB, 0 / max_RGB), RGB(248 / max_RGB, 23 / max_RGB, 0 / max_RGB), RGB(97 / max_RGB, 169 / max_RGB, 255 / max_RGB), RGB(163 / max_RGB, 0 / max_RGB, 185 / max_RGB), RGB(33 / max_RGB, 96 / max_RGB, 45 / max_RGB), RGB(4 / max_RGB, 0 / max_RGB, 199 / max_RGB), RGB(135 / max_RGB, 88 / max_RGB, 0 / max_RGB), ], cur_colors, ) else use_set == 2 cur_colors = get_color_palette(:auto, 1) cur_colors3 = get_color_palette(:lightrainbow, 1) cur_colors2 = get_color_palette(:cyclic1, 1) if min_dim == 0 # colors_set = [cur_colors[3], cur_colors[5], [:red], cur_colors[1]] #cur_colors[7], colors_set = [cur_colors3[3], cur_colors[5], cur_colors3[end], cur_colors[1]] #cur_colors[7], else colors_set = [cur_colors[5], cur_colors3[end], cur_colors[1]] #cur_colors[7], # colors_set = [cur_colors[5], [:red], cur_colors[1], cur_colors[14]] end # for c = [collect(11:25);] # push!(colors_set, cur_colors2[c]) # end colors_set = vcat(colors_set, [cur_colors2[c] for c in [collect(11:25);]]) end return colors_set end # ============================== # ======= Untested code ======= # using Measures # using Plots.PlotMeasures # # # Source: # function setdefaultplottingparams(;upscale=2) # #8x upscaling in resolution # fntsm = Plots.font("sans-serif", pointsize=round(12.0*upscale)) # fntlg = Plots.font("sans-serif", pointsize=round(18.0*upscale)) # default(titlefont=fntlg, guidefont=fntlg, tickfont=fntsm, legendfont=fntsm) # default(size=(800*upscale,600*upscale)) #Plot canvas size # default(dpi=500) #Only for PyPlot - presently broken # end #%% """ plot_bettis_collection(bettis_collection, bett_num; step=1, show_plt=true, R=0., G=0.4, B=1.0) PLots collection of Betti curves of rank 'bett-num'. Every successive plot has lower opacity than predecessor. 'step' defines step between collection elements that are ploted. By default, plot is displayed after carteation. This can be disabled by setting 'show_plt' to false. Color of the plot can be set with 'R', 'G', 'B' parameters. """ function plot_bettis_collection(bettis_collection, bett_num, max_rank; step = 1, show_plt = true, R = 0.0, G = 0.4, B = 1.0) step > 0 || error("Steps should be natural number!") bettis_total = size(bettis_collection, 1) colors_set = zeros(Float64, bettis_total, 4) colors_set[:, 1] .= R colors_set[:, 2] .= G colors_set[:, 3] .= B max_betti = get_max_betti_from_collection(bettis_collection) @info "max_betti" max_betti x = 0 y = bettis_total * 0.1 va_range = collect(range(bettis_total + x, y, length = bettis_total)) colors_set[:, 4] .= va_range / findmax(va_range)[1] rgba_set = RGBA[] for k = 1:size(colors_set, 1) push!( rgba_set, RGBA(colors_set[k, 1], colors_set[k, 2], colors_set[k, 3], colors_set[k, 4]), ) end plt_reference = plot(1, title = "Betti curves collection, rank $(bett_num)", label = "") for b = 1:step:bettis_total betti = bettis_collection[b] x_vals_1 = (1:size(betti[:, bett_num], 1)) / size(betti[:, bett_num], 1) plot!(x_vals_1, betti[:, bett_num], lc = rgba_set[b], label = "rank=$(max_rank-b)") plot!(ylim = (0, max_betti)) end xlabel!("Normalised steps") ylabel!("Number of cycles") plot!(legend = true) show_plt && display(plt_reference) return plt_reference end #%% """ get_max_bettis(bettis) Returns the maximal bettis of Betti curves for all dimensions. """ function get_max_bettis(bettis) all_max_bettis = findmax(bettis, dims=1)[1] return all_max_bettis end # TODO change name # TODO check what for dim is used, change to min dim function get_max_betti_from_collection(bettis_collection; dim = 1) max_betti = 0 for betti in bettis_collection # global max_betti local_max = findmax(betti)[1] if (local_max > max_betti) max_betti = local_max end end return max_betti end #%% """ plot_and_save_bettis(eirene_results, plot_title::String, results_path::String; extension = ".png", data_size::String="", do_save=true, extend_title=true, do_normalise=true, max_dim=3, legend_on=true) Plot Betti curves from 0 up to `max_dim` using `eirene_results` from Eirene library and returns handler for figure. Optionally, if `do_save` is set, saves the figure or if `do_normalise` is set, sets the steps range to be normalised to the horizontal axis maximal value. """ function plot_and_save_bettis(bettis, plot_title::String, results_path::String; file_name = "", extension = ".png", do_save = true, do_normalise = true, min_dim = 0, max_dim = 3, legend_on = true, kwargs...) bettis = get_bettis(eirene_results, max_dim) if do_normalise bettis = normalise_bettis(bettis) end plot_ref = plot_bettis(bettis, plot_title, legend_on = legend_on, min_dim = min_dim, kwargs...) if do_save if isempty(file_name) file_name = plot_title * extension elseif isempty(findall(x -> x == extension[2:end], split(file_name, "."))) #check for the extension in file name file_name *= extension end save_figure_with_params( plot_ref, results_path; extension = extension, prefix = split(file_name, ".")[1], ) end return plot_ref end # TODO merge functions for getting betti curves # Original function returns 2 different types of betti curves. If no default # value parameters is given, it returns vector of matrices. If num of steps is # given, then it return matrix maxdim x numsteps. # """ # bettis_eirene(matr, maxdim; mintime=-Inf, maxtime=Inf, numofsteps=Inf, mindim=1) # # Takes the `matr` and computes Betti curves up to `maxdim`. Return matrix only # with betti curve values # # # Function taken from: # """ #%% @deprecate bettis_eirene(matr, maxdim; mintime = -Inf, maxtime = Inf, numofsteps = Inf, mindim = 1) get_bettis(results_eirene, max_dim; min_dim = 1) @deprecate get_bettis_from_image(img_name, plot_params; file_path = "", plot_heatmaps = true, save_heatmaps = false, plot_betti_figrues = true) get_bettis(results_eirene, max_dim; min_dim = 1) @deprecate get_bettis_from_image2(img_name;file_path = "",plot_heatmaps = true, save_heatmaps = false, plot_betti_figrues = true) get_bettis_from_image(img_name, plot_params; file_path = "", plot_heatmaps = true, save_heatmaps = false, plot_betti_figrues = true) @deprecate plot_and_save_bettis2(eirene_results, plot_title::String, results_path::String; file_name = "", extension = ".png", data_size::String = "", do_save = true, extend_title = true, do_normalise = true, min_dim = 0, max_dim = 3, legend_on = true) plot_and_save_bettis(bettis, plot_title::String, results_path::String; file_name = "", extension = ".png", do_save = true, do_normalise = true, min_dim = 0, max_dim = 3, legend_on = true, kwargs...) @deprecate get_and_plot_bettis(eirene_results; max_dim = 3, min_dim = 1, plot_title = "", legend_on = false) get_bettis(results_eirene, max_dim; min_dim = 1) #%% """ lower_ordmat_resolution(ordered_matrix::Array, total_bins::Int) Takes ordered matrix 'input_matrix' and reduces the resolution of values in the matrix into 'total_bins' bins. """ function lower_ordmat_resolution(ordered_matrix::Array, total_bins::Int) new_ordered_matrix = zeros(size(ordered_matrix)) max_val = findmax(ordered_matrix)[1] min_val = findmin(ordered_matrix)[1] bin_step = max_val ÷ total_bins old_bins = min_val:bin_step:max_val for bin = 1:total_bins @debug "First step threshold is $(old_bins[bin])" indices = findall(x -> (x >= old_bins[bin]), ordered_matrix) new_ordered_matrix[indices] .= bin - 1 end @debug "Max_val in new matrix is " findmax(new_ordered_matrix) @debug "And should be " total_bins - 1 return new_ordered_matrix end #%% """ average_bettis(bettis_matrix; up_factor=8) Takes the average values of betti curves stored in 'bettis_matrix'. 'bettis_matrix' consist of different simulations(first index of the matrix), different ranks (third index of the matrix). Second index of the matrices (saples) may vary accross many simulations and for this reason, all betti curves are upsampled by a factor of 'upsample_factor' and then the average for every dimension is computed. """ function average_bettis(bettis_matrix::Matrix; up_factor = 8) bettis_matrix_backup = copy(bettis_matrix) simulations = size(bettis_matrix, 1) dimensions = size(bettis_matrix[1], 1) max_samples = 0 for k = 1:simulations # global max_samples current_len = length(bettis_matrix[k][1][:, 1]) if max_samples < current_len max_samples = current_len end end bettis_size = size(bettis_matrix) total_upsamples = (max_samples - 1) * up_factor + 1 x_resampled = range(0, 1, step = total_upsamples) avg_bettis = zeros(total_upsamples, dimensions) std_bettis = copy(avg_bettis) resampled_bettis = zeros(simulations, total_upsamples, dimensions) # resample betti curves for simulation = 1:simulations, betti = 1:dimensions resampled_bettis[simulation, :, betti] = upsample_vector2(bettis_matrix[simulation][betti][:, 2], total_upsamples) end # average and std Betti for dimension = 1:dimensions avg_bettis[:, dimension] = mean(resampled_bettis[:, :, dimension], dims = 1) std_bettis[:, dimension] = mean(resampled_bettis[:, :, dimension], dims = 1) end return avg_bettis, std_bettis end #%% function upsample_vector2(input_vector, total_upsamples) total_orig_samples = size(input_vector, 1) - 1 x_vals = range(0, 1, length = total_orig_samples + 1) spl = Spline1D(x_vals, input_vector) x_upsampled = range(0, 1, length = total_upsamples) y_upsampled = spl(x_upsampled) # ref = plot(range(0, 1, length=total_orig_samples), input_vector); # plot!(x_vals, y_upsampled); # display(ref) return y_upsampled end #%% """ upsample_vector(input_vector; upsample_factor::Int=8) Takes an 'input_vector' and returns a vector which has 'upsample_factor' many times more samples. New samples are interpolated with 'spl' function from 'Dierckx' package. """ function upsample_vector(input_vector; upsample_factor::Int = 8) total_orig_samples = size(input_vector, 1) - 1 total_samples = upsample_factor * total_orig_samples + 1 x_vals = range(0, 1, length = total_orig_samples + 1) spl = Spline1D(x_vals, input_vector) x_upsampled = range(0, 1, length = total_samples) y_upsampled = spl(x_upsampled) # ref = plot(range(0, 1, length=total_orig_samples), input_vector); # plot!(x_vals, y_upsampled); # display(ref) return y_upsampled end # =========--=======-========-==========-=======- # From bettis areas # Area under Betti curve functions #%% """ get_area_under_betti_curve(betti_curves, min_dim, max_dim) Computes the area under Betti curves stored in 'betti_curves', where each row is a Betti curve and each column is a value. """ function get_area_under_betti_curve(betti_curves::Union{Matrix{Float64}, Array{Array{Float64,2}}};do_normalised::Bool=false) #TODO check this part if size(betti_curves,2) < 2 bettis_vector = vectorize_bettis(betti_curves) else bettis_vector = betti_curves end # @info sum(bettis_vector, dims=1) bettis_area = sum(bettis_vector, dims=1) if do_normalised total_steps = size(bettis_vector,1) bettis_area ./= total_steps end # @info bettis_area return bettis_area end @deprecate get_area_under_betti_curve(C, min_dim, max_dim) get_area_under_betti_curve(betti_curves; do_normalised=false) #%% """ get_dataset_bettis_areas(dataset; min_dim::Integer=1, max_dim::Integer=3, return_matrix::Bool=true) Computes topology of every matrix in dataset, computes Betti curves for dimensions min_dim up to max_dim and returns vector (or matrix) of areas under Betti curves. """ function get_dataset_bettis_areas(dataset; min_dim::Integer=1, max_dim::Integer=3, return_matrix::Bool=true) areas_vector = Array[] for data = dataset @info "Computing topology." C = eirene(data, maxdim=max_dim,) matrix_bettis = get_bettis(C,max_dim, min_dim=min_dim) push!(areas_vector, get_area_under_betti_curve(matrix_bettis)) end if return_matrix return vcat([areas_vector[k] for k=1:10]...) else return areas_vector end end #%% """ get_area_boxes(areas_matrix, min_dim::Integer, max_dim::Integer) Plots the boxplot of area under betti curves. """ function get_area_boxes(areas_matrix, min_dim::Integer, max_dim::Integer) bplot = StatsPlots.boxplot() data_colors = get_bettis_color_palete() for (index, value) in enumerate(min_dim:max_dim) StatsPlots.boxplot!(bplot, areas_matrix[:,index], labels="β$(value)", color=data_colors[value]) end return bplot end # function get_bettis_collection_from_matrices(ordered_matrices_collection; max_dim::Int=3, min_dim::Int=1) # bettis_collection = Array[] # # for matrix = ordered_matrices_collection # @debug "Computing Bettis..." # eirene_geom = eirene(matrix,maxdim=max_B_dim,model="vr") # # bettis = reshape_bettis(get_bettis(eirene_geom, max_B_dim)) # push!(bettis_collection, bettis) # end # # return bettis_collection # end # # #%% # TODO find what are the alternative functions for the functions below # @deprecate get_dataset_topology(dataset; min_dim::Integer=1, max_dim::Integer=3, get_curves::Bool=true, get_areas::Bool=true, get_persistence_diagrams::Bool=true, do_normalise::Bool=true) # @deprecate get_bettis_collection(ordered_matrices_collection; max_B_dim=3) # @deprecate reshape_bettis(bettis) # @deprecate print_hmap_with_bettis(ordered_matrices_collection, bettis_collection, plot_data::PlottingData) # @deprecate make_hm_and_betti_plot(ordered_geom_gr, bettis, title_hmap, title_bettis, max_betti) # @deprecate matrix_analysis(test_data::PlottingData;generation_function=get_geom_matrix) # @deprecate multiscale_matrix_testing(sample_space_dims = 3, maxsim = 5, min_B_dim = 1, max_B_dim = 3, size_start = 10, size_step = 5, size_stop = 50; do_random = true, control_saving = false, perform_eavl = false) # @deprecate plot_betti_numbers(betti_numbers, edge_density, title="Geometric matrix"; stop=0.6)
[ "MIT" ]
using LinearAlgebra import Plots.plot as plot # using Plots using Random include("PlottingWrappers.jl") include("PointsSubstitution.jl") """ function expand_matrix(input_matrix, expansion_size, last_components Takes 'input_matrix' (an ordering matrix used for creating cliques) and and adds 2×'expansion_size' number of rows. 'last_components' are the values in original matrix that are added last to the clique. Results may be be plotted with same funtion with sufix "with_plot". """ function expand_matrix(input_matrix, expansion_size, last_components) new_comp = last_components matrix_size = size(input_matrix, 1) for mat_sizes = matrix_size:2:(matrix_size+2expansion_size) input_matrix, new_comp = add_step_to_matrix(input_matrix, new_comp) end return input_matrix end function expand_matrix_with_plot(args...) input_matrix = expand_matrix_with_plot(args...) expand_plt_ref = plot_square_heatmap(input_matrix, 1, size(input_matrix, 1); plt_title="Original, size:$(matrix_size)", color_palete=:lightrainbow) display(expand_plt_ref) return input_matrix, expand_plt_ref end # Shuffle matrix entries """ function shuffle_matrix(input_matrix, shuffles; do_plot=false) Takes symmetric 'input_matrix' and randomly swaps rows 'shuffles' many times. Results may be plotted by setting 'do_plot=true'. """ function shuffle_matrix(input_matrix, total_shuffles) matrix_size = size(input_matrix, 1) rows = randcycle(matrix_size) shuffled_ord_mat = copy(input_matrix) for k = 1:total_shuffles # global shuffled_ord_mat, rows srcs, trgts = rand(rows, 2) swap_rows!(shuffled_ord_mat, srcs, trgts) end return shuffled_ord_mat end function shuffle_matrix_with_plotting(args...) shuffled_ord_mat = shuffle_matrix(args...) if do_plot shuff_plt_ref = plot_square_heatmap(shuffled_ord_mat, 1, size(shuffled_ord_mat, 1); plt_title="Shuffled, size:$(matrix_size)", color_palete=:lightrainbow) display(shuff_plt_ref) end return input_matrix, shuff_plt_ref end """ function organize_shuff_matrix(input_matrix; do_plots=false) Reorganizes 'input_matrix' so that values highest values in a row are positioned next to the diagonal. Results may be plotted by setting 'do_plot=true'. """ function organize_shuff_matrix(input_matrix) unscrambled_matrix = copy(input_matrix) matrix_size = size(input_matrix, 1) for k = matrix_size:-2:2 max_row_val = findmax(unscrambled_matrix[k, :])[2] # put to the previous last position swap_rows!(unscrambled_matrix, max_row_val, k - 1) # skip 1 row and work on next one end return unscrambled_matrix end function organize_shuff_matrix_with_plotting(input_matrix) unscrambled_matrix = organize_shuff_matrix(input_matrix) reorganized_plt_ref = plot_square_heatmap(unscrambled_matrix, 1, size(unscrambled_matrix, 1); plt_title="unscrambled_matrix, size:$(matrix_size)", color_palete=:lightrainbow ) display(reorganized_plt_ref) return unscrambled_matrix, reorganized_plt_ref end """ function order_max_vals_near_diagonal(input_matrix; do_plots=false, direction=:descending) Orders values in 'input_matrix' so that values next to diagonal are descending (by default). TODO- not working- Optionally, ascending order can be used by setting 'direction' to ':ascending'. Results may be plotted by setting 'do_plot=true'. """ function order_max_vals_near_diagonal(input_matrix; direction=:descending) # Find max values next to the diagonal matrix_size = size(input_matrix, 1) if direction == :descending # ordering_function = findmax new_ord_value = -1 iteration_values = matrix_size:-2:2 # iteration_values = 2:2:matrix_size elseif direction == :ascending # ordering_function = findmin new_ord_value = findmax(input_matrix)[1] * 2 iteration_values = 2:2:matrix_size else # @error "Unknow ordering was given" throw("Unknow ordering was given") end reordered_matrix = copy(input_matrix) row_indices = 1:2:matrix_size col_indices = 2:2:matrix_size coord_set = [CartesianIndex(row_indices[k], col_indices[k]) for k = 1:matrix_size÷2] diag_max_values = reordered_matrix[coord_set] for k = iteration_values max_val, max_ind = findmax(diag_max_values) (direction == :descending) ? (position = floor(k ÷ 2)) : (position = floor(k ÷ 2)) diag_max_values[max_ind] = diag_max_values[position] diag_max_values[position] = new_ord_value max_ind *= 2 swap_rows!(reordered_matrix, k, max_ind) swap_rows!(reordered_matrix, k - 1, max_ind - 1) end return reordered_matrix end function order_max_vals_near_diagonal_with_plotting(input_matrix; kwargs...) reordered_matrix = order_max_vals_near_diagonal(input_matrix; kwargs...) reorganized_plt_ref = plot_square_heatmap(reordered_matrix, 1, size(reordered_matrix, 1); plt_title="reordered_matrix, size:$(matrix_size)", color_palete=:lightrainbow) display(reorganized_plt_ref) return reordered_matrix, reorganized_plt_ref end """ function fine_tune_matrix(input_matrix; do_plots=false) Check if velues next to the maximal values are organized in descending order. """ function fine_tune_matrix(input_matrix) # Find max values next to the diagonal matrix_size = size(input_matrix, 1) fine_tune_matrix = copy(input_matrix) # if direction == :descending # # ordering_function = findmax # new_ord_value = -1 # iteration_values = matrix_size:-2:2 # # iteration_values = 2:2:matrix_size # # elseif direction == :ascending # # ordering_function = findmin # new_ord_value = findmax(input_matrix)[1]*2 # iteration_values = 2:2:matrix_size # else # # @error "Unknow ordering was given" # throw("Unknow ordering was given") # end for k = 2:2:matrix_size-1 if fine_tune_matrix[k-1, k+1] > fine_tune_matrix[k, k+1] swap_rows!(fine_tune_matrix, k, k - 1) end end return fine_tune_matrix end function fine_tune_matrix_with_ploting(input_matrix) fine_tune_matrix = fine_tune_matrix(input_matrix) fine_tuned_plt_ref = plot_square_heatmap(fine_tune_matrix, 1, size(reordered_matrix, 1); plt_title="fine_tuned, size:$(matrix_size)", color_palete=:lightrainbow) display(fine_tuned_plt_ref) return fine_tune_matrix, fine_tuned_plt_ref end # TODO separate plotting from processing function order_max_vals_by_row_avg(input_matrix; do_plots=false) # Find max values next to the diagonal matrix_size = size(input_matrix,1) # Row average row_avg = reshape(mean(input_matrix, dims=1),(matrix_size, 1)) # Using funciton below, because sortperm is not working on Array{Float64,2} sorted_rows_indexes = [findall(x->x==sort(row_avg, dims=1)[k], row_avg)[1][1] for k=1:matrix_size] matrix_indices = collect(range(1,matrix_size)) # Sort indices by values (highest to lowest) # Create a list of indices, which corresponding valeus are ordered sorted_indices = sort!([1:matrix_size;], by=i->(sorted_rows_indexes[i],matrix_indices[i])) sorted_matrix = copy(input_matrix) for k = 1:matrix_size÷2 #iteration_values max_ind = sorted_indices[k] sorted_indices[k] = k sorted_indices[max_ind] = max_ind swap_rows!(sorted_matrix, k, max_ind) # swap_rows!(sorted_matrix, k-1, max_ind-1) end # TODO separate plotting from processing reorganized_plt_ref = plot_square_heatmap(sorted_matrix, 1,size(reordered_matrix,1); plt_title = "reordered_matrix, size:$(matrix_size)", color_palete=:lightrainbow) # TODO separate plotting from processing input_mat_plt_ref = plot_square_heatmap(input_matrix, 1,size(reordered_matrix,1); plt_title = "input_matrix, size:$(matrix_size)", color_palete=:lightrainbow) common_plot1 = plot(input_mat_plt_ref, reorganized_plt_ref, layout=(1,2), size=(800,400)) # reordered_matrix = copy(input_matrix) # row_indices = 1:2:matrix_size # col_indices = 2:2:matrix_size # coord_set = [CartesianIndex(row_indices[k], col_indices[k]) for k=1:matrix_size÷2] # # # for k = iteration_values # max_val, max_ind = findmax(diag_max_values) # position = floor(k÷2) # diag_max_values[max_ind] = diag_max_values[position] # diag_max_values[position] = new_ord_value # max_ind *= 2 # # swap_rows!(reordered_matrix, k, max_ind) # swap_rows!(reordered_matrix, k-1, max_ind-1) # end if do_plots # TODO separate plotting from processing reorganized_plt_ref = plot_square_heatmap(sorted_matrix, 1,size(reordered_matrix,1); plt_title = "reordered_matrix, size:$(matrix_size)", color_palete=:lightrainbow) display(reorganized_plt_ref) end return reordered_matrix, reorganized_plt_ref end function order_max_vals_near_diagonal2(input_matrix; do_final_plot=false, do_all_plots = false, direction=:descending) # Find max values next to the diagonal matrix_size = size(input_matrix,1) reordered_matrix = copy(input_matrix) reorganized_plt_ref = [] # for every row in matrix for k = 1:2:matrix_size-1 # global reordered_matrix # TODO separate plotting from processing reorganized_plt_ref_pt0 = plot_square_heatmap(reordered_matrix, 1,size(reordered_matrix,1); plt_title = "reordered_matrix, size:$(matrix_size)", color_palete=:lightrainbow) max_val, max_ind = findmax(reordered_matrix[k:end, k:end]) # Take the smaller coordinate # (max_ind[1] < max_ind[2]) ? (target_row = max_ind[1]) : (target_row = max_ind[2]) target_row = max_ind[1]+k-1 reordered_matrix = swap_rows(reordered_matrix, k, target_row) # TODO separate plotting from processing reorganized_plt_ref_pt1 = plot_square_heatmap(reordered_matrix, 1,size(reordered_matrix,1); plt_title = "reordered_matrix, size:$(matrix_size)", color_palete=:lightrainbow) val, second_target = findmax(reordered_matrix[k,k:end]) second_target = second_target+k-1 reordered_matrix = swap_rows(reordered_matrix, k+1, second_target) # end # # if do_all_plots # TODO separate plotting from processing reorganized_plt_ref_pt2 = plot_square_heatmap(reordered_matrix, 1,size(reordered_matrix,1); plt_title = "reordered_matrix, size:$(matrix_size)", color_palete=:lightrainbow) reorganized_plt_ref = plot(reorganized_plt_ref_pt0, reorganized_plt_ref_pt1, reorganized_plt_ref_pt2, layout=(1,3), size=(1400,400)) display(reorganized_plt_ref) end end if do_final_plot # TODO separate plotting from processing reorganized_plt_ref = plot_square_heatmap(reordered_matrix, 1,size(reordered_matrix,1); plt_title = "reordered_matrix, size:$(matrix_size)", color_palete=:lightrainbow) # display(reorganized_plt_ref) else reorganized_plt_ref=[] end return reordered_matrix, reorganized_plt_ref end """ function get_key_for_value(d::Dict, target_value) Returns key of the dictionary which corresponds to the given target value. """ function get_key_for_value(d::Dict, target_value) for (key, value) in d if value == target_value return key end end end function order_max_vals_near_diagonal3(input_matrix, ordering; direction=:descending) # Find max values next to the diagonal matrix_size = size(input_matrix,1) reordered_matrix = deepcopy(input_matrix) new_ordering = Dict() # for every row in matrix for m = 1:2:matrix_size-1 # global reordered_matrix max_val, max_ind = findmax(reordered_matrix[m:end, m:end]) # Take the smaller coordinate first_target = max_ind[1]+m-1 reordered_matrix = swap_rows(reordered_matrix, m, first_target) # check for duplicates val, second_target = findmax(reordered_matrix[m,m:end]) second_target = second_target+m-1 if first_target == second_target @debug "are same" second_target -= 1 end reordered_matrix = swap_rows(reordered_matrix, m+1, second_target) # find key which initially had region = first_target region1 = get_key_for_value(ordering, first_target) region2 = get_key_for_value(ordering, second_target) if region1 in keys(new_ordering) @warn "repeated" end if region2 in keys(new_ordering) @warn "repeated2" end new_ordering[region1] = m new_ordering[region2] = m +1 println("Replaced $(region1) fom $(ordering[region1]) to $(m)") println("Replaced $(region2) fom $(ordering[region2]) to $(m+1)") end return reordered_matrix, new_ordering end ## # """ # matrix_poling!(input_matrix; method = "avg_pooling") # # Takes a matrix and changes it's values to the same value, according to 'method'. # Possible methods are: # - 'max_pooling'- finds maximal value and replaces all values with the maximal # value. # - 'avg_pooling'- changes values to the average value # - 'gauss_pooling'- uses gausian kernel as weights to the values in the matrix # """ # function matrix_poling!(input_matrix::Array; method::String = "max_pooling") # if method == "max_pooling" # max_val = findmax(input_matrix)[1] # input_matrix .= max_val # end # return input_matrix # end # matrix_poling(mat[1:3,1:3]; method = "gauss_pooling") function matrix_poling(input_matrix::Array; method = "avg_pooling", kernel_size=3,gauss_sigma=1) out_matrix = copy(input_matrix) if method == "max_pooling" max_val = findmax(out_matrix)[1] out_matrix .= max_val elseif method == "avg_pooling" avg_val = mean(out_matrix) out_matrix .= floor(Int,avg_val) elseif method == "gauss_pooling" @debug "Gauss pooling" # gauss_kernel = ones(kernel_size,kernel_size) # gauss_kernel[kernel_size÷2+1,kernel_size÷2+1] = 2 filtering_kernel = Kernel.gaussian(gauss_sigma) # gauss_kernel2 = imfilter(gauss_kernel, filtering_kernel) # gauss_kernel3 = gauss_kernel2.-findmin(gauss_kernel2)[1]/findmax(gauss_kernel2)[1] # gauss_kernel3 = gauss_kernel3./sum(gauss_kernel3) out_matrix = imfilter(out_matrix, filtering_kernel) # out_matrix += out_matrix.*gauss_kernel3 out_matrix .= floor.(Int,out_matrix) end return out_matrix end function subsample_matrix(square_matrix::Array; subsamp_size::Int=2, method="max_pooling") if !issymmetric(square_matrix) error("Input matrix is not square") return end if subsamp_size == 2 reorganize_matrix(square_matrix; subsamp_size=subsamp_size, method=method) return reorganize_matrix(square_matrix; subsamp_size=subsamp_size, method=method) elseif subsamp_size%2 == 0 new_matrix = reorganize_matrix(square_matrix; subsamp_size=subsamp_size, method=method) return reorganize_matrix(new_matrix; subsamp_size=2, method=method) else new_matrix = reorganize_matrix(square_matrix; subsamp_size=subsamp_size, method=method) return new_matrix end end #= Should the result be overlapping or not? Options: - filter it as a whole image, return diagonal - filter subimages- the problem is that htere will be edge effect at every border of cells - filter subimages and assign midde value to whole patch - filter whole upper diagonal matrix Plot gaussian kernel Should we care about =# function reorganize_matrix(square_matrix::Array; subsamp_size::Int=2, method="max_pooling", overlap::Int=0,gauss_sigma=1) if method == "gauss_pooling" (subsamp_size >= 3) || error("Can not do gaussian pooling for area smaller than 3x3") end @debug method # Subsample upper half square_matrix2 = Float64.(copy(square_matrix)) total_rows, total_cols = size(square_matrix) size_mismatch_flag = false # if total_rows%2 != 0 # total_rows -= 1 # end # if total_cols%2 != 0 # total_cols -= 1 # end if method == "gauss_pooling" square_matrix2 = zeros(Int,size(square_matrix)) square_matrix2[1:end-1,2:end] = UpperTriangular(square_matrix[1:end-1,2:end]) # flip matrix do_matrix_flip = true if do_matrix_flip square_matrix3 = zeros(Float64,size(square_matrix)) for row in 0:total_rows-1 for col in 0:total_cols-1 square_matrix3[row+1,col+1] = square_matrix[end-row,end-col] end end square_matrix3[1:end-1,:] = square_matrix3[2:end,:] square_matrix3[:,2:end] = square_matrix3[:,1:end-1] else square_matrix3 = copy(square_matrix2) square_matrix3[1:end-1,:] = square_matrix2[2:end,:] square_matrix3[:,1:end-1] = square_matrix2[:,2:end] end for row in 1:total_rows for col in 1:row square_matrix2[row,col] = square_matrix3[row,col] end end filtering_kernel = Kernel.gaussian(gauss_sigma) square_matrix2 = imfilter(square_matrix2, filtering_kernel) square_matrix2 .= Int.(floor.(Int,square_matrix2)) elseif method == "row_pooling" function gauss_func(σ,len;μ=0) maxv = len÷2 minv= -len÷2 if len%2 == 0 maxv-=1 end x = collect(minv:1:maxv) return exp.(-(((x.-μ)./σ)./2).^2)./(σ*sqrt(2π)) end # Take 'subsamp_size'in total in horizontal and in vertical line from # current matrix element # subsamp_size = 5 val_range = subsamp_size÷2 r = (subsamp_size÷2)*2 # total_rows = 266 # total_cols = 266 # row = 3 for row = 1:1:(total_rows-1) for col = (row+1):1:total_cols if row < r && col <= r row_range = row - 1 col_range = val_range + (val_range-row_range÷2) else row_range = val_range end if row > total_rows-r && col >= total_cols-r col_range = total_cols - row -1 row_range = val_range + (val_range-col_range) else col_range = val_range end r_beg = row - row_range r_end = row + row_range c_beg = col - col_range c_end = col + col_range # if r_beg < 1 && r_end > total_rows if r_beg < 1 r_end += abs(r_beg)+1 r_beg = 1 end if r_end > col r_beg -= abs(r_end-col) if r_beg <1 r_beg=1 end r_end = col-1 end # end # if both # if c_beg < row+1 && c_end > total_cols if c_beg < row+1 c_end += abs(c_beg-(row+1)) c_beg = row+1 end if c_end > total_cols c_beg -= abs(total_rows-c_end) c_end = total_cols end vrange = r_beg:r_end try square_matrix2[row,col] += sum( square_matrix[vrange,col] .* gauss_func(gauss_sigma,length(vrange)) ) vrange = c_beg:c_end square_matrix2[row,col] += sum( square_matrix[row,c_beg:c_end] .* gauss_func(gauss_sigma,length(vrange)) ) catch e @error "Failed to compute row pooling" @error "row" row @error "col" col square_matrix2[row,col] = 0 break # error(e) end end # for col end # for rows else step = subsamp_size-overlap for row = 1:step:(total_rows-2) for col = (row+subsamp_size):step:total_cols r_beg = row r_end = row+subsamp_size-1 c_beg = col c_end = col+subsamp_size-1 if r_end > total_rows || c_end > total_cols size_mismatch_flag = true continue end square_matrix2[r_beg:r_end,c_beg:c_end] = matrix_poling(square_matrix[r_beg:r_end,c_beg:c_end]; method=method,kernel_size=subsamp_size, gauss_sigma=gauss_sigma) end # for col size_mismatch_flag && continue end # for rows end # if method # Copy over lower half for row in 2:total_rows for col in 1:row-1 square_matrix2[row,col] = square_matrix2[col,row] end end # keep same values on diagonal for row in 1:total_rows square_matrix2[row,row] = square_matrix[row,row] end return square_matrix2 end function pool_matrix(square_matrix::Array; method="max_pooling") out_matrix = copy(square_matrix) pool_matrix!(square_matrix; method=method) return out_matrix end """ add_random_patch(input_matrix; patch_size=1, total_patches=1, locations) Takes a matrix and replaces some values with random values. Returns a new matrix with replaced values and indicies where replacement took place. Values can be replaced by setting 'patch_size' to values bigger than 1. If the input matrix is symmetric, then output matrix will be symmetric as well (values from above diagnoal will be copied over values from below diagonal). """ function add_random_patch(input_matrix::Matrix; patch_size=1, total_patches=1, locations=CartesianIndex(0)) total_rows, total_cols = size(input_matrix) max_row = total_rows-patch_size+1 max_col = total_cols-patch_size+1 output_matrix = copy(input_matrix) max_val = findmax(output_matrix)[1] min_val = findmin(output_matrix)[1] matrix_type = typeof(output_matrix[1]) if patch_size>total_rows || patch_size>total_cols error(DimensionMismatch,": Patch size is bigger than the matrix!") end # === issymmetric(input_matrix) ? (symmetrize_matrix = true) : (symmetrize_matrix = false) if locations == CartesianIndex(0) @debug "Locations were not specified- random locations will be used" if symmetrize_matrix possible_indices = findall(x->true,UpperTriangular(output_matrix)) possible_indices = possible_indices[findall(x->x[1]<=x[2], possible_indices)] possible_indices = possible_indices[findall(x->x[1]<=max_row, possible_indices)] possible_indices = possible_indices[findall(x->x[2]<=max_col, possible_indices)] else possible_indices = possible_indices = findall(x->true,output_matrix) end tartget_indices = possible_indices[randcycle(length(possible_indices))] else wrong_indices = findall(x->x[1]>max_row || x[2]>max_col, locations) if isempty(wrong_indices) tartget_indices = locations total_patches = size(locations)[1] else error(DimensionMismatch,": Given indices are bigger than the matrix dimensions!") end end changed_indices = CartesianIndex[] for replacement=1:total_patches row = tartget_indices[replacement][1] col = tartget_indices[replacement][2] r_range = row:row+patch_size-1 c_range = col:col+patch_size-1 for ind in CartesianIndices((r_range,c_range)) push!(changed_indices,ind) end new_rand_matrix = floor.(matrix_type, rand(patch_size,patch_size) .* (max_val-min_val+1) .+ min_val) output_matrix[r_range,c_range] .= new_rand_matrix end if symmetrize_matrix # Inverse second column changed_indices2 = [changed_indices changed_indices] for ind = 1:size(changed_indices)[1] c_ind = changed_indices2[ind,2] changed_indices2[ind,2] = CartesianIndex(c_ind[2],c_ind[1]) end # Copy over lower half for row in 2:total_rows for col in 1:row-1 output_matrix[row,col] = output_matrix[col,row] end end @debug "Returned symmetric matrix" output_matrix return output_matrix, changed_indices2 else return output_matrix, changed_indices end end function scramble_matrix(in_matrix::Array; k::Int=2, max_iterations=-1) out_matrix = copy(in_matrix) total_rows, total_cols = size(in_matrix) counter = 0 if max_iterations < 1 max_iterations = (total_cols*(total_cols-1))/2 end for row = 1:k:total_rows-k # @info "row:" row for col=total_cols:-k:row+1 # @info "col:" col if row == col-k+1 # @info "shoulbreak" continue end indices = collect(CartesianIndices((row:row+k-1,col-k+1:col))) permut_indices = shuffle(indices) out_matrix[indices] .= in_matrix[permut_indices] counter +=1 if counter >= max_iterations break end end if counter >= max_iterations break end end return out_matrix end
[ "MIT" ]
using LinearAlgebra using StatsBase """ shift_to_non_negative(matrix::Array) Returns a matrix in which values are non-negative. This is done by finding the minimal value in the input matrix and adding its absolute value to the matrix elements. """ function shift_to_non_negative(matrix::Array) min_val = findmin(matrix)[1] if min_val < 0 return matrix .-= min_val else return matrix end end """ normalize_to_01(matrix::Array; use_factor=false, norm_factor=256) Returns a matrix which values are in range [0, 1]. If 'use_factor' is set to 'true' then values are normalized to 'norm_factor' (by default set to 256). If the values in the input matrix are below 0, then they are shifted so that only positive numbers are in the matrix (the values are normalized to new maximal value or norm_factor). """ function normalize_to_01(matrix::Array; use_factor = false, norm_factor = 256) normalized_matrix = copy(matrix) min_val = findmin(normalized_matrix)[1] if min_val < 0 normalized_matrix .+= abs(min_val) else normalized_matrix .-= abs(min_val) end max_val = findmax(normalized_matrix)[1] if use_factor if max_val > norm_factor @warn "Maximal values exceed \'norm_factor\'." end normalized_matrix = normalized_matrix ./ norm_factor else normalized_matrix = normalized_matrix ./ max_val end return normalized_matrix end # function symmetrize_image(image) """ function diagonal_symmetrize(image::Matrix; below_over_upper::Bool=false) Takes an 'image' in the form of a matrix and return a copy which is symmetric with respect to diagonal- values above diagonal are copied over values below the diagonal. This can be inverted by setting 'below_over_upper=true'. If the input matrix is not square, then square matrix is created by taking matrix of k times 'k' elements, 'k=min(r,c)' where 'r' is number of rows and 'c' is number of columns. """ function diagonal_symmetrize(image::Matrix; below_over_upper::Bool = false) w, h = size(image) mat_size = findmin([w, h])[1] img = copy(image[1:mat_size, 1:mat_size]) # Get all cartesian indices from input matrix matrix_indices = CartesianIndices((1:mat_size, 1:mat_size)) # Filter out indices below diagonal if below_over_upper matrix_indices = findall(x -> x[1] > x[2], matrix_indices) else matrix_indices = findall(x -> x[2] > x[1], matrix_indices) end # how many elements are above diagonal repetition_number = Int(ceil((mat_size * (mat_size - 1)) / 2)) # Substitute elements for k = 1:repetition_number # n_pos = matrix_indices[k] mat_ind = matrix_indices[k] # ordered_matrix[mat_ind] = k img[mat_ind[2], mat_ind[1]] = img[mat_ind] end try checksquare(img) catch err if isa(err, DimensionMismatch) @error "Resulting matrix is not a square matrix" throw(err) end end # issymmetric(Float64.(img)) return img end # ===== # matrix ordering """ function get_ordered_matrix(in_matrix::Matrix; assign_same_values::Bool = false, force_symmetry::Bool = false, small_dist_grouping::Bool = false, min_dist::Number = 1e-16, total_dist_groups::Int = 0, ordering_start::Int=1) Takes a @input_matrix and returns ordered form of this matrix. The ordered form is a matrix which elements represent ordering from smallest to highest values in @input_matrix. If @input_matrix is symmetric, then ordering happens only with upper diagonal. Lower diagonal is symetrically copied from values above diagonal. By default, if there is a geoup of entriess with the same value, they all are assigned with the same ordering number. This can be changed with @assign_same_values parameter. Symetry ordering can be froced with @force_symmetry parameter. By setting 'small_dist_grouping' to true, all the values that difference is lower than 'min_dist', will be assigned with the same order number. # Examples ```julia-repl julia> a = [0 11 12; 11 0 13; 12 13 0]; julia> get_ordered_matrix(a) 3×3 Array{Int64,2}: 0 1 2 1 0 3 2 3 0 ``` ```julia-repl julia> b = [38 37 36 30; 37 34 30 32; 36 30 31 30; 30 32 30 29] julia> get_ordered_matrix(b; assign_same_values=false) 4×4 Array{Int64,2}: 0 6 5 2 6 0 1 4 5 1 0 3 2 4 3 0 julia> get_ordered_matrix(b; assign_same_values=true) 4×4 Array{Int64,2}: 0 4 3 1 4 0 1 2 3 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 ``` """ function get_ordered_matrix(in_matrix::Matrix; assign_same_values::Bool = false, force_symmetry::Bool = false, small_dist_grouping::Bool = false, min_dist::Number = 1e-16, total_dist_groups::Int = 0, ordering_start::Int=1) # TODO Symmetry must be forced for matrix in which there are NaN elements- needs # to be further investigated # TODO not working for negative only values # TODO check for square matrix # == mat_size = size(in_matrix) ord_mat = zeros(Int, mat_size) # how many elements are above diagonal if issymmetric(in_matrix) || force_symmetry matrix_indices = generate_indices(mat_size, symmetry_order = true, include_diagonal = false) do_symmetry = true else matrix_indices = generate_indices(mat_size, symmetry_order = false) do_symmetry = false end total_elements = length(matrix_indices) # Collect vector of indices all_ind_collected = arr_to_vec(matrix_indices) # Sort indices vector according to inpu array # TODO Cant this be done with sortperm? in_matrix > UpperTriangular |> sortperm index_sorting = sort_indices_by_values(in_matrix, all_ind_collected) ordering_number = ordering_start for k = 1:total_elements # global ordering_number next_sorted_pos = index_sorting[k] mat_ind = matrix_indices[next_sorted_pos] if assign_same_values && k != 1 prev_sorted_pos = index_sorting[k-1] prev_mat_ind = matrix_indices[prev_sorted_pos] cond1 = in_matrix[prev_mat_ind] == in_matrix[mat_ind] cond2 = small_dist_grouping cond3 = abs(in_matrix[prev_mat_ind] - in_matrix[mat_ind]) < min_dist if cond1 || (cond2 && cond3) ordering_number -= 1 end end set_values!(ord_mat, mat_ind, ordering_number; do_symmetry = do_symmetry) ordering_number += 1 # else # set_values!(ord_mat, mat_ind, ordering_number; do_symmetry=do_symmetry) # ordering_number+=1 # end end return ord_mat end # TODO this one has to be specified for 3 dim matrix function get_ordered_matrix(input_array::Array{Any,3}; do_slices = true, dims = 0) arr_size = size(input_array) out_arr = zeros(Int, arr_size) if do_slices # param check if dims > length(arr_size) throw(DomainError("Given dimension is greater than total size of array.")) elseif dims > 0 throw(DomainError("Given dimension must be positive value.")) elseif dims <= 3 throw(DomainError("Given dimension must be lower than 3.")) end for dim = 1:arr_size[dims] if dims == 1 out_arr[dim, :, :] = get_ordered_matrix(input_array[dim, :, :]) elseif dims == 2 out_arr[:, dim, :] = get_ordered_matrix(input_array[:, dim, :]) elseif dims == 3 out_arr[:, :, dim] = get_ordered_matrix(input_array[:, :, dim]) end end else out_arr = get_ordered_matrix(input_array) end end function get_ordered_matrix(input_array::Array) out_array = copy(input_array) arr_size = size(input_array) total_elements = length(input_array) # Collect vector of indices all_ind_collected = collect(reshape(generate_indices(arr_size), (length(input_array)))) # Sort indices vector according to inpu array index_sorting = sort!( [1:total_elements;], by = i -> (input_array[all_ind_collected][i], all_ind_collected[i]), ) for k = 1:total_elements target = index_sorting[k] out_array[target] = k end return out_array end # Care must be taken so that values from 'input_matrix' are within distance # groups, otherwise error is thrown. """ function group_distances(input_matrix::Array, total_dist_groups::Int) Takes a matrix and rearranges values into 'total_dist_groups' number of groups. Every group is assigned with number value from range '<0,1>'. """ function group_distances(input_matrix::Array, total_dist_groups::Int) normed_matrix = normalize_to_01(input_matrix) target_matrix = copy(normed_matrix) h, w = size(input_matrix) if h * w < total_dist_groups throw(DomainError("Total number of groups exceed total number of entries in input matrix")) end total_borders = total_dist_groups + 1 range_val = collect(range(0, 1, length = total_borders)) for k = 2:total_borders indices = findall(x -> x >= range_val[k-1] && x <= range_val[k], normed_matrix) target_matrix[indices] .= range_val[k] end unique(target_matrix) # Sets last range to values smaller than unity, just in case this might cause trobules # normed_matrix[normed_matrix .> range_val[end-1]] .= 0.99 return target_matrix end """ generate_indices(matrix_size::Tuple; symmetry_order::Bool=false, include_diagonal::Bool=true) Return all the possible indices of the matrix of size 'matrix_size'. 'matrix_size' may be a tuple or a series of integer arguments corresponding to the lengths in each dimension. If 'symetry_order' is set to'true', then only indices of values below diagonal are returned. """ function generate_indices(matrix_size::Tuple; symmetry_order::Bool = false, include_diagonal::Bool = true) # Get all cartesian indices from input matrix matrix_indices = CartesianIndices(matrix_size) # Filter out indices below diagonal if symmetry_order matrix_indices = findall(x -> x[1] <= x[2], matrix_indices) else matrix_indices = findall(x -> true, matrix_indices) end if !include_diagonal filter!(x -> x[1] != x[2], matrix_indices) end return matrix_indices end """ generate_indices(matrix_size::Int; symmetry_order::Bool=false, include_diagonal::Bool=true) Generate indices for a matrix of given dimensions. 'generate_indices' is a series of integer arguments corresponding to the lengths in each dimension. """ function generate_indices(matrix_size::Int; symmetry_order::Bool = false, include_diagonal::Bool = true) return generate_indices( (matrix_size, matrix_size); symmetry_order = symmetry_order, include_diagonal = include_diagonal, ) end """ arr_to_vec(some_array::Array) Takes an array and reshapes it into a vector. """ function arr_to_vec(some_array::Array) return collect(reshape(some_array, length(some_array))) end function cartesianInd_to_vec(some_array::CartesianIndices) return collect(reshape(some_array, length(some_array))) end """ sort_indices_by_values(values_matrix::T, index_vector) where {T<:VecOrMat} Sorts the 'index_vector' according to corresponding values in the 'values_matrix' and returns a Vector of intigers which is an list of ordering of 'sorted index_vector'. """ function sort_indices_by_values(values_matrix::T, index_vector) where {T<:VecOrMat} if !isa(index_vector, Vector) throw(TypeError( :sort_indices_by_values, "\'index_vector\' must be a vector, otherwise an ordering list can no be created!", Vector, typeof(index_vector), )) end total_elements = length(index_vector) return sort!( [1:total_elements;], by = i -> (values_matrix[index_vector][i], index_vector[i]), ) end """ set_values!(input_matrix::Matrix, position::CartesianIndex, target_value::Number; do_symmetry=false) Assigns 'target_value' to indices at 'input_matrix[position[1], position[2]]'. If 'do_symmetry' is set to 'true', then the 'target_value' is also assigned at position 'input_matrix[position[2], position[1]]'. """ function set_values!(input_matrix::Matrix, position::CartesianIndex, target_value::Number; do_symmetry::Bool = false) input_matrix[position[1], position[2]] = target_value if do_symmetry input_matrix[position[2], position[1]] = target_value end return input_matrix end # matrix ordering # ===== function get_high_dim_ordered_matrix(input_matrix) matrix_size = size(input_matrix) ordered_matrix_3D = zeros(Int, matrix_size) for slice = 1:matrix_size[1] ordered_matrix_3D[slice, :, :] = get_ordered_matrix(input_matrix[slice, :, :]) end return ordered_matrix_3D end """ reduce_arrs_to_min_len(arrs) Takes vector of vectors of different length and returns array of arrays which are of the same length. Length in the output is the shortest vector length from the input- values above this size are discarded. """ function reduce_arrs_to_min_len(arrs::Array) @debug "Argument specific" new_arr = copy(arrs) simulation = size(new_arr, 1) min_size = Inf for m = 1:simulation @debug "Simulation number" m current_size = size(new_arr[m], 1) @debug "Current size: " current_size if convert(Float64, current_size) < min_size min_size = current_size @debug "min size changed to: " min_size end end # min_size = Int.(min_size) @debug "Concatenating" for m = 1:simulation new_arr[m] = new_arr[m][1:min_size, :] end min_size = Inf return new_arr end """ increase_arrs_to_max_len(arrs) Takes vector of vectors of different length and returns array of arrays which are of the same length. Length in the output is the longest vector length from the input- values above this size are discarded. """ function increase_arrs_to_max_len(arrs) new_arr = copy(arrs) simulation = size(new_arr, 1) max_size = 0 for m = 1:simulation @debug "Simulation number" m current_size = size(new_arr[m], 1) @debug "Current size: " current_size if convert(Float64, current_size) > max_size max_size = current_size @debug "min size changed to: " max_size end end # max_size = Int.(max_size) @debug "Concatenating" for m = 1:simulation correct_len_arr = zeros(Int, max_size, 3) correct_len_arr[1:size(arrs[m], 1), :] = new_arr[m][:, :] new_arr[m] = correct_len_arr end # min_size = Inf return new_arr end
[ "MIT" ]
using Distances using Random # export generate_random_point_cloud, # generate_geometric_matrix, # generate_shuffled_matrix, # generate_random_matrix, # generate_matrix_ordering, # # generate_set_of_graphs, # # plot_betti_numbers, # # save_matrix_to_file; """ Returns a random matrix of size @number_of_points x @dimensions in which every column is a point and every n-th row is a position in the n-th dimension. """ generate_random_point_cloud(number_of_points = 12, dimensions=2) = rand(Float64, dimensions, number_of_points) """ Return a matrix which stores the pariwise distances between every point in the @random_points matrix. """ function generate_geometric_matrix(random_points) geometric_matrix = Distances.pairwise(Euclidean(), random_points, dims=2) return geometric_matrix end """ Returns a ordered geometric matrix, which was generated by samping 'dims' dimensional unit cuve with 'total_points' samples. """ function get_ordered_geom_matrix(dims::Integer, total_points::Integer) # TODO to be completed end """ Returns a symetric matrix with randomly permuted valuse from the @input_matrix. """ function generate_shuffled_matrix(input_matrix) matrix_size = size(input_matrix,1) indicies_collection = findall(x->x>0, input_matrix) rand!(indicies_collection, indicies_collection) shuffeled_matrix = copy(input_matrix) # Swap the elements n=1 for k in 1:matrix_size for m in k+1:matrix_size a = indicies_collection[n][1] b = indicies_collection[n][2] shuffeled_matrix[k,m] = input_matrix[a,b] shuffeled_matrix[m,k] = input_matrix[b,a] shuffeled_matrix[a,b] = input_matrix[k,m] shuffeled_matrix[b,a] = input_matrix[m,k] n +=1 end end return shuffeled_matrix end """ Returns matrix with random values which are symmetric accros the diagonal. The matrix has @matrix_size rows and @matrix_size columns. """ function generate_random_matrix(matrix_size) elemnts_above_diagonal = Int((matrix_size^2-matrix_size)/2) random_matrix = zeros(matrix_size, matrix_size) set_of_random_numbers = rand(elemnts_above_diagonal) h = 1 for k in 1:matrix_size for m in k+1:matrix_size random_matrix[k,m] = set_of_random_numbers[h] random_matrix[m,k] = set_of_random_numbers[h] h += 1 end end return random_matrix end # function generate_set_of_graphs(matrix_size, matrix_ordering) # """ # Returns set of graphs generated from the @matrix_ordering. In every succesive # graph, single connection between points is added. # # NOTE: the function does not take the coordinates of the numbered vertices. # """ # vetrices = matrix_size # edges = matrix_ordering # num_of_edges = size(edges)[2] # # set_of_graphs = [a=Graph(vetrices) for a=1:num_of_edges] # edges_counter = zeros(Int, num_of_edges) # edge_density = zeros(num_of_edges) # # k=1 # for k in range(1,stop=num_of_edges)~ # add_edge!(set_of_graphs[k], edges[1,k], edges[2,k]); # edges_counter[k] = ne(set_of_graphs[k]) # edge_density[k] = edges_counter[k]/binomial(matrix_size,2) # # if k<num_of_edges # if is used to eliminate copying at last iteration # set_of_graphs[k+1] = copy(set_of_graphs[k]) # end # end # return set_of_graphs, edge_density # end # function save_matrix_to_file(matrix, filename) # """ # Saves given @matrix to the csv file with the name @filename. If there is no path # added to the @filename, then file saved is in local folder. # """ # open(filename, "w") do io # writedlm(io, matrix, ',') # end # end # ===== # Copied form Julia learning repo """ Returns ordering of the @geometric_matrix given as an input. If value @ascending is set to true, the values are number from the lowest value, to the highest. If false, the values are numbered from highest to the lowest. """ function generate_matrix_ordering(geometric_matrix, ascending = true) matrix_size = size(geometric_matrix, 2) elemnts_above_diagonal = Int((matrix_size^2-matrix_size)/2) matrix_ordering = zeros(Int, 2,elemnts_above_diagonal) A = copy(geometric_matrix) (ascending) ? (method=findmax) : (method=findmin) for element in 1:elemnts_above_diagonal # Find maximal distance minimal_value = method(A) # Get the coordinates (only 2 dimensions, because it is distance matrix) matrix_ordering[1,element] = Int(minimal_value[2][1]) matrix_ordering[2,element] = Int(minimal_value[2][2]) # # # Zero minval in A (above and below diagonal) so next minval can be found A[matrix_ordering[1,element], matrix_ordering[2,element]] = 0.0 A[matrix_ordering[2,element], matrix_ordering[1,element]] = 0.0 end # change from min to max order to the max to min order (? necessary ?) if ascending matrix_ordering = matrix_ordering[:,end:-1:1] end return matrix_ordering end """ function get_geometric_matrix(points, dimensions; save_as_file=false) Created a point cloud with 'points' number of points from 'dimension' dimensional eucidean unit cube and computes distances between the points. Distance matrix may be saved to csv file by setting 'save_as_file' to 'true'. """ function get_geometric_matrix(points, dimensions; save_as_file=false) point_cloud = generate_random_point_cloud(points,dimensions) geom_mat = generate_geometric_matrix(point_cloud) if save_as_file open("geometric_matrix_points$(points)_dims$(dimensions).csv", "w") do io writedlm(io, geom_mat, ',') end end return geom_mat end
[ "MIT" ]
import Plots.plot as plot import Plots.plot! as plot! import Plots.heatmap as heatmap import Plots.@layout as @layout # include("TopologyStructures.jl") """ plot_square_heatmap(matrix, tick_step, tick_end; plt_title, img_size=(900, 800), img_dpi=300) Takes matrix and plots it as a heatmap. Funtion returns the handler to the heatmap. """ function plot_square_heatmap(matrix, tick_step, tick_end; plt_title="", yflip_matrix=true, plot_params= (dpi=300, size=(900,800), lw=1, thickness_scaling=1, top_margin= 0, left_margin=[0 0], bottom_margin= 0 ), color_palete=:lightrainbow, add_labels=true) heat_map = heatmap(matrix, color=color_palete, title=plt_title, size=plot_params.size, dpi=plot_params.dpi, ticks=0:tick_step:tick_end); yflip_matrix && plot!( yflip = true,); if add_labels xlabel!("Matrix index") ylabel!("Matrix index") end return heat_map end #%% """ row_plot(bd_plots::Dict;base_h = 600, base_w = 600, kwargs...) Plots all the plots from the input dictionary 'bd_plots' in 'layout=(1,n)', where 'n' is total number of plots. By default, the plots dimensions are: the height='base_h'; the width= n * base_w. """ function row_plot(bd_plots::Dict;base_h = 800, base_w = 800, top_margin= 10mm, left_margin=[10mm 10mm], bottom_margin= 10mm, kwargs...) total_dims = length(bd_plots) all_keys = keys(bd_plots) all_plts = tuple() for k = 1:total_dims all_plts = (all_plts..., bd_plots["β$(k)"]) end nice_plot = plot(all_plts..., layout=(1,total_dims), size=(total_dims*base_w,base_h), # left_margin=left_margin, # top_margin=top_margin, # bottom_margin=bottom_margin, thickness_scaling=2, margin=2mm, kwargs...) return nice_plot end #%% """ plotimg(matrix_to_plot) Display an image as a plot. The values from the input matrix are adjusted to the value range of [0, 1]. If @cut_off is true then the matrix values above 256 are set to 256 and then all values are normalized to the value 256. If @cut_off is false, then values are normalized to maximal value. """ function plotimg(matrix_to_plot, cut_off=false) matrix_type = typeof(matrix_to_plot) min_val = findmin(matrix_to_plot)[1] int_types_arr = [Matrix{UInt8}; Matrix{UInt16}; Matrix{UInt32}; Matrix{UInt64}; Matrix{UInt128}; Matrix{Int8}; Matrix{Int16}; Matrix{Int32}; Matrix{Int64}; Matrix{Int128}] float_types_arr = [Matrix{Float16} Matrix{Float32} Matrix{Float64}] if min_val<0 matrix_to_plot = shift_to_non_negative(matrix_to_plot) end max_val = findmax(matrix_to_plot)[1] if max_val > 256 && cut_off matrix_to_plot[findall(x -> x>256, matrix_to_plot)] = 256 end if in(matrix_type, int_types_arr) matrix_to_plot = normalize_to_01(matrix_to_plot) elseif in(matrix_type, float_types_arr) matrix_to_plot = normalize_to_01(matrix_to_plot, max_val) end return colorview(Gray, matrix_to_plot) end #%% """ plot_image_analysis(plots_set; description::NamedTuple, original_img, kwargs...) Takes set of plots and puts them in 2 coulm layout. If 'description' is given, adds entry with the data processing description. If 'original_img' is given, it is also displayed next to the descrtions field. 'kwargs' are plot properties. """ function plot_image_analysis(plots_set; description::NamedTuple, original_img, kwargs...) kwarg_keys = kwargs.keys() (!isempty(original)) ? (orig_img_flag = true) : (orig_img_flag = false) (!isempty(description)) ? (desc_flag = true) : (desc_flag = false) l = @layout [a{0.2w} [grid(3,3) b{0.2h}]] total_plot_sets = 7 total_cols = 2 total_rows = ceil(Int,total_plot_sets/total_cols) if orig_img_flag || desc_flag total_rows +=1 end height_unit = 1/total_rows matrix = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] l = @layout [a{0.4w,} b{0.4w,}; # grid(1,4); # grid(1,4); # grid(1,4); # grid(1,4); ] # [grid(2,2) grid(2,2)]] # [a [grid(4,2) b]]] data = [rand(10, 4), rand(11, 4)] l = @layout [a{0.4w} b c d e f c d e f c d e f c d e f c d e f] ref = plot(grid=false, axis=false, layout = l, legend = false, # seriestype = [:scatter :path], dpi=300, size=(900,1200), ) ref.series_list p2 = plot!(ref.subplots[18],rand(10, 1),seriestype = :scatter,axis=true,grid=true, title="") p2 = plot!(ref.subplots[21],rand(10, 10),seriestype = :heatmap, legend=true, xlabel="index", ylabel="index") annotate!(ref.subplots[0], 0, 0, "my text", :red) p1.subplots # color scheme end # TODO add depreciation for this function # """ # get_all_plots_from_set(orig_matrix::TopologyMatrixSet; name_prefix="") # # Takes a collection of matrix computed for topological analysis and creates set # of their heatmaps and related Betti curves. # # """ # function get_all_plots_from_set(orig_matrix::TopologyMatrixSet; name_prefix="") # # === # # Get heatmaps # original_heatmaps_set = TopologyMatrixHeatmapsSet(orig_matrix) # # patched_heatmaps_set = TopologyMatrixHeatmapsSet(patched_matrix) # # # === # # Get Betti plots # original_bettis = TopologyMatrixBettisSet(orig_matrix) # original_bettis_plots = TopologyMatrixBettisPlots(original_bettis) # # patched_bettis_plots = TopologyMatrixBettisPlots(patched_bettis) # # mat_size = size(orig_matrix.ordered_matrix,1) # common_plots_set = Any[] # for k = 1:size(orig_matrix.description_vector,1) # matrix_type = orig_matrix.description_vector[k] # # # # === # # Common plot # common_plot1 = plot(original_heatmaps_set.heatmap_plots_set[k], # original_bettis_plots.betti_plots_set[k], # layout=(1,2), size=(800,400)) # plot!(common_plot1, title = matrix_type*"_r$(orig_matrix.ranks_collection[k])") # # met_par.do_dsiplay && display(common_plot1) # # push!(common_plots_set, common_plot1) # end # # # load image # file_path = orig_matrix.params.img_path*orig_matrix.params.file_name # if isfile(file_path) # img1_gray = Gray.(load(file_path)) # additional_plot = plot(img1_gray, legend = false); # else # # TODO Change empty plot for plot with properties # additional_plot = plot(legend = false); # end # # parameters_list_plot = plot() # first_plot = plot(additional_plot, parameters_list_plot) # # plt_size = size(common_plots_set,1) # # all_plot1 = plot(additional_plot, # common_plots_set[1], # original matrix # common_plots_set[2], # original reordered- highest values located next to diagonal # common_plots_set[3], # max pooling of values in subsquares, original matrirx # common_plots_set[4], # max pooling of values in subsquares, reorganized matrix # common_plots_set[5], # renumbered max pooling of values in subsquares, reorganized matrix # common_plots_set[6], # renumbered max pooling of original matrix # common_plots_set[7], # reordered renumbered max pooling of original matrix # layout=(plt_size÷2+1,2), size=(1200*2,plt_size÷2*400)) # return all_plot1 # end
[ "MIT" ]
# Set of functions # # After matrices generation, Betti curves will be generated # For better optimization, operations on indices should be done first # TODO Check if the threshold of values is applied here and if it has some # consequence on results using Eirene using Random include("MatrixToolbox.jl") struct PlottingData mat_size::Int64 dim::Int src_pts_number::Int trgt_pts_number::Int src_points::Vector{Int} trgt_points::Array{Int} targets::Vector{Int} # Constructor for input data function PlottingData(mat_size::Int, dim::Int, src_pts_number::Int, trgt_pts_number::Int) steps_set = [0] src_points = [0] trgt_points = [0] new(mat_size::Int, dim::Int, src_pts_number::Int, trgt_pts_number::Int, src_points, trgt_points, steps_set) end function PlottingData(mat_size::Int, dim::Int, src_pts_number::Int, trgt_pts_number::Int, src_points::Vector{Int}, trgt_points::Array{Int}, trgt_sptep::Int) if trgt_sptep == 0 steps_set = [trgt_pts_number] else steps_set = collect(1:trgt_sptep:trgt_pts_number) # Make sure that all points are used isempty(findall(x->x==trgt_pts_number, steps_set)) && push!(steps_set, trgt_pts_number) end new(mat_size::Int, dim::Int, src_pts_number::Int, trgt_pts_number::Int, src_points::Vector{Int}, trgt_points::Array{Int}, steps_set) end end function get_replacing_points(mat_size, src_pts_number, trgt_pts_number) total_pts_number = src_pts_number + src_pts_number*trgt_pts_number total_pts_number > mat_size && error("Too many points to substitute!") elements_collection = randcycle(mat_size) src_points = elements_collection[1:src_pts_number] strat_val = src_pts_number+1 stop_val = total_pts_number trgt_points = elements_collection[strat_val:stop_val] trgt_points = reshape(trgt_points, trgt_pts_number, src_pts_number) return src_points, trgt_points end # === function replace_matrix_rows(matrix, srcs, trgts) replacement_row = get_row(matrix, pt_src) new_matrix = set_row(matrix, trgt_points, replacement_row) end function get_row(matrix, pt_src) return matrix[pt_src,:] end function set_row!(matrix::Array, pt_trgt::Int, replacement_row::Array) @debug "set_row! func" replacement_row[pt_trgt] = 0 matrix[pt_trgt, :] .= replacement_row matrix[:, pt_trgt] .= replacement_row return matrix end function set_row(matrix::Array, pt_trgt::Int, replacement_row::Array) @debug "set_row func" new_matrix = copy(matrix) return set_row!(new_matrix, pt_trgt, replacement_row) end function set_row(matrix::Array, pt_trgt::Array, replacement_row::Array) @debug "set_row func" new_matrix = copy(matrix) for point in pt_trgt new_matrix = set_row!(new_matrix, point, replacement_row) end return new_matrix end function matrix_organization(matr, src_points, trgt_points) working_matrix = copy(matr) mat_size = size(matr, 1) src_number = size(src_points,1) swapping_sources = Any[] step = 0 matrix_indices = CartesianIndices((1:mat_size, 1:mat_size)) matrix_indices = findall(x->x[1]<x[2], matrix_indices) sorted_values = matr[matrix_indices] ordered_indices = sort!([1:mat_size;], by=i->(sorted_values[i],matrix_indices[i])) sort(matr[:,1]) # matr[src_points[src_pt],1] for src_pt = 1:src_number # find all source target_set = findall(x-> x==matr[src_points[src_pt],1], matr[:,1]) # swap all equivalents for tragt = target_set swap_rows!(working_matrix, tragt, mat_size-step) step +=1 end end return working_matrix end # matrix = ordered_matrices_collection[15] function swap_rows!(matrix, src_row_num, trgt_row_num) src_backup = copy(matrix[src_row_num,:]) trgt_backup = copy(matrix[trgt_row_num,:]) matrix[src_row_num, trgt_row_num] = matrix[trgt_row_num, trgt_row_num] matrix[trgt_row_num, src_row_num] = matrix[src_row_num,src_row_num] matrix[src_row_num,src_row_num] = trgt_backup[src_row_num] matrix[trgt_row_num, trgt_row_num] = src_backup[trgt_row_num] src_backup = copy(matrix[src_row_num,:]) matrix[src_row_num,:] .= matrix[trgt_row_num, :] matrix[trgt_row_num, :] .= src_backup matrix[:, src_row_num] = matrix[src_row_num,:] matrix[:, trgt_row_num] = matrix[trgt_row_num,:] end function swap_rows(matrix, src_row_num, trgt_row_num) new_matrix = copy(matrix) swap_rows!(new_matrix, src_row_num, trgt_row_num) return new_matrix end function ordering_matrix_analysis(test_data::PlottingData;generation_function=get_geom_matrix) mat_size = test_data.mat_size dim = test_data.dim src_pts_number = test_data.src_pts_number trgt_pts_number = test_data.trgt_pts_number trgt_steps = 0 src_points, trgt_points = get_replacing_points(mat_size, src_pts_number, trgt_pts_number) distance_matrix = generation_function(mat_size, dim) distance_matrices_collection = get_dist_mat_collection(distance_matrix, src_points, trgt_points, trgt_steps) ordered_matrices_collection = get_ordered_set(distance_matrices_collection) bettis_collection = get_bettis_collection(ordered_matrices_collection) plot_data = PlottingData(mat_size, dim, src_pts_number, trgt_pts_number, src_points, trgt_points, trgt_steps) plotting_data = print_hmap_with_bettis(ordered_matrices_collection, bettis_collection, plot_data) return distance_matrices_collection, ordered_matrices_collection, bettis_collection, plot_data end # ================================= # Matrix modification functions function make_matrix_steps!(input_matrix, step_number; step_size=2 ) # input_matrix = ord_mat # step_number = 13 rows = step_number:(step_number+step_size-1) cols = 1:step_number-1 min_value = findmin(input_matrix[rows,cols])[1] input_matrix[rows,cols] .= min_value input_matrix[cols,rows] .= min_value end """ function add_step_to_matrix(input_matrix, last_components) Takes a symmetric matrix 'input_matrix' and appends 2 columns and 2 rows such that resulting geometric object structure is bigger by 1 dimension. 'last_components' determines which etries in the matrix are used for closing high dimensional simplices. """ function add_step_to_matrix(input_matrix, last_components) matrix_size = size(input_matrix,1) new_matrix = zeros(Int,matrix_size +2, matrix_size+2) new_matrix[1:matrix_size,1:matrix_size] .= input_matrix min_closing_component = findmin(input_matrix[last_components])[1] new_row1 = range(min_closing_component, length=matrix_size) new_row2 = range(findmax(new_row1)[1]+1, length=matrix_size) last = 2 new_matrix[matrix_size+1,1:end-last] = new_row1 new_matrix[matrix_size+2,1:end-last] = new_row2 new_matrix[1:end-last,matrix_size+1] = new_row1 new_matrix[1:end-last,matrix_size+2] = new_row2 # Adjust last components max_new_matrix = findmax(new_matrix)[1] new_matrix[last_components].=input_matrix[last_components].+(max_new_matrix-min_closing_component+1) new_matrix[end-1,end ] = findmax(new_matrix)[1]+1 new_matrix[end, end-1] = findmax(new_matrix)[1] new_max_val = findmax(new_matrix)[2] new_component = copy(last_components) push!(new_component, new_max_val) push!(new_component, CartesianIndex(new_max_val[2], new_max_val[1])) return new_matrix, new_component end
[ "MIT" ]
module TopologyPreprocessing # MatrixOrganization.jl export matrix_poling, subsample_matrix, add_random_patch # MatrixProcessing.jl export shift_to_non_negative, normalize_to_01, diagonal_symmetrize, group_distances, generate_indices, reduce_arrs_to_min_len, increase_arrs_to_max_len, get_ordered_matrix, group_distances, generate_indices, arr_to_vec, cartesianInd_to_vec, sort_indices_by_values, set_values! # BettiCurves.jl export get_bettis, normalise_bettis, get_vectorized_bettis, plot_bettis, get_bettis_color_palete # BarCodes.jl export get_barcodes, plot_barcodes, plot_barcodes!, get_birth_death_ratio, get_barcode_lifetime, get_barcode_max_lifetime, boxplot_birth_death, boxplot_lifetime, get_barcode_max_db_ratios include("MatrixOrganization.jl") include("MatrixProcessing.jl") include("BettiCurves.jl") include("Barcodes.jl") end # module
[ "MIT" ]
# # ====================== # # Example usage # using CSV # using Plots # # file_name = "sts_for_VP_test.csv" # csv_matrix =[:,2:end] # almost_not_csv_matrix = Matrix(csv_matrix) # # file_name2 = "spikes.csv" # spikes = load_csv_file_to_array(file_name2) # # file_name3 = "th_chunks.csv" # th_chunks = load_csv_file_to_array(file_name3) # # sts = generate_spike_matrix(spikes; th_chunks=th_chunks) # VPd = [get_selfdist(s; n_chan=32, cost=60., dt=0.01) for s in sts] # # # plot_set = Any[] # for matrix in VPd # push!(plot_set, heatmap(matrix, color=:Reds_9, colorbar=false, yflip = true)) # end # # plot(plot_set[1], plot_set[2], plot_set[3], # plot_set[4], plot_set[5], plot_set[6], # plot_set[7], plot_set[8], plot_set[9], # layout=(1,9), size=(9*1200,1100), legend=false, colorbar=false) """ get_selfdist(st_inp; n_chan=32, cost=60., dt=0.01) Method for computing pair-wise spike distances from a range of spike trains. Function copied from Mikolaj SETCOmodel Inputs: st_inp: [2 x N] array with spike times and indices of neurons. N - number of spikes generated, 1st row - index of neuron generating given spikes, 2nd row - spike time. n_chan - number of neurons (default: 32) cost - cost parameter for VP spike distance, in ms (default: 60 ms) dt - simulation timestep, in ms (default: 0.01 ms -> 100 kHz) Output: pc - [n_chan x n_chan] matrix containing pairwise VP spikes distances for each pair of neurons. """ function get_selfdist(st_inp; n_chan=32, cost=60., dt=0.01) sts_new = Any[] for i in 1:n_chan push!(sts_new, st_inp[2,findall(x->x==i, st_inp[1,:])]) end # sts = [st_inp[0,st_inp[1,:]==i] for i in 1:n_chan] pc = zeros(n_chan, n_chan) for i in 1:n_chan, j in 1:n_chan pc[i,j] = spkd(sts_new[i], sts_new[j], dt/(cost)) end return pc end # TODO Add test with MATLAB code run for some spike train and compare with # results from this """ spkd(s1, s2, cost) Fast implementation of victor-purpura spike distance (faster than neo & elephant python packages) Direct Python port of The below code was tested against the original implementation and yielded exact results. All credits go to the authors of the original code. Code was translated from Frotran to Matlab, from Matlab to Python, from Python to Julia. It was veryfied with MATLAB code. Input: s1,2: pair of vectors of spike times cost: cost parameter for computing Victor-Purpura spike distance. (Note: the above need to have the same units!) Output: d: VP spike distance. """ function spkd(s1, s2, cost) nspi=length(s1) nspj=length(s2) # Why not to use this? if cost==0 return d=abs(nspi-nspj) elseif cost==Inf return d=nspi+nspj end scr=zeros(nspi+1, nspj+1) # initialize margins with cost of adding a spike scr[:,1]=0:nspi scr[1,:]=0:nspj for i = 2:nspi+1, j = 2:nspj+1 component1 = scr[i-1,j]+1 component2 = scr[i,j-1]+1 component3 = scr[i-1,j-1]+cost*abs(s1[i-1]-s2[j-1]) scr[i,j] = min(component1, component2, component3) end d=scr[end,end] return d end """ generate_spike_matrix(spikes; th_chunks=[[0,0]]) Generates matrix of the form [2xN] array with spike times and indices of neurons. N - number of spikes generated, 1st row - index of neuron generating given spikes, 2nd row - spike time. Resulting matrix is time sorted. Resulting matrix may be splint into fragments by setting 'th_chunks' to a list of fragments in a way such that 'th_chunks[k,1]' is a starting index and 'th_chunks[k,2]' is an ending index of k'th fragment. """ function generate_spike_matrix(spikes; th_chunks=[[0,0]], val_range=20:52) if th_chunks == [[0,0]] th_chunks[1,1] = 1 th_chunks[1,2] = size(spikes,1) end spike_train_simplified = Any[] for i = 1:size(th_chunks,1) #1 Get a chunk of spike trains of interest syllable_spikes = spikes[th_chunks[i, 1]:th_chunks[i, 2], val_range] # find all spikes all_spikes = findall(x->x==1,syllable_spikes) # convert to [2xN] matrix total_spikes = length(all_spikes) sorted_spikes = zeros(Int, 2,total_spikes) for k = 1:total_spikes sorted_spikes[1,k] = all_spikes[k][2] sorted_spikes[2,k] = all_spikes[k][1] end push!(spike_train_simplified, sorted_spikes[:,sortperm(sorted_spikes[2,:])]) end return spike_train_simplified end
[ "MIT" ]
# Module taken from: using Plots using Eirene using Ripserer using Statistics # compute the persistent betti numbers of the Vietoris-Rips complex given by the distance matrix `matr` # if mintime, maxtime and numofsteps are specified -- returns a `numofsteps x maxdim` array # if either of the keyword arguments is not specified or is set to Inf, returns `maxdim` arrays for method=:eirene, or error for :ripser # function bettis(matr, maxdim; mintime=-Inf, maxtime=Inf, numofsteps=Inf, method=:ripser) # if (method == :ripser) || (method == :Ripser) # if VERSION < v"0.7.0" # error("Ripser requires at least Julia v 0.7.0") # end # return bettis_ripser(matr, maxdim, mintime=mintime, maxtime=maxtime, numofsteps=numofsteps) # elseif (method == :eirene) || (method == :Eirene) # return bettis_eirene(matr, maxdim, mintime=mintime, maxtime=maxtime, numofsteps=numofsteps) # else # error("Method $(method) is not supported. Supported methods are: method=:eirene, method=:ripser") # end # end function bettis_ripser(matr, maxdim; mintime=-Inf, maxtime=Inf, numofsteps=Inf) if (mintime == -Inf) || (maxtime == -Inf) || (numofsteps == -Inf) error("To use Ripser, specify parameters mintime, maxtime, numofsteps") end r = ripser(matr, dim_max = maxdim, threshold = maxtime) int_length = maxtime-mintime step_length= int_length/numofsteps betts = zeros(numofsteps, maxdim) for dim=1:maxdim ints = r[dim+1] for intl in ints st = Int(ceil((intl[1]-mintime)/step_length)) if intl[2] == Inf fin = numofsteps else fin = Int(ceil((intl[2]-mintime)/step_length)) end betts[st:fin, dim] = map(x->x+1, betts[st:fin, dim]) end end return betts end # # # Original function returns 2 different types of betti curves. If no default # # value parameters is given, it returns vector of matrices. If num of steps is # # given, then it return matrix maxdim x numsteps. # function bettis_eirene(matr, maxdim; mintime=-Inf, maxtime=Inf, numofsteps=Inf) # c = eirene(matr, minrad = mintime, maxrad= maxtime, numrad= numofsteps, maxdim=maxdim) # # int_length = maxtime-mintime # step_length= int_length/numofsteps # # if (mintime == -Inf) || (maxtime == Inf) || (numofsteps == Inf) # # return [betticurve(c, dim=maxdim) for d=1:maxdim] # return hcat([betticurve(c, dim=d)[:,2] for d=1:maxdim]...) # end # # betts = zeros(numofsteps, maxdim) # # For every dimension compute betti curve # for dim=1:maxdim # bet = betticurve(c, dim=dim) # # #for every element in betti curve return betti value if index is positive # for i=1:size(bet,1) # b = bet[i,:] # ind = Int(ceil((b[1]-mintime)/step_length)) # if ind > 0 # betts[ind,dim]=b[2] # else # betts[1,dim]=b[2] # end # end # end # return betts # end # average betti numbers over arrs # assuming arrs is an array of arrays, where each arrs[j] is the same size function average_bettis(arrs; maxdim=-1) if size(arrs,2) > 1 return arrs end md = maxdim if maxdim == -1 md = size(arrs[1],2) end numofints = size(arrs[1],1) av_bet = zeros(numofints,md) for i=1:numofints for d=1:md av_bet[i,d] = mean([arrs[j][i,d] for j=1:length(arrs)]) end end return av_bet end # compute standard deviation of betti numbers over arrays in arrs # assuming arrs is an array of arrays, where each arrs[j] is the same size function std_bettis(arrs; maxdim=-1) md = maxdim if maxdim == -1 md = size(arrs[1],2) end numofints = size(arrs[1],1) std_bet = zeros(numofints,md) if size(arrs,2) > 1 return std_bet end for i=1:numofints for d=1:md std_bet[i,d] = std([arrs[j][i,d] for j=1:length(arrs)]) end end return std_bet end # plot average curves at values `xval`, with averages given by `means` and standard deviations given by `std` function plot_averages(xvals, means, stds; ribbon=true, label="", linestyle=:solid, color=:auto) if ribbon return plot(xvals, means, ribbon=stds,fillalpha=.3, labels=label, linestyle=linestyle, color=color) else return plot(xvals, means, labels=label, linestyle=linestyle, c=color) end end function plot_averages!(xvals, means, stds; ribbon=true, label="", linestyle=:solid, color=:auto) if ribbon return plot!(xvals, means, ribbon=stds,fillalpha=.3, labels=label, linestyle=linestyle, color=color) else return plot!(xvals, means, labels=label, linestyle=linestyle, c=color) end end function load_bettis(filename) dict = load(filename) for (matr_name, matr) in dict return matr end end # plot average curves at values `xval`, given that the bettis numbers are saved in `file` function plot_averages(xvals, file::String; dim=1, ribbon=true, label="", linestyle=:solid, color=:auto) matr = load_bettis(file) av = average_bettis(matr)[:,dim] if ribbon st = std_bettis(matr)[:,dim] return plot(xvals, av, ribbon=st,fillalpha=.3, labels=label, linestyle=linestyle, c=color) else return plot(xvals, av, labels=label, linestyle=linestyle, c=color) end end function plot_averages!(xvals, file::String; dim=1, ribbon=true, label="", linestyle=:solid, color=:auto) matr = load_bettis(file) av = average_bettis(matr)[:,dim] if ribbon st = std_bettis(matr)[:,dim] return plot!(xvals, av, ribbon=st,fillalpha=.3, labels=label, linestyle=linestyle, c=color) else return plot!(xvals, av, labels=label, linestyle=linestyle, c=color) end end
[ "MIT" ]
# ============================== # ======== Tested code ======== using Eirene using Plots using StatsPlots #%% function get_bettis(results_eirene::Dict, max_dim::Integer; min_dim::Int = 1) """ get_bettis(results_eirene::Dict, max_dim::Integer; min_dim::Int=1) Calls Eirene.betticurve for 'dim' in range from `min_dim` up to 'max_dim' and stack the resulting Arrays into a vector. The returned value is a Vector of Arrays{Float64,2}. Each array is of size (n,2), where n is the maximal number of steps taken to compute Betti curve of dimensions ranging form `min_dim` to `max_dim`. First column of each array contains numbered steps. Second column are the Betti curve values for corresponding step. Arrays in returned vector correspond to Betti curve dimensions form range `min_dim` up to 'max_dim'. """ bettis = Matrix{Float64}[] for d = min_dim:max_dim result = betticurve(results_eirene, dim = d) if isempty(result) && d > 1 result = zeros(size(bettis[d-1])) end push!(bettis, result) end return bettis end # TODO add get_bettis_from_matrix, to wrap C= eirene...; get bettis #%% function normalise_bettis(bettis::Vector) """ normalise_bettis(bettis::Vector) normalise_bettis(bettis::Array) Normalise the number of steps for Betti curves. 'bettis' can be either vector of arrays (each array contain Betti curve of different dimension) or an array containing Betti curve of a single dimension. """ @debug "Vector version" norm_bettis = copy(bettis) @debug "norm_bettis size :" size(norm_bettis)[1][1] max_dim = size(norm_bettis)[1] @debug "typeof(max_dim) :" typeof(max_dim[1]) for d = 1:(max_dim) if !isempty(norm_bettis[d]) norm_bettis[d][:, 1] /= findmax(norm_bettis[d][:, 1])[1] end end return norm_bettis end #%% function normalise_bettis(bettis::Array) @debug "Array version" norm_bettis = copy(bettis) @debug "norm_bettis size :" size(norm_bettis) if !isempty(norm_bettis) norm_bettis[:, 1] /= findmax(norm_bettis[:, 1])[1] end return norm_bettis end #%% # function vectorize_bettis(betti_curves::Array{Matrix{Float64,2}}) function vectorize_bettis(betti_curves::Vector{Array{Float64,2}}) """ vectorize_bettis(betti_curves::Matrix{Float64}) Reshapes the 'betti_curves' from type Array{Matrices{Float64,2}} into Matrix{Float64}. The resulting matrix size is (n, k), where 'n' is equal to the number of rows in each matrix, 'k' is equal to the number of matrices. TODO: Change the name- it takse vector and returns a matrix. TODO: get bettis could have an arguent betti_type which would determine resulting type """ first_betti = 1 last_betti = size(betti_curves,1) return hcat([betti_curves[k][:, 2] for k = first_betti:last_betti]...) end #%% @deprecate vectorize_bettis(eirene_results::Dict, maxdim::Integer, mindim::Integer) vectorize_bettis(betti_curves) # === #%% function get_vectorized_bettis(results_eirene::Dict, max_dim::Integer; min_dim::Int = 1) """ get_vectorized_bettis(results_eirene::Dict, max_dim::Integer; min_dim::Int=1) Takes the eirene result and computes Betti curves for dimensions in range 'mindim:maxdim'. Every Betti curve is stored in successive column of the resulting array. TODO: this should return a matrix, where first col are indices and rest are B values (1st col is missing now) """ all_bettis = get_bettis(results_eirene, max_dim, min_dim = min_dim) bettis_vector = vectorize_bettis(all_bettis) return bettis_vector end # == #%% function plot_bettis(bettis::Vector; min_dim::Integer = 1, use_edge_density::Bool=true, betti_labels::Bool = true, default_labels::Bool = true, kwargs...)#; plot_size = (width=1200, height=800), """ plot_bettis(bettis; min_dim::Integer=1, betti_labels::Bool=true, default_labels::Bool=true kwargs...) Creates a plot for set of betti numbers stored in `bettis` and return the handler to the plot. 'kwargs' are plot parameters Some of the possible 'kwargs' are: - title::String - legend:Bool - size::Tuple{T, T} where {T::Number} - lw::Integer or linewidth:Integer (for more, see plots documentation): TODO: min_dim is not included in all_dims variable TODO: add change of x label based on x values- so it is either edge density for 0:1 range values or Filtration step otherwise """ max_dim = size(bettis, 1) all_dims = 1:max_dim if min_dim > max_dim throw(DomainError( min_dim, "\'min_dim\' must be greater that maximal dimension in \'bettis\'", )) end lw_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :lw || x == :linewidth, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(lw_pos) lw = kwargs[lw_pos] else lw = 2 end # Create iterator for all loops all_iterations = 1:(max_dim) #TODO ths can not be starting from min_dim, because it may be 0 if use_edge_density for p = all_iterations max_step = findmax(bettis[p][:, 1])[1] bettis[p][:, 1] ./= max_step end end colors_set = get_bettis_color_palete(min_dim=min_dim) plot_ref = plot(; kwargs...) # for p = min_dim:(max_dim) #TODO ths can not be starting from min_dim, because it may be 0 # for p = all_iterations for (index, p) in enumerate(min_dim:max_dim) args = (lc = colors_set[index], linewidth = lw) if betti_labels args = (args..., label = "β$(p)") end plot!(bettis[index][:, 1], bettis[index][:, 2]; args...) end legend_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :legend, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(legend_pos) plot!(legend = kwargs[legend_pos]) else plot!(legend = betti_labels) end x_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :xlabel, keys(kwargs)) y_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :ylabel, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(x_pos) xlabel!(kwargs[x_pos]) elseif default_labels xlabel!("Edge density") end if !isnothing(y_pos) ylabel!(kwargs[y_pos]) elseif default_labels ylabel!("Number of cycles") end # set tlims to integer values max_ylim = findmax(ceil.(Int, ylims(plot_ref)))[1] if max_ylim <=3 ylims!((0, 3)) end if use_edge_density xlims!((0, 1)) end return plot_ref end function plot_bettis(bettis::Array; min_dim::Integer = 1, use_edge_density::Bool=true, betti_labels::Bool = true, default_labels::Bool = true, normalised=true, kwargs...)#; plot_size = (width=1200, height=800), """ plot_bettis(bettis::Array; min_dim::Integer=1, betti_labels::Bool=true, default_labels::Bool=true kwargs...) Creates a plot for set of betti numbers stored in `bettis` and return the handler to the plot. 'kwargs' are plot parameters Some of the possible 'kwargs' are: - title::String - legend:Bool - size::Tuple{T, T} where {T::Number} - lw::Integer or linewidth:Integer (for more, see plots documentation): TODO: min_dim is not included in all_dims variable TODO: add change of x label based on x values- so it is either edge density for 0:1 range values or Filtration step otherwise """ max_dim = size(bettis, 2)-1-min_dim all_dims = 1:max_dim if min_dim > max_dim throw(DomainError( min_dim, "\'min_dim\' must be greater that maximal dimension in \'bettis\'", )) end total_steps = size(bettis, 1) if normalised x_vals = range(0, stop=1, length=total_steps) else x_vals = range(0, stop=total_steps) end lw_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :lw || x == :linewidth, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(lw_pos) lw = kwargs[lw_pos] else lw = 2 end # if use_edge_density # # for p = 1:(max_dim) #TODO ths can not be starting from min_dim, because it may be 0 # for (index, p) in enumerate(min_dim:max_dim) # max_step = findmax(bettis[:, 1])[1] # bettis[p][:, 1] ./=max_step # end # end colors_set = get_bettis_color_palete(min_dim=min_dim) plot_ref = plot(; kwargs...) # for p = min_dim:(max_dim) #TODO ths can not be starting from min_dim, because it may be 0 # for p = 1:(max_dim) #TODO ths can not be starting from min_dim, because it may be 0 for (index, p) in enumerate(min_dim:max_dim) args = (lc = colors_set[index], linewidth = lw) if betti_labels args = (args..., label = "β$(p)") end plot!(x_vals, bettis[:, index]; args...) end legend_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :legend, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(legend_pos) plot!(legend = kwargs[legend_pos]) else plot!(legend = betti_labels) end x_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :xlabel, keys(kwargs)) y_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :ylabel, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(x_pos) xlabel!(kwargs[x_pos]) elseif default_labels xlabel!("Edge density") end if !isnothing(y_pos) ylabel!(kwargs[y_pos]) elseif default_labels ylabel!("Number of cycles") end # set tlims to integer values max_ylim = findmax(ceil.(Int, ylims(plot_ref)))[1] if max_ylim <=3 ylims!((0, 3)) end if use_edge_density xlims!((0, 1)) end return plot_ref end # ======= Untested code # TODO add default kwargs paring function -> parse_kwargs() function plot_all_bettis(bettis_collection; min_dim::Integer = 1, betti_labels::Bool = true, default_labels::Bool = true, normalised=true, kwargs...)#; plot_size = (width=1200, height=800), """ plot_all_bettis ... """ total_dims = size(bettis_collection[1],2) lw_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :lw || x == :linewidth, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(lw_pos) lw = kwargs[lw_pos] else lw = 2 end colors_set = get_bettis_color_palete(min_dim=min_dim) max_y_val = find_max_betti(bettis_collection) plot_ref = plot(; kwargs...) for b = 1:total_dims args = (lc = colors_set[b], linewidth = lw, alpha=0.12,label=false, ylims=(0,max_y_val)) for bettis = bettis_collection betti_vals = bettis[:,b] total_steps = size(bettis, 1) x_vals = range(0, stop=1, length=total_steps) plot!(x_vals, betti_vals; args...) end # my_label = "β$(b)" # betti_vals = results_d["bettis_collection"][:hc][end] # x_vals = range(0, stop=1, length=size(betti_vals, 1)) # plot!(x_vals, betti_vals; lc = colors_set[b], linewidth = 1, alpha=0.1,label=my_label, ylims=(0,max_y_val)) end plot!(legend=true) legend_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :legend, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(legend_pos) plot!(legend = kwargs[legend_pos]) else plot!(legend = betti_labels) end x_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :xlabel, keys(kwargs)) y_pos = findfirst(x -> x == :ylabel, keys(kwargs)) if !isnothing(x_pos) xlabel!(kwargs[x_pos]) elseif default_labels xlabel!("Edge density") end if !isnothing(y_pos) ylabel!(kwargs[y_pos]) elseif default_labels ylabel!("Number of cycles") end return plot_ref end function find_max_betti(bettis_collection::Array) """ find_max_betti(bettis_collection::Array) Returns the highest Betti curve value from all dimensions. """ if typeof(bettis_collection) == Vector bettis_collection = vectorize_bettis(bettis_collection) end max_y_val = 0 for betti_set in bettis_collection local_max = findmax(betti_set)[1] if local_max > max_y_val max_y_val = local_max end end return max_y_val end # ======= Untested code == end #%% function printready_plot_bettis(kwargs) """ printready_plot_bettis(kwargs) Creates a plot using 'plot_bettis' with arguments which were tested to be very good for using them in prints. Used arguments are: """ return nothing end #%% function get_bettis_color_palete(; min_dim = 1, use_set::Integer = 1) """ function get_bettis_color_palete() Generates vector with colours used for Betti plots. Designed for Betti plots consistency. """ # TODO what does the number in the function below is used for? if use_set == 1 cur_colors = [Gray(bw) for bw = 0.0:0.025:0.5] if min_dim == 0 colors_set = [RGB(87 / 256, 158 / 256, 0 / 256)] else colors_set = [] end max_RGB = 256 colors_set = vcat( colors_set, [ RGB(255 / max_RGB, 206 / max_RGB, 0 / max_RGB), RGB(248 / max_RGB, 23 / max_RGB, 0 / max_RGB), RGB(97 / max_RGB, 169 / max_RGB, 255 / max_RGB), RGB(163 / max_RGB, 0 / max_RGB, 185 / max_RGB), RGB(33 / max_RGB, 96 / max_RGB, 45 / max_RGB), RGB(4 / max_RGB, 0 / max_RGB, 199 / max_RGB), RGB(135 / max_RGB, 88 / max_RGB, 0 / max_RGB), ], cur_colors, ) else use_set == 2 cur_colors = get_color_palette(:auto, 1) cur_colors3 = get_color_palette(:lightrainbow, 1) cur_colors2 = get_color_palette(:cyclic1, 1) if min_dim == 0 # colors_set = [cur_colors[3], cur_colors[5], [:red], cur_colors[1]] #cur_colors[7], colors_set = [cur_colors3[3], cur_colors[5], cur_colors3[end], cur_colors[1]] #cur_colors[7], else colors_set = [cur_colors[5], cur_colors3[end], cur_colors[1]] #cur_colors[7], # colors_set = [cur_colors[5], [:red], cur_colors[1], cur_colors[14]] end # for c = [collect(11:25);] # push!(colors_set, cur_colors2[c]) # end colors_set = vcat(colors_set, [cur_colors2[c] for c in [collect(11:25);]]) end return colors_set end # ============================== # ======= Untested code ======= # using Measures # using Plots.PlotMeasures # # # Source: # function setdefaultplottingparams(;upscale=2) # #8x upscaling in resolution # fntsm = Plots.font("sans-serif", pointsize=round(12.0*upscale)) # fntlg = Plots.font("sans-serif", pointsize=round(18.0*upscale)) # default(titlefont=fntlg, guidefont=fntlg, tickfont=fntsm, legendfont=fntsm) # default(size=(800*upscale,600*upscale)) #Plot canvas size # default(dpi=500) #Only for PyPlot - presently broken # end #%% function plot_bettis_collection(bettis_collection, bett_num, max_rank; step = 1, show_plt = true, R = 0.0, G = 0.4, B = 1.0) """ plot_bettis_collection(bettis_collection, bett_num; step=1, show_plt=true, R=0., G=0.4, B=1.0) PLots collection of Betti curves of rank 'bett-num'. Every successive plot has lower opacity than predecessor. 'step' defines step between collection elements that are ploted. By default, plot is displayed after carteation. This can be disabled by setting 'show_plt' to false. Color of the plot can be set with 'R', 'G', 'B' parameters. """ step > 0 || error("Steps should be natural number!") bettis_total = size(bettis_collection, 1) colors_set = zeros(Float64, bettis_total, 4) colors_set[:, 1] .= R colors_set[:, 2] .= G colors_set[:, 3] .= B max_betti = get_max_betti_from_collection(bettis_collection) @info "max_betti" max_betti x = 0 y = bettis_total * 0.1 va_range = collect(range(bettis_total + x, y, length = bettis_total)) colors_set[:, 4] .= va_range / findmax(va_range)[1] rgba_set = RGBA[] for k = 1:size(colors_set, 1) push!( rgba_set, RGBA(colors_set[k, 1], colors_set[k, 2], colors_set[k, 3], colors_set[k, 4]), ) end plt_reference = plot(1, title = "Betti curves collection, rank $(bett_num)", label = "") for b = 1:step:bettis_total betti = bettis_collection[b] x_vals_1 = (1:size(betti[:, bett_num], 1)) / size(betti[:, bett_num], 1) plot!(x_vals_1, betti[:, bett_num], lc = rgba_set[b], label = "rank=$(max_rank-b)") plot!(ylim = (0, max_betti)) end xlabel!("Normalised steps") ylabel!("Number of cycles") plot!(legend = true) show_plt && display(plt_reference) return plt_reference end #%% function get_max_bettis(bettis) """ get_max_bettis(bettis) Returns the maximal bettis of Betti curves for all dimensions. """ all_max_bettis = findmax(bettis, dims=1)[1] return all_max_bettis end # TODO change name # TODO check what for dim is used, change to min dim function get_max_betti_from_collection(bettis_collection; dim = 1) max_betti = 0 for betti in bettis_collection # global max_betti local_max = findmax(betti)[1] if (local_max > max_betti) max_betti = local_max end end return max_betti end #%% function plot_and_save_bettis(bettis, plot_title::String, results_path::String; file_name = "", extension = ".png", do_save = true, do_normalise = true, min_dim = 0, max_dim = 3, legend_on = true, kwargs...) """ plot_and_save_bettis(eirene_results, plot_title::String, results_path::String; extension = ".png", data_size::String="", do_save=true, extend_title=true, do_normalise=true, max_dim=3, legend_on=true) Plot Betti curves from 0 up to `max_dim` using `eirene_results` from Eirene library and returns handler for figure. Optionally, if `do_save` is set, saves the figure or if `do_normalise` is set, sets the steps range to be normalised to the horizontal axis maximal value. """ bettis = get_bettis(eirene_results, max_dim) if do_normalise bettis = normalise_bettis(bettis) end plot_ref = plot_bettis(bettis, plot_title, legend_on = legend_on, min_dim = min_dim, kwargs...) if do_save if isempty(file_name) file_name = plot_title * extension elseif isempty(findall(x -> x == extension[2:end], split(file_name, "."))) #check for the extension in file name file_name *= extension end save_figure_with_params( plot_ref, results_path; extension = extension, prefix = split(file_name, ".")[1], ) end return plot_ref end # TODO merge functions for getting betti curves # Original function returns 2 different types of betti curves. If no default # value parameters is given, it returns vector of matrices. If num of steps is # given, then it return matrix maxdim x numsteps. # """ # bettis_eirene(matr, maxdim; mintime=-Inf, maxtime=Inf, numofsteps=Inf, mindim=1) # # Takes the `matr` and computes Betti curves up to `maxdim`. Return matrix only # with betti curve values # # # Function taken from: # """ #%% @deprecate bettis_eirene(matr, maxdim; mintime = -Inf, maxtime = Inf, numofsteps = Inf, mindim = 1) get_bettis(results_eirene, max_dim; min_dim = 1) #%% function get_bettis_from_image(img_name, plot_params; file_path = "", plot_heatmaps = true, save_heatmaps = false, plot_betti_figrues = true) """ function get_bettis_from_image(img_name) Computes Betti curves for the image file indicated by @img_name. If the image is not symmetric, then it is the elements below diagonal are copied over the elmenents above the diagonal. """ file_n = split(img_name, ".")[1] img1_gray = Gray.(load(file_path * img_name)) img_size = size(img1_gray) C_ij = Float64.(img1_gray) if !issymmetric(C_ij) img1_gray = symmetrize_image(img1_gray) C_ij = Float64.(img1_gray) end img_size = size(C_ij, 1) # C_ij =-C_ij # C_ij .+= 1 # ============================================================================== # =============================== Ordered matrix =============================== if size(C_ij, 1) > 80 @warn "Running Eirene for big matrix: " img_size @warn "Eirene may have trobules with big matrices/images." end ordered_matrix = get_ordered_matrix(C_ij; assing_same_values = false) # ============================================================================== # ============================ Persistance homology ============================ C = eirene(ordered_matrix, maxdim = 3, model = "vr") # ============================================================================== # ================================ Plot results ================================ # TODO separate plotting from processing if plot_heatmaps full_ordered_matrix = get_ordered_matrix(C_ij; assing_same_values = false) heat_map2 = plot_square_heatmap( full_ordered_matrix, 10, img_size; plt_title = "Order matrix of $(file_n)", plot_params = plot_params, ) if save_heatmaps heatm_details = "_heatmap_$(file_n)" savefig(heat_map2, heatmaps_path * "ordering" * heatm_details) end end if plot_betti_figrues plot_title = "Betti curves of $(file_n), size=$(img_size) " figure_name = "betti_$(file_n)_n$(img_size)" ref = plot_and_save_bettis(C, plot_title, figure_path,; file_name = figure_name, plot_params = plot_params, do_save = false, extend_title = false, do_normalise = false, max_dim = 3, legend_on = true, min_dim = 1) end display(img1_gray) display(heat_map2) display(ref) end # =============================================== @deprecate get_bettis_from_image2(img_name;file_path = "",plot_heatmaps = true, save_heatmaps = false, plot_betti_figrues = true) get_bettis_from_image(img_name, plot_params; file_path = "", plot_heatmaps = true, save_heatmaps = false, plot_betti_figrues = true) @deprecate plot_and_save_bettis2(eirene_results, plot_title::String, results_path::String; file_name = "", extension = ".png", data_size::String = "", do_save = true, extend_title = true, do_normalise = true, min_dim = 0, max_dim = 3, legend_on = true) plot_and_save_bettis(bettis, plot_title::String, results_path::String; file_name = "", extension = ".png", do_save = true, do_normalise = true, min_dim = 0, max_dim = 3, legend_on = true, kwargs...) #%% function get_and_plot_bettis(eirene_results; max_dim = 3, min_dim = 1, plot_title = "", legend_on = false) bettis = get_bettis(eirene_results, max_dim) norm_bettis = normalise_bettis(bettis) plot_ref = plot_bettis2(norm_bettis, plot_title, legend_on = legend_on, min_dim = min_dim) # display(plot_ref) return plot_ref end #%% function lower_ordmat_resolution(ordered_matrix::Array, total_bins::Int) """ lower_ordmat_resolution(ordered_matrix::Array, total_bins::Int) Takes ordered matrix 'input_matrix' and reduces the resolution of values in the matrix into 'total_bins' bins. """ new_ordered_matrix = zeros(size(ordered_matrix)) max_val = findmax(ordered_matrix)[1] min_val = findmin(ordered_matrix)[1] bin_step = max_val ÷ total_bins old_bins = min_val:bin_step:max_val for bin = 1:total_bins @debug "First step threshold is $(old_bins[bin])" indices = findall(x -> (x >= old_bins[bin]), ordered_matrix) new_ordered_matrix[indices] .= bin - 1 end @debug "Max_val in new matrix is " findmax(new_ordered_matrix) @debug "And should be " total_bins - 1 return new_ordered_matrix end #%% function average_bettis(bettis_matrix::Matrix; up_factor = 8) """ average_bettis(bettis_matrix; up_factor=8) Takes the average values of betti curves stored in 'bettis_matrix'. 'bettis_matrix' consist of different simulations(first index of the matrix), different ranks (third index of the matrix). Second index of the matrices (saples) may vary accross many simulations and for this reason, all betti curves are upsampled by a factor of 'upsample_factor' and then the average for every dimension is computed. """ bettis_matrix_backup = copy(bettis_matrix) simulations = size(bettis_matrix, 1) dimensions = size(bettis_matrix[1], 1) max_samples = 0 for k = 1:simulations # global max_samples current_len = length(bettis_matrix[k][1][:, 1]) if max_samples < current_len max_samples = current_len end end bettis_size = size(bettis_matrix) total_upsamples = (max_samples - 1) * up_factor + 1 x_resampled = range(0, 1, step = total_upsamples) avg_bettis = zeros(total_upsamples, dimensions) std_bettis = copy(avg_bettis) resampled_bettis = zeros(simulations, total_upsamples, dimensions) # resample betti curves for simulation = 1:simulations, betti = 1:dimensions resampled_bettis[simulation, :, betti] = upsample_vector2(bettis_matrix[simulation][betti][:, 2], total_upsamples) end # average and std Betti for dimension = 1:dimensions avg_bettis[:, dimension] = mean(resampled_bettis[:, :, dimension], dims = 1) std_bettis[:, dimension] = mean(resampled_bettis[:, :, dimension], dims = 1) end return avg_bettis, std_bettis end #%% function upsample_vector2(input_vector, total_upsamples) total_orig_samples = size(input_vector, 1) - 1 x_vals = range(0, 1, length = total_orig_samples + 1) spl = Spline1D(x_vals, input_vector) x_upsampled = range(0, 1, length = total_upsamples) y_upsampled = spl(x_upsampled) # ref = plot(range(0, 1, length=total_orig_samples), input_vector); # plot!(x_vals, y_upsampled); # display(ref) return y_upsampled end #%% function upsample_vector(input_vector; upsample_factor::Int = 8) """ upsample_vector(input_vector; upsample_factor::Int=8) Takes an 'input_vector' and returns a vector which has 'upsample_factor' many times more samples. New samples are interpolated with 'spl' function from 'Dierckx' package. """ total_orig_samples = size(input_vector, 1) - 1 total_samples = upsample_factor * total_orig_samples + 1 x_vals = range(0, 1, length = total_orig_samples + 1) spl = Spline1D(x_vals, input_vector) x_upsampled = range(0, 1, length = total_samples) y_upsampled = spl(x_upsampled) # ref = plot(range(0, 1, length=total_orig_samples), input_vector); # plot!(x_vals, y_upsampled); # display(ref) return y_upsampled end # =========--=======-========-==========-=======- # From bettis areas # Area under Betti curve functions #%% function get_area_under_betti_curve(betti_curves::Union{Matrix{Float64}, Array{Array{Float64,2}}};do_normalised::Bool=false) """ get_area_under_betti_curve(betti_curves, min_dim, max_dim) Computes the area under Betti curves stored in 'betti_curves', where each row is a Betti curve and each column is a value. """ #TODO check this part if size(betti_curves,2) < 2 bettis_vector = vectorize_bettis(betti_curves) else bettis_vector = betti_curves end # @info sum(bettis_vector, dims=1) bettis_area = sum(bettis_vector, dims=1) if do_normalised total_steps = size(bettis_vector,1) bettis_area ./= total_steps end # @info bettis_area return bettis_area end # function get_area_under_betti_curve(C, min_dim, max_dim) # """ # get_area_under_betti_curve(C, min_dim, max_dim) # # Computes the Betti curves and returns their area under curve. # """ # all_bettis = get_bettis(C,max_dim, min_dim=min_dim) # bettis_vector = hcat([all_bettis[k][:,2] for k=min_dim:max_dim]...) # # @info sum(bettis_vector, dims=1) # # # total_steps = size(bettis_vector,1) # # bettis_area = sum(bettis_vector, dims=1) ./ total_steps # # @info bettis_area # return bettis_area # end #%% function get_dataset_bettis_areas(dataset; min_dim::Integer=1, max_dim::Integer=3, return_matrix::Bool=true) """ get_dataset_bettis_areas(dataset; min_dim::Integer=1, max_dim::Integer=3, return_matrix::Bool=true) Computes topology of every matrix in dataset, computes Betti curves for dimensions min_dim up to max_dim and returns vector (or matrix) of areas under Betti curves. """ areas_vector = Array[] for data = dataset @info "Computing topology." C = eirene(data, maxdim=max_dim,) matrix_bettis = get_bettis(C,max_dim, min_dim=min_dim) push!(areas_vector, get_area_under_betti_curve(matrix_bettis)) end if return_matrix return vcat([areas_vector[k] for k=1:10]...) else return areas_vector end end # struct TopologyData # min_dim::Integer # max_dim::Integer # # do_normalise::Bool=true # # betti_curves # normed_bettis # betti_areas::Matrix{Int} # # # Constructor for input data # function TopologyData(my_matrix::Matrix, max_dim::Int; min_dim::Int, do_normalise::Bool=true) # min_dim = min_dim # max_dim = max_dim # # @info "Computing topology for maxdim =" max_dim # C = eirene(my_matrix, maxdim=max_dim) # betti_curves = get_bettis(C, max_dim, min_dim=min_dim) # normed_bettis = normalise_bettis(betti_curves) # betti_areas = get_area_under_betti_curve(betti_curves; do_normalised=do_normalise) # end # end #%% function get_dataset_topology(dataset; min_dim::Integer=1, max_dim::Integer=3, get_curves::Bool=true, get_areas::Bool=true, get_persistence_diagrams::Bool=true, do_normalise::Bool=true) topology_set = TopologyData[] for some_matrix in dataset resulting_topology = TopologyData(some_matrix, max_dim, min_dim=min_dim, do_normalise=do_normalise) push!(topology_set, resulting_topology) end return topology_set end #%% function get_area_boxes(areas_matrix, min_dim::Integer, max_dim::Integer) """ get_area_boxes(areas_matrix, min_dim::Integer, max_dim::Integer) Plots the boxplot of area under betti curves. """ bplot = StatsPlots.boxplot() data_colors = get_bettis_color_palete() for (index, value) in enumerate(min_dim:max_dim) StatsPlots.boxplot!(bplot, areas_matrix[:,index], labels="β$(value)", color=data_colors[value]) end return bplot end function get_bettis_collection_from_matrices(ordered_matrices_collection; max_dim::Int=3, min_dim::Int=1) bettis_collection = Array[] for matrix = ordered_matrices_collection @debug "Computing Bettis..." eirene_geom = eirene(matrix,maxdim=max_B_dim,model="vr") bettis = reshape_bettis(get_bettis(eirene_geom, max_B_dim)) push!(bettis_collection, bettis) end return bettis_collection end # =========--=======-========-==========-=======- # Code from Points substitution: # Compute series of betti curves # function get_bettis_collection(ordered_matrices_collection; max_B_dim=3) # bettis_collection = Array[] # # for matrix = ordered_matrices_collection # @debug "Computing Bettis..." # eirene_geom = eirene(matrix,maxdim=max_B_dim,model="vr") # # bettis = reshape_bettis(get_bettis(eirene_geom, max_B_dim)) # push!(bettis_collection, bettis) # end # # return bettis_collection # end # # # Plot series of betti curves with their heatmaps # function reshape_bettis(bettis) # bettis_count = size(bettis,1) # output_betti = zeros(size(bettis[1],1), bettis_count) # # for betti = 1:bettis_count # output_betti[:,betti] = bettis[betti][:,2] # end # return output_betti # end # # function get_ord_mat_collection(matrix_collection) # mat_size = size(matrix_collection[1],1) # ordered_mat_coll = [zeros(Int, mat_size,mat_size) for k=1:length(matrix_collection)] # # size(matrix_collection) # for matrix = 1:length(matrix_collection) # ordered_mat_coll[matrix] = Int.(get_ordered_matrix(matrix_collection[matrix])) # end # return ordered_mat_coll # end # # # # # # function print_hmap_with_bettis(ordered_matrices_collection, bettis_collection, # plot_data::PlottingData) # num_plots = size(ordered_matrices_collection,1) # sources = 1:(plot_data.src_pts_number) # targets = 1:(plot_data.trgt_pts_number) # plot_set = Any[] # # max_betti = get_max_betti_from_collection(bettis_collection;dim=1) # # index = 1 # for src = 1:size(sources,1), trgt = 1:size(targets,1) # # index = src * trgt # ordered_geom_gr = ordered_matrices_collection[index] # bettis = bettis_collection[index] # title_hmap = "trgt:$(targets[trgt])_src:$(sources[src])_r:$(rank(ordered_geom_gr))" # title_bettis = "gr_trg=$(targets[trgt])_src=$(sources[src])_steps=$(size(bettis,1))" # push!(plot_set, make_hm_and_betti_plot(ordered_geom_gr, bettis, title_hmap, title_bettis, max_betti)) # index +=1 # end # # return plot_set # end # # function make_hm_and_betti_plot(ordered_geom_gr, bettis, title_hmap, title_bettis, max_betti) # # @debug "src" src # # @debug "trgt" trgt # hmap_plot = plot_square_heatmap(ordered_geom_gr, 10,size(ordered_geom_gr,1);plt_title = title_hmap) # plot!(yflip = true,) # # bettis_plot_ref = plot(title=title_bettis); # max_dim = size(bettis,2) # for p = 1:max_dim # x_vals = collect(1:size(bettis[:,1],1))./size(bettis[:,1]) # # plot!(x_vals, bettis[:,p], label="\\beta_"*string(p)); # plot!(legend=true, ) # end # # plot!(ylim=(0,max_betti)) # plot!(xlim=(0,1)) # ylabel!("Number of cycles") # xlabel!("Steps") # # final_plot = plot(hmap_plot, bettis_plot_ref, layout = 2, # top_margin=2mm, # left_margin=0mm, # bottom_margin=2mm, # size=(600,300)) # display(final_plot) # return final_plot # end # # # TODO BUG: substitution does not work- all the plots are the same # function main_generation1() # mat_size = 6 # dim = 80 # src_pts_number = 1 # trgt_pts_number = 2 # trgt_steps = 0 # # src_points, trgt_points = # get_replacing_points(mat_size, src_pts_number, trgt_pts_number) # # matrix_collection = # get_matrix_collection(mat_size, dim, src_points, trgt_points; trgt_step=trgt_steps) # # ordered_matrices_collection = get_ord_mat_collection(matrix_collection) # # bettis_collection = get_bettis_collection(ordered_matrices_collection) # # # plot_data = PlottingData(mat_size, dim, src_pts_number, trgt_pts_number, src_points, trgt_points, trgt_steps) # # plot_data = PlottingData2(mat_size , dim, ) # # plotting_data = print_hmap_with_bettis(ordered_matrices_collection, # bettis_collection, plot_data) # end # # # function get_geom_matrix(mat_size, dim) # # TODO change the matrix collection shape to be a matrix, not a vector # point_cloud = generate_random_point_cloud(mat_size, dim) # matrix_collection = generate_geometric_matrix(point_cloud) # # matrix_collection = get_ordered_matrix(matrix_collection; assing_same_values=true) # # return matrix_collection # end # # function get_rand_matrix(mat_size, dim) # matrix_collection = generate_random_matrix(mat_size) # matrix_collection = get_ordered_matrix(matrix_collection; assing_same_values=true) # # return matrix_collection # end # # # TODO Analyse zero point behaviour # function get_dist_mat_collection(dist_matrix, src_points, trgt_points, trgt_steps; do_ordering=false) # dist_matrix_backup = copy(dist_matrix) # mat_size = size(dist_matrix,1) # src_points_num = size(src_points,1) # trgt_points_num = size(trgt_points,1) # # ordered_mat_coll = [zeros(Int, mat_size,mat_size) for k=1:(src_points_num*trgt_points_num)] # ordered_mat_coll = Array[] # # swapping_iterator = 0 # # for srcs = 1:src_points_num # # replacement_row = get_row(dist_matrix, src_points[srcs]) # # for target = 1:trgt_points_num # @debug "src:" src_points[srcs] # @debug "trgt:" trgt_points[target, srcs] # replacement_row = get_row(dist_matrix_backup, src_points[srcs]) # # dist_matrix_backup .= # set_row!(dist_matrix_backup, trgt_points[target, srcs], replacement_row) # # ordered_mat_coll[srcs * target] = copy(dist_matrix_backup) # if do_ordering # swap_rows!(dist_matrix_backup, trgt_points[target, srcs], mat_size-swapping_iterator) # swapping_iterator +=1 # end # push!(ordered_mat_coll, copy(dist_matrix_backup)) # end # end # # return ordered_mat_coll # end # # function get_ordered_set(distance_matrices_collection) # result = copy(distance_matrices_collection) # # for matrix = 1:size(distance_matrices_collection,1) # result[matrix] = get_ordered_matrix(distance_matrices_collection[matrix];assing_same_values=true ) # end # return result # end # # function matrix_analysis(test_data::PlottingData;generation_function=get_geom_matrix) # mat_size = test_data.mat_size # dim = test_data.dim # src_pts_number = test_data.src_pts_number # trgt_pts_number = test_data.trgt_pts_number # trgt_steps = 0 # # src_points, trgt_points = get_replacing_points(mat_size, src_pts_number, trgt_pts_number) # distance_matrix = generation_function(mat_size, dim) # # distance_matrices_collection = get_dist_mat_collection(distance_matrix, src_points, trgt_points, trgt_steps) # ordered_matrices_collection = get_ordered_set(distance_matrices_collection) # bettis_collection = get_bettis_collection(ordered_matrices_collection) # # plot_data = PlottingData(mat_size, dim, src_pts_number, trgt_pts_number, src_points, trgt_points, trgt_steps) # # plots_set = print_hmap_with_bettis(ordered_matrices_collection, # bettis_collection, plot_data) # # # return distance_matrices_collection, ordered_matrices_collection, bettis_collection, plot_data, plots_set # end #%% # This does not belong here function multiscale_matrix_testing(sample_space_dims = 3, maxsim = 5, min_B_dim = 1, max_B_dim = 3, size_start = 10, size_step = 5, size_stop = 50; do_random = true, control_saving = false, perform_eavl = false) """ multiscale_matrix_testing(sample_space_dims = 3, maxsim=5, min_B_dim = 1, max_B_dim = 3, size_start = 10, size_step = 5, size_stop = 80; do_random=true) Function for testing the average number of cycles from geometric and random matrices. It is possible to save intermidiate results- for that, @control_saving must be set true. Performance of computation of Betti curves can be monitored, if the @perform_eavl is set too true. Bydefault, it is set to false. """ num_of_bettis = length(collect(min_B_dim:max_B_dim)) if length(sample_space_dims) > 1 @warn "Can not do random processing for multiple dimensions" do_random = false end geom_mat_results = Any[] if do_random rand_mat_results = Any[] result_list = [geom_mat_results, rand_mat_results] else result_list = [geom_mat_results] end for sample_space_dim in sample_space_dims if !do_random @info "Sampling space size: " sample_space_dim end repetitions = size_start:size_step:size_stop for space_samples in repetitions @info "Generating data for: " space_samples # ========================================== # ============= Generate data ============== # === # Generate random matrix if do_random symm_mat_rand = [generate_random_matrix(space_samples) for i = 1:maxsim] ordered_mat_rand = [ get_ordered_matrix(symm_mat_rand[i]; assing_same_values = false) for i = 1:maxsim ] end # === # Generate geometric matrix pts_rand = [ generate_random_point_cloud(sample_space_dim, space_samples) for i = 1:maxsim ] symm_mat_geom = [generate_geometric_matrix(pts_rand[i]') for i = 1:maxsim] ordered_mat_geom = [ get_ordered_matrix(symm_mat_geom[i]; assign_same_values = false) for i = 1:maxsim ] # ====================================================================== # ========================= Do the Betti analysis ====================== if do_random set = [ordered_mat_geom, ordered_mat_rand] else set = [ordered_mat_geom] end for matrix_set in set @debug("Betti analysis!") # === # Generate bettis many_bettis = Array[] if perform_eavl many_timings = Float64[] many_bytes = Float64[] many_gctime = Float64[] many_memallocs = Base.GC_Diff[] end for i = 1:maxsim if i % 10 == 0 @info "Computing Bettis for: " i end if perform_eavl results, timing, bytes, gctime, memallocs = @timed bettis_eirene( matrix_set[i], max_B_dim, mindim = min_B_dim, ) push!(many_bettis, results) push!(many_timings, timing) push!(many_bytes, bytes) push!(many_gctime, gctime) push!(many_memallocs, memallocs) else push!( many_bettis, bettis_eirene(matrix_set[i], max_B_dim, mindim = min_B_dim), ) end end # === # Get maximal number of cycles from each Betti from simulations max_cycles = zeros(maxsim, max_B_dim) for i = 1:maxsim, betti_dim = 1:max_B_dim @debug("\tFindmax in bettis") max_cycles[i, betti_dim] = findmax(many_bettis[i][:, betti_dim])[1] end # === # Get the statistics avg_cycles = zeros(1, length(min_B_dim:max_B_dim)) std_cycles = zeros(1, length(min_B_dim:max_B_dim)) k = 1 for betti_dim = min_B_dim:max_B_dim avg_cycles[k] = mean(max_cycles[:, betti_dim]) std_cycles[k] = std(max_cycles[:, betti_dim]) k += 1 end # === # Put results into dictionary betti_statistics = Dict() if matrix_set == ordered_mat_geom @debug("Saving ordered") betti_statistics["matrix_type"] = "ordered" betti_statistics["space_dim"] = sample_space_dim result_list = geom_mat_results else @debug("Saving radom") betti_statistics["matrix_type"] = "random" result_list = rand_mat_results end betti_statistics["space_samples"] = space_samples betti_statistics["simualtions"] = maxsim betti_statistics["min_betti_dim"] = min_B_dim betti_statistics["max_betti_dim"] = max_B_dim betti_statistics["avg_cycles"] = avg_cycles betti_statistics["std_cycles"] = std_cycles if perform_eavl betti_statistics["many_timings"] = many_timings betti_statistics["many_bytes"] = many_bytes betti_statistics["many_gctime"] = many_gctime betti_statistics["many_memallocs"] = many_memallocs end push!(result_list, betti_statistics) end # matrix type loop @debug("===============") if control_saving if do_random save( "multiscale_matrix_testing_$(space_samples)_$(sample_space_dim).jld", "rand_mat_results", rand_mat_results, "geom_mat_results", geom_mat_results, ) else save( "multiscale_matrix_testing_dimension_$(space_samples)_$(sample_space_dim).jld", "geom_mat_results", geom_mat_results, ) end end end # matrix_size_loop end # sampled space dimension if do_random return geom_mat_results, rand_mat_results else return geom_mat_results end end # function plot_betti_numbers(betti_numbers, edge_density, title="Geometric matrix"; stop=0.6) # """ # Plots Betti curves. The betti numbers should be obtained with the clique-top # library. # """ # p1 = plot(edge_density, betti_numbers[:,1], label="beta_0", title=title, legend=:topleft) #, ylims = (0,maxy) # plot!(edge_density, betti_numbers[:,2], label="beta_1") # if size(betti_numbers,2)>2 # plot!(edge_density, betti_numbers[:,3], label="beta_2") # end # # return p1 # end
[ "MIT" ]
""" check_existing_dir(dir_path::String) Checks if the directory under `dir_path` exists. If not, throws IOError """ function check_existing_dir(dir_path::String) if !isdir(dir_path) @warn "Folder $(data_path) does not exists in current directory." @warn "Terminating execution." throw(ErrorException("Can nor find folder \""*dir_path*"\".")) end end
[ "MIT" ]
using LinearAlgebra # integrate sinh^(n)(ax) from 0 to r function integrate_sinh(n; r=1.0, a=1.0) if n==0 return r elseif n==1 return (cosh(a*r)-1)/a else return (sinh(a*r)^(n-1))*cosh(a*r)/(a*n) - (n-1)/n * integrate_sinh(n-2,r=r, a=a) end end function hyp_radial_density(r, d; curvature=-1.0, radius=1.0) # k = 1/(curvature^2) k = 1.0 hyp_r = (sinh(r/k))^(d-1)/integrate_sinh(d-1,r=radius, a=radius/k) return hyp_r end function euc_radial_density(r, d; radius=1.0) return d*(r^(d-1))/radius^d end # rejection sampling n=numofpts points from density dens, where the argument lies between 0 and maxval function rejection_sampling(dens::Function, maxval,numofpts=1) max_val = dens(maxval) iter = 1 rands = Array{Float64,1}(undef, numofpts) while iter <= numofpts x = rand()*maxval val = dens(x) u = rand() if u*max_val < val rands[iter] = x iter+=1 end end return rands end function sample_hyp_rad(d, numofpts=1; curvature=-1.0, radius=1.0) rands = rejection_sampling(x->hyp_radial_density(x,d,curvature=curvature, radius=radius), radius,numofpts) # ...radius within the Poincare ball euc_rands = map(x->tanh(x/2.0),rands) return euc_rands end function sample_euc_rad(d, numofpts=1; radius=1.0) rands = rejection_sampling(x->euc_radial_density(x,d,radius=radius), radius, numofpts) return rands end function sample_sph(d, numofpts=1; curvature=1.0) rands = [] i=0 while i<=numofpts vec = randn(d+1) if vec[d+1]>0 push!(rands, normalize(vec)) i+=1 end end return rands end function sample_sphere(d, numofpts=1) vecs = randn(d, numofpts) rands = [] for i=1:numofpts push!(rands, normalize(vecs[:,i])) end return rands end function sample_hyp(d, numofpts=1; radius=1.0, curvature=-1) sphere_pts = sample_sphere(d,numofpts) radii = sample_hyp_rad(d, numofpts, radius=radius, curvature=curvature) ball_pts = [radii[i]*sphere_pts[i] for i=1:numofpts] return ball_pts end function sample_euc(d, numofpts=1; radius=1.0) sphere_pts = sample_sphere(d,numofpts) radii = sample_euc_rad(d, numofpts, radius=radius) ball_pts = [radii[i]*sphere_pts[i] for i=1:numofpts] return ball_pts end function sample_ball(d, numofpts=1; radius=1.0, curvature=0.0) sphere_pts = sample_sphere(d,numofpts) if curvature < 0 radii = sample_hyp_rad(d, numofpts, radius=radius, curvature=curvature) ball_pts = [radii[i]*sphere_pts[i] for i=1:numofpts] elseif curvature == 0.0 radii = sample_euc_rad(d, numofpts, radius=radius) ball_pts = [radii[i]*sphere_pts[i] for i=1:numofpts] elseif curvature > 0 ball_pts = sample_sph(d, numofpts, curvature=curvature) end end function hyp_distance(pts; curvature=-1.0) distances = zeros(length(pts), length(pts)) for i=1:length(pts) for j=1:i-1 nx = 1-(norm(pts[i]))^2 ny = 1-(norm(pts[j]))^2 delta = 2 * norm(pts[i]-pts[j])^2/(nx*ny) distances[i,j] = acosh(1+delta) distances[j,i] = distances[i,j] end end return distances end function euc_distance(pts) distances = zeros(length(pts), length(pts)) for i=1:length(pts) for j=1:i-1 distances[i,j] = norm(pts[i]-pts[j]) distances[j,i] = distances[i,j] end end return distances end function sph_distance(pts; curvature=1.0) distances = zeros(length(pts), length(pts)) for i=1:length(pts) for j=1:i-1 distances[i,j] = acos(dot(pts[i],pts[j])) distances[j,i] = distances[i,j] end end return distances end function distance_matrix(pts; curvature=0.0) if curvature < 0 return hyp_distance(pts, curvature=curvature) elseif curvature == 0 return euc_distance(pts) elseif curvature > 0 return sph_distance(pts, curvature=curvature) end end function to_density(matr) dens_matr = zeros(size(matr,1), size(matr,2)) n = size(matr)[1] all_entries = sort(setdiff(unique(matr), 0.0)) total = binomial(n,2) for i=1:n for j=i+1:n dens_matr[i,j] = (findfirst(x->x==matr[i,j], all_entries))/total dens_matr[j,i] = dens_matr[i,j] end end return dens_matr end function to_density!(matr) matr = to_density(matr) return matr end
[ "MIT" ]
using Statistics using Combinatorics # using ImageFiltering """ rotate_img_around_center(img, angle = 5pi/6) Function rotates a single image (or a frame) around the center of the image by @angle radians. """ function rotate_img_around_center(img, angle = 5pi/6) θ = angle rot = recenter(RotMatrix(θ), [size(img)...] .÷ 2) # a rotation around the center x_translation = 0 y_translation = 0 tform = rot ∘ Translation(y_translation, x_translation) img2 = warp(img, rot, axes(img)) return img2 end """ get_local_gradients(video_array, centers, sub_img_size) Computes the gradients in the subimage, takes the mean of sum of absolute values of both hotizontal and vertical gradients as a representative of a subimage. """ function get_local_gradients(video_array, centers, sub_img_size) @debug "Entering get_local_gradients" half_size = ceil(Int,(sub_img_size-1)/2) half_range = half_size h, w, len = get_video_dimension(video_array) extracted_pixels = zeros(sub_img_size, sub_img_size, len) @debug "starting frame procesing" for frame = 1:len img = video_array[frame] img_grad = imgradients(img, KernelFactors.ando3, "replicate") img_grad_abs = map(abs, img_grad[1]) + map(abs, img_grad[2]) for index_x = 1:size(centers,2) c_x = centers[2, index_x] for index_y = 1:size(centers,2) c_y = centers[1, index_y] sub_img = img_grad_abs[(c_x-half_size):(c_x+half_size), (c_y-half_size):(c_y+half_size)] extracted_pixels[index_x, index_y, frame] =mean(sub_img) end end # @debug "Next frame" frame end return extracted_pixels end """ get_img_gradient(img) Computes the gradients in the `img`. """ function get_img_gradient(img) @debug "Entering get_local_gradients" img_grad = imgradients(img, KernelFactors.ando3, "replicate") grad_1 = img_grad[1] .+ abs(findmin(img_grad[1])[1]) grad_1 ./= findmax(grad_1)[1] grad_2 = img_grad[2] .+ abs(findmin(img_grad[2])[1]) grad_2 ./= findmax(grad_2)[1] grad_sum = grad_1 + grad_2 grad_sum .+= abs(findmin(grad_sum)[1]) grad_sum ./= findmax(grad_sum)[1] return grad_sum end """ get_local_img_correlations(img, centers, sub_img_size, shift; with_gradient=false) Computes the correlation between the subimages and subimages shifted by values from range -`shift`:`shift` and returns array of size length(`centers`) x length(`centers`). Each of the subimage is center around values stored in @centers """ function get_local_img_correlations(img, centers, sub_img_size::Int; with_gradient=false) # TODO BUG- function is not workig for even numbers half_size = ceil(Int,(sub_img_size-1)/2) half_range = half_size# h, w = size(img) extracted_pixels = zeros(sub_img_size, sub_img_size) local_correlation = zeros(size(centers,1)) if with_gradient img = get_img_gradient(img) end position = 1; for index = centers c_x = index[1] c_y = index[2] c_x_range = (c_x-half_range):(c_x+half_range) c_y_range = (c_y-half_range):(c_y+half_range) subimage = img[c_x_range,c_y_range] center = img[c_x_range, c_y_range] corelation = center .* subimage corelation = sum(corelation) local_correlation[position] += corelation local_correlation[position] /= 256*(sub_img_size^2)^2 position += 1; end return local_correlation end """ get_local_img_correlations(img,centers, masks) Takes `img` and computes crosscorrelation with set of `masks` around the `centers`. Crosscorrelation is computed as convolution of the mask and the area around coordinates stored in `centres`. """ function get_local_img_correlations(img, centers, masks::Vector; with_gradient=false) masks_num = length(masks) sub_img_size = size(masks[1],1) # half_size = ceil(Int,(sub_img_size-1)/2) half_size = (sub_img_size)÷2 half_range = half_size h, w = size(img) local_correlation = zeros(masks_num, size(centers,1) ) index = centers[1] masks_num = length(masks) if with_gradient img = get_img_gradient(img) end # position = 1; # for index = centers for pos = 1:length(centers) # global position index = centers[pos] c_x = index[1] c_y = index[2] c_x_range = (c_x-half_range):(c_x+half_range) c_y_range = (c_y-half_range):(c_y+half_range) center = img[c_x_range, c_y_range] # mask_pos = 1 # for mask in masks for mask_pos = 1:length(masks) mask = masks[mask_pos] corelation = center .* mask corelation = sum(corelation) local_correlation[mask_pos, pos] += corelation local_correlation[mask_pos, pos] /= (sub_img_size^2) # local_correlation[position, mask_pos ] = sum(imfilter(center, mask))/(sub_img_size^2) # mask_pos +=1 end # position += 1; end return local_correlation end """ extract_pixels_from_img(img, indicies_set, video_dim_tuple) Takes every frame from @video_array and extracts pixels which indicies are in @indicies_set, thus creating video with only chosen indicies. """ function extract_pixels_from_img(img, indicies_set, video_dim_tuple) rows = size(indicies_set,2) columns = size(indicies_set,2) video_length = video_dim_tuple[3] extracted_pixels = zeros(rows, columns, video_length) extracted_pixels[:,:,] = img[indicies_set[1,:],indicies_set[2,:]] return extracted_pixels end """ Returns evenly distributed centers of size `image_size` """ function get_local_img_centers(points_per_dim, img_size, shift=0, sub_img_size=0 ) # TODO Applied teproray solution here, so it works only for local gradients # start = 0 # (points_per_dim>shift) ? start_ind = ceil(Int, points_per_dim/2)+ shift : # start=shift start_ind = ceil(Int, sub_img_size/2) min_va, = findmin(img_size) last_ind = min_va - start_ind set = broadcast(floor, Int, range(start_ind, step=sub_img_size, stop=last_ind)) num_indexes = size(set,1) centers = Any[] for row = 1:num_indexes for column = 1:num_indexes push!(centers, CartesianIndex(set[row], set[column])) end end return centers end """ get_img_local_centers(img_size, sub_img_size=10) Tiles the image of size @img_size into square subimages of size @sub_img_size and returns vector with CartesianIndex coordinates of the subimages centre in original image. By default, takes smaller value from @img_size and then divides it by @sub_img_size. Resulting value will be the number of returned subimages per dimension. If @use_square is set to false, then evry dimension is treated separately, resulting in rectangular grid. It is possible to set overlap of the tiles with @overlap parameter. By default it is set to zero, but can be any pixel value smaller that @sub_img_size. If @overlap is set to value in range (0,1], a fraction of @sub_img_size is used. """ function get_img_local_centers(img_size, sub_img_size=10; use_square=true, overlap=0) @assert sub_img_size <= findmin(img_size)[1] "@sub_img_size is bigger than image!" @assert sub_img_size > 0 "sub_img_size must be positive number" @assert overlap<=sub_img_size "The overlap is biger than subimage size!" @assert overlap >= 0 "overlap must be positive" centers = CartesianIndex[] start_ind = ceil(Int, sub_img_size/2) if 2*start_ind == sub_img_size start_ind +=1 end if overlap>0 && overlap<1 overlap = floor(Int, sub_img_size*overlap) end if use_square size_v = findmin(img_size)[1] size_h = findmin(img_size)[1] else size_v = img_size[1] size_h = img_size[2] end last_ind_v = size_v - start_ind # TODO check if it is starting at 1st row, not second last_ind_h = size_h - start_ind val_range_v = floor.(Int, range(start_ind, step=sub_img_size-overlap, stop=last_ind_v)) val_range_h = floor.(Int, range(start_ind, step=sub_img_size-overlap, stop=last_ind_h)) if isempty(val_range_v) && size_v <= sub_img_size val_range_v = [start_ind] end if isempty(val_range_h) && size_h <= sub_img_size val_range_h = [start_ind] end num_indexes_v = size(val_range_v,1) num_indexes_h = size(val_range_h,1) for row = 1:num_indexes_v, column = 1:num_indexes_h push!(centers, CartesianIndex(val_range_v[row], val_range_h[column])) end return centers end """ vectorize_img(video) Rearrenges the video so that set of n frames (2D matrix varying in time) the set of vectors is returned, in which each row is a pixel, and each column is the value of the pixel in n-th frame. """ function vectorize_img(img) rows, columns = size(img) num_of_elements = rows*columns vectorized_img = zeros(num_of_elements) index = 1; for row=1:rows for column=1:columns vectorized_img[index] = img[row, column]; index = index+1; end end return vectorized_img end """ get_video_mask(points_per_dim, video_dimensions; distribution="uniform", sorted=true, x=1, y=1) Returns matrix of size @points_per_dim x 2 in which indicies of video frame are stored. The indicies are chosen based one the @distribution argument. One option is uniform distribution, the second is random distribution. Uniform distribution: distance between the points in given dimension is the even, but vertical distance may be different from horizontal distance between points. This depends on the size of a frame in a image. Random distribution: the distance between the points is not constant, because the points are chosen randomly in the ranges 1:horizontal size of frame, 1:vertical size of frame. The returned values may be sorted in ascending order, if @sorted=true. """ function get_video_mask(points_per_dim, video_dimensions; distribution="uniform", sorted=true, patch_params) video_height, video_width, = video_dimensions x=patch_params["x"] y=patch_params["y"] spread=patch_params["spread"] if x == 1 x = floor(Int,video_width/2) @warn "Given x is to close to the border. Seeting the value to " x elseif x < ceil(Int,points_per_dim/2) x = ceil(Int,points_per_dim/2) @warn "Given x is to close to the border. Seeting the value to " x elseif x > video_width-ceil(Int,points_per_dim/2) x = video_width - ceil(Int,points_per_dim/2) @warn "Given x is to close to the border. Seeting the value to " x end if y == 1 y = floor(Int,video_height/2) @warn "Given y is to close to the border. Seeting the value to " y elseif y < ceil(Int,points_per_dim/2) y = ceil(Int,points_per_dim/2) @warn "Given y is to close to the border. Seeting the value to " y elseif y > video_height-ceil(Int,points_per_dim/2) y = video_height - ceil(Int,points_per_dim/2) @warn "Given y is to close to the border. Seeting the value to " y end if spread*points_per_dim+x > video_width || spread*points_per_dim+y > video_height @warn "Given patch parameters might result in indicies exceeding frame size." end if distribution == "uniform" columns = points_per_dim rows = points_per_dim # +1 is used so that the number of points returned is as requested row_step = floor(Int,video_height/rows) column_step = floor(Int,video_width/columns) (video_height/row_step != points_per_dim) ? row_step+=1 : row_step (video_width/column_step != points_per_dim) ? column_step+=1 : video_width vertical_indicies = collect(1:row_step:video_height) horizontal_indicies = collect(1:column_step:video_width) vertical_indicies = reshape(vertical_indicies, (1,points_per_dim)) horizontal_indicies = reshape(horizontal_indicies, (1,points_per_dim)) indicies_set = [vertical_indicies; horizontal_indicies] elseif distribution == "random" vertical_indicies = rand(1:video_height,1, points_per_dim) horizontal_indicies = rand(1:video_width,1, points_per_dim) if sorted vertical_indicies = sort(vertical_indicies[1,:]) horizontal_indicies = sort(horizontal_indicies[1,:]) vertical_indicies = reshape(vertical_indicies, (1,points_per_dim)) horizontal_indicies = reshape(horizontal_indicies, (1,points_per_dim)) end indicies_set = [vertical_indicies; horizontal_indicies] elseif distribution == "patch" indicies_set = [collect(1:spread:(spread*points_per_dim)).+x collect(1:spread:(spread*points_per_dim)).+y]' end return indicies_set end """ get_gabor_mask_set(;filt_size=25, σ=[2], theta_rad=[0], λ=[15], γ=[0.2], psi_rad=[0], re_part=true, im_part=false) Returns set of gabor filters generated with given parameters. Parameters are described below. Function uses Kernel.gabor() from ImageFiltering. # Arguments - `filt_size=30` : controls the patch in which filter is created, not wavelet itself - `σ=2` : controls the width of the waves and thus number of cycles per unit - `theta_rad=0` : is the rotation in radians, - `λ=15` : controls the number of waves within the window- higher values- less waves - `γ=0.2` : is the aspect ratio; small values give long filters - `psi_rad=0` : phase in radians - `re_part::Bool`: determines if real part of the Gabor filter is returned; real part is normalized to be in range [-0.5,0.5] - `im_part::Bool`: determines if imaginary part of the Gabor filter is returned imaginary part is normalized to be in range [-0.5,0.5] if both `re_part` and `im_part` are true, then absolute value of complex number of form `re_part + im_part im` is returned (it is also normalized to range [-0.5,0.5]). """ function get_gabor_mask_set(;filt_size=25, σ=[2], theta_rad=[0], λ=[15], γ=[0.2], psi_rad=[0], re_part=true, im_part=false, do_norm=true, do_negative=true) kernels = Any[] for sigma = σ for angle1 = theta_rad θ = angle1; #pi*(angle1/180) for lambda in λ for gamma in γ for angle2 in psi_rad ψ = angle2; #pi*(angle2/180) kernel = Kernel.gabor(filt_size, filt_size, sigma, θ, lambda, gamma, ψ) if re_part && !im_part # @debug "Doing real part" if do_norm kernel[1] .+= abs(findmin(kernel[1])[1]) kernel[1] ./= findmax(kernel[1])[1] # @debug "Doing norm" if do_negative kernel[1] .-= 0.5 end end push!(kernels,Gray.((kernel[1]))) elseif im_part && !re_part if do_norm kernel[2] .+= abs(findmin(kernel[2])[1]) kernel[2] ./= findmax(kernel[2])[1] if do_negative kernel[2] .-= 0.5; end end push!(kernels,Gray.((kernel[2]))) else @debug "Using abs(re(A)+im(A))" result = abs.(kernel[1] + kernel[2]im); if do_norm result .+= abs(findmin(result)[1]) result ./= findmax(result)[1] end push!(kernels,Gray.()) end end # angle2 end # gamma end # lambda end # angle1 end # sigmas return kernels end """ rearrange_filters_arr(im_filter; showing_number=-1) Creates image with elements stored in `im_filters`. `showing_number` determines how many of the element from `im_fiter` are displayed. `im_filters` is an array with elements of type Matrix{Gray}. """ function rearrange_filters_arr(im_filter; showing_number=-1, columns=-1) mask_size = size(im_filter[1],1) im_filter_num = length(im_filter) if showing_number == -1 || showing_number > im_filter_num max_indeks = im_filter_num else max_indeks = showing_number end if columns == -1 columns = Int(ceil(sqrt(im_filter_num))) end rows= Int(ceil(im_filter_num/columns)) all_filters = zeros(Gray, rows*mask_size, columns*mask_size) mask_index = 1 for row in 1:rows start_row = (row-1)*mask_size+1 row_range = start_row:(start_row+mask_size-1) for col = 1:columns start_col = (col-1)*mask_size+1 col_range = start_col:(start_col+mask_size-1) if mask_index > max_indeks break else all_filters[row_range, col_range] = im_filter[mask_index] mask_index += 1 end end if mask_index > max_indeks break end end return all_filters end # TODO remove img size from arguments function get_local_correlations(method::String, img, img_size, sub_img_size; masks = 0, points_per_dim=1, shift=0, with_grad = true, overlap = 0, use_square=true) if method == "correlation" @debug "local correlation" centers = get_local_img_centers(points_per_dim, img_size, shift, sub_img_size) extracted_pixels_matrix = get_local_img_correlations(img, centers, sub_img_size, shift) elseif method == "gradient_gabor" @info "local gradient gabor comparison" centers = get_img_local_centers(img_size, sub_img_size) local_correlations = get_local_img_correlations(img, centers, masks; with_gradient = with_grad) elseif method == "gabor" @debug "local gabor comparison" centers = get_img_local_centers(img_size, sub_img_size; overlap = overlap, use_square=use_square) local_correlations = get_local_img_correlations(img, centers, masks ) elseif method == "gradient" @debug "local gradient analysis" centers = get_local_img_centers(points_per_dim, img_size, shift, sub_img_size) local_correlations = get_local_img_correlations(img, centers, sub_img_size; with_gradient=with_grad) else indicies_set = get_video_mask(points_per_dim, img_size, distribution="uniform", patch_params=patch_params) local_correlations = extract_pixels_from_img(img, indicies_set, img_size) end return local_correlations end
[ "MIT" ]
# ============================================================================ # exported from MatrixProcessing on 10.09.2020 """ get_pairwise_correlation_matrix(vectorized_video, tau_max=25) Computes pairwise correlation of the input signals accordingly to the formula presented in paper "Clique topology reveals intrinsic geometric structure in neural correlations" by Chad Giusti et al. The Computations are done only for upper half of the matrix, the lower half is a copy of upper half. Computation-wise the difference is at level of 1e-16, but this causes that inverse is not the same as non-inverse matrix. """ function get_pairwise_correlation_matrix(vectorized_video, tau_max=25) number_of_signals = size(vectorized_video,1) T = size(vectorized_video,2) C_ij = zeros(number_of_signals,number_of_signals); # log_C_ij = zeros(number_of_signals,number_of_signals); # this is given in frames lags = -tau_max:1:tau_max for row=1:number_of_signals for column=row:number_of_signals signal_ij = vectorized_video[row,:]; signal_ji = vectorized_video[column,:]; # cross_corelation ccg_ij = crosscov(signal_ij, signal_ji, lags); ccg_ij = ccg_ij ./ T; A = sum(ccg_ij[tau_max+1:end]); B = sum(ccg_ij[1:tau_max+1]); r_i_r_j = 1; C_ij[row, column] = max(A, B)/(tau_max*r_i_r_j); C_ij[column, row] = C_ij[row, column] # log_C_i_j[row, column] = log10(abs(C_ij[row, column])); end end return C_ij end """ get_subimg_correlations(video_array, centers, sub_img_size, shift) Computes the correlation between the subimages and subimages shifted by values from range -@shift:@shift and returns array with frames of size length(@centers) x length(@centers) with the number of frames equal to the number of rames in @video_array. Each of the subimage is center around values stored in @centers """ # TODO Check if this is the same as some of the functions from the ImageProcessing function get_subimg_correlations(video_array, centers, sub_img_size, shift) half_size = ceil(Int,(sub_img_size-1)/2) half_range = half_size + shift h, w, len = get_video_dimension(video_array) extracted_pixels = zeros(sub_img_size, sub_img_size, len) for frame = 1:len img = video_array[frame] for index_x = 1:size(centers,2) c_x = centers[2, index_x] for index_y = 1:size(centers,2) c_y = centers[1, index_y] subimage = img[(c_x-half_range):(c_x+half_range), (c_y-half_range):(c_y+half_range)] center = img[(c_x-half_size):(c_x+half_size), (c_y-half_size):(c_y+half_size)] for left_boundary = 1:(2*shift+1) for lower_boundary = 1:(2*shift+1) corelation = center .* subimage[left_boundary:left_boundary+sub_img_size-1, lower_boundary:lower_boundary+sub_img_size-1] corelation = sum(corelation) extracted_pixels[index_x, index_y, frame] += corelation end end extracted_pixels[index_x, index_y, frame] /= 256*(sub_img_size^2)*(shift*2)^2 end end end return extracted_pixels end
[ "MIT" ]
""" Save figures. """ function save_figure(plot_ref, results_path, plot_title; extension=".png" ) full_path = results_path*plot_title*extension savefig(plot_ref, full_path) @info "File saved under: " full_path end """ Save betti curves. """ function save_betti(plot_ref, results_path, plot_title) full_title = "betti_curves_"*plot_title; save_figure(plot_ref, results_path, full_title) end """ Save figures with set of parameters given as 'kwargs'. """ function save_figure_with_params(plot_reference, results_path; extension=".png", prefix="", kwargs... ) plot_title = "" kwargs_kyes = keys(kwargs) kwargs_vals = values(kwargs) total_params = size(collect(kwargs_vals),1) for param = 1:total_params plot_title *= "$(kwargs_kyes[param])_$(kwargs_vals[param])_" end full_path = results_path*prefix*plot_title*extension # savefig(plot_ref, full_path) @info "File saved as: " full_path end
[ "MIT" ]
using Eirene using Plots include("clique_top_Julia/CliqueTop.jl") include("VideoProcessing.jl") include("MatrixToolbox.jl") include("Settings.jl") function testing_pariwise_corr() do_clique_top = test_params["do_clique_top"] do_eirene = test_params["do_eirene"] save_figures = test_params["save_figures"] plot_betti_figrues = test_params["plot_betti_figrues"] plot_vectorized_video = test_params["plot_vectorized_video"] size_limiter = test_params["size_limiter"] ind_distrib = test_params["ind_distrib"] videos_set = test_params["videos_set"] tau_max_set = test_params["tau_max_set"] points_per_dim_set = test_params["points_per_dim_set"] shifts_set = test_params["shifts_set"] patch_params = test_params["patch_params"] video_path = test_params["video_path"] results_path = test_params["results_path"] videos = test_params["videos_names"] do_local_corr = false do_local_grad = false if ind_distrib == "local_corr" shift_set = test_params["shift_set"] sub_img_size_set = [9] do_local_corr = true do_local_grad = false @debug "Doing local correlation" do_local_corr elseif ind_distrib == "local_grad" shift_set = [1] sub_img_size_set = test_params["sub_img_size_set"] do_local_corr = false do_local_grad = true @debug "Doing local gradient" do_local_grad else shift_set = [1] sub_img_size_set = [9] do_local_corr = false do_local_grad = false end @info "Using following distribution: " test_params["ind_distrib"] @debug "All videos are: " videos_names @debug "Video set is : " videos_set for video in videos_set choice = videos_names[video] @info "Selected video: " choice @debug "Path and choice is:" video_path*choice video_array = get_video_array_from_file(video_path*choice) @info "Array extracted." video_dimensions = get_video_dimension(video_array) for points_per_dim in points_per_dim_set for shift in shift_set, sub_img_size in sub_img_size_set if do_local_corr centers = get_local_centers(points_per_dim, video_dimensions, shift, sub_img_size) extracted_pixels_matrix = get_subimg_correlations(video_array, centers, sub_img_size, shift) elseif do_local_grad centers = get_local_centers(points_per_dim, video_dimensions, shift, sub_img_size) extracted_pixels_matrix = get_local_gradients(video_array, centers, sub_img_size) else indicies_set = get_video_mask(points_per_dim, video_dimensions, distribution=ind_distrib, patch_params) extracted_pixels_matrix = extract_pixels_from_video(video_array, indicies_set, video_dimensions) end @info "Pixels extracted." vectorized_video = vectorize_video(extracted_pixels_matrix) @info "Video is vectorized, proceeding to Pairwise correlation." for tau in tau_max_set ## Compute pairwise correlation C_ij = get_pairwise_correlation_matrix(vectorized_video, tau) # set the diagonal to zero for diag_elem in 1:size(C_ij,1) C_ij[diag_elem,diag_elem] = 0 end @info "Pairwise correlation finished, proceeding to persistance homology." # Compute persistance homology with CliqueTopJulia size_limiter = test_params["size_limiter"] @debug "using size limiter = " size_limiter if size_limiter > size(C_ij,1) @warn "Used size limiter is larger than matrix dimension: " size_limiter size(C_ij,1) @warn "Using maximal size instead" size_limiter = size(C_ij,1) end @debug "do_clique_top: " do_clique_top @debug "test_params['do_clique_top']: " test_params["do_clique_top"] if do_clique_top @debug pwd() @time c_ij_betti_num, edge_density, persistence_intervals, unbounded_intervals = compute_clique_topology(C_ij[1:size_limiter, 1:size_limiter], edgeDensity = 0.6) end @debug "do_eirene: " do_eirene if do_eirene C = eirene(C_ij[1:size_limiter, 1:size_limiter],maxdim=3,model="vr") end # --------------------------------------------------------- # Plot results @debug "Proceeding to plotting." if plot_vectorized_video vector_plot_ref = heatmap(vectorized_video, color=:grays) if save_figures name = split(choice, ".")[1] name = "vec_" * name * "_sz$(size_limiter)_p$(points_per_dim)_tau$(tau).png" savefig(vector_plot_ref, name) end #save vec end #plot vec if plot_betti_figrues && do_clique_top betti_numbers = c_ij_betti_num title = "Betti curves for pairwise corr. matrix" p1 = plot_betti_numbers(c_ij_betti_num, edge_density, title); heat_map1 = heatmap(C_ij, color=:lightrainbow, title="Pariwise Correlation matrix, number of points: $(points_per_dim)"); betti_plot_clq_ref = plot(p1, heat_map1, layout = (2,1)) if save_figures saving_figures(betti_plot_clq_ref, results_cliq_path, choice, points_per_dim, tau, size_limiter) end#save fig end #plot cliq if plot_betti_figrues && do_eirene p1, heat_map1 = plot_eirene_betti_curves(C, C_ij) betti_plot_ei_ref = plot(p1, heat_map1, layout = (2,1)) if save_figures saving_figures(betti_plot_ei_ref, results_cliq_path, choice, points_per_dim, tau, size_limiter) end#save fig end #plot eirene end #for tau end #for shift end #for points_per_dim end #for video set @info "Finished testing" end #func
[ "MIT" ]
#= Creted: 2020-05-04 Author: Emil Dmitruk Structures for storing matrices used at different stages of preprocessing for topological analysis with Eirene library. =# # TODO draw a diagram of all structures # === struct MethodsParams plot_filters::Bool plot_heatmaps::Bool plot_betti_figrues::Bool lower_dist_mat_resolution::Bool lower_ord_mat_resolution::Bool legend_on::Bool do_dsiplay::Bool save_gabor_params::Bool save_subelements::Bool save_figure::Bool function MethodsParams(;plot_filters = false, plot_heatmaps = true, plot_betti_figrues = true, lower_dist_mat_resolution = false, lower_ord_mat_resolution = false, legend_on = true, do_dsiplay = false, save_gabor_params = false, save_subelements = false, save_figure = false) new(plot_filters, plot_heatmaps, plot_betti_figrues, lower_dist_mat_resolution, lower_ord_mat_resolution, legend_on, do_dsiplay, save_gabor_params, save_subelements, save_figure) end end struct ImageTopologyParams total_bins::Int max_size_limiter::Int min_B_dim::Int max_B_dim::Int file_name::String img_path::String gruping::Bool sub_img_size::Int sub_sample_size::Int pooling_method::String gabor_set::Int overlap::Number gaussian_blurr::Number function ImageTopologyParams(;total_bins = 5, max_size_limiter = 200, min_B_dim = 1, max_B_dim = 4, file_name = "", img_path="img/", gruping = true, sub_img_size = 33, sub_sample_size=2, pooling_method = "avg_pooling", gabor_set = 4, overlap = 0.0, gaussian_blurr=0.25) new(total_bins, max_size_limiter, min_B_dim, max_B_dim, file_name, img_path, gruping, sub_img_size, sub_sample_size, pooling_method, gabor_set, overlap, gaussian_blurr) end end function get_params_description(par::ImageTopologyParams) if par.pooling_method == "gauss_pooling" met = "_$(par.pooling_method)$(ceil(Int, par.gaussian_blurr*100))" else met = "_$(par.pooling_method)" end return "file_$(split(par.file_name,'.')[1])"* "_subimgsize$(par.sub_img_size)"* "_maxB_$(par.max_B_dim)"* "_minB_$(par.min_B_dim)"* "_gaborset_$(par.gabor_set)"* "_poolingsize_$(par.sub_sample_size)"* "$(met)_"* "_overlap_$(Int(par.overlap*10))_" end function get_ord_mat_from_img(par::ImageTopologyParams, met_par::MethodsParams; get_distances=false) @info "Current img_size" par.sub_img_size @info "Using file: " par.file_name @debug "Used params: " par.total_bins, par.gabor_set size_limiter = par.max_size_limiter # =============================== Get image masks ====================== masks = get_filter_set(par.gabor_set, par.sub_img_size; plot_filters = false, save_gabor_params = met_par.save_gabor_params) # =============================== Get image ================================ file_n = split(par.file_name, ".")[1] loaded_img = load(par.img_path*par.file_name) img1_gray = Gray.(loaded_img) img_size = size(img1_gray) # ================================ Process Image ======================= # get the correlation matrix accordingly to choosen method local_correlations = get_local_correlations("gabor", img1_gray,img_size, par.sub_img_size; masks = masks, overlap=par.overlap) # ======================== Compute pairwise correlation ================ dist_mat = pairwise(Euclidean(), local_correlations, dims=2) # =============================== Ordered matrix ======================= size_limiter = size(dist_mat,1) if size_limiter > par.max_size_limiter @warn "Restricting matrix size, because matrix is too big" size_limiter = par.max_size_limiter end # === # Matrix gupping met_par.lower_dist_mat_resolution && group_distances!(dist_mat, par.total_bins) # === # Matrix ordering ordered_matrix = get_ordered_matrix(dist_mat[1:size_limiter,1:size_limiter]; assign_same_values=par.gruping) if met_par.lower_ord_mat_resolution ordered_matrix = lower_ordmat_resolution(ordered_matrix, par.total_bins) end if get_distances return dist_mat else return ordered_matrix end end # === struct TopologyMatrixSet file_name::String # 2 below are not necessary, if params are includede in this structure sub_sample_size::Int pooling_method::String # Matrices ordered_matrix::Array reordered_matrix # reordered_map_ref pooled_matrix pooled_reord_matrix renum_pooled_orig_matrix renum_pooled_reord_matrix reordered_renum_pooled_orig_matrix matrix_collection description_vector ranks_collection params::ImageTopologyParams function TopologyMatrixSet(input_matrix::Array, params::ImageTopologyParams ; description_vector) # TODO add parameter which describes which methods should be used # @warn "Using constant in structure definition- TODO: change to variable" # file_name = images_set[6] # sub_sample_size = 2 # pooling_method = "avg_pooling" # === file_name = params.file_name reordered_matrix, reordered_map_ref = order_max_vals_near_diagonal2(input_matrix; do_final_plot=false, do_all_plots = false); pooled_matrix = reorganize_matrix(input_matrix; subsamp_size=params.sub_sample_size, method=params.pooling_method, gauss_sigma=params.gaussian_blurr) pooled_reord_matrix = reorganize_matrix(reordered_matrix; subsamp_size=params.sub_sample_size, method=params.pooling_method, gauss_sigma=params.gaussian_blurr) # = # gaussian_blurr = g_blurr # used_kernel = Kernel.gaussian(gaussian_blurr) # pooled_matrix = ceil.(Int,imfilter(input_matrix, used_kernel)) # pooled_reord_matrix = ceil.(Int,imfilter(reordered_matrix, used_kernel)) # = renum_pooled_orig_matrix = get_ordered_matrix(pooled_matrix; assign_same_values=true) renum_pooled_reord_matrix = get_ordered_matrix(pooled_reord_matrix; assign_same_values=true) reordered_renum_pooled_orig_matrix, reordered_renum_pooled_orig_matrix_ref = order_max_vals_near_diagonal2(renum_pooled_orig_matrix; do_final_plot=false, do_all_plots = false); matrix_collection = Array[] push!(matrix_collection, input_matrix) push!(matrix_collection, reordered_matrix) push!(matrix_collection, pooled_matrix) push!(matrix_collection, pooled_reord_matrix) push!(matrix_collection, renum_pooled_orig_matrix) push!(matrix_collection, renum_pooled_reord_matrix) push!(matrix_collection, reordered_renum_pooled_orig_matrix) ranks_collection = zeros(Int,size(matrix_collection)[1]) for mat = 1: size(matrix_collection)[1] ranks_collection[mat] = rank(matrix_collection[mat]) end new(file_name, params.sub_sample_size, params.pooling_method, input_matrix, reordered_matrix, # reordered_map_ref, pooled_matrix, pooled_reord_matrix, renum_pooled_orig_matrix, renum_pooled_reord_matrix, reordered_renum_pooled_orig_matrix, matrix_collection, description_vector, ranks_collection, params) end end # === struct TopologyMatrixBettisSet min_B_dim::Int max_B_dim::Int bettis_collection function TopologyMatrixBettisSet(top_mat_set::TopologyMatrixSet;min_B_dim=1, max_B_dim=3) bettis_collection = Any[] for matrix = top_mat_set.matrix_collection # === # Persistent homology eirene_geom = eirene(matrix,maxdim=top_mat_set.params.max_B_dim,model="vr") bett_geom = get_bettis(eirene_geom, top_mat_set.params.max_B_dim, min_dim = top_mat_set.params.min_B_dim) push!(bettis_collection,bett_geom) end new(min_B_dim, max_B_dim, bettis_collection) end end # === struct MatrixHeatmap heat_map matrix_property::String function MatrixHeatmap(in_array, description) hmap_len = size(in_array)[1] ordered_map1 = plot_square_heatmap(in_array, 5, hmap_len; plt_title=description,) new(ordered_map1, description) end end # === struct TopologyMatrixHeatmapsSet heatmaps::Array{MatrixHeatmap} heatmap_plots_set function TopologyMatrixHeatmapsSet(topology_matrix::TopologyMatrixSet) heatmaps = [MatrixHeatmap(topology_matrix.ordered_matrix,"original"), MatrixHeatmap(topology_matrix.reordered_matrix,"reordered"), MatrixHeatmap(topology_matrix.pooled_matrix,"pooled_origi"), MatrixHeatmap(topology_matrix.pooled_reord_matrix,"pooled_reordered"), MatrixHeatmap(topology_matrix.renum_pooled_orig_matrix,"renum_pooled_orig"), MatrixHeatmap(topology_matrix.renum_pooled_reord_matrix,"renum_pooled_reord"), MatrixHeatmap(topology_matrix.reordered_renum_pooled_orig_matrix,"reordered_renum_pooled_original"), ] heatmap_plots_set = Any[] for hmap in heatmaps push!(heatmap_plots_set,hmap.heat_map) end new(heatmaps,heatmap_plots_set) end end # === struct BettiPlot betti_plot function BettiPlot(in_array; min_B_dim=1) betti_plot = plot_bettis2(in_array, "", legend_on=false, min_dim=min_B_dim); xlabel!("Steps"); new(betti_plot) end end # === struct TopologyMatrixBettisPlots betti_plots_set function TopologyMatrixBettisPlots(bettis_collection::TopologyMatrixBettisSet) total_bettis = size(bettis_collection.bettis_collection)[1] betti_plots_set = Any[] for bett = 1:total_bettis betti_plot = BettiPlot(bettis_collection.bettis_collection[bett]) push!(betti_plots_set, betti_plot.betti_plot) end new(betti_plots_set) end end
[ "MIT" ]
# import Makie import VideoIO using StatsBase using Images using ImageFeatures # using TestImages # using ImageDraw using CoordinateTransformations # using Makie # using Logging export get_video_array_from_file, get_video_dimension, get_video_mask, extract_pixels_from_video, vectorize_video, get_pairwise_correlation_matrix, get_average_from_tiles, rotate_img_around_center, rotate_vid_around_center, export_images_to_vid, rotate_and_save_video, get_local_correlations, get_local_centers, get_local_gradients, normalize_to_01, shift_to_non_negative, plotimg; """ get_video_array_from_file(video_name) Returns array to which video frames are copied. Frames are in grayscale. Function opens stream, then loads the file and gets all the frames from a video. """ function get_video_array_from_file(video_name) video_streamer = # candle video_array = Vector{Array{UInt8}}(undef,0); video_file = VideoIO.openvideo(video_streamer, target_format=VideoIO.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY8) while !eof(video_file) push!(video_array,reinterpret(UInt8, read(video_file))) end close(video_file) return video_array end """ get_video_dimension(video_array) Returns the tuple which contains width, height and the number of the frames of array in whcih video was loaded. """ function get_video_dimension(video_array) v_hei = size(video_array[1],1) v_wid = size(video_array[1],2) v_len = size(video_array,1) video_dim_tuple = (video_height=v_hei, video_width=v_wid, video_length=v_len) return video_dim_tuple end """ get_video_mask(points_per_dim, video_dimensions; distribution="uniform", sorted=true, x=1, y=1) Returns matrix of size @points_per_dim x 2 in which indicies of video frame are stored. The indicies are chosen based one the @distribution argument. One option is uniform distribution, the second is random distribution. Uniform distribution: distance between the points in given dimension is the even, but vertical distance may be different from horizontal distance between points. This depends on the size of a frame in a image. Random distribution: the distance between the points is not constant, because the points are chosen randomly in the ranges 1:horizontal size of frame, 1:vertical size of frame. The returned values may be sorted in ascending order, if @sorted=true. """ function get_video_mask(points_per_dim, video_dimensions; distribution="uniform", sorted=true, patch_params) video_height, video_width, = video_dimensions y=patch_params["y"] spread=patch_params["spread"] if x == 1 x = Int64(floor(video_width/2)) @warn "Given x is to close to the border. Seeting the value to " x elseif x < Int64(ceil(points_per_dim/2)) x = Int64(ceil(points_per_dim/2)) @warn "Given x is to close to the border. Seeting the value to " x elseif x > video_width-Int64(ceil(points_per_dim/2)) x = video_width - Int64(ceil(points_per_dim/2)) @warn "Given x is to close to the border. Seeting the value to " x end if y == 1 y = Int64(floor(video_height/2)) @warn "Given y is to close to the border. Seeting the value to " y elseif y < Int64(ceil(points_per_dim/2)) y = Int64(ceil(points_per_dim/2)) @warn "Given y is to close to the border. Seeting the value to " y elseif y > video_height-Int64(ceil(points_per_dim/2)) y = video_height - Int64(ceil(points_per_dim/2)) @warn "Given y is to close to the border. Seeting the value to " y end if spread*points_per_dim+x > video_width || spread*points_per_dim+y > video_height @warn "Given patch parameters might result in indicies exceeding frame size." end if distribution == "uniform" columns = points_per_dim rows = points_per_dim # +1 is used so that the number of points returned is as requested row_step = Int64(floor(video_height/rows)) column_step = Int64(floor(video_width/columns)) (video_height/row_step != points_per_dim) ? row_step+=1 : row_step (video_width/column_step != points_per_dim) ? column_step+=1 : video_width vertical_indicies = collect(1:row_step:video_height) horizontal_indicies = collect(1:column_step:video_width) vertical_indicies = reshape(vertical_indicies, (1,points_per_dim)) horizontal_indicies = reshape(horizontal_indicies, (1,points_per_dim)) indicies_set = [vertical_indicies; horizontal_indicies] elseif distribution == "random" vertical_indicies = rand(1:video_height,1, points_per_dim) horizontal_indicies = rand(1:video_width,1, points_per_dim) if sorted vertical_indicies = sort(vertical_indicies[1,:]) horizontal_indicies = sort(horizontal_indicies[1,:]) vertical_indicies = reshape(vertical_indicies, (1,points_per_dim)) horizontal_indicies = reshape(horizontal_indicies, (1,points_per_dim)) end indicies_set = [vertical_indicies; horizontal_indicies] elseif distribution == "patch" indicies_set = [collect(1:spread:(spread*points_per_dim)).+x collect(1:spread:(spread*points_per_dim)).+y]' end return indicies_set end """ extract_pixels_from_video(video_array, indicies_set, video_dim_tuple) Takes every frame from @video_array and extracts pixels which indicies are in @indicies_set, thus creating video with only chosen indicies. """ function extract_pixels_from_video(video_array, indicies_set, video_dim_tuple) rows = size(indicies_set,2) columns = size(indicies_set,2) video_length = video_dim_tuple[3] extracted_pixels = zeros(rows, columns, video_length) for frame_number in 1:video_length extracted_pixels[:,:,frame_number] = video_array[frame_number][indicies_set[1,:],indicies_set[2,:]] end return extracted_pixels end """ vectorize_video(video) Rearrenges the video so that set of n frames (2D matrix varying in time) the set of vectors is returned, in which each row is a pixel, and each column is the value of the pixel in n-th frame. """ function vectorize_video(video) video_length = size(video, 3) rows = size(video,1) columns = size(video,2) number_of_vectors = rows*columns vectorized_video = zeros(number_of_vectors, video_length) index = 1; for row=1:rows for column=1:columns vectorized_video[index,:] = video[row, column,:]; index = index+1; end end return vectorized_video end """ get_pairwise_correlation_matrix(vectorized_video, tau_max=25) Computes pairwise correlation of the input signals accordingly to the formula presented in paper "Clique topology reveals intrinsic geometric structure in neural correlations" by Chad Giusti et al. The Computations are done only for upper half of the matrix, the lower half is a copy of upper half. Computation-wise the difference is at level of 1e-16, but this causes that inverse is not the same as non-inverse matrix. """ function get_pairwise_correlation_matrix(vectorized_video, tau_max=25) number_of_signals = size(vectorized_video,1) T = size(vectorized_video,2) C_ij = zeros(number_of_signals,number_of_signals); # log_C_ij = zeros(number_of_signals,number_of_signals); # this is given in frames lags = -tau_max:1:tau_max for row=1:number_of_signals for column=row:number_of_signals signal_ij = vectorized_video[row,:]; signal_ji = vectorized_video[column,:]; # cross_corelation ccg_ij = crosscov(signal_ij, signal_ji, lags); ccg_ij = ccg_ij ./ T; A = sum(ccg_ij[tau_max+1:end]); B = sum(ccg_ij[1:tau_max+1]); r_i_r_j = 1; C_ij[row, column] = max(A, B)/(tau_max*r_i_r_j); C_ij[column, row] = C_ij[row, column] # log_C_i_j[row, column] = log10(abs(C_ij[row, column])); end end return C_ij end """ get_average_from_tiles(extracted_pixels_matrix, N) Fnction takes a 3D array in which video is stored and splits every frame into non overlaping tiles of size NxN. If size of @extracted_pixels_matrix is not square of N, then only N^2 x N^2 matrix will be used for averaging. """ function get_average_from_tiles(extracted_pixels_matrix, N) # N = size(extracted_pixels,1) num_frames = size(extracted_pixels_matrix,3) mask_matrix = ones(N, N) result_matrix = zeros(N, N, num_frames) col_index = 1 row_index = 1 for frame = 1:num_frames for col = 1:N:N^2 for row = 1:N:N^2 result_matrix[mod(col,N), mod(row,N), frame] = dot(extracted_pixels_matrix[col:(col+N-1), row:(row+N-1), frame], mask_matrix) ./N^2 row_index += 1 end col_index += 1 end end return result_matrix end """ rotate_img_around_center(img, angle = 5pi/6) Function rotates a single image (or a frame) around the center of the image by @angle radians. """ function rotate_img_around_center(img, angle = 5pi/6) θ = angle rot = recenter(RotMatrix(θ), [size(img)...] .÷ 2) # a rotation around the center x_translation = 0 y_translation = 0 tform = rot ∘ Translation(y_translation, x_translation) img2 = warp(img, rot, axes(img)) return img2 end """ rotate_vid_around_center(img, rotation = 5pi/6) Function rotates a video around the center of the image by @rotation radians and the outout into matrix. """ function rotate_vid_around_center(src_vid_path,src_vid_name; rotation = 5pi/6) video_array = [] video_src_strm =*src_vid_name) video_src = VideoIO.openvideo(video_src_strm, target_format=VideoIO.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY8) while !eof(video_src) img = read(video_src) img = rotate_img_around_center(img, rotation) push!(video_array,img) end close(video_src) return video_array end """ export_images_to_vid(video_array, dest_file) Exports set of images stored in @video_array to the dest_file. """ function export_images_to_vid(video_array, dest_file) @debug "Exporting set of images to file" fname = dest_file video_dimensions = get_video_dimension(video_array) h = video_dimensions.video_height w = video_dimensions.video_width nframes = video_dimensions.video_length overwrite=true fps=30 options = `` ow = overwrite ? `-y` : `-n` open(`ffmpeg -loglevel warning $ow -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s:v $(h)x$(w) -r $fps -i pipe:0 $options -vf "transpose=0" -pix_fmt yuv420p $fname`, "w") do out for i = 1:nframes write(out, convert.(RGB{N0f8}, clamp01.(video_array[i]))) end end @debug "Video was saved" end """ rotate_and_save_video(src_vid_path, src_vid_name, dest_vid_name; rotation=5pi/6) Fuction opens the @src_vid_name file, collects all the frames and then rotates the frame aroung the center and saves new video as @dest_vid_name at @src_vid_path. Function was tested for following extensions; .mov A solution for writing to a video file was taken from: """ function rotate_and_save_video(src_vid_path, src_vid_name, dest_vid_name, rotation=5pi/6) @debug src_vid_path src_vid_name dest_vid_name if !isfile(src_vid_path*src_vid_name) @warn "Source file at given path does not exist. Please give another name." return elseif isfile(src_vid_path*dest_vid_name) @warn "File with destination video name at src_video_path already exists. Please give another name." return end video_array = rotate_vid_around_ceter(src_vid_path, src_vid_name) @debug "Video was rotated" export_images_to_exist_vid(video_array, src_vid_path*dest_vid_name) @info "The file was created:\n $fname" end """ get_local_correlations(video_array, centers, sub_img_size, shift) Computes the correlation between the subimages and subimages shifted by values from range -@shift:@shift and returns array with frames of size length(@centers) x length(@centers) with the number of frames equal to the number of rames in @video_array. Each of the subimage is center around values stored in @centers """ function get_local_correlations(video_array, centers, sub_img_size, shift) half_size = ceil(Int,(sub_img_size-1)/2) half_range = half_size + shift h, w, len = get_video_dimension(video_array) extracted_pixels = zeros(sub_img_size, sub_img_size, len) for frame = 1:len img = video_array[frame] for index_x = 1:size(centers,2) c_x = centers[2, index_x] for index_y = 1:size(centers,2) c_y = centers[1, index_y] subimage = img[(c_x-half_range):(c_x+half_range), (c_y-half_range):(c_y+half_range)] center = img[(c_x-half_size):(c_x+half_size), (c_y-half_size):(c_y+half_size)] for left_boundary = 1:(2*shift+1) for lower_boundary = 1:(2*shift+1) corelation = center .* subimage[left_boundary:left_boundary+sub_img_size-1, lower_boundary:lower_boundary+sub_img_size-1] corelation = sum(corelation) extracted_pixels[index_x, index_y, frame] += corelation end end extracted_pixels[index_x, index_y, frame] /= 256*(sub_img_size^2)*(shift*2)^2 end end end return extracted_pixels end function get_local_centers(points_per_dim, video_dimensions, shift=0, sub_img_size=0 ) /# TODO Applied teproray solution here, so it works only for local gradients # start = 0 # (points_per_dim>shift) ? start_ind = ceil(Int, points_per_dim/2)+ shift : # start=shift start_ind = ceil(Int, sub_img_size/2) min_va, = findmin(video_dimensions) last_ind = min_va - start_ind set = broadcast(floor, Int, range(start_ind, stop=last_ind, length=points_per_dim)) centers = [set set]' return centers end """ get_local_gradients(video_array, centers, sub_img_size) Computes the gradients in the subimage, takes the mean of sum of absolute values of both hotizontal and vertical gradients as a representative of a subimage. """ function get_local_gradients(video_array, centers, sub_img_size) @debug "Entering get_local_gradients" half_size = ceil(Int,(sub_img_size-1)/2) half_range = half_size h, w, len = get_video_dimension(video_array) extracted_pixels = zeros(sub_img_size, sub_img_size, len) @debug "starting frame procesing" for frame = 1:len img = video_array[frame] img_grad = imgradients(img, KernelFactors.ando3, "replicate") img_grad_abs = map(abs, img_grad[1]) + map(abs, img_grad[2]) for index_x = 1:size(centers,2) c_x = centers[2, index_x] for index_y = 1:size(centers,2) c_y = centers[1, index_y] sub_img = img_grad_abs[(c_x-half_size):(c_x+half_size), (c_y-half_size):(c_y+half_size)] extracted_pixels[index_x, index_y, frame] =mean(sub_img) end end # @debug "Next frame" frame end return extracted_pixels end """ normalize_to_01(matrix, norm_factor=256) Returns a matrix which values are in range [0, 1]. If the values in the input matrix are below 0, then they are shifted so that only positive numbers are in the matrix. If the values in the matrix of shifted matrix excced value of the @norm_factor parameter, then the matrix is normalized to the maximal value from the matrix. """ function normalize_to_01(matrix, norm_factor=256) normalized_matrix = copy(matrix) min_val = findmin(normalized_matrix)[1] max_val = findmax(normalized_matrix)[1] if min_val < 0 normalized_matrix .-= min_val end if max_val > norm_factor @warn "Values normalized to maximal value, not notmalization factor." normalized_matrix = normalized_matrix./max_val else normalized_matrix = normalized_matrix./norm_factor end return normalized_matrix end """ shift_to_non_negative(matrix) Returns a matrix in which values are non-negative. This is done by finding the minimal value in the input matrix and adding its absolute value to the matix elements. """ function shift_to_non_negative(matrix) min_val = findmin(matrix)[1] if min_val < 0 return matrix .-= min_val else return matrix end end """ plotimg(matrix_to_plot) Display an image as a plot. The values from the input matrix are adjusted to the value range of [0, 1]. If @cut_off is true then the matrix values above 256 are set to 256 and then all values are normalized to the value 256. If @cut_off is false, then values are normalized to maximal value. """ function plotimg(matrix_to_plot, cut_off=false) matrix_type = typeof(matrix_to_plot) min_val = findmin(matrix_to_plot)[1] int_types_arr = [Matrix{UInt8}; Matrix{UInt16}; Matrix{UInt32}; Matrix{UInt64}; Matrix{UInt128}; Matrix{Int8}; Matrix{Int16}; Matrix{Int32}; Matrix{Int64}; Matrix{Int128}] float_types_arr = [Matrix{Float16} Matrix{Float32} Matrix{Float64}] if min_val<0 matrix_to_plot = shift_to_non_negative(matrix_to_plot) end max_val = findmax(matrix_to_plot)[1] if max_val > 256 && cut_off matrix_to_plot[findall(x -> x>256, matrix_to_plot)] = 256 end if in(matrix_type, int_types_arr) matrix_to_plot = normalize_to_01(matrix_to_plot) elseif in(matrix_type, float_types_arr) matrix_to_plot = normalize_to_01(matrix_to_plot, max_val) end return colorview(Gray, matrix_to_plot) end
[ "MIT" ]
using TopologyPreprocessing using Test using Eirene #%% @testset "BettiCurves.jl" begin sample_distance_matrix1 = [0 1 25 4 5 9 13 17; 1 0 2 26 6 10 14 18; 25 2 0 3 7 11 15 19; 4 26 3 0 8 12 16 20; 5 6 7 8 0 21 27 24; 9 10 11 12 21 0 22 28; 13 14 15 16 27 22 0 23; 17 18 19 20 24 28 23 0 ] sample_distance_matrix2 = [1 1 41 4 5 9 13 17 25 33; 1 1 2 42 6 10 14 18 26 34; 41 2 1 3 7 11 15 19 27 35; 4 42 3 1 8 12 16 20 28 36; 5 6 7 8 1 21 43 24 29 37; 9 10 11 12 21 1 22 44 30 38; 13 14 15 16 43 22 1 23 31 39; 17 18 19 20 24 44 23 1 32 40; 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 45; 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 45 1;] # get_bettis for matrix = [sample_distance_matrix1, sample_distance_matrix2] for max_B_dim = 1:4 eirene_results = eirene(matrix, model="vr", maxdim = max_B_dim) all_bettis = get_bettis(eirene_results, max_B_dim) @test length(all_bettis) == max_B_dim @test all_bettis isa Vector{Array{Float64,2}} end for max_B_dim = 1:4, min_B_dim = 1:3 if min_B_dim > max_B_dim @debug "Continue at " min_B_dim, max_B_dim continue end eirene_results = eirene(matrix, model="vr", maxdim = max_B_dim) all_bettis = get_bettis(eirene_results, max_B_dim, min_dim=min_B_dim) @test length(all_bettis) == max_B_dim - (min_B_dim-1) @test all_bettis isa Vector{Array{Float64,2}} end end # normalise_bettis # as betticurve results for matrix = [sample_distance_matrix1, sample_distance_matrix2] for max_B_dim = 1:4, min_B_dim = 1:3 if min_B_dim > max_B_dim @debug "Continue at " min_B_dim, max_B_dim continue end eirene_results = eirene(matrix, model="vr", maxdim = max_B_dim) betti_result = betticurve(eirene_results, dim=max_B_dim) normed_all_bettis = normalise_bettis(betti_result) @test typeof(normed_all_bettis) == typeof(betti_result) @test length(normed_all_bettis) != max_B_dim @test size(normed_all_bettis) == size(betti_result) @test normed_all_bettis isa Array{Float64,2} # Betti values are unchanged: @test normed_all_bettis[:,2] == betti_result[:,2] # Max val is 1 @test findmax(normed_all_bettis[:,1])[1] == 1. end end # as get_bettis results for matrix = [sample_distance_matrix1, sample_distance_matrix2] for max_B_dim = 1:4, min_B_dim = 1:3 if min_B_dim > max_B_dim @debug "Continue at " min_B_dim, max_B_dim continue end eirene_results = eirene(matrix, model="vr", maxdim = max_B_dim) all_bettis = get_bettis(eirene_results, max_B_dim) normed_all_bettis = normalise_bettis(all_bettis) @test typeof(normed_all_bettis) == typeof(all_bettis) @test length(normed_all_bettis) == max_B_dim @test normed_all_bettis isa Vector{Array{Float64,2}} # Betti values are unchanged: @test normed_all_bettis[max_B_dim][:,2] == all_bettis[max_B_dim][:,2] # Max val is 1 @test findmax(normed_all_bettis[max_B_dim][:,1])[1] == 1. end end # get_vectorized_bettis let max_B_dim = 5, min_B_dim = 1, eirene_results = eirene(sample_distance_matrix1, model="vr", maxdim = max_B_dim) let eirene_bettis = get_bettis(eirene_results, max_B_dim, min_dim=min_B_dim), vectorized_bettis = get_vectorized_bettis(eirene_results, max_B_dim, min_dim=min_B_dim) @test size(vectorized_bettis)[2] == max_B_dim - (min_B_dim-1) for d in min_B_dim:max_B_dim @test vectorized_bettis[:,d] == eirene_bettis[d][:,2] end end end end @testset "BettiCurves.jl -> plot bettis" begin # TODO remove tests which test Plots.plot function and not plot_bettis functionality sample_distance_matrix1 = [0 1 25 4 5 9 13 17; 1 0 2 26 6 10 14 18; 25 2 0 3 7 11 15 19; 4 26 3 0 8 12 16 20; 5 6 7 8 0 21 27 24; 9 10 11 12 21 0 22 28; 13 14 15 16 27 22 0 23; 17 18 19 20 24 28 23 0 ] sample_distance_matrix2 = [1 1 41 4 5 9 13 17 25 33; 1 1 2 42 6 10 14 18 26 34; 41 2 1 3 7 11 15 19 27 35; 4 42 3 1 8 12 16 20 28 36; 5 6 7 8 1 21 43 24 29 37; 9 10 11 12 21 1 22 44 30 38; 13 14 15 16 43 22 1 23 31 39; 17 18 19 20 24 44 23 1 32 40; 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 45; 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 45 1;] # plot_bettis tests for get_bettis: let max_B_dim = 5, min_B_dim = 1, eirene_results = eirene(sample_distance_matrix1, model="vr", maxdim = max_B_dim) all_bettis = get_bettis(eirene_results, max_B_dim) p = plot_bettis(all_bettis); @test length(p.series_list) == max_B_dim-(min_B_dim-1) @test p.attr[:plot_title] == "" @test_throws DomainError plot_bettis(all_bettis, min_dim=max_B_dim+1) for (dim_index, dim)= enumerate(min_B_dim:max_B_dim) @test p.series_list[dim_index][:label] == "β$(dim)" if !isnan(all_bettis[dim_index][:,1][1]) @test p.series_list[dim_index][:x] == all_bettis[dim_index][:,1] @test p.series_list[dim_index][:y] == all_bettis[dim_index][:,2] end end # for dim = min_B_dim:max_B_dim # p = plot_bettis(all_bettis, min_dim = dim); # @test length(p.series_list) == max_B_dim-(dim-1) # end let p1 = plot_bettis(all_bettis, betti_labels=false) for (dim_index, dim)= enumerate(min_B_dim:max_B_dim) @test p1.series_list[dim][:label] == "y$(dim)" if !isnan(all_bettis[dim_index][:,1][1]) @test p1.series_list[dim][:x] == all_bettis[dim][:,1] @test p1.series_list[dim][:y] == all_bettis[dim][:,2] end end end let lw=4, p1 = plot_bettis(all_bettis, betti_labels=true, lw=lw) for (dim_index, dim)= enumerate(min_B_dim:max_B_dim) @test p1.series_list[dim_index][:label] == "β$(dim)" @test p1.series_list[dim_index][:linewidth] == lw end end let plt_title = "test_title", p1 = plot_bettis(all_bettis, title=plt_title, lw=9, xlabel="2") @test_skip p1.attr[:plot_title] == plt_title # why plot-title is not returning the title? for dim = min_B_dim:max_B_dim @test p1.series_list[dim][:label] == "β$(dim)" end end let plt_title = "test_title", lw = 9, p1 = plot_bettis(all_bettis, title=plt_title, lw=lw, xlabel="2", default_labels=false) @test_skip p1.attr[:plot_title] == plt_title # why plot-title is not returning the title? for dim = min_B_dim:max_B_dim @test p1.series_list[dim][:label] == "β$(dim)" @test p1.series_list[dim][:linewidth] == lw # @test for xlabel # @test for no label end end end # plot_bettis tests for get_vectorized_bettis: let max_B_dim = 5, min_B_dim = 1, eirene_results = eirene(sample_distance_matrix1, model="vr", maxdim = max_B_dim) all_bettis = get_vectorized_bettis(eirene_results, max_B_dim) end end @testset "BettiCurves.jl -> area under betti curves" begin let sample_distance_matrix1 = [0 1 25 4 5 9 13 17; 1 0 2 26 6 10 14 18; 25 2 0 3 7 11 15 19; 4 26 3 0 8 12 16 20; 5 6 7 8 0 21 27 24; 9 10 11 12 21 0 22 28; 13 14 15 16 27 22 0 23; 17 18 19 20 24 28 23 0 ], sample_distance_matrix2 = [1 1 41 4 5 9 13 17 25 33; 1 1 2 42 6 10 14 18 26 34; 41 2 1 3 7 11 15 19 27 35; 4 42 3 1 8 12 16 20 28 36; 5 6 7 8 1 21 43 24 29 37; 9 10 11 12 21 1 22 44 30 38; 13 14 15 16 43 22 1 23 31 39; 17 18 19 20 24 44 23 1 32 40; 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 45; 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 45 1;], max_B_dim = 5, min_B_dim = 1 #== checks if the size is anyhow changed during proces; checks is the values Array{Matrix} and reshaped matrix are the same ==# for min_B_dim in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] eirene_results1 = eirene(sample_distance_matrix1, model = "vr", maxdim = max_B_dim) eirene_results2 = eirene(sample_distance_matrix2, model = "vr", maxdim = max_B_dim) bettis_collection = [ get_bettis(eirene_results1, max_B_dim), get_bettis(eirene_results2, max_B_dim), ] for bettis_col in bettis_collection total_vecs = length(bettis_col) vec_len, vec_width = size(bettis_col[1]) reshaped_betti = TopologyPreprocessing.vectorize_bettis(bettis_col) @test vec_len .== size(reshaped_betti, 1) @test total_vecs .== size(reshaped_betti, 2) for k = 1:total_vecs @test reshaped_betti[:, k] == bettis_col[k][:, 2] end end end #== checks if get vectorized bettis has same values as get_bettis ==# for min_B_dim in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] eirene_results1 = eirene(sample_distance_matrix1, model = "vr", maxdim = max_B_dim) eirene_results2 = eirene(sample_distance_matrix2, model = "vr", maxdim = max_B_dim) bettis_collection = [ get_bettis(eirene_results1, max_B_dim), get_bettis(eirene_results2, max_B_dim), ] vec_bett_collection = [ get_vectorized_bettis(eirene_results1, max_B_dim), get_vectorized_bettis(eirene_results2, max_B_dim), ] for index = 1:length(bettis_collection) bettis_col = bettis_collection[index] vec_bettis_col = vec_bett_collection[index] total_vecs = length(bettis_col) for k = 1:total_vecs @test vec_bettis_col[:, k] == bettis_col[k][:, 2] end end end end end
[ "MIT" ]
using TopologyPreprocessing using Test using Random Random.seed!(1234) # using MatrixOrganization @testset "MatrixOrganization.jl -> matrix pooling" begin in_vector = [1 2 3 4 3 2 1] in_matrix = [1 2 3; 5 6 7; 8 9 0] in_matrix2 = [1 2 3; 5 6 7; 8 9 0] sqr_matrix0 = [1 2 3; 2 6 7; 3 7 0] resulting_matrix0_2 = [1 2 3; 2 6 7; 3 7 0] sqr_matrix1 = [ 0 1 13 4 5 9; 1 0 2 14 6 10; 13 2 0 3 7 11; 4 14 3 0 8 12; 5 6 7 8 0 15; 9 10 11 12 15 0] resulting_matrix1_2 = [0 1 14 14 10 10; 1 0 14 14 10 10; 14 14 0 3 12 12; 14 14 3 0 12 12; 10 10 12 12 0 15; 10 10 12 12 15 0] sqr_matrix2 = [ 0 1 113 4 5 9 13 17 81 82 83 84; 1 0 2 114 6 10 14 18 85 86 87 88; 113 2 0 3 7 11 15 19 89 90 91 92; 4 114 3 0 8 12 16 20 93 94 95 96; 5 6 7 8 0 21 115 24 29 30 31 32; 9 10 11 12 21 0 22 116 33 34 35 36; 13 14 15 16 115 22 0 23 37 38 39 40; 17 18 19 20 24 116 23 0 41 42 43 44; 81 85 89 93 29 33 37 41 0 25 117 28; 82 86 90 94 30 34 38 42 25 0 26 118; 83 87 91 95 31 35 39 43 117 26 0 27; 84 88 92 96 32 36 40 44 28 118 27 0] result_matrix2_2 = [ 0 1 114 114 10 10 18 18 86 86 88 88; 1 0 114 114 10 10 18 18 86 86 88 88; 114 114 0 3 12 12 20 20 94 94 96 96; 114 114 3 0 12 12 20 20 94 94 96 96; 10 10 12 12 0 21 116 116 34 34 36 36; 10 10 12 12 21 0 116 116 34 34 36 36; 18 18 20 20 116 116 0 23 42 42 44 44; 18 18 20 20 116 116 23 0 42 42 44 44; 86 86 94 94 34 34 42 42 0 25 118 118; 86 86 94 94 34 34 42 42 25 0 118 118; 88 88 96 96 36 36 44 44 118 118 0 27; 88 88 96 96 36 36 44 44 118 118 27 0] result_matrix2_3 = [ 0 1 113 114 114 114 89 89 89 92 92 92; 1 0 2 114 114 114 89 89 89 92 92 92; 113 2 0 114 114 114 89 89 89 92 92 92; 114 114 114 0 8 12 116 116 116 96 96 96; 114 114 114 8 0 21 116 116 116 96 96 96; 114 114 114 12 21 0 116 116 116 96 96 96; 89 89 89 116 116 116 0 23 37 117 117 117; 89 89 89 116 116 116 23 0 41 117 117 117; 89 89 89 116 116 116 37 41 0 117 117 117; 92 92 92 96 96 96 117 117 117 0 26 118; 92 92 92 96 96 96 117 117 117 26 0 27; 92 92 92 96 96 96 117 117 117 118 27 0] result_matrix2_4 = [ 0 1 114 114 20 20 20 20 96 96 96 96; 1 0 114 114 20 20 20 20 96 96 96 96; 114 114 0 3 20 20 20 20 96 96 96 96; 114 114 3 0 20 20 20 20 96 96 96 96; 20 20 20 20 0 21 116 116 44 44 44 44; 20 20 20 20 21 0 116 116 44 44 44 44; 20 20 20 20 116 116 0 23 44 44 44 44; 20 20 20 20 116 116 23 0 44 44 44 44; 96 96 96 96 44 44 44 44 0 25 118 118; 96 96 96 96 44 44 44 44 25 0 118 118; 96 96 96 96 44 44 44 44 118 118 0 27; 96 96 96 96 44 44 44 44 118 118 27 0] @test matrix_poling(in_vector) !== in_vector @test matrix_poling(in_vector, method="max_pooling") == [4 4 4 4 4 4 4] # @test matrix_poling!(in_vector) === in_vector # @test matrix_poling!(in_vector) == [4 4 4 4 4 4 4] @test matrix_poling(in_matrix) !== in_matrix @test matrix_poling(in_matrix, method="max_pooling") == 9 .* ones(size(in_matrix)) # @test matrix_poling!(in_matrix) === in_matrix # @test matrix_poling!(in_matrix) == 9 .* ones(size(in_matrix)) @test matrix_poling(in_matrix2[1:2,1:2], method="max_pooling") == 6 .* ones(size(in_matrix2[1:2,1:2])) @test matrix_poling(in_matrix2[1:2,1:2], method="max_pooling") != in_matrix2[1:2,1:2] # ==== # Subsampling matrix # Function is supposed to work only on upper half, and here the upper half is too small, so there are no operations @test subsample_matrix(sqr_matrix0, subsamp_size=2, method="max_pooling") == resulting_matrix0_2 @test subsample_matrix(sqr_matrix1, subsamp_size=2, method="max_pooling") == resulting_matrix1_2 @test subsample_matrix(sqr_matrix2, subsamp_size=2, method="max_pooling") == result_matrix2_2 @test subsample_matrix(sqr_matrix2, subsamp_size=3, method="max_pooling") == result_matrix2_3 @test subsample_matrix(sqr_matrix2, subsamp_size=4, method="max_pooling") == result_matrix2_4 end @testset "MatrixOrganization.jl -> add_random_patch" begin # TODO set seed for add_random_path # TODO Seed has to be set for this test in_vector = [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1] sqr_matrix0 = [ 1 2 3; 2 6 7; 3 7 0] sqr_matrix1 = [1 2 3 4 5; 2 1 6 7 8; 3 6 1 9 10; 4 7 9 1 11; 5 8 10 11 1] sqr_matrix2 = [ 0 1 13 4 5 9; 1 0 2 14 6 10; 13 2 0 3 7 11; 4 14 3 0 8 12; 5 6 7 8 0 15; 9 10 11 12 15 0] sqr_matrix3 = [ 0 1 113 4 5 9 13 17 81 82 83 84; 1 0 2 114 6 10 14 18 85 86 87 88; 113 2 0 3 7 11 15 19 89 90 91 92; 4 114 3 0 8 12 16 20 93 94 95 96; 5 6 7 8 0 21 115 24 29 30 31 32; 9 10 11 12 21 0 22 116 33 34 35 36; 13 14 15 16 115 22 0 23 37 38 39 40; 17 18 19 20 24 116 23 0 41 42 43 44; 81 85 89 93 29 33 37 41 0 25 117 28; 82 86 90 94 30 34 38 42 25 0 26 118; 83 87 91 95 31 35 39 43 117 26 0 27; 84 88 92 96 32 36 40 44 28 118 27 0] function get_unchanged_indices(input_matrix,ind) indices = CartesianIndices(size(input_matrix)) indices = findall(x->x!=ind,indices) for i = ind indices = indices[findall(x->x!=i,indices)] end return indices end out_m, ind = add_random_patch(sqr_matrix0) indices = get_unchanged_indices(sqr_matrix0,ind) @test size(ind) == (1,2) @test sqr_matrix0[indices] == out_m[indices] big_sqr_matrix0 = sqr_matrix0 .*100 out_m, ind = add_random_patch(big_sqr_matrix0, patch_size=1,total_patches=2) indices = get_unchanged_indices(big_sqr_matrix0,ind) @test size(ind) == (2,2) @test big_sqr_matrix0[indices] == out_m[indices] @test sum(big_sqr_matrix0[ind] .!= out_m[ind]) == 4 @test sum(big_sqr_matrix0[ind] .== out_m[ind]) == 0 out_m, ind = add_random_patch(sqr_matrix1, patch_size=1,total_patches=2) indices = get_unchanged_indices(sqr_matrix1,ind) @test size(ind) == (2,2) @test sqr_matrix1[indices] == out_m[indices] # TODO those 2 tests fails when random value is the equal to one that is replaced # @test sum(sqr_matrix1[ind] .!= out_m[ind]) == 4 # @test sum(sqr_matrix1[ind] .== out_m[ind]) == 0 # === input_matrix = sqr_matrix1 function test_adding_rand_patch(input_matrix, t_patches,p_size) out_m, ind = add_random_patch(input_matrix, patch_size=p_size, total_patches=t_patches) indices = get_unchanged_indices(input_matrix,ind) @test size(ind) == (t_patches*p_size^2,2) @test input_matrix[indices] == out_m[indices] # For values from range, tests below does not make sense: # @test sum(input_matrix[ind] .!= out_m[ind]) == length(ind) # @test sum(input_matrix[ind] .== out_m[ind]) == 0 end t_patches = 1 p_size = 2 test_adding_rand_patch(sqr_matrix0, t_patches,p_size) test_adding_rand_patch(sqr_matrix1, t_patches,p_size) test_adding_rand_patch(sqr_matrix2, t_patches,p_size) test_adding_rand_patch(sqr_matrix3, t_patches,p_size) t_patches = 1 p_size = 3 test_adding_rand_patch(sqr_matrix0, t_patches,p_size) test_adding_rand_patch(sqr_matrix1, t_patches,p_size) test_adding_rand_patch(sqr_matrix2, t_patches,p_size) test_adding_rand_patch(sqr_matrix3, t_patches,p_size) t_patches = 1 p_size = 4 correct_error = 3 # TODO change this into test_throws try add_random_patch(sqr_matrix0, patch_size=p_size, total_patches=t_patches) catch err my_error = 0 if isa(err, DomainError) println("DomainError") my_error = 1 elseif isa(err, DimensionMismatch) println("DimensionMismatch") my_error = 2 else println("Unknow error") my_error = 3 end @test my_error == correct_error end test_adding_rand_patch(sqr_matrix1, t_patches, p_size) test_adding_rand_patch(sqr_matrix2, t_patches, p_size) test_adding_rand_patch(sqr_matrix3, t_patches, p_size) t_patches = 3 p_size = 5 test_adding_rand_patch(sqr_matrix2, t_patches,p_size) test_adding_rand_patch(sqr_matrix3, t_patches,p_size) # === # locations locations1 = [CartesianIndex(1,2), CartesianIndex(2,3)] locations2 = [CartesianIndex(1,2), CartesianIndex(99,3)] t_patches = 1 p_size = 1 out_m, ind = add_random_patch(sqr_matrix1, patch_size=p_size, total_patches=t_patches,locations=locations1) indices = get_unchanged_indices(sqr_matrix1,ind) @test ind[:,1] == locations1 @test size(ind) == (size(locations1)[1]*p_size^2,2) @test sqr_matrix1[indices] == out_m[indices] # The number of @test sum(sqr_matrix1[locations1] .!= out_m[locations1]) == length(locations1) @test sum(sqr_matrix1[locations1] .== out_m[locations1]) == 0 correct_error = 0 try out_m, ind = add_random_patch(sqr_matrix1, patch_size=p_size, total_patches=t_patches,locations=locations2) catch err # global correct_error if isa(err, DomainError) correct_error = 1 else correct_error = 2 end finally # global correct_error @test correct_error == 2 end # TODO test for index below diagonal # TODO too many indices end
[ "MIT" ]
using TopologyPreprocessing using Test using LinearAlgebra # using MatrixOrganization @testset "MatrixProcessing.jl -> basics" begin # Ints positive_matrix = [1 2 3; 4 5 6] negative_matrix = [1 2 -3; -4 5 6] @test shift_to_non_negative(positive_matrix) == positive_matrix @test isempty(findall(x->x<0, shift_to_non_negative(negative_matrix))) # Floats positive_matrix2 = [1. 2 3; 4 5 6] negative_matrix2 = [1 2 -3; -4 5 6] @test shift_to_non_negative(positive_matrix2) == positive_matrix2 @test isempty(findall(x->x<0, shift_to_non_negative(negative_matrix2))) positive_3d_matrix = rand(2,3,4) negative_3d_matrix = rand(2,3,4).*2 .-1 @test shift_to_non_negative(positive_3d_matrix) == positive_3d_matrix @test isempty(findall(x->x<0, shift_to_non_negative(negative_3d_matrix))) # ===================== @test findmin(normalize_to_01(negative_matrix))[1] == 0 @test findmax(normalize_to_01(negative_matrix))[1] == 1 powers_of_2 = [0 ; [2^k for k in 0:2:8]] powers_of_3 = [0 ; [3^k for k in 0:2:8]] @test findmin(normalize_to_01(powers_of_2, use_factor=true))[1] == 0 @test findmax(normalize_to_01(powers_of_2, use_factor=true))[1] == 1 @test findmin(normalize_to_01(powers_of_3, use_factor=true))[1] == 0 @test findmax(normalize_to_01(powers_of_3, use_factor=true))[1] > 1 @test findmin(normalize_to_01(powers_of_3, use_factor=true, norm_factor=3^8))[1] == 0 @test findmax(normalize_to_01(powers_of_3, use_factor=true, norm_factor=3^8))[1] == 1 # ===================== square_matrix = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] @test issymmetric(diagonal_symmetrize(square_matrix)) @test LinearAlgebra.checksquare(diagonal_symmetrize(square_matrix)) == 3 @test issymmetric(diagonal_symmetrize(positive_matrix)) @test LinearAlgebra.checksquare(diagonal_symmetrize(positive_matrix)) == 2 @test diagonal_symmetrize(square_matrix)[end,1] == square_matrix[1,end] @test diagonal_symmetrize(square_matrix)[2,1] == square_matrix[1,2] @test diagonal_symmetrize(square_matrix, below_over_upper=true)[1,end] == square_matrix[end,1] @test diagonal_symmetrize(square_matrix, below_over_upper=true)[1,2] == square_matrix[2,1] end @testset "MatrixProcessing.jl -> distances and indices" begin # Ints positive_matrix = [1 2 3;4 5 6] positive_matrix2 = [1. 2 3; 4 5 6] positive_3d_matrix = rand(2,3,4) negative_matrix = [1 2 -3;-4 5 6] negative_matrix2 = [1 2 -3; -4 5 6] negative_3d_matrix = rand(2,3,4).*2 .-1 negative_6d_matrix = rand(2,3,4,5,6,7).*2 .-1 powers_of_2 = [0 ; [2^k for k in 0:2:8]] powers_of_3 = [0 ; [3^k for k in 0:2:8]] square_matrix = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] # ======================================================== @test length(unique(group_distances(square_matrix,1))) == 1 @test length(unique(group_distances(square_matrix,2))) == 2 @test length(unique(group_distances(square_matrix,9))) == 9 @test_throws DomainError group_distances(square_matrix,20) @test length(unique(group_distances(positive_matrix,1))) == 1 @test length(unique(group_distances(positive_matrix,2))) == 2 @test length(unique(group_distances(positive_matrix,6))) == 6 @test_throws DomainError group_distances(positive_matrix,20) @test length(unique(group_distances(positive_3d_matrix,2))) == 2 @test length(unique(group_distances(negative_3d_matrix,2))) == 2 @test length(unique(group_distances(negative_6d_matrix,2))) == 2 group_distances(square_matrix,2) # ======================================================== @test length(generate_indices(3))==3^2 @test length(generate_indices(223))==223^2 n=3 @test length(generate_indices(n, symmetry_order=true, include_diagonal=false)) == ((n^2 - n) ÷ 2) n=9 @test length(generate_indices(n, symmetry_order=true, include_diagonal=false)) == ((n^2 - n) ÷ 2) index_matrix1 = generate_indices(n, symmetry_order=true, include_diagonal=false) @test length(findall(x-> x == CartesianIndex(n,n),index_matrix1)) == 0 @test length(findall(x-> x == CartesianIndex(n-2,n-1),index_matrix1)) == 1 @test length(findall(x-> x == CartesianIndex(n-1,n-2),index_matrix1)) == 0 n=223 @test length(generate_indices(n, symmetry_order=true, include_diagonal=false)) == ((n^2 - n) ÷ 2) @test length(generate_indices(n, symmetry_order=true, include_diagonal=true)) == ((n^2 - n) ÷ 2 + n) n=3 index_matrix2 = generate_indices(n, symmetry_order=true, include_diagonal=true) @test length(index_matrix2) == (((n-1)*n)÷2 +n) @test findmax(index_matrix2)[1] == CartesianIndex(n,n) @test length(findall(x-> x == CartesianIndex(1,n),index_matrix2)) == 1 @test length(findall(x-> x == CartesianIndex(1,1),index_matrix2)) == 1 @test length(findall(x-> x == CartesianIndex(n,n),index_matrix2)) == 1 n=9 @test length(generate_indices(n, symmetry_order=true, include_diagonal=true)) == (((n-1)*n)÷2 +n) n=223 @test length(generate_indices(n, symmetry_order=true, include_diagonal=true)) == (((n-1)*n)÷2 +n) n=9 @test length(generate_indices((n,n), symmetry_order=true, include_diagonal=true)) == (((n-1)*n)÷2 +n) n=223 @test length(generate_indices((n,n), symmetry_order=true, include_diagonal=true)) == (((n-1)*n)÷2 +n) end # @testset "MatrixProcessing.jl -> arrays of arrays" begin # # Need to be taken from Bettis # # arr_of_arrs # # # reduce_arrs_to_min_len(arr_of_arrs) # # end @testset "MatrixProcessing.jl -> matrix ordering helping functions" begin let testing_matrix0 = Array{Float64,2}(undef, 2, 3), testing_matrix1 = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9], testing_matrix2 = ones((2,3,4)) testing_matrix3 = [1 2 3; 4 5 6] testing_matrix4 = [1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8, 3, 6, 9] @test arr_to_vec(testing_matrix0) isa Vector @test length(testing_matrix0) == length(arr_to_vec(testing_matrix0)) @test arr_to_vec(testing_matrix1) isa Vector @test length(testing_matrix1) == length(arr_to_vec(testing_matrix1)) @test arr_to_vec(testing_matrix1) == [1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8, 3, 6, 9] @test arr_to_vec(testing_matrix2) isa Vector @test length(testing_matrix2) == length(arr_to_vec(testing_matrix2)) @test arr_to_vec(testing_matrix3) isa Vector @test length(testing_matrix3) == length(arr_to_vec(testing_matrix3)) @test arr_to_vec(testing_matrix3) == [1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6] @test arr_to_vec(testing_matrix4) isa Vector @test length(testing_matrix4) == length(arr_to_vec(testing_matrix4)) @test arr_to_vec(testing_matrix4) == [1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8, 3, 6, 9] end let testing_matrix1 = CartesianIndices((2,2)), testing_matrix2 = CartesianIndices((9,1)) @test cartesianInd_to_vec(testing_matrix1) isa Vector @test length(cartesianInd_to_vec(testing_matrix1)) == length(testing_matrix1) @test cartesianInd_to_vec(testing_matrix2) isa Vector @test length(cartesianInd_to_vec(testing_matrix2)) == length(testing_matrix2) end let vals_matrix1a = [1 2 3; 4 5 6], vals_matrix1b = [6 5 4; 3 2 1], vals_matrix1c = [4 5 6; 1 2 3] let index_matrix1a = [CartesianIndex(1,1), CartesianIndex(1,2), CartesianIndex(1,3), CartesianIndex(2,1), CartesianIndex(2,2), CartesianIndex(2,3)] @test length(sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix1a, index_matrix1a)) == length(vals_matrix1a) @test sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix1a, index_matrix1a) == collect(1:6) @test length(sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix1b, index_matrix1a)) == length(vals_matrix1b) @test sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix1b, index_matrix1a) == collect(6:-1:1) @test length(sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix1c, index_matrix1a)) == length(vals_matrix1c) @test sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix1c, index_matrix1a) == [4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3] end let index_matrix1b = CartesianIndices((2,3)) @test_throws TypeError sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix1a, index_matrix1b) end end let vals_matrix2 = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9], index_matrix2a = CartesianIndices((3,3)), index_matrix2b = [CartesianIndex(1,1) CartesianIndex(1,2) CartesianIndex(1,3); CartesianIndex(2,1) CartesianIndex(2,2) CartesianIndex(2,3); CartesianIndex(3,1) CartesianIndex(3,2) CartesianIndex(3,3)], index_matrix2c = [CartesianIndex(1,1), CartesianIndex(1,2), CartesianIndex(1,3), CartesianIndex(2,1), CartesianIndex(2,2), CartesianIndex(2,3), CartesianIndex(3,1), CartesianIndex(3,2), CartesianIndex(3,3)] @test_throws TypeError sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix2, index_matrix2a) @test_throws TypeError sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix2, index_matrix2b) @test sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix2, index_matrix2c) isa Vector @test sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix2, index_matrix2c) == 1:9 @test length(sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix2, index_matrix2c)) == length(vals_matrix2) end let vals_matrix3 = [1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8, 3, 6, 9], index_matrix3a = CartesianIndices((9,1)), index_matrix3b = CartesianIndices((9,)), index_matrix3c = [1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8, 3, 6, 9] @test_throws TypeError sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix3, index_matrix3a) @test_throws TypeError sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix3, index_matrix3b) @test sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix3, index_matrix3c) isa Vector @test sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix3, index_matrix3c) == 1:9 @test length(sort_indices_by_values(vals_matrix3, index_matrix3c)) == length(vals_matrix3) end let target_coords1 = CartesianIndex(2,3), target_value = -20 let some_matrix = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] set_values!(some_matrix, target_coords1, target_value; do_symmetry=false) @test some_matrix[target_coords1] == target_value end let some_matrix = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] another_matrix = set_values!(some_matrix, target_coords1, target_value; do_symmetry=false) @test some_matrix[target_coords1] == target_value @test another_matrix[target_coords1] == target_value @test another_matrix === some_matrix end let some_matrix = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] another_matrix = set_values!(some_matrix, target_coords1, target_value; do_symmetry=true) @test some_matrix[target_coords1] == target_value @test some_matrix[target_coords1[1],target_coords1[2]] == target_value @test some_matrix[target_coords1[2],target_coords1[1]] == target_value @test another_matrix === some_matrix end let some_matrix = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9], some_matrix2 = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9], target_coords2 = CartesianIndex(8,9) @test_throws BoundsError set_values!(some_matrix, target_coords2, target_value; do_symmetry=false) @test some_matrix == some_matrix2 end let some_matrix = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9], target_coords3 = CartesianIndices((2,2)) @test_throws MethodError set_values!(some_matrix, target_coords3, target_value; do_symmetry=false) end end end @testset "MatrixProcessing.jl -> matrix ordering" begin """ check_for_min_val_position(input_matrix::Matrix; force_symmetry=false, assign_same_values=false) Takes an 'input_matrix' and checks if its ordered form has the minimum value in the same position as the minimum value of 'input_matrix'. """ function check_for_min_val_position(input_matrix::Matrix; force_symmetry=false, assign_same_values=false) # check if min val in uniquely value matrix is in the same position ordered_matrix = get_ordered_matrix(input_matrix, force_symmetry=force_symmetry, assign_same_values=assign_same_values) if issymmetric(input_matrix) || force_symmetry off_diag_ind = generate_indices(size(input_matrix),include_diagonal=false) else off_diag_ind = generate_indices(size(input_matrix),include_diagonal=true) end min_val = findmin(input_matrix[off_diag_ind])[1] # min_orig = findmin(input_matrix[off_diag_ind])[2] all_min_input = findall(x->x==min_val,input_matrix[off_diag_ind]) all_min_ordered = findall(x->x==1,ordered_matrix[off_diag_ind]) return off_diag_ind[all_min_input] == off_diag_ind[all_min_ordered] end # == let power_matrix = zeros(Int, (2,3,4)) for k = 1:4 power_matrix[:,:,k] = reshape([(k+1)^n for n =1:6], (2,3)) end ordered_power_matrix = copy(power_matrix) ordered_power_matrix[:, :, 1] =[1 6 12; 3 8 13] ordered_power_matrix[:, :, 2] =[2 11 17; 7 15 20] ordered_power_matrix[:, :, 3] = [4 14 21; 9 18 23] ordered_power_matrix[:, :, 4] =[5 16 22; 10 19 24] @test !isempty(get_ordered_matrix(power_matrix) == ordered_power_matrix) @test get_ordered_matrix(power_matrix) == ordered_power_matrix # @test_throws MethodError get_ordered_matrix(power_matrix) end # == let square_matrix1 = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9], square_matrix2 = [1 4 7; 2 5 8; 3 6 9] @test get_ordered_matrix(10 .*square_matrix1) == (square_matrix1 ) @test get_ordered_matrix(10 .*square_matrix2) == (square_matrix2 ) @test sum(get_ordered_matrix(square_matrix1) .== square_matrix1 ) == 9 @test sum(get_ordered_matrix(square_matrix2) .== square_matrix2 ) == 9 @test get_ordered_matrix(10 .*square_matrix1, force_symmetry=true) == get_ordered_matrix(square_matrix1, force_symmetry=true) @test get_ordered_matrix(10 .*square_matrix2, force_symmetry=true) == get_ordered_matrix(square_matrix2, force_symmetry=true) # check if min val in uniquely value matrix is in the same position let input_matrix = 10square_matrix1 @test check_for_min_val_position(input_matrix) end end # == let square_matrix_same_vals1 = [1 2 3; 3 4 5; 6 7 8], square_matrix_same_vals2 = [1 3 6; 2 4 7; 3 5 8] @test get_ordered_matrix(10 .*square_matrix_same_vals1, assign_same_values=true) == (square_matrix_same_vals1 ) @test get_ordered_matrix(10 .*square_matrix_same_vals2, assign_same_values=true) == (square_matrix_same_vals2 ) # forcing symmetry test some_ord_mat = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*square_matrix_same_vals1, force_symmetry=true, assign_same_values=false) # remove 1, because 0 is not off diagonal @test length(unique(some_ord_mat))-1 == (size(square_matrix_same_vals1,1)*(size(square_matrix_same_vals1,1)-1))/2 end # == let square_matrix_same_vals3 = [1 2 3; 3 4 3; 5 6 7], square_matrix_same_vals4 = [1 3 3; 2 4 6; 3 3 7] @test get_ordered_matrix(10 .*square_matrix_same_vals3, force_symmetry=true, assign_same_values=true) == get_ordered_matrix(square_matrix_same_vals3, force_symmetry=true, assign_same_values=true) @test get_ordered_matrix(10 .*square_matrix_same_vals4, force_symmetry=true, assign_same_values=true) == get_ordered_matrix(square_matrix_same_vals4, force_symmetry=true, assign_same_values=true) end # ================== # Tests on symmetric matrices let test_mat_b1 = [ 1 1 1 4 5 9 ; 1 1 2 3 6 10; 1 2 1 3 7 11; 4 3 3 1 8 12; 5 6 7 8 1 13; 9 10 11 12 13 1 ;] # no same values let test_mat_b1_ord1 = [ 0 1 2 6 7 11; 1 0 3 4 8 12; 2 3 0 5 9 13; 6 4 5 0 10 14; 7 8 9 10 0 15; 11 12 13 14 15 0], test_mat_b1_indices = generate_indices(size(test_mat_b1)) ord_mat_b1_1 = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b1, force_symmetry=false, assign_same_values=false) @test issymmetric(ord_mat_b1_1) @test ord_mat_b1_1[test_mat_b1_indices] == test_mat_b1_ord1[test_mat_b1_indices] ord_mat_b1_2 = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b1, force_symmetry=true, assign_same_values=false) @test issymmetric(ord_mat_b1_2) @test ord_mat_b1_2[test_mat_b1_indices] == test_mat_b1_ord1[test_mat_b1_indices] end # assign same values let test_mat_b1_ord2 = [ 0 1 1 4 5 9 ; 1 0 2 3 6 10; 1 2 0 3 7 11; 4 3 3 0 8 12; 5 6 7 8 0 13; 9 10 11 12 13 0 ;] let ord_mat_b1_3 = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b1, force_symmetry=false, assign_same_values=true) @test issymmetric(ord_mat_b1_3) # Removed, because ordered diagonal is all 1: @test ord_mat_b1_3 == (test_mat_b1 ) @test ord_mat_b1_3 == test_mat_b1_ord2 end let ord_mat_b1_4 = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b1, force_symmetry=true, assign_same_values=true) @test issymmetric(ord_mat_b1_4) # Removed, because ordered diagonal is all 1: @test ord_mat_b1_4 == (test_mat_b1 ) @test ord_mat_b1_4 == test_mat_b1_ord2 end end let input_matrix = 10 .*test_mat_b1 @test check_for_min_val_position(input_matrix; force_symmetry=false, assign_same_values=true) end end # == # Non-symmetric matrix test let test_mat_b2 = [ 1 1 3 4 5 9 ; 1 1 2 3 6 10; 14 2 1 3 7 11; 4 15 3 1 8 12; 5 5 7 8 1 13; 9 10 11 12 13 1 ;] let ord_mat_b2_1 = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b2, force_symmetry=false, assign_same_values=false) @test !issymmetric(ord_mat_b2_1) @test findall(x->x<=8,ord_mat_b2_1) == findall(x->x==1,test_mat_b2) # all values with one are first 8 values used for ordering @test length(unique(ord_mat_b2_1)) == length(test_mat_b2) #check if all values are unique end let test_mat_b2_ord1 = [0 1 6 4 7 11; 1 0 2 5 8 12; 6 2 0 3 9 13; 4 5 3 0 10 14; 7 8 9 10 0 15; 11 12 13 14 15 0 ;] test_mat_b2_indices = generate_indices(size(test_mat_b2)) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(1,3), test_mat_b2_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(1,4), test_mat_b2_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(2,4), test_mat_b2_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(3,4), test_mat_b2_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(3,1), test_mat_b2_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(4,1), test_mat_b2_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(4,2), test_mat_b2_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(4,3), test_mat_b2_indices) ord_mat_b2_2 = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b2, force_symmetry=true, assign_same_values=false) @test issymmetric(ord_mat_b2_2) @test ord_mat_b2_2[test_mat_b2_indices] == test_mat_b2_ord1[test_mat_b2_indices] # forcing symmetry test: @test length(unique(ord_mat_b2_2))-1 == (size(test_mat_b2,1)*(size(test_mat_b2,1)-1))/2 end # TODO to fix tests, add 1 to all values off diagonal for the input matrix let test_mat_b2_ord2 = [0 0 2 3 4 8; 0 0 1 2 5 9; 13 1 0 2 6 10; 3 14 2 0 7 11; 4 4 6 7 0 12; 8 9 10 11 12 0 ;] ord_mat_b2_3 = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b2, force_symmetry=false, assign_same_values=true) @test_skip !issymmetric(ord_mat_b2_3) @test_skip ord_mat_b2_3 == test_mat_b2_ord2 end # TODO to fix tests, add 1 to all values off diagonal for the input matrix let test_mat_b2_ord3 = [0 0 2 3 4 8 0 0 1 2 5 9 2 1 0 2 6 10 3 2 2 0 7 11 4 5 6 7 0 12 8 9 10 11 12 0 ;] ord_mat_b2_4 = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b2, force_symmetry=true, assign_same_values=true) @test_skip issymmetric(ord_mat_b2_4) @test_skip ord_mat_b2_4 == test_mat_b2_ord3 end end # == let test_mat_b3 = [ 1 1 3 4 5 9 ; 1 1 2 3 6 10; 3 2 1 3 7 11; 4 3 3 1 8 12; 5 6 7 8 1 13; 9 10 11 12 13 1 ;] let test_mat_b3_ord1 = [ 0 0 5 3 6 10; 0 0 1 4 7 11; 5 1 0 2 8 12; 3 4 2 0 9 13; 6 7 8 9 0 14; 10 11 12 13 14 0 ;], test_mat_b3_indices = generate_indices(size(test_mat_b3)) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(1,3), test_mat_b3_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(1,4), test_mat_b3_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(2,4), test_mat_b3_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(3,4), test_mat_b3_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(3,1), test_mat_b3_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(4,1), test_mat_b3_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(4,2), test_mat_b3_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(4,3), test_mat_b3_indices) ord_mat_b3_1 = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b3, force_symmetry=false, assign_same_values=false) @test issymmetric(ord_mat_b3_1) @test_skip ord_mat_b3_1[test_mat_b3_indices] == test_mat_b3_ord1[test_mat_b3_indices] ord_mat_b3_2 = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b3, force_symmetry=true, assign_same_values=false) @test issymmetric(ord_mat_b3_2) @test_skip ord_mat_b3_2[test_mat_b3_indices] == test_mat_b3_ord1[test_mat_b3_indices] end # TODO remove tests that do not add anything new for testing and are just another similar case let test_mat_b3_ord2 = [ 0 0 2 3 4 8 ; 0 0 1 2 5 9 ; 2 1 0 2 6 10; 3 2 2 0 7 11; 4 5 6 7 0 12; 8 9 10 11 12 0 ;] ord_mat_b3_3 = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b3, force_symmetry=false, assign_same_values=true) @test issymmetric(ord_mat_b3_3) @test_skip ord_mat_b3_3 == (test_mat_b3 .-1) @test_skip ord_mat_b3_3 == test_mat_b3_ord2 ord_mat_b3_4 = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b3, force_symmetry=true, assign_same_values=true) @test issymmetric(ord_mat_b3_4) @test_skip ord_mat_b3_4 == (test_mat_b3 .-1) @test_skip ord_mat_b3_4 == test_mat_b3_ord2 end let input_matrix = 10 .*test_mat_b3 @test check_for_min_val_position(input_matrix; force_symmetry=false, assign_same_values=true) end end # == let test_mat_b4 = [ 1 1 41 4 5 9 13 17 25 33; 1 1 2 42 6 10 14 18 26 34; 41 2 1 3 7 11 15 19 27 35; 4 42 3 1 8 12 16 20 28 36; 5 6 7 8 1 21 43 24 29 37; 9 10 11 12 21 1 22 44 30 38; 13 14 15 16 43 22 1 23 31 39; 17 18 19 20 24 44 23 1 32 40; 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 45; 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 45 1;] @test_skip get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b4, force_symmetry=false, assign_same_values=false) == (test_mat_b4 .-1) @test_skip get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b4, force_symmetry=false, assign_same_values=true) == (test_mat_b4 .-1) let ord_mat = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b4, force_symmetry=true, assign_same_values=false) @test issymmetric(ord_mat) @test_skip ord_mat == (test_mat_b4 .-1) end let ord_mat = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b4, force_symmetry=true, assign_same_values=true) @test issymmetric(ord_mat) @test_skip ord_mat == (test_mat_b4 .-1) end let input_matrix = 10test_mat_b4 @test check_for_min_val_position(input_matrix) end end # == let test_mat_b5 = -[1 1 3 4 5 9 ; 1 1 2 3 6 10; 14 2 1 3 7 11; 4 15 3 1 8 12; 5 5 7 8 1 13; 9 10 11 12 13 1 ;] let ord_mat_b5_1 = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b5, force_symmetry=false, assign_same_values=false) @test !issymmetric(ord_mat_b5_1) @test_skip findall(x->x>=28,ord_mat_b5_1) == findall(x->x==-1,test_mat_b5) # all values with one are first 8 values used for ordering @test length(unique(ord_mat_b5_1)) == length(test_mat_b5) #check if all values are unique end let test_mat_b5_ord1 = [ 0 14 9 11 8 4 14 0 13 10 7 3 9 13 0 12 6 2 11 10 12 0 5 1 8 7 6 5 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 ;] test_mat_b5_indices = generate_indices(size(test_mat_b5)) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(1,3), test_mat_b5_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(1,4), test_mat_b5_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(2,4), test_mat_b5_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(3,4), test_mat_b5_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(3,1), test_mat_b5_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(4,1), test_mat_b5_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(4,2), test_mat_b5_indices) filter!(x->x!=CartesianIndex(4,3), test_mat_b5_indices) ord_mat_b5_2 = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b5, force_symmetry=true, assign_same_values=false) @test issymmetric(ord_mat_b5_2) @test_skip ord_mat_b5_2[test_mat_b5_indices] == test_mat_b5_ord1[test_mat_b5_indices] # forcing symmetry test: @test length(unique(ord_mat_b5_2))-1 == (size(test_mat_b5,1)*(size(test_mat_b5,1)-1))/2 end let test_mat_b5_ord2 = [14 14 12 11 10 6; 14 14 13 12 9 5; 1 13 14 12 8 4; 11 0 12 14 7 3; 10 10 8 7 14 2; 6 5 4 3 2 14], ord_mat_b5_3 = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b5, force_symmetry=false, assign_same_values=true) @test !issymmetric(ord_mat_b5_3) @test_skip ord_mat_b5_3 == test_mat_b5_ord2 end let test_mat_b5_ord3 = [0 12 10 9 8 4; 12 0 11 10 7 3; 10 11 0 10 6 2; 9 10 10 0 5 1; 8 7 6 5 0 0; 4 3 2 1 0 0] ord_mat_b5_4 = get_ordered_matrix(10 .*test_mat_b5, force_symmetry=true, assign_same_values=true) @test issymmetric(ord_mat_b5_4) @test_skip ord_mat_b5_4 == test_mat_b5_ord3 end end # ================== end
[ "MIT" ]
using SafeTestsets # TODO add description to the tests ## ===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===- @safetestset "MatrixProcessing tests" begin include("matrixProcessing_tests.jl") end ## ===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===- @safetestset "MatrixOrganization tests" begin include("matrixOrganisation_tests.jl") end ## ===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===- @safetestset "BettiCurves tests" begin include("bettiCurves_tests.jl") end ## ===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-
[ "MIT" ]
# TopologyPreprocessing ![Continuous Integration (CI) status]( ## Installation This package registeration is being processed now. After being registered, to install it, run the following. ```julia julia> using Pkg julia> Pkg.add("TopologyPreprocessing") ```
[ "MIT" ]
# Example.jl Documentation ```@contents ``` ## Functions ```@docs get_barcodes(x) ``` ## Index ```@index ```
[ "MIT" ]
module OpenIDConnect using HTTP using JSON using MbedTLS using Base64 using Random using JWTs const DEFAULT_SCOPES = ["openid", "profile", "email"] const DEFAULT_STATE_TIMEOUT_SECS = 60 const DEFAULT_SKEW_SECS = 2*60 const STATE_PURGE_TRIGGER = 1024 const DEFAULT_KEY_REFRESH_SECS = 60*60 export OIDCCtx, flow_request_authorization_code, flow_get_authorization_code, flow_get_token, flow_validate_id_token, flow_refresh_token """ Holds an OpenID Connect context that can be used in subsequent OpenID request flows. The context holds request states, and configuration options. """ struct OIDCCtx states::Dict{String,Float64} state_timeout_secs::Int allowed_skew_secs::Int openid_config::Dict{String,Any} http_tls_opts::Dict{Symbol,Any} validator::JWKSet key_refresh_secs::Int last_key_refresh::Float64 client_id::String client_secret::String scopes::Vector{String} redirect_uri::String random_device::RandomDevice function OIDCCtx(issuer::String, redirect_uri::String, client_id::String, client_secret::String, scopes::Vector{String}=DEFAULT_SCOPES; verify::Union{Nothing,Bool}=nothing, cacrt::Union{Nothing,String,MbedTLS.CRT}=nothing, state_timeout_secs::Int=DEFAULT_STATE_TIMEOUT_SECS, allowed_skew_secs::Int=DEFAULT_SKEW_SECS, key_refresh_secs::Int=DEFAULT_KEY_REFRESH_SECS, random_device::RandomDevice=RandomDevice()) endswith(issuer, "/") || (issuer = issuer * "/") openid_config_url = issuer * ".well-known/openid-configuration" http_tls_opts = Dict{Symbol,Any}() http_tls_opts[:socket_type_tls] = MbedTLS.SSLContext if verify !== nothing http_tls_opts[:require_ssl_verification] = verify end if cacrt !== nothing if isa(cacrt, String) cacrt = isfile(cacrt) ? MbedTLS.crt_parse_file(cacrt) : MbedTLS.crt_parse(cacrt) end conf = MbedTLS.SSLConfig(verify === nothing || verify) MbedTLS.ca_chain!(conf, cacrt) http_tls_opts[:sslconfig] = conf end # fetch and store the openid config, along with the additional args for SSL openid_config = JSON.parse(String(HTTP.request("GET", openid_config_url; status_exception=true, http_tls_opts...).body)) validator = JWKSet(openid_config["jwks_uri"]) new(Dict{String,Float64}(), state_timeout_secs, allowed_skew_secs, openid_config, http_tls_opts, validator, key_refresh_secs, 0.0, client_id, client_secret, scopes, redirect_uri, random_device) end end authorization_endpoint(ctx::OIDCCtx) = ctx.openid_config["authorization_endpoint"] token_endpoint(ctx::OIDCCtx) = ctx.openid_config["token_endpoint"] function remember_state(ctx::OIDCCtx, state::String) ctx.states[state] = time() nothing end function validate_state(ctx::OIDCCtx, state::String) statestore = ctx.states if state in keys(statestore) t = statestore[state] delete!(statestore, state) if (time() - t) <= ctx.state_timeout_secs return true end end @info("encountered an unknown or expired state") if length(statestore) > STATE_PURGE_TRIGGER purge_states!(ctx) end false end function purge_states(ctx::OIDCCtx) tnow = time() tmout = ctx.state_timeout_secs filter!(nv->(tnow-nv[2])>tmout, ctx.states) nothing end """ API calling error detected by this library """ struct APIError error::String end """ Error returned from OpenID server See section of """ struct AuthServerError error::String error_description::Union{Nothing,String} error_uri::Union{Nothing,String} end """ Authentication request. Uses the authorization code flow. Acceptable optional args as listed in section of specifications ( Returns a String with the redirect URL. Caller must perform the redirection. """ function flow_request_authorization_code(ctx::OIDCCtx; nonce=nothing, display=nothing, prompt=nothing, max_age=nothing, ui_locales=nothing, id_token_hint=nothing, login_hint=nothing, acr_values=nothing) @debug("oidc negotiation: initiating...") scopes = join(ctx.scopes, ' ') state = randstring(ctx.random_device, 10) remember_state(ctx, state) query = Dict("response_type"=>"code", "client_id"=>ctx.client_id, "redirect_uri"=>ctx.redirect_uri, "scope"=>scopes, "state"=>state) (nonce === nothing) || (query["nonce"] = String(nonce)) (display === nothing) || (query["display"] = String(display)) (prompt === nothing) || (query["prompt"] = String(prompt)) (max_age === nothing) || (query["max_age"] = String(max_age)) (ui_locales === nothing) || (query["ui_locales"] = String(ui_locales)) (id_token_hint === nothing) || (query["id_token_hint"] = String(id_token_hint)) (login_hint === nothing) || (query["login_hint"] = String(login_hint)) (acr_values === nothing) || (query["acr_values"] = String(acr_values)) uri = HTTP.URIs.URI(HTTP.URIs.URI(authorization_endpoint(ctx)); query=query) return string(uri) end """ Given the params from the redirected response from the authentication request, extract the authorization code. See sections and of Returns the authorization code on success. Returns one of APIError or AuthServerError on failure. """ function flow_get_authorization_code(ctx::OIDCCtx, @nospecialize(query)) state = get(query, "state", get(query, :state, nothing)) if state === nothing return APIError("invalid request, no state found") end if validate_state(ctx, String(state)) === nothing return APIError("invalid or expired state") end code = get(query, "code", get(query, :code, nothing)) if code !== nothing return String(code) end errcode = get(query, "error", nothing) if errcode !== nothing return AuthServerError(errcode, get(query, "error_description", nothing), get(query, "error_uri", nothing)) end return APIError("invalid request, no code or error found") end function parse_token_response(tok_res) @info("oidc: success response from token endpoint") resp_str = String(tok_res.body) if tok_res.status == 200 return JSON.parse(resp_str) end try err_resp = JSON.parse(resp_str) errcode = get(err_resp, "error", nothing) if errcode !== nothing return AuthServerError(errcode, get(err_resp, "error_description", nothing), get(err_resp, "error_uri", nothing)) end catch return APIError("unknown response from server: " * resp_str) end end """ Token Request. Given the authorization code obtained, invoke the token end point and obtain an id_token, access_token, refresh_token. See section of Returns a JSON object containing tokens on success. Returns a AuthServerError or APIError object on failure. """ function flow_get_token(ctx::OIDCCtx, code) data = Dict("grant_type"=>"authorization_code", "code"=>String(code), "redirect_uri"=>ctx.redirect_uri, "client_id"=>ctx.client_id, "client_secret"=>ctx.client_secret) headers = Dict("Content-Type"=>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded") tok_res = HTTP.request("POST", token_endpoint(ctx), headers, HTTP.URIs.escapeuri(data); status_exception=false, ctx.http_tls_opts...) return parse_token_response(tok_res) end """ Token Refresh. Given the refresh code obtained, invoke the token end point and obtain new tokens. See section 12 of Returns a JSON object containing tokens on success. Returns a AuthServerError or APIError object on failure. """ function flow_refresh_token(ctx::OIDCCtx, refresh_token) data = Dict("grant_type"=>"refresh_token", "refresh_token"=>String(refresh_token), "client_id"=>ctx.client_id, "client_secret"=>ctx.client_secret) headers = Dict("Content-Type"=>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded") tok_res = HTTP.request("POST", token_endpoint(ctx), headers, HTTP.URIs.escapeuri(data); status_exception=false, ctx.http_tls_opts...) return parse_token_response(tok_res) end """ Validate an OIDC token. Validates both the structure and signature. See section of """ flow_validate_id_token(ctx::OIDCCtx, id_token) = flow_validate_id_token(ctx, JWT(;jwt=String(id_token))) function flow_validate_id_token(ctx::OIDCCtx, jwt::JWT) isvalid = false if issigned(jwt) try tokclaims = claims(jwt) issue_time = tokclaims["iat"] - ctx.allowed_skew_secs expiry_time = tokclaims["exp"] + ctx.allowed_skew_secs isvalid = issue_time <= round(Int, time()) <= expiry_time catch ex @info("invalid token format ($ex)") end if isvalid validator = ctx.validator if (time() - ctx.last_key_refresh) >= ctx.key_refresh_secs jstr = String(HTTP.get(ctx.validator.url; ctx.http_tls_opts...).body) keys = JSON.parse(jstr)["keys"] keysetdict = Dict{String,JWK}() refresh!(keys, keysetdict) validator.keys = keysetdict end isvalid = validate!(jwt, validator) end end return isvalid end end # module
[ "MIT" ]
using OpenIDConnect using Test using Random using HTTP function test_state_store() @testset "State store" begin ctx = OIDCCtx("", "", "test_client_id", "test_client_secret"; state_timeout_secs=5) state = randstring(10) OpenIDConnect.remember_state(ctx, state) @test length(ctx.states) == 1 @test OpenIDConnect.validate_state(ctx, state) sleep(10) @info("expecting an invalid state") @test !OpenIDConnect.validate_state(ctx, state) @test length(ctx.states) == 0 nothing end end function test_oidc_flow() @testset "OIDC flow" begin ctx = OIDCCtx("", "", "test_client_id", "test_client_secret"; state_timeout_secs=5) @test OpenIDConnect.authorization_endpoint(ctx) == "" @test OpenIDConnect.token_endpoint(ctx) == "" # flow request authorization code uri_string = flow_request_authorization_code(ctx) uri = HTTP.URIs.URI(uri_string) @test == "" query = HTTP.URIs.queryparams(uri) @test get(query, "client_id", "") == "test_client_id" @test get(query, "redirect_uri", "") == "" @test get(query, "scope", "") == "openid profile email" @test get(query, "response_type", "") == "code" @test !isempty(get(query, "state", "")) uri_string = flow_request_authorization_code(ctx; nonce="test_nonce", display="test_display", prompt="test_prompt", max_age="12345", ui_locales="en", id_token_hint="test_id_tok_hint", login_hint="test_login_hint", acr_values="test_acr") uri = HTTP.URIs.URI(uri_string) @test == "" query = HTTP.URIs.queryparams(uri) @test get(query, "client_id", "") == "test_client_id" @test get(query, "redirect_uri", "") == "" @test get(query, "scope", "") == "openid profile email" @test get(query, "response_type", "") == "code" @test !isempty(get(query, "state", "")) @test get(query, "nonce", "") == "test_nonce" @test get(query, "display", "") == "test_display" @test get(query, "prompt", "") == "test_prompt" @test get(query, "max_age", "") == "12345" @test get(query, "ui_locales", "") == "en" @test get(query, "id_token_hint", "") == "test_id_tok_hint" @test get(query, "login_hint", "") == "test_login_hint" @test get(query, "acr_values", "") == "test_acr" # flow get authorization code @test isa(flow_get_authorization_code(ctx, Dict()), OpenIDConnect.APIError) @info("expecting an invalid state") @test isa(flow_get_authorization_code(ctx, Dict("state"=>"teststate")), OpenIDConnect.APIError) OpenIDConnect.remember_state(ctx, "teststate") @test isa(flow_get_authorization_code(ctx, Dict("state"=>"teststate")), OpenIDConnect.APIError) @info("expecting an invalid state") @test isa(flow_get_authorization_code(ctx, Dict("state"=>"teststate", "error"=>"testerror")), OpenIDConnect.AuthServerError) @info("expecting an invalid state") @test "testcode" == flow_get_authorization_code(ctx, Dict("state"=>"teststate", "code"=>"testcode")) end end @testset "OpenIDConnect" begin test_state_store() test_oidc_flow() end
[ "MIT" ]
using Mux using HTTP using JSON using OpenIDConnect using JWTs headers(req) = req[:headers] query(req) = parse_query(req[:query]) function parse_query(qstr) res = Dict{String,String}() for qsub in split(qstr, '&') nv = split(qsub, '=') res[nv[1]] = length(nv) > 1 ? nv[2] : "" end res end function pretty(j) iob = IOBuffer() JSON.print(iob, j, 4) String(take!(iob)) end function login(oidcctx::OIDCCtx) openid_config = oidcctx.openid_config issuer = openid_config["issuer"] openid_config_url = issuer * ".well-known/openid-configuration" """ <html><head> <script src=""></script> <script> var settings = { issuer: '$issuer', authority: '$openid_config_url', metadata: { issuer: '$issuer', authorization_endpoint: '$(openid_config["authorization_endpoint"])', userinfo_endpoint: '$(openid_config["token_endpoint"])', jwks_uri: '$(openid_config["jwks_uri"])', }, client_id: '$(oidcctx.client_id)', redirect_uri: '', response_type: 'code', scope: 'openid email profile offline_access' }; var mgr = new Oidc.UserManager(settings); var user = mgr.signinRedirect(); </script> </head><body></body></html> """ end function show_token(oidcctx::OIDCCtx, authresp, authenticated) id_token = authresp["id_token"] jwt = JWT(;jwt=id_token) isvalid = flow_validate_id_token(oidcctx, string(jwt)) token_claims = claims(jwt) jbox_auth = Dict( "Authorization" => ("Bearer " * id_token) ) authenticated[] = true can_refresh = "refresh_token" in keys(authresp) refresh_link = can_refresh ? """<hr/><a href="/auth/refresh?refresh_token=$(authresp["refresh_token"])">Refresh</a>""" : "" """<html><body> OpenID Authentication: <pre>$(pretty(authresp))</pre><hr/> JWT Token: <pre>$(pretty(token_claims))</pre><hr/> Authentication Bearer Token: <pre>$(pretty(jbox_auth))</pre><hr/> Validation success: $isvalid $(refresh_link) </body></html>""" end function token(oidcctx::OIDCCtx, req, authenticated) resp = query(req) code = resp["code"] authresp = flow_get_token(oidcctx, code) show_token(oidcctx, authresp, authenticated) end function refresh(oidcctx::OIDCCtx, req, authenticated) resp = query(req) refresh_token = resp["refresh_token"] authresp = flow_refresh_token(oidcctx, refresh_token) show_token(oidcctx, authresp, authenticated) end function main() if length(ARGS) != 1 println("Usage: julia oidc_standalone.jl <configuration_file>") exit(1) end config = open(ARGS[1]) do f JSON.parse(f) end oidcctx = OIDCCtx(String(config["issuer"]), "", String(config["client_id"]), String(config["client_secret"]), ["openid", "email", "profile", "offline_access"]) authenticated = Ref(false) @app test = ( Mux.defaults, page("/", req->login(oidcctx)), page("/auth/login", req->token(oidcctx, req, authenticated)), page("/auth/refresh", req->refresh(oidcctx, req, authenticated)), Mux.notfound()) @info("Standalone OIDC test server starting on port 8888") serve(test, 8888) while config["do_refresh"] || !(authenticated[]) sleep(10) end sleep(10) end main()
[ "MIT" ]
# OpenIDConnect [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [OpenID Connect]( is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It enables Clients to verify the identity of the End-User based on the authentication performed by an Authorization Server, as well as to obtain basic profile information about the End-User in an interoperable and REST-like manner. This is an implementation of OpenID Connect in Julia, with methods implementing the authorization code flow. # OpenID Connect Context (OIDCCtx) The OpenID Connect context holds all states for a single OpenID Connect client configuration. ```julia function OIDCCtx( issuer::String, redirect_uri::String, client_id::String, client_secret::String, scopes::Vector{String}=DEFAULT_SCOPES; verify::Union{Nothing,Bool}=nothing, cacrt::Union{Nothing,String,MbedTLS.CRT}=nothing, state_timeout_secs::Int=DEFAULT_STATE_TIMEOUT_SECS, allowed_skew_secs::Int=DEFAULT_SKEW_SECS, key_refresh_secs::Int=DEFAULT_KEY_REFRESH_SECS), random_device::RandomDevice=RandomDevice() ) ``` Parameters: - `issuer`: Issuer URL, pointing to the OpenID server - `redirect_uri`: The app URI to which OpenID server must redirect after authorization - `client_id`, and `client_secret`: Client ID and secret that this context represents - `scopes`: The scopes to request during authorization (default: openid, profile, email) Keyword Parameters: - `verify`: whether to validate the server certificate - `cacrt`: the CA certificate to use to check the server certificate - `state_timeout_secs`: seconds for which to keep the state associated with an authorization request (default: 60 seconds), server responses beyond this are rejected as stale - `allowed_skew_secs`: while validating tokens, seconds to allow to account for time skew between machines (default: 120 seconds) - `key_refresh_secs`: time interval in which to refresh the JWT signing keys (default: 1hr) # Error Structures - `OpenIDConnect.APIError`: Error detected at the client side. Members: - `error`: error code or message (String) - `OpenIDConnect.AuthServerError`: Error returned from the OpenID server (see section of - `error`: error code (String) - `error_description`: optional error description (String) - `error_uri`: optional error URI (String) # Authorization Code Flow ## Authentication request. ### `flow_request_authorization_code` Returns a String with the redirect URL. Caller must perform the redirection. Acceptable optional args as listed in section of specifications ( ```julia function flow_request_authorization_code( ctx::OIDCCtx; nonce=nothing, display=nothing, prompt=nothing, max_age=nothing, ui_locales=nothing, id_token_hint=nothing, login_hint=nothing, acr_values=nothing ) ``` ### `flow_get_authorization_code` Given the params from the redirected response from the authentication request, extract the authorization code. See sections and of Returns the authorization code on success. Returns one of APIError or AuthServerError on failure. ```julia function flow_get_authorization_code( ctx::OIDCCtx, query # name-value pair Dict with query parameters are received from the OpenID server redirect ) ``` ## Token Requests ### `flow_get_token` Token Request. Given the authorization code obtained, invoke the token end point and obtain an id_token, access_token, refresh_token. See section of Returns a JSON object containing tokens on success. Returns a AuthServerError or APIError object on failure. ```julia function flow_get_token( ctx::OIDCCtx, code ) ``` ### `flow_refresh_token` Token Refresh. Given the refresh code obtained, invoke the token end point and obtain new tokens. See section 12 of Returns a JSON object containing tokens on success. Returns a AuthServerError or APIError object on failure. ```julia function flow_refresh_token( ctx::OIDCCtx, refresh_token ) ``` ## Token Validation ### `flow_validate_id_token` Validate an OIDC token. Validates both the structure and signature. See section of ``` function flow_validate_id_token( ctx::OIDCCtx, id_token::Union{JWTs.JWT, String} ) ``` # Examples An example application built using OpenIDClient with Mux and HTTP is available as a [tool](tools/oidc_standalone.jl). Populate a configuration file following this [template](tools/settings.template) and start the standalone application. Point your browser to it to experience the complete flow.
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
using BERT using Knet import Base: length, iterate using Random using CSV using PyCall using Dates VOCABFILE = "bert-base-uncased-vocab.txt" NUM_CLASSES = 2 LEARNING_RATE = 2e-5 NUM_OF_EPOCHS = 30 TRAIN = true token2int = Dict() f = open(VOCABFILE) do file lines = readlines(file) for (i,line) in enumerate(lines) token2int[line] = i end end int2token = Dict(value => key for (key, value) in token2int) VOCABSIZE = length(token2int) # include("preprocess.jl") # include("optimizer.jl") function convert_to_int_array(text, dict; lower_case=true) tokens = bert_tokenize(text, dict, lower_case=lower_case) out = Int[] for token in tokens if token in keys(dict) push!(out, dict[token]) else push!(out, dict["[UNK]"]) end end return out end function read_and_process(filename, dict; lower_case=true) data = CSV.File(filename, delim="\t") x = Array{Int,1}[] y = Int8[] for i in data push!(x, convert_to_int_array(i.sentence, dict, lower_case=lower_case)) push!(y, Int8(i.label + 1)) # negative 1, positive 2 end # Padding to maximum # max_seq = findmax(length.(x))[1] # for i in 1:length(x) # append!(x[i], fill(1, max_seq - length(x[i]))) # 1 is for "[PAD]" # end return (x, y) end mutable struct ClassificationData input_ids input_mask segment_ids labels batchsize ninstances shuffled end function ClassificationData(input_file, token2int; batchsize=8, shuffled=true, seq_len=64) input_ids = [] input_mask = [] segment_ids = [] labels = [] (x, labels) = read_and_process(input_file, token2int) for i in 1:length(x) if length(x[i]) >= seq_len x[i] = x[i][1:seq_len] mask = Array{Int64}(ones(seq_len)) else mask = Array{Int64}(ones(length(x[i]))) append!(x[i], fill(1, seq_len - length(x[i]))) # 1 is for "[PAD]" append!(mask, fill(0, seq_len - length(mask))) # 0's vanish with masking operation end push!(input_ids, x[i]) push!(input_mask, mask) push!(segment_ids, Array{Int64}(ones(seq_len))) end ninstances = length(input_ids) return ClassificationData(input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids, labels, batchsize, ninstances, shuffled) end function length(d::ClassificationData) d, r = divrem(d.ninstances, d.batchsize) return r == 0 ? d : d+1 end function iterate(d::ClassificationData, state=ifelse(d.shuffled, randperm(d.ninstances), 1:d.ninstances)) state === nothing && return nothing if length(state) > d.batchsize new_state = state[d.batchsize+1:end] input_ids = hcat(d.input_ids[state[1:d.batchsize]]...) input_mask = hcat(d.input_mask[state[1:d.batchsize]]...) segment_ids = hcat(d.segment_ids[state[1:d.batchsize]]...) labels = hcat(d.labels[state[1:d.batchsize]]...) else new_state = nothing input_ids = hcat(d.input_ids[state]...) input_mask = hcat(d.input_mask[state]...) segment_ids = hcat(d.segment_ids[state]...) labels = hcat(d.labels[state]...) end return ((input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids, labels), new_state) end # mutable struct ClassificationData2 # input_ids # input_mask # segment_ids # labels # batchsize # ninstances # shuffled # end # function ClassificationData2(input_file; batchsize=8, shuffled=true, seq_len=64) # input_ids = [] # input_mask = [] # segment_ids = [] # labels = [] # f = open(input_file) # tmp = split.(readlines(f), "\t") # for i in 1:length(tmp) # instance = eval.(Meta.parse.(tmp[i])) # push!(input_ids, (instance[1] .+ 1)[1:seq_len]) # push!(input_mask, instance[2][1:seq_len]) # push!(segment_ids, (instance[3] .+ 1)[1:seq_len]) # push!(labels, (instance[4] + 1)) # end # ninstances = length(input_ids) # return ClassificationData2(input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids, labels, batchsize, ninstances, shuffled) # end # function length(d::ClassificationData2) # d, r = divrem(d.ninstances, d.batchsize) # return r == 0 ? d : d+1 # end # function iterate(d::ClassificationData2, state=ifelse(d.shuffled, randperm(d.ninstances), 1:d.ninstances)) # state === nothing && return nothing # if length(state) > d.batchsize # new_state = state[d.batchsize+1:end] # input_ids = hcat(d.input_ids[state[1:d.batchsize]]...) # input_mask = hcat(d.input_mask[state[1:d.batchsize]]...) # segment_ids = hcat(d.segment_ids[state[1:d.batchsize]]...) # labels = hcat(d.labels[state[1:d.batchsize]]...) # else # new_state = nothing # input_ids = hcat(d.input_ids[state]...) # input_mask = hcat(d.input_mask[state]...) # segment_ids = hcat(d.segment_ids[state]...) # labels = hcat(d.labels[state]...) # end # return ((input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids, labels), new_state) # end # include("model.jl") # Embedding Size, Vocab Size, Intermediate Hidden Size, Max Sequence Length, Sequence Length, Num of Segments, Num of Heads in Attention, Num of Encoders in Stack, Batch Size, Matrix Type, General Dropout Rate, Attention Dropout Rate, Activation Function config = BertConfig(768, 30522, 3072, 512, 64, 2, 12, 12, 8, KnetArray{Float32}, 0.1, 0.1, "gelu") if TRAIN dtrn = ClassificationData("../project/mytrain.tsv", token2int, batchsize=config.batchsize, seq_len=config.seq_len) ddev = ClassificationData("../project/dev.tsv", token2int, batchsize=config.batchsize, seq_len=config.seq_len) else dtst = ClassificationData("../project/mytest.tsv", token2int, batchsize=config.batchsize, seq_len=config.seq_len) end if TRAIN model = BertClassification(config, NUM_CLASSES) @pyimport torch torch_model = torch.load("../project/pytorch_model.bin") model = load_from_torch_base(model, config.num_encoder, config.atype, torch_model) end function accuracy2(model, dtst) true_count = 0 all_count = 0 for (x, attention_mask, segment_ids, y) in dtst probs = model(x, segment_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask) preds = map(x -> x[1], argmax(Array{Float32}(probs),dims=1)) true_count += sum(y .== preds) all_count += length(y) end return true_count/all_count end function initopt!(model, t_total; lr=0.001, warmup=0.1) for par in params(model) if length(size(value(par))) === 1 par.opt = BertAdam(lr=lr, warmup=warmup, t_total=t_total, w_decay_rate=0.01) else par.opt = BertAdam(lr=lr, warmup=warmup, t_total=t_total) end end end function mytrain!(model, dtrn, ddev, best_acc) losses = [] accs = [] for (k, (x, attention_mask, segment_ids, labels)) in enumerate(dtrn) J = @diff model(x, segment_ids, labels, attention_mask=attention_mask) for par in params(model) g = grad(J, par) update!(value(par), g, par.opt) end push!(losses, value(J)) if k % 500 == 0 print(Dates.format(now(), "HH:MM:SS"), " -> ") println("Training loss up to $k iteration is : ", Knet.mean(losses)) flush(stdout) acc = accuracy2(model, ddev) push!(accs, acc) print(Dates.format(now(), "HH:MM:SS"), " -> ") println("Accuracy at $k iteration : ", acc) flush(stdout) if acc > best_acc best_acc = acc print(Dates.format(now(), "HH:MM:SS"), " -> ") println("Saving...")"model_bert.jld2", "model", model) flush(stdout) end end end return (best_acc, Knet.mean(losses), accs) end if TRAIN t_total = length(dtrn) * NUM_OF_EPOCHS initopt!(model, t_total, lr=LEARNING_RATE) dev_accs = [0.0] best_acc = 0.0 for epoch in 1:NUM_OF_EPOCHS global best_acc print(Dates.format(now(), "HH:MM:SS"), " -> ") println("Epoch : ", epoch) flush(stdout) (best_acc, lss, acc) = mytrain!(model, dtrn, ddev, best_acc) append!(dev_accs, acc) print(Dates.format(now(), "HH:MM:SS"), " -> ") println("Training loss for $epoch epoch is : $lss") println(dev_accs) flush(stdout) #= acc = accuracy2(model, ddev) println("Accuracy : ", acc) if acc > best_acc best_acc = acc println("Saving...")"model_bert.jld2", "model", model) end =# end"accuracies.jld2", "dev_accs", dev_accs) else model = Knet.load("model_bert.jld2", "model") result = accuracy2(model, dtst) print(Dates.format(now(), "HH:MM:SS"), " -> ") println("Test accuracy is : $result") end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
using BERT using Knet import Base: length, iterate using Random using CSV using PyCall VOCABFILE = "bert-base-uncased-vocab.txt" NUM_CLASSES = 2 token2int = Dict() f = open(VOCABFILE) do file lines = readlines(file) for (i,line) in enumerate(lines) token2int[line] = i end end int2token = Dict(value => key for (key, value) in token2int) VOCABSIZE = length(token2int) mutable struct ClassificationData2 input_ids input_mask segment_ids labels batchsize ninstances shuffled end function ClassificationData2(input_file; batchsize=8, shuffled=true, seq_len=64) input_ids = [] input_mask = [] segment_ids = [] labels = [] f = open(input_file) tmp = split.(readlines(f), "\t") for i in 1:length(tmp) instance = eval.(Meta.parse.(tmp[i])) push!(input_ids, (instance[1] .+ 1)[1:seq_len]) push!(input_mask, instance[2][1:seq_len]) push!(segment_ids, (instance[3] .+ 1)[1:seq_len]) push!(labels, (instance[4] + 1)) end ninstances = length(input_ids) return ClassificationData2(input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids, labels, batchsize, ninstances, shuffled) end function length(d::ClassificationData2) d, r = divrem(d.ninstances, d.batchsize) return r == 0 ? d : d+1 end function iterate(d::ClassificationData2, state=ifelse(d.shuffled, randperm(d.ninstances), 1:d.ninstances)) state === nothing && return nothing if length(state) > d.batchsize new_state = state[d.batchsize+1:end] input_ids = hcat(d.input_ids[state[1:d.batchsize]]...) input_mask = hcat(d.input_mask[state[1:d.batchsize]]...) segment_ids = hcat(d.segment_ids[state[1:d.batchsize]]...) labels = hcat(d.labels[state[1:d.batchsize]]...) else new_state = nothing input_ids = hcat(d.input_ids[state]...) input_mask = hcat(d.input_mask[state]...) segment_ids = hcat(d.segment_ids[state]...) labels = hcat(d.labels[state]...) end return ((input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids, labels), new_state) end # Embedding Size, Vocab Size, Intermediate Hidden Size, Max Sequence Length, Sequence Length, Num of Segments, Num of Heads in Attention, Num of Encoders in Stack, Batch Size, Matrix Type, General Dropout Rate, Attention Dropout Rate, Activation Function config = BertConfig(768, 30522, 3072, 512, 64, 2, 12, 12, 8, KnetArray{Float32}, 0.1, 0.1, "gelu") dtst = ClassificationData2("../project/sst-test.tsv", batchsize=config.batchsize, seq_len=config.seq_len) model = BertClassification(config, NUM_CLASSES) @pyimport torch torch_model = torch.load("../project/") model = load_from_torch_classification(model, config.num_encoder, config.atype, torch_model) function accuracy2(model, dtst) true_count = 0 all_count = 0 for (x, attention_mask, segment_ids, y) in dtst probs = model(x, segment_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask) preds = map(x -> x[1], argmax(Array{Float32}(probs),dims=1)) true_count += sum(y .== preds) all_count += length(y) end return true_count/all_count end result = accuracy2(model, dtst) println("Test accuracy is : $result")
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
using BERT config = BertConfig(128, 30022, 256, 512, 4, 2, 8, 2, 3, Array{Float32}, 0.1, 0.1, "relu") model = BertPreTraining(config) x = [213 234 7789; 712 9182 8912; 7812 12 432; 12389 1823 8483] # 4x3 segment_ids = [1 1 1;1 2 1;1 2 1;1 1 1] mlm_labels = [-1 234 -1; -1 -1 8912; -1 -1 -1; 12389 -1 -1] nsp_labels = [1, 2, 1] loss = model(x, segment_ids, mlm_labels, nsp_labels) println(loss)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
module BERT export BertPreTraining, BertClassification, BertConfig, load_from_torch_base, load_from_torch_pretraining, load_from_torch_classification, BertAdam, bert_tokenize using Knet, SpecialFunctions, LinearAlgebra include("model.jl") include("optimizer.jl") include("preprocess.jl") end # module
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# import Base: * # import Knet: getindex, setindex! # Matmuls 2d and 3d arrays # function *(a::AbstractArray{T,2}, b::AbstractArray{T,3}) where T<:Real # b_sizes = size(b) # a = a * reshape(b, b_sizes[1], :) # return reshape(a, :, b_sizes[2:end]...) # end # Matmuls 2d and 3d arrays for KnetArrays # function *(a::KnetArray{T,2}, b::KnetArray{T,3}) where T<:Real # b_sizes = size(b) # a = a * reshape(b, b_sizes[1], :) # return reshape(a, :, b_sizes[2:end]...) # end # TODO : # Since backprop doesn't work with this new import, we define it as a complex function consisting primitives that Autograd can take derivatives of. A primitive derivative of this function would speed things up. # function matmul23(a::KnetArray{T,2}, b::KnetArray{T,3}) where T<:Real # b_sizes = size(b) # a = a * reshape(b, b_sizes[1], :) # return reshape(a, :, b_sizes[2:end]...) # end gelu(x) = x .* 0.5 .* (1.0 .+ erf.(x ./ sqrt(2.0))) function matmul23(a, b) b_sizes = size(b) a = a * reshape(b, b_sizes[1], :) return reshape(a, :, b_sizes[2:end]...) end # Wrote these first, then realized we don't need them. Might come in handy later. # function matmul23(a::AbstractArray{T,2}, b::AbstractArray{T,3}) where T<:Real # b_sizes = size(b) # a = a * reshape(b, b_sizes[1], :) # return reshape(a, :, b_sizes[2:end]...) # end # function matmul23(a::Param{KnetArray{T,2}}, b::KnetArray{T,3}) where T<:Real # matmul23(value(a), b) # end # function matmul23(a::Param{AbstractArray{T,2}}, b::AbstractArray{T,3}) where T<:Real # matmul23(value(a), b) # end # function matmul23(a::Param{KnetArray{T,2}}, b::AutoGrad.Result{KnetArray{T,3}}) where T<:Real # matmul23(value(a), value(b)) # end # function matmul23(a::Param{AbstractArray{T,2}}, b::AutoGrad.Result{AbstractArray{T,3}}) where T<:Real # matmul23(value(a), value(b)) # end # @primitive *(x1::KnetArray{T,2},x2::KnetArray{T,3}),dy # Not using this anymore # function getindex(A::KnetArray{Float32,3}, ::Colon, I::Real, ::Colon) # sizes = size(A) # A = reshape(A, :, sizes[3]) # return A[(I-1)*sizes[1]+1:I*sizes[1],:] # # reshape(A, :, size(A,3))[(I-1)*size(A,1)+1:I*size(A,1),:] # end # Does not work # function setindex!(A::KnetArray{Float32,3}, v, ::Colon, I::Real, ::Colon) # A = reshape(A, :, size(A,3)) # # setindex!(A, v, (I-1)*size(A,1)+1:I*size(A,1), ::Colon) # A[(I-1)*size(A,1)+1:I*size(A,1),:] = v # end # std doesn't work! std2(a, μ, ϵ) = sqrt.(Knet.mean(abs2.(a .- μ), dims=1) .+ ϵ) # Legend # V -> Vocab size, E -> Embedding size, S -> Sequence length, B -> Batch size # H -> head_size, N -> num_heads abstract type Layer end # MAYBE TODO : sin-cos positionwise embeddings. This will reduce model size by max_seq_len * E mutable struct Embedding <: Layer w end Embedding(vocabsize::Int,embed::Int; atype=Array{Float32}) = Embedding(param(embed,vocabsize, atype=atype)) function (e::Embedding)(x) e.w[:,x] end # If we need 0's as pads #= struct SegmentEmbedding <: Layer w atype end SegmentEmbedding(vocabsize::Int,embed::Int; atype=Array{Float32}) = SegmentEmbedding(param(embed,vocabsize, atype=atype), atype) function (e::SegmentEmbedding)(x) x != 0 ? e.w[:,x] : e.atype(zeros(size(e.w,1))) end =# mutable struct Linear <: Layer w b end Linear(input_size::Int, output_size::Int; atype=Array{Float32}) = Linear(param(output_size, input_size, atype=atype), param0(output_size, atype=atype)) function (l::Linear)(x) return l.w * x .+ l.b end mutable struct Linear3D <: Layer w b end Linear3D(input_size::Int, output_size::Int; atype=Array{Float32}) = Linear3D(param(output_size, input_size, atype=atype), param0(output_size, atype=atype)) function (l::Linear3D)(x) return matmul23(l.w, x) .+ l.b end # Absolutely no difference between Dense and Linear! Except one has dropout and activation function. mutable struct Dense <: Layer linear pdrop func end function Dense(input_size::Int, output_size::Int; pdrop=0.0, func=identity, atype=Array{Float32}, threeD=false) if threeD return Dense(Linear3D(input_size, output_size, atype=atype), pdrop, func) else return Dense(Linear(input_size, output_size, atype=atype), pdrop, func) end end function (a::Dense)(x) return a.func.(dropout(a.linear(x), a.pdrop)) end mutable struct LayerNormalization <: Layer γ β ϵ end LayerNormalization(hidden_size::Int; epsilon=1e-12, atype=Array{Float32}) = LayerNormalization(Param(atype(ones(hidden_size))), param0(hidden_size, atype=atype), epsilon) function (n::LayerNormalization)(x) μ = Knet.mean(x, dims=1) x = (x .- μ) ./ std2(x, μ, n.ϵ) # corrected=false for n return n.γ .* x .+ n.β end mutable struct EmbedLayer <: Layer wordpiece::Embedding positional::Embedding # segment::SegmentEmbedding segment::Embedding layer_norm::LayerNormalization seq_len::Int pdrop end function EmbedLayer(config) wordpiece = Embedding(config.vocab_size, config.embed_size, atype=config.atype) positional = Embedding(config.max_seq_len, config.embed_size, atype=config.atype) #segment = SegmentEmbedding(config.num_segment, config.embed_size, atype=config.atype) segment = Embedding(config.num_segment, config.embed_size, atype=config.atype) layer_norm = LayerNormalization(config.embed_size, atype=config.atype) return EmbedLayer(wordpiece, positional, segment, layer_norm, config.seq_len, config.pdrop) end function (e::EmbedLayer)(x, segment_ids) # segment_ids are SxB, containing 1 or 2, or 0 in case of pads. x = e.wordpiece(x) positions = zeros(Int64, e.seq_len, size(x,3)) .+ collect(1:e.seq_len) # size(x,3) is batchsize. Resulting matrix is SxB x = x .+ e.positional(positions) #x .+= reshape(hcat(e.segment.(segment_ids)...), (:, size(segment_ids,1),size(segment_ids,2))) x = x .+ e.segment(segment_ids) x = e.layer_norm(x) return dropout(x, e.pdrop) end function divide_to_heads(x, num_heads, head_size, seq_len) x = reshape(x, (head_size, num_heads, seq_len, :)) x = permutedims(x, (1,3,2,4)) return reshape(x, (head_size, seq_len, :)) # Reshape to 3D so bmm can handle it. end mutable struct SelfAttention <: Layer query::Linear3D # N*H x E key::Linear3D value::Linear3D linear::Linear3D num_heads::Int seq_len::Int embed_size::Int head_size::Int head_size_sqrt::Int attention_pdrop pdrop end function SelfAttention(config) config.embed_size % config.num_heads != 0 && throw("Embed size should be divisible by number of heads!") head_size = Int(config.embed_size / config.num_heads) head_size_sqrt = Int(sqrt(head_size)) head_size_sqrt * head_size_sqrt != head_size && throw("Square root of head size should be an integer!") query = Linear3D(config.embed_size, head_size*config.num_heads, atype=config.atype) # H*N is always equal to E key = Linear3D(config.embed_size, head_size*config.num_heads, atype=config.atype) value = Linear3D(config.embed_size, head_size*config.num_heads, atype=config.atype) linear = Linear3D(config.embed_size, config.embed_size, atype=config.atype) return SelfAttention(query, key, value, linear, config.num_heads, config.seq_len, config.embed_size, head_size, head_size_sqrt, config.attention_pdrop, config.pdrop) end function (s::SelfAttention)(x, attention_mask) # We make all the batchsize ones colon, in case of batches smaller than batchsize. # x is ExSxB query = divide_to_heads(s.query(x), s.num_heads, s.head_size, s.seq_len) # H x S x N*B key = divide_to_heads(s.key(x), s.num_heads, s.head_size, s.seq_len) value = divide_to_heads(s.value(x), s.num_heads, s.head_size, s.seq_len) # Scaled Dot Product Attention query = bmm(permutedims(key, (2,1,3)), query) query = query ./ s.head_size_sqrt # Scale down. I init this value to avoid taking sqrt every forward operation. # Masking. First reshape to 4d, then add mask, then reshape back to 3d. query = reshape(reshape(query, (s.seq_len, s.seq_len, s.num_heads, :)) .+ attention_mask, (s.seq_len, s.seq_len, :)) query = Knet.softmax(query, dims=1) query = dropout(query, s.attention_pdrop) query = bmm(value, query) query = permutedims(reshape(query, (s.head_size, s.seq_len, s.num_heads, :)), (1,3,2,4)) query = reshape(query, (s.embed_size, s.seq_len, :)) # Concat return dropout(s.linear(query), s.pdrop) # Linear transformation at the end # In pytorch version dropout is after layer_norm! end mutable struct FeedForward <: Layer dense::Dense linear::Linear3D pdrop end function FeedForward(config) dense = Dense(config.embed_size, config.ff_hidden_size, func=eval(Meta.parse(config.func)), atype=config.atype, threeD=true) linear = Linear3D(config.ff_hidden_size, config.embed_size, atype=config.atype) return FeedForward(dense, linear, config.pdrop) end function (f::FeedForward)(x) x = f.dense(x) return dropout(f.linear(x), f.pdrop) end mutable struct Encoder <: Layer self_attention::SelfAttention layer_norm1::LayerNormalization feed_forward::FeedForward layer_norm2::LayerNormalization end function Encoder(config) return Encoder(SelfAttention(config), LayerNormalization(config.embed_size, atype=config.atype), FeedForward(config), LayerNormalization(config.embed_size, atype=config.atype)) end function (e::Encoder)(x, attention_mask) x = e.layer_norm1(x .+ e.self_attention(x, attention_mask)) return e.layer_norm2(x .+ e.feed_forward(x)) end mutable struct Bert <: Layer embed_layer::EmbedLayer encoder_stack atype end function Bert(config) embed_layer = EmbedLayer(config) encoder_stack = Encoder[] for _ in 1:config.num_encoder push!(encoder_stack, Encoder(config)) end return Bert(embed_layer, encoder_stack, config.atype) end # x and segment_ids are SxB integers function (b::Bert)(x, segment_ids; attention_mask=nothing) # Init attention_mask if it's not given attention_mask = attention_mask == nothing ? ones(size(x)) : attention_mask attention_mask = reshape(attention_mask, (size(attention_mask,1), 1, 1, size(attention_mask,2))) # Make it 4d attention_mask = (1 .- attention_mask) .* -10000.0 # If integer was 0, now it is masking. ones(size(attention_mask)) attention_mask = b.atype(attention_mask) x = b.embed_layer(x, segment_ids) for encoder in b.encoder_stack x = encoder(x, attention_mask) end return x end mutable struct Pooler <: Layer linear::Linear end Pooler(embed_size::Int; atype=Array{Float32}) = Pooler(Linear(embed_size, embed_size, atype=atype)) function (p::Pooler)(x) # TODO : # Gave up on getindex function for 3D matrices because I could not figure out how to write setindex! for backprop # x = reshape(x, :, size(x,3)) # return tanh.(p.linear(x[:,1,:])) # Use only CLS token. Returns ExB return tanh.(p.linear(reshape(x, :, size(x,3))[1:size(x,1),:])) end mutable struct NSPHead <: Layer linear::Linear end NSPHead(embed_size::Int; atype=Array{Float32}) = NSPHead(Linear(embed_size, 2, atype=atype)) (n::NSPHead)(x) = n.linear(x) mutable struct MLMHead <: Layer dense::Dense layer_norm::LayerNormalization linear::Linear3D end function MLMHead(config, embedding_matrix) dense = Dense(config.embed_size, config.embed_size, func=eval(Meta.parse(config.func)), pdrop=0.0, atype=config.atype, threeD=true) layer_norm = LayerNormalization(config.embed_size, atype=config.atype) linear = Linear3D(config.embed_size, config.vocab_size, atype=config.atype) # TODO : Do this a shared weight #linear.w = permutedims(embedding_matrix, (2,1)) return MLMHead(dense, layer_norm, linear) end function (m::MLMHead)(x) x = m.dense(x) x = m.layer_norm(x) return m.linear(x) end mutable struct BertPreTraining <: Layer bert::Bert pooler::Pooler nsp::NSPHead mlm::MLMHead end function BertPreTraining(config) bert = Bert(config) pooler = Pooler(config.embed_size, atype=config.atype) nsp = NSPHead(config.embed_size, atype=config.atype) mlm = MLMHead(config, bert.embed_layer.wordpiece.w) # TODO : Dont forget about embedding matrix return BertPreTraining(bert, pooler, nsp, mlm) end # We do not need a predictor, since this is only for pretraining function (b::BertPreTraining)(x, segment_ids, mlm_labels, nsp_labels; attention_mask=nothing) # mlm_labels are SxB, so we just flatten them. x = b.bert(x, segment_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask) nsp_preds = b.nsp(b.pooler(x)) # 2xB mlm_preds = b.mlm(x) # VxSxB mlm_preds = reshape(mlm_preds, size(mlm_preds, 1), :) # VxS*B nsp_loss = nll(nsp_preds, nsp_labels) mlm_labels = reshape(mlm_labels, :) # S*B mlm_loss = nll(mlm_preds[:,mlm_labels.!=-1], mlm_labels[mlm_labels.!=-1]) return mlm_loss + nsp_loss end function (b::BertPreTraining)(dtrn) lvals = [] for (x, attention_mask, segment_ids, mlm_labels, nsp_labels) in dtrn push!(lvals, b(x, segment_ids, mlm_labels, nsp_labels, attention_mask=attention_mask)) end return Knet.mean(lvals) end mutable struct BertClassification <: Layer bert::Bert pooler::Pooler linear::Linear pdrop end function BertClassification(config, num_of_classes) bert = Bert(config) pooler = Pooler(config.embed_size, atype=config.atype) linear = Linear(config.embed_size, num_of_classes, atype=config.atype) return BertClassification(bert, pooler, linear, config.pdrop) end function (b::BertClassification)(x, segment_ids; attention_mask=nothing) x = b.bert(x, segment_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask) x = dropout(b.pooler(x), b.pdrop) # 2xB return b.linear(x) end function (b::BertClassification)(x, segment_ids, y; attention_mask=nothing) return nll(b(x, segment_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask), y) end function (b::BertClassification)(dtrn) lvals = [] for (x, attention_mask, segment_ids, y) in dtrn push!(lvals, b(x, segment_ids, y, attention_mask=attention_mask)) end return Knet.mean(lvals) end mutable struct BertConfig embed_size::Int vocab_size::Int ff_hidden_size::Int max_seq_len::Int seq_len::Int num_segment::Int num_heads::Int num_encoder::Int batchsize::Int atype pdrop attention_pdrop func end function load_from_torch_base(model, num_encoder, atype, torch_model) # Embed Layer model.bert.embed_layer.wordpiece.w = Param(atype(permutedims(torch_model["bert.embeddings.word_embeddings.weight"][:cpu]()[:numpy](), (2,1)))) model.bert.embed_layer.positional.w = Param(atype(permutedims(torch_model["bert.embeddings.position_embeddings.weight"][:cpu]()[:numpy](), (2,1)))) model.bert.embed_layer.segment.w = Param(atype(permutedims(torch_model["bert.embeddings.token_type_embeddings.weight"][:cpu]()[:numpy](), (2,1)))) model.bert.embed_layer.layer_norm.γ = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.embeddings.LayerNorm.gamma"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.bert.embed_layer.layer_norm.β = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.embeddings.LayerNorm.beta"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) # Encoder Stack for i in 1:num_encoder model.bert.encoder_stack[i].self_attention.query.w = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.encoder.layer.$(i-1).attention.self.query.weight"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.bert.encoder_stack[i].self_attention.query.b = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.encoder.layer.$(i-1).attention.self.query.bias"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.bert.encoder_stack[i].self_attention.key.w = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.encoder.layer.$(i-1).attention.self.key.weight"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.bert.encoder_stack[i].self_attention.key.b = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.encoder.layer.$(i-1).attention.self.key.bias"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.bert.encoder_stack[i].self_attention.value.w = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.encoder.layer.$(i-1).attention.self.value.weight"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.bert.encoder_stack[i].self_attention.value.b = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.encoder.layer.$(i-1).attention.self.value.bias"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.bert.encoder_stack[i].self_attention.linear.w = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.encoder.layer.$(i-1).attention.output.dense.weight"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.bert.encoder_stack[i].self_attention.linear.b = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.encoder.layer.$(i-1).attention.output.dense.bias"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.bert.encoder_stack[i].layer_norm1.γ = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.encoder.layer.$(i-1).attention.output.LayerNorm.gamma"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.bert.encoder_stack[i].layer_norm1.β = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.encoder.layer.$(i-1).attention.output.LayerNorm.beta"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.bert.encoder_stack[i].feed_forward.dense.linear.w = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.encoder.layer.$(i-1).intermediate.dense.weight"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.bert.encoder_stack[i].feed_forward.dense.linear.b = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.encoder.layer.$(i-1).intermediate.dense.bias"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.bert.encoder_stack[i].feed_forward.linear.w = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.encoder.layer.$(i-1).output.dense.weight"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.bert.encoder_stack[i].feed_forward.linear.b = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.encoder.layer.$(i-1).output.dense.bias"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.bert.encoder_stack[i].layer_norm2.γ = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.encoder.layer.$(i-1).output.LayerNorm.gamma"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.bert.encoder_stack[i].layer_norm2.β = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.encoder.layer.$(i-1).output.LayerNorm.beta"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) end # Pooler model.pooler.linear.w = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.pooler.dense.weight"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.pooler.linear.b = Param(atype(torch_model["bert.pooler.dense.bias"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) return model end function load_from_torch_pretraining(model, num_encoder, atype, torch_model) model = load_from_torch_base(model, num_encoder, atype, torch_model) # NSP Head model.nsp.linear.w = Param(atype(torch_model["cls.seq_relationship.weight"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.nsp.linear.b = Param(atype(torch_model["cls.seq_relationship.bias"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) # MLM Head. model.mlm.dense.linear.w = Param(atype(torch_model["cls.predictions.transform.dense.weight"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.mlm.dense.linear.b = Param(atype(torch_model["cls.predictions.transform.dense.bias"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.mlm.layer_norm.γ = Param(atype(torch_model["cls.predictions.transform.LayerNorm.gamma"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.mlm.layer_norm.β = Param(atype(torch_model["cls.predictions.transform.LayerNorm.beta"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.mlm.linear.w = Param(atype(torch_model["cls.predictions.decoder.weight"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.mlm.linear.b = Param(atype(torch_model["cls.predictions.bias"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) return model end function load_from_torch_classification(model, num_encoder, atype, torch_model) model = load_from_torch_base(model, num_encoder, atype, torch_model) model.linear.w = Param(atype(torch_model["classifier.weight"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) model.linear.b = Param(atype(torch_model["classifier.bias"][:cpu]()[:numpy]())) return model end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import Knet: update! warmup_cosine(x, warmup=0.002) = x < warmup ? x/warmup : 0.5 * (1.0 + cos(π * x)) warmup_constant(x, warmup=0.002) = x < warmup ? x/warmup : 1.0 warmup_linear(x, warmup=0.002) = x < warmup ? x/warmup : 1.0 - x mutable struct BertAdam lr::AbstractFloat beta1::AbstractFloat beta2::AbstractFloat eps::AbstractFloat t::Int gclip::AbstractFloat fstm scndm w_decay_rate::AbstractFloat schedule warmup t_total end BertAdam(; lr=0.001, gclip=1.0, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, eps=1e-6, w_decay_rate=0.0, schedule="warmup_linear", warmup=-1, t_total=-1)=BertAdam(lr, beta1, beta2, eps, 0, gclip, nothing, nothing, w_decay_rate, schedule, warmup, t_total) for T in (Array{Float32},Array{Float64},KnetArray{Float32},KnetArray{Float64}); @eval begin function update!(w::$T, g::$T, p::BertAdam) Knet.gclip!(g, p.gclip) if p.fstm===nothing; p.fstm=zero(w); p.scndm=zero(w); end lmul!(p.beta1, p.fstm) axpy!(1-p.beta1, g, p.fstm) lmul!(p.beta2, p.scndm) axpy!(1-p.beta2, g .* g, p.scndm) # They don't do bias correction for some reason #fstm_corrected = p.fstm / (1 - p.beta1 ^ p.t) #scndm_corrected = p.scndm / (1 - p.beta2 ^ p.t) if p.t_total !== -1 schedule_func = eval(Meta.parse(p.schedule)) lr_scheduled = * schedule_func(p.t/p.t_total, p.warmup) else lr_scheduled = end if p.w_decay_rate > 0.0 axpy!(-lr_scheduled, (p.fstm ./ (sqrt.(p.scndm) .+ p.eps)) .+ (p.w_decay_rate * w), w) else axpy!(-lr_scheduled, (p.fstm ./ (sqrt.(p.scndm) .+ p.eps)), w) end p.t += 1 end end;end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
function wordpiece_tokenize(token, dict) # This is a longest-match-first algorithm. out_tokens = [] start = 1 while start <= length(token) finish = length(token) final_token = "" for i in finish:-1:start # String Indexing Error for an unknown reason. Might be because of unicode chars. tkn = try start == 1 ? token[start:i] : string("##", token[start:i]) catch "" end if tkn in keys(dict) final_token = tkn finish = i break end end if final_token == "" # if there is no match at all, assign unk token return ["[UNK]"] end push!(out_tokens, final_token) start = finish + 1 end return out_tokens end function process_punc(tokens) out_tokens = [] for token in tokens out = [] str = "" for (i, char) in enumerate(token) if ispunct(char) str != "" && push!(out, str) str = "" push!(out, string(char)) else str = string(str, char) end end str != "" && push!(out, str) append!(out_tokens, out) end return out_tokens end function bert_tokenize(text, dict; lower_case=true) text = strip(text) text == "" && return [] if lower_case text = lowercase(text) end tokens = split(text) tokens = process_punc(tokens) out_tokens = [] for token in tokens append!(out_tokens, wordpiece_tokenize(token, dict)) end return out_tokens end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# BERT-in-Knet This repo is for the final project for Comp541 Deep Learning class in Koc University. This is a replication attempt of the original in Knet.
[ "MIT" ]
# Use # # DOCUMENTER_DEBUG=true julia --color=yes make.jl local [nonstrict] [fixdoctests] # # for local builds. using Documenter using DensityInterface # Doctest setup DocMeta.setdocmeta!( DensityInterface, :DocTestSetup, quote using DensityInterface object = logfuncdensity(x -> -x^2) log_f = logdensityof(object) f = densityof(object) x = 4 end; recursive=true, ) makedocs( sitename = "DensityInterface", modules = [DensityInterface], format = Documenter.HTML( prettyurls = !("local" in ARGS), canonical = "" ), pages = [ "Home" => "", "API" => "", "LICENSE" => "", ], doctest = ("fixdoctests" in ARGS) ? :fix : true, linkcheck = !("nonstrict" in ARGS), strict = !("nonstrict" in ARGS), ) deploydocs( repo = "", forcepush = true, push_preview = true, )
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DensityInterface.jl, licensed under the MIT License (MIT). """ DensityInterface Trait-based interface for mathematical/statistical densities and objects associated with a density. """ module DensityInterface using InverseFunctions using Test include("interface.jl") include("interface_test.jl") end # module
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DensityInterface.jl, licensed under the MIT License (MIT). """ abstract type DensityKind end DensityKind(object) Subtypes of `DensityKind` indicate if an `object` *is* a density or if it *has* a density, in the sense of the `DensityInterface` API, or if is *not* associated with a density (not compatible with `DensityInterface`). `DensityKind(object)` returns either `IsDensity()`, `HasDensity()` or `NoDensity()`. In addition to the subtypes [`IsDensity`](@ref), [`HasDensity`](@ref) or [`NoDensity`](@ref), a union `IsOrHasDensity = Union{IsDensity, HasDensity}` is defined for convenience. `DensityKind(object) isa IsOrHasDensity` implies that `object` is either a density itself or can be said to have an associated density. It also implies that the value of that density at given points can be calculated via [`logdensityof`](@ref) and [`densityof`](@ref). `DensityKind(object)` defaults to `NoDensity()` (object is not and does not have a density). For a type that *is* (directly represents) a density, like a probability density, define ```julia @inline DensityKind(::MyDensityType) = IsDensity() ``` For a type that *has* (is associated with) a density in some way, like a probability distribution has a probability density, define ```julia @inline DensityKind(::MyDensityType) = HasDensity() ``` """ abstract type DensityKind end export DensityKind @inline DensityKind(object) = NoDensity() """ struct IsDensity <: DensityKind end As a return value of [`DensityKind(object)`](@ref), indicates that `object` *is* (represents) a density, like a probability density object. See [`DensityKind`](@ref) for details. """ struct IsDensity <: DensityKind end export IsDensity """ struct HasDensity <: DensityKind end As a return value of [`DensityKind(object)`](@ref), indicates that `object` *has* a density, like a probability distribution has a probability density. See [`DensityKind`](@ref) for details. """ struct HasDensity <: DensityKind end export HasDensity """ struct NoDensity <: DensityKind end As a return value of [`DensityKind(object)`](@ref), indicates that `object` *is not* and *does not have* a density, as understood by `DensityInterface`. See [`DensityKind`](@ref) for details. """ struct NoDensity <: DensityKind end export NoDensity """ IsOrHasDensity = Union{IsDensity, HasDensity} As a return value of [`DensityKind(object)`](@ref), indicates that `object` either *is* or *has* a density, as understood by `DensityInterface`. See [`DensityKind`](@ref) for details. """ const IsOrHasDensity = Union{IsDensity, HasDensity} export IsOrHasDensity function _check_is_or_has_density(object) DensityKind(object) isa IsOrHasDensity || throw(ArgumentError("Object of type $(typeof(object)) neither is nor has a density")) end """ logdensityof(object, x)::Real Compute the logarithmic value of the density `object` (resp. its associated density) at a given point `x`. ```jldoctest a julia> DensityKind(object) IsDensity() julia> logy = logdensityof(object, x); logy isa Real true ``` See also [`DensityKind`](@ref) and [`densityof`](@ref). """ function logdensityof end export logdensityof """ logdensityof(object) Return a function that computes the logarithmic value of the density `object` (resp. its associated density) at a given point. ```jldoctest a julia> log_f = logdensityof(object); log_f isa Function true julia> log_f(x) == logdensityof(object, x) true ``` `logdensityof(object)` defaults to `Base.Fix1(logdensityof, object)`, but may be specialized. If so, [`logfuncdensity`](@ref) will typically have to be specialized for the return type of `logdensityof` as well. [`logfuncdensity`](@ref) is the inverse of `logdensityof`, so `logfuncdensity(log_f)` must be equivalent to `object`. """ function logdensityof(object) _check_is_or_has_density(object) Base.Fix1(logdensityof, object) end """ densityof(object, x)::Real Compute the value of the density `object` (resp. its associated density) at a given point `x`. ```jldoctest a julia> DensityKind(object) IsDensity() julia> densityof(object, x) == exp(logdensityof(object, x)) true ``` `densityof(object, x)` defaults to `exp(logdensityof(object, x))`, but may be specialized. See also [`DensityKind`](@ref) and [`densityof`](@ref). """ densityof(object, x) = exp(logdensityof(object, x)) export densityof """ densityof(object) Return a function that computes the value of the density `object` (resp. its associated density) at a given point. ```jldoctest a julia> f = densityof(object); julia> f(x) == densityof(object, x) true ``` `densityof(object)` defaults to `Base.Fix1(densityof, object)`, but may be specialized. """ function densityof(object) _check_is_or_has_density(object) Base.Fix1(densityof, object) end """ logfuncdensity(log_f) Return a `DensityInterface`-compatible density that is defined by a given log-density function `log_f`: ```jldoctest julia> object = logfuncdensity(log_f); julia> DensityKind(object) IsDensity() julia> logdensityof(object, x) == log_f(x) true ``` `logfuncdensity(log_f)` returns an instance of [`DensityInterface.LogFuncDensity`](@ref) by default, but may be specialized to return something else depending on the type of `log_f`). If so, [`logdensityof`](@ref) will typically have to be specialized for the return type of `logfuncdensity` as well. `logfuncdensity` is the inverse of `logdensityof`, so the following must hold true: * `d = logfuncdensity(logdensityof(object))` is equivalent to `object` in respect to `logdensityof` and `densityof`. However, `d` may not be equal to `object`, especially if `DensityKind(object) == HasDensity()`: `logfuncdensity` always creates something that *is* density, never something that just *has* a density in some way (like a distribution or a measure in general). * `logdensityof(logfuncdensity(log_f))` is equivalent (typically equal or even identical to) to `log_f`. See also [`DensityKind`](@ref). """ function logfuncdensity end export logfuncdensity @inline logfuncdensity(log_f) = LogFuncDensity(log_f) # For functions stemming from objects that *have* a density, create a new density: @inline _logfuncdensity_impl(::HasDensity, log_f::Base.Fix1{typeof(logdensityof)}) = LogFuncDensity(log_f) # For functions stemming from objects that *are* a density, recover original object: @inline _logfuncdensity_impl(::IsDensity, log_f::Base.Fix1{typeof(logdensityof)}) = log_f.x @inline logfuncdensity(log_f::Base.Fix1{typeof(logdensityof)}) = _logfuncdensity_impl(DensityKind(log_f.x), log_f) InverseFunctions.inverse(::typeof(logfuncdensity)) = logdensityof InverseFunctions.inverse(::typeof(logdensityof)) = logfuncdensity """ struct DensityInterface.LogFuncDensity{F} Wraps a log-density function `log_f` to make it compatible with `DensityInterface` interface. Typically, `LogFuncDensity(log_f)` should not be called directly, [`logfuncdensity`](@ref) should be used instead. """ struct LogFuncDensity{F} _log_f::F end LogFuncDensity @inline DensityKind(::LogFuncDensity) = IsDensity() @inline logdensityof(object::LogFuncDensity, x) = object._log_f(x) @inline logdensityof(object::LogFuncDensity) = object._log_f @inline densityof(object::LogFuncDensity, x) = exp(object._log_f(x)) @inline densityof(object::LogFuncDensity) = exp ∘ object._log_f function, object::LogFuncDensity) print(io, nameof(typeof(object)), "(") show(io, object._log_f) print(io, ")") end """ funcdensity(f) Return a `DensityInterface`-compatible density that is defined by a given non-log density function `f`: ```jldoctest julia> object = funcdensity(f); julia> DensityKind(object) IsDensity() julia> densityof(object, x) == f(x) true ``` `funcdensity(f)` returns an instance of [`DensityInterface.FuncDensity`](@ref) by default, but may be specialized to return something else depending on the type of `f`). If so, [`densityof`](@ref) will typically have to be specialized for the return type of `funcdensity` as well. `funcdensity` is the inverse of `densityof`, so the following must hold true: * `d = funcdensity(densityof(object))` is equivalent to `object` in respect to `logdensityof` and `densityof`. However, `d` may not be equal to `object`, especially if `DensityKind(object) == HasDensity()`: `funcdensity` always creates something that *is* density, never something that just *has* a density in some way (like a distribution or a measure in general). * `densityof(funcdensity(f))` is equivalent (typically equal or even identical to) to `f`. See also [`DensityKind`](@ref). """ function funcdensity end export funcdensity @inline funcdensity(f) = FuncDensity(f) # For functions stemming from objects that *have* a density, create a new density: @inline _funcdensity_impl(::HasDensity, f::Base.Fix1{typeof(densityof)}) = FuncDensity(f) # For functions stemming from objects that *are* a density, recover original object: @inline _funcdensity_impl(::IsDensity, f::Base.Fix1{typeof(densityof)}) = f.x @inline funcdensity(f::Base.Fix1{typeof(densityof)}) = _funcdensity_impl(DensityKind(f.x), f) InverseFunctions.inverse(::typeof(funcdensity)) = densityof InverseFunctions.inverse(::typeof(densityof)) = funcdensity """ struct DensityInterface.FuncDensity{F} Wraps a non-log density function `f` to make it compatible with `DensityInterface` interface. Typically, `FuncDensity(f)` should not be called directly, [`funcdensity`](@ref) should be used instead. """ struct FuncDensity{F} _f::F end FuncDensity @inline DensityKind(::FuncDensity) = IsDensity() @inline logdensityof(object::FuncDensity, x) = log(object._f(x)) @inline logdensityof(object::FuncDensity) = log ∘ object._f @inline densityof(object::FuncDensity, x) = object._f(x) @inline densityof(object::FuncDensity) = object._f function, object::FuncDensity) print(io, nameof(typeof(object)), "(") show(io, object._f) print(io, ")") end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DensityInterface.jl, licensed under the MIT License (MIT). """ DensityInterface.test_density_interface(object, x, ref_logd_at_x; kwargs...) Test that `object` is compatible with `DensityInterface`. Tests that either `DensityKind(object) isa IsOrHasDensity`. Also tests that [`logdensityof(object, x)`](@ref) equals `ref_logd_at_x` and that the behavior of [`logdensityof(object)`](@ref), [`densityof(object, x)`](@ref) and [`densityof(object)`](@ref) is consistent. The results of `logdensityof(object, x)` and `densityof(object, x)` are compared to `ref_logd_at_x` and `exp(ref_logd_at_x)` using `isapprox`. `kwargs...` are forwarded to `isapprox`. Also tests that `d = logfuncdensity(logdensityof(object))` returns a density (`DensityKind(d) == IsDensity()`) that is equivalent to `object` in respect to `logdensityof` and `densityof`, and that `funcdensity(densityof(object))` behaves the same way. """ function test_density_interface(object, x, ref_logd_at_x; kwargs...) @testset "test_density_interface: $object with input $x" begin ref_d_at_x = exp(ref_logd_at_x) @test DensityKind(object) isa IsOrHasDensity @test isapprox(logdensityof(object, x), ref_logd_at_x; kwargs...) log_f = logdensityof(object) @test isapprox(log_f(x), ref_logd_at_x; kwargs...) @test isapprox(densityof(object,x), ref_d_at_x; kwargs...) f = densityof(object) @test isapprox(f(x), ref_d_at_x; kwargs...) for d in (logfuncdensity(log_f), funcdensity(f)) @test DensityKind(d) == IsDensity() @test isapprox(logdensityof(d, x), ref_logd_at_x; kwargs...) @test isapprox(logdensityof(d)(x), ref_logd_at_x; kwargs...) @test isapprox(densityof(d,x), ref_d_at_x; kwargs...) @test isapprox(densityof(d)(x), ref_d_at_x; kwargs...) end end end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DensityInterface.jl, licensed under the MIT License (MIT). import Test import DensityInterface import Documenter Test.@testset "Package DensityInterface" begin include("test_interface.jl") # doctests Documenter.DocMeta.setdocmeta!( DensityInterface, :DocTestSetup, quote using DensityInterface object = logfuncdensity(x -> x^2) log_f = logdensityof(object) f = densityof(object) x = 4.2 end; recursive=true, ) Documenter.doctest(DensityInterface) end # testset
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DensityInterface.jl, licensed under the MIT License (MIT). using DensityInterface using Test using LinearAlgebra, InverseFunctions struct MyDensity end @inline DensityInterface.DensityKind(::MyDensity) = IsDensity() DensityInterface.logdensityof(::MyDensity, x::Any) = -norm(x)^2 struct MyMeasure end @inline DensityInterface.DensityKind(::MyMeasure) = HasDensity() DensityInterface.logdensityof(::MyMeasure, x::Any) = -norm(x)^2 @testset "interface" begin @test inverse(logdensityof) == logfuncdensity @test inverse(logfuncdensity) == logdensityof @test inverse(densityof) == funcdensity @test inverse(funcdensity) == densityof @test @inferred(DensityKind("foo")) === NoDensity() @test_throws ArgumentError logdensityof("foo") @test_throws ArgumentError densityof("foo") for object1 in (MyDensity(), MyMeasure()) x = [1, 2, 3] DensityInterface.test_density_interface(object1, x, -norm(x)^2) object2 = logfuncdensity(x -> -norm(x)^2) @test DensityKind(object2) === IsDensity() DensityInterface.test_density_interface(object2, x, -norm(x)^2) object3 = funcdensity(x -> exp(-norm(x)^2)) @test DensityKind(object3) === IsDensity() DensityInterface.test_density_interface(object3, x, -norm(x)^2) end end
[ "MIT" ]
# DensityInterface.jl [![Documentation for stable version](]( [![Documentation for development version](]( [![License](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Codecov](]( This package defines an interface for mathematical/statistical densities and objects associated with a density in Julia. See the documentation for details. ## Documentation * [Documentation for stable version]( * [Documentation for development version](
[ "MIT" ]
# API ## Interface ```@docs logdensityof logdensityof(::Any) logfuncdensity funcdensity densityof densityof(::Any) ``` ## Types ```@docs IsDensity HasDensity IsOrHasDensity NoDensity DensityKind DensityInterface.LogFuncDensity DensityInterface.FuncDensity ``` ## Test utility ```@docs DensityInterface.test_density_interface ```
[ "MIT" ]
# DensityInterface.jl ```@meta DocTestSetup = quote struct SomeDensity end log_of_d_at(x) = x^2 x = 4 end ``` ```@docs DensityInterface ``` This package defines an interface for mathematical/statistical densities and objects associated with a density in Julia. The interface comprises the type [`DensityKind`](@ref) and the functions [`logdensityof`](@ref)/[`densityof`](@ref)[^1] and [`logfuncdensity`](@ref)/[`funcdensity`](@ref). The following methods must be provided to make a type (e.g. `SomeDensity`) compatible with the interface: ```jldoctest a import DensityInterface @inline DensityInterface.DensityKind(::SomeDensity) = IsDensity() DensityInterface.logdensityof(object::SomeDensity, x) = log_of_d_at(x) object = SomeDensity() DensityInterface.logdensityof(object, x) isa Real # output true ``` `object` may be/represent a density itself (`DensityKind(object) === IsDensity()`) or it may be something that can be said to have a density (`DensityKind(object) === HasDensity()`)[^2]. In statistical inference applications, for example, `object` might be a likelihood, prior or posterior. DensityInterface automatically provides `logdensityof(object)`, equivalent to `x -> logdensityof(object, x)`. This constitutes a convenient way of passing a (log-)density function to algorithms like optimizers, samplers, etc.: ```jldoctest a using DensityInterface object = SomeDensity() log_f = logdensityof(object) log_f(x) == logdensityof(object, x) # output true ``` ```julia SomeOptimizerPackage.maximize(logdensityof(object), x_init) ``` Reversely, a given log-density function `log_f` can be converted to a DensityInterface-compatible density object using [`logfuncdensity`](@ref): ```julia object = logfuncdensity(log_f) DensityKind(object) === IsDensity() && logdensityof(object, x) == log_f(x) # output true ``` [^1]: The function names `logdensityof` and `densityof` were chosen to convey that the target object may either *be* a density or something that can be said to *have* a density. They also have less naming conflict potential than `logdensity` and esp. `density` (the latter already being exported by Plots.jl). [^2]: The package [`Distributions`]( supports `DensityInterface` for `Distributions.Distribution`.
[ "MIT" ]
module BatchIterators using Statistics export BatchIterator export choose_batchsize export centered_batch_iterator """ BatchIterator(X; batchsize = nothing, limit=size(X,2)) Wrapper allowing to iterate over batches of `batchsize` columns of `X`. `X` can be of any type supporting `size` and 2d indexing. When `limit` is provided, iteration is restricted to the columns of `X[:, 1:limit]`. """ struct BatchIterator{T} X::T length::Int # Number of batches bsz::Int # Batch size limit::Int function BatchIterator(X; batchsize=nothing, limit=size(X,2)) @assert limit > 0 && limit ≤ size(X,2) bsz = (batchsize == nothing) ? choose_batchsize(size(X,1), limit) : batchsize nb = ceil(Int, limit/bsz) new{typeof(X)}(X, nb, bsz, limit) end end view_compatible(::Any) = false view_compatible(::Array) = true view_compatible(bi::BatchIterator) = view_compatible(bi.X) ####################################################################### # Iteration # ####################################################################### function Base.getindex(it::BatchIterator, i) d = i - it.length # > 0 means overflow, == 0 means last batch cbsz = (d == 0) ? mod(it.limit - 1, it.bsz) + 1 : it.bsz # Size of current batch if (i<1 || d > 0) @error "Out of bounds." else # TODO using views here might impact type stability. view_compatible(it) ? (@view it.X[:, (i-1)*it.bsz+1:(i-1)*it.bsz+cbsz]) : it.X[:, (i-1)*it.bsz+1:(i-1)*it.bsz+cbsz] end end Base.length(it::BatchIterator) = it.length function Base.iterate(it::BatchIterator{T}, st = 0) where T st = st + 1 # new state d = st - it.length # > 0 means overflow, == 0 means last batch (d > 0) ? nothing : (it[st], st) end """ centered_batch_iterator(X; kwargs...) Similar to BatchIterator, but performs first one pass over the data to compute the mean, and centers the batches. """ function centered_batch_iterator(X; kwargs...) bi = BatchIterator(X; kwargs...) μ = vec(mean(mean(b, dims=2) for b in BatchIterator(X))) (b .- μ for b in bi) end ####################################################################### # Utilities # ####################################################################### """ choose_batchsize(d, n; maxmemGB = 1.0, maxbatchsize = 2^14, sizeoneB = d*sizeof(Float64)) Computes the size (nb. of columns) of a batch, so that each column of the batch can be converted to a vector of size `sizeoneB` (in bytes) with a total memory constrained by `maxmemGB` (gigabytes). """ function choose_batchsize(d, n; maxmemGB = 1.0, maxbatchsize = 2^14, sizeoneB = d*sizeof(Float64), forcepow2 = true) fullsizeGB = n * sizeoneB/1024^3 # Size of the sketches of all samples batchsize = (fullsizeGB > maxmemGB) ? ceil(Int, n/ceil(Int, fullsizeGB/maxmemGB)) : n batchsize = min(batchsize, maxbatchsize) (forcepow2 && batchsize != n) ? prevpow(2, batchsize) : batchsize end end # module
[ "MIT" ]
# Summary Licence: MIT. A very small package providing the constructor `BatchIterator(X; batchsize=…, limit=…)` and the function `centered_batch_iterator(X; kwargs…)`, which allow iteration over blocks of columns of `X`, for any object `X` supporting 2d indexing and for which the function `size` is defined. The function `choose_batchsize` helps finding a good batch size while controlling memory usage. The package was originally designed to iterate over samples of an out-of-core dataset.
[ "MIT" ]
module MatrixMarket using SparseArrays using LinearAlgebra using CodecZlib export mmread, mmwrite, mminfo include("mminfo.jl") include("mmread.jl") include("mmwrite.jl") end # module
[ "MIT" ]
""" mminfo(file) Read header information on the size and structure from file. The actual data matrix is not parsed. # Arguments - `file`: The filename or io stream. """ function mminfo(filename::String) stream = open(filename, "r") if endswith(filename, ".gz") stream = GzipDecompressorStream(stream) end info = mminfo(stream) close(stream) return info end function mminfo(stream::IO) firstline = chomp(readline(stream)) if !startswith(firstline, "%%MatrixMarket") throw(FileFormatException("Expected start of header `%%MatrixMarket`")) end tokens = split(firstline) if length(tokens) != 5 throw(FileFormatException("Not enough words on first line, got $(length(tokens)) words")) end (head1, rep, field, symm) = map(lowercase, tokens[2:5]) if head1 != "matrix" throw(FileFormatException("Unknown MatrixMarket data type: $head1 (only `matrix` is supported)")) end dimline = readline(stream) # Skip all comments and empty lines while length(chomp(dimline)) == 0 || (length(dimline) > 0 && dimline[1] == '%') dimline = readline(stream) end rows, cols, entries = parse_dimension(dimline, rep) return rows, cols, entries, rep, field, symm end struct FileFormatException <: Exception msg::String end Base.showerror(io::IO, e::FileFormatException) = print(io, e.msg) function parse_dimension(line::String, rep::String) dims = map(x -> parse(Int, x), split(line)) if length(dims) < (rep == "coordinate" ? 3 : 2) throw(FileFormatException(string("Could not read in matrix dimensions from line: ", line))) end if rep == "coordinate" return dims[1], dims[2], dims[3] else return dims[1], dims[2], (dims[1] * dims[2]) end end
[ "MIT" ]
""" mmread(filename, infoonly=false, retcoord=false) Read the contents of the Matrix Market file `filename` into a matrix, which will be either sparse or dense, depending on the Matrix Market format indicated by `coordinate` (coordinate sparse storage), or `array` (dense array storage). # Arguments - `filename::String`: The file to read. - `infoonly::Bool=false`: Only information on the size and structure is returned from reading the header. The actual data for the matrix elements are not parsed. - `retcoord::Bool`: If it is `true`, the rows, column and value vectors are returned along with the header information. """ function mmread(filename::String, infoonly::Bool=false, retcoord::Bool=false) stream = open(filename, "r") if endswith(filename, ".gz") stream = GzipDecompressorStream(stream) end result = infoonly ? mminfo(stream) : mmread(stream, retcoord) close(stream) return result end function mmread(stream::IO, infoonly::Bool=false, retcoord::Bool=false) rows, cols, entries, rep, field, symm = mminfo(stream) infoonly && return rows, cols, entries, rep, field, symm T = parse_eltype(field) symfunc = parse_symmetric(symm) if rep == "coordinate" rn = Vector{Int}(undef, entries) cn = Vector{Int}(undef, entries) vals = Vector{T}(undef, entries) for i in 1:entries line = readline(stream) splits = find_splits(line, num_splits(T)) rn[i] = parse_row(line, splits) cn[i] = parse_col(line, splits, T) vals[i] = parse_val(line, splits, T) end result = retcoord ? (rn, cn, vals, rows, cols, entries, rep, field, symm) : symfunc(sparse(rn, cn, vals, rows, cols)) else vals = [parse(Float64, readline(stream)) for _ in 1:entries] A = reshape(vals, rows, cols) result = symfunc(A) end return result end function parse_eltype(field::String) if field == "real" return Float64 elseif field == "complex" return ComplexF64 elseif field == "integer" return Int64 elseif field == "pattern" return Bool else throw(FileFormatException("Unsupported field $field.")) end end function parse_symmetric(symm::String) if symm == "general" return identity elseif symm == "symmetric" || symm == "hermitian" return hermitianize! elseif symm == "skew-symmetric" return skewsymmetrize! else throw(FileFormatException("Unknown matrix symmetry: $symm.")) end end function hermitianize!(M::AbstractMatrix) M .+= tril(M, -1)' return M end function skewsymmetrize!(M::AbstractMatrix) M .-= tril(M, -1)' return M end parse_row(line, splits) = parse(Int, line[1:splits[1]]) parse_col(line, splits, ::Type{Bool}) = parse(Int, line[splits[1]:end]) parse_col(line, splits, eltype) = parse(Int, line[splits[1]:splits[2]]) function parse_val(line, splits, ::Type{ComplexF64}) real = parse(Float64, line[splits[2]:splits[3]]) imag = parse(Float64, line[splits[3]:length(line)]) return ComplexF64(real, imag) end parse_val(line, splits, ::Type{Bool}) = true parse_val(line, splits, ::Type{T}) where {T} = parse(T, line[splits[2]:length(line)]) num_splits(::Type{ComplexF64}) = 3 num_splits(::Type{Bool}) = 1 num_splits(elty) = 2 function find_splits(s::String, num) splits = Vector{Int}(undef, num) cur = 1 in_space = s[1] == '\t' || s[1] == ' ' @inbounds for i in 1:length(s) if s[i] == '\t' || s[i] == ' ' if !in_space in_space = true splits[cur] = i cur += 1 cur > num && break end else in_space = false end end splits end
[ "MIT" ]
""" mmwrite(filename, matrix) Write a sparse matrix to .mtx file format. # Arguments - `filename::String`: The file to write. - `matrix::SparseMatrixCSC`: The sparse matrix to write. """ function mmwrite(filename::String, matrix::SparseMatrixCSC) stream = open(filename, "w") if endswith(filename, ".gz") stream = GzipCompressorStream(stream) end mmwrite(stream, matrix) close(stream) end function mmwrite(stream::IO, matrix::SparseMatrixCSC) nl = "\n" elem = generate_eltype(eltype(matrix)) sym = generate_symmetric(matrix) # write header write(stream, "%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate $elem $sym$nl") # only use lower triangular part of symmetric and Hermitian matrices if issymmetric(matrix) || ishermitian(matrix) matrix = tril(matrix) end # write matrix size and number of nonzeros write(stream, "$(size(matrix, 1)) $(size(matrix, 2)) $(nnz(matrix))$nl") rows = rowvals(matrix) vals = nonzeros(matrix) for i in 1:size(matrix, 2) for j in nzrange(matrix, i) entity = generate_entity(i, j, rows, vals, elem) write(stream, entity) end end end generate_eltype(::Type{<:Bool}) = "pattern" generate_eltype(::Type{<:Integer}) = "integer" generate_eltype(::Type{<:AbstractFloat}) = "real" generate_eltype(::Type{<:Complex}) = "complex" generate_eltype(elty) = error("Invalid matrix type") function generate_symmetric(m::AbstractMatrix) if issymmetric(m) return "symmetric" elseif ishermitian(m) return "hermitian" else return "general" end end function generate_entity(i, j, rows, vals, kind::String) nl = "\n" if kind == "pattern" return "$(rows[j]) $i$nl" elseif kind == "complex" return "$(rows[j]) $i $(real(vals[j])) $(imag(vals[j]))$nl" else return "$(rows[j]) $i $(vals[j])$nl" end end
[ "MIT" ]
@testset "mtx" begin mtx_filename = joinpath(TEST_PATH, "data", "test.mtx") res = sparse( [5, 4, 1, 2, 6], [1, 5, 1, 4, 7], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 11, 12 ) testmatrices = download_unzip_nist_files() @testset "read/write mtx" begin rows, cols, entries, rep, field, symm = mminfo(mtx_filename) @test rows == 11 @test cols == 12 @test entries == 5 @test rep == "coordinate" @test field == "integer" @test symm == "general" A = mmread(mtx_filename) @test A isa SparseMatrixCSC @test A == res newfilename = replace(mtx_filename, "test.mtx" => "test_write.mtx") mmwrite(newfilename, res) f = open(mtx_filename) sha_test = bytes2hex(sha256(read(f, String))) close(f) f = open(newfilename) sha_new = bytes2hex(sha256(read(f, String))) close(f) @test sha_test == sha_new rm(newfilename) end @testset "read/write mtx.gz" begin gz_filename = mtx_filename * ".gz" rows, cols, entries, rep, field, symm = mminfo(gz_filename) @test rows == 11 @test cols == 12 @test entries == 5 @test rep == "coordinate" @test field == "integer" @test symm == "general" A = mmread(gz_filename) @test A isa SparseMatrixCSC @test A == res newfilename = replace(gz_filename, "test.mtx.gz" => "test_write.mtx.gz") mmwrite(newfilename, res) stream = GzipDecompressorStream(open(gz_filename)) sha_test = bytes2hex(sha256(read(stream, String))) close(stream) stream = GzipDecompressorStream(open(newfilename)) sha_new = bytes2hex(sha256(read(stream, String))) close(stream) @test sha_test == sha_new rm(newfilename) end @testset "read/write NIST mtx files" begin # verify mmread(mmwrite(A)) == A for filename in filter(t -> endswith(t, ".mtx"), readdir()) new_filename = replace(filename, ".mtx" => "_.mtx") A = MatrixMarket.mmread(filename) MatrixMarket.mmwrite(new_filename, A) new_A = MatrixMarket.mmread(new_filename) @test new_A == A rm(new_filename) end end @testset "read/write NIST mtx.gz files" begin for gz_filename in filter(t -> endswith(t, ".mtx.gz"), readdir()) mtx_filename = replace(gz_filename, ".mtx.gz" => ".mtx") # reading from .mtx and .mtx.gz must be identical A_gz = MatrixMarket.mmread(gz_filename) A = MatrixMarket.mmread(mtx_filename) @test A_gz == A # writing to .mtx and .mtx.gz must be identical new_filename = replace(gz_filename, ".mtx.gz" => "_.mtx.gz") mmwrite(new_filename, A) new_A = MatrixMarket.mmread(new_filename) @test new_A == A rm(new_filename) end end # clean up for filename in filter(t -> endswith(t, ".mtx"), readdir()) rm(filename) rm(filename * ".gz") end end
[ "MIT" ]
using MatrixMarket using CodecZlib using Downloads using GZip using SparseArrays using SHA using Test include("test_utils.jl") const TEST_PATH = @__DIR__ const NIST_FILELIST = download_nist_filelist() tests = [ "mtx", ] @testset "MatrixMarket.jl" begin for t in tests include("$(t).jl") end end
[ "MIT" ]
function gunzip(fname) destname, ext = splitext(fname) if ext != ".gz" error("gunzip: $fname: unknown suffix -- ignored") end open(destname, "w") do f do g write(f, read(g, String)) end end destname end function download_nist_filelist() isfile("matrices.html") ||"", "matrices.html") matrixmarketdata = Any[] open("matrices.html") do f for line in readlines(f) if occursin("""<A HREF="/MatrixMarket/data/""", line) collectionname, setname, matrixname = split(split(line, '"')[2], '/')[4:6] matrixname = split(matrixname, '.')[1] push!(matrixmarketdata, (collectionname, setname, matrixname)) end end end rm("matrices.html") return matrixmarketdata end function download_unzip_nist_files() # Download one matrix at random plus some specifically chosen ones. n = rand(1:length(NIST_FILELIST)) testmatrices = [ ("NEP", "mhd", "mhd1280b"), ("Harwell-Boeing", "acoust", "young4c"), ("Harwell-Boeing", "platz", "plsk1919"), NIST_FILELIST[n] ] for (collectionname, setname, matrixname) in testmatrices fn = string(collectionname, '_', setname, '_', matrixname) mtxfname = string(fn, ".mtx") if !isfile(mtxfname) url = "$collectionname/$setname/$matrixname.mtx.gz" gzfname = string(fn, ".mtx.gz") try, gzfname) catch continue end gunzip(gzfname) end end return testmatrices end
[ "MIT" ]
# MatrixMarket [![Build Status](]( Package to read/write matrices from/to files in the [Matrix Market native exchange format]( The [Matrix Market]( is a NIST repository of "test data for use in comparative studies of algorithms for numerical linear algebra, featuring nearly 500 sparse matrices from a variety of applications, as well as matrix generation tools and services." Over time, the [Matrix Market's native exchange format]( has become one of the _de facto_ standard file formats for exchanging matrix data. ## Usage ### Read using MatrixMarket M = MatrixMarket.mmread("myfile.mtx") `M` will be a sparse or dense matrix depending on whether the file contains a matrix in coordinate format or array format. The specific type of `M` may be `Symmetric` or `Hermitian` depending on the symmetry information contained in the file header. MatrixMarket.mmread("myfile.mtx", true) Returns raw data from the file header. Does not read in the actual matrix elements. ### Write MatrixMarket.mmwrite("myfile.mtx", M) `M` has to be a sparse matrix.
[ "MIT" ]
module WhereIsMyDocstring using Documenter export @docmatch mutable struct DocStr binding mod source signature text function DocStr(D::Base.Docs.DocStr) d = new() if length(D.text) > 0 d.text = D.text[1] else if isdefined(D, :object) d.text = string(D.object) else d.text = "" end end d.text = lstrip(d.text, '`') d.text = lstrip(d.text) d.binding =[:binding] d.mod =[:module] d.source =[:path] * ":" * string([:linenumber]) d.signature =[:typesig] return d end end # Some type printing gymnastics for the signatures function _name(x) S = string(x) r1 = r"([a-zA-Z1-9]*)<:([a-zA-Z1-9]*)" r2 = r"([a-zA-Z1-9]*)<:(.+?)<:([a-zA-Z1-9]*)" while match(r2, S) !== nothing S = replace(S, r2 => s"\2") end while match(r1, S) !== nothing S = replace(S, r1 => s"\1") end return S end function _print_type_hint(x::Type) @assert x isa UnionAll vars = [] while x isa UnionAll push!(vars, x.var) x = x.body end while x isa Union x = x.b end @assert x <: Tuple res = "(" * join(["::$(_name(T))" for T in x.parameters], ", ") * ")" while occursin("::<:", res) res = replace(res, "::<:" => "::") end while occursin("<:<:", res) res = replace(res, "<:<:" => "<:") end return res * " where {" * join(vars, ", ") * "}" end function _print_type(x::Type) if x isa Core.TypeofBottom return [""] end if x isa UnionAll res = _print_type_hint(x) return ["(::$x)\n try the following:", "$res"] end _print_type_real(x) end function _print_type_real(x) if x isa Union return append!(_print_type_real(x.a), _print_type_real(x.b)) elseif x <: Tuple return ["(" * join(["::$(T)" for T in x.parameters], ", ") * ")"] else return ["(::$x)"] end end function, d::DocStr) printstyled(io, d.binding, bold = true) text = join(split(d.text, "\n")[1:1], "\n") printstyled(io, "\n Content:", color = :light_green) printstyled(io, "\n ", text, " [...]", italic = true) printstyled(io, "\n Signature type:", color = :light_green) printstyled(io, "\n ", d.signature) printstyled(io, "\n Include in ```@docs``` block one of the following:", color = :light_green) for s in _print_type(d.signature) print(io, "\n ") print(io, "$(d.binding)") # now print s if occursin("might need adjustment:", s) ss = split(s, "might need adjustment:") print(io, ss[1]) printstyled(io, "might need adjustment:"; color = :light_yellow) print(io, ss[2]) else print(io, s) end end printstyled(io, "\n Source:", color = :light_green) printstyled(io, "\n ", d.source, color = :light_grey) print(io, "\n", "="^displaysize(stdout)[2]) end function _list_documenter_docstring(mod, ex) bind = Documenter.DocSystem.binding(mod, ex) typesig = Core.eval(mod, Base.Docs.signature(ex)) return list_documenter_docstring(mod, bind; sig = typesig) end function list_documenter_docstring(mod, fun; sig = Union{}) bind = Documenter.DocSystem.binding(mod, ex) return list_documenter_docstring(mod, bind; sig = sig) end function list_documenter_docstring(mod, bind::Base.Docs.Binding; sig = Union{}) res = Documenter.DocSystem.getdocs(bind, sig, modules = [mod]) return [DocStr(r) for r in res] end function list_documenter_docstring(bind::Base.Docs.Binding; sig = Union{}) res = Documenter.DocSystem.getdocs(bind, sig) return [DocStr(r) for r in res] end """ @docmatch f @docmatch f(sig) @docmatch f module @docmatch f(sig) module Retrieves all docstrings that would be included in the block ```` ```@docs f ``` ```` or ```` ```@docs f(sig) ``` ```` The optional argument `module` controls in which module to look for `f`. #### Example ``` julia> @docmatch sin 2-element Vector{WhereIsMyDocstring.DocStr}: Base.sin Content: sin(x) [...] Signature type: Tuple{Number} Include in ```@docs``` block: Base.sin(::Number) Source: math.jl:490 ================================================================================ Base.sin Content: sin(A::AbstractMatrix) [...] Signature type: Tuple{AbstractMatrix{<:Real}} Include in ```@docs``` block: Base.sin(::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}) Source: /usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/LinearAlgebra/src/dense.jl:956 ``` """ macro docmatch end macro docmatch(ex) bind = Documenter.DocSystem.binding(Main, ex) typesig = Core.eval(Main, Base.Docs.signature(ex)) return list_documenter_docstring(bind, sig = typesig) end macro docmatch(ex, mod) # (awkward) # mod is evaluated directly to get the module (I don't want to eval this) # but the expression for the function (+ signature) # needs to be passed to the Documenter function as an expression, # which is later eval'ed return quote _list_documenter_docstring($(esc(mod)), $(QuoteNode(ex))) end end end # module WhereIsMyDocstring
[ "MIT" ]
using Test, WhereIsMyDocstring module TestDocstrings "foo(::Number)" foo(::Number) = nothing "foo(::Float64)" foo(::Float64) = nothing "baz(::Number)" baz(::Number) "baz(::Float64)" baz(::Float64) "bla" function baz(::T, ::S) where {S <: Integer, T <: S} end @doc (@doc baz(::Float64)) foobar(::Number) = nothing "blub" function fookw(x::Number, z::Number = 1; y::Number = 2) end "blub" function foopa(x::Vector{S}, z::Matrix{T} = 1; y::Number = 2) where {S, T <: S} end end D = @docmatch foo @test sprint(show, D) isa String @test length(D) == 0 D = @docmatch foo(::Number) @test sprint(show, D) isa String @test length(D) == 0 D = @docmatch foo TestDocstrings @test sprint(show, D) isa String @test length(D) == 2 D = @docmatch foo(::Number) TestDocstrings @test sprint(show, D) isa String @test length(D) == 1 D = @docmatch baz TestDocstrings @test sprint(show, D) isa String @test length(D) == 3 D = @docmatch foobar TestDocstrings @test sprint(show, D) isa String D = @docmatch length @test sprint(show, D) isa String D = @docmatch fookw TestDocstrings @test sprint(show, D) isa String D = @docmatch foopa TestDocstrings @test sprint(show, D) isa String
[ "MIT" ]
# WhereIsMyDocstring.jl --- *Dude, where is my docstring?* --- - Have you ever wondered, which docstring is included in a ```` ```@docs``` ```` block when writing the documentation? - Are you tired of finding the magic syntax to include the *right* docstring of a method? Enter: WhereIsMyDocstring.jl ## Status [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage](]( [![Pkg Eval](]( ## Installation Since WhereIsMyDocstring.jl is a registered package, it can be simply installed as follows: ``` julia> using Pkg; Pkg.install("WhereIsMyDocstring") ``` ## Usage The package provides the `@docmatch` macro, which allows one to simulate the behaviour of ```` ```@docs``` ```` blocks interactively. This is helpful in case a function has many different methods and docstrings, and one wants to include a specific one. In particular in the presence of type parameters, this can be a frustrating experience due to Here is a simple example: ``` julia> using WhereIsMyDocstring julia> @docmatch sin 2-element Vector{WhereIsMyDocstring.DocStr}: Base.sin Content: sin(x) [...] Signature type: Tuple{Number} Include in ```@docs``` block: Base.sin(::Number) Source: math.jl:490 ==================================================================================== Base.sin Content: sin(A::AbstractMatrix) [...] Signature type: Tuple{AbstractMatrix{<:Real}} Include in ```@docs``` block: Base.sin(::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}) Source: /usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/LinearAlgebra/src/dense.jl:956 ==================================================================================== ``` The macro returns the docstrings (including metadata). In view of ```` ```@docs ``` ```` blocks, the most imporant information is the "Include in ..." field. This provides the right invocation to include the specific docstring. For example, if we want to include the second docstring, in our documentation markdown source we would write: ```` ```@docs Base.sin(::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}) ``` ```` A more complicated example is: ````julia-repl julia> "blub" function foo(x::Vector{S}, z::Matrix{T} = 1; y::Number = 2) where {S, T <: S} end julia> @docmatch foo 1-element Vector{WhereIsMyDocstring.DocStr}: foo Content: blub [...] Signature type: Union{Tuple{Vector{S}}, Tuple{T}, Tuple{S}, Tuple{Vector{S}, Matrix{T}}} where {S, T<:S} Include in ```@docs``` block: foo(::Union{Tuple{Vector{S}}, Tuple{T}, Tuple{S}, Tuple{Vector{S}, Matrix{T}}} where {S, T<:S}) try the following: foo(::Array{S, 1}, ::Array{T, 2}) where {S, T<:S} Source: REPL[2]:1 ```` Note that the type of the signature is garbled due to This also messes up the lookup. Here we are warned about this and a suggested way to fix it is provided via `foo(::Array{S, 1}, ::Array{T, 2}) where {S, T<:S}`.
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
using NiLangCore, BenchmarkTools bg = BenchmarkGroup() # pop!/push! bg["NiLang"] = @benchmarkable begin @instr PUSH!(x) @instr POP!(x) end seconds=1 setup=(x=3.0) # @invcheckoff pop!/push! bg["NiLang-@invcheckoff"] = @benchmarkable begin @instr @invcheckoff PUSH!(x) @instr @invcheckoff POP!(x) end seconds=1 setup=(x=3.0) # @invcheckoff pop!/push! bg["NiLang-@invcheckoff-@inbounds"] = @benchmarkable begin @instr @invcheckoff @inbounds PUSH!(x) @instr @invcheckoff @inbounds POP!(x) end seconds=1 setup=(x=3.0) # Julia pop!/push! bg["Julia"] = @benchmarkable begin push!(stack, x) x = pop!(stack) end seconds=1 setup=(x=3.0; stack=Float64[]) # FastStack-inbounds-Any bg["FastStack-inbounds-Any"] = @benchmarkable begin @inbounds push!(stack, x) @inbounds pop!(stack) end seconds=1 setup=(x=3.0; stack=FastStack(10)) # Julia pop!/push! bg["Julia-Any"] = @benchmarkable begin push!(stack, x) x = pop!(stack) end seconds=1 setup=(x=3.0; stack=Any[]) # setindex bg["setindex"] = @benchmarkable begin stack[2] = x x = 0.0 x = stack[2] end seconds=1 setup=(x=3.0; stack=Float64[1.0, 2.0]) # setindex-inbounds bg["setindex-inbounds"] = @benchmarkable begin stack[2] = x x = 0.0 x = stack[2] end seconds=1 setup=(x=3.0; stack=Float64[1.0, 2.0]) # FastStack bg["FastStack"] = @benchmarkable begin push!(stack, x) x = 0.0 x = pop!(stack) end seconds=1 setup=(x=3.0; stack=FastStack{Float64}(10)) # FastStack-inbounds bg["FastStack-inbounds"] = @benchmarkable begin @inbounds push!(stack, x) x = 0.0 @inbounds x = pop!(stack) end seconds=1 setup=(x=3.0; stack=FastStack{Float64}(10)) tune!(bg) run(bg)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
using Zygote f(x, y) = (x+exp(y), y) invf(x, y) = (x-exp(y), y) # ∂L/∂x2 = ∂L/∂x1*∂x1/∂x2 + ∂L/∂y1*∂y1/∂y2 = ∂L/∂x1*invf'(x2) + ∂L/∂y1*invf'(y2) x1, y1 = 1.4, 4.4 x2, y2 = f(x,y) function gf(x, y, gx, gy) x2, y2 = f(x, y) invJ1 = gradient((x2, y2)->invf(x2, y2)[1], x2, y2) invJ2 = gradient((x2, y2)->invf(x2, y2)[2], x2, y2) return (x2, y2, gx, gy) end gradient((x, y)->invf(x, y)[1], x, y) mutable struct A{T} x::T end Base.:*(x1::A, x2::A) = A(x1.x*x2.x) Base.:+(x1::A, x2::A) = A(x1.x+x2.x){T}) where T = A(T(0)) struct A2{T} x::T end Base.:*(x1::A2, x2::A2) = A2(x1.x*x2.x) Base.:+(x1::A2, x2::A2) = A2(x1.x+x2.x){T}) where T = A2(T(0)) struct BG{T} x::T g::B{T} BG(x::T) where T = new{T}(x) end struct BG{T} x::T g::BG{T} BG(x::T) where T = new{T}(x) end mutable struct AG{T} x::T g::AG{T} AG(x::T) where T = new{T}(x) AG(x::T, g::TG) where {T,TG} = new{T}(x, T(g)) end Base.:*(x1::AG, x2::AG) = AG(x1.x*x2.x) Base.:+(x1::AG, x2::AG) = AG(x1.x+x2.x){T}) where T = AG(T(0)) init(ag::AG{T}) where T = (ag.g = AG(T(0))) using BenchmarkTools ma = fill(A(1.0), 100,100) ma2 = fill(A2(1.0), 100,100) function f(ma, mb) M, N, K = size(ma, 1), size(mb, 2), size(ma, 2) res = fill(zero(ma[1]), M, N) for i=1:M for j=1:N for k=1:K @inbounds res[i,j] += ma[i,k]*mb[k,j] end end end return res end @benchmark f(ma, ma) @benchmark f(ma2, ma2) ma = fill(AG(1.0), 100,100) @benchmark ma*ma a = A(0.4) ag = AG(0.4) using NiLangCore @benchmark isdefined($ag, :g) @benchmark $ag + $ag ag.g = AG(0.0) @benchmark $a + $a struct SG{T} x::T g::Ref{T} SG(x::T) where T = new{T}(x) end Base.:*(x1::SG, x2::SG) = SG(x1.x*x2.x) Base.:+(x1::SG, x2::SG) = SG(x1.x+x2.x){T}) where T = SG(T(0)) init(ag::AG{T}) where T = (ag.g = AG(T(0))) using BenchmarkTools ma = fill(SG(1.0), 100,100) @benchmark ma*ma a = A(0.4) ag = AG(0.4) using NiLangCore @benchmark isdefined($ag, :g) @benchmark $ag + $ag ag.g = AG(0.0) @benchmark $a + $a using NiLang, NiLang.AD @i function test(x, one, N::Int) for i = 1:N x += one end end invcheckon(true) @benchmark test'(Loss(0.0), 1.0, 1000000)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
using Documenter, NiLangCore makedocs(; modules=[NiLangCore], format=Documenter.HTML(), pages=[ "Home" => "", ], repo="{commit}{path}#L{line}", sitename="NiLangCore.jl", authors="JinGuo Liu, thautwarm", assets=String[], ) deploydocs(; repo="", )
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
############# function properties ############# export isreversible, isreflexive, isprimitive export protectf """ isreversible(f, ARGT) Return `true` if a function is reversible. """ isreversible(f, ::Type{ARGT}) where ARGT = hasmethod(~f, ARGT) """ isreflexive(f) Return `true` if a function is self-inverse. """ isreflexive(f) = (~f) === f """ isprimitive(f) Return `true` if `f` is an `instruction` that can not be decomposed anymore. """ isprimitive(f) = false ############# ancillas ################ export InvertibilityError, @invcheck """ deanc(a, b) Deallocate varialbe `a` with value `b`. It will throw an error if * `a` and `b` are objects with different types, * `a` is not equal to `b` (for floating point numbers, an error within `NiLangCore.GLOBAL_ATOL[]` is allowed), """ function deanc end function deanc(a::T, b::T) where T <: AbstractFloat if a !== b && abs(b - a) > GLOBAL_ATOL[] throw(InvertibilityError("deallocate fail (floating point numbers): $a ≂̸ $b")) end end deanc(x::T, val::T) where T<:Tuple = deanc.(x, val) deanc(x::T, val::T) where T<:AbstractArray = x === val || deanc.(x, val) deanc(a::T, b::T) where T<:AbstractString = a === b || throw(InvertibilityError("deallocate fail (string): $a ≂̸ $b")) function deanc(x::T, val::T) where T<:Dict if x !== val if length(x) != length(val) throw(InvertibilityError("deallocate fail (dict): length of dict not the same, got $(length(x)) and $(length(val))!")) else for (k, v) in x if haskey(val, k) deanc(x[k], val[k]) else throw(InvertibilityError("deallocate fail (dict): key $k of dict does not exist!")) end end end end end deanc(a, b) = throw(InvertibilityError("deallocate fail (type mismatch): `$(typeof(a))` and `$(typeof(b))`")) @generated function deanc(a::T, b::T) where T nf = fieldcount(a) if isprimitivetype(T) :(a === b || throw(InvertibilityError("deallocate fail (primitive): $a ≂̸ $b"))) else Expr(:block, [:($deanc(a.$NAME, b.$NAME)) for NAME in fieldnames(T)]...) end end """ InvertibilityError <: Exception InvertibilityError(ex) The error for irreversible statements. """ struct InvertibilityError <: Exception ex end """ @invcheck x val The macro version `NiLangCore.deanc`, with more informative error. """ macro invcheck(x, val) esc(_invcheck(x, val)) end # the expression for reversibility checking function _invcheck(x, val) Expr(:try, Expr(:block, :($deanc($x, $val))), :e, Expr(:block, :(println("deallocate fail `$($(QuoteNode(x))) → $($(QuoteNode(val)))`")), :(throw(e))) ) end _invcheck(docheck::Bool, arg, res) = docheck ? _invcheck(arg, res) : nothing """ chfield(x, field, val) Change a `field` of an object `x`. The `field` can be a `Val` type ```jldoctest; setup=:(using NiLangCore) julia> chfield(1+2im, Val(:im), 5) 1 + 5im ``` or a function ```jldoctest; setup=:(using NiLangCore) julia> using NiLangCore julia> struct GVar{T, GT} x::T g::GT end julia> @fieldview xx(x::GVar) = x.x julia> chfield(GVar(1.0, 0.0), xx, 2.0) GVar{Float64, Float64}(2.0, 0.0) ``` """ function chfield end ########### Inv ########## export Inv, invtype """ Inv{FT} <: Function Inv(f) The inverse of a function. """ struct Inv{FT} <: Function f::FT end Inv(f::Inv) = f.f @static if VERSION >= v"1.6" Base.:~(f::Base.ComposedFunction) = (~(f.inner)) ∘ (~(f.outer)) end Base.:~(f::Function) = Inv(f) Base.:~(::Type{Inv{T}}) where T = T # for type, it is a destructor Base.:~(::Type{T}) where T = Inv{T} # for type, it is a destructor, b::Inv) = print(io, "~$(b.f)") Base.display(bf::Inv) = print(bf) """ protectf(f) Protect a function from being inverted, useful when using an callable object. """ protectf(x) = x protectf(x::Inv) = x.f invtype(::Type{T}) where T = Inv{<:T} ######### Infer export PlusEq, MinusEq, XorEq, MulEq, DivEq """ PlusEq{FT} <: Function PlusEq(f) Called when executing `out += f(args...)` instruction. The following two statements are same ```jldoctest; setup=:(using NiLangCore) julia> x, y, z = 0.0, 2.0, 3.0 (0.0, 2.0, 3.0) julia> x, y, z = PlusEq(*)(x, y, z) (6.0, 2.0, 3.0) julia> x, y, z = 0.0, 2.0, 3.0 (0.0, 2.0, 3.0) julia> @instr x += y*z julia> x, y, z (6.0, 2.0, 3.0) ``` """ struct PlusEq{FT} <: Function f::FT end """ MinusEq{FT} <: Function MinusEq(f) Called when executing `out -= f(args...)` instruction. See `PlusEq` for detail. """ struct MinusEq{FT} <: Function f::FT end """ MulEq{FT} <: Function MulEq(f) Called when executing `out *= f(args...)` instruction. See `PlusEq` for detail. """ struct MulEq{FT} <: Function f::FT end """ DivEq{FT} <: Function DivEq(f) Called when executing `out /= f(args...)` instruction. See `PlusEq` for detail. """ struct DivEq{FT} <: Function f::FT end """ XorEq{FT} <: Function XorEq(f) Called when executing `out ⊻= f(args...)` instruction. See `PlusEq` for detail. """ struct XorEq{FT} <: Function f::FT end const OPMX{FT} = Union{PlusEq{FT}, MinusEq{FT}, XorEq{FT}, MulEq{FT}, DivEq{FT}} for (TP, OP) in [(:PlusEq, :+), (:MinusEq, :-), (:XorEq, :⊻)] @eval (inf::$TP)(out!, args...; kwargs...) = $OP(out!, inf.f(args...; kwargs...)), args... @eval (inf::$TP)(out!::Tuple, args...; kwargs...) = $OP.(out!, inf.f(args...; kwargs...)), args... # e.g. allow `(x, y) += sincos(a)` end Base.:~(op::PlusEq) = MinusEq(op.f) Base.:~(om::MinusEq) = PlusEq(om.f) Base.:~(op::MulEq) = DivEq(op.f) Base.:~(om::DivEq) = MulEq(om.f) Base.:~(om::XorEq) = om for (T, S) in [(:PlusEq, "+="), (:MinusEq, "-="), (:MulEq, "*="), (:DivEq, "/="), (:XorEq, "⊻=")] @eval Base.display(o::$T) = print($S, "(", o.f, ")") @eval Base.display(o::Type{$T}) = print($S) @eval Base.show_function(io::IO, o::$T, compact::Bool) = print(io, "$($S)($(o.f))") @eval Base.show_function(io::IO, ::MIME"plain/text", o::$T, compact::Bool) =, o) end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
module NiLangCore using MLStyle using TupleTools include("lens.jl") include("utils.jl") include("symboltable.jl") include("stack.jl") include("Core.jl") include("vars.jl") include("instr.jl") include("dualcode.jl") include("preprocess.jl") include("variable_analysis.jl") include("compiler.jl") include("checks.jl") end # module