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fb59909 | Seagoing Cowbuys are very helpful. There are many reasons you should join. You have some extra time for site seeing. You also help others and become more aware about the world and the needs of the people. Another reason you should join is you have fun on deck. Segoing Cowboys are very aware and caring of others.
Do you ever think about having a job you love while experincing adventures and visit many unique places? A Segoing Cowboy is the job to sign up for. You have a lot of special moments and get to visit many places all different from each other in some type of way. I know this because"Besides helping people, I had the side benift of seeing europe and china. But seeing the acropolis in Greece was special,"Evdience shows he also said"So was taking a gondola ride in venice, Italy,a city with streets of water." This job is an amazing job to experience.
Another reason you should join is you get the chance to help others in need and it changes your mindest causing you to be very grateful for the things you have. The chance of helping others is very important. This is more than an adventure it's a learinig experince I know this because the text states"I'm grateful for this opportunity. It also say's"It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs."If you do this job this awareness sticks with you making you a more humble and grateful person. It has changed peoples mindest on things.
The last reason you should join Is the fun you have on board the sense of maturitity you have increases. Jobs aren't meant to be boring with this job you won't get bored there are a lot of activities you can do that are fun. I know this because the text say's "Luke also found the time to have fun on board. It also says"The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table tennis tournaments ,fencing ,boxing ,reading, whittiling , and games also helped pass the time."
To conclude from all this you should know by now you have to join the Seagoing Cowboys. This opens your perspective on things when you see needy people and the sense of urge you just got to help them. This is a great job that allows you to have fun. It helps your mindest and how grateful you become. Lastly you should join because you have time to experince things others don't like site seeing. | 4 |
fb5d9e3 | Inventors are rapidly thinking of new ideas on how to improve the world. One idea might seem like an improvement, but how can we be positive nothing will go wrong. I believe driverless cars should not be manufactured because technology has downfalls.
The idea of having driverless cars frightens me because we are relying on computers to safely drive us. In the article, the author says, "but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents". This is a issue because what if the driver has fallen asleep or the driver is not paying attention and wreckes the car. Again in the article it mentions how the driver would get bored sitting in his or her seat, so to fix that problem car manufacturers put in an entertainment system. An entertainment system is a disaster waiting to happen. Some states have made it illegal to test computer-driven cars. Other states have limited the use of semi-autonomous cars. I believe the reason for this is because technology is never one hundred percent safe.
The way people use transportation today is perfect the way it is. If a malfunction occurs when the car is in drive, the driver might not know what to do and could cause an accident. Cars are safer being driven by a person because the driver is in control and not an almost reliable computer. | 3 |
fb5e093 | Cars have been around for years and years.
They have become more advanced than ever before.
Thinking about driverless cars seems so futuristic and unreal, but that's not always a bad thing.
There are so many things that contribute to driverless cars whether it be effective or harmful.
These new cars have many pros to them but also many cons that put me right in the middle of the arguement.
First of all, I never thought that I would be alive in the time that invents the driverless cars.
That is one positive thing that contributes to my thought of developing these cars.
Just think of how futuristic this is! Science and technology has advanced tremendously in the past few years and will continue to forever.
We know from the article, that the driverless cars would use half the amount of fuel than regular cars, which is so helpful to our world today.
Also, they have gone more than half a million miles on their own without a single crash.
That seems pretty effective to me.
They way that technology is succeding in these last few years shows how safe scientists are trying to make our planet.
On the other hand, not everything about driverless cars are perfect.
Though this article told us that the cars can go more than half a million miles without a crash, what happens in extreme conditions?
A car by itself does not have a sense of right and wrong.
As humans, we know what things are right and what things are wrong when driving.
I do not doubt that the driverless car have something built inside of it that creates that sense, but nothing can compare to a real life reaction.
Also, the car would not have a natural reflex like humans.
The way that humans react to certain situations is natural and fast.
The driverless car would not have that ability.
Who's fault would it be in a crash? I have a feeling that this arguement would create alot more contreversy than needed.
The driverless car or the driver? Most people would blame the car and the buisness because why take the blame when you could easily turn it to something else? This horrile thinking would not create a more peaceful world.
Another point is that humans will become way to dependant.
Our world is getting very lazy and this wouldn't help.
Being too dependant on these driverless cars will make everyone not want to ever do anything for themselves anymore.
In conclusion, the driverless cars can be a very big advantage in our worlds technology and enginerring but is it too much?
It is great to see the scientists make new inventions and try to save money, fuel, and time.
But what I am most concerned about is laziness.
I want to see our world beocme more independant and active.
Instead, we are becoming too dependant on the world doing things for us and not having any motivation.
Seeing driverless cars out on the road would scare me a little bit.
Not seeing htem would make me feel more independant. | 3 |
fb64847 | The Seagoing Cowboys program. The program where you get to have adventures of visiting amazing places and helping others. Luke particapated in the Seagoing Cowboys program and he had blast in the program. Thats why he wants others to participate in the program so they can have great time with their friends or themselves. In Luke's adventure he visited New Orleans, Greece, Europe, China, Venice, Italy, and even a excavated castle in Crete and marvled at the Panama Canal on his way to china. Also you have to help others by feeding caring animals two or three times a day but it is all worth it. But sometimes you have to be careful in the one of the trips because you might get in a accident. Luke got a injury from slipping down on a slippery ladder and landed on his backside on rainy day. You can also do some fun activities on board. In Luke's adventure the cowboys played baseball, volleyball games, table tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, and even reading. So thats why i think others should participate in the program so they can have an amazing adventure. | 2 |
fb67f03 | The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable in some ways and some not because a computer knowing when your happy or sad could be beneficial in your classroom. For example if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad will follow. But if you frown, the next ad wll be different. A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored and then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. But I bet your lab partner could recognize if you are happy, sad, or mad. Its all about muscular action units. They indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced smile. In a real smile the muscles that begin at your cheek bones lift the corners of your mouth. In a false smile, the mouth is strecthed sideways. Muscle clues are sometimes important. Which is why I think that this technology is better off not being useful in classes because you can detect a person being happy, sad, or mad by yourself by muscle clues. To an expert, faces dont lie. | 2 |
fb71126 | The Author Supports this Idea very well. Tells us the many ways that scientist researching venus is bennificial to us. Venus has many risk that we would take when studying such as the temputures there with the stupendous amounts of heat. They say that it would be great to explore from 30 miles up but I think the tempture would still be to much to handle in the aritcale it states the tempture would still be about 170 degrees . In the passage they state the pros and the cons of exploring venus and think that there are more pros and cons and the author supports thay very well and says all of them and admits that there is more cons the pros but then after they says that there may be more reasons not to explore but the reasons to explore out way the other reasons not to explore. They Talk about how testing things and new technology on venus atmosphere can really be a benifit to the human race because imagine if your cell phone could become more heat resistant or easier to use under extreme forces In conclusion i would like to say the authour supports themself very well and gives very straight forward details and provides argument to her own opinion. | 2 |
fb73e38 | I don't think we need driverless cars. It just makes humans even more lazy and is probably a waste on resoureces as well as time. My position on driverless cars are they are not needed just the fact that no one needs to have it. In paragraph seven it states, "The car can handle functions at speeds up to twenty-five mph, but special touch sensors make sure that driver keeps hold of the wheel. This statement basically states that the car can only go up to twenty-five mph, but you have to be holding the wheel for it to do this. so your basically just sitting there as it just goes the only thing your not working is the gas. You would have to watch just because if you were have to work between work zones or accidents.
The most important thing for a driver in a car is safely. This car is pose to help that part out by using cameras to watch the driver and the road. If they were to defunction or break how would you get another one or would you be able to buy them in the store or pay for them again from the company. Also if the technology or the car were to fail while the driver is distracted or worst and someone were to get injuried, who is held in charge for it. Will the driver face the charge or the manufactures who made it?
Not to mention it doing all of this stuff at once, how much gas can go for one mile. We are trying to build cars that can go farther and not have that much gas, so what will be the milage on this car that can drive itself. Will it run off of batteries, fossil fuels or something that doesn't harm the environment.
This ends my position on driverless cars on the road. I think it's not a good idea based off the fact that we came this far driving cars without them driving for us or anything like it. We can go without cars driving themsevles, what we need to focus on is can we improve how far a car goes with just one gallon of gas so improving their mph. This would help people go farther without the cost of gas it would slow down the rate of resources going down and help our environment. | 3 |
fb768c2 | The reason you should join Seagoing Cowboy Program because they get to travel around the seven sea on a boat Luke thinks it's fun because he is having the time if his lifetime, and he likes it because he work at a gas station and a grocery store
If Luke want to go to a place thats far a way then he can pick his boat or a plane. A plane Luke would have to pay the passport but. If he goes on his boat he would just have t pay for the gas. On a plane it will be shorter however on a boat it will be longer to get on a plane.
Luke's like the water so going on a boat will be good for him. He also like the sound the waves make when they go by and the rocking noise the boat make on the water. He can make knew friends on the way there. | 2 |
fb77243 | Earth as we see it today might be flat to most people and to some might be round, but that is not what i am here to discuss, i am here to talk about the planet called Venus.
Venus is the brightest point of light in the night sky on Earth any amateur stargazer could point to it,
it is also called the Evening star but Venus is actually a planet in our solar system which is the second closest to the sun but from hear on Earth it looks really calm and not much harm that could happen but it is a very rigid place.It is often reffered to as the twin planet of Earth since it has the same size and density of Earth.
Humans have sent numerous amount of spacecrafts to land on this cloud draped world but no spacecraft has lasted more than a few hours because Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide that blankets Venus, to make the matters worse the clouds are highly corrosive sulfure acid in the atmosphere and the planets temperature avergaes over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the planets atmospheric pressure is far more greater than what we experience here on Earth.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA0 want to test a theory of theres by sneding humans over to Venus, since the planet is like fire to every sinlgle thing over there on ground they would send jet airplanes to avoid risking anyones life and to stay away from the surface.
NASA would like to take samples from the surface like the rocks, gas, water and so more but they cannot get the materials from a far enough distance they would have to moe upclose and take the risk of stepping on the surface. | 1 |
fb794cf | Cars are an integrated part of our society, but they are becoming less and less popular as the years progress. There are many advantages to limited use of cars. By restricting or eliminating the use of cars, the world would be a greener, safer place.
First and foremost is the fact that green house gas emissions could be cut by up to fifty percent in places like the United States. According to Robert Duffer, after restricting driving in Paris, the French city saw the sky clear after just a few days. Elizabeth Rosenthal and Andrew Selsky agree that the reduction of car usage would result in a significant decrease in smog and carbon emissions.
The most significant effect, however, would be the safety of cyclists, joggers, and children playing in the street. Every parent worries about their child being hit by a careless driver, so reducing the usage of cars would make car accidents virtually nonexistant. Elizabeth Rosenthalsays that in Vauban, the "swish of bicycle chains and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional motor." It sounds like heaven, but really it is only a group of people that are dedicated to a safer, greener world.
Finally we have a world full of conveniences for us, but if we continue to treat it this way, it won't survive much longer. The Earth won't be around forever, but we should do everything we can to prolong its life. By limiting car usage, we can make the world a safer place for everyone, as well as a healty, beautiful place to live. | 3 |
fb7c1ee | Drivelss cars should not be developed because they can cause accidents, they can cause the driver not to pay attetnion, and they would cost more.
Drivelss cars aren't really driveless. At certain points they will need the drivers assistance. This can lead to many accidents. In paragraph 9, the text states "most driving laws focus on keeping dirvers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers." The sentence proves that driveless cars may not be completely safe. The driver could depend on the car to drive itself and not be paying attention which can result in accidents. In paragraph 9, it also states that it is illegal to even test computer-driven cars. Something would not be illegal if it's comepletely safe.
Another reason driveless cars should not be developed is becasue they can cause the drive not to pay attention. Driveless cars would be like phones. They made driving and texting illegal because it made the drivers not pay attention and caused many death and accidents. The same result can come form drivelss cars. They can be a great distraction becasue the driver would think that the car can drive itlsef and they would not pay attention. From that conclusion, in paragraph 9, the question "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer" would come up. Who would be responsible? If the driver belived the car can drive itself and the techonology failed, it can lead to death because the driver might not be paying attention. The driver would think the car doesn't need a driver and when the techonology fails and the car spins out of control, many lives could be lost.
Driveless cars would also cost more money in many things. The cost to buy would most likely be more expensive. If drivelessc cars started being in use, there would need to be new signs that fit those specific cars. Driveless cars would aslo need specific shops and equipment. If something goes wrong you would need to get it fixed and the technology used makes it more expensive. Fixing a car is already expensive. You have to buy whatever it is you need to fix and then take it to a shop. If something in the techonology of a driveless car goes wrong and you need to get it fixed, it will denifitely cost more.
Causing accidents, causing the driver not to pay attention, and costing more are reasons why driveless cars should not be developed. | 4 |
fb7c7a9 | Yes, the use of Facial Action Codying Stystem would be very useful for students in the classroom. Not only can this technology detect when a student is confused or bored, but it can change the lesson to grab the students' attention again, or to explain it in an another way. Along with this, this technology could introduce a lot more job intrest, hobby intrest, or just pure intrest among students. Lastly, this technology would be beneficial to students because it would give us a reason to be taught about the science of emotion, we could learn and go more into depth about our basic human body and mind and how easy emotions can show.
This technology can change lessons for kids who aren't understanding, or are just completley bored of the material being shown. This can greatly change a students grades from bad to good, along with make them look forward to coming to your class or school in general. From paragraph 6 the author stated, "A classroom computer could recongnize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Ending the conversation with, "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instuctor." Another point which dosn't relate to the fact of changing around lessons for a student would be also in paragraph 6,"...if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." This technology can overall make a students lesson, web browsing, and understanding of materal a lot easier and it could greatly improve their work.
Secondly, the FACS can show students a different range of technology that is fairly new. It could show some kids something they may be passionate for but never knew of, it could be a possible job intrest, a new hobby interest, anything at all. The people using this technology are doing so many things, "The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face;" So they're not only using 3-D software but also, "Using video imagery, the new emotion-recongnition software tracks these facial movements." The people who are specializing in doing this kind of technology, are branching out in very large, and impactful ways. Many students could be interested in doing this, and sometimes if it's not in school and they don't hear of it. They can never find it.
Lastly, having this technology in our school would give us a reason to talk about the basic science of emotion. We can learn about our human bodies and why emotion is displayed so easily, and how it's displayed as well. "According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them." Our faces can move in multiple ways depending on the emotion we feel, as shown in paragraphs 7-8. Why does it do this? This technology can give us a valid reason to talk about the science of emotion more, and we can learn more about this as students or even as teachers.
Finally, either it be the fact that a lesson can be changed based off of if a student is bored or confused. Or that having this technology can show students a wider range of possible job choices, hobby choices, or just learning more about something out of pure intrest. Or lastly, because having this technology around us gives us a reason to talk about the science of emotion in depth. This technology could be extreamly useful, and impactful on students, if the software being used is good and has been shown to be correct. This could be a very good thing to have in schools that our students can use and to possibly even learn about. | 5 |
fb7e5d8 | would using cars less improve our lives? in frnace they enforced a partial driving ban after days of near-record pollution. which is a smart idea to have a partial ban to clear the air then after that has been done they could organize something to help not have this happen in the future. they could have a day dedicated to walking or running to get in better shape. nut they have resorted to something simular.
On monday motorist with even-numbered license plates have been ordered to leave their cars at their homes for the day while odd-numbered license plates were permitied to drive that day and they would switch off every day. seems like an effective plan. although you must always think about the people who dont follow the rules. For example a driver only aloud on tuesday due to his or her odd-numbered license plate drives their car on a monday. these motorist would be issued a fine of 22 euro which in american currency is $31. a large number of motor isnt were not please with this act. in result of this act almostt 4,000 drivers were fined twenty-seven of those motorist had their vehicles impounded for their actions towards the fine they recieved. either they refused to pay or they drove again when they werent aloud to or may have acted in a hostel manner.
congestion droped around 60 percent in the capital of france after five continuos days of intesifying smog. The smog debated between beijing france and china which is the most polluted city. people wanted to know what was to blame for this. The people blamed diesel since frnace has created a tax policy that is in favor of the use of diesel or the use of gasoline. Abgout more than half of frances vehicles are fueled by diesel. 53.3 percent average of vehicles are diesel engines in the rest of europe.
seeing all of these facts has made me come to a conclusion we all need to compromise to make our world cleaner. we have been blessed with this land by god and we shall usde it as we please but if we arent cvarefulo it could fall appart becvause of our carelessness towards or earth we call home. if we all divise a plan weither it be to create more eco friendly cars or have people who live close to school or work walk instead of drive. we can come together and help keep our earth clean. we all may be different. our color, our gender, our religion, but one thing is the same about us. we care about the earth and we want to keep it clean for future generations of humanity. we all share one world lets use it the right way. | 2 |
fb83aad | You can't please everyone when teaching a lesson. Students learn and understand in different ways. For those who become confused, teachers explain it in different ways so that they will understand. It's very common for kids to become bored or uninterested in school. Although this technology is very interesting and could help with a number of things, it won't help in the classroom.
Using this technology and modifying the lesson every time a student makes a confused or bored expression will not benefit the students, in fact, it might confuse them even more. As D'Alto stated in the passage, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson..." Despite the idea that this could be helpful, there are other students in the classroom as well and just because one student is confused or bored by the lesson won't mean that others feel the same. If a student is confused, it is their responsibility to seek help from teachers on their own. Switching the lesson might just confuse the other students.
I will admit, this technology could be helpful in a variety of ways. It could improve things like deciding whether or not politicians are being truthful, or making video game graphics more realistic, etc. Even though it could help in these ways, installing it in classrooms wouldn't be helpful. Schools would spend loads of money to install this program and most likely, the outcome would be that students are more confused and frustrated that the lessons are changing all the time. As I previously stated, it is the student's responsibility to go to a teacher for help if they are confused. And as for being bored, we all need to get through school one way or another. School will help our future. So not having any interest in paying attention will only hurt them.
In conclusion, this technology would be more hurtful than helpful. Students are very capable of understanding certain subjects that are confusing them without a program changing the lesson every time they make an expression. Installing it in schools around the world will not help. Sticking to the old fashioned teacher-standing-up-in-front-of-the-classroom might be the best option for everyone. | 4 |
fb868be | When scientists first saw the face, they figured it was just another Martian mesa. Martian mesa's are pretty common in Cydonia, and this is the only one that had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. After NASA looked at it for a few days they let it out to the public. Scientists believed it was a huge rock formation that just "looks" like a human head. Then, they said that the shadows made it look like it had a nose, eyes, and mouth.
The first web site the Face ever appeared on was JPL web site. It showed a natural land form, and no alien monument after all. However, Alien Researchers believe that since MGS had to peer through whispy clouds to see the face that alien markings were hidden by the haze. Because of this, Mission controllers took a second trip. They took better pictures than the Viking photo and had great results.
Garvin was the Mission Controller in command and he points out that that things in a digital come up three times bigger than the original image. He also says, "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what the were!" He tells us that this is rule of thumb and that he knows what he is doing because this is his job. From this point it would crealy state, comming for Mission Control, that it is in fact not an alien siting. In conclusion, "What the picture actually shows in the Martian equivalent of a butt or masa-landforms common around the American West." | 2 |
fb87fe6 | All around the world different countries have been noticing some things in life that are just better without cars or atleast less cars. With less cars things are more calming; its also better for everyone, including the enviroment.
To begin with, things can be way more calm in a life without cars. Many people happen to beleive that cars can change how you feel for example "When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way"(3). Heidrun Walter always felt tense with a car now she feels calm and relaxed. Life with less cars can be so much more relaxing without all the loud annoying noises cars make. In Vauban they are making some changes to how the people live so they can live more easy and calm. "Vauban, home to 5,500 residents within a rectangular square mile, may be the most advanced experiment in a low-car suburban life."(6). The way this civilization is all the people live close by and everything is close by so you dont really need a car. If everything is close by everything can be more fluent and calm.
In addition, it may be more calm without cars but it is also better for you and the enviroment. "passenger cars are responsible for 12% of greenhouse gas emission in europe... and up to 50% in some car-intensive areas in the United States."(5). Wherever you are in the world greenhouse gasses will most likley affect your environment in some unnatrual way and that is not the best thing for you, the people you know, or all the plants and animals. Without cars polluting earth we would be way more healthy and many animals may not be endangered or extinct like they are today."how much you drive is as important as whether you have a hybrid."(7). If you drive less its not just better for the environment and your health it can also be better for your wallet. If you drive less you save money on gas that you can use for many other things. Overall driving less turns out to be better for everyone.
In conclusion, people driving less can make life easier and calmer, it is also better for people, plants, animals, and don't forget your wallet. | 4 |
fb89c7e | The technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because it can do a lot more than just read emotions to us now. It can help us understand each other, help us answer questions we didn't have the power to answer, and help us become closer as a species. The human emotion is very hard to understand, but once you do your life can become a whole lot easier.
First I think that the technology is valuable because expressions are one of the keys of understand ourselves and each other. In the artical is states, "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal," observes Dr. Huang, "even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression." I think expressions are a way to become a sentiant being to.
I also think its valubal because their are still lots of questons to be answered but can t because the lack of technology but most of it can be answered by just using this. In the text it states, "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." all of the words said in the text were all just based af a 2D photo think what we can do with a photo that's already 3 dimensinal.
Finaly I think that as a spices that amotions sre one of the thing that can hold us back or bring us forward in the future but that just a hypothosis of what i think. In the text it states, "Accoding to the facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving you facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them." Emotions are one of the keys to our future and it's to early to tell but hopefully it will be special.
The human emotion is very hard to understand, but with every thing that is said in the artical you can only hope the computer really becomes something special for all of us to observe. | 3 |
fb8de51 | The world as we know it is quickly and frequently changing. Everything is now digital in at least one aspect. We are in now what one might call the Digital Era. Although the times are changing some things need to stay as analog as possible. An example of this is driving. New technology allows for driverless cars, but this could possibly be one of the most dangerous enhancements that has been created.
The idea of driverless cars has been fancied by visions of the future on televison and movies, but that is where they need to stay. Engineers at Berkeley tried to develop a similar smart car to the one Google has created, but they quickly found out that, "these smat road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was too expensive to be practical,". The upgrades that were needed to help these cars functon were, " electrical cables that sent radio signals to the front end of the car,". These simple adjustments to the roeads could cause cities to purchase the cables, consequently causing that city's government to dig deeper into the taxpayers pockets to pay for them.
Even with the advancements in the driverless car technonlgy, the car can only perform, " at speeds up to 25 mph,". This would the require the driver to still take control of the wheel. This simple fact make the driverless vehicle irrelevant anyway. The whole point of a driverless car is not have to be dependant on humans. With sensors that operate up to a limited speed, " the human driver must remain alert,". Although in support of the driverlass car the question, " why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver," comes up in the article, proving the uselessness of this type of car.
These new cars also could allow for texting and driving, which is one of the number one killers for teen drivers. Driverless cars may have slight warning signs for when the driver has to take over but they can go unrecognized. most traffic laws, " are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times,". In the new cars the human driver is only available for small amounts of time.
All in all, driverless cars are neither needed nor necessary. They are not truky safe and they never will be no matter how many advancements are made to it. The idea of driverlass cars may seem to be the next big thing, but they need to stay in the world of science fiction and never see the light of day. | 4 |
fb9166d | There are many advantages of limiting car usage and today ima tell you a few reasons why that is true.
Time after time day after day we use our cars or motorcycles to get from point A to point B some may think that by driving from point A to point B is harmless but im here to tell other wise. Driving your car or motorcycles everday to work causes pollution in the air it makes the air we breath nasty an unhealty it even causes the temputure to rise which is a big no no the antarticle will melt an rise sea levels. So limiting car usage makes the air a little cleaner an healtier to breath
Limiting car usage even helps you save a little extra money cause with gas prices so high it aint cheap to get from point A to point B it cost more to travlel. In some places they even offerd free transport from friday to monday which is great! who wouldnt want free transport i mean whats better than saving money an helping the pollution decrease making the air more freasher an clean. Atfer days of near record pollution paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city those who refused to obey were fined 22 euro($31) other got the vechials impounded
The less cars on the street the less likley accidents are to happpen sometimes the roads are just to pack an squished you can braley get by thats why many car accidents happen with the car free day makes everyone a little more safer. since the car free day the parks and sports centers have bloomed many peopel are out having a good time riding thier bikes an enjoying the fresh air they dont have to worry about cars hitting them or wasting gas an polluting the air.
In the untied states the enviromental protection agency is promting car reduced communities. many experts expect public transport serving suburbs to play a much larger role in a new six-year federal transportation bill. Americans are buying fewer cars drving less and getting fewer licenses each year goes by. | 3 |
fb97d68 | With Tesla, Google, and a myriad of companies working hard to create the future of driverless cars the present, many problems have arised whether or not this is a good direction to go to. Already, several manufactures have included elements of driverless driving into cars they create, from self parking to driving on the freeway. Driverless cars are a good idea as they would increase the ability of public transportation, make for easy travel for the user, and increase the potentional of stores and shipping.
One of the many reasons that driverless cars are a good ideas is that it would lead to a more energy effiecent public transportation system. As the article, Driverless Cars Are Coming states, replacing a taxi system with a group of driverless cars would use half the fuel of the taxis, along with being much more flexible than normal transportation systems. This along with electric cars soon being a easy to access option would revolutionize the public transportation world. This would easily lead to fleets of driverless cars roaming around cities and picking up anyone who needed a ride to go somewhere almost immediately, which companies such as Uber are trying to accomplish, and using the possiblity of wireless charging, would allow these cars to travel almost indefinetly which would redefine the public transporation system. Although such a system seems too complicated to be possible, new public transporation companies such as Uber and Lyft already are trying to implement many of these elements, such as having the drivers roam around near city hotspots where people are in need of rides often, in order to be as energy efficent as possible.
Another reason that driverless cars are a good idea is that it would make for very easy travel for the user. Imagine a car which you could climb into on a late friday night, tell the car to go to a city which would normally take 3-5 hours to travel to, and waking up the next morning at the destination. Although this exact scenario still has several years to be a reality, car manufactures are attemping to do things related to this. Already, Tesla has implemented a self driving system to make a morning commute to work very easy. The car can open your garage door, leave your house, and then close the door with no human interaction. Once you start driving and hit a busy freeway with bumper to bumper traffic during rush hour, you can set the car to drive itself, while being completly aware of its surroundings, braking when the car in front of it is too close, and accelerating when there is a clear path. Although this may scare people as people could think that the driver could not be paying attention to the road, many cars like this have a feature to make sure the driver has their hands ready to be on the wheel, and that the driver is alert as to what is happening. Once the car reaches your office's parking lot, you can find an open spot, and have the car park itself into the spot, even if that means having to parrallel park.
Lastly, one of several reasons driverless cars are a good ideas is that driverless cars would drastically increase the potentional of stores and the shipping of their goods. Companies in Europe have already made driverless trucks which can ship goods across the country, which could soon be implemented into the United States. In the U.S., there are severeal services which involve the user using an app to notify a person what goods you want to get at a certain store or two, having that person go to that store and buy whatever goods you requested, and having the person drop off the goods at your front door. This could easily save time for the workers by having a driverless car pick up the goods that you requested, and having that car drive to your house and drop off the goods, all while the worker is helping another customers.
Overall the future of driverless cars would redefine the world we live, making everybodies life much easier. Driverless cars are a good ideas as they would increase the possiblity of public transportation, make for easy travel for the user, and increase the potentional of stores and shipping. | 5 |
fb9a39b | The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. Movement of one or more muscles is called an "action unit." Dr. Paul Eckman, the creator of FACS (Facial Action Coding System). He has classified six basic emotions - happiness,suprise,anger,disgust,fear, and sadness each characteristic movements of the facial muscles. For example, your frontalis pars lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raise your eyebrows when you're suprised; your orbicularis oris(around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger. Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software can even identify mixed emotions. Each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion). "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an efective human instructor." The same technology can make computer -animatedfaces more expressive- for video games or video surgery. Muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crow's-feet around your eyes. But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius. To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful. I belive it can read your emotional expressions better than a average human can because it can scan your face and see what your emotion is even if you pretend to be happy and your not. I think its a great creation soon everyone will use it and believe to. | 1 |
fb9cf79 | Astronomers are facinated by Venus because it may well once hve been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth.
In our solar system, Venus is the second planet from our sun. Venus sometimes called the "Evening Star," is one of the brightest pints of light in the nighty sky, make it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot.However, this nickname is misleading since Venus is actually a planet. Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. Beyond high pressure and heat Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to proves seeking to land on its surface.
Each mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours.
Not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more then three dacades.
Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite it's proximety to us.
Astronomers and astronauts could help to know more about Venus and any other planet on our solar system. | 1 |
fb9e259 | Technology adavncements have come a long way since the primitive sticks and stones of the early human era and dueing this time humans have been constanly creating new inventions for different tasks. now there is a new technology that will allow people to calculate emotions. This new invention to read humans emotions to an exceptionally accurate percent can and will be a valuable asset later in life for reading our emotions which in turn will help tell the truth when we dont want to,find what is bothering people so it can be fixed, as well as keeping people focused in their daily lives.
This will be useful in our everday lives because it is a more advanced and accurate form of something we already use daily. for instance we as humans "calculate" these emotions when we are looking at a friend and we can "tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on his or her face". but despite that we humans still cannot accurately describe and convey the truth behind the emotion. we may see a person who is happy but in reality they are very down and upset or angry. this is where this new technology comes into play. With this new tecnology people will be able to find the true emotion becuase it can detect mixed emotions and the emotions that make it up. because of this peoople then can respond in a way that is needed to either make the situation better or keep it on the same topic that it is currently on. this technology could also keep people focused and alert due to this technology responding to keep attention to the task at hand. for example
" a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored ." "then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor." Or if you are an adult the technology could respond to your emotions and change itself to fit your needs the best. This use of the new technology would help both the people of the working class and students who are trying to stay focused on the class and its lessons. in addition to this the technology can also be used for entertainment. the technology would "make computer -animated faces more expressive" which would ensure more happines from the user.
Because of all the advanced tasks that the new technology can do such as help tell the truth, keep attention to task at hand, help fit itself to specific needs and create better entertainment. This new technology will come with great benefits and is definetly a helpful recource that should be implmented into classrooms and other facilities to ensure a better and more productive daily life. | 4 |
fb9fd40 | There are pros and cons for both whywe should keep and get rid of the Electoral college.
You are voting for the electors, not the president. Voters don't get to choose the electors. Some electors might even defy the wishes of the people who voted for them. There are 538 electoral votes, which is an even number so their could be a tie.
It is rare that eletors will defy the wishes of the voters, but it has happened. In 2000 Gore had a high percentage of the popular vote than electoral votes. This is so rare that the only other time that it happened was in 1888. Most states give electoral votes on a winner-takes-all basis, some split the votes a little bit, because of this there is a clear winner. In the case of electoral votes, no one region of the United States can win alone, so the votes are spread out. If presidential elections were decided directly by the popular vote than region favorites would be elected abd the rest of the voters would feel that they did'nt vote for the president that was elected. Presidential candidates are most likely to campaign in "swing states" that they know they cn win the electoral votes from. Voters in these states are most likely to pay close attention to both candidates, so the most thoughtful voters will get the most representation. The most populated states or the "big states" get the most electoral votes, meaning the states with the most people the the most representation. With the Electoral College you increase your chances of having a majority (fifty percent or more). While there can be a tie, this is rare.
Since there are good arguements on both sides, a decision has to be made after careful thought. | 2 |
fba4121 | I am for the value of using this technology to read students emotional expressions. I think this because if a student is having a hard time in class and is stressed out, or even getting mad the teacher can help them.
The first quote that supports my claim is "Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements- in a real face or in the painted face of mona lisa." This quote supports my claim because it tells what the facial action coding system can do.
The second quote that supports my claim is "Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc." This quote supports my claim because this quote is saying how some people might not be able to tell what someones emotions are so the facial action coding system could help them do that.
The last quote that supports my claim is when Dr. Huang predicts "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." This quote supports my claim because Dr. Huang says that it could help recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.
If a student is having a hard time in class and is stressed out or even getting mad the teacher can help them. I believe this to still be true and maybe one day the facial action coding system will help us in the class room or anywhere all over the world. | 2 |
fba7e12 | There are many things a computer can do and could tell you if it could. Computers know many things about you and what things you like without even telling you, it comes from your way of expression and thinking. Would it be cool determine how someone really feels by using an computer software? Yes it could. For example students in a classroom when you look around people around you might have different expressions when it comes to different things. Some expressions can't be determined always by an human eye, people around you may look sad or happy and etc. but, that is only what you see within the human eye.
All people have many different expressions than just one expression that you in your class may appear to see. Expression is determined not only by how the face looks like or how the mouth looks, It is all determined by the muscles in the human face like cheek bones. All the studies made by you and others, not always computer or any source of science.
This person named Dr. Huang thought in his head that computers can already determine many things in a humans preference by the things a human finds appealing or disturbing. Dr. Huang predicted that since the web can determine all things by preferences it could the modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. Most people spend many hours nonverbal and on technology to realize how a person might feel next to them without even paying attention so Dr. Huang noted that and figured out computers know so much that they could understand that too.
Like mirriors or anything that is reflectable can determine how you may feel when you look at yourself no matter if you groom or stare. If your in a classroom a teacher, computer, etc might ask you to describe a picture which I know this happened many times before, but it might ask and people may give variety answers that you might think is right as well. With an software it can determine how the person or something might really feel.
By the help of professor Thomas Huang and Nicu Sebe they decided to create a 3-D model on a software with 44 different muscle models like humans facial expressions and did test to figure the percentage of an human face isn't that cool. This came to use on the Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo studies of anatomy which he uses on the painting made it look like he painted a lady which appeals to be smiling but also has other expressions which was also thought by the two scientists. The fundamentals of the computers unique ways gave percentages of the painting. How you might ask? By the following of stretched muscles which are called zygomatic and different muscles called risorius.
This is amazing so even using this can determine how a person feels in your daily life especially being around others in a classroom because maybe not everyone might feel the same as you might. It also gives more descriptions of how a person may feels than how you may think within the human eye. This could be helpful all around the human community studies of others. Instead of asking people whats wrong or how they are feeling you would already know by using the Facial Action Coding System. Do you think your guesses of how you may feel or others is right? Give the system a check maybe it might prove you wrong? | 4 |
fba8915 | I do not agree with technology to read students emotional expressions should be used because it is just a waste of money. I honestly believe that teachers or former students should know when someone is upset angry or happy. I mean it would be irrelavent for a school to spend thouasands of dollars to know when someone is upset. Teachers should be able to see if their own students would be upset.
Schools could spend the money on more important things like for textbooks gym equipment sports classrooms or even build another part to the school not some emotion detector. But hey it is 2018 anything could happen. In paragraph 5 it states "In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face."
DR. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." How could that even work. | 2 |
fbb4b88 | The Challenge of Exploring Venus
Every planet is different and unique in their own way. Every planet is known for what they are and I'm going to talk about Venus.
Venus is our second planet in our solar system, many people agree and disagree that studying Venus is and is not pursuit despite the dangers it presents of the author saying and I agree with the author because it could be dangerous enough if someone would go up in space and not be prepared. Reasons why I think it wouldn't be a good idea because in the text in paragraph six it says that "Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus". In my own words I believe it is not safe because what if it doesn't last long ?
I believe that Venus is a good planet but it's not safe studying in Venus. I understand that people may disagree but everyone safety is important first when they go up in space. | 2 |
fbb4c9d | If aliens really exsisted wouldn't we know by now? Reasons on why the mark on mars is not a face, is because our technology, scientific facts, and oursafety. Going into detail i will tell you more reasons on why this is a natural land form.
The mark on mars is a natural land mark, because our technology is advanced in so many ways. First, since the day we have found the mark we have advanced in technology. We have grown, and have more machines that can help determine what it is. Another example is that the technology we have is supposed to determine, and help figure out what certain things are. This example shows that with the technology we have is really advance therefor by now wouldn't you think we could be able to determin what the mark is? Atlast another example would be how the technology we have we can determin weather its a living artifact or not. This example shows that how far we have come since we have found it we would know what it really is. The reason on why the mark on mars is not put there by aliens is because the advancement in technology.
Another reason the land mark on mars is not put there by aliens is because scientific facts. An example would be how scientists can determine weather it is a land form or not. This example shows if the mark can be proven as a land form it cannot be put there by aliens. Another example is that a land mark comes in many different shapes and sizes. This example shows that is can come in the appearence of a face, but that doesn't mean it is one. Atlast is because scientist have already determined what the shape is. In the story it says "that's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same heigt as the face on mars." The reason the mark on mars wasnt b an alien becaus it has been scientificaly proven to be a mesa.
Atlast the reason the mark on mars is not a mak from the aliens is because our safety. First an example would be the government would inform us if aliens were proven to be on mars. This example shows that we have a right to know weather or not there are aliens. Next, another example would be because if it can be proven to be something els than we would be told. This shows that if the mark can be identified by scientists that its a natural land mark than it would be told to be a natural land mark. Atlast is because we would be more aware and secure with the world. We would be more frightened and want to keep the world domed and blocked so no creatures are able to enter the world. The reason the
mark is not b an alien is because the world would know by now.
The face (Mesa) on mars has been scientifically proven to just be a natural land mark. The reasons it can be proven is by our technology, scientific studies, and our safety. | 4 |
fbb5a77 | The Electoral College is a system that should no longer be used because it is based on an outdated system from the first years of our country's independence. It would be much more beneficial to use the popular vote as the final vote. One reason is that one canidate can get more votes, but still lose the election! Another is that many states never get to see the potential president speak, as to make their descion. Lastly voting would be easier to count and to understand for citizens and those who work the election.
In 2000, the electoral college failed to properly represent our country's people. More people voted for Al Gore, but Bush still won the election. In the states where Bush did win, it made the people who voted for Al Gore insignificant and their votes would never again be considered. Even if in every state a paticular canidate won by one vote, that person would still get every electoral vote, because they won the state, this is mostly an issue in large states. This is unfair to the losing canidate because their voters never really got a chance. If it was a popular vote, voting would be much more direct and easier to understand. Citizens might even be unaware that they aren't really voting for the president, they are voting for their electoral college representative. With popular vote, there would be no more confusion, and no more worrying about comparing the two voting methods.
Another reason is that some states may never get a chance to see their potential president speak. Potential presidents tend to go speak in swing states, or states that may vote either for them or for their opponent, since it is based on the states vote not the individual people. When a president goes to speak in a swing state they are convincing people that it will be a better choice to vote for them, not the other canidate. If somebody lived in Rhode Island, for example, they would never get the chance to see their potential president speak, therefore they would have to make their descion based on television speeches, newspaper articles, etc.
Also states that tend to vote one way or another often do not get visited because there is no point in trying to convince a state to vote for you that is definitley already going to vote you, to vote for you, and vice versa. Swing states with high populations are really the only states that are visited. It is no promise that the potential president will go to every state or even every region, but they will more likely than not visit different states than they would have before. If popular vote decided who would become president, it likely would no longer be true for presidents to only visit swing states.
Last, the entire election process would be much more simplistic. There would be a whole group of people who no longer would have to be a part of the process, and the less people, the less mistakes. Also each state could still add up their votes, then add all the state's votes together and voila, the president has been chosen, by the people. There would be no more arguments as to who really won the election, as in popular vote versus electoral college. Also there would be much less of a chance for a tie, the more numbers the less each number is worth. Overall, the electoral college adds unecessary complications to a potentially simple system.
The popular voting system would still be difficult to take care of, but much better than the previous system, the despised electoral college. Throughout the years we have seen twice where our course of history could have been radically changed, with a different president. The popular vote system would increase the power of the people, allow more people to see the president speak, and get rid of unecessary complications and confusion of the electoral college. | 5 |
fbb6e0e | As a child, I dreamed of the future. There has been many movies that were different ideas of what the future of our world could be like. A common idea is the idea of futuristic cars. Cars are a very common way of traveling. They're convienient, and easy to operate. Unfortunately, driving cars does cause a lot of deaths and injuries because there are many accidents that occur. The new idea that is developing is driverless cars, meaning that people do not have to control the car at all times. Many states will not allow driverless cars to be tested, but I think that they could be very beneficial and can do more good than harm to us in the future. Driverless cars should continue to be developed because it will make traveling more convienient, it will save money, and reduce the amount of car accidents.
Driverless cars will make traveling a lot easier and more convienient. When driving to a place that's far away, a lot of times a person has to stop somewhere overnight so they can rest. If they had a driverless car, they can sleep while the car gets them where they need to go. It will cut down the amount of time it takes to get places, which is very helpful. Also, when a person travels on an unfamiliar road it is very easy to make a wrong turn or just go a wrong way. Sometimes, turning around isn't an option for a while which can make it a very stressful and annoying thing. A driverless car would not make those mistakes. The GPS system in them will let them know exactly where to go.
Saving money is something that a lot of people try to do, and driverless cars can help with that. When traveling, you have to stop and stay at a hotel. Hotels can be very expensive, but if someone is too tired to keep driving, they have to stop and stay at one. With a driverless car, a person does not have to stop and stay at a hotel. While you sleep, the car keeps driving. So instead of wasting a huge amount of money on hotel rooms, you can save it for more important things.
So many people die every year because of car accidents. A big reason why is because people do not pay attention to the road while driving, which is very dangerous. Driverless cars can reduce the amount of car accidents. The car drives itself, and if you do not have to be paying attention to the road all the time, a person could text and do other things while they are in the car. Since the car has sensors and all kinds of different functions, it can brake, accelerate, turn, etc by itself. If everyone's car did all of these things, then the amount of accidents will be reduced because cars will be paying attention to the road at all times. It wil not be distracted by a phone or another person; therefore, there should be far less accidents that occur.
How could someone possibly be opposed to driverless cars? They could benefit people in so many ways. Although the development of them would be a long and tedious process, it'd be completely worth it. Driverless cars could even save lives. Continuing the development of them could change our world in such a positive way. I think they shoud continue developing driverless cars because it will make traveling more convienient, save people money, and reduce the amount of car accidents. | 4 |
fbb93e4 | The Electoral collage is a process , not a place. The founding fathers established it in the constitution as comprimise between election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The thing is the president shouldnt be picked on his personality or his or hers past, they should be judged by the changes they can make and how they can make it better for the people on the out side world. they shouldnt be voted by the fancy no good stuck ups in the office 24/7 bc half the time they dont know good, i mean look at the president we have now.
The process consists of the section of the electors, which they vote president or vice president. under the Electoral collage system voters vote not for president but for a state of elections. They shouldnt have to vote like that , why have the office men and women vote president? When u could have the citizens of state do it. The office men and women dont know what the citizens want or need. There just there to get money and sit on there butts 24/7 and do nothing but make poor decisions as a reference to our president.
The most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote. Then in that case the election would be thrown to The House of Representatives , where state delegations vote on the president. There shouldnt be a tie and having to be thrown in to The House of Represntatives. The president shouldnt be selected by valets and posters. they should be picked based apone what there capable of and how they can change the owrld and make it a better and safer place. The president we have now didnt come with its benifites.
At all basic levels the Electoral collage is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-takes-all system in each states, candidates dont spend time in each state they know they have no changes of winning or losing , so they focus only on the tight races. | 2 |
fbc0771 | Would it a be a great thing that a technology read your emotions? Based on the passage the Facial Action Coding System would be a great thing to use to discover other people emotions, but I am against the value of using this technology to read students' emotional expressions.The three reasons why I am against this technology is because most people don't want others to know, it would change the students' mood, and the others would have their attention to that person emotions.
This technoloy states the emotions mixed into one person but that person doesn't want nobody to simply notice their emotions. For example, students' that are excellent in school don't want their emotions be expelled and want to be a great example to others. People are weak when people found out about their emotions they feel in them. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling by the look on their face.
The emotions being discovered could also put a mood to the classes or students. For example, if a student is feeling bad the other classmates would feel worried because they want to figured out what is going on. The emotions are for each individual to express not to spread around. Especially it could affect others from outside school which keeps the student from studying and staying focus in classes.
The emotions could get people attention. The emotion could get people wonder why this persons' emotion changed or like this. Students are would also want determine the characteristics movements of the facial muscles. For example in the passage states that the muscles above your eyes raises your eyebrows when you're surprised, and other thing is that the area around your mouth tightens your lips it will show anger. Another example is, if a student has a excellent emotions but reality nobody knows if they are happy or sad or the probabilities of being insane.
In conclusion, I am against the claim that the Facial Action Coding System to indentify the the human emotional expression in the school. The three reasons in because people don't want others to know, it could affect the others, and people would like to know the true expression of one emotions. Is this technology for the best in the human society or not? | 4 |
fbc2ba4 | Limiting car usage is a great idea. If this ever does happen it will be a new Revolution for us all. Some might say that its outragious and unthinkable but it will benefit us in many ways. If we limit car usage there will be less polution, less stress, less traffic, more outside activities which means being healthier and last but not least it will be safer.
To begin with, with limited car usage there will be less polution and less stress. Most of our polution comes from cars, the smoke that the engine of the car lets out causes it. For example, Paris suffered a "near-record pollution" (source 2) due to the diesel. But after they enforced a fine of 22- euro "congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France"(source 2). Don't you think that this is a positive outcome and this is benefiting us? Polution is a very important issue in the United States and we need to fix it or at least try. Now lets talk about stress, everybody has stress even if its from school, work, family ect. And everybody wants to have the least amount of stress as possible or no stress at all. If we limit the car use that will be taking a stress away from oneself, "when i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way,"(source 1). Because that way parents dont have to worry whether their kids will get home safely. They wont have to worry about if they got into an accident, if after the pary they drived home intoxicated. Car accidents are very common in the United States and has caused many deaths so why not reduce that number,of deaths, and reduce car usage in the process? And not only for parents ,but elderly's as well because some senior citizens still drive with or without license and that could cause a mayor incident.
Furthermore, by redusing car usage there will be more outdoor activities which means that it will be a lot more healthier. Think about it, by driving a car you dont exercise but if a person walks to a place, they are exersicing. For example, in German Suburb people have a limited car usage and you can hear the "swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occassional distant motor"(source 1). The person could hear the outside activity and not the sound of cars passing by which means there was interaction between folks. Also, "parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city..."(source 3) and isnt the government,especially Michelle Obama, trying to always give out messages of not only eating helathy but playing outside and interact with the community? well this is one way we can support that. Plus in this 21st century kids are always on their phones, tablets, computer and when they go out its to hang out with friends at the movies a party but they use cars. If the car usage is limited they wont have that many options and they could interact outside of their little "bubble". What ever way you look at this its gonna be a positive outcome even if its small.
Moreover, by reducing car usage there will be definetely less traffic and it will be a new beginning. To prove this points, in Bogota, Colombia "million of Colombians hiked, biked, skated ot took buses to work during a car- free day yesterday, leaving the street of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams" (source 3). People hate traffic, it has not been known a person that doesnt. So, reducing car usage is equal to reducing traffic jams, why not do it then? Now it was never said that there will be absolutely no cars just the decrease with it. There will be public transportations like taxis and buses but even if those where still be able to be used there wont be as much traffic. It is understandable that people sometimes need to get to places where you cant really walk to get there so the public transportation will be permitted. Also this will mean a "new beginning", Enrique Riera, mayor of Praguay said "These people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing boreders," (source 3). This statement says it all a "revolutionary change" its what we need. People are depending in cars so much and thats not good.
To end this thoughts, it is a great idea to limit the usage of cars. People will have one less thing to worry about and who woulnt like that huh? Also it will be healthy for the environment and the citizens and lets not forget, there will be less of a traffic jam. Plus it will be a big change but at the same time it wouldnt because statistics have shown that " Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by" (source 4). So it already started little by little we just have to accelerated the process a bit more."As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995" (source 4),just think about all the positive outcomes of this change. | 5 |
fbc40bd | I think it the facial action coding system would be good and bad in a classroom. I has some good and bad things about it like if a kid didnt want anyone to know about whats going on or if he just didnt know whats wrong with him/her. I think we sould really give kids the right to hide their feelings if they want to because i know what its like not talking about thinks but there is only so much people can take before talking so kids should reealy have the right to hide it if they want to. It could also inbarise kids because of them not wanting anyone to know they are sad or mad but the computor knows and they had not choice if the computor knows or not. I think kids have the right to have a little privetce and not have to tell anyone whats going one.
The facial action coding system is a good thing in school by letting the teacher know that something isnt right with that student and somethimng need to happen. i think that it will help kinds lern in school. I know when im sad i really just dont want to do anything at all and kids might feel that they dont have to do anything. kind need school the world we are living in would kill if we didnt have school so i nfeel like with other help for people teachers and the facial action coding system we could make the world smarter.
when i think about the facial action coding system i think yes it does take privatce away from kids a little but at the end its really help kids out in school or with bulling problems i think there sould be facial action coding systems in school with limits. | 3 |
fbc4427 | Dear senator,
I think for electing the president of the united states we should use popular vote because, sometimes certain presidents got more popular votes but the electoral college voting gave them president with the least popular votes with the election and they became president.
In the election between Gore and Bush, Gore had more popular votes than Bush but Bush still became president because of the electoral college voting system it needs to be changed. States with smaller electoral college voters don't have as much say in who's gonna become president,most of the states don't have more than 10 electoral college voters for them but, in the bigger states like califorina,texas,and florida have the most electoral college voters so they bascilly control who's gonna become president.
This is why I think the electoral college voting system should be removed because of its bad way of helping the united states in picking a president and sometimes it can help a bad person become president and ruin this country since it's mostly polticans who are the electoral college voters and they could just pick the person they want to be president and that person could be a horrible president. | 2 |
fbc6a12 | 12% of all green house gas in Europe is from is from car emissions and up to 50% in the United States. The earth needs a change while it still can. Theres already many countries that are trying to do something, France; the U.S. ;and Colombia just to name a few. Taking a break and not driving cars has so many pros and very little cons. Yes, you might have to walk and might lose some wieght but it may decide how much longer humans can stay on earth.
What comes out of your car, that's what you are breathing. Would you rather breath burn gasoline fumes or fresh clean air? Its your choice, every year billions of people driving cars that are releasing a gas ,CO2, into the air which is posionus to humans. What happens after the world gets full of it? I honestly don't want to see.
Not only is car pooling and taking public transportation cheaper that paying for gas but it also helps keep the green house gasses down more that if everyone was driving. A recent study by Doug Short of Advisor Perspectives shows that more Americans are driving less cars every year. Join your fellow Americans, you won't regret it.
Soon enough cars are going to get banned and fines will be put in place that are given to people who drive gas powered cars. Do you really want this to happen? People getting fined just becasue they had to go to work or to see there family? I'm pretty sure you o don't, so lets make the world a little more car free. Then thus make the world CO2 free.
Now there's a reletively new car that runs on electric. Although these cars are not exacly cheap, but they are motorless and gasless and they don't release CO2 into the atmosphere and they look nice too. If that doen't suit you there is a hydrogen powered car coming out in 2015. If you dont think you can handle that then there is always busses, taxis and bikes. Then if you still can't find something you like there's walking, humans where built with legs, use them.
Think about how you want your children and there children to live there lifes and how you and the rest of the earth can effect them and how you can keep there lifes free of poisonus CO2. Consider the walk or bus ride and maybe even investing in an eletric car or a bycicle. | 4 |
fbccbda | When useing a new form of technology you don't know what you are going to get. Some new technology can be a major help like 3-d printers and new computers that make things more conveient for you. But when you are dealing with new technology like an emotional scanner you don't always know what you are going to get out of it. If you think about it in the long-run an emotioal scanner can help make school more interesting, They can tell you if your freinds are haveing a good time, And it can help you feel better about your self.
"A class room computer can identify when a student is getting bored or confused."When you are in school and your teacher tells you that you he/she will not be teaching you today about your lesson, but the computer will. You will be happy or sad how ever you fell about the teacher, not knowing that there is a emtioal scanner in the computer. You start the lesson and you are starting to get bored then all of a sudden the computer sarts talking to you like an instrutor would helping you with questions and makeing fun for you. That was just one of the many ways that an emotioal scanner can help when it is released publicly.
We humans can calaculate emotions every day, when you are out with your freinds then you see one of them not haveing fun because something may have happened in there lives, and you did not know. What if you had an emotioal scanner it could tell you how to brighten up their day. Then you and your other freinds spend the day makeing them feel better so they forget what they were sad about in the first place. It could be compatable with you school life to it dosen't just help you with your lessons it can help you with your freinds problems at school to. Say that your freind just got a bad grade on a test they really studied for you can use the emotional scanner to make them fell better for the next test they take.
When you are watching videos and an ad comes up and you can't skip it,the emotinal scanner in your phone can change the ad to something that you like. So when you are sitting there and an ad for dish soap comes on in the middle of your show the emotional scanner can change instantly. When you go back into watching your show right after an ad you can feel better after it going back into your show. It could help you feel better when you come home from school. When you had a bad day the emotinal scanner can turn on your favorite video game and make you think that the school was just a bad dream.
There are many ways that an emotinal scanner can help. It could make school more intersting, it could tell you how your freinds fell, and it could make you feel better about yourself. So next time you feel sad or one of your freinds feel sad just remmber what if I had an emotinal scanner. You could change the world for the better. I f emotinal scanners where open to the public nobody would be sad ever again. | 4 |
fbd405f | Pursuiting a study of Venus is a really great idea, you learn that its like earths twin. Venus has been called Earth's twin the Evening Star, because its one of the brightest points in the night sky. But the problem with Venus is that its nicknames misslead you. In paragraph two, it talks about how in some past missions they have sent space crafts that haven't survived the landing and if they did it was for only a few hours. It has been three decades since we sent anything to Venus. In paragraph three they talk about how Venus's surface temperatures are over 800 degrees and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times grater than Earth. With that environment its posible to crush a ship or submarine. Studying Venus can be a great thing but we still don't know alot about the planet sending some one up there is crazy. Eapasually because we haven't sent anything up there in three decades, sending a human would be crazy. | 2 |
fbd60ab | Driverless cars are a great idea in concept, but they may be further off then we expect in the masses. While cars that are capable of driving themselves do exist, they rely on the driver to be attentive. The cars are good in concept but lack in the areas of econimic availability, self control under its own awareness, and the possibility of a human driver taking over the reigns at a bad opportunity.
Now, save for the upper middle and upper class, the cost of a car is generally too high for someone in the middle to lower middle class to even think about purchasing a brand new car. Newer model cars are expensive enough from common brands like Chevy, Dodge, and Ford. The manufactures like Mercedes-Benz, Audi and some newer sport-class Nissans are too high to even think about. The idea of a car like that would be just a dream to some people. Who knows how much a self aware car would go for. The amount of programming and man hours it would take to get the car going does not even surmount to the possible costs of maintenence. You could take the mechanics already aware of the technology and upcharge everyone just because you get greedy, or you could take small shop mechanics and force them to understand new concept and possibly even invest in new technology. After that, what about the accidents. Imagine you total you brand new smartest car. Who is to say that your insurance will even have a policy if you become one of the few first people to own the smartest car. With inflation, it only makes things worse. All in all, economically, the "smartest" car may not be your smartest choice.
One of the subjects I plan on touching on is the cars capability of driving itself in the first place. Now, I know the author brought up the point that while there is "Traffic Jam Assistant" from BMW the author very well shows that this is still somewhat a ways away from being capable of driving itself. The full self-awareness of a car is the suspected dream in my eyes, so the Traffic Jam Assistant by BMW is not necessarily a step in the wrong direction, but rather a baby step into the foothold of what will, possibly be, fully automated and self driving cars. While I do not necessarily agree with the full development of mass quantities of smartest cars,
I do believe small aspects such as the Traffic Jam Assistant and other small changes into a vehicles capabilities could definitly make a change in the world and possibly create a relatively safer driving enviroment in the future.
The final subject I would like to touch on is possibly the worst thing that could happen if these cars are produced in the masses; What if a human driver took over the wheel, in fear or for some other reason, and caused an accident. Now, I know what you may think, "Oh but they're fully automated, they can drive themselves why would you need a human behind the wheel." Well, when you think about it, neurologically, the brain has more computing power than the average computer (courtesy of the book "What If") and may be able to react faster or even alter the cars movement and take notice before a computer does. Now this is a good thing. Or is it. When you think about it, it is really a coin toss at that point. While a human may be able to react faster and better, we may also overreact to a situation. What I mean by this is imagine there is a deer in the road. Now the computer may attempt to purely stop but human instinct makes us want to avoid this dear at all costs. So you swerve and avoid the deer. Lucky you, you just totalled your smartest car on the biggest oak tree you have ever seen. Now this is just a worse case scenario but I am sure you can see the picture I attempted to paint with my crude situation.
At the end of it all, looking back, the smartest car is not necessarily the worst idea we have ever com up with, but it is by far not the best. One could argue that the smartest car could be a new revolution of vehicles and could change the way we think about driving. That is true, but who ever said it would be a good change. Sure a self aware car would be cool, but whenever something can go wrong, it will go wrong. While the concept is good, I just do not believe that it is the proper time to be bringing self driving cars onto the roads of this world. Maybe one day it will be, but I hope that it remains a concept car until we can work more kinks out of its base structure. | 5 |
fbd86c9 | I think that everyone shoulkd be a part of Seagoing Cowboys because, not only if you join this program you will see and go to places you have ever been before .There is more to this program than just going to a place and seeing it just to see, but to go and learn and help the people that are having problems with the things they may or not need. The adventure that we go on are eye opening. Helping around the places we go are very fun but can also dangerous . Even though your on a boat or ship you can find fun in spare time.
There are also benefits of going places around the world like Europe and China. Other places that benefits you is Greece you can see the Acropolis, and more. The most speacial thing of all is the bond that you make with the people in the the places that you go to. Some people in the program bond with each other because there are 44 nations. As in addtion to my statement there are a lot of people and things that the peole need ,an if those people could change places with use they would do the same.
The UNRRA has helped the Seagoing Cowboys programe ship and improve. So I think that every one sould want to be a part of the Seagoing Cowboys. | 2 |
fbde6e5 | Have you ever thought about what your life would be like without a car? May of us can't even seem to grasp the concpet. So many America's are too dependant on their vehicles but, other places across the world such as; Germany, Paris, and Bogota have began working on this new concept. I strongly support the idea of no car usuage, just think of the benefits that could come from it, conservation of rescourses, lowered pollution, improved safety, and just think of all the money you would save without a car. The possiblities are endless.
Pollution and bad air are problems we face all around the world, and cars have much to do with it. "If the pattern persists- and many sociologists believe it will- it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviroment" (Source 4: The end of Car Culture). Intense pollution and bad health are problems that are faced all around the world, imagine the positive effects we would see not only in our enviroments but in our own selves if we stop car usage. We need to protect the world we live it by keeping it clean, also keep ourselves healthy in order for survival.
Many families lose loved ones every year due to vehicle related accidents, cars and traffic have a good percentages of deaths each year. "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capitol of France, after five-days" (Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog). Congestions has to do with traffic, adults complain every day about traffic and how dangerous it is. "It's a good was to take away stress" (Source 3: Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota). We spend a lot of our lives streesing over many things, why add the stress of traffic and wrecks? We have many more important things to spend our time worrying about, we shouldn't stress over something that we can live without. Taking away vehicles would wipe out stress, traffic, and many deaths a year.
Financal problems aren't a forgein subject. Almost everyone can recall a time in their life either when they were facing the problems themself or heard about a close friend or family memeber going through a tough time. "All of our develpoment since World War 2 has been centered on the car, and that will have to change" (Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars). Not only people but countries have been guilty of putting cars infront of other neccessities. Many young adults will base their finances around a car of their choice when we all know their are far more imporant bills to be paid. Also, with taking away the centering of cars we have time to face and solve more imporant issues. Taking out cars would give people a chance to get their priorities straight.
This is why I strongly support the idea of no cars, I see nothing but positive results that would come and many other would agree. Improved safety, lowered pollution, improved safety, and money savings are just the beginning. I understand most can't imagine life without their vehicle but change isn't always a bad thing, especially when there's many factors at stake. | 5 |
fbe8b9e | Yes, I believe that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit also. In paragraph 4, it states "astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar sytem." It was once covered with large oceans. Venus has features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. If Earth was to end Venus would possibly be our best choice to go to.
Venus is referred to as Earth's "twin." Venus has the density and size closest to Earth. In paragraph 8, is states " Venus has value." Only because the insight we have so far on Venus is unbelievable. Studying more on this planet may lead us to many equally intimidating endeavors.
There are also many more things we need to study about Venus, that may not be so safe. Venus is the second planet to our sun, which may be too hot for humans to be on. This planet is a very challenging place to examine. Each mission that was sent to Venus no spacecraft has survived more than a few hours. In paragraph 2, it states "not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades." Not one person have been missioned to go to Venus for those reasons.
In paragraph 3, it states "temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit." Also in paragraph 3, is saids "the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." These issues are way too dangerous for humans to be on. Solar power could be plentiful but the raditation would not exceed Earth levels. This may still be survival for humans.
In paragraph 6, it states "researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance." Like I have said no human has been on Venus because they will die right away. But, they believe they can make a machince that last long enough to live to take those samples. They would have to make that machine with mechanical parts so that it can be more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. In paragraph 8, it states " Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." I believe they will and can studying farther than they have in the past years. | 3 |
fbee000 | Do i think the technology is a good value . Yes the use of technology to read a students emotional expression in a classroom to me is valuable in my opinion . For expample in paragraph 6 it say that '' a computer can recongnize when a student is confused or bored'' so why not use the technology to tell if the student is sad or happy to cheer them up or to keep them happy.
Lastly i do think the invention made by Dr. Huang should go further because it will have good use all over the world .
Why, because i blieve it's a quicker way of seeing how someone day is going or how they feel.
This technology can be very useful because in pargraph 6 again tells the reader how it's not only used to look at students to see their emotion it's also used for video games or video surgery .
Finally the use of the figuring out students emotional expression is a good idea because to me its a better use of just asking someone how they are feeling thats why the'' Facial Action Coding System ''
comes in handy because people in general or friends may have trouble describing someones facial traits . | 2 |
fbee407 | I think that this Facial Action Coding System will be benefitial to the classroom. Most parts of the day we spend on our computpers reading articles, typing papers, or searching for information. I think that if the computer could read our facial expression, it would help teachers know what way of learning works best for students. Your teacher can't always tell if you don't understand something or if your having a rough day. If the computer can, I think that it would help teachers help students.
When I read an article online for a project I usually get bored from it. If a computer can tell by my face that I am bored it could change the lession plan to have me play a game or vistit a different website that might be more hands on. The computer would be able to reconize the main 44 muscles in the face to determine the persons emotion, and from that it would know what to do next. The computer is a tool we are constantly using to help benefit us. This would help benefit teachers. For example if an ad popped up on your screen and you laugh or smile the computer will know you enjoyed it and show you more things like that, but of you frown or have a look of discust it will know that it needs to chnage the plan of your study path.
In conclustion I think that Facial Action Coding System would be a good idea for our school. I think it will be a good way of learning. This could also help out teachers being able to know if kids understand. I also think that it will be a good perspective to have for teachers and students. Not all people can read emotion so if a computer did it for us it would be easier to know who needs help and how they learn best. | 3 |
fbf29c5 | A new program, the Facial Action Coding System, regonizes facial emotions. It can show the different emotions on a person's face by the different muscles they're using. Prof. Thomas Huang's facial recognition technology is valuable for a classroom. It would show whether or not a student is enjoying the lesson and adjust lessons to the liking of the student.
First, the program could understand humans better to fit our needs. The article says, ""Most human comunication is nonverbal, including emotional communication," notes Dr. Huang. "So computers need to understand that, too."" This is telling how computers need to better understand how humans work, as in the different ways we convey emotions and thought. It also needs to know the different varients of human emotion. The article states, "By weighing the diffferent units, the software can even identify mixed emotions. each expression is compared against a neutral face." This explains how the program wouldn't show a regular "happy" emotion and compare a human's to it, but instead start with no emotion and see which muscles are used to find the emotion. For example, the article states, "She's 83 precent happy, 9 percent disgust, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." That's the emotion of da Vinici's painting, "Mona Lisa". The software states exaclty what her emotions are, not just one emotion.
Then, the program could act like a teacher and fix lessons to better the student. The article says, ""A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modifty the lesson, like an effective human instructor."" This shows that Dr. Huang believes that his technology could, in the future, rearrange lessons and work them for the student better when working on computers. The article then states, "For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." The technology would personalize the computer to fit the user better, making it beneficial for a student.
The software helps identify different emotions in humans, including the "Mona Lisa". It can show different varieties of human emotions and then find if someone is enjoying what they're seeing online. This helps students by the program recognizing how they're feeling about lessons, then adjusting them to fit their needs. The program would really make a big difference for online teaching. | 4 |
fbf6eb8 | Throughout the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author provides quite a bit of evidence towards why human exploration of Venus should take place again. The author suggest that sending a human out to study Venus is risky, but it is worth trying to get more information about Venus itself.
In the beginning of the article, the author focuses on why he thinks that it is worth the risk of sending someone out to Venus despite the risks. The authors reasoning is that it is "Earth's 'twin'". He further goes on to explain how Venus might have been "covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth". The author does an adequate job of explaining that they want humans to explore Venus because it is so similar to Earth that they want to understand why. The author does provide enough evidence to support the idea of Earth and Venus being sister planets.
Towards the middle of the article, the author starts explaining the statistics of Venus and how it is now non-sustainable for living organisms. The author is providing a lot of evidence that would steer people away from wanting to send someone out to Venus to get killed. The author could try to use different evidence rather than stating how "these conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth" and that the heat mixed with the pressure "would liquify many metals". So far we have seen how the author has provided a lot of evidence on reasons that it would not be the least bit safe for any lliving organism to go and study up close to Venus.
Later on in the article, the author starts venturing over to the ways it would possibly be safe for someone to go visit Venus. The author suggests a "blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above" Venus' surface. He goes on to tell the statistics of how "the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth". These are not the safest conditions but the author makes sure to provide the fact that they are "survivable for humans". The author has a great idea with a lot of evidence to back him up but there is not enough evidence. He does not state how they are planning on getting material off the surface of Venus while also keeping the humans safe and under sustainable living conditions.
The author provides a paragraph on how they plan to bring electronics close to Venus without having the metal liquify. In the parahraph, the author states that they would use something called mechanical computers. Mechanical computers are something that was "first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during World War II". These are made up of silison carbide and would last 3 weeks in the conditions of Venus without getting destroyed. This would allow communication between Earth and the persons that are possibly in the blimp-like vehicle hovering above Venus in order to get orders and directions from The National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
In the end, the author includes adequate evidence as to how they plan on getting in sight of Venus, why they want to study it, how they would communicate from Venus to Earth, and the difference of pressure and temperature. The author could go on and provide more support for how the humans would be living out in space and how they would survive within those living requirements that are hardly met. | 5 |
fc028a8 | Imagine if there was a technology were you could read a person's emotional state just by the look on their face. You could see the percentage of how happy, sad, or angry a person is by their facial expression. This seems like a technology that would take years to create, but it has already been created. This technology is already being used and perfected as we speak. While creating this technology it was suggested that we should put this into classrooms around the country to read the emotions of the students. I believe that this would be nonbeneficial and a major invasion of privacy for the students.
Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institue for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate. Thomas and his colleagues have created a technology that can calculate your emotional state. This would be expressed by a percentage of the six basic emotions; happiness, suprise, anger, digust, fear, and sadness. However, according to the article in order for this to work,"the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face." Therefore this would mean that the students would be watched by a computer or camera at all time for this technology to work. There can be arguements made that students are already watched by a camera or a computer at all times. While this is true, students are only watched to monitor their actions in the school environment to ensure the safety of the students. However, this would be watching more than just the actions of the students. It would be monitoring their body language, facial expressions, and emotional state. This would be a complete invasion of privacy for the students in our schools.
This article also shows how this technology can benefit the learning of the students. The article states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This would be a great thing for the students if we already have a human instructer. It is a teachers job to do the tasks that has been stated above. The article supports this by saying, "In fact, we humans perform the same impressive "calculation" every day." If humans already have the capability to perform this task, then why do we need a machine to do it for us.
Therefore I believe that this technology would not be beneficial to students. As stated above, humans already have the capability to read emotional expressions on a day to day basis. This would also be a complete invasion of privacy seeing how the students would have to be monitored constantly in order for this technology to work. When someone asks you if you would want this to be put in the classroom environment. Think to yourself, would I want my child to be watched constantly and envade their privacy to read how they are feeling? | 4 |
fc040f4 | Venus one of the hottest place I wouldn't recomand going there too study, it's too dangerous to go study at venus , you could get stuck there or something. The planet surface temperatures is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what our own planet. The percent of carbon dioxide is 97 percent. People study about venus, how is and how hot it is and if there is people/animals living there, but they know it's not easy conditions but servivable for humans.
Comparison systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. Exploring venus is dangorus because if NASA is planning someone too venus wouldn't be a good idea is better sending them in a group but sending someone alone is not a good idea. Venus is the closest planet to Earth terms of density and size and occasionally the closet in distance too. Earth, Venus, and Mars and the other planetary neighbor orbit the sun at different speeds. The differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to mars and other times to venus.
Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study , despite it's proximity to us. | 2 |
fc05c44 | Studying Venus may be an great idea to the author and it may be very needed.
Venus seems to have had some type intrest to some people such as the author who suggested studying the planet even if it means harming yourself should be acceptable.
The author believes that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is close to Earth and many don't really know this because Venus isn't talked about as much as it should be. The planet was descibed in the reading and the description seemed like it would may be an good idea to study Venus as it states in the text descibing Venus and I quote " The planet has a rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys,moutains, and craters" this description gives you an inside view of how Venus looks on the inside.
Although many don't really think about Venus it's a very important planet and the author listed some very good pointers to think about that'll make you want to look more into the planet. The author stated and I quote
" Astronomers are fasinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth like planet" the author believes that Vensus was once like earth and he thinks looking more into Venus can solve some unanswered concerns. There is a maybe that Venus may have had an ocean there as it states in the text " Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life" this states that it seems to be life on Venus before. If there was life on Venus before beacuse of what their observing then studying Venus might not be so bad and the author may be right that despiting dangers studying Vensus is a good idea.
Studying Venus after all may not be a bad thing after all. The author gave many details and explained a lot about Venus that some mahy have never known about Venus. Venus is an over looked planet everybody knows of the planet Venus but nobody really knows the history behind the planet. The author explained that Venus seemed familiar and seems as if he's been there before. Venus looks much like Earth as if a human once lived there before as descibed in the passage. It seems like Venus is worth risking something dangerous happening to you just to study it because the author suggested it meaning he's down for what it takes to study this planet the right way.
In conclusion the author suggesting that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit shows how committed he is on studying the planet. The author suggested that looking past all of the dangers that comes with studying Venus is a good thing to do because there may have been life on Venus before. If there was life on Venus then studying the planet may give the people studying the planet some good informantion to back up their assumption of human living on the planet long ago. | 4 |
fc13e13 | In my opinion i feel like the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable. I think its not a good idea of technology reading our emotions. Some people do have hard time showing their feelings but its either because they are hurt or scared. Others just show their feelings and emotions. Those are the kind of people that have been hurt but still move on with their lifes. Might take them a couple of days, weeks, months or maybe even years. This generation has changed there is a lot of technology now days. Us as humans we do what we like and work on what we like to do he express our emotions on what we do.
On the other hand using technology is kind of a good idea for people that have trouble showing their feelings and emotions are the kind of people that would us technology. These kind of people that are scared to show their emotions would get this so they could get a little help to try to show their emotions. But for another reason the same people that have hard time showing their emotions are the one who would probably not use technology.
For example using technology to show the Mone Lisa painting emotions would be 83 percent happy, 9 percent disguste, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. All of that doesnt sound right why not just express what you feel your emotions, Just be yourselfs.
On the other hand another reason why people are scared to show their emotions and feelings is because the care about what other people think about them. That is one thing people should not care about do whatever makes you happy making good decisions. But happy is what everyone needs to be we only live once and why not spend it with the ones we love and that make us happy, | 2 |
fc156e4 | Driving a car can be a good idea in the country where you might not be able to walk to every place that is a necessity. But why drive a car and sit there for up to thirty minutes in traffic when you can walk there in under ten or ride a bike in just under five, now if that sounds like great logic to you then great; if you are like the majority of people in this current day and age then you would not need to feel the erdge to drive, you would rather ride a bike and feel the breeze of the fresh crisp air in your hair.
The new trend of living is here, more and more communities are popping up that are car free. As the first source has stated "...70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here." more and more people are deciding to not own a car or even to just sell their cars so that way it is not a burden on their shoulders to maintain the cars. Most of the people who decide to give up their cars say it's a much happier way to live.
Some countries are even putting a ban on driving on certain days like paris did in source two. It stated that "...motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine." This ban went on for roughly five days for the smog cleared enough for all to resume preferd ways of transportation.
In colombia the government made a car-free day so that way more people would get comforatable with finding alternate ways or commuting said in the third source "car-free day is spinning into a big hit Bogota" by Andrew Selsky. All in all more and more nation and people are deciding to go car free for good. Maybe you wil catch on and join in on this car free lifestyle. | 2 |
fc17862 | Have you ever thought of being part of the great union of the Seagoing Cowboys? There are many reasons to be one, like the fact that you have intereaction with livestock, get to visit unique places, sail the oceans, and much more.
Seagoing Cowboys are people who sign up to the UNRRA. The UNRRA is the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. It is 44 nations joined together to help the countries in need from being left in the ruins after World War II. Being a Seagoing Cowboy also counts as a military service.
While being a Seagoing Cowboy you get to take care of all of the livestock that is getting shipped across the ocean from one country to another. The animals have to be fed and watered two or three times a day. The animals need to be fed either hay or bags of oats, and every once in a while their stalls need to be cleaned.
One of the best things you get to do is sightseeing. You could get to have many trips and see many cool things. We do a lot of sailing on the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. In total I've been on the Atlantic 16 times and the Pacific twice. Don't even get me started on the unbelievable cattle-boat trips. For a small-town bot like i was it was incredible. I got to visit the Acropolis in Greece, sightsee in Europe, touran excavated castle in Crete, ride a gondola in Venice, and marvel at the Panama Canal on my way to China.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy isn't just about the travel and sightseeing. We still had fun on board, especially on the return trips when the animals had been uploaded and their stalls were empty. We would enjoy playing baseball, volleyball, table-tennis games. We would also play fencing and boxing matches. Last but not least we enjoyed reading, whittling, and other small games to pass the time.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy was not only fun for me, but it also opened up the world in a whole different perspective. It also made me more aware of other countries problems and needs. With that experience my family was a host to a number of international students, and exchange visitors or many years.
I loved my experience as being a Seagoing Cowboy, and I hope you will too. Welcome aboard future Seagoing Cowboy! | 4 |
fc19ca6 | According to the article the Facial Action Code System i think is valuable to student in classroom's. I am for it because aacording to the text its tells you how great it can predict how your feeling. The article gives us a little information on how accurate it works numbers showing she's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry it shows that the Facial Action Code System is an new way to figure out people's emotions. Also it says the Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do. Also this new software can show a lot about your emotions for example, if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different. Also i think its a good idea for students in classroom because the computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored and your teacher could help you or could try to do something more to keep you from getting bored. I think from the articlke this would be a great thing to get and to start using because according to the text its a great tool to use in the future. | 2 |
fc1fe3c | The Seagoing Cowboys program was I great, and I suggest that everyone try it. If you like animals this would be a good job for you, if you like sailing it would be a good job for you, and most of all is you need something to do and would enjoy sailing with animals this is the perfect thing for you.
To join the Seagoing cowboys you don't even have to be qualified, infact I didn't even know about it until my friend asked me if I wanted to come. My friend Don Reist invited my to travel to Europe on a cattle boat. So, really you don't need a big flashy degree or really anything at all to become a Seagoing Cowboy.
If you love animals you should become a Seagoing Cowboy. As a Seagoing Cowboy you get to spend a lot of time with a lot of animals. The day the Pacific war ended I set out on my first trip, which was to Greece with 335 horses, and if you like spending a lot of time with animals, it takes two weeks to cross the pacific, and to go to China it'll take a month. So, if you enjoy to spend time with animals you should join the Seagoing Cowboys.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy you get to have a lot of fun and do a lot of site-seeing. As a Seagoing Cowboy I always found a way to have fun. We would have baseball and volleyball games, we would have table-tennis tournaments, fencing, we would even enjoy boxing, reading, and even whittling. And to top it all off we saw a lot of amazing sites. We would go all over Europe and China. I have personally visited Greece, China, seen the Panama Canal, and have even toured an excavated castle in Crete. Even though there might be long excruciating trips, we still find ways to have fun.
There are many upsides of being a Seagoing Cowboy. I have only told you a few of the many, many advantages of being a Seagoing Cowboy. So, after all of this I hope you consider joining me on the high seas. | 3 |
fc2b46e | It is hard to imagine car-free or car limiting cities, but it could happen in the near future. Many people like owning and driving cars. However, cars are causing major problems in some areas of the world, so we could see less cars in the future.
One of the biggest issues that cars cause is the carbon emissions that they release. In America, the second largest source of emissions are from cars (Source 4). This doesnt' seem like an issue to Americans, but in places like Beijing, China, which is one of the most polluted cities in the world (Source 2), emissions are very harmful. Citizens of Beijing have to wear mask when they walk around the city so that they don't get sick or poisoned from the carbon emissions. Even a 1st world country, like France, had carbon emissions that rivaled Beijing(Source 2). So as you can see, the emissions that cars give off could become a more serious issue in America, especially if you live in a place like New York City. If more cities become less congested, they will be much safer.
Speaking of New York City, cars are already a big issue. If you have been to New York City, you should know that the streets are so congested with traffic that it is faster to walk or ride a bike to get around the city. Not only are the streets congested, the air is very polluted from the emissions given off by cars. However, in Vauban, Germany, residents are giving up their cars for streets that are mostly "car-free" (Source 1). Few residents own cars and that means that the streets are quiet and clear and greenhouse emission have drastically decreased. Residents say that they are happier without cars and eaverything they need is within walking distance (Source 1). This could quite possibly be what happens to many cities and suburbs in the near future.
The last thing that I would like to fill you in on is that car ownership in America has been steadily declining. Research has shown that the number of young peole driving has decreased by 23 percent between 2001 and 2009 (Source 4). Because of this, many people use Public Transport to get where they need to go. This is likely due to the fact that many Americans don't have the money to buy cars, so they don't make it a priority (Source 4). Also, young people feel less inclined to drive because they can connect with their friends through the internet (Source 4).
By no means am I saying that you should not own a car, I'm am just explaining to you that a car-limited future is looking more and more possible. In many ways it could be very beneficial, but it still has a long way to go before I can see it becoming reality. | 5 |
fc2d2e7 | "Unmasking the Face on Mars" is a hard subject for some people. Not everybody thinks its a natural landform but many scientist do! The "face" on Mars could be many things but scientist have evidence that it is a natural landform. In the story it says that the natural artifact is like some landforms in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. It also says that few scientist believe the Face was an alien artifact so if it's not that and that have other evidence it has to be a natual artifact.
The Face is very similar to natural artifacts here on Earth. In the story it talks about a place in idaho that is very similar to the Face. It also says it looks very much like a lava dome. Scientist say a place in Idaho that is called Middle Butte looks very similar to the Face. The pictures the very nice camera took of the Face is proof that they do look alike and that it is just a natural artifact.
Not very many scientist believe that the Face is an alien artifact and they back that up with the fact that it doesn't have the features of it. It might look very much like a humans face but they do not believe that. There scientist and they have evidence that it is not human like its just a natural artifact.
Some people might believe that it is a human face and that the face does look like it but no it is a natural artifact. It is a natural artifact because scientist believe that and they have facts to back up there reasoning, for example in the story it talks about how the "Face on Mars" was a huge hit to scare people and things like that and then scientist come out and say they have conspiracy theories that the face is not evidence that there is life on Mars.
All in all, scientist have many theories and evidence that the Face is a natural artifact. The Face might actually look like a person but there isn't facts yet that show there is life on Mars. | 3 |
fc2dcf5 | Dear, Senator
Let the people vote for the person they want to not the electoral collage. I agree that the electoral collage should be change. This is because some people vote for a president that they are not voting for. People wish that the person that they are voting should be president. Yes we should follow the constitutuion but something we should not follow at all. On paragragh 10 it says that when you vote you don't vote for the president you vote for the slate of electors. Then they pick who should be the president. People have the chance to vote for who should be the president. For,example, when something happen in 2000 gore and bush. Gore had the upper hand and was going to will but then instead of gore winning bush on.
The electoral collage is good but not that good. The electoral collage has to choose the president and the vice president. That is not right. many people thought that the U.S is doing the right thing but they are not. During this time in 2000 campaign,17 states did not see the candinates at all. if anyone has a good arguement for putting the fate of predsidencey in the hand of a few swing vater in ohio they have not taken there move yet. the electoral collage is unfair, outdated, and irrational. the best argument in fovor of it are mostly assertion without much basis. mr. ob dole was right that we should abolish the electoral collage. i beleive and it my oppion that this is not right but the candinates think so.
Like On paragragh 18 the same thing happen with obama and romney to . obama received 61.7% for the elector vote compared to the electoral collage should not be a constitution because that if we let it keep on going then is will not be fair to anyone at all. And it also not fair for a winner tom take all. | 2 |
fc30cc5 | I'm against the development of the driverless cars. Driverless cars can cause danger. A lot of danger. To let a car take over and drive you around is a lot. You have to be more careful and make sure the car doesn't hit anything or anyone.You have to put a lot of trust into a driverless car, and that's a lot. I'm against the development of these cars.
Driving a driverless car is like a child looking and ready to get into trouble. Driverless cars may seem awesome in movies, and everything, but I can't see myself, or anyone driving a driverless car. It can be cool, but it's more dangerous than cool. You're putting yourself in a predicament with a driverless car. In the story, "Driverless Cars Are Coming", there is a question. The question aks, "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?". You have to ask yourself this.
When you step a foot into a driverless car, you have a lot of responsibilites. You have to pay attention to the car, where it takes you, is it going the right way, and if you could really trust it. You have to be careful of how much you drive and trust the car. There's only so much you do with a driverless car.
With a driverless car, you have to have some trust there, even if it is towards a car. For some people, it's hard to trust, so trusting a car? Not so easy. A driverless car can have a bomb in it for as long as you've had it, and you wouldn't know it until it blows. Giving a car your trust, is a lot harder than giving people your trust.
I'm against driverless cars for a lot of reasons. Safety is always first, and a driverless car might not be as safe as some people might think it is. These cars are dangerous. You have to be more careful in a car like this, meaning watch the car. Put trust into the car, is a lot, but if you are going to have one, give it some trust. Be careful, driverless cars is more dangerous than they seem in movies. | 3 |
fc31f23 | First things first, I cannot actually picture this type of technology in schools, let alone actualy working. People including me can easliy be feeling happy or sad or any other emotion without showing signs of it in their face. Not that I do it on purpose but it is hard to crack a smile unless I'm laughing which is rarely. Most of the time I will just have a blank face untouched by emotions so how would a computer be able to read how I'm feeling? Half the time I don't even know how I'm feeling myself. I can see this technology being installed in schools and other places only for it to wrongly tell me or others such as teachers how I'm feeling. I can picture it now, I'm sitting in silence writing an essay over something stupid such as the one I'm doing now and all of a sudden my teacher is alerted that I'm confused or bored maybe even sad a little only to have to argue that I'm in fact all right and fine. Sounds like a pain to me.
Chapter 6, line 6-8 states that "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." I see a point here and it would be very interesting to see if this worked on a class but I'm still unfazed. What if the computer did do just that but unknowingly to it the kids were in fact not bored or confused in the slightest? Then the lesson once taught would be changed making it harder for the kids to learn and get the knowlede they need.
Another example is in chapter 6, line 10-12 said by Dr. Huang "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication," "So computers need to understand that, too." I'm no doctor but Huang is so he probably does have a point here. Most human communication is nonverbal and that might be true to a lot of people but do computers really need to understand our emotions because of it? I for one do communicate verbally I don't understand how else you could communicate. If i'm feeling a certain way I'll speak it if approprate. Computers don't need to know your emotions for any reason it is a computer not your significent other. If someone is on a computer they are probably working on something or killing time and goofing around none of which call for the device to read how you are feeling.
In conclusion I find the new technology quite useless and not worth the time. As interesting as it is and I would like to see it in person and test it myself, I think computers are computers and don't need to know how I am feeling. Why should it know? It's my emotions not its and I can't see it actually being able to read how I am feeling when I don't even know how I am feeling. Therefore I am against it. | 4 |
fc37c67 | Luke in the story A Cowboy Who road waves is a Young Adult who had just got out of high school. Luke was working two part-time jobs in a grocery store and in a bank. Don his friend had invited him to go to Europe in a cattle boat. Luke did not give this opportunity up.
UNRRA also known as the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administation hired the "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped over seas.
The Seagoing Cowboys had recieved their orders to repot to New Orleans. They had arived August fourteenth. When they got the seaman's papers they boarded the SS Charles W. Wooster and headed for Greece. Their cargo was full of 335 horses plus tons of hay and oats to feed them.
Luke had been given a great opportunity for a small-town boy. It took the Seagoing Cowboys two weeks to get acroos the the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China. Luke kept busy by feeding and treating the animals on the cattle boat.
And at the end Luke says that he is grateful for the opportunity that he had to get on and ride that cattle boat. This concludes to my opinion that you don't have to always be someone special to get good things. | 1 |
fc3927a | The use of the new technology that can read emotional expressions would be good in classrooms because if you are doing work on the computer yit can scan your face too see if you are bored or happy. For the first example it woild improve the way students worked or if they are having a bad day it could scan there face and show like happy/positive things on the screen. Antother example is it will improve everyones attitude and some people could change.
For the first example If classrooms had this technology kids might start doing their work and they wont feel bored because if the computer read there expression they could make the work they have on the computer fun by making it into a game or like showing postive quotes or just outgoing stuff in general. From my experince work does get boring on the computer if you are there for a long period of time so this technology could help improve how kids work.
Another example would be how any persons attitude could always change if they are just in a happier mood. If any student is having a bad day and they are working on the computer this technology could scan this persons face and make them happier by putting good stuff on the screen. It could also cange how they act so for example in paragraph 6 it says "if a student is confused or bored it cold modify the lesson and make it fun so they arnt confused or bored".
Those are some reasons why this technology could help out in classrooms it could improve the way students learn and help them if they are sad, in a bad mood, or anything else. | 3 |
fc3c94c | Twenty-five years ago the JPL took the first photograph of the Face on Mars. The face on Mars is actually a naturally occuring land formation. Several photographs of the face have been taken over the last 27 years. The photographs were all taken by Nasa's Jet Propulsion Labratory (JPL).
The face on Mars was not created by aliens. Although it may look that way, the face is actually the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. The same landforms are common around the American West. In Cydonia, the area where the photographs were taken, butte's and mesa's are common. The Martian mesa has wierd shadowing on the top which, caused it to look like a face. If the Face on Mars was created by aliens it would be easy to tell, because "Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters."The refore making the image incredibly clear and making it easier for analyst to identify what the face actually is.
Even if it was created by aien lifeforms hundreds of years ago, Nasa would not keep this a secret from the world. Because it would benefit them. And also if it was created by alien lifeforms and Nasa wanted to keep it a secret, why would they release the image in the first place. Therefore the Face on Mars is a naturally occuring land formation | 3 |
fc3d67e | If there were software to analyze the emotions of students it would be very useful. As the author states in paragraph 6 “A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.” That technology could be extremely helpful for a student taking classes online or typing an important essay for a class. If it were paired to another application it could use the data about the user's mood to change background music or subtly change the lighting of the room or device to cause a change in mood. Even better yet the computer or phone could use a pop up message to encourage the student to get up and exercise or do another relaxing task. I believe it would help me stay on task and be better prepared when taking summer school or studying for a test online. I have multiple friends that would also find it helpful to be told to take a break and relax when taking a test such as the ISTEPs or a final. Were this to become an easily accesable software it could be applied to many diferent scenarios. In short I am led to believe that this technology could be vital to preforming better on a test or when learning a lesson online. | 3 |
fc3e67a | Using cars today is polluting the air we breath in everyday, worse and wrose. Having a world free of cars would not only help with air pollution, but with everyone's saftey as well. In German Suburds 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move in the German Suburb. They would sell thier car(s), and live without a car, and live a less stressful life. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" said Heidrun Walter, a mother of two. I'm sure Heidrun wasn't the only one who felt like that.
Having no car wouldd take more stress of your life then you think. You wouldn't have to pay a car payment every month. You wouldn't have to worry about hvaing to pay for gas to get around. Lastly you wouldn't have to worry about getting into a car accident every time you got behind the wheel of a car.
"All of our development since World war ll has been centered on the car, and that will have to change" said David Goldberg. Goldberg is right. We put most of our attention and development into cars, and focus more on them than we really should. We don't really realize what damage cars are causing us yet, and probably won't realize for a long time from now.
Aftrer days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. On Monday motorist with even numbered license plates were orded to leave thier cars at home or suffer a $31 fine. The same would apply to odd number plates the following day. They should not only be doing this in Paris but everywhere to reduce the air pollution. The fine should be higher also to those who don't follow the rules. Unless you havea real emergency to use your car the day you are not suppose to then don't use it.
Not using cars would be a huge problem solver to most of us. It will help with air pollution. It will help with finacial problems by not having to worry about car payments or money for gas. Lastly it will help wiith the stress in people's lives and lower it. | 4 |
fc3e730 | The author suggests that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and the author throughout the whole passage gave details and examples of why he supports this claim.
One explanation of why he would support his claim is that in the passage he continues talking throughout the whole passage how Venus is the closest planet in our solar system that is the most similar to earth that any other planet in our solar system.Another example would be that, yea it might be dangerous when the heat temperatures in Venus are high and nothing has been close enough to the point when a spacecraft is near the surface of venus and is a reason why not a single spaceship has been sent to Venus in three decades.Another reason to supports this claim would be that researchers have found that Venus have once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system.In paragraph 4,the author states,"Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life,just like earth."The author continues to talk about the planets features today and how the planet has familiar feature such as valleys,mountains,and craters just like Earth.This helps prove the point that it can be a dangerous task to futher explore Venus's surface but is well worth the risk since they NASA wants to send humans to study Venus one day.
Even though NASA seems to be struggling to find a way to get closer and closer to venus's surface and bring back examples of rocks or other examples of items to bring back to examine,they keep on striving to meet the challange that they face against Venus and try to find ways to not let dangers and dubts beyond earth to stop them from accomplishing many things since Venus is valuable and so is being able to face out of earth challenges to succeed against the dangers and doubts we face. | 3 |
fc3f44b | A danger of ecploring Venus is that the temperature is very high that hummans might not handle, and has the hottest surface. "On the planets surface, temperatures verage over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet."
I think that we should explore Venus because we should be able to know all of our solar system, but it will be challenging, because of the temperatures, and the pressure.
I like the idea of a havor craft to avoide the hot surface. "a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way."
The only bad thing would be is that what if the hover craft breaks down then they would crash, we dont even know if Venus has spitting lava of the ground. Another example of why exploring Venus is a good idea, is that we can discover new speiceys or materials, mabye even find if there were ancient life on Venus.
I think that exploring Venus would become hisory, because I think that Venus is dangerus place like the temperature, the surface, and even more dangeruse things on that planet that we dont know of or visios speices. | 2 |
fc433b2 | Driverless cars are a very impractical design. These cars can not fully drive themselves. It also states that they would add entertainment as you drive. Driverless cars could malfunction, since they run on computers. Driverless cars could be potentially dangerous.
Driverless cars are not fully automated. The name is falsely implied because drivers must stay alert while the car is moving. If there is construction being done or a wreck has taken place, the driver has to maneuver around the traffic. Driverless cars can not be operated without the driver having both hands on the wheel. The idea of driverless cars is not bad, but in order for them to be called "driverless," I believe that they should be automated and not require a driver.
The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" states that there would be added entertainment while driving, so that the driver would not become bored. This is a bad idea considering that driving, even with the car being automated, requires full attention. It states that a driver would be alerted when they need to take control. The driver could be asleep at this time and may not be able to hear the alert. The driver could also not get the alert all together.
Driverless cars run off of computers. Computers are not alwats perfect, and could often times fail. In the event of this happening, the car could stop, not be stopped, or fail to alert the driver of danger. If the car stops while driving it could create a terrible accident. The car could also not be stopped, and wouldn't be able to avoid the other cars or obey the traffic laws. It could also fail to alert the driver that he/she needs to take over, in case of an emergency. It is a very good concept, but unless the computers could be perfected, it could create a dangerous situation.
Driverless cars are not a bad idea. There could be many flaws involved with the making of driverless cars. I believe that it makes the design useless if it couldn't be fully automated without the use of a driver. The entertainment aspect could make driving a lot more dangerous, instead of safer, like the intended goal. The computers could also just stop working. Driverless cars are not perfect, but the idea could be built on. It all comes down to the drivers personal preference. | 4 |
fc4379f | Cars, they make life so much easier, or, do they make them deadlier? The amount of green house gasses has increaced dramaticly over the past years, due to the gasses emitted through the tallpipes of cars. However, there has been ways that people are trying to lower these gasses. People around the world are reducing the use of cars for a more cleaner form of transportation. In Vauban, Germany residents in this community "have givin up their cars"(1). Also in Paris where they "enforce a partial driving ban to clear the air"(10). While in Bogota, Colombia they have a car free day to "promote alternative transportation and reduce smog"(20). These cities are pioneers in the way of a cleaner form of travel.
The first step is to just have a day without cars, like a new holiday. In Bogota, thats just what they have. On this day "millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work"(20), and those who didn't were fined. This reduces not only smog but the stress of driving and the business of traffic jams. On one of these car-free days, even though it was raining the spirits of the people didn't dampen. Enrique Riera, the mayor of Asunción, Paraguay, said "these people are generating a revolutionary change and [that it] is crossing borders"(26), when he visited Bogota. As a result of these days "parks and sports centers have bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restrants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up"(28).
Another way that the car-free idea is shaking up is in Paris, France. On a Monday "motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home"(11), if they didnt they would recieve a 22-euro fine. There smog riviled Beijing, "known as one of the most polluted cities in the world"(14). Hovever, after only one day, "the smog cleared enough [on Monday that] the ruling French party [rescinded] the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday"(19).
The biggest leap, however, would be a town with no cars. Vauban, Germany is a community where "street parking, driveways and home garages are generally forbidden"(2). The streets are filled with "the swish of bicyles and the chatter of wandering children"(3) instead of motors and horns. This expirimental town has sparked a new way of life; a cleaner, safer way of life.
We have gone on thousands of years without cars, and after they were introduced they polluted the air and caused us stress. So if we could go on without them before, then why can't we now. As demostraighted by Paris, Bogota and Vauban life isn't that bad without a wheel to sit behind. | 4 |
fc4bf51 | The technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom could be valuable to help students understand if they are confused or bored.
In paragraph six Dr. Huang states that the computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. This is would be a great thing to put on our classroom computers because for one the students would not have to sit there becoming confused, if the computer modifies the lesson for the student so they could best understand it, it would be so helpfull.
Also if we but this on the computers at school it would help the teachers so much they would not have to go from student to student, they could just let the computers help the students with the lesson wile the teach can grade assessments and other work. I know for one that when I need help can sometimes take my teacher quite awhile to get to me, if the schools had this technology in their classrooms it would be so much easier for everyone.
In paragraph 3 Dr. Paul Eckman classifies six emotions, happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. If the computers can read the emotions that a student is feeling it could help them. For example, students can have a bad day at school if the software can identify what they are feeling it could quite possibly help them with thier problems, then alot more students could be happy.
Another reason is students can be lazy if they do not know how to do something normaly they just do not do it. Going back to what Dr. Huang said in paragraph six he stated that the computer could motify the lesson if the student is bored or confused, if it can do that then it can help the student understand what to do then they won't just skip over it and not do it.
In my school there are dissabled students. If the computer program could help them understand the lesson it would be so helpfull to the teachers and to them.
So overall I think we should have this technology in schools it would be so helpfull to everyone in the school in their work and possibly in their life. | 4 |
fc4d2cb | As an opinion i think that the Electoral College should not be able to elect the president. I think it should be a coice of the people. (In source 1) paragraph 6 when you go to vote you actually are voting to pick the electors when you vote for the president each state has electors so you help pick the electors. When people vote they are voting for presidents not the electoral college its not right to have a electoral college. Because it should be the peoples choice.
(In source 2) Even presidents want to get rid of the electoral college that is saying something. People would rather have a direct election then the kind we have now and I agree. See when the people are voting for electors they dont know what that elector is going to vote for they can only hope for what he is going to vote for. (source 2) Paragraph 13 "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters." I agree with this source it is what my opinion is, the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. i think that the electoral college should be abolished. Who knows maybe some of the presidents woukd have been different because the electoral college could have changed some peoples votes. Say some wanted Obama not to be president but the state elector picked him that could be a game changer. It is suppose to be a democracy the people make the choices this is not a dictatorship.
What if the state all voted for one president then the electoral college voted for the other that would throw off everything. There would probably be riots to be honest. This is making our country sound like a dictatorship. We the people of the United States of America deserve to pick our leaders. But say if you were part of the electoral college you would like this situation. So put yourself in their shoes would you like it or not. Of course you would you hold the power of picking the president. Its honestly probably the most stressful job in the world.
See if we had a vote to see if we should have to electoral college i think alot of people would vote no. I dont see why we cant have this vote as a country then there wouldnt be a topic to argue about. The electoral college is a decision that was not in the constitution i believe so it can be removed very easily. My opinion is that we take the electoral college out because it is causing nothing but arguing. We deserve to pick if we want to have a president we want or not. We deserve this power atleast, we dont have any power as regular people we deserve this. They shouldnt have the right to take this away from us. | 3 |
fc4e0e3 | " An enormous head nealy two miles from end to end seemed to be staring back at the cameras fro a regioan of the Red Planet called Cydonia." Although scientists might think the face-like civilization was created by aliens, but that is not the case. The Face is just a natural landform because landforms like this are common around Cydonia , and also because NASA unveiled an image stating that it was a rock formation giving the illusion of a face.
First off, mesas and other rock formations are commonly found around Cydonia. The text states " Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. " , meaning it most like is a Martian mesa of some sort. This also means that NASA still has other mesas and other landforms to explore on Mars.
Secondly, pictures were taken of the foreign area and the text states, " huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human head . . . formed by shadows givng the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. " , which means it resembles a face but most likely indicates a natural landform.
In conclusion, the Face is just a natural landform because they are common in this area and also because th pictures resembled a rock formation that only had the illusion of a face. Therefore , the Face is a natural landform. | 3 |
fc4f014 | Have you ever seen something unusual in the ground? If so do you think it was created by humans or just a natural landform of some sort. Many people believe that most landforms on earth are made by humans, The face on mars is a natural landform.
If the "face' on mars was created by alliens it would look a lot different. Many people think alliens look weird, Well the "face" on mars wastn't so weird looking. It looked almost like a human face. You would think that alliens would make something radical and not just a face in their planet. Many people seem to believe that they would make something simple.
Eventhough many people were not satisfied with the theory that NASA gave them, NASA went on to search for more clues as to which "alliens made the landform." From the pictures that they took you would think that they would be able to detect whether alliens even walked/ touched the surface of the landform.
If you think that alliens made the landform, I would suggest you look at the picture more closely. Just because its on a planet like mars doesnt mean it was made by an allien. I mean how many people actually believe in alliens anyway? If you've never seen them how do you know if they even exist? Take another quick look at the picture tell what you think. Is it even possible for alliens to be alive even if it is on another planet?
The "face" on mars is a natural landform. What leads me to beieve that, is that i dont think alliens are real. Maybe they are real, but why would they make something so simple as a face. Dont you think they wouldve went a little overboard with their creations? | 2 |
fc4ff7b | Would you like to have a computer driving you everywhere all the time? Well that is exactly what most vehicle manufacturers are working on, anf the stide they are making in the tech are amazing. But is a fully automated vehicle really what the world needs?
I agree that the idea of a car driving itself is really cool and would be benificial to humanity, but a fully automated car just won't do. A car that moves on its own all the time is bound to mess up, especially when there is something unforseen in the road like a car you have been tailing for awhile suddenly brakes to avoid hitting a deer anf you smash into the rear of his car because the computer couldn't react fast enough.
That is why I propose we make cars that are half automatic and halfhuman controlled. That would be great, imagine that same scenario, but this time instead of trusting the car to brake on its own, you stomp your foot on that brake and the car stops.
I'm not saying we shouldn't have self driving cars, i'm just saying adding the ability for the human in the front seat to take over couldn't hurt, might even help save lives. | 2 |
fc55299 | computers at school for students that can read your facial emotions I think not. I also, think there could be some benifts out of it too but really there is no need for those computers at school.
First, of all it is dumb to have a computer that reads peoples face emotions. the reason why is because most people hide their emotions because they dont anyone to know how they are truly feeling. Another, reason why is becasue peoples emotions are valueble to them and they just want to keep their emotions hidden. Also, emotions are a big factor of life they can tell alot of things about a perosn.
Secondly, there are some good causes to a computer that reads facial emotions becuase at school when kids get bored or tired of listening to the teacher the comouter could read that and make it more intertaining for the kids. Also, I think that would be helpful in schools too. On the other hand it could be bad to because of the students that are having a bad or sad day and it reads their emotions then people will know how they are feeling when they are trying to keep it to them selves because they dontwant anyone to know what is going on in their live or why they are feeling that.
Finally, students probably wouldnt want a computer that could read their facial emotions anyways. Many students are just tired and bored because it is school and they just want it to be over. Also, students arent at school to tell people about about their emotions or have a computer read them. Students are there to learn about school and makes friends like in the real world you would do.
In conclusion, there should be any competer that could read your facial emotions. Its not really a good idea to have them in schools either because it would cause more drama and kids would most likely feel more uncomfortable at school when they are sospouse to feel safe and not have to worrya bout anything but school work. | 3 |
fc58aed | Its not a alien its just how the landform was growing It started growing in a weired way and it kept going. Its just a landform there are many landforms on mars but this one is a little different from the rest of the landform this one looks more like like a face and the rest are just plane landforms. But if there was aliens On mare why would they just make one landform that looks like a face if there was aliens on mars im sure they wouldnt just make one that looks like a face and dont make anymore. They would make more and more till they got tired of making them..But its a landform growing in a shape of a face if there was different landforms that grew the same way it would be the same way as this landform. Or there coud have bind so bad weather and it could have did this and made the face. | 2 |
fc59dc3 | In the article, "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author portrays a very detailed report regarding the progress, application, and future of driverless cars, of which I personally would like to see implemented into society. I believe that driverless cars would alter society's way of life dramatically, and some people might want to resist that change because they're scared, but regardless of their decision; change is inevitable and this wave of revolution will spark the next step of technological innovation.
The progress regarding these driverless cars since the beginning of their production is immeasurable. Google, one of the leading companies in the development of driverless cars, already has manufactured cars that have driven more than half a million miles without a single crash! Although those cars are really just semi-driverless, this is one huge step in the next major revolution. In 2013, BMW released information regarding the development of a new program that will assist the driver in the ever so frustrating traffic jam situations named "Traffic Jam Assistant." BMW is essentially advertising the future of driverless cars by announcing the path they have chosen for the future of automobiles.
Although this progress is already enticing enough, there are more reasons to consider using driverless cars.
There are a myriad of real-world applications for driverless cars. Safety being the number one priority, these driverless cars can assess a hazardous situation, and react to it better than a human could by applying breaks to specific tires and reducing power from the engine by manipulating the data from past experiments that meet the conditions of the current one and applying the best outcome to that situation. These applications all seem so surreal, but are actually incredibly near.
The approaching future seems very appetizing as very popular automobile companies are entering the race to manufacture the world's first totally driverless car. Tesla has announced a release of a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time in 2016. And lastly; Mercedes, Audi, and Nissan all plan to have cars that can drive themselves by the year 2020. These companies all play a major role in what's in store for the future of automobiles.
The pros of using driverless cars effortlessly overcome the few cons as innovators from around the globe are conducting thousands of experiments everyday to compile and eventually apply all their data to construct the world's first driverless car. After stating just several reasons as to why the future of automobiles involve driverless cars, one can easily see the positive effects it would have on society as a whole. | 3 |
fc5aa1b | Can you believe that there is a face on Mars!? The Face on Mars is actually not a face but a natural landform for the following reasons, the facial features are just shadows, there isn't any real proof that aliens created it, and scientists have research that is proof of it not being alien-made.
The first reason is the facial features are just shadows. It would be nice if it was actually nad by an alien. Sadly, it isn't true. It is proven that it is actually just a huge rock formation. (Paragraph 3) "The authors reasoned it would be good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars. (Paragraph 3)
Secondly, there isn't actual proof that aliens created it anyways. There isn't any proof that aliens are even completely real. It is said in the article "Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze." (Paragraph 8). So, they do not have any actual real proof.
My last reason is that scientists have done research to prove that aliens did not really creat this face in Mars. Scientists had seen this photeo in the winter of April '98. Someone would have to peer through the camera through wispy clouds. (paragraph 8).
The reasoning for believing aliens did it is that people want to believe. They want to believe that another race of people can exsist. Maybe the aliens are jsut sending a message that they are real. Wem will never really know for sure sadly.
You can belioeve what you would like to. I believe that the face is just a landmark because the facial features on the face is just a few shadows, scientists have done research on this case, and there isn't really any proof that aliens created it. You may believe what you would like to. But, do you want to believe in something real or made up? | 3 |
fc5bc76 | The Many Reasons To Be A Seagoing Cowboy
Hellow my name is Luke and im going to tell you the many reasons to be a ¨Seagoing Cowboy¨.First, of all it allows you to go to many countrys that you may not get to afford to go to,and you get to tour if you have spare time to see many historical features like battle grounds. You may even get to see festivals and help thousands of people at the same time. If you have time after you did all the chores for the day you may be able to play games like baseball,volleyball,table-tennis tournaments and boxing but their is not just that theirs lots more to do.
Next, you may find time to go danceing or discover may cultures. You can eat new foods learn new games and spend well earned money on clothing and furniture. If your on your way home maybe you can fish or go sight seeing. If you get lucky you may be able to see the watery streets of Italy or Greece. To me the ¨Seagoing cowboys¨ program helped me see a lot I didnt know existed. These are the many reasons I went and loved the ¨Seagoing Cowboys¨ program. | 2 |
fc60c05 | The author thinks that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers, Because if we find out what is going on with venus then and figure more out about it. We go to space and we learn more about venus we could find out what is going on with venus and also find ways were it can help us in good ways. Although venus is very dangerous it would be a good way to find information. to help our planet and make our planet a better and safer place.
For example in the article they said that Venus has almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets. Also even more challenging is that "on the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, And the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." We are still trying to figure out a way to go to venus though so we can figure out how venus can help benefit the earth. For example, in paragraph 4 They discuss why scientists are even interested in venus. They then tell us "Astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life,just like Earth." "Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth." "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys,mountains, and craters." NASA has been working on a compelling idea for sending humans to study and examine Venus. NASA is talking about building and designing a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. "Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms. Also this vehicle would allow them to hover over Venus's surface.
The author thinks this would be a great invention because It will help us better explore Venus. He also thinks that inventing this would help are planet, Because by inventing this it would help us better explore Venus to help are earth. It would be great for a lot of reasons,But I think it would help us get better Ideas for further inventions. It would also help us find out interesting things about Venus that we've never learned about. This is why I think visiting mars is a must in our World and society today.
The author also tells us that this is very risky and dangerous,and if you don't use the right precaution it can end up very bad. I think too that he wants it to be safe for the people that are going to Venus. The author thinks that this is so dangerous he doesn't even want do it. He then says it is very important to find out what is going on with our planet though. He thinks this can really help beneifit are planet.
I think the overall point the author is trying to get across is that it is risky but needs to be done. The author points out so many reasons good and so many bad. But in the end he talks about why it would beneifit us for the better. | 4 |
fc63f37 | Dear, state senator i strongly feel that we should elect our presedent of the United states by popular vote in the artical it says that in 2000 when Gore had more poplular votes than Bush. Yet fewer electoial votes and still lost the campain. also in the artical it says that one person was agreeing that the electoral college is unfair, out dated and also irrational. i feel more people would agree with me because popular vote is probably the easiest way to elect a president although it has its bad thing like it can possibly be a tie and then it'll take much longer to elect a president. then you will have to go to congress. In the artical it says that one person was saying that the electorial college was unfair and also says that seventeen states didnt get to see the canidates. And twenty five didnt even get to see a campain ad. In my oppinion this was pointless for the voters to vote because if one canidate gets more votes than the other he automaticly gets it all, plus in the text, it says that some of the canidates dont go to the small places because they go to where they know there is more people so that they will get a easy win and if they win they get it all. so does that mean that other voters who lived in the other small states voted with out knowing who they voted for? therefor, that is why i agree that they should count popular votes because this way itll be fair for everyone and they could know who there voting for and everyones vote will count. | 3 |
fc68dd9 | How important is a persons car to them? Do they really need to have their own car? It would be more eco-friendly if they just car pooled, or even walked. It seems this question has occured to a lot of people in high places. These people then used their positions to ban cars in many busy cities, with marvelous results.
Some where in Germany, there's a social experiment going on. This experiment is taking place in a small suburbian town called Vauban. The people in this community have taken a huge leap of faith and got rid of all cars. But don't worry, they couldn't be happier. Their streets are nearly empty with virtually no traffic, they have less stress, and they don't have to worry about all the expenses that come with car ownership. The streets are very close together with stores on pratically every corner, to prevent having to go long distances. All they have to do is take a nice stroll down main street and have everything at their fingertips. They don't have to worry about people parking on their front lawns, or people flying dangerously fast down the street. It's just simple and easy.
Granted, having a car availible does have benefits. Owning a car can give people a sense of freedom. It's like a reassurance that no matter what, people have the means to get something done. Without having to depend on others. If there's an emergency, people don't want to have to wait for the next bus to come through. They want to get there as quickly as possible. Owning a car makes that possible. Owning a car can also make visiting that aunt that lives three states away possible. Without having to ride a cramped, smelly bus to get there.
On the other hand, going without a car certainly has more pros than cons. There's less stress, it's cheaper, there's less traffic, it's healthier, and there's less pollution. For instance, in Paris, there was so much smog, they had to ban cars. If people violated the ban they had to pay a fine, or even get their car impounded. They blamed diesel fuel for the smog, because in France, that's nearly 67 percent of cars fuel. The cities' smog rivaled Bejings', and that's the most polluted city in the world! Going without a car is also less stressful. People don't have to worry about how they'll make the next car payment, or how they might run out of gas. There's also virtually no chance of getting in an accident. Afterall, how is someone going to get in an accident without a car?
Not only is going without a car the better economical choice, its the best personal choice. Why would someone deliberately put themsleves through the stress of owning a car, when they can easily go without? Though it has some benefits, like being independent, those benefits are greatly outnumbered by the pros of going without. It's just cheaper and less stressful. Who wouldn't want that? | 5 |
fc70bb4 | This paper will decride why people should join the Seagoing Cowboys.
There are many reasons .
Here are some of them.
One reason is you get to help people that have no food or shelter because of a war.
They lost everything you take them food and biuld them shelter.
Another reason is that you get to meet people from other countries and explore there culture.
You go to China and Greece that is so fun.
Lastley a reason is that you get to stop at cool towns and countrys to get a tour.
We went to Crete and we went to the Panama Canal and went on a tour of that as well.
There are so many fun and entertaining things to do when you become a Seagoing Cowboy.
Some reasons that you should not become a Seagoing Cowboy is because it is very dangerous.
You go into other lands not knowing if they aer going to be mean or very nice to you new comers.
You have to feed dangerous and vises animals on the ship such as hourses, goats, and donkeys.
They may not be happy about being on the ship and may get mad and hurt you.
You could fall overborad and be left to yourself in the ocean.
The ship may fall over and you may have a ship wreak.
You are going to paces that are danaged from the war and the soliders there might not know that the war is over and they could shot you.
Even though there are many ways that you could get hurt or killed you will still have lots of fun on your trip across the world and back.
As you can see there are so many fun things to do on the ship and on the land.
You can play volleyball, baseball, wresteling, tag, hide and seek, and even vesing.
You will have fun on and off the ship and you will never be bored there are so many ways to be active and healthey even on the boat.
There are so many things to do off the ship like go and have a nice taste of what ever country or culture you are in, it is truly great.
I hope that every thing I have told you will make you want to be a Seagoing Cowboy and mabey make that your dream job.
This paper explianed why you should become a Seagoing Cowboy.
Just think about all of the things I said today before you go pick your next job.
Mabey after that you will host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years with your family. | 3 |
fc72567 | Mona Lisa is making beautiful smile's to the people and to the world out there. Technology, however, was too advanced after a few years Mona Lisa died. The difference between Mona and the technology is no compliment because Mona is no exception in technology, she was born with no technology back then, as for us, we did!
But Mona Lisa should of experienced technology because technology is fun and you can chat with others! As back then, you couldnt chat with your friends or with your parents, I wondered how children got hold of their parents back then since there wasn't no technology back then.
Exception of Mona Lisa, I feel bad there wasnt no technology back then but at the same time i didn't feel bad because she was probably glad of not having technology. To clarify any information of the technology Mona was glad to have not experienced technology. As others(like our ancestors)they wished to had experienced technology as we are today.
Technology is a tool we now call "daily rountine" because we use it everyday and its a rountine at school. I would have loved to experienced what life would be without technology. But unfortunely, I didnt, I live in a generation of having technology that I now call my rountine becuase i do it at school and at home. Last year, the new iPhone X(10) was made and holy cow how the technology went from iPhone 3 to iPhone 10 in just 5 years(i think it was 5 years).
The iPhone X(10) has cool features that nobody thought of buying it. One of the features are Facial recognition. what i mean by that is, the iPhone X(10)recognizes your face changed your not it still recognizes it.
Another one is that there is now a wireless charger which is insane even though you have to buy the charger to connect it but u dont have to use the word "plug" anymore, instead you say is "I'm going wireless today." The last one I'm going to mention is it doesnt have a home button anymore. Instead, you swipe up or down(i dont know how it goes since i dont have an iPhone X(10))to go to the main page of your screen. | 1 |
fc76be4 | germany,paris,columbia and now the usa have begun to cut back ob their vehichle emmissions. why?
To reduce the amount of greenhouse gases produced by their countries.
no cars in germany? vaubaun germany is a new upscale community on the edge of the french and swiss border. recently completed in 2006 whats so special you might ask?
theres little no no cars in this new community.
according to the article "
in german suburb, life goes on with out cars
" written by: elisabeth rosenthanl.
"70 percent of vaubans families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here."
thsi effort is being used to try and reduce the 12 pecent of green house gas prouced by europ alone.
in vauban people crowd the sidwalks, kis playing in the streets, and the people that do want to own a car have to pay a cool $40,000.00. and there cars are not even kept in their houses.
in another european country close by, paris is also trying to cut down its green house gas emisoms.
in the article "
paris bans driving due to smog
" it tells how france is also taking action to reduce its green house gases.
the article reads "after days of near-record pollution, paris enforces a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city."
anyone who had an odd numberd tag on one of the days and was cought driving would get a $31 ticket. and revers for the even numberd tags on the next day. so the cars took turns driving. meaning there would be less cars on the street on those certain days.
according to the article over 4,000 people were fined, and 27 people had their cars impounded. it might sound stupid but whe your trying to save the world its a small price to pay.
bogota columbia also joins the fight against greenhouse gases.
car free day spinning into a big hit in bogota
" by Andrew selsky tells the story of just one day that people in bogota neglected to use cars.
" millions of colombians hiked,biked,skated, or took buses to work during a car free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams. it was the third straight year cars have been banned and taxis permitted for the days without cars in this capital city of 7 million. the goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. violators faced $25 fines."
bogota columbia has been doing this now for over 3 years, meaning that they are actually cutting down on there green house gas emissions.
not even the rainly days of columbia stopped the participants of this now yearly event. the participants are not only held to bogota, recently cali and valledupar also joined the even.
this 1 day with out cars has been in place sinc the 1990's.
the article "
the end of car culture
" tells how americans are driving less and how less and less people are buying cars, and how les greenhouse gas is being emmitioned.
lastly its tells how president obama gave a speach on greenhouse gases. | 1 |
fc7710f | The author has good points and good reasoning on his suggestion of "studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents." He has good evidence and shows that he really did look into it and did his research before saying his suggestion. He had more then enough reasons to support his claim.
In the text it states "The planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees fehrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth." This shows that Venus is very hot and could be danger to us if we don't look into it and care about it. This shows that if you don't look into Venus you'd never know about the changes it could be making to our world.
Although that is very interesting the author add more reasons on to why you should study Venus. In the passage it states that " Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun."
This shows that if something were to go wrong it would also effect us on Earth because of how close it is and how hot Venus is. This really supports his idea because it lets us know how hard it must be to do any type of research on Venus but we should still try.
Since Venus is very hot and is set at a tempature we've never felt before here on Earth it could be hard to study Venus in real life. In the text it states that "Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks." This is good evidence the author uses because it lets us get an idea of how hard it must be to do reseach and that we should take advantage of the information we have now and study Venus with that.
In conclusion the author had really good points and good evidence to support his claim about us studying Venus. It really proves that Venus can be dangerous and that we should be prepared and know our information if something were to happen. I would look into studying Venus and see what else their is about it. | 3 |
fc772da | "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is an article focused on the topic of studying Venus and what diffculties can happen, but also the benefits and knowledge gained.
The author describes how exploring Venus can be dangerous but can also help the Earth's population.
The author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents very well with evidence.
The author supports the main idea well with evidence and details included in the article.
At first, the author shows some of the dangers involved in exploring Venus, "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals" (3).
This fact gives an example of a bad situation that people might go through if they explore Venus.
The author uses this fact to remain unbiased and show both sides of the argument.
Later in the article, the author says, "Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way... Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans" (5).
This statement describes a solution to humans not being able to survive Venus's conditions.
Exploring Venus is so important that scientests thought of ways to complete that mission safely.
Lastly, the author states, "Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth... Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel" (4).
This realization illustrates how beneficial traveling to Venus is because it could be a planet that humans could use for habitation.
Exploring Venus is necessary because the human population might need to use the planet in the future.
It is always good to have a backup plan if something on Earth goes horribly wrong.
Overall, facts listed in the text support the author's main idea and purpose.
The main idea, that Venus is worthy to pursuit even with its dangerous elements, is supported and shown well by the author.
The author does this by including facts and statements that keep the article unbiased and describe the incredible benefits of exploring Venus.
The main point comes across well because it opens the readers' mind to the possibility of venturing to Venus and what it could do for our planet. | 3 |
fc7760b | The invention of driverless cars has many intriguing ideas in cluding the reduction of the use of gas, sensors to alert the driver when to take over the wheel, and a new entertainment system. But, without a driver in control of the vehicle, a driverless car may somehow malfunction and go out of control causing danger to the "driver", passengers, and other people on the road. Also, without an ability to drive, drivers will feel very bored because they would have nothing to do. Therefore, I believe that driverless cars should not be made because of the safety hazards that it could cause and because of the lack of entertainment value.
Driverless cars should not be created for two main reasons. First, without the attention of the so-called "driver", the car may suddenly break down causing accidents and injuries to pedestrians or oassengers in the car. Though cars, like the BMW' s stated in this article have special touch sensors, the driver, who may not be paying attention to the road, might not have time to react to the situation. With driverless cars, the driver may underestimate what could happen if the car suddenly malfunctioned. Therefore, driverless cars should not be created.
Driverless cars would not keep the "driver" aware of his surroundings. The driver would basically be another passenger in the car. As a result, people in the car might start to get very bored. On long trips, like traveling down to Florida, a driver would not get bored because the new roads would keep his or her eyes occupied on the road, and the driver would get to drive on unfamiliar roads, making the drive a little less boring for the drivers. But without the ability to drive, there would be nothing to do on these long trips. This article even admits that the psychological aspects of self driving cars are a challenge becuase the driver might go insane just sitting in a car for a prolonged period of time. As a result, driverless cars should not be created.
Driverless cars should not be mad because of the psychological effects on a person and safety hazards that it could cause. Without the attention of a driver, the car could go out of control without the driver even noticing. A driver would also be very bored just sitting in a car for a long period of time, and therefore, he or she would not like these kinds of cars. We should stick with non-autonomous cars because the keep the attention of the driver on the road and it provides at least some entertainment value for the driver. | 4 |
fc7b015 | The conspiracy about aliens has been starting to go too far. An isolated mesa was found on Mars, but when its picture was taken, it looked like a face. The conspiracy theorists have been thinking that that's the proof that there's life on Mars, but they're wrong. The picture was taken in 2001, which means it was very detailed, so it would've been obvious if there were any tombs or buildings surrounding the mesa. Also, it only looks like a face because of it shadows. The shadows actually shape it into a face. Finally, if it was actually a sign for alien life, it would've profited NASA, so there wouldn't be a point in hiding the "truth" that the conspiracy theorists believe. These all show that the Face is just an ordinary rock.
The last picture of the Face was taken in 2001. This was a very detailed picture, even for being taken so long ago. Each pixel in the image was equal to 1.56 meters in real life. This means that any other nearby buildings or tombs would've been seen near the rock. There weren't any buildings or any sign of actual alien life nearby, so the picture at least proved that the Face wasn't a sign from the aliens, but just a rock.
The only reason that the Face looks so much like a face is because of the shadows. Without the shadows, the Face might just look like an ordinary rock on mars. The shadows themself give the illusion of the rock having eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Those shadows are the only reason that the Face IS
the Face.
Without those shadows, the Face wouldn't be so famous. Nobody would have probably ever known or cared about it.
The conspiracy theorists and many people in general probably think that NASA is hiding the fact that aliens are real, so they're lying about the Face and just saying that it's a landform, when they think it's a sign that aliens exist. That's not true. NASA is a company that needs money like all the rest. They know that telling people that aliens were real would profit them a lot, so they wouldn't just hide the fact that the Face was an alien artifact if it was one. NASA probably wishes that they had found an ancient cililization on Mars, just for the profit.
The theorists are wrong about the Face being an ancient artifact. The latest picture of the Face is so detailed, that any ancient civilizations nearby would be visible. Also, the Face is only the Face because the rock has shadows along it that makes it look like it has eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Finally, NASA would proabably like to find an ancient civilization on Mars, just so that they could profit from finding something related to alien life. They wouldn't just hide the truth if they could gain money from it. Therefore, theorists should just realize that facts are facts, and that if NASA finds an ancient civilization on Mars, they'll tell everyone. | 5 |
fc8bb35 | There are people all around the world that makes different varity of cars but theres nothing like driverless cars. Driverless cars are negitive, in my opinion. They'll keeps you secure, make sure your observing the road at all times, and the seats even vibrate when the vehicle is in danger but drivers must be alert and ready if the car is in any type of situation. Thes variaty of cars can be useful for those who have trouble keeping their eyes on the road. There are multiple reasons why driverless cars are useful but could be also negitive vehicles to us. Just keep reading to find out why.
All the driverless cars sounds so good and cool to us but most people would buy them because of what they and what they could do for them. Even though these cars came watch out for us and have vibrating seats and designed to do work and things like that but what if the car colaps? Anything can break and some things cant be fixed. Just imagine youre driving this new car and boom! it stops. You might think you need gas or oil change but really, everything broke down. Nothing is working the way you bought it. Youre going to need a new car.
These type of cars arent even good for a first time driver. If the car is doing everything for them then they're not gong to learn anything. Driverless brake by themselve, thats one important thing a first time driver needs to know. If theres only cars like this in the world with no regular cars, then i honestly think all of our cars are not going to make it.
Accidents inside the car can also be a problem. Lets say we have children and they get to the front seat with juice in their hand with no lid. Juice is going to get everywhere and there's going to be a big mess. Juice gets into the sterio or or where to start the car up at theres no more driverless car anymore.
This car has camera on its rearveiw mirror, four automotive rador sensors. Your just better off with a regular car. Saves parents money and a whole lot of attitude. | 3 |
fc95fdd | You should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because you will be able to see many sights, and you do not need to fight in the war. You will also help many people by doing this job. It is an unbelievable opportunity for many people to in joy helping people.
you can also tour places all over the world.
being a seagoing cowboy is much more than an adventure it is also a lot of work. you will also find time to have fun,especially on return trips after the animals have been unloaded. The UNRRA hired us seagoing cowboy to take care of horses,young cows,and mules.
so far I have told you about all the good things about being a seagoing cowboy it is also dangerous.
On my second trip I was the night watchman my job was to report to the captian every hour to tell him how the animals were doing one rainy night I was making my hourly report
I slid down a slippery ladder and craked one of my ribs
That is only some of the resons to join us sea going cowboys.
The other resones you will have to figur out your self. | 2 |
fc98949 | I believe that driverless cars could be a bad thing when it comes to accidents or construction zones. Driverless cars would take away jobs from people that drive transportation for others, like taxi drivers and bus drivers. Driverless cars are costing more money to figure out how to make them one hundred percent driverless. Driverless cars could cause more wrecks if something happened inside the vehicle. These reasons are why i think driverless cars are a bad investment.
Driverless cars today still need assistance from human drivers when going through construction zones and passing accidents. Driverless cars will never be able to go around an accident if it happens right infront of the car. the driverless vehicles dont have the reflexes of humans so I do not think that driverless cars will ever be 100% driverless.
When companies make these vehicles they are taking jobs away from public transportation drivers, like bus drivers and taxi drivers. So, The United States would be causing more jobs to be taken by a machine. Causing more debt to The United States. Driverless car companies spend lots of money to make testing vehicles, when the companie spends that money on a testing car that has problems then it causes more debt. There is not a single 100% driverless car yet and the companies spend time and money on figuring out how to make them completely driverless.
Driverless cars could possibly cause more wrecks. The vehicle could accidentally drive into another lane when there is another car in it. It might not be able to stop quick enough if there is a wreck in front of the driverless car. Many things go wrong with technology as it is so why do we need another thing that could injur or kill humans.
I believe that driverless cars are a bad thing to have because they could cause wrecks, take jobs away and cost The United States more and more money, and because driverless cars are not 100% driverless and will need driver assistance at some point. | 3 |
fc9aa78 | The president of the united states is one of the most powerful political leaders in the world and controls the faith of one of the wealthiest countrys on the planet. There have been many discussions on how to elect the president of such a great nation. The Electoral College, the founding fathers established it in the constitution as a compromise between election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. If its worked for over 200 years why change it. The Electoral College provides certainty of outcome and avoids run-off elections and should be kept as the form of election of the U.S. president of our state.
To Begin With, the Electoral College has been used for more than 200 years and our state is fighting for another 200 years of electoral college. In an article by Richard A. Posner called "In Defense Of The Electoral College:Five Reasons To Keep Our Despised Method Of ChoosingThe President" he states "there are...reasons for retainig the Electoral College despite its lack of democratic pedigree: all are practical reasons, not liberal or conservative reasons." Amongst these reasons one of them is the certainty of outcome and in source 3 paragraph 18 it states that "A dispue over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible-it happened in 2000-but its less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. The reasons is that the winning candidates share of the popular vote." Richard Posner is stating that Electoral College is more effective because it causes less trouble and does not need to be disputed unlike popular vote which needs to be disputed because the winning candidiates share of the Electoral college invaribly exceeds his share of the popular vote.
Furthermore, The electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. In an article by Richard A. Posner called "In Defense Of The Electoral College:Five Reasons To Keep Our Despised Method Of ChoosingThe President" he says "nixon in 1968 and clinton in 1992 both had only a 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the Electoral College (301 and 370). There is pressure for run off elections when no candidate wins a majority of the votes cast; the presidential election process, is reduced by the electoral college, which invaribly produces a clear winner." | 4 |
fc9f684 | You really think that the Face was created by aliens? Well I do not think that. First of all there is no evidence that aliens even exsist. Second of all, there is no evidence that it was created by aliens at all, it is just a conspiracy therory. Also another example would be that it says in the paragraph that is just a landform. I believe that the Face is just a landform, like the ones on earth.
My first example that the Face wasn't created my aliens would be, there is no evidence that aliens even exsisted ever. There is no evidence in the passage but it is just a known belief that aliens have never existed at all, in the history of ever.
Another example that i believe would be that, yet again there is no evidence that the aliens (that don't exsist) even made that. For instance, in paragraph six it states," Although few scientists believed the Face was an alien artifact....."We photographed the Face as soon as we could get a good shot at it." This example shows that even few scientist believe that the aliens created it. NASA still tried to prove that it wasn't made by the aliens that don't exsist.
My last reason I believe that the Face wasn't made by aliens would be that, the Face was proven to be just like the landforms on Earth, and we didn't shape those. For example, in paragraph twelve it states," What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West. "It reminds me most of MIddle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,"
says Garvin. "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars."
This example shows that it was proven that the Face is just like landforms on Earth.
In conclusion, these three examples show why I believe that the Face was not made by aliens. It is just a landform, like the ones on Earth. There is no evidence that aliens even exist. There is no evidence that aliens created the Face. Also it was proven that the Face is just like landforms on Earth. I believe that the Face is just a natural landform. | 4 |
fca3e76 | In the article "The Challenges of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a wothy, but dangerous pursuit. The author uses details in his passage to explain why he thinks that Venus is wothy of studying.
In paragraph two, the author writes "venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density a nd size, and occasionally the closest in distance too." This one way that the author explains why we should study Venus, becuase it is the planet that is related to Earth. This can put a thought into your head such as "maybe there can be human life on Venus one day since it is kind of like Earth." In paragraph three, the author states "Astronomers are fasinated ny Venus because it may as well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." The author also states,"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely wtih oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." This tells us that there could have once been life on Venus and also that astronomers believe that studying Venus is important as well, due to its similarities to Earth.
In this, I conclude that the author well supports his idea of the importance of studying Venus, even if it is dangerous. He gives many details as well as facts from NASA and other astronomical places about why it is important to study Venus. | 2 |
fcaa827 | Many car manufactoring companies are developing technology for driverless cars. This new technology will allow the car to drive itself with little to no help from the driver. By the year 2020, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, and Audi hope to have cars that drive themselves. This new technology could bring some problems to the roadways.
The problem of texting and driving is already getting out of hand in this modern time. Many people in this modern time own a phone and most of them text and drive. This new technology would tempt the driver to be on their phone while the car is driving itself. If something were to malfunction in the car, the driver would have a greater chance of not getting control of the car than if they were staying alert and driving themselves.
When more and more technology is put into a car, more problems can arise. With so many working parts crammed into one car, there is a higher chance for the car to overheat. This can lead to an engine fire which can envelop the car in flames and endander both the driver and passengers, as well as the persons who come to rescue the victims.
When driving, safety should be the top concern for anyone. Not just for them, but for the safety of the passengers as well as other drivers. With this new tecnology, parents of young children could let their child opperate the car without the child having their licence. Driving on any road is no position for a young child to be in. Children do not have the experience to opperate a car properly. With this new technology, some parents may think that it is safe to let their child opperate the car when they are actually putting everyone in the car at a higher risk of injury and possible death.
In conclusion, while driverless cars may be an idea not far around the corner, this new technology could arise some problems. Texting and driving cases would dramatically increase with the new technology. Also, all of the technology put into the car could cause the car to overheat. Finally, parents may think it is fine to let their young child opperate the car on roadways. When really they are putting the people in the car at a greater risk of injury. | 3 |
fcab2b2 | Technology has grown more and more over the years, and sometimes we're for sure lucky to have the technology we do have today. The use of this new technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because we should not always trust our eyes, it helps us to better understand what it is we're looking at, and knowing what others around you and what your looking at, can reflect on how you feel as a person.
When looking at a picture of someone smiling, you may think they're happy. Although they're smiling, that smile could surely be fake. What if they threw the smile on so people would think that they're okay? Maybe they just dont want to be bothered. You can't always trust what it is, that your eye is seeing. With this technology, you don't have to trust your eyes to tell how the person in this work of art is feeling. With a few simple steps, you can tell what the emotions in the paintings are. "The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how mcuh this computer can do. Imagine a computer that knows when you are happy or sad".
This new technology helps us better understand what it is that we are looking at. This Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. The Facial Action Coding System gathers what muscular action units are being used. The muscular action units is how the Coding System collects its data and registers what it is the person is feeling. "They even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one".
Whether it's a family picture you're looking at, or a painting by the greatest painter of all time, If it makes you happy, hinting a genuine smile, can reflect on how you feel. If you know that a painting of sunflowers, is something that you like to see, can cheer you up a little. Although you're not going to be the happiest person in the world because you looked at a picture/painting you enjoy seeing, you will for sure be more happy! "According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them".
In all reality, technology has had a huge impact on our lives, and we would be lost if it was to be taken from us. This technology may have one of the biggest impacts on our life since smarthphones had first came out. Maybe this will soon be the "style". The use of this new technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because we should not always trust our eyes, it helps us to better understand what it is we're looking at, and knowing what others around you and what your looking at, can reflect on how you feel as a person. | 4 |
fcac377 | The article talks about Prof. Thomas Huang of the University of Illinois working in collabration with Prof. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam developing a software that can read people emotions. They have tested this software on the painting of Leonardo da Vinci's painting called Mona Lisa
I think we can use this software in classrooms read students emotions. This could tell us how the students are feeling about the topic that they are working or they are about move onto. In the aritcle it talks about Mona Lisa "Shes 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. Its the subject of Leonardo da Vincis Renaissance painting, Mona Lisa at least according to some new computer software that can recognize emotions.
This could tell us how the students are feeling about the topic that they are working or they are about move onto. This could also tell wether the student has a question or let us that the student might not understand the topic. If schools use this software, our numbers in passing the test could go higher up.
This could tell us how much is a student interested in the topic. We can use this software in colleges to like if the student is interested in the class or is being forced by his/her parents to take that class. | 3 |
fcacccb | Did you know there were 4 different emotions detected in the famous Mona Lisa painting?
Do you wanna know how it was abe to be detected? Well Prof. Thomas Huang in colaboration with Prof. Nicu Sebe invinted a way for computers to be able to figure out how you are feeling based on your face.
I do feel like the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. I feel like it is valuable because the problem in school nowadays it the problem with being bored. When we become bored, we could careless with whats going on and we become less engaged. The text states "a classroom computer could recongnize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." So when the computer can catch bordem a head of time, nothing else should be an issue.
In conclusion if we can get around the fact of becoming bored we wouldn't have to worry about attendence in school, naps in school, or test scores/ grades in school. | 2 |
fcb138b | I stand behind the development of driveless cars. I think they could be a great improvement to transportation and commute.
As Google cofounder Sergey Brin envisions in the article, there could be a public transportation system composed of driveless taxis that I think would be greatly beneficial as transportation. They would conserve fuel, which is good for the environment, and offer more flexibility for people who need to commute. Plus, if this system is made true as a public transportation system, it might reduce spending for people who use it and normally might spend more paying for fuel for their car, and/or car maintenance. People spend a lot on making sure their cars are working fine; with driveless taxis as a mode of transportation, you wouldn't have to worry about mechanic and/or fuel costs. A driveless taxi system could be dependable enought that you wouldn't even have to learn to drive or get a car, which could save you not only the cost of a car, but also time.
Driveless cars could also reduce accidents. Currently, they're only programmed mainly to assist, and do basic driving, letting a human cut in when there are road or traffic issues and accidents. But, if one day, driveless cars were to be the main mode of transportation, and there were enough of them in circulation within an area, they could reduce accidents in that area with their smart-driving programming. Just assisting, as they mainly do now, is still a great improvement
- they're programmed to drive safely and smartly, and likely would not be the cause or part of an accident. Current traffic laws assume that the only safe cars have human drivers, but I think driveless cars could be entrusted with keeping safety standards for these reasons. After all, it's humans that cause accidents - I don't think driveless cars could be programmed to be so reckless.
Driveless cars are a great innovation. They would be useful and beneficial to so many people, and could reduce many risks that are issues with human driving today. | 3 |
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