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<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: bridge, forest, airplane, ground track field, palace, terrace, meadow, church, thermal power station, roundabout, freeway, mobile home park, golf course, lake, commercial area, snowberg, river, mountain, storage tank, dense residential, railway, basketball court, runway, wetland, island, sea ice, parking lot, airport, rectangular farmland, industrial area, intersection, sparse residential, harbor, overpass, chaparral, circular farmland, cloud, stadium, desert, baseball diamond, beach, tennis court, medium residential, ship. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: rectangular farmland, meadow, basketball court, railway station, mountain, overpass, airplane, dense residential, church, railway, cloud, baseball diamond, airport, chaparral, commercial area. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: golf course, commercial area, beach, church, bridge, medium residential, snowberg, mountain, sea ice, meadow, terrace, airplane, industrial area, harbor, ship, storage tank, rectangular farmland, tennis court, airport, desert, sparse residential, ground track field, chaparral, stadium, river, roundabout, forest, freeway. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: meadow, island, medium residential, overpass, beach, cloud, railway, airport, mountain, industrial area, palace, baseball diamond, bridge, golf course, lake, airplane, sea ice, roundabout, ship, runway, wetland, mobile home park, rectangular farmland, tennis court, stadium, parking lot, chaparral, snowberg, dense residential, church, railway station, commercial area, freeway, terrace, desert, intersection, sparse residential, river. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: ship, roundabout, snowberg, railway, mountain, lake, airport, runway, railway station, baseball diamond, tennis court, freeway, church, overpass, ground track field, medium residential, beach, terrace, island, stadium, cloud, dense residential, wetland, river, bridge, storage tank, desert, harbor, forest, mobile home park, sea ice, palace, intersection, chaparral, parking lot, thermal power station, golf course, meadow, sparse residential, circular farmland, industrial area, commercial area, basketball court, airplane, rectangular farmland. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: wetland, stadium, terrace, basketball court, medium residential, mobile home park, airport, railway, freeway, airplane, thermal power station, storage tank, roundabout, beach, circular farmland, mountain, golf course, river, chaparral, palace, cloud, overpass. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: ship, mountain, wetland, church, forest, chaparral, thermal power station, basketball court, parking lot, lake, railway station, sparse residential, beach, runway, airplane, tennis court, freeway, intersection, dense residential, roundabout, river, circular farmland, medium residential, harbor. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: ground track field, palace, meadow, airplane, industrial area, chaparral, church, medium residential, stadium, mobile home park, rectangular farmland, basketball court, desert. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: dense residential, baseball diamond, ground track field, golf course, bridge, palace, ship, storage tank, thermal power station, desert, airport, chaparral, meadow, island, tennis court, parking lot, commercial area, railway station, wetland, church, intersection, railway, airplane, sea ice, beach, industrial area. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: dense residential, basketball court, intersection, medium residential, palace, sea ice, ship, railway, rectangular farmland, parking lot, baseball diamond, lake, sparse residential, wetland, tennis court, ground track field, industrial area, terrace, airplane, railway station, golf course, harbor, circular farmland, mobile home park, forest, island, overpass, meadow, freeway, chaparral, thermal power station, beach, commercial area, stadium, bridge, church, cloud, desert, storage tank, roundabout, river, mountain, snowberg, runway, airport. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: terrace, airplane, roundabout, parking lot, baseball diamond, basketball court. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: industrial area, thermal power station, sparse residential, railway, airplane, dense residential, island, wetland, medium residential, stadium, tennis court, church, railway station, ship, mobile home park, freeway, bridge, ground track field, golf course, parking lot. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: desert, storage tank, intersection, commercial area, thermal power station, railway station, tennis court, bridge, parking lot, mountain, stadium, medium residential, chaparral, dense residential, ground track field, runway, palace, harbor, circular farmland, meadow, sea ice, freeway, overpass, river, industrial area, airport, railway, baseball diamond, ship, beach, basketball court, lake, rectangular farmland, forest, terrace, island, wetland, snowberg, roundabout, sparse residential, golf course, mobile home park, cloud, airplane. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: storage tank, runway, river, bridge, airplane, tennis court, island, railway, beach. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: wetland, meadow, mountain, cloud, desert, bridge, airplane, basketball court, industrial area, rectangular farmland, freeway. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: golf course, ground track field, river, beach, airplane, church, railway station, mobile home park, snowberg, forest, cloud, ship. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: church, harbor, desert, railway station, intersection, beach, industrial area, mobile home park, thermal power station, commercial area, dense residential, palace, meadow, sparse residential, circular farmland, sea ice, cloud, overpass, airport, airplane, golf course, chaparral, wetland, terrace, island, forest, rectangular farmland, runway, medium residential, mountain, snowberg, storage tank. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: medium residential, cloud, mountain, river, airport, industrial area, ship, desert, dense residential, thermal power station, baseball diamond, golf course, church, bridge, snowberg, airplane, wetland, stadium, harbor, meadow, palace, railway station, terrace, sparse residential, lake, ground track field, storage tank, overpass, tennis court, beach, circular farmland, roundabout, rectangular farmland, commercial area, basketball court, chaparral, forest, mobile home park, parking lot. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: airplane, beach, overpass, desert, baseball diamond, ship. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: sparse residential, commercial area, ground track field, terrace, mobile home park, ship, basketball court, forest, river, rectangular farmland, airplane, palace, dense residential, snowberg, freeway, stadium, railway, cloud, mountain, harbor, golf course, airport, baseball diamond, circular farmland, chaparral, industrial area, tennis court, meadow, parking lot. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: beach, airplane, medium residential, circular farmland, church, thermal power station, desert, freeway, forest, sparse residential, harbor, airport, basketball court, overpass, storage tank, baseball diamond, commercial area, golf course, snowberg. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: overpass, commercial area, railway station, airplane, palace, mobile home park, stadium, rectangular farmland, desert, basketball court, airport, freeway, storage tank, ship, island, medium residential, roundabout, railway, river, thermal power station, bridge, forest, church, parking lot, industrial area, intersection, sea ice, dense residential, mountain, circular farmland. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: parking lot, cloud, airplane, roundabout, runway, river, sea ice, island, stadium, sparse residential, forest, tennis court, lake, railway, chaparral, freeway, mountain, overpass, beach, mobile home park, church, desert, railway station, baseball diamond, ground track field, circular farmland. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: airplane, railway station, forest, palace, tennis court, freeway, commercial area. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: airplane, forest, roundabout, snowberg, ship, meadow, sparse residential, tennis court, runway, basketball court, river, commercial area, stadium, wetland, mobile home park, desert, sea ice, circular farmland, airport, beach, baseball diamond, chaparral, dense residential, island, storage tank, intersection, parking lot, thermal power station, railway station, lake. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: terrace, ground track field, sea ice, tennis court, medium residential, runway, bridge, mountain, rectangular farmland, thermal power station, baseball diamond, lake, island, beach, freeway, palace, sparse residential, basketball court, airport, chaparral, airplane, dense residential, railway station, harbor, industrial area, golf course, snowberg, cloud, storage tank, meadow, circular farmland, railway, roundabout, desert, forest, parking lot, ship, river, stadium, wetland, church, mobile home park, commercial area, intersection. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: mobile home park, roundabout, snowberg, chaparral, medium residential, wetland, dense residential, intersection, meadow, airport, industrial area, storage tank, overpass, stadium, cloud, railway station, river, sea ice, sparse residential, ship, tennis court, thermal power station, airplane, commercial area, circular farmland, parking lot. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: medium residential, airplane, sea ice, tennis court, desert, river, sparse residential, cloud, mountain, circular farmland, storage tank, commercial area, stadium, freeway, thermal power station, dense residential, church, bridge, ground track field, rectangular farmland, ship, terrace, railway, basketball court, baseball diamond, island, lake, golf course, parking lot, overpass, railway station, airport, forest, roundabout, palace, beach, chaparral, meadow, mobile home park, snowberg, wetland, intersection, harbor, runway. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: commercial area, meadow, desert, basketball court, lake, forest, freeway, overpass, golf course, airplane, river. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: medium residential, roundabout, mountain, wetland, basketball court, ground track field, railway, freeway, bridge, desert, snowberg, airport, commercial area, overpass, golf course, church, thermal power station, airplane, forest, storage tank, terrace, river, palace, sparse residential, ship, circular farmland, intersection, industrial area, tennis court, stadium, baseball diamond, rectangular farmland, runway. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: river, church, ground track field, railway station, runway, mountain, harbor, tennis court, palace, thermal power station, cloud, sea ice, airplane, railway, terrace, mobile home park, parking lot. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: mountain, rectangular farmland, sparse residential, stadium, commercial area, golf course, thermal power station, beach, circular farmland, parking lot, dense residential, railway station, airplane. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: sea ice, desert, dense residential, commercial area, medium residential, railway station, tennis court, wetland, chaparral, terrace, river, mobile home park, airplane, stadium, rectangular farmland, cloud, intersection, runway, airport, overpass, palace, lake, mountain, golf course, storage tank, harbor, beach, roundabout, church, railway, baseball diamond. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: roundabout, beach, mobile home park, ground track field, tennis court, sea ice, terrace, mountain, thermal power station, sparse residential, river, ship, industrial area, parking lot, intersection, harbor, railway, church, overpass, golf course, storage tank, bridge, commercial area, snowberg, wetland, airplane, dense residential, runway, stadium, circular farmland, railway station, airport, meadow. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: sparse residential, stadium, church, overpass, airplane, commercial area, forest, airport, dense residential, intersection. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: golf course, basketball court, terrace, circular farmland, railway station, airplane, river, runway, overpass, island, mountain, mobile home park, ship, meadow, intersection, dense residential, railway, commercial area, chaparral, freeway, roundabout, baseball diamond, bridge, beach, wetland, parking lot, lake, palace, airport, church, sea ice, cloud, snowberg, forest, thermal power station, industrial area. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: intersection, railway station, ship, beach, basketball court, airplane, sparse residential, golf course, cloud, snowberg, tennis court, airport. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: railway, baseball diamond, mobile home park, thermal power station, airplane, palace, wetland, intersection. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: snowberg, ship, airplane, circular farmland, church, runway. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: airplane, storage tank. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: rectangular farmland, railway station, runway, terrace, ground track field, overpass, ship, sea ice, storage tank, river, airplane, mountain, sparse residential, lake, parking lot, bridge, dense residential, harbor, tennis court, airport, meadow, wetland, beach, industrial area. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: parking lot, storage tank, island, medium residential, harbor, airplane, mobile home park, intersection, forest, sparse residential, wetland. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: river, parking lot, industrial area, baseball diamond, mountain, chaparral, airport, railway station, ship, desert, island, wetland, cloud, ground track field, storage tank, forest, circular farmland, tennis court, freeway, sparse residential, runway, mobile home park, medium residential, snowberg, harbor, thermal power station, stadium, roundabout, lake, golf course, sea ice, palace, beach, airplane, rectangular farmland, basketball court, terrace, overpass, dense residential, intersection, commercial area. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: golf course, rectangular farmland, intersection, railway station, baseball diamond, industrial area, ground track field, island, church, mobile home park, sea ice, river, meadow, overpass, bridge, sparse residential, medium residential, snowberg, stadium, ship, airplane, palace, mountain, terrace, storage tank, beach, wetland, freeway, airport, parking lot, thermal power station, tennis court, dense residential, commercial area, circular farmland, roundabout, harbor, runway, chaparral. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: baseball diamond, stadium, snowberg, commercial area, lake, terrace, golf course, airport, river, palace, wetland, circular farmland, desert, ground track field, runway, freeway, railway station, basketball court, chaparral, sparse residential, airplane. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: airplane, ship, rectangular farmland, industrial area, tennis court, airport, runway, chaparral, dense residential, railway, river, overpass, bridge, forest, terrace, lake, freeway, intersection, palace, snowberg, cloud, circular farmland, parking lot, island, thermal power station, meadow, medium residential, mobile home park, roundabout, railway station, commercial area, stadium, ground track field. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: commercial area, airplane, mountain, ship, beach, roundabout, sparse residential, basketball court, snowberg, wetland, medium residential, chaparral, terrace, cloud, freeway. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: lake, snowberg, storage tank, thermal power station, overpass, mobile home park, baseball diamond, church, basketball court, palace, wetland, runway, terrace, island, industrial area, railway, desert, sparse residential, river, freeway, bridge, mountain, railway station, ship, sea ice, rectangular farmland, dense residential, circular farmland, cloud, parking lot, beach, ground track field, commercial area, intersection, stadium, airplane, forest, tennis court, harbor, chaparral, medium residential, airport, meadow, roundabout. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: beach, harbor, airplane, meadow, roundabout, cloud, sparse residential, intersection, baseball diamond, ground track field, parking lot, bridge, stadium. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: ship, sea ice, airplane, island, mountain, overpass, airport, palace, tennis court. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: stadium, forest, ground track field, meadow, desert, commercial area, airplane, freeway. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: airplane, cloud, intersection. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: ground track field, meadow, baseball diamond, golf course, forest, mobile home park, airplane, church, lake. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: harbor, thermal power station, meadow, circular farmland, intersection, terrace, bridge, desert, railway station, industrial area, forest, mountain, snowberg, runway, dense residential, lake, airplane, tennis court, palace, basketball court, rectangular farmland, medium residential, stadium, sea ice, airport, overpass, cloud, commercial area, freeway. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: parking lot, snowberg, cloud, golf course, mountain, railway station, intersection, beach, airplane, river. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: overpass, forest, golf course, church, wetland, dense residential, tennis court, lake, circular farmland, cloud, river, harbor, terrace, railway, rectangular farmland, sparse residential, mountain, sea ice, runway, snowberg, chaparral, baseball diamond, airplane, industrial area, basketball court, commercial area, airport, railway station, intersection, bridge, parking lot, beach, thermal power station, ship, island, ground track field. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: thermal power station, tennis court, runway, intersection, harbor, ship, railway station, medium residential, palace, cloud, terrace, circular farmland, overpass, commercial area, mountain, church, airplane, golf course, rectangular farmland, mobile home park, sparse residential, basketball court, ground track field, stadium, railway, bridge, wetland, parking lot, freeway, sea ice, island, beach, meadow, baseball diamond, dense residential, river, desert, snowberg. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: mountain, overpass, airplane, beach, medium residential, intersection, tennis court, meadow, ground track field. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: terrace, ship, cloud, airplane, forest, tennis court, freeway, desert, stadium, island, rectangular farmland, ground track field, storage tank, roundabout, mountain, airport, dense residential, river. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: baseball diamond, thermal power station, desert, railway, church, harbor, railway station, wetland, stadium, tennis court, airplane, rectangular farmland, parking lot, dense residential, snowberg, island, runway, cloud, circular farmland, roundabout. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: meadow, industrial area, intersection, stadium, storage tank, desert, church, overpass, medium residential, cloud, bridge, circular farmland, baseball diamond, palace, runway, wetland, airplane, forest, basketball court, mountain, lake, railway, rectangular farmland, mobile home park. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: mobile home park, forest, desert, church, basketball court, overpass, island, airport, dense residential, bridge, airplane, rectangular farmland, commercial area, roundabout, golf course, beach, tennis court, storage tank, baseball diamond, terrace, parking lot, industrial area, cloud, railway, sea ice, sparse residential, harbor, river, chaparral. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: stadium, airplane, airport, medium residential, roundabout, dense residential. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: baseball diamond, chaparral, storage tank, island, wetland, thermal power station, mountain, snowberg, dense residential, circular farmland, rectangular farmland, ship, harbor, commercial area, desert, golf course, intersection, medium residential, parking lot, sparse residential, forest, palace, stadium, basketball court, beach, church, mobile home park, roundabout, railway, sea ice, lake, overpass, industrial area, river, bridge, airport, tennis court, airplane, railway station. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: airplane, lake, basketball court, ship, freeway. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: mountain, freeway, palace, airplane, river. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: sea ice, forest, airplane, chaparral, storage tank, golf course, ground track field, industrial area, roundabout, overpass, bridge, parking lot, medium residential. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: basketball court, sea ice, golf course, circular farmland, cloud, ground track field, lake, rectangular farmland, desert, meadow, airport, ship, forest, airplane, snowberg, wetland, baseball diamond, harbor, parking lot, river, beach, sparse residential, dense residential, thermal power station, industrial area, mobile home park, terrace, roundabout, intersection, chaparral. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: harbor, forest, wetland, lake, desert, railway, dense residential, airport, stadium, ship, cloud, mobile home park, circular farmland, overpass, golf course, bridge, airplane, medium residential, storage tank, tennis court, freeway, basketball court, beach, commercial area, parking lot, terrace, mountain, church, thermal power station, snowberg, intersection, industrial area, meadow, railway station, runway, river, baseball diamond, roundabout, sea ice, chaparral. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: industrial area, overpass, airplane, sparse residential. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: airplane, commercial area, industrial area, snowberg, medium residential, circular farmland, dense residential, golf course, rectangular farmland, mobile home park. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: harbor, thermal power station, ship, commercial area, mobile home park, railway, sparse residential, meadow, river, intersection, terrace, airplane, palace, mountain. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: airplane, sparse residential, river, tennis court, baseball diamond, forest, rectangular farmland, ship, storage tank, thermal power station, commercial area, chaparral, circular farmland, stadium, freeway, meadow, airport, beach, industrial area, ground track field, medium residential, roundabout, overpass. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: intersection, ship, meadow, palace, wetland, forest, medium residential, tennis court, overpass, mobile home park, terrace, river, runway, cloud, church, industrial area, thermal power station, ground track field, railway station, sparse residential, sea ice, mountain, harbor, beach, snowberg, airport, roundabout, airplane, desert, island, parking lot, basketball court, stadium, railway, circular farmland, golf course, freeway, storage tank. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: sea ice, freeway, wetland, commercial area, airport, palace, island, runway, beach, stadium, intersection, tennis court, snowberg, medium residential, basketball court, church, terrace, harbor, circular farmland, roundabout, desert, parking lot, storage tank, bridge, rectangular farmland, ground track field, lake, ship, overpass, mountain, golf course, sparse residential, railway station, baseball diamond, industrial area, thermal power station, airplane, railway, forest, river, cloud, dense residential, chaparral, mobile home park. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: ground track field, intersection, forest, beach, roundabout, river, dense residential, desert, sea ice, thermal power station, church, cloud, runway, palace, railway, chaparral, island, rectangular farmland, sparse residential, harbor, meadow, ship, circular farmland, wetland, industrial area, mountain, golf course, terrace, tennis court, overpass, lake, stadium, parking lot, airport, airplane, railway station, freeway, commercial area, medium residential, mobile home park, baseball diamond, snowberg. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: ground track field, chaparral, tennis court, medium residential, basketball court, sparse residential, cloud, beach, wetland, ship, freeway, forest, terrace, palace, mobile home park, church, lake, island, meadow, airplane, sea ice, stadium, baseball diamond, rectangular farmland, circular farmland, industrial area, railway, bridge, dense residential, harbor, roundabout, snowberg, runway, storage tank, intersection, commercial area, mountain, thermal power station, desert. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: river, forest, storage tank, airplane, commercial area, runway, sparse residential, medium residential, meadow, cloud, freeway, chaparral, mobile home park, stadium, desert, railway station, church, snowberg, bridge, airport, terrace, lake, harbor, island, palace, railway, mountain, golf course, ground track field, industrial area, basketball court, thermal power station, dense residential, rectangular farmland, wetland, ship, baseball diamond, roundabout, sea ice. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: circular farmland, island, river, storage tank, stadium, sparse residential, medium residential, dense residential, intersection, airplane, desert, ship, bridge, chaparral, parking lot, meadow, sea ice. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: airplane, beach, runway, storage tank, mountain, church, lake, industrial area, palace, commercial area, cloud, sea ice, snowberg, forest, mobile home park, harbor, railway, railway station, airport, tennis court, meadow, desert, chaparral, dense residential, medium residential, sparse residential, intersection, ground track field, roundabout, river, overpass, parking lot, bridge, thermal power station, baseball diamond, island. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: mountain, medium residential, lake, rectangular farmland, dense residential, airplane. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: desert, palace, cloud, ship, airport, circular farmland, intersection, church, airplane. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: terrace, industrial area, ground track field, overpass, airplane, medium residential, commercial area, bridge. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: cloud, tennis court, island, roundabout, runway, ship, freeway, commercial area, ground track field, intersection, rectangular farmland, airplane, golf course, thermal power station, dense residential, chaparral, storage tank, terrace, palace, church, baseball diamond, railway, snowberg, river, forest, bridge, sea ice, sparse residential, basketball court, mobile home park, desert, airport, industrial area, wetland, mountain. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: thermal power station, meadow, stadium, intersection, harbor, rectangular farmland, basketball court, roundabout, golf course, dense residential, terrace, lake, railway station, ship, river, freeway, airplane, cloud, wetland, mobile home park, circular farmland, sparse residential, church, beach, industrial area. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: roundabout, river, ground track field, baseball diamond, sparse residential, overpass, freeway, commercial area, snowberg, parking lot, bridge, intersection, mountain, basketball court, forest, storage tank, stadium, airplane, medium residential, tennis court, harbor, cloud, terrace, railway station, desert. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: roundabout, sparse residential, terrace, harbor, tennis court, freeway, ship, airplane, palace, sea ice, medium residential, basketball court, island, mobile home park, wetland, chaparral, parking lot, golf course, cloud, runway, intersection, ground track field, commercial area, baseball diamond, dense residential, railway, stadium. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: mountain, dense residential, circular farmland, chaparral, snowberg, island, parking lot, railway station, industrial area, airplane, freeway. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: snowberg, beach, ground track field, roundabout, commercial area, chaparral, mountain, palace, airplane, rectangular farmland, freeway. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: meadow, railway, airport, airplane, commercial area, baseball diamond, runway, desert, storage tank, freeway, thermal power station, mobile home park, bridge, medium residential, church, snowberg, sparse residential, parking lot, stadium, intersection, basketball court. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: harbor, forest, railway, airport, thermal power station, freeway, sea ice, bridge, chaparral, medium residential, wetland, meadow, beach, sparse residential, stadium, cloud, church, ground track field, desert, basketball court, river, terrace, airplane, ship, circular farmland, roundabout, rectangular farmland, snowberg, runway, commercial area, storage tank, golf course, mountain. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: snowberg, sea ice, airplane, golf course, chaparral. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: wetland, thermal power station, cloud, railway, industrial area, baseball diamond, sea ice, ship, terrace, medium residential, circular farmland, mountain, roundabout, stadium, airport, intersection, runway, tennis court, desert, bridge, beach, freeway, church, storage tank, golf course, commercial area, rectangular farmland, basketball court, ground track field, river, airplane, snowberg, palace, sparse residential. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: intersection, runway, beach, island, ground track field, rectangular farmland, airplane, freeway, golf course, baseball diamond, desert, sea ice, terrace, overpass, palace, thermal power station, forest, ship, airport, railway station, mobile home park, snowberg. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: lake, beach, runway, roundabout, intersection, parking lot, commercial area, baseball diamond, chaparral, desert, thermal power station, sparse residential, stadium, airplane, railway, wetland, island, overpass, tennis court, church, cloud, bridge, meadow, mountain, ground track field, terrace, industrial area, dense residential, airport, harbor, storage tank, mobile home park, ship, basketball court, river, palace, medium residential, freeway, railway station, rectangular farmland. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: church, roundabout, sparse residential, ground track field, airplane, freeway. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: ship, sparse residential, meadow, medium residential, intersection, ground track field, forest, church, roundabout, wetland, runway, circular farmland, palace, overpass, harbor, desert, railway, basketball court, snowberg, storage tank, tennis court, stadium, beach, parking lot, terrace, airplane, baseball diamond, railway station, thermal power station, rectangular farmland, bridge, airport, chaparral. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: lake, wetland, beach, cloud, island, railway station, airplane, river, railway, overpass, sparse residential. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: freeway, palace, mobile home park, parking lot, golf course, sea ice, circular farmland, harbor, medium residential, desert, sparse residential, railway station, meadow, overpass, church, tennis court, airplane, runway, wetland. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
<image> Classify the given image in one of the following classes. Classes: forest, thermal power station, river, storage tank, airplane, dense residential, overpass, wetland, roundabout, bridge, freeway, palace, ship, sea ice, commercial area. Answer in one word or a short phrase.
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