durban <tsp> ( cnn ) -- the road to durban is a 30-minute monthly show that explores the cities making strides in reducing their carbon footprint . beginning in the united kingdom , cnn will take viewers to urban centers in germany , turkey and kenya -- before heading to durban , south africa for the 17th session of the united nations convention on climate change ( unfcc ) in december . along the way , a team of experts will examine the planning , environmental and sustainability issues facing today 's cities , as well as the green initiatives being developed to tackle them . after durban , the show will be heading to abu dhabi in the united arab emirates to continue the journey . watch road to durban : a green city journey in august at the following times : wednesday 17 august : 0730 , 1730 saturday 20 august : 0730 , 1230 , 1830 sunday 21 august : 0430 , 1630 monday 22 august : 0330
the road to durban examines the cities making strides in reducing their carbon footprint
fbi <tsp> ( cnn ) -- the bodies of four men kidnapped from a wedding in ciudad juarez , mexico , have been found in the bed of a pickup truck in the city , municipal police said tuesday . the men , kidnapped friday , included the groom , rafael morales ; his brother , jaime morales ; and their uncle , guadalupe morales , municipal police spokesman jacinto seguro said . the fourth person 's name has not been released . all the bodies showed signs of torture , seguro said . the bodies were found monday afternoon and were identified on tuesday , he said . it 's very sad , but , well ... that seems to be the situation , ' he added . the fbi has information that rafael morales was a u.s. citizen from la mesa , new mexico , and others may be as well , said special agent andrea simmons of the el paso , texas , fbi office . the fbi offered assistance this weekend to local and federal police in mexico , simmons said , but neither has requested anything so far . the men were kidnapped after gunmen stormed into the church in the middle of the wedding ceremony on friday , chihuahua state attorney general 's office spokesman carlos gonzalez said saturday . a fifth man was fatally shot in the incident , gonzalez said . it 's unclear if this was gang- or drug-related , ' he said . ciudad juarez , chihuahua , is the most violent city in mexico , with more than 2,600 drug-related deaths in 2009 . at least 870 people have been killed in the city this year , according to local reports . according to a report released in april by the mexican government , chihuahua is the mexican state hardest hit by drug violence , with 6,757 people killed since the end of 2006 . cnn 's devon sayers contributed to this report .
dead include the groom , who was a u.s. citizen , fbi says
justice department <tsp> boston ( cnn ) hillary clinton stood with those protesting the deaths of two unarmed black males at the hands of law enforcement on thursday , telling an audience in boston that our country deserves a full and fair accounting ' of what happened . in the last two weeks , grand juries have cleared police officers in the killing of michael brown in ferguson , missouri , and eric garner in staten island , new york . the deaths have led to rising tension and protests around the country about law enforcement 's treatment of black males . at a massive gathering of 10,000 women in massachusetts , clinton said she recognized the pain and frustration ' in response to the deaths and backed federal probes that have been initiated by the justice department . i 'm very pleased that the doj will be investigating what happened in ferguson or staten island , ' clinton said . those families and those communities and our country deserve a full and fair accounting , as well as whatever substantive reforms are necessary to ensure equality , justice and respect for every citizen . ' clinton also called out the federal government for sending military-style equipment -- which clinton called weapons of war ' -- to local police forces . instead , the former secretary of state and likely 2016 presidential candidate said the united states should invest in what works ... [ not ] buy weapons of war that have no place on our streets or contribute to unnecessary force or arrests . ' earlier this week , president barack obama issued an executive order on police militarization calling for better tracking of such equipment . clinton identified with both the peaceful protestors and law enforcement during her speech . we all know there are decent , honorable , brave police officers out in our communities every single day , ' clinton said , before telling the audience the fact that african-american males are more likely to end up in prison than their white counterparts was a byproduct of an out of balance ' criminal justice system . each of us has to grapple with some hard truths about race and justice in america , ' clinton said . we have allowed our criminal justice system to get out of balance . and i personally hope that these tragedies give us the opportunity to come together as a nation to find our balance again . ' clinton last commented on ferguson in august , a few weeks after brown was shot dead by a police officer in the st. louis suburb . the former first lady told an audience of technology investors in san francisco that the united states can do better . ' this is what happens when the bonds of trust and respect that hold any community together fray , ' clinton said . nobody wants to see our streets look like a war zone , not in america . we are better than that . ' on thursday , clinton said in light of sweeping protests , people need to try even harder to see the world through our neighbors eyes . ' are n't these our sons ? are n't these our brothers ? ' clinton asked . these tragedies did not happen in some far away place . they did not happen to some other people . there are our streets , our children . ' the venue for the commentary was somewhat unique . in a hall the size of multiple football fields , 10,000 women ate lunch and listened to clinton talk at the massachusetts conference for women . outside the convention center hall a mix of corporations and shops were set up in booths to create what felt like a mix of a job fair and a mall . women shopped for make up , scarfs and jewelry as they handed out resumes and got coached on how to buff up their linkedin page . around the hall , there was excitement for clinton . many women chatted about her time on the speaking circuit and whether she would drop hints about her presidential plans on stage . bentley university president gloria larson , who founded the gathering 10 years ago , event pondered the subject from stage . do you think she might give us a few clues about her future plans today ? ' she questioned to a chorus of cheers from the crowd . clinton was not the only high-profile speaker on the stage thursday . lupita nyong'o , the award-winning actress from the film 12 years a slave , ' shared her story on overcoming her fears to become an actress . she also told the crowd she was honored for share the stage with clinton , who she described as , literally a leader among men . ' as for clinton , she declined to say whether she was running , but did reflect on the presidency when asked , calling it such a hard job ' where a support system is absolutely critical . ' it 's unclear if clinton was paid to speak at the event , though it had all the trappings of clinton 's usually paid appearances .
speaking in boston , clinton praised the justice department 's decision to review recent grand jury decisions
ines dumig <tsp> ( cnn ) editor 's note : ines dumig was recently announced as a center grant recipient . sahra , a somali refugee , left her home at 14 years old . throughout her journey in search of asylum , she managed to overcome dangers and discomforts . but she never gave up , and she continuously reminded herself to keep going . she 's the focus of ines dumig 's photo series apart together . ' dumig met sahra through a photo workshop at refugio , a shelter in munich , germany , for refugees and torture victims . what drew dumig to sahra specifically was her strength and her ability to effectively reflect on all of her experiences . it really impressed me how she deals with everything , ' dumig said . she 's strong in her way of connecting with the culture here and also reflecting on what happened , the culture where she comes from . ' the number of refugees seeking asylum in the european union increased by 25 % last year , with germany receiving the most applications . one of the reasons dumig decided to photograph sahra is because growing up in germany made dumig realize that she lived a fortunate lifestyle . another reason has to do with dumig 's interest in people 's emotions and finding one 's identity . i realized so many people want to come to europe , and i always had the feeling to disappear or to go away , ' dumig said . seeing how people live in other parts of the world made me realize how privileged i am . ' apart together ' serves not only as a documentation of sahra , but as a far-reaching story about people from all backgrounds . the title of dumig 's work refers to the fact that although people may be physically apart from one another , the comparable feelings they experience are what link all people together . sometimes we feel strong , sometimes we feel lost -- that 's kind of universal , i think , ' dumig said . that 's why i want to universalize ( sahra 's ) story as well , not only make it about her . ' the underlying themes of apart together ' include the feelings of isolation and otherness ' and the search for a valuable human dignity . social media follow @ cnnphotos on twitter to join the conversation about photography . every one of these ( refugees ) have strong stories , and in the bureaucratic system , they are just a number or a document , ' dumig said . but they are a person , they are people with emotions and lives . ' sahra is currently under the status of suspension of deportation , ' meaning german immigration officials may grant her discretionary relief from deportation . dumig describes sahra as someone living through an unresolved situation . regardless of the challenges sahra faces as a refugee in germany , she is a survivor and the embodiment of resilience , determined to establish a new life for herself . she has learned to speak german fluently , and she has started working in the nation as well . like an unsolved photographic puzzle , each photo within apart together ' provides a piece of insight into sahra 's experiences . there is no certain and clear way in which to arrange the pieces , because they are a representation of the fragmented nature of sahra 's life . many of dumig 's photos are not of sahra herself , but instead show her surroundings . this makes apart together ' rich in symbolism and challenges viewers to develop their own perceptions . the photos are powerful because of this symbolic nature , as there are infinite interpretations attached to each one . i think everyone interprets by themselves , by however way they perceive it through their own experience . that 's up to the viewer , ' dumig said . it depends on who looks at the pictures . ... everyone will see something different . ' apart together ' allowed dumig to share various special moments with sahra , and they were both able to learn from each other . it was just something we both got something out of , ' dumig said . ines dumig is a photographer based in germany .
ines dumig 's photo series apart together ' follows a somali refugee living in germany
somali <tsp> ( cnn ) editor 's note : ines dumig was recently announced as a center grant recipient . sahra , a somali refugee , left her home at 14 years old . throughout her journey in search of asylum , she managed to overcome dangers and discomforts . but she never gave up , and she continuously reminded herself to keep going . she 's the focus of ines dumig 's photo series apart together . ' dumig met sahra through a photo workshop at refugio , a shelter in munich , germany , for refugees and torture victims . what drew dumig to sahra specifically was her strength and her ability to effectively reflect on all of her experiences . it really impressed me how she deals with everything , ' dumig said . she 's strong in her way of connecting with the culture here and also reflecting on what happened , the culture where she comes from . ' the number of refugees seeking asylum in the european union increased by 25 % last year , with germany receiving the most applications . one of the reasons dumig decided to photograph sahra is because growing up in germany made dumig realize that she lived a fortunate lifestyle . another reason has to do with dumig 's interest in people 's emotions and finding one 's identity . i realized so many people want to come to europe , and i always had the feeling to disappear or to go away , ' dumig said . seeing how people live in other parts of the world made me realize how privileged i am . ' apart together ' serves not only as a documentation of sahra , but as a far-reaching story about people from all backgrounds . the title of dumig 's work refers to the fact that although people may be physically apart from one another , the comparable feelings they experience are what link all people together . sometimes we feel strong , sometimes we feel lost -- that 's kind of universal , i think , ' dumig said . that 's why i want to universalize ( sahra 's ) story as well , not only make it about her . ' the underlying themes of apart together ' include the feelings of isolation and otherness ' and the search for a valuable human dignity . social media follow @ cnnphotos on twitter to join the conversation about photography . every one of these ( refugees ) have strong stories , and in the bureaucratic system , they are just a number or a document , ' dumig said . but they are a person , they are people with emotions and lives . ' sahra is currently under the status of suspension of deportation , ' meaning german immigration officials may grant her discretionary relief from deportation . dumig describes sahra as someone living through an unresolved situation . regardless of the challenges sahra faces as a refugee in germany , she is a survivor and the embodiment of resilience , determined to establish a new life for herself . she has learned to speak german fluently , and she has started working in the nation as well . like an unsolved photographic puzzle , each photo within apart together ' provides a piece of insight into sahra 's experiences . there is no certain and clear way in which to arrange the pieces , because they are a representation of the fragmented nature of sahra 's life . many of dumig 's photos are not of sahra herself , but instead show her surroundings . this makes apart together ' rich in symbolism and challenges viewers to develop their own perceptions . the photos are powerful because of this symbolic nature , as there are infinite interpretations attached to each one . i think everyone interprets by themselves , by however way they perceive it through their own experience . that 's up to the viewer , ' dumig said . it depends on who looks at the pictures . ... everyone will see something different . ' apart together ' allowed dumig to share various special moments with sahra , and they were both able to learn from each other . it was just something we both got something out of , ' dumig said . ines dumig is a photographer based in germany .
ines dumig 's photo series apart together ' follows a somali refugee living in germany
germany <tsp> ( cnn ) editor 's note : ines dumig was recently announced as a center grant recipient . sahra , a somali refugee , left her home at 14 years old . throughout her journey in search of asylum , she managed to overcome dangers and discomforts . but she never gave up , and she continuously reminded herself to keep going . she 's the focus of ines dumig 's photo series apart together . ' dumig met sahra through a photo workshop at refugio , a shelter in munich , germany , for refugees and torture victims . what drew dumig to sahra specifically was her strength and her ability to effectively reflect on all of her experiences . it really impressed me how she deals with everything , ' dumig said . she 's strong in her way of connecting with the culture here and also reflecting on what happened , the culture where she comes from . ' the number of refugees seeking asylum in the european union increased by 25 % last year , with germany receiving the most applications . one of the reasons dumig decided to photograph sahra is because growing up in germany made dumig realize that she lived a fortunate lifestyle . another reason has to do with dumig 's interest in people 's emotions and finding one 's identity . i realized so many people want to come to europe , and i always had the feeling to disappear or to go away , ' dumig said . seeing how people live in other parts of the world made me realize how privileged i am . ' apart together ' serves not only as a documentation of sahra , but as a far-reaching story about people from all backgrounds . the title of dumig 's work refers to the fact that although people may be physically apart from one another , the comparable feelings they experience are what link all people together . sometimes we feel strong , sometimes we feel lost -- that 's kind of universal , i think , ' dumig said . that 's why i want to universalize ( sahra 's ) story as well , not only make it about her . ' the underlying themes of apart together ' include the feelings of isolation and otherness ' and the search for a valuable human dignity . social media follow @ cnnphotos on twitter to join the conversation about photography . every one of these ( refugees ) have strong stories , and in the bureaucratic system , they are just a number or a document , ' dumig said . but they are a person , they are people with emotions and lives . ' sahra is currently under the status of suspension of deportation , ' meaning german immigration officials may grant her discretionary relief from deportation . dumig describes sahra as someone living through an unresolved situation . regardless of the challenges sahra faces as a refugee in germany , she is a survivor and the embodiment of resilience , determined to establish a new life for herself . she has learned to speak german fluently , and she has started working in the nation as well . like an unsolved photographic puzzle , each photo within apart together ' provides a piece of insight into sahra 's experiences . there is no certain and clear way in which to arrange the pieces , because they are a representation of the fragmented nature of sahra 's life . many of dumig 's photos are not of sahra herself , but instead show her surroundings . this makes apart together ' rich in symbolism and challenges viewers to develop their own perceptions . the photos are powerful because of this symbolic nature , as there are infinite interpretations attached to each one . i think everyone interprets by themselves , by however way they perceive it through their own experience . that 's up to the viewer , ' dumig said . it depends on who looks at the pictures . ... everyone will see something different . ' apart together ' allowed dumig to share various special moments with sahra , and they were both able to learn from each other . it was just something we both got something out of , ' dumig said . ines dumig is a photographer based in germany .
ines dumig 's photo series apart together ' follows a somali refugee living in germany
iranian <tsp> tehran , iran ( cnn ) -- gunmen on motorcycles fired friday on a campaign office for president mahmoud ahmadinejad , wounding two adults and a child , according to a report by iran 's state-run news agency . president mahmoud ahmadinejad was not present at the time of the attack . the shooting happened about 5 p.m. in front of the entrance to the campaign office , campaign representative mohammed reza zahed shaikhi told irna . ahmadinejad , who is running for a second term in office , was not present . iran 's presidential election will take place on june 12 . the attack happened in sistan-balochistan province in southeastern iran , the same province where a shia mosque was bombed thursday . several suspects have been arrested in connection with thursday 's attack in the town of zahedan , which killed between 15 and 20 people , according to iranian media reports . no group publicly accepted responsibility for the mosque attack , but the provincial governor , ali-mohammad azad , blamed a terrorist group that he said would be unveiled to the public once the suspects have been interrogated , irna reported . zahedan is about 1,100 km ( 700 miles ) southeast of tehran , near iran 's borders with pakistan and afghanistan . sistan-balochistan province -- which shares a border with pakistan -- is the site of frequent clashes involving iranian police , drug dealers and armed groups . the province is located on a major narcotics-smuggling route between afghanistan and pakistan . azad said information on the arrested terrorist group would be unveiled to the public once interrogations were complete . the terrorists and notorious gang planned to stir order and security in the province on the eve of ( the june 12 presidential ) elections , using ongoing insecurity in our eastern neighbors , ' he said thursday . several days of mourning were reported to be under way for victims of the explosion . ayatollah ahmad khatami , a hard-line cleric who led friday prayers in tehran , said there were signs that the united states and israel were involved in the mosque bombing , irna reported . the cleric , who put the death toll at 25 , condemned the bombing before a congregation on the tehran university campus . cnn 's shirzad bozorghmehr contributed to this report .
gunmen fire on campaign office for iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad ,
carlyle group <tsp> ( cnn ) -- khaldoon khalifa al mubarak is ceo of mubadala development company . in this role , he oversees the delivery of an aggressive investment strategy , generating significant financial returns and driving sustainable economic development in the united arab emirates . mubarak at the signing of the february deal with f1 that will see abu dhabi host a formula one race in 2009 khaldoon is also chairman of the executive affairs authority of the government of abu dhabi . this specialized government agency is mandated to provide strategic policy advice to the chairman of abu dhabi 's executive council , his highness sheikh mohammed bin zayed al nahyan , the crown prince of abu dhabi . in addition , mubarak is a board member of first gulf bank and also holds positions on the boards of aldar properties , dolphin energy limited and the philanthropic emirates foundation . he is chairman of the imperial college london diabetes center , vice chairman of the supervisory board of leaseplan corporation and vice chairman of piaggio aero , the leading italian aerospace company . all of these organizations are wholly or partly owned by mubadala development company . cnn 's john defterios met mubarak in abu dhabi and began by asking him about mubadala 's recent purchase of a 7.5 percent stake in the u.s. investment firm , carlyle group for $ 1.35 billion . defterios : in the past we 've talked about a return or a double-bottom line for mubadala when you approach investments . one is a financial return , the other is a strategic return . how does carlyle fit into a double bottom-line for mubadala ? mubarak : if you look at the areas carlyle has focused on - aerospace , energy , power , infrastructure , transportation , healthcare - these are all areas you find mubadala very aggressively acting in . and the synergies that we see , the potential partnerships that can be created through this investment are endless . so it 's a very good fit for us , it 's a very good deal for mubadala and i think it 's the right step . defterios : as you know , a chinese firm took a non-voting stake in the blackstone group before its ipo , $ 3 billion but has seen that investment tumble . what makes you confident that this will play out differently for mubadala ? mubarak : we 've met with all the executives at carlyle , we 've looked at their track record . their track record speaks for itself . we 're confident in all the due diligence work we 've done , and i think this investment will pay off handsomely for us in the years to come . defterios : it 's interesting , you were in washington closing this deal , three weeks ago i see you in south east asia on a real estate development and in between you 're in manza with your f1 obligations in italy . i take it that speed is of the essence these days . you 're moving at such a rapid speed in all directions at this stage . mubarak : i 'm getting used to sleeping on planes , let me put it that way . defterios : that 's an understatement . seriously , the speed is quite impressive . mubarak : it 's been a tremendous roller coaster ride over the last couple of years , and the growth in abu dhabi , the growth in the region and the growth that mubadala has gone through is tremendous . it requires people like me , executives in this company and executives across the board to be running around and making sure we get the right deals and the right partnerships and making sure we have a sustainable growth strategy . defterios : you have a wide-ranging portfolio . if you look at it , it does n't seem to blend or come together . dolphin energy , a huge natural gas project in this region , majority holder . five percent stake in ferrari . i mean how do we know that 's not just a vanity investment for ferrari ? how does that fit in to your long term strategy ? mubarak : well ferrari has been a very exciting and interesting investment for us . again , right off the bat , it 's a financial investment , it makes a lot of sense , it provides the right returns for us . but beyond that , we created a strategic alliance with ferrari . two years later , we have a grand prix in abu dhabi . that could n't have happened without that entry point , in ferrari . dolphin is another great story for us because this was a project that seven years ago , was a dream . i remember talking to people about building a pipeline between qatar and the uae to transport gas , and people frankly looked at me and said , you 're nuts , that 's not gon na happen . ' well here we are , it 's 2007 , gas is flowing from qatar to the uae and it 's done . defterios : how do you avoid the eventual backlash here that seems to be brooding or percolating at this stage ? are there merits to the argument that this is just oil-wealth being redeployed and not a level playing field ? mubarak : mubadala now is focusing on creating a good corporate institution . it 's a totally different ball game than maybe 10 years ago or maybe 15 years ago , with the type of corporations and institutions that are now coming up in the region , and the approach they are taking in the investment strategies that they are pursuing . defterios : we are sitting in an extremely grand emirates palace hotel , a $ 3 billion structure . you have an urban plan that goes out to 2030 . what 's this going to tell us about abu dhabi in this time frame ? we do n't know much about this emirate in the last 10 years . mubarak : abu dhabi has typically been very conservative in its approach . we 've always taken a lot of care towards planning , towards strategic thinking , in any sector we are involved in . it 's a 23-year plan that looks at the growth of the city and makes sure that the growth of the city is in line with the aspirations of the government , with the aspirations of the people and in line with the type of developments that are being put forward from the real estate private sector and the industrial sector that is now growing at a pace that you do n't see in many other places . e-mail to a friend
mubadala owns stakes in dolphin energy , ferrari and the carlyle group
ferrari <tsp> ( cnn ) -- khaldoon khalifa al mubarak is ceo of mubadala development company . in this role , he oversees the delivery of an aggressive investment strategy , generating significant financial returns and driving sustainable economic development in the united arab emirates . mubarak at the signing of the february deal with f1 that will see abu dhabi host a formula one race in 2009 khaldoon is also chairman of the executive affairs authority of the government of abu dhabi . this specialized government agency is mandated to provide strategic policy advice to the chairman of abu dhabi 's executive council , his highness sheikh mohammed bin zayed al nahyan , the crown prince of abu dhabi . in addition , mubarak is a board member of first gulf bank and also holds positions on the boards of aldar properties , dolphin energy limited and the philanthropic emirates foundation . he is chairman of the imperial college london diabetes center , vice chairman of the supervisory board of leaseplan corporation and vice chairman of piaggio aero , the leading italian aerospace company . all of these organizations are wholly or partly owned by mubadala development company . cnn 's john defterios met mubarak in abu dhabi and began by asking him about mubadala 's recent purchase of a 7.5 percent stake in the u.s. investment firm , carlyle group for $ 1.35 billion . defterios : in the past we 've talked about a return or a double-bottom line for mubadala when you approach investments . one is a financial return , the other is a strategic return . how does carlyle fit into a double bottom-line for mubadala ? mubarak : if you look at the areas carlyle has focused on - aerospace , energy , power , infrastructure , transportation , healthcare - these are all areas you find mubadala very aggressively acting in . and the synergies that we see , the potential partnerships that can be created through this investment are endless . so it 's a very good fit for us , it 's a very good deal for mubadala and i think it 's the right step . defterios : as you know , a chinese firm took a non-voting stake in the blackstone group before its ipo , $ 3 billion but has seen that investment tumble . what makes you confident that this will play out differently for mubadala ? mubarak : we 've met with all the executives at carlyle , we 've looked at their track record . their track record speaks for itself . we 're confident in all the due diligence work we 've done , and i think this investment will pay off handsomely for us in the years to come . defterios : it 's interesting , you were in washington closing this deal , three weeks ago i see you in south east asia on a real estate development and in between you 're in manza with your f1 obligations in italy . i take it that speed is of the essence these days . you 're moving at such a rapid speed in all directions at this stage . mubarak : i 'm getting used to sleeping on planes , let me put it that way . defterios : that 's an understatement . seriously , the speed is quite impressive . mubarak : it 's been a tremendous roller coaster ride over the last couple of years , and the growth in abu dhabi , the growth in the region and the growth that mubadala has gone through is tremendous . it requires people like me , executives in this company and executives across the board to be running around and making sure we get the right deals and the right partnerships and making sure we have a sustainable growth strategy . defterios : you have a wide-ranging portfolio . if you look at it , it does n't seem to blend or come together . dolphin energy , a huge natural gas project in this region , majority holder . five percent stake in ferrari . i mean how do we know that 's not just a vanity investment for ferrari ? how does that fit in to your long term strategy ? mubarak : well ferrari has been a very exciting and interesting investment for us . again , right off the bat , it 's a financial investment , it makes a lot of sense , it provides the right returns for us . but beyond that , we created a strategic alliance with ferrari . two years later , we have a grand prix in abu dhabi . that could n't have happened without that entry point , in ferrari . dolphin is another great story for us because this was a project that seven years ago , was a dream . i remember talking to people about building a pipeline between qatar and the uae to transport gas , and people frankly looked at me and said , you 're nuts , that 's not gon na happen . ' well here we are , it 's 2007 , gas is flowing from qatar to the uae and it 's done . defterios : how do you avoid the eventual backlash here that seems to be brooding or percolating at this stage ? are there merits to the argument that this is just oil-wealth being redeployed and not a level playing field ? mubarak : mubadala now is focusing on creating a good corporate institution . it 's a totally different ball game than maybe 10 years ago or maybe 15 years ago , with the type of corporations and institutions that are now coming up in the region , and the approach they are taking in the investment strategies that they are pursuing . defterios : we are sitting in an extremely grand emirates palace hotel , a $ 3 billion structure . you have an urban plan that goes out to 2030 . what 's this going to tell us about abu dhabi in this time frame ? we do n't know much about this emirate in the last 10 years . mubarak : abu dhabi has typically been very conservative in its approach . we 've always taken a lot of care towards planning , towards strategic thinking , in any sector we are involved in . it 's a 23-year plan that looks at the growth of the city and makes sure that the growth of the city is in line with the aspirations of the government , with the aspirations of the people and in line with the type of developments that are being put forward from the real estate private sector and the industrial sector that is now growing at a pace that you do n't see in many other places . e-mail to a friend
mubadala owns stakes in dolphin energy , ferrari and the carlyle group
mubadala <tsp> ( cnn ) -- khaldoon khalifa al mubarak is ceo of mubadala development company . in this role , he oversees the delivery of an aggressive investment strategy , generating significant financial returns and driving sustainable economic development in the united arab emirates . mubarak at the signing of the february deal with f1 that will see abu dhabi host a formula one race in 2009 khaldoon is also chairman of the executive affairs authority of the government of abu dhabi . this specialized government agency is mandated to provide strategic policy advice to the chairman of abu dhabi 's executive council , his highness sheikh mohammed bin zayed al nahyan , the crown prince of abu dhabi . in addition , mubarak is a board member of first gulf bank and also holds positions on the boards of aldar properties , dolphin energy limited and the philanthropic emirates foundation . he is chairman of the imperial college london diabetes center , vice chairman of the supervisory board of leaseplan corporation and vice chairman of piaggio aero , the leading italian aerospace company . all of these organizations are wholly or partly owned by mubadala development company . cnn 's john defterios met mubarak in abu dhabi and began by asking him about mubadala 's recent purchase of a 7.5 percent stake in the u.s. investment firm , carlyle group for $ 1.35 billion . defterios : in the past we 've talked about a return or a double-bottom line for mubadala when you approach investments . one is a financial return , the other is a strategic return . how does carlyle fit into a double bottom-line for mubadala ? mubarak : if you look at the areas carlyle has focused on - aerospace , energy , power , infrastructure , transportation , healthcare - these are all areas you find mubadala very aggressively acting in . and the synergies that we see , the potential partnerships that can be created through this investment are endless . so it 's a very good fit for us , it 's a very good deal for mubadala and i think it 's the right step . defterios : as you know , a chinese firm took a non-voting stake in the blackstone group before its ipo , $ 3 billion but has seen that investment tumble . what makes you confident that this will play out differently for mubadala ? mubarak : we 've met with all the executives at carlyle , we 've looked at their track record . their track record speaks for itself . we 're confident in all the due diligence work we 've done , and i think this investment will pay off handsomely for us in the years to come . defterios : it 's interesting , you were in washington closing this deal , three weeks ago i see you in south east asia on a real estate development and in between you 're in manza with your f1 obligations in italy . i take it that speed is of the essence these days . you 're moving at such a rapid speed in all directions at this stage . mubarak : i 'm getting used to sleeping on planes , let me put it that way . defterios : that 's an understatement . seriously , the speed is quite impressive . mubarak : it 's been a tremendous roller coaster ride over the last couple of years , and the growth in abu dhabi , the growth in the region and the growth that mubadala has gone through is tremendous . it requires people like me , executives in this company and executives across the board to be running around and making sure we get the right deals and the right partnerships and making sure we have a sustainable growth strategy . defterios : you have a wide-ranging portfolio . if you look at it , it does n't seem to blend or come together . dolphin energy , a huge natural gas project in this region , majority holder . five percent stake in ferrari . i mean how do we know that 's not just a vanity investment for ferrari ? how does that fit in to your long term strategy ? mubarak : well ferrari has been a very exciting and interesting investment for us . again , right off the bat , it 's a financial investment , it makes a lot of sense , it provides the right returns for us . but beyond that , we created a strategic alliance with ferrari . two years later , we have a grand prix in abu dhabi . that could n't have happened without that entry point , in ferrari . dolphin is another great story for us because this was a project that seven years ago , was a dream . i remember talking to people about building a pipeline between qatar and the uae to transport gas , and people frankly looked at me and said , you 're nuts , that 's not gon na happen . ' well here we are , it 's 2007 , gas is flowing from qatar to the uae and it 's done . defterios : how do you avoid the eventual backlash here that seems to be brooding or percolating at this stage ? are there merits to the argument that this is just oil-wealth being redeployed and not a level playing field ? mubarak : mubadala now is focusing on creating a good corporate institution . it 's a totally different ball game than maybe 10 years ago or maybe 15 years ago , with the type of corporations and institutions that are now coming up in the region , and the approach they are taking in the investment strategies that they are pursuing . defterios : we are sitting in an extremely grand emirates palace hotel , a $ 3 billion structure . you have an urban plan that goes out to 2030 . what 's this going to tell us about abu dhabi in this time frame ? we do n't know much about this emirate in the last 10 years . mubarak : abu dhabi has typically been very conservative in its approach . we 've always taken a lot of care towards planning , towards strategic thinking , in any sector we are involved in . it 's a 23-year plan that looks at the growth of the city and makes sure that the growth of the city is in line with the aspirations of the government , with the aspirations of the people and in line with the type of developments that are being put forward from the real estate private sector and the industrial sector that is now growing at a pace that you do n't see in many other places . e-mail to a friend
mubadala owns stakes in dolphin energy , ferrari and the carlyle group
mubadala <tsp> ( cnn ) -- khaldoon khalifa al mubarak is ceo of mubadala development company . in this role , he oversees the delivery of an aggressive investment strategy , generating significant financial returns and driving sustainable economic development in the united arab emirates . mubarak at the signing of the february deal with f1 that will see abu dhabi host a formula one race in 2009 khaldoon is also chairman of the executive affairs authority of the government of abu dhabi . this specialized government agency is mandated to provide strategic policy advice to the chairman of abu dhabi 's executive council , his highness sheikh mohammed bin zayed al nahyan , the crown prince of abu dhabi . in addition , mubarak is a board member of first gulf bank and also holds positions on the boards of aldar properties , dolphin energy limited and the philanthropic emirates foundation . he is chairman of the imperial college london diabetes center , vice chairman of the supervisory board of leaseplan corporation and vice chairman of piaggio aero , the leading italian aerospace company . all of these organizations are wholly or partly owned by mubadala development company . cnn 's john defterios met mubarak in abu dhabi and began by asking him about mubadala 's recent purchase of a 7.5 percent stake in the u.s. investment firm , carlyle group for $ 1.35 billion . defterios : in the past we 've talked about a return or a double-bottom line for mubadala when you approach investments . one is a financial return , the other is a strategic return . how does carlyle fit into a double bottom-line for mubadala ? mubarak : if you look at the areas carlyle has focused on - aerospace , energy , power , infrastructure , transportation , healthcare - these are all areas you find mubadala very aggressively acting in . and the synergies that we see , the potential partnerships that can be created through this investment are endless . so it 's a very good fit for us , it 's a very good deal for mubadala and i think it 's the right step . defterios : as you know , a chinese firm took a non-voting stake in the blackstone group before its ipo , $ 3 billion but has seen that investment tumble . what makes you confident that this will play out differently for mubadala ? mubarak : we 've met with all the executives at carlyle , we 've looked at their track record . their track record speaks for itself . we 're confident in all the due diligence work we 've done , and i think this investment will pay off handsomely for us in the years to come . defterios : it 's interesting , you were in washington closing this deal , three weeks ago i see you in south east asia on a real estate development and in between you 're in manza with your f1 obligations in italy . i take it that speed is of the essence these days . you 're moving at such a rapid speed in all directions at this stage . mubarak : i 'm getting used to sleeping on planes , let me put it that way . defterios : that 's an understatement . seriously , the speed is quite impressive . mubarak : it 's been a tremendous roller coaster ride over the last couple of years , and the growth in abu dhabi , the growth in the region and the growth that mubadala has gone through is tremendous . it requires people like me , executives in this company and executives across the board to be running around and making sure we get the right deals and the right partnerships and making sure we have a sustainable growth strategy . defterios : you have a wide-ranging portfolio . if you look at it , it does n't seem to blend or come together . dolphin energy , a huge natural gas project in this region , majority holder . five percent stake in ferrari . i mean how do we know that 's not just a vanity investment for ferrari ? how does that fit in to your long term strategy ? mubarak : well ferrari has been a very exciting and interesting investment for us . again , right off the bat , it 's a financial investment , it makes a lot of sense , it provides the right returns for us . but beyond that , we created a strategic alliance with ferrari . two years later , we have a grand prix in abu dhabi . that could n't have happened without that entry point , in ferrari . dolphin is another great story for us because this was a project that seven years ago , was a dream . i remember talking to people about building a pipeline between qatar and the uae to transport gas , and people frankly looked at me and said , you 're nuts , that 's not gon na happen . ' well here we are , it 's 2007 , gas is flowing from qatar to the uae and it 's done . defterios : how do you avoid the eventual backlash here that seems to be brooding or percolating at this stage ? are there merits to the argument that this is just oil-wealth being redeployed and not a level playing field ? mubarak : mubadala now is focusing on creating a good corporate institution . it 's a totally different ball game than maybe 10 years ago or maybe 15 years ago , with the type of corporations and institutions that are now coming up in the region , and the approach they are taking in the investment strategies that they are pursuing . defterios : we are sitting in an extremely grand emirates palace hotel , a $ 3 billion structure . you have an urban plan that goes out to 2030 . what 's this going to tell us about abu dhabi in this time frame ? we do n't know much about this emirate in the last 10 years . mubarak : abu dhabi has typically been very conservative in its approach . we 've always taken a lot of care towards planning , towards strategic thinking , in any sector we are involved in . it 's a 23-year plan that looks at the growth of the city and makes sure that the growth of the city is in line with the aspirations of the government , with the aspirations of the people and in line with the type of developments that are being put forward from the real estate private sector and the industrial sector that is now growing at a pace that you do n't see in many other places . e-mail to a friend
khaldoon mubarak is the 32-year old ceo of mubadala development company
grow <tsp> ( cnn ) despite a shared passion for food , we come from very different backgrounds . to look at us , you might not think we have much in common ; one of us is a veteran marine from new orleans , the other a tattooed new yorker with mexican roots . but together these different perspectives strengthen our shared work both as chefs and as advocates . that 's why last summer , when we were offered a chance to join the international relief and development organization oxfam on a trip to haiti as part of its grow campaign , we jumped at the opportunity . grow is oxfam 's global campaign to shift how our food is grown , sold and distributed by promoting smarter investment in sustainable agriculture models that will ensure everyone has enough to eat now and in the future . oxfam invited us to haiti to meet some of the haitian farmers and chefs who are planting seeds of hope in a country that has faced more obstacles than any community should rightly be expected to overcome . oxfam hoped we could learn about the inspiring work being done in haiti and share our own experience with sustainable food systems . you do n't often hear stories of hope from haiti . in the rare moments when news from the country makes its way to the united states , it 's almost always about crisis . the challenges haiti faces were obvious when we visited one of the largest remaining camps for people who are still -- five years later -- displaced as a result of earthquakes that devastated the country in 2010 . extreme levels of poverty and hunger and a lack of economic opportunity are all ongoing and serious issues . but during our short visit , we saw a different haiti . almost everywhere we went , we met problem-solvers who were innovative , creative and full of hope . they are working to build a stronger haiti that can prosper and thrive . oxfam is working in haiti to empower farmers with tools and sustainable models of production that will help them build thriving farms and businesses that feed their communities . it also advocates for changes to policies that make it more difficult for haitian farmers to thrive . we saw the inspiration in the eyes of women farmers who were beginning to chart their own course for the first time , reaping the benefits from the system of rice intensification , a groundbreaking way to grow rice that improves the quality of harvests and yields more rice while using less water , fertilizer , and other expensive inputs . we felt the ingenuity of the lush urban gardens that seemed to have sprouted up from nowhere in places previously destroyed by the earthquake . we cooked jambalaya with produce bought from those gritty urban farmers , most of whom had lost spouses , siblings or parents in the earthquake . the gardens offer the prospect of a new way to earn a living -- growing fresh , healthy food for their community . we tasted the hope in the delicious meals we shared with young chefs who had just graduated from haiti 's ecole hoteliere -- their ambition and optimism the same as any chef you 'd meet in new york or new orleans or paris . we cooked for them and ate the local dishes they prepared . their food showcased a rich culinary tradition comparable to any food capital in the world . we danced and sang late into the night at the carnaval des fleurs until our ears rang and our throats were hoarse . the innovation , ingenuity and hope we saw can create the foundations of a haiti known for its food , culture and beauty rather than its poverty . this was the constant theme we heard throughout our trip . together , haitian people can lift themselves up and build a better future for their country . ( find out more at www.oxfamamerica.org/grow . )
grow is working to create sustainable agriculture models to ensure quality and quantity of future food supplies
grow <tsp> ( cnn ) despite a shared passion for food , we come from very different backgrounds . to look at us , you might not think we have much in common ; one of us is a veteran marine from new orleans , the other a tattooed new yorker with mexican roots . but together these different perspectives strengthen our shared work both as chefs and as advocates . that 's why last summer , when we were offered a chance to join the international relief and development organization oxfam on a trip to haiti as part of its grow campaign , we jumped at the opportunity . grow is oxfam 's global campaign to shift how our food is grown , sold and distributed by promoting smarter investment in sustainable agriculture models that will ensure everyone has enough to eat now and in the future . oxfam invited us to haiti to meet some of the haitian farmers and chefs who are planting seeds of hope in a country that has faced more obstacles than any community should rightly be expected to overcome . oxfam hoped we could learn about the inspiring work being done in haiti and share our own experience with sustainable food systems . you do n't often hear stories of hope from haiti . in the rare moments when news from the country makes its way to the united states , it 's almost always about crisis . the challenges haiti faces were obvious when we visited one of the largest remaining camps for people who are still -- five years later -- displaced as a result of earthquakes that devastated the country in 2010 . extreme levels of poverty and hunger and a lack of economic opportunity are all ongoing and serious issues . but during our short visit , we saw a different haiti . almost everywhere we went , we met problem-solvers who were innovative , creative and full of hope . they are working to build a stronger haiti that can prosper and thrive . oxfam is working in haiti to empower farmers with tools and sustainable models of production that will help them build thriving farms and businesses that feed their communities . it also advocates for changes to policies that make it more difficult for haitian farmers to thrive . we saw the inspiration in the eyes of women farmers who were beginning to chart their own course for the first time , reaping the benefits from the system of rice intensification , a groundbreaking way to grow rice that improves the quality of harvests and yields more rice while using less water , fertilizer , and other expensive inputs . we felt the ingenuity of the lush urban gardens that seemed to have sprouted up from nowhere in places previously destroyed by the earthquake . we cooked jambalaya with produce bought from those gritty urban farmers , most of whom had lost spouses , siblings or parents in the earthquake . the gardens offer the prospect of a new way to earn a living -- growing fresh , healthy food for their community . we tasted the hope in the delicious meals we shared with young chefs who had just graduated from haiti 's ecole hoteliere -- their ambition and optimism the same as any chef you 'd meet in new york or new orleans or paris . we cooked for them and ate the local dishes they prepared . their food showcased a rich culinary tradition comparable to any food capital in the world . we danced and sang late into the night at the carnaval des fleurs until our ears rang and our throats were hoarse . the innovation , ingenuity and hope we saw can create the foundations of a haiti known for its food , culture and beauty rather than its poverty . this was the constant theme we heard throughout our trip . together , haitian people can lift themselves up and build a better future for their country . ( find out more at www.oxfamamerica.org/grow . )
chefs john besh and aaron sanchez traveled to haiti as part of oxfam 's grow campaign
ohio <tsp> new york ( cnn ) -- cold air swinging south from canada left residents from north dakota to new york contending with severe weather that proved deadly in some areas . those people who work outside have to be careful , ' cnn meteorologist chad myers said wednesday . authorities say exposure to sub-freezing temperatures left at least three people dead in wisconsin , minnesota and illinois . the coldest air so far is in northwestern quebec , where temperatures plummeted to 45 degrees below zero fahrenheit in the city of rouyn , according to forecasters . we feel the wind chill , and so do pets . you need to find some place indoors and out of the wind for them , ' myers said . in the northern maine town of presque isle , temperatures hung around 24 below . and in grand forks , north dakota , residents bundled up to stave off a potentially deadly wind chill that hovered even lower -- around 33 below . the biggest thing is staying out of the wind . that 's what kills you , ' said michael lannen , who works at a menards hardware store in grand forks . it seems we get one of these kinds of weeks every year , so everyone is just trying to bundle up and stay indoors . ' share your cold weather stories , videos and images ireport : cold wisconsin ! in ohio , the state highway patrol closed interstate 90 in lake county near cleveland after white-out conditions contributed to accidents in the area . forecasters also predicted possible ice accumulations thursday into friday , leaving areas as far south as georgia under a winter weather watch . cnn ireporters sought to demonstrate the effects of the weather by tossing boiling water into the air and watching as the mist particles froze midair . in new york and new jersey , homes destroyed by superstorm sandy in places such as new dorp , staten island , and far rockaway , queens , still lack basic utilities needed to restore heat . but the cold weather may have been good news for those who sell hot coffee . on days like this , coffee sells . bagels do n't , ' said sami akramia , a 41-year-old food cart worker bundled up in midtown manhattan as the temperature dropped to 4 degrees . national weather service forecasters say they expect the cold weather to last throughout the week . environmentalists hope for action from obama
in ohio , police close highway after white-out conditions contributed to accidents
michelle obama <tsp> washington ( cnn ) -- michelle obama has n't given any indication that she 'll run for political office , but sen. mark kirk is suggesting otherwise . the illinois republican sent a fund-raising letter to supporters referring to the press and rumor mills ' that obama may run for kirk 's senate seat in 2016 . the letter was first reported by the chicago-sun times and confirmed by kirk 's office . kirk even compares obama 's potential run to speculation in 1999 over whether then-first lady hillary clinton would run for the senate . she eventually did . so is kirk looking for supporters to connect the dots ? kirk also writes in the letter that he is not one to believe rumors or engage in political gossip , ' but he takes all potential threats seriously . ' help me fend off a challenge from a democratic opponent who will be backed by the national democrat party as well as the home state political operation of the president , ' kirk writes . capping off the letter , kirk asks his supporters to open their wallets and drop $ 25 to $ 1,000 to help him stave off those types of threats . ' the first lady 's office declined to comment on the fund-raising appeal . while the rumor mill ' has been active for some time , obama has explicitly said she has no plans for elected office . asked by abc 's robin roberts whether her next move will be political , obama said , no , it will not be political , ' and went on to say her next role will be mission-based ' and service-focused . ' white house senior adviser valerie jarrett , a close friend of the obamas , flat out rejected the suggestion that obama would ever run for political office . no . i 'm absolutely 100 percent positive that will never happen , ' jarrett said on nbc 's meet the press ' in june . that came less than a month after president barack obama himself said there was no chance . one thing i can promise you is that michelle will not run for office , ' obama said in an interview with abc in may . first lady to campaign for democrat in tight iowa senate race michelle obama hits the campaign trail
but even the president has said there 's no chance michelle obama will ever run for office
al shabaab <tsp> ( cnn ) -- a spokesman for somalia 's islamic party , a militant group in the horn of african nation , has confirmed that the group has merged with the brutal and more hard-line group of al shabaab . the spokesman , mohamed osman arus , told the local media in a news conference that his group has essentially been absorbed by al shabaab . we , the islamic party , have decided to join al shabaab both militarily and principally and the reason is , we want to combine our force and fight against the forces of the transitional government and those of the african union , ' said arus . arus said the group 's leader , sheikh hassan dahir aweys , who is on u.n. terror watch list , is among those to have joined al shabaab and there will be no islamic party structure any longer . members from al shabaab are seen to be taking control of all positions previously held by the islamic party both in and around mogadishu , according to residents in the capital . al shabaab and hiz bul islam , as the islamic party is locally known , have fought bitterly in some parts of southern somalia . the two groups have struggled for control of the lucrative port city of kismayo . in all the cycles of fighting , it was the islamic party or hiz bul islam who lost , according to observers . journalist mohamed amiin adow contributed to this report
militant party says it is joining with al shabaab
al shabaab <tsp> ( cnn ) -- a spokesman for somalia 's islamic party , a militant group in the horn of african nation , has confirmed that the group has merged with the brutal and more hard-line group of al shabaab . the spokesman , mohamed osman arus , told the local media in a news conference that his group has essentially been absorbed by al shabaab . we , the islamic party , have decided to join al shabaab both militarily and principally and the reason is , we want to combine our force and fight against the forces of the transitional government and those of the african union , ' said arus . arus said the group 's leader , sheikh hassan dahir aweys , who is on u.n. terror watch list , is among those to have joined al shabaab and there will be no islamic party structure any longer . members from al shabaab are seen to be taking control of all positions previously held by the islamic party both in and around mogadishu , according to residents in the capital . al shabaab and hiz bul islam , as the islamic party is locally known , have fought bitterly in some parts of southern somalia . the two groups have struggled for control of the lucrative port city of kismayo . in all the cycles of fighting , it was the islamic party or hiz bul islam who lost , according to observers . journalist mohamed amiin adow contributed to this report
the party had been on the losing side in struggles with al shabaab
yair anthony carillo <tsp> ( cnn ) -- a newborn infant , who was abducted tuesday from his home in tennessee , has been found alive in alabama , according to authorities . yair anthony carillo is reported to be in good health since being recovered . yair anthony carillo was found friday night in a home in ardmore after an intensive three-day search , said mark gwyn , director of the tennessee bureau of investigation . tammy renee silas , 39 , was taken into custody for allegedly stabbing maria gurrolla at her nashville home and then stealing the baby just four days after he was born . gurrolla told police a woman posing as an immigration worker attacked her and took carillo . a break in the case came when investigators were able to track down a kia spectra that was photographed in a wal-mart parking lot shortly before the attack . authorities determined that silas rented the vehicle from the nashville airport , gwyn said . my harrison , of the fbi 's memphis office , praised all of the investigators who worked on the case . we reunited a family , ' she said . it does n't always turn out this way . ' there is no word on a possible motive or what charges silas will face . carillo , who is reported in good health , will be reunited with his family after a routine medical examination , harrison said .
yair anthony carillo found safe after being abducted days after birth , authorities say
tammy renee silas <tsp> ( cnn ) -- a newborn infant , who was abducted tuesday from his home in tennessee , has been found alive in alabama , according to authorities . yair anthony carillo is reported to be in good health since being recovered . yair anthony carillo was found friday night in a home in ardmore after an intensive three-day search , said mark gwyn , director of the tennessee bureau of investigation . tammy renee silas , 39 , was taken into custody for allegedly stabbing maria gurrolla at her nashville home and then stealing the baby just four days after he was born . gurrolla told police a woman posing as an immigration worker attacked her and took carillo . a break in the case came when investigators were able to track down a kia spectra that was photographed in a wal-mart parking lot shortly before the attack . authorities determined that silas rented the vehicle from the nashville airport , gwyn said . my harrison , of the fbi 's memphis office , praised all of the investigators who worked on the case . we reunited a family , ' she said . it does n't always turn out this way . ' there is no word on a possible motive or what charges silas will face . carillo , who is reported in good health , will be reunited with his family after a routine medical examination , harrison said .
tammy renee silas taken into custody ; no word on possible motive
republican <tsp> ( cnn ) -- sen. mitch mcconnell trounced his tea party-backed opponent in kentucky 's republican primary , leading a quartet of establishment gop candidates to victories around the country tuesday . after an expensive and bitter campaign , the senate minority leader led defeated challenger matt bevin 60 % -36 % , with 97 % of precincts reporting , according to numbers compiled by the associated press . in addition to kentucky , more moderate candidates won in republican senate primaries in georgia and oregon and in a house showdown in idaho . and the results in kentucky , georgia and oregon could improve the gop 's chances of taking back control of the senate come november 's midterm elections . democrats hold a 55-45 voting majority in the senate . they 're defending 21 of the 36 seats in play , half of them in republican-leaning states or states where the two parties have similar levels of support . the only states where the democrats hope to play offense are kentucky and georgia . if the gop flips six democratic held seats , they will win control of the senate and mcconnell will get a promotion from minority leader to majority leader . we can take the reins of power away from harry reid and make this president accountable , ' mcconnell said in his victory speech . make me the majority leader , and kentucky will lead america . ' how mcconnell crushed the tea party here are rundowns in the other state races : georgia : republican businessman david perdue will face rep. jack kingston in a runoff in july . perdue got 30 % of the vote ; kingston received 27 % , according to numbers complied by the associated press . perdue and kingston beat out a trio of more conservative candidates in the gop primary . among democrats , michelle nunn easily won in her bid to follow in the footsteps of her father , longtime sen. sam nunn . oregon : sen. jeff merkley easily won the democratic primary , and pediatric neurosurgeon monica wehby is the projected winner of the gop senate primary , topping a more conservative rival . idaho : rep. mike simpson won the gop primary in the state 's 2nd congressional district , defeating tea party candidate bryan smith . 5 key primaries to watch tuesday ugly and expensive race bevin , a businessman from louisville , announced last summer he would challenge mcconnell . he quickly gained the support of tea party activists and some influential washington-based anti-establishment groups . the race between the two men quickly turned ugly , and expensive , as both campaigns and outside groups spent big bucks . the senate conservatives fund dished out $ 1 million to support bevin . but the group recently fell quiet with mcconnell 's formidable lead in public opinion polls . mcconnell had a large campaign war chest , as well as backing from two kentucky-based super pacs , and such powerful national groups as the u.s. chamber of commerce and the national rifle association . calls for unity soon after the race in kentucky was called for mcconnell , two of the groups backing bevin -- the senate conservatives fund and the madison project -- closed ranks behind the senate minority leader . now it 's time for republicans to unite for victory in november , ' said a statement from the senate conservatives fund . mcconnell now faces a much tougher test against kentucky secretary of state alison lundergan grimes . grimes , considered a rising democratic star , faced no real opposition in her primary and already has had big names -- such as former president bill clinton -- team up with her on the campaign trail . grimes connected to big donors , big hitters speaking to supporters who held up signs that read obama needs alison grimes ' and kentucky needs mitch mcconnell , ' mcconnell previewed his primary election theme : tying his opponent to president obama , who lost kentucky big in 2012 and is highly unpopular there now . my opponent is in this race because barack obama and harry reid want her to be in this race , ' said mcconnell , adding that a vote for my opponent is a vote for obamacare and the president who sold it to us on a mountain of lies . ' the pro-mcconnell outside group kentuckians for strong leadership said they would spend nearly $ 600,000 starting wednesday to run a television commercial that ties grimes to obama . grimes , who spoke at her victory celebration just minutes after mcconnell 's speech ended , fired back . i 'm here to tell you tonight , my fellow kentuckians , i am not an empty dress , i am not a rubber stamp and i am not a cheerleader . i am a strong kentucky woman who is an independent thinker who , when i 'm kentucky 's next senator , the decisions i make will be what 's best for the people of the commonwealth of kentucky , not partisan interests , ' grimes declared . she 's expected to use mcconnell 's gop leader status and his frequent moves to block legislation to make him the symbol of gridlock in washington . the most recent polling indicates the two candidates are all tied up . when all 's said and done , the race could become the most expensive senate campaign in history , breaking the $ 82 million record set in the 2012 senate battle in massachusetts . key races to watch cnn 's steve brusk , dana davidsen and holly yan contributed to this report .
republican sen. mitch mcconnell faces democrat alison lundergan grimes
senate <tsp> ( cnn ) -- sen. mitch mcconnell trounced his tea party-backed opponent in kentucky 's republican primary , leading a quartet of establishment gop candidates to victories around the country tuesday . after an expensive and bitter campaign , the senate minority leader led defeated challenger matt bevin 60 % -36 % , with 97 % of precincts reporting , according to numbers compiled by the associated press . in addition to kentucky , more moderate candidates won in republican senate primaries in georgia and oregon and in a house showdown in idaho . and the results in kentucky , georgia and oregon could improve the gop 's chances of taking back control of the senate come november 's midterm elections . democrats hold a 55-45 voting majority in the senate . they 're defending 21 of the 36 seats in play , half of them in republican-leaning states or states where the two parties have similar levels of support . the only states where the democrats hope to play offense are kentucky and georgia . if the gop flips six democratic held seats , they will win control of the senate and mcconnell will get a promotion from minority leader to majority leader . we can take the reins of power away from harry reid and make this president accountable , ' mcconnell said in his victory speech . make me the majority leader , and kentucky will lead america . ' how mcconnell crushed the tea party here are rundowns in the other state races : georgia : republican businessman david perdue will face rep. jack kingston in a runoff in july . perdue got 30 % of the vote ; kingston received 27 % , according to numbers complied by the associated press . perdue and kingston beat out a trio of more conservative candidates in the gop primary . among democrats , michelle nunn easily won in her bid to follow in the footsteps of her father , longtime sen. sam nunn . oregon : sen. jeff merkley easily won the democratic primary , and pediatric neurosurgeon monica wehby is the projected winner of the gop senate primary , topping a more conservative rival . idaho : rep. mike simpson won the gop primary in the state 's 2nd congressional district , defeating tea party candidate bryan smith . 5 key primaries to watch tuesday ugly and expensive race bevin , a businessman from louisville , announced last summer he would challenge mcconnell . he quickly gained the support of tea party activists and some influential washington-based anti-establishment groups . the race between the two men quickly turned ugly , and expensive , as both campaigns and outside groups spent big bucks . the senate conservatives fund dished out $ 1 million to support bevin . but the group recently fell quiet with mcconnell 's formidable lead in public opinion polls . mcconnell had a large campaign war chest , as well as backing from two kentucky-based super pacs , and such powerful national groups as the u.s. chamber of commerce and the national rifle association . calls for unity soon after the race in kentucky was called for mcconnell , two of the groups backing bevin -- the senate conservatives fund and the madison project -- closed ranks behind the senate minority leader . now it 's time for republicans to unite for victory in november , ' said a statement from the senate conservatives fund . mcconnell now faces a much tougher test against kentucky secretary of state alison lundergan grimes . grimes , considered a rising democratic star , faced no real opposition in her primary and already has had big names -- such as former president bill clinton -- team up with her on the campaign trail . grimes connected to big donors , big hitters speaking to supporters who held up signs that read obama needs alison grimes ' and kentucky needs mitch mcconnell , ' mcconnell previewed his primary election theme : tying his opponent to president obama , who lost kentucky big in 2012 and is highly unpopular there now . my opponent is in this race because barack obama and harry reid want her to be in this race , ' said mcconnell , adding that a vote for my opponent is a vote for obamacare and the president who sold it to us on a mountain of lies . ' the pro-mcconnell outside group kentuckians for strong leadership said they would spend nearly $ 600,000 starting wednesday to run a television commercial that ties grimes to obama . grimes , who spoke at her victory celebration just minutes after mcconnell 's speech ended , fired back . i 'm here to tell you tonight , my fellow kentuckians , i am not an empty dress , i am not a rubber stamp and i am not a cheerleader . i am a strong kentucky woman who is an independent thinker who , when i 'm kentucky 's next senator , the decisions i make will be what 's best for the people of the commonwealth of kentucky , not partisan interests , ' grimes declared . she 's expected to use mcconnell 's gop leader status and his frequent moves to block legislation to make him the symbol of gridlock in washington . the most recent polling indicates the two candidates are all tied up . when all 's said and done , the race could become the most expensive senate campaign in history , breaking the $ 82 million record set in the 2012 senate battle in massachusetts . key races to watch cnn 's steve brusk , dana davidsen and holly yan contributed to this report .
in oregon , sen. jeff merkley , dr. monica wehby win democratic , gop senate primaries
senate <tsp> ( cnn ) -- sen. mitch mcconnell trounced his tea party-backed opponent in kentucky 's republican primary , leading a quartet of establishment gop candidates to victories around the country tuesday . after an expensive and bitter campaign , the senate minority leader led defeated challenger matt bevin 60 % -36 % , with 97 % of precincts reporting , according to numbers compiled by the associated press . in addition to kentucky , more moderate candidates won in republican senate primaries in georgia and oregon and in a house showdown in idaho . and the results in kentucky , georgia and oregon could improve the gop 's chances of taking back control of the senate come november 's midterm elections . democrats hold a 55-45 voting majority in the senate . they 're defending 21 of the 36 seats in play , half of them in republican-leaning states or states where the two parties have similar levels of support . the only states where the democrats hope to play offense are kentucky and georgia . if the gop flips six democratic held seats , they will win control of the senate and mcconnell will get a promotion from minority leader to majority leader . we can take the reins of power away from harry reid and make this president accountable , ' mcconnell said in his victory speech . make me the majority leader , and kentucky will lead america . ' how mcconnell crushed the tea party here are rundowns in the other state races : georgia : republican businessman david perdue will face rep. jack kingston in a runoff in july . perdue got 30 % of the vote ; kingston received 27 % , according to numbers complied by the associated press . perdue and kingston beat out a trio of more conservative candidates in the gop primary . among democrats , michelle nunn easily won in her bid to follow in the footsteps of her father , longtime sen. sam nunn . oregon : sen. jeff merkley easily won the democratic primary , and pediatric neurosurgeon monica wehby is the projected winner of the gop senate primary , topping a more conservative rival . idaho : rep. mike simpson won the gop primary in the state 's 2nd congressional district , defeating tea party candidate bryan smith . 5 key primaries to watch tuesday ugly and expensive race bevin , a businessman from louisville , announced last summer he would challenge mcconnell . he quickly gained the support of tea party activists and some influential washington-based anti-establishment groups . the race between the two men quickly turned ugly , and expensive , as both campaigns and outside groups spent big bucks . the senate conservatives fund dished out $ 1 million to support bevin . but the group recently fell quiet with mcconnell 's formidable lead in public opinion polls . mcconnell had a large campaign war chest , as well as backing from two kentucky-based super pacs , and such powerful national groups as the u.s. chamber of commerce and the national rifle association . calls for unity soon after the race in kentucky was called for mcconnell , two of the groups backing bevin -- the senate conservatives fund and the madison project -- closed ranks behind the senate minority leader . now it 's time for republicans to unite for victory in november , ' said a statement from the senate conservatives fund . mcconnell now faces a much tougher test against kentucky secretary of state alison lundergan grimes . grimes , considered a rising democratic star , faced no real opposition in her primary and already has had big names -- such as former president bill clinton -- team up with her on the campaign trail . grimes connected to big donors , big hitters speaking to supporters who held up signs that read obama needs alison grimes ' and kentucky needs mitch mcconnell , ' mcconnell previewed his primary election theme : tying his opponent to president obama , who lost kentucky big in 2012 and is highly unpopular there now . my opponent is in this race because barack obama and harry reid want her to be in this race , ' said mcconnell , adding that a vote for my opponent is a vote for obamacare and the president who sold it to us on a mountain of lies . ' the pro-mcconnell outside group kentuckians for strong leadership said they would spend nearly $ 600,000 starting wednesday to run a television commercial that ties grimes to obama . grimes , who spoke at her victory celebration just minutes after mcconnell 's speech ended , fired back . i 'm here to tell you tonight , my fellow kentuckians , i am not an empty dress , i am not a rubber stamp and i am not a cheerleader . i am a strong kentucky woman who is an independent thinker who , when i 'm kentucky 's next senator , the decisions i make will be what 's best for the people of the commonwealth of kentucky , not partisan interests , ' grimes declared . she 's expected to use mcconnell 's gop leader status and his frequent moves to block legislation to make him the symbol of gridlock in washington . the most recent polling indicates the two candidates are all tied up . when all 's said and done , the race could become the most expensive senate campaign in history , breaking the $ 82 million record set in the 2012 senate battle in massachusetts . key races to watch cnn 's steve brusk , dana davidsen and holly yan contributed to this report .
david perdue and jack kingston will have a runoff in georgia 's gop senate primary
africa <tsp> ( cnn ) -- botswana has been hailed as one of africa 's success stories and a beacon for democracy on the continent . it 's home to africa 's longest continuous multi-party democracy and has remained politically stable since gaining independence in 1966 . president ian khama took office in april 2008 promising steady progress . at its helm is president ian khama , the country 's former vice president and son of botswana 's founding president . the diamond trade and disciplined government have helped to transform botswana from one of the world 's poorest nations to a middle-income country . but there are still large problem facing the country , including the world 's second high level of hiv infections , according to the world bank , and a slowing of the countries economic growth . the 56-year-old khama took over office in april 2008 , succeeding festus mogae who had been in power for 10 years , promising no radical departure from his predecessor 's policies . khama was born in southern england and trained at the uk 's sandhurst military academy before returning to botswana and later becoming the commander of the botswana defence force . he left the military in 1998 to take up the position of vice president . as the son of botswana 's most popular former president , political analysts inside the country have expected khama to unite the factions in the ruling botswana democratic party ( bdp ) and continue steady economic and political progress . while khama has only been in power for 11 months , there has been some criticism that his style is too authoritarian . citing afrobarometer , an independent research group , botswana 's newspaper sunday standard recently wrote that there was a growing public perception that khama has issued more directives compared to his predecessors . one area in which he has taken a definite line is on his policy towards neighboring zimbabwe , publicly opposing the government of president robert mugabe and declaring it illegitimate . a general election is set for october 2009 , with the bdp expected to win . no other political party has held power in botswana and some commentators fear the emergence of a political dynasty that would affect botswana 's democracy .
botswana is one of africa 's success stories although hiv and aids are rife
north korean <tsp> seoul , south korea ( cnn ) -- the unflinching account from a defector revealed how he picked corn kernels out of cow manure to eat as he competed with his family for food at one of north korea 's notorious prison camps . he was also forced to watch his mother 's hanging and his brother 's execution . he was born in a total control zone ' where prison authorities wield complete power , where guards beat children to death with no hesitation . a memoir detailing shin dong-hyuk 's life , escape from camp 14 ' hit the bookshelves in south korea this month . the original english version published in march last year . shin , 30 , is the only man known to have been born and to escape from a north korean prison known as camp 14 . his account put a human face on the abuses in north korean prison camps , a brutal system which has survived twice as long as stalin 's soviet gulags and much longer than the nazi concentration camps . the existence of prison camps in the north should be known to the people around the world , ' shin said . there are some people born and raised as an animal in north korea . i have to explain that to everyone . ' defectors describe horror , heartbreak in north korea 's labor camps the hope in writing the book was to raise awareness about conditions inside north korea , said blaine harden , the author of escape from camp 14 : one man 's remarkable odyssey from north korea to freedom in the west . ' its impact was unanticipated , said harden , when the pair spoke at the asan institute last week in seoul . in march , the united nations human rights council in geneva agreed to examine what it called grave , widespread and systematic ' violations of human rights in north korea , including the use of prison camps . while the book was not the sole reason , u.n. high commissioner for human rights navi pillay met with shin and another north korean prison camp survivor in december the members of the commission were appointed this week . the three members will look into issues including disappearances , abductions , the control of food and use of torture in the isolated nation . the commission will give an update on its findings in september followed by a final report by march . north korea has denied human right abuses , saying that its citizens are happy with pride and honor ' and that the nation has one of the best systems for promotion and protection of human rights in the world . ' the book 's impact ' escape from camp 14 ' has been translated into 24 languages and there are plans to adopt the book into a film . shin has bared the scars from his 23 years in captivity north korea -- such as burn marks on his back and his missing finger tip -- in several interviews with journalists . his story has been carried by media outlets worldwide . i 'm grateful for people who are paying attention to the north korean human rights situation , ' shin said . it seems like they 're more interested in my personal situation . i do not want that . ' shin , a slim man with wide plastic-rimmed glasses , appeared accustomed to the various questions from the audience members and journalists . i think the most challenging thing still today is the past heartbroken story should be explained over and over again , ' shin said . and personally , i want to escape my past . i physically escaped north korea , but still my mind , my memories live there . but i know there is serious cause behind my doing this kind of these sessions and explaining these things . ' he spoke of a 2008 visit to the holocaust museum in washington , d.c. where he saw a photograph of the auschwitz prison camp in 1944 . the single photo resonated with him as an outcry from the prison camp ' that pressed the world for help . the world did n't pay attention to this single photograph . six million people had to suffer . it was shocking to me , ' he said . it inspired him to speak about the north korean camps . the evidence of the north korean prisons are overwhelming as more than 60 people have given detailed , consistent accounts , harden said . shin 's story , these heartbreaking narratives , are a kind of abuse that europe said ,'never again ,'to . yet , it 's going on this morning , not 250 miles from where we sit , ' harden said from the auditorium in seoul . shin 's testimony has brought new insights into the secretive camps , he added . for example , the concept of reward marriages ' was unknown until shin told his story . these are the rewards dispensed by prison guards , who allow a male and female prisoner to have sex . shin was a product of a reward marriage in the prison camp . the reward marriage works as an incentive for prisoners , shin said . shin 's testimony has encouraged the world to grapple with the suffering , ' rather than just lampoon north korea as a punchline , harden said .
shin is only man known to have been born and escape from a north korean prison
north korean <tsp> seoul , south korea ( cnn ) -- the unflinching account from a defector revealed how he picked corn kernels out of cow manure to eat as he competed with his family for food at one of north korea 's notorious prison camps . he was also forced to watch his mother 's hanging and his brother 's execution . he was born in a total control zone ' where prison authorities wield complete power , where guards beat children to death with no hesitation . a memoir detailing shin dong-hyuk 's life , escape from camp 14 ' hit the bookshelves in south korea this month . the original english version published in march last year . shin , 30 , is the only man known to have been born and to escape from a north korean prison known as camp 14 . his account put a human face on the abuses in north korean prison camps , a brutal system which has survived twice as long as stalin 's soviet gulags and much longer than the nazi concentration camps . the existence of prison camps in the north should be known to the people around the world , ' shin said . there are some people born and raised as an animal in north korea . i have to explain that to everyone . ' defectors describe horror , heartbreak in north korea 's labor camps the hope in writing the book was to raise awareness about conditions inside north korea , said blaine harden , the author of escape from camp 14 : one man 's remarkable odyssey from north korea to freedom in the west . ' its impact was unanticipated , said harden , when the pair spoke at the asan institute last week in seoul . in march , the united nations human rights council in geneva agreed to examine what it called grave , widespread and systematic ' violations of human rights in north korea , including the use of prison camps . while the book was not the sole reason , u.n. high commissioner for human rights navi pillay met with shin and another north korean prison camp survivor in december the members of the commission were appointed this week . the three members will look into issues including disappearances , abductions , the control of food and use of torture in the isolated nation . the commission will give an update on its findings in september followed by a final report by march . north korea has denied human right abuses , saying that its citizens are happy with pride and honor ' and that the nation has one of the best systems for promotion and protection of human rights in the world . ' the book 's impact ' escape from camp 14 ' has been translated into 24 languages and there are plans to adopt the book into a film . shin has bared the scars from his 23 years in captivity north korea -- such as burn marks on his back and his missing finger tip -- in several interviews with journalists . his story has been carried by media outlets worldwide . i 'm grateful for people who are paying attention to the north korean human rights situation , ' shin said . it seems like they 're more interested in my personal situation . i do not want that . ' shin , a slim man with wide plastic-rimmed glasses , appeared accustomed to the various questions from the audience members and journalists . i think the most challenging thing still today is the past heartbroken story should be explained over and over again , ' shin said . and personally , i want to escape my past . i physically escaped north korea , but still my mind , my memories live there . but i know there is serious cause behind my doing this kind of these sessions and explaining these things . ' he spoke of a 2008 visit to the holocaust museum in washington , d.c. where he saw a photograph of the auschwitz prison camp in 1944 . the single photo resonated with him as an outcry from the prison camp ' that pressed the world for help . the world did n't pay attention to this single photograph . six million people had to suffer . it was shocking to me , ' he said . it inspired him to speak about the north korean camps . the evidence of the north korean prisons are overwhelming as more than 60 people have given detailed , consistent accounts , harden said . shin 's story , these heartbreaking narratives , are a kind of abuse that europe said ,'never again ,'to . yet , it 's going on this morning , not 250 miles from where we sit , ' harden said from the auditorium in seoul . shin 's testimony has brought new insights into the secretive camps , he added . for example , the concept of reward marriages ' was unknown until shin told his story . these are the rewards dispensed by prison guards , who allow a male and female prisoner to have sex . shin was a product of a reward marriage in the prison camp . the reward marriage works as an incentive for prisoners , shin said . shin 's testimony has encouraged the world to grapple with the suffering , ' rather than just lampoon north korea as a punchline , harden said .
awareness raised on north korean human rights , says author
bermuda <tsp> miami , florida ( cnn ) -- described as an extremely dangerous category 4 hurricane , ' hurricane bill was churning closer to the atlantic island of bermuda on wednesday , forecasters said . most forecast maps show hurricane bill passing to the west of bermuda . although bill is not expected to make a direct hit on the island , forecasters cautioned that the storm is large and will generate large swells on bermuda as well as the islands of the northeast caribbean sea over the next day or two . swells may also affect the eastern united states on friday and saturday , the national hurricane center said . cnn meteorologists said bill could cause cause dangerous rip tides and some coastal flooding in the northeast united states and could move very close to or make landfall in newfoundland , canada , early next week . in addition , bill may strengthen further over the next couple of days , forecasters said . as of 5 p.m . et , bill 's center was about 335 miles northeast of the leeward islands and about 970 miles south-southeast of bermuda , the hurricane center said . it 's a little too early to evaluate what kind of direct impact bill may have , ' said jack bevin , a senior hurricane specialist . most of the computer guidance has the storm passing between bermuda and the u.s. coastline , then turning northeastward . ' other models show bill turning more sharply out to sea and not affecting any areas , he said . bill 's maximum sustained winds were at 135 mph wednesday afternoon . it was moving northwest at near 20 mph and was expected to continue that motion over the next day or so , turning north-northwest by late friday . five-day forecast maps show bill passing to the west of bermuda before turning to the northwest . bill is a large tropical cyclone , ' the national hurricane center said . hurricane-force winds extended up to 85 miles from its center , with tropical storm-force winds extending up to 230 miles out . cnn radio 's andrew spencer and lee garen contributed to this report .
storm is not expected to make a direct hit on bermuda
tracee ellis ross <tsp> ( cnn ) -- abc 's newest family , the affluent johnsons on black-ish , ' has been very well-received . the freshman comedy , about a successful african-american family man 's struggle with cultural identity , made its debut on the network wednesday night to impressive ratings . the pilot episode had an audience of 10.8 million and a rating of 3.3 in the key demographic of 18-49 . by comparison , black-ish 's ' lead-in , the multiple emmy-winning modern family , ' started its sixth season wednesday with 10.9 million watching and a rating of 3.7 . to put it another way : this is exactly how you want your pilot episode to launch . written by kenya barris and starring anthony anderson , tracee ellis ross and laurence fishburne , black-ish ' centers on an african-american family living a comfortable life in the suburbs . dad andre dre ' johnson ( anderson ) is an advertising exec raising four kids with his doctor wife ( ross ) . he is also acutely aware of how far he 's come from his upbringing . i guess for a kid from the'hood , i 'm living the american dream , ' anderson 's dre says in an opening voiceover . the only problem is , whatever american had this dream probably was n't where i 'm from . and if he was , he should 've mentioned the part about how when brothers start getting a little money , stuff starts getting a little weird . ' dre admits that he sometimes feels like a bit of an oddity ' in his neighborhood , and throughout the pilot he worries that his four kids are growing up without a clear understanding of who they are . for example , his son andre jr. prefers to be called andy , ' tries out for field hockey instead of his dad 's sport of choice , basketball , and is angling for a bar mitzvah for his birthday . and at work , dre is faced with eye-rolling questions from colleagues on how a black man would say good morning , ' and the possibility that he was promoted to head the agency 's urban ' division because of his race . ( dre 's internal response to the promotion : wait . did they just put me in charge of black stuff ? ' ) but while dre 's fretting could ( and does ) raise more serious conversations about race , class and identity , black-ish ' is still a comedy , and critics have praised it for knowing just how to leverage its complex subject for laughs . even in a better season , abc 's provocative and very funny'black-ish'would stand out for its broad and biting satire of an uneasily post-racial society seen through a very modern-family prism , ' said tv guide . i 'm grateful that'black-ish'exists , first and foremost because it 's funny , ' said the huffington post 's maureen ryan . but , she continued , 'black-ish'has to be more than just another pretty good sitcom . as one of the few comedies on a major network with a predominantly african-american cast , it has to navigate the issue of race in america . it ca n't just be funny , it has to be astute and adept as well . the good news is that so far , it navigates that challenging territory with intelligence , wit and subversive purpose . ' entertainment weekly was n't as convinced , critiquing the series as funny , but ... not revolutionary . ' giving it a b ' grade , ew 's critic felt the comedy skews too broad , ' and some of that mixed reaction could be found on twitter . responses ranged as widely as flat-out hating it and finding it racist to being pleasantly surprised . but of course , we 're only one episode in , as time 's james poniewozik pointed out in his review. 'black-ish 's'nuance is promising -- it 's aware that there 's not just one way to be black -- and the sheer level of execution suggests it has staying power , ' he said . for now , i can only say what i want to hear about any new half-hour : it happens to be funny . '
the series stars anthony anderson and tracee ellis ross
anthony anderson <tsp> ( cnn ) -- abc 's newest family , the affluent johnsons on black-ish , ' has been very well-received . the freshman comedy , about a successful african-american family man 's struggle with cultural identity , made its debut on the network wednesday night to impressive ratings . the pilot episode had an audience of 10.8 million and a rating of 3.3 in the key demographic of 18-49 . by comparison , black-ish 's ' lead-in , the multiple emmy-winning modern family , ' started its sixth season wednesday with 10.9 million watching and a rating of 3.7 . to put it another way : this is exactly how you want your pilot episode to launch . written by kenya barris and starring anthony anderson , tracee ellis ross and laurence fishburne , black-ish ' centers on an african-american family living a comfortable life in the suburbs . dad andre dre ' johnson ( anderson ) is an advertising exec raising four kids with his doctor wife ( ross ) . he is also acutely aware of how far he 's come from his upbringing . i guess for a kid from the'hood , i 'm living the american dream , ' anderson 's dre says in an opening voiceover . the only problem is , whatever american had this dream probably was n't where i 'm from . and if he was , he should 've mentioned the part about how when brothers start getting a little money , stuff starts getting a little weird . ' dre admits that he sometimes feels like a bit of an oddity ' in his neighborhood , and throughout the pilot he worries that his four kids are growing up without a clear understanding of who they are . for example , his son andre jr. prefers to be called andy , ' tries out for field hockey instead of his dad 's sport of choice , basketball , and is angling for a bar mitzvah for his birthday . and at work , dre is faced with eye-rolling questions from colleagues on how a black man would say good morning , ' and the possibility that he was promoted to head the agency 's urban ' division because of his race . ( dre 's internal response to the promotion : wait . did they just put me in charge of black stuff ? ' ) but while dre 's fretting could ( and does ) raise more serious conversations about race , class and identity , black-ish ' is still a comedy , and critics have praised it for knowing just how to leverage its complex subject for laughs . even in a better season , abc 's provocative and very funny'black-ish'would stand out for its broad and biting satire of an uneasily post-racial society seen through a very modern-family prism , ' said tv guide . i 'm grateful that'black-ish'exists , first and foremost because it 's funny , ' said the huffington post 's maureen ryan . but , she continued , 'black-ish'has to be more than just another pretty good sitcom . as one of the few comedies on a major network with a predominantly african-american cast , it has to navigate the issue of race in america . it ca n't just be funny , it has to be astute and adept as well . the good news is that so far , it navigates that challenging territory with intelligence , wit and subversive purpose . ' entertainment weekly was n't as convinced , critiquing the series as funny , but ... not revolutionary . ' giving it a b ' grade , ew 's critic felt the comedy skews too broad , ' and some of that mixed reaction could be found on twitter . responses ranged as widely as flat-out hating it and finding it racist to being pleasantly surprised . but of course , we 're only one episode in , as time 's james poniewozik pointed out in his review. 'black-ish 's'nuance is promising -- it 's aware that there 's not just one way to be black -- and the sheer level of execution suggests it has staying power , ' he said . for now , i can only say what i want to hear about any new half-hour : it happens to be funny . '
the series stars anthony anderson and tracee ellis ross
sierra leone <tsp> ( cnn ) -- for many people , the name sierra leone still conjures up images of the country 's decade-long civil war and subsequent war crimes trials . however , eight years after the end of the war , the country is hoping that tourism will be the key to its future prosperity . one organization with an innovative plan to attract the visitors back is tribewanted , a project to build an eco-tourism community on john obey beach , 20 miles from the capital freetown . from october , the project hopes to attract tourists paying $ 450 a week to live in the community and help build a sustainable tourist village on the beach . the price includes all meals and a contribution to the community development . in addition , visitors will pay for their flights and transfers from the airport . ben keene , co-founder of tribewanted , told cnn , we are going to be working with the local community of john obey . we are going to build our village on this tiny peninsula and this is going to be our new life . ' this is the second tribewanted project . the first began four years ago on the fijian island of vorovoro , which the organization claims has injected more than $ 1million into the local economy . elijah eccles , a john obey villager working as a cook on the project , told cnn , we want to have tourists coming in so a lot of people will have a job to do . we used to work with tourists before , but because of the war everything broke down , ' he explained . but we want the tourists to start to come again . ' daniel macauley , another local working for tribewanted , said : i believe that eco-tourism will be good for development because the locals will be involved and we are controlling it . it will help to develop the community and other areas like schools and healthcare . we are sending out a message to the world that sierra leone is open for people to come and visit , to actually see what we can give to them , ' he continued . there 's a lot to come and see : the people , of course , and the country and also the nature we have , ' he said . filippo bozotti , co-founder of tribewanted , told cnn , it 's the perfect project for tribewanted to partner up with the local community for sustainable development . we are looking for this to be a long sustainable project that helps the community in the long-term , ' he added . the area has already come a long way since the devastation of the civil war , which ended in 2002 with the help of a 17,000-strong u.n. peacekeeping mission . what 's amazing is this whole place has been built up since the end of the war , so these villages have been built completely from scratch , ' said keene . the world travel guide , which describes itself as the bible ' of the travel industry , said sierra leone was trying to recreate the tourist trade it enjoyed before the war , when 100,000 foreign visitors came every year for its natural beauty , secluded white sandy beaches and unspoilt rainforests . the guide said : the government is starting from scratch , going back to basics to entice foreign travelers to return to this small corner of africa . ' it said sierra leone was modeling its tourism development on that of nearby gambia . the uk 's foreign and commonwealth office warns its travelers of petty crime , poor infrastructure and few health facilities . it said : transport infrastructure is poor . none of the options for transferring between the international airport at lungi and freetown are risk-free . ' the website visitsierraleone.org describes freetown peninsula as a taste of paradise ' . it said : probably offering the greatest potential in the tourism industry , the beaches along the freetown peninsula are a sight to behold . as tourism is still a developing industry in sierra leone , the beaches are not overwhelmed with visitors which means that most are still in pristine condition and on a weekday you could have an amazing beach entirely to yourself . ' a u.n.-backed war crimes tribunal in freetown convened to try militia leaders on both sides of the civil war ended in october 2009 after seven years . former liberian leader charles taylor is still on trial in the hague accused of instigating atrocities during the war in sierra leone .
sierra leone 's tourist infrastructure collapsed during its 10-year civil war
sierra leone <tsp> ( cnn ) -- for many people , the name sierra leone still conjures up images of the country 's decade-long civil war and subsequent war crimes trials . however , eight years after the end of the war , the country is hoping that tourism will be the key to its future prosperity . one organization with an innovative plan to attract the visitors back is tribewanted , a project to build an eco-tourism community on john obey beach , 20 miles from the capital freetown . from october , the project hopes to attract tourists paying $ 450 a week to live in the community and help build a sustainable tourist village on the beach . the price includes all meals and a contribution to the community development . in addition , visitors will pay for their flights and transfers from the airport . ben keene , co-founder of tribewanted , told cnn , we are going to be working with the local community of john obey . we are going to build our village on this tiny peninsula and this is going to be our new life . ' this is the second tribewanted project . the first began four years ago on the fijian island of vorovoro , which the organization claims has injected more than $ 1million into the local economy . elijah eccles , a john obey villager working as a cook on the project , told cnn , we want to have tourists coming in so a lot of people will have a job to do . we used to work with tourists before , but because of the war everything broke down , ' he explained . but we want the tourists to start to come again . ' daniel macauley , another local working for tribewanted , said : i believe that eco-tourism will be good for development because the locals will be involved and we are controlling it . it will help to develop the community and other areas like schools and healthcare . we are sending out a message to the world that sierra leone is open for people to come and visit , to actually see what we can give to them , ' he continued . there 's a lot to come and see : the people , of course , and the country and also the nature we have , ' he said . filippo bozotti , co-founder of tribewanted , told cnn , it 's the perfect project for tribewanted to partner up with the local community for sustainable development . we are looking for this to be a long sustainable project that helps the community in the long-term , ' he added . the area has already come a long way since the devastation of the civil war , which ended in 2002 with the help of a 17,000-strong u.n. peacekeeping mission . what 's amazing is this whole place has been built up since the end of the war , so these villages have been built completely from scratch , ' said keene . the world travel guide , which describes itself as the bible ' of the travel industry , said sierra leone was trying to recreate the tourist trade it enjoyed before the war , when 100,000 foreign visitors came every year for its natural beauty , secluded white sandy beaches and unspoilt rainforests . the guide said : the government is starting from scratch , going back to basics to entice foreign travelers to return to this small corner of africa . ' it said sierra leone was modeling its tourism development on that of nearby gambia . the uk 's foreign and commonwealth office warns its travelers of petty crime , poor infrastructure and few health facilities . it said : transport infrastructure is poor . none of the options for transferring between the international airport at lungi and freetown are risk-free . ' the website visitsierraleone.org describes freetown peninsula as a taste of paradise ' . it said : probably offering the greatest potential in the tourism industry , the beaches along the freetown peninsula are a sight to behold . as tourism is still a developing industry in sierra leone , the beaches are not overwhelmed with visitors which means that most are still in pristine condition and on a weekday you could have an amazing beach entirely to yourself . ' a u.n.-backed war crimes tribunal in freetown convened to try militia leaders on both sides of the civil war ended in october 2009 after seven years . former liberian leader charles taylor is still on trial in the hague accused of instigating atrocities during the war in sierra leone .
sierra leone wants to emulate nearby gambia 's tourist success
sahara media <tsp> days after two french journalists were killed in northern mali , authorities rounded up dozens of suspects and a group linked to al qaeda claimed responsibility for the deaths . at least 30 suspects were seized in desert camps near the town of kidal and taken to the local french army base for questioning , three officials in mali said . the officials did not want to be named because they are not authorized to talk to the media . al qaeda in the islamic maghreb ( aqim ) has allegedly claimed responsibility for the killings , according to sahara media news agency in mauritania . aqim operates in northern africa and the group 's statements have shown up before on the sahara outlet . radio france international journalists ghislaine dupont and claude verlon were abducted in front of the home of a member of the tuareg rebels'national movement of a liberation of azawad on saturday , rfi reported . they were found dead the same day . their bodies arrived in paris on tuesday . kidal was one of the strongholds of the islamic militant tuareg uprising last year that plunged mali into chaos after a military-led coup . following the coup , tuareg rebels occupied the northern half of the country . a response to crimes ' against muslims in azawad aqim said the killings were in response to the crimes ' perpetrated by france as well as african and international troops against muslims in azawad . azawad is an area in northern mali that separatist tuareg rebels describe as the cradle of their nomadic civilization . aqim said that this is just the beginning and that french president francois hollande will pay more in response to this new crusade ' against muslims , according to the purported claim . veteran spanish war correspondent kidnapped in syria as part of france 's intervention this year to flush out militants in mali , the french military secured the area around kidal . hollande called an emergency meeting with ministers sunday after the killings .
a statement surfaces on sahara media with a claim of responsibility
roberts <tsp> ( cnn ) -- with extreme heat and the worst drought in half a century continuing to plague the farm states , there are important lessons to be learned for all of us -- farmers , consumers and the world 's poorest populations alike -- about the effect of climate change . the agriculture department announced this season 's first major crop yield forecasts , and they were n't pretty : a nationwide average of 123.4 bushels of corn per acre , the lowest level since 1995 . soybean yield is expected to be low too , though not as bad as corn . the united states , which is the world 's largest producer and exporter of staple grains , is grappling with the biggest surprise in production shortfalls since the dust bowl of the 1930s . certainly , this july surpassed july 1936 as the hottest month on record . so , how will the devastation affect u.s. crop farmers ? drought , heat bring spiders out since mid-june , corn prices have risen about 60 % , more than twice the projected decline in yield . this means that farm revenue will go up . about 90 % of the corn acreage is backed by a generously subsidized federal insurance program , described by steven colbert as obamacare for the corn , ' so crop farmers will be just fine . livestock farmers who use corn to feed their animals could see higher costs , but most have contracts with processors who provide their feed grains . what about consumers ? will high commodity prices affect the prices of food you eat ? not much , actually . commodity prices account for just a tiny share of retail food prices . if you 're a shrewd shopper , next year you may notice higher prices for meat , milk , eggs , and cheese and all types of processed foods . the usda estimates that food prices will increase 3 to 4 % in 2013 . this is not going to radically change your life . people in rich countries like the u.s. are not going to eat much less or much differently as a result of modestly higher prices . the crop losses will have the most effect on the world 's poorest populations . about 2 billion people still live on $ 2 a day or less . many of them live in urban areas of developing countries . often , they must spend half or more of their income on food , the bulk coming from staple grains like corn , wheat and rice . for these people , a huge rise in grain prices is more than noticeable -- it can literally break their budget . in 2008 and 2011 , when corn prices went up to levels nearly as high as today 's , the world saw a sharp rise in food riots . many pointed to wheat prices as a catalyst for revolutions in the middle east , including egypt , tunisia and libya . it is not hard to see that food-related security problems overseas could cost us far more than the extra pennies we 'll pay at the grocery store . nasa scientist links climate change , extreme weather the u.s. can ease price pains somewhat by suspending government rules that mandate biofuel production . in 2011 , about 40 % of u.s. corn crops were diverted to ethanol ( a quarter , if we take into account that nutritional content is recycled back into feeds for animals in the form of distiller grains ) . but this seems untenable politically . the larger and more important issue is whether this year 's bad crop yield is an omen of what we should expect going forward . record high temperatures are occurring with far greater frequency than in decades past , and crop yields decline sharply in extreme heat . in research that wolfram schlenker and i have conducted using the hadley iii climate model , we project yield declines of about 20 % over the next 20 years , holding all else the same . this summer 's extreme heat may just become typical in 15 years . some have criticized these projections as too pessimistic , and they just might be . an atmosphere richer in carbon dioxide concentrations may allow plants to transpire less water during photosynthesis , and thus , improve drought tolerance . farmers can adjust to earlier planting times , perhaps avoiding some extreme temperatures during the sensitive flowering period , and lengthening the growing season . and new drought-tolerant crop varieties have been developed . this season was a good test of these adaptive strategies . it appears they did n't work . carbon dioxide concentrations are much higher than they were in 1983 and 1988 , when it was nearly as hot as this summer . and farmers planted much earlier than usual , many using new drought-tolerant varieties . record drought is good business for some for now , we can take a little comfort that ample harvests in the dakotas , minnesota and parts of the south could make up for some of the decimated crops in the central midwest this year . but next year ? and the years after ? in the long term , a warming world will be a difficult challenge for our crops and all of us . complete coverage : drought the opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of michael roberts .
michael roberts : extreme heat and drought are signs of a changing climate
roberts <tsp> ( cnn ) -- with extreme heat and the worst drought in half a century continuing to plague the farm states , there are important lessons to be learned for all of us -- farmers , consumers and the world 's poorest populations alike -- about the effect of climate change . the agriculture department announced this season 's first major crop yield forecasts , and they were n't pretty : a nationwide average of 123.4 bushels of corn per acre , the lowest level since 1995 . soybean yield is expected to be low too , though not as bad as corn . the united states , which is the world 's largest producer and exporter of staple grains , is grappling with the biggest surprise in production shortfalls since the dust bowl of the 1930s . certainly , this july surpassed july 1936 as the hottest month on record . so , how will the devastation affect u.s. crop farmers ? drought , heat bring spiders out since mid-june , corn prices have risen about 60 % , more than twice the projected decline in yield . this means that farm revenue will go up . about 90 % of the corn acreage is backed by a generously subsidized federal insurance program , described by steven colbert as obamacare for the corn , ' so crop farmers will be just fine . livestock farmers who use corn to feed their animals could see higher costs , but most have contracts with processors who provide their feed grains . what about consumers ? will high commodity prices affect the prices of food you eat ? not much , actually . commodity prices account for just a tiny share of retail food prices . if you 're a shrewd shopper , next year you may notice higher prices for meat , milk , eggs , and cheese and all types of processed foods . the usda estimates that food prices will increase 3 to 4 % in 2013 . this is not going to radically change your life . people in rich countries like the u.s. are not going to eat much less or much differently as a result of modestly higher prices . the crop losses will have the most effect on the world 's poorest populations . about 2 billion people still live on $ 2 a day or less . many of them live in urban areas of developing countries . often , they must spend half or more of their income on food , the bulk coming from staple grains like corn , wheat and rice . for these people , a huge rise in grain prices is more than noticeable -- it can literally break their budget . in 2008 and 2011 , when corn prices went up to levels nearly as high as today 's , the world saw a sharp rise in food riots . many pointed to wheat prices as a catalyst for revolutions in the middle east , including egypt , tunisia and libya . it is not hard to see that food-related security problems overseas could cost us far more than the extra pennies we 'll pay at the grocery store . nasa scientist links climate change , extreme weather the u.s. can ease price pains somewhat by suspending government rules that mandate biofuel production . in 2011 , about 40 % of u.s. corn crops were diverted to ethanol ( a quarter , if we take into account that nutritional content is recycled back into feeds for animals in the form of distiller grains ) . but this seems untenable politically . the larger and more important issue is whether this year 's bad crop yield is an omen of what we should expect going forward . record high temperatures are occurring with far greater frequency than in decades past , and crop yields decline sharply in extreme heat . in research that wolfram schlenker and i have conducted using the hadley iii climate model , we project yield declines of about 20 % over the next 20 years , holding all else the same . this summer 's extreme heat may just become typical in 15 years . some have criticized these projections as too pessimistic , and they just might be . an atmosphere richer in carbon dioxide concentrations may allow plants to transpire less water during photosynthesis , and thus , improve drought tolerance . farmers can adjust to earlier planting times , perhaps avoiding some extreme temperatures during the sensitive flowering period , and lengthening the growing season . and new drought-tolerant crop varieties have been developed . this season was a good test of these adaptive strategies . it appears they did n't work . carbon dioxide concentrations are much higher than they were in 1983 and 1988 , when it was nearly as hot as this summer . and farmers planted much earlier than usual , many using new drought-tolerant varieties . record drought is good business for some for now , we can take a little comfort that ample harvests in the dakotas , minnesota and parts of the south could make up for some of the decimated crops in the central midwest this year . but next year ? and the years after ? in the long term , a warming world will be a difficult challenge for our crops and all of us . complete coverage : drought the opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of michael roberts .
roberts : this summer 's extreme heat may just become typical in 15 years
roberts <tsp> ( cnn ) -- with extreme heat and the worst drought in half a century continuing to plague the farm states , there are important lessons to be learned for all of us -- farmers , consumers and the world 's poorest populations alike -- about the effect of climate change . the agriculture department announced this season 's first major crop yield forecasts , and they were n't pretty : a nationwide average of 123.4 bushels of corn per acre , the lowest level since 1995 . soybean yield is expected to be low too , though not as bad as corn . the united states , which is the world 's largest producer and exporter of staple grains , is grappling with the biggest surprise in production shortfalls since the dust bowl of the 1930s . certainly , this july surpassed july 1936 as the hottest month on record . so , how will the devastation affect u.s. crop farmers ? drought , heat bring spiders out since mid-june , corn prices have risen about 60 % , more than twice the projected decline in yield . this means that farm revenue will go up . about 90 % of the corn acreage is backed by a generously subsidized federal insurance program , described by steven colbert as obamacare for the corn , ' so crop farmers will be just fine . livestock farmers who use corn to feed their animals could see higher costs , but most have contracts with processors who provide their feed grains . what about consumers ? will high commodity prices affect the prices of food you eat ? not much , actually . commodity prices account for just a tiny share of retail food prices . if you 're a shrewd shopper , next year you may notice higher prices for meat , milk , eggs , and cheese and all types of processed foods . the usda estimates that food prices will increase 3 to 4 % in 2013 . this is not going to radically change your life . people in rich countries like the u.s. are not going to eat much less or much differently as a result of modestly higher prices . the crop losses will have the most effect on the world 's poorest populations . about 2 billion people still live on $ 2 a day or less . many of them live in urban areas of developing countries . often , they must spend half or more of their income on food , the bulk coming from staple grains like corn , wheat and rice . for these people , a huge rise in grain prices is more than noticeable -- it can literally break their budget . in 2008 and 2011 , when corn prices went up to levels nearly as high as today 's , the world saw a sharp rise in food riots . many pointed to wheat prices as a catalyst for revolutions in the middle east , including egypt , tunisia and libya . it is not hard to see that food-related security problems overseas could cost us far more than the extra pennies we 'll pay at the grocery store . nasa scientist links climate change , extreme weather the u.s. can ease price pains somewhat by suspending government rules that mandate biofuel production . in 2011 , about 40 % of u.s. corn crops were diverted to ethanol ( a quarter , if we take into account that nutritional content is recycled back into feeds for animals in the form of distiller grains ) . but this seems untenable politically . the larger and more important issue is whether this year 's bad crop yield is an omen of what we should expect going forward . record high temperatures are occurring with far greater frequency than in decades past , and crop yields decline sharply in extreme heat . in research that wolfram schlenker and i have conducted using the hadley iii climate model , we project yield declines of about 20 % over the next 20 years , holding all else the same . this summer 's extreme heat may just become typical in 15 years . some have criticized these projections as too pessimistic , and they just might be . an atmosphere richer in carbon dioxide concentrations may allow plants to transpire less water during photosynthesis , and thus , improve drought tolerance . farmers can adjust to earlier planting times , perhaps avoiding some extreme temperatures during the sensitive flowering period , and lengthening the growing season . and new drought-tolerant crop varieties have been developed . this season was a good test of these adaptive strategies . it appears they did n't work . carbon dioxide concentrations are much higher than they were in 1983 and 1988 , when it was nearly as hot as this summer . and farmers planted much earlier than usual , many using new drought-tolerant varieties . record drought is good business for some for now , we can take a little comfort that ample harvests in the dakotas , minnesota and parts of the south could make up for some of the decimated crops in the central midwest this year . but next year ? and the years after ? in the long term , a warming world will be a difficult challenge for our crops and all of us . complete coverage : drought the opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of michael roberts .
roberts : farmers and u.s. consumers will be fine ; food prices will go up a bit in 2013
twitter <tsp> ( cnn ) -- it 's become a go-to tool for journalists , a digital man-on-the-street interview when big news breaks : see what they 're saying on twitter . there 's just one problem with that , says the pew research center . opinions expressed in the rapid-fire twitter echo chamber , particularly in response to political news , are often at odds with the general public 's . the differences ? sometimes twitter is more liberal . at other times , it 's more conservative . and it 's very nearly always more negative . overall , the reaction to political events on twitter reflects a combination of the unique profile of active twitter users and the extent to which events engage different communities and draw the comments of active users , ' the report reads . while this provides an interesting look into how communities of interest respond to different circumstances , it does not reliably correlate with the overall reaction of adults nationwide . ' in the yearlong study , pew focused on political events such as the result of the 2012 presidential election , the first presidential debate between president barack obama and challenger mitt romney and several speeches given by obama . some examples : when obama won re-election , public opinion polls suggested 52 % of the public was pleased and 45 % unhappy . on twitter , a full 77 % of tweets about his win were positive and only 23 % negative . similarly , only 20 % of the public told pollsters they thought obama did a better job than romney in their first debate ( the one in which obama was criticized for looking tired and unfocused ) . but 59 % of tweets favored him . part of that might be explained by looking at who uses twitter . pew 's research shows that twitter users are considerably younger than the general public and more likely to lean democratic . in a 2012 survey , half of adults who said they posted news on twitter were younger than 30 , compared with 23 % of all adults . and 57 % of those who posted news on twitter were either democrats or leaned democratic , compared with 46 % of the general public . but twitter pundits do n't always lean to the left . nearly half of the u.s. public ( 48 % ) thought obama did a good job on his second inaugural address . but only 13 % of the tweets about it echoed that opinion . opinions about sen. john kerry being nominated as obama 's secretary of state split the general public : 39 % approved , 36 % disapproved and 26 % had no opinion . on twitter , a measly 6 % expressed support , while 32 % were negative and a clear majority , 62 % , expressed no opinion . the reason for such a swing , pew said , is that on twitter , unlike in opinion polls , users decide what they think is important enough to mention publicly . a generally popular event might not be portrayed that way if an angry minority is more inspired to post about it . for example , nearly 14 million wrote on twitter about obama 's re-election while a mere 70,000 remarked on kerry 's nomination . politics also reflect a truth that anyone who 's followed the oscars , super bowl , debate nights or , really , any public event can attest to -- the twitter universe is never happier than when it 's being snarky , or downright nasty , to someone . the overall negativity on twitter over the course of the campaign stood out , ' pew writes . for both candidates , negative comments exceeded positive comments by a wide margin throughout the fall campaign season . ' there were more negative than positive comments about obama and romney on twitter . the negative comments about obama bounced back and forth between 40 % to 50 % throughout the campaign , while positives went up to about 30 % and down into the teens . ( remember , lots of comments can be neutral ) . romney 's negatives were higher . usually , between 50 % to 60 % of talk about him was not nice , while positives only broke above 20 % during the campaign 's final days . another thing to keep in mind when monitoring the conversation on twitter : while it seems to be omnipresent among the digitally connected ( yes , like we journalists tend to be ) , its overall reach is modest compared to other media . in the pew 's 2012 news consumption survey , just 13 % of adults said they ever use twitter or read twitter messages . only 3 % said they regularly or sometimes tweet or retweet news or news headlines on twitter .
pew research says the most significant difference is that twitter 's more negative
twitter <tsp> ( cnn ) -- it 's become a go-to tool for journalists , a digital man-on-the-street interview when big news breaks : see what they 're saying on twitter . there 's just one problem with that , says the pew research center . opinions expressed in the rapid-fire twitter echo chamber , particularly in response to political news , are often at odds with the general public 's . the differences ? sometimes twitter is more liberal . at other times , it 's more conservative . and it 's very nearly always more negative . overall , the reaction to political events on twitter reflects a combination of the unique profile of active twitter users and the extent to which events engage different communities and draw the comments of active users , ' the report reads . while this provides an interesting look into how communities of interest respond to different circumstances , it does not reliably correlate with the overall reaction of adults nationwide . ' in the yearlong study , pew focused on political events such as the result of the 2012 presidential election , the first presidential debate between president barack obama and challenger mitt romney and several speeches given by obama . some examples : when obama won re-election , public opinion polls suggested 52 % of the public was pleased and 45 % unhappy . on twitter , a full 77 % of tweets about his win were positive and only 23 % negative . similarly , only 20 % of the public told pollsters they thought obama did a better job than romney in their first debate ( the one in which obama was criticized for looking tired and unfocused ) . but 59 % of tweets favored him . part of that might be explained by looking at who uses twitter . pew 's research shows that twitter users are considerably younger than the general public and more likely to lean democratic . in a 2012 survey , half of adults who said they posted news on twitter were younger than 30 , compared with 23 % of all adults . and 57 % of those who posted news on twitter were either democrats or leaned democratic , compared with 46 % of the general public . but twitter pundits do n't always lean to the left . nearly half of the u.s. public ( 48 % ) thought obama did a good job on his second inaugural address . but only 13 % of the tweets about it echoed that opinion . opinions about sen. john kerry being nominated as obama 's secretary of state split the general public : 39 % approved , 36 % disapproved and 26 % had no opinion . on twitter , a measly 6 % expressed support , while 32 % were negative and a clear majority , 62 % , expressed no opinion . the reason for such a swing , pew said , is that on twitter , unlike in opinion polls , users decide what they think is important enough to mention publicly . a generally popular event might not be portrayed that way if an angry minority is more inspired to post about it . for example , nearly 14 million wrote on twitter about obama 's re-election while a mere 70,000 remarked on kerry 's nomination . politics also reflect a truth that anyone who 's followed the oscars , super bowl , debate nights or , really , any public event can attest to -- the twitter universe is never happier than when it 's being snarky , or downright nasty , to someone . the overall negativity on twitter over the course of the campaign stood out , ' pew writes . for both candidates , negative comments exceeded positive comments by a wide margin throughout the fall campaign season . ' there were more negative than positive comments about obama and romney on twitter . the negative comments about obama bounced back and forth between 40 % to 50 % throughout the campaign , while positives went up to about 30 % and down into the teens . ( remember , lots of comments can be neutral ) . romney 's negatives were higher . usually , between 50 % to 60 % of talk about him was not nice , while positives only broke above 20 % during the campaign 's final days . another thing to keep in mind when monitoring the conversation on twitter : while it seems to be omnipresent among the digitally connected ( yes , like we journalists tend to be ) , its overall reach is modest compared to other media . in the pew 's 2012 news consumption survey , just 13 % of adults said they ever use twitter or read twitter messages . only 3 % said they regularly or sometimes tweet or retweet news or news headlines on twitter .
study : twitter opinions rarely reflect those of the general public
twitter <tsp> ( cnn ) -- it 's become a go-to tool for journalists , a digital man-on-the-street interview when big news breaks : see what they 're saying on twitter . there 's just one problem with that , says the pew research center . opinions expressed in the rapid-fire twitter echo chamber , particularly in response to political news , are often at odds with the general public 's . the differences ? sometimes twitter is more liberal . at other times , it 's more conservative . and it 's very nearly always more negative . overall , the reaction to political events on twitter reflects a combination of the unique profile of active twitter users and the extent to which events engage different communities and draw the comments of active users , ' the report reads . while this provides an interesting look into how communities of interest respond to different circumstances , it does not reliably correlate with the overall reaction of adults nationwide . ' in the yearlong study , pew focused on political events such as the result of the 2012 presidential election , the first presidential debate between president barack obama and challenger mitt romney and several speeches given by obama . some examples : when obama won re-election , public opinion polls suggested 52 % of the public was pleased and 45 % unhappy . on twitter , a full 77 % of tweets about his win were positive and only 23 % negative . similarly , only 20 % of the public told pollsters they thought obama did a better job than romney in their first debate ( the one in which obama was criticized for looking tired and unfocused ) . but 59 % of tweets favored him . part of that might be explained by looking at who uses twitter . pew 's research shows that twitter users are considerably younger than the general public and more likely to lean democratic . in a 2012 survey , half of adults who said they posted news on twitter were younger than 30 , compared with 23 % of all adults . and 57 % of those who posted news on twitter were either democrats or leaned democratic , compared with 46 % of the general public . but twitter pundits do n't always lean to the left . nearly half of the u.s. public ( 48 % ) thought obama did a good job on his second inaugural address . but only 13 % of the tweets about it echoed that opinion . opinions about sen. john kerry being nominated as obama 's secretary of state split the general public : 39 % approved , 36 % disapproved and 26 % had no opinion . on twitter , a measly 6 % expressed support , while 32 % were negative and a clear majority , 62 % , expressed no opinion . the reason for such a swing , pew said , is that on twitter , unlike in opinion polls , users decide what they think is important enough to mention publicly . a generally popular event might not be portrayed that way if an angry minority is more inspired to post about it . for example , nearly 14 million wrote on twitter about obama 's re-election while a mere 70,000 remarked on kerry 's nomination . politics also reflect a truth that anyone who 's followed the oscars , super bowl , debate nights or , really , any public event can attest to -- the twitter universe is never happier than when it 's being snarky , or downright nasty , to someone . the overall negativity on twitter over the course of the campaign stood out , ' pew writes . for both candidates , negative comments exceeded positive comments by a wide margin throughout the fall campaign season . ' there were more negative than positive comments about obama and romney on twitter . the negative comments about obama bounced back and forth between 40 % to 50 % throughout the campaign , while positives went up to about 30 % and down into the teens . ( remember , lots of comments can be neutral ) . romney 's negatives were higher . usually , between 50 % to 60 % of talk about him was not nice , while positives only broke above 20 % during the campaign 's final days . another thing to keep in mind when monitoring the conversation on twitter : while it seems to be omnipresent among the digitally connected ( yes , like we journalists tend to be ) , its overall reach is modest compared to other media . in the pew 's 2012 news consumption survey , just 13 % of adults said they ever use twitter or read twitter messages . only 3 % said they regularly or sometimes tweet or retweet news or news headlines on twitter .
twitter users are younger than the public and more identify as politically liberal
ted kennedy <tsp> ( cnn ) -- sen. ted kennedy would have had a very , very difficult ' time politically surviving the drowning death of a young woman if it happened in the era of blogs , talk radio and 24-hour news cycles , experts said . sen. ted kennedy hit the airwaves to say it was indefensible ' he did n't immediately report the accident . mary jo kopechne , 28 , drowned after kennedy drove his oldsmobile off a bridge following a regatta party in july 1969 . the incident on chappaquiddick island , massachusetts , helped dash the youngest kennedy brother 's chances at the oval office in 1972 and 1980 . massachusetts was more forgiving than the rest of the nation , however , backing kennedy by a 3-to-2 margin in his 1970 bid to keep his senate seat . that his brothers , john and robert , had been assassinated in recent years may have been a factor , experts said . watch kennedy attend brother robert 's funeral » ' great expectations and great tragedy has always been the storyline of the kennedys , ' said christopher arterton , dean of george washington university 's graduate school of political management . the people of massachusetts were prepared to forgive a lot of transgressions . ' kennedy vanished to the family compound for days after the incident , huddling with advisers before emerging the following week to plead guilty to leaving the scene of an accident . a judge suspended his two-month jail sentence . critics saw the plea as an attempt to stifle details that would have emerged during a trial . in a display of the senator 's legendary oratory , he delivered a nationally televised explanation and apology , saying it was indefensible ' that he had n't called police until the day after the accident . see how chappaquiddick fit into kennedy 's legacy » ' if at any time , the citizens of massachusetts should lack confidence in their senator 's character or his ability , with or without justification , he could not in my opinion adequately perform his duty and should not continue in office , ' kennedy said . jim baughman , author of the republic of mass culture : journalism , filmmaking , and broadcasting in america since 1941 , ' said he recalls kennedy 's address being less an explanation to the country than to the commonwealth of massachusetts . ' the nation 's response was tepid . according to a time-harris poll in august 1969 , about 44 percent of respondents said kennedy failed to tell the real truth , ' 51 percent said his explanation was inadequate and 77 percent said he was wrong not to report the accident immediately . however , 58 percent of respondents said he has suffered , been punished and should be given the benefit of the doubt . ' watch a timeline of kennedy 's tragedies , triumphs » ' i think the national repercussions would have been more severe [ today ] , ' baughman said . in 1969 , the national media were dominated by three tv networks and a handful of magazines and newspapers . new media and talk radio would be a much more ferocious force ' today , he said . media reports from the time indicate few mysteries were solved by kennedy 's address . then-edgartown police chief jim arena was often lambasted for his handling of the case . he said thursday he would handle it no differently today except that he would charge kennedy with vehicular homicide , a charge that did not exist in 1969 . i will always contend that what happened that night was an accident . what happened afterward has never been completely explained , ' said arena , who is now 79 . in his national address , kennedy said he was driving kopechne to a ferry landing because she was tired . he denied widely circulated suspicions of immoral conduct ' and also refuted reports that he was driving under the influence of liquor . ' watch kennedy 's explanation » kennedy said his unfamiliarity with the bridge , which had no guardrails and met the road at an awkward angle , caused him to drive off the side and into poucha pond . the car overturned in a deep pond and immediately filled with water , ' kennedy said . water entered my lungs and i actually felt the sensation of drowning , but somehow i struggled to the surface alive . ' kopechne did not . kennedy said he dived back into the water several times , but succeeded only in increasing my state of utter exhaustion and alarm . ' conceding he did not seek a telephone , kennedy said he returned to the party and summoned a cousin and friend to the scene . they , too , failed in saving kopechne , he said . all kinds of scrambled thoughts -- all of them confused , some of them irrational , many of them which i can not recall , and some of which i would not have seriously entertained under normal circumstances -- went through my mind during this period , ' he said . he asked to be taken to the ferry slip , he said , where he jumped into the water , swam the 500-foot channel back to edgartown , returned to his hotel room and collapsed . it was n't until morning that he called police , and then , only after he called legal adviser burke marshall , he said . the media clamored with questions : why had kopechne left her purse and room key at the cottage and told no one she was going home ? how did kennedy get lost on a one-turn trip to the ferry ? was the ferry operating when kennedy and kopechne left ? the larger anger about it was the 10-hour lag [ in reporting the accident ] , that he was more concerned about his reputation than this young woman 's life , ' baughman said . he did n't take enough time to blame himself and take responsibility . ' today , baughman said , kennedy could still survive a chappaquiddick -- largely because of the kennedys'clout and because massachusetts is so enamored with the family -- but it would be tougher with the slate.coms and drudge reports of the world hounding him . george washington university 's arterton concurs that , like jesse helms'north carolina or strom thurmond 's south carolina , massachusetts would likely forgive one of its favorite sons today . if kennedy survived his first re-election , as he did in 1970 , he likely would have prevailed in later ones , though it would have been very , very difficult to remain in office , ' arterton said . he also doubts kennedy would have been able to isolate himself with advisers for days without making a statement . watch a newsreel of kennedy 's early years » ' in the cable news era , that would not have been possible , ' he said , explaining that blogs and other new media would have prodded the networks and newspapers . there would have been much more effort to dig into that story nationally . ' at the least , baughman said , you 'd have maybe a more diverse conversation about kennedy 's culpability and judgment . ' then-chief arena remembers the intense criticism of his investigation from his own counterparts . diver john farrar , who pulled kopechne from the car , told media outlets she may have lived had kennedy called police immediately , and george killen , a detective-lieutenant with the state police , alleged at the time that kennedy killed that girl the same as if he put a gun to her head and pulled the trigger . ' kennedy 's explanation was a weak defense , ' arena acknowledges , but he insists there was no evidence of negligence to facilitate manslaughter charges . arena said the kennedys never pressured him during the investigation . he also never obfuscated details to benefit kennedy -- in part , because of a paternal adage he has always held dear . when you tell the truth , you do n't have to worry about what you said the first time , ' he said . the charge i came up with was the only one i thought we could prove . ... i did what i could , and i 'll stick by it . '
chappaquiddick incident credited with ending ted kennedy 's presidential hopes
san diego <tsp> ( cnn ) -- eighteen victims of child pornography were rescued during a nationwide sweep by federal law enforcement agencies , u.s. immigration and customs enforcement announced friday . the sweep , dubbed operation orion , resulted in the arrests of 190 individuals . most of them were in the u.s. , but some were in argentina , the philippines , spain and the united kingdom , ice said in a news release . the operation took place from may 1 to may 31 . the arrests were made in 33 states and puerto rico , authorities said . some of the victims were residing in the homes of the persons arrested , ice spokeswoman danielle bennett said . for example , a child in san diego was photographed in a shower , and authorities made a rescue in that home , bennett said . let this operation be a warning to anyone who would think they can use the internet to exploit children : we are out there looking for you , we will find you , and you will be prosecuted , ' ice director john morton said in a statement . morton said that as children begin summer vacations , parents should pay extra attention to how much time they spend on the internet . many of the child exploitation cases under operation orion began with a child or teen chatting with someone he or she met online , ' morton said in the statement . related stories : interpol targets 55 suspects using social network sites for child sex abuse images former top fbi agent charged with child porn distribution 2011 : 72 charged in online global child porn ring
new : a child in san diego was photographed in a shower
puerto rico <tsp> ( cnn ) -- eighteen victims of child pornography were rescued during a nationwide sweep by federal law enforcement agencies , u.s. immigration and customs enforcement announced friday . the sweep , dubbed operation orion , resulted in the arrests of 190 individuals . most of them were in the u.s. , but some were in argentina , the philippines , spain and the united kingdom , ice said in a news release . the operation took place from may 1 to may 31 . the arrests were made in 33 states and puerto rico , authorities said . some of the victims were residing in the homes of the persons arrested , ice spokeswoman danielle bennett said . for example , a child in san diego was photographed in a shower , and authorities made a rescue in that home , bennett said . let this operation be a warning to anyone who would think they can use the internet to exploit children : we are out there looking for you , we will find you , and you will be prosecuted , ' ice director john morton said in a statement . morton said that as children begin summer vacations , parents should pay extra attention to how much time they spend on the internet . many of the child exploitation cases under operation orion began with a child or teen chatting with someone he or she met online , ' morton said in the statement . related stories : interpol targets 55 suspects using social network sites for child sex abuse images former top fbi agent charged with child porn distribution 2011 : 72 charged in online global child porn ring
new : arrests are made in 33 states plus puerto rico
berkshire legwear <tsp> ( real simple ) -- radio city music hall 's rockettes tell how to find the very best hosiery , from opaques to wintry woolens : a true stocking feat best regular black tights wolford , $ 42 -- a bit costlier than others , it 's true , but the luxurious material is featherlight while still providing dense coverage . what 's more , said one dancer , i tugged and tugged , and no runs . ' style : satin opaque 50 . to buy : wolford , 800-965-3673 for locations . best regular color tights berkshire legwear , $ 9 -- offered in a range of rich , vibrant shades that are surprisingly wearable and flattering , these tights are a fuss-free way to punch up a neutral dress . one tester said they gave her legs that smooth , after-you-shave feeling . ' real simple : dyi wardrobe fixes style : 3670 lola in opaque . to buy : www.essentialapparel.com . best regular patterned tights dkny , $ 18 -- a pattern on legs can be tricky to pull off , but these argyles manage to look both sophisticated and fun . plus , they really held up to my abuse , ' noted a rockette . style : 0a830 argyle panel . to buy : nordstrom , 888-282-6060 . best control top black tights berkshire legwear , $ 8 -- the subtle , dressy shimmer makes legs look shapely and long , while a dose of spandex works to keep the jiggle away , ' said a tester . real simple : best boots style : 4643 shimmers opaque . to buy : www.essentialapparel.com . best control top color tights hue , $ 11 -- this slimming pair offers a comfortable fit -- no binding waistband here -- in a rainbow palette . the color stayed opaque even when stretched out , ' noted a dancer . style : 6620 opaque control top . to buy : www.hue.com . best control top patterned tights spanx , $ 28 -- the secret weapon behind dozens of slinky oscar dresses trims the midsection , the thighs , and the rear , causing one rockette to declare , i feel a size smaller . ' a unique diamond print showcases legs . style : tight-end diamond pattern . to buy : www.bloomingdales.com . best sweater black tights donna karan , $ 30 -- a dancer singled out the nice elasticity ' of these unexpectedly thin but warm wool tights , which resisted bagging and buckling . style : 0a851 tarnished wool . to buy : nordstrom , 888-282-6060 . best sweater color tights hue , $ 18 -- made of a soft cotton blend , this hose is n't scratchy at all , ' unlike many other knits . an earthy brown heather makes them a natural match for nubby tweeds and wools . real simple : bras for every figure style : 3063 marled sweater . to buy : nordstrom , 888-282-6060 . best sweater patterned tights via spiga , $ 24 -- the cozy cable-knit texture has an old-fashioned feel , while the cotton-blend tights'gray shade will complement a variety of outfits . i ca n't wait to wear these in chilly weather , ' a tester said . style : cable sweater knit . to buy : bloomingdale 's , 866-593-2540 for locations . best black leggings capezio , $ 24 -- not surprisingly , the rockettes are fans of this dance-world staple . the leggings feel like a second skin , ' one tester said , and they kept their shape impeccably , even after a rigorous dance routine . style : 9479 lowrise ankle legging . to buy : www.capeziodance.com . best color leggings american apparel , $ 26 -- these comfy , easy-to-wear ' leggings come in 27 neutral , bright , and jewel tones -- including forest , asphalt , eggplant , and raspberry -- plus three cute polka-dot prints . style : 8328 cotton spandex jersey legging . to buy : www.americanapparel.net . e-mail to a friend get a free trial issue of real simple - click here ! copyright © 2009 time inc. all rights reserved .
berkshire legwear regular color : smooth , after-you-shave feeling '
nourry <tsp> when emperor qin shi huang , the first emperor of china , anticipated his death more than 2,000 years ago , he wanted an army of warriors to guard his mausoleum forever and protect him in the afterlife . so he ordered the creation of some 8,000 terra-cotta soldiers , along with hundreds of terra-cotta horses and chariots , to be buried with him in his tomb . historians speculate the soldiers were modeled after eight individuals . when the statues were discovered by workers digging a well in xi'an , shaanxi province , in 1974 , the world was stunned by the spectacular funerary art and the legacy of the powerful emperor . since then , it 's become a major tourist attraction and a world heritage site . now , these soldiers have a counterpart : female terra-cotta warriors . prune nourry , a paris-born artist based in new york city , has created a small army of them . in terracotta daughters , ' 116 are featured in an exhibition at the china institute from september 10 through october 4 . the show 's u.s. premiere is presented by the french institute alliance francaise and china institute as part of fiaf 's crossing the line festival . the difference is these female terra-cotta warriors are not out to protect any emperor , but were created to bring attention to the plight of girls in china . in china , there is a huge imbalance between boys and girls . i wanted to highlight the issue of gender preference , ' said nourry . i needed a strong cultural symbol to base this project on , and a universal one that would speak both to chinese villagers in the countryside and to citizens abroad . ' and , in a striking parallel to the terra-cotta soldiers , the terra-cotta girls will also become an archaeological project . after the exhibition , they will be buried in china until 2030 , the year that , according to chinese sociologists , men will have the hardest time finding a wife because of the skewed gender ratio . the imbalance of the sexes is a serious problem for the chinese . a 2010 census indicates there are at least 34 million more men than women . due to the one-child policy and traditional preference for boys , as well as sex-selective technologies , china will have a huge surplus of men , which presents daunting demographic challenges for the world 's most populous country . perhaps for those reasons , nourry did n't encounter difficulties with the chinese government in pursuing this project in china . she started working on the terra-cotta statues two years ago after finishing an installation in india that also explored gender bias . in deciding on the size of the female army , nourry chose the number eight because of its auspiciousness in chinese culture . she created the first eight statues modeled after eight girls whom she met through an orphan charity in china . then , working with local craftsmen in xi'an , 108 permutations of statues were made based nourry 's original eight statues by combining the different heads , torsos and legs . for xian feng , the main craftsman i worked with in china , my project seemed at first impossible since women'ca n't be soldiers .'but after we began the project , he changed his view and even turned one of the 108 combinations into a portrait of his own daughter , ' said nourry . the local craftsmen of xi'an are used to making copies of the terra-cotta warriors which are sold primarily to tourists . when nourry asked them to give their artistic interpretation in sculpting the female statues , they were initially tentative . over time , they lost their hesitancy and gave each statue unique faces . no two statues have the same features . each terra-cotta warrior girl stands nearly 5 feet tall and weighs about 260 pounds . their hairstyles are contemporary , as are their uniform , which is modeled after the orphan girls'school attire . unlike the male warriors , they look approachable , friendly and even charming . it was a very enriching collaboration , based on exchange and mutual respect , ' said nourry . her favorite moment was when the eight girls saw the terra-cotta statues of themselves and were delighted . part of the proceeds from the sale of the eight original statues will pay for the cost of the eight girls'education for three years . terracotta daughters ' is impressive in its artistic craftsmanship and social statement . it 's a refreshing reinterpretation of one of china 's national symbols . with these modern female warriors , prune raises the pressing issue of gender discrimination without pointing fingers at anyone or anything . one looks at these amazing terra-cotta statues and feel compelled to ask -- why are n't there more of them ? and why are n't there more girls in china ?
artist prune nourry 's show , terracotta daughters , ' opens in new york on wednesday
nourry <tsp> when emperor qin shi huang , the first emperor of china , anticipated his death more than 2,000 years ago , he wanted an army of warriors to guard his mausoleum forever and protect him in the afterlife . so he ordered the creation of some 8,000 terra-cotta soldiers , along with hundreds of terra-cotta horses and chariots , to be buried with him in his tomb . historians speculate the soldiers were modeled after eight individuals . when the statues were discovered by workers digging a well in xi'an , shaanxi province , in 1974 , the world was stunned by the spectacular funerary art and the legacy of the powerful emperor . since then , it 's become a major tourist attraction and a world heritage site . now , these soldiers have a counterpart : female terra-cotta warriors . prune nourry , a paris-born artist based in new york city , has created a small army of them . in terracotta daughters , ' 116 are featured in an exhibition at the china institute from september 10 through october 4 . the show 's u.s. premiere is presented by the french institute alliance francaise and china institute as part of fiaf 's crossing the line festival . the difference is these female terra-cotta warriors are not out to protect any emperor , but were created to bring attention to the plight of girls in china . in china , there is a huge imbalance between boys and girls . i wanted to highlight the issue of gender preference , ' said nourry . i needed a strong cultural symbol to base this project on , and a universal one that would speak both to chinese villagers in the countryside and to citizens abroad . ' and , in a striking parallel to the terra-cotta soldiers , the terra-cotta girls will also become an archaeological project . after the exhibition , they will be buried in china until 2030 , the year that , according to chinese sociologists , men will have the hardest time finding a wife because of the skewed gender ratio . the imbalance of the sexes is a serious problem for the chinese . a 2010 census indicates there are at least 34 million more men than women . due to the one-child policy and traditional preference for boys , as well as sex-selective technologies , china will have a huge surplus of men , which presents daunting demographic challenges for the world 's most populous country . perhaps for those reasons , nourry did n't encounter difficulties with the chinese government in pursuing this project in china . she started working on the terra-cotta statues two years ago after finishing an installation in india that also explored gender bias . in deciding on the size of the female army , nourry chose the number eight because of its auspiciousness in chinese culture . she created the first eight statues modeled after eight girls whom she met through an orphan charity in china . then , working with local craftsmen in xi'an , 108 permutations of statues were made based nourry 's original eight statues by combining the different heads , torsos and legs . for xian feng , the main craftsman i worked with in china , my project seemed at first impossible since women'ca n't be soldiers .'but after we began the project , he changed his view and even turned one of the 108 combinations into a portrait of his own daughter , ' said nourry . the local craftsmen of xi'an are used to making copies of the terra-cotta warriors which are sold primarily to tourists . when nourry asked them to give their artistic interpretation in sculpting the female statues , they were initially tentative . over time , they lost their hesitancy and gave each statue unique faces . no two statues have the same features . each terra-cotta warrior girl stands nearly 5 feet tall and weighs about 260 pounds . their hairstyles are contemporary , as are their uniform , which is modeled after the orphan girls'school attire . unlike the male warriors , they look approachable , friendly and even charming . it was a very enriching collaboration , based on exchange and mutual respect , ' said nourry . her favorite moment was when the eight girls saw the terra-cotta statues of themselves and were delighted . part of the proceeds from the sale of the eight original statues will pay for the cost of the eight girls'education for three years . terracotta daughters ' is impressive in its artistic craftsmanship and social statement . it 's a refreshing reinterpretation of one of china 's national symbols . with these modern female warriors , prune raises the pressing issue of gender discrimination without pointing fingers at anyone or anything . one looks at these amazing terra-cotta statues and feel compelled to ask -- why are n't there more of them ? and why are n't there more girls in china ?
nourry worked with local craftsmen in china to make each female terra-cotta statue unique
new york <tsp> when emperor qin shi huang , the first emperor of china , anticipated his death more than 2,000 years ago , he wanted an army of warriors to guard his mausoleum forever and protect him in the afterlife . so he ordered the creation of some 8,000 terra-cotta soldiers , along with hundreds of terra-cotta horses and chariots , to be buried with him in his tomb . historians speculate the soldiers were modeled after eight individuals . when the statues were discovered by workers digging a well in xi'an , shaanxi province , in 1974 , the world was stunned by the spectacular funerary art and the legacy of the powerful emperor . since then , it 's become a major tourist attraction and a world heritage site . now , these soldiers have a counterpart : female terra-cotta warriors . prune nourry , a paris-born artist based in new york city , has created a small army of them . in terracotta daughters , ' 116 are featured in an exhibition at the china institute from september 10 through october 4 . the show 's u.s. premiere is presented by the french institute alliance francaise and china institute as part of fiaf 's crossing the line festival . the difference is these female terra-cotta warriors are not out to protect any emperor , but were created to bring attention to the plight of girls in china . in china , there is a huge imbalance between boys and girls . i wanted to highlight the issue of gender preference , ' said nourry . i needed a strong cultural symbol to base this project on , and a universal one that would speak both to chinese villagers in the countryside and to citizens abroad . ' and , in a striking parallel to the terra-cotta soldiers , the terra-cotta girls will also become an archaeological project . after the exhibition , they will be buried in china until 2030 , the year that , according to chinese sociologists , men will have the hardest time finding a wife because of the skewed gender ratio . the imbalance of the sexes is a serious problem for the chinese . a 2010 census indicates there are at least 34 million more men than women . due to the one-child policy and traditional preference for boys , as well as sex-selective technologies , china will have a huge surplus of men , which presents daunting demographic challenges for the world 's most populous country . perhaps for those reasons , nourry did n't encounter difficulties with the chinese government in pursuing this project in china . she started working on the terra-cotta statues two years ago after finishing an installation in india that also explored gender bias . in deciding on the size of the female army , nourry chose the number eight because of its auspiciousness in chinese culture . she created the first eight statues modeled after eight girls whom she met through an orphan charity in china . then , working with local craftsmen in xi'an , 108 permutations of statues were made based nourry 's original eight statues by combining the different heads , torsos and legs . for xian feng , the main craftsman i worked with in china , my project seemed at first impossible since women'ca n't be soldiers .'but after we began the project , he changed his view and even turned one of the 108 combinations into a portrait of his own daughter , ' said nourry . the local craftsmen of xi'an are used to making copies of the terra-cotta warriors which are sold primarily to tourists . when nourry asked them to give their artistic interpretation in sculpting the female statues , they were initially tentative . over time , they lost their hesitancy and gave each statue unique faces . no two statues have the same features . each terra-cotta warrior girl stands nearly 5 feet tall and weighs about 260 pounds . their hairstyles are contemporary , as are their uniform , which is modeled after the orphan girls'school attire . unlike the male warriors , they look approachable , friendly and even charming . it was a very enriching collaboration , based on exchange and mutual respect , ' said nourry . her favorite moment was when the eight girls saw the terra-cotta statues of themselves and were delighted . part of the proceeds from the sale of the eight original statues will pay for the cost of the eight girls'education for three years . terracotta daughters ' is impressive in its artistic craftsmanship and social statement . it 's a refreshing reinterpretation of one of china 's national symbols . with these modern female warriors , prune raises the pressing issue of gender discrimination without pointing fingers at anyone or anything . one looks at these amazing terra-cotta statues and feel compelled to ask -- why are n't there more of them ? and why are n't there more girls in china ?
artist prune nourry 's show , terracotta daughters , ' opens in new york on wednesday
oz <tsp> ( cnn ) talk show host dr. mehmet oz is defending himself against a group of doctors who accuse him of manifesting an egregious lack of integrity ' in his tv and promotional work and who call his faculty position at columbia university unacceptable . in a written statement issued last week , oz said , i bring the public information that will help them on their path to be their best selves . we provide multiple points of view , including mine which is offered without conflict of interest . that does n't sit well with certain agendas which distort the facts . for example , i do not claim that gmo ( genetically modified organism ) foods are dangerous , but believe that they should be labeled like they are in most countries around the world . i will address this on the show next week . ' that show was taped on tuesday and in a clip posted online after the taping , he tells his audience he will not be silenced . the episode will air on thursday afternoon in most markets , friday in others . it all started when a group of 10 physicians from across the country emailed a letter to columbia university expressing disapproval that oz is on the faculty . the email sent to columbia 's faculty dean for health sciences and medicine , dr. lee goldman , said the group is surprised and dismayed ' that oz is on faculty and that he holds a senior administrative position . oz is vice chair of the department of surgery , at columbia university college of physicians and surgeons . the email was sent by dr. henry miller , a fellow in scientific philosophy and public policy at stanford university 's hoover institute . it was signed by nine other physicians from across the country , none of whom is affiliated with columbia . they accuse oz of what they call manifesting an egregious lack of integrity by promoting quack treatments and cures in the interest of personal financial gain . ' they go on to say oz has either outrageous conflicts of interest or flawed judgments about what constitutes appropriate medical treatments , or both . ' the doctors argue in their emailed letter that oz shows disdain for science and for evidence-based medicine , as well as baseless and relentless opposition to the genetic engineering of food crops . ' it 's worth noting that miller previously worked at the fda , at one point reviewing genetically engineered drugs . as an example , they cite an investigation reported on the show in 2011 in which apple juice was presented as having unsafe levels of arsenic . the fda disputed the findings and said the report was misleading and irresponsible . this is not the first time oz has been called out . he was in the hot seat on capitol hill at a june 2014 hearing on false advertising for deceptive weight loss products featured on his show . sen. claire mccaskill , d-missouri , and chairwoman of the senate subcommittee on consumer protection , product safety and insurance , said at the hearing he was perpetuating scams , whether it was intentional or not . miller and the other doctors who signed the email echo that sentiment , saying oz is misleading the public and they tell columbia 's goldman that having him on the faculty is unacceptable . the doctors , who are in different areas of the country and different facets of the medical community , all have a connection to miller although they do not all know each other . cnn has reached out to all of them . those who have responded say miller invited them to sign the email . orlando , florida , anesthesiologist dr. shelley fleet told cnn when she received an email from miller inviting her to sign the email to columbia , she said of course . he 's a charlatan , and columbia elevating him to a position of authority is a credence and platform for misleading more people , ' she said in a phone interview . fleet was a classmate of miller 's at mit . dr. joel tepper , a radiology professor at the university of north carolina school of medicine , is also a former classmate of miller 's . he told cnn he does not have a vendetta against oz . he said he just wants him to follow the basic rules of science and state what he knows as fact as fact and state what he does n't know as fact as not fact . ' he and fleet share mccaskill 's example of oz 's promotion of miracle weight loss drugs ' on the show as failure on oz 's part to follow the oath taken by doctors to do no harm . dr. gordon gill , professor emeritus of medicine and of cellular and molecular medicine at the university of san diego school of medicine , wrote in a letter to cnn : in discussions with henry , i agreed that the imprimatur of columbia medical school behind dr. oz gave an inaccurate message to tv viewers and as dr. goldman and i are long time colleagues i was comfortable pointing out these problems to him . ' miller worked in gill 's research lab before he went to medical school . while the email does not call for any specific action to be taken by the university , miller told cnn in an email that the group 's goal is for dr. oz to resign from the columbia faculty and decide that he 'd prefer a career as a tv celebrity doctor . ' oz spokesman tim sullivan sent an email to cnn last week listing the names of five of the 10 people who complained about oz . the email questions the integrity and even the qualifications of those who are pointing fingers at oz . for its part , columbia university is standing by oz . spokesman doug levy said in a statement , columbia is committed to the principle of academic freedom and to upholding faculty members'freedom of expression for statements they make in public discussion . ' levy added that the university 's role is to foster research , and it will not take action that hinders public statements by faculty members . the university has no position on what faculty members say in public discussion -- that is their individual academic freedom and is provided to them in the university 's governing documents , he said . a cardiac surgeon , oz came to columbia for his residency after medical school in 1986 and rose through the ranks . he is also the director of the cardiovascular institute and complementary medicine program at new york presbyterian hospital . oz rose to fame after frequent appearances on the oprah winfrey show ' led to the creation of his own show and magazine . he is also co-founder of the consumer health website sharecare.com . cnn 's elizabeth cohen , anne woolsey and kim berryman contributed to this report .
radiology professor says that he just wants oz to follow the basic rules of science '
oz <tsp> ( cnn ) talk show host dr. mehmet oz is defending himself against a group of doctors who accuse him of manifesting an egregious lack of integrity ' in his tv and promotional work and who call his faculty position at columbia university unacceptable . in a written statement issued last week , oz said , i bring the public information that will help them on their path to be their best selves . we provide multiple points of view , including mine which is offered without conflict of interest . that does n't sit well with certain agendas which distort the facts . for example , i do not claim that gmo ( genetically modified organism ) foods are dangerous , but believe that they should be labeled like they are in most countries around the world . i will address this on the show next week . ' that show was taped on tuesday and in a clip posted online after the taping , he tells his audience he will not be silenced . the episode will air on thursday afternoon in most markets , friday in others . it all started when a group of 10 physicians from across the country emailed a letter to columbia university expressing disapproval that oz is on the faculty . the email sent to columbia 's faculty dean for health sciences and medicine , dr. lee goldman , said the group is surprised and dismayed ' that oz is on faculty and that he holds a senior administrative position . oz is vice chair of the department of surgery , at columbia university college of physicians and surgeons . the email was sent by dr. henry miller , a fellow in scientific philosophy and public policy at stanford university 's hoover institute . it was signed by nine other physicians from across the country , none of whom is affiliated with columbia . they accuse oz of what they call manifesting an egregious lack of integrity by promoting quack treatments and cures in the interest of personal financial gain . ' they go on to say oz has either outrageous conflicts of interest or flawed judgments about what constitutes appropriate medical treatments , or both . ' the doctors argue in their emailed letter that oz shows disdain for science and for evidence-based medicine , as well as baseless and relentless opposition to the genetic engineering of food crops . ' it 's worth noting that miller previously worked at the fda , at one point reviewing genetically engineered drugs . as an example , they cite an investigation reported on the show in 2011 in which apple juice was presented as having unsafe levels of arsenic . the fda disputed the findings and said the report was misleading and irresponsible . this is not the first time oz has been called out . he was in the hot seat on capitol hill at a june 2014 hearing on false advertising for deceptive weight loss products featured on his show . sen. claire mccaskill , d-missouri , and chairwoman of the senate subcommittee on consumer protection , product safety and insurance , said at the hearing he was perpetuating scams , whether it was intentional or not . miller and the other doctors who signed the email echo that sentiment , saying oz is misleading the public and they tell columbia 's goldman that having him on the faculty is unacceptable . the doctors , who are in different areas of the country and different facets of the medical community , all have a connection to miller although they do not all know each other . cnn has reached out to all of them . those who have responded say miller invited them to sign the email . orlando , florida , anesthesiologist dr. shelley fleet told cnn when she received an email from miller inviting her to sign the email to columbia , she said of course . he 's a charlatan , and columbia elevating him to a position of authority is a credence and platform for misleading more people , ' she said in a phone interview . fleet was a classmate of miller 's at mit . dr. joel tepper , a radiology professor at the university of north carolina school of medicine , is also a former classmate of miller 's . he told cnn he does not have a vendetta against oz . he said he just wants him to follow the basic rules of science and state what he knows as fact as fact and state what he does n't know as fact as not fact . ' he and fleet share mccaskill 's example of oz 's promotion of miracle weight loss drugs ' on the show as failure on oz 's part to follow the oath taken by doctors to do no harm . dr. gordon gill , professor emeritus of medicine and of cellular and molecular medicine at the university of san diego school of medicine , wrote in a letter to cnn : in discussions with henry , i agreed that the imprimatur of columbia medical school behind dr. oz gave an inaccurate message to tv viewers and as dr. goldman and i are long time colleagues i was comfortable pointing out these problems to him . ' miller worked in gill 's research lab before he went to medical school . while the email does not call for any specific action to be taken by the university , miller told cnn in an email that the group 's goal is for dr. oz to resign from the columbia faculty and decide that he 'd prefer a career as a tv celebrity doctor . ' oz spokesman tim sullivan sent an email to cnn last week listing the names of five of the 10 people who complained about oz . the email questions the integrity and even the qualifications of those who are pointing fingers at oz . for its part , columbia university is standing by oz . spokesman doug levy said in a statement , columbia is committed to the principle of academic freedom and to upholding faculty members'freedom of expression for statements they make in public discussion . ' levy added that the university 's role is to foster research , and it will not take action that hinders public statements by faculty members . the university has no position on what faculty members say in public discussion -- that is their individual academic freedom and is provided to them in the university 's governing documents , he said . a cardiac surgeon , oz came to columbia for his residency after medical school in 1986 and rose through the ranks . he is also the director of the cardiovascular institute and complementary medicine program at new york presbyterian hospital . oz rose to fame after frequent appearances on the oprah winfrey show ' led to the creation of his own show and magazine . he is also co-founder of the consumer health website sharecare.com . cnn 's elizabeth cohen , anne woolsey and kim berryman contributed to this report .
ten physicians across the country have banded together to tell columbia they think having oz on faculty is unacceptable
oz <tsp> ( cnn ) talk show host dr. mehmet oz is defending himself against a group of doctors who accuse him of manifesting an egregious lack of integrity ' in his tv and promotional work and who call his faculty position at columbia university unacceptable . in a written statement issued last week , oz said , i bring the public information that will help them on their path to be their best selves . we provide multiple points of view , including mine which is offered without conflict of interest . that does n't sit well with certain agendas which distort the facts . for example , i do not claim that gmo ( genetically modified organism ) foods are dangerous , but believe that they should be labeled like they are in most countries around the world . i will address this on the show next week . ' that show was taped on tuesday and in a clip posted online after the taping , he tells his audience he will not be silenced . the episode will air on thursday afternoon in most markets , friday in others . it all started when a group of 10 physicians from across the country emailed a letter to columbia university expressing disapproval that oz is on the faculty . the email sent to columbia 's faculty dean for health sciences and medicine , dr. lee goldman , said the group is surprised and dismayed ' that oz is on faculty and that he holds a senior administrative position . oz is vice chair of the department of surgery , at columbia university college of physicians and surgeons . the email was sent by dr. henry miller , a fellow in scientific philosophy and public policy at stanford university 's hoover institute . it was signed by nine other physicians from across the country , none of whom is affiliated with columbia . they accuse oz of what they call manifesting an egregious lack of integrity by promoting quack treatments and cures in the interest of personal financial gain . ' they go on to say oz has either outrageous conflicts of interest or flawed judgments about what constitutes appropriate medical treatments , or both . ' the doctors argue in their emailed letter that oz shows disdain for science and for evidence-based medicine , as well as baseless and relentless opposition to the genetic engineering of food crops . ' it 's worth noting that miller previously worked at the fda , at one point reviewing genetically engineered drugs . as an example , they cite an investigation reported on the show in 2011 in which apple juice was presented as having unsafe levels of arsenic . the fda disputed the findings and said the report was misleading and irresponsible . this is not the first time oz has been called out . he was in the hot seat on capitol hill at a june 2014 hearing on false advertising for deceptive weight loss products featured on his show . sen. claire mccaskill , d-missouri , and chairwoman of the senate subcommittee on consumer protection , product safety and insurance , said at the hearing he was perpetuating scams , whether it was intentional or not . miller and the other doctors who signed the email echo that sentiment , saying oz is misleading the public and they tell columbia 's goldman that having him on the faculty is unacceptable . the doctors , who are in different areas of the country and different facets of the medical community , all have a connection to miller although they do not all know each other . cnn has reached out to all of them . those who have responded say miller invited them to sign the email . orlando , florida , anesthesiologist dr. shelley fleet told cnn when she received an email from miller inviting her to sign the email to columbia , she said of course . he 's a charlatan , and columbia elevating him to a position of authority is a credence and platform for misleading more people , ' she said in a phone interview . fleet was a classmate of miller 's at mit . dr. joel tepper , a radiology professor at the university of north carolina school of medicine , is also a former classmate of miller 's . he told cnn he does not have a vendetta against oz . he said he just wants him to follow the basic rules of science and state what he knows as fact as fact and state what he does n't know as fact as not fact . ' he and fleet share mccaskill 's example of oz 's promotion of miracle weight loss drugs ' on the show as failure on oz 's part to follow the oath taken by doctors to do no harm . dr. gordon gill , professor emeritus of medicine and of cellular and molecular medicine at the university of san diego school of medicine , wrote in a letter to cnn : in discussions with henry , i agreed that the imprimatur of columbia medical school behind dr. oz gave an inaccurate message to tv viewers and as dr. goldman and i are long time colleagues i was comfortable pointing out these problems to him . ' miller worked in gill 's research lab before he went to medical school . while the email does not call for any specific action to be taken by the university , miller told cnn in an email that the group 's goal is for dr. oz to resign from the columbia faculty and decide that he 'd prefer a career as a tv celebrity doctor . ' oz spokesman tim sullivan sent an email to cnn last week listing the names of five of the 10 people who complained about oz . the email questions the integrity and even the qualifications of those who are pointing fingers at oz . for its part , columbia university is standing by oz . spokesman doug levy said in a statement , columbia is committed to the principle of academic freedom and to upholding faculty members'freedom of expression for statements they make in public discussion . ' levy added that the university 's role is to foster research , and it will not take action that hinders public statements by faculty members . the university has no position on what faculty members say in public discussion -- that is their individual academic freedom and is provided to them in the university 's governing documents , he said . a cardiac surgeon , oz came to columbia for his residency after medical school in 1986 and rose through the ranks . he is also the director of the cardiovascular institute and complementary medicine program at new york presbyterian hospital . oz rose to fame after frequent appearances on the oprah winfrey show ' led to the creation of his own show and magazine . he is also co-founder of the consumer health website sharecare.com . cnn 's elizabeth cohen , anne woolsey and kim berryman contributed to this report .
tv 's dr. oz ' holds a faculty position at columbia university 's college of physicians and surgeons
college of physicians and surgeons <tsp> ( cnn ) talk show host dr. mehmet oz is defending himself against a group of doctors who accuse him of manifesting an egregious lack of integrity ' in his tv and promotional work and who call his faculty position at columbia university unacceptable . in a written statement issued last week , oz said , i bring the public information that will help them on their path to be their best selves . we provide multiple points of view , including mine which is offered without conflict of interest . that does n't sit well with certain agendas which distort the facts . for example , i do not claim that gmo ( genetically modified organism ) foods are dangerous , but believe that they should be labeled like they are in most countries around the world . i will address this on the show next week . ' that show was taped on tuesday and in a clip posted online after the taping , he tells his audience he will not be silenced . the episode will air on thursday afternoon in most markets , friday in others . it all started when a group of 10 physicians from across the country emailed a letter to columbia university expressing disapproval that oz is on the faculty . the email sent to columbia 's faculty dean for health sciences and medicine , dr. lee goldman , said the group is surprised and dismayed ' that oz is on faculty and that he holds a senior administrative position . oz is vice chair of the department of surgery , at columbia university college of physicians and surgeons . the email was sent by dr. henry miller , a fellow in scientific philosophy and public policy at stanford university 's hoover institute . it was signed by nine other physicians from across the country , none of whom is affiliated with columbia . they accuse oz of what they call manifesting an egregious lack of integrity by promoting quack treatments and cures in the interest of personal financial gain . ' they go on to say oz has either outrageous conflicts of interest or flawed judgments about what constitutes appropriate medical treatments , or both . ' the doctors argue in their emailed letter that oz shows disdain for science and for evidence-based medicine , as well as baseless and relentless opposition to the genetic engineering of food crops . ' it 's worth noting that miller previously worked at the fda , at one point reviewing genetically engineered drugs . as an example , they cite an investigation reported on the show in 2011 in which apple juice was presented as having unsafe levels of arsenic . the fda disputed the findings and said the report was misleading and irresponsible . this is not the first time oz has been called out . he was in the hot seat on capitol hill at a june 2014 hearing on false advertising for deceptive weight loss products featured on his show . sen. claire mccaskill , d-missouri , and chairwoman of the senate subcommittee on consumer protection , product safety and insurance , said at the hearing he was perpetuating scams , whether it was intentional or not . miller and the other doctors who signed the email echo that sentiment , saying oz is misleading the public and they tell columbia 's goldman that having him on the faculty is unacceptable . the doctors , who are in different areas of the country and different facets of the medical community , all have a connection to miller although they do not all know each other . cnn has reached out to all of them . those who have responded say miller invited them to sign the email . orlando , florida , anesthesiologist dr. shelley fleet told cnn when she received an email from miller inviting her to sign the email to columbia , she said of course . he 's a charlatan , and columbia elevating him to a position of authority is a credence and platform for misleading more people , ' she said in a phone interview . fleet was a classmate of miller 's at mit . dr. joel tepper , a radiology professor at the university of north carolina school of medicine , is also a former classmate of miller 's . he told cnn he does not have a vendetta against oz . he said he just wants him to follow the basic rules of science and state what he knows as fact as fact and state what he does n't know as fact as not fact . ' he and fleet share mccaskill 's example of oz 's promotion of miracle weight loss drugs ' on the show as failure on oz 's part to follow the oath taken by doctors to do no harm . dr. gordon gill , professor emeritus of medicine and of cellular and molecular medicine at the university of san diego school of medicine , wrote in a letter to cnn : in discussions with henry , i agreed that the imprimatur of columbia medical school behind dr. oz gave an inaccurate message to tv viewers and as dr. goldman and i are long time colleagues i was comfortable pointing out these problems to him . ' miller worked in gill 's research lab before he went to medical school . while the email does not call for any specific action to be taken by the university , miller told cnn in an email that the group 's goal is for dr. oz to resign from the columbia faculty and decide that he 'd prefer a career as a tv celebrity doctor . ' oz spokesman tim sullivan sent an email to cnn last week listing the names of five of the 10 people who complained about oz . the email questions the integrity and even the qualifications of those who are pointing fingers at oz . for its part , columbia university is standing by oz . spokesman doug levy said in a statement , columbia is committed to the principle of academic freedom and to upholding faculty members'freedom of expression for statements they make in public discussion . ' levy added that the university 's role is to foster research , and it will not take action that hinders public statements by faculty members . the university has no position on what faculty members say in public discussion -- that is their individual academic freedom and is provided to them in the university 's governing documents , he said . a cardiac surgeon , oz came to columbia for his residency after medical school in 1986 and rose through the ranks . he is also the director of the cardiovascular institute and complementary medicine program at new york presbyterian hospital . oz rose to fame after frequent appearances on the oprah winfrey show ' led to the creation of his own show and magazine . he is also co-founder of the consumer health website sharecare.com . cnn 's elizabeth cohen , anne woolsey and kim berryman contributed to this report .
tv 's dr. oz ' holds a faculty position at columbia university 's college of physicians and surgeons
dr. oz <tsp> ( cnn ) talk show host dr. mehmet oz is defending himself against a group of doctors who accuse him of manifesting an egregious lack of integrity ' in his tv and promotional work and who call his faculty position at columbia university unacceptable . in a written statement issued last week , oz said , i bring the public information that will help them on their path to be their best selves . we provide multiple points of view , including mine which is offered without conflict of interest . that does n't sit well with certain agendas which distort the facts . for example , i do not claim that gmo ( genetically modified organism ) foods are dangerous , but believe that they should be labeled like they are in most countries around the world . i will address this on the show next week . ' that show was taped on tuesday and in a clip posted online after the taping , he tells his audience he will not be silenced . the episode will air on thursday afternoon in most markets , friday in others . it all started when a group of 10 physicians from across the country emailed a letter to columbia university expressing disapproval that oz is on the faculty . the email sent to columbia 's faculty dean for health sciences and medicine , dr. lee goldman , said the group is surprised and dismayed ' that oz is on faculty and that he holds a senior administrative position . oz is vice chair of the department of surgery , at columbia university college of physicians and surgeons . the email was sent by dr. henry miller , a fellow in scientific philosophy and public policy at stanford university 's hoover institute . it was signed by nine other physicians from across the country , none of whom is affiliated with columbia . they accuse oz of what they call manifesting an egregious lack of integrity by promoting quack treatments and cures in the interest of personal financial gain . ' they go on to say oz has either outrageous conflicts of interest or flawed judgments about what constitutes appropriate medical treatments , or both . ' the doctors argue in their emailed letter that oz shows disdain for science and for evidence-based medicine , as well as baseless and relentless opposition to the genetic engineering of food crops . ' it 's worth noting that miller previously worked at the fda , at one point reviewing genetically engineered drugs . as an example , they cite an investigation reported on the show in 2011 in which apple juice was presented as having unsafe levels of arsenic . the fda disputed the findings and said the report was misleading and irresponsible . this is not the first time oz has been called out . he was in the hot seat on capitol hill at a june 2014 hearing on false advertising for deceptive weight loss products featured on his show . sen. claire mccaskill , d-missouri , and chairwoman of the senate subcommittee on consumer protection , product safety and insurance , said at the hearing he was perpetuating scams , whether it was intentional or not . miller and the other doctors who signed the email echo that sentiment , saying oz is misleading the public and they tell columbia 's goldman that having him on the faculty is unacceptable . the doctors , who are in different areas of the country and different facets of the medical community , all have a connection to miller although they do not all know each other . cnn has reached out to all of them . those who have responded say miller invited them to sign the email . orlando , florida , anesthesiologist dr. shelley fleet told cnn when she received an email from miller inviting her to sign the email to columbia , she said of course . he 's a charlatan , and columbia elevating him to a position of authority is a credence and platform for misleading more people , ' she said in a phone interview . fleet was a classmate of miller 's at mit . dr. joel tepper , a radiology professor at the university of north carolina school of medicine , is also a former classmate of miller 's . he told cnn he does not have a vendetta against oz . he said he just wants him to follow the basic rules of science and state what he knows as fact as fact and state what he does n't know as fact as not fact . ' he and fleet share mccaskill 's example of oz 's promotion of miracle weight loss drugs ' on the show as failure on oz 's part to follow the oath taken by doctors to do no harm . dr. gordon gill , professor emeritus of medicine and of cellular and molecular medicine at the university of san diego school of medicine , wrote in a letter to cnn : in discussions with henry , i agreed that the imprimatur of columbia medical school behind dr. oz gave an inaccurate message to tv viewers and as dr. goldman and i are long time colleagues i was comfortable pointing out these problems to him . ' miller worked in gill 's research lab before he went to medical school . while the email does not call for any specific action to be taken by the university , miller told cnn in an email that the group 's goal is for dr. oz to resign from the columbia faculty and decide that he 'd prefer a career as a tv celebrity doctor . ' oz spokesman tim sullivan sent an email to cnn last week listing the names of five of the 10 people who complained about oz . the email questions the integrity and even the qualifications of those who are pointing fingers at oz . for its part , columbia university is standing by oz . spokesman doug levy said in a statement , columbia is committed to the principle of academic freedom and to upholding faculty members'freedom of expression for statements they make in public discussion . ' levy added that the university 's role is to foster research , and it will not take action that hinders public statements by faculty members . the university has no position on what faculty members say in public discussion -- that is their individual academic freedom and is provided to them in the university 's governing documents , he said . a cardiac surgeon , oz came to columbia for his residency after medical school in 1986 and rose through the ranks . he is also the director of the cardiovascular institute and complementary medicine program at new york presbyterian hospital . oz rose to fame after frequent appearances on the oprah winfrey show ' led to the creation of his own show and magazine . he is also co-founder of the consumer health website sharecare.com . cnn 's elizabeth cohen , anne woolsey and kim berryman contributed to this report .
tv 's dr. oz ' holds a faculty position at columbia university 's college of physicians and surgeons
columbia university <tsp> ( cnn ) talk show host dr. mehmet oz is defending himself against a group of doctors who accuse him of manifesting an egregious lack of integrity ' in his tv and promotional work and who call his faculty position at columbia university unacceptable . in a written statement issued last week , oz said , i bring the public information that will help them on their path to be their best selves . we provide multiple points of view , including mine which is offered without conflict of interest . that does n't sit well with certain agendas which distort the facts . for example , i do not claim that gmo ( genetically modified organism ) foods are dangerous , but believe that they should be labeled like they are in most countries around the world . i will address this on the show next week . ' that show was taped on tuesday and in a clip posted online after the taping , he tells his audience he will not be silenced . the episode will air on thursday afternoon in most markets , friday in others . it all started when a group of 10 physicians from across the country emailed a letter to columbia university expressing disapproval that oz is on the faculty . the email sent to columbia 's faculty dean for health sciences and medicine , dr. lee goldman , said the group is surprised and dismayed ' that oz is on faculty and that he holds a senior administrative position . oz is vice chair of the department of surgery , at columbia university college of physicians and surgeons . the email was sent by dr. henry miller , a fellow in scientific philosophy and public policy at stanford university 's hoover institute . it was signed by nine other physicians from across the country , none of whom is affiliated with columbia . they accuse oz of what they call manifesting an egregious lack of integrity by promoting quack treatments and cures in the interest of personal financial gain . ' they go on to say oz has either outrageous conflicts of interest or flawed judgments about what constitutes appropriate medical treatments , or both . ' the doctors argue in their emailed letter that oz shows disdain for science and for evidence-based medicine , as well as baseless and relentless opposition to the genetic engineering of food crops . ' it 's worth noting that miller previously worked at the fda , at one point reviewing genetically engineered drugs . as an example , they cite an investigation reported on the show in 2011 in which apple juice was presented as having unsafe levels of arsenic . the fda disputed the findings and said the report was misleading and irresponsible . this is not the first time oz has been called out . he was in the hot seat on capitol hill at a june 2014 hearing on false advertising for deceptive weight loss products featured on his show . sen. claire mccaskill , d-missouri , and chairwoman of the senate subcommittee on consumer protection , product safety and insurance , said at the hearing he was perpetuating scams , whether it was intentional or not . miller and the other doctors who signed the email echo that sentiment , saying oz is misleading the public and they tell columbia 's goldman that having him on the faculty is unacceptable . the doctors , who are in different areas of the country and different facets of the medical community , all have a connection to miller although they do not all know each other . cnn has reached out to all of them . those who have responded say miller invited them to sign the email . orlando , florida , anesthesiologist dr. shelley fleet told cnn when she received an email from miller inviting her to sign the email to columbia , she said of course . he 's a charlatan , and columbia elevating him to a position of authority is a credence and platform for misleading more people , ' she said in a phone interview . fleet was a classmate of miller 's at mit . dr. joel tepper , a radiology professor at the university of north carolina school of medicine , is also a former classmate of miller 's . he told cnn he does not have a vendetta against oz . he said he just wants him to follow the basic rules of science and state what he knows as fact as fact and state what he does n't know as fact as not fact . ' he and fleet share mccaskill 's example of oz 's promotion of miracle weight loss drugs ' on the show as failure on oz 's part to follow the oath taken by doctors to do no harm . dr. gordon gill , professor emeritus of medicine and of cellular and molecular medicine at the university of san diego school of medicine , wrote in a letter to cnn : in discussions with henry , i agreed that the imprimatur of columbia medical school behind dr. oz gave an inaccurate message to tv viewers and as dr. goldman and i are long time colleagues i was comfortable pointing out these problems to him . ' miller worked in gill 's research lab before he went to medical school . while the email does not call for any specific action to be taken by the university , miller told cnn in an email that the group 's goal is for dr. oz to resign from the columbia faculty and decide that he 'd prefer a career as a tv celebrity doctor . ' oz spokesman tim sullivan sent an email to cnn last week listing the names of five of the 10 people who complained about oz . the email questions the integrity and even the qualifications of those who are pointing fingers at oz . for its part , columbia university is standing by oz . spokesman doug levy said in a statement , columbia is committed to the principle of academic freedom and to upholding faculty members'freedom of expression for statements they make in public discussion . ' levy added that the university 's role is to foster research , and it will not take action that hinders public statements by faculty members . the university has no position on what faculty members say in public discussion -- that is their individual academic freedom and is provided to them in the university 's governing documents , he said . a cardiac surgeon , oz came to columbia for his residency after medical school in 1986 and rose through the ranks . he is also the director of the cardiovascular institute and complementary medicine program at new york presbyterian hospital . oz rose to fame after frequent appearances on the oprah winfrey show ' led to the creation of his own show and magazine . he is also co-founder of the consumer health website sharecare.com . cnn 's elizabeth cohen , anne woolsey and kim berryman contributed to this report .
tv 's dr. oz ' holds a faculty position at columbia university 's college of physicians and surgeons
tsa <tsp> ( cnn ) -- a congressional hearing thursday on aviation security will be missing its chief witness , who declined to testify . transportation security administration chief john pistole had been asked to appear before the transportation and infrastructure subcommittee on aviation on the impact of his agency 's policies on passengers and the airline industry . but pistole said he had no plans to attend , arguing the panel has no jurisdiction over tsa matters . the tsa has been regularly criticized over the years by republicans in the house , especially , for not becoming leaner and more efficient . no representative from tsa will be present , ' pistole said in a statement posted on the agency 's website . it is not common but not unheard of for an agency director to decline to testify at a congressional hearing outside of a scheduling conflict or another agreed-upon reason . the full transportation committee is chaired by florida republican john mica , who has been a tough critic of tsa -- whether led by republican or democratic administrations -- for its size , for long security lines at airports , and for screening policies he says have fallen short . mica 's chairmanship ends in january due to house republican rules that limit such tenures . the committee insisted it has legislative jurisdiction when it comes to the airline industry and its passengers , who help finance tsa operations through security fees . the committee said it has a responsibility to ensure that travelers , airport operations and u.s. commerce are not disrupted by tsa policies , procedures or operations . tsa is missing the point , ' said justin harclerode , a spokesman for the full committee . while this committee does not have direct legislative jurisdiction over tsa , that agency , as with any other agency , has a responsibility to provide congressionally requested testimony or information . ' harclerode said , unfortunately , tsa regularly chooses to not even respond to simple requests for information by this committee . ' pistole said tsa would continue to work with committees of jurisdiction ' on agency matters . he said tsa witnesses have testified at 38 hearings and provided 425 briefings for lawmakers during this session of congress . the hearing will go on as planned . witnesses include two government watchdogs : an official from the homeland security department 's inspector general 's office and a homeland security expert from the government accountability office . industry representatives will also appear . oakland traveler arrested for watch art ' tsa thinks is timing device
transportation chairman has been tough critic of tsa
naya rivera <tsp> ( cnn ) naya rivera ca n't help but turn heads , and it 's not just the glee star 's singing , dancing and eye-catching outfits . sometimes it 's what comes out of her mouth , like her recent comments on the view ' about white people bathing too much . regardless of how much you shower , naya rivera is the gift that keeps giving to celebrity watchers like ourselves . in light of her latest comments , we thought it high time to take a look at five provocative things that rivera -- at the tender age of 28 -- has already said in a short but outspoken lifetime . white people shower a lot . i think that white people shower a lot more than ethnic , ' said rivera , who was a guest host on the tuesday edition of the view . ' i feel like showering more than once a day or every day is such a white people thing . ' my mom is half black , half puerto rican . she showers every day , so i can say this . ' and her husband , who is white ? he often showers several times per day . case closed ! not so fast . rivera apologized for any offense she caused the next day on the view . ' kim kardashian : lay off the nude photo shoots ! i normally do n't . but ... you 're someone 's mother ... ' said rivera , posting on instagram . the you ' is the famous for not-doing-much kim kardashian , who had posed au natural for paper magazine . faced with a backlash from lovers of all things kardashian , rivera—who can actually sing and dance and act—apologized via instagram . both men and women like her a lot . rivera became something of a sexy lesbian icon for her generation when santana , her character on glee , finally came out about her relationship with fellow student brittany ( played by heather morris ) . getting hit on by both genders is such a champagne problem , ' she said . even though she 's newly married ( to a man ) , we 're happy she understands the compliment . true love conquers not so true love . rivera married longtime friend and fellow actor ryan dorsey last summer , a scant three months after she and rapper big sean called off their engagement . we feel truly blessed to be joined as husband and wife , ' the dorseys told us weekly . our special day was fated and everything we could have ever asked for . true love always prevails . ' we hope so . do n't mess with my man . it 's all female best friends for rivera and all male best friends for her new husband , rivera told members of the the view ' in november . mary j. blige had made the case for same-sex friends , and rivera agreed . i feel like you 're playing with fire and opening up the floodgates here , and you 're having issues in your marriage , but someone is going to talk to the opposite sex to get advice or whatever and you should be talking to your partner , ' she said . so i do n't believe in it . '
naya rivera thinks that white folks shower too much , she said on the view '
rio ferdinand <tsp> ( cnn ) -- manchester united defender rio ferdinand has been charged with improper conduct by the english football association . the former national team captain responded to a tweet describing chelsea and england left-back as a choc ice ' with the message : i hear you fella ! choc ice is a classic ! hahahahahaha ! ! ' in a brief statement published on their website thursday , the fa announced : ' the allegation is that the player acted in a way which was improper and/or bought the game into disrepute by making comments which included a reference to ethnic origin and/or color and/or race . ' ferdinand , a surprise exclusion from england 's euro 2012 squad , has until 4pm on 2nd august to respond to the fa 's charge . the charge is the latest twist in an ongoing saga that began last october , when england and chelsea defender john terry was accused of racially abusing anton ferdinand , rio 's brother , during a premier league game . terry was recently found not guilty at westminster magistrates court , but has since been charged by the fa for alleged abusive and/or insulting words and/or behavior towards ' , and an allegation that this included a reference to the ethnic origin and/or color and/or race of anton ferdinand . ' ashley cole , who plays alongside terry for club and country , was a character witness at the court hearing . the elder ferdinand controversially tweeted during the trial , film of the day : liar liar .... starring jim carey . what a film ! ! , in what many assumed was a coded reference to his former international teammate john terry . meanwhile , manchester united has announced that car maker chevrolet will be the club 's new shirt sponsor . the seven year deal will run from the 2014/2015 season , with the u.s. based company becoming only the fifth shirt sponsor in the club 's 134 year history . united'commercial director richard arnold described it as a fantastic , long-term deal for the club ' , but declined to reveal how much the new deal was worth to the club .
manchester united 's rio ferdinand charged by fa for comments posted on twitter
americans <tsp> ( cnn ) -- rick santorum evoked the homespun values of hard work , education and family in his speech to the republican national convention on tuesday night , but his math needs improvement . the former pennsylvania senator and runner-up in this year 's gop race criticized president barack obama during his convention speech for what he called a belief in government handouts and dependency . ' in addition to repeating a debunked claim that obama rolled back work requirements for welfare recipients , santorum said that under the obama administration , the dream of freedom and opportunity has become a nightmare of dependence , with almost half of america receiving some sort of government assistance . ' cnn fact check : obama and romney 's energy policies the facts : -- as of june 2011 , 49 % of americans received some sort of financial support from the government , according to the u.s. census bureau . so that figure has some basis in fact . -- but the number includes more than just people receiving anti-poverty assistance . it also includes social security and medicare , the federal pension and health care programs for seniors -- programs that are funded by workers'payroll taxes and are n't typically associated with concerns about dependency . it also includes other benefits , such as worker 's compensation or educational assistance for veterans . -- the number of people who qualify for means-tested ' benefits , which require applicants to have incomes below a certain level , was 35.1 % , according to the census bureau . -- by comparison , when the already-slumping u.s. economy began to nosedive in september 2008 , about 24 % of u.s. households received means-tested benefits such as welfare or food stamps , according to census bureau figures . an april report from the nonpartisan congressional budget office report found that roughly one in seven americans received food stamps -- now called the supplemental nutrition assistance program -- compared with about one out of 11 in 2007 . cnn fact check : lower unemployment in gop-led states ? the verdict : misleading . the nearly half ' santorum cited includes most seniors who receive medicare and social security benefits , while a large portion of the increase in poverty-assistance programs is a result of the lingering effects of the 2007-2009 recession . full coverage of the republican national convention open story : republican national convention cnn 's matt smith and emily smith contributed to this report .
census bureau : 49 % of americans get some support
okoro <tsp> ( cnn ) -- the movement for the emancipation of the niger delta has claimed responsibility for an attack on an oil rig and the kidnapping of seven people . mend is one of several militant groups in the oil-rich niger delta that has been battling the government for years over the distribution of the country 's oil wealth . cnn could not independently confirm the group 's claim . mend said in a statement that its fighters carried out the attack on the transocean rig off the southern coast of nigeria at okoro field . all the abducted expatriates are well and in our safe custody , ' the statement said . all the fighters who participated in this attack have safely returned to base . within the next 24 hours , we will release the names of all expatriates currently being held in our different camps . ' london , england-based afren plc said two indonesians , two americans , two french and one canadian were kidnapped . the indonesians were not included in an earlier tally released by the company . two crew members are in stable condition at a shore-based clinic , where they were airlifted after being wounded . state department spokesman p.j . crowley said the united states is in contact with nigerian officials . we [ are ] , of course , concerned about their safety and hope for their immediate release , ' he said . we are working with nigerian authorities ... to pursue their prompt release , and there 's an investigation already under way . ' drilling operations in the okoro field have been temporarily suspended , both companies said . in a news release , afren said a security breach ' occurred soon after its high island vii jackup rig arrived but before drilling had commenced . the situation has not been resolved . afren is doing everything it can to resolve the situation as quickly as possible , and it is working with relevant agencies in the nigerian government , ' afren spokesman james henderson told cnn . transocean operates six offshore rigs in nigeria -- two deepwater rigs , two ultra-deepwater rigs and two shallow-water rigs , including the one involved in the incident , said guy cantwell , a spokesman for the houston , texas-based company . the company has taken additional safety precautions ' on its other assets in the west african nation , cantwell said . nigerian officials would not comment about the incident . cnn 's john dear and vivian kuo contributed to this report .
drilling operations in the okoro field have been suspended
house <tsp> washington ( cnn ) -- house appropriations committee chairman david obey , a senior member of the congressional democratic leadership , announced wednesday that he is not seeking re-election this november . obey , 71 , represents wisconsin 's 7th congressional district . he was the youngest member of congress when he was elected to his first of 21 terms in 1969 . he is the fourth-longest-serving house member , serving behind democratic reps. john dingell and john conyers , both of michigan , and florida republican rep. bill young . i think that along the way i 've made a difference in the district and the state that i represent , and for the country . but there is a time to stay and a time to go , and this is my time to go , ' obey said in announcing his decision . frankly , i hate to do it . there is so much that needs to be done . but even more frankly , i am bone tired , ' he said . house speaker nancy pelosi praised obey as a transformational figure in the congress . ' he is a visionary for a better life for the american people and a legislative genius : he has an ability to see around corners , anticipate challenges and opportunities and sustain a fight on behalf of what is right . for nearly a half century , he 's been an indefatigable reformer , ' she said . obey said he considered retiring after the 2000 election , but he said he became so angered by the policies of the bush administration that i decided to stick around as long as they were here . ' he also said that when he was asked in the past if he was contemplating retirement , he would tell reporters he did n't want to retire until congress passed health care reform . well , now it has , and i can leave with the knowledge that thanks to speaker pelosi and president obama and so many others , we got the job done . i have n't done all of the big things that i wanted to do when i started out , but i 've done all of the big things that i 'm likely to do , ' he said . obey won the 2008 election with 61 percent of the vote . this term , he was expected to face republican challenger sean duffy , the district attorney of ashland county . earlier this year , time magazine named duffy as one of 10 gop contenders capable of providing a scott brown-like upset , referring to the republican 's surprise win in the massachusetts senate election . duffy also appeared on the sixth season of mtv 's the real world . ' the national republican congressional committee issued a statement saying obey was facing the race of his life . ' that is why it is understandable that the architect of president obama 's failed stimulus plan has decided to call it quits . it is ironic that a congressman who became infamously known for his short temper and angry tirades on the house floor , is going out with such a whimper , ' nrcc communications director ken spain said in a statement . the nonpartisan rothenberg political report had characterized the district as leaning democratic . ' the democratic congressional campaign committee praised obey as a tireless voice for progress on behalf of his constituents in wisconsin and middle class families across america ' and disputed the notion that his job was at risk . his success in writing a new code of ethics for the house of representatives and ensuring passage of our historic health insurance reforms will stand as chairman obey 's proud legacy , ' dccc chairman chris van hollen said in a statement . chairman obey would have won re-election again had he run . we are confident that a democrat who shares chairman obey 's commitment to making progress for wisconsin 's middle class families will succeed him as the next representative of wisconsin 's 7th congressional district . ' obey also expressed confidence that he would have held on to his seat . let me put it this way -- i have won 25 elections , ' obey said . does anybody really think i do n't know how to win another one ? or , for that matter , has anyone ever seen me walk away from a fight in my life ? ' the fact is there is n't a chance of a snowball in hades of that progressive congressional district electing someone who is a poor imitation of george bush 's policies on a bad day , ' obey added to applause . obey said he believes the job of a good politician is to be used up ' fighting for causes one believes in , and then stepping aside to let someone else carry on the battle . well today folks , i feel used up , ' he said . obey said he was n't sure what he planned to do next , but joked , all i do know is that there has to be more to life than explaining the ridiculous accountability-destroying rules of the united states senate to confused and angry and frustrated constituents . ' cnn 's deirdre walsh contributed to this report
rep. david obey , d-wisconsin , announced he will not run again after 41 years in house
marrakech <tsp> rabat , morocco ( cnn ) -- morocco 's interior ministry said thursday that three moroccan suspects loyal to al qaeda have been arrested in connection with last month 's bombing at a popular marrakech cafe , the official maghreb arabe presse news agency reported . one of the suspects was described in the interior ministry statement as the main figure in the april 28 bombing that killed 16 people and injured 21 , according to the map report . the ministry statement described the bombing as a terrorist attack . the bombing occurred around 11 a.m. at cafe argana in marrakech 's old city , which is designated by the united nations'cultural arm as a world heritage site . tourists flock to the old city this time of the year , and it is usually packed with stalls , storytellers and snake-charmers . world leaders , including u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon and u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton , condemned the bombing . the individuals were absorbed by jihadist ideology , and had allegiance to al qaeda and had already made several attempts to join some of the hotbeds of tension , especially chechnya and iraq , before deciding to carry out terror in the homeland , ' the ministry statement said , according to map . the suspects learned on the internet how to make the two remote-detonated explosive devices used in the bombing , the ministry statement said . the attackers chose cafe argana as the target because of its popularity , and dressed as tourists to access the area , the statement said . a preliminary investigation found remnants of explosive materials and tools that had been discarded after the terrorist act , ' according to the statement . cnn 's mitra mobasherat , salma abdelaziz and journalist martin jay contributed to this report
the april 28 bombing killed 16 people at a popular marrakech cafe
carnegie hall <tsp> arlington , virginia ( cnn ) -- alan tolbert is not your average 13-year-old . while other kids his age spent their saturday shopping at the mall or tossing around a football , tolbert traveled from shippensburg , pennsylvania , to arlington national cemetery outside washington dressed in a navy blue civil war reenactment uniform and armed with a brass bugle . surrounding him at the historical site were nearly 200 other buglers and trumpeters from all over the united states , some even coming from as far away as california . a head shorter than his comrades , tolbert 's costume was a tad too big -- so big , in fact , that his mother had to roll up the bottom of his pants three times to make them fit . he did n't seem to notice , though . all he cared about was playing the 24 notes that make up taps . it is perhaps the most famous of military signals , and on saturday it turned 150 years old . taps , traditionally played at military funerals and also known as butterfield 's lullaby ' or day is done , ' were born during the civil war along the james river . gen. daniel butterfield , unhappy with the lights-out call , decided to change the nightly tune to a softer melody , ending up with the tune played today . currently , taps are played at the cemetery about 30 times daily , most notably at the tomb of the unknowns . to commemorate the 150th anniversary , buglers across america , a nonprofit organization that seeks to play live renditions for veteran funerals rather than subject the mourners to a cd version , enlisted nearly 200 volunteer buglers and trumpeters . the musicians joined together and played a united taps performance before they set off in search of a single soldier 's tombstone in the 624-acre burial ground . some chose a spot simply for its convenient location . others , like tolbert , chose them for their significance . one of the youngest volunteers , he selected the grave of johnny clem , a 10-year-old civil war drummer who became a sergeant by the time he turned 12 . tolbert usually plays taps by himself but said it was a great opportunity to play with some of the best buglers in the country on the hallowed ground of the cemetery . he admitted he did n't think a military career was in his future , though . i do n't think i want to be in the military one day , so the best i can do to serve our country is to honor those who are , ' tolbert said . for those who did serve in the military , playing taps in arlington national cemetery is one of the greatest honors for a bugler . well-known bugle historian and 23-year veteran jari villanueva explained that for him , it 's his way of paying back those who fought for america . whether it would be after a career , 20 , 30 years , or even those who have died on active duty , it 's our way of officially saying to the military ,'thank you . safely rest . god is nigh ,'' he explained , quoting the final lyrics associated with the melody . allison cummings , a patrol officer from hudson , new hampshire , usually plays taps at law enforcement funerals and ceremonies in her home state , but said playing in arlington was a unique experience . i started playing the trumpet when i was in fifth grade so i 've been playing for quite a while ... even from that age , i remember visiting here when i just started playing , ' said cummings , dressed in a black uniform trimmed in gold with her trumpet hanging by her side . this is like carnegie hall for me . this is just an incredible experience . ' [ bugling is ] just that final honor to someone who 's served their country , and it 's just such an honor to play that for them , ' cummings said as she stood opposite the grave she was about to serenade , fingering a commemorative gold coin she would lay to rest on the white marble headstone after her performance . it 's for the family as well , but i think of it as playing to that person , just a final thank you for what they did . '
this is like carnegie hall for me , ' says new hampshire trumpeter allison cummings
vatican ii <tsp> ( cnn ) -- on friday , pope francis announced the canonization of two of his predecessors : pope john paul ii ( pope from 1978 to 2005 ) and pope john xxiii ( 1958-1963 ) . that john-paul ii , whose pontificate dominated the late 20th century , is on a fast-track to sainthood should not come as a surprise . at his death in 2005 , the crowds chanted , santo subito ! ' ( sainthood now ! ) . the vatican verified his first miracle , the curing of a french nun of parkinson 's , from which he also suffered , just two months after his death . he was beatified in 2011 and his second miracle , the healing of a costa rican woman with an aneurism after her family prayed at one of his shrines , was ratified that same year . john xxiii 's canonization , however , was not on the radar , but it makes sense . john presided over the second vatican council , the great midcentury meeting that completely transformed modern catholicism , and which is now celebrating its 50th anniversary . pope francis has emphasized the divine nature of this council 's work frequently over the last few months and has waived the requirement that two miracles be credited to his intervention . a vatican spokesman emphasized that because no one doubts ' john 's holiness , pope francis has decided to move forward with the dual canonization . ( early italian reports suggest december 8 , a sunday this year , and the feast of the immaculate conception , as the most likely date . ) why does a pope become a saint ? at its most basic , catholics believe , a saint is a holy person through whom god intervenes after his or her death to aid the living . over the first 1,500 years of catholic history , people generally became saints through popular acclamation rather than through a formal papal process . while there were some saints who were celebrated across the christian world , the vast majority received only local or regional veneration . as with so many other catholic procedures , the reform movements in the medieval papacy gradually asserted control of the process of canonization . in 1588 , pope sixtus v instituted the sacred congregation of rites , ' a body intended to take complete charge of all processes of beatification and canonization . however , local communities and religious leaders have always sought to promote their local holy men and women as saints , and often started venerating people regardless of official vatican sanction . pope john paul ii , in fact , oversaw the canonization of more people ( 483 ) than had been canonized in the previous 500 years , in part to lend the weight of vatican authority to saints that had emerged throughout the global catholic world . seventy-eight of the 265 popes have been saints , which may seem like a large number , but this includes 52 out of the first 54 popes . after the sixth century , the rate of papal canonization rapidly decreased . by the time of the great medieval reform movements , most popes did not become saints and were not expected to do so , as sanctity became reserved for those not so deeply involved in worldly affairs . for example , pope celestine v may have become a saint , but he was recognized for his quiet life as a hermit , rather than for his brief life as pope ( he was also an inspiration for pope benedict xiv 's retirement ) . over the modern era , pious leaders in local communities , people like mother teresa , and others of great piety outside the elite hierarchy were most likely to be recognized as saints . thus , the incipient canonization of these two popes does stand out as unusual . so what 's going on in rome ? i turn back to the lessons of the history : decisions about sanctity almost always involve considerations about local contexts and contemporary needs . john paul ii 's sainthood has been promoted by many of the more conservative elements within the catholic world . john xxiii , however , is something of a hero to more liberal groups because of his sponsorship of vatican ii . perhaps in linking these two pontiffs , pope francis is performing yet another act that emphasizes the continuity and the connections among catholics of all kinds , a theme that has dominated his papacy so far . the opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of david m. perry .
he says john xxiii 's vatican ii was divine ' work , so francis required only one miracle
somalia <tsp> ( cnn ) -- security forces aboard a u.s. naval vessel fired warning shots toward two approaching small boats off the somali coast tuesday , the u.s. military said wednesday . the usns john lenthall is one of 14 fleet refueling ships operated by military sealift command . the rounds landed in the water , prompting the boats to turn around , and no casualties were reported , the military news release said . it is unclear whether the boats were trying to attack the 41,000-ton usns john lenthall , the military said . it is clear they were not following the international rules of the road observed by mariners around the globe , ' it said . the release noted that the location of the incident , the types of boats involved and the maneuvering were all consistent with reports from previous attacks on merchant vessels in the region . ' the usns john lenthall is one of 14 fleet replenishment oilers ' in the military sealift fleet support command , according to a u.s. navy web site . oilers refuel navy ships at sea and any aircraft they may be carrying . attacks by pirates have increased dramatically off the northern coast of somalia in the past year , prompting the united states and other nations to step up patrols in the region . in may , the u.s. navy warned merchant ships to stay at least 200 miles off the somali coast . but the u.s. maritime administration warns that pirates sometimes issue false distress calls to lure ships closer to shore . the pirates are often armed with automatic rifles and shoulder-fired rockets , according to warnings from the agency .
pirates known to prowl waters off african nation of somalia
africa <tsp> ( cnn ) -- travelers do n't always have to fight the masses and schlep overseas to find exotic vacation thrills . safari west near sonoma , california , offers a taste of africa in north america . if you know where to look , you can find destinations closer to home that offer relief from crowds and pricey travel arrangements . the right location can generate the makings of an african or european vacation -- without leaving north america . along the same lines , wine-lovers yearning for a taste of the napa valley do n't necessarily have to travel to california . watch more about getaways with an exotic vibe » africa-like safari if you 've always wanted to take an african safari but do n't have the time or money , sarah kantrowitz of travel + leisure recommends traveling to sonoma , california , for a host of wild adventures . in the heart of wine country , safari west offers a slice of serengeti life with 400 acres of preserve . you 'll be able to visit almost 500 animals including cheetahs , zebra and wildebeest , ' says kantrowitz . climb aboard their classic safari truck tour to observe over 80 species of wild animals in a natural habitat . safari west 's director of communications aphrodite caserta calls the tour a do n't miss experience . ' simply , ' she says , it 's a rare opportunity to experience an authentic african adventure without a passport and without the jet lag . and , without spending thousands of dollars . ' safari west also offers private truck tours , educational animal presentations and overnight tent accommodations . they even offer many seasonal specials to make your stay more affordable . check out http : //www.safariwest.com/ for information on their full moon madness package . you can save 50 percent off room rates on or around the full moon each month . napa valley-esque wine tastings if it 's wine you want , find an alternative to napa valley in michigan 's leelanau and old mission peninsulas . here you 'll discover more than 850 acres of land and more than 20 wineries for your choosing . the area offers tastings and gourmet meals , and kantrowitz says , the region is particularly known for its great pinot blancs . ' it also boasts plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities like scenic bike tours of the wine trails and camping on the lakeshore . andrew macfarlane , spokesperson for the leelanau peninsula vintner 's association , considers michigan wine country unique because the effects of the great lakes perfect the wine and the atmosphere . he says , it 's blue skies , no humidity . it 's an absolutely beautiful place to come in any season . ' check out leelanau 's and old mission 's web sites for winery lists , wine trail maps , special events and more . pseudo-european getaways with the euro still dominating the american dollar , try looking in your own backyard for european flair with a considerably smaller price tag . you can get a taste of france without breaking the bank in quebec . quebec city , the province 's capital , offers an experience rich in cultural heritage . settled about 400 years ago by french fur traders , the city hosts many examples of 18th and 19th century architecture and the distinction of being the only fortified city north of mexico . consider walking the streets and exploring the wonderful shops that sell wine , cheese and delicious baguettes , ' says kantrowitz . visit http : //www.quebecregion.com/e/ for quebec city 's calendar of events and recommendations for dining , shopping and lodging in the area . here you can also find information on different tours and package deals . if it 's spanish culture that interests you , look no further than st. augustine , florida . the nation 's oldest city was founded more than 400 years ago , and its colonial spanish quarter museum gives visitors the opportunity to see what life was like in the city when it was still an outpost of the spanish empire . through the state 's preservation effort , many of the colonial buildings in st. augustine have been restored to their original appearance . kantrowitz suggests taking a pedestrian route through the city . she says , try a walking tour to see a lot of architecture that is very reminiscent of spain itself . ' head over to http : //www.visitflorida.com/ for st. augustine photos , up-to-date deals and user-generated activity suggestions .
california has a slice of africa 's serengeti : cheetahs , zebra and wildebeest
beijing <tsp> beijing , china ( cnn ) -- a massive fire engulfed a newly constructed , unoccupied luxury hotel in central beijing on monday night as crowds watched a nearby fireworks display marking the end of lunar new year celebrations . the cause of the blaze at the 40-story mandarin oriental is unknown . the cause of the blaze at the 40-story mandarin oriental is not known and there were no reports of injuries , according to cnn staff members who were at the scene . the fire began about 9 p.m. and continued to burn an hour later . a plume of flames shot from the top of the structure as the fire quickly spread . ireporter jean de villeneuve lives about 200 yards ( 200 meters ) from the fire and said she watched it for about an hour before firefighters got it under control . de villeneuve , who is originally from france , said she was surprised at how close spectators were allowed to get before authorities established a perimeter . i looked and saw the huge tower full of fire , and there were hundreds of chinese down near my apartment taking pictures , ' she said . if this had been the united states , you would think a perimeter would be secured , but there was nothing like that . ' watch flames devour the hotel » de villeneuve said she and others were able to get within 60 yards of the fire . the state-run xinhua news agency reported that more than 1,000 people in the area were evacuated , traffic controls were imposed ' on a major highway and authorities temporarily stopped subway service on a line serving the area . snow-like ashes fell as far as [ half a mile ] from the building and smoke eclipsed the full moon , ' xinhua reported of the blaze in the capital 's central business district . see photos of the blaze » ireporter fred rice , a british national who lives in beijing , said the top of the building was exploding . ' we were n't sure if it was gas canisters or what . it was a spectacular sight for sure , ' he said . ireporter stephen chaytor said he was walking home from work when he saw the fire . watch the hotel burn » ' it was spreading incredibly fast . it was obvious that there was a lot of debris on site -- that debris ignited very quickly , ' chaytor said . fire took control of building [ and ] within less than 13 minutes , it went from small flames to being totally engulfed in flames . ' he said a crowd of onlookers gathered around the scene , as well as fire and emergency crews who worked to control the blaze . there was a quiet concern for people that may be involved , working in the building or close to construction site , ' he said . ireport.com : are you there ? the fire reached past the 30th floor , but did not spread to any adjacent buildings . the hotel is next to a newly constructed tower for china central television ( cctv ) , but no one has moved into that building either . the blaze erupted in the final hours of the chinese lunar new year celebration as people set off fireworks across the city . xinhua reported that beijing residents were supposed to stop selling and lighting fireworks by midnight . ireporter de villeneuve said she suspects many people in the city were trying to use whatever remaining fireworks they had before the deadline . we have been seeing fireworks for the past two weeks . i have to say this is quite a surprise , ' she said . ireport.com : eyewitnesses worried'building might topple' ireporter rice said he was watching fireworks nearby when he noticed that fireworks were being set off near the buildings . then we looked closer and saw the flames come from the top of the building , ' rice said . soon became apparent that the building was on fire . ' the modern , angular building was a sign of beijing 's recent transformation and modernization . it had been scheduled to open late last year , but the opening was postponed until this year , though most of the building had been constructed . according to its web site , the mandarin oriental-beijing is the flagship property in china for the mandarin oriental hotel chain . the tower stands more than 500 feet high and contains 241 rooms , xinhua reported .
modern , angular building a symbol of beijing 's modernization
rangers <tsp> barcelona , england -- ronaldinho has been recalled to the barcelona squad for tuesday 's champions league match against rangers in glasgow . ronaldinho was dropped from the barcelona squad on saturday for returning late from international duty . the brazilian was omitted from the squad that lost 3-1 to villarreal on saturday after returning late from international duty , but he has been named in an 18-man party for the trip to scotland . barca will be without deco for that match though , after the portuguese suffered a thigh injury against villarreal that will keep him sidelined for around five weeks . also missing are samuel eto'o , yaya toure , gianluca zambrotta , edmilson and rafael marquez as the catalans travel to scotland in a battle between the two sides with 100 per cent records in group e. barcelona squad : valdes , jorquera ; puyol , thuram , sylvinho , oleguer , abidal , milito ; iniesta , ronaldinho , messi , xavi , giovani , crosas ; henry , ezquerro , gudjohnsen , bojan . e-mail to a friend
ronaldinho is recalled to barca squad to face rangers in champions league
cheltenham <tsp> london ( cnn ) -- clad in brown trench coats , dark glasses and trilby hats , what appear to be three secret agents huddle around a payphone box with listening equipment . it 's not a 1950s film scene but the latest street art attributed to britain 's famously anonymous graffiti artist banksy . the image -- apparently a comment on the issue of government surveillance -- appeared early sunday , local media said , on a house wall in the provincial english spa town of cheltenham , in gloucestershire . the location may be a reference to the town 's role as host to britain 's government communications headquarters , known as gchq -- the uk equivalent of the u.s. national security agency . the nsa has been at the center of the spying row sparked by revelations by its former contractor edward snowden about the extent of government surveillance . some leaked documents also make a reference to gchq , although the uk government says the listening agency operates only within a strict framework of controls . asked about the image , a spokeswoman for gchq said , this is the first time we have ever been asked to comment on art . although we are not qualified critics , we are as intrigued as the rest of the residents of cheltenham about the appearance of the mysterious artwork . for those who are interested , our website gives a glimpse of what modern day intelligence operatives are really like , although some may be disappointed by the lack of trench coats and dark glasses . ' karen smith , who reportedly lives in the house , told the gloucestershire echo newspaper , it 's pretty good . it livens the street up a bit . there have been a lot of people about today looking at it . ' the artwork emerged a day before the washington post and united states arm of the guardian were awarded a pulitzer prize for their reporting on the nsa revelations , described as marked by authoritative and insightful reports that helped the public understand how the disclosures fit into the larger framework of national security . ' banksy 's own website makes no reference to the artwork . it instead features what appears to be a new artwork showing a man and a woman apparently embracing but each looking over the other 's shoulder at a smartphone -- perhaps a comment on our modern-day addiction to technological devices . banksy 's last high-profile project was a month-long street art residency ' in new york city . each day of october , banksy unveiled new works of art around new york . the works were then announced on his website and posted to instagram . many of the surprise exhibits followed his signature street-art style : stencils spray-painted on streets , walls of buildings and under bridges . interactive : banksy takes over nyc
mural on side of house in cheltenham shows three men huddled round a pay phone
cheltenham <tsp> london ( cnn ) -- clad in brown trench coats , dark glasses and trilby hats , what appear to be three secret agents huddle around a payphone box with listening equipment . it 's not a 1950s film scene but the latest street art attributed to britain 's famously anonymous graffiti artist banksy . the image -- apparently a comment on the issue of government surveillance -- appeared early sunday , local media said , on a house wall in the provincial english spa town of cheltenham , in gloucestershire . the location may be a reference to the town 's role as host to britain 's government communications headquarters , known as gchq -- the uk equivalent of the u.s. national security agency . the nsa has been at the center of the spying row sparked by revelations by its former contractor edward snowden about the extent of government surveillance . some leaked documents also make a reference to gchq , although the uk government says the listening agency operates only within a strict framework of controls . asked about the image , a spokeswoman for gchq said , this is the first time we have ever been asked to comment on art . although we are not qualified critics , we are as intrigued as the rest of the residents of cheltenham about the appearance of the mysterious artwork . for those who are interested , our website gives a glimpse of what modern day intelligence operatives are really like , although some may be disappointed by the lack of trench coats and dark glasses . ' karen smith , who reportedly lives in the house , told the gloucestershire echo newspaper , it 's pretty good . it livens the street up a bit . there have been a lot of people about today looking at it . ' the artwork emerged a day before the washington post and united states arm of the guardian were awarded a pulitzer prize for their reporting on the nsa revelations , described as marked by authoritative and insightful reports that helped the public understand how the disclosures fit into the larger framework of national security . ' banksy 's own website makes no reference to the artwork . it instead features what appears to be a new artwork showing a man and a woman apparently embracing but each looking over the other 's shoulder at a smartphone -- perhaps a comment on our modern-day addiction to technological devices . banksy 's last high-profile project was a month-long street art residency ' in new york city . each day of october , banksy unveiled new works of art around new york . the works were then announced on his website and posted to instagram . many of the surprise exhibits followed his signature street-art style : stencils spray-painted on streets , walls of buildings and under bridges . interactive : banksy takes over nyc
britain 's gchq , the equivalent of the u.s. national security agency , is based in cheltenham
britain <tsp> london ( cnn ) -- clad in brown trench coats , dark glasses and trilby hats , what appear to be three secret agents huddle around a payphone box with listening equipment . it 's not a 1950s film scene but the latest street art attributed to britain 's famously anonymous graffiti artist banksy . the image -- apparently a comment on the issue of government surveillance -- appeared early sunday , local media said , on a house wall in the provincial english spa town of cheltenham , in gloucestershire . the location may be a reference to the town 's role as host to britain 's government communications headquarters , known as gchq -- the uk equivalent of the u.s. national security agency . the nsa has been at the center of the spying row sparked by revelations by its former contractor edward snowden about the extent of government surveillance . some leaked documents also make a reference to gchq , although the uk government says the listening agency operates only within a strict framework of controls . asked about the image , a spokeswoman for gchq said , this is the first time we have ever been asked to comment on art . although we are not qualified critics , we are as intrigued as the rest of the residents of cheltenham about the appearance of the mysterious artwork . for those who are interested , our website gives a glimpse of what modern day intelligence operatives are really like , although some may be disappointed by the lack of trench coats and dark glasses . ' karen smith , who reportedly lives in the house , told the gloucestershire echo newspaper , it 's pretty good . it livens the street up a bit . there have been a lot of people about today looking at it . ' the artwork emerged a day before the washington post and united states arm of the guardian were awarded a pulitzer prize for their reporting on the nsa revelations , described as marked by authoritative and insightful reports that helped the public understand how the disclosures fit into the larger framework of national security . ' banksy 's own website makes no reference to the artwork . it instead features what appears to be a new artwork showing a man and a woman apparently embracing but each looking over the other 's shoulder at a smartphone -- perhaps a comment on our modern-day addiction to technological devices . banksy 's last high-profile project was a month-long street art residency ' in new york city . each day of october , banksy unveiled new works of art around new york . the works were then announced on his website and posted to instagram . many of the surprise exhibits followed his signature street-art style : stencils spray-painted on streets , walls of buildings and under bridges . interactive : banksy takes over nyc
britain 's gchq , the equivalent of the u.s. national security agency , is based in cheltenham
british <tsp> london , england ( cnn ) -- a british woman won a major legal victory thursday in her fight to die with her husband by her side if she travels abroad for assisted suicide . debbie purdy has said she wants to die next to her husband , omar puente . debbie purdy , 46 , who has multiple sclerosis , has been waging a lengthy legal battle to clarify britain 's ambiguous laws on assisted suicide . the house of lords , britain 's highest court , ruled in her favor on thursday , ordering the country 's director of public prosecutions to spell out the criteria under which it will seek to prosecute someone who helps another person commit suicide . i 'm ecstatic , ' purdy said in a statement issued by the campaign organization dignity in dying . i want to live my life to the full , but i do n't want to suffer unnecessarily at the end of my life . this decision means that i can make an informed choice , with omar ( puente , her husband ) , about whether he travels abroad with me to end my life . ' watch purdy react to the ruling » purdy had been suing to force the british authorities to specify exactly when someone would be prosecuted for helping another person commit suicide . what 's your view ? when is assisted suicide acceptable ? doing so is technically illegal under a 1961 law , and anyone found guilty faces up to 14 years in prison . but the director of public prosecutions has the discretion to choose whether or not to prosecute . the law does n't make clear at what point a person has broken it -- whether it is illegal to sit with a person on the plane to the clinic , open the door of the car to the airport , or even help them arrange the trip . no one has ever been prosecuted for the crime in the united kingdom . lord james hope of craighead , in his ruling on the case , emphasized that the verdict did not grant purdy 's husband immunity from prosecution . the court did not rule on the 1961 suicide act at all , he pointed out . it is no part of our function to change the law in order to decriminalize assisted suicide , ' he wrote . if changes are to be made , as to which i express no opinion , this must be a matter for parliament . ' purdy had spent more than two years fighting the case through britain 's courts , arguing that the lack of clarity in the law violated her human rights . the house of lords ruled in her favor , in its final case as britain 's highest court . a new supreme court will come into being in the fall , replacing the old system under which some members of the house of lords , the law lords , rule on cases on behalf of the entire chamber . purdy has said she wants to die next to her husband . before the ruling in her favor , she had said she would travel abroad on her own to die if she lost the case , so her husband would be sure not to face prosecution . that would have meant purdy would die alone . the courts ruled the other way in a similar case eight years ago . british and european courts refused to guarantee that the husband of diane pretty would not be prosecuted for helping her to travel abroad to end her life . she died in england after motor neuron disease , an incurable degenerative disease , caused respiratory failure in may 2002 .
british woman wins case over traveling abroad for assisted suicide .
wwe <tsp> ( cnn ) two former world wrestling entertainment wrestlers are suing the wwe , alleging their old employer ignored or downplayed signs of brain damage and other injuries while it raked in millions . the lawsuit was filed in federal court in philadelphia by vito lograsso , who is best known for wrestling under the moniker big vito , and evan singleton , who wrestled under the name adam mercer . it is not simply that wwe has failed to protect its wrestlers , ' court documents say . wwe deliberately creates and heightens the violence of its matches in order to'heat'up audiences and increase its profits . ' wwe is known for over-the-top events , outrageous story lines and matches putting wrestlers against each other and involving high-flying stunts . a lawyer for wwe called the lawsuit without merit , like a virtually identical one filed by the same lawyers in oregon . ' wwe has never concealed any medical information related to concussions , or otherwise , from our talent , ' said jerry mcdevitt from the k & l gates law firm . we will vigorously contest this lawsuit . ' the suit , which is dated january 16 , is seeking damages to be determined at trial and medical monitoring . it centers on lograsso , who wrestled with the wwe from 1991 to 1998 and from 2005 to 2007 , and singleton , who wrestled from 2012 to 2013 . as a result of his wrestling injuries , the suit alleges , lograsso suffers from serious neurological damage , which includes severe headaches , memory loss , depression , anxiety and deafness . the court documents say singleton suffers serious symptoms including tremors , convulsions , migraines , memory loss and impaired ability to reason . the lawsuit has the potential to reach class-action status , the suit says . it estimates that at least 500 wrestlers have worked for the wwe , and it says the operation earns $ 500 million a year . for most of its history , wwe has engaged in a campaign of misinformation and deception to prevent its wrestlers from understanding the true nature and consequences of the injuries they have sustained , ' the lawsuit says . wwe 's representations , actions and inactions have caused its wrestlers to suffer long-term debilitating injuries , lost profits , premature retirement , medical expenses , and other loses , ' the suit states . wwe forces wrestlers to do stunts in a matter that dramatically increases -- often to a near-certainty -- their chances of sustaining brain damage , ' the suit says . when performed by , and on , hulking , poorly trained , steroid-using wrestlers with various levels of dexterousness , they are a recipe for disaster -- and widespread , long term brain damage . ' yet mcdevitt , wwe 's attorney , said the company has been proactive when it comes to handling concussions , even more so than organizations like the nfl . wwe was well ahead of sports organizations , ' the lawyer said , in implementing concussion management procedures and policies as a precautionary measure as the science and research on this issue emerged . ' cnn 's greg botelho , tina burnside and michael martinez contributed to this report .
2 wrestlers sue wwe , saying the company ignored or downplayed injuries like brain damage
wwe <tsp> ( cnn ) two former world wrestling entertainment wrestlers are suing the wwe , alleging their old employer ignored or downplayed signs of brain damage and other injuries while it raked in millions . the lawsuit was filed in federal court in philadelphia by vito lograsso , who is best known for wrestling under the moniker big vito , and evan singleton , who wrestled under the name adam mercer . it is not simply that wwe has failed to protect its wrestlers , ' court documents say . wwe deliberately creates and heightens the violence of its matches in order to'heat'up audiences and increase its profits . ' wwe is known for over-the-top events , outrageous story lines and matches putting wrestlers against each other and involving high-flying stunts . a lawyer for wwe called the lawsuit without merit , like a virtually identical one filed by the same lawyers in oregon . ' wwe has never concealed any medical information related to concussions , or otherwise , from our talent , ' said jerry mcdevitt from the k & l gates law firm . we will vigorously contest this lawsuit . ' the suit , which is dated january 16 , is seeking damages to be determined at trial and medical monitoring . it centers on lograsso , who wrestled with the wwe from 1991 to 1998 and from 2005 to 2007 , and singleton , who wrestled from 2012 to 2013 . as a result of his wrestling injuries , the suit alleges , lograsso suffers from serious neurological damage , which includes severe headaches , memory loss , depression , anxiety and deafness . the court documents say singleton suffers serious symptoms including tremors , convulsions , migraines , memory loss and impaired ability to reason . the lawsuit has the potential to reach class-action status , the suit says . it estimates that at least 500 wrestlers have worked for the wwe , and it says the operation earns $ 500 million a year . for most of its history , wwe has engaged in a campaign of misinformation and deception to prevent its wrestlers from understanding the true nature and consequences of the injuries they have sustained , ' the lawsuit says . wwe 's representations , actions and inactions have caused its wrestlers to suffer long-term debilitating injuries , lost profits , premature retirement , medical expenses , and other loses , ' the suit states . wwe forces wrestlers to do stunts in a matter that dramatically increases -- often to a near-certainty -- their chances of sustaining brain damage , ' the suit says . when performed by , and on , hulking , poorly trained , steroid-using wrestlers with various levels of dexterousness , they are a recipe for disaster -- and widespread , long term brain damage . ' yet mcdevitt , wwe 's attorney , said the company has been proactive when it comes to handling concussions , even more so than organizations like the nfl . wwe was well ahead of sports organizations , ' the lawyer said , in implementing concussion management procedures and policies as a precautionary measure as the science and research on this issue emerged . ' cnn 's greg botelho , tina burnside and michael martinez contributed to this report .
a wwe lawyer says the suit is without merit , and wwe is proactive when it comes to concussions
obama <tsp> ( cnn ) -- the leader of a shuttering ohio coal mining operation on friday blamed the obama administration for the shutdown and for hurting the economy generally with he called a war on coal , ' an assertion the white house pushed back on as false and misleading . ohioamerican energy , which is a subsidiary of murray energy corporation , issued a statement announcing its coal mining operations near brilliant , in southeastern ohio , would be closing five years earlier than expected . its founder , robert murray , personally went to tell the operation 's employees there that they were being laid off . the company said that the operation employed 239 people at its peak , ' though there were no firm numbers as to the number that lost their jobs friday beyond that 32 would be reassigned to other positions . company leaders -- who have been donors to republicans -- claimed the regulatory actions by president barack obama and his appointees and followers ( are ) the entire reason ' for the closure . in fact , they predicted more layoffs to come unless there is a major shift in the political landscape . in ohio , swing state politics have real-life impact ' there will be additional layoffs , not only at murray energy , but also throughout the united states coal industry due to mr. obama 's'war on coal'and the destruction that it has caused so many jobs and families in the ohio valley area and elsewhere , ' murray said . yet white house spokesman clark stevens rebutted that view , pointing to flexibilities for clean coal standards over the last three years ' and the fact u.s. coal production is on the upswing . there were more u.s. coal miners working this year , for instance , than any year since 1997 and u.s. coal exports rose 31 % over the previous year , he said . the president has made clear that coal has an important role in our energy economy today , and it will in the future , ' stevens said . ( that ) is why the administration has worked to make sure that , moving forward , we can continue to rely on a broad range of domestic energy sources from oil to gas , to wind and solar , to nuclear , as well as clean coal . ' ohio is considered a key swing state in this fall 's presidential election , in which obama faces presumptive republican nominee mitt romney . by the numbers : why ohio matters top murray energy officials had made their allegiances clear before the announcement : murray , the corporation 's ceo , is a major gop donor having donated more than $ 150,000 to republicans in 2012 alone , and murray energy 's political action committee has similarly given republicans upwards of $ 100,000 in the past year . stanley piasecki , the superintendent of the closing ohioamerican energy coal mine , claimed thursday that obama and vice president joe biden both intend to destroy so many lives and family livelihoods in this area for no benefit whatsoever . ' yet brandon unklesbay , the manager of southeastern equipment in brilliant , said he did n't believe the coal mining operations closure will negatively impact the area or its businesses . it 's not going to hurt my business , ' unklesbay said . david celebrezze , director of air and water special projects with the environmental group the ohio environmental council , said that he and his group favor clean energy measures and curing what he described as ohio 's addiction to coal . many of the coal-related regulations being enforced now , he said , are not really new ' -- having been passed , in some form , in 1990 as part of the clean air act . rather than pay lobbyists to fight such rules or to inject themselves into the 2012 presidential race , celebrezze said he 'd prefer that utilities focus first on cleaning up their act ' so that residents can breathe , and live , better . we do n't think that public health should be used as a political football , ' he said . obama campaign sues over ohio 's cutoff date for early voting obama blasts romney tax plan in ohio cnn 's maxwell caron , adam aigner-treworgy and greg botelho contributed to this report .
obama 's regulatory actions are the entire reason ' for the closure , the company says
brazilian <tsp> ( cnn ) -- injured formula one star felipe massa is looking forward to taking his first steps towards driving again after passing a series of mental and physical tests in miami . felipe massa has been given the all-clear to begin training as he bids to return to the race track . his team ferrari reported on its web site on tuesday that the brazilian , who suffered horrific head wounds in hungary in july , had come through the tests satisfactorily on monday . the checks ( which included neurometric , impact and cognitive capacity tests ) all had a positive outcome , just like the eye exam : everything is in order for felipe to get back to racing , ' the statement said . now there has just to be carried out some plastic surgery at the brain box , where the spring at the accident at the hungaroring hit his helmet . the surgery will take place in the upcoming days . after a short convalescence felipe can then gradually start with physical preparations . ' the 28-year-old , who finished second in last year 's drivers'world championship , said that he planned to take things slowly following the operation . i 'm very happy about the results , ' he told www.ferrari.com before returning home to sao paulo . after the small surgery , in the next few days i can finally start to go to the gym to get back into shape and drive some tests in karts . on the track with a formula one single-seater ? let 's take it step by step . at the moment i 'm concentrating on taking up physical activities , which is a great step forward . ' ferrari said massa was expected to be at 100 percent fitness in time for the 2010 season , but gave no indication whether he would return to racing this year -- he has , however , indicated that he would like to drive at his home brazilian grand prix on october 18 . his replacement , test driver luca badoer , is not expected to drive at the italian grand prix two weekends away after finishing last in his two races so far . badoer , who stepped into the breach when f1 legend michael schumacher was unable to make a shock return to the sport due to a neck problem , was not allowed to test drive the current ferrari vehicle during the four-week summer break due to this year 's regulations . veteran italian giancarlo fisichella has been linked with ferrari after finishing second at the belgian grand prix on sunday , but his team force india insist that he will race for them at monza . highly-rated polish driver robert kubica is also in the running to replace badoer , with his team bmw sauber dropping out of f1 at the end of this season . badoer 's results aside , ferrari have enjoyed a renaissance since massa 's injury , with 2007 world champion kimi raikkonen winning in belgium to end a personal drought of 26 races and placing third in valencia .
the brazilian driver can begin training following minor surgery this week
taliban <tsp> ( cnn ) -- a magazine photo spread of taliban fighters posing in the uniforms of 10 french soldiers killed last month has sparked an angry response . one of the pictures in the french magazine paris match that has stirred controversy . the latest edition of paris match includes photos of the taliban fighters and their commander , farouki , ' wearing french uniforms , helmets and using french assault rifles and walkie-talkies . farouki , aged 30-35 , claims in the accompanying story to have led his group in the august 18 ambush which killed 10 french troops and injured a further 21 in the sarobi district , 40 miles east of kabul . it was the french army 's single highest death toll in 25 years . he said the area was our territory ' and the attack was a legitimate ' part of its defense . farouki said it did not need a lot of planning , with the french soldiers only spotted a short time before the assault . he said the soldiers had died for [ george w. ] bush 's ' cause and that if france did not return the rest of its troops home they would all be killed . farouki said they would continue fighting till the last man . see more on paris match 's web site french defense minister herve morin accused the magazine of helping the taliban . should we be doing the taliban 's promotion for them ? ' he asked in the french daily newspaper liberation . joel le pahun , father of one of the killed soldiers , told the newspaper the pictures were despicable . ' green mp daniel cohn-bendit called them voyeurism . ' however , paris match editor laurent valdiguie defended the publication , saying it was legitimate ' given the importance of the story . the story 's author , eric de lavarène , said only he and photographer véronique de viguerie met the group and he asked his questions via their fixer . '
photos of taliban in the uniforms of dead french soldiers provokes outrage
taliban <tsp> ( cnn ) -- a magazine photo spread of taliban fighters posing in the uniforms of 10 french soldiers killed last month has sparked an angry response . one of the pictures in the french magazine paris match that has stirred controversy . the latest edition of paris match includes photos of the taliban fighters and their commander , farouki , ' wearing french uniforms , helmets and using french assault rifles and walkie-talkies . farouki , aged 30-35 , claims in the accompanying story to have led his group in the august 18 ambush which killed 10 french troops and injured a further 21 in the sarobi district , 40 miles east of kabul . it was the french army 's single highest death toll in 25 years . he said the area was our territory ' and the attack was a legitimate ' part of its defense . farouki said it did not need a lot of planning , with the french soldiers only spotted a short time before the assault . he said the soldiers had died for [ george w. ] bush 's ' cause and that if france did not return the rest of its troops home they would all be killed . farouki said they would continue fighting till the last man . see more on paris match 's web site french defense minister herve morin accused the magazine of helping the taliban . should we be doing the taliban 's promotion for them ? ' he asked in the french daily newspaper liberation . joel le pahun , father of one of the killed soldiers , told the newspaper the pictures were despicable . ' green mp daniel cohn-bendit called them voyeurism . ' however , paris match editor laurent valdiguie defended the publication , saying it was legitimate ' given the importance of the story . the story 's author , eric de lavarène , said only he and photographer véronique de viguerie met the group and he asked his questions via their fixer . '
magazine paris match features photos of taliban and their commander
manchester united <tsp> ( cnn ) -- alex ferguson has defended the premier league referee at the center of a racism row , saying chelsea 's allegations are unthinkable . ' ferguson , one of football 's most venerated and decorated figures , insists he does not believe claims that mark clattenburg used inappropriate language ' towards chelsea 's nigerian midfielder john obi mikel during manchester united 's 3-2 win at stamford bridge on sunday . while both the police and football association have launched an investigation into the alleged incident , ferguson has stepped in to defend the match official , who has been stood down from duty pending the inquiries . i do n't believe mark clattenburg would make any comments like that . i refuse to believe it , ' ferguson told reporters ahead of united 's game against arsenal on saturday . i think it is unthinkable in the modern climate . i just do n't believe it -- simple as that . i 've never had a player come to me in the last 15 years and say a referee swore in a game -- ever . the way we see the game today rather than how it was 25 years ago , it has completely changed . i played myself and i know that the banter which went on between referees and players 25 years ago is different to today . there is no way a referee would stoop to that , i am convinced of that . ' police to investigate'racist'referee in chelsea case chelsea manager roberto di matteo , whose side takes on swansea on saturday , refused to become embroiled in a war of words with ferguson . it 's a free country and everybody can say what they want , ' the italian told reporters . he likes to talk about other clubs . we tend not to . ' police launch hunt for'racist'chelsea fan meanwhile , the chelsea fan who allegedly made racist gestures at united 's danny welbeck during wednesday 's league cup tie has been named as 28-year-old gavin kirkham from the county of hertfordshire , north of london . kirkham was photographed making a monkey ' action towards welbeck , triggering another police investigation . chelsea has already vowed to crack down on any acts of racism and di matteo insists the london club is determined to eradicate the problem . i always said that we are against any form of discrimination , ' he said . we will support anyone who is fighting that . that 's our position and my personal belief as well . the fact that these incidents are happening give a lot of media exposure and makes people aware that we have to fight maybe a little more strongly than perhaps we thought . everyone has to be involved in this process to eradicate it from the sport and life in general . '
chelsea fan who allegedly racially abused manchester united 's danny welbeck named
danny welbeck <tsp> ( cnn ) -- alex ferguson has defended the premier league referee at the center of a racism row , saying chelsea 's allegations are unthinkable . ' ferguson , one of football 's most venerated and decorated figures , insists he does not believe claims that mark clattenburg used inappropriate language ' towards chelsea 's nigerian midfielder john obi mikel during manchester united 's 3-2 win at stamford bridge on sunday . while both the police and football association have launched an investigation into the alleged incident , ferguson has stepped in to defend the match official , who has been stood down from duty pending the inquiries . i do n't believe mark clattenburg would make any comments like that . i refuse to believe it , ' ferguson told reporters ahead of united 's game against arsenal on saturday . i think it is unthinkable in the modern climate . i just do n't believe it -- simple as that . i 've never had a player come to me in the last 15 years and say a referee swore in a game -- ever . the way we see the game today rather than how it was 25 years ago , it has completely changed . i played myself and i know that the banter which went on between referees and players 25 years ago is different to today . there is no way a referee would stoop to that , i am convinced of that . ' police to investigate'racist'referee in chelsea case chelsea manager roberto di matteo , whose side takes on swansea on saturday , refused to become embroiled in a war of words with ferguson . it 's a free country and everybody can say what they want , ' the italian told reporters . he likes to talk about other clubs . we tend not to . ' police launch hunt for'racist'chelsea fan meanwhile , the chelsea fan who allegedly made racist gestures at united 's danny welbeck during wednesday 's league cup tie has been named as 28-year-old gavin kirkham from the county of hertfordshire , north of london . kirkham was photographed making a monkey ' action towards welbeck , triggering another police investigation . chelsea has already vowed to crack down on any acts of racism and di matteo insists the london club is determined to eradicate the problem . i always said that we are against any form of discrimination , ' he said . we will support anyone who is fighting that . that 's our position and my personal belief as well . the fact that these incidents are happening give a lot of media exposure and makes people aware that we have to fight maybe a little more strongly than perhaps we thought . everyone has to be involved in this process to eradicate it from the sport and life in general . '
chelsea fan who allegedly racially abused manchester united 's danny welbeck named
head start <tsp> pontiac , michigan ( cnn ) -- lamont butler is a single father , unemployed for more than a year and trying to do the best for his daughter , 3-year-old samaya . the family qualifies for the federal government 's free pre-kindergarten program , head start , but has been on a waiting list for more than a year . it 's tough on both of them ; butler has trouble finding work because he 's caring for his daughter , and he worries samaya is missing out on valuable early education . my friend 's son got in , and at 4 , he can already spell his name , do simple math , and he is n't so shy any more , ' butler said . but butler 's daughter is one of thousands on waiting lists for the 49,000 head start classrooms around the country - a list that might get shorter after an investigation into allegations of fraud by some applicants and head start workers . a u.s. government accountability office investigation that concluded in may showed that several head start workers committed fraud to enroll families whose incomes were above the federally mandated limit . head start is open to foster and homeless children , kids with some disabilities , families eligible for government assistance and families with incomes below the federal poverty guideline , about $ 22,000 for a family of four . programs may enroll limited numbers of kids whose parents make more money . $ 9 billion went to support head start in 2010 , and more than 900,000 children are enrolled in programs around the united states . the investigation began two years ago , after whistleblowers called the gao 's tip line and alleged that head start workers in the midwest and texas admitted families that made too much money to qualify . documents that whistleblowers leaked to the gao showed that some workers admitted children whose parents made more than $ 110,000 . in some cases , according to the gao , workers may have lied or manipulated documents so their programs appeared to be within mandated enrollment targets . taxpayers are being ripped off , ' said greg kutz , the managing director of forensic audits and special investigations for the accountability office . the real risk here is that the over-income children were being served , and the poorest children in our country are losing the benefit of head start . ' a 10-year study released in 2010 by the u.s. department of health and human services showed that head start kids are better prepared academically and socially to enter kindergarten . they have better language skills and are better at making friends and handling classroom settings . parenting skills improved , too , among those whose kids were in head start , according to the hhs study . head start is popular , too , because it 's free , while private preschools and day care can cost more than $ 10,000 per year . to investigate the complaints , kutz sent staff members armed with hidden cameras to pose as parents interested in head start enrollment . when parents apply , they must present tax records , pay stubs or public assistance documents that prove they meet the federally mandated income standards . the investigators'documents showed they made too much money to enroll , but at eight of the 15 head start centers they approached , staff members pretended they had n't seen the income levels , or they urged parents to lie . in a tape kutz showed to congress in may , one head start worker examined the investigators'documents and said , this is over income . ' when the undercover investigators asked what to do , the head start worker suggested they did n't have to put both parents'incomes on the form . with a laugh , she added , i 'm not supposed to say that . ' another staffer joked , now you see it , now you do n't . ' kutz said he does n't believe these are isolated cases . it 's pretty disturbing , ' kutz said . i believe the system is very open to fraud . ' the problem , kutz said , is that head start workers only have to sign a statement that they 've seen proof of parents'incomes . federal rules do n't require head start offices to keep income documents on file . if you want to go in and say you are unemployed , you could get benefits even if you were making $ 100,000 because [ head start was n't ] validating anything , ' kutz said . not all head start programs have been letting the income rules slide . michigan 's oakland livingston human service agency , where lamont butler hopes to enroll his daughter , has long kept copies of parents'income documents . our goal is to exceed those standards ' for documents , said lynn crotty , the program 's director . in always maintaining copies of proof of income in our files , that 's enabled us to ensure that the families that deserve to be in the program are the ones who are getting into the program . ' yvette sanchez fuentes , head start 's national director , said she took action immediately after learning about the federal investigation last spring . we know that what went on the tape , [ that the worker ] engaged in some fraudulent behavior , ' she said . sanchez fuentes said the system is n't broken . i think it 's important to note those are individuals within those programs , ' she said . we know the majority of head start programs across the country are doing the right thing . ' according to sanchez fuentes , head start officials advised local directors about enrollment procedures , bulked up on admissions training and now make unannounced visits to local programs . a new health and human services tip line lets workers report fraud to the department , which oversees head start , instead of going straight to the gao . [ president obama 's ] administration will not tolerate any type of fraud , waste or abuse , ' sanchez fuentes said . we will make sure that when we go out to see these local programs , that they are indeed doing the right things and that every federal dollar that goes to head start is not being misused . ' still , they have not yet taken kutz 's suggestion to change the policies about keeping income eligibility documents . the issue is up for a 90-day comment period , but the rule wo n't change unless head start leaders decide it 's the best course of action . demand for head start remains strong , even in programs where there 's no suspicion of fraud . for parents like butler and kids like samaya , that means the wait continues . the time we spend together has meant the world to me , but the things i 've taught her are only things i know , ' butler said . i know they could do a much better job . '
an investigation into head start enrollment practices shows some centers enroll families who make too much money
head start <tsp> pontiac , michigan ( cnn ) -- lamont butler is a single father , unemployed for more than a year and trying to do the best for his daughter , 3-year-old samaya . the family qualifies for the federal government 's free pre-kindergarten program , head start , but has been on a waiting list for more than a year . it 's tough on both of them ; butler has trouble finding work because he 's caring for his daughter , and he worries samaya is missing out on valuable early education . my friend 's son got in , and at 4 , he can already spell his name , do simple math , and he is n't so shy any more , ' butler said . but butler 's daughter is one of thousands on waiting lists for the 49,000 head start classrooms around the country - a list that might get shorter after an investigation into allegations of fraud by some applicants and head start workers . a u.s. government accountability office investigation that concluded in may showed that several head start workers committed fraud to enroll families whose incomes were above the federally mandated limit . head start is open to foster and homeless children , kids with some disabilities , families eligible for government assistance and families with incomes below the federal poverty guideline , about $ 22,000 for a family of four . programs may enroll limited numbers of kids whose parents make more money . $ 9 billion went to support head start in 2010 , and more than 900,000 children are enrolled in programs around the united states . the investigation began two years ago , after whistleblowers called the gao 's tip line and alleged that head start workers in the midwest and texas admitted families that made too much money to qualify . documents that whistleblowers leaked to the gao showed that some workers admitted children whose parents made more than $ 110,000 . in some cases , according to the gao , workers may have lied or manipulated documents so their programs appeared to be within mandated enrollment targets . taxpayers are being ripped off , ' said greg kutz , the managing director of forensic audits and special investigations for the accountability office . the real risk here is that the over-income children were being served , and the poorest children in our country are losing the benefit of head start . ' a 10-year study released in 2010 by the u.s. department of health and human services showed that head start kids are better prepared academically and socially to enter kindergarten . they have better language skills and are better at making friends and handling classroom settings . parenting skills improved , too , among those whose kids were in head start , according to the hhs study . head start is popular , too , because it 's free , while private preschools and day care can cost more than $ 10,000 per year . to investigate the complaints , kutz sent staff members armed with hidden cameras to pose as parents interested in head start enrollment . when parents apply , they must present tax records , pay stubs or public assistance documents that prove they meet the federally mandated income standards . the investigators'documents showed they made too much money to enroll , but at eight of the 15 head start centers they approached , staff members pretended they had n't seen the income levels , or they urged parents to lie . in a tape kutz showed to congress in may , one head start worker examined the investigators'documents and said , this is over income . ' when the undercover investigators asked what to do , the head start worker suggested they did n't have to put both parents'incomes on the form . with a laugh , she added , i 'm not supposed to say that . ' another staffer joked , now you see it , now you do n't . ' kutz said he does n't believe these are isolated cases . it 's pretty disturbing , ' kutz said . i believe the system is very open to fraud . ' the problem , kutz said , is that head start workers only have to sign a statement that they 've seen proof of parents'incomes . federal rules do n't require head start offices to keep income documents on file . if you want to go in and say you are unemployed , you could get benefits even if you were making $ 100,000 because [ head start was n't ] validating anything , ' kutz said . not all head start programs have been letting the income rules slide . michigan 's oakland livingston human service agency , where lamont butler hopes to enroll his daughter , has long kept copies of parents'income documents . our goal is to exceed those standards ' for documents , said lynn crotty , the program 's director . in always maintaining copies of proof of income in our files , that 's enabled us to ensure that the families that deserve to be in the program are the ones who are getting into the program . ' yvette sanchez fuentes , head start 's national director , said she took action immediately after learning about the federal investigation last spring . we know that what went on the tape , [ that the worker ] engaged in some fraudulent behavior , ' she said . sanchez fuentes said the system is n't broken . i think it 's important to note those are individuals within those programs , ' she said . we know the majority of head start programs across the country are doing the right thing . ' according to sanchez fuentes , head start officials advised local directors about enrollment procedures , bulked up on admissions training and now make unannounced visits to local programs . a new health and human services tip line lets workers report fraud to the department , which oversees head start , instead of going straight to the gao . [ president obama 's ] administration will not tolerate any type of fraud , waste or abuse , ' sanchez fuentes said . we will make sure that when we go out to see these local programs , that they are indeed doing the right things and that every federal dollar that goes to head start is not being misused . ' still , they have not yet taken kutz 's suggestion to change the policies about keeping income eligibility documents . the issue is up for a 90-day comment period , but the rule wo n't change unless head start leaders decide it 's the best course of action . demand for head start remains strong , even in programs where there 's no suspicion of fraud . for parents like butler and kids like samaya , that means the wait continues . the time we spend together has meant the world to me , but the things i 've taught her are only things i know , ' butler said . i know they could do a much better job . '
head start leaders are adding more training , checks to enrollment to prevent fraud
uva <tsp> ( cnn ) -- ebola , isis and ferguson grabbed the headlines in 2014 , but there is another huge story that should not be overlooked . historians could look back on this year as the beginning of feminism 's third wave . the year was momentous for feminism . for the first time , rape victims and their supporters emerged from the shadows in significant numbers and started naming names -- to significant effect . women , their voices amplified by social media and with the support of a small but growing cohort of men , have been exposing and shaming venerable american institutions such as the nfl , ivy league and non-ivy league colleges , and the entertainment icon bill cosby . first wave feminists won the right to vote . the second wave got us the right to work . but even with those advances , women have remained fundamentally restricted by the threat and terrible secret of sexual assault . this year , emboldened and connected by social media , college women formed a powerful grassroots movement that led to universities such as harvard being publicly named and shamed for not addressing women 's rape reports . they brought the issue of campus sexual assault into the white house , where barack obama became the first president to use the words sexual violence . ' the department of education released a list of universities under investigation for mishandling sexual violence cases , often letting even repeat predators off with barely a slap on the wrist . these young women had been silent until social media enabled them to come together , even though thousands of miles apart , share debilitating secrets and then act with the confidence that safety in numbers provided . last week 's back-pedaling on the rolling stone article about an alleged gang rape at a university of virginia fraternity house is an unfortunate example of reporting gone wrong . but it is also a teachable moment about why feminism 's third wave is so important : we must make it easier for more women to put their names and faces on their accusations and eradicate the stigma and fear that silences victims . only when these stories come fully out of the shadows can we assess their validity and see justice done . cosby 's accusers , with their remarkably similar stories of being drugged and assaulted , were also heard ' for the first time in 2014 , even though many had individually come forward in the pages of national media years ago . barbara bowman , a phoenix artist and mother who was one of cosby 's early accusers , told me that being a rape victim is the most shameful , scary , intimidating , filthy place to live . it is a place of darkness and fear . ' the bravery of the cosby accusers and the college women alone is not the only encouraging sign . the public revelations of domestic violence rocking the national football league , amplified by an elevator video of ray rice cold-cocking his fiancee , are another . the nfl dropped the ball on punishing rice but now is being shamed into paying attention to behavior that it used to ignore and enable . men are starting to get it . in an article after the latest cosby scandal , the essayist ta-nehisi coates wrote that he regretted not having paid attention to the women in 2008 , when he penned a seminal piece on cosby . i have never been raped , ' coates wrote . but i have , several times as a child , been punched/stomped/kicked/bum-rushed while walking home from school , and thus lost my body . the worst part for me was not the experience , but the humiliation of being unable to protect my body , which is all i am , from predators . ' every alleged image or videotape of a rape and beating that goes viral , every woman coming forward with a cosby story and every college freshman reporting her rapist form a collective alarm bell waking up the silent majority of americans who would never call themselves feminist ' and yet who abhor sexual violence against women . rape culture holds all women down , whether soldiers or ceos or college freshmen or high school girls who drank too much out in blue-collar ohio or backcountry oklahoma . my generation of women , who came of age in the 1980s , did not really carry forward the banner of feminism . we took advantage of the gains of the 1970s , getting good jobs and having children and then got so busy having it all that we had no time left over . and it was terribly important to fit in , to be one of the guys , to fly under the radar as women . the last thing we wanted was to be labeled as victims , to wear the humiliation of being prey . i 'm in awe of the young women on campuses who have stood up and made it ok to tell the world what happened to them , in their dark places , in the dark of night . thanks to their courage , more and more americans are understanding every day that the shame of sexual assault is a burden that belongs on the predators , not the prey .
she says cosby , nfl , uva cases show need to erase stigma of women naming attacker
cosby <tsp> ( cnn ) -- ebola , isis and ferguson grabbed the headlines in 2014 , but there is another huge story that should not be overlooked . historians could look back on this year as the beginning of feminism 's third wave . the year was momentous for feminism . for the first time , rape victims and their supporters emerged from the shadows in significant numbers and started naming names -- to significant effect . women , their voices amplified by social media and with the support of a small but growing cohort of men , have been exposing and shaming venerable american institutions such as the nfl , ivy league and non-ivy league colleges , and the entertainment icon bill cosby . first wave feminists won the right to vote . the second wave got us the right to work . but even with those advances , women have remained fundamentally restricted by the threat and terrible secret of sexual assault . this year , emboldened and connected by social media , college women formed a powerful grassroots movement that led to universities such as harvard being publicly named and shamed for not addressing women 's rape reports . they brought the issue of campus sexual assault into the white house , where barack obama became the first president to use the words sexual violence . ' the department of education released a list of universities under investigation for mishandling sexual violence cases , often letting even repeat predators off with barely a slap on the wrist . these young women had been silent until social media enabled them to come together , even though thousands of miles apart , share debilitating secrets and then act with the confidence that safety in numbers provided . last week 's back-pedaling on the rolling stone article about an alleged gang rape at a university of virginia fraternity house is an unfortunate example of reporting gone wrong . but it is also a teachable moment about why feminism 's third wave is so important : we must make it easier for more women to put their names and faces on their accusations and eradicate the stigma and fear that silences victims . only when these stories come fully out of the shadows can we assess their validity and see justice done . cosby 's accusers , with their remarkably similar stories of being drugged and assaulted , were also heard ' for the first time in 2014 , even though many had individually come forward in the pages of national media years ago . barbara bowman , a phoenix artist and mother who was one of cosby 's early accusers , told me that being a rape victim is the most shameful , scary , intimidating , filthy place to live . it is a place of darkness and fear . ' the bravery of the cosby accusers and the college women alone is not the only encouraging sign . the public revelations of domestic violence rocking the national football league , amplified by an elevator video of ray rice cold-cocking his fiancee , are another . the nfl dropped the ball on punishing rice but now is being shamed into paying attention to behavior that it used to ignore and enable . men are starting to get it . in an article after the latest cosby scandal , the essayist ta-nehisi coates wrote that he regretted not having paid attention to the women in 2008 , when he penned a seminal piece on cosby . i have never been raped , ' coates wrote . but i have , several times as a child , been punched/stomped/kicked/bum-rushed while walking home from school , and thus lost my body . the worst part for me was not the experience , but the humiliation of being unable to protect my body , which is all i am , from predators . ' every alleged image or videotape of a rape and beating that goes viral , every woman coming forward with a cosby story and every college freshman reporting her rapist form a collective alarm bell waking up the silent majority of americans who would never call themselves feminist ' and yet who abhor sexual violence against women . rape culture holds all women down , whether soldiers or ceos or college freshmen or high school girls who drank too much out in blue-collar ohio or backcountry oklahoma . my generation of women , who came of age in the 1980s , did not really carry forward the banner of feminism . we took advantage of the gains of the 1970s , getting good jobs and having children and then got so busy having it all that we had no time left over . and it was terribly important to fit in , to be one of the guys , to fly under the radar as women . the last thing we wanted was to be labeled as victims , to wear the humiliation of being prey . i 'm in awe of the young women on campuses who have stood up and made it ok to tell the world what happened to them , in their dark places , in the dark of night . thanks to their courage , more and more americans are understanding every day that the shame of sexual assault is a burden that belongs on the predators , not the prey .
she says cosby , nfl , uva cases show need to erase stigma of women naming attacker
abraham lincoln <tsp> ( mental floss ) -- perhaps your history teachers failed to alert you to these civil war facts : jefferson davis nearly got mugged by an angry female mob ; abraham lincoln loved the confederate anthem dixie , ' and paul revere was a civil war casualty . dixie ' was was a huge hit across the country and quickly became one of abraham lincoln 's favorite tunes . the civil war , in addition to being among the defining moments of u.s. history , is also the source of some bizarre and surprisingly cool trivia . 1 . lincoln 's first solution to slavery was a fiasco early in his presidency , abe was convinced that white americans would never accept black americans . you and we are different races , ' the president told a committee of colored ' leaders in august 1862 . ... but for your race among us there could not be war ... it is better for us both , therefore , to be separated . ' lincoln proposed voluntary emigration to central america , seeing it as a more convenient destination than liberia . this idea did n't sit well with leaders like frederick douglass , who considered colonization to be a safety valve ... for white racism . ' luckily for douglass ( and the country ) , colonization failed spectacularly . one of the first attempts was on île à vache , a.k.a . cow island , a small isle off the coast of haiti . the island was owned by land developer bernard kock , who claimed he had approved a black american colony with the haitian government . no one bothered to call him on that claim . following a smallpox outbreak on the boat ride down , hundreds of black colonizers were abandoned on the island with no housing prepared for them , as kock had promised . to make matters worse , the soil on cow island was too poor for any serious agriculture . in january 1864 , the navy rescued the survivors from the ripoff colony . once île à vache fell through , lincoln never spoke of colonization again.mental floss : 6 historical events people love to reenact 2 . hungry ladies effectively mugged jefferson davis the confederacy 's image hinged on the notion that the rebellious states made up a unified , stable nation . however , the hard times of war exposed just how much disunity there was in dixieland . civilians in both the north and south had to cope with scarcity and increased food prices , but the food situation was especially bad in the south because outcomes on the battlefield were directly linked to the csa 's currency -- rising food prices were hard enough to deal with without wild fluctuations in what the money in your pocket could buy . invading northern troops , of course , poured salt on the wounds of scarcity , burning crops and killing livestock . but in richmond , virginia , those who could n't afford the increasingly pricey food blamed the confederate government . hungry protesters , most of whom were women , led a march to see the governor ' in april 1863 that quickly turned violent . they overturned carts , smashed windows , and drew out governor john letcher and president jefferson davis . davis threw money at the protesters , trying to get them to clear out , but the violence continued . so , he threatened to order the militia to open fire , which settled things down pretty quickly . 3 . the union used hot air balloons and submarines the balloons , directed by aeronaut thaddeus lowe , were used to spot enemy soldiers and coordinate federal troop movements . during his first battlefield flight , at first bull run , lowe landed behind confederate lines , but he was rescued . the union army balloon corps got no respect from military officials , and lowe resigned when he was assigned to serve , at a lower pay grade , under the director of the army corps of engineers . in all , the balloonists were active for a little under two years . mental floss : 7 modern flying car designs in contrast , the paddle-powered alligator submarine saw exactly zero days of combat ( which is why it ca n't officially be called the u.s.s . alligator ) . it suffered from some early testing setbacks , but after some speed-boosting tweaks , it was dispatched for port royal , south carolina , with an eye towards aiding in the sack of charleston . it was to be towed south by the u.s.s . sumpter , but it had to be cut loose off of north carolina on april 2 , 1863 , when bad weather struck . divers and historians are still looking for the alligator today . but the undersea capers do n't end there . a few months after the loss of the alligator , the csa launched their own submarine , the h.l . hunley , named after its inventor . the hunley attacked and sank the u.s.s . housatonic off the coast of charleston , making it the first submarine ever to sink an enemy ship . the only problem is that it also sank soon afterwards , and all eight crewmen drowned . 4 . dixie ' was only a northern song the precise details of when composer dan emmett wrote dixie ' seemed to change every time he told the story ( and some even dispute that emmett was the author in the first place ) . but he first performed it in new york city in 1859 , with the title i wish i was in dixie 's land . ' emmett was a member of a blackface troupe known as the bryant 's minstrels , but he was indignant when he found out that his song had become an unofficial anthem of the confederacy . he went on to write a musicians'marching manual for the northern army . before and during the war , the song was a huge hit in new york and across the country , and quickly became one of abraham lincoln 's favorite tunes . the day after the surrender at appomattox , lincoln told a crowd of northern revelers , i have always thought'dixie'was one of the best tunes i have ever heard . our adversaries over the way attempted to appropriate it , but i insisted yesterday that we fairly captured it . ' he then asked a nearby band to play it in celebration . 5 . paul revere was at gettysburg paul joseph revere , that is the famous paul revere 's grandson . unfortunately for fans of the first revere and his partly mythical ride , pjr was in the infantry , not the cavalry , with the 20th massachusetts . he and his brother edward were captured at the battle of ball 's bluff in october 1861 . after being released in a prisoner exchange , the reveres rejoined the fight . paul was promoted to lieutenant colonel in september , 1862 , shortly before he was wounded in the brutal battle of antietam ( a.k.a . the battle of sharpsburg ) . edward , however , was n't so lucky -- he was one of more than 2,000 union soldiers who did n't make it out of sharpsburg , maryland , alive . by the following year , paul was promoted again to colonel , leading the 20th massachusetts at chancellorsville and , in his final days , at gettysburg . on july 3 , 1863 , he was mortally wounded by a shell fragment that pierced his lung , and he died the next day . he was posthumously promoted again to brigadier general , and is buried in cambridge , massachusetts.mental floss : 10 things to remember about memorial day 6 . mark twain fired one shot and then left at least , that 's what he claimed in the private history of a campaign that failed , ' a semi-fictional short story published in 1885 , after the adventures of huckleberry finn , but before a connecticut yankee in king arthur 's court . in it , he recounts a whopping two weeks spent in 1861 with a confederate militia in marion county , missouri . but he introduces the tale by saying that even the people who enlisted at the start of the war , and then left permanently , ought at least be allowed to state why they did n't do anything and also to explain the process by which they did n't do anything . surely this kind of light must have some sort of value . ' twain writes that there were fifteen men in the rebel militia , the marion rangers , ' and he was the second lieutenant , even though they had no first lieutenant . after twain 's character shoots and kills a northern horseback rider , he is overwhelmed by the sensation of being a murderer , that i had killed a man , a man who had never done me any harm . that was the coldest sensation that ever went through my marrow . ' however , his grief is slightly eased by the realization that six men had fired their guns , and only one had been able to hit the moving target . 7 . the armies were n't all-male hundreds of women on both sides pulled a mulan , assuming male identities and appearances so that they might fight for their respective nations . some of them did it for adventure , but many did it for monetary reasons : the pay for a male soldier was about $ 13 month , which was close to double what a woman could make in any profession at the time . also , being a man gave someone a lot more freedoms than just being able to wear pants . remember , this was still more than half a century away from women 's suffrage and being a man meant that you could manage your monthly $ 13 wages independently . so it should come as no surprise that many of these women kept up their aliases long after the war had ended , some even to the grave . their presence in soldiers'ranks was n't the best-kept secret . some servicewomen kept up correspondence with the home front after they changed their identities , and for decades after the war newspapers ran article after article chronicling the stories of woman soldiers , and speculating on why they might break from the accepted gender norms . perhaps not surprisingly , in 1909 the u.s. army denied that any woman was ever enlisted in the military service of the united states as a member of any organization of the regular or volunteer army at any time during the period of the civil war . ' for more mental_floss articles , visit mentalfloss.com entire contents of this article copyright , mental floss llc . all rights reserved .
confederate anthem dixie ' was a favorite of abraham lincoln 's
marsden <tsp> ( instyle.com ) -- the co-star of 27 dresses ' discusses his personal style . i just feel dirty , ' says james marsden . not to be alarmed : there 's nothing indecent going on here . james marsden talks about his favorite kind of clothes and how his style has changed over the years . the 34-year-old is explaining what it feels like to be sporting facial hair for a film he 's working on with cameron diaz . yet even the newly grown whiskers ca n't hide the finely chiseled features of an actor who seems to have cornered the hollywood market on hottie-who-loses-the-girl roles ( enchanted , ' superman returns ' and , of course , the notebook . ' ) but the oklahoma-bred star does n't mind his wholesome image . that 's really me , ' he says . i 'm a little dorky -- awkward . ' however , his onscreen luck could be changing with his latest film , 27 dresses , ' a romantic comedy co-starring katherine heigl . scruffy or not , we 'll be watching . you 've played a prince in enchanted ' and the superhero cyclops in the x-men ' movies . is that a big deal to your kids and their friends ? my daughter , mary , is only 2 , and my son , jack , is 7 . he has a cyclops action figure , but he 's really into spider-man and pixar movies -- buzz lightyear is his guy . no superman , ' no x-men . ' i think he just assumes that everyone at his school has a dad who 's a big superhero . you also played corny collins , the tv dance-show host in hairspray . ' what were you like in high school ? that 's when i came out of my shell and became more social -- people thought i was funny . i got into a whole preppy thing -- duck head shorts and dockers . how would you describe your style now ? functional comfort . for a guy , it should n't ever look like you thought about it too much , like the clothes are wearing you . whose clothes do you like ? paul smith off the rack -- it 's a slim cut , and i do n't need to have it tailored . i always feel like an 8-year-old when i dress up in a suit , like , when can i take this thing off ? but i wore a black dolce & gabbana suit to the première of hairspray ' that was like , ok , now i know what a great suit is . classic , clean lines -- sharp , sharp , sharp . do you change your style from coast to coast ? in l.a. it 's too easy to throw on a pair of american apparel sweats , a t-shirt and running shoes and just wear those for days . in new york , i actually like looking nice . maybe i 'm just getting older , but young guys need to pull their pants up . do you ever shop for your wife ? i love shopping for dresses , and i actually do a pretty good job . when i was in new york , i went into j . crew in soho and got her a cool fifties type dress with tiny polka dots . style-wise i 'm good , but figuring out sizing is a different story . what do you find sexy on a woman ? i like spaghetti straps for my wife -- she has great shoulders and a great neck . i love when she puts her hair up , because i can see the back of her neck , so delicate and vulnerable . it 's the vampire in me . or my obsession with cheerleaders -- their hair up in a ponytail . when i was young , i could never have that . never got the cheerleader ? eventually -- my wife was a cheerleader . what does your wife find sexy on you ? a button-front shirt with [ baby ] spit-up on the shoulder . that means a guy is taking care of the kids and is a good father -- that 's sexy to a woman . the adult version of rose petals and champagne is if i let my wife sleep in and i get up to change the baby 's diaper , feed the kids , and do the dishes . who inspires you ? paul newman . my middle name is paul , and my grandfather once said i was going to look like paul newman . that stuck with me . beyond being a good-looking guy , newman is a great actor with a long career , and he 's got a life . he 's married with kids and lives in connecticut , sells popcorn and marinara sauce , and gives the money to charity . anyone else ? george clooney dresses like gary cooper might have . cary grant . a streetcar named desire ' -era marlon brando . they all made it look effortless . their clothes framed their personalities really well -- comfortable , classic , but sharp . these guys could pull off a great suit , or jeans and a t-shirt . do n't you agree that guys have it easy -- they are considered distinguished ' as they grow older ? i do n't think it 's guy-specific . as women get older , they become more comfortable with themselves . susan sarandon is the poster woman for that . a lot of guys fantasize about being with women who are in their forties or fifties . so your advice is ... ? act your age . dress your age . look your age . that does n't mean you ca n't have fun . and is n't it time you got the girl in one of your movies ? there are a couple of things i need to do [ onscreen ] : one , get the girl ; two , pack a gun . do n't you love my career philosophy ? e-mail to a friend get a free trial issue of instyle - click here ! copyright © 2008 time inc. all rights reserved .
while it 's easy for him to throw on sweats , marsden likes to dress up
marsden <tsp> ( instyle.com ) -- the co-star of 27 dresses ' discusses his personal style . i just feel dirty , ' says james marsden . not to be alarmed : there 's nothing indecent going on here . james marsden talks about his favorite kind of clothes and how his style has changed over the years . the 34-year-old is explaining what it feels like to be sporting facial hair for a film he 's working on with cameron diaz . yet even the newly grown whiskers ca n't hide the finely chiseled features of an actor who seems to have cornered the hollywood market on hottie-who-loses-the-girl roles ( enchanted , ' superman returns ' and , of course , the notebook . ' ) but the oklahoma-bred star does n't mind his wholesome image . that 's really me , ' he says . i 'm a little dorky -- awkward . ' however , his onscreen luck could be changing with his latest film , 27 dresses , ' a romantic comedy co-starring katherine heigl . scruffy or not , we 'll be watching . you 've played a prince in enchanted ' and the superhero cyclops in the x-men ' movies . is that a big deal to your kids and their friends ? my daughter , mary , is only 2 , and my son , jack , is 7 . he has a cyclops action figure , but he 's really into spider-man and pixar movies -- buzz lightyear is his guy . no superman , ' no x-men . ' i think he just assumes that everyone at his school has a dad who 's a big superhero . you also played corny collins , the tv dance-show host in hairspray . ' what were you like in high school ? that 's when i came out of my shell and became more social -- people thought i was funny . i got into a whole preppy thing -- duck head shorts and dockers . how would you describe your style now ? functional comfort . for a guy , it should n't ever look like you thought about it too much , like the clothes are wearing you . whose clothes do you like ? paul smith off the rack -- it 's a slim cut , and i do n't need to have it tailored . i always feel like an 8-year-old when i dress up in a suit , like , when can i take this thing off ? but i wore a black dolce & gabbana suit to the première of hairspray ' that was like , ok , now i know what a great suit is . classic , clean lines -- sharp , sharp , sharp . do you change your style from coast to coast ? in l.a. it 's too easy to throw on a pair of american apparel sweats , a t-shirt and running shoes and just wear those for days . in new york , i actually like looking nice . maybe i 'm just getting older , but young guys need to pull their pants up . do you ever shop for your wife ? i love shopping for dresses , and i actually do a pretty good job . when i was in new york , i went into j . crew in soho and got her a cool fifties type dress with tiny polka dots . style-wise i 'm good , but figuring out sizing is a different story . what do you find sexy on a woman ? i like spaghetti straps for my wife -- she has great shoulders and a great neck . i love when she puts her hair up , because i can see the back of her neck , so delicate and vulnerable . it 's the vampire in me . or my obsession with cheerleaders -- their hair up in a ponytail . when i was young , i could never have that . never got the cheerleader ? eventually -- my wife was a cheerleader . what does your wife find sexy on you ? a button-front shirt with [ baby ] spit-up on the shoulder . that means a guy is taking care of the kids and is a good father -- that 's sexy to a woman . the adult version of rose petals and champagne is if i let my wife sleep in and i get up to change the baby 's diaper , feed the kids , and do the dishes . who inspires you ? paul newman . my middle name is paul , and my grandfather once said i was going to look like paul newman . that stuck with me . beyond being a good-looking guy , newman is a great actor with a long career , and he 's got a life . he 's married with kids and lives in connecticut , sells popcorn and marinara sauce , and gives the money to charity . anyone else ? george clooney dresses like gary cooper might have . cary grant . a streetcar named desire ' -era marlon brando . they all made it look effortless . their clothes framed their personalities really well -- comfortable , classic , but sharp . these guys could pull off a great suit , or jeans and a t-shirt . do n't you agree that guys have it easy -- they are considered distinguished ' as they grow older ? i do n't think it 's guy-specific . as women get older , they become more comfortable with themselves . susan sarandon is the poster woman for that . a lot of guys fantasize about being with women who are in their forties or fifties . so your advice is ... ? act your age . dress your age . look your age . that does n't mean you ca n't have fun . and is n't it time you got the girl in one of your movies ? there are a couple of things i need to do [ onscreen ] : one , get the girl ; two , pack a gun . do n't you love my career philosophy ? e-mail to a friend get a free trial issue of instyle - click here ! copyright © 2008 time inc. all rights reserved .
marsden : i can shop style for women , but size is a different issue
marsden <tsp> ( instyle.com ) -- the co-star of 27 dresses ' discusses his personal style . i just feel dirty , ' says james marsden . not to be alarmed : there 's nothing indecent going on here . james marsden talks about his favorite kind of clothes and how his style has changed over the years . the 34-year-old is explaining what it feels like to be sporting facial hair for a film he 's working on with cameron diaz . yet even the newly grown whiskers ca n't hide the finely chiseled features of an actor who seems to have cornered the hollywood market on hottie-who-loses-the-girl roles ( enchanted , ' superman returns ' and , of course , the notebook . ' ) but the oklahoma-bred star does n't mind his wholesome image . that 's really me , ' he says . i 'm a little dorky -- awkward . ' however , his onscreen luck could be changing with his latest film , 27 dresses , ' a romantic comedy co-starring katherine heigl . scruffy or not , we 'll be watching . you 've played a prince in enchanted ' and the superhero cyclops in the x-men ' movies . is that a big deal to your kids and their friends ? my daughter , mary , is only 2 , and my son , jack , is 7 . he has a cyclops action figure , but he 's really into spider-man and pixar movies -- buzz lightyear is his guy . no superman , ' no x-men . ' i think he just assumes that everyone at his school has a dad who 's a big superhero . you also played corny collins , the tv dance-show host in hairspray . ' what were you like in high school ? that 's when i came out of my shell and became more social -- people thought i was funny . i got into a whole preppy thing -- duck head shorts and dockers . how would you describe your style now ? functional comfort . for a guy , it should n't ever look like you thought about it too much , like the clothes are wearing you . whose clothes do you like ? paul smith off the rack -- it 's a slim cut , and i do n't need to have it tailored . i always feel like an 8-year-old when i dress up in a suit , like , when can i take this thing off ? but i wore a black dolce & gabbana suit to the première of hairspray ' that was like , ok , now i know what a great suit is . classic , clean lines -- sharp , sharp , sharp . do you change your style from coast to coast ? in l.a. it 's too easy to throw on a pair of american apparel sweats , a t-shirt and running shoes and just wear those for days . in new york , i actually like looking nice . maybe i 'm just getting older , but young guys need to pull their pants up . do you ever shop for your wife ? i love shopping for dresses , and i actually do a pretty good job . when i was in new york , i went into j . crew in soho and got her a cool fifties type dress with tiny polka dots . style-wise i 'm good , but figuring out sizing is a different story . what do you find sexy on a woman ? i like spaghetti straps for my wife -- she has great shoulders and a great neck . i love when she puts her hair up , because i can see the back of her neck , so delicate and vulnerable . it 's the vampire in me . or my obsession with cheerleaders -- their hair up in a ponytail . when i was young , i could never have that . never got the cheerleader ? eventually -- my wife was a cheerleader . what does your wife find sexy on you ? a button-front shirt with [ baby ] spit-up on the shoulder . that means a guy is taking care of the kids and is a good father -- that 's sexy to a woman . the adult version of rose petals and champagne is if i let my wife sleep in and i get up to change the baby 's diaper , feed the kids , and do the dishes . who inspires you ? paul newman . my middle name is paul , and my grandfather once said i was going to look like paul newman . that stuck with me . beyond being a good-looking guy , newman is a great actor with a long career , and he 's got a life . he 's married with kids and lives in connecticut , sells popcorn and marinara sauce , and gives the money to charity . anyone else ? george clooney dresses like gary cooper might have . cary grant . a streetcar named desire ' -era marlon brando . they all made it look effortless . their clothes framed their personalities really well -- comfortable , classic , but sharp . these guys could pull off a great suit , or jeans and a t-shirt . do n't you agree that guys have it easy -- they are considered distinguished ' as they grow older ? i do n't think it 's guy-specific . as women get older , they become more comfortable with themselves . susan sarandon is the poster woman for that . a lot of guys fantasize about being with women who are in their forties or fifties . so your advice is ... ? act your age . dress your age . look your age . that does n't mean you ca n't have fun . and is n't it time you got the girl in one of your movies ? there are a couple of things i need to do [ onscreen ] : one , get the girl ; two , pack a gun . do n't you love my career philosophy ? e-mail to a friend get a free trial issue of instyle - click here ! copyright © 2008 time inc. all rights reserved .
in high school marsden showed off his preppy side
miami <tsp> ( cnn ) -- of course the tv series miami vice seems dated now , but it 's not just because don johnson 's white armani suits and slip-on shoes belong to a mercifully bygone era . the fact is , miami is no longer the same city as the one portrayed in the 1980s cop show . party time in little havana . the expansive sandy beaches are still there , as is the surfeit of sunshine , the hint of the exotic and the hordes of sun-hungry tourists who have flocked to this holiday hotspot for the last 80 years . but miami has shed much of its unwanted baggage from the 80s and has grown beyond a resort town into something more substantial . still barely 100 years old , miami was a tourist destination almost from its inception . the offshore sandbar called miami beach was quickly recognized as having all the ingredients of a world-class holiday resort and the hotel-building spree that took place in the 1920s and 30s has left miami beach with hundreds of stunning art deco structures that give the area its distinctive look by the 1980s , as well as being the destination of choice for holiday makers , retirees and'snowbirds'( canadians and northern americans wintering in florida ) , miami had attracted an uninvited guest -- the'cocaine cowboy .'miami 's proximity to south america made it a key point of entry for colombian cocaine smugglers and the city became a battleground for ruthless drug barons intent on grabbing their piece of the american dream . the mid 80s was the miami vice era , when the city 's reputation for glamour and hedonism came with a side order of carjackings and gangland shootouts . but by the mid 90s , miami had largely driven the cocaine cowboys out of town and hoteliers like ian schrager began converting some of those art deco classics into sophisticated boutique hotels fit for the international jet set . the guns may have gone but the glitz was never far away . now that miami 's been to rehab and come out cleaned up and healthy , it turns out there 's more to the city than glitzy nightclubs and the surgically enhanced bodies of the beautiful people . miami has acquired a reputation as the new kid on the block in the modern art scene , a reputation that was cemented when the world 's most prestigious modern art fair , art basel , arrived in the city in 2002 . just like the snowbirds , art basel returns to miami each winter and the wynwood neighborhood has now become a bona fide art district , with exclusive galleries showcasing cutting-edge art all year round . nearby , the design district is full of studios and workshops producing contemporary furniture and art . then there 's the fact that miami is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world , with some 60 % of the population born outside the u.s . the food , music , culture and language of latin america have all become part of modern miami , giving the city a cultural heritage that belies its youth . but do n't think miami 's reinvention as a cultural destination has done anything to dent it 's appetite for the good times . when it comes to partying , there 's not many places that can keep up with miami , and even fewer that can do it with as much style . in truth , there 's still a touch of the old vice about miami , and who knows , with the 80s revival , we may not have seen the last of those white suits .
the language and culture of latin america are part of modern miami
miami <tsp> ( cnn ) -- of course the tv series miami vice seems dated now , but it 's not just because don johnson 's white armani suits and slip-on shoes belong to a mercifully bygone era . the fact is , miami is no longer the same city as the one portrayed in the 1980s cop show . party time in little havana . the expansive sandy beaches are still there , as is the surfeit of sunshine , the hint of the exotic and the hordes of sun-hungry tourists who have flocked to this holiday hotspot for the last 80 years . but miami has shed much of its unwanted baggage from the 80s and has grown beyond a resort town into something more substantial . still barely 100 years old , miami was a tourist destination almost from its inception . the offshore sandbar called miami beach was quickly recognized as having all the ingredients of a world-class holiday resort and the hotel-building spree that took place in the 1920s and 30s has left miami beach with hundreds of stunning art deco structures that give the area its distinctive look by the 1980s , as well as being the destination of choice for holiday makers , retirees and'snowbirds'( canadians and northern americans wintering in florida ) , miami had attracted an uninvited guest -- the'cocaine cowboy .'miami 's proximity to south america made it a key point of entry for colombian cocaine smugglers and the city became a battleground for ruthless drug barons intent on grabbing their piece of the american dream . the mid 80s was the miami vice era , when the city 's reputation for glamour and hedonism came with a side order of carjackings and gangland shootouts . but by the mid 90s , miami had largely driven the cocaine cowboys out of town and hoteliers like ian schrager began converting some of those art deco classics into sophisticated boutique hotels fit for the international jet set . the guns may have gone but the glitz was never far away . now that miami 's been to rehab and come out cleaned up and healthy , it turns out there 's more to the city than glitzy nightclubs and the surgically enhanced bodies of the beautiful people . miami has acquired a reputation as the new kid on the block in the modern art scene , a reputation that was cemented when the world 's most prestigious modern art fair , art basel , arrived in the city in 2002 . just like the snowbirds , art basel returns to miami each winter and the wynwood neighborhood has now become a bona fide art district , with exclusive galleries showcasing cutting-edge art all year round . nearby , the design district is full of studios and workshops producing contemporary furniture and art . then there 's the fact that miami is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world , with some 60 % of the population born outside the u.s . the food , music , culture and language of latin america have all become part of modern miami , giving the city a cultural heritage that belies its youth . but do n't think miami 's reinvention as a cultural destination has done anything to dent it 's appetite for the good times . when it comes to partying , there 's not many places that can keep up with miami , and even fewer that can do it with as much style . in truth , there 's still a touch of the old vice about miami , and who knows , with the 80s revival , we may not have seen the last of those white suits .
miami still attracts the international jet set and is a party city like no other
miami <tsp> ( cnn ) -- of course the tv series miami vice seems dated now , but it 's not just because don johnson 's white armani suits and slip-on shoes belong to a mercifully bygone era . the fact is , miami is no longer the same city as the one portrayed in the 1980s cop show . party time in little havana . the expansive sandy beaches are still there , as is the surfeit of sunshine , the hint of the exotic and the hordes of sun-hungry tourists who have flocked to this holiday hotspot for the last 80 years . but miami has shed much of its unwanted baggage from the 80s and has grown beyond a resort town into something more substantial . still barely 100 years old , miami was a tourist destination almost from its inception . the offshore sandbar called miami beach was quickly recognized as having all the ingredients of a world-class holiday resort and the hotel-building spree that took place in the 1920s and 30s has left miami beach with hundreds of stunning art deco structures that give the area its distinctive look by the 1980s , as well as being the destination of choice for holiday makers , retirees and'snowbirds'( canadians and northern americans wintering in florida ) , miami had attracted an uninvited guest -- the'cocaine cowboy .'miami 's proximity to south america made it a key point of entry for colombian cocaine smugglers and the city became a battleground for ruthless drug barons intent on grabbing their piece of the american dream . the mid 80s was the miami vice era , when the city 's reputation for glamour and hedonism came with a side order of carjackings and gangland shootouts . but by the mid 90s , miami had largely driven the cocaine cowboys out of town and hoteliers like ian schrager began converting some of those art deco classics into sophisticated boutique hotels fit for the international jet set . the guns may have gone but the glitz was never far away . now that miami 's been to rehab and come out cleaned up and healthy , it turns out there 's more to the city than glitzy nightclubs and the surgically enhanced bodies of the beautiful people . miami has acquired a reputation as the new kid on the block in the modern art scene , a reputation that was cemented when the world 's most prestigious modern art fair , art basel , arrived in the city in 2002 . just like the snowbirds , art basel returns to miami each winter and the wynwood neighborhood has now become a bona fide art district , with exclusive galleries showcasing cutting-edge art all year round . nearby , the design district is full of studios and workshops producing contemporary furniture and art . then there 's the fact that miami is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world , with some 60 % of the population born outside the u.s . the food , music , culture and language of latin america have all become part of modern miami , giving the city a cultural heritage that belies its youth . but do n't think miami 's reinvention as a cultural destination has done anything to dent it 's appetite for the good times . when it comes to partying , there 's not many places that can keep up with miami , and even fewer that can do it with as much style . in truth , there 's still a touch of the old vice about miami , and who knows , with the 80s revival , we may not have seen the last of those white suits .
miami has shed its 80s reputation for carjackings and'cocaine cowboys '
virtual denmark <tsp> ( cnn ) -- i once stayed at a youth hostel in copenhagen called sleep in heaven . which sounds quite pleasant until you realize that , apparently , heaven is cold and damp and completely infested with bedbugs . i guess that 's the part they do n't tell you in sunday school . no , no . it 's great . nothing to worry about . beautiful white robes . big puffy clouds . probably a salad bar . ' but there were none of those . just bed bugs . something was rotten in the state of denmark . the next day , bitten and disgusted , i literally ran to catch a train to berlin and have n't had pleasant thoughts about that country since . this was back in 2003 . the tortured memories persist and still haunt my dreams . which is why , the other day , almost eleven years later , i was delighted to learn that the united states finally invaded denmark , set it on fire , and raised the american flag . sort of . here 's what happened . there 's a wildly popular computer game called minecraft ' where , as best i understand it , players build highly imaginative environments and constructions using 3d cubes . it 's sort of like a modern , digital-version of lego , but without the risk of waking up the neighbors when you step barefoot on a wayward block . harold , i think paul next door is constipated again . ' mark it on the chart , diane . ' now , i 've never actually played this game because i 'm a grown man with far more important things to do like tweeting and running my pretend fantasy football sports dynasty . so , to the millions of fine people who play minecraft , ' i sincerely apologize for oversimplifying your beloved game . it 's all just too complicated , for i have six functioning brain cells , and five of them are dedicated to breathing and blinking . but , from what i can tell , part of the fun in minecraft ' is creating these new virtual worlds and exploring those of others . and it 's also a way to re-imagine worlds that already exist . so , the danish government sanctioned the creation of a replica version of their country within minecraft ' to use as a progressive teaching tool for schoolchildren , educating them about denmark 's geography . really , it was a wonderfully creative and virtuous idea . thus , cyber vandals promptly decided to blow it up . somehow , these vandals were able to infiltrate virtual denmark while sneaking in virtual dynamite , at which point they virtually demolished parts of virtual copenhagen . what 's interesting is that the use of this virtual dynamite was actually banned on the danish server . but the ever-cunning vandals discovered they could sneak it in inside a virtual mining cart . which is both amazing and ridiculous .. that it should come to this . but through their virtual sneak attack invasion , the vandals proudly constructed virtual american flags all over town , and built virtual signs reading : america . ( forgive me for a moment as i cue some lee greenwood and dab these red , white , and blue tears of pride rolling down my cheeks . ) initially , it was believed that the virtual damage was virtually catostraphic and virtually widespread . however , chris hammeken , an actual spokesperson from the danish geodata agency , explained to the bbc , only a minor area was destroyed . ' there was no official word on whether or not a virtual sleep in heaven youth hostel was annihilated in the process . i guess a man can dream . though the danish geodata agency was quickly able to fully repair ' the destruction , ' there was no fixing the psychological damage . soon after the attack , images appeared on a minecraft ' forum , and denmark 's defeat had officially gone public . and viral . now , understand that i 'm not an outwardly patriotic individual . but , despite the fact that -- all kidding aside -- denmark really is a beautiful country with incredibly happy , intelligent , and peaceful citizens , i have to admit that , upon reading about this i felt a rather large twinge of u.s.a. pride . the whole thing was just so absurd and wonderfully american . oh , that it should come to this . follow @ jarrettbellini on twitter .
virtual denmark has since been repaired
virtual denmark <tsp> ( cnn ) -- i once stayed at a youth hostel in copenhagen called sleep in heaven . which sounds quite pleasant until you realize that , apparently , heaven is cold and damp and completely infested with bedbugs . i guess that 's the part they do n't tell you in sunday school . no , no . it 's great . nothing to worry about . beautiful white robes . big puffy clouds . probably a salad bar . ' but there were none of those . just bed bugs . something was rotten in the state of denmark . the next day , bitten and disgusted , i literally ran to catch a train to berlin and have n't had pleasant thoughts about that country since . this was back in 2003 . the tortured memories persist and still haunt my dreams . which is why , the other day , almost eleven years later , i was delighted to learn that the united states finally invaded denmark , set it on fire , and raised the american flag . sort of . here 's what happened . there 's a wildly popular computer game called minecraft ' where , as best i understand it , players build highly imaginative environments and constructions using 3d cubes . it 's sort of like a modern , digital-version of lego , but without the risk of waking up the neighbors when you step barefoot on a wayward block . harold , i think paul next door is constipated again . ' mark it on the chart , diane . ' now , i 've never actually played this game because i 'm a grown man with far more important things to do like tweeting and running my pretend fantasy football sports dynasty . so , to the millions of fine people who play minecraft , ' i sincerely apologize for oversimplifying your beloved game . it 's all just too complicated , for i have six functioning brain cells , and five of them are dedicated to breathing and blinking . but , from what i can tell , part of the fun in minecraft ' is creating these new virtual worlds and exploring those of others . and it 's also a way to re-imagine worlds that already exist . so , the danish government sanctioned the creation of a replica version of their country within minecraft ' to use as a progressive teaching tool for schoolchildren , educating them about denmark 's geography . really , it was a wonderfully creative and virtuous idea . thus , cyber vandals promptly decided to blow it up . somehow , these vandals were able to infiltrate virtual denmark while sneaking in virtual dynamite , at which point they virtually demolished parts of virtual copenhagen . what 's interesting is that the use of this virtual dynamite was actually banned on the danish server . but the ever-cunning vandals discovered they could sneak it in inside a virtual mining cart . which is both amazing and ridiculous .. that it should come to this . but through their virtual sneak attack invasion , the vandals proudly constructed virtual american flags all over town , and built virtual signs reading : america . ( forgive me for a moment as i cue some lee greenwood and dab these red , white , and blue tears of pride rolling down my cheeks . ) initially , it was believed that the virtual damage was virtually catostraphic and virtually widespread . however , chris hammeken , an actual spokesperson from the danish geodata agency , explained to the bbc , only a minor area was destroyed . ' there was no official word on whether or not a virtual sleep in heaven youth hostel was annihilated in the process . i guess a man can dream . though the danish geodata agency was quickly able to fully repair ' the destruction , ' there was no fixing the psychological damage . soon after the attack , images appeared on a minecraft ' forum , and denmark 's defeat had officially gone public . and viral . now , understand that i 'm not an outwardly patriotic individual . but , despite the fact that -- all kidding aside -- denmark really is a beautiful country with incredibly happy , intelligent , and peaceful citizens , i have to admit that , upon reading about this i felt a rather large twinge of u.s.a. pride . the whole thing was just so absurd and wonderfully american . oh , that it should come to this . follow @ jarrettbellini on twitter .
cyber vandals ' snuck into virtual denmark , set off virtual dynamite and raised u.s. flags
singapore <tsp> singapore ( cnn ) -- singapore 's presidential candidates may all share the same name -- the common chinese surname of tan -- but with four candidates now officially in the race , this presidential election is the most contested in singapore 's history . singapore is a nation that 's been ruled by one party since its independence in 1965 . but the recent general election showed a growing interest by singaporeans in politics and some point to a growing willingness of singaporeans to speak out . according to presidential candidate tan jee say , people are more open now in expressing their views against the government . in the past they were a bit apprehensive about being open . but now i think the election showed they are prepared to share their anger ' he said , over the government 's economic policies . he said the internet , and movements in other countries like the arab spring ' has had an effect on singaporeans too . while all candidates are officially non partisan , tan jee say stands out as the most opposition candidate , having run in the recent general election with the singapore democratic party . another candidate tony tan has the closest links to the ruling party pap and has been endorsed by singapore 's prime minister lee hsien loong . while singapore 's presidency is a largely ceremonial role , the job has several important functions including the power to veto key government positions and to tap the government 's financial reserves . the latter role came into the spotlight in early 2009 when current president sr nathan gave approval for the government to draw s $ 4.9 billion ( $ 4.1 billion usd ) to combat the global downturn . singapore 's president also commands an eye popping salary -- now more than s $ 4 million ( singapore dollars ) or $ 3.3 million usd . singapore 's top officials all draw some of the highest government salaries in the world , attributed by the government as a draw for top talent and considered by some a strategy to keep out corruption . the four candidates are tan kin lian , a former executive of insurer ntuc income , tan cheng bock , a medical doctor , former member of parliament and former chairman of a marine transport company , tony tan , a former deputy prime minister , a former defense minister and deputy chair of the government 's sovereign investment fund , and tan jee say , an investment adviser and former senior civil servant . singapore 's presidential election is scheduled for august 27 .
the presidential election is the most contested in singapore 's history
singapore <tsp> singapore ( cnn ) -- singapore 's presidential candidates may all share the same name -- the common chinese surname of tan -- but with four candidates now officially in the race , this presidential election is the most contested in singapore 's history . singapore is a nation that 's been ruled by one party since its independence in 1965 . but the recent general election showed a growing interest by singaporeans in politics and some point to a growing willingness of singaporeans to speak out . according to presidential candidate tan jee say , people are more open now in expressing their views against the government . in the past they were a bit apprehensive about being open . but now i think the election showed they are prepared to share their anger ' he said , over the government 's economic policies . he said the internet , and movements in other countries like the arab spring ' has had an effect on singaporeans too . while all candidates are officially non partisan , tan jee say stands out as the most opposition candidate , having run in the recent general election with the singapore democratic party . another candidate tony tan has the closest links to the ruling party pap and has been endorsed by singapore 's prime minister lee hsien loong . while singapore 's presidency is a largely ceremonial role , the job has several important functions including the power to veto key government positions and to tap the government 's financial reserves . the latter role came into the spotlight in early 2009 when current president sr nathan gave approval for the government to draw s $ 4.9 billion ( $ 4.1 billion usd ) to combat the global downturn . singapore 's president also commands an eye popping salary -- now more than s $ 4 million ( singapore dollars ) or $ 3.3 million usd . singapore 's top officials all draw some of the highest government salaries in the world , attributed by the government as a draw for top talent and considered by some a strategy to keep out corruption . the four candidates are tan kin lian , a former executive of insurer ntuc income , tan cheng bock , a medical doctor , former member of parliament and former chairman of a marine transport company , tony tan , a former deputy prime minister , a former defense minister and deputy chair of the government 's sovereign investment fund , and tan jee say , an investment adviser and former senior civil servant . singapore 's presidential election is scheduled for august 27 .
new : singapore 's presidential election is august 27
murkowski <tsp> washington ( cnn ) -- herman cain on tuesday vehemently denied all sexual harassment allegations against him and said he had no memory of the first accuser to publicly describe claimed misconduct by the republican presidential hopeful . they simply did n't happen . they simply did not happen , ' cain insisted of the accusations of inappropriate sexual behavior , and at least one incident of alleged sexual groping , when he was head of the national restaurant association from 1996 to 1999 . but karen kraushaar , one of the women who have made allegations , told cnn tuesday night that cain is a serial denier . ' while declining to comment on cain 's tuesday remarks , kraushaar said she wanted to meet with the other accusers about their cases . at a news conference he held to respond to the latest accusation , made monday by sharon bialek , a chicago woman who once worked at the restaurant group , cain described her as a troubled ' woman put up to making false allegations by forces trying to derail his presidential bid . cain said it could be the democrat machine ' behind the allegations but added that he did n't know for sure . he also said he expected further attempts to smear his name and reputation and vowed that he would not be deterred . as far as these accusations causing me to back off and maybe withdraw from this presidential primary race ? ai n't going to happen , ' cain said . in an earlier interview with abc news , cain responded yes ' when asked whether bialek was lying when she said at a news conference monday that cain made an unwanted sexual advance in 1997 . saying he did n't remember bialek or the alleged incident , cain added , i have absolutely not acted inappropriately with this woman or anyone else in my entire life . ' the latest twist came as more details emerged involving two other former employees at the restaurant association who received payouts and left their jobs , reportedly after accusing cain of inappropriate behavior . news reports identified one of the woman as kraushaar , director of communications at a bureau within the treasury department who worked at the restaurant association from 1998-99 . kraushaar 's lawyer , joel bennett , said tuesday that she complained of multiple incidents over multiple days ' in 1999 that constituted sexual harassment . ' in addition , bennett challenged cain 's contention that he was unable to remember what kraushaar had accused him of doing 12 years earlier . the restaurant association said at the time that it investigated the accusations and cain denied them , bennett noted . at the news conference , cain said the only complaint he could recall regarding kraushaar involved a comment he made that she was about the same height as his wife , as he held his hand up to his chin . he said kraushaar 's complaints had been found to be baseless at the time , and the restaurant association negotiated a severance agreement with her rather than a legal settlement regarding any sexual harassment charges . kraushaar told cnn chief political analyst gloria borger that the height remark was not the basis for her complaint . and , kraushaar told cnn , she received a $ 46,000 sexual harassment settlement , rather than a severance agreement . kraushaar said she would like to organize a joint press conference some time in the near future with some of the other women . there is safety in numbers , ' she said . it is important that it happen in one conference . ' bennett told cnn that gloria allred and bialek have agreed to participate . cain was introduced at the news conference by georgia attorney lin wood , who said the candidate is having to respond to hearsay , not admissible evidence , in the court of public opinion . ' he comes before you today to defend his reputation , ' said wood , who represented vindicated olympic park bombing suspect richard jewell and john and patsy ramsey , parents of child murder victim jonbenet ramsey . a reputation that he has built over 40 years of being a good and decent man and a successful business person . i ask you at least afford him fairness . ' meanwhile , a longtime friend of one of cain 's unidentified accusers said tuesday that cain mentioned a possible job promotion at the same time he made the accuser uncomfortable with sexual innuendo and overtures . the woman , who spoke on condition of not being identified , said she spoke extensively with her friend about cain 's conduct in 1998 at the time the accuser was allegedly being harassed by cain while both worked at the restaurant association . according to the woman , the accuser worked in government relations for the restaurant association in 1998 and told her it was well-known that cain behaved badly . bialek said earlier tuesday that a reason she came forward with her account of cain 's alleged misbehavior 14 years after the fact was encouragement from her 13-year-old son . he said ,'mom , i think you need to do the right thing . i think you need to tell on him ,' bialek said on cnn 's american morning . ' that confirmed it for me . if my son is saying it , i want to be the role model for him and other kids growing up . ' bialek 's story was the first public , detailed account of alleged misbehavior by cain . she alleged that cain groped her following a dinner in 1997 , shortly after she was laid off by the restaurant association . cain unexpectedly put his hand on her leg beneath her skirt and reached for her genitals and pushed her head toward his crotch after a dinner at which she sought his help finding a job , she said . bialek said cain told her , you want a job , right ? ' but stopped when she protested . i respected him . i looked up to him . and it just was shocking to me that he would use that power in such a way , ' bialek said . she did n't file a complaint at the time because she no longer worked for the association , said bialek , who also denied wanting any money for going public , despite a bankruptcy stemming from costs related to her late mother 's medical bills . cain vigorously dismissed the claims in an appearance on abc 's jimmy kimmel live ' monday night . the feelings that you have when you know that all of this is totally fabricated : you go from anger , then you get disgusted , ' he told kimmel . there 's not an ounce of truth in all of these accusations . ' in a written statement , campaign spokesman j.d . gordon said there was no record , nor even a complaint filed ' to support bialek 's accusation . bialek 's bombshell came as cain was in his second week of battling the sexual harassment allegations that have overwhelmed his front-running campaign for the republican presidential nomination . cain has come from far back to join former massachusetts gov . mitt romney atop the polls , and his campaign said it raised $ 2 million in the week since the sexual harassment accusations first surfaced in an october 30 report by politico . by comparison , the campaign raised $ 2.8 million in the three-month quarter from june through october . however , republican sen. lisa murkowski of alaska said tuesday that cain should quit the race if the allegations against him are true . it takes incredible courage for an individual to come forward , ' as bialek has done , murkowski said . so it does cause me to wonder exactly what is out there . i am concerned . ' gloria allred : a girl 's best friend bialek 's fiance , mark harwood , backed her up in an interview with cnn affiliate wgn-tv . this is n't for fun . you do n't go on a political stage and make these kinds of press conferences unless you really stand by your convictions , ' he said . there was no money motive to this . she 's got the same political interests as herman cain in terms of party , so it was n't like there was opposing political gain here at all . ' in denying all the allegations , cain said tuesday that he still has the support of his wife of more than 40 years . she knows that 's not something i would do , ' he said . cain , a favorite of tea party conservatives , has risen to the top of the polls after strong performances in several debates and the release of his 9-9-9 ' tax plan , which sets flat 9 % rates for corporate and income taxes and creates a 9 % national sales tax . he has complained that the sexual harassment allegations amount to a baseless media onslaught against his campaign . several unaffiliated republican operatives said cain must say more about the allegations , because his current message is not putting the controversy to rest . he needs to be upfront , forthright and get this story behind him , ' said bob vander plaats , a leading iowa republican activist . the ongoing allegations , he adds , are a test of cain 's leadership ' and a tipping point for his campaign . ' cain will be in iowa on november 19 for an event sponsored by vander plaats called the family leader forum . an expected 2,500 potential caucus-goers will be in attendance , and cain will probably have to address the issue in some form . you can not let this dominate the campaign , ' vander plaats said , a sentiment echoed by other analysts . he said cain can approach this with humility and sincerity ' and people will listen . iowans are fair . ' allred said her client is a registered republican and described cain 's behavior at the time to her then-boyfriend and a longtime mentor . both have given sworn statements supporting her account , allred said . she told cnn tuesday that cain and the women should testify under oath . cnn 's tom cohen , ashley killough , kevin bohn , kevin liptak , gloria borger and shannon travis contributed to this report . watch piers morgan live weeknights 9 p.m . et . for the latest from piers morgan click here .
sen. murkowski says the allegations , if true , will sink cain 's campaign
cnn <tsp> washington ( cnn ) -- herman cain on tuesday vehemently denied all sexual harassment allegations against him and said he had no memory of the first accuser to publicly describe claimed misconduct by the republican presidential hopeful . they simply did n't happen . they simply did not happen , ' cain insisted of the accusations of inappropriate sexual behavior , and at least one incident of alleged sexual groping , when he was head of the national restaurant association from 1996 to 1999 . but karen kraushaar , one of the women who have made allegations , told cnn tuesday night that cain is a serial denier . ' while declining to comment on cain 's tuesday remarks , kraushaar said she wanted to meet with the other accusers about their cases . at a news conference he held to respond to the latest accusation , made monday by sharon bialek , a chicago woman who once worked at the restaurant group , cain described her as a troubled ' woman put up to making false allegations by forces trying to derail his presidential bid . cain said it could be the democrat machine ' behind the allegations but added that he did n't know for sure . he also said he expected further attempts to smear his name and reputation and vowed that he would not be deterred . as far as these accusations causing me to back off and maybe withdraw from this presidential primary race ? ai n't going to happen , ' cain said . in an earlier interview with abc news , cain responded yes ' when asked whether bialek was lying when she said at a news conference monday that cain made an unwanted sexual advance in 1997 . saying he did n't remember bialek or the alleged incident , cain added , i have absolutely not acted inappropriately with this woman or anyone else in my entire life . ' the latest twist came as more details emerged involving two other former employees at the restaurant association who received payouts and left their jobs , reportedly after accusing cain of inappropriate behavior . news reports identified one of the woman as kraushaar , director of communications at a bureau within the treasury department who worked at the restaurant association from 1998-99 . kraushaar 's lawyer , joel bennett , said tuesday that she complained of multiple incidents over multiple days ' in 1999 that constituted sexual harassment . ' in addition , bennett challenged cain 's contention that he was unable to remember what kraushaar had accused him of doing 12 years earlier . the restaurant association said at the time that it investigated the accusations and cain denied them , bennett noted . at the news conference , cain said the only complaint he could recall regarding kraushaar involved a comment he made that she was about the same height as his wife , as he held his hand up to his chin . he said kraushaar 's complaints had been found to be baseless at the time , and the restaurant association negotiated a severance agreement with her rather than a legal settlement regarding any sexual harassment charges . kraushaar told cnn chief political analyst gloria borger that the height remark was not the basis for her complaint . and , kraushaar told cnn , she received a $ 46,000 sexual harassment settlement , rather than a severance agreement . kraushaar said she would like to organize a joint press conference some time in the near future with some of the other women . there is safety in numbers , ' she said . it is important that it happen in one conference . ' bennett told cnn that gloria allred and bialek have agreed to participate . cain was introduced at the news conference by georgia attorney lin wood , who said the candidate is having to respond to hearsay , not admissible evidence , in the court of public opinion . ' he comes before you today to defend his reputation , ' said wood , who represented vindicated olympic park bombing suspect richard jewell and john and patsy ramsey , parents of child murder victim jonbenet ramsey . a reputation that he has built over 40 years of being a good and decent man and a successful business person . i ask you at least afford him fairness . ' meanwhile , a longtime friend of one of cain 's unidentified accusers said tuesday that cain mentioned a possible job promotion at the same time he made the accuser uncomfortable with sexual innuendo and overtures . the woman , who spoke on condition of not being identified , said she spoke extensively with her friend about cain 's conduct in 1998 at the time the accuser was allegedly being harassed by cain while both worked at the restaurant association . according to the woman , the accuser worked in government relations for the restaurant association in 1998 and told her it was well-known that cain behaved badly . bialek said earlier tuesday that a reason she came forward with her account of cain 's alleged misbehavior 14 years after the fact was encouragement from her 13-year-old son . he said ,'mom , i think you need to do the right thing . i think you need to tell on him ,' bialek said on cnn 's american morning . ' that confirmed it for me . if my son is saying it , i want to be the role model for him and other kids growing up . ' bialek 's story was the first public , detailed account of alleged misbehavior by cain . she alleged that cain groped her following a dinner in 1997 , shortly after she was laid off by the restaurant association . cain unexpectedly put his hand on her leg beneath her skirt and reached for her genitals and pushed her head toward his crotch after a dinner at which she sought his help finding a job , she said . bialek said cain told her , you want a job , right ? ' but stopped when she protested . i respected him . i looked up to him . and it just was shocking to me that he would use that power in such a way , ' bialek said . she did n't file a complaint at the time because she no longer worked for the association , said bialek , who also denied wanting any money for going public , despite a bankruptcy stemming from costs related to her late mother 's medical bills . cain vigorously dismissed the claims in an appearance on abc 's jimmy kimmel live ' monday night . the feelings that you have when you know that all of this is totally fabricated : you go from anger , then you get disgusted , ' he told kimmel . there 's not an ounce of truth in all of these accusations . ' in a written statement , campaign spokesman j.d . gordon said there was no record , nor even a complaint filed ' to support bialek 's accusation . bialek 's bombshell came as cain was in his second week of battling the sexual harassment allegations that have overwhelmed his front-running campaign for the republican presidential nomination . cain has come from far back to join former massachusetts gov . mitt romney atop the polls , and his campaign said it raised $ 2 million in the week since the sexual harassment accusations first surfaced in an october 30 report by politico . by comparison , the campaign raised $ 2.8 million in the three-month quarter from june through october . however , republican sen. lisa murkowski of alaska said tuesday that cain should quit the race if the allegations against him are true . it takes incredible courage for an individual to come forward , ' as bialek has done , murkowski said . so it does cause me to wonder exactly what is out there . i am concerned . ' gloria allred : a girl 's best friend bialek 's fiance , mark harwood , backed her up in an interview with cnn affiliate wgn-tv . this is n't for fun . you do n't go on a political stage and make these kinds of press conferences unless you really stand by your convictions , ' he said . there was no money motive to this . she 's got the same political interests as herman cain in terms of party , so it was n't like there was opposing political gain here at all . ' in denying all the allegations , cain said tuesday that he still has the support of his wife of more than 40 years . she knows that 's not something i would do , ' he said . cain , a favorite of tea party conservatives , has risen to the top of the polls after strong performances in several debates and the release of his 9-9-9 ' tax plan , which sets flat 9 % rates for corporate and income taxes and creates a 9 % national sales tax . he has complained that the sexual harassment allegations amount to a baseless media onslaught against his campaign . several unaffiliated republican operatives said cain must say more about the allegations , because his current message is not putting the controversy to rest . he needs to be upfront , forthright and get this story behind him , ' said bob vander plaats , a leading iowa republican activist . the ongoing allegations , he adds , are a test of cain 's leadership ' and a tipping point for his campaign . ' cain will be in iowa on november 19 for an event sponsored by vander plaats called the family leader forum . an expected 2,500 potential caucus-goers will be in attendance , and cain will probably have to address the issue in some form . you can not let this dominate the campaign , ' vander plaats said , a sentiment echoed by other analysts . he said cain can approach this with humility and sincerity ' and people will listen . iowans are fair . ' allred said her client is a registered republican and described cain 's behavior at the time to her then-boyfriend and a longtime mentor . both have given sworn statements supporting her account , allred said . she told cnn tuesday that cain and the women should testify under oath . cnn 's tom cohen , ashley killough , kevin bohn , kevin liptak , gloria borger and shannon travis contributed to this report . watch piers morgan live weeknights 9 p.m . et . for the latest from piers morgan click here .
kraushaar tells cnn her complaint was n't about cain 's height remark
hopkins <tsp> ( cnn ) -- one phone call brought the 41-year-old memory back to george hopkins instantly , flooding him with the terror of having a .38-caliber pistol jabbed into his face . former flight engineer george hopkins says he remembers vividly being hijacked to cuba in 1968 . hey , they got the guy that hijacked us , ' said the voice on the phone . hopkins , a former flight engineer , got the call monday from a friend and former pan am pilot , a day after the surrender of luis armando pena soltren . pena soltren is one of the men accused of hijacking pan am flight 281 on november 24 , 1968 , and taking it to cuba . the suspect had remained hidden in cuba for decades , and hopkins'memories of the ordeal had receded . but it 's all coming back now . watch hopkins describe the hijacking » ' i can still remember very vividly , ' said hopkins , 71 . the guy comes to the cockpit and he 's got a knife . and he sticks a .38 right in my nose , right between my eyes , and i could tell it was loaded because i see the bullets around the cylinder . he has the stewardess and held her with knifepoint at the base of her skull and he said ,'cuba , cuba , cuba .'' hopkins said he felt a burning sensation where the gun was pointed on his face . there was no doubt in my mind he would pull the trigger if i 'd have done something very foolish , ' he said . hopkins was in the flight engineer 's seat and noticed that the pilot and copilot had not seen the hijacker . he alerted them and said they needed to appease the armed man . through the open door of the cockpit , he could see two other hijackers holding passengers at bay . with the plane now heading to cuba , the hijacker lowered his gun . but the armed man was extremely nervous and shaking , hopkins said . a second hijacker , the apparent ringleader , entered the cockpit and told the crew everything would be fine . he said do n't worry about it , we 've done this before , ' hopkins said . then the man asked whether he could bring his wife up to first class . the woman was carrying a baby , hopkins remembers . at one point , a fighter jet appeared in the distance and followed their plane to cuba . the hijackers left the plane after it landed , but cuban authorities held hopkins and the rest of the crew on board for about six hours before they were allowed to fly back to the united states . on sunday , 66-year-old hijacking suspect pena soltren surrendered to federal authorities at new york 's john f. kennedy airport , the same airport from which hopkins'flight was commandeered . according to a december 1968 indictment , soltren and three others -- jose rafael rios cruz , miguel castro and alejandro figueroa -- conspired to hijack the flight . cruz and castro were sentenced in the 1970s after pleading guilty in u.s. district court in new york . they received 15-year and 12-year sentences , respectively . figueroa was acquitted in 1969 . hopkins wonders now whether he would even recognize pena soltren . i never thought i 'd repeat this story again , ' hopkins said . i repeated it a lot for the first several years , because it was very traumatic to us . this is the first time i 've even said anything about it for five to 10 years . it 's been kind of nice . your mind is able to flush things once in awhile , until something happens and then you recall it . '
one hijacker asked to have his wife and baby moved to first class , hopkins recalls
hopkins <tsp> ( cnn ) -- one phone call brought the 41-year-old memory back to george hopkins instantly , flooding him with the terror of having a .38-caliber pistol jabbed into his face . former flight engineer george hopkins says he remembers vividly being hijacked to cuba in 1968 . hey , they got the guy that hijacked us , ' said the voice on the phone . hopkins , a former flight engineer , got the call monday from a friend and former pan am pilot , a day after the surrender of luis armando pena soltren . pena soltren is one of the men accused of hijacking pan am flight 281 on november 24 , 1968 , and taking it to cuba . the suspect had remained hidden in cuba for decades , and hopkins'memories of the ordeal had receded . but it 's all coming back now . watch hopkins describe the hijacking » ' i can still remember very vividly , ' said hopkins , 71 . the guy comes to the cockpit and he 's got a knife . and he sticks a .38 right in my nose , right between my eyes , and i could tell it was loaded because i see the bullets around the cylinder . he has the stewardess and held her with knifepoint at the base of her skull and he said ,'cuba , cuba , cuba .'' hopkins said he felt a burning sensation where the gun was pointed on his face . there was no doubt in my mind he would pull the trigger if i 'd have done something very foolish , ' he said . hopkins was in the flight engineer 's seat and noticed that the pilot and copilot had not seen the hijacker . he alerted them and said they needed to appease the armed man . through the open door of the cockpit , he could see two other hijackers holding passengers at bay . with the plane now heading to cuba , the hijacker lowered his gun . but the armed man was extremely nervous and shaking , hopkins said . a second hijacker , the apparent ringleader , entered the cockpit and told the crew everything would be fine . he said do n't worry about it , we 've done this before , ' hopkins said . then the man asked whether he could bring his wife up to first class . the woman was carrying a baby , hopkins remembers . at one point , a fighter jet appeared in the distance and followed their plane to cuba . the hijackers left the plane after it landed , but cuban authorities held hopkins and the rest of the crew on board for about six hours before they were allowed to fly back to the united states . on sunday , 66-year-old hijacking suspect pena soltren surrendered to federal authorities at new york 's john f. kennedy airport , the same airport from which hopkins'flight was commandeered . according to a december 1968 indictment , soltren and three others -- jose rafael rios cruz , miguel castro and alejandro figueroa -- conspired to hijack the flight . cruz and castro were sentenced in the 1970s after pleading guilty in u.s. district court in new york . they received 15-year and 12-year sentences , respectively . figueroa was acquitted in 1969 . hopkins wonders now whether he would even recognize pena soltren . i never thought i 'd repeat this story again , ' hopkins said . i repeated it a lot for the first several years , because it was very traumatic to us . this is the first time i 've even said anything about it for five to 10 years . it 's been kind of nice . your mind is able to flush things once in awhile , until something happens and then you recall it . '
george hopkins was flight engineer on pan am flight hijacked to cuba in 1968
hopkins <tsp> ( cnn ) -- one phone call brought the 41-year-old memory back to george hopkins instantly , flooding him with the terror of having a .38-caliber pistol jabbed into his face . former flight engineer george hopkins says he remembers vividly being hijacked to cuba in 1968 . hey , they got the guy that hijacked us , ' said the voice on the phone . hopkins , a former flight engineer , got the call monday from a friend and former pan am pilot , a day after the surrender of luis armando pena soltren . pena soltren is one of the men accused of hijacking pan am flight 281 on november 24 , 1968 , and taking it to cuba . the suspect had remained hidden in cuba for decades , and hopkins'memories of the ordeal had receded . but it 's all coming back now . watch hopkins describe the hijacking » ' i can still remember very vividly , ' said hopkins , 71 . the guy comes to the cockpit and he 's got a knife . and he sticks a .38 right in my nose , right between my eyes , and i could tell it was loaded because i see the bullets around the cylinder . he has the stewardess and held her with knifepoint at the base of her skull and he said ,'cuba , cuba , cuba .'' hopkins said he felt a burning sensation where the gun was pointed on his face . there was no doubt in my mind he would pull the trigger if i 'd have done something very foolish , ' he said . hopkins was in the flight engineer 's seat and noticed that the pilot and copilot had not seen the hijacker . he alerted them and said they needed to appease the armed man . through the open door of the cockpit , he could see two other hijackers holding passengers at bay . with the plane now heading to cuba , the hijacker lowered his gun . but the armed man was extremely nervous and shaking , hopkins said . a second hijacker , the apparent ringleader , entered the cockpit and told the crew everything would be fine . he said do n't worry about it , we 've done this before , ' hopkins said . then the man asked whether he could bring his wife up to first class . the woman was carrying a baby , hopkins remembers . at one point , a fighter jet appeared in the distance and followed their plane to cuba . the hijackers left the plane after it landed , but cuban authorities held hopkins and the rest of the crew on board for about six hours before they were allowed to fly back to the united states . on sunday , 66-year-old hijacking suspect pena soltren surrendered to federal authorities at new york 's john f. kennedy airport , the same airport from which hopkins'flight was commandeered . according to a december 1968 indictment , soltren and three others -- jose rafael rios cruz , miguel castro and alejandro figueroa -- conspired to hijack the flight . cruz and castro were sentenced in the 1970s after pleading guilty in u.s. district court in new york . they received 15-year and 12-year sentences , respectively . figueroa was acquitted in 1969 . hopkins wonders now whether he would even recognize pena soltren . i never thought i 'd repeat this story again , ' hopkins said . i repeated it a lot for the first several years , because it was very traumatic to us . this is the first time i 've even said anything about it for five to 10 years . it 's been kind of nice . your mind is able to flush things once in awhile , until something happens and then you recall it . '
there was no doubt in my mind he would pull the trigger , ' hopkins remembers
wfaa <tsp> ( cnn ) -- crews sprayed foam wednesday to extinguish pockets of fire remaining at a texas chemical plant two days after a massive blaze sent bright flames and thick plumes of smoke high into the sky . authorities were still investigating what caused the blaze at the magnablend plant about 30 miles south of dallas . investigators were also trying to determine whether harmful amounts of chemicals had been released . the environmental protection agency is continuously monitoring air quality in the area of the fire and downwind from the site and as of noon wednesday have not detected significant levels of chemicals in the air , ' said a statement released by the city of waxahachie , texas . magnablend ceo scott pendery told reporters tuesday that an electrical spark may have led to the blaze , cnn affiliate wfaa reported . but he was less specific about what was going on inside the plant , wfaa said . i do n't want to reach out and try to suggest exactly what each employee was doing at that time , ' pendery said , according to wfaa . there 's a variety of events that go on in that plant . ' when pressed , pendery told the cnn affiliate that the plant was producing some chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing or fracking . some of those products that we make in that plant do get used in that application , ' pendery told wfaa . but he declined to detail specific chemicals involved at the plant . the fracking process injects water , sand and chemicals deep into the ground , cracking the shale and unleashing natural gas . there have been growing calls from environmental activists to halt fracking until the environmental concerns and benefits are fully studied . there are concerns that the chemicals used in fracking have caused illnesses , gas leaks , even tap water catching fire -- something covered extensively in media reports and in the emmy-winning natural gas documentary gasland . ' the environmental protection agency is still studying the claims and is scheduled to release its findings in late 2012 . on monday , dave bary -- a dallas-based spokesman for the epa -- said the most prevalent chemical that the plant 's owner had documented , and produced on site , was anhydrous ammonia . the epa official said earlier monday that 48,630 pounds of the chemical , which creates a toxic vapor downwind when released , have been reported at the site . it was not known how much of the chemical was released into the air during the fire . officials ordered the evacuation of a school , an apartment building and other industrial sites within an eight-block radius of the plant , said diana buckley , an official with ellis county government . employees and visitors of the plant evacuated safely , plant officials said . two employees sustained minor injuries but were not hospitalized , the company said in a statement . cnn affiliates ktvt and wfaa showed orange flames devouring buildings and licking at tanker cars parked at the edge of the magnablend plant , which is about 30 miles south of dallas . officials have said burning liquid continued to fuel the flames hours after it began , but they appeared able to wrestle the fire under control by early monday evening . magnablend produces custom chemicals for a variety of industries , including oil , agriculture , pet and animal feed , water treatment , construction and industrial cleaning companies , according to its website . anhydrous ammonia is a clear , colorless gas , according to the centers for disease control and prevention . it can be absorbed into the body by inhalation , ingestion , eye contact and skin contact . cnn 's ed lavandera , dave alsup and sarah hoye contributed to this report .
the plant produced chemicals used in fracking , its ceo tells cnn affiliate wfaa
germany <tsp> ( cnn ) -- hundred 's of fans and former teammates of robert enke gathered to lay flowers and light candles outside of hannover 96 's niedersachsen stadion after the club 's german goalkeeper was struck and killed by a train on tuesday , in what police called an apparent suicide . enke , 32 , died around 6:25 p.m. ( 12:25 p.m . et ) , hannover police press officer stefan wittke said in a statement . preliminary police investigations indicate a suicide , ' wittke said . police did not elaborate on what evidence they had that pointed to suicide , but enke 's close friend and advisor jorg neblung told the official web site of football 's world governing body fifa : i can confirm that it was suicide . robert took his own life shortly before six o'clock . ' the team 's official web site has been converted into a single-page memorial . enke captained hannover 96 , a team who currently lie tenth in germany 's bundesliga top division , and had been capped by his national side eight times after making his debut aged 29 . the shot-stopper had also appeared for teams including carl zeiss jena , borussia monchengladbach , benfica , barcelona , fenerbahce and tenerife in spain . his teammates were stunned by news of his death . we are in a state of shock , ' said team manager oliver bierhoff in a statement from the german football federation . it is beyond words . ' the german football federation ( dfb ) said enke always said he wanted to play for the national team at the 2010 world cup . soccer commentator and journalist rafael honigstein told cnn international that enke was on course to be picked as the number-one choice for the team . enke had missed germany 's last four matches because of a bacterial infection , but had recently returned to action with hannover . the leadership of the german national team never had any doubt that he was important for the team both as a goalkeeper and as a human being , ' the dfb statement said . enke is survived by his wife and eight-month-old daughter , who the couple adopted . the couple 's two-year-old daughter died in 2006 from a heart condition , and honigstein said the loss of his child had taken a toll on enke . it 's been well documented that he had a tough time , ' honigstein said . people knew it was a terrible , terrible tragedy for him . ' i do n't know why and how this happened , ' said martin kind , the chairman of hannover 96 . it is a total catastrophe . i am finding it hard to understand . all i can say for sure is that it had nothing to do with football . ' fellow players said they believed that enke had been suffering depression . he was unstable , ' said mr kind . but he kept it under wraps . ' the coach of germany 's national team , joachim lowe , had been preparing his squad for their friendly game against chile this weekend . the dfb have not yet confirmed whether the game would still be played . a press conference is due to be held by the dfb at 1130 gmt , while hannover 96 will speak to the media at 1200 gmt on wednesday . cnn 's frederik pleitgen contributed to this report .
germany international footballer robert enke has died at the age of 32 at a rail crossing
germany <tsp> ( cnn ) -- hundred 's of fans and former teammates of robert enke gathered to lay flowers and light candles outside of hannover 96 's niedersachsen stadion after the club 's german goalkeeper was struck and killed by a train on tuesday , in what police called an apparent suicide . enke , 32 , died around 6:25 p.m. ( 12:25 p.m . et ) , hannover police press officer stefan wittke said in a statement . preliminary police investigations indicate a suicide , ' wittke said . police did not elaborate on what evidence they had that pointed to suicide , but enke 's close friend and advisor jorg neblung told the official web site of football 's world governing body fifa : i can confirm that it was suicide . robert took his own life shortly before six o'clock . ' the team 's official web site has been converted into a single-page memorial . enke captained hannover 96 , a team who currently lie tenth in germany 's bundesliga top division , and had been capped by his national side eight times after making his debut aged 29 . the shot-stopper had also appeared for teams including carl zeiss jena , borussia monchengladbach , benfica , barcelona , fenerbahce and tenerife in spain . his teammates were stunned by news of his death . we are in a state of shock , ' said team manager oliver bierhoff in a statement from the german football federation . it is beyond words . ' the german football federation ( dfb ) said enke always said he wanted to play for the national team at the 2010 world cup . soccer commentator and journalist rafael honigstein told cnn international that enke was on course to be picked as the number-one choice for the team . enke had missed germany 's last four matches because of a bacterial infection , but had recently returned to action with hannover . the leadership of the german national team never had any doubt that he was important for the team both as a goalkeeper and as a human being , ' the dfb statement said . enke is survived by his wife and eight-month-old daughter , who the couple adopted . the couple 's two-year-old daughter died in 2006 from a heart condition , and honigstein said the loss of his child had taken a toll on enke . it 's been well documented that he had a tough time , ' honigstein said . people knew it was a terrible , terrible tragedy for him . ' i do n't know why and how this happened , ' said martin kind , the chairman of hannover 96 . it is a total catastrophe . i am finding it hard to understand . all i can say for sure is that it had nothing to do with football . ' fellow players said they believed that enke had been suffering depression . he was unstable , ' said mr kind . but he kept it under wraps . ' the coach of germany 's national team , joachim lowe , had been preparing his squad for their friendly game against chile this weekend . the dfb have not yet confirmed whether the game would still be played . a press conference is due to be held by the dfb at 1130 gmt , while hannover 96 will speak to the media at 1200 gmt on wednesday . cnn 's frederik pleitgen contributed to this report .
he won eight caps for germany and was expected to be in squad for the 2010 world cup finals
screen actors guild <tsp> los angeles , california ( cnn ) -- marathon talks between hollywood 's largest actors union and producers broke off early saturday , with the screen actors guild saying it will ask its members to authorize a strike . screen actors guild members and supporters stage a rally in june at sag 's headquarters in los angeles , california . sag 's contract with alliance of motion picture and television producers expired june 30 with the two sides unable to agree on how actors would be paid when movies and tv shows are distributed through new media , ' such as mobile phones and the internet . as previously authorized by the national board of directors , we will now launch a full-scale education campaign in support of a strike authorization referendum , ' sag said in a statement saturday . there was no mention of when a strike referendum might be called . let 's review the facts : sag is the only major hollywood guild that has failed to negotiate a labor deal in 2008 , ' the producers'group said in a saturday statement . now , sag is bizarrely asking its members to bail out the failed negotiating strategy with a strike vote -- at a time of historic economic crisis . the tone-deafness of sag is stunning . ' sag and amptp representatives came together under the guidance of a federal mediator thursday for their first talks since july . the effort ended at 1 a.m. saturday after 27 hours of talks . the producers'alliance has demanded that sag accept terms similar to those in contracts concluded over the past year with six other unions representing writers , directors , stagehands , casting directors and a smaller actors union . taken together , these six new labor agreements will keep our industry at work , allow producers to experiment with new media , and give everyone in our industry a stake in the success of new and emerging markets , ' the producers'group said wednesday . the sag statement suggested that a strike authorization would not immediately trigger a walkout but would strengthen the actors'bargaining position . now it 's time for sag members to stand united and empower the national negotiating committee to bargain with the strength of a possible work stoppage behind them , ' it said . sag 's board of directors voted last month to ask for a federal mediator to help with the negotiations . at the same board meeting , it authorized a strike referendum in the event the mediation effort failed . approval of a strike referendum , which requires the support of 75 percent of sag 's members , is not a foregone conclusion because hollywood is still recovering from a costly writers strike that dragged on for 100 days just a year ago . sag 's 120,000-plus members include many who no longer pursue acting jobs or who work only occasionally . a member who joined after having just one line in one show has a vote equal to hollywood 's highest-paid stars , as long as his or her annual dues are paid .
screen actors guild and producers union talks break off
tunisia <tsp> tunis , tunisia ( cnn ) -- tunisia 's interim president and prime minister resigned from the ousted leader 's ruling party , state tv said tuesday , a move seen as a gesture to placate angry street demonstrators and keep the unity government afloat . but at least four ministers from opposition parties have pulled back from the new government , leaving some observers concerned that the coalition may collapse before it can set up new elections . president fouad mebazaa and prime minister mohammed ghannouchi submitted their resignations from the constitutional democratic rally , which was the ruling party of zine el abidine ben ali -- now in exile in saudi arabia . members of the opposition and the ben ali party formed a unity government to replace the ousted president , but there have been difficulties in getting that administration going because protesters are demanding that more should be done to sweep the old guard out of power . the displeasure was reflected tuesday in central tunis , when roving packs of protesters staged demonstrations and up to 1,000 protesters took to the streets of the capital and called the country 's new unity government a sham . the opposition parties were listening . lotfi al ahwal , a senior member of the general union of tunisian workers , confirmed that the union 's administrative committee is calling for all of its members to resign from the recently formed unity government . three ministers have already stepped down , al ahwal said . the union 's administrative committee , which met tuesday in a tunisian suburb , decided not to accept any government that has officials from the old regime and called for demonstrations against the ruling party . another opposition leader , mustafa ben jaafar , was to serve as health minister in the new government but suspended his participation in the united government , his spokesman , abudallah tif , told cnn tuesday . the move by the interim president and prime minister was seen as a way to disassociate themselves from the old guard and salvage the new government . earlier , ghannouchi said in an interview with europe 1 radio that some officials from the old regime kept their positions because we need them in this time of building democracy . ' all ministers who have retained their jobs have clean hands and they are very competent . they also have a merit . with their dedication , they have succeeded in reducing the destructive capacity of some areas , ' he said . he emphasized that a new election will take place in six months and will be the first to be held in a free tunisia . ghannouchi also said that we will not forgive ' those responsible for wrongful shootings , including people who may have been personal officers of ben ali , and that all those who were behind this massacre will be held responsible . ' weeks of demonstrations have left 78 dead and 94 wounded , the government said . many of the injured were police officers , according to the country 's interior minister . it was not immediately clear how many may have been shot by those affiliated with ben ali . ghannouchi -- who said the military did n't shoot people -- emphasized that he never gave any order for police to shoot people and only allowed tear gas and rubber bullets . when peaceful gatherings started to grow in size , witnesses said , police would step in and start firing tear gas and chase protesters with their batons . at least a half dozen people were beaten , witnesses said , and one man 's arm was broken . at the same time , more people began going back to work and more businesses were opening tuesday , as many tried to restore a sense of normalcy despite the unrest permeating certain places in the restive country . but many others remained angry about the country 's new unity government , saying they do n't want it to include anyone from the old administration , which fell apart after ben ali fled last week . no leftovers from the old regime ! ' protesters chanted . ghannouchi 's 19-member cabinet was to include three opposition leaders and 10 independents , he announced monday . the new government will be tasked with leading tunisia toward new elections , he said . opposition leaders ahmad ibrahim and ahmad najib al shabi were named to serve as education minister and minister of local development , respectively . monsef al marzouki , the leader of tunisia 's national congress party -- a leftist and secularist movement that was banned by ben ali 's ruling party -- returned to tunisia from exile in paris to cheers from demonstrators at the tunis-carthage international airport . among the holdovers from the previous government is ahmed friaa , the interior minister . friaa has vowed that those who should be held responsible for mistakes of the past will be punished . hager ben mahmoud , a 34-year-old bid manager at a software company , told cnn that normalcy is creeping back , with banks , shops and grocery stores in tunis starting to reopen . but the military is ever-present . there are still a couple of demonstrations because people are against the fact that older members of the political party ( will remain ) in power , ' she said . she said that the tunisian workers union is asking people to go back to work in order to get things back to normal . in the city of sfax , tunisian state tv said , all of the the shops , pharmacies , cafes and most banks are open as usual . unlike the previous two days , no demonstrations had taken place in sfax tuesday , the report said . the army is still positioned in most areas but not as prominently as in previous days . ben ali fled to saudi arabia last week after ruling the country for 23 years , following weeks of protests over what tunisians said were poor living conditions , high unemployment , government corruption and repression . the unrest over the past several weeks was triggered in december when mohamed bouazizi , an unemployed college graduate , set himself ablaze after police confiscated the fruit cart that was his source of income . he died early this month . recent diplomatic cables from the u.s. embassy in tunisia , disclosed by the wikileaks website , revealed growing discontent with what tunisians believed was widespread corruption and nepotism within ben ali 's government . the unrest has stoked concern across the world , with international leaders calling for an end to violence and offering assistance to develop a tunisian democracy , with a unity government that ensures a peaceful democratic transition . ' tunisia has reached a point of no return . the eu will stand side by side with tunisians as they pursue their peaceful and democratic aspirations , ' catherine ashton , the european union foreign policy chief , and stefan fule , commissioner for enlargement and the european neighborhood policy , said in a statement released tuesday . secretary-general ban ki-moon underscored the eu statement , appealing for broad-based consultations in tunisia to establish an inclusive interim government leading to the holding of timely and credible elections through which the citizens of tunisia can freely choose their leadership . ' the united nations stands ready to provide assistance to the tunisian people , ' he said . cnn 's ben wedeman , rima maktabi , tom evans , joe sterling and neil curry contributed to this report .
angry protests erupt in tunisia 's capital and witnesses report violence