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878 | Girls, boys, and computers | Today North American girls, boys, teachers, and parents frequently regard computer science and programming as something boys are better at. The author considers how many of the factors that contribute to the low participation of women in computing occur first, and perhaps most forcefully, in childhood. She presents four recommendations to address the situation | [
"computer science",
"gender issues"
] | [
] |
1042 | Chaotic phenomena and fractional-order dynamics in the trajectory control of redundant manipulators | Redundant manipulators have some advantages when compared with classical arms because they allow the trajectory optimization, both on the free space and on the presence of obstacles, and the resolution of singularities. For this type of arms the proposed kinematic control algorithms adopt generalized inverse matrices but, in general, the corresponding trajectory planning schemes show important limitations. Motivated by these problems this paper studies the chaos revealed by the pseudoinverse-based trajectory planning algorithms, using the theory of fractional calculus | [
"chaotic phenomena",
"fractional-order dynamics",
"trajectory control",
"redundant manipulators",
"classical arms",
"trajectory optimization",
"kinematic control algorithms",
"generalized inverse matrices",
"trajectory planning schemes",
"fractional calculus"
] | [
] |
1007 | Conditions for decentralized integral controllability | The term decentralized integral controllability (DIC) pertains to the existence of stable decentralized controllers with integral action that have closed-loop properties such as stable independent detuning. It is especially useful to select control structures systematically at the early stage of control system design because the only information needed for DIC is the steady-state process gain matrix. Here, a necessary and sufficient condition conjectured in the literature is proved. The real structured singular value which can exploit realness of the controller gain is used to describe computable conditions for DIC. The primary usage of DIC is to eliminate unworkable pairings. For this, two other simple necessary conditions are proposed. Examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed conditions for DIC | [
"decentralized integral controllability",
"stable decentralized controllers",
"integral action",
"closed-loop properties",
"stable independent detuning",
"control system design",
"steady-state process gain matrix",
"real structured singular value",
"necessary sufficient conditions",
"systematic control structure selection",
"controller gain realness",
"unworkable pairing elimination",
"Schur complement"
] | [
] |
885 | Assignment of periods and priorities of messages and tasks in distributed control systems | Presents a task and message-based scheduling method to guarantee the given end-to-end constraints including precedence constraints, time constraints, and period and priority of task and message. The method is an integrated one considering both tasks executed in each node and messages transmitted via the network and is designed to apply to a general distributed control system that has multiple loops and a single loop has sensor nodes with multiple sensors, actuator nodes with multiple actuators, controller nodes with multiple tasks, and several types of constraints. The assigning method of the optimal period and priority of task and message is proposed, using the presented task and message-based scheduling method | [
"distributed control systems",
"message-based scheduling method",
"end-to-end constraints",
"precedence constraints",
"time constraints",
"periods assignment",
"priorities assignment",
"task-based scheduling method"
] | [
] |
998 | Discreteness and relevance: a reply to Roman Poznanski | In reply to Poznanski (see ibid., p.435, 2002) on discreteness and relevance, Eliasmith claims that all of the concerns voiced by Poznanski in his reply fail to offer a serious challenge to the idea that continuity is irrelevant to a good understanding of cognitive systems. Eliasmith hopes that it is evident that he does not claim that the process in neural systems is discrete, but rather that a complete characterization of the process can be discrete; these of course are significantly different claims | [
"cognitive systems",
"neural systems"
] | [
] |
89 | A framework for rapid local area modeling for construction automation | Rapid 3D positioning and modeling in construction can be used to more effectively plan, visualize, and communicate operations before execution. It can also help to optimize equipment operations, significantly improve safety, and enhance a remote operator's spatial perception of the workspace. A new framework for rapid local area sensing and 3D modeling for better planning and control of construction equipment operation is described and demonstrated. By combining human-assisted graphical workspace modeling with pre-stored Computer-Aided Design (CAD) models and simple sensors (such as single-axis laser rangefinders and remote video cameras), modeling time can be significantly reduced while potentially increasing modeling accuracy | [
"rapid local area modeling",
"construction automation",
"rapid 3D positioning",
"equipment operations",
"spatial perception",
"rapid local area sensing",
"3D modeling",
"human-assisted graphical workspace modeling",
"single-axis laser rangefinders",
"remote video cameras",
"pre-stored Computer-Aided Design models"
] | [
] |
74 | End-user perspectives on the uptake of computer supported cooperative working | Researchers in information systems have produced a rich collection of meta-analyses and models to further understanding of factors influencing the uptake of information technologies. In the domain of CSCW, however, these models have largely been neglected, and while there are many case studies, no systematic account of uptake has been produced. We use findings from information systems research to structure a meta-analysis of uptake issues as reported in CSCW case studies, supplemented by a detailed re-examination of one of our own case studies from this perspective. This shows that while there are some factors which seem to be largely specific to CSCW introductions, many of the case study results are very similar to standard IS findings. We conclude by suggesting how the two communities of researchers might build on each other's work, and finally propose activity theory as a means of integrating the two perspectives | [
"end-user perspectives",
"computer supported cooperative work",
"information systems",
"information technology",
"activity theory"
] | [
] |
126 | A new architecture for implementing pipelined FIR ADF based on classification of coefficients | In this paper, we propose a new method for implementing pipelined finite-impulse response (FIR) adaptive digital filter (ADF), with an aim of reducing the maximum delay of the filtering portion of conventional delayed least mean square (DLMS) pipelined ADF. We achieve a filtering section with a maximum delay of one by simplifying a pre-upsampled and a post-downsampled FIR filter using the concept of classification of coefficients. This reduction is independent of the order of the filter, which is an advantage when the order of the filter is very large, and as a result the method can also be applied to infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. Furthermore, when the proposed method is compared with the transpose ADF, which has a filtering section with zero delay, it is realized that it significantly reduces the maximum delay associated with updating the coefficients of FIR ADF. The effect of this is that, the proposed method exhibits a higher convergence speed in comparison to the transpose FIR ADF | [
"pipelined FIR ADF",
"adaptive digital filter",
"maximum delay",
"convergence speed",
"coefficient classification",
"delayed least mean square filter",
"pre-upsampled filter",
"post-downsampled filter"
] | [
] |
965 | Sliding mode control of chaos in the cubic Chua's circuit system | In this paper, a sliding mode controller is applied to control the cubic Chua's circuit system. The sliding surface of this paper used is one dimension higher than the traditional surface and guarantees its passage through the initial states of the controlled system. Therefore, using the characteristic of this sliding mode we aim to design a controller that can meet the desired specification and use less control energy by comparing with the result in the current existing literature. The results show that the proposed controller can steer Chua's circuit system to the desired state without the chattering phenomenon and abrupt state change | [
"sliding mode control",
"sliding surface",
"state change",
"cubic Chua circuit system",
"match disturbance",
"mismatch disturbance"
] | [
] |
920 | Three-dimensional periodic Voronoi grain models and micromechanical FE-simulations of a two-phase steel | A three-dimensional model is proposed for modeling of microstructures. The model is based on the finite element method with periodic boundary conditions. The Voronoi algorithm is used to generate the geometrical model, which has a periodic grain structure that follows the original boundaries of the Voronoi cells. As an application, the model is used to model a two-phase ferrite/pearlite steel. It is shown that periodic cells with only five grains generate representative stress-strain curves | [
"periodic Voronoi grain models",
"two-phase steel",
"three-dimensional model",
"periodic boundary conditions",
"Voronoi algorithm",
"geometrical model",
"stress-strain curves",
"micromechanical FEM simulations",
"microstructures modeling",
"ferrite-pearlite steel",
"Voronoi tessellation",
"adaptive mesh generator",
"quadtree/octree-based algorithm",
"kinematic constraints",
"computational time"
] | [
] |
636 | FLID-DL: congestion control for layered multicast | We describe fair layered increase/decrease with dynamic layering (FLID-DL): a new multirate congestion control algorithm for layered multicast sessions. FLID-DL generalizes the receiver-driven layered congestion control protocol (RLC) introduced by Vicisano et al. (Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, San Francisco, CA, , p.996-1003, Mar. 1998)ameliorating the problems associated with large Internet group management protocol (IGMP) leave latencies and abrupt rate increases. Like RLC, FLID-DL, is a scalable, receiver-driven congestion control mechanism in which receivers add layers at sender-initiated synchronization points and leave layers when they experience congestion. FLID-DL congestion control coexists with transmission control protocol (TCP) flows as well as other FLID-DL sessions and supports general rates on the different multicast layers. We demonstrate via simulations that our congestion control scheme exhibits better fairness properties and provides better throughput than previous methods. A key contribution that enables FLID-DL and may be useful elsewhere is dynamic layering (DL), which mitigates the negative impact of long IGMP leave latencies and eliminates the need for probe intervals present in RLC. We use DL to respond to congestion much faster than IGMP leave operations, which have proven to be a bottleneck in practice for prior work | [
"congestion control",
"fair layered increase/decrease with dynamic layering",
"dynamic layering",
"multirate congestion control algorithm",
"layered multicast sessions",
"receiver-driven layered congestion control protocol",
"Internet group management protocol",
"sender-initiated synchronization",
"transmission control protocol",
"multicast layers",
"scalable congestion control",
"Internet protocol multicast",
"TCP fairness"
] | [
] |
673 | The Information Age interview - Capital One | Credit card company Capital One attributes its rapid customer growth to the innovative use of cutting-edge technology. European CIO Catherine Doran talks about the systems that have fuelled that runaway success | [
"Capital One",
"credit card company",
"customer growth",
"cutting-edge technology"
] | [
] |
1226 | Temp IT chief rallies troops [Mori] | The appointment of a highly qualified interim IT manager enabled market research company Mori to rapidly restructure its IT department. Now the resulting improvements are allowing it to support an increasing role for technology in the assimilation and analysis of market research | [
"interim IT manager",
"market research company"
] | [
] |
1263 | Super high definition image (WHD: Wide/Double HD) transmission system | This paper describes a WHD image transmission system constructed from a display projector, CODECs, and a camera system imaging a super high definition image (WHD: Wide/Double HD) corresponding to two screen portions of common high-vision images. This system was developed as a transmission system to communicate with or transmit information giving a reality-enhanced feeling to a remote location by using images of super high definition. In addition, the correction processing for the distortions of images occurring due to the structure of the camera system, an outline of the transmission experiments using the proposed system, and subjective evaluation experiments using WHD images are presented | [
"WHD image transmission system",
"camera system imaging",
"reality-enhanced feeling",
"super high definition image transmission system"
] | [
] |
958 | Efficient combinational verification using overlapping local BDDs and a hash table | We propose a novel methodology that combines local BDDs (binary decision diagrams) with a hash table for very efficient verification of combinational circuits. The main purpose of this technique is to remove the considerable overhead associated with case-by-case verification of internal node pairs in typical internal correspondence based verification methods. Two heuristics based on the number of structural levels of circuitry looked at and the total number of nodes in the BDD manager are used to control the BDD sizes and introduce new cutsets based on already found equivalent nodes. We verify the ISCAS85 benchmark circuits and demonstrate significant speedup over existing methods. We also verify several hard industrial circuits and show our superiority in extracting internal equivalences | [
"combinational verification",
"overlapping local BDDs",
"hash table",
"binary decision diagrams",
"case-by-case verification",
"internal node pairs",
"internal correspondence based verification",
"structural levels",
"BDD manager",
"BDD sizes",
"ISCAS85 benchmark circuits",
"hard industrial circuits",
"internal equivalences",
"combinational circuit verification",
"formal verification",
"internal correspondence-based verification"
] | [
] |
572 | Characterization of sheet buckling subjected to controlled boundary constraints | A wedge strip test is designed to study the onset and post-buckling behavior of a sheet under various boundary constraints. The device can be easily incorporated into a conventional tensile test machine, and material resistance to buckling is measured as the buckling height versus the in-plane strain state. The design yields different but consistent buckling modes with easy changes of boundary conditions (either clamped or freed) and sample geometry. Experimental results are then used to verify a hybrid approach to buckling prediction, i.e., the combination of the FEM analysis and an energy-based analytical wrinkling criterion. The FEM analysis is used to obtain the stress field and deformed geometry in a complex forming condition, while the analytical solution is to provide the predictions less sensitive to artificial numerical parameters. A good agreement between experimental data and numerical predictions is obtained | [
"sheet buckling",
"boundary constraints",
"wedge strip test",
"tensile test machine",
"strain state",
"energy-based analytical wrinkling criterion",
"stress field",
"deformed geometry",
"forming processes",
"finite element analysis"
] | [
] |
1127 | Repeated games with lack of information on one side: the dual differential approach | We introduce the dual differential game of a repeated game with lack of information on one side as the natural continuous time version of the dual game introduced by De Meyer (1996). A traditional way to study the value of differential games is through discrete time approximations. Here, we follow the opposite approach: We identify the limit value of a repeated game in discrete time as the value of a differential game. Namely, we use the recursive structure for the finitely repeated version of the dual game to construct a differential game for which the upper values of the uniform discretization satisfy precisely the same property. The value of the dual differential game exists and is the unique viscosity solution of a first-order derivative equation with a limit condition. We identify the solution by translating viscosity properties in the primal | [
"repeated games",
"repeated games",
"dual differential game",
"discrete time approximations",
"discrete time",
"limit value",
"viscosity solution",
"limit condition",
"repeated game"
] | [
] |
1162 | Recognition of finite simple groups S/sub 4/(q) by their element orders | It is proved that among simple groups S/sub 4/(q) in the class of finite-groups, only the groups S/sub 4/(3/sup n/), where n is an odd number greater than unity, are recognizable by a set of their element orders. It is also shown that simple groups U/sub 3/(9), /sup 3/D/sub 4/(2), G/sub 2/(4), S/sub 6/(3), F/sub 4/(2), and /sup 2/E/sub 6/(2) are recognizable, but L/sub 3/(3) is not | [
"element orders",
"finite simple groups recognition",
"divisibility relation"
] | [
] |
793 | Advancements during the past quarter century in on-line monitoring of motor and generator winding insulation | Electrical insulation plays a critical role in the operation of motor and generator rotor and stator windings. Premature failure of the insulation can cost millions of dollars per day. With advancements in electronics, sensors, computers and software, tremendous progress has been made in the past 25 yr which has transformed on-line insulation monitoring from a rarely used and expensive tool, to the point where 50% of large utility generators in North America are now equipped for such monitoring. This review paper outlines the motivation for online monitoring, discusses the transition to today's technology, and describes the variety of methods now in use for rotor winding and stator winding monitoring | [
"generator winding insulation",
"electrical insulation",
"stator windings",
"rotor windings",
"motor generator winding insulation",
"winding insulation on-line monitoring",
"premature insulation failure",
"temperature monitoring",
"condition monitors",
"tagging compounds",
"ozone monitoring",
"PD monitoring",
"magnetic flux monitoring",
"partial discharge monitoring",
"endwinding vibration monitoring"
] | [
] |
1383 | Semantic data broadcast for a mobile environment based on dynamic and adaptive chunking | Database broadcast is an effective and scalable approach to disseminate information of high affinity to a large collection of mobile clients. A common problem of existing broadcast approaches is the lack of knowledge for a client to determine if all data items satisfying its query could be obtained from the broadcast. We therefore propose a semantic-based broadcast approach. A semantic descriptor is attached to each broadcast unit, called a data chunk. This semantic descriptor allows a client to determine if a query can be answered entirely based on broadcast items and, if needed, identify the precise definition of the remaining items in the form of a "supplementary" query. Data chunks can be of static or dynamic sizes and organized hierarchically. Their boundary can be determined on-the-fly, adaptive to the nature of client queries. We investigate different ways of organizing the data chunks over a broadcast channel to improve access performance. We introduce the data affinity index metric, which more accurately reflects client-perceived performance. A simulation model is built to evaluate our semantic-based broadcast schemes | [
"semantic data broadcast",
"adaptive chunking",
"mobile clients",
"semantic descriptor",
"data chunking",
"data affinity index",
"mobile databases",
"mobile computing",
"query processing"
] | [
] |
800 | A model for choosing an electronic reserves system: a pre-implementation study at the library of Long Island University's Brooklyn campus | This study explores the nature of electronic reserves (e-reserves) and investigates the possibilities of implementing the e-reserves at the Long Island University/Brooklyn Campus Library (LIU/BCL) | [
"electronic reserves system",
"Long Island University Brooklyn Campus Library"
] | [
] |
845 | Gender, software design, and occupational equity | After reviewing the work on gender bias in software design, a model of gender-role influenced achievement choice taken from Eccles (1994) is presented. The paper concludes that (1) though laudable, reduction of gender bias in software design is not the most straightforward way to reduce gender inequity in the choice of computing as a career, (2) the model itself makes more clear some of the ethical issues involved in attempting to achieve gender equity on computing, and (3) efforts to reduce gender inequity in the choice of computing as a career need to be evaluated in the light of this model | [
"software design",
"occupational equity",
"gender bias",
"ethical issues",
"gender-role influenced achievement choice model",
"computing career"
] | [
] |
1082 | Numerical approximation of nonlinear BVPs by means of BVMs | Boundary Value Methods (BVMs) would seem to be suitable candidates for the solution of nonlinear Boundary Value Problems (BVPs). They have been successfully used for solving linear BVPs together with a mesh selection strategy based on the conditioning of the linear systems. Our aim is to extend this approach so as to use them for the numerical approximation of nonlinear problems. For this reason, we consider the quasi-linearization technique that is an application of the Newton method to the nonlinear differential equation. Consequently, each iteration requires the solution of a linear BVP. In order to guarantee the convergence to the solution of the continuous nonlinear problem, it is necessary to determine how accurately the linear BVPs must be solved. For this goal, suitable stopping criteria on the residual and on the error for each linear BVP are given. Numerical experiments on stiff problems give rather satisfactory results, showing that the experimental code, called TOM, that uses a class of BVMs and the quasi-linearization technique, may be competitive with well known solvers for BVPs | [
"numerical approximation",
"boundary value methods",
"nonlinear boundary value problems",
"mesh selection strategy",
"quasi-linearization technique",
"Newton method",
"nonlinear differential equation",
"stopping criteria",
"stiff problems"
] | [
] |
1453 | Mobile banking's tough sell | Banks are having to put their mobile-commerce projects on hold because the essential technology to make the services usable, in particular GPRS (general packet radio service) hasn't become widely available. It is estimated that by the end of 2002, only 5 per cent of adults will have GPRS phones. This will have a knock-on effect for other technologies such as clickable icons and multimedia messaging. In fact banking via WAP (wireless application protocol) has proved to be a frustrating and time-consuming process for the customer. Financial firms' hopes for higher mobile usage are stymied by the fact that improvements to the systems won't happen as fast as they want and the inadequacies of the system go beyond immature technology. Financial services institutions should not wait for customers to become au fait with their WAP. Instead they should be the ones "driving the traffic" | [
"wireless application protocol"
] | [
] |
1416 | Look into the future of content management | Predictions of consolidation in the Content Management (CM) vendor arena have appeared in nearly every major industry prognosis over the past two years. Gartner Group, for example, recently reiterated its prediction that half the CM vendors in existence in mid-2001 would leave the marketplace by the end of 2002. Analysts consistently advise prospective CM buyers to tread carefully because their vendor may not stick around. But fortunately, the story goes, fewer vendor choices will finally bring greater clarity and sharper differentiators to this otherwise very messy product landscape. In fact, the number of CM vendors continues to rise. Industry growth has come through greater demand among CM buyers, but also expanding product functionality as well as successful partnerships. The marketplace certainly cannot sustain its current breadth of vendors in the long run, yet it remains unclear when and how any serious industry consolidation will occur. In the meantime, evolving business models and feature sets have created just the kind of clearer segmentation and transparent product differences that were supposed to emerge following an industry contraction | [
"content management",
"product functionality",
"industry consolidation",
"enterprise systems"
] | [
] |
90 | LAN-based building maintenance and surveillance robot | The building and construction industry is the major industry of Hong Kong as in many developed countries around the world. After the commissioning of a high-rise building or a large estate, substantial manpower, both inside the management centre under a standby manner, as well as surveillance for security purposes around the whole building, is required for daily operation to ensure a quality environment for the occupants. If the surveillance job can be done by robots, the efficiency can be highly enhanced, resulting in a great saving of manpower and the improved safety of the management staff as a by-product. Furthermore, if the robot can retrieve commands from the building management system via a local area network (LAN), further savings in manpower can be achieved in terms of first-line fault attendance by human management staff. This paper describes the development of a robot prototype here in Hong Kong, which can handle some daily routine maintenance works and surveillance responsibilities. The hardware structure of the robot and its on-board devices are described. Real-time images captured by a camera on the robot with pan/tilt/zoom functions can be transmitted back to the central management office via a local area network. The interface between the robot and the building automation system (BAS) of the building is discussed. This is the first key achievement of this project with a strong implication on reducing the number of human staff to manage a modem building. Teleoperation of the robot via the Internet or intranet is also possible, which is the second achievement of this project. Finally, the robot can identify its physical position inside the building by a landmark recognition method based on standard CAD drawings, which is the third achievement of this project. The main goal of this paper is not the description of some groundbreaking technology in robotic development. It is mainly intended to convince building designers and managers to incorporate robotic systems when they are managing modem buildings to save manpower and improve efficiency | [
"LAN-based building maintenance and surveillance robot",
"high-rise building",
"security purposes",
"building management system",
"local area network",
"first-line fault attendance",
"hardware structure",
"pan/tilt/zoom functions",
"landmark recognition method"
] | [
] |
981 | Basin configuration of a six-dimensional model of an electric power system | As part of an ongoing project on the stability of massively complex electrical power systems, we discuss the global geometric structure of contacts among the basins of attraction of a six-dimensional dynamical system. This system represents a simple model of an electrical power system involving three machines and an infinite bus. Apart from the possible occurrence of attractors representing pathological states, the contacts between the basins have a practical importance, from the point of view of the operation of a real electrical power system. With the aid of a global map of basins, one could hope to design an intervention strategy to boot the power system back into its normal state. Our method involves taking two-dimensional sections of the six-dimensional state space, and then determining the basins directly by numerical simulation from a dense grid of initial conditions. The relations among all the basins are given for a specific numerical example, that is, choosing particular values for the parameters in our model | [
"basin configuration",
"six-dimensional model",
"electric power system",
"massively complex electrical power systems",
"global geometric structure",
"infinite bus",
"pathological states",
"global map",
"state space",
"power system stability"
] | [
] |
556 | Coarse-grained reduction and analysis of a network model of cortical response: I. Drifting grating stimuli | We present a reduction of a large-scale network model of visual cortex developed by McLaughlin, Shapley, Shelley, and Wielaard. The reduction is from many integrate-and-fire neurons to a spatially coarse-grained system for firing rates of neuronal subpopulations. It accounts explicitly for spatially varying architecture, ordered cortical maps (such as orientation preference) that vary regularly across the cortical layer, and disordered cortical maps (such as spatial phase preference or stochastic input conductances) that may vary widely from cortical neuron to cortical neuron. The result of the reduction is a set of nonlinear spatiotemporal integral equations for "phase-averaged" firing rates of neuronal subpopulations across the model cortex, derived asymptotically from the full model without the addition of any extra phenomological constants. This reduced system is used to study the response of the model to drifting grating stimuli - where it is shown to be useful for numerical investigations that reproduce, at far less computational cost, the salient features of the point-neuron network and for analytical investigations that unveil cortical mechanisms behind the responses observed in the simulations of the large-scale computational model. For example, the reduced equations clearly show (1) phase averaging as the source of the time-invariance of cortico-cortical conductances, (2) the mechanisms in the model for higher firing rates and better orientation selectivity of simple cells which are near pinwheel centers, (3) the effects of the length-scales of cortico-cortical coupling, and (4) the role of noise in improving the contrast invariance of orientation selectivity | [
"large-scale network model",
"visual cortex",
"nonlinear spatiotemporal integral equations",
"point-neuron network",
"orientation selectivity",
"neuronal networks",
"phase-averaged firing rates",
] | [
] |
1103 | New age computing [autonomic computing] | Autonomic computing (AC), sometimes called self-managed computing, is the name chosen by IBM to describe the company's new initiative aimed at making computing more reliable and problem-free. It is a response to a growing realization that the problem today with computers is not that they need more speed or have too little memory, but that they crash all too often. This article reviews current initiatives being carried out in the AC field by the IT industry, followed by key challenges which require to be addressed in its development and implementation | [
"new age computing",
"autonomic computing",
"self-managed computing",
"IBM initiative",
"computing reliability",
"problem-free computing",
"computer speed",
"computer memory",
"computer crash",
"IT industry initiatives",
"AC requirements",
"AC development",
"AC implementation",
"open standards",
"self-healing computing",
"adaptive algorithms"
] | [
] |
1146 | Mammogram synthesis using a 3D simulation. I. Breast tissue model and image acquisition simulation | A method is proposed for generating synthetic mammograms based upon simulations of breast tissue and the mammographic imaging process. A computer breast model has been designed with a realistic distribution of large and medium scale tissue structures. Parameters controlling the size and placement of simulated structures (adipose compartments and ducts) provide a method for consistently modeling images of the same simulated breast with modified position or acquisition parameters. The mammographic imaging process is simulated using a compression model and a model of the X-ray image acquisition process. The compression model estimates breast deformation using tissue elasticity parameters found in the literature and clinical force values. The synthetic mammograms were generated by a mammogram acquisition model using a monoenergetic parallel beam approximation applied to the synthetically compressed breast phantom | [
"mammogram synthesis",
"3D simulation",
"breast tissue model",
"image acquisition simulation",
"computer breast model",
"adipose compartments",
"X-ray image acquisition",
"tissue elasticity parameters",
"force values",
"monoenergetic parallel beam approximation",
"mammographic compression",
"breast lesions",
"rectangular slice approximation",
"composite beam model",
"linear Young's moduli"
] | [
] |
939 | Image reconstruction from fan-beam projections on less than a short scan | This work is concerned with 2D image reconstruction from fan-beam projections. It is shown that exact and stable reconstruction of a given region-of-interest in the object does not require all lines passing through the object to be measured. Complete (non-truncated) fan-beam projections provide sufficient information for reconstruction when 'every line passing through the region-of-interest intersects the vertex path in a non-tangential way'. The practical implications of this condition are discussed and a new filtered-backprojection algorithm is derived for reconstruction. Experiments with computer-simulated data are performed to support the mathematical results | [
"fan-beam projections",
"2D image reconstruction",
"vertex path",
"filtered-backprojection algorithm",
"exact stable reconstruction",
"X-ray computed tomography",
"short-scan condition",
"Hilbert transform",
"Radon transform",
"rebinning formula",
"linear interpolation",
"3D head phantom"
] | [
] |
612 | Analysis and operation of hybrid active filter for harmonic elimination | This paper presents a hybrid active filter topology and its control to suppress the harmonic currents from entering the power source. The adopted hybrid active filter consists of one active filter and one passive filter connected in series. By controlling the equivalent output voltage of active filter, the harmonic currents generated by the nonlinear load are blocked and flowed into the passive filter. The power rating of the converter is reduced compared with the pure active filters to filter the harmonic currents. The harmonic current detecting approach and DC-link voltage regulation are proposed to obtain equivalent voltage of active filter. The effectiveness of the adopted topology and control scheme has been verified by the computer simulation and experimental results in a scaled-down laboratory prototype | [
"hybrid active filter",
"active filter",
"harmonic elimination",
"harmonic currents",
"passive filter",
"equivalent output voltage",
"nonlinear load",
"DC-link voltage regulation",
"computer simulation",
"scaled-down laboratory prototype",
"harmonic currents suppression",
"converter power rating reduction",
"active filter equivalent voltage",
"voltage source inverter"
] | [
] |
657 | The web services agenda | Even the most battle-scarred of CIOs have become excited at the prospect of what web services can do for their businesses. But there are still some shortcomings to be addressed | [
"web services",
"transaction support",
] | [
] |
1202 | More than the money [software project] | Experiences creating budgets for large software projects have taught manufacturers that it is not about the money - it is about what one really needs. Before a company can begin to build a budget for a software. project, it has to have a good understanding of what business issues need to be addressed and what the business objectives are. This step is critical because it defines the business goals, outlines the metrics for success, sets the scope for the project, and defines the criteria for selecting the right software | [
"software projects",
"manufacturing industry",
"software requirements"
] | [
] |
1247 | The changing landscape for multi access portals | Discusses the factors that have made life difficult for consumer portal operators in recent years causing them, like others in the telecommunications, media and technology sector, to take a close look at their business models following the crash and the consequent reassessment of Internet-related project financing by the venture capital community. While the pressure is on to generate income from existing customers and users, portal operators must reach new markets and find realistic revenue streams. This search for real revenues has led to a move towards charging for content, a strategy being pursued by a large number of horizontal portal players, including MSN and Terra Lycos. This trend is particularly noticeable in China, where Chinadotcom operates a mainland portal and plans a range of fee-based services, including electronic mail. The nature of advertising itself is changing, with portals seeking blue-chip sponsorship and marketing deals that span a number of years. Players are struggling to redefine and reinvent themselves as a result of the changing environment and even the term "portal" is believed to be obsolete, partly due to its crash associations. Multi-access portals are expected to dominate the consumer sector, becoming bigger and better overall than their predecessors and playing a more powerful role in the consumer environment | [
"consumer portal operators",
"revenue streams",
"fee-based services",
"blue-chip sponsorship",
"multi-access portals"
] | [
] |
824 | The Internet, knowledge and the academy | As knowledge is released from the bounds of libraries, as research becomes no longer confined to the academy, and education/certification is available, any time/any place, the university and the faculty must redefine themselves. Liberal studies, once the core, and currently eschewed in favor of science and technology, will be reborn in those institutions that can rise above the mundane and embrace an emerging "third culture" | [
"liberal studies"
] | [
] |
861 | The decision procedure for profitability of investment projects using the internal rate of return of single-period projects | The internal rate of return (IRR) criterion is often used to evaluate profitability of investment projects. In this paper, we focus on a single-period project which consists of two types of cash flows; an investment at one period and a return at a succeeding period, and a financing at one period and a repayment at a succeeding period. We decompose the given investment project into a series of the single-period projects. From the viewpoint of the single-period project, we point out the applicability issue of the IRR criterion, namely the IRR criterion cannot be applied in which a project is composed of both investment type and financing type. Investigating the properties of a series of the single-period projects, we resolve the applicability issue of the IRR criterion and propose the decision procedure for profitability judgment toward any type of investment project based on the comparison between the IRR and the capital cost. We develop a new algorithm to obtain the value of the project investment rate (PIR) for the given project, which is a function of the capital cost, only using the standard IRR computing routine. This outcome is a theoretical breakthrough to widen the utilization of IRR in practical applications | [
"decision procedure",
"internal rate of return",
"single-period projects",
"cash flows",
"IRR criterion",
"project investment rate",
"investment project profitability",
"investment project decomposition"
] | [
] |
1432 | To classify or not to classify, that is the question? | In addressing classification issues, the librarian needs to decide what best suits the purpose and requirements of the user group and the organisation they work in. The author has used the well-established Moys Classification Scheme. This gives the level of detail required for current stock and allows for the incorporation of new material as the firm's specialisations develop. The scheme is widely used in other firms as well as in the local law society library, so it will be familiar to many users | [
"Moys Classification Scheme",
"law society library"
] | [
] |
1066 | Application of artificial intelligence to search ground-state geometry of clusters | We introduce a global optimization procedure, the neural-assisted genetic algorithm (NAGA). It combines the power of an artificial neural network (ANN) with the versatility of the genetic algorithm. This method is suitable to solve optimization problems that depend on some kind of heuristics to limit the search space. If a reasonable amount of data is available, the ANN can "understand" the problem and provide the genetic algorithm with a selected population of elements that will speed up the search for the optimum solution. We tested the method in a search for the ground-state geometry of silicon clusters. We trained the ANN with information about the geometry and energetics of small silicon clusters. Next, the ANN learned how to restrict the configurational space for larger silicon clusters. For Si/sub 10/ and Si/sub 20/, we noticed that the NAGA is at least three times faster than the "pure" genetic algorithm. As the size of the cluster increases, it is expected that the gain in terms of time will increase as well | [
"artificial intelligence",
"ground-state geometry",
"global optimization procedure",
"neural-assisted genetic algorithm",
"artificial neural network",
"optimum solution",
"silicon clusters",
"Si/sub 10/",
"Si/sub 20/",
"atomic clusters",
"cluster size"
] | [
] |
1023 | Simple nonlinear dual-window operator for edge detection | We propose a nonlinear edge detection technique based on a two-concentric-circular-window operator. We perform a preliminary selection of edge candidates using a standard gradient and use the dual-window operator to reveal edges as zero-crossing points of a simple difference function depending only on the minimum and maximum values in the two windows. Comparisons with other well-established techniques are reported in terms of visual appearance and computational efficiency. They show that detected edges are surely comparable with Canny's and Laplacian of Gaussian algorithms, with a noteworthy reduction in terms of computational load | [
"nonlinear dual-window operator",
"edge detection",
"nonlinear edge detection technique",
"two-concentric-circular-window operator",
"standard gradient",
"zero-crossing points",
"difference function",
"maximum values",
"computational efficiency",
"detected edges",
"Gaussian algorithms",
"computational load",
"dual window operator",
"minimum values",
"Laplacian algorithms",
"Canny's algorithms",
"nonlinear processing"
] | [
] |
819 | Local search with constraint propagation and conflict-based heuristics | Search algorithms for solving CSP (Constraint Satisfaction Problems) usually fall into one of two main families: local search algorithms and systematic algorithms. Both families have their advantages. Designing hybrid approaches seems promising since those advantages may be combined into a single approach. In this paper, we present a new hybrid technique. It performs a local search over partial assignments instead of complete assignments, and uses filtering techniques and conflict-based techniques to efficiently guide the search. This new technique benefits from both classical approaches: a priori pruning of the search space from filtering-based search and possible repair of early mistakes from local search. We focus on a specific version of this technique: tabu decision-repair. Experiments done on open-shop scheduling problems show that our approach competes well with the best highly specialized algorithms | [
"search algorithms",
"Constraint Satisfaction Problems",
"local search algorithms",
"systematic algorithms",
"partial assignments",
"filtering techniques",
"tabu decision-repair"
] | [
] |
1367 | The set of just-in-time management strategies: an assessment of their impact on plant-level productivity and input-factor substitutability using variable cost function estimates | Many manufacturers in the automobile industry around the world have adopted the just-in-time (JIT) set of management strategies in an effort to improve productivity, efficiency and product quality. The paper provides empirical evidence that supports the idea that JIT manufacturing environments are, in fact, more productive than their non-JIT counterparts. Plant-level cross-sectional data from auto-parts manufacturing firms are used to estimate variable cost functions for a JIT group as well as for a non-JIT group of plants. Differences in cost function characteristics between the two groups are examined and discussed | [
"just-in-time management strategies",
"plant-level productivity",
"input-factor substitutability",
"variable cost function estimates",
"automobile industry",
"product quality",
"auto-parts manufacturing firms"
] | [
] |
777 | Access to information for blind and visually impaired clients | This article guides I&R providers in establishing effective communication techniques for working with visually impaired consumers. The authors discuss common causes of vision impairment and the functional implications of each and offer information on disability etiquette and effective voice, accessible media and in-person communication. There is an overview of assistive technologies used by people who are visually impaired-to facilitate written and electronic communications as well as low-tech solutions for producing large-print and Braille materials in-house. Providers who implement these communication techniques will be well equipped to serve visually-impaired consumers, and consumers will be more likely to avail themselves of these services when providers make them easily accessible | [
"visually impaired clients",
"communication techniques",
"disability etiquette",
"effective voice",
"accessible media",
"in-person communication",
"assistive technologies",
"electronic communications",
"Braille materials",
"information access",
"blind clients",
"information and referral systems",
"written communications",
"large-print materials"
] | [
] |
732 | A unifying co-operative Web caching architecture | Network caching of objects has become a standard way of reducing network traffic and latency in the Web. However, Web caches exhibit poor performance with a hit rate of about 30%. A solution to improve this hit rate is to have a group of proxies form co-operation where objects can be cached for later retrieval. A cooperative cache system includes protocols for hierarchical and transversal caching. The drawback of such a system lies in the resulting network load due to the number of messages that need to be exchanged to locate an object. This paper proposes a new co-operative Web caching architecture, which unifies previous methods of Web caching. Performance results shows that the architecture achieve up to 70% co-operative hit rate and accesses the cached object in at most two hops. Moreover, the architecture is scalable with low traffic and database overhead | [
"co-operative Web caching architecture",
"network caching",
"cooperative cache system",
"transversal caching",
"network load",
"co-operative hit rate",
"network traffic reduction",
"network latency reduction",
"hierarchical caching",
"scalable architecture",
"low traffic overhead",
"low database overhead",
"Web browser",
"World Wide Web"
] | [
] |
1186 | Implementing: it's all about processes | Looks at how the key to successful technology deployment can be found in a set of four basic disciplines | [
"technology deployment",
"incremental targets",
"third-party integration",
"vendor-supplied hardware integration services",
"vendor-supplied software integration services",
] | [
] |
102 | Harmless delays in Cohen-Grossberg neural networks | Without assuming monotonicity and differentiability of the activation functions and any symmetry of interconnections, we establish some sufficient conditions for the globally asymptotic stability of a unique equilibrium for the Cohen-Grossberg (1983) neural network with multiple delays. Lyapunov functionals and functions combined with the Razumikhin technique are employed. The criteria are all independent of the magnitudes of the delays, and thus the delays under these conditions are harmless | [
"harmless delays",
"Cohen-Grossberg neural networks",
"activation functions",
"globally asymptotic stability",
"multiple delays",
"Lyapunov functionals",
"Razumikhin technique"
] | [
] |
941 | Option pricing formulas based on a non-Gaussian stock price model | Options are financial instruments that depend on the underlying stock. We explain their non-Gaussian fluctuations using the nonextensive thermodynamics parameter q. A generalized form of the Black-Scholes (BS) partial differential equation (1973) and some closed-form solutions are obtained. The standard BS equation (q = 1) which is used by economists to calculate option prices requires multiple values of the stock volatility (known as the volatility smile). Using q = 1.5 which well models the empirical distribution of returns, we get a good description of option prices using a single volatility | [
"option pricing formulas",
"financial instruments",
"nonextensive thermodynamics parameter",
"closed-form solutions",
"stock volatility",
"volatility smile",
"empirical distribution",
"nonGaussian stock price model",
"Black-Scholes partial differential equation"
] | [
] |
904 | Modeling and simulation of adaptive available bit rate voice over asynchronous transfer mode networks | This article presents a modeling and simulation methodology to analyze the performance of voice quality when sent over the available bit rate service in asynchronous transfer mode networks. Sources can modify the rate at which they send traffic to the network based on the feedback carried in the resource management cells. This is achieved by changing the encoding level. As the contention increases to network resources-bandwidth in this case-sources start reducing the rate at which they generate and send traffic. The efficiency of the scheme under different scheduling/drop policies and other operating conditions and environments is evaluated using simulation modeling. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis is applied to different parameters, such as queue size and averaging interval length, to investigate their impact on the performance metrics. Results show that limiting the load to 41% of the link capacity results in an acceptable quality | [
"adaptive available bit rate voice",
"voice quality",
"resource management cells",
"encoding level",
"scheduling/drop policies",
"queue size",
"averaging interval length",
"performance metrics",
"link capacity",
"performance analysis",
"bandwidth contention",
"ATM networks"
] | [
] |
596 | Copyright management in the digital age | Listening to and buying music online is becoming increasingly popular with consumers. So much so that Merrill Lynch forecasts the value of the online music market will explode from $8 million in 2001 to $1,409 million in 2005. But online delivery is not without problems; the issue of copyright management in particular has become a serious thorn in the side for digital content creators. Martin Brass, ex- music producer and senior industry consultant at Syntegra, explains | [
"digital age",
"digital content creators",
"online music delivery",
"music industry",
] | [
] |
1287 | On average depth of decision trees implementing Boolean functions | The article considers the representation of Boolean functions in the form of decision trees. It presents the bounds on average time complexity of decision trees for all classes of Boolean functions that are closed over substitution, and the insertion and deletion of unessential variables. The obtained results are compared with the results developed by M.Ju. Moshkov (1995) that describe the worst case time complexity of decision trees | [
"average depth",
"decision trees",
"Boolean functions",
"average time complexity",
"worst case time complexity"
] | [
] |
697 | Schedulability analysis of real-time traffic in WorldFIP networks: an integrated approach | The WorldFIP protocol is one of the profiles that constitute the European fieldbus standard EN-50170. It is particularly well suited to be used in distributed computer-controlled systems where a set of process variables must be shared among network devices. To cope with the real-time requirements of such systems, the protocol provides communication services based on the exchange of periodic and aperiodic identified variables. The periodic exchanges have the highest priority and are executed at run time according to a cyclic schedule. Therefore, the respective schedulability can be determined at pre-run-time when building the schedule table. Concerning the aperiodic exchanges, the situation is different since their priority is lower and they are bandied according to a first-come-first-served policy. In this paper, a response-time-based schedulability analysis for the real-time traffic is presented. Such analysis considers both types of traffic in an integrated way, according to their priorities. Furthermore, a fixed-priorities-based policy is also used to schedule the periodic traffic. The proposed analysis represents an improvement relative to previous work and it can be evaluated online as part of a traffic online admission control. This feature is of particular importance when a planning scheduler is used, instead of the typical offline static scheduler, to allow online changes to the set of periodic process variables | [
"WorldFIP Networks",
"distributed computer-controlled systems",
"communication services",
"aperiodic exchanges",
"first-come-first-served policy",
"traffic online admission control",
"periodic process variables",
"EN-50170 European fieldbus standard",
"real-time traffic schedulability analysis",
"real-time communication",
"scheduling algorithms",
"response time"
] | [
] |
1301 | Integrate-and-fire neurons driven by correlated stochastic input | Neurons are sensitive to correlations among synaptic inputs. However, analytical models that explicitly include correlations are hard to solve analytically, so their influence on a neuron's response has been difficult to ascertain. To gain some intuition on this problem, we studied the firing times of two simple integrate-and-fire model neurons driven by a correlated binary variable that represents the total input current. Analytic expressions were obtained for the average firing rate and coefficient of variation (a measure of spike-train variability) as functions of the mean, variance, and correlation time of the stochastic input. The results of computer simulations were in excellent agreement with these expressions. In these models, an increase in correlation time in general produces an increase in both the average firing rate and the variability of the output spike trains. However, the magnitude of the changes depends differentially on the relative values of the input mean and variance: the increase in firing rate is higher when the variance is large relative to the mean, whereas the increase in variability is higher when the variance is relatively small. In addition, the firing rate always tends to a finite limit value as the correlation time increases toward infinity, whereas the coefficient of variation typically diverges. These results suggest that temporal correlations may play a major role in determining the variability as well as the intensity of neuronal spike trains | [
"integrate-and-fire neurons",
"correlated stochastic input",
"firing times",
"correlated binary variable",
"coefficient of variation",
"spike-train variability",
"computer simulation",
"output spike trains",
"temporal correlations",
"synaptic input correlations"
] | [
] |
1344 | Restoration of archival documents using a wavelet technique | This paper addresses a problem of restoring handwritten archival documents by recovering their contents from the interfering handwriting on the reverse side caused by the seeping of ink. We present a novel method that works by first matching both sides of a document such that the interfering strokes are mapped with the corresponding strokes originating from the reverse side. This facilitates the identification of the foreground and interfering strokes. A wavelet reconstruction process then iteratively enhances the foreground strokes and smears the interfering strokes so as to strengthen the discriminating capability of an improved Canny edge detector against the interfering strokes. The method has been shown to restore the documents effectively with average precision and recall rates for foreground text extraction at 84 percent and 96 percent, respectively | [
"wavelet technique",
"handwritten archival documents",
"wavelet reconstruction process",
"Canny edge detector",
"archival documents restoration",
"ink seepage",
"iterative stroke enhancement"
] | [
] |
711 | On bivariate dependence and the convex order | We investigate the interplay between variability (in the sense of the convex order) and dependence in a bivariate framework, extending some previous results in this area. We exploit the fact that discrete uniform distributions are dense in the space of probability measures in the topology of weak convergence to prove our central result. We also obtain a partial result in the general multivariate case. Our findings can be interpreted in terms of the impact of component variability on the mean life of correlated serial and parallel systems | [
"bivariate dependence",
"convex order",
"discrete uniform distributions",
"probability measures",
"weak convergence",
"component variability",
"mean life",
"parallel systems",
"serial systems",
"bivariate probability distributions"
] | [
] |
754 | Record makers [UK health records] | Plans for a massive cradle-to-grave electronic records project have been revealed by the government. Is the scheme really viable? | [
"UK health records",
"electronic records project",
"integrated care records services",
"health care",
"social care"
] | [
] |
1000 | Does classicism explain universality? Arguments against a pure classical component of mind | One of the hallmarks of human cognition is the capacity to generalize over arbitrary constituents. Marcus (Cognition 66, p.153; Cognitive Psychology 37, p. 243, 1998) argued that this capacity, called "universal generalization" (universality), is not supported by connectionist models. Instead, universality is best explained by classical symbol systems, with connectionism as its implementation. Here it is argued that universality is also a problem for classicism in that the syntax-sensitive rules that are supposed to provide causal explanations of mental processes are either too strict, precluding possible generalizations; or too lax, providing no information as to the appropriate alternative. Consequently, universality is not explained by a classical theory | [
"classical component of mind",
"human cognition",
"universal generalization",
"connectionist models",
"classical symbol systems",
"syntax-sensitive rules",
"causal explanations",
"mental processes"
] | [
] |
1045 | Using fractional order adjustment rules and fractional order reference models in model-reference adaptive control | This paper investigates the use of Fractional Order Calculus (FOC) in conventional Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) systems. Two modifications to the conventional MRAC are presented, i.e., the use of fractional order parameter adjustment rule and the employment of fractional order reference model. Through examples, benefits from the use of FOC are illustrated together with some remarks for further research | [
"fractional order adjustment rules",
"fractional order reference models",
"model-reference adaptive control",
"fractional calculus"
] | [
] |
882 | On M/D/1 queue with deterministic server vacations | We study a single server vacation queue with Poisson arrivals, deterministic service of constant duration b (> 0) and deterministic vacations of constant duration d (> 0) and designate this model as M/D/D/1. After completion of each service, the server may take a vacation with probability p or may continue working in the system with probability 1 - p. We obtain time-dependent as well as steady state probability generation functions for the number in the system. For the steady state we obtain explicitly the mean number and the mean waiting time for the system and for the queue. All known results of the M/D/1 queue are derived as a special case. Finally, a numerical illustration is discussed | [
"M/D/1 queue",
"deterministic server vacations",
"Poisson arrivals",
"deterministic service",
"deterministic vacations",
"steady state probability generation functions",
"mean number",
"mean waiting time",
"M/D/D/1 model",
"time-dependent probability generation functions"
] | [
] |
548 | Cool and green [air conditioning] | In these days of global warming, air conditioning engineers need to specify not just for the needs of the occupants, but also to maximise energy efficiency. Julian Brunnock outlines the key areas to consider for energy efficient air conditioning systems | [
"air conditioning",
"energy efficiency"
] | [
] |
1158 | From powder to perfect parts | GKN Sinter Metals has increased productivity and quality by automating the powder metal lines that produce its transmission parts | [
"GKN Sinter Metals",
"powder metal lines",
"gentle transfer units",
"robotic systems"
] | [
] |
927 | Autonomous detection of crack initiation using surface-mounted piezotransducers | In this paper we report on the application of an in situ health monitoring system, comprising an array of piezoceramic wafer elements, to the detection of fatigue degradation in metallic specimens exposed to cyclic loading. Lamb waves, transmitted through a beam test coupon, are sensed using small surface-mounted piezotransducer elements, and the signals are then autonomously analysed for indications relating to the onset of structural degradation. The experimental results confirm the efficacy of the approach and provide a demonstration of good robustness under realistic loading conditions, emphasizing the great potential for developing an automated in situ structural health monitoring system for application to fatigue-prone operational structures, such as aircraft | [
"in situ health monitoring",
"piezoceramic wafer elements",
"fatigue degradation",
"metallic specimens",
"cyclic loading",
"Lamb waves",
"surface-mounted piezotransducer elements",
"structural degradation",
"loading conditions",
"automated in situ structural health monitoring",
"fatigue operational structures"
] | [
] |
962 | Optimal control using the transport equation: the Liouville machine | Transport theory describes the scattering behavior of physical particles such as photons. Here we show how to connect this theory to optimal control theory and to adaptive behavior of agents embedded in an environment. Environments and tasks are defined by physical boundary conditions. Given some task, we compute a set of probability densities on continuous state and action and time. From these densities we derive an optimal policy such that for all states the most likely action maximizes the probability of reaching a predefined goal state. Liouville's conservation theorem tells us that the conditional density at time t, state s, and action a must equal the density at t + dt, s + ds, a + da. Discretization yields a linear system that can be solved directly and whose solution corresponds to an optimal policy. Discounted reward schemes are incorporated naturally by taking the Laplace transform of the equations. The Liouville machine quickly solves rather complex maze problems | [
"optimal control",
"transport equation",
"Liouville machine",
"scattering behavior",
"physical particles",
"adaptive behavior",
"embedded agents"
] | [
] |
121 | Formula-dependent equivalence for compositional CTL model checking | We present a polytime computable state equivalence that is defined with respect to a given CTL formula. Since it does not attempt to preserve all CTL formulas, like bisimulation does, we can expect to compute coarser equivalences. This equivalence can be used to reduce the complexity of model checking a system of interacting FSM. Additionally, we show that in some cases our techniques can detect if a formula passes or fails, without forming the entire product machine. The method is exact and fully automatic, and handles full CTL | [
"formula-dependent equivalence",
"CTL model checking",
"polytime computable state equivalence",
"CTL formula",
"interacting FSM",
"compositional minimization",
"coarse equivalence",
"complexity reduction",
"automatic method",
"formal design verification",
"computation tree logic"
] | [
] |
73 | How does attitude impact IT implementation: a study of small business owners | According to previous studies, attitude towards information technology (IT) among small business owners appears to be a key factor in achieving high quality IT implementations. In an effort to extend this stream of research, we conducted case studies with small business owners and learned that high quality IT implementations resulted with owners who had positive or negative attitudes toward IT, but not with owners who had uncertain attitudes. Owners with apolar attitude, either positive or negative, all took action to temper the uncertainty and risk surrounding the use of new IT in their organization. In contrast, owners with uncertain attitudes did not make mitigating attempts to reduce uncertainty and risk. A consistent finding among those with high quality IT implementations was an entrepreneurial, or shared, management style. It is proposed, based on case study data, that small business owners with an uncertain attitude towards IT might experience higher quality IT results in their organizations through practicing a more entrepreneurial, or shared, management style. The study provides insights for both computer specialists and small business owners planning IT implementations | [
"small business owners",
"negative attitudes",
"uncertain attitude",
"management style",
"computer specialists",
"information technology implementation",
"positive attitudes"
] | [
] |
649 | Methods for outlier detection in prediction | If a prediction sample is different from the calibration samples, it can be considered as an outlier in prediction. In this work, two techniques, the use of uncertainty estimation and the convex hull method are studied to detect such prediction outliers. Classical techniques (Mahalanobis distance and X-residuals), potential functions and robust techniques are used for comparison. It is concluded that the combination of the convex hull method and uncertainty estimation offers a practical way for detecting outliers in prediction. By adding the potential function method, inliers can also be detected | [
"outlier detection",
"prediction sample",
"calibration samples",
"uncertainty estimation",
"convex hull method",
"Mahalanobis distance",
"potential functions",
"robust techniques",
] | [
] |
1259 | A mechanism for inferring approximate solutions under incomplete knowledge based on rule similarity | This paper proposes an inference method which can obtain an approximate solution even if the knowledge stored in the problem-solving system is incomplete. When a rule needed for solving the problem does not exist, the problem can be solved by using rules similar to the existing rules. In an implementation using the SLD procedure, a resolution is executed between a subgoal and a rule if an atom of the subgoal is similar to the consequence atom of the rule. Similarities between atoms are calculated using a knowledge base of words with account of the reasoning situation, and the reliability of the derived solution is calculated based on these similarities. If many solutions are obtained, they are grouped into classes of similar solutions and a representative solution is then selected for each class. The proposed method was verified experimentally by solving simple problems | [
"approximate solution",
"incomplete knowledge",
"rule similarity",
"inference method",
"SLD procedure",
"consequence atom",
"representative solution",
"problem solving",
"subgoal atom",
"word knowledge base",
"common sense knowledge"
] | [
] |
1198 | Post-projected Runge-Kutta methods for index-2 differential-algebraic equations | A new projection technique for Runge-Kutta methods applied to index-2 differential-algebraic equations is presented in which the numerical approximation is projected only as part of the output process. It is shown that for methods that are strictly stable at infinity, the order of convergence is unaffected compared to standard projected methods. Gauss methods, for which this technique is of special interest when some symmetry is to be preserved, are studied in more detail | [
"post-projected Runge-Kutta methods",
"index-2 differential-algebraic equations",
"numerical approximation",
"order of convergence",
"projected methods"
] | [
] |
588 | An accurate COG defuzzifier design using Lamarckian co-adaptation of learning and evolution | This paper proposes a design technique of optimal center of gravity (COG) defuzzifier using the Lamarckian co-adaptation of learning and evolution. The proposed COG defuzzifier is specified by various design parameters such as the centers, widths, and modifiers of MFs. The design parameters are adjusted with the Lamarckian co-adaptation of learning and evolution, where the learning performs a local search of design parameters in an individual COG defuzzifier, but the evolution performs a global search of design parameters among a population of various COG defuzzifiers. This co-adaptation scheme allows to evolve much faster than the non-learning case and gives a higher possibility of finding an optimal solution due to its wider searching capability. An application to the truck backer-upper control problem of the proposed co-adaptive design method of COG defuzzifier is presented. The approximation ability and control performance are compared with those of the conventionally simplified COG defuzzifier in terms of the fuzzy logic controller's approximation error and the average tracing distance, respectively | [
"local search",
"fuzzy logic controller",
"optimal center of gravity defuzzifier"
] | [
] |
674 | Portal payback | The benefits of deploying a corporate portal are well-documented: access to applications and content is centralised, so users do not spend hours searching for information; the management of disparate applications is also centralised, and by allowing users to access 'self-service' applications in areas such as human resources and procurement, organisations spend less time on manual processing tasks. But how far can prospective customers rely on the ROI figures presented to them by portal technology vendors? In particular, how reliable are the 'ROI calculators' these vendors supply on their web sites? | [
"corporate portal",
"ROI calculator",
"web sites",
"return on investment",
] | [
] |
631 | A modified Fieller interval for the interval estimation of effective doses for a logistic dose-response curve | Interval estimation of the gamma % effective dose ( mu /sub gamma / say) is often based on the asymptotic variance of the maximum likelihood estimator (delta interval) or Fieller's theorem (Fieller interval). Sitter and Wu (1993) compared the delta and Fieller intervals for the median effective dose ( mu /sub 50/) assuming a logistic dose-response curve. Their results indicated that although Fieller intervals are generally superior to delta intervals, they appear to be conservative. Here an adjusted form of the Fieller interval for mu /sub gamma / termed an adjusted Fieller (AF) interval is introduced. A comparison of the AF interval with the delta and Fieller intervals is provided and the properties of these three interval estimation methods are investigated | [
"modified Fieller interval",
"interval estimation",
"effective doses",
"logistic dose-response curve",
"asymptotic variance",
"maximum likelihood estimator",
"delta interval",
"Fieller's theorem",
"median effective dose"
] | [
] |
1264 | Estimation of the vanishing point for automatic driving system using a cross ratio | This paper proposes a new method to estimate the vanishing point used as the vehicle heading, which is essential in automatic driving systems. The proposed method uses a cross ratio comprised of a ratio of lengths from four collinear points for extracting the edges that shape the vanishing point. Then, lines that intersect at one point are fitted to the edges in a Hough space. Consequently, the vanishing point is estimated robustly even when the lane markings are occluded by other vehicles. In the presence of lane markings, the road boundaries are also estimated at the same time. Experimental results from images of a real road scene show the effectiveness of the proposed method | [
"automatic driving system",
"automatic driving system",
"cross ratio",
"collinear points",
"Hough space",
"lane markings",
"real road scene",
"vanishing point estimation",
"automatic driving systems"
] | [
] |
1221 | An approach to developing computational supports for reciprocal tutoring | This study presents a novel approach to developing computational supports for reciprocal tutoring. Reciprocal tutoring is a collaborative learning activity, where two participants take turns to play the role of a tutor and a tutee. The computational supports include scaffolding tools for the tutor and a computer-simulated virtual participant. The approach, including system architecture, implementations of scaffolding tools for the tutor and of a virtual participant is presented herein. Furthermore, a system for reciprocal tutoring is implemented as an example of the approach | [
"collaborative learning",
"scaffolding tools",
"computer-simulated virtual participant",
"system architecture",
"reciprocal tutoring computational support",
"intelligent tutoring system"
] | [
] |
1299 | How much should publishers spend on technology? | A study confirms that spending on publishing-specific information technology (IT) resources is growing much faster than IT spending for general business activities, at least among leading publishers in the scientific, technical and medical (STM) market. The survey asked about information technology funding and staffing levels-past, present and future-and also inquired about activities in content management, Web delivery, computer support and customer relationship management. The results provide a starting point for measuring information technology growth and budget allocations in this publishing segment | [
"IT spending",
"content management",
"Web delivery",
"computer support",
"customer relationship management",
] | [
] |
689 | Continuous-time linear systems: folklore and fact | We consider a family of continuous input-output maps representing linear time-invariant systems that take a set of signals into itself. It is shown that this family contains maps whose impulse response is the zero function, but which take certain inputs into nonzero outputs. It is shown also that this family contains members whose input-output properties are not described by their frequency domain response functions, and that the maps considered need not even commute | [
"linear systems",
"continuous input-output maps",
"time-invariant systems",
"impulse response",
"zero function",
"frequency domain response",
"continuous-time systems",
"signal processing"
] | [
] |
575 | A new voltage-vector selection algorithm in direct torque control of induction motor drives | AC drives based on direct torque control of induction machines allow high dynamic performance to be obtained with very simple control schemes. The drive behavior, in terms of current, flux and torque ripple, is dependent on the utilised voltage vector selection strategy and the operating conditions. In this paper a new voltage vector selection algorithm, which allows a sensible reduction of the RMS value of the stator current ripple without increasing the average value of the inverter switching frequency and without the need of a PWM pulse generator block is presented Numerical simulations have been carried out to validate the proposed method | [
"voltage-vector selection algorithm",
"direct torque control",
"induction motor drives",
"AC drives",
"high dynamic performance",
"torque ripple",
"voltage vector selection strategy",
"operating conditions",
"RMS value",
"stator current ripple",
"inverter switching frequency",
"torque variations",
"flux variations",
"4-poles induction motor",
"steady-state operation",
"dynamic behavior",
"torque step response",
"220 V",
"50 Hz",
"4 kW"
] | [
] |
1165 | Recognizing groups G/sub 2/(3/sup n/) by their element orders | It is proved that a finite group that is isomorphic to a simple non-Abelian group G = G/sub 2/(3/sup n/) is, up to isomorphism, recognized by a set omega (G) of its element orders, that is, H approximately= G if omega (H) = omega (G) for some finite group H | [
"element orders",
"finite group",
] | [
] |
1120 | An effective feedback control mechanism for DiffServ architecture | As a scalable QoS (Quality of Service) architecture, Diffserv (Differentiated Service) mainly consists of two components: traffic conditioning at the edge of the Diffserv domain and simple packet forwarding inside the DiffServ domain. DiffServ has many advantages such as flexibility, scalability and simplicity. But when providing AF (Assured Forwarding) services, DiffServ has some problems such as unfairness among aggregated flows or among micro-flows belonging to an aggregated flow. In this paper, a feedback mechanism for AF aggregated flows is proposed to solve this problem. Simulation results show that this mechanism does improve the performance of DiffServ. First, it can improve the fairness among aggregated flows and make DiffServ more friendly toward TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) flows. Second, it can decrease the buffer requirements at the congested router and thus obtain lower delay and packet loss rate. Third, it also keeps almost the same link utility as in normal DiffServ. Finally, it is simple and easy to be implemented | [
"feedback control",
"traffic conditioning",
"packet forwarding",
"feedback mechanism",
"QoS architecture"
] | [
] |
794 | On the discretization of double-bracket flows | This paper extends the method of Magnus series to Lie-algebraic equations originating in double-bracket flows. We show that the solution of the isospectral flow Y' = [[Y,N],Y], Y(O) = Y/sub 0/ in Sym(n), can be represented in the form Y(t) = e/sup Omega (t)/Y/sub 0/e/sup - Omega (1)/, where the Taylor expansion of Omega can be constructed explicitly, term-by-term, identifying individual expansion terms with certain rooted trees with bicolor leaves. This approach is extended to other Lie-algebraic equations that can be appropriately expressed in terms of a finite "alphabet" | [
"Magnus series",
"Lie-algebraic equations",
"isospectral flow",
"Taylor expansion",
"bicolor leaves",
"double-bracket flows discretization"
] | [
] |
1384 | Data allocation on wireless broadcast channels for efficient query processing | Data broadcast is an excellent method for efficient data dissemination in the mobile computing environment. The application domain of data broadcast will be widely expanded in the near future, where the client is expected to perform complex queries or transactions on the broadcast data. To reduce the access latency for processing the complex query, it is beneficial to place the data accessed in a query close to each other on the broadcast channel. In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm to determine the allocation of the data on the broadcast channel such that frequently co-accessed data are not only allocated close to each other, but also in a particular order which optimizes the performance of query processing. Our mechanism is based on the well-known problem named optimal linear ordering. Experiments are performed to justify the benefit of our approach | [
"wireless broadcast channels",
"query processing",
"mobile computing",
"access latency",
"database broadcasting",
"access time",
"tuning time",
"broadcast program"
] | [
] |
1078 | Action aggregation and defuzzification in Mamdani-type fuzzy systems | Discusses the issues of action aggregation and defuzzification in Mamdani-type fuzzy systems. The paper highlights the shortcomings of defuzzification techniques associated with the customary interpretation of the sentence connective 'and' by means of the set union operation. These include loss of smoothness of the output characteristic and inaccurate mapping of the fuzzy response. The most appropriate procedure for aggregating the outputs of different fuzzy rules and converting them into crisp signals is then suggested. The advantages in terms of increased transparency and mapping accuracy of the fuzzy response are demonstrated | [
"action aggregation",
"Mamdani-type fuzzy systems",
"sentence connective",
"set union operation",
"fuzzy response",
"fuzzy rules",
"crisp signals",
"mapping accuracy"
] | [
] |
842 | The incredible shrinking pipeline | We look at the harsh facts concerning the percentage of degrees awarded in CS to women. We study the trend of degrees awarded in CS since 1980, and compare the trend in CS to other science and engineering disciplines. We consider the relationship between the percentage of degrees awarded to women by a CS department and the college the CS department is within. We find that CS departments in engineering colleges graduate, on average, proportionately fewer women than CS departments in non-engineering colleges. We request that the community respond to the facts and speculations presented in this article | [
"pipeline shrinkage problem",
"computer science degrees"
] | [
] |
807 | Integrated optical metrology controls post etch CDs | Control of the transistor gate critical dimension (CD) on the order of a few nanometers is a top priority in many advanced IC fabs. Each nanometer deviation from the target gate length translates directly into the operational speed of these devices. However, using in-line process control by linking the lithography and etch tools can improve CD performance beyond what each individual tool can achieve. The integration of optical CD metrology tools to etch mainframes can result in excellent etcher stability and better control of post-etch CDs | [
"integrated optical metrology",
"transistor gate critical dimension",
"IC fabs",
"target gate length",
"operational speed",
"in-line process control",
"CD performance",
"optical CD metrology tools",
"etch mainframes",
"etcher stability",
"post etch CD control",
"lithography tools",
] | [
] |
1411 | Speedera: Web without the wait | There's no greater testament to the utility of the Internet than the fact that hundreds of millions of people worldwide are willing to wait for Web pages as they build incrementally on screen. But while users may put up with the "World Wide Wait," they definitely don't like it. That's where Content Delivery Networks come in. CDNs can't turn a footpath into a freeway, but they can help data in transit take advantage of shortcuts and steer clear of traffic jams. And while enhancing the responsiveness of Web interaction, CDNs also enhance the prospects of their clients, who need engaged visitors to keep their Web-based business models afloat. "Our mission is to improve the quality of the Internet experience for end-users," says Gordon Smith, vice president of marketing at Speedera Networks in Santa Clara, California, "and to enable Web-site operators to provide better delivery quality, performance, scalability, and security through an outsourced service model that slashes IT costs." | [
"Content Delivery Networks",
"Web interaction",
"Web-based business models",
"Internet experience",
"Web-site operators",
"delivery quality",
"outsourced service model",
"World Wide Web"
] | [
] |
1085 | A variable-stepsize variable-order multistep method for the integration of perturbed linear problems | G. Scheifele (1971) wrote the solution of a perturbed oscillator as an expansion in terms of a new set of functions, which extends the monomials in the Taylor series of the solution. Recently, P. Martin and J.M. Ferrandiz (1997) constructed a multistep code based on the Scheifele technique, and it was generalized by D.J. Lopez and P. Martin (1998) for perturbed linear problems. However, the remarked codes are constant steplength methods, and efficient integrators must be able to change the steplength. In this paper we extend the ideas of F.T. Krogh (1974) from Adams methods to the algorithm proposed by Lopez and Martin, and we show the advantages of the new code in perturbed problems | [
"variable-stepsize variable-order multistep method",
"perturbed oscillator",
"Taylor series",
"multistep code",
"constant steplength methods",
"Adams methods",
"perturbed linear problems integration"
] | [
] |
1379 | Web-based intelligent helpdesk-support environment | With the advent of Internet technology, it is now feasible to provide effective and efficient helpdesk service over the global Internet to meet customers' requirements and satisfaction. In this research, we have designed and developed a Web-based intelligent helpdesk-support environment, WebHotLine, to support the customer service centre of a large multinational corporation in the electronics industry. The paper describes the basic architecture of the environment that supports the major functions of Web-based fault information retrieval, online multilingual translation capability, different operating modes of video-conferencing for enhanced support and direct intelligent fault diagnosis by customers or customer support engineers. As a result, WebHotLine helps to save cost in eliminating the expensive overseas telephone charges, reduction in machine down time and number of on-site visits by service engineers as in traditional helpdesk environment | [
"Web-based intelligent helpdesk-support environment",
"Internet technology",
"customer service centre",
"Web-based fault information retrieval",
"online multilingual translation capability",
] | [
] |
769 | Permission grids: practical, error-bounded simplification | We introduce the permission grid, a spatial occupancy grid which can be used to guide almost any standard polygonal surface simplification algorithm into generating an approximation with a guaranteed geometric error bound. In particular, all points on the approximation are guaranteed to be within some user-specified distance from the original surface. Such bounds are notably absent from many current simplification methods, and are becoming increasingly important for applications in scientific computing and adaptive level of detail control. Conceptually simple, the permission grid defines a volume in which the approximation must lie, and does not permit the underlying simplification algorithm to generate approximations outside the volume. The permission grid makes three important, practical improvements over current error-bounded simplification methods. First, it works on arbitrary triangular models, handling all manners of mesh degeneracies gracefully. Further, the error tolerance may be easily expanded as simplification proceeds, allowing the construction of an error-bounded level of detail hierarchy with vertex correspondences among all levels of detail. And finally, the permission grid has a representation complexity independent of the size of the input model, and a small running time overhead, making it more practical and efficient than current methods with similar guarantees | [
"permission grid",
"error-bounded simplification",
"spatial occupancy grid",
"polygonal surface simplification algorithm",
"guaranteed geometric error bound",
"user-specified distance",
"scientific computing",
"adaptive level of detail control",
"arbitrary triangular models",
"mesh degeneracies",
"error tolerance",
"vertex correspondences",
"representation complexity",
"running time overhead"
] | [
] |
551 | Access privilege management in protection systems | We consider the problem of managing access privileges on protected objects. We associate one or more locks with each object, one lock for each access right defined by the object type. Possession of an access right on a given object is certified by possession of a key for this object, if this key matches one of the object locks. We introduce a number of variants to this basic key-lock technique. Polymorphic access rights make it possible to decrease the number of keys required to certify possession of complex access privileges that are defined in terms of several access rights. Multiple locks on the same access right allow us to exercise forms of selective revocation of access privileges. A lock conversion function can be used to reduce the number of locks associated with any given object to a single lock. The extent of the results obtained is evaluated in relation to alternative methodologies for access privilege management | [
"access privilege management",
"protection systems",
"protected objects",
"key-lock technique",
"polymorphic access rights",
"selective revocation",
"lock conversion function",
"complex access privilege possession certification"
] | [
] |
986 | Wavelet-based level-of-detail representation of 3D objects | In this paper, we propose a 3D object LOD (Level of Detail) modeling system that constructs a mesh from range images and generates the mesh of various LOD using the wavelet transform. In the initial mesh generation, we use the marching cube algorithm. We modify the original algorithm to apply it to construct the mesh from multiple range images efficiently. To get the base mesh we use the decimation algorithm which simplifies a mesh with preserving the topology. Finally, when reconstructing new mesh which is similar to initial mesh we calculate the wavelet coefficients by using the wavelet transform. We solve the critical problem of wavelet-based methods - the surface crease problem - by using the mesh simplification as the base mesh generation method | [
"wavelet-based level-of-detail representation",
"range images",
"wavelet transform",
"marching cube algorithm",
"base mesh",
"decimation algorithm",
"wavelet coefficients",
"critical problem",
"surface crease problem",
"mesh simplification",
"3D object level of detail modeling system",
"hierarchy transformation"
] | [
] |
1141 | Reproducibility of mammary gland structure during repeat setups in a supine position | Purpose: In breast conserving therapy, complete excision of the tumor with an acceptable cosmetic outcome depends on accurate localization in terms of both the position of the lesion and its extent. We hypothesize that preoperative contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the patient in a supine position may be used for accurate tumor localization and marking of its extent immediately prior to surgery. Our aims in this study are to assess the reproducibility of mammary gland structure during repeat setups in a supine position, to evaluate the effect of a breast immobilization device, and to derive reproducibility margins that take internal tissue shifts into account occurring between repeat setups. Materials Methods: The reproducibility of mammary gland structure during repeat setups in a supine position is estimated by quantification of tissue shifts in the breasts of healthy volunteers between repeat MR setups. For each volunteer fiducials are identified and registered with their counter locations in corresponding MR volumes. The difference in position denotes the shift of breast tissue. The dependence on breast volume and the part of the breast, as well as the effect of a breast immobilization cast are studied. Results: The tissue shifts are small with a mean standard deviation on the order of 1.5 mm, being slightly larger in large breasts (V>1000 cm/sup 3/), and in the posterior part (toward the pectoral muscle) of both small and large breasts. The application of a breast immobilization cast reduces the tissue shifts in large breasts. A reproducibility margin on the order of 5 mm will take the internal tissue shifts into account that occur between repeat setups. Conclusion: The results demonstrate a high reproducibility of mammary gland structure during repeat setups in a supine position | [
"repeat setups",
"supine position",
"breast conserving therapy",
"accurate tumor localization",
"breast immobilization device",
"reproducibility margins",
"internal tissue shifts",
"mammary gland structure reproducibility",
"contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging",
"localization methods"
] | [
] |
1104 | A 3-stage pipelined architecture for multi-view images decoder | In this paper, we proposed the architecture of the decoder which implements the multi-view images decoding algorithm. The study of the hardware structure of the multi-view image processing has not been accomplished. The proposed multi-view images decoder operates in a three stage pipelined manner and extracts the depth of the pixels of the decoded image every clock. The multi-view images decoder consists of three modules, Node selector which transfers the value of the nodes repeatedly and Depth Extractor which extracts the depth of each pixel from the four values of the nodes and Affine Transformer which generates the projecting position on the image plane from the values of the pixels and the specified viewpoint. The proposed architecture is designed and simulated by the Max+PlusII design tool and the operating frequency is 30 MHz. The image can be constructed in a real time by the decoder with the proposed architecture | [
"multi-view images decoder",
"hardware structure",
"node selector",
"depth extractor",
"affine transformer",
"Max+PlusII design tool",
"operating frequency",
"30 MHz",
"three-stage pipelined architecture",
"pixel depth"
] | [
] |
97 | Philadelphia stock exchange taps TimesTen for database technology | PHLX rolls out Equity Options AutoQuote System to traders as the first application to leverage its enhanced data architecture | [
"Philadelphia stock exchange",
"Equity Options AutoQuote System",
"data architecture"
] | [
] |
650 | Molecular descriptor selection combining genetic algorithms and fuzzy logic: application to database mining procedures | A new algorithm, devoted to molecular descriptor selection in the context of data mining problems, has been developed. This algorithm is based on the concepts of genetic algorithms (GA) for descriptor hyperspace exploration and combined with a stepwise approach to get local convergence. Its selection power was evaluated by a fitness function derived from a fuzzy clustering method. Different training and test sets were randomly generated at each GA generation. The fitness score was derived by combining the scores of the training and test sets. The ability of the proposed algorithm to select relevant subsets of descriptors was tested on two data sets. The first one, an academic example, corresponded to the artificial problem of Bullseye, the second was a real data set including 114 olfactory compounds divided into three odor categories. In both cases, the proposed method allowed to improve the separation between the different data set classes | [
"molecular descriptor selection",
"genetic algorithms",
"fuzzy logic",
"database mining",
"data mining",
"descriptor hyperspace exploration",
"stepwise approach",
"local convergence",
"fitness function",
"fuzzy clustering method",
"test sets",
"fitness score",
"olfactory compounds",
"odor categories",
"training sets"
] | [
] |
615 | An intelligent tutoring system for a power plant simulator | In this paper, an intelligent tutoring system (ITS) is proposed for a power plant simulator. With a well designed ITS, the need for an instructor is minimized and the operator may readily and efficiently take, in real-time, the control of simulator with appropriate messages he(she) gets from the tutoring system. Using SIMULINK and based on object oriented programming (OOP) and C programming language, a fossil-fuelled power plant simulator with an ITS is proposed. Promising results are demonstrated for a typical power plant | [
"intelligent tutoring system",
"object oriented programming",
"C programming language",
"fossil-fuelled power plant simulator",
"control simulation",
] | [
] |
1240 | Implementation and evaluation of HPF/SX V2 | We are developing HPF/SX V2, a High Performance Fortran (HPF) compiler for vector parallel machines. It provides some unique extensions as well as the features of HPF 2.0 and HPF/JA. In particular, this paper describes four of them: (1) the ON directive of HPF 2.0; (2) the REFLECT and LOCAL directives of HPF/JA; (3) vectorization directives; and (4) automatic parallelization. We evaluate these features through some benchmark programs on NEC SX-5. The results show that each of them achieved a 5-8 times speedup in 8-CPU parallel execution and the four features are useful for vector parallel execution. We also evaluate the overall performance of HPF/SX V2 by using over 30 well-known benchmark programs from HPFBench, APR Benchmarks, GENESIS Benchmarks, and NAS Parallel Benchmarks. About half of the programs showed good performance, while the other half suggest weakness of the compiler, especially on its runtimes. It is necessary to improve them to put the compiler to practical use | [
"HPF/SX V2",
"vector parallel machines",
"High Performance Fortran compiler"
] | [
] |
1205 | HPCVIEW: a tool for top-down analysis of node performance | It is increasingly difficult for complex scientific programs to attain a significant fraction of peak performance on systems that are based on microprocessors with substantial instruction-level parallelism and deep memory hierarchies. Despite this trend, performance analysis and tuning tools are still not used regularly by algorithm and application designers. To a large extent, existing performance tools fail to meet many user needs and are cumbersome to use. To address these issues, we developed HPCVIEW - a toolkit for combining multiple sets of program profile data, correlating the data with source code, and generating a database that can be analyzed anywhere with a commodity Web browser. We argue that HPCVIEW addresses many of the issues that have limited the usability and the utility of most existing tools. We originally built HPCVIEW to facilitate our own work on data layout and optimizing compilers. Now, in addition to daily use within our group, HPCVIEW is being used by several code development teams in DoD and DoE laboratories as well as at NCSA | [
"top-down analysis",
"node performance",
"complex scientific programs",
"peak performance",
"instruction-level parallelism",
"deep memory hierarchies",
"performance analysis",
"source code",
"commodity Web browser",
"data layout",
"optimizing compilers",
"software tools",
"binary analysis"
] | [
] |
138 | Optical actuation of a bistable MEMS | This paper presents an optical actuation scheme for MEMS devices based on the well-established fact that light possesses momentum, and hence, imparts a force equal to 2 W/c when reflected by a surface. Here, W is the total power of the reflected light, and c is the speed of light. Radiation pressure, as it is known, is nearly insignificant for most macroscale applications, but it can be quite significant for MEMS devices. In addition, light actuation offers a new paradigm. First, intersecting light beams do not interfere, in contrast to electrical conductors, which short when they come into contact. Second, light can operate in high temperature and high radiation environments far outside the capability of solid state electronic components. This actuation method is demonstrated, both in air and in vacuum, by switching the state of a bistable MEMS device. The associated heat transfer model is also presented | [
"bistable MEMS",
"optical actuation scheme",
"MEMS devices",
"radiation pressure",
"intersecting light beams",
"high radiation environments",
"heat transfer model",
"high temperature environments"
] | [
] |
1318 | Network intrusion and fault detection: a statistical anomaly approach | With the advent and explosive growth of the global Internet and electronic commerce environments, adaptive/automatic network/service intrusion and anomaly detection in wide area data networks and e-commerce infrastructures is fast gaining critical research and practical importance. We present and demonstrate the use of a general-purpose hierarchical multitier multiwindow statistical anomaly detection technology and system that operates automatically, adaptively, and proactively, and can be applied to various networking technologies, including both wired and wireless ad hoc networks. Our method uses statistical models and multivariate classifiers to detect anomalous network conditions. Some numerical results are also presented that demonstrate that our proposed methodology can reliably detect attacks with traffic anomaly intensity as low as 3-5 percent of the typical background traffic intensity, thus promising to generate an effective early warning | [
"network intrusion",
"fault detection",
"electronic commerce environment",
"adaptive/automatic network/service intrusion",
"wide area data networks",
"e-commerce infrastructure",
"wireless ad hoc networks",
"statistical models",
"multivariate classifiers",
"traffic anomaly intensity",
"background traffic intensity",
"computer network attacks",
"denial of service",
"early warning systems",
"neural network classification",
"ad hoc wireless experiments",
"perceptron-back propagation hybrid",
"hierarchical multitier statistical anomaly detection",
"multiwindow anomaly detection",
"wired ad hoc networks"
] | [
] |
708 | Sufficient conditions on nonemptiness and boundedness of the solution set of the P/sub 0/ function nonlinear complementarity problem | The P/sub 0/ function nonlinear complementarity, problem (NCP) has attracted a lot of attention among researchers. Various assumed conditions, which ensure that the NCP has a solution have been proposed. In this paper, by using the notion of an exceptional family of elements we develop a sufficient condition which ensures that the solution set of the P/sub 0/ function NCP is nonempty and bounded. In particular, we prove that many existing assumed conditions imply this sufficient condition. Thus, these conditions imply that the solution set of the P/sub 0/ function NCP is nonempty and bounded. In addition, we also prove directly that a few existence conditions imply that the solution set of the P/sub 0/ function NCP is bounded | [
"sufficient conditions",
"solution set",
"P/sub 0/ function nonlinear complementarity problem"
] | [
] |
866 | Adjoint-based optimization of steady suction for disturbance control in incompressible flows | The optimal distribution of steady suction needed to control the growth of single or multiple disturbances in quasi-three-dimensional incompressible boundary layers on a flat plate is investigated. The evolution of disturbances is analysed in the framework of the parabolized stability equations (PSE). A gradient-based optimization procedure is used and the gradients are evaluated using the adjoint of the parabolized stability equations (APSE) and the adjoint of the boundary layer equations (ABLE). The accuracy of the gradient is increased by introducing a stabilization procedure for the PSE. Results show that a suction peak appears in the upstream part of the suction region for optimal control of Tollmien-Schlichting (T-S) waves, steady streamwise streaks in a two-dimensional boundary layer and oblique waves in a quasi-three-dimensional boundary layer subject to an adverse pressure gradient. The mean flow modifications due to suction are shown to have a stabilizing effect similar to that of a favourable pressure gradient. It is also shown that the optimal suction distribution for the disturbance of interest reduces the growth rate of other perturbations. Results for control of a steady cross-flow mode in a three-dimensional boundary layer subject to a favourable pressure gradient show that not even large amounts of suction can completely stabilize the disturbance | [
"adjoint-based optimization",
"steady suction",
"disturbance control",
"incompressible flows",
"flat plate",
"parabolized stability equations",
"gradient-based optimization procedure",
"stabilization procedure",
"steady streamwise streaks",
"oblique waves",
"adverse pressure gradient",
"mean flow",
"steady cross-flow mode",
"quasithree-dimensional incompressible boundary layers",
"Tollmien-Schlichting waves",
"laminar-turbulent transition"
] | [
] |
823 | Estimation of thermal coefficients of magneto-optical media | Previously we described a method for estimating the thermal conductivity of magneto-optic recording media. The method relies on identifying the laser power that brings the maximum temperature of the TbFeCo layer to as high as the Curie temperature. We extensively use a similar method to estimate the heat capacity of a dielectric layer, a TbFeCo layer, and an aluminum alloy layer of magneto-optic recording media. Measurements are conducted on static disks with a beam of light focused on a TbFeCo layer. The method has the advantage of thermal diffusion depending on a multilayer structure and irradiation time | [
"thermal coefficients",
"magneto-optical media",
"thermal conductivity",
"magneto-optic recording media",
"laser power",
"maximum temperature",
"TbFeCo layer",
"Curie temperature",
"heat capacity",
"dielectric layer",
"aluminum alloy layer",
"static disks",
"light focusing",
"thermal diffusion",
"multilayer structure",
"irradiation time"
] | [
] |
Subsets and Splits