stringlengths 10
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Beide Elemente des amerikanischen Traums haben heute einen Teil ihrer Anziehungskraft verloren.
Could you please translate this to English? | Both elements of the American dream have now lost something of their appeal. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Math problem: Solve 13*a + 74 = 9 for a.
What is the solution? | -5 | 6 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
[13] [14]
Translate to Czech
Czech: | [12] [13] [14] | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
If That break has disturbed the planets., can we conclude that "The planets are disturbed by the break, this is a disaster."?
Pick your answer from:
(I). yes;
(II). it is not possible to tell;
(III). no; | (II). | 8 | Flan2021 | glue/mnli:2.0.0 | zs_opt |
Roberto und Davide Brivio, die normalerweise in der Yamaha Garage arbeiten, lagen direkt hinter Simoncelli.
Translate to English
English: | Taking to the track after a season in the Fiat Yamaha garage, Roberto and Davide Brivio were just behind Simoncelli. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Write a text based on "mozambican ruling party urges to fight corruption"
Text: | secretary general of mozambique 's ruling frelimo party armando guebuza has declared in the central city of beira , the second largest city of mozambique , that '' corruption and inertia are the major evils that hamper development in mozambique , '' local media reported friday . | 9 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | zs_opt |
australia introduced a bill to parliament thursday to abolish its main aboriginal body , a move that indigenous activists branded `` cruel irony '' as it coincided with the anniversary of a decades-old referendum giving aborigines full citizenship .
Write a brief summary in a sentence or less. | australia presents bill to end aboriginal body on anniversary of vote | 4 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | zs_opt |
Solve 407*m = -8378*m + 584*m + 557668 for m.. What is the answer?? | 68 | 9 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Generate a short summary this sentence:
the clinton global initiative -lrb- cgi -rrb- brought out a number of commitments in new york on wednesday , the first day of a three day gathering , toward action on such global causes as climate change , poverty , health care and education , local media reported on thursday .
Summary: | clinton global initiative gathers celebrities hears pledges | 2 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | zs_opt |
Write a sentence not in English. | Připomínky lze Komisi zaslat faxem (+32 22964301), e-mailem na adresu COMP-MERGER-REGISTRY či poštou s uvedením čísla jednacího COMP/M.5895 – Keolis Nordic/Busslink Group na adresu Generálního ředitelství pro hospodářskou soutěž Evropské Komise: | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
De asemenea, mă aștept ca solidaritatea noastră să nu fie abuzată de cei care au nevoie de ea, sau de cei care caută un pretext convenabil pentru armonizarea fiscală și alte modalități de a reduce suveranitatea statelor membre.
Could you please translate this to English? | I also expect that our solidarity will not be abused by those who need it, or by those who are seeking a convenient pretext for tax harmonisation and other ways to curtail Member State sovereignty. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ro-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
haiti 's premier begged foreign donors monday to back the reconstruction of his quake-hit country as fresh looting and chaotic food hand-outs underscored the grim conditions facing survivors .
Write a brief summary in a sentence or less. | haiti pm begs for quake aid as looting spreads | 4 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | zs_opt |
Math problem: Solve 1559*k - 524 = -229*k - 106016 for k.
What is the solution? | -59 | 6 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
En outre, au paragraphe f) de cette décision, la CMAE indique que les intérêts produits par le Fonds général d'affectation spéciale pourraient être utilisés et que des propositions détaillées sur l'utilisation des revenus d'intérêts provenant du Fonds général d'affectation spéciale seront préparées par le secrétariat et présentées au Bureau, pour qu'il donne son accord à leur mise en œuvre.
Translate to English. | Furthermore with its decision 4 (f) at its tenth session, AMCEN agreed that the interest generated by the general trust fund could be used and that detailed proposals on its use should be prepared by the AMCEN secretariat and submitted to the AMCEN Bureau for approval prior to implementation. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Article: Based on discoveries made through neural mapping of the limbic system, the neurobiological explanation of human emotion is that emotion is a pleasant or unpleasant mental state organized in the limbic system of the mammalian brain. If distinguished from reactive responses of reptiles, emotions would then be mammalian elaborations of general vertebrate arousal patterns, in which neurochemicals (for example, dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin) step-up or step-down the brain's activity level, as visible in body movements, gestures and postures. Emotions can likely be mediated by pheromones (see fear).
Question: The neurobiological explanation is specific to what types of brains? | mammalian | 5 | Flan2021 | squad/v1.1:3.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate the following sentence to French:
| Risk Class DEPRESSOR, TONGUE, METAL, ENT DEPRESSOR, UTERINE 2 3 4 UNIT, DERMABRASION | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
See the multi-choice question below:
Sentence 1: they're now criminals
Sentence 2: now they are criminals
If the first sentence is true, then is the second sentence true?
Possible answers:
- yes
- it is not possible to tell
- no | yes | 4 | Flan2021 | glue/mnli:2.0.0 | zs_opt |
Solve 13*k + 10 = -3 for k. | -1 | 0 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Rychlé vytvoření několika řádků objednávky
Translate to English
English: | Fast creation of several order lines | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Alle unsere Partner sind erfahren in Verkauf, Implementierung und Support von SDL Lösungen, und viele von ihnen bieten umfassende Benutzerschulungen auf allen Erfahrungsstufen an.
Which language is this? | German | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate "A whole succession of monarchs have added to Henry VIII's original palace." to Russian? | Дворец, первоначально заложенный королем Генри VIII, был улучшен последующими поколениями монархов. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Il reste que des erreurs sont toujours possibles et, selon la nature de l'erreur commise, le Gouvernement prend toutes les mesures correctives, disciplinaires ou pénales qui s'imposent.
Translate to English. | Even in those circumstances, errors could arise and, depending on the nature of the mistake committed, the Government would then take all necessary corrective, disciplinary and criminal measures. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate to Czech:
And I threw it.
Czech: | A já, ji odvrhla. | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
We cannot exclude the possibility that Hamas will rise to the occasion.
Translate to Finnish
Finnish: | Emme voi sulkea pois sitä mahdollisuutta, että Hamas nousee tilanteen tasalle. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate "I was there all three nights and in complete peace I passed the inner barricades, while our photographer got into headquarters and was stunned at this." to Russian? | Был я там все три ночи и совершенно спокойно проходил за это ограждение внутренними дворами, а фотограф наш в штаб прошел и сам от этого обалдел. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate "I'll shoW you hoW." to Czech? | Pojď, naučím tě to. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate "The Western state’s shortcomings are strikingly apparent when compared with robust survivors and adapters in other parts of the world." to German? | Ein Vergleich mit den robusten Überlebens- und Anpassungskünstlern in anderen Teilen der Welt macht die Mängel des westlichen Staates überdeutlich. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Write a sentence not in English. | S použitím tohoto. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Darwin discusses morphology, including the importance of homologous structures. He says, "What can be more curious than that the hand of a man, formed for grasping, that of a mole for digging, the leg of the horse, the paddle of the porpoise, and the wing of the bat, should all be constructed on the same pattern, and should include the same bones, in the same relative positions?" He notes that animals of the same class often have extremely similar embryos. Darwin discusses rudimentary organs, such as the wings of flightless birds and the rudiments of pelvis and leg bones found in some snakes. He remarks that some rudimentary organs, such as teeth in baleen whales, are found only in embryonic stages.
If it is possible to answer this question, answer it for me (else, reply "unanswerable"): What theory does Darwin discuss that is related to the importance of homologous structures? | morphology | 5 | Flan2021 | squad/v2.0:3.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate to French:
The ultimate solution, which must be acceptable to the majority of the population in Kosovo, should also respect the guidelines that were established by the Contact Group and endorsed by the Security Council.
| La solution trouvée, qui doit être acceptable pour la majorité de la population du Kosovo, devra également respecter les principes directeurs élaborés par le Groupe de contact et endossés par le Conseil de sécurité. | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate the following sentence to Czech:
So when his world was threatened by terrible invaders from a distant star, who were still a fair way off but travelling fast, he, Blart Versenwald III (his name was Blart Versenwald III, which is not strictly relevant, but quite interesting because - never mind, that was his name and we can talk about why it's interesting later), was sent into guarded seclusion by the masters of his race with instructions to design a breed of fanatical superwarriors to resist and vanquish the feared invaders, do it quickly and, they told him, "Concentrate!"
Czech: | Takže když jeho svět začali ohrožovat strašliví nájezdníci ze vzdálené hvězdy, kteří byli stále ještě dost daleko, ale rychle se blížili, poslali vládci té rasy Blarta Versenwalda III. (jmenoval se Blart Versenwald III., což není příliš podstatné, ale je to docela zajímavé, protože - ale prostě se tak jmenoval a o tom, proč se tak jmenoval, se můžeme bavit později) do ústraní, kde byl pečlivě střežen, s instrukcemi, že má vypěstovat plémě fanatických superválečníků, kteří se měli ubránit obávaným vetřelcům a zdolat je. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Les chambres sont situées en façade de l'hôtel et offrent une vue spectaculaire sur la ville.
Translate this to English? | The room is at the front of the hotel and has a great view. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Когда Галлахер спросил, на чем же он базировал свой анализ, тот признал, что положился на предыдущие исследования болезни Хейдника.
Translate this to English? | When Gallagher asked what he had based his analysis on, he admitted that he had relied on Heidnik's previous medical history. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Solve -5*p + 6 = -9 for p. | 3 | 0 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate the following sentence to French:
To reiterate, the impact of more capacity is potentially perverse – irreversibly so – unless there is Canadian content in sufficient quality and quantity to fill those pipes.
| Répétons ici qu'une capacité accrue à ce chapitre est également porteuse d'effets négatifs, et ce, de manière irréversible, à moins que nous ne disposions de contenu canadien en quantité et de qualité suffisantes pour alimenter ces canaux. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Bornholm Regional Municipality is the local authority (Danish language, kommune) covering the entire island. It is the result of a merger of the five former (1 April 1970 until 2002) municipalities on the island (Allinge-Gudhjem Municipality, Hasle, Bornholm, Nexø, Rønne and Aakirkeby) and the former Bornholm County. Bornholm Regional Municipality was also a county in its own right during its first four years from 1 January 2003 until 31 December 2006. From 1 January 2007 all counties were abolished, and Bornholm became part of the Capital Region of Denmark whose main responsibility is the health service. The municipality still retains its name Bornholm Regional Municipality. The island had 21 municipalities until March 1970, of which 6 were market towns and 15 parishes. In addition to supervising parish municipalities, which was the responsibility of the counties in all of Denmark, the market town municipalities of Bornholm were supervised by Bornholm County as well and not by the Interior Ministry as was the case in the rest of Denmark. The seat of the municipal council is the islands main town, Rønne. The voters decided to merge the county with the municipalities in a referendum May 29, 2001, effective from January 1, 2003. The question on the ballot was, "Do you want the six municipal entities of Bornholm to be joined to form one municipal entity as of 1 January 2003?" 73.9% voted in favour. The lowest percentage for the merger was in Nexø municipality, whose mayor, Annelise Molin, a Social Democrat, spoke out against the merger. It was required that each municipality had more "Yes" votes than "No" votes. Otherwise the merger would have to be abandoned altogether. The six municipal entities had 122 councillors (of which county clls were 15) and the new regional municipality would have 27 councillors from the start. They were reduced to 23 from 1 January 2018 (Danish local elections, 2017). The merger was approved in a law by the Folketing 19 March 2002, transferring the tasks of the abolished county and old municipalities to the new Bornholm Regional Municipality. The first regional mayor in the first three years from 2003 until 2005 was Thomas Thors (born 28 July 1949), a physician and member of the Social Democrats (Denmark) and previously the last mayor of Rønne Municipality for five years from 1998 until 2002. Bjarne Kristiansen, who was the last mayor of Hasle, Bornholm 2½ years from the summer of 2000 until 2002, representing the local Borgerlisten political party, served as mayor for four years from January 1, 2006 until 2009. From January 1, 2007, Bornholm became a part of the Capital Region of Denmark. From January 1, 2010 the mayor has been Winni Grosbøll, a high school teacher and a member of the Social Democrats (Denmark) (Socialdemokratiet) Politics of Denmark.
Answer this question: How many municipalities did the island have that weren't in market towns? | 15 | 3 | Flan2021 | drop:2.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate "Within the ORF serial program “Innovative Austria” the enterprise LEDworx® was presented." to German? | Im Rahmen der ORF-Sendereihe "Innovatives Österreich" wurde das Unternehmen LEDworx® vorgestellt. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate to French:
Safety device for portable tanks 23
| Dispositifs de sécurité des citernes mobiles 23 | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Takže deštné pralesy jsou vlastně...
Could you please translate this to English? | So the rainforest are actually... | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Solve 227 = -198*v - 381 - 184 for v.. What is the answer?? | -4 | 9 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Aspoň něco skutečného mezi námi.
Which language is this? | Czech | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
That's pretty sophisticated for a street criminal.
Translate to Czech
Czech: | To je na pouličního kriminálníka hodně promyšlené. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Poznámka: Klasifikace podvozku podle bodu 5 normy EN 13749:2005 se nevyžaduje.
Translate to English
English: | Note: A classification of the bogie according to clause 5 of EN 13749:2005 is not required. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Wir freuen uns, Sie am 6. Juni 2010 herzlich in Rapperswil-Jona zu begrüssen!
Could you please translate this to English? | We are looking forward to welcoming you in Rapperswil-Jona on June 6th, 2010. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Raleigh, North Carolina
North Carolina Museum of Art, occupying a large suburban campus on Blue Ridge Road near the North Carolina State Fairgrounds, maintains one of the premier public art collections located between Washington, D.C., and Atlanta. In addition to its extensive collections of American Art, European Art and ancient art, the museum recently has hosted major exhibitions featuring Auguste Rodin (in 2000) and Claude Monet (in 2006-07), each attracting more than 200,000 visitors. Unlike most prominent public museums, the North Carolina Museum of Art acquired a large number of the works in its permanent collection through purchases with public funds. The museum's outdoor park is one of the largest such art parks in the country. The museum facility underwent a major expansion which greatly expanded the exhibit space that was completed in 2010. The 127,000 sf new expansion is designed by NYC architect Thomas Phifer and Partners.
Q: How many people attended the Monet exhibit? | 200,000 | 7 | Flan2021 | squad/v1.1:3.0.0 | zs_opt |
Please write a short summary for the following article:
On College Campuses, a Shortage of Men
Jason Arthurs for The New York Times
Daniel Cope at âcountry nightâ at the Deep End, a bar in Chapel Hill, N.C., with, from left, Katie Gane, Bekah Justus, Tucker Petty, Annie Cherry, Taylor Walters and Kelly Lynch. More Photos »
ANOTHER ladies’ night, not by choice.
After midnight on a rainy night last week in Chapel Hill, N.C., a large group of sorority women at the University of North Carolina squeezed into the corner booth of a gritty basement bar. Bathed in a neon glow, they splashed beer from pitchers, traded jokes and belted out lyrics to a Taylor Swift heartache anthem thundering overhead. As a night out, it had everything — except guys.
“This is so typical, like all nights, 10 out of 10,” said Kate Andrew, a senior from Albemarle, N.C. The experience has grown tiresome: they slip on tight-fitting tops, hair sculpted, makeup just so, all for the benefit of one another, Ms. Andrew said, “because there are no guys.”
North Carolina, with a student body that is nearly 60 percent female, is just one of many large universities that at times feel eerily like women’s colleges. Women have represented about 57 percent of enrollments at American colleges since at least 2000, according to a recent report by the American Council on Education. Researchers there cite several reasons: women tend to have higher grades; men tend to drop out in disproportionate numbers; and female enrollment skews higher among older students, low-income students, and black and Hispanic students.
In terms of academic advancement, this is hardly the worst news for women — hoist a mug for female achievement. And certainly, women are primarily in college not because they are looking for men, but because they want to earn a degree.
But surrounded by so many other successful women, they often find it harder than expected to find a date on a Friday night.
“My parents think there is something wrong with me because I don’t have a boyfriend, and I don’t hang out with a lot of guys,” said Ms. Andrew, who had a large circle of male friends in high school.
Jayne Dallas, a senior studying advertising who was seated across the table, grumbled that the population of male undergraduates was even smaller when you looked at it as a dating pool. “Out of that 40 percent, there are maybe 20 percent that we would consider, and out of those 20, 10 have girlfriends, so all the girls are fighting over that other 10 percent,” she said.
Needless to say, this puts guys in a position to play the field, and tends to mean that even the ones willing to make a commitment come with storied romantic histories. Rachel Sasser, a senior history major at the table, said that before she and her boyfriend started dating, he had “hooked up with a least five of my friends in my sorority — that I know of.”
These sorts of romantic complications are hardly confined to North Carolina, an academically rigorous school where most students spend more time studying than socializing. The gender imbalance is also pronounced at some private colleges, such as New York University and Lewis & Clark in Portland, Ore., and large public universities in states like California, Florida and Georgia. The College of Charleston, a public liberal arts college in South Carolina, is 66 percent female. Some women at the University of Vermont, with an undergraduate body that is 55 percent female, sardonically refer to their college town, Burlington, as “Girlington.”
The gender gap is not universal. The Ivy League schools are largely equal in gender, and some still tilt male. But at some schools, efforts to balance the numbers have been met with complaints that less-qualified men are being admitted over more-qualified women. In December, the United States Commission on Civil Rights moved to subpoena admissions data from 19 public and private colleges to look at whether they were discriminating against qualified female applicants.
Leaving aside complaints about “affirmative action for boys,” less attention has been focused on the social ramifications.
Thanks to simple laws of supply and demand, it is often the women who must assert themselves romantically or be left alone on Valentine’s Day, staring down a George Clooney movie over a half-empty pizza box.
“I was talking to a friend at a bar, and this girl just came up out of nowhere, grabbed him by the wrist, spun him around and took him out to the dance floor and started grinding,” said Kelly Lynch, a junior at North Carolina, recalling a recent experience.
Students interviewed here said they believed their mating rituals reflected those of college students anywhere. But many of them — men and women alike — said that the lopsided population tends to skew behavior.
“A lot of my friends will meet someone and go home for the night and just hope for the best the next morning,” Ms. Lynch said. “They’ll text them and say: ‘I had a great time. Want to hang out next week?’ And they don’t respond.”
Even worse, “Girls feel pressured to do more than they’re comfortable with, to lock it down,” Ms. Lynch said.
Summary: | When women outnumber men at a college, dating culture is skewed. | 1 | Flan2021 | newsroom:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate "Well, look, look, obviously, you know, I can't... Condone this kind of behavior." to Czech? | Podívej, očividně ti nemůžu prominout takovéto chování. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
See the multi-choice question below:
Sentence 1: A leading world corporation in the field of extremely rapidly degradable products, Hipsi Co.
Sentence 2: Hipsi Co is one of the smallest companies to ever exist.
If the first sentence is true, then is the second sentence true?
Select from:
* yes
* it is not possible to tell
* no | no | 4 | Flan2021 | glue/mnli:2.0.0 | zs_opt |
Zajíkla jsem se a zaryla nehty do jeho půlek, tvrdých jako kámen.
Translate to English
English: | I gasped, my nails digging into the rock-hard cheeks of his ass. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Das Herz manches Mannes wird über die originelle hanáische Kneipe aus den dreißiger Jahren jauchzen, Kinder werden von der Spielzeugsammlung hingerissen sein.
Translate this to English? | The original 1930s Haná pub has set many men’s hearts a-beating, and children will be thrilled at the collection of toys. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Když nepůjde na odvykačku a neumře s úctou...
Translate to English
English: | ARCHER (chuckles): Well, if she won't go to rehab and you won't let her die with dignity... | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Venku je chlap, aby nás hlídal.
Translate to English
English: | There's a guy outside making sure we don't get out. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate the following sentence to French:
This is likely how the "Spanish flu" killed between 40 and 50 million people worldwide in 1918 and 1919, including about 50,000 in Canada.
| C'est probablement pourquoi la « grippe espagnole » a causé 40 à 50 millions de décès à l'échelle mondiale en 1918 et 1919, dont environ 50 000 au Canada. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
APPROUVÉ – Exploitation d'une entreprise nationale de programmation de télévision payante de catégorie 2 de langue anglaise devant s'appeler ATN – Asian Sports Network (ASN).
Which language is this? | French | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Summarize this article in one sentence.
Across all 33 boroughs in the capital, 59.9% (2.26 million) voted in favour of remaining in the EU. In some areas, the remain vote was more than 70%.
Barking and Dagenham, Bexley, Sutton, Havering and Hillingdon were the only areas to support Brexit.
Mayor Sadiq Khan said he had no doubt London would "continue to be the successful city" but called for the UK to remain part of the single market.
"Leaving the single market of 500m people - with its free-trade benefits - would be a mistake", London's leader said.
More on this story and other news from London
Petition calls for London independence
Area-by-area in maps: See how people voted
It was predicted results in London might help swing the final result in favour of remaining in the EU.
But political editor Tim Donovan said the national trend had ultimately rendered the capital "irrelevant".
Get the results in full.
BBC Radio London political reporter Susana Mendonca said the mood of Remain campaigners at London's Guildhall was lifted when the first boroughs announced their results.
But as the national picture emerged, it was members of the Leave camp who were more "chipper", she said.
The change in mood was reflected elsewhere in the capital.
Earlier, at the Barking and Dagenham count, where 62% voted to leave, UKIP's Peter Harris said he was "massively more confident" than at the beginning of the evening.
"We've smashed it," he said.
But council leader, Darren Rodwell, who supported remain, said the borough was experiencing a massive change in demographics and population flow and in five years time he said the same question would produce a very different result.
Voter turnout was 69.8%, despite torrential rain and flooding in parts of the city. The was the highest since the 1950 general election when more than 80% voted.
The breakdown of results saw:
Analysis by BBC London Political Editor Tim Donovan
London has found itself very much at odds with much of the country.
Big wins for Remain in inner London boroughs did not to give Remain the kind of momentum it needed to make a difference in the result nationally.
The final result is something approximating to 60% favouring remain, 40% for leave and of course it raises interesting questions about the capital's relationship with the rest of the country.
The key thing for London is that it has bucked the national trend; it will be seen increasingly in terms of its difference with the rest of the country.
And for some it is not just an academic question, it is a question about whether London needs more powers and control of its own finances.
Would Brexit prompt London to go it alone?
In Bexley 63% backed Brexit, while in Sutton leave won with 54%. In Hillingdon 74,982 voted for leave and Havering concurred with the view with 96,885 votes.
Earlier, the BBC's political editor Laura Kuenssberg said experts predicted nearly 1.9 million people in inner London areas were likely to vote Remain, while Leave campaigners expected favourable results in outer London.
"London is an island, compared to the rest of the country where the Leave campaign is gaining ground," she added.
Biggest support for Remain
Biggest support for Leave
Summary: | Most London boroughs voted to remain in the EU - bucking the national trend. | 2 | Flan2021 | huggingface:xsum | zs_opt |
Translate "...have a central contact database: There should be a single, up-to-date list of all contact information for your employees, colleagues, or team." to German? | ...eine zentrale Kontaktdatenbank zu haben: Meist sollen alle Mitarbeiter immer die gleichen Kontakte mit den aktuellen Telefonnummern im Outlook haben. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
V kleci, tak jako ty.
Could you please translate this to English? | Locked up, just like you. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Hunted... despised...
Translate to Czech
Czech: | Pronásledován. Opovrhován. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
How is "Meanwhile, as Turkey’s attitude toward its neighbors has changed, its governing elite has watched the EU embrace ex-communist countries with far shakier market economies and shorter democratic records." said in German? | Während sich die Einstellung der Türkei zu ihren Nachbarn verändert hat, musste die regierende Elite beobachten, wie die EU ehemals kommunistische Länder mit wesentlich instabileren Marktwirtschaften und einer kürzeren demokratischen Tradition aufnahm. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Generate a sentence that includes all the following words: come, face, smile | Someone's face comes close and a smile passes across his face. | 5 | Flan2021 | gem/common_gen:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Translate the following sentence to Finnish:
This is a fair and balanced agreement, which brings together the various interests, and the various elements that are inevitably involved in this type of agreement.
Finnish: | Kyseessä on oikeudenmukainen ja tasapainoinen sopimus, jossa sovitetaan yhteen ne erilaiset edut ja erilaiset näkökohdat, joihin tällaiset sopimukset vääjäämättä vaikuttavat. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
My jsme teprve začátek.
Translate this to English? | We are the beginning. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
How is "Thermocouples T1 and T2 are inserted into the tubes at half-height of the substances." said in French? | Des thermocouples T1 et T2 sont introduits dans les tubes à mi-hauteur du contenu. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
What is an example of a tweet? | Ready for bed. It's going to be Monday when I wake up hey? | 7 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
didn't like flawless What is it with all these bgt acts going michael jackson styleee?!?!
How would the sentiment of this tweet be described?
pick from the following. a. negative b. positive | a. | 1 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
This decision was endorsed by the Reinforced Permanent Council on 20 October 2002 (PC.DEC/499), and forwarded for adoption by the Ministerial Council at its meeting in Porto.
Translate to French. | Cette décision a été faite sienne par le Conseil permanent renforcé le 20 octobre 2002 (PC.DEC/499) et transmise pour adoption au Conseil ministériel à sa réunion de Porto. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate "Don't lock yourself in there!" to Czech? | Ne aby ses zamkla! | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Off to play guitar for abit X
Select your answer from the options. What is the sentiment of this tweet?
Pick from:
+positive;...I think the answer is | positive | 0 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Nyt Ranskalla ja meillä kaikilla on mahdollisuus osoittaa ihmisille, että heidän arkipäivän ongelmansa ratkaistaan EU:n tasolla.
Translate to English
English: | Today France and indeed all of us have a chance to show the people that their everyday problems are being solved at EU level. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Solve this math problem
Solve -4212 + 18130 = 6*t - 606*t - 2882 for t. | -28 | 1 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
"is incompetent , incoherent or just plain crap "
How would the sentiment of this sentence be perceived --
Possible answers: (a). negative (b). positive
Answer: | (a). | 3 | Flan2021 | glue/sst2:2.0.0 | zs_opt |
По результатам проведенных исследований установлено, что вариант покрытия с затяжками является оптимальным, который характеризуется минимальной массой на 1 м2 пространственной конструкции, рациональным соотношением геометрических параметров и превышением критической нагрузки над эксплуатационной.
Translate this to English? | According to the results of the conducted research it is determined that the surface option with webs is optimal and it is characterized by a minimal mass per 1 m2 of a space construction, a rational ratio of geometric parameters and exceeding the critical loading over the exploitation one. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Kiitän myös kollegoitani talous- ja raha-asioiden valiokunnassa, erityisesti Thomas Mannia.
Could you please translate this to English? | I also address my thanks to my colleagues in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, especially Mr Thomas Mann. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Ale budiž.
Translate this to English? | But go ahead. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Write a (1). tweet. Possible tweet types: Possible answers:
(1). negative;
(2). positive; | I've had my LG Dare for 3 months & drop it every day. Horrible! Just now the protective shell broke on impact with the bathroom floor | 8 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Zloba, ať se jim to líbí, nebo ne, je namířena proti nerovnosti mezi lidmi.
Could you please translate this to English? | The anger of entire cities, whether they like it or not, against the principle of inequality advanced by one people against another... | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate to Czech:
You need some game, dawg.
Czech: | Potřebuješ menší školení. | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
What is the solution?
Solve 544 = 128*p - 461 - 1683 for p. | 21 | 2 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Mobilisation des partenaires et des intervenants Les parcs nationaux, les aires marines nationales de conservation et les lieux historiques nationaux partout au Canada sont les pierres angulaires de l'industrie touristique. Ils travaillent en étroite collaboration avec les intervenants locaux et régionaux.
Could you please translate this to English? | Engaging Partners and Stakeholders National parks, national marine conservation areas and national historic sites across Canada are cornerstones of the tourism industry and work closely with local and regional stakeholders. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate the following sentence to French:
They must also inflict as little damage as possible, so as to enhance both recovery prospects and the chances to win the cooperation of the population in the theatre of intervention for the post-conflict phase.
| Elle doit aussi infliger le moins de dommages possible pour que le pays se rétablisse rapidement et que la population coopère lorsque le conflit aura été réglé. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Please write a short summary for the following article:
New Zealand's Xenophobia Problem
At the southern end of New Zealand's Marlborough wine region is a seemingly innocuous road that runs deep into the Waihopai Valley. For the first few minutes, even at the speed limit of 100 kph (around 62 mph), there's nothing interesting on either side of you--just a green blur of vineyards and sheep paddocks. Eventually, on your left, you pass a winery called Spy Valley. Should you keep your pace, it won't take you long to figure out where the winery gets its name.
As you come over a small hill, on your right are two giant white spheres, looking like something out of science fiction. The place is under the control of the Government Communications Security Bureau, and contained within each sphere is a large satellite dish used for the gathering of intelligence--much of it shared with the U.S. for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. (Click here for an aerial view.)
In 2008 a trio of men trespassed onto the property and used sickles to damage the material surrounding one of the dishes, causing $1 million in damage and, most certainly, a grinding halt in the flow of sensitive, potentially lifesaving information. Thursday the three men--a schoolteacher, a Catholic priest and a farmer who openly admitted to the crimes--were acquitted of all charges in a Wellington court. After a week-long trial, the jury took a mere two hours to rule that the men should be set free since they were acting for the greater good.
Were they? Perhaps. The extension of U.S. government tentacles around the world is often troubling even to Americans. But the jury's decision is much more troubling. It conveys to the rest of the country--and to the larger world--that in New Zealand crime is OK if you believe you're in the right. It also shows that xenophobia is becoming as Kiwi as rugby and meat pies.
I spent more than a year living just a few miles from the spy outpost and drove past it several times. Each time I did, I wondered what was to stop an airhead or two from causing significant damage or even outright destruction to the facility. Clearly, not very much: In the local pub I'd heard workers from the base joke that the only security there was an old dog that sleeps all day.
I can't say that I saw the crime or even the acquittal coming, but I don't find either surprising. Spend a year in rural New Zealand and you'll learn that the country, for all the virtues and benefits it enjoys by being small and far-flung, is also greatly impaired by these two things, for they stir a sense of one-dimensional, nativist paranoia in many of its people that only grows stronger by the day. The three men acquitted can now consider themselves the poster children of this school of (empty) thought.
The trio acted selfishly and foolishly in the name of an idealist isolationism that isn't sustainable or even possible in the modern world-- especially not in New Zealand, which depends on intellectual and material trade of all kinds with nations near and far. I do understand why the men acted as they did: The station is used to support two faraway wars, one so spectacularly unjust that even the sanest Kiwi could be driven to believe that one day the base could be used nefariously within his own borders
"We wanted ... to challenge these warfaring behaviors, and I think we have done this," said one of the acquitted to the New Zealand Herald. "We have shown New Zealanders there is a U.S. spy base in our midst."
The problem, however, is that the jury wasn't thinking about who was truly the victim (never mind that one of the men is a teacher and the other priest; by acquitting them, they're free to continue spreading their short-sighted message of us-against-them). Not only did the jury buy the criminals' stupid argument, they failed to understand that the crimes didn't really hurt the U.S. at all--they only harmed New Zealand.
Summary: | A jury's acquittal of the trio that sabotaged a spy base exposes a disturbing trend that the island nation must address. | 1 | Flan2021 | newsroom:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate "(b) activities of coordination and cooperation between Member States or regions in order to develop maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal zone management, including expenditure related to systems and practices of data sharing and monitoring, evaluation activities, the setting-up and running of networks of experts, and the setting-up of a programme aimed at building capacity for Member States to implement maritime spatial planning;" to Czech? | b) činnosti v oblasti koordinace a spolupráce mezi členskými státy nebo regiony za účelem rozvoje územního plánování námořních prostor a integrovaného řízení pobřežních zón, včetně výdajů souvisejících se systémy a postupy pro sdílení údajů a monitorování, hodnotícími činnostmi, zřízením a provozováním sítě odborníků a vytvořením programu zaměřeného na budování kapacit členských států umožňujících provádění územního plánování námořních prostor; | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Napadlo tě, proč manažeři fondů nikdy nepřekonají index S&P 500?
Which language is this? | Czech | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate the following sentence to Czech:
It has assessed the stability programme and national reform programme.
Czech: | Posuzovala program stability a národní program reforem. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Il serait souhaitable d’adopter une norme moins élevée pour les infractions relevant de l’Article 299, paragraphe 1 (par exemple un « soupçon justifié »).
Could you please translate this to English? | A lower standard may be desirable for the Article 299(1) offence (such as justifiable suspicion). | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Wrong house demolished after Mich. homeowner allegedly swaps address numbers
A man whose house was slated to be bulldozed allegedly swapped address numbers with the house next door, causing that one to be demolished instead. In the end both homes were destroyed.
The plan was so crazy it actually worked, say some.
A Michigan man whose house was slated to be bulldozed allegedly swapped address numbers with the house next door, causing that one to be demolished instead.
Adding insult to injury, the neighbors couldn't be more thrilled.
"When I heard they tore down the house on accident, I wanted to give them a 12 pack of beer," Pontiac neighbor Fred Sargent told WXYZ. "I was that happy."
"There were broken windows, doors, squatters living in there," another woman said of the house mistakenly destroyed Thursday.
The Oakland County Sheriff's Office is now said to be investigating allegations of a setup by the next-door neighbor.
Despite the alleged effort to save his home, a demolition crew was back later the same day. It’s not known why his house was scheduled for destruction.
This time, the crew hit the correct house, to neighbors' utter disapproval.
"It was definitely better than the guy that's saying that his house was tore down wrong," said Sargent of the second home destroyed.
He said the owner of this home recently installed a new roof and dutifully kept his lawn mowed.
Sargent said the home’s interior was bad, but readily argued it had more worth than the home accidentally destroyed.
The owner of that house, identified only as Mike, told WXYZ that he thinks the city should buy him a new one and said he was planning to rent it out on Oct. 1.
At least one neighbor disputes that.
"I've never even seen anybody over there but the bums," a woman told WXYZ.
On a mobile device? Watch the video here
What are the most important parts of this text? | A Pontiac man whose house was slated to be bulldozed allegedly swapped address numbers with the house next door, causing that one to be demolished instead. Adding insult to injury, the neighbors couldn't be more thrilled. | 5 | Flan2021 | newsroom:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Si votre mariage n’est pas célébré sous la contrainte, il ne constitue pas une violation de vos droits de la personne.
Which language is this? | French | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate "Topics for Attendant care or care in an establishment claimed as Medical Expenses For whom can you claim attendant care expenses?" to French? | Sujets pour frais de préposé aux soins ou de soins dans un établissement demandés comme frais médicaux Pour qui pouvez-vous demander les frais de préposé aux soins? | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Ces positions opposées et les pressions qu'elles entraînent sur le président Fox placent la nation devant un dilemme : suivre ou combattre son voisin du nord.
Translate to English. | These opposing postures--and the pressures they bring to bear on President Fox--are place the country in the dilemma of either fighting against or kowtowing to its neighbor to the North. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Когда Занзасу исполняется одиннадцать, Девятый берет его в Японию.
Translate this to English? | The year Xanxus turns eleven, the Ninth brings him to Japan. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Now, let me just share something. This president is the first president ever, I think, not to meet with the NAACP. This is a president who hasn't met with the Black Congressional Caucus. This is a president who has not met with the civil rights leadership of our country.
Can we draw the following conclusion?
This person wanted to share something about the president
Select from the following. a). Yes. b). It's impossible to say. c). No. | a). | 2 | Flan2021 | anli/r3:0.1.0 | zs_opt |
Neben den großen klassischen Rollen wie in Nurejews Don Quixote oder Cinderella arbeite Sylvie Guillem in ihren Pariser Jahren mit so herausragenden Choreografen wie William Forsythe, Maurice Béjart, Carole Armitage, John Neumeier und Robert Wilson.
Could you please translate this to English? | William Forsythe led the way with France Danse and later gave her the central role of In the middle, somewhat elevated. Maurice Béjart made Mouvements Rythmes Etudes and Arépo featuring her; she stood out in Carole Armitage’s GV10 and John Neumeier made a brilliant solo for her in Magnificat. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Write a sentence not in English. | Nous espérons donc que les deux parties sauront exercer la plus grande retenue possible et faire le nécessaire pour ne pas hypothéquer les chances de paix. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
How is "It has the widest size range on the market, offering 27 different sizes up to a rim diameter of 22 inches." said in Russian? | Ассортимент шины-новинки – самый широкий на рынке, в нём 27 типоразмеров, до диаметра диска 22 дюйма. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate the following sentence to Czech:
Nearly had Aunt Kath's finger off last week.
Czech: | Tetě Kath minulý týden málem ukousl prst. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Write a sentence not in English. | Strany ustavují Výbor pro obchod ( 88 ) složený ze zástupců strany EU a zástupců Koreje. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate to French:
Where adoption is not possible or appropriate, these children may remain with their foster family until they reach the age for independent living.
| Lorsque l'adoption n'est pas possible ou n'est pas une solution, les enfants peuvent rester dans la famille d'accueil jusqu'à ce qu'ils atteignent l'âge où ils sont capables de vivre à titre indépendant. | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
How is "All case material distributed to parties." said in French? | Remise aux parties de toute la documentation relative à l’enquête. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Les enfants doivent être au bénéfice d'un permis de séjour permanent ou de longue durée.
Translate this to English? | The children to be provided education on this basis must have a permanent or long-term residence permit to stay in the Czech Republic. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
(EL) Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar, die Verhandlungen in Cancún waren relativ erfolgreich.
Could you please translate this to English? | (EL) Mr President, Commissioner, the negotiations in Cancún were relatively successful. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Subsets and Splits