{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: php sudo: required services: - docker php: - 5.5 install: - php composer.phar install before_script: - git config --global "[email protected]" - git config --global "Travis CI" script: - php build.php - docker build . - git commit Dockerfile -m "TravisCI build $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER on $(date -u "+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")" after_success: - export GIT_TAG=build-$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER - git tag $GIT_TAG -a -m "TravisCI build $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER" - git push origin $GIT_TAG ``` Revert "Trying PHP 5.5 to see if it's more stable."
```yaml language: php sudo: required services: - docker php: - 5.6 install: - php composer.phar install before_script: - git config --global "[email protected]" - git config --global "Travis CI" script: - php build.php - docker build . - git commit Dockerfile -m "TravisCI build $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER on $(date -u "+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")" after_success: - export GIT_TAG=build-$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER - git tag $GIT_TAG -a -m "TravisCI build $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER" - git push origin $GIT_TAG ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: php sudo: false cache: directories: - $HOME/.composer/cache php: - 5.3.3 - 5.3 - 5.4 - 5.5 - 5.6 - 7.0 - hhvm matrix: allow_failures: - php: 7.0 - php: hhvm before_install: - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION != hhvm ]]; then phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini; fi; install: - composer install --prefer-dist ``` Remove PHP 7.0 and HHVM from allowed failures and enable fast finish
```yaml language: php sudo: false cache: directories: - $HOME/.composer/cache php: - 5.3.3 - 5.3 - 5.4 - 5.5 - 5.6 - 7.0 - hhvm matrix: fast_finish: true before_install: - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION != hhvm ]]; then phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini; fi; install: - composer install --prefer-dist ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml dist: trusty sudo: false group: beta language: node_js node_js: - node addons: firefox: latest-esr cache: directories: - node_modules - "$HOME/.cache/bower" before_install: - "if [ -d node_modules ] && [ x$(cat node_modules/.last-node-version 2>/dev/null) != x$(node -e 'console.log(process.version)') ]; then npm rebuild --update-binary && node -e 'console.log(process.version)' > node_modules/.last-node-version; fi" before_script: - npm install web-component-tester bower polymer-cli - $(npm bin)/bower install - $(npm bin)/polymer lint --rules polymer-2 script: - xvfb-run $(npm bin)/wct ``` Remove the obsolete 'sudo:' setting
```yaml dist: trusty group: beta language: node_js node_js: - node addons: firefox: latest-esr cache: directories: - node_modules - "$HOME/.cache/bower" before_install: - "if [ -d node_modules ] && [ x$(cat node_modules/.last-node-version 2>/dev/null) != x$(node -e 'console.log(process.version)') ]; then npm rebuild --update-binary && node -e 'console.log(process.version)' > node_modules/.last-node-version; fi" before_script: - npm install web-component-tester bower polymer-cli - $(npm bin)/bower install - $(npm bin)/polymer lint --rules polymer-2 script: - xvfb-run $(npm bin)/wct ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml --- sudo: required language: node_js install: - sudo pip install -r requirements.txt - npm install node_js: - node services: - docker script: - yamllint --strict $(git ls-files '*.yaml' '*.yml') || exit 1 - > find -name "*.md" -not -path "*/node_modules/*" | xargs markdownlint || exit 1 - find . -type f -iname "*.sh" | while read -r line; do echo "Linting $line"; docker run -v "$(pwd)":/mnt --rm koalaman/shellcheck:v0.7.0 "$line" || exit 1; done; matrix: fast_finish: true ``` Split shellcheck command on multiple lines
```yaml --- sudo: required language: node_js install: - sudo pip install -r requirements.txt - npm install node_js: - node services: - docker script: - yamllint --strict $(git ls-files '*.yaml' '*.yml') || exit 1 - > find -name "*.md" -not -path "*/node_modules/*" | xargs markdownlint || exit 1 - > find . -type f -iname "*.sh" | while read -r line; do echo "Linting $line"; docker run -v "$(pwd)":/mnt --rm koalaman/shellcheck:v0.7.0 "$line" || exit 1; done; matrix: fast_finish: true ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml # Use Docker environment sudo: false # Setup build matrix language: php php: - 5.4 - 5.5 - 5.6 - 7.0 - hhvm env: matrix: - PREFER_LOWEST="--prefer-lowest" - PREFER_LOWEST="" # Dependencies before_install: - composer self-update install: - travis_retry composer update --no-interaction --prefer-source $PREFER_LOWEST script: composer test # Cache dependencies cache: directories: # - vendor - $HOME/.composer/cache # Gitter notifications notifications: webhooks: urls: - on_success: change on_failure: always on_start: false ``` Allow failures on 7 until box is updated
```yaml # Use Docker environment sudo: false # Setup build matrix language: php php: - 5.4 - 5.5 - 5.6 - 7.0 - hhvm matrix: allow_failures: - php: 7.0 env: matrix: - PREFER_LOWEST="--prefer-lowest" - PREFER_LOWEST="" # Dependencies before_install: - composer self-update install: - travis_retry composer update --no-interaction --prefer-source $PREFER_LOWEST script: composer test # Cache dependencies cache: directories: # - vendor - $HOME/.composer/cache # Gitter notifications notifications: webhooks: urls: - on_success: change on_failure: always on_start: false ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: ruby rvm: - 2.3.8 - 2.4.5 - 2.5.3 - 2.6.2 - ruby-head gemfile: - gemfiles/rails_4.2.gemfile - gemfiles/rails_5.0.gemfile - gemfiles/rails_5.1.gemfile - gemfiles/rails_5.2.gemfile - gemfiles/rails_6.0.gemfile matrix: allow_failures: - rvm: ruby-head gemfile: gemfiles/rails_4.2.gemfile script: - bundle exec rake rubocop - bundle exec rspec ``` Exclude tests for Rails 6.0 for Ruby versions below 2.5.0
```yaml language: ruby rvm: - 2.3.8 - 2.4.5 - 2.5.3 - 2.6.2 - ruby-head gemfile: - gemfiles/rails_4.2.gemfile - gemfiles/rails_5.0.gemfile - gemfiles/rails_5.1.gemfile - gemfiles/rails_5.2.gemfile - gemfiles/rails_6.0.gemfile matrix: allow_failures: - rvm: ruby-head gemfile: gemfiles/rails_4.2.gemfile exclude: - rvm: 2.3.8 gemfile: gemfiles/rails_6.0.gemfile - rvm: 2.4.5 gemfile: gemfiles/rails_6.0.gemfile script: - bundle exec rake rubocop - bundle exec rspec ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml sudo: false language: rust # necessary for `travis-cargo coveralls --no-sudo` addons: apt: packages: - libcurl4-openssl-dev - libelf-dev - libdw-dev - binutils-dev # optional: only required for the --verify flag of coveralls # run builds for all the trains (and more) rust: - nightly - beta - stable # load travis-cargo before_script: - | pip install 'travis-cargo<0.2' --user && export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH # the main build script: - | travis-cargo build && travis-cargo test && travis-cargo bench && travis-cargo --only stable doc #after_success: # # upload the documentation from the build with stable (automatically only actually # # runs on the master branch, not individual PRs) # - travis-cargo --only stable doc-upload # # measure code coverage and upload to (the verify # # argument mitigates kcov crashes due to malformed debuginfo, at the # # cost of some speed <>) # - travis-cargo coveralls --no-sudo --verify env: global: # override the default `--features unstable` used for the nightly branch (optional) - TRAVIS_CARGO_NIGHTLY_FEATURE=nightly # encrypted github token for doc upload (see `GH_TOKEN` link above) - secure: "..." ``` Remove invalid reference to nightly feature for now...
```yaml sudo: false language: rust # necessary for `travis-cargo coveralls --no-sudo` addons: apt: packages: - libcurl4-openssl-dev - libelf-dev - libdw-dev - binutils-dev # optional: only required for the --verify flag of coveralls # run builds for all the trains (and more) rust: - nightly - beta - stable # load travis-cargo before_script: - | pip install 'travis-cargo<0.2' --user && export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH # the main build script: - | travis-cargo build && travis-cargo test && travis-cargo bench && travis-cargo --only stable doc #after_success: # # upload the documentation from the build with stable (automatically only actually # # runs on the master branch, not individual PRs) # - travis-cargo --only stable doc-upload # # measure code coverage and upload to (the verify # # argument mitigates kcov crashes due to malformed debuginfo, at the # # cost of some speed <>) # - travis-cargo coveralls --no-sudo --verify env: global: # encrypted github token for doc upload (see `GH_TOKEN` link above) - secure: "..." ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml sudo: false language: node_js node_js: - iojs - "0.12" ``` Add latest node.js to Travis CI
```yaml sudo: false language: node_js node_js: - stable - "0.12" ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml sudo: false language: node_js node_js: - '0.10' - '0.12' - '4' - '5.1' branches: only: - master - travis-ci before_install: - npm install - npm install istanbul coveralls ``` Test with latest Node.js 5 on Travis CI.
```yaml sudo: false language: node_js node_js: - '0.10' - '0.12' - '4' - '5' branches: only: - master - travis-ci before_install: - npm install - npm install istanbul coveralls ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml dist: xenial language: python branches: only: # This is where pull requests from "bors r+" are built. - staging # This is where pull requests from "bors try" are built. - trying # Uncomment this to enable building pull requests. - master cache: directories: - $HOME/.cache/pip matrix: include: - python: 3.4 env: - TOXENV=py34 - python: 3.5 env: - TOXENV=py35 - python: 3.6 env: - TOXENV=py36 - python: 3.7 env: - TOXENV=py37 - python: 3.7 env: - TOXENV=flake8 - python: 3.7 env: - TOXENV=pylint - python: 3.7 env: - TOXENV=docs - python: 3.7 env: - TOXENV=doctest - python: 3.7 env: - TOXENV=check-manifest - python: 3.7 env: - TOXENV=checkreadme before_install: - pip install codecov # for coverage install: - pip install tox script: - tox after_success: - codecov ``` Build all branches except those which bors requires not to
```yaml dist: xenial language: python branches: except: - staging.tmp - trying.tmp cache: directories: - $HOME/.cache/pip matrix: include: - python: 3.4 env: - TOXENV=py34 - python: 3.5 env: - TOXENV=py35 - python: 3.6 env: - TOXENV=py36 - python: 3.7 env: - TOXENV=py37 - python: 3.7 env: - TOXENV=flake8 - python: 3.7 env: - TOXENV=pylint - python: 3.7 env: - TOXENV=docs - python: 3.7 env: - TOXENV=doctest - python: 3.7 env: - TOXENV=check-manifest - python: 3.7 env: - TOXENV=checkreadme before_install: - pip install codecov # for coverage install: - pip install tox script: - tox after_success: - codecov ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: ruby bundler_args: --path vendor/bundle script: bundle exec rake before_install: - gem install bundler - bundle config --local without local_development rvm: - 1.8.7 - 1.9.2 - 1.9.3 - 2.0.0 - ruby-head - jruby-18mode - jruby-19mode - jruby-head - rbx-18mode - rbx-19mode matrix: allow_failures: - rvm: ruby-head # green, but unstable - rvm: jruby-head # green, but unstable - rvm: rbx-18mode # seems to be running 1.9 mode instead!? - rvm: rbx-19mode # segfaulting in String#ascii_only? ``` Update TravisCI configs to current format
```yaml language: ruby bundler_args: --path vendor/bundle script: bundle exec rake before_install: - gem install bundler - bundle config --local without local_development rvm: - 1.8.7 - 1.9.2 - 1.9.3 - 2.0.0 - ruby-head - jruby - jruby-head - rbx-2 matrix: allow_failures: - rvm: ruby-head # green, but unstable - rvm: jruby-head # green, but unstable - rvm: rbx-2 # segfaulting in String#ascii_only? fast_finish: true ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: python python: - "2.7" - "3.2" - "3.3" - "3.4" - "3.5" - "3.6" # command to install dependencies install: - pip install -r requirements_dev.txt - pip install . # command to run tests script: "python test" ``` Remove Travis testing of Python 3.2
```yaml language: python python: - "2.7" - "3.3" - "3.4" - "3.5" - "3.6" # command to install dependencies install: - pip install -r requirements_dev.txt - pip install . # command to run tests script: "python test" ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: python python: - 3.4 notifications: email: false before_install: # Setup Miniconda - a lightweight anaconda # This allows us to get pre-build binaries from numpy etc. from binstar # This is quicker and more reliable than compiling from source every build # See - wget -O - chmod +x - ./ -b -p $HOME/miniconda - export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH" - hash -r - conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no - conda update --yes conda install: # Download numpy and matplotlib binaries from binstar - conda install --yes python=$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION numpy scipy matplotlib pandas # Setup coverage for converage measurement - pip install coverage - pip install coveralls - python install script: # Run tests - coverage run --source=blueice test after_success: # Calculate coverage - coveralls``` Change default miniconda version to python 3
```yaml language: python python: - 3.4 notifications: email: false before_install: # Setup Miniconda - a lightweight anaconda # This allows us to get pre-build binaries from numpy etc. from binstar # This is quicker and more reliable than compiling from source every build # See - wget -O - chmod +x - ./ -b -p $HOME/miniconda - export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH" - hash -r - conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no - conda update --yes conda install: # Download numpy and matplotlib binaries from binstar - conda install --yes python=$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION numpy scipy matplotlib pandas # Setup coverage for converage measurement - pip install coverage - pip install coveralls - python install script: # Run tests - coverage run --source=blueice test after_success: # Calculate coverage - coveralls ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: node_js matrix: include: - node_js: "node" - node_js: "7" sudo: false cache: directories: - node_modules - chrome addons: # needed to run Chrome beta apt: sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: - libstdc++-4.9-dev before_script: # fetch and extract Chrome if not cached - if [ ! -x chrome/opt/google/chrome/chrome ]; then wget && dpkg -x google-chrome-beta_current_amd64.deb chrome && rm -f google-chrome-beta_current_amd64.deb else echo 'Using cached Google Chrome'; fi # dump the current versions - chrome/opt/google/chrome-beta/chrome --version - npm list # start a fresh new Chrome instance - chrome/opt/google/chrome-beta/chrome --user-data-dir=$(mktemp -d) --no-sandbox --no-first-run --disable-extensions --remote-debugging-port=9222 --headless --disable-gpu about:blank & # wait for Chrome to start up - while ! curl http://localhost:9222 >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done ``` Hide useless messages from Travis CI output
```yaml language: node_js matrix: include: - node_js: "node" - node_js: "7" sudo: false cache: directories: - node_modules - chrome addons: # needed to run Chrome beta apt: sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: - libstdc++-4.9-dev before_script: # fetch and extract Chrome if not cached - if [ ! -x chrome/opt/google/chrome/chrome ]; then wget && dpkg -x google-chrome-beta_current_amd64.deb chrome && rm -f google-chrome-beta_current_amd64.deb else echo 'Using cached Google Chrome'; fi # dump the current versions - chrome/opt/google/chrome-beta/chrome --version - npm list # start a fresh new Chrome instance - chrome/opt/google/chrome-beta/chrome --user-data-dir=$(mktemp -d) --no-sandbox --no-first-run --disable-extensions --remote-debugging-port=9222 --headless --disable-gpu about:blank &>/dev/null & # wait for Chrome to start up - while ! curl http://localhost:9222 &>/dev/null; do sleep 1; done ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml dist: trusty language: ruby sudo: false cache: bundler rvm: - 2.4.2 - 2.3.5 - 2.2.8 - jruby-1.7.26 - jruby- env: global: - JRUBY_OPTS="--debug" after_success: - bundle exec codeclimate-test-reporter ``` Test with latest Ruby versions
```yaml dist: trusty language: ruby sudo: false cache: bundler rvm: - 2.5.3 - 2.4.5 - 2.3.8 - 2.2.10 - jruby-1.7.26 - jruby- env: global: - JRUBY_OPTS="--debug" after_success: - bundle exec codeclimate-test-reporter ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml script: "if [ $PERFORMANCE_SPECS ];then bundle exec rake performance_specs --trace; else bundle exec rake --trace; fi" install: - bundle install --retry=3 rvm: - "1.9.3" - "2.0.0" - "2.1.1" - "jruby" - "rbx-2" env: - "RAILS_VERSION=rails3" - "RAILS_VERSION=rails4" - "RAILS_VERSION=pojs" matrix: include: - rvm: "2.0.0" env: "PERFORMANCE_SPECS=true" exclude: - rvm: "rbx" env: "RAILS_VERSION=pojs" - rvm: "jruby" env: "RAILS_VERSION=pojs" before_install: - gem install bundler -v "= 1.5.1" ``` Use the new build env on Travis
```yaml language: ruby rvm: - "1.9.3" - "2.0.0" - "2.1.1" - "jruby" - "rbx-2" env: - "RAILS_VERSION=rails3" - "RAILS_VERSION=rails4" - "RAILS_VERSION=pojs" sudo: false script: "if [ $PERFORMANCE_SPECS ];then bundle exec rake performance_specs --trace; else bundle exec rake --trace; fi" install: - bundle install --retry=3 matrix: include: - rvm: "2.0.0" env: "PERFORMANCE_SPECS=true" exclude: - rvm: "rbx" env: "RAILS_VERSION=pojs" - rvm: "jruby" env: "RAILS_VERSION=pojs" before_install: - gem install bundler -v "= 1.5.1" ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: python python: - "2.5" - "2.6" - "2.7" - "3.2" - "3.3" script: - python build_ext --inplace - python test ``` Drop support for Python 2.5
```yaml language: python python: - "2.6" - "2.7" - "3.2" - "3.3" script: - python build_ext --inplace - python test ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml before_install: - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:directhex/monoxide -y - sudo apt-get update -qq -y - sudo apt-get install mono-devel -qq -y script: ./build /p:Configuration=Release /p:Framework=$Framework "/t:DumpSettings;CleanAll;BuildFramework;TestFramework" env: matrix: - Framework="net-2.0" - Framework="net-3.5" - Framework="net-4.0" - Framework="net-4.5" ``` Test workaround for xbuild problem
```yaml before_install: - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:directhex/monoxide -y - sudo apt-get update -qq -y - sudo apt-get install mono-devel -qq -y before_script: ./build /p:Configuration=Release /p:Framework=$Framework "/t:DumpSettings;CleanAll" script: ./build /p:Configuration=Release /p:Framework=$Framework "/t:Build;Test" env: matrix: - Framework="net-2.0" - Framework="net-3.5" - Framework="net-4.0" - Framework="net-4.5" ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: rust env: global: - secure: MaupJEtmxoIh2UY2N6O3U5x+kverikrG6k66UlMO7pd1SLdFfB4pmhYje/TO3gCEMFIJtJEK0NhD2QMHyveUd0o86wOhiMNfrO7PBCI0+3rXuE0HdkLXGcd1Lhk+iT7IFwuOzdH60ONfBHHGfkVnFLwcBaAT9rBaKkKMYbcASuU= script: - cargo build - cargo test - cargo doc after_script: - cp -r target/doc doc - curl$RUSTCI_TOKEN | sh ``` Use new build script doc system
```yaml language: rust after_success: | cargo doc \ && echo '<meta http-equiv=refresh content=0;url=reminisce/index.html>' > target/doc/index.html && \ sudo pip install ghp-import && \ ghp-import -n target/doc && \ git push -qf https://${TOKEN}${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}.git gh-pages ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: node_js node_js: - 0.6 - 0.8 branches: only: - master - travis-ci # Not using `npm install --dev` because it is recursive. It will pull in the all # development dependencies for CoffeeScript. Way too much spew in the Travis CI # build output. before_install: - npm install ``` Remove Node.js 0.6 from Travis CI build.
```yaml language: node_js node_js: - 0.8 branches: only: - master - travis-ci # Not using `npm install --dev` because it is recursive. It will pull in the all # development dependencies for CoffeeScript. Way too much spew in the Travis CI # build output. before_install: - npm install ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: ruby rvm: - 1.9.3 - 2.0.0 - 2.1.5 - 2.2.0 ``` Allow failure on 2.2.0 for now
```yaml language: ruby rvm: - 1.9.3 - 2.0.0 - 2.1.5 - 2.2.0 matrix: allow_failures: - rvm: 2.2.0 ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml dist: xenial language: python sudo: false matrix: include: - python: 3.6 env: TOXENV=py36 - python: 3.7 env: TOXENV=py37 - python: 3.7 env: TOXENV=py37-flake8 install: - pip install tox script: - tox ``` Remove deprecated sudo tag, renamed matrix tag to jobs.
```yaml dist: xenial language: python jobs: include: - python: 3.6 env: TOXENV=py36 - python: 3.7 env: TOXENV=py37 - python: 3.7 env: TOXENV=py37-flake8 install: - pip install tox script: - tox ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml sudo: required dist: trusty language: ruby rvm: - 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3.0 ``` Use latest Rubygems in Travis
```yaml sudo: required before_install: gem update --system dist: trusty language: ruby rvm: - 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3.0 ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: go go: - release before_install: - . $HOME/.nvm/ - nvm install stable - nvm use stable install: - npm install --global yarn script: - make ``` Set the Travis CI golang version to master
```yaml language: go go: - master before_install: - . $HOME/.nvm/ - nvm install stable - nvm use stable install: - npm install --global yarn script: - make ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: php php: - 5.3 - 5.4 before_script: - curl -s | php - php composer.phar install script: phpunit ``` Reset back to the way it was.
```yaml language: php php: - 5.3 - 5.4 before_script: - curl -s | php - php composer.phar install --dev script: vendor/bin/phpunit ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: python python: - 2.6 - 2.7 - 3.2 - 3.3 - pypy install: - pip install --use-mirrors -q unittest2 - python -q install script: - python --version - py.test tests ``` Install unittest2 only for py26.
```yaml language: python python: - 2.6 - 2.7 - 3.2 - 3.3 - pypy install: - if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '2.6' ]]; then pip install --use-mirrors unittest2; fi - python -q install script: - py.test tests ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml branches: only: - develop - master sudo: false language: go go: - 1.2 - 1.3 - 1.4 - tip matrix: allow_failures: - go: 1.2 - go: 1.3 before_install: - 'if [[ "${TRAVIS_GO_VERSION}" =~ 1.[2-3] ]]; then go get; else go get; fi' - go get -v - go get -v - go get -v after_success: - pushd ltc - 'echo "mode: set" > coverage.out' - 'find . -name "*.coverprofile" -exec grep -v mode: {} >> coverage.out \;' - PATH=$HOME/gopath/bin:$PATH goveralls -coverprofile=coverage.out -repotoken=$COVERALLS_TOKEN - popd install: - pushd ltc - PATH=$HOME/gopath/bin:$PATH godep restore - popd script: - pushd ltc - PATH=$HOME/gopath/bin:$PATH ginkgo -r --race --randomizeAllSpecs --failOnPending --skipMeasurements --cover - test -z "$(go fmt ./...)" - popd ``` Remove sudo directive and allow failures on tip for Travis-CI.
```yaml branches: only: - develop - master language: go go: - 1.2 - 1.3 - 1.4 - tip matrix: allow_failures: - go: 1.2 - go: 1.3 - go: tip before_install: - 'if [[ "${TRAVIS_GO_VERSION}" =~ 1.[2-3] ]]; then go get; else go get; fi' - go get -v - go get -v - go get -v after_success: - pushd ltc - 'echo "mode: set" > coverage.out' - 'find . -name "*.coverprofile" -exec grep -v mode: {} >> coverage.out \;' - PATH=$HOME/gopath/bin:$PATH goveralls -coverprofile=coverage.out -repotoken=$COVERALLS_TOKEN - popd install: - pushd ltc - PATH=$HOME/gopath/bin:$PATH godep restore - popd script: - pushd ltc - PATH=$HOME/gopath/bin:$PATH ginkgo -r --race --randomizeAllSpecs --failOnPending --skipMeasurements --cover - test -z "$(go fmt ./...)" - popd ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: python python: - "2.6" - "2.7" - "3.2" - "3.3" before_install: - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:biometrics/bob - sudo apt-get update -qq - sudo apt-get install -qq bob-dev install: - "python" - "./bin/buildout" script: - "./bin/nosetests -sv" ``` Add -qq flag to silence apt-add
```yaml language: python python: - "2.6" - "2.7" - "3.2" - "3.3" before_install: - sudo add-apt-repository -qq ppa:biometrics/bob - sudo apt-get update -qq - sudo apt-get install -qq bob-dev install: - "python" - "./bin/buildout" script: - "./bin/nosetests -sv" ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: objective-c osx_image: xcode10.2 xcode_project: Aware.xcodeproj xcode_scheme: Aware script: xcodebuild -project Aware.xcodeproj -scheme Aware test ``` Build CI in old code sign style
```yaml language: objective-c osx_image: xcode10.2 xcode_project: Aware.xcodeproj xcode_scheme: Aware script: xcodebuild -project Aware.xcodeproj -scheme Aware test ENABLE_HARDENED_RUNTIME=NO CODE_SIGN_STYLE=Manual CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: java cache: directories: - $HOME/.m2 ``` Build on multiple JDK's (OpenJDK and Oracle).
```yaml language: java jdk: - openjdk6 - openjdk7 - oraclejdk7 - oraclejdk8 cache: directories: - $HOME/.m2 ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: elixir elixir: - 1.3.4 - 1.4.2 otp_release: - 18.3 - 19.2 before_script: - MIX_ENV=test mix compile --warnings-as-errors - travis_wait mix dialyzer --plt script: - mix coveralls.travis - # skip dialyzer for elixir 1.4 and erlang 18 as it produces weird errors, see #69 - if ! ([[ "$TRAVIS_ELIXIR_VERSION" == "1.4"* ]] && [[ "$TRAVIS_OTP_RELEASE" == "18"* ]]); then mix dialyzer --halt-exit-status; fi cache: directories: - _build - deps ``` Test all the new things
```yaml language: elixir elixir: - 1.3.4 - 1.4.5 - 1.5.0 otp_release: - 18.3 - 19.3 - 20.0 before_script: - MIX_ENV=test mix compile --warnings-as-errors - travis_wait mix dialyzer --plt script: - mix coveralls.travis # skip dialyzer for elixir 1.4 and erlang 18 as it produces weird errors, see #69 - if ! ([[ "$TRAVIS_ELIXIR_VERSION" == "1.4"* ]] && [[ "$TRAVIS_OTP_RELEASE" == "18"* ]]); then mix dialyzer --halt-exit-status; fi cache: directories: - _build - deps ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: ruby rvm: - 2.0.0 - 1.9.3 - 1.8.7 ``` Add python and nodejs dependencies.
```yaml language: ruby rvm: - 2.0.0 - 1.9.3 - 1.8.7 python: - "2.7" node_js: - "0.6" install: - pip install git+git:// ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml sudo: false language: node_js node_js: - '6' - '5' - '4' ``` Use dynamic node versions on Travis CI
```yaml sudo: false language: node_js node_js: - 'node' - '--lts' ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: ruby before_install: - "find /home/travis/.rvm/rubies -wholename '*default/bundler-*.gemspec' -delete" - gem install bundler -v 1.15.1 rvm: - 2.0.0 - 2.1.5 - 2.2.0 - 2.3.3 ``` Update Ruby versions to build against
```yaml language: ruby before_install: - "find /home/travis/.rvm/rubies -wholename '*default/bundler-*.gemspec' -delete" - gem install bundler -v 1.15.1 rvm: - 2.1.5 - 2.2.0 - 2.3.1 - 2.3.8 - 2.4.5 - 2.5.3 ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: scala scala: - "2.11.7" jdk: - openjdk8 ``` Update to CI config. Now targeting Lift 3.0 with java 8 and scala 2.11.7
```yaml language: scala scala: - "2.11.7" jdk: - oraclejdk8 ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: ruby rvm: - 1.9.3 bundler_args: --jobs 7 --without docs install: bundle install --without integration script: bundle exec rake ``` Switch to new container-based Travis CI infrastructure
```yaml # # Copyright © 2014 Cask Data, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. # language: ruby rvm: - 1.9.3 cache: bundler sudo: false bundler_args: --jobs 7 --without docs integration script: bundle exec rake ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml dist: trusty language: java jdk: - openjdk8 install: true script: '[ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" == apache/rampart ] && [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == trunk ] && [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == false ] && goal=deploy || goal=verify ; mvn -B -s .travis-settings.xml -Papache-release -Dgpg.skip=true $goal' cache: directories: - $HOME/.m2 notifications: email: # [email protected] doesn't work here because it's not an address registered on GitHub. - [email protected] ``` Add credentials to upload snapshots.
```yaml dist: trusty language: java jdk: - openjdk8 install: true script: '[ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" == apache/rampart ] && [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == trunk ] && [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == false ] && goal=deploy || goal=verify ; mvn -B -s .travis-settings.xml -Papache-release -Dgpg.skip=true $goal' env: global: - secure: "EdhUKPgSqlyvV1WTzEhe91zTiTFzcQCG4FcdgN73j5VRYYU08hDuv7NeOTR7ks2iIhhVRBsKVJ6HdHlr5x7KDLKxelhP9J1zE+wHwQToQoL+pGSHS12h5pTRHwioy9nzCvCcZNM0nkN2w6M3Lbql8UOOjGjzdsOzWhVqYhpDc8c=" - secure: "G0DkdCmLgsnwqDsHexziUWiDQ33wvUreMLCl4tQYmp25AGDi5YtVaqzlZrQbZGI6KiaH3Ud2DO3oBaxi553H/LeJMqalDIwQcQPs+xjBru4HfPV3umuIMz+A9DRQ6x/274E9n25H7AwA49JLGmqpcL94vVbwE7ZgQ81Jh4txzWw=" cache: directories: - $HOME/.m2 notifications: email: # [email protected] doesn't work here because it's not an address registered on GitHub. - [email protected] ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml sudo: false language: node_js node_js: - "4" - "6" - "stable" ``` Enable automatic NPM deployment for tags
```yaml sudo: false language: node_js node_js: - "4" - "6" - "stable" deploy: provider: npm email: [email protected] api_key: secure: Vfs9LIJtu0GGQqEk74aypqUGk0925/41ioOkAoHxWQwZGkhvZsVDJsfe2Two47uJGGoq17vScorrhiXFZXRvKpdwFl1uHyeIMPQj66DG1cksw972z3mtKMLrxmwSuRk9LNgnow5kUPZfoNuHl0u/9Fjp0ieicwYJMi0ojxUEZvM= on: tags: true repo: ember-cli/broccoli-lint-eslint ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: go go: - 1.5 - 1.6 - tip before_install: - go get - go get - go get install: - go get -v ./oauth1 - go get -v ./oauth2 - go get -v ./twitter - go get -v ./digits - go get -v ./github - go get -v ./tumblr - go get -v ./bitbucket - go get -v ./google - go get -v ./facebook script: - go test -v ./oauth1 - go test -v ./oauth2 - go test -v ./twitter - go test -v ./digits - go test -v ./github - go test -v ./tumblr - go test -v ./bitbucket - go test -v ./google - go test -v ./facebook - go vet ./... - golint ./...``` Update test matrix from Go 1.5 to 1.5.3
```yaml language: go go: - 1.5.3 - 1.6 - tip before_install: - go get - go get install: - go get -v ./oauth1 - go get -v ./oauth2 - go get -v ./twitter - go get -v ./digits - go get -v ./github - go get -v ./tumblr - go get -v ./bitbucket - go get -v ./google - go get -v ./facebook script: - go test -v ./oauth1 - go test -v ./oauth2 - go test -v ./twitter - go test -v ./digits - go test -v ./github - go test -v ./tumblr - go test -v ./bitbucket - go test -v ./google - go test -v ./facebook - go vet ./... - golint ./... ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: node_js sudo: false node_js: - "0.10" - "0.12" - "iojs" after_success: - npm run coverage - npm i coveralls - cat ./coverage/ | coveralls notifications: email: on_success: never ``` Add Node.js 4.0.0 to Travis testing
```yaml language: node_js sudo: false node_js: - "0.10" - "0.12" - "4.0" - "iojs" after_success: - npm run coverage - npm i coveralls - cat ./coverage/ | coveralls notifications: email: on_success: never ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: java jdk: - oraclejdk8 before_script: - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:eyecreate/haxe -y - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get install haxe -y - mkdir ~/haxelib - haxelib setup ~/haxelib - haxelib install hxjava - haxelib git debugger - mkdir build - mkdir report script: make ANT_TARGET=$ANT_TARGET test env: - IDEA_VERSION=14.0.5 ANT_TARGET=test - IDEA_VERSION=14.1.7 ANT_TARGET=test - IDEA_VERSION=15.0.6 ANT_TARGET=compile_test - IDEA_VERSION=2016.1.4 ANT_TARGET=compile_test - IDEA_VERSION=2016.2.4 ANT_TARGET=test notifications: email: false``` Update TravisCI build to use 2016.2.5.
```yaml language: java jdk: - oraclejdk8 before_script: - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:eyecreate/haxe -y - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get install haxe -y - mkdir ~/haxelib - haxelib setup ~/haxelib - haxelib install hxjava - haxelib git debugger - mkdir build - mkdir report script: make ANT_TARGET=$ANT_TARGET test env: - IDEA_VERSION=14.0.5 ANT_TARGET=test - IDEA_VERSION=14.1.7 ANT_TARGET=test - IDEA_VERSION=15.0.6 ANT_TARGET=compile_test - IDEA_VERSION=2016.1.4 ANT_TARGET=compile_test - IDEA_VERSION=2016.2.5 ANT_TARGET=test notifications: email: false```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml sudo: false language: java jdk: - oraclejdk10 - oraclejdk9 - oraclejdk8 cache: directories: - "$HOME/.m2/repository" before_cache: - rm -rf $HOME/.m2/repository/org/threeten install: - mvn --version script: - mvn install site -e -B - if [[ $TRAVIS_TAG =~ ^website.*$ ]] && [ "$TRAVIS_JDK_VERSION" == "oraclejdk10" ]; then chmod +x ./.github/; .github/; fi - if [[ $TRAVIS_TAG =~ ^v.*$ ]] && [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_JDK_VERSION" == "oraclejdk10" ]; then chmod +x ./.github/; .github/; fi # secure keys for GITHUB_TOKEN env: global: - secure: FaC3K5L6pGdJgvPcttpq8kV5i+UUsj5FWvETqm82BZWzLTYlQsCL4fl2XfssATiH7hIVioRffYoZP8rQbkNatVV+Pok6wZePSM9kOf7/AUOn0dvwXH718sbWlohOf3R3886/l5rjyJDDmauMABXzLrXxsTlbiQ85QNA0mCbqXJ4= ``` Fix CI now Java 11 is out
```yaml sudo: false language: java jdk: - openjdk11 - oraclejdk9 - oraclejdk8 cache: directories: - "$HOME/.m2/repository" before_cache: - rm -rf $HOME/.m2/repository/org/threeten install: - mvn --version script: - mvn install site -e -B - if [[ $TRAVIS_TAG =~ ^website.*$ ]] && [ "$TRAVIS_JDK_VERSION" == "openjdk11" ]; then chmod +x ./.github/; .github/; fi - if [[ $TRAVIS_TAG =~ ^v.*$ ]] && [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_JDK_VERSION" == "openjdk11" ]; then chmod +x ./.github/; .github/; fi # secure keys for GITHUB_TOKEN env: global: - secure: FaC3K5L6pGdJgvPcttpq8kV5i+UUsj5FWvETqm82BZWzLTYlQsCL4fl2XfssATiH7hIVioRffYoZP8rQbkNatVV+Pok6wZePSM9kOf7/AUOn0dvwXH718sbWlohOf3R3886/l5rjyJDDmauMABXzLrXxsTlbiQ85QNA0mCbqXJ4= ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: node_js sudo: false node_js: - "0.10" - "0.12" - "4" after_success: - npm run coverage - npm i coveralls - cat ./coverage/ | coveralls notifications: email: on_success: never ``` Add Node.js v6 to Travis CI matrix
```yaml language: node_js sudo: false node_js: - "0.10" - "0.12" - "4" - "6" after_success: - npm run coverage - npm i coveralls - cat ./coverage/ | coveralls notifications: email: on_success: never ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml sudo: required language: java jdk: - oraclejdk8 - oraclejdk9 matrix: exclude: - jdk: oraclejdk9 env: RUNTIME=ol RUNTIME_VERSION= - jdk: oraclejdk9 env: RUNTIME=wlp RUNTIME_VERSION= env: - RUNTIME=wlp RUNTIME_VERSION= - RUNTIME=wlp RUNTIME_VERSION= - RUNTIME=ol RUNTIME_VERSION= - RUNTIME=ol RUNTIME_VERSION= before_install: - echo 'Installing ci.common lib ....' - git clone ./ci.common - cd ./ci.common - mvn clean install - cd .. script: - export GRADLE_OPTS="-Dorg.gradle.daemon=true -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs='-XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xmx2048m'" - travis_wait ./gradlew install integrationTest -Druntime=$RUNTIME -DruntimeVersion=$RUNTIME_VERSION --stacktrace --info --no-daemon dist: trusty ``` Test on Windows and Mac
```yaml sudo: required language: java os: - windows - linux - osx jdk: - oraclejdk8 - oraclejdk9 matrix: exclude: - jdk: oraclejdk9 env: RUNTIME=ol RUNTIME_VERSION= - jdk: oraclejdk9 env: RUNTIME=wlp RUNTIME_VERSION= env: - RUNTIME=wlp RUNTIME_VERSION= - RUNTIME=wlp RUNTIME_VERSION= - RUNTIME=ol RUNTIME_VERSION= - RUNTIME=ol RUNTIME_VERSION= before_install: - echo 'Installing ci.common lib ....' - git clone ./ci.common - cd ./ci.common - mvn clean install - cd .. script: - export GRADLE_OPTS="-Dorg.gradle.daemon=true -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs='-XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xmx2048m'" - travis_wait ./gradlew install integrationTest -Druntime=$RUNTIME -DruntimeVersion=$RUNTIME_VERSION --stacktrace --info --no-daemon dist: trusty ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: python python: - "2.7" - "3.3" - "3.4" # install required system libraries before_install: - export DISPLAY=:99.0 - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start # use miniconda to install numpy/scipy, to avoid lengthy build from source - if [[ "$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION" == "2.7" ]]; then wget -O; else wget -O; fi - bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda - export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH" - hash -r - conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no - conda update -q conda - conda install --yes python=$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION conda-build pip coverage - conda config --add channels - conda info -a # Install packages install: - conda build conda-recipe - conda install control --use-local - conda install slycot - pip install coveralls # command to run tests script: - coverage run test after_success: - coveralls ``` Install slycot before control in Travis build
```yaml sudo: false language: python cache: apt: true pip: true directories: - $HOME/.cache/pip - $HOME/.local python: - "2.7" - "3.3" - "3.4" # install required system libraries before_install: - export DISPLAY=:99.0 - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start # use miniconda to install numpy/scipy, to avoid lengthy build from source - if [[ "$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION" == "2.7" ]]; then wget -O; else wget -O; fi - bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda - export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH" - hash -r - conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no - conda update -q conda - conda install --yes python=$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION conda-build pip coverage - conda config --add channels - conda info -a # Install packages install: - conda install slycot - conda build conda-recipe - conda install control --use-local - pip install coveralls # command to run tests script: - coverage run test after_success: - coveralls ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. language: java sudo: false jdk: - openjdk7 - oraclejdk8 - openjdk11 after_success: - mvn clean cobertura:cobertura coveralls:report ``` Use `dist: trusty` for Travis CI
```yaml # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. language: java dist: trusty sudo: false jdk: - openjdk7 - oraclejdk8 - openjdk11 after_success: - mvn clean cobertura:cobertura coveralls:report ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: php php: - 5.3 - 5.4 - 5.5 before_script: - mysql -e 'create database myapp_test;'``` Add HHVM to TravisCI tests
```yaml language: php php: - 5.3 - 5.4 - 5.5 - hhvm before_script: - mysql -e 'create database myapp_test;' ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml script: "bundle exec rspec spec && bundle exec cucumber" rvm: - jruby-18mode - jruby-19mode - jruby-head ``` Revert "Run CI against jruby-head"
```yaml script: "bundle exec rspec spec && bundle exec cucumber" rvm: - jruby-18mode - jruby-19mode ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: php php: - 5.4 - 5.5 - 5.6 - 7.0 - hhvm cache: directories: - $HOME/.composer/cache before_install: - phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini || true before_script: - composer self-update - composer install --prefer-source --no-interaction --dev script: vendor/bin/phpspec run --format=pretty notifications: slack: secure: MT5eWBoLLafyRTdFVyig9A/kw68UuKxSiFwFfsd7RaJwJlnR31rfw3oTS6/74Fkr7UQNOclUGSxbX10iIkR9I0ktMayMSDrnDZXNLs3Zn5ciGRjo9zIQ+gw0eqmU1hHyVXvG7pSwoLjqihlkO9J6K/1bUhTaHT+OXvKXZOqJ3Os= ``` Remove test runners for PHP 5.4 + 5.5
```yaml language: php php: - 5.6 - 7.0 - hhvm cache: directories: - $HOME/.composer/cache before_install: - phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini || true before_script: - composer self-update - composer install --prefer-source --no-interaction --dev script: vendor/bin/phpspec run --format=pretty notifications: slack: secure: MT5eWBoLLafyRTdFVyig9A/kw68UuKxSiFwFfsd7RaJwJlnR31rfw3oTS6/74Fkr7UQNOclUGSxbX10iIkR9I0ktMayMSDrnDZXNLs3Zn5ciGRjo9zIQ+gw0eqmU1hHyVXvG7pSwoLjqihlkO9J6K/1bUhTaHT+OXvKXZOqJ3Os= ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml language: go go: - 1.1 - tip install: make deps script: make test notifications: flowdock: secure: fZrcf9rlh2IrQrlch1sHkn3YI7SKvjGnAl/zyV5D6NROe1Bbr6d3QRMuCXWWdhJHzjKmXk5rIzbqJhUc0PNF7YjxGNKSzqWMQ56KcvN1k8DzlqxpqkcA3Jbs6fXCWo2fssRtZ7hj/wOP1f5n6cc7kzHDt9dgaYJ6nO2fqNPJiTc= irc: channels: - "" on_success: change on_failure: always ``` Allow failures on tip for Travis
```yaml language: go go: - 1.1 - tip install: make deps script: make test notifications: flowdock: secure: fZrcf9rlh2IrQrlch1sHkn3YI7SKvjGnAl/zyV5D6NROe1Bbr6d3QRMuCXWWdhJHzjKmXk5rIzbqJhUc0PNF7YjxGNKSzqWMQ56KcvN1k8DzlqxpqkcA3Jbs6fXCWo2fssRtZ7hj/wOP1f5n6cc7kzHDt9dgaYJ6nO2fqNPJiTc= irc: channels: - "" on_success: change on_failure: always matrix: allow_failures: - go: tip ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml env: global: - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=foo - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=bar - CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID=738ee95086106a9011b10dd006ac5e0d74541774c8bb6d9e5ceb705c01115afa - JRUBY_OPTS="$JRUBY_OPTS --debug" language: ruby before_install: - gem update --system - gem install bundler before_script: - curl -L > ./cc-test-reporter - chmod +x ./cc-test-reporter - ./cc-test-reporter before-build after_script: - if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]; then ./cc-test-reporter after-build --exit-code $TRAVIS_TEST_RESULT; fi rvm: - 2.3 - 2.4 - 2.5 - jruby-9000 - ruby-head matrix: allow_failures: - rvm: ruby-head exclude: - rvm: jruby-9000 gemfile: gemfiles/ox.gemfile bundler_args: --without development gemfile: - gemfiles/libxml.gemfile - gemfiles/ox.gemfile - gemfiles/nokogiri.gemfile - gemfiles/rexml.gemfile sudo: false ``` Allow JRuby builds to fail
```yaml env: global: - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=foo - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=bar - CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID=738ee95086106a9011b10dd006ac5e0d74541774c8bb6d9e5ceb705c01115afa - JRUBY_OPTS="$JRUBY_OPTS --debug" language: ruby before_install: - gem update --system - gem install bundler before_script: - curl -L > ./cc-test-reporter - chmod +x ./cc-test-reporter - ./cc-test-reporter before-build after_script: - if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]; then ./cc-test-reporter after-build --exit-code $TRAVIS_TEST_RESULT; fi rvm: - 2.3 - 2.4 - 2.5 - jruby-9000 - ruby-head matrix: allow_failures: - rvm: jruby-9000 - rvm: ruby-head exclude: - rvm: jruby-9000 gemfile: gemfiles/ox.gemfile bundler_args: --without development gemfile: - gemfiles/libxml.gemfile - gemfiles/ox.gemfile - gemfiles/nokogiri.gemfile - gemfiles/rexml.gemfile sudo: false ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml url: repository: heatheranderson/ # Site settings title: Ascend Potential email: [email protected] description: "Executive coaching and life coaching services by Heather Anderson, Certified Integral Master Coach(tm). Reach your goals not your limits." # Heather collections collections: offerings: output: false testimonials: output: false about: output: false coaching: output: false # Social networks usernames (many more available: google-plus, flickr, dribbble, pinterest, instagram, tumblr, linkedin, etc.) social: - title: twitter url: - title: facebook url: - title: instagram url: - title: linkedin url: # Postal address (add as many lines as necessary) address: - line: 3481 Melrose Place - line: Beverly Hills, CA 90210 # Build settings markdown: kramdown permalink: pretty ``` Fix link to facebook page
```yaml url: repository: heatheranderson/ # Site settings title: Ascend Potential email: [email protected] description: "Executive coaching and life coaching services by Heather Anderson, Certified Integral Master Coach(tm). Reach your goals not your limits." # Heather collections collections: offerings: output: false testimonials: output: false about: output: false coaching: output: false # Social networks usernames (many more available: google-plus, flickr, dribbble, pinterest, instagram, tumblr, linkedin, etc.) social: - title: twitter url: - title: facebook url: - title: instagram url: - title: linkedin url: # Postal address (add as many lines as necessary) address: - line: 3481 Melrose Place - line: Beverly Hills, CA 90210 # Build settings markdown: kramdown permalink: pretty ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml {{- if .Values.ingress.tls -}} {{- $values := .Values }} {{- range .Values.ingress.tls -}} apiVersion: kind: Certificate metadata: name: {{ include "app.fullname" $ }} {{- if hasKey $values "namespace" }} namespace: {{ $values.namespace }} {{- end }} labels: {{ include "app.chart" $ }} {{ include "" $ }} {{ $.Release.Name }} {{ $.Release.Service }} spec: secretName: {{ .secretName }} {{- with .hosts }} dnsNames: {{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }} {{- end }} issuerRef: name: {{ $values.ingress.issuerName }} kind: {{ $values.ingress.issuerKind }} # DCOS-60297 Update certificate to comply with Apple security requirements # usages: - digital signature - key encipherment - server auth - code signing --- {{- end }} {{- end }} ``` Add acme settings when not using self-signed cert
```yaml {{- if .Values.ingress.tls -}} {{- $values := .Values }} {{- range .Values.ingress.tls -}} apiVersion: kind: Certificate metadata: name: {{ include "app.fullname" $ }} {{- if hasKey $values "namespace" }} namespace: {{ $values.namespace }} {{- end }} labels: {{ include "app.chart" $ }} {{ include "" $ }} {{ $.Release.Name }} {{ $.Release.Service }} spec: secretName: {{ .secretName }} {{- with .hosts }} dnsNames: {{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }} {{- end }} {{- if $values.issuer.selfSigned }} # @TODO: how to do if not ? {{- else }} acme: config: - http01: ingressClass: {{ $values.ingress.class }} {{- with .hosts }} domains: {{- toYaml . | nindent 8 }} {{- end }} {{- end }} issuerRef: name: {{ $values.ingress.issuerName }} kind: {{ $values.ingress.issuerKind }} # DCOS-60297 Update certificate to comply with Apple security requirements # usages: - digital signature - key encipherment - server auth - code signing --- {{- end }} {{- end }} ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml image: 'arob/drone-nonstop-browser' script: - 'ns --verbose' cache: mount: - node_modules - .git deploy: bash: command: 'ns upload --latest --index --port 4444 --token lkdevtoken' notify: slack: webhook_url: '' username: 'azurebuild' channel: '#hackbot' on_started: true on_success: true on_failure: true ``` Use new url command to add index prefix to upload command
```yaml image: 'arob/drone-nonstop-browser' script: - 'ns --verbose' cache: mount: - node_modules - .git deploy: bash: command: 'ns upload --latest --index --url /index/api --port 4444 --token lkdevtoken' notify: slack: webhook_url: '' username: 'azurebuild' channel: '#hackbot' on_started: true on_success: true on_failure: true ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml build: image: teaci/msys32 pull: true shell: msys32 commands: - export RUNTEST=$$runtest - ./ notify: irc: prefix: build nick: MSYS2-packages channel: msys2-ci server: host: port: 6667 matrix: runtest: - false # Temprorary disable matrix build to workaround irc plugin bug on, see # - true # allow failures ``` Test both 64 bit and 32 bit.
```yaml build: image: teaci/msys$$arch pull: true shell: msys$$arch commands: - export RUNTEST=$$runtest - ./ notify: irc: prefix: build nick: MSYS2-packages channel: msys2-ci server: host: port: 6667 matrix: runtest: - false arch: - 64 - 32 # Temprorary disable matrix build to workaround irc plugin bug on, see # - true # allow failures ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml - project: templates: - horizon-non-primary-django-jobs - check-requirements - openstack-python3-zed-jobs ``` Switch to 2023.1 Python3 unit tests and generic template name
```yaml - project: templates: - horizon-non-primary-django-jobs - check-requirements - openstack-python3-jobs ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml packages: - project: ndisc6 buildsys-tags: cloud7-openstack-ussuri-candidate: ndisc6-1.0.3-9.el7 - project: openvswitch buildsys-tags: cloud7-openstack-ussuri-candidate: openvswitch-2.12.0-1.el7 - project: ovn buildsys-tags: cloud7-openstack-ussuri-candidate: ovn-2.12.0-9.el7 - project: python-amqp buildsys-tags: cloud7-openstack-ussuri-candidate: python-amqp-2.5.2-2.el7 - project: python-ansible-runner buildsys-tags: cloud7-openstack-ussuri-candidate: python-ansible-runner-1.4.4-1.el7 ``` Rebuild python-kombu 4.6.6 from Fedora
```yaml packages: - project: ndisc6 buildsys-tags: cloud7-openstack-ussuri-candidate: ndisc6-1.0.3-9.el7 - project: openvswitch buildsys-tags: cloud7-openstack-ussuri-candidate: openvswitch-2.12.0-1.el7 - project: ovn buildsys-tags: cloud7-openstack-ussuri-candidate: ovn-2.12.0-9.el7 - project: python-amqp buildsys-tags: cloud7-openstack-ussuri-candidate: python-amqp-2.5.2-2.el7 - project: python-ansible-runner buildsys-tags: cloud7-openstack-ussuri-candidate: python-ansible-runner-1.4.4-1.el7 - project: python-kombu buildsys-tags: cloud7-openstack-ussuri-candidate: python-kombu-4.6.6-2.el7 ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml - type: replace path: /releases/name=windows2016fs? value: name: windows2016fs version: 1.8.0 ``` Make `bosh int` fail without required `windows2016-cell.yml`
```yaml - type: replace path: /releases/name=windows2016fs value: name: windows2016fs version: 1.8.0 ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml name: Deploy CI CloudFormation stack on: push: branches: - main paths: - ci/** concurrency: group: ${{ github.workflow }} jobs: deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: id-token: write contents: read steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-python@v2 - uses: aws-actions/setup-sam@v1 - name: Configure AWS Credentials uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 with: aws-region: us-east-1 role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::561178107736:role/DevOps-GitHubOidcFederatedRole role-session-name: GitHubActions-DeployCiStack - name: Deploy CloudFormation stack working-directory: ci run: | bucket_name=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region us-east-1 --stack-name aws-sam-cli-managed-default | jq -r ".Stacks[0].Outputs[0].OutputValue") stack_name="infrastructure-ci" sam deploy --region us-east-1 --no-confirm-changeset --no-fail-on-empty-changeset --stack-name "$stack_name" --s3-bucket "$bucket_name" --s3-prefix "$stack_name" --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM ``` Update CI deploy workflow for multi-region
```yaml name: Deploy CI CloudFormation stack on: push: branches: - main paths: - ci/** concurrency: group: ${{ github.workflow }} jobs: deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: id-token: write contents: read strategy: matrix: include: - region: us-east-1 stack: infrastructure-ci - region: us-west-2 stack: infrastructure-ci steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-python@v2 - uses: aws-actions/setup-sam@v1 - name: Configure AWS Credentials uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 with: aws-region: us-east-1 role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::561178107736:role/DevOps-GitHubOidcFederatedRole role-session-name: GitHubActions-DeployCiStack - name: Deploy CloudFormation stack working-directory: ci run: | bucket_name=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region ${{ matrix.region }} --stack-name aws-sam-cli-managed-default | jq -r ".Stacks[0].Outputs[0].OutputValue") sam deploy --region ${{ matrix.region }} --no-confirm-changeset --no-fail-on-empty-changeset --stack-name "${{ matrix.stack }}" --s3-bucket "$bucket_name" --s3-prefix "${{ matrix.stack }}" --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml --- - name: Prepare the enviorment of remote host for ansible hoats: all gather_factes: False pre_tasks: - name: Install python for Ansible raw: test -e /usr/bin/python || (apt -y update && apt install -y python-simplejson) changed_when: False - name: Set up the development system by vagrant ansible provision hosts: all roles: - base - development ``` Check and install python on the remote host
```yaml --- - name: Prepare the enviorment of remote host for ansible hosts: all gather_facts: False pre_tasks: - name: Install python for Ansible raw: test -e /usr/bin/python || (apt -y update && apt install -y python-simplejson) changed_when: False - name: Set up the development system by vagrant ansible provision hosts: all roles: - base - development ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml homepage: changelog-type: markdown hash: d25c93db2ea9ec79a102bc378213b0e199f92d6f3234e48ca1fd4f2d831d2de1 test-bench-deps: {} maintainer: [email protected] synopsis: '' changelog: | # Changelog ## [] - 2021-11-21 ### Changed - Got rid of CPP: Now requires `time >=1.9` basic-deps: base: '>=4.9 && <=5' time: '>=1.9' text: -any megaparsec: -any containers: -any validity-time: -any validity: -any deepseq: -any all-versions: - - - author: Tom Sydney Kerckhove latest: description-type: haddock description: Fuzzy time types, parsing and resolution license-name: MIT ``` Update from Hackage at 2022-07-01T11:32:08Z
```yaml homepage: changelog-type: markdown hash: bd2eba0448be8c36441dbe34daa05b5825bc7afdc6252ffc3e9f731ee79e4d8e test-bench-deps: {} maintainer: [email protected] synopsis: '' changelog: | # Changelog ## [] - 2021-11-21 ### Changed - Got rid of CPP: Now requires `time >=1.9` basic-deps: base: '>=4.9 && <=5' time: '>=1.9' text: -any megaparsec: -any containers: -any validity-time: '>=0.5' validity: -any deepseq: -any all-versions: - - - - author: Tom Sydney Kerckhove latest: description-type: haddock description: Fuzzy time types, parsing and resolution license-name: MIT ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml homepage: changelog-type: '' hash: 7a200f3e631b42ee8686733663dad4882b6ae5078f0434fe8a88a6f071d6e239 test-bench-deps: {} maintainer: David Ogborn <[email protected]> synopsis: For parsing Haskell-ish languages changelog: '' basic-deps: base: '>=4.8 && <5' containers: <0.7 haskell-src-exts: '>=1.17.1 && <1.23' mtl: '>=2.2.2 && <2.3' template-haskell: '>= && <2.15' all-versions: - 0.1.0 - 0.1.1 - 0.1.2 - 0.2.0 - 0.2.2 author: David Ogborn latest: 0.2.2 description-type: haddock description: A library for parsing miniature and esoteric languages that are similar to Haskell license-name: BSD-3-Clause ``` Update from Hackage at 2020-05-27T01:19:24Z
```yaml homepage: changelog-type: '' hash: 5cea702a971fd31ba6e093ccf5fafc317692fa6c6e3d2348b2d9e5708407f26c test-bench-deps: {} maintainer: David Ogborn <[email protected]> synopsis: For parsing Haskell-ish languages changelog: '' basic-deps: base: '>=4.8 && <5' containers: <0.7 haskell-src-exts: '>=1.17.1 && <1.23' mtl: '>=2.2.2 && <2.3' template-haskell: '>= && <2.15' all-versions: - 0.1.0 - 0.1.1 - 0.1.2 - 0.2.0 - 0.2.2 - 0.2.3 author: David Ogborn latest: 0.2.3 description-type: haddock description: A library for parsing miniature and esoteric languages that are similar to Haskell license-name: BSD-3-Clause ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml name: uix version: 0.5.1 author: Boris Kaul <[email protected]> description: Library to build Web User Interfaces inspired by React. homepage: environment: sdk: '>=1.9.1' dependencies: collection: '^1.1.0' dev_dependencies: browser: any unittest: any ``` Fix unittest constraint to not get incompatible version
```yaml name: uix version: 0.5.1 author: Boris Kaul <[email protected]> description: Library to build Web User Interfaces inspired by React. homepage: environment: sdk: '>=1.9.1' dependencies: collection: '^1.1.0' dev_dependencies: browser: any unittest: '<0.12.0' ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml version: 2.1 jobs: ubuntu1804-python2: docker: - image: stbtester/circleci:ubuntu1804-python2 environment: python_version: 2.7 LANG: en_GB.UTF-8 SHELL: /bin/bash TERM: xterm enable_virtual_stb: no parallel: xargs steps: - checkout - pylint - pytest - integrationtests ubuntu1804-python3: docker: - image: stbtester/circleci:ubuntu1804-python3 environment: python_version: 3 LANG: en_GB.UTF-8 SHELL: /bin/bash TERM: xterm enable_virtual_stb: no parallel: xargs steps: - checkout - pylint - pytest commands: pylint: steps: - run: name: make check-pylint command: | tesseract --version pylint --version make check-pylint pytest: steps: - run: make check-pytest integrationtests: steps: - run: make check-integrationtests workflows: test_all: jobs: - ubuntu1804-python2 - ubuntu1804-python3 ``` Enable the integrationtests on Python 3
```yaml version: 2.1 jobs: ubuntu1804-python2: docker: - image: stbtester/circleci:ubuntu1804-python2 environment: python_version: 2.7 LANG: en_GB.UTF-8 SHELL: /bin/bash TERM: xterm enable_virtual_stb: no parallel: xargs steps: - checkout - pylint - pytest - integrationtests ubuntu1804-python3: docker: - image: stbtester/circleci:ubuntu1804-python3 environment: python_version: 3 LANG: en_GB.UTF-8 SHELL: /bin/bash TERM: xterm enable_virtual_stb: no parallel: xargs steps: - checkout - pylint - pytest - integrationtests commands: pylint: steps: - run: name: make check-pylint command: | tesseract --version pylint --version make check-pylint pytest: steps: - run: make check-pytest integrationtests: steps: - run: make check-integrationtests workflows: test_all: jobs: - ubuntu1804-python2 - ubuntu1804-python3 ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml version: 2 jobs: build: docker: - image: circleci/node:6.11.1 working_directory: ~/vox-parser steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }} - v1-dependencies- - run: yarn install - save_cache: paths: - node_modules key: v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }} - run: yarn test``` Add multiple environments to build
```yaml version: 2 jobs: test-lts: docker: - image: circleci/node:6.11.1 steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - node-lts-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }} - node-lts-dependencies- - run: yarn install - save_cache: paths: - node_modules key: node-lts-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }} - run: yarn test test-latest: docker: - image: circleci/node:8.1.4 steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - node-latest-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }} - node-latest-dependencies- - run: yarn install - save_cache: paths: - node_modules key: node-latest-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }} - run: yarn test workflows: version: 2 node-lts: jobs: - test-lts node-latest: jobs: - test-latest```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml version: 2.1 commands: test-nodejs: steps: - run: name: Versions command: npm version - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - v{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ arch }}-npm-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }} - v{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ arch }}-npm-cache-master-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }} - run: name: Install dependencies command: npm ci - run: name: Test command: npm test - save-npm-cache save-npm-cache: steps: - save_cache: key: v{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ arch }}-npm-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} paths: - ~/.npm/_cacache jobs: node-v8: docker: - image: node:8 steps: - test-nodejs node-v10: docker: - image: node:10 steps: - test-nodejs node-v11: docker: - image: node:11 steps: - test-nodejs workflows: node-multi-build: jobs: - node-v8 - node-v10 - node-v11 ``` Change Node v11 to v12
```yaml version: 2.1 commands: test-nodejs: steps: - run: name: Versions command: npm version - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - v{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ arch }}-npm-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }} - v{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ arch }}-npm-cache-master-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }} - run: name: Install dependencies command: npm ci - run: name: Test command: npm test - save-npm-cache save-npm-cache: steps: - save_cache: key: v{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ arch }}-npm-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} paths: - ~/.npm/_cacache jobs: node-v8: docker: - image: node:8 steps: - test-nodejs node-v10: docker: - image: node:10 steps: - test-nodejs node-v12: docker: - image: node:12 steps: - test-nodejs workflows: node-multi-build: jobs: - node-v8 - node-v10 - node-v12 ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml version: 2 jobs: build: working_directory: ~/react-webpack-skeleton docker: - image: circleci/node:8.1.2 steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: v1-yarn-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} - run: name: Installing dependencies command: yarn install - save_cache: key: v1-yarn-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} paths: - node_modules - run: name: Scanning dependencies for vulnerabilities command: yarn run security - run: name: Testing command: mkdir -p /tmp/test-results/junit && yarn test --silent -- --reporter xunit > /tmp/test-results/junit/test-results.xml - store_test_results: path: /tmp/test-results - run: name: Building assets for production command: NODE_ENV=production yarn build - store_artifacts: path: index.js ``` Optimize cache save/restore; use multiple caches
```yaml version: 2 jobs: build: working_directory: ~/react-webpack-skeleton docker: - image: circleci/node:8.1.2 steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - v1-yarn-lock-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} - v1-npm-package-lock-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} - v1-npm-package-{{ checksum "package.json" }} - run: name: Installing dependencies command: yarn install - save_cache: key: v1-yarn-lock-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} paths: - node_modules - save_cache: key: v1-npm-package-lock-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} paths: - node_modules - save_cache: key: v1-npm-package-{{ checksum "package.json" }} paths: - node_modules - run: name: Scanning dependencies for vulnerabilities command: yarn run security - run: name: Testing command: mkdir -p /tmp/test-results/junit && yarn test --silent -- --reporter xunit > /tmp/test-results/junit/test-results.xml - store_test_results: path: /tmp/test-results - run: name: Building assets for production command: NODE_ENV=production yarn build - store_artifacts: path: index.js ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml --- lint_and_unit: &lint_and_unit - delivery - danger - lint-yaml - lint-markdown version: 2.1 orbs: kitchen: sous-chefs/kitchen@2 workflows: kitchen: jobs: - kitchen/yamllint: name: lint-yaml - kitchen/mdlint: name: lint-markdown - kitchen/danger: name: danger context: Danger - kitchen/delivery: name: delivery - kitchen/dokken-single: name: default-centos-7 suite: default-centos-7 requires: *lint_and_unit - kitchen/dokken-single: name: default-ubuntu-1604 suite: default-ubuntu-1604 requires: *lint_and_unit - kitchen/dokken-single: name: default-ubuntu-1804 suite: default-ubuntu-1804 requires: *lint_and_unit - kitchen/dokken-single: name: uninstall-ubuntu-1804 suite: uninstall-ubuntu-1804 requires: *lint_and_unit ``` Remove the ubuntu 16.0 dokken tests from circleci
```yaml --- lint_and_unit: &lint_and_unit - delivery - danger - lint-yaml - lint-markdown version: 2.1 orbs: kitchen: sous-chefs/kitchen@2 workflows: kitchen: jobs: - kitchen/yamllint: name: lint-yaml - kitchen/mdlint: name: lint-markdown - kitchen/danger: name: danger context: Danger - kitchen/delivery: name: delivery - kitchen/dokken-single: name: default-centos-7 suite: default-centos-7 requires: *lint_and_unit - kitchen/dokken-single: name: default-ubuntu-1804 suite: default-ubuntu-1804 requires: *lint_and_unit - kitchen/dokken-single: name: uninstall-ubuntu-1804 suite: uninstall-ubuntu-1804 requires: *lint_and_unit ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml name: sunpy-rtd channels: - astropy - sunpy - jevans dependencies: - astropy - beautiful-soup - bsddb - cairo - contextlib2 - cycler - db - decorator - fontconfig - freetype - funcsigs - glymur - jbig - jpeg - libgfortran - libpng - libtiff - libxml2 - libxslt - lxml - matplotlib - mkl - mock - networkx - numpy - openblas - openjpeg - openssl - pandas - pbr - pillow - pip - pixman - py - pycairo - pyparsing - pyqt - pytest - python - python-dateutil - pytz - qt - readline - requests - scikit-image - scipy - setuptools - sip - six - sqlalchemy - sqlite - suds-jurko - tk - wcsaxes - wheel - xz - zlib - pip: - sphinx-gallery>=0.1.2 ``` Add sphinx-gallery to rtd env
```yaml name: sunpy-rtd dependencies: - astropy - beautiful-soup - bsddb - cairo - contextlib2 - cycler - db - decorator - fontconfig - freetype - funcsigs - glymur - jbig - jpeg - libgfortran - libpng - libtiff - libxml2 - libxslt - lxml - matplotlib - mkl - mock - networkx - numpy - openblas - openjpeg - openssl - pandas - pbr - pillow - pip - pixman - py - pycairo - pyparsing - pyqt - pytest - python - python-dateutil - pytz - qt - readline - requests - scikit-image - scipy - setuptools - sip - six - sqlalchemy - sqlite - suds-jurko - tk - wcsaxes - wheel - xz - zlib - pip: - sphinx-gallery>=0.1.2 ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml frame_id: /base initial_orientation: [0.002, -0.008, 0.014, 1.000] initial_x: 1.410 initial_y: -0.004 initial_z: 0.414 object_a: 0.2 object_b: 0.2 object_g: 0.0 object_r: 0.0 object_type: cube object_x: 0.865 object_y: 0.865 object_z: 1.0 publish_tf: true tf_frame: kiva_pod_base ``` Adjust kiva pod pose to base
```yaml frame_id: /base initial_orientation: [-0.002, -0.028, 0.017, 0.999] initial_x: 1.421 initial_y: 0.020 initial_z: 0.496 object_a: 0.2 object_b: 0.2 object_g: 0.0 object_r: 0.0 object_type: cube object_x: 0.865 object_y: 0.865 object_z: 1.0 publish_tf: true tf_frame: kiva_pod_base ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml name: Node CI on: [push] jobs: build: timeout-minutes: 20 runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: node-version: [12.x] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }} uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} - name: Install dependencies run: yarn install - name: Build run: yarn build - name: Test run: yarn test ``` Add pull_request as a trigger for the CI job
```yaml name: Node CI on: [push, pull_request] jobs: build: timeout-minutes: 20 runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: node-version: [12.x] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }} uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} - name: Install dependencies run: yarn install - name: Build run: yarn build - name: Test run: yarn test ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml --- - name: Include test vars include_vars: "{{ test_suite }}" - name: Install plugin packages for "{{ test_suite }}" suite become: yes package: name: "{{ item.value.package[test.openstack.version |default(overcloud_version) | int]|default(item.value.package.default) }}" state: present with_dict: "{{ test_dict.plugins | default({}) }}" when: item.value.package is defined - name: Clone plugin repository for "{{ test_suite }}" suite become: yes git: repo: "{{ item.value.repo | default(item.value.default) }}" dest: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/{{ item.value.repo | basename }}" accept_hostkey: true retries: 3 delay: 60 with_dict: "{{ test_dict.plugins | default({}) }}" when: item.value.package is not defined ``` Disable git ssl verification on undercloud
```yaml --- - name: Include test vars include_vars: "{{ test_suite }}" - name: Install plugin packages for "{{ test_suite }}" suite become: yes package: name: "{{ item.value.package[test.openstack.version |default(overcloud_version) | int]|default(item.value.package.default) }}" state: present with_dict: "{{ test_dict.plugins | default({}) }}" when: item.value.package is defined - name: Disable SSL verification by git become: yes shell: "git config --global http.sslVerify false" - name: Clone plugin repository for "{{ test_suite }}" suite become: yes git: repo: "{{ item.value.repo | default(item.value.default) }}" dest: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/{{ item.value.repo | basename }}" accept_hostkey: true retries: 3 delay: 60 with_dict: "{{ test_dict.plugins | default({}) }}" when: item.value.package is not defined ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml Categories: - Time - Sports & Health License: GPL-2.0-only AuthorName: Albert Vaca Cintora AuthorEmail: [email protected] AuthorWebSite: SourceCode: IssueTracker: AutoName: BetterCounter RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: '1.6' versionCode: 10600 commit: v1.6 subdir: app gradle: - yes - versionName: '1.7' versionCode: 10700 commit: v1.7 subdir: app gradle: - yes AutoUpdateMode: Version v%v UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: '1.7' CurrentVersionCode: 10700 ``` Update BetterCounter to 1.8.1 (10810)
```yaml Categories: - Time - Sports & Health License: GPL-2.0-only AuthorName: Albert Vaca Cintora AuthorEmail: [email protected] AuthorWebSite: SourceCode: IssueTracker: AutoName: BetterCounter RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: '1.6' versionCode: 10600 commit: v1.6 subdir: app gradle: - yes - versionName: '1.7' versionCode: 10700 commit: v1.7 subdir: app gradle: - yes - versionName: 1.8.1 versionCode: 10810 commit: v1.8.1 subdir: app gradle: - yes AutoUpdateMode: Version v%v UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: 1.8.1 CurrentVersionCode: 10810 ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml name: Android CI on: [push, pull_request] jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set up JDK 1.8 uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: 1.8 - name: Build with Gradle run: sudo ./gradlew build ``` Use Java 11 in Github Actions workflow
```yaml name: Android CI on: [push, pull_request] jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set up JDK 11 uses: actions/setup-java@v2 with: distribution: 'temurin' java-version: 11 - name: Build with Gradle run: sudo ./gradlew build ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml name: No Assertions on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: extra_resolve_options: description: "Extra Resolve Options" required: false schedule: - cron: "0 1 * * *" # 3 AM CET push: pull_request: jobs: ndebug: name: No Assertions uses: steinwurf/nodebug-action/.github/workflows/[email protected] with: extra_resolve_options: ${{ github.event.inputs.extra_resolve_options }} ``` Update No Assertions to new version 7.0.0
```yaml name: No Assertions on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: extra_resolve_options: description: "Extra Resolve Options" required: false schedule: - cron: "0 1 * * *" # 3 AM CET push: pull_request: jobs: ndebug: name: No Assertions uses: steinwurf/nodebug-action/.github/workflows/[email protected] with: extra_resolve_options: ${{ github.event.inputs.extra_resolve_options }} ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml name: GitHub CI on: [push, pull_request] jobs: test: runs-on: macOS-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Setup JDK uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: 1.8 - name: Sdl Android Tests # For more info, please check out: uses: reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner@v1 with: api-level: 29 script: ./android/gradlew -p ./android :sdl_android:connectedCheck - name: Hello Sdl Android Tests run: ./android/gradlew -p ./android :hello_sdl_android:build - name: Sdl JavaSE Tests run: ./javaSE/gradlew -p ./javaSE test - name: Hello Sdl JavaSE Tests run: ./hello_sdl_java/gradlew -p ./hello_sdl_java test - name: Sdl JavaEE Tests run: ./javaEE/gradlew -p ./javaEE test - name: Codecov uses: codecov/[email protected] with: token: ${{secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN}} yml: ./codecov.yml ``` Update checkout action to v2
```yaml name: GitHub CI on: [push, pull_request] jobs: test: runs-on: macOS-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Setup JDK uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: 1.8 - name: Sdl Android Tests # For more info, please check out: uses: reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner@v1 with: api-level: 29 script: ./android/gradlew -p ./android :sdl_android:connectedCheck - name: Hello Sdl Android Tests run: ./android/gradlew -p ./android :hello_sdl_android:build - name: Sdl JavaSE Tests run: ./javaSE/gradlew -p ./javaSE test - name: Hello Sdl JavaSE Tests run: ./hello_sdl_java/gradlew -p ./hello_sdl_java test - name: Sdl JavaEE Tests run: ./javaEE/gradlew -p ./javaEE test - name: Codecov uses: codecov/[email protected] with: token: ${{secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN}} yml: ./codecov.yml ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml # Configure a Jenkins master instance for testeng # This has the Jenkins Java app, but none of the requirements # to run the tests. - name: Configure instance(s) hosts: jenkins_master sudo: True gather_facts: True vars: COMMON_DATA_DIR: "/mnt" COMMON_ENABLE_DATADOG: True COMMON_ENABLE_SPLUNKFORWARDER: True SPLUNKFORWARDER_LOG_ITEMS: - source: '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/junitResult.xml' recursive: true index: 'testeng' sourcetype: junit followSymlink: false crcSalt: '<SOURCE>' - source: '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/build.xml' index: 'testeng' recursive: true sourcetype: build_result followSymlink: false crcSalt: '<SOURCE>' - source: '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log' index: 'testeng' recursive: true sourcetype: build_log followSymlink: false crcSalt: '<SOURCE>' roles: - common - role: datadog when: COMMON_ENABLE_DATADOG - jenkins_master # run just the splunkforwarder role by using '--tags "splunkonly"' # e.g. ansible-playbook jenkins_testeng_master.yml -i inventory.ini --tags "splunkonly" -vvvv - role: splunkforwarder when: COMMON_ENABLE_SPLUNKFORWARDER tags: splunkonly sudo: True ``` Index the jenkins master log in Splunk
```yaml # Configure a Jenkins master instance for testeng # This has the Jenkins Java app, but none of the requirements # to run the tests. - name: Configure instance(s) hosts: jenkins_master sudo: True gather_facts: True vars: COMMON_DATA_DIR: "/mnt" COMMON_ENABLE_DATADOG: True COMMON_ENABLE_SPLUNKFORWARDER: True SPLUNKFORWARDER_LOG_ITEMS: - source: '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/junitResult.xml' recursive: true index: 'testeng' sourcetype: junit followSymlink: false crcSalt: '<SOURCE>' - source: '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/build.xml' index: 'testeng' recursive: true sourcetype: build_result followSymlink: false crcSalt: '<SOURCE>' - source: '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log' index: 'testeng' recursive: true sourcetype: build_log followSymlink: false crcSalt: '<SOURCE>' - source: '/var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log' index: 'testeng' recursive: false followSymlink: false roles: - common - role: datadog when: COMMON_ENABLE_DATADOG - jenkins_master # run just the splunkforwarder role by using '--tags "splunkonly"' # e.g. ansible-playbook jenkins_testeng_master.yml -i inventory.ini --tags "splunkonly" -vvvv - role: splunkforwarder when: COMMON_ENABLE_SPLUNKFORWARDER tags: splunkonly sudo: True ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml services: easy_admin_popup.listener.crud_flashbag: class: A5sys\EasyAdminPopupBundle\Listener\CrudFlashbagListener arguments: - "@session" - "@translator" tags: - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: "easy_admin.post_persist", method: onPostPersist } - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: "easy_admin.post_update", method: onPostUpdate } - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: "easy_admin.post_remove", method: onPostRemove } admin.translation.entity_extractor: class: "A5sys\\EasyAdminPopupBundle\\Translation\\EntityExtractor" arguments: - "%easyadmin.config%" - "EasyAdminBundle" - "@easyadmin.translation.entity_translation" tags: - { name: jms_translation.extractor, alias: "adminbundle_translation_entity_extractor" } easyadminpopup.twig.extension: class: "A5sys\\EasyAdminPopupBundle\\Twig\\EasyAdminPopupTwigExtension" arguments: - "%easy_admin_popup.layout%" tags: - { name: twig.extension }``` Fix prefix for service extractor
```yaml services: easy_admin_popup.listener.crud_flashbag: class: A5sys\EasyAdminPopupBundle\Listener\CrudFlashbagListener arguments: - "@session" - "@translator" tags: - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: "easy_admin.post_persist", method: onPostPersist } - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: "easy_admin.post_update", method: onPostUpdate } - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: "easy_admin.post_remove", method: onPostRemove } easy_admin_popup.translation.entity_extractor: class: "A5sys\\EasyAdminPopupBundle\\Translation\\EntityExtractor" arguments: - "%easyadmin.config%" - "EasyAdminBundle" - "@easyadmin.translation.entity_translation" tags: - { name: jms_translation.extractor, alias: "adminbundle_translation_entity_extractor" } easyadminpopup.twig.extension: class: "A5sys\\EasyAdminPopupBundle\\Twig\\EasyAdminPopupTwigExtension" arguments: - "%easy_admin_popup.layout%" tags: - { name: twig.extension }```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml services: r_u2f_two_factor.authenticator: class: R\U2FTwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Prodiver\U2F\U2FAuthenticator arguments: - '@request_stack' r_u2f_two_factor.provider: class: R\U2FTwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Prodiver\U2F\TwoFactorProvider arguments: - '@r_u2f_two_factor.authenticator' - '@templating' - '%r_u2f_two_factor.formtemplate%' - '%r_u2f_two_factor.authcodeparameter%' tags: - { name: scheb_two_factor.provider, alias: u2f_two_factor } ``` Use FQCN as service name
```yaml services: R\U2FTwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Provider\U2F\U2FAuthenticator: arguments: - '@request_stack' R\U2FTwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Provider\U2F\TwoFactorProvider: arguments: - '@R\U2FTwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Provider\U2F\U2FAuthenticator' - '@templating' - '%r_u2f_two_factor.formtemplate%' - '%r_u2f_two_factor.authcodeparameter%' tags: - { name: scheb_two_factor.provider, alias: u2f_two_factor } ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml homepage: '' changelog-type: '' hash: 14cddf1698f0c4b37da667c6b12b77224a71b6e98e428054cca9cedcc0dbc9b7 test-bench-deps: {} maintainer: Vladislav Zavialov <[email protected]> synopsis: Ad-hoc type classes for lifting changelog: '' basic-deps: writer-cps-transformers: ! '>=' base: ! '>=4.6 && <4.12' transformers: ! '>=' all-versions: - '' - '' - '' - '' author: Vladislav Zavialov latest: '' description-type: haddock description: ! 'This simple and lightweight library provides type classes for lifting monad transformer operations.' license-name: BSD3 ``` Update from Hackage at 2018-11-12T08:32:23Z
```yaml homepage: '' changelog-type: '' hash: 85690b19b9c70c3256995544cfc19e3798e6a5d478bb3fcb12fc28c78562f799 test-bench-deps: {} maintainer: Vladislav Zavialov <[email protected]> synopsis: Ad-hoc type classes for lifting changelog: '' basic-deps: writer-cps-transformers: ! '>=' base: ! '>=4.6 && <4.13' transformers: ! '>=' all-versions: - '' - '' - '' - '' author: Vladislav Zavialov latest: '' description-type: haddock description: ! 'This simple and lightweight library provides type classes for lifting monad transformer operations.' license-name: BSD3 ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml --- resource_types: - name: slack-notification type: docker-image source: repository: cfcommunity/slack-notification-resource resources: - name: slack_alert type: slack-notification source: url: {{slack-notification-url}} - name: after-midnight-utc type: time source: start: 12:00 AM stop: 1:00 AM jobs: - name: update-slack-name public: true plan: - do: - get: after-midnight-utc trigger: true - task: update-slack-name config: platform: linux params: SLACK_URL: {{slack-update-url}} image_resource: type: docker-image source: {repository: robdimsdale/middleman-site-docker-image} run: path: /bin/bash args: - -c - | set -eu curl \ -s \ "${SLACK_URL}" on_failure: put: slack_alert params: silent: true username: concourse icon_url: channel: {{slack-notification-channel}} text: {{slack-notification-failure-text}} ``` Update slack name twice daily
```yaml --- resource_types: - name: slack-notification type: docker-image source: repository: cfcommunity/slack-notification-resource resources: - name: slack_alert type: slack-notification source: url: {{slack-notification-url}} - name: twice-daily type: time source: interval: 12h jobs: - name: update-slack-name public: true plan: - do: - get: twice-daily trigger: true - task: update-slack-name config: platform: linux params: SLACK_URL: {{slack-update-url}} image_resource: type: docker-image source: {repository: robdimsdale/middleman-site-docker-image} run: path: /bin/bash args: - -c - | set -eu curl \ -s \ "${SLACK_URL}" on_failure: put: slack_alert params: silent: true username: concourse icon_url: channel: {{slack-notification-channel}} text: {{slack-notification-failure-text}} ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml name: Test cucumber-core on: push: branches: - main pull_request: branches: - main schedule: - cron: "0 5 * * *" jobs: test: strategy: matrix: os: [ubuntu-latest] ruby: ['2.5', '2.6', '2.7', '3.0'] include: - os: ubuntu-latest ruby: jruby - os: macos-latest ruby: '3.0' - os: windows-latest ruby: '3.0' runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Run ruby tests uses: ./.github/actions/test-ruby with: ruby-version: ${{ matrix.ruby }} ``` Update test workflow to not failing fast
```yaml name: Test cucumber-core on: push: branches: - main pull_request: branches: - main schedule: - cron: "0 5 * * *" jobs: test: strategy: matrix: os: [ubuntu-latest] fail-fast: false ruby: ['2.5', '2.6', '2.7', '3.0'] include: - os: ubuntu-latest ruby: jruby - os: macos-latest ruby: '3.0' - os: windows-latest ruby: '3.0' runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Run ruby tests uses: ./.github/actions/test-ruby with: ruby-version: ${{ matrix.ruby }} ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml name: Build And Deploy MkDocs on: # TODO(vmirian) 2022-02-02 Enable below to execute action on push. # push: # branches: # - main # paths: # - "**.md" # - "mkdocs.yml" workflow_dispatch: jobs: docs: needs: build runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-python@v2 - run: pip install --upgrade pip && pip install mkdocs mkdocs-gen-files - run: git config 'github-actions[bot]' && git config 'github-actions[bot]' - name: Publish docs run: mkdocs gh-deploy # TODO(vmirian) 2022-02-02 When action is live, enable message. # run: mkdocs gh-deploy -m "mkdocs generated documentation from ${GITHUB_SHA}"``` Improve Github action for building and deploying the documentation. 1. Enable xls-github-bot to commit documentation builds. 2. Remove dependency in Build And Deploy MkDocs action.
```yaml name: Build And Deploy MkDocs on: # TODO(vmirian) 2022-02-02 Enable below to execute action on push. # push: # branches: # - main # paths: # - "**.md" # - "mkdocs.yml" workflow_dispatch: jobs: docs: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-python@v2 - run: pip install --upgrade pip && pip install mkdocs mkdocs-gen-files - run: git config 'xls-github-bot' && git config '[email protected]' - name: Publish docs run: mkdocs gh-deploy # TODO(vmirian) 2022-02-02 When action is live, enable message. # run: mkdocs gh-deploy -m "mkdocs generated documentation from ${GITHUB_SHA}"```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml --- upgrade: - | The Oracle ZFSSA drivers have been marked as unsupported and are now deprecated. ``enable_unsupported_driver`` will need to be set to ``True`` in the driver's section in cinder.conf to continue to use them. deprecations: - | The Oracle ZFSSA drivers has been marked as unsupported and are now deprecated. ``enable_unsupported_driver`` will need to be set to ``True`` in the driver's section in cinder.conf to continue to use them. Oracle has indicated that they don't plan to continue to support the drivers so they will be removed in the 'U' development cycle. ``` Address reno nit for ZFSSA deprecation
```yaml --- upgrade: - | The Oracle ZFSSA drivers have been marked as unsupported and are now deprecated. ``enable_unsupported_driver`` will need to be set to ``True`` in the driver's section in cinder.conf to continue to use them. deprecations: - | The Oracle ZFSSA drivers have been been marked as unsupported and are now deprecated. ``enable_unsupported_driver`` will need to be set to ``True`` in the driver's section in cinder.conf to continue to use them. Oracle has indicated that they don't plan to continue to support the drivers so they will be removed in the 'U' development cycle. ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml --- - name: "install xhprof" command: pecl install xhprof-{{ xhprof_version }} register: xhprof_result changed_when: "'already installed' not in xhprof_result.stdout" failed_when: "xhprof_result.stderr" - name: "copy xhprof.ini" copy: src=xhprof.ini dest=/etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/xhprof.ini notify: - restart php-fpm - name: "copy default vhost" copy: src=xhprof.conf dest=/etc/apache2/sites-available/xhprof.conf - name: "enable xhprof vhosts" shell: a2ensite xhprof.conf register: a2ensite_result changed_when: "'Enabling xhprof' in a2ensite_result.stdout" notify: restart webserver - name: "Create xhprof tmp directory" shell: mkdir /tmp/xhprof - name: "Fix user perm for xhprof tmp directory" shell: chown www-data /tmp/xhprof/ -R; - name: "Fix group perm for xhprof tmp directory" shell: chgrp www-data /tmp/xhprof/ -R; ``` Use ansible file module instead of shell commands
```yaml --- - name: "install xhprof" command: pecl install xhprof-{{ xhprof_version }} register: xhprof_result changed_when: "'already installed' not in xhprof_result.stdout" failed_when: "xhprof_result.stderr" - name: "copy xhprof.ini" copy: src=xhprof.ini dest=/etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/xhprof.ini notify: - restart php-fpm - name: "copy default vhost" copy: src=xhprof.conf dest=/etc/apache2/sites-available/xhprof.conf - name: "enable xhprof vhosts" shell: a2ensite xhprof.conf register: a2ensite_result changed_when: "'Enabling xhprof' in a2ensite_result.stdout" notify: restart webserver - name: "Setup xhprof tmp directory" file: path=/tmp/xhprof owner=www-data group=www-data state=directory ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml --- # Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. - include: unbound-install.yml - include: repo-install.yml - include: haproxy-install.yml # TODO(evrardjp): Remove the following when repo_build is done # before lxc_container_create, and haproxy is moved with it as # second step. - include: repo-use.yml - include: memcached-install.yml - include: galera-install.yml - include: rabbitmq-install.yml - include: etcd-install.yml - include: ceph-install.yml - include: utility-install.yml - include: rsyslog-install.yml ``` Move setup-utility before other plays
```yaml --- # Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. - include: unbound-install.yml - include: repo-install.yml - include: haproxy-install.yml # TODO(evrardjp): Remove the following when repo_build is done # before lxc_container_create, and haproxy is moved with it as # second step. - include: repo-use.yml - include: utility-install.yml - include: memcached-install.yml - include: galera-install.yml - include: rabbitmq-install.yml - include: etcd-install.yml - include: ceph-install.yml - include: rsyslog-install.yml ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml env: browser: true es6: true jasmine: true extends: 'eslint:recommended' parserOptions: sourceType: script rules: indent: - 2 - tab linebreak-style: - 2 - unix quotes: - 2 - single semi: - 2 - always no-var: 2 ``` Add eqeqeq ESLint rule (require === instead of ==)
```yaml env: browser: true es6: true jasmine: true extends: 'eslint:recommended' parserOptions: sourceType: script rules: indent: - 2 - tab linebreak-style: - 2 - unix quotes: - 2 - single semi: - 2 - always no-var: 2 eqeqeq: 2 ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml presubmits: kubernetes/enhancements: - name: pull-enhancements-verify always_run: true decorate: true spec: containers: - image: golang:1.11 command: - ./hack/ ``` Add GOPATH/bin to PATH for enhancements verify job
```yaml presubmits: kubernetes/enhancements: - name: pull-enhancements-verify always_run: true decorate: true spec: containers: - image: golang:1.11 command: - export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin - ./hack/ ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml --- - name: New Relic sysmond | Setup yum repo yum: name= state=present - name: New Relic sysmond | Installing sysmond yum: name=newrelic-sysmond state=present ``` Reword name for rpm install.
```yaml --- - name: New Relic sysmond | Setup yum repo yum: name= state=present - name: New Relic sysmond | Install newrelic-sysmond yum: name=newrelic-sysmond state=present ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml --- # mysql - name: create hutmap databases for mysql mysql_db: name=$item state=present with_items: - ${hutmap.db_name} - test_${hutmap.db_name} - name: create hutmap user for mysql mysql_user: name=${hutmap.db_user} password=${hutmap.db_password} host='%' priv=${hutmap.db_name}.*:ALL/test_${hutmap.db_name}.*:ALL state=present # packages needed by python requirements - name: update apt apt: update_cache=yes - name: install pip apt: pkg=python-pip state=latest - name: install virtualenv pip: name=virtualenv - name: install packages needed by mysql-python apt: pkg=$item state=installed with_items: - libmysqlclient-dev - python-dev - name: install packages needed by pil apt: pkg=$item state=installed with_items: - libjpeg-dev - libfreetype6-dev - zlib1g-dev - name: symlink libraries to /usr/lib command: ln -s /usr/lib/${ansible_architecture}-linux-gnu/$item /usr/lib/ creates=/usr/lib/$item with_items: - - - ``` Make sure tables have utf8 encoding.
```yaml --- # mysql - name: create hutmap databases for mysql mysql_db: name=$item state=present encoding=utf8 with_items: - ${hutmap.db_name} - test_${hutmap.db_name} - name: create hutmap user for mysql mysql_user: name=${hutmap.db_user} password=${hutmap.db_password} host='%' priv=${hutmap.db_name}.*:ALL/test_${hutmap.db_name}.*:ALL state=present # packages needed by python requirements - name: update apt apt: update_cache=yes - name: install pip apt: pkg=python-pip state=latest - name: install virtualenv pip: name=virtualenv - name: install packages needed by mysql-python apt: pkg=$item state=installed with_items: - libmysqlclient-dev - python-dev - name: install packages needed by pil apt: pkg=$item state=installed with_items: - libjpeg-dev - libfreetype6-dev - zlib1g-dev - name: symlink libraries to /usr/lib command: ln -s /usr/lib/${ansible_architecture}-linux-gnu/$item /usr/lib/ creates=/usr/lib/$item with_items: - - - ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ReplicationController metadata: name: accounting-server-rc spec: replicas: 1 selector: name: accounting-server-rc template: metadata: labels: name: accounting-server-rc spec: containers: - name: accounting image: gregcorbett/rest:deploy ports: - containerPort: 80 hostPort: 80 - containerPort: 443 hostPort: 443 imagePullPolicy: Always env: - name: DATA_DB value: mysql://root:[email protected]/accounting-db - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD value: PutYourPassHere - name: ALLOWED_FOR_GET value: [] - name: SERVER_IAM_ID value: - name: SERVER_IAM_SECRET value: - name: DJANGO_SECRET_KEY value: ``` Add MYSQL_HOST to yaml file
```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ReplicationController metadata: name: accounting-server-rc spec: replicas: 1 selector: name: accounting-server-rc template: metadata: labels: name: accounting-server-rc spec: containers: - name: accounting image: gregcorbett/rest:deploy ports: - containerPort: 80 hostPort: 80 - containerPort: 443 hostPort: 443 imagePullPolicy: Always env: - name: DATA_DB value: mysql://root:[email protected]/accounting-db - name: MYSQL_HOST value: - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD value: PutYourPassHere - name: ALLOWED_FOR_GET value: "[]" - name: SERVER_IAM_ID value: - name: SERVER_IAM_SECRET value: - name: DJANGO_SECRET_KEY value: ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml name: Packaging on: # Make sure packaging process is not broken push: branches: [master] pull_request: # Make a package for release release: types: [published] workflow_dispatch: jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: python-version: [3.10] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }} - name: Install dependencies run: python -m pip install --upgrade build twine - name: Create packages run: python -m build - name: Run twine check run: twine check dist/* - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: python-gyazo-dist path: dist ``` Fix Python version in GitHub Actions config
```yaml name: Packaging on: # Make sure packaging process is not broken push: branches: [master] pull_request: # Make a package for release release: types: [published] workflow_dispatch: jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: python-version: ['3.10'] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }} - name: Install dependencies run: python -m pip install --upgrade build twine - name: Create packages run: python -m build - name: Run twine check run: twine check dist/* - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: python-gyazo-dist path: dist ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml name: Full Test on: push: pull_request: types: [assigned, opened, synchronize, reopened] jobs: test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: python-version: ['3.6', '3.7', '3.8', '3.9'] django-version: ['<2.1', '<2.2', '<3.0', '<3.1', '<3.2', '==3.2b1'] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v1 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }} - name: Install core run: pip install "Django${{ matrix.django-version }}" pydantic - name: Install tests run: pip install pytest pytest-asyncio pytest-django - name: Test run: pytest codestyle: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v1 with: python-version: 3.8 - name: Install Dependencies run: pip install black isort - name: Black run: black --check ninja - name: isort run: isort --check ninja - name: Flake8 run: flake8 ninja ``` Add missing github workflow dependency
```yaml name: Full Test on: push: pull_request: types: [assigned, opened, synchronize, reopened] jobs: test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: python-version: ['3.6', '3.7', '3.8', '3.9'] django-version: ['<2.1', '<2.2', '<3.0', '<3.1', '<3.2', '==3.2b1'] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v1 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }} - name: Install core run: pip install "Django${{ matrix.django-version }}" pydantic - name: Install tests run: pip install pytest pytest-asyncio pytest-django - name: Test run: pytest codestyle: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v1 with: python-version: 3.8 - name: Install Dependencies run: pip install black isort flake8 - name: Black run: black --check ninja - name: isort run: isort --check ninja - name: Flake8 run: flake8 ninja ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml apiVersion: kind: Prometheus metadata: labels: prometheus: k8s name: k8s namespace: monitoring spec: alerting: alertmanagers: - name: alertmanager-main namespace: monitoring port: web baseImage: nodeSelector: linux replicas: 1 resources: requests: # Start with 2Gi and add 2Gi for each 2K nodes. memory: {{MultiplyInt 2 (AddInt 1 (DivideInt .Nodes 2000))}}Gi ruleSelector: matchLabels: prometheus: k8s role: alert-rules securityContext: fsGroup: 2000 runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 1000 serviceAccountName: prometheus-k8s serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: {} serviceMonitorSelector: {} version: v2.5.0 storage: volumeClaimTemplate: spec: storageClassName: ssd resources: requests: # Start with 10Gi, add 10Gi for each 1K nodes. storage: {{MultiplyInt 10 (AddInt 1 (DivideInt .Nodes 1000))}}Gi ``` Set the prometheus data retention to 7d.
```yaml apiVersion: kind: Prometheus metadata: labels: prometheus: k8s name: k8s namespace: monitoring spec: alerting: alertmanagers: - name: alertmanager-main namespace: monitoring port: web baseImage: nodeSelector: linux replicas: 1 resources: requests: # Start with 2Gi and add 2Gi for each 2K nodes. memory: {{MultiplyInt 2 (AddInt 1 (DivideInt .Nodes 2000))}}Gi ruleSelector: matchLabels: prometheus: k8s role: alert-rules securityContext: fsGroup: 2000 runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 1000 serviceAccountName: prometheus-k8s serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: {} serviceMonitorSelector: {} version: v2.5.0 retention: 7d storage: volumeClaimTemplate: spec: storageClassName: ssd resources: requests: # Start with 10Gi, add 10Gi for each 1K nodes. storage: {{MultiplyInt 10 (AddInt 1 (DivideInt .Nodes 1000))}}Gi ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml Categories: - Theming License: Apache-2.0 SourceCode: IssueTracker: Changelog: AutoName: Fairphone Launcher 3 RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: '2.0' versionCode: 8 commit: 26c46d63eb9bbc25e836c535c5688cb885cb0be2 gradle: - yes prebuild: echo 'android { lintOptions { checkReleaseBuilds false } }' >> build.gradle - versionName: 2.1.0 versionCode: 9 commit: 2.1.0 gradle: - yes prebuild: echo 'android { lintOptions { checkReleaseBuilds false } }' >> build.gradle - versionName: 2.2.0 versionCode: 10 commit: 2.2.0 gradle: - yes prebuild: echo 'android { lintOptions { checkReleaseBuilds false } }' >> build.gradle AutoUpdateMode: Version %v UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: 2.2.0 CurrentVersionCode: 10 ``` Set autoname of Fairphone 2 Launcher
```yaml Categories: - Theming License: Apache-2.0 SourceCode: IssueTracker: Changelog: AutoName: Fairphone 2 Launcher RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: '2.0' versionCode: 8 commit: 26c46d63eb9bbc25e836c535c5688cb885cb0be2 gradle: - yes prebuild: echo 'android { lintOptions { checkReleaseBuilds false } }' >> build.gradle - versionName: 2.1.0 versionCode: 9 commit: 2.1.0 gradle: - yes prebuild: echo 'android { lintOptions { checkReleaseBuilds false } }' >> build.gradle - versionName: 2.2.0 versionCode: 10 commit: 2.2.0 gradle: - yes prebuild: echo 'android { lintOptions { checkReleaseBuilds false } }' >> build.gradle AutoUpdateMode: Version %v UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: 2.2.0 CurrentVersionCode: 10 ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml --- - name: Install Bash Completion apt: package=bash-completion state=present sudo: yes - name: Turn On Color Prompt lineinfile: dest: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/.bashrc" line: "force_color_prompt=yes" regexp: '#?force_color_prompt=yes' state: present - name: More User Friendly List Aliases lineinfile: dest: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/.bashrc" line: "alias {{ item.alias }}='{{ item.command }}'" regexp: "^alias {{ item.alias }}=" state: present with_items: - { alias: ll, command: "ls -lFh" } - { alias: la, command: "ls -lAh" } - { alias: l, command: "ls -CF" } - name: Cd to /vagrant on Log In lineinfile: dest: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/.bashrc" line: cd /vagrant state: present insertafter: EOF when: ansible_hostname == "vagrant" ``` Fix cd into /vagrant on login
```yaml --- - name: Install Bash Completion apt: package=bash-completion state=present sudo: yes - name: Turn On Color Prompt lineinfile: dest: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/.bashrc" line: "force_color_prompt=yes" regexp: '#?force_color_prompt=yes' state: present - name: More User Friendly List Aliases lineinfile: dest: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/.bashrc" line: "alias {{ item.alias }}='{{ item.command }}'" regexp: "^alias {{ item.alias }}=" state: present with_items: - { alias: ll, command: "ls -lFh" } - { alias: la, command: "ls -lAh" } - { alias: l, command: "ls -CF" } - name: Cd to /vagrant on Log In lineinfile: dest: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/.bashrc" line: cd /vagrant state: present insertafter: EOF when: inventory_hostname == "vagrant" ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml type: live title: Design Patern 2019 date: 10/11/2019 image: live-design-patern-2019.jpg short: Live de design patern 2019-2020 peertube_id: - 2d8043ac-bc5e-4cdc-8db1-dacd79d7b596 authors: - davidsonco - lachaussee description: Live de deisgn patern de l'année scolaire 2019-2020 keywords: - formation: ing2 - cursus: génie-informatique - category: informatique``` Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
```yaml type: live title: Design Patern 2019 date: 10/11/2019 image: live-design-patern-2019.jpg short: Live de design patern 2019-2020 peertube_id: - 2d8043ac-bc5e-4cdc-8db1-dacd79d7b596 authors: - davidsonco - lachaussee description: Live de design patterns de l'année scolaire 2019-2020 keywords: - formation: ing2 - cursus: génie-informatique - category: informatique```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml # Javascript Node CircleCI 2.0 configuration file # # Check for more details # version: 2.1 orbs: docker-publish: circleci/[email protected] jobs: build: docker: # specify the version you desire here - image: circleci/node:7.10 steps: - checkout # Download and cache dependencies - restore_cache: keys: - v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }} # fallback to using the latest cache if no exact match is found - v1-dependencies- - run: yarn install - save_cache: paths: - node_modules key: v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }} - run: mkdir ~/junit - run: command: yarn test-ci environment: JUNIT_REPORT_PATH: /home/circleci/junit/ - store_test_results: path: ~/junit - store_artifacts: path: ~/junit workflows: version: 2 build: jobs: - build build-docker-publish: jobs: - docker-publish/publish: filters: branches: only: master ``` Fix to publish docker image with latest tag
```yaml # Javascript Node CircleCI 2.0 configuration file # # Check for more details # version: 2.1 orbs: docker-publish: circleci/[email protected] jobs: build: docker: # specify the version you desire here - image: circleci/node:7.10 steps: - checkout # Download and cache dependencies - restore_cache: keys: - v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }} # fallback to using the latest cache if no exact match is found - v1-dependencies- - run: yarn install - save_cache: paths: - node_modules key: v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }} - run: mkdir ~/junit - run: command: yarn test-ci environment: JUNIT_REPORT_PATH: /home/circleci/junit/ - store_test_results: path: ~/junit - store_artifacts: path: ~/junit workflows: version: 2 build: jobs: - build build-docker-publish: jobs: - docker-publish/publish: tag: latest filters: branches: only: master ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml # JavaScript Node CircleCI 2.0 configuration file # # Check for more details # version: 2.1 jobs: build: docker: - image: circleci/node:14.6 working_directory: ~/repo steps: - checkout # Download and cache dependencies - restore_cache: keys: - v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }} # fallback to using the latest cache if no exact match is found - v1-dependencies- - run: npm install - save_cache: paths: - node_modules key: v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }} - run: npm run lint - run: npm test ``` Update circleci/node Docker tag to v14.7
```yaml # JavaScript Node CircleCI 2.0 configuration file # # Check for more details # version: 2.1 jobs: build: docker: - image: circleci/node:14.7 working_directory: ~/repo steps: - checkout # Download and cache dependencies - restore_cache: keys: - v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }} # fallback to using the latest cache if no exact match is found - v1-dependencies- - run: npm install - save_cache: paths: - node_modules key: v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }} - run: npm run lint - run: npm test ```
{ "language": "YAML" }
```yaml name: angular_analyzer_plugin version: 0.0.17+5 description: Dart analyzer plugin for Angular 2+ authors: - Konstantin Scheglov <[email protected]> - Mike Fairhurst <[email protected]> - Max Kim <[email protected]> homepage: environment: sdk: ">=2.1.0-dev.5.0 <3.0.0" dependencies: analyzer: '0.34.2' plugin: '^0.2.0' analyzer_plugin: '0.0.1-alpha.6' angular_ast: '^0.5.8' meta: ^1.0.2 yaml: ^2.1.2 crypto: '>=1.1.1 <3.0.0' dev_dependencies: test_reflective_loader: '^0.1.0' test: '^1.2.0' mockito: '^3.0.0' # === vvv REMOVE WHEN PUBLISHING vvv === dependency_overrides: angular_ast: path: ../angular_ast # === ^^^ REMOVE WHEN PUBLISHING ^^^ === ``` Update analyzer dependency to ^0.35.0 to match other angular_* packages.
```yaml name: angular_analyzer_plugin version: 0.0.17+5 description: Dart analyzer plugin for Angular 2+ authors: - Konstantin Scheglov <[email protected]> - Mike Fairhurst <[email protected]> - Max Kim <[email protected]> homepage: environment: sdk: ">=2.1.0-dev.5.0 <3.0.0" dependencies: analyzer: ^0.35.0 plugin: '^0.2.0' analyzer_plugin: '0.0.1-alpha.6' angular_ast: '^0.5.8' meta: ^1.0.2 yaml: ^2.1.2 crypto: '>=1.1.1 <3.0.0' dev_dependencies: test_reflective_loader: '^0.1.0' test: '^1.2.0' mockito: '^3.0.0' # === vvv REMOVE WHEN PUBLISHING vvv === dependency_overrides: angular_ast: path: ../angular_ast # === ^^^ REMOVE WHEN PUBLISHING ^^^ === ```