stringlengths 16
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stringlengths 51
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can wma files be converted to mp3? | First of all, you need to get a WMA file from CD to your computer. Insert CD and open it with Windows Media Player, click on Tools > Options and select Rip Music tab. Then specify the location you want to rip music to and choose MP3 as the Format. After that, hit OK to proceed. | The original WMA codec, known simply as WMA, was conceived as a competitor to the popular MP3 and RealAudio codecs. ... A lossless codec, WMA Lossless, compresses audio data without loss of audio fidelity (the regular WMA format is lossy). | Click "Add Files" to choose RMJ files and add them to conversion list. Choose one or more RMJ files you want to convert and then click Open. Click "Convert" to convert RMJ files to MP3 format. The software is converting RMJ files to MP3 format. | ['M4A Audio File Type. The M4A is an mpeg-4 audio file. ... ', 'FLAC. The FLAC audio file is Free Lossless Audio Codec. ... ', 'MP3. The MP3 audio file is an MPEG audio layer 3 file format. ... ', 'MP4. ... ', 'WAV. ... ', 'WMA. ... ', 'AAC.'] | Click on "Add Files" to choose QCP files and add them to conversion list. Choose one or more QCP files you want to convert and then click on Open. Click on "Convert" to convert QCP files to MP3 format. Total Audio MP3 Converter is converting QCP files to MP3 format. | ['Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the WMA file on your hard drive, external drive or CD.', 'Right-click or tap and hold the WMA file. ... ', 'Click or tap the “WinAmp,“ “VLC” or other compatible media player option in the context menu. ... ', 'Open the iTunes application.'] |
are lapsi and dalia the same? | No. Lapsi is a dessert, and Dalia is a grain. Dalia is a Hindi name for broken or cracked wheat. And lapsi is a dessert made using dalia. | Dalia is made from a special kind of whole wheat and has high nutritional values including fiber that comes from the bran or husk of the wheat. It is also referred as cracked wheat or samba rava or broken wheat and is called as godhuma rava in Telugu. | It is a type of catfish and its Latin name is Pangasius bocourti. ... Basa, also called swai and a few other names, is native to Southeast Asia. It is farmed in large numbers in pens around the Mekong River system of Vietnam, as well as in China and Cambodia. | Conclusion: Dalia is made up of broken wheat while oats are made up of grains. Both of them are a healthy source of fiber and protein and are similarly cooked. You can cook oats/dalia by adding milk into them until they make a thick paste. | Basa (Pangasius bocourti) is a species of catfish in the family Pangasiidae. Basa are native to the Mekong and Chao Phraya basins in Mainland Southeast Asia. These fish are important food fish with an international market. They are often labelled in North America and Australia as "basa fish", "swai", or "bocourti". | This is a powerful nakshatra and is also known as Bhagadavaita. The wonderful feelings and perceptions like love, sensual pleasure, prosperity and enjoyment are influenced positively by this nakshatra. ... Both Purva Phalguni and Uttara Phalguni are considered to be the nakshatras that bring good fortune and luck. |
what is one significant difference between transcription and dna replication? | Transcription copies the DNA into RNA, while replication makes another copy of DNA. Both processes involve the generation of a new molecule of nucleic acids, either DNA or RNA; however, the function of each process is very different, with one involved in gene expression and the other involved in cell division. | RNA polymerase does not play a role in DNA replication, it plays a role in DNA transcription. RNA polymerase makes mRNA from DNA. | One of the key molecules in DNA replication is the enzyme DNA polymerase. DNA polymerases are responsible for synthesizing DNA: they add nucleotides one by one to the growing DNA chain, incorporating only those that are complementary to the template. | Formation of pre-messenger RNA The mechanism of transcription has parallels in that of DNA replication. ... Unlike DNA replication, in which both strands are copied, only one strand is transcribed. The strand that contains the gene is called the sense strand, while the complementary strand is the antisense strand. | DNA replication is the process by which a double-stranded DNA molecule is copied to produce two identical DNA molecules. Replication is an essential process because, whenever a cell divides, the two new daughter cells must contain the same genetic information, or DNA, as the parent cell. | Transcription is the process by which the information in a strand of DNA is copied into a new molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA). DNA safely and stably stores genetic material in the nuclei of cells as a reference, or template. |
what was the unemployment rate in november 2016? | Unemployment rate declines to 4.6 percent in November 2016. In November 2016, the unemployment rate decreased to 4.6 percent, a drop of 0.3 percentage point from the previous month. The number of people who were unemployed decreased to 7.4 million in November, a decline of 387,000 over the month. | The highest rate of U.S. unemployment was 24.9% in 1933, during the Great Depression. 1 Unemployment remained above 14% from 1931 to 1940. It remained in the single digits until September 1982 when it reached 10.1%. 2 During the Great Recession, unemployment reached 10% in October 2009. | Trends in employment The unemployment rate (U-3) began rising from 4.7% in November 2007 and peaked at 10.0% in October 2009 as the crisis deepened, approximately where it remained until November 2010. Thereafter, it began a steady decline through the remainder of his tenure, reaching 4.7% in 2016. | The lowest unemployment rate was 1.2% in 1944. It may seem counterintuitive to think unemployment can get too low, but it can. The Federal Reserve says that the natural rate of unemployment falls between 3.5% and 4.5%. | The lowest unemployment rate was 1.2% in 1944. It may seem counterintuitive to think unemployment can get too low, but it can. The Federal Reserve says that the natural rate of unemployment falls between 3.5% and 4.5%. | The US unemployment rate dropped to its lowest level for more than 49 years in April, according to official figures. The jobless rate fell from 3.8% to 3.6%, the US Labor Department said, the lowest since December 1969. |
is c the cup size? | A C cup is three inches of breast tissue measured by comparing the size of the breasts with the band size. When the difference is three inches, what you have is a C cup. That's what size a C cup is. In truth, a C cup is not a bra size - it's the size of the cup itself. | Cup size is relative to the band size, meaning it changes as the band size changes. ... As the band size gets larger, so does the cup volume, by one cup size. For example, a 32D is one cup size smaller than a 34D, two cup sizes smaller than a 36D, three cup sizes smaller than a 38D, and so on through all the band sizes. | 1 US cup of water (cup) = 236.59 cubic centimeters of water (cm3 - cc) | Take a large cup at a McDonald's in the United States, for example, which holds about 32 ounces of liquid. This, says Buzzfeed, is one and a half times bigger than a large cup at an outlet in Japan. | Take a large cup at a McDonald's in the United States, for example, which holds about 32 ounces of liquid. This, says Buzzfeed, is one and a half times bigger than a large cup at an outlet in Japan. | Take a large cup at a McDonald's in the United States, for example, which holds about 32 ounces of liquid. This, says Buzzfeed, is one and a half times bigger than a large cup at an outlet in Japan. |
are saje essential oils organic? | Saje utilizes 100% natural ingredients (most are vegan), not tested on animals, made without synthetics, and sourced from sustainable farms all over the world and from certified organic sources wherever possible. | But Young Living essential oils aren't a magic cure-all. They're not even certified organic. ... On the Young Living website, it states that Gary “developed his first organic herb farming and distillation operation,” which would lead consumers to believe the oils are organic. | Plants and herbal products contain many bioactive compounds that may harm your health, and essential oils are no different. However, when inhaled or combined with a base oil for use on your skin, most essential oils are considered safe. | Fresh Thyme introduces essential oils. Downers Grove, Ill. -based Fresh Thyme Farmers Market has launched a line of store brand aromatherapy essential oils. The line comes in a wide variety of fragrances, including Cinnamon Leaf, Cedarwood, Rosemary, Grapefruit, Bergamot, Lemon, Tea Tree, Sage and Lavender. | They are concentrated, highly aromatic, oily mixtures extracted from plants. Whereas essential oils are produced by distillation, boiling or pressing, absolutes are produced through solvent extraction, or more traditionally, through enfleurage. | ['Cedarwood Atlas Essential Oil.', 'Chamomile Roman Essential Oil.', 'Clary Sage Essential Oil.', 'Ginger Grass Essential Oil.', 'Marjoram Essential Oil.'] |
what is the relationship between population and economic development? | The Relationship Between Economic Growth and Population Growth. If population growth and per capita GDP growth are completely independent, higher population growth rates would clearly lead to higher economic growth rates. | Economic growth reflects an increase in that country's gross domestic product, or GDP. ... Economic development, on the other hand, is a broader term. It indicates an increase in citizens' quality of life and is often measured using the Human Development Index. | Economic growth means an increase in real national income / national output. Economic development means an improvement in the quality of life and living standards, e.g. measures of literacy, life-expectancy and health care. Ceteris paribus, we would expect economic growth to enable more economic development. | Economists generally agree that economic development and growth are influenced by four factors: human resources, physical capital, natural resources and technology. Highly developed countries have governments that focus on these areas. | Population growth is the increase in the number of individuals in a population. ... Many nations with rapid population growth have low standards of living, whereas many nations with low rates of population growth have high standards of living. | Rapid population growth directly decreases economic development while producing a rapidly increasing labor force requiring an increase in the number of jobs available. Population growth has already reduced arable land from 3 MN in 1949 to 1.5 MN at present and can also cause sanitation and pollution problems. |
is uk driving license valid in turkey? | If you drive in Turkey, you must have either an International Driving Permit or a notarised copy (in Turkish) of your UK driving licence. If you stay in Turkey continuously for more than 6 months, you must convert your UK driving licence into a Turkish licence. ... Don't drink and drive. | A driving licence issued in the Emirates is now recognised in countries including the US, UK, Ireland, Singapore, New Zealand and in EU nations such as Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Norway and Spain, according to an updated list on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International ... | Driving licenses: Foreign drivers should possess an International Driving Permit, but national licenses printed in English are often accepted. EU residents need not special documents, the national driving license should adequate. To be certain, contact your car hire company on this matter. | No it is not an offence to drive without carrying your drivers licence in the UK. If you are stopped by the police, they can ask to see your driving licence, certificate of motor insurance and, if appropriate, a MOT test certificate. | Hi Richard, UK license is treated as an international license in Dubai according to the UAE laws. As long as you have the UK passport and you are visiting Dubai then all major car rental companies should accept your driving license. | Check if you need an international driving permit ( IDP ) You can get IDPs over the counter at the Post Office. You might need one for each country you're visiting. Do not apply for an IDP if you're moving abroad. You'll need to either exchange your UK licence or apply for a new one in the country you're moving to. |
do ilu spoznia sie okres? | Ile może spóźniać się okres? Prawidłowo przebiegająca menstruacja powinna pojawiać się cyklicznie co 25-35 dni i trwać od 3 do 8 dni. Jeśli raz na jakiś czas następują wahania w którąś stronę o 2-3 dni, uważa się, że wszystko jest w normie, a okres jest regularny. | Do wyrabiania, zagniatania i mieszania ciast znani blogerzy prezentujący swoje przepisy polecają roboty marki Kenwood. Doceniają je przede wszystkim za możliwość przygotowania większych ilości ciasta w krótkim czasie. | ['Otwórz skoroszyt, do którego chcesz skopiować arkusz.', 'W menu Okno kliknij skoroszyt zawierający arkusz, który chcesz skopiować. ... ', 'W menu Edycja wskaż polecenie Arkusz, a następnie wybierz pozycję Przenieś lub Kopiuj arkusz.'] | By nie robić dość kosztownego uprawnienia B+E możemy zadowolić się kodem 96 do kategorii B. Zgodnie z przepisami prawo jazdy kategorii B uprawnia kierowcę do ciągnięcia tak zwanej przyczepy lekkiej. Przyczepa lekka to taka, której dopuszczalna masa całkowita (DMC), nie przekracza 750 kilogramów. | Największą popularnością w Polsce cieszy się „doner kebab”, czyli potrawa turecka. Charakterystyczne dla niej jest mięso (baranina, cielęcina, drób) skrawane z rożna. W tym wypadku nie może to być wieprzowina. Podaje się ją z surówką oraz z serem owczym. | Tak naprawdę astmą zajmuje się kilku specjalistów. Najlepiej na początek wybrać się do lekarza internisty, który w razie potrzeby skieruje nas na testy alergiczne, RTG klatki piersiowej czy spirometrię. Może także wysłać nas dalej, do pulmonologa lub alergologa (w zależności od podłoża choroby i zaostrzenia objawów). |
are there any animals beginning with x? | There are two main names of animals that begin with the X namely X-Ray Tetra and the Xantus's Hummingbird. | ['Apes: a shrewdness.', 'Badgers: a cete.', 'Bats: a colony, cloud or camp.', 'Bears: a sloth or sleuth.', 'Bees: a swarm.', 'Buffalo: a gang or obstinacy.', 'Camels: a caravan.', 'Cats: a clowder or glaring; Kittens: a litter or kindle; Wild cats: a destruction.'] | ['Dogs. Dog Breeds. The dog Canis lupus familiaris is the first domesticated animal. ... ', 'Cats. Cat Breeds. ... ', 'Horses. Horses and Ponies. ... ', 'Rabbits. Pet Rabbits. ... ', 'Canaries. Canary Varieties. ... ', 'Goldfish. Goldfish Types. ... ', 'Guinea Pigs. Guinea Pig Varieties. ... ', 'Pigeons and Doves. Dove and Pigeon Types.'] | ['xenogeneic.', 'xenophobic.', 'xeric.', 'xerographic.', 'xerophytic.'] | ['Sabre-toothed Cat. Often called Sabre-toothed Tigers or Sabre-toothed Lions, they existed 55 million to 11,700 years ago.', 'Woolly Mammoth. An enormous mammal, believed to be closely related to the modern-day elephant. ... ', 'Dodo. ... ', 'Great Auk. ... ', 'Stellers Sea Cow. ... ', 'Tasmanian Tiger. ... ', 'Passenger Pigeon. ... ', 'Pyrenean Ibex. ... '] | ['Alligator.', 'Angler fish.', 'Ball python.', 'Brown bear.', 'Cat.', 'Cheetah.', 'Deer.', 'Dog (bulldog, pomeranian, Labrador retriever, rottweiler, pug)'] |
has st martin recovered from hurricane irma? | Martin, an island that took a direct hit from Hurricane Irma on Sept. 6, 2017, and where, two years later, recovery is still far from complete. ... Immediately after the storm blasted the island, President Emmanuel Macron of France promised a speedy recovery for the French side. | 3 named storms brewing in the Atlantic. A week after Hurricane Irma slammed ashore in Florida, there are now more storms developing in the Atlantic. Hurricane Jose may bring dangerous waves, wind and rain to the Northeast. Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Maria is taking aim at the Caribbean. | The Bahamas Is Recovering From One Of The Strongest Atlantic Hurricanes On Record - It's Hard. | Has Honduras Recovered From Hurricane Mitch? "We have 75 percent ... of our major infrastructure either destroyed, damaged or torn apart. | 2 potential hurricanes are already on the horizon after Dorian. Hurricane season is relentless, and several more storms could follow Hurricane Dorian, which, while still forceful, has been downgraded to a Category 2 hurricane as it progresses toward the United States. | It is located in hurricane Utah and is abandoned-->this can't be good that means that Freddy and the gang are out and about having fun killing you think there's a time where they stop?! |
are pdq chicken tenders gluten free? | PDQ, which stands for People Dedicated to Quality, specializes in chicken tenders, fries and shakes, all made to order - there's no freezer on the premises. ... According to PDQ's allergen list, the grilled chicken salad also is gluten free, as are nearly all sauces and dressings. | Yes, meat is naturally gluten-free. Plain, fresh cuts of meat, including beef, poultry (chicken, turkey, etc), rabbit, lamb and fish/seafood meat, are all gluten-free. However, be careful with breaded or floured meats, which typically contain wheat and therefore gluten. | Their fries and chicken are gluten free... Their burgers are not. | Unfortunately, if you go to KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) and you're looking to avoid gluten, you won't be able to eat any of the chicken that they are named for. None of their chicken is gluten-free. | Make your meals even more tasty with our best ever concentrated stock. Choose from delicious flavours which include Rich Beef with onion & rosemary, Succulent Chicken with garlic and thyme, Red Wine, Garden Vegetables with parsley & bay and Original Beef. All of our tasty stock pots are gluten free. | All of their barbecue sauces are gluten free and most of their sides, except the fried ones. Their chips and salsa are also amazing and gluten free, same with the guacamole. They also have good steaks that are gluten free. |
do us citizens need visa for south korea? | U.S. citizens travelling to South Korea for business or tourism do not need a visa. ... Although obtaining a visa in advance can ease the entry process, as long as you have a valid U.S. passport, you can enter the Republic of Korea without a visa for a stay of up to 90 days if you are a tourist or on business. | For US citizens you must have a valid passport to enter the Republic of Korea. Although obtaining a visa in advance can ease the entry process, as long as you have a valid U.S. passport, you can enter the Republic of Korea without a visa for a stay of up to 90 days if you are a tourist or on business. | U.S. citizens can visit the Republic of Korea without a visa for duration of up to 90 days or less if the purpose of the trip is for tourism, business meeting, attendance at a conference or visiting families or relatives. ... *US Green Card Holders are not applicable to the Korea-US Visa Waiver Program. | If you have a British Citizen passport you can enter South Korea as a tourist for up to 90 days without a visa. You must also have an onward or return ticket. It's illegal to work on a tourist visa, whether as a teacher or in any other capacity. | If you have a British Citizen passport you can enter South Korea as a tourist for up to 90 days without a visa. You must also have an onward or return ticket. It's illegal to work on a tourist visa, whether as a teacher or in any other capacity. | South Korea tourist visa fees for citizens of Ghana Maximum stay refers to the number of days allowed on a single visit. ... South Korea visa for citizens of Ghana is required. For more information please contact the nearest South Korea embassy. |
what are the requirements to be a conservation officer? | Qualifications and training required While graduates from any degree discipline can become nature conservation officers, an appropriate degree gained in a subject such as biology, zoology, geography, botanical or plant sciences, or environmental sciences is useful. | ['You need a good degree in environmental science or a related subject such as geology, geography, chemistry, ecology or agriculture.', 'Entry requirements are 4-5 Highers including relevant science subjects. ... ', 'More employers look for postgraduate qualifications in a specialised environmental subject.'] | ['High school diploma.', 'Reliable transportation.', 'Must be at least 18 years old.', 'Must be able to pass a criminal background check.', 'Must be able to provide references.', 'Ability to work with limited supervision.', 'Ability to follow written and verbal instructions.', 'Have good personal hygiene.'] | ["Bachelor's degree **and** seven to 10 years' successful and relevant employment experience, in fields such as law-enforcement, law, accounting, financial services, business, health care, emergency services, or public administration, **or**", 'an equivalent record of relevant occupational and educational achievement.'] | ['to be at least age 17 (upper age limits vary according to role)', 'to be at least 151.5cm tall.', 'to be a British, Irish or Commonwealth citizen.', 'to be in good health and physically fit.', 'a minimum of five GCSEs (A-C), including English and maths.'] | ['to be at least age 17 (upper age limits vary according to role)', 'to be at least 151.5cm tall.', 'to be a British, Irish or Commonwealth citizen.', 'to be in good health and physically fit.', 'a minimum of five GCSEs (A-C), including English and maths.'] |
how to get a new social security card when lost? | You can start the process of ordering a replacement card online at or by calling toll-free 1-800-772-1213. If you go to your local Social Security office, you'll need to bring identification — specifically: A U.S. driver's license. | You can start the process of ordering a replacement card online at or by calling toll-free 1-800-772-1213. If you go to your local Social Security office, you'll need to bring identification — specifically: A U.S. driver's license. | You can start the process of ordering a replacement card online at or by calling toll-free 1-800-772-1213. If you go to your local Social Security office, you'll need to bring identification — specifically: A U.S. driver's license. | You can start the process of ordering a replacement card online at or by calling toll-free 1-800-772-1213. If you go to your local Social Security office, you'll need to bring identification — specifically: A U.S. driver's license. | You can start the process of ordering a replacement card online at or by calling toll-free 1-800-772-1213. If you go to your local Social Security office, you'll need to bring identification — specifically: A U.S. driver's license. | You can start the process of ordering a replacement card online at or by calling toll-free 1-800-772-1213. If you go to your local Social Security office, you'll need to bring identification — specifically: A U.S. driver's license. |
is freezer in the fridge? | A 'fridge, also known as a refrigerator, is where you place items you want to cool, but not freeze. So most fridges are set to temperatures between 35F and 40F. A freezer is where you place items you want to remain frozen. Freezer temperatures are usually set to below zero degrees farenheight. | Refrigerated liquid eggs can be placed unopened in the freezer. Both fresh shell eggs and refrigerated egg products can be stored in the freezer for up to a year. For frozen eggs and products, it is important to defrost only as much as needed. To defrost, place unopened containers in a refrigerator or under cold water. | Beko fridge freezers. ... Unfortunately, although Beko has a better reliability record than many of its main rivals, the brand does also have a couple of Don't Buys to its name, so you'll want to pick your model carefully if you decide this is the brand for you. | Most newer freezers are frost-free. ... Just know that those deep freezers will frost up and need defrosting periodically. | The short answer is that foods will keep indefinitely in a frozen state. That's right — as long as your freezer is plugged in and functioning normally, frozen foods will never expire, go bad, or pose any health issues. ... Freezer burn is the foe of any frozen food. | Keep your appliances at the proper temperatures. Keep the refrigerator temperature at or below 40° F (4° C). The freezer temperature should be 0° F (-18° C). Check temperatures periodically. |
how much does it cost to replace a zip card? | We're happy to provide one free Zipcard each year. Additional replacement cards are $15 each and will be billed directly to your account. Your account must be in good standing to receive a replacement Zipcard (no current balance, up-to-date license information, and a clear membership status). | If you would like a replacement card, you can go online or to your local DMV office and apply and pay for a replacement license or ID card showing your new address. The fee to replace a: License or permit is $26.00; and. ID card is $39.50. | Was your License, ID, or Permit - Lost or Stolen? Your card can be replaced for $5.00 if you have at least 150 days left on your License and/or ID. If your license expires in less than 150 days you will be required to renew your license and pay the renewal fee. | Was your License, ID, or Permit - Lost or Stolen? Your card can be replaced for $5.00 if you have at least 150 days left on your License and/or ID. If your license expires in less than 150 days you will be required to renew your license and pay the renewal fee. | The new membership plan costs $6.00 per month (plus the standard $25 application fee for new members). Existing Zipcar members will be able to switch to the new monthly plan on their yearly renewal date if desired. | A replacement ID card is $10 for all ages. The only time the replacement fee is not charged is if someone who is 17-years-old or older is within one year of his or her ID card expiration date. If this is the case, your replacement ID is free and it is treated as if you were renewing your ID. |
is elke dag eieren eten gezond? | Of een ei iedere dag gezond of ongezond is, hangt af van wat je verder iedere dag eet. Het Voedingscentrum adviseert om te variëren in vis, peulvruchten, vlees en ei. Het eten van 2-3 eieren per week past in een gezonde voeding. Vegetariërs kunnen 3-4 eieren per week eten. | Wat is gezag? Als u gezag heeft over een kind: bent u verantwoordelijk voor de verzorging en opvoeding van het kind. heeft u vrijwel altijd een onderhoudsplicht, waardoor u de kosten voor de verzorging en opvoeding (tot 18 jaar) en de kosten van levensonderhoud en studie (vanaf 18 tot 21 jaar) moet betalen. | U bent niet verplicht een echtscheidingsconvenant op te laten stellen. U kunt ook zelf afspraken vastleggen in een document. | Een echtscheidingsconvenant blijft altijd geldig en komt nooit te vervallen. | De oprit zelf valt niet onder de openbare weg. Verkeer dat de oprit verlaat dient dus voorrang te verlenen aan het verkeer op de weg waaraan de oprit is aangesloten. Hetzelfde geldt voor een zogeheten eigen weg of een oprijlaan, een weg die op een kavel aangelegd is, en dus eigendom is van de grondeigenaar. | Olgun erikler mutluluğun işaretidir. Rüyada erik topladığınızı gördüyseniz, hayallerinizi gerçekleştirebileceğiniz anlamına gelir. Ağaçta görülen erik, zenginliği haber verir. Eriğin rengine ve güzelliğine göre yorumlanır.Yine bostan içinde erik ağacı olduğunu görmek, ilim ve edep öğrenecek bir evlâda alâmettir. |
how to pxe boot lenovo t480? | ['Press F2 during boot to enter BIOS Setup.', 'Go to the Boot menu.', 'Enable Boot to Network.', 'Press F10 to save and exit the BIOS Setup.'] | To PXE boot the ESXi installer, the DHCP server must send the address of the TFTP server and the filename of the initial boot loader to the ESXi host. When the target machine first boots, it broadcasts a packet across the network requesting information to boot itself. The DHCP server responds. | ['Open the BIOS Setup / Configuration.', 'Enable the Network Stack Boot ROM or Network PXE. ... ', 'If you notice any of the following, be sure to DISABLE. ... ', 'Change the boot sequence. ... ', 'Save and exit the BIOS.', 'The PC should now PXE Network boot to the QuickCAST Server.'] | ['Navigate to the directory containing installation files.', 'Run the PXE<version>-WIN32 installer file on the Windows machine you plan to install the PXE/TFT server.', 'Click Run.', 'Select the language in which you want to run the installer and click Next.'] | ['Navigate to the directory containing installation files.', 'Run the PXE<version>-WIN32 installer file on the Windows machine you plan to install the PXE/TFT server.', 'Click Run.', 'Select the language in which you want to run the installer and click Next.'] | ['Navigate to the directory containing installation files.', 'Run the PXE<version>-WIN32 installer file on the Windows machine you plan to install the PXE/TFT server.', 'Click Run.', 'Select the language in which you want to run the installer and click Next.'] |
how much does it cost to build a house nigeria? | Building experts tell BBC say, depending on which part of di kontri wey you dey, you go fit use five million Naira (about 13, 000 dollars) build three bedroom bungalow for Nigeria if you don already get land. | The average cost to build a house in 2017 was $428,000. That estimate is based on a 2,800 square-foot, single-family house—which makes the cost to build a house about $153 per square foot. | The average cost to build a house is $248,000, or between $100 to $155 per square foot depending on your location, size of the home, and if modern or custom designs are used. New home construction for a 2,000 square foot home runs $201,000 to $310,000 on average. | The average cost to build a house is $248,000, or between $100 to $155 per square foot depending on your location, size of the home, and if modern or custom designs are used. New home construction for a 2,000 square foot home runs $201,000 to $310,000 on average. | The average cost to build a house is $248,000, or between $100 to $155 per square foot depending on your location, size of the home, and if modern or custom designs are used. New home construction for a 2,000 square foot home runs $201,000 to $310,000 on average. | The average cost to build a house in 2017 was $428,000. That estimate is based on a 2,800 square-foot, single-family house—which makes the cost to build a house about $153 per square foot. That's the technical answer. |
is kettle corn gluten free? | Corn is a gluten free grain, so plain popcorn is also gluten free. This makes it a safe snack for people with celiac disease as well as sufferers of non-celiac gluten sensitivity. | All Deep Eddy Vodkas are distilled from corn and are always gluten free. | McCann's Traditional Steel Cut Irish Oatmeal in a gluten-free formula offers rich texture and nutty flavor for those looking to satisfy a 100 percent gluten-free diet,” added Perlstein. The demand for non-GMO products continues to rise. | The Celiac Disease Foundation has concluded that whiskey — regardless of the grains used to make it — is gluten-free as a result of the distillation process ( 3 , 4). | The Charleston-based spirit company earns the title of gluten-free as it is distilled from non-GMO corn. Chopin's luxury vodka is distilled from potatoes. ... This Polish potato vodka is completely gluten-free, but also smooth and affordable too. | The Charleston-based spirit company earns the title of gluten-free as it is distilled from non-GMO corn. Chopin's luxury vodka is distilled from potatoes. ... This Polish potato vodka is completely gluten-free, but also smooth and affordable too. |
how to change date format to dd/mm/yyyy in power bi? | Hi, Approach 1: use the Format function to show date in the required format. FORMAT(Table[Date Column], "DD/MM/YYYY"). Approach 2: select your date field then go to modelling tab then change the data format option according to DD/MM/YYYY. | Use the “Write Line” activity to display the result. Example: If your input is like 19/09/2019 your format should be dd/MM/yyyy… If your input is like 2019/09/19 then your format should be yyyy/MM/dd… | ['Select the dates you want to format.', 'On the Home tab, in the Number group, click the little arrow next to the Number Format box, and select the desired format - short date, long date or time.'] | ['Select the dates you want to format.', 'On the Home tab, in the Number group, click the little arrow next to the Number Format box, and select the desired format - short date, long date or time.'] | control panel==>region and language==>Formats===>Additional Settings===>Date and manually added the format. but it reverted back to mm/dd/yyyy (i.e 03/31/2015). and this format is propagated and applied to whole domain. | You can change the date format on the Project Options dialog box: Choose File > Options. Select General. Under Project view, pick an option from the Date format list. |
what are the three dimensions of risk management? | ['First Dimension of Risk. Without much exception, risk professionals start with an assessment of risk. ... ', 'Second Dimension of Risk. The second dimension of risk is the process of deciding what actions to take or avoid based on the findings in the first phase. ... ', 'Third Dimension of Risk.'] | The Journal of the American Society of Safety Engineers outlines the distinction between risk assessment and risk management as follows - risk management is a term that describes the efforts of an entire organization to mitigate workplace injuries, while risk assessment is the process by which specific problems and ... | Following an overview, the guide takes you through its four phases of security risk management: assessing risk, conducting decision support, implementing controls and measuring program effectiveness. | Quality Risk Management is the set of leadership, business process, culture, and technology capabilities an organizations establishes to create a collaborative approach for for identifying, quantifying, and mitigating product, operational, supplier, and supply chain risks that can impact quality. | We have decided to use three distinct levels for risk: Low, Medium, and High. | Disaster Risk Management is the application of disaster risk reduction policies and strategies, to prevent new disaster risks, reduce existing disaster risks, and manage residual risks, contributing to the strengthening of resilience and reduction of losses. |
is fmd a legal requirement? | Pharmacies will have no legal obligation to implement the Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) in the event of a 'no-deal' Brexit, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has confirmed. | The FMLA only requires unpaid leave. However, the law permits an employee to elect, or the employer to require the employee, to use accrued paid vacation leave, paid sick or family leave for some or all of the FMLA leave period. | Foreign domestic worker eligibility. A foreign domestic worker ( FDW ) needs to meet age, nationality and education requirements to get a Work Permit. | Texas employers must comply with the FMLA if they have at least 50 employees for at least 20 weeks in the current or previous year. Employees may take FMLA leave if: they have worked for the company for at least a year. ... they work at a location with at least 50 employees within a 75-mile radius. | FMJ is allowed there as long as it's not bimetal jacketed or have a steel core. ... Some ranges in areas with fire risk also don't want steel core or bimetal bullets due to the risk of a spark starting a fire. | In order to be eligible to take leave under the FMLA, an employee must (1) work for a covered employer, (2) work 1,250 hours during the 12 months prior to the start of leave, (3) work at a location where 50 or more employees work at that location or within 75 miles of it, and (4) have worked for the employer for 12 ... |
how many games wnba finals? | The first two rounds are single elimination games played on the higher ranking seed's home court. The semifinals and WNBA Finals are best-of-five series played in a 2-2-1 format, meaning the team with home-court advantage (better record) hosts games 1, 2, and 5 while their opponent hosts games 3 and 4. | The Finals have been a best-of-seven game series since the league changed its named to the National Basketball Association for the 1951 season. A team must win 4 out of 7 games in order to become champion. Even though they schedule 7 games, they will only play enough games that see a team win 4 games. | The Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA) is a professional basketball league in the United States. It is currently composed of twelve teams. The league was founded on April 22, 1996, as the women's counterpart to the National Basketball Association (NBA), and league play started in 1997. | NBA Finals: A History A team must win 4 out of 7 games in order to become champion. Even though they schedule 7 games, they will only play enough games that see a team win 4 games. | The NBA Finals is the annual championship series of the National Basketball Association (NBA). The Eastern and Western conference champions play a best-of-seven game series to determine the league champion. | › The NBA Finals is the annual championship series of the National Basketball Association (NBA). The Eastern and Western conference champions play a best-of-seven game series to determine the league champion. |
how do italian shoe sizes run? | Italian sizes run small: smaller than the American, but also of the French and the German, so do not feel bad if, in Italy, you see your size number rise higher than what you would expect. A useful FYI: French sizes are used also in Spain and Portugal, whereas German sizes are found also in Scandinavian countries. | Most users say the shoes run true to size. The majority of the styles are available in whole sizes 8-14 for men and 5-11 for women. If you're in between sizes, it's best to size up. The sneaker styles are also good for people with wide feet because the upper fabric is flexible. | Etnies Marana (cupsole models) Run half a size small, go up 0.5 size. I only put "Somewhat Small" because cup soles from Etnies in general run small. I ordered my correct size, 11.5, because I already knew about this with Etnies cup sole models. ... This are a better version of one of the best skateboarding shoes ever! | The shoe works well running or walking. It is true to size. | Another fantastic work out shoe from Ryka! ... I usually wear an 8 or 8.5 for office or casual shoes, but always get a half-size larger for running shoes to make sure there's enough space in the toe box. | Size and fit The Nike Shox Avenue Leather is a men's shoe available in sizes 6.5 to 15. The shoe generally runs true to size. It features a finger design that embraces the midfoot for an excellent lockdown and support. |
how spicy are ancho chiles? | The ancho pepper is considered to be of mild heat, though there is a bit of a kick to them. They measure between 1,000 – 2,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU) on the Scoville Scale. | Considered to be one of the earliest ripening varieties, Hot Portugal chile peppers are moderate to hot, ranging 5,000-30,000 SHU on the Scoville scale and have the ability to occasionally peak at 50,000 SHU. | The green chili group includes all green peppers that are hot, including "Anaheim" (Capsicum annuum "Anaheim"), "Jalapeno" (Capsicum annuum "Jalapeno") and "Cayenne" (Capsicum annuum "Cayenne"). ... Because these chiles are so mild, they can be used in large amounts in recipes. | Chile peppers are native to South and Central America. They were introduced to South Asia in the 1500s and have come to dominate the world spice trade. Few could have imagined the impact of Columbus' discovery of a spice so pungent that it rivaled the better known black pepper native to South Asia. | 1016shares. This hearty Five-Alarm Chili is loaded with enough spice to call in the fire department. The spice comes from 5 different sources: jalapeno, chipotle in adobo, chili powder, cayenne, and ancho. | "The answer hinges on the fact that spicy foods excite the receptors in the skin that normally respond to heat. Those receptors are pain fibers, technically known as polymodal nociceptors. |
are lavender candles safe for cats? | A. Many essential oils — including lavender oil — are toxic to cats and should never be given to cats orally or applied topically, in my opinion. These products can be rapidly absorbed through the digestive tract or through the skin, and then travel to the liver where they are metabolized. | Scented Candles Unfortunately, like all candles, even the scented varieties can pose a burn risk for your inquisitive pets and a fire risk for your home and family (in other words, your cat can tip the candle and start or fire or even light themselves on fire). | I wanted to verify that your wax melts are safe for cats as well as dogs, your site only mentioned humans and dogs. I know that certain essential oils are harmful to cats. Thank you! All of the Pet House products contain no dyes or paraffin, a petroleum by-product, so it's totally safe for your all types of pets. | Many liquid potpourri products and essential oils, including oil of cinnamon, citrus, pennyroyal, peppermint, pine, sweet birch, tea tree (melaleuca), wintergreen, and ylang ylang, are poisonous to cats. Both ingestion and skin exposure can be toxic. | Many liquid potpourri products and essential oils, including oil of cinnamon, citrus, pennyroyal, peppermint, pine, sweet birch, tea tree (melaleuca), wintergreen, and ylang ylang, are poisonous to cats. Both ingestion and skin exposure can be toxic. | Many liquid potpourri products and essential oils, including oil of cinnamon, citrus, pennyroyal, peppermint, pine, sweet birch, tea tree (melaleuca), wintergreen, and ylang ylang, are poisonous to cats. Both ingestion and skin exposure can be toxic. |
are taco bell chips made of corn? | Yes, they're an original but don't get it twisted — the Taco Bell® Classic Tortilla Chips are NOT basic. And, as if they weren't already amazing enough, Taco Bell® Tortilla Chips are also Kosher, Vegan, and made with gluten-free ingredients. WHOLE GRAIN CORN MASA FLOUR, SUNFLOWER, SAFFLOWER AND/OR CANOLA OIL, SEA SALT. | Whole-grain tortilla chips are typically made using whole-grain white or yellow corn, although some chips may contain other whole grains as well. | Ingredients. Since these chips are raw, you need to use sweet corn, not mature. Sweet corn doesn't have a lot of starch so it's actually really delicious. | Tostitos tortilla chips are made from 100% white corn. Then, they are cooked in oils that are naturally healthier because they are high in unsaturted fats ("good fats") and lower in saturated fats ("bad fats") and have zero grams of trans fat. A dash of salt water, and that's it... the perfect tortilla chip. | The Least Healthy Snack Chip Options A single serving of Fritos Original Corn Chips provides 160 calories, 10 grams of fat, 15 grams of carbohydrate, and 2 grams of protein. | A taco (US: /ˈtɑːkoʊ/, UK: /ˈtækoʊ/, Spanish: [ˈtako]) is a traditional Mexican dish consisting of a small hand-sized corn or wheat tortilla topped with a filling. |
do you smudge with windows open? | Smudging can be used to clear negative energy from anything and can be done as often as needed. ... It's a real good idea to have a door or window open while smudging. The negative energy has to have someplace to go! If there isn't a door or window open the negativity isn't going to leave. | Karcher's window cleaning spray is excellent, making light-work of grease and dirt. ... Flicking the vacuum on, you just wipe the vacuum down the window and it suctions off the residue, leaving a clean window without streaks. Well, mostly, as the Karcher 10 Year Window Vac Anniversary Edition needs some practice. | Wiping free disk space. When you delete a file, Windows removes the reference to that file, but doesn't delete the actual data that made up the file on your hard drive. ... For privacy and security reasons, you can set CCleaner to wipe the free areas of your hard disk so that deleted files can never be recovered. | You can remove just your files or fully clean your drive. ... For example, if you are resetting it to give yourself a completely new start, you'll probably want to select Just Remove My Files. On the other hand, if you're going to be passing your PC on to someone else, you may want to choose Fully Clean The Drive. | “You don't need much to clean a computer,” said Jolie Kerr, New York Times contributor, cleaning expert and host of the podcast “Ask a Clean Person.” “I use exactly four things to keep my laptop clean: Rubbing alcohol, microfiber cloths, cotton swabs and canned air.” Ninety percent or higher isopropyl alcohol is ideal, ... | Is the Desktop Goose any sort of virus or infiltration software that could harm your computer / files? ... This is not a virus. Windows Smart Screen shows you a false positive about it, but it's not harmful in any way. |
what is the difference between relative and absolute quantification? | In absolute quantification using the standard curve method, you quantitate unknowns based on a known quantity. ... In relative quantification, you analyze changes in gene expression in a given sample relative to another reference sample (such as an untreated control sample). | Absolute measures take the form of positive numbers, regardless of whether they represent high or low estimations. Relative measures are the major alternative to absolute measures. They use statistical variations based on percentages to determine how far from reality a figure is within context. | What is the difference between relative and absolute age? Relative age is the age of a rock layer (or the fossils it contains) compared to other layers. ... Absolute age is the numeric age of a layer of rocks or fossils. Absolute age can be determined by using radiometric dating. | What is the difference between relative and absolute age? Relative age is the age of a rock layer (or the fossils it contains) compared to other layers. ... Absolute age is the numeric age of a layer of rocks or fossils. Absolute age can be determined by using radiometric dating. | What is the difference between relative and absolute age? Relative age is the age of a rock layer (or the fossils it contains) compared to other layers. ... Absolute age is the numeric age of a layer of rocks or fossils. Absolute age can be determined by using radiometric dating. | What is the difference between relative and absolute age? Relative age is the age of a rock layer (or the fossils it contains) compared to other layers. ... Absolute age is the numeric age of a layer of rocks or fossils. Absolute age can be determined by using radiometric dating. |
are dole sliced peaches gluten free? | Dole Diced Yellow Cling Peaches In Light Syrup, 4pk | Eat! Gluten-Free. | Dried fruits and vegetables: Some may include gluten-containing ingredients. Plain, unsweetened, dried fruits and vegetables tend to be gluten-free. | Do Welch's® Fruit Snacks, Fruit 'n Yogurt™ Snacks and Fruit Rolls contain gluten? No, they are gluten free. | McCann's Traditional Steel Cut Irish Oatmeal in a gluten-free formula offers rich texture and nutty flavor for those looking to satisfy a 100 percent gluten-free diet,” added Perlstein. The demand for non-GMO products continues to rise. | 3 to 4 medium peaches. 2 3/4 to 3 cups sliced peaches. 2 1/4 cups chopped peaches. | Peaches are a great source of vitamin A and fiber. In small, cut-up pieces the flesh of a peach is safe for your dog. But, like any food that's not a regular part of his diet, peaches can cause some stomach upset, most commonly temporary diarrhea. Don't share canned or preserved peaches with your dog. |
things to do nc mountains? | ['Cataloochee Ski Area.', 'Great Smoky Mountains National Park.', 'Wolf Ridge Ski Resort.', 'NC Stage Company.', 'River Arts District.', 'Biltmore Estate.', 'Blue Ridge Parkway.', 'The Learning Center at PARI.'] | ['Hiking. The Southern Appalachians are a great place to go for a hike. ... ', 'Mountain Biking. The Southern Appalachians are one of the most popular mountain biking destinations in the east. ... ', 'Paddling. The Nantahala River Gorge is a popular spot for rafting and kayaking.'] | ['Hiking. The Southern Appalachians are a great place to go for a hike. ... ', 'Mountain Biking. The Southern Appalachians are one of the most popular mountain biking destinations in the east. ... ', 'Paddling. The Nantahala River Gorge is a popular spot for rafting and kayaking.'] | ['Flume Gorge. © Courtesy of Yevgenia Gorbulsky - ... ', "Clark's Trading Post. © Courtesy of Shane Cotee - ... ", 'White Mountain National Forest. © Courtesy of nd700 - ... ', "Whale's Tale Water Park. ... ", 'Alpine Adventures Outdoor Recreation. ... ', "Art's Outdoor Outfitters. ... ", 'Attitash Mountain Resort. ... ', 'Cannon Mountain.'] | ['Flume Gorge. © Courtesy of Yevgenia Gorbulsky - ... ', "Clark's Trading Post. © Courtesy of Shane Cotee - ... ", 'White Mountain National Forest. © Courtesy of nd700 - ... ', "Whale's Tale Water Park. ... ", 'Alpine Adventures Outdoor Recreation. ... ', "Art's Outdoor Outfitters. ... ", 'Attitash Mountain Resort. ... ', 'Cannon Mountain.'] | ["Touring the Wright Brother's Memorial.", 'Going fishing with a charter.', 'Booking an excursion with Kitty Hawk Kites.', 'Horseback riding on the Cape Hatteras National Seashore.', 'Touring the North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island.', 'Sightseeing at one of the Outer Banks lighthouses.'] |
who are utmost life and pensions? | Utmost Life and Pensions is a life and pensions company operating in the UK. ... We are part of the wider Utmost Group of Companies; a specialist life assurance group managing £33bn AUA and 240,000 customers. | If your Normal Pension Age is 60 your final salary benefits are: A pension calculated by multiplying your service by your average salary and then dividing by 80; and. A lump sum equal to three times your pension. | For the old-age security pension, the maximum monthly payment is: From July to September 2020: $613,53 for an income of less than $128 137 (same amount as previous 3 months) From April to June 2020: $613,53 for an income of less than $128 137 (same amount as previous 3 months) | (15 X last drawn salary X tenure of working) divided by 30 The retirement gratuity payable is 16 times the basic pay subject to maximum of Rs 20 lakh. In case of death of an employee, the gratuity is paid based on the length of service, where the maximum benefit is restricted to Rs 20 lakh. | Old-age pension: The pension is based on the average of the insured's 35 highest years of earnings indexed for past wage inflation, up to age 62. Early pension: The pension is reduced for each month of receipt before the full retirement age. There is no minimum pension for insured persons reaching age 62 after 1981. | 1971 has proved itself to be a significant year when it comes to pension planning. It was already known that those born in 1971 will be eligible to retire and access the state pension from the age of 67 onwards. |
what asvab score for army? | To join the Army as an enlisted member you must usually take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test and get a good score. The maximum ASVAB score is 99. For enlistment into the Army you must get a minimum ASVAB score of 31. | To join the Army as an enlisted member you must usually take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test and get a good score. The maximum ASVAB score is 99. For enlistment into the Army you must get a minimum ASVAB score of 31. | To join the Army as an enlisted member you must usually take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test and get a good score. The maximum ASVAB score is 99. For enlistment into the Army you must get a minimum ASVAB score of 31. | To join the Army as an enlisted member you must usually take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test and get a good score. The maximum ASVAB score is 99. For enlistment into the Army you must get a minimum ASVAB score of 31. | To join the Army as an enlisted member you must usually take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test and get a good score. The maximum ASVAB score is 99. For enlistment into the Army you must get a minimum ASVAB score of 31. | Soldiers in this job need a score of at least 91 in the skilled technical area of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests. If you want to be a member of the military police force, you need to be able to qualify for a secret security clearance from the Department of Defense. |
what is the difference between green onions and shallots? | Unlike green onions, whose white and green parts are often used differently in cooking, shallots are uniform in texture and flavor throughout. In addition, shallots have a sharper, stronger flavor than green onions, whose white ends come closest to capturing the same delicate bite. | The most significant difference is between green onions, and other onions. As you probably know, green onions are the stalks that grow from the bulbs of regular onions. They have a grassy, vegetal flavor with a hint of pungency, but do not taste anything like the bulbs. | Leeks are larger and have a milder, sweeter flavor. They are also excellent for braising, sauteing, baking, etc., whereas green onions can get a little slimy when cooked (although you can certainly grill them or throw them into a stirfry, you probably wouldn't want to make a side dish of braised green onions). | Chives are smaller, look kind of like fat grass and have a milder flavour. There are also garlic chives which have a slightly garlicky taste. Shallots are like small, elongated onions and have more of a garlic flavour. Onions are big, oniony, make you cry when you cut them etc. | Leeks look like overgrown green onions, but have a milder, more delicate flavor than onions. The white base and green stalk are used for cooking in creamy soups, fresh, stocks and more. | Leeks look like overgrown green onions, but have a milder, more delicate flavor than onions. The white base and green stalk are used for cooking in creamy soups, fresh, stocks and more. |
how are beam bridges built? | In its most basic form, a beam bridge consists of a horizontal beam that is supported at each end by piers. The weight of the beam pushes straight down on the piers. Under load, the beam's top surface is pushed down or compressed while the bottom edge is stretched or placed under tension. | Construction Joints – These joints are placed to keep new concrete in place. They're essentially screed rails made from wood, metal, or plastic and are placed during the pouring and finishing of concrete. | A tied-arch bridge is an arch bridge in which the outward-directed horizontal forces of the arch(es) are borne as tension by a chord tying the arch ends, rather than by the ground or the bridge foundations. This strengthened chord may be the deck structure itself or consist of separate, deck-independent tie-rods. | Bridge expansion joints are designed to allow for continuous traffic between structures while accommodating movement, shrinkage, and temperature variations on reinforced and prestressed concrete, composite, and steel structures. | ['Extremely strong. The structure of interconnecting triangles means that the load-bearing capacity of truss bridges is huge. ... ', 'Uses materials effectively. ... ', 'Withstands extreme conditions. ... ', 'Roadways built on to the structure. ... ', 'Requires a lot of space. ... ', 'High maintenance costs. ... ', 'How good is your engineer? ... ', "They're heavy."] | A few common types of joints used in building construction include the construction joint, control joint, expansion joint, settlement joint, and the seismic joint. Building joints can accommodate movement vertically, horizontally and along the depth of the structure. |
are sewer lines covered by home insurance? | But don't despair: Some standard homeowners insurance covers the cost of tearing out and replacing the damaged sewer line. ... Then the damage is covered because the pipe is damaged. But if the root clogs the line and there's no damage, you have to pay to fix it because there's no actual "damage" to the pipe. | Homeowners insurance may help cover damage caused by leaking plumbing if the leak is sudden and accidental, such as if a washing machine supply hose suddenly breaks or a pipe bursts. However, homeowners insurance does not cover damage resulting from poor maintenance. | Homeowners insurance may help cover damage caused by leaking plumbing if the leak is sudden and accidental, such as if a washing machine supply hose suddenly breaks or a pipe bursts. However, homeowners insurance does not cover damage resulting from poor maintenance. | With an American Home Shield® home warranty that includes additional septic sewage ejector pump coverage, you can enjoy expert service to ensure your septic sewage ejector pump, along with other systems and appliances in your home, are protected in the event of a covered malfunction. | An average cost for replacing a sewer line from a home to the public sewer system will be somewhere around $3,000 to $6,000. For more complex issues, or if the problem pipes are located in the middle of the street, the cost can balloon to somewhere between $7,000 to $25,000. | They take their fee plus 30% that is not going to the provider. This does not go toward insurance, TAKL will not insure the work on your home. |
what type of plate boundary is mount hood found along? | Mount Hood was formed as a result of the subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate below the North American plate, as depicted in the image to the right (Mount Hood Hazards, n.d.). At a convergent tectonic boundary, if one or both of the plates are oceanic, subduction will occur. | A hood is a kind of headgear that covers most of the head and neck, and sometimes the face. | Helens from the convergent plate boundary separating the Juan de Fuca and North American plates? Mount St. | The Andes Mountain Range of western South America is another example of a convergent boundary between an oceanic and continental plate. Here the Nazca Plate is subducting beneath the South American plate. | When two plates are moving away from each other, we call this a divergent plate boundary. Along these boundaries, magma rises from deep within the Earth and erupts to form new crust on the lithosphere. Most divergent plate boundaries are underwater and form submarine mountain ranges called oceanic spreading ridges. | When two plates are moving away from each other, we call this a divergent plate boundary. Along these boundaries, magma rises from deep within the Earth and erupts to form new crust on the lithosphere. Most divergent plate boundaries are underwater and form submarine mountain ranges called oceanic spreading ridges. |
why did eru create melkor? | He created the Ainur and gave them the free will to choose good or evil. Melkor and the spirits that became his demons (balrogs, werewolves, vampires, etc.) chose evil, while the Valar and their servants chose good and Eru. Melkor was part of the song but desired creation of his own. | Rukmini (Sanskrit: रुक्मिणी, IAST: Rukmiṇī) or Rukmani was princess of Vidarbha and she is the eternal consort of Lord Krishna, the king of Dwaraka. | However, it was later revealed that Akechi was a member of Masayoshi Shido's conspiracy, who joined into the Phantom Thieves to orchestrate their downfall, but instead using this opportunity to get revenge on Shido instead when they outwitted his usefulness to eliminate his biological father. | It's speculated that Niizuma Eiji is based on Eiichiro Oda and Tite Kubo. Niizuma Eiji seems to based on Oda, with all the encompassing success of their manga and the rather childlike purity of their love of the artform. The editors of Bakuman appear to be based on real-life editors. | Optimus Prime and his brother, Ultra Magnus, were created at the same time by Alpha Trion, but when Prime was chosen to carry the Matrix, Magnus felt ignored and was left carrying a grudge against his brother. Later, Optimus pursued Megatron to Earth to stop him from pillaging the planet's energy resources. | Is he related to Akuma? Ryu is not related to Akuma, no. Akuma is another student who trained under the same master as Ryu's master did, but he went insane after messing with the satsui no hadou and using its power to fuel his lust for strength and domination. |
1 amu is equal to the mass of a carbon-12 atom multiplied by the quantity? | The mass of one atom is usually expressed in atomic mass units (amu), which is referred to as the atomic mass. An amu is defined as exactly 112 of the mass of a carbon-12 atom and is equal to 1.6605 × 10−24 g. | In chemistry, an atomic mass unit or AMU is a physical constant equal to one-twelfth of the mass of an unbound atom of carbon-12. It is a unit of mass used to express atomic masses and molecular masses. | An atomic mass unit is defined as a mass equal to one twelfth the mass of an atom of carbon-12. The mass of any isotope of any element is expressed in relation to the carbon-12 standard. For example, one atom of helium-4 has a mass of 4.0026 amu. An atom of sulfur-32 has a mass of 31.972 amu. | Why use 12 grams? This is the theoretical atomic mass of the Carbon-12 isotope (6 protons and 6 neutrons). This means that the atomic mass or atomic weight (12 grams) of carbon is equal to exactly 1 mole of carbon. | has exactly 12 grams mass. 1) What is the mass of 1 atom of carbon? 1 molecule of glucose contains 6 atoms of C, 12 atoms of H, and 6 atoms of O • 1 mole of glucose contains 6 moles of C atoms, 12 moles of H atoms, and 6 moles of O atoms. | has exactly 12 grams mass. 1) What is the mass of 1 atom of carbon? 1 molecule of glucose contains 6 atoms of C, 12 atoms of H, and 6 atoms of O • 1 mole of glucose contains 6 moles of C atoms, 12 moles of H atoms, and 6 moles of O atoms. |
what language are spoken in austria? | German is the official language spoken by 98% of the population as mother tongue. There are distinct differences between the many regional dialects, and also a wide variation in the 'standard' Hochdeutsch spoken from region to region. Slovene is an official language in the southern province of Carinthia. | German. Swiss German is spoken in the northern, eastern, and central parts of the country, and is spoken by 63 % of the population, making it the primary language in Switzerland. | Towards the south and across the Alps, Italian is spoken; to the west, French; while German is spoken in the central and eastern parts of Switzerland. | Russian. Perhaps a surprise for many individuals, Russian tops this list as the most spoken language in Europe with 120 million native speakers on the continent! | Yes, some vaccines are recommended or required for Austria. The CDC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for Austria: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, rabies, meningitis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis), chickenpox, shingles, pneumonia and influenza. | Austrian work permit for non-EU citizens For non-EU residents, a work permit will require a lot of supporting documentation – which has to be submitted in German at the Austrian Public Employment Service (Arbeitsmarktservice, AMS). The approval process will typically take about seven weeks, if everything goes smoothly. |
what is aa concierge key? | American Airlines' ConciergeKey (often misspelled as “Concierge Key”) status is the coveted holy grail for any AA flyer. It is the top tier in their AAdvantage program, given only to those who truly spend more money than almost any consumer. | In mechanical engineering, a key is a machine element used to connect a rotating machine element to a shaft. ... For a key to function, the shaft and rotating machine element must have a keyway and a keyseat, which is a slot and pocket in which the key fits. The whole system is called a keyed joint. | A typical key is a small piece of metal consisting of two parts: the bit or blade, which slides into the keyway of the lock and distinguishes between different keys, and the bow, which is left protruding so that torque can be applied by the user. | The key fob is essentially a transmitter that sends a low-frequency signal to the car. This ID signal is unique to that vehicle; once the fob is inside the car and you press the button, the car's receiver picks up the signal and sends power to start the engine. | The key fob is essentially a transmitter that sends a low-frequency signal to the car. This ID signal is unique to that vehicle; once the fob is inside the car and you press the button, the car's receiver picks up the signal and sends power to start the engine. | The same key will open all keyed products. Please note: For Keyed Alike orders, you must purchase the same manufacturers products. For example, a Kwikset key will not go into a Schlage product and vise-a-versa. |
what is the difference between buttermilk and skimmed milk? | Skim Milk, also called nonfat milk, is one of the most nutrient-dense foods of all. ... Yet skim milk still supplies all of the nutrients of whole milk. Buttermilk, despite its name, is typically made from nonfat or lowfat milk. It is a cultured sour milk made by adding certain organisms to sweet milk. | They mainly differ in their fat content. Whole milk is sometimes referred to as "regular milk" because the amount of fat in it has not been altered. Skim and 1% milk are produced by removing fat from whole milk. Fat content is measured as a percentage of the total liquid, by weight. | Buttermilk lasts for 1-2 weeks beyond the date printed on the carton, and it can usually even be used beyond that point for cooking and baking needs. Buttermilk is a dairy product now produced by adding a culture of lactic acid producing bacteria into whole milk. | Many people think sour milk and buttermilk are the same but they are different. Buttermilk used to be the watery stuff leftover from making butter. These days, it is made by adding a lactic acid bacteria to regular pasteurized milk. Sour milk is made by adding vinegar and lemon juice to regular milk to make it sour. | According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the term nonfat milk means skim milk, nonfat dry milk, concentrated skim milk, or reconstituted skim milk. Therefore, nonfat milk and skim milk are the same thing. In fact, some brands of nonfat milk list both "fat-free" and "skim milk" on the nutrition label. | Butter and cream are both dairy products, meaning that they are both derived from cow's milk. Cream and butter are very closely related; cream is essentially milk with a high percentage of butterfat, while butter is a semisolid form of cream. However, cream is lower in fat than butter. |
are owners included in workers compensation? | Generally speaking, sole proprietors and partnerships aren't required to purchase workers' compensation insurance unless and until they have employees who aren't owners. Most states will allow sole proprietors and partners to cover themselves for workers' compensation if they choose to, but it isn't required. | However, if and when their workers' compensation case settles, some clients are still able to file an unemployment compensation claim. ... There is recent appellate case law that holds that, when an injured worker's settlement includes a resignation from employment, he is not entitled to collect unemployment compensation. | Employers conducting work in the State of Florida are required to provide workers' compensation insurance for their employees. ... Non-Construction Industry - Four (4) or more employees, including business owners who are corporate officers or Limited Liability Company (LLC) members. | Workers' comp benefits are non-taxable insurance settlements. While a worker does need to report these benefits on New York tax form W-2 (Wage and Tax Statements), the amount awarded by the New York State Workers' Compensation Board is excluded from the gross pay for a work-related injury. | Workers' comp benefits are non-taxable insurance settlements. While a worker does need to report these benefits on New York tax form W-2 (Wage and Tax Statements), the amount awarded by the New York State Workers' Compensation Board is excluded from the gross pay for a work-related injury. | Workers' comp benefits are non-taxable insurance settlements. While a worker does need to report these benefits on New York tax form W-2 (Wage and Tax Statements), the amount awarded by the New York State Workers' Compensation Board is excluded from the gross pay for a work-related injury. |
is exide a good car battery? | One of the best and reliable batteries is the Exide car battery brand. These cells have been known for their outstanding and reliable performance, as well as their ability to meet high-energy needs. However, there are several types of these batteries on the market, all designed to meet different needs. | Efest batteries any good? It's an ok 20A/2300mAh battery, that's it. ... Long battery life, and I have no complaints. Had them about 4 months now with no problems. | The Advanced DA62 car battery from Duracell is a decent model that offers good capacity, cold cranking amps and great performance. Despite its affordable price tag it offers an exceptional durability that allows it to outlive most of its competitors. | These are popular batteries and are used in a lot of popular bikes. If you only need a battery for a few months, this may be a good choice for you. But if you want one that will last a little longer, do yourself a favor and buy American made! | The Napa legend get very good reviews. I have not run one personally. I have found that quality AGM batteries last a very long time as long as you don't deep discharge them. Keep them charged properly and they provide good service. | Energizer e2 lithium AA batteries produce 1.5 volts, so they can be used to replace any regular alkaline AA units in most cases. OPERATING TEMPERATURE: Lithium batteries perform even in the most extreme temperatures, making lithium batteries perfect for outdoor devices. |
where are cipd courses held in london? | CIPD Courses London Kaplan London Bridge is located in the heart of London and is easily accessible by public transport. | The courses typically consist of 45 days of academic work (one day per week) and four days supervised practice, usually distributed over an academic year. Whilst in training PWPs are employed by a local IAPT service. The PWP training is open to people with a range of experience. | n All Community Colleges which are under SPP program now fall under ISP program and are also considered Designated Learning Institute. ... MLC College - Proprietary and Confidential 25 16 Working while studying!! | ['be over 18 years old on the programme start date.', 'have lived in the UK for the last three years.', 'have indefinite leave to remain and work in the UK.', 'be predicted or already have achieved a 2:2 degree or equivalent.', 'have any Level 3 qualification (equivalent to A-level).'] | ['Achievement First Iluminar School.', 'Barrington High School.', 'Hamilton School.', 'Nayatt School.', 'Rockwell School.', 'Kingston Hill Academy School.', 'East Greenwich High School.', 'Community School.'] | ['Minimum of five (5) subjects at CSEC (CXC) General Proficiency (Grades I or II pre-1998 and Grades I, II or III from June 1998) or GCE O-level which must include English Language and Mathematics.', 'Any three (3) 2 - unit CAPE or GCE A-level subjects.'] |
are you not supposed to rinse after brushing teeth? | Don't rinse with water straight after toothbrushing Don't rinse your mouth immediately after brushing, as it'll wash away the concentrated fluoride in the remaining toothpaste. This dilutes it and reduces its preventative effects. | Don't rinse your mouth immediately after brushing, as it'll wash away the concentrated fluoride in the remaining toothpaste. This dilutes it and reduces its preventative effects. | Don't rinse with water straight after toothbrushing After brushing, spit out any excess toothpaste. Don't rinse your mouth immediately after brushing, as it'll wash away the concentrated fluoride in the remaining toothpaste. This dilutes it and reduces its preventative effects. | Don't rinse with water straight after toothbrushing After brushing, spit out any excess toothpaste. Don't rinse your mouth immediately after brushing, as it'll wash away the concentrated fluoride in the remaining toothpaste. This dilutes it and reduces its preventative effects. | Don't rinse with water straight after toothbrushing After brushing, spit out any excess toothpaste. Don't rinse your mouth immediately after brushing, as it'll wash away the concentrated fluoride in the remaining toothpaste. This dilutes it and reduces its preventative effects. | Don't rinse with water straight after toothbrushing After brushing, spit out any excess toothpaste. Don't rinse your mouth immediately after brushing, as it'll wash away the concentrated fluoride in the remaining toothpaste. This dilutes it and reduces its preventative effects. |
how early can you get a positive pregnancy result? | If you get a positive test result on the first day of your missed period, it's probably about 2 weeks since you conceived. You can use the pregnancy due date calculator to work out when your baby is due. More sensitive tests may be able to confirm that you're pregnant from as early as around 8 days after conception. | If you get a positive test result on the first day of your missed period, it's probably about 2 weeks since you conceived. You can use the pregnancy due date calculator to work out when your baby is due. More sensitive tests may be able to confirm that you're pregnant from as early as around 8 days after conception. | If you get a positive test result on the first day of your missed period, it's probably about 2 weeks since you conceived. You can use the pregnancy due date calculator to work out when your baby is due. More sensitive tests may be able to confirm that you're pregnant from as early as around 8 days after conception. | If you get a positive test result on the first day of your missed period, it's probably about 2 weeks since you conceived. You can use the pregnancy due date calculator to work out when your baby is due. More sensitive tests may be able to confirm that you're pregnant from as early as around 8 days after conception. | If you get a positive test result on the first day of your missed period, it's probably about 2 weeks since you conceived. You can use the pregnancy due date calculator to work out when your baby is due. More sensitive tests may be able to confirm that you're pregnant from as early as around 8 days after conception. | If you get a positive test result on the first day of your missed period, it's probably about 2 weeks since you conceived. You can use the pregnancy due date calculator to work out when your baby is due. More sensitive tests may be able to confirm that you're pregnant from as early as around 8 days after conception. |
how many stamps do i need to send letter to mexico? | Postage to Mexico. The easiest way to send letters from the USA to Mexico is with Global Forever Stamps for $1.20 each. You can also use regular, domestic forever stamps as long as they add up to $1.20. Extra postage is required over 1 ounce. | Postage to Mexico. The easiest way to send letters from the USA to Mexico is with Global Forever Stamps for $1.20 each. You can also use regular, domestic forever stamps as long as they add up to $1.20. | If the letter is 1 ounce or under you'll need 1 Global stamp ($1.15). You can also use 3 Forever stamps. Contact U.S.P.S. | So, when mailing a 1 ounce international letter from the United States the current postage required is $1.15 or 3 Forever stamps is more than enough or 2 Forever stamps and any combination of additional stamps totalling . | 49 each. This means that 3 stamps are required to be attached to an envelope to ensure delivery from the USA to Canada, or a value of about $1.47. It is cheaper to go through your post office than it is to stamp it yourself then mail a letter. Another option is available from the USPS, which is a flat rate postcard. | If it is a standard 1 oz letter, you will need 3 stamps. International mail from the US to outside countries costs 1.15. Each forever stamp is 49 cents (it fluctuates), meaning 3 of them will add up to the postage necessary for international shipping. |
where are quicken backups stored on mac? | The default save location for backup files is C:\Users\[your name]\Documents\Quicken\BACKUP and we recommend to leave this unchanged. If you want to change this location, click Change... then select a folder to save the backup to. After making your selection, click Save. | Your backups are stored in a MobileSync folder. You can find them by typing ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup into Spotlight. You can also find the backups for specific devices from Finder. Click Finder on your Mac's Dock. | On a Mac, the Lightroom catalog location for backups on your computer will be within your user files by default. They will automatically be stored in the “Backups” folder that is under “Lightroom” in your “Pictures” folder. | Step 1: Locate your backups Your backups are stored in a MobileSync folder. You can find them by typing ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup into Spotlight. You can also find the backups for specific devices from Finder. Click Finder on your Mac's Dock. | Step 1: Locate your backups Your backups are stored in a MobileSync folder. You can find them by typing ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup into Spotlight. You can also find the backups for specific devices from Finder. Click Finder on your Mac's Dock. | Your backups are stored in a MobileSync folder. You can find them by typing ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup into Spotlight. You can also find the backups for specific devices from Finder. |
how to change the email for your youtube account? | You may not be able to change your YouTube email if you're using a Gmail address. Your YouTube email is linked to your Google account email, and if you're using a Gmail address, you'll likely have to create a new Google account to get a different YouTube email. | Your email address on YouTube is your Google Account email address (also known as your Google username). To change your email address on YouTube, follow the instructions to change your Google Account email address. If your channel is connected to a Brand Account, you can change channel owners and managers. | Your email address on YouTube is your Google Account email address (also known as your Google username). To change your email address on YouTube, follow the instructions to change your Google Account email address. If your channel is connected to a Brand Account, you can change channel owners and managers. | Open Settings. Click on Accounts. Click on Email & accounts. Select the account that you want to change. | ['Sign in to My Account.', 'In the “Personal info & privacy” section, select Your personal info.', 'In the Email section, choose edit Edit .', 'Enter your new email address.', 'Choose Save.'] | ['Sign in to My Account.', 'In the “Personal info & privacy” section, select Your personal info.', 'In the Email section, choose edit Edit .', 'Enter your new email address.', 'Choose Save.'] |
when is keeping up with the kardashians on in canada? | Watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians online in Canada every Thursday at 8pm ET/ 5pm PT. | Keeping Up With The Kardashians airs on E!/HD (CH 140/139) on Sunday 29 March at 9pm. It is also available for 30 days in Catch Up > Channels > E! | The 2020 series of Keeping Up with the Kardashians started in the UK on 26th March. The six episode series ran until Sunday 3rd May. In previous years, the show has ran all the way through the year, often with two instalments per annum. | Meanwhile, get ready for even more “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” because the season 14 premiere is a mere week away from tonight's special, and debuts on Sunday, October 1 at 9 p.m. EST on E!. | The Kardashians will be back on our TV screens NEXT WEEK, after series 17 premiered in the USA on September 8, 2019. Season 17 is shown on E! and is expected to air every Sunday night at 9pm, as it has in the past. | Keeping Up With the Kardashians Season 18 is set to debut on E! on Thursday, March 26. After being in the Sunday 8 p.m. time slot for the past few years, E! announced earlier in 2020 that the series would be moving to Thursday nights. |
is indian driving license valid in ireland? | Driving in Ireland with Indian Driving License Visitors in Ireland with a current and valid driving license from their home country, including EU/ EEA countries or any state outside the EU/EEA, are permitted to drive in Ireland for a period of up to 12 months. | Driving in India You can drive with a UK licence and an accompanying international driving permit after you arrive, but rules on how long you can drive on a UK licence vary from state to state. To arrange for a driving test, you should contact the traffic police office in the state where you live. | Ans: As long as you are a tourist in India you should be able to drive in India if you have with you your valid UK driving license AND a International Driving Permit (IDP). Your UK driving license is not recognized without a IDP. You MUST have both these documents. As long as your IDP is valid you can drive with it. | Irish and British citizens do not strictly require a passport to travel between the two countries, but some form of (photo) identification is however required. ... Useful means of identification when travelling on these routes include: Valid passport. Photographic Driving License. | Starting pistols and blank firing firearms also require a firearms licence to own in Ireland; generally however they are dealt with using authorisations from the local Superintendent instead of a firearms certificate. | Can I drive in Pennsylvania with an Indian driving license? ... Individuals who possess a valid foreign driver's license from their country are authorized to drive in Pennsylvania for up to one year from their date of entry into the United States, or upon expiration of their foreign license, whichever comes first. |
what is the penalty for withdrawing from retirement account? | Generally, early withdrawal from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) prior to age 59½ is subject to being included in gross income plus a 10 percent additional tax penalty. There are exceptions to the 10 percent penalty, such as using IRA funds to pay your medical insurance premium after a job loss. | Generally, early withdrawal from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) prior to age 59½ is subject to being included in gross income plus a 10 percent additional tax penalty. There are exceptions to the 10 percent penalty, such as using IRA funds to pay your medical insurance premium after a job loss. | Generally, early withdrawal from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) prior to age 59½ is subject to being included in gross income plus a 10 percent additional tax penalty. There are exceptions to the 10 percent penalty, such as using IRA funds to pay your medical insurance premium after a job loss. | Generally, early withdrawal from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) prior to age 59½ is subject to being included in gross income plus a 10 percent additional tax penalty. There are exceptions to the 10 percent penalty, such as using IRA funds to pay your medical insurance premium after a job loss. | Generally, early withdrawal from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) prior to age 59½ is subject to being included in gross income plus a 10 percent additional tax penalty. There are exceptions to the 10 percent penalty, such as using IRA funds to pay your medical insurance premium after a job loss. | Generally, early withdrawal from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) prior to age 59½ is subject to being included in gross income plus a 10 percent additional tax penalty. There are exceptions to the 10 percent penalty, such as using IRA funds to pay your medical insurance premium after a job loss. |
how much does it cost to build a house foundation? | Building a foundation costs an average of $8,467, with most spending between $4,170 and $13,225. Foundations' costs range between $4 and $7 per square foot depending on type: concrete, pier and beam or crawl space. The cost of the project can differ depending on the type of foundation you install. | The average cost to build a house is $248,000, or between $100 to $155 per square foot depending on your location, size of the home, and if modern or custom designs are used. New home construction for a 2,000 square foot home runs $201,000 to $310,000 on average. | The average cost to build a house is $248,000, or between $100 to $155 per square foot depending on your location, size of the home, and if modern or custom designs are used. New home construction for a 2,000 square foot home runs $201,000 to $310,000 on average. | The average cost to build a house is $248,000, or between $100 to $155 per square foot depending on your location, size of the home, and if modern or custom designs are used. New home construction for a 2,000 square foot home runs $201,000 to $310,000 on average. | The average cost to build a house is $248,000, or between $100 to $155 per square foot depending on your location, size of the home, and if modern or custom designs are used. New home construction for a 2,000 square foot home runs $201,000 to $310,000 on average. | For example, if your new home is to be 2,000 square feet and your builder estimated that it would cost $350,000 to build, then your cost per square foot is 300,000 divided by 2,000, or $175. |
what is the difference between clean and clean up? | Clean up is a phrasal verb which means: to make (a room or space) clean and orderly. ... Clean out is a phrasal verb which means something such as a cupboard, room, or container, you take everything out of it and clean the inside of it thoroughly. Secondly, "clean"is a simple word which is often used in our daily life. | As nouns the difference between cleanliness and hygiene is that cleanliness is the property of being cleanly, or habitually clean; good hygiene while hygiene is the science of health, its promotion and preservation. | Generally, cleanses focus on eliminating unhealthy or highly allergenic foods while replacing them with nutrient-dense, whole foods to support overall health. Weight loss is a common goal of cleanse dieting, but cleanses may also be used to treat various digestive issues or food cravings. | Deep cleaning is different from regular or spring cleaning because it reaches the deep grime and dirt in your home. It covers areas which aren't traditionally covered by a regular or spring clean for example: behind kitchen appliances like the washing machine and oven, cutting through the grime that builds up. | There are differences between hygiene, sanitation and environmental health. While hygiene focuses on individual personal hygiene/cleanliness, sanitation often refers to waste management, and environmental health has a broader meaning beyond hygiene and sanitation, referring to where we live, work and play. | Being clean is a sign of spiritual purity or goodness, as in Don't forget to wash your ears—cleanliness is next to godliness. This phrase was first recorded in a sermon by John Wesley in 1778, but the idea is ancient, found in Babylonian and Hebrew religious tracts. |
what is a pak file? | A PAK file is an archive used by video games such as Quake, Hexen, Crysis, Far Cry, and Half-Life. It may include graphics, objects, textures, sounds, and other game data "packed" into a single file. PAK files are often just a renamed .ZIP file. | A PKL file is a file created by pickle, a Python module that enabless objects to be serialized to files on disk and deserialized back into the program at runtime. ... The PKL file is created using Python pickle and the dump() method and is loaded using Python pickle and the load() method. | Files that contain the . pyd file extension are most commonly associated with dynamic module files that are used with a variety of different applications that have been written in the Python programming language. Python is a general-purpose programming language that emphasizes readability of program code. | Strictly speaking, a "plain text file" doesn't contain any meta data, not even the name of the file. All of that is handled by the file system. | Animal Pak features performance optimizers such as pyridoxine alpha-ketoglutarate (PAK), carnitine, lipotropics, L-arginine, alpha lipoic acid, eleuthero, and the like. In every pack, you get a vast arsenal of over 60 key ingredients that are delivered in the right amounts at the right time, every time. | TXT is a file extension for a text file, used by a variety of text editors. Text is a human-readable sequence of characters and the words they form that can be encoded into computer-readable formats. |
nvidia opengl a tdr has been detected? | This error could be caused by a bug related to your graphics card. NVIDIA keeps updating drivers and when it receives bugs usually there would be a fix in the future driver update. When you're having the 'A TDR has been detected' error, we recommend updating your NVIDIA graphics card driver to the latest version. | ['Open Start.', 'Search for Task Manager and select the top result to open the tool. ... ', 'Click the Performance tab.', 'Click on GPU. ... ', 'Confirm the brand and model of the graphics card on the top-right corner.'] | III. Once a TDR, always a TDR? ... To be considered in compliance with its modified terms for call report purposes, a loan that is a TDR must be in accrual status and must be current or less than 30 days past due under the modified repayment terms. | This monitor is running on a Nvidia GTX1080ti on an ASUS MG279Q with freesync. Recently Nvidia started to support freesync. To enable Freesync just turn it on in your monitor's On Screen Display, this will make the G-Sync option visible in the Nvidia control panel. | ['Open Nvidia Control Panel.', 'Got to “Display: Set up G-SYNC”', 'Check “Enable G-SYNC G-SYNC Compatible” and select your preferred options.', 'Select your monitor.', 'Check “Enable settings for the selected display model”', 'Apply settings.'] | Open Settings > Apps > Video Playback and click on Windows HD Color Settings. If your display supports HDR, you should see a switch that says Play HDR Games and Apps on this page—flip that on, and you should see the HDR badge pop up in the corner of your screen. |
how many calories is in california roll? | 3. California Roll The California Roll is a classic. It has 225 calories, 7 grams of fat, 28 carbohydrates and 9 grams of protein. | 3. California Roll The California Roll is a classic. It has 225 calories, 7 grams of fat, 28 carbohydrates and 9 grams of protein. | 3. California Roll The California Roll is a classic. It has 225 calories, 7 grams of fat, 28 carbohydrates and 9 grams of protein. | 3. California Roll The California Roll is a classic. It has 225 calories, 7 grams of fat, 28 carbohydrates and 9 grams of protein. | 3. California Roll The California Roll is a classic. It has 225 calories, 7 grams of fat, 28 carbohydrates and 9 grams of protein. | 3. California Roll The California Roll is a classic. It has 225 calories, 7 grams of fat, 28 carbohydrates and 9 grams of protein. |
what is the difference between the hebrew bible and the holy bible? | The Christian Bible includes all of the books in the Jewish Bible plus another collection of 27 books written between about 40 and 80 CE. ... Note that when Jews say “Bible,” they mean only the Old Testament. When Christians say “Bible,” they mean the Old and New Testaments together. That is the difference. | The Old Testament is the original Hebrew Bible, the sacred scriptures of the Jewish faith, written at different times between about 1200 and 165 BC. The New Testament books were written by Christians in the first century AD. | The Old Testament is the original Hebrew Bible, the sacred scriptures of the Jewish faith, written at different times between about 1200 and 165 BC. The New Testament books were written by Christians in the first century AD. | The Old Testament is the original Hebrew Bible, the sacred scriptures of the Jewish faith, written at different times between about 1200 and 165 BC. The New Testament books were written by Christians in the first century AD. | The Old Testament is the original Hebrew Bible, the sacred scriptures of the Jewish faith, written at different times between about 1200 and 165 BC. The New Testament books were written by Christians in the first century AD. | The Old Testament is the original Hebrew Bible, the sacred scriptures of the Jewish faith, written at different times between about 1200 and 165 BC. The New Testament books were written by Christians in the first century AD. |
where is git credentials stored ubuntu? | When credentials storage is enabled, the first time you pull or push from the remote Git repository, you will be asked for a username and password, and they will be saved in ~/. git-credentials file. | SSH keys are stored in the ~/. ssh folder. You can have more than one key in there, because SSH keys are used for things other than Git. | ['From the command line, change into the repository directory.', 'Set your username: git config "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME"', 'Set your email address: git config "[email protected]"', 'Verify your configuration by displaying your configuration file:'] | ['git config.', 'git init.', 'git clone.', 'git add.', 'git commit.', 'git diff.', 'git reset.', 'git status.'] | For those who are using access token and a Windows environment, there is a simple way to do it: Start menu → Credential Manager → Windows Credentials → find the line (Git: https://whatever/your-repository/url) → edit, user name is "PersonalAccessToken" and password is your access token. | ['Delete current password saved in your Mac git config --global --unset user.password.', 'Add your new password by using this command, replace with your new password: git config --global --add user.password <new_pass>'] |
can u unlock an iphone? | Your iPhone might be locked to your carrier. Unlocking your iPhone means that you can use it with different carriers. ... Apple can't unlock your iPhone for use with a different carrier. Only your carrier can unlock your iPhone. | A locked iPhone requires a passcode or Touch ID to enter and access the device as a security precaution. After the iPhone passcode has been incorrectly entered five times in a row, the iPhone will automatically disable itself for 1 minute, giving the “iPhone is disabled” error message on screen. | One way to unlock a disabled iPhone or iPad without computer is to use Apple's Find My iPhone service. It allows you to remotely perform actions on an iOS device. All you need to do is access either the website or the app on another device and you will be able to unlock the device. | These third-party companies usually charge approximately $30 to unlock an iPhone. That might fluctuate a little bit, but expect to pay somewhere right around there. If they're asking for much more than that, shop around and see if you can find someone cheaper. | These third-party companies usually charge approximately $30 to unlock an iPhone. That might fluctuate a little bit, but expect to pay somewhere right around there. If they're asking for much more than that, shop around and see if you can find someone cheaper. | Answer: A: Even if your iPhone is disabled because of a passcode lockout, it may still be connected to the internet via cellular data or wi-fi. Go to, log in with the same Apple ID used to enable Find My iPhone on that iPhone, and then perform a 'remote wipe' of the iPhone. |
do hilton points transfer to marriott? | Step One – Log into your Marriott Bonvoy account and head to the 'Transfer Points to Miles' page (found here). Step Two – Then simply choose to transfer points to Virgin Atlantic. ... The minimum number of miles you can transfer is 10,000 and you'll receive a rate of 3 Hilton Honors points for every 2 Flying Club miles. | Earn Points You earn 10 hotel points for every dollar spent at Marriott hotels, including its higher-end brands like JW Marriott Hotels & Resorts, Autograph Collection Hotels and Delta Hotels. Meanwhile, you'll earn five points per dollar spent at Element Hotels, Residence Inn and TownePlace Suites properties. | What is the transfer rate? You can transfer Hilton Honors points in increments of 10,000 points to American Airlines through Hilton's website. However, the transfer ratio is 10,000 Hilton Honors points for 1,500 AAdvantage miles. | By default, most Hilton properties earn 10 points per dollar spent on your room rate and other eligible charges (excluding taxes and fees). The only exceptions to this rule apply for stays at Home2 Suites by Hilton and Tru by Hilton hotels; you'll only earn 5 points per dollar spent at these brands. | Transfer Hilton Honors Points to Airlines Hilton Honors has 30 airline and rail loyalty partners to which you can transfer your Hilton Honors points. ... Transfer ratios vary airline-to-airline, so check Hilton's transfer site for your airline of choice. | As a Hilton Honors loyalty program member, you earn 10 points for every dollar spent on most hotel stays in the Hilton hotel portfolio. You'll also earn points on incidental spending at all Hilton brands. |
do thyme and fennel go together? | Fennel seed is less pungent than dill and more astringent than anise. Good with beans, beets, cabbage, cucumber, duck, fish and seafood, leeks, lentils, pork, potatoes, rice and tomatoes. Combines well with chervil, cinnamon, cumin, fenugreek, lemon balm, mint, parsley, Sichuan pepper and thyme. | While anise and fennel both have a licorice-like flavor, they come from different plants. You'll often find anise in seed form, either whole or ground, while you can buy fennel as a seed, leaves, or as the aforementioned finocchio, whose fronds, greens and bulb are all edible. | While anise and fennel both have a licorice-like flavor, they come from different plants. You'll often find anise in seed form, either whole or ground, while you can buy fennel as a seed, leaves, or as the aforementioned finocchio, whose fronds, greens and bulb are all edible. | Thyme Purple Creeping Herb Seeds. Purple Creeping Thyme is a hardy evergreen perennial and has small aromatic dark green leaves with clusters of small pale pink flowers. Purple Creeping Thyme can be picked all year round, once established, and is the classic herb used in Bouquet Garni (see recipe on Parsley page). | Both red and white thyme oils are manufactured commercially and are in products ranging from cough drops to perfumes. White thyme oil is made by re-distilling red thyme oil. Red thyme oil has a higher amount of phenols, which the oils are prized for, but is more expensive than white thyme oil. | Precursors of T cells migrate from the bone marrow and mature in the thymus. |
can drinking too much alcohol cause low white blood cell count? | Alcohol also damages the bone marrow, where blood cells are made. This leads to low blood counts including red cells, white cells and platelets. | Consuming too much alcohol is linked to high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, trouble pumping blood through the body, blood clots, stroke, cardiomyopathy (sagging, stretched heart muscle), or heart attack. Excessive alcohol use, both directly and through malnutrition, can also lead to anemia. | Even worse, it can impair the bone marrow's ability to make red and white blood cells, causing severe anemia and dangerously low numbers of white blood cells. When the number of white blood cells is reduced, your body may have difficulty fighting infections. | A low white blood cell count usually is caused by: Viral infections that temporarily disrupt the work of bone marrow. Certain disorders present at birth (congenital) that involve diminished bone marrow function. Cancer or other diseases that damage bone marrow. | A low white blood cell count usually is caused by: Viral infections that temporarily disrupt the work of bone marrow. Certain disorders present at birth (congenital) that involve diminished bone marrow function. Cancer or other diseases that damage bone marrow. | A low white blood cell count usually is caused by: Viral infections that temporarily disrupt the work of bone marrow. Certain disorders present at birth (congenital) that involve diminished bone marrow function. Cancer or other diseases that damage bone marrow. |
what was the age difference between romeo and juliet? | In this work, Juliet is a young girl of 16, while Romeo is somewhat older. Shakespeare cuts three years off Juliet's age to make her the tender age of 13: as Old Capulet says to Paris, 'she hath not seen the change of fourteen years'. | Physically, though both are attractive, Romeo is a “blooming flower”, only sixteen at the time, while Paris is closer to Juliet's mother's age, obviously making him more mature and arguably a better suitor. Additionally, Paris was a kinsman of the Prince, well-loved and a good friend of the Capulets. | ['The scene is set (Act 1 Scene 1) ... ', 'The lovers meet for the first time (Act 1 Scene 4) ... ', 'Romeo risks death to meet Juliet again (Act 2 Scene 1) ... ', 'The wedding is held in secret (Act 2 Scene 5) ... ', "Romeo angrily kills Juliet's cousin, Tybalt (Act 3 Scene 1)"] | Romeo and Juliet are archetypal star-crossed lovers because they are not able to be together because their families do not get along with one another. Their love is doomed by fate, and both their lives are lost. | Romeo and Juliet are archetypal star-crossed lovers because they are not able to be together because their families do not get along with one another. Their love is doomed by fate, and both their lives are lost. | In the eyes of Juliet's father, she's older than his own wife was when he married her. He's done his best as a father to find her a youngish wealthy man (Paris) to give her a good life. This is the action of a loving caring father. All of his actions are simply trying to protect his daughter as best he can. |
what is the difference between body spray and eau de toilette? | Eau de Toilette (EDT) is ideal for those that may find the EDP or Perfume oil too strong, with 7%-12% fragrance concentration in alcohol. Gives four to five hours wear. Body Mist is a light refreshing fragrance perfect for layering with other products from the same family. 3-5% fragrance concentration in alcohol. | Aftershave has a hand up because colognes do not contain ingredients that are meant to help close wounds from shaving. Most colognes contain alcohol and fragrance. ... Eau de toilettes also contain alcohol but with a higher concentration of fragrance or perfume oil. | Armani mania for him eau de toilette. We regret that this product has been discontinued, but we think you'll love these ... | The higher the concentration, the more perfume oil and less alcohol it will contain. Fragrance categories are broken down into parfum, eau de parfum, eau de toilette, eau de cologne and eau fraiche. | One of the most popular body sprays for teenage boys may be used for more than body odor. In fact, some kids like the smell of AXE Body Spray so much they are inhaling it to get high. ... The company that makes AXE never intended for the body spray to be abused as an inhalant. | They work by covering your sweat glands, reducing the amount of sweat on skin that generates odour. If you do not want wet patches from sweat on your clothes, this is the thing for you. Body spray is applied to the chest and adds that extra bit of fragrance to make an impression. |
do refurbished phones get new batteries? | Refurbished iOS devices will come with new battery and outer shell. Every device will come with all accessories, cables and operating systems. All Apple Certified Refurbished products are packaged in a brand new white box and will be sent to you with free shipping and returns. | Refurbished phones account for a small fraction of industry sales. But they can be a great option for anyone looking for significant savings, especially these days when the price of a new model can easily exceed $1,000. On Apple's website, for example, you can purchase a refurbished iPhone 7 Plus for $470. | Refurbished phones account for a small fraction of industry sales. But they can be a great option for anyone looking for significant savings, especially these days when the price of a new model can easily exceed $1,000. On Apple's website, for example, you can purchase a refurbished iPhone 7 Plus for $470. | When you buy a refurbished phone from Carphone Warehouse, you'll find it's unlocked, which means you're free to use any SIM Only contract. Already have a SIM card? Great – just to pop it in and you're on your way. As you can see, there's nothing to be worried about when it comes to getting a refurbished phone. | Refurbished is the original phone but has been used before. Whereas, a duplicate phone is a clone. ... Now, if you are buying a new iPhone and are worried that it may be refurbished/used then you have to repeat the above process. Once it validates your serial number, it will ask you to activate your device. | It has not been tested or fixed, and it comes with no guarantee. A refurbished phone is different in that it has been tested, repaired if necessary, and it has been cleaned. A refurbished phone should function exactly like it did when it was new, and it should come with a warranty just like a new phone would. |
what is the difference between cooked and uncooked rice? | One cup of uncooked rice makes approximately 2 cups of cooked rice, but it's the same number of rice grains. One cup of cooked rice has half the calories of one cup of uncooked rice because it's half the number of rice grains. | 1. When eating out, always opt for plain boiled or steamed rice instead of fried rice. 2. Rice is an incomplete form of protein and should be eaten in combination with an animal or a plant-based protein rich food such as dal-chawal. | 1 kilo rice uncooked = 2.2 pounds / 5 cups uncooked = 3 kg ( 25 cups / 6.5 lbs) cooked (Will serve 25 people). 1 cup rice uncooked = 7 oz / 200 g = 600 g ( 5 cups / 21 oz in weight) cooked [2] (Will serve 5 people). 1 pound of rice = 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 cups uncooked = 11 cups cooked (Will serve 11 people). | 1 kilo rice uncooked = 2.2 pounds / 5 cups uncooked = 3 kg ( 25 cups / 6.5 lbs) cooked (Will serve 25 people). 1 cup rice uncooked = 7 oz / 200 g = 600 g ( 5 cups / 21 oz in weight) cooked [2] (Will serve 5 people). 1 pound of rice = 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 cups uncooked = 11 cups cooked (Will serve 11 people). | 1 kilo rice uncooked = 2.2 pounds / 5 cups uncooked = 3 kg ( 25 cups / 6.5 lbs) cooked (Will serve 25 people). 1 cup rice uncooked = 7 oz / 200 g = 600 g ( 5 cups / 21 oz in weight) cooked [2] (Will serve 5 people). 1 pound of rice = 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 cups uncooked = 11 cups cooked (Will serve 11 people). | 1 kilo rice uncooked = 2.2 pounds / 5 cups uncooked = 3 kg ( 25 cups / 6.5 lbs) cooked (Will serve 25 people). 1 cup rice uncooked = 7 oz / 200 g = 600 g ( 5 cups / 21 oz in weight) cooked [2] (Will serve 5 people). 1 pound of rice = 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 cups uncooked = 11 cups cooked (Will serve 11 people). |
does boric acid suppositories side effects? | Some common side effects of boric acid use include: vaginal discomfort. a mild burning sensation after inserting the capsule. watery vaginal discharge. | Studies with workers breathing borax showed no long-term respiratory effects. However, long-term ingestion of boric acid has resulted in vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pain. This is often followed by headaches, fever, tremors, twitching, a lack of energy, and weakness. | The usual dosage of vaginal boric acid is 1 suppository inserted into the vagina once per day, for 3 to 6 days in a row. Follow your doctor's dosing instructions. Wash your hands before and after inserting a vaginal suppository. Avoid handling the suppository too long or it will melt in your hands. | You can make your own boric acid suppositories by filling size 0 gelatin capsules with boric acid (about 600 mg). Standard yeast infection treatment is one capsule inserted in the vagina at bedtime for 7 days. | You can make your own boric acid suppositories by filling size 0 gelatin capsules with boric acid (about 600 mg). Standard yeast infection treatment is one capsule inserted in the vagina at bedtime for 7 days. | Exposure by ingestion Humans: Exposure to large amounts of boron (about 30 g of boric acid) over short periods of time can affect the stomach, intestines, liver, kidney, and brain and can eventually lead to death. |
are cv axles hard to replace? | CV Joint and/or Wheel Bearings are probably damaged if you are hearing clicking. Easy to replace if you have the skills/tools/time. It is always easier to replace the half shaft (usually a refurb with a rebuild CV Joint and new boot) then it is to replace the CV joint components. If you do most of your own work. | In a front-wheel drive car, the axles are connected to the wheels with Constant Velocity (CV) joints. ... A severely worn out CV joint can even disintegrate while you're driving and make the car undrivable. You may lose control of the vehicle entirely. It is not safe to drive with a damaged CV joint. | The bearings won't allow the wheel to turn freely, which exacerbates the problem. It also puts stress and strain on the hub, the CV joint, the axle, and the transmission. Ultimate damage: If you don't replace a damaged wheel bearing before it fails completely, the wheel will completely seize up. | Labor at a shop to replace rotors and pads is approximately $150 to $200 per axle. Brake rotor and pad repair generally comes out to around $250 to $500 per axle when visiting a professional shop. Calipers are the most difficult and expensive aspect of the braking system to replace. | Labor at a shop to replace rotors and pads is approximately $150 to $200 per axle. Brake rotor and pad repair generally comes out to around $250 to $500 per axle when visiting a professional shop. Calipers are the most difficult and expensive aspect of the braking system to replace. | CVTs are more complex and specialized than a standard automatic transmission, and repair costs often are very expensive. And when a CVT cannot be repaired, it needs to be replaced, which can be so expensive that owners are forced to sideline an otherwise perfectly good car. |
what is judicial review kenya? | Judicial review proceedings Judicial review is a court process used to enforce the principle of legality under the rule of law (section 1(c) of the Constitution) and the right to just administrative action (section 33 of the Constitution, given effect to by the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000 (PAJA)). | Judicial review is a process under which executive or legislative actions are subject to review by the judiciary. ... Judicial review is one of the checks and balances in the separation of powers: the power of the judiciary to supervise the legislative and executive branches when the latter exceed their authority. | Judicial Review. The term judicial review refers to a court's review of a decision of a lowercourt in order to determine whether an error was made. ... Courts usually reviewthese decisions in the appeals process, when a losing party in a case claimsan error was made and appeals to the higher court to examine the decision. | Judicial review is the power of courts to decide the validity of acts of the legislative and executive branches of government. ... The decisions of the executive and administrative agencies can also be overruled by the courts as not conforming to the law or the Constitution. | The Judicial Branch of the federal government interprets and reviews the laws of the nation. The group that has the job of interpreting and reviewing the laws of the land is the Supreme Court. It is the highest court in the nation. | Authority of Privy Council decisions in domestic British courts. Judgments of the Judicial Committee are not generally binding on courts within the United Kingdom, having only persuasive authority, but are binding on all courts within any other Commonwealth country from which an appeal is heard. |
what are the health risks associated with black mold? | The most common black mold symptoms and health effects are associated with a respiratory response. Chronic coughing and sneezing, irritation to the eyes, mucus membranes of the nose and throat, rashes, chronic fatigue and persistent headaches can all be symptomatic of black mold exposure or black mold poisoning. | Exposure to mold can cause a number of health issues such as; throat irritation, nasal stuffiness, eye irritation, cough and wheezing, as well as skin irritation in some cases. | Exposure to mVOCs from molds can irritate the eyes and respiratory system and has been linked to symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, nasal irritation and nausea. The effects of mVOCs are not completely understood and research is still in the early stages. | In some cases, mold in your home can make you sick, especially if you have allergies or asthma. Whether or not you're allergic to molds, mold exposure can irritate your eyes, skin, nose, throat, and lungs. Here's what you can do to combat mold problems, and take care of yourself and your home. | In some cases, mold in your home can make you sick, especially if you have allergies or asthma. Whether or not you're allergic to molds, mold exposure can irritate your eyes, skin, nose, throat, and lungs. Here's what you can do to combat mold problems, and take care of yourself and your home. | White mold sometimes is considered mildew, although mildew typically is powdery and actually is an early stage of mold. Black mold or Stachybotrys chartarum often is referred to as toxic mold; however, not all mold that is black in color is Stachybotrys chartarum. |
how much does it cost to convert my garage into a room? | The cost to convert your garage Making the switch from a garage to a living space costs about $10,000 to $15,000, depending on room size and excluding plumbing. A typical conversion includes adding insulation inside the drywall, bringing the floor level to the rest of the house and protecting the floor from moisture. | Depending on what features you want, you'll probably spend $20,000 to $50,000 to convert a two-car garage. If there's a bathroom in your plans, add another $15,000 to $25,000. | Depending on what features you want, you'll probably spend $20,000 to $50,000 to convert a two-car garage. If there's a bathroom in your plans, add another $15,000 to $25,000. | Because a garage already has a foundation, walls, and a roof, using the existing structure typically costs around half what you'd spend for an all-new addition. Depending on what features you want, you'll probably spend $20,000 to $50,000 to convert a two-car garage. | Because a garage already has a foundation, walls, and a roof, using the existing structure typically costs around half what you'd spend for an all-new addition. Depending on what features you want, you'll probably spend $20,000 to $50,000 to convert a two-car garage. | Converting existing floor space inside a garage, basement or attic into a simple bathroom starts around $3,000-$6,000. However, costs can be $7,000-$25,000 or more for a more luxurious bathroom, or if the new bathroom is far from existing water and sewer lines. |
how many seats has the liberal democrats got? | Membership of the Liberal Democrats rose from 45,000 to 61,000 as the party prepared to hold its 2015 party leadership ballot. | In the 2014 United States Senate elections (the last regularly scheduled elections for class 2 Senate seats), the Republicans won nine seats from the Democrats and gained a majority in the Senate. Republicans defended that majority in 2016 and 2018, and now hold 53 Senate seats. | In the 2014 United States Senate elections (the last regularly scheduled elections for class 2 Senate seats), the Republicans won nine seats from the Democrats and gained a majority in the Senate. Republicans defended that majority in 2016 and 2018, and now hold 53 Senate seats. | The Liberal Democrats (Lib Dems) are a liberal political party in the United Kingdom. The party has 11 Members of Parliament in the House of Commons, 89 members of the House of Lords, five Members of the Scottish Parliament and one member in each of the Welsh Parliament and the London Assembly. | Republicans defended that majority in 2016 and 2018, and now hold 53 Senate seats. | Republicans defended that majority in 2016 and 2018, and now hold 53 Senate seats. |
how do birds fly explanation? | A bird has wings which helps it to fly. Bird's wings have feathers and strong muscles attached to them. With the help of their strong arm and chest muscles, birds flap their wings and fly. The bodies of birds are very light which help them to fly easily. | Bird's wings have feathers and strong muscles attached to them. With the help of their strong arm and chest muscles, birds flap their wings and fly. The bodies of birds are very light which help them to fly easily. ... To stop, the bird spreads out its wings and stretches its feet. | Anyone watching the autumn sky knows that migrating birds fly in a V formation, but scientists have long debated why. A new study of ibises finds that these big-winged birds carefully position their wingtips and sync their flapping, presumably to catch the preceding bird's updraft—and save energy during flight. | Anyone watching the autumn sky knows that migrating birds fly in a V formation, but scientists have long debated why. A new study of ibises finds that these big-winged birds carefully position their wingtips and sync their flapping, presumably to catch the preceding bird's updraft—and save energy during flight. | Anyone watching the autumn sky knows that migrating birds fly in a V formation, but scientists have long debated why. A new study of ibises finds that these big-winged birds carefully position their wingtips and sync their flapping, presumably to catch the preceding bird's updraft—and save energy during flight. | Anyone watching the autumn sky knows that migrating birds fly in a V formation, but scientists have long debated why. A new study of ibises finds that these big-winged birds carefully position their wingtips and sync their flapping, presumably to catch the preceding bird's updraft—and save energy during flight. |
how to unlock all characters in reigns got? | To unlock Bran (also known as the Three-Eyed Raven), all players have to do is play with each character at least once. Then Bran should pop up the next time one visits the character select screen. Reigns: Game of Thrones is out now for iOS, Android, PC, and Switch. | The easiest, and fastest, method for unlocking characters in Smash Ultimate is by simply playing smash mode. Players begin with the original eight smash fighters (Mario, Samus, Fox , Link, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Yoshi, Pikachu) but can unlock the others as you play more and more. | The easiest, and fastest, method for unlocking characters in Smash Ultimate is by simply playing smash mode. Players begin with the original eight smash fighters (Mario, Samus, Fox , Link, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Yoshi, Pikachu) but can unlock the others as you play more and more. | ['Isaac: Unlocked by default. ... ', 'Magdalene: Have 7 heart containers at the same time. ... ', 'Cain: Have 55 coins at any given time. ... ', "Judas: Defeat Mom's Heart.", 'Eve: Make at least two deals with the devil in one run.', "???: Defeat It Lives (a more difficult version of Mum's Heart, unlocked after beating Mum's Heart 9 times)."] | ['Isaac: Unlocked by default. ... ', 'Magdalene: Have 7 heart containers at the same time. ... ', 'Cain: Have 55 coins at any given time. ... ', "Judas: Defeat Mom's Heart.", 'Eve: Make at least two deals with the devil in one run.', "???: Defeat It Lives (a more difficult version of Mum's Heart, unlocked after beating Mum's Heart 9 times)."] | ['DEFEAT THE LAMB. Before The Forgotten can be unlocked, you have to have beaten The Lamb, the boss of the Dark Room, at least once. ... ', 'CHOOSE YOUR CHARACTER WISELY. ... ', 'BE QUICK. ... ', 'BOMB THE STARTING ROOM. ... ', 'GRAB THE SHOVEL AND RUN. ... ', 'GET TO THE BOSS RUSH AND COMPLETE IT. ... ', 'GO TO THE DARK ROOM AND DIG UP SOME DIRT. ... ', 'SUCCESS.'] |
what is a hematologist and oncologist? | A hematologist-oncologist is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and/or prevention of blood diseases and cancers such as iron-deficiency anemia, hemophilia, sickle-cell disease, leukemia and lymphoma. This physician is trained in hematology — the study of blood — and oncology — the study of cancer. | Patients with blood disorders are treated by hematologists and many oncologists are also board-certified to practice hematology. So even though you don't have cancer, you may be treated by a physician who specializes in both cancer and blood disorders. | Hepatologist. This is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases associated with the gallbladder, pancreas and liver. They treat acute or chronic liver disease, ranging from fatty liver disease to cirrhosis to liver cancer. Both a hepatologist and a gastroenterologist can help diagnose and treat liver disease. | Medical » Physiology. Rate it: ALL. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Medical » Oncology -- and more... | Because hematology and oncology care visits are more complex than typical doctor visits, please allow ample time for your first appointment which will take from two to three hours. This includes time for any additional testing needed that day, rather than asking you to return a second time. | ['Analytical chemist.', 'Biomedical scientist.', 'Biotechnologist.', 'Clinical scientist, biochemistry.', 'Clinical scientist, genomics.', 'Clinical scientist, haematology.', 'Clinical scientist, immunology.', 'Forensic scientist.'] |
why are aims of education important? | In this sense, aims help in measuring the success and failure of work done in school. Aims are necessary for efficient school management. They help in proper selection of teachers, proper curriculum planning, proper equipment of library, desirable planning of curricular and co-curricular activities, etc. | 1. The chief aim of education was the spread of Buddhist religion and attainment of Nirvana through it. 2. Education was imparted in Mathas, Viharas and Monasteries and monks were responsible for its organisation and management. | Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. | Education acts as a powerful force of modernisation by developing national outlook and international understanding. It can help the pupils in knowing the latest developments in social, economic, technological, scientific and cultural domains of human life. | AIM: a broad, general statement of educational intent that indicates the overall desired goal of the course / programme. ... Learning outcomes should articulate what the student will have learned or be able to do as a result of undertaking a particular course / programme. | " According to functionalist theorists, education provides a number of social benefits. Identify four of the manifest functions of education and briefly state how they benefit society. Teaching knowledge and skills: trains the next generation to fulfill the society's positions. |
25 mph how many feet to stop? | One going 25 mph will cover about 55 feet of road during this time period. However, the time that it takes for the brakes to complete their job will increase at a more rapid rate. This is because the stopping distance is proportional to its mass times the square of its velocity. | If the posted speed limit is higher than 40 MPH: 6 to 10 mph over the speed limit: $128. 11 to 15 mph over the speed limit: $159. 16 to 20 mph over the speed limit: $190. | If the posted speed limit is 40 MPH or lower: 1 to 5 mph over the speed limit: $128. 6 to 10 mph over the speed limit: $139. 11 to 15 mph over the speed limit: $169. | At a constant speed of 60 mph a vehicle travels 1 mile per minute. So 20 km at 60 mph will take 12 minutes and 48 seconds. | 22 kn = 40.740740705544 km/h. You also can convert 22 Knots to other Speed (popular) units. | 1MPH over the posted limit and you have a ticket. A $75 ticket adds to the Budget income. Most car speedometers are off 2 - 5 MPH, depending tire inflation, types of tires, rims (basically vehicle varibles). And driving at or under the speed limit may get you rear-ended. |
do you have to refrigerate juice after opening? | Juices that are shelf-stable are pasteurized and preserved in such a way that it does not need to be refrigerated. Once opened, they will need to be kept refrigerated. ... Because the water has been removed, the juice concentrate is stored in a much smaller container than typical bottled juice. | The refrigerated cranberry juice comes in a sealed bottle or carton, and it must be kept refrigerated always if you want to enjoy it. If you open it and you can't finish it in one go, you can pour it into a container with a firm lid, and store it in your refrigerator. | According to the US Food and Drug Administration, perishable foods that are supposed to be refrigerated, like juice, can only be left out at room temperature for two hours before it's considered unsafe to consume. | Does Liquid Smoke Need to be Refrigerated After Opening? No, after opening it is not necessary to refrigerate Liquid Smoke. | If you make your own apple juice, or you bought a container sold in the refrigerated section, you should always keep it in the fridge, plain and simple. If you can't use all the leftover apple juice within a few days, freezing it is an option. | Once it's opened, you should store it in the fridge and it should be sealed. You can also find orange juice sold refrigerated. ... As a rule of thumb you can assume that orange juice is fine longer than its expiration date says. That's especially true when it's still unopened. |
how to connect iphone to android via xender? | Open Xender app on the Android device and tap on the Send button you will see at the bottom left corner. 2. The button once tapped, a “Connect to iPhone” option will pop-up on the screen showing the 'AndroidShare Wi-Fi network' and password to enable connection with the iPhone. 3. | ['Open Xender in your Android device, tap the “Connect PC” on side menu and.', 'Open in your Laptop/PC.', 'Scan the QR Code with your iOS device; both devices should be automatically connected.'] | ['First create a group on the device.', 'Go to your iPhone settings and switch on WiFi.', 'Connect with to the network manually.', "Return to the Xender app and click “Connect Phone”. That's all."] | ['Open Xender in your Android device, tap the “+” button and choose “Connect PC”.', 'Open in your Laptop/PC.', 'Scan the QR Code with your Android device; both devices should be automatically connected.'] | ['Open Xender in your Android device, tap the “+” button and choose “Connect PC”.', 'Open in your Laptop/PC.', 'Scan the QR Code with your Android device; both devices should be automatically connected.'] | How to use Xender on iPhone. To pair with a similar iOS device, simply go and switch ON WiFi on both devices, then Xender automatically displays the 2nd device and pairing takes place. |
how to transfer all your photos from iphone? | Click Photos > Copy Photos. Once your Photos are copied to your computer, close TouchCopy and safely disconnect your iPhone. Connect your new iPhone and open iTunes. Click the Device button in iTunes > Click Photos > Select Sync Photos from Application or Folder > Click Apply. | Open Photos on your iPhone, then tap Import. Select the photos and videos you want to import, then select your import destination. Import all items: Tap Import All. Import just some items: Tap the items you want to import (a checkmark appears for each), tap Import, then tap Import Selected. | ['Connect your iPhone. Connect your iPhone to your computer and then touch "Trust" on your device, if prompted.', 'Select Import Pictures and Videos. ... ', 'Select each picture. ... ', 'Click Import. ... ', 'Open Settings. ... ', "Touch the Menu'' key. ... ", 'Select Camera. ... ', 'Select Import Pictures and Videos from the pop-up menu.'] | ['Insert the SD card into the SD card reader and connect the SD card reader to your iPhone.', 'Go to the "Photos" app on your iPhone and select the photos you want to move.', 'Click the "Share" button and choose "Save to Files".'] | ['Go to your iPhone, tap on Photos app. ... ', 'Tap, hold, and swipe to select multiple photos.', "After you've selected all the photos you need, click on the Share button in the bottom left corner.", 'Swipe left on the bottom icons to get to the icon you need, then select Copy iCloud link.'] | Connect your iPhone to Mac, run iTunes if it doesn't open automatically. Tap the Device button, and click on the Photos tab. Select the “Copy Photos From” checkbox, select the iPhoto or Choose a folder. You can choose to sync all your photos or only selected photos. |
is all baking powder double acting? | Application. To clarify, double-acting baking powder is “regular” baking powder. Single-acting baking powder exits, but when a recipe calls for baking powder it means double-acting. And even if a recipe does call for single-acting, you can substitute double-acting without worrying about it changing the recipe. | Baking powder contains baking soda. It is a mixture of baking soda, cream of tartar (a dry acid), and sometimes cornstarch. These days, most baking powder sold is double acting. ... You can still use baking powder as the leavening agent in recipes calling for an acidic ingredient. | Baking powder contains baking soda. It is a mixture of baking soda, cream of tartar (a dry acid), and sometimes cornstarch. These days, most baking powder sold is double acting. ... You can still use baking powder as the leavening agent in recipes calling for an acidic ingredient. | Baking powder, like baking soda, is a leavening agent, meaning it helps doughs and batters rise. But unlike baking soda, baking powder is a complete leavening agent. ... A double-acting baking powder will react and create gas bubbles twice: once when added to liquid, and again when exposed to heat. | A baking powder is not actually a powder but rather a technique which is used to bring light to the face while a setting powder is the one which sets the makeup in its place and also holds the foundation and oily spot so that makeup stays intact and the fixing powder is that type of powder which makes the makeup ... | Both baking soda and baking powder are leavening agents, which means they are added to baked goods before cooking to produce carbon dioxide and cause them to rise. Baking powder contains baking soda, but the two substances are used under different conditions. |
how to mention someone on instagram android? | ['Tap in the top left of your screen or swipe right from anywhere in Feed.', 'Take a photo or video, then tap .', "Type @ followed immediately by their username, then select the person you'd like to mention.", 'Tap Done, then tap Send to.'] | ['Tap in the top left of your screen or swipe right from anywhere in Feed.', 'Take a photo or video, then tap .', "Type @ followed immediately by their username, then select the person you'd like to mention.", 'Tap Done, then tap Send to.'] | ['Tap in the top left of your screen or swipe right from anywhere in Feed.', 'Take a photo or video, then tap .', "Type @ followed immediately by their username, then select the person you'd like to mention.", 'Tap Done, then tap Send to.'] | ['Tap in the top left of your screen or swipe right from anywhere in Feed.', 'Take a photo or video, then tap .', "Type @ followed immediately by their username, then select the person you'd like to mention.", 'Tap Done, then tap Send to.'] | ['Tap in the top left of your screen or swipe right from anywhere in Feed.', 'Take a photo or video, then tap .', "Type @ followed immediately by their username, then select the person you'd like to mention.", 'Tap Done, then tap Send to.'] | To mention someone, type @ followed immediately by their username (example: "great photo, @shayne!"). Don't include a space between @ and the username. When you mention someone, they'll get a notification in their Activity feed letting them know. |
23 is what percent for 90? | How much is 23 out of 90 written as a percentage? Convert fraction (ratio) 23 / 90 Answer: 25.555555555556% | How much is 23 out of 92 written as a percentage? Convert fraction (ratio) 23 / 92 Answer: 25% | Percentage Calculator: 23 is what percent of 111? = 20.72. | What is 23 percent (calculated percentage %) of number 75? Answer: 17.25. | How much is - 23 out of 75 written as a percentage? Convert fraction (ratio) - 23 / 75 Answer: - 30.666666666667% | How much is 23 out of 35 written as a percentage? Convert fraction (ratio) 23 / 35 Answer: 65.714285714286% |
will xz1 get android 10? | Sony has now released its official Android 10 update roadmap and, well, the Xperia XZ1 phones are also missing on it. ... It's current mid-range phones, the Xperia 10 and 10 Plus, will get the update in early 2020, alongside older devices like the Xperia XZ2, XZ2 Compact, XZ2 Premium, and XZ3. | The Latest Version of Android is 10.0 It's just “Android 10.” Google still plans to use dessert names internally for development builds. | The Latest Version of Android is 10.0 It's just “Android 10.” Google still plans to use dessert names internally for development builds. | The Sony Xperia XZ is a good phone. I like its design, it's got power to spare and the screen is great for colourful gaming. ... The Samsung Galaxy S7 ($99 at Back Market) has the XZ roundly beaten with its higher resolution screen, its better battery life and its much better camera. | Just announced at Tokyo Game Show 2019 - DRAGON BALL Z KAKAROT is making its way to PS4, X1, and PC on January 17, 2020! Get ready to relive the epic tale of one of the most beloved heroes. ... Dragon Ball Z Kakarot releases on January 17th, 2020 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One worldwide. | One of Series X's features will include full backward compatibility with all Xbox One titles and the list of Original Xbox and Xbox 360 titles currently available. As Microsoft's future events are directed towards the new platform, additional efforts to bring original Xbox and Xbox 360 titles to Xbox One will stopped. |
what is the difference between ordinary ac and inverter ac? | What's the difference between Inverter Technology AC and BEE 5 star non inverter AC. ... Inverter technology air conditioners adjust their speed/tonnage depending on heat load of a room. Whereas regular air conditioners do not. Every room has a different heat load, even if they are of the same size. | Alternating current (AC) electricity is the type of electricity commonly used in homes and businesses throughout the world. While direct current (DC) electricity flows in one direction through a wire, AC electricity alternates its direction in a back-and-forth motion. | Alternating current (AC) electricity is the type of electricity commonly used in homes and businesses throughout the world. While direct current (DC) electricity flows in one direction through a wire, AC electricity alternates its direction in a back-and-forth motion. | An AC motor is an electric motor driven by an alternating current (AC). The AC motor commonly consists of two basic parts, an outside stator having coils supplied with alternating current to produce a rotating magnetic field, and an inside rotor attached to the output shaft producing a second rotating magnetic field. | Modified inverters are best suited for resistive loads which don't have a start up surge. Pure sine wave inverters use more sophisticated technology to protect even the most sensitive electronics. Pure sine wave inverters produce power which equals – or is better than – the power in your home. | In general they run ac current but modern high efficiency units run the compressor or freon pump on DC current as they can litterly slow down the compressor to match the btu capacity required to run at the highest efficiency. |
what is long-term capital gains rate? | Long-term capital gains tax is a tax applied to assets held for more than a year. The long-term capital gains tax rates are 0 percent, 15 percent and 20 percent, depending on your income. These rates are typically much lower than the ordinary income tax rate. | Long-term capital gains tax is a tax applied to assets held for more than a year. The long-term capital gains tax rates are 0 percent, 15 percent and 20 percent, depending on your income. These rates are typically much lower than the ordinary income tax rate. | Long-term capital gains tax is a tax applied to assets held for more than a year. The long-term capital gains tax rates are 0 percent, 15 percent and 20 percent, depending on your income. These rates are typically much lower than the ordinary income tax rate. | Long-term capital gains tax is a tax applied to assets held for more than a year. The long-term capital gains tax rates are 0 percent, 15 percent and 20 percent, depending on your income. These rates are typically much lower than the ordinary income tax rate. | Long-term capital gains tax is a tax applied to assets held for more than a year. The long-term capital gains tax rates are 0 percent, 15 percent and 20 percent, depending on your income. These rates are typically much lower than the ordinary income tax rate. | Long-term capital gains tax is a tax applied to assets held for more than a year. The long-term capital gains tax rates are 0 percent, 15 percent and 20 percent, depending on your income. These rates are typically much lower than the ordinary income tax rate. |
what is the difference between a bald eagle and a hawk? | Hawks have curved beak and very sharp talons. Legs of both eagles and hawks are at least partially covered with feathers. Eagles have a wingspan of 8 feet, while most hawks have a wingspan of less than 5 feet. Hawks can soar for long period of time thanks to their long, broad wings and wide tail. | In the traditions of some Native Americans, the hawk is a messenger of God. Its appearance is a blessing, for it alerts an individual to go to the spiritual mountain and employ the gift of godlike vision. A hawk is a good spiritual omen. | Healthy adult bald eagles are not preyed on in the wild and are thus considered apex predators. | The hawk kills its prey with its talons as opposed to other predator birds, such as the falcon. The falcon uses its talons to catch the prey but kills the small animal with its beak instead of its talons. The hawk's preferred time for hunting is usually just before nightfall when daylight lessens. | The term Chickenhawk or Chicken Hawk refers for three species of North American hawks -- the Cooper's Hawk, the Sharp-shinned Hawk or the Red-tailed Hawk. The term Chicken Hawk, however, is misleading, as chickens do not make a up a significant part of their diet. | Eagles are known as apex predators which means they are at the top of the food chain. They have many types of prey but have no predators of their own.... |
what is 5 centimeters per second about? | The title 5 Centimeters per Second comes from the speed at which cherry blossoms petals fall, petals being a metaphorical representation of humans, reminiscent of the slowness of life and how people often start together but slowly drift into their separate ways. | 5 1/2 inches into cm: five and half inches are equal to 5 1/2 x 2.54 = 13.97 centimeters. | The millimetre (international spelling; SI unit symbol mm) or millimeter (American spelling) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one thousandth of a metre, which is the SI base unit of length. Therefore, there are one thousand millimetres in a metre. There are ten millimetres in a centimetre. | The expression "1 g = 9.80665 m/s2" means that for every second that elapses, velocity changes 9.80665 metres per second (≡35.30394 km/h). This rate of change in velocity can also be denoted as 9.80665 (metres per second) per second, or 9.80665 m/s2. | 5 * (. 20 grams / 1000 kilograms) x (328 feet per second x . 3048 meters per second) ^2 is equal to 0.999488 or 1 Joule. | The relationship between inch and cm is that one inch is exactly equal to 2.54 cms in the metric system. |
what are the chances of getting pregnant if you use a condom and pull out? | Of every 100 women whose partners use the pull out method by itself, four will become pregnant each year if they always do it correctly. But by using condoms and the pull out method together, you and your partner have a high level of protection from pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. | How Effective Is Pulling Out? Pulling out isn't a reliable way to prevent pregnancy. It works about 78% of the time, which means that over a year of using this method, 22 out of 100 women would get pregnant. By comparison, condoms are 98% effective when used correctly every time. | How Effective Is Pulling Out? Pulling out isn't a reliable way to prevent pregnancy. It works about 78% of the time, which means that over a year of using this method, 22 out of 100 women would get pregnant. By comparison, condoms are 98% effective when used correctly every time. | “If the condom slipped off inside you, you have to assume that sperm seeped out and got inside,” says Gersh. Pregnancy is a risk even if the person with a penis didn't fully ejaculate, she says. “While the odds are small, it is possible to get pregnant from pre-ejaculate,” says Gersh. “It's not impossible.” | Is this dangerous? The condom itself isn't likely to be dangerous — though you'll need to get it out so it doesn't cause problems. But when a condom slips off, you are at higher risk for STDs and unplanned pregnancy. Put your finger into your vagina and see if you can pull the condom out. | For couples who are fertile and engaging in “penis-in-vagina” sex, having sex without a condom increases the risk of an unplanned pregnancy. According to Planned Parenthood, condoms are 98 percent effective at preventing pregnancy when used perfectly every time, and around 85 percent effective when used normally. |
can pie crust be frozen? | A: Absolutely. Pie dough is a great keeper in the freezer. As long as it's tightly wrapped in heavy-duty aluminum foil or freezer-weight plastic wrap and sealed in a freezer bag, it should keep for up to 6 months. ... For extra convenience, you can freeze pie crusts in the pan. | Custard and cream-filled pies You can freeze them after they've been baked using the same method as you would a baked fruit pie, but if you want the best quality custard or cream pies, they should be baked fresh. ... You can make the pie crusts ahead of time and freeze them unbaked for custard pies or baked for cream pies. | Freeze a baked fruit pie for later! For best results, first bake the pie and then place it uncovered in the freezer. When completely frozen, wrap the pie tightly or place in a plastic freezer bag and place back in the freezer. Frozen, baked fruit pies will keep up to 4 months. | Of course, like any food, pizza can be frozen. ... Properly stored in an airtight container, or wrapped tightly in plastic wrap followed by an additional protective layer of aluminum foil, frozen pizza will maintain its quality for 1-2 months. | Information. Shell eggs should not be frozen. If an egg accidentally freezes and the shell cracked during freezing, discard the egg. However, if the egg did not crack, keep it frozen until needed; then thaw it in the refrigerator. | Information. Shell eggs should not be frozen. If an egg accidentally freezes and the shell cracked during freezing, discard the egg. However, if the egg did not crack, keep it frozen until needed; then thaw it in the refrigerator. |
are pears available year round? | Ripe pears are available almost year round. ... They're quickly followed by Anjou, Bosc, Comice, Seckel, and Forelle pears, which last through most of the winter and are a great fresh fruit choice during the months when other fresh fruit is in short supply. | Summary Pears are especially rich in folate, vitamin C, copper, and potassium. They're also a good source of polyphenol antioxidants. | Summary Pears are especially rich in folate, vitamin C, copper, and potassium. They're also a good source of polyphenol antioxidants. | In general, the pear tree thrives in cold and wet climate, where there is winter cold along with a cool summer. It is estimated that the popular pear varieties need about 400-800 hours of cold (exposure to temperatures below 45 °F or 7 °C) in order to have a regular development and fruition. | Available year-round but at its best from March to June (the gold variety is available from June to August). | Pears tend to ripen from the inside, so if you leave them on the tree until they look ripe, they may already be mushy inside. So it is best to pick pears when they are mature but not fully ripe, and let them ripen at home. Again, cup the fruit in your hand and tilt horizontally, and it should come away easily. |
what are the tools used to measure length? | Length: Tools used to measure length include a ruler, a Vernier caliper, and a micrometer screw gauge. | ['Utensils are implements, vessels or instruments used in a household and especially a kitchen. ... ', 'Offset spatula – a broad – bladed implement bent to keep the hand off hot surfaces. ... ', 'Measuring cup- a kitchen utensil used for measuring liquid or bulk solid cooking ingredients such as flour and sugar.'] | Size Yourself: Wrap a thin strip of paper or piece of string around the base of the finger you want to measure. With a pen, mark the point on the paper or string where it overlaps, forming a circle on the finger. Measure the length of the paper or string using a flat ruler, from the starting point to the pen mark. | Size Yourself: Wrap a thin strip of paper or piece of string around the base of the finger you want to measure. With a pen, mark the point on the paper or string where it overlaps, forming a circle on the finger. Measure the length of the paper or string using a flat ruler, from the starting point to the pen mark. | The most common object used to estimate inches is the adult thumb, which is about 1 inch wide. Other options may include a water bottle cap, a detachable pencil eraser, the width of a standard rubber eraser, the length of a paperclip, and the length of a standard small sewing pin. | Cut a 4-inch length of string or a 4-inch long, thin strip of paper. You can also find and print out a paper thumb gauge online. Wrap the paper or string around the base of your thumb. Measure your thumb at the end of the day, when your thumb is the largest. |
can koi live in cold water? | Goldfish and koi are very hardy fishes; they can survive water temperatures as low as 0°C, which means they can survive in the pond during the winter as long as it doesn't freeze solid and they have adequate water quality and oxygen. ... Always use a Pond Thermometer to check the water temperature. | Cold-water fish brighten up an indoor tank and they can enjoy their lives in an outdoor pond as well. Neon, tetra, and danios are popular breeds to live in an indoor tank, while koi and goldfish that can grow larger and live longer are a perfect choice for your outdoor pond. | Koi that swim sideways may be performing this motion to try to rid themselves of parasites on their scales and gills, such as skin/gill fluke worms. ... If you notice your koi has lost most of it's buoyancy control and does not ever swim normally, it's likely the swim bladder. | Fish Personalities Goldfish and koi are both friendly fish and are not usually aggressive, although both will readily devour anything they are able to fit into their mouths. Larger koi, for example, have been known to eat small water-dwelling animals such as frogs. | Low levels of dissolved oxygen could be a cause of koi carp jumping from the pond. More commonly fish will be seen gasping at the water surface where oxygen levels are low. When a koi jumps out of the water, it runs the risk of hurting itself on the water surface, plants, or the rocks at the edge of your pond. ... | Koi, though, were developed from Amur carp in Japan in the 1820s. Koi are domesticated Amur carp (Cyprinus rubrofuscus) that are selected or culled for color; they are not a different species, but a subspecies, and will revert to the original coloration within a few generations if allowed to breed freely. |
do scent control products work? | They are the latest in human scent control, and they've been proven in laboratory tests to prevent or eliminate human odors. But none of these technologies is effective at eliminating 100 percent of odors 100 percent of the time. | ['Kiss My Face (Various Scents) ... ', 'Kiss My Face (Unscented) ... ', 'Nubian Heritage (Various Scents) ... ', 'Desert Essence (Tea Tree) ... ', 'Hugo Naturals (Various Scents) ... ', 'Dr. ... ', 'Shea Moisture (Various Scents) ... ', 'Out Of Africa (Unscented)'] | Just plug in a Bath & Body Works Wallflowers refill and for weeks (and weeks), it'll fill your home with non-stop fragrances you love. We have a plug-in air freshener for every room, every season, every mood. Made with our essential oils, they keep the scent going 24/7 for up to 30 days. | Candles and scent diffusers are the best way to infuse your room with fragrance. While room sprays offer a much more temporary scent, candles and diffusers will allow a fragrance to stay present in a space for a much longer time. ... A candle impacts the ambiance of a room on multiple levels. | Medications Some drugs, such as antibiotics and herbal medicines, can change the way your vagina smells. Hormonal changes Hormone treatments, such as birth control pills and vaginal creams, can alter your vaginal odor. | This is a problem for birds. Sprays are made up of particles which linger in the air and give a bird no choice but to breathe them in. ... Plug in fresheners and scented candles use heat to project their scent into the air and currents to disperse it. 2) These products contain toxic substances. |
are simplehuman mirrors worth it? | This Simple Human product is very thoughtfully designed. It turn on automatically when you look into it, and turns itself off when you leave it...all hands free! The mirror quality is very good and the light is fine. ... You can find less expensive mirrors but this one is worth the money to me. | Side mirror replacement costs between $139 and $328 for parts and labor, while you can expect to pay between $35 and $90 for the part itself. While you can find third party mirrors for lower prices than official manufacturer parts, that isn't usually what your dealership is going to use. | Side mirror replacement costs between $139 and $328 for parts and labor, while you can expect to pay between $35 and $90 for the part itself. While you can find third party mirrors for lower prices than official manufacturer parts, that isn't usually what your dealership is going to use. | Side mirror replacement costs between $139 and $328 for parts and labor, while you can expect to pay between $35 and $90 for the part itself. While you can find third party mirrors for lower prices than official manufacturer parts, that isn't usually what your dealership is going to use. | The modern mirror is made by silvering, or spraying a thin layer of silver or aluminum onto the back of a sheet of glass. ... Mirrors are now used for all kinds of purposes, from LCD projection to lasers and car headlights. | Not only are towing mirrors necessary for your own peace of mind, they are also required by law in Australia when towing anything wider than your vehicle. |
can debt collectors garnish unemployment benefits? | Generally, only if the order for garnishment was for child or spousal support, or if you owe the state that is issuing the unemployment benefits, would they qualify for garnishment. However, if you were granted a severance from your last job, those monies are considered wages and could be garnished. | A debt collector can, in fact, garnish your wages, but only if it's legal to do so in your state. ... A possible outcome from such a lawsuit is a judgment against you to garnish property or wages. When wages are garnished, the creditor receives money deducted from the debtor's paycheck to apply towards the delinquent debt. | Yes, but not until they sue you, win, and have a judge decide to garnish your wages as the method of payment. It's illegal for debt collectors to threaten you with a lawsuit if they don't intend to do so or if they can't legally do it. | Generally no, debt collectors can't take your Social Security or VA benefits directly out of your bank account or prepaid card. After a debt collector sues you for the debt and wins a judgment, it can get a court order for your bank or credit union to turn over money from your account or prepaid card. | Generally no, debt collectors can't take your Social Security or VA benefits directly out of your bank account or prepaid card. After a debt collector sues you for the debt and wins a judgment, it can get a court order for your bank or credit union to turn over money from your account or prepaid card. | As long as you earn more than $48 weekly, a creditor may garnish your wages as payment for the debt. N.J.S.A. 2A:17-50. The judgment creditor will get the Writ and send it to your employer. |
Subsets and Splits