stringlengths 15
| Hypothesis
stringlengths 14
| Update
stringlengths 1
| UpdateType
stringclasses 2
values |
PersonX climbs the tree | As a result, PersonX wants to pick fruit from the tree | PersonX is rescuing a kite stuck in the branches | weakener |
PersonX climbs the tree | As a result, PersonX wants to pick fruit from the tree | This is harvest season | strengthener |
PersonX goes back to the room | Before, PersonX needed acquire a room | PersonX steals the wallet. | weakener |
PersonX goes back to the room | Before, PersonX needed acquire a room | PersonX checks the rates. | strengthener |
PersonX tells PersonY everything | PersonX is seen as relieved | PersonY does not like them | weakener |
PersonX tells PersonY everything | PersonX is seen as relieved | PersonY forgives them | strengthener |
PersonX needs to buy | Because PersonX wanted to restock | PersonX shops to make themselves feel better. | weakener |
PersonX needs to buy | Because PersonX wanted to restock | PersonX is the stocking clerk at Walmart. | strengthener |
PersonX wants a puppy for PersonX's birthday | Before, PersonX needed go to shelter | The shelter is closed down due to a fire. | weakener |
PersonX wants a puppy for PersonX's birthday | Before, PersonX needed go to shelter | PersonX does not want to buy from a puppy mill. | strengthener |
PersonX is married for 20 years | As a result, PersonX feels romantic | They hate their spouse | weakener |
PersonX is married for 20 years | As a result, PersonX feels romantic | They kiss them everyday | strengthener |
PersonX makes some food | Before, PersonX needed reads a cook book. | PersonX makes a recipe they've known for years. | weakener |
PersonX makes some food | Before, PersonX needed reads a cook book. | PersonX wants to try something new. | strengthener |
PersonX writes an essay for class | Because PersonX wanted to pass | They have an A already | weakener |
PersonX writes an essay for class | Because PersonX wanted to pass | They have a D in the class | strengthener |
PersonX turns the radio | PersonX is seen as bored | They are laughing and smiling | weakener |
PersonX turns the radio | PersonX is seen as bored | They have a sour expression on their face | strengthener |
PersonX scraps PersonX's knees | Before, PersonX needed trip over something | They are crawling on pavement | weakener |
PersonX scraps PersonX's knees | Before, PersonX needed trip over something | There are many items on the ground | strengthener |
PersonX counts sheep | PersonX is seen as sleepy | PersonX is a shepherd | weakener |
PersonX counts sheep | PersonX is seen as sleepy | PersonX is in bed | strengthener |
PersonX picks PersonY up from work | PersonX is seen as helpful | PersonX is stalking PersonY | weakener |
PersonX picks PersonY up from work | PersonX is seen as helpful | PersonX cannot drive | strengthener |
PersonX finds something else | Because PersonX wanted to something else | PersonX stumbled upon it by accident | weakener |
PersonX finds something else | Because PersonX wanted to something else | PersonX's normal brand is sold out | strengthener |
PersonX enters the building | Because PersonX wanted to meet with their lawyer. | PersonX stops by the dentist office for a teeth cleaning. | weakener |
PersonX enters the building | Because PersonX wanted to meet with their lawyer. | PersonX wants the divorce to end quickly. | strengthener |
PersonX tells my friends | PersonX then gestures with their hands | PersonX keeps warm using their pockets. | weakener |
PersonX tells my friends | PersonX then gestures with their hands | PersonX summons friends from across the street. | strengthener |
PersonX pays PersonX's medical bills | Before, PersonX needed to acquire some money | PersonX barters by doing lawn work. | weakener |
PersonX pays PersonX's medical bills | Before, PersonX needed to acquire some money | PersonX goes to their vault. | strengthener |
PersonX becomes successful | Before, PersonX needed to make money | They are a priest | weakener |
PersonX becomes successful | Before, PersonX needed to make money | They own a business | strengthener |
PersonX pushes PersonY | PersonX then loses their balance | PersonX is caught by PersonY | weakener |
PersonX pushes PersonY | PersonX then loses their balance | PersonY pushes back | strengthener |
PersonX bothers PersonY so much | Because PersonX wanted to be annoying | PersonY is easily annoyed | weakener |
PersonX bothers PersonY so much | Because PersonX wanted to be annoying | PersonX is acting crazy | strengthener |
PersonX looks forward to PersonY | PersonX is seen as hopeful | PersonY is scheduled for execution. | weakener |
PersonX looks forward to PersonY | PersonX is seen as hopeful | PersonX works for PersonY's political campaign. | strengthener |
PersonX is an elementary school teacher | PersonX then smiles. | PersonX saw kids bullying each other | weakener |
PersonX is an elementary school teacher | PersonX then smiles. | PersonX helped someone learn how to read | strengthener |
PersonX wants to hang out with PersonY | Before, PersonX needed contact person Y | PersonX lives in the same house as PersonY since they are roommates | weakener |
PersonX wants to hang out with PersonY | Before, PersonX needed contact person Y | They live in different countries | strengthener |
PersonX proceeds on PersonX's way | PersonX is seen as happy | X mutters and curses as he walks. | weakener |
PersonX proceeds on PersonX's way | PersonX is seen as happy | X whistles a gay tune. | strengthener |
PersonX makes it safely | As a result, PersonX feels skilled | PersonX gives the pilot a hug when they land, thanking them for landing the plane without crashing. | weakener |
PersonX makes it safely | As a result, PersonX feels skilled | PersonX steps out of the stunt car and basks in the cheers of the crowd | strengthener |
PersonX turns the tv | Because PersonX wanted to watch something | PersonX keeps the baby occupied. | weakener |
PersonX turns the tv | Because PersonX wanted to watch something | PersonX searches the guide. | strengthener |
PersonX is no longer available | As a result, PersonX wants to do the thing the found to do | PersonX is a busy person with a busy schedule. | weakener |
PersonX is no longer available | As a result, PersonX wants to do the thing the found to do | PersonX has flexibility doing the work they do. | strengthener |
PersonX learns the language | PersonX then gains knowledge | PersonX likes to be oblivious. | weakener |
PersonX learns the language | PersonX then gains knowledge | PersonX feels good learning things. | strengthener |
PersonX denies PersonY the right | PersonX then is brought up in charges | PersonX bribes PersonY not to tell anyone. | weakener |
PersonX denies PersonY the right | PersonX then is brought up in charges | PersonX is arrested by the police. | strengthener |
PersonX breaks open | PersonX then disgusts people | PersonX is breaking down a wall where someone is trapped inside | weakener |
PersonX breaks open | PersonX then disgusts people | PersonX breaks open a durian | strengthener |
PersonX takes care of the house | PersonX is seen as good | PersonX is being paid to do so | weakener |
PersonX takes care of the house | PersonX is seen as good | PersonX house sits for free | strengthener |
PersonX makes something | PersonX then takes a picture of it | PersonX made a sandwich | weakener |
PersonX makes something | PersonX then takes a picture of it | PersonX made a table | strengthener |
PersonX lets sleeping dogs lie | Before, PersonX needed consider how important it is to wake them | PersonX doesn't want to poke the bear and wake the animals. | weakener |
PersonX lets sleeping dogs lie | Before, PersonX needed consider how important it is to wake them | PersonX has to wake the dogs up so they get to their appointment. | strengthener |
PersonX airs PersonX's dirty laundry in public | As a result, PersonX wants seek medical attention | Nobody is interested in PersonX's drama. | weakener |
PersonX airs PersonX's dirty laundry in public | As a result, PersonX wants seek medical attention | PersonX read that the first step is to admit you have a problem. | strengthener |
PersonX falls and shattered | As a result, PersonX feels weak | Someone made them fall over | weakener |
PersonX falls and shattered | As a result, PersonX feels weak | Their arm bone broke on impact | strengthener |
PersonX cleans PersonY | As a result, PersonX wants drain the water | PersonX wiped dust off PersonY | weakener |
PersonX cleans PersonY | As a result, PersonX wants drain the water | They're in a bathtub | strengthener |
PersonX has a baby boy | Before, PersonX needed to be pregnant | PersonX adopted the boy | weakener |
PersonX has a baby boy | Before, PersonX needed to be pregnant | PersonX's breasts produce milk | strengthener |
PersonX leaves PersonY in the lurch | As a result, PersonX feels annoying | PersonX was hit by a car. | weakener |
PersonX leaves PersonY in the lurch | As a result, PersonX feels annoying | PersonX wanted to go to a concert instead. | strengthener |
PersonX rubs shoulders | Because PersonX wanted to make friends | PersonX is a professional masseuse working at a spa. | weakener |
PersonX rubs shoulders | Because PersonX wanted to make friends | PersonX is socially awkward but they can really work out those kinks. | strengthener |
PersonX eats PersonX's own dog food | Because PersonX wanted to test a product on himself | PersonX is pledging to a fraternity. | weakener |
PersonX eats PersonX's own dog food | Because PersonX wanted to test a product on himself | PersonX loves their dog too much. | strengthener |
PersonX goes against the grain | Before, PersonX needed become aware of the the status quo is | PersonX follows the leader. | weakener |
PersonX goes against the grain | Before, PersonX needed become aware of the the status quo is | PersonX makes their own way. | strengthener |
PersonX has back pain | Before, PersonX needed to of sat in a uncomfortable chair | X lifted a heavy box. | weakener |
PersonX has back pain | Before, PersonX needed to of sat in a uncomfortable chair | X asked for a pillow. | strengthener |
PersonX keeps PersonY in order | PersonX then explains the rules | PersonX screams at the top of their lungs. | weakener |
PersonX keeps PersonY in order | PersonX then explains the rules | PersonX plays the game fairly. | strengthener |
PersonX lays on PersonY's back | PersonX is seen as relaxed | PersonX strains to balance. | weakener |
PersonX lays on PersonY's back | PersonX is seen as relaxed | PersonX could fall asleep like this. | strengthener |
PersonX crosses PersonY mind | PersonX is seen as happy | PersonX remembers the bad deeds. | weakener |
PersonX crosses PersonY mind | PersonX is seen as happy | PersonX gets fond thoughts of their lover. | strengthener |
PersonX finally called | As a result, PersonX feels available | PersonX has to stay after hours to finish the project. | weakener |
PersonX finally called | As a result, PersonX feels available | PersonX has nothing to do for the weekend. | strengthener |
PersonX is in PersonX's car | As a result, PersonX feels thankful | PersonX's car broke down and he is waiting inside it for a tow truck. | weakener |
PersonX is in PersonX's car | As a result, PersonX feels thankful | PersonX no longer rides the bus everyday as before. | strengthener |
PersonX asks PersonY's friends for advice | As a result, PersonX feels troubled | PersonX is shopping for a gift. | weakener |
PersonX asks PersonY's friends for advice | As a result, PersonX feels troubled | PersonY is an addict. | strengthener |
PersonX obtains PersonY's release | As a result, PersonX wants to file it | PersonX died before PersonY was released but made it happen. | weakener |
PersonX obtains PersonY's release | As a result, PersonX wants to file it | PersonX has paperwork in their hand. | strengthener |
PersonX returns to PersonX's homes | PersonX is seen as relaxed | PersonX retrieves their stolen vehicle. | weakener |
PersonX returns to PersonX's homes | PersonX is seen as relaxed | PersonX plays with their kids in the back yard. | strengthener |
PersonX tells the truth | Because PersonX wanted to be honest | They see financial gain from it | weakener |
PersonX tells the truth | Because PersonX wanted to be honest | They feel really guilty | strengthener |
Subsets and Splits