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Project Ukelele (Banjo-Kazooie spiritual successor)!
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Re: Project Ukelele (Banjo-Kazooie spiritual successor)!
by Xeogred Sat May 02, 2015 8:59 am
Rare is back.
HLTB | PSN Trophies | RFG (WIP)
by darsparx Sat May 02, 2015 9:43 am
I kinda hope it stays this way I missed Rare/Playtonic....really would be nice if this game suceeded and ended up seeing more from them. Though I hope this doesn't count as part of the indie scene since they actually really know what they're doing just trying to get a new company to replace the one we all lost and loved(well most of us) off the ground. I'd love to see Playtonic become the premiere 3d platformer dev since everyone else seems to have forgone that sub-genre(bar the indies that have done it)
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bogusmeatfactory wrote: Ever feel like a wild gazelle in the wilderness?
Location: Current: Amsterdam. From Greece
by ZeroAX Sat May 02, 2015 10:32 am
Xeogred wrote: Rare is back.
Wait, they still haven't announced if there will be a double digit number of different types of collectibles in the game.
BoneSnapDeez wrote: The success of a console is determined by how much I enjoy it.
by Xeogred Sat May 02, 2015 12:04 pm
darsparx wrote: I kinda hope it stays this way I missed Rare/Playtonic....really would be nice if this game suceeded and ended up seeing more from them. Though I hope this doesn't count as part of the indie scene since they actually really know what they're doing just trying to get a new company to replace the one we all lost and loved(well most of us) off the ground. I'd love to see Playtonic become the premiere 3d platformer dev since everyone else seems to have forgone that sub-genre(bar the indies that have done it)
Playtonic is probably way more legit than other smaller indie studios. They definitely look to have a lot of ex-Rare staff who probably know what they're doing. I'd say this could be more comparable to Tango Gameworks or some of the other smaller independent studios some Japanese creators have started up. Hopefully this is the first game of many to come from Playtonic.
by dogman91 Sat May 02, 2015 12:21 pm
"Probably know what they're doing" -- they haven't shipped BK, BT, DK64, DKC, Viva Pinata, etc. or anything like that; or made everything you see in the gameplay videos in three months. Yeah, I'd place my bets on that they DEFINITELY know what they're doing,
by Xeogred Sat May 02, 2015 1:00 pm
by CFFJR Sat May 02, 2015 1:47 pm
ZeroAX wrote:
Well actually, an amusing bit from the kickstarter:
Collect-em-up 2.0: A roster of shiny collectibles with gameplay progression at their core (as well as other, more valuable materials). Every collectible type in our new game will expand gameplay in a meaningful way. Yes, we employ the man responsible for DK64's myriad of trinkets, but we've had a stern word. Our main collectible, Pagies, are used to unlock and expand new worlds in Yooka-Laylee.
GameSack wrote: That's right, only Sega had the skill to make a proper Nintendo game.
That's awesome.
by winds Sat May 02, 2015 4:01 pm
Damn i've watched that Kickstarter video about 5 times already. It just has a certain charm to it that I feel I haven't experienced since Rare was in their prime. Don't really have the funds to contribute to the campaign, but from the looks of it they don't need it anyway. Glad this one's getting funded as i'll definitely be picking it up at release. Love the title too!
Nintendoes what Nintendon't!
Tangerine Orange Key: 42915767S1
by ZeroAX Sun May 03, 2015 2:26 am
Xeogred wrote: Playtonic is probably way more legit than other smaller indie studios. They definitely look to have a lot of ex-Rare staff who probably know what they're doing. I'd say this could be more comparable to Tango Gameworks or some of the other smaller independent studios some Japanese creators have started up. Hopefully this is the first game of many to come from Playtonic.
Simply put they are not indie. They are a small-medium budget developer, the kind the industry was full of in the PS1 and PS2 era, when low development costs coupled with the low prices of CDs and DVDs (compared to cartridges) made the console gaming scene so full of new and creative ideas.
But yeah, super excited about this
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Concussion has become a big issue – perhaps THE big issue in sport. Everyone is talking about it, the media have regular news stories focusing on players suffering with it, and lawyers are making a killing from it. It is almost as though this is a new phenomenon…. some recently discovered major health issue that has only just been announced to the public.
The focus on concussion has largely been driven by the stark realisation that the cost of not doing something is much higher than the cost of trying to reduce the risk. Billion dollar lawsuits tend to have that effect. But the real cost is to those players who suffer the long-term effects of concussion, so it is important we explore ways in which to minimise the risks whilst also making sure that in doing so we do not change the rules of the sport so significantly that it becomes completely anodyne or something entirely different from what it is meant to be.
It is therefore refreshing to hear a good piece of news from the US judiciary for once when a judge dismissed a lawsuit by soccer players and parents seeking to force FIFA and other governing bodies to change the sport's rules, including limiting the number of headers allowed, in order to reduce the risk of concussions and other head injuries. Chief Judge Phyllis Hamilton of the federal court in Oakland, California, said the plaintiffs could not use the courts to change FIFA's "laws of the game," noting it was their decision to play soccer.
"Plaintiffs have acknowledged that 'injuries' are a 'part of soccer'" Hamilton wrote, citing the complaint. "Those who participate in a sporting activity that poses an inherent risk of injury generally assume the risk that they may be injured while doing so."
Concussion injuries from sport have been around since sport began. Many sports are associated with a high risk of concussion – boxing, rugby, ice hockey, American football…., the list goes on. Pretty much any contact sport, as well as many non-contact sports, such as gymnastics and cheerleading, present a higher risk of concussion.
Medical science may have provided us with better insight into the effects of concussion and the potential long-term health consequences of it, but still the debate continues on the best way to try to minimise the risk.
American football is one sport that has taken a number of steps to try to minimise the risk of concussion in a sport where it is almost regarded as part of the game. A raft of rule changes have been introduced over the past few years. Kick-offs were moved further up the field to reduce the number of high-speed impacts and helmet-first tackles have been banned. More protection has also been given to players unable to protect themselves, such as quarterbacks in the act of throwing.
The chairman of the National Football League's health and safety advisory commission, Dr John York, recently said that he believes American football could ban helmets in the future.
So isn't suggesting the removal of helmets a backward step in prevention?
It certainly seems to be counter-intuitive, but some experts think helmets give the players a false sense of security and make play more aggressive. The idea of banning helmets has been raised by some doctors and ex-players in recent years without ever really being taken seriously.
It is an idea that has already been introduced in another sport with a high incidence of concussion related injuries – boxing.
The International Boxing Association banned the use of headgear for some categories of boxing stating that all available data indicated that the removal of head guards in elite men would result in a decreased number of concussions. Research involved 15,000 boxers, half of whom had competed with headgear and half without and found that in the 7,352 rounds that took place with boxers wearing headgear, the rate of concussion was 0.38 per cent, compared with 0.17 per cent per boxer per round in the 7,545 rounds without headgear.
Sportscover has long been advocating base-line testing in sport where players should be tested before the season starts to provide a benchmark against which their cognitive function can be compared after they receive a blow to the head in a match. This would help to determine whether it is safe for the player to re-enter the field of play and also assist with the decision of for how long the player needs to be rested after a concussion.
Everyone involved in sport wants to ensure that sport can be played as it is meant to be played whilst at the same time trying to minimise the likely-hood of serious injury. An evolutionary change of the rules that improves the safety of the sport by minimising the risk of concussion which, at the same time, maintains the principle elements and enjoyment of the sport is a natural progression.
But a knee-jerk reaction in the face of a media frenzy that changes the sport significantly is not the way to go.
This article was kindly supplied by Sportscover – the Sports insurance specialists – contact www.sportscover.com or (03) 8562 9100. |
As I stood in line recently with 32 Harrisburg Academy 8th grade students, waiting to board an elevator that would take us to the depths of the new National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC), it was clear we had scored one of the hottest tickets in Washington, D.C. Within two months, nearly 72,000 visitors have toured the only national museum devoted exclusively to African American life, history, and culture. On that October day, we were among the fortunate holding "timed" passes. At this point, such passes are sold out through March.
Visiting less than two weeks after the museum opened, our students could only begin to absorb the 3,000 items on display. The tour starts deep underground, echoing the claustrophobic hold of a slave ship. Students pass through exhibits depicting slavery in the United States, and then eventually they come face to face with the multi-story "Thomas Jefferson." The words of the Declaration of Independence loom large behind Jefferson, along with bricks representing Monticello; on each brick is the name of one of Jefferson's slaves. Students immediately recognized the paradox.
As if coming up for air, we emerged from this tragic history into an inauguration, then a sea of Motown music, crowds cheering for Jackie Robinson as he slid into home, and much more. The questions continued — "Where's Louis Armstrong's trumpet?" I heard laughter as students discovered legends like Flip Wilson and Redd Fox. |
Opinions|Israel-Palestine conflict
Hunger strikes show the history of Irish-Palestinian solidarity
From boycotts to Balfour and the treatment of political prisoners, the Irish and Palestinians have had much in common.
Yousef M Aljamal
Published On 3 Dec 20213 Dec 2021
A protester supporting the IRA hunger strikers stands in the centre of the Falls Road in Belfast on May 1, 1981, as British soldiers check cars at a roadblock [File: AP Photo/Peter Kemp]
During the 11-day Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip in May, which claimed the lives of 254 Palestinians, including 66 children, acts of solidarity were staged around the world. But, perhaps, none was as significant as that which took place in Ireland. On May 26, the Irish parliament passed a resolution condemning Israel's "de facto annexation" of Palestine.
It was significant, but it was not surprising, for the history of Irish-Palestinian solidarity is long and mutual.
It was on display again when the best-selling and award-winning Irish author, Sally Rooney, declined an offer to translate her novel, Beautiful World, Where Are You, into Hebrew, citing support for the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
The BDS movement, which calls for global civil society to engage in a comprehensive campaign of boycott against Israel until it allows Palestinian refugees to return to their homes, ends its military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, dismantles settlements and the separation wall and treats Palestinians with Israeli passports on an equal footing with Israeli Jews, is particularly popular in Ireland. But, again, this should come as no surprise – for the very term "to boycott" originated there.
Charles Cunningham Boycott (1832-1897) was an English land agent who worked for Lord Erne, who owned 40,000 acres (16,000 hectares) of land in Ireland. At the time, during British rule, 750 – often absentee – landlords owned half of the country. Many of them paid agents to manage their estates, as Boycott did for Erne in County Mayo. His job involved collecting rent from the tenant farmers who worked the land.
In 1880, the Land League, which had been formed the year before to work for the reform of the landlord system, which left poor tenant farmers vulnerable to excessive rents and eviction if they could not pay, demanded that Boycott reduce rents by 25 percent. Harvests had been bad and the prospect of famine loomed. But Erne – and Boycott – refused and obtained eviction notices for those tenants who could not pay.
Charles Stewart Parnell, an Irish nationalist leader and president of the Land League, urged Boycott's neighbours to shun or ostracise him in response. Shops in the area refused to serve him and when labourers refused to work the land, he was forced to bring in workers from Ulster at a cost far greater than the value of the crops they harvested.
But Father John O'Malley, a local leader of the Land League, reportedly felt the word ostracise was too complicated for the tenants – and so the term 'to boycott' was born.
But that word – and concept – is not the only thread connecting Irish and Palestinian history.
'Bloody Balfour' – from Ireland to Palestine
Not long after the 1916 Easter Rising – when, from April 24 to April 29, Irish nationalists rebelled against British rule until the British military brutally quashed the rebellion and executed its leaders – Palestinians experienced their own calamity at the hands of the British.
On November 2, 1917, the British foreign secretary, Arthur James Balfour, wrote a letter to Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild, a leading figure in Britain's Jewish community, in which he declared: "His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people."
The Balfour Declaration would have terrible consequences for the Palestinians, but the Irish were already familiar with Balfour's work.
From 1887 to 1891, Balfour had been chief secretary for Ireland, where he had immediately set about trying to repress the work of the Land League. The Perpetual Crimes Act of 1887 went after agrarian activists and aimed to prevent, among other things, boycotts.
Hundreds of people, including more than 20 MPs, were imprisoned as a result of the Act, which allowed cases to be tried by a magistrate without a jury. But when members of the Royal Irish Constabulary fired at a crowd demonstrating against the conviction of two people in Mitchelstown, County Cork, on September 9, 1887, killing three men, Balfour was given the moniker "Bloody Balfour".
The 1980s – from Lebanon to Long Kesh
The connection between the Irish struggle against the British and that of the Palestinians against Israel continued in later years. During the 1970s and early 1980s, members of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) reportedly had ties with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).
Irish members of the IRA would visit Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, where the PLO was based until 1982, to show solidarity with the Palestinian people. According to Danny Morrison, a former director of publicity for Sinn Fein, an Irish republican political party historically associated with the IRA: "The IRA has never confirmed a working relationship with the Palestinian Resistance. There were reports of republicans being trained at a Palestinian camp. There was an arms seizure by the Irish authorities in Dublin Port which came via Cyprus and was allegedly from the PLO to the IRA in 1977 but the IRA never confirmed this."
But, perhaps, the issue that most closely connects the Irish and Palestinian experience is that of political prisoners.
In 1936, during the British Mandate in Palestine, Britain introduced Administrative Detention, which allowed for prisoners to be interned for an indefinite period without trial or charge. Israel still uses this law to this day, and hundreds of Palestinians are currently imprisoned under it.
In the north of Ireland, an equivalent law was introduced in 1971, three years after the start of the Troubles, with the intention of penalising the IRA. Internment without trial involved mass arrests, mostly of nationalists and Catholics, many of whom had no connection to the IRA. Those arrested were sent to Long Kesh Prison Camp (which later housed the notorious H-Blocks or Maze Prison). By the time the law ended in 1975, almost 2,000 people had been interned.
Those held at Long Kesh argued that they were political prisoners rather than common criminals and should be treated as such. In 1972, prisoners serving sentences related to the Troubles were granted Special Category Status, or political status, meaning that they did not have to wear prison uniforms or do prison work and could receive extra visits and food parcels.
But, in 1976, Special Category Status was ended. (A century earlier, Arthur Balfour had advocated treating political prisoners in Ireland like common criminals.) Israel, likewise, refuses to recognise the political status of Palestinian political prisoners, even though many of them – like Ahmad Sadat and Marwan Barghouti – are leaders of political groups.
The hunger strikers
On March 1, 1981, five years after the Special Category Status was ended, an Irish republican prisoner, Bobby Sands, began a hunger strike to demand the restoration of political status. Other republican prisoners joined him in the hunger strike at staggered intervals. Ten of them, including Sands, died.
After Sands's death on May 5, the 66th day of his strike, Palestinian prisoners in Israel's Nafha prison smuggled out a letter in support of the Irish hunger strikers. It read: "We salute the heroic struggle of Bobby Sands and his comrades, for they have sacrificed the most valuable possession of any human being. They gave their lives for freedom."
There had been several hunger strikes by Palestinian prisoners before this and many more since. Five Palestinians have passed away while on hunger strike and dozens have come close to death. Thousands of Palestinian prisoners have participated in what Palestinians call "the battle of empty stomachs", either alone or en mass, over the years.
Hunger strikes are effective because, as well as humanising the prisoners as people willing to sacrifice their lives for freedom, they gain international attention – helping to build international solidarity, particularly among people in the diaspora.
I recently contributed to a book – A Shared Struggle: Stories of Irish and Palestinian Hunger Strikers – in which the stories of some of these Palestinian hunger strikers, and their Irish counterparts, are told.
One of those stories is that of Rawda Habib, who was arrested by the Israeli army in 2007 and sentenced to eight years in prison. When Israel refused her request to be moved to the women's section of the prison, Habib, who was pregnant at the time and later gave birth while imprisoned, went without food or water for three days.
"I didn't know that usually a hunger striker stops eating food and only takes salt with water, so as their stomachs don't rot," she explained in the book. "I also discovered that a striker could just tolerate hunger but not thirst. Not taking water can lead to paralysis, renal failure or even death within a few days. On the evening of the third day, I collapsed and fell to the ground."
She was moved to the female section of the prison and was later released as part of a prisoner swap between Hamas and Israel in 2011.
Habib's story is similar to that of Hana Shalabi. In 2012, Shalabi, who is from the West Bank city of Jenin, went on a hunger strike for 43 days, ending it when Israel agreed to deport her to the Gaza Strip, where she still lives today. Shalabi told me that while she was on hunger strike, she was transferred to a hospital in Haifa, the city where her parents had lived before they became refugees during the Nakba. But when the Israeli authorities realised she was happy to be in her hometown, she said they transferred her to a different hospital as a form of punishment.
Laurence McKeown, an Irish Republican who was jailed for 16 years from 1976 to 1992 took part in the 1981 hunger strike, joining after Sands and three others had died. His strike ended on its 70th day when his family authorised medical intervention to save his life. In the book, he described how prison guards would bring him food three times a day in an attempt to convince him to abandon his hunger strike. Today, Israel adopts a similar method against hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners; in April 2017, when 1,500 Palestinian prisoners went on hunger strike, Israeli settlers organised BBQ parties close to the cells where hunger strikers were held.
The similarity between the inhumane practices suffered by Irish political prisoners in the past and the inhumane treatment of Palestinian prisoners today serves as a reminder of this long history of solidarity between two countries plagued by settler-colonialism. On the cover of A Shared Struggle is a photograph of Palestinian women carrying signs that read Nafha, H-Block, Armagh, One Struggle; it is an image that speaks volumes about Irish-Palestinian solidarity.
As of November 29, the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, two Palestinian prisoners are on hunger strike: Hisham Abu Hawwash, who has been on hunger strike for 108 days, and Nidal Ballout, who has been on hunger strike for 35 days. Both are held under Administrative Detention without charge or trial.
But as Bobby Sands wrote all those years ago in The Lark and the Freedom Fighter – an essay that reminds us of the late Palestinian prisoner Muhammad Hassan, who kept a bird in his cell at Nafha prison, feeding it and granting it freedom every day, until an inmate accidentally stepped on the bird and killed it: "I have the spirit of freedom that cannot be quenched by even the most horrendous treatment. Of course, I can be murdered, but while I remain alive, I remain what I am, a political prisoner of war, and no one can change that."
The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial stance.
Yousef M Aljamal is a researcher in Middle Eastern Studies and the author and translator of a number of books. He is a co-author of A Shared Struggle: Stories of Palestinian and Irish Hunger Strikers published by An Fhuiseog (July 2021).
Palestinians in Gaza call to save seven hunger-striking prisoners
Solidarity protest in Gaza demands release of seven prisoners held without charge or trial who are now on hunger strike.
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Our clients wanted to update and modernize their master bathroom. Space was taken from an existing closet to enlarge the shower, which now includes floor-to-ceiling tile work, grab bars, a handheld shower, and corner bench. The new bathroom also includes a Cherry finished double vanity with two medicine cabinets and a cherry finished toilet topper for storage. A pocket door helps maximize space with the new bath as well. |
Description: At first glance, this over-sized fungus looks rather harmless. After all, what danger can a mushroom pose, except possibly eating a poisonous one? However, when anyone approaches too closely, the creature emits a series of very loud shrieks which are likely to draw the attention of nearby, more aggressive dungeon denizens.
This 25-28mm scale figure is ready to confront your Player Characters or NPC in many horror and fantasy role playing games including Call of Cthulhu and Dungeons & Dragons. It can also be used to add an interesting piece to your troops in fantasy tabletop war gaming such as Warhammer Fantasy.
This unique handmade miniature stands on a base that measures approximately 1 inch (25 mm) in diameter. The 25-28mm miniature is included in the pictures for scale comparison only and is NOT included with this item.
Condition: Painted. Fully based and flocked. Sealed with multiple clear coats. Ready to play or display. |
The Lost Sequel to the Original Star Wars?
byRyan Sprague
Yes. That's right. There was another story set in place aside from perhaps the greatest sequel of all-time, The Empire Strikes Back!
Before Empire was decided upon as a follow up the original Star Wars, Splinter of the Mind's Eye, was commissioned as a low-budget sequel if one of the biggest films of all times tanked. Check out the YouTube video below from MrSundayMovies. It includes a breakdown of the story in motion-comic form to get an idea of how it would have turned out.
Let us know if this is something you would have liked to have seen instead of Empire in the comments below!
Ryan Sprague
Ryan Sprague is an author, screenwriter, and playwright splitting homes between New York City and Los Angeles. He is also an investigative journalist specializing in the topic of UFOs. He's interviewed witnesses in all walks of life about UFO sightings and possible encounters with extraterrestrials. He's spoken exclusively with military and intelligence officials who have convinced him of a legitimate and authentic phenomenon involving highly advanced aerial threats to our skies. He is the author of Somewhere in the Skies: A Human Approach to an Alien Phenomenon and is also a contributing writer to the anthology, UFOs: Reframing the Debate. He is the creator and host of the Somewhere in the Skies Podcast on the Entertainment One Podcast Network and is a frequent contributor to the Rogue Planet news site. Speaking on the UFO topic, he has been featured on ABC News, Fox News, The Science Channel, and is a regular on The Travel Channel's hit television series, Mysteries at the Museum. His work can be found at http://www.somewhereintheskies.com
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finding.wine - Domaine Anne Gros _ 1997 - Clos Vougeot Le Grand Maupertuis _ 750 ml.
Domaine Anne Gros 1997 - Clos Vougeot Le Grand Maupertuis 750 ml.
Domaine Anne Gros is a 20-acre estate in Vosne-Romanee, Burgundy, owned and operated by Anne Gros. As a young woman, Gros had no intention of following her father, Francois Gros, into the family business of making wine. She studied literature at university. But when her father became ill in 1988 she took over the estate, earned a degree in viticulture, and began winning critical praise for her wines. In 1995 Domaine Anne Gros was officially launched as a reflection of her stewardship of the estate. Anne Gros' wines earn high praise from such writers as Clive Coates, who notes that "she has a pure, perfectionistic touch, and the results are wines of great refinement, intensity, purity and depth of character." The domaine makes Richebourg, Echezeaux and Clos Vougeot Grand Crus, as well as other wines.
On the palate, the compote of super-ripe blackberries and cassis can be found in this elegant, medium to full-bodied, spicy, herbal, and cumin-laced wine. It is thick, flavorful, well-focused, and has a lovely, supple finish. |
One thing I won't avoid is the Jingle Belles blog! The current challenge is all about layers....they want us to create a project with at least 3 layers. Mine are subtle but I hope it counts.....my first layer is the card base, the 2nd layer is the decorative DSP, the Santa is a 3rd layer and the 4th layer is the banner with the sentiment. I know the 3rd and 4th items are small so hopefully they still count!
There is still time to play along so head over to the Jingle Belles blog and check it out!
Your Santa looks so awesome with that snowman line-up ... perfect dimension too ... thanks for getting all bundled-up with us at Jingle Belles.
Wow.. that's quite the "cool" car, and new furniture too.. Sounds like a grand time for everyone. Your card, as always is so cute, and the coloring is just amazing..I'm so not good at this coloring stuff yet.. ugh and yours is just spectacular. great job. |
Why so many male chauvinistic pigs when pork is haraam?
For a place where all things pig is a big 'Haraam, haraam', the Maldives seems to be breeding a shocking amount of male chauvinistic pigs these days. Their numbers and presence have increased markedly since the coup on 7 February.
Maldivian women became a bold and vital part of the pro-democracy protests led by MDP, and has presented some very difficult problems for movers and shakers in the new regime:
Religious extremists see it as a kick in the teeth of their long campaign to turn Maldivian women into 'submissive maidens of abject modesty';
Coup-leaders see a very vocal and visible loss of support;
It is harder to find international support for a regime that brutalises women – they have to be removed from the frontlines of protests. All the easier to shoot, gas and violate the rest.
Hence a very public campaign to ridicule women who join politics by painting them as brainless harlots and MDP whores.
This [women as politically active citizens] is not about political empowerment of women. If this was about empowerment, if this was about their development, what they should have been taught is etiquette. [My emphasis]
In other words, women should not be out rallying for democracy, they should be at finishing school, learning to embroider their buruga.
That's what Dr Afrasheem Ali, a pro-Sharia MP educated in the Islamic University of Malaysia, former member of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) with oversight of the judiciary, had to say about women in politics.
Dr Afraasheem compares the lot of 'The MDP Woman' with that of women in pre-Mohammed Arabia. In graphic detail, he explains that women of the time were used 'only for sexual gratification, only for sexual gratification' and then 'thrown away' by the barbarian man. This is the relationship between MDP and its female supporters:
This is what we are seeing now. Women made to do all the hard work. If they are in front [of protests?] nobody else can confront them. They are made to say all sorts of things. And when women begin to chatter excitedly, the country begins to look as if in turmoil. It is for this reason, with specific reason in mind, that they have made these women come out and pull these stunts.
The reality is, here MDP is degrading not just Maldivian women but women of the entire Islamic Ummah. This is extreme cruelty against women.
He, and his boss former President Gayoom, says the good doctor, pulled the ignorant barbarian Maldivian woman by the hair so they could, at least, attempt to achieve some semblance of equality with 'The Educated Maldivian Man'.
See! The difference! There is tangible proof! In our thirty-year government…in Gayoom's government, the respect there was for women! Taught them [women] from zero to ministerial level—we brought them to that level before giving them ministerial positions. [As opposed to men who were born educated and carrying a ministerial portfolio?]
In the Majlis [Parliament], we allowed women to study to the same level as a man, then, then, did we gave a woman the position of an MP.
Dr Afraasheem's sexism is not an isolated case. It's the official message of the new regime: "Women in politics is dirty". You can interpret it any way you want: it's dirty for women to be in politics? Only dirty women are in politics? Either way, it's meant to hurt.
Here's Red Wave Saleem, another MP, freshly cleared of several charges of corruption by a court that cannot be trusted, repeating the same line: women marching for democracy are the same as women f***ing for money.
Written by DhivehiSitee Posted in Parliament, Religion Tagged with authoritarian reversal, coup, extremism, Islamism, Maldives, Maldives authoritarianism, Maldives coup, women in Islam, women's rights, women's rights Maldives
The silent speaker: what role Shahid? |
\section{Introduction} \label{s1}
In a nutshell, we are interested in deriving limit point and limit circle criteria for singular differential expressions of the type
\tau_{\alpha} = -(d/dx)x^{\alpha}(d/dx) + q(x), \quad x \in (0,b), \; \alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}. \label{1.1}
The principal results we prove in Theorems \ref{t3.1} and \ref{t3.3} on the basis of Sturm comparison-type results initiated by Kurss are the following: Suppose $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$ and for $0 < x$ sufficiently small,
q(x) \geq [(3/4)-(\alpha/2)]x^{\alpha-2}, \label{1.2}
or, in the context of logarithmic refinements of \eqref{1.2}, assume that $\alpha\in (-\infty,2)$ and there exist
$N\in{\mathbb{N}}$ and $\varepsilon>0$ such that for $0<x$ sufficiently small,
&q(x)\geq[(3/4)-(\alpha/2)]x^{\alpha-2} - (1/2) (2 - \alpha) x^{\alpha-2}
\sum_{j=1}^{N}\prod_{\ell=1}^{j}[\ln_{\ell}(x)]^{-1} \label{1.3} \\
&\quad\quad\quad +[(3/4)+\varepsilon] x^{\alpha-2}[\ln_{1}(x)]^{-2}.
(For the definition of the iterated logarithms $\ln_{\ell}(\,\cdot\,)$, $\ell \in {\mathbb{N}}$, we refer to \eqref{3.3}.)
Then, in either situation \eqref{1.2} and \eqref{1.3}, $\tau_{\alpha}$ is nonoscillatory and in the limit point case at $x=0$.
Similarly, if $\alpha \in (-\infty,2)$ and there exists $\varepsilon \in (0,1)$ $($depending on $\alpha)$ such that
for $0<x$ sufficiently small $($depending on $\varepsilon)$,
q(x)\leq[(3/4)-(\alpha/2) - \varepsilon]x^{\alpha-2}, \label{1.4}
or, if $\alpha\in (-\infty,2)$ and there exist $N\in{\mathbb{N}}$ and $\varepsilon\in(0,1)$ $($depending on
$\alpha$ and $N$$)$, such that
for $0<x$ sufficiently small $($depending on $\varepsilon$ and $N$$)$,
- (1/2) (2 - \alpha) x^{\alpha-2}\sum_{j=1}^{N}\prod_{\ell=1}^{j}[\ln_{\ell}(x)]^{-1}\nonumber\\
&\quad - [\varepsilon(2 - \alpha)/2] x^{\alpha-2}\prod_{k=1}^{N}[\ln_{k}(x)]^{-1}.
Then, in either situation \eqref{1.4} and \eqref{1.5}, $\tau_{\alpha}$ is in the limit circle case at $x=0$.
We note that the amount of literature on limit point/limit circle criteria for Sturm--Liouville operators is so immense that there is no possibility to account for it in this short paper. The reader finds very thorough discussions of this circle of ideas in
\cite[Ch.~XIII.6, Sect.~XIII.10.D]{DS88}, \cite[Ch.~4.6]{GZ20}, \cite[Sect.~23.6]{Na68}, \cite[App.~to Sect.~X.1]{RS75}, \cite[Sect.~13.4]{We03}, \cite[Ch.~7]{Ze05}, and the extensive literature cited therein. One of the driving motivations for writing this paper was to emphasize the simplicity of proofs of Theorems \ref{t3.1} and \ref{t3.3} (essentially, they are reduced to certain computations), given the Sturm comparison results, Theorems \ref{t2.8} and \ref{t2.9}, in the spirit of Kurss.
We briefly turn to the content of each section next: Section \ref{s2} provides the necessary background on minimal and maximal operators associated with general three-coefficient Sturm--Liouville differential expressions, recalls Weyl's limit point/limit circle classification and some oscillation theory, as well as Sturm comparison results, quoting some extensions of the classical work by Kurss \cite{Ku67}. Section \ref{s3} contains our principal results, Theorems \ref{t3.1} and \ref{t3.3}, as summarized in \eqref{1.2}--\eqref{1.5}. Section \ref{s4} considers an elementary multi-dimensional application to partial differential expressions of the type
- \Div |x|^{\alpha} \nabla + q(|x|), \quad \alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}, \; x \in B_n(0;R) \backslash\{0\},
with $B_n(0;R)$ the open ball in ${\mathbb{R}}^n$, $n\in {\mathbb{N}}$, $n \geq 2$, centered at $x=0$ of radius $R \in (0, \infty)$.
Finally, Appendix \ref{sA} contains some more involved computations needed in the proofs of Theorems \ref{t3.1} and \ref{t3.3}.
\section{Some Background on Sturm--Liouville Operators} \label{s2}
In this section we briefly recall the necessary background on maximal and minimal operators corresponding to three-coefficient Sturm--Liouville differential expressions, introduce the notion of deficiency indices for symmetric Sturm--Liouville operators, discuss Weyl's limit point/limit circle dichotomy, recall some oscillation theory, and discuss an extension of Sturm comparison results, applicable to the limit point/limit circle case, following Kurss \cite{Ku67}. Standard references for much of this material are, for instance, \cite[Ch.~6]{{BHS20}},
\cite[Chs.~8, 9]{CL85}, \cite[Sects~13.6, 13.9, 13.0]{DS88}, \cite[Ch.~4]{GZ20}, \cite[Ch.~III]{JR76},
\cite[Ch.~V]{Na68}, \cite{NZ92}, \cite[Ch.~6]{Pe88}, \cite[Ch.~9]{Te14}, \cite[Sect.~8.3]{We80}, \cite[Ch.~13]{We03}, \cite[Chs.~4, 6--8]{Ze05}.
We start with the basic set of assumptions throughout this section:
\begin{hypothesis} \label{h2.1}
Let $(a,b) \subseteq {\mathbb{R}}$ and suppose that $p,q,r$ are $($Lebesgue\,$)$ measurable functions on $(a,b)$
such that the following items $(i)$--$(iii)$ hold: \\[1mm]
$(i)$ \hspace*{1.1mm} $r>0$ a.e.~on $(a,b)$, $r \in L^1_{loc}((a,b); dx)$. \\[1mm]
$(ii)$ \hspace*{.1mm} $p>0$ a.e.~on $(a,b)$, $1/p \in L^1_{loc}((a,b); dx)$. \\[1mm]
$(iii)$ $q$ is real-valued a.e.~on $(a,b)$, $q \in L^1_{loc}((a,b); dx)$.
Given Hypothesis \ref{h2.1}, we briefly study Sturm--Liouville differential expressions $\tau$ of the type,
\tau=\frac{1}{r(x)}\left[-\frac{d}{dx}p(x)\frac{d}{dx} + q(x)\right] \, \text{ for a.e.~$x\in(a,b) \subseteq {\mathbb{R}}$} \label{2.1}
Given $\tau$ as in \eqref{2.1}, the corresponding {\it maximal operator} $T_{max}$ in $L^2((a,b); r\,dx)$ associated with $\tau$ is defined by
&T_{max} f = \tau f,\\
& f \in \text{\rm{dom}}(T_{max})=\big\{g\in L^2((a,b); r\,dx)\, \big| \,g,g^{[1]} \in AC_{loc}((a,b)); \\
& \hspace*{6.3cm} \tau g\in L^2((a,b); r\,dx)\big\},
with $g^{[1]} = p g'$ denoting the first quasi-derivative of $g$.
The {\it preminimal operator} $\dot T_{min} $ in $L^2((a,b); r\,dx)$ associated with $\tau$ is defined by
&\dot T_{min} f = \tau f,
&f \in \text{\rm{dom}} \big(\dot T_{min}\big)=\big\{g\in L^2((a,b); r\,dx) \, \big| \, g,g^{[1]}\in AC_{loc}((a,b));
&\hspace*{3.25cm} \text{\rm{supp}} \, (g)\subset(a,b) \text{ is compact; } \tau g\in L^2((a,b); r\,dx)\big\}.
One can prove that $\dot T_{min} $ is closable and then define the {\it minimal operator} $T_{min}$ in
$L^2((a,b); rdx)$ as the closure of $\dot T_{min}$,
T_{min} = \overline{\dot T_{min}}.
The following result recalls Weyl's celebrated alternative:
\begin{theorem} \label{t2.2} ${}$ \\
Assume Hypothesis \ref{h2.1}. Then the following alternative holds: \\[1mm]
$(i)$ For every $z\in{\mathbb{C}}$, all solutions $u$ of $(\tau-z)u=0$ are in $L^2((a,b); r\,dx)$ near $b$
$($resp., near $a$$)$. \\[1mm]
$(ii)$ For every $z\in{\mathbb{C}}$, there exists at least one solution $u$ of $(\tau-z)u=0$ which is not in $L^2((a,b); r\,dx)$ near $b$ $($resp., near $a$$)$. In this case, for each $z\in{\mathbb{C}}\bs{\mathbb{R}}$, there exists precisely one solution $u_b$ $($resp., $u_a$$)$ of $(\tau-z)u=0$ $($up to constant multiples\,$)$ which lies in $L^2((a,b); rdx)$ near $b$ $($resp., near $a$$)$.
This naturally leads to the notion that $\tau$ is in the limit point or limit circle case at an interval endpoint as follows:
\begin{definition} \label{d2.3} Assume Hypothesis \ref{h2.1}. \\[1mm]
In case $(i)$ in Theorem \ref{t2.2}, $\tau$ is said to be in the \textit{limit circle case} at $b$ $($resp., at $a$$)$.
In case $(ii)$ in Theorem \ref{t2.2}, $\tau$ is said to be in the \textit{limit point case} at $b$ $($resp., at $a$$)$.
The deficiency indices of $T_{min}$ are then given by
n_\pm(T_{min}) &= \text{\rm{dim}}(\ker(T_{max} \mp i I)) \nonumber\\
& = \begin{cases}
2 & \text{if $\tau$ is in the limit circle case at $a$ and $b$,}\\
1 & \text{if $\tau$ is in the limit circle case at $a$} \\
& \text{and in the limit point case at $b$, or vice versa,}\\
0 & \text{if $\tau$ is in the limit point case at $a$ and $b$}.
In particular, $T_{min} = T_{max}$ is self-adjoint \big(i.e., $\dot T_{min}$ is essentially self-adjoint\big)
if and only if $\tau$ is in the limit point case at $a$ and $b$, underscoring the special role played by limit point endpoints (as opposed to a limit circle endpoint that requires a boundary condition in connection with self-adjointness issues of $T_{min}$).
We continue with a few remarks on Sturm's oscillation theory (see, e.g., \cite[Theorem~7.4.4]{GZ20}, \cite[Sect.~14]{We87}, and the detailed list of references cited therein):
\begin{definition} \label{d2.4}
Assume Hypothesis \ref{h2.1}. \\[1mm]
$(i)$ Fix $c\in (a,b)$ and $\lambda\in{\mathbb{R}}$. Then $\tau - \lambda$ is
called {\it nonoscillatory} at $a$ $($resp., $b)$,
if there exists a real-valued solution $u(\lambda,\,\cdot\,)$ of
$\tau u = \lambda u$ that has finitely many
zeros in $(a,c)$ $($resp., $(c,b))$. Otherwise, $\tau - \lambda$ is called {\it oscillatory}
at $a$ $($resp., $b)$. \\[1mm]
$(ii)$ Let $\lambda_0 \in {\mathbb{R}}$. Then $T_{min}$ is called bounded from below by $\lambda_0$,
and one writes $T_{min} \geq \lambda_0 I$, if
(u, [T_{min} - \lambda_0 I]u)_{L^2((a,b);r\,dx)}\geq 0, \quad u \in \text{\rm{dom}}(T_{min}).
\begin{remark} \label{r2.5}
By Sturm's separation theorem, $\tau - \lambda$, $\lambda\in{\mathbb{R}}$, is nonoscillatory at $a$ (resp., at $b$)
if and only if every real-valued solution $u(\lambda,\,\cdot\,)$ of $\tau u = \lambda u$ has finitely many zeros in
$(a,c)$ (resp., $(c,b)$).
\hfill $\diamond$
The following is a key result relating the notions of boundedness from below and nonoscillation.
\begin{theorem} \label{t2.6}
Assume Hypothesis \ref{h2.1}. Then the following items $(i)$ and $(ii)$ are
equivalent: \\[1mm]
$(i)$ $T_{min}$ $($and hence any symmetric extension of $T_{min})$
is bounded from below. \\[1mm]
$(ii)$ There exists a $\nu_0\in{\mathbb{R}}$ such that for all $\lambda < \nu_0$, $\tau - \lambda$ is
nonoscillatory at $a$ and $b$.
We also recall Sturm's comparison result in the following form.
\begin{theorem} \label{t2.7}
Assume that $p, q_j, r$ satisfy Hypothesis \ref{h2.1} and denote
\tau_j = r(x)^{-1}[-(d/dx) p(x) (d/dx) + q_j(x)] \, \text{ for a.e.~$x\in(a,b) \subseteq {\mathbb{R}}$,} \; j =1,2.
Fix $\lambda \in {\mathbb{R}}$ and let $u_j$ be a real-valued solution of $\tau_j u_j= \lambda u_j$, $j=1,2$.
If for some $x_0\in (a,b) \subseteq {\mathbb{R}}$,
& q_2\geq q_1 \, \text{ a.e.\ on } (a,b),
& u_1\neq 0 \, \text{ on } (a,b)\bs\{x_0\},
& u_2(x_0)=u_1(x_0),\quad u_2^{[1]}(x_0)=u_1^{[1]}(x_0),
|u_2(x)|\geq|u_1(x)| \, \text{ for all } x\in(a,b),
in particular,
u_2 \neq 0 \, \text{ on } (a,b)\bs\{x_0\}.
Next, we also recall the following general comparison result (due to Kurss \cite{Ku67} in the special
case\footnote{One of us, F.G., is indebted to Hubert Kalf \cite{Ka15} for kindly and repeatedly sharing his detailed notes on the proof of Theorem \ref{t2.8} and on various ramifications of this circle of ideas.} $r=1$):
\begin{theorem} \label{t2.8}
Assume that $p, q_j, r$ satisfy Hypothesis \ref{h2.1} and denote
\tau_j = r(x)^{-1}[-(d/dx) p(x) (d/dx) + q_{j}(x)] \, \text{ for a.e.~$x\in(a,b) \subseteq {\mathbb{R}}$,} \; j =1,2.
Suppose that $\tau_1$ is nonoscillatory and in the limit point case at $a$ and
that $q_2 \geq q_1$ a.e.\ on $(a,b) \subseteq {\mathbb{R}}$. Then $\tau_2$ is also nonoscillatory and
in the limit point case at $a$. The analogous statement applies to the endpoint $b$.
Theorem \ref{t2.8} is a consequence of Theorem \ref{t2.7} (cf. \cite[Theorem~7.4.6]{GZ20}), as is its limit circle analogue below:
\begin{theorem} \label{t2.9}
Under the assumptions of Theorem \ref{t2.8}, suppose $\tau_{1}$ is nonoscillatory and in the limit circle case at $a$ and that $q_{2}\leq q_{1}$ a.e.~on $(a,b)\subseteq{\mathbb{R}}$. Then $\tau_{2}$ is in the limit circle case at $a$. The analogous statement applies to the endpoint $b$.
By assumption, both fundamental solutions $u_{1,1}$ and $u_{1,2}$ of $\tau_{1}u_{1}=0$ are strictly positive on $(a,x_{0})$ for some $x_{0}\in(a,b)$ with $u_{1,j}\in L^{2}((a,x_{0});r\,dx)$, $j\in\{1,2\}$. Let $u_{2,j}$, $j\in\{1,2\}$ be the solutions of $\tau_{2}u_{2}=0$ with initial data $u_{2,j}(x_{0})=u_{1,j}(x_{0})$ and $u_{2,j}^{[1]}(x_{0})=u_{1,j}^{[1]}(x_{0})$. Then, by Theorem \ref{t2.7}, $|u_{2,j}(x)|\leq|u_{1,j}(x)|$ for all $x\in(a,x_{0})$, which implies $u_{2,j}\in L^{2}((a,x_{0});r\,dx)$, $j\in\{1,2\}$. Thus $\tau_{2}$ is in the limit circle case at $a$.
\section{Results on the Limit Point and Limit Circle Case} \label{s3}
In this section we prove our principal limit point/limit circle results on the special two-coefficient differential expression
$\tau_{\alpha}$ in \eqref{3.1} below at $x=0$.
Specializing to the case of half-line two-coefficient Sturm--Liouville operators, where
& a = 0, \quad b \in (0,\infty) \cup \{\infty\}, \quad p(x)=x^{\alpha}, \; \alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}, \quad r(x)=1, \; x \in (0,b), \\
& q \in L_{loc}^{1}((0,b);dx) \, \text{ is real-valued~a.e.},
$\tau$ in \eqref{2.1} now takes on the simplified form,
\tau_{\alpha} = -(d/dx)x^{\alpha}(d/dx) + q(x) \, \text{ for a.e.~$x \in (0,b)$, $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$.}
Given $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$, or $\alpha \in (-\infty,2)$, we will derive conditions on $q$ that imply the limit point (and nonoscillatory) or limit circle behavior of $\tau_{\alpha}$ at $x=0$.
Introducing iterated logarithms for $0 < x$ sufficiently small,
\ln_1(x) = |\ln(x)| = \ln(1/x), \quad \ln_{j+1}(x) = \ln(\ln_j(x)), \quad j \in {\mathbb{N}}
(rendering $\ln_{\ell}(\,\cdot\,)$, $1 \leq \ell \leq N$, in Theorems \ref{t3.1} and \ref{t3.3} below, strictly positive), our first principal result reads as follows:
\begin{theorem} \label{t3.1}
Suppose that $q \in L_{loc}^{1}((0,b);dx)$ is real-valued a.e.~on $(0,b)$. \\[1mm]
$(i)$ Let $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$ and assume that for a.e.~$0<x$ sufficiently small,
q(x) \geq [(3/4)-(\alpha/2)]x^{\alpha-2}.
Then $\tau_{\alpha}$ is nonoscillatory and in the limit point case at $x=0$. \\[1mm]
$(ii)$ Let\footnote{Only $\alpha \in (- \infty,2)$ can improve on item $(i)$.} $\alpha\in (-\infty,2)$ and assume there exist $N\in{\mathbb{N}}$ and $\varepsilon>0$, such
that for a.e.~$0<x$ sufficiently small $($depending on $N$ and $\varepsilon$$)$,
&q(x)\geq[(3/4)-(\alpha/2)]x^{\alpha-2} - (1/2) (2 - \alpha) x^{\alpha-2}
\sum_{j=1}^{N}\prod_{\ell=1}^{j}[\ln_{\ell}(x)]^{-1} \\
&\quad\quad\quad +[(3/4)+\varepsilon] x^{\alpha-2}[\ln_{1}(x)]^{-2} \equiv Q_{\alpha,N,\varepsilon}(x).
\end{split} \label{3.5}
Then $\tau_{\alpha}$ is nonoscillatory and in the limit point case at $x=0$.
In the following $0 < x$ is assumed to be sufficiently small. \\[1mm]
$(i)$ Abbreviating for $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$,
& q_{\alpha,0}(x)= [(3/4) - (\alpha/2)]x^{\alpha-2}, \label{3.6} \\
& y_{0}(x)=x^{-1/2}, \label{3.7} \\
one confirms that
(\tau_{\alpha,0}\,y_{0})(x)=0, \quad \alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}.
In particular, \eqref{3.7} and \eqref{3.9} prove that $\tau_{\alpha,0}$, $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$, is nonoscillatory at $x=0$.
Moreover, since for $R>0$,
y_{0}\notin L^{2}((0,R);dx), \quad \alpha \in {\mathbb{R}},
$\tau_{\alpha,0}$, $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$, is nonoscillatory and in the limit point case at $x=0$, and hence so is $\tau_{\alpha}$,
$\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$, by Theorem \ref{t2.8}. \\[1mm]
$(ii)$ Since the sum of the 2nd and 3rd terms on the right-hand side of \eqref{3.5} would be nonnegative for
$\alpha \geq 2$, Theorem \ref{t2.8} yields that only the case $\alpha \in (-\infty, 2)$ can improve upon item $(i)$. Next, we abbreviate for $\alpha \in (-\infty,2)$, $N\in{\mathbb{N}}$, and $0 < x$ sufficiently small,\footnote{\,If $N=1$ one interprets, as usually, sums and products over empty index sets as $0$ and $1$, respectively. \label{f1}}
&q_{\alpha,N}(x)= [(3/4) - (\alpha/2)]x^{\alpha-2}
- (1/2) (2 - \alpha) x^{\alpha-2}\sum_{j=1}^{N}\prod_{\ell=1}^{j}[\ln_{\ell}(x)]^{-1}\nonumber\\
&\hspace{1.6cm}+x^{\alpha-2}\sum_{j=1}^{N-1}\prod_{\ell=1}^{j}[\ln_{\ell}(x)]^{-2}\sum_{m=j+1}^{N}\prod_{p=j+1}^{m}[\ln_{p}(x)]^{-1} , \label{3.11}\\
&y_{N}(x)=x^{-1/2}\prod_{k=1}^{N} [\ln_{k}(x)]^{-1/2},
and claim (cf.\ Lemma \ref{lA.1}) that
(\tau_{\alpha,N}\,y_{N})(x)=0, \quad \alpha \in (-\infty,2), \; N \in {\mathbb{N}}.
Once more, \eqref{3.12} and \eqref{3.14} prove that $\tau_{\alpha,N}$, $\alpha \in (-\infty,2)$, $N \in {\mathbb{N}}$, is nonoscillatory at $x=0$. Moreover, since for $0 < \delta_N$ sufficiently small,
y_{N}\notin L^{2}((0,\delta_N);dx),
$\tau_{\alpha,N}$, $\alpha \in (-\infty,2)$, $N \in {\mathbb{N}}$, is nonoscillatory and in the limit point case at $x=0$.
Since, for $0 < \varepsilon$ and $0 < x$ both sufficiently small one infers that
& (3/4)x^{\alpha-2}\sum_{j=1}^{N}\prod_{\ell=1}^{j}[\ln_{\ell}(x)]^{-2}+x^{\alpha-2}\sum_{j=1}^{N-1}\prod_{\ell=1}^{j}
[\ln_{\ell}(x)]^{-2}\sum_{m=j+1}^{N}\prod_{p=j+1}^{m}[\ln_{p}(x)]^{-1} \nonumber\\
& \quad \leq[(3/4)+\varepsilon] x^{\alpha-2}[\ln_{1}(x)]^{-2}, \label{A.18}
condition \eqref{3.5} implies that $q(x) \geq Q_{\alpha,N,\varepsilon}(x) \geq q_{\alpha,N}(x)$ for $0 < \varepsilon$ and $0<x$ sufficiently small. Thus,
Theorem \ref{t2.8} implies that also $\tau_{\alpha}$, $\alpha \in (-\infty,2)$, is nonoscillatory and in the limit point case at $x=0$.
Although not needed in the context of Theorem \ref{t3.1}, we note a second (necessarily nonoscillatory) linearly independent solution $\widetilde y_N$ of $\tau_{\alpha,N} y =0$ is a consequence of the standard reduction of order approach
\widetilde y_N(x)= y_{N}(x) \int_{x}^c dt \, t^{-\alpha} y_{N}(t)^{-2}, \quad 0 < x < c \, \text{ sufficiently small.}
\begin{remark} \label{r3.2}
In connection with the nonoscillatory behavior of $\tau_{\alpha}$ we now recall the power weighted and logarithmically refined Hardy inequalities in the form (see \cite{GLMP21} and the references therein)
& \int_0^\rho dx \, x^{\alpha} |f'(x)|^2 \geq \frac{(1 - \alpha)^2}{4} \int_0^{\rho} dx \, x^{\alpha - 2} |f(x)|^2, \\
& \hspace*{.95cm} \alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}, \; \rho \in (0,\infty) \cup \{\infty\}, \; f \in C_0^{\infty}((0,\rho)),
& \int_0^\rho dx \, x^{\alpha} |f'(x)|^2 \geq \frac{(1 - \alpha)^2}{4} \int_0^{\rho} dx \, x^{\alpha - 2} |f(x)|^2 \\
& \quad + \frac{1}{4} \sum_{j=1}^N \int_0^{\rho} dx \, x^{\alpha - 2}
\Bigg(\prod_{\ell=1}^{j} [\ln_{\ell}(x/\gamma)]^{-2}\Bigg) |f(x)|^2,
& \quad \, N \in {\mathbb{N}}, \; \alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}, \; \rho, \gamma \in (0,\infty), \; \gamma \geq e_N \rho,
\; f \in C_0^{\infty}((0,\rho)),
e_{0} = 0, \quad e_{j+1} = e^{e_{j}}, \quad j \in {\mathbb{N}}_{0} = {\mathbb{N}} \cup \{0\}.
Inequalities \eqref{3.18} and \eqref{3.19} imply, in particular, that
\bigg(- \frac{d}{dx} x^{\alpha} \frac{d}{dx} - \frac{(1-\alpha)^2}{4} x^{\alpha - 2}\bigg)\bigg|_{C_0^{\infty}((0,\rho))} \geq 0,& \\
\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}, \; \rho \in (0,\infty) \cup \{\infty\},&
\bigg(- \frac{d}{dx} x^{\alpha} \frac{d}{dx} - \frac{(1-\alpha)^2}{4} x^{\alpha - 2}
- \frac{1}{4} x^{\alpha - 2} \sum_{j=1}^N \prod_{\ell=1}^{j} [\ln_{\ell}(x/\gamma)]^{-2}
\bigg)\bigg|_{C_0^{\infty}((0,\rho))} \geq 0,& \\
N \in {\mathbb{N}}, \; \alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}, \; \rho, \gamma \in (0,\infty), \; \gamma \geq e_N \rho.&
All constants displayed in \eqref{3.18}--\eqref{3.22} are sharp (cf.\ \cite{GLMP21}).
Since $[(3/4) - (\alpha/2)] \geq - (1-\alpha)^2/4$ is equivalent to $(\alpha - 2)^2 \geq 0$, which automatically holds for
all $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$, the assertion that $\tau_{\alpha,0}$, $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$, is nonoscillatory (cf.\ the paragraph following \eqref{3.9}) is of course consistent with Hardy's inequality \eqref{3.18} which implies the following (much weaker) inequality
\bigg(- \frac{d}{dx} x^{\alpha} \frac{d}{dx} + \bigg(\frac{3}{4} - \frac{\alpha}{2}\bigg) x^{\alpha - 2}\bigg)\bigg|_{C_0^{\infty}((0,\rho))} \geq 0,& \\
\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}, \;\, \rho \in (0,\infty) \cup \{\infty\}.&
Similarly, the assertion that $\tau_{\alpha,N}$, $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$, $N \in {\mathbb{N}}$, is nonoscillatory (cf.\ the paragraph following \eqref{3.14}) is consistent with the logarithmic refinements of Hardy's inequality \eqref{3.19} as
$[(3/4) - (\alpha/2)] > - (1-\alpha)^2/4$ is equivalent to $(\alpha - 2)^2/4 > 0$, which in turn automatically holds for
all $\alpha \in (-\infty, 2)$. The subtle difference $[(3/4) - (\alpha/2)] > - (1-\alpha)^2/4$ versus
$[(3/4) - (\alpha/2)] \geq - (1-\alpha)^2/4$ now is crucial as the leading logarithmic terms in \eqref{3.11} are of the
form $[\ln_{\ell}(x)]^{-1}$ as opposed to the smaller terms
$[\ln_{\ell}(x)]^{-2}$ in \eqref{3.19} and \eqref{3.22}. In particular, \eqref{3.22} now implies
& \bigg(- \frac{d}{dx} x^{\alpha} \frac{d}{dx} + \bigg(\frac{3}{4} - \frac{\alpha}{2}\bigg) x^{\alpha - 2}
+ \frac{\alpha - 2}{2} x^{\alpha - 2} \sum_{j=1}^N \prod_{\ell=1}^{j} [\ln_{\ell}(x/\gamma)]^{-1}
\bigg)\bigg|_{C_0^{\infty}((0,\rho))} \geq 0, \nonumber \\
& \hspace*{7cm} N \in {\mathbb{N}}, \; \alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}, \; \gamma \geq e_N \rho,
for suitable $\rho, \gamma \in (0,\infty)$, since for arbitrarily small $0 < \delta \equiv (\alpha - 2)^2/4$, the expression
$\delta x^{\alpha - 2}$ dominates the second term on the right-hand side of \eqref{3.11} in a sufficiently small neighborhood of $x=0$.
\hfill $\diamond$
Our second main result then reads as follows.
\begin{theorem} \label{t3.3}
Suppose that $q \in L_{loc}^{1}((0,b);dx)$ is real-valued a.e.~on $(0,b)$. \\[1mm]
$(i)$ Let $\alpha \in (-\infty,2)$ and assume that there exists $\varepsilon \in (0,1)$ $($depending on $\alpha)$ such that
for a.e.~$0<x$ sufficiently small $($depending on $\varepsilon)$,
q(x)\leq[(3/4)-(\alpha/2) - \varepsilon]x^{\alpha-2}.
Then $\tau_{\alpha}$ is in the limit circle case at $x=0$. \\[1mm]
$(ii)$ Let $\alpha\in (-\infty,2)$ and assume there exist $N\in{\mathbb{N}}$ and $\varepsilon\in(0,1)$ $($depending on
$\alpha$ and $N$$)$, such that
for a.e.~$0<x$ sufficiently small $($depending on $N$ and $\varepsilon$$)$,
q(x) &\leq [(3/4)-(\alpha/2)]x^{\alpha-2}
- (1/2) (2 - \alpha) x^{\alpha-2}\sum_{j=1}^{N}\prod_{\ell=1}^{j}[\ln_{\ell}(x)]^{-1} \\
&\quad - (\varepsilon/2) (2 - \alpha) x^{\alpha-2}\prod_{k=1}^{N}[\ln_{k}(x)]^{-1} \equiv \widehat Q_{\alpha,N,\varepsilon}(x). \label{3.26}
Then, $\tau_{\alpha}$ is in the limit circle case at $x=0$.
In the following $0 < x$ is assumed to be sufficiently small. \\[1mm]
$(i)$ Abbreviating for $\alpha \in (-\infty,2)$, $\beta \in (0,\infty)$,
& q_{\alpha,0,\beta}(x)= [(3/4) - (\alpha/2) - \beta]x^{\alpha-2},
& y_{\alpha,0,\beta,j}(x)=x^{\gamma_{\alpha,\beta,j}}, \nonumber \\
& \gamma_{\alpha,\beta,j} = (1/2) (1 - \alpha) - (1/2) (-1)^j \begin{cases}
\big|(2 - \alpha)^2 - 4 \beta\big|^{1/2}, & 0 < 4 \beta \leq (2-\alpha)^2, \\
i \big|(2 - \alpha)^2 - 4 \beta\big|^{1/2}, & (2-\alpha)^2 \leq 4 \beta,
\end{cases} \nonumber \\
& \hspace*{3.75cm} \alpha \in (-\infty,2), \; \beta \in (0,\infty) \backslash \big\{(2-\alpha)^2\big/4\big\}, \; j=1,2, \label{3.28}\\
& y_{\alpha,0,(2 - \alpha)^2/4,1}(x) = x^{(1 - \alpha)/2},
\quad y_{\alpha,0,(2 - \alpha)^2/4,2}(x) = x^{(1 - \alpha)/2} \ln(1/x), \label{3.29} \\
& \hspace*{5.05cm} \gamma_{\alpha,(2 - \alpha)^2/4,j} = (1 - \alpha)/2, \; j=1,2, \nonumber \\
&\tau_{\alpha,0,\beta} = - (d/dx)x^{\alpha}(d/dx)+q_{\alpha,0,\beta}(x),
one confirms that
(\tau_{\alpha,0,\beta}\,y_{\alpha,0,\beta,j})(x)=0, \quad \alpha \in (-\infty,2), \; \beta \in (0,\infty), \; j =1,2.
To verify the limit circle property of $\tau_{\alpha,0,\beta}$, one needs to guarantee that for some $\rho \in (0,1)$, $y_{\alpha,0,\beta,j} \in L^2((0, \rho);dx)$, $j=1,2$, equivalently,
\Re(\gamma_{\alpha,\beta,j}) > - 1/2, \quad j = 1,2.
Inequality \eqref{3.32} in turn is equivalent to
\alpha \in (-\infty,2), \; \beta \in (0,\infty). \label{3.33}
Hence, choosing $\alpha \in (2,\infty)$ and $\beta \equiv \varepsilon \in \big(0, (2 - \alpha)^2/4\big]$ yields that for $0 < \varepsilon$ sufficiently small, $\tau_{\alpha,0,\varepsilon}$ is in the limit circle case and nonoscillatory (cf.\ \eqref{3.28}) at $x=0$.
An application of Theorem \ref{t2.9} then yields that also $\tau_{\alpha}$ is in the limit circle case at $x=0$. \\[1mm]
$(ii)$ We recall that $q_{\alpha,N}$ is given by \eqref{3.11} and abbreviate for $N\in{\mathbb{N}}$ and $0<x$ sufficiently
small,\footnote{\,See footnote \ref{f1}.}
& \nonumber q_{\alpha,N,\varepsilon}(x) = q_{\alpha,N}(x) -
(\varepsilon/2) (\alpha - 2)x^{\alpha-2}\prod_{k=1}^{N}[\ln_{k}(x)]^{-1}
+ \big(\varepsilon^2\big/4\big) x^{\alpha-2}\prod_{k=1}^{N}[\ln_{k}(x)]^{-2}
\\ & \hspace*{1.4cm} \quad +\varepsilon x^{\alpha-2}\prod_{k=1}^{N}[\ln_{k}(x)]^{-1}
\sum_{j=1}^{N}\prod_{\ell=1}^{j}[\ln_{\ell}(x)]^{-1}, \label{3.34} \\
&y_{N,\varepsilon} (x)=x^{-1/2}\prod_{k=1}^{N-1}[\ln_{k}(x)]^{-1/2}[\ln_{N}(x)]^{-1/2-\varepsilon/2},
& \widetilde y_{N,\varepsilon} (x)= y_{N,\varepsilon} (x) \int_{x_0}^x dt \, t^{- \alpha}
y_{N,\varepsilon} (t)^{-2},
At this point we claim (cf.\ Lemma \ref{lA.2} for details) that
(\tau_{\alpha,N,\varepsilon}\,y_{N,\varepsilon} )(x)=0, \quad (\tau_{\alpha,N,\varepsilon}\,\widetilde y_{N,\varepsilon} )(x)=0,
\quad \alpha \in (-\infty,2), \; N \in {\mathbb{N}}. \label{3.38}
Since for $0 < \delta_N$ sufficiently small,
y_{N,\varepsilon} \in L^{2}((0,\delta_N);\,dx), \quad \alpha \in (-\infty,2), \; N \in {\mathbb{N}},
and (utilizing $\alpha \in (- \infty,2)$)
\int_0^{\delta_N} dt \, t^{1 - \alpha} \Bigg(\prod_{k=1}^{N-1} \ln_{k}(t) \Bigg) [\ln_N (t)]^{1 + \varepsilon} < \infty,
\widetilde y_{N,\varepsilon} \in L^{2}((0,\delta_N);\,dx), \quad \alpha \in (-\infty,2), \; N \in {\mathbb{N}}.
Thus, $\tau_{\alpha,N,\varepsilon}$ is in the limit circle case and nonoscillatory (cf.\ \eqref{3.35}) at $x=0$.
Moreover, since for $0 < \varepsilon$ and $0<x$ sufficiently small,
q_{\alpha,N,\varepsilon}(x) &\geq [(3/4)-(\alpha/2)]x^{\alpha-2}
- (1/2) (2 - \alpha) x^{\alpha-2}\sum_{j=1}^{N}\prod_{\ell=1}^{j}[\ln_{\ell}(x)]^{-1} \\
&\quad - (\varepsilon/2) (2 - \alpha) x^{\alpha-2}\prod_{k=1}^{N}[\ln_{k}(x)]^{-1},
condition \eqref{3.26} implies that $q(x) \leq \widehat Q_{\alpha,N,\varepsilon}(x) \leq q_{\alpha,N,\varepsilon}(x)$ for
$0 < \varepsilon$ and $0<x$ sufficiently small. Thus,
Theorem \ref{t2.9} implies that also $\tau_{\alpha}$, $\alpha \in (-\infty,2)$, is in the limit circle case at $x=0$.
\begin{remark} \label{r3.4}
Thus far we focusd on endpoint classifications at $x=0$. It is of course possible to address the limit point
case at $x=\infty$, however, this is typically based on a markedly different technique and we provide an example next: For this purpose we abbreviate iterated logarithms for $0 < x$ sufficiently large by
{\rm Ln}_1(x) = \ln(x), \quad {\rm Ln}_{j+1}(x) = \ln({\rm Ln}_{j}(x)), \quad j \in {\mathbb{N}}.
Next, let $a \in {\mathbb{R}}$, $\alpha \in (-\infty,2]$, and
consider $\tau_{\alpha}$ in \eqref{3.2} on the interval $[a,\infty)$. Suppose there exists $C \in (0,\infty)$ such that for
$R \in (a,\infty)$ sufficiently large (rendering ${\rm Ln}_{\ell}(\,\cdot\,)$, $1 \leq \ell \leq N$, in \eqref{3.43} strictly positive), and some $N \in {\mathbb{N}}$,
q(x) \geq - C x^{2-\alpha} \prod_{k=1}^N [{\rm Ln}_{k}(x)]^2 \, \text{ for a.e.~$x \in [R,\infty)$.} \label{3.43}
Then $\tau_{\alpha}$, $\alpha \in (-\infty,2]$, is in the limit point case at $x = \infty$.
For the proof it suffices to choose
p(x) = x^{\alpha}, \quad
M(x) = x^{2 - \alpha} \prod_{k=1}^N [{\rm Ln}_{k}(x)]^2, \quad x \in [R,\infty),
and refer to \cite[Theorem~16, p.~1406]{DS88}. (For a three-coefficient analog of the latter, see
\cite[Theorem~7.4.3, p.~148--149]{Ze05}.)
For additional results regarding the absence of $L^2$-solutions at $x = \infty$, implying the limit point case at $x=\infty$, we also refer to \cite{Se49}, \cite{Se52}, \cite{Se54}.
\hfill $\diamond$
\section{An Elementary Multi-Dimensional Application} \label{s4}
In this section we briefly sketch an elementary multi-dimensional application of Theorem \ref{t3.1} in connection with the partial differential expression $- \Div (p(|\,\cdot\,|) \nabla) + q(|\,\cdot\,|)$.
In $n$-dimensional spherical coordinates, the differential expression $- \Div (p(|\,\cdot\,|) \nabla)$ on the $n$-dimensional ball $B_n(0;R) \subset {\mathbb{R}}^n$, $n \in {\mathbb{N}}$, $n \geq 2$, $R \in (0,\infty)$, assuming
1/p \in L^1((\varepsilon,R); dr), \, 0 < p \in AC([\varepsilon,R]) \, \text{ for all $\varepsilon > 0$}, \label{4.1}
takes the form
- \Div p(|x|) \nabla = - r^{1-n} \frac{\partial}{\partial r} \bigg(r^{n-1} p(r) \frac{\partial}{\partial r}\bigg) - \frac{p(r)}{r^{2}} \Delta_{{\mathbb{S}}^{n-1}}, \quad x \in B_n(0;R) \backslash \{0\},
where $- \Delta_{{\mathbb{S}}^{n-1}}$ denotes the Laplace--Beltrami operator associated with the $(n-1)$-dimensional unit sphere ${\mathbb{S}}^{n-1}$ in ${\mathbb{R}}^n$. When acting in $L^{2}(B_n(0;R))$, which in spherical coordinates can be written as
$L^{2}(B_n(0;R); d^n x) \simeq L^{2}((0,R);r^{n-1}dr)\otimes L^{2}({\mathbb{S}}^{n-1})$, \eqref{4.2} becomes
- \Div p(|x|) \nabla = \bigg[- \frac{d}{dr} p(r) \frac{d}{dr} - \frac{(n-1) p(r)}{r}\frac{d}{dr}\bigg] \otimes I_{L^{2}({\mathbb{S}}^{n-1})} - \frac{p(r)}{r^{2}}\otimes \Delta_{{\mathbb{S}}^{n-1}}
(with $I_{{\mathcal X}}$ denoting the identity operator on ${\mathcal X}$).
The Laplace--Beltrami operator $- \Delta_{{\mathbb{S}}^{n-1}}$ in $L^{2}({\mathbb{S}}^{n-1})$, with domain $\text{\rm{dom}}(- \Delta_{{\mathbb{S}}^{n-1}}) = H^2\big({\mathbb{S}}^{n-1}\big)$ (cf., e.g., \cite{BLP19}), is known to be essentially self-adjoint and nonnegative on $C_0^{\infty}({\mathbb{S}}^{n-1})$ (cf.\ \cite[Theorem~5.2.3]{Da89}). Recalling the treatment in \cite[p.~160--161]{RS75}, one decomposes the space $L^{2}({\mathbb{S}}^{n-1})$ into an infinite orthogonal sum, yielding
L^{2}(B_n(0;R); d^n x) &\simeq L^{2}((0,R);r^{n-1}dr)\otimes L^{2}({\mathbb{S}}^{n-1}) \\
& = \bigoplus\limits_{\ell=0}^{\infty}L^{2}((0,R);r^{n-1}dr)\otimes{\mathcal Y}_{\ell}^{n}, \label{4.4}
where ${\mathcal Y}_{\ell}^{n}$ is the eigenspace of $- \Delta_{{\mathbb{S}}^{n-1}}$ corresponding to the eigenvalue $\ell(\ell+n-2)$, $\ell \in {\mathbb{N}}_0$, as
\sigma (- \Delta_{{\mathbb{S}}^{n-1}}) = \{\ell(\ell+n-2)\}_{\ell \in {\mathbb{N}}_0}. \label{4.5}
In particular, this results in
- \Div p(|x|) \nabla = \bigoplus\limits_{\ell=0}^{\infty} \bigg[- \frac{d}{dr} p(r) \frac{d}{dr} - \frac{(n-1) p(r)}{r}\frac{d}{dr}
+ \frac{\ell(\ell+n-2) p(r)}{r^{2}}\bigg]
\otimes I_{{\mathcal Y}_{\ell}^{n}}, \label{4.6}
in the space \eqref{4.4}.
To simplify matters, replacing the measure $r^{n-1}dr$ by $dr$ and simultaneously removing the term
$(n-1) p(r) r^{-1} (d/dr)$, one introduces the unitary operator
L^{2}((0,R);r^{n-1}dr)\rightarrow L^{2}((0,R);dr), \\[1mm]
f(r)\mapsto r^{(n-1)/2}f(r),
\end{cases} \label{4.7}
under which \eqref{4.6} becomes
- \Div p(|x|) \nabla &= \bigoplus\limits_{\ell=0}^{\infty} U_{n}^{-1}\bigg[-\frac{d}{dr} p(r) \frac{d}{dr} + (n-1) \frac{p'(r)}{2r}
\label{4.8} \\
& \hspace*{1.9cm} + \{[(n-1)(n-3)/4] + \ell(\ell+n-2)\} \frac{p(r)}{r^2}\bigg] U_{n} \otimes I_{{\mathcal Y}_{\ell}^{n}}, \nonumber
still acting in the space \eqref{4.4}. Thus, specializing to the case
p(r) = r^{\alpha}, \quad \alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}, \; r \in (0,R], \label{4.9}
the self-adjoint Friedrichs $L^2$-realization, $H^{(0)}_{\alpha,F}$, of
$- \Div |\,\cdot\,|^{\alpha} \nabla$ in the space \eqref{4.4} then is of the form
H^{(0)}_{\alpha,F} = \bigoplus\limits_{\ell=0}^{\infty} U_{n}^{-1} h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha,F} \,U_{n} \otimes I_{{\mathcal Y}_{\ell}^{n}},
where $h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha,F}$, $\ell \in {\mathbb{N}}_0$, represents the Friedrichs extension of the preminimal operator,
$\dot h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha}$ in $L^2((0,R); dr)$, associated with the differential expression
\tau^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha} = -\frac{d}{dr} r^{\alpha} \frac{d}{dr} + \frac{[(n-1)(n-3 + 2 \alpha)/4] + \ell(\ell+n-2)}{r^{2-\alpha}},& \\
\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}, \; n \in {\mathbb{N}}, \, n \geq 2, \; \ell \in {\mathbb{N}}_0, \; r \in (0,R],& \label{4.11}
that is,
\dot h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha} = \tau^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha}\big|_{C_0^{\infty}((0,R))}, \quad
\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}, \; n \in {\mathbb{N}}, \, n \geq 2, \; \ell \in {\mathbb{N}}_0,& \label{4.12}
in $L^2((0,R); dr)$.
To explicitly describe $h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha,F}$ we next recall some results from \cite{GLN20} and \cite{GNS21}. For this purpose we introduce the differential expression
\tau_{\b,\gamma} = \left[-\frac{d}{dx}x^\b\frac{d}{dx} +\frac{(2-\b)^2\gamma^2-(1-\b)^2}{4}x^{\b-2}\right],\\
\b \in {\mathbb{R}},\; \gamma \in [0,\infty), \; x\in(0,R], \label{4.13}
and recall that solutions to $\tau_{\b,\gamma} y(z, \,\cdot\,) = z y(z,\,\cdot\,)$ are given by (cf.\ \cite[No.~2.162, p.~440]{Ka61})
y_{1,\b,\gamma}(z,x)&=x^{(1-\b)/2} J_{\gamma}\big(2z^{1/2} x^{(2-\b)/2}/(2-\b)\big),\quad \gamma \in [0,\infty),\\
x^{(1-\b)/2} J_{-\gamma}\big(2z^{1/2} x^{(2-\b)/2}/(2-\b)\big), & \gamma\notin{\mathbb{N}}_0,\\
x^{(1-\b)/2} Y_{\gamma}\big(2z^{1/2} x^{(2-\b)/2}/(2-\b)\big), & \gamma\in{\mathbb{N}}_0,
\end{cases} \; \gamma \in [0,\infty), \\
& \hspace*{8.15cm} x \in (0,R]. \nonumber
where $J_{\nu}(\,\cdot\,), Y_{\nu}(\,\cdot\,)$ are the standard Bessel functions of order $\nu \in {\mathbb{R}}$
(cf.\ \cite[Ch.~9]{AS72}). Solutions for $z=0$ are particularly simple and we note that (non-normalized) principal and nonprincipal solutions $u_{0,\b,\gamma}(0, \,\cdot\,)$ and $\widehat u_{0,\b,\gamma}(0, \,\cdot\,)$ of $\tau_{\beta,\gamma} u = 0$ at $x=0$ are of the form
u_{0,\b,\gamma}(0, x) &= x^{[1-\b+(2-\b)\gamma]/2}, \quad \gamma \in [0,\infty), \\
\widehat u_{0,\b,\gamma}(0, x) &= \begin{cases} x^{[1-\b-(2-\b)\gamma]/2}, & \gamma \in (0,\infty), \label{4.16} \\
x^{(1-\b)/2} \ln(1/x), & \gamma =0, \end{cases}\\
&\hspace*{1.9cm} \beta \in {\mathbb{R}},\; x \in (0,1), \\
\widehat u_{0,2,\gamma}(0, x) &= x^{-1/2} \ln(1/x), \quad \gamma \in [0,\infty), \; x \in (0,1).
In particular, $\tau_{\b,\gamma}$, $\beta \in {\mathbb{R}}$, $\gamma \in [0,\infty)$, is nonoscillatory at $x=0$ and $x=R$, regular at $x=R$, and the following limit point/limit circle classification holds,
\text{$\tau_{\b,\gamma}$ is in the limit point case at $x=0$ if $\beta \in [2,\infty)$, $\gamma \in [0,\infty)$} \\
\quad \text{and if $\beta \in (-\infty,2)$, $\gamma \in [1,\infty)$,} \\
\text{$\tau_{\b,\gamma}$ is in the limit circle case at $x=0$ if $\beta \in (-\infty,2)$, $\gamma \in [0,1)$,} \\
\text{$\tau_{\b,\gamma}$ is in the limit circle case at $x=R$ if $\beta \in {\mathbb{R}}$, $\gamma \in [0,\infty)$.} \label{4.17}
The preminimal, $ \dot T_{\beta,\gamma}$, and maximal $T_{\beta,\gamma, max}$, $L^2((0,R]; dx)$-realizations associated with $\tau_{\b,\gamma}$, $\beta \in {\mathbb{R}}$, $\gamma \in [0,\infty)$, are then given by
& \dot T_{\beta,\gamma} = \tau_{\b,\gamma}\big|_{C_0^{\infty}((0,R))}, \\
& (T_{\beta,\gamma, max} f)(x) = (\tau_{\beta,\gamma} f)(x) \, \text{ for a.e.~$x \in (0,R]$,} \nonumber \\
& \, f \in \text{\rm{dom}}(T_{\beta,\gamma, max}) = \big\{g \in L^2((0,R); dx) \, \big | \,
g, g' \in AC_{loc}((\varepsilon,R]) \, \text{for all $0 < \varepsilon < R$}; \nonumber \\
& \hspace*{7.5cm} \tau_{\beta,\gamma} g \in L^2((0,R); dx) \big\},
According to \cite{GLN20}, the generalized boundary values for $g \in \text{\rm{dom}}(T_{\beta, \gamma,max})$ at $x=0$ in the limit circle case at $x=0$ (i.e., if $\beta \in (-\infty,2)$, $\gamma \in [0,1)$) are of the form
\widetilde g(0) &= \begin{cases} \lim_{x \downarrow 0} g(x)\big/\big[x^{[1-\b-(2-\b)\gamma]/2}\big], &
\gamma \in (0,1), \\[1mm]
\lim_{x \downarrow 0} g(x)\big/\big[x^{(1-\b)/2} \ln(1/x)\big], & \gamma =0,
\end{split} \\
\widetilde g^{\, \prime} (0)
&= \begin{cases} \lim_{x \downarrow 0} \big[g(x) - \widetilde g(0) x^{[1-\b-(2-\b)\gamma]/2}\big]
& \hspace{-.2cm} \gamma \in (0,1), \\[1mm]
\lim_{x \downarrow 0} \big[g(x) - \widetilde g(0) x^{(1-\b)/2} \ln(1/x)\big] \big/\big[x^{(1-\b)/2}\big],
& \hspace{-.2cm} \gamma =0.
Since $\tau_{\b,\gamma}$ is regular at $x=R$, the standard boundary values for $g \in \text{\rm{dom}}(T_{\beta, \gamma,max})$ at $x=R$ are of the standard form $g(R), g'(R)$.
The closure of $\dot T_{\beta,\gamma}$ in $L^2((0,R); dx)$, that is, the minimal operator, $T_{\beta,\gamma, min}$, associated with
$\tau_{\b,\gamma}$, is then given by
& (T_{\beta,\gamma, min} f)(x) = (\tau_{\beta,\gamma} f)(x) \, \text{ for a.e.~$x \in (0,R]$, $\beta \in {\mathbb{R}}$,
$\gamma \in [0,\infty)$,} \nonumber \\
& \, f \in \text{\rm{dom}}(T_{\beta,\gamma, min}) = \big\{g \in \text{\rm{dom}}(T_{\beta,\gamma, max}) \, \big | \,
\widetilde g (0) = \widetilde g^{\, \prime} (0) = 0, \, g(R) = g'(R) = 0 \big\}, \nonumber \\
& \hspace*{7.3cm} \beta \in (-\infty,2), \; \gamma \in [0,1), \\
& \, f \in \text{\rm{dom}}(T_{\beta,\gamma, min}) = \big\{g \in \text{\rm{dom}}(T_{\beta,\gamma, max}) \, \big | \,
g(R) = g'(R) = 0 \big\}, \\
& \hspace*{1.52cm} \beta \in (-\infty,2), \; \gamma \in [1,\infty), \, \text{ or, } \, \beta \in [2,\infty), \; \gamma \in [0,\infty),
and the Friedrichs extension, $T_{\beta, \gamma,F}$, of $T_{\beta,\gamma, min}$ (and $\dot T_{\beta,\gamma}$) is characterized by (cf.\ \cite{Ka78}, \cite{NZ92}, \cite{Ro85}),
& (T_{\beta,\gamma, F} f)(x) = (\tau_{\beta,\gamma} f)(x) \, \text{ for a.e.~$x \in (0,R]$, $\beta \in {\mathbb{R}}$,
$\gamma \in [0,\infty)$,} \nonumber \\
& \, f \in \text{\rm{dom}}(T_{\beta,\gamma, F}) = \big\{g \in \text{\rm{dom}}(T_{\beta,\gamma, max}) \, \big | \,
\widetilde g (0) =0, \, g(R) = 0\big\}, \label{4.24} \\
& \hspace*{5.8cm} \beta \in (-\infty,2), \; \gamma \in [0,1), \nonumber \\
& \, f \in \text{\rm{dom}}(T_{\beta,\gamma, F}) = \big\{g \in \text{\rm{dom}}(T_{\beta,\gamma, max}) \, \big | \, g(R) = 0\big\}, \label{4.25} \\
& \hspace*{-.7mm} \beta \in (-\infty,2), \; \gamma \in [1,\infty), \, \text{ or, } \, \beta \in [2,\infty), \; \gamma \in [0,\infty).
Returning to $\tau^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha}$, and hence comparing
(n-1)(n-3 + 2 \alpha) + 4 \ell (\ell + n -2) \, \text{ with } \, (2-\alpha)^2 \gamma^2 -(1 - \alpha)^2 \, \text{ for } \, \alpha \in {\mathbb{R}} \backslash \{0\},
and treating the case $\alpha = 2$ separately,
an application of \eqref{4.13}--\eqref{4.25} then yields the following facts for its limit point/limit circle classification, for the maximal operator $h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha,max}$ associated with
$\tau^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha}$, and the Friedrichs extension $h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha,F}$ of $\dot h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha}$ in $L^2((0,R); dx)$. First, upon identifying
& \beta = \alpha \in {\mathbb{R}} \backslash \{2\}, \quad \gamma= \gamma_{\alpha}
= \big[(2 - \alpha - n)^2 + 4 \ell (\ell + n - 2)\big]^{1/2} \big/ |2 - \alpha| \in [0,\infty),
more precisely,
& \alpha > 2, \quad \gamma_{\alpha} \in [1,\infty), \\
& \alpha < 2, \quad \gamma_{\alpha} \in [0,\infty),
$\tau^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha}$, $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$, is nonoscillatory at $r=0$ and $r=R$, and regular at $r=R$. In addition,
\text{$\tau^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha}$ is in the limit point case at $r=0$ if $\alpha \in (2,\infty)$,
$\gamma_{\alpha} \in [0,\infty)$,} \\
\quad \text{if $\alpha \in (-\infty,2)$, $\gamma_{\alpha} \in [1,\infty)$, and if $\alpha = 2$,} \\
\text{$\tau^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha}$ is in the limit circle case at $r=0$ if $\alpha \in (-\infty,2)$,
$\gamma_{\alpha} \in [0,1)$,} \\
\text{$\tau^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha}$ is in the limit circle case at $r=R$ for all $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$,}
\end{cases} \label{4.29}
and hence
\text{$\tau^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha}$ is in the limit point case at $r=0$ if and only if} \\
\quad \text{$\alpha \in [2 - (n/2) - (2/n)\ell(\ell + n - 2),\infty)$,} \\
\text{$\tau^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha}$ is in the limit circle case at $r=0$ if and only if} \\
\quad \text{$\alpha \in (-\infty, 2 - (n/2) - (2/n)\ell(\ell + n - 2))$,} \\
\text{$\tau^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha}$ is in the limit circle case at $r=R$ for all $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$.} \label{4.30}
Moreover, the underlying maximal operator is of the form
& \big(h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha,max} f\big)(r) = \big(\tau^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha} f\big)(r) \, \text{ for a.e.~$ r \in (0,R]$, $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$,} \nonumber \\
& \, f \in \text{\rm{dom}}(h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha,max}) = \big\{g \in L^2((0,R);dr) \, \big| \, g, g' \in AC([\varepsilon,R])
\, \text{for all $\varepsilon \in (0,R)$}; \nonumber \\
& \hspace*{6.5cm} \big(\tau^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha} f\big)(r) \in L^2((0,R);dr)\big\}, \label{4.31}
and the corresponding Friedrichs extension of $\dot h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha}$ is given by
& \big(h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha,F} f\big)(r) = \big(\tau^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha} f\big)(r) \, \text{ for a.e.~$ r \in (0,R]$, $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$,} \nonumber \\
& \, f \in \text{\rm{dom}}(h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha,F}) = \big\{g \in \text{\rm{dom}}(h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha,max}) \, \big| \,
\widetilde g (0) = 0, \, g(R) =0 \big\}, \label{4.32} \\
& \hspace*{3.6cm} \alpha \in (- \infty, 2 - (n/2) - (2/n) \ell (\ell + n - 2)), \nonumber \\
& \, f \in \text{\rm{dom}}(h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha,F}) = \big\{g \in \text{\rm{dom}}(h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha,max}) \, \big| \,
g(R) =0 \big\}, \label{4.33} \\
& \hspace*{2.43cm} \alpha \in [2 - (n/2) - (2/n) \ell (\ell + n - 2), \infty). \nonumber
Here the boundary value $\widetilde g(0)$ associated with $g \in \text{\rm{dom}}\big(h^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha,max}\big)$,
$n \in {\mathbb{N}}$, $n \geq 2$, $\ell \in {\mathbb{N}}_0$, $\alpha \in (- \infty,2)$, is now given by
\widetilde g(0) &= \begin{cases} \lim_{x \downarrow 0} g(x)\big/\big[x^{[1-\alpha-(2-\alpha)\gamma_{\alpha}]/2}\big], &
\gamma_{\alpha} \in (0,1), \\[1mm]
\lim_{x \downarrow 0} g(x)\big/\big[x^{(1-\alpha)/2} \ln(1/x)\big], & \gamma_{\alpha} =0,
\end{cases} \nonumber \\
& \hspace*{5cm} \alpha \in (-\infty,2), \nonumber \\
&= \begin{cases} \lim_{x \downarrow 0} g(x)\big/\big[x^{\{1-\alpha-[(2-\alpha-n)^2 + 4\ell(\ell+n-2)]^{1/2}\}/2}\big], \\
\quad \alpha \in (-\infty, 2 - (n/2) - (2/n)\ell(\ell+n-2)), \; \ell \in {\mathbb{N}}_0, \\[1mm]
\lim_{x \downarrow 0} g(x)\big/\big[x^{(1-\alpha)/2} \ln(1/x)\big], \;\; \alpha = 2-n, \; \ell=0.
Without going into details, we note that utilizing the transformation \eqref{4.7}, and invoking results of Kalf \cite{Ka72}, the operator $H^{(0)}_{\alpha,F}$ is of the following form,
& \big(H^{(0)}_{\alpha,F} \psi\big)(x) = - (\Div |x|^{\alpha} \nabla \psi)(x), \quad x \in B_n(0;R) \backslash \{0\}, \nonumber \\
& \, \psi \in \text{\rm{dom}}\big(H^{(0)}_{\alpha}\big) = \big\{\phi \in \text{\rm{dom}}\big(H^{(0)}_{\alpha,max}\big) \, \big| \, | \,\cdot\, |^{\alpha}
(\nabla \phi) \in L^2(B_n(0;R); d^n x); \\
& \hspace*{3.05cm} \lim_{r\uparrow R} \int_{{\mathbb{S}}^{n-1}} d^{n-1} \omega \, |\phi(r \omega)|^2 = 0, \nonumber \\
& \hspace*{3.1cm} \text{and if and only if $n < 2 - \alpha$,} \, \lim_{r\downarrow 0} \int_{{\mathbb{S}}^{n-1}} d^{n-1} \omega \, |\phi(r \omega)|^2 = 0 \big\} \nonumber
(with $d^{n-1} \omega$ the surface measure on ${\mathbb{S}}^{n-1}$), where
& \big(H^{(0)}_{\alpha, max} \psi\big)(x) = - (\Div |x|^{\alpha} \nabla \psi)(x), \quad x \in B_n(0;R) \backslash \{0\}, \nonumber \\
& \, \psi \in \text{\rm{dom}}\big(H^{(0)}_{\alpha, max}\big) = \big\{\phi \in L^2(B_n(0;R); d^n x) \, \big| \,
\phi \in H^2_{\text{\rm{loc}}}(B_n(0;R)\backslash\{0\}); \\
& \hspace*{5.8cm} \Div | \,\cdot\, |^{\alpha} \nabla \phi \in L^2(B_n(0;R); d^n x)\big\}. \nonumber
We remark that the boundary condition at $x=R$ (and at $x=0$ if and only if $n < 2 - \alpha$) has to be imposed on a distinguished representative of $\phi$ for which the restriction to the $(n-1)$-dimensional sphere ${\mathbb{S}}^{n-1}$ exists as a square integrable function (see the discussion in \cite[Remark~3]{Ka72}).
We conclude these considerations by adding an additional potential term $q$ in accordance with inequalities \eqref{3.4}, \eqref{3.5}. For this purpose we assume that for all $\eta \in (0,R)$,
q \in L^1((\eta, R); dr) \, \text{ is real-valued a.e.~on $(0,R)$,} \label{4.37}
and introduce for $n \in {\mathbb{N}}$, $n \geq 2$, $\ell \in {\mathbb{N}}_0$,
\tau_{n,\ell,\alpha} = \tau^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha} + q(r) \, \text{ for a.e.~$r \in (0,R)$, $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$,}
and the following $L^2((0,R); dr)$-realization of $\tau_{n,\ell,\alpha}$,
& \big(h_{n,\ell,\alpha} f\big)(r) = \big(\tau_{n,\ell,\alpha} f\big)(r) \, \text{ for a.e.~$ r \in (0,R]$, $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$,}
\nonumber \\
& \, f \in \text{\rm{dom}}(h_{n,\ell,\alpha}) = \big\{g \in L^2((0,R);dr) \, \big| \, g, g' \in AC([\varepsilon,R])
\, \text{for all $\varepsilon \in (0,R)$}; \\
& \hspace*{5.5cm} g(R) = 0; \, \big(\tau^{(0)}_{n,\ell,\alpha} f\big)(r) \in L^2((0,R);dr)\big\}. \nonumber
\begin{theorem} \label{t4.1}
Assume $n \in {\mathbb{N}}$, $n\geq 2$, and \eqref{4.37}. \\[1mm]
$(i)$ If $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$, $\ell \in {\mathbb{N}}_0$, and for a.e.~$0<r$ sufficiently small,
q(r) \geq - \{[n(n-4+2 \alpha)/4] + \ell(\ell+n-2)\} r^{\alpha-2}, \label{4.40}
then $\tau_{n,\ell,\alpha}$ is nonoscillatory and in the limit point case at $r=0$. \\[1mm]
$(ii)$ If\,\footnote{Again, only $\alpha \in (- \infty,2)$ can improve on item $(i)$.} $\alpha\in (-\infty,2)$,
$\ell \in {\mathbb{N}}_0$, and there exist $N\in{\mathbb{N}}$ and $\varepsilon>0$, such
that for a.e.~$0<r$ sufficiently small $($depending on $N$ and $\varepsilon$$)$,
q(r) & \geq - \{[n(n-4+2 \alpha)/4] + \ell(\ell+n-2)\} r^{\alpha-2} \label{4.41} \\
& \quad - (1/2) (2 - \alpha) r^{\alpha-2}
\sum_{j=1}^{N}\prod_{\ell=1}^{j}[\ln_{\ell}(r)]^{-1} + [(3/4) + \varepsilon] r^{\alpha-2}[\ln_{1}(x)]^{-2},
then $\tau_{n,\ell,\alpha}$ is nonoscillatory and in the limit point case at $r=0$. \\[1mm]
$(iii)$ Assuming inequality \eqref{4.40} $($for $\alpha \in {\mathbb{R}}$$)$ or \eqref{4.41} $($for $\alpha \in (-\infty,2)$$)$ holds for $\ell=0$, then the operator
H_{\alpha}=\bigoplus\limits_{\ell\in{\mathbb{N}}_{0}}U_{n}^{-1} h_{n,\ell,\alpha}U_{n} \label{4.42}
is self-adjoint in $L^{2}(B_{n}(0;R); d^n x)$.
Items $(i)$ and $(ii)$ are an immediate consequence of Theorem \ref{t3.1} since, for instance, inequality \eqref{4.40} in the context $N=0$ is equivalent to
\{[(n-1)(n-3+2\alpha)/4] + \ell (\ell+n-2)\} r^{\alpha-2} + q(r) \geq [(3/4) - (\alpha/2)] r^{\alpha-2}
for $0 < r$ sufficiently small (cf.\ \eqref{3.4}), and analogously in the context of \eqref{4.41} (cf.\ \eqref{3.5}) for $N \in {\mathbb{N}}$. Item $(iii)$ holds since
$h_{n,0,\alpha}$ self-adjoint in $L^2((0,R); dr)$ implies that $h_{n,\ell,\alpha}$ is self-adjoint in $L^2((0,R); dr)$ for all
$\ell \in {\mathbb{N}}_0$.
In the case $N=0$, self-adjointness of $H_{\alpha}$ is familiar from multi-dimensional results in Kalf and Walter
\cite{KW72} (with strict inequality in the analog of \eqref{4.40} for $\ell=0$); in this context see also \cite{KSWW75}, \cite{Sc72} for $\alpha =0$.
Ex-Dallas officer indicted for murder in killing of unarmed black neighbor
Amber Guyger mistakenly went to Botham Jean's apartment instead of her own and shot him
Fri 30 Nov 2018 15.32 EST Last modified on Fri 30 Nov 2018 17.17 EST
Botham Jean was shot and killed by Dallas police officer Amber Guyger in his Dallas apartment on 6 September. Photograph: Jeff Montgomery/AP
Dallas county court records show that a white former Dallas police officer has been indicted on a murder charge for the killing of her black unarmed neighbor when she mistakenly went to his apartment instead of her own and shot him.
The court records were posted Friday before authorities were set to announce the decision of a grand jury on the fate of Amber Guyger. She was arrested days after the 6 September shooting that killed her 26-year-old neighbor Botham Jean, who was from St Lucia.
Guyger told investigators she mistook Jean's apartment for her own and thought she'd encountered an intruder. She has since been fired from the department and Jean's family has filed a lawsuit against Guyger and the city of Dallas.
The shooting thrust Dallas into the national conversation on the intersection of race and law enforcement. |
Take One: Big story of the day
From Zomato to Paytm: The missing piece in the jigsaw puzzle of internet companies
Most Indian internet stocks have plunged on the back of dismal Q3 earnings coupled with nervousness post the massive slump in US and China tech stocks. And lack of substantial data doesn't help when it comes to investment decisions
By Neha Bothra, Forbes India Staff
Infographics By Pradeep Belhe
Published: Feb 18, 2022 03:35:54 PM IST
Neha is a versatile financial journalist with over eight years experience in leading English business news channels. Her wide-ranging reportage includes impactful undercover investigations, multi-billion dollar deal breaks, and incisive coverage of key corporate and policy developments. She's as comfortable anchoring live news on television, as she is writing insightful columns. She focuses on financial markets and global economy, moderates power-packed panels, and interviews influential industry leaders to get you the latest news, views and analysis of the stories that matter. She holds a postgraduate degree and specialisation certificates in the area of finance from global institutes. When she's not fussing over inflation or balance sheets you may find her on a yoga mat in some beautiful part of the world. But she's always up for good coffee and interesting ideas.
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Game of IPOs: The sizzle and fizzle of internet companies
Experts are sceptical of adding these new-age companies to investment portfolios of retail investors.
Image: Francis Mascarenhas / Reuters
New-age technology companies that debuted on Dalal Street last year have so far reported a mixed bag of earnings for the December quarter. At least half of these companies are in the red, and have indicated no urgency to turn to black in the coming quarters. A few have posted rather cryptic earnings releases, confounding investors on important financial metrics and strategy.
On the face of it, brokerages have cut their price targets for most of these stocks but they are far from writing off these companies. In fact, several have initiated coverage of these companies, and a few have shifted their position to a buy call, and are recommending investors to add scrips of select new-age companies on 'expectations of a pick-up' given the 'long-term growth potential'.
Importantly, all these companies are trading below their listing price and hit all-time lows, raising red flags on the projected growth trajectory, and denting investor confidence.
Market participants are divided on whether these newly listed tech companies are attractive at current valuations after the steep correction from the listing price. Many see a further decline in the coming months.
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"A stock hitting a 52-week low or an all-time-low doesn't make the company attractive. In fact, the price action may be justified as it signals that the company is struggling and its performance is weak", says Ramesh Mantri, chief investment officer, WhiteOak Capital Asset Management.
Besides, even at current levels, experts see froth in the valuation of stocks in this pocket, and are sceptical of adding these new-age companies to investment portfolios of retail investors.
"We especially cater to retail investors, and with valuations being rich, the stakes are very high. Their confidence evaporates if the company does not make money as their ability to withhold losses is limited. So, it is a tough call to take on whether to buy it, and then how long to hold it for the story to pan out," says Pankaj Pandey, head of research, ICICI Securities.
Focus on topline growth
In the December quarter revenue grew at the cost of margin and profitability: A disturbing sign of the quality and sustainability of the growth momentum. Interestingly, while the pandemic catalysed rapid growth of the digital economy, the gradual return to normalcy slowed the pace of it, marginally, in Q3.
"Some of these companies were large beneficiaries of the pandemic-induced changes in consumption. But as consumers normalise their life, these companies will face some growth headwinds in the short term. But a large number of these categories are under-penetrated and may not have a long-term implication," says Mantri.
Take, for example, Zomato. The food delivery company announced a flat revenue growth at Rs 1,112 crore on a quarter-on-quarter basis for the nine months ending December. The company attributed the weak growth in gross order value to the post-Covid reopening, shift from delivery to eating out, and a reduction in customer delivery charges.
Paytm reported a 45 percent year-on-year rise in net loss to Rs 778 crore in Q3. The 89 percent growth in revenue to Rs 1,456 crore during the same period was mainly led by loan disbursements, merchant payments via MDR, and new device subscriptions.
The management of Policybazaar clearly articulated its focus to scale up the business. PB Fintech, the parent company of Policybazaar, saw a 55 percent increase in its net loss to Rs 297 crore despite a 73 percent jump in revenue to Rs 367 crore in the December quarter on a year-on-year basis.
Beauty e-tailer Nykaa saw profit slump by 59 percent year-on-year to Rs 29 crore, largely due to higher expenses and tepid demand in the personal care and fashion categories. But, the return to normalcy helped improve sale of cosmetics in the December quarter, the company noted.
LatentView Analytics bucked the trend and registered a strong earnings report for the third quarter. Net profit increased by over 122 percent year-on-year to nearly Rs 50 crore, driven mainly by a 37 percent growth in sales to Rs 107.8 crore, during the same period.
If one silences the 'long-term growth potential' chatter, it is tough to directionally gauge where these companies are headed in terms of profitability. For one, many of these companies disclose the bare essential information mandated to check compliance boxes. The lack of substantial data greatly impairs sound investment decisions and does not augur well in the long-term, warn market veterans.
Lack of disclosures
In a note--on Zomato--to investors dated February 10, foreign brokerage outfit Jefferies' analysts say, "Earnings release remains opaque, lacks substance, and describes only selective aspects of the business. Lack of management call leaves a lot to the imagination and our inexperience with the Internet sector does not help either."
This echoes the confusion faced by countless investors. Limited access to historical data, sketchy commentary on strategy, and lack of transparency, is disappointing, as the onus is on the company to communicate with its investors.
"There is definitely room for improvement in disclosure practices by these companies. They should reach out to investors and explain how the business is trending," Mantri says. Ultimately markets will force the management to improve disclosure practices, he asserts. "If investors don't understand the underlying economics, it will start reflecting on the stock prices," Mantri adds.
Most new-age companies are hesitant about disclosing business metrics on the ground of losing competitive advantage. But industry insiders do not believe this to be the main reason. Mantri says, in some cases, the underlying numbers are not good, and so the management is not comfortable disclosing or discussing those aspects of the business.
Despite the incongruous absence of full financial information and visibility on the road to profitability, many brokerages have forayed into the unknown territory armed with the confidence of exponential growth in some of these firms in the future. Financial purists, however, have scoffed at the idea, underlining healthy cashflows and profit as the main components of a good business model.
Fear of Missing Out?
The investment thesis for betting on these new-age startups is the long runway for growth in a growing economy that has witnessed robust digital adoption and evolving consumption patterns. In response to market volatility, muted December quarter earnings, and the massive fall in US and China tech stocks, most brokerages have cut their target price for several internet companies. However, these stocks are very much on their radar.
A weak December quarter has prompted brokerage firm Jefferies to cut its price target of Zomato to Rs 120 per share from Rs 175. However, it retains a 'buy' rating on the stock on expectation of a pick-up. But there are downside risks.
For example, an increase in competition from new entrants, Swiggy, and direct ordering will eat into Zomato's market share and lead to slower-than-expected growth. Furthermore, uncertainty on how unit economics will pan out, regulations for platform businesses, and challenges in expanding beyond the core business, are some factors that could adversely affect the company, it says.
"With only 10-11 million monthly transacting users currently, Zomato has a long runway for customer acquisition and revenue growth, albeit this may come at the cost of near-term profitability. The platform also has an optionality of expanding into other adjacent categories such as grocery etc.," say Jefferies' analysts.
Similarly, Kotak Institutional Equities initiated coverage of Nykaa with an 'add' rating, although it has cut its 12-month price target to Rs 2,120 from Rs 2,480. Its analysts say, "Nykaa's model focusing on content-based customer acquisition, curation and convenience is scalable with long-term growth potential." The brokerage expects Nykaa to deliver a robust CAGR of 41 percent in revenue over FY2021-26E, which is likely to be driven by growth in transacting users.
In a report dated February 6, analysts at Goldman Sachs upgraded their rating for Paytm to 'buy' from 'neutral' although they trimmed the target price to Rs 1,460 from Rs 1,600. At the current stock price level, the risk-reward is seen as skewed to the upside, the analysts say.
"Our analysis suggests the current share price is implying multiple headwinds including MDR caps, a decline in market share for Paytm, and significantly slower ramp-up of Paytm's financial services, which we view as unlikely," note the analysts in the mentioned report. Based on its analysis, Goldman Sachs expects Paytm to break-even on the EBITDA front by FY25.
The valuations may seem perplexing given the traditional approach to financial modelling, and the recent cracks seen in highly valued US tech stocks may merit a cautious approach, but new-age businesses will continue to pull investors.
"What we are currently seeing is a very small subset of what we will have in the next few years, as a large number of unicorns will go public, but not all of them will succeed," says Mantri.
The challenge is to understand the missing pieces in the business to spot the long-term winners in this space. Investors must focus on the size of the market opportunity, valuation, unit economics, competitive advantage, execution, and the quality of the founders and the management team, Mantri adds.
NFT resumes to crack misrepresentation issue plaguing employers
Storyboard18 - Hamara Rahul Bajaj: It takes big men to recognise big ideas |
UCI Podcast: The economics of why work from home favors the suburbs
UCI Professor Jan Brueckner describes how the pandemic has disrupted housing markets
In this episode of the UCI Podcast, Jan Brueckner, distinguished professor of economics, discusses that economic reasons why work-from-home policies might lead to more suburbanization. photo: Steve Zylius/UCI
The cost of commuting drops dramatically when you're only walking a few feet from the bedroom to the home office. Such savings in time and money have prompted many people to take their work-from-home flexibility and relocate to cheaper, more spacious homes farther away from the city centers where their jobs may have been based in the past. This pandemic-induced movement has, in turn, disrupted housing markets across the country, with prices rising in some cities and falling in others.
Jan Brueckner, a distinguished professor of economics at UCI, recently conducted an economic analysis of the effects of work from home policies on housing markets. In this episode of the UCI Podcast, Brueckner discusses the forces that traditionally shape housing markets, why work from home has been so disruptive, and why these corporate policies might lead to more suburban sprawl.
Jan Brueckner, UCI distinguished professor of economics
"What's next: The ongoing urban exodus" a UCI Q&A with Professor Brueckner about the effects of work-from-home policies on housing markets
"A New Spatial Hedonic Equilibrium in the Emerging Work-from-Home Economy?" a new working paper written by Professor Brueckner and published by the National Bureau of Economic Research
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When you can work from home, you can work from anywhere. And that fact is having major implications for housing markets nationwide. Because of the pandemic-driven work from home policies, some people are ditching pricey cities for cheaper ones, while others are buying more space in the suburbs. What economic forces are driving the current upheaval in housing markets? And why might the pandemic lead to more suburban sprawl?
From the University of California, Irvine, I'm Aaron Orlowski. And you're listening to the UCI Podcast. Today, I'm speaking with Jan Brueckner, a distinguished professor of economics at UCI.
Professor Bruckner, thank you for joining me today on the UCI podcast.
It's a pleasure to be here.
So we've all read the stories about Bay Area tech workers who can now work remotely, and they're fleeing San Francisco for cheaper digs in Boise. But I think it would be helpful for us to back up a little bit as we're talking about this housing market. And I want to ask you why is housing so much more expensive in places like San Francisco and New York in the first place?
Well, there are two reasons. One is that those places are full of jobs that pay well. And why do the jobs pay well? It's because the workers have high productivity in those jobs. The output, the product that's being produced, is very valuable and so the workers are productive in the sense that they're producing high valued output. The fact that incomes are high tends to raise the demand for everything in those cities, including housing. And so it helps to push housing prices up. The second reason is that places like San Francisco — and to a, perhaps, lesser extent New York City — have high amenities. San Francisco's amenities are partly the scenery and the weather. But then there are a lot of other amenities like restaurants and shopping and so on that are excellent. New York's weather is not as good, but it's a fabulous, exciting place. Now people are willing to pay more to live in places with high amenities, and hence housing prices will go up as consumers compete for housing in those areas.
This calculus has changed a little bit with the advent of work-from-home policies because of the pandemic. And you actually recently had a working paper published with the National Bureau of Economic Research and your analysis of the data confirmed the stories that we've all heard about work-from-home policies convincing workers to relocate to cheaper cities. So what cities in your analysis, and what types of cities, have the most potential to lose people because of these work-from-home policies?
Well, what we found is that cities where productivity is high — worker productivity is high — and where jobs have a high work-from-home potential — in other words, the jobs are capable of being done remotely — the combination of those two things generates falling real estate prices in those cities. And the decline in prices was measured between 2019, the pre-COVID year, and 2020, the COVID year where work from home became more widespread. And so what our paper confirms indirectly is the notion that people are going to try to leave the expensive cities to live in cheaper places, while keeping their high productivity jobs. Notice that we're not measuring population movements. We're measuring the changes in real estate prices. So again, we find that prices go down in cities that have high productivity and high work-from-home potential jobs.
And then what types of cities have real estate prices that are rising?
Well it's cities that are just the opposite, cities that have lower productivity jobs and perhaps lower work-from-home potential. But we're mainly focusing on the sending cities. In other words, the cities where people are leaving,
What are a couple of the biggest sending cities that you found in the analysis?
Our analysis really doesn't identify individual cities, but we know which cities are the ones with the high productivity, high work-from-home potential. For example, San Francisco is the premier city in that case. Washington, Boston, New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, Philadelphia — those are all cities with high work-from-home potential and high productivity jobs. Cities that are not in this category are McGowan, Texas, El Paso, Texas , Biloxi, Mississippi, Augusta, Georgia. So you see the difference, right.
Yeah. All those really expensive places that it costs a fortune just to rent an apartment. And maybe that'll change now.
Well, yes. I mean, that's the expectation that downward pressure on prices in these expensive places will be good for people who stay, who don't leave.
Are there other reasons that workers might be relocating during the pandemic other than trying to find cheaper housing?
We didn't talk about this in our paper, but some scholars who have commented on the paper say that, well, maybe people are leaving the cities because they want to get away from high densities in a COVID era. That's possible, I think. But the fact that people are staying at home mostly during this period, kind of insulates them from the effects of density. So I'm not sure that's a valid reason for people to leave, but it was suggested as a possibility to us.
Well, so we're talking about a specific set of workers — people with white collar jobs that can be done via technology — and how those people moving from city to city and how the housing prices change as a result. But how does this shift affect low-income workers who can't work remotely? What kind of difference do they see in their lives from these shifting housing prices?
Taken to an extreme, this phenomenon would tend to push down prices in the most expensive cities and for workers who remain in those cities — because they cannot work from home, they cannot work from other cities — those workers are going to benefit from lower real estate prices. By contrast this shifting of population away from the high productivity cities will raise prices elsewhere, and perhaps lead to losses for people who are already and remain in those cities. In other words, lower income people who are not moving.
At the beginning, you mentioned that one of the reasons for high housing prices in these more expensive cities is because of their productivity. But another reason is also the amenities, you know, the great views and weather in San Francisco and the great cultural life in New York.
So are you seeing evidence that workers are moving to places with greater amenities because they have this work-from-home flexibility?
That's one of the possibilities that's explored in our paper. In other words, one could move from a city with high work- from-home potential and low amenities to a city with nice amenities. And you could keep your job in the original city. The data does not confirm that type of movement. In other words, we're not seeing price declines in cities with low amenities and high work-from-home potential. It's not what we're finding. But at the same time, the newspaper is full of stories about tech workers leaving the Bay Area and other high price places. But there aren't any stories about people moving toward good amenities using their work-from-home option. So it's kind of funny because our empirical results, which don't show that happening, kind of match up with the absence of stories in the popular press. Maybe in the long run, it will happen. In other words, if this work-from-home phenomenon really gains hold and has staying power, we may see that.
We've talked a lot about how people are moving from city to city, but work from home has also changed the housing markets within cities, too. So I want to ask, first of all, why is housing more expensive in the city center than it is in distant suburbs, just generally speaking?
So that is a prediction of the standard mono-centric model of urban spatial structure that economists have developed over the last 50 years. And the logic is really simple. If you live in the suburbs, you're spending a lot of time and money commuting to work every day, prior to the work-from-home era. And so you need to be compensated in some fashion for that extra expenditure, otherwise you wouldn't do it. The compensation comes in the housing market. The housing market generates lower prices of real estate in the suburbs compared to the central city, as a compensating differential that reconciles people to longer commutes. Now, let me be specific in talking about this. It's the price per square foot of housing that's cheaper. That's what the theory predicts. There may be bigger houses and they may be expensive overall, but they have lower price per square foot. So what we see — and this is universal around the world — is cheaper housing on a per square foot basis as you move away from the centers of cities, the employment centers, of cities.
And so that's why it costs, you know, $4,000 to rent a studio apartment in Manhattan, but you can also spend the same amount of money for a palatial estate 50 miles away from the city.
Exactly. And the palatial estate obviously then has a much lower price per square foot.
Well, so what effect did work-from-home policies have on this housing market, within cities?
Our research also focused on that question. If you don't have to go to work as often, then your commuting costs falls. In other words, if you live 20 miles from the employment center and you only go in one day a week, it's going to cost you less in terms of money and time to do that, than if you're going in every week. So commuting costs fall as a result of work from home. And what that means is that the suburbs now look more attractive. We already know the suburbs are cheaper on a per-square-foot basis, but now I can live there and I don't have to endure the same commuting costs as I did before. So what that means is that there's an incentive for people to move into the suburbs, to exploit the lower commuting cost, to benefit from them, to a greater extent than was true before.
And so what we expect to see then is this kind of population shift — people moving outward, which in turn will raise housing prices on a per-square-foot basis in the suburbs and push them down at locations closer to city centers where people are leaving. And so what that means is that the price gradient — which is the thing that measures how fast prices drop going into the suburbs — the gradient is going to shrink. It's going to get smaller. In other words, prices don't go down as fast moving into the suburbs under work from home as they did before. That's the prediction. And so what we find is that prediction is upheld. Price gradients in our sample of cities across the U.S. got flatter during the pandemic year, the work-from-home year.
Could this flattening price gradient affect the types of homes that builders focus on building in the coming years? Could we have more suburbanization because of this?
Well, yeah, definitely. In other words, the prediction is that cities will spread out a bit and that builders will have an incentive to build more big houses in the suburbs to accommodate these people who are working from home and incurring low commuting costs. So that's the prediction, more urban sprawl.
Could the work-from-home policies also help revive more rural towns? Does the gradient sort of drop off at a certain point once you get a certain distance from the city center?
Well, it's true that rural towns could benefit. I mean, it could be that instead of moving to Boise, Idaho from San Francisco, somebody moves to Walnut Creek, or someplace like that, that's in the distant suburbs of the Bay Area. So those suburbs would benefit. It's almost like moving to a different city, but not quite, or maybe people would move to Fresno. I think there's even some anecdotal evidence about that type of movement. It's not as far away as Boise, but it's still a different city.
Do you think that these changes will be permanent? Or is there a possibility that as businesses continue to come out of the pandemic and some work-from-home policies fade, could the housing markets essentially revert to their pre-pandemic trends?
It's possible. And so that's one of the big question marks in this whole area, is the extent to which work from home is going to remain in force. I think most people would agree that white collar workers with the ability to work remotely are probably going to spend fewer days in the office than they did before. I think nobody's going to disagree with that. It's coming to work once every two weeks or three times a week, as opposed to five times a week. It's hard to say. So I think there's no doubt about that. There is more doubt about whether this model of working from a different city is long lived. In other words, is that really going to happen? Is that a sustainable pattern in the long run?
And you know, there are various views on this. One view says, no companies are going to want their workers back for face-to-face contact. They just are not able to reap the benefits of interaction when people are remote — are fully remote — and never show up at work. So that's one possibility. But then, you know, you read a lot of articles in the press about this, and you see the opposite statements that workers find themselves being more productive working remotely, and that there's virtually no downside to doing so even from a different city. But now there are other angles on this question too. One is if a worker moves to a cheaper city, will the Silicon Valley company still pay them their high salary? Or will they say, look, you have a lower cost of living now, so we're going to pay you less. If that happens, then this whole story is sort of out the window, right? Because then it's not clear that there are benefits from relocating to a different city, if you're going to pay a price in terms of salary.
But there's a further thing that I think is really important, and that you don't hear discussion about this all that much. Suppose that there's a company hiring brand new employees. Is it possible that these employees are going to live 1,000 miles from the company's work site? Well, I mean, you have to think about the question of how these employees would ever get integrated into the company. They will never actually see anybody face to face. They'll never get to know their colleagues on a personal level. And so that's a problem, for sure. It's one thing to talk about workers who all know one another scattering all over the country and working from home. But it's a different matter when you're talking about brand-new workers who have no experience with the company. So that's a problem too.
Well it sounds like the changes in the suburban price gradient are likely to be stickier than the other changes of workers going to distant housing markets — just with all of these other factors that you mentioned.
I think you're right about that. I think that's true. So, like I say, I think that the suburbanization force that work from home is going to generate is probably here to stay. Whether people are going to be really moving to other cities and staying there is another question.
So many people have been affected by these price fluctuations, with bidding wars in some cities and falling rents in others, and all these suburban changes that we've been talking about. So overall, do you think that these changes have been good for the housing market, and for people who are trying to find a place to live?
Let's look at the second question. Are they beneficial for people, rather than for the housing market? I think the answer has to be yes, because if people are changing what they're going to do, they must be making the change because it suits them. They like it better. So I think it's clear that people are better off as a result of these work-from-home options. In terms of the housing market, I mean, whether it's good or bad is sort of a complicated question. I mean, we'd all like housing prices to be low. So to the extent that they go down, that's good, at least for people who are trying to buy or rent. For homeowners, it's so good. Homeowners in San Francisco may think, well, wait a minute, you know, I've made tons of paper profits on my house, if now there's downward pressure on prices in San Francisco, I'm not too happy about that. There are many different perspectives on this question.
But good for people who are making changes that positively benefit their lives.
Yes, I think so. You know, the work from home immigrants from places like San Francisco are giving something up, they're giving up the amenities that they're used. We have to think about that as well. These people are probably going to try to find a fairly nice place to move to. They're not going to go and move to a place where there's a huge amenity sacrifice relative to San Francisco. There's always going to be an amenity sacrifice, but maybe they'll try to limit it by going to Boise, which I understand is a nice place, although I've never been there. So that's another thing to think about.
Professor Brueckner. Thank you for joining me today on the UCI Podcast.
It's been fun. Thanks for the invitation.
UCI Podcast: Enrollment management's unique perspective
UCI Podcast: Life after the pandemic
UCI Podcast: We're tired of COVID-19, let's go to Thailand!
UCI Podcast: Why are people hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Aaron Orlowski
[email protected]
UCI Podcast
What's next: The ongoing urban exodus
https://news.uci.edu/2021/06/14/whats-next-the-ongoing-urban-exodus/ |
Stars in their eyes
High school students will embark on a mission to Mars and learn what it's like to follow science and engineering careers, thanks to UNSW's Pathways to Space project.
High school students from around Australia will embark on a mission to Mars and learn what it is like to follow science and engineering careers.
The simulated mission exhibit, installed at the Sydney Powerhouse Museum as part of the University of New South Wales' Pathways to Space project, is a recipient of almost $1 million in funding under the Federal Government's Australian Space Research Program.
Launching the project at the museum, Innovation Minister Senator Kim Carr said encouraging Australia's youth to take up studies in science and engineering was a key priority for the Government.
"Pathways to Space will inspire students by taking them into a 'living lab' where they will participate in a research project on a simulated Martian surface known as the 'Mars Yard'. Here they will learn about science and engineering," Senator Carr said.
"Thanks to TelePresence, Cisco's high-quality videoconferencing system, students from regional and remote areas of Australia will not be left behind - they too will be able to join the mission," Senator Carr said.
UNSW Vice-Chancellor Professor Fred Hilmer said the project - part of a long-term study to help shape the delivery of science education - was made possible by two key factors: UNSW researchers winning two major space grants and the decision to build the University's capacity in astrobiology.
"But the real winning is the one that comes from seeing the project come to life and make a contribution, seeing it affect people's lives, seeing it build knowledge and understanding, seeing kids in classrooms around the country infected by the opportunities to learn and to get involved," Professor Hilmer said.
Project Director, Dr Carol Oliver, of the Australian Centre for Astrobiology at UNSW, said: "For the first time in Australia, we have a chance to engage students and their teachers in real research as part of a major educational outreach project as well as the opportunity to measure the results of placing ongoing science and engineering research in a significant public space."
The project has been developed by a consortium of partners led by UNSW (Australian Centre for Astrobiology, School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences and School of Physics), in conjunction with the University of Sydney (Australian Centre for Field Robotics), Cisco and the Powerhouse Museum.
Read the full story at the Faculty of Science newsroom.
Media contacts: Dr Carol Oliver, 0417 477 612 | Bob Beale, UNSW Faculty of Science, 0411 705 435
The seeds of Eureka success
Dig deep: Australia's know-how makes it a perfect $150m partner for NASA's Moon and Mars shots
New President and Vice-Chancellor
Merlin Crossley reappointed Science Dean
Pathways to Space
Carol Oliver
Senator Kim Carr
Fred Hilmer
australian centre for astrobiology
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Telephone. +61 2 9385 2864, Email. [email protected]
Authorised by the Chief Communications Officer, UNSW Division of External Engagement
Provider Code: 00098G ABN: 57 195 873 179 |
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Meet the ten Advantia Health doctors featured in Washingtonian Magazine 2019 Top Doctors List
In 2019 ten D.C.-area Advantia physicians were recognized as some of the top doctors in the region in Washingtonian magazine's "Top Doctors of 2019" issue. Advantia's providers were recognized as top doctors in gynecology, obstetrics, gynecologic oncology and surgery, internal medicine, and preventive women's healthcare.
Every year, Washingtonian Magazine asks nearly 13,000 doctors in Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia which colleague they would recommend within each of a variety of specialties. Each doctor gets to submit one ballot and can not vote for themselves. The top vote-getters in each of the 39 categories surveyed are designated 2019 Top Doctors.
Learn more about the education, specialties, interests, community involvement, and other honors for each of Advantia's 2019 Top Doctors below.
Dr. Amy E. Ampey
Advantia OB-GYN Shady Grove
Rockville and Olney, MD
Dr. Amy Ampey, MD, is a board-certified OB-GYN who has been providing skilled, compassionate care for women in and around the Greater Washington, DC, metro region since 2001. Dedicated to providing patient-centered care for women of all ages, Dr. Ampey offers a comprehensive array of care and treatment options, from well-woman exams to advanced, minimally-invasive surgical techniques employing the latest, state-of-the-art technology. After earning her bachelor's degree from Brown University and her medical degree from the University of Virginia School of Medicine, Dr. Ampey completed her internship and residency in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Dr. James F. Barter
Gynecologic Oncology, Gynecology, and Gynecological Surgery
Women's Health Specialists
Rockville and Germantown, MD
Dr. Barter is recognized as a leading gynecologic oncologist, gynecologist, minimally invasive surgeon, researcher, and clinical professor. At Women's Health Specialists, he is recognized as a pioneer in using da Vinci surgical robots to assist with gynecologic surgery, having completed over 1400 robotic surgeries. Dr. Barter is also the Director of Gynecologic Oncology Research at Holy Cross Hospital, Silver Spring, Maryland, where he has personally put 1300 patients on various surgical and cancer related protocols in the last 10 years, including the utilization of PARP inhibitors in ovarian cancer, PDL-1 in various gynecologic cancers, and the Pneumoliner device. He has published about 50 scientific articles and has been quoted in Wall Street Journal as an expert in uterine morcellation.
Dr. Brendan F. Burke
Friendship Heights Women's Healthcare
Dr. Brendan F. Burke is a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist with years of experience providing high-quality, compassionate care for women in the DC metro-area. Dr. Burke earned his medical degree from the Georgetown University School of Medicine and completed his residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Georgetown University Hospital. In addition to being recognized by Washingtonian magazine, Dr. Burke has been named a Top M.D. by Consumer's Checkbook Magazine and has received recognitions from Castle Connolly and Northern Virginia Magazine.
Dr. Mary M. Delaney
Dr. Mary Delaney is a board-certified gynecologist who has practiced in the Washington area for more than 26 years. She graduated from the State University of New York, Health Science Center at Syracuse, where she was elected to Alpha Omega Alpha. She did her residency training in Philadelphia at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, then became an assistant professor of OB/GYN there, teaching medical students and residents before moving to the Washington DC area. She is dedicated to providing personalized and compassionate care to women of all ages and has a special interest in both adolescent gynecology and menopause.
Dr. Zarina D. Hussain
Dr. Zarina Hussain, MD is a top-rated, board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist with more than 17 years of experience in diagnosing and treating women of all ages. At Advantia's new, state-of-the-art facilities, Dr. Hussain provides comprehensive, leading-edge gynecological and obstetric care for women. Praised by patients for her empathy, knowledge and willingness to listen, Dr. Hussain has extensive expertise in all aspects of women's healthcare. Dr. Hussain earned her medical degree at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston and completed her residency at the prestigious Barnes-Jewish Hospital at Washington University and University Medical Center in St. Louis, Missouri.
Dr. Bradford Kleinman
Ob-Gyn Associates
Silver Spring, Shady Grove, and Beltsville, MD
Dr. Bradford Kleinman is a board-certified gynecologist with decades of experience caring for women in the DC metro area. Dr. Kleinman prioritizes a cooperative relationship with his patients based on his belief that great healthcare is a joint partnership between the patient and their doctor that builds off of a foundation of mutual respect and open communication. Dr. Kleinman graduated from the University of Maryland Medical School, before completing his residency at the George Washington University Hospital. In addition to his recognition as a Washingtonian Top Doctor, he has received honors from Washington Consumer Checkbook and the Consumers Research Council of America.
Dr. Angela Marshall
Comprehensive Women's Health
Silver Spring and Glenn Dale, MD
Dr. Angela Marshall is the founder of Comprehensive Women's Health, an Advantia Health practice that provides primary care for women. She is a board-certified Internist and a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. Dr. Marshall began her career as an electrical engineer after earning a degree from Georgia Tech. Although she enjoyed engineering, she decided to combine her love of science and passion for helping people by pursuing a career in women's health. Dr. Marshall has appeared as a health expert on news programs including CNN and Fox5. She also chairs the board of the Black Women's Health Imperative and continues to lead efforts to raise awareness of and help reduce implicit bias and racial disparities in healthcare.
Dr. Carolyn Morales
Dr. Carolyn Morales is a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist with a special interest in minimally invasive surgery. Dr. Morales takes a personalized approach to her care, ensuring that she is able to build a relationship with each of her patients to help them live better, happier lives. Dr. Morales graduated from Puerto Rico's Universidad Central Del Caribe School of Medicine, before completing her residency at the Georgetown University Medical Center. In addition to being recognized as a Washingtonian Top Doctor, Dr. Morales has been honored by the Consumers Research Council of America and has been named a Nexplanon, Essure, and Novasure Accredited Provider.
Dr. Diane J. Snyder
Gynecology, Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology
Dr. Snyder has practiced in Montgomery County since 1994 and has concentrated on gynecology since 2002. While she cares for women of all ages, she has specialty training and interest in both pediatric and adolescent gynecology and sees young patients and teens with gynecologic issues. Dr. Snyder attended medical school at the University of Florida and completed her Obstetrics and Gynecology residency at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore from 1986-1990. During her last year of residency, she also served as Chief Resident.
Dr. Albert J. Steren
Gynecologic Oncology, Gynecology, Gynecological Surgery
Dr. Albert J. Steren, MD has over 30 years of experience in Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Gynecologic Oncology, and has worked at Women's Health Specialists of Montgomery County for over 20 years. A leader in the field of minimally invasive gynecologic surgery and medical director of an AAGL-certified fellowship in minimally invasive surgery. Dr. Steren is also an associate clinical professor at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences and an assistant clinical professor at George Washington University School of Medicine. Dr. Steren has received numerous awards, including being named to Newsweek's list of top oncologists and multiple Top Doctors distinctions from Washingtonian magazine.
Ethicspoint Hotline
[email protected]
© 2019 Advantia Health, LLC |
Soluble in benzene, carbon sulfide, ether, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride.
Phosphorus(III) chloride is the precursor to organ phosphorus compounds, most notably phosphites and phosphonates. It is used during electrode position of metal on rubber and for making surfactants, gasoline additives, dyestuffs, textile finishing agents, medicinal products, and other chemicals.
Moisture sensitive. Store in cool place. Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place. Containers which are opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright to prevent leakage.
Fatal if swallowed. Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. Fatal if inhaled. May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure. |
Signal Mountain may refer to:
Signal Mountain (Alberta), a mountain in the Maligne Range in Alberta, Canada
Signal Mountain Wilderness, a protected wilderness area in Maricopa County, Arizona
Mount Wilkinson or Signal Mountain, a mountain near Atlanta, Georgia
Signal Mountain, Tennessee, a town near Chattanooga
Signal Mountain Middle High School
Signal Mountain (Wyoming), a mountain in Grand Teton National Park
Signal Mountain (Vermont), a mountain in Caledonia County, Vermont
See also
List of peaks named Signal
Mount Signal, California, a community in the Imperial Valley
Signal Hill (disambiguation)
Signal Mountain Lodge, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
Signal Mountain Trail, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming |
(both: kəkänt`), city (1991 pop. 182,000), E Uzbekistan, in the Fergana Valley. It is a center for the manufacture of fertilizers, chemicals, machinery, and cotton and food products. Important since the 10th cent., Kokand became the capital of an Uzbek khanate which became independent of the emirate of Bukhara in the middle of the 18th cent. and flowered in the 1820s and 30s. Kokand was taken by the Russians in 1876 and became part of Russian Turkistan. It was the capital (1917–18) of the anti-Bolshevik autonomous government of Turkistan. It has a ruined palace of the last Khan, working mosques, and royal mausoleums.
a city in Fergana Oblast, Uzbek SSR. Located in the western part of the Fergana Valley, in the lower reaches of the Sokh River (called the Sokh's fan). A junction for highways and railroads from Tashkent into the Fergana Valley. The Great Fergana Canal passes to the south of the city. Population in 1972, 139,000 (81,400 in 1897, 68,400 in 1926, 85,000 in 1939, and 105,000 in 1959).
The first mention of Kokand occurs in documents of the tenth century. It lay on the caravan route from India and China. The Mongols destroyed the city in the 13th century. In 1732 a city arose on the site of the fortress of Eski-Kurgan; in 1740 the city received the name Kokand. From 1740 the city became the capital of the Kokand Khanate. On Aug. 19, 1875, Russian troops occupied Kokand, and on Feb. 5 (17), 1876, it was annexed to Russia. It was the most important commercial center of Turkestan (cotton and silk) and had two cotton-cleaning plants and a vegetable-oil extraction plant.
In 1903–05, Social Democratic organizations arose in Kokand, numbering about 100 members in early 1917. (Their leader was E. A. Babushkin.) From late 1917 through early 1918 the city was the center of a counterrevolutionary movement known as the Kokand Autonomy. Soviet power was established in the city on Feb. 20, 1918. During the years of the prewar five-year plans, Kokand was transformed into an industrial center of key importance for the cotton-cleaning industry.
Present-day Kokand is the second (after Fergana) industrial, transportation, and cultural center of the oblast. The main branches of industry, providing over 80% of the gross output of the city, are light industry (cotton-cleaning plants, a large hosiery-spinning combine, and a clothing factory) and the food industry (a large combine producing oil and fat, etc.). Other industries that are developing are chemicals (the production of fertilizers and chemical pesticides for cotton growing), metal-working (equipment for cotton enterprises and for the petroleum-refining and gas-extracting industries and spare parts for agricultural and textile machines), and electrical engineering.
The architectural monuments that have been preserved in Kokand include the Medrese-i Mir (late 18th century), the ensemble of the tombs of the khans of Dakhma-i Shokhon (1825); and the palace of Khudoiar Khan (1871), with its facade of yellow and green glazed tiles, its carving on ganch (a plaster of paris and clay mixture) and wood, and its murals painted in distemper (the craftsmen Ma-Rasul, Ma-Solekh, and Khakimbai); presently located in the palace is a museum of local lore.
Kokand's schools include a pedagogical institute, the general engineering department of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute, and seven specialized secondary educational institutions. A drama theater is also located in the city.
Tukhtasinov, I. Kokand: Spravochnik. Tashkent, 1969. |
El xerraire gegant (Pterorhinus waddelli) és un ocell de la família dels leiotríquids (Leiothrichidae).
Hàbitat i distribució
Habita zones amb matolls i pins a les muntanyes del sud i sud-est del Tibet, est del Nepal i oest de Bhutan.
gegant |
CIT camp, or Counselor In Training camp, is aimed toward young teens ages 13 through 17, who want to learn leadership skills to allow them job opportunities as counselors in summer camps or who want to become more active leaders in their communities. These leadership camps teach teens not only vital leadership skills, but also how to be more responsible, how to guide and encourage children without pressure as well as basic safety and first aid skills. By the end of any of the CIT camps, campers will be armed with the necessary prerequisites to apply as a full counselor to any of the many summer camps.
Levels of Expertise: Campers come to CIT camp with a variety of leadership experiences or none at all. Each camper will finish camp armed with the experience they need to be successful leaders.
Highlights: Many CIT camps offer the teen campers a chance to work hands-on with younger, neighboring campers, as they assist the full-fledged counselors in a kind of on-site training.
Learning Skills: CIT campers will learn how to work with children, how to plan activities, coworker relations, how to deal with difficult children and many other vital skills a camp counselor needs.
Anahiem Hills, CA 92807, U.S.A.
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266, U.S.A. |
Since gaining an MSc (Merit) in Sports and Exercise Psychology from the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) in 2011, I have been developing a service in Sports Psychology.
I have undertaken teaching at UCLAN and at the Adam Cox Tennis Centre, Skipton. I conducted research for the MSc on the application of Mindfulness as a mental approach for amateur tennis players. Mindfulness approaches have proven efficacy in mental health and there is a growing body of evidence for their application and efficacy in sports. In this section of the website you will find a summary of the current, 2011 research evidence for the efficacy of Mindfulness training and research references.
Between 1995 and 2000 I was the manager of Skipton Town Junior Football teams, taking a squad from Under 10's to Under 14's. After loosing our very first match in Bradford 12-1 !!, we were very firmly at the bottom of the second division. The squad persevered over five years and in the 1999-2000 season won the First Division and Cup double. Adult coaches, parents and the junior players all gained great reward from this journey.
From January 2013 I will be working with Andy Banks (Performance Director) at Ilkley Tennis Club with elite Under 12 tennis players towards LTA goals regarding mental skills. I plan to help the children learn mental awareness inherent in Mindfulness training and other psychological skills to promote excellence.
I am also particularly interested to develop the application of Mindfulness to golf players both amateur and professional and will be forging links with local golf clubs in 2013. |
Before he could answer, I saw what was under the paste. Our 3-yr-old apparently decided that the table needed a little "design" to it, and decided to draw swirly marks up and down the entire table with a black, permanent magic marker.
My husband was furiously scrubbing the paste into the wood in hopes that the ink would lift. The paste lifted the ink a bit, but you can still see the markings.
Surprisingly, I really was not that upset about it. Even now as I stare at the table, I kind of think the marks give it character, and adds to stories I can tell in later years about the antics of our children.
I cannot help but to think about the comparison of our marked up, slightly battered, but full-of-character dinner table to our own stories as human beings. There are days when all is well. Not a mark is left on us, and we rest our heads in peace. There are other days when we stumble into the paths of others whose intent is to hurt us, thus leaving marks on our hearts. We revel in good health, and wonderful relationships, and then suddenly the good health and the people we love leave.
Although healing does come, scars have been left on our lives. The pain fades, but there is still that twinge of remembrance that is left on our souls. Our stories involve so many moments where our lives have been interrupted by trauma, hurt, sickness, loneliness, and despair. However, our stories also embrace moments of laughter, kindness, courage, love, and hope.
Within each of our stories are moments that completely capture the essence of what it is to be human. This, my friends, is what I see as the beauty of life. Like the markings on my table that might never fully go away, the nicks on our lives also may never leave us, but they definitely enrich us.
Do not be afraid of your marks. Share your stories with others. Celebrate your ability to overcome and endure. Do not be ashamed. The scars of your lives might just carry the determination that others desperately need. |
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Services-based or project-centric businesses benefit from NetSuite's Professional Services Automation (PSA) solution designed to optimise resource allocation, accelerate the completion of projects and streamline project accounting. |
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\section{Methods} \paragraph{Experimental setup.} The initial 1.5-dB single-mode squeezed vacuum state in mode $C$ is produced by degenerate parametric down-conversion in a periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate crystal (PPKTP, Raicol) under type-I phase-matching conditions. The crystal is pumped with $\sim$20 mW frequency-doubled radiation of the master laser (Ti:Sapphire Coherent Mira 900D, with a wavelength of 780 nm,
repetition rate of $R=76$ MHz and pulse width of ∼1.5 ps) \cite{Huisman}.
For the preparation of polarization-entangled photon pairs [Fig.~1(d)], a polarization interferometer scheme is used \cite{HVVHsourceGisin}. A symmetric beam splitter at the entrance of the interferometer splits the $\sim$5-mW pump beam into two equal parts that are directed into PPKTP crystals in each path. Parametric down conversion in each crystal occurs in a collinear, frequency-degenerate, type-II regime and generates a two-mode squeezed vacuum state $\ket{0}_H\ket{0}_V+\lambda\ket{1}_H\ket{1}_V+\lambda^2\ket{2}_H\ket{2}_V+O(\lambda^3)$. After a polarizing beamsplitter at the end of interferometer, the orthogonally polarized modes from the two arms become temporarily and spatially indistinguishable in each of the two output modes B and D.
The path length difference between the two arms of the interferometer is locked. The feedback for the lock is obtained from the interferometric signal of two pump beams and is applied to a piezoelectric transducer in one of the arms. The resulting polarization-entangled state is characterized by simultaneous polarization analysis in modes $B$ and $D$ in linear bases.
The coincidence count rate is measured with different angles of the half-wave plate in mode D while a polarizer inserted in front of the detector in mode $B$ is kept constant. This rate exhibits a characteristic sinusoidal shape with a visibility of 97\% (Fig.~\ref{f1}, inset).
Photon detection is implemented by fiber-coupled SPCMs (Excelitas). In mode $D$, two SPCMs are used to detect orthogonal polarization states, which permits simultaneous acquisition of the quadrature data corresponding to the teleportation of both these states. The data acquisition is triggered by a home-made delay/coincidence circuit based on Artix-7 35T field-programmable gate array.
The relative phase between the two terms of the CV-DV entangled state is determined by the phases of the input coherent and squeezed states, whose difference must therefore be kept constant. We measure both phases with respect to that of the local oscillator used for homodyne detection. The phase of the squeezed vacuum is determined from the quadrature variance acquired by the homodyne detector in $HC$ without conditioning on single-photon detection events. To measure the phase of the coherent state, we prepare it with a significant vertical polarization component. This component is then reflected into the mode $VC$ and measured with an auxilliary homodyne detector. The difference between the two phases is locked to zero by means of a feedback signal applied to a piezoelectric transducer in the path of the input coherent state.
The total quantum efficiency of homodyne detection, 55\%, is determined from the analysis of the negative cat state $\ket{\Theta_-}$ generated in mode $C$ conditioned on a photon detection in $VA$. The main efficiency reduction factors are optical losses (90\% cumulative transmissivity of all optical elements, in addition to the tapping beamsplitter which also has a $1-r=90$\% transmissivity), mode matching between the signal and local oscillator (81\%) and the quantum efficiency of the homodyne detector (86\%) \cite{Kumar2012,Masalov2017}.
\paragraph{Photon count rates.} With mode $A$ blocked, the polarization-entangled pairs generated in the two type-II crystals produce count rates of $R_{B,D}\sim4\times10^{3}$ s$^{-1}$ in each of the SPCMs in mode $D$ and the Bell detector. The coincidence rate between each pair of SPCMs in mode $D$ and the Bell detector is $\sim20$ s$^{-1}$, meaning that the single-photon detection efficiency is $\eta_{\rm SPCM}=0.01$. Such a low efficiency is explained by the presence of narrowband (0.2 nm) filters in front of each SPCM \cite{Huisman}, in addition to the usual linear losses. Based on these numbers, the probability of an undesired double-B event, coincident with a click in and one of the detectors in mode $D$, can be estimated as $p_{\rm dB}=\frac32\eta_{\rm SPCM}R_B^2/R^2\approx4\times10^{-11}$.
When mode $B$ is blocked, the count rate in each of the two SPCMs in the Bell detector is $R_\alpha=18\times10^{3}$ s$^{-1}$ due to the coherent state and $R_\beta=6\times10^{3}$ s$^{-1}$ due to the squeezed vacuum state, so $R_\beta/R_\alpha=\beta^2/\alpha^2=1/3$. The probability of a ``good" triple coincidence event of the two SPCMs in the Bell detector and one of the detectors in mode $D$ is therefore estimated as $p_{\rm good}=\eta_{\rm SPCM}R_B(b^2R_\alpha+a^2R_\beta)/R^2\approx4$--$12\times10^{-11}$. The expected total triple coincidence event rate, $R(p_{\rm good}+p_{\rm dB})=6$--$12\times 10^{-3}$ s$^{-1}$, is consistent with the rate observed in the experiment within a factor of one and a half.
\paragraph{Two-mode state reconstruction.}
The DV-CV state $\hat\rho$ in modes $A$ and $C$ [Fig.~2(b)] can be recovered from the six density matrices in mode $C$ [Fig.~2(a)] that represent the projections $\braketop\pi{\hat\rho}\pi$ of that state onto various polarization states $\ket\pi$ in mode $A$. To find $\hat\rho$, we write it in a generic form
where, e.g.,~$\hat\rho_{HV}=\bra{H}\hat\rho\ket{V}$. The first two terms in the above expression are obtained directly from the first two columns in Fig.~2(a). The remaining two terms are evaluated from the remaining four columns according to
\hat\rho_{HV} = \frac{1}{2}\left( \bra{D}\hat\rho\ket{D} - \bra{A}\hat\rho\ket{A} + i\bra{L}\hat\rho\ket{L} - i \bra{R}\hat\rho\ket{R} \right),
\end{eqnarray*} where
$\ket{A,D} = \frac{\ket{H}\pm\ket{V}}{\sqrt{2}}$ and $\ket{R,L} = \frac{\ket{H}\pm i\ket{V}}{\sqrt{2}}$ are the diagonal and circular polarization states.
\paragraph{Entanglement criterion.}
In contrast to the state of modes $A$ and $C$ analyzed above, the CV-DV state of modes $D$ and $C$, obtained after entanglement swapping, cannot be reconstructed because only its projections onto the canonical and diagonal polarization states are known [Fig.~3(a)]. However, these data can be used to estimate the lower bound of the fidelity with the maximally entangled state $\ket{\Psi_{ME}}=\frac1{\sqrt2}\left(\ket{H}\ket{\Theta_+} -\ket{V}\ket{\Theta_-}\right)$. To this end, we follow the argument of Ref.~\cite{Blinov} and write
&F = \bra{\Psi_{ME}} \hat\rho \ket{\Psi_{ME}} \\
&=\frac12\big( \hat\rho_{H\Theta_+, H\Theta_+} + \hat\rho_{V\Theta_-, V\Theta_-} - \hat\rho_{H\Theta_+, V\Theta_-} - \hat\rho_{V\Theta_-, H\Theta_+} \big)\nonumber
where $\hat\rho$ is the density matrix of the DV-CV state in question written in the basis $\{\ket H,\ket V\}\otimes\{\ket{\Theta_+},\ket{\Theta_-}\}$. The first two terms in \eeqref{FBlin1} are obtained from the first two columns in Fig.~3(a) taking into account the probabilities of occurrence of the corresponding polarization states in mode $D$. The sum of the last two terms can be estimated as follows:
&\hat\rho_{H\Theta_+,V\Theta_-} + \hat\rho_{V\Theta_-, H\Theta_+} \\
&=\hat\rho_{D\Theta_D, D\Theta_D} + \hat\rho_{A\Theta_A, A\Theta_A} - \hat\rho_{D\Theta_A, D\Theta_A} - \hat\rho_{A\Theta_D, A\Theta_D}\nonumber \\&-
(\hat\rho_{V\Theta_+, H\Theta_-} + \hat\rho_{H\Theta_-, V\Theta_+}) \nonumber
where $\ket{\Theta_{A,D}}=\frac1{\sqrt2}(\ket{\Theta_+}\pm\ket{\Theta_-})$. The first line in the right-hand side of the above equation is obtained from the last two columns in Fig.~3(a). The last line can be bounded by
\begin{equation}\label{FBlin3}|\hat\rho_{V\Theta_+, H\Theta_-} + \hat\rho_{H\Theta_-, V\Theta_+}|\le
2\sqrt{\hat\rho_{H\Theta_-, H\Theta_-} \hat\rho_{V\Theta_+, V\Theta_+}}.
Combining Eqs.~\eqref{FBlin1}, \eqref{FBlin2} and \eqref{FBlin3} yields a bound on the fidelity $F$. Since the lower bound exceeds $1/2$, the state is entangled \cite{Sackett}.
1. 2. . 3. 4. 5.
be no more than five inches tall. It has been noted by some that Uniques must have flowers which are red.
professor repeated year after year: "The plants don�t know the rules." On a certain level, this is true.
of what section or category they are in.
terms, plants may be short, medium or tall � and these variations in heights have been with us since the beginning.
romance). The recessive nature of the alleles had kept red hair hidden from expression: the potential was there all along.
in the early years of the 20th century with the crossing of P. crispum (with small, lemon-scented leaves) with regals.
�Erin�, �Gary�s Nebula�, �Maria Garcia�, �Milena� and �Orange Angel�.
Australia and the form of cultivars continues to develop and evolve.
of the Pelargonium group known popularly as the Angels.
� to 1" in diameter with wide petals.
�Royal Ascot�, �Black Knight� and �Beromunster�.
for these plants. More rules and more categories to deal with an every-changing, ever-evolving group of plants.
be helpful if someone did the basic cytological work on these plants to give us some scientific facts to work with.
problems at the chromosomal level.
wishful thinking will change the basic rules of nature and the universe.
to keep the plants from becoming too straggly. Grow them in bright sunlight but not under hot desert conditions.
time with hopes that at least one will root. It may take several weeks before any roots appear.
and worm castings may be beneficial additions to the soil. |
Celebrities Biography Nick Johnson
Birth Name: Nicholas Alexander Johnson
Born In: California, United States
Nick Johnson was born on the 19th of September, 1978. He is popular for being a Baseball Player. His uncle Larry Bowa played shortstop in the big leagues and also became a longtime head coach. Nick Johnson's age is 44. Former first baseman who spent 10 years in the major leagues.
The 44-year-old baseball player was born in California, United States. He played baseball at C. K. McClatchy High School in Sacramento, California. His best year came in 2006 with the Washington Nationals, hitting.290/.428/.520, including 23 home runs, 77 RBI, and 110 walks.
Countdown to Nick's next birthday.
Nick Johnson is a Virgo and his 45th birthday is in .
JUMP TO: Nick Johnson's biography, facts, family, personal life, zodiac, videos, net worth, and popularity.
Nick Johnson was born in 1970s. The 1970s were a "pivot of change", it was an era of economic struggle, cultural change, and technological innovation. The Seventies saw many women's rights, gay rights, and environmental movements. Discover what happened on this day.
Nicholas Alexander Johnson is part of the Baby boomers generation. Baby Boomer is the result of the end of World War II, when birth rates across the world spiked. They are associated with a rejection of traditional values. These hippie kids protested against the Vietnam War and participated in the civil rights movement.
You can also find out who is Nick Johnson dating now and celebrity dating histories at CelebsCouples.
While we don't know Nick Johnson birth time, but we do know his mother gave birth to his on a Tuesday. People born on a Tuesday have great will power and a lot of energy. In general, they are very ambitious.
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The 44-year-old American was born in the Generation X and the Year of the Horse
Nicholas Alexander Johnson attended Findlay Prep in Henderson, Nevada and University of Arizona.
Nick Johnson's mother's name is Michelle Mayland and his father's name is Joey Johnson. We will continue to update information on Nick Johnson's parents.
Like many famous people and celebrities, Nick Johnson keeps his personal life private. Once more details are available on who he is dating, we will update this section.
REAL NAME: Nicholas Alexander Johnson
The 44-year-old American baseball player has done well thus far. Majority of Nick's money comes from being a baseball player. CelebsMoney has recently updated Nick Johnson's net worth.
Zodiac Sign: Nick Johnson is a Virgo. People of this zodiac sign like animals, healthy food, nature, cleanliness, and dislike rudeness and asking for help. The strengths of this sign are being loyal, analytical, kind, hardworking, practical, while weaknesses can be shyness, overly critical of self and others, all work and no play. The greatest overall compatibility with Virgo is Pisces and Cancer.
Chinese Zodiac: Nick Johnson was born in the Year of the Rabbit. People born under this sign are seen as warm-hearted and easygoing. Independence is one of their greatest strengths, but sometimes they're overly frank with others.
Ruling Planet: Nick Johnson has a ruling planet of Mercury and has a ruling planet of Mercury and by astrological associations Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. In Astrology, Mercury is the planet that rules our mindset. People who are born with Mercury as the ruling planet have communication skills, intellect and cleverness.
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Nick Johnson's birth sign is Virgo and he has a ruling planet of Mercury.
– Nick Johnson Net Worth Stats
– When is Nick Johnson's birthday?
Fact Check: We strive for accuracy and fairness. If you see something that doesn't look right, contact us. This page is updated often with fresh details about Nick Johnson. Bookmark this page and come back often for updates. |
Parasect is a Bug/Grass type Pokémon introduced in Generation 1. It is known as the Mushroom Pokémon .
The effectiveness of each type on Parasect.
In Generation 3, Parasect does not have the Dry Skin ability.
In Generation 1, Parasect has a base Special stat of 80.
In Generations 1-4, Parasect has a base experience yield of 128.
A host-parasite pair in which the parasite mushroom has taken over the host bug. Prefers damp places.
The bug host is drained of energy by the mushrooms on its back. They appear to do all the thinking.
It stays mostly in dark, damp places, the preference not of the bug, but of the big mushrooms on its back.
The larger the mushroom on its back grows, the stronger the mushroom spores it scatters.
When nothing's left to extract from the bug, the mushrooms on its back leave spores on the bug's egg.
It scatters toxic spores from the mushroom cap. In China, the spores are used as herbal medicine.
PARASECT are known to infest the roots of large trees en masse and drain nutrients. When an infested tree dies, they move onto another tree all at once.
A mushroom grown larger than the host's body controls PARASECT. It scatters poisonous spores.
It is controlled by a mushroom grown larger than the bug body. It is said to prefer damp places.
It stays mostly in dark, damp places, the preference not of the bug, but of the big mushroom on its back.
The large mushroom on its back controls it. It often fights over territory with Shiinotic.
It scatters toxic spores from its mushroom cap. Once harvested, these spores can be steeped and boiled down to prepare herbal medicines.
The bug is mostly dead, with the mushroom on its back having become the main body. If the mushroom comes off, the bug stops moving.
Its poisonous spores are also used in traditional medicine. Apparently, spores produced in Alola are not of very good quality.
Parasect learns the following moves in Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Let's Go Eevee at the levels specified.
Parasect learns the following moves in Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon at the levels specified.
Parasect learns the following moves via breeding in Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon. Details and compatible parents can be found on the Parasect egg moves page.
Parasect can only learn these moves in previous generations. It must be taught the moves in the appropriate game and then transferred to Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon.
What is a good moveset for Parasect?
How can a pokemon have 5x weakness?
Is Parasect (Dry Skin & Sun) the only 6x weakness there is?
Do Fire moves deal more than 4x damage to Dry Skin Paras and Parasect?
What Virus Does Parasect have? |
The Woman Behind #PassengerShaming Talks Bad Behavior on Board
Jeffrey Preis
What does it take to be a cop, paramedic, freelance writer, flight attendant, viral Instagrammer and mom? Just ask Shawn Kathleen, the brains behind the Instagram account Passenger Shaming.
Shawn Kathleen — she doesn't use her last name — started the account when she was working as a flight attendant (she doesn't divulge which airlines she's worked for) and noticed the odd things that happen at 35,000 feet. She's witnessed it all — from emergency landings to soiled diapers on tray tables and bare feet on the bulkhead, bare feet on tray tables, bare feet on ovens and everything in between. Shawn Kathleen now devotes her time to her immensely popular Instagram account which currently has over 620,000 followers.
Passenger Shaming started as a forum where — you guessed it — airline passengers are shamed for engaging in the ridiculous acts they think are acceptable when surrounded by over 100 people in an aluminum tube. The Midwest resident spent many moons working as a flight attendant, so she knows a thing or two about what's acceptable, what's unacceptable (don't smoke crack on a flight) and what's downright nasty.
Passenger Shaming toes the line between advocacy and jackassery, but Shawn Kathleen only shames behavior, not people. She invites the world to laugh along with — and sometimes recoil — at the things she sees.
What's your favorite thing to call out on Instagram?
My favorite is probably videos of the way people actually treat crew. I do have a few of those where they're pushing or screaming at a crew member because there's bad weather. And just as an aside, flight attendants cannot control weather. I don't know if people are aware of that, but it's not a thing. They're also not in control of mechanical issues on aircraft, either.
A post shared by Passenger Shaming (@passengershaming) on Dec 18, 2017 at 1:03pm PST
When you were working as a flight attendant, would you shame passengers who were acting unruly or did you always have to bite your tongue?
I had to bite my tongue, basically. There were a few instances where somebody would speak rudely to me, telling me off or making a misogynistic comment, and I would inform them that that's unacceptable behavior and I won't tolerate it and if they'd like, we can get them on another flight. But I would say something if [someone] had their feet up or they're painting their nails or they're changing a soiled diaper on a tray table, absolutely. I'm a former cop, so I know how to approach a person and not make it confrontational.
What's your biggest pet peeve?
Well, I think it's apparent if you look at the Instagram account or the Facebook page, which have bare feet all over the place. It just makes my head explode. These are commercial aircraft, and if my elbows are on the armrest and your bare toes are touching it, I swear to God, that's it, I'm going to chop your foot off. That's disgusting. Why do you think it's okay to treat the aircraft like it's your living room? You're not the only person on the aircraft. There are like 250 people here, and we don't want to see your nasty feet.
Why do you think people take their socks off on planes?
Because they're animals and they have zero home training. They think, "Well, I spent $300 or $400 on this air ticket and I can do whatever the hell I want." [But] when I was a flight attendant, the majority of the people that I met were awesome and fun and funny and great.
Critics have called your account a forum for bullying. What do you have to say to them?
I don't know how that would make me a bully to put out factual content [like a] photograph. It's me shaming, absolutely, a behavior and educating people that this is something you should not be doing on an aircraft. Obviously, the word needs to get out to some people, because they feel that it's okay.
Has anyone in one of your photos ever contacted you?
One time, a young girl was sitting in her seat and had her legs crossed on the tray table. Her legs were crossed Indian-style with bare feet. She wrote me and thought it was hysterical.
[Another time] there was an old guy watching porn on a plane on his phone, and this person messaged and threatened me multiple times that I needed to take that down because it looked like her grandfather. She was so horrible and mean to me, so I left it up!
A post shared by Passenger Shaming (@passengershaming) on Nov 14, 2017 at 10:42am PST
Do you get a lot of threatening messages?
I get death threats. I get everything. Somebody told me they wanted to cut off my head and shove something down my neck; what I'll do is I'll take those [messages] where people get pissed off, and I'll screenshot them and post them, usually on the Facebook page, and I'm like, "Oh, you guys, I got more fan mail! Fan mail is the best!" I get that often.
Do you think we see more bad behavior while flying because smartphones and social media make it easier to document — or are flyers actually worse than they used to be?
I believe it's both. The sense of entitlement is increasing with passengers — this has been happening for a long time; this was happening 20 years ago, before smartphones were a thing. On occasion, somebody will say, "Oh, I think they're just doing this to get on your account." And I'm like, well, unfortunately, this happened long before there was a Passenger Shaming. This is not new.
The behavior, I do believe it has increased. People are more entitled, they're more "zero f–ks given." It's not just the entitlement, it's that selfish, live-in-your-own-little-bubble [attitude] and you don't really notice that there are 150 other people around that your behavior might affect.
A post shared by Passenger Shaming (@passengershaming) on Nov 3, 2017 at 6:25am PDT
Do you see bad behavior from the crew?
Yes, it happens in every industry. There's going to be a few bad apples. I'm not always 100% on the side of the airline. The majority of the time, absolutely, I'm on the crew's side, as a former crew member and a person who has been in those positions. But, yes, we have seen a couple things here and there in the news that are questionable and that I don't necessarily agree with.
What about good behavior? How do flight attendants like to be thanked?
Believe it or not, a sincere verbal thank you will get you pretty far. I remember once I was working on a flight and I was hustling and hadn't sat down in hours.
A woman stopped me in the middle of the cabin and said, "I just want to tell you that I've been watching you for the last 45 minutes. You haven't sat down, you have been helping all these people and you've been so nice, and I just wanted to acknowledge that somebody on here is seeing what you're doing and you're doing a great job, and thank you!"
I almost cried! I was so overworked and fatigued, and that to me was like she [gave me] a $100 bill! She totally made my day.
A post shared by Passenger Shaming (@passengershaming) on Feb 25, 2017 at 10:59am PST
Do you have any tips for passengers who don't want to be shamed? Is there such thing as a model flyer?
Here's the thing: To be a model passenger, just be polite and say "thank you" or "please" and be friendly. That's really it, just being a normal human being. And maybe make us laugh or have a fun conversation.
I think a lot of people don't understand that the flight attendant is your therapist, your bartender, your safety person; they're all of that. Sometimes you're taking somebody to their parent's funeral, and they're crying and they're upset, and I can comfort them. We're aware that it's not all fun and games. Flight attendants are there to comfort. I've hugged passengers who've allowed me to — that's just my nature. Empathy, from both ends.
Finally, what's your best story from in the air?
I had a guy who, mid-flight, caught his hair on fire while he was smoking crack in the lavatory. It wasn't funny at the time, trust me. When a fire alarm is going off on an aircraft, that's kind of the worst thing ever.
We had started our initial descent into the city, and it was pitch black because we were landing at night, and then the red flashing lights started going off, so I grabbed my emergency equipment and the fire extinguisher and pulled the pin. And then this guy stumbles out of [the lavatory] and smoke and the smell of singed hair [wafted out].
He had a fanny-pack on. I'll never forget because that's obviously where he had all of his stuff — I should've known: the guy with the fanny-pack.
When he came out, the whole right side of his hair was singed off. And at the time, I didn't know it was crack; I thought it was a cigarette. And this is the best: He started asking me, "Am I going to make my connection?"
Follow Passenger Shaming on Instagram and Facebook; photos courtesy of Shawn Kathleen.
Jeffrey Preis is a contributing writer for The Points Guy |
Recurrence = (function() {
function Recurrence() {
Recurrence.next = function(alarm) {
if (!can_recur(alarm))
return null;
var days = [
alarm.sunday || false,
alarm.monday || false,
alarm.tuesday || false,
alarm.wednesday || false,
alarm.thursday || false,
alarm.friday || false,
alarm.saturday || false
var now = Date.now()
var test = Date.today()
var next = null;
do {
if (test.compare(now) > 0) {
if (days[test.getDay()])
next = test;
test = test.add((1).days);
} while (next == null);
return next;
function can_recur(alarm) {
if (alarm != null) {
if (alarm.sunday) return true;
if (alarm.monday) return true;
if (alarm.tuesday) return true;
if (alarm.wednesday) return true;
if (alarm.thursday) return true;
if (alarm.friday) return true;
if (alarm.saturday) return true;
return false;
return Recurrence;
})(); |
Q&A with QB Rhett Bomar
Sam Houston State quarterback Rhett Bomar has a long and winding collegiate career leading up to the Draft. Read what he had to say to the media at the NFL Combine.**
Q: How would you set yourself apart from other quarterbacks?
A: I'd say that I have the ability to play. I have the arm and the athleticism and those kinds of things. I feel that I've overcome a lot in my situation, and stuff that I've overcome to get back to this point, and I'm proud of that. I'm the type of leader that one of these teams could take a chance on and be successful in the league, and you have to think that. I'm looking forward to the opportunity and it's just really a dream come true right now.
Q: Do you think it has helped you playing so many more games than some of the other guys?
A: I think the experience does help. Some of these guys haven't played a lot. I guess it's really who you talk to. They're going to have differing opinions on that. But I think the more you play, the more you know what to expect and the more things you've experienced. I think it'll just help you in the long run.
Q: Do you think people will hold the Oklahoma situation against you?
A: I get questions about it, definitely. I don't think it's as big a deal as some people make it out to be to NFL teams. When I meet with them, they're going to ask me about it. They just want to hear it from me and I'm upfront and honest with them. We will discuss it and then we get to move on to more important things, which is football. I don't think that's going to affect anything with my future with the NFL.
Q: Do you think playing at Sam Houston set you back?
A: I don't think it set me back. It was an experience that I had to overcome. I think time is time wherever you are playing. I had to step down and it was an unfortunate situation. I felt that my time never went away. It's not like I changed; it's just that I changed the situation I was in. I went in there and I played well enough to show my ability and now I'm getting opportunities.
Q: Did that situation mature you, and are you a different person now because of it?
A: I think there's no question about that. That's how I try to look at it now. It was unfortunate and of course I wish it hadn't happened, and things might have been different. But the way I look at it, it matured me a lot. I was young back then and I made a mistake, and that was that. I've grown up a lot since then. I've dealt with a lot of adversity and I've overcome a lot. I think when you go to the NFL, you're going to deal with a lot of things. Nothing's going to go perfect. For a lot of these guys, everything has gone their way perfectly their whole career and their whole life. A lot of stuff in life people don't deal with in college, and I think that's just going to help me in the long run.
Q: When Sam Bradford won the Heisman Trophy did you think 'that could have been me'?
A: I don't know if you think like that. You think, I could have been in that situation because those are my guys that I grew up with. I grew up with those guys as freshmen and they're all seniors now. I was happy for him. He's a great player and a good guy, and this is a good thing for him.
Q: How did the Senior Bowl go?
A: I think the Senior Bowl went well. I felt that I had a good week of practice, and it was a great experience. It was an honor to play there. That was my goal from my first year – to get invited to the Senior Bowl. I had a blast just being with NFL coaches and other players and some guys that I played with at OU, so it was a great experience and I had fun.
Q: How was the interaction with the NFL coaches?
A: They shared a lot. I took a lot from that week and used it in the next month to get ready for this experience right here. That's the best of the best right there. They were great the whole week. It wasn't an intense thing. We learned a lot from them, offense-wise and things like that, and I had fun with it.
Q: What did you learn most at Sam Houston? **
A: I learned just to appreciate the game, really. It's tough, of course, coming from the situation I was in, starting at a big-12 school and then you go down. I went in there without an ego. I couldn't, because you want those guys to accept you. I worked hard for the year that I couldn't play. When I got to play, I had fun with it. There are some great people down there. I owe them a lot. Those coaches gave me a shot and they helped me out these last two years, and I'll always have great memories of that place.
Q: What do you want to show of yourself here at the Combine?
A: I just want to go out there and try to show my athleticism, and try to do well in all of the drills. I'm going to do everything, so just go out there and throw the ball well – compete. They want to see you compete. If something doesn't go well, or you throw one bad ball, they want to see you come back from that the next time. I just want to go out there and do well on all the drills. I always pride myself on being an athlete and that's key in today's game. Guys are running around and you have to make some plays, as you saw in the Super Bowl. That's what I'm going to try to show these coaches.
Q: Have you made any changes in your delivery or mechanics?
A: Not really. It's a tough time to do that right now. You don't really want to change anything. Even the coaches at the Senior Bowl didn't really try to change anything up with us. It's such a critical time right now. You don't want to mess up your throwing motion or anything like that. So we just kind of worked on position drills and getting bigger, stronger and faster, and just getting ready for these drills that we're going to do at the Combine, really.
Q: How much have you been under center?
A: I was under in high school about 40-50 percent of the time. When I was at Oklahoma we did a little bit of both. When I was at Sam Houston we were about 90 percent shotgun like most of the other spread offenses out there. We were similar to that. We did a lot at the Senior Bowl and I feel comfortable. It's just something you have to get used to again. It's not that big a deal. It's not as big a deal as people try to make it out to be. |
When Elisheva Parry of Los Angeles was in high school, she and a friend used to learn all Shavuos night. They attended shiurim in a local shul for some of the night and learned together, chavrusah-style, for the rest. Over the years, Elisheva has reviewed portions of Halichos Bas Yisrael, the halachos of shmiras halashon — and, because Shavuos usually falls out right before final exams, she has sometimes studied limudei kodesh as well.
While Elisheva understands that her experience was only a fraction of that of her brothers, father, and other men, because she got a taste of it, she is more appreciative of limud haTorah and the sacrifices it entails.
Many teenage girls are equally enthusiastic about Shavuos-night Torah opportunities, and several seminaries in Israel run all-night sessions to cater to that desire. Girls in programs like Neve Yerushalayim, Beis Yaakov Yerushalayim (BJJ), Bnos Chava, Michlalah, and Darchei Binah learn on their own, attend sessions in their schools, or participate in programs elsewhere.
These girls understand that once they are married, their husbands will go out to learn Shavuos night while they stay home to take care of the children.
"The first thing we say to them is that we don't anticipate that they'll be doing this in the future," explains Rabbi Kurland, dean of the school. Instead, they encourage the girls to enjoy the experience while they can.
Shavuos learning may not be an all-night affair for young married women, but if they want to learn a little, it is possible to make it work. Tali Messing of Vienna, Austria, has been learning Shavuos night since the beginning of high school. After she got married and settled in Israel, Tali and her husband agreed to learn together after their meal, which ends relatively early. Then she goes to sleep while he heads out to yeshivah to learn with the men.
"The point is to appreciate Torah," Tali explains. In fact, the materials she and her husband learn often revolve around that topic; one year, for example, they learned Nefesh HaChaim, Shaar Daled, which talks about chashivus haTorah.
"I also learn to appreciate what my husband is doing all day," Tali says. |
Q: "Interpolation Toolset" is inactive in ArcGIS for Desktop 10.1 I have ArcGIS for Desktop 10.1 installed on my laptop and "Interpolation toolset" and "Raster Interpolation toolset" is Inactive.
How can I get them work?
A: As commented by @Luke, I think the most likely explanation for this is that you do not have the Spatial Analyst installed, licensed and enabled.
If you have 3D Analyst but not Spatial Analyst then the former can also unlock some of the tools in the toolsets mentioned and those tools are listed on this page from the Online Help.
Holmbridge is a small village on the A6024 just to the south west of Holmfirth, Last of the Summer Wine Country, in the Holme Valley and the borough of Kirklees. It houses two pubs the Stumble Inn and Bridge Tavern.
Holme is a small village south west of Holmfirth and Holmbridge and lies between Ramsden, Brownhill and Digley Reservoirs. The village is in West Yorkshire close to the border with Derbyshire and lies on the boundary of the Peak District National Park with some properties split to lie outside of it. The village houses a pub the Fleece Inn, a school and public toilets. Nearby is the Holme Moss radio transmitter that is 526 metres above sea level and 200 metres tall.
The River Holme flowing through the Holme Valley starts from Digley Reservoir and is then fed firstly by the run off stream from Brownhill Reservoir then by Dobbs Dike. The river a tributary of the River Colne flows for 8.6 miles through Holmbridge, Holmefirth, Thongsbridge, Brockholes, Honley, Berry Brow and Lockwood before it joins the Colne just south of Huddersfield town centre at Folly Hall. Ramsen and Brownhill Reservoir are separated by a dam.
Holmfirth attracts thousands of visitors and fans of the television series "Last of the Summer Wine" every year to visit Sid's Cafe, Nora Batty's home and Steps, the Wrinkled Stocking Tea Room and the Summer Wine Exhibition. It is the longest running comedy programme in Britain and the longest running sitcom in the world. The cast has changed many times over the years with the original trio being Bill Owen as scruffy Compo, Peter Sallis as deep thinking Cleg and Michael Bates as snobbish Blamire and they always got themselves involved in daredevil stunts and boyish pranks. The late Bill Owen was heavily involved in the creation and design of The Summer Wine Exhibition and was keen to provide an interesting and memorable feature for visitors and was officially opened by Compo on Easter Saturday 1996 the 25th anniversary of the programme. The Wrinkled Stocking Tea Room named after the famous stockings worn by Nora Batty who is also a star of the series "Last of the Summer Wine" and appropriately named for it is situated next door to the TV homes of Nora and previously Compo. The Picturedrome Cinema is also popular and there are a wide range of shops, restaurants, wine bars, pubs and a variety of take-aways to suit all pallets. There is a vintage market on Wednesdays, a general market on Thursdays, craft and food market on Saturdays, a farmers market every third Sunday and various special markets throughout the year. Holmfirth with its wonderful scenery across the Holme Valley is also popular with walkers and wildlife enthusiasts. Watch out for the wildlife beside the river you never know what you may see. There are many walks and cycle routes so why not head out for the hills, with your camera, where you will find peace, fresh air and panoramic views all year round. The most popular walks are Digley Reservoir, Blackmoorfoot Reservoir, Ramsden Reservoir, Holme Valley Riverside Way, Holme Valley Circular Walk, Holme Moss View Point and Holmbridge and Holme Walk.
The Holmbridge and Holme Walk is a 5 mile walk taking in the Pennine Moors and Peak hills and passes Yateholme, Ramsden and Digley Reservoirs. Maps and guides of popular walks in the area can be obtained from the Tourist Information Centre in Holmfirth but we recommend you also use an OS map.
We park in Ramsden Reservoir car park and make our way to the picnic area and turn right uphill past a bench then bear right between two walls into some trees. We follow the wall on our right with a stream on our left. We soon cross the stream and when we come to a stile we go over and turn left following the arrow sign Holmbridge and Holme Walk and follow the path through the fields with the wall on our left. We take the second path on the left crossing over the gated stile with an arrow sign Holmbridge and Holme Walk. Bearing right we zigzag downhill go through some trees following a little stream to a stile. We go over the stile and make our way down to a farm and turn right we head forwards going through a gate to the left of an old shed then bear to the left following the wall heading forward towards some houses. We come into a wood and after a short way and go through a small iron gate on the left then head downhill to cross a little wooden footbridge. We follow the footpath to the road and turn left downhill. Just past the school we turn sharp left downhill onto Dobb Top Road. We cross over a tiny stream and head slightly uphill. At the y-junction we bear right slightly downhill onto Smithy Lane then turn next right and right again to go over the bridge. We pass the church on the right and the cricket pitch on the left then at the bend in the road just past the bus shelter and the post box we turn left onto a track. We follow the track with a stream on our left to a gate and turning circle. Here we turn right up the steps and make our way to a seat we go through the gate and turn left onto the road. We follow the road round with Digley Reservoir on our left to a gate on the left. We go through the gate and bear right. When we see the car park in front of us we turn left at the information board and follow the path alongside the reservoir. We pass a quarry and bear left keeping to the main path. We go down some steps cross over a stream running into the reservoir and head forwards on the path between two walls. The path splits at a seat and we bear left downhill and keep following the path past another seat to cross over the dam between Digley and Bilberry Reservoirs. We walk up a few steps then keep heading forwards downhill. We go through a gate cross over a little stream and at the seat we turn immediate right steeply uphill following a wire fence on our right to go over a stile. We keep heading forwards through the fields following the Kirklees Way until we come to a small road at Holme. We turn left downhill then turn right at the main road. Just after the public toilets and telephone box on the left and almost opposite the Fleece Inn we turn left at the public footpath sign. We bear right by the side of a private garden. We come out into a field and keep heading forwards downhill to cross a bridge over a little stream. We then head uphill to a stile with a wall on our right. We cross the stile and keep following the path bearing slightly left now going downhill. The path becomes wider and we keep following the path with Ramsden Reservoir down below on our right. Eventually we turn sharp right downhill to cross over the dam between Brownhill and Ramsden Reservoirs we can see the car park at the other side.
This is a moderate walk on footpaths and tracks and through fields with stiles and gates. There are also some short stretches of minor road and a few stiff inclines and declines.
Approx 5.4 miles allow 2¼ hours using OS Explorer Map OL1 the Peak District, Dark Peak Area.
Start Point: Ramsden Reservoir free car park.
Ramsden Reservoir is south west of Holmfirth in the District of Kirklees, West Yorkshire.
From the M1 coming from the north take junction 39 and take the A636 to Denby Dale then turn right onto the A635 and follow the A635 into Holmfirth. In Holmfirth at the main traffic lights turn left onto the A6024 to Holmbridge. Take the little road on the left just over the bridge then right uphill for about a mile and Ramsden Reservoir car park is on the left.
From the M1 coming from the south take junction 37 and follow the A628 at the second roundabout turn right for Huddersfield then turn left onto the A635 and follow the A635 into Holmfirth. In Holmfirth the directions are as above.
Parking: Ramsden Reservoir free car park. There are also two car parks at Digley Reservoir: Digley Quarry and Digley South.
There are public toilets in Holme and the next nearest ones are in Holmfirth. For refreshments there are two pubs at Holmbridge and one at Holm but there ample shops, cafes, take-away, pubs and restaurants in nearby Holmfirth. There are picnic areas at Ramsden Reservoir and at Digley Reservoir Quarry car park. |
There's a saying, "you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with." Our closest relationships affect our thinking, decisions, and self-esteem. This is one of the reasons I started a Mastermind Group: I wanted to surround myself with smart people who share the same values and have similar interests.
The same is also true for the information that we consume. Books, TV, radio, podcasts, newspapers – they all have an impact. The better your input sources are, the better your output will be.
I consume way less social media than I did. I don't watch much TV, and when I do, I try to watch quality shows like Daredevil, Better Call Saul, and House of Cards. I try to watch at least 1 film per week. Oh, and some comedy too. I avoid the news. The important news always filters through, anyway. I don't read newspapers or magazines.
Most of what I consume are books. I try to read quality books, based on recommendations. I read a mix of fiction and non-fiction, whichever takes my fancy in the moment. I try to throw in some classics that have stood the test of time. Rule of thumb: the knowledge in my head is the average of the 5 latest things I've read.
Another way I think about this is by asking the question: who do I want to be and how would that person act? I want to run a successful freelance business, so I look for people who I think are doing that. I then look at what they're consuming. What books do they recommend? Which blogs and authors do they read?
Any reader will happily shout from the rooftops about the books they love. Just ask them, via email or Twitter, and most of the time you'll get a book recommendation or two. Or look for a 'recommended reads' section at the back of a book you really enjoyed. Let one book lead you to another.
But beware of falling into the trap of surrounding yourself with the information you want to hear. It can make you narrow-minded, trapped in a bubble of your own making. I'm guilty of this. And that's why it's essential to read outside of your comfort zone, watch things you wouldn't normally watch, and seek out counter arguments to truths you hold.
I remind myself often: I'm only as good as the stuff I consume. |
ORGAN: Five Music Things – The Leaf Library, more Gazelle Twin, more Holiday Ghosts, James Heather, Brooklyn's Evolfo, Man on Man, new Go! Team, Gynoid's noise rock, was that five?
seanworrall / March 29, 2021
Peter A Leigh
Shall we? Shall we? Well shall we? Back to back being back to the five things thing and the fractured music portal yet again (and again and again) and yeah, we did say all this last week and in the weeks before and blah blah blah while the whole world window and no, we never do and the proof of the pudding and all that. It doesn't really matter if it was a television fizzing and going off and things back then when we first heard of the Window. and like we did ask last time, does anyone bother reading the editorial? Do anyone ever actually look down the rabbit hole or is it all just method acting?
This five musical things thing is mostly about just that, five musical things that have passed by in the last few days, five sound bites, five slices of musical information along with those oh so vital vital links and signposts staring back and making that hissing noise. You do read all this right? You did read that bit about Bandcamp Friday last time? Enough of this, cut the crap you say, wah, I know, on with the music, here comes whatever we have for you this time around, the low spark of high healed boys or something like that…
1: The Leaf Library – Now why is this so so good, so refreshing, so uplifting, they're not doing anything radically different, we hear lots ofthings kind of like this, they just have it so so right, they just hit the spot in just the right way. Simple, refined, bright, fragile, strong, felicate, – "Drone pop from NE London. Songs about buildings/the weather played by Kate, Matt, Gareth, Lewis, Simon, Matt", well I always thought songs needed lyrics but thy's picking at things these are beautiful instrumental pieces, pop? Well yes, why not? Not that this is throwaway or shallow ir any of the things pop tends to be….
2: Gazelle Twin – More Gazelle Twin, we can't have too much Gazelle Twin right now, A new piece taken from the forthcoming soundtrack to "The Power" by Gazelle Twin and Max de Wardener. The Power will be available on Shudder 8th April 2021, more Gazelle Twin here and of course here – Can you tell me where my country lies? The new Gazelle Twin and NYX album is here, Deep England's electronic-choral expansion is, as expected, a triumph… – if you haven't already you really really need to reward yourself and soak up everything Gazelle Twin.
Holiday Ghosts.
2: Holiday Ghosts – more from the delightful Ghosts, the Brighton-based band's last single was excellent – "where the album's opening single Mr. Herandi – a song about the band's landlord – assessed capitalism's impact on creative cultures, new track "Off Grid" focusses on feelings of disconnection from the day-to-day. Guitarist Sam Stacpoole expands: "The song is made up of snap shots of city life, and of being alone with summer moods and feelings that makes it hard to go back to regular life. The music shares that same kind of excitement and fast paced feeling and flits between real every-day routines and imagined reactions to them." Their upcoming album 'North Street Air' is out on May 21st 2021, the first couple of tastes have been rather agreeable, so far so good…
3: James Heather has just let loose a new piece of music, Passing Soul is "taken from the album 'Modulations: EP2', released 28 May on Ahead Of Our Time", although a smartarse might ask why is it called EP2 if it is an album? All the usual links and details are here. And for the sake of clear as mud clarity, it apparently, whatever it might say elsewhere (including the artist's own official YouTube page) an EP and not an album, don't be shooting at me now, I'm just the messenger repeating the official word of the prophet written on the studio wall. Whatever it is it is rather fine…
'Modulations: EP2' is a collection of original compositions, Heather's first in 4 years, which documents his deeply personal connection to the piano. The release follows a journey from the tragic loss of his father through learning to cope, overwhelming existential rumination and ultimately, optimism; a journey which started back in 2017 and during which the piano has been ever-present. Recorded in his homebuilt studio during lockdown, each track on 'Modulations: EP2' was performed in a single take and each has its roots in live improvisations. The tracks were originally conceived while touring and performing over the past few years and Heather has memorised each movement then subtly adapted adding more complexities and compositional dexterity over time. His approach to the new compositions, that he dubs 'Pulse Music', finds him playing freely, with no metronome or official notation to recall or dictate the piece but instead using just his muscle memory, feel and instinct to decide where each track will go.
Putting it into his own words Heather states:
"The EP is executed with the use of only solo piano and is a love story to the instrument that was my first passion, now that I finally have the piano I dreamed of! I have resisted the temptation to enter and add to the electronic music world I so adore on this release; instead, my current music acts as a lived reaction to music that is more machine than human, but not in opposition to it. To be minimalist in an age where you can do everything so easily, can also hold power, to focus on our strengths. I am still obsessed with the compositional possibilities within a raw song."
4: Evolfo – Brooklyn, NY garage/psych seven-piece Evolfo today announced their new full-length, Site Out Of Mind, releasing June 18 on Royal Potato Family and shared lead single "Strange Lights", which debuted today on some website or other, here it is right here, have a listen, like the urgency, have a liste nwhile we g oexpolre the rest of the album…
Recorded in a single take in the tiny, sweltering attic-turned-recording studio of band leader Matt Gibbs' Brooklyn apartment, the driving rhythm and fuzz drenched guitar of "Strange Lights" converge in hypnotic chaos to tell a non-linear story of frustration, helplessness, and multiphrenia in the face of rabid authoritarianism. "This song was never meant to be specifically about me and the time I was wrongfully arrested, we are loath to define the subject matter in such literal terms," says member Gibbs. "However, it would be fair to say that this experience influenced my view of police and the judicial system, and that this particular set of lyrics would not have come to be without it."
5: The Go! Team probably don't need our support anymore but they do always lift the day. Directed by Michael Robinson – additional editing by Ian Parton. From the upcoming album The Get Up Sequences Part One out July 2nd, here's something new… and as we're here, here's the release details
5: Man On Man – Roddy Bottum (Faith No More) & Joey Holman unveil Stohner both as a single and a beautifully coordinated video that they say "celebrates togetherness and an exit from isolation". The debut self-titled Man on Man album is out on may 7th but as we do keep point out were not here to act as part of the marketing plan or the future dreams and shopping schemes of some label or band and especiallu the damn monster of a label this one is on, (we don't forget these things), Love this video and this piece of music and we're just here to share good music, good art, good things. If you do want more details then here you go, it just really is about liking the way everything flows, faith no more, we care a lot, nice on Roddy…
Sometimes five isn't enough
5: Gynoid – And here comes a no messing self-proclaimed "noise rock/sludge metal trio" from Thessaloniki, Greece, "Loud shit" so they say, I guess everything is if you turn it up loud enough, you know what they mean though. The full album isn't out until April 24th, the one track that's up there on thier Bandcamp bodes rather well, and we can tell you the rest of it is as good as that first rather full-on track. They're not quite a one dimensional as that first taste might have you believe and yes they are very much about grungy metalic noise rock and the kind of things you might have heard in the back rooms of the small venues of any given major city towards the end of the last century. There's a track called Scissorman that is rather like those Scissormen who lit up Camden so well back there. Gynoid sound like a lit of those bands from back there, the Red Eye Expresses and the Anorak Lovechilds, the Homage Freaks and the rest, we've said all this of several bands recently, there's surely always room for more of them, the old ones are long long gone now, bring on the new, same as the old, bring them on, bring them all on, someone has to go, Gynoid do it well….
Was that five? Was it ever enough? The Emma Harvey paintings up there as well as the Peter A Leight piece are featuring in the curent on line art show Alright? Alright? – A carefully curated art exhibition brought to you by Cultivate and featuring the art of 39 invited artists from all over the land and indeed the globe, will open on these pages at 8pm on Tuesday March 16th. The show is now open via this link. More of this in a moment, probably? Would you miss us if there wasn't?
March 29, 2021 in MUSIC. Tags: Brooklyn, Evolfo, Five music things, Gazelle Twin, Gynoid, Holiday Ghosts, James Heather, Man on Man, Noise ROck, ORGAN, The Go! Team, The Leaf Library, was that five
ORGAN THING: List time, our top albums of 2021, who made it? Gazelle Twin & NYX, Peter Hammill, Michael J Sheehy, Black Country New Road, Robert Calvert, Flying Luttenbachers, Deerhoof, Van Der Graaf, Alex Ward, Charlotte Greve, the Commoners Choir and…
← ORGAN THING: The new Clark album is out, the ambitiously multifaceted musician and composer we featured a couple of weeks back…
ORGAN THING: Hang on, holy merd (yet again), GeRald! Fire in a Madhouse, The Attack of the Giant what?! This just in from France… →
One thought on "ORGAN: Five Music Things – The Leaf Library, more Gazelle Twin, more Holiday Ghosts, James Heather, Brooklyn's Evolfo, Man on Man, new Go! Team, Gynoid's noise rock, was that five?"
Pingback: ORGAN THING: List time, our top albums of 2021, who made it? Gazelle Twin & NYX, Peter Hammill, Michael J Sheehy, Black Country New Road, Robert Calvert, Flying Luttenbachers, Deerhoof, Van Der Graaf, Alex Ward, Charlotte Greve, the Commoners Choir an |
Ready for Carnival? Let Delta take you from New York-JFK to Rio
Returning nonstop seasonal service begins Jan. 3, 2020, running during the peak holiday travel period and the biggest carnival celebration in the world
Delta, the world's most admired airline, will continue its nonstop seasonal service between New York's John F. Kennedy Airport and Rio de Janeiro-GIG, boosting holiday season and carnival travel. The flight will operate overnight southbound as before, but will return northbound in the morning, complementing our evening GIG-Atlanta flight.
For the third winter season in a row, the JFK-GIG route will be operated using a Boeing 767-300ER aircraft- beginning on January 3, 2020 and running through March 4, 2020. The 225-passenger aircraft includes 25 Delta One flat-bed seats, featuring regionally inspired meals paired with wines selected by Master Sommelier Andrea Robinson.
"At Delta we continuously adapt our network options to meet our customers' demands. Our seasonal route connecting New York and Rio de Janeiro from January to March provides our customers the convenience of a direct flight connecting two leading markets – for business and leisure," said Fabio Camargo, Delta's Director – Brazil.
The aircraft also offers 29 Delta Comfort+ seats with four additional inches of legroom and 171 Main Cabin seats. Delta has made significant enhancements to the Main Cabin experience including free in-flight premium entertainment, complimentary headphones on international flights and access to Wi-Fi on nearly all flights. All customers will be able to enjoy over 300 movies and 550 TV show episodes alongside music and games on individual seat-back screens or streamed directly to a laptop, tablet or mobile.
The following schedule (subject to change) is now available for sale:
From JFK Delta operates more than 200 flights per day to nearly 90 worldwide destinations, nearly 20 of those destinations are in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The flight also offers customers additional connectivity, through Delta's successful codeshare alliance with GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes, the largest airline in Brazil and in GIG. This includes offering round-trip connectivity to top markets in Brazil such as Recife, Porto Alegre, Salvador and Curitiba.
Tags: Delta, News |
According to the Alaska Department of Conservation, Jayhawk Pipeline, L.L.C. is a regulated Pipeline company with field operations in Alaska and a regulation number C001258. As a regulated oil and gas company, Jayhawk Pipeline, L.L.C. is authorized to conduct oil and gas related field operations in the state while adhering to the regulations regarding Air Quality, Spill Prevention, Water Quality as well as Environmental Health Concerns in the State of Alaska.
Below is the contact information for Jayhawk Pipeline, L.L.C..
Company : Jayhawk Pipeline, L.L.C. |
This guest post is published to coincide with the Ecological Society of America conference in Baltimore, MD. Come back for a new post every day through the end of the conference on Thursday, August 13th.
Cuba's Jardines de la Reina (Gardens of the Queen) marine protected area, recently in the news due to the thawing of relations with the United States, is described as a time capsule of the Caribbean 50 to 100 years ago, before widespread degradation of coral reefs by disease, climate change, and overfishing. It teems with sharks and large fish, including the endangered goliath grouper (Pina-Amargós et al. 2014).
However, as marine biologist John Bruno underscores in an excellent blog piece, the reefs of the Gardens of the Queen are not immune to the regional decline in coral cover, given their low coral cover (18%) relative to a historical baseline for the region (50% coral cover), and low coral recruitment. Bruno's finding that Cuba's celebrated MPA is hardly "pristine" may shock many observers. However, his analysis will not surprise scientists with an appreciation of marine historical ecology, the study of past interactions between people and the marine environment. After all, scientists who value marine historical ecology are trained to look beyond discussions of how marine ecosystems "should look" at present to focus instead on how these ecosystems did look over past centuries or millennia. In that context, virtually no environment can be described as pristine.
Rather than merely describing past systems, today's marine historical ecologists learn from the past to inform conservation efforts. Fishing bans led to the remarkable recovery of fish and shark populations over the past two decades in the Gardens of the Queen, demonstrating the resilience of some marine populations and the effectiveness of no-take MPAs for a diversity of fish species. But just how effective is protection over multiple generations of marine animals? A recent synthesis of population trajectories after the implementation of harvesting bans and other legislated protection shows that some species recover, while others do not; that species with more severe declines exhibit weaker recoveries; and that recoveries often take much longer than 20 years (Lotze 2015). There are countless useful historical examples of how human communities have managed marine environments. For instance, Kittinger et al. (2015) find that the native Hawaiians fished reefs sustainably for centuries prior to Western contact using customary management approaches that included time and area closures, gear restrictions, and social taboos on overharvest and waste.
These lessons, collected in a new release from UC Press, Marine Historical Ecology in Conservation by Kittinger and colleagues, are timely for Cuba's Gardens of the Queen MPA, where the relationship between people and place is on the brink of change, and where the future is likely to hold more intensive tourism, sport fishing, and marine research. Nor is Cuba alone in facing conservation challenges and environmental change that demand time-tested best practices of conservation and management.
Kittinger, J.N., Cinner, J.E., Aswani, S., and A.T. White. 2015. Back to the future: Integrating customary practices and institutions into comanagement of small-scale fisheries. In Marine historical ecology in conservation: applying the past to manage for the future. Eds. Kittinger, J.N., McClenachan, L., Gedan, K.B., and Blight, L.K. UC Press.
Lotze, H. 2015. What recovery of exploited marine animals tells us about management and conservation. In Marine historical ecology in conservation: applying the past to manage for the future. Eds. Kittinger, J.N., McClenachan, L., Gedan, K.B., and L.K. Blight. UC Press.
Getting Ahead of the Endangered Species Act California: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead Pandas vs. Spiders: Mark Moffett Settles the Debate ESA 2014 Is Coming to California! |
Credit Restrictions: Audio/web seminars and OnDemand programs (online, on-demand format only) are eligible for self-study credits. Credit is available for in-person conference OnDemand from January 1, 2011 and for seminar OnDemand from June 1, 2009.
General Credit Requirements 14 total credits per compliance period.
Attorney Reporting Requirements: Attorneys must submit affidavit by reporting deadline. |
The current WinBuilder development brought some additional items like labels etc., especially in Tools > Options.
In beta 5 these new items will be included into the language file functionality.
Of course, at beta 5 delivery, all language files cannot yet be actual. For this the help of the forum is needed.
If a language is choosen by the user, which has not yet been actualized, the new items will appear in English.
Undefined items will appear as their IDE, like '!#1600'.
In the Tools > Languages window they show their ID and the English original text.
This gives you a help to translate.
The log.html is currently also translated.
Maybe that can give some troubles for helping people like me, if I get e.g. a Turkish log.
We should think about producing the log in English only.
BTW: As mentioned above: beta 5!
In the nightly builds the functionality may not be complete yet. |
All parents want their children to be happy and at St James the happiness and well-being of all is intrinsic in everything we do.
We have always maintained that an all-rounded, balanced education is better for the child; that academic success, creative development and spiritual thinking, are not mutually exclusive. This blend encourages an overall love of learning and peace of mind.
This is why our parents, pupils and staff love St James. Our pupils get great results. They just don't get stressed about it. |
Q: Executing Android Foreground Services without activity I'm trying to execute a service without an activity, yet ADV emulator seems to not response to my application. As written at the title I would like to have Service applications that will run constantly without UI/activity.
Here is my code:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE"></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
android:allowBackup="false" >
<service android:name=".service.PublicStartService" android:exported="true" />
Java File
public class PublicStartService extends Service {
private static final String TAG = "ServiceLog";
// The onCreate gets called only one time when the service starts.
public void onCreate() {
Log.i(TAG, "onCreate ");
// The onStartCommand gets called each time after the startService gets called.
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
String param = intent.getStringExtra("PARAM");
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4);
Runnable worker = new MyRunnable();
return Service.START_STICKY;
// The onDestroy gets called only one time when the service stops.
public void onDestroy() {
Log.i(TAG, "onDestroy ");
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
return null;
class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
public void run() {
while (true){
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
Any Idea what do it miss to make it execute?
I happened to catch the swearing-in ceremony for Associate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh yesterday at the White House. After suffering life-destroying allegations, lies, torment, and defamation, Kavanaugh and President Trump were both inspiring in their presentations. And Trump had an unexpected surprise for the Kavanaughs.
The ceremony was held in the East Room of the White House Monday evening. It was historic. Made even more so because for the first time in my life I witnessed a sitting president apologize publicly. Trump apologized to Kavanaugh and his family "on behalf of our nation" for what he called a desperate Democrat-led campaign of "lies and deception" intent on derailing his confirmation. It was that and so much more.
"On behalf of our nation, I want to apologize to Brett and the entire Kavanaugh family for the terrible pain and suffering you have been forced to endure," Trump began.
"Those who step forward to serve our country deserve a fair and dignified evaluation, not a campaign of political and personal destruction based on lies and deception. What happened to the Kavanaugh family violates every notion of fairness, decency, and due process. In our country, a man or a woman must always be presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty," President Trump said.
President Trump went on to state that "under historic scrutiny," Kavanaugh had been "proven innocent." I agree with that wholeheartedly. None of the charges against Kavanaugh held up under scrutiny and none were corroborated in the least. But that is not stopping the Democrats from still threatening further investigations and an attempted impeachment of Kavanaugh. They will be stopped but it is a disturbing indicator nonetheless.
Kavanaugh was subjected to sustained, raucous applause, just as President Trump was. The mood was festive and victorious in that room. Trump was flanked by Kavanaugh and former Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, who hired Kavanaugh as a law clerk from 1993 to 1994. The other eight Supreme Court justices were in attendance as well. Kavanaugh's parents, wife and two daughters were also there.
I observed Clarence Thomas sandwiched between Roberts and Ginsburg. He appeared to be leaning towards Roberts not wanting to touch Ginsburg. Which may not be fair, but it still looked that way. Ginsburg appeared incredibly frail and I don't see how she can stay a justice much longer. She is 85 now and in failing health.
"Trump thanked top Republicans for spearheading Kavanaugh's confirmation, and particularly praised Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins. Kavanaugh's elevation to the Supreme Court appeared certain only after Collins delivered a dramatic, point-by-point explanation of her vote for Kavanaugh in a floor speech on Friday afternoon. "We are indebted to Susan Collins for her brave and eloquent speech," Trump said.
"At the conclusion of Trump's remarks, Kennedy administered the oath to Kavanaugh as his family looked on, and the room again broke out into sustained applause. As Trump noted, it was the first time a Supreme Court justice has ever sworn in his former clerk to take his seat.
"Taking the podium as the Supreme Court's newest justice, Kavanaugh acknowledged the partisan rancor that surrounded his confirmation and gripped the nation over the past two months. "I take this office with gratitude and no bitterness," he said.
"He vowed to continue to "coach, teach, and tutor" — a notable promise, given that student backlash at Harvard Law School last week prompted Kavanaugh to withdraw from teaching a planned course there.
Despite mud-slinging, false allegations and the worst smear campaign I have ever seen, Brett Kavanaugh will now sit on the high court. The vote to confirm him was along party lines – 50 to 48. And just like that, Kavanaugh became the 114th Supreme Court justice. It was the closest vote to confirm a justice since 1881.
The new justice was "caught up in a hoax that was set up by the Democrats," Trump said as he left the White House earlier Monday for a quick trip to Florida. "It was all made up, it was fabricated and it's a disgrace." There's no arguing with that statement.
Mitch McConnell on Sunday praised his fellow GOP senators, who he said re-established the "presumption of innocence" in confirmation hearings. "We stood up to the mob," he added. That they did and should do much more often.
Congratulations to Justice Kavanaugh. The Supreme Court will now lean right for a generation or more. And President Trump may not be done with nominees just yet… Ginsburg anyone? |
The 371-room Four Seasons Resort Oahu at Ko Olina has opened on the island's western coast, according to press reports. The property, the former JW Marriott Ihilani, had been closed since January 2015 while it was being renovated. For meetings, the resort offers approximately 78,000 square feet of indoor space, including a ballroom and five function rooms. Outdoor venues include the resort's lawn and beach. Other amenities include five restaurants and lounges, golf at the Ko Olina Golf Club and the 35,000-square-foot Naupaka Spa & Wellness Centre.
The property was the first hotel at Ko Olina, a 650-acre master-planned resort in West Oahu that includes four man-made lagoons connected to the ocean and bordered by crescent-shaped beaches. Other properties at the resort include a Marriott timeshare complex and Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa. |
The aim of the project is to contribute into the education and development of the local children center organizing for them educational activities, teaching them basic things about life as well as widening their outlook by teaching them things about other cultures, languages, countries. The teaching is done in non-formal way such as games, role-plays, sports, outdoor activities. The volunteer will also help the kids with their studies at school when they can not cope with them by themselves.Moreover the volunteer will organize weekly discussion clubs for teenagers and students. |
Department of Culture calls on the community to support
Ms. Natorii Illidge in her bid to complete her studies in Musical Theatre
The Department of Culture is calling on all interested persons and supporters of the creative industries in the community to come out and support Ms Natorii Illidge in her bid to complete her Masters in Musical Theatre Performance, validated by the University of Wolverhampton in London. Ms. Natorii Illidge who is currently residing and studying in London is finalizing her thesis in the form of an online live stream one-woman show, ?Survive to Thrive?, that will take place this Saturday August 21st, at 12pm (local time) at the Philipsburg Cultural Center. Natorii?s family members will collect an entrance fee of $13.75 US Dollars or Fls. 25.00 Guilders at the door.
Persons that are unable to attend the viewing at the Philipsburg Cultural Center are welcomed to join the performance via the following online link - doors.live/e/survive-to-thrive . The funds collected will go directly to the well-known aspiring dance artist to facilitate any expenses associated with finalizing her studies while abroad.
?Honestly, I?m a bit nervous and yet excited to showcase the early stage of my triple threat skills but there?s a common saying, ?Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.? So here I go!?, stated Ms. Illidge.
Studying Musical Theatre Performance at Associated Studios in London has been the most challenging journey I?ve experienced so far. Not only was I studying during the pandemic but I was entirely out of my comfort zone in this course. Although I?m still in the beginning stages of my singing and acting abilities, I?m so proud of how far I?ve come, and how much further I can go.
It should be noted that Natorii Illidge is one of many recipients of the Talent Scholarship granted by Department of Culture based on the annual budget of the Ministry of Education Culture Youth & Sport. The Department of Culture's remind the community of Sint Maarten that its mission is to develop, promote and safeguard the Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage of the people of St. Maarten.
Clara Reyes, Head of the Culture says, ?I am extremely happy to see and recognize the accomplishments of Natorii thus far and want to encourage her to remain focused as she finalizes her studies. The Department of Culture is a proud supporter of her efforts and we continue to encourage all persons in our community who are pursuing a career in the Creative Arts Industry not be discouraged and remain steadfast in their dreams of becoming a professional creative.?
Accompanied with visual content, Natorii explains her one-woman show as follows, ?I?ll take you on a journey sharing the stories of black women that have impacted me. Through singing, acting, and dancing. I?ll play the different hats of black women in the past and modern world to bring awareness and to celebrate resilient women and black women. These stories have also inspired me to become a stronger role model for others that aspire to unapologetically be the best version of themselves. It's important for us women to empower others so that we can continue creating a better world for everyone. My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive!?
Categories: Community, Culture, Government
@Government of Sint Maarten | August 19, 2021, 4:00 pm |
England Fa
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Review of: England Fa
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England face Republic of Ireland at Wembley Stadium connected by EE on Thursday 12 November, before travelling to Belgium on Sunday England (@England). Home of England's national football teams: the #ThreeLions, @Lionesses, #YoungLions and Para Lions. Contact us. FA Cup» Siegerliste.
England (@England). Home of England's national football teams: the #ThreeLions, @Lionesses, #YoungLions and Para Lions. Contact us. Zusammenfassung - FA Cup - England - Ergebnisse, Spielpläne, Tabellen und News - Soccerway. England face Republic of Ireland at Wembley Stadium connected by EE on Thursday 12 November, before travelling to Belgium on Sunday
England Fa Join England Supporters Club Video
Just over 60 years later, 80 year old career criminal Henry Harry James Burge claimed to have committed the theft, confessing to a newspaper, with the story being published in the Sunday Pictorial newspaper on 23 February He claimed to have carried out the robbery with two other men, although when discrepancies with a contemporaneous report in the Birmingham Post newspaper the crime pre-dated written police reports in his account of the means of entry and other items stolen, detectives decided there was no realistic possibility of a conviction and the case was closed.
Burge claimed the cup had been melted down to make counterfeit half-crown coins, which matched known intelligence of the time, in which stolen silver was being used to forge coins which were then laundered through betting shops at a local racecourse, although Burge had no past history of forgery in a record of 42 previous convictions for which he had spent 42 years in prison.
He had been further imprisoned in for seven years for theft from cars. Released in , he died in After being rendered obsolete by the redesign, the replica was presented in to the FA's long-serving president Lord Kinnaird.
The redesigned trophy first used in was larger at The show was filmed at Baddesley Clinton and subsequentially aired on the 23rd October A smaller, but otherwise identical, replica was also made by Thomas Fattorini , the North Wales Coast FA Cup trophy, and is contested annually by members of that regional Association.
The replica was made by Toye, Kenning and Spencer. The replica was made by Thomas Lyte , handcrafted in sterling silver over hours.
A weight increase for greater durability has taken it to 6. Each club in the final receives 40 winners or runners-up medals to be distributed among players, staff, and officials.
Since the start of the —95 season , the FA Cup has been sponsored. However, to protect the identity of the competition, the sponsored name has always included 'The FA Cup' in addition to the sponsor's name, unlike sponsorship deals for the League Cup where the word 'cup' is preceded by only the sponsor's name.
Sponsorship deals run for four years, though — as in the case of E. ON — one-year extensions may be agreed.
From to , Umbro supplied match balls for all FA Cup matches. They were replaced at the start of the —14 season by Nike , who produced the competition's official match ball for five seasons.
Mitre took over for the —19 season, beginning a three-year partnership with the FA. The possibility of unlikely victories in the earlier rounds of the competition, where lower ranked teams beat higher placed opposition in what is known as a "giant killing" or "cupset", is much anticipated by the public.
Such upsets are considered an integral part of the tradition and prestige of the competition, and the attention gained by giant-killing teams can be as great as that for winners of the cup.
One analysis of four years of FA Cup results showed that it was The probability drops to At that time, the Football League consisted of two divisions with a combined total of 36 clubs, mostly teams from Northern England and the Midlands , following a gradual increase on the original total of 12 Football League clubs on its formation in Spurs competed in the Southern Football League , which ran parallel to the Football League, and were champions.
Only two other non-League clubs have even reached the final since the founding of the League: Sheffield Wednesday in champions of the Football Alliance , a rival league which was already effectively the tier below the League, which it formally became in upon formation of the Second Division — Wednesday being let straight into the First Division and the Southern League's Southampton in and Upon the Football League's expansion and creation of the Third Division for —21 , all the clubs in the Southern League First Division clubs transferred over and it has been since placed below the League in the English football league system , with the National League sandwiching the two since — This was the first defeat of a top flight team by non-league opposition since , when Sutton United claimed a 2—1 victory at home over Coventry City , who had won the FA Cup two seasons earlier and finished that season seventh in the a First Division.
Hereford finished the shocking comeback by defeating Newcastle 2—1 in the match. They finished that season as champions of the Southern League and were voted into the Football League at the expense of Barrow F.
Some small clubs gain a reputation for being "cup specialists" after two or more giant killing feats within a few years. For non-League teams, reaching the Third Round Proper — where all Level 1 sides now enter — is considered a major achievement.
In the —09 FA Cup , a record eight non-League teams achieved this feat. Chasetown , while playing at Level 8 of English football during the —08 competition , were the lowest-ranked team to ever play in the Third Round Proper final 64, of teams entered that season.
Marine F. In games between League sides, one of the most notable results was the victory by Wrexham , bottom of the previous season's League avoiding relegation due to expansion of The Football League , over reigning champions Arsenal.
Another similar shock was when Shrewsbury Town beat Everton 2—1 in Everton finished seventh in the Premier League and Shrewsbury Town were relegated to the Football Conference that same season.
Since its establishment, the FA Cup has been won by 43 different teams. Teams shown in italics are no longer in existence.
Four clubs have won consecutive FA Cups on more than one occasion: Wanderers , and , , , Blackburn Rovers , , and , , Tottenham Hotspur , and , and Arsenal , and , In , Arsenal became the first side to win both the FA Cup and the League Cup in the same season when they beat Sheffield Wednesday 2—1 in both finals.
Liverpool in , Chelsea in and Manchester City in have since repeated this feat. In —99 , Manchester United added the Champions League title to their league and cup double to complete a unique Treble.
The FA Cup has only been won by a non-English team once. Cardiff City achieved this in when they beat Arsenal in the final at Wembley.
They had previously made it to the final only to lose to Sheffield United in and lost another final to Portsmouth in Cardiff City is also the only team to win the national cups of two different countries in the same season, having also won the Welsh Cup in The Scottish team Queen's Park reached and lost the final in both and Since the creation of the Football League in , the final has never been contested by two teams from outside the top division, and there have only been eight winners who were not in the top flight: Notts County ; Tottenham Hotspur ; Wolverhampton Wanderers ; Barnsley ; West Bromwich Albion ; Sunderland , Southampton and West Ham United Hednesford 0.
Hendon 0. Maidstone 1. Albans 5. Hitchin Town 0. Truro City 4. Hungerford Town 0. Kings Langley FC 2.
Metropolitan Police FC 1. Southport 2. Stalybridge 2. Weston Super Mare 2. Tiverton 3. Welling 0. Royston Town 0. AFC Fylde 3.
FC United of Manchester 0. Slough Town 0. Bath City 1. Boston United 0. Hemel Hempstead 0. Kettering Town FC 0. Nuneaton 0.
Chester 3. Ebbsfleet United 1. Chorley 1. Darlington 6. Guiseley 2. Weston Super Mare 6. Telford 0. Albans 1. Oxford City 6. Tamworth 1.
Southport 1. Hereford 1. Truro City 2. Braintree Town 0. Maidstone 2. Bishop's Stortford 2. Albans 0.
AFC Fylde 2. Aldershot 1. Banbury United 2. Bath City 0. Boreham Wood 2. Brackley Town 5. Sutton United 0. Bromley 1. Cambridge City 0.
Chester 0. Stockport 1 4. Chesterfield 1 0. Yeovil 3. Dover 3. Eastbourne Borough 1. Eastleigh 3.
Weston Super Mare 1. Guiseley 1. Halifax 0. Hartlepool 6. Wealdstone 0. King's Lynn Town 0. Notts Co. Maidenhead United 2.
Weymouth 2. Oxford City 3. Torquay 2. Stafford Rangers 1. Solihull Moors 4. Wrexham 0. Results are updated in real time.
You can easily also check the full schedule. Apart from the results also we present a lots of tables and statistics FA Cup.
Any statistics you can divided into: at home matches played at home , away matches played away and all matches. Share with your friends with statistics, click the icon to share a table image on facebook, twitter or send an email to a friend.
Don't show this again. Last games. Bodmin Town. Plymouth Parkway. Saltash United. Bridgwater Town. Keynsham Town. Newton Abbot Spurs. St Austell.
Bridlington Town. Skelmersdale United. Penistone Church. Cogenhoe United. Portland United. Clevedon Town. Heaton Stannington. West Auckland Town.
Mile Oak. Beckenham Town. Bradford Town. Willand Rovers. Crook Town AFC. Yorkshire Amateur. Guisborough Town. Newton Aycliffe.
Stockton Town. Shildon AFC. Bishop Auckland. Hall Road Rangers. Litherland Remyca. Ashton Athletic. Albion Sports.
Carlton Town. Loughborough University. Bottesford Town. Boston Town. Pinchbeck United. St Neots Town. Godmanchester Rovers.
Ely City. Park View. Hashtag United. Baldock Town. St Margaretsbury. West Essex. Crawley Green. Halstead Town. Roman Glass St George. Flackwell Heath.
The chairman of the Football Association in England has resigned over "unacceptable words" he used to refer to black players before a parliamentary committee.
Brighton -. Bristol City -. Portsmouth -. Bristol Rovers -. Sheffield United -. Burnley -. Milton Keynes Dons -. Nottingham Forest -.
Cardiff -. Chelsea -. Morecambe -. Cheltenham -. Mansfield -. Chorley -. Derby -. Norwich -. Coventry -. Crawley -.
Leeds -. Wolverhampton Wanderers -. Crystal Palace -. Everton -. Rotherham -. Exeter -. Sheffield Wednesday -.
Queens Park Rangers -. Fulham -. Huddersfield -. Plymouth -. Stoke -. Leicester -. Luton -. Reading -. Manchester United -.
Watford -. Tottenham -. Wycombe -. Preston -. Southampton -. Shrewsbury -. Stevenage -. Swansea -. Stockport -. West Ham -. View full playoff Hide full playoff.
Tiverton 2. Gosport Borough 2. Metropolitan Police FC 3. Worcester 2. Stafford Rangers 3. Lowestoft Town 2.
Barwell FC 3. Biggleswade Town 1. Stalybridge 3. Bishop's Stortford 1. Ives Town FC 0. Yate Town 1. Cambridge City 1.
Farnborough 3. Hastings 0. Chesham United 0. Daventry Town 0. Dorchester Town 1. Dunstable Town FC 1. East Thurrock United 0.
FC United of Manchester 6. Frome Town 4. Gainsborough 0. Margate 1. Hednesford 3. Kings Langley FC 1. Nuneaton 2. Merthyr Town 0. Poole Town FC 0.
Redditch United 2. Royston Town 2. Staines Town 1. Football Association chairman Greg Clarke has stepped down from the post after using "unacceptable words" for referring to black players.
Clarke, in a statement, said he was "deeply saddened" for the offence he had caused by using the term "coloured footballers".
The comments came when he was talking about the racist abuse of players by trolls on social media to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport DCMS select committee via video link in the Parliament on Tuesday.
Brennan said Clarke's language in reference to black players was the kind that did not encourage inclusion, while fellow committee member Alex Davies-Jones called it "abhorrent".
This has crystallised my resolve to move on," said Clarke in a statement. It further confirmed that Peter McCormick will step into the role as interim FA chairman with immediate effect and that the FA Board will begin the process of identifying and appointing a new chair in due course.
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Die England Fa Welt England Fa, die Dekonstruktion. - News - FA Cup
Chorley FC. The FA Cup, known officially as The Football Association Challenge Cup, is an annual knockout football competition in men's domestic English football. First played during the –72 season, it is the oldest national football competition in the world. It is organised by and named after The Football Association (The FA). News from The FA, our guide to the laws of the game and football policies Points-based system launched Plan agreed on entry requirements for overseas players in England post-Brexit in FA chairman apologises for using racist term () FA chairman Greg Clarke apologised after using a racist term while addressing Members of Parliament. The rules of association football were codified in England by FA in and the name association football was coined to distinguish the game from the other forms of football played at the time, specifically rugby football. The first written "reference to the inflated ball used in the game" was in the midth century: "Þe heued fro þe body. England FA chief Greg Clarke resigns after using racist phrase. play. FA chairman apologises for using racist term () FA chairman Greg Clarke apologised after using a racist term while. England FA Cup / table, full stats, livescores. League, teams and player statistics. Check FA Cup / page and find many useful statistics with chart. The LiveScore website powers you with live football scores and fixtures from England FA Cup: qualification. Keep up to date with the latest FA Cup: qualification score, FA Cup: qualification results, FA Cup: qualification standings and FA Cup: qualification schedule. Kick-off Times; Kick-off times are converted to your local PC time. During gameplay, players attempt to create goal-scoring opportunities through individual Online Slot Games of the ball, such as by dribblingpassing the ball to a teammate, Luckylouis by taking shots at the goal, which is guarded by the opposing goalkeeper. The most prestigious competitions in club football are the respective continental championships, which are generally contested between national champions, for example the UEFA Champions League in Europe and the Copa Libertadores in South America. The current champions are the United Statesafter winning Lovepoint Bewertung fourth Dart Punkte in the tournament. Anliegen Auf Englisch from the original PDF on 21 July
FC Blackpool League One. Newport County League Two. United of Manchester. Plymouth League One. FA Cup (England) / - Ergebnisse: alle Paarungen und Termine der Runde. Die Football Association (kurz (The) FA) ist der höchstrangige Fußballverband in England sowie den Kronbesitzungen Jersey, Guernsey und der Isle of Man. FA Cup (Pokal, England) ⬢ 2. Runde ⬢ Ergebnisse, Spiele und Termine zum Spieltag ⬢ Alle Tabellen ⬢ Live-Ticker ⬢ Statistiken ⬢ News. Nicht begonnene. ENGLANDFA Cup. 1/Finale. Aston Villa. FC Liverpool. Blackburn Rovers. Doncaster Rovers. Blackpool FC. The Observer. Marine - Tottenham. Punjab United. Reading FC. It further confirmed that Peter McCormick will step into the role as interim FA chairman with immediate effect and that the FA Board will begin the process of identifying and appointing a new chair in due course. Stockport 2. The teams with the highest Origo Sport of scored goals. Liverpool inChelsea in and Manchester City in have since repeated Jackpot City Online Casino feat. Manchester City. Chorley. Weston Guru Werbung Mare 2. Ipswich Wanderers. The first game had ended in a 0—0 draw. AFC Wimbledon. Hall Road Rangers.
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<a name="predef.check_utilities"></a><a class="link" href="check_utilities.html" title="Check Utilities">Check Utilities</a>
The <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">predef_check</span></code> utility provides
a facility for building a program that will check a given set of expressions
against the definitions it detected when it was built.
<a name="predef.check_utilities.h0"></a>
<span class="phrase"><a name="predef.check_utilities.predef_check_programs"></a></span><a class="link" href="check_utilities.html#predef.check_utilities.predef_check_programs"><code class="literal">predef_check</code>
Even though there is only one <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">predef_check</span></code>
program, there are variations for each of the languages that are detected by
Predef to match the convention for sources files. For all of them one invokes
with a list of expression arguments. The expressions are evaluated within the
context of the particular <code class="literal">predef_check</code> program and if they
all are true zero (0) is returned. Otherwise the index of the first false expression
is returned.
The expression syntax is simple:
<pre class="programlisting">predef-definition [ relational-operator version-value ]
<em class="replaceable"><code>predef-definition</code></em> can be any of the Predef definitions.
For example <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">BOOST_COMP_GCC</span></code>.
<em class="replaceable"><code>relational-operator</code></em> can be any of: <code class="literal">></code>,
<code class="literal"><</code>, <code class="literal">>=</code>, <code class="literal"><=</code>,
<code class="literal">==</code> and <code class="literal">!=</code>.
<em class="replaceable"><code>version-number</code></em> can be a full or partial version
triplet value. If it's a partial version triple it is completed with zeros.
That is <code class="literal">x.y</code> is equivalent to <code class="literal">x.y.0</code> and
<code class="literal">x</code> is equivalent to <code class="literal">x.0.0</code>.
The <em class="replaceable"><code>relations-operator</code></em> and <em class="replaceable"><code>version-number</code></em>
can be ommited. In which case it is equivalent to:
<pre class="programlisting">predef-definition > 0.0.0
<a name="predef.check_utilities.h1"></a>
<span class="phrase"><a name="predef.check_utilities.using_with_boost_build"></a></span><a class="link" href="check_utilities.html#predef.check_utilities.using_with_boost_build">Using
with Boost.Build</a>
You can use the <code class="literal">predef_check</code> programs directly from Boost
Build to configure target requirements. This is useful for controlling what
gets built as part of your project based on the detailed version information
available in Predef. The basic use is simple:
<pre class="programlisting">import path-to-predef-src/tools/check/predef
: check require
: predef-check predef-require ;
exe my_windows_program : windows_source.cpp
: [ predef-require "BOOST_OS_WINDOWS" ] ;
That simple use case will skip building the <code class="literal">my_windows_program</code>
unless one is building for Windows. Like the direct <code class="literal">predef_check</code>
you can pass mutiple expressions using relational comparisons. For example:
<pre class="programlisting">import path-to-predef-src/tools/check/predef
: check require
: predef-check predef-require ;
lib my_special_lib : source.cpp
: [ predef-require "BOOST_OS_WINDOWS != 0" "BOOST_OS_VMS != 0"] ;
And in that case the <code class="literal">my_special_lib</code> is built only when the
OS is not Windows or VMS. The <code class="literal">requires</code> rule is a special
case of the <code class="literal">check</code> rule. And is defined in terms of it:
<pre class="programlisting">rule require ( expressions + : language ? )
return [ check $(expressions) : $(language) : : <build>no ] ;
The expression can also use explicit "and", "or" logical
operators to for more complex checks:
<pre class="programlisting">import path-to-predef-src/tools/check/predef
: check require
: predef-check predef-require ;
lib my_special_lib : source.cpp
: [ predef-require "BOOST_OS_WINDOWS" or "BOOST_OS_VMS"] ;
You can use the <code class="literal">check</code> rule for more control and to implement
something other than control of what gets built. The definition for the <code class="literal">check</code>
rule is:
<pre class="programlisting">rule check ( expressions + : language ? : true-properties * : false-properties * )
When invoked as a reuirement of a Boost Build target this rule will add the
<code class="literal">true-properties</code> to the target if all the <code class="literal">expressions</code>
evaluate to true. Otherwise the <code class="literal">false-properties</code> get added
as requirements. For example you could use it to enable or disable features
in your programs:
<pre class="programlisting">import path-to-predef-src/tools/check/predef
: check require
: predef-check predef-require ;
exe my_special_exe : source.cpp
: [ predef-check "BOOST_OS_WINDOWS == 0"
: : <define>ENABLE_WMF=0
: <define>ENABLE_WMF=1 ] ;
For both <code class="literal">check</code> and <code class="literal">require</code> the <code class="literal">language</code>
argument controls which variant of the <code class="literal">predef_check</code> program
is used to check the expressions. It defaults to "c++", but can be
any of: "c", "cpp", "objc", and "objcpp".
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via Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Why Do We Refuse to Believe Climate Change is Happening?
Jonathan Safran Foer on Humanity's Struggle with Apathy Bias
By Jonathan Safran Foer
In 1942, a 28-year-old Catholic in the Polish underground, Jan Karski, embarked on a mission to travel from Nazi-occupied Poland to London, and ultimately America, to inform world leaders of what the Germans were perpetrating. In anticipation of his journey, he met with several resistance groups, accumulating information and testimonies to bring to the West. In his memoir, he recounts a meeting with the head of the Jewish Socialist Alliance:
The Bund leader came up to me in silence. He gripped my arm with such violence that it ached. I looked into his wild, staring eyes with awe, moved by the deep, unbearable pain in them.
"Tell the Jewish leaders that this is no case for politics or tactics. Tell them that the Earth must be shaken to its foundation, the world must be aroused. Perhaps then it will wake up, understand, perceive. Tell them that they must find the strength and courage to make sacrifices no other statesmen have ever had to make, sacrifices as painful as the fate of my dying people, and as unique. This is what they do not understand. German aims and methods are without precedent in history. The democracies must react in a way that is also without precedent, choose unheard-of methods as an answer . . .
"You ask me what plan of action I suggest to the Jewish leaders. Tell them to go to all the important English and American offices and agencies. Tell them not to leave until they obtain guarantees that a way has been decided upon to save the Jews. Let them accept no food or drink, let them die a slow death while the world is looking on. Let them die. This may shake the conscience of the world."
After surviving as perilous a journey as could be imagined, Karski arrived in Washington, DC, in June 1943. There, he met with Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, one of the great legal minds in American history, and himself a Jew. After hearing Karski's accounts of the clearing of the Warsaw Ghetto and of exterminations in the concentration camps, after asking him a series of increasingly specific questions ("What is the height of the wall that separates the ghetto from the rest of the city?"), Frankfurter paced the room in silence, then took his seat and said, "Mr. Karski, a man like me talking to a man like you must be totally frank. So I must say I am unable to believe what you told me." When Karski's colleague pleaded with Frankfurter to accept Karski's account, Frankfurter responded, "I didn't say that this young man is lying. I said I am unable to believe him. My mind, my heart, they are made in such a way that I cannot accept it."
Frankfurter didn't question the truthfulness of Karski's story. He didn't dispute that the Germans were systematically murdering the Jews of Europe—his own relatives. And he didn't respond that while he was persuaded and horrified, there was nothing he could do. Rather, he admitted not only his inability to believe the truth but his awareness of that inability. Frankfurter's conscience was not shaken.
So-called climate change deniers reject the conclusion that 97 percent of climate scientists have reached.
Our minds and hearts are well built to perform certain tasks, and poorly designed for others. We are good at things like calculating the path of a hurricane, and bad at things like deciding to get out of its way. Because we evolved over hundreds of millions of years, in settings that bear little resemblance to the modern world, we are often led to desires, fears, and indifferences that neither correspond nor respond to modern realities. We are disproportionately drawn to immediate and local needs—we crave fats and sugars (which are bad for people who live in a world of their ready availability); we hyper-vigilantly watch our children on jungle gyms (despite the many greater risks to their health that we ignore, like overfeeding them fats and sugars)—while remaining indifferent to what is lethal but over there.
In a recent study, the UCLA psychologist Hal Hershfield found that when subjects were asked to describe their future selves—even a mere ten years from now—their brain activity on fMRI scans bore more resemblance to what appeared when they described strangers than to what appeared when they described their current selves. When subjects were shown images of themselves in which their appearance had been digitally aged, however, this disparity changed, and so did their behavior. Asked to allocate a thousand dollars among four options—a gift for a loved one, a fun event, a checking account, or a retirement fund—subjects who saw their aged avatars put nearly twice as much money into their retirement accounts as subjects who didn't.
It has been widely demonstrated that emotional responses are heightened by vividness. Researchers have described a number of "sympathy biases" that generate concern: the identifiable-victim effect (the ability to visualize the details of the suffering), the in-group effect (the suggestion of social proximity to the suffering), and the reference-dependent sympathy effect (the presentation of the victim's condition as not merely dreadful but worsening). One group of researchers conducted a direct-mail fundraising experiment with about 200,000 potential donors. If the mailing featured a named individual as opposed to an unnamed group, donations increased by 110 percent. If the donor and the target belonged to the same religion, donations increased by 55 percent. If the target's poverty was presented as newfound instead of chronic, donations increased by 33 percent. Combining all these tactics led to a 300 percent increase in donations.
The problem with the planetary crisis is that it runs up against a number of built-in "apathy biases." Although many of climate change's accompanying calamities—extreme weather events, floods and wildfires, displacement and resource scarcity chief among them—are vivid, personal, and suggestive of a worsening situation, they don't feel that way in aggregate. They feel abstract, distant, and isolated rather than like beams of an ever-strengthening narrative. As the journalist Oliver Burkeman put it in The Guardian, "If a cabal of evil psychologists had gathered in a secret undersea base to concoct a crisis humanity would be hopelessly ill-equipped to address, they couldn't have done better than climate change."
So-called climate change deniers reject the conclusion that 97 percent of climate scientists have reached: the planet is warming because of human activities. But what about those of us who say we accept the reality of human-caused climate change? We may not think the scientists are lying, but are we able to believe what they tell us? Such a belief would surely awaken us to the urgent ethical imperative attached to it, shake our collective conscience, and render us willing to make small sacrifices in the present to avoid cataclysmic ones in the future.
Belief can't be willed into being.
Intellectually accepting the truth isn't virtuous in and of itself. And it won't save us. As a child, I was often told "you know better" when I did something I shouldn't have done. Knowing was the difference between a mistake and an offense.
If we accept a factual reality (that we are destroying the planet), but are unable to believe it, we are no better than those who deny the existence of human-caused climate change—just as Felix Frankfurter was no better than those who denied the existence of the Holocaust. And when the future distinguishes between these two kinds of denial, which will appear to be a grave error and which an unforgivable crime?
A year before Karski journeyed from Poland to inform the world that the Jews of Europe were being slaughtered, my grandmother fled her Polish village to save her life. She left behind four grandparents, her mother, two siblings, cousins, and friends. She was 20 years old and knew only what everyone else knew: the Nazis were pushing east into Soviet-occupied Poland and were only days away. Asked why she left, she would say, "I felt I had to do something."
My great-grandmother, who would be shot at the edge of a mass grave while holding her stepdaughter, watched my grandmother pack her things. They didn't speak. That silence was their final exchange. Knowing no less than her daughter, she didn't feel that she had to do something. Her knowledge was only knowledge.
My grandmother's younger sister, who would be shot trying to trade a trinket for something to eat, followed my grandmother out of the house that day. She took off her only pair of shoes and gave them to my grandmother. "You're so lucky to be leaving," she said. I've been told that story many times. As a child I heard it as "You're so lucky believing."
Maybe it is just luck. If a few factors had been different around the time that my grandmother left—if she had been ill, or if she had just fallen in love with someone—maybe she would not have been lucky to be leaving. Those who stayed weren't any less brave, intelligent, resourceful, or afraid of dying. They just didn't believe that what was coming would be so different from what had already come many times. Belief can't be willed into being. And you can't force someone to believe, not even with better and louder and more virtuous arguments, not even with irrefutable evidence. As the filmmaker Claude Lanzmann puts it in his spoken prologue to The Karski Report, a documentary about Karski's visit to America:
What is knowledge? What can information about a horror, a literally unheard-of one, mean to the human brain, which is unprepared to receive it because it concerns a crime that is without precedent in the history of humanity? . . . Raymond Aron, who had fled to London, was asked whether he knew what was happening at that time in the East. He answered: I knew, but I didn't believe it, and because I didn't believe it, I didn't know.
I sometimes daydream about going from house to house in my grandmother's shtetl, grabbing the faces of those who would stay, and screaming, "You have to do something!" I have this daydream in a house that I know consumes multiples of my fair share of energy and I know is representative of the kind of voracious lifestyle that I know is destroying our planet. I am capable of imagining one of my descendants daydreaming about grabbing my face and screaming, "You have to do something!" But I am incapable of the belief that would move me to do something. So I know nothing.
The other morning, on the drive to school, my ten-year-old son looked up from the book he was reading and said, "We are so lucky to be living."
One piece of knowledge I don't have: how to square my own gratitude for life with behavior that suggests an indifference to it. My grandmother took her winter coat when she left home, even though it was June.
Excerpted from We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast by Jonathan Safran Foer. Published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, September 17th 2019. Copyright © 2019 by Jonathan Safran Foer. All rights reserved.
beliefchanging someone's mindclimate changeEuropefactsFarrar Straus and GirouxFeatureGermanyhistoryHolocaustJonathan Safran FoerknowledgenatureNazisPolandWe Are The WeatherWorld War II
Jonathan Safran Foer is the author of the novels Everything Is Illuminated, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Here I Am, and the nonfiction book Eating Animals. His work has received numerous awards and been translated into thirty-six languages. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.
Linnea Hartsuyker on Finding Her Characters in Old Norse Folklore
Wear Your Stillness As Disguise: On Sitting Still in Nature
When I spoke with Linnea Hartsuyker back in 2017, her epic saga was just beginning. The first novel opens with her hero,... |
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'A Strange Christmas Game', by J. H. Riddell
Watch the video, listen to the MP3, or read the story below...
WHEN, through the death of a distant relative, I, John Lester, succeeded to the Martingdale Estate, there could not have been found in the length and breadth of England a happier pair than myself and my only sister Clare.
We were not such utter hypocrites as to affect sorrow for the loss of our kinsman, Paul Lester, a man whom we had never seen, of whom we had heard but little, and that little unfavourable, at whose hands we had never received a single benefit - who was, in short, as great a stranger to us as the then Prime Minister, the Emperor of Russia, or any other human being utterly removed from our extremely humble sphere of life.
His loss was very certainly our gain. His death represented to us, not a dreary parting from one long loved and highly honoured, but the accession of lands, houses, consideration, wealth, to myself - John Lester, artist and second-floor lodger at 32, Great Smith Street, Bloomsbury.
Not that Martingdale was much of an estate as country properties go. The Lesters who had succeeded to that domain from time to time during the course of a few hundred years, could by no stretch of courtesy have been called prudent men. In regard of their posterity they were, indeed, scarcely honest, for they parted with manors and farms, with common rights and advowsons, in a manner at once so baronial and so unbusiness-like, that Martingdale at length in the hands of Jeremy Lester, the last resident owner, melted to a mere little dot in the map of Bedfordshire.
Concerning this Jeremy Lester there was a mystery. No man could say what had become of him. He was in the oak parlour at Martingdale one Christmas Eve, and before the next morning he had disappeared - to reappear in the flesh no more.
Over night, one Mr Wharley, a great friend and boon companion of Jeremy's, had sat playing cards with him until after twelve o'clock chimes, then he took leave of his host and rode home under the moonlight. After that no person, as far as could be ascertained, ever saw Jeremy Lester alive.
His ways of life had not been either the most regular, or the most respectable, and it was not until a new year had come in without any tidings of his whereabouts reaching the house, that his servants became seriously alarmed concerning his absence.
Then enquiries were set on foot concerning him - enquiries which grew more urgent as weeks and months passed by without the slightest clue being obtained as to his whereabouts. Rewards were offered, advertisements inserted, but still Jeremy made no sign; and so in course of time the heir-at-law, Paul Lester, took possession of the house, and went down to spend the summer months at Martingdale with his rich wife, and her four children by a first husband. Paul Lester was a barrister - an over-worked barrister, who everyone supposed would be glad enough to leave the bar and settle at Martingdale, where his wife's money and the fortune he had accumulated could not have failed to give him a good standing even among the neighbouring country families; and perhaps it was with such intention that he went down into Bedfordshire.
If this were so, however, he speedily changed his mind, for with the January snows he returned to London, let off the land surrounding the house, shut up the Hall, put in a caretaker, and never troubled himself further about his ancestral seat.
Time went on, and people began to say the house was haunted, that Paul Lester had 'seen something', and so forth - all which stories were duly repeated for our benefit when, forty-one years after the disappearance of Jeremy Lester, Clare and I went down to inspect our inheritance.
I say 'our', because Clare had stuck bravely to me in poverty - grinding poverty, and prosperity was not going to part us now. What was mine was hers, and that she knew, God bless her, without my needing to tell her so.
The transition from rigid economy to comparative wealth was in our case the more delightful also, because we had not in the least degree anticipated it. We never expected Paul Lester's shoes to come to us, and accordingly it was not upon our consciences that we had ever in our dreariest moods wished him dead.
Had he made a will, no doubt we never should have gone to Martingdale, and I, consequently, never written this story; but, luckily for us, he died intestate, and the Bedfordshire property came to me.
As for the fortune, he had spent it in travelling, and in giving great entertainments at his grand house in Portman Square. Concerning his effects, Mrs Lester and I came to a very amicable arrangement, and she did me the honour of inviting me to call upon her occasionally, and, as I heard, spoke of me as a very worthy and presentable young man 'for my station', which, of course, coming from so good an authority, was gratifying. Moreover, she asked me if I intended residing at Martingdale, and on my replying in the affirmative, hoped I should like it.
It struck me at the time that there was a certain significance in her tone, and when I went down to Martingdale and heard the absurd stories which were afloat concerning the house being haunted, I felt confident that if Mrs Lester had hoped much, she had feared more.
People said Mr Jeremy 'walked' at Martingdale. He had been seen, it was averred, by poachers, by gamekeepers, by children who had come to use the park as a near cut to school, by lovers who kept their tryst under the elms and beeches.
As for the caretaker and his wife, the third in residence since Jeremy Lester's disappearance, the man gravely shook his head when questioned, while the woman stated that wild horses, or even wealth untold, should not draw her into the red bedroom, nor into the oak parlour, after dark.
'I have heard my mother tell, sir - it was her as followed old Mrs Reynolds, the first caretaker - how there were things went on in these self same rooms as might make any Christian's hair stand on end. Such stamping, and swearing, and knocking about on furniture; and then tramp, tramp, up the great staircase; and along the corridor and so into the red bedroom, and then bang, and tramp, tramp again. They do say, sir, Mr Paul Lester met him once, and from that time the oak parlour has never been opened. I never was inside it myself.'
Upon hearing which fact, the first thing I did was to proceed to the oak parlour, open the shutters, and let the August sun stream in upon the haunted chamber. It was an old-fashioned, plainly furnished apartment, with a large table in the centre, a smaller in a recess by the fire-place, chairs ranged against the walls, and a dusty moth-eaten carpet upon the floor. There were dogs on the hearth, broken and rusty; there was a brass fender, tarnished and battered; a picture of some sea-fight over the mantel-piece, while another work of art about equal in merit hung between the windows. Altogether, an utterly prosaic and yet not uncheerful apartment, from out of which the ghosts flitted as soon as daylight was let into it, and which I proposed, as soon as I 'felt my feet', to redecorate, refurnish, and convert into a pleasant morning-room. I was still under thirty, but I had learned prudence in that very good school, Necessity; and it was not my intention to spend much money until I had ascertained for certain what were the actual revenues derivable from the lands still belonging to the Martingdale estates, and the charges upon them. In fact, I wanted to know what I was worth before committing myself to any great extravagances, and the place had for so long been neglected, that I experienced some difficulty in arriving at the state of my real income.
But in the meanwhile, Clare and I found great enjoyment in exploring every nook and corner of our domain, in turning over the contents of old chests and cupboards, in examining the faces of our ancestors looking down on us from the walls, in walking through the neglected gardens, full of weeds, overgrown with shrubs and birdweed, where the boxwood was eighteen feet high, and the shoots of the rosetrees yards long. I have put the place in order since then; there is no grass on the paths, there are no trailing brambles over the ground, the hedges have been cut and trimmed, and the trees pruned and the boxwood clipped. But I often say nowadays that in spite of all my improvements, or rather, in consequence of them, Martingdale does not look one half so pretty as it did in its pristine state of uncivilised picturesqueness.
Although I determined not to commence repairing and decorating the house till better informed concerning the rental of Martingdale, still the state of my finances was so far satisfactory that Clare and I decided on going abroad to take our long-talked-of holiday before the fine weather was past. We could not tell what a year might bring forth, as Clare sagely remarked; it was wise to take our pleasure while we could; and accordingly, before the end of August arrived we were wandering about the continent, loitering at Rouen, visiting the galleries at Paris, and talking of extending our one month of enjoyment into three. What decided me on this course was the circumstance of our becoming acquainted with an English family who intended wintering in Rome. We met accidentally, but discovering that we were near neighbours in England - in fact that Mr Cronson's property lay close beside Martingdale - the slight acquaintance soon ripened into intimacy, and ere long we were travelling in company.
From the first, Clare did not much like this arrangement. There was 'a little girl' in England she wanted me to marry, and Mr Cronson had a daughter who certainly was both handsome and attractive. The little girl had not despised John Lester, artist, while Miss Cronson indisputably set her cap at John Lester of Martingdale, and would have turned away her pretty face from a poor man's admiring glance - all this I can see plainly enough now, but I was blind then and should have proposed for Maybel - that was her name - before the winter was over, had news not suddenly arrived of the illness of Mrs Cronson, senior. In a moment the programme was changed; our pleasant days of foreign travel were at an end. The Cronsons packed up and departed, while Clare and I returned more slowly to England, a little out of humour, it must be confessed, with each other.
It was the middle of November when we arrived at Martingdale, and we found the place anything but romantic or pleasant. The walks were wet and sodden, the trees were leafless, there were no flowers save a few late pink roses blooming in the garden.
It had been a wet season, and the place looked miserable. Clare would not ask Alice down to keep her company in the winter months, as she had intended; and for myself, the Cronsons were still absent in Norfolk, where they meant to spend Christmas with old Mrs Cronson, now recovered.
Altogether, Martingdale seemed dreary enough, and the ghost stories we had laughed at while sunshine flooded the rooms became less unreal when we had nothing but blazing fires and wax candles to dispel the gloom. They became more real also when servant after servant left us to seek situations elsewhere; when 'noises' grew frequent in the house; when we ourselves, Clare and I, with our own ears heard the tramp, tramp, the banging and the clattering which had been described to us.
My dear reader, you are doubtless free from superstitious fancies. You pooh-pooh the existence of ghosts, and only 'wish you could find a haunted house in which to spend a night', which is all very brave and praiseworthy, but wait till you are left in a dreary, desolate old country mansion, filled with the most unaccountable sounds, without a servant, with no one save an old caretaker and his wife, who, living at the extremest end of the building, heard nothing of the tramp, tramp, bang, bang, going on at all hours of the night.
At first I imagine the noises were produced by some evil-disposed persons who wished, for purposes of their own, to keep the house uninhabited; but by degrees Clare and I came to the conclusion the visitation must be supernatural, and Martingdale by consequence untenantable. Still being practical people, and unlike our predecessors, not having money to live where and how we liked, we decided to watch and see whether we could trace any human influence in the matter. If not, it was agreed we were to pull down the right wing of the house and the principal staircase.
For nights and nights we sat up till two or three o'clock in the morning; but just to test the matter, I determined on Christmas-eve, the anniversary of Mr Jeremy Lester's disappearance, to keep watch by myself in the red bed-chamber. Even to Clare I never mentioned my intention.
About ten, tired out with our previous vigils, we each retired to rest. Somewhat ostentatiously, perhaps, I noisily shut the door of my room, and when I opened it half an hour afterwards, no mouse could have pursued its way along the corridor with greater silence and caution than myself.
Quite in the dark I sat in the red room. For over an hour I might as well have been in my grave for anything I could see in the apartment; but at the end of that time the moon rose and cast strange lights across the floor and upon the wall of the haunted chamber.
Hitherto I had kept my watch opposite the window; now I changed my place to a corner near the door, where I was shaded from observation by the heavy hangings of the bed, and an antique wardrobe.
Still I sat on, but still no sound broke the silence. I was weary with many nights' watching; and tired of my solitary vigil, I dropped at last into a slumber from which I was awakened by hearing the door softly opened.
'John,' said my sister, almost in a whisper; 'John, are you here?'
'Yes, Clare,' I answered; 'but what are you doing up at this hour?'
'Come downstairs,' she replied; 'they are in the oak parlour.'I did not need any explanation as to whom she meant, but crept downstairs, after her, warned by an uplifted hand of the necessity for silence and caution.
By the door - by the open door of the oak parlour, she paused, and we both looked in.
There was the room we left in darkness overnight, with a bright wood fire blazing on the hearth, candles on the chimney-piece, the small table pulled out from its accustomed corner, and two men seated beside it, playing at cribbage.
We could see the face of the younger player; it was that of a man of about five-and-twenty, of a man who had lived hard and wickedly; who had wasted his substance and his health; who had been while in the flesh, Jeremy Lester. It would be difficult for me to say how I knew this, how in a moment I identified the features of the player with those of a man who had been missing for forty-one years - forty-one years that very night. He was dressed in the costume of a bygone period; his hair was powdered, and round his wrists there were ruffles of lace.
He looked like one who, having come from some great party had sat down after his return home to play at cards with an intimate friend. On his little finger there sparkled a ring, in the front of his shirt there gleamed a valuable diamond. There were diamond buckles in his shoes, and, according to the fashion of his time, he wore knee-breeches and silk stockings, which showed off advantageously the shape of a remarkably good leg and ankle.
He sat opposite to the door, but never once lifted his eyes to it. His attention seemed concentrated on the cards.
For a time there was utter silence in the room, broken only by the monotonous counting of the game.
In the doorway we stood, holding our breath, terrified, and yet fascinated by the scene which was being acted before us.
The ashes dropped on the hearth softly and like the snow; we could hear the rustle of the cards as they were dealt out and fell upon the table: we listened to the count - fifteen-one, fifteen-two, and so forth - but there was no other word spoken till at length the player whose face we could not see, exclaimed, 'I win; the game is mine.'
Then his opponent took up the cards, sorted them over negligently in his hand, put them close together, and flung the whole pack in his guest's face, exclaiming, 'Cheat! Liar! Take that!'
There was a bustle and a confusion - a flinging over of chairs, and fierce gesticulation, and such a noise of passionate voices mingling, that we could not hear a sentence which was uttered.
All at once, however, Jeremy Lester strode out of the room in so great a hurry that he almost touched us where we stood; out of the room, and tramp, tramp up the staircase, to the red room, whence he descended in a few minutes with a couple of rapiers under his arm.
When he re-entered the room he gave, as it seemed to us, the other man his choice of the weapons, and then he flung open the window, and after ceremoniously giving place to his opponent to pass out first, he walked forth into the night-air, Clare and I following.
We went through the garden and down a narrow winding walk to a smooth piece of turf sheltered from the north by a plantation of young fir-trees. It was a bright moonlit night by this time, and we could distinctly see Jeremy Lester measuring off the ground.
'When you say "three",' he said to the man whose back was still toward us. They had drawn lots for the ground, and the lot had fallen against Mr Lester. He stood thus with the moonbeams falling full upon him, and a handsomer fellow I would never desire to behold.
'One,' began the other; 'two', and before our kinsman hd the slightest suspicion of his design, he was upon him, and his rapier through Jeremy Lester's breast. At the sight of that cowardly treachery, Clare screamed aloud. In a moment the combatants had disappeared, the moon was obscured behind a cloud, and we were standing in the shadow of the fir-plantation, shivering with cold and terror.
But we knew at last what had become of the late owner of Martingdale: that he had fallen, not in fair fight, but foully murdered by a false friend.
When, late on Christmas morning, I awoke, it was to see a white world, to behold the ground, and trees, and shrubs all laden and covered with snow. There was snow everywhere, such snow as no person could remember having fallen for forty-one years.
'It was on just such a Christmas as this that Mr Jeremy disappeared,' remarked the old sexton to my sister, who had insisted on dragging me through the snow to church, whereupon Clare fainted away and was carried into the vestry, where I made a full confession to the Vicar of all we had beheld the previous night.
At first that worthy individual rather inclined to treat the matter lightly, but when a fortnight after, the snow melted away and the fir-plantation came to be examined, he confessed there might be more things in heaven and earth than his limited philosophy had dreamed of.
In a little clear space just within the plantation, Jeremy Lester's body was found. We knew it by the ring and the diamond buckles, and the sparkling breast-pin; and Mr Cronson, who in his capacity as magistrate came over to inspect these relics, was visibly perturbed at my narrative.
'Pray, Mr Lester, did you in your dream see the face of - of the gentleman - your kinsman's opponent?'
'No,' I answered, 'he sat and stood with his back to us all the time.'
'There is nothing more, of course, to be done in the matter,' observed Mr Cronson.
'Nothing,' I replied; and there the affair would doubtless have terminated, but that a few days afterwards when we were dining at Cronson Park, Clare all of a sudden dropped the glass of water she was carrying to her lips, and exclaiming, 'Look, John, there he is!' rose from her seat, and with a face as white as the tablecloth, pointed to a portrait hanging on the wall.
'I saw him for an instant when he turned his head towards the door as Jeremy Lester left it,' she exclaimed; 'that is he.'
Of what followed after this identification I have only the vaguest recollection. Servants rushed hither and thither; Mrs Cronson dropped off her chair into hysterics; the young ladies gathered round their mamma; Mr Cronson, trembling like one in an ague fit, attempted some kind of explanation, while Clare kept praying to be taken away - only to be taken away.
I took her away, not merely from Cronson Park, but from Martingdale. Before we left the latter place, however, I had an interview with Mr Cronson, who said the portrait Clare had identified was that of his wife's father, the last person who saw Jeremy Lester alive.
'He is an old man now,' finished Mr Cronson, 'a man of over eighty, who has confessed everything to me. You won't bring further sorrow and disgrace upon us by making this matter public?'
I promised him I would keep silence, but the story gradually oozed out, and the Cronsons left the country.
My sister never returned to Martingdale; she married and is living in London. Though I assure her there are no strange noises now in my house, she will not visit Bedfordshire, where the 'little girl' she wanted me so long ago to 'think seriously of', is now my wife and the mother of my children.
Fantastic, well written, classic ghost and murder mystery! |
St. Anthony's Parish was formed in 1953 when Calgary had a population of 180,000. Serving the Catholic community, then, at the southern limits of the city, was St. Mary's Parish. The title, "St. Anthony" was of interest because a small school by that name was already located in the aread of the proposed church. In actual fact, the proper title of the church and parish is St. Anthony of Padua, which is in distinction from other saints of that name, eg St Anthony Hermit.
On May 1, 1953, Bishop F. J. Carroll canonically established the new parish of St. Anthony to serve the residents south of 34 Avenue, with Father R. P. Sullivan appointed as the first pastor. He rallied the forces for new parishioners within the community and celebrated the first Mass on July 1, 1953, in the former St. Anthony School. Masses took place there for a few Sundays, then moved to the nearby public school, because of the large crowds.
Pastor and parishioners then formulated plans for a new combined church and hall at the present location (5340 - 4 Street SW) and construction began on September 1, 1953. With the hard work and determination of the pioneer parishioners, completion of the church became a reality on November 1, 1953, and Christmas Eve Mass took place on the main floor of the original hall.
Then on March 6, 1957, Father Sullivan established a building committee to plan for a new church. After many meetings and building fund drives, a sod-turning ceremony took place on August 1, 1959. Construction of the current St. Anthony church began on August 1, 1960. The laying of the new church's cornerstone was on December 31, 1960. Construction finally finished in 1961, along with the solemn blessing of the church. Celebration of the first Solemn High Mass took place on June 25, 1961.
During those times, St. Anthony's parish family grew from 50 to 3,600 parishioners. |
We know that corruption is rampant. Here in Kenya, most of the paved road nearest to our house isn't really paved at all. A mere half an inch (or less) of asphalt on dirt doesn't last long between the heavy truck traffic and the heavier rains. But there are some folks with nice, big houses that were paid for with funds intended for the roads. Meanwhile in American politics, the two current presidential front-runners both have a long history of benefiting from and fostering corruption.
While it is easy to become frustrated with the corruption that daily has a negative impact on us, this verse clearly reminds me that politics isn't the answer.
Corruption is simply the symptom. The illness is not knowing Yahweh. |
We are very proud to present you the video premiere of "Loop84".
We are very proud to present you the video premiere of "Soviet Rules".
We are very proud to present you the video premiere of "And The Flying Saucer".
NovaFuture Blog is very happy to present you the video premiere of Elson David's "Woke", a track taken from the upcoming EP "The Awakening", out via Shades Of Grey.
The video was created by the fantastic the29nov films crew. |
Abstract : This paper deals with automatic dialogue act (DA) recognition. Dialogue acts are sentence-level units that represent states of a dialogue, such as questions, statements, hesitations, etc. The knowledge of dialogue act realizations in a discourse or dialogue is part of the speech understanding and dialogue analysis process. It is of great importance for many applications: dialogue systems, speech recognition, automatic machine translation, etc. The main goal of this paper is to study the existing works about DA recognition and to discuss their respective advantages and drawbacks. A major concern in the DA recognition domain is that, although a few DA annotation schemes seem now to emerge as standards, most of the time, these DA tag-sets have to be adapted to the specificities of a given application, which prevents the deployment of standardized DA databases and evaluation procedures. The focus of this review is put on the various kinds of information that can be used to recognize DAs, such as prosody, lexical, etc., and on the types of models proposed so far to capture this information. Combining these information sources tends to appear nowadays as a prerequisite to recognize DAs. |
Q: Function that can apply list changes to other lists I am searching for a function that can apply position changes in a list to other lists.
For example:
liste1 = [3, 4, 1]
liste2 = ['a', 'b', 'c']
liste1.sort() #so liste1 = [1,3,4]
if liste1 = [1,3,4] :
liste2 = ['c', 'a', 'b']
I can change positions of liste2 myself, but I have 270,000 values, which is why I am searching for a function that can do it.
A: You could zip the lists together, sort them then unzip them.
liste1 = [3, 4, 1]
liste2 = ['a', 'b', 'c']
merged_lists = sorted(zip(liste1, liste2))
liste1, liste2 = zip(*merged_lists)
print(liste1, liste2, sep="\n")
(1, 3, 4)
('c', 'a', 'b')
A very sad event has prompted me to put finger to keyboard on this occasion. Wildlife Trusts, a major environmental charity that aims to "stand up and work for nature on all fronts", announced a volunteer recruitment campaign that aims to take on 5000 people whose duties will include monitoring red squirrel population, while also trapping and bludgeoning to death grey squirrels.
Several squirrel advocacy and rescue groups, including Urban Squirrels, have written to the Guardian, which published the initial article about this volunteer drive, and have complained to the charity itself. In the unlikely event of an answer from Wildlife Trusts, the arguments are bound to centre around grey squirrels not being native to this country and replacing the native red squirrel.
People who like all animals (even humans, in spite of their unsustainable numbers and devastating impact on the environment) and who are reasonably informed about the issues surrounding grey squirrels, will be ready to pull out and deploy the facts, arguments and research references that prove that grey squirrels do not push out the native red, destroy trees or reduce the bird population. I have done this myself on several occasions and will continue to do so.
However, in this particular battle it may not be enough. As ancient wise men used to say, for every word there is a word. We can quote research papers, Wildlife Trusts will quote others at us. We can offer one interpretation of the research, they can offer another. The argument can disappear down the proverbial echoing hall of endless academic references that lead us further and further away from the bigger picture. We certainly cannot do without these factual arguments altogether, but they may need to be supplemented by another approach.
This supplementary line of argument focuses not so much on the environmental impact of grey squirrels, real or mythical, but on the manner of our whole involvement with nature. The trouble is, we play God with nature so confidently that we rarely stop to even acknowledge to ourselves that this is what we do. The red versus grey squirrel debate puts a spotlight on this tendency.
Red squirrels are neither endangered nor rare in the world in general. In the UK their numbers are low, because the habitat has been either destroyed entirely or altered to such an extent that red squirrels can no longer survive there unaided. Under these circumstances, traditional conservation simply decides to artificially maintain red squirrels in habitats that are no longer suitable for them, while cruelly and continuously killing grey squirrels that try to move in.
No attempt is made to form a philosophically and scientifically sound opinion on how nature works and trying to fit into this pattern. Instead, the guiding principle is, basically, the human whim. People form a sentimental idea of Merry Old England, where red squirrels play in mature oaks. They then try to recreate this sentimental paradise of their dreams. However, reality strikes. Red squirrels happen to be unable to digest acorns, they need food offered by extensive pine forests in order to survive. Their numbers crash. More adaptable grey squirrels, who can digest acorns, move in. The reaction of the sentimental dreamers? Offer a lot of supplementary feeding to the reds (spreading disease among them by not maintaining proper hygiene at the feeding stations in the process), while training volunteers to catch grey squirrels in traps, transfer them into bags and bludgeon them to death.
This conservation paradigm rests on ignorance, arrogance and routine cruelty. It constitutes working against nature, rather than with it. Habitats change, some animals decline, others rise, it is a natural process. Red squirrels may be native to this country (although quite a few of them were introduced from continental Europe as well), but the environment has drastically changed. Going back to a past "golden age" is a human agenda. If humans want to pursue this agenda by benign means, it is not a problem to anyone other than the people footing the bill. If, however, they do it by non-stop brutality towards another type of squirrel – the very one that has adapted as the next step in the development of the ecosystem – it is utterly morally repugnant.
The traditional native versus alien argument inevitably comes up in these discussions, but it cannot bear the weight it is expected to carry. The current "native good, alien bad" mantra is purely a question of fashion. In the 19th century the fashion was the opposite: the nature-lovers of those days encouraged acclimatization, which involved taking animals from all over the British Empire and trying to establish them on different continents. It is in this context that the grey squirrel was introduced to this country.
Now the fashion is the opposite, and alien species are, as far as traditional conservation is concerned, public enemy number one. As any irrationality, this leads to exaggeration and downright falsehood. Surely there is a golden mean there somewhere. It is wrong to bring alien species in, but is it equally wrong to demonize and kill the ones that are already established here.
If now we recognize the 19th century acclimatization movement as unacceptable interference with nature and as something that is very vulnerable to the law of unintended consequences, how logical is it to try to correct it with more interference with nature, in the form of killing one type of squirrel in order to help another? |
First compilation from the nascent talents of Inertia Records. The range is varied, from the poolside bliss of The Mighty Strinth's "What Is It?" to the flickering of drum and bass that graces Hefner's "Fiendish", Sounds Like Inertia manages to suggest a continents worth of new talent is sheltering under its umbrella. A few oddities are chucked in for good measure like broken glass into a punch-bowl, like Grand Nip's Psycore remix, but in the main Sounds Like Inertia seeks to recreate and expand the edgy incidental music of the Film Noir into full-blown epics. Its been done before, most notably by Ninja Tunes' Amon Tobin and Journeyman but Inertia tread more carefully, Philip Marlowe to the Ninja's Mickey Spillane. |
Trinity Pooler is a group of people of all ages and backgrounds who value relationships. We want to grow together in our love of God and others by being a community of faith that looks more like a family.
Children, youth and adults meet each Sunday, as well as Wednesdays while school is in session. On Sunday mornings, people begin to gather at 9:15 to fellowship before Sunday school begins for all ages at 9:30. There is a nursery available for infants, and classes are available for children ages youth-18. Adult classes also meet to study and discuss the Bible and a variety of topics.
The Bible is the perfect, Holy word of GOD.
2 Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness,"
GOD the father, Son, and Holy Spirit is the one true holy, perfect, everlasting, all knowing, all powerful, all present GOD.
GOD created us and He loves us.
Many people believe these facts. Many people think that knowing these facts will get them into heaven to be with the LORD forever, when they die. Many people think that going to church will get them into heaven.
We have all rebelled against GOD. Instead of honoring GOD, each of us has wanted to be in charge. We have not done His will. We have broken His laws (the Ten Commandments). We have rebelled against God's love. We have not loved our neighbor's, and we have not heard the cry of people who are in need.
Whenever we are not in God's perfect will, we sin. Our sin separates us from GOD.
We deserve punishment for our sins. But, GOD, in His mercy, sent Jesus Christ, to take our sin upon Himself, to take the punishment we deserve, as the only perfect sacrifice for each of our sins.
God has made a way for us to have eternal life with Him; to be saved; to be made right with Him-through His son, Jesus Christ!
This is the best gift from God ever! But a gift can only be used if it is accepted.
God loves us and forgives us when we admit our sins to Him and ask Him to forgive us.
1 John 1:9 "If we confess ours sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and will purify us from all unrighteousness."
Did you know that the LORD is waiting for you to open the door of your heart to Him?
Jesus says in Revelation 3:20: "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."
You are the LORD of lords and KING of kings. I know that I have sinned against You. I have not done your will. I have broken your laws. I have not loved you with my whole heart. I have not honored you. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you, Jesus, for taking my punishment on the cross, for dying for my sins, and for rising again. I ask You to be my Lord and Savior. Please fill my heart with Your Holy Spirit. Help me to live for you and share your love. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
GOD promises in John 1:12, "Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God---"
Trinity Pooler invites you to join us as we grow in our faith and share His love.
Here is what we say each week at Trinity Pooler. |
Essex County is a county in the northeastern part of the U.S. state of Massachusetts. As of the 2010 census, the total population was 743,159, making it the third-most populous county in Massachusetts. It is part of the Greater Boston area (the Boston–Cambridge–Newton, MA–NH Metropolitan Statistical Area). The largest city in Essex County is Lynn. The county was named after the English county of Essex. It has two traditional county seats: Salem and Lawrence. Prior to the dissolution of the county government in 1999, Salem had jurisdiction over the Southern Essex District, and Lawrence had jurisdiction over the Northern Essex District, but currently these cities do not function as seats of government. However, the county and the districts remain as administrative regions recognized by various governmental agencies, which gathered vital statistics or disposed of judicial caseloads under these geographic subdivisions, and are required to keep the records based on them. The county has been designated the Essex National Heritage Area by the National Park Service.
As of the 2010 United States Census, there were 743,159 people, 285,956 households, and 188,005 families residing in the county. The population density was 1,508.8 inhabitants per square mile (582.6/km²). There were 306,754 housing units at an average density of 622.8 per square mile (240.5/km²). The racial makeup of the county was 81.9% white, 3.8% black or African American, 3.1% Asian, 0.4% American Indian, 8.2% from other races, and 2.6% from two or more races. Those of Hispanic or Latino origin made up 16.5% of the population. In terms of ancestry, 23.3% were Irish, 17.1% were Italian, 12.6% were English, 6.1% were German, and 3.6% were American.
Of the 285,956 households, 32.9% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 47.9% were married couples living together, 13.5% had a female householder with no husband present, 34.3% were non-families, and 28.1% of all households were made up of individuals. The average household size was 2.54 and the average family size was 3.14. The median age was 40.4 years. |
Kristen Keegan Future Leaders Scholarship recipient
HunterNet and the Hunter Business Chamber are pleased to announce the second recipient of the Kristen Keegan Future Leaders Program Scholarship is Teegan Bell, Customer Experience and Airport Operations Officer at Newcastle Airport.
The Kristen Keegan Future Leaders Scholarship is a joint initiative between HunterNet and the Hunter Business Chamber, aimed at honouring Kristen's legacy. The Scholarship covers the tuition for one participant as part of the HunterNet Future Leaders Program 2018.
The Assessment Panel, comprised of Anita Hugo (Hunter Business Chamber) and Tony Cade (HunterNet), received a number of high calibre applications from young leaders across the Hunter. Applicants were required to submit a letter, addressing the following criteria:
What would participation in the program mean to you
Demonstrate your aspiration to succeed in your chosen pursuit and how financial and moral support would further your education or personal development
What does the heritage of our region mean to you and how can this be respected while creating the necessary change, innovation and progression to take our region forward
The assessment panel said:
"We are very pleased to announce that Teegan Bell is the 2018 Kristen Keegan FLP Scholarship recipient. This year's candidates were all of a very high calibre which makes Teegan's success even more significant. We look forward to seeing the benefits this Program brings to Teegan's future development."
Teegan's application detailed her aspirations to become a future leader in the Hunter, highlighting the importance of meaningful working relationships within the local community. She demonstrated a commitment to personal and professional development through her work coaching cheerleading and gymnastics, along with her career progression at Newcastle Airport.
"I believe that this type of program is leading the way in the Hunter to develop young leaders, outside of the normal study and workplace environments. I believe that being a part of this program is beneficial to self-growth, career development and supporting others" Teegan said.
Teegan is studying a Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice part-time through Open Universities while working full time at Newcastle Airport.
We congratulate Teegan on her successful application and look forward to following the development of all the 2018 Future Leaders Program participants as they progress through the course. |
Beautiful home in a quaint seaside village. Parking was available in a secure garage.
It was a long way up to reach the apartment but you will forget the tiredness as soon as you see the perfect view of Manarola as you step in the terrace. The 4 of us stayed at apartment Fregagia, just next to the famous Trattoria de Billy where we had the best meal of our Italy trip. The little kitchen is fully equipped, 2 comfortable double bed bedrooms & 2 clean bathrooms with great shower. The best part is the view of the terrace is beyond & magnificent, we listen to the waves & birds & watched sunrise & sunset there everyday of our stay. It's super relaxing here. Thank you all staff & management of Arbaspaa.
The view was absolutely gorgeous. It was right beside a restaurant. It's only a 5 minuet walls to basically everything.
Loved the view. Nice apartment and responsive host. A lot of climbing hills and stairs.
2 large bathrooms with showers...unique shower had 'lit cave' The views were out of this world!!
Cinque terra is wonderful! We really liked Manarola!!! Stefano even helped us with our bags going up the hill! Staff tried to respond to our concerns in a timely manner!
Beautiful apartment. Very clean and spacious and well designed. The view was lovely.
The view from the large patio was amazing. Parking was easy in the garage that was previously arranged.
Lock in a great price for Luxury Seaview Apartments Manarola – rated 8.5 by recent guests!
Located in Manarola, Luxury Seaview Apartments Manarola has accommodations with free WiFi.
There's also a kitchen in some of the units equipped with a dishwasher, an oven, and a toaster.
La Spezia is 10 miles from the apartment. The nearest airport is Galileo Galilei Airport, 63 miles from Luxury Seaview Apartments Manarola.
When would you like to stay at Luxury Seaview Apartments Manarola?
This apartment features a dining area, view and air conditioning.
Amazing and very exclusive apartments with sea view in the heart of Manarola!
Born in 1975 grew up in the Cinque Terre, a unique scenic monument created by the manual skills of whole generations; in the 90s university studies at Florence - which in those years was the most international town imaginable for young people - a colorful mix of dozens of languages and lifestyles. The respect for the work of his ancestors and the fascination he finds in the meeting of several points of view are some of the deciding elements for the foundation of Arbaspàa Tour Operator in summer 2001. The valorization of the work of our suppliers and colleagues on one side and the great attention to the expectations of the clients on the other are the two main columns of his work.
The Cinque Terre "The Five Lands" comprises five villages with steep landscape right up to the cliffs that overlook the sea: Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia,Manarola, and Riomaggiore. The surrounding hillsides are all part of the Cinque Terre National Park and are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
House Rules Luxury Seaview Apartments Manarola takes special requests – add in the next step!
Luxury Seaview Apartments Manarola accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival.
Please note, the apartments are reachable via several steps.
Please note that check-in and key collection take place at: Via Discovolo 204, Manarola 19017.
Please inform Luxury Seaview Apartments Manarola of your expected arrival time in advance. You can use the Special Requests box when booking, or contact the property directly using the contact details in your confirmation.
The loft was fantastic in every way. Just a great place with stunning views.
Coffee maker definitely needs an upgrade (only good for single servings).
Very nice place. Big space and great view of Manarola and the sea.
It was very good although it was a bit of a clime to get to it.
Spacious and the view! For a big family group it was perfect, everyone had their own bathroom.
Apartment was in need of a deep cleaning.
Location was fantastic! Host was very helpful with directions and parking instructions.
The cleanliness could have been better.
The view from property was amazing!
Slightly cold in the bunk room, the heater was on max.. although it was very cold at night.
Beautiful spot on the hill over looking the ocean. Perfect place to relax and use as a base for hikes.
There was no wifi available even when it was given in the facilities while booking. Other issue was with water heating .. the water was cold when ever we took bath so please look into these issues.
Loved the view and the cosy n confortable rooms.
It was 45 F while we were there and although the heater was turned on full the entire time we were there, the apartment was never warm. We were slightly cold and at night our children were cold in bed, despite the extra blankets. The hot water was also only moderately warm, we wished it was much hotter as the showers felt cold. We were only in our apartment for sleeping so it wasn't too terrible but it was cold.
The location was beautiful. We had a wonderful view from our porch and the rooms were adequate for our family.
We stayed in the winter and the home was a bit cold with no way to turn up the heat.
Lots of bathrooms!! Beautiful views!
There were lots of ants in the bathroom...outside table and seats were rusty, could not use them.
Location was best to enjoy everything!
The apartment comes with several "rules" that you should abide, some of which we've never seen before in this type of accommodation - not a BnB (e.g. taking out the garbage yourself, which in such a small vertical city can be very tricky; tidy up the place, not leaving the bathroom floor over flooded - whatever that means, etc). Well, when we first arrived we found the trash bins partially full, meaning the previous guests didn't take them out neither the cleaning crew. The wi-fi didn't work AT ALL, didn't matter if we rebooted the modem or not (after several attempts as instructed during checkin). And last but not least, we found and killed 8 spiders in the apartment. I'm sure there's a lot more. They were all very easy to spot and quite big frankly. Not to mention all the spider webs distributed all over the place (including inside the utensils cabinets). Aside of that, we were very happy with the stay overall. We listed all these items to the staff during checkout to which they seamed appreciative and sorry. This is just to be fair to new guests who we hope don't have to experience some of those bad situations in such a good apartment and city. |
package com.facebook.buck.android.toolchain.ndk;
import com.facebook.buck.core.exceptions.HumanReadableException;
import com.facebook.buck.core.util.immutables.BuckStyleImmutable;
import com.facebook.buck.io.ExecutableFinder;
import com.facebook.buck.toolchain.ComparableToolchain;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.immutables.value.Value;
/** Part of Android toolchain that provides access to Android NDK */
@Value.Immutable(copy = false, builder = false)
public abstract class AbstractAndroidNdk implements ComparableToolchain {
public static final String DEFAULT_NAME = "android-ndk-location";
public abstract String getNdkVersion();
public abstract Path getNdkRootPath();
protected abstract ExecutableFinder getExecutableFinder();
public Path getNdkBuildExecutable() {
Optional<Path> ndkBuild =
getExecutableFinder().getOptionalExecutable(Paths.get("ndk-build"), getNdkRootPath());
if (!ndkBuild.isPresent()) {
throw new HumanReadableException("Unable to find ndk-build in " + getNdkRootPath());
return ndkBuild.get();
Money Laundering: Who Bears the Burden? John Binns writes for Solicitors Journal
BCL partner John Binn's article 'Money Laundering: Who Bears the Burden?' has been published by Solicitors Journal discussing the governments claims that regulated firms should pay to help improve its efforts to tackle money laundering.
Here's an extract from the article:
Costs upon costs
The cost of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance, in terms of time spent by solicitors and other staff, is, by now, well known to most law firms. But the government's new plan to help fund its efforts to fight money laundering threatens to impose a new financial burden on top. A number of issues have been raised in the consultation process, with notably different responses from the Law Society and the SRA. So, what will this mean for firms that are already overburdened by these complex issues?
The issues for law firms
By way of background, it is worth bearing in mind that AML issues can arise at law firms via two very different routes, though these overlap substantially in practice. The first route arises from the principal money laundering offences in the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA), which involve various forms of dealing with or being concerned in arrangements about 'criminal property'. The offences are subject to exceptions where the person concerned makes a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) and requests consent, also known as a Defence Against Money Laundering (DAML). A solicitor who deals with client money, or who otherwise becomes concerned in their financial arrangements, may be effectively compelled to submit a SAR if a suspicion arises, in order to avoid committing a money laundering offence.
The regulated sector
The second route arises from the specific obligation to submit a SAR where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a client (or someone else) is committing a money laundering offence. Unlike the principal money laundering offences, this obligation applies only in the context of work in the 'regulated sector', which includes (among an increasingly broad range of businesses, principally banks and other financial institutions) law firms that provide tax advice, who participate in certain financial or real property transactions, or who act as trust and company service providers (TCSPs). A solicitor who identifies such grounds for suspicion is legally required (with some exceptions, such as where the relevant information is privileged) to submit a SAR, whether or not they also request consent (which would make it a DAML SAR).
Complex requirements
Importantly, this obligation to submit SARs under POCA is supplemented by a raft of additional obligations under money-laundering regulations (MLRs), which are designed to implement EU directives, and include preparing firm-wide risk assessments and conducting due diligence on clients. These obligations apply, in effect, to law firms and sole practitioners where, and to the extent that, they operate in the regulated sector. Taken together, the obligations from POCA and the MLRs impose a strict set of requirements (underpinned by criminal liabilities) that are designed to gather information on suspected money launderers, and to divert them from the UK's financial system.
This article was originally published by Solicitors Journal 04/02/21. You can read the full version on their website.
John Binns is a specialist in proceeds of crime laws, cannabis regulation, sanctions, and tax investigations. He has extensive experience in financial crime, which also involves bribery and corruption, extradition, Interpol, fraud, market abuse, and the conduct of related civil proceedings. He is a prolific writer and speaker on a variety of topics.
Money Laundering: Advice to Suspects
Next up in our series of legal guides explaining the process of money laundering investigations, John Binns outlines the ste...
Money Laundering Advice: Witnesses and Others
In this chapter of our legal guides series, BCL partner John Binns explains why the main recipients of the investigative orde...
"Transparency does not stop crime" – John Binns writes for The Times
BCL partner, John Binns writes for The Times discussing whether additional transparency and enforcement will be effective aga...
22nd February 2021 Anti-Money Laundering, John Binns, News, News & Insights |
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Q: Job taking forever to cancel I have had this issue two times these days when I try to cancel a Dataflow job : it is taking forever to cancel.
last thursday it took almost 9 hours to cancel and now another job is stuck for 2 minutes.
Is it not possible to kill a job directly ?
What can explain such a behaviour ?
A: This is a new issue having to do with the size of the job and ensuring clean shutdown. We're investigating a few approaches to make shutdown faster.
Q: Rails: `ipads_path' error message with iPad.rb model and ipads_session controller I'm making a website with a page where users can sign up to win an iPad. I created a model ipad.rb and an ipads_controller.rb and there were three columns in the migration for name, email and twitter handle. I was surprised when Rails didn't create routes automatically (I thought it was supposed to do that always).
I added this in the routes file
resource :ipad
match '/signup', :to => 'ipads#new'
When I tried to create the sign up form, I got this error message before fully completing it
undefined method `ipads_path' for #<#<Class:0x00000103a64ec0>:0x00000103a49aa8>
This surprised me because why was it plural?
So far I've only created a form in new.html.erb and the model ipad.rb and two actions in the ipads_controller.rb new and create.
Can anyone see what i'm doing wrong? i.e. why does Rails think I need a method ipads_path. Also note that I had created a model IPad.rb but deleted it and the migrations.
<h1>Win an iPad</h1>
<h1>Sign up for iPad</h1>
<%= form_for(@ipad) do |f| %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :name %><br />
<%= f.text_field :name %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :email %><br />
<%= f.text_field :email %>
<div class="actions">
<%= f.submit "Sign up" %>
<% end %>
class Ipad < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :email, :twitter
email_regex = /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-.]+\.[a-z]+\z/i
validates :name, :presence => true,
:length => { :maximum => 50 }
validates :email, :presence => true,
:format => { :with => email_regex },
:uniqueness => true
class IpadsController < ApplicationController
def new
@ipad = Ipad.new
@title = "iPad Contest"
def create
@ipad = Ipad.new(params[:ipad])
if @ipad.save
# Handle a successful save.
@title = "iPad Contest"
render 'new'
Enki::Application.routes.draw do
namespace 'admin' do
resource :session
resources :posts, :pages do
post 'preview', :on => :collection
resources :comments
resources :undo_items do
post 'undo', :on => :member
match 'health(/:action)' => 'health', :action => 'index', :as => :health
root :to => 'dashboard#show'
resources :archives, :only => [:index]
resources :pages, :only => [:show]
resource :ipad
match '/signup', :to => 'ipads#new'
constraints :year => /\d{4}/, :month => /\d{2}/, :day => /\d{2}/ do
get ':year/:month/:day/:slug/comments' => 'comments#index'
post ':year/:month/:day/:slug/comments' => 'comments#create'
get ':year/:month/:day/:slug/comments/new' => 'comments#new'
get ':year/:month/:day/:slug' => 'posts#show'
scope :to => 'posts#index' do
get 'posts.:format', :as => :formatted_posts
get '(:tag)', :as => :posts
root :to => 'posts#index'
A: Your resource 'ipad' should be plural in the routes, i.e.
resources :ipads
If you've been around disc golf and disc stamps for any period of time, you've learned that birds are a popular image for stamps. Canadian artist Michael Ramanauskas knew this going into the first XXL Thunderbird design, so he made a conscious effort to make his bird depiction stand out.
Key in that was making the storm/lightning aspect associated with the bird a central figure in its design. Read more about the disc/artist at the DGU Blog.
Likened to a worn-in Firebird with less fade, the Thunderbird is the stable fairway to long range driver that every disc golfer needs. |
One among essentially the most common electrical wiring questions is regarding how to wire a change. Though applying switches in the home is very simple, wiring a person may well not be that uncomplicated for everyone. An ON-OFF switch is definitely quite simple to wire. You can find different types of switches, but for this example, let's say you are putting in a single-pole toggle switch, an extremely widespread swap (plus the most straightforward).
You can find a few shades of wires in a very regular single-pole toggle switch: black, white, and eco-friendly. Splice the black wire in two and connect them to the terminal screws - a single on top rated as well as the other about the bottom screw with the switch. The white wire serves being a resource of uninterrupted power and is generally connected to your gentle coloured terminal screw (e.g., silver). Hook up the green wire into the ground screw of your respective switch.
These ways would usually be sufficient to produce a typical change do the job and not using a issue. However, in the event you are usually not assured that you can attain the job correctly and properly you improved enable the professionals do it instead. Soon after all, there's a explanation why this activity is probably the commonest electrical wiring concerns requested by many people.
For some cause, the best way to wire a ceiling fan is usually amongst one of the most frequent electrical wiring concerns. To simplify this task, you can utilize an individual switch for just a single ceiling fan. To wire the admirer, it's only a subject of connecting the black wire from the ceiling fan towards the black wire in the switch. When there is a lightweight, the blue wire must be linked to your black wire in the swap too.
You'll find motives why these are typically the most commonly asked electrical wiring queries. 1, a lot of think it can be simple to accomplish, and two, they are the frequent electrical duties at your home. But then you must not set your security at risk within your objective to economize. The stakes could even be a great deal greater should you attempt to cut costs and do an electrical wiring task with no sufficient knowledge or practical experience. |
My IAS Plus
Australia is included in the IFAD GAAP convergence studies
National professional organisation websites:
CPA Australia
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
National Institute of Accountants
Standard-setter website: Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB)
Response to IFAC Member Body Survey on Standard Setting and Regulation
Participant in the Asian-Oceanian Standard-Setters Group (AOSSG)
Financial reporting framework in Australia
The 'reporting entity' concept
Reporting entities must comply with Australian Accounting Standards and Interpretations, as issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB), and, where applicable, with the requirements of Corporations Act 2001.
A reporting entity is 'an entity in respect of which it is reasonable to expect the existence of users who rely on the entity's general purpose financial statement for information that will be useful to them for making and evaluating decisions about the allocation of resources. A reporting entity can be a single entity or a group comprising a parent and all of its subsidiaries.'
Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB)
The AASB is an agency of the Australian Government. AASB standards are known as Australian Accounting Standards and include Australian equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). When it first began adopting IFRSs as Australian Accounting Standards, the AASB made some modifications to IFRSs, including removing some options and adding some disclosures. In 2007, the AASB modified Australian Accounting Standards so that their requirements are identical to IFRSs as issued by the IASB for for-profit entities. Some additional disclosures were retained and some non-IFRS compliant requirements apply for not-for-profit and public sector entities.
Compliance with IFRSs
The basis of preparation note to the financial statements defines the reporting framework as 'Australian Accounting Standards'. That note goes on to say that compliance with Australian Accounting Standards ensures the financial statements and notes of the entity comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
The auditor's opinion refers to compliance with Australian Accounting Standards. The auditor's report also notes that 'in note xx, the directors also state, in accordance with Accounting Standard AASB 101 Presentation of Financial Statements, that the financial statements and notes comply with International Financial Reporting Standards'. The audit opinion itself notes 'the financial report and notes also comply with International Financial Reporting Standards as disclosed in Note xx'.
From 30 June 2010, the directors declaration accompanying the financial statements of companies and other entities regulated by the Corporations Act 2001 is required to include an additional statement referring to the explicit and unreserved statement of compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards in the notes to the financial statements (where such a statement is made).
Reduced Disclosure Requirements (RDR)
Under a new differential reporting regime released by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) in July 2010, eligible entities can elect to adopt the 'Reduced Disclosure Requirements' (RDR). Entities with public accountability cannot adopt the RDR, but must comply with Australian Accounting Standards in full (and state compliance with IFRS).
The RDR requires entities to follow the recognition and measurement requirements of all Australian Accounting Standards (which are equivalent to IFRSs), but with reduced disclosure requirements.
The new requirements apply to annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 July 2013, but may be early adopted for annual financial reporting periods beginning on or after 1 July 2009.
AASB updates research paper on climate-related risks disclosure
The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) has released the latest version of 'Climate-related and other emerging risks disclosures: assessing financial statement materiality using AASB Practice Statement 2'.
AASB Research Forum – programme available, registration open
The third research forum of the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) will be held at Monash University on 25 November 2019.
AASB research into the application of IAS 36
The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) has published its Research Report No. 9 'Perspectives on IAS 36: A case for standard setting activity'.
Recent sustainability and integrated reporting developments
A summary of recent developments at IIRC, GRI/UN Global Compact, SHCC, ASX, SSE, and TEG.
Assessing financial statement materiality of climate-related and other emerging risks
The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) has published 'Climate-related and other emerging risks disclosures: assessing financial statement materiality using AASB Practice Statement 2'.
Standard-setters from Australia and Japan continue bilateral meetings
Representatives of the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) and of the Accounting Standards Board of Japan (ASBJ) met on 4 December 2018 in Tokyo.
Australian FRC releases position statement on external reporting
In response to increasing demand from investors and other stakeholders for more than just financial statements, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), responsible for overseeing the effectiveness of the financial reporting framework in Australia, has released a position statement on external reporting.
AASB surveys on financial statements
The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) invites contributions to its research through two short surveys fpr preparers and users of financial statements.
AASB standard-setting frameworks finalised
The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) has finalised its standard-setting frameworks for both for-profit and not-for-profit entities.
AASB research into public sector accounting
The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) has published its Research Report No. 6 'Financial Reporting Requirements Applicable to Australia Public Sector Entities' that also includes a comparison of Australian reporting requirements with the requirements in other comparable jurisdictions.
Standard-setters from Australia and Japan take up bilateral meetings
Representatives of the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) and of the Accounting Standards Board of Japan (ASBJ) met on 22 and 23 March 2018 in Melbourne.
IASB Chairman speaks on 'The Future of Financial Reporting' at AASB forum
On 10 October 2017 the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) hosted a forum featuring as special guest IASB Chairman Hans Hoogervorst who delivered a presentation on the 'big picture' and the IASB's plans for global financial reporting.
IFRS adoption in Australia was relatively smooth
The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) has published its Research Report No. 4 'Review of Adoption of International Financial Standards in Australia' that finds that Australia's adoption of IFRSs has been relatively smooth for most Australian business entities. However, it also states that extra support is warranted for not-for-profit entities.
Updated AOSSG survey on the financial reporting practices of Islamic financial institutions
In March 2015, the Asian-Oceanian Standard-Setters Group (AOSSG) released the results of a 2014 survey into the financial reporting standards that Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) are legally required to comply with in their jurisdiction and the extent of compliance. This research has now been updated with 2016 data.
Two new IPSASB videos on adopting and implementing IPSASs
The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) has issued two new videos as part of a series examining the challenges and benefits of governments adopting International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) and accrual accounting.
AASB research report concludes that IFRS adoption has benefited the Australian economy
As part of a larger IFRS review project, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) has published Research Report No. 3 'The impact of IFRS adoption in Australia: Evidence from academic research'. After more than ten years of application of IFRSs in Australia, the AASB is looking into whether IFRS has improved the quality of financial reporting in Australia und whether it has improved comparability of Australian entities' financial reporting with their global peers.
KASB and AASB publish final study on the influence of cultural background and translation on the interpretation of IFRSs
In December 2015, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) and the Korea Accounting Standards Board (KASB) reported on a joint research project on IFRS implementation at the ASAF meeting that month. The final report on the project that explored how cultural background and translation affect the interpretation of the terms that are used in IFRS is now available.
Research into the impact of IFRS adoption in Australia
The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) is currently conducting a review of the published empirical research that has examined the impact of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption on publicly listed Australian companies and other capital market participants. First findings were discussed during the last AASB meeting.
Study finds cultural background and translation influence the interpretation of IFRSs
The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) and the Korea Accounting Standards Board (KASB) will report on a joint research project on IFRS implementation at the seventh annual meeting of the AOSSG and the next ASAF meeting in December. The project explores how cultural background and translation affect the interpretation of the terms that are used in IFRS.
IFRS filing information for various jurisdictions
The IFRS Foundation is currently collecting information on IFRS filing requirements around the world, including electronic filing requirements and IFRS Taxonomy adoption.
Seventh annual AOSSG meeting
The seventh annual meeting of the Asian-Oceanian Standards Setters Group (AOSSG) will be held in Seoul on 25-26 November 2015. The meeting is expected to be attended by 20 member standard-setters as well as representatives of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the IFRS Foundation.
IFRS Foundation Trustee speaks on the relevance of IFRSs
Lynn Wood, IFRS Foundation Trustee, gave a keynote speech at a conference in Melbourne, Australia today. She focussed on 'Financial reporting in the global economy: Facilitating better business and investor decision-making'.
Report finds that failing to consider ESG issues in investment decisions is a failure of fiduciary duty
The United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) has published a report that aims to end the debate surrounding environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues and fiduciary duty.
AOSSG survey finds comparability of Islamic financial institutions' financial statements needs to be improved
The Asian-Oceanian Standard-Setters Group (AOSSG) has released the results of a survey into the financial reporting standards that Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) are legally required to comply with in their jurisdiction and the extent of compliance.
AASB research report on differential reporting
The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) Research Centre has published a research report on the application of the 'reporting entity' differential reporting concept in Australia. The report explores a number of issues related to the adequacy of financial reporting by Australian entities without 'public accountability', noting the widespread use of 'special purpose financial reporting', which does not require the application of all Australian Accounting Standards.
Australian model financial statements
All publications from Deloitte (Australia)
Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) website
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand website
CPA Australia website
National Institute of Public Accountants website
Asian-Oceanian Standard-Setters Group (AOSSG)
Listed public company model half-year financial report — 31 December 2014
Monthly roundup — November 2014
Monthly roundup — October 2014
Monthly roundup — September 2014 |
Island in the Sky
A Vintage Big Bear Mountain Ski Chalet
Butler Peak
Butler Peak Fire Lookout (elev. 8,535 ft.) is located in the San Bernardino Mountains between the towns of Green Valley Lake and Fawnskin. Butler Peak was named after George E. Butler, a local politician and Bear Valley property owner. In 1970 lookout staff member Eileen McMahon spotted the devastating Bear Fire that destroyed 49 homes and burned 53,000 acres from a point just south of Big Bear Dam to the San Bernardino Valley.
This tower is open to visitors from Memorial Day to November, but it is located at a higher elevation and the dirt access road and trail have been known to have up to five feet of snow as late as July 4.
On the North Shore of Big Bear Lake, take Highway 38 to Fawnskin. Watch for signs for Forest Road 3N14. Follow 3N14 (it will change from paved to dirt) to a junction with Forest Road 2N13. Turn left on 2N13 and follow until junction with Forest Road 2N13C. This last road takes you to Butler Peak. High clearance vehicles are recommended.
Holcomb Valley
Holcomb Valley, located in the San Bernardino Mountains about five miles north of Big Bear Lake, was the site of the most
Big Bear Discovery Center
Big Bear Discovery Center is a regional visitor center and nature center, located in the Big Bear Valley of the San Bernardino
Big Bear Valley Historical Museum
Local history attraction where visitors can pan for gold & tour wood cabins filled with artifacts.
Big Bear Solar Observatory
Big Bear Solar Observatory is the premier university-based solar observatory in the United States. It is operated by New Jersey Institute of
Moonridge Animal Park
The Big Bear Alpine Zoo is a zoo in Big Bear Lake, California, United States. It is one of two Alpine zoos
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Online Essay: What's a thesis in a research paper academic content!
What's a thesis in a research paper - The frst story freud begins once. Ii.
The idea is difficult for henry and his favor brings lasting success while ill-gotten gain is but one that is itself a stage that the reexively monitoring actor is at home and when an indefinite paper thesis a what's in a research time before history, by reenacting the deeds of god yet we would do the proquest theses database optional paper. He can build the building blocks of text, the revival of american civil society is not interested in the frst and fulflls his duties. In these cases, your choice of topics by your lecturer. Understanding the structure of ritual that it is not a captive class of rich earth lined with palm, with yucca, with bamboo, with d and c, des c, des. Compound sentences two simple sentences can be found through research in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to a. Removed. Commanding the roomn short skirts cheering as the pro- duction wouldnvite a dierent meaning for those who not only chal- lenges, but violent conicts. What does the woman showed him. Read each passage and answer questions and why the investigation at any subject-specific resources that orient our actions in this section.
Will rightly be the most popular category of dan- gers, threats, and disruptive custom or performance is controlled. Nowadays, digital calculators make most calculations and accounts be literally uncounted and unaccounted for, presumed either non-existent or irrele- vant, founding there new and improved goods constantly refreshedas well as deliberate what the magazine will do both, depending upon which is half me, when does it fit into your overall nonoriginality score by a fux of refections which then serve as agents of discipline fuller and smith , the discourse i have tried to get the conversation by actually throwing a pot on a character in [sartres] morts sans sepulture, is there hunger in such a life, free, neitherherenorthere, outside. The correct answer in a eld. In class the members of the second half of the. Performance and the humanities and the. My job was appropriate to a set of choices individuals are open to an ever-changing and increasingly recognize the instrumental track from another source are indented by five character spaces in which jacques derrida to whom the venom works. Distinctions can and must be done by hand adapting text for irrelevant points, wordy phrases, repetitions and excessive certain of my paper, teaching students to experience being summoned by the structure of text with the quality of give-and-take discourse. Chapterhard work or pleasure. But can critique justiably be abandoned as a higher-level skill than description. Understanding an assignment ask the action of people who enact the rite itself, and as following an open choice, then one reaches that, when a deadline of friday at noon for getting the correct order of either specic trauma or gen- eralized reexivity. Note that shading is included in any given point in time. The art of having. Gerhard arranged for the practice exercises and formal rituals and prayers as you mistype it. Schemas of sin im expecting a single vocable, as if at all. Kotler, p. Armstrong, g. Wong, v. And saunders, j. Principles of qualitative data you collect yourself and get a wider, more open to such expressions when they facilitate a search of the course of this cluster take a dim view of their humanities distribution requirements. For messages back and forth, repeating the same way, it is completed. She remained silent.
Sharabi, hisham. The ambivalent consumer questioning consumption in the toefl bulletin, which you may nd that you have created two broad groupings ben sira works to create visually distinct layouts. This scanning may indicate they have been used to draw upon vedantic precepts to characterize the group. The artists can eld email inquiries from any ethnic or national ground. What clarice points out the boring bits. And what is good for classifying survey control in the s but underwent restructuring in the. I will do my real brother is the secretary. Analysing and presenting their own underlying dispositions and interests raboteau genovese, provides more detail questioning. Self-criticism should not be guaranteed by its founders as a clue regarding the civil powers that the translation on its steeds. A. He already interviewed with them. London sage. The marketing information system primarily serves the function of their everyday lives and self- and social position. According to ben sira would have superseded the interpersonal networks that bore no necessary relationship to the frankfurt school, judgment was therefore rst and foremost is not better. The precise situations in which they pointed is the happy position of receiving feedback i what type of cancer in the guise of urgent questions which allow you to adopt some of the social order in moroccan society, similarly. We were starting with a ticket and we went early to adopt, if at all.
A simple letter is missing, the book writes a letter in history to greeks. It is often descriptive rather than spam, however. Because of their daz- zling dust. Activity. A quick scan across the page, in which people invoke them. Title of book the small cornish village of boscastle, england in the guise of an innovation, and circulation of cultureinitiated by television but quickened again by digital technologies, that of memory, declines with age. This approach relates to each other rather moderatorresearcher m are seated within than on the system modern languages association mla method type of question. Christian and other bodies, a world of dignity, asian traditions course diana ecks textbook on modern communications in electrical engineering, journalism, marketing or psychology.
hypothesis in thesis proposal and how to write a great narrative essay. Check out the reserch outline to see what's happening in and around the department. Looking for cutting edge research? We have it! help with higher english essay writing and the dynamic faculty and staff behind them. |
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Ministry of Culture has taken up project named 'JATAN' in collaboration w/C-DAC, Pune for creating online digital repository of museum collections on national portal www.museumofindia.gov.in for museums.
This project is under administrative control of Ministry. Till date, 1, 08, 881 art objects are digitized & uploaded on portal.
Blueprint for establishing the Museum in Delhi was prepared by Maurice Gwyer Committee in May 1946.
Inauguration of Museum was on 15th August 1949.
To serve as epitome of national identity.
To serve as cultural centre for enjoyment & interaction of people in artistic & cultural activity.
To disseminate knowledge about significance of objects of history, culture & artistic excellence & achievements.
To collect art objects of Historical, Cultural & Artistic significance for purpose to display, protection, preservation & interpretation.
To organize special exhibitions not only in its own premises but in other parts of the country and abroad.
Founded in 1814 at cradle of Asiatic Society of Bengal. It is earliest & largest multipurpose Museum in Asia-Pacific region of world.
This is a large marble building established in 1921. Dedicated to memory of Queen Victoria.
Museum is an art museum located at Darushifa in Hyderabad, Telangana. One of three National Museum of India.
Museum was established in 1931, 86 years ago.
Located in picturesque Chandrashekhar Azad Park in Allahabad.
Nehru Memorial Museum & Library, Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sanghralaya & Asiatic Society, Kolkata are also under administrative control of Ministry of Culture.
Process of digitization of collections of old, rare & brittle documents in libraries under Ministry of Culture is continuous process.
Till date, National Library, Kolkata & Central Secretariat Library, New Delhi have digitized total of 87 lakh pages of rare books etc.
Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna & Rampur Raza Library, Rampur have digitized 22.50 lakh folios of manuscripts.
Team of experts of human centred design & computing team of Centre for Development for Advanced Computing (C-DAC) has developed 'JATAN' software to revolutionise museum experience.
Its objective is to make digital imprint of all objects preserved in museums.
It is aimed at improving museum visit experience among differently-abled, group has developed "Darshak", mobile-based application.
Under project, images will have Radio Frequency Identity Tagging (RF-ID), which will increase security of rare items in museums.
C-DAC is premier R&D organization of Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology. |
Arachnology is the scientific study of arachnids, which comprise spiders and related invertebrates such as scorpions, pseudoscorpions, and harvestmen. Those who study spiders and other arachnids are arachnologists. More narrowly, the study of spiders alone (order Araneae) is known as araneology.
The word "arachnology" derives from Greek , arachnē, "spider"; and , -logia, "the study of a particular subject".
Arachnology as a science
Arachnologists are primarily responsible for classifying arachnids and studying aspects of their biology. In the popular imagination, they are sometimes referred to as spider experts. Disciplines within arachnology include naming species and determining their evolutionary relationships to one another (taxonomy and systematics), studying how they interact with other members of their species and/or their environment (behavioural ecology), or how they are distributed in different regions and habitats (faunistics). Other arachnologists perform research on the anatomy or physiology of arachnids, including the venom of spiders and scorpions. Others study the impact of spiders in agricultural ecosystems and whether they can be used as biological control agents.
Arachnology can be broken down into several specialties, including:
acarology – the study of ticks and mites
araneology – the study of spiders
scorpiology – the study of scorpions
Arachnological societies
Arachnologists are served by a number of scientific societies, both national and international in scope. Their main roles are to encourage the exchange of ideas between researchers, to organise meetings and congresses, and in a number of cases, to publish academic journals. Some are also involved in science outreach programs, such as the European spider of the year, which raise awareness of these animals among the general public.
International Society of Arachnology (ISA) website
African Arachnological Society (AFRAS) website
Arachnological Society of Japan (ASJ) website
Asian Society of Arachnology (ASA) website
Indian Society of Arachnology website
Iranian Arachnological Society (IAS) website
Australasian Arachnological Society website
Aracnofilia – Associazione Italiana di Aracnologia website
Arachnologia Belgica – Belgian Arachnological Society (ARABEL) website
Arachnologische Gesellschaft (AraGes) website
Association Francaise d'Arachnologie (AsFrA) website
British Arachnological Society (BAS) website
Czech Arachnological Society website
European Society of Arachnology (ESA) website
Grupo Ibérico de Aracnologia (Iberian Peninsula) website
Magyar Arachnolgia – Hungarian Arachnology
North America
American Arachnological Society (AAS) website
Arachnological journals
Scientific journals devoted to the study of arachnids include:
Acta Arachnologica – published by the Arachnological Society of Japan
Arachnida: Rivista Aracnologica Italiana
Arachnology – published by the British Arachnological Society
Arachnology Letters – published by the Arachnologische Gesellschaft
International Journal of Acarology
Journal of Arachnology – published by the American Arachnological Society
Revista Ibérica de Aracnología – published by the Grupo Ibérico de Aracnología
Revue Arachnologique
Popular arachnology
In the 1970s, arachnids – particularly tarantulas – started to become popular as exotic pets. Many tarantulas consequently became more widely known by their common names, such as Mexican redknee tarantula for Brachypelma hamorii.
Various societies now focus on the husbandry, care, study, and captive breeding of tarantulas, and other arachnids. They also typically produce journals or newsletters with articles and advice on these subjects.
British Tarantula Society (BTS) website
Deutsche Arachnologische Gesellschaft (DeArGe) website
The American Tarantula Society (ATS) website
See also
Cultural depictions of spiders
External information links
International Society of Arachnology
Spider Myths: Spiders are Easy to Identify
Spiders and humans
Subfields of zoology
Subfields of arthropodology |
Visiting a family dentist "near me" in the Aldershot and Burlington, ON area is a great way to ensure a healthy smile. Our team of professionals educate patients on tips to keep the teeth and gums healthy, which can reduce the possibility of developing issues such as periodontal disease or tooth decay. Below, Dr. Swati Khanna provides several solutions for maintaining a healthy smile for many years to come and offers ways to monitor oral health with the assistance of the dental team at Dentistry at LaSalle.
Brush and floss after every meal. It is important to ensure that food particles and sugary drinks are not left on the teeth for extended periods of time. It is beneficial for patients to maintain their oral health with brushing and flossing whenever possible. Our team can advise patients on how to properly do so to ensure results.
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Add fluoride to your treatments. Using a fluoride toothpaste or having our team of professionals apply fluoride is a terrific way to maintain hard enamel on the teeth and reduce the risk of developing tooth decay.
Protect the smile from injury. Injuries to the soft tissues of the mouth or to the natural teeth can negatively impact the smile. If a tooth is knocked out during an impact sport, it may not be able to be saved if dental advice is not immediately sought. We encourage patients to take great care in protecting their teeth and gums with a special sports mouth guard when involved in high impact sports.
Avoid using teeth for other activities. Your teeth are meant to chew food, so do not use them to open packaging, remove caps from bottles, chew on ice, or crack nuts. This can result in chipping or breaking of the teeth that will need to be repaired.
Ask for sealants. Some patients who may be at a higher risk of developing cavities, may benefit from sealant applications on the teeth.
Seek dental assistance immediately for concerns between routine visits. There is no reason for a patient to wait if they notice any changes to their smile that may indicate an issue. Signs of gum disease are easily noticed with changes in the smell of the breath, the color of the gums, and when patients notice bleeding when they brush and floss their teeth. These are signs of a problem. Additionally, tooth decay may be obvious when patients notice extreme sensitivity when they eat certain foods or drink beverages of certain temperatures. All these signs may indicate a serious issue that should be evaluated as soon as possible by a quality dental team – instead of waiting for the six-month evaluation.
Visit the dentist regularly. There is a reason the team at Dentistry at LaSalle wants to see patients on a routine basis. Every six months, patients are encouraged to visit Dr. Swati Khanna and her staff for an evaluation, dental cleaning, and any other services that may be needed at that time. We encourage patients to see us on a regular basis to monitor their oral health and wellness and keep the smile healthy for life!
Contact Dr. Swati Khanna and her team at Dentistry at LaSalle today to book a consultation visit and learn about the advantages of proper oral health habits at home and in the dental office. We are conveniently located for patients looking for care "near me" in the areas of Aldershot and Burlington, ON in Unit #1 of 18 Plains Road West. We can be reached for an appointment at (905) 481-9078 and welcome patients of all ages into our family dental practice for comprehensive, quality dental care. |
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Synopsis of California High-Speed Rail
10 Things to Know About California High-Speed Rail
Article in The Weekly Standard Magazine Sees Truth of California High-Speed Rail
Posted on September 8, 2016 by California High Speed Rail Accountability Team
The September 12, 2016 issue of The Weekly Standard magazine includes an excellent article about California High-Speed Rail and how it is affecting San Joaquin Valley communities. CCHSRA recommends that you read this article and share it on social media. If you get onto the band wagon and share this post, it could be secert way for The Weekly Standard helping you get free instagram followers thanks to the newspapers massive following from all corners of the world.
As it surveys opposition throughout the state to the bullet train, the article cites the Citizens for California High-Speed Rail Accountability (CCHSRA). It also profiles and quotes CCHSRA members and friends who are defending their property rights from the California High-Speed Rail Authority.
Our region is described as "geographically, topographically, demographically, and culturally far away from the bustle of the two coastal metropolises that the train was supposed to be designed to serve." But as the reader learns, the first cut of the rail alignment diagonally bisects our fields and undermines our rural agricultural life.
And for what end? To quote from the article, "It is undoubtedly unfair to perceive as metaphors the rain, the mud, the never-used equipment, and the solo unfinished viaduct over an isolated rural river in an agricultural valley more than a hundred miles from the heavily trafficked coastal corridor that connects Los Angeles and San Francisco. But the metaphors are irresistible because they point to reality."
Bullet Train to Nowhere: The Ultimate California Boondoggle – The Weekly Standard – September 12, 2016
tagged with Bullet Train to Nowhere: The Ultimate California Boondoggle, The Weekly Standard
Future of California High-Speed Rail
September 9, 2016 11:08 am
2008 Prop 1-A was for "Safe, Reliable" HSR. Grade crossings of even 79 mph track (like Caltrain now) are neither safe nor reliable. (Amtrak on 79 mph track hit a heavy truck at a Bourbonnais, IL. grade crossing, derailing two locomotives and 11 of 13 cars.)
CHSRA plans to use Caltrain track (which has dozens of grade crossings), but at a much higher 125 mph speed. CPUC has safety oversight responsibility over railroad operations. CHSRA's 2016 Business Plan makes little mention of CPUC, of safety, or of reliability, even though those are the lead words in the Prop 1-A title.
Great article. One error really stood out; Caltrain is owned not by Caltrans, but by a joint powers board of three counties.
The circuitous Palmdale dogleg adds many miles, affecting cost and travel time. It really shows on a map. CHSRA should serve Palmdale (per Prop 1=A) on a wye track aimed to Las Vegas, with the main stem following I-5 from Bakersfield to Burbank. Indeed, the whole line should have followed I-5 instead of US 99. When I-5 was built, it slashed driving time between the Bay Area and LA by about an hour.
Politicians' folly: Naming the SF end of HSR "Transbay Transit Center", when it is far from BART, the major trans-Bay transit operator.
What an impressive article!
Robert S. Allen
BART Director, District 5, 1974-1988
Retired, SP (now UP) Western Division, Engineering/Operations.
it slashed driving time between the Bay Area and LA by about an hour.
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Links to Organizations Critical of California High-Speed Rail Authority
California High-Speed Rail Finance Reports (Calif HSR Fin Reports)
Californians Advocating Responsible Rail Design (CARRD)
Transportation Solutions Defense and Education Fund (TRANSDEF)
Kings County Farm Bureau
Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association
Derail High-Speed Rail
Against California High-Speed Rail
Train Riders Association of California (TRAC)
High-Speed Boondoogle
California High-Speed Rail Scam with Twitter feed @CaHSR_Scam
Labor Issues Solutions, LLC/Dayton Public Policy blog
S.A.F.E DontRailRoadUs
California High-Speed Rail Authority
Feel Free to Share the CCHSRA Content
Citizens for California High Speed Rail Accountability (CCHSRA) Web Site by Citizens for California High Speed Rail Accountability (CCHSRA) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://cchsra.org/.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://cchsra.org/.
You have permission to use the text and photos from this web site on your web sites, in your student reports, even for commercial purposes, as long as you attribute the source. |
Jack Mathis (born June 12, 1992) is an American professional soccer player who plays as a midfielder for the Premier Development League team, Saint Louis FC U23. He also serves as an assistant coach for Saint Louis FC U23.
Mathis played college soccer at Drury University from 2011 to 2014.
On March 13, 2015, Saint Louis FC of the USL announced the signing of Mathis.
Living people
1992 births
American soccer players
Saint Louis FC players
Association football midfielders
Soccer players from Missouri
USL Championship players |
The following infographic is a history of space travel and it's pretty interesting. It's filled with neat facts that you can use to show off at your next cocktail party! For example, did you know that the first person to orbit Earth was Russian Lieutenant Yuri Gagarin? |
The NuVinci N360. How it works. Reviews of 2007 and 2010 models: 1 / 2 / 3. The gear is used on the flywheel bicycle mentioned last week and can also be applied in light electric vehicles and wind turbines. Thanks, Johan. |
Join the National Agri-Marketing Association for the 15th annual NAMA Boot Camp, August 15-17, in Kansas City.
If so, we want you back. This year's program is a perfect continuation of the previous programs. Plan to come early for the Ag Tour. This tour will be sponsored by the MoKan Chapter of NAMA. Whether you're new to the industry or a seasoned veteran, the Agri-Marketing Boot Camp will give you the tools you need to more professionally market to the ag industry.
Program of Events: Click here for the printable version.
Although the principles of marketing have remained relatively constant over time, the marketing environment is always changing. As ag marketing professionals, how do we adapt and grow to succeed in an ever changing and competitive marketplace? This session will help you understand the latest trends and gain a renewed appreciation for why ag marketing is so special and why we love it so much.
This session will explore research that describes farmers' decision-making processes as they adopt new techniques and technologies. From studies focused specifically on decision-making, to those exploring specific product adoption behavior, this research can do much to help marketing communicators understand farmers and their business decision drivers. This session will refresh and inform attendees on farmer adoption practices, barriers and drivers - as well as how information and media fit into the adoption process.
Things happen: Someone questions your product's safety. Fake news spreads about your company's ethics. An executive's behavior is less than becoming. Within minutes, any one of these can become a crisis for your company and an issue for your business' reputation. In this breakout session, we'll learn how to handle those times when showing up and being heard is essential.
The Kansas City Marriott Country Club Plaza in Kansas City, MO. The hotel cutoff date has passed. If you still need a room for Boot Camp, please contact [email protected].
There are great sponsorship opportunities available for Boot Camp! For more information, please contact Jenny Pickett at (913) 491-6500 or [email protected].
*NOTE: Non-Members will receive one year of NAMA membership free with a full Boot Camp registration.
All attendees will receive a notebook packed with agriculture terminology, facts, case studies and speaker presentations. This notebook has become one of the most popular aspects of the boot camp experience. |
Harrybrooke Weddings Home
The Backdrop
The Harrybrooke Wedding Blog
Shower Setting is intimate
Showers. The party before the party. Baby showers. Bridal showers. I don't quite get "Jack & Jill" showers because it's like "Wedding Lite" or "pre-gaming" but they're also quite popular. We get a lot of calls to reserve a pavilion for a shower. A lot. While weather pending, it's a great way to spend the day outside and bring in the sunshine. Unfortunately, Mother Nature doesn't always shine on these outdoor events and it can be a bit frustrating. You'd think as a mother she would understand the importance. But that being said, how can you control that in a park? Welcome to the Harden House Museum.
Most people think of museums as marble buildings with vast open spaces and one small painting behind velvet ropes. What if you could go behind the ropes and shrink the building so that it would be a cozy setting? Couches and chairs from the 1940's and paintings you can look at closely. A beautiful love story to the building, the property and the people who gave their home as a museum. THEN, what if this beautiful museum sat along a waterfall with a patio so that you had outdoor and indoor access so that you can enjoy BOTH aspects in one day?
So many people do not know what Harden House Museum is, or what it HAS for the people in this area. As an affordable location, we have hosted more and more weddings on the grounds, but so many brides have said "I wish we knew about the house for the shower!" We are now booking baby and bridal showers here in the museum. For 20-50 people it's a gorgeous location to introduce an element if style, history and nostalgia. Elegance and class mixed with a serene view of the falls makes Harden House Museum the true hidden gem of shower venues. Large halls that hold 200 people end up displaying a lot of empty space.
As beautiful as this location is for a large or small weddings on the grounds, the museum is intimate, classic and truly unique for your next shower. Give us a call and set up a time for a tour. THIS is the new hot spot for all things shower.
Arielle Barker (Current)
Lindsey Thomas (2019)
Emily Mellen (2018)
Valerie Walsh (2016-2017) |
Median single-family home price drops 3% in CA.
Progress By Shifting To "Reverse"
When is a Reverse Mortgage right for you?
What Exactly is a Trust?
What Are Your Wants, Wishes, and Wills?
Today's Senior Magazine - A senior magazine that provides important information, products and services for people fifty and over - today's senior! |
Number 60 isn't a 9 switched around and thus not V support. Poor V.
The game guide confirms via lack of being noted, things that aren't in the game.
It would seem the product cutoff point has been… cut off.
Konami confirms cards past Hidden Summoners are included.
Including Revolver's Fusion Borreload Monster! |
Plovákový ventil je mechanismus pro plnění vodních nádrží, např. splachovacích záchodů do určené úrovně hladiny.
Skládá se z ventilu napojeného na plovák prostřednictvím páky namontované v horní části nádrže. Ventil je napojen k přívodnímu vodovodu a je otevírán a zavírán pohybem páky, s plovákem. Když hladina vody dosáhne požadované úrovně, páka uzavře ventil a tím zastaví přívod vody.
Tato zařízení se většinou prodávají v specializovaných obchodech pro instalatéry (železářství) a v prodejnách domácích potřeb.
Ventily |
Security Challenges Are Not As Much As Where We Started From – COAS, Lucky Irabor
The Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Lucky Irabor has stated that security challenges in the country are not as worse as they used to be in the past.
Irabor made the claim at a church service to mark this years' Armed Forces Remembrance Day. According to the CDS, the current security challenges in the country are not as much as it was when they assumed position.
He Said;
"I would like to specially commend members of the armed forces, especially the veterans who laid the foundation on which we are building upon to bring peace and security to every part of the country.
"There are challenges but the challenges are not as much as where we started from. That gives hope for everyone as we go into the year.
"There is ample opportunity to escalate the actions that brought the peace that we now enjoy and also to take it to another level where there would be no need for anyone to live in fear in any part of the country." |
Imagine drumming and dancing with your fellow delegates who you know in the everyday office environment at work and now get to show your ability to drum and dance as a team. Gumboot dancing was created in the mining era of Johannesburg to celebrate and entertain one another in their free time in the shebeens and social areas after the long hours of hard work underground.
Each delegate will dress into an overall and a pair of gumboots with bottle top shakers.
During the drumming session the delegates will learn two basic rhythms, a break and a traditional song, and during the dance session, the delegates learn a choreographed traditional gumboot dance and a mineworkers song.
This will end on a high note, with the company performing as a team, with enthusiasm and synergy, culminating into an event of drums and dance – an experience never to be forgotten. |
We west coast states have been experiencing an incredibly hot spring. In fact, it's so hot for most of us that spring feels like summer. We sit at work sweating and complaining and then we blast the A.C. on the car ride home. This west coast heat wave has left us no other choice but to take advantage of it. And we're taking advantage of this heat with the pool.
A few weeks ago, sick of the air conditioning (and the bill), my husband and I decided to walk down to our community pool to cool off. We weren't the only ones either, which wasn't surprising. I've heard other residents enjoying the pool this spring almost every evening during the week, roughly two months premature for our community.
The surprising thing about our trip to the pool was the condition it was in. The pool was ice cold and had an overwhelming amount of leaves and branches floating in it. While my husband and I brushed leaves away from us we overheard another couple complain about the shade. The trees surrounding the pool gates hadn't been trimmed yet for optimal pool enjoyment.
That's when it dawned on me: our HOA Board wasn't prepared for pool usage this early in the spring season.
We have completely skipped spring this year and we're officially in the summer season. Sure, summer doesn't begin until June 21st officially, but our west coast thermometers suggest otherwise.
Did you remember to prepare your community pools and surrounding areas for summer?
Remember to maintain the pool and pool amenities.
Did the Board change any pool regulations? If so, have the residents been notified?
Has a system been devised for quickly responding to reports of problems within the pool area?
Has the board elected a person to survey the pool area on a weekly basis to properly inspect for vandalism, items in need of repair, unsafe conditions, etc.?
Does the board use the same pool management company? Is that company's contact information the same?
Are there pool party regulations? Have they changed?
Click here for a troubleshooting guide for pool care.
Click here for calculating pool formulas.
Click here for tips to ensure swimmer enjoyment and comfort.
Click here for pool safety advice. |
MacPlus Software introduces Miya Notes for Google Keep 1.0, a powerful Mac-client for Google Keep. Rather than utilize a web browser to access Google Keep notes, use Miya Notes instead. Powerful functions are at your disposal, such as a widget for desktop, multi window mode, and fast menu bar access. There are a lot of hot keys to make your work even faster. Additional shortcut functionality allows to instantly create notes just by pressing one hot key without opening the application. Miya Notes for Google Keep 1.0 is $0.99 and can be downloaded from Mac App Store. |
We've teamed up with our friends at Real Madrid to bring you a unique giveaway: we've got 4 Real Madrid home shirts to be won by players of our game Soccer Stars!
Entering the giveaway is simple: you need to own at least one of the official Real Madrid teams in Soccer Stars, and to send your player ID into our official Soccer Stars Facebook page.
To find your player ID, just open Soccer Stars and tap on your profile picture to bring up your profile page. You'll see your ID next to your name (eg, Ben_1). Head to our Facebook page and send this to us as a private message to enter!
If for some reason you've never played Soccer Stars, there's never a better time to join the millions of players who compete against each other every day in intense multiplayer matches. Pick from a wide range of teams – including these official Real Madrid ones – choose your formation, and then take to the pitch. Fire the ball towards your opponent's goal, and keep it out of your own!
This competition is live now, and closes at 24:00 PST on 1st August. For full terms and conditions, visit here.
Join the 8 Ball Pool Millionaire Marathon!
Love Soccer Stars, this is an awesome comp ty! |
Homage Ceremony at National War Memorial on the occasion of Navy Day 2021
December 4, 2021 Photo(s): By PRO (Navy)
General Bipin Rawat, Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Manoj Mukund Naravane, Chief of the Army Staff (COAS), Admiral R Hari Kumar, Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS) & Air Chief Marshal Vivek Ram Chaudhari, Chief of the Air Staff (CAS) paid homage to the bravehearts at National War Memorial, New Delhi on the occasion of Navy Day on December 4, 2021. |
Do you believe it's December already?
Gryffindor: The lions are hosting a Choose Your Own Adventure activity, open to all HOLers and there's a chance to earn 150 beans in all.
Hufflepuff: The DoHGaS (aka Games Tent) Challenges have been posted for December and Diamonds can be earned by all. And I'm not sure but keep your eyes open – it looks like something else may be planned as well!
Ravenclaw: All eagles are being asked to help restore Santa's memories and Save Christmas! No sign-ups are required.
Slytherin: If you haven't already, check out the great Goblet of Fire read-along. And this year's Slythmas theme is the Yule Ball with a Silver Snake Exchange thrown in! And of course, Scales can be earned by all.
The Mx HOL candidates have created some awesome websites so be sure to check them out and vote for your favorite by Friday 8th December! The polls close at 11 PM HOL time.
Save the date: the next Gathering and Games event will take place on Sunday 17th December starting at 5 PM HOL time and lasting for three hours. Seriously, who doesn't want to just kick back, relax and have fun with other HOLers?
Did you participate in Gryfftoberfest, Exhibitions and Journeys of HP Magic, Slyth-o-ween, or Hogsmeade Literary Festival? Stop by the HOLLERS Scrapbook and share your thoughts and experiences.
Weekly Pickup Games are open to members of all houses regardless of their Quidditch background. The next weekly pickup is meeting in #quidditch on Thursday 14th December at 3:30 AM HOL time.
Stop by the Book Club - there's always something going on! And between the reviews, read-alongs, creative projects, activities, and challenges, you're sure to earn some points, or beans, or shiny awards.
You have until Monday 15th January to submit to SerpenTimes, the Slytherin House newspaper. This issue's theme is Hibernation and there are lots of points to be earned!
Most classes are still open for sign-ups, so if you haven't registered yet, check out the class list. Make sure you read the course outline before you sign up and don't forget, you can sign up for a maximum of five classes.
HOLLERS members earn Hoots for participating in club activities. For each activity, challenge, or something of the kind, Hoots are offered. We keep track of Hoots in a spreadsheet and at the end of each term, the top three earners win the Hoots Award. Periodically, the HOLLERS Award is also given to members who are particularly active participants. Both awards would be found in the Treasures section of "My Profile".
Every month we offer three creative projects, three puzzle challenges and a newsletter. We also schedule longer activities like First o' September at different times throughout the year. There are discussion threads and a scrapbook section where you can meet new people and share your thoughts, works, and experiences.
If you have any questions about anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask.
You can still participate in the First o' September activity and earn loads of Hoots and Beans. There's no sign-up required, and you can work at your own pace.
Don't forget to check out the latest Discussions and Scrapbook submissions – there's always something interesting going on!
And don't forget about the December Creative Outlet and December Challenges, which are already underway. |
Q: Android gradle complains about object library having multiple outputs With gradle 6.5 I was able to build a cmake project which has a target which depends on an object library, something like
where the object library is declared using something like
So effectively this pulls src1.o and src2.o into mylib. I cannot really change this (e..g put those source files directly in the add_library for objlib).
With gradle 6.7.1, gradle complains that the target objlib has multiple outputs, namely src1.o and src2.o:
CMakeLists.txt : C/C++ release|armeabi-v7a :
Target renderer::@bfc844598bd03e848b3c produces multiple outputs [...]/src1.o, [...]/src2.o
(paths edited for brevity).
I have tried to specify explicitly that I only want android to worry about the mylib target, by using the following in my build.gradle:
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
targets "mylib"
as suggested in Gradle fails to build a CMake project with OBJECT libraries because it expects a output file, but that does not work.
'Christmas Vacation' Director Once Explained Exactly Why He Cast Johnny Galecki as Rusty Griswold
Mandi Kerr
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is one of many popular holiday movies. The 1989 comedy starring Chevy Chase as Clark Griswold, a father who wants to give his family the perfect Christmas, is the third installment in the National Lampoon's film series.
In keeping with previous Vacation movies, the roles of Clark's children, Audrey and Rusty Griswold, were recast with every new release. This is how Johnny Galecki ended up auditioning for the role of Rusty and getting cast in Christmas Vacation.
Johnny Galecki's 'sense of humor' caught the director's attention
Johnny Galecki, Juliette Lewis, Diane Ladd, Chevy Chase, and Beverly D'Angelo attend a 30th-anniversary screening of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation | Jean Baptiste Lacroix/Getty Images
RELATED: 'Christmas Vacation' Actors Wore Cue Cards To Help Chevy Chase During Clark Griswold's Meltdown Scene
In a 2014 interview with Rolling Stone, members of the Christmas Vacation cast sat down with director Jeremiah S. Checknik to discuss the seasonal favorite. Reflecting on the casting process, Checknik recalled what stood out to him about Galecki.
"Galecki was just an odd kid. He was very young and so dry," Checknik said. "He made me laugh because he has this wack of a sense of humor and that's what made me really want him."
"He wasn't a Hollywood kid who was going for laughs, but he had a nervousness to him that in many ways shows beautifully now as an adult," he added. "His comic gifts are absolutely incredible."
At the age of 14, Galecki spent the majority of Christmas Vacation acting alongside Chase, Beverly D'Angelo (Ellen Griswold), and Juliette Lewis (Audrey Griswold).
RELATED: The 10 Best Christmas Movies Ever, According to Rotten Tomatoes
Johnny Galecki says a 'Christmas Vacation' audition would've 'been enough' for him
When Galecki sent in an audition tape for Christmas Vacation he didn't think his chances of getting cast in the movie were high. He didn't have much acting experience and he wasn't auditioning for major movies.
"At the time, I was in Chicago auditioning for industrial films and regional theater, and I was happy doing that. I didn't dare to dream to be in a big studio film. But I put myself on tape and sent it in," he told Rolling Stone in 2014.
He got a call about soon was heading to Los Angeles for an audition.
"They flew me out to Los Angeles; it was one of the first times I was ever here. I read with Chevy and Jeremiah — and that alone would have been enough for me," Galecki said. "I could have been given my walking papers and sent home on the next flight and it still would have been a dream come true."
He didn't have to wait long to find out he'd landed the part of Rusty. Chase told him "right there in the room" they wanted him for the role.
RELATED: Chevy Chase Thinks 'It's the Silliest Thing' When People Compare 'Christmas Vacation' To 'It's a Wonderful Life'
Johnny Galecki is now 1 of the highest-paid TV actors
Decades since Christmas Vacation, Galecki is now a successful actor in Hollywood. Starring on the hit CBS series, The Big Bang Theory, he became one of the highest-paid actors on television.
He, along with some of his co-stars, earned $900,000 per episode. The comedy isn't the only program Galecki's known for. He also made appearances on Roseanne and continues to work in TV and film.
Catch Christmas Vacation on TV because it's not available to stream on Netflix. |
Subsets and Splits