from . import counting from .counting import * from . import searching from .searching import * from . import sorting from .sorting import *
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/sorting_searching_counting/__init__.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 36 }
class NodeProto: def __init__(self): self._fn = None self._fn_mod = None self._fn_name = None self.input = None self.output = None self.name = None def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._fn(*args, **kwargs) class GraphProto: def __init__(self): self.node = None self.name = None self.input = None self.output = None
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/onnx/proto.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 206 }
# local from ..math import * # noqa: F401 import ivy from ivy.func_wrapper import with_unsupported_dtypes, with_supported_dtypes from ivy.functional.frontends.paddle.func_wrapper import to_ivy_arrays_and_back # NOTE: # Only inplace functions are to be added in this file. # Please add non-inplace counterparts to `/frontends/paddle/math.py`. @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.6.0 and below": ("float16", "bfloat16")}, "paddle") @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def ceil_(x, name=None): return ivy.ceil(x, out=x) @with_supported_dtypes( {"2.6.0 and below": ("float32", "float64", "int32", "int64")}, "paddle" ) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def clip_(x, min=None, max=None, name=None): ivy.utils.assertions.check_all_or_any_fn( min, max, fn=ivy.exists, type="any", limit=[1, 2], message="at most one of min or max can be None", ) if min is None: min = ivy.min(x) if max is None: max = ivy.max(x) res = ivy.clip(x, min, max) if res.dtype != x.dtype: res = ivy.astype(res, x.dtype) return res @with_supported_dtypes({"2.6.0 and below": ("float32", "float64")}, "paddle") @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def exp_(x, name=None): return ivy.inplace_update(x, exp(x)) @with_supported_dtypes({"2.6.0 and below": ("float32", "float64")}, "paddle") @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def floor_(x, name=None): return ivy.inplace_update(x, floor(x)) @with_supported_dtypes({"2.6.0 and below": ("float32", "float64")}, "paddle") @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def lerp_(x, y, weight, name=None): return ivy.inplace_update(x, lerp(x, y, weight)) @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.6.0 and below": ("float16", "bfloat16")}, "paddle") @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def reciprocal_(x, name=None): return ivy.inplace_update(x, reciprocal(x)) @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.6.0 and below": ("float16", "bfloat16")}, "paddle") @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def round_(x, name=None): return ivy.inplace_update(x, round(x)) @with_supported_dtypes({"2.6.0 and below": ("float32", "float64")}, "paddle") def rsqrt_(x, name=None): return ivy.inplace_update(x, reciprocal(sqrt(x))) @with_supported_dtypes({"2.6.0 and below": ("float32", "float64")}, "paddle") @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def sqrt_(x, name=None): return ivy.inplace_update(x, sqrt(x)) @with_supported_dtypes({"2.6.0 and below": ("float32", "float64")}, "paddle") @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def subtract_(x, y, name=None): return ivy.inplace_update(x, subtract(x, y)) @with_supported_dtypes({"2.6.0 and below": ("float32", "float64")}, "paddle") @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def tanh_(x, name=None): return ivy.inplace_update(x, tanh(x))
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/paddle/tensor/math.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1169 }
from .special import *
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/scipy/special/__init__.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 6 }
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import ivy from ivy.functional.frontends.numpy.func_wrapper import to_ivy_arrays_and_back from ivy.functional.frontends.sklearn.utils.validation import column_or_1d class BaseCrossValidator(metaclass=ABCMeta): def split(self, X, y=None, groups=None): indices = ivy.arange(X.shape[0]) for test_index in self._iter_test_masks(X, y, groups): train_index = indices[ivy.logical_not(test_index)] test_index = indices[test_index] yield train_index, test_index def _iter_test_masks(self, X=None, y=None, groups=None): for test_index in self._iter_test_indices(X, y, groups): test_mask = ivy.zeros(X.shape[0], dtype="bool") test_mask[test_index] = True yield test_mask def _iter_test_indices(self, X=None, y=None, groups=None): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def get_n_splits(self, X=None, y=None, groups=None): pass class KFold(BaseCrossValidator): def __init__( self, n_splits=5, *, shuffle=False, random_state=None, ): self.n_splits = n_splits self.shuffle = shuffle self.random_state = random_state def _iter_test_indices(self, X=None, y=None, groups=None): n_samples = X.shape[0] indices = ivy.arange(n_samples) if self.shuffle: indices = ivy.shuffle(indices, seed=self.random_state) n_splits = self.n_splits fold_sizes = ivy.full( n_splits, n_samples // n_splits, dtype=ivy.default_int_dtype() ) fold_sizes[: n_samples % n_splits] += 1 current = 0 for fold_size in fold_sizes: start, stop = current, current + fold_size yield indices[start:stop] current = stop def get_n_splits(self, X=None, y=None, groups=None): return self.n_splits class StratifiedKFold(KFold): def __init__( self, n_splits=5, *, shuffle=False, random_state=None, ): super().__init__( n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=shuffle, random_state=random_state, ) def _iter_test_indices(self, X=None, y=None, groups=None): ivy.seed(seed_value=self.random_state) y = ivy.array(y) y = column_or_1d(y) _, y_idx, y_inv, _ = ivy.unique_all(y) class_perm = ivy.unique_inverse(y_idx) y_encoded = class_perm[y_inv] n_classes = len(y_idx) y_order = ivy.sort(y_encoded) allocation = ivy.asarray( [ ivy.bincount(y_order[i :: self.n_splits], minlength=n_classes) for i in range(self.n_splits) ] ) test_folds = ivy.empty(len(y), dtype="int64") for k in range(n_classes): folds_for_class = ivy.arange(self.n_splits).repeat(allocation[:, k]) if self.shuffle: folds_for_class = ivy.shuffle(folds_for_class) test_folds[y_encoded == k] = folds_for_class for i in range(self.n_splits): yield test_folds == i def split(self, X, y, groups=None): return super().split(X, y, groups) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def train_test_split( *arrays, test_size=None, train_size=None, random_state=None, shuffle=True, stratify=None, ): # TODO: Make it concise # TODO: implement stratify if stratify is not None: raise NotImplementedError if len(arrays) == 0: raise ValueError("At least one array required as input") if test_size is None and train_size is None: test_size = 0.25 n_samples = arrays[0].shape[0] n_train = ( ivy.floor(train_size * n_samples) if isinstance(train_size, float) else float(train_size) if isinstance(train_size, int) else None ) n_test = ( ivy.ceil(test_size * n_samples) if isinstance(test_size, float) else float(test_size) if isinstance(test_size, int) else None ) if train_size is None: n_train = n_samples - n_test elif test_size is None: n_test = n_samples - n_train n_train, n_test = int(n_train), int(n_test) indices = ivy.arange(0, n_train + n_test) if shuffle: if random_state is not None: ivy.seed(seed_value=random_state) indices = ivy.shuffle(indices) train_indices = indices[:n_train] test_indices = indices[n_train:] output = [] for array in arrays: output.append(ivy.gather(array, train_indices, axis=0)) output.append(ivy.gather(array, test_indices, axis=0)) return tuple(output)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/sklearn/model_selection/_split.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 2350 }
# local import ivy from ivy.functional.frontends.tensorflow.func_wrapper import to_ivy_arrays_and_back from ivy.func_wrapper import with_supported_dtypes, with_unsupported_dtypes import ivy.functional.frontends.tensorflow.nn as tf_nn @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.15.0 and below": ("float16",)}, "tensorflow") def depthwise_conv2d( input, filter, strides, padding, rate=None, name=None, data_format=None, dilations=None, ): if rate: dilations = rate return tf_nn.depthwise_conv2d( input, filter, strides, padding=padding, data_format=data_format, dilations=dilations, ) # should have float16 as well but sqrt doesn't support it @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @with_supported_dtypes({"2.15.0 and below": ("float32",)}, "tensorflow") def fused_batch_norm( x, scale, offset, mean=None, variance=None, epsilon=1e-3, data_format="NHWC", is_training=True, name=None, exponential_avg_factor=1.0, ): min_epsilon = 1.001e-5 epsilon = epsilon if epsilon > min_epsilon else min_epsilon dims = len(x.shape) if data_format[1] == "C": if dims == 4: x = ivy.permute_dims(x, axes=(0, 2, 3, 1)) elif dims == 5: x = ivy.permute_dims(x, axes=(0, 2, 3, 4, 1)) else: raise ivy.utils.exceptions.IvyException( f"input tensor must be of 4 or 5 dimensions, got {dims}" ) scale = scale.astype(ivy.float32) offset = offset.astype(ivy.float32) old_mean = mean.astype(ivy.float32) old_var = variance.astype(ivy.float32) x = x.astype(ivy.float32) if is_training: depth = x.shape[-1] rest_size = ivy.prod(x.shape) // depth x_rest_by_depth = ivy.reshape(x, [rest_size, depth]) mean = ivy.mean(x_rest_by_depth, axis=0, keepdims=True) variance = ivy.var(x_rest_by_depth, axis=0, keepdims=True) y = ivy.reshape( scale * (x_rest_by_depth - mean) / ivy.sqrt(variance + epsilon) + offset, x.shape, ) float_rest_size = ivy.astype(rest_size, x.dtype) variance = ( variance * float_rest_size / (float_rest_size - 1) if rest_size > 1 else variance ) mean = ivy.reshape( mean * exponential_avg_factor + old_mean * (1 - exponential_avg_factor), old_mean.shape, ) variance = ivy.reshape( variance * exponential_avg_factor + old_var * (1 - exponential_avg_factor), old_var.shape, ) else: y = scale * (x - old_mean) / ivy.sqrt(old_var + epsilon) + offset # permute dimensions back if data_format[1] == "C": if dims == 4: y = ivy.permute_dims(y, axes=(0, 3, 1, 2)) elif dims == 5: y = ivy.permute_dims(y, axes=(0, 4, 1, 2, 3)) if is_training: return y, mean, variance else: return y, old_mean, old_var @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @with_unsupported_dtypes( {"2.15.0 and below": ("float16",)}, "tensorflow", ) def max_pool(value, ksize, strides, padding, data_format="NHWC", name=None, input=None): if input is not None and value is not None: raise ivy.utils.exceptions.IvyException( "Cannot specify both 'value' and 'input'." ) return tf_nn.max_pool2d( input if input is not None else value, ksize, strides, padding, data_format=data_format, ) @with_unsupported_dtypes( { "2.15.0 and below": ( "float16", "bfloat16", ) }, "tensorflow", ) def separable_conv2d( input, depthwise_filter, pointwise_filter, strides, padding, rate=None, name=None, data_format=None, dilations=None, ): if rate: dilations = rate return tf_nn.separable_conv2d( input, depthwise_filter, pointwise_filter, strides, padding, data_format=data_format, dilations=dilations, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/tensorflow/compat/v1/nn.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 2042 }
# local import ivy.functional.frontends.tensorflow as tf_frontend class ResourceVariable(tf_frontend.Variable): pass
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/tensorflow/python/ops/resource_variable_ops.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 39 }
# local import ivy import ivy.functional.frontends.torch as torch_frontend _default_dtype = torch_frontend.float32 def can_cast(from_, to): from_str = str(from_) to_str = str(to) if "float" in from_str and "bool" in to_str: return False if "float" in from_str and "int" in to_str: return False if "uint" in from_str and ("int" in to_str and "u" not in to_str): if ivy.dtype_bits(to) < ivy.dtype_bits(from_): return False if "complex" in from_str and ("float" in to_str or "int" in to_str): return False if "bool" in to_str: return from_str == to_str return True def get_default_dtype(): return _default_dtype def promote_types(type1, type2, /): return torch_frontend.promote_types_torch(type1, type2) def set_default_dtype(d): ivy.utils.assertions.check_elem_in_list( d, [ torch_frontend.float64, torch_frontend.float32, torch_frontend.float16, torch_frontend.bfloat16, ], message="only floating-point types are supported as the default type", ) global _default_dtype _default_dtype = d return
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/torch/dtype.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 541 }
import ivy from ivy.func_wrapper import with_unsupported_dtypes from ivy.functional.frontends.torch.func_wrapper import to_ivy_arrays_and_back @with_unsupported_dtypes( { "2.2 and below": ( "bfloat16", "float16", ) }, "torch", ) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def batch_norm( input, running_mean, running_var, weight=None, bias=None, training=False, momentum=0.1, eps=1e-5, ): normalized, mean, var = ivy.batch_norm( input, running_mean, running_var, offset=bias, scale=weight, training=training, eps=eps, momentum=momentum, data_format="NCS", ) if training: ivy.inplace_update(running_mean, mean) ivy.inplace_update(running_var, var) return normalized @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @with_unsupported_dtypes( { "2.2 and below": ( "float16", "bfloat16", ) }, "torch", ) def group_norm(input, num_groups, weight=None, bias=None, eps=1e-05): return ivy.group_norm( input, num_groups, scale=weight, offset=bias, data_format="NCS", eps=eps ) @with_unsupported_dtypes( { "2.2 and below": ( "bfloat16", "float16", ) }, "torch", ) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def instance_norm( input, running_mean, running_var, weight=None, bias=None, use_input_stats=False, momentum=0.1, eps=1e-5, ): normalized, mean, var = ivy.instance_norm( input, running_mean, running_var, offset=bias, scale=weight, training=use_input_stats, eps=eps, momentum=momentum, data_format="NCS", ) ivy.inplace_update(running_mean, mean) ivy.inplace_update(running_var, var) return normalized @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.2 and below": ("float16", "bfloat16")}, "torch") def layer_norm(input, normalized_shape, weight=None, bias=None, eps=1e-05): shape = ivy.shape(input) if isinstance(normalized_shape, int) and normalized_shape == shape[-1]: axis = [-1] else: assert ivy.all(ivy.equal(normalized_shape, shape[-len(normalized_shape) :])) axis = list(range(len(shape) - len(normalized_shape), len(shape))) return ivy.layer_norm(input, axis, scale=weight, offset=bias, eps=eps)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/torch/nn/functional/norms.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1189 }
import sys import ivy.functional.frontends.torch as torch import ivy from ivy.functional.frontends import set_frontend_to_specific_version from . import ops tensor = _frontend_array = torch.tensor # setting to specific version # # --------------------------- # if ivy.is_local(): module = ivy.utils._importlib.import_cache[__name__] else: module = sys.modules[__name__] set_frontend_to_specific_version(module)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/torchvision/__init__.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 141 }
from typing import Union, Callable, Any, Iterable, Dict import ivy from ivy.utils.backend import current_backend from ivy.func_wrapper import ( handle_array_like_without_promotion, to_native_arrays_and_back, ) def if_else( cond: Callable, body_fn: Callable, orelse_fn: Callable, vars: Dict[str, Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]], ) -> Any: """Take a condition function and two functions as input. If the condition is True, the first function is executed and its result is returned. Otherwise, the second function is executed and its result is returned. Parameters ---------- cond A function returning a boolean. body_fn A callable function to be executed if the condition is True. orelse_fn A callable function to be executed if the condition is False. vars Additional variables to be passed to the functions. Returns ------- ret The result of executing either body_fn or orelse_fn depending on the value of cond. Examples -------- >>> cond = lambda x: True >>> body_fn = lambda x: x + 1 >>> orelse_fn = lambda x: x - 1 >>> vars = (1,) >>> result = ivy.if_else(cond, body_fn, orelse_fn, vars) >>> print(result) 2 >>> cond = lambda x: True >>> body_fn = lambda x: x * 2 >>> orelse_fn = lambda x: x / 2 >>> vars = ivy.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> result = ivy.if_else(cond, body_fn, orelse_fn, vars=(vars,)) >>> print(result) ivy.array([0.5, 1.0, 1.5]) """ @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_like_without_promotion def _if_else(cond, body_fn, orelse_fn, **vars): return current_backend().if_else(cond, body_fn, orelse_fn, vars) return _if_else(cond, body_fn, orelse_fn, **vars) def while_loop( test_fn: Callable, body_fn: Callable, vars: Dict[str, Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]], ) -> Any: """Take a test function, a body function and a set of variables as input. The body function is executed repeatedly while the test function returns True. Parameters ---------- test_fn A callable function that returns a boolean value representing whether the loop should continue. body_fn A callable function to be executed repeatedly while the test function returns True. vars Additional variables to be passed to the functions. Returns ------- ret The final result of executing the body function. Examples -------- >>> i = 0 >>> test_fn = lambda i: i < 3 >>> body_fn = lambda i: i + 1 >>> result = ivy.while_loop(test_fn, body_fn, vars= (i,)) >>> print(result) (3,) >>> i = 0 >>> j = 1 >>> test_fn = lambda i, j: i < 3 >>> body_fn = lambda i, j: (i + 1, j * 2) >>> vars = (i, j) >>> result = ivy.while_loop(test_fn, body_fn, vars=vars) >>> print(result) (3, 8) """ @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_like_without_promotion def _while_loop(test_fn, body_fn, **vars): return current_backend().while_loop(test_fn, body_fn, vars) return _while_loop(test_fn, body_fn, **vars) def for_loop( iterable: Iterable[Any], body_fn: Callable, vars: Iterable[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]], ): """Loops over an iterable, passing the current iteration along with a tuple of variables into the provided body function. Parameters ---------- iterable The iterable to loop over. body_fn A function to call each iteration, first taking the iterator value and then a tuple of extra parameters. vars Extra parameters to be passed to body_fn. Returns ------- ret The loop's return value (if any). Example ---- >>> def body_fn(k, args): >>> print(k+1) >>> return args >>> >>> lst = [5,6] >>> >>> ivy.for_loop(lst, body_fn, ()) 5 6 """ iterator = iterable.__iter__() vars_dict = _tuple_to_dict(vars) def test_fn(iterator, original_body, vars_dict): try: val = iterator.__next__() except StopIteration: return False vars_tuple = original_body(val, _dict_to_tuple(vars_dict)) for k in range(len(vars_tuple)): vars_dict[k] = vars_tuple[k] return True def empty_function(iterator, original_body, vars_dict): return (iterator, original_body, vars_dict) packed_vars = (iterator, body_fn, vars_dict) return _dict_to_tuple(while_loop(test_fn, empty_function, packed_vars)[2]) def try_except( body1: Callable, body2: Callable, vars: Iterable[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]], ): try: return body1(*vars) except Exception as e: return body2(*vars, e) # todo (nightcrab) find a better place for these cmp functions def cmp_is(left, right): return left is right def cmp_isnot(left, right): return left is not right def _tuple_to_dict(t): return {k: t[k] for k in range(len(t))} def _dict_to_tuple(d): return tuple(d[k] for k in d)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/ivy/control_flow_ops.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 2125 }
# global from typing import Union, Optional # local import ivy from ivy.func_wrapper import ( handle_nestable, inputs_to_ivy_arrays, handle_array_like_without_promotion, handle_array_function, to_native_arrays_and_back, ) from ivy.utils.exceptions import handle_exceptions # log_poisson_loss @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function def log_poisson_loss( true: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], pred: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, compute_full_loss: bool = False, axis: int = -1, reduction: str = "none", out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Compute the log-likelihood loss between the prediction and the target under the assumption that the target has a Poisson distribution. Caveat: By default, this is not the exact loss, but the loss minus a constant term [log(z!)]. That has no effect for optimization, but does not play well with relative loss comparisons. To compute an approximation of the log factorial term, specify ``compute_full_loss=True`` to enable Stirling's Approximation. Parameters ---------- true input array containing true labels. pred input array containing Predicted labels. compute_full_loss whether to compute the full loss. If false, a constant term is dropped in favor of more efficient optimization. Default: ``False``. axis the axis along which to compute the log-likelihood loss. If axis is ``-1``, the log-likelihood loss will be computed along the last dimension. Default: ``-1``. reduction ``'none'``: No reduction will be applied to the output. ``'mean'``: The output will be averaged. ``'sum'``: The output will be summed. Default: ``'none'``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The binary log-likelihood loss between the given distributions. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([0, 0, 1, 0]) >>> y = ivy.array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]) >>> print(ivy.log_poisson_loss(x, y)) ivy.array([1.28402555, 1.28402555, 1.03402555, 1.28402555]) >>> z = ivy.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1]) >>> print(ivy.log_poisson_loss(x, z, reduction='mean')) ivy.array(1.1573164) """ try: assert true.shape == pred.shape except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( "`pred` and `true` must have the same shape, received " f"({pred.shape} vs {true.shape})." ) from e loss = ivy.exp(pred) - pred * true if compute_full_loss: stirling_approx = ( (true * ivy.log(true)) - true + (0.5 * ivy.log(2 * ivy.pi * true)) ) cond = ivy.logical_and(true >= 0.0, true <= 1.0) loss += ivy.where(cond, ivy.zeros_like(loss), stirling_approx) if reduction == "sum": return ivy.sum(loss, axis=axis, out=out) elif reduction == "mean": return ivy.mean(loss, axis=axis, out=out) else: return ivy.inplace_update(out, loss) if out is not None else loss @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function def l1_loss( input: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], target: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, reduction: str = "mean", out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """ Compute L1 loss (Mean Absolute Error - MAE) between targeticted and input values. Parameters ---------- input : Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray] Input array containing input values. target : Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray] Input array containing targeted values. reduction : str, optional Reduction method for the output loss. Options: "none" (no reduction), "mean" (mean of losses), "sum" (sum of losses). Default: "mean". out : Optional[ivy.Array], optional Optional output array for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ivy.Array The L1 loss (MAE) between the given input and targeticted values. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) >>> y = ivy.array([0.5, 2.5, 2.0]) >>> ivy.l1_loss(x, y) ivy.array(0.666) >>> a = ivy.array([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]) >>> b = ivy.array([[0.5, 1.5], [2.5, 3.5]]) >>> ivy.l1_loss(a, b) ivy.array(0.5) """ loss = ivy.abs(target - input) if reduction == "sum": return ivy.sum(loss, out=out) elif reduction == "mean": return ivy.mean(loss, out=out) else: return ivy.inplace_update(out, loss) if out is not None else loss @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function def huber_loss( true: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], pred: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, delta: float = 1.0, reduction: str = "mean", out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Compute the Huber loss (smooth L1 loss) between true and predicted values. Parameters ---------- true: array_like The true (ground truth) values. pred : array_like The predicted values by the model. delta : float, optional The threshold parameter that determines the point where the loss transitions fro -m squared error to absolute error. Default is 1.0. reduction : str, optional The type of reduction to apply to the loss. Possible values are "mean" (default) and "sum". out : array_like, optional Optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret : array_like The Huber loss between the true and predicted values. Examples -------- >>> true = ivy.array([2, 4, 7, 1]) >>> pred = ivy.array([2.5, 3.5, 8, 0.8]) >>> huber_loss(true, pred, delta=1.0) ivy.array([0.125, 0.125, 0.5 , 0.125]) >>> huber_loss(true, pred, delta=2.0) ivy.array([0.125, 0.125, 0.5 , 0.2 ]) >>> huber_loss(true, pred, delta=0.5) ivy.array([0.25 , 0.25 , 0. , 0.125]) """ abs_diff = ivy.abs(true - pred) quadratic_loss = 0.5 * (abs_diff**2) linear_loss = delta * (abs_diff - 0.5 * delta) loss = ivy.where(abs_diff <= delta, quadratic_loss, linear_loss) if reduction == "sum": return ivy.sum(loss, out=out) elif reduction == "mean": return ivy.mean(loss, out=out) else: return ivy.inplace_update(out, loss) if out is not None else loss @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function def smooth_l1_loss( input: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], target: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, beta: float = 1.0, reduction: str = "mean", out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Compute the smooth L1 loss between two input tensors. Parameters ---------- input : array_like First input tensor. target : array_like Second input tensor. beta : float, optional The smooth parameter. Default is 1.0. reduction : str, optional Specifies the type of reduction to apply to the output. Should be one of 'none', 'sum', or 'mean'. Default is 'mean'. out : array, optional Optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret : array The smooth_l1_loss between the two input tensors. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) >>> y = ivy.array([2.5, 1.8, 3.2]) >>> ivy.smooth_l1_loss(x, y, beta=1.0) ivy.array(0.3467) >>> x = ivy.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) >>> y = ivy.array([6.0, 2.0, 3.0]) >>> ivy.smooth_l1_loss(x, y, beta=1.0) ivy.array(1.5) >>> input = ivy.array([2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0]) >>> target = ivy.array([2.5, 3.5, 5.5, 6.5]) >>> loss = ivy.smooth_l1_loss(input, target, beta=1.5, reduction='sum') ivy.array(0.5) >>> input = ivy.array([0.8, 1.2, 2.5, 3.7]) >>> target = ivy.array([0.9, 1.0, 2.3, 3.6]) >>> loss = ivy.smooth_l1_loss(input, target, beta=0.5, reduction='none') ivy.array([0.0133, 0.0250, 0.0056, 0.0025]) >>> input = ivy.array([2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0]) >>> target = ivy.array([2.5, 3.5, 5.5, 6.5]) >>> loss = ivy.smooth_l1_loss(input, target, beta=0.2, reduction='mean') ivy.array(0.025) With :class:`ivy.NativeArray` input: >>> x = ivy.native_array([1.5, 2.2, 3.7]) >>> y = ivy.native_array([2.1, 1.9, 3.5]) >>> print(ivy.smooth_l1_loss(x, y, beta=0.5)) ivy.array(0.0675) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])) >>> y = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([2.5, 1.8, 3.2])) >>> print(ivy.smooth_l1_loss(x, y, beta=1.0)) { a: ivy.array(0.3467) } With a mix of :class:`ivy.Array` and :class:`ivy.NativeArray` inputs: >>> x = ivy.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) >>> y = ivy.native_array([6.0, 2.0, 3.0]) >>> print(ivy.smooth_l1_loss(x, y, beta=0.5)) ivy.array(1.5) With a mix of :class:`ivy.Array` and :class:`ivy.Container` inputs: >>> x = ivy.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) >>> y = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([6.0, 2.0, 3.0])) >>> print(ivy.smooth_l1_loss(x, y, beta=1.0)) { a: ivy.array(1.5) } Instance Method Examples ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) >>> y = ivy.array([2.5, 1.8, 3.2]) >>> print(x.smooth_l1_loss(y, beta=1.0)) ivy.array(0.3467) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])) >>> y = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([2.5, 1.8, 3.2])) >>> print(x.smooth_l1_loss(y, beta=1.0)) { a: ivy.array(0.3467) } """ if beta < 1e-5: # if beta == 0, will result in nan gradients when # the chain rule is applied due to pytorch implementation details # (the False branch "0.5 * n ** 2 / 0" has an incoming gradient of # zeros, rather than "no gradient"). To avoid this issue, we define # small values of beta to be exactly l1 loss. loss = ivy.abs(input - target) else: n = ivy.abs(input - target) cond = n < beta loss = ivy.where(cond, 0.5 * n**2 / beta, n - 0.5 * beta) if reduction == "mean": return ivy.mean(loss, out=out) elif reduction == "sum": return ivy.sum(loss, out=out) elif reduction == "none": return ivy.inplace_update(out, loss) if out is not None else loss @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function def soft_margin_loss( input: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], target: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, reduction: str = "mean", out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Compute the soft-margin hinge loss between predicted scores and true binary labels. Parameters ---------- input : array_like True binary labels, of shape (batch_size,). target : array_like Predicted scores, of shape (batch_size,). reduction : {'mean', 'sum', 'none'}, optional Type of reduction to apply to the output. Default is 'mean'. out : array_like, optional Optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret : array The soft-margin hinge loss between the predicted scores and true binary labels. Examples -------- >>> input = ivy.array([1, 0, 1, 0]) >>> target = ivy.array([0.8, 0.2, -0.6, 1.5]) >>> ivy.soft_margin_loss(input, target) ivy.array(0.6987) >>> input = ivy.array([1, 1, 0, 0]) >>> target = ivy.array([0.8, 0.7, 0.2, 0.1]) >>> ivy.soft_margin_loss(input, target, reduction='sum') ivy.array(2.1606) >>> input = ivy.array([1, 1, 0, 0]) >>> target = ivy.array([0.8, 0.7, 0.2, 0.1]) >>> ivy.soft_margin_loss(input, target, reduction='none') ivy.array([0.3711, 0.4032, 0.6931, 0.6931]) """ loss = ivy.sum(ivy.log1p(ivy.exp(-input * target))) / input.size if reduction == "sum": return ivy.sum(loss, out=out) elif reduction == "mean": return ivy.mean(loss, out=out) else: return ivy.inplace_update(out, loss) if out is not None else loss @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function def kl_div( input: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], target: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, reduction: str = "mean", log_target=False, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Compute the Kullback-Leibler divergence loss between two input tensors (conventionally, probability distributions). Parameters ---------- input : array_like Tensor of arbitrary shape in log-probabilities target : array_like Tensor of the same shape as input. See log_target for the target’s interpretation reduction : {'mean', 'sum', 'batchmean', 'none'}, optional Type of reduction to apply to the output. Default is 'mean'. log_target : bool A flag indicating whether target is passed in the log space. It is recommended to pass certain distributions (like softmax) in the log space to avoid numerical issues caused by explicit log. Default: False Returns ------- ret : array The Kullback-Leibler divergence loss between the two input tensors. Examples -------- >>> input = ivy.array([[0.2, 0.8], [0.5, 0.5]]) >>> target = ivy.array([[0.6, 0.4], [0.3, 0.7]]) >>> ivy.kl_div(input, target) ivy.array(-0.555969) >>> input = ivy.array([[0.2, 0.8], [0.5, 0.5]]) >>> target = ivy.array([[0.6, 0.4], [0.3, 0.7]]) >>> ivy.kl_div(input, target, reduction='sum') ivy.array(-2.223876) >>> input = ivy.array([[0.2, 0.8], [0.5, 0.5]]) >>> target = ivy.array([[0.6, 0.4], [0.3, 0.7]]) >>> ivy.kl_div(input, target, reduction='batchmean') ivy.array(-1.111938) >>> input = ivy.array([0.2, 0.8], [0.5, 0.5]) >>> target = ivy.array([0.6, 0.4], [0.3, 0.7]) >>> ivy.kl_div(input, target, reduction='none') ivy.array([[-0.42649534, -0.68651628], [-0.51119184, -0.59967244]]) """ if not log_target: # default loss_pointwise = target * (ivy.log(target) - input) else: loss_pointwise = ivy.exp(target) * (target - input) if reduction == "mean": # default loss = ivy.mean(loss_pointwise) elif reduction == "batchmean": # mathematically correct loss = ivy.sum(loss_pointwise) / input.shape[0] elif reduction == "sum": loss = ivy.sum(loss_pointwise) else: # reduction == "none" loss = loss_pointwise return ivy.inplace_update(out, loss) if out is not None else loss kl_div.mixed_backend_wrappers = { "to_add": ( "handle_backend_invalid", "inputs_to_native_arrays", "outputs_to_ivy_arrays", "handle_out_argument", ), "to_skip": ("inputs_to_ivy_arrays",), } @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @to_native_arrays_and_back def poisson_nll_loss( input: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], target: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], *, log_input: bool = True, full: bool = False, eps: float = 1e-8, reduction: str = "mean", ) -> ivy.Array: r"""Compute the Poisson Negative Log Likelihood Loss. This function calculates the negative log likelihood loss between the `input` and `target`under the assumption that the target follows a Poisson distribution. By default, the loss is not the exact loss, but the loss minus a constant term [log(z!)]. This omission does not affect optimization but can be significant for relative loss comparisons. The Stirling's Approximation is used to approximate the log factorial term when `full` is set to True. Parameters ---------- input Expectation of the underlying Poisson distribution. target Random sample from the Poisson distribution described by the input. log_input If `True`, the loss is computed as :math:`exp(input) - target * input`. If `False`, the loss is computed as :math:`input - target * log(input + eps)`. Default is `True`. full Whether to compute the full loss, i.e., to add the Stirling approximation term :math:`target * log(target) - target + 0.5 * log(2 * pi * target)`. Default is `False`. eps Small value to prevent evaluation of `log(0)` when `log_input` is `False`. Default is 1e-8. reduction Specifies the reduction applied to the output. Options are 'none', 'mean', or 'sum'. 'none': no reduction will be applied. 'mean': the output will be averaged. 'sum': the output will be summed. Default is 'mean'. Returns ------- ret An array of the same shape as `input` representing the Poisson Negative Log Likelihood Loss. Raises ------ ValueError If the `input` and `target` tensors do not have the same shape. Examples -------- >>> input_tensor = ivy.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=ivy.float64) >>> target_tensor = ivy.array([2, 2, 2, 2], dtype=ivy.float64) >>> loss = ivy.poisson_nll_loss(input_tensor, target_tensor, log_input=False) >>> print(loss) ivy.array(0.91097307) """ return ivy.current_backend().poisson_nll_loss( input, target, log_input=log_input, full=full, eps=eps, reduction=reduction, ) @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @to_native_arrays_and_back def hinge_embedding_loss( input: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], target: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], *, margin: float = 1.0, reduction: str = "mean", ) -> ivy.Array: r"""Measures loss from input `x` and label `y` with values 1 or -1. It evaluates if two inputs are similar or not, often used for embedding or semi-supervised learning. Loss for the `n`-th sample: .. math:: l_n = \begin{cases} x_n, & \text{if}\; y_n = 1,\\ \max \{0, margin - x_n\}, & \text{if}\; y_n = -1, \end{cases} Total loss: .. math:: \ell(x, y) = \begin{cases} \operatorname{mean}(L), & \text{if reduction} = \text{`mean';}\\ \operatorname{sum}(L), & \text{if reduction} = \text{`sum'.} \end{cases} where :math:`L = \{l_1,\dots,l_N\}^\top` . Parameters ---------- input Input tensor with dtype float. The shape is [N, \*], where N is batch size and `\*` represents any number of additional dimensions. label Label tensor containing 1 or -1 with dtype float32 or float64. Its shape matches that of the input. margin Sets the hyperparameter margin. Determines the necessary input size for hinge_embedding_loss calculations when label is -1. Inputs smaller than the margin are minimized with hinge_embedding_loss. Default is 1.0. reduction Specifies how to aggregate the loss across the batch. Options are: - ``'none'``: Returns the unreduced loss. - ``'mean'``: Returns the mean loss. - ``'sum'``: Returns the summed loss. Default is ``'mean'``. Shape ----- - Input: :math:`(*)` where :math:`*` means, any number of dimensions. \ The sum operation operates over all the elements. - Target: :math:`(*)`, same shape as the input - Output: scalar. If :attr:`reduction` is ``'none'``, then same shape as the input Returns ------- ret Hinge embedding loss calculated from the input and label, shaped based on the reduction method. Examples -------- >>> input_tensor = ivy.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=ivy.float64) >>> target_tensor = ivy.array([1, 1, 1, 1], dtype=ivy.float64) >>> loss = ivy.hinge_embedding_loss(input_tensor, target_tensor, reduction="none") >>> loss ivy.array([1., 2., 3., 4.]) >>> input_tensor = ivy.array([21, 22], dtype=ivy.float32) >>> target_tensor = ivy.array([-1, 1], dtype=ivy.float32) >>> loss = ivy.hinge_embedding_loss(input_tensor,target_tensor, ... margin=2.0, reduction="sum") >>> loss ivy.array(22.) """ return ivy.current_backend().hinge_embedding_loss( input, target, margin=margin, reduction=reduction, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/ivy/experimental/losses.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 9104 }
"""Collection of Ivy loss functions.""" # local import ivy from typing import Optional, Union from ivy.func_wrapper import ( handle_array_function, handle_nestable, handle_array_like_without_promotion, inputs_to_ivy_arrays, ) from ivy.utils.exceptions import handle_exceptions # Helpers # # ------- # def _reduce_loss(red, loss, axis, out): if red == "sum": return ivy.negative(ivy.sum(loss, axis=axis), out=out) elif red == "mean": return ivy.negative(ivy.mean(loss, axis=axis), out=out) else: return ivy.negative(loss, out=out) # Extra # # ------# @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function def cross_entropy( true: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], pred: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, axis: int = -1, epsilon: float = 1e-7, reduction: str = "mean", out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Compute cross-entropy between predicted and true discrete distributions. Parameters ---------- true input array containing true labels. pred input array containing the predicted labels. axis the axis along which to compute the cross-entropy. If axis is ``-1``, the cross-entropy will be computed along the last dimension. Default: ``-1``. epsilon a float in [0.0, 1.0] specifying the amount of smoothing when calculating the loss. If epsilon is ``0``, no smoothing will be applied. Default: ``1e-7``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The cross-entropy loss between the given distributions Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([0, 0, 1, 0]) >>> y = ivy.array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]) >>> print(ivy.cross_entropy(x, y)) ivy.array(0.34657359) >>> z = ivy.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1]) >>> print(ivy.cross_entropy(x, z)) ivy.array(0.08916873) """ ivy.utils.assertions.check_elem_in_list(reduction, ["none", "sum", "mean"]) pred = ivy.clip(pred, epsilon, 1 - epsilon) log_pred = ivy.log(pred) return _reduce_loss(reduction, log_pred * true, axis, out) @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function def binary_cross_entropy( true: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], pred: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, from_logits: bool = False, epsilon: float = 0.0, reduction: str = "mean", pos_weight: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, axis: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Compute the binary cross entropy loss. Parameters ---------- true input array containing true labels. pred input array containing Predicted labels. from_logits Whether `pred` is expected to be a logits tensor. By default, we assume that `pred` encodes a probability distribution. epsilon a float in [0.0, 1.0] specifying the amount of smoothing when calculating the loss. If epsilon is ``0``, no smoothing will be applied. Default: ``0``. reduction ``'none'``: No reduction will be applied to the output. ``'mean'``: The output will be averaged. ``'sum'``: The output will be summed. Default: ``'none'``. pos_weight a weight for positive examples. Must be an array with length equal to the number of classes. axis Axis along which to compute crossentropy. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The binary cross entropy between the given distributions. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([0, 1, 0, 0]) >>> y = ivy.array([0.2, 0.8, 0.3, 0.8]) >>> z = ivy.binary_cross_entropy(x, y) >>> print(z) ivy.array(0.60309976) >>> x = ivy.array([[0, 1, 1, 0]]) >>> y = ivy.array([[2.6, 6.2, 3.7, 5.3]]) >>> z = ivy.binary_cross_entropy(x, y, reduction='mean') >>> print(z) ivy.array(7.6666193) >>> x = ivy.array([[0, 1, 1, 0]]) >>> y = ivy.array([[2.6, 6.2, 3.7, 5.3]]) >>> pos_weight = ivy.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> z = ivy.binary_cross_entropy(x, y, pos_weight=pos_weight, from_logits=True) ivy.array(2.01348412) >>> x = ivy.array([[0, 1, 1, 0]]) >>> y = ivy.array([[2.6, 6.2, 3.7, 5.3]]) >>> pos_weight = ivy.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> z = ivy.binary_cross_entropy(x, y, pos_weight=pos_weight, from_logits=True, reduction='sum', axis=1) >>> print(z) ivy.array([8.05393649]) >>> x = ivy.array([[0, 1, 1, 0]]) >>> y = ivy.array([[2.6, 6.2, 3.7, 5.3]]) >>> z = ivy.binary_cross_entropy(x, y, reduction='none', epsilon=0.5) >>> print(z) ivy.array([[11.49992943, 3.83330965, 3.83330965, 11.49992943]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[0, 1, 0, 0]]) >>> y = ivy.array([[0.6, 0.2, 0.7, 0.3]]) >>> z = ivy.binary_cross_entropy(x, y, epsilon=1e-3) >>> print(z) ivy.array(1.02136981) With :class:`ivy.NativeArray` input: >>> x = ivy.native_array([0, 1, 0, 1]) >>> y = ivy.native_array([0.2, 0.7, 0.2, 0.6]) >>> z = ivy.binary_cross_entropy(x, y) >>> print(z) ivy.array(0.32844672) With a mix of :class:`ivy.Array` and :class:`ivy.NativeArray` inputs: >>> x = ivy.array([0, 0, 1, 1]) >>> y = ivy.native_array([0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.6]) >>> z = ivy.binary_cross_entropy(x, y) >>> print(z) ivy.array(0.26561815) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([1, 0, 0]),b=ivy.array([0, 0, 1])) >>> y = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0.6, 0.2, 0.3]),b=ivy.array([0.8, 0.2, 0.2])) >>> z = ivy.binary_cross_entropy(x, y) >>> print(z) { a: ivy.array(0.36354783), b: ivy.array(1.14733934) } With a mix of :class:`ivy.Array` and :class:`ivy.Container` inputs: >>> x = ivy.array([1 , 1, 0]) >>> y = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0.7, 0.8, 0.2])) >>> z = ivy.binary_cross_entropy(x, y) >>> print(z) { a: ivy.array(0.26765382) } Instance Method Examples ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using :class:`ivy.Array` instance method: >>> x = ivy.array([1, 0, 0, 0]) >>> y = ivy.array([0.8, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]) >>> z = ivy.binary_cross_entropy(x, y) >>> print(z) ivy.array(0.22314337) """ # noqa: E501 ivy.utils.assertions.check_elem_in_list(reduction, ["none", "sum", "mean"]) if not (0.0 <= epsilon <= 1.0): raise ValueError("epsilon should be a float in [0, 1]") if not from_logits and pos_weight is not None: raise ValueError("pos_weight is only allowed when from_logits is set to True") true = true.astype(pred.dtype) epsilon = ivy.asarray(epsilon, dtype=pred.dtype) true = true * (1.0 - epsilon) + 0.5 * epsilon if from_logits: if pos_weight is not None: num_classes = pred.shape[0] if len(pred.shape) == 1 else pred.shape[1] if pos_weight.shape[0] != num_classes: raise ValueError( "pos_weight must have the same size as the number of classes in" " pred at non-singleton dimension 1" ) epsilon_ = 1e-7 pred = ivy.sigmoid(pred) pred = ivy.clip(pred, epsilon_, 1 - epsilon_) loss = -( true * -ivy.log(pred) * pos_weight + (1 - true) * -ivy.log(1 - pred) ) else: zeros = ivy.zeros_like(pred, dtype=pred.dtype) cond = pred >= zeros relu_logits = ivy.where(cond, pred, zeros) neg_abs_logits = ivy.where(cond, -pred, pred) loss = ( ivy.add(relu_logits - pred * true, ivy.log1p(ivy.exp(neg_abs_logits))) * -1 ) else: epsilon_ = 1e-7 pred = ivy.clip(pred, epsilon_, 1 - epsilon_) loss = true * ivy.log(pred + epsilon_) + (1 - true) * ivy.log( 1 - pred + epsilon_ ) return _reduce_loss(reduction, loss, axis, out) @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function def sparse_cross_entropy( true: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], pred: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, axis: int = -1, epsilon: float = 1e-7, reduction: str = "mean", out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Compute sparse cross entropy between logits and labels. Parameters ---------- true input array containing the true labels as logits. pred input array containing the predicted labels as logits. axis the axis along which to compute the cross-entropy. If axis is ``-1``, the cross-entropy will be computed along the last dimension. Default: ``-1``. epsilon a float in [0.0, 1.0] specifying the amount of smoothing when calculating the loss. If epsilon is ``0``, no smoothing will be applied. Default: ``1e-7``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The sparse cross-entropy loss between the given distributions Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >> x = ivy.array([2]) >> y = ivy.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1]) >> print(ivy.sparse_cross_entropy(x, y)) ivy.array([0.08916873]) >>> x = ivy.array([3]) >>> y = ivy.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1]) >>> print(ivy.cross_entropy(x, y)) ivy.array(5.44832274) >>> x = ivy.array([2,3]) >>> y = ivy.array([0.1, 0.1]) >>> print(ivy.cross_entropy(x, y)) ivy.array(5.75646281) With :class:`ivy.NativeArray` input: >>> x = ivy.native_array([4]) >>> y = ivy.native_array([0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5]) >>> print(ivy.sparse_cross_entropy(x, y)) ivy.array([0.13862944]) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([4])) >>> y = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5])) >>> print(ivy.sparse_cross_entropy(x, y)) { a: ivy.array([0.13862944]) } With a mix of :class:`ivy.Array` and :class:`ivy.NativeArray` inputs: >>> x = ivy.array([0]) >>> y = ivy.native_array([0.1, 0.2, 0.6, 0.1]) >>> print(ivy.sparse_cross_entropy(x,y)) ivy.array([0.57564628]) With a mix of :class:`ivy.Array` and :class:`ivy.Container` inputs: >>> x = ivy.array([0]) >>> y = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.6, 0.1])) >>> print(ivy.sparse_cross_entropy(x,y)) { a: ivy.array([0.57564628]) } Instance Method Examples ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([2]) >>> y = ivy.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1]) >>> print(x.sparse_cross_entropy(y)) ivy.array([0.08916873]) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([2])) >>> y = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1])) >>> print(x.sparse_cross_entropy(y)) { a: ivy.array([0.08916873]) } """ ivy.utils.assertions.check_elem_in_list(reduction, ["none", "sum", "mean"]) true = ivy.one_hot(true, pred.shape[axis]) return ivy.cross_entropy( true, pred, axis=axis, epsilon=epsilon, reduction=reduction, out=out )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/ivy/losses.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 5359 }
"""Collection of Ivy neural network layers as stateful classes.""" # flake8: noqa # local import ivy from ivy.func_wrapper import handle_nestable from ivy.stateful.initializers import GlorotUniform, Zeros from ivy.stateful.module import Module # ToDo: update docstrings and typehints according to ivy\layers # Linear # # -------# class Linear(Module): def __init__( self, input_channels, output_channels, /, *, weight_initializer=GlorotUniform(), bias_initializer=Zeros(), with_bias=True, device=None, v=None, dtype=None, ): """Linear layer, also referred to as dense or fully connected. The layer receives tensors with input_channels last dimension and returns a new tensor with output_channels last dimension, following matrix multiplication with the weight matrix and addition with the bias vector. Parameters ---------- input_channels Number of input channels for the layer. output_channels Number of output channels for the layer. weight_initializer Initializer for the weights. Default is GlorotUniform. bias_initializer Initializer for the bias. Default is Zeros. with_bias Whether or not to include a bias term, default is ``True``. device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. v the variables for the linear layer, as a container, constructed internally by default. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ self._input_channels = input_channels self._output_channels = output_channels self._w_shape = (output_channels, input_channels) self._b_shape = (output_channels,) self._w_init = weight_initializer self._b_init = bias_initializer self._with_bias = with_bias Module.__init__(self, device=device, v=v, dtype=dtype) def _create_variables(self, device=None, dtype=None): """Create internal variables for the layer. Parameters ---------- device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ device = ivy.default(device, self.device) dtype = ivy.default(dtype, self.dtype) v = { "w": self._w_init.create_variables( self._w_shape, device, self._output_channels, self._input_channels, dtype=dtype, ) } if self._with_bias: v = dict( **v, b=self._b_init.create_variables( self._b_shape, device, self._output_channels, self._input_channels, dtype=dtype, ), ) return v def _forward(self, x): """Perform forward pass of the Linear layer. Parameters ---------- x Inputs to process *[batch_shape, in]*. Returns ------- ret The outputs following the linear operation and bias addition *[batch_shape, out]* """ return ivy.linear(x, self.v.w, bias=self.v.b if self._with_bias else None) def _extra_repr(self) -> str: return ( f"in_features={self._input_channels}, out_features={self._output_channels}," f" with_bias={self._with_bias is True}" ) # Dropout # # --------# class Dropout(Module): def __init__( self, prob, scale: bool = True, dtype=None, training: bool = True, ): """Dropout layer. The layer randomly zeroes some of the elements of the input tensor with probability p using samples from a Bernoull distribution. Parameters ---------- prob The probability of zeroing out each array element. scale Whether to scale the output by 1/(1-prob), default is ``True``. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created. Default is ``None``. training Turn on dropout if training, turn off otherwise. Default is ``True``. """ self._prob = prob self._scale = scale Module.__init__(self, device=None, v=None, dtype=dtype, training=training) def _create_variables(self, device, dtype=None): """Create internal variables for the layer. Parameters ---------- device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created . Default is ``None``. """ return {} def _forward(self, inputs, dtype=None): """Perform forward pass of the Linear layer. Parameters ---------- inputs Inputs to process *[batch_shape, in]*. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created . Default is ``None``. Returns ------- ret The outputs following the linear operation and bias addition *[batch_shape, out]* """ return ivy.dropout( inputs, self._prob, scale=self._scale, training=self.training, dtype=dtype ) def _extra_repr(self) -> str: s = "prob={prob}" if not self._scale: s += ", scale={scale}" return s.format(prob=self._prob, scale=self._scale) # Attention # # ----------# class MultiHeadAttention(Module): def __init__( self, embed_dim=None, /, *, key_dim=None, value_dim=None, num_heads=8, head_dim=None, dropout_rate=0.0, use_proj_bias=True, attention_axes=None, scale=None, device=None, v=None, build_mode="on_init", dtype=None, training=True, ): """Multi Head Attention layer. Parameters ---------- embed_dim The expected feature size in the input and output. key_dim The input feature size for key. If None, assumed equal to `embed_dim`. Default None. value_dim The input feature size for value. If None, assumed equal to `embed_dim`. Default None. num_heads: Number of parallel attention heads. Note that ``embed_dim`` will be split across ``num_heads`` (i.e. each head will have dimension ``embed_dim // num_heads``). Default is 8. head_dim Size of each attention head for query and key. Note that only two out of (``embed_dim``, ``num_heads``, and ``head_dim``) should be provided Default is None. dropout_rate The dropout probability used on attention weights to drop some attention targets. 0 for no dropout. Default is 0. use_proj_bias If specified, adds bias to input / output projection layers. Default is True. attention_axes axes over which the attention is applied. `None` means attention over all axes, but batch, heads, and features. Default is None. scale The value by which to scale the query-key similarity measure. Default is head_dim^-0.5 device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. v the variables for the attention layer, as a container, constructed internally by default. build_mode How the Module is built, either on initialization (now), explicitly by the user by calling build(), or the first time the __call__ method is run. Default is on initialization. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. training If True, dropout is used, otherwise dropout is not activated. """ # proj if num_heads and head_dim: self._inner_dim = num_heads * head_dim else: self._inner_dim = embed_dim self._embed_dim = embed_dim if embed_dim else num_heads * head_dim self._key_dim = key_dim if key_dim else self._embed_dim self._value_dim = value_dim if value_dim else self._embed_dim self._num_heads = num_heads if num_heads else embed_dim // head_dim self._head_dim = head_dim if head_dim else embed_dim // num_heads self._dropout_rate = dropout_rate self._use_proj_bias = use_proj_bias self._attention_axes = attention_axes self._scale = ivy.default(scale, self._head_dim**-0.5) self._qkv_same_embed_dim = ( self._key_dim == self._embed_dim and self._value_dim == self._embed_dim ) ivy.Module.__init__( self, device=device, v=v, build_mode=build_mode, with_partial_v=True, dtype=dtype, training=training, ) def _create_variables(self, device=None, dtype=None): """ Parameters ---------- device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ device = ivy.default(device, self.device) dtype = ivy.default(dtype, self.dtype) v = dict( out_proj_weights=GlorotUniform().create_variables( (self._embed_dim, self._inner_dim), device, self._embed_dim, self._inner_dim, dtype=dtype, ), ) if self._qkv_same_embed_dim: v = dict( **v, in_proj_weights=GlorotUniform().create_variables( (self._inner_dim * 3, self._embed_dim), device, self._inner_dim * 3, self._embed_dim, dtype=dtype, ), ) else: v = dict( **v, q_proj_weights=GlorotUniform().create_variables( (self._inner_dim, self._embed_dim), device, self._inner_dim, self._embed_dim, dtype=dtype, ), k_proj_weights=GlorotUniform().create_variables( (self._inner_dim, self._key_dim), device, self._inner_dim, self._key_dim, dtype=dtype, ), v_proj_weights=GlorotUniform().create_variables( (self._inner_dim, self._value_dim), device, self._inner_dim, self._value_dim, dtype=dtype, ), ) if self._use_proj_bias: v = dict( **v, in_proj_bias=Zeros().create_variables( self._inner_dim * 3, device, dtype=dtype, ), out_proj_bias=Zeros().create_variables( self._embed_dim, device, dtype=dtype, ), ) return v def _forward( self, query, key=None, value=None, /, *, attention_mask=None, is_causal=False, return_attention_weights=False, average_attention_weights=True, ): """Perform forward pass of the MultiHeadAttention layer. Parameters ---------- query query embeddings *[batch_shape,num_queries,query_dim]*. key key embeddings *[batch_shape,num_queries,key_dim]*. value value embeddings *[batch_shape,num_queries,value_dim]*. attention_mask The mask to apply to the query-key values. Default is ``None``. *[batch_shape,num_queries,num_keys]*. is_causal If True, Uses a causal attention mask and ignores provided attention_mask. return_attention_weights If True, returns attention_weights alongside the output as a tuple (output, attenion_weights). Defaults to `False`. average_attention_weights If true, indicates that the returned ``attention_weights`` should be averaged across heads. Otherwise, ``attention_weights`` are provided separately per head. Note that this flag only has an effect when ``return_attention_weights=True``. Default: ``True`` (i.e. average weights across heads) Returns ------- ret The output following application of multi-head attention. *[batch_shape,num_queries,out_feat_dim]* if input is batched otherwise *[num_queries, out_feat_dim] """ return ivy.multi_head_attention( query, key=key, value=value, num_heads=self._num_heads, scale=self._scale, attention_mask=attention_mask, in_proj_weights=( self.v.in_proj_weights if self._qkv_same_embed_dim else None ), q_proj_weights=( None if self._qkv_same_embed_dim else self.v.q_proj_weights ), k_proj_weights=( None if self._qkv_same_embed_dim else self.v.k_proj_weights ), v_proj_weights=( None if self._qkv_same_embed_dim else self.v.v_proj_weights ), out_proj_weights=self.v.out_proj_weights, in_proj_bias=self.v.in_proj_bias if self._use_proj_bias else None, out_proj_bias=self.v.out_proj_bias if self._use_proj_bias else None, is_causal=is_causal, return_attention_weights=return_attention_weights, average_attention_weights=average_attention_weights, dropout=self._dropout_rate, training=self.training, ) def _extra_repr(self) -> str: return ( f"embed_dim={self._embed_dim}, key_dim={self._key_dim}, " f"value_dim={self._value_dim}, num_heads={self.num_heads}, " f"head_dim={self._head_dim}, dropout_rate={self.dropout_rate}, " f"use_proj_bias={self._use_proj_bias}, " f"attention_axes={self._attention_axes}, scale={self._scale}" ) # Convolutions # # -------------# class Conv1D(Module): def __init__( self, input_channels, output_channels, filter_size, strides, padding, /, *, weight_initializer=GlorotUniform(), bias_initializer=Zeros(), with_bias=True, data_format="NWC", dilations=1, device=None, v=None, dtype=None, ): """1D convolutional layer. Parameters ---------- input_channels Number of input channels for the layer. output_channels Number of output channels for the layer. filter_size Size of the convolutional filter. strides The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. padding SAME" or "VALID" indicating the algorithm, or list indicating the per-dimension paddings. weight_initializer Initializer for the weights. Default is GlorotUniform. bias_initializer Initializer for the bias. Default is Zeros. with_bias Whether or not to include a bias term, default is ``True``. data_format NWC" or "NCW". Defaults to "NWC". dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. v the variables for each of the conv layer, as a container, constructed internally by default. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ self._input_channels = input_channels self._output_channels = output_channels self._filter_size = filter_size self._strides = strides self._padding = padding self._w_shape = (filter_size, input_channels, output_channels) self._b_shape = ( (1, 1, output_channels) if data_format == "NWC" else (1, output_channels, 1) ) self._w_init = weight_initializer self._b_init = bias_initializer self._with_bias = with_bias self._data_format = data_format self._dilations = dilations Module.__init__(self, device=device, v=v, dtype=dtype) def _create_variables(self, device=None, dtype=None): """Create internal variables for the layer. Parameters ---------- device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created. Default is ``None``. """ device = ivy.default(device, self.device) dtype = ivy.default(dtype, self.dtype) v = { "w": self._w_init.create_variables( self._w_shape, device, self._output_channels, self._input_channels, dtype=dtype, ) } if self._with_bias: v = dict( **v, b=self._b_init.create_variables( self._b_shape, device, self._output_channels, self._input_channels, dtype=dtype, ), ) return v def _forward(self, inputs): """Perform forward pass of the Conv1D layer. Parameters ---------- inputs Inputs to process *[batch_size,w,d_in]* Returns ------- ret The outputs following the conv1d layer *[batch_size,new_w,d_out]* """ return ivy.conv1d( inputs, self.v.w, self._strides, self._padding, data_format=self._data_format, dilations=self._dilations, ) + (self.v.b if self._with_bias else 0) def _extra_repr(self): s = ( "{_input_channels}, {_output_channels}, filter_size={_filter_size}," " strides={_strides}, padding={_padding}" ) if self._dilations not in [1, (1,)]: s += ", dilations={_dilations}" if self._with_bias is not True: s += ", with_bias=False" if self._data_format != "NWC": s += ", data_format={_data_format}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) class Conv1DTranspose(Module): def __init__( self, input_channels, output_channels, filter_size, strides, padding, /, *, weight_initializer=GlorotUniform(), bias_initializer=Zeros(), with_bias=True, output_shape=None, data_format="NWC", dilations=1, device=None, v=None, dtype=None, ): """1D transpose convolutional layer. Parameters ---------- input_channels Number of input channels for the layer. output_channels Number of output channels for the layer. filter_size Size of the convolutional filter. strides The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. padding SAME" or "VALID" indicating the algorithm, or list indicating the per-dimension paddings. weight_initializer Initializer for the weights. Default is GlorotUniform. bias_initializer Initializer for the bias. Default is Zeros. with_bias Whether or not to include a bias term, default is ``True``. output_shape Shape of the output (Default value = None) data_format NWC" or "NCW". Defaults to "NWC". dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. v the variables for each of the conv layer, as a container, constructed internally by default. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ self._input_channels = input_channels self._output_channels = output_channels self._filter_size = filter_size self._strides = strides self._padding = padding self._w_shape = (filter_size, output_channels, input_channels) self._b_shape = ( (1, 1, output_channels) if data_format == "NWC" else (1, output_channels, 1) ) self._w_init = weight_initializer self._b_init = bias_initializer self._with_bias = with_bias self._output_shape = output_shape self._data_format = data_format self._dilations = dilations Module.__init__(self, device=device, v=v, dtype=dtype) def _create_variables(self, device, dtype=None): """Create internal variables for the layer. Parameters ---------- device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ device = ivy.default(device, self.device) dtype = ivy.default(dtype, self.dtype) v = { "w": self._w_init.create_variables( self._w_shape, device, self._output_channels, self._input_channels, dtype=dtype, ) } if self._with_bias: v = dict( **v, b=self._b_init.create_variables( self._b_shape, device, self._output_channels, self._input_channels, dtype=dtype, ), ) return v def _forward(self, inputs): """Perform forward pass of the Conv1DTranspose layer. Parameters ---------- inputs Inputs to process *[batch_size,w,d_in]* Returns ------- ret The outputs following the conv1d layer *[batch_size,new_w,d_out]* """ return ivy.conv1d_transpose( inputs, self.v.w, self._strides, self._padding, output_shape=self._output_shape, data_format=self._data_format, dilations=self._dilations, ) + (self.v.b if self._with_bias else 0) def _extra_repr(self): s = ( "{_input_channels}, {_output_channels}, filter_size={_filter_size}," " strides={_strides}, padding={_padding}" ) if self._dilations not in [1, (1,)]: s += ", dilations={_dilations}" if self._with_bias is not True: s += ", with_bias=False" if self._output_shape is not None: s += ", output_shape={_output_shape}" if self._data_format != "NWC": s += ", data_format={_data_format}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) class Conv2D(Module): def __init__( self, input_channels, output_channels, filter_shape, strides, padding, /, *, weight_initializer=GlorotUniform(), bias_initializer=Zeros(), with_bias=True, data_format="NHWC", dilations=1, device=None, v=None, dtype=None, ): """2D convolutional layer. Parameters ---------- input_channels Number of input channels for the layer. output_channels Number of output channels for the layer. filter_shape Shape of the convolutional filter. strides The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. padding SAME" or "VALID" indicating the algorithm, or list indicating the per-dimension paddings. weight_initializer Initializer for the weights. Default is GlorotUniform. bias_initializer Initializer for the bias. Default is Zeros. with_bias Whether or not to include a bias term, default is ``True``. data_format NHWC" or "NCHW". Defaults to "NHWC". dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. v the variables for each of the conv layer, as a container, constructed internally by default. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ self._input_channels = input_channels self._output_channels = output_channels self._filter_shape = filter_shape self._strides = strides self._padding = padding self._w_shape = filter_shape + [input_channels, output_channels] self._b_shape = ( (1, 1, 1, output_channels) if data_format == "NHWC" else (1, output_channels, 1, 1) ) self._w_init = weight_initializer self._b_init = bias_initializer self._with_bias = with_bias self._data_format = data_format self._dilations = dilations Module.__init__(self, device=device, v=v, dtype=dtype) def _create_variables(self, device, dtype=None): """Create internal variables for the layer. Parameters ---------- device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created. Default is ``None``. """ device = ivy.default(device, self.device) dtype = ivy.default(dtype, self.dtype) v = { "w": self._w_init.create_variables( self._w_shape, device, self._output_channels, self._input_channels, dtype=dtype, ) } if self._with_bias: v = dict( **v, b=self._b_init.create_variables( self._b_shape, device, self._output_channels, self._input_channels, dtype=dtype, ), ) return v def _forward(self, inputs): """Perform forward pass of the Conv2D layer. Parameters ---------- inputs Inputs to process *[batch_size,h,w,d_in]*. Returns ------- ret The outputs following the conv1d layer *[batch_size,new_h,new_w,d_out]* """ return ivy.conv2d( inputs, self.v.w, self._strides, self._padding, data_format=self._data_format, dilations=self._dilations, ) + (self.v.b if self._with_bias else 0) def _extra_repr(self): s = ( "{_input_channels}, {_output_channels}, filter_shape={_filter_shape}," " strides={_strides}, padding={_padding}" ) if self._dilations not in [1, (1, 1)]: s += ", dilations={_dilations}" if self._with_bias is not True: s += ", with_bias=False" if self._data_format != "NHWC": s += ", data_format={_data_format}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) class Conv2DTranspose(Module): def __init__( self, input_channels, output_channels, filter_shape, strides, padding, /, *, weight_initializer=GlorotUniform(), bias_initializer=Zeros(), with_bias=True, output_shape=None, data_format="NHWC", dilations=1, device=None, v=None, dtype=None, ): """2D convolutional transpose layer. Parameters ---------- input_channels Number of input channels for the layer. output_channels Number of output channels for the layer. filter_shape Shape of the convolutional filter. strides The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. padding SAME" or "VALID" indicating the algorithm, or list indicating the per-dimension paddings. weight_initializer Initializer for the weights. Default is GlorotUniform. bias_initializer Initializer for the bias. Default is Zeros. with_bias Whether or not to include a bias term, default is ``True``. output_shape Shape of the output (Default value = None) data_format NHWC" or "NCHW". Defaults to "NHWC". dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. v the variables for each of the conv layer, as a container, constructed internally by default. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ self._input_channels = input_channels self._output_channels = output_channels self._filter_shape = filter_shape self._strides = strides self._padding = padding self._w_shape = filter_shape + [output_channels, input_channels] self._b_shape = ( (1, 1, 1, output_channels) if data_format == "NHWC" else (1, output_channels, 1, 1) ) self._w_init = weight_initializer self._with_bias = with_bias self._b_init = bias_initializer self._output_shape = output_shape self._data_format = data_format self._dilations = dilations Module.__init__(self, device=device, v=v, dtype=dtype) def _create_variables(self, device, dtype=None): """Create internal variables for the layer. Parameters ---------- device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ device = ivy.default(device, self.device) dtype = ivy.default(dtype, self.dtype) v = { "w": self._w_init.create_variables( self._w_shape, device, self._output_channels, self._input_channels, dtype=dtype, ) } if self._with_bias: v = dict( **v, b=self._b_init.create_variables( self._b_shape, device, self._output_channels, self._input_channels, dtype=dtype, ), ) return v def _forward(self, inputs): """Perform forward pass of the Conv2DTranspose layer. Parameters ---------- inputs Inputs to process *[batch_size,h,w,d_in]*. Returns ------- ret The outputs following the conv1d layer *[batch_size,new_h,new_w,d_out]* """ return ivy.conv2d_transpose( inputs, self.v.w, self._strides, self._padding, output_shape=self._output_shape, data_format=self._data_format, dilations=self._dilations, ) + (self.v.b if self._with_bias else 0) def _extra_repr(self): s = ( "{_input_channels}, {_output_channels}, filter_shape={_filter_shape}," " strides={_strides}, padding={_padding}" ) if self._dilations not in [1, (1, 1)]: s += ", dilations={_dilations}" if self._with_bias is not True: s += ", with_bias=False" if self._output_shape is not None: s += ", output_shape={_output_shape}" if self._data_format != "NHWC": s += ", data_format={_data_format}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) class DepthwiseConv2D(Module): def __init__( self, num_channels, filter_shape, strides, padding, /, *, weight_initializer=GlorotUniform(), bias_initializer=Zeros(), with_bias=True, data_format="NHWC", dilations=1, device=None, v=None, dtype=None, ): """Depthwise 2D convolutional layer. Parameters ---------- num_channels Number of input channels for the layer. filter_shape Shape of the convolutional filter. strides The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. padding SAME" or "VALID" indicating the algorithm, or list indicating the per-dimension paddings. weight_initializer Initializer for the weights. Default is GlorotUniform. bias_initializer Initializer for the bias. Default is Zeros. with_bias Whether or not to include a bias term, default is ``True``. data_format NHWC" or "NCHW". Defaults to "NHWC". dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. v the variables for each of the conv layer, as a container, constructed internally by default. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ self._num_channels = num_channels self._filter_shape = filter_shape self._strides = strides self._padding = padding self._w_shape = filter_shape + [num_channels] self._b_shape = ( (1, 1, 1, num_channels) if data_format == "NHWC" else (1, num_channels, 1, 1) ) self._w_init = weight_initializer self._b_init = bias_initializer self._with_bias = with_bias self._data_format = data_format self._dilations = dilations Module.__init__(self, device=device, v=v, dtype=dtype) def _create_variables(self, device, dtype): """Create internal variables for the layer. Parameters ---------- device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ device = ivy.default(device, self.device) dtype = ivy.default(dtype, self.dtype) v = { "w": self._w_init.create_variables( self._w_shape, device, self._num_channels, self._num_channels, dtype=dtype, ) } if self._with_bias: v = dict( **v, b=self._b_init.create_variables( self._b_shape, device, self._num_channels, self._num_channels, dtype=dtype, ), ) return v def _forward(self, inputs): """Perform forward pass of the DepthwiseConv2D layer. Parameters ---------- inputs Inputs to process *[batch_size,h,w,d_in]*. Returns ------- ret The outputs following the conv1d layer *[batch_size,new_h,new_w,d_out]* """ return ivy.depthwise_conv2d( inputs, self.v.w, self._strides, self._padding, data_format=self._data_format, dilations=self._dilations, ) + (self.v.b if self._with_bias else 0) def _extra_repr(self): s = ( "num_channels={_num_channels}, filter_shape={_filter_shape}," " strides={_strides}, padding={_padding}" ) if self._dilations not in [1, (1, 1)]: s += ", dilations={_dilations}" if self._with_bias is not True: s += ", with_bias=False" if self._data_format != "NHWC": s += ", data_format={_data_format}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) class Conv3D(Module): def __init__( self, input_channels, output_channels, filter_shape, strides, padding, /, *, weight_initializer=GlorotUniform(), bias_initializer=Zeros(), with_bias=True, data_format="NDHWC", dilations=1, device=None, v=None, dtype=None, ): """3D convolutional layer. Parameters ---------- input_channels Number of input channels for the layer. output_channels Number of output channels for the layer. filter_shape Shape of the convolutional filter. strides The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. padding SAME" or "VALID" indicating the algorithm, or list indicating the per-dimension paddings. weight_initializer Initializer for the weights. Default is GlorotUniform. bias_initializer Initializer for the bias. Default is Zeros. with_bias Whether or not to include a bias term, default is ``True``. data_format NDHWC" or "NCDHW". Defaults to "NDHWC". dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. v the variables for each of the conv layer, as a container, constructed internally by default. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ self._input_channels = input_channels self._output_channels = output_channels self._filter_shape = filter_shape self._strides = strides self._padding = padding self._w_shape = filter_shape + [input_channels, output_channels] self._b_shape = ( (1, 1, 1, 1, output_channels) if data_format == "NDHWC" else (1, output_channels, 1, 1, 1) ) self._w_init = weight_initializer self._b_init = bias_initializer self._with_bias = with_bias self._data_format = data_format self._dilations = dilations Module.__init__(self, device=device, v=v, dtype=dtype) def _create_variables(self, device, dtype=None): """Create internal variables for the layer. Parameters ---------- device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ device = ivy.default(device, self.device) dtype = ivy.default(dtype, self.dtype) v = { "w": self._w_init.create_variables( self._w_shape, device, self._output_channels, self._input_channels, dtype=dtype, ) } if self._with_bias: v = dict( **v, b=self._b_init.create_variables( self._b_shape, device, self._output_channels, self._input_channels, dtype=dtype, ), ) return v def _forward(self, inputs): """Perform forward pass of the Conv3D layer. Parameters ---------- inputs Inputs to process *[batch_size,d,h,w,d_in]*. Returns ------- ret The outputs following the conv1d layer *[batch_size,new_d,new_h,new_w,d_out]* """ return ivy.conv3d( inputs, self.v.w, self._strides, self._padding, data_format=self._data_format, dilations=self._dilations, ) + (self.v.b if self._with_bias else 0) def _extra_repr(self): s = ( "{_input_channels}, {_output_channels}, filter_shape={_filter_shape}," " strides={_strides}, padding={_padding}" ) if self._dilations not in [1, (1, 1, 1)]: s += ", dilations={_dilations}" if self._with_bias is not True: s += ", with_bias=False" if self._data_format != "NDHWC": s += ", data_format={_data_format}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) class Conv3DTranspose(Module): def __init__( self, input_channels, output_channels, filter_shape, strides, padding, /, *, weight_initializer=GlorotUniform(), bias_initializer=Zeros(), with_bias=True, output_shape=None, data_format="NDHWC", dilations=1, device=None, v=None, dtype=None, ): """3D convolutional transpose layer. Parameters ---------- input_channels Number of input channels for the layer. output_channels Number of output channels for the layer. filter_shape Shape of the convolutional filter. strides The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. padding SAME" or "VALID" indicating the algorithm, or list indicating the per-dimension paddings. weight_initializer Initializer for the weights. Default is GlorotUniform. bias_initializer Initializer for the bias. Default is Zeros. with_bias Whether or not to include a bias term, default is ``True``. output_shape Shape of the output (Default value = None) data_format NDHWC" or "NCDHW". Defaults to "NDHWC". dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. v the variables for each of the conv layer, as a container, constructed internally by default. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ self._input_channels = input_channels self._output_channels = output_channels self._filter_shape = filter_shape self._strides = strides self._padding = padding self._w_shape = filter_shape + [output_channels, input_channels] self._b_shape = ( (1, 1, 1, 1, output_channels) if data_format == "NDHWC" else (1, output_channels, 1, 1, 1) ) self._w_init = weight_initializer self._b_init = bias_initializer self._with_bias = with_bias self._output_shape = output_shape self._data_format = data_format self._dilations = dilations self.dtype = dtype Module.__init__(self, device=device, v=v, dtype=dtype) def _create_variables(self, device, dtype=None): """Create internal variables for the layer. Parameters ---------- device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ device = ivy.default(device, self.device) dtype = ivy.default(dtype, self.dtype) v = { "w": self._w_init.create_variables( self._w_shape, device, self._output_channels, self._input_channels, dtype=dtype, ) } if self._with_bias: v = dict( **v, b=self._b_init.create_variables( self._b_shape, device, self._output_channels, self._input_channels, dtype=dtype, ), ) return v def _forward(self, inputs): """Perform forward pass of the Conv3DTranspose layer. Parameters ---------- inputs Inputs to process *[batch_size,d,h,w,d_in]*. Returns ------- ret The outputs following the conv1d layer *[batch_size,new_d,new_h,new_w,d_out]* """ return ivy.conv3d_transpose( inputs, self.v.w, self._strides, self._padding, output_shape=self._output_shape, data_format=self._data_format, dilations=self._dilations, ) + (self.v.b if self._with_bias else 0) def _extra_repr(self): s = ( "{_input_channels}, {_output_channels}, filter_shape={_filter_shape}," " strides={_strides}, padding={_padding}" ) if self._dilations not in [1, (1, 1, 1)]: s += ", dilations={_dilations}" if self._with_bias is not True: s += ", with_bias=False" if self._output_shape is not None: s += ", output_shape={_output_shape}" if self._data_format != "NDHWC": s += ", data_format={_data_format}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) # LSTM # # -----# class LSTM(Module): def __init__( self, input_channels, output_channels, /, *, weight_initializer=GlorotUniform(), num_layers=1, return_sequence=True, return_state=True, device=None, v=None, dtype=None, ): """LSTM layer, which is a set of stacked lstm cells. Parameters ---------- input_channels Number of input channels for the layer output_channels Number of output channels for the layer weight_initializer Initializer for the weights. Default is GlorotUniform. num_layers Number of lstm cells in the lstm layer, default is ``1``. return_sequence Whether or not to return the entire output sequence, or just the latest timestep. Default is ``True``. return_state Whether or not to return the latest hidden and cell states. Default is ``True``. device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. v the variables for each of the lstm cells, as a container, constructed internally by default. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ self._input_channels = input_channels self._output_channels = output_channels self._w_init = weight_initializer self._num_layers = num_layers self._return_sequence = return_sequence self._return_state = return_state Module.__init__(self, device=device, v=v, dtype=dtype) # Public # def get_initial_state(self, batch_shape, dtype=None): """Get the initial state of the hidden and cell states, if not provided explicitly. Parameters ---------- batch_shape dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ dtype = ivy.default(dtype, self.dtype) batch_shape = list(batch_shape) return ( [ ivy.zeros((batch_shape + [self._output_channels]), dtype=dtype) for i in range(self._num_layers) ], [ ivy.zeros((batch_shape + [self._output_channels]), dtype=dtype) for i in range(self._num_layers) ], ) # Overridden def _create_variables(self, device=None, dtype=None): """Create internal variables for the layer. Parameters ---------- device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ device = ivy.default(device, self.device) dtype = ivy.default(dtype, self.dtype) input_weights = dict( zip( [f"layer_{str(i)}" for i in range(self._num_layers)], [ { "w": self._w_init.create_variables( ( ( self._input_channels if i == 0 else self._output_channels ), 4 * self._output_channels, ), device, self._output_channels, self._input_channels, dtype=dtype, ) } for i in range(self._num_layers) ], ) ) recurrent_weights = dict( zip( [f"layer_{str(i)}" for i in range(self._num_layers)], [ { "w": self._w_init.create_variables( (self._output_channels, 4 * self._output_channels), device, self._output_channels, self._input_channels, dtype=dtype, ) } for i in range(self._num_layers) ], ) ) return {"input": input_weights, "recurrent": recurrent_weights} @handle_nestable def _forward(self, inputs, initial_state=None): """Perform forward pass of the LSTM layer. Parameters ---------- inputs Inputs to process *[batch_shape, t, in]*. initial_state 2-tuple of lists of the hidden states h and c for each layer, each of dimension *[batch_shape,out]*. Created internally if None. (Default value = None) Returns ------- ret The outputs of the final lstm layer *[batch_shape, t, out]* and the hidden state tuple of lists, each of dimension *[batch_shape, out]* """ if initial_state is None: initial_state = self.get_initial_state( inputs.shape[:-2], dtype=inputs.dtype ) h_n_list = [] c_n_list = [] h_t = inputs for h_0, c_0, (_, lstm_input_var), (_, lstm_recurrent_var) in zip( initial_state[0], initial_state[1], self.v.input.items(), self.v.recurrent.items(), ): h_t, c_n = ivy.lstm_update( h_t, h_0, c_0, lstm_input_var.w, lstm_recurrent_var.w ) h_n_list.append(h_t[..., -1, :]) c_n_list.append(c_n) if not self._return_sequence: h_t = h_t[..., -1, :] if not self._return_state: return h_t return h_t, (h_n_list, c_n_list) def _extra_repr(self): s = "{_input_channels}, {_output_channels}" if self._num_layers != 1: s += ", num_layers={_num_layers}" if self._return_sequence is not True: s += ", return_sequence={_return_sequence}" if self._return_state is not True: s += ", return_state={_return_state}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) # Pooling # # --------# class MaxPool2D(Module): def __init__( self, kernel_size, stride, padding, /, *, data_format="NHWC", device=None, v=None, dtype=None, ): """Class for applying Max Pooling over a mini-batch of inputs. Parameters ---------- kernel_size The size of the window to take a max over. stride The stride of the window. Default value: 1 padding Implicit zero padding to be added on both sides. device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' """ self._kernel_size = kernel_size self._stride = stride self._padding = padding self._data_format = data_format Module.__init__(self, device=device, dtype=dtype) def _forward(self, inputs): """Forward pass of the layer. Parameters ---------- x The input to the layer. Returns ------- The output of the layer. """ return ivy.max_pool2d( inputs, self._kernel_size, self._stride, self._padding, data_format=self._data_format, ) def _extra_repr(self): s = "kernel_size={_kernel_size}, stride={_stride}, padding={_padding}" if self._data_format != "NHWC": s += ", data_format={_data_format}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) class AvgPool2D(Module): def __init__( self, kernel_size, stride, padding, /, *, data_format="NHWC", device=None, v=None, dtype=None, ): """Class for applying Average Pooling over a mini-batch of inputs. Parameters ---------- kernel_size The size of the window to take a max over. stride The stride of the window. Default value: 1 padding Implicit zero padding to be added on both sides. device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' """ self._kernel_size = kernel_size self._stride = stride self._padding = padding self._data_format = data_format Module.__init__(self, device=device, dtype=dtype) def _forward(self, inputs): """Forward pass of the layer. Parameters ---------- x The input to the layer. Returns ------- The output of the layer. """ return ivy.avg_pool2d( inputs, self._kernel_size, self._stride, self._padding, data_format=self._data_format, ) def _extra_repr(self): s = "kernel_size={_kernel_size}, stride={_stride}, padding={_padding}" if self._data_format != "NHWC": s += ", data_format={_data_format}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) class MaxPool1D(Module): def __init__( self, kernel_size, stride, padding, /, *, data_format="NWC", device=None, v=None, dtype=None, ): """Class for applying Max Pooling over a mini-batch of inputs. Parameters ---------- kernel_size The size of the window to take a max over. stride The stride of the window. Default value: 1 padding Implicit zero padding to be added on both sides. device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' """ self._kernel_size = kernel_size self._stride = stride self._padding = padding self._data_format = data_format Module.__init__(self, device=device, dtype=dtype) def _forward(self, inputs): """Forward pass of the layer. Parameters ---------- x The input to the layer. Returns ------- The output of the layer. """ return ivy.max_pool1d( inputs, self._kernel_size, self._stride, self._padding, data_format=self._data_format, ) def _extra_repr(self): s = "kernel_size={_kernel_size}, stride={_stride}, padding={_padding}" if self._data_format != "NHWC": s += ", data_format={_data_format}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) class MaxPool3D(Module): def __init__( self, kernel_size, stride, padding, /, *, data_format="NDHWC", device=None, dtype=None, ): """Class for applying 3D Max Pooling over 5D inputs. Parameters ---------- kernel_size The size of the window to take a max over. stride The stride of the window. padding Implicit zero padding to be added on both sides. """ self._kernel_size = kernel_size self._stride = stride self._padding = padding self._data_format = data_format Module.__init__(self, device=device, dtype=dtype) def _forward(self, x): """Forward pass of the layer. Parameters ---------- x The input array to the layer. Returns ------- The output of the layer. """ return ivy.max_pool3d( x, self._kernel_size, self._stride, self._padding, data_format=self._data_format, ) def _extra_repr(self): s = "kernel_size={_kernel_size}, stride={_stride}, padding={_padding}" if self._data_format != "NDHWC": s += ", data_format={_data_format}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) class AvgPool3D(Module): def __init__( self, kernel_size, strides, padding, /, *, data_format="NDHWC", count_include_pad=False, ceil_mode=False, divisor_override=None, ): """Class for applying Average Pooling over a mini-batch of inputs. Parameters ---------- kernel_size The size of the window to take a max over. stride The stride of the window. Default value: 1 padding Implicit zero padding to be added on both sides. data_format NDHWC" or "NCDHW". Defaults to "NDHWC". count_include_pad Whether to include padding in the averaging calculation. ceil_mode Whether to use ceil or floor for creating the output shape. divisor_override If specified, it will be used as divisor, otherwise kernel_size will be used. # noqa: E501 """ self._kernel_size = kernel_size self._stride = strides self._padding = padding self._data_format = data_format self._count_include_pad = count_include_pad self._ceil_mode = ceil_mode self._divisor_override = divisor_override Module.__init__(self) def _forward(self, x): """Forward pass of the layer. Parameters ---------- x The input array to the layer. Returns ------- The output array of the layer. """ return ivy.avg_pool3d( x, self._kernel_size, self._stride, self._padding, data_format=self._data_format, count_include_pad=self._count_include_pad, ceil_mode=self._ceil_mode, divisor_override=self._divisor_override, ) def _extra_repr(self): s = "kernel_size={_kernel_size}, stride={_stride}, padding={_padding}" if self._data_format != "NDHWC": s += ", data_format={_data_format}" if self._count_include_pad is not False: s += ", count_include_pad={_count_include_pad}" if self._ceil_mode is not False: s += ", ceil_mode={_ceil_mode}" if self._divisor_override is not False: s += ", divisor_override={_divisor_override}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) class AdaptiveAvgPool2d(Module): def __init__( self, output_size, /, *, data_format="NHWC", device=None, dtype=None, ): """Class for applying a 2D adaptive average pooling over mini-batch of inputs. Parameters ---------- output_size the target output size of the image. data_format NHWC" or "NCHW". Defaults to "NHWC". device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' """ self._output_size = output_size self._data_format = data_format Module.__init__(self, device=device, dtype=dtype) def _forward(self, x): """Forward pass of the layer. Parameters ---------- x The input array to the layer. Returns ------- The output array of the layer. """ # TODO: test again once adaptive_avg_pool2d is # implemented for the missing backends. return ivy.adaptive_avg_pool2d( x, self._output_size, data_format=self._data_format ) def _extra_repr(self): return f"output_size={self._output_size}" class AdaptiveAvgPool1d(Module): def __init__( self, output_size, device=None, dtype=None, ): # TODO: add data_format param """Class for applying a 1D adaptive average pooling over mini-batch of inputs. Parameters ---------- output_size An integer or tuple/list of a single integer specifying new size of output channels. device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' """ self._output_size = output_size Module.__init__(self, device=device, dtype=dtype) def _forward(self, x): """Forward pass of the layer. Parameters ---------- x The input array to the layer. Returns ------- The output array of the layer. """ # TODO: test again once adaptive_avg_pool2d is # implemented for the missing backends. return ivy.adaptive_avg_pool1d( x, self._output_size, ) def _extra_repr(self): return f"output_size={self._output_size}" class FFT(Module): def __init__( self, dim, /, *, norm="backward", n=None, out=None, device=None, dtype=None, ): """Class for applying FFT to input. Parameters ---------- dim : int Dimension along which to take the FFT. norm : str Normalization mode. Default: 'backward' n : int Size of the FFT. Default: None out : int Size of the output. Default: None """ self._dim = dim self._norm = norm self._n = n self._out = out Module.__init__(self, device=device, dtype=dtype) def _forward(self, inputs): """Forward pass of the layer. Parameters ---------- inputs : array Input array to take the FFT of. Returns ------- array The output array of the layer. """ return ivy.fft( inputs, self._dim, norm=self._norm, n=self._n, out=self._out, ) def _extra_repr(self): s = "dim={_dim}" if self._norm != "backward": s += ", norm={_norm}" if self._n is not False: s += ", n={_n}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) class AvgPool1D(Module): def __init__( self, kernel_size, stride, padding, /, *, data_format="NWC", ): """Class for applying Average Pooling over a mini-batch of inputs. Parameters ---------- kernel_size The size of the window to take an average over. stride The stride of the window. Default value: 1 padding Implicit zero padding to be added on both sides. data_format "NCW" or "NWC". Defaults to "NWC". """ self._kernel_size = kernel_size self._stride = stride self._padding = padding self._data_format = data_format Module.__init__(self) def _forward(self, inputs): """Forward pass of the layer. Parameters ---------- x The input to the layer. Returns ------- The output of the layer. """ return ivy.avg_pool1d( inputs, self._kernel_size, self._stride, self._padding, data_format=self._data_format, ) def _extra_repr(self): s = "kernel_size={_kernel_size}, stride={_stride}, padding={_padding}" if self._data_format != "NWC": s += ", data_format={_data_format}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) class Dct(Module): def __init__( self, *, type=2, n=None, axis=-1, norm=None, device=None, dtype=None, ): """Class for applying the Discrete Cosine Transform over mini-batch of inputs. Parameters ---------- x The input signal. type The type of the dct. Must be 1, 2, 3 or 4. n The length of the transform. If n is less than the input signal length, then x is truncated, if n is larger then x is zero-padded. axis The axis to compute the DCT along. norm The type of normalization to be applied. Must be either None or "ortho". device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' """ self.type = type self.n = n self.axis = axis self.norm = norm Module.__init__(self, device=device, dtype=dtype) def _forward(self, x): """Forward pass of the layer. Parameters ---------- x The input array to the layer. Returns ------- The output array of the layer. """ return ivy.dct( x, type=self.type, n=self.n, axis=self.axis, norm=self.norm, ) def _extra_repr(self): s = "type={type}" if self.n is not None: s += ", n={n}" if self.axis != -1: s += ", axis={axis}" if self.norm is not None: s += ", norm={norm}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) # EMBEDDING # # ----------# class Embedding(Module): def __init__( self, num_embeddings: int, embedding_dim: int, padding_idx=None, max_norm=None, /, *, weight_initializer=GlorotUniform(), device=None, v=None, dtype=None, ): """Class for embedding indices into a dense representation. The Embedding layer is a simple lookup table for dense vectors. It's typically used to store word embeddings and query them using indices. Parameters ---------- num_embeddingss : int Number of embeddings. embedding_dim : int Dimension of the embeddings. padding_idx : int If given, pads the output with zeros whenever it encounters the index. max_norm : float If given, each embedding vector with L2 norm larger than max_norm is renormalized to have norm max_norm. weight_initializer : Initializer Initializer for the weights. device : str device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' v : dict the variables for the embedding layer, as a container, constructed internally by default. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ self._num_embeddings = num_embeddings self._embedding_dim = embedding_dim self._padding_idx = padding_idx self._max_norm = max_norm self._weight_initializer = weight_initializer Module.__init__(self, device=device, v=v, dtype=dtype) def _create_variables(self, device=None, dtype=None): """Create internal variables for the layer. Parameters ---------- device device on which to create the layer's variables 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is cpu. dtype the desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. """ device = ivy.default(device, self.device) dtype = ivy.default(dtype, self.dtype) v = { "w": self._weight_initializer.create_variables( (self._num_embeddings, self._embedding_dim), device, self._embedding_dim, self._num_embeddings, dtype=dtype, ) } return v def _pad_embd(self, indices, embd): mask = ivy.expand_dims(indices == self._padding_idx, axis=-1) mask_val = ivy.array(0.0, dtype=embd.dtype) return ivy.where(mask, mask_val, embd) def _forward(self, indices): """Forward pass of the layer. Parameters ---------- indices The input array to the layer. Returns ------- The output array of the layer. """ emb = ivy.embedding(self.v.w, indices, max_norm=self._max_norm) if self._padding_idx is not None: emb = self._pad_embd(indices, emb) return emb def _extra_repr(self): s = "num_embeddings={_num_embeddings}, embedding_dim={_embedding_dim}" if self._padding_idx is not None: s += ", padding_idx={_padding_idx}" if self._max_norm is not None: s += ", max_norm={_max_norm}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) class Identity(Module): def __init__(self): """Identity layer. The layer is argument insensitive and returns the input argument as output when called. It's typically used as a placeholder when no operation is to be performed. It doesn't have any learnable parameter. """ Module.__init__(self) def _forward(self, x): """Forward pass of the layer. Parameters ---------- x The input array. dtype The desired data type of the internal variables to be created if not provided. Default is ``None``. Returns ------- The input array as it is. """ return x class IFFT(Module): def __init__( self, dim, /, *, norm="backward", n=None, out=None, device=None, dtype=None, ): """Class for applying IFFT to input. Parameters ---------- dim : int Dimension along which to take the IFFT. norm : str Optional argument indicating the normalization mode. Possible Values : "backward", "ortho" or "forward". "backward" indicates no normalization. "ortho" indicates normalization by 1/sqrt(n). "forward" indicates normalization by 1/n. Default: "backward" n : int Optional argument indicating the sequence length, if given, the input would be padded with zero or truncated to length n before performing IFFT. Should be a integer greater than 1. Default: None out : int Size of the output. Default: None """ self._dim = dim self._norm = norm self._n = n self._out = out Module.__init__(self, device=device, dtype=dtype) def _forward(self, inputs): """Forward pass of the layer. Parameters ---------- inputs : array Input array to take the IFFT of. Returns ------- The output array of the layer. """ return ivy.ifft( inputs, self._dim, norm=self._norm, n=self._n, out=self._out, ) def _extra_repr(self): s = "dim={_dim}" if self._norm != "backward": s += ", norm={_norm}" if self._n is not False: s += ", n={_n}" return s.format(**self.__dict__)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/stateful/layers.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 38413 }
# Helper functions for einsum_path, this file has been adapted from # `numpy core einsumfunc.py file` here # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/v1.26.0/numpy/core/einsumfunc.py from itertools import combinations from ivy.utils.einsum_parser import possibly_convert_to_numpy, convert_interleaved_input einsum_symbols = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" einsum_symbols_set = set(einsum_symbols) def flop_count(idx_contraction, inner, num_terms, size_dictionary): """Compute the number of FLOPS in the contraction. Parameters ---------- idx_contraction : iterable The indices involved in the contraction inner : bool Does this contraction require an inner product? num_terms : int The number of terms in a contraction size_dictionary : dict The size of each of the indices in idx_contraction Returns ------- flop_count : int The total number of FLOPS required for the contraction. Examples -------- >>> flop_count('abc', False, 1, {'a': 2, 'b':3, 'c':5}) 30 >>> flop_count('abc', True, 2, {'a': 2, 'b':3, 'c':5}) 60 """ overall_size = compute_size_by_dict(idx_contraction, size_dictionary) op_factor = max(1, num_terms - 1) if inner: op_factor += 1 return overall_size * op_factor def compute_size_by_dict(indices, idx_dict): """Compute the product of the elements in indices based on the dictionary idx_dict. Parameters ---------- indices : iterable Indices to base the product on. idx_dict : dictionary Dictionary of index sizes Returns ------- ret : int The resulting product. Examples -------- >>> compute_size_by_dict('abbc', {'a': 2, 'b':3, 'c':5}) 90 """ ret = 1 for i in indices: ret *= idx_dict[i] return ret def find_contraction(positions, input_sets, output_set): """Find the contraction for a given set of input and output sets. Parameters ---------- positions : iterable Integer positions of terms used in the contraction. input_sets : list List of sets that represent the lhs side of the einsum subscript output_set : set Set that represents the rhs side of the overall einsum subscript Returns ------- new_result : set The indices of the resulting contraction remaining : list List of sets that have not been contracted, the new set is appended to the end of this list idx_removed : set Indices removed from the entire contraction idx_contraction : set The indices used in the current contraction Examples -------- # A simple dot product test case >>> pos = (0, 1) >>> isets = [set('ab'), set('bc')] >>> oset = set('ac') >>> find_contraction(pos, isets, oset) ({'a', 'c'}, [{'a', 'c'}], {'b'}, {'a', 'b', 'c'}) # A more complex case with additional terms in the contraction >>> pos = (0, 2) >>> isets = [set('abd'), set('ac'), set('bdc')] >>> oset = set('ac') >>> find_contraction(pos, isets, oset) ({'a', 'c'}, [{'a', 'c'}, {'a', 'c'}], {'b', 'd'}, {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}) """ idx_contract = set() idx_remain = output_set.copy() remaining = [] for ind, value in enumerate(input_sets): if ind in positions: idx_contract |= value else: remaining.append(value) idx_remain |= value new_result = idx_remain & idx_contract idx_removed = idx_contract - new_result remaining.append(new_result) return (new_result, remaining, idx_removed, idx_contract) def optimal_path(input_sets, output_set, idx_dict, memory_limit): """Compute all possible pair contractions, sieves the results based on ``memory_limit`` and returns the lowest cost path. This algorithm scales factorial with respect to the elements in the list ``input_sets``. Parameters ---------- input_sets : list List of sets that represent the lhs side of the einsum subscript output_set : set Set that represents the rhs side of the overall einsum subscript idx_dict : dictionary Dictionary of index sizes memory_limit : int The maximum number of elements in a temporary array Returns ------- path : list The optimal contraction order within the memory limit constraint. Examples -------- >>> isets = [set('abd'), set('ac'), set('bdc')] >>> oset = set() >>> idx_sizes = {'a': 1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'd':4} >>> optimal_path(isets, oset, idx_sizes, 5000) [(0, 2), (0, 1)] """ full_results = [(0, [], input_sets)] for iteration in range(len(input_sets) - 1): iter_results = [] # Compute all unique pairs for curr in full_results: cost, positions, remaining = curr for con in combinations(range(len(input_sets) - iteration), 2): # Find the contraction cont = find_contraction(con, remaining, output_set) new_result, new_input_sets, idx_removed, idx_contract = cont # Sieve the results based on memory_limit new_size = compute_size_by_dict(new_result, idx_dict) if new_size > memory_limit: continue # Build (total_cost, positions, indices_remaining) total_cost = cost + flop_count( idx_contract, idx_removed, len(con), idx_dict ) new_pos = positions + [con] iter_results.append((total_cost, new_pos, new_input_sets)) # Update combinatorial list, if we did not find anything return best # path + remaining contractions if iter_results: full_results = iter_results else: path = min(full_results, key=lambda x: x[0])[1] path += [tuple(range(len(input_sets) - iteration))] return path # If we have not found anything return single einsum contraction if len(full_results) == 0: return [tuple(range(len(input_sets)))] path = min(full_results, key=lambda x: x[0])[1] return path def parse_possible_contraction( positions, input_sets, output_set, idx_dict, memory_limit, path_cost, naive_cost ): """Compute the cost (removed size + flops) and resultant indices for performing the contraction specified by ``positions``. Parameters ---------- positions : tuple of int The locations of the proposed tensors to contract. input_sets : list of sets The indices found on each tensors. output_set : set The output indices of the expression. idx_dict : dict Mapping of each index to its size. memory_limit : int The total allowed size for an intermediary tensor. path_cost : int The contraction cost so far. naive_cost : int The cost of the unoptimized expression. Returns ------- cost : (int, int) A tuple containing the size of any indices removed, and the flop cost. positions : tuple of int The locations of the proposed tensors to contract. new_input_sets : list of sets The resulting new list of indices if this proposed contraction is performed. """ # Find the contraction contract = find_contraction(positions, input_sets, output_set) idx_result, new_input_sets, idx_removed, idx_contract = contract # Sieve the results based on memory_limit new_size = compute_size_by_dict(idx_result, idx_dict) if new_size > memory_limit: return None # Build sort tuple old_sizes = (compute_size_by_dict(input_sets[p], idx_dict) for p in positions) removed_size = sum(old_sizes) - new_size # NB: removed_size used to be just the size of any removed indices i.e.: # helpers.compute_size_by_dict(idx_removed, idx_dict) cost = flop_count(idx_contract, idx_removed, len(positions), idx_dict) sort = (-removed_size, cost) # Sieve based on total cost as well if (path_cost + cost) > naive_cost: return None # Add contraction to possible choices return [sort, positions, new_input_sets] def update_other_results(results, best): """Update the positions and provisional input_sets of ``results`` based on performing the contraction result ``best``. Remove any involving the tensors contracted. Parameters ---------- results : list List of contraction results produced by ``_parse_possible_contraction``. best : list The best contraction of ``results`` i.e. the one that will be performed. Returns ------- mod_results : list The list of modified results, updated with outcome of ``best`` contraction. """ best_con = best[1] bx, by = best_con mod_results = [] for cost, (x, y), con_sets in results: # Ignore results involving tensors just contracted if x in best_con or y in best_con: continue # Update the input_sets del con_sets[by - int(by > x) - int(by > y)] del con_sets[bx - int(bx > x) - int(bx > y)] con_sets.insert(-1, best[2][-1]) # Update the position indices mod_con = x - int(x > bx) - int(x > by), y - int(y > bx) - int(y > by) mod_results.append((cost, mod_con, con_sets)) return mod_results def greedy_path(input_sets, output_set, idx_dict, memory_limit): """Find the path by contracting the best pair until the input list is exhausted. The best pair is found by minimizing the tuple ``(-prod(indices_removed), cost)``. What this amounts to is prioritizing matrix multiplication or inner product operations, then Hadamard like operations, and finally outer operations. Outer products are limited by ``memory_limit``. This algorithm scales cubically with respect to the number of elements in the list ``input_sets``. Parameters ---------- input_sets : list List of sets that represent the lhs side of the einsum subscript output_set : set Set that represents the rhs side of the overall einsum subscript idx_dict : dictionary Dictionary of index sizes memory_limit : int The maximum number of elements in a temporary array Returns ------- path : list The greedy contraction order within the memory limit constraint. Examples -------- >>> isets = [set('abd'), set('ac'), set('bdc')] >>> oset = set() >>> idx_sizes = {'a': 1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'd':4} >>> greedy_path(isets, oset, idx_sizes, 5000) [(0, 2), (0, 1)] """ # Handle trivial cases that leaked through if len(input_sets) == 1: return [(0,)] elif len(input_sets) == 2: return [(0, 1)] # Build up a naive cost contract = find_contraction(range(len(input_sets)), input_sets, output_set) idx_result, new_input_sets, idx_removed, idx_contract = contract naive_cost = flop_count(idx_contract, idx_removed, len(input_sets), idx_dict) # Initially iterate over all pairs comb_iter = combinations(range(len(input_sets)), 2) known_contractions = [] path_cost = 0 path = [] for iteration in range(len(input_sets) - 1): # Iterate over all pairs on first step, only previously found # pairs on subsequent steps for positions in comb_iter: # Always initially ignore outer products if input_sets[positions[0]].isdisjoint(input_sets[positions[1]]): continue result = parse_possible_contraction( positions, input_sets, output_set, idx_dict, memory_limit, path_cost, naive_cost, ) if result is not None: known_contractions.append(result) # If we do not have a inner contraction, rescan pairs including outer products if len(known_contractions) == 0: # Then check the outer products for positions in combinations(range(len(input_sets)), 2): result = parse_possible_contraction( positions, input_sets, output_set, idx_dict, memory_limit, path_cost, naive_cost, ) if result is not None: known_contractions.append(result) # If we still did not find any remaining contractions, # default back to einsum like behavior if len(known_contractions) == 0: path.append(tuple(range(len(input_sets)))) break # Sort based on first index best = min(known_contractions, key=lambda x: x[0]) # Now propagate as many unused contractions as possible to next iteration known_contractions = update_other_results(known_contractions, best) # Next iteration only compute contractions with the new tensor # All other contractions have been accounted for input_sets = best[2] new_tensor_pos = len(input_sets) - 1 comb_iter = ((i, new_tensor_pos) for i in range(new_tensor_pos)) # Update path and total cost path.append(best[1]) path_cost += best[0][1] return path def can_dot(inputs, result, idx_removed): """Check if we can use BLAS (np.tensordot) call and its beneficial to do so. Parameters ---------- inputs : list of str Specifies the subscripts for summation. result : str Resulting summation. idx_removed : set Indices that are removed in the summation Returns ------- type : bool Returns true if BLAS should and can be used, else False Notes ----- If the operations is BLAS level 1 or 2 and is not already aligned we default back to einsum as the memory movement to copy is more costly than the operation itself. Examples -------- # Standard GEMM operation >>> can_dot(['ij', 'jk'], 'ik', set('j')) True # Can use the standard BLAS, but requires odd data movement >>> can_dot(['ijj', 'jk'], 'ik', set('j')) False # DDOT where the memory is not aligned >>> can_dot(['ijk', 'ikj'], '', set('ijk')) False """ # All `dot` calls remove indices if len(idx_removed) == 0: return False # BLAS can only handle two operands if len(inputs) != 2: return False input_left, input_right = inputs for c in set(input_left + input_right): # can't deal with repeated indices on same input or more than 2 total nl, nr = input_left.count(c), input_right.count(c) if (nl > 1) or (nr > 1) or (nl + nr > 2): return False # can't do implicit summation or dimension collapse e.g. # "ab,bc->c" (implicitly sum over 'a') # "ab,ca->ca" (take diagonal of 'a') if nl + nr - 1 == int(c in result): return False # Build a few temporaries set_left = set(input_left) set_right = set(input_right) keep_left = set_left - idx_removed keep_right = set_right - idx_removed rs = len(idx_removed) # At this point we are a DOT, GEMV, or GEMM operation # Handle inner products # DDOT with aligned data if input_left == input_right: return True # DDOT without aligned data (better to use einsum) if set_left == set_right: return False # Handle the 4 possible (aligned) GEMV or GEMM cases # GEMM or GEMV no transpose if input_left[-rs:] == input_right[:rs]: return True # GEMM or GEMV transpose both if input_left[:rs] == input_right[-rs:]: return True # GEMM or GEMV transpose right if input_left[-rs:] == input_right[-rs:]: return True # GEMM or GEMV transpose left if input_left[:rs] == input_right[:rs]: return True # Einsum is faster than GEMV if we have to copy data if not keep_left or not keep_right: return False # We are a matrix-matrix product, but we need to copy data return True def parse_einsum_input(operands, subscripts=None): """Reproduction of einsum c side einsum parsing in python. Returns ------- input_strings : str Parsed input strings output_string : str Parsed output string operands : list of array_like The operands to use in the numpy contraction Examples -------- The operand list is simplified to reduce printing: >>> np.random.seed(123) >>> a = np.random.rand(4, 4) >>> b = np.random.rand(4, 4, 4) >>> parse_einsum_input(('...a,...a->...', a, b)) ('za,xza', 'xz', [a, b]) # may vary >>> parse_einsum_input((a, [Ellipsis, 0], b, [Ellipsis, 0])) ('za,xza', 'xz', [a, b]) # may vary """ if len(operands) == 0: raise ValueError("No input operands") if subscripts: subscripts = subscripts.replace(" ", "") operands = [possibly_convert_to_numpy(x) for x in operands] elif isinstance(operands[0], str): subscripts = operands[0].replace(" ", "") operands = [possibly_convert_to_numpy(x) for x in operands[1:]] else: subscripts, operands = convert_interleaved_input(operands) # Check for proper "->" if ("-" in subscripts) or (">" in subscripts): invalid = (subscripts.count("-") > 1) or (subscripts.count(">") > 1) if invalid or (subscripts.count("->") != 1): raise ValueError("Subscripts can only contain one '->'.") # Parse ellipses if "." in subscripts: used = subscripts.replace(".", "").replace(",", "").replace("->", "") unused = list(einsum_symbols_set - set(used)) ellipse_inds = "".join(unused) longest = 0 if "->" in subscripts: input_tmp, output_sub = subscripts.split("->") split_subscripts = input_tmp.split(",") out_sub = True else: split_subscripts = subscripts.split(",") out_sub = False for num, sub in enumerate(split_subscripts): if "." in sub: if (sub.count(".") != 3) or (sub.count("...") != 1): raise ValueError("Invalid Ellipses.") # Take into account numerical values if operands[num].shape == (): ellipse_count = 0 else: ellipse_count = max(operands[num].ndim, 1) ellipse_count -= len(sub) - 3 if ellipse_count > longest: longest = ellipse_count if ellipse_count < 0: raise ValueError("Ellipses lengths do not match.") elif ellipse_count == 0: split_subscripts[num] = sub.replace("...", "") else: rep_inds = ellipse_inds[-ellipse_count:] split_subscripts[num] = sub.replace("...", rep_inds) subscripts = ",".join(split_subscripts) if longest == 0: out_ellipse = "" else: out_ellipse = ellipse_inds[-longest:] if out_sub: subscripts += "->" + output_sub.replace("...", out_ellipse) else: # Special care for outputless ellipses output_subscript = "" tmp_subscripts = subscripts.replace(",", "") for s in sorted(set(tmp_subscripts)): if s not in (einsum_symbols): raise ValueError(f"Character {s} is not a valid symbol.") if tmp_subscripts.count(s) == 1: output_subscript += s normal_inds = "".join(sorted(set(output_subscript) - set(out_ellipse))) subscripts += f"->{out_ellipse}{normal_inds}" # Build output string if does not exist if "->" in subscripts: input_subscripts, output_subscript = subscripts.split("->") else: input_subscripts = subscripts # Build output subscripts tmp_subscripts = subscripts.replace(",", "") output_subscript = "" for s in sorted(set(tmp_subscripts)): if s not in einsum_symbols: raise ValueError(f"Character {s} is not a valid symbol.") if tmp_subscripts.count(s) == 1: output_subscript += s # Make sure output subscripts are in the input for char in output_subscript: if char not in input_subscripts: raise ValueError(f"Output character {char} did not appear in the input") # Make sure number operands is equivalent to the number of terms if len(input_subscripts.split(",")) != len(operands): raise ValueError( "Number of einsum subscripts must be equal to the number of operands." ) return (input_subscripts, output_subscript, operands)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/utils/einsum_path_helpers.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 8877 }
# general import json import os import pytest import importlib import inspect import functools from typing import List, Optional from hypothesis import given, strategies as st, example # local import ivy.functional.frontends.numpy as np_frontend from .hypothesis_helpers import number_helpers as nh from .globals import TestData from . import test_parameter_flags as pf from . import test_globals as t_globals from .pipeline_helper import BackendHandler from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers.test_parameter_flags import ( DynamicFlag, BuiltInstanceStrategy, BuiltAsVariableStrategy, BuiltNativeArrayStrategy, BuiltGradientStrategy, BuiltContainerStrategy, BuiltWithOutStrategy, BuiltWithCopyStrategy, BuiltInplaceStrategy, BuiltTraceStrategy, BuiltFrontendArrayStrategy, BuiltTranspileStrategy, BuiltPrecisionModeStrategy, BuiltCythonWrapperStrategy, ) from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers.structs import FrontendMethodData from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers.available_frameworks import available_frameworks from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers.hypothesis_helpers.dtype_helpers import ( _dtype_kind_keys, _get_type_dict, ) from .globals import mod_backend cmd_line_args = ( "with_out", "instance_method", "test_gradients", "test_trace", "precision_mode", ) cmd_line_args_lists = ( "as_variable", "native_array", "container", ) def _get_runtime_flag_value(flag): return flag.strategy if isinstance(flag, DynamicFlag) else flag @st.composite def num_positional_args_method(draw, *, method): """Draws an integers randomly from the minimum and maximum number of positional arguments a given method can take. Parameters ---------- draw special function that draws data randomly (but is reproducible) from a given data-set (ex. list). method callable method Returns ------- A strategy that can be used in the @given hypothesis decorator. """ total, num_positional_only, num_keyword_only = (0, 0, 0) for param in inspect.signature(method).parameters.values(): if param.name == "self": continue total += 1 if param.kind == param.POSITIONAL_ONLY: num_positional_only += 1 elif param.kind in [param.KEYWORD_ONLY, param.VAR_KEYWORD]: num_keyword_only += 1 return draw( nh.ints(min_value=num_positional_only, max_value=(total - num_keyword_only)) ) @st.composite def num_positional_args(draw, *, fn_name: Optional[str] = None): """Draws an integers randomly from the minimum and maximum number of positional arguments a given function can take. Parameters ---------- draw special function that draws data randomly (but is reproducible) from a given data-set (ex. list). fn_name name of the function. Returns ------- A strategy that can be used in the @given hypothesis decorator. Examples -------- @given( num_positional_args=num_positional_args(fn_name="floor_divide") ) @given( num_positional_args=num_positional_args(fn_name="add") ) """ if mod_backend[t_globals.CURRENT_BACKEND]: proc, input_queue, output_queue = mod_backend[t_globals.CURRENT_BACKEND] input_queue.put( ("num_positional_args_helper", fn_name, t_globals.CURRENT_BACKEND) ) num_positional_only, total, num_keyword_only = output_queue.get() else: num_positional_only, total, num_keyword_only = num_positional_args_helper( fn_name, t_globals.CURRENT_BACKEND ) return draw( nh.ints(min_value=num_positional_only, max_value=(total - num_keyword_only)) ) def num_positional_args_helper(fn_name, backend): num_positional_only = 0 num_keyword_only = 0 total = 0 fn = None with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend) as ivy_backend: ivy_backend.utils.dynamic_import.import_module(fn_name.rpartition(".")[0]) for i, fn_name_key in enumerate(fn_name.split(".")): if i == 0: fn = ivy_backend.__dict__[fn_name_key] else: fn = fn.__dict__[fn_name_key] for param in inspect.signature(fn).parameters.values(): if param.name == "self": continue total += 1 if param.kind == param.POSITIONAL_ONLY: num_positional_only += 1 elif param.kind in [param.KEYWORD_ONLY, param.VAR_KEYWORD]: num_keyword_only += 1 return num_positional_only, total, num_keyword_only # Decorators helpers def _import_fn(fn_tree: str): """Import a function from function tree string. Parameters ---------- fn_tree Full function tree without "ivy" root example: "functional.backends.jax.creation.arange". Returns ------- Returns fn_name, imported module, callable function """ split_index = fn_tree.rfind(".") fn_name = fn_tree[split_index + 1 :] module_to_import = fn_tree[:split_index] mod = importlib.import_module(module_to_import) try: callable_fn = mod.__dict__[fn_name] except KeyError: raise ImportError( f"Error: The function '{fn_name}' could not be found within the module" f" '{module_to_import}'.\nPlease double-check the function name and its" " associated path.\nIf this function is a new feature you'd like to see," " we'd love to hear from you! You can contribute to our project. For more" " details, please" " visit:\nhttps://lets-unify.ai/ivy/contributing/open_tasks.html\n" ) return callable_fn, fn_name, module_to_import def _get_method_supported_devices_dtypes_helper( method_name: str, class_module: str, class_name: str, backend_str: str ): # helper to delegate backend related # computation outside the main function # so as to ease multiprocessing with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_str) as backend: _fn = getattr(class_module.__dict__[class_name], method_name) devices_and_dtypes = backend.function_supported_devices_and_dtypes(_fn) organized_dtypes = {} for device in devices_and_dtypes.keys(): organized_dtypes[device] = _partition_dtypes_into_kinds( backend_str, devices_and_dtypes[device] ) return organized_dtypes def _get_method_supported_devices_dtypes( method_name: str, class_module: str, class_name: str ): """Get supported devices and data types for a method in Ivy API. Parameters ---------- method_name Name of the method in the class class_module Name of the class module class_name Name of the class Returns ------- Returns a dictionary containing supported device types and its supported data types for the method """ supported_device_dtypes = {} for backend_str in available_frameworks: if mod_backend[backend_str]: # we gotta do this using multiprocessing proc, input_queue, output_queue = mod_backend[backend_str] input_queue.put( ( "method supported dtypes", method_name, class_module.__name__, class_name, backend_str, ) ) supported_device_dtypes[backend_str] = output_queue.get() else: supported_device_dtypes[backend_str] = ( _get_method_supported_devices_dtypes_helper( method_name, class_module, class_name, backend_str ) ) return supported_device_dtypes def _get_supported_devices_dtypes_helper( backend_str: str, fn_module: str, fn_name: str ): # helper function so as to ease multiprocessing with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_str) as backend: _tmp_mod = importlib.import_module(fn_module) # TODO use dynamic import? _fn = _tmp_mod.__dict__[fn_name] devices_and_dtypes = backend.function_supported_devices_and_dtypes(_fn) try: # Issue with bfloat16 and tensorflow if "bfloat16" in devices_and_dtypes["gpu"]: tmp = list(devices_and_dtypes["gpu"]) tmp.remove("bfloat16") devices_and_dtypes["gpu"] = tuple(tmp) except KeyError: pass organized_dtypes = {} for device in devices_and_dtypes.keys(): organized_dtypes[device] = _partition_dtypes_into_kinds( backend_str, devices_and_dtypes[device] ) return organized_dtypes def _get_supported_devices_dtypes(fn_name: str, fn_module: str): """Get supported devices and data types for a function in Ivy API. Parameters ---------- fn_name Name of the function fn_module Full import path of the function module Returns ------- Returns a dictionary containing supported device types and its supported data types for the function """ supported_device_dtypes = {} # This is for getting a private function from numpy frontend where we have # a ufunc object as we can't refer to them as functions if fn_module == "ivy.functional.frontends.numpy": fn_module_ = np_frontend if isinstance(getattr(fn_module_, fn_name), fn_module_.ufunc): fn_name = f"_{fn_name}" for backend_str in available_frameworks: if mod_backend[backend_str]: # we know we need to use multiprocessing # to get the devices and dtypes proc, input_queue, output_queue = mod_backend[backend_str] input_queue.put(("supported dtypes", fn_module, fn_name, backend_str)) supported_device_dtypes[backend_str] = output_queue.get() else: supported_device_dtypes[backend_str] = _get_supported_devices_dtypes_helper( backend_str, fn_module, fn_name ) return supported_device_dtypes def _partition_dtypes_into_kinds(framework: str, dtypes): partitioned_dtypes = {} for kind in _dtype_kind_keys: partitioned_dtypes[kind] = set(_get_type_dict(framework, kind)).intersection( dtypes ) return partitioned_dtypes # Decorators def handle_test( *, fn_tree: Optional[str] = None, ground_truth_backend: str = "tensorflow", number_positional_args=None, test_instance_method=BuiltInstanceStrategy, test_with_out=BuiltWithOutStrategy, test_with_copy=BuiltWithCopyStrategy, test_gradients=BuiltGradientStrategy, test_trace=BuiltTraceStrategy, transpile=BuiltTranspileStrategy, precision_mode=BuiltPrecisionModeStrategy, as_variable_flags=BuiltAsVariableStrategy, native_array_flags=BuiltNativeArrayStrategy, container_flags=BuiltContainerStrategy, test_cython_wrapper=BuiltCythonWrapperStrategy, **_given_kwargs, ): """Test wrapper for Ivy functions. The wrapper sets the required test globals and creates test flags strategies. Parameters ---------- fn_tree Full function import path ground_truth_backend The framework to assert test results are equal to number_positional_args A search strategy for determining the number of positional arguments to be passed to the function test_instance_method A search strategy that generates a boolean to test instance methods test_with_out A search strategy that generates a boolean to test the function with an `out` parameter test_with_copy A search strategy that generates a boolean to test the function with an `copy` parameter test_gradients A search strategy that generates a boolean to test the function with arrays as gradients test_trace A search strategy that generates a boolean to trace and test the function precision_mode A search strategy that generates a boolean to switch between two different precision modes supported by numpy and (torch, jax) and test the function as_variable_flags A search strategy that generates a list of boolean flags for array inputs to be passed as a Variable array native_array_flags A search strategy that generates a list of boolean flags for array inputs to be passed as a native array container_flags A search strategy that generates a list of boolean flags for array inputs to be passed as a Container """ is_fn_tree_provided = fn_tree is not None if is_fn_tree_provided: fn_tree = f"ivy.{fn_tree}" is_hypothesis_test = len(_given_kwargs) != 0 possible_arguments = {} if is_hypothesis_test and is_fn_tree_provided: # Use the default strategy if number_positional_args is None: number_positional_args = num_positional_args(fn_name=fn_tree) # Generate the test flags strategy possible_arguments["test_flags"] = pf.function_flags( ground_truth_backend=st.just(ground_truth_backend), num_positional_args=number_positional_args, instance_method=_get_runtime_flag_value(test_instance_method), with_out=_get_runtime_flag_value(test_with_out), with_copy=_get_runtime_flag_value(test_with_copy), test_gradients=_get_runtime_flag_value(test_gradients), test_trace=_get_runtime_flag_value(test_trace), transpile=_get_runtime_flag_value(transpile), as_variable=_get_runtime_flag_value(as_variable_flags), native_arrays=_get_runtime_flag_value(native_array_flags), container_flags=_get_runtime_flag_value(container_flags), precision_mode=_get_runtime_flag_value(precision_mode), test_cython_wrapper=_get_runtime_flag_value(test_cython_wrapper), ) def test_wrapper(test_fn): if is_fn_tree_provided: callable_fn, fn_name, fn_mod = _import_fn(fn_tree) supported_device_dtypes = _get_supported_devices_dtypes(fn_name, fn_mod) possible_arguments["fn_name"] = st.just(fn_name) # If a test is not a Hypothesis test, we only set the test global data if is_hypothesis_test: param_names = inspect.signature(test_fn).parameters.keys() # Check if these arguments are being asked for filtered_args = set(param_names).intersection(possible_arguments.keys()) for key in filtered_args: _given_kwargs[key] = possible_arguments[key] # Wrap the test with the @given decorator hypothesis_test_fn = given(**_given_kwargs)(test_fn) @functools.wraps(hypothesis_test_fn) def wrapped_test(*args, **kwargs): try: hypothesis_test_fn(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # A string matching is used instead of actual exception due to # exception object in with_backend is different from global Ivy if e.__class__.__qualname__ == "IvyNotImplementedException": pytest.skip("Function not implemented in backend.") else: raise e else: wrapped_test = test_fn # Set the test data to be used by test helpers if is_fn_tree_provided: wrapped_test.test_data = TestData( test_fn=wrapped_test, fn_tree=fn_tree, fn_name=fn_name, supported_device_dtypes=supported_device_dtypes, ) wrapped_test._ivy_test = True wrapped_test.ground_truth_backend = ground_truth_backend return wrapped_test return test_wrapper def handle_frontend_test( *, fn_tree: str, gt_fn_tree: Optional[str] = None, aliases: Optional[List[str]] = None, number_positional_args=None, test_with_out=BuiltWithOutStrategy, test_with_copy=BuiltWithCopyStrategy, test_inplace=BuiltInplaceStrategy, as_variable_flags=BuiltAsVariableStrategy, native_array_flags=BuiltNativeArrayStrategy, test_trace=BuiltTraceStrategy, generate_frontend_arrays=BuiltFrontendArrayStrategy, transpile=BuiltTranspileStrategy, precision_mode=BuiltPrecisionModeStrategy, **_given_kwargs, ): """Test wrapper for Ivy frontend functions. The wrapper sets the required test globals and creates test flags strategies. Parameters ---------- fn_tree Full function import path gt_fn_tree Full function import path for the ground truth function, by default will be the same as fn_tree number_positional_args A search strategy for determining the number of positional arguments to be passed to the function test_inplace A search strategy that generates a boolean to test the method with `inplace` update test_with_out A search strategy that generates a boolean to test the function with an `out` parameter test_with_copy A search strategy that generates a boolean to test the function with an `copy` parameter precision_mode A search strategy that generates a boolean to switch between two different precision modes supported by numpy and (torch, jax) and test the function as_variable_flags A search strategy that generates a list of boolean flags for array inputs to be passed as a Variable array native_array_flags A search strategy that generates a list of boolean flags for array inputs to be passed as a native array test_trace A search strategy that generates a boolean to trace and test the function generate_frontend_arrays A search strategy that generates a list of boolean flags for array inputs to be frontend array """ fn_tree = f"ivy.functional.frontends.{fn_tree}" if aliases is not None: for i in range(len(aliases)): aliases[i] = f"ivy.functional.frontends.{aliases[i]}" is_hypothesis_test = len(_given_kwargs) != 0 if is_hypothesis_test: # Use the default strategy if number_positional_args is None: number_positional_args = num_positional_args(fn_name=fn_tree) # Generate the test flags strategy test_flags = pf.frontend_function_flags( num_positional_args=number_positional_args, with_out=_get_runtime_flag_value(test_with_out), with_copy=_get_runtime_flag_value(test_with_copy), inplace=_get_runtime_flag_value(test_inplace), as_variable=_get_runtime_flag_value(as_variable_flags), native_arrays=_get_runtime_flag_value(native_array_flags), test_trace=_get_runtime_flag_value(test_trace), generate_frontend_arrays=_get_runtime_flag_value(generate_frontend_arrays), transpile=_get_runtime_flag_value(transpile), precision_mode=_get_runtime_flag_value(precision_mode), ) def test_wrapper(test_fn): callable_fn, fn_name, fn_mod = _import_fn(fn_tree) supported_device_dtypes = _get_supported_devices_dtypes(fn_name, fn_mod) # If a test is not a Hypothesis test, we only set the test global data if is_hypothesis_test: param_names = inspect.signature(test_fn).parameters.keys() # Check if these arguments are being asked for possible_arguments = { "test_flags": test_flags, "fn_tree": ( st.sampled_from([fn_tree] + aliases) if aliases is not None else st.just(fn_tree) ), "gt_fn_tree": st.just(gt_fn_tree), } filtered_args = set(param_names).intersection(possible_arguments.keys()) for key in filtered_args: # extend Hypothesis given kwargs with our strategies _given_kwargs[key] = possible_arguments[key] # Wrap the test with the @given decorator hypothesis_test_fn = given(**_given_kwargs)(test_fn) @functools.wraps(hypothesis_test_fn) def wrapped_test(*args, **kwargs): try: hypothesis_test_fn(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # A string matching is used instead of actual exception due to # exception object in with_backend is different from global Ivy if e.__class__.__qualname__ == "IvyNotImplementedException": pytest.skip("Function not implemented in backend.") else: raise e else: wrapped_test = test_fn wrapped_test.test_data = TestData( test_fn=wrapped_test, fn_tree=fn_tree, fn_name=fn_name, supported_device_dtypes=supported_device_dtypes, ) return wrapped_test return test_wrapper def _import_method(method_tree: str): split_index = method_tree.rfind(".") class_tree, method_name = method_tree[:split_index], method_tree[split_index + 1 :] split_index = class_tree.rfind(".") mod_to_import, class_name = class_tree[:split_index], class_tree[split_index + 1 :] _mod = importlib.import_module(mod_to_import) _class = _mod.__getattribute__(class_name) _method = getattr(_class, method_name) return _method, method_name, _class, class_name, _mod def handle_method( *, init_tree: str = "", method_tree: Optional[str] = None, ground_truth_backend: str = "tensorflow", test_gradients=BuiltGradientStrategy, test_trace=BuiltTraceStrategy, precision_mode=BuiltPrecisionModeStrategy, init_num_positional_args=None, init_native_arrays=BuiltNativeArrayStrategy, init_as_variable_flags=BuiltAsVariableStrategy, method_num_positional_args=None, method_native_arrays=BuiltNativeArrayStrategy, method_as_variable_flags=BuiltAsVariableStrategy, method_container_flags=BuiltContainerStrategy, **_given_kwargs, ): """Test wrapper for Ivy methods. The wrapper sets the required test globals and creates test flags strategies. Parameters ---------- method_tree Full method import path ground_truth_backend The framework to assert test results are equal to """ # need to fill up the docstring is_method_tree_provided = method_tree is not None if is_method_tree_provided: method_tree = f"ivy.{method_tree}" is_hypothesis_test = len(_given_kwargs) != 0 possible_arguments = { "ground_truth_backend": st.just(ground_truth_backend), "test_gradients": _get_runtime_flag_value(test_gradients), "test_trace": _get_runtime_flag_value(test_trace), "precision_mode": _get_runtime_flag_value(precision_mode), } if is_hypothesis_test and is_method_tree_provided: callable_method, method_name, _, class_name, method_mod = _import_method( method_tree ) if init_num_positional_args is None: init_num_positional_args = num_positional_args(fn_name=init_tree) possible_arguments["init_flags"] = pf.init_method_flags( num_positional_args=init_num_positional_args, as_variable=_get_runtime_flag_value(init_as_variable_flags), native_arrays=_get_runtime_flag_value(init_native_arrays), precision_mode=_get_runtime_flag_value(precision_mode), ) if method_num_positional_args is None: method_num_positional_args = num_positional_args_method( method=callable_method ) possible_arguments["method_flags"] = pf.method_flags( num_positional_args=method_num_positional_args, as_variable=_get_runtime_flag_value(method_as_variable_flags), native_arrays=_get_runtime_flag_value(method_native_arrays), container_flags=_get_runtime_flag_value(method_container_flags), precision_mode=_get_runtime_flag_value(precision_mode), ) def test_wrapper(test_fn): if is_method_tree_provided: supported_device_dtypes = _get_method_supported_devices_dtypes( method_name, method_mod, class_name ) possible_arguments["class_name"] = st.just(class_name) possible_arguments["method_name"] = st.just(method_name) if is_hypothesis_test: param_names = inspect.signature(test_fn).parameters.keys() filtered_args = set(param_names).intersection(possible_arguments.keys()) for key in filtered_args: # extend Hypothesis given kwargs with our strategies _given_kwargs[key] = possible_arguments[key] hypothesis_test_fn = given(**_given_kwargs)(test_fn) @functools.wraps(hypothesis_test_fn) def wrapped_test(*args, **kwargs): try: hypothesis_test_fn(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # A string matching is used instead of actual exception due to # exception object in with_backend is different from global Ivy if e.__class__.__qualname__ == "IvyNotImplementedException": pytest.skip("Function not implemented in backend.") else: raise e else: wrapped_test = test_fn wrapped_test.test_data = TestData( test_fn=wrapped_test, fn_tree=method_tree, fn_name=method_name, supported_device_dtypes=supported_device_dtypes, is_method=True, ) wrapped_test.ground_truth_backend = ground_truth_backend wrapped_test._ivy_test = True return wrapped_test return test_wrapper def handle_frontend_method( *, class_tree: str, init_tree: str, method_name: str, init_num_positional_args=None, init_native_arrays=BuiltNativeArrayStrategy, init_as_variable_flags=BuiltAsVariableStrategy, test_trace=BuiltTraceStrategy, precision_mode=BuiltPrecisionModeStrategy, method_num_positional_args=None, method_native_arrays=BuiltNativeArrayStrategy, method_as_variable_flags=BuiltAsVariableStrategy, test_inplace=BuiltInplaceStrategy, generate_frontend_arrays=BuiltFrontendArrayStrategy, **_given_kwargs, ): """Test wrapper for Ivy frontends methods. The wrapper sets the required test globals and creates test flags strategies. Parameters ---------- class_tree Full class import path init_tree Full import path for the function used to create the class method_name Name of the method init_num_positional_args A search strategy that generates a number of positional arguments to be passed during instantiation of the class init_native_arrays A search strategy that generates a boolean to test the method with native arrays init_as_variable_flags A search strategy that generates a list of boolean flags for array inputs to be passed as a Variable array test_compile A search strategy that generates a boolean to graph compile and test the function precision_mode A search strategy that generates a boolean to switch between two different precision modes supported by numpy and (torch, jax) and test the function method_num_positional_args A search strategy that generates a number of positional arguments to be passed during call of the class method method_native_arrays A search strategy that generates a boolean to test the method with native arrays method_as_variable_flags A search strategy that generates a list of boolean flags for array inputs to be passed as a Variable array test_inplace A search strategy that generates a boolean to test the method with `inplace` update """ split_index = init_tree.rfind(".") framework_init_module = init_tree[:split_index] ivy_init_module = f"ivy.functional.frontends.{init_tree[:split_index]}" init_name = init_tree[split_index + 1 :] init_tree = f"ivy.functional.frontends.{init_tree}" is_hypothesis_test = len(_given_kwargs) != 0 split_index = class_tree.rfind(".") class_module_path, class_name = ( class_tree[:split_index], class_tree[split_index + 1 :], ) class_module = importlib.import_module(class_module_path) method_class = getattr(class_module, class_name) if is_hypothesis_test: callable_method = getattr(method_class, method_name) if init_num_positional_args is None: init_num_positional_args = num_positional_args(fn_name=init_tree) if method_num_positional_args is None: method_num_positional_args = num_positional_args_method( method=callable_method ) def test_wrapper(test_fn): supported_device_dtypes = _get_method_supported_devices_dtypes( method_name, class_module, class_name ) if is_hypothesis_test: param_names = inspect.signature(test_fn).parameters.keys() init_flags = pf.frontend_init_flags( num_positional_args=init_num_positional_args, as_variable=_get_runtime_flag_value(init_as_variable_flags), native_arrays=_get_runtime_flag_value(init_native_arrays), ) method_flags = pf.frontend_method_flags( num_positional_args=method_num_positional_args, inplace=_get_runtime_flag_value(test_inplace), as_variable=_get_runtime_flag_value(method_as_variable_flags), native_arrays=_get_runtime_flag_value(method_native_arrays), test_trace=_get_runtime_flag_value(test_trace), precision_mode=_get_runtime_flag_value(precision_mode), generate_frontend_arrays=_get_runtime_flag_value( generate_frontend_arrays ), ) ivy_init_modules = str(ivy_init_module) framework_init_modules = str(framework_init_module) frontend_helper_data = FrontendMethodData( ivy_init_module=ivy_init_modules, framework_init_module=framework_init_modules, init_name=init_name, method_name=method_name, ) possible_arguments = { "init_flags": init_flags, "method_flags": method_flags, "frontend_method_data": st.just(frontend_helper_data), } filtered_args = set(param_names).intersection(possible_arguments.keys()) for key in filtered_args: # extend Hypothesis given kwargs with our strategies _given_kwargs[key] = possible_arguments[key] hypothesis_test_fn = given(**_given_kwargs)(test_fn) @functools.wraps(hypothesis_test_fn) def wrapped_test(*args, **kwargs): try: hypothesis_test_fn(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # A string matching is used instead of actual exception due to # exception object in with_backend is different from global Ivy if e.__class__.__qualname__ == "IvyNotImplementedException": pytest.skip("Function not implemented in backend.") else: raise e else: wrapped_test = test_fn wrapped_test.test_data = TestData( test_fn=wrapped_test, fn_tree=f"{init_tree}.{method_name}", fn_name=method_name, supported_device_dtypes=supported_device_dtypes, is_method=[method_name, class_tree, split_index], ) return wrapped_test return test_wrapper @st.composite def seed(draw): return draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=2**8 - 1)) def _create_transpile_report( data: dict, backend: str, file_name: str, is_backend: bool = False ): backend_specific_data = ["nodes", "time", "args", "kwargs"] # json report exists already if os.path.isfile(file_name): with open(file_name, "r") as outfile: # Load the file's existing data file_data = json.load(outfile) if file_data["nodes"].get(backend, 0) > data["nodes"]: return # that are backend specific for key in backend_specific_data: file_data[key][backend] = data[key] if not is_backend: # not backend specific for key in ["ivy_nodes", "fw_time"]: file_data[key] = data[key] json_object = json.dumps(file_data, indent=6) with open(file_name, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(json_object) return # create new json report for key in backend_specific_data: data[key] = {backend: data[key]} json_object = json.dumps(data, indent=6) with open(file_name, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(json_object) def handle_example( *, test_example: bool = False, test_frontend_example: bool = False, test_method_example: bool = False, test_frontend_method_example: bool = False, **given_kwargs, ): if test_example: test_flags = given_kwargs.get("test_flags", {}) flags = pf.FunctionTestFlags( ground_truth_backend=test_flags.get("ground_truth_backend", "numpy"), num_positional_args=test_flags.get("num_positional_args", 0), instance_method=test_flags.get("instance_method", False), with_out=test_flags.get("with_out", False), with_copy=test_flags.get("with_copy", False), test_gradients=test_flags.get("test_gradients", False), test_trace=test_flags.get("test_trace", False), transpile=test_flags.get("transpile", False), as_variable=test_flags.get("as_variable", [False]), native_arrays=test_flags.get("native_arrays", [False]), container=test_flags.get("container", [False]), precision_mode=test_flags.get("precision_mode", False), test_cython_wrapper=test_flags.get("test_cython_wrapper", False), ) given_kwargs["test_flags"] = flags elif test_frontend_example: test_flags = given_kwargs.get("test_flags", {}) flags = pf.FrontendFunctionTestFlags( num_positional_args=test_flags.get("num_positional_args", 0), with_out=test_flags.get("with_out", False), with_copy=test_flags.get("with_copy", False), inplace=test_flags.get("inplace", False), as_variable=test_flags.get("as_variable", [False]), native_arrays=test_flags.get("native_arrays", [False]), test_trace=test_flags.get("test_trace", False), generate_frontend_arrays=test_flags.get("generate_frontend_arrays", False), transpile=test_flags.get("transpile", False), precision_mode=test_flags.get("precision_mode", False), ) given_kwargs["test_flags"] = flags elif test_method_example: method_flags = given_kwargs.get("method_flags", {}) init_flags = given_kwargs.get("init_flags", {}) flags_1 = pf.MethodTestFlags( num_positional_args=method_flags.get("num_positional_args", 0), as_variable=method_flags.get("as_variable", [False]), native_arrays=method_flags.get("native_arrays", [False]), container_flags=method_flags.get("container", [False]), precision_mode=method_flags.get("precision_mode", False), ) flags_2 = pf.InitMethodTestFlags( num_positional_args=init_flags.get("num_positional_args", 0), as_variable=init_flags.get("as_variable", [False]), native_arrays=init_flags.get("native_arrays", [False]), precision_mode=init_flags.get("precision_mode", False), ) given_kwargs["method_flags"] = flags_1 given_kwargs["init_flags"] = flags_2 elif test_frontend_method_example: method_flags = given_kwargs.get("method_flags", {}) init_flags = given_kwargs.get("init_flags", {}) flags_1 = pf.FrontendMethodTestFlags( num_positional_args=method_flags.get("num_positional_args", 0), as_variable=method_flags.get("as_variable", [False]), native_arrays=method_flags.get("native_arrays", [False]), precision_mode=method_flags.get("precision_mode", False), inplace=method_flags.get("inplace", False), test_trace=method_flags.get("test_trace", False), generate_frontend_arrays=method_flags.get( "generate_frontend_arrays", False ), ) flags_2 = pf.FrontendInitTestFlags( num_positional_args=init_flags.get("num_positional_args", 0), as_variable=init_flags.get("as_variable", [False]), native_arrays=init_flags.get("native_arrays", [False]), ) given_kwargs["method_flags"] = flags_1 given_kwargs["init_flags"] = flags_2 def test_wrapper(test_fn): hypothesis_test_fn = example(**given_kwargs)(test_fn) @functools.wraps(hypothesis_test_fn) def wrapped_test(*args, **kwargs): try: hypothesis_test_fn(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # A string matching is used instead of actual exception due to # exception object in with_backend is different from global Ivy if e.__class__.__qualname__ == "IvyNotImplementedException": pytest.skip("Function not implemented in backend.") else: raise e return wrapped_test return test_wrapper
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/helpers/testing_helpers.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 16654 }
# import jax from ivy_tests.test_ivy.test_frontends import NativeClass jax_classes_to_ivy_classes = {} def convjax(argument): """Convert NativeClass in argument to ivy frontend counterpart for jax.""" if isinstance(argument, NativeClass): return jax_classes_to_ivy_classes.get(argument._native_class) return argument
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_jax/__init__.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 118 }
from hypothesis import strategies as st from ivy_tests.test_ivy.test_frontends.test_numpy.test_creation_routines.test_from_shape_or_value import ( # noqa : E501 _input_fill_and_dtype, ) from ivy_tests.test_ivy.test_functional.test_core.test_creation import ( _get_dtype_buffer_count_offset, ) # local import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import handle_frontend_test # --- Helpers --- # # --------------- # @st.composite def _get_dtype_and_range(draw): dim = draw(helpers.ints(min_value=2, max_value=5)) dtype = draw(helpers.get_dtypes("float", index=1, full=False)) start = draw( helpers.array_values( dtype=dtype[0], shape=(dim,), min_value=-50, max_value=0, large_abs_safety_factor=4, small_abs_safety_factor=4, safety_factor_scale="log", ) ) stop = draw( helpers.array_values( dtype=dtype[0], shape=(dim,), min_value=1, max_value=50, large_abs_safety_factor=4, small_abs_safety_factor=4, safety_factor_scale="log", ) ) return dtype * 2, start, stop # --- Main --- # # ------------ # # arange @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.arange", start=st.integers(min_value=-100, max_value=100), stop=st.integers(min_value=-100, max_value=100) | st.none(), step=st.integers(min_value=-100, max_value=100).filter(lambda x: x != 0), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric", full=False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_arange( *, start, stop, step, dtype, on_device, fn_tree, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, ): helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, start=start, stop=stop, step=step, dtype=dtype[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.array", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=10), min_num_dims=0, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=5, shared_dtype=True, ), as_list=st.booleans(), copy=st.booleans(), ndmin=helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=9), test_with_out=st.just(True), test_with_copy=st.just(True), ) def test_jax_array( *, dtype_and_x, as_list, copy, ndmin, on_device, fn_tree, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x if as_list: if isinstance(x, list) and "complex" not in input_dtype[0]: x = [list(i) if len(i.shape) > 0 else [float(i)] for i in x] else: x = list(x) else: if len(x) == 1: x = x[0] helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, object=x, dtype=input_dtype[0], copy=copy, order="K", ndmin=ndmin, ) # asarray @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.asarray", dtype_and_a=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=1, min_num_dims=0, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=5, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_asarray( dtype_and_a, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): dtype, a = dtype_and_a helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, a=a, dtype=dtype[0], ) # bool_ @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.bool_", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values(available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("bool")), ) def test_jax_bool_( dtype_and_x, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.cdouble", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("complex") ), ) def test_jax_cdouble( dtype_and_x, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.compress", dtype_arr_ax=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=10, max_dim_size=100, valid_axis=True, force_int_axis=True, ), condition=helpers.array_values( dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("bool"), shape=helpers.get_shape( min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=1, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=5 ), ), ) def test_jax_compress( dtype_arr_ax, condition, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, arr, ax = dtype_arr_ax helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, condition=condition, a=arr[0], axis=ax, ) # copy @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.copy", dtype_and_a=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), num_arrays=1, min_num_dims=0, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=5, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), test_with_copy=st.just(True), ) def test_jax_copy( dtype_and_a, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, a = dtype_and_a helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, a=a[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.csingle", aliases=["jax.numpy.complex64"], dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric") ), ) def test_jax_csingle( dtype_and_x, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # double @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.double", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values(available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float")), ) def test_jax_double( dtype_and_x, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # empty @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.empty", shape=helpers.get_shape( allow_none=False, min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=10, ), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_empty( shape, dtype, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, test_values=False, shape=shape, dtype=dtype[0], ) # empty_like @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.empty_like", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), ), shape=helpers.get_shape( allow_none=True, min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=10, ), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_empty_like( dtype_and_x, shape, dtype, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, prototype=x[0], dtype=dtype[0], shape=shape, ) # eye @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.eye", n=helpers.ints(min_value=3, max_value=10), m=st.none() | helpers.ints(min_value=3, max_value=10), k=helpers.ints(min_value=-2, max_value=2), dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_eye( *, n, m, k, dtypes, on_device, fn_tree, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, ): helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, N=n, M=m, k=k, dtype=dtypes[0], ) # from_dlpack @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.from_dlpack", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric") ), ) def test_jax_from_dlpack( *, dtype_and_x, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( x=x[0], backend_to_test=backend_fw, input_dtypes=input_dtype, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.frombuffer", dtype_buffer_count_offset=_get_dtype_buffer_count_offset(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_frombuffer( *, dtype_buffer_count_offset, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, backend_fw, test_flags, ): input_dtype, buffer, count, offset = dtype_buffer_count_offset helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, buffer=buffer, dtype=input_dtype[0], count=count, offset=offset, ) # full @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.full", shape=helpers.get_shape( min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=10, ), input_fill_dtype=_input_fill_and_dtype(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_full( shape, input_fill_dtype, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, _, fill_value, dtype = input_fill_dtype helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, shape=shape, fill_value=fill_value, dtype=dtype, ) # full_like @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.full_like", input_fill_dtype=_input_fill_and_dtype(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_full_like( input_fill_dtype, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x, fill_value, dtype = input_fill_dtype helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, a=x[0], fill_value=fill_value, dtype=dtype, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.geomspace", dtype_start_stop=_get_dtype_and_range(), num=helpers.ints(min_value=5, max_value=50), endpoint=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_geomspace( dtype_start_stop, num, endpoint, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtypes, start, stop = dtype_start_stop helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, rtol=1e-1, start=start, stop=stop, num=num, endpoint=endpoint, dtype=input_dtypes[0], ) # hstack @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.hstack", dtype_and_tup=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), shared_dtype=True, num_arrays=st.integers(min_value=2, max_value=2), shape=helpers.get_shape( min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=3, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=5 ), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_hstack( dtype_and_tup, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_tup helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, tup=x, ) # identity @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.identity", n=helpers.ints(min_value=3, max_value=10), dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_identity( *, n, dtypes, on_device, fn_tree, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, ): helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, n=n, dtype=dtypes[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.in1d", dtype_and_a=helpers.dtype_and_values(min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=1), dtype_and_b=helpers.dtype_and_values(min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=1), assume_unique=st.booleans(), invert=st.booleans(), ) def test_jax_in1d( *, dtype_and_a, dtype_and_b, assume_unique, invert, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, backend_fw, test_flags, ): input_dtype_a, a = dtype_and_a input_dtype_b, b = dtype_and_b helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype_a + input_dtype_b, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, ar1=a[0], ar2=b[0], assume_unique=assume_unique, invert=invert, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.iterable", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), ), ) def test_jax_iterable( dtype_and_x, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, y=x[0], ) # linspace @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.linspace", dtype_start_stop=_get_dtype_and_range(), num=helpers.ints(min_value=2, max_value=5), axis=helpers.ints(min_value=-1, max_value=0), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_linspace( dtype_start_stop, num, axis, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtypes, start, stop = dtype_start_stop helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, start=start, stop=stop, num=num, endpoint=True, retstep=False, dtype=input_dtypes[0], axis=axis, atol=1e-05, rtol=1e-05, ) # logspace @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.logspace", dtype_start_stop=_get_dtype_and_range(), num=helpers.ints(min_value=5, max_value=50), base=helpers.ints(min_value=2, max_value=10), axis=helpers.ints(min_value=-1, max_value=0), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_logspace( dtype_start_stop, num, base, axis, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtypes, start, stop = dtype_start_stop helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, rtol=1e-01, start=start, stop=stop, num=num, endpoint=True, base=base, dtype=input_dtypes[0], axis=axis, ) # meshgrid @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.meshgrid", dtype_and_arrays=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=5), min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=1, shared_dtype=True, ), sparse=st.booleans(), indexing=st.sampled_from(["xy", "ij"]), test_with_out=st.just(False), test_with_copy=st.just(True), ) def test_jax_meshgrid( dtype_and_arrays, sparse, indexing, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): dtype, arrays = dtype_and_arrays kw = {} i = 0 for x_ in arrays: kw[f"x{i}"] = x_ i += 1 test_flags.num_positional_args = len(arrays) helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, **kw, sparse=sparse, indexing=indexing, ) # ndim @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.ndim", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values(available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid")), ) def test_jax_ndim( dtype_and_x, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, a=x[0], ) # ones @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.ones", shape=helpers.get_shape( allow_none=False, min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=10, ), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_ones( shape, dtype, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, shape=shape, dtype=dtype[0], ) # ones_like @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.ones_like", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), ), shape=helpers.get_shape( allow_none=True, min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=10, ), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_ones_like( dtype_and_x, shape, dtype, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, a=x[0], dtype=dtype[0], shape=shape, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.setdiff1d", dtype_and_a=helpers.dtype_and_values( min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=1, available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), ), dtype_and_b=helpers.dtype_and_values( min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=1, available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), ), use_size=st.booleans(), size=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=100), assume_unique=st.booleans(), ) def test_jax_setdiff1d( *, dtype_and_a, dtype_and_b, use_size, size, assume_unique, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, backend_fw, test_flags, ): input_dtype_a, a = dtype_and_a input_dtype_b, b = dtype_and_b if not use_size: size = None helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype_a + input_dtype_b, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, ar1=a[0], ar2=b[0], assume_unique=assume_unique, size=size, ) # single @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.single", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values(available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float")), ) def test_jax_single( dtype_and_x, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.size", dtype_x_axis=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), abs_smallest_val=0, num_arrays=1, min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=100, valid_axis=True, allow_neg_axes=True, force_int_axis=True, ), ) def test_jax_size( dtype_x_axis, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): dtype, x, axis = dtype_x_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, a=x[0], axis=axis, ) # triu @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.triu", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=1, min_num_dims=2, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=5, ), k=helpers.ints(min_value=-10, max_value=10), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_triu( dtype_and_x, k, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, m=x[0], k=k, ) # vander @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.vander", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), shape=st.tuples( st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=5), ), ), N=st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=5), increasing=st.booleans(), ) def test_jax_vander( *, dtype_and_x, N, increasing, test_flags, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, backend_fw, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], N=N, increasing=increasing, ) # zeros @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.zeros", shape=helpers.get_shape( allow_none=False, min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=10, ), dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric", full=False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_zeros( *, dtypes, shape, on_device, fn_tree, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, ): helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, shape=shape, dtype=dtypes[0], ) # zeros_like @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.zeros_like", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), ), shape=helpers.get_shape( allow_none=True, min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=10, ), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_zeros_like( dtype_and_x, dtype, shape, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, a=x[0], dtype=dtype[0], shape=shape, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_jax/test_numpy/test_creation.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 14229 }
# global from hypothesis import strategies as st import pytest import math # local import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import handle_frontend_test from ivy_tests.test_ivy.test_functional.test_nn.test_layers import ( _assume_tf_dilation_gt_1, ) import ivy # --- Helpers --- # # --------------- # def _calculate_same_padding(kernel_size, stride, shape): padding = tuple( max( 0, math.ceil(((shape[i] - 1) * stride[i] + kernel_size[i] - shape[i]) / 2), ) for i in range(len(kernel_size)) ) if all(kernel_size[i] / 2 >= padding[i] for i in range(len(kernel_size))): if _is_same_padding(padding, stride, kernel_size, shape): return padding return (0, 0) def _is_same_padding(padding, stride, kernel_size, input_shape): output_shape = tuple( (input_shape[i] + 2 * padding[i] - kernel_size[i]) // stride[i] + 1 for i in range(len(padding)) ) return all( output_shape[i] == math.ceil(input_shape[i] / stride[i]) for i in range(len(padding)) ) def _scale_factor_strategy(): return st.one_of( st.floats(min_value=0.1, max_value=2.0), st.tuples(st.floats(min_value=0.1, max_value=2.0)), st.lists(st.floats(min_value=0.1, max_value=2.0), min_size=3, max_size=3), ) def _size_and_scale_factor_strategy(): return st.one_of( st.tuples(_size_strategy(), st.just(None)), st.tuples(st.just(None), _scale_factor_strategy()), st.tuples(_size_strategy(), _scale_factor_strategy()), ) def _size_strategy(): return st.one_of( st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=10), st.tuples(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=10)), st.lists(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=10), min_size=3, max_size=3), ) @st.composite def _x_and_filters(draw, dim: int = 2): if not isinstance(dim, int): dim = draw(dim) strides = draw( st.one_of( st.lists( st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=3), min_size=dim, max_size=dim, ), st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=3), ) ) pad_mode = draw(st.sampled_from(["valid", "same", "pad"])) padding = draw( st.one_of( st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=3), st.lists(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=2), min_size=dim, max_size=dim), ) ) batch_size = draw(st.integers(1, 5)) filter_shape = draw( helpers.get_shape( min_num_dims=dim, max_num_dims=dim, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=5 ) ) dtype = draw(helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False)) input_channels = draw(st.integers(1, 3)) output_channels = draw(st.integers(1, 3)) group_list = [i for i in range(1, 3)] group_list = list(filter(lambda x: (input_channels % x == 0), group_list)) fc = draw(st.sampled_from(group_list)) dilations = draw( st.one_of( st.lists( st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=3), min_size=dim, max_size=dim, ), st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=3), ) ) full_dilations = [dilations] * dim if isinstance(dilations, int) else dilations x_dim = [] for i in range(dim): min_x = filter_shape[i] + (filter_shape[i] - 1) * (full_dilations[i] - 1) x_dim.append(draw(st.integers(min_x, 15))) x_dim = tuple(x_dim) output_channels = output_channels * fc filter_shape = (output_channels, input_channels // fc) + filter_shape x_shape = (batch_size, input_channels) + x_dim vals = draw( helpers.array_values( dtype=dtype[0], shape=x_shape, min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, ) ) filters = draw( helpers.array_values( dtype=dtype[0], shape=filter_shape, min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, ) ) bias = draw( helpers.array_values( dtype=dtype[0], shape=(output_channels,), min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, ) ) return dtype, vals, filters, bias, dilations, strides, padding, fc, pad_mode # --- Main --- # # ------------ # # adaptive_avg_pool2d @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.adaptive_avg_pool2d", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_num_dims=4, max_num_dims=4, min_dim_size=1, max_value=100, min_value=-100, ), output_size=st.one_of( st.tuples( helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=5), helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=5), ), helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=5), ), ) def test_mindspore_adaptive_avg_pool2d( *, dtype_and_x, output_size, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, on_device, fn_tree, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, frontend=frontend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, fn_tree=fn_tree, x=x[0], output_size=output_size, ) # avg_pool2d @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.avg_pool2d", dtype_x_k_s=helpers.arrays_for_pooling( min_dims=4, max_dims=4, min_side=1, max_side=4, ), pad_mode=st.booleans(), count_include_pad=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_mindspore_avg_pool2d( dtype_x_k_s, count_include_pad, pad_mode, *, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): input_dtype, x, kernel_size, stride, pad_name = dtype_x_k_s if len(stride) == 1: stride = (stride[0], stride[0]) if pad_name == "SAME": padding = _calculate_same_padding(kernel_size, stride, x[0].shape[2:]) else: padding = (0, 0) x[0] = x[0].reshape((x[0].shape[0], x[0].shape[-1], *x[0].shape[1:-1])) helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, pad_mode=pad_mode, count_include_pad=count_include_pad, divisor_override=None, ) # conv1d @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.conv1d", dtype_vals=_x_and_filters(dim=1), ) def test_mindspore_conv1d( *, dtype_vals, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): dtype, vals, weight, bias, dilations, strides, padding, fc, pad_mode = dtype_vals helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=vals, weight=weight, bias=bias, stride=strides, padding=padding, dilation=dilations, groups=fc, pad_mode=pad_mode, ) @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.conv2d", dtype_vals=_x_and_filters(dim=2), ) def test_mindspore_conv2d( *, dtype_vals, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): dtype, vals, weight, bias, dilations, strides, padding, fc, pad_mode = dtype_vals helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=vals, weight=weight, bias=bias, stride=strides, padding=padding, dilation=dilations, groups=fc, pad_mode=pad_mode, ) @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.conv3d", dtype_vals=_x_and_filters(dim=3), ) def test_mindspore_conv3d( *, dtype_vals, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): dtype, vals, weight, bias, dilations, strides, padding, fc, pad_mode = dtype_vals # ToDo: Enable gradient tests for dilations > 1 when tensorflow supports it. _assume_tf_dilation_gt_1(ivy.current_backend_str(), on_device, dilations) helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=vals, weight=weight, bias=bias, stride=strides, padding=padding, dilation=dilations, groups=fc, pad_mode=pad_mode, ) # dropout2d @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.dropout2d", d_type_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), num_arrays=1, shared_dtype=True, min_value=2, max_value=5, min_dim_size=4, shape=( st.integers(min_value=2, max_value=10), 4, st.integers(min_value=12, max_value=64), st.integers(min_value=12, max_value=64), ), ), p=st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0), training=st.booleans(), ) def test_mindspore_dropout2d( *, d_type_and_x, p, training, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, backend_fw, test_flags, ): dtype, x = d_type_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, frontend=frontend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], p=p, training=training, ) # dropout3d @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.dropout3d", d_type_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), num_arrays=1, shared_dtype=True, min_value=2, max_value=5, min_dim_size=5, shape=( st.integers(min_value=2, max_value=10), st.integers(min_value=12, max_value=64), st.integers(min_value=12, max_value=64), st.integers(min_value=12, max_value=64), ), ), p=st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0), training=st.booleans(), ) def test_mindspore_dropout3d( *, d_type_and_x, p, training, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, backend_fw, test_flags, ): dtype, x = d_type_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, frontend=frontend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], p=p, training=training, ) # FastGelu @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.fast_gelu", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), ) def test_mindspore_fast_gelu( dtype_and_x, *, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, on_device, fn_tree, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, frontend=frontend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], input=x[0], ) # flatten @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.flatten", dtype_input_axes=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), valid_axis=True, min_num_dims=1, min_axes_size=2, max_axes_size=2, ), ) def test_mindspore_flatten( *, dtype_input_axes, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): dtype, input, axes = dtype_input_axes if isinstance(axes, int): start_dim = axes end_dim = -1 else: start_dim = axes[0] end_dim = axes[1] helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=input[0], order="C", start_dim=start_dim, end_dim=end_dim, ) @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.interpolate", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), num_arrays=1, shared_dtype=True, ), mode=st.sampled_from( [ "nearest", "linear", "bilinear", "bicubic", "trilinear", "area", "nearest-exact", ] ), align_corners=st.booleans(), recompute_scale_factor=st.booleans(), size_and_scale_factor=_size_and_scale_factor_strategy(), ) def test_mindspore_interpolate( *, dtype_and_x, size, scale_factor, mode, align_corners, recompute_scale_factor, on_device, backend_fw, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, size_and_scale_factor, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x size, scale_factor = size_and_scale_factor helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, frontend=frontend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], size=size, scale_factor=scale_factor, mode=mode, align_corners=align_corners, recompute_scale_factor=recompute_scale_factor, ) # kl_div @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.kl_div", p=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), num_arrays=1, shared_dtype=True, min_value=2, max_value=5, min_dim_size=4, ), q=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), num_arrays=1, shared_dtype=True, min_value=2, max_value=5, min_dim_size=4, ), reduction=st.sampled_from(["none", "sum", "mean"]), ) def test_mindspore_kl_div( *, p, q, reduction, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, backend_fw, test_flags, ): helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=p[0], frontend=frontend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, p=p[1], q=q[1], reduction=reduction, ) # log_softmax @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.log_softmax", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), safety_factor_scale="log", small_abs_safety_factor=20, ), ) def test_mindspore_log_softmax( *, dtype_and_x, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x # hardswish # @handle_frontend_test( # fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.hardswish", # dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( # available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), # ), # ) # def test_mindspore_hardswish( # *, # dtype_and_x, # on_device, # fn_tree, # frontend, # test_flags, # ): # input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x # helpers.test_frontend_function( # input_dtypes=input_dtype, # frontend=frontend, # test_flags=test_flags, # fn_tree=fn_tree, # on_device=on_device, # x=x[0], # ) # max_pool3d @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.max_pool3d", x_k_s_p=helpers.arrays_for_pooling( min_dims=5, max_dims=5, min_side=1, max_side=4, only_explicit_padding=True, return_dilation=True, data_format="channel_first", ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ceil_mode=st.sampled_from([True, False]), ) def test_mindspore_max_pool3d( x_k_s_p, ceil_mode, *, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): input_dtypes, x, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation = x_k_s_p padding = (padding[0][0], padding[1][0], padding[2][0]) helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, dilation=dilation, ceil_mode=ceil_mode, ) # pad @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.pad", input=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), num_arrays=1, shared_dtype=True, min_value=2, max_value=5, min_dim_size=4, ), pad_width=st.lists( st.tuples( st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=5), st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=5) ) ), mode=st.sampled_from(["constant", "reflect", "replicate", "circular"]), constant_values=st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0), ) def test_mindspore_pad( *, input, pad_width, mode, constant_values, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, backend_fw, test_flags, ): helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input[0], frontend=frontend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=input[1], pad_width=pad_width, mode=mode, constant_values=constant_values, ) # selu @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.selu", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), safety_factor_scale="log", small_abs_safety_factor=20, ), ) def test_mindspore_selu( *, dtype_and_x, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, backend_fw, test_flags, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, frontend=frontend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # softshrink @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.softshrink", dtype_and_input=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), ), lambd=helpers.floats(min_value=0, max_value=1, exclude_min=True), ) def test_mindspore_softshrink( *, dtype_and_input, lambd, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_input helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], lambd=lambd, ) # gumbel_softmax @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.function.nn_func.gumbel_softmax", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), ), tau=st.floats(min_value=0), hard=st.booleans(), dim=st.integers(), test_with_out=st.just(False), test_inplace=st.booleans(), ) def test_torch_gumbel_softmax( *, dtype_and_x, tau, hard, dim, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, test_values=False, logits=x[0], tau=tau, hard=hard, dim=dim, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_mindspore/test_ops/test_function/test_mindspore_nn_func.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 10886 }
# global from hypothesis import strategies as st, settings, assume # local import ivy import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers.testing_helpers import handle_frontend_test # can_cast @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.can_cast", from_=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), to=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), casting=st.sampled_from(["no", "equiv", "safe", "same_kind", "unsafe"]), test_with_out=st.just(False), number_positional_args=st.just(3), ) @settings(max_examples=200) def test_numpy_can_cast( *, from_, to, casting, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=[], backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, from_=from_[0], to=to[0], casting=casting, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.min_scalar_type", x=st.one_of( helpers.ints(min_value=-256, max_value=256), st.booleans(), helpers.floats(min_value=-256, max_value=256), ), ) @settings(max_examples=200) def test_numpy_min_scalar_type( *, x, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): # skip torch backend uint if ivy.current_backend_str() == "torch": assume(not isinstance(x, int)) ret, frontend_ret = helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=[], backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, a=x, test_values=False, ) assert ret._ivy_dtype == frontend_ret[0].name # promote_types @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.promote_types", type1=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), type2=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) # there are 100 combinations of dtypes, so run 200 examples to make sure all are tested @settings(max_examples=200) def test_numpy_promote_types( *, type1, type2, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): ret, frontend_ret = helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=[], backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, type1=type1[0], type2=type2[0], test_values=False, ) assert ret._ivy_dtype == frontend_ret[0].name
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_numpy/test_data_type_routines/test_general.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1229 }
# global from hypothesis import strategies as st, assume # local import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import handle_frontend_test from ivy_tests.test_ivy.test_functional.test_core.test_linalg import ( _get_dtype_and_matrix, _matrix_rank_helper, ) from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers.hypothesis_helpers.general_helpers import ( matrix_is_stable, ) # --- Helpers --- # # --------------- # # norm @st.composite def _norm_helper(draw): def _matrix_norm_example(): x_dtype, x = draw( helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), shape=helpers.get_shape(min_num_dims=2, max_num_dims=2), min_num_dims=2, max_num_dims=2, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=10, min_value=-1e4, max_value=1e4, large_abs_safety_factor=10, small_abs_safety_factor=10, safety_factor_scale="log", ), ) ord = draw(st.sampled_from(["fro", "nuc"])) axis = (-2, -1) check_stable = True return x_dtype, x, axis, ord, check_stable def _vector_norm_example(): x_dtype, x, axis = draw( helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_num_dims=2, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=2, max_dim_size=10, valid_axis=True, force_int_axis=True, min_value=-1e04, max_value=1e04, large_abs_safety_factor=10, small_abs_safety_factor=10, safety_factor_scale="log", ) ) ints = draw(helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=2)) floats = draw(helpers.floats(min_value=1, max_value=2)) ord = draw(st.sampled_from([ints, floats, float("inf"), float("-inf")])) check_stable = False return x_dtype, x, axis, ord, check_stable is_vec_norm = draw(st.booleans()) if is_vec_norm: return _vector_norm_example() return _matrix_norm_example() # --- Main --- # # ------------ # # det @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.linalg.det", dtype_and_x=_get_dtype_and_matrix(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_numpy_det( dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-2, a=x[0], ) # matrix_rank @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.linalg.matrix_rank", dtype_x_hermitian_atol_rtol=_matrix_rank_helper(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_numpy_matrix_rank( dtype_x_hermitian_atol_rtol, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x, hermitian, atol, rtol = dtype_x_hermitian_atol_rtol assume(matrix_is_stable(x, cond_limit=10)) helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, A=x, tol=atol, hermitian=hermitian, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.linalg.norm", norm_values=_norm_helper(), keepdims=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_numpy_norm( norm_values, keepdims, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x, axis, ord, check_stable = norm_values if check_stable: assume(matrix_is_stable(x[0], cond_limit=10)) helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ord=ord, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, ) # slogdet @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.linalg.slogdet", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), max_value=5, min_value=2, shape=st.tuples( st.shared(st.integers(1, 5), key="sq"), st.shared(st.integers(1, 5), key="sq"), ), num_arrays=1, safety_factor_scale="log", ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_numpy_slogdet( dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x assume(matrix_is_stable(x[0])) ret, ret_gt = helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, a=x[0], test_values=False, ) for ret_f, ret_gtt in zip(ret, ret_gt): frontend_ret = ret_f frontend_ret_gt = ret_gtt ret_flattened = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=frontend_ret, backend=backend_fw) ret_gt_flattened = helpers.flatten_and_to_np( ret=frontend_ret_gt, backend=frontend ) helpers.value_test( ret_np_flat=ret_flattened, ret_np_from_gt_flat=ret_gt_flattened, rtol=1e-1, atol=1e-1, backend=backend_fw, ground_truth_backend=frontend, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.linalg.trace", gt_fn_tree="numpy.trace", dtype_and_x_axes=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), valid_axis=True, min_axes_size=2, max_axes_size=2, min_num_dims=2, large_abs_safety_factor=24, small_abs_safety_factor=24, safety_factor_scale="log", ), test_with_out=st.just(False), offset=st.integers(min_value=-4, max_value=4), ) def test_numpy_trace( dtype_and_x_axes, offset, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, gt_fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x, axes = dtype_and_x_axes helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, gt_fn_tree=gt_fn_tree, on_device=on_device, rtol=1e-2, a=x[0], offset=offset, axis1=axes[0], axis2=axes[1], )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_numpy/test_linalg/test_norms_and_other_numbers.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 3610 }
# global from hypothesis import assume # local import ivy from hypothesis import strategies as st import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import handle_frontend_test # append @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.append", dtype_values_axis=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), num_arrays=2, shape=helpers.get_shape( min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=5, ), shared_dtype=True, valid_axis=True, allow_neg_axes=True, force_int_axis=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_numpy_append( dtype_values_axis, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): input_dtype, values, axis = dtype_values_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, arr=values[0], values=values[1], axis=axis, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.trim_zeros", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=1 ), trim=st.sampled_from(["f", "b", "fb"]), ) def test_numpy_trim_zeros( frontend, on_device, *, dtype_and_x, trim, fn_tree, test_flags, backend_fw, ): input_dtypes, x = dtype_and_x if ivy.current_backend_str() == "paddle": assume(input_dtypes[0] not in ["float16"]) helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, filt=x[0], trim=trim, ) # unique @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.unique", dtype_x_axis=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), force_int_axis=True, valid_axis=True, ), return_index=st.booleans(), return_inverse=st.booleans(), return_counts=st.booleans(), none_axis=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_numpy_unique( *, dtype_x_axis, return_index, return_inverse, return_counts, none_axis, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): input_dtypes, xs, axis = dtype_x_axis if none_axis: axis = None helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, array=xs[0], return_index=return_index, return_inverse=return_inverse, return_counts=return_counts, axis=axis, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_numpy/test_manipulation_routines/test_adding_and_removing_elements.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1493 }
# global from hypothesis import strategies as st import ivy_tests.test_ivy.test_frontends.test_numpy.helpers as np_frontend_helpers # local import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import handle_frontend_test # angle @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.angle", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("complex") ), deg=st.booleans(), ) def test_numpy_angle( dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, deg, ): input_dtypes, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, z=x[0], deg=deg, ) # conj @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.conj", aliases=["numpy.conjugate"], dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float_and_complex"), ), number_positional_args=np_frontend_helpers.get_num_positional_args_ufunc( fn_name="conj" ), ) def test_numpy_conj( on_device, frontend, *, dtype_and_x, fn_tree, test_flags, backend_fw, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # imag @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.imag", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values(available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid")), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_numpy_imag( dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtypes, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, val=x[0], ) # real @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.real", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values(available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid")), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_numpy_real( dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtypes, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, val=x[0], )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_numpy/test_mathematical_functions/test_handling_complex_numbers.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1342 }
import pytest @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def frontend(): return "paddle"
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_paddle/conftest.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 31 }
# global from hypothesis import strategies as st # local import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers.testing_helpers import handle_frontend_test from ivy_tests.test_ivy.test_functional.test_nn.test_norms import ( _generate_data_layer_norm, ) # layer_norm @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="paddle.nn.functional.layer_norm", values_tuple=_generate_data_layer_norm( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), eps=st.floats(min_value=0.01, max_value=0.1), ) def test_paddle_layer_norm( *, values_tuple, normalized_shape, eps, test_flags, frontend, on_device, backend_fw, fn_tree, ): (dtype, x, normalized_shape, scale, offset) = values_tuple helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, fn_tree=fn_tree, x=x[0], normalized_shape=normalized_shape, weight=scale[0], bias=offset[0], epsilon=eps, ) # normalize @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="paddle.nn.functional.normalize", dtype_and_x_and_axis=helpers.arrays_and_axes( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes(kind="valid"), num=1, return_dtype=True, force_int_axis=True, ), p=st.floats(min_value=0.1, max_value=2), negative_axis=st.booleans(), ) def test_paddle_normalize( *, dtype_and_x_and_axis, p, negative_axis, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, on_device, fn_tree, ): dtype, x, axis = dtype_and_x_and_axis if axis: axis = -axis if negative_axis else axis else: axis = 0 helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, fn_tree=fn_tree, x=x[0], p=p, axis=axis, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_paddle/test_nn/test_functional/test_norm.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 977 }
# global from hypothesis import strategies as st import pytest import numpy as np # local import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import handle_frontend_method CLASS_TREE = "ivy.functional.frontends.pandas.DataFrame" @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_method( class_tree=CLASS_TREE, init_tree="pandas.DataFrame", method_name="abs", dtype_x=helpers.dtype_and_values(available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid")), ) def test_pandas_series_abs( dtype_x, frontend, frontend_method_data, init_flags, method_flags, backend_fw, on_device, ): # todo add castable dtypes for output input_dtype, x = dtype_x helpers.test_frontend_method( init_input_dtypes=input_dtype, init_all_as_kwargs_np={ "data": x[0], }, method_input_dtypes=input_dtype, method_all_as_kwargs_np={}, frontend_method_data=frontend_method_data, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, frontend=frontend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, on_device=on_device, ) @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="testing pipeline fixes") @handle_frontend_method( class_tree=CLASS_TREE, init_tree="pandas.DataFrame", method_name="mean", dtype_x=helpers.dtype_and_values(available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid")), skipna=st.booleans(), axis=st.sampled_from([None, 0, 1, "index", "columns"]), ) def test_pandas_series_mean( dtype_x, frontend, frontend_method_data, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, backend_fw, skipna, axis, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_x helpers.test_frontend_method( init_input_dtypes=input_dtype, init_all_as_kwargs_np={ "data": x[0], }, method_input_dtypes=input_dtype, method_all_as_kwargs_np={"skipna": skipna, "axis": axis}, frontend_method_data=frontend_method_data, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, frontend=frontend, on_device=on_device, backend_to_test=backend_fw, ) @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="testing pipeline fixes") @handle_frontend_method( class_tree=CLASS_TREE, init_tree="pandas.DataFrame", method_name="sum", dtype_x=helpers.dtype_and_values(available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid")), skipna=st.booleans(), axis=st.sampled_from([None, 0, 1, "index", "columns"]), min_count=st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=5), ) def test_pandas_series_sum( dtype_x, frontend, frontend_method_data, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, backend_fw, skipna, axis, min_count, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_x helpers.test_frontend_method( init_input_dtypes=input_dtype, init_all_as_kwargs_np={ "data": x[0], }, method_input_dtypes=input_dtype, method_all_as_kwargs_np={ "skipna": skipna, "axis": axis, "min_count": min_count, }, frontend_method_data=frontend_method_data, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, frontend=frontend, on_device=on_device, backend_to_test=backend_fw, ) @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_method( class_tree=CLASS_TREE, init_tree="pandas.DataFrame", method_name="to_numpy", dtype_x=helpers.dtype_and_values(available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid")), na_values=st.sampled_from([None, np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]), copy=st.booleans(), ) def test_pandas_series_to_numpy( dtype_x, frontend, na_values, copy, frontend_method_data, backend_fw, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_x helpers.test_frontend_method( init_input_dtypes=input_dtype, init_all_as_kwargs_np={ "data": x[0], }, method_input_dtypes=input_dtype, method_all_as_kwargs_np={ "na_values": na_values, "copy": copy, }, frontend_method_data=frontend_method_data, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, frontend=frontend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, on_device=on_device, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_pandas/test_dataframe.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 2087 }
# global from hypothesis import given, strategies as st # local import ivy import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import BackendHandler from ivy.functional.frontends.tensorflow.func_wrapper import ( outputs_to_frontend_arrays, to_ivy_arrays_and_back, handle_tf_dtype, ) from ivy.functional.frontends.tensorflow.tensor import EagerTensor import ivy.functional.frontends.tensorflow as tf_frontend import ivy.functional.frontends.numpy as np_frontend # --- Helpers --- # # --------------- # @st.composite def _dtype_helper(draw): return draw( st.sampled_from( [ draw(helpers.get_dtypes("valid", prune_function=False, full=False))[0], ivy.as_native_dtype( draw(helpers.get_dtypes("valid", prune_function=False, full=False))[ 0 ] ), draw( st.sampled_from(list(tf_frontend.tensorflow_enum_to_type.values())) ), draw(st.sampled_from(list(tf_frontend.tensorflow_enum_to_type.keys()))), np_frontend.dtype( draw(helpers.get_dtypes("valid", prune_function=False, full=False))[ 0 ] ), draw(st.sampled_from(list(np_frontend.numpy_scalar_to_dtype.keys()))), ] ) ) def _fn(x=None, dtype=None): if ivy.exists(dtype): return dtype return x # --- Main --- # # ------------ # @given( dtype=_dtype_helper(), ) def test_tensorflow_handle_tf_dtype(dtype): ret_dtype = handle_tf_dtype(_fn)(dtype=dtype) assert isinstance(ret_dtype, ivy.Dtype) @given( dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", prune_function=False) ), ) def test_tensorflow_inputs_to_ivy_arrays(dtype_and_x, backend_fw): x_dtype, x = dtype_and_x with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: _import_fn = ivy_backend.utils.dynamic_import.import_module _import_fn("ivy.functional.frontends.tensorflow.func_wrapper") _tensor_module = _import_fn("ivy.functional.frontends.tensorflow.tensor") # check for ivy array input_ivy = ivy_backend.array(x[0], dtype=x_dtype[0]) output = ivy_backend.inputs_to_ivy_arrays(_fn)(input_ivy) assert isinstance(output, ivy_backend.Array) assert input_ivy.dtype == output.dtype assert ivy_backend.all(input_ivy == output) # check for native array input_native = ivy_backend.native_array(input_ivy) output = ivy_backend.inputs_to_ivy_arrays(_fn)(input_native) assert isinstance(output, ivy_backend.Array) assert ivy_backend.as_ivy_dtype(input_native.dtype) == output.dtype assert ivy_backend.all(input_native == output.data) # check for frontend array input_frontend = _tensor_module.EagerTensor(x[0]) output = ivy_backend.inputs_to_ivy_arrays(_fn)(input_frontend) assert isinstance(output, ivy_backend.Array) assert input_frontend.dtype.ivy_dtype == output.dtype assert ivy_backend.all(input_frontend.ivy_array == output) @given( dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", prune_function=False) ), ) def test_tensorflow_outputs_to_frontend_arrays(dtype_and_x): x_dtype, x = dtype_and_x # check for ivy array input_ivy = ivy.array(x[0], dtype=x_dtype[0]) output = outputs_to_frontend_arrays(_fn)(input_ivy) assert isinstance(output, EagerTensor) assert input_ivy.dtype == output.dtype.ivy_dtype assert ivy.all(input_ivy == output.ivy_array) @given( dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", prune_function=False) ), ) def test_tensorflow_to_ivy_arrays_and_back(dtype_and_x): x_dtype, x = dtype_and_x # check for ivy array input_ivy = ivy.array(x[0], dtype=x_dtype[0]) output = to_ivy_arrays_and_back(_fn)(input_ivy) assert isinstance(output, EagerTensor) assert input_ivy.dtype == output.dtype.ivy_dtype assert ivy.all(input_ivy == output.ivy_array) # check for native array input_native = ivy.native_array(input_ivy) output = to_ivy_arrays_and_back(_fn)(input_native) assert isinstance(output, EagerTensor) assert ivy.as_ivy_dtype(input_native.dtype) == output.dtype.ivy_dtype assert ivy.all(input_native == output.ivy_array.data) # check for frontend array input_frontend = EagerTensor(x[0]) output = to_ivy_arrays_and_back(_fn)(input_frontend) assert isinstance(output, EagerTensor) assert input_frontend.dtype == output.dtype assert ivy.all(input_frontend.ivy_array == output.ivy_array)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_tensorflow/test_func_wrapper.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 2269 }
# global import sys import ivy from hypothesis import assume, strategies as st from ivy.functional.frontends.tensorflow.nn import _convolution_broadcast_helper from ivy_tests.test_ivy.test_frontends.test_tensorflow.test_nn import _x_and_filters import numpy as np import math # local import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers.globals as test_globals from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import ( handle_frontend_test, assert_all_close, BackendHandler, ) # for data generation dtype_shared = st.shared(st.sampled_from(helpers.get_dtypes("numeric")), key="dtype") # --- Helpers --- # # --------------- # @st.composite def _LinSpace_helper(draw): shape = () dtype = draw(st.sampled_from(["float32", "float64"])) # Param: start start = draw( helpers.array_values( dtype=dtype, shape=shape, min_value=-5.0, max_value=5.0, ), ) # Param: stop stop = draw( helpers.array_values( dtype=dtype, shape=shape, min_value=-4.0, max_value=10.0, ), ) return [dtype] * 2, start, stop # noinspection DuplicatedCode @st.composite def _arrays_idx_n_dtypes(draw): num_dims = draw(st.shared(helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=4), key="num_dims")) num_arrays = draw( st.shared(helpers.ints(min_value=2, max_value=4), key="num_arrays") ) common_shape = draw( helpers.list_of_size( x=helpers.ints(min_value=2, max_value=3), size=num_dims - 1, ) ) unique_idx = draw(helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=num_dims - 1)) unique_dims = draw( helpers.list_of_size( x=helpers.ints(min_value=2, max_value=3), size=num_arrays, ) ) xs = [] input_dtypes = draw( helpers.array_dtypes( available_dtypes=draw(helpers.get_dtypes("float")), shared_dtype=True ) ) for ud, dt in zip(unique_dims, input_dtypes): x = draw( helpers.array_values( shape=common_shape[:unique_idx] + [ud] + common_shape[unique_idx:], dtype=dt, ) ) xs.append(x) return xs, input_dtypes, unique_idx @st.composite def _dtypes(draw): return draw( st.shared( helpers.list_of_size( x=st.sampled_from(draw(helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"))), size=1, ), key="dtype", ) ) @st.composite def _fill_value(draw): dtype = draw(_dtypes())[0] with BackendHandler.update_backend(test_globals.CURRENT_BACKEND) as ivy_backend: if ivy_backend.is_uint_dtype(dtype): return draw(helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=5)) elif ivy_backend.is_int_dtype(dtype): return draw(helpers.ints(min_value=-5, max_value=5)) return draw(helpers.floats(min_value=-5, max_value=5)) @st.composite def _get_shared_dtype(draw): return st.shared(st.sampled_from(draw(helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"))), key="dtype") @st.composite def _get_splits(draw, as_list=False): """Generate valid splits, either by generating an integer that evenly divides the axis or a list of splits that sum to the length of the axis being split.""" shape = draw(st.shared(helpers.get_shape(min_num_dims=1), key="value_shape")) axis = draw( st.shared(helpers.get_axis(shape=shape, force_int=True), key="target_axis") ) @st.composite def get_int_split(draw): if shape[axis] == 0: return 0 factors = [] for i in range(1, shape[axis] + 1): if shape[axis] % i == 0: factors.append(i) return draw(st.sampled_from(factors)) @st.composite def get_list_split(draw): num_or_size_splits = [] while sum(num_or_size_splits) < shape[axis]: split_value = draw( helpers.ints( min_value=1, max_value=shape[axis] - sum(num_or_size_splits), ) ) num_or_size_splits.append(split_value) return num_or_size_splits if as_list: return draw(get_list_split()) else: return draw(get_int_split()) # Tile @st.composite def _multiple_shape_helper(draw): input_dtype, input_array, input_shape = draw( helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), ret_shape=True ) ) input_dims = len(input_shape) dt_n_multiples = draw( helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=["int32", "int64"], min_value=0, max_value=10, shape=draw( helpers.get_shape( min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=1, min_dim_size=input_dims, max_dim_size=input_dims, ) ), ) ) return input_dtype, input_array, dt_n_multiples @st.composite def _pad_helper(draw, return_constant_values=False): dtype, input, shape = draw( helpers.dtype_and_values( min_num_dims=1, ret_shape=True, ) ) ndim = len(shape) padding_dtype, paddings = draw( helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=["int32", "int64"], shape=(ndim, 2), min_value=0, max_value=10, ) ) if return_constant_values: _, constant_values = draw( helpers.dtype_and_values( dtype=dtype, shape=(1,), ) ) return dtype, input[0], padding_dtype, paddings[0], constant_values[0][0] return dtype, input[0], padding_dtype, paddings[0] @st.composite def _permute_dims_helper(draw): shape = draw(st.shared(helpers.get_shape(min_num_dims=1), key="shape")) dims = [x for x in range(len(shape))] permutation = draw(st.permutations(dims)) return permutation @st.composite def _pow_helper_shared_dtype(draw): dtype, x = draw( helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ) ) dtype1, dtype2 = dtype x1, x2 = x if "int" in dtype2: x2 = ivy.nested_map(lambda x: abs(x), x2, include_derived={"list": True}) if ivy.is_int_dtype(dtype2): max_val = ivy.iinfo(dtype2).max else: max_val = ivy.finfo(dtype2).max max_x1 = np.max(np.abs(x1)) if max_x1 in [0, 1]: max_value = None else: max_value = int(math.log(max_val) / math.log(max_x1)) if abs(max_value) > abs(max_val) / 40 or max_value < 0: max_value = None return [dtype1, dtype2], [x1, x2] # Reshape @st.composite def _reshape_helper(draw): # generate a shape s.t len(shape) > 0 shape = draw(helpers.get_shape(min_num_dims=1)) reshape_shape = draw(helpers.reshape_shapes(shape=shape)) dtype = draw(helpers.array_dtypes(num_arrays=1)) x = draw(helpers.array_values(dtype=dtype[0], shape=shape)) return x, dtype, reshape_shape @st.composite def _segment_ops_helper(draw): shape_x = draw(st.integers(min_value=3, max_value=100)) shape_y = draw(st.integers(min_value=3, max_value=100)) max_val = draw(st.integers(min_value=3, max_value=9)) s_dtype = draw( st.sampled_from( [ "int32", "int64", ] ) ) data_dtype, data = draw( helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), num_arrays=1, shape=(shape_x, shape_y), min_value=-max_val, max_value=max_val, ) ) seg_dtype, segment_ids = draw( helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=[s_dtype], num_arrays=1, shape=(shape_x,), min_value=0, max_value=max_val, ) ) return data_dtype + seg_dtype, data, segment_ids, max_val @st.composite def _squeeze_helper(draw): shape = draw(st.shared(helpers.get_shape(), key="value_shape")) valid_axes = [] for index, axis in enumerate(shape): if axis == 1: valid_axes.append(index) valid_axes.insert(0, None) axis = draw(st.sampled_from(valid_axes)) return [axis] if axis is not None else axis @st.composite def df(draw, data_format): data_format = draw(data_format) return data_format # Reverse @st.composite def reverse_helper(draw): dtype, x, shape = draw( helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=8, ret_shape=True, ) ) axis_dtype, axis = draw( helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=["bool"], min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=1, num_arrays=1, shape=(len(shape),), ) ) return dtype, x, axis_dtype, axis # --- Main --- # # ------------ # # Todo: Revise strategies once reimplemented in frontend # AccumulateNV2 @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.AccumulateNV2", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), shape=helpers.get_shape(min_num_dims=1), ) def test_tensorflow_AccumulateNV2( dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, shape, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, inputs=x[0], shape=shape, ) # Acos @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Acos", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Acos( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # Acosh @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Acosh", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Acosh( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # Add @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Add", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Add( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) # AddN @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.AddN", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), min_num_dims=1, large_abs_safety_factor=8, small_abs_safety_factor=8, safety_factor_scale="log", min_value=-1e04, max_value=1e04, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_AddN( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, inputs=x[0], ) # AddV2 @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.AddV2", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_AddV2( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], y=x[1], ) # Angle @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Angle", dtype_and_xs=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("complex"), ), Tout=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Angle( # NOQA *, dtype_and_xs, Tout, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_xs if input_dtype[0] == "complex128": Tout = "float64" elif input_dtype[0] == "complex64": Tout = "float32" if Tout else None helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=xs[0], Tout=Tout, ) # ApproximateEqual @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.ApproximateEqual", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, large_abs_safety_factor=20, small_abs_safety_factor=20, safety_factor_scale="log", ), tol=st.floats(1e-05, 1e-03), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_ApproximateEqual( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, tol, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], tolerance=tol, ) # argmax @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.ArgMax", dtype_x_axis=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), valid_axis=True, force_int_axis=True, min_num_dims=1, min_value=-5, max_value=5, allow_inf=False, ), output_type=st.sampled_from(["int16", "int32", "int64"]), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_ArgMax( # NOQA *, dtype_x_axis, output_type, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x, axis = dtype_x_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], dimension=axis, output_type=output_type, ) # ArgMin @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.ArgMin", dtype_x_axis=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), valid_axis=True, force_int_axis=True, min_num_dims=1, min_value=-5, max_value=5, allow_inf=False, ), output_type=st.sampled_from(["int32", "int64"]), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_ArgMin( # NOQA *, dtype_x_axis, output_type, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x, axis = dtype_x_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], dimension=axis, output_type=output_type, ) # Asin @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Asin", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Asin( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # Atan @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Atan", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Atan( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # Atan2 @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Atan2", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Atan2( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, on_device, backend_fw, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x # Assuming x and y have the same shape helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, y=xs[0], x=xs[1], ) # Atanh @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Atanh", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Atanh( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # Todo: Revise strategies once reimplemented in frontend # BandedTriangularSolve @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.BandedTriangularSolve", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), lower=st.booleans(), adjoint=st.booleans(), ) def test_tensorflow_BandedTriangularSolve( dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, lower, adjoint, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, matrix=x[0], rhs=x[1], lower=lower, adjoint=adjoint, ) # Todo: Revise strategies once reimplemented in frontend # BatchMatMul @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.BatchMatMul", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), adj_x=st.booleans(), adj_y=st.booleans(), ) def test_tensorflow_BatchMatMul( dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, adj_x, adj_y, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], y=x[1], adj_x=adj_x, adj_y=adj_y, ) # Todo: Revise strategies once reimplemented in frontend # BatchMatMulV2 @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.BatchMatMulV2", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), adj_x=st.booleans(), adj_y=st.booleans(), ) def test_tensorflow_BatchMatMulV2( dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, adj_x, adj_y, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], y=x[1], adj_x=adj_x, adj_y=adj_y, ) # Todo: Revise strategies once reimplemented in frontend # BatchMatMulV3 @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.BatchMatMulV3", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), Tout=st.sampled_from(["float32", "float64"]), adj_x=st.booleans(), adj_y=st.booleans(), ) def test_tensorflow_BatchMatMulV3( dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, Tout, adj_x, adj_y, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], y=x[1], Tout=Tout, adj_x=adj_x, adj_y=adj_y, ) # BitwiseAnd @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.BitwiseAnd", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_BitwiseAnd( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) # BitwiseOr @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.BitwiseOr", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_BitwiseOr( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) # BitwiseXor @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.BitwiseXor", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_BitwiseXor( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) # BroadcastTo @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.BroadcastTo", array_and_shape=helpers.array_and_broadcastable_shape(_get_shared_dtype()), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_BroadcastTo( # NOQA *, array_and_shape, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): x, to_shape = array_and_shape helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=[x.dtype], backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x, shape=to_shape, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Ceil", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Ceil( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Cholesky", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_value=0, max_value=10, shape=helpers.ints(min_value=2, max_value=5).map(lambda x: (x, x)), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Cholesky( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x x = x[0] x = ( np.matmul(x.T, x) + np.identity(x.shape[0]) * 1e-3 ) # make symmetric positive-definite helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4, ) # Todo: Revise strategies once reimplemented in frontend # Complex @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Complex", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), Tout=st.sampled_from(["complex64", "complex128"]), ) def test_tensorflow_Complex( dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, Tout, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, real=x[0], imag=x[1], Tout=Tout, ) # Concat @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Concat", xs_n_input_dtypes_n_unique_idx=_arrays_idx_n_dtypes(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Concat( # NOQA *, xs_n_input_dtypes_n_unique_idx, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): xs, input_dtypes, unique_idx = xs_n_input_dtypes_n_unique_idx helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, concat_dim=unique_idx, values=xs, ) # ConcatV2 @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.ConcatV2", xs_n_input_dtypes_n_unique_idx=_arrays_idx_n_dtypes(), test_with_out=st.just(False), number_positional_args=st.just(0), ) def test_tensorflow_ConcatV2( xs_n_input_dtypes_n_unique_idx, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, ): xs, input_dtypes, unique_idx = xs_n_input_dtypes_n_unique_idx helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, values=xs, axis=unique_idx, ) # Conj @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Conj", dtype_and_xs=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("complex"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Conj( # NOQA *, dtype_and_xs, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_xs helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=xs[0], ) # Conv2D @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Conv2D", x_f_d_df=_x_and_filters( dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False), data_format=st.sampled_from(["NHWC"]), padding=st.sampled_from(["SAME", "VALID", "EXPLICIT"]), type="2d", dilation_min=1, dilation_max=1, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), number_positional_args=st.just(0), ) def test_tensorflow_Conv2D( *, x_f_d_df, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): input_dtype, x, filters, dilation, data_format, stride, padding = x_f_d_df channel_index = data_format.find("C") stride = _convolution_broadcast_helper( stride, num_spatial_dims=2, channel_index=channel_index, name="strides" ) dilation = _convolution_broadcast_helper( dilation, num_spatial_dims=2, channel_index=channel_index, name="dilations" ) explicit_padding = None if isinstance(padding, list): explicit_padding = padding padding = "EXPLICIT" helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x, filter=filters, strides=stride, padding=padding, explicit_paddings=explicit_padding, data_format=data_format, dilations=dilation, use_cudnn_on_gpu=True, ) # Conv3D @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Conv3D", x_f_d_df=_x_and_filters( dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False), data_format=st.sampled_from(["NDHWC"]), padding=st.sampled_from(["SAME", "VALID"]), type="3d", # Tensorflow backprop doesn't support dilations more than 1 on CPU dilation_min=1, dilation_max=1, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), number_positional_args=st.just(0), ) def test_tensorflow_Conv3D( *, x_f_d_df, test_flags, frontend, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, ): input_dtype, x, filters, dilation, data_format, stride, padding = x_f_d_df # Broadcast stirdes and dilations to correct dims for the ground truth # backend func to run correctly stride = _convolution_broadcast_helper( stride, num_spatial_dims=3, channel_index=4, name="strides" ) dilation = _convolution_broadcast_helper( dilation, num_spatial_dims=3, channel_index=4, name="dilations" ) helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x, filter=filters, strides=stride, padding=padding, data_format=data_format, dilations=dilation, ) # Cos @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Cos", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Cos( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # Cosh @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Cosh", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Cosh( *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # Cross @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Cross", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=3, max_dim_size=3, safety_factor_scale="log", num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Cross( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, a=xs[0], b=xs[1], ) # Cumprod @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Cumprod", dtype_x_axis=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), valid_axis=True, force_int_axis=True, min_num_dims=1, min_value=-5, max_value=5, ), exclusive=st.booleans(), reverse=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Cumprod( # NOQA *, dtype_x_axis, exclusive, reverse, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x, axis = dtype_x_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], axis=axis, exclusive=exclusive, reverse=reverse, ) # Cumsum @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Cumsum", dtype_x_axis=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), valid_axis=True, force_int_axis=True, min_num_dims=1, min_value=-5, max_value=5, ), exclusive=st.booleans(), reverse=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Cumsum( # NOQA *, dtype_x_axis, exclusive, reverse, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x, axis = dtype_x_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, rtol=1e-02, atol=1e-02, x=x[0], axis=axis, exclusive=exclusive, reverse=reverse, ) # Todo: Revise strategies once reimplemented in frontend # CumulativeLogsumexp @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.CumulativeLogsumexp", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), axis=st.just(0), test_with_out=st.just(False), exclusive=st.booleans(), reverse=st.booleans(), ) def test_tensorflow_CumulativeLogsumexp( dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, axis, exclusive, reverse, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], axis=axis, exclusive=exclusive, reverse=reverse, ) # Todo: Revise strategies once reimplemented in frontend # DebugGradientIdentity @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.DebugGradientIdentity", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_DebugGradientIdentity( dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Diag", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=[ "float32", "float64", "int32", "int64", ], min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=1, min_value=-1e30, max_value=1e30, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Diag( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, diagonal=x[0], ) # Div @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Div", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Div( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) # Elu @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Elu", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), min_value=-3, max_value=3, min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=3, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=3, ), name=st.just(None), test_with_out=st.just(False), number_positional_args=st.just(0), ) def test_tensorflow_Elu( *, dtype_and_x, name, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, features=x[0], name=name, ) # Equal @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Equal", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Equal( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], y=x[1], ) # EuclideanNorm @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.EuclideanNorm", dtype_values_axis=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_num_dims=3, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=4, min_axis=-3, max_axis=2, valid_axis=True, allow_neg_axes=True, ), keep_dims=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), number_positional_args=st.just(0), ) def test_tensorflow_EuclideanNorm( dtype_values_axis, keep_dims, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, values, axis = dtype_values_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=values[0], axis=axis, keep_dims=keep_dims, ) # Exp @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Exp", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Exp( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # Expm1 @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Expm1", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Expm1( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # FFT @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.FFT", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( min_num_dims=1, min_dim_size=2, large_abs_safety_factor=15, small_abs_safety_factor=15, safety_factor_scale="log", available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("complex"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_FFT( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], rtol=1e-02, atol=1e-02, ) # FFT2D @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.FFT2D", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("complex"), min_value=-1e5, max_value=1e5, min_num_dims=2, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=2, max_dim_size=5, large_abs_safety_factor=2.5, small_abs_safety_factor=2.5, safety_factor_scale="log", ), ) def test_tensorflow_FFT2D( *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], rtol=1e-02, atol=1e-02, ) # FFT3D @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.FFT3D", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("complex"), min_value=-1e5, max_value=1e5, min_num_dims=3, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=2, max_dim_size=5, large_abs_safety_factor=2.5, small_abs_safety_factor=2.5, safety_factor_scale="log", ), ) def test_tensorflow_FFT3D( *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], rtol=1e-02, atol=1e-02, ) # fill @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Fill", shape=helpers.get_shape( allow_none=False, min_num_dims=1, min_dim_size=1, ), fill_value=_fill_value(), dtypes=_dtypes(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Fill( # NOQA *, shape, fill_value, dtypes, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, rtol=1e-05, dims=shape, value=fill_value, ) # Floor @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Floor", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Floor( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # FloorDiv @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.FloorDiv", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_FloorDiv( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) # FloorMod @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.FloorMod", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_FloorMod( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) # Gather @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Gather", params_indices_others=helpers.array_indices_axis( array_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), indices_dtypes=["int32", "int64"], disable_random_axis=True, axis_zero=True, min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=10, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Gather( # NOQA *, params_indices_others, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtypes, params, indices = params_indices_others helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, params=params, indices=indices, validate_indices=True, ) # GatherNd @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.GatherNd", params_indices_axis_batch_dims=helpers.array_indices_axis( array_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), indices_dtypes=["int32", "int64"], min_num_dims=3, max_num_dims=3, min_dim_size=3, max_dim_size=3, axis_zero=True, disable_random_axis=True, indices_same_dims=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_GatherNd( *, params_indices_axis_batch_dims, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtypes, params, indices = params_indices_axis_batch_dims helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, params=params, indices=indices, ) # Greater @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Greater", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Greater( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], y=x[1], ) # GreaterEqual @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.GreaterEqual", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_GreaterEqual( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], y=x[1], ) # Identity @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Identity", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Identity( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], ) # IdentityN @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.IdentityN", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_IdentityN( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Igamma", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, abs_smallest_val=1e-5, min_num_dims=2, max_num_dims=2, min_dim_size=3, max_dim_size=3, min_value=2, max_value=100, allow_nan=False, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Igamma( *, dtype_and_x, on_device, fn_tree, backend_fw, frontend, test_flags, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, frontend=frontend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, rtol=1e-04, a=xs[0], x=xs[1], ) # Imag @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Imag", dtype_and_xs=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), ), send_Tout=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Imag( *, dtype_and_xs, send_Tout, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, on_device, backend_fw, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_xs if input_dtype[0] == "complex128": send_Tout = "float64" elif input_dtype[0] == "complex64": send_Tout = "float32" if send_Tout else None helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=xs[0], Tout=send_Tout, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Inv", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric") ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Inv( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.InvGrad", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_num_dims=1, num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_InvGrad( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, y=x[0], dy=x[1], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Invert", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Invert( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.LeakyRelu", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_num_dims=1, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), alpha=helpers.floats(min_value=0, max_value=1), ) def test_tensorflow_LeakyReLU( *, dtype_and_x, alpha, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x return helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, features=x[0], alpha=alpha, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.LeftShift", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_LeftShift( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) # Less @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Less", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Less( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) # LessEqual @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.LessEqual", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_LessEqual( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.LinSpace", dtype_and_params=_LinSpace_helper(), num=helpers.ints(min_value=2, max_value=10), ) def test_tensorflow_LinSpace( *, dtype_and_params, num, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): dtype, start, stop = dtype_and_params helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, start=start, stop=stop, num=num, on_device=on_device, ) # Log @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Log", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Log( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # Log1p @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Log1p", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), safety_factor_scale="log", ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Log1p( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # LogSoftmax @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.LogSoftmax", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), min_num_dims=1, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_LogSoftmax( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, logits=x[0], ) # LogicalNot @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.LogicalNot", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( dtype=["bool"], num_arrays=1, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_LogicalNot( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # LogicalOr @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.LogicalOr", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( dtype=["bool", "bool"], num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_LogicalOr( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], y=x[1], ) # MatMul @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.MatMul", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=[ "float32", "float64", "int32", "int64", ], shape=(3, 3), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, large_abs_safety_factor=10, small_abs_safety_factor=10, safety_factor_scale="log", ), transpose_a=st.booleans(), transpose_b=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_MatMul( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, transpose_a, transpose_b, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, atol=1e-2, a=x[0], b=x[1], transpose_a=transpose_a, transpose_b=transpose_b, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.MatrixDeterminant", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), shape=helpers.ints(min_value=2, max_value=5).map(lambda x: (x, x)), min_value=-5, max_value=5, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_MatrixDeterminant( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.MatrixInverse", dtype_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), shape=helpers.ints(min_value=2, max_value=10).map(lambda x: (x, x)), ).filter(lambda x: np.linalg.cond(x[1][0].tolist()) < 1 / sys.float_info.epsilon), adjoint=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_MatrixInverse( # NOQA *, dtype_x, adjoint, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], adjoint=adjoint, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-04, ) # Max @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Max", dtype_x_axis=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), valid_axis=True, force_int_axis=True, min_num_dims=1, min_value=-5, max_value=5, ), keep_dims=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Max( # NOQA *, dtype_x_axis, keep_dims, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x, axis = dtype_x_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], axis=axis, keep_dims=keep_dims, ) # MaxPool3D @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.MaxPool3D", aliases=["tensorflow.nn.max_pool3d"], data_format=st.sampled_from(["NDHWC", "NCDHW"]), x_k_s_p=helpers.arrays_for_pooling(min_dims=5, max_dims=5, min_side=1, max_side=5), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_MaxPool3D( *, x_k_s_p, data_format, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x, ksize, strides, padding = x_k_s_p data_format = data_format helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], ksize=ksize, strides=strides, padding=padding, data_format=data_format, ) # Maximum @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Maximum", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Maximum( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) # Mean @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Mean", dtype_x_axis=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), valid_axis=True, force_int_axis=True, min_num_dims=1, min_value=-10, max_value=3, ), keep_dims=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Mean( # NOQA *, dtype_x_axis, keep_dims, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x, axis = dtype_x_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], axis=axis, keep_dims=keep_dims, rtol=1e-02, atol=1e-02, ) # Min @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Min", dtype_x_axis=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), valid_axis=True, force_int_axis=True, min_num_dims=1, min_value=-5, max_value=5, ), keep_dims=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Min( # NOQA *, dtype_x_axis, keep_dims, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x, axis = dtype_x_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], axis=axis, keep_dims=keep_dims, ) # Minimum @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Minimum", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Minimum( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) # Mod @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Mod", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Mod( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Mul", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Mul( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) # Neg @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Neg", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=[ "float32", "float64", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", ], ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Neg( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # NotEqual @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.NotEqual", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_NotEqual( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], y=x[1], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.NthElement", array_indices_axis=helpers.array_indices_axis( array_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), indices_dtypes=["int32"], min_num_dims=1, min_dim_size=1, disable_random_axis=True, ), reverse=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_NthElement( # NOQA *, array_indices_axis, reverse, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x, n = array_indices_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x, n=n.flatten()[0], reverse=reverse, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.OnesLike", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric") ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_OnesLike( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Pack", dtype_x_axis=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), valid_axis=True, force_int_axis=True, min_num_dims=1, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Pack( # NOQA dtype_x_axis, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): dtype, x, axis = dtype_x_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, values=x, axis=axis, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Pad", dtype_x_paddings=_pad_helper(), number_positional_args=st.just(0), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Pad( # NOQA dtype_x_paddings, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, ): dtype, x, padding_dtype, paddings = dtype_x_paddings helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype + padding_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, input=x, paddings=paddings, ) # TODO: Fails with torch backend # ivy.exceptions.IvyBackendException: torch: constant_pad: constant_pad_nd(): argument # 'value' (position 3) must be Number, not bfloat16 @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.PadV2", dtype_x_paddings=_pad_helper(return_constant_values=True), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_PadV2( dtype_x_paddings, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, ): dtype, x, padding_dtype, paddings, constant_values = dtype_x_paddings helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype + padding_dtype + dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, input=x, paddings=paddings, constant_values=constant_values, ) # Pow @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Pow", dtype_and_x=_pow_helper_shared_dtype(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Pow( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], y=x[1], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Prod", dtype_x_axis=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), valid_axis=True, force_int_axis=True, min_num_dims=1, min_value=-5, max_value=5, ), keep_dims=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Prod( # NOQA *, dtype_x_axis, keep_dims, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x, axis = dtype_x_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], axis=axis, keep_dims=keep_dims, ) # Todo: Revise strategies once reimplemented in frontend # Real @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Real", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), Tout=st.sampled_from(["float32", "float64"]), ) def test_tensorflow_Real( dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, Tout, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], Tout=Tout, ) # RealDiv @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.RealDiv", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, large_abs_safety_factor=8, small_abs_safety_factor=8, safety_factor_scale="log", ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_RealDiv( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, atol=1e-03, rtol=1e-03, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) # reciprocal @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Reciprocal", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_value=1, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Reciprocal( # NOQA dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, x=x[0], ) # Relu @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Relu", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), min_num_dims=1, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Relu( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, features=x[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Relu6", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), min_num_dims=1, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Relu6( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, features=x[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Reshape", test_with_out=st.just(False), x_reshape=_reshape_helper(), ) def test_tensorflow_Reshape( # NOQA *, x_reshape, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): x, dtype, shape = x_reshape helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, tensor=x, shape=shape, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Reverse", dtype_x_axis=reverse_helper(), ) def test_tensorflow_Reverse( *, dtype_x_axis, frontend, fn_tree, test_flags, on_device, backend_fw, ): dtype, x, axis_dtype, axis = dtype_x_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype + axis_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, tensor=x[0], dims=axis[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.RightShift", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, min_value=0, max_value=8, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_RightShift( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Round", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Round( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # Rsqrt @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Rsqrt", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Rsqrt( *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # Shape @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Shape", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), min_num_dims=1, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Shape( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.ShapeN", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), max_num_dims=4 ), output_dtype=st.sampled_from(["int32", "int64"]), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_ShapeN( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, output_dtype, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): input_dtype, input = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=input, out_type=output_dtype, ) # Sigmoid @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Sigmoid", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_num_dims=1, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Sigmoid( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # Sign @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Sign", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), large_abs_safety_factor=5, small_abs_safety_factor=5, safety_factor_scale="log", ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Sign( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # Sinh @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Sinh", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values(available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float")), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Sinh( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Size", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), max_num_dims=4 ), output_dtype=st.sampled_from(["int32", "int64"]), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Size( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_tree, on_device, output_dtype ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], out_type=output_dtype, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Softmax", dtype_values_axis=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_num_dims=1, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Softmax( dtype_values_axis, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, values = dtype_values_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, atol=1e-2, logits=values[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Softplus", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_num_dims=1, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Softplus( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, features=x[0], ) # Softsign @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Softsign", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_num_dims=1, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Softsign( *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, features=x[0], ) # Split @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Split", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), shape=st.shared(helpers.get_shape(min_num_dims=1), key="value_shape"), ), axis=st.shared( helpers.get_axis( shape=st.shared(helpers.get_shape(min_num_dims=1), key="value_shape"), force_int=True, ), key="target_axis", ), num_splits=_get_splits(), ) def test_tensorflow_Split( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, axis, num_splits, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, value = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, value=value[0], axis=axis, num_split=num_splits, ) # SplitV @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.SplitV", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), shape=st.shared(helpers.get_shape(min_num_dims=1), key="value_shape"), ), axis=st.shared( helpers.get_axis( shape=st.shared(helpers.get_shape(min_num_dims=1), key="value_shape"), force_int=True, ), key="target_axis", ), size_splits=_get_splits(as_list=True), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_SplitV( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, axis, size_splits, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, value = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, value=value[0], axis=axis, size_splits=size_splits, num_split=len(size_splits), ) # Sqrt @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Sqrt", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Sqrt( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # Square @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Square", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Square( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.SquaredDifference", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_SquaredDifference( *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, on_device, backend_fw, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], y=x[1], ) # Squeeze @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Squeeze", dtype_value=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), shape=st.shared(helpers.get_shape(), key="value_shape"), ), axis=_squeeze_helper(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Squeeze( # NOQA dtype_value, axis, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, xs = dtype_value helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=xs[0], axis=axis, ) # Sub @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Sub", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Sub( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Sum", dtype_x_axis=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), valid_axis=True, force_int_axis=True, min_num_dims=1, min_value=-5, max_value=5, ), keep_dims=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Sum( # NOQA *, dtype_x_axis, keep_dims, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x, axis = dtype_x_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=x[0], axis=axis, keep_dims=keep_dims, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Svd", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), min_value=0, max_value=10, shape=helpers.ints(min_value=2, max_value=5).map(lambda x: (x, x)), ), full_matrices=st.booleans(), compute_uv=st.just(True), ) def test_tensorflow_Svd( *, dtype_and_x, full_matrices, compute_uv, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, on_device, backend_fw, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x x = np.asarray(x[0], dtype=dtype[0]) # make symmetric positive definite beforehand x = np.matmul(x.T, x) + np.identity(x.shape[0]) * 1e-3 ret, frontend_ret = helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, test_values=False, input=x, full_matrices=full_matrices, compute_uv=compute_uv, ) ret = [ivy.to_numpy(x) for x in ret] frontend_ret = [np.asarray(x) for x in frontend_ret] u, s, vh = ret frontend_s, frontend_u, frontend_vh = frontend_ret assert_all_close( ret_np=u @ np.diag(s) @ vh, ret_from_gt_np=frontend_u @ np.diag(frontend_s) @ frontend_vh.T, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-2, ground_truth_backend=frontend, backend=backend_fw, ) # Tan @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Tan", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Tan( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # Tanh @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Tanh", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Tanh( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], ) # TanhGrad @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.TanhGrad", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_TanhGrad( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, y=xs[0], dy=xs[1], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Tile", all_arguments=_multiple_shape_helper() ) def test_tensorflow_Tile( *, all_arguments, test_flags, frontend, fn_tree, on_device, backend_fw, ): input_dtype, input_matrix, dt_and_multiples = all_arguments dt_mul, multiples = dt_and_multiples helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype + dt_mul, input=input_matrix[0], multiples=multiples[0], test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.TruncateDiv", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_TruncateDiv( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, xs = dtype_and_x # prevent too close to zero assume(not np.any(np.isclose(xs[1], 0))) helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Unpack", dtype_x_axis=helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), valid_axis=True, force_int_axis=True, min_num_dims=1, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Unpack( # NOQA *, dtype_x_axis, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x, axis = dtype_x_axis helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, value=x[0], num=x[0].shape[axis], axis=axis, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.UnsortedSegmentProd", params=_segment_ops_helper(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_UnsortedSegmentProd( *, params, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtypes, data, segment_ids, max_val = params helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, data=data[0], segment_ids=segment_ids[0], num_segments=max_val + 1, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Xdivy", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Xdivy( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Xlog1py", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Xlog1py( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Xlogy", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=["float16", "float32", "float64"], num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Xlogy( *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, xs = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=xs[0], y=xs[1], ) # Zeta @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Zeta", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=1, num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_Zeta( *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], q=x[1], ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Roll", dtype_and_values=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), shape=st.shared(helpers.get_shape(min_num_dims=1), key="shape"), ), shift=helpers.get_axis( shape=st.shared(helpers.get_shape(min_num_dims=1), key="shape"), force_tuple=True, ), axis=helpers.get_axis( shape=st.shared(helpers.get_shape(min_num_dims=1), key="shape"), force_tuple=True, ), ) def test_tensorflow_roll( *, dtype_and_values, shift, axis, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): input_dtype, value = dtype_and_values if isinstance(shift, int) and isinstance(axis, tuple): axis = axis[0] if isinstance(shift, tuple) and isinstance(axis, tuple): if len(shift) != len(axis): mn = min(len(shift), len(axis)) shift = shift[:mn] axis = axis[:mn] helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, input=value[0], shift=shift, axis=axis, ) # Transpose @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.Transpose", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), shape=st.shared(helpers.get_shape(min_num_dims=1), key="shape"), ), perm=_permute_dims_helper(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_transpose( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, perm, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], perm=perm, ) # ZerosLike @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="tensorflow.raw_ops.ZerosLike", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values(available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float")), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_tensorflow_zeros_like( # NOQA *, dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_tensorflow/test_raw_ops.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 56771 }
# global from hypothesis import strategies as st import importlib # local import ivy import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import handle_frontend_test # --- Helpers --- # # --------------- # @st.composite def _pop_size_num_samples_replace_n_probs(draw): prob_dtype = draw(helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False)) batch_size = draw(helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=5)) replace = draw(st.booleans()) num_samples = draw(helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=20)) probs = draw( helpers.array_values( dtype=prob_dtype[0], shape=[batch_size, num_samples], min_value=1.0013580322265625e-05, max_value=1.0, exclude_min=True, ) ) return prob_dtype, batch_size, num_samples, replace, probs # --- Main --- # # ------------ # @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="torch.bernoulli", dtype_and_probs=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False), min_value=0, max_value=1, min_num_dims=0, ), ) def test_torch_bernoulli( dtype_and_probs, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): dtype, probs = dtype_and_probs def call(): return helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, test_values=False, input=probs[0], ) ret = call() if not ivy.exists(ret): return ret_np, ret_from_np = ret ret_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, backend=backend_fw) ret_from_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_from_np, backend=backend_fw) for u, v in zip(ret_np, ret_from_np): assert u.dtype == v.dtype assert u.shape == v.shape @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="torch.manual_seed", seed=st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=2**32 - 1), ) def test_torch_manual_seed( *, seed, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): # just test calling the function frontend_fw = importlib.import_module(fn_tree[25 : fn_tree.rfind(".")]) split_index = fn_tree.rfind(".") _, fn_name = fn_tree[:split_index], fn_tree[split_index + 1 :] frontend_fw.__dict__[fn_name](seed) # multinomial @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="torch.multinomial", everything=_pop_size_num_samples_replace_n_probs(), ) def test_torch_multinomial( *, everything, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): prob_dtype, batch_size, num_samples, replace, probs = everything def call(): return helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=prob_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, test_values=False, input=probs, num_samples=num_samples, replacement=replace, ) ret = call() if not ivy.exists(ret): return ret_np, ret_from_np = ret ret_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, backend=backend_fw) ret_from_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_from_np, backend=backend_fw) for u, v in zip(ret_np, ret_from_np): assert u.dtype == v.dtype assert u.shape == v.shape @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="torch.normal", dtype_and_mean=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_value=-1000, max_value=1000, min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=2, ), dtype_and_std=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_value=0, max_value=1000, min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=2, ), ) def test_torch_normal( *, dtype_and_mean, dtype_and_std, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): mean_dtype, mean = dtype_and_mean _, std = dtype_and_std def call(): return helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=mean_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, test_values=False, mean=mean[0], std=std[0], ) ret = call() if not ivy.exists(ret): return ret_np, ret_from_np = ret ret_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, backend=backend_fw) ret_from_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_from_np, backend=backend_fw) for u, v in zip(ret_np, ret_from_np): assert u.dtype == v.dtype assert u.shape == v.shape @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="torch.poisson", dtype_and_lam=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False), min_value=0, max_value=100, min_num_dims=0, max_num_dims=10, min_dim_size=1, ), ) def test_torch_poisson( *, dtype_and_lam, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): lam_dtype, lam = dtype_and_lam def call(): return helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=lam_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, test_values=False, input=lam[0], ) ret = call() if not ivy.exists(ret): return ret_np, ret_from_np = ret ret_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, backend=backend_fw) ret_from_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_from_np, backend=backend_fw) for u, v in zip(ret_np, ret_from_np): assert u.dtype == v.dtype assert u.shape == v.shape @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="torch.rand", dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False), size=helpers.get_shape( min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=10, ), ) def test_torch_rand(*, dtype, size, frontend, fn_tree, test_flags, backend_fw): size = {f"size{i}": size[i] for i in range(len(size))} test_flags.num_positional_args = len(size) def call(): return helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_values=False, fn_tree=fn_tree, test_flags=test_flags, **size, ) ret = call() if not ivy.exists(ret): return ret_np, ret_from_np = ret ret_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, backend=backend_fw) ret_from_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_from_np, backend=backend_fw) for u, v in zip(ret_np, ret_from_np): assert u.dtype == v.dtype assert u.shape == v.shape @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="torch.rand_like", dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False), dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=10, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=10, ), ) def test_torch_rand_like( dtype_and_x, dtype, *, frontend, fn_tree, test_flags, backend_fw ): input_dtype, input = dtype_and_x def call(): return helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_values=False, fn_tree=fn_tree, test_flags=test_flags, input=input[0], dtype=dtype[0], ) ret = call() if not ivy.exists(ret): return ret_np, ret_from_np = ret ret_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, backend=backend_fw) ret_from_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_from_np, backend=backend_fw) for u, v in zip(ret_np, ret_from_np): assert u.dtype == v.dtype assert u.shape == v.shape # randint @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="torch.randint", low=helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=10), high=helpers.ints(min_value=11, max_value=20), size=helpers.get_shape(), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), ) def test_torch_randint( *, low, high, size, dtype, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, ): def call(): return helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_values=False, fn_tree=fn_tree, test_flags=test_flags, low=low, high=high, size=size, ) ret = call() if not ivy.exists(ret): return ret_np, ret_from_np = ret ret_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, backend=backend_fw) ret_from_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_from_np, backend=backend_fw) for u, v in zip(ret_np, ret_from_np): assert u.dtype == v.dtype assert u.shape == v.shape @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="torch.randint_like", dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("signed_integer", full=False), dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("signed_integer"), min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=10, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=10, ), low=helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=10), high=helpers.ints(min_value=11, max_value=20), ) def test_torch_randint_like( dtype_and_x, low, high, *, dtype, frontend, fn_tree, test_flags, backend_fw ): input_dtype, input = dtype_and_x def call(): return helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_values=False, fn_tree=fn_tree, test_flags=test_flags, input=input[0], low=low, high=high, dtype=dtype[0], ) ret = call() if not ivy.exists(ret): return ret_np, ret_from_np = ret ret_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, backend=backend_fw) ret_from_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_from_np, backend=backend_fw) for u, v in zip(ret_np, ret_from_np): assert u.dtype == v.dtype assert u.shape == v.shape @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="torch.randn", dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False), size=helpers.get_shape( min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=10, ), ) def test_torch_randn(*, dtype, size, frontend, fn_tree, test_flags, backend_fw): size = {f"size{i}": size[i] for i in range(len(size))} test_flags.num_positional_args = len(size) def call(): return helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_values=False, fn_tree=fn_tree, test_flags=test_flags, **size, ) ret = call() if not ivy.exists(ret): return ret_np, ret_from_np = ret ret_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, backend=backend_fw) ret_from_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_from_np, backend=backend_fw) for u, v in zip(ret_np, ret_from_np): assert u.dtype == v.dtype assert u.shape == v.shape @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="torch.randn_like", dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False), dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=10, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=10, ), ) def test_torch_randn_like( dtype_and_x, dtype, *, frontend, fn_tree, test_flags, backend_fw ): input_dtype, input = dtype_and_x def call(): return helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_values=False, fn_tree=fn_tree, test_flags=test_flags, input=input[0], dtype=dtype[0], ) ret = call() if not ivy.exists(ret): return ret_np, ret_from_np = ret ret_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, backend=backend_fw) ret_from_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_from_np, backend=backend_fw) for u, v in zip(ret_np, ret_from_np): assert u.dtype == v.dtype assert u.shape == v.shape # randperm @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="torch.randperm", n=st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=10), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("integer", full=False), ) def test_torch_randperm( *, n, dtype, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): def call(): return helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, test_values=False, n=n, ) ret = call() if not ivy.exists(ret): return ret_np, ret_from_np = ret ret_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, backend=backend_fw) ret_from_np = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_from_np, backend=backend_fw) for u, v in zip(ret_np, ret_from_np): assert u.dtype == v.dtype assert u.shape == v.shape # set_rng_state @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="torch.set_rng_state", new_state=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), min_value=0, max_value=10, min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=1, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=1, ), ) def test_torch_set_rng_state( *, new_state, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, ): dtype, new_state = new_state helpers.test_frontend_function( backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, input_dtypes=dtype, test_values=False, fn_tree=fn_tree, test_flags=test_flags, new_state=new_state[0], )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_torch/test_random_sampling.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 7452 }
"""Collection of tests for unified device functions.""" # global import io import multiprocessing import os import re import shutil import sys import warnings import numpy as np import psutil import subprocess from hypothesis import strategies as st, assume # nvidia-ml-py (pynvml) is not installed in CPU Dockerfile. # local import ivy import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers.globals as test_globals from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import handle_test, BackendHandler try: import pynvml except ImportError: warnings.warn( "pynvml installation was not found in the environment, functionalities" " of the Ivy's device module will be limited. Please install pynvml if" " you wish to use GPUs with Ivy." ) # --- Helpers --- # # --------------- # # Function Splitting # @st.composite def _axis(draw): max_val = draw(st.shared(helpers.ints(), key="num_dims")) return draw(helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=max_val - 1)) def _composition_1(backend_fw): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: return ivy_backend.relu().argmax() def _composition_2(backend_fw): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: return ivy_backend.ceil() or ivy_backend.floor() def _empty_dir(path, recreate=False): # Delete the directory if it exists and create it again if recreate is True if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) if recreate: os.makedirs(path) def _get_possible_devices(): # Return all the possible usable devices with BackendHandler.update_backend(test_globals.CURRENT_BACKEND) as ivy_backend: devices = ["cpu"] if ivy_backend.gpu_is_available(): for i in range(ivy_backend.num_gpus()): devices.append("gpu:" + str(i)) # Return a list of ivy devices return list(map(ivy_backend.Device, devices)) def _ram_array_and_clear_test(metric_fn, device, size=10000000): # This function checks if the memory usage changes before, during and after # Measure usage before creating array before = metric_fn() # Create an array of floats, by default with 10 million elements (40 MB) arr = ivy.random_normal(shape=(size,), dtype="float32", device=device) during = metric_fn() # Check that the memory usage has increased assert before < during # Delete the array del arr # Measure the memory usage after the array is deleted after = metric_fn() # Check that the memory usage has decreased assert during > after # --- Main --- # # ------------ # def get_cpu_percent(): output = str(subprocess.check_output(["top", "-bn1"])) cpu_percent = float(re.search(r"%Cpu\(s\):\s+([\d.]+)\s+us", output).group(1)) return cpu_percent def get_gpu_mem_usage(backend, device="gpu:0"): handle = backend.ivy.functional.ivy.device._get_nvml_gpu_handle(device) info = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo(handle) return (info.used / info.total) * 100 # as_ivy_dev @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.as_ivy_dev", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), ), ) def test_as_ivy_dev(*, dtype_and_x, test_flags, backend_fw): dtype, x = dtype_and_x dtype = dtype[0] x = x[0] with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: for device in _get_possible_devices(): x = ivy_backend.array(x, device=device) if test_flags.as_variable and ivy_backend.is_float_dtype(dtype): x = ivy_backend.functional.ivy.gradients._variable(x) native_device = ivy_backend.dev(x, as_native=True) ret = ivy_backend.as_ivy_dev(native_device) # Type test assert isinstance(ret, str) # Value test assert ret == device # as_native_dev @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.as_native_dev", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), ), ) def test_as_native_dev(*, dtype_and_x, test_flags, on_device, backend_fw): dtype, x = dtype_and_x dtype = dtype[0] x = x[0] with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: for device in _get_possible_devices(): x = ivy_backend.asarray(x, device=on_device) if test_flags.as_variable: x = ivy_backend.functional.ivy.gradients._variable(x) device = ivy_backend.as_native_dev(on_device) ret = ivy_backend.as_native_dev(ivy_backend.dev(x)) # value test if backend_fw == "tensorflow": assert "/" + ":".join(ret[1:].split(":")[-2:]) == "/" + ":".join( device[1:].split(":")[-2:] ) elif backend_fw == "torch": assert ret.type == device.type elif backend_fw == "paddle": assert ret._equals(device) else: assert ret == device @handle_test(fn_tree="clear_cached_mem_on_dev") def test_clear_cached_mem_on_dev(backend_fw): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: devices = _get_possible_devices() for device in devices: # Testing on only GPU since clearing cache mem is relevant # for only CUDA devices if "gpu" in device: arr = ivy_backend.random_normal( # noqa: F841 shape=(10000, 1000), dtype="float32", device=device ) del arr before = get_gpu_mem_usage(device) ivy_backend.clear_cached_mem_on_dev(device) after = get_gpu_mem_usage(device) assert before > after # Device Allocation # # default_device @handle_test(fn_tree="functional.ivy.default_device") def test_default_device(backend_fw): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: # setting and unsetting orig_len = len(ivy_backend.default_device_stack) ivy_backend.set_default_device("cpu") assert len(ivy_backend.default_device_stack) == orig_len + 1 ivy_backend.set_default_device("cpu") assert len(ivy_backend.default_device_stack) == orig_len + 2 ivy_backend.unset_default_device() assert len(ivy_backend.default_device_stack) == orig_len + 1 ivy_backend.unset_default_device() assert len(ivy_backend.default_device_stack) == orig_len # with assert len(ivy_backend.default_device_stack) == orig_len with ivy_backend.DefaultDevice("cpu"): assert len(ivy_backend.default_device_stack) == orig_len + 1 with ivy_backend.DefaultDevice("cpu"): assert len(ivy_backend.default_device_stack) == orig_len + 2 assert len(ivy_backend.default_device_stack) == orig_len + 1 assert len(ivy_backend.default_device_stack) == orig_len # Tests # # ------# # Device Queries # # dev @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.dev", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), ), ) def test_dev(*, dtype_and_x, test_flags, backend_fw): dtype, x = dtype_and_x dtype = dtype[0] x = x[0] with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: for device in _get_possible_devices(): x = ivy_backend.array(x, device=device) if test_flags.as_variable and ivy_backend.is_float_dtype(dtype): x = ivy_backend.functional.ivy.gradients._variable(x) ret = ivy_backend.dev(x) # type test assert isinstance(ret, str) # value test assert ret == device # array instance test assert x.dev() == device # container instance test container_x = ivy_backend.Container({"a": x}) assert container_x.dev() == device # container static test assert ivy_backend.Container.static_dev(container_x) == device @handle_test(fn_tree="dev_util") def test_dev_util(backend_fw): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: devices = _get_possible_devices() for device in devices: # The internally called psutil.cpu_percent() has a unique behavior where it # returns 0 as usage when run the second time in same line so simple # assert psutil.cpu_percent() == ivy.dev_util(device) isn't possible if "cpu" in device: assert 100 >= ivy_backend.dev_util(device) >= 0 # Comparing CPU utilization using top. Two percentiles won't be directly # equal but absolute difference should be below a safe threshold assert abs(get_cpu_percent() - ivy_backend.dev_util(device)) < 10 elif "gpu" in device: handle = ivy_backend.functional.ivy.device._get_nvml_gpu_handle(device) assert ( ivy_backend.dev_util(device) == pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(handle).gpu ) # function_unsupported_devices @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.function_supported_devices", func=st.sampled_from([_composition_1, _composition_2]), expected=st.just(["cpu"]), ) def test_function_supported_devices( *, func, expected, backend_fw, ): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: res = ivy_backend.function_supported_devices(func) exp = set(expected) assert sorted(exp) == sorted(res) # function_unsupported_devices @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.function_supported_devices", func=st.sampled_from([_composition_1, _composition_2]), expected=st.just(["gpu", "tpu"]), ) def test_function_unsupported_devices( *, func, expected, backend_fw, ): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: res = ivy_backend.function_unsupported_devices(func) exp = set(expected) assert sorted(exp) == sorted(res) @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.get_all_ivy_arrays_on_dev", num=helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=5), ) def test_get_all_ivy_arrays_on_dev( *, num, on_device, backend_fw, ): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: arrays = [ivy_backend.array(np.random.uniform(size=2)) for _ in range(num)] arr_ids_on_dev = [ id(a) for a in ivy_backend.get_all_ivy_arrays_on_dev(on_device).values() ] for a in arrays: assert id(a) in arr_ids_on_dev @handle_test(fn_tree="gpu_is_available") def test_gpu_is_available(backend_fw): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: # If gpu is available but cannot be initialised it will fail the test if ivy_backend.gpu_is_available(): try: pynvml.nvmlInit() except pynvml.NVMLError: assert False # handle_soft_device_variable @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.handle_soft_device_variable", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), min_num_dims=1, ), ) def test_handle_soft_device_variable(*, dtype_and_x, backend_fw): dtype, x = dtype_and_x dtype = dtype[0] with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: x = ivy_backend.to_device(x[0], "cpu") def fn(x, y): return ivy_backend.add(x, y) for device in _get_possible_devices(): ivy_backend.set_default_device(device) out = ivy_backend.handle_soft_device_variable(x, fn=fn, y=x) # check if device shifting is successful assert out.device == ivy_backend.default_device() @handle_test(fn_tree="num_cpu_cores") def test_num_cpu_cores(backend_fw): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: # using multiprocessing module too because ivy uses psutil as basis. p_cpu_cores = psutil.cpu_count() m_cpu_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() assert isinstance(ivy_backend.num_cpu_cores(), int) assert ivy_backend.num_cpu_cores() == p_cpu_cores assert ivy_backend.num_cpu_cores() == m_cpu_cores @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.num_ivy_arrays_on_dev", num=helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=5), ) def test_num_ivy_arrays_on_dev( *, num, on_device, backend_fw, ): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: arrays = [ ivy_backend.array(np.random.uniform(size=2).tolist(), device=on_device) for _ in range(num) ] assert ivy_backend.num_ivy_arrays_on_dev(on_device) == num for item in arrays: del item @handle_test(fn_tree="percent_used_mem_on_dev") def test_percent_used_mem_on_dev(backend_fw): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: devices = _get_possible_devices() for device in devices: used = ivy_backend.percent_used_mem_on_dev(ivy_backend.Device(device)) assert 0 <= used <= 100 # Same as test_used_mem_on_dev, but using percent of total memory as metric # function _ram_array_and_clear_test( lambda: ivy_backend.percent_used_mem_on_dev( device, process_specific=True ), device=device, ) @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.print_all_ivy_arrays_on_dev", num=helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=2), attr_only=st.booleans(), ) def test_print_all_ivy_arrays_on_dev( *, num, attr_only, on_device, backend_fw, ): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: arr = [ivy_backend.array(np.random.uniform(size=2)) for _ in range(num)] # Flush to avoid artifact sys.stdout.flush() # temporarily redirect output to a buffer captured_output = io.StringIO() sys.stdout = captured_output ivy_backend.print_all_ivy_arrays_on_dev(device=on_device, attr_only=attr_only) # Flush again to make sure all data is printed sys.stdout.flush() written = captured_output.getvalue().splitlines() # restore stdout sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # Should have written same number of lines as the number of array in device assert len(written) == num if attr_only: # Check that the attribute are printed are in the format of # (ivy.Shape(dim,...), type) regex = r"^\(ivy.Shape\((\d+,(\d,\d*)*)\), \'\w*\'\)$" else: # Check that the arrays are printed are in the format of ivy.array(...) regex = r"^ivy\.array\(\[.*\]\)$" # Clear the array from device for item in arr: del item # Apply the regex search assert all(re.match(regex, line) for line in written) # profiler @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.Profiler", ) def test_profiler(*, backend_fw): # ToDo: find way to prevent this test from hanging when run # alongside other tests in parallel # log dir, each framework uses their own folder, # so we can run this test in parallel with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) log_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, "../log") fw_log_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, backend_fw) # Remove old content and recreate log dir _empty_dir(fw_log_dir, True) # with statement with ivy_backend.Profiler(fw_log_dir): a = ivy_backend.ones([10]) b = ivy_backend.zeros([10]) _ = a + b # Should have content in folder assert len(os.listdir(fw_log_dir)) != 0, "Profiler did not log anything" # Remove old content and recreate log dir _empty_dir(fw_log_dir, True) # Profiler should stop log assert ( len(os.listdir(fw_log_dir)) == 0 ), "Profiler logged something while stopped" # start and stop methods profiler = ivy_backend.Profiler(fw_log_dir) profiler.start() a = ivy_backend.ones([10]) b = ivy_backend.zeros([10]) _ = a + b profiler.stop() # Should have content in folder assert len(os.listdir(fw_log_dir)) != 0, "Profiler did not log anything" # Remove old content including the logging folder _empty_dir(fw_log_dir, False) assert not os.path.exists(fw_log_dir), "Profiler recreated logging folder" @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.split_func_call", array_shape=helpers.lists( x=helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=3), min_size="num_dims", max_size="num_dims", size_bounds=[1, 3], ), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric", full=False), chunk_size=helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=3), axis=_axis(), ) def test_split_func_call( *, array_shape, dtype, chunk_size, axis, test_flags, backend_fw, ): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: # inputs shape = tuple(array_shape) x1 = np.random.uniform(size=shape).astype(dtype[0]) x2 = np.random.uniform(size=shape).astype(dtype[0]) x1 = ivy_backend.asarray(x1) x2 = ivy_backend.asarray(x2) if test_flags.as_variable and ivy_backend.is_float_dtype(dtype[0]): x1 = ivy_backend.functional.ivy.gradients._variable(x1) x2 = ivy_backend.functional.ivy.gradients._variable(x2) # function def func(t0, t1): return t0 * t1, t0 - t1, t1 - t0 # predictions a, b, c = ivy_backend.split_func_call( func, [x1, x2], "concat", chunk_size=chunk_size, input_axes=axis ) # true a_true, b_true, c_true = func(x1, x2) # value test helpers.assert_all_close( ivy_backend.to_numpy(a), ivy_backend.to_numpy(a_true), backend=backend_fw ) helpers.assert_all_close( ivy_backend.to_numpy(b), ivy_backend.to_numpy(b_true), backend=backend_fw ) helpers.assert_all_close( ivy_backend.to_numpy(c), ivy_backend.to_numpy(c_true), backend=backend_fw ) @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.split_func_call", array_shape=helpers.lists( x=helpers.ints(min_value=2, max_value=3), min_size="num_dims", max_size="num_dims", size_bounds=[2, 3], ), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric", full=False), chunk_size=helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=3), axis=helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=1), ) def test_split_func_call_with_cont_input( *, array_shape, test_flags, dtype, chunk_size, axis, on_device, backend_fw, ): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: shape = tuple(array_shape) x1 = np.random.uniform(size=shape).astype(dtype[0]) x2 = np.random.uniform(size=shape).astype(dtype[0]) x1 = ivy_backend.asarray(x1, device=on_device) x2 = ivy_backend.asarray(x2, device=on_device) # inputs if test_flags.as_variable and ivy_backend.is_float_dtype(dtype[0]): _variable_fn = ivy_backend.functional.ivy.gradients._variable in0 = ivy_backend.Container(cont_key=_variable_fn(x1)) in1 = ivy_backend.Container(cont_key=_variable_fn(x2)) else: in0 = ivy_backend.Container(cont_key=x1) in1 = ivy_backend.Container(cont_key=x2) # function def func(t0, t1): return t0 * t1, t0 - t1, t1 - t0 # predictions a, b, c = ivy.split_func_call( func, [in0, in1], "concat", chunk_size=chunk_size, input_axes=axis ) # true a_true, b_true, c_true = func(in0, in1) # value test helpers.assert_all_close( ivy_backend.to_numpy(a.cont_key), ivy_backend.to_numpy(a_true.cont_key), backend=backend_fw, ) helpers.assert_all_close( ivy_backend.to_numpy(b.cont_key), ivy_backend.to_numpy(b_true.cont_key), backend=backend_fw, ) helpers.assert_all_close( ivy_backend.to_numpy(c.cont_key), ivy_backend.to_numpy(c_true.cont_key), backend=backend_fw, ) # to_dev @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.to_device", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), ), stream=helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=50), ) def test_to_device( *, dtype_and_x, stream, test_flags, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x dtype = dtype[0] x = x[0] with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: x = ivy_backend.asarray(x) if test_flags.as_variable and ivy_backend.is_float_dtype(dtype): x = ivy_backend.functional.ivy.gradients._variable(x) # create a dummy array for out that is broadcastable to x out = ( ivy_backend.zeros(ivy_backend.shape(x), device=on_device, dtype=dtype) if test_flags.with_out else None ) device = ivy_backend.dev(x) x_on_dev = ivy_backend.to_device(x, on_device, stream=stream, out=out) dev_from_new_x = ivy_backend.dev(x_on_dev) if test_flags.with_out: # should be the same array test assert x_on_dev is out # should be the same device if backend_fw != "paddle": assert ivy_backend.dev(x_on_dev, as_native=True) == ivy_backend.dev( out, as_native=True ) else: assert ivy_backend.dev(x_on_dev, as_native=False) == ivy_backend.dev( out, as_native=False ) # check if native arrays are the same # these backends do not support native inplace updates assume(backend_fw not in ["tensorflow", "jax"]) assert x_on_dev.data is out.data # value test if backend_fw == "tensorflow": assert "/" + ":".join(dev_from_new_x[1:].split(":")[-2:]) == "/" + ":".join( device[1:].split(":")[-2:] ) elif backend_fw == "torch": assert type(dev_from_new_x) == type(device) # noqa: E721 else: assert dev_from_new_x == device # array instance test assert x.to_device(device).dev() == device # container instance test container_x = ivy_backend.Container({"x": x}) assert container_x.to_device(device).dev() == device # container static test assert ivy_backend.Container.to_device(container_x, device).dev() == device @handle_test(fn_tree="total_mem_on_dev") def test_total_mem_on_dev(backend_fw): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: devices = _get_possible_devices() for device in devices: if "cpu" in device: assert ( ivy_backend.total_mem_on_dev(device) == psutil.virtual_memory().total / 1e9 ) elif "gpu" in device: handle = ivy_backend.functional.ivy.device._get_nvml_gpu_handle(device) gpu_mem = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo(handle) assert ivy_backend.total_mem_on_dev(device) == gpu_mem.total / 1e9 @handle_test(fn_tree="tpu_is_available") def test_tpu_is_available(backend_fw): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: import tensorflow as tf try: resolver = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver() tf.config.experimental_connect_to_cluster(resolver) tf.tpu.experimental.initialize_tpu_system(resolver) tf.config.list_logical_devices("TPU") tf.distribute.experimental.TPUStrategy(resolver) ground_truth = True except ValueError: ground_truth = False assert ivy_backend.tpu_is_available() == ground_truth @handle_test(fn_tree="used_mem_on_dev") def test_used_mem_on_dev(backend_fw): with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: devices = _get_possible_devices() # Check that there not all memory is used for device in devices: assert ivy_backend.used_mem_on_dev(device) > 0 assert ivy_backend.used_mem_on_dev(device) < ivy_backend.total_mem_on_dev( device ) _ram_array_and_clear_test( lambda: ivy_backend.used_mem_on_dev(device, process_specific=True), device=device, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_functional/test_core/test_device.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 11847 }
import pytest from hypothesis import strategies as st import numpy as np # local import ivy import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import handle_test # --- Helpers --- # # --------------- # @st.composite def _random_cp_data(draw): shape = draw( st.lists(helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=5), min_size=2, max_size=4) ) rank = draw(helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=10)) dtype = draw(helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False)) full = draw(st.booleans()) orthogonal = draw(st.booleans()) if (rank > min(shape)) and orthogonal: rank = min(shape) seed = draw(st.one_of((st.just(None), helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=2000)))) normalise_factors = draw(st.booleans()) return shape, rank, dtype[0], full, orthogonal, seed, normalise_factors @st.composite def _random_parafac2_data(draw): num_shapes = draw(st.integers(min_value=2, max_value=4)) common_dimension = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=5)) shapes = [ (draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=10)), common_dimension) for _ in range(num_shapes) ] rank = draw(helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=10)) dtype = draw(helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False)) full = draw(st.booleans()) seed = draw(st.one_of((st.just(None), helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=2000)))) normalise_factors = draw(st.booleans()) return shapes, rank, dtype[0], full, seed, normalise_factors @st.composite def _random_tr_data(draw): shape = draw( st.lists(helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=5), min_size=2, max_size=4) ) rank = min(shape) dtype = draw(helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False)) full = draw(st.booleans()) seed = draw(st.one_of((st.just(None), helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=2000)))) return shape, rank, dtype[0], full, seed @st.composite def _random_tt_data(draw): shape = draw( st.lists(helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=5), min_size=2, max_size=4) ) rank = draw(helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=len(shape))) dtype = draw(helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False)) full = draw(st.booleans()) seed = draw(st.one_of((st.just(None), helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=2000)))) return shape, rank, dtype[0], full, seed @st.composite def _random_tucker_data(draw): shape = draw( st.lists(helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=5), min_size=2, max_size=4) ) rank = [] for dim in shape: rank.append(draw(helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=dim))) dtype = draw(helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False)) full = draw(st.booleans()) orthogonal = draw(st.booleans()) seed = draw(st.one_of((st.just(None), helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=2000)))) non_negative = draw(st.booleans()) return shape, rank, dtype[0], full, orthogonal, seed, non_negative @st.composite def valid_unsorted_segment_min_inputs(draw): while True: dtype = draw(st.sampled_from([ivy.int32, ivy.int64, ivy.float32, ivy.float64])) segment_ids_dim = draw(st.integers(min_value=3, max_value=10)) num_segments = draw(st.integers(min_value=2, max_value=segment_ids_dim)) data_dim = draw( helpers.get_shape( min_dim_size=segment_ids_dim, max_dim_size=segment_ids_dim, min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=4, ) ) data_dim = (segment_ids_dim,) + data_dim[1:] data = draw( helpers.array_values( dtype=dtype, shape=data_dim, min_value=1, max_value=10, ) ) segment_ids = draw( helpers.array_values( dtype=ivy.int32, shape=(segment_ids_dim,), min_value=0, max_value=num_segments + 1, ) ) if data.shape[0] == segment_ids.shape[0]: if np.max(segment_ids) < num_segments: return (dtype, ivy.int32), data, num_segments, segment_ids # --- Main --- # # ------------ # # eye_like @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.eye_like", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=1, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=5, ), k=helpers.ints(min_value=-10, max_value=10), test_gradients=st.just(False), number_positional_args=st.just(1), ) def test_eye_like(*, dtype_and_x, k, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=dtype, test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, x=x[0], k=k, dtype=dtype[0], device=on_device, ) # hamming_window @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.hamming_window", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), max_num_dims=0, min_value=1, max_value=10, ), periodic=st.booleans(), dtype_and_f=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), max_num_dims=0, num_arrays=2, min_value=0, max_value=5, ), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False), test_gradients=st.just(False), test_instance_method=st.just(False), ) def test_hamming_window( *, dtype_and_x, periodic, dtype_and_f, dtype, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device, ): input_dtype1, x = dtype_and_x input_dtype2, f = dtype_and_f helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype1 + input_dtype2, test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, atol_=2e-06, fn_name=fn_name, on_device=on_device, window_length=int(x[0]), periodic=periodic, alpha=float(f[0]), beta=float(f[1]), dtype=dtype[0], ) # TODO: fix return precision problem when dtype=bfloat16 # hann_window @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.hann_window", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), max_num_dims=0, min_value=1, max_value=10, ), periodic=st.booleans(), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False), test_gradients=st.just(False), test_instance_method=st.just(False), ) def test_hann_window( *, dtype_and_x, periodic, dtype, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, atol_=0.015, fn_name=fn_name, on_device=on_device, size=int(x[0]), periodic=periodic, dtype=dtype[0], ) # indices @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.indices", ground_truth_backend="numpy", shape=helpers.get_shape( allow_none=False, min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=10, ), dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes( "numeric", full=False, ), sparse=st.booleans(), container_flags=st.just([False]), test_instance_method=st.just(False), test_with_out=st.just(False), test_gradients=st.just(False), ) def test_indices(*, shape, dtypes, sparse, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device): helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=[], test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, dimensions=shape, dtype=dtypes[0], sparse=sparse, ) # kaiser_bessel_derived_window @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.kaiser_bessel_derived_window", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), max_num_dims=0, min_value=1, max_value=10, ), beta=st.floats(min_value=1, max_value=5), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False), test_gradients=st.just(False), test_instance_method=st.just(False), ) def test_kaiser_bessel_derived_window( *, dtype_and_x, beta, dtype, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, on_device=on_device, window_length=int(x[0]), beta=beta, dtype=dtype[0], ) # kaiser_window @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.kaiser_window", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), max_num_dims=0, min_value=1, max_value=10, ), periodic=st.booleans(), beta=st.floats(min_value=0, max_value=5), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False), test_gradients=st.just(False), test_instance_method=st.just(False), ) def test_kaiser_window( *, dtype_and_x, periodic, beta, dtype, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, on_device=on_device, window_length=int(x[0]), periodic=periodic, beta=beta, dtype=dtype[0], ) # mel_weight_matrix @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.mel_weight_matrix", num_mel_bins=helpers.ints(min_value=5, max_value=10), dft_length=helpers.ints(min_value=5, max_value=10), sample_rate=helpers.ints(min_value=1000, max_value=2000), lower_edge_hertz=helpers.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=5.0), upper_edge_hertz=helpers.floats(min_value=5.0, max_value=10.0), test_with_out=st.just(False), test_gradients=st.just(False), test_instance_method=st.just(False), ) def test_mel_weight_matrix( *, num_mel_bins, dft_length, sample_rate, lower_edge_hertz, upper_edge_hertz, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device, ): helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=[], test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, backend_to_test=backend_fw, rtol_=0.05, atol_=0.05, fn_name=fn_name, num_mel_bins=num_mel_bins, dft_length=dft_length, sample_rate=sample_rate, lower_edge_hertz=lower_edge_hertz, upper_edge_hertz=upper_edge_hertz, ) # ndenumerate @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.ndenumerate", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), min_num_dims=1, ), ) def test_ndenumerate(dtype_and_x): values = dtype_and_x[1][0] for (index1, x1), (index2, x2) in zip( np.ndenumerate(values), ivy.ndenumerate(values) ): assert index1 == index2 assert x1 == x2.to_numpy() # ndindex @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.ndindex", dtype_x_shape=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), min_num_dims=1, ret_shape=True, ), ) def test_ndindex(dtype_x_shape): shape = dtype_x_shape[2] for index1, index2 in zip(np.ndindex(shape), ivy.ndindex(shape)): assert index1 == index2 # polyval @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.polyval", dtype_and_coeffs=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), min_num_dims=1, ), dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), min_num_dims=0, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), test_gradients=st.just(False), test_instance_method=st.just(False), ) def test_polyval( *, dtype_and_coeffs, dtype_and_x, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device ): coeffs_dtype, coeffs = dtype_and_coeffs x_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=coeffs_dtype + x_dtype, test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, coeffs=coeffs, x=x, ) @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.random_cp", data=_random_cp_data(), test_with_out=st.just(False), test_instance_method=st.just(False), test_gradients=st.just(False), ) def test_random_cp( *, data, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device, ): shape, rank, dtype, full, orthogonal, seed, normalise_factors = data results = helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=[], backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, fn_name=fn_name, shape=shape, rank=rank, dtype=dtype, full=full, orthogonal=orthogonal, seed=seed, normalise_factors=normalise_factors, test_values=False, ) ret_np, ret_from_gt_np = results if full: reconstructed_tensor = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, backend=backend_fw) reconstructed_tensor_gt = helpers.flatten_and_to_np( ret=ret_from_gt_np, backend=test_flags.ground_truth_backend ) for x, x_gt in zip(reconstructed_tensor, reconstructed_tensor_gt): assert np.prod(shape) == np.prod(x.shape) assert np.prod(shape) == np.prod(x_gt.shape) else: weights = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np[0], backend=backend_fw) factors = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np[1], backend=backend_fw) weights_gt = helpers.flatten_and_to_np( ret=ret_from_gt_np[0], backend=test_flags.ground_truth_backend ) factors_gt = helpers.flatten_and_to_np( ret=ret_from_gt_np[1], backend=test_flags.ground_truth_backend ) for w, w_gt in zip(weights, weights_gt): assert len(w) == rank assert len(w_gt) == rank for f, f_gt in zip(factors, factors_gt): assert np.prod(f.shape) == np.prod(f_gt.shape) @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.random_tr", data=_random_tr_data(), test_with_out=st.just(False), test_instance_method=st.just(False), test_gradients=st.just(False), ) def test_random_tr( *, data, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device, ): shape, rank, dtype, full, seed = data results = helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=[], backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, fn_name=fn_name, shape=shape, rank=rank, dtype=dtype, full=full, seed=seed, test_values=False, ) ret_np, ret_from_gt_np = results if full: reconstructed_tensor = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, backend=backend_fw) reconstructed_tensor_gt = helpers.flatten_and_to_np( ret=ret_from_gt_np, backend=test_flags.ground_truth_backend ) for x, x_gt in zip(reconstructed_tensor, reconstructed_tensor_gt): assert np.prod(shape) == np.prod(x.shape) assert np.prod(shape) == np.prod(x_gt.shape) else: core = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np[0], backend=backend_fw) factors = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np[1], backend=backend_fw) core_gt = helpers.flatten_and_to_np( ret=ret_from_gt_np[0], backend=test_flags.ground_truth_backend ) factors_gt = helpers.flatten_and_to_np( ret=ret_from_gt_np[1], backend=test_flags.ground_truth_backend ) for c, c_gt in zip(core, core_gt): assert len(c) == rank assert len(c_gt) == rank for f, f_gt in zip(factors, factors_gt): assert np.prod(f.shape) == np.prod(f_gt.shape) def test_random_tr_throws_error_when_rank_first_last_elem_not_equal(): rank = [2, 3] shape = [1, 2, 3] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: ivy.random_tr(shape, rank) assert e.value.args # **Uncomment when Tensorly validation issue is resolved.** # https://github.com/tensorly/tensorly/issues/528 # @handle_test( # fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.random_parafac2", # data=_random_parafac2_data(), # test_with_out=st.just(False), # test_instance_method=st.just(False), # ) # def test_random_parafac2( # *, # data, # test_flags, # backend_fw, # fn_name, # on_device, # ): # shapes, rank, dtype, full, seed, normalise_factors = data # results = helpers.test_function( # input_dtypes=[], # backend_to_test=backend_fw, # test_flags=test_flags, # on_device=on_device, # fn_name=fn_name, # shapes=shapes, # rank=rank, # dtype=dtype, # full=full, # seed=seed, # normalise_factors=normalise_factors, # test_values=False, # ) # ret_np, ret_from_gt_np = results # if full: # reconstructed_tensor = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, # backend=backend_fw) # reconstructed_tensor_gt = helpers.flatten_and_to_np( # ret=ret_from_gt_np, backend=test_flags.ground_truth_backend # ) # for x, x_gt in zip(reconstructed_tensor, reconstructed_tensor_gt): # assert x_gt.shape == x.shape # else: # weights = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np[0], backend=backend_fw) # factors = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np[1], backend=backend_fw) # # projections = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np[2], backend=backend_fw) # weights_gt = helpers.flatten_and_to_np( # ret=ret_from_gt_np[0], backend=test_flags.ground_truth_backend # ) # factors_gt = helpers.flatten_and_to_np( # ret=ret_from_gt_np[1], backend=test_flags.ground_truth_backend # ) # # projections_gt = helpers.flatten_and_to_np( # # ret=ret_from_gt_np[2], backend=test_flags.ground_truth_backend # # ) # for w, w_gt in zip(weights, weights_gt): # assert len(w) == rank # assert len(w_gt) == rank # for f, f_gt in zip(factors, factors_gt): # assert np.prod(f.shape) == np.prod(f_gt.shape) # # for p, p_gt in zip(projections,projections_gt): # # assert np.prod(p.shape) == np.prod(p_gt.shape) @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.random_tt", data=_random_tt_data(), test_with_out=st.just(False), test_instance_method=st.just(False), ) def test_random_tt( *, data, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device, ): shape, rank, dtype, full, seed = data results = helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=[], backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, fn_name=fn_name, shape=shape, rank=rank, dtype=dtype, full=full, seed=seed, test_values=False, ) ret_np, ret_from_gt_np = results if full: reconstructed_tensor = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, backend=backend_fw) reconstructed_tensor_gt = helpers.flatten_and_to_np( ret=ret_from_gt_np, backend=test_flags.ground_truth_backend ) for x, x_gt in zip(reconstructed_tensor, reconstructed_tensor_gt): assert np.prod(shape) == np.prod(x.shape) assert np.prod(shape) == np.prod(x_gt.shape) else: factors = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, backend=backend_fw) factors_gt = helpers.flatten_and_to_np( ret=ret_from_gt_np, backend=test_flags.ground_truth_backend ) for f, f_gt in zip(factors, factors_gt): assert np.prod(f.shape) == np.prod(f_gt.shape) @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.random_tucker", data=_random_tucker_data(), test_with_out=st.just(False), test_instance_method=st.just(False), test_gradients=st.just(False), ) def test_random_tucker( *, data, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device, ): shape, rank, dtype, full, orthogonal, seed, non_negative = data results = helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=[], backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, fn_name=fn_name, shape=shape, rank=rank, dtype=dtype, full=full, orthogonal=orthogonal, seed=seed, non_negative=non_negative, test_values=False, ) ret_np, ret_from_gt_np = results if full: reconstructed_tensor = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np, backend=backend_fw) reconstructed_tensor_gt = helpers.flatten_and_to_np( ret=ret_from_gt_np, backend=test_flags.ground_truth_backend ) for x, x_gt in zip(reconstructed_tensor, reconstructed_tensor_gt): assert np.prod(shape) == np.prod(x.shape) assert np.prod(shape) == np.prod(x_gt.shape) else: core = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np[0], backend=backend_fw) factors = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=ret_np[1], backend=backend_fw) core_gt = helpers.flatten_and_to_np( ret=ret_from_gt_np[0], backend=test_flags.ground_truth_backend ) factors_gt = helpers.flatten_and_to_np( ret=ret_from_gt_np[1], backend=test_flags.ground_truth_backend ) for c, c_gt in zip(core, core_gt): assert np.prod(c.shape) == np.prod(rank) assert np.prod(c_gt.shape) == np.prod(rank) for f, f_gt in zip(factors, factors_gt): assert np.prod(f.shape) == np.prod(f_gt.shape) @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.tril_indices", dtype_and_n=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), max_num_dims=0, num_arrays=2, min_value=0, max_value=10, ), k=helpers.ints(min_value=-11, max_value=11), test_with_out=st.just(False), test_gradients=st.just(False), test_instance_method=st.just(False), ) def test_tril_indices(*, dtype_and_n, k, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_n helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, on_device=on_device, fn_name=fn_name, n_rows=int(x[0]), n_cols=int(x[1]), k=k, ) @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.trilu", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), min_num_dims=2, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=5, ), k=helpers.ints(min_value=-10, max_value=10), upper=st.booleans(), ) def test_trilu(*, dtype_and_x, k, upper, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, x=x[0], upper=upper, k=k, ) @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.unsorted_segment_mean", d_x_n_s=valid_unsorted_segment_min_inputs(), test_with_out=st.just(False), test_gradients=st.just(False), ) def test_unsorted_segment_mean( *, d_x_n_s, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device, ): dtypes, data, num_segments, segment_ids = d_x_n_s helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=dtypes, test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, data=data, segment_ids=segment_ids, num_segments=num_segments, ) # unsorted_segment_min @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.unsorted_segment_min", d_x_n_s=valid_unsorted_segment_min_inputs(), test_with_out=st.just(False), test_gradients=st.just(False), ) def test_unsorted_segment_min( *, d_x_n_s, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device, ): dtypes, data, num_segments, segment_ids = d_x_n_s helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, fn_name=fn_name, data=data, segment_ids=segment_ids, num_segments=num_segments, ) @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.unsorted_segment_sum", d_x_n_s=valid_unsorted_segment_min_inputs(), test_with_out=st.just(False), test_gradients=st.just(False), ) def test_unsorted_segment_sum( *, d_x_n_s, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device, ): dtypes, data, num_segments, segment_ids = d_x_n_s helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=dtypes, test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, data=data, segment_ids=segment_ids, num_segments=num_segments, ) # vorbis_window @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.vorbis_window", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), max_num_dims=0, min_value=1, max_value=10, ), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False), test_gradients=st.just(False), test_instance_method=st.just(False), ) def test_vorbis_window( *, dtype_and_x, dtype, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, test_flags=test_flags, atol_=1e-02, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, on_device=on_device, window_length=int(x[0]), dtype=dtype[0], )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_functional/test_experimental/test_core/test_creation.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 13105 }
# global from hypothesis import strategies as st # local import numpy as np import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import handle_test from ivy_tests.test_ivy.test_functional.test_core.test_statistical import ( _statistical_dtype_values, _get_castable_dtype, ) # --- Helpers --- # # --------------- # @st.composite def _get_castable_float_dtype_nan(draw, min_value=None, max_value=None): available_dtypes = helpers.get_dtypes("float") shape = draw(helpers.get_shape(min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=4, max_dim_size=6)) dtype3, where = draw( helpers.dtype_and_values(available_dtypes=["bool"], shape=shape) ) dtype, values = draw( helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=available_dtypes, num_arrays=1, large_abs_safety_factor=6, small_abs_safety_factor=24, safety_factor_scale="log", shape=shape, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, allow_nan=True, ) ) axis = draw(helpers.get_axis(shape=shape, force_int=True)) dtype1, values, dtype2 = draw( helpers.get_castable_dtype(draw(available_dtypes), dtype[0], values[0]) ) return dtype1, [values], axis, dtype2, dtype3, where @st.composite def _get_dtype_value1_value2_cov( draw, available_dtypes, min_num_dims, max_num_dims, min_dim_size, max_dim_size, abs_smallest_val=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, allow_inf=False, exclude_min=False, exclude_max=False, large_abs_safety_factor=4, small_abs_safety_factor=4, safety_factor_scale="log", ): shape = draw( helpers.get_shape( allow_none=False, min_num_dims=min_num_dims, max_num_dims=max_num_dims, min_dim_size=min_dim_size, max_dim_size=max_dim_size, ) ) dtype = draw(st.sampled_from(draw(available_dtypes))) values = [] for i in range(2): values.append( draw( helpers.array_values( dtype=dtype, shape=shape, abs_smallest_val=abs_smallest_val, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, allow_inf=allow_inf, exclude_min=exclude_min, exclude_max=exclude_max, large_abs_safety_factor=large_abs_safety_factor, small_abs_safety_factor=small_abs_safety_factor, safety_factor_scale=safety_factor_scale, ) ) ) value1, value2 = values[0], values[1] # modifiers: rowVar, bias, ddof rowVar = draw(st.booleans()) bias = draw(st.booleans()) ddof = draw(helpers.ints(min_value=0, max_value=1)) numVals = None if rowVar is False: numVals = -1 if numVals == 0 else 0 else: numVals = 0 if len(shape) == 1 else -1 fweights = draw( helpers.array_values( dtype="int64", shape=shape[numVals], abs_smallest_val=1, min_value=1, max_value=10, allow_inf=False, ) ) aweights = draw( helpers.array_values( dtype="float64", shape=shape[numVals], abs_smallest_val=1, min_value=1, max_value=10, allow_inf=False, small_abs_safety_factor=1, ) ) return [dtype], value1, value2, rowVar, bias, ddof, fweights, aweights @st.composite def _histogram_helper(draw): dtype_input = draw(st.sampled_from(draw(helpers.get_dtypes("float")))) bins = draw( helpers.array_values( dtype=dtype_input, shape=(draw(helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=10)),), abs_smallest_val=-10, min_value=-10, max_value=10, ) ) bins = np.asarray(sorted(set(bins)), dtype=dtype_input) if len(bins) == 1: bins = int(abs(bins[0])) if bins == 0: bins = 1 if dtype_input in draw(helpers.get_dtypes("unsigned")): range = ( draw( helpers.floats( min_value=0, max_value=10, exclude_min=False, exclude_max=False ) ), draw( helpers.floats( min_value=11, max_value=20, exclude_min=False, exclude_max=False ) ), ) else: range = ( draw(helpers.floats(min_value=-10, max_value=0)), draw(helpers.floats(min_value=1, max_value=10)), ) range = draw(st.sampled_from([range, None])) else: range = None shape = draw( helpers.get_shape( min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=2, max_dim_size=5 ) ) a = draw( helpers.array_values( dtype=dtype_input, shape=shape, min_value=-20, max_value=20, ) ) weights = draw( helpers.array_values( dtype=dtype_input, shape=shape, min_value=-20, max_value=20, ) ) # weights = draw(st.sampled_from([weights, None])) axes = draw( helpers.get_axis( shape=shape, # TODO: negative axes allow_neg=False, min_size=1, max_size=10, ) ) dtype_out = draw( st.sampled_from( draw( helpers.get_castable_dtype( draw(helpers.get_dtypes("float")), str(dtype_input) ) ) ) ) if range: if np.min(a) < range[0]: extend_lower_interval = True else: extend_lower_interval = draw(st.booleans()) if np.max(a) > range[1]: extend_upper_interval = True else: extend_upper_interval = draw(st.booleans()) else: if isinstance(bins, int): extend_lower_interval = draw(st.booleans()) extend_upper_interval = draw(st.booleans()) else: if np.min(a) < bins[0]: extend_lower_interval = True else: extend_lower_interval = draw(st.booleans()) if np.max(a) > bins[-1]: extend_upper_interval = True else: extend_upper_interval = draw(st.booleans()) density = draw(st.booleans()) return ( a, bins, axes, extend_lower_interval, extend_upper_interval, dtype_out, range, weights, density, dtype_input, ) @st.composite def _quantile_helper(draw): large_abs_safety_factor = 2 small_abs_safety_factor = 2 dtype, values, axis = draw( helpers.dtype_values_axis( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), large_abs_safety_factor=large_abs_safety_factor, small_abs_safety_factor=small_abs_safety_factor, safety_factor_scale="log", min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=5, min_dim_size=2, valid_axis=True, allow_neg_axes=False, min_axes_size=1, force_int_axis=True, ) ) q = draw( st.one_of( helpers.array_values( dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), shape=helpers.get_shape(min_dim_size=1, max_num_dims=1, min_num_dims=1), min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, exclude_max=False, exclude_min=False, ), st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0), ) ) interpolation_names = [ "linear", "lower", "higher", "midpoint", "nearest", "nearest_jax", ] interpolation = draw( helpers.list_of_size( x=st.sampled_from(interpolation_names), size=1, ) ) return dtype, values, axis, interpolation, q # bincount @st.composite def bincount_dtype_and_values(draw): dtype_and_x = draw( helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=1, min_dim_size=1, max_dim_size=10, min_value=0, max_value=10, allow_nan=False, ) ) dtype_and_x[1][1] = dtype_and_x[1][0] if draw(st.booleans()): dtype_and_x[1][1] = None min_length = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=10)) return dtype_and_x, min_length # --- Main --- # # ------------ # @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.bincount", dtype_and_x=bincount_dtype_and_values(), test_gradients=st.just(False), ) def test_bincount(*, dtype_and_x, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device): dtype_and_x, min_length = dtype_and_x input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], weights=x[1], minlength=min_length, ) # corrcoef @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.corrcoef", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=["float32", "float64"], num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, abs_smallest_val=1e-5, min_num_dims=2, max_num_dims=2, min_dim_size=3, max_dim_size=3, min_value=-100, max_value=100, allow_nan=False, ), rowvar=st.booleans(), test_gradients=st.just(False), ) def test_corrcoef(*, dtype_and_x, rowvar, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], y=x[1], rowvar=rowvar, ) # cov @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.cov", dtype_x1_x2_cov=_get_dtype_value1_value2_cov( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_num_dims=1, max_num_dims=2, min_dim_size=2, max_dim_size=5, min_value=1, max_value=1e10, abs_smallest_val=0.01, large_abs_safety_factor=2, safety_factor_scale="log", ), test_gradients=st.just(False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_cov( *, dtype_x1_x2_cov, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device, ): dtype, x1, x2, rowVar, bias, ddof, fweights, aweights = dtype_x1_x2_cov helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=[dtype[0], dtype[0], "int64", "float64"], test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, on_device=on_device, x1=x1, x2=x2, rowVar=rowVar, bias=bias, ddof=ddof, fweights=fweights, aweights=aweights, return_flat_np_arrays=True, rtol_=1e-2, atol_=1e-2, ) @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.cummax", dtype_x_axis_castable=_get_castable_dtype(), exclusive=st.booleans(), reverse=st.booleans(), ) def test_cummax( *, dtype_x_axis_castable, exclusive, reverse, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device, ): input_dtype, x, axis, castable_dtype = dtype_x_axis_castable helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=[input_dtype], test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], axis=axis, exclusive=exclusive, reverse=reverse, dtype=castable_dtype, rtol_=1e-1, atol_=1e-1, ) # cummin @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.cummin", dtype_x_axis_castable=_get_castable_dtype(), exclusive=st.booleans(), reverse=st.booleans(), ) def test_cummin( *, dtype_x_axis_castable, exclusive, reverse, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device, ): input_dtype, x, axis, castable_dtype = dtype_x_axis_castable helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=[input_dtype], test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], axis=axis, exclusive=exclusive, reverse=reverse, dtype=castable_dtype, rtol_=1e-1, atol_=1e-1, ) # TODO: - Error message from Tensorflow: 'Number of dimensions of `x` and `weights` # must coincide. Found: x has <nd1>, weights has <nd2>' # - Error description: typo that throws unintended exceptions when using both # weights and multiple axis. # - fixed in TFP 0.20 release. # - Test helper needs to be modified to handle this case in older versions. @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.histogram", values=_histogram_helper(), test_gradients=st.just(False), ) def test_histogram( *, values, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device, ): ( a, bins, axis, extend_lower_interval, extend_upper_interval, dtype, range, weights, density, dtype_input, ) = values helpers.test_function( a=a, bins=bins, axis=axis, extend_lower_interval=extend_lower_interval, extend_upper_interval=extend_upper_interval, dtype=dtype, range=range, weights=weights, density=density, input_dtypes=[dtype_input], test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, on_device=on_device, ) # igamma @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.igamma", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, min_value=2, max_value=100, ), test_gradients=st.just(False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_igamma(*, dtype_and_x, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, rtol_=1e-04, a=x[0], x=x[1], ) @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.median", dtype_x_axis=_statistical_dtype_values(function="median"), keep_dims=st.booleans(), test_gradients=st.just(False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_median(*, dtype_x_axis, keep_dims, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device): input_dtype, x, axis = dtype_x_axis helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, test_flags=test_flags, on_device=on_device, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, input=x[0], axis=axis, keepdims=keep_dims, ) # nanmean @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.nanmean", dtype_x_axis=_statistical_dtype_values(function="nanmean"), keep_dims=st.booleans(), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), test_gradients=st.just(False), ) def test_nanmean( *, dtype_x_axis, keep_dims, dtype, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device ): input_dtype, x, axis, *_ = dtype_x_axis helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, test_flags=test_flags, atol_=1e-02, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, on_device=on_device, a=x[0], axis=axis, keepdims=keep_dims, dtype=dtype[0], ) # nanmedian @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.nanmedian", dtype_x_axis=_statistical_dtype_values(function="nanmedian"), keep_dims=st.booleans(), dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), overwriteinput=st.booleans(), test_gradients=st.just(False), ) def test_nanmedian( *, dtype_x_axis, keep_dims, overwriteinput, dtype, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device, ): input_dtype, x, axis = dtype_x_axis helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, atol_=1e-02, fn_name=fn_name, on_device=on_device, a=x[0], axis=axis, keepdims=keep_dims, overwrite_input=overwriteinput, ) @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.nanmin", dtype_x_axis_castable=_get_castable_float_dtype_nan(), test_gradients=st.just(False), initial=st.integers(min_value=-5, max_value=5), keep_dims=st.booleans(), ) def test_nanmin( *, dtype_x_axis_castable, initial, keep_dims, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device, ): input_dtype, x, axis, castable_dtype, dtype3, where = dtype_x_axis_castable x = x[0] helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=[input_dtype, dtype3[0]], test_flags=test_flags, rtol_=1e-1, atol_=1e-1, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, on_device=on_device, a=x, axis=axis, keepdims=keep_dims, initial=initial, where=where[0], ) @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.nanprod", dtype_x_axis_castable=_get_castable_float_dtype_nan(), keep_dims=st.booleans(), test_gradients=st.just(False), initial=st.integers(min_value=-5, max_value=5), ) def test_nanprod( *, dtype_x_axis_castable, keep_dims, test_flags, initial, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device, ): input_dtype, x, axis, castable_dtype = dtype_x_axis_castable x = x[0] helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=[input_dtype], test_flags=test_flags, rtol_=1e-1, atol_=1e-1, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, on_device=on_device, a=x, axis=axis, keepdims=keep_dims, dtype=castable_dtype, initial=initial, ) # quantile @handle_test( fn_tree="functional.ivy.experimental.quantile", dtype_and_x=_quantile_helper(), keep_dims=st.booleans(), test_gradients=st.just(False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_quantile( *, dtype_and_x, keep_dims, test_flags, backend_fw, fn_name, on_device ): input_dtype, x, axis, interpolation, q = dtype_and_x helpers.test_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_name=fn_name, on_device=on_device, a=x[0], q=q, axis=axis, interpolation=interpolation[0], keepdims=keep_dims, atol_=1e-3, rtol_=1e-3, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_functional/test_experimental/test_core/test_statistical.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 10371 }
# global from packaging import version import pytest import importlib import types import numpy as np # local import ivy from ivy.utils.backend.handler import _backend_dict # TODO fix due to refactor from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers.available_frameworks import _available_frameworks try: import tensorflow as tf except ImportError: tf = types.SimpleNamespace() tf.constant = lambda x: x try: import torch except ImportError: torch = types.SimpleNamespace() torch.tensor = lambda x: x try: import jax.numpy as jnp import jax except ImportError: jnp = types.SimpleNamespace() jnp.array = lambda x: x jax = types.SimpleNamespace() try: import paddle except ImportError: paddle = types.SimpleNamespace() paddle.Tensor = lambda x: x available_array_types_class = [ ("numpy", "<class 'numpy.ndarray'>"), ] available_array_types_input = [ ("numpy", np.array(3.0)), ] available_frameworks_with_none = _available_frameworks()[:] # Dynamic Backend backends = list(_backend_dict.keys()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("excluded", available_frameworks_with_none) def test_choose_random_backend(excluded): backend = ivy.choose_random_backend(excluded=excluded) if excluded is None: assert backend in list(_backend_dict.keys()) else: backends_list = list(_backend_dict.keys()) backends_list.remove(excluded) assert backend in backends_list @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("backend", "array_type"), available_array_types_input, ) def test_current_backend(backend, array_type): # test backend inference from arguments when stack clear ivy.unset_backend() assert ivy.current_backend(array_type) is importlib.import_module( _backend_dict[backend] ) # global_backend > argument's backend. if "torch" in _available_frameworks(): ivy.set_backend("torch") ivy.utils.assertions.check_equal( ivy.current_backend(array_type), importlib.import_module(_backend_dict["torch"]), as_array=False, ) else: ivy.set_backend("numpy") ivy.utils.assertions.check_equal( ivy.current_backend(array_type), importlib.import_module(_backend_dict["numpy"]), as_array=False, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("middle_backend", "end_backend"), [(a, b) for a in backends for b in backends if (a != b and "mxnet" not in [a, b])], ) def test_dynamic_backend_all_combos(middle_backend, end_backend): # create an ivy array, container and native container a = ivy.array([1, 2, 3]) b = ivy.array([4, 5, 6]) ivy_cont = ivy.Container({"w": a, "b": b}) # clear the backend stack after initialization of inputs ivy.unset_backend() # set dynamic_backend to false for all objects ivy_cont.dynamic_backend = False a.dynamic_backend = False b.dynamic_backend = False # set the middle backend ivy.set_backend(middle_backend, dynamic=True) var_cont = ivy.Container( { "w": ivy.gradients._variable(ivy.array([10, 20, 30])), "b": ivy.gradients._variable(ivy.array([40, 50, 60])), } ) # set dynamic_backend to true for all objects ivy_cont.dynamic_backend = True a.dynamic_backend = True b.dynamic_backend = True # set the final backend ivy.set_backend(end_backend, dynamic=True) # add the necessary asserts to check if the data # of the objects are in the correct format assert isinstance(a.data, ivy.NativeArray) assert isinstance(ivy_cont["b"].data, ivy.NativeArray) if {"numpy", "jax"}.intersection([middle_backend, end_backend]): # these frameworks don't support native variables assert isinstance(var_cont["b"].data, ivy.NativeArray) else: assert ivy.gradients._is_variable(var_cont["b"]) def test_dynamic_backend_context_manager(): with ivy.dynamic_backend_as(True): a = ivy.array([0.0, 1.0]) b = ivy.array([2.0, 3.0]) with ivy.dynamic_backend_as(False): c = ivy.array([4.0, 5.0]) d = ivy.array([6.0, 7.0]) assert a.dynamic_backend is True assert b.dynamic_backend is True assert c.dynamic_backend is False assert d.dynamic_backend is False def test_dynamic_backend_setter(): a = ivy.array([1, 2, 3]) type_a = type(a.data) a.dynamic_backend = False # clear the backend stack after initialization of inputs ivy.unset_backend() ivy.set_backend("tensorflow", dynamic=True) assert type(a.data) == type_a # noqa: E721 a.dynamic_backend = True assert isinstance(a.data, tf.Tensor) ivy.set_backend("torch", dynamic=True) assert isinstance(a.data, torch.Tensor) @pytest.mark.parametrize("backend", _available_frameworks()) def test_previous_backend(backend): if not ivy.backend_stack: assert ivy.previous_backend() is None ivy.set_backend(backend) stack_before_unset = [] func_address_before_unset = id(ivy.sum) stack_before_unset.extend(ivy.backend_stack) previous_backend = ivy.previous_backend() stack_after_unset = ivy.backend_stack # check that the function id has changed as inverse=True. ivy.utils.assertions.check_equal( func_address_before_unset, id(ivy.sum), inverse=True, as_array=False ) ivy.utils.assertions.check_equal( previous_backend, importlib.import_module(_backend_dict[backend]), as_array=False, ) ivy.utils.assertions.check_greater( len(stack_before_unset), len(stack_after_unset), as_array=False ) # checking a previously set backend is still set ivy.set_backend(backend) ivy.set_backend("numpy") ivy.previous_backend() ivy.utils.assertions.check_equal(ivy.current_backend_str(), backend, as_array=False) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ( "backend", "array_type", ), available_array_types_class, ) def test_set_backend(backend, array_type): # recording data before backend change stack_before = [] func_address_before = id(ivy.sum) stack_before.extend(ivy.backend_stack) ivy.set_backend(backend) stack_after = ivy.backend_stack # check that the function id has changed as inverse=True. ivy.utils.assertions.check_equal( func_address_before, id(ivy.sum), inverse=True, as_array=False ) # using ivy assertions to ensure the desired backend is set ivy.utils.assertions.check_less(len(stack_before), len(stack_after), as_array=False) ivy.utils.assertions.check_equal(ivy.current_backend_str(), backend, as_array=False) backend = importlib.import_module(_backend_dict[backend]) ivy.utils.assertions.check_equal(stack_after[-1], backend, as_array=False) x = ivy.array([1, 2, 3]) ivy.utils.assertions.check_equal( str(type(ivy.to_native(x))), array_type, as_array=False ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("backend", ["torch", "numpy"]) def test_set_backend_no_warning_when_inplace_update_supported(backend): with pytest.warns(None): ivy.set_backend(backend) def test_set_backend_throw_warning_only_once_when_inplace_update_not_supported( backend_fw, ): def _assert_number_of_inplace_warnings_is(n): inplace_update_warning_counter = 0 for item in record: if "inplace update" in str(item.message): inplace_update_warning_counter += 1 assert inplace_update_warning_counter == n if backend_fw in ["tensorflow", "paddle", "jax"]: with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as record: ivy.set_backend(backend_fw) ivy.set_backend(backend_fw) _assert_number_of_inplace_warnings_is(1) def test_unset_backend(): for backend_str in _available_frameworks(): ivy.set_backend(backend_str) ivy.unset_backend() ivy.utils.assertions.check_equal(ivy.backend_stack, [], as_array=False) def test_variables(): # clear the backend stack ivy.unset_backend() ivy.set_backend("tensorflow", dynamic=True) a = tf.Variable(0) b = tf.Variable(1) dyn_cont = ivy.Container({"w": a, "b": b}) stat_cont = ivy.Container({"w": a, "b": b}) stat_cont.dynamic_backend = False ivy.set_backend("torch", dynamic=True) assert ivy.current_backend().gradients.is_variable(dyn_cont["w"].data) ivy.set_backend("paddle", dynamic=True) assert ivy.current_backend().gradients.is_variable(dyn_cont["w"].data) assert isinstance(stat_cont["w"], tf.Variable) available_frameworks_with_none.append(None) if "tensorflow" in _available_frameworks(): available_array_types_input.append(("tensorflow", tf.constant([3.0]))) available_array_types_class.append( ("tensorflow", "<class 'tensorflow.python.framework.ops.EagerTensor'>") ) if "jax" in _available_frameworks(): available_array_types_input.append(("jax", jnp.array(3.0))) if version.parse(jax.__version__) >= version.parse("0.4.1"): available_array_types_class.append( ("jax", "<class 'jaxlib.xla_extension.ArrayImpl'>") ) else: available_array_types_class.append( ("jax", "<class 'jaxlib.xla_extension.DeviceArray'>") ) if "torch" in _available_frameworks(): available_array_types_input.append(("torch", torch.tensor([3.0]))) available_array_types_class.append(("torch", "<class 'torch.Tensor'>")) if "paddle" in _available_frameworks(): available_array_types_input.append(("paddle", paddle.to_tensor([3.0]))) available_array_types_class.append(("paddle", "<class 'paddle.Tensor'>"))
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_misc/test_backend_utils/test_backend_handler.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 4010 }
from hypothesis import assume, strategies as st import numpy as np import ivy import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import handle_method CLASS_TREE = "ivy.Shape" DUMMY_DTYPE = ["int32"] @handle_method( init_tree=CLASS_TREE, method_tree="Shape.__add__", shape_1=helpers.get_shape(), shape_2=helpers.get_shape(), ) def test_shape__add__( shape_1, shape_2, method_name, class_name, ground_truth_backend, backend_fw, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"shape_tup": shape_1}, init_input_dtypes=DUMMY_DTYPE, method_input_dtypes=DUMMY_DTYPE, method_all_as_kwargs_np={"other": shape_2}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( method_tree="Shape.__bool__", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=st.one_of(st.just(("bool",)), helpers.get_dtypes("integer")), max_num_dims=0, min_value=0, max_value=1, ), ) def test_shape__bool__( dtype_and_x, method_name, class_name, ground_truth_backend, backend_fw, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"data": x[0]}, init_input_dtypes=dtype, method_input_dtypes=[], method_all_as_kwargs_np={}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( method_tree="Shape.__eq__", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), ) def test_shape__eq__( dtype_and_x, method_name, class_name, ground_truth_backend, backend_fw, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"data": x[0]}, init_input_dtypes=dtype, method_input_dtypes=dtype, method_all_as_kwargs_np={"other": x[1]}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( init_tree=CLASS_TREE, method_tree="Shape.__ge__", shape_1=helpers.get_shape(), shape_2=helpers.get_shape(), ) def test_shape__ge__( shape_1, shape_2, method_name, class_name, ground_truth_backend, backend_fw, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"shape_tup": shape_1}, init_input_dtypes=DUMMY_DTYPE, method_input_dtypes=DUMMY_DTYPE, method_all_as_kwargs_np={"other": shape_2}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( method_tree="Shape.__getitem__", dtypes_x_query=helpers.dtype_array_query( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), allow_neg_step=False, ), ) def test_shape__getitem__( dtypes_x_query, init_flags, method_flags, method_name, class_name, backend_fw, ground_truth_backend, on_device, ): dtypes, x, query = dtypes_x_query helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, backend_to_test=backend_fw, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"shape": x[0]}, init_input_dtypes=[dtypes[0]], method_input_dtypes=[dtypes[1]], method_all_as_kwargs_np={"key": query}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( method_tree="Shape.__gt__", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), ) def test_shape__gt__( dtype_and_x, method_name, class_name, ground_truth_backend, backend_fw, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"shape": x[0]}, init_input_dtypes=dtype, method_input_dtypes=dtype, method_all_as_kwargs_np={"other": x[1]}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( method_tree="Shape.__int__", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), max_num_dims=0, min_value=-1e15, max_value=1e15, ), method_container_flags=st.just([False]), ) def test_shape__int__( dtype_and_x, method_name, class_name, ground_truth_backend, backend_fw, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"shape": x[0]}, init_input_dtypes=dtype, method_input_dtypes=[], method_all_as_kwargs_np={}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( method_tree="Shape.__iter__", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), min_dim_size=2, min_num_dims=1, ), ) def test_shape__iter__( dtype_and_x, method_name, class_name, ground_truth_backend, backend_fw, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"shape": x[0]}, init_input_dtypes=dtype, method_input_dtypes=dtype, method_all_as_kwargs_np={}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( method_tree="Shape.__le__", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), ) def test_shape__le__( dtype_and_x, method_name, class_name, ground_truth_backend, backend_fw, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"shape": x[0]}, init_input_dtypes=dtype, method_input_dtypes=dtype, method_all_as_kwargs_np={"other": x[1]}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( method_tree="Shape.__len__", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("integer"), min_dim_size=2, min_num_dims=1, ), ) def test_shape__len__( dtype_and_x, method_name, class_name, backend_fw, ground_truth_backend, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"data": x[0]}, init_input_dtypes=dtype, method_input_dtypes=dtype, method_all_as_kwargs_np={}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( method_tree="Shape.__lt__", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ), ) def test_shape__lt__( dtype_and_x, method_name, class_name, ground_truth_backend, backend_fw, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"data": x[0]}, init_input_dtypes=dtype, method_input_dtypes=dtype, method_all_as_kwargs_np={"other": x[1]}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( method_tree="Shape.__mod__", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, large_abs_safety_factor=2.5, small_abs_safety_factor=2.5, safety_factor_scale="log", shared_dtype=True, ), ) def test_shape__mod__( dtype_and_x, method_name, class_name, backend_fw, ground_truth_backend, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x assume(not np.any(np.isclose(x[1], 0))) helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"data": x[0]}, init_input_dtypes=dtype, method_input_dtypes=dtype, method_all_as_kwargs_np={"other": x[1]}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( init_tree=CLASS_TREE, method_tree="Shape.__mul__", shape=helpers.get_shape(), other=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=10), ) def test_shape__mul__( shape, other, method_name, class_name, backend_fw, ground_truth_backend, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"shape_tup": shape}, init_input_dtypes=DUMMY_DTYPE, method_input_dtypes=DUMMY_DTYPE, method_all_as_kwargs_np={"other": other}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( init_tree=CLASS_TREE, method_tree="Shape.__radd__", shape_1=helpers.get_shape(), shape_2=helpers.get_shape(), ) def test_shape__radd__( shape_1, shape_2, method_name, class_name, backend_fw, ground_truth_backend, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"shape_tup": shape_1}, init_input_dtypes=DUMMY_DTYPE, method_input_dtypes=DUMMY_DTYPE, method_all_as_kwargs_np={"other": shape_2}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( method_tree="Shape.__rdiv__", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, large_abs_safety_factor=2.5, small_abs_safety_factor=2.5, safety_factor_scale="log", shared_dtype=True, ), ) def test_shape__rdiv__( dtype_and_x, method_name, class_name, ground_truth_backend, backend_fw, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x assume(not np.any(np.isclose(x[0], 0))) helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"shape": x[0]}, init_input_dtypes=dtype, method_input_dtypes=dtype, method_all_as_kwargs_np={"other": x[1]}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( method_tree="Shape.__rmod__", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, large_abs_safety_factor=2.5, small_abs_safety_factor=2.5, safety_factor_scale="log", shared_dtype=True, ), ) def test_shape__rmod__( dtype_and_x, method_name, class_name, ground_truth_backend, backend_fw, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x assume(not np.any(np.isclose(x[0], 0))) helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"data": x[0]}, init_input_dtypes=dtype, method_input_dtypes=dtype, method_all_as_kwargs_np={"other": x[1]}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( init_tree=CLASS_TREE, method_tree="Shape.__rmul__", shape=helpers.get_shape(), other=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=10), ) def test_shape__rmul__( shape, other, method_name, class_name, ground_truth_backend, backend_fw, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"shape_tup": shape}, init_input_dtypes=DUMMY_DTYPE, method_input_dtypes=DUMMY_DTYPE, method_all_as_kwargs_np={"other": other}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( method_tree="Shape.__rsub__", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, large_abs_safety_factor=2.5, small_abs_safety_factor=2.5, safety_factor_scale="log", shared_dtype=True, ), ) def test_shape__rsub__( dtype_and_x, method_name, class_name, backend_fw, ground_truth_backend, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"shape": x[0]}, init_input_dtypes=dtype, method_input_dtypes=dtype, method_all_as_kwargs_np={"other": x[1]}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) @handle_method( method_tree="Shape.__sub__", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric"), num_arrays=2, large_abs_safety_factor=2.5, small_abs_safety_factor=2.5, safety_factor_scale="log", shared_dtype=True, ), ) def test_shape__sub__( dtype_and_x, method_name, class_name, ground_truth_backend, backend_fw, init_flags, method_flags, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_method( on_device=on_device, ground_truth_backend=ground_truth_backend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, init_flags=init_flags, method_flags=method_flags, init_all_as_kwargs_np={"shape": x[0]}, init_input_dtypes=dtype, method_input_dtypes=dtype, method_all_as_kwargs_np={"other": x[1]}, class_name=class_name, method_name=method_name, ) def test_shape_in_conditions(): shape = ivy.Shape((1, 2)) condition_is_true = True if shape else False assert condition_is_true shape = ivy.Shape(()) condition_is_true = True if shape else False assert not condition_is_true
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_misc/test_shape.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 8436 }
# Run Tests import os import subprocess import sys from pymongo import MongoClient result_config = { "success": "https://img.shields.io/badge/-success-success", "failure": "https://img.shields.io/badge/-failure-red", } def make_clickable(url, name): return ( f'<a href="{url}" rel="noopener noreferrer" ' + f'target="_blank"><img src={name}></a>' ) def get_submodule(test_path): test_path = test_path.split("/") submod_test = test_path[-1] submod, test_fn = submod_test.split("::") submod = submod.replace("test_", "").replace(".py", "") return ["array_api", 0], submod, test_fn def update_individual_test_results( collection, id, submod, backend, test, result, backend_version=None, frontend_version=None, ): key = f"{submod}.{backend}" if backend_version is not None: backend_version = backend_version.replace(".", "_") key += f".{backend_version}" if frontend_version is not None: frontend_version = frontend_version.replace(".", "_") key += f".{frontend_version}" key += f".{test}" collection.update_one( {"_id": id}, {"$set": {key: result}}, upsert=True, ) BACKENDS = ["numpy", "jax", "tensorflow", "torch"] def main(): redis_url = sys.argv[1] redis_pass = sys.argv[2] mongo_key = sys.argv[3] workflow_id = sys.argv[4] if len(sys.argv) > 5: run_id = sys.argv[5] else: run_id = f"https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/actions/runs/{workflow_id}" failed = False cluster = MongoClient( f"mongodb+srv://deep-ivy:{mongo_key}@cluster0.qdvf8q3.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority" # noqa ) db = cluster["Ivy_tests_multi"] k_flag = {} subprocess.run( ["python3", "ivy_tests/array_api_testing/write_array_api_tests_k_flag.py"], check=True, ) for backend in BACKENDS: k_flag_file = f"ivy_tests/array_api_testing/.array_api_tests_k_flag_{backend}" with open(k_flag_file, "r") as f: array_api_tests_k_flag = f.read().strip() if backend == "torch": array_api_tests_k_flag += " and not (uint16 or uint32 or uint64)" k_flag[backend] = array_api_tests_k_flag with open("tests_to_run", "r") as f: for line in f: test, backend = line.split(",") backend = backend.strip("\n") coll, submod, test_fn = get_submodule(test) command = f'docker run --rm --env IVY_BACKEND={backend} --env ARRAY_API_TESTS_MODULE="ivy" --env REDIS_URL={redis_url} --env REDIS_PASSWD={redis_pass} -v "$(pwd)":/ivy -v "$(pwd)"/.hypothesis:/.hypothesis unifyai/ivy:latest timeout 30m python3 -m pytest {test} -k "{k_flag[backend]}" --tb=short -vv' # noqa print(f"\n{'*' * 100}") print(f"{line[:-1]}") print(f"{'*' * 100}\n") sys.stdout.flush() ret = os.system(command) if ret != 0: res = make_clickable(run_id, result_config["failure"]) failed = True else: res = make_clickable(run_id, result_config["success"]) update_individual_test_results( db[coll[0]], coll[1], submod, backend, test_fn, res, "latest-stable", ) if failed: sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
{ "file_path": "ivy/scripts/run_tests/array_api_run_tests.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1731 }
from get_all_tests import BACKENDS from packaging import version from pymongo import MongoClient import requests import sys def get_latest_package_version(package_name): try: url = f"https://pypi.org/pypi/{package_name}/json" response = requests.get(url, timeout=10) response.raise_for_status() package_info = response.json() versions = list(package_info["releases"].keys()) key = lambda x: version.parse(x) return sorted(versions, key=key, reverse=True) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: print(f"Error: Failed to fetch package information for {package_name}.") return None def main(): # connect to the database priority = sys.argv[1] == "true" run_iter = int(sys.argv[2]) - 1 cluster = MongoClient( "mongodb+srv://readonly-user:[email protected]" ) ci_dashboard_db = cluster["ci_dashboard"] ivy_tests_collection = ci_dashboard_db["ivy_tests"] frontend_tests_collection = ci_dashboard_db["frontend_tests"] # iterate over demos and collect ivy and frontend functions used ivy_test_docs = ivy_tests_collection.find() frontend_test_docs = frontend_tests_collection.find() ivy_functions = [ ivy_test_doc["_id"] for ivy_test_doc in ivy_test_docs if not priority or ivy_test_doc.get("demos", None) ] frontend_functions = [ frontend_test_doc["_id"] for frontend_test_doc in frontend_test_docs if not priority or frontend_test_doc.get("demos", None) ] ivy_functions = sorted(list(set(ivy_functions))) frontend_functions = sorted(list(set(frontend_functions))) versions = { backend: [ version_name.replace(".", "_") for version_name in get_latest_package_version(backend) ] for backend in BACKENDS } # find corresponding test paths for those functions ivy_test_paths = [] frontend_test_paths = [] for function in ivy_functions: print("function", function) result = ivy_tests_collection.find_one({"_id": function}) if result: for backend in BACKENDS: if backend in result: for version_name in versions[backend]: if version_name in result[backend]: if "status" in result[backend][version_name]: status = result[backend][version_name]["status"].get( "cpu" ) if not status and status is not None: ivy_test_paths.append( f"{result['test_path']},{backend}" ) break for function in frontend_functions: print("frontend function", function) frontend = function.split(".")[0] result = frontend_tests_collection.find_one({"_id": function}) if result and frontend in versions: for frontend_version in versions[frontend]: if frontend_version in result: backend_result = result[frontend_version] for backend in BACKENDS: if backend in backend_result: for version_name in versions[backend]: if version_name in backend_result[backend]: if ( "status" in backend_result[backend][version_name] ): status = backend_result[backend][version_name][ "status" ].get("cpu") if not status and status is not None: frontend_test_paths.append( f"{result['test_path']},{backend}" ) break all_tests = ivy_test_paths + frontend_test_paths all_tests = [test_path.strip() for test_path in all_tests] tests_per_run = 50 num_tests = len(all_tests) start = run_iter * tests_per_run end = (run_iter + 1) * tests_per_run end = min(end, num_tests) if start < end: tests = all_tests[start:end] else: tests = [] # add those paths to the tests_to_run with open("tests_to_run", "w") as write_file: write_file.write("\n".join(tests)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
{ "file_path": "ivy/scripts/setup_tests/setup_failing_tests.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 2485 }
{ "name": "Ivy GPU Development Environment (image)", "image": "unifyai/ivy:latest-gpu", "customizations": { "vscode": { "extensions": [ "ms-python.vscode-pylance" ], "settings": { "python.defaultInterpreterPath": "/opt/miniconda/envs/multienv/bin/python3" } } }, "runArgs": ["--gpus","all"], "postCreateCommand": { "post_create": "bash .devcontainer/post_create_commands.sh", "bashrc": "echo \"alias python=python3\" >> ~/.bashrc" }, "initializeCommand": "docker pull unifyai/ivy:latest", // Use 'forwardPorts' to make a list of ports inside the container available locally. // "forwardPorts": [], // Uncomment when using a ptrace-based debugger like C++, Go, and Rust // "runArgs": [ "--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE", "--security-opt", "seccomp=unconfined" ], // Uncomment to use the Docker CLI from inside the container. See https://aka.ms/vscode-remote/samples/docker-from-docker. // "mounts": [ "source=/var/run/docker.sock,target=/var/run/docker.sock,type=bind" ], // Uncomment to connect as a non-root user if you've added one. See https://aka.ms/vscode-remote/containers/non-root. // "remoteUser": "vscode", "features": { "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/common-utils:2": { "installZsh": true, "configureZshAsDefaultShell": true, "installOhMyZsh": true, "upgradePackages": false }, "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/docker-outside-of-docker:1": { "moby": true, "installDockerBuildx": true, "version": "20.10", "dockerDashComposeVersion": "v2" }, "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/github-cli:1": { "installDirectlyFromGitHubRelease": true, "version": "latest" } } }
{ "file_path": "ivy/.devcontainer/image_gpu/devcontainer.json", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 674 }
repos: - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks rev: v4.5.0 hooks: - id: check-yaml - id: trailing-whitespace - id: check-toml - id: end-of-file-fixer - repo: https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit rev: v0.2.2 hooks: # Run the linter. - id: ruff args: [ --fix ] - repo: https://github.com/psf/black-pre-commit-mirror rev: 24.2.0 hooks: - id: black language_version: python3 args: - "--preview" exclude: > (?x) ( ivy/functional/frontends/(?!.*(?:config\.py|__init__\.py)$).* | ivy_tests/test_ivy/(?!.*(?:__init__\.py|conftest\.py|helpers/.*|test_frontends/config/.*$)).* ) - repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/autoflake rev: v2.3.0 hooks: - id: autoflake - repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/docformatter rev: v1.7.5 hooks: - id: docformatter - repo: https://github.com/unifyai/lint-hook rev: a72ffb17562d919311653d7f593cb537d1245c19 hooks: - id: ivy-lint
{ "file_path": "ivy/.pre-commit-config.yaml", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 569 }
#!/bin/bash docker build -t unifyai/ivy:latest --no-cache -f DockerfileApplied ..
{ "file_path": "ivy/docker/build_applied_dockerfile.sh", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 31 }
{% extends "top_level_toc.rst" %} {% block name %}{{"Functions" | escape | underline}}{% endblock %} {% block template %}top_functional_module.rst{% endblock %}
{ "file_path": "ivy/docs/_templates/top_functional_toc.rst", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 61 }
Backend Setting =============== .. _`this function`: https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/1eb841cdf595e2bb269fce084bd50fb79ce01a69/ivy/backend_handler.py#L154 .. _`implicit_backend`: https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/3358b5bbadbe4cbc0509cad4ea8f05f178dfd8b8/ivy/utils/backend/handler.py .. _`import the backend module`: https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/1eb841cdf595e2bb269fce084bd50fb79ce01a69/ivy/backend_handler.py#L184 .. _`writing the function`: https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/1eb841cdf595e2bb269fce084bd50fb79ce01a69/ivy/backend_handler.py#L212 .. _`wrap the functions`: https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/1eb841cdf595e2bb269fce084bd50fb79ce01a69/ivy/backend_handler.py#L204 .. _`repo`: https://github.com/unifyai/ivy .. _`discord`: https://discord.gg/sXyFF8tDtm .. _`backend setting thread`: https://discord.com/channels/799879767196958751/1189905734645850254 The backend framework can either be set by calling :code:`ivy.set_backend(backend_name)` or it can inferred from the arguments. For the latter, a global variable `implicit_backend`_ is located in the file which is initialized as numpy, and is always used to infer the backend in cases where: (a) no backend has been set using the :code:`set_backend` function and (b) the backend cannot be inferred from the inputs. If the framework can be inferred from the inputs, then this is always used, and the `implicit_backend`_ is overwritten with the framework inferred. numpy will always be the default backend unless it is explicitly set or is inferred. When calling `this function`_ for setting the backend, the following steps are performed: #. store a global copy of the original :attr:`ivy.__dict__` to :code:`ivy_original_dict`, if this is not already stored. #. `import the backend module`_, for example :mod:`ivy.functional.backends.torch`, if the backend has been passed in as a string. All functions in this unmodified backend module are *primary* functions, because only primary functions are stored in :mod:`ivy.functional.backends.backend_name`. This backend module does not include any *compositional* functions. #. loop through the original :code:`ivy_original_dict` (which has all functions, including compositional), and (a) add the primary function from the backend if it exists, (b) else add the compositional function from :code:`ivy_original_dict`. #. `wrap the functions`_ where necessary, extending them with shared repeated functionality and `writing the function`_ to :attr:`ivy.__dict__`. Wrapping is used in order to avoid excessive code duplication in every backend function implementation. This is explained in more detail in the next section: `Function Wrapping <function_wrapping.rst>`_. It's helpful to look at an example: .. code-block:: python x = ivy.array([[2., 3.]]) ivy.current_backend() <module 'ivy.functional.backends.numpy' from '/opt/project/ivy/functional/backends/numpy/__init__.py'> .. code-block:: python y = ivy.multiply(torch.Tensor([3.]), torch.Tensor([4.])) ivy.current_backend() <module 'ivy.functional.backends.torch' from '/opt/project/ivy/functional/backends/torch/__init__.py'> .. code-block:: python ivy.set_backend('jax') z = ivy.matmul(jax.numpy.array([[2.,3.]]), jax.numpy.array([[5.],[6.]])) ivy.current_backend() <module 'ivy.functional.backends.jax' from '/opt/project/ivy/functional/backends/jax/__init__.py'> ivy.previous_backend() ivy.current_backend() <module 'ivy.functional.backends.torch' from '/opt/project/ivy/functional/backends/torch/__init__.py'> In the last example above, the moment any backend is set, it will be used over the `implicit_backend`_. However when the current backend is set to the previous using the :func:`ivy.previous_backend`, the `implicit_backend`_ will be used as a fallback, which will assume the backend from the last run. While the `implicit_backend`_ functionality gives more freedom to the user, the recommended way of doing things would be to set the backend explicitly. In addition, all the previously set backends can be cleared by calling :func:`ivy.unset_backend`. Dynamic Backend Setting ----------------------- .. _`ivy.set_dynamic_backend`: https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/e2b0b1d7fcd454f12bfae94b03213457460276c8/ivy/__init__.py#L1150. .. _`ivy.unset_dynamic_backend`: https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/e2b0b1d7fcd454f12bfae94b03213457460276c8/ivy/__init__.py#L1187. .. _`ivy.dynamic_backend_as`: https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/e2b0b1d7fcd454f12bfae94b03213457460276c8/ivy/__init__.py#L1190. .. _`ivy.Array`: https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/e2b0b1d7fcd454f12bfae94b03213457460276c8/ivy/data_classes/array/array.py#L190. .. _`ivy.Container`: https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/e2b0b1d7fcd454f12bfae94b03213457460276c8/ivy/data_classes/container/base.py#L4285. .. _`dynamic_backend_converter`: https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/e2b0b1d7fcd454f12bfae94b03213457460276c8/ivy/utils/backend/handler.py#L252. Working with different backends in Ivy can be challenging, especially when you need to switch between backends frequently. To make this easier, users can make use of the dynamic backend attribute of :class:`ivy.Array` and :class:`ivy.Container` classes which allow you to automatically convert ivy arrays to the new backend whenever the backend is changed. Essentially, when the user calls :code:`ivy.set_backend(<backend>, dynamic=True)`, the following steps are performed: #. First, all live objects in the current project scope are found and then filtered to only include :class:`ivy.Array`/:class:`ivy.Container` objects. #. Then, these objects are iterated through and converted to the target backend using DLPack or numpy as an intermediary. By default, the dynamic backend attribute is set to True when you create an ivy array (e.g., :code:`x = ivy.array([1,2,3])`), but the attribute is mutable and can be changed after the ivy array is created (e.g., :code:`x.dynamic_backend= True`). Here's an example to illustrate how this works in practice: .. code-block:: python ivy.set_backend('torch') x = ivy.array([1,2,3]) y = ivy.array([1,2,3]) y.dynamic_backend=False x.dynamic_backend=True x.data # torch tensor y.data # torch.tensor ivy.set_backend('jax') x.data # will be a jax array y.data # will still be a torch tensor since dynamic_backend=False Setting the attribute to True converts the array to the current backend even if the backend was set with `dynamic=False`. In addition to setting the dynamic backend attribute for individual ivy arrays, you can also set or unset the dynamic backend feature globally for all such instances using `ivy.set_dynamic_backend`_ and `ivy.unset_dynamic_backend`_ respectively. Another useful feature of the dynamic backend is the `ivy.dynamic_backend_as`_ context manager. This allows you to write code like this: .. code-block:: python with ivy.dynamic_backend_as(True): a = ivy.array([0., 1.]) b = ivy.array([2., 3.]) with ivy.dynamic_backend_as(False): c = ivy.array([4., 5.]) d = ivy.array([6., 7.]) This makes it easy to define different sections of your project with different settings, without having to explicitly call :code:`ivy.set_<something>` and :code:`ivy.unset_<something>` etc. Backend and Frontend Version Support ------------------------------------ Each time a new ivy backend is set, the backend_handler modifies the :attr:`ivy.__dict__` to support the multiple versions of functions that are not forward compatible. For example, :func:`torch.ones_like` in the latest stable version :code:`1.12` has many new arguments :code:`dtype=None, layout=None, device=None, requires_grad=False, memory_format=torch.preserve_format` compared to the same function at version :code:`0.3.1`. None of these new arguments will cause any forward compatibility issues: they weren't used in old code, and they can now just be used in new code if desired. However, the removal of the :code:`out` argument does break forward compatibility. Old torch code will raise an :exc:`Argument Not Found` error if being run with new torch versions. However, such forward-breaking changes are in the vast minority. We currently use a naming convention for such functions and name them as :code:`fn_name_v_1p12_and_above` which means that this particular implementation of the function is valid for versions :code:`1.12` and above. Similarly, :code:`fn_name_v_1p01_to_1p1` means that the function is valid for versions between :code:`1.01` and :code:`1.1` both inclusive. Each time a backend is set, we go through the :attr:`backend.__dict__` and for all functions for which multiple versions are detected, we simply import and assign the original :code:`fn_name` to the version specific one. We do so by detecting the version of the backend framework installed on the user's end. We follow the same workflow for providing version support to the frontend functions. Again the version is inferred by importing the corresponding framework on the user's system. If the user's system doesn't have the backend framework installed, we default to the latest version. **Round Up** This should have hopefully given you a good feel for how the backend framework is set. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out on `discord`_ in the `backend setting thread`_! **Video** .. raw:: html <iframe width="420" height="315" allow="fullscreen;" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ROt5E8aHgww" class="video"> </iframe>
{ "file_path": "ivy/docs/overview/deep_dive/backend_setting.rst", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 3095 }
Ivy Frontends ============= .. _`tensorflow.tan`: https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/f52457a7bf3cfafa30a7c1a29a708ade017a735f/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_tensorflow/test_math.py#L109 .. _`aliases`: https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/math/tan .. _`jax.lax.add`: https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_autosummary/jax.lax.add.html .. _`jax.lax`: https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/jax.lax.html .. _`jax.lax.tan`: https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_autosummary/jax.lax.tan.html .. _`numpy.add`: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.add.html .. _`numpy mathematical functions`: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/index.html .. _`numpy.tan`: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.tan.html .. _`tf`: https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf .. _`tf.math.tan`: https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/math/tan .. _`torch.add`: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.add.html#torch.add .. _`torch`: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/torch.html#math-operations .. _`torch.tan`: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.tan.html#torch.tan .. _`YouTube tutorial series`: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72kBVJTpzIw&list=PLwNuX3xB_tv-wTpVDMSJr7XW6IP_qZH0t .. _`discord`: https://discord.gg/sXyFF8tDtm .. _`ivy frontends thread`: https://discord.com/channels/799879767196958751/1189908295041941514 .. _`Array manipulation routines`: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/routines.array-manipulation.html# .. _`Array creation routines`: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/routines.array-creation.html Introduction ------------ On top of the Ivy functional API and backend functional APIs, Ivy has another set of framework-specific frontend functional APIs, which play an important role in code transpilations, as explained `here <https://lets-unify.ai/docs/ivy/overview/design/ivy_as_a_transpiler.html>`_. The Frontend Basics ------------------- When using functions and methods of Ivy Frontends, in addition to importing ivy itself like :code:`import ivy` please also import the corresponding Frontend module. For example, to use ivy's tensorflow frontend: :code:`import ivy.functional.frontends.tensorflow as tf_frontend` ---- When testing the frontend functions, we can sometimes call the function directly from the root frontend namespace. For example, we call `tensorflow.tan`_ rather than :func:`tensorflow.math.tan`. In this particular case both are fine, and in fact are `aliases`_. However, sometimes an extra namespace path is necessary. Taking JAX as an example, the functions :func:`jax.numpy.abs` and :func:`jax.lax.abs` both exist, while :func:`jax.abs` does not exist. In our JAX frontend, if we add both of these to the root namespace, it would not be possible to call :func:`jax.abs` in our frontend. This would result in :func:`jax.numpy.abs` or :func:`jax.lax.abs` overwriting the other one in an arbitrary manner. In fact, neither of these should be added to the root namespace, as it does not exist in the native :mod:`jax` framework. If you accidentally test a function with :code:`fn_tree="<func_name>"` instead of :code:`fn_tree="<lax|numpy>.<func_name>"`, you will see an error since the wrong frontend function is being tested. Therefore, in order to avoid this potential conflict: * All frontend tests should use the full namespace path when calling the frontend function. In the case of TensorFlow, this would mean writing :code:`fn_tree="math.tan"` instead of :code:`fn_tree="tan"` in the frontend test. * The :mod:`__init__.py` file in all frontends should be carefully checked, and you should verify that you are not adding aliases into the frontend which should not exist, such as the case of :func:`jax.abs` explained above. * You should ensure that the tests are passing before merging any frontend PRs. The only exception to this rule is if the test is failing due to a bug in the Ivy functional API, which does not need to be solved as part of the frontend task. There will be some implicit discussion of the locations of frontend functions in these examples, however an explicit explanation of how to place a frontend function can be found in a sub-section of the Frontend APIs :ref:`open task <overview/contributing/open_tasks:Frontend APIs>`. **NOTE:** Type hints, docstrings, and examples are not required when working on frontend functions. **Frontend Arrays** The native arrays of each framework have their own attributes and instance methods which differ from the attributes and instance methods of :class:`ivy.Array`. As such we have implemented framework-specific array classes: :class:`tf_frontend.Tensor`, :class:`torch_frontend.Tensor`, :class:`numpy_frontend.ndarray`, and :class:`jax_frontend.DeviceArray`. These classes simply wrap an :class:`ivy.Array`, which is stored in the :code:`ivy_array` attribute, and behave as closely as possible to the native framework array classes. This is explained further in the :ref:`overview/deep_dive/ivy_frontends:Classes and Instance Methods` section. As we aim to replicate the frontend frameworks as closely as possible, all functions accept their frontend array class (as well as :class:`ivy.Array` and :class:`ivy.NativeArray`) and return a frontend array. However, since most logic in each function is handled by Ivy, the :class:`ivy.Array` must be extracted from any frontend array inputs. Therefore we add the wrapper :code:`@to_ivy_arrays_and_back` to virtually all functions in the frontends. There are more framework-specific classes we support in the frontends such as NumPy and Tensorflow :class:`Dtype` classes, NumPy and Jax :class:`Scalars`, NumPy :class:`Matrix`, etc. All these increase the fidelity of our frontends. Writing Frontend Functions ------------------- **Jax** JAX has two distinct groups of functions, those in the :mod:`jax.lax` namespace and those in the :mod:`jax.numpy` namespace. The former set of functions map very closely to the API for the Accelerated Linear Algebra (`XLA <https://www.tensorflow.org/xla>`_) compiler, which is used under the hood to run high performance JAX code. The latter set of functions map very closely to NumPy's well known API. In general, all functions in the :mod:`jax.numpy` namespace are themselves implemented as a composition of the lower-level functions in the :mod:`jax.lax` namespace. When transpiling between frameworks, the first step is to trace a computation graph of low level python functions for the source framework using Ivy's tracer, before then replacing these nodes with the associated functions in Ivy's frontend API. Given that all jax code can be decomposed into :mod:`jax.lax` function calls, when transpiling JAX code it should always be possible to express the computation graph as a composition of only :mod:`jax.lax` functions. Therefore, arguably these are the *only* functions we should need to implement in the JAX frontend. However, in general we wish to be able to trace a graph in the backend framework with varying levels of dynamicism. A graph of only :mod:`jax.lax` functions chained together in general is more *static* and less *dynamic* than a graph which chains :mod:`jax.numpy` functions together. We wish to enable varying extents of dynamicism when creating a graph with our tracer, and therefore we also implement the functions in the :mod:`jax.numpy` namespace in our frontend API for JAX. Thus, both :mod:`lax` and :mod:`numpy` modules are created in the JAX frontend API. We start with the function :func:`lax.add` as an example. .. code-block:: python # in ivy/functional/frontends/jax/lax/operators.py @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def add(x, y): return ivy.add(x, y) :func:`lax.add` is categorised under :code:`operators` as shown in the `jax.lax`_ package directory. We organize the functions using the same categorizations as the original framework, and also mimic the importing behaviour regarding modules and namespaces etc. For the function arguments, these must be identical to the original function in Jax. In this case, `jax.lax.add`_ has two arguments, and so we will also have the same two arguments in our Jax frontend :func:`lax.add`. In this case, the function will then simply return :func:`ivy.add`, which in turn will link to the backend-specific implementation :func:`ivy.add` according to the framework set in the backend. .. code-block:: python # in ivy/functional/frontends/jax/lax/operators.py @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def tan(x): return ivy.tan(x) Using :func:`lax.tan` as a second example, we can see that this is placed under :mod:`operators`, again in the `jax.lax`_ directory. By referring to the `jax.lax.tan`_ documentation, we can see that it has only one argument. In the same manner as our :func:`add` function, we simply link its return to :func:`ivy.tan`, and again the computation then depends on the backend framework. **NumPy** .. code-block:: python # in ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/mathematical_functions/arithmetic_operations.py @handle_numpy_out @handle_numpy_dtype @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @handle_numpy_casting @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def _add( x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting="same_kind", order="k", dtype=None, subok=True, ): x1, x2 = promote_types_of_numpy_inputs(x1, x2) ret = ivy.add(x1, x2, out=out) if ivy.is_array(where): ret = ivy.where(where, ret, ivy.default(out, ivy.zeros_like(ret)), out=out) return ret In NumPy, :func:`add` is categorised under :mod:`mathematical_functions` with a sub-category of :mod:`arithmetic_operations` as shown in the `numpy mathematical functions`_ directory. It is important to note that :func:`add` is a universal function (`ufunc <https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/ufuncs.html>`_) in NumPy, thus the function is actually an object with instance methods like :code:`.at` and :code:`.reduce`, etc. We deal with this in the NumPy frontend by including a :class:`ufunc` class and initialising it in the :mod:`__init__` file: .. code-block:: python # in ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/__init__.py from ivy.functional.frontends.numpy.mathematical_functions.arithmetic_operations import _add add = ufunc("_add") As shown, we import the above function :func:`_add` and use it to initialise the :class:`ufunc` object which corresponds to the NumPy :func:`add` function. Practically the :func:`add` object calls the :func:`_add` under the hood, but it has all the extra instance methods of the :class:`ufunc` class. All other functions which are :class:`ufunc` objects in NumPy are implemented in the same way. Of course if the :class:`ufunc` object and its respective function have the same name, we would run into problems where one would overwrite the other, to prevent this we make the actual function private by adding an underscore in the front of its name. Since only the :class:`ufunc` object should be accessible to the user, this approach is sufficient. When adding new NumPy functions which are :class:`ufuncs`, it's important to implement them in this way in order to properly replicate their functionality. Namely, a private function needs to be created in the respective sub-category, this function needs to be imported in the :mod:`__init__` file, and a :class:`ufunc` object needs to be created that shares the name of the function. For functions which are not :class:`ufuncs`, they are named normally without the underscore and are implemented as any other function. The function arguments for this function are slightly more complex due to the extra optional arguments. Additional handling code is added to recover the behaviour according to the `numpy.add <https://numpy.org/doc/1.23/reference/generated/numpy.add.html>`_ documentation. For example, :code:`@handle_numpy_out` is added to functions with an :code:`out` argument and it handles the inplace update of the :class:`ivy.Array` specified by :code:`out`, or the :class:`ivy.Array` wrapped by a frontend :class:`ndarray`. This wrapper was added because :code:`out` can be either a positional or keyword argument in most functions, thus it required some additional logic for proper handling. Additionally, :code:`casting` and :code:`dtype` are handled in the :code:`@handle_numpy_casting` wrapper, which casts the input arguments to the desired dtype as specified by :code:`dtype` and the chosen :code:`casting` rules. There's an additional wrapper for the :code:`dtype` argument :code:`@handle_numpy_dtype`. This wrapper is included to handle the various formats of the :code:`dtype` argument which NumPy `accepts <https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/arrays.dtypes.html#specifying-and-constructing-data-types>`_, such as type strings, :class:`numpy.Dtype` objects, characters, etc. In NumPy, most functions which can return a scalar value return it as a NumPy `Scalar <https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/arrays.scalars.html>`_. To replicate this we add the wrapper :code:`@from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar` which converts outputs that would normally be 0-dim arrays from Ivy functions, to a NumPy scalar. Of course the returned scalar object is actually an Ivy frontend equivalent object which behaves very similarly to the frontend :class:`ndarray`. Finally, :code:`order` is handled in the :code:`@to_ivy_arrays_and_back` decorator. The returned result is then obtained through :func:`ivy.add` just like the other examples. However, the argument :code:`subok` is completely unhandled here because it controls whether or not subclasses of the :class:`numpy.ndarray` should be permitted as inputs to the function. All ivy functions by default do enable subclasses of the :class:`ivy.Array` to be passed, and the frontend function will be operating with :class:`ivy.Array` instances rather than :class:`numpy.ndarray` instances, and so we omit this argument. Again, it has no bearing on input-output behaviour and so this is not a problem when transpiling between frameworks. See the section "Unused Arguments" below for more details. .. code-block:: python # in ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/mathematical_functions/trigonometric_functions.py @handle_numpy_out @handle_numpy_dtype @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @handle_numpy_casting @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def _tan( x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting="same_kind", order="K", dtype=None, subok=True, ): ret = ivy.tan(x, out=out) if ivy.is_array(where): ret = ivy.where(where, ret, ivy.default(out, ivy.zeros_like(ret)), out=out) return ret For the second example, :func:`tan` has a sub-category of :mod:`trigonometric_functions` according to the `numpy mathematical functions`_ directory. By referring to the `numpy.tan`_ documentation, we can see it has the same additional arguments as the :func:`add` function and it's also a :class:`ufunc`. In the same manner as :func:`add`, we handle the argument :code:`out`, :code:`where`, :code:`dtype`, :code:`casting`, and :code:`order` but we omit support for :code:`subok`. **TensorFlow** .. code-block:: python # in ivy/functional/frontends/tensorflow/math.py @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def add(x, y, name=None): x, y = check_tensorflow_casting(x, y) return ivy.add(x, y) The :func:`add` function is categorised under the :mod:`math` folder in the TensorFlow frontend. There are three arguments according to the `tf.math.add <https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/math/add>`_ documentation, which are written accordingly as shown above. Just like the previous examples, the implementation wraps :func:`ivy.add`, which itself defers to backend-specific functions depending on which framework is set in Ivy's backend. The arguments :code:`x` and :code:`y` are both used in the implementation, but the argument :code:`name` is not used. Similar to the omitted argument in the NumPy example above, the :code:`name` argument does not change the input-output behaviour of the function. Rather, this argument is added purely for the purpose of operation logging and retrieval, and also graph visualization in TensorFlow. Ivy does not support the unique naming of individual operations, and so we omit support for this particular argument. Additionally, TensorFlow only allows explicit casting, therefore there are no promotion rules in the TensorFlow frontend, except in the case of array like or scalar inputs, which get casted to the dtype of the other argument if it's a :class:`Tensor`, or the default dtype if both arguments are array like or scalar. The function :func:`check_tensorflow_casting` is added to functions with multiple arguments such as :func:`add`, and it ensures the second argument is the same type as the first, just as TensorFlow does. .. code-block:: python # in ivy/functional/frontends/tensorflow/math.py @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def tan(x, name=None): return ivy.tan(x) Likewise, :code:`tan` is also placed under :mod:`math`. By referring to the `tf.math.tan`_ documentation, we add the same arguments, and simply wrap :func:`ivy.tan` in this case. Again, we do not support the :code:`name` argument for the reasons outlined above. **NOTE** Many of the functions in the :mod:`tf.raw_ops` module have identical behaviour to functions in the general TensorFlow namespace e.g :func:`tf.argmax`. However, these functions are specified to have key-word only arguments and in some cases they have different argument names. In order to tackle these variations in behaviour, the :code:`map_raw_ops_alias` decorator was designed to wrap the functions that exist in the TensorFlow namespace, thus reducing unnecessary re-implementations. .. code-block:: python # in ivy/functional/frontends/tensorflow/math.py @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def argmax(input, axis, output_type=None, name=None): if output_type in ["uint16", "int16", "int32", "int64"]: return ivy.astype(ivy.argmax(input, axis=axis), output_type) else: return ivy.astype(ivy.argmax(input, axis=axis), "int64") This function :func:`argmax` is implemented in the :mod:`tf.math` module of the TensorFlow framework, there exists an identical function in the :mod:`tf.raw_ops` module implemented as :func:`ArgMax`. Both the functions have identical behaviour except for the fact that all arguments are passed as key-word only for :func:`tf.raw_ops.ArgMax`. In some corner cases, arguments are renamed such as :func:`tf.math.argmax`, the :code:`dimension` argument replaces the :code:`axis` argument. Let's see how the :code:`map_raw_ops_alias` decorator can be used to tackle these variations. .. code-block:: python # in ivy/functional/frontends/tensorflow/raw_ops.py ArgMax = to_ivy_arrays_and_back( map_raw_ops_alias( tf_frontend.math.argmax, kwargs_to_update={"dimension": "axis"}, ) ) The decorator :code:`map_raw_ops_alias` here, takes the existing behaviour of :func:`tf_frontend.math.argmax` as its first parameter, and changes all its arguments to key-word only. The argument :code:`kwargs_to_update` is a dictionary indicating all updates in arguments names to be made, in the case of :func:`tf.raw_ops.ArgMax`, :code:`dimension` is replacing :code:`axis`. The wrapper mentioned above is implemented here `map_raw_ops_alias <https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/54cc9cd955b84c50a1743dddddaf6e961f688dd5/ivy/functional/frontends/tensorflow/func_wrapper.py#L127>`_ in the ivy codebase. **PyTorch** .. code-block:: python # in ivy/functional/frontends/torch/pointwise_ops.py @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def add(input, other, *, alpha=None, out=None): return ivy.add(input, other, alpha=alpha, out=out) For PyTorch, :func:`add` is categorised under :mod:`pointwise_ops` as is the case in the `torch`_ framework. In this case, the native `torch.add`_ has both positional and keyword arguments, and we therefore use the same for our PyTorch frontend :func:`add`. We wrap :func:`ivy.add` as usual. .. code-block:: python # in ivy/functional/frontends/torch/pointwise_ops.py @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def tan(input, *, out=None): return ivy.tan(input, out=out) :func:`tan` is also placed under :mod:`pointwise_ops` as is the case in the `torch`_ framework. Looking at the `torch.tan`_ documentation, we can mimic the same arguments, and again simply wrap :func:`ivy.tan`, also making use of the :code:`out` argument in this case. Short Frontend Implementations ----------------------------- Ideally, all frontend functions should call the equivalent Ivy function and only be one line long. This is mainly because compositional implementations are bound to be slower than direct backend implementation calls. In case a frontend function is complex and there is no equivalent Ivy function to use, it is strongly advised to add that function to our Experimental API. To do so, you are invited to open a *Missing Function Suggestion* issue as described in the `Open Tasks <../contributing/open_tasks.rst>`_ section. A member of our team will then review your issue, and if the proposed addition is deemed to be timely and sensible, we will add the function to the "Extend Ivy Functional API" `ToDo list issue <https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/issues/3856>`_. If you would rather not wait around for a member of our team to review your suggestion, you can instead go straight ahead and add the frontend function as a heavy composition of the existing Ivy functions, with a :code:`#ToDo` comment included, explaining that this frontend implementation will be simplified when :func:`ivy.func_name` is added. **Examples** The native TensorFlow function :func:`tf.reduce_logsumexp` does not have an equivalent function in Ivy, therefore it can be composed of multiple Ivy functions instead. **TensorFlow Frontend** .. code-block:: python # ivy/functional/frontends/tensorflow/math.py @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def reduce_logsumexp(input_tensor, axis=None, keepdims=False, name="reduce_logsumexp"): # stable logsumexp trick max_input_tensor = ivy.max(input_tensor, axis=axis, keepdims=True) return ( ivy.log( ivy.sum( ivy.exp(input_tensor - max_input_tensor), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, ) ) + max_input_tensor ).astype(input_tensor.dtype) Through compositions, we can easily meet the required input-output behaviour for the TensorFlow frontend function. The entire workflow for extending the Ivy Frontends as an external contributor is explained in more detail in the :ref:`Open Tasks <overview/contributing/open_tasks:Frontend APIs>` section. Unused Arguments ---------------- As can be seen from the examples above, there are often cases where we do not add support for particular arguments in the frontend function. Generally, we can omit support for a particular argument only if: the argument **does not** fundamentally affect the input-output behaviour of the function in a mathematical sense. The only two exceptions to this rule are arguments related to either the data type or the device on which the returned array(s) should reside. Examples of arguments which can be omitted, on account that they do not change the mathematics of the function are arguments which relate to: * the algorithm or approximations used under the hood, such as :code:`precision` and :code:`preferred_element_type` in `jax.lax.conv_general_dilated <https://github.com/google/jax/blob/1338864c1fcb661cbe4084919d50fb160a03570e/jax/_src/lax/convolution.py#L57>`_. * the specific array class in the original framework, such as :code:`subok` in `numpy.add <https://numpy.org/doc/1.23/reference/generated/numpy.add.html>`_. * the labelling of functions for organizational purposes, such as :code:`name` in `tf.math.add <https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/v2.10.0/tensorflow/python/ops/math_ops.py#L3926-L4004>`_. There are likely to be many other examples of arguments which do not fundamentally affect the input-output behaviour of the function in a mathematical sense, and so can also be omitted from Ivy's frontend implementation. The reason we omit these arguments in Ivy is because Ivy is not designed to provide low-level control to functions that extend beyond the pure mathematics of the function. This is a requirement because Ivy abstracts the backend framework, and therefore also abstracts everything below the backend framework's functional API, including the backend array class, the low-level language compiled to, the device etc. Most ML frameworks do not offer per-array control of the memory layout, and control for the finer details of the algorithmic approximations under the hood, and so we cannot in general offer this level of control at the Ivy API level, nor the frontend API level as a direct result. As explained above, this is not a problem, as the memory layout has no bearing at all on the input-output behaviour of the function. In contrast, the algorithmic approximation may have a marginal bearing on the final results in some cases, but Ivy is only designed to unify to within a reasonable numeric approximation in any case, and so omitting these arguments also very much fits within Ivy's design. Supported Data Types and Devices -------------------------------- Sometimes, the corresponding function in the original framework might only support a subset of data types. For example, :func:`tf.math.logical_and` only supports inputs of type :code:`tf.bool`. However, Ivy's `implementation <https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/6089953297b438c58caa71c058ed1599f40a270c/ivy/functional/frontends/tensorflow/math.py#L84>`_ is as follows, with direct wrapping around :func:`ivy.logical_and`: .. code-block:: python @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def logical_and(x, y, name="LogicalAnd"): return ivy.logical_and(x, y) :func:`ivy.logical_and` supports all data types, and so :func:`ivy.functional.frontends.tensorflow.math.logical_and` can also easily support all data types. However, the primary purpose of these frontend functions is for code transpilations, and in such cases it would never be useful to support extra data types beyond :code:`tf.bool`, as the tensorflow code being transpiled would not support this. Additionally, the unit tests for all frontend functions use the original framework function as the ground truth, and so we can only test :func:`ivy.functional.frontends.tensorflow.math.logical_and` with boolean inputs anyway. For these reasons, all frontend functions which correspond to functions with limited data type support in the native framework (in other words, which have even more restrictions than the data type limitations of the framework itself) should be flagged `as such <https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/6089953297b438c58caa71c058ed1599f40a270c/ivy/functional/frontends/tensorflow/math.py#L88>`_ in a manner like the following: .. code-block:: python @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.13.0 and below": ("float16", "bfloat16")}, "tensorflow") The same logic applies to unsupported devices. Even if the wrapped Ivy function supports more devices, we should still flag the frontend function supported devices to be the same as those supported by the function in the native framework. Again, this is only needed if the limitations go beyond those of the framework itself. For example, it is not necessary to uniquely flag every single NumPy function as supporting only CPU, as this is a limitation of the entire framework, and this limitation is already `globally flagged <https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/6eb2cadf04f06aace9118804100b0928dc71320c/ivy/functional/backends/numpy/__init__.py#L21>`_. It could also be the case that a frontend function supports a data type, but one or more of the backend frameworks does not, and therefore the frontend function may not support the data type due to backend limitation. For example, the frontend function `jax.lax.cumprod <https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/6e80b20d27d26b67a3876735c3e4cd9a1d38a0e9/ivy/functional/frontends/jax/lax/operators.py#L111>`_ does support all data types, but PyTorch does not support :code:`bfloat16` for the function :func:`cumprod`, even though the framework generally supports handling :code:`bfloat16` data type. In that case, we should flag that the backend function does not support :code:`bfloat16` as this is done `here <https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/6e80b20d27d26b67a3876735c3e4cd9a1d38a0e9/ivy/functional/backends/torch/statistical.py#L234>`_. Classes and Instance Methods ---------------------------- Most frameworks include instance methods and special methods on their array class for common array processing functions, such as :func:`reshape`, :func:`expand_dims` and :func:`add`. This simple design choice comes with many advantages, some of which are explained in our `Ivy Array <../design/ivy_as_a_framework/ivy_array.rst>`_ section. **Important Note** Before implementing the instance method or special method, make sure that the regular function in the specific frontend is already implemented. In order to implement Ivy's frontend APIs to the extent that is required for arbitrary code transpilations, it's necessary for us to also implement these instance methods and special methods of the framework-specific array classes (:class:`tf.Tensor`, :class:`torch.Tensor`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`jax.DeviceArray` etc). **Instance Method** **numpy.ndarray** For an example of how these are implemented, we first show the instance method for :meth:`np.ndarray.argsort`, which is implemented in the frontend `ndarray class <https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/94679019a8331cf9d911c024b9f3e6c9b09cad02/ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/ndarray/ndarray.py#L8>`_: .. code-block:: python # ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/ndarray/ndarray.py def argsort(self, *, axis=-1, kind=None, order=None): return np_frontend.argsort(self._ivy_array, axis=axis, kind=kind, order=order) Under the hood, this simply calls the frontend :func:`np_frontend.argsort` function, which itself is implemented as follows: .. code-block:: python # ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/mathematical_functions/arithmetic_operations.py @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def argsort( x, /, *, axis=-1, kind=None, order=None, ): return ivy.argsort(x, axis=axis) **Special Method** Some examples referring to the special methods would make things more clear. For example let's take a look at how :meth:`tf_frontend.tensor.__add__` is implemented and how it's reverse :meth:`tf_frontend.tensor.__radd__` is implemented. .. code-block:: python # ivy/functional/frontends/tensorflow/tensor.py def __radd__(self, x, name="radd"): return tf_frontend.math.add(x, self._ivy_array, name=name) def __add__(self, y, name="add"): return self.__radd__(y) Here also, both of them simply call the frontend :func:`tf_frontend.math.add` under the hood. The functions with reverse operators should call the same frontend function as shown in the examples above. The implementation for the :func:`tf_frontend.math.add` is shown as follows: .. code-block:: python # ivy/functional/frontends/tensorflow/math.py @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def add(x, y, name=None): return ivy.add(x, y) **numpy.matrix** To support special classes and their instance methods, the equivalent classes are created in their respective frontend so that the useful instance methods are supported for transpilation. For instance, the :class:`numpy.matrix` class is supported in the Ivy NumPy frontend. Part of the code is shown below as an example: .. code-block:: python # ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/matrix/methods.py class matrix: def __init__(self, data, dtype=None, copy=True): self._init_data(data, dtype) def _init_data(self, data, dtype): if isinstance(data, str): self._process_str_data(data, dtype) elif isinstance(data, (list, ndarray)) or ivy.is_array(data): if isinstance(data, ndarray): data = data.ivy_array if ivy.is_array(data) and dtype is None: dtype = data.dtype data = ivy.array(data, dtype=dtype) self._data = data else: raise ivy.exceptions.IvyException("data must be an array, list, or str") ivy.assertions.check_equal( len(ivy.shape(self._data)), 2, message="data must be 2D" ) self._dtype = self._data.dtype self._shape = ivy.shape(self._data) With this class available, the supported instance methods can now be included in the class. For example, :class:`numpy.matrix` has an instance method of :meth:`any`: .. code-block:: python # ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/matrix/methods.py from ivy.functional.frontends.numpy import any ... def any(self, axis=None, out=None): if ivy.exists(axis): return any(self.A, axis=axis, keepdims=True, out=out) return any(self.A, axis=axis, out=out) We need to create these frontend array classes and all of their instance methods and also their special methods such that we are able to transpile code which makes use of these methods. As explained in `Ivy as a Transpiler <../design/ivy_as_a_transpiler.rst>`_, when transpiling code we first extract the computation graph in the source framework. In the case of instance methods, we then replace each of the original instance methods in the extracted computation graph with these new instance methods defined in the Ivy frontend class. Frontend Data Type Promotion Rules ---------------------------------- Each frontend framework has its own rules governing the common result type for two array operands during an arithmetic operation. In order to ensure that each frontend framework implemented in Ivy has the same data type promotion behaviors as the native framework does, we have implemented data type promotion rules according to framework-specific data type promotion tables for these we are currently supporting as frontends. The function can be accessed through calling :func:`promote_types_of_<frontend>_inputs` and pass in both array operands. .. code-block:: python # ivy/functional/frontends/torch/pointwise_ops.py @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def add(input, other, *, alpha=1, out=None): input, other = torch_frontend.promote_types_of_torch_inputs(input, other) return ivy.add(input, other, alpha=alpha, out=out) Although in most cases, array operands being passed into an arithmetic operation function should be the same data type, using the data type promotion rules can add a layer of sanity check to prevent data precision losses or exceptions from further arithmetic operations. TensorFlow is a framework where casting is completely explicit, except for array likes and scalars. As such there are no promotion rules we replicate for the TensorFlow frontend, instead we check if the two arguments of the function are the same type using :func:`check_tensorflow_casting`. .. code-block:: python # ivy/functional/frontends/tensorflow/math.py @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def add(x, y, name=None): x, y = check_tensorflow_casting(x, y) return ivy.add(x, y) NumPy Special Argument - Casting -------------------------------- NumPy supports an additional, special argument - :code:`casting`, which allows user to determine the kind of dtype casting that fits their objectives. The :code:`casting` rules are explained in the `numpy.can_cast documentation <https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.can_cast.html>`_. While handling this argument, the :code:`dtype` argument is used to state the desired return dtype. To handle this, a decorator - :code:`handle_numpy_casting` is used to simplify the handling logic and reduce code redundancy. It is located in the `ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/func_wrapper.py <https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/45d443187678b33dd2b156f29a18b84efbc48814/ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/func_wrapper.py#L39>`_. This decorator is then added to the numpy frontend functions with the :code:`casting` argument. An example of the :func:`add` function is shown below. .. code-block:: python # ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/mathematical_functions/arithmetic_operations.py @handle_numpy_out @handle_numpy_dtype @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @handle_numpy_casting @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def _add( x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting="same_kind", order="k", dtype=None, subok=True, ): x1, x2 = promote_types_of_numpy_inputs(x1, x2) ret = ivy.add(x1, x2, out=out) if ivy.is_array(where): ret = ivy.where(where, ret, ivy.default(out, ivy.zeros_like(ret)), out=out) return ret There is a special case for the :code:`casting` argument, where the allowed dtype must be :code:`bool`, therefore a :code:`handle_numpy_casting_special` is included to handle this. .. code-block:: python # ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/func_wrapper.py def handle_numpy_casting_special(fn: Callable) -> Callable: @functools.wraps(fn) def new_fn(*args, casting="same_kind", dtype=None, **kwargs): ivy.assertions.check_elem_in_list( casting, ["no", "equiv", "safe", "same_kind", "unsafe"], message="casting must be one of [no, equiv, safe, same_kind, unsafe]", ) if ivy.exists(dtype): ivy.assertions.check_equal( ivy.as_ivy_dtype(dtype), "bool", message="output is compatible with bool only", ) return fn(*args, **kwargs) new_fn.handle_numpy_casting_special = True return new_fn An example function using this is the :func:`numpy.isfinite` function. .. code-block:: python # ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/logic/array_type_testing.py @handle_numpy_out @handle_numpy_dtype @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @handle_numpy_casting_special @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def _isfinite( x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting="same_kind", order="K", dtype=None, subok=True, ): ret = ivy.isfinite(x, out=out) if ivy.is_array(where): ret = ivy.where(where, ret, ivy.default(out, ivy.zeros_like(ret)), out=out) return ret Frontends Duplicate Policy -------------------------- Some frontend functions appear in multiple namespaces within the original framework that the frontend is replicating. For example the :func:`np.asarray` function appears in `Array manipulation routines`_ and also in `Array creation routines`_. This section outlines a policy that should serve as a guide for handling duplicate functions. The following sub-headings outline the policy: **Listing duplicate frontend functions on the ToDo lists** Essentially, there are two types of duplicate functions; 1. Functions that are listed in multiple namespaces but are callable from the same path, for example :func:`asarray` is listed in `manipulation routines` and `creation routines` however this function is called from the same path as :func:`np.asarray`. 2. Functions that are listed in multiple namespaces but are callable from different paths, for example the function :func:`tf.math.tan` and :func:`tf.raw_ops.Tan`. When listing frontend functions, extra care should be taken to keep note of these two types of duplicate functions. * For duplicate functions of the first type, we should list the function once in any namespace where it exists and leave it out of all other namespaces. * For duplicates of the second type, we should list the function in each namespace where it exists but there should be a note to highlight that the function(s) on the list are duplicates and should therefore be implemented as aliases. For example, most of the functions in `tf.raw_ops` are aliases and this point is made clear when listing the functions on the ToDo list `here <https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/issues/1565>`_. **Contributing duplicate frontend functions** Before working on a frontend function, contributors should check if the function is designated as an alias on the ToDo list. If the function is an alias, you should check if there is an implementation that can be aliased. * If an implementation exists then simply create an alias of the implementation, for example many functions in `ivy/functional/frontends/tensorflow/raw_ops` are implemented as aliases `here <https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/main/ivy/functional/frontends/tensorflow/raw_ops.py>`_. * If there is no implementation to be aliased then feel free to contribute the implementation first, then go ahead to create the alias. **Testing duplicate functions** Unit tests should be written for all aliases. This is arguably a duplication, but having a unique test for each alias helps us to keep the testing code organised and aligned with the groupings in the frontend API. **Round Up** This should hopefully have given you a better grasp on what the Ivy Frontend APIs are for, how they should be implemented, and the things to watch out for! We also have a short `YouTube tutorial series`_ on this as well if you prefer a video explanation! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out on `discord`_ in the `ivy frontends thread`_! **Video** .. raw:: html <iframe width="420" height="315" allow="fullscreen;" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/SdiyetRNey8" class="video"> </iframe>
{ "file_path": "ivy/docs/overview/deep_dive/ivy_frontends.rst", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 13549 }
Glossary ======== All of these new words can get confusing! We've created a glossary to help nail down some Ivy terms that you might find tricky. .. glossary:: :sorted: Pipeline A pipeline is a means of automating the machine learning workflow by enabling data to be transformed and correlated into a model that can then be analyzed to achieve outputs. Ivy Backends Ivy Backends are supported frameworks that Ivy can convert code to. The default is NumPy. Ivy Frontends Ivy Frontends are supported frameworks that Ivy can convert code from. Framework Frameworks are interfaces that allow scientists and developers to build and deploy machine learning models faster and easier. E.g. Tensorflow and PyTorch. Ivy Transpiler The transpiler allows framework to framework code conversions for supported frameworks. Ivy Container An Ivy class which inherits from :code:`dict` allows for storing nested data. Ivy Compiler A wrapper function around native compiler functions, which uses lower level compilers such as XLA to compile to lower level languages such as C++, CUDA, TorchScript, etc. Graph Compiler Graph Compilers map the high-level computational graph coming from frameworks to operations that are executable on a specific device. Ivy Tracer Ivy's Tracer creates a graph as a composition of functions in the functional API in Python. Ivy Functional API Is used for defining complex models, the Ivy functional API does not implement its own backend but wraps around other frameworks functional APIs and brings them into alignment. Framework Handler Backend Handler Used to control which framework Ivy is converting code to. Automatic Code Conversions Allows code to be converted from one framework to another whilst retaining its functional assets. Primary Functions Primary functions are the lowest level building blocks in Ivy and are generally implemented as light wrapping around an existing function in the backend framework, which serves a near-identical purpose. Compositional Functions Compositional functions are functions that are implemented as a composition of other Ivy functions, Mixed Functions Mixed functions are functions that have some backend-specific implementations but not for all backends. Standalone Functions Standalone functions are functions that do not reference any other primary, compositional, or mixed functions whatsoever. These are mainly convenience functions. Nestable Functions Nestable functions are functions that can accept :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Convenience Functions Convenience functions can be used to organize and improve the code for other functions. Native Array The :class:`ivy.NativeArray` is simply a placeholder class for a backend-specific array class, such as :class:`np.ndarray`, :class:`tf.Tensor` or :class:`torch.Tensor`. Ivy Array The :class:`ivy.Array` is a simple wrapper class, which wraps around the :class:`ivy.NativeArray`. Submodule Helper Functions These are standalone/convenience functions that are specific to a submodule.
{ "file_path": "ivy/docs/overview/glossary.rst", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 896 }
.. _`RWorks ML-Unifying Companies`: ML-Unifying Companies ===================== .. _`Quansight`: https://quansight.com/ .. _`Travis Oliphant`: https://twitter.com/teoliphant .. _`NumPy`: https://numpy.org/ .. _`SciPy`: https://scipy.org/ .. _`Numba`: https://numba.pydata.org/ .. _`Conda`: https://docs.conda.io/ .. _`NumFOCUS`: https://numfocus.org/ .. _`PyData`: https://pydata.org/ .. _`Anaconda`: https://www.anaconda.com/ .. _`Array API Standard`: https://data-apis.org/array-api .. _`Modular`: https://www.modular.com/ .. _`MLIR`: https://mlir.llvm.org/ .. _`LLVM`: https://llvm.org/ .. _`OctoML`: https://octoml.ai/ .. _`Apache TVM`: https://tvm.apache.org/ .. _`discord`: https://discord.gg/sXyFF8tDtm Quansight --------- `Quansight`_ was founded by `Travis Oliphant`_, a leader in the Python Data community who has authored or led the creation of industry cornerstones such as `NumPy`_, `SciPy`_, `Numba`_, and `Conda`_, and helped establish `NumFOCUS`_ and the `PyData`_ conference series. Through consulting services, Quansight provides the additional people and expertise needed to deploy new technology, solve complex problems, or optimize what is already in place, so that it runs faster and uses less memory. They work with data engineering, DevOps, data science, MLOps, and analytics teams to improve their performance. They provide services for Data Engineering & MLOps, Infrastructure, Scaling & Acceleration, Visualization & Dashboards, Open Source Integration, Algorithms, AI & Machine Learning, Packaging & Environment Management, and Jupyter Technologies. They are the creators of the `Array API Standard`_. Modular ------- `Modular`_ is a Startup company founded by the creators of `MLIR`_. Their observation is that fragmentation and technical complexity have held back the impact of AI to a privileged few. The rest of the world isn’t benefiting as it should be from this transformational technology. Their mission is to have a real, positive impact in the world by reinventing the way AI technology is developed and deployed into production with a next-generation developer platform. There are very little extra details about their developer platform, but presumably it will provide a modular solution at a relatively low level of abstraction, given the `LLVM`_ and `MLIR`_ background of the founders. OctoML ------ `OctoML`_ is a startup company founded by the creators of `Apache TVM`_. Their mission is to make AI more sustainable and accessible, empowering more creators to harness the transformative power of ML to build intelligent applications. They focus on efficient model execution and automation to scale services and reduce engineering burden. Specifically, they enable models to run on a broad set of devices, making them easier to deploy without specialized skills. The services include inference on the cloud, the edge, and a variety of platform and hardware vendors. They strive to maximize performance, with very simple deployment and benchmarking features included.
{ "file_path": "ivy/docs/overview/related_work/ml_unifying_companies.rst", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 823 }
# global import copy import functools import numpy as np from operator import mul # local from .wrapping import add_ivy_array_instance_methods from .array import Array
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/data_classes/array/__init__.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 49 }
# global import abc class _ArrayWithGradientsExperimental(abc.ABC): pass
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/data_classes/array/experimental/gradients.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 27 }
# global import abc from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union, List, Sequence # local import ivy # ToDo: implement all methods here as public instance methods # ToDo: update docstrings and typehints according to ivy\layers class _ArrayWithLayers(abc.ABC): def linear( self: ivy.Array, weight: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, bias: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """ivy.Array instance method variant of ivy.linear. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.linear also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self The input array to compute linear transformation on. *[outer_batch_shape,inner_batch_shape,in_features]* weight The weight matrix. *[outer_batch_shape,out_features,in_features]* bias The bias vector, default is ``None``. *[outer_batch_shape,out_features]* out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Result array of the linear transformation. *[outer_batch_shape,inner_batch_shape,out_features]* Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([[1.1, 2.2, 3.3], \ [4.4, 5.5, 6.6], \ [7.7, 8.8, 9.9]]) >>> w = ivy.array([[1., 2., 3.], \ [4., 5., 6.], \ [7., 8., 9.]]) >>> b = ivy.array([1., 0., -1.]) >>> y = x.linear(w, bias=b) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[ 16.4, 35.2, 54. ], [ 36.2, 84.7, 133. ], [ 56. , 134. , 212. ]]) """ return ivy.linear( self._data, weight, bias=bias, out=out, ) def dropout( self: ivy.Array, prob: float, /, *, scale: bool = True, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, training: bool = True, seed: Optional[int] = None, noise_shape: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """ivy.Array instance method variant of ivy.dropout. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.dropout also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self The input array x to perform dropout on. prob The probability of zeroing out each array element, float between 0 and 1. scale Whether to scale the output by `1/(1-prob)`, default is ``True``. dtype output array data type. If dtype is None, the output array data type must be inferred from x. Default: ``None``. training Turn on dropout if training, turn off otherwise. Default is ``True``. seed Set a default seed for random number generating (for reproducibility).Default is ``None``. noise_shape a sequence representing the shape of the binary dropout mask that will be multiplied with the input. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Result array of the output after dropout is performed. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` instances: >>> x = ivy.array([[1., 2., 3.], ... [4., 5., 6.], ... [7., 8., 9.], ... [10., 11., 12.]]) >>> y = x.dropout(0.3) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[ 1.42857146, 2.85714293, 4.28571415], [ 5.71428585, 7.14285755, 8.5714283 ], [ 0. , 11.4285717 , 12.8571434 ], [14.2857151 , 0. , 0. ]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[1., 2., 3.], ... [4., 5., 6.], ... [7., 8., 9.], ... [10., 11., 12.]]) >>> y = x.dropout(0.3, scale=False) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[ 1., 2., 3.], [ 4., 5., 0.], [ 7., 0., 9.], [10., 11., 0.]]) """ return ivy.dropout( self._data, prob, scale=scale, dtype=dtype, training=training, seed=seed, noise_shape=noise_shape, out=out, ) def dropout1d( self: ivy.Array, prob: float, /, *, training: bool = True, data_format: str = "NWC", out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """ivy.Array instance method variant of ivy.dropout1d. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.droput1d also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self The input array x to perform dropout on. prob The probability of zeroing out each array element, float between 0 and 1. training Turn on dropout if training, turn off otherwise. Default is ``True``. data_format "NWC" or "NCW". Default is ``"NWC"``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Result array of the output after dropout is performed. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([1, 1, 1]).reshape([1, 1, 3]) >>> y = x.dropout1d(0.5) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[[2., 0, 2.]]]) """ return ivy.dropout1d( self._data, prob, training=training, data_format=data_format, out=out, ) def dropout2d( self: ivy.Array, prob: float, /, *, training: bool = True, data_format: str = "NHWC", out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """ivy.Array instance method variant of ivy.dropout2d. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.droput1d also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self The input array x to perform dropout on. prob The probability of zeroing out each array element, float between 0 and 1. training Turn on dropout if training, turn off otherwise. Default is ``True``. data_format "NHWC" or "NCHW". Default is ``"NHWC"``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Result array of the output after dropout is performed. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]]) >>> y = x.dropout2d(0.5) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[0., 0., 2.], [4., 4., 4.]]) """ return ivy.dropout2d( self._data, prob, training=training, data_format=data_format, out=out, ) def dropout3d( self: ivy.Array, prob: float, /, *, training: bool = True, data_format: str = "NDHWC", out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """ivy.Array instance method variant of ivy.dropout3d. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.droput3d also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self The input array x to perform dropout on. prob The probability of zeroing out each array element, float between 0 and 1. training Turn on dropout if training, turn off otherwise. Default is ``True``. data_format "NDHWC" or "NCDHW". Default is ``"NDHWC"``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Result array of the output after dropout is performed. """ return ivy.dropout3d( self._data, prob, training=training, data_format=data_format, out=out, ) def scaled_dot_product_attention( self: ivy.Array, key: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], value: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, scale: Optional[float] = None, mask: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, dropout_p: Optional[float] = 0.0, is_causal: Optional[bool] = False, training: Optional[bool] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """ivy.Array instance method variant of ivy.scaled_dot_product_attention. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.scaled_dot_product_attention also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self The queries input array. The shape of queries input array should be in *[batch_shape,num_queries,feat_dim]*. The queries input array should have the same size as keys and values. key The keys input array. The shape of keys input array should be in *[batch_shape,num_keys,feat_dim]*. The keys input array should have the same size as queries and values. value The values input array. The shape of values input should be in *[batch_shape,num_keys,feat_dim]*. The values input array should have the same size as queries and keys. scale The scale float value. The scale float value is used to scale the query-key pairs before softmax. mask The mask input array. The mask to apply to the query-key values. Default is None. The shape of mask input should be in *[batch_shape,num_queries,num_keys]*. dropout_p Specifies the dropout probability, if greater than 0.0, dropout is applied is_causal If true, assumes causal attention masking and errors if both `mask` and `is_causal` are set. training If True, dropout is used, otherwise dropout is not activated. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The output following application of scaled dot-product attention. The output array is the weighted sum produced by the attention score and value. The shape of output array is *[batch_shape,num_queries,feat_dim]* . Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> q = ivy.array([[[0.2, 1.], [2.2, 3.],[4.4, 5.6]]]) >>> k = ivy.array([[[0.6, 1.5], [2.4, 3.3],[4.2, 5.1]]]) >>> v = ivy.array([[[0.4, 1.3], [2.2, 3.1],[4.3, 5.3]]]) >>> result = ivy.scaled_dot_product_attention(q, k, v, scale=1, dropout_p=0.1, ... is_causal=True, training=True) >>> print(result) ivy.array([[[0.40000001, 1.29999995], [2.19994521, 3.09994531], [4.30000019, 5.30000019]]]) >>> q = ivy.array([[[0.2, 1.], [2.2, 3.],[4.4, 5.6]]]) >>> k = ivy.array([[[0.6, 1.5], [2.4, 3.3],[4.2, 5.1]]]) >>> v = ivy.array([[[0.4, 1.3], [2.2, 3.1],[4.3, 5.3]]]) >>> mask = ivy.array([[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]]) >>> result = ivy.scaled_dot_product_attention(q,k,v,scale=1, mask=mask) >>> print(result) ivy.array([[[0.40000001, 1.29999995], [2.19994521, 3.09994531], [4.30000019, 5.30000019]]]) >>> q = ivy.array([[[0.2, 1.], [2.2, 3.], [4.4, 5.6]]]) >>> k = ivy.array([[[0.6, 1.5], [2.4, 3.3], [4.2, 5.1]]]) >>> v = ivy.array([[[0.4, 1.3], [2.2, 3.1], [4.3, 5.3]]]) >>> out = ivy.zeros(shape=(1, 3, 2)) >>> ivy.scaled_dot_product_attention(q, k, v, scale=1, dropout_p=0.1, ... is_causal=True, training=True, out=out) >>> print(out) ivy.array([[[0.40000001, 1.29999995], [2.19994521, 3.09994531], [4.30000019, 5.30000019]]]) """ return ivy.scaled_dot_product_attention( self._data, key, value, scale=scale, mask=mask, dropout_p=dropout_p, is_causal=is_causal, training=training, out=out, ) def multi_head_attention( self: ivy.Array, /, *, key: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, value: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, num_heads: int = 8, scale: Optional[float] = None, attention_mask: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, in_proj_weights: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, q_proj_weights: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, k_proj_weights: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, v_proj_weights: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, out_proj_weights: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, in_proj_bias: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, out_proj_bias: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, is_causal: bool = False, key_padding_mask: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, bias_k: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, bias_v: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, static_k: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, static_v: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, add_zero_attn: bool = False, return_attention_weights: bool = False, average_attention_weights: bool = True, dropout: float = 0.0, training: bool = False, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: return ivy.multi_head_attention( self._data, key=key, value=value, num_heads=num_heads, scale=scale, attention_mask=attention_mask, in_proj_weights=in_proj_weights, q_proj_weights=q_proj_weights, k_proj_weights=k_proj_weights, v_proj_weights=v_proj_weights, out_proj_weights=out_proj_weights, in_proj_bias=in_proj_bias, out_proj_bias=out_proj_bias, is_causal=is_causal, key_padding_mask=key_padding_mask, bias_k=bias_k, bias_v=bias_v, static_k=static_k, static_v=static_v, add_zero_attn=add_zero_attn, return_attention_weights=return_attention_weights, average_attention_weights=average_attention_weights, dropout=dropout, training=training, out=out, ) def conv1d( self: ivy.Array, filters: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], strides: Union[int, Tuple[int]], padding: str, /, *, data_format: str = "NWC", filter_format: str = "channel_last", x_dilations: Union[int, Tuple[int]] = 1, dilations: Union[int, Tuple[int]] = 1, bias: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """ivy.Array instance method variant of ivy.conv1d. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.conv1d also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self Input image *[batch_size,w,d_in]* or *[batch_size,d_in,w]*. filters Convolution filters *[fw,d_in,d_out]*. strides The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. padding "SAME" or "VALID" indicating the algorithm, or list indicating the per-dimension paddings. data_format "NWC" or "NCW". Defaults to "NWC". filter_format Either "channel_first" or "channel_last". Defaults to "channel_last". x_dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) bias Bias array of shape *[d_out]*. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The result of the convolution operation. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([[[1., 2.], [3., 4.], [6., 7.], [9., 11.]]]) # NWC >>> filters = ivy.array([[[0., 1.], [1., 1.]]]) # WIO (I == C) >>> result = x.conv1d(filters, (1,), 'VALID') >>> print(result) ivy.array([[[ 2., 3.], ... [ 4., 7.], ... [ 7., 13.], ... [11., 20.]]]) """ return ivy.conv1d( self._data, filters, strides, padding, data_format=data_format, filter_format=filter_format, x_dilations=x_dilations, dilations=dilations, bias=bias, out=out, ) def conv1d_transpose( self: ivy.Array, filters: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], strides: Union[int, Tuple[int]], padding: str, /, *, output_shape: Optional[Union[ivy.Shape, ivy.NativeShape]] = None, filter_format: str = "channel_last", data_format: str = "NWC", dilations: Union[int, Tuple[int]] = 1, bias: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """ivy.Array instance method variant of ivy.conv1d_transpose. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.conv1d_transpose also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self Input image *[batch_size,w,d_in]* or *[batch_size,d_in,w]*. filters Convolution filters *[fw,d_out,d_in]*. strides The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. padding either the string ‘SAME’ (padding with zeros evenly), the string ‘VALID’ (no padding), or a sequence of n (low, high) integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each spatial dimension. output_shape Shape of the output (Default value = None) filter_format Either "channel_first" or "channel_last". "channel_first" corresponds to "IOW",input data formats, while "channel_last" corresponds to "WOI". data_format The ordering of the dimensions in the input, one of "NWC" or "NCW". "NWC" corresponds to input with shape (batch_size, width, channels), while "NCW" corresponds to input with shape (batch_size, channels, width). dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) bias Bias array of shape *[d_out]*. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The result of the transpose convolution operation. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([[[1., 2.], [3., 4.], [6., 7.], [9., 11.]]]) # NWC >>> filters = ivy.array([[[0., 1.], [1., 1.]]]) # WIO (I == C) >>> result = x.conv1d_transpose(filters, (1,), 'VALID') >>> print(result) ivy.array([[[ 2., 3.], ... [ 4., 7.], ... [ 7., 13.], ... [11., 20.]]]) """ return ivy.conv1d_transpose( self._data, filters, strides, padding, output_shape=output_shape, filter_format=filter_format, data_format=data_format, dilations=dilations, bias=bias, out=out, ) def depthwise_conv2d( self: ivy.Array, filters: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], strides: Union[int, Tuple[int], Tuple[int, int]], padding: Union[str, List[int]], /, *, data_format: str = "NHWC", dilations: Union[int, Tuple[int], Tuple[int, int]] = 1, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """ivy.Array instance method variant of ivy.depthwise_conv2d. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.depthwise_conv2d also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self Input image *[batch_size,h,w,d]*. filters Convolution filters *[fh,fw,d_in]*. (d_in must be the same as d from self) strides The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. padding "SAME" or "VALID" indicating the algorithm, or list indicating the per-dimension paddings. data_format "NHWC" or "NCHW". Defaults to "NHWC". dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The result of the convolution operation. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.randint(0, 255, shape=(1, 128, 128, 3)).astype(ivy.float32) / 255.0 >>> filters = ivy.random_normal(mean=0, std=1, shape=[3, 3, 3]) >>> y = x.depthwise_conv2d(filters, 2, 'SAME') >>> print(y.shape) (1, 64, 64, 3) """ return ivy.depthwise_conv2d( self._data, filters, strides, padding, data_format=data_format, dilations=dilations, out=out, ) def conv2d( self: ivy.Array, filters: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], strides: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], padding: str, /, *, data_format: str = "NHWC", filter_format: str = "channel_last", x_dilations: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 1, dilations: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 1, bias: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """ivy.Array instance method variant of `ivy.conv2d`. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for `ivy.conv2d` also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self Input image *[batch_size,h,w,d_in]* or *[batch_size,d_in,h,w]*. filters Convolution filters *[fh,fw,d_in,d_out]*. strides The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. padding "SAME" or "VALID" indicating the algorithm, or list indicating the per-dimension paddings. data_format "NHWC" or "NCHW". Defaults to "NHWC". dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) filter_format Either "channel_first" or "channel_last". Defaults to "channel_last". x_dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) bias Bias array of shape *[d_out]*. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The result of the convolution operation. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([[[[1.], [2.0],[3.]], ... [[1.], [2.0],[3.]], ... [[1.], [2.0],[3.]]]]) #NHWC >>> filters = ivy.array([[[[0.]], [[1.]], [[0.]]], ... [[[0.]], [[1.]], [[0.]]], ... [[[0.]], [[1.]], [[0.]]]]) #HWIO >>> result = x.conv2d(filters, 1, 'SAME', data_format='NHWC', ... dilations= 1) >>> print(result) ivy.array([[ [[2.],[4.],[6.]], [[3.],[6.],[9.]], [[2.],[4.],[6.]] ]]) """ return ivy.conv2d( self, filters, strides, padding, data_format=data_format, filter_format=filter_format, x_dilations=x_dilations, dilations=dilations, bias=bias, out=out, ) def conv2d_transpose( self: ivy.Array, filters: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], strides: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], padding: str, /, *, output_shape: Optional[Union[ivy.Shape, ivy.NativeShape]] = None, filter_format: str = "channel_last", data_format: str = "NHWC", dilations: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 1, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, bias: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """ivy.Array instance method variant of `ivy.conv2d_transpose`. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for `ivy.conv2d_transpose` also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self Input image *[batch_size,h,w,d_in]* or *[batch_size,d_in,h,w]*. filters Convolution filters *[fh,fw,d_out,d_in]*. strides The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. padding "SAME" or "VALID" indicating the algorithm, or list indicating the per-dimension paddings. output_shape Shape of the output (Default value = None) filter_format Either "channel_first" or "channel_last". "channel_first" corresponds to "IOHW",input data formats, while "channel_last" corresponds to "HWOI". data_format The ordering of the dimensions in the input, one of "NHWC" or "NCHW". "NHWC" corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, height, width, channels), while "NCHW" corresponds to input with shape (batch_size, channels, height, width). Default is ``"NHWC"``. dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) bias Bias array of shape *[d_out]*. out Optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The result of the transpose convolution operation. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.random_normal(mean=0, std=1, shape=[1, 28, 28, 3]) >>> filters = ivy.random_normal(mean=0, std=1, shape=[3, 3, 6, 3]) >>> y = x.conv2d_transpose(filters,2,'SAME',) >>> print(y.shape) (1, 56, 56, 6) """ return ivy.conv2d_transpose( self._data, filters, strides, padding, output_shape=output_shape, filter_format=filter_format, data_format=data_format, dilations=dilations, out=out, bias=bias, ) def conv3d( self: ivy.Array, filters: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], strides: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]], padding: str, /, *, data_format: str = "NDHWC", filter_format: str = "channel_last", x_dilations: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]] = 1, dilations: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]] = 1, bias: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """ivy.Array instance method variant of `ivy.conv3d`. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for `ivy.conv3d` also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x Input volume *[batch_size,d,h,w,d_in]*. filters Convolution filters *[fd,fh,fw,d_in,d_out]*. strides The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. padding "SAME" or "VALID" indicating the algorithm, or list indicating the per-dimension paddings. data_format "NDHWC" or "NCDHW". Defaults to "NDHWC". filter_format Either "channel_first" or "channel_last". Defaults to "channel_last". x_dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) bias Bias array of shape *[d_out]*. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The result of the convolution operation. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.ones((1, 3, 3, 3, 1)).astype(ivy.float32) >>> filters = ivy.ones((1, 3, 3, 1, 1)).astype(ivy.float32) >>> result = x.conv3d(filters, 2, 'SAME') >>> print(result) ivy.array([[[[[4.],[4.]],[[4.],[4.]]],[[[4.],[4.]],[[4.],[4.]]]]]) """ return ivy.conv3d( self._data, filters, strides, padding, data_format=data_format, filter_format=filter_format, x_dilations=x_dilations, dilations=dilations, bias=bias, out=out, ) def conv3d_transpose( self: ivy.Array, filters: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], strides: Union[int, Tuple[int], Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]], padding: Union[str, List[int]], /, *, output_shape: Optional[Union[ivy.Shape, ivy.NativeShape]] = None, filter_format: str = "channel_last", data_format: str = "NDHWC", dilations: Union[int, Tuple[int], Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]] = 1, bias: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """ivy.Array instance method variant of `ivy.conv3d_transpose`. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for `ivy.conv3d_transpose` also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self Input volume *[batch_size,d,h,w,d_in]* or *[batch_size,d_in,d,h,w]*. filters Convolution filters *[fd,fh,fw,d_out,d_in]*. strides The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. padding "SAME" or "VALID" indicating the algorithm, or list indicating the per-dimension paddings. output_shape Shape of the output (Default value = None) filter_format Either "channel_first" or "channel_last". "channel_first" corresponds to "IODHW",input data formats, while "channel_last" corresponds to "DHWOI". data_format The ordering of the dimensions in the input, one of "NDHWC" or "NCDHW". "NDHWC" corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, depth, height, width, channels), while "NCDHW" corresponds to input with shape (batch_size, channels, depth, height, width). dilations The dilation factor for each dimension of input. (Default value = 1) bias Bias array of shape *[d_out]*. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The result of the transpose convolution operation. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.random_normal(mean=0, std=1, shape=[1, 3, 28, 28, 3]) >>> filters = ivy.random_normal(mean=0, std=1, shape=[3, 3, 3, 6, 3]) >>> y = x.conv3d_transpose(filters, 2, 'SAME') >>> print(y.shape) (1, 6, 56, 56, 6) """ return ivy.conv3d_transpose( self._data, filters, strides, padding, output_shape=output_shape, filter_format=filter_format, data_format=data_format, dilations=dilations, bias=bias, out=out, ) def lstm_update( self: ivy.Array, init_h: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], init_c: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], kernel: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], recurrent_kernel: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, bias: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, recurrent_bias: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, ) -> Tuple[ivy.Array, ivy.Array]: """ivy.Array instance method variant of ivy.lstm_update. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.lstm_update also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- init_h initial state tensor for the cell output *[batch_shape, out]*. init_c initial state tensor for the cell hidden state *[batch_shape, out]*. kernel weights for cell kernel *[in, 4 x out]*. recurrent_kernel weights for cell recurrent kernel *[out, 4 x out]*. bias bias for cell kernel *[4 x out]*. (Default value = None) recurrent_bias bias for cell recurrent kernel *[4 x out]*. (Default value = None) Returns ------- ret hidden state for all timesteps *[batch_shape,t,out]* and cell state for last timestep *[batch_shape,out]* Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.randint(0, 20, shape=(6, 20, 3)) >>> h_i = ivy.random_normal(shape=(6, 5)) >>> c_i = ivy.random_normal(shape=(6, 5)) >>> kernel = ivy.random_normal(shape=(3, 4 * 5)) >>> rc = ivy.random_normal(shape=(5, 4 * 5)) >>> result = x.lstm_update(h_i, c_i, kernel, rc) >>> result[0].shape (6, 20, 5) >>> result[1].shape (6, 5) """ return ivy.lstm_update( self._data, init_h, init_c, kernel, recurrent_kernel, bias=bias, recurrent_bias=recurrent_bias, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/data_classes/array/layers.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 17955 }
"""Ivy wrapping functions for conversions. Collection of Ivy functions for wrapping functions to accept and return ivy.Array instances. """ # global from typing import Union, Dict, Optional, List # local import ivy from ivy.data_classes.container.base import ContainerBase class _ContainerWithConversions(ContainerBase): @staticmethod def _static_to_native( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], nested: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, include_derived: Optional[Union[Dict[str, bool], ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, *, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.to_native. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.to_native also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x The input to be converted. nested Whether to apply the conversion on arguments in a nested manner. If so, all dicts, lists and tuples will be traversed to their lowest leaves in search of ivy.Array instances. Default is ``False``. include_derived Whether to also recursive for classes derived from tuple, list and dict. Default is ``False``. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Container object with all sub-arrays converted to their native format. """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "to_native", x, nested=nested, include_derived=include_derived, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def to_native( self: ivy.Container, nested: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, include_derived: Optional[Union[Dict[str, bool], ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, *, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.to_native. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.to_native also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self The input to be converted. nested Whether to apply the conversion on arguments in a nested manner. If so, all dicts, lists and tuples will be traversed to their lowest leaves in search of ivy.Array instances. Default is ``False``. include_derived Whether to also recursive for classes derived from tuple, list and dict. Default is ``False``. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Container object with all sub-arrays converted to their native format. """ return self._static_to_native( self, nested, include_derived, key_chains, to_apply, prune_unapplied, map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def _static_to_ivy( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], nested: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, include_derived: Optional[Union[Dict[str, bool], ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, *, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.to_ivy. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.to_ivy also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x The input to be converted. nested Whether to apply the conversion on arguments in a nested manner. If so, all dicts, lists and tuples will be traversed to their lowest leaves in search of ivy.Array instances. Default is ``False``. include_derived Whether to also recursive for classes derived from tuple, list and dict. Default is ``False``. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Container object with all native sub-arrays converted to their ivy.Array instances. """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "to_ivy", x, nested=nested, include_derived=include_derived, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def to_ivy( self: ivy.Container, nested: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, include_derived: Optional[Union[Dict[str, bool], ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, *, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.to_ivy. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.to_ivy also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self The input to be converted. nested Whether to apply the conversion on arguments in a nested manner. If so, all dicts, lists and tuples will be traversed to their lowest leaves in search of ivy.Array instances. Default is ``False``. include_derived Whether to also recursive for classes derived from tuple, list and dict. Default is ``False``. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Container object with all native sub-arrays converted to their ivy.Array instances. """ return self._static_to_ivy( self, nested, include_derived, key_chains, to_apply, prune_unapplied, map_sequences, out=out, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/data_classes/container/conversions.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 4174 }
# global from typing import Union, Optional, List, Dict, Tuple, Sequence, Literal # local from ivy.data_classes.container.base import ContainerBase import ivy class _ContainerWithLinearAlgebraExperimental(ContainerBase): @staticmethod def static_eigh_tridiagonal( alpha: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], beta: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, *, eigvals_only: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, select: Union[str, ivy.Container] = "a", select_range: Optional[ Union[Tuple[int, int], List[int], ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container] ] = None, tol: Optional[Union[float, ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Union[ivy.Container, Tuple[ivy.Container, ivy.Container]]: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.eigh_tridiagonal. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.eigh_tridiagonal also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- alpha An array or a container of real or complex arrays each of shape (n), the diagonal elements of the matrix. beta An array or a container of real or complex arrays each of shape (n-1), containing the elements of the first super-diagonal of the matrix. eigvals_only If False, both eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors are computed. If True, only eigenvalues are computed. Default is True. select Optional string with values in {'a', 'v', 'i'} (default is 'a') that determines which eigenvalues to calculate: 'a': all eigenvalues. 'v': eigenvalues in the interval (min, max] given by select_range. 'i': eigenvalues with indices min <= i <= max. select_range Size 2 tuple or list or array specifying the range of eigenvalues to compute together with select. If select is 'a', select_range is ignored. tol Optional scalar. Ignored when backend is not Tensorflow. The absolute tolerance to which each eigenvalue is required. An eigenvalue (or cluster) is considered to have converged if it lies in an interval of this width. If tol is None (default), the value eps*|T|_2 is used where eps is the machine precision, and |T|_2 is the 2-norm of the matrix T. Returns ------- eig_vals The eigenvalues of the matrix in non-decreasing order. eig_vectors If eigvals_only is False the eigenvectors are returned in the second output argument. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> alpha = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), b=ivy.array([2., 2., 2.])) >>> beta = ivy.array([0.,2.]) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_eigh_tridiagonal(alpha, beta) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([-0.56155, 0., 3.56155]), b: ivy.array([0., 2., 4.]) } >>> alpha = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), b=ivy.array([2., 2., 2.])) >>> beta = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0.,2.]), b=ivy.array([2.,2.])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_eigh_tridiagonal(alpha, beta) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([-0.56155, 0., 3.56155]), b: ivy.array([-0.82842, 2., 4.82842]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "eigh_tridiagonal", alpha, beta, eigvals_only=eigvals_only, select=select, select_range=select_range, tol=tol, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def eigh_tridiagonal( self: ivy.Container, beta: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, *, eigvals_only: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, select: Union[str, ivy.Container] = "a", select_range: Optional[ Union[Tuple[int, int], List[int], ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container] ] = None, tol: Optional[Union[float, ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Union[ivy.Container, Tuple[ivy.Container, ivy.Container]]: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.eigh_tridiagonal. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.eigh_tridiagonal also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self A container of real or complex arrays each of shape (n), the diagonal elements of the matrix. beta An array or a container of real or complex arrays each of shape (n-1), containing the elements of the first super-diagonal of the matrix. eigvals_only If False, both eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors are computed. If True, only eigenvalues are computed. Default is True. select Optional string with values in {'a', 'v', 'i'} (default is 'a') that determines which eigenvalues to calculate: 'a': all eigenvalues. 'v': eigenvalues in the interval (min, max] given by select_range. 'i': eigenvalues with indices min <= i <= max. select_range Size 2 tuple or list or array specifying the range of eigenvalues to compute together with select. If select is 'a', select_range is ignored. tol Optional scalar. Ignored when backend is not Tensorflow. The absolute tolerance to which each eigenvalue is required. An eigenvalue (or cluster) is considered to have converged if it lies in an interval of this width. If tol is None (default), the value eps*|T|_2 is used where eps is the machine precision, and |T|_2 is the 2-norm of the matrix T. Returns ------- eig_vals The eigenvalues of the matrix in non-decreasing order. eig_vectors If eigvals_only is False the eigenvectors are returned in the second output argument. Examples -------- >>> alpha = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), b=ivy.array([2., 2., 2.])) >>> beta = ivy.array([0.,2.]) >>> y = alpha.eigh_tridiagonal(beta) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([-0.56155, 0., 3.56155]), b: ivy.array([0., 2., 4.]) } >>> alpha = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), b=ivy.array([2., 2., 2.])) >>> beta = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0.,2.]), b=ivy.array([2.,2.])) >>> y = alpha.eigh_tridiagonal(beta) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([-0.56155, 0., 3.56155]), b: ivy.array([-0.82842, 2., 4.82842]) } """ return self.static_eigh_tridiagonal( self, beta, eigvals_only=eigvals_only, select=select, select_range=select_range, tol=tol, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) @staticmethod def static_diagflat( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, *, offset: Union[int, ivy.Container] = 0, padding_value: Union[float, ivy.Container] = 0, align: Union[str, ivy.Container] = "RIGHT_LEFT", num_rows: Union[int, ivy.Container] = -1, num_cols: Union[int, ivy.Container] = -1, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "diagflat", x, offset=offset, padding_value=padding_value, align=align, num_rows=num_rows, num_cols=num_cols, out=out, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def diagflat( self: ivy.Container, /, *, offset: Union[int, ivy.Container] = 0, padding_value: Union[float, ivy.Container] = 0, align: Union[str, ivy.Container] = "RIGHT_LEFT", num_rows: Union[int, ivy.Container] = -1, num_cols: Union[int, ivy.Container] = -1, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.diagflat. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.diagflat also applies to this method with minimal changes. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=[1,2]) >>> ivy.diagflat(x, k=1) { a: ivy.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 2], [0, 0, 0]]) } """ return self.static_diagflat( self, offset=offset, padding_value=padding_value, align=align, num_rows=num_rows, num_cols=num_cols, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def static_kron( a: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], b: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.kron. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.kron also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- a first container with input arrays. b second container with input arrays out optional output container, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ret container including arrays corresponding to the Kronecker product of the arrays in the input containers, computed element-wise Examples -------- >>> a = ivy.Container(x=ivy.array([1,2]), y=ivy.array(50)) >>> b = ivy.Container(x=ivy.array([3,4]), y=ivy.array(9)) >>> ivy.Container.static_kron(a, b) { a: ivy.array([3, 4, 6, 8]) b: ivy.array([450]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "kron", a, b, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def kron( self: ivy.Container, b: ivy.Container, /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.kron. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.kron also applies to this method with minimal changes. Examples -------- >>> a = ivy.Container(x=ivy.array([1,2]), y=ivy.array([50])) >>> b = ivy.Container(x=ivy.array([3,4]), y=ivy.array(9)) >>> a.kron(b) { a: ivy.array([3, 4, 6, 8]) b: ivy.array([450]) } """ return self.static_kron( self, b, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def static_matrix_exp( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "matrix_exp", x, out=out, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, ) def matrix_exp( self: ivy.Container, /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.diagflat. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.diagflat also applies to this method with minimal changes. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([[[1., 0.], [0., 1.]], [[2., 0.], [0., 2.]]]) >>> ivy.matrix_exp(x) ivy.array([[[2.7183, 1.0000], [1.0000, 2.7183]], [[7.3891, 1.0000], [1.0000, 7.3891]]]) """ return self.static_matrix_exp( self, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, out=out, ) @staticmethod def static_eig( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.eig. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.eig also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x container with input arrays. Returns ------- ret container including tuple of arrays corresponding to eigenvealues and eigenvectors of input array Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([[1,2], [3,4]]) >>> c = ivy.Container({'x':{'xx':x}}) >>> ivy.Container.eig(c) { x: { xx: (tuple(2), <class ivy.array.array.Array>, shape=[2, 2]) } } >>> ivy.Container.eig(c)['x']['xx'] ( ivy.array([-0.37228107+0.j, 5.3722816 +0.j]), ivy.array([ [-0.8245648 +0.j, -0.41597357+0.j], [0.56576747+0.j, -0.9093767 +0.j] ]) ) """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "eig", x, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def eig( self: ivy.Container, /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.eig. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.eig also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x container with input arrays. Returns ------- ret container including arrays corresponding eigenvealues and eigenvectors of input arrays Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([[1,2], [3,4]]) >>> c = ivy.Container({'x':{'xx':x}}) >>> c.eig() { x: { xx: (tuple(2), <class ivy.array.array.Array>, shape=[2, 2]) } } >>>c.eig()['x']['xx'] ( ivy.array([-0.37228107+0.j, 5.3722816 +0.j]), ivy.array([ [-0.8245648 +0.j, -0.41597357+0.j], [0.56576747+0.j, -0.9093767 +0.j] ]) ) """ return self.static_eig( self, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) @staticmethod def static_eigvals( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.eigvals. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.eigvals also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x container with input arrays. Returns ------- ret container including array corresponding to eigenvalues of input array Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([[1,2], [3,4]]) >>> c = ivy.Container({'x':{'xx':x}}) >>> ivy.Container.eigvals(c) { x: { xx: ivy.array([-0.37228132+0.j, 5.37228132+0.j]) } } >>> ivy.Container.eigvals(c)['x']['xx'] ivy.array([-0.37228132+0.j, 5.37228132+0.j]) """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "eigvals", x, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def eigvals( self: ivy.Container, /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.eigvals. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.eigvals also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x container with input arrays. Returns ------- ret container including array corresponding to eigenvalues of input array Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([[1,2], [3,4]]) >>> c = ivy.Container({'x':{'xx':x}}) >>> c.eigvals() { x: { xx: ivy.array([-0.37228132+0.j, 5.37228132+0.j]) } } >>> c.eigvals()['x']['xx'] ivy.array([-0.37228132+0.j, 5.37228132+0.j]) """ return self.static_eigvals( self, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) @staticmethod def static_adjoint( x: ivy.Container, /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ): """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.adjoint. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.adjoint also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x container with input arrays of dimensions greater than 1. out optional output container, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ret container including arrays corresponding to the conjugate transpose of the arrays in the input container Examples -------- >>> x = np.array([[1.-1.j, 2.+2.j], [3.+3.j, 4.-4.j]]) >>> y = np.array([[1.-2.j, 3.+4.j], [1.-0.j, 2.+6.j]]) >>> c = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array(x), b=ivy.array(y)) >>> ivy.Container.static_adjoint(c) { a: ivy.array([[1.+1.j, 3.-3.j], [2.-2.j, 4.+4.j]]), b: ivy.array([[1.+2.j, 1.-0.j], [3.-4.j, 2.-6.j]]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "adjoint", x, out=out, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, ) def adjoint( self: ivy.Container, /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ): """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.adjoint. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.adjoint also applies to this method with minimal changes. Examples -------- >>> x = np.array([[1.-1.j, 2.+2.j], [3.+3.j, 4.-4.j]]) >>> c = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array(x)) >>> c.adjoint() { a: ivy.array([[1.+1.j, 3.-3.j], [2.-2.j, 4.+4.j]]) } """ return self.static_adjoint( self, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, out=out ) @staticmethod def static_multi_dot( x: Sequence[Union[ivy.Container, ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]], /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.multi_dot. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.multi_dot also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x sequence of matrices to multiply. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a valid shape, i.e. the resulting shape after applying regular matrix multiplication to the inputs. Returns ------- ret dot product of the arrays. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> a = ivy.Container(x=ivy.arange(2 * 3).reshape((2, 3)), ... y=ivy.arange(2 * 3).reshape((2, 3))) >>> b = ivy.Container(x=ivy.arange(3 * 2).reshape((3, 2)), ... y=ivy.arange(3 * 2).reshape((3, 2))) >>> c = ivy.Container(x=ivy.arange(2 * 2).reshape((2, 2)), ... y=ivy.arange(2 * 2).reshape((2, 2))) >>> ivy.Container.static_multi_dot((a, b, c)) { x: ivy.array([[26, 49], [80, 148]]), y: ivy.array([[26, 49], [80, 148]]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "multi_dot", x, out=out, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def multi_dot( self: ivy.Container, arrays: Sequence[Union[ivy.Container, ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]], /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.multi_dot. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.multi_dot also applies to this method with minimal changes. Examples -------- >>> a = ivy.Container(x=ivy.arange(2 * 3).reshape((2, 3)), ... y=ivy.arange(2 * 3).reshape((2, 3))) >>> b = ivy.Container(x=ivy.arange(3 * 2).reshape((3, 2)), ... y=ivy.arange(3 * 2).reshape((3, 2))) >>> c = ivy.Container(x=ivy.arange(2 * 2).reshape((2, 2)), ... y=ivy.arange(2 * 2).reshape((2, 2))) >>> a.multi_dot((b, c)) { x: ivy.array([[26, 49], [80, 148]]), y: ivy.array([[26, 49], [80, 148]]) } """ return self.static_multi_dot( (self, *arrays), key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def static_cond( x: ivy.Container, /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, p: Optional[Union[int, float, None, ivy.Container]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ): """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.cond. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.cond also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x container with input arrays. p order of the norm of the matrix (see ivy.norm). Returns ------- ret container including array corresponding to condition number of input array Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([[1,2], [3,4]]) >>> ivy.Container.static_cond(x) ivy.array(14.933034) """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "cond", x, p=p, out=out, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def cond( self: ivy.Container, /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, p: Optional[Union[int, float, None, ivy.Container]] = None, ): """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.cond. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.cond also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self container with input arrays. p order of the norm of the matrix (see ivy.norm). Returns ------- ret container including array corresponding to condition number of input array Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([[1,2], [3,4]]) >>> c = ivy.Container(a=x) >>> c.cond() ivy.array(14.933034) >>> x = ivy.array([[1,2], [3,4]]) >>> c = ivy.Container(a=x) >>> c.cond(p=1) ivy.array(21.0) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> a = ivy.Container(x=ivy.arange(2 * 3).reshape((2, 3)), ... y=ivy.arange(2 * 3).reshape((2, 3))) >>> a.cond() { x: ivy.array(14.933034), y: ivy.array(14.933034) } """ return self.static_cond( self, p=p, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) @staticmethod def static_mode_dot( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, matrix_or_vector: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], mode: Union[int, ivy.Container], transpose: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = False, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.mode_dot. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.mode_dot also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x tensor of shape ``(i_1, ..., i_k, ..., i_N)`` matrix_or_vector 1D or 2D array of shape ``(J, i_k)`` or ``(i_k, )`` matrix or vectors to which to n-mode multiply the tensor mode int in the range(1, N) transpose If True, the matrix is transposed. For complex tensors, the conjugate transpose is used. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the result can broadcast to. Returns ------- ivy.Container `mode`-mode product of `tensor` by `matrix_or_vector` * of shape :math:`(i_1, ..., i_{k-1}, J, i_{k+1}, ..., i_N)` if matrix_or_vector is a matrix * of shape :math:`(i_1, ..., i_{k-1}, i_{k+1}, ..., i_N)` if matrix_or_vector is a vector """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "mode_dot", x, matrix_or_vector, mode, transpose, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def mode_dot( self: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, matrix_or_vector: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], mode: Union[int, ivy.Container], transpose: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = False, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ): """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.mode_dot. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.mode_dot also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x tensor of shape ``(i_1, ..., i_k, ..., i_N)`` matrix_or_vector 1D or 2D array of shape ``(J, i_k)`` or ``(i_k, )`` matrix or vectors to which to n-mode multiply the tensor mode int in the range(1, N) transpose If True, the matrix is transposed. For complex tensors, the conjugate transpose is used. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the result can broadcast to. Returns ------- ivy.Container `mode`-mode product of `tensor` by `matrix_or_vector` * of shape :math:`(i_1, ..., i_{k-1}, J, i_{k+1}, ..., i_N)` if matrix_or_vector is a matrix * of shape :math:`(i_1, ..., i_{k-1}, i_{k+1}, ..., i_N)` if matrix_or_vector is a vector """ return self.static_mode_dot( self, matrix_or_vector, mode, transpose, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def static_multi_mode_dot( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], mat_or_vec_list: Sequence[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container]], /, modes: Optional[Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container]] = None, skip: Optional[Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container]] = None, transpose: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = False, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.multi_mode_dot. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.multi_mode_dot also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x the input tensor mat_or_vec_list sequence of matrices or vectors of length ``tensor.ndim`` skip None or int, optional, default is None If not None, index of a matrix to skip. modes None or int list, optional, default is None transpose If True, the matrices or vectors in in the list are transposed. For complex tensors, the conjugate transpose is used. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the result can broadcast to. Returns ------- ivy.Container tensor times each matrix or vector in the list at mode `mode` """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "multi_mode_dot", x, mat_or_vec_list, skip, modes, transpose, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def multi_mode_dot( self: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], mat_or_vec_list: Sequence[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container]], /, modes: Optional[Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container]] = None, skip: Optional[Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container]] = None, transpose: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = False, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.multi_mode_dot. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.multi_mode_dot also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self the input tensor mat_or_vec_list sequence of matrices or vectors of length ``tensor.ndim`` modes None or int list, optional, default is None skip None or int, optional, default is None If not None, index of a matrix to skip. transpose If True, the matrices or vectors in in the list are transposed. For complex tensors, the conjugate transpose is used. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the result can broadcast to. Returns ------- ivy.Container tensor times each matrix or vector in the list at mode `mode` """ return self.static_multi_mode_dot( self, mat_or_vec_list, skip, modes, transpose, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def static_svd_flip( U: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], V: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, u_based_decision: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = True, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Tuple[ivy.Container, ivy.Container]: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.svd_flip. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.svd_flip also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- U left singular matrix output of SVD V right singular matrix output of SVD u_based_decision If True, use the columns of u as the basis for sign flipping. Otherwise, use the rows of v. The choice of which variable to base the decision on is generally algorithm dependent. Returns ------- u_adjusted, v_adjusted : container with the same dimensions as the input. """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "svd_flip", U, V, u_based_decision, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def svd_flip( self: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], V: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, u_based_decision: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = True, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Tuple[ivy.Container, ivy.Container]: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.svd_flip. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.svd_flip applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self left singular matrix output of SVD V right singular matrix output of SVD u_based_decision If True, use the columns of u as the basis for sign flipping. Otherwise, use the rows of v. The choice of which variable to base the decision on is generally algorithm dependent. Returns ------- u_adjusted, v_adjusted : container with the same dimensions as the input. """ return self.static_svd_flip( self, V, u_based_decision, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) @staticmethod def static_make_svd_non_negative( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], U: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], S: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], V: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, *, nntype: Optional[Union[Literal["nndsvd", "nndsvda"], ivy.Container]] = "nndsvd", key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Tuple[ivy.Container, ivy.Container]: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.make_svd_non_negative. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.make_svd_non_negative also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x tensor being decomposed. U left singular matrix from SVD. S diagonal matrix from SVD. V right singular matrix from SVD. nntype whether to fill small values with 0.0 (nndsvd), or the tensor mean (nndsvda, default). [1]: Boutsidis & Gallopoulos. Pattern Recognition, 41(4): 1350-1362, 2008. """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "make_svd_non_negative", x, U, S, V, nntype=nntype, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def make_svd_non_negative( self: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], U: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], S: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], V: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, *, nntype: Optional[Union[Literal["nndsvd", "nndsvda"], ivy.Container]] = "nndsvd", key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Tuple[ivy.Container, ivy.Container]: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.make_svd_non_negative. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.make_svd_non_negative applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self tensor being decomposed. U left singular matrix from SVD. S diagonal matrix from SVD. V right singular matrix from SVD. nntype whether to fill small values with 0.0 (nndsvd), or the tensor mean (nndsvda, default). [1]: Boutsidis & Gallopoulos. Pattern Recognition, 41(4): 1350-1362, 2008. """ return self.static_make_svd_non_negative( self, U, S, V, nntype=nntype, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) @staticmethod def static_tensor_train( input_tensor: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], rank: Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container], /, *, svd: Optional[Union[Literal["truncated_svd"], ivy.Container]] = "truncated_svd", verbose: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = False, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Tuple[ivy.Container, Sequence[ivy.Container]]: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.tensor_train. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.tensor_train also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- input_tensor tensor to be decomposed. rank maximum allowable TT-ranks of the decomposition. svd SVD method to use. verbose level of verbosity. """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "tensor_train", input_tensor, rank, svd=svd, verbose=verbose, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def tensor_train( self: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], rank: Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container], /, *, svd: Optional[Union[Literal["truncated_svd"], ivy.Container]] = "truncated_svd", verbose: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = False, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Tuple[ivy.Container, Sequence[ivy.Container]]: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.tensor_train. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.tensor_train also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- input_tensor tensor to be decomposed. rank maximum allowable TT-ranks of the decomposition. svd SVD method to use. verbose level of verbosity. """ return self.static_tensor_train( self, rank, svd=svd, verbose=verbose, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) @staticmethod def static_truncated_svd( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, compute_uv: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, n_eigenvecs: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = None, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Union[ivy.Container, Tuple[ivy.Container, ivy.Container, ivy.Container]]: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.truncated_svd. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.truncated_svd also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x Container of 2D-arrays compute_uv If ``True`` then left and right singular vectors will be computed and returned in ``U`` and ``Vh``, respectively. Otherwise, only the singular values will be computed, which can be significantly faster. n_eigenvecs if specified, number of eigen[vectors-values] to return else full matrices will be returned Returns ------- ret a namedtuple ``(U, S, Vh)`` Each returned container must have the same floating-point data type as ``x``. """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "truncated_svd", x, compute_uv, n_eigenvecs, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def truncated_svd( self: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, compute_uv: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, n_eigenvecs: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = None, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Union[ivy.Container, Tuple[ivy.Container, ivy.Container, ivy.Container]]: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.truncated_svd. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.truncated_svd also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x Container of 2D-arrays compute_uv If ``True`` then left and right singular vectors will be computed and returned in ``U`` and ``Vh`` respectively. Otherwise, only the singular values will be computed, which can be significantly faster. n_eigenvecs if specified, number of eigen[vectors-values] to return else full matrices will be returned Returns ------- ret a namedtuple ``(U, S, Vh)`` Each returned container must have the same floating-point data type as ``x``. """ return self.static_truncated_svd( self, compute_uv, n_eigenvecs, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) @staticmethod def static_initialize_tucker( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], rank: Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container], modes: Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container], /, *, init: Optional[ Union[Literal["svd", "random"], ivy.TuckerTensor, ivy.Container] ] = "svd", seed: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = None, svd: Optional[Union[Literal["truncated_svd"], ivy.Container]] = "truncated_svd", non_negative: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = False, mask: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container]] = None, svd_mask_repeats: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = 5, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Tuple[ivy.Container, Sequence[ivy.Container]]: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.initialize_tucker. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.initialize_tucker also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x input tensor rank number of components modes modes to consider in the input tensor seed Used to create a random seed distribution when init == 'random' init initialization scheme for tucker decomposition. svd function to use to compute the SVD non_negative if True, non-negative factors are returned mask array of booleans with the same shape as ``tensor`` should be 0 where the values are missing and 1 everywhere else. Note: if tensor is sparse, then mask should also be sparse with a fill value of 1 (or True). svd_mask_repeats number of iterations for imputing the values in the SVD matrix when mask is not None Returns ------- core initialized core tensor factors list of factors """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "initialize_tucker", x, rank, modes, seed=seed, init=init, svd=svd, non_negative=non_negative, mask=mask, svd_mask_repeats=svd_mask_repeats, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def initialize_tucker( self: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], rank: Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container], modes: Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container], /, *, init: Optional[ Union[Literal["svd", "random"], ivy.TuckerTensor, ivy.Container] ] = "svd", seed: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = None, svd: Optional[Union[Literal["truncated_svd"], ivy.Container]] = "truncated_svd", non_negative: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = False, mask: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container]] = None, svd_mask_repeats: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = 5, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Tuple[ivy.Container, Sequence[ivy.Container]]: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.initialize_tucker. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.initialize_tucker also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x input tensor rank number of components modes modes to consider in the input tensor seed Used to create a random seed distribution when init == 'random' init initialization scheme for tucker decomposition. svd function to use to compute the SVD non_negative if True, non-negative factors are returned mask array of booleans with the same shape as ``tensor`` should be 0 where the values are missing and 1 everywhere else. Note: if tensor is sparse, then mask should also be sparse with a fill value of 1 (or True). svd_mask_repeats number of iterations for imputing the values in the SVD matrix when mask is not None Returns ------- core initialized core tensor factors list of factors """ return self.static_initialize_tucker( self, rank, modes, seed=seed, init=init, svd=svd, non_negative=non_negative, mask=mask, svd_mask_repeats=svd_mask_repeats, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) @staticmethod def static_partial_tucker( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], rank: Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container], modes: Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container], /, *, n_iter_max: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = 100, init: Optional[ Union[Literal["svd", "random"], ivy.TuckerTensor, ivy.Container] ] = "svd", svd: Optional[Union[Literal["truncated_svd"], ivy.Container]] = "truncated_svd", seed: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = None, mask: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container]] = None, svd_mask_repeats: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = 5, tol: Optional[Union[float, ivy.Container]] = 10e-5, verbose: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = False, return_errors: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = False, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Tuple[ivy.Container, Sequence[ivy.Container]]: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.partial_tucker. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.partial_tucker also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x input tensor rank number of components modes modes to consider in the input tensor seed Used to create a random seed distribution when init == 'random' init initialization scheme for tucker decomposition. svd function to use to compute the SVD mask array of booleans with the same shape as ``tensor`` should be 0 where the values are missing and 1 everywhere else. Note: if tensor is sparse, then mask should also be sparse with a fill value of 1 (or True). svd_mask_repeats number of iterations for imputing the values in the SVD matrix when mask is not None Returns ------- core initialized core tensor factors list of factors """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "partial_tucker", x, rank, modes, seed=seed, init=init, svd=svd, n_iter_max=n_iter_max, mask=mask, svd_mask_repeats=svd_mask_repeats, tol=tol, verbose=verbose, return_errors=return_errors, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def partial_tucker( self: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], rank: Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container], modes: Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container], /, *, n_iter_max: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = 100, init: Optional[ Union[Literal["svd", "random"], ivy.TuckerTensor, ivy.Container] ] = "svd", svd: Optional[Union[Literal["truncated_svd"], ivy.Container]] = "truncated_svd", seed: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = None, mask: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container]] = None, svd_mask_repeats: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = 5, tol: Optional[Union[float, ivy.Container]] = 10e-5, verbose: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = False, return_errors: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = False, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Tuple[ivy.Container, Sequence[ivy.Container]]: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.partial_tucker. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.partial_tucker also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self input tensor rank number of components modes modes to consider in the input tensor seed Used to create a random seed distribution when init == 'random' init initialization scheme for tucker decomposition. svd function to use to compute the SVD mask array of booleans with the same shape as ``tensor`` should be 0 where the values are missing and 1 everywhere else. Note: if tensor is sparse, then mask should also be sparse with a fill value of 1 (or True). svd_mask_repeats number of iterations for imputing the values in the SVD matrix when mask is not None Returns ------- core initialized core tensor factors list of factors """ return self.static_partial_tucker( self, rank, modes, n_iter_max=n_iter_max, init=init, svd=svd, seed=seed, mask=mask, svd_mask_repeats=svd_mask_repeats, tol=tol, verbose=verbose, return_errors=return_errors, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) @staticmethod def static_tucker( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], rank: Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container], /, *, fixed_factors: Optional[Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container]] = None, n_iter_max: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = 100, init: Optional[ Union[Literal["svd", "random"], ivy.TuckerTensor, ivy.Container] ] = "svd", svd: Optional[Union[Literal["truncated_svd"], ivy.Container]] = "truncated_svd", seed: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = None, mask: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container]] = None, svd_mask_repeats: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = 5, tol: Optional[Union[float, ivy.Container]] = 10e-5, verbose: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = False, return_errors: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = False, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Tuple[ivy.Container, Sequence[ivy.Container]]: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.tucker. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.tucker also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x input tensor rank size of the core tensor, ``(len(ranks) == tensor.ndim)`` if int, the same rank is used for all modes fixed_factors if not None, list of modes for which to keep the factors fixed. Only valid if a Tucker tensor is provided as init. n_iter_max maximum number of iteration init {'svd', 'random'}, or TuckerTensor optional if a TuckerTensor is provided, this is used for initialization svd str, default is 'truncated_svd' function to use to compute the SVD, seed Used to create a random seed distribution when init == 'random' mask array of booleans with the same shape as ``tensor`` should be 0 where the values are missing and 1 everywhere else. Note: if tensor is sparse, then mask should also be sparse with a fill value of 1 (or True). svd_mask_repeats number of iterations for imputing the values in the SVD matrix when mask is not None tol tolerance: the algorithm stops when the variation in the reconstruction error is less than the tolerance verbose if True, different in reconstruction errors are returned at each iteration. return_errors Indicates whether the algorithm should return all reconstruction errors and computation time of each iteration or not Default: False Returns ------- Container of ivy.TuckerTensors or ivy.TuckerTensors and container of reconstruction errors if return_errors is True. References ---------- .. [1] tl.G.Kolda and B.W.Bader, "Tensor Decompositions and Applications", SIAM REVIEW, vol. 51, n. 3, pp. 455-500, 2009. """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "tucker", x, rank, fixed_factors=fixed_factors, seed=seed, init=init, svd=svd, n_iter_max=n_iter_max, mask=mask, svd_mask_repeats=svd_mask_repeats, tol=tol, verbose=verbose, return_errors=return_errors, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def tucker( self: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], rank: Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container], /, *, fixed_factors: Optional[Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container]] = None, n_iter_max: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = 100, init: Optional[ Union[Literal["svd", "random"], ivy.TuckerTensor, ivy.Container] ] = "svd", svd: Optional[Union[Literal["truncated_svd"], ivy.Container]] = "truncated_svd", seed: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = None, mask: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container]] = None, svd_mask_repeats: Optional[Union[int, ivy.Container]] = 5, tol: Optional[Union[float, ivy.Container]] = 10e-5, verbose: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = False, return_errors: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = False, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Tuple[ivy.Container, Sequence[ivy.Container]]: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.tucker. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.tucker also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x input tensor rank size of the core tensor, ``(len(ranks) == tensor.ndim)`` if int, the same rank is used for all modes fixed_factors if not None, list of modes for which to keep the factors fixed. Only valid if a Tucker tensor is provided as init. n_iter_max maximum number of iteration init {'svd', 'random'}, or TuckerTensor optional if a TuckerTensor is provided, this is used for initialization svd str, default is 'truncated_svd' function to use to compute the SVD, seed Used to create a random seed distribution when init == 'random' mask array of booleans with the same shape as ``tensor`` should be 0 where the values are missing and 1 everywhere else. Note: if tensor is sparse, then mask should also be sparse with a fill value of 1 (or True). svd_mask_repeats number of iterations for imputing the values in the SVD matrix when mask is not None tol tolerance: the algorithm stops when the variation in the reconstruction error is less than the tolerance verbose if True, different in reconstruction errors are returned at each iteration. return_errors Indicates whether the algorithm should return all reconstruction errors and computation time of each iteration or not Default: False Returns ------- Container of ivy.TuckerTensors or ivy.TuckerTensors and container of reconstruction errors if return_errors is True. References ---------- .. [1] tl.G.Kolda and B.W.Bader, "Tensor Decompositions and Applications", SIAM REVIEW, vol. 51, n. 3, pp. 455-500, 2009. """ return self.static_tucker( self, rank, fixed_factors=fixed_factors, n_iter_max=n_iter_max, init=init, svd=svd, seed=seed, mask=mask, svd_mask_repeats=svd_mask_repeats, tol=tol, verbose=verbose, return_errors=return_errors, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) @staticmethod def static_dot( a: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], b: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, *, out: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Union[ivy.Array, ivy.Container]: """Compute the dot product between two arrays `a` and `b` using the current backend's implementation. The dot product is defined as the sum of the element- wise product of the input arrays. Parameters ---------- a First input array. b Second input array. out Optional output array. If provided, the output array to store the result. Returns ------- ret The dot product of the input arrays. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` inputs: >>> a = ivy.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> b = ivy.array([4, 5, 6]) >>> result = ivy.dot(a, b) >>> print(result) ivy.array(32) >>> a = ivy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> b = ivy.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]]) >>> c = ivy.empty_like(a) >>> ivy.dot(a, b, out=c) >>> print(c) ivy.array([[19, 22], [43, 50]]) >>> a = ivy.array([[1.1, 2.3, -3.6]]) >>> b = ivy.array([[-4.8], [5.2], [6.1]]) >>> c = ivy.zeros((1, 1)) >>> ivy.dot(a, b, out=c) >>> print(c) ivy.array([[-15.28]]) """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "dot", a, b, out=out, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def dot( self: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], b: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, *, out: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> Union[ivy.Array, ivy.Container]: """Compute the dot product between two arrays `a` and `b` using the current backend's implementation. The dot product is defined as the sum of the element- wise product of the input arrays. Parameters ---------- self First input array. b Second input array. out Optional output array. If provided, the output array to store the result. Returns ------- ret The dot product of the input arrays. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` inputs: >>> a = ivy.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> b = ivy.array([4, 5, 6]) >>> result = ivy.dot(a, b) >>> print(result) ivy.array(32) >>> a = ivy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> b = ivy.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]]) >>> c = ivy.empty_like(a) >>> ivy.dot(a, b, out=c) >>> print(c) ivy.array([[19, 22], [43, 50]]) >>> a = ivy.array([[1.1, 2.3, -3.6]]) >>> b = ivy.array([[-4.8], [5.2], [6.1]]) >>> c = ivy.zeros((1, 1)) >>> ivy.dot(a, b, out=c) >>> print(c) ivy.array([[-15.28]]) """ return self.static_dot( self, b, out=out, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) @staticmethod def static_tt_matrix_to_tensor( tt_matrix: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.tt_matrix_to_tensor. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.tt_matrix_to_tensor also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- tt_matrix array of 4D-arrays TT-Matrix factors (known as core) of shape (rank_k, left_dim_k, right_dim_k, rank_{k+1}) out optional output container, for writing the result to. Returns ------- output_tensor tensor whose TT-Matrix decomposition was given by 'factors' Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[[[[0.49671414], ... [-0.1382643]], ... ... [[0.64768857], ... [1.5230298]]]], ... [[[[-0.23415337], ... [-0.23413695]], ... ... [[1.57921278], ... [0.76743472]]]]]))) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_tt_matrix_to_tensor(x) >>> print(y["a"]) ivy.array([[[[-0.1163073 , -0.11629914], [ 0.03237505, 0.03237278]], [[ 0.78441733, 0.38119566], [-0.21834874, -0.10610882]]], [[[-0.15165846, -0.15164782], [-0.35662258, -0.35659757]], [[ 1.02283812, 0.49705869], [ 2.40518808, 1.16882598]]]]) """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "tt_matrix_to_tensor", tt_matrix, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def tt_matrix_to_tensor( self: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.tt_matrix_to_tensor. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.tt_matrix_to_tensor also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- tt_matrix array of 4D-arrays TT-Matrix factors (known as core) of shape (rank_k, left_dim_k, right_dim_k, rank_{k+1}) out optional output container, for writing the result to. Returns ------- output_tensor tensor whose TT-Matrix decomposition was given by 'factors' Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[[[[0.49671414], ... [-0.1382643]], ... ... [[0.64768857], ... [1.5230298]]]], ... [[[[-0.23415337], ... [-0.23413695]], ... ... [[1.57921278], ... [0.76743472]]]]]))) >>> y = ivy.Container.tt_matrix_to_tensor(x) >>> print(y["a"]) ivy.array([[[[-0.1163073 , -0.11629914], [ 0.03237505, 0.03237278]], [[ 0.78441733, 0.38119566], [-0.21834874, -0.10610882]]], [[[-0.15165846, -0.15164782], [-0.35662258, -0.35659757]], [[ 1.02283812, 0.49705869], [ 2.40518808, 1.16882598]]]]) """ return self.static_tt_matrix_to_tensor( self, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def static_higher_order_moment( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], order: Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container], /, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.higher_order_moment. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.higher_order_moment also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x matrix of size (n_samples, n_features) or tensor of size(n_samples, D1, ..., DN) order number of the higher-order moment to compute Returns ------- tensor if tensor is a matrix of size (n_samples, n_features), tensor of size (n_features, )*order """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "higher_order_moment", x, order, out=out, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def higher_order_moment( self: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], order: Union[Sequence[int], ivy.Container], /, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.higher_order_moment. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.higher_order_moment also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x matrix of size (n_samples, n_features) or tensor of size(n_samples, D1, ..., DN) order number of the higher-order moment to compute Returns ------- tensor if tensor is a matrix of size (n_samples, n_features), tensor of size (n_features, )*order Examples -------- >>> a = ivy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> result = ivy.higher_order_moment(a, 3) >>> print(result) ivy.array([[ [14, 19], [19, 26]], [[19, 26], [26, 36] ]]) """ return self.static_higher_order_moment( self, order, out=out, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) @staticmethod def static_batched_outer( tensors: Sequence[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container]], /, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.batched_outer. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.batched_outer also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- tensors list of tensors of shape (n_samples, J1, ..., JN) , (n_samples, K1, ..., KM) ... Returns ------- outer product of tensors of shape (n_samples, J1, ..., JN, K1, ..., KM, ...) Examples -------- >>> a = ivy.array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]) >>> b = ivy.array([[[.1, .2], [.3, .4]], [[.5, .6], [.7, .8]]]) >>> result = ivy.batched_outer(a, b) >>> print(result) ivy.array([[[[[0.1, 0.2], [0.30000001, 0.40000001]], [[0.2 , 0.40000001], [0.60000002, 0.80000001]]], [[[0.3 , 0.60000001], [0.90000004, 1.20000002]], [[0.40000001, 0.80000001], [1.20000005, 1.60000002]]]], [[[[2.5 , 3.00000012], [3.49999994, 4.00000006]], [[3. , 3.60000014], [4.19999993, 4.80000007]]], [[[3.5 , 4.20000017], [4.89999992, 5.60000008]], [[4. , 4.80000019], [5.5999999 , 6.4000001 ]]]]]) """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "batched_outer", tensors, out=out, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def batched_outer( self: ivy.Container, tensors: Sequence[Union[ivy.Container, ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]], /, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.batched_outer. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.batched_outer also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- tensors list of tensors of shape (n_samples, J1, ..., JN) , (n_samples, K1, ..., KM) ... Returns ------- outer product of tensors of shape (n_samples, J1, ..., JN, K1, ..., KM, ...) Examples -------- >>> a = ivy.array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]) >>> b = ivy.array([[[.1, .2], [.3, .4]], [[.5, .6], [.7, .8]]]) >>> result = ivy.batched_outer(a, b) >>> print(result) ivy.array([[[[[0.1, 0.2], [0.30000001, 0.40000001]], [[0.2 , 0.40000001], [0.60000002, 0.80000001]]], [[[0.3 , 0.60000001], [0.90000004, 1.20000002]], [[0.40000001, 0.80000001], [1.20000005, 1.60000002]]]], [[[[2.5 , 3.00000012], [3.49999994, 4.00000006]], [[3. , 3.60000014], [4.19999993, 4.80000007]]], [[[3.5 , 4.20000017], [4.89999992, 5.60000008]], [[4. , 4.80000019], [5.5999999 , 6.4000001 ]]]]]) """ return self.static_batched_outer( (self, *tensors), out=out, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/data_classes/container/experimental/linear_algebra.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 43299 }
# For Review # global from typing import ( Optional, Union, List, Tuple, Dict, Iterable, Sequence, ) from numbers import Number # local import ivy from ivy.data_classes.container.base import ContainerBase class _ContainerWithManipulation(ContainerBase): @staticmethod def _static_concat( xs: Union[ Tuple[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], ...], List[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container]], ], /, *, axis: Union[int, ivy.Container] = 0, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.concat. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.concat also applies to this method with minimal changes. """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "concat", xs, axis=axis, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def concat( self: ivy.Container, /, xs: Union[ Tuple[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], ...], List[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container]], ], *, axis: Union[int, ivy.Container] = 0, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.concat. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.concat also applies to this method with minimal changes. """ new_xs = xs.cont_copy() if ivy.is_ivy_container(xs) else xs.copy() new_xs.insert(0, self.cont_copy()) return self._static_concat( new_xs, axis=axis, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def _static_expand_dims( x: ivy.Container, /, *, copy: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = None, axis: Union[int, Sequence[int], ivy.Container] = 0, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.expand_dims. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.expand_dims also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x input container. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. axis position where a new axis (dimension) of size one will be added. If an element of the container has the rank of ``N``, then the ``axis`` needs to be between ``[-N-1, N]``. Default: ``0``. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret A container with the elements of ``x``, but with the dimensions of its elements added by one in a given ``axis``. Examples -------- With one :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1.]), ... b=ivy.array([3., 4.]), ... c=ivy.array([6., 7.])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_expand_dims(x, axis=1) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[0.], [1.]]), b: ivy.array([[3.], [4.]]), c: ivy.array([[6.], [7.]]) } With multiple :class:`ivy.Container` inputs: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), ... b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.]), ... c=ivy.array([6., 7., 8.])) >>> container_axis = ivy.Container(a=0, b=-1, c=(0,1)) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_expand_dims(x, axis=container_axis) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[0., 1., 2.]]), b: ivy.array([[3.], [4.], [5.]]), c: ivy.array([[[6., 7., 8.]]]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "expand_dims", x, copy=copy, axis=axis, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def expand_dims( self: ivy.Container, /, *, copy: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = None, axis: Union[int, Sequence[int], ivy.Container] = 0, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.expand_dims. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.expand_dims also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self input container. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. axis position where a new axis (dimension) of size one will be added. If an element of the container has the rank of ``N``, the ``axis`` needs to be between ``[-N-1, N]``. Default: ``0``. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret A container with the elements of ``self``, but with the dimensions of its elements added by one in a given ``axis``. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[0., 1.], ... [2., 3.]]), ... b=ivy.array([[4., 5.], ... [6., 7.]])) >>> y = x.expand_dims(axis=1) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[[0., 1.]], [[2., 3.]]]), b: ivy.array([[[4., 5.]], [[6., 7.]]]) } """ return self._static_expand_dims( self, copy=copy, axis=axis, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def _static_split( x: Union[ivy.Container, ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, copy: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = None, num_or_size_splits: Optional[ Union[int, Sequence[int], ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container] ] = None, axis: Union[int, ivy.Container] = 0, with_remainder: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> List[ivy.Container]: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.split. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.split also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x array to be divided into sub-arrays. num_or_size_splits Number of equal arrays to divide the array into along the given axis if an integer. The size of each split element if a sequence of integers or 1-D array. Default is to divide into as many 1-dimensional arrays as the axis dimension. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. axis The axis along which to split, default is ``0``. with_remainder If the tensor does not split evenly, then store the last remainder entry. Default is ``False``. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is False. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. Returns ------- list of containers of sub-arrays. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([2, 1, 5, 9]), b=ivy.array([3, 7, 2, 11])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_split(x, num_or_size_splits=2) >>> print(y) [{ a: ivy.array([2, 1]), b: ivy.array([3, 7]) }, { a: ivy.array([5, 9]), b: ivy.array([2, 11]) }] """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "split", x, copy=copy, num_or_size_splits=num_or_size_splits, axis=axis, with_remainder=with_remainder, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def split( self: ivy.Container, /, *, copy: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = None, num_or_size_splits: Optional[ Union[int, Sequence[int], ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container] ] = None, axis: Union[int, ivy.Container] = 0, with_remainder: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> List[ivy.Container]: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.split. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.split also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self array to be divided into sub-arrays. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. num_or_size_splits Number of equal arrays to divide the array into along the given axis if an integer. The size of each split element if a sequence of integers or 1-D array. Default is to divide into as many 1-dimensional arrays as the axis dimension. axis The axis along which to split, default is ``0``. with_remainder If the tensor does not split evenly, then store the last remainder entry. Default is ``False``. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is False. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. Returns ------- list of containers of sub-arrays. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([2, 1, 5, 9]), b=ivy.array([3, 7, 2, 11])) >>> y = x.split(num_or_size_splits=2) >>> print(y) [{ a: ivy.array([2, 1]), b: ivy.array([3, 7]) }, { a: ivy.array([5, 9]), b: ivy.array([2, 11]) }] """ return self._static_split( self, copy=copy, num_or_size_splits=num_or_size_splits, axis=axis, with_remainder=with_remainder, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) @staticmethod def _static_permute_dims( x: ivy.Container, /, axes: Union[Tuple[int, ...], ivy.Container], *, copy: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.permute_dims. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.permute_dims also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x input container. axes tuple containing a permutation of (0, 1, ..., N-1) where N is the number of axes (dimensions) of x. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret A container with the elements of ``self`` permuted along the given axes. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[0., 1., 2.]]), b=ivy.array([[3., 4., 5.]])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_permute_dims(x, axes=(1, 0)) >>> print(y) { a:ivy.array([[0.],[1.],[2.]]), b:ivy.array([[3.],[4.],[5.]]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "permute_dims", x, axes, copy=copy, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def permute_dims( self: ivy.Container, /, axes: Union[Tuple[int, ...], ivy.Container], *, copy: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.permute_dims. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.permute_dims also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self input container. axes tuple containing a permutation of (0, 1, ..., N-1) where N is the number of axes (dimensions) of x. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret A container with the elements of ``self`` permuted along the given axes. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[0., 1., 2.]]), b=ivy.array([[3., 4., 5.]])) >>> y = x.permute_dims(axes=(1, 0)) >>> print(y) { a:ivy.array([[0.],[1.],[2.]]), b:ivy.array([[3.],[4.],[5.]]) } """ return self._static_permute_dims( self, axes, copy=copy, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def _static_flip( x: ivy.Container, /, *, copy: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = None, axis: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int], ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.flip. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.flip also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x input container. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. axis axis (or axes) along which to flip. If axis is None, all input array axes are flipped. If axis is negative, axis is counted from the last dimension. If provided more than one axis, only the specified axes. Default: None. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is None. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is True. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is False. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is False. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an output container having the same data type and shape as ``x`` and whose elements, relative to ``x``, are reordered. Examples -------- With one :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([-1, 0, 1]), ... b=ivy.array([2, 3, 4])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_flip(x) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([1, 0, -1]), b: ivy.array([4, 3, 2]) } >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([-1, 0, 1]), ... b=ivy.array([2, 3, 4])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_flip(x, axis=0) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([1, 0, -1]), b: ivy.array([4, 3, 2]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "flip", x, copy=copy, axis=axis, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def flip( self: ivy.Container, /, *, copy: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = None, axis: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int], ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.flip. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.flip also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self input container. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. axis axis (or axes) along which to flip. If axis is None, all input array axes are flipped. If axis is negative, axis is counted from the last dimension. If provided more than one axis, only the specified axes. Default: None. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is None. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is True. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is False. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is False. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an output container having the same data type and shape as ``self`` and whose elements, relative to ``self``, are reordered. Examples -------- With one :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([-1, 0, 1]), ... b=ivy.array([2, 3, 4])) >>> y = x.flip() >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([1, 0, -1]), b: ivy.array([4, 3, 2]) } >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([-1, 0, 1]), ... b=ivy.array([2, 3, 4])) >>> y = x.flip(axis=0) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([1, 0, -1]), b: ivy.array([4, 3, 2]) } """ return self._static_flip( self, copy=copy, axis=axis, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def _static_reshape( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, shape: Union[ivy.Shape, ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int], ivy.Container], *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, copy: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, order: Union[str, ivy.Container] = "C", allowzero: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.reshape. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.reshape also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x input container. shape The new shape should be compatible with the original shape. One shape dimension can be -1. In this case, the value is inferred from the length of the array and remaining dimensions. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. order Read the elements of x using this index order, and place the elements into the reshaped array using this index order. ‘C’ means to read / write the elements using C-like index order, with the last axis index changing fastest, back to the first axis index changing slowest. ‘F’ means to read / write the elements using Fortran-like index order, with the first index changing fastest, and the last index changing slowest. Note that the ‘C’ and ‘F’ options take no account of the memory layout of the underlying array, and only refer to the order of indexing. Default order is 'C' Returns ------- ret optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Examples -------- With one :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), ... b=ivy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_reshape(x, (3,2)) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]), b: ivy.array([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]) } >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), ... b=ivy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_reshape(x, (3,2), order='F') >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5]]), b: ivy.array([[0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5]]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "reshape", x, shape, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, copy=copy, allowzero=allowzero, out=out, order=order, ) def reshape( self: ivy.Container, /, shape: Union[ivy.Shape, ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int], ivy.Container], *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, copy: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = None, order: Union[str, ivy.Container] = "C", allowzero: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.reshape. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.reshape also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self input container. shape The new shape should be compatible with the original shape. One shape dimension can be -1. In this case, the value is inferred from the length of the array and remaining dimensions. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. order Read the elements of the input container using this index order, and place the elements into the reshaped array using this index order. ‘C’ means to read / write the elements using C-like index order, with the last axis index changing fastest, back to the first axis index changing slowest. ‘F’ means to read / write the elements using Fortran-like index order, with the first index changing fastest, and the last index changing slowest. Note that the ‘C’ and ‘F’ options take no account of the memory layout of the underlying array, and only refer to the order of indexing. Default order is 'C' out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an output container having the same data type as ``self`` and elements as ``self``. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), ... b=ivy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) >>> y = x.reshape((2,3)) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]), b: ivy.array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]) } >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), ... b=ivy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) >>> y = x.reshape((2,3), order='F') >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[0, 2, 4], [1, 3, 5]]), b: ivy.array([[0, 2, 4], [1, 3, 5]]) } """ return self._static_reshape( self, shape, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, copy=copy, allowzero=allowzero, out=out, order=order, ) @staticmethod def _static_roll( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, shift: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...], ivy.Container], *, axis: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int, ...], ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.roll. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.roll also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x input container. shift number of places by which the elements are shifted. If ``shift`` is a tuple, then ``axis`` must be a tuple of the same size, and each of the given axes must be shifted by the corresponding element in ``shift``. If ``shift`` is an ``int`` and ``axis`` a tuple, then the same ``shift`` must be used for all specified axes. If a shift is positivclipe, then array elements must be shifted positively (toward larger indices) along the dimension of ``axis``. If a shift is negative, then array elements must be shifted negatively (toward smaller indices) along the dimension of ``axis``. axis axis (or axes) along which elements to shift. If ``axis`` is ``None``, the array must be flattened, shifted, and then restored to its original shape. Default ``None``. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an output container having the same data type as ``x`` and whose elements, relative to ``x``, are shifted. Examples -------- With one :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), ... b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_roll(x, 1) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([2., 0., 1.]), b: ivy.array([5., 3., 4.]) } With multiple :class:`ivy.Container` inputs: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), ... b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> shift = ivy.Container(a=1, b=-1) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_roll(x, shift) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([2., 0., 1.]), b: ivy.array([4., 5., 3.]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "roll", x, shift, axis=axis, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def roll( self: ivy.Container, /, shift: Union[int, Sequence[int], ivy.Container], *, axis: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int], ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.roll. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.roll also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self input container. shift number of places by which the elements are shifted. If ``shift`` is a tuple, then ``axis`` must be a tuple of the same size, and each of the given axes must be shifted by the corresponding element in ``shift``. If ``shift`` is an ``int`` and ``axis`` a tuple, then the same ``shift`` must be used for all specified axes. If a shift is positive, then array elements must be shifted positively (toward larger indices) along the dimension of ``axis``. If a shift is negative, then array elements must be shifted negatively (toward smaller indices) along the dimension of ``axis``. axis axis (or axes) along which elements to shift. If ``axis`` is ``None``, the array must be flattened, shifted, and then restored to its original shape. Default ``None``. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an output container having the same data type as ``self`` and whose elements, relative to ``self``, are shifted. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> y = x.roll(1) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([2., 0., 1.]), b: ivy.array([5., 3., 4.]) } """ return self._static_roll( self, shift, axis=axis, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def _static_squeeze( x: ivy.Container, /, axis: Union[int, Sequence[int], ivy.Container], *, copy: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.squeeze. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.squeeze also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x input container. axis axis (or axes) to squeeze. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an output container with the results. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[[10.], [11.]]]), ... b=ivy.array([[[11.], [12.]]])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_squeeze(x, 0) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[10., 11.]]), b: ivy.array([[11., 12.]]) } >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[[10.], [11.]]]), ... b=ivy.array([[[11.], [12.]]])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_squeeze(x, [0, 2]) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[10.], [11.]]), b: ivy.array([[11.], [12.]]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "squeeze", x, axis=axis, copy=copy, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def squeeze( self: ivy.Container, /, *, axis: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int], ivy.Container]], copy: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.squeeze. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.squeeze also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self input container. axis axis (or axes) to squeeze. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an output container with the results. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[[10.], [11.]]]), ... b=ivy.array([[[11.], [12.]]])) >>> y = x.squeeze(axis=2) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[10., 11.]]), b: ivy.array([[11., 12.]]) } >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[[10.], [11.]]]), ... b=ivy.array([[[11.], [12.]]])) >>> y = x.squeeze(axis=0) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[10.], [11.]]), b: ivy.array([[11.], [12.]]) } """ return self._static_squeeze( self, axis=axis, copy=copy, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def _static_stack( xs: Union[ Tuple[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container]], List[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container]], ], /, *, axis: Union[int, ivy.Container] = 0, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.stack. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.stack also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- xs Container with leaves to join. Each array leavve must have the same shape. axis axis along which the array leaves will be joined. More details can be found in the docstring for ivy.stack. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an output container with the results. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[0, 1], [2,3]]), b=ivy.array([[4, 5]])) >>> z = ivy.Container.static_stack(x,axis = 1) >>> print(z) { a: ivy.array([[0, 2], [1, 3]]), b: ivy.array([[4], [5]]) } >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[0, 1], [2,3]]), b=ivy.array([[4, 5]])) >>> y = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[3, 2], [1,0]]), b=ivy.array([[1, 0]])) >>> z = ivy.Container.static_stack([x,y]) >>> print(z) { a: ivy.array([[[0, 1], [2, 3]], [[3, 2], [1, 0]]]), b: ivy.array([[[4, 5]], [[1, 0]]]) } >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[0, 1], [2,3]]), b=ivy.array([[4, 5]])) >>> y = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[3, 2], [1,0]]), b=ivy.array([[1, 0]])) >>> z = ivy.Container.static_stack([x,y],axis=1) >>> print(z) { a: ivy.array([[[0, 1], [3, 2]], [[2, 3], [1, 0]]]), b: ivy.array([[[4, 5], [1, 0]]]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "stack", xs, axis=axis, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def stack( self: ivy.Container, /, xs: Union[ Tuple[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container]], List[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container]], ], *, axis: Union[int, ivy.Container] = 0, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.stack. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.stack also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self Container with leaves to join with leaves of other arrays/containers. Each array leave must have the same shape. xs Container with other leaves to join. Each array leave must have the same shape. axis axis along which the array leaves will be joined. More details can be found in the docstring for ivy.stack. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an output container with the results. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[0, 1], [2,3]]), b=ivy.array([[4, 5]])) >>> y = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[3, 2], [1,0]]), b=ivy.array([[1, 0]])) >>> x.stack([y]) { a: ivy.array([[[0, 1], [2, 3]], [[3, 2], [1, 0]]]), b: ivy.array([[[4, 5]], [[1, 0]]]) } """ new_xs = xs.cont_copy() if ivy.is_ivy_container(xs) else xs.copy() new_xs.insert(0, self.cont_copy()) return self._static_stack( new_xs, axis=axis, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def _static_repeat( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, repeats: Union[int, Iterable[int], ivy.Container], *, axis: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int], ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.repeat. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.repeat also applies to this method with minimal changes. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_repeat(2) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([0., 0., 1., 1., 2., 2.]), b: ivy.array([3., 3., 4., 4., 5., 5.]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "repeat", x, repeats, axis=axis, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def repeat( self: ivy.Container, /, repeats: Union[int, Iterable[int], ivy.Container], *, axis: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int], ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.repeat. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.repeat also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x Input container. repeats The number of repetitions for each element. repeats is broadcast to fit the shape of the given axis. axis The axis along which to repeat values. By default, use the flattened input array, and return a flat output array. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The output container with repreated leaves. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> y = x.repeat(2) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([0., 0., 1., 1., 2., 2.]), b: ivy.array([3., 3., 4., 4., 5., 5.]) } """ return self._static_repeat( self, repeats, axis=axis, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def _static_tile( x: ivy.Container, /, repeats: Union[Iterable[int], ivy.Container], *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.tile. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.tile also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x Input Container. repeats The number of repetitions of x along each axis. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The container output with tiled leaves. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[0, 1], [2,3]]), b=ivy.array([[4, 5]])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_tile((2,3)) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[0,1,0,1,0,1], [2,3,2,3,2,3], [0,1,0,1,0,1], [2,3,2,3,2,3]]), b: ivy.array([[4,5,4,5,4,5], [4,5,4,5,4,5]]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "tile", x, repeats, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def tile( self: ivy.Container, /, repeats: Union[Iterable[int], ivy.Container], *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.tile. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.tile also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self Input container. repeats The number of repetitions of x along each axis. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The container output with tiled leaves. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[0, 1], [2,3]]), b=ivy.array([[4, 5]])) >>> y = x.tile((2,3)) >>> print(y) { a: (<class ivy.data_classes.array.array.Array> shape=[4, 6]), b: (<class ivy.data_classes.array.array.Array> shape=[2, 6]) } """ return self._static_tile( self, repeats, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def _static_constant_pad( x: ivy.Container, /, pad_width: Union[Iterable[Tuple[int]], ivy.Container], *, value: Union[Number, ivy.Container] = 0, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.constant_pad. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.constant_pad also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x Input container with leaves to pad. pad_width Number of values padded to the edges of each axis. Specified as ((before_1, after_1), … (before_N, after_N)), where N is number of axes of x. value The constant value to pad the array with. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Output container with padded array leaves of rank equal to x with shape increased according to pad_width. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a = ivy.array([1, 2, 3]), b = ivy.array([4, 5, 6])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_constant_pad(x, pad_width = [[2, 3]]) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0]), b: ivy.array([0, 0, 4, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "constant_pad", x, pad_width, value=value, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def constant_pad( self: ivy.Container, /, pad_width: Union[Iterable[Tuple[int]], ivy.Container], *, value: Union[Number, ivy.Container] = 0, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.constant_pad. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.constant_pad also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self Input container with leaves to pad. pad_width Number of values padded to the edges of each axis. Specified as ((before_1, after_1), … (before_N, after_N)), where N is number of axes of x. value The constant value to pad the array with. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Output container with padded array leaves of rank equal to x with shape increased according to pad_width. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a = ivy.array([1, 2, 3]), b = ivy.array([4, 5, 6])) >>> y = x.constant_pad(pad_width = [[2, 3]]) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0]), b: ivy.array([0, 0, 4, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0]) } """ return self._static_constant_pad( self, pad_width, value=value, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def _static_zero_pad( x: ivy.Container, /, pad_width: Union[Iterable[Tuple[int]], ivy.Container], *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.zero_pad. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.zero_pad also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x Input array to pad. pad_width Number of values padded to the edges of each axis. Specified as ((before_1, after_1), … (before_N, after_N)), where N is number of axes of x. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Padded array of rank equal to x with shape increased according to pad_width. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a = ivy.array([1., 2., 3.]), b = ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> y = ivy.zero_pad(x, pad_width = [[2, 3]]) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([0., 0., 1., 2., 3., 0., 0., 0.]), b: ivy.array([0., 0., 3., 4., 5., 0., 0., 0.]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "zero_pad", x, pad_width, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def zero_pad( self: ivy.Container, /, pad_width: Union[Iterable[Tuple[int]], ivy.Container], *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.zero_pad. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.zero_pad also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self Input array to pad. pad_width Number of values padded to the edges of each axis. Specified as ((before_1, after_1), … (before_N, after_N)), where N is number of axes of x. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Padded array of rank equal to x with shape increased according to pad_width. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a = ivy.array([1., 2., 3.]), b = ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> y = x.zero_pad(pad_width = [[2, 3]]) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([0., 0., 1., 2., 3., 0., 0., 0.]), b: ivy.array([0., 0., 3., 4., 5., 0., 0., 0.]) } """ return self._static_zero_pad( self, pad_width, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def _static_swapaxes( x: ivy.Container, axis0: Union[int, ivy.Container], axis1: Union[int, ivy.Container], /, *, copy: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.swapaxes. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.swapaxes also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x Input container axis0 First axis to be swapped. axis1 Second axis to be swapped. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret x with its axes permuted. >>> a = ivy.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> b = ivy.array([[7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]) >>> x = ivy.Container(a = a, b = b) >>> y = x.swapaxes(0, 1) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]), b: ivy.array([[7, 10], [8, 11], [9, 12]]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "swapaxes", x, axis0, axis1, copy=copy, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def swapaxes( self: ivy.Container, axis0: Union[int, ivy.Container], axis1: Union[int, ivy.Container], /, *, copy: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = None, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.swapaxes. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.swapaxes also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self Input container. axis0 First axis to be swapped. axis1 Second axis to be swapped. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret x with its axes permuted. Examples -------- >>> a = ivy.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> b = ivy.array([[7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]) >>> x = ivy.Container(a = a, b = b) >>> y = x.swapaxes(0, 1) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]), b: ivy.array([[7, 10], [8, 11], [9, 12]]) } """ return self._static_swapaxes( self, axis0, axis1, copy=copy, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) @staticmethod def _static_unstack( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, *, copy: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = None, axis: Union[int, ivy.Container] = 0, keepdims: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.unstack. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.unstack also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x Input array or container to unstack. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. axis Axis for which to unpack the array. keepdims Whether to keep dimension 1 in the unstack dimensions. Default is ``False``. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. Returns ------- ret List of arrays, unpacked along specified dimensions, or containers with arrays unpacked at leaves Examples -------- With one :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]), b=ivy.array([[[9, 10], [11, 12]], [[13, 14], [15, 16]]])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_unstack(x, axis=0) >>> print(y) [{ a: ivy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), b: ivy.array([[9, 10], [11, 12]]) }, { a: ivy.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]]), b: ivy.array([[13, 14], [15, 16]]) }] >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]), b=ivy.array([[[9, 10], [11, 12]], [[13, 14], [15, 16]]])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_unstack(x, axis=1, keepdims=True) >>> print(y) [{ a: ivy.array([[[1, 2]], [[5, 6]]]), b: ivy.array([[[9, 10]], [[13, 14]]]) }, { a: ivy.array([[[3, 4]], [[7, 8]]]), b: ivy.array([[[11, 12]], [[15, 16]]]) }] """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "unstack", x, copy=copy, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) def unstack( self: ivy.Container, /, *, copy: Optional[Union[bool, ivy.Container]] = None, axis: Union[int, ivy.Container] = 0, keepdims: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.unstack. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.unstack also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self Input container to unstack at leaves. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy and must raise a ValueError in case a copy would be necessary. If None, the function must reuse existing memory buffer if possible and copy otherwise. Default: ``None``. axis Axis for which to unpack the array. keepdims Whether to keep dimension 1 in the unstack dimensions. Default is ``False``. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. Returns ------- ret Containers with arrays unpacked at leaves Examples -------- With one :class:`ivy.Container` instances: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]), b=ivy.array([[[9, 10], [11, 12]], [[13, 14], [15, 16]]])) >>> x.unstack(axis=0) [{ a: ivy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), b: ivy.array([[9, 10], [11, 12]]) }, { a: ivy.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]]), b: ivy.array([[13, 14], [15, 16]]) }] """ return self._static_unstack( self, copy=copy, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, ) @staticmethod def _static_clip( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], x_min: Optional[ Union[Number, ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container] ] = None, x_max: Optional[ Union[Number, ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container] ] = None, /, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container static method variant of ivy.clip. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.clip also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- x Input array or container containing elements to clip. x_min Minimum value. x_max Maximum value. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret A container with the elements of x, but where values < x_min are replaced with x_min, and those > x_max with x_max. Examples -------- With one :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), ... b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_clip(x, 1., 5.) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([1., 1., 2.]), b: ivy.array([3., 4., 5.]) } With multiple :class:`ivy.Container` inputs: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), ... b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> x_min = ivy.Container(a=0, b=0) >>> x_max = ivy.Container(a=1, b=1) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_clip(x, x_min, x_max) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([0., 1., 1.]), b: ivy.array([1., 1., 1.]) } """ return ContainerBase.cont_multi_map_in_function( "clip", x, x_min, x_max, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, ) def clip( self: ivy.Container, /, x_min: Optional[ Union[Number, ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container] ] = None, x_max: Optional[ Union[Number, ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container] ] = None, *, key_chains: Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], ivy.Container]] = None, to_apply: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = True, prune_unapplied: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, map_sequences: Union[bool, ivy.Container] = False, out: Optional[ivy.Container] = None, ) -> ivy.Container: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.clip. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.clip also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- self Input container containing elements to clip. x_min Minimum value. x_max Maximum value. key_chains The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is ``None``. to_apply If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is ``True``. prune_unapplied Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is ``False``. map_sequences Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is ``False``. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret A container with the elements of x, but where values < x_min are replaced with x_min, and those > x_max with x_max. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> y = x.clip(1,2) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([1., 1., 2.]), b: ivy.array([2., 2., 2.]) } """ return self._static_clip( self, x_min, x_max, key_chains=key_chains, to_apply=to_apply, prune_unapplied=prune_unapplied, map_sequences=map_sequences, out=out, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/data_classes/container/manipulation.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 42277 }
# flake8: noqa # local from .nested_array import NestedArray, NestedArrayBase # noqa
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/data_classes/nested_array/__init__.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 31 }
use super::{Literal, PjRtBuffer}; use crate::{c_lib, Result}; use pyo3::prelude::*; #[derive(Clone)] #[pyclass(unsendable)] pub struct PjRtLoadedExecutable { pub(super) exe: c_lib::pjrt_loaded_executable, pub(super) client: super::PjRtClient, } impl PjRtLoadedExecutable { /// The client that owns this executable. pub fn client(&self) -> &super::PjRtClient { &self.client } fn process_execute_outputs( &self, outputs: *mut *mut c_lib::pjrt_buffer, ) -> Vec<Vec<PjRtBuffer>> { unsafe { let mut vec = vec![]; loop { let outputs = *outputs.add(vec.len()); if outputs.is_null() { break; } let mut replica_vec = vec![]; loop { let buffer = *outputs.add(replica_vec.len()); if buffer.is_null() { break; } replica_vec.push(PjRtBuffer { buffer, client: self.client.clone() }); } libc::free(outputs as *mut libc::c_void); vec.push(replica_vec); } libc::free(outputs as *mut libc::c_void); vec } } pub fn execute<L: std::borrow::Borrow<Literal>>( &self, args: &[L], ) -> Result<Vec<Vec<PjRtBuffer>>> { let mut outputs = std::ptr::null_mut(); let args: Vec<_> = args.iter().map(|x| x.borrow().0).collect(); let status = unsafe { c_lib::execute(self.exe, args.as_ptr(), args.len() as i32, &mut outputs) }; super::handle_status(status)?; Ok(self.process_execute_outputs(outputs)) } pub fn execute_b<L: std::borrow::Borrow<PjRtBuffer>>( &self, args: &[L], ) -> Result<Vec<Vec<PjRtBuffer>>> { let mut outputs = std::ptr::null_mut(); let args: Vec<_> = args.iter().map(|x| x.borrow().buffer).collect(); let status = unsafe { c_lib::execute_b(self.exe, args.as_ptr(), args.len() as i32, &mut outputs) }; super::handle_status(status)?; Ok(self.process_execute_outputs(outputs)) } } impl Drop for PjRtLoadedExecutable { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { c_lib::pjrt_loaded_executable_free(self.exe) } } }
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/engines/XLA/rust_api/src/wrappers/pjrt_loaded_executable.rs", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1228 }
"""Collection of Jax device functions, wrapped to fit Ivy syntax and signature.""" # global import os import jax from typing import Union, Optional import jaxlib.xla_extension # local import ivy from ivy.functional.backends.jax import JaxArray from ivy.functional.ivy.device import ( _shift_native_arrays_on_default_device, Profiler as BaseProfiler, ) # Helpers # # --------# def _to_array(x): if isinstance(x, jax.interpreters.ad.JVPTracer): return _to_array(x.primal) elif isinstance(x, jax.interpreters.partial_eval.DynamicJaxprTracer): return _to_array(x.aval) elif isinstance(x, jax.interpreters.batching.BatchTracer): return _to_array(x.val) return x # API # # ----# def dev( x: JaxArray, /, *, as_native: bool = False, ) -> Union[ivy.Device, jaxlib.xla_extension.Device]: if isinstance(x, jax.interpreters.partial_eval.DynamicJaxprTracer): return "" if hasattr(x, "device_buffer"): dv = _to_array(x).device_buffer.device() else: dv = jax.devices()[0] return dv if as_native else as_ivy_dev(dv) def to_device( x: JaxArray, device: jaxlib.xla_extension.Device, /, *, stream: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[JaxArray] = None, ): if device is not None: cur_dev = as_native_dev(dev(x)) if cur_dev != device: x = jax.device_put(x, as_native_dev(device)) return x # this is a non-wrapped function used to place JAX arrays on respective devices, # since if we use to_device, it will return ivy.array which is not desirable def _to_device(x, device=None): if device is not None: cur_dev = as_native_dev(dev(x)) if cur_dev != device: x = jax.device_put(x, as_native_dev(device)) return x def as_ivy_dev(device, /): if isinstance(device, str): return ivy.Device(device) if device is None: return None p, dev_id = (device.platform, device.id) if p == "cpu": return ivy.Device(p) return ivy.Device(p + ":" + str(dev_id)) def as_native_dev(device, /): if not isinstance(device, str): return device dev_split = ivy.Device(device).split(":") device = dev_split[0] if len(dev_split) > 1: idx = int(dev_split[1]) else: idx = 0 return jax.devices(device)[idx] def handle_soft_device_variable(*args, fn, **kwargs): args, kwargs, device_shifting_dev = _shift_native_arrays_on_default_device( *args, **kwargs ) with jax.default_device(device_shifting_dev): return fn(*args, **kwargs) def clear_cached_mem_on_dev(device: str, /): return None def _dev_is_available(base_dev): try: jax.devices(base_dev) return True except RuntimeError: return False def gpu_is_available() -> bool: return _dev_is_available("gpu") def num_gpus() -> int: try: return len(jax.devices("gpu")) except RuntimeError: return 0 def tpu_is_available() -> bool: return _dev_is_available("tpu") # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic class Profiler(BaseProfiler): def __init__(self, save_dir: str): super().__init__(save_dir) self._save_dir = os.path.join(self._save_dir, "profile") def start(self): jax.profiler.start_trace(self._save_dir) def stop(self): jax.profiler.stop_trace() def __enter__(self): self.start() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.stop()
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/backends/jax/device.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1539 }
# global from typing import Optional, Union, Sequence import jax.numpy as jnp import jax import jaxlib.xla_extension # local import ivy from ivy.functional.backends.jax import JaxArray from ivy.functional.backends.jax.random import RNG, _setRNG, _getRNG # noqa from ivy.functional.ivy.random import ( _check_bounds_and_get_shape, _check_shapes_broadcastable, ) from ivy.func_wrapper import with_unsupported_dtypes from .. import backend_version # Extra # # ----- # # dirichlet def dirichlet( alpha: Union[JaxArray, float, Sequence[float]], /, *, size: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]]] = None, dtype: Optional[jnp.dtype] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[JaxArray] = None, ) -> JaxArray: if seed is not None: rng_input = jax.random.PRNGKey(seed) else: RNG_, rng_input = jax.random.split(_getRNG()) _setRNG(RNG_) return jax.random.dirichlet(rng_input, alpha, shape=size, dtype=dtype) def beta( a: Union[float, JaxArray], b: Union[float, JaxArray], /, *, shape: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]]] = None, device: Optional[jaxlib.xla_extension.Device] = None, dtype: Optional[jnp.dtype] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[JaxArray] = None, ) -> JaxArray: shape = _check_bounds_and_get_shape(a, b, shape).shape RNG_, rng_input = jax.random.split(_getRNG()) _setRNG(RNG_) if seed is not None: jax.random.PRNGKey(seed) return jax.random.beta(rng_input, a, b, shape, dtype) @with_unsupported_dtypes({"0.4.24 and below": ("bfloat16",)}, backend_version) def gamma( alpha: Union[float, JaxArray], beta: Union[float, JaxArray], /, *, shape: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]]] = None, device: Optional[jaxlib.xla_extension.Device] = None, dtype: Optional[jnp.dtype] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[JaxArray] = None, ) -> JaxArray: shape = _check_bounds_and_get_shape(alpha, beta, shape).shape RNG_, rng_input = jax.random.split(_getRNG()) _setRNG(RNG_) if seed is not None: jax.random.PRNGKey(seed) return jax.random.gamma(rng_input, alpha, shape, dtype) / beta def poisson( lam: Union[float, JaxArray], *, shape: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]]] = None, device: Optional[jaxlib.xla_extension.Device] = None, dtype: Optional[jnp.dtype] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, fill_value: Optional[Union[float, int]] = 0, out: Optional[JaxArray] = None, ) -> JaxArray: lam = jnp.array(lam) if seed: rng_input = jax.random.PRNGKey(seed) else: RNG_, rng_input = jax.random.split(_getRNG()) _setRNG(RNG_) if shape is not None: shape = jnp.array(shape) list_shape = shape.tolist() _check_shapes_broadcastable(lam.shape, list_shape) else: list_shape = None if jnp.any(lam < 0): pos_lam = jnp.where(lam < 0, 0, lam) ret = jax.random.poisson(rng_input, pos_lam, shape=list_shape).astype(dtype) ret = jnp.where(lam < 0, fill_value, ret) else: ret = jax.random.poisson(rng_input, lam, shape=list_shape).astype(dtype) return ret def bernoulli( probs: Union[float, JaxArray], *, logits: Optional[Union[float, JaxArray]] = None, shape: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeArray, Sequence[int]]] = None, device: Optional[jaxlib.xla_extension.Device] = None, dtype: Optional[jnp.dtype] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[JaxArray] = None, ) -> JaxArray: dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else probs.dtype if seed: rng_input = jax.random.PRNGKey(seed) else: RNG_, rng_input = jax.random.split(_getRNG()) _setRNG(RNG_) if logits is not None: probs = jax.nn.softmax(logits, axis=-1) if hasattr(probs, "shape") and not _check_shapes_broadcastable(shape, probs.shape): shape = probs.shape return jax.random.bernoulli(rng_input, probs, shape=shape).astype(dtype)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/backends/jax/experimental/random.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1810 }
# global import jax.numpy as jnp from typing import Optional, Literal, Union, List # local import ivy from ivy.func_wrapper import with_unsupported_dtypes from ivy.functional.backends.jax import JaxArray from . import backend_version def argsort( x: JaxArray, /, *, axis: int = -1, descending: bool = False, stable: bool = True, out: Optional[JaxArray] = None, ) -> JaxArray: kind = "stable" if stable else "quicksort" return ( jnp.argsort(-x, axis=axis, kind=kind) if descending else jnp.argsort(x, axis=axis, kind=kind) ) def sort( x: JaxArray, /, *, axis: int = -1, descending: bool = False, stable: bool = True, out: Optional[JaxArray] = None, ) -> JaxArray: kind = "stable" if stable else "quicksort" ret = jnp.asarray(jnp.sort(x, axis=axis, kind=kind)) if descending: ret = jnp.asarray(jnp.flip(ret, axis=axis)) return ret def searchsorted( x: JaxArray, v: JaxArray, /, *, side: Literal["left", "right"] = "left", sorter: Optional[Union[JaxArray, List[int]]] = None, ret_dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.int64, out: Optional[JaxArray] = None, ) -> JaxArray: assert ivy.is_int_dtype(ret_dtype), ValueError( "only Integer data types are supported for ret_dtype." ) if sorter is not None: assert ivy.is_int_dtype(sorter.dtype), TypeError( f"Only signed integer data type for sorter is allowed, got {sorter.dtype}." ) x = jnp.take_along_axis(x, sorter, axis=-1) if x.ndim != 1: assert x.shape[:-1] == v.shape[:-1], RuntimeError( "the first N-1 dimensions of x array and v array " f"must match, got {x.shape} and {v.shape}" ) original_shape = v.shape out_array = [] # JAX arrays are immutable. x = x.reshape(-1, x.shape[-1]) v = v.reshape(-1, v.shape[-1]) for i in range(x.shape[0]): out_array.append(jnp.searchsorted(x[i], v[i], side=side)) ret = jnp.array(out_array).reshape(original_shape) else: ret = jnp.searchsorted(x, v, side=side) return ret.astype(ret_dtype) # msort @with_unsupported_dtypes({"0.4.24 and below": ("complex",)}, backend_version) def msort( a: Union[JaxArray, list, tuple], /, *, out: Optional[JaxArray] = None, ) -> JaxArray: return jnp.sort(a, axis=0, kind="mergesort")
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/backends/jax/sorting.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1113 }
from typing import Union, Optional, Tuple, List, Sequence from numbers import Number import mxnet as mx from ivy.utils.exceptions import IvyNotImplementedException from ivy.func_wrapper import with_supported_dtypes from .. import backend_version def amax( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, axis: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None, keepdims: bool = False, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def amin( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, axis: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None, keepdims: bool = False, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() @with_supported_dtypes( {"1.9.1 and below": ("float16", "float32", "float64")}, backend_version, ) def lgamma( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: return mx.np.log(mx.npx.gamma(x)) def sinc( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def fmax( x1: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], x2: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def float_power( x1: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray, float, list, tuple)], x2: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray, float, list, tuple)], /, *, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def copysign( x1: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray, Number)], x2: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray, Number)], /, *, out: Optional[None] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def count_nonzero( a: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, axis: Optional[Union[(int, Tuple[(int, ...)])]] = None, keepdims: bool = False, dtype: Optional[None] = None, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def nansum( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, axis: Optional[Union[(Tuple[(int, ...)], int)]] = None, dtype: Optional[None] = None, keepdims: bool = False, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def gcd( x1: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray, int, list, tuple)], x2: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray, float, list, tuple)], /, *, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def isclose( a: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], b: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, rtol: float = 1e-05, atol: float = 1e-08, equal_nan: bool = False, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def signbit( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray, float, int, list, tuple)], /, *, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def hypot( x1: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], x2: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def allclose( x1: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], x2: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, rtol: float = 1e-05, atol: float = 1e-08, equal_nan: bool = False, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> bool: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def fix( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def nextafter( x1: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], x2: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def diff( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray, list, tuple)], /, *, n: int = 1, axis: int = (-1), prepend: Optional[ Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray, int, float, list, tuple)] ] = None, append: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray, int, float, list, tuple)]] = None, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def zeta( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], q: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def gradient( x: None, /, *, spacing: Union[(int, list, tuple)] = 1, axis: Optional[Union[(int, list, tuple)]] = None, edge_order: int = 1, ) -> Union[(None, List[None])]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def xlogy( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], y: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def conj( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def ldexp( x1: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], x2: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray, int)], /, *, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def frexp( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, out: Optional[ Union[(Tuple[(None, None)], Tuple[(mx.ndarray.NDArray, mx.ndarray.NDArray)])] ] = None, ) -> Union[(Tuple[(None, None)], Tuple[(mx.ndarray.NDArray, mx.ndarray.NDArray)])]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def modf( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], /, *, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException()
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/backends/mxnet/experimental/elementwise.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 3079 }
"""Collection of MXNet network layers, wrapped to fit Ivy syntax and signature.""" # global import mxnet as mx from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union, Sequence import ivy # local from ivy.utils.exceptions import IvyNotImplementedException def conv1d( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], filters: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], strides: Union[(int, Tuple[int])], padding: Union[(str, int, Sequence[Tuple[(int, int)]])], /, *, data_format: str = "NWC", dilations: Union[(int, Tuple[int])] = 1, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def conv1d_transpose( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], filters: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], strides: Union[(int, Tuple[int])], padding: str, /, *, output_shape: Optional[Union[(ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int])]] = None, filter_format: str = "channel_last", data_format: str = "NWC", dilations: Union[(int, Tuple[int])] = 1, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ): raise IvyNotImplementedException() def conv2d( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], filters: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], strides: Union[(int, Tuple[(int, int)])], padding: Union[(str, int, Sequence[Tuple[(int, int)]])], /, *, data_format: str = "NHWC", dilations: Union[(int, Tuple[(int, int)])] = 1, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def conv2d_transpose( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], filters: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], strides: Union[(int, Tuple[(int, int)])], padding: str, /, *, output_shape: Optional[Union[(ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int])]] = None, filter_format: str = "channel_last", data_format: str = "NHWC", dilations: Union[(int, Tuple[(int, int)])] = 1, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ): raise IvyNotImplementedException() def depthwise_conv2d( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], filters: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], strides: Union[(int, Tuple[(int, int)])], padding: Union[(str, int, Sequence[Tuple[(int, int)]])], /, *, data_format: str = "NHWC", dilations: Union[(int, Tuple[(int, int)])] = 1, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def conv3d( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], filters: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], strides: Union[(int, Tuple[(int, int, int)])], padding: Union[(str, int, Sequence[Tuple[(int, int)]])], /, *, data_format: str = "NDHWC", dilations: Union[(int, Tuple[(int, int, int)])] = 1, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ): raise IvyNotImplementedException() def conv3d_transpose( x: None, filters: None, strides: Union[(int, Tuple[(int, int, int)])], padding: str, /, *, output_shape: Optional[Union[(ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int])]] = None, filter_format: str = "channel_last", data_format: str = "NDHWC", dilations: Union[(int, Tuple[(int, int, int)])] = 1, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> None: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def conv_general_dilated( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], filters: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], strides: Union[(int, Tuple[int], Tuple[(int, int)], Tuple[(int, int, int)])], padding: Union[(str, int, Sequence[Tuple[(int, int)]])], /, *, dims: int = 2, data_format: str = "channel_last", feature_group_count: int = 1, x_dilations: Union[ (int, Tuple[int], Tuple[(int, int)], Tuple[(int, int, int)]) ] = 1, dilations: Union[(int, Tuple[int], Tuple[(int, int)], Tuple[(int, int, int)])] = 1, bias: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException() def conv_general_transpose( x: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], filters: Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)], strides: Union[(int, Tuple[(int, int)])], padding: str, /, *, dims: int = 2, filter_format: str = "channel_last", data_format: str = "channel_last", output_shape: Optional[Union[(ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int])]] = None, dilations: Union[(int, Tuple[int], Tuple[(int, int)], Tuple[(int, int, int)])] = 1, feature_group_count: int = 1, bias: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, out: Optional[Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]] = None, ) -> Union[(None, mx.ndarray.NDArray)]: raise IvyNotImplementedException()
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/backends/mxnet/layers.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 2124 }
"""Collection of Numpy general functions, wrapped to fit Ivy syntax and signature.""" # global import os import time import logging import numpy as np from typing import Union, Optional, Any # local import ivy from ivy.functional.ivy.device import Profiler as BaseProfiler def dev(x: np.ndarray, /, *, as_native: bool = False) -> Union[ivy.Device, str]: if as_native: return "cpu" return as_ivy_dev("cpu") def as_ivy_dev(device: str, /): if "gpu" in device: logging.warning( "Native Numpy does not support GPU placement, consider using Jax instead" ) return ivy.Device("cpu") def as_native_dev(device: str, /): if "gpu" in device: logging.warning( "Native Numpy does not support GPU placement, consider using Jax instead" ) return "cpu" def clear_cached_mem_on_dev(device: str, /): return None def tpu_is_available() -> bool: return False def num_gpus() -> int: return 0 def gpu_is_available() -> bool: return False def to_device( x: np.ndarray, device: str, /, *, stream: Optional[Union[int, Any]] = None, out: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: if device is not None: device = as_native_dev(device) return x def handle_soft_device_variable(*args, fn, **kwargs): return fn(*args, **kwargs) class Profiler(BaseProfiler): def __init__(self, save_dir: str): # ToDO: add proper numpy profiler super().__init__(save_dir) os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) self._start_time = None def start(self): self._start_time = time.perf_counter() def stop(self): time_taken = time.perf_counter() - self._start_time with open(os.path.join(self._save_dir, "profile.log"), "w+") as f: f.write(f"took {time_taken} seconds to complete") def __enter__(self): self.start() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.stop()
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/backends/numpy/device.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 831 }
# global from typing import Optional, Union, Sequence import numpy as np # local import ivy from ivy.functional.ivy.random import ( _check_bounds_and_get_shape, _check_shapes_broadcastable, ) # dirichlet def dirichlet( alpha: Union[np.ndarray, float, Sequence[float]], /, *, size: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]]] = None, dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: size = size if size is not None else len(alpha) dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else np.float64 if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) return np.asarray(np.random.dirichlet(alpha, size=size), dtype=dtype) dirichlet.support_native_out = False def beta( alpha: Union[float, np.ndarray], beta: Union[float, np.ndarray], /, *, shape: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]]] = None, device: Optional[str] = None, dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: shape = _check_bounds_and_get_shape(alpha, beta, shape).shape if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) return np.asarray(np.random.beta(alpha, beta, shape), dtype=dtype) def gamma( alpha: Union[float, np.ndarray], beta: Union[float, np.ndarray], /, *, shape: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]]] = None, device: Optional[str] = None, dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: shape = _check_bounds_and_get_shape(alpha, beta, shape).shape if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) return np.asarray(np.random.gamma(alpha, beta, shape), dtype=dtype) def poisson( lam: Union[float, np.ndarray], *, shape: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]]] = None, device: Optional[str] = None, dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, fill_value: Optional[Union[float, int]] = 0, out: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: lam = np.array(lam) if seed: np.random.seed(seed) if shape is not None: _check_shapes_broadcastable(lam.shape, shape) if np.any(lam < 0): pos_lam = np.where(lam < 0, 0, lam) ret = np.random.poisson(pos_lam, shape) ret = np.where(lam < 0, fill_value, ret) else: ret = np.random.poisson(lam, shape) return np.asarray(ret, dtype=dtype) def bernoulli( probs: Union[float, np.ndarray], *, logits: Optional[Union[float, np.ndarray]] = None, shape: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]]] = None, device: Optional[str] = None, dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else probs.dtype if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) if logits is not None: probs = np.asarray(ivy.softmax(logits), dtype=dtype) if not _check_shapes_broadcastable(shape, probs.shape): shape = probs.shape return np.asarray(np.random.binomial(1, p=probs, size=shape), dtype=dtype)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/backends/numpy/experimental/random.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1371 }
# global import numpy as np from typing import Tuple, Optional from collections import namedtuple from packaging import version # local import ivy def unique_all( x: np.ndarray, /, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, by_value: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: Results = namedtuple( "Results", ["values", "indices", "inverse_indices", "counts"], ) values, indices, inverse_indices, counts = np.unique( x, return_index=True, return_counts=True, return_inverse=True, axis=axis, ) nan_count = np.sum(np.isnan(x)).item() if (nan_count > 1) & (np.sum(np.isnan(values)).item() == 1): counts[np.where(np.isnan(values))[0]] = 1 counts = np.append(counts, np.full(fill_value=1, shape=(nan_count - 1,))) values = np.append( values, np.full(fill_value=np.nan, shape=(nan_count - 1,)), axis=0 ) nan_idx = np.where(np.isnan(x.flatten()))[0] indices = np.concatenate((indices[:-1], nan_idx), axis=0) if not by_value: sort_idx = np.argsort(indices) values = np.take(values, sort_idx, axis=axis) counts = np.take(counts, sort_idx) indices = np.take(indices, sort_idx) inv_sort_idx = ivy.current_backend().invert_permutation(sort_idx) inverse_indices = np.vectorize(lambda y: np.take(inv_sort_idx, y))( inverse_indices ) return Results( values.astype(x.dtype), indices, inverse_indices, counts, ) def unique_counts( x: np.ndarray, /, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: v, c = np.unique(x, return_counts=True) nan_count = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(x)) if nan_count > 1: nan_idx = np.where(np.isnan(v)) c[nan_idx] = 1 v = np.append(v, np.full(nan_count - 1, np.nan)).astype(x.dtype) c = np.append(c, np.full(nan_count - 1, 1)).astype("int32") Results = namedtuple("Results", ["values", "counts"]) return Results(v, c) def unique_inverse( x: np.ndarray, /, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: Results = namedtuple("Results", ["values", "inverse_indices"]) values, inverse_indices = np.unique(x, return_inverse=True, axis=axis) nan_count = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(x)) if nan_count > 1: values = np.append(values, np.full(nan_count - 1, np.nan), axis=axis).astype( x.dtype ) inverse_indices = np.reshape(inverse_indices, x.shape) return Results(values, inverse_indices) def unique_values(x: np.ndarray, /, *, out: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> np.ndarray: nan_count = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(x)) if version.parse(np.__version__) >= version.parse("1.21.0") and nan_count > 1: unique = np.append( np.unique(x.flatten()), np.full(nan_count - 1, np.nan) ).astype(x.dtype) else: unique = np.unique(x.flatten()).astype(x.dtype) return unique
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/backends/numpy/set.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1435 }
# global from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union import math import paddle import ivy.functional.backends.paddle as paddle_backend from paddle.device import core from ivy.func_wrapper import ( with_supported_dtypes, with_unsupported_device_and_dtypes, ) # local import ivy from .. import backend_version # noinspection PyProtectedMember # Helpers for calculating Window Functions # ---------------------------------------- # Code from cephes for i0 def _kaiser_window(window_length, beta): n = paddle.arange(0, window_length) alpha = (window_length - 1) / 2.0 return paddle_backend.i0( beta * paddle.sqrt(1 - paddle_backend.divide((n - alpha), alpha) ** 2.0) ) / paddle_backend.i0(beta) # Array API Standard # # -------------------# def kaiser_window( window_length: int, periodic: bool = True, beta: float = 12.0, *, dtype: Optional[paddle.dtype] = None, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> paddle.Tensor: if window_length < 2: return paddle.ones([window_length], dtype=dtype) if periodic is False: return _kaiser_window(window_length, beta).cast(dtype) else: return _kaiser_window(window_length + 1, beta)[:-1].cast(dtype) def vorbis_window( window_length: paddle.Tensor, *, dtype: Optional[paddle.dtype] = paddle.float32, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> paddle.Tensor: if window_length == 0: return paddle.to_tensor([], dtype=dtype) i = paddle_backend.arange(1, window_length * 2, 2) pi = paddle.full(shape=i.shape, fill_value=math.pi) return paddle.sin((pi / 2) * (paddle.sin(pi * i / (window_length * 2)) ** 2)).cast( dtype ) def hann_window( size: int, /, *, periodic: Optional[bool] = True, dtype: Optional[paddle.dtype] = None, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> paddle.Tensor: if size < 2: return paddle.ones([size], dtype=dtype) if periodic: count = paddle.arange(size) / size else: count = paddle.linspace(start=0, stop=size, num=size) return (0.5 - 0.5 * paddle.cos(2 * math.pi * count)).cast(dtype) def tril_indices( n_rows: int, n_cols: Optional[int] = None, k: Optional[int] = 0, /, *, device: core.Place = None, ) -> Tuple[paddle.Tensor, ...]: # special case due to inconsistent behavior when n_cols=1 and n_rows=0 if not (n_cols and n_rows): return paddle.to_tensor([], dtype="int64"), paddle.to_tensor([], dtype="int64") return tuple(paddle.tril_indices(n_rows, col=n_cols, offset=k, dtype="int64")) @with_supported_dtypes( {"2.4.2 and below": ("float64", "float32", "int32", "int64")}, backend_version, ) def unsorted_segment_min( data: paddle.Tensor, segment_ids: paddle.Tensor, num_segments: Union[int, paddle.Tensor], ) -> paddle.Tensor: ivy.utils.assertions.check_unsorted_segment_valid_params( data, segment_ids, num_segments ) if data.dtype == paddle.float32: init_val = 3.4028234663852886e38 # float32 max elif data.dtype == paddle.float64: init_val = 1.7976931348623157e308 # float64 max elif data.dtype == paddle.int32: init_val = 2147483647 elif data.dtype == paddle.int64: init_val = 9223372036854775807 else: raise TypeError("Unsupported data type") # Using paddle.full is causing integer overflow for int64 res = paddle.empty((num_segments,) + tuple(data.shape[1:]), dtype=data.dtype) res[:] = init_val for i in range(num_segments): mask_index = segment_ids == i if paddle.any(mask_index): res[i] = paddle.min(data[mask_index], 0) return res def blackman_window( size: int, /, *, periodic: Optional[bool] = True, dtype: Optional[paddle.dtype] = None, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> paddle.Tensor: if size < 2: return paddle.ones([size], dtype=dtype) if periodic: count = paddle.arange(size) / size else: count = paddle.linspace(start=0, stop=size, num=size) return ( (0.42 - 0.5 * paddle.cos(2 * math.pi * count)) + (0.08 * paddle.cos(2 * math.pi * 2 * count)) ).cast(dtype) def unsorted_segment_sum( data: paddle.Tensor, segment_ids: paddle.Tensor, num_segments: Union[int, paddle.Tensor], ) -> paddle.Tensor: # Used the same check which is used for unsorted_segment_min as the # check should be same # Might require to change the assertion function name to # check_unsorted_segment_valid_params ivy.utils.assertions.check_unsorted_segment_valid_params( data, segment_ids, num_segments ) # Sum computation in paddle does not support int32, so needs to # be converted to float32 needs_conv = False if data.dtype == paddle.int32: data = paddle.cast(data, "float32") needs_conv = True res = paddle.zeros((num_segments,) + tuple(data.shape[1:]), dtype=data.dtype) for i in range(num_segments): mask_index = segment_ids == i if paddle.any(mask_index): res[i] = paddle.sum(data[mask_index], axis=0) # condition for converting float32 back to int32 if needs_conv is True: res = paddle.cast(res, "int32") return res @with_unsupported_device_and_dtypes( { "2.6.0 and below": { "cpu": ( "int8", "int16", "uint8", "complex", ) } }, backend_version, ) def trilu( x: paddle.Tensor, /, *, k: int = 0, upper: bool = True, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> paddle.Tensor: if upper: return paddle.triu(x=x, diagonal=k) return paddle.tril(x=x, diagonal=k) def mel_weight_matrix( num_mel_bins: int, dft_length: int, sample_rate: int, lower_edge_hertz: float = 0.0, upper_edge_hertz: float = 3000.0, ): n_fft = (dft_length - 1) * 2 mel_mat = paddle.audio.functional.compute_fbank_matrix( sample_rate, n_fft, num_mel_bins, lower_edge_hertz, upper_edge_hertz, ) return paddle.transpose(mel_mat, (1, 0)) def unsorted_segment_mean( data: paddle.Tensor, segment_ids: paddle.Tensor, num_segments: Union[int, paddle.Tensor], ) -> paddle.Tensor: ivy.utils.assertions.check_unsorted_segment_valid_params( data, segment_ids, num_segments ) # Sum computation in paddle does not support int32, so needs to # be converted to float32 needs_conv = False if data.dtype == paddle.int32: data = paddle.cast(data, "float32") needs_conv = True res = paddle.zeros((num_segments,) + tuple(data.shape[1:]), dtype=data.dtype) count = paddle.bincount(segment_ids) count = paddle.where(count > 0, count, paddle.to_tensor([1], dtype="int32")) res = unsorted_segment_sum(data, segment_ids, num_segments) res = res / paddle.reshape(count, (-1, 1)) # condition for converting float32 back to int32 if needs_conv is True: res = paddle.cast(res, "int32") return res @with_unsupported_device_and_dtypes( { "2.6.0 and below": { "cpu": ("float16", "int8", "int16", "uint8", "complex", "bool") } }, backend_version, ) def polyval( coeffs: paddle.Tensor, x: paddle.Tensor, ) -> paddle.Tensor: with ivy.PreciseMode(True): promoted_type = ivy.promote_types(ivy.dtype(coeffs[0]), ivy.dtype(x[0])) coeffs, x = ivy.promote_types_of_inputs(coeffs, x) y = paddle.zeros_like(x) for coeff in coeffs: y = y * x + coeff y = paddle.to_tensor(y) y = y.astype(promoted_type) return y
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/backends/paddle/experimental/creation.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 3384 }
# global from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, Sequence, Any import paddle import ivy.functional.backends.paddle as paddle_backend import ivy from copy import deepcopy # local from ivy.func_wrapper import ( with_unsupported_device_and_dtypes, with_supported_dtypes, ) from . import backend_version @with_supported_dtypes( {"2.6.0 and below": ("complex", "float32", "float64", "int32", "int64")}, backend_version, ) def median( input: paddle.Tensor, /, *, axis: Optional[Union[Tuple[int], int]] = None, keepdims: Optional[bool] = False, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> paddle.Tensor: if paddle.is_complex(input): ret = paddle.complex( paddle.median(input.real(), axis=axis, keepdim=True), paddle.median(input.imag(), axis=axis, keepdim=True), ) else: ret = paddle.median(input, axis=axis, keepdim=True) # keepdims is set to True because in versions up to 2.6.0 # there was a problem when the axis was defined, and it was the # only axis in the tensor, so it needs to be handled manually if not keepdims: ret = paddle_backend.squeeze(ret, axis=axis) # The following code is to simulate other frameworks # output shapes behaviour since min output dim is 1 in paddle if isinstance(axis, Sequence): if len(axis) == input.ndim: axis = None if (input.ndim == 1 or axis is None) and not keepdims: ret = ret.squeeze() return ret.astype(input.dtype) @with_supported_dtypes( {"2.6.0 and below": ("complex", "float32", "float64", "int64")}, backend_version ) def nanmean( a: paddle.Tensor, /, *, axis: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]] = None, keepdims: Optional[bool] = False, dtype: Optional[paddle.dtype] = None, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> paddle.Tensor: ret_dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else a.dtype a = a.cast(ret_dtype) if paddle.is_complex(a): ret = paddle.complex( paddle.nanmean(a.real(), axis=axis, keepdim=keepdims), paddle.nanmean(a.imag(), axis=axis, keepdim=keepdims), ) else: ret = paddle.nanmean(a, axis=axis, keepdim=keepdims) # The following code is to simulate other frameworks # output shapes behavior since min output dim is 1 in paddle if isinstance(axis, Sequence): if len(axis) == a.ndim: axis = None if (a.ndim == 1 or axis is None) and not keepdims: ret = ret.squeeze() return ret.astype(ret_dtype) def _infer_dtype(dtype: paddle.dtype): default_dtype = ivy.infer_default_dtype(dtype) if ivy.dtype_bits(dtype) < ivy.dtype_bits(default_dtype): return default_dtype return dtype def _validate_quantile(q): if isinstance(q, float): q = paddle.to_tensor(q) if q.ndim == 1 and q.size < 10: for i in range(q.size): if not (0.0 <= q[i] <= 1.0): return False else: if not (paddle.all(q >= 0) and paddle.all(q <= 1)): return False return True @with_unsupported_device_and_dtypes( { "2.6.0 and below": { "cpu": ( "int8", "int16", "uint8", "float16", "bfloat16", "complex64", "complex128", ) } }, backend_version, ) def nanmin( a: paddle.Tensor, /, *, axis: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]] = None, keepdims: Optional[bool] = False, initial: Optional[Union[int, float, complex]] = None, where: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> paddle.Tensor: nan_mask = paddle.isnan(a) if where is not None: nan_mask = paddle.logical_or(nan_mask, paddle.logical_not(where)) a_copy = a.clone() a_copy = paddle.where(nan_mask, paddle.full_like(a_copy, float("inf")), a_copy) if axis is None: result = paddle.min(a_copy, keepdim=keepdims) else: result = paddle.min(a_copy, axis=axis, keepdim=keepdims) if initial is not None: initial = paddle.to_tensor(initial, dtype=a.dtype) result = paddle.minimum(result, initial) return result @with_supported_dtypes({"2.6.0 and below": ("float32", "float64")}, backend_version) def nanprod( a: paddle.Tensor, /, *, axis: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]] = None, keepdims: Optional[bool] = False, dtype: Optional[paddle.dtype] = None, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, initial: Optional[Union[int, float, complex]] = None, where: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> paddle.Tensor: dtype = ivy.as_native_dtype(dtype) if dtype is None: dtype = _infer_dtype(a.dtype) a = a.cast(dtype) if initial is None: initial = 1 a = paddle.nan_to_num(a, nan=1.0) ret = paddle.prod(a, axis=axis, keepdim=keepdims) * initial if isinstance(axis, Sequence): if len(axis) == a.ndim: axis = None if (a.ndim == 1 or axis is None) and not keepdims: ret = ret.squeeze() return ret.cast(dtype) def _to_positive_axis(axis, ndim): if not isinstance(axis, (list, tuple)): axis = [axis] if len(axis) == 0: raise ValueError("Axis can't be empty!") if len(set(axis)) != len(axis): raise ValueError("Duplicated axis!") for i in range(len(axis)): if not (isinstance(axis[i], int) and (ndim > axis[i] >= -ndim)): raise ValueError("Axis must be int in range [-rank(x), rank(x))") if axis[i] < 0: axis[i] += ndim return axis def _handle_axis(a, q, fn, keepdims=False, axis=None, interpolation="nearest"): nd = a.ndim axis_arg = deepcopy(axis) if axis is not None: axis = _to_positive_axis(axis, nd) if len(axis) == 1: axis_arg = axis[0] else: keep = set(range(nd)) - set(axis) nkeep = len(keep) for i, s in enumerate(sorted(keep)): a = a.moveaxis(s, i) a = a.reshape( a.shape[:nkeep] + [ -1, ] ) axis_arg = -1 ret = fn(a, q, axis=axis_arg, interpolation=interpolation) if keepdims: if axis is None: index_ret = (None,) * nd else: index_ret = tuple(None if i in axis else slice(None) for i in range(nd)) ret = ret[(Ellipsis,) + index_ret] # if keepdims: # axis = axis if axis is not None else list(range(a.ndim)) # ret = ret.unsqueeze(axis) return ret def _quantile(a, q, axis=None, interpolation="nearest"): if isinstance(q, float): q = paddle.to_tensor(q) ret_dtype = a.dtype if q.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("q argument must be a scalar or 1-dimensional!") if axis is None: axis = 0 a = paddle.flatten(a) elif axis != 0: a = a.moveaxis(axis, 0) axis = 0 n = a.shape[axis] indices = q * (n - 1) a = paddle.sort(a, axis) if interpolation == "lower": indices = paddle.floor(indices) elif interpolation == "higher": indices = paddle.ceil(indices) elif interpolation == "nearest": indices = paddle.round(indices) elif interpolation == "midpoint": index_floor = paddle.floor(indices) index_ceil = paddle.ceil(indices) indices = (index_ceil + index_floor) / 2 indices_below = paddle.floor(indices).astype(paddle.int32) indices_upper = paddle.ceil(indices).astype(paddle.int32) weights = indices - indices_below.astype(paddle.float64) if interpolation == "nearest_jax": indices_below = paddle.clip(indices_below, 0, n - 1) indices_upper = paddle.clip(indices_upper, 0, n - 1) tensor_upper = paddle.gather(a, indices_upper, axis=axis) tensor_below = paddle.gather(a, indices_below, axis=axis) pred = weights <= 0.5 out = paddle.where(pred, tensor_below, tensor_upper) else: tensor_upper = paddle.gather(a, indices_upper, axis=axis) tensor_below = paddle.gather(a, indices_below, axis=axis) out = paddle.lerp( tensor_below.astype(paddle.float64), tensor_upper.astype(paddle.float64), weights.astype(paddle.float64), ) return out.astype(ret_dtype) def _compute_quantile_wrapper( x, q, axis=None, keepdims=False, interpolation="linear", ): if not _validate_quantile(q): raise ValueError("Quantiles must be in the range [0, 1]") if interpolation not in [ "linear", "lower", "higher", "midpoint", "nearest", "nearest_jax", ]: raise ValueError( "Interpolation must be 'linear', 'lower', 'higher', 'midpoint' or 'nearest'" ) return _handle_axis( x, q, _quantile, keepdims=keepdims, axis=axis, interpolation=interpolation, ) @with_unsupported_device_and_dtypes( { "2.6.0 and below": { "cpu": ( "int8", "int16", "uint8", "float16", "bfloat16", "complex64", "complex128", ) } }, backend_version, ) def quantile( a: paddle.Tensor, q: Union[paddle.Tensor, float], /, *, axis: Optional[Union[Sequence[int], int]] = None, keepdims: Optional[bool] = False, interpolation: Optional[str] = "linear", out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> paddle.Tensor: # added the nearest_jax mode to enable jax-like calculations for method="nearest" return _compute_quantile_wrapper( x=a, q=q, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, interpolation=interpolation, ) def corrcoef( x: paddle.Tensor, /, *, y: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, rowvar: Optional[bool] = True, name: Optional[str] = None, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> paddle.Tensor: return paddle.linalg.corrcoef( x=x, rowvar=rowvar, name=name, ) def histogram( a: paddle.Tensor, /, *, bins: Optional[Union[int, paddle.Tensor]] = None, axis: Optional[int] = None, extend_lower_interval: Optional[bool] = False, extend_upper_interval: Optional[bool] = False, dtype: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, range: Optional[Tuple[float]] = None, weights: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, density: Optional[bool] = False, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[paddle.Tensor]: if range is None: min_range = 0 max_range = 0 else: min_range = range[0] max_range = range[1] return paddle.histogram(a, bins=bins, min=min_range, max=max_range) @with_supported_dtypes( {"2.6.0 and below": ("float32", "float64", "int32", "int64")}, backend_version ) def nanmedian( input: paddle.Tensor, /, *, axis: Optional[Union[Tuple[int], int]] = None, keepdims: Optional[bool] = False, dtype: Optional[paddle.dtype] = None, overwrite_input: Optional[bool] = False, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> paddle.Tensor: if dtype is None: dtype = input.dtype return paddle.nanmedian(x=input, axis=axis, keepdim=keepdims) @with_unsupported_device_and_dtypes( { "2.6.0 and below": { "cpu": ( "int8", "int16", "uint8", "float16", "bool", ) } }, backend_version, ) def unravel_index( indices: paddle.Tensor, shape: Tuple[int], /, *, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: if indices.ndim == 0: indices = indices.unsqueeze(0) coord = [] indices = indices for dim in reversed(shape): coord.append((indices % dim).astype("int32")) indices = paddle.floor(indices / dim) return tuple(reversed(coord)) @with_unsupported_device_and_dtypes( { "2.6.0 and below": { "cpu": ( "int8", "int16", "uint8", "float16", "float32", "float64", "complex64", "complex128", "bool", ) } }, backend_version, ) def bincount( x: paddle.Tensor, /, *, weights: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, minlength: int = 0, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> paddle.Tensor: return paddle.bincount(x, weights=weights, minlength=minlength).cast( x.dtype if weights is None else weights.dtype ) def igamma( a: paddle.Tensor, /, *, x: paddle.Tensor, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> paddle.Tensor: results = [] ret_dtype = a.dtype if out is None else out.dtype if paddle.float16 in [a.dtype, x.dtype]: a = a.astype("float32") x = x.astype("float32") for ai, xi in zip(a.flatten(), x.flatten()): ai = ai.astype("float64") xi = xi.astype("float64") def integrand(t): return paddle.exp(-t) * paddle.pow(t, ai - 1) intervals = paddle.linspace(0, xi, 10001).astype("float64") interval_width = xi / 10000 values = integrand(intervals) integral = paddle.multiply((values[:-1] + values[1:]) / 2, interval_width) result = paddle.divide(paddle.sum(integral), paddle.exp(paddle.lgamma(ai))) results.append(result) return paddle.to_tensor(results, dtype=ret_dtype).reshape(a.shape) def cov( x1: paddle.Tensor, x2: paddle.Tensor = None, /, *, rowVar: bool = True, bias: bool = False, ddof: Optional[int] = None, fweights: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, aweights: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, dtype: Optional[paddle.dtype] = None, ) -> paddle.Tensor: if fweights is not None: fweights = fweights.astype("float64") if aweights is not None: aweights = aweights.astype("float64") if ddof is not None and ddof != int(ddof): raise ValueError("ddof must be an integer") if len(x1.shape) > 2: raise ValueError("x1 has more than 2 dimensions") if x2 is not None: if len(x2.shape) > 2: raise ValueError("x2 has more than 2 dimensions") if ddof is None: if bias == 0: ddof = 1 else: ddof = 0 if dtype is None: x1 = x1.astype("float64") if x2 is not None: x2 = x2.astype("float64") else: x1 = x1.astype(dtype) if x2 is not None: x2 = x2.astype(dtype) X = x1 if not rowVar and X.shape[0] != 1: X = paddle.transpose(X, perm=tuple(range(len(X.shape) - 1, -1, -1))) if x2 is not None: if not rowVar and x2.shape[0] != 1: x2 = paddle.transpose(x2, perm=tuple(range(len(x2.shape) - 1, -1, -1))) if len(x2.shape) > 1: X = paddle.concat([X, x2], axis=0) else: X = paddle.stack([X, x2], axis=0) if not rowVar: X = paddle.transpose(X, perm=tuple(range(len(X.shape) - 1, -1, -1))) return paddle.linalg.cov( X, rowvar=rowVar, ddof=ddof, fweights=fweights, aweights=aweights ) @with_supported_dtypes( {"2.6.0 and below": ("complex", "bool", "float32", "float64")}, backend_version, ) def cummax( x: paddle.Tensor, /, *, axis: int = 0, exclusive: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, dtype: Optional[paddle.dtype] = None, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[paddle.Tensor, paddle.Tensor]: if x.dtype in (paddle.complex128, paddle.complex64): x = x.real() if not (exclusive or reverse): return __find_cummax(x, axis=axis) elif exclusive and reverse: x, indices = __find_cummax(ivy.flip(x, axis=(axis,)), axis=axis) x, indices = ivy.swapaxes(x, axis, -1), ivy.swapaxes(indices, axis, -1) x = ivy.concat((ivy.zeros_like(x[..., -1:]), x[..., :-1]), axis=-1) indices = ivy.concat( (ivy.zeros_like(indices[..., -1:]), indices[..., :-1]), axis=-1 ) x, indices = ivy.swapaxes(x, axis, -1), ivy.swapaxes(indices, axis, -1) return ivy.flip(x, axis=(axis,)), ivy.flip(indices, axis=(axis,)) elif exclusive: x = ivy.swapaxes(x, axis, -1) x = ivy.concat((ivy.zeros_like(x[..., -1:]), x[..., :-1]), axis=-1) x = ivy.swapaxes(x, axis, -1) x, indices = __find_cummax(x, axis=axis) return x, indices else: x, indices = __find_cummax(ivy.flip(x, axis=(axis,)), axis=axis) return ivy.flip(x, axis=axis), ivy.flip(indices, axis=axis) def __find_cummax( x: paddle.Tensor, axis: int = 0, dtype: Optional[paddle.dtype] = None ) -> Tuple[paddle.Tensor, paddle.Tensor]: indices = [] values = [] x_dtype = x.dtype if dtype is None else dtype if ( isinstance(x.tolist()[0], list) and len(x[0].shape) >= 1 and (isinstance(x[0], (paddle.Tensor, ivy.Array))) ): if axis >= 1: if not isinstance(x, list): x = x.tolist() for ret1 in x: value, indice = __find_cummax( paddle.to_tensor(ret1, dtype=x_dtype), axis=axis - 1, dtype=x_dtype ) indices.append(indice) values.append(value) else: x_list = x.numpy() z_list = __get_index(x_list.tolist()) indices, values, n1 = x_list.copy(), x_list.copy(), {} indices.fill(0) values.fill(0) z_list = sorted(z_list, key=lambda i: i[1]) for y, y_index in z_list: multi_index = y_index if tuple(multi_index[1:]) not in n1: n1[tuple(multi_index[1:])] = multi_index[0] indices[y_index] = multi_index[0] values[y_index] = y elif ( y >= x_list[ tuple([n1[tuple(multi_index[1:])]] + list(multi_index[1:])) ] ): n1[tuple(multi_index[1:])] = multi_index[0] indices[y_index] = multi_index[0] values[y_index] = y else: indices[y_index] = n1[tuple(multi_index[1:])] values[y_index] = x_list[ tuple([n1[tuple(multi_index[1:])]] + list(multi_index[1:])) ] else: if not isinstance(x, list): x = x.tolist() n = 0 for idx, y in enumerate(x): if x[n] > y: values.append(x[n]) elif x[n] <= y or idx == 0: n = idx values.append(y) indices.append(n) if isinstance(x, paddle.Tensor): return paddle.to_tensor(values, dtype=x.dtype), paddle.to_tensor( indices, dtype="int64" ) else: return ivy.array(values, dtype=x_dtype), ivy.array(indices, dtype="int64") def __get_index(lst, indices=None, prefix=None): if indices is None: indices = [] if prefix is None: prefix = [] if isinstance(lst, list): for i, sub_lst in enumerate(lst): sub_indices = prefix + [i] __get_index(sub_lst, indices, sub_indices) else: indices.append((lst, tuple(prefix))) return indices @with_unsupported_device_and_dtypes( {"2.6.0 and below": {"cpu": ("uint8", "int8", "int16")}}, backend_version, ) def cummin( x: paddle.Tensor, /, *, axis: int = 0, exclusive: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, dtype: Optional[paddle.dtype] = None, out: Optional[paddle.Tensor] = None, ) -> paddle.Tensor: dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else x.dtype if reverse: x = paddle.flip(x, axis=[axis]) x_unstacked = paddle.unbind(x, axis=axis) cummin_x_unstacked = [] cummin_x_unstacked.append(x_unstacked[0]) for i, x_sub in enumerate(x_unstacked[1:]): cummin_x_sub = paddle.minimum(cummin_x_unstacked[i], x_sub) cummin_x_unstacked.append(cummin_x_sub) cummin_x = paddle.stack(cummin_x_unstacked, axis=axis) if reverse: cummin_x = paddle.flip(cummin_x, axis=[axis]) return cummin_x.cast(dtype)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/backends/paddle/experimental/statistical.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 10201 }
"""TensorFlow activation functions. Collection of TensorFlow activation functions, wrapped to fit Ivy syntax and signature. """ from typing import Optional, Union, Literal # global import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python.types.core import Tensor # local from ivy.func_wrapper import with_unsupported_dtypes, with_supported_dtypes from . import backend_version import ivy.functional.backends.tensorflow as tf_backend def gelu( x: Tensor, /, *, approximate: bool = False, complex_mode="jax", out: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor: if x.dtype in [tf.complex64, tf.complex128]: return 0.5 * x * (1 + tf.math.tanh(0.7978845608 * (x + 0.044715 * x * x * x))) return tf.nn.gelu(x, approximate) def leaky_relu( x: Tensor, /, *, alpha: float = 0.2, complex_mode="jax", out: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor: return tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha) @with_supported_dtypes( { "2.15.0 and below": ( "float", "int", "complex", ) }, backend_version, ) def relu(x: Tensor, /, *, complex_mode="jax", out: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor: return tf.nn.relu(x) def sigmoid( x: Tensor, /, *, complex_mode="jax", out: Optional[Tensor] = None ) -> Tensor: return 1 / (1 + tf.exp(-x)) def softmax( x: Tensor, /, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[Tensor] = None ) -> Tensor: if axis is None: axis = -1 dtype = x.dtype if "complex" in str(dtype): amax = tf_backend.max(x, axis=axis, keepdims=True) normalized = tf.exp(tf.subtract(x, amax)) return tf.divide( normalized, tf.reduce_sum(normalized, axis=axis, keepdims=True) ) return tf.nn.softmax(x, axis) @with_supported_dtypes( { "2.15.0 and below": ( "float16", "bfloat16", "float32", "float64", "complex64", "complex128", ) }, backend_version, ) def softplus( x: Tensor, /, *, beta: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, threshold: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, complex_mode="jax", out: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor: if beta is not None and beta != 1: x_beta = x * beta res = (tf.nn.softplus(x_beta)) / beta else: x_beta = x res = tf.nn.softplus(x) if threshold is not None: return tf.where(x_beta > threshold, x, res) return res # Softsign @with_supported_dtypes( { "2.15.0 and below": ( "float16", "bfloat16", "float32", "float64", "complex64", "complex128", ) }, backend_version, ) def softsign(x: tf.Tensor, /, out: Optional[tf.Tensor] = None) -> tf.Tensor: return tf.nn.softsign(x) def log_softmax( x: Tensor, /, *, axis: Optional[int] = -1, complex_mode: Literal["split", "magnitude", "jax"] = "jax", out: Optional[Tensor] = None, ): if "complex" in str(x.dtype): x_max = tf_backend.max(x, axis=axis, keepdims=True) sub_temp = tf.subtract(x, x_max) ret = tf.reduce_sum(tf.exp(sub_temp), axis=axis, keepdims=True) ret = tf.math.log(ret) return tf.subtract(sub_temp, ret) return tf.nn.log_softmax(x, axis) def mish( x: Tensor, /, *, complex_mode: Literal["split", "magnitude", "jax"] = "jax", out: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor: if "complex" in str(x.dtype): x_norm = tf.math.log1p(tf.exp(x)) else: x_norm = tf.math.softplus(x) return tf.multiply(x, tf.math.tanh(x_norm)) @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.15.0 and below": ("complex",)}, backend_version) def hardswish( x: Tensor, /, *, complex_mode: Literal["split", "magnitude", "jax"] = "jax", out: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor: return x * tf.nn.relu6(x + 3) / 6
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/backends/tensorflow/activations.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1905 }
import tensorflow as tf import math from typing import Optional from ivy.func_wrapper import ( with_unsupported_dtypes, with_supported_device_and_dtypes, ) from . import backend_version @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.15.0 and below": "bool"}, backend_version) def huber_loss( input: tf.Tensor, target: tf.Tensor, /, *, delta: Optional[float] = 1.0, reduction: Optional[str] = "mean", ) -> tf.Tensor: abs_diff = tf.abs(input - target) quadratic_loss = 0.5 * (abs_diff**2) linear_loss = delta * (abs_diff - 0.5 * delta) loss = tf.where(abs_diff <= delta, quadratic_loss, linear_loss) if reduction == "sum": return tf.sum(loss) elif reduction == "mean": return tf.mean(loss) else: return loss @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.15.0 and below": "bool"}, backend_version) def smooth_l1_loss( input: tf.Tensor, target: tf.Tensor, /, *, beta: Optional[float] = 1.0, reduction: Optional[str] = "mean", ) -> tf.Tensor: diff = tf.abs(input - target) loss = tf.where(diff < beta, 0.5 * diff**2 / beta, diff - 0.5 * beta) if reduction == "mean": return tf.reduce_mean(loss) elif reduction == "sum": return tf.reduce_sum(loss) else: return loss @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.15.0 and below": "bool"}, backend_version) def soft_margin_loss( input: tf.Tensor, target: tf.Tensor, /, *, reduction: Optional[str] = "mean", ) -> tf.Tensor: loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.log1p(tf.exp(-input * target))) / tf.size(input) if reduction == "sum": return tf.reduce_sum(loss) elif reduction == "mean": return tf.reduce_mean(loss) else: return loss def _apply_loss_reduction(loss: tf.Tensor, reduction: str) -> tf.Tensor: if reduction == "sum": return tf.math.reduce_sum(loss) elif reduction == "mean": return tf.reduce_mean(loss) else: # reduction == "none" return loss def _validate_poisson_nll_params( input, label, epsilon, reduction, allowed_dtypes=[tf.float32, tf.float64], ): # Validate dtypes for parameter, name in zip([input, label], ["input", "label"]): if parameter.dtype not in allowed_dtypes: raise TypeError( f"The dtype of '{name}' in poisson_nll_loss should be one of" f" {allowed_dtypes}, but received {parameter.dtype}." ) # Validate epsilon if epsilon <= 0: raise ValueError( "The value of `epsilon` in poisson_nll_loss should be positive, but" f" received {epsilon}, which is not allowed." ) # Validate reduction if reduction not in ["sum", "mean", "none"]: raise ValueError( "The value of 'reduction' in poisson_nll_loss should be 'sum', 'mean' or" f" 'none', but received {reduction}, which is not allowed." ) # Validate shape if input.shape != label.shape: raise ValueError( f"The shape of 'input' ({input.shape}) must be the same as the shape of" f" 'label' ({label.shape})." ) return True @with_supported_device_and_dtypes( { "2.15.0 and below": { "cpu": ("float32", "float64"), "gpu": ("float32", "float64"), } }, backend_version, ) def poisson_nll_loss( input: tf.Tensor, target: tf.Tensor, *, log_input: bool = True, full: bool = False, eps: float = 1e-8, reduction: str = "mean", ) -> tf.Tensor: input_tensor = tf.constant(input, dtype=input.dtype) target_tensor = tf.constant(target, dtype=input.dtype) _validate_poisson_nll_params(input_tensor, target_tensor, eps, reduction) if log_input: loss = tf.math.exp(input_tensor) - target_tensor * input_tensor else: loss = input_tensor - target_tensor * tf.math.log(input_tensor + eps) if full: point_five = tf.constant(0.5, dtype=target_tensor.dtype) two_pi = tf.constant(2 * math.pi, dtype=target_tensor.dtype) stirling_approx = ( (target_tensor * tf.math.log(target_tensor)) - target_tensor + (point_five * tf.math.log(two_pi * target_tensor)) ) zeros = tf.zeros_like(target_tensor, dtype=target_tensor.dtype) ones = tf.ones_like(target_tensor, dtype=target_tensor.dtype) cond = tf.math.logical_and(target_tensor >= zeros, target_tensor <= ones) loss = loss + tf.where(cond, zeros, stirling_approx) return _apply_loss_reduction(loss, reduction) @with_supported_device_and_dtypes( { "2.14.0 and below": { "cpu": ("float32", "float64"), "gpu": ("float32", "float64"), } }, backend_version, ) def hinge_embedding_loss( input: tf.Tensor, target: tf.Tensor, *, margin: float = 1.0, reduction: str = "mean", ) -> tf.Tensor: zero_ = tf.zeros([1], dtype=input.dtype) relu_part = tf.math.maximum(margin - input, 0) loss = tf.where(tf.equal(target, 1.0), input, zero_) + tf.where( tf.equal(target, -1.0), relu_part, zero_ ) return _apply_loss_reduction(loss, reduction)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/backends/tensorflow/experimental/losses.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 2364 }
"""TensorFlow random functions. Collection of TensorFlow random functions, wrapped to fit Ivy syntax and signature. """ from typing import Optional, Union, Sequence # global import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python.framework.dtypes import DType # local import ivy from ivy.func_wrapper import with_unsupported_dtypes, with_supported_dtypes from ivy.functional.ivy.random import ( _check_bounds_and_get_shape, _randint_check_dtype_and_bound, _check_valid_scale, ) from . import backend_version # Extra # # ------# @with_supported_dtypes( {"2.15.0 and below": ("float", "int32", "int64")}, backend_version ) def random_uniform( *, low: Union[float, tf.Tensor, tf.Variable] = 0.0, high: Union[float, tf.Tensor, tf.Variable] = 1.0, shape: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int], tf.Tensor]] = None, dtype: DType, device: Optional[str] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable]] = None, ) -> Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable]: shape = _check_bounds_and_get_shape(low, high, shape).shape low = tf.cast(low, dtype) high = tf.cast(high, dtype) if seed: tf.random.set_seed(seed) return tf.random.uniform(shape, low, high, dtype=dtype, seed=seed) def random_normal( *, mean: Union[float, tf.Tensor, tf.Variable] = 0.0, std: Union[float, tf.Tensor, tf.Variable] = 1.0, shape: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]]] = None, dtype: DType, seed: Optional[int] = None, device: Optional[str] = None, out: Optional[Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable]] = None, ) -> Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable]: _check_valid_scale(std) shape = _check_bounds_and_get_shape(mean, std, shape).shape mean = tf.cast(mean, dtype) std = tf.cast(std, dtype) if seed: tf.random.set_seed(seed) return tf.random.normal(shape, mean, std, dtype=dtype, seed=seed) @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.15.0 and below": ("bfloat16",)}, backend_version) def multinomial( population_size: int, num_samples: int, /, *, batch_size: int = 1, probs: Optional[Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable]] = None, replace: bool = True, device: Optional[str] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable]] = None, ) -> Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable]: if probs is None: probs = ( tf.ones( ( batch_size, population_size, ) ) / population_size ) # We set the global seed, but not the operation seeds below. In this way, we # get different results for every random op call but the same sequence for # every re-run of the program if seed: tf.random.set_seed(seed) if not replace: orig_probs_shape = list(probs.shape) probs_flat = tf.reshape(probs, (-1, orig_probs_shape[-1])) probs_flat = probs_flat / tf.math.reduce_sum(probs_flat, axis=-1, keepdims=True) probs_stack = tf.split(probs_flat, probs_flat.shape[0]) samples_stack = [] for prob in probs_stack: logits = tf.dtypes.cast(tf.math.log(prob), tf.float64) # Gumbel-max trick # https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/9260 z = tf.dtypes.cast( -tf.math.log(-tf.math.log(tf.random.uniform(tf.shape(logits), 0, 1))), tf.float64, ) _, indices = tf.nn.top_k(logits + z, k=num_samples) samples_stack.append(indices) samples_flat = tf.stack(samples_stack) return tf.convert_to_tensor( tf.reshape(samples_flat, orig_probs_shape[:-1] + [num_samples]) ) else: if len(probs.numpy().shape) == 1: probs = tf.expand_dims(probs, axis=0) return tf.random.categorical(tf.math.log(probs), num_samples) def randint( low: Union[float, tf.Tensor, tf.Variable], high: Union[float, tf.Tensor, tf.Variable], /, *, shape: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]]] = None, device: Optional[str] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[DType, ivy.Dtype]] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable]] = None, ) -> Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable]: if not dtype: dtype = ivy.default_int_dtype() dtype = ivy.as_native_dtype(dtype) _randint_check_dtype_and_bound(low, high, dtype) shape = _check_bounds_and_get_shape(low, high, shape).shape low = tf.cast(low, "float32") high = tf.cast(high, "float32") if seed: tf.random.set_seed(seed) return tf.cast(tf.random.uniform(shape, low, high, "float32", seed=seed), dtype) def seed(*, seed_value: int = 0): tf.random.set_seed(seed_value) return def shuffle( x: Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable], axis: Optional[int] = 0, /, *, seed: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable]] = None, ) -> Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable]: if seed: tf.random.set_seed(seed) return tf.random.shuffle(x, seed=seed)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/backends/tensorflow/random.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 2289 }
"""Collection of PyTorch general functions, wrapped to fit Ivy syntax and signature.""" import inspect # global import os import importlib import torch from typing import Optional, Union from torch.profiler import ProfilerActivity from torch.profiler import profile # local import ivy from ivy.functional.ivy.device import ( _shift_native_arrays_on_default_device, Profiler as BaseProfiler, ) torch_scatter = None # API # # ----# def dev( x: torch.Tensor, /, *, as_native: bool = False ) -> Union[ivy.Device, torch.device]: dv = x.device if as_native: if isinstance(dv, torch.device): dv = dv.type elif hasattr(torch.backends, "mps") and torch.backends.mps.is_available(): return torch.device(dv.replace("gpu", "mps")) return torch.device(dv.replace("gpu", "cuda")) return as_ivy_dev(dv) def to_device( x: torch.Tensor, device: torch.device, /, *, stream: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: if device is None: return x ret = x.to(as_native_dev(device)) if isinstance(x, torch.nn.Parameter): return torch.nn.Parameter(ret) return ret def as_ivy_dev(device: torch.device, /): if isinstance(device, str): return ivy.Device(device) dev_type, dev_idx = (device.type, device.index) if dev_type == "cpu": return ivy.Device(dev_type) elif dev_type == "mps": return ivy.Device( dev_type.replace("mps", "gpu") + (":" + (str(dev_idx) if dev_idx is not None else "0")) ) return ivy.Device( dev_type.replace("cuda", "gpu") + (":" + (str(dev_idx) if dev_idx is not None else "0")) ) def as_native_dev( device: Optional[Union[ivy.Device, torch.device]] = None, /, ) -> Optional[torch.device]: if not isinstance(device, str): return device if hasattr(torch.backends, "mps") and torch.backends.mps.is_available(): return torch.device(ivy.Device(device).replace("gpu", "mps")) return torch.device(ivy.Device(device).replace("gpu", "cuda")) def clear_cached_mem_on_dev(device: Union[ivy.Device, torch.device], /) -> None: torch_dev = as_native_dev(device) if torch_dev.type == "cuda": torch.cuda.empty_cache() elif torch_dev.type == "mps": from torch import mps mps.empty_cache() def num_gpus() -> int: if hasattr(torch.backends, "mps") and torch.backends.mps.is_available(): return 1 return torch.cuda.device_count() def gpu_is_available() -> bool: return ( hasattr(torch.backends, "mps") and torch.backends.mps.is_available() ) or torch.cuda.is_available() # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def tpu_is_available() -> bool: if importlib.util.find_spec("torch_xla") is not None: return True return False def handle_soft_device_variable(*args, fn, **kwargs): args, kwargs, device_shifting_dev = _shift_native_arrays_on_default_device( *args, **kwargs ) # checking if this function accepts `device` argument # must be handled in the backend if "device" in inspect.signature(fn).parameters: kwargs["device"] = device_shifting_dev return fn(*args, **kwargs) class Profiler(BaseProfiler): def __init__(self, save_dir: str): super().__init__(save_dir) self._prof = profile( activities=[ProfilerActivity.CPU, ProfilerActivity.CUDA], with_stack=True ) def start(self): self._prof.__enter__() def stop(self): self._prof.__exit__(None, None, None) self._prof.export_chrome_trace(os.path.join(self._save_dir, "trace.json")) def __enter__(self): self.start() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.stop()
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/backends/torch/device.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1622 }
# global from typing import Optional, Union, Sequence import torch # local import ivy from ivy.func_wrapper import with_unsupported_dtypes from .. import backend_version from ivy.functional.ivy.random import ( _check_bounds_and_get_shape, _check_shapes_broadcastable, ) # dirichlet @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.2 and below": ("float16",)}, backend_version) def dirichlet( alpha: Union[torch.tensor, float, Sequence[float]], /, *, size: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]]] = None, out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: size = size if size is not None else len(alpha) if seed is not None: torch.manual_seed(seed) return torch.tensor( torch.distributions.dirichlet.Dirichlet(alpha).rsample(sample_shape=size), dtype=dtype, ) @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.2 and below": ("bfloat16",)}, backend_version) def beta( alpha: Union[float, torch.Tensor], beta: Union[float, torch.Tensor], /, *, shape: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]]] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[torch.dtype, ivy.Dtype]] = None, device: torch.device = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: shape = _check_bounds_and_get_shape(alpha, beta, shape).shape if seed is not None: torch.manual_seed(seed) ret = torch.distributions.beta.Beta(alpha, beta).sample(shape) if device is not None: return ret.to(device) return ret @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.2 and below": ("bfloat16",)}, backend_version) def gamma( alpha: Union[float, torch.Tensor], beta: Union[float, torch.Tensor], /, *, shape: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]]] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[torch.dtype, ivy.Dtype]] = None, device: torch.device = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: shape = _check_bounds_and_get_shape(alpha, beta, shape).shape if seed is not None: torch.manual_seed(seed) ret = torch.distributions.gamma.Gamma(alpha, beta).sample(shape) if device is not None: return ret.to(device) return ret def _poisson_with_neg_lam(lam, fill_value, device, dtype): if torch.any(lam < 0): pos_lam = torch.where(lam < 0, 0, lam) ret = torch.poisson(pos_lam).type(dtype).to(device) ret = torch.where(lam < 0, fill_value, ret) else: ret = torch.poisson(lam).type(dtype).to(device) return ret def poisson( lam: Union[float, torch.Tensor], *, shape: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]]] = None, device: torch.device = None, dtype: torch.dtype, seed: Optional[int] = None, fill_value: Optional[Union[float, int]] = 0, out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ): lam = torch.tensor(lam, device=device, dtype=torch.float32) if seed: torch.manual_seed(seed) if shape is None: return _poisson_with_neg_lam(lam, fill_value, device, dtype) shape = torch.tensor(shape, device=device, dtype=torch.int32) list_shape = shape.tolist() _check_shapes_broadcastable(lam.shape, list_shape) lam = torch.broadcast_to(lam, list_shape) return _poisson_with_neg_lam(lam, fill_value, device, dtype) def bernoulli( probs: Union[float, torch.Tensor], *, logits: Union[float, torch.Tensor] = None, shape: Optional[Union[ivy.NativeArray, Sequence[int]]] = None, device: torch.device = None, dtype: torch.dtype, seed: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else probs.dtype if seed: torch.manual_seed(seed) if logits is not None: probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(logits, -1) if not _check_shapes_broadcastable(shape, probs.shape): shape = probs.shape return torch.bernoulli(probs, out=out).to(device, dtype).broadcast_to(shape) bernoulli.support_native_out = True
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/backends/torch/experimental/random.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1687 }
# global import torch from typing import Tuple, Optional from collections import namedtuple # local from ivy.func_wrapper import with_unsupported_dtypes from . import backend_version import ivy @with_unsupported_dtypes( { "2.2 and below": ("complex", "float16"), }, backend_version, ) def unique_all( x: torch.Tensor, /, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, by_value: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: Results = namedtuple( "Results", ["values", "indices", "inverse_indices", "counts"], ) if axis is None: x = torch.flatten(x) axis = 0 values, inverse_indices, counts = torch.unique( x, sorted=True, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True, dim=axis, ) unique_nan = torch.isnan(values) idx_dtype = inverse_indices.dtype if torch.any(unique_nan): nan_index = torch.where(torch.isnan(x)) non_nan_index = [ x.tolist().index(val) for val in values if not torch.isnan(val) ] indices = values.clone().to(idx_dtype) indices[unique_nan] = nan_index[0] inverse_indices[torch.isnan(x)] = torch.where(unique_nan)[0][0] counts[unique_nan] = 1 indices[~unique_nan] = torch.tensor(non_nan_index, dtype=idx_dtype) else: decimals = torch.arange(inverse_indices.numel()) / inverse_indices.numel() inv_sorted = (inverse_indices + decimals).argsort() tot_counts = torch.cat((counts.new_zeros(1), counts.cumsum(dim=0)))[:-1] indices = inv_sorted[tot_counts].to(idx_dtype) if not by_value: sort_idx = torch.argsort(indices) else: values_ = torch.moveaxis(values, axis, 0) values_ = torch.reshape(values_, (values_.shape[0], -1)) sort_idx = torch.tensor( [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(values_), key=lambda x: tuple(x[1]))] ) ivy_torch = ivy.current_backend() values = values.index_select(dim=axis, index=sort_idx) counts = ivy_torch.gather(counts, sort_idx) indices = ivy_torch.gather(indices, sort_idx) inv_sort_idx = ivy_torch.invert_permutation(sort_idx) inverse_indices = torch.vmap(lambda y: torch.gather(inv_sort_idx, 0, y))( inverse_indices ) return Results( values.to(x.dtype), indices, inverse_indices, counts, ) @with_unsupported_dtypes( { "2.2 and below": ("float16",), }, backend_version, ) def unique_counts(x: torch.Tensor, /) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: v, c = torch.unique(torch.reshape(x, [-1]), return_counts=True) nan_idx = torch.where(torch.isnan(v)) c[nan_idx] = 1 Results = namedtuple("Results", ["values", "counts"]) return Results(v, c) @with_unsupported_dtypes( { "2.2 and below": ("float16",), }, backend_version, ) def unique_inverse( x: torch.Tensor, /, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: Results = namedtuple("Results", ["values", "inverse_indices"]) if axis is None: x = torch.flatten(x) axis = 0 values, inverse_indices = torch.unique(x, return_inverse=True, dim=axis) nan_idx = torch.isnan(x) if nan_idx.any(): inverse_indices[nan_idx] = torch.where(torch.isnan(values))[0][0] inverse_indices = inverse_indices.reshape(x.shape) return Results(values, inverse_indices) @with_unsupported_dtypes( { "2.2 and below": ("float16", "complex"), }, backend_version, ) def unique_values( x: torch.Tensor, /, *, out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None ) -> torch.Tensor: return torch.unique(x)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/backends/torch/set.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1721 }
def tree_leaves(tree, is_leaf=None): # todo: is_leaf if isinstance(tree, (tuple, list)): new_struc = [] for child in tree: new_struc += tree_leaves(child) return new_struc elif isinstance(tree, dict): new_struc = [] for key in sorted(tree): new_struc += tree_leaves(tree[key]) return new_struc return [tree] def tree_map(f, tree, *rest, is_leaf=None): # todo: is_leaf is_tuple = isinstance(tree, tuple) if is_tuple: tree = list(tree) if isinstance(tree, list): for idx, elem in enumerate(tree): curr_r = [r[idx] for r in rest] if rest else [] tree[idx] = tree_map(f, tree[idx], *curr_r, is_leaf=is_leaf) return tuple(tree) if is_tuple else tree elif isinstance(tree, dict): for key in sorted(tree): curr_r = [r[key] for r in rest] if rest else [] tree[key] = tree_map(f, tree[key], *curr_r, is_leaf=is_leaf) return tree return f(tree, *rest) if rest else f(tree)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/jax/_src/tree_util.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 523 }
# local import ivy from ivy.functional.frontends.jax.func_wrapper import to_ivy_arrays_and_back from ivy.func_wrapper import with_unsupported_dtypes @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def fft(a, n=None, axis=-1, norm=None): if norm is None: norm = "backward" return ivy.fft(a, axis, norm=norm, n=n) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def fft2(a, s=None, axes=(-2, -1), norm=None): if norm is None: norm = "backward" return ivy.array(ivy.fft2(a, s=s, dim=axes, norm=norm), dtype=ivy.dtype(a)) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.6.0 and below": ("float16", "bfloat16")}, "paddle") def fftfreq(n, d=1.0, *, dtype=None): if not isinstance( n, (int, type(ivy.int8), type(ivy.int16), type(ivy.int32), type(ivy.int64)) ): raise TypeError("n should be an integer") dtype = ivy.float64 if dtype is None else ivy.as_ivy_dtype(dtype) N = (n - 1) // 2 + 1 val = 1.0 / (n * d) results = ivy.zeros((n,), dtype=dtype) results[:N] = ivy.arange(0, N, dtype=dtype) results[N:] = ivy.arange(-(n // 2), 0, dtype=dtype) return results * val @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.4.2 and below": ("float16", "bfloat16")}, "paddle") def fftshift(x, axes=None, name=None): shape = x.shape if axes is None: axes = tuple(range(x.ndim)) shifts = [(dim // 2) for dim in shape] elif isinstance(axes, int): shifts = shape[axes] // 2 else: shifts = [shape[ax] // 2 for ax in axes] roll = ivy.roll(x, shifts, axis=axes) return roll @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def ifft(a, n=None, axis=-1, norm=None): if norm is None: norm = "backward" return ivy.ifft(a, axis, norm=norm, n=n) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def ifft2(a, s=None, axes=(-2, -1), norm=None): if norm is None: norm = "backward" return ivy.array(ivy.ifft2(a, s=s, dim=axes, norm=norm), dtype=ivy.dtype(a)) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @with_unsupported_dtypes({"1.25.2 and below": ("float16", "bfloat16")}, "numpy") def rfft(a, n=None, axis=-1, norm=None): if n is None: n = a.shape[axis] if norm is None: norm = "backward" result = ivy.dft( a, axis=axis, inverse=False, onesided=False, dft_length=n, norm=norm ) slices = [slice(0, a) for a in result.shape] slices[axis] = slice(0, int(ivy.shape(result, as_array=True)[axis] // 2 + 1)) result = result[tuple(slices)] return result
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/jax/numpy/fft.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1154 }
from . import nn_func from .nn_func import *
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/mindspore/ops/function/__init__.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 16 }
# local import ivy from ivy.functional.frontends.numpy.func_wrapper import to_ivy_arrays_and_back class broadcast: @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def __init__(self, *args): data = ivy.broadcast_arrays(*map(ivy.array, args)) self._shape = data[0].shape self._ndim = data[0].ndim self._index = 0 self._numiter = len(data) self._size = data[0].size self._data = (*zip(*(ivy.flatten(i) for i in data)),) self._iters = tuple(iter(ivy.flatten(i)) for i in data) @property def shape(self): return self._shape @property def ndim(self): return self._ndim @property def nd(self): return self._ndim @property def numiter(self): return self._numiter @property def size(self): return self._size @property def iters(self): return self._iters @property def index(self): return self._index def __next__(self): if self.index < self.size: self._index += 1 return self._data[self.index - 1] raise StopIteration def __iter__(self): return self def reset(self): self._index = 0
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/broadcast/methods.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 561 }
from . import generating_index_arrays from .generating_index_arrays import * from . import indexing_like_operations from .indexing_like_operations import * from . import inserting_data_into_arrays from .inserting_data_into_arrays import * from . import lib
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/indexing_routines/__init__.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 77 }
# global import ivy # local from ivy.functional.frontends.numpy.func_wrapper import ( to_ivy_arrays_and_back, inputs_to_ivy_arrays, handle_numpy_casting, handle_numpy_dtype, from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar, handle_numpy_out, ) # --- Helpers --- # # --------------- # @handle_numpy_out @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @handle_numpy_dtype @handle_numpy_casting @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def _equal( x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting="same_kind", order="K", dtype=None, subok=True, ): ret = ivy.equal(x1, x2, out=out) if ivy.is_array(where): where = ivy.asarray(where, dtype=ivy.bool) ret = ivy.where(where, ret, ivy.default(out, ivy.zeros_like(ret)), out=out) return ret @handle_numpy_out @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @handle_numpy_dtype @handle_numpy_casting @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def _greater( x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting="same_kind", order="k", dtype=None, subok=True, ): ret = ivy.greater(x1, x2, out=out) if ivy.is_array(where): where = ivy.asarray(where, dtype=ivy.bool) ret = ivy.where(where, ret, ivy.default(out, ivy.zeros_like(ret)), out=out) return ret @handle_numpy_out @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @handle_numpy_dtype @handle_numpy_casting @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def _greater_equal( x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting="same_kind", order="k", dtype=None, subok=True, ): ret = ivy.greater_equal(x1, x2, out=out) if ivy.is_array(where): where = ivy.asarray(where, dtype=ivy.bool) ret = ivy.where(where, ret, ivy.default(out, ivy.zeros_like(ret)), out=out) return ret @handle_numpy_out @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @handle_numpy_dtype @handle_numpy_casting @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def _less( x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting="same_kind", order="k", dtype=None, subok=True, ): ret = ivy.less(x1, x2, out=out) if ivy.is_array(where): where = ivy.asarray(where, dtype=ivy.bool) ret = ivy.where(where, ret, ivy.default(out, ivy.zeros_like(ret)), out=out) return ret @handle_numpy_out @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @handle_numpy_dtype @handle_numpy_casting @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def _less_equal( x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting="same_kind", order="k", dtype=None, subok=True, ): ret = ivy.less_equal(x1, x2, out=out) if ivy.is_array(where): where = ivy.asarray(where, dtype=ivy.bool) ret = ivy.where(where, ret, ivy.default(out, ivy.zeros_like(ret)), out=out) return ret @handle_numpy_out @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @handle_numpy_dtype @handle_numpy_casting @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def _not_equal( x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting="same_kind", order="k", dtype=None, subok=True, ): ret = ivy.not_equal(x1, x2, out=out) if ivy.is_array(where): where = ivy.asarray(where, dtype=ivy.bool) ret = ivy.where(where, ret, ivy.default(out, ivy.zeros_like(ret)), out=out) return ret # --- Main --- # # ------------ # @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def array_equal(a1, a2, equal_nan=False): if not equal_nan: return ivy.array(ivy.array_equal(a1, a2)) a1nan, a2nan = ivy.isnan(a1), ivy.isnan(a2) if not (a1nan == a2nan).all(): return False return ivy.array(ivy.array_equal(a1 * ~a1nan, a2 * ~a2nan)) @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def array_equiv(a1, a2): if len(ivy.shape(a1)) < len(ivy.shape(a2)): a1 = ivy.broadcast_to(a1, ivy.shape(a2)) else: a2 = ivy.broadcast_to(a2, ivy.shape(a1)) return ivy.array_equal(a1, a2)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/logic/comparison.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1965 }
# local import ivy from ivy.functional.frontends.numpy.func_wrapper import ( to_ivy_arrays_and_back, handle_numpy_casting, handle_numpy_dtype, from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar, handle_numpy_out, ) import ivy.functional.frontends.numpy as np_frontend @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def column_stack(tup): out_dtype = ivy.dtype(tup[0]) for i in tup: out_dtype = ivy.as_ivy_dtype( np_frontend.promote_numpy_dtypes(i.dtype, out_dtype) ) return ivy.column_stack(tup) @handle_numpy_out @handle_numpy_dtype @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @handle_numpy_casting @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def concatenate(arrays, /, *, axis=0, out=None, dtype=None, casting="same_kind"): if dtype is not None: out_dtype = ivy.as_ivy_dtype(dtype) else: out_dtype = ivy.dtype(arrays[0]) for i in arrays: out_dtype = ivy.as_ivy_dtype( np_frontend.promote_numpy_dtypes(i.dtype, out_dtype) ) return ivy.concat(arrays, axis=axis, out=out).astype(out_dtype, copy=False) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def hstack(tup): out_dtype = ivy.dtype(tup[0]) for i in tup: out_dtype = ivy.as_ivy_dtype( np_frontend.promote_numpy_dtypes(i.dtype, out_dtype) ) return ivy.hstack(tup) @handle_numpy_out @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def stack(arrays, /, *, axis=0, out=None): out_dtype = ivy.dtype(arrays[0]) for i in arrays: out_dtype = ivy.as_ivy_dtype( np_frontend.promote_numpy_dtypes(i.dtype, out_dtype) ) return ivy.stack(arrays, axis=axis, out=out).astype(out_dtype, copy=False) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def vstack(tup): out_dtype = ivy.dtype(tup[0]) for i in tup: out_dtype = ivy.as_ivy_dtype( np_frontend.promote_numpy_dtypes(i.dtype, out_dtype) ) return ivy.vstack(tup) row_stack = vstack
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/manipulation_routines/joining_arrays.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 984 }
# global import ivy # local from ivy.functional.frontends.numpy.func_wrapper import ( to_ivy_arrays_and_back, handle_numpy_casting, handle_numpy_dtype, from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar, handle_numpy_out, ) # --- Helpers --- # # --------------- # @handle_numpy_out @handle_numpy_dtype @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @handle_numpy_casting @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def _ceil( x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting="same_kind", order="k", dtype=None, subok=True, ): ret = ivy.ceil(x, out=out) if ivy.is_array(where): ret = ivy.where(where, ret, ivy.default(out, ivy.zeros_like(ret)), out=out) return ret @handle_numpy_out @handle_numpy_dtype @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @handle_numpy_casting @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def _floor( x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting="same_kind", order="K", dtype=None, subok=True, ): ret = ivy.floor(x, out=out) if ivy.is_array(where): ret = ivy.where(where, ret, ivy.default(out, ivy.zeros_like(ret)), out=out) return ret @handle_numpy_out @handle_numpy_dtype @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @handle_numpy_casting @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def _rint( x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting="same_kind", order="K", dtype=None, subok=True, ): ret = ivy.round(x, out=out) if ivy.is_array(where): ret = ivy.where(where, ret, ivy.default(out, x), out=out) return ret @handle_numpy_out @handle_numpy_dtype @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @handle_numpy_casting @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def _trunc( x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting="same_kind", order="k", dtype=None, subok=True, ): ret = ivy.trunc(x, out=out) if ivy.is_array(where): ret = ivy.where(where, ret, ivy.default(out, ivy.zeros_like(ret)), out=out) return ret # --- Main --- # # ------------ # @handle_numpy_out @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def around(a, decimals=0, out=None): return ivy.round(a, decimals=decimals, out=out) @handle_numpy_out @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def fix( x, /, out=None, ): where = ivy.greater_equal(x, 0) return ivy.where(where, ivy.floor(x, out=out), ivy.ceil(x, out=out), out=out) @handle_numpy_out @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def round(a, decimals=0, out=None): return ivy.round(a, decimals=decimals, out=out)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/mathematical_functions/rounding.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1218 }
# global import ivy from ivy.functional.frontends.numpy.func_wrapper import ( to_ivy_arrays_and_back, from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar, ) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back @from_zero_dim_arrays_to_scalar def count_nonzero(a, axis=None, *, keepdims=False): x = ivy.array(a) zero = ivy.zeros(ivy.shape(x), dtype=x.dtype) return ivy.sum( ivy.astype(ivy.not_equal(x, zero), ivy.int64), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/numpy/sorting_searching_counting/counting.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 227 }
# global # local import ivy # import ivy.functional.frontends.onnx as onnx_frontend class Tensor: def __init__(self, array): self._ivy_array = ( ivy.array(array) if not isinstance(array, ivy.Array) else array ) def __len__(self): return len(self._ivy_array) def __repr__(self): return str(self.ivy_array.__repr__()).replace( "ivy.array", "ivy.frontends.onnx.Tensor" ) # Properties # # ---------- # @property def ivy_array(self): return self._ivy_array @property def device(self): return self.ivy_array.device @property def dtype(self): return self.ivy_array.dtype @property def shape(self): return self.ivy_array.shape @property def ndim(self): return self.ivy_array.ndim # Setters # # --------# @ivy_array.setter def ivy_array(self, array): self._ivy_array = ( ivy.array(array) if not isinstance(array, ivy.Array) else array )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/onnx/tensor.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 497 }
# global from ..random import * # noqa: F401 import ivy from ivy.func_wrapper import with_supported_dtypes from ivy.functional.frontends.paddle.func_wrapper import ( to_ivy_arrays_and_back, ) # NOTE: # Only inplace functions are to be added in this file. # Please add non-inplace counterparts to `/frontends/paddle/random.py`. @with_supported_dtypes( {"2.6.0 and below": ("float32", "float64")}, "paddle", ) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def exponential_(x, lam=1.0, name=None): return ivy.multiply(lam, ivy.exp(ivy.multiply(-lam, x))) @with_supported_dtypes( {"2.6.0 and below": ("float32", "float64")}, "paddle", ) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def uniform_(x, min=-1.0, max=1.0, seed=0, name=None): x = ivy.array(x) return ivy.random_uniform( low=min, high=max, shape=x.shape, dtype=x.dtype, seed=seed )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/paddle/tensor/random.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 358 }
from .constants import *
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/scipy/constants/__init__.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 7 }
from .odr import *
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/scipy/odr/__init__.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 7 }
from . import _label from ._label import *
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/sklearn/preprocessing/__init__.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 12 }
# local import ivy import ivy.functional.frontends.tensorflow as tf_frontend import ivy.functional.frontends.numpy as np_frontend from ivy.functional.frontends.tensorflow.func_wrapper import ( to_ivy_arrays_and_back, handle_tf_dtype, ) class DType: def __init__(self, dtype_int): self._ivy_dtype = tf_frontend.tensorflow_enum_to_type[dtype_int] def __repr__(self): return "ivy.frontends.tensorflow." + self._ivy_dtype @property def ivy_dtype(self): return self._ivy_dtype @property def as_datatype_enum(self): return tf_frontend.tensorflow_type_to_enum[self._ivy_dtype] @property def as_numpy_dtype(self): return np_frontend.dtype(self._ivy_dtype) @property def base_dtype(self): return self @property def is_bool(self): return self._ivy_dtype.is_bool_dtype @property def is_complex(self): return "complex" in self._ivy_dtype @property def is_floating(self): return self._ivy_dtype.is_float_dtype @property def is_integer(self): return self._ivy_dtype.is_int_dtype @property def is_numpy_compatible(self): return self._ivy_dtype in np_frontend.numpy_type_to_str_and_num_table @property def is_unsigned(self): return self._ivy_dtype.is_uint_dtype @property def limits(self): if self._ivy_dtype is ivy.bool: return False, True if self._ivy_dtype.is_int_dtype: return 0, self._ivy_dtype.info.max if self._ivy_dtype.is_float_dtype: return 0, 1 else: raise ivy.utils.exceptions.IvyException( f"{self._ivy_dtype} does not have defined limits" ) @property def max(self): if self._ivy_dtype in (ivy.bool, ivy.complex128, ivy.complex64): raise ivy.utils.exceptions.IvyException( f"Cannot find maximum value of {self._ivy_dtype}" ) if self._ivy_dtype is ivy.bfloat16: return float.fromhex("0x1.FEp127") return self._ivy_dtype.info.max @property def min(self): if self._ivy_dtype in (ivy.bool, ivy.complex128, ivy.complex64): raise ivy.utils.exceptions.IvyException( f"Cannot find maximum value of {self._ivy_dtype}" ) if self._ivy_dtype is ivy.bfloat16: return float.fromhex("-0x1.FEp127") return self._ivy_dtype.info.min @property def real_dtype(self): if self._ivy_dtype is ivy.complex64: return DType(1) if self._ivy_dtype is ivy.complex128: return DType(2) else: return self def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False if not isinstance(other, DType): try: other = as_dtype(other) except ivy.utils.exceptions.IvyException: return False return self._ivy_dtype == other._ivy_dtype def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) def as_dtype(type_value): if isinstance(type_value, DType): return type_value if ivy.is_native_dtype(type_value): return DType(tf_frontend.tensorflow_type_to_enum[ivy.as_ivy_dtype(type_value)]) if type_value in tf_frontend.tensorflow_enum_to_type: return DType(type_value) if type_value in tf_frontend.tensorflow_type_to_enum: return DType(tf_frontend.tensorflow_type_to_enum[type_value]) if type_value is float: return DType(1) if type_value is bool: return DType(10) if isinstance(type_value, np_frontend.dtype): return DType(tf_frontend.tensorflow_type_to_enum[type_value.ivy_dtype]) if issubclass(type_value, np_frontend.generic): return DType( tf_frontend.tensorflow_type_to_enum[ np_frontend.numpy_scalar_to_dtype[type_value] ] ) raise ivy.utils.exceptions.IvyException( f"Cannot convert the argument 'type_value': {type_value!r} " "to a TensorFlow Dtype" ) @handle_tf_dtype @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def cast(x, dtype, name=None): return ivy.astype(x, dtype, copy=False)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/tensorflow/dtypes.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 2100 }
import ivy from ivy.functional.frontends.torch.func_wrapper import ( to_ivy_arrays_and_back, outputs_to_native_arrays, ) from ivy.func_wrapper import outputs_to_ivy_arrays def vmap(func, in_dims=0, out_dims=0, randomness="error", *, chunk_size=None): fun = outputs_to_native_arrays(func) return to_ivy_arrays_and_back( outputs_to_ivy_arrays(ivy.vmap(fun, in_axes=in_dims, out_axes=out_dims)) )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/torch/func.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 191 }
# global from functools import reduce # local import ivy from ivy import with_unsupported_dtypes from ivy.functional.frontends.torch.func_wrapper import ( to_ivy_arrays_and_back, ) @with_unsupported_dtypes( { "2.2 and below": ( "bfloat16", "float16", ) }, "torch", ) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def adaptive_avg_pool1d(input, output_size): return ivy.adaptive_avg_pool1d(input, output_size) @with_unsupported_dtypes( { "2.2 and below": ( "float16", "bfloat16", ) }, "torch", ) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def adaptive_avg_pool2d(input, output_size): return ivy.adaptive_avg_pool2d(input, output_size, data_format="NCHW") @with_unsupported_dtypes( { "2.2 and below": ( "bfloat16", "float16", ) }, "torch", ) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def adaptive_max_pool2d( input, output_size, return_indices=False, ): # ToDo: Add return_indices once superset is implemented return ivy.adaptive_max_pool2d(input, output_size) @with_unsupported_dtypes( { "2.2 and below": ( "bfloat16", "float16", ) }, "torch", ) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def adaptive_max_pool3d( input, output_size, return_indices=False, ): return ivy.adaptive_max_pool3d(input, output_size) @with_unsupported_dtypes( {"2.2 and below": ("float16",)}, "torch", ) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def avg_pool1d( input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, ceil_mode=False, count_include_pad=True, ): if not isinstance(padding, int): padding = [(pad, pad) for pad in padding] return ivy.avg_pool1d( input, kernel_size, stride if stride is not None else kernel_size, padding, data_format="NCW", count_include_pad=count_include_pad, ceil_mode=ceil_mode, ) @with_unsupported_dtypes( {"2.2 and below": ("float16",)}, "torch", ) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def avg_pool2d( input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, ceil_mode=False, count_include_pad=True, divisor_override=None, ): if not isinstance(padding, int): padding = [(pad, pad) for pad in padding] return ivy.avg_pool2d( input, kernel_size, stride if stride is not None else kernel_size, padding, data_format="NCHW", ceil_mode=ceil_mode, count_include_pad=count_include_pad, divisor_override=divisor_override, ) @with_unsupported_dtypes( {"2.2 and below": ("float16", "bfloat16")}, "torch", ) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def avg_pool3d( input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, ceil_mode=False, count_include_pad=True, divisor_override=None, ): if not isinstance(padding, int): padding = [(pad, pad) for pad in padding] return ivy.avg_pool3d( input, kernel_size, stride if stride is not None else kernel_size, padding, data_format="NCDHW", ceil_mode=ceil_mode, count_include_pad=count_include_pad, divisor_override=divisor_override, ) @with_unsupported_dtypes( { "2.2 and below": ( "float16", "bfloat16", ) }, "torch", ) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def lp_pool1d(input, norm_type, kernel_size, stride=None, ceil_mode=False): data_format = "NCW" padding = "VALID" if stride is None: stride = kernel_size if not isinstance(kernel_size, int): kernel_mul = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, kernel_size) else: kernel_mul = kernel_size out = ivy.avg_pool1d( ivy.pow(input, norm_type), kernel_size, stride, padding, data_format=data_format, ceil_mode=ceil_mode, ) p = 1.0 / norm_type if norm_type != 0 else 1.0 return ivy.pow(ivy.multiply(out, kernel_mul), p) @with_unsupported_dtypes( { "2.2 and below": ( "float16", "bfloat16", ) }, "torch", ) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def lp_pool2d(input, norm_type, kernel_size, stride=None, ceil_mode=False): data_format = "NCHW" padding = "VALID" if stride is None: stride = kernel_size out = ivy.avg_pool2d( ivy.pow(input, norm_type), kernel_size, stride, padding, data_format=data_format, ceil_mode=ceil_mode, ) if not isinstance(kernel_size, int): kernel_mul = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, kernel_size) else: kernel_mul = kernel_size p = ivy.divide(1.0, norm_type) if norm_type != 0 else 1.0 return ivy.pow(ivy.multiply(out, kernel_mul), p).astype(input.dtype) @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.2 and below": ("float16",)}, "torch") @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def max_pool1d( input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False, return_indices=False, ): if stride is None: stride = kernel_size if not isinstance(padding, int): padding = [(pad, pad) for pad in padding] return ivy.max_pool1d( input, kernel_size, stride, padding, data_format="NCW", dilation=dilation, ceil_mode=ceil_mode, ) @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.2 and below": ("float16",)}, "torch") @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def max_pool2d( input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False, return_indices=False, ): if stride is None: stride = kernel_size if not isinstance(padding, int): padding = [(pad, pad) for pad in padding] return ivy.max_pool2d( input, kernel_size, stride, padding, data_format="NCHW", dilation=dilation, ceil_mode=ceil_mode, ) @with_unsupported_dtypes({"2.2 and below": ("float16",)}, "torch") @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def max_pool3d( input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False, return_indices=False, ): if stride is None: stride = kernel_size if not isinstance(padding, int): padding = [(pad, pad) for pad in padding] return ivy.max_pool3d( input, kernel_size, stride, padding, data_format="NCDHW", dilation=dilation, ceil_mode=ceil_mode, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/torch/nn/functional/pooling_functions.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 3230 }
import ivy from ivy.functional.frontends.torch.func_wrapper import to_ivy_arrays_and_back from ivy.func_wrapper import with_supported_dtypes, with_unsupported_device_and_dtypes @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def batched_nms(boxes, scores, idxs, iou_threshold): if boxes.size == 0: return ivy.array([], dtype=ivy.int64) else: max_coordinate = boxes.max() boxes_dtype = boxes.dtype offsets = idxs.astype(boxes_dtype) * ( max_coordinate + ivy.array(1, dtype=boxes_dtype) ) boxes_for_nms = boxes + offsets[:, None] keep = nms(boxes_for_nms, scores, iou_threshold) return keep @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def box_area(boxes): return ivy.prod(boxes[..., 2:] - boxes[..., :2], axis=-1) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def box_iou(boxes1, boxes2): area1 = box_area(boxes1) area2 = box_area(boxes2) lt = ivy.maximum(boxes1[:, None, :2], boxes2[:, :2]) rb = ivy.minimum(boxes1[:, None, 2:], boxes2[:, 2:]) wh = (rb - lt).clip(x_min=0) inter = wh[:, :, 0] * wh[:, :, 1] union = area1[:, None] + area2 - inter iou = inter / union return iou @with_unsupported_device_and_dtypes( { "2.2 and below": { "cpu": ("float16",), } }, "torch", ) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def clip_boxes_to_image(boxes, size): height, width = size boxes_x = boxes[..., 0::2].clip(0, width) boxes_y = boxes[..., 1::2].clip(0, height) clipped_boxes = ivy.stack([boxes_x, boxes_y], axis=-1) return clipped_boxes.reshape(boxes.shape).astype(boxes.dtype) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def nms(boxes, scores, iou_threshold): return ivy.nms(boxes, scores, iou_threshold) @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def remove_small_boxes(boxes, min_size): w, h = boxes[..., 2] - boxes[..., 0], boxes[..., 3] - boxes[..., 1] return ivy.nonzero((w >= min_size) & (h >= min_size))[0] @with_supported_dtypes({"2.2 and below": ("float32", "float64")}, "torch") @to_ivy_arrays_and_back def roi_align( input, boxes, output_size, spatial_scale=1.0, sampling_ratio=1, aligned=False ): return ivy.roi_align( input, boxes, output_size, spatial_scale, sampling_ratio, aligned )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/frontends/torchvision/ops.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1005 }
# global from __future__ import annotations import functools from numbers import Number from typing import ( Union, Tuple, Optional, List, Sequence, Callable, Protocol, TypeVar, Iterable, ) import numpy as np # local import ivy from ivy import to_ivy from ivy.utils.exceptions import handle_exceptions from ivy.utils.backend import current_backend from ivy.func_wrapper import ( handle_array_function, infer_dtype, handle_out_argument, outputs_to_ivy_arrays, inputs_to_native_arrays, inputs_to_native_shapes, to_native_arrays_and_back, handle_nestable, handle_array_like_without_promotion, handle_device, handle_backend_invalid, temp_asarray_wrapper, ) # Helpers # # --------# def _asarray_handle_nestable(fn: Callable) -> Callable: fn_name = fn.__name__ @functools.wraps(fn) def _asarray_handle_nestable_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """Call `fn` with the *nestable* property of the function correctly handled. This means mapping the function to the container leaves if any containers are passed in the input. Parameters ---------- args The arguments to be passed to the function. kwargs The keyword arguments to be passed to the function. Returns ------- The return of the function, with the nestable property handled correctly. """ # This decorator should only be applied to ivy.asarray, so we know where # the container must be if there is one. cont_fn = getattr(ivy.Container, f"static_{fn_name}") if isinstance(args[0], ivy.Container): return cont_fn(*args, **kwargs) # if the passed arguments does not contain a container, the function using # the passed arguments, returning an ivy or a native array. return fn(*args, **kwargs) _asarray_handle_nestable_wrapper.handle_nestable = True return _asarray_handle_nestable_wrapper def _ivy_to_native(x): # checks the first element of the leaf list and # converts it to a native array if it is an ivy array # assumes that either all elements in a leaf list are ivy arrays # or none of them are if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) and len(x) != 0 and isinstance(x[0], (list, tuple)): for i, item in enumerate(x): x = list(x) if isinstance(x, tuple) else x x[i] = _ivy_to_native(item) elif (isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) and len(x) > 0) and ivy.is_ivy_array(x[0]): x = ivy.to_native(x, nested=True) elif ivy.is_ivy_array(x): x = ivy.to_native(x) return x def _shape_to_native(x: Iterable) -> Tuple[int]: # checks the first element of the leaf list and # converts it to a native array if it is an ivy array # This function is to be used with the nested_map function # it was a lambda function before but was replaced with the defined function below def nested_map_shape_fn(x: Iterable) -> List: return x.shape if isinstance(x, ivy.Shape) else x if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) and len(x) != 0 and isinstance(x[0], (list, tuple)): for i, item in enumerate(x): x = list(x) if isinstance(x, tuple) else x x[i] = _shape_to_native(item) else: if (isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) and len(x) > 0) and ( isinstance(x[0], ivy.Shape) and ivy.array_mode ): x = ivy.nested_map(x, nested_map_shape_fn) elif isinstance(x, ivy.Shape) and ivy.array_mode: x = x.shape return x def _flatten_nest(xs): for x in xs: if isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, (str, bytes)): yield from _flatten_nest(x) else: yield x def _remove_np_bfloat16(obj): # unlike other frameworks, torch and paddle do not support creating tensors # from numpy arrays that have bfloat16 dtype using any extension because # bfloat16 in not supported natively by numpy (as of version <=1.25) if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray) and obj.dtype.name == "bfloat16": return obj.tolist() return obj def _asarray_to_native_arrays_and_back(fn: Callable) -> Callable: @functools.wraps(fn) def _asarray_to_native_arrays_and_back_wrapper(*args, dtype=None, **kwargs): """Wrap `fn` so that input arrays are all converted to `ivy.NativeArray` instances and return arrays are all converted to `ivy.Array` instances. This wrapper is specifically for the backend implementations of asarray. It assumes either all the elements in a leaf list are ivy arrays or none of them are. It checks the first element of all the leaf list. If it is an ivy array, it converts all the elements in the leaf list to native otherwise it skips that leaf list. """ new_arg = _ivy_to_native(args[0]) new_args = (new_arg,) + args[1:] if dtype is not None: dtype = ivy.default_dtype(dtype=dtype, as_native=True) return to_ivy(fn(*new_args, dtype=dtype, **kwargs)) _asarray_to_native_arrays_and_back_wrapper._asarray_to_native_arrays_and_back = True return _asarray_to_native_arrays_and_back_wrapper def _asarray_infer_dtype(fn: Callable) -> Callable: @functools.wraps(fn) def _asarray_infer_dtype_wrapper(*args, dtype=None, **kwargs): """Determine the correct `dtype`, and then calls the function with the `dtype` passed explicitly. This wrapper is specifically for the backend implementations of asarray. Parameters ---------- args The arguments to be passed to the function. dtype The dtype for the function. kwargs The keyword arguments to be passed to the function. Returns ------- The return of the function, with `dtype` passed explicitly. """ def _infer_dtype(obj): if isinstance(obj, ivy.NativeShape): obj = list(obj) if hasattr(obj, "dtype"): return obj.dtype.name if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray) else obj.dtype else: return ivy.default_dtype(item=obj) if not ivy.exists(dtype): arr = args[0] # get default dtypes for all elements dtype_list = [ivy.nested_map(lambda x: _infer_dtype(x), arr, shallow=False)] # flatten the nested structure dtype_list = _flatten_nest(dtype_list) # keep unique dtypes dtype_list = list(set(dtype_list)) if len(dtype_list) != 0: # handle the case of empty input # promote all dtypes to a single dtype dtype = dtype_list[0] # we disable precise mode to avoid wider than necessary casting # that might result from the mixing of int32 and float32 with ivy.PreciseMode(False): for dt in dtype_list[1:]: dtype = ivy.promote_types(dtype, dt) else: dtype = ivy.default_float_dtype() dtype = ivy.as_native_dtype(dtype) # call the function with dtype provided explicitly return fn(*args, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) _asarray_infer_dtype_wrapper.infer_dtype = True return _asarray_infer_dtype_wrapper def _asarray_infer_device(fn: Callable) -> Callable: @functools.wraps(fn) def _asarray_infer_device_wrapper(*args, device=None, **kwargs): """Determine the correct `device`, and then calls the function with the `device` passed explicitly. This wrapper is specifically for the backend implementations of asarray. Parameters ---------- args The arguments to be passed to the function. device The device for the function. kwargs The keyword arguments to be passed to the function. Returns ------- The return of the function, with `device` passed explicitly. """ if isinstance(args[0], list): return fn( *args, device=ivy.default_device(device, as_native=True), **kwargs ) # find the first array argument, if required arr = None if ivy.exists(device) else args[0] # infer the correct device device = ivy.default_device(device, item=arr, as_native=True) # call the function with device provided explicitly return fn(*args, device=device, **kwargs) _asarray_infer_device_wrapper.infer_device = True return _asarray_infer_device_wrapper def _asarray_inputs_to_native_shapes(fn: Callable) -> Callable: @functools.wraps(fn) def _inputs_to_native_shapes(*args, **kwargs): new_arg = _shape_to_native(args[0]) new_args = (new_arg,) + args[1:] return fn(*new_args, **kwargs) _inputs_to_native_shapes.inputs_to_native_shapes = True return _inputs_to_native_shapes # Type hints # # -----------# SupportsBufferProtocol = TypeVar("SupportsBufferProtocol") _T_co = TypeVar("_T_co", covariant=True) class NestedSequence(Protocol[_T_co]): def __getitem__(self, key: int, /) -> Union[_T_co, NestedSequence[_T_co]]: ... def __len__(self, /) -> int: ... # Array API Standard # # -------------------# @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @outputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function @handle_device def arange( start: Number, /, stop: Optional[Number] = None, step: Number = 1, *, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, device: Optional[Union[ivy.Device, ivy.NativeDevice]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Return evenly spaced values within a given interval, with the spacing being specified. Values are generated within the half-open interval [start, stop) (in other words, the interval including start but excluding stop). For integer arguments the function is equivalent to the Python built-in range function, but returns an array in the chosen ml_framework rather than a list. See :math:`linspace` for a certain number of evenly spaced values in an interval. Parameters ---------- start if stop is specified, the start of interval (inclusive); otherwise, the end of the interval (exclusive). If stop is not specified, the default starting value is 0. stop the end of the interval. Default: ``None``. step the distance between two adjacent elements (out[i+1] - out[i]). Must not be 0; may be negative, this results in an empty array if stop >= start. Default: 1. dtype output array data type. If dtype is None, the output array data type must be inferred from start, stop and step. If those are all integers, the output array dtype must be the default integer dtype; if one or more have type float, then the output array dtype must be the default floating-point data type. Default: None. device device on which to place the created array. Default: ``None``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret a one-dimensional array containing evenly spaced values. The length of the output array must be ceil((stop-start)/step) if stop - start and step have the same sign, and length 0 otherwise. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.arange.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- >>> stop = 5 >>> x = ivy.arange(stop) >>> print(x) ivy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> start = 1 >>> stop = 5 >>> x = ivy.arange(start, stop) >>> print(x) ivy.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> start = 1 >>> stop = 10 >>> step = 2 >>> x = ivy.arange(start, stop, step) >>> print(x) ivy.array([1, 3, 5, 7, 9]) >>> start = 1 >>> stop = 10 >>> step = 2 >>> dtype = "float64" >>> device = "cpu" >>> x = ivy.arange(start, stop, step, dtype=dtype, device=device) >>> print(x, x.dtype, x.device) ivy.array([1., 3., 5., 7., 9.]) float64 cpu """ return current_backend().arange( start, stop, step, dtype=dtype, device=device, out=out ) @temp_asarray_wrapper @handle_backend_invalid @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @handle_array_function @handle_device def asarray( obj: Union[ ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Shape, ivy.NativeShape, bool, int, float, NestedSequence, SupportsBufferProtocol, np.ndarray, ], /, *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, device: Optional[Union[ivy.Device, ivy.NativeDevice]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Convert the input to an array. Parameters ---------- obj input data, in any form that can be converted to an array. This includes lists, lists of tuples, tuples, tuples of tuples, tuples of lists and ndarrays. copy boolean, indicating whether or not to copy the input. Default: ``None``. dtype output array data type. If ``dtype`` is ``None``, the output array data type must be the default floating-point data type. Default ``None``. device device on which to place the created array. Default: ``None``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret An array interpretation of x. Examples -------- With list of lists as input: >>> ivy.asarray([[1,2],[3,4]]) ivy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) With tuple of lists as input: >>> ivy.asarray(([1.4,5.6,5.5],[3.1,9.1,7.5])) ivy.array([[1.39999998, 5.5999999 , 5.5 ], [3.0999999 , 9.10000038, 7.5 ]]) With ndarray as input: >>> x = ivy.np.ndarray(shape=(2,2), order='C') >>> ivy.asarray(x) ivy.array([[6.90786433e-310, 6.90786433e-310], [6.90786433e-310, 6.90786433e-310]]) With :class:`ivy.Container` as input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a = [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6)], b = ((1,2,3),(4,5,6))) >>> ivy.asarray(x) { a: ivy.array([[1, 2],[3, 4], [5, 6]]), b: ivy.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) } This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.asarray.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. """ return current_backend().asarray( obj, copy=copy, dtype=dtype, device=device, out=out ) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @inputs_to_native_shapes @outputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function @infer_dtype @handle_device def zeros( shape: Union[ivy.Shape, ivy.NativeShape], *, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, device: Optional[Union[ivy.Device, ivy.NativeDevice]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Return a new array having a specified ``shape`` and filled with zeros. Parameters ---------- shape output array shape. dtype output array data type. If ``dtype`` is ``None``, the output array data type must be the default floating-point data type. Default ``None``. device device on which to place the created array. Default: ``None``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an array containing zeros. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.zeros.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.NativeShape` input: >>> shape = (3, 5) >>> x = ivy.zeros(shape) >>> print(x) ivy.array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]) >>> x = ivy.zeros(5) >>> print(x) ivy.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) """ return current_backend().zeros(shape, dtype=dtype, device=device, out=out) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @inputs_to_native_shapes @outputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function @infer_dtype @handle_device def ones( shape: Union[ivy.Shape, ivy.NativeShape], *, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, device: Optional[Union[ivy.Device, ivy.NativeDevice]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Return a new array having a specified ``shape`` and filled with ones. .. note:: An output array having a complex floating-point data type must contain complex numbers having a real component equal to one and an imaginary component equal to zero (i.e., ``1 + 0j``). Parameters ---------- shape output array shape. dtype output array data type. If ``dtype`` is ``None``, the output array data type must be the default floating-point data type. Default ``None``. device device on which to place the created array. Default: ``None``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an array containing ones. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.ones.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Shape` input: >>> shape = (2,2) >>> x = ivy.ones(shape) >>> print(x) ivy.array([[1., 1.], [1., 1.]]) With :class:`ivy.Dtype` input: >>> shape = (3,2) >>> d_type = ivy.int64 >>> y = ivy.ones(shape, dtype=d_type) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]]) With :class:`ivy.Device` input: >>> shape = (3,2) >>> y = ivy.ones(shape, device="cpu") >>> print(y) ivy.array([[1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.]]) With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> shape = (1, 5, 2) >>> x = ivy.zeros(shape) >>> ivy.ones(shape, out=x) >>> print(x) ivy.array([[[1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.]]]) """ return current_backend().ones(shape, dtype=dtype, device=device, out=out) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @infer_dtype @handle_device def full_like( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, fill_value: Number, *, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, device: Optional[Union[ivy.Device, ivy.NativeDevice]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Return a new array filled with ``fill_value`` and having the same ``shape`` as an input array ``x`` . Parameters ---------- x input array from which to derive the output array shape. fill_value Scalar fill value dtype output array data type. If ``dtype`` is `None`, the output array data type must be inferred from ``x``. Default: ``None``. device device on which to place the created array. If ``device`` is ``None``, the output array device must be inferred from ``x``. Default: ``None``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an array having the same shape as ``x`` and where every element is equal to ``fill_value``. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.full_like.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :code:`int` datatype: >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) >>> fill_value = 1 >>> y = ivy.full_like(x, fill_value) >>> print(y) ivy.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) >>> fill_value = 0.000123 >>> x = ivy.ones(5) >>> y = ivy.full_like(x, fill_value) >>> print(y) ivy.array([0.000123, 0.000123, 0.000123, 0.000123, 0.000123]) With float datatype: >>> x = ivy.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]) >>> fill_value = 0.000123 >>> y = ivy.full_like(x, fill_value) >>> print(y) ivy.array([0.000123, 0.000123, 0.000123, 0.000123, 0.000123, 0.000123]) With :class:`ivy.NativeArray` input: >>> x = ivy.native_array([3.0, 8.0]) >>> fill_value = 0.000123 >>> y = ivy.full_like(x,fill_value) >>> print(y) ivy.array([0.000123, 0.000123]) >>> x = ivy.native_array([[3., 8., 2.], [2., 8., 3.]]) >>> y = ivy.full_like(x, fill_value) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[0.000123, 0.000123, 0.000123], [0.000123, 0.000123, 0.000123]]) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([1.2, 2.2324, 3.234]), ... b=ivy.array([4.123, 5.23, 6.23])) >>> fill_value = 15.0 >>> y = ivy.full_like(x, fill_value) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([15., 15., 15.]), b: ivy.array([15., 15., 15.]) } """ return current_backend(x).full_like( x, fill_value, dtype=dtype, device=device, out=out ) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @infer_dtype @handle_device def ones_like( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, device: Optional[Union[ivy.Device, ivy.NativeDevice]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Return a new array filled with ones and having the same shape as an input array ``x``. .. note:: An output array having a complex floating-point data type must contain complex numbers having a real component equal to one and an imaginary component equal to zero (i.e., ``1 + 0j``). Parameters ---------- x input array from which to derive the output array shape. dtype output array data type. If ``dtype`` is ``None``, the output array data type must be inferred from ``x``. Default ``None``. device device on which to place the created array. If device is ``None``, the output array device must be inferred from ``x``. Default: ``None``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an array having the same shape as ``x`` and filled with ``ones``. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.ones_like.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) >>> y = ivy.ones_like(x) >>> print(y) ivy.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) >>> x = ivy.array([[0, 1, 2],[3, 4, 5]], dtype = ivy.float32) >>> y = ivy.ones_like(x) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1.]]) >>> x = ivy.array([3., 2., 1.]) >>> y = ivy.zeros(3) >>> ivy.ones_like(x, out=y) >>> print(y) ivy.array([1., 1., 1.]) With :class:`ivy.NativeArray` input: >>> x = ivy.native_array([[3, 8, 2],[2, 8, 3]]) >>> y = ivy.ones_like(x) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]) >>> x = ivy.native_array([3, 8, 2, 0, 0, 2]) >>> y = ivy.ones_like(x, dtype=ivy.IntDtype('int32'), device=ivy.Device('cpu')) >>> print(y) ivy.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([3, 2, 1]), b=ivy.array([8, 2, 3])) >>> y = ivy.ones_like(x) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([1, 1, 1]), b: ivy.array([1, 1, 1]) } With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([2, 3, 8, 2, 1]) >>> y = x.ones_like() >>> print(y) ivy.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) With :class:'ivy.Container' input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([3., 8.]), b=ivy.array([2., 2.])) >>> y = x.ones_like() >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([1., 1.]), b: ivy.array([1., 1.]) } """ return current_backend(x).ones_like(x, dtype=dtype, device=device, out=out) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @infer_dtype @handle_device def zeros_like( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, device: Optional[Union[ivy.Device, ivy.NativeDevice]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Return a new array filled with zeros and having the same ``shape`` as an input array ``x``. Parameters ---------- x input array from which to derive the output array shape. dtype output array data type. If ``dtype`` is ``None``, the output array data type must be inferred from ``x``. Default: ``None``. device device on which to place the created array. If ``device`` is ``None``, the output array device must be inferred from ``x``. Default: ``None``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an array having the same shape as ``x`` and filled with ``zeros``. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.zeros_like.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) >>> y = ivy.zeros_like(x) >>> print(y) ivy.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) >>> x = ivy.array([[0, 1, 2],[3, 4, 5]], dtype = ivy.float32) >>> y = ivy.zeros_like(x) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]]) >>> x = ivy.array([3., 2., 1.]) >>> y = ivy.ones(3) >>> ivy.zeros_like(x, out=y) >>> print(y) ivy.array([0., 0., 0.]) With :class:`ivy.NativeArray` input: >>> x = ivy.native_array([[3, 8, 2],[2, 8, 3]]) >>> y = ivy.zeros_like(x) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0]]) >>> x = ivy.native_array([3, 8, 2, 0, 0, 2]) >>> y = ivy.zeros_like(x, dtype=ivy.IntDtype('int32'), device=ivy.Device('cpu')) >>> print(y) ivy.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([3, 2, 1]), b=ivy.array([8, 2, 3])) >>> y = ivy.zeros_like(x) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([0, 0, 0]), b: ivy.array([0, 0, 0]) } With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([2, 3, 8, 2, 1]) >>> y = x.zeros_like() >>> print(y) ivy.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) With :class:'ivy.Container' input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([3., 8.]), b=ivy.array([2., 2.])) >>> y = x.zeros_like() >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([0., 0.]), b: ivy.array([0., 0.]) } """ return current_backend(x).zeros_like(x, dtype=dtype, device=device, out=out) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def tril( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, k: int = 0, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Return the lower triangular part of a matrix (or a stack of matrices) ``x``. .. note:: The main diagonal is defined as the set of indices ``{(i, i)}`` for ``i`` on the interval ``[0, min(M, N) - 1]``. Parameters ---------- x input array having shape (..., M, N) and whose innermost two dimensions form MxN matrices. k diagonal above which to zero elements. If k = 0, the diagonal is the main diagonal. If k < 0, the diagonal is below the main diagonal. If k > 0, the diagonal is above the main diagonal. Default: ``0``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an array containing the lower triangular part(s). The returned array must have the same shape and data type as x. All elements above the specified diagonal k must be zeroed. The returned array should be allocated on the same device as x. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.tril.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. """ return current_backend(x).tril(x, k=k, out=out) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def triu( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, k: int = 0, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Return the upper triangular part of a matrix (or a stack of matrices) ``x``. .. note:: The upper triangular part of the matrix is defined as the elements on and above the specified diagonal ``k``. Parameters ---------- x input array having shape (..., M, N) and whose innermost two dimensions form MxN matrices. *, k diagonal below which to zero elements. If k = 0, the diagonal is the main diagonal. If k < 0, the diagonal is below the main diagonal. If k > 0, the diagonal is above the main diagonal. Default: ``0``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an array containing the upper triangular part(s). The returned array must have the same shape and data type as x. All elements below the specified diagonal k must be zeroed. The returned array should be allocated on the same device as x. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.triu.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. """ return current_backend(x).triu(x, k=k, out=out) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @inputs_to_native_shapes @outputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function @infer_dtype @handle_device def empty( shape: Union[ivy.Shape, ivy.NativeShape], *, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, device: Optional[Union[ivy.Device, ivy.NativeDevice]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Return a new array of given shape and type, filled with zeros. Parameters ---------- shape output array shape. dtype output array data type. If dtype is None, the output array data type must be the default floating-point data type. Default: ``None``. device device on which to place the created array. Default: ``None``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an uninitialized array having a specified shape This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.empty.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. """ return current_backend().empty(shape, dtype=dtype, device=device, out=out) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @infer_dtype @handle_device def empty_like( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, device: Optional[Union[ivy.Device, ivy.NativeDevice]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Return an uninitialized array with the same shape as an input array x. Parameters ---------- x input array from which to derive the output array shape. dtype output array data type. If dtype is None, the output array data type must be inferred from x. Default: ``None``. device device on which to place the created array. If device is None, the output array device must be inferred from x. Default: ``None``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an array having the same shape as x and containing uninitialized data. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.empty_like.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. """ return current_backend(x).empty_like(x, dtype=dtype, device=device, out=out) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @outputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function @infer_dtype @handle_device def eye( n_rows: int, n_cols: Optional[int] = None, /, *, k: int = 0, batch_shape: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, device: Optional[Union[ivy.Device, ivy.NativeDevice]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Return a two-dimensional array with ones on the k diagonal and zeros elsewhere. Parameters ---------- n_rows number of rows in the output array. n_cols number of columns in the output array. If None, the default number of columns in the output array is equal to n_rows. Default: ``None``. k index of the diagonal. A positive value refers to an upper diagonal, a negative value to a lower diagonal, and 0 to the main diagonal. Default: ``0``. batch_shape optional input that determines returning identity array shape. Default: ``None``. dtype output array data type. If dtype is None, the output array data type must be the default floating-point data type. Default: ``None``. device the device on which to place the created array. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret device on which to place the created array. Default: ``None``. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.eye.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances as a replacement to any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :'n_rows' input: >>> x = ivy.eye(3) >>> print(x) ivy.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]) With :'n_cols' input: >>> x = ivy.eye(3,4) >>> print(x) ivy.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0.]]) With :'k' input: >>> x = ivy.eye(3, k=1) >>> print(x) ivy.array([[0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.], [0., 0., 0.]]) With :'dtype' input: >>> x = ivy.eye(4, k=2, dtype=ivy.IntDtype('int32')) >>> print(x) ivy.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]) With :'batch_shape' input: >>> x = ivy.eye(2, 3, batch_shape=[3]) >>> print(x) ivy.array([[[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.]], [[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.]], [[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.]]]) With :'out' input: >>> y = ivy.ones((3, 3)) >>> ivy.eye(3, out=y) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]) With :'device' input: >>> x = ivy.eye(3, device=ivy.Device('cpu')) >>> print(x) ivy.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]) """ return current_backend().eye( n_rows, n_cols, k=k, batch_shape=batch_shape, dtype=dtype, device=device, out=out, ) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @infer_dtype @handle_device def linspace( start: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, float], stop: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, float], /, num: int, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, endpoint: bool = True, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, device: Optional[Union[ivy.Device, ivy.NativeDevice]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Generate a certain number of evenly-spaced values in an interval along a given axis. See :math:`arange` that allows to specify the step size of evenly spaced values in an interval. Parameters ---------- start First entry in the range. stop Final entry in the range. num Number of values to generate. axis Axis along which the operation is performed. endpoint If True, stop is the last sample. Otherwise, it is not included. dtype output array data type. device device on which to create the array 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Tensor of evenly-spaced values. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.linspace.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With float input: >>> x = ivy.linspace(1, 2, 3) >>> print(x) ivy.array([1. , 1.5, 2. ]) >>> x = ivy.linspace(1, 2, 4, endpoint=False) >>> print(x) ivy.array([1., 1.25, 1.5 , 1.75]) >>> x = ivy.linspace(1, 10, 4, dtype="int32") >>> print(x) ivy.array([ 1, 4, 7, 10]) >>> x = ivy.linspace(1, 2, 4, device= "cpu") >>> print(x) ivy.array([1., 1.33333337, 1.66666663, 2.]) >>> y = ivy.array([0,0,0,0]) >>> ivy.linspace(1, 2, 4, out= y) >>> print(y) ivy.array([1, 1, 1, 2]) With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([1,2]) >>> y = ivy.array([4,5]) >>> z = ivy.linspace(x, y, 4, axis = 0) >>> print(z) ivy.array([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5]]) """ return current_backend(start).linspace( start, stop, num, axis=axis, endpoint=endpoint, dtype=dtype, device=device, out=out, ) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def meshgrid( *arrays: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], sparse: bool = False, indexing: str = "xy", out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> List[ivy.Array]: """Return coordinate matrices from coordinate vectors. Parameters ---------- arrays an arbitrary number of one-dimensional arrays representing grid coordinates. Each array should have the same numeric data type. sparse if True, a sparse grid is returned in order to conserve memory. Default: ``False``. indexing Cartesian ``'xy'`` or matrix ``'ij'`` indexing of output. If provided zero or one one-dimensional vector(s) (i.e., the zero- and one-dimensional cases, respectively), the ``indexing`` keyword has no effect and should be ignored. Default: ``'xy'``. Returns ------- ret list of N arrays, where ``N`` is the number of provided one-dimensional input arrays. Each returned array must have rank ``N``. For ``N`` one-dimensional arrays having lengths ``Ni = len(xi)``, - if matrix indexing ``ij``, then each returned array must have the shape ``(N1, N2, N3, ..., Nn)``. - if Cartesian indexing ``xy``, then each returned array must have shape ``(N2, N1, N3, ..., Nn)``. Accordingly, for the two-dimensional case with input one-dimensional arrays of length ``M`` and ``N``, if matrix indexing ``ij``, then each returned array must have shape ``(M, N)``, and, if Cartesian indexing ``xy``, then each returned array must have shape ``(N, M)``. Similarly, for the three-dimensional case with input one-dimensional arrays of length ``M``, ``N``, and ``P``, if matrix indexing ``ij``, then each returned array must have shape ``(M, N, P)``, and, if Cartesian indexing ``xy``, then each returned array must have shape ``(N, M, P)``. Each returned array should have the same data type as the input arrays. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.meshgrid.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2]) >>> y = ivy.array([3, 4]) >>> xv, yv = ivy.meshgrid(x, y) >>> print(xv) ivy.array([[1, 2], [1, 2]]) >>> print(yv) ivy.array([[3, 3], [4, 4]]) >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2, 5]) >>> y = ivy.array([4, 1]) >>> xv, yv = ivy.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij') >>> print(xv) ivy.array([[1, 1], [2, 2], [5, 5]]) >>> print(yv) ivy.array([[4, 1], [4, 1], [4, 1]]) >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> y = ivy.array([4, 5, 6]) >>> xv, yv = ivy.meshgrid(x, y, sparse=True) >>> print(xv) ivy.array([[1, 2, 3]]) >>> print(yv) ivy.array([[4], [5], [6]]) With :class:`ivy.NativeArray` input: >>> x = ivy.native_array([1, 2]) >>> y = ivy.native_array([3, 4]) >>> xv, yv = ivy.meshgrid(x, y) >>> print(xv) ivy.array([[1, 2], [1, 2]]) >>> print(yv) ivy.array([[3, 3], [4, 4]]) """ return current_backend().meshgrid( *arrays, sparse=sparse, indexing=indexing, out=out ) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @inputs_to_native_shapes @inputs_to_native_arrays @outputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function @handle_device def full( shape: Union[ivy.Shape, ivy.NativeShape], fill_value: Union[float, bool], /, *, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, device: Optional[Union[ivy.Device, ivy.NativeDevice]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Return a new array having a specified ``shape`` and filled with ``fill_value``. Parameters ---------- shape output array shape. fill_value fill value. dtype output array data type. If ``dtype`` is `None`, the output array data type must be inferred from ``fill_value``. If the fill value is an ``int``, the output array data type must be the default integer data type. If the fill value is a ``float``, the output array data type must be the default floating-point data type. If the fill value is a ``bool``, the output array must have boolean data type. Default: ``None``. device device on which to place the created array. Default: ``None``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an array where every element is equal to `fill_value`. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.full.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Shape` input: >>> shape = ivy.Shape((2,2)) >>> fill_value = 8.6 >>> x = ivy.full(shape, fill_value) >>> print(x) ivy.array([[8.6, 8.6], [8.6, 8.6]]) With :class:`ivy.NativeShape` input: >>> shape = ivy.NativeShape((2, 2, 2)) >>> fill_value = True >>> dtype = ivy.bool >>> device = ivy.Device('cpu') >>> x = ivy.full(shape, fill_value, dtype=dtype, device=device) >>> print(x) ivy.array([[[True, True], [True, True]], [[True, True], [True, True]]]) With :class:`ivy.NativeDevice` input: >>> shape = ivy.NativeShape((1, 2)) >>> fill_value = 0.68 >>> dtype = ivy.float64 >>> device = ivy.NativeDevice('cpu') >>> x = ivy.full(shape, fill_value, dtype=dtype, device=device) >>> print(x) ivy.array([[0.68, 0.68]]) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> shape = ivy.Container(a=ivy.NativeShape((2, 1)), b=ivy.Shape((2, 1, 2))) >>> fill_value = ivy.Container(a=0.99, b=False) >>> dtype = ivy.Container(a=ivy.float64, b=ivy.bool) >>> device = ivy.Container(a=ivy.NativeDevice('cpu'), b=ivy.Device('cpu')) >>> x = ivy.full(shape, fill_value, dtype=dtype, device=device) >>> print(x) { a: ivy.array([[0.99], [0.99]]), b: ivy.array([[[False, False]], [[False, False]]]) } """ return current_backend().full( shape, fill_value, dtype=dtype, device=device, out=out ) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def to_dlpack( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None ): """Return PyCapsule Object. Parameters ---------- x object input (array) object. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Return PyCapsule Object. .. admonition:: Note :class: note The returned array may be either a copy or a view. See :ref:`data-interchange` for details. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.from_dlpack.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. """ return current_backend(x).to_dlpack(x, out=out) @handle_backend_invalid def from_dlpack( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None ) -> ivy.Array: """Return a new array containing the data from another (array) object with a ``__dlpack__`` method or PyCapsule Object. Parameters ---------- x object input (array) object with a ``__dlpack__`` method or PyCapsule Object. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an array containing the data in `x`. .. admonition:: Note :class: note The returned array may be either a copy or a view. See :ref:`data-interchange` for details. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.from_dlpack.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. """ return current_backend(x).from_dlpack(x, out=out) # Extra # # ------# array = asarray @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @inputs_to_native_arrays @handle_array_function @handle_device def copy_array( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, to_ivy_array: bool = True, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Copy an array. Parameters ---------- x array, input array containing elements to copy. to_ivy_array boolean, if True the returned array will be an ivy.Array object otherwise returns an ivy.NativeArray object (i.e. a torch.tensor, np.array, etc., depending on the backend), defaults to True. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret a copy of the input array ``x``. Examples -------- With one :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([-1, 0, 1]) >>> y = ivy.copy_array(x) >>> print(y) ivy.array([-1, 0, 1]) >>> x = ivy.array([1, 0, 1, 1]) >>> y = ivy.copy_array(x) >>> print(y) ivy.array([1, 0, 1, 1]) >>> x = ivy.array([1, 0, 1, -1]) >>> y = ivy.zeros((1, 4)) >>> ivy.copy_array(x, out=y) >>> print(y) ivy.array([1, 0, 1, -1]) >>> x = ivy.array([1, 0, 1, 1]) >>> ivy.copy_array(x, out=x) >>> print(x) ivy.array([1, 0, 1, 1]) With one :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([-1, 0, 1])) >>> y = ivy.copy_array(x) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([-1, 0, 1]) } >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([-1, 0, 1]),b=ivy.array([-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0])) >>> y = ivy.copy_array(x) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([-1, 0, 1]), b: ivy.array([-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]) } With one :class:`ivy.Container` static method: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([-1, 0, 1]),b=ivy.array([-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0])) >>> y = ivy.Container.static_copy_array(x) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([-1, 0, 1]), b: ivy.array([-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]) } With one :class:`ivy.Array` instance method: >>> x = ivy.array([-1, 0, 1]) >>> y = x.copy_array() >>> print(y) ivy.array([-1, 0, 1]) >>> x = ivy.array([1, 0, 1, 1]) >>> y = x.copy_array() >>> print(y) ivy.array([1, 0, 1, 1]) With :class:`ivy.Container` instance method: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([1, 0, 1]),b=ivy.array([-1, 0, 1, 1])) >>> y = x.copy_array() >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([1, 0, 1]), b: ivy.array([-1, 0, 1, 1]) } """ return current_backend(x).copy_array(x, to_ivy_array=to_ivy_array, out=out) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_array_like_without_promotion def native_array( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, List[Number], Tuple[Number], np.ndarray], /, *, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, device: Optional[Union[ivy.Device, ivy.NativeDevice]] = None, ) -> ivy.NativeArray: """Convert the input to a native array. Parameters ---------- x input data, in any form that can be converted to an array. This includes lists, lists of tuples, tuples, tuples of tuples, tuples of lists and ndarrays. dtype datatype, optional. Datatype is inferred from the input data. device device on which to place the created array. Default: ``None``. Returns ------- ret A native array interpretation of x. Examples -------- With :class:`List[Number]` input: >>> x = [1, 2, 3] >>> x_native = ivy.native_array(x) >>> print(x_native) [1 2 3] With :class:`np.ndarray` input: >>> y = np.array([4, 5, 6]) >>> y_native = ivy.native_array(y) >>> print(y_native) [4 5 6] With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> z = ivy.array([7, 8, 9]) >>> z_native = ivy.native_array(z) >>> print(z_native) [7 8 9] """ # ToDo: Make this more efficient, # ideally without first converting to ivy.Array with ivy.asarray and then # converting back to native with ivy.to_native return ivy.to_native(ivy.asarray(x, dtype=dtype, device=device)) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def one_hot( indices: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], depth: int, /, *, on_value: Optional[Number] = None, off_value: Optional[Number] = None, axis: Optional[int] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, device: Union[ivy.Device, ivy.NativeDevice] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Return a one-hot array. The locations represented by indices in the parameter indices take value on_value, while all other locations take value off_value. Parameters ---------- indices Indices for where the ones should be scattered *[batch_shape, dim]* depth Scalar defining the depth of the one-hot dimension. on_value Scalar defining the value to fill in output when indices[j] == i. Default: ``1``. off_value Scalar defining the value to fill in output when indices[j] != i. Default: ``0``. axis Axis to scatter on. The default is ``-1``, a new inner-most axis is created. dtype The data type of the output tensor. device device on which to create the array 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Same as x if None. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Tensor of zeros with the same shape and type as a, unless dtype provided which overrides. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` inputs: >>> x = ivy.array([3, 1]) >>> y = 5 >>> z = x.one_hot(5) >>> print(z) ivy.array([[0., 0., 0., 1., 0.], ... [0., 1., 0., 0., 0.]]) >>> x = ivy.array([0]) >>> y = 5 >>> ivy.one_hot(x, y) ivy.array([[1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]) >>> x = ivy.array([0]) >>> y = 5 >>> ivy.one_hot(x, 5, out=z) ivy.array([[1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]) >>> print(z) ivy.array([[1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([1, 2]), \ b=ivy.array([3, 1]), c=ivy.array([2, 3])) >>> y = 5 >>> z = x.one_hot(y) >>> print(z) { a: ivy.array([[0., 1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0., 0.]]), b: ivy.array([[0., 0., 0., 1., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0., 0.]]), c: ivy.array([[0., 0., 1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1., 0.]]) } >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([2]), \ b=ivy.array([], dtype=ivy.int32), c=ivy.native_array([4])) >>> y = 7 >>> z = x.one_hot(y) >>> print(z) { a: ivy.array([[0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]), b: ivy.array([], shape=(0, 7)), c: ivy.array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.]]) } """ return current_backend(indices).one_hot( indices, depth, on_value=on_value, off_value=off_value, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, device=device, out=out, ) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @infer_dtype @handle_device def logspace( start: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, float], stop: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, float], /, num: int, *, base: float = 10.0, axis: int = 0, endpoint: bool = True, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, device: Optional[Union[ivy.Device, ivy.NativeDevice]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Generate a certain number of evenly-spaced values in log space, in an interval along a given axis. Parameters ---------- start First value in the range in log space. base ** start is the starting value in the sequence. Can be an array or a float. stop Last value in the range in log space. base ** stop is the final value in the sequence. Can be an array or a float. num Number of values to generate. base The base of the log space. Default is 10.0 axis Axis along which the operation is performed. Relevant only if start or stop are array-like. Default is 0. endpoint If True, stop is the last sample. Otherwise, it is not included. Default is True. dtype The data type of the output tensor. If None, the dtype of on_value is used or if that is None, the dtype of off_value is used, or if that is None, defaults to float32. Default is None. device device on which to create the array 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Default is None. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Default is None. Returns ------- ret Tensor of evenly-spaced values in log space. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With float input: >>> print(ivy.logspace(1, 2, 4)) ivy.array([ 10., 21.5443469, 46.41588834, 100.]) >>> print(ivy.logspace(1, 2, 4, endpoint=False)) ivy.array([10., 17.7827941, 31.6227766, 56.23413252]) >>> print(ivy.logspace(1, 2, 4, dtype= int)) ivy.array([ 10., 10., 10., 100.]) >>> out = ivy.array([0,0,0,0]) >>> ivy.logspace(1, 2, 4, out = out) >>> print(out) ivy.array([ 10, 21, 46, 100]) With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2]) >>> y = ivy.array([4, 5]) >>> print(ivy.logspace(x, y, 4)) ivy.array([[1.e+01, 1.e+02], [1.e+02, 1.e+03], [1.e+03, 1.e+04], [1.e+04, 1.e+05]) >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2]) >>> y = ivy.array([4, 5]) >>> print(ivy.logspace(x, y, 4, axis = 1)) ivy.array([[[1.e+01, 1.e+02, 1.e+03, 1.e+04], [1.e+02, 1.e+03, 1.e+04, 1.e+05]]]) >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2]) >>> y = ivy.array([4]) >>> print(ivy.logspace(x, y, 4)) ivy.array([[ 10., 100.], [ 100., 100.], [ 1000., 1000.], [10000., 10000.]]) """ result = base ** linspace( start, stop, num, endpoint=endpoint, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, device=device, ) if ivy.exists(out): return ivy.inplace_update(out, result) return result @handle_nestable @outputs_to_ivy_arrays def frombuffer( buffer: bytes, dtype: Optional[Union[ivy.Dtype, ivy.NativeDtype]] = None, count: Optional[int] = -1, offset: Optional[int] = 0, ) -> ivy.Array: r"""Interpret a buffer as a 1-dimensional array. .. note:: Note that either of the following must be true: 1. count is a positive non-zero number, and the total number of bytes in the buffer is equal or greater than offset plus count times the size (in bytes) of dtype. 2. count is negative, and the length (number of bytes) of the buffer subtracted by the offset is a multiple of the size (in bytes) of dtype. Parameters ---------- buffer An object that exposes the buffer interface. dtype Data-type of the returned array; default: float. count Number of items to read. -1 means all data in the buffer. offset Start reading the buffer from this offset (in bytes); default: 0. Returns ------- out 1-dimensional array. Examples -------- With :class:`bytes` inputs: >>> x = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0?\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00@' >>> y = ivy.frombuffer(x, dtype=ivy.float64) >>> print(y) ivy.array([1., 2.]) >>> x = b'\x01\x02\x03\x04' >>> y = ivy.frombuffer(x, dtype='int8', count=-2, offset=1) >>> print(y) ivy.array([2, 3, 4]) >>> x = b'\x00<\x00@\x00B\x00D\x00E' >>> y = ivy.frombuffer(x, dtype='float16', count=4, offset=2) >>> print(y) ivy.array([2., 3., 4., 5.]) """ return current_backend().frombuffer( buffer, dtype=dtype, count=count, offset=offset, ) @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @outputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_device def triu_indices( n_rows: int, n_cols: Optional[int] = None, k: int = 0, /, *, device: Optional[Union[ivy.Device, ivy.NativeDevice]] = None, ) -> Tuple[ivy.Array]: """Return the indices of the upper triangular part of a row by col matrix in a 2-by-N shape (tuple of two N dimensional arrays), where the first row contains row coordinates of all indices and the second row contains column coordinates. Indices are ordered based on rows and then columns. The upper triangular part of the matrix is defined as the elements on and above the diagonal. The argument k controls which diagonal to consider. If k = 0, all elements on and above the main diagonal are retained. A positive value excludes just as many diagonals above the main diagonal, and similarly a negative value includes just as many diagonals below the main diagonal. The main diagonal are the set of indices {(i,i)} for i∈[0,min{n_rows, n_cols}−1]. Notes ----- Primary purpose of this function is to slice an array of shape (n,m). See https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.triu_indices.html for examples Tensorflow does not support slicing 2-D tensor with tuple of tensor of indices Parameters ---------- n_rows number of rows in the 2-d matrix. n_cols number of columns in the 2-d matrix. If None n_cols will be the same as n_rows k number of shifts from the main diagonal. k = 0 includes main diagonal, k > 0 moves upwards and k < 0 moves downwards device device on which to place the created array. Default: ``None``. Returns ------- ret an 2xN shape, tuple of two N dimensional, where first subarray (i.e. ret[0]) contains row coordinates of all indices and the second subarray (i.e ret[1]) contains columns indices. Function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.triu_indices(4,4,0) >>> print(x) (ivy.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]), ivy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3])) >>> x = ivy.triu_indices(4,4,1) >>> print(x) (ivy.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2]), ivy.array([1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3])) >>> x = ivy.triu_indices(4,4,-2) >>> print(x) (ivy.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]), ivy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3])) >>> x = ivy.triu_indices(4,2,0) >>> print(x) (ivy.array([0, 0, 1]), ivy.array([0, 1, 1])) >>> x = ivy.triu_indices(2,4,0) >>> print(x) (ivy.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]), ivy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3])) >>> x = ivy.triu_indices(4,-4,0) >>> print(x) (ivy.array([]), ivy.array([])) >>> x = ivy.triu_indices(4,4,100) >>> print(x) (ivy.array([]), ivy.array([])) >>> x = ivy.triu_indices(2,4,-100) >>> print(x) (ivy.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]), ivy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3])) """ return current_backend().triu_indices(n_rows, n_cols, k, device=device)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/ivy/creation.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 29426 }
# global from typing import ( Optional, Union, Tuple, Iterable, Sequence, Callable, Any, Literal, List, ) from numbers import Number from functools import partial import math # local import ivy from ivy.func_wrapper import ( handle_out_argument, handle_partial_mixed_function, to_native_arrays_and_back, inputs_to_native_shapes, handle_nestable, handle_array_like_without_promotion, handle_view, inputs_to_ivy_arrays, handle_array_function, handle_device, handle_backend_invalid, ) from ivy.functional.ivy.general import _numel from ivy.utils.backend import current_backend from ivy.utils.exceptions import handle_exceptions # Helpers # # ------- # def _to_tf_padding(pad_width, ndim): if isinstance(pad_width, Number): pad_width = [[pad_width] * 2] * ndim elif len(pad_width) == 2 and isinstance(pad_width[0], Number): pad_width = [pad_width] * ndim elif ( isinstance(pad_width, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(pad_width[0], (list, tuple)) and len(pad_width) < ndim ): pad_width = pad_width * ndim return pad_width def _check_paddle_pad( mode, reflect_type, pad_width, input_shape, constant_values, ndim_limit, extend=True ): if extend: pad_width = _to_tf_padding(pad_width, len(input_shape)) return isinstance(constant_values, Number) and ( mode == "constant" or ( ( ( mode == "reflect" and reflect_type == "even" and all( pad_width[i][0] < s and pad_width[i][1] < s for i, s in enumerate(input_shape) ) ) or mode in ["edge", "wrap"] ) and len(input_shape) <= ndim_limit ) ) def _to_paddle_padding(pad_width, ndim): if isinstance(pad_width, Number): pad_width = [pad_width] * (2 * ndim) else: if len(pad_width) == 2 and isinstance(pad_width[0], Number) and ndim != 1: pad_width = [pad_width] * ndim pad_width = [item for sublist in pad_width for item in sublist[::-1]][::-1] return pad_width @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @handle_partial_mixed_function @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function def flatten( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, start_dim: int = 0, end_dim: int = -1, order: str = "C", out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Flattens input by reshaping it into a one-dimensional tensor. If start_dim or end_dim are passed, only dimensions starting with start_dim and ending with end_dim are flattened. The order of elements in input is unchanged. Parameters ---------- x input array to flatten. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. start_dim first dim to flatten. If not set, defaults to 0. end_dim last dim to flatten. If not set, defaults to -1. order Read the elements of the input container using this index order, and place the elements into the reshaped array using this index order. ‘C’ means to read / write the elements using C-like index order, with the last axis index changing fastest, back to the first axis index changing slowest. ‘F’ means to read / write the elements using Fortran-like index order, with the first index changing fastest, and the last index changing slowest. Note that the ‘C’ and ‘F’ options take no account of the memory layout of the underlying array, and only refer to the order of indexing. Default order is 'C' out optional output array, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ret the flattened array over the specified dimensions. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([[1,2], [3,4]]) >>> ivy.flatten(x) ivy.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> x = ivy.array([[1,2], [3,4]]) >>> ivy.flatten(x, order='F') ivy.array([1, 3, 2, 4]) >>> x = ivy.array( [[[[ 5, 5, 0, 6], [17, 15, 11, 16], [ 6, 3, 13, 12]], [[ 6, 18, 10, 4], [ 5, 1, 17, 3], [14, 14, 18, 6]]], [[[12, 0, 1, 13], [ 8, 7, 0, 3], [19, 12, 6, 17]], [[ 4, 15, 6, 15], [ 0, 5, 17, 9], [ 9, 3, 6, 19]]], [[[17, 13, 11, 16], [ 4, 18, 17, 4], [10, 10, 9, 1]], [[19, 17, 13, 10], [ 4, 19, 16, 17], [ 2, 12, 8, 14]]]] ) >>> ivy.flatten(x, start_dim = 1, end_dim = 2) ivy.array( [[[ 5, 5, 0, 6], [17, 15, 11, 16], [ 6, 3, 13, 12], [ 6, 18, 10, 4], [ 5, 1, 17, 3], [14, 14, 18, 6]], [[12, 0, 1, 13], [ 8, 7, 0, 3], [19, 12, 6, 17], [ 4, 15, 6, 15], [ 0, 5, 17, 9], [ 9, 3, 6, 19]], [[17, 13, 11, 16], [ 4, 18, 17, 4], [10, 10, 9, 1], [19, 17, 13, 10], [ 4, 19, 16, 17], [ 2, 12, 8, 14]]])) """ if x.shape == (): x = ivy.reshape(x, (1, -1))[0, :] if start_dim == end_dim: return ivy.inplace_update(out, x) if ivy.exists(out) else x if start_dim not in range(-len(x.shape), len(x.shape)): raise IndexError( "Dimension out of range (expected to be in range of" f" {[-len(x.shape), len(x.shape) - 1]}, but got {start_dim}" ) if end_dim not in range(-len(x.shape), len(x.shape)): raise IndexError( "Dimension out of range (expected to be in range of" f" {[-len(x.shape), len(x.shape) - 1]}, but got {end_dim}" ) if start_dim < 0: start_dim = len(x.shape) + start_dim if end_dim < 0: end_dim = len(x.shape) + end_dim c = 1 for i in range(start_dim, end_dim + 1): c *= x.shape[i] lst = [c] if start_dim != 0: for i in range(0, start_dim): lst.insert(i, x.shape[i]) for i in range(end_dim + 1, len(x.shape)): lst.insert(i, x.shape[i]) return ivy.reshape(x, tuple(lst), order=order, out=out) flatten.mixed_backend_wrappers = { "to_add": ( "handle_backend_invalid", "handle_out_argument", "inputs_to_native_arrays", "outputs_to_ivy_arrays", "handle_device", ), "to_skip": ("inputs_to_ivy_arrays", "handle_partial_mixed_function"), } @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def moveaxis( a: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], source: Union[int, Sequence[int]], destination: Union[int, Sequence[int]], /, *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, out: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, ) -> Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]: """Move axes of an array to new positions.. Parameters ---------- a The array whose axes should be reordered. source Original positions of the axes to move. These must be unique. destination Destination positions for each of the original axes. These must also be unique. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. out optional output array, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ret Array with moved axes. This array is a view of the input array. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.zeros((3, 4, 5)) >>> ivy.moveaxis(x, 0, -1).shape (4, 5, 3) >>> ivy.moveaxis(x, -1, 0).shape (5, 3, 4) """ return ivy.current_backend().moveaxis(a, source, destination, copy=copy, out=out) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def heaviside( x1: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], x2: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Compute the Heaviside step function for each element in x1. Parameters ---------- x1 input array. x2 values to use where x1 is zero. out optional output array, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ret output array with element-wise Heaviside step function of x1. This is a scalar if both x1 and x2 are scalars. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x1 = ivy.array([-1.5, 0, 2.0]) >>> x2 = ivy.array([0.5]) >>> ivy.heaviside(x1, x2) ivy.array([0.0000, 0.5000, 1.0000]) >>> x1 = ivy.array([-1.5, 0, 2.0]) >>> x2 = ivy.array([1.2, -2.0, 3.5]) >>> ivy.heaviside(x1, x2) ivy.array([0., -2., 1.]) """ return ivy.current_backend().heaviside(x1, x2, out=out) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def flipud( m: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, out: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, ) -> Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]: """Flip array in the up/down direction. Flip the entries in each column in the up/down direction. Rows are preserved, but appear in a different order than before. Parameters ---------- m The array to be flipped. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. out optional output array, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ret Array corresponding to input array with elements order reversed along axis 0. Examples -------- >>> m = ivy.diag([1, 2, 3]) >>> ivy.flipud(m) ivy.array([[ 0., 0., 3.], [ 0., 2., 0.], [ 1., 0., 0.]]) """ return ivy.current_backend().flipud(m, copy=copy, out=out) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def vstack( arrays: Sequence[ivy.Array], /, *, out: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Stack arrays in sequence vertically (row wise). Parameters ---------- arrays Sequence of arrays to be stacked. Returns ------- ret The array formed by stacking the given arrays. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> y = ivy.array([2, 3, 4]) >>> ivy.vstack((x, y)) ivy.array([[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]]) >>> ivy.vstack((x, y, x, y)) ivy.array([[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]]) >>> y = [ivy.array([[5, 6]]), ivy.array([[7, 8]])] >>> print(ivy.vstack(y)) ivy.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]]) """ return ivy.current_backend().vstack(arrays, out=out) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def hstack( arrays: Sequence[ivy.Array], /, *, out: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Stack arrays in sequence horizotally (column wise). Parameters ---------- arrays Sequence of arrays to be stacked. Returns ------- ret The array formed by stacking the given arrays. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> y = ivy.array([2, 3, 4]) >>> ivy.hstack((x, y)) ivy.array([1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4]) >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> y = ivy.array([0, 0, 0]) >>> ivy.hstack((x, y, x)) ivy.array([1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3]) >>> y = [ivy.array([[5, 6]]), ivy.array([[7, 8]])] >>> print(ivy.hstack(y)) ivy.array([[5, 6, 7, 8]]) """ return ivy.current_backend().hstack(arrays, out=out) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def rot90( m: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, k: int = 1, axes: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 1), out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Rotate an array by 90 degrees in the plane specified by axes. Rotation direction is from the first towards the second axis. Parameters ---------- m Input array of two or more dimensions. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. k Number of times the array is rotated by 90 degrees. axes The array is rotated in the plane defined by the axes. Axes must be different. out optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret A rotated view of m. Examples -------- With :code:`ivy.Array` input: >>> m = ivy.array([[1,2], [3,4]]) >>> ivy.rot90(m) ivy.array([[2, 4], [1, 3]]) >>> m = ivy.array([[1,2], [3,4]]) >>> ivy.rot90(m, k=2) ivy.array([[4, 3], [2, 1]]) >>> m = ivy.array([[[0, 1],\ [2, 3]],\ [[4, 5],\ [6, 7]]]) >>> ivy.rot90(m, k=2, axes=(1,2)) ivy.array([[[3, 2], [1, 0]], [[7, 6], [5, 4]]]) With :code:`ivy.NativeArray` input: >>> m = ivy.native_array([[1,2], [3,4]]) >>> ivy.rot90(m) ivy.array([[2, 4], [1, 3]]) >>> m = ivy.native_array([[1,2], [3,4]]) >>> ivy.rot90(m, k=2) ivy.array([[4, 3], [2, 1]]) >>> m = ivy.native_array([[[0, 1],\ [2, 3]],\ [[4, 5],\ [6, 7]]]) >>> ivy.rot90(m, k=2, axes=(1,2)) ivy.array([[[3, 2], [1, 0]], [[7, 6], [5, 4]]]) """ return ivy.current_backend(m).rot90(m, copy=copy, k=k, axes=axes, out=out) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def top_k( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], k: int, /, *, axis: int = -1, largest: bool = True, sorted: bool = True, out: Optional[tuple] = None, ) -> Tuple[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]: """Return the `k` largest elements of the given input array along a given axis. Parameters ---------- x The array to compute top_k for. k Number of top elements to return must not exceed the array size. axis The axis along which we must return the top elements default value is 1. largest If largest is set to False we return k smallest elements of the array. sorted If sorted is set to True we return the elements in sorted order. out: Optional output tuple, for writing the result to. Must have two arrays inside, with a shape that the returned tuple broadcast to. Returns ------- ret A named tuple with values and indices of top k elements. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([2., 1., -3., 5., 9., 0., -4]) >>> y = ivy.top_k(x, 2) >>> print(y) top_k(values=ivy.array([9., 5.]), indices=ivy.array([4, 3])) >>> x = ivy.array([[-2., 3., 4., 0.], [-8., 0., -1., 2.]]) >>> y = ivy.top_k(x, 2, axis=1, largest=False) >>> print(y) top_k(values=ivy.array([[-2., 0.], [-8., -1.]]), indices=ivy.array([[0, 3], [0, 2]])) With :class:`ivy.NativeArray` input: >>> x = ivy.native_array([2., 1., -3., 5., 9., 0., -4]) >>> y = ivy.top_k(x, 3) >>> print(y) top_k(values=ivy.array([9., 5., 2.]), indices=ivy.array([4, 3, 0])) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([-1, 2, -4]), b=ivy.array([4., 5., 0.])) >>> y = x.top_k(2) >>> print(y) [{ a: ivy.array([2, -1]), b: ivy.array([5., 4.]) }, { a: ivy.array([1, 0]), b: ivy.array([1, 0]) }] """ return current_backend(x).top_k( x, k, axis=axis, largest=largest, sorted=sorted, out=out ) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def fliplr( m: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, out: Optional[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, ) -> Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]: """Flip array in the left/right direction. Flip the entries in each column in the left/right direction. Columns are preserved, but appear in a different order than before. Parameters ---------- m The array to be flipped. Must be at least 2-D. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. out optional output array, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ret Array corresponding to input array with elements order reversed along axis 1. Examples -------- >>> m = ivy.diag([1, 2, 3]) >>> ivy.fliplr(m) ivy.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 2, 0], [3, 0, 0]]) """ return ivy.current_backend().fliplr(m, copy=copy, out=out) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def i0( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Compute the Bessel i0 function of x element-wise. Parameters ---------- x Array input. out optional output array, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ret Array with the modified Bessel function evaluated at each of the elements of x. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> ivy.i0(x) ivy.array([1.26606588, 2.2795853 , 4.88079259]) """ return ivy.current_backend(x).i0(x, out=out) def _slice_at_axis(sl, axis): return (slice(None),) * axis + (sl,) + (...,) def _set_pad_area(padded, axis, width_pair, value_pair): if width_pair[0] > 0: left_slice = _slice_at_axis(slice(None, width_pair[0]), axis) padded[left_slice] = value_pair[0] if width_pair[1] > 0: right_slice = _slice_at_axis( slice(padded.shape[axis] - width_pair[1], None), axis ) padded[right_slice] = value_pair[1] return padded def _get_edges(padded, axis, width_pair): left_index = width_pair[0] left_slice = _slice_at_axis(slice(left_index, left_index + 1), axis) left_edge = padded[left_slice] right_index = padded.shape[axis] - width_pair[1] right_slice = _slice_at_axis(slice(right_index - 1, right_index), axis) right_edge = padded[right_slice] return left_edge, right_edge def _get_linear_ramps(padded, axis, width_pair, end_value_pair): edge_pair = _get_edges(padded, axis, width_pair) if width_pair[0] > 0: left_ramp = ivy.linspace( end_value_pair[0], ivy.array(edge_pair[0].squeeze(axis=axis)), num=width_pair[0], endpoint=False, dtype=ivy.Dtype(str(padded.dtype)), axis=axis, ) else: left_ramp = ivy.empty((0,)) if width_pair[1] > 0: right_ramp = ivy.flip( ivy.linspace( end_value_pair[1], ivy.array(edge_pair[1].squeeze(axis=axis)), num=width_pair[1], endpoint=False, dtype=ivy.Dtype(str(padded.dtype)), axis=axis, ), axis=axis, ) else: right_ramp = ivy.empty((0,)) return left_ramp, right_ramp def _get_stats(padded, axis, width_pair, length_pair, stat_func): left_index = width_pair[0] right_index = padded.shape[axis] - width_pair[1] max_length = right_index - left_index left_length, right_length = length_pair if left_length is None or max_length < left_length: left_length = max_length if right_length is None or max_length < right_length: right_length = max_length left_slice = _slice_at_axis(slice(left_index, left_index + left_length), axis) left_chunk = padded[left_slice] left_chunk = ( left_chunk.astype("float32") if ivy.is_int_dtype(left_chunk) else left_chunk ) left_stat = stat_func(left_chunk, axis=axis, keepdims=True) left_stat = ( ivy.round(left_stat).astype(padded.dtype) if ivy.is_int_dtype(padded) else left_stat ) if left_length == right_length == max_length: return left_stat, left_stat right_slice = _slice_at_axis(slice(right_index - right_length, right_index), axis) right_chunk = padded[right_slice] right_chunk = ( right_chunk.astype("float32") if ivy.is_int_dtype(right_chunk) else right_chunk ) right_stat = stat_func(right_chunk, axis=axis, keepdims=True) right_stat = ( ivy.round(right_stat).astype(padded.dtype) if ivy.is_int_dtype(padded) else right_stat ) return left_stat, right_stat def _set_reflect_both(padded, axis, width_pair, method, include_edge=False): left_pad, right_pad = width_pair old_length = padded.shape[axis] - right_pad - left_pad if include_edge: edge_offset = 1 else: edge_offset = 0 old_length -= 1 if left_pad > 0: chunk_length = min(old_length, left_pad) stop = left_pad - edge_offset start = stop + chunk_length left_slice = _slice_at_axis(slice(start, stop, -1), axis) left_chunk = padded[left_slice] if method == "odd": edge_slice = _slice_at_axis(slice(left_pad, left_pad + 1), axis) left_chunk = 2 * padded[edge_slice] - left_chunk start = left_pad - chunk_length stop = left_pad pad_area = _slice_at_axis(slice(start, stop), axis) padded[pad_area] = left_chunk left_pad -= chunk_length if right_pad > 0: chunk_length = min(old_length, right_pad) start = -right_pad + edge_offset - 2 stop = start - chunk_length right_slice = _slice_at_axis(slice(start, stop, -1), axis) right_chunk = padded[right_slice] if method == "odd": edge_slice = _slice_at_axis(slice(-right_pad - 1, -right_pad), axis) right_chunk = 2 * padded[edge_slice] - right_chunk start = padded.shape[axis] - right_pad stop = start + chunk_length pad_area = _slice_at_axis(slice(start, stop), axis) padded[pad_area] = right_chunk right_pad -= chunk_length return left_pad, right_pad, padded def _set_wrap_both(padded, axis, width_pair): left_pad, right_pad = width_pair period = padded.shape[axis] - right_pad - left_pad while left_pad > 0: right_slice = _slice_at_axis( slice( -width_pair[1] - min(period, left_pad), -width_pair[1] if width_pair[1] != 0 else None, ), axis, ) right_chunk = padded[right_slice] if left_pad > period: pad_area = _slice_at_axis(slice(left_pad - period, left_pad), axis) left_pad = left_pad - period else: pad_area = _slice_at_axis(slice(None, left_pad), axis) left_pad = 0 padded[pad_area] = right_chunk while right_pad > 0: left_slice = _slice_at_axis( slice( width_pair[0], width_pair[0] + min(period, right_pad), ), axis, ) left_chunk = padded[left_slice] if right_pad > period: pad_area = _slice_at_axis(slice(-right_pad, -right_pad + period), axis) right_pad = right_pad - period else: pad_area = _slice_at_axis(slice(-right_pad, None), axis) right_pad = 0 padded[pad_area] = left_chunk return padded def _init_pad(array, pad_width, fill_value=None): new_shape = tuple( left + size + right for size, (left, right) in zip(array.shape, pad_width) ) if fill_value is not None: padded = ivy.ones(new_shape, dtype=array.dtype) * fill_value else: padded = ivy.zeros(new_shape, dtype=array.dtype) original_area_slice = tuple( slice(left, left + size) for size, (left, right) in zip(array.shape, pad_width) ) padded[original_area_slice] = array return padded def _to_pairs(x, n, m=2): if ivy.isscalar(x): return ((x,) * m,) * n elif len(x) == m and ivy.isscalar(x[0]): return ((*x[:m],),) * n elif len(x) != n: ivy.utils.assertions.check_equal( ivy.asarray(list(x)).shape, (n, m), message=( "tuple argument should contain " "ndim pairs where ndim is the number of " "the input's dimensions" ), as_array=False, ) return x def check_scalar(x, force_integer, force_positive): return ( ivy.isscalar(x) and (ivy.is_int_dtype(x) if force_integer else True) and (x >= 0 if force_positive else True) ) def _check_tuple_arg(arg, arg_name, force_integer=False, force_positive=False): if not ( check_scalar(arg, force_integer, force_positive) or ( isinstance(arg, (tuple, list)) and ( all(check_scalar(elem, force_integer, force_positive) for elem in arg) or ( isinstance(elem, (tuple, list)) and all( check_scalar(sub_elem, force_integer, force_positive) for sub_elem in elem ) ) for elem in arg ) ) ): if force_integer: raise ivy.utils.exceptions.IvyException( f"{arg_name} should be int, tuple of ints or tuple of int tuples" ) else: raise ivy.utils.exceptions.IvyException( f"{arg_name} should be scalar, tuple of scalars or tuple of scalar" " tuples" ) def _check_arguments( mode, pad_width, stat_length, constant_values, end_values, reflect_type, ): supported_modes = [ "constant", "dilated", "edge", "linear_ramp", "maximum", "mean", "median", "minimum", "reflect", "symmetric", "wrap", "empty", ] ivy.utils.assertions.check_true( callable(mode) or mode in supported_modes, message=f"Only modes {supported_modes} are supported. Got {mode}.", ) _check_tuple_arg( pad_width, "pad_width", force_positive=mode != "dilated", force_integer=True ) if mode in ["maximum", "mean", "median", "minimum"]: _check_tuple_arg( stat_length, "stat_length", force_positive=True, force_integer=True ) elif mode in ["constant", "dilated"]: _check_tuple_arg(constant_values, "constant_values") elif mode == "linear_ramp": _check_tuple_arg(end_values, "end_values") elif mode in ["reflect", "symmetric"]: ivy.utils.assertions.check_true( reflect_type in ["even", "odd"], message=( f"Only reflect types ['even', 'odd'] are supported. Got {reflect_type}." ), ) @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @handle_partial_mixed_function @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function def pad( input: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], pad_width: Union[Iterable[Tuple[int]], int], /, *, mode: Union[ Literal[ "constant", "dilated", "edge", "linear_ramp", "maximum", "mean", "median", "minimum", "reflect", "symmetric", "wrap", "empty", ], Callable, ] = "constant", stat_length: Union[Iterable[Tuple[int]], int] = 1, constant_values: Union[Iterable[Tuple[Number]], Number] = 0, end_values: Union[Iterable[Tuple[Number]], Number] = 0, reflect_type: Literal["even", "odd"] = "even", **kwargs: Optional[Any], ) -> ivy.Array: """Pad an array. Parameters ---------- input Input array to pad. pad_width Number of values padded to the edges of each axis. - ((before_1, after_1), … (before_N, after_N)) yields unique pad widths for each axis. - ((before, after),) yields same before and after pad for each axis. - pad (integer) is shortcut for before = after = pad width for all axes. mode One of the following string values or a user-supplied function. - "constant": Pads with a constant value. - "edge": Pads with the input's edge values. - "linear_ramp": Pads with the linear ramp between end_value and the input's edge value. - "maximum": Pads with the maximum value of all or part of the vector along each axis. - "mean": Pads with the mean value of all or part of the vector along each axis. - "median": Pads with the median value of all or part of the vector along each axis. - "minimum": Pads with the minimum value of all or part of the vector along each axis. - "reflect": Pads with the reflection mirrored on the first and last values of the vector along each axis. - "symmetric": Pads with the reflection of the vector mirrored along the edge of the input. - "wrap": Pads with the wrap of the vector along the axis. The first values are used to pad the end and the end values are used to pad the beginning. - "empty": Pads with undefined values. - <function>: Pads with a user-defined padding function. The padding function should modify a rank 1 array following the signature `padding_func(vector, iaxis_pad_width, iaxis, kwargs)`, where: - `vector` is a rank 1 array already padded with zeros. Padded values are `vector[:iaxis_pad_width[0]]` and `vector[-iaxis_pad_width[1]:]`. - `iaxis_pad_width` is a 2-tuple of ints, where `iaxis_pad_width[0]` represents the number of values padded at the beginning of `vector` and `iaxis_pad_width[1]` represents the number of values padded at the end of `vector`. - `iaxis` is the axis currently being calculated. - `kwargs` is a dict of keyword arguments the function requires. stat_length Used in "maximum", "mean", "median", and "minimum". Number of values at edge of each axis used to calculate the statistic value. - ((before_1, after_1), … (before_N, after_N)) yields unique statistic lengths for each axis. - ((before, after),) yields same before and after statistic lengths for each axis. - stat_length (integer) is a shortcut for before = after = stat_length length for all axes. - None uses the entire axis. constant_values Used in "constant". The values to set the padded values for each axis. - ((before_1, after_1), ... (before_N, after_N)) yields unique pad constants for each axis. - ((before, after),) yields same before and after constants for each axis. - constant (integer) is a shortcut for before = after = constant for all axes. end_values Used in "linear_ramp". The values used for the ending value of the linear_ramp and that will form the edge of the padded array. - ((before_1, after_1), ... (before_N, after_N)) yields unique end values for each axis. - ((before, after),) yields same before and after end values for each axis - end (integer) is a shortcut for before = after = end for all axes. reflect_type Used in "reflect", and "symmetric". The "even" style is the default with an unaltered reflection around the edge value. For the "odd" style, the extended part of the array is created by subtracting the reflected values from two times the edge value. Returns ------- ret Padded array of the same rank as the input but with shape increased according to pad_width. Both the description and the type hints above assume an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> padding = ((1, 1), (2, 2)) >>> y = ivy.pad(x, padding, mode="constant", constant_values=0) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0], [0, 0, 4, 5, 6, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> padding = ((1, 1), (2, 2)) >>> y = ivy.pad(x, padding, mode="reflect") >>> print(y) ivy.array([[6, 5, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4], [3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1], [6, 5, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4], [3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> padding = ((1, 1), (2, 2)) >>> y = ivy.pad(x, padding, mode="symmetric") >>> print(y) ivy.array([[2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2], [2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2], [5, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 5], [5, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 5]]) With :class:`ivy.NativeArray` input: >>> x = ivy.native_array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> padding = ((1, 1), (2, 2)) >>> y = ivy.pad(x, padding, mode="constant", constant_values=7) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7], [7, 7, 1, 2, 3, 7, 7], [7, 7, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7], [7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7]]) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0, 1, 2]), b=ivy.array([4, 5, 6])) >>> padding = (1, 1) >>> y = ivy.pad(x, padding, mode="constant") >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 0]), b: ivy.array([0, 4, 5, 6, 0]) } """ _check_arguments( mode, pad_width, stat_length, constant_values, end_values, reflect_type, ) ndim = input.ndim if mode == "dilated": pad_width = _to_pairs(pad_width, ndim, m=3) if not ivy.is_array(constant_values) or constant_values.dtype != input.dtype: constant_values = ivy.asarray(constant_values, dtype=input.dtype) return _interior_pad(input, constant_values, pad_width) pad_width = _to_pairs(pad_width, len(input.shape)) if callable(mode): func = mode padded = _init_pad(input, pad_width, fill_value=0) for axis in range(ndim): padded = ivy.moveaxis(padded, axis, -1) inds = ivy.ndindex(padded.shape[:-1]) for ind in inds: padded[ind] = func(padded[ind], pad_width[axis], axis, kwargs) return padded padded = _init_pad(input, pad_width) stat_functions = { "maximum": ivy.max, "minimum": ivy.min, "mean": ivy.mean, "median": ivy.median, } if mode == "constant": constant_values = _to_pairs(constant_values, ndim) for axis, (width_pair, value_pair) in enumerate( zip(pad_width, constant_values) ): padded = _set_pad_area(padded, axis, width_pair, value_pair) elif mode == "empty": pass elif mode == "edge": for axis, width_pair in enumerate(pad_width): edge_pair = _get_edges(padded, axis, width_pair) padded = _set_pad_area(padded, axis, width_pair, edge_pair) elif mode == "linear_ramp": end_values = _to_pairs(end_values, ndim) for axis, (width_pair, value_pair) in enumerate(zip(pad_width, end_values)): ramp_pair = _get_linear_ramps(padded, axis, width_pair, value_pair) padded = _set_pad_area(padded, axis, width_pair, ramp_pair) elif mode in stat_functions: func = stat_functions[mode] stat_length = _to_pairs(stat_length, ndim) for axis, (width_pair, length_pair) in enumerate(zip(pad_width, stat_length)): stat_pair = _get_stats(padded, axis, width_pair, length_pair, func) padded = _set_pad_area(padded, axis, width_pair, stat_pair) elif mode in {"reflect", "symmetric"}: include_edge = True if mode == "symmetric" else False for axis, (left_index, right_index) in enumerate(pad_width): if input.shape[axis] == 1 and (left_index > 0 or right_index > 0): edge_pair = _get_edges(padded, axis, (left_index, right_index)) padded = _set_pad_area( padded, axis, (left_index, right_index), edge_pair ) continue while left_index > 0 or right_index > 0: left_index, right_index, padded = _set_reflect_both( padded, axis, (left_index, right_index), reflect_type, include_edge ) elif mode == "wrap": for axis, (left_index, right_index) in enumerate(pad_width): padded = _set_wrap_both(padded, axis, (left_index, right_index)) return padded pad.mixed_backend_wrappers = { "to_add": ( "handle_backend_invalid", "inputs_to_native_arrays", "outputs_to_ivy_arrays", "handle_device", ), "to_skip": ("inputs_to_ivy_arrays",), } @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def vsplit( ary: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], indices_or_sections: Union[int, Sequence[int], ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> List[ivy.Array]: """Split an array vertically into multiple sub-arrays. Parameters ---------- ary Array input. indices_or_sections If indices_or_sections is an integer n, the array is split into n equal sections, provided that n must be a divisor of the split axis. If indices_or_sections is a sequence of ints or 1-D array, then input is split at each of the indices. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. Returns ------- ret input array split vertically. Examples -------- >>> ary = ivy.array( [[[0., 1.], [2., 3.]], [[4., 5.], [6., 7.]]] ) >>> ivy.vsplit(ary, 2) [ivy.array([[[0., 1.], [2., 3.]]]), ivy.array([[[4., 5.], [6., 7.]]])]) """ return ivy.current_backend(ary).vsplit(ary, indices_or_sections, copy=copy) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def dsplit( ary: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], indices_or_sections: Union[int, Sequence[int], ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> List[ivy.Array]: """Split an array into multiple sub-arrays along the 3rd axis. Parameters ---------- ary Array input. indices_or_sections If indices_or_sections is an integer n, the array is split into n sections. If the array is divisible by n along the 3rd axis, each section will be of equal size. If input is not divisible by n, the sizes of the first int(ary.size(0) % n) sections will have size int(ary.size(0) / n) + 1, and the rest will have size int(ary.size(0) / n). If indices_or_sections is a sequence of ints or 1-D array, then input is split at each of the indices. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. Returns ------- ret input array split along the 3rd axis. Examples -------- >>> ary = ivy.array( [[[ 0., 1., 2., 3.], [ 4., 5., 6., 7.]], [[ 8., 9., 10., 11.], [12., 13., 14., 15.]]] ) >>> ivy.dsplit(ary, 2) [ivy.array([[[ 0., 1.], [ 4., 5.]], [[ 8., 9.], [12., 13.]]]), ivy.array([[[ 2., 3.], [ 6., 7.]], [[10., 11.], [14., 15.]]])] """ return ivy.current_backend(ary).dsplit(ary, indices_or_sections, copy=copy) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def atleast_1d( *arys: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, bool, Number], copy: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> List[ivy.Array]: """Convert inputs to arrays with at least one dimension. Scalar inputs are converted to 1-dimensional arrays, whilst higher-dimensional inputs are preserved. Parameters ---------- arys One or more input arrays. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. Returns ------- ret An array, or list of arrays, each with at least 1D. Copies are made only if necessary. Examples -------- >>> ary1 = ivy.array(5) >>> ivy.atleast_1d(ary1) ivy.array([5]) >>> ary2 = ivy.array([[3,4]]) >>> ivy.atleast_1d(ary2) ivy.array([[3, 4]]) >>> ivy.atleast_1d(6,7,8) [ivy.array([6]), ivy.array([7]), ivy.array([8])] """ return ivy.current_backend().atleast_1d(*arys, copy=copy) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def dstack( arrays: Sequence[ivy.Array], /, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Stack arrays in sequence depth wise (along third axis). Parameters ---------- arrays Sequence of arrays to be stacked. Returns ------- ret The array formed by stacking the given arrays. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> y = ivy.array([2, 3, 4]) >>> ivy.dstack((x, y)) ivy.array([[[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[1], [2], [3]]) >>> y = ivy.array([[2], [3], [4]]) >>> ivy.dstack((x, y)) ivy.array([[[1, 2]], [[2, 3]], [[3, 4]]]) """ return ivy.current_backend().dstack(arrays, out=out) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def atleast_2d( *arys: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], copy: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> List[ivy.Array]: """Convert inputs to arrays with at least two dimension. Scalar inputs are converted to 2-dimensional arrays, whilst higher-dimensional inputs are preserved. Parameters ---------- arys One or more array-like sequences. Non-array inputs are converted to arrays. Arrays that already have two or more dimensions are preserved. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. Returns ------- ret An array, or list of arrays, each with at least 2D. Copies are made only if necessary. Examples -------- >>> ary1 = ivy.array(5) >>> ivy.atleast_2d(ary1) ivy.array([[5]]) >>> ary2 = ivy.array([[[3,4]]]) >>> ivy.atleast_2d(ary2) ivy.array([[[3, 4]]]) >>> ivy.atleast_2d(6,7,8) [ivy.array([[6]]), ivy.array([[7]]), ivy.array([[8]])] """ return ivy.current_backend().atleast_2d(*arys, copy=copy) @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def atleast_3d( *arys: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, bool, Number], copy: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> List[ivy.Array]: """Convert inputs to arrays with at least three dimension. Scalar inputs are converted to 3-dimensional arrays, whilst higher-dimensional inputs are preserved. Parameters ---------- arys One or more array-like sequences. Non-array inputs are converted to arrays. Arrays that already have three or more dimensions are preserved. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. Returns ------- ret An array, or list of arrays, each with a.ndim >= 3. Copies are avoided where possible, and views with three or more dimensions are returned. For example, a 1-D array of shape (N,) becomes a view of shape (1, N, 1), and a 2-D array of shape (M, N) becomes a view of shape (M, N, 1). Examples -------- >>> ary1 = ivy.array([5,6]) >>> ivy.atleast_3d(ary1) ivy.array([[[5], [6]]]) >>> ary2 = ivy.array([[[3,4]]]) >>> ivy.atleast_3d(ary2) ivy.array([[[3, 4]]]) >>> ary3 = ivy.array([[3,4],[9,10]]) >>> ivy.atleast_3d(6,7,ary3) [ivy.array([[[6]]]), ivy.array([[[7]]]), ivy.array([[[ 3], [ 4]], [[ 9], [10]]])] """ return ivy.current_backend().atleast_3d(*arys, copy=copy) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def take_along_axis( arr: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], indices: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], axis: int, /, *, mode: str = "fill", out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Take values from the input array by matching 1d index and data slices. Parameters ---------- arr The source array. indices The indices of the values to extract. axis The axis over which to select values. If axis is None, arr is treated as a flattened 1D array. mode One of: 'clip', 'fill', 'drop'. Parameter controlling how out-of-bounds indices will be handled. out The output array. Returns ------- ret The returned array has the same shape as `indices`. Examples -------- >>> arr = ivy.array([[4, 3, 5], [1, 2, 1]]) >>> indices = ivy.array([[0, 1, 1], [2, 0, 0]]) >>> y = ivy.take_along_axis(arr, indices, 1) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[4, 3, 3], [1, 1, 1]]) """ return ivy.current_backend(arr).take_along_axis( arr, indices, axis, mode=mode, out=out ) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def hsplit( ary: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], indices_or_sections: Union[int, Sequence[int], ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> List[ivy.Array]: """Split an array into multiple sub-arrays horizontally. Parameters ---------- ary Array input. indices_or_sections If indices_or_sections is an integer n, the array is split into n equal sections, provided that n must be a divisor of the split axis. If indices_or_sections is a tuple of ints, then input is split at each of the indices in the tuple. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. Returns ------- ret input array split horizontally. Examples -------- >>> ary = ivy.array( [[0., 1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6, 7.], [8., 9., 10., 11.], [12., 13., 14., 15.]] ) >>> ivy.hsplit(ary, 2) [ivy.array([[ 0., 1.], [ 4., 5.], [ 8., 9.], [12., 13.]]), ivy.array([[ 2., 3.], [ 6., 7.], [10., 11.], [14., 15.]])] """ return ivy.current_backend(ary).hsplit(ary, indices_or_sections, copy=copy) @handle_exceptions @inputs_to_native_shapes def broadcast_shapes(*shapes: Union[List[int], List[Tuple]]) -> Tuple[int]: """Broadcasts shapes. Parameters ---------- shapes The shapes to broadcast. Returns ------- ret The broadcasted shape. Examples -------- >>> x = [(3, 3), (3, 1)] >>> print(ivy.broadcast_shapes(*x)) (3, 3) >>> print(ivy.broadcast_shapes(*[(3, 3),(3, 1),(1, 3)])) (3, 3) """ return ivy.current_backend().broadcast_shapes(*shapes) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @handle_out_argument @inputs_to_native_shapes @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def expand( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], shape: Union[ivy.Shape, ivy.NativeShape], /, *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Broadcast the input Array following the given shape and the broadcast rule. Parameters ---------- x Array input. shape A 1-D Array indicates the shape you want to expand to, following the broadcast rule. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. out optional output array, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ret Output Array """ return ivy.current_backend(x).expand(x, shape, out=out, copy=copy) # ToDo: add 'mean' modes to scatter_nd and then to put_along_axis @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_partial_mixed_function @handle_nestable @handle_exceptions def put_along_axis( arr: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], indices: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], values: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], axis: int, /, *, mode: Literal["sum", "min", "max", "mul", "mean", "replace"] = "replace", out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> None: """Put values into the input array by matching 1d index and data slices along a specified axis. Parameters ---------- arr : array_like The input array to modify. indices : array_like The indices of the values to put into `arr`. values : array_like The values to put into `arr`. axis : int The axis over which to put the `values`. mode : {'sum', 'min', 'max', 'mul', 'replace'} The reduction operation to apply. out : ndarray, optional Output array in which to place the result. If not specified, a new array is created. Note ---- In case `indices` contains duplicates, the updates get accumulated in each place. Returns ------- None Examples -------- >>> arr = ivy.array([[4, 3, 5], [1, 2, 1]]) >>> indices = ivy.array([[0, 1, 1], [2, 0, 0]]) >>> values = ivy.array([[9, 8, 7], [6, 5, 4]]) >>> ivy.put_along_axis(arr, indices, values, 1, mode='replace') >>> print(arr) ivy.array([[9, 7, 5], [4, 2, 6]]) >>> arr = ivy.array([[10, 30, 20], [60, 40, 50]]) >>> axis = 1 >>> indices = ivy.argmax(arr, axis=axis, keepdims=True) >>> value = 100 >>> ivy.put_along_axis(arr, indices, value, axis, mode='sum') >>> print(arr) ivy.array([[10, 30, 20], [60, 40, 50]]) """ arr_shape = arr.shape # array containing all flat indices arr_ = ivy.arange(0, _numel(arr_shape)).reshape(arr_shape) # use take_along_axis to get the queried indices arr_idxs = ivy.take_along_axis(arr_, indices, axis) # convert the flat indices to multi-D indices arr_idxs = ivy.unravel_index(arr_idxs, arr_shape) # stack the multi-D indices to bring them to scatter_nd format arr_idxs = ivy.stack(arr_idxs, axis=-1).astype(ivy.int64) ret = ivy.scatter_nd(arr_idxs, values, reduction=mode, out=ivy.copy_array(arr)) return ivy.inplace_update(out, ret) if ivy.exists(out) else ret put_along_axis.mixed_backend_wrappers = { "to_add": ( "handle_out_argument", "outputs_to_ivy_arrays", "inputs_to_native_arrays", ), "to_skip": "handle_partial_mixed_function", } def _check_bounds(shape0, shape1, strides1, itemsize): numel0 = math.prod(shape0) ndim1 = len(shape1) return ( sum((shape1[i] - 1) * strides1[i] for i in range(ndim1)) + itemsize <= numel0 * itemsize ) @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @inputs_to_native_shapes def as_strided( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], shape: Union[ivy.Shape, ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]], strides: Sequence[int], /, ) -> ivy.Array: """Create a copy of the input array with the given shape and strides. Parameters ---------- x Input Array. shape The shape of the new array. strides The strides of the new array (specified in bytes). Returns ------- ret Output Array Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) >>> ivy.as_strided(x, (4, 3), (8, 8)) ivy.array([[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6]]) """ itemsize = x.itemsize if not _check_bounds(x.shape, shape, strides, itemsize): raise ivy.exceptions.IvyException("attempted unsafe memory access") if any(strides[i] % itemsize != 0 for i in range(len(strides))): raise ivy.exceptions.IvyException("strides must be multiple of itemsize") src = memoryview(ivy.to_numpy(x)).cast("b") src_ind = ivy.inner( ivy.indices(shape).reshape((len(shape), -1)).T, ivy.array(strides), ) src_ind = ivy.expand_dims(src_ind, axis=-1) src_ind = src_ind + ivy.arange(itemsize) src_ind = ivy.reshape(src_ind, (-1,)).to_numpy() temp_list = [src[i] for i in src_ind] temp_array = ivy.asarray(temp_list, dtype=ivy.int8) result = bytearray(temp_array.to_numpy()) return ivy.reshape( ivy.frombuffer(result, dtype=x.dtype, count=math.prod(shape)), shape, ) as_strided.unsupported_dtypes = ("bfloat16",) as_strided.mixed_backend_wrappers = { "to_add": ( "handle_backend_invalid", "inputs_to_native_arrays", "outputs_to_ivy_arrays", "handle_device", ), "to_skip": ("inputs_to_ivy_arrays",), } @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def concat_from_sequence( input_sequence: Union[ Tuple[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]], List[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]], ], /, *, new_axis: int = 0, axis: int = 0, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Concatenate a sequence of arrays along a new or an existing axis. Parameters ---------- input_sequence A sequence of arrays. new_axis Insert and concatenate on a new axis or not, default 0 means do not insert new axis. new_axis = 0: concatenate new_axis = 1: stack axis axis along which the arrays will be concatenated. out optional output array, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ret Output Array """ return current_backend(input_sequence).concat_from_sequence( input_sequence, new_axis=new_axis, axis=axis, out=out ) def _slice(operand, start_indices, limit_indices, strides=None): strides = [1] * len(operand.shape) if strides is None else strides full_slice = () for i, _ in enumerate(operand.shape): strides_i = int(strides[i]) start_i = int(start_indices[i]) limit_i = int(limit_indices[i]) full_slice += (slice(start_i, limit_i, strides_i),) return operand[full_slice] def _slice_along_axis(x, start=0, stop=None, stride=1, axis=0): if axis >= 0: slices = [slice(None)] * axis + [slice(start, stop, stride)] else: slices = [Ellipsis, slice(start, stop, stride)] + [slice(None)] * (-1 - axis) return x[tuple(slices)] def _interior_pad(operand, padding_value, padding_config): for axis, (_, _, interior) in enumerate(padding_config): if interior > 0: new_shape = list(operand.shape) new_shape[axis] = new_shape[axis] + (new_shape[axis] - 1) * interior new_array = ivy.full(new_shape, padding_value, dtype=operand.dtype) src_indices = ivy.arange(operand.shape[axis]) dst_indices = src_indices * (interior + 1) index_tuple = [slice(None)] * operand.ndim index_tuple[axis] = dst_indices new_array[tuple(index_tuple)] = operand operand = new_array start_indices = [0] * operand.ndim limit_indices = [0] * operand.ndim for axis, (low, high, _) in enumerate(padding_config): if low < 0: start_indices[axis] = abs(low) if high < 0: limit_indices[axis] = high else: limit_indices[axis] = operand.shape[axis] + 1 padded = _slice(operand, start_indices, limit_indices) pad_width = [(0, 0)] * operand.ndim for axis, (low, high, _) in enumerate(padding_config): if low > 0 and high > 0: pad_width[axis] = (low, high) elif low > 0: pad_width[axis] = (low, 0) elif high > 0: pad_width[axis] = (0, high) padded = ivy.constant_pad(padded, pad_width, value=padding_value) return padded def _interleave(a, b, axis): assert a.shape[axis] in [b.shape[axis], b.shape[axis] + 1] a_pad = [(0, 0, 0)] * a.ndim b_pad = [(0, 0, 0)] * b.ndim a_pad[axis] = (0, 1 if a.shape[axis] == b.shape[axis] else 0, 1) b_pad[axis] = (1, 0 if a.shape[axis] == b.shape[axis] else 1, 1) a = _interior_pad(a, 0.0, a_pad) b = _interior_pad(b, 0.0, b_pad) return ivy.add(a, b) @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function def associative_scan( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], fn: Callable, /, *, reverse: bool = False, axis: int = 0, ) -> ivy.Array: """Perform an associative scan over the given array. Parameters ---------- x The array to scan over. fn The associative function to apply. reverse Whether to scan in reverse with respect to the given axis. axis The axis to scan over. Returns ------- ret The result of the scan. """ elems = [x] if reverse: elems = [ivy.flip(elem, axis=[axis]) for elem in elems] def _combine(a, b): a = a[0] b = b[0] if a.shape[axis] == 0: return [a] c = fn(a, b) return [c] def _scan(elems): num_elems = elems[0].shape[axis] if num_elems < 2: return elems reduced_elems = _combine( [_slice_along_axis(elem, 0, -1, stride=2, axis=axis) for elem in elems], [_slice_along_axis(elem, 1, None, stride=2, axis=axis) for elem in elems], ) odd_elems = _scan(reduced_elems) if num_elems % 2 == 0: even_elems = _combine( [_slice_along_axis(e, 0, -1, axis=axis) for e in odd_elems], [_slice_along_axis(e, 2, None, stride=2, axis=axis) for e in elems], ) else: even_elems = _combine( odd_elems, [_slice_along_axis(e, 2, None, stride=2, axis=axis) for e in elems], ) even_elems = [ ivy.concat([_slice_along_axis(elem, 0, 1, axis=axis), result], axis=axis) for (elem, result) in zip(elems, even_elems) ] return list(map(partial(_interleave, axis=axis), even_elems, odd_elems)) scans = _scan(elems) if reverse: scans = [ivy.flip(scanned, axis=[axis]) for scanned in scans] return ivy.reshape(ivy.asarray(scans), elems[0].shape) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def unique_consecutive( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[ Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], ]: """Eliminates all but the first element from every consecutive group of equivalent elements in ``x``. Parameters ---------- x input array. axis the axis to apply unique on. If None, unique is applied on flattened ``x``. Returns ------- ret a namedtuple ``(output, inverse_indices, counts)`` whose - first element has the field name ``output`` and is an array containing ``x`` with its equivalent consecutive elements eliminated. - second element has the field name ``inverse_indices`` and is an array containing the indices of ``output`` that reconstruct ``x``. - third element has the field name ``counts`` and is an array containing the number of occurrences for each unique value or array in ``x``. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2]) >>> ivy..unique_consecutive(x) Results(values=ivy.array([1, 2, 3, 1, 2]), inverse_indices=ivy.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4]), counts=ivy.array([2, 2, 1, 2, 1])) """ return ivy.current_backend(x).unique_consecutive(x, axis=axis) @handle_exceptions @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function def fill_diagonal( a: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], v: Union[int, float, ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, wrap: bool = False, ) -> Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]: """Fill the main diagonal of the given array of any dimensionality.. Parameters ---------- a Array at least 2D. v Value(s) to write on the diagonal. If val is scalar, the value is written along the diagonal. If array-like, the flattened val is written along the diagonal, repeating if necessary to fill all diagonal entries. wrap The diagonal 'wrapped' after N columns for tall matrices. Returns ------- ret Array with the diagonal filled. """ shape = a.shape max_end = ivy.prod(ivy.array(shape)) end = max_end if len(shape) == 2: step = shape[1] + 1 if not wrap: end = shape[1] * shape[1] else: step = int(1 + (ivy.cumprod(ivy.array(shape[:-1]), axis=0)).sum()) end = int(min(end, max_end)) a = ivy.reshape(a, (-1,)) steps = ivy.arange(0, end, step) if isinstance(v, (ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray)): v = ivy.reshape(v, (-1,)).astype(a.dtype) v = ivy.tile(v, int(ivy.ceil(len(steps) / v.shape[0])))[: len(steps)] else: v = ivy.repeat(v, len(steps)) ivy.scatter_flat(steps, v, size=a.shape[0], reduction="replace", out=a) a = ivy.reshape(a, shape) return a fill_diagonal.mixed_backend_wrappers = { "to_add": ( "handle_backend_invalid", "inputs_to_native_arrays", "outputs_to_ivy_arrays", "handle_device", ), "to_skip": ("inputs_to_ivy_arrays",), } @handle_nestable @handle_exceptions @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function @handle_device def unfold( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, mode: int = 0, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Return the mode-`mode` unfolding of `tensor` with modes starting at `0`. Parameters ---------- x input tensor to be unfolded mode indexing starts at 0, therefore mode is in ``range(0, tensor.ndim)`` out optional output array, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ret unfolded_tensor of shape ``(tensor.shape[mode], -1)`` """ return ivy.reshape(ivy.moveaxis(x, mode, 0), (x.shape[mode], -1), out=out) @handle_nestable @handle_exceptions @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function @handle_device def fold( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, mode: int, shape: Union[ivy.Shape, ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]], *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Refolds the mode-`mode` unfolding into a tensor of shape `shape` In other words, refolds the n-mode unfolded tensor into the original tensor of the specified shape. Parameters ---------- input unfolded tensor of shape ``(shape[mode], -1)`` mode the mode of the unfolding shape shape of the original tensor before unfolding out optional output array, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ret folded_tensor of shape `shape` """ full_shape = list(shape) mode_dim = full_shape.pop(mode) full_shape.insert(0, mode_dim) return ivy.moveaxis(ivy.reshape(x, full_shape), 0, mode, out=out) @handle_nestable @handle_exceptions @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function @handle_device def partial_unfold( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, mode: int = 0, skip_begin: int = 1, skip_end: int = 0, ravel_tensors: bool = False, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Partial unfolding of a tensor while ignoring the specified number of dimensions at the beginning and the end. For instance, if the first dimension of the tensor is the number of samples, to unfold each sample, set skip_begin=1. This would, for each i in ``range(tensor.shape[0])``, unfold ``tensor[i, ...]``. Parameters ---------- x tensor of shape n_samples x n_1 x n_2 x ... x n_i mode indexing starts at 0, therefore mode is in range(0, tensor.ndim) skip_begin number of dimensions to leave untouched at the beginning skip_end number of dimensions to leave untouched at the end ravel_tensors if True, the unfolded tensors are also flattened out optional output array, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ret partially unfolded tensor """ if ravel_tensors: new_shape = [-1] else: new_shape = [x.shape[mode + skip_begin], -1] if skip_begin: new_shape = [x.shape[i] for i in range(skip_begin)] + new_shape if skip_end: new_shape += [x.shape[-i] for i in range(1, 1 + skip_end)] return ivy.reshape( ivy.moveaxis(x, mode + skip_begin, skip_begin), new_shape, out=out ) @handle_nestable @handle_exceptions @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function @handle_device def partial_fold( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, mode: int, shape: Union[ivy.Shape, ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]], skip_begin: int = 1, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Re-folds a partially unfolded tensor. Parameters ---------- x a partially unfolded tensor mode indexing starts at 0, therefore mode is in range(0, tensor.ndim) shape the shape of the original full tensor (including skipped dimensions) skip_begin number of dimensions left untouched at the beginning out optional output array, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ret partially re-folded tensor """ transposed_shape = list(shape) mode_dim = transposed_shape.pop(skip_begin + mode) transposed_shape.insert(skip_begin, mode_dim) return ivy.moveaxis( ivy.reshape(x, transposed_shape), skip_begin, skip_begin + mode, out=out ) @handle_nestable @handle_exceptions @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function @handle_device def partial_tensor_to_vec( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, skip_begin: int = 1, skip_end: int = 0, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Partial vectorization of a tensor while ignoring the specified dimension at the beginning and the end. Parameters ---------- x tensor to partially vectorise skip_begin number of dimensions to leave untouched at the beginning skip_end number of dimensions to leave untouched at the end out optional output array, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ret partially vectorised tensor with the `skip_begin` first and `skip_end` last dimensions untouched """ return partial_unfold( x, mode=0, skip_begin=skip_begin, skip_end=skip_end, ravel_tensors=True, out=out, ) @handle_nestable @handle_exceptions @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function @handle_device def partial_vec_to_tensor( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, shape: Union[ivy.Shape, ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]], skip_begin: int = 1, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Refolds a partially vectorised tensor into a full one. Parameters ---------- x a partially vectorised tensor shape the shape of the original full tensor (including skipped dimensions) skip_begin number of dimensions to leave untouched at the beginning out optional output array, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ret full tensor """ return partial_fold(x, mode=0, shape=shape, skip_begin=skip_begin, out=out) @handle_nestable @handle_exceptions @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function @handle_device def matricize( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, row_modes: Sequence[int], column_modes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Matricizes the given tensor. Parameters ---------- x the input tensor row_modes modes to use as row of the matrix (in the desired order) column_modes modes to use as column of the matrix, in the desired order if None, the modes not in `row_modes` will be used in ascending order out optional output array, for writing the result to. ret ------- ivy.Array : tensor of size (ivy.prod(x.shape[i] for i in row_modes), -1) """ ndims = len(x.shape) row_indices = list(row_modes) if column_modes: column_indices = list(column_modes) else: column_indices = [i for i in range(ndims) if i not in row_indices] if sorted(column_indices + row_indices) != list(range(ndims)): msg = ( "If you provide both column and row modes for the matricization then" " column_modes + row_modes must contain all the modes of the tensor." f" Yet, got row_modes={row_modes} and column_modes={column_modes}." ) raise ValueError(msg) row_size, column_size = 1, 1 row_size = int(ivy.prod([x.shape[i] for i in row_indices])) column_size = int(ivy.prod([x.shape[i] for i in column_indices])) return ivy.reshape( ivy.permute_dims(x, row_indices + column_indices), (row_size, column_size), out=out, ) @handle_nestable @handle_exceptions @handle_array_like_without_promotion @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_array_function @handle_device def soft_thresholding( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, threshold: Union[float, ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Soft-thresholding operator. sign(tensor) * max[abs(tensor) - threshold, 0] Parameters ---------- x input array threshold float or array with shape tensor.shape * If float the threshold is applied to the whole tensor * If array, one threshold is applied per elements, 0 values are ignored out optional output array, for writing the result to. Returns ------- ivy.Array thresholded tensor on which the operator has been applied Examples -------- Basic shrinkage >>> x = ivy.array([[1, -2, 1.5], [-4, 3, -0.5]]) >>> soft_thresholding(x, 1.1) array([[ 0. , -0.9, 0.4], [-2.9, 1.9, 0. ]]) Example with missing values >>> mask = ivy.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1]]) >>> soft_thresholding(x, mask*1.1) array([[ 1. , -2. , 0.4], [-2.9, 3. , 0. ]]) """ res = ivy.abs(x) - threshold res = ivy.where(res < 0.0, 0.0, res) * ivy.sign(x) if ivy.exists(out): return ivy.inplace_update(out, res) return res @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def choose( arr: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], choices: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, out: None = None, mode: Union[str, None] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Take values from the input array by matching 1d index and data slices. Parameters ---------- arr The source array. choices The indices of the values to extract. out The output array. mode One of: 'wrap', 'clip'. Parameter controlling how out-of-bounds indices will be handled. Returns ------- ret The returned array has the same shape as `indices`. Examples -------- >>> choices = ivy.array([[0, 1, 2, 3], [10, 11, 12, 13], ... [20, 21, 22, 23],[30, 31, 32, 33]]) >>> print(ivy.choose(choices, ivy.array([2, 3, 1, 0])) ivy.array([20, 31, 12, 3]) >>> arr = ivy.array([2, 4, 1, 0]) >>> print(ivy.choose(choices, arr, mode='clip')) # 4 goes to 3 (4-1) ivy.array([20, 31, 12, 3]) >>> arr = ivy.array([2, 4, 1, 0]) >>> print(ivy.choose(choices, arr, mode='wrap')) # 4 goes to (4 mod 4) ivy.array([20, 1, 12, 3]) """ return ivy.current_backend().choose(arr, choices, out=out, mode=mode) @handle_array_function @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_nestable @handle_exceptions @handle_device def column_stack( arrays: Sequence[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]], /, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Create a new array by horizontally stacking the arrays in arrays. Equivalent to `ivy.hstack(arrays)`, except each zero or one dimensional array `x` in arrays is first reshaped into a `(x.size(), 1)` column before being stacked horizontally. Parameters ---------- arrays Arrays to be stacked. out Output array. Returns ------- ret Stacked input. Examples -------- Arrays of different dtypes up to dimension 2. >>> a0 = ivy.array(True) >>> a1 = ivy.array([7]) >>> a2 = ivy.array([[11.3, 13.7]]) >>> ivy.column_stack((a0, a1, a2)) ivy.array([[ 1. , 7. , 11.30000019, 13.69999981]]) Arrays of dimension 3. >>> a = ivy.array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]) >>> b = ivy.array([[[11, 12]], [[13, 14]]]) >>> ivy.column_stack((a, b)) ivy.array([[[ 1, 2], [ 3, 4], [11, 12]], [[ 5, 6], [ 7, 8], [13, 14]]]) """ arrays = [ivy.reshape(x, shape=(-1, 1)) if x.ndim < 2 else x for x in arrays] return ivy.hstack(arrays, out=out) column_stack.mixed_backend_wrappers = { "to_add": ( "handle_backend_invalid", "inputs_to_native_arrays", "outputs_to_ivy_arrays", "handle_out_argument", ), "to_skip": ("inputs_to_ivy_arrays",), } @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_device def take( x: Union[int, ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], indices: Union[int, ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, mode: str = "fill", fill_value: Optional[Number] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Return elements of an array along an axis. .. note:: Conceptually, take(x, indices, axis=3) is equivalent to x[:,:,:,indices,...]; however, explicit indexing via arrays of indices is not currently supported in this specification due to concerns regarding __setitem__ and array mutation semantics. Parameters ---------- x input array indices array indices. Must have an integer data type. axis axis over which to select values. If `axis` is negative, the function must determine the axis along which to select values by counting from the last dimension. By default, the flattened input array is used. mode specifies how out-of-bounds `indices` will behave. - ‘raise’ – raise an error - ‘wrap’ – wrap around - ‘clip’ – clip to the range (all indices that are too large are replaced by the index that addresses the last element along that axis. Note that this disables indexing with negative numbers.) - 'fill' (default) = returns invalid values (e.g. NaN) for out-of bounds indices (see also fill_value below) fill_value fill value to return for out-of-bounds slices (Defaults to NaN for inexact types, the largest negative value for signed types, the largest positive value for unsigned types, and True for booleans.) out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an array having the same data type as `x`. The output array must have the same rank (i.e., number of dimensions) as `x` and must have the same shape as `x`, except for the axis specified by `axis` whose size must equal the number of elements in `indices`. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.max.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With `ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([4,5,6]) >>> indices = ivy.array([2,1,0]) >>> y = ivy.take(x, indices) >>> print(y) ivy.array([6, 5, 4]) >>> x = ivy.array([4.7,5.2,6.5]) >>> indices = ivy.array([[0,1]]) >>> y = ivy.zeros_like(indices, dtype=x.dtype) >>> ivy.take(x, indices, out=y) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[4.7, 5.2]]) >>> x = ivy.array([False, False, True]) >>> indices = ivy.array([[4,3,2]]) >>> y = ivy.zeros_like(indices, dtype=x.dtype) >>> ivy.take(x, indices, out=y, mode="wrap") >>> print(y) ivy.array([[False, False, True]]) With `ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([True,False,False]), ... b=ivy.array([2.3,4.5,6.7]), ... c=ivy.array([1,2,3])) >>> indices = ivy.array([[1,9,2]]) >>> y = ivy.take(x, indices) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[False, True, False]]), b: ivy.array([[4.5, nan, 6.69999981]]), c: ivy.array([[2, -2147483648, 3]]) } """ return ivy.current_backend().take( x, indices, axis=axis, mode=mode, fill_value=fill_value, out=out ) @inputs_to_ivy_arrays @handle_exceptions @handle_device def trim_zeros( a: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, trim: str = "fb", ) -> ivy.Array: """ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.trim_zeros. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.trim_zeros also applies to this method with minimal changes. Parameters ---------- a : 1-D array Input array. trim : str, optional A string with 'f' representing trim from front and 'b' to trim from back. Default is 'fb', trim zeros from both front and back of the array. Returns ------- 1-D array The result of trimming the input. The input data type is preserved. Examples -------- >>> a = ivy.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 3, 0, 0, 7, 1, 0]) >>> ivy.trim_zeros(a) array([8, 3, 0, 0, 7, 1]) >>> ivy.trim_zeros(a, 'b') array([0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 3, 0, 0, 7, 1]) >>> ivy.trim_zeros([0, 8, 3, 0, 0]) [8, 3] """ return ivy.current_backend(a).trim_zeros(a, trim=trim) trim_zeros.mixed_backend_wrappers = { "to_add": ( "handle_backend_invalid", "inputs_to_native_arrays", "outputs_to_ivy_arrays", "handle_device", ), "to_skip": ("inputs_to_ivy_arrays",), } @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def unflatten( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, dim: int, shape: Tuple[int], *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Expand a dimension of the input tensor over multiple dimensions. Parameters ---------- x input tensor. dim dimension to be unflattened, specified as an index into input.shape. shape new shape of the unflattened dimension. One of its elements can be -1 in which case the corresponding output dimension is inferred. Otherwise, the product of sizes must equal input.shape[dim]. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret view of input with the specified dimension unflattened. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.permute_dims.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- >>> ivy.unflatten(torch.randn(3, 4, 1), dim=1, shape=(2, 2)).shape torch.Size([3, 2, 2, 1]) >>> ivy.unflatten(torch.randn(3, 4, 1), dim=1, shape=(-1, 2)).shape torch.Size([3, 2, 2, 1]) >>> ivy.unflatten(torch.randn(5, 12, 3), dim=-2, shape=(2, 2, 3, 1, 1)).shape torch.Size([5, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3]) """ return ivy.current_backend(x).unflatten(x, dim=dim, shape=shape, out=out)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/ivy/experimental/manipulation.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 38962 }
# For Review # global from typing import Union, Optional, Tuple, List, Iterable, Sequence from numbers import Number from numpy.core.numeric import normalize_axis_tuple # local import ivy from ivy.utils.backend import current_backend from ivy.func_wrapper import ( handle_array_function, to_native_arrays_and_back, handle_out_argument, handle_nestable, handle_array_like_without_promotion, handle_view, handle_device, handle_backend_invalid, ) from ivy.utils.exceptions import handle_exceptions def _calculate_out_shape(axis, array_shape): if type(axis) not in (tuple, list): axis = (axis,) out_dims = len(axis) + len(array_shape) norm_axis = normalize_axis_tuple(axis, out_dims) shape_iter = iter(array_shape) out_shape = [ 1 if current_ax in norm_axis else next(shape_iter) for current_ax in range(out_dims) ] return out_shape # Array API Standard # # -------------------# @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def concat( xs: Union[ Tuple[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], ...], List[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]], ], /, *, axis: int = 0, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Join a sequence of arrays along an existing axis. Parameters ---------- xs input arrays to join. The arrays must have the same shape, except in the dimension specified by axis. axis axis along which the arrays will be joined. If axis is None, arrays are flattened before concatenation. If axis is negative, the axis is along which to join is determined by counting from the last dimension. Default: ``0``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an output array containing the concatenated values. If the input arrays have different data types, normal Type Promotion Rules apply. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.concat.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- >>> x = ivy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> y = ivy.array([[5, 6]]) >>> ivy.concat((x, y)) ivy.array([[1, 2],[3, 4],[5, 6]]) """ return current_backend(xs[0]).concat(xs, axis=axis, out=out) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def expand_dims( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, axis: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 0, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Expand the shape of an array by inserting a new axis (dimension) of size one at the position specified by axis. Parameters ---------- x input array. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. axis axis position (zero-based). If x has rank (i.e, number of dimensions) N, a valid axis must reside on the closed-interval [-N-1, N]. If provided a negative axis, the axis position at which to insert a singleton dimension is computed as N + axis + 1. Hence, if provided -1, the resolved axis position is N (i.e., a singleton dimension is appended to the input array x). If provided -N-1, the resolved axis position is 0 (i.e., a singleton dimension is prepended to the input array x). An IndexError exception is raised if provided an invalid axis position. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an array with its dimension added by one in a given axis. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.expand_dims.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([0, 1, 2]) >>> y = ivy.expand_dims(x) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[0, 1, 2]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[0.5, -0.7, 2.4], ... [ 1, 2, 3]]) >>> y = ivy.zeros((2, 1, 3)) >>> ivy.expand_dims(x, axis=1, out=y) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[[0.5, -0.7, 2.4]], [[ 1., 2., 3.]]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[-1, -2], ... [ 3, 4]]) >>> y = ivy.zeros((1, 2, 2)) >>> ivy.expand_dims(x, axis=0, out=y) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[[-1, -2], [3, 4]]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[-1.1, -2.2, 3.3], ... [ 4.4, 5.5, 6.6]]) >>> y = ivy.expand_dims(x, axis=(0, -1)) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[[[-1.1], [-2.2], [ 3.3]], [[ 4.4], [ 5.5], [ 6.6]]]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[-1.7, -3.2, 2.3], ... [ 6.3, 1.4, 5.7]]) >>> y = ivy.expand_dims(x, axis=[0, 1, -1]) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[[[[-1.7], [-3.2], [ 2.3]], [[ 6.3], [ 1.4], [ 5.7]]]]]) With one :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), ... b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> y = ivy.expand_dims(x, axis=-1) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[0.], [1.], [2.]]), b: ivy.array([[3.], [4.], [5.]]) } With multiple :class:`ivy.Container` inputs: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), ... b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> container_axis = ivy.Container(a=0, b=1) >>> y = ivy.expand_dims(x, axis=container_axis) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[0., 1., 2.]]), b: ivy.array([[3.], [4.], [5.]]) } """ return current_backend(x).expand_dims(x, copy=copy, axis=axis, out=out) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def flip( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, axis: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Reverses the order of elements in an array along the given axis. The shape of the array must be preserved. Parameters ---------- x input array. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. axis axis (or axes) along which to flip. If axis is None, all input array axes are flipped. If axis is negative, axis is counted from the last dimension. If provided more than one axis, only the specified axes. Default: ``None``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an output array having the same data type and shape as`x and whose elements, relative to ``x``, are reordered. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.flip.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([3, 4, 5]) >>> y = ivy.flip(x) >>> print(y) ivy.array([5, 4, 3]) >>> x = ivy.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> y = ivy.zeros((2, 3)) >>> ivy.flip(x, out=y) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[6, 5, 4], [3, 2, 1]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> y = ivy.zeros((2, 3)) >>> ivy.flip(x, axis=0, out=y) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]],[[7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]]) >>> ivy.flip(x, axis=[0, 1], out=x) >>> print(x) ivy.array([[[10,11,12],[7,8,9]],[[4,5,6],[1,2,3]]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]],[[7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]]) >>> ivy.flip(x, axis=(2, 1), out=x) >>> print(x) ivy.array([[[ 6, 5, 4], [ 3, 2, 1]], [[12, 11, 10], [ 9, 8, 7]]]) """ return current_backend(x).flip(x, copy=copy, axis=axis, out=out) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def permute_dims( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, axes: Tuple[int, ...], *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Permutes the axes (dimensions) of an array x. Parameters ---------- x input array. axes tuple containing a permutation of (0, 1, ..., N-1) where N is the number of axes (dimensions) of x. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an array containing the axes permutation. The returned array must have the same data type as x. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.permute_dims.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> y = ivy.permute_dims(x, axes=(1, 0)) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]) >>> x = ivy.zeros((2, 3)) >>> y = ivy.permute_dims(x, axes=(1, 0)) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[0., 0.], [0., 0.], [0., 0.]]) With one :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[0., 1. ,2.]]), b=ivy.array([[3., 4., 5.]])) >>> y = ivy.permute_dims(x, axes=(1, 0)) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[0.], [1.], [2.]]), b: ivy.array([[3.], [4.], [5.]]) } >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[0., 1., 2.]]), b = ivy.array([[3., 4., 5.]])) >>> y = ivy.Container(a=ivy.zeros((3, 1)), b= ivy.zeros((3, 1))) >>> ivy.permute_dims(x, axes=(1, 0), out=y) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[0.], [1.], [2.]]), b: ivy.array([[3.], [4.], [5.]]) } """ return current_backend(x).permute_dims(x, axes, copy=copy, out=out) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def reshape( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, shape: Union[ivy.Shape, ivy.NativeShape, Sequence[int]], *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, order: str = "C", allowzero: bool = True, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Give a new shape to an array without changing its data. Parameters ---------- x Input array to be reshaped. shape a new shape compatible with the original shape. One shape dimension can be -1. In this case, the value is inferred from the length of the array and remaining dimensions. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. order Read the elements of x using this index order, and place the elements into the reshaped array using this index order. ``C`` means to read / write the elements using C-like index order, with the last axis index changing fastest, back to the first axis index changing slowest. ``F`` means to read / write the elements using Fortran-like index order, with the first index changing fastest, and the last index changing slowest. Note that the ``C`` and ``F`` options take no account of the memory layout of the underlying array, and only refer to the order of indexing. Default order is ``C`` allowzero When ``allowzero=True``, any value in the ``shape`` argument that is equal to zero, the zero value is honored. When ``allowzero=False``, any value in the ``shape`` argument that is equal to zero the corresponding dimension value is copied from the input tensor dynamically. Default value is ``True``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an output array having the same data type and elements as x. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.reshape.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([[0., 1., 2.],[3., 4., 5.]]) >>> y = ivy.reshape(x,(3,2)) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[0., 1.], [2., 3.], [4., 5.]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[0., 1., 2.],[3., 4., 5.]]) >>> y = ivy.reshape(x,(3,2), order='F') >>> print(y) ivy.array([[0., 4.], [3., 2.], [1., 5.]]) With :class:`ivy.NativeArray` input: >>> x = ivy.native_array([[0., 1., 2.],[3., 4., 5.]]) >>> y = ivy.reshape(x,(2,3)) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[0., 1., 2.], [3., 4., 5.]]) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), ... b=ivy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) >>> y = ivy.reshape(x,(2,3)) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]), b: ivy.array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]) } With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[0., 1., 2.]]), b=ivy.array([[3., 4., 5.]])) >>> y = ivy.reshape(x, (-1, 1)) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[0.],[1.],[2.]]), b: ivy.array([[3.],[4.],[5.]]) } """ ivy.utils.assertions.check_elem_in_list(order, ["C", "F"]) return current_backend(x).reshape( x, shape=shape, copy=copy, allowzero=allowzero, out=out, order=order ) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def roll( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray, ivy.Container], /, shift: Union[int, Sequence[int]], *, axis: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> Union[ivy.Array, ivy.Container]: """Roll array elements along a specified axis. Array elements that roll beyond the last position are re-introduced at the first position. Array elements that roll beyond the first position are re-introduced at the last position. Parameters ---------- x input array. shift number of places by which the elements are shifted. If shift is a tuple, then axis must be a tuple of the same size, and each of the given axes must be shifted by the corresponding element in shift. If shift is an int and axis a tuple, then the same shift must be used for all specified axes. If a shift is positive, then array elements must be shifted positively (toward larger indices) along the dimension of axis. If a shift is negative, then array elements must be shifted negatively (toward smaller indices) along the dimension of axis. axis axis (or axes) along which elements to shift. If axis is None, the array must be flattened, shifted, and then restored to its original shape. Default: ``None``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an output array having the same data type as x and whose elements, relative to x, are shifted. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.roll.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]) >>> y = ivy.roll(x, 1) >>> print(y) ivy.array([2., 0., 1.]) >>> x = ivy.array([[0., 1., 2.], ... [3., 4., 5.]]) >>> y = ivy.zeros((2, 3)) >>> ivy.roll(x, 2, axis=-1, out=y) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[1., 2., 0.], [4., 5., 3.]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[[0., 0.], [1., 3.], [2., 6.]], ... [[3., 9.], [4., 12.], [5., 15.]]]) >>> ivy.roll(x, shift=(1, -1), axis=(0, 2), out=x) >>> print(x) ivy.array([[[ 9., 3.], [12., 4.], [15., 5.]], [[ 0., 0.], [ 3., 1.], [ 6., 2.]]]) With one :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), ... b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> y = ivy.roll(x, 1) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([2., 0., 1.]), b: ivy.array([5., 3., 4.]) } With multiple :class:`ivy.Container` inputs: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), ... b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> shift = ivy.Container(a=1, b=-1) >>> y = ivy.roll(x, shift) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([2., 0., 1.]), b: ivy.array([4., 5., 3.]) } """ return current_backend(x).roll(x, shift, axis=axis, out=out) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def squeeze( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, axis: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None, copy: Optional[bool] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Remove singleton dimensions (axes) from x. Parameters ---------- x input array. axis axis (or axes) to squeeze. If a specified axis has a size greater than one, a ValueError is. If None, then all squeezable axes are squeezed. Default: ``None`` copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an output array having the same data type and elements as x. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.squeeze.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([[[0, 1], [2, 3]]]) >>> print(ivy.squeeze(x, axis=0)) ivy.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[[[1, 2, 3]], [[4, 5, 6]]]]) >>> print(ivy.squeeze(x, axis=2)) ivy.array([[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[[0], [1], [2]]]) >>> print(ivy.squeeze(x, axis=None)) ivy.array([0, 1, 2]) >>> print(ivy.squeeze(x, axis=0)) ivy.array([[0], [1], [2]]) >>> print(ivy.squeeze(x, axis=2)) ivy.array([[0, 1, 2]]) >>> print(ivy.squeeze(x, axis=(0, 2))) ivy.array([0, 1, 2]) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), ... b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> y = ivy.squeeze(x, axis=None) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), b: ivy.array([3., 4., 5.]) } """ return current_backend(x).squeeze(x, axis=axis, copy=copy, out=out) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def stack( arrays: Union[ Tuple[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], ...], List[Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]], ], /, *, axis: int = 0, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Join a sequence of arrays along a new axis. Parameters ---------- arrays input arrays to join. Each array must have the same shape. axis axis along which the arrays will be joined. Providing an axis specifies the index of the new axis in the dimensions of the result. For example, if axis is 0, the new axis will be the first dimension and the output array will have shape (N, A, B, C); if axis is 1, the new axis will be the second dimension and the output array will have shape (A, N, B, C); and, if axis is -1, the new axis will be the last dimension and the output array will have shape (A, B, C, N). A valid axis must be on the interval [-N, N), where N is the rank (number of dimensions) of x. If provided an axis outside of the required interval, the function must raise an exception. Default: ``0``. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret an output array having rank N+1, where N is the rank (number of dimensions) of x. If the input arrays have different data types, normal ref:`type-promotion` must apply. If the input arrays have the same data type, the output array must have the same data type as the input arrays. .. note:: This specification leaves type promotion between data type families (i.e., intxx and floatxx) unspecified. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.stack.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :code: `ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4.]) >>> y = ivy.array([6.,7.,8.,9.,10.]) >>> ivy.stack((x,y)) ivy.array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.], [ 6., 7., 8., 9., 10.]]) With :code: `ivy.Array` input and different `axis` : >>> ivy.stack((x,y),axis=1) ivy.array([[ 0., 6.], [ 1., 7.], [ 2., 8.], [ 3., 9.], [ 4., 10.]]) """ res = current_backend(arrays).stack(arrays, axis=axis, out=out) if ivy.exists(out): return ivy.inplace_update(out, res) return res # Extra # # ------# @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def clip( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, x_min: Optional[Union[Number, ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, x_max: Optional[Union[Number, ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray]] = None, *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Clips (limits) the values in an array. Given an interval, values outside the interval are clipped to the interval edges (element-wise). For example, if an interval of [0, 1] is specified, values smaller than 0 become 0, and values larger than 1 become 1. Minimum value needs to smaller or equal to maximum value to return correct results. Parameters ---------- x Input array containing elements to clip. x_min Minimum value. x_max Maximum value. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret An array with the elements of x, but where values < x_min are replaced with x_min, and those > x_max with x_max. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.]) >>> y = ivy.clip(x, 1., 5.) >>> print(y) ivy.array([1., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 5., 5., 5., 5.]) >>> x = ivy.array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.]) >>> y = ivy.zeros_like(x) >>> ivy.clip(x, 2., 7., out=y) >>> print(y) ivy.array([2., 2., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 7., 7.]) >>> x = ivy.array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.]) >>> x_min = ivy.array([3., 3., 1., 0., 2., 3., 4., 0., 4., 4.]) >>> x_max = ivy.array([5., 4., 3., 3., 5., 7., 8., 3., 8., 8.]) >>> y = ivy.clip(x, x_min, x_max) >>> print(y) ivy.array([3., 3., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 3., 8., 8.]) With :class:`ivy.NativeArray` input: >>> x = ivy.native_array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.]) >>> x_min = ivy.native_array([3., 3., 1., 0., 2., 3., 4., 2., 4., 4.]) >>> x_max = ivy.native_array([5., 4., 3., 3., 5., 7., 8., 3., 8., 8.]) >>> y = ivy.clip(x, x_min, x_max) >>> print(y) ivy.array([3., 3., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 3., 8., 8.]) With a mix of :class:`ivy.Array` and :class:`ivy.NativeArray` inputs: >>> x = ivy.array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.]) >>> x_min = ivy.native_array([3., 3., 1., 0., 2., 3., 4., 2., 4., 4.]) >>> x_max = ivy.native_array([5., 4., 3., 3., 5., 7., 8., 3., 8., 8.]) >>> y = ivy.clip(x, x_min, x_max) >>> print(y) ivy.array([3., 3., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 3., 8., 8.]) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), ... b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> y = ivy.clip(x, 1., 5.) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([1., 1., 2.]), b: ivy.array([3., 4., 5.]) } With multiple :class:`ivy.Container` inputs: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), ... b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> x_min = ivy.Container(a=0, b=-3) >>> x_max = ivy.Container(a=1, b=-1) >>> y = ivy.clip(x, x_min,x_max) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([0., 1., 1.]), b: ivy.array([-1., -1., -1.]) } With a mix of :class:`ivy.Array` and :class:`ivy.Container` inputs: >>> x = ivy.array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.]) >>> x_min = ivy.array([3., 0., 1]) >>> x_max = ivy.array([5., 4., 3.]) >>> y = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), ... b=ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> z = ivy.clip(y, x_min, x_max) >>> print(z) { a: ivy.array([3., 1., 2.]), b: ivy.array([3., 4., 3.]) } """ return current_backend(x).clip(x, x_min, x_max, out=out) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def constant_pad( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, pad_width: Iterable[Tuple[int]], *, value: Number = 0, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Pad an array with a constant value. Parameters ---------- x Input array to pad. pad_width Number of values padded to the edges of each axis. Specified as ((before_1, after_1), … (before_N, after_N)), where N is number of axes of x. value The constant value to pad the array with. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Padded array of rank equal to x with shape increased according to pad_width. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) >>> y = ivy.constant_pad(x, pad_width = [[2, 3]]) >>> print(y) ivy.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0]) >>> x = ivy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> y = ivy.constant_pad(x, pad_width=[(2, 3), (2, 3)]) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> y = ivy.constant_pad(x, pad_width = [[3, 2], [2, 3]]) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[2.], [3.]]) >>> y = ivy.zeros((4, 3)) >>> ivy.constant_pad(x, pad_width = [(1, 1), (1, 1)], value = 5.0, out= y) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[5., 5., 5.], [5., 2., 5.], [5., 3., 5.], [5., 5., 5.]]) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a = ivy.array([1., 2., 3.]), ... b = ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> y = ivy.constant_pad(x, pad_width = [[2, 3]], value = 5.0) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([5., 5., 1., 2., 3., 5., 5., 5.]), b: ivy.array([5., 5., 3., 4., 5., 5., 5., 5.]) } """ return current_backend(x).constant_pad(x, pad_width=pad_width, value=value, out=out) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def repeat( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, repeats: Union[int, Iterable[int]], *, axis: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Repeat values along a given dimension. Parameters ---------- x Input array. repeats The number of repetitions for each element. repeats is broadcast to fit the shape of the given axis. axis The axis along which to repeat values. By default, use the flattened input array, and return a flat output array. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The repeated output array. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([3, 4, 5]) >>> y = ivy.repeat(x, 2) >>> print(y) ivy.array([3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5]) >>> x = ivy.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> y = ivy.repeat(x, [1, 2], axis=0) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [4, 5, 6]]) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.]), ... b=ivy.array([0., 1., 2.])) >>> y = ivy.repeat(x, 2, axis=0) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([0., 0., 1., 1., 2., 2.]), b: ivy.array([0., 0., 1., 1., 2., 2.]) } """ return current_backend(x).repeat(x, repeats, axis=axis, out=out) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def split( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, num_or_size_splits: Optional[ Union[int, Sequence[int], ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray] ] = None, axis: int = 0, with_remainder: bool = False, ) -> List[ivy.Array]: """Split an array into multiple sub-arrays. Parameters ---------- x array to be divided into sub-arrays. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. num_or_size_splits Number of equal arrays to divide the array into along the given axis if an integer. The size of each split element if a sequence of integers or 1-D array. Default is to divide into as many 1-dimensional arrays as the axis dimension. axis The axis along which to split, default is ``0``. with_remainder If the tensor does not split evenly, then store the last remainder entry. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- ret A list of sub-arrays. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> y = ivy.split(x) >>> print(y) [ivy.array([1]),ivy.array([2]),ivy.array([3])] >>> x = ivy.array([[3, 2, 1], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> y = ivy.split(x, num_or_size_splits=2, axis=1, with_remainder=True) >>> print(y) [ivy.array([[3,2],[4,5]]),ivy.array([[1],[6]])] >>> x = ivy.array([4, 6, 5, 3]) >>> y = x.split(num_or_size_splits=[1, 3], axis=0, with_remainder=False) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[4], [6, 5, 3]]) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([10, 45, 2])) >>> y = ivy.split(x) >>> print(y) [ { a: ivy.array([10]) }, { a: ivy.array([45]) }, { a: ivy.array([2]) } ] """ return current_backend(x).split( x, copy=copy, num_or_size_splits=num_or_size_splits, axis=axis, with_remainder=with_remainder, ) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def swapaxes( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], axis0: int, axis1: int, /, *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Interchange two axes of an array. Parameters ---------- x Input array. axis0 First axis to be swapped. axis1 Second axis to be swapped. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret x with its axes permuted. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([[0, 1, 2]]) >>> y = ivy.swapaxes(x, 0, 1) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[0], [1], [2]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[[0,1],[2,3]],[[4,5],[6,7]]]) >>> y = ivy.swapaxes(x, 0, 1) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[[0, 1], [4, 5]], [[2, 3], [6, 7]]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[[0,1],[2,3]],[[4,5],[6,7]]]) >>> y = ivy.swapaxes(x, 0, 2) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[[0, 4], [2, 6]], [[1, 5], [3, 7]]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[[0,1],[2,3]],[[4,5],[6,7]]]) >>> y = ivy.swapaxes(x, 1, 2) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[[0, 2], [1, 3]], [[4, 6], [5, 7]]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[0, 1, 2]]) >>> y = ivy.swapaxes(x, 0, 1) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[0], [1], [2]]) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[0., 1., 2.]]), b=ivy.array([[3., 4., 5.]])) >>> y = ivy.swapaxes(x, 0, 1) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[0.], [1.], [2.]]), b: ivy.array([[3.], [4.], [5.]]) } # Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. """ return current_backend(x).swapaxes(x, axis0, axis1, copy=copy, out=out) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def tile( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, repeats: Iterable[int], *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Construct an array by repeating x the number of times given by reps. Parameters ---------- x Input array. repeats The number of repetitions of x along each axis. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret The tiled output array. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([1,2,3,4]) >>> y = ivy.tile(x, 3) >>> print(y) ivy.array([1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4]) >>> x = ivy.array([[1,2,3], ... [4,5,6]]) >>> y = ivy.tile(x, (2,3)) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3], [4,5,6,4,5,6,4,5,6], [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3], [4,5,6,4,5,6,4,5,6]]) >>> x = ivy.array([[[0], [1]]]) >>> y = ivy.tile(x,(2,2,3)) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[[0,0,0], [1,1,1], [0,0,0], [1,1,1]], [[0,0,0], [1,1,1], [0,0,0], [1,1,1]]]) With :class:`ivy.Container` input: >>> x = ivy.Container( a = ivy.array([0,1,2]), b = ivy.array([[3],[4]])) >>> y = ivy.tile(x, (1,2)) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([[0,1,2,0,1,2]]), b: ivy.array([[3,3],[4,4]]) } # Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. """ return current_backend(x).tile(x, repeats, out=out) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_view @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def unstack( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, *, copy: Optional[bool] = None, axis: int = 0, keepdims: bool = False, ) -> List[ivy.Array]: """Unpacks the given dimension of a rank-R array into rank-(R-1) arrays. Parameters ---------- x Input array to unstack. copy boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input array. If True, the function must always copy. If False, the function must never copy. In case copy is False we avoid copying by returning a view of the input array. axis Axis for which to unpack the array. keepdims Whether to keep dimension 1 in the unstack dimensions. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- ret List of arrays, unpacked along specified dimensions. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]) >>> y = ivy.unstack(x, axis=0) >>> print(y) [ivy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), ivy.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]])] >>> x = ivy.array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]) >>> y = ivy.unstack(x, axis=1, keepdims=True) >>> print(y) [ivy.array([[[1, 2]], [[5, 6]]]), ivy.array([[[3, 4]], [[7, 8]]])] With :class:`ivy.Container` inputs: >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]), b=ivy.array([[[9, 10], [11, 12]], [[13, 14], [15, 16]]])) >>> ivy.unstack(x, axis=0) [{ a: ivy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), b: ivy.array([[9, 10], [11, 12]]) }, { a: ivy.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]]), b: ivy.array([[13, 14], [15, 16]]) }] >>> x = ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]), ... b=ivy.array([[[9, 10], [11, 12]], [[13, 14], [15, 16]]])) >>> ivy.unstack(x, axis=1, keepdims=True) [{ a: ivy.array([[[1, 2]], [[5, 6]]]), b: ivy.array([[[9, 10]], [[13, 14]]]) }, { a: ivy.array([[[3, 4]], [[7, 8]]]), b: ivy.array([[[11, 12]], [[15, 16]]]) }] Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. """ return current_backend(x).unstack(x, copy=copy, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) @handle_exceptions @handle_backend_invalid @handle_nestable @handle_array_like_without_promotion @handle_out_argument @to_native_arrays_and_back @handle_array_function @handle_device def zero_pad( x: Union[ivy.Array, ivy.NativeArray], /, pad_width: Iterable[Tuple[int]], *, out: Optional[ivy.Array] = None, ) -> ivy.Array: """Pad an array with zeros. Parameters ---------- x Input array to pad. pad_width Number of values padded to the edges of each axis. Specified as ((before_1, after_1), … (before_N, after_N)), where N is number of axes of x. out optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. Returns ------- ret Padded array of rank equal to x with shape increased according to pad_width. This function conforms to the `Array API Standard <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/>`_. This docstring is an extension of the `docstring <https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/ API_specification/generated/array_api.concat.html>`_ in the standard. Both the description and the type hints above assumes an array input for simplicity, but this function is *nestable*, and therefore also accepts :class:`ivy.Container` instances in place of any of the arguments. Examples -------- With :class:`ivy.Array` input: >>> x = ivy.array([1., 2., 3.,4, 5, 6]) >>> y = ivy.zero_pad(x, pad_width = [[2, 3]]) >>> print(y) ivy.array([0., 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 0., 0., 0.]) >>> x = ivy.array([[1., 2., 3.],[4, 5, 6]]) >>> y = ivy.zero_pad(x, pad_width = [[2, 3], [2, 3]]) >>> print(y) ivy.array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 2., 3., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 4., 5., 6., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]) >>> x = ivy.Container(a = ivy.array([1., 2., 3.]), b = ivy.array([3., 4., 5.])) >>> y = ivy.zero_pad(x, pad_width = [[2, 3]]) >>> print(y) { a: ivy.array([0., 0., 1., 2., 3., 0., 0., 0.]), b: ivy.array([0., 0., 3., 4., 5., 0., 0., 0.]) } """ return current_backend(x).zero_pad(x, pad_width, out=out)
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/functional/ivy/manipulation.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 21831 }
"""Collection of Ivy's losses as stateful classes.""" # local import ivy from ivy.stateful.module import Module class LogPoissonLoss(Module): def __init__( self, *, compute_full_loss: bool = False, axis: int = -1, reduction: str = "none", ): self._compute_full_loss = compute_full_loss self._axis = axis self._reduction = reduction Module.__init__(self) def _forward( self, true, pred, *, compute_full_loss=None, axis=None, reduction=None ): """Perform forward pass of the Log Poisson Loss. true input array containing true labels. pred input array containing Predicted labels. compute_full_loss whether to compute the full loss. If false, a constant term is dropped in favor of more efficient optimization. Default: ``False``. axis the axis along which to compute the log-likelihood loss. If axis is ``-1``, the log-likelihood loss will be computed along the last dimension. Default: ``-1``. reduction ``'none'``: No reduction will be applied to the output. ``'mean'``: The output will be averaged. ``'sum'``: The output will be summed. Default: ``'none'``. Returns ------- ret The binary log-likelihood loss between the given distributions. """ return ivy.log_poisson_loss( true, pred, compute_full_loss=ivy.default(compute_full_loss, self._compute_full_loss), axis=ivy.default(axis, self._axis), reduction=ivy.default(reduction, self._reduction), ) def _extra_repr(self) -> str: return ( f"compute_full_loss={self._compute_full_loss}, axis={self._axis}, " f"reduction={self._reduction}" ) class CrossEntropyLoss(Module): def __init__( self, *, axis: int = -1, epsilon: float = 1e-7, reduction: str = "sum", ): self._axis = axis self._epsilon = epsilon self._reduction = reduction Module.__init__(self) def _forward(self, true, pred, *, axis=None, epsilon=None, reduction=None): """Perform forward pass of the Cross Entropy Loss. true input array containing true labels. pred input array containing Predicted labels. axis the axis along which to compute the cross-entropy loss. If axis is ``-1``, the cross-entropy loss will be computed along the last dimension. Default: ``-1``. epsilon small value to avoid division by zero. Default: ``1e-7``. reduction ``'none'``: No reduction will be applied to the output. ``'mean'``: The output will be averaged. ``'sum'``: The output will be summed. Default: ``'sum'``. Returns ------- ret The cross-entropy loss between the given distributions. """ return ivy.cross_entropy( true, pred, axis=ivy.default(axis, self._axis), epsilon=ivy.default(epsilon, self._epsilon), reduction=ivy.default(reduction, self._reduction), ) def _extra_repr(self) -> str: return ( f"axis={self._axis}, epsilon={self._epsilon}, reduction={self._reduction}" ) class BinaryCrossEntropyLoss(Module): def __init__( self, *, from_logits: bool = False, epsilon: float = 0.0, reduction: str = "none", ): self._from_logits = from_logits self._epsilon = epsilon self._reduction = reduction Module.__init__(self) def _forward( self, true, pred, *, from_logits=None, epsilon=None, reduction=None, pos_weight=None, axis=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- true input array containing true labels. pred input array containing Predicted labels. from_logits Whether `pred` is expected to be a logits tensor. By default, we assume that `pred` encodes a probability distribution. epsilon a float in [0.0, 1.0] specifying the amount of smoothing when calculating the loss. If epsilon is ``0``, no smoothing will be applied. Default: ``0``. reduction ``'none'``: No reduction will be applied to the output. ``'mean'``: The output will be averaged. ``'sum'``: The output will be summed. Default: ``'none'``. pos_weight a weight for positive examples. Must be an array with length equal to the number of classes. axis Axis along which to compute crossentropy. Returns ------- ret The binary cross entropy between the given distributions. """ return ivy.binary_cross_entropy( true, pred, from_logits=ivy.default(from_logits, self._from_logits), epsilon=ivy.default(epsilon, self._epsilon), reduction=ivy.default(reduction, self._reduction), pos_weight=pos_weight, axis=axis, ) def _extra_repr(self) -> str: return ( f"from_logits={self._from_logits}, epsilon={self._epsilon}, " f"reduction={self._reduction}" )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/stateful/losses.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 2621 }
import warnings import ivy import functools from typing import Callable import traceback as tb import inspect import os import ast import builtins # Helpers # # ------- # def _remove_so_log(trace): old_stack_trace = tb.extract_tb(trace) old_frames = inspect.getinnerframes(trace) transpile_frame = None module_frame = None module_st = None traced_lineno = None new_stack_trace = [] track = False for idx, st in enumerate(old_stack_trace): if ".pyx" in repr(st): continue if "<string>" in repr(st): if "compiled_fn" in repr(st) and module_frame: track = True traced_lineno = st.lineno if "<module>" in repr(st): module_frame = old_frames[idx] module_st = st elif ( transpile_frame is None and os.path.join("ivy", "compiler") in st.filename and st.name in ["compile", "transpile"] ): transpile_frame = old_frames[idx] elif track: ret_st = _align_source( st, transpile_frame, module_frame, module_st, traced_lineno ) if ret_st: [new_stack_trace.append(r) for r in ret_st] if track: track = False else: new_stack_trace.append(st) return new_stack_trace def _align_source(st, transpile_frame, module_frame, module_st, traced_lineno): from ivy.compiler.utils.VVX import trace_obj from ivy.compiler.utils.IIV import Graph curr_obj = [None, None, "", ""] if transpile_frame: t_v = inspect.getargvalues(transpile_frame.frame) obj = t_v.locals[t_v.varargs][0] traced_data = trace_obj(obj, t_v.locals["args"], t_v.locals["kwargs"], {}) curr_obj[0] = traced_data[1] curr_obj[1] = traced_data[2] curr_obj[2] = traced_data[3] if module_frame: t_v = inspect.getargvalues(module_frame.frame) for k, v in t_v.locals.items(): if k in module_st.line and isinstance(v, Graph): traced_data = trace_obj(t_v.locals[v.__name__], (), {}, {}) curr_obj[0] = traced_data[1] curr_obj[1] = traced_data[2] curr_obj[2] = v.__name__ if traced_lineno: line = v._Graph__fn_str.split("\n")[traced_lineno - 1] line = line.split("=")[1].strip() line = line.split("(")[0].strip() target_name = line.split(".")[-1].strip() curr_obj[3] = line area = traced_lineno / len(v._Graph__fn_str.strip().split("\n")) curr_obj = _get_traces(curr_obj, area, t_v.locals, target_name) if curr_obj[0] is None: return None if not isinstance(curr_obj[0], list): curr_obj = [curr_obj] return curr_obj def _get_traces(curr_obj, area, local_dict, target_name): from ivy.compiler.utils.VVX import trace_obj, get_source_code, CallVistior traces_list = [] func = local_dict[curr_obj[2]] func_module = inspect.getmodule(func) rooted_source = get_source_code(func).strip() try: module_ast = ast.parse(rooted_source) visitor = CallVistior(func_module) visitor.visit(module_ast) except SyntaxError: pass non_lib_objs_name_list = [f.__name__ for f in visitor.non_lib_objs] rooted_src_list = rooted_source.split("\n") max_idx = round(len(rooted_src_list) * area) - 1 for i in range(max_idx, 0, -1): if target_name in rooted_src_list[i]: curr_obj[3] = rooted_src_list[i] curr_obj[1] += i break elif builtins.any( [name in rooted_src_list[i] for name in non_lib_objs_name_list] ): found = False for name in non_lib_objs_name_list: if name in rooted_src_list[i]: traced_data = trace_obj(local_dict[name], (), {}, {}) ret_obj = [traced_data[1], traced_data[2], name, curr_obj[3]] ret_obj = _get_traces(ret_obj, 1, local_dict, target_name) if ret_obj: traces_list += ret_obj found = True break if found: curr_obj[3] = rooted_src_list[i] curr_obj[1] += i break return [curr_obj] + traces_list def _check_if_path_found(path, full_path): """Check if the path is found in the full path. Parameters ---------- path the path to check full_path the full path to check Returns ------- ret True if the path is found, False otherwise """ return path in full_path def _configure_stack_trace(traceback): """Configure the stack trace to be displayed in the console. Parameters ---------- traceback the traceback object """ tb = traceback trace_mode = ivy.exception_trace_mode show_wrappers = ivy.show_func_wrapper_trace_mode ivy_path = os.path.join("ivy", "functional", "ivy") frontend_path = os.path.join("ivy", "functional", "frontends") wrapper_path = os.path.join("ivy", "func_wrapper.py") while tb.tb_next: frame = tb.tb_next.tb_frame file_path = frame.f_code.co_filename if trace_mode == "ivy": if _check_if_path_found(ivy_path, file_path): tb = tb.tb_next else: tb.tb_next = tb.tb_next.tb_next elif trace_mode == "frontend": if _check_if_path_found(frontend_path, file_path) or _check_if_path_found( ivy_path, file_path ): tb = tb.tb_next else: tb.tb_next = tb.tb_next.tb_next elif not show_wrappers: if _check_if_path_found(wrapper_path, file_path): tb.tb_next = tb.tb_next.tb_next else: tb = tb.tb_next else: tb = tb.tb_next def _add_native_error(default): """Append the native error to the message if it exists. Parameters ---------- default list containing all the messages Returns ------- ret list containing all the messages, with the native error appended if it exists """ trace_mode = ivy.exception_trace_mode if isinstance(default[-1], Exception): if isinstance(default[-1], IvyException): if default[-1].native_error is not None: # native error was passed in the message native_error = default[-1].native_error else: # a string was passed in the message # hence the last element is an IvyException default[-1] = str(default[-1]) return default else: # exception was raised by the backend natively native_error = default[-1] if trace_mode == "full": default[-1] = native_error.__class__.__name__ default.append(str(native_error)) else: default[-1] = str(native_error) return default def _combine_messages(*messages, include_backend=True): if not include_backend: return " ".join(messages) default = [ "numpy" if ivy.current_backend_str() == "" else ivy.current_backend_str() ] delimiter = ": " for message in messages: default.append(message) # adding the native error as well if it exists and the trace mode is set to "full" default = _add_native_error(default) return delimiter.join(default) class IvyException(Exception): def __init__(self, *messages, include_backend=False): self.native_error = ( messages[0] if len(messages) == 1 and isinstance(messages[0], Exception) and not include_backend else None ) if self.native_error is None: super().__init__( _combine_messages(*messages, include_backend=include_backend) ) else: super().__init__(str(messages[0])) class IvyBackendException(IvyException): def __init__(self, *messages, include_backend=False): super().__init__(*messages, include_backend=include_backend) class IvyInvalidBackendException(IvyException): def __init__(self, *messages, include_backend=False): super().__init__(*messages, include_backend=include_backend) class IvyNotImplementedException(IvyException, NotImplementedError): def __init__(self, *messages, include_backend=False): super().__init__(*messages, include_backend=include_backend) class IvyError(IvyException): def __init__(self, *messages, include_backend=False): super().__init__(*messages, include_backend=include_backend) class IvyIndexError(IvyException, IndexError): def __init__(self, *messages, include_backend=False): super().__init__(*messages, include_backend=include_backend) class IvyAttributeError(IvyException, AttributeError): def __init__(self, *messages, include_backend=False): super().__init__(*messages, include_backend=include_backend) class IvyValueError(IvyException, ValueError): def __init__(self, *messages, include_backend=False): super().__init__(*messages, include_backend=include_backend) class IvyBroadcastShapeError(IvyException): def __init__(self, *messages, include_backend=False): super().__init__(*messages, include_backend=include_backend) class IvyDtypePromotionError(IvyException): def __init__(self, *messages, include_backend=False): super().__init__(*messages, include_backend=include_backend) class IvyDeviceError(IvyException): def __init__(self, *messages, include_backend=False): super().__init__(*messages, include_backend=include_backend) class InplaceUpdateException(IvyException): def __init__(self, *messages, include_backend=False): super().__init__(*messages, include_backend=include_backend) _non_ivy_exceptions_mapping = { IndexError: IvyIndexError, AttributeError: IvyAttributeError, ValueError: IvyValueError, Exception: IvyBackendException, NotImplementedError: IvyNotImplementedException, } def handle_exceptions(fn: Callable) -> Callable: @functools.wraps(fn) def _handle_exceptions(*args, **kwargs): """Catch all exceptions and raise them in IvyException. Parameters ---------- args The arguments to be passed to the function. kwargs The keyword arguments to be passed to the function. Returns ------- The return of the function, or raise IvyException if error is thrown. """ try: return fn(*args, **kwargs) except IvyException as e: _handle_exceptions_helper(e, type(e)) except Exception as e: ivy_exception = _non_ivy_exceptions_mapping.get( type(e), IvyBackendException ) _handle_exceptions_helper(e, ivy_exception) def _handle_exceptions_helper(e, cls): _configure_stack_trace(e.__traceback__) raise cls(fn.__name__, str(e), include_backend=True) _handle_exceptions.handle_exceptions = True return _handle_exceptions # Inplace Update # to avoid raising warnings on setting the same backend multiple times _inplace_warning_cache = {} def _handle_inplace_mode(ivy_pack=None): if not ivy_pack: ivy_pack = ivy current_backend = ivy_pack.current_backend_str() if ( current_backend != "" and not _inplace_warning_cache.get(current_backend) and not ivy_pack.native_inplace_support and ivy_pack.inplace_mode == "lenient" ): warnings.warn( f"The current backend: '{current_backend}' does not support " "inplace updates natively. Ivy would quietly create new arrays when " "using inplace updates with this backend, leading to memory overhead " "(same applies for views). If you want to control your memory " "management, consider doing ivy.set_inplace_mode('strict') which " "should raise an error whenever an inplace update is attempted " "with this backend." ) _inplace_warning_cache[current_backend] = True def _check_inplace_update_support(x, ensure_in_backend): current_backend = ivy.current_backend_str() is_tf_variable = current_backend == "tensorflow" and not ivy.is_ivy_array( x, exclusive=True ) if ( ensure_in_backend or ivy.is_native_array(x) or (ivy.inplace_mode == "strict" and not is_tf_variable) ): raise ivy.utils.exceptions.InplaceUpdateException( f"{current_backend} does not support inplace updates " "and ivy cannot support the operation in 'strict' mode\n" "To enable inplace update, use ivy.set_inplace_mode('lenient')\n" )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy/utils/exceptions.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 6061 }
# global import os import pytest from typing import Dict import sys import multiprocessing as mp # for enabling numpy's bfloat16 behavior from packaging import version from .helpers.globals import mod_backend, mod_frontend multiprocessing_flag = False # multiversion # local import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers.test_parameter_flags as pf from ivy import set_exception_trace_mode from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import globals as test_globals from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers.available_frameworks import available_frameworks # noqa from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers.multiprocessing import backend_proc, frontend_proc from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers.pipeline_helper import ( BackendHandler, BackendHandlerMode, ) GENERAL_CONFIG_DICT = {} UNSET_TEST_CONFIG = {"list": [], "flag": []} UNSET_TEST_API_CONFIG = {"list": [], "flag": []} TEST_PARAMS_CONFIG = [] SKIP_GROUND_TRUTH = False UNSUPPORTED_FRAEMWORK_DEVICES = {"numpy": ["gpu", "tpu"]} if "ARRAY_API_TESTS_MODULE" not in os.environ: os.environ["ARRAY_API_TESTS_MODULE"] = "ivy.functional.backends.numpy" def default_framework_mapper(fw, fw_path="/opt/fw/", set_too=False): # do a path search, get the latest # so that we can get the highest version # available dynamically and set that for # use by the rest of the code # eg: torch/1.11.0 and torch/1.12.0 # this will map to torch/1.12.0 try: versions = os.listdir(f"/opt/fw/{fw}") except FileNotFoundError: # if no version exists return None return None versions = [version.parse(v) for v in versions] versions.sort() if set_too: sys.path.insert(1, f"{fw_path}{fw}/{str(versions[-1])}") return str(versions[-1]) def pytest_report_header(config): return [ f"backend(s): {config.getoption('backend')}", f"device: {config.getoption('device')}", f"number of Hypothesis examples: {config.getoption('num_examples')}", ] def pytest_configure(config): global available_frameworks global multiprocessing_flag if config.getoption("--set-backend"): BackendHandler._update_context(BackendHandlerMode.SetBackend) # Ivy Exception traceback set_exception_trace_mode(config.getoption("--ivy-tb")) # Pytest traceback config.option.tbstyle = config.getoption("--tb") # device raw_value = config.getoption("--device") if raw_value == "all": devices = ["cpu", "gpu:0", "tpu:0"] else: devices = raw_value.split(",") # framework raw_value = config.getoption("--backend") if raw_value == "all": backend_strs = available_frameworks else: backend_strs = raw_value.split(",") no_mp = config.getoption("--no-mp") if not no_mp: # we go multiprocessing, if multiversion known_backends = {"tensorflow", "torch", "jax"} found_backends = set() for fw in backend_strs: if "/" in fw: # set backend to be used BackendHandler._update_context(BackendHandlerMode.SetBackend) multiprocessing_flag = True # spin up multiprocessing # build mp process, queue, initiation etc input_queue = mp.Queue() output_queue = mp.Queue() proc = mp.Process(target=backend_proc, args=(input_queue, output_queue)) # start the process so that it loads the framework input_queue.put(fw) proc.start() # we have the process running, the framework imported within, # we now pack the queue and the process and store it in dict # for future access fwrk, ver = fw.split("/") mod_backend[fwrk] = (proc, input_queue, output_queue) # set the latest version for the rest of the test code and move on default_framework_mapper(fwrk, set_too=False) found_backends.add(fwrk) if found_backends: # we know it's multiversion+multiprocessing # spin up processes for other backends that # were not found in --backend flag left_frameworks = known_backends.difference(found_backends) for fw in left_frameworks: # spin up multiprocessing # build mp process, queue, initiation etc # find the latest version of this framework # and set it in the path for rest of the code # to access version = default_framework_mapper(fw, set_too=False) # spin up process only if a version was found else don't if version: input_queue = mp.Queue() proc = mp.Process( target=backend_proc, args=(input_queue, output_queue) ) # start the process so that it loads the framework input_queue.put(f"{fw}/{version}") proc.start() # we have the process running, the framework imported within, # we now pack the queue and the process and store it in dict # for future access mod_backend[fw] = (proc, input_queue, output_queue) else: # no multiprocessing if multiversion for fw in backend_strs: if "/" in fw: multiprocessing_flag = True # multiversion, but without multiprocessing sys.path.insert(1, f"/opt/fw/{fw}") # frontend frontend = config.getoption("--frontend") if frontend: frontend_strs = frontend.split(",") # if we are passing a frontend flag, it has to have a version with it for frontend in frontend_strs: # spin up multiprocessing fw, ver = frontend.split("/") # build mp process, queue, initiation etc queue = mp.Queue() proc = mp.Process(target=frontend_proc, args=(queue,)) # start the process so that it loads the framework proc.start() queue.put(f"{fw}/{ver}") # we have the process running, the framework imported within, # we now pack the queue and the process and store it in dict # for future access mod_frontend[fw] = (proc, queue) # trace_graph raw_value = config.getoption("--trace_graph") if raw_value == "both": trace_modes = [True, False] elif raw_value == "true": trace_modes = [True] else: trace_modes = [False] # implicit raw_value = config.getoption("--with_implicit") if raw_value == "true": implicit_modes = [True, False] else: implicit_modes = [False] # create test configs for backend_str in backend_strs: for device in devices: if "/" in backend_str: backend_str = backend_str.split("/")[0] if ( backend_str in UNSUPPORTED_FRAEMWORK_DEVICES and device.partition(":")[0] in UNSUPPORTED_FRAEMWORK_DEVICES[backend_str] ): continue for trace_graph in trace_modes: for implicit in implicit_modes: TEST_PARAMS_CONFIG.append( ( device, backend_str, trace_graph, implicit, ) ) process_cl_flags(config) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def run_around_tests(request, on_device, backend_fw, trace_graph, implicit): try: test_globals.setup_api_test( backend_fw, ( request.function.ground_truth_backend if hasattr(request.function, "ground_truth_backend") else None ), on_device, ( request.function.test_data if hasattr(request.function, "test_data") else None ), ) except Exception as e: test_globals.teardown_api_test() raise RuntimeError(f"Setting up test for {request.function} failed.") from e yield test_globals.teardown_api_test() def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): # Skip backend test against groud truth backend # This redundant and wastes resources, as we going to be comparing # The backend against it self global SKIP_GROUND_TRUTH if hasattr(metafunc.function, "ground_truth_backend"): test_paramters = TEST_PARAMS_CONFIG.copy() # Find the entries that contains the ground truth backend as it's backend for entry in test_paramters.copy(): # Entry 1 is backend_fw if entry[1] == metafunc.function.ground_truth_backend and SKIP_GROUND_TRUTH: test_paramters.remove(entry) metafunc.parametrize( "on_device,backend_fw,trace_graph,implicit", test_paramters ) else: metafunc.parametrize( "on_device,backend_fw,trace_graph,implicit", TEST_PARAMS_CONFIG ) def process_cl_flags(config) -> Dict[str, bool]: getopt = config.getoption no_extra_testing = getopt("--no-extra-testing") tmp_config = { "as_variable": ( getopt("--skip-variable-testing"), getopt("--with-variable-testing"), ), "native_array": ( getopt("--skip-native-array-testing"), getopt("--with-native-array-testing"), ), "with_out": ( getopt("--skip-out-testing"), getopt("--with-out-testing"), ), "container": ( getopt("--skip-nestable-testing"), getopt("--with-nestable-testing"), ), "instance_method": ( getopt("--skip-instance-method-testing"), getopt("--with-instance-method-testing"), ), "test_gradients": ( getopt("--skip-gradient-testing"), getopt("--with-gradient-testing"), ), "test_trace": ( getopt("--skip-trace-testing"), getopt("--with-trace-testing"), ), "transpile": ( False, getopt("--with-transpile"), ), "test_cython_wrapper": ( getopt("--skip-cython-wrapper-testing"), getopt("--with-cython-wrapper-testing"), ), } # whether to skip gt testing or not # global SKIP_GROUND_TRUTH # SKIP_GROUND_TRUTH = not tmp_config["transpile"][1] # final mapping for hypothesis value generation for k, v in tmp_config.items(): # when both flags are true if v[0] and v[1]: raise Exception( f"--skip-{k}--testing and --with-{k}--testing flags cannot be used " "together" ) if v[1] and no_extra_testing: raise Exception( f"--with-{k}--testing and --no-extra-testing flags cannot be used " "together" ) # skipping a test if v[0] or no_extra_testing: pf.build_flag(k, False) # extra testing if v[1]: pf.build_flag(k, True) def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--no-mp", action="store", default=None) parser.addoption( "--set-backend", action="store_true", default=False, help="Force the testing pipeline to use ivy.set_backend for backend setting", ) parser.addoption("--device", action="store", default="cpu") parser.addoption("-B", "--backend", action="store", default="all") parser.addoption("--trace_graph", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--with_implicit", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--frontend", action="store", default=None) parser.addoption("--env", action="store", default=None) parser.addoption("--ground_truth", action="store", default=None) parser.addoption("--skip-variable-testing", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--skip-native-array-testing", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--skip-out-testing", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--skip-nestable-testing", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--skip-instance-method-testing", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--skip-gradient-testing", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--skip-trace-testing", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--with-variable-testing", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--with-native-array-testing", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--with-out-testing", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--with-nestable-testing", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--with-instance-method-testing", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--with-gradient-testing", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--with-trace-testing", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--with-transpile", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--no-extra-testing", action="store_true") parser.addoption( "--my_test_dump", action="store", default=None, help="Print test items in my custom format", ) parser.addoption("--skip-cython-wrapper-testing", action="store_true") parser.addoption("--with-cython-wrapper-testing", action="store_true") def pytest_collection_finish(session): # Make sure we're not accidentally accessing it during test global TEST_PARAMS_CONFIG del TEST_PARAMS_CONFIG if session.config.option.my_test_dump is not None: for item in session.items: item_path = os.path.relpath(item.path) print(f"{item_path}::{item.name}") for backend in mod_backend: proc = mod_backend[backend] proc.terminate() pytest.exit("Done!")
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/conftest.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 6358 }
class NativeClass: """An empty class to represent a class that only exist in a specific framework. Attributes ---------- _native_class : class reference A reference to the framework-specific class. """ def __init__(self, native_class): """Construct the native class object. Parameters ---------- native_class : class reference A reperence to the framework-specific class being represented. """ self._native_class = native_class
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/__init__.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 186 }
import pytest @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def frontend(): return "jax"
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_jax/conftest.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 31 }
# global from hypothesis import strategies as st, settings # local import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers.testing_helpers import handle_frontend_test # can_cast @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.can_cast", from_=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), to=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), casting=st.sampled_from(["no", "equiv", "safe", "same_kind", "unsafe"]), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) # there are 100 combinations of dtypes, so run 200 examples to make sure all are tested @settings(max_examples=200) def test_jax_can_cast( *, from_, to, casting, test_flags, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, backend_fw, ): helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=[], backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, from_=from_[0], to=to[0], casting=casting, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.finfo", dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric", full=False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_jax_finfo(*, dtype, test_flags, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, backend_fw): helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=[], frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, dtype=dtype[0], backend_to_test=backend_fw, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.iinfo", dtype=helpers.get_dtypes("numeric", full=False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) @settings(max_examples=200) def test_jax_iinfo(*, dtype, test_flags, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, backend_fw): helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=[], frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, int_type=dtype[0], backend_to_test=backend_fw, ) # promote_types @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.promote_types", type1=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), type2=helpers.get_dtypes("valid", full=False), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) # there are 100 combinations of dtypes, so run 200 examples to make sure all are tested @settings(max_examples=200) def test_jax_promote_types( *, type1, type2, test_flags, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, backend_fw, ): ret, frontend_ret = helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=[], backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, type1=type1[0], type2=type2[0], test_values=False, ) assert str(ret._ivy_dtype) == str(frontend_ret[0]) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="jax.numpy.result_type", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), num_arrays=st.shared(helpers.ints(min_value=2, max_value=5), key="num_arrays"), shared_dtype=False, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) @settings(max_examples=200) def test_jax_result_type( *, dtype_and_x, test_flags, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, backend_fw ): dtype, x = helpers.as_lists(*dtype_and_x) kw = {} for i, (dtype_, x_) in enumerate(zip(dtype, x)): kw[f"x{i}"] = x_ test_flags.num_positional_args = len(kw) helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, frontend=frontend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, test_values=False, **kw, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_jax/test_numpy/test_dtype.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1748 }
# global import pytest # local import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import handle_frontend_test # softsign @pytest.mark.skip("Testing pipeline not yet implemented") @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="mindspore.ops.softsign", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes(kind="float", full=False, key="dtype"), safety_factor_scale="log", small_abs_safety_factor=20, ), ) def test_mindspore_softsign( *, dtype_and_x, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, backend_fw, test_flags, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, frontend=frontend, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_mindspore/test_ops/test_mindspore_nn_func.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 407 }
# global import sys import numpy as np from hypothesis import strategies as st, assume # local import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import handle_frontend_test # --- Helpers --- # # --------------- # # tensorinv @st.composite def _get_inv_square_matrices(draw): dim_size = draw(helpers.ints(min_value=1, max_value=10)) batch_shape = draw(st.sampled_from([2, 4, 6, 8, 10])) generated_shape = (dim_size,) * batch_shape generated_ind = int(np.floor(len(generated_shape) / 2)) handpicked_shape, handpicked_ind = draw( st.sampled_from([[(24, 6, 4), 1], [(8, 3, 6, 4), 2], [(6, 7, 8, 16, 21), 3]]) ) shape, ind = draw( st.sampled_from( [(generated_shape, generated_ind), (handpicked_shape, handpicked_ind)] ) ) input_dtype = draw( helpers.get_dtypes("float", index=1, full=False).filter( lambda x: x not in ["float16", "bfloat16"] ) ) invertible = False while not invertible: a = draw( helpers.array_values( dtype=input_dtype[0], shape=shape, min_value=-100, max_value=100, ) ) try: np.linalg.inv(a) invertible = True except np.linalg.LinAlgError: pass return input_dtype, a, ind # --- Main --- # # ------------ # # inv @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.linalg.inv", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), small_abs_safety_factor=2, safety_factor_scale="log", shape=helpers.ints(min_value=2, max_value=20).map(lambda x: (x, x)), ).filter(lambda x: np.linalg.cond(x[1][0].tolist()) < 1 / sys.float_info.epsilon), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_numpy_inv( dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, a=x[0], ) # lstsq @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.linalg.lstsq", x=helpers.get_first_solve_matrix(adjoint=True), y=helpers.get_second_solve_matrix(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_numpy_lstsq( x, y, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype1, a, _ = x dtype2, b = y ret, ret_gt = helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=[dtype1, dtype2], frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, backend_to_test=backend_fw, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, a=a, b=b, test_values=False, ) for ret_f, ret_gtt in zip(ret, ret_gt): # TODO: Uncomment this once the function is implemented on the API side # frontend_ret = ret_f # frontend_ret_gt = ret_gt # ret_flattened = helpers.flatten_and_to_np(ret=frontend_ret) # ret_gt_flattened = helpers.flatten_fw_and_to_np( # ret=frontend_ret_gt, fw="numpy") # helpers.value_test( # ret_np_flat=ret_flattened, # ret_np_from_gt_flat=ret_gt_flattened, # ground_truth_backend="numpy", # ) return # pinv @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.linalg.pinv", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_num_dims=2, max_num_dims=2, ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_numpy_pinv( dtype_and_x, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, a=x[0], ) # solve @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.linalg.solve", x=helpers.get_first_solve_batch_matrix(), y=helpers.get_second_solve_batch_matrix(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_numpy_solve( x, y, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): dtype1, x1, _ = x dtype2, x2, _ = y helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=[dtype1, dtype2], backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4, a=x1, b=x2, ) @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.linalg.tensorinv", params=_get_inv_square_matrices(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_numpy_tensorinv( *, params, test_flags, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, backend_fw, ): dtype, x, ind = params if backend_fw == "paddle": # Paddle only supports ndim from 0 to 9 assume(x.ndim <= 9) helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, test_flags=test_flags, rtol=1e-01, atol=1e-01, frontend=frontend, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, a=x, ind=ind, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_numpy/test_linalg/test_solving_equations_and_inverting_matrices.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 2790 }
# global from hypothesis import strategies as st import numpy as np # local import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers import ivy_tests.test_ivy.test_frontends.test_numpy.helpers as np_frontend_helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import handle_frontend_test, BackendHandler # --- Helpers --- # # --------------- # @st.composite def generate_copyto_args(draw): input_dtypes, xs, casting, _ = draw( np_frontend_helpers.dtypes_values_casting_dtype( arr_func=[ lambda: helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, min_num_dims=1, ) ], ) ) where = draw(np_frontend_helpers.where(shape=xs[0].shape)) return input_dtypes, xs, casting, where # copyto @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.copyto", test_with_out=st.just(False), copyto_args=generate_copyto_args(), ) def test_numpy_copyto( copyto_args, backend_fw, frontend, ): _, xs, casting, where = copyto_args if isinstance(where, (list, tuple)): where = where[0] with BackendHandler.update_backend(backend_fw) as ivy_backend: src_ivy = ivy_backend.functional.frontends.numpy.array(xs[0]) dst_ivy = ivy_backend.functional.frontends.numpy.array(xs[1]) ivy_backend.functional.frontends.numpy.copyto( dst_ivy, src_ivy, where=where, casting=casting ) src_np = np.array(xs[0]) dst_np = np.array(xs[1]) np.copyto(dst_np, src_np, where=where, casting=casting) assert dst_np.shape == dst_ivy.shape # value test dst_ = ivy_backend.to_numpy(dst_ivy.ivy_array) helpers.assert_all_close( dst_, dst_np, backend=backend_fw, ground_truth_backend=frontend ) assert id(src_ivy) != id(dst_ivy) # shape @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.shape", xs_n_input_dtypes_n_unique_idx=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("valid") ), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_numpy_shape( *, xs_n_input_dtypes_n_unique_idx, on_device, fn_tree, frontend, test_flags, backend_fw, ): input_dtypes, xs = xs_n_input_dtypes_n_unique_idx ret, ret_gt = helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, test_values=False, array=xs[0], ) # Manually compare the shape here because ivy.shape doesn't return an array, so # ivy.to_numpy will narrow the bit-width, resulting in different dtypes. This is # not an issue with the front-end function, but how the testing framework converts # non-array function outputs to arrays. assert len(ret) == len(ret_gt) for i, j in zip(ret, ret_gt): assert i == j
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_numpy/test_manipulation_routines/test_basic_operations.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 1425 }
# global # local import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers import ivy_tests.test_ivy.test_frontends.test_numpy.helpers as np_frontend_helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import handle_frontend_test # arccosh @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.arccosh", dtypes_values_casting=np_frontend_helpers.dtypes_values_casting_dtype( arr_func=[ lambda: helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ) ], ), where=np_frontend_helpers.where(), number_positional_args=np_frontend_helpers.get_num_positional_args_ufunc( fn_name="arccosh" ), ) def test_numpy_arccosh( dtypes_values_casting, where, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtypes, x, casting, dtype = dtypes_values_casting where, input_dtypes, test_flags = np_frontend_helpers.handle_where_and_array_bools( where=where, input_dtype=input_dtypes, test_flags=test_flags, ) np_frontend_helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-2, x=x[0], out=None, where=where, casting=casting, order="K", dtype=dtype, subok=True, ) # arcsinh @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.arcsinh", dtypes_values_casting=np_frontend_helpers.dtypes_values_casting_dtype( arr_func=[ lambda: helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ) ], ), where=np_frontend_helpers.where(), number_positional_args=np_frontend_helpers.get_num_positional_args_ufunc( fn_name="arcsinh" ), ) def test_numpy_arcsinh( dtypes_values_casting, where, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtypes, x, casting, dtype = dtypes_values_casting where, input_dtypes, test_flags = np_frontend_helpers.handle_where_and_array_bools( where=where, input_dtype=input_dtypes, test_flags=test_flags, ) np_frontend_helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-2, x=x[0], out=None, where=where, casting=casting, order="K", dtype=dtype, subok=True, ) # arctanh @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.arctanh", dtypes_values_casting=np_frontend_helpers.dtypes_values_casting_dtype( arr_func=[ lambda: helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ) ], ), where=np_frontend_helpers.where(), number_positional_args=np_frontend_helpers.get_num_positional_args_ufunc( fn_name="arctanh" ), ) def test_numpy_arctanh( dtypes_values_casting, where, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtypes, x, casting, dtype = dtypes_values_casting where, input_dtypes, test_flags = np_frontend_helpers.handle_where_and_array_bools( where=where, input_dtype=input_dtypes, test_flags=test_flags, ) np_frontend_helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], out=None, where=where, casting=casting, order="K", dtype=dtype, subok=True, ) # cosh @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.cosh", dtypes_values_casting=np_frontend_helpers.dtypes_values_casting_dtype( arr_func=[ lambda: helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ) ], ), where=np_frontend_helpers.where(), number_positional_args=np_frontend_helpers.get_num_positional_args_ufunc( fn_name="cosh" ), ) def test_numpy_cosh( dtypes_values_casting, where, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtypes, x, casting, dtype = dtypes_values_casting where, input_dtypes, test_flags = np_frontend_helpers.handle_where_and_array_bools( where=where, input_dtype=input_dtypes, test_flags=test_flags, ) np_frontend_helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, x=x[0], out=None, where=where, casting=casting, order="K", dtype=dtype, subok=True, ) # sinh @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.sinh", dtypes_values_casting=np_frontend_helpers.dtypes_values_casting_dtype( arr_func=[ lambda: helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ) ], ), where=np_frontend_helpers.where(), number_positional_args=np_frontend_helpers.get_num_positional_args_ufunc( fn_name="sinh" ), ) def test_numpy_sinh( dtypes_values_casting, where, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtypes, x, casting, dtype = dtypes_values_casting where, input_dtypes, test_flags = np_frontend_helpers.handle_where_and_array_bools( where=where, input_dtype=input_dtypes, test_flags=test_flags, ) np_frontend_helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2, x=x[0], out=None, where=where, casting=casting, order="K", dtype=dtype, subok=True, ) # tanh @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.tanh", dtypes_values_casting=np_frontend_helpers.dtypes_values_casting_dtype( arr_func=[ lambda: helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), num_arrays=2, shared_dtype=True, ) ], ), where=np_frontend_helpers.where(), number_positional_args=np_frontend_helpers.get_num_positional_args_ufunc( fn_name="tanh" ), ) def test_numpy_tanh( dtypes_values_casting, where, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtypes, x, casting, dtype = dtypes_values_casting where, input_dtypes, test_flags = np_frontend_helpers.handle_where_and_array_bools( where=where, input_dtype=input_dtypes, test_flags=test_flags, ) np_frontend_helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtypes, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3, x=x[0], out=None, where=where, casting=casting, order="K", dtype=dtype, subok=True, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_numpy/test_mathematical_functions/test_hyperbolic_functions.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 4136 }
# global from hypothesis import strategies as st # local import ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers as helpers from ivy_tests.test_ivy.helpers import handle_frontend_test @handle_frontend_test( fn_tree="numpy.count_nonzero", dtype_and_x=helpers.dtype_and_values( available_dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float"), min_num_dims=1 ), keepdims=st.booleans(), test_with_out=st.just(False), ) def test_numpy_count_nonzero( dtype_and_x, keepdims, frontend, test_flags, fn_tree, backend_fw, on_device, ): input_dtype, x = dtype_and_x helpers.test_frontend_function( input_dtypes=input_dtype, backend_to_test=backend_fw, frontend=frontend, test_flags=test_flags, fn_tree=fn_tree, on_device=on_device, a=x[0], axis=0, keepdims=keepdims, )
{ "file_path": "ivy/ivy_tests/test_ivy/test_frontends/test_numpy/test_sorting_searching_counting/test_counting.py", "repo_id": "ivy", "token_count": 414 }