stringlengths 14
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dict | __index_level_0__
int64 0
Ренді Гаррісон (нар. 2 листопада 1977, Нашуа, штат Нью-Гемпшир), — американський актор, продюсер. Відомий своїм виконанням ролі Джастіна Тейлора в серіалі «Близькі друзі» каналу «Showtime».
Його батько — генеральний директор компанії, що займається паперовою промисловістю, мати — художниця, старший брат — менеджер банку. У віці 11 років Гаррісон переїхав з батьками до міста Альфаретта, штат Джорджія. Вчився у приватній середній школі Pace Academy, в Атланті.
Ренді зрозумів у ранньому дитинстві, що хоче бути актором, відразу після того, як батьки, яким не було з ким залишити хлопчика, взяли його з собою на виставу «Пітер Пен». Його театральна кар'єра почалася ще в шкільному театрі, де він грав безліч ролей, у тому числі головну в постановці Пітер Пен у 1992 році.
Ренді продовжив підкорювати сцену, беручи участь у театральних постановках по всій країні. Він зіграв у таких виставах, як: «Вестсайдська історія» () в театрі Forestburg Playhouse, «Сон в літню ніч» (), The Real Inspector Hound і A Cheever Evening.
У 2000 році отримав диплом бакалавра гарних мистецтв у напрямку мюзиклів, в Музичній консерваторії при Університеті Цинциннаті. Під час навчання він зіграв в таких постановках, як Hello Again, Shopping and Fucking і Children of Eden.
Його дебют як кіноактора відбувся у 2000 році в серіалі «Близькі друзі». У цьому серіалі він грав підлітка, який вчинив так званий «coming out», тобто перестав приховувати свою гомосексуальність, який упродовж серіалу стикається з гомофобією, приходить до тями після злочину на ґрунті ненависті, й перетворюється на самодостатню молоду людину.
У 2002 році Гаррісон отримав роль підлітка ім'ям Шон у телефільмі за однойменною п'єсою «Піф-паф ти мертвий» (). Того ж року Ренді разом з Марсі Адільман, подругою ще зі шкільних років, зіграли в п'єсі Deviant на найбільшому фестивалі експериментальних театрів, New York International Fringe Festival.
Влітку 2004 року відбувся бродвейський дебют Гаррісона — він грав роль Бока в мюзиклі «Зла» () за твором Грегорі Магвайр.
Навесні 2006 його запросили брати участь в Алабамському Фестивалі постановок Шекспіра, де він грав у виставі «Сон в літню ніч» ().
На початку 2007 він приєднався до акторського складу Театру «Ґатрі» (), де зіграв роль молодого Тома Вингфілда у постановці за п'єсою Теннессі Вільямса «Скляний звіринець» ().
Узимку 2007–2008, в Нью-Йорку, Гаррісон зіграв Хью Деспенсера-молодшого в постановці твору Крістофера Марло «Едуард II». Навесні 2008 року Ренді виступив у ролі Ероса в виставі за п'єсою шекспірівської «Антоній і Клеопатра». Останні кілька років Гаррісон є постійним учасником беркширського Театрального Фестивалю. У рамках цього фестивалю, в 2005 році Гаррісон виконав роль Алана Странга, головного героя в п'єсі «Еквус» (), після чого, в липні 2006 повернувся на головну сцену, щоб зіграти головну роль у виставі «Амадей» ().
Влітку 2007, він виконав дві ролі в рамках фестивалю: у липні він виступив як Біллі Біббіт у постановці «Пролітаючи над гніздом зозулі» за романом Кена Кізі, а в серпні — у ролі Френка Гарднера у виставі «Професія Місіс Воррен» за п'єсою Бернарда Шоу.
Влітку 2008 він виконав роль Лаки у спектаклі «В очікуванні Годо» (). Виступ Ренди привернуло увагу критиків, і послужило причиною безлічі утішних рецензій, в тому числі і в театральному браузері «Variety».
У 2006 році Гаррісон з подругою Марсі Адільман заснували «the Arts Bureau», широку організацію, що охоплює театральну і музичну діяльність, а також кіно й письменство. У липні 2007 Ренди і Марсі разом зіграли у першій п'єсі цієї ж організації — спектакль «Heartwarming story, ultimately» за творами А. П. Чехова. У кінці 2007—початку 2008 року Гаррісоні Адільман знялися разом у «Thinking», першій короткометражці «the Arts Bureau» представленій на декількох кінофестивалях.
Влітку 2008 року друзі зняли свій перший повнометражний художній фільм, «Return Shift Escape», у якому знову зіграли разом. Гаррісон запросив у картину свою колегу по «Антонію і Клеопатрі» Крістіну Корпуз, — у новому фільмі вона зіграла кохану Ренді.
Не любить говорити про своє особисте життя
Йому настільки подобається грати в театрі, що він навіть не хоче повертатися на ТБ
Улюблений письменник — Вільям Фолкнер, улюблений фільм — Бійцівський клуб
На лівому передпліччі в нього витатуйований маленький скорпіон (малюнок відповідає його знаку зодіаку)
на запитання, чи зустрічався він з ким-небудь у школі: «Ні, я ні з ким не зустрічався. Я був повністю поглинений грою в театрі. Тому на випускний бал я прийшов без хлопця. Наскільки я знаю, я був єдиним геєм у школі».
на сайті IMDB
на сайті facebook
Уродженці Нью-Гемпширу
Актори США
Випускники Університету Цинциннаті | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} | 50 |
Animal ecology (1) Apply Animal ecology filter
(-) Remove Miller, Sherri filter Miller, Sherri
(-) Remove Clinton, Barton D. filter Clinton, Barton D.
Chapter 33: Offshore Population Estimates of Marbled Murrelets in California
We devised a method of estimating population size of Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) found in California?s offshore waters. The method involves determining the distribution of birds from the shore outward to 6,000 m offshore. Applying this distribution to data from boat surveys, we derived population estimates and estimates of sampling...
C. John Ralph; Sherri L. Miller
In: Ralph, C. John; Hunt, George L., Jr.; Raphael, Martin G.; Piatt, John F., Technical Editors. 1995. Ecology and conservation of the Marbled Murrelet. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-152. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; p. p. 353-360
Recent population decline of the Marbled Murrelet in the Pacific Northwest
We document here a decline of nearly 30% in the Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) population of Washington, Oregon, and northern California between 2000 and 2010. The Northwest Forest Plan is an ecosystem-management plan for federal forest lands in the Pacific Northwest of the United States that incorporates monitoring to determine if...
Sherri L. Miller; Martin G. Raphael; Gary A. Falxa; Craig Strong; Jim Baldwin; Thomas Bloxton; Beth M. Galleher; Monique Lance; Deanna Lynch; Scott F. Pearson; C. John Ralph; Richard D. Young
Brachyramphus marmoratus, Marbled Murrelet, Northwest Forest Plan, old-growth forest, population decline, population trends, seabird.
The Condor. 114(4): 771-781
Ranking habitat for Marbled Murrelets: New conservation approach for species with uncertain detection
An essential element in the conservation of rare species is the ranking of some aspects of habitat quality. We developed a method to rank the importance of individual habitat patches to Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in 26 old-growth forest stands in northern California, using estimates of stand occupaqcy as an index of nesting activity...
Howard B. Stauffer; C. John Ralph; Sherri L. Miller
Binomial model, Brachyramphus marmoratus, California, USA, coastal redwoods, endangered species, habitat ranking, Marbled Murrelet, old-growth forest, presence-absence surveys, probability of detection, Sequoia sempervirens, uncertainty
Ecological Applications 14(5): 1374-1383
Northwest Forest Plan—the first 15 years (1994–2008): status and trend of nesting habitat for the marbled murrelet
The primary objectives of the effectiveness monitoring plan for the marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) include mapping baseline nesting habitat (at the start of the Northwest Forest Plan [the Plan]) and estimating changes in that habitat over time. Using vegetation data derived from satellite imagery, we modeled habitat suitability by...
Martin G. Raphael; Gary A. Falxa; Katie M. Dugger; Beth M. Galleher; Deanna Lynch; Sherri L. Miller; S. Kim Nelson; Richard D. Young
Marbled murrelet, monitoring, population, trends, nesting habitat, habitat modeling, Northwest Forest Plan.
Transient changes in transpiration, and stem and soil CO2 efflux in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) following fire-induced leaf area reduction
In 20-year-old longleaf pine, we examined short-term effects of reduced live leaf area (A L) via canopy scorching on sap flow (Q; kg H2O h?1), transpiration per unit leaf area (E L; mm day?1), stem CO2 efflux (R stem; ?mol m?2 s?1) and soil CO2 efflux (R soil; ?mol m?2 s?1) over a 2-week period during early summer. R stem and Q were measured at two positions (1.3-m or...
Barton Clinton; Chris Maier; Chelcy Ford; Robert Mitchell
fire, longleaf pine, sap flow, stem respiration, soil respiration, Ichauway
Northwest Forest Plan—the first 10 years (1994-2003): status and trends of populations and nesting habitat for the marbled murrelet.
The Northwest Forest Plan (the Plan) is a large-scale ecosystem management plan for federal land in the Pacific Northwest. Marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) populations and habitat were monitored to evaluate effectiveness of the Plan. The chapters in this volume summarize information on marbled murrelet ecology and present the monitoring...
Mark H. Huff; Martin G. Raphael; Sherri L. Miller; S. Kim Nelson; Jim Baldwin
Marbled murrelet, monitoring, population, trends, habitat modeling, nesting habitat, Northwest Forest Plan
Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-650. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 149 p
Status of the Marbled Murrelet in the inner north coast ranges of California
We sought to determine the presence or absence of marbled murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) within the northern Inner North Coast Ranges of northwestern California. We conducted murrelet surveys and collected environmental data during 1995 and 1996 on national forest lands that were south of the Klamath Mountains Section and within B....
John E. Hunter; Kristin N. Schmidt; Howard B. Stauffer; Sherri L. Miller; C. John Ralph; Lynn Roberts
Brachyramphus marmoratus, marbled murrelet, status, distribution, northwestern
Northwestern Naturalist, Vol. 79(3):92-103 | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 1,923 |
Q: Procedure in PL/SQL with create and cursor Can we have a Procedure with
First create a table suppose
create table INCOME_GROUP(income_compare_groups varchar(100)) ;
Then insert data into this table.
insert into INCOME_GROUP values (10-20);
Then Use this table into a cursor.
CURSOR c1 IS(select *from INCOME_GROUP);
For Example I am doing this.
create table INCOME_GROUP(income_compare_groups varchar(100)) ;
CURSOR c1 IS(select * income_Group);
FOR acct IN c1 LOOP -- process each row one at a time
INSERT INTO temp_test
VALUES (acct.income_compare_groups);
But I am getting some Error.
ORA-06550: line 2, column 4:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "CREATE" when expecting one of the following:
( begin case declare exit for goto if loop mod null pragma
raise return select update while with <an identifier>
<a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> <<
continue close current delete fetch lock insert open rollback
savepoint set sql execute commit forall merge pipe purge
After reading the comments I tried this -
income_compare_groups varchar(100)
(select * from
FOR acct IN c1 LOOP -- process each row one at a time
INSERT INTO temp_test
VALUES (acct.income_compare_groups, null);
But seems it is not creating table.!!!!
A: It must be like this:
v_income_compare_groups VARCHAR(100);
OPEN cur FOR 'SELECT * income_Group';
FETCH cur INTO v_income_compare_groups;
INSERT INTO temp_test VALUES (v_income_compare_groups);
CLOSE cur;
You have to use dynamic Cursor because when you compile the package then the table INCOME_GROUP does not exist yet and you would get an error at CURSOR c1 IS(select * income_Group);
However, there are several issue:
You will get an error if the table already exist. You have to check this first or write an exception handler.
The procedure is useless because you first create an (empty) table and then you select it - it will never select anything!
A: You can do it like this:
create or replace procedure cpy_inc_comp_grps
cur_1 sys_refcursor;
compare_group varchar2(100);
execute immediate 'create table income_group(income_compare_groups varchar2(100))';
open cur_1 for 'select income_compare_groups from income_group';
FETCH cur_1 INTO compare_group;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('INSERT INTO temp_test VALUES (rec.income_compare_groups');
close cur_1;
execute immediate 'drop table income_group';
And test it with the following code:
You have to replace the dbms_output.put_line(...) part with whatever inserts you want to do.
A: Try this.
execute immediate 'create table INCOME_GROUP(income_compare_groups varchar(100))';
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} | 2,020 |
Q: Is there a free profinite abelian group on a profinite set? Let $\mathit{Profinite}_{\mathrm{Ab}}$ be the category of profinite abelian groups, and let $\mathit{Profinite}_{\mathrm{Set}}$ be the category of profinite sets. Does the forgetful functor
$$\mathit{Profinite}_{\mathrm{Ab}} \to \mathit{Profinite}_{Sets}$$
admit a left adjoint?
I am a beginner to this kind of question; I do not even know if both the domain and codomain categories admit all small colimits.
A: Yes, the free functor (i.e. the left adjoint to the "forgetful" functor) exists.
Let $Ab^{fin}$ be the category of finite abelian groups and $Set^{fin}$ the category of finite sets. Because each of these categories are essentially small and have finite limits, the categories of pro-objects $Pro(Ab^{fin})$ and $Pro(Set^{fin})$ are complete and cocomplete. In fact, they are opposite to locally finitely presentable categories -- if $C$ is essentially small with finite limits then $Pro(C) \simeq Fun^{lex}(C,Set)^{op}$ where $Fun^{lex}$ denotes the category of finite-limit-preserving functors. So equivalently, we're asking whether the forgetful functor $Fun^{lex}(Ab^{fin}, Set) \to Fun^{lex}(Set^{fin}, Set)$ has a right adjoint.
The forgetful functor $U_!: Fun^{lex}(Ab^{fin}, Set) \to Fun^{lex}(Set^{fin}, Set)$ is by definition the left Kan extension $Lan_{y_{Ab^{fin}}} (y_{Set^{fin}}\circ U^{op})$ where $y_C: C^{op} \to Fun^{lex}(C,Set)$ is the co-Yoneda embedding and $U: Ab^{fin} \to Set^{fin}$ is the forgetful functor. If we look at the full presheaf categories $Fun(C,Set)$ rather than $Fun^{lex}(C,Set)$, the right adjoint to this exists and is given by the functor $U^\ast: Fun(Set^{fin},Set) \to Fun(Ab^{fin}, Set)$ given by precomposition by the forgetful functor $U: Ab^{fin} \to Set^{fin}$.
Since $U: Ab^{fin} \to Set^{fin}$ preserves finite limits, $U^\ast$ restricts to a functor $Fun^{lex}(Set^{fin}, Set) \to Fun^{lex}(Ab^{fin}, Set)$, and because $Fun^{lex}$ is a full subcategory of $Fun$, the same calculation as at the link above shows that this functor is the adjoint we are searching for.
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} | 3,353 |
Integration of data from sample surveys with information obtained through participatory techniques.
In response, SARPN has initiated a process of producing an annual review of poverty trends in the SADC region. The annual Poverty Report would be differentiated from other development publications by the centrality of civil society input, which would take the form of broad civil society interaction on an annual basis culminating in a high level annual publication.
Serve as an opportunity for SARPN to capture data relating to, as well as contributions from, civil society actors, for the Poverty Report. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 1,199 |
One of the best things of modern Swift is the introduction of KeyPath. It allows us to reference getters and setters as first class values in our code. With them you can simplify a bunch of code and make it less error prone. In this post I'm gonna evolve the groupBy function from GroupBy in Swift 2.0 to use this new functionality.
First of all let's recap what the functionality of groupBy is.
As you can see the groupBy function takes an array and groups it's elements in nested arrays based on a condition given by a closure that compares two instances.
Thanks to Swift extensions we can add this functionality to the Collection protocol itself.
The updated source code compatible with Swift 4 is available in GitHub.
Dictionary now has a generic initialiser init(grouping:by:) that allows us to group the elements of a Sequence.
This initialiser creates a Dictionary where each group is represented by a key and the values of that key are an array of all the elements on that group.
This is an interesting addition but the inconvenience is that we lose the original order of the array.
The original implementation of groupBy has the inconvenience that the given closure accepts two instances of the same object and you need to compare them.
This is the most flexible API possible as you give all the information to the caller to allow the best decision to be taken. But it's also really error prone. Everytime you see code like this be careful, there is a high chance that you are comparing the same instance!
Here is where KeyPath can be of a great help. Similar to the implementation of the Dictionary initialiser, the goal is to just have to give the property that we want to group by, so we can't make the error of comparing the wrong instances or values.
The Dictionary initialiser shows us a way, by returning in the closure the Key that needs to be used for grouping. This is also a flexible solution as it allows the caller to return an arbitrary key that it's not even part of the elements themselves.
But for my use case I prefer the simplicity of KeyPath. I can give the groupBy function a reference to the property that I want to be grouped by. And because KeyPath can drill down the properties of an object we can easily get the first character of a String.
This call returns the same as the original one with the closure but it's much shorter and concise. It really expresses the intention of "give me people grouped by first letter of their name", without the fuss of closure syntax and comparisons.
Remember that you can find the source code in available in GitHub. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 4,535 |
I often get asked what drew me to birding. Other outdoor pursuits like hunting or fishing or snowmobiling don't seem to require an explanation for participation, but people are perplexed by birding. You just go and look at them? Have you always wanted to fly? Are you some sort of scientist?
No, I'm not a scientist. The reasons why I love birding are many, but the "goal" of it - as I explain it to those inquiring minds - is "to see all the different kinds of birds there are."
"You mean like Pokemon?" One of my delightfully-nerdish friends responded. "You've 'Gotta Catch 'em All?'"
Now, I don't know anything about Pokemon and didn't know what the hell she was talking about. But you know what? Birding is a LOT like a real life version of Pokemon - a worldwide entertainment sensation that is played by, like, a billion kids. Making that connection explicit to the kids of today - and to the young adults who've outgrown Pokemon's demographic - may be the ticket to get a lot more people participating in and caring about birding.
Pokemon started in 1996 as a video game for Nintendo's Game Boy (n00b alert - I'll be cribbing from Wikipedia for this paragraph). The game's creator, Satoshi Tajiri-Oniwa, was inspired by his childhood passion of collecting insects. The thrust of the game is that characters named Trainers walk around in a landscape hoping to encounter - and then capture - wild creatures called Pokemon. Other stuff happens (apparently) once you have these guys captured, but seeking out all the different iterations of Pokemon is the focus.
Sound familiar? It sounds a lot like birding to me. One major difference I can see between birding and Pokemon is that kids around the world have bought more than 200 million Pokemon video games, watched 15 different Pokemon movies, played a trading card game, watched a TV show and generally gone bananas for Pokemon...popularity not at all shared by birding.
Seems like an opportunity to me. The "nature and environment" aspect of birding is essential, but I am still most attracted to the adventure of it. I think kids might be too, and if we can draw the comparisons. There are lots of organizations out there who are encouraging young people to start birding, maybe connecting birding to this Pokemon phenomenon is a good idea. Who knows, but at the very least, if a kid asks you why you like birding so much, just say Birding - Gotta Catch 'Em All! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 872 |
Simple luxury, this solitaire necklace displays an absolutely incredible 9-10mm Tahitian pearl with highly reflective luster, natural dark body color, slight green overtone and near flawless surface complexion. In the area where the chain enters the pearl we have mounted two 14k white gold bezel mount settings that allow the pearl to float freely on the chain creating a wonderful movement. This necklace is a top seller for us and we take great care in the selection of each and every Tahitian pearl. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 3,333 |
Voland's post on Merkel/Putin summit mentioned Syria and it got me to thinking ... What are we doing in Syria now?
On 7 April 2017 the United States launched a series of 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian Air Force base in Shayrat following the Khan Shaykhun chemical attack. Shortly after, the U.S. Central Command acknowledged the stationing of the U.S. "special forces" at Al-Tanf in Southern Syria since early 2016, after the U.S. troops were engaged in direct combat action against ISIL on 8 April.
In July 2017, it was reported that the Donald Trump Administration had decided to halt the CIA program to equip and train anti-government rebels, a move sought by Russia. According to David Ignatius, writing in The Washington Post, while the CIA program ultimately failed in its objective of removing Assad from power, it was hardly "bootless": "The program pumped many hundreds of millions of dollars to many dozens of militia groups. One knowledgeable official estimates that the CIA-backed fighters may have killed or wounded 100,000 Syrian soldiers and their allies over the past four years."
On 14 November 2017, the Foreign Ministry of Syria reaffirmed that it considered the presence of the U.S. forces, or any other foreign military presence, in Syria without the approval of the Syrian government ��an act of aggression and an attack on the sovereignty of the Syrian Arab Republic�� and rejected the U.S.�Œ attempt to connect the U.S. military presence in Syria with the settlement process.
In late November 2017, the U.S. government made it known that they intended to use the presence of U.S. troops in northern Syria, deployed there in support of the Kurdish-dominated SDF, to pressure president Assad to make concessions at the talks in Geneva. This intent was in mid-January 2018 clearly broadcast by Rex Tillerson, who said the Trump administration would maintain an open-ended military presence in Syria to counter Iran�Œs influence and oust Syrian president Bashar Assad. However in April 2018 the Saudi foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir, said that they were in discussions with the U.S. on finding replacement forces for the about 2,000 U.S. troops in Syria fighting Islamic State, to address the Trump administration's desire to withdraw them.
Given this, and that I haven't heard about Syria for a while from the media, I have to assume we are not so intent about Assad stepping down.
"The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Bashar al-Assad is standing in their way, ... His calls for dialogue and reform have rung hollow while he is imprisoning, torturing, and slaughtering his own people.
We have consistently said that President Assad must lead a democratic transition or get out of the way ... He has not led. For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step aside."
BUT, and despite Obama's executive order of sanctions against Syria, the CIA was training and equipping the rebels at least by later that same year... so much for not intervening.
Are we now abandoning our efforts to encourage and help the Syrian rebels? It seems we are, but why? What has changed (other than the president)?
Well, Assad is a strictly secular tyrant ( of the sort that the US support elsewhere as the alleged "lesser evil". Example : Egypt. unless they have a deal with the Russians of course). He is british-educated, wears italian suits and loves german cars. In "his" Syria alcohol is freely available on supermarket shelves, many or most women wear no islamic dresses at all and reach also top positions, and religious tolerance is imposed from above ( Assad is a member of a minority himself, the Alawites). That is also why his armed forces, party and public services include plenty of Christians. Not neccessarily out of pure love, but because they prefer a predictable tyrant that protects them out of self interest to a pro-saudi rebel governement that pays lip services to western values as long as the money is coming in. And just as long as the money is coming in.
Yet Assad also rules his country at gunpoint, just as his old man did. The fact that he is not bothered by religious or political dogma is nowhere else on more open display than by viewing his alliance with Iran. That is ideologically worlds apart ( arguably further than the US) but handy as an ally.
Assad looks likely to stay, yet one shouldn´t confuse a few things. The Russians are capable to bomb any open armed resistance out of the way. What they won´t be able to is to re-establish his grip on the country for him, without sending in ground troops. And Assads own armed forces are exhausted, overstretched and understaffed after seven years of war. Sending in ground troops however is something that Putin will avoid like the devil the holy water. The reason is called Afghanistan, which is also a russian trauma.
But the real problem isn´t the person Assad. Obviously he could be replaced by someone from his camp. The real problem is the dysfunctional nature of the state of Syria, "created" by drawing lines on a map between colonial powers zones of influence. Without regards for minorities, majorities, enimities, alliances, religions etc. The consequence of that was the Assad dictatorship, keeping the knots together by brute force, that borrowed a few pages from the Ottomans. Such as divide and rule. Uniting the minorities to rule the majority ( sunnite Arabs).
Yet reinstating Assad won´t solve anything at all. Too much blood has been shed and many regions of Syria just won´t accept an Assad ruling over them again, even if the official rebel force has been smashed. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 3,772 |
Q: What files do I need to recover MySQL databases from Ubuntu? I have a now non-bootable install of Ubuntu. What files do I need to copy to backup all of the MySQL databases (including database users and permissions)?
A: Since you don't have any dumps, you want the files in /var/lib/mysql/<dbname>. Since the system won't boot, I would boot with a live cd a mount the hard drive read only.
It should be okay if the DB was not running when when it shut down. If it was running, there might be some corruption. There might also be some file system corruption since it won't boot. Here is a post on recovering databases when they are in a unclean state.
In the future, the proper way to backup databases (if you don't use special software for it) is to create a dump of the database, and then back up those dumps.
A: The database dumps.
You might be able to copy the data directory to another machine and stand up mysql there. But you will have better luck with actual dumps.
man mysqldump.
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
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'I Accepted That I Could Potentially Get Killed That Night'
Meet Aryana Sayeed, the feminist Afghan pop star ready to raise hell for her belief.
By Grace Banks
When ELLE speaks with Aryana Sayeed, she is fresh off the Bama Multicultural Music Awards stage in Hamburg. After accepting the Afghan Icon Award, the singer stepped down safely off the podium.
In any other circumstance, that nugget of information wouldn't be particularly significant, but Sayeed has risked her life to step down safely off podiums. Back in August, she was scheduled to perform at the Ghazi Stadium in her native Kabul, Afghanistan. The same place where, during Taliban rule, women were regularly shot dead in front of thousands of people for small crimes without any court or trial.
'There were planned protests by extremist groups so the Afghan Police and Afghan Army made us cancel the concert because it was so unsafe. I insisted that even if I have to go on the street to perform and get killed, I'll still go ahead with the show. So it was moved to a local hotel where thousands of people still attended,' she tells ELLE, triumphantly, 'During the concert performance itself, quite honestly I had accepted that I could potentially get killed that night.'
A post shared by 𝝠𝗥𝗬𝝠𝗡𝝠 𝗦𝝠𝗬𝗘𝗘𝗗 👑 آریانا سعید (@aryanasayeedofficial)
The 32-year-old singer has become Afghanistan's biggest pop star, and it's largely down to this kind of activism. She also has garnered a feminist following among millennial Afghans like no other woman has ever received. It's an intimidating role that she bears with pride. 'If I shy away from the responsibility that comes with my platform, I wouldn't be comfortable with myself,' she says.
The artist describes the themes of her music as a balance between campaigning for the rights of Afghan Women and pure entertainment. She was a coach on The Voice Afghanistan and is responsible for bringing 'live singing' back to the country. 'The extremist Taliban government banned music all together,' she explains. 'Until the time I returned to Afghanistan, the new generation of singers would primarily perform in playback format. My first ever concert in Afghanistan was with a full live band and I sang live, which was a refreshing experience for the Afghan population in general.'
She's amazing, clearly, but not everyone is pleased. While her formidable mix of self-possession and raw artistic talent has resonated with people across the world (290K Instagram followers and counting), she also receives daily death threats from ereligious extremists through to the media.
'During Ramadan a TV station called Noorin TV have a one hour show with a Mullah (Islamic Priest) as their guest and the whole time they would talk about me. Their discussion was about how I was corrupting the society by singing and dancing and how I was misleading the Women of Afghanistan to pursue the wrong path. On the thirteenth night, all these priests came together and as a group they issued a Fatwaah (Islamic call for action) that said anyone out there who cuts off my head and brings it to them would go to Heaven. That probably was the scariest moment for me.'
Aryana, who identifies as Muslim, tells me she knows exactly why people are intimidated.
'I encourage people to use their own brains and pursue their own way of life. This doesn't mean that I try to sidetrack them from following their religion. The extremists, however, use the name of religion to suppress women, to force their way of life on others. The important fact is that the religion we follow, our holy book, is in Arabic while unofficially I can tell you that less than 2% of the population actually understands Arabic.
'Hence, the majority of the population does not understand even the words they recite when they pray five times a day. It is the Mullahs, most of whom are extremists themselves, who dictate to the general population what the religion is all about and many of them are illiterate in Arabic themselves. Because of my influence and since I try to free women especially, they get intimidated by me and try to cause any and every type of harm possible.'
Aryana is without a doubt an entertainer, in possession of a talent, beauty and glamour that could put her in the hall of fame with some of the most iconic chanteuses of the 20th Century. But at the forefront of her art is women's rights in Afghanistan. Sixteen years after the end of brutal Taliban rule, in which women's rights were shattered, the biggest challenge to women and girls in Afghanistan is 'the fact that they are inhumanely suppressed.'
'Women in Afghanistan mostly do not have the right to make any decisions for themselves, not even when it comes to choosing their life partner,' she says.
Aryana's parents fled Afghanistan when she was a teenager, and she has lived in London since. Do we take things for granted in the Western World? Aryana nods. 'The fact I have the freedom to go shopping or for a coffee without the fear of being killed is definitely a blessing'— but she remains an advocate for Afghanistan feminism, a movement which is alive and booming but rarely reported on.
As a high profile woman, she's aware of the relative privilege that position offers her. In Afghanistan it's difficult for women to appear on TV because most TV stations are run by male gatekeepers (with the exception of Zan TV, the country's first ever women-run TV station).
'In my case, because of my following and because of the fact that I would generate more audience for the TV stations, I get approached to appear on various TV shows and interviews, which isn't the case for the average woman.'
With this knowledge in mind, her profile growing and a film about her life in the works, the singer is now even more determined to use her platform to give hope and strength to women in Afghanistan.
'Women in Afghanistan are primarily treated as secondary to men' she says, 'we are suppressed, abused — physically and emotionally — and treated no lesser than prisoners in their own homes. An artist like myself plays a crucial role in restoring hope for people and to provide them a ray of light for a better tomorrow.'
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South Africa-Netherlands ODI series called off amidst COVID-19 fears
A new variant of COVID-19 is gripping South Africa
Sam Abraham November 27, 2021, 1:56 pm 2k Views
Netherlands team (Image Credit: Twitter)
Amidst the growing fears of a new variant of Covid-19 in South Africa, the three-match ODI series between the Proteas and Netherlands have been called off. The series got underway yesterday, November 26. However, the match could not be completed due to rain. The cricket boards of both teams mutually decided to abandon the series for safety of the players. They will now look to reschedule the series in 2023.
The new variant of COVID-19 is assumed to be far more lethal and deadly. It is learned that the virus is resistant to many vaccines and can cause more severe symptoms. Consequently, many European countries have started banning flights from South Africa.
Cricket South Africa Acting CEO Pholetsi Moseki was disappointed by the turn of events but said the mental health and safety of players were the top priority. "We are disappointed by the unfortunate situation we find ourselves in, but the comfort of all visiting teams must always be paramount. The mental well-being of players is one of CSA's top priorities, and we respect our visitors' position and point of view," Moseki said
"CSA and KNCB will get into discussions around possibly rescheduling the tour within this cycle of the ICC Future Tours Programme ending in 2023," he added.
Netherlands Cricket Board chairman, Jurgen Delfos said, "We are saddened by these circumstances, but are grateful to Cricket South Africa for their assistance and understanding of our team's position. It must be made clear that the concerns are strictly over travel issues and how soon the team can get home and have nothing to do with the integrity of the Bio-Secure Environment (BSE) that CSA has successfully hosted. Our team has been pleased with every aspect of the organisation of the tour and have been well treated by our hosts."
"We have been looking forward to this series against the Proteas for some time and are keen on returning to South Africa in the near future," he added.
Meanwhile, the recent developments have put India's tour of South Africa in jeopardy. The teams are set to play three Tests, as many ODIs and four T20Is in December – January. As of now, BCCI are keen on going ahead with the tour. However, they will keep monitoring the COVID-19 situation in the country and will take a final call before the team's departure for South Africa in the second week of December.
CricketSouth AfricaCricket News
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'I'm not embarrassed as I didn't do anything wrong' : Viral Kanpur guy opens up on social media trolling
'I have always received a warm welcome in Karachi' :Sania Mirza | {
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namespace Topxia\Api\Resource\Classroom;
use Silex\Application;
use Topxia\Common\ArrayToolkit;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Topxia\Api\Resource\BaseResource;
class Members extends BaseResource
public function get(Application $app, Request $request, $classroomId)
$conditions = array('classroomId' => $classroomId);
$start = $request->query->get('start', 0);
$limit = $request->query->get('limit', 10);
$total = $this->getClassroomService()->searchMemberCount($conditions);
$members = $this->getClassroomService()->searchMembers($conditions, array('createdTime', 'DESC'), $start, $limit);
$users = $this->getUserService()->findUsersByIds(ArrayToolkit::column($members, 'userId'));
foreach ($members as &$member) {
$member['user'] = empty($users[$member['userId']]) ? null : $users[$member['userId']];
return $this->wrap($this->filter($members), $total);
public function filter($res)
return $this->multicallFilter('Classroom/Member', $res);
protected function getUserService()
return $this->getServiceKernel()->createService('User.UserService');
protected function getClassroomService()
return $this->getServiceKernel()->createService('Classroom:Classroom.ClassroomService');
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub"
} | 7,090 |
The Crossing by Michael Connelly
Harry Bosch crosses the line to team up with Lincoln Lawyer Mickey Haller in the new thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Michael Connelly.
Detective Harry Bosch has retired from the LAPD, but his half-brother, defense attorney Mickey Haller, needs his help. A woman has been brutally murdered in her bed and all evidence points to Haller's client, a former gang member turned family man. Though the murder rap seems ironclad, Mickey is sure it's a setup.
Bosch doesn't want anything to do with crossing the aisle to work for the defense. He feels it will undo all the good he's done in his thirty years as a homicide cop. But Mickey promises to let the chips fall where they may. If Harry proves that his client did it, under the rules of discovery, they are obliged to turn over the evidence to the prosecution.
Though it goes against all his instincts, Bosch reluctantly takes the case. The prosecution's file just has too many holes and he has to find out for himself: if Haller's client didn't do it, then who did? With the secret help of his former LAPD partner Lucy Soto, Harry starts digging. Soon his investigation leads him inside the police department, where he realizes that the killer he's been tracking has also been tracking him.
Thrilling, fast-paced, and impossible to put down, The Crossing shows without a shadow of doubt that Connelly is "a master of building suspense" (Wall Street Journal).
Published October 6th 2016 by Orion
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ReviewMotorcycle Helmet ReviewsFull-Face Helmet ReviewsShark
Shark RSF 3 Helmet Review
Bill C April 11, 2009
Shark RSF 3 Motorcycle Helmet
The Shark RSF 3 apparently replaces the late and lamented RSX in the Shark helmet lineup for 2009.
The RSF 3 is an update to the popular RSF2i.
It has typical Shark quality and focus on safety as do all of the other Shark helmets in my experience.
After wearing the new Shark RSF 3 for the past few weeks, I've come to the conclusion that Shark is now my favorite motorcycle helmet manufacturer.
The company makes what I think are the highest quality motorcycle helmets available.
All of the Shark helmets I've seen have beautiful graphics combined with an outstanding surface finish with thick clear coat.
The parts always seem to work as expected and everything feels tight and secure and the helmets just feel strong and safe.
The padding and liner material is typically soft and comfortable.
And one of the best things about the company is their total dedication to safety, with helmet shells and special EPS shapes designed to spread the impact in a way that will hopefully minimize injury to the rider.
The RSF 3 is new for 2009 (although it was first released in 2008) and follows that same Shark tradition.
The only thing that might be an issue for some is that Shark helmets seem to all have an internal fit biased towards the long oval.
If only Shark would realize that there's more than one head shape, I do believe they'd be the Helmet Kings of the World.
By the way, this is not a problem that is just isolated to Shark; all of the other helmet manufacturers, with the exception of Arai, don't yet understand or haven't made the effort to address different head shapes.
Why they let Arai own the market for this feature is beyond me.
But, in any case, you pretty much can't go wrong with a Shark helmet, in my opinion.
Where to Buy Shark RSF 3 Helmet
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The Shark RSF 3
The RSF 3 apparently replaces the fantastic RSX (review) in the Shark helmet lineup. No word that I know of from Shark on whether or not the RSX will be continued as a next generation.
So the demise of the RSX thins out the Shark lineup somewhat; the RSF 3 apparently will fill that role. The RSF has a heritage also; it has been evolved from the RSF2i, which was a popular helmet in Europe.
The RSX is probably the most solid, highest-quality helmet I've ever experienced — and it also had that thick 3 mm visor.
From my reading of Shark's marketing brochure, it looks like only the RSR2, which is Shark's top-of-the-line race helmet, will continue with a 3 mm visor in 2009, and I think that's a big mistake.
The 3 mm visor was a unique characteristic of Shark helmets that distinguished them from the rest of the competition.
It also worked better, in my opinion, because the thick polycarbonate kept the visor from flexing as it was rotated up and down, which is a pet peeve of mine.
Plus, the 3 mm thick visor was safer — Shark themselves tout the 3 mm thick visor on the RSR2 as "F1 type, enhanced safety".
For a company that is so focused on technology and motorcycle helmet safety, it just seems strange to go to the same thickness visor that everyone else is using.
Could it have been a matter of cost? Who knows, but I can't believe that extra millimeter would cost all that much more?
How about it Shark? At the very least, offer it as an option for all your helmets. I'd pay extra for it!
I will grudgingly admit though that in reality, few owners may notice the difference. We measured the visor on the RSF 3 shown here at 2.1 mm thick, which is actually about 0.1 mm under the average helmet visor thickness.
It works well (I'm getting ahead of myself here) in all other respects, as you'll learn when I get to the visor section, although it does not have the same never-twist feel of the 3 mm version on the RSX.
Paint, Graphics and Overall Quality
Visor aside, what we have here is a very nice helmet, very well made, with an excellent and super-shiny clear coat. All of the parts fit perfectly and everything lines up evenly with very close tolerances, and all works with precision.
The visor does fit very tightly to the helmet shell with a tolerance rarely — if ever — seen on motorcycle helmets.
The RSF 3 eye port also includes a nice, thick gasket around the entire circumference.
Shark has been expanding and experimenting with artistic graphics patterns over the last couple of years — the art department is now just as important for selling helmets as anything else — and the dark charcoal "Kobe" pattern shown here is a winner.
It has a subtle design with some depth that isn't apparent in the photographs. The pattern looks like a decal under the clear coat, which creates a few raised edges here and there at the edges of the decals.
These can be felt where the decal meets the paint, and this may bother those who sit and stroke their helmets at night.
There are many color patterns available in the RSF 3 model, but for those who like dark or black helmets (and there are many), this Kobe design has the look while still offering a big dose of style.
The clear coat is excellent and almost as smooth and shiny as the DOT version of the Shark Evoline we reviewed recently, which is a stunner.
You can see in these photos that it was very hard to keep the studio lighting reflections off the very glossy RSF 3 surface as we were taking the photographs.
Score: Overall, I'll give the Shark RSF 3 an "Outstanding" rating for the paint and the finish and overall quality. See the ratings scale in the summary table at the bottom of this page.
Helmet Shape and Fit
Most of the Shark helmets I've tried fit me without problems, but I was asked to evaluate the RSF 3 because the Editor has a much rounder head, which isn't quite compatible with the fit of the RSF 3.
I've worn the Shark RSX many times, and my feeling is that the RSF 3 and that helmet have an identical internal shape, so they fit the same. The RSF 3 shown here is a size XL, and I probably could have used a size large instead, but it's close enough.
For reference, other helmets that fit like the RSF 3 include the Scorpion EXO-700, which I think has a very similar internal shape as the RSF 3; also the Fulmer D4 we reviewed recently and the AGV Stealth.
The fit of the RSF 3 is not quite as round as the Shoei RF1000 and Rick says it's definitely not as round as the Arai Quantum II.
If you read the webBikeWorld review of the Shark Evoline DOT, you'll notice that the same helmets were used in comparison to the fit of the Evoline, which tells me that Shark as a template for head shapes that they're using in most or all of their helmets.
The Shark RSi is even more "long oval", and the S 650 is probably closer to the RSi than the RSF 3 also.
I know the Editor and others have a wish that Shark would make a helmet with an internal fit specifically designed for round shaped heads.
This could increase the customer base, so it's not clear why Shark — and other helmet manufacturers — don't add different internal shapes to their product lines.
It would be nice if all human heads came in the same shape, then we wouldn't have to worry about that, but they absolutely don't, so why make a helmet that only fits one shape?
Nevertheless, for me — and, I suppose, for the majority of motorcyclists — the RSF 3 is a "neutral" to "long oval" shape that fits just fine.
In terms of sizing, the XL fits as expected for an XL; I'd guess a 61-62.5 cm head in the correct shape would be perfect.
For more information on helmet sizing, see the wBW Motorcycle Helmet FAQ for a discussion on choosing and fitting a motorcycle helmet and an illustration of human head shapes.
And don't forget that choosing the correct helmet shape is crucial for both comfort and safety.
Like the Shark Evoline, the RSF 3 has a "deep" shell shape that comes down lower than my chin.
We believe that some of the European helmets are being redesigned with a deeper chin bar and helmet shell to meet SHARP helmet safety standards (our report).
The chin bar seems noticeably taller or deeper than other helmets.
This has some benefits, because it may help keep the noise low and, along with the standard chin curtain on the RSF 3, it blocks a lot of unwanted air from rising up from under the helmet.
On the other hand, the RSF 3 does not have vent passages through the chin bar, so the combination of the chin curtain and larger than average chin bar can make it a bit toasty inside.
Score: I'll give the Shark RSF 3 an "Excellent" rating for the fit and shell shape.
Helmet Liner and Padding
Some inexpensive helmets (and some expensive helmets too) use lining materials and padding that just aren't very comfortable.
It's not that they're terribly uncomfortable; it's just that when compared to helmets like the Shark RSF 3 and helmets made by Arai and maybe some others, there is a difference.
Shark helmets as a rule have very comfortable lining material and form-fitting padding, and the RSF 3 is also excellent in that respect.
The lining feels very similar to the comfortable material used in the RSX, and the padding and construction of the liner lends an overall feeling of quality to this helmet.
The lining is fully removable and I'm assuming that different sized cheek pads are available, like they are for the RSX, although I can't confirm this.
Score: I'll give the Shark RSF 3 an "Outstanding" rating for the liner, padding and interior comfort.
The RSF 3 has what looks like an evolution of the Shark top vent design that I first experienced on the original Shark RSR.
This "sugar scoop" top vent is — or was — almost a Shark trademark. It worked pretty nicely the past and overall I'd say it works well on the RSF 3.
A small serrated wheel is turned back and forth to open and close the vent on the RSF 3. The wheel could probably be larger, and the detents stronger, but in general it works well and the top vent does seem to provide an adequate, if not overwhelming, amount of air flow.
The EPS liner inside the helmet has channels and there are vent holes through the lining to let in the air.
The vent does whistle slightly at certain angle of attacks, caused by air rushing over the opening. When the vent is closed, the noise all but disappears.
The chin vent also has the serrated wheel and you'll have to remember that left is open and right is closed.
This isn't very intuitive; I think it would have been better to duplicate the vertical movement used on the top vent, with down for closed and up for open on the chin vent also.
While the chin vent opening may appear large on the outside, the horizontal switch only works to slide a series of "teeth" back and forth across other teeth to open or close the vent, much like the system used by KBC.
So the vent opening is immediately only 50% efficient, because half of the surface area is blocked by the closed teeth.
The big disappointment is that the RSF3's chin bar does not have air vent passages, so what air does enter the chin vent only flows up in back of the visor and not directly on to the rider's face.
The combination of the deep chin bar, the large chin curtain and the small vent with no holes in the chin bar results in a hot environment for the lower part of the face.
I had to remove the chin curtain on this helmet, which helps by allowing air to flow up from underneath the chin bar. I think that a pair of direct air passages through the chin bar would be a better idea.
But I wonder if yet again the helmet is being designed to meet SHARP testing and perhaps holes in the chin bar would give it a lower score?
Score: I'll have to give the Shark RSF 3 a "Good" rating for ventilation, with the top vents providing what I think is slightly better than average ventilation but the chin vent system drops the score.
wBW Video: Shark RSF 3
The Shark RSF 3 is generally quieter than average, in my opinion, compared to other helmets I've reviewed or which I wear. The large and deep shell with thick padding and, for me, a good fit, conspire to keep noise levels relatively low.
The top vent does tend to whistle slightly, but it's not that loud and probably more noticeable only because of the relatively low noise levels otherwise.
I notice no undue rumbling or low-frequency booming from underneath when riding behind a short fairing — it's there, but I believe the deeper shell shape helps to attenuate the volume.
As always, for more information on helmet noise, visit the wBW Motorcycle Helmet Noise page.
Also, note that we always wear high-quality, correctly fitted ear plugs when riding — see the wBWEarplugs and Hearing Protection page for more information on choosing and wearing earplugs.
If you don't wear ear plugs, all bets are off — every motorcycle helmet is dangerously noisy, in our opinion, and your hearing is as precious as your eyesight, so don't mess with it. Wear ear plugs.
Also, different riders will experienced different noise levels due to a variety of factors including most importantly the fit of the helmet to the rider's head; ear plugs; motorcycle type; windscreens; neck shape and even clothing.
Score: I'll have to give the Shark RSF 3 an "Excellent" rating for overall slightly lower than average noise levels.
The clear face shield has 6 detents to hold it open as it rotates upwards. It starts with a small demisting opening and goes up from there.
This is different from the Shark RSX, which has a continuous friction held visor opening system. The visor is optically very clear with no distortion.
The visor seems relatively firm and not flexy, even though it's 33% thinner than the 3 mm thick visor on the Shark RSX. I think the new visor rotating system with its large round buttons on the side of the helmet helps to allow the visor to rotate up and down with less binding.
The visor also now includes a lifting tab on the lower left, which is different than the RSX, which had no tab but an indent in the helmet shell.
The new push-button visor removal system works well. Lift the visor all the way and push in the (stiff feeling) button on the side and the visor pops off (demonstrated in the video below).
Push the button again to replace the visor. It's better to do this with the helmet on a table facing away from you.
The visor is coated with and anti-fog and anti-scratch treatment, and it does seem to work well to prevent fogging, which is important due to the more confined feeling behind the large chin bar.
The visibility from the eye port is about average. It's somewhat better than the RSX, which limited the peripheral vision due to its narrow dimensions. But the large/tall chin bar on the RSF3 does slightly impede downward vision, and the side-to-side vision through the eye port is only average.
Score: The Shark RSF 3 gets an "Excellent" rating for visor quality and operation. It could have been an "Outstanding" if the visor was thicker!
Helmet Weight
The Shark RSF 3 in size XL shown here weighs a light 1504 grams (3 lbs., 5.0 oz.). This is actually very light, and the RSF 3 is even lighter than the HJC FS-15 Carbon reviewed here not long ago!
It's in the same neighborhood as the Nolan N94 Casey Stoner Replica (review) in size XL at 1499 grams (3 lbs. 4-7/8 oz.) and the URBAN N20 Astro (review) in size L at 1511 grams (3 lbs. 5-1/4 oz.) and the HJC FS-15 Carbon, coming in at 1514 grams in size XL (3 lbs. 5-3/8 oz.).
It's sometimes (usually) difficult to tell if a helmet is light or not when first handling it, before it goes on the scale. And the RSF 3 is a bit deceiving, because the large and deep shell may make it seem heavier than it really is.
But 1504 grams for a helmet of this type is very good indeed, and it wears light and the simple but straightforward aerodynamics give it a solid feel.
See the wBW Motorcycle Helmet Weights page for the complete chart, comparing the weights of every helmet we've reviewed.
Score: The Shark RSF 3 gets an "Outstanding" rating for low weight combined with a robust feel.
This RSF 3, like the Evoline DOT version, is labeled as meeting both DOT and ECE standards. As we reported in the Evoline DOT review, it is our understanding that the ECE frowns upon labeling helmets sold outside of the ECE as meeting ECE standards.
Sounds pretty fussy to me — why not help your manufacturers brag a little bit in worldwide markets and maybe create some more sales — and jobs?
As was mentioned in the Shark Evoline DOT review, "In any case, it's nice to know the helmet meets two excellent motorcycle helmet safety standards".
The RSF 3 has a double-D-ring helmet retention system when sold in North America.
The Shark RSF 3 is an excellent, high quality helmet that feels both comfortable and strong while also coming in as a super-lightweight.
Other than what some may consider to be the minor nitpicks of the thinner visor and single internal shape, this is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a very high quality helmet that meets both DOT and ECE standards.
And don't forget, Shark offers a 5-year warranty with the RSF 3 and the brand is well supported in the U.S.A.!
UPDATE: Shark sent us a note after publication of this review. In part, it said "Shark is currently developing a new high end helmet that will also (and again) carry the 3 mm shield. So don't worry, we are definitely not going the easy way by "looking like the others"!
Also, look for some new helmets from Shark; a completely new injection molded design, the S700 and S900!
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wBW Review: Shark RSF 3 Helmet
Manufacturer: Shark Helmets List Price (2009): $299.95-$349.95
Colors: Varied Made In: Thailand
Sizes: XS-XL Shell Sizes: Unknown Review Date: April 2009
From "A.D." (01/11): "I'd just like to say how excellent your site is and how you saved me a lot of time when I was looking around for a new helmet.
The Shark RSF3's were not on the shelf in Australia when I first found your website due to dealers still holding old stock.
But the national distributor had them hidden out the back and was good enough to send one through my local dealer upon request. It was very possibly one of the first to be aired in Oz (Sept 09).
Having researched your head shape guide, I was impressed with the way the Shark RSF3 fitted perfectly straight up although a bit firm on the cheek but who wants a loose helmet.
After having had an old Shoei, an Arai for many years then a HJC CL-14 the first thing that really impressed was being able to look sideways at speed without nearly being ripped off the bike, superb aerodynamics.
A couple of years ago the Labour government imposed speed limits in the Northern Territory of Australia which were previously unlimited on the open road, acknowledged by some but not all (the new limits that is), which was a good test of both bike and gear.
It was not uncommon to legally sustain speeds of 240 km/hr + for prolonged periods of time. All day if you so desired.
The Shark didn't wobble, vibrate, whistle excessively or lift in an undue manner, unlike ones wallet frequently did at the petrol station. 16 months on and the visor is still in good condition, the airflow controls are still tight, paintwork is still glossy and the fit is still firm.
Thanks for steering me towards an excellent product that has proved to be really good value for money.
Since moving to North Queensland (a reasonably heavily policed state) I've purchased a Triumph Speedmaster and the helmet works fine on that too.
My two bikes in the Territory were a Ducati S2 MILLE with fully flowed heads and a Kawasaki ZRX 1200 Eddie Lawson replica. Have fun, ride safe."
From "J.S." (6/20): "I received my new Shark RSF3 helmet 6 days ago. I live in an area where it is impossible to try all the different brands of helmets before buying, so I had to rely on an internet store that has a good return policy and your helmet review to select a helmet.
After using the helmet for 6 days I think your review is very accurate; however I would add a couple things.
When I first attempted to put the helmet on I was sure I had gotten the wrong size, I checked, it was a XL just as I had ordered. It seemed there was no way it was going to fit on my head and I was about ready to put it in the box and send it back.
I decided to try once more to put it on, It was very tight over my ears, almost painful pulling it down over my ears, but once I had it on it fit very well. I slipped it off and on a couple more times and decided I would give it a try.
The other thing I noticed right away was the cheek pads were tight, however not having them in my previous helmets probably made them more noticeable. I called the supplier to see if there were thinner ones, not available.
He recommended that I let them "break in" or remove them and compress them over night. I chose to let them break in and they seem to be OK.
I found my old Silks helmet liner I hadn't used in a couple years and started using that which makes it much easier to put the helmet on.
The helmet is a little warm because of the tight fit around the neck, chin and cheeks.
On a hot day and not moving it could become a little uncomfortable. I have found riding under 60 mph I like to open the face shield to the first detent, increasing the vent flow and the noise level is still low.
Also with my helmet liner, I have been able to wear my eyeglasses, just slip them under the liner and they slide right over my ears.
I like this helmet better than my Nolan N102 because the fit is better and much lighter and better than my HJC Sy-max II because of the fit, noise level and weight."
Editor's Note: Some helmets with a "race fit" have a tapered fit around the bottom of the shell.
From "J.T.F." (6/10): "I received my the Shark RSF3 a week ago and will be be putting it back (up for sale). It's a beautiful helmet but there are three areas that are causing me to sell it.
First, I wear glasses and am having a difficult time getting my glasses to comfortably fit inside the helmet and getting the bows over my ears.
Two, whenever I hit about 35-40 MPH I hear a low rumbling sound. I think it's the same effect as blowing over the top of a soda or beer bottle.
Three, I didn't find the air vents particularly useful. And the detents hardly move. I thought perhaps my helmet's detents were defective until I watched your video.
Aside from the glasses issue, I like how the helmet fits. Very snug and comfortable, but the other issues I mentioned are causing me to sell. I'd like an Arai Profile Force but can't find one in my price range.
And before I buy again I'm going to give any prospective helmet a test fitting."
Editor's Reply: Thanks for the feedback. What you are saying I think can pretty much be said of any/many motorcycle helmets; i.e., vent noise, poor air flow, noise around the bottom… Unfortunately, that seems to be the rule pretty much for every helmet we've tried!
Also, very few helmets are compatible with eyeglasses, and fitting a pair inside a helmet also depends heavily on the way the helmet fits and the way the ear pockets are shaped.
I've pretty much given up on trying to fit eyeglasses in any helmet, and took and old pair and cut off the ears (see this article). Now I can simply slide them between my face and the helmet padding in any helmet, no problems ever.
One thing puzzled me though.
Since the most difficult part of finding the right helmet is finding the correct fit, and you say that you like how the RSF3 fits, I hope that you won't be giving up what is the most difficult thing to find — a helmet that fits — in a quest for a helmet that is quiet, has good air flow, etc., which may not exist!
Anyway, good luck, let me know what you find!"
Follow-up from J.T.F. (6/10): "Two days ago my Arai Profile Force blue helmet arrived. Here is my main comment — I love it.
First, I can easily put on and take off my glasses. No more trying to force the bows around me ears and then trying to straighten out the frames once the bows were sort of on.
Second, I can actually feel the air blowing across the top of my head. This is the first of three DOT/Snell/ECE rated helmets that I've experienced it.
Third, no rumbling sound such as what I experienced with the Shark. Quiet? Of course not. Tolerable noise levels? Very much so, and I'm not wearing earplugs.
Finally, I have found a helmet where I can ride 70 mph and not have the thing bouncing around and shaking my glasses.
What a revelation to be able to ride at that speed and clearly identify objects. That wasn't the case with my Vemar or the Shark.
The fit of the Arai is as good as the Shark. The latter gives you more of a closed in feeling since it has a longer chin bar. I think I can ride hours with either one, and the Arai has the advantage of better airflow.
Is the Arai perfect for me? No, but my search for the helmet that suits my needs — and then some — is over.
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Bill C | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 248 |
It's been a while since my last update and I'm keen to resume sharing my learnings as Berea grows. Over the last two years we've actively been working in the field of cyber risk, predominantly in web marketing and cloud dispute guidance, and as such the natural progression for the company was to move into cyber insurance.
When we started looking at the cyber risk field it quite quickly became clear that there were five key risk aspects for the typical SME business. Each aspect in itself is complex when applied bespoke to an enterprise, however from a birds-eye view we determined that with a few fundamental precautions in place, the vast majority of UK based small to medium sized businesses could effectively manage roughly ~90% of the biggest cyber threats they faced. It naturally followed that by applying these learnings, Berea could create a highly effective risk-managed cyber insurance solution.
We determined the best way to approach the creation of such a solution was through a pre-application assessment. This assessment enables us to risk-manage early on, ensuring a business can access each of our different insurance cover modules. This approach to risk management would be further reinforced by supporting the policy with a suite of invaluable risk awareness and risk management resources. Once we knew what our solution would look like, the only remaining detail was its name!
Branding our cyber insurance solution was a natural progression. As the suite was to be composed of, in a logical order, cyber risk awareness, cyber risk management and cyber risk insurance, the acronym of AMI immediately became apparent. My high-shool French kicked in, reminding me that AMI also translates to friend, and thus Cyber AMI was born. Cyber AMI therefore is the Cyber Risk Awareness, Risk Management and Insurance solution designed from the ground up specifically for the UK based SME.
Over the next few months I plan to post a number of articles sharing our experience in developing and distributing our cyber risk solutions. Should anyone have any questions, or would like an article on a specific topic, I'd be more than happy to share what I can.
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Facts on File
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LA Record
The sound is something that could have echoed from a basement in Olympia, WA back in the 90s, if somehow those riot rockers had convinced Byrne or Bowie to lend vocals to the band.
San Diego Troubadour
Post punk brilliance, starting with the minimalist shapes and color tones of the cover artwork and topped by a batch of excellent songs. The trio's music - equal parts drone, punk energy, rolling bass notes, twisted surf guitar lines, stop start vocals and more add up to a sound that harkens back to mid-eighties UK bands such as Jesus and Mary Chain or Echo and the Bunnymen. On the American side of things, think combos like Jonathan Richman and the Unknowns, with more than a bit of sixties melodic sensibilities and plenty of reverb. The ten tracks all hold up well, with just enough garage rock kick to make it an album you'll want to play loud. Favorite tune at the moment is opener "The Flood" which sounds like the Mighty Lemon Drops until it hits 2:06 and moves into Cramps territory for awhile. Also tops is "What You Want" with staccato vocal intro and near spy/ surf guitar intro - it's quirky and good, while "Get to know Me" adds a bit of bubblegum pop to the mix - great song. It took a couple of plays, but this album is a real grower.
Ears Wide Open: Facts on File
- Buzz Bands LA, March 8, 2012
Facts on File sound like a project David Byrne might've started in his garage in 1976, not such a bad thing for fans of angst-y post-punk or avant-garde pop... In sum, the album could be the soundtrack to this generation's uncertain future - or at least the dance party we throw to celebrate the present.
Facts on File Debut "How will We Get Along" (Video)
- Deli Magazine, March 9, 2012
- gritty and carefree, but with a hint of class. The three-piece creates infectious '60s-inspired pop tunes that burrow deep in your eardrums and invoke dance parties wherever they are played.
Discover the Undiscovered: Facts on File
- Filter Magazine, December 9 2011
↑ More on YouTube
© Facts on File 2014 | Contact: [email protected] | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 6,647 |
I've just had freezing done. How long can I expect it to last?
I've just had a filling done. Will my tooth be sensitive or sore after the freezing comes out?
I've just had a tooth removed. What can I expect during the healing process?
I've just had a root canal. What can I expect after it's completed?
Everyone is different with how his or her bodies process the anesthetic. Freezing can last as little as 30 minutes to as long as 8 hours. Typically freezing will last a couple hours after the procedure is done.
This depends on how close the decay got to the nerve and how involved the repair process was. Normally, the gums and the tooth can be sore for up to a couple of days following a filling. It is important to contact our office if there is sensitivity that persists longer than a couple days.
When a tooth is removed, a clot forms in the tooth socket. Initially this clot looks red, and then darker red (almost black looking) as the blood dries. After a few days a white fibrin clot begins to form. The gums around the wound will get inflamed over the next couple of days peaking on the second day following the extraction. This inflammation should begin to subside by the third day. This is all normal healing.
Infection – soreness and inflammation increasing after the third day.
Dry socket – pain (usually sudden onset) occurring after the wound starts feeling better. The clot has been pulled out (leaving a hole).
When performing a root canal, your dentist uses a small file to clean out the root canal system. This file can sometimes irritate the tissue outside the tip of the root, which can cause some sensitivity in the few days following a root canal. This will usually get progressively better, but the soreness will usually peak two days after the procedure is performed. Most people, however, do not experience this complication.
Keep in mind that a filling was also completed on this tooth and sensitivity can be caused by a filling that is built up too big (i.e. a high filling).
Do you direct bill my insurance company (i.e. submit a claim to my insurance company on my behalf)?
How else does Aspen Trails Dental help me with my insurance?
Yes. This is a service that we provide to our patients free of charge.
No one likes surprises. We do our best to find out what your plan will cover. Sometimes, however, insurance companies will not give us your plan breakdown for privacy reasons. If this occurs then you can call the insurance company and ask them for your plan breakdown using this sheet. After you obtain the information you can scan and email or phone the information to us. We will then store it in your chart and help you to keep track of it. At Aspen Trails Dental we do not make any treatment recommendations based on your insurance coverage. Treatment is recommended based on your clinical needs. We will make the recommendations then investigate your insurance coverage so that there are no surprises. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 3,518 |
'use strict';
exports.find = function (req, res, next) {
req.query.name = req.query.name ? req.query.name : '';
req.query.limit = req.query.limit ? parseInt(req.query.limit, null) : 20;
req.query.page = req.query.page ? parseInt(req.query.page, null) : 1;
req.query.sort = req.query.sort ? req.query.sort : '_id';
var filters = {};
if (req.query.name) {
filters.name = new RegExp('^.*?' + req.query.name + '.*$', 'i');
filters: filters,
limit: req.query.limit,
page: req.query.page,
sort: req.query.sort
}, function (err, results) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
if (req.xhr) {
res.header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate');
results.filters = req.query;
else {
results.filters = req.query;
res.render('web/server/admin/statuses/index', {data: {results: escape(JSON.stringify(results))}});
exports.read = function (req, res, next) {
req.app.db.models.Status.findById(req.params.id).exec(function (err, status) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
if (req.xhr) {
else {
res.render('web/server/admin/statuses/details', {data: {record: escape(JSON.stringify(status))}});
exports.create = function (req, res, next) {
var workflow = req.app.utility.workflow(req, res);
workflow.on('validate', function () {
if (!req.user.isMemberOf('root')) {
workflow.outcome.errors.push('You may not create statuses.');
return workflow.emit('response');
if (!req.body.name) {
workflow.outcome.errors.push('A name is required.');
return workflow.emit('response');
workflow.on('duplicateStatusCheck', function () {
req.app.db.models.Status.findById(req.app.utility.slugify(req.body.name)).exec(function (err, status) {
if (err) {
return workflow.emit('exception', err);
if (status) {
workflow.outcome.errors.push('That status is already taken.');
return workflow.emit('response');
workflow.on('createStatus', function () {
var fieldsToSet = {
_id: req.app.utility.slugify(req.body.name),
name: req.body.name
req.app.db.models.Status.create(fieldsToSet, function (err, status) {
if (err) {
return workflow.emit('exception', err);
workflow.outcome.record = status;
return workflow.emit('response');
exports.update = function (req, res, next) {
var workflow = req.app.utility.workflow(req, res);
workflow.on('validate', function () {
if (!req.user.isMemberOf('root')) {
workflow.outcome.errors.push('You may not update statuses.');
return workflow.emit('response');
if (!req.body.name) {
workflow.outcome.errfor.name = 'required';
return workflow.emit('response');
workflow.on('patchStatus', function () {
var fieldsToSet = {
name: req.body.name
req.app.db.models.Status.findByIdAndUpdate(req.params.id, fieldsToSet, function (err, status) {
if (err) {
return workflow.emit('exception', err);
workflow.outcome.status = status;
return workflow.emit('response');
exports.delete = function (req, res, next) {
var workflow = req.app.utility.workflow(req, res);
workflow.on('validate', function () {
if (!req.user.isMemberOf('root')) {
workflow.outcome.errors.push('You may not delete statuses.');
return workflow.emit('response');
workflow.on('deleteStatus', function (err) {
req.app.db.models.Status.findByIdAndRemove(req.params.id, function (err, status) {
if (err) {
return workflow.emit('exception', err);
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub"
} | 5,790 |
Americans are unhappier than they've been in years according to the annual World Happiness Report, scoring 19th out of 156 countries surveyed, and US scores continue to drop year-over-year in the happiness polls. This is one of the many reasons that Dragon Army's purpose is to Inspire Happiness through positive relationships, impactful work, and doing good — because we could all use a little more happiness in our lives.
Inspiring Happiness is at the heart of every decision we make, especially when it comes to who we partner with (a.k.a. our extended Dragon family). In this article, you'll learn why cultivating positive relationships is so important to our company and how you too can foster healthy partnerships within your organization.
As a member of the Growth Team at Dragon Army, our number one objective is to grow the company through positive relationships. And while most new business teams primarily focus on going after new clients, we take a slightly different approach.
Yes, we are always looking for new partners that align with our vision and values, but we also put a healthy amount of time and energy into nurturing our current client relationships — which is something often forgotten by most new business departments, because they aren't typically held accountable for retention (just acquisition). The real magic of the Growth Team is how 'hyper-focused' we are on our current relationships. We put equal (if not more) focus on retaining and growing accounts, as we do on bringing in new business. We recognize that the strongest partnerships are the ones that you nurture, and it is this practice of care that sustains the business and allows for continual growth. And, as a bonus, this approach also helps us to be better partners to new clients as well!
A key element to cultivating positive relationships is knowing your clients on a personal level — what they like, dislike, and especially knowing their brand 'almost' better than they do. We work hard to discover what's important to them and execute on those factors. By digging deep to uncover what inspires their happiness, we act on those findings through (what we like to call) "Dragon Delight" moments.
For example, The Honey Baked Ham company has been a Dragon Army partner since early 2018. We were brought on to enhance their web experience, and from the beginning, it was a quick realization that (although our teams were separate in location) we appreciated operating as one unit. What inspires HoneyBaked's happiness is true team collaboration.
For us, this was a serendipitous moment where purpose and delight intersected. When HoneyBaked launched its brand refresh in late 2018, it was the perfect opportunity to activate a Dragon Delight moment and develop a joint logo that connects our teams in a fun way. Introducing The Honey Dragons logo! This was a way for our Dragons to show how proud we are of our partnership with the incredible HoneyBaked team. The logo brings to life exactly what positive relationships should embody — collaboration, fun, and some 'swag' to remind us every day of how fortunate we are to work together.
Employing crystal clear communication is another key element to developing positive relationships. Why? Because clarity is the foundation on which trust is built within a partnership. Dragons are always open and honest about what we can and can't do — even when it's hard to say no. If there are bumps in the road, we will work hard to steer the client in the right direction, because we know it's the best route to get to their ultimate goal. The greatest relationships are the ones in which agencies and clients solve problems together and create healthy work boundaries.
At Dragon Army, we often take on incredibly complex technology products (we have a great team with years of development experience). Anyone who has tried to launch products at scale understands that things can occasionally perform unexpectedly. We try to avoid this by working hard to anticipate issues in advance, but when it does happen, we make sure to mobilize our team quickly to assess the issue, identify the root cause, and provide our partners with a range of potential solutions. From a hotfix or patch to longer-term product improvements, our commitment to transparency and willingness to address issues head-on makes challenging moments for us and our partners something that ultimately strengthens our trust.
The quickest way to create disharmony in your partnership is to have an expectation hangover. An expectation hangover is when you go into a relationship expecting your partner to be perfect, then are let down when that desired outcome does not occur. This type of mindset will ultimately lead to disaster because no agency or client is perfect. That's why our Growth Team focuses on a partnership vs. perfection model. We understand that perfection is not an expectation, and we communicate to our clients that a Dragon partnership is one where we evolve and tackle challenges together to get to the best possible outcome.
With all the reported unhappiness American's are feeling, don't let your client relationships be another reason for despair. In summary, the keys to cultivating positive relationships are 1.) know your clients personally 2.) always be open and honest, and 3.) avoid the perfection trap. By following these values, you too can develop and grow positive client relationships.
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There are two common types of walnuts: the Persian or English walnut, and the black walnut, which is native to North America. While the walnut you're probably most familiar with is the English walnut, we're here to talk about the black walnut. Compared to the English walnut, the black walnut has a thicker shell and a bolder, more intense flavor. Black walnut shells will also probably stain your hands.
Maybe that hasn't sold you on black walnuts, but stay with us – black walnut benefits are plentiful.
Black walnuts may be a little harder to crack into, but their flavor is versatile. Like the English walnut, the black walnut is frequently used in ice creams and baked goods like cakes and cookies, and (especially in the fall and winter) in festive pies and fudges. But unlike the English walnut, the black walnut's deep and earthy flavor means that it lends itself well to main dishes: everything from chicken and fish to salad and pasta.
Black walnut, in combination with other herbs, may support a healthy immune system when dealing with a roundworm infection. Roundworms are parasites who can live in the small and large intestines, and their presence can mean infection. Signs and symptoms of a roundworm infection vary, but they can range from shortness of breath and coughing to nausea and diarrhea to itchy rashes and vision trouble.
While there are no scientific studies proving that herbal remedies can treat these parasitic infections, black walnut is usually on the list of potential herbs to take when dealing with a parasite. Specifically, when taken in conjunction with wormwood and clove, is sometimes indicated as an herbal way to support overall health.
In addition, scientific studies have suggestedd that "higher intakes of dietary magnesium are associated with a lower risk of colorectal tumors." And one of the best places to find dietary magnesium? Black walnuts.
What's the next dish you're going to incorporate black walnuts into? Tell us in the comments! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 9,258 |
Panaji (Goa) [India], August 12 : The Indian Coast Guard Ship 'Shaurya', an indigenously built offshore patrol vessel by Goa Shipyards, was commissioned, on Saturday at Panaji, in Goa.
The commission was inaugurated by Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, who expressed his gratitude for being a part of this joyous moment.
"Today is an important day for all of us as one new ship 'Shaurya' will be stationed in the South Eastern part of India, that is, Chennai," Pradhan said.
The Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Petroleum and Natural Gas also congratulated the India Coast Guard for success in preventing drug trafficking near the Gujarat Coast.
"I express my gratitude towards the Indian Coast Guard for protecting our offshore assets along the Western Maritime Borders including the Bombay High," Dharmendra Pradhan boasted.
Addressing the media in Panaji, the Union Minister said that the Goa Shipyard has created an ancillary eco-system in Goa.
Pradhan also said that he has requested the Goa Shipyard to initiate a pilot project to explore the use of compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG) in ships like Shaurya and have talked to the GAIL to collaborate in the venture.
Focussing mostly on creating Green Energy fuel, Pradhan said that this would also help to create Goa as a state for green fuel conversion.
"Its size, availability of raw material will be favourable, while urban and marine waste would be converted," he added.
He further said, "It is an engineering marvel with excellent coordination. The kind of modern technology used in Shaurya shows our competence in this field."
"Our government is focussed to create new kinds of energies. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced to reduce the Carbon emission, even though India is not a major pollutant," he added.
Talking about the renewable sources of energy that India is creating and is determined to create, Pradhan said, "Today the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Vasco Terminal received the first consignment of 2.16MT of premium quality defence grade ATF from the paradeep refinery."
He further said that the government of India has planned to invest around Rs. 10,000 crore to Rs. 12,000 crore on RND of second generation ethanol.
Earlier in May 2017, the Goa Shipyard Limited launched Indian Coast Guard ship 'Shaurya' at Vasco, the fifth of a series of six off-shore patrol vessels that the Coast Guard had tasked the Vasco defence public sector undertaking to build. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 1,793 |
Heavyweight, basket weave envelopes, suitable for all general purpose mailings where strength and security are important.<br><br>Use For: Everyday office and personal use.<br><br>Techniques: Ball point/pencil writable. Also receptive to adhesive/gummed address label. Some grades printable by flexo/offset litho overprint. Pre-test required. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 9,889 |
UK Fashion Brand Opens First Store In Hong Kong
British fast fashion brand Topshop has completed the decoration of it first Chinese store in Hong Kong, and the new store will soon open its door to customers.
Located in Asia Standard Tower, Queen's Road Central, the new Topshop store has two floors and an area of 1,115 square meters. The first floor is for the sales of apparel, while the second floor provides accessories and cosmetics. In addition, a lounge and a VIP room are available on the first floor.
In December 2012, LAB Concept, a subsidiary of Lane Crawford, and Topshop jointly announced that they planned to open the first Topshop outlet in Hong Kong in May 2013.
Philip Green, head of Topshop, said LAB Concept's retail experience in the Chinese market is very important and it will be an exciting step for the global growth of Topshop.
Topshop belongs to Arcadia Group, one of the largest apparel retailers in Britain. Founded in London in 1964, Topshop started with a specialty counter in Sheffield department store. In 1974, Topshop left Sheffield and became an independent retailer. Every week, Topshop puts about 100,000 new products on shelves. Products sold in Topshop stores cover a wide range, including fur coats, short coats, bags, bracelets, underclothes, cosmetics, and toys.
Related Topics:BritainHong KongLane CrawfordTopshopUKUnited Kingdom
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
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Repeat dose every 4-6 hours as necessary (max 4 doses in 24 hours).
Paracetamol comes in two liquid strengths, 120mg in 5ml and 250 mg in 5ml. This dose calculator uses 250mg in 5ml in the first calculation.
POISONING – Paracetamol is the most common single agent involved in poisonous ingestion in young children. IF YOU BELIEVE YOUR CHILD IS POISONED CALL 111 IMMEDIATELY.
Paracetamol is used for relief of pain. It will not cause drowsiness or cause your child to sleep. It can be used for children and babies over 3 months old. Younger babies must see the doctor.
with a maximum of 60 mg/kg daily, without exceeding 4 g daily. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 2,754 |
TRENTON, N.J. (WCBS 880) — The continuing partial federal government shutdown had threatened food stamp distribution in New Jersey, but hungry people in the state caught a break on Friday.
"We're struggling, can't make it out here, we need help," said federal employee Roseanne.
The New Jersey Department of Human Services announced that the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for February have been successfully paid for despite the shutdown reaching its fourth week.
New Jersey has about 730,000 SNAP recipients.
The state joins a number of others that have distributed February food stamps almost two weeks early to avoid funds getting caught up in the shutdown.
"People, if they didn't have it, people would be suffering right about now. There would be a lot of looting going on, people robbing, stealing," said one man.
Though, there may be no more food stamps in March if the shutdown continues.
The state Department of Human Services notes that these are not a bonus distribution, just early.
People will now have to budget them for six weeks instead of four. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 3,021 |
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The collapsed sun shines on the crowd that has collapsed because of the loss of purpose.
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How to pass the IBM 000-181 exam successfully? | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
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I eat high-protein breakfasts. They keep me fuller for longer, fuel my energy for a day of work + night of dancing, and prevent me from starting my day with carb overload. Here's one of these breakfasts that I like: baked eggs-in-avocado!
Preparing the avocado & egg for baking.
Carve a wide (not deep) circle into the avocado flesh, making a bowl for the egg. Save the avocado meat.
Option: sprinkle the avocado bowl with paprika and fresh lime juice.
Take a thin slice off the bottom of the avocado half so that it will sit flat. Place it on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
Crack the egg into a bowl and spoon out the yolk. Place the yolk in the avocado bowl. Then spoon in just enough of the egg white to fill the bowl to the brim. (You could also use only the egg white and discard the yolk).
Bake a 425 degrees F. for 12-15 minutes.
While it's baking, dice the remaining avocado flesh and mix with the other topping of your choice. Season with salt and pepper.
Remove the avocado & egg from oven. Spoon on the toppings and sprinkle with cheese. Return to over for 2 minutes to melt.
Remove and enjoy with a spoon! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 1,330 |
Q: PHP Forking Randomly Does Parent Or Child Process Depending On What Finished First what am i doing wrong? Hey there, I have a simple script that which is suppose to load 2 separate pages at the same time and grab some text from them, however it loads either the parent process or the child process depending on what finishes first, what am i doing wrong ? I want the 2 processes to work simultaneously, here is the example code:
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid == -1) {
die("could not fork");
else if($pid) {
$url = "http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/simplepresent.html";
$readurl = file_get_contents($url);
$pattern = '#Examples(.*?)Forms#s';
preg_match($pattern, $readurl, $match);
echo "Test1:".$match[1];
else {
$url = "http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/simplepresent.html";
$readurl = file_get_contents($url);
$pattern = '#Examples(.*?)Forms#s';
preg_match($pattern, $readurl, $match);
echo "Test2:".$match[1];
echo "<br>Finished<br>";
any help would be appreciated!
A: I am not quite sure that I really understand what you are willing to get, but if you want your "Finished" message to be displayed :
*only once
*only when the two processes have done their work
You should :
*Use pcntl_wait in the parent process, so it waits for its child to die
*Echo "finished" from the parent process, after it has finished waiting.
For instance, something like this should do :
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid == -1) {
die("could not fork");
else if($pid) { // Father
sleep(mt_rand(0, 5));
echo "Father done\n";
pcntl_wait($status); // Wait for the children to finish / die
echo "All Finished\n\n";
else { // Child
sleep(mt_rand(0, 5));
echo "Child done\n";
With this, each process will do its work, and only when both have finished, the parent will display that everything is done :
*if the parent is done first, it'll wait for the child
*if the child ends first, the parent will not wait... But still finish after it.
As a sidenote : you are using two separate processes ; once forked, you cannot "easily" share data between them -- so it's not easy to pass data from the child to the father, nor is it the other way arround.
If you need to do that, you can take a look at Shared Memory Functions -- or just use plain files ^^
Hope this helps -- and that I understood the question correctly ^^
A: From the Process Control Extension Introduction
Process Control support in PHP implements the Unix style of process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination. Process Control should not be enabled within a web server environment and unexpected results may happen if any Process Control functions are used within a web server environment.
So basically, you shouldn't use any of the pcntl functions when you are running a PHP script through the apache module.
If you just want to fetch the data from those 2 pages simultaneously then you should be able to use stream_select to achieve this. You can find an example at http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/os-php-multitask/.
BTW Apparently curl supports this too, using curl_multi_select, an example on how to use that can be found at http://www.somacon.com/p537.php.
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} | 8,147 |
Jason Davis • Nov 07, 2014
An Early Preview of Orion's Maiden Voyage
NASA's Orion spacecraft is just four weeks away from setting sail on its maiden voyage. The capsule is all buttoned for flight inside the Launch Abort System Facility at Kennedy Space Center. On Monday evening, Orion will roll over to Space Launch Complex 37, where it will meet up with its ride to orbit, a Delta IV Heavy rocket. Launch day is Dec. 4.
Exploration Flight Test 1, or EFT-1, is a milestone 11 years in the making. Orion was originally introduced as the Crew Exploration Vehicle in Jan. 2004, in the wake of the space shuttle Columbia disaster. The new spacecraft was, and still is, the cornerstone of NASA's plans to explore deep space. December's test flight is the culmination of a decade of uncertainty for the agency's human exploration program. "EFT-1 is absolutely the biggest thing that this agency is going to do this year," said William Hill, deputy associate administrator for NASA's Exploration Systems Development, at a Thursday press conference. "I may be partial because it's in my area," he added.
Orion buttoned up for EFT-1 Orion sits in the Launch Abort System Facility at Kennedy Space Center after receiving its Launch Abort System and Ogive panels. The Ogive dampens the acoustic load on the crew module, and reduces drag.Image: NASA
EFT-1 is a shakedown cruise. It's purpose is to give Orion's critical systems a thorough checkout. This includes the capsule's heat shield, which must be able to withstand the high temperatures it will encounter when returning from missions beyond Earth orbit. EFT-1 is a two-orbit, four-and-a-half hour flight that will send Orion to an altitude of 5,800 kilometers (3,600 miles)—about 15 times higher than the International Space Station. Mike Sarafin, Orion's flight director, said the Earth will resemble a six-foot disc held at arm's length. Cameras inside the spacecraft will be positioned to look out the window, capturing the scene, along with other engineering data. It will be the highest a human exploration spacecraft has been since Apollo 17 in 1972.
EFT-1 mission overview
The unusual trajectory will send Orion back into the atmosphere at 32,000 kilometers (20,000 miles) per hour—about 84 percent of lunar reentry velocity. The heat shield will reach 2,200 degrees Celsius (4,000 degrees Fahrenheit). It's an ablative heat shield, designed to burn off as the capsule hurtles back toward Earth. Orion Program Manager Mark Geyer said about 20 percent of the shield will shed during reentry. His team will take extensive measurements after the flight to see how well the shield performed. There will also be temperature sensors aboard the spacecraft, including a radiometer and piece of ruby that will take readings of the vehicle's searing plasma trail—the first time such a direct measurement has been attempted, Geyer said. Additionally, an armada of boats, airplanes and helicopters will be waiting for Orion when it splashes down off Baja California in the Pacific Ocean. "There's a P-3 [aircraft] that we're using that will actually thermal-image the heatshield and give us some temperature data," Geyer said. The fleet will also help monitor the health of Orion's parachutes.
There are 17 separation events throughout the mission, which include jettisoning things like the Launch Abort System, Service Module, and forward bay cover, which protects the parachutes. All of these events must work right on the first try. EFT-1 will be the first time these systems have all been tested in sequence, in an actual flight environment. Furthermore, Orion's high altitude will subject the spacecraft to higher levels of radiation than crews face in low-Earth orbit, providing important data on how well the capsule performs in this harsh region of space.
After splashdown, Orion will be towed into the flooded well deck of a U.S. Navy LPD (Landing Platform/Dock) amphibious assault ship. Because this is a test flight with no crew aboard, NASA and the Navy intend to work very methodically to test out their recovery techniques. Normally, splashdown will occur off the coast of San Diego, but for December's test flight, the landing will take place about 100 miles west of the tip of Baja California.
EFT-1 trajectory ground track
Orion's Dec. 4 launch day begins at 1:05 a.m. EST (6:05 UTC), six hours before launch. The Delta IV Heavy's Mobile Service Tower will be retracted, leaving Orion and its rocket sitting on the Launch Table next to the Fixed Umbilical Tower. The rocket will be fueled, and Orion will be powered on.
The two-hour, 40-minute launch window opens at 7:05 a.m. EST (12:05 UTC). The time was chosen for optimal lighting conditions at the launch site and in the Pacific Ocean, where Orion will splash down four hours and 20 minutes later. Because of the short mission duration, Orion's go/no-go criteria depends on weather conditions at both the launch and recovery sites. If the Dec. 4 launch is scrubbed, retry attempts are already booked for Dec. 5 and 6.
EFT-1 trajectory altitude profile
Posted below is a partial timeline of events for EFT-1, compiled from information given at press conferences, estimates taken from mission profile charts, and NASA's Orion Blog.
L-6:00:00 Orion powered on, Mobile Service Tower retracts,fueling of Delta IV Heavy begins
0:00:00 Launch window opens (currently 7:05 a.m. EST, 12:05 UTC)
0:03:30 (approx.) Booster separation
0:04:00 (approx.) Stage one separation
0:06:15 Service Module fairing and Launch Abort System jettison
0:17:00 (approx.) Orion begins first orbit
1:57:11 Orion completes first orbit, second stage reignition
3:00:00 (approx.) Orion reaches apogee
3:23:41 Orion separates from Service Module and second stage, second stage performs disposal burn
3:57:00 Orion positions for reentry
4:13:41 Entry interface
4:20:22 Forward bay cover jettisons, parachute deployment begins (two drogues, three mains)
4:24:46 Splashdown
Read more: Human spaceflight, Orion, Space capsules
Jason Davis
Senior Editor for The Planetary Society
Read more articles by Jason Davis
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Rae Paoletta | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 4,694 |
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The front page photo was startling, even to people who had lived in the city all their lives. On May 4, 1909, the Hartford Evening Post showed an alley just a block from the Colt Firearms factory. The tenement yards were full of garbage which "reeked of a germ-laden stench." Not surprisingly, five people had just contracted diptheria in this Dutch Point neighborhood. Hartford was a thriving city at the start of the 20th century, but its poor people, mostly immigrants, still struggled and suffered. Hartford children sold newspapers as a way to survive. Seven days a week, often late into the night, as many as two hundred city youngsters sold the Post and the other Hartford newspapers for pennies a copy. Unfortunately for them, in 1909 the "newsies" found their meager living threatened as a result of a brawl between the country's most powerful newspaper moguls.
Joseph Pulitzer, owner of the New York World, and William Randolph Hearst, who owned the New York Evening Journal, constantly competed with each other with an eye to maximizing profits. The rivals' latest tactic was to refuse to credit distributors for unsold papers. Up until this time, newsboys bought bundles of papers and received compensation for copies they did not sell. When the two millionaires halted the practice, it hurt the newsies' earnings. Both New York papers were popular in Hartford; several editions arrived by train each day. It was the job of Herman P. Kopplemann, Hearst's agent in Hartford, to implement the latest cutback.
The newsies were not about to accept this reduction without a fight. On the morning of May 1, 1909, boys from all over the city met at Zion Hall on Winthrop and Pleasant Streets (where Barnard Brown School now stands). It was raining, but that did not stop one hundred boys from marching behind a drum and bugle corps with a huge banner urging customers to buy only local newspapers. The next day the young workers formally created the Hartford Newsboys' Association. Assisting them were Sol Sontheimer of the Central Labor Union, and Mary Graham Jones, the head social worker at the Hartford Social Settlement. The mass meeting elected Harry Brightman as union president and Morris Zalkovitz as vice president.
The newsies' union received a great deal of local support. Hartford drug stores refused to stock the two papers and many regular customers stopped buying them. Individuals and businesses made donations to the strike. At a second parade on May 17, all the newsies were carrying flags and wearing white caps and union pins, purchased with the aid they received.
Herman Kopplemann knew how to handle his boys, however. He had been through similar disruptions before, every time the newsboys faced a new pay cut. Kopplemann used strikebreaking tactics that had been perfected by industrialists who faced unionization on a mass scale: he hired black residents as strikebreakers to sell papers, he imported adults from out of town to intimidate the newsies (the young strikers beat them up) and he spread rumors that the strike was over. Kopplemann also recruited his brother Abraham to organize an "alternative" association to compete with the boys' union.
To sow greater confusion in the newsies' ranks, Koppelmann intimated that rival New York newspapers were secretly paying strike leaders to prolong the labor dispute at the expense of the rank and file. This the boys hotly denied: "We are fully competent to handle the situation in question, which is proven by the fact that we have fought our opponents successfully for two Sundays and seven week days without the aid of any publisher whatsoever," wrote striker Nick Murano, most likely with the help of social worker Jones.
Hearst's Journal even sent an undercover representative to Hartford to break the strike. A local clothing store owner exposed the Journal man when he tried to buy a large quantity of boys' suits and shoes. Kopplemann planned to offer the duds as a bribe to any striking newsie who broke ranks.
In the end, the pressure on the newsies proved too great to withstand. The leading union figures traded charges of graft, fought with each other, and split their ranks. It is not known precisely what role Herman Kopplemann played in these disruptions, but the outcome served his purpose. On May 19, after three separate votes, the youngsters ended their strike.
Seven months later, the newsies learned that Herman Kopplemann was no longer the Hartford wholesale agent for Hearst's Journal. Instead, there was a new distributor: Harry Brightman, former newsboy union president. Harry continued to live in Hartford, raised a family, and went on to become a successful used car salesman and a pillar of the community.
Herman Kopplemann parlayed his newspaper dealership into a political career. Ironically, he became the "friend of the working man," successfully winning elections to serve on the city council, state senate, and US Congress. At the Connecticut General Assembly, Kopplemann introduced pro-labor legislation, including a bill to prohibit the state militia from interfering with labor strikes. He was endorsed by the progressive CIO and considered a solid New Dealer.
The newsies' organizing efforts continued, but conditions only got tougher for them over the next decade. Hartford officials declared that the boys' newspaper bundles blocked sidewalk traffic and were a nuisance. The cops roughly cleared the newsies out by throwing their papers into the gutter. The city also began to require all young paper sellers to register and wear ID badges. The eventual end of the newsies was signaled when the Hartford Times installed street corner vending machines, charging a nickle for every three-cent newspaper and eliminating the need for newsies altogether. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 447 |
educator, but something did happen to Kaelyn."What we was afraid would certainly take place, the revenge from us speaking out and also placing our problems we feel that that's what occurred. Kaelyn was reduced from the team,"her father said.Not everybody believes the instructor's methods go across the line.
examined. The superintendent claims any individual that has additional details or complaints need to speak to the district. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 6,421 |
Off to the right of the door was a large picture window.
A figure moving in the living room, behind the picture window.
He stood in front of the picture window and looked across the street.
The picture window was on the wrong side of the bed.
She turned away and walked to the big picture window, thinking, Yes.
This from a woman who was standing on the far side of the room, near the big picture window.
I went to the small picture window at the end of the hall.
There was a big picture window in the front of the bar.
It was as if they were looking through a picture window to a larger room.
Here, a single great picture window looked out onto the bay. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 2,288 |
Brunello Cucinelli Concerned About No-Vax Choice
Brunello Cucinelli expressed his worries about the small percentage of employees who will choose not to be vaccinated.
By Luisa Zargani Plus Icon
Bureau Chief, Milan
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Brunello Cucinelli Courtesy of Brunello Cucinelli
JAB WORRIES: Brunello Cucinelli proudly revealed that 1,174 employees of his namesake company will be vaccinated against COVID-19 by Sunday, an initiative accomplished over three days.
At the presentation of his spring men's wear collection, Cucinelli raised an issue that has been on his mind over the past few days. "What to do with those employees that will refuse the vaccine? I know their colleagues will worry about this decision and will not easily work near them," Cucinelli told WWD, while estimating the no-vax group to be a minority.
To flag these concerns, Cucinelli has written to Italy's Prime Minister Mario Draghi and COVID-19 Emergency Commissioner Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, who at the end of May visited Cucinelli's headquarters in Solomeo, where the entrepreneur has established a vaccination hub.
His decision is "for the time being, to ask non-vaccinated employees to stay at home with a paid leave for six months. But what will happen after that? I feel I am a custodian of the company and it's not my job to try and convince them to get their injections, but this is an ethical, moral, civil and religious problem."
The vaccination hub is not limited to protecting Cucinelli's employees. It is open every day until midnight also to the general population and can distribute 500 jabs per day.
Other Italian fashion companies have been active in setting up vaccination centers, including Gucci, Prada and OTB to Giorgio Armani, Ermenegildo Zegna and OVS.
After an initial slowdown in the rollout of vaccines, the government has increased the pace of the injections in the country. As of June 19, 50.2 percent of the population has received a first dose and fully vaccinated citizens total 15.3 million, or 25.8 percent of the population, according to Il Sole 24 Ore Lab 24. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 7,981 |
Q: Erro ao instalar script em localhost Estou tentando instalar um script em local host, porém aparece o seguinte erro:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was
unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator at admin@localhost to inform
them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed
just before this error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error
acredito que o erro é ocasionado pelo arquivo .htaccess, só não sei como modificar ele.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS}s ^on(s)|
RewriteRule ^ http%1://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
A: já tive este problema, provavelmente você está usando um daqueles programas que provém PHP, Apache, MySQL juntos. Como você está manipulando URL em seu arquivo do tipo apache você deve habilitar o módulo de reescrita, que se localiza em:
Você deve localizar o arquivo httpd.conf do seu servidor Apache, e procurar pela seguinte linha:
#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
Retire o #, que significa comentários, ou seja, a linha está comentada; salve o arquivo e reinicie o seu servidor, provavelmente o erro Internal Server Error deixará de aparecer.
Se você usa WAMP como eu, clique sobre o ícone dele na bandeja, vá em Apache, depois no arquivo que eu disse o nome e realize as alterações descritas anteriores.
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} | 1,741 |
The Lemonheads Announce US Tour
NME Aug 31, 2006 4:00 pm BST
The jaunt follows the UK shows
The Lemonheads have announced plans to tour America to follow the release of their self-titled eighth album.
The reformed band, who announced a tour of the UK earlier this week, will kick off the jaunt in California on November 18.
The dates will be to promote the group's new self-titled LP, their first in ten years.
The full list of dates is:
Santa Ana Galaxy Theatre (November 18)
Solana Beach Belly Up Tavern (19)
Los Angeles The Troubadour (21/22)
San Francisco The Independent (24/25)
Portland Doug Fir Lounge (27)
Seattle Crocodile Café (28)
Boise The Big Easy Concert Hall (30)
Salt Lake City The Depot (December 1)
Denver Bluebird Theatre (2)
Omaha Sokol Underground (4)
Minneapolis The 400 Bar (5)
Chicago Double Door (7/8)
Cleveland Grog Shop (9)
Detroit Magic Stick (10)
Toronto Lee's Palace (12)
Philadelphia North Star Bar (13)
Washington Black Cat (14)
New York Irving Plaza (15)
Boston Avalon Ballroom (16)
The UK dates, announced earlier this week on NME.COM, are:
Norwich UEA (October 5)
London Forum (6)
Leeds Met University (9)
Oxford Brookes University (10)
Cambridge Junction (11)
Liverpool Academy (12)
Coventry Coliseum (14)
Nottingham Rock City (15)
Manchester Academy 2 (16)
Glasgow ABC (17)
Bristol Academy (21)
Wolverhampton Wulfrun Hall (22)
For ticket availability go to NME.COM/Gigs.
Evan Dando's band release the LP on September 25, with a single, 'Become The Enemy', following on October 9.
As previously reported on NME.COM, the record contains a host of guests stars, including Dinosaur Jr's J Mascis and The Band's Garth Hudson. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 4,248 |
But whoever it is and by however much, they'll be the champions. There's one every year.
When do you suppose it might be Gonzaga's turn?
It is easy to say – or scold – that winning an NCAA title need not be an all-consuming beast for the Bulldogs and their peeps, and certainly coach Mark Few tries from time to time to beat back that very mentality among the, uh, all-consumed.
But it's just as true that even among the program's players, winning it all is viewed as The Step That Needs Taking, and that coming up short of the Final Four this year felt like a kneecapping.
Now comes the segue from March Madness to April Angst for the Gonzaga cortege – waiting for the other Nike to drop on who among the Zags are going all-in on the NBA draft, who will be checking things out and who can be counted on to return. And over the transfer market, graduate and otherwise. And over how ready Gonzaga's considerable recruiting class is for prime time.
And, for more than a few, over whether they just watched a window of opportunity slammed shut.
Which seems pretty fatalistic, all in all.
But it remains that the deal could not be closed this basketball season by a team with two lottery-or-not players in the lineup and a fifth-year point guard. They're damned handy with a chisel over at GU, but not every hunk of marble comes out looking like David.
Still, this is no law-of-averages proposition, no craps table karma. There is always the opportunity to make more, well, opportunities.
There are also cautionary tales.
It has not been a decade since Butler got itself to back-to-back NCAA championship games, losing one on a missed shot every Duke hater still imagines going through the net. Those Bulldogs were somewhat Zagish, high-major goods from a midmajor league.
Butler has been as far as the Sweet 16 exactly once since. And this year, they were 16-17 and tied for last in a somewhat sketchy Big East. They're on their third coach since the one who took them to those Final Fours decided to exercise his genius in the NBA, and their second league.
None of that is very Zagish – not the coaching turnover, for sure, which is probably the key to it all.
And maybe the cure to any bout of fatalism can be found in just how wide the Bulldogs managed to crack this recent window of opportunity.
Gonzaga has had five 30-win seasons in its history – four of them in the last five years. That's 165 wins during that stretch, a 19 percent bump from the previous five-year hitch and a 23 percent gain over Few's first 15 years in charge.
Those have been accompanied, of course, by five straight trips to the Sweet 16, three Elite Eights and a Final Four – an unprecedented stretch in Gonzaga's still-recent evolution.
Something's changed, and it's on display every game night.
Of the 21 players who might be considered central to GU's success in that span – the rotation guys – only six played on more than two of those five teams. Eight players enjoyed just a single season of this latest run inside the run.
Roster continuity apparently ain't what it used to be.
And the Zags have been getting it. What suggests that would stop?
If you include the current draftables, Brandon Clarke and Rui Hachimura, the Zags will have had six players in the last five years go on to wear an NBA uniform. You could flesh out a 10-man roster with borderline talents and possible draftees.
It makes for some tricky management. Few faces it now with the possibility of a wholesale makeover. But he's faced it before. Whether it's losing players to early entry or gaining them through graduate transfer – a tool that the NCAA is about to legislate to smithereens – the Zags have thrived through change and challenge.
And now Few has hooked up a recruiting class ranked by 247sports.com as No. 5 nationally.
They're kids. Don't be booking any Final Four flights yet.
But keep your eyes on that window.
Published: April 6, 2019, 9:32 p.m. Updated: April 6, 2019, 10:35 p.m. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 5,860 |
Long term care is an important part of any financial plan. The best way to manage this risk is through long term care insurance—which is a policy that's specifically designed for it. However, only less than 8% of American adults have purchased long term care insurance. One of the reasons is the cost.
The good news is, the price of long term care insurance can be manageable. Here are the ways on how you can keep your premiums fit to your budget.
1. Buy coverage that you can pay for today and in the future.
Only sign-up for a level of coverage that you can actually afford. In order to keep your finances in order, your premiums should not amount to more than 7% of your budget. Furthermore, you need to anticipate premium increases in the future. Should there be a price hike; make sure that you can afford to pay a 10 to 20% increase.
Meanwhile, if you think your budget can't handle the possible increase in rates, find ways on how you can streamline your policy so that you'll get to stay insured without paying extra.
If you want to get a lower rate for long term care insurance, you should buy early—ideally, in your 50s. More so, buying while you're young can lock in discounts for simply being healthy. This price reduction will continually be in effect even if you develop conditions down the road.
How much long term care need you'll need is still unknown as of now. You can make estimates based on current statistics but it will not give you an exact picture of how much care you will require down the road. This could be the reason why you would opt for an all-inclusive policy.
However, you need to understand that a more comprehensive range of benefits will cost higher. If you want to keep the cost of your policy low, you may want to limit the features of your long term care policy. Instead of going for lifetime duration, why not set your policy to only last for several years? Furthermore, you can stretch your elimination period so that your benefits will be used for bigger and more substantial care expenses. Keep in mind that it's better to have a limited coverage than none at all.
4. If you're married, go for a shared care policy.
Couples can broaden their coverage without the hefty cost through a shared care rider. This additional feature pools their benefits together. As a result, each spouse has an access to a range of coverage that's twice the extent of his or her individual policies.
5. Choose an insurance company carefully.
The cost of policies can vary by insurer. Two insurers may offer the same level of coverage for different prices. The other may offer it for a lower price while the other may sell it for 90% more. Shop around. Buy from an insurer that offers the most reasonable deal in order to avoid overpaying for your policy. Apart from their rates, you also need to look at their ratings, claims payment history and financial stability.
It's true that long term care insurance will come at a cost, but it is flexible enough to match almost any financial situation. All it takes is exploring the different ways on how you can keep it affordable and you can do it when you go to my website. | {
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} | 5,384 |
Some time ago, we already posted about the Ogre3D-powered game "Alchemy Mysteries: Prague Legends". Since then, the studio JetDogs has ported the game over to Linux and is now actively trying to get into Steam Greenlight. If you like the game, give them your vote please.
«Alchemy Mysteries: Prague Legends» – now also for Linux!
For a long time, Linux has been liked mainly by computerists and the computer enthusiasts but not by gamers. But the times are changing and from some time developers started to create wonderful games for Linux. «Alchemy Mysteries: Prague Legends» is one of them. Of course, the decision to adapt this game to Linux was to a certain extent influenced by its success and popularity under Windows.
«Alchemy Mysteries: Prague Legends» is one of the most popular hidden object adventure created by JetDogs Studios. An intriguing plot with many twists, many smart brainteasers and gorgeous game graphics in full 3D that makes scenes and actions completely realistic – all this is available in the story about a young and pretty orphan named Eva which set on her trip to the very heart of Bohemia – the glorious and mysterious town of Prague for coming into an inheritance from her relative who had died under mysterious circumstances. Having arrived in the destination town, she faces ghosts in the deserted house, discloses the band of black magicians aiming to destroy the entire world and, to crown it all, she finds out the truth of her descendance.
Accompanied by its great success, this game was submitted to Ubuntu App Store and soon «Alchemy Mysteries: Prague Legends» can be bought through Ubuntu Software Center.
The game can be also found at Steam Greenlight. At the Steam Greenlight website you can watch the intro video as well as see the screenshots of the game or leave your comments about the game. We'll be very happy if you could give us your votes to get into Steam! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 2,935 |
Q: ObjectMapper fails with root element I'm facing an issue that I don't know exactly how to solve.
When I try to map this JSON to User object it fails:
SwiftyJSON at "2.3.3"
"street":"1781 vredenburg",
"city":"het bildt",
"email":"[email protected]",
"dob":"1986-12-25 21:32:21",
"registered":"2016-02-25 06:58:50",
I want to map to my user class:
import Foundation
import ObjectMapper
class User: NSObject, Mappable {
var gender: String?
var title: String?
var first: String?
var last: String?
required init?(_ map: Map) {
// Mappable
func mapping(map: Map) {
gender <- map["gender"]
title <- map["name.title"]
first <- map["name.first"]
last <- map["name.last"]
let user = Mapper<User>().mapArray(jsonData) //Doesn't work getting nil
let userList :Array<User> = Mapper<User>().mapArray(jsonData)! //fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
let dataTask = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) -> Void in
if (error == nil) {
do {
//let jsonResult: NSDictionary = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers) as! NSDictionary
let jsonResult = JSON(data: data!)
let dict = jsonResult["results"].dictionaryValue
let userList :Array<User> = Mapper<User>().mapArray(dict)!
} catch {}
A: Since you have not provided the code where you are receiving the response, I have tested using test case with the response being put into test.json file.
if let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("test", ofType: "json") {
do {
let jsonData = try NSData(contentsOfFile: path, options: NSDataReadingOptions.DataReadingMappedIfSafe)
do {
let jsonResult: NSDictionary = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(jsonData, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers) as! NSDictionary
let userList :Array<TestUser> = Mapper<TestUser>().mapArray(jsonResult.objectForKey("results"))!
} catch {}
} catch {}
I have implemented SwiftyJSON syntax, try the following line of code:
let userList :Array<TestUser> = Mapper<TestUser>().mapArray(jsonResult["results"].arrayObject)!
Change Model Class to:
class TestUser: NSObject, Mappable {
var gender: String?
var title: String?
var first: String?
var last: String?
required init?(_ map: Map) {
// Mappable
func mapping(map: Map) {
gender <- map["gender"]
title <- map["name.title"]
first <- map["name.first"]
last <- map["name.last"]
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} | 683 |
BombaGame > HOT > Gaming > hitman > Hitman – beta experience
Hitman – beta experience
There are only a few weeks left until the premiere (scheduled for March 11) of Agent 47's latest adventures. The creators, to further increase the interest of fans of stealth and the adventures of the bald hero, have released the beta of the upcoming production. What are my impressions, what did I like about it and what seems redundant? You will learn this from this text.
Hitman allows players to play the role of a paid assassin, a clone. He is never interested in why a person is a target. The figure is simple – the only point is that the payment for eliminating the problem should match. This is basically the same in every installment of the series and it's good that in the beta the producers did not try to change the characteristics of the main character. It is meant to be a killing tool and not to show any emotion.
As mentioned before, the Hitman series belongs to the genre of stealth games. This does not change in this year's part, actions a la Rambo are a very bad idea here, which will be gladly let us know by the opponents supported by well-fired bullets. It is very easy to die here, this is not a title in which you can allow yourself to be unfettered. You have to empathize with the role of a contract killer. The first thing that needs to be done after reaching the scene of the action is reconnaissance of the area and protection of the future victim. I first researched where the target might go, and what employees have access to specific areas. You have to know that disguises have always been a very important element of Hitman. Our Agent 47 very often puts on the clothes of certain social groups. Often, to get to your destination, you must first dress up as a service technician, and then, for example, as a policeman or a cook. We can get rid of the previous owner of our outfit in several ways. The most obvious one is stunning him – sneak up behind the figure, press the square, and 47 will knock the civilian unconscious. We can also press the triangle to twist the neck of the person held, however, this is not a good option for me. Once, because it is quite a loud activity and can bring meals to our heads, but also because I try to perform missions like a professional – kill only the target, and after thoroughly learning about the mission, perform it only in the default outfit in which we start order (unfortunately, in the beta it was golf, but I hope that in the full version you will be able to complete each task in a suit).
Review: Hitman GO: Final Edition
The strength of the Hitman brand has always been the openness of closed missions. It sounds contradictory, but I'll explain what this concept is in a moment. Namely, we can get rid of orders in at least several ways. A simple headshot with a silencer pistol, killing a sniper rifle, pushing a delinquent against a railing and faking an accident, poisoning a drink, dropping a rescue boat, drowning in a toilet seat – it seems that the only limitation is the player's imagination. Once again, the creators made the missions take place in a relatively small area, there are many methods of getting rid of the target, which affects the repeatability of the mission (similar to small challenges, such as getting rid of the contract item in a specific style). It doesn't end with a homicide. There is only one goal, but the desire to discover and implement more and more methods of taking life draws you in and does not allow you to tear yourself away from the game.
With all this fun, it is impossible not to notice that I was playing beta. There were sporadic drops in the number of frames per second to about 20, so it was a spoilage of the reception of the product. Graphically, the title is uneven, there are textures intermingling, and the animations sometimes were a bit torn. However, taking into account the level of advancement of the code building and the time remaining until release, it can be hoped that these deficiencies will be fixed in a few patches released around Hitman's release. Most importantly, the beta gave the feeling that the final product could be a quite successful adventure for the 47, the voice of the protagonist is still voiced by David Bateson, and the game is still a stealth game that requires thinking, combining and disguising. It is a pity that the instinct (activated by the R1 button) is too much easier – it works through walls, marking all enemies and independent people. Overall, though, I really like the beta, and I'm looking forward to March 11th.
Review: Hitman: The Complete First Season (Xbox One)
HITMAN 2 – what will the February update 2.14 bring?
HITMAN 2 – an eventful November with Agent 47
HITMAN 3 – all locations described by IO Interactive
The best apps for hoverboards with Bluetooth
Xiaomi officially launches the Black Shark Helo, the new gaming phone with 10 GB of RAM | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 7,976 |
You can buy Collegecoins (COLL) from StellarPort or InterStellar.
This article will guide you through creating and funding a wallet, establishing a trustline, and buying COLL on StellarPort.
This article will guide you through creating and funding a wallet, establishing a trustline, and buying COLL on InterStellar.
Please review our Legal Center before purchasing tokens. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 4,453 |
Board approves funding for JROTC building
Amy French
Updated: Sept. 21, 2016, 1 a.m.
Dawson County High School's JRTOC program should soon have a new facility to call home.
During last week's board of education meeting, the board approved a design firm and ESPLOST funding for a new JROTC building at Dawson County High School.
Funding for the project is approved at $1.4 million, the majority of which would come through the Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax. The remaining $400,000 will be provided through state funds.
According to meeting notes, "the new facility will be designed to effectively accommodate a JROTC program."
Robertson Loia Roof, Architects and Engineers were approved as the design firm for the job.
Director of Facilities and Maintenance for Dawson County Schools Scott Morgan said the new facility will be built behind the school, outside of where the JROTC program is currently housed.
It will be a little more than 7,000 square feet in size.
The paperwork also says the start date is January 2017 and the project should be completed by the time school starts in August of the same year.
"It will be two stories with two classrooms, storage areas and locker rooms upstairs, which is at the level of the current building," said Maj. Robert Wiley who is a JROTC instructor at the school. "The lower floor will be a multipurpose space used for formations and physical fitness training during the colder months and inclement weather.
Wiley also said the facility will house the air rifle range.
"We are, of course, very excited and appreciative for the building."
The current JROTC classrooms will be updated for use by Career Tech programs at the high school, according to officials. | {
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} | 461 |
One of the investments in our household is an efficient HVAC system. The appliance keeps the temperature in our house to the preferable level. This is important since every day; we don't get the same degree of temperature. There are days where it's too cold or too hot, and the sudden and drastic changes might get us sick.
So if you're thinking of buying for the first time or installing a new one, you should research more so you can buy the right one. The efficiency of the system will affect your utility bills, whether in a good or bad way. Read more of the following benefits of getting you a high quality HVAC system.
If you're sick with your old HVAC system that doesn't even produce the air temperature you want, then you should ditch it. A new and high efficiency system has speed motors that make sure that it produces consistent flow of air throughout the house. If you get a consistent air flow, it means that you're also getting cleaner air. A superior air flow will promote a healthy breathable air for your family. The filtration is also upgraded, and this means that the filter and duct are easily cleaned. You just have to schedule a maintenance routine with professionals of air conditioner Spring Hill.
The older version of HVAC systems is not that efficient when it comes to controlling the temperature using thermostat. But with the improvement because of technology, HVAC systems are now more efficient because of the programmable thermostats. Once you have control over the thermostat, you can set the perfect temperature in your house. If you designated zones around the house, you have control on what level of temperature you assign to each room.
The new and high quality HVAC system will allow you to control the zoning system. This means that you can cool or heat some rooms differently than other, each of them base on your desire temperature. You can set a low temperature on the room which is not used that often. Doing this technique, you will save more money on the utility bill.
If you've been suffering from costly utility bills, think again. Look around your house. An old HVAC system works harder to produce the temperature you want. This means that more energy is used. If you replace that old system with the new one, then you will save more money. You just have to spend a lot on the initial purchase. But you will eventually have a return on investment after a while, since your new system uses only a fraction of energy to function.
High quality and high efficiency HVAC system are good for the environment. The newer HVAC system uses less fuel and energy compared to the older systems. Once you install such system, you will produce less waste. The lesser waste produce by the system, the cleaner the environment is.
The HVAC system in our house is important. Without it, we can't survive winter and summer. Such system makes our cold days warm, and hot days cold. We're sitting comfortably in our chairs, enjoying the comfortable temperature because of the HVAC system. Aside from the comfort they bring us, HVAC systems also make the air cleaner and healthier to breathe. With this being said, such appliance deserves to be maintained. Monthly maintenance and routine is necessary so the system won't be damaged.
HVAC repairs will cost you a lot. If the HVAC system is also damaged that much, you are forced to replace it and buy a new one. There are maintenance routines that you can do on your own, like simple dusting and cleaning. But if you schedule a professional cleaning maintenance, you can choose the package that includes cleaning. Aside from the inspection and maintenance procedures, you can also ask the professional of spring hill FL AC repair to do simple cleaning.
Check the industry standards imposed by your state. Most of the states require that the HVAC system of each household should be checked twice a year. There are also states that require an annual checkup only. Once you're done with having your system checked, the company will give you a certification that states that your HVAC is up and running well.
You have to invest on the maintenance of your HVAC system so it will run for many years or so. It's a good investment since it's still your comfort which is at stake. If the system is damaged or needs replacement, you will spend more on it. With maintenance, small issues are resolved and you won't spend too much on your utility bills.
The following are the benefits of getting your HVAC system maintained.
We all know what happens if the HVAC system is damaged or not running on good condition. The air it produces is not enough or too much. Most of the time, the air is too cold or too hot for you to handle. Issues on its small parts will become bigger in the long run. Once it does, the entire system is affected. This means that the indoor air quality will suffer, and you no longer breathe clean and fresh air. You will also spend more on the utility bills, and your level of comfort will decrease.
If you want to do the maintenance on your own, you will not spend anything but just your time and energy. If you hire a contractor or professional, you will spend some money but not as much as what you'll spend on replacement or repairs. If you want to save money on your energy bills, just make sure that the system is working well.
Once you make sure that your HVAC system is in its good working condition, you will have lesser chance of breakdowns. As much as possible, the dirt should be cleaned and all parts are checked so the system is efficiently working.
Can you imagine sitting at your house during winter without HVAC system that produces warm air? Your health will be at risk if the level of temperature in your house is not comfortable. Without a heating and cooling system, your health would be at risk. The HVAC system is invented for a reason, and that's to provide the air temperature we prefer. If you're wondering how such system works, click here.
The basic components of an HVAC system are heat pump, furnace, indoor air-quality system and air conditioner unit. These components make up the system and they work together to provide us with the level of temperature that's comforting for us. Just read more if you want to know the functions of each component.
An important component of an HVAC system is the heat pump. Its job is to remove the excess heat from the house or building and disperse that outside. This component is like an air conditioner that lets the heat out. The amazing thing about this component is that it can act for heating during the cold days. If you live in a cold place, the component will extract air from the outside and move it inside so the house is warmed. If you live on the tropical places, the component won't require too much heat to wok.
Another important component of the HVAC system is the furnace. Choosing the right one is crucial, since it will greatly affect how it produces the air in your house. If you choose the one with Precise Comfort technology, you will get a furnace that works 100% or at full capacity. If it's cold, you need more heating in your house. The furnace will then respond with hotter flame and higher air speed. If it's warm, the furnace will only use a small flame. A furnace that provides you with the precise comfort reduces the humidity level.
One of the greatest advancement when it comes to HVAC system is the availability of thermostats. Gone were the days where you manually set the temperature and change it overtime if it's not comfortable anymore. With the help of thermostat, the temperature and humidity level in our house are controlled with exact precision. The temperature would be more comfortable for you because of the humidity level.
An air conditioner unit has the ability to produce cool air continuously. People living in tropical areas commonly use air conditioner because of the cool air it produces. If you research more about high functioning units, you might purchase one that has an adjustable compressor speed. This will make the unit work between 35% and 100% of its capacity. Aside from that, you can also find units that will reverse the flow of heat. So if the temperature gets cold, warm air is brought inside the house. If you're shopping for one, make sure that it has humidity control so the produced air is cleaner and safer. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 5,884 |
Ultra Mania
If you can run 26.2, you can finish an ultramarathon-without quitting your day job. Here's how.
By Michael Finkel
Jason Holley
At the starting line of the 100-mile Western States Endurance Run, in a state of frenetic nervousness (okay, in a panic), I asked myself the unavoidable question: Why?
Why try an ultramarathon? I'd believed, while training, that it'd be perversely fun. I had been a serious, though mostly midpack runner for 15 years. I'd finished a few marathons. Yet 26.2 no longer represented running's equivalent of Everest. I'm motivated by the idea of expanding my physical and mental limits; elation, to me, is a chief by-product of exhaustion. The test of a 100-mile ultra, and my goal of completing it within 24 hours, seemed a new frontier.
But there's a deeper answer, I realized at the start, double-knotting my shoes in predawn darkness: There is no clear answer. Some mad desire, some self-flagellating curiosity, had brought me here, to California, in order to run the near-equivalent of four marathons, back-to-back-to-back-to-back, most of it on rugged, rock-strewn trails, while navigating mountains and canyons and dense forests. A more specific explanation for running an ultra, I supposed, would have to come after I'd tried one.
The race started with an arduous 4.7-mile climb, ascending high into the Sierra Nevada, where even in late June a thick layer of snow covered the trail. I took my time and tapped into an energy-efficient hiking pace--long strides, metronomic elbow pumps--that I'd honed during 25 years of backpacking trips. An ultra isn't an event for which you can simply practice; it's a race you've essentially lived for, one that requires access to nearly all your life's accumulated athletic experience.
So I began hiking; no sin in a race where I just had to average 14-minute miles. The snow, however, leached into my shoes, soaking my feet. After 10 miles, blisters were in full bloom.
Here, in a nutshell, is what you can do about blisters when you plan on running 90 more miles: nothing. One thing you can count on in an ultra is some sort of nagging pain--a sour stomach, an irritable tendon, a recalcitrant knee. Pain's a given. It's all about how you handle it. I accepted that my feet were going to be hamburgered, and I promised them that they'd enjoy the next month living rent free in fur-lined bedroom slippers. Apparently, the deal was accepted, and after a few miles of throbbing ache, my feet quietly retreated into stoic numbness.
In the canyon section, a third of the way through Western States, the temperature rose into triple digits. I'd prepared myself for the heat and the hills during an unusual one-week vacation the previous spring. I'd journeyed to Mexico's Copper Canyon, home to the Tarahumara, the legendary long-distance running tribe. After a few days of inquiries and dead ends, I found my way to a remote village, home of Juan Herrera, a personal hero of mine. In 1994, Herrera came to the United States, entered the Leadville Trail 100 race, and casually won it in a then-record time of 17 1/2 hours. Then he returned home.
I knocked on Herrera's door, paid my respects, and explained that I was seeking guidance in my quest to run 100 miles in one day. Herrera politely overlooked my terrible Spanish, laced up a pair of old tennis shoes, and led me on a two-hour run in the heat of the day, up and down the ravines in the sere badlands surrounding his village. He imparted to me a curious breathing technique, a circular in-the-nose-out-the-mouth style that felt as calming as yoga. I was inspired by Herrera's generosity, and while battling the canyons of Western States, I kept my legs churning by envisioning my intense workout with him.
Through the first marathon I ran, then I ran some more, hour after hour, until running became the norm and the trees, the mountains, the lakes floated serenely through my field of vision. I reached the midpoint in about 12 hours even, meaning that I'd have to run another 50 miles without slowing down. That seemed impossible. But at mile 62, I met up with my sister, Diana, herself an accomplished runner, who was going to guide me through the night to the finish. In most 100-mile ultras, you're allowed a pacer over the last third of the race.
My sister was the ideal partner, part sweet Scheherazade--narrating rambling stories that lasted a half dozen miles--part evil taskmaster, driving me onward when all I wanted to do was lie on the forest floor and sleep. An overnight run, I discovered, is a bizarre yet profound way to bond with a sibling.
After 75 miles, my body began shutting down; I could scarcely speak or eat or even form a cogent thought. My back ached; my joints throbbed. And I still had a marathon to go.
I could, however, still place one foot in front of the other at a moderate clip. And so I did, following the pale circle from Diana's flashlight, along the trails, through the dark, in a strange, detached state--almost a euphoria--that is on the far side of exhaustion. Up the final hill we went, and then onto a high school track for the last ecstatic strides to the finish line.
My time: 23 hours 48 minutes. At the finish, I vowed I'd never run that far again; a promise that even now, a few years later, I've had little desire to break. But I was suffused with this warm sense of overwhelming fulfillment. In one day, I'd totally rejiggered how I calculated my abilities and weaknesses. What I'm trying to say, maudlin or not, is that I was deeply happy.
The by-products of my run--dogged patience, redrawn boundaries of endurance, deep energy reserves--improved my life running-wise and everything-else-wise. It aided my concentration skills at work. It helped me cope with the all-night stresses of a newborn. In a small but essential way, I felt transformed.
So I suppose that's my answer. Why run an ultra? Because it feels so damn good when you finish.
Overcoming the Ultramarathon Mind Game
When your feet ache, your stomach screams, and your quads cry mama, only mind games can get you through. Here's how to prepare.
How To Fuel Up During An Ultra
Four tips every runner should know before tackling an ultra.
Ultra Races You Should Do
Ready to commit to your first ultra? Consider one of these 13 races--all relatively easy ways to push beyond 26.2.
Charlie Engle: Endurance Junkie
Find out how Charlie Engle went from drug addict to ultramarathoner.
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Go Ultra
Ultra Progression
Ultra Committed
Transcendental Ultra
Intro to Ultras | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 1,488 |
In this series of tutorials, we will go through the process of texturing, rigging, animating, lighting, rendering, and compositing a CG model of guts onto a live action plate of a zombie.
We begin in CINEMA 4D with bringing in the live action plate to get an idea of how the model should move to match the footage. We then go through the process of using deformers to get realistic movements for the soft parts of the model.
After setting up our render to get all the passes we need for our composite, we move to NUKE where we set up our Read nodes with all the pieces we will need to create the shot. We then use a series of RotoPaint nodes to remove unwanted things in our shot as well as create blood on the ground behind the zombie. We use a unique color correction method for utilizing our shadow pass that gets us a perfect match to the color and tint of the live action shadows.
By the end of this training, you will not only be equipped to create a zombie limb replacement from start to finish but you will also have picked up lots of useful tips and techniques for shooting and recreating a similar scene on your own. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 7,263 |
Heading For A Fall
Are Iraq-Afghan Wars Setting Stage For US Defeat In Final World Conflict?
America has been drained of its manpower and resources in unending and unnecessary guerilla wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while events are unfolding elsewhere that may spark the final world conflict. If we have accomplished anything after nearly a decade of fighting, it has been to enflame the Islamic world and push chances for world peace even further from our grasp.
That U.S. and British forces, assisted by a few other participating nations, raided Iraq and overthrew Saddam Hussein from dictatorial power, did not prove to be a stabilizing action in that region. Now that the war is declared ended, with the last American "combat" troops withdrawn, Iraq today is a region left without a real government and standing on the brink of civil war.
The destruction of Hussein's strong-arm government and withdrawal of American forces now leaves the door open for the three tribal factions, the Sunni, Shia and Kurds to renew an age-old struggle for power. What makes the Iraqi picture even more complicated is that the tribal division is even more deeply rooted than most people understand. There still exists in that area an estimated 150 tribal groups dating back to the time of the old Ottoman Empire.
The people of Iraq have already demonstrated that conducting democratic styled elections will not work among the Arab tribes. Thus without having another militant styled leader like Hussein rise to power and rule once more by force, Iraq must fall back into its original tribal territories or perhaps never enjoy a stable form of government.
The removal of Saddam Hussein also upset a balance of power that existed between Iraq and Iran. These two nations were either at war with each other or staring down their gun barrels at one another, thus, in a strange way, preventing either country from ever becoming a real problem for the rest of the world. Notice that now that Iraq has been left a crumbling maze of instability, Iran is rising as a new world power to be dealt with.
While Saddam Hussein never had nuclear weapons, and apparently was not even attempting to acquire them, the same cannot be said for Iran. That nation is openly building nuclear power plants and some world leaders believe may be only months away from possessing a bomb.
Israel, which already possesses a nuclear arsenal, is threatening to attack Iran before that country has the capability of returning a nuclear strike. The United States has pledged to defend Israel. Thus the Bush inspired war in Iraq helped put the ingredients in place for a very dangerous world conflict.
The problem now facing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is how to defuse this deadly situation before it gets worse than it already is.
US forces are concentrating their resources on the Afghan conflict which strangely leaves most Americans confused as to just who the enemy is. We went there to fight Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda terrorist organization following its attack on the United States on 9-11. But our military leaders apparently did not understand this new enemy, and chose the wrong way to go about attacking it. To this day all that we have achieved there is to uproot the old way of life in Afghanistan. We have never captured Osama bin Laden, the Al-Qaeda forces have moved across the border into Pakistan, and we have ended up at war with yet another radical Islamic group, the Taliban, which had nothing to do with 9-11. All the Taliban appears to want is to drive the latest invaders out of their territory.
Al-Qaeda, which knows no allegiance to any nation and is not confined to borders, has become a multinational, stateless army of terrorists. Its leaders call for a global Jihad against the Christian and Jewish states. They are skilled and ruthless guerilla fighters, willing to blow themselves up for their cause. Their strategy has been to carefully plan their attacks, then disappear among the many villages and farms, blending in with the natives.
While it is believed the plot for the 9-11 attack was hatched in Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda also is known to be operating in Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Kashmir and Indonesia. This organization is a growing threat, difficult to flush out, and is a constant threat to peace almost everywhere in the world. Its objective appears to be to destroy all "infidels" who fail to follow the teachings of Mohammad. The irony here is that they, like so many other radical world religious groups, have strayed from the real teachings of that great prophet. Mohammad taught peace and love for our fellow man.
Dangerous hot-spots exist in other parts of the world that cannot be ignored. America still has troops stationed in Korea, at the border between North and South Korea. The world keeps constant watch on the erratic activities of North Korea's Communist dictator Kim Jong Il, who also claims to possess nuclear capability. It is widely believed that a transfer of power will soon be made to one of Kim's sons, Kim Jong Eun. No one knows what changes will occur once this young man comes to power.
Somalia, Africa, is another nation filled with internal conflict that threatens peace and stability. It has been a perfect place for Al-Qaeda terrorists to set up operations, and is known as the headquarters for yet another terrorist group known as the al-Shabaab. It has been Somalia terrorists that have been conducting pirate raids on passing ships at sea. Neighboring Uganda now has more than 4,000 troops in Mogadishu to support Sheikh Sharif's Transitional Federal Government, which appears to have no jurisdiction outside of the city limits. Uganda is negotiating with the United States for the financial help and weapons to supply thousands of more reserve troops for deployment to Somalia.
There is a civil war occurring right at America's southern border as Mexican troops battle the powerful drug cartel. It appears that the cartel is attempting to overthrow the Mexican government. President Felipe Calderon, who launched the effort by national troops to curtail the illicit drug production and trafficking into the United States, says the cartels now seek "to replace the government" and are "trying to impose a monopoly by force of arms" and to "impose their own laws."
There are serious conflicts occurring in the southeastern corners of the globe that rarely if ever make the news in America. Nepal has experienced ten long years of revolutionary guerrilla warfare. The Maoist Peoples Liberation Army toppled the monarchy there three years ago and appears to be in the process of bringing peace and a new form of government.
China remains an enigma to U.S. intelligence. While we have opened the doors for more and more commercial trade, and appear to be working politically and economically with that growing world power, there is rising tension as China, India and the United States compete for dwindling world resources and especially oil. In the meantime, China, which is a nuclear power, is busy building its military force and would be a serious opponent if U.S. forces ever find themselves in conflict with that nation.
Sadly our world appears caught up in conflict and chaos at what should be one of the most exciting and dramatic periods in human history. We have been making great advancements in technology and appear to be on the verge of improving the health and length of life for all. We are discovering new energy sources that promise to decrease world dependence on oil. Yet we also have the capability of launching warfare with these new technologies that threaten to lead us all into extinction.
Old antiquated religious systems have not only prevented the spiritual advancement of humanity, but have become so distorted in their messages that they have become the basis for extreme punishments, brutal executions and bloody conflicts. A radical Christian group in Florida threatens this very week to burn copies of the Holy Koran, an act designed to inflame the Islamic world and create more conflict than already exists.
Lastly, the quest for wealth and power has remained the catalyst for the political misdeeds of nearly all who rise to positions of potential leadership in every nation. Consequently we have become a world filled with humans, all involved in a struggle among ourselves for a piece of this wealth or perhaps a morsel of food so one might survive another day. How might we all look to an external Creator God, if one should exist, if He observes this malignant cesspool of maggots from above?
Indeed, Christian driven governments behave as if they would welcome a great world conflict. They have Armageddon on their minds because of a strange belief that such a war would force a messiah to return to Earth and save the day. What insanity lies hidden in this story?
The great danger for America in this world of conflict is that our adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the corruption within our own financial markets, have drained our coffers and exhausted our once great engine of war. As a nation we are no longer in a good position to defend ourselves from foreign aggression. And while we have been busy fighting an invisible enemy in the rocky hills of Afghanistan and the deserts of Iraq, China, Russia and even North Korea have been steadily rebuilding their military forces.
Have we not foolishly set ourselves up for a final conflict that we cannot win? Are we not ripe for a fall? Not only are American troops off to fight on foreign soil, but the great industrial machine we once had has been farmed off to places like India, China, Indonesia and Mexico in a quest for low-cost labor. Should an attack occur, we must question whether the U. S. could rebound to build the tanks, aircraft, ships, missiles, bombs and bullets like we did during World War II.
Even our food, our electronic toys, cars, and communications equipment is manufactured and sometimes controlled from overseas. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 2,882 |
var Socket = require('socket.io/lib/socket');
var moment = require('moment');
var request = require('request');
module.exports = function (endpoint) {
Socket.prototype.$on = require('events').EventEmitter.prototype.on;
Socket.prototype.on = function (eventName, handler) {
this.$on(eventName, function (data, callback) {
var startTime = +moment.utc();
handler(data, function () {
var endTime = +moment.utc();
var latency = endTime-startTime;
uri: endpoint,
method: 'POST',
form: {latency: {event_name: eventName, value: latency}},
json: true
function (error, response, body) {
if (error) {
console.log('Could not send latency to defined endpoint: ', error.code) // Print the google web page.
callback.apply(this, arguments);
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub"
} | 318 |
IP Briefs: IP Due Diligence: Key to Success in M&A Transactions
Although IP due diligence is relevant to virtually any transaction between biotech companies, a detailed investigation into IP assets is particularly critical to M&A transactions.
The biotechnology sector enjoyed a banner year for building capital during 2006—raising $29.6 billion, compared with $20.2 billion in 2005. Although this fundraising activity is a positive sign for emerging companies seeking capital to support drug development programs, the challenges that early stage companies face today are more daunting than ever.
Sergio Garica
The costs to bring a successful drug candidate to market from discovery through launch continue to escalate. Moreover, the IPO window has not been an inviting one for most emerging life sciences companies. On the regulatory front, the FDA has adopted a more conservative approach requiring life sciences companies to meet additional regulatory hurdles to get product candidates approved. This environment is forcing companies to spend more on drug development.
To support their products in development, emerging biotech companies need to obtain global clinical, regulatory, and medical affairs expertise. This has led to multimillion dollar partnering deals and a record number of acquisitions of emerging biotech companies by large pharma or big biotech firms. Over 300 merger and acquisition (M&A) deals were completed during the year 2006.
For large pharma and biotech companies, acquisitions of emerging biotech companies allow them to expand their product pipelines with new, cutting-edge technologies, or drug candidates that were not invented through internal R&D efforts. This strategy—to grow pipelines through acquisitions—was stimulated, in part, by the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004. This legislation has enabled US-based pharmaceutical companies to repatriate approximately $100 billion of dererred foreign income, at a 5.25% US corporate tax rate and many of these pharma companies are using these repatriated earnings to finance M&A deals.
Merck Pays Big Dollars for Sirna Acquisition
In the not-too-distant past, pharmaceutical companies were interested only in licensing or acquiring biotechnology products that had substantial validation in human clinical trials. This is no longer the case, as indicated by a couple of recent acquisitions: Merck's acquisition of Sirna and Amgen's acquisition of Avidia. Both transactions involved the payment of a substantial premium for early stage, platform technology.
As M&A activity continues to shatter records, the due diligence process has assumed greater significance in biotech deals. Life sciences M&A transactions present unique challenges in investigating and valuing products in development. These transactions also present critical regulatory and antitrust issues that must be dealt with early in the process. Also, the early diligence process must focus on intellectual property (IP) considerations. Although IP due diligence is relevant to virtually any transaction between biotech companies, a detailed investigation into IP assets is particularly critical in M&A transactions. Properly conducted IP due diligence provides a potential acquirer with information that is critical in assessing the value, price, or other key elements of the proposed transaction. These transactions require a thorough process for identifying all intellectual property assets, confirming ownership over those assets, and ensuring that the assets are free of technical defects or encumbrances.
The nature and scope of the IP diligence inquiry will vary widely, depending on the maturity of the target company and the nature of its products or its core technology. An initial IP diligence request may list a broad range of IP assets, including copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, patent applications, and know-how. The focus of the IP diligence investigation for biotech transactions is on patents, patent applications, and know-how.
To assess the value of a target company or its intellectual property, the acquiring company will be concerned with the proprietary nature of the IP, how the IP is protected, and the extent of the target company's rights over the IP. The acquiring company needs to determine whether it can effectively develop and commercialize the target company's products and technologies going forward. The IP diligence process also enables the acquirer to better understand the value of the IP assets and this valuation often has a direct impact on the price of the overall transaction.
As part of the IP diligence process, the target generally must provide detailed documentation on the nature and scope of patent rights and the validity, enforceability, and transferability of such rights.
If the target's technology is not covered by patents, the company should describe how the technology is protected—is it through trade secret, trademark, copyright, or other protections? It is expected that all registrations protecting the company's proprietary technology have been adequately documented.
Finally, the target must address any risks to the value of the IP. Is there any pending litigation or risk of future litigation associated with the use of the technology that can be identified and quantified? Additionally, the target should expect potential acquirers to undertake a litigation review to assess any potential claims, infringement, or insurance issues.
In addition to addressing the general IP risk issues described above, IP diligence also requires the review of several key areas, including ownership issues, freedom-to-operate considerations, scope, validity and enforceability concerns, and the transfer of rights to third parties.
Ownership Issues
Ownership is one of the most important issues to explore in the IP due diligence investigation. The most critical questions will focus on the target's rights in the IP and whether those rights are free of any encumbrances and whether the rights may be cleanly transferred.
Not having clear rights over the IP can be a deal-breaker. To avoid issues that may disrupt the transaction, the target should be able to explain and document how IP rights have been assigned to the company; the company's rights to transfer and assign the IP; and whether there have been any third party challenges to the IP rights.
In the past, acquiring companies have focused on ownership issues when valuing a target company and assessing long-term product or technology viability. However, recent deals demonstrate that acquirers are eager to fully understand freedom to operate (FTO) issues. In general, an FTO analysis evaluates whether the acquiring company will be able to make, use, or sell products without infringing on the IP rights of a third party. An FTO analysis fully explores potential legal roadblocks, such as valid patent claims of third parties. Any potential significant FTO issues often mean further diligence and analysis before the deal moves to the next stage.
Scope, Validity, and Enforceability
The scope, validity, and enforceability analysis is related to the strength of the company's IP assets. Claims must be evaluated and validated for compliance with formal requirements (for e.g., the written description, enablement, and best-mode requirements). Also, the analysis should include an investigation of enforceability issues, particularly under the US patent law, such as potential inequitable conduct issues.
Transfer of Rights to Third Parties
The company seeking to acquire a biotech firm needs to examine any transactions involving the transfer of rights relating to intellectual property. Any such analysis includes an examination of licenses, material transfer agreements, collaboration agreements, or any other transaction that involves a transfer of IP rights. For each of the agreements involving transfer of IP rights, several issues will have to be examined:
Patents licensed to a third party, including the specific patents licensed, any exclusivity rights, and specific inclusions or exclusions related to each party's ability to use the patents.
Issues related to prosecution and maintenance of the licensed patents, including reimbursement of costs.
Issues related to enforcement of the patents.
Commercial diligence obligations and service level commitments.
Financial terms, including milestones payments and royalty obligations.
Third party and company termination rights.
The number and magnitude of recent M&A transactions indicate that another dynamic year could be in store for biotechs. IP due diligence is a key component in any merger and acquisition. The considerations outlined in this article—ownership issues, freedom to operate, scope, validity, enforcement, and transfer of rights to third parties—are areas to explore early in the parties' deal negotiations. Throughout the process, it is important to identify and resolve IP issues in a constructive manner, seeking to resolve issues early on, with minimum disruption to the overall transaction.
Sergio Garica is cochair of the life sciences group, and partner, corporate and intellectual property group, at Fenwick & West LLP, San Francisco, CA, 415.875.2366, [email protected] | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 8,343 |
ERROR: type should be string, got "https://www.thehot12.com/shows/TheRealDealSmokeyRobinson.mp3\nAmerican singer, songwriter and record producer (born 1940)\nWilliam \"Smokey\" Robinson Jr. (born February 19, 1940) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, and former record executive director. He was the founder and front man of the Motown vocal group the Miracles, for which he was also chief songwriter and producer.[1] He led the group from its 1955 origins as \"the Five Chimes\" until 1972, when he announced his retirement from the group to focus on his role as Motown's vice president. However, Robinson returned to the music industry as a solo artist the following year. Robinson left Motown Records in 1990, following the sale of the company two years earlier.\nRobinson was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987 and was awarded the 2016 Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for his lifetime contributions to popular music.[2][3] In 2022, he was inducted into the Black Music & Entertainment Walk of Fame.\nEarly life and early career\nWilliam Robinson Jr. was born to an African-American father and a mother of African-American and French descent into a poor family in the North End area of Detroit, Michigan.[1] Robinson's ancestry is also part Nigerian, Scandinavian, Portuguese, and Cherokee.[4] His uncle Claude gave him the nickname \"Smokey Joe\" when he was a child.[5] In 2012, Robinson explained:\nMy Uncle Claude was my favorite uncle, he was also my godfather. He and I were really, really close. He used to take me to see cowboy movies all the time when I was a little boy because I loved cowboy movies. He got a cowboy name for me, which was Smokey Joe. So from the time I was three years old if people asked me what my name was I didn't tell them my name was William, I told them my name was Smokey Joe. That's what everyone called me until I was about 12 and then I dropped the Joe part. I've heard that story about him giving it to me because I'm a light skinned black man but that's not true.[6]\nHe attended Northern High School, where he was above average academically and a keen athlete, though his main interest was music, and he formed a doo-wop group named the Five Chimes. At one point, he and Aretha Franklin lived several houses from each other on Belmont; he once said he'd known Franklin since she was about five, overhearing her play the piano when he had come to play with her older brother Cecil after her family first moved to Detroit.[7][8]\nRobinson's interest in music started after hearing the groups Nolan Strong & the Diablos and Billy Ward and his Dominoes on the radio as a child, and he has listed Barrett Strong, a Detroit native, as a strong vocal influence.[citation needed] In 1955, he formed the first lineup of the Five Chimes with childhood friend Ronald White and classmate Pete Moore.\nTwo years later, they were renamed the Matadors and included Bobby Rogers. Another member, Emerson (Sonny) Rogers, Bobby Rogers' cousin, was replaced by his sister, Claudette Rogers (who would marry Smokey Robinson in 1959). The group's guitarist, Marv Tarplin, joined them sometime in 1958. The Matadors began touring Detroit venues around this time. They later changed their name to the Miracles.\nThe Miracles and Motown\nMain article: The Miracles\nRobinson (front row, left) with The Miracles, circa 1962\nIn August 1957, Robinson and the Miracles met songwriter Berry Gordy after a failed audition for Brunswick Records. At that time during the audition, Robinson had brought along with him a \"Big 10\" notebook with 100 songs he wrote while in high school. Gordy was impressed with Robinson's vocals and even more impressed with Robinson's ambitious songwriting.[1] With his help, the Miracles released their first single, \"Got a Job\", an answer song to the Silhouettes' hit single \"Get a Job\"[9] on End Records. It was the beginning of a long and successful collaboration. During this time, Robinson attended college and started classes in January 1959, studying electrical engineering.[10] He dropped out after only two months, following the Miracles' release of their first record.[10]\nGordy formed Tamla Records, which was later reincorporated as Motown. The Miracles became one of the first acts signed to the label,[1] although they had actually been with Gordy since before the formation of Motown Records.[11] In late 1960, the group recorded their first hit single, \"Shop Around\", which became Motown's first million-selling hit record.[9] Between 1960 and 1970, Robinson would produce 26 top forty hits with the Miracles as lead singer, chief songwriter and producer, including several top ten hits such as \"You've Really Got a Hold on Me\",[9] \"Mickey's Monkey\", \"I Second That Emotion\", \"Baby Baby Don't Cry\" and the group's only number-one hit during their Robinson years, \"The Tears of a Clown\".\nOther notable hits such as \"Ooo Baby Baby\", \"Going to a Go-Go\",the multi-award-winning \"The Tracks of My Tears\", \"(Come Round Here) I'm The One You Need\", \"The Love I Saw in You Was Just a Mirage\" and \"More Love\" peaked in the top twenty. In 1965, the Miracles were the first Motown group to change their name when they released their 1965 album Going to a Go-Go as Smokey Robinson & the Miracles.\nBetween 1962 and 1966, Robinson was also one of the major songwriters and producers for Motown, penning many hit singles such as \"Two Lovers\",[9] \"The One Who Really Loves You\", \"You Beat Me to the Punch\" and \"My Guy\" for Mary Wells; \"The Way You Do The Things You Do\", \"My Girl\",[9] \"Since I Lost My Baby\" and \"Get Ready\" for the Temptations; \"Stillwater\" for the Four Tops; \"When I'm Gone\" and \"Operator\" for Brenda Holloway; \"Don't Mess With Bill\", \"The Hunter Gets Captured by the Game\" and \"My Baby Must Be a Magician\" for the Marvelettes; and \"I'll Be Doggone\" and \"Ain't That Peculiar\" for Marvin Gaye.[1]\nAfter the arrival of Holland–Dozier–Holland and the team of Norman Whitfield and Barrett Strong, Robinson was eclipsed as a top writer and producer for the label, and other Motown artists such as Gaye and Stevie Wonder began to compose more original material. Later in his career, Robinson wrote lyrics and music for the Contours such as \"First I Look at the Purse\", as well as the Four Tops' \"Still Water\" and The Supremes' \"Floy Joy\". The other Miracles—Bobby Rogers, Pete Moore, Ronnie White, and Marv Tarplin—collaborated with him as writers on many of these hits, and Pete Moore also doubled as co-producer with Robinson on several of them.\nBy 1969, Robinson wanted to retire from touring to focus on raising his two children with his wife Claudette, and on his duties as Motown's vice president, a job he had taken on by the mid-1960s after Esther Gordy Edwards had left the position.[1] However, the success of the group's \"Tears of a Clown\" made Robinson stay with the group until 1972.[1] His last performance with the group was in July 1972 in Washington, D.C.\nSolo career\nRobinson in concert at the Chumash Casino Resort in Santa Ynez, California, 2006\nAfter a year of retirement, Robinson announced his comeback with the release of the eponymous Smokey album, in 1973.[1] The album included the Miracles tribute song, \"Sweet Harmony\", and the hit ballad \"Baby Come Close\". In 1974, Robinson's second album, Pure Smokey, was released but failed to produce hits. Robinson struggled to compete with his former collaborators Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder and former Temptations member Eddie Kendricks, as all three had multiple hit singles during this period.\nFormer Beatle George Harrison featured the track \"Pure Smokey\" on his 1976 album Thirty Three & 1/3 as a tribute to Robinson. (Harrison's fellow Beatles John Lennon and Paul McCartney were also fans of Robinson's songwriting and the group covered \"You Really Gotta Hold on Me\" on their second UK album With the Beatles and US album The Beatles' Second Album, respectively.)\nRobinson answered his critics the following year with A Quiet Storm, released in 1975.[1] The album launched three singles – the number-one R&B hit \"Baby That's Backatcha\", \"The Agony & The Ecstasy\" and \"Quiet Storm\". However, Robinson's solo career suffered from his work as Motown's vice president, and his own music took the backseat. As a result, several albums including Smokey's Family Robinson, Deep in My Soul, Love Breeze and Smokin, saw poor promotion and received bad reviews. At this point Robinson relied on other writers and producers to help him with his albums.\nFollowing these albums, Robinson got out of a writer's block after his close collaborator Marv Tarplin, who joined him on the road in 1973 after Robinson left the Miracles, presented him a tune he had composed on his guitar. Robinson later wrote the lyrics that became his first solo top ten Pop single, \"Cruisin'\".[1] The song hit number one in Cash Box and peaked at number four on the Billboard Hot 100. It also became his first solo number one in New Zealand. Robinson would follow a similar approach with his next album, Warm Thoughts, which produced another top 40 hit, \"Let Me Be the Clock\", though it did not repeat the success of \"Cruisin'\".\nIn 1981, Robinson topped the charts again with another sensual ballad, \"Being with You\", which was another number one hit in Cash Box and peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100.[1] It also hit number one in the UK Singles Chart, becoming his most successful single to date.[1] The Gold-plus parent album sparked a partnership with George Tobin and with Tobin, Robinson released his next several Motown albums, Yes It's You Lady, which produced the hit \"Tell Me Tomorrow\", Touch the Sky and Essar. In 1983, Robinson teamed up with fellow Motown label mate Rick James recording the R&B ballad, \"Ebony Eyes\".\nIn 1987, following a period of personal and professional issues, Robinson made a comeback with the album, One Heartbeat and the singles, \"Just to See Her\" and \"One Heartbeat\",[1] which were Top 10 hits on Billboard's Pop, Soul, and Adult Contemporary charts. They were aided by popular music videos. \"Just to See Her\" won Robinson his first Grammy Award in 1988.[12] The album became one of his most successful ever, selling over 900,000 copies in the United States alone. In the same year, Robinson released One Heartbeat, the UK group ABC released a tribute song, \"When Smokey Sings\".\nHe was inducted as a solo artist to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988,[1] later igniting controversy as the committee had inducted only Robinson and not members of his group, the Miracles, which Robinson was personally offended by.[13][14] In 2012, however, the committee rectified the mistake announcing that the group would be inducted on their own merit. Though Robinson was not listed as an inductee, he was due to induct his former group at the ceremony in April 2012.\nAfter Motown was sold off to MCA in 1988, Robinson relinquished his position as vice president. Following the release of the album, Love Smokey, in 1990, Robinson left Motown for a deal with SBK Records in 1991. However, the album, Double Good Everything failed to chart. Robinson remained virtually quiet during the nineties (though he would make a notable cameo appearance in The Temptations 1998 miniseries), making a brief comeback in 1999 when he re-signed with Motown and issued the album, Intimate, which included the song \"Easy to Love\".\nIn 2003, he once again split ties with Motown, releasing the gospel album, Food for the Soul on Liquid 8 Records in 2004. In 2004 Robinson sang the main title theme song \"Colorful World\" to the American children's animated series ToddWorld for Discovery Kids, TLC and Mike Young Productions. Two years later, Robinson released the standards album, Timeless Love, in 2006 on Universal Records.\nIn 2009, he issued the album, Time Flies When You're Having Fun on his own label, Robso Records. It reached number 59 on the Billboard album chart, his highest showing since One Heartbeat. He subsequently released \"Now And Then\" in 2010, which peaked at number 131.\nRobinson with Senator Doug Jones while testifying at the United States Congress to support the CLASSICS Act in 2018\nSmokey & Friends was released in mid-August 2014. It was an album of duets, including songs with Elton John, Linda Ronstadt and James Taylor. It reached number 12 on the Billboard album chart.\nChristmas Everyday was Robinson's first post-Miracles Christmas album, and was released on November 10, 2017. In 2018, he appeared on an episode of CMT Crossroads alongside country singer Cam.[citation needed]\nIn April 2017, Robinson visited Fremont-Lopez Elementary School in Stockton, California, where he served as a designated arts mentor under Turnaround Arts.[citation needed]\nOn July 31, 2018, Robinson appeared as a special guest on the Fox network's show Beat Shazam as a special guest.[15]\nRobinson appeared on the song \"Make It Better\" from Anderson Paak's 2019 album Ventura.\nIn 2023, Robinson announced that he would release his first album in almost a decade in April 2023. The nine-track album will be called Gasms, and will feature entirely new music. The first single from the album, called \"If We Don't Have Each Other\", is already available on streaming service.[16]\nRobinson married a fellow Miracles member, Claudette Rogers, in 1959. The couple had two children: a son, Berry Robinson (born 1968), named after Motown's first label founder Berry Gordy; and a daughter, Tamla Robinson (born 1971), named after the original \"Tamla\" label set up by Gordy that would eventually become Motown.\nRobinson also had a son named Trey (born 1984) with another woman during his marriage to Claudette. After Robinson admitted to having fathered a child with a woman other than his wife, he filed for legal separation and later filed for divorce. The divorce was finalized in 1986. The Robinsons had also separated in 1974; during that separation, Robinson engaged in an extramarital affair that inspired the song \"The Agony & The Ecstasy\" (later featured on A Quiet Storm).[17]\nRobinson married Frances Gladney in May 2002. They own a home in Pittsburgh and use it as a winery.[18]\nRobinson has not eaten red meat since 1972.[19] He practices Transcendental Meditation.[19][20] Robinson is notable for having golden green eyes, which he believes were passed down from his French great-grandmother.[21]\nMain articles: The Miracles discography and Smokey Robinson discography (solo career)\nConductor Zubin Mehta with singers Dolly Parton and Robinson during a reception for the Kennedy Center honorees in the East Room of the White House, December 3, 2006\nOn February 22, 1983, Smokey was awarded an individual star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame.[22] Four years later, in 1987, Robinson was inducted to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Robinson's single \"Just to See Her\"\" from the One Heartbeat album was awarded the 1988 Grammy Award for Grammy Award for Best Male R&B Vocal Performance. This was Robinson's first Grammy Award.[12] One year later, in 1989, he was inducted to the Songwriter's Hall of Fame\nIn 1993, Robinson was awarded a medal at the National Medal of Arts. Two years before, he won the Heritage Award at the Soul Train Music Awards. In 2005, Robinson was voted into the Michigan Rock and Roll Legends Hall of Fame.[23] At its 138th Commencement Convocation in May 2006, Howard University conferred on Robinson the degree of Doctor of Music, honoris causa. In December 2006 Robinson was one of five Kennedy Center honorees, along with Dolly Parton, Zubin Mehta, Steven Spielberg and Andrew Lloyd Webber.\nOn March 20, 2009, the Miracles were finally honored as a group with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Smokey was present with original Miracles members Bobby Rogers, Pete Moore, (Bobby's cousin) Claudette Rogers, and Gloria White, accepting for her husband, the late Ronnie White, whose daughter Pamela and granddaughter Maya were there representing him as well. Smokey's replacement, 1970s Miracles lead singer Billy Griffin, was also honored.[24]\nControversially, original Miracle Marv Tarplin was not honored, against the wishes of his fellow Miracles and the group's fans, who felt that he should have also been there to share the honor. Later, Tarplin did receive his star. He was also inducted with the rest of the original Miracles, Bobby Rogers, Pete Moore, Ronnie White, and Claudette Robinson, into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2012, 25 years after Robinson's controversial solo induction in 1987. He was also awarded Society of Singers Lifetime Achievement Award in 2011.[24]\nIn 2009, Robinson received an honorary doctorate degree — along with Linda Ronstadt — and gave a commencement speech at Berklee College of Music's commencement ceremony. In 2015, he was given a BET Lifetime Achievement Award.\nIn 2016, Robinson received the Library of Congress' Gershwin Prize for Popular Song; and, on August 21, 2016, he was inducted into the Rhythm & Blues Hall of Fame in his hometown of Detroit.\nIn 2019, he received the Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement presented by Awards Council members Jimmy Page and Peter Gabriel.[25][26]\n^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:\"\\\"\"\"\\\"\"\"'\"\"'\"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url(\"//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Lock-green.svg\")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url(\"//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg\")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url(\"//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg\")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url(\"//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg\")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit} Larkin, Colin, ed. (1997). The Virgin Encyclopedia of Popular Music (Concise ed.). Virgin Books. pp. 1022/3. ISBN 1-85227-745-9.\n^ Lewis, Randy (July 5, 2016). \"Smokey Robinson named 2016 Gershwin Prize for Popular Song honoree\". Los Angeles Times.\n^ Smokey Robinson Is The Greatest American Songwriter, Theconcourse.deadspin.com, February 10, 2017\n^ Robinson, Smokey; The Breakfast Club (radio show) (October 21, 2016). Smokey Robinson Discusses Motown, Playing Music During Segregation Days and How He Got His Name (video). United States: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM. Event occurs at 44:20. Retrieved June 23, 2020.\n^ Hubbard, Stephen; Scott Ross. \"Smokey Robinson and the Miracle of Salvation\". CBN Music. Retrieved October 11, 2014.\n^ Battle, Chelsea (September 12, 2012). \"Smokey Robinson—A Poet That You Knoweth\". Los Angeles Sentinel. Retrieved September 14, 2014.\n^ CBS, Steven and Ross, Scott. \"Interview with Smokey Robinson.\" The 700 Club. Retrieved April 12, 2007.\n^ \"Smokey Robinson sings to Aretha Franklin during her funeral\". YouTube. August 31, 2018.\n^ a b c d e Gilliland, John (1969). \"Show 25 – The Soul Reformation: Phase two, the Motown story. [Part 4]\" (audio). Pop Chronicles. University of North Texas Libraries.\n^ a b Interview (2009), An Evening with Smokey Robinson, PBS.\n^ \"The Miracles: In the '60s, we loved and lost to this Motown legend's smooth songs (Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Class of 2012)\". Cleveland.com. April 3, 2012. Retrieved August 18, 2014.\n^ a b \"Smokey Robinson\". Grammy.com. March 17, 2014. Retrieved January 9, 2019.\n^ \"Smokey Robinson\". Rockhall.com. Retrieved October 20, 2009.\n^ \"Rock & Roll Hall of Fame still missing 3 Motown stalwarts | Goldmine Magazine\". Goldminemag.com. Retrieved November 9, 2011.\n^ \"Smokey Robinson is Special Guest on 'Beat Shazam' Hosted by Jamie Foxx Tonight on FOX | Feeling the Vibe Magazine\". Blog.feelingthevibe.com. Retrieved July 31, 2018.\n^ \"Smokey Robinson, 'King of Motown,' to release new solo album\". AP NEWS. January 27, 2023. Retrieved January 29, 2023.\n^ Smokey Robinson Reveals How Infidelity And Drugs Destroyed His Marriage. Ebony. Johnson Publishing Company. May 1989. pp. 150–. ISSN 0012-9011.\n^ \"Smokey Robinson Teams With Pittsburgh's Engine House 25 Wines\". Pittsburgh.cbslocal.com.\n^ a b McLean, Craig (September 7, 2014). \"Smokey Robinson interview: 'God saved me from cocaine'\". The Daily Telegraph. Archived from the original on January 11, 2022. Retrieved September 14, 2014.\n^ Gluck, Bob (2012). You'll Know When You Get There: Herbie Hancock and the Mwandishi Band. The University of Chicago Press. p. 229. Retrieved September 14, 2014.\n^ Sweetingham, Lisa (October 21, 2009). \"Smokey Robinson interview\". Telegraph.co.uk. Archived from the original on January 11, 2022.\n^ \"Smokey Robinson - Hollywood Walk of Fame\". Walkoffame.com. October 25, 2019. Retrieved April 20, 2020.\n^ \"Michigan Rock and Roll Legends - SMOKEY ROBINSON\". Michiganrockandrolllegends.com. Retrieved October 2, 2019.\n^ a b \"Ella Award Special Events\". February 12, 2011. Archived from the original on May 14, 2015. Retrieved May 10, 2015.\n^ \"Golden Plate Awardees of the American Academy of Achievement\". www.achievement.org. American Academy of Achievement.\n^ \"2019 Summit Highlights Photo: Roger Daltrey, the lead singer of The Who, greets a friend and fellow honoree, Motown legend Smokey Robinson\". Academy of Achievement.\nChristgau, Robert (June 1972). \"Smokey Robinson\". Newsday.\nWikiquote has quotations related to Smokey Robinson.\nWikimedia Commons has media related to Smokey Robinson.\nSmokey Robinson interview by Pete Lewis, 'Blues & Soul' December 1992\nInterview on Fresh Air\n\"Smokey Robinson\". Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.\nSmokey Robinson's page at soulwalking.co.uk\nSmokey Robinson Biography and Update at SoulTracks\nSmokey Robinson at cosmopolis.ch\nSmokey Robinson at IMDb\nSmokey Robinson interviewed on the Pop Chronicles (1969)\nSmokey Robinson Wines\nPure Smokey\nSmokey's Family Robinson\nDeep in My Soul\nLove Breeze\nWhere There's Smoke...\nBeing with You\nYes It's You Lady\nTouch the Sky\nEssar\nOne Heartbeat\nLove, Smokey\nTimeless Love\nSmokey & Friends\n\"Baby That's Backatcha\"\n\"Pops, We Love You (A Tribute to Father)\"\n\"Get Ready\"\n\"Cruisin'\"\n\"Being with You\"\n\"Ebony Eyes\"\n\"Just to See Her\"\n\"One Heartbeat\"\n\"We've Saved the Best for Last\"\nThe Miracles discography\n\"Pure Smokey\"\n\"When Smokey Sings\"\nAwards for Smokey Robinson\nGrammy Legend Award\nAndrew Lloyd Webber / Liza Minnelli / Willie Nelson / Smokey Robinson (1990)\nJohnny Cash / Aretha Franklin / Billy Joel / Quincy Jones (1991)\nMichael Jackson (1993)\nCurtis Mayfield / Frank Sinatra (1994)\nLuciano Pavarotti (1998)\nElton John (1999)\nBee Gees (2003)\nGrammy Lifetime Achievement Award\nBenny Goodman\nRoy Acuff\nWoody Herman\nIsaac Stern\nJascha Heifetz\nLeontyne Price\nArt Tatum\nKitty Wells\nFats Waller\nBobby \"Blue\" Bland\nStéphane Grappelli\nThe Mills Brothers\nMel Tormé\nSammy Davis Jr.\nTito Puente\nThe Funk Brothers\nArt Blakey\nMorton Gould\nJelly Roll Morton\nPinetop Perkins\nThe Staple Singers\nThe Weavers\nBooker T. & the M.G.'s\nBob Wills\nCab Calloway\nHank Jones\nTom Paxton\nAndré Previn\nJuilliard String Quartet\nGeorge Beverly Shea\nAntônio Carlos Jobim\nThe Memphis Horns\nGlenn Gould\nArmando Manzanero\nMaud Powell\nThe Louvin Brothers\nCelia Cruz\nHal Blaine\nGeorge Clinton and Parliament-Funkadelic\nBilly Eckstine\nGrandmaster Flash and the Furious Five\nMarilyn Horne\nGershwin Prize recipients\nPaul Simon (2007)\nStevie Wonder (2009)\nPaul McCartney (2010)\nBurt Bacharach and Hal David (2012)\nCarole King (2013)\nBilly Joel (2014)\nWillie Nelson (2015)\nSmokey Robinson (2016)\nTony Bennett (2017)\nEmilio Estefan and Gloria Estefan (2019)\nGarth Brooks (2020)\nLionel Richie (2022)\nJoni Mitchell (2023)\nKennedy Center Honorees (2000s)\nJames Levine\nOssie Davis & Ruby Dee\nSuzanne Farrell\nZubin Mehta\nLeon Fleisher\nPete Townshend & Roger Daltrey\nGrace Bumbry\nMusiCares Person of the Year\nDavid Crosby (1991)\nBonnie Raitt (1992)\nGloria Estefan (1994)\nQuincy Jones (1996)\nPhil Collins (1997)\nBono (2003)\nSting (2004)\nBrian Wilson (2005)\nJames Taylor (2006)\nDon Henley (2007)\nNeil Diamond (2009)\nNeil Young (2010)\nBruce Springsteen (2013)\nTom Petty (2017)\nFleetwood Mac (2018)\nDolly Parton (2019)\nAerosmith (2020)\nBerry Gordy and Smokey Robinson (2023)\nNational Medal of Arts recipients (2000s)\nLewis Manilow\nNational Public Radio, cultural programming division\nHarold Prince\nAlvin Ailey Dance Foundation\nJudith Jamison\nFlorence Knoll Bassett\nPhilippe de Montebello\nLawrence Halprin\nMing Cho Lee\nWilliam \"Smokey\" Robinson\nRafe Esquith\nMormon Tabernacle Choir\nLeonard Slatkin\nAndrew W. Mellon Foundation\nCarlisle Floyd\nFrederick Hart\nAnthony Hecht\nJohn Ruthven\nVincent Scully\nLouis Auchincloss\nJames DePreist\nLeonard Garment\nTina Ramirez\nWilliam Bolcom\nRoy DeCarava\nWilhelmina Holladay\nErich Kunzel\nGregory Rabassa\nViktor Schreckengost\nRalph Stanley\nMorten Lauridsen\nN. Scott Momaday\nCraig Noel\nRoy Neuberger\nHenry Z. Steinway\nGeorge Tooker\nLionel Hampton Jazz Festival (University of Idaho)\nAndrew Wyeth\nRichard M. Sherman\nRobert B. Sherman\nJesús Moroles\nFord's Theatre Society\nFisk Jubilee Singers, (Fisk University)\nJosé Limón Dance Foundation\nThe Presser Foundation\nMilton Glaser\nJoseph P. Riley Jr.\nMichael Tilson Thomas\nSchool of American Ballet\nRock and Roll Hall of Fame – Class of 1987\nCarl Gardner, Cornell Gunter, Billy Guy, Dub Jones\nEddie Cochran\nBill Haley\nEarly influences\nNon-performers\n(Ahmet Ertegun Award)\nLeonard Chess\nAhmet Ertegun\nJerry Leiber and Mike Stoller\nJerry Wexler\nThe Miracles (1955–1964) / Smokey Robinson & The Miracles (1965–1972) / The Miracles (1973–2011)\nRonnie White\nPete Moore\nClaudette Robinson\nMarv Tarplin\nDonald Griffin\nCarl Cotton\nMark Scott\nDave Finley\nSydney Justin\nAlphonse Franklin\nTee Turner\nHi... We're the Miracles (1961)\nCookin' with the Miracles (1961)\nI'll Try Something New (1962)\nThe Fabulous Miracles (1963)\nChristmas with The Miracles (1963)\nThe Miracles Doin' Mickey's Monkey (1963)\nI Like It Like That (1964)\nGoing to a Go-Go (1965)\nAway We a Go-Go (1966)\nMake It Happen (The Tears of a Clown) (1967)\nSpecial Occasion (1968)\nTime Out for Smokey Robinson & the Miracles (1969)\nFour in Blue (1969)\nWhat Love Has Joined Together (1970)\nA Pocket Full of Miracles (1970)\nThe Season for Miracles (1970)\nOne Dozen Roses (1971)\nFlying High Together (1972)\nDo It Baby (1974)\nDon't Cha Love It (1975)\nThe Power of Music (1976)\nThe Miracles (1978)\nThe Miracles Recorded Live on Stage (1963)\nSmokey Robinson & the Miracles LIVE! (1969)\nSmokey Robinson & The Miracles: 1957–1972 (1972)\nGreatest Hits: From the Beginning (1965)\nGreatest Hits, Vol. 2 (1968)\nAnthology (1974)\nAnthology '86 (1986)\nAnthology: The Best of Smokey Robinson & The Miracles (1995)\nThe Ultimate Collection (1998)\nOoo Baby Baby: The Anthology (2002)\nDepend On Me: The Early Albums (2009)\n\"Bad Girl\"\n\"Way Over There\"\n\"Shop Around\"\n\"Everybody's Gotta Pay Some Dues\"\n\"What's So Good About Goodbye\"\n\"I've Been Good to You\"\n\"I'll Try Something New\"\n\"You've Really Got a Hold on Me\"/\"Happy Landing\"\n\"A Love She Can Count On\"\n\"Mickey's Monkey\"\n\"I Gotta Dance to Keep From Crying\"\n\"(You Can't Let the Boy Overpower) The Man in You\"\n\"I Like It Like That\"\n\"That's What Love Is Made Of\"\n\"Come On Do the Jerk\"\n\"Ooo Baby Baby\"\n\"The Tracks of My Tears\"\n\"A Fork in the Road\"\n\"My Girl Has Gone\"\n\"Going to a Go-Go\"\n\"Choosey Beggar\"\n\"Whole Lot of Shakin' in My Heart (Since I Met You)\"\n\"(Come 'Round Here) I'm the One You Need\"\n\"The Love I Saw in You Was Just a Mirage\"\n\"More Love\"\n\"I Second That Emotion\"\n\"If You Can Want\"\n\"Yester Love\"\n\"Special Occasion\"\n\"Baby, Baby Don't Cry\"\n\"Here I Go Again\"\n\"Doggone Right\"\n\"Abraham, Martin and John\"\n\"Point It Out\"\n\"The Tears of a Clown\"\n\"I Don't Blame You at All\"\n\"We've Come Too Far to End It Now\"\n\"Give Me Just Another Day\"\n\"Do It Baby\"\n\"Love Machine\"\nThe Definitive Performances (1963–1987) (2006)\nCover versions of Miracles songs\nThe Miracles Sing Modern\nThe Miracles singles\n\" Bad Girl\" (1959)\n\"Way Over There\" (1960)\n\"Shop Around\" (1960) / \"Who's Lovin' You\" (1960)\n\"Everybody's Gotta Pay Some Dues\" (1961)\n\"What's So Good About Goodbye\" (1961) / \"I've Been Good to You\" (1961)\n\"I'll Try Something New\" (1962)\n\"You've Really Got a Hold on Me\" (1962) / \"Happy Landing\" (1962)\n\"A Love She Can Count On\" (1963) / \"I Can Take a Hint\" (1963)\n\" Mickey's Monkey\" (1963)\n\"I Gotta Dance to Keep from Crying\" (1963)\n\"The Christmas Song\" (1963)\n\"(You Can't Let the Boy Overpower) The Man in You\" (1964)\n\"I Like It Like That\" (1964)\n\"That's What Love Is Made Of\" (1964)\n\"Come On Do the Jerk\" (1964)\n\"Ooo Baby Baby\" (1965)\n\"The Tracks of My Tears\" (1965) / \"A Fork in the Road\" (1965)\n\"My Girl Has Gone\" (1965)\n\"Going to a Go-Go\" (1965) / \"Choosey Beggar\" (1965)\n\"Whole Lot of Shakin' in My Heart (Since I Met You)\" (1966)\n\"(Come 'Round Here) I'm the One You Need\" (1966)\n\"The Love I Saw in You Was Just a Mirage\" (1967)\n\"More Love\" (1967)\n\"I Second That Emotion\" (1967)\n\"If You Can Want\" (1968)\n\"Yester Love\" (1968)\n\"Special Occasion\" (1968)\n\"Baby, Baby Don't Cry\" (1969)\n\"Here I Go Again\" (1969) / \"Doggone Right\" (1969)\n\"Abraham, Martin and John\" (1969)\n\"Point It Out\" (1969) / \"Darling Dear\" (1969)\n\"The Tears of a Clown\" (1970)\n\"I Don't Blame You at All\" (1970)\n\"We've Come Too Far to End It Now\" (1972)\n\"Give Me Just Another Day\" (1973)\n\"Do It Baby\" (1974)\n\"Love Machine\" (1975)\nWhitney Houston »" | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 4,949 |
Somhlolo (även känd som Ngwane IV eller Sobhuza I) född cirka 1780, död 1836, var kung i Swaziland mellan 1815 och 1836.
Vid sitt trontillträde omfattade hans kungarike KaNgwane bara ett mindre område i södra delen av det nuvarande Swaziland.
Man utmanades starkt av de mäktiga Ndwandwe- och Zulu-rikena i söder, som hotade att helt uppsluka swaziernas land.
Men Somhlolo samlade folket, flyttade sitt residens norrut till Ezulwinidalen, konsoliderade riket och utvidgade dess gränser till att omfatta ett avsevärt större område än dagens Swaziland.
En dag, strax innan sin död, uppgav Somhlolo att han haft en dröm i vilken han såg människor med blek hud och hår rakt som kosvansar, som kom till hans land med ett fyrkantigt (umculu) och ett runt (indilinga) föremål. I drömmen hade han uppmanats att akta sig för det sistnämnda (som tolkades som pengar) men ta emot det fyrkantiga (Bibeln).
Somhlolo betraktas som något av nationens fader och nationalstadion har fått hans namn. På Somhlolostadion utropades Swazilands självständighet den 6 september 1968 och detta datum firas Somhlolo-dagen sedan dess som landets nationaldag.
The children of King Somhlolo Times of Swaziland
Ngwane IV of Swaziland cyclopaedia.net
History of Swaziland av J.S.M. Matsebula
Swazilands regenter
Födda 1780
Avlidna 1836
Personer i Swazilands historia | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} | 1,372 |
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A handful of ATMs and 2 Bureau de change can be found in the Terminal Building. A bank is also situated in the Hall B and operates for 6 days a week(except Sunday).
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"Fatal Error - Part Two" "Sweet Child of Mine"
"High Tide" is the 988th episode of Casualty and the 27th episode of the 30th series. It was preceded by "Fatal Error - Part Two" and followed by "Sweet Child of Mine". The episode was directed by Julie Edwards and written by Kelly Jones.
It features the first appearance of paramedic Jez Andrews, portrayed by Lloyd Everitt, who departed the show almost 18 months later. It also marks the final appearance of staff nurse Ben "Lofty" Chiltern, portrayed by Lee Mead, after just over two years on the show. Mead later reprised his role as Lofty on Holby City in 2017.
Emilie is due to be moved to a different location away from the hospital before she dies. Cal and Ethan accompany her in the ambulance with Iain and his new paramedic partner Jez. Meanwhile, Lofty's hearing date arrives but he is left feeling nervous, and Connie and Jacob take their day off to spend time together. Diane's teenage daughter Lana arrives in the ED drunk, and it soon transpires that she knows that Lofty was responsible for her mother's death.
Whilst on the road, Emilie once again reminds Cal and Ethan of her wish to go back to Conleth Bay whilst looking at old photographs. They trick Iain and Jez into getting out of the ambulance only for Cal to go into the front and drive off leaving the paramedics stranded. Shortly after they arrive at a tourist café located near the beach and get directions from a waitress there who also gives Ethan her number. Emilie chokes on a sweet and Cal has to resuscitate her, and they continue their journey. Back in the ED, it's clear that Lana is suffering with mental issues and despite her grandmother's attempts to get her to see a psychiatrist, she says she won't go. Iain and Jez continue their walk along the lane in the hope of getting someone to stop and give them a ride back to the ED.
Lofty misses his hearing with Michael Hall and other senior staff when he prioritises Lana's treatment. He climbs into the vent after realising she has climbed up, and encourages her to get treatment. She expresses her regret for telling her mother she hated her, and that she will never be able to take it back. Meanwhile, Ethan accidentally stumbles upon Cal's letter from the genetics lab whilst looking for medication for Emilie. Whilst distracted, Cal accidentally steers off the road into the bushes at the side. Things are made worse when a police officer becomes suspious whilst driving past, but Ethan is able to trick her by dressing up in a paramedic uniform in the back of the ambulance. They get the ambulance started again and set off for the bay. Jez ends up giving Iain a piggyback after a speeding car results in Iain jumping backwards out of the road and he twists his ankle. They are eventually given a lift by a group of women in a car driving past.
Ethan and Cal on the bench with Emilie just before her death.
After Rita informs Lofty that he could still keep his job with some training, he tells her that he is going to leave in order to partake in a charity hike and have a break from work. Meanwhile Cal, Ethan and Emilie arrive at Conleth Bay. Cal and Ethan run around on the beach having fun whilst Emilie overlooks in joy from the ambulance. They manage to get her out of the ambulance and onto a bench, at which point they decide to open their letters. Ethan didn't think he had one as he had never sent off, but Cal reminded him about when he demonstrated an injection back in January, and he tells him he send the blood he collected off instead of getting rid of it. Cal opens his and it comes back negative to him and Emilie's relief. Ethan opens his and tells Cal and Emilie his is negative too. Shortly after, Emilie dies. Ethan then reveals that his test was positive, meaning he has inherited Huntington's but lied to make Emilie happy.
At the ambulance station after safely getting back, Iain tricks Jez into thinking that his mother will be coming to tell him off for his unprofessional manner during the shift, which scares him as he was telling Iain how scary he finds his mum. Outside Lofty says goodbye to his colleagues and leaves the department for now.
This episode used various other locations for main filming locations in the episode. Scenes set at Conleth Bay were filmed in Porthcawl, South Wales whilst scenes on the roads were filmed in and around the Cardiff and South Wales area.
The episode saw the departure of Ben "Lofty" Chiltern following his arrival on the show in March 2014 during series 28. The character's final appearance was expected by many fans due to circulating rumours in the weeks leading up to the episode. Lee Mead has made it clear that it will most likely not be the last time Lofty is seen on the show, and his return has been hinted.
This episode also saw the arrival of new paramedic Jez Andrews. The character, portrayed by Lloyd Everitt, is a replacement paramedic for Kathleen "Dixie" Dixon whose departure scenes aired at the end of January 2016. The character's arrival was first announced in January 2016 shortly before Dixie's departure.
Following the episode's broadcast, a spring trailer was posted by the BBC online featuring scenes with Elle Gardner and David Hide. This coincided with a week's break before the next episode aired on 26 March.
Comments from fans over BBC Casualty's social media pages indicated overall praise for the episode. The emotional scenes between Cal and Ethan were said to have gone well with Lofty's departure, and a comedic element was added through Jez and Iain's roadside escapade. Some further went on to label it the best episode, whilst others were angry at the fact Ethan discovered that he had Huntington's.
Many fans noted that Lofty's departure was less significant due to the importance of Cal and Ethan's storyline. The episode was also Ethan centric. Furthermore, by the time the episode aired most fans were aware that Lofty's departure would only be temporary and therefore were less touched by him leaving. Some fans expressed annoyance at Lofty's exit storyline being too rushed, something which series producer Erika Hossington had previously noted about Ash and Tess' departures.
"Bad Timing" • "First Impressions" • "Holby Sin City" • "Black Alert" • "Step Right Up" • "High Tide" • "Pride Comes Before a Fall" • "Party Pooper" • "All I Want for Christmas is You" • "Break Point" • "Swift Vengeance Waits" • "Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep" • "Man Up" • "Somewhere Between Silences - Part One" • "Somewhere Between Silences - Part Two" • "Episode 3" • "Episode 14" • "Episode 22" • "Episode 24" • "Episode 25" • "Episode 31" • "Episode 33" • "Episode 34" | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 376 |
1.4 In this policy, "we", "us" and "our" refer to Warren Road Primary School. For more information about us, see Section 10.
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5.3 Data relating to enquiries that are sent from your web browser to our web server, or from our web server to your web browser, will be protected using encryption technology.
10.1 This website is owned and operated by Warren Road Primary School. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 410 |
Artists Return To Restore Women's Building Mural
Filed Under:18th Street, Artists, Design, MaestraPeace, Mission District, Mural, Mural Restoration, Paint, Preservation, Restoration Project, Scaffolding, SF Beautiful, The Women's Building, Valencia Street
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) – The artists who originally painted the vibrant MaestraPeace mural on the Women's Building in San Francisco's Mission District have returned to undertake a $100,000 restoration project.
The mural, located at the intersection of 18th and Valencia streets, was painted in 1994 and depicts the historical contributions of women around the world, according to the Women's Building.
With the support of the local nonprofit SF Beautiful, the preservation of the mural is now in full swing.
Local contributions through fundraising efforts have totaled $100,000, and the artists who painted the murals will be climbing scaffolding to touch up their designs, according to SF Beautiful.
The muralists plan to work on the project on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, officials from the nonprofit said.
(Copyright 2012 by CBS San Francisco and Bay City News Service. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.) | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 8,789 |
Libber's sisters
Sometimes before meeting a much more highly credentialled opponent, there's still a mysterious sliver of hope. A mild tingly feeling. The merest hint of anticipation. The feeling - the sniff - that an upset just might be brewing.
Sunday, though, was not one of those days.
The only tingle that a glance at the respective team lists provided was one of horror. Surveying the star-studded Sydney forward-line I contemplated, with a shudder, just how many goals they could rack up against our undersized, workman-like backline battlers.
I couldn't delude myself that we would be able to muster a win, or even save face with a highly competitive loss. Not when our opponent is the Swans, perched on top of the ladder and current premiership favourites, while we've just come off a really disappointing effort against a much less fearsome North Melbourne outfit. There were ominous signs in that lacklustre performance that the kids, who have given us rays of hope this year, are fatigued; that the effort of toiling away for respectable losses, worthy efforts, and some hard-fought wins (for none of them have in truth been easy) is starting to tell.
Occasions like Sunday bring about the forlorn, existential questions of why we bother. Donning the scarf, affixing the Bontempelli badge, and locating the membership ticket, with only a sense of ennui and trepidation, makes me question why I call this a 'hobby.' Most of the afternoon is likely to be depressing; maybe even a Melbourne-style capitulation could be on the cards for our young brigade. There could, and should, be better ways to spend a late Sunday afternoon than watching a lop-sided contest. I can already feel the anger and cynical despair at having to watch a belting from these opponents: a team that won the premiership only two years ago, yet able to somehow snare two expensive, high quality key forwards to further flaunt their competition dominance, leaving the have-nots even more mired in the ditch as they speed away.
In an attempt to whip up some enthusiasm, I run through a list of positives.
The Swans will be missing Josh Kennedy.
Buddy kicked nine last week. That means he's due for a downer. Right?
Brad Johnson has picked us in the Herald Sun footy tipping. (By five points, too, a healthy, glorious margin. I mean, Jono's a respected footy commentator. He knows his stuff and wouldn't let sentiment and loyalty to the Dogs ever affect his rational, objective judgement, surely?!)
I realise my checklist is looking a bit threadbare.
I resolve to spell-check the word 'shellacking.'
But the internal 'will I go or won't I go' monologue is only an academic exercise really. I'm at the ground at the ludicrous start time of 3.20. But this week it's just myself and my sister in the dozen seats reserved for our family. Dwindling interest, other commitments, and scheduling designed for TV, not real lives and real people, mean there are empty rows everywhere, familiar faces missing from the ranks.
Within our family, my sister and I are known as the Libber sisters. We are both of rover size, and one day during the 1990s, when Tony Liberatore was at his prime as an aggravating, pint-sized antagonist, we were leaving Kardinia Park, wearing our scarves. A Geelong wit spotted us, turned to his mate and began to chortle, pointing in our direction: 'Look! It's Libber's sisters!' We feigned annoyance but were secretly rather tickled; in a family known for nicknames, the title of Libber's sisters is one that has stuck. (Abbreviated, of course, in the Australian way, to just the Libbers).
When 'the Libbers' first arrive, we are quite thrown by the sight of vacant spots near us where two die-hard fans, women that we know only through our shared love of the Dogs, usually sit. It's a rarity; they're always there well before us. Though the supporting ranks have thinned badly throughout the year, it's still a painful jolt to think that these two, always so staunch, may have flown the white flag today rather than turn up for the anticipated carnage. But a few moments later I turn around and see them taking up their seats, setting down their Bulldogs cushions, sorting out their thermos flasks and supplies for the day. We call out cheerful greetings and begin to chat and banter about the game, our recent form, today's prospects (they, unlike me, are always upbeat). We talk about the year that's nearly gone.
We strike up conversations, as well, with two other women who never fail to attend. One is now only three weeks away from giving birth; we've watched her gradually expanding girth throughout the year. (We joke that she won't, unfortunately, have to be too concerned about missing finals matches). We talk about the omission of Will Minson, the birth during the week of Jake Stringer's adorable baby daughter, the disappointing progress of enigmatic Ayce Cordy, the sad prospect that next week is Gia's last game.
I realise yet again how integral women are to the fabric of AFL footy. Though my dad played in the Footscray reserves, I really owe my supporting lineage to my mother. She is present and accounted for as usual today in her seat, on the opposite side of the ground to the Libbers. She's well-primed after 60 years of heartache and disappointment, ready and waiting for appalling umpiring decisions against our team; whenever we hear booing from that section of the ground, we always smile, certain that she's among the outraged. It was a woman, Irene Chatfield, who was prepared to be the litigant in the injunction which stopped the Fitzroy-Fooscray 1989 merger; women who were at the forefront of the tin-rattling that saved the club. Women who are not glamorous WAGs but simply there every week, maybe a bit more patient and forgiving than the blokes, but no less fervent, knowledgeable and passionate about the game. Women like the mother and daughter duo, Pat and Jenny Hodgson, who typified the uncomplaining, dedicated fan in the documentary 'Year of the Dogs.' Women who are just as committed to our club.
Just as devastated by an opening term which is a true shocker.
There's been a pattern for most of the year of a poor start by the Dogs, and this fits the template. Any faint hope of a boilover is quickly extinguished by three effortless Swans' goals within the first seven minutes. The ease with which the Swans sweep it down the ground, with their tall forwards ready to gobble up elegant, pinpoint passes, is well in tune with my worst nightmares. It's way past demoralising; on the rare times we have possession, we cough it up with inept disposal or sputter it forward to a stagnant, impotent forward line.
In line with the familiar template, we improve with a gritty second quarter which starts to slowly repair the damage. But it's grinding work, still peppered with mistakes, moments that could be comical. If you hadn't seen it all before.
Buddy Franklin and Kurt Tippet are, of course, having a field day. We're all unreasonably incensed that it's not enough for them to be taller, more talented, more athletic than anyone on the ground; it appears they also are protected from any defenders' efforts. The umpires ensure the slightest infringement is immediately pounced upon, affording the Twin Towers even more of an advantage. (Yes, I'm my mother's daughter after all).
We're making such hard work of it, with embarrassing moments like Jake Stringer missing a goal that even one of the Libber Sisters could surely have nailed. Then we have to endure seeing Buddy Franklin cockily attempt to play on from a mark and run around our tireless, heroic Dale Morris; get fairly and squarely tackled as he attempts to beat him; see him hold onto the ball for an eternity, yet the Dogs get no reward.
At times like this, football seems joyless, just a series of pointless insults; our team scrapping away, slowly attempting to grind our way up the ladder, our fans by turns resigned, infuriated, and helpless. The presence of the Million Dollar Men, and the realisation that our club could never be gifted such allowances, makes the loss somehow more bitter than it should have been, that much harder to bear.
At some point during the match, I realise that two Swans supporters have sneaked into seats in 'our' area, which is reserved for Dogs' fans who've paid extra money for this privilege. Though they're not being particularly obnoxious, it's an irritant to see them there, having clearly not paid their way; the Etihad attendant, when I question it, looks blank and says he normally checks tickets but didn't think 'anyone would mind'. He takes no action. A metaphor, it seems, for so much of what is wrong with our competition at the moment.
The game finishes. It's hard to know why the result seems quite so disappointing. We weren't expected to win (except by Jono), and the margin is pretty much in line with what you might have expected before the match. It wasn't a ghastly, Melbourne-style capitulation. I've certainly seen worse losses, more heartbreaking moments, darker days, and I know in my heart that this is just part of the footballing cycle, a loss that I won't even be able to recall in a few weeks or months. But maybe we're all just a bit tired of it, sick of being chipper, weary of being the good ole unthreatening, hard-working, ultimately unsuccessful Dogs, making up the numbers while the glamorous sides make hay.
We watch the crowd begin to disperse. There's a running joke between my sister and myself that at least one of us could well be in a nursing home before the Dogs ever win that elusive flag; but we have a pact that we will help each other break out, even if in a wheelchair, to see the match. As we see two snowy-haired old ladies who look like sisters, packing up their stuff, the scarves loaded with badges, the red, white and blue crocheted blankets, the old joke comes to life again. We share a grin. Our fate one day.
After the North match our former player turned ABC commentator Lindsay Gilbee was asked on radio how he rated the Dogs' 2014 season. I leant forward eagerly awaiting an inspirational, upbeat answer (a la the impartial, judicious Brad Johnson) only to hear a long-ish pause before Lindsay offered: 'The main thing is they've got more games into the kids.' Another pause. 'But you'd have to say they've stagnated.'
Crushing though the answer was, you'd be hard-pressed to deny it as a reality. For all that the very best of our kids is as promising as any other club's - not to mention the Bont Factor - this is not a side teetering on the cusp of success. As we see progress quickly followed by setback, inconsistent development rates, exciting individual efforts followed the next week by absolute stinkers, it's hard not to frame our slow halting journey back to the top in the grandiose Winston Churchill quote in World War 2. 'Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.'
More reading : all in the family
Thank God the Libber Sisters, the women from Year of the Dog and Irene Chatfield are filling some of those seats to watch those uneven contests.
A lot of us 'so called men' have stayed home and watched it all on TV with the more squeamish of us ready to turn it off if the carnage gets to great.
Unlike last year, there is no optimism to see us through the off-season. Except for the Bont of course. Even our only ruckman is knackered or simply out of form. Why oh why did they wait until recently to at least try some back-up ruckmen?
Like every year we can only hope they recruit some big key-position players. Watching our brave Dale Morris try and beat the nine-million dollar man nearly made me weep.
For the last month I had the final match penciled in to attend and with Footscray playing in a final at home, I was set for a big weekend. Also it was going to be another chance to meet up with my school-mate from primary- school.
Personal commitments will prevent me from going to Gia's farewell (great piece by Bob Murphy in The Age today) but it was a close call for me to have a super Sunday.
I think I was just dreading that long drive home from Etihad probably not after a loss, but thinking about Lindsey Gilbee's reflection that the Bulldogs have stagnated this year. If we get our eighth win on Sunday he will be spot on with his summation.
Bulldog Tragician
Don't worry Neil there was a certain amount of squeamishness even among the stoic women present.
It's been a hard season to get a handle on. Quite big improvements in some areas - our mid-field stocks look really strong. The forward line isn't quite as big a worry as I maybe thought, as I reckon Jake Stringer is going to be sensational. But the ruck stocks are concerning, and even more so, the defence is still being held up by two 30somethings in their twilight years in Murph and Morris.
I think what does depress me, is that some of the guys that looked really promising last year have gone backwards. What on earth to make of Jarrad Grant's and Liam Jones' seasons - they are no longer 'kids'. Not sure why we didn't pump more games into Talia and Roberts - if they're no good, let's find out. Ayce Cordy - I'm still not convinced.
So it's hard to tell if the gains have outweighted some of the stalled progress, but it feels like the season has gone on a tad long.
The photo accompanying Murphy's fine article instantly made me cry. Another of our champs, retiring with little to show for their valiant efforts. Cruel game sometimes!
Thanks again for your comments, Neil, and I just realised that I never replied last week or should I say I began a reply, got distracted and never pressed SEND !! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 3,125 |
The Foreigner (O Forasteiro título em português) é um filme estadunidense de 2003, do gênero ação dirigido por Michael Oblowitz e estrelado por Steven Seagal.
O agente secreto Jonathon Cold (Steven Seagal) está na França, onde trabalha para o milionário Alexander Morquest (Philip Dunbar), mas planeja deixar o país e ir para a Polônia enterrar o pai recentemente morto. Morquest lhe pede um favor: entregar na Alemanha um pacote para Jerome Van Aiken (Harry Van Gorkum), outro milionário. O conteúdo secreto atrai vários assassinos e Cold percebe que tem de estar um passo à frente dos outros para permanecer vivo.
Steven Seagal...Jonathan Cold
Max Ryan...Dunoir
Harry Van Gorkum...Jerome Van Aken
Jeffrey Pierce...Sean Cold
Anna-Louise Plowman...Meredith Van Aken
Sherman Augustus...Sr. Mimms
Gary Raymond...Jared Olyphant
Philip Dunbar...Alexander Marquee
Izabela Okrasa...Clarissa Van Aken
Ligações externas
Filmes em língua inglesa
Filmes de ação da década de 2000
Filmes de ação dos Estados Unidos
Filmes dos Estados Unidos de 2003 | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} | 6,053 |
Here, every visit is centered on you. Expect great service and great care, every visit, every time.
Monday, Tuesday & Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Primary Care at Pease is a full-service practice with board-certified family and internal medicine providers ready to help you and your family achieve your best health. We are conveniently located at Pease Tradeport with on-site lab and imaging services. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 1,315 |
The No. 10 bus has a reprieve.
Bayonne and Jersey City officials announced yesterday that the No. 10 bus, that runs along Kennedy Boulevard from West 3rd Street in Bayonne to Journal Square, will keep operating past the April 8 date the current bus owner has said service will end.
"There will be no stoppage in service to the No. 10 bus route ... thanks to an agreement between Bayonne, Jersey City, NJ Transit and Academy Bus Co.," Bayonne city officials said in a release.
Academy will take over the No. 10 bus route that Coach USA's Red & Tan Tours is dropping on April 8, the release stated.
Academy will operate the No. 10 route from April 8 until November, when NJ Transit can put the route out for bids on permanent bus service, the release said.
Smith had previously demanded that Red & Tan continue to operate the No. 10 bus route until an alternative could be found.
Citing factors such as the downturn in the economy and competition from jitneys, Jim Rutherford, general manager for Red & Tan, told The Jersey Journal last week his company is losing money on the route. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 2,344 |
Las tierras de colores son determinados minerales o tierras que, una vez aglutinados, son usados en la pintura, como pigmentos para obtener diversos colores. Las tierras de color son un tipo de pigmento natural.
El uso de tierras de colores se inició en la pintura prehistórica, tuvo un gran impulso en la pintura del antiguo Egipto y constituye una de les bases para hacer colores hasta el advenimiento de la Revolución Industrial. Otras bases son los pigmentos de origen vegetal o animal.
Las tierras de colores son tierras naturales sin manipulaciones o con manipulaciones mínimas como el secado para eliminar la humedad o el triturado para deshacer los grumos y obtener una textura pulverulenta. No deben confundirse con los colores o pigmentos en polvo llamados "tierras", los cuales son, juntamente con los aglutinantes, uno de los ingredientes de los colores modernos para pintar.
Los nombres de los colores de la gama de los amarillos y ocres como el siena natural o el siena tostada (conocidos también como: tierra siena natural o tierra siena tostada ), hacen referencia a las tierras de la Toscana, en el entorno de la ciudad de Siena que fueron usadas para obtener pigmentos que según el contenido de óxidos de hierro proporcionaban uno u otro color. La escuela sienesa de pintura, durante el Trecento difundió el uso y popularidad de estos pigmentos y colores.
Las tierras de colores más conocidas y usadas en la Historia de la pintura además de las ya citadas sienas son las siguientes:
El cinabrio del que se hacía uso para el color rojo.
La malaquita que proporcionaba el color verde.
La azurita que, como sugiere su nombre, daba el color azul.
El rejalgar, que es un sulfuro de arsénico natural muy venenoso, del cual se hacía el color anaranjado.
El yeso, para el color blanco.
Técnicas de pintura
Pigmentos minerales
Materiales de arte | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} | 4,793 |
A gratitude list is your personal life coach that lifts your Spirits by reminding you of all the things you can be thankful for. In times of depression and lack of motivation look at the list for inspiration.
I have a few notebooks where I list things that I am grateful for. In one book I list people who I am grateful for. These are people who are currently in my life, people that passed away and even people I encountered once. All these beautiful souls have taught me valuable lessons about myself. It matters not if my encounter with these people were negative or positive, they all contributed to my evolution.
In another book I list the things I have that I am thankful for. Things like my house, bed, washing machine, computer, furniture and anything else I use daily. Many of the things we use daily are taken for granted. It is important to pause and be grateful for all the things we use daily.
I have many other gratitude books but it is not necessary to divide things into books and categories as I have. A simple gratitude list can be very effective.
Create a custom gratitude list for yourself and give thanks daily.
List people who have taught you important lessons. These may be people you disagree with with, people you mesh with or people that are no longer in your life.
List difficult situations you have been in that have made you stronger and wiser.
List healing activities that you are grateful for. Activities like yoga, meditation and so on.
I am thankful for my internal resources. Look into yourself and identify some internal resources that you are grateful for.
for the heart that pumps blood throughout my body without taking a break.
My Brain – I am thankful for my brain that works to process complex information while I rest.
My Dreams – I am thankful for my dreams because they allow me to be in a world without limits.
Nightmares – I am thankful for my nightmares. Nightmares are an evolutionary trait that allows our brains to work through negative emotions or problems that we face, helping us to build psychological defenses. They put you in difficult situations to strengthen you psychologically so you may be prepared if you are ever faced with such situations in real life.
People that have helped you.
Difficulties that made you stronger and wiser.
Things you use daily that make life easier.
After you've made a list what is next? Treat everyone and everything on the list with love and care. Be sure to utilize every opportunity and activity on the list.
Life is dull and boring when you have nothing to be thankful for. The more things you identify to be thankful for the longer you will live. People who are thankful and look forward to each day live longer than those who have nothing to look forward to.
Most of us have many things to be grateful for, but a lot of people forget the good in their life and concentrate on the bad. Making a list is an excellent way to reinforce the positive.
Indeed, a gratitude list is good for days when we lack the motivation to think about the good things around us.
Being grateful for what we have motivates us to use our resources to the fullest. Using our resources to the fullest unlocks new opportunities and attracts new people.
So typical of us humans. We should always be grateful for all we have & concentrate LESS, on things going wrong in our lives.
Indeed, I give thanks regularly. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 7,443 |
Q: Java socket connection - how to set a timeout when connecting server restarts I have a Java socket connection established with a server A. Server A randomly restarts during the day and my Java socket connection infinitely waits because it thinks that is receiving data.
I have set the soTimeout but it is only kicking in while read is still going on.
How do I set force a timeout on the socket connection? I want to break the socket connection after a set period of time.
Socket mySocket = new Socket(host, port) ;
A: You don't need to break the connection periodically. You may just use TCP Keepalive mechanism to send small "ping" requests in defined intervals. Whenever one of parties does not respond, TCP connection is closed. More info here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keepalive
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} | 8,983 |
package sysinfo_test
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
var _ = Describe("UidCanMapRange", func() {
Context("when the uid can map the exact provided range", func() {
It("returns true", func() {
subidFileContents := "1000:0:10\n"
Expect(sysinfo.UidCanMapExactRange(subidFileContents, "frank", 1000, 0, 10)).To(BeTrue())
Context("when the username can map the exact provided range", func() {
It("returns true", func() {
subidFileContents := "frank:0:10\n"
Expect(sysinfo.UidCanMapExactRange(subidFileContents, "frank", 1000, 0, 10)).To(BeTrue())
Context("when the uid can map some of the provided range", func() {
It("returns false", func() {
subidFileContents := "1000:0:10\n"
Expect(sysinfo.UidCanMapExactRange(subidFileContents, "frank", 1000, 0, 9)).To(BeFalse())
Context("when the uid can't map the desired range", func() {
It("returns false", func() {
subidFileContents := "1000:0:9\n"
Expect(sysinfo.UidCanMapExactRange(subidFileContents, "frank", 1000, 0, 10)).To(BeFalse())
Context("when the uid is not found in the subid file", func() {
It("returns false", func() {
subidFileContents := "1001:0:11\n"
Expect(sysinfo.UidCanMapExactRange(subidFileContents, "frank", 1000, 0, 10)).To(BeFalse())
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub"
} | 2,227 |
PB Kids Comfort Swivel Glider Ottoman Pottery Barn House Rocking Chair With For Sale Regarding 15 is one of pictures thet are related with the picture before in the collection gallery. If you would like to see the PB Kids Comfort Swivel Glider Ottoman Pottery Barn House Rocking Chair With For Sale Regarding 15 in High Resolution [HD Resolution] version, please press the right click on picures/image then choose "Save as Image" option, and done. You will get PB Kids Comfort Swivel Glider Ottoman Pottery Barn House Rocking Chair With For Sale Regarding 15 pictures that you want. The exactly dimension of PB Kids Comfort Swivel Glider Ottoman Pottery Barn House Rocking Chair With For Sale Regarding 15 was 558x492 pixels. You can also look for some pictures by collection on below this picture. Find the other picture or article about Rocking Chair With Ottoman For Sale here. We hope it can help you to get information of the picture. | {
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} | 5,748 |
Hirelateral » Entertainment » Top 10 Most Downloaded Games – Most Downloaded Game and Apps in the World on Play Store?
Top 10 Most Downloaded Games – Most Downloaded Game and Apps in the World on Play Store?
Post author:Dheshnirani
Top 10 Most Downloaded Games – Most Downloaded Game and Apps in the World on Play Store? Top 10 Most Downloaded Games List Is Here and As we all have switched to mobile gaming apps to pass time, we all may be curious to understand if the game you play is one amongst the most downloaded.
Top 10 Most Downloaded Games Table of contents
Top 10 Most Downloaded Games
Most Downloaded Game Apps
Which is the Most Downloaded Game in the World?
Most Downloaded Game in India
Most Downloaded Games on Play Store
What are the Most Downloaded Apps & Games Of The Decade?
1. Which is the most downloaded game in the world?
2. What kind of game subway surfer is?
3. What Is Hay Day Game?
4. Is candy crush game popular?
5. How to play Clash of Clans game?
While March was mellow and unsure, it failed to cause havoc for the gaming community. Interestingly, there have been some noteworthy spikes in downloads of your favourite games. What could possibly people do under a lockdown? Play online games as expected. What are Most Downloaded Games? Though it had been predicted that the year would twirl the mobile gaming industry and make it bigger and better, it had been again proved that it's not every industry that awaits a downfall. The marketplace for mobile gaming is in any respect time high and indulging mobile game developers companies to develop way more games. we could just glorify its existence. In tough times like this, it's just like the world took mobile gaming as their solution to bid farewell to boredom. To know this it is very important to know about Most Downloaded Games. While it's assumed by communities that mental issues would be a bitter truth to gulp, people are attempting to come back together through entertainment. Multiplayer games have gotten popular and this can be said to extend if the lockdown extends. Let's take a glance at the Most Downloaded Games
1. Slap King- With 35.6 million downloads this march, this game is on top of the leaderboard in most downloaded mobile games of march 2020.
2. Draw Climber– Draw Climber is climbing up its chart and was next to Slap King with 31.7 million downloads. Being the foremost favourite in two countries Indonesia and Russia, released your artistic spirit to win.
3. PUBG Mobile– because it reaches its 2nd anniversary, the game is shifting gears and becoming an entertainment medium for not just the gaming enthusiasts but even for the recent downloaders.
4. Woodturning– All you wish to try and do is carve out the form given to you and win difficulty levels. With 23 million downloads worldwide, this game is adding block by block to succeed in the crest.
5. Perfect Cream– The fifth favoured mobile game launched by Playgendary. 17 million downloads in March 2020 and most played in India, this game is up for grabs live and Apple store.
6. Garena Free Fire– Being an ultimate survival shooter game, this needs to be one that scores and earns a whopping 9 million dollars worldwide just this March and also with 2 million downloads.
7. Subway Surfers– The escape game though loved by everyone encompasses a great fanbase in India specifically. Falling into the category of Arcade Game, this is often an all time leisure favourite.
8. Spiral roll– 13 million downloads as of March 2020 and an Arcade game by Voodoo again. This game with its simple graphics and user-friendly controls is winning the web and appears to be within the top 10 of mobile games.
9. Brain Test- Launched by Unico Studio, this game is made to churn all the brain matter. Knock your brain and play this popular game with your friends that have achieved a 15 million download in March 2020 and maintained to rule the mobile gaming sphere. That would be awesome.
10. Hunter Assassin– This game has crossed a 20 million download mark in March 2020 and resides to be termed because of the best mobile game as an Action game.
While mobile gaming drives the majority of consumer spending on apps, the subscription economy in 2019 played a giant role in increasing app revenues, as well. On the gaming side, hyper-casual titles were successful, which claimed seven out of 10 slots on the breakout games of the year chart. Hot releases like Mario Kart Tour and Call of Duty: Mobile also appeared. But by consumer spending, core games like No. 1 Game for Peace and No. 2 PUBG Mobile, both published by Tencent, made up the highest spots.
Minecraft is the most downloaded game in the world. It's everywhere. Adults are also playing it, tiny baby kids are playing it, and we'll get in there and carve out the occasional secret hobbit hole, which has made it fun for all age groups. It's so charming and fun, and it's comfortable in any social setting or social circle. Yeah, Minecraft is that the king of the varsity now around. Companies are building office buildings inside Minecraft on private servers! and that they actually use the building to fulfill with clients and discuss business! That doesn't happen inside you if you're an unpopular game. Minecraft exploded onto the scene and has continued to snowball ever since consistantly.
In India, most of the mobile games have gotten fashionable time by time. There was a time when folks didn't use to play cell video games every day however in 2020, all the pieces are modified. Smartphone firms are making low-cost units with a really good quantity of RAM and utilizing superior processor chips like Snapdragon to play the latest and high-graphics cell video games. At the instant, though, it's like Battle Royale games are amongst the foremost popular games in India. Titles like PUBG Mobile, Call of Duty: Mobile, and more are highly fashionable the monthly active users figure crossing 100 million.
1. Clash of Clans- Here, you can make your own clan under a team leader who is called the clan leader. You can also be the clan leader too. However, to be more specific, you can have a glance at the special features of this game.
2. Hay Day –. The game is about maintaining lots of things in your firm village. You can make your own design to decorate and customize your village. Also, with the passes of time, you can turn it into a city with progression.
3. 8 Ball Pool – 8 Ball Pool game provides you with a very interactive playground, and it is more or less the same experience as you can have in a real pool club.
4. Candy Crush Saga– It is so popular that people of all ages, even the little kids, also love to play this amazing game.
5. Angry Bird Classic – It is another most played Android game and people who don't play it ever, it is hard to be found. It is really a very addictive game. You will have some birds who are very angry and have special features. You can use these birds to break the obstacles to free some other birds.
6. Sonic Dash – The game is about to run, protecting the hero, Sonic, or his friends from different obstacles. It is challenging and will soon make you addicted.
7. Subway Surfers- It is a kind of jumping and dodging game with a cool environmental interface that changes as you move towards new fascinating levels.
8. Township- For both girls and boys and kids and adults, it is equally amazing. Here, you can make your own farm and factory. You can also keep a connection with other players as it includes a social network.
9. Fruit Ninja- Fruit Ninja is the most played Android game in the arcade section. It is all about cutting the fruits without missing any of them. Believe me, it is a gem, and you will find it as a stress-reliever.
10. Super Mario Run- As usual, people love it, and it becomes one of the most popular Android games.
These are the list of most downloaded apps and games for the decade.
My Talking Tom
Minion Rush
Top 10 Most Downloaded Games – FAQs
Minecraft is that the most downloaded game in the world. It's everywhere. Adults are also playing it, tiny baby kids are playing it, and we'll get in there and carve out the occasional secret hobbit hole, which has made it fun for all age groups. It's so charming and fun, and it's comfortable in any social setting or social circle.
The escape game is loved by everyone encompasses a great fanbase in India specifically. Falling into the category of Arcade Game, this is often an all time leisure favourite.
The game is about maintaining lots of things in your firm village. You can make your own design to decorate and customize your village. Also, with the passes of time, you can turn it into a city with progression.
It is so popular that people of all ages, even the little kids, also love to play this amazing game
Here, you can make your own clan under a team leader who is called the clan leader. You can also be the clan leader too. However, to be more specific, you can have a glance at the special features of this game.
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Women's Chamber Chorus
of Ann Arbor, Michigan
Rehearsals begin January 23, 2023
Our Music Director
Our Pianist
The Women's Chamber Chorus is a lively group of singers based in Ann Arbor, Michigan with chorus members traveling from Chelsea, Dexter and surrounding areas.
With members from all walks of life, we perform a wide range of music and styles to appeal to our diverse audience.
We hope you enjoy learning more about us from our website.
We look forward to welcoming you to sing with us or to attend one of our upcoming concerts!
© 2023 Women's Chamber Chorus. Created with Wix.com | {
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Check out our new Gran Vas, Las Carlinas – a good, drinkable, affordable sparkling wine and to our mind one of the best examples of wine in this category to come out of Spain. Made in exactly the same way as Prosecco, Las Carlinas is tank rather than bottle fermented, using the Charmat method. It markets at a much lower price than Cava and has better integrated bubbles than any other Gran Vas we have tasted. It's named after the Spanish star-shaped thistle which is often pinned to houses to ward off evil spirits and illness. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
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3 Best Noise-Cancelling Headphones of 2022: The Ultimate Guide from Reddit Experts | One PC Panda
As the old saying goes, "silence is golden" – but sometimes, silence is just plain impossible to come by. Whether it's the blaring sound of traffic outside your window, the chatter of your coworker's never-ending phone call, or the constant drone of a crying baby, there are countless sources of noise that can make it difficult to concentrate or simply relax.
Enter noise-cancelling headphones: the superhero of the audio world. These miraculous devices use advanced technology to block out unwanted sounds and allow you to enjoy your music, podcasts, or audiobooks in peace. But with so many different models on the market, how do you choose the best one for your needs?
Never fear – we've consulted the experts on Reddit, the world's foremost source of crowdsourced wisdom, to compile this ultimate guide to the best noise-cancelling headphones of 2022. So grab your headphones and get ready to tune out the world – it's time to find the perfect pair for you.
But before we dive into our top picks, let's take a closer look at what makes a great pair of noise-cancelling headphones. After all, as the old saying goes, "you get what you pay for" – but with the right knowledge, you can make sure you're getting the best bang for your buck.
Popular Reddit Threads on the Topic
As any Reddit veteran knows, the site is full of threads and discussions on just about every topic under the sun – and noise-cancelling headphones are no exception. In fact, there are countless threads dedicated to the topic, with users sharing their experiences, opinions, and recommendations on the best brands and models.
Some of the most popular brands mentioned in these threads include Bose, Sony, and Sennheiser, with users praising the high-quality sound and effective noise-cancelling capabilities of these models. Other popular options include the Bose QuietComfort 35 II, the Sony WH-1000XM3, and the Sennheiser Momentum 3 Wireless.
But not everyone is impressed with these top-of-the-line models. Some Reddit users argue that there are more affordable options that offer just as good (or even better) sound quality and noise-cancelling abilities. For example, the Anker Soundcore Life Q20 and the TaoTronics TT-BH060 are both highly recommended by Reddit users for their impressive performance and budget-friendly price tags.
Key Features to Consider
When it comes to choosing the best noise-cancelling headphones for you, there are several key factors to consider. First and foremost, you'll want to pay attention to the comfort of the headphones. After all, if they're not comfortable to wear, you're not going to want to use them – no matter how good they sound. Look for headphones with plush ear cups and adjustable headbands to ensure a comfortable fit.
Of course, sound quality is also an important factor to consider. Whether you're using your headphones for music, podcasts, or phone calls, you want to make sure they deliver clear, detailed sound. Look for headphones with a wide frequency response and high sensitivity to ensure you get the best sound possible.
But let's be real – the whole point of noise-cancelling headphones is to block out unwanted sounds. So when it comes to choosing the best pair, you'll want to pay attention to their noise-cancelling capabilities. Look for headphones with multiple noise-cancelling modes that allow you to adjust the level of noise cancellation to suit your surroundings. And be sure to read user reviews to get a sense of how effective the noise-cancelling is in real-world use.
Finally, durability is an important factor to consider when choosing noise-cancelling headphones. After all, you don't want to spend a lot of money on a pair of headphones only to have them break after a few months of use. Look for headphones with a solid build and good warranty coverage to ensure they'll last for years to come.
Top Recommended Headphones According to Reddit Users
When it comes to top-recommended noise-cancelling headphones according to Reddit users, there are several standout models. Here are our top three picks:
Bose QuietComfort 35 II
As one of the most popular noise-cancelling headphones on the market, it's no surprise that the Bose QuietComfort 35 II tops many Reddit users' lists of favorites. With its comfortable design, high-quality sound, and impressive noise-cancelling capabilities, it's the perfect choice for anyone looking for a top-of-the-line pair of headphones. The only downside? They're not exactly budget-friendly. But as the old saying goes, "you get what you pay for" – and in this case, you're getting one of the best noise-cancelling headphones on the market.
For those who want a great pair of noise-cancelling headphones without breaking the bank, the Anker Soundcore Life Q20 is a top pick. According to Reddit users, these headphones offer impressive sound quality and effective noise-cancelling capabilities at a fraction of the cost of other popular models. Plus, they're comfortable to wear and have a durable build, making them a great value for the price.
Another top pick among Reddit users is the Sony WH-1000XM3. These headphones are known for their high-quality sound and effective noise-cancelling capabilities, making them a popular choice among audiophiles and frequent travelers alike. They're also comfortable to wear and have a sleek, stylish design, making them a great choice for anyone who wants to look good while blocking out the world.
Conclusion and Final Thoughts.
In conclusion, noise-cancelling headphones are a fantastic investment for anyone looking to block out unwanted sounds and enjoy their music, podcasts, or phone calls in peace. With the help of Reddit users, we've compiled a list of the top recommended noise-cancelling headphones of 2022, along with some key factors to consider when choosing the best pair for you.
Whether you're looking for a top-of-the-line model, a budget-friendly option, or something in between, there's a pair of noise-cancelling headphones on this list that will suit your needs. So grab your headphones and get ready to tune out the world – it's time to find the perfect pair for you.
But before you go, here's one last piece of advice: never underestimate the power of a good pair of noise-cancelling headphones. As the old saying goes, "they're not just for blocking out noise – they're for blocking out annoying coworkers, too." So go forth, Redditors, and find the perfect pair of noise-cancelling headphones for you – and may the peace and quiet be with you.
If you're a fan of noise-cancelling headphones and have your own recommendations or experiences to share, we'd love to hear from you in the comments below. What are your favorite models and why? What features do you look for in a good pair of noise-cancelling headphones? Share your thoughts and join the conversation! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 3,689 |
Q: How to add HTML Markup to a textbox or label Control in a windows form C# Let's say that my textbox control is named messageTB. I would like to know if it is possible to do the following:
messageTB.Text = "Hello <b>World</b>"
and have the output text to show "Hello World". In other words is there a way to enable html markup for the control? I am using visual studio.
A: The standard windows forms textbox control can't do it.
If you want formatted text you need a richtextbox or some other control.
A: There's a browser control that you could insert (rather than a textbox or label). Here's how to set the contents...
string html = "<html><body><strong>HelloWorld!</strong></body></html>";
Browser.DocumentText = html;
A: No. messageTB would have to be a Literal control for this to work.
A: It's clumsy, but I have used two adjacent Textboxes, one with format set to bold, to do this.
At least I get the look I want on the page.
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} | 8,448 |
'Stick with me baby, I'm the guy that you came in with!" booms Seal, striding manfully about, clicking his fingers and singing Frank Sinatra's Luck Be a Lady. Tall, dapper and exuding physical ownership of the space, the 52-year-old pop star barely looks up at my arrival.
Meanwhile, his producer, 66-year-old Trevor Horn CBE, sits crumpled up on a sofa, shifting around as if he can't quite get comfortable, a wan smile on his face. The contrast between this unlikely duo is striking.
Horn's presence, by contrast, is as understated as his soft Durham accent, yet he seems to take vicarious pleasure in Seal's alpha-male exuberance, chuckling encouragingly.
The pair met in 1990, when Seal had a lone hit as vocalist on Adamski's Killer and Horn was already a studio stalwart, the former Buggles musician whose enormous productions for Grace Jones and Frankie Goes to Hollywood set the bar for Eighties musical extravagance.
"His voice is so unique, I got excited straight away," recalls Horn. "None of that melisma, no vocal gymnastics, just real feeling. I thought, 'I can make records with that'." Together they crafted Seal and Seal II, monumental blasts of futuristic soul, spawning the multi-million-selling global hits Crazy and Kiss From a Rose.
Seal and Horn stopped working together following the relative commercial failure of 1998's Human Being but have now reunited for Seal's seventh album, simply called 7, recreating their trademark blend of gleaming soundscapes, flowing melodies and philosophical lyrics.
The album has been two years in the making, and it is apparent that the pair share a perfectionist work ethic.
In the course of the sessions, they recorded and ditched a huge number of songs, abandoning orchestras, choirs and American football chants along the way. "We threw everything at it, I drove Trevor mad with hare-brained ideas," says Seal.
Seal and Horn clearly enjoy each other's company, sharing musical fascinations and a sense of humour ("We bonded over Debussy and old English comedians," recalls Horn). They laugh a lot. But there is a deeper, almost familial connection.
"Trevor and I have always been close, but in recent years…" says Seal, his voice trailing off. "We've both had losses," says Horn, whose wife, Jill Sinclair, died last year after a tragic accident left her in a near-coma state for eight years.
"We've both had losses," agrees Seal, whose marriage to model Heidi Klum, mother of his four children, ended in divorce in 2012 after seven years.
It was Sinclair who first brought Seal to Horn. "Jill was my mentor – I truly loved her," says Seal.
Born Henry Olusegun Adeola Samuel in London in 1963, the son of a Brazilian plumber and Nigerian wigmaker, Seal has described his upbringing as "fractured" and "violent", involving foster families and homelessness. The scars on his face are from childhood lupus, which can't have made it easy to fit in.
It is easy to see how Horn and Sinclair had a parental influence on the young star.
There is something of the self-invented man about Seal. He is a voracious reader, with a fondness for spiritual and self-help books.
He recalls his first appearance on Top of the Pops, when Sinclair gently suggested he hadn't found a way to connect with audiences yet. "I thought, 'What on earth is she talking about? Connect! I've just been in front of millions of people on TV!' She said, 'You'll know it when you do it.'" Then one night on stage something mysterious happened. I connected, and it was a turning point. It's not anything in particular, it's not something you can put into words but it's what has sustained me over 25 years. Because once you connect, you understand your power.
When Seal and Klum announced their separation in 2012, both were initially very respectful.
But when Seal was confronted by paparazzi with compromising pictures of Klum and her bodyguard, he made some sharp remarks. "I would have thought Heidi would have shown a little more class and at least waited until we separated before deciding to fornicate with the help," he said.
Seal recently revealed a new relationship with Erica Packer (the Australian model and former wife of billionaire businessman James Packer).
Our interview is interrupted by a video call from what Seal describes as "my extended family" in LA, during which he chats with tenderness and humour to Packer and her three children, beaming with pleasure. Meanwhile, Horn slopes off for "a sneaky smoke".
When the odd couple reconvene, I ask Seal about his lyrical use of mental health metaphors, a feature of his songwriting since the days of Crazy which recurs on 7's punchiest track, Padded Cell. For the first time, the singer is flummoxed. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 274 |
Monaco Mystique: 5 Things You Didn't Know About the World's Most Glamorous Destination
About Monaco · Sightseeing
Monaco Mystique: ...
It's been featured in no less than two James Bond movies. Not to mention To Catch a Thief, the Alfred Hitchcock thriller starring Grace Kelly. Filmed on location in glitzy Monaco, it's where she met a prince and then became Princess Grace.
Monaco – and Monte Carlo – have established and maintained an allure as one of the world's most glamorous destinations. Casinos and royalty, yachts and racing. Fast cars and beautiful women. Tuxedos and champagne all hours of the day.
But there's more to Monaco than a real-life movie set.
BestTrip reveals 5 things you didn't know about this sexy Mediterranean destination.
Romance, Food & Wine, Vacations of a Lifetime, World of Savings, Enchanting Escapes and MORE™. Stay up to date with what the world has to Offer and join my mailing list. | {
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When you live in the triad area of NC, you're familiar with the usual winter routine. ''It's going to snow'', the meteorologists say...but we all know we're just getting a bunch of ice/sleet/freezing rain. That's where the problems start. We rarely get enough snow to do damage to our homes and businesses, but it doesn't take much ice to wreak havoc on our lives.
An all too familiar sight, post ice-storm, is large tree branches that snapped under the weight of the accumulated ice. And of course it was the branch near your roof, not the one in the back of the yard away from structures. Now you've got a tree branch coming through your roof, and it's still sleeting. Your problems have compounded in matter of minutes, not only do you need your roof repaired, you have water damage inside your home as well. It's a good thing D.H. Griffin's ice storm damage restoration team is always on-call!
In the unfortunate event that your home or business is Idamaged during our next bout with ice & sleet, contact the ice storm repair specialists of D.H. Griffin. We understand the sense of urgency that you will have, and therefore our emergency response team is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our team is well trained and very experienced in evaluating the situation and recommending the best alternative to restoring your property like the disaster never happened. | {
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Tight fitting tank provides postural support for your chest and upper body, enhancing comfort on long runs. Designed for IMPROVED ENDURANCE, LONG RUNS and POSTURAL SUPPORT.
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Making A Deal On A Home Suggestions Property offers usually include backups-- occasions that should occur within a certain amount of time (such as One Month) in order for the bargain to become last. For instance, you might intend to make your deal subject to your qualifying for financing, your house's passing certain physical assessments (see Nolo's write-up Getting a Home Assessment), or your capability to market your existing house initially.
The pain of investor to buy my house Centerville.
Just what do you do if you get a counteroffer from the seller? First, you should recognize how high you agree to go when making an offer on the house. Just what's one of the most you're willing to pay for the residence? Normally talking, you do not want to offer more than truth value of the residence, due to the fact that then you're just paying much more for the home compared to it's worth.
One of the most important suggestions to consider prior to buying a house is to be sensible concerning type of residence you can pay for. Occasionally obtaining your foot in the door is more vital compared to acquiring the house of your dreams. Several new buyers purchase a smaller sized home with plans to upgrade to a larger house later. A house in an excellent area or in an area on the rise will certainly aid to enhance the worth of the residence. As a house's worth rises, a house owner can make use of the equity to acquire a larger house. Acquiring a starter home is a good way to get in the realty market.
Building in Le Marche is ideal for that love beach vacations. Le Marche flaunts 180km of Adriatic coastline as well as a host of seaside resorts, both of the dynamic variety along with residential or commercial property in Le Marche for the a lot more restrained peaceful kind of coastline trip. An absolutely contrasting region; likewise shown in the home in Le Marche; rolling hills and hill grottos, lakes and varieties, timber clad inclines and also middle ages communities as well as towns could be discovered just one hr from the shoreline of Le Marche. Excellent food as well as wine, amazing art and architecture, along with snowboarding, horse riding as well as hang moving can all be appreciated in Le Marche. Home in Le March has steadily become a popular choice for Rightmove Overseas users.
Allow's start with the bright side. Whether you realize it or not, you already have a respectable concept exactly how the mortgage refinancing procedure works. That's because you have actually been through it once previously, when you initially purchased the house. Technically, you went through a financing process-- yet re-financing works in similar method.
The Starting Investors Group meets on the Third Monday of every month from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM at Hudson Grille situated at 6317 Centerville Rd SC, Centerville, SC (map) simply outside the Perimeter. BIG is FREE for Centerville REIA Members. Visitors and Non-Members can pay $20.00 at the door or RSVP Online for $15.00. This is a dinner team and we kindly ask for that you get supper and/or drinks given that the Hudson Grille enables us to fulfill there. There will be lots of discovering and also great deals of networking. Bring your deals and also your haves, requires and also wants to the meeting for discussion.
What To Offer On A Residence In Today's Market As a whole, making a lowball offer on a residence is high-risk if you truly enjoy the place. If you go as well low you take the chance of losing or pushing away the vendor out to various other customers, making a low deal can be a great method to get arrangements started however. The sale will certainly go via extra swiftly if you could make an all-cash deal if youre making a deal on a short sale. Whatever you decide to provide, its essential to do some market research for sale costs of comparable homes in the area so you have facts to back up your offer.
Demands are fairly rigid, says Miller. SC loan providers are typically seeking a creditscore of 620, and also every SC acquisition car loan. needs a special assessment, that includes the assessment of the residential or commercial property and also a close check of the houses condition. Consequently, some houses are not eligible, although plenty areit simply suggests you might have to pick carefully.
Getting A Home Loan As A Contractor Also not that the very same princples of finding a house with poor credit likewise apply when you need to know ways to refinance a home with bad credit. Re-financing with negative credit history is kind of like you are taking a look around for a mortage once again.
Dustin Griffin is a business owner, investor, site developer, web. advertising fanatic and also a spouse and honored papa of 2. Dustin is the Executive Director of the Centerville Real Estate Investors Alliance (Centerville REIA), the Centerville Property Investors Alliance (Centerville REIA), the Centerville Property Investors Partnership (Centerville REIA) as well as delights in helping others achieve their personal and also economic goals with property investing. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 2,088 |
Reading books is a habit which is bound to get you huge returns in terms of good personality, vocabulary, memory, knowledge and wealth.
If you see one common habit among all the successful people in the world, it is the habit of reading books. Be it Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg.
Why do they read so much? Well, it's simple. They get an insight of the world by reading books. They build a perspective, explore different ideas and implement it in their lives.
Therefore, the earlier you start, the better. That is the precise reason why parents are advised to read to their kids so that the children develop the habit of reading at an early age.
Is there an age to start reading? No. I have met a few people who said that it was too late for them to start reading. Well, it's the same as learning to drive a car, is it too late? Never!
Reading is a habit which can be developed among all age groups. Only the choice of books would differ.
Now comes the most difficult part before starting to read: Knowing where to start reading.
When I decided to build my habit of reading books, I was completely lost.
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I didn't know where to start! Nearly 130 million books have been published so far!
I was confused whether to start reading with well-acclaimed works like The Godfather, or from a series that is trending like Game of Thrones, or to go for classics like The Great Gatsby or Pride and Prejudice?
Well, after a lot of research and help from friends, I decided to take baby steps.
I realised that to build a habit of reading, only making a timely routine is not going to help. What I choose to read matters a lot. If I start enjoying what I read, the routine will follow.
This post is about all those steps I took towards making my reading habit which helped me finish close to 50 books in less than a year! And Hell Yeah! It was an achievement for me!
Step 1: Get a book of short stories and read one story daily.
I got Jeffrey Archer The new collected short stories for me.
It has both fictional and true stories. It has stories that are as short as five pages!
When you start reading, you don't have the patience to wait until the 300th page for the climax. So, I started reading one story from this book every day before going to bed.
Each day, I was starting to develop the habit of reading. I was reading 20-30 pages every day before sleeping.
I did this for two-three weeks and Voila! I had got the hang of reading a book, keeping it in my hands for half an hour.
And then came the trigger point: One day I felt that a story got over too quickly, I realised I was ready to take up a 200-page book!
But wait, I'm an ambitious reader. I thought why 200 page? Why not 1000?
How you move ahead in your reading journey is completely your choice. I can say by experience that the best way to make yourself a reading list is – First of all, find out the topics you would love to read about, they may be fiction – crime, fantasy, horror, drama or non-fiction such as biographies, memoirs, success stories, self-help, etc.
Then, find out the best-seller books or authors in those genres.
In the beginning, you should read books that keep you engrossed and hooked to the story line. Avoid reading huge novels, technical books, or maybe even non-fiction. Stick to fiction for sometime, build the habit of finishing books one by one.
This brings me to the next and most important step – Getting Books!
Step 3: Get famous and well acknowledged short novels across the world.
If lakhs of people have liked Harry Potter Series, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, chances are you'd like it too!
So, go for novels that are well known. And make sure that they are not more than 300 pages long. Otherwise, you'd get bored.
And Then There Were None is one of the best-selling books by Agatha Christie.
It's a murder mystery where ten guests are summoned to an island by a host, and there seems to be nobody else on the island.
One by one, they start dying.
Who is killing them and why?
It's a great read if you are starting to develop the reading habit.
It will keep you hooked, and since it's only a 260-pages book, you'll not have to wait for the climax for long.
To Sir With Love is an autobiographical novel by E. R. Braithwaite.
He was jobless after the demobilisation in World War 2 and was struggling to find a job due to racism. Frustrated, he applied for a job as a Teacher in East End of London in a secondary school and got it. The novel is based on Braithwaite's struggle with the students.
The students reject him initially, but due to his constant efforts and different ways, he tries to win over the hearts of the ill-behaved students.
The best part about reading this book is that it's short (less than 200 pages) and it's going to make you numb or cry when you reach the last page. That is the moment when you'll fall in love with reading books. You'd be able to connect with books on an emotional side.
Here are some other books suggestions in the same category: 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad', 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower', 'The Catcher in the Rye'.
Step 4: Read 400+ page intriguing novels.
I had started enjoying while reading the build-up of a plot and realised that it was time to move on to bigger ones.
Having started my habit of reading with Jeffrey Archer short stories, I had started liking his stories.
I decided to read another book of him, but this time, a really long one.
This fictional novel is based on two people (Kane and Abel) who are born on the same date. One is born into a millionaire family in the US and the other in a penniless family in Poland.
But both of them are equally ambitious, and their paths keep crossing from the time Abel moves to the US.
It is a very well connected plot which covers every genre such as Wars, Politics, Economics, Love and Hatred.
These types of books will make you cry, laugh. They will inspire and motivate you. When that happens with you, you should know that books have made their place in your heart, life and of course routine.
If I use 400+ pages book and 'intriguing' in the same sentence, it is difficult to not mention Dan Brown Books.
Dan Brown writes in a way which will make you stay engrossed in the book. You'd want to read what happens next the moment you get up from sleep!
The plot is based on a threat to humanity, and a Harvard Professor Robert Langdon is called upon to solve the mystery of Dante's Inferno.
The best way to read this or any other Dan Brown book is to look for the place on Google Street View. You'd be amazed to see the details of a place in all of his books. Google the pictures of the paintings, art, and you'll love the book.
While reading the 400+ pages books, you will also come across times when you may not understand a few things. It's okay, keep reading, utilise the habit you've developed.
Keep going back and forth if you're stuck. In a few iterations, you will not have to do this.
Step 5: Build a perspective and read anything you like!
By the time you finish the above steps, you'd have achieved various milestones in your habit of reading.
Now, you're ready to take up any book you like.
I started reading the novels that had been long pending in my list: The Godfather, Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, Sapiens, etc.
You're also ready to read books of your interests! During the above process, I was also able to finish India after Gandhi as I had built that habit and understanding of reading.
Read books of various genres, build a perspective of your own and find out which books you liked the most. I know many people who like to stick to a single genre of books be it non-fiction, fantasy or history.
But, in order to read anything, it is essential that you harness the habit of reading.
How to make the best use of technology and gadgets to improve reading?
Nowadays, you don't have to develop a habit of reading only from physical books.
There are many Android and iOS apps like Moon+ Reader that you can download in your mobile to read books. You can download eBooks from various websites such as Scribd.
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What you choose to read matters a lot. There are some ground rules to follow such as not reading the classics or any other big novel at first.
The right approach for me was to take baby steps. I started with short stories, then moved on to reading 200-page bestsellers, then came the 400+ page books and I developed the habit for myself.
I believe that the steps I took can be taken by anybody and if it helped me in building my habit, it would build yours too!
Do you know of any other approach to start reading books? Do mention in the comments below.
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British MPs are losing their resolve to prevent a chaotic no-deal Brexit
Adam Payne and Adam Bienkov
The UK government on Wednesday defeated a motion that could have allowed Parliament to prevent a no-deal Brexit.
Opposition MPs had sought the power to pass legislation later this month which could have blocked the next prime minister from leaving the EU without a deal.
The motion had been backed by opposition parties, plus rebel Conservative MPs.
Visit Business Insider's home page for more stories.
LONDON — The UK government on Wednesday defeated an attempt, led by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, to prevent a no-deal Brexit on October 31.
The House of Commons voted by a majority of eleven against a motion which would have given Members of Parliament the power to pass legislation blocking Britain's next prime minister from forcing Britain out of the EU without a deal.
12 opposition Labour Party and former Labour Party MPs voted with the government, with more than a dozen other Labour MPs failing to record a vote.
The defeat has significantly increased the possibility of a chaotic Halloween exit and leaves MPs with vanishingly few chances to intervene against an incoming PM who is determined to leave the EU come what may.
This is a big victory for no-dealers
This is a big victory for Brexiteers and will seriously limit the opportunities to prevent no-deal.
Under Britain's parliamentary democracy, the government almost always controls the legislative process with few opportunities for opposition parties to intervene.
An incoming prime minister could now use that advantage to force through a no-deal. This is something the frontrunner for the job, Boris Johnson, insisted he would do at the launch of his campaign on Wednesday.
"After three years and two missed deadlines, we must leave the EU on October 31," Boris Johnson said at a speech in central London.
"Delay means defeat. Delay means Corbyn. Kick the can and we kick the bucket."
Read More: No-deal Brexit: MPs reject plan to block UK from leaving EU without a deal
If he really wanted to, Johnson could opt to "prorogue" Parliament - the technical term for shutting it down - in order to prevent MPs from blocking his plans.
He may be unwilling to do that. However, the bigger risk from today's result, is that MPs from Britain's two main parties could simply be losing their resolve to stop a no-deal Brexit.
Following the European election results, in which the Brexit Party triumphed over both the Conservatives and Labour, many MPs in both parties are starting to shift towards wanting Brexit over with as soon as possible.
For this reason a Halloween no-deal Brexit can no longer be ruled out.
Businesses know it and are urging politicians to be more vigilant about it.
Many companies have already made plans to stockpile vital goods like food and medicine in the event of the UK leaving without a Withdrawal Agreement on October 31.
But Remainers are not in panic mode... yet
Jonathan Brady/PA Images via Getty Images
There is still time to prevent a no-deal.
With the Conservative leadership election in full swing, the party is in hyper-partisan mode. Even MPs who personally dread no-deal felt they couldn't at this moment do anything that could sabotage their preferred candidate's chances.
This is particularly the case when the motion had the Labour leader's name on it.
However, the leadership contest is set to conclude on the week beginning July 22.
As soon as that happens, Conservative MPs who oppose no-deal will feel more comfortable voting against it.
The House of Commons Speaker, John Bercow, has previously found several new avenues for MPs to intervene on this issue and he will almost certainly do so again.
When MPs instructed Theresa May to delay Brexit in April, the key votes were not held until just days before Britain was due to leave.
There are 140 days until October 31.
Pro-European MPs — rightly or wrongly — are not in panic mode... yet.
Our Brexit Insider Facebook group is the best place for up-to-date news and analysis about Britain's departure from the EU, direct from Business Insider's political reporters. Join here.
More: Brexit Insider Boris Johnson No Deal Brexit
Goldman Sachs execs are jockeying for power in the firm's big new private investing unit — and the stakes couldn't be higher
Pivotal, part of the Dell empire, is making a big bet on the Google-created Kubernetes cloud software as it rights the course after a 'train wreck quarter' | {
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Truffel the Phunky Phaqir is a producer/beatcreator/recording & mixing engineer/DJ from Amsterdam, representing Da Shogunz. Truffel's beats consist of loud knocking drums and groovy jazz/funk/psychedelic samples with an overall mid 90's sound, combined with hints of dark jazz, and westcoast influences.
Truffel specializes in the art of cratedigging. Finding rare breaks, weird foreign records, and all types of jazz is what Truffel lives for. With versatile skills on the MPC2000XL Truffel will make your head nod no matter what. In February of 2015 Truffel released 'A Jam In The Rough' with fellow Shogun-beatcat Zudo. A compilation of beats and jams made over the years.
In may of 2015 Da Shogunz released the new BlabberMouf Album titled: 'Da BlabberMouf LP' On which Truffel produced 7 of 14 tracks. Truffel is currently working on the new True Masterz & Da Shogunz album titled: 'Rap Buddhaz'. And at the same time he's working on his solo record. | {
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A New Generation of Designers Is Poised to Shake Up the Red Carpet
A new wave of labels are mixing things up on the step-and-repeat.
Ana Colón
Photo: Getty Images for Disney/Gareth Cattermole
The way we talk about the red carpet has changed. Even in the past few years, the questions we ask, the people who grab our attention and, certainly, the designers we see represented are quite different than what they might have once been.
You can point to a multitude of reasons why: the rise of social media, the increased presence (and power) of stylists, the wider understanding of how brand sponsorships come into play, the broadening of what constitutes a red-carpet opportunity (from premieres and award shows to press junkets and other promotional appearances). And though you can still expect to see a handful of the same big designer names that have been dressing Hollywood for decades — the Armanis, the Diors, the Versaces — on the step-and-repeat, this phenomenon has afforded a new kind of visibility to young, up-and-coming names that are changing what "red-carpet fashion" looks like. (Think less strapless princess gowns, more celestial-inspired embroidery, big volume and slinky satin dresses.)
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How Celebrity Dressing Works Off the Red Carpet
We talked to some of these celebrity-beloved labels about the story behind their pieces, their biggest A-list moments and what about their aesthetic lends itself to the red carpet.
Laura Dern in Markarian at the 2019 Hollywood Film Awards.
Photo: Getty Images/Jon Kopaloff
Markarian — the ethereal, practically-made-for-Instagram occasion wear label started by Alexandra O'Neill in 2017 — has been a fashion-editor favorite pretty much since launch. Its pieces are meant for dressing up (gowns with embellishments, beaded party dresses, embroidered separates). But when O'Neill conceptualized the line, she wanted luxury evening wear that felt modern and compelling, with a lower entry point than comparable options on the market. So she set out to create the dreamy, youthful, expensive (but not you-have-to-ask expensive) fancy-dress garments she's known for today. It took virtually no time at all for the celebrities to find them — and that was not by chance.
Emma Roberts was the first person to wear the brand, within weeks of its launch. "I think it's kind of a natural progression when you have a line that's focused on evening wear and event dressing to then go into VIP," O'Neill says, crediting Markarian's PR rep, Savannah Engel of Savannah Engel PR, as introducing that route from the get-go. "Savannah came on from the beginning and she really focused on VIP dressing, sending it out to all of the stylists that she knew at the time — and that I know now, thanks to her."
Engel says she sought out to position Markarian differently than she might have another brand because she felt it "could actually get even more press by being a celebrity brand." And, essentially, that's how its story began.
Beanie Feldstein in Markarian at the 2019 Hollywood Foreign Press Association's Annual Grants Banquet.
Photo: Getty Images/Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic
The specific dress Roberts wore was also emblematic of what Markarian was — and is — trying to achieve, according to O'Neill: "I named Markarian after a group of galaxies. That dress she wore has… little moons and a little Saturn, all hand-embroidered and beaded on a really beautiful, lush satin. That set the tone in general and really spoke to the style of the line."
Two-plus years later, Markarian has become a frequent favorite among celebrities doing press appearances, performances and, yes, the traditional red carpet. She sees a lot of repeat clients, too: In addition to Roberts, Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Lea Michele have worn — and been photographed in — Markarian on multiple occasions.
Now, celebrity plays a pretty important role in Markarian.
Ashley Madekwe in Markarian at the 2020 InStyle Golden Globe after party.
Photo: Getty Images/Gregg DeGuire
"I keep VIP dressing in mind when I'm designing because it is a big part of our business and also a fun part of our business," says O'Neill. "It's always exciting to see somebody wear something on the red carpet, obviously. But we do a lot of custom work for private clients and that's a big part of our business, too — and I think a lot of that comes from the recognition of our pieces out there in the world.
As far as who you might see wearing Markarian on a step-and-repeat, O'Neill says of the brand's customer: "We're always drawn to women who have a strong fashion point of view and who are willing to take chances and support a new designer, but also that don't take themselves too seriously — that are looking for something that's kind of luxurious and different."
Phoebe Waller-Bridge in Galvan at the 2019 Golden Globes.
Photo: Getty Images/Frazer Harrison
Galvan's mission hasn't changed from what it was back in 2014, when the brand made its debut. "We were personally frustrated with the evening wear that was out there. I think there were certain things that we saw as just problematic that we want to solve — namely that evening wear tended to be and still often tends to be very formal, very embellished," says co-founder Katherine Holmgren. "People think that if they're dressing for a black-tie party they have to dress in this quite stiff, formal way, which isn't necessarily always modern or fresh or actually comfortable to wear."
Holmgren and her three business partners concluded they could make evening wear that was better, cleaner and at a more comfortable price point than what you could find browsing the "occasionwear" section at your neighborhood department store. That message resonated with a broad clientele from the get-go, both in terms of retail partners and of who was seen wearing its designs.
The designers introduced their first collection at Paris Fashion Week and caught the eye of a handful of stylists. That's how one of its jumpsuits ended up on Gwyneth Paltrow, as styled by Elizabeth Saltzman, before the delivery arrived at Galvan's stockists. Shortly after, Sienna Miller wore another one of its pieces to the London premiere of "Foxcatcher."
Sienna Miller in Galvan at a red carpet in 2014.
Photo: Getty Images/Samir Hussein/WireImage)
What was much more impactful and "interesting" to Holmgren, though, is that "at the same moment that celebrities started to wear us on the red carpet, they were also wearing us in a much more casual way." Miller was in one of Galvan's slip dresses on the red carpet while Rihanna was in one of its jumpsuits being photographed out and about town, she notes as an example. "Sometimes, it was the same type of style, being worn for both occasions — but how they were being accessorized completely changed," she adds. That felt aligned to Galvan's core values of versatility, ease and wanting to wear your clothes over and over again.
This early support opened doors for the brand not just in terms of global recognition, but also in making their case to potential buyers, according to Holmgren. "Granted, we launched with a lot of wholesale partners across the world, but still, being able to have a celebrity like Rihanna all over the press wearing our jumpsuit meant that we were able to grow our brand awareness so much more quickly with the customers," she says. "With stores, when you're a young brand, you're pitching [yourself so they] pick you up — they're looking at the product, of course, but they're also looking at the general PR and buzz and whether they think it's going to be a hot brand. So if you can go to [them] with your collection and also show them a little press talk of all these amazing celebrities wearing your clothes, it makes a huge difference in getting in."
Sara Larson, Galvan's PR director, says part of the appeal of the designs for the red carpet has to do with how they fit: "They just transport you the minute you put them on — they're effortless." Plus, the brand's broad range of celebrities it has dressed, both in terms of what they're known for and how they've worn it, is also a plus. Case in point: how Greta Gerwig and Saoirse Ronan both wore Galvan dresses on the same day of "Little Women" press, but brought their own distinct style sensibilities to the looks.
Saoirse Ronan and Greta Gerwig, both in Galvan, at the Paris premiere of "Little Women" in 2019.
Photo: Getty Images/Pascal Le Segretain
The return on investment Galvan gets when a celebrity is seen one of its pieces can really vary — the sell-through they see when Martha Hunt or Karlie Kloss wears its slip dresses in street style, for instance, will be different than when Waller-Bridge wears a custom Galvan design to the Golden Globes. "Those moments are so important for the brand just for people to be thinking about us and talking about us," says Larson. "You do see a general lift in traffic to our site and that obviously translates." A lot of the times, though, when they see a big spike in sales thanks to a celebrity, it's because they wore something that's a little more relatable or that they can see themselves in.
Looking back, "what we've loved is actually just the range of women recently — being able to address a lot of diverse range of women in terms of what they do and where they live has been the most exciting," says Holmgren. "It's about a meaningful relationship and personality. Someone that we would want to know, that we admire… I do think it's wonderful when you can support other women that are really powerful and strong and making a difference."
Aja Naomi King in Azeeza to a red carpet in 2019.
Azeeza has always done things a little differently. Designer Azeeza Khan founded the label in 2012 in Chicago, where it's still based. It did direct-to-consumer first; a retail partner came a few years down the line. It didn't actively chase celebrity credits — some of the placements it got early on, Kahn says, were organic, from A-listers finding and shopping the pieces at places like Barneys New York.
Over the past year, though, the brand has been going through a bit of a refresh, reintroducing itself through a cleared-out Instagram and some big red-carpet moments, including a model takeover at the CFDAs.
"In the past, we've never aggressively ever [pursued] celebrity or anything like that, based on many factors, including distribution," Khan explains. "[It] was not really relevant to me — it was just more of a business decision than a cool factor, if that makes sense. I never really wanted to use a celebrity to prove myself in the early days. Between networks, relationships you make from being out in the industry and fashion week, there's an opportunity and access to these names. It's just really being rational and not chasing the hype."
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The aesthetic of the brand has evolved over the years, but a few pieces have stood the test of time and still appear in its collections. Azeeza's distinguishing factor, the designer says, has always been its unexpected, not-fitted silhouettes. And that's still core to the Azeeza you see today: It's bold, colorful and sculptural — the result of years of experimentation, play and growth.
Maria Borges in Azeeza at the 2019 CFDA Awards.
Photo: Getty Images/Dimitrios Kambouris
"I just really learned and understood what consumers were reacting to and where my personal taste was evolving to," she says. "I think, as a young designer, it's really important to play and experiment and try things. Some may work and [some won't.] I really chased what worked. And I built upon that, brick by brick."
Azeeza "is about bold colors, volume and silhouettes. We have this dramatic impact but, at the same time, you have this core minimalist philosophy," Khan continues.
As part of her effort to reintroduce Azeeza's vision, Khan attended the 2019 CFDA Awards with Riley Montana, Jacquelyn Jablonski and Maria Borges, each wearing a distinct gown from the label. "It was something that I hadn't really done before, and I thought to have these beautiful girls in dresses [would be a] cool, very visible opportunity that we have to make work," she says. "It wasn't just going on the red carpet, but it was also identifying the muses. They were a reflection of who my girls are. They each had their own unique styles that they brought, and I think that was a reflection of the brand, as well."
The CFDAs were a big moment for the label, but Azeeza's biggest celebrity moment of 2019 — and overall "brand highlight," per Khan — came when Barbra Streisand commissioned the designer to create looks for her summer tour. "I left straight from the CFDAs to Malibu to go to a fitting at Barbra's house," she remembers. "Then that weekend [there was a gala] in Chicago. Monday, I was back in New York for market. That was the longest week of my life. But it was great."
Barbra Streisand in Azeeza performing at Madison Square Garden in 2019.
Photo: Getty Images for BSB/Kevin Kane
The Streisand stamp of approval got Azeeza a lot more eyeballs and a feature in Vogue. And though she's always taken a customer-first approach, Khan recognizes the impact having a celebrity angle can have on your brand. "We've been in business since 2012. We've never been in Vogue unless somebody was wearing it," she says. "This is the first year that I had a Vogue feature — not only that, but I've been [mentioned] in Vogue five times."
There's more to come from the brand in the near future — there's a new website, for one, plus more glimpses at how the Azeeza aesthetic will continue to evolve with more resources. And, yes, that might mean you see a familiar face or two wearing its dresses.
Cong Tri
Beyoncé in Cong Tri at the London premiere of "Lion King" in 2019.
Vietnamese designer Nguyen Cong Tri is a veteran of the fashion industry. He's been designing since 2000, presenting his collections in Paris, London, Tokyo and Ho Chi Minh City, where he's based, among other cities around the globe. (He recently celebrated almost two decades in fashion with an exhibit.) But it was a few years ago that he gained a new audience — one of the Hollwood A-list variety — with Cong Tri, which he established as a new luxury label in 2016.
"Nguyen Cong Tri and Cong Tri are two different brands — while Nguyen Cong Tri focuses on conceptual designs and pursues haute couture, Cong Tri is more commercial," the designer says. "These two brands so far exist in tandem."
Cong Tri's focus on eveningwear, the designer explains, stems from his desire "to help women shine in their significant and special moments," from celebrities on the red carpet to everyday customers.
VIP dressing isn't a new facet of his business — the designer has been doing it for as long as he's been working, he says: "The opportunities of working with them come naturally, as the way I often tell my friends, 'I'm a bit lucky."
MJ Rodriguez in Cong Tri at the 2019 Soul Train Awards.
Photo: Getty Images/Gabe Ginsberg
Still, Cong Tri has boosted the designer's profile on a global scale: Within a few years, he's outfitted Katy Perry, Rihanna, Rita Ora, Gabrielle Union, Kate Bosworth and Beyoncé (for the London premiere of "Lion King," in a custom Nala-inspired gown, no less.)
"Rihanna was the first international star to represent my design, thus that moment was the unforgettable starting point of my new chapter," he says. "In the case of Beyoncé, she has led the global entertainment industry and has a huge fan base in Vietnam for many years. That's why the fact that they chose my designs has created a considerable media wave in Vietnam."
Cong Tri has also worked with celebrity stylist Kate Young (clients include Selena Gomez, Nina Dobrev and Margot Robbie) on his New York Fashion Week shows, which he did for the Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 seasons. "I have designed costumes for celebrities in Vietnam for many years, so I understand what the job is like, but working with Kate in an international environment has given me many new experiences. Everything must be professional, the workload is expanded and the requirement and standards are more diversified."
Julia Garner in Cong Tri at the 2019 Emmys.
Cong Tri is sitting out fashion week for the Fall 2020 shows. That's not to say you won't be seeing some new gowns from the designer over the next few weeks — it is awards season, after all.
"I think women are works of art. The way they move, laugh, talk, and express themselves makes me fascinated," the designer says. "That's why dressing for celebrities is not merely doing my work — it's a combination of the two forms of art."
Issa Rae in Aliétte at the 2019 Critics' Choice Awards.
Photo: Taylor Hill/Getty Images
Jason Rembert is best known for his celebrity styling work; over the years, he's dressed Issa Rae, Michael B. Jordan, Lizzo, Solange Knowles and Ben Platt. But last year, he added "designer" to his résumé with Aliétte, his contemporary womenswear label. It made sense that he announced the news on the red carpet, on Rae, one of his longtime clients.
"Red carpet is one of the big things in my life," Rembert says. "I really enjoyed when I would see women in these gowns — the fitting with my client, it being altered, seeing them actually come alive with the clients, the client actually hitting the red carpet. So I knew, with making a clothing line, I wanted something that could live in that space."
Rae walked the red carpet at the 2019 Critics' Choice Award wearing the first Aliétte design: a black gown with an embellished bustier. He debuted the first full collection, for Fall 2019, at New York Fashion Week almost a month later. Since then, Aliétte has been worn by Cardi B, Kelly Rowland, Ciara and a host of other A-listers.
Ciara in Aliétte at the red-carpet rollout for the 2019 American Music Awards.
Photo: Getty Images for dcp/Amy Sussman
"Hollywood has played a major role [in Aliétte]," Rembert explains, noting that it goes beyond simply being photographed in the brand — many of these celebrities have then posted about and tagged it for their combined millions of followers. "It really helped the brand get to the mainstream. People can know about the brand."
Of all these placements, one stands out to Rembert: "When we dressed Kelly Rowland, it was a moment where people took a second look and wanted to really know more about this brand. Her stylist Kollin [Carter, who also dresses Cardi B] took the collection and made it her own, which I think is important."
His background as a stylist has been helpful not only in building a collection that's meant to be mixed and matched, but also in designing pieces thoughtfully and with intention. "How my dress looks inside and how my dress is built is extremely important to me, because I know how important underpinnings are for certain dresses," he explains. "I always want to [know] if they're secure. I always want a client to feel that the look is flattering. I pay a lot of attention to make sure that the inside of the dress is as good as the outside."
Aliétte spans occasions, with daytime pieces, like jackets and skirts, shown alongside red-carpet-ready evening wear. But they're all connected through a handful of aesthetic codes.
"My family is from Martinique and the Caribbean, so it's really, really important for me to always showcase color, and for it to be vibrant," Rembert says. "When my clothes walk down a runway or you see them on the carpet, I want people to feel happy seeing them. And I'm really into shapes, especially with embroidery. I always like wrap skirts. I like high waistbands. I've always been trying to showcase new shapes and different shapes on my runway."
At the end of the day, it comes down to this for Rembert: "I like to be chic. I want my woman to be chic. Even in a sweatsuit, a woman can be chic."
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Jason RembertKelly RowlandIssa RaeGwyneth PaltrowCardi BNetworkRed carpetCFDA AwardsSienna MillerRed Carpet StyleAzeeza KhanPhoebe Waller-BridgeEmma RobertsFashionistagramCelebrity Style
GalvanAliétteCong TriMarkarianAzeeza
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By Dhani Mau | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 9,927 |
There are two other low top Jordan 1's releasing as well.
The Air Jordan 1 is one of the most iconic Jordan Brand sneakers of all time thanks to its simple design that can support almost any colorway. It's a sneaker that transcends basketball and has become a fashion staple. You can pretty much pair anything with some 1's, even a suit if you know how to match. While it may not be that popular, the Air Jordan 1 also has a low top version, appropriately called the Air Jordan 1 low. The low top model doesn't get all that much love but when a new colorway comes out that pays homage to a classic, people tend to pay attention.
One of those classic Jordan 1 colorways is the Chicago "Black Toe" model. Based on new images from a recent Jordan brand event, it appears as though that exact color scheme will be coming to the Jordan 1 Low. As you can see from the pictures, the shoes are comprised of tumbled leather and suede. White tumbled leather is found on the toe box and the side panels, while black suede overlays and a red heel round out the features.
According to Sneaker News, two other colorways of the Air Jordan 1 Low will be dropping alongside the "Black Toe" version. All three models are expected to drop in the summer for $110 USD. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 5,190 |
WB Comic-Con 2012 Collectable Hotel Keycards
Via Press Release....
Studio Creating Over 40,000 Limited-Edition Collectible Hotel Keycards for
New TV Series 666 Park Avenue, Arrow and Revolution
Twitter Pitch: Warner Bros. keys up the excitement @Comic_Con 2012! Limited-edition hotel room keycards HERE: http://bit.ly/NzwMDk #WBSDCC #SDCC
BURBANK, Calif. (June 18, 2012) — Warner Bros. Entertainment is the key to excitement at Comic-Con! The Studio has once again created a set of limited-edition collectible hotel keycards, which will be in use at top hotels throughout the San Diego area during Comic-Con 2012. This marks the fifth consecutive year for the popular room key program, giving fans instant access to a usable — and collectible — piece of artwork.
Over 40,000 branded room keys will be available to fans at 38 participating San Diego–area hotels, courtesy of Warner Bros. Worldwide Television Marketing.
For Comic-Con 2012, Warner Bros. has created all-new keycards for three of the Studio's highly anticipated new fall series:
The 666 Park Avenue keycard grants access to anything you desire — as long as it's inside your room (download art here: http://bit.ly/MEIabz)
The Arrow keycard features star Stephen Amell as the Arrow in an all-new in-character photo (download art here: http://bit.ly/K8bTcQ)
The Revolution keycard opens hotel doors every time — no blackout here! (download art here:http://bit.ly/L1lY1f)
To download artwork of all three keycards, please click here: http://bit.ly/NGWE1B
666 Park Avenue: Anything you desire can be yours … for a price. Lost's Terry O'Quinn andDesperate Housewives' Vanessa Williams headline this scary, seductive drama from Alloy Entertainment as the owners of a Manhattan apartment building who recruit an idealistic young couple to manage the historic site with a dark history. The series also stars Rachael Taylor (Charlie's Angels), Dave Annable (Brothers & Sisters), Robert Buckley (One Tree Hill), Mercedes Masohn (The Finder), Helena Mattsson (Iron Man 2) and Samantha Logan (Law & Order: SVU). Matthew Miller (Chuck), David Wilcox (Fringe), Leslie Morgenstein (The Vampire Diaries), Gina Girolamo (The Secret Circle) and Alex Graves (Fringe) are the executive producers. Based upon the book series by Gabriella Pierce and from Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Alloy Entertainment and Warner Bros. Television, 666 Park Avenue will air Sundays at 10/9c on ABC this fall. Watch the full-length pilot at Warner Bros. Television's Preview Night screening at Comic-Con on Wednesday, July 11, or during the 666 Park Avenue session on Friday, July 13.
Arrow: From executive producers Greg Berlanti (Green Lantern), Marc Guggenheim (Green Lantern), Andrew Kreisberg (Fringe) and David Nutter (Smallville), hard-hitting action seriesArrow reinvents the DC Comics hero. After being marooned for five years on a remote island, billionaire Oliver Queen returns home with a mysterious agenda and a very lethal new set of skills that he uses in a war on crime. The series stars Stephen Amell (Private Practice), Colin Donnell (Pan Am), Katie Cassidy (Supernatural), David Ramsey (Dexter), Willa Holland (The O.C.) with Susanna Thompson (Dragonfly) and Paul Blackthorne (The River). From Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Berlanti Productions and Warner Bros. Television, Arrow is based upon characters appearing in comic books and graphic novels published by DC Comics and will air Wednesdays at 8/7c on The CW this fall. Watch the full-length pilot at Warner Bros. Television's Preview Night screening at Comic-Con on Wednesday, July 11, or during the Arrow session on Friday, July 13.
Revolution: What would you do without it all? In Revolution, an epic adventure thriller fromSupernatural's Eric Kripke, J.J. Abrams' Bad Robot Productions and Iron Man's Jon Favreau, a family struggles to reunite in a post-apocalyptic landscape of empty cities, local militias and heroic freedom fighters where every single piece of technology — phones, computers, cars, even lights — has mysteriously blacked out … forever. Revolution stars Billy Burke (Twilight films), Tracy Spiridakos (Being Human), Anna Lise Phillips (Animal Kingdom), Zak Orth (Wet Hot American Summer), Graham Rogers (Memphis Beat), J.D. Pardo (The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2), Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad), David Lyons (The Cape), Maria Howell (The Vampire Diaries) and Tim Guinee (Iron Man films) and is executive produced by Kripke, J.J. Abrams (Fringe) and Bryan Burk (Fringe). Favreau directed the pilot and will serve as co-executive producer of the series, with Kathy Lingg (Fringe) and producer Athena Wickham (Fringe). From Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Bad Robot Productions, Kripke Enterprises and Warner Bros. Television, Revolution will air Mondays at 10/9c on NBC this fall. Watch the full-length pilot at Warner Bros. Television's Preview Night screening at Comic-Con on Wednesday, July 11, or during the Revolution session on Saturday, July 14.
Posted by Monique at 11:53 AM
Labels: Comic Con 2012, news, Warner Bros
Zmalik July 17, 2012 at 1:05 PM
Stunning idea to print hotel key cards with W B comic on it......
CW's 2012 Fall Schedule Announcement
Access H'wood:'Magic Mike' Press Interview (Pt 2)
Access H'wood "Magic Mike's Interview Part 1
'Dexter' Sneek Peek At Season 7
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'Rizzoli & Isles' Season 4 Renewal
White Collar Season 3 Refresher/Season 4 Teaser
'Magic Mike' Poster Now Featuring Channing Tatum, ...
The Men Of USA's 'Suits' Interview (Video)
Syfy's 'Lost Girl' Coming To DVD&Blu Ray
White Collar/Covert Affairs Double Trouble Tuesdays
TBS Buys The Rights To CBS Hit '2 Broke Girls'
'Once Upon A Time Adds More Bella For Season 2
Covert Affairs Season 3 Sneek Peek (Trailers)
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'Pretty Little Liars' Cast 'Revenge' Actor
CW's New Fall Shows Extended Previews
'Pitch Perfect' Trailer and Poster
'Bones' Coming To An End?
White Collar Another Teaser For Season 4
Breaking Bad Season 5 Poster and Teaser
SDCC 2012-Line Up
Access Hollywood Chats w/ 'White Collar's Matt Bomer
NBC's Fall 2012-2013 Line-up Schedule
'Resident Evil: Retribution Trailer
Win: "Missing" The Complete First Season(CLOSED)
Win "GCB" The Complete First Season(CLOSED)
Awkward Season 2 Sneak Peek
Suits Season 2 Premiere Photos
White Collar Season 4 Premiere Photos
End Of Watch: Trailer
'The River' Complete First Season DVD (Review)
White Collar Season 4: Two Teaser Trailers!
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By Frankie Adkins
Frankie Adkins
Frankie AdkinsLouis TherouxMy Scientology Moviefilmreview
Louis Theroux accomplishes the seemingly impossible in his latest piece My Scientology Movie, managing to bring humour, exposure and insight into one of the world's most infamous and elusive cults. His mode of exploration is unique in its meta style, as it is only through constructing an artificial, parallel film to Scientology, that new angles are opened up on a group that is characteristically so fiercely closed.
His technique succeeds on multiple levels: on the superficial, in how the audience watches the allegations made against Scientology, such as those of leader David Miscavige's violent disposition, played out in realistic and sometimes frightening detail. Where the approach really triumphs is in all that it has to reveal beneath the surface, where characters function as projections used to elicit reactions from others. A particularly poignant moment is in Andrew Perez' re-enactment of Miscavige's tirade in a room dubbed 'The Hole', an unofficial detention centre for its most senior members. Despite all the commotion, of chairs knocked over and people threatened, the camera chooses to focus on Mark Rathbun, an ex-member and lead whistle blower of Scientology. Zooming in on his reaction the audience can detect a look of awe and fear, at the authenticity of the exercise, but even more telling is his lingering note of exhilaration.
It also seems appropriate that Scientology be viewed under this lens of wealth and glamour, due to the religion's Hollywood-centric nature, with its large membership base of actors and celebrities and headquarters in the hills of California. This undeniably influences the tone of movie and it has a distinct blockbuster spin, its advanced graphics and production far surpassing the times of Theroux's BBC and Channel 4 budgets. Fortunately however, Theroux remains true to his trademark interviewing style, of the stiff upper lipped and ever so slightly awkward English man amongst the unhinged fanatics. Sometimes it can feel like Theroux practices objectivity in his subject matter to the point of normalisation, for example in his previous interviews with paedophiles and militant Christians, where we are perhaps desensitised to the issues at heart. However, in My Scientology Movie Theroux's passive approach leaves the Scientologist's to do the talking, and there is little choice but to feel unease in the face of their acts of squirreling and intimidation.
For all that is illuminated however, there is as much shrouded; and the audience may find they leave cinemas feeling unsatisfied, their intrigue piqued but not totally quenched. The ending may come as abrupt, with the feeling that the film's final destination is never quite arrived at. A recurring scene in the movie, of Theroux's ill-fated visits to Scientology's headquarters, perhaps serves as a perfect analogy for the film. Like Theroux who attempts to approach the building but only ever gets as close as the outside road, we never quite penetrate the heart of the Scientology issue, and are instead left with only a fleeting glimpse in.
In his defence, Theroux does well considering his circumstances, where barbed wire and flood lights, stringent lawsuits and alleged intimidation techniques have seen many before fail in dialogue with Scientology. But as with all of his work Theroux's documentary will be popular due to its appeal to a very human paradox; in that we are consistently intrigued by what repulses us.
Image: Anonymous9000; Flickr
Theroux accomplishes the seemingly impossible in his latest piece My Scientology Movie, managing to bring humour, exposure and insight into one of the world's most infamous and elusive cults.
When a degree alone just isn't enough
Halloumi burger returns to Teviot menu
Cult Column: Toni Erdmann
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Pink Floyd est un groupe britannique de rock originaire de Londres. Le groupe débute avec un premier album de musique psychédélique pour ensuite bifurquer vers le rock progressif. Formé en 1965, il est considéré comme un pionnier et représentant majeur de ces styles musicaux. Il est reconnu pour sa musique planante et expérimentale, ses textes philosophiques et satiriques, ses albums-concept et ses performances en concert originales et élaborées. De ses débuts à aujourd'hui, le groupe vend plus de d'albums à travers le monde. Aux seuls États-Unis, les ventes des albums de Pink Floyd sont dénombrées par la RIAA à hauteur de d'exemplaires.
Initialement mené par le guitariste, chanteur et auteur-compositeur principal Syd Barrett, le groupe connaît un succès modeste au milieu des années 1960, puis devient l'un des groupes underground londoniens les plus populaires de la scène psychédélique. Cependant, le comportement de plus en plus instable de Barrett conduit les autres membres à le remplacer par David Gilmour, un ami d'enfance de Barrett. Le bassiste Roger Waters deviendra progressivement le meneur du groupe, signant toutes les paroles à partir de 1972. Pink Floyd acquiert l'année suivante une célébrité mondiale avec The Dark Side of the Moon (1973), troisième album le plus vendu de tous les temps, derrière Back in Black (1980) d'AC/DC et Thriller (1982) de Michael Jackson.
Le groupe enchaîne les succès au cours des années 1970 avec Wish You Were Here (1975), Animals (1977) et The Wall (1979), ce dernier donnant lieu à une adaptation cinématographique. Néanmoins, des tensions dans le groupe apparaissent au fil du temps alors que Waters en prend de plus en plus le contrôle. Pendant l'enregistrement de l'album The Wall, le claviériste Richard Wright est renvoyé du groupe, mais participe tout de même à la tournée. Waters quitte le groupe en 1985, après la sortie deux ans plus tôt, de l'album The Final Cut dont il est l'unique auteur. En 1987, David Gilmour et Nick Mason décident d'enregistrer un nouvel album sous la bannière Pink Floyd et réintègrent Richard Wright pour A Momentary Lapse of Reason (1987) puis sur The Division Bell (1994) tout en recommençant à se produire en concert. Le groupe met ses activités en sommeil en 1996.
Les différents membres se réunissent ensuite à quelques occasions dans les années 2000. Pink Floyd dans sa formation la plus connue (avec Gilmour, Mason, Waters et Wright) donne sa dernière prestation publique le lors du Live 8 à Londres. L'événement suscite de nombreuses rumeurs de reformation, démenties par Gilmour et devenues caduques avec la mort de Wright en 2008. Un ultime album portant le titre The Endless River, constitué principalement d'enregistrements non utilisés lors des séances de The Division Bell, est publié en .
Formation du groupe et prélude
Prélude (1960-1966)
En 1962, Roger Waters, Syd Barrett et David Gilmour habitent la même ville, Cambridge. Ils s'initient mutuellement à l'apprentissage de la guitare acoustique et électrique. Roger Waters fait la connaissance de Nick Mason et Richard Wright, alors qu'ils y étudient l'architecture, à la Regent Street Polytechnic de Londres. Syd Barrett va étudier les Beaux-Arts au Camberwell College of Arts de Londres et David Gilmour, dont les parents ont émigré aux États-Unis, s'installe en France.
En automne 1965, Waters, Mason et Wright forment un groupe pop, les Architectural Abdabs, après un essai manqué sous le nom de Sigma 6. Le groupe se compose également de Clive Metcalf (guitare), Juliette Gale et Keith Noble au chant. Le style de cette formation est plutôt rhythm and blues. Six pièces sont enregistrées par la formation comprenant Syd Barrett, Rado Klose, Nick Mason, Roger Waters, Richard Wright et Juliette Gale, dont une reprise de I'm a King Bee de Slim Harpo. Ils sont publiés en 2015 sous le titre 1965: Their First Recordings.
Le groupe se retrouve chez un de leurs professeurs à la Polytechnique de Londres, Mike Leonard, et prend le nom de Leonard's Lodger pour un temps. Leonard fabrique des machines à éclairage projeté sur les murs, formant des mouvements psychédéliques. Le groupe décide de commencer à jouer de leurs instruments en s'inspirant des formes affichées sur le mur. Au printemps 1966, les Architectural Abdabs, ou Leonard's Lodgers, qui ont également utilisé les noms de Screaming Abdabs, The Meggadeaths et The Tea Set, se séparent car Keith Noble et Clive Metcalf abandonnent cette carrière. Juliette Gale épouse Richard Wright. Ce dernier décide, avec Waters et Mason, de reformer un nouveau groupe, tandis que Bob Klose les quitte très rapidement, permettant au groupe de développer le psychédélisme dans leur musique.
Débuts avec Syd Barrett (1966-1968)
En 1966, le groupe est donc constitué de Syd Barrett (guitare, chant, composition), Richard Wright (claviers), Roger Waters (basse) et Nick Mason (batterie et percussions). La formation commence à se produire dans la région de Cambridge. Pendant ce temps, David Gilmour joue en France au sein des Flowers. L'un des noms originaux du groupe, Tea Set, est abandonné après que le groupe s'est trouvé à l'affiche avec un autre groupe du même nom. Barrett propose sur le coup un nouveau nom, The Pink Floyd Sound, une référence à deux musiciens de blues, Pink Anderson et Floyd Council.
Contrairement à une idée reçue française persistante, Pink Floyd ne signifie donc pas « flamant rose », « flamant » se traduisant en anglais par « flamingo ». Il exprime plutôt et rappelle l'importance du blues et du rhythm and blues américains pour la scène rock anglaise des années 1960. De fait, le son si particulier du premier quatuor s'est forgé lors des longues improvisations de standards de blues que le groupe jouait sur scène. Le Sound et le The seront d'ailleurs assez vite abandonnés. Propulsé au-devant de la scène underground londonienne grâce au périodique International Times et aux concerts à l'UFO Club organisés par John Hopkins et Joe Boyd, le groupe développe des compositions principalement dues à Syd Barrett, qui proposent un mélange de rock psychédélique américain, de whimsy britannique et bien sûr de blues, particulièrement dans les solos de guitare. Des années après, il arrivera encore au groupe de finir le concert sur une improvisation de blues.
Premiers succès avec Syd Barrett
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, des débuts très prometteurs (1967)
Le , le groupe passe pour la première fois à la télévision britannique, sur Granada TV, à Manchester, et y interprète Interstellar Overdrive. Le groupe signe un contrat avec la maison de disques EMI en 1967 et sort deux 45 tours, Arnold Layne le et See Emily Play le . Arnold Layne est banni des ondes radio pour ses paroles supposément explicites, mais atteint quand même le top 20.
Sorti le , le premier album du groupe, The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (nom tiré d'un chapitre du Vent dans les saules de Kenneth Grahame), est considéré comme un exemple typique de folk psychédélique britannique. L'album est un succès au Royaume-Uni, mais pas aux États-Unis. Le , le groupe entame une tournée avec Jimi Hendrix — ce qui lui vaut une certaine notoriété — les Move, Amen Corner et les Nice. Au Royal Albert Hall de Londres, le guitariste des Nice, David O'List, remplace Syd Barrett, diminué depuis son retour des États-Unis. Vers la fin de l'année, le groupe publie Apples and Oranges, le dernier single avec Barrett.
A Saucerful of Secrets, échecs relatifs et exclusion de Syd (1968)
En 1968, Syd Barrett souffre d'une dépression nerveuse attribuée notamment à l'usage prolongé de drogues psychédéliques (essentiellement le LSD), à la pression de la vie de groupe, aux enregistrements et aux tournées permanentes. Cela est aggravé quand la maison de disque et leur producteur Norman Smith refusent de publier le single Scream Thy Last Scream/Vegetable Man, deux chansons écrites par lui. Ses performances scéniques se dégradent brutalement, il semble absent, arrivant un soir à ne jouer qu'une même note pendant toute la soirée. Le comportement de Barrett dans la vie courante est devenu imprévisible : il oublie où il se trouve, ne se rend pas aux concerts. Pendant un concert, en plein d'acide, il arrache les cordes de sa guitare et s'enfuit en courant. Pour permettre tout de même au groupe de jouer, les autres membres invitent le guitariste David Gilmour, revenu à Londres, à rejoindre le groupe afin de pouvoir assurer les spectacles. Il est officiellement intégré à la formation le . Gilmour doit prendre en charge les parties de guitare et de chant normalement assurées par Barrett. Pink Floyd joue ainsi à cinq pendant une très courte période, jusqu'à ce que Syd Barrett, devenu totalement incapable de jouer sur scène, soit exclu définitivement le . Il publiera deux albums solo avant de se retirer paisiblement de la vie musicale.
Si Barrett a écrit la majeure partie du premier disque, The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, il ne contribue que peu au second, A Saucerful of Secrets, qui paraît en 1968. Le groupe ayant perdu son principal auteur-compositeur, ce sont désormais les contributions de Richard Wright et Roger Waters qui prennent le relais, avant que David Gilmour, par son jeu de guitare et sa voix, ne prenne plus d'importance encore dans le nouveau son du groupe. Entre-temps, le groupe publie son nouveau 45 tours (It Would Be So Nice/Julia Dream) qui est un véritable échec.
Fin d'une époque, le , Pink Floyd sort ce qui sera son dernier 45 tours anglais pour plus de dix ans : Point Me at the Sky est un échec commercial et confirme le groupe dans sa volonté de privilégier pour sa musique le format album.
Période de transition
Tournant vers le rock progressif (1969)
En 1969, Pink Floyd se trouve privé de son leader. L'enjeu est alors important : le groupe doit se refaire une identité, en gardant la paternité de Syd Barrett tout en renouvelant son répertoire. À partir de ce moment, Roger Waters va graduellement prendre de plus en plus d'importance dans le groupe, en termes de direction créatrice, ultimement jusqu'à ne considérer le groupe que comme un simple exécutant de ses compositions, dans The Final Cut.
Le premier disque sans Syd Barrett sera la bande originale du film More de Barbet Schroeder. Cette dernière se distingue par un son acid folk et même heavy metal avec The Nile Song. La bande originale paraît le chez Columbia. Le disque suivant, Ummagumma (septembre-octobre 1969) est un double album. Il présente sur le premier disque des enregistrements de prestations scéniques du groupe et, sur le second, des expérimentations signées séparément par chacun des membres. C'est la première fois que le public découvre sur disque, en dehors des enregistrements pirates, le son du groupe en concert.
Au cours de l'année 1969, les quatre musiciens de Pink Floyd ont l'idée de coller bout à bout des morceaux tirés de leur répertoire, d'en adjoindre d'autres inédits, et de présenter ainsi sur scène des suites conceptuelles autour d'une idée-force. Deux œuvres voient ainsi le jour : The Journey, et The Man, prémices des futures créations du groupe. Elles sont jouées du printemps 1969 jusqu'au début de l'année 1970. Après cet album, Pink Floyd s'écarte progressivement du psychédélisme pour produire des compositions plus nettement marquées de rock progressif.
Atom Heart Mother, poursuites des expérimentations (1970)
Ils participent à la musique du film Zabriskie Point de Michelangelo Antonioni dont la bande originale sort en . Malgré une certaine insatisfaction du réalisateur, qui ne garde finalement que quelques-uns des morceaux proposés par le groupe, la thématique et l'esthétique du film correspondent tout à fait à ce que Pink Floyd faisait à l'époque.
L'album Atom Heart Mother, sorti le , est un bon exemple des nouvelles prétentions artistiques que visent de nombreux groupes de rock à la même époque. Les deux pièces instrumentales qui débutent et achèvent le disque — la première, longue suite homonyme de vingt-trois minutes à laquelle participent orchestre et chœurs, et Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast, collage de sons d'un petit déjeuner (pris par Alan Stiles, un roadie du groupe) entrecoupés de courts passages musicaux — placent le groupe dans le giron de l'avant-garde musicale. Pour l'orchestration et la composition du morceau titre, le groupe fait appel à Ron Geesin qui a déjà collaboré la même année, avec Roger Waters, sur l'album Music from the Body.
Stanley Kubrick aurait demandé à Roger Waters la permission d'utiliser Atom Heart Mother pour son film Orange mécanique (1971). Cette permission lui est refusée car le groupe considère que, sortie de son contexte, la musique n'aurait aucun sens - et car Kubrick avoue ne pas exactement savoir encore comment il va s'en servir.
Meddle et Obscured by Clouds, les prémices de l'apogée (1971-1972)
Sorti le , Meddle est probablement l'album qui consacre Pink Floyd comme un des groupes majeurs de l'époque grâce à One of These Days, devenu un classique de leurs concerts, et surtout à Echoes, un titre long de vingt-trois minutes, avec des passages instrumentaux longs et planants. Une légende persistante veut qu'Echoes, le dernier morceau de l'album, soit synchronisé avec la dernière section du film 2001, l'Odyssée de l'espace réalisé par Stanley Kubrick, sorti trois ans plus tôt. Par ailleurs, c'est Meddle qui définit clairement l'orientation de Pink Floyd comme progressif, c'est-à-dire de longues pièces complexes et souvent divisées en plusieurs mouvements, ce qu'avait amorcé l'album précédent, Atom Heart Mother.
Finalement, Obscured by Clouds (1972), bande sonore enregistrée au Château d'Hérouville (95) pour un nouveau film de Barbet Schroeder, La Vallée, confirme la voie empruntée par le groupe. Cette même année, le groupe tourne un concert à Pompéi, près de Naples en Italie, qui détonne par son absence totale de public : le groupe joue seul au milieu des ruines de la cité romaine. Pour beaucoup, ce concert, sorti en salles de cinéma en 1972, est le type même du « son Pink Floyd », progressif et planant. Lors de ce concert, le groupe, reprenant le concept de la chanson Seamus (sur Meddle), fait « chanter » un chien en jouant très probablement sur la sensibilité acoustique de ces animaux aux saturations d'un harmonica : le titre Mademoiselle Nobs reste musicalement étrange. Il faut rappeler que, à cette époque, Pink Floyd jouait ses nouvelles compositions sur scène avant de les enregistrer en studio, aussi leurs noms ont-ils varié jusqu'à la publication des disques. Cela fut vrai jusqu'à Animals, où Sheep, Dogs et Pigs ont été joués en tournée bien avant la sortie de l'album, comme The Dark Side of the Moon. Mademoiselle Nobs est une réminiscence de ce procédé.
The Dark Side of the Moon, la percée fulgurante (1973)
C'est le que sort The Dark Side of the Moon, qui, avec les trois albums suivants, Wish You Were Here, Animals et The Wall, forme une suite d'albums souvent considérés comme les plus aboutis de la carrière de Pink Floyd. David Gilmour réfute les accusations de tentation commerciale lorsque l'album The Dark Side of the Moon connaît un succès massif en 1973, notamment grâce au titre Money. Cet album reste dans le Billboard 200 pendant mille sept semaines au total, soit plus de dix-neuf ans. C'est encore aujourd'hui un record historique. C'est le troisième album le plus vendu de tous les temps, avec des ventes estimées entre 45 et 50 millions d'exemplaires. Sa pochette est restée célèbre ; elle est œuvre de la firme graphique de Storm Thorgerson (Hipgnosis), ami du groupe qui a réalisé les pochettes des albums précédents, et représente la dispersion de la lumière au travers d'un prisme. The Dark Side of the Moon est un album-concept dont les thèmes dominants sont la vieillesse (Time), la folie (Brain Damage) et la mort (The Great Gig in the Sky). C'est un album techniquement très élaboré, avec l'utilisation d'un nouvel enregistreur de seize pistes aux studios Abbey Road, le talent de l'ingénieur du son et producteur Alan Parsons ; les titres sont méticuleusement enchaînés, la guitare de David Gilmour est envoûtante ; Richard Wright joue de ses synthétiseurs d'une manière tellement innovante qu'elle va donner l'exemple à tout un courant musical, en particulier en Allemagne.
Après le succès remporté par The Dark Side of the Moon, le groupe ne trouve plus d'inspiration, malgré sa volonté de produire un album qui en constituerait un . Il se lance donc, fin 1973, dans des séances d'enregistrement pour un nouvel album qui ne contiendrait aucun instrument conventionnel, utilisant uniquement des ustensiles de ménage pour créer la musique et appelé provisoirement The Household Objects. Les membres du groupe se lancent dans des expériences avec différents objets communs, tels des rouleaux de ruban adhésif, des bouteilles de vin et des aérosols. Roger Waters explique :
Wish You Were Here et Animals, les albums de la confirmation (1975-1977)
Finalement, le groupe laisse tomber le projet The Household Objects au profit de la chanson Shine On You Crazy Diamond, qui formera la pièce majeure du prochain album, Wish You Were Here, sorti en 1975. Des tensions commencent à émerger lors de l'enregistrement, mais les efforts des membres génèrent un album touchant. Le morceau principal, Shine On You Crazy Diamond, est un long hommage à Syd Barrett dont l'esprit semble continuer de hanter le groupe. Welcome to the Machine et Have a Cigar sont des critiques acerbes de l'industrie du disque. La chanson titre est axée comme tout l'album sur la thématique de l'absence (notamment celle de Barrett). Shine On You Crazy Diamond ouvre et clôt l'album, en deux parties qui sont séparées (une décision prise en cours d'enregistrement) par les autres chansons. Pendant l'enregistrement de cet album, Syd Barrett est apparu dans le studio. Les membres du groupe ne l'ont pas reconnu tout de suite tant il avait changé. En effet, il avait pris du poids, et s'était entièrement rasé la tête. Sa présence a provoqué une grande émotion chez ses anciens amis. Ces derniers sont accablés par la dégénérescence de son état de santé mentale.
En 1977, l'album Animals sort, en réaction au fait que le groupe est de plus en plus critiqué et stigmatisé par le mouvement punk pour qui il symbolise l'avachissement et la prétention du rock, bien loin de la simplicité des débuts du rock 'n' roll. La guitare a cependant une influence nettement plus importante sur cet album que sur ses prédécesseurs, et une facture plus rock. Il contient de longs morceaux liés par un thème commun, emprunté en partie à La Ferme des animaux de l'écrivain George Orwell, où les cochons (Pigs on the Wing, Pigs (Three Different Ones)), les chiens (Dogs) et les moutons (Sheep) sont une métaphore de la société contemporaine. La pochette de l'album représente la Battersea Power Station survolée par un énorme cochon commandé pour l'occasion à une fabrique hollandaise de zeppelins. Le fil reliant le cochon au sol ayant cédé, le ballon s'envole et est finalement retrouvé dans un champ près de Cantorbéry. La pochette de certaines éditions de l'album contient d'ailleurs des copies de coupures de presse expliquant que la Royal Air Force est intervenue pour intercepter « le cochon volant ». Ledit cochon gonflable devient par la suite un élément récurrent des concerts du groupe, parfois adapté aux circonstances. Ainsi, les cochons de la tournée qui suit The Wall sont noirs et arborent l'emblème des marteaux croisés sur le flanc.
Le thème du mur est venu à l'esprit de Waters à la suite d'un concert de la tournée de promotion dAnimals (intitulée In the Flesh), au Stade olympique de Montréal, le . Waters, rendu furieux par le comportement chahuteur du public, crache à la figure d'un spectateur particulièrement bruyant. Cet épisode lui inspire l'idée d'un artiste qui bâtirait un mur entre lui et son public, idée qui deviendra le pivot de l'album The Wall.
Waters avait déploré le caractère impersonnel de l'immense stade de Montréal. Il a raconté y avoir ressenti un sentiment d'aliénation qui est un fondement du concept de l'album. D'ailleurs, le stade imaginé par Gerald Scarfe à l'intérieur de la pochette de l'album ainsi que dans le film est visiblement inspiré par le Stade olympique, avec ses mâts similaires à ceux du stade montréalais, resté à moitié achevé jusqu'en 1986.
La domination de Roger Waters
The Wall, le nouveau chef-d'œuvre (1978-1979)
À la fin de 1978, Roger Waters présente aux autres membres du groupe deux projets d'albums : The Wall dont les thèmes principaux sont le « mur » séparant l'artiste de ses fans et l'aliénation de l'individu par la société, et The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking qui décrit ses propres fantasmes. Trouvant ce dernier trop personnel, ils choisissent The Wall ; le second fera l'objet d'un album solo de Waters enregistré en 1984.
La critique salue avec enthousiasme The Wall lorsque l'album sort en . Quelques phrases extraites des textes vont marquer les esprits, comme sur Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2). Il marque le début d'une collaboration entre le groupe, le compositeur Michael Kamen et le producteur Bob Ezrin.
Cet album, prélude à une série de concerts dont la logistique est tellement lourde que la tournée ne couvrira que quatre lieux et sera immortalisée en 2000 par la sortie d'un double album Is There Anybody Out There? The Wall Live 1980-81, témoigne de l'influence grandissante de Roger Waters, malgré l'énorme travail musical, souvent sous-estimé, de David Gilmour (qui signe officiellement la musique de trois titres : Young Lust, Comfortably Numb et Run Like Hell mais ayant en réalité participé grandement à d'autres compositions et aux principaux arrangements). Les autres membres du groupe subissent la volonté dominatrice de Waters, non sans heurt. Pendant l'enregistrement de l'album, lorsque l'horaire doit être changé, le claviériste Richard Wright refuse catégoriquement de mettre fin à ses vacances en mer pour revenir en studio et terminer sa prestation. Waters, qui investit de nombreuses heures à ce projet, est furieux et décide, avec l'approbation des autres membres, de congédier son vieil ami. Le claviériste sera par contre engagé comme musicien d'accompagnement pour la tournée. Ironiquement, il sera le seul à retirer un bénéfice de cette courte tournée, les trois autres membres du groupe ayant dû payer de leur poche les lourds frais engendrés. Lors de la tournée The Wall, chaque musicien est doublé (guitariste, bassiste, claviériste, batteur) et une section de choristes est utilisée.
Le film The Wall, inspiré de l'album homonyme et réalisé par Alan Parker, sort en salles en 1982, mettant en vedette Bob Geldof dans le rôle de Pink. Il ne contient presque aucun dialogue, laissant la place aux morceaux de l'album, avec quelques variantes, par exemple When the Tigers Broke Free n'est jouée que dans le film, et Hey You seulement sur l'album. Les scènes filmées alternent avec des animations de Gerald Scarfe.
The Final Cut et séparation (1983-1985)
En 1983 sort l'album The Final Cut, album sombre et atypique qui porte le nom de Pink Floyd mais qui est présenté sur la pochette comme une œuvre « de Roger Waters interprétée par Pink Floyd » sans Richard Wright, évincé du groupe depuis . Le bassiste y développe plusieurs idées déjà présentes dans The Wall, telle une continuité à celui-ci, comme la douleur causée par l'absence de son père (à qui l'album est dédié) ou le dur retour des soldats à la vie civile, et attaque violemment Margaret Thatcher qui vient alors de lancer le Royaume-Uni dans la guerre des Malouines contre l'Argentine.
Les relations entre les membres du groupe sont désormais devenues détestables. Nick Mason est même remplacé par un autre batteur sur la dernière chanson de l'album, Two Suns in the Sunset, tandis que Gilmour est relégué à son rôle de guitariste et ne chante qu'une chanson, Not Now John. Bien que l'album atteigne la première place des charts au Royaume-Uni, il ne se vend pas très bien, mettant ainsi fin à une décennie de gloire planétaire.
À partir de l'album The Dark Side of the Moon, Roger Waters s'impose comme unique parolier du groupe alors que, sur les albums précédents, cette fonction était souvent partagée avec Gilmour et Wright. Malgré sa mainmise sur les paroles et le fait qu'il signe la majorité des paroles et des musiques de The Wall, la suite montrera que l'âme du groupe se trouve dans l'ensemble musical que forment les membres du groupe. Roger Waters essuiera d'ailleurs de relatifs échecs commerciaux avec ses albums solo. Car même si The Final Cut a été considéré comme le premier album solo de Roger Waters, la présence de Mason et surtout de la voix et la guitare de Gilmour assurent une musicalité que Waters ne retrouvera pas entièrement, même en jouant en public note à note les partitions des autres membres du groupe lors de ses tournées en solo.
Ne pouvant légalement dissoudre le groupe, Roger Waters annonce qu'il quitte Pink Floyd en 1985, en se disant que celui-ci ne survivra pas à son départ puisqu'il en est devenu la principale force créatrice. Il produit dans cette foulée The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking qui, comme les autres albums solos, est un échec commercial. Waters remplit malgré cela les salles en reprenant les titres de Pink Floyd (tournées The Dark Side of the Moon et The Wall).
Après la dissolution forcée du groupe par Waters, tous ses membres se consacrent à des projets solo. Le premier album de Richard Wright, Wet Dream, est sorti en 1978 avec, comme musiciens invités, Snowy White à la guitare et Mel Collins au saxophone et à la flûte. La même année, David Gilmour produit son album éponyme, avec les anciens musiciens du groupe Joker's Wild, avec lesquels il jouait juste avant de rejoindre Pink Floyd, Rick Wills à la basse et Willie Wilson à la batterie. En mars 1984 paraît About Face, le deuxième album solo de Gilmour, suivi en avril par l'unique album du groupe Zee (formé de Wright et de Dave Harris), Identity. L'année suivante, Nick Mason sort l'album Profiles en collaboration avec Rick Fenn.
Les années Gilmour
A Momentary Lapse of Reason, un nouveau départ (1985-1989)
En 1986, David Gilmour, voulant contredire l'idée que Roger Waters se faisait du groupe, décide avec Nick Mason de relancer Pink Floyd. Roger Waters entame alors des poursuites car il leur conteste le droit au nom du groupe sans sa présence. Cette bataille affecte profondément les membres, notamment Nick Mason qui déclare :
Waters perdra sa cause et c'est sous le nom de Pink Floyd que le duo sort en 1987 l'album A Momentary Lapse of Reason. Gilmour et Mason ont été entre-temps rejoints, en studio puis sur scène, par Richard Wright qui sera officiellement réintégré seulement après la tournée, à cause de problèmes juridiques. Il est néanmoins crédité aux claviers sur l'album. Une pléthore de musiciens additionnels sont crédités sur l'album (ce qui est aussi le cas, par exemple avec Michael Kamen, sur The Wall et The Final Cut). Ainsi, Tony Levin, bassiste et stickiste de Peter Gabriel et de King Crimson, remplace Roger Waters à la basse. Scott Page, John Helliwell et Tom Scott y partagent les saxophones : Helliwell est un ancien membre de Supertramp dans lequel Page a été saxophoniste, guitariste et flûtiste durant leur tournée de 1983, ainsi que sur leur album Brother Where You Bound de 1985 auquel a participé David Gilmour. Les vétérans Jim Keltner et Carmine Appice épaulent Nick Mason à la batterie sur les titres qu'il ne peut pas jouer et pas moins de quatre claviéristes suppléent Rick Wright, dont Jon Carin qui deviendra le 2e claviériste attitré du groupe sur les albums et en concerts. L'album voit également la participation d'une section féminine de choristes que l'on retrouvera ultérieurement (dans différentes compositions) durant les tournées du groupe.
Du fait de l'absence de Waters, principal parolier du groupe depuis une décennie, le groupe doit se faire épauler à l'écriture des textes. À l'exception de Yet Another Movie coécrit avec Patrick Leonard, toutes les chansons de la face B de l'album sont signées David Gilmour aux paroles et à la musique, alors que sur la face A, il fait appel à Anthony Moore pour coécrire les paroles de Learning To Fly, On the Turning Away et Dogs of War et Phil Manzanera pour One Slip, tandis qu'il signe seul la musique à l'exception de Signs of Life, cosignée avec Bob Ezrin.
Cet album permet une gigantesque tournée qui voit Roger Waters remplacé par Guy Pratt et le groupe accompagné par un grand nombre de musiciens additionnels (aux guitares, saxophones, claviers et percussions) et un trio féminin de choristes. Pink Floyd exécute alors la totalité de l'album A Momentary Lapse of Reason et les chansons les plus connues du groupe, telles que Money, Shine On You Crazy Diamond ou Comfortably Numb. Cette tournée donne lieu à un disque et à un film nommés Delicate Sound of Thunder.
Le , le groupe, composé de onze musiciens, joue à Venise sur une barge au milieu de la lagune devant près de 300 000 spectateurs en gondoles : en France, le concert est diffusé en direct sur Antenne 2.
The Division Bell, un groupe désormais légendaire (1993-1995)
C'est un groupe plus soudé qui sort The Division Bell en 1994, sur lequel on note de nouveau la participation de Michael Kamen et l'apport important aux paroles de Polly Samson, la femme de Gilmour, qui cosigne sept titres sur onze. Cet album propulse une fois de plus le groupe en tête des ventes aux États-Unis et le replace au sommet de la notoriété, au niveau tant critique que commercial. Il est le prélude à une gigantesque tournée mondiale, immortalisée par l'album P·U·L·S·E sorti en 1995. Le succès de l'album et de la tournée et le fait que Wright, Gilmour et Mason ont ainsi démontré leur indépendance artistique à l'égard de Waters pourraient expliquer pourquoi ce fut la dernière fois où ces musiciens ont convergé en studio pour enregistrer un nouvel album (The Endless River, en 2014, ne comportait pas de nouveaux enregistrements à proprement parler).
Plus tard, les spectateurs peuvent constater la force d'évocation musicale de Pink Floyd lors de la tournée solo de Gilmour de 2006 à laquelle Wright participe, ainsi que Mason pour quelques concerts. Durant cette tournée, le groupe reprend des classiques comme Arnold Layne, Echoes, Fat Old Sun, Wot's… Uh the Deal, Breathe et Time, en renouant avec l'esprit d'improvisation et d'osmose musicale des concerts de Pink Floyd des années 1970. Guy Pratt remplace Waters, qui, officiellement pour des raisons de planning, a décliné l'invitation que le groupe lui avait adressée.
Hall of Fame et retrait (1996)
Le , Pink Floyd entre au Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame, musée de Cleveland dans l'Ohio. La cérémonie d'intronisation se déroule à New York mais Waters est une nouvelle fois absent. En 1997, un astéroïde est nommé (19367) Pink Floyd en l'honneur du groupe, et, en 2004, l'album phare The Dark Side of the Moon est remastérisé et réédité en son multicanal sous le format de pointe Super Audio CD. L'édition est stéréo et multicanale hybride, par conséquent lisible en qualité stéréo Compact Disc sur toute platine CD conventionnelle (incapable de reproduire la piste sonore haute définition du Super Audio CD). Cette réédition, bien que présentée sous un format peu connu du grand public, s'est vendue l'année même à plus de huit cent mille exemplaires dans le monde.
À partir de 1996, le groupe se met en sommeil, Gilmour décidant de se consacrer désormais entièrement à sa carrière solo.
Fin de Pink Floyd
La première reformation du groupe a lieu lors des funérailles du manager de Pink Floyd, Steve O'Rourke, le à la cathédrale de Chichester dans le Sussex, en Angleterre. David Gilmour interprète seul Fat Old Sun puis The Great Gig In the Sky, où il est rejoint par Nick Mason et Richard Wright.
Réunion au Live 8 (2005)
David Gilmour, Nick Mason, et Richard Wright rejoignent Roger Waters le temps d'un concert à l'occasion du Live 8 le à Hyde Park (Londres). Le groupe est alors au complet. Avant d'entamer Wish You Were Here, Roger rend hommage à son ami d'enfance Syd Barrett en ces termes :
Le nombre de spectateurs de ce concert des Pink Floyd est estimé à trois millions. Durant la semaine qui suivit, les albums du groupe connaissent un regain de vente : selon la chaîne de magasins HMV les ventes d'Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd ont crû de %, et Amazon indique que les ventes de The Wall ont augmenté de %, celles de Wish You Were Here de %, celles de The Dark Side of the Moon de % et celles de Animals de %. David Gilmour déclare par la suite qu'il reversera la part des profits due à ce des ventes à des œuvres de charité et a incité les autres artistes ayant participé au concert à faire de même.
Après le concert, des rumeurs d'une éventuelle reformation de Pink Floyd sont démenties par David Gilmour qui déclare au quotidien italien , alors que nombre de fans espéraient que Pink Floyd redonnerait des concerts avant la fin de 2005 : « Le groupe ? C'est terminé. On s'est juste réunis pour la bonne cause, mais franchement je n'en ai plus du tout envie… Et ça n'a rien à voir avec Roger Waters, parce que même sans lui je ne reformerai pas Pink Floyd. Jouer avec Pink Floyd demanderait trop de travail, et j'en ai marre des pressions. Je pense que maintenant ça suffit. J'ai 60 ans et je n'ai plus la volonté pour travailler autant désormais. Pink Floyd était une partie importante dans ma vie, j'ai passé un moment merveilleux, mais c'est fini. Pour moi il est beaucoup moins compliqué de travailler seul. Maintenant j'ai une vie tranquille. Je préfère bosser seul, et je le vis très bien. » Il reviendra toutefois sur sa décision.
David Gilmour déclare dans le magazine The Word que rejouer avec le groupe « était comme dormir auprès de son ex-femme », et qu'il n'y avait « pas de futur pour Pink Floyd ». Il a depuis confirmé à plusieurs reprises ne plus vouloir rejouer avec le groupe, notamment lors de la promotion de son album Live in Gdańsk (2008). Selon le magazine Rock & Folk d' (numéro 468), David Gilmour a invité Roger Waters pour le dernier concert de sa tournée On an Island à Londres. Selon Nick Mason,
Le , lors du dernier concert de David Gilmour au Royal Albert Hall à Londres, il est rejoint par Nick Mason sur les deux titres finaux, Wish You Were Here et Comfortably Numb, reconstituant ainsi le groupe de la période Gilmour le temps de deux morceaux. En effet, Richard Wright faisait partie du groupe de tournée de Gilmour, de même que Jon Carin, Guy Pratt (tous deux ayant participé aux tournées 1987 et 1994 de Pink Floyd) et Dick Parry (saxophoniste sur plusieurs albums du groupe).
Morts de Barrett (2006) et Wright (2008)
Le , Syd Barrett meurt à Cambridge des suites de complications liées à un cancer du pancréas. Il a 60 ans. Le , Roger Waters participe au concert hommage à Syd Barrett au Barbican Centre de Londres. Plus tard dans la soirée sont annoncés « Rick Wright, David Gilmour, Nick Mason ». Pink Floyd est donc de nouveau réuni sur scène pour interpréter Arnold Layne, avec la participation de tous les artistes de la soirée pour Bike. Cependant, Roger Waters n'est présent sur aucun de ces titres, et il est le seul à, finalement, ne pas participer.
Richard Wright meurt le , à 65 ans, après un court combat contre le cancer. L'idée d'une reformation de Pink Floyd est définitivement abandonnée. Néanmoins, Roger Waters et David Gilmour se réunissent le pour un concert de charité pour l'association Hoping Foundation. Dans une interview au magazine Rolling Stone de , Roger Waters confie qu'il projette au moins un concert de Pink Floyd durant sa tournée The Wall :
Cette réunion aura eu lieu le à l'O2 Arena de Londres où Waters a été rejoint pendant sa tournée The Wall Live par Gilmour pour interpréter Comfortably Numb, et par Mason et Gilmour sur le dernier morceau du concert Outside the Wall.
Why Pink Floyd…?, la campagne de remastérisation (2011-2013)
En septembre 2011, au cours d'une campagne médiatique soutenue appelée Why Pink Floyd…?, EMI réédite le catalogue du groupe, intégralement remastérisé par James Guthrie, soit quatorze albums (à l'exception des deux live Delicate Sound of Thunder et P*U*L*S*E*). Tous les albums studio sont remastérisés sous le nom Discovery Edition, chaque album accompagné d'un livret contenant les paroles et les crédits. Cependant, les trois albums les plus fameux du groupe (The Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here et The Wall), ont droit en plus de la version remastérisée Discovery, à des éditions Experience et Immersion (que l'on peut qualifier respectivement d'édition Deluxe et Super-Deluxe), au contenu inédit.
Les éditions Experience contiennent, en plus de l'album remastérisé (pour Wish You Were Here et The Wall), des démos inédites comme les versions originelles de Raving and Drooling (précurseur de Sheep), You Gotta Be Crazy (précurseur de Dogs) et la première mouture en un seul morceau de Shine On You Crazy Diamond en versions live de 1974, les premières démos avancées de The Wall. Plus particulièrement, sur Wish You Were Here, on découvre enfin la fameuse version de la chanson homonyme comportant les soli du violoniste Stéphane Grappelli. L'édition Experience de The Dark Side of the Moon contient, en plus de l'album, un concert inédit où l'album fut intégralement joué, à l'Empire Pool (ex-Wembley Arena) en 1974. Les Immersions editions de ces trois albums contiennent, en plus du contenu des éditions Experience, des objets de collections (livrets, photos, reproduction de tickets de concert…). Ces éditions contiennent les albums sur CD, DVD et Bluray en son multi-canal (tel le 5.1 surround), avec des démos et remix inédits, ainsi que des documentaires et des extraits de concert.
Durant cette campagne de remastérisation, EMI édite une nouvelle compilation des meilleures chansons remastérisées appelée A Foot in the Door - The Best of Pink Floyd. Le coffret Discovery est également édité, contenant les quatorze albums studio remastérisés. Dans la foulée de ces rééditions — qui connaissent le même succès que la remastérisation des albums des Beatles en 2009 — Pink Floyd gagne son procès contre sa maison de disques EMI, en interdisant que celle-ci puisse vendre les chansons du groupe à l'unité sur les plates-formes de téléchargement, préservant ainsi la cohérence de l'œuvre sous forme d'albums et non de chansons disparates.
En , Pink Floyd autorise Spotify à diffuser la totalité de son répertoire en streaming, après avoir demandé et obtenu un million d'écoutes de Wish You Were Here.
The Endless River, l'album de la fin du groupe (2014)
Polly Samson, la femme de David Gilmour, annonce sur Twitter la sortie du dernier album du groupe en octobre 2014, vingt ans après The Division Bell. Il sort finalement le . À l'exception de la chanson Louder than Words, l'album est instrumental. The Endless River connaît un énorme succès malgré des critiques mitigées et devient disque d'or dans de nombreux pays dès la première semaine. Il est dédié au claviériste Richard Wright, mort le , dont le son a longtemps été au cœur de la musique de Pink Floyd.
À la suite de la sortie de cet album, il est annoncé que le groupe Pink Floyd est dissous de façon définitive.
Nick Mason résume l'évolution du groupe avec humour :
Après la fin du groupe
En , deux ans après la sortie de l'album The Endless River qui signe la fin du groupe, le label publie un coffret The Early Years 1965-1972, comprenant des inédits, des enregistrements en public (dont le concert conceptuel The Man & The Journey), des remix (en particulier l'intégralité de l'album Obscured by Clouds) et des films de leur début de carrière.
Il a été suivi en par The Later Years, compilant le travail de Pink Floyd après le départ de Roger Waters. L'ensemble comprend une réédition élargie et remixée de l'album en public Delicate Sound of Thunder et une version remixée de l'album A Momentary Lapse of Reason avec plus de contributions de Richard Wright et les parties de batteries réenregistrées par Nick Mason. Les nouvelles versions de ces deux albums seront rééditées séparément respectivement en et en sur plusieurs formats. La performance Live at Knebworth 1990 de Pink Floyd, précédemment publiée dans le coffret The Later Years, est sortie sur CD et vinyle le .
En 2018, Mason a formé un nouveau groupe, Nick Mason's Saucerful of Secrets, pour interpréter les premiers morceaux de Pink Floyd. Le groupe comprend Gary Kemp du Spandau Ballet et Guy Pratt, collaborateur de longue date de Pink Floyd. Ils effectuent une tournée en Europe en et en Amérique du Nord en 2019. Roger Waters a rejoint le groupe au New York Beacon Theatre pour interpréter le chant de Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun.
Hey Hey Rise Up, soutien à l'Ukraine
Le , Pink Floyd met en ligne sur les sites de diffusion en continu et de téléchargement un titre inédit pour protester contre l'invasion de l'Ukraine par la Russie. David Gilmour, secondé de son collègue Nick Mason, de Guy Pratt à la basse et de Nitin Sawhney aux claviers, a enregistré la chanson Hey Hey Rise Up qui inclut la voix du chanteur ukrainien de BoomBox, Andriy Khlyvnyuk, tirée d'une de ses vidéos Instagram. S'étant enrôlé dans l'armée ukrainienne à la suite de l'invasion, ce dernier chante a cappella sur la place Sofiyskaya de Kiev, armé et en uniforme, la chanson patriotique ukrainienne Oï ou louzi tchervona kalyna (« Oh, les baies rouges de viorne dans le pré ») datant de la guerre de 1914.
Avec son accord, Gilmour a pris l'initiative de compléter cet enregistrement en en faisant un morceau de sa propre composition afin de lever des fonds qui seront versés à l'Organisation des Nations unies pour l'Ukraine.
Membres actuels
David Gilmour : auteur-compositeur, chant, guitares (1968-2014, 2022)
Nick Mason : batterie, percussions, effets sonores (1964-2014, 2022)
Anciens membres
Bob Klose : guitare électrique (1964), passage éclair au tout début du groupe
Syd Barrett (†) : auteur-compositeur, chant, guitare électrique (1964-1968), mort le
Richard Wright (†) : auteur-compositeur, claviers, chant (1964-1981, 1987-1996, 2005, 2007), mort le
Roger Waters : auteur-compositeur, basse, guitares, chant (1964-1985, Live Aid 2005, Londres 2011)
Musiciens additionnels et de concert
Discographie studio
Musiques de films
1968 : The Committee, film de 58 minutes de Peter Sykes. Contient des pièces rares de Pink Floyd, ainsi qu'une chanson d'Arthur Brown.
1969 : More, film de Barbet Schroeder sur la mésaventure de Stefan, un jeune touriste allemand qui fait la rencontre d'une jeune femme américaine, Estelle, aux prises avec la drogue.
1970 : Zabriskie Point, film de Michelangelo Antonioni, seulement trois pièces de Pink Floyd seront retenues par le réalisateur et paraîtront sur la bande sonore du film.
1972 : La Vallée, film de Barbet Schroeder, il s'agit de la seconde collaboration du groupe avec le réalisateur suisse.
1979 : The Wall, film d'Alan Parker tiré de l'album homonyme.
1992 : La Carrera Panamericana, film d'Ian McArthur sur la course automobile se disputant au Mexique et à laquelle ont participé, en 1991, David Gilmour, Nick Mason et le gérant de Pink Floyd, Steve O'Rourke.
Groupes hommages
De nombreux groupes hommages se produisent en concert en reprenant le répertoire et la scénographie. Les deux groupes phares sont :
The Australian Pink Floyd Show, groupe australien créé en 1994, mondialement renommé.
Brit Floyd, groupe britannique créé en 2011 par un transfuge du précédent.
Récompenses et hommages
En 1969, le groupe reçoit le grand prix de l'académie Charles-Cros pour l'album Ummagumma.
En 1997, un astéroïde est nommé (19367) Pink Floyd en l'honneur du groupe.
En 2008, le groupe reçoit le Prix Polar Music.
En 2017, une crevette-pistolet, découverte sur la côte Pacifique du Panama, possédant une grosse pince rose qu'elle claque, produisant une vibration assez puissante pour étourdir ses proies, a été baptisée Synalpheus pinkfloydi en hommage au groupe.
Une exposition intitulée , rassemblant des artéfacts scéniques, des séquences d'archives, des paroles de chansons manuscrites et des instruments de musique, est présentée subséquemment dans plusieurs villes européennes et nord-américaines depuis 2017.
Notes et références
Voir aussi
Travaux universitaires
Olivier Curtil, , mémoire de licence en musicologie, université Lyon 2, 1981, 78 p.
Emmanuel Joly, sous la direction de Martin Laliberté, , mémoire de maîtrise en musicologie, Université de Dijon, 2002, 251 p. en 2 vol.
Sébastien Lauvernet, sous la direction de Gérard Le Vot, , mémoire de maîtrise en musicologie, université Lyon 2, 1997
Kathy Mouton, sous la direction de Fabien Gérard, , mémoire de licence en journalisme, Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgique), 1994, 190 p.
Michel Nierenberger, sous la direction de Jean-Rémy Julien, , mémoire de maîtrise en musique et musicologie, université Paris IV, 1987, 131 p.
Xavier Proena, sous la direction de François Decarsin, , mémoire de maîtrise en musique et musicologie, université Aix-Marseille I, 2001
(7 albums chroniqués)
, en 2005, reliée, 360 p. / réédition en 2007, brochée et en format plus petit, photos différentes, 240 p.
(recueil de 120 photos 1969-71 de Syd Barrett, format 29 x 24 en édition reliée de luxe et tirage limité dédicacé par l'auteur)
Liens externes
Groupe anglais de rock progressif
Groupe britannique de rock psychédélique
Groupe d'acid rock
Groupe d'art rock
Groupe de space rock
Lauréat du Grammy Award
Groupe musical de Londres
Groupe musical britannique des années 1960
Groupe musical britannique des années 1970
Groupe musical britannique des années 1980
Groupe musical britannique des années 1990
Groupe musical britannique des années 2000
Groupe musical britannique des années 2010
Groupe musical britannique des années 2020
Groupe musical formé en 1964
Groupe musical séparé en 2014
Membre du Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Artiste de Parlophone
Artiste de Columbia Records
Artiste d'Harvest Records
Artiste de Capitol Records
Groupe musical séparé en 1995
Groupe musical reformé en 2005
Groupe musical séparé en 2005
Groupe musical reformé en 2014
Groupe musical reformé en 2022
Groupe musical ayant au moins cinquante ans de carrière
Éponyme d'un objet céleste | {
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} | 8,231 |
The third workshop of the Consolidation of Fine-Tuning Project will be held from 2:00-6:00 PM on May 12, 2016 in Trinity College, Oxford. The title is "Stars, Galaxies, and the Multiverse," and speakers include John Peacocke, Joe Silk, and Adrianne Slyz. More info can be found here. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 1,123 |
It's the most wonderful screen time of the year! Cosy up with the 12 funniest Christmas sitcom specials on BBC iPlayer
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas . And few things get us into a festive mood more than a special seasonal edition of our favourite sitcoms. Watch beloved comedy characters stress out over dinner disasters, family dramas and missing gifts so you don't have to. You can usually rely on snow, a singalong and a kiss under the mistletoe too.
We've scoured BBC catch-up service iPlayer to hand-pick the 12 all-time best Christmas comedy episodes. You can curl up on the sofa and indulge in them now. Oh and there's also plenty of Mrs Brown's Boys, if you like that sort of thing…
Gavin & Stacey: Christmas Special (2019)
'Step into Christmas, step into Christmas!' A decade since the last episode, a record-breaking 18 million of us caught up with the beloved clans from Billericay and Barry. Gav and Stace have three kids called Harry, Meghan and Kate. 'Neil the Baby' is now a strapping 11-year-old. As the Essex posse head to Wales, Uncle Bryn stresses out over cooking for 'over 13 people'. Cue marital meltdowns, drunken revelations and forgotten puddings – before it all climaxes with that cliffhanger proposal. Please say yes, Smithy. Tidy.
The Office: Christmas Special parts 1 and 2 (2003)
Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant's mockumentary went out at the top – leaving us this festive two-parter under the tree as a farewell gift. Set three years on, David Brent has left Wernham Hogg paper merchants to become a salesman and is desperate for a date to take to the reunion party. Gareth gets Brent's old job. Finchy finally gets his comeuppance. Best of all, Tim and Dawn's will-they-or-won't-they romance gets the ending we all want. Perfection.
The Royle Family: Christmas with the Royle Family (1999)
There are no less than six Royle Family festive specials on iPlayer but the original is the pick of the bunch. After watching Noel Edmonds on TV ('Crinkly Bottom, my arse!'), Denise gets a surprise present when she goes into early labour in the bathroom. There's not a dry eye in the house as dad Jim comforts her: 'A taxi to the hospital? Bloody hell, Barb, it's double fare on Christmas Day. Tell the driver to follow that star…'
The Vicar Of Dibley: The Christmas Lunch Incident (1996)
In the clerical comedy's first festive episode, Reverend Geraldine Granger is invited to four separate dinners and hasn't got the heart to decline, so goes to all four. The BBC producer from Songs Of Praise (played by Peter Capaldi) also asks her to marry him. Hooray! But he means conduct the ceremony, not become his wife. Boo! Another cameo comes from Mel Giedroyc as Alice's even dimmer sister.
One Foot In The Grave: Who's Listening? (1990)
After bemoaning the commercialisation of Christmas, accident-prone pensioner Victor Meldrew helps the vicar feed the homeless on Christmas Day. It goes about as well as you imagine. Meanwhile, a mistake on a catalogue order form results in 263 garden gnomes being delivered to his house. Naturally, he doesn't believe it.
Ghosts: The Ghost Of Christmas (2020)
The haunted house-share comedy is one of the funniest Britcoms currently on air. Last year's special sees Mike (Kiell Smith-Bynoe) play host to his family, try way too hard and turn into 'The Incredible Sulk'. A cute baby and a rousing speech soon bring everyone together, climaxing with a moving chorus of In The Bleak Midwinter around the piano.
Miranda: The Perfect Christmas (2010)
Such fun! Miranda escapes her infuriatingly uptight parents to spend Christmas Day in her flat with her friends. When things don't go as planned, she's forced to return to her father's Christmas jumper party. There's also a Post Office showdown and a run-in with some carol singers. *Falls over in fancy dress* *Long-suffering look to camera*.
Porridge: No Way Out (1975)
One of all the all-time classics finds inmates Fletcher and Godber bringing some festive spirit to HMP Slade by making their own wine ('Care for a drink? Large one?' 'Mind your own business'). Drunken drama ensues when they end up in a hostage situation with an armed fellow prisoner, played by the late, great Dudley Sutton.
Detectorists: Christmas Special (2015)
One for those gentler festive moments. This special seasonal episode of the award-winning metal detecting comedy sees Lance suffering 'the curse of the gold' following his lucky Anglo-Saxon strike. A wintry, spooky and touching tale, set amid beautiful Suffolk countryside. Buried comedy treasure.
Absolutely Fabulous: Cold Turkey (2003)
Edina has a merry old meltdown when she misses out on her usual winter sun holiday and ends up (disaster, darling!) having to spend Christmas with her family. Patsy ends up in hospital on drugs, where a visit from her dreaded sister Jackie (Kate O'Mara) pushes her over the edge. She even eats some turkey but after no solid food for decades, chokes on it. Sorry, sweetie.
Keeping Up Appearances: The Pageant (1995)
A whopping 17 million viewers tuned in for the last ever episode of the suburban social comedy. Hyacinth Bucket organises a church pageant based on the English Civil War – with her as the Queen, obviously. But when none of the volunteers turns up, she has to rope in her family and chaos erupts. Look out for guest star Una Stubbs (RIP).
Dinnerladies: Christmas (1999)
Victoria Wood's canteen comedy delivers a Christmas cracker. Bren thinks she's blown it with Tony as a string of misunderstandings put their romance at risk. Julie Walters steals scenes as Bren's deluded mother Petula, who arrives with no less than Janette Krankie in tow as her friend Janice. Happily, there's a brass band and a soppy ending. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 9,852 |
Cook in the soup the chopped carrot rings, then add the drained beans, the separately cooked pasta, pepper, bay leaves, oregano and boil briefly. Mix separately cheese, sour cream and a little of hot soup, then add it into the prepared bean soup. Serve warm.
2 pcs Zdenka cheese "Czardas" | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 4,264 |
Amcor Flexibles – Exceptional opportunity with a global packaging leader.
Amcor Flexibles AFEMEA is the largest business group in Amcor with 11,000 co-workers, working in 51 plants in 18 countries. They deliver innovative packaging solutions and provide enhanced quality products for the food, beverage, pharma, personal care, medical and industrial markets. For more information visit www.amcor.com.
An exciting opportunity has arisen at their site in Ledbury, which employs in the region of 200 people and supplies a range of innovative and high quality flexible packaging to a demanding blue chip customer base.
Forming part of the Senior Leadership team on site, you will lead and motivate a workforce of c120 across Manufacturing, Engineering and CI, to deliver flexibility, maximum efficiency and quality performance, and optimum production levels, whilst continuing to drive the strategy for world class operational excellence. By identifying, and acting on, opportunities for improvement and cost reduction, you will assist the business in maximising profitability and creating value, internally and externally. You will provide clear leadership and vision, inspiring, coaching and mentoring the operations workforce to exceed the challenging targets you set.
With a history of operational management success in a volume, progressive, manufacturing environment, and with a proven talent for operational improvement and cost reduction, you will be well versed in driving and developing CI strategies through the use of WCM tools and techniques. Excellent team building and communication skills will be vital as you build strong, open relationships with your team, suppliers, customers and senior colleagues alike.
There are excellent opportunities to progress within this Global Group.
All applications and contact from third parties must be made via our retained Consultants – McCourt Newton. To apply, please email your CV and covering letter to [email protected], quoting reference 03786. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
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Body Brilliant Chiropractic & Wellness Centre has a team of Chiropractor, providing solutions for chronic back pain, headaches, migraines, sciatic nerve pain, and more through chiropractic care.
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If you are experiencing severe body pain, you definitely need a Chiropractor from Body Brilliant Chiropractic & Wellness Centre. Our team of Chiropractors believes in the amazing power and potential of the body to heal itself. Our main aim is to provide the best in natural health care, as well as knowledge and resources to our community. These can help many people on their journey towards optimal health and vitality.
Why choose Body Brilliant Chiropractic & Wellness Centre?
At Body Brilliant Chiropractic & Wellness Centre, we encompass a holistic approach to health. We have programs that are formulated to teach individuals how to live the wellness lifestyle, giving you abundant energy and vibrant health.
Founded in 2006 on the Gold Coast, Body Brilliant Chiropractic & Wellness Centre is the brainchild of Dr Anthony Golle and Kate. The pursuit of living well is their passion, after Anthony almost lost his life due to meningitis in 1999. After he sought care from a Chiropractor, he, himself decided to be one.
The members of our team are hand-picked to deliver the best in natural health care and education to our clients. Each member practices the Body Brilliant Living Principles to improve daily upon their own health.
Body Brilliant Chiropractic & Wellness Centre's team is committed to helping families to get well and stay well for life. People who prefer to take their health into their own hands are our inspiration. Thousands of lives are changed for the better through our "Move Well," "Eat Well" and "Stay Well Adjusted programs and our Body Brilliant Extreme Makeover Workshops.
Through our passion and our dedication, our patients are encouraged to embrace the Body Brilliant Living Principles, which improve, extend and save their lives.
We mainly focus on constant improvement toward our programs, image, products and even ourselves to afford our patients an exceptional quality of service.
See a Chiropractor on a regular basis for optimal health and vitality! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
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HeadlinesFebruary 07, 2019
Professor Details Sexual Assault Allegations Against Virginia Lt. Gov.
Virginia's political crisis deepened Wednesday, with the state's top three elected officials—all Democrats—facing scandals that threaten to upend their careers and Virginia's Democratic leadership. On Wednesday, the woman who accused Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax of sexual assault came forward and identified herself as Dr. Vanessa Tyson, an associate professor at Scripps College in California. In a statement released through her law firm, Tyson detailed a 2004 encounter at the Democratic National Convention in Boston where she said Fairfax forced her to perform oral sex. Fairfax has denied the allegation of sexual assault, saying the encounter was consensual.
Virginia AG Mark Herring Says He Wore Blackface at 1980 College Party
Meanwhile, Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring resigned from his role as co-chair of the Democratic Attorneys General Association after admitting he wore blackface at a party in the 1980s as an undergraduate at the University of Virginia. His admission came just days after a racist photo emerged showing Governor Ralph Northam's 1984 medical school yearbook page, depicting a man wearing blackface posing next to a man wearing a Ku Klux Klan outfit. Northam initially apologized for the yearbook page but later said he was neither of the two men in the photo, while admitting to wearing blackface on another occasion that same year. If Gov. Northam, Lt. Gov. Fairfax and Attorney General Herring were to all step down, the next in succession for Virginia governor is House of Delegates Speaker Kirk Cox, a conservative anti-choice Republican. We'll have more on Virginia's political crisis after headlines.
NASA and NOAA Data Show 2018 Was Among Hottest Years on Record
In climate news, newly released data show 2018 was the fourth-warmest year on record, continuing a trend that has seen the past five years become the five warmest since reliable measurements began more than a century and a half ago. Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, says it's part of a trend that's poised to see the planet become much hotter.
Gavin Schmidt: "What kind of planet is a planet that's 4 or 5 degrees warmer than it is now? Well, we haven't seen that on Earth since about 3 million years ago in the Pliocene. At that point, we had forests all the way up to the Arctic Circle, there wasn't any ice, there was no Greenland, and sea level was about 25 meters higher. Right? That was a very different planet, and that's kind of where we're headed, unless we do something about emissions."
Wednesday's climate report came as two House committees held simultaneous hearings to discuss the climate crisis. They were the first such meetings on Capitol Hill in six years.
House Democrats Hold Hearing on Bill to Expand Gun Background Checks
Meanwhile, House Democrats convened a hearing on gun violence Wednesday—the first in more than eight years, since before the Sandy Hook school massacre of 2012. The hearing examined House Resolution 8, a bill to expand background checks to include all firearms purchases. The proceedings grew contentious after Florida Republican Congressmember Matt Gaetz—an ally of President Trump—argued that undocumented immigrants pose more of a threat to the U.S. than gun violence.
Rep. Matt Gaetz: "HR 8 would not have stopped many of the circumstances I raised. But a wall, a barrier on the southern border, may have. And that's what we're fighting for."
Manuel Oliver: "[inaudible]"
Rep. Jerrold Nadler: "Gentleman will suspend."
Congressmember Gaetz's comments sparked protests in the committee room by Manuel Oliver and Fred Guttenberg, two parents who lost children to the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Gaetz responded to their repeated protests by demanding the parents be banned from the hearing. Click to see our interviews with Manuel Oliver and Fred Guttenberg.
House Advances Bill to End U.S. Support for Saudi-Led War in Yemen
Elsewhere on Capitol Hill, the House Foreign Affairs Committee advanced a bill Wednesday that would require President Trump to remove U.S. armed forces from the Saudi-led war in Yemen, which has sparked what the United Nations calls the world's worst humanitarian crisis in a half-century. The bill's sponsor, Congressmember Ro Khanna of California, said in a statement, "More than 14 million Yemenis—half the country—are on the brink of famine, and at least 85,000 children have already died from hunger and disease as a result of the war. Let's end American complicity in the atrocities in Yemen."
Taliban Says U.S. Has Agreed to Halve Its Afghanistan Troop Presence
In Moscow, peace talks between the Taliban and prominent Afghan politicians wrapped up Wednesday with parties agreeing to a road map for ending the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan—now in its 18th year, the longest war in U.S. history. The government of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani did not attend the talks, which did not reach consensus on a timeline for a U.S. withdrawal. This is the Taliban's chief negotiator.
Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai: "We are in negotiation with the American side, and we are trying that the American forces should go out as soon as it is possible."
Reporter 1: "When?"
Reporter 2: "What's the timeline?"
Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai: "The timeline is not fixed so far, and it's not agreed upon. But we are negotiating this."
A Taliban official later said the Trump administration has agreed to pull half of all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by the end of April, though a Pentagon spokesperson later denied the military has received orders to begin a withdrawal.
Honduran Prosecutors: Energy Executive Masterminded Berta Cáceres Murder
In Honduras, prosecutors have presented evidence charging a former energy company executive with masterminding the murder of environmental activist Berta Cáceres, who was shot dead in her home in March of 2016. Cáceres's assassination came as she led a campaign against a major hydroelectric dam being constructed on indigenous land. At the time of her death, the company building the dam was led by Roberto David Castillo Mejía, a former military intelligence officer. Prosecutors say Mejía provided logistics and resources to at least one of the seven men who were convicted in November of carrying out Cáceres's assassination.
New Mexico Governor Withdraws National Guard from U.S.-Mexico Border
Back in the United States, New Mexico's Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has recalled most of her state's National Guard troops from the U.S.-Mexico border, where they'd been stationed by her Republican predecessor at President Trump's behest. Gov. Grisham timed her rebuke of Trump's border policy to coincide with Tuesday's State of the Union address, when she tweeted a previously unaired video from her successful 2018 gubernatorial campaign.
Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham: "I'm Michelle Lujan Grisham. New Mexico is 49th in employment and 50th for schools. We've got to bust through some walls to make changes."
Pentagon Deploys 3,750 Additional Troops to U.S.-Mexico Border
Gov. Grisham's order to remove National Guard troops from the border came just days after the Trump administration ordered the Pentagon to send more than 3,700 additional troops to the border. Among the latest to deploy are 250 soldiers sent to Eagle Pass, Texas, across the Rio Grande from a Mexican border town where a caravan of some 1,800 asylum seekers arrived this week. Customs and Border Protection says its agents can process fewer than 20 asylum claims a day at Eagle Pass.
Supreme Court to Rule on Restrictive Louisiana Anti-Choice Law
The Supreme Court is poised to decide today whether a restrictive Louisiana anti-choice law can take effect, in a case that could determine whether millions of women will have continued access to abortions. The Louisiana law, passed in 2014, requires doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their clinics. Pro-choice groups call such statutes TRAP laws, or "targeted regulation of abortion providers"; they say the Louisiana law would leave the state with just a single doctor legally allowed to perform abortions. In 2016, the Supreme Court struck down a nearly identical Texas law in a 5-4 ruling. The now-retired Justice Anthony Kennedy ruled with the majority in that decision; he's since been replaced by Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Civil Rights Groups Challenge Texas Voter Purge Targeting Immigrants
In Texas, civil rights groups are suing to block a Republican-led purge of voting rolls they say could see thousands of naturalized citizens wrongfully barred from voting in the next election. Four Texas-based nonprofits say the secretary of state and the Texas Department of Public Safety unlawfully sought to suppress the vote of immigrants by flagging tens of thousands of registered voters who declared they were not U.S. citizens when obtaining a driver's license. The groups say most—if not all—of those flagged were later naturalized. Chiraag Bains, director of legal strategies at Demos, said, "The Secretary of State … is intentionally targeting new Americans and people of color in order to decrease minority voter participation, in flagrant violation of the Constitution and the Voting Rights Act."
Trump Administration to Roll Back Payday Loan Regulations
The Trump administration unveiled plans Wednesday to dramatically roll back restrictions against payday lenders who charge predatory interest rates. The plan would revoke an Obama-era rule that requires payday lenders verify that borrowers have the ability to pay back their loans, which often carry annual interest rates of nearly 400 percent—about 20 times the typical credit card interest rate. Critics say the plan by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau would accomplish the opposite of what the agency was created to do when it was founded in 2011, trapping consumers in a cycle of debt.
Teachers in Chicago and Oakland Take Labor Action
In Chicago, teachers from four charter schools are striking to demand a pay raise, smaller class sizes and additional school support staff. Meanwhile, public school teachers in Oakland, California, voted overwhelmingly this week to authorize a strike, which could start as soon as the end of next week.
Izzy Young, Who Led American Folk Music Revival, Dies at 90
And the legendary folk music producer and political activist Izzy Young has died. From his music store and performance space, the Folklore Center, in New York City's Greenwich Village, Izzy Young spent decades nurturing some of the biggest names in American music—including Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, Muddy Waters, Joni Mitchell and Patti Smith. This is Izzy Young introducing a young Bob Dylan in May of 1962 on his folk music show on New York City's Pacifica radio station WBAI.
Izzy Young: "We've just about reached the end of the program, and I'd like Bob Dylan to sing the last song, called 'The Answer Is Blowin' in the Wind.' And—I'm sorry?"
Bob Dylan: "I was just going to sing it. Oh, is it 'The Answer Is Blowin' in the Wind'? That one. Oh, OK."
Izzy Young: "Because I think this song, while being a topical song, is just filled with poetry that people of all kinds are going to enjoy."
Bob Dylan: [singing] "How many roads must a man walk down / Before he is called a man? / And how many seas must a white dove sail…"
That was Izzy Young and Bob Dylan on the New York radio station WBAI in 1962. The previous year, Young organized Dylan's first major New York City concert at Carnegie Chapter Hall. Izzy Young died Monday at his home in Stockholm, Sweden, at the age of 90. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 5,221 |
This work presents a practical implementation of a uni-processor system design. This design, named D2-CPU, satisfies the pure data-driven paradigm, which is a radical alternative to the conventional von Neumann paradigm and exploits the instruction-level parallelism to its full extent. The D2-CPU uses the natural flow of the program, dataflow, by minimizing redundant instructions like fetch, store, and write back. This leads to a design with the better performance, lower power consumption and efficient use of the on-chip resources. This extraordinary performance is the result of a simple, pipelined and superscalar architecture with a very wide data bus and a completely out of order execution of instructions. This creates a program counter less, distributed controlled system design with the realization of intelligent memories. Upon the availability of data, the instructions advance further in the memory hierarchy and ultimately to the execution units by themselves, instead of having the CPU fetch the required instructions from the memory as in controlled flow processors. This application (data) oriented execution process is in contrast to application ignorant CPUs in conventional machines. The D2-CPU solves current architectural challenges and puts into practice a pure data-driven microprocessor. This work employs an FPGA implementation of the D2-CPU to prove the practicability of the data-driven computer paradigm using configurable logic. A relative analysis at the end confirms its superiority in performance, resource utilization and ease of programming over conventional CPUs.
Sathe, Anish Arvind, "Configurable computer systems can support dataflow computing" (2003). Theses. 530. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 5,493 |
Student desks get a great new look with the Illustrations V2 Classroom Desk from Academia. The smooth lines and graceful frame bring a refreshing twist to the classic school desk.
The Illustrations classroom desk has an extra-large desktop with plenty of room for textbooks, notebooks and school supplies. The built-in pencil groove prevents pens and pencils from rolling off the surface. An optional backpack hook keeps bookbags and backpacks neatly out of the way, while the wire-mesh bookbox provides convenient storage for pencil cases and other materials.
This student desk features 14- and 16-gauge steel frames for superior strength, with an extender brace for extra support. The exclusive WoodStone top is lighter and considerably more affordable than hard plastic, yet similar in strength and resistance. One-inch increment height adjustability makes this Illustration classroom desk appropriate for a wide range of grades, and the rich choice of desktop and frame colors will enhance any classroom décor.
Convenient Storage: Wire-mesh bookbox provides convenient storage for pencil cases and other materials that students need to keep within easy reach. | {
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} | 8,480 |
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The roof of your building is such an important, valuable and integral part of your commercial structure. And as long as it's functioning properly, you and many other business owners or property managers may not give it a second thought. But if you can't recall the last time you had your commercial roof inspected, you may be on borrowed time. At Sadler Roofing we know that when a potentially small problem goes unattended, it can turn into an unexpected catastrophe. A severely damaged commercial roof can mean a business shut down and loss of revenue, or in a more frightening situation, a threat to human safety. With so much at stake, why wouldn't you make every attempt to head off such a disaster?
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