Select CustomerId, count(*)
From receipts
Group by CustomerId
Order by count(*)
20. For each date, return how many distinct customers visited on that day.
Select date, count (distinct CustomerId)
from receipts
Group by date
Give me the first name and last name of customers who have bought apple flavor Tart.
Select distinct T4.FirstName, T4.LastName
from goods as T1 JOIN items as T2 JOIN receipts as T3 JOIN customers as T4 ON T1.id = T2.item and T2.receipt = T3.ReceiptNumber and T3.CustomerId = T4.id
where T1.flavor = "Apple" and T1.food = "Tart"
21. What are the ids of Cookies whose price is lower than any Croissant?
Select id
From goods
where food = "Cookie" and price < (select min(price)
from goods
where food = 'Croissant')
Give me the ids of Cakes whose price is at least three times as much as the average price of Tart?
Select id
From goods
where food = "Cake" and price >= 3 * (select avg(price)
from goods
where food = "Tart")
What are the ids of goods whose price is above twice the average price of all goods?
Select id
From goods
where price > 2 * (select avg(price)
from goods)
22. List the id, flavor and type of food of goods ordered by price.
Select id, flavor, food
From goods
order by price
Return a list of the id and flavor for Cakes ordered by flavor.
Select id, flavor
From goods
where food = "Cake"
order by flavor
23. Find all the items that have chocolate flavor but were not bought more than 10 times.
Select distinct T1.item
From items as T1 JOIN goods as T2 ON T1.item = T2.id
Where T2.flavor = "Chocolate"
Select distinct item
From items
Group by item
having count(*) > 10
What are the flavors available for Cake but not for Tart?
Select distinct flavor
From goods
where food = "Cake"
Select distinct flavor
From goods
where food = "Tart"
24. What is the three most popular goods in this bakery?
Select item
From items
Group by item
Order by count (*) DESC
25. Find the ids of customers who have spent more than 150 dollars in total.
Select T3.CustomerId