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tarotharo | I've noticed a pattern where whenever i have a task to do which i set my mind to, after i complete said task my brain cuts off all motivation and it's like for the next few hours or even the rest of the entire day i can't find myself the energy to do anything else.
For example, say i have an appointment at 12pm, get home by 1pm and for the next 4 hours i'm so drained that i barely leave my bed unless i force myself to. This especially happens if i come home from a social gathering, maybe it has something to do with stimulant medication but i always remember being this way. | 2021-12-22T05:56:16.000Z | rlyg6b | 3 | 3 | ADHD | Extreme exhaustion after completing important tasks / productivity cut-off? | 0.81 | |
Jacobmb_Music | [removed] | 2021-12-22T05:52:05.000Z | rlydkk | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Trying To Fit In - Is It ADHD Rejection Sensitivity Or A Deeper Unrelated Issue? | 1 | |
Weekly_Comfort_5739 | [removed] | 2021-12-22T05:49:58.000Z | rlyc9s | 1 | 1 | ADHD | I’m bad with stimulants | 1 | |
botrocket | [removed] | 2021-12-22T05:49:56.000Z | rlyc94 | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Strattera and weird brain feelings? | 1 | |
Quirky_Creature | Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. My husband (25M) and I (24F) both have ADHD combined type. Recently my husband has been going through the process of changing medication, and it has flipped his life upside down. I've never seen him struggle so much. He has been feeling depressed, his self-esteem is in the toilet, he struggles with motivation, focus, brain fog, initiating tasks, and memory. He works from home as a videographer and editor for a video production company he and his dad started together. He gets paid by his dad an hourly rate. He uses a time clock app on his phone to track his hours and make note of how much time he spends on different projects. He has been struggling to work in general since changing his medication, but when he does work he forgets to track his hours. Because he has been struggling to work, he hasn't been keeping a consistent work schedule. So his hours are completely unpredictable. One day he may work from 9am-5pm, the next he could work 5pm-10pm, the next 12pm-3pm, the next not at all. Not tracking his hours makes it impossible to know how much pay he is owed. Today I asked him how many hours he had on the check he's supposed to get Friday, and when he checked the app he saw he had only remembered to clock in for a total of 20 hours over the course of 2 weeks. While I know he didn't work the full 80 hours this pay period, since he works from home and I'm home most of the time , I KNOW he has worked more than 20. We went over the hours he did clock in for, and he has several days where he didn't clock in at all but I specifically remember him working. And then his self-esteem has taken such a hit, even if he remembers to clock in, sometimes he will decide not to count the hours and delete them if he feels like it took him too long to do something or he thinks the work he did isn't good enough. Because he feels guilty getting paid for it. It breaks my heart to watch him go through this. And quite frankly, we literally can't financially afford for things to continue this way. Does anyone have suggestions for helping him remember to track his hours? Any suggestions for coping with his symptoms while he gets his meds figured out? Any ideas of what I can do as his wife to support and help him? I've been struggling with my own mental health lately (I have ADHD co-morbid with bipolar 1, anxiety, and PTSD), so I'd especially appreciate ideas of how I can be helpful without over-taxing myself. I struggle with boundaries and doing too much for others, so in the past when he has struggled, I've taken over all shared responsibilities and have handled anything I can for him (scheduling his appointments, making meals, refilling meds, helping him wake up and get ready, etc.), but I'm not in a place where I can take all that on right now, and I also think it's important for him to learn how to cope and take care of himself even when he's struggling. | 2021-12-22T05:48:36.000Z | rlybis | 1 | 2 | ADHD | Seeking advice - I feel helpless and don't know what to do | 1 | |
[deleted] | [removed] | 2021-12-22T05:44:45.000Z | rly99r | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Forgot to go to work entirely | 1 | |
Pinto240 | [removed] | 2021-12-22T05:42:54.000Z | rly83m | 1 | 1 | ADHD | I can never remember like anything. Any help? | 1 | |
enviornmentalheart | I hate having to abide by things I’m “supposed to do” so whenever I start making lists or setting goals I get incredibly overwhelmed. It might be a fear of failure idk. I have a hard time setting concrete goals without it consuming my whole thought process. Like if I’m trying to lose weight or make lifestyle changes that are rigid and organized I do not have room in my brain to balance anything else. I’ve tried making lists but the idea that that expectation is there is incredibly stressful. I get incredibly overwhelmed with to do lists or things I have to get done. But I also get incredibly overwhelmed trying to remember everything. Idk how to balance or manage things without pushing myself or beating myself up or stressing myself out. So I just tend to not set goals and hope I remember to do the things overtime. In consequence I’m unemployed and out of school trying to build some kind of foundation but crumbling at any sight of set expectations. Like recently I’ve been eating better pretty mindlessly with no set goals really but the idea that I have to do that because if I don’t there will be consequences or I’ll fail makes me want to completely run from it.
I know it will be suggested so know I am working with a therapist as well | 2021-12-22T05:40:37.000Z | rly6oc | 4 | 4 | ADHD | Have a really hard time getting overwhelmed with any expectations or to do list | 0.84 | |
PermanentBrunch | [removed] | 2021-12-22T05:36:03.000Z | rly40u | 4 | 1 | ADHD | I’ve been taking Adderall IR for 8 days. Can I just stop taking it without issue? | 1 | |
Pinto240 | Ever since I was little, I was pretty self aware, and I knew that I had ADHD. So I told my mom, when I was about 4 or 5, that I thought I had ADHD, and she immediately shot it down, and it kind of felt like she shamed me, because she had brushed it off so quickly. Ever since then I've had a hard time trusting anyone who I know wouldn't lie to me. Also, ever since I was young, whenever I would yawn, or stretch, my brother (who also has ADHD) would jab me in the stomach, or other upper body part. Now, whenever I stretch my brain makes me brace myself. Also I can't fully yawn anymore, because my brain is expecting to be jabbed. Any help, or tips? I'm sorry for bugging you, if I wasted your time | 2021-12-22T05:35:38.000Z | rly3sa | 2 | 2 | ADHD | I have trust issues | 1 | |
cryptus-maximus | [removed] | 2021-12-22T05:30:19.000Z | rly0f5 | 1 | 1 | ADHD | My PCP cannot prescribe ADHD medicine | 1 | |
singapore-noodles | I (35 F with autism ) started dating a man ( 57 with ADD/ADHD ) a few months ago. We were friends at first and used to get along really well as friends. When we began dating something changed in him and he became really mean all the time and would say hurtful things to me. He tends to misinterpret me all the time and accuse me of things I didn’t do or say or think. Like he seems to always accuse me of having some kind of malicious intent toward him or secret agenda to hurt him or ruin his life or cause problems on purpose, I have no idea where he gets it from. His ego is off the chart and a lot for me to handle. He is aware I have autism and tend to view things literally. I feel that he’s inconsiderate about my autism which he’s known about since he met me. He hid from me that he had ADHD until after we were in a relationship and I can’t help but feel a bit like he was hiding his true colours before we started dating because he never used to be so angry and quick to temper like he is now, and he constantly puts me to the side and ignores me for other priorities when before, he used to actually like contacting me and talking to me and spending time with me. I told him I had depression and had been having dark thoughts lately and feel lonely in the relationship and I just found out the only family member I had left, passed away. He keeps arguing with me all the time and doesn’t know when to stop. Then he blames me for freaking out on him when I lost my patience. He says he takes a medicine called Foquest. He told me yesterday he would call me “soon” after ignoring my texts all day and hardly responding but was talking to people on his social media and to other people. He made me wait over an hour and didn’t even care I’d been waiting for him. He wants me to get on a plane and go meet him and I’d love to, but honestly I feel unsafe. He’s a lot bigger than me physically and he has paranoia and impulsively attacks me all the time for things he perceives wrongly. He says some pretty nasty things to me, which cause me to lose my cool and then he blames me. I told him I’d still like to come meet him so haven’t changed the flight booking or anything but I need a break from the stress and chaos and his temper. I told him this and said I’d contact him closer to the date we meet, and he said he might not be alive which scared me so I thought maybe I should send someone to check up on him and he told me it was a criminal offence , falsely accused me of threatening police on him and that I was doing that out of revenge. For what, I have no idea. I am just worried about him and he is coming off like incredibly unhinged, delusional and hostile. I need help. He always uses his ADHD as an excuse for his cruel behaviour on me and I am not coping well and it’s really damaging me. | 2021-12-22T05:28:17.000Z | rlxz4m | 283 | 345 | ADHD | I’m not coping well with my boyfriends ADHD | 0.94 | |
[deleted] | [deleted] | 2021-12-22T05:26:21.000Z | rlxy0t | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Soooo....menopause, eh? | 1 | |
[deleted] | [deleted] | 2021-12-22T05:21:47.000Z | rlxv87 | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Nothing is fun? | 1 | |
singapore-noodles | [removed] | 2021-12-22T05:19:21.000Z | rlxtoy | 2 | 0 | ADHD | Is it ADHD or is it abuse? | 0.5 | |
msanonymous000 | [removed] | 2021-12-22T05:18:10.000Z | rlxszi | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Share with me the times a doctor has not taken you seriously. | 1 | |
[deleted] | [removed] | 2021-12-22T05:06:55.000Z | rlxm55 | 1 | 1 | ADHD | I’ve been taking Adderall IR for 8 days. Can I just stop taking it? | 1 | |
Such_Feedback8122 | Hey so my friend is getting helped and is on the path of getting a diagnosis for ADHD. After researching ADHD, I've realized that I've had these symptoms for a few years. I talked to her about it and she basically said "Well like lowkey thats normal bruh" so now I'm kinda scared talking to a professional because I might be labeled as someone who just wants "clout" and "attention". I just want answers on why I'm always forgetful, tries to listen in class but basically forgets everything even after writing everything, severely unorganized, procrastinates a lot, and I cant stick to one hobby (easy gets bored of a hobby, after starting it for a month). My grades are very good at school too (idk if this matters). So yeah I'm basically scared of wanting to talk to someone because my friend kinda discouraged me to do so. | 2021-12-22T05:05:00.000Z | rlxkzx | 2 | 2 | ADHD | Advice/rant | 1 | |
[deleted] | [deleted] | 2021-12-22T05:04:28.000Z | rlxknf | 5 | 4 | ADHD | How to support adult siblings with severe ADHD. | 1 | |
grownfamiliar5612 | [removed] | 2021-12-22T05:02:29.000Z | rlxjbw | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Boredom/Anxiety = Arousal? | 1 | |
dFuZer_ | Hi. I (21 M) have been diagnosed with ADHD last year. After a missing a few appointments and been through all the preparations, I have been under treatment for 1 month now.
I am taking Ritalin, and Methylphenidate is the "main" molecule that is used in France to treat ADHD. However, I'm very disappointed to see that I am not responding to the treatment at all and starting to lose hope, as it doesn't seem to me that we have better alternatives here. Especially after reading about all those "treatment changed my life instantly" stuff online.
There are a few other methylphenidate-based drugs in France that are used, however I am unsure if it will really make a difference.
I'm really curious, how did your ADHD treatment feel for you?
And for those who have some knowledge about it, what do you think are now my odds of finding a treatment that works ?
(Note: please know that I won't take decisions based on the comments and will mostly follow my psychiatrist's advices) | 2021-12-22T04:59:32.000Z | rlxh6c | 2 | 1 | ADHD | How is ADHD treatment supposed to feel like? | 1 | |
DavidTej | [removed] | 2021-12-22T04:54:25.000Z | rlxe5y | 32 | 71 | ADHD | Is it just me or is this every ADHD success story? | 0.98 | |
Martian_Snerl | I’ve just recently started Vyvanse, I started on one 20mg capsule a day and quickly moved up to 3 x 20mg capsules a day adding up to 60mg. After tomorrow I’ll have run out of the 20mg and will start taking one 60mg capsule daily. Does Vyvanse metabolise differently depending on this or will it have the same effect?
Edit: I’ve been taking all three 20mg at once, never split the dose. | 2021-12-22T04:53:38.000Z | rlxdo4 | 4 | 3 | ADHD | Does Vyvanse have a different effect depending on capsule dosages? | 1 | |
yellowcanvas | I have an appointment in February for an evaluation. I've already talked to the psychiatrist about my history. This appointment is 3 hours of testing which seems very short for what I've been told to expect and from what I've read online. Does anyone have any insight?
As a side note, I'm a little scared about not testing positive because then there's nothing to explain all the idiosyncrasies and "problems" that I've been experiencing. | 2021-12-22T04:47:21.000Z | rlx9rc | 2 | 2 | ADHD | How were you diagnosed? | 1 | |
BadGuyBadGuy | [removed] | 2021-12-22T04:28:00.000Z | rlwxhc | 156 | 120 | ADHD | Can you dance? I'm curious if I just have no rhythm, or if ADHD is a factor. | 0.9 | |
sailor_cas | So this is and isn’t a vent post. When I do this I say to myself “Really Cassandra?” but I have to ask everyone here. Has anyone ever “lost” something, couldn’t find it for days/weeks/months and one day it magically appears and was in plain sight? This literally just happened to me because my name tag for work “went missing” for a few days so I had to wear a crappy one from customer service (I work in a grocery store) and I was getting ready to go to bed and I see it laying on my bed, in plain sight. | 2021-12-22T04:14:21.000Z | rlwp0t | 8 | 5 | ADHD | I hate having ADHD | 0.86 | |
ihatenikolas | [removed] | 2021-12-22T04:07:10.000Z | rlwkge | 1 | 1 | ADHD | you ever just forget to breathe when working? | 1 | |
hellurrfromhere | In the last few days I’ve:
tripped on clothes, jammed & cracked my toe on a dog bone, bruised the top of my foot on the corner of my cupboard just while cleaning (half) of my apartment, smashed a baby gate into BOTH my knee and my shin (on separate legs) and have two giant bruises. Jammed my finger ON my niece, hit my head with my sun visor in my car, tripped not once- but three times over my own feet TODAY, and hit myself in the head with a controller taking off headphones.
I’m sure there’s more.
(I’ve also broken around 12 bones, possibly 13)
How about you guys? | 2021-12-22T04:05:31.000Z | rlwjeo | 3 | 3 | ADHD | Just a little lol | 1 | |
notanewbiedude | Whenever my parents come down on me for my ADHD symptoms, and I mention that they're ADHD symptoms and maybe it'd be good for me to like get treated for them, they just say I need to try harder. I've just given up on trying to explain this to them at this point, they refuse to listen to me.
Telling someone with ADHD or "try harder" is like telling a grieving son to "just be happy". Like, we can't! That's not how it works. I've been deciding coping mechanisms year upon year and they're not working well enough. It's intensely frustrating.
Sorry for the weird rant post it just needed to vent I guess. | 2021-12-22T04:02:03.000Z | rlwh2l | 311 | 1,578 | ADHD | Why don't neurotypicals understand that telling someone with ADHD to "try harder" is like telling a grieving person at a funeral to "just be happy"? | 0.98 | |
izzzy427 | It really sucks being broke during the holidays. I bought all my Christmas gifts. Paid all my bills. And now I don’t have money to see the doctor. Could I get the fees waived? Or better off switching doctors?
The receptionist was a major BITCH. I made my appointment last week. She calls me up saying my insurance expired and I need my new insurance info or else I have to pay $108. I’m like okay, so then I waited on hold for 3-4 hours on the phone. Cigna fucked up my shit and only had my group number.
She said I have been late 7 times but she’s capping for sure. Been seeing them for 4 years | 2021-12-22T03:59:57.000Z | rlwfgt | 27 | 34 | ADHD | My doctor office receptionist won’t let me see my doctor for a refill for adhd medicine unless I pay $75 for late fees and another $78 for the office visit. I guess I will be unmedicated cause I can only afford $80 for the doctor. | 0.9 | |
YBmoonchild | [removed] | 2021-12-22T03:58:22.000Z | rlwegg | 0 | 1 | ADHD | My doctor made me take a urine test when I went to get my script refilled. Anyone else had this happen? | 1 | |
lovely-1591 | Ok so i started on 10 mg xr a week and a half ago.. the first couple days it was fine i didn’t feel much of a difference but about 5 days in i felt the constant need to yawn all day long. i usually would have that happen when i would get panic attacks and my chest would hurt but i didn’t necessarily feel like i had anxiety. i just brushed it off and figured it would go away. well now 5 days later im still feeling the urge to yawn or take a deep breath and my chest hurts… had an x-ray done of my chest and had my vitals taken everything looked fine. So i’m wondering is it just really bad anxiety i’m having or is something bigger going on… it’s freaking me out a little. Oh and i didn’t take a dose today to see if that would helped. seems to be the same though | 2021-12-22T03:51:51.000Z | rlwa9a | 12 | 1 | ADHD | Started Adderall a week and a half ago, and i feel i’m having so much anxiety it’s making my chest hurt.. | 1 | |
JelloJaded | [removed] | 2021-12-22T03:50:12.000Z | rlw955 | 1 | 1 | ADHD | 🧼SHOWERING | 1 | |
carrissa12 | [removed] | 2021-12-22T03:50:09.000Z | rlw93t | 1 | 1 | ADHD | What’s it like having ADHD while in prison? | 1 | |
k3v1n | It's my understanding that the D- isomer is considered to be stronger so shouldn't these at least both be the same number and if not shouldn't the Dexedrine number be a lower mg? What am I missing? I was comparing the non-XR versions but also when comparing non extended Dexedrine to Adderall XR it says that 10mg Dexedrine is equal to 10mg Adderall XR. That doesn't sound right to me either.
Also, is this calculator calculating based on max peak concentration or total accumulated medicated coverage over the whole span in your system? | 2021-12-22T03:47:54.000Z | rlw7ok | 1 | 2 | ADHD | ADHDMedCalc says 10mg Dexedrine is equivalent to 5mg Adderall. How? | 1 | |
[deleted] | [removed] | 2021-12-22T03:46:40.000Z | rlw6wp | 1 | 1 | ADHD | It is NOT possible to stop binge eating with ADHD | 1 | |
tyl3z | 5 days ago, I stopped taking my 100mg sustained release caffeine and started my 54mg concerta again after a 3 week hiatus. I swapped out for taking a regular caffeine pill 100mg about 10 hours after I took my meds. This has been a great combination until today. I had bad bad anxiety all day since about 6 hours after taking my med. I can't figure out why; all of a sudden, I have anxiety. Aren't the side effects supposed to lessen over time? I never drank any water all day, but I wouldn't think that would cause this to my extent. I stopped my concerta 3 weeks ago thinking it was because of my caffeine, so I changed the timing for it to not interact. Today, I am at a loss again. I'm thinking it has to be one of 3 things. Too strong of a dose, lack of food and / or water in my system, or caffeine withdrawal. I'm going to try and half my caffeine pill tomorrow and take half with my concerta and half when it wears off and make sure to remember to drink water. It will be months before I see my psych again and don't want to go that long unmedicated again as I like the controlled symptoms it provides. The only downside is this anxiety.
Any ideas, what could have brought on this anxiety today? Nothing has changed in the last 5 days besides not having much water today. I was at Walmart and was just so overwhelmed and on my phone, trying to find out why I was so anxious. I'm still kind of anxious now, even with the meds out of my system. It's been 15 hours since taking it now. | 2021-12-22T03:46:36.000Z | rlw6uy | 1 | 1 | ADHD | I had bad anxiety today and can't figure it out. I've been back on my concerta 54mg for the last 5 days | 1 | |
the_one-and_only-nan | Everybody here knows that feeling when you find your next subject of hyperfixation. The new book series you read in a couple days, the new video game that you *can't* stop playing. The new hobby you pick up and spend hours reading about or studying. The new tool or plaything you get that you can't put down. The new this, the new that, yadda yadda
I rarely have anything last me more than maybe a few days. I really wish I were able to experience old games and hobbies for the first time again. I've found myself throughout this pandemic playing old games and looking at things I used to adore, just trying to get that feeling back. It's depressing being stuck at home all the time with nothing new to enjoy.
I miss the days when I was obsessed with WW2 Naval technology, with 3D modeling, with Terraria, with rubix cubes, with taking apart and putting back together small electronics, with reading dystopian books, with Dark Souls, with meeting people online through racing games. I want to feel some new obsession again.
I'm 18, a freshman in college and working 30+ hours a week. I've hardly any time for myself, let alone discovery of new hobbies. I've got great friends but I always find myself in the same loop with them, of hanging out for a few hours and wanting to go home, only to go home and miss my friends. My life is by no means meaningless and I'm not unhappy, just... bored
I know I'm not alone here and just venting but I know you guys understand me better than most others and you should know you're not alone either | 2021-12-22T03:44:48.000Z | rlw5os | 3 | 2 | ADHD | I wanna be able to experience things for the first time over and over again | 1 | |
katastrophe_7719 | This has always been a struggle for me, but I feel like now it’s the worst it’s ever been. I know I have a responsibility, I know there’s consequences if I don’t do it, but at the end of the day I just feel so burnt out that the only thing I wanna do after I get home is sleep, especially on the days I have cheer practice (which is 3 hrs 2x a week) or game days where I may not be home until 10:30. Is there any way to get around this? Or do I just need more caffeine? | 2021-12-22T03:42:36.000Z | rlw47k | 1 | 1 | ADHD | How do you find the energy to get all of your homework done? | 1 | |
illestdev | Healthy eating, excercising, studying Spanish, studying crypto, cleaning, keeping a planner.
These are the main habits I want to build, but I face a lot of anxiety when deciding how to go about doing so. Like what do I start with? How do I keep them all up? I don't work atm so I have the time to figure it out, but id love some input on where to start.
Thanks! | 2021-12-22T03:40:26.000Z | rlw2r1 | 6 | 10 | ADHD | Overwhelmed with habit building | 0.92 | |
samdotdoggo | [removed] | 2021-12-22T03:39:30.000Z | rlw23w | 1 | 1 | ADHD | I always have to have the last word | 1 | |
InfiniteInnocence | I searched for posts in here to see if anyone has had a similar experience, found a few, but didn't find any that really helped me.
For reference: I'm 26 years old, female, NYC resident, and on Medicaid
I was diagnosed with ADHD, combined type, earlier this year by my 1st psychiatrist after doing some tests with her and answering questions about grades in school, my social life, how I do at work, etc. I did have concerns about starting Adderall because I know it can be abused, but I've never experienced the desire to over-use medication since being on it. I also tried a non-stimulant before trying Adderall, which didn't work out well, but my mental and even emotional well-being skyrocketed over the next 6-7 months of being on Adderall IR 10mg twice a day (with taking breaks a few days at a time as instructed).
Anyways, that psychiatrist left the practice, I had been off medication from Dec 4th-17th due to lack of availability of psychiatrists and then the new one who didn't want to refill my medication. The new one assigned to me told me I don't have ADHD since I wasn't diagnosed as a kid (my heath was neglected as a kid, i.e. no dentist, mental health docs, yearly check-ups, etc.) She tried convincing me that I have a "mood problem", despite stating that this is the happiest I've ever been, and that I felt I was finally emotionally/mentally stable on medication. She wanted to put me on Zoloft, Wellbutrin, AND Seroquel. I took Seroquel for a year off-label for insomnia, but it didn't work for me and I had to beg to get off of it. Wellbutrin was prescribed to me for ADHD, but a few days into it, I realized I'd been staring at my wall for 2 hours completely zoned out and my mind was constantly blank, so I got off that one as well. I told her that I don't want to be put on several medications for conditions that I don't have and her response was "well, I guess you don't need to be on Adderall then". I told her everything that Adderall has helped me with, including executive dysfunction and then elaborated. Her response was "Adderall doesn't help with any of that." I was upset and kept trying to defend myself and all of the tests/assessments I've had to do in order to get diagnosed. I've spent hundreds of dollars on books (mostly self-help books) because Adderall finally allowed me to be able to read and retain information again. I started pursuing a career in tech because I could finally focus on studying.
I felt so hurt and crushed to have someone tell me that they don't believe me about my mental health and my experiences with medication. I made my therapist aware of this on the 18th during our therapy session (she's a part of the same clinic) and she seemed frustrated that my medication was not refilled, as she sent in a refill request on my behalf a couple weeks prior. I called my regular pharmacist who knows me well after my therapy session, and she said "No, we haven't received anything. The last time you came in was November. You haven't had your medication since then??" She gave me an emergency 5-day supply, but it was a little late in the day (1:30pm), so I only took one dose. It was like night and day. The difference in my brain function actually really blew my mind and surprised me. It felt like I was a thousand pounds lighter, I was able to go through the 300 tabs on my computer I racked up from not being able to read and get rid of them all, I went to the grocery store to get food (I struggled remembering to eat while unmedicated and I love cooking), I washed my hair for the first time in a week and a half (I usually do this every 3 days), I brushed my teeth, did laundry, I felt like I could finally take care of myself again. I also experience daytime sleepiness, and sometimes fell asleep on the subway, while watching movies with friends, etc before I started Adderall. Not to mention the whole time I was unmedicated, I was having severe communication issues as I get anxiety about stumbling over my words, saying the wrong things, etc., but my anxiety is nonexistent on Adderall. I called my dad for the first time in 3 weeks that day (we usually talk once a week over the phone) and told him about the situation. He also has all of the same struggles as me and he told me to get away from that psychiatrist. My dad is somewhat anti-medication from his past experiences of Wellbutrin and other meds he was put on years ago, but respects me when I say something helps and supports my decisions. I also found out that he had the same exact experience with Wellbutrin that I did, before I even told him what mine was like.
My mind feels calm again. I feel happy. My emotional state is back to and I feel happy to be able to function like a normal person again. So now I feel lost about what I'm supposed to do, I don't know what to do about finding someone to refill my medication when this emergency supply runs out. My therapist told me that I probably won't be able to switch my psychiatrist again for some reason that I don't remember. Any advice would very much be appreciated! Thank you! | 2021-12-22T03:37:13.000Z | rlw0lj | 3 | 3 | ADHD | My new psychiatrist refused to refill Adderall RX, told me I don't have ADHD because I wasn't diagnosed as a kid and that Adderall doesn't help with executive dysfunction | 1 | |
Able-Cryptographer35 | [removed] | 2021-12-22T03:36:40.000Z | rlw08k | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Is it to late to start ADHD medication? | 1 | |
AstroZambie6 | Hey! So I (F25) have ADHD and I’m medicated, just for a disclaimer. So I’m not sure if this is this is because of my ADHD, or a normal part of grief. I also have depression and anxiety.
My dog passed away exactly a month ago today. He was 15 and in his last two weeks, we knew we were spending our last weeks with him. I basically started grieving him for the entire two weeks before he passed.
I loved him so so so much, and he was basically like another limb for me. I had him for more than half of my life, and I couldn’t even imagine life without him.
His death was extremely traumatising. We had a vet come to our house and had him put down on our couch, with me and mum snuggling him and patting him during his last moments. My face was completely in his face and I watched the life drain from his eyes.
I’ve never handled the idea of death well. I’ve always feared it for myself and my loved ones, but I always believed in the afterlife and was quite spiritual. The only other time I’ve experienced death was when my grandmother died and I saw her in an open casket. I was only 8 years old during this, and I’m pretty sure I’ve repressed that whole situation because it’s as though that never happened.
The event of him being put down didn’t feel at all spiritual or peaceful. It felt evil, wrong and FINAL. I no longer believe in the afterlife, and to me I just can’t imagine anything after. His death felt so final, and I felt absolutely no presence afterwards like I thought I would have. It’s all so strange.
Now, to the point of this post.
During the first two days after his passing, I was absolutely broken. I couldn’t stop crying, I couldn’t stop thinking about him, I couldn’t stop thinking about his last moments and his gruesome shell of a face. I didn’t leave my bed for two days, and I felt like life could never feel okay again.
On the third day, I basically felt fine? I broke down a few times, but I easily distracted myself. Since then, I haven’t thought about it much at all. I have had break downs a few times, but they’ve happened during times where I haven’t been able to distract myself.
The worst place is at the cinema. I’ve been three times since, and I’ve been flooded with memories and had breakdowns all three times. I don’t know if it’s because it’s dark, I don’t have access to my phone for distractions/dopamine hits and I can’t really escape from the theatre. I’m not sure.
Now I find it hard to even THINK about him. Even when he was well. I’ll try to think about him, and it’s like my brain says “NOPE” and makes me think about something else. I find it even harder to think about his passing. Not because it hurts, but because it’s like my brain just doesn’t want to think about it. It’s like straining to even imagine that he was ever begging for food, or laying next to me in bed, or doing zoomies after his bath.
Is this memory repression? Could it be PTSD? Is it my ADHD keeping me super distracted?
What do you think? | 2021-12-22T03:33:40.000Z | rlvy84 | 1 | 2 | ADHD | ADHD, grief and memory repression? | 1 | |
standestroying | [removed] | 2021-12-22T03:33:31.000Z | rlvy45 | 1 | 1 | ADHD | what is your holiday season food hyper fixation | 1 | |
ellie--mae | Hi guys! I’m trying to get on meds. I’ve been in the process of trying to get testing for about a year. Right before my appointment with the psych for testing, I was diagnosed with depression so I started taking meds for that back in March. Tests were cancelled because of the meds I was taking. They thought my adhd could just be depression, but I know it’s not. I am wondering if anyone has similar experiences? Thanks :) | 2021-12-22T03:30:32.000Z | rlvw17 | 1 | 2 | ADHD | Need support | 1 | |
Idontwanttousethis | [removed] | 2021-12-22T03:29:30.000Z | rlvvai | 1 | 1 | ADHD | So some people can just... stop thinking? or aren't thinking 100% of the time? | 1 | |
[deleted] | [deleted] | 2021-12-22T03:27:43.000Z | rlvu6u | 1 | 3 | ADHD | I see a psychologists tomorrow | 1 | |
xyxif | I just got my neuropsychological testing results back, and based on the interpretation of the neuropsy, I suffer from anxiety and low self esteem, and she recommended intense exercise along with meditation and therapy - which I was going to start anyway, for the millionth time. Oh and I'm also naturally unmotivated and it is what it is, I just need to make sure to not get depressed. Also to use timers.
I scored above average on most of the tests, except for working memory, where I got way below average. The anxiety sucks away all the energy it takes to focus and remember things, so once I take care of that, the memory will come back. I also tanked on the impulsivity test, but she wrote it off as an anomaly. I am not really impulsive, I think I was just trigger happy with the keyboard.
Now, this all began about 5 years ago when one psychologist suggested I might have ADHD-PI after a few sessions of talking about my anxiety. My doctor made me do a self-report questionnaire and ended up prescribing methylphenidate, then we settled on a low dose of Vyvanse, which helped me make it through my days. I never did get that "calmness" of mind that some people report from stimulants - just a nice stable boost.
I'm still not convinced though. In any case, exercise, meditation, and therapy can only help. | 2021-12-22T03:24:58.000Z | rlvscd | 29 | 40 | ADHD | Turns out I don't have ADHD. Got my neuropsychological results. | 0.98 | |
throwawayRA_7482 | Hey everyone, I just wanted to ask for tips for my appointment tmr, I’m really nervous. I was told to bring report cards and a family member along, but I won’t be able to bring someone else with me as they’re not too supportive with regards to mental health. What should I do to ensure the appointment goes as smoothly as possible and for the diagnosis to be accurate at the same time? thank you! | 2021-12-22T03:16:05.000Z | rlvm61 | 4 | 2 | ADHD | how should I prepare for my diagnosis appointment? | 1 | |
statusconference | I work in an open office. Most days I can put up with the relatively mild level of noise. Most of the time the radio is at a soft enough level to not be irritating or interrupting.
Some days the radio, the sound of people's furious typing, the loud ticking of the ancient analog clock on the desk across from mine is enough to drive me insane.
Monday past I was tired and in pain from stomach issues, and a second radio had been turned on in the office. Where my desk is was the intersection of the two radio sounds. I tried wearing headphones but unless I blasted the sound it didn't overcome the irritation/distraction of having two radios going at once.
Was it fair for me to ask them to turn the radios down, just a bit? Both of those colleagues got real shitty about it. I don't understand that because I don't like to inflict my taste in music on anyone, let alone 5 days a week in the office. Even if I did I would have no issues if someone asked me to turn it down.
I think the problem is I have excellent hearing and auditory processing issues from ADHD. I can hear everything that goes on in the office at all times.
Got any ideas for solutions? Anyone have any suggestions for wireless earbuds with great noise cancelling effects? | 2021-12-22T03:15:01.000Z | rlvlec | 13 | 10 | ADHD | Open Office frustrations | 1 | |
iDidntThinkiWasGonna | I was told to take 10mg Strattera before bed. Every night I do this, I wake up about once every hour and my quality of sleep is terrible. This has been going on for 3 days in a row and my brain was on autopilot all day today. I do not know how I managed to go to work today.
I haven't gotten enough sleep in 3 nights. I can't focus on anything at work and they're gonna think there's something wrong with me. Should I take it again tonight? I wanna give Strattera a chance but I don't know if I can go through another work day with my brain being useless.
I think I'm gonna take the Strattera again tonight but I'll try to get 10 hours of sleep and I'll take some melatonin as well. So far I fucking hate this drug | 2021-12-22T03:14:55.000Z | rlvlbc | 5 | 2 | ADHD | Day 3 on Strattera. I am horribly sleep deprived | 1 | |
udo119 | [removed] | 2021-12-22T03:11:34.000Z | rlviw2 | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Apple Watch has changed my ADHD life | 1 | |
hanhanjackiechan | [removed] | 2021-12-22T03:09:02.000Z | rlvh5u | 1 | 1 | ADHD | I went to a store, and they had artificial Christmas trees for $20. Naturally I bought 5. | 1 | |
backupburner85 | I (29/M) don't mean to stigmatize with my title but I'm just venting...having a tough time as of late. Ive struggled with depression and anxiety for most of my adult life. Started really going to therapy a few months ago and it's been helpful to an extent. It made me realize that talk therapy isn't going to fix everything that's wrong with me, but it's helping me identify the target areas that I need to address.
My biggest issue is that I feel like most of my relationships have completely deteriorated because I'm unable to truly connect. I'm distant and feel like I have surface level relationships with everyone. The one that hurts the most is that I have never been in true love before and it sucks seeing friends getting married and having kids now. This pushed me to digger deeper to find out why I'm this broken at the moment.
I'm an only child, dad beat my mother a lot, and with therapy I realize this had an effect on me growing up (don't trust, don't talk, don't feel) and my current personality (closed off). I'm introverted/INTP, but was very social throughout high school and college. I had a pretty good amount of friends but since graduation, that list of been dwindling by the year. I stopped reaching out to people because of anxiety, which levels me depressed. Or if we do hang, I end up feeling like I'm not good company.
Partially I lacked social skills and w*ed/alcohol play a role, but deep down I've always felt like I was a little bit off. Like not up to speed with everything and everyone else. I started looking into different personality disorders and I believe that I might have borderline personality disorder, some form of Asbergers, or mostly likely adult adhd...maybe all 3.
I mainly think I have undiagnosed adhd because I've always had trouble concentrating, brain fog, fidgety. I used to be hyperactive and happy as a kid but now my brain just races more now to the point that a lose focus during conversations sometimes. I can't seem to commit to any task to completion (jack of some trades, master of none) and my interests wain constantly.
Mood swings have increasingly become a burden to people was I close to, now we're distant. I just hate living like this but I'm trying my best and I'm hopeful I can turn this around so I can enjoy my 30s/future and not waste another decade like my 20s.
How can I get a proper diagnosis on what kind(s) of mental/personality disorder? Should I ask my psychologist (who is a Dr.) if they can perform a test? People that have ADHD (trouble with focus), have you been prescribed to Adderall and was it helpful? People that were diagnosed with adhd as adults - do you have any kind words or testimony about how you're doing on your journey? I'm kind of going through it right now and want to stay positive. Thank you all for reading!
TL;DR I suffer from anxiety and depression and believe I have had some cognitive issues my entire life that lead me to this point where I believe I have adult adhd (or wasn't diagnosed when I was younger). How can I confirm that I have this and what are the next steps? | 2021-12-22T03:08:00.000Z | rlvggr | 3 | 1 | ADHD | Feeling like shit. Realizing for the first time as an adult I probably have ADHD. How do I confirm this and is it too late to "get back on track"? | 1 | |
[deleted] | [deleted] | 2021-12-22T03:04:24.000Z | rlvdzf | 5 | 1 | ADHD | [Relationship Advice] Is my (30m) rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD) changing my perception of the relationship I have with my coworker (24f), who I have feelings for and I want to pursue, or am I reading the mixed signals correctly? | 1 | |
Schippers | Hello! I was diagnosed with adhd when I was in middle school. I took medication consistently but really didn't like how it made me feel. Over time, I started looking at it as more of a tool and used it more as needed, and appreciated it for what it was. Shortly after I graduated highschool, I kind of just stopped taking it all together, around the age of 18/19. For years I felt fine, sure I had trouble getting motivated among other things, but for i was able to be fairly "succesful" at a job i worked for around 5 years. Job ended up being sort of dead-end, so i quit like 6 months ago, but have been feeling like im back at square one in terms of a career. I am 27 now, and realize I don't want to go back to the type of work I was doing but also don't want to do anything related to the tradeschool I went to either. The last couple months have been really tough for me, with today being one of the worst burnouts I've had. Has anyone else ever stopped taking medication and went back on? I really just don't understand why I felt I didn't need it all these years, only to realize it might be the best thing for me now. Any insight would be amazing, thank you!
TLDR - felt fine for about 8 years off meds only to realize I think I should go back on them. Have any of you ever tricked yourself into rejecting or feeling as though medication wasn't helpful? | 2021-12-22T03:00:07.000Z | rlvars | 6 | 2 | ADHD | Hiatus of meds, now wanting to go back, why?? | 1 | |
bluebunny20 | I’ve been diagnosed with adhd for quite some time and just started seeing a therapist for unrelated issues. I mentioned I have ADHD and I was talking about some other issues I have and she wants me to get tested for epilepsy because she thinks it could be the thing causing me to be so inattentive, forgetful, absent-minded.
I just thought this was interesting and wanted to share somewhere.
Anyone here have epilepsy? | 2021-12-22T02:55:26.000Z | rlv7k1 | 3 | 1 | ADHD | Therapist thinks my ADHD is actually epilepsy | 1 | |
BrandenEv | After nearly 3 years of dealing with what I thought was severe anxiety, I finally decided to speak with someone other than my PCP, who determined pretty quickly I have ADHD (in his opinion). He had me reach out to my family to see if I was diagnosed as a child and sure enough, I had been, but my parents don't believe in mental ailments so I was never treated until now.
I've been on a low dose of adderall for the past 2.5 weeks and the difference is so completely night and day. I wish I would have known before flunking out of college, hopping from dead-end job to dead-end job and the loss of numerous relationships.
Sadly, I recently had to move from Michigan to Tennessee shortly after my diagnosis. I'm worried I will have to go through this whole process again to get medication that I clearly need, especially in a bible-thumping area where I had to move. I feel like for the first time in a long time I'm actually able to be the person I've wanted to be and I'm worried that if I'm not able to get my medication, I'm going to fall back into an even worse slump than before.
Should I be worried about dealing with a new doctor, who might not agree with my diagnosis or refuse to let me continue my medication? | 2021-12-22T02:52:01.000Z | rlv56k | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Recently started medication but ended up moving abruptly. Should I be worried about a new doctor? | 1 | |
Leaky_Umbrella | Me and boyfriend were going to leave my car at my aunt’s place while we’re out of state for ten days, so we won’t have to move it during a snow emergency (yay Minnesota winter!)
Aunt remembers to ask for our car key at the last minute, in case she needs to move the car. Boyfriend hands over his keyring, assuming I have my own keys like a normal human would.
We Uber home - $25 and half an hour later we realize I do not, in fact, have my keys. Cue me calling my aunt in a panic, explaining how to get to our neighborhood, and then us walking half a mile to the nearest cafe so we’re not standing outside in -10 degree windchill.
Lesson learned: my keys are now attached to my body the second I leave the apartment. | 2021-12-22T02:50:06.000Z | rlv3vb | 3 | 8 | ADHD | I am the dumbest human | 1 | |
Aggravating-Truth114 | hi! hope all are well. this is my first post to this sub but i’ve read through the feed a few times before. i know no one can diagnose me but a doctor, but i just wanted to talk to someone about this. well to start last year i was diagnosed with bipolar 2 with psychosis after a month long manic episode and detachment from reality. i only mention this because i read that bipolar disorder often coincides with adhd/add. i’ve since become medicated with 5mg of abilify once a day and i’d like to say i’m stable. i know symptoms of a manic episode include impulsivity but even when i’m not manic i am impulsive. i have a lot of tattoos that i got on a whim because i think of it and i “need” it that instant so i get it. i also get fixated on hobbies or things to do and get lost in them and then get uninterested fairly quickly. for instance, i impulsively bought an electric guitar and played it everyday for 2 weeks and then dropped it for piano and haven’t touched it since. i e since stopped playing piano because it’s hard for me to sit at it for long periods of time. today i was signing up for a new healthcare provider and when i learned my doctors name, it’s all i could think in my head for the rest of the day. i just kept repeating the doctors name in my head. i tried to think of other things and do my work but every once in a while my mind went back to her name. this happens a lot with new words i learn or peoples names i read somewhere. i learned the word “capsaicin” last year and it pops in my head quite a lot. i used to work at a grocery store and dissociated heavily everyday because the job was just so repetitive and monotonous. now i work in construction and i don’t do it as often because i need to stay safe on the site so i’m more focused. in conversations with people i drift off into my own world and occupy my mind with other things than the conversation itself. my mind feels scrambled with all these different thoughts at once and the only time i can feel like what i assume “normal” to feel like when i’m listening to music with headphones or doing breathing exercises/meditation. i have a meeting with my doctor in the morning to discuss this. i’m not sure what i’m looking for with this post, i just wanted to put it out there i guess. if you read this or reply, thanks | 2021-12-22T02:34:06.000Z | rlut4m | 1 | 2 | ADHD | undiagnosed adhd? | 1 | |
throwowayadhdl | Hi, I am 23 and I have a feeling I have ADHD. I struggle with organization and doing basic tasks. I am at a point where at my job my boss and coworkers are starting to lose patience with me and my parents think I am a failure because I can barely hold a job down or clean my room.
My job doesn’t have insurance and I don’t make that much, I can’t afford the 200 dollar appointments and my parents won’t help because they said I was just lazy. I just don’t know what to do. I have never struggled with depression but lately I have been feeling I can’t live like this anymore and thinking about just disappearing. I don’t know I think I need help. Sorry for the rant. | 2021-12-22T02:30:32.000Z | rluqph | 1 | 1 | ADHD | How do I even get diagnosed ? Feeling so lost. | 1 | |
No-Signature2586 | [removed] | 2021-12-22T02:26:56.000Z | rluo8g | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Bad day - ADHD Dad to ADHD college kid | 1 | |
khajiithassweetroll | [removed] | 2021-12-22T02:21:07.000Z | rlukei | 1 | 1 | ADHD | How do I stop aimlessly browsing my venmo feed? | 1 | |
[deleted] | [removed] | 2021-12-22T02:19:18.000Z | rluj7f | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Tick, tick, tick, tock | 1 | |
ixkitcat | [removed] | 2021-12-22T02:18:18.000Z | rluijg | 0 | 1 | ADHD | How do you guys get over friends offhandedly saying that someone prescribed Adderall is "addicted" or "cheating"? | 1 | |
CynAlone | That is what I heard from the doctor after she tested me by the MMPI2 exam.
I'm 52 years old and I have had symptoms my entire life, but that doesn't seem to matter with the diagnosis. The MMPI 2 diagnosis looks more for psychological cause for the behavior. The Dr kept saying that my anxiety/stress could cause my symptoms of zero focus vs extreme focus, constantly need to keep my hands busy, can't follow directions. I do also have stress and anxiety. Have any had similar experience? | 2021-12-22T02:16:56.000Z | rluhle | 3 | 8 | ADHD | It's Either ADHD or Stress/Anxiety | 1 | |
ThatGirlChaCha | My sister has a cat and she spends most weekends with her boyfriend, so it’s up to me to watch him when she is away. He is particularly food aggressive, clawing at doors, chasing me to the bowl near meal times. I’ve dropped his food on multiple occasions from being tripped up by him. He’s not very affectionate either, so it’s kind of frustrating to feel like I’m nothing more than a food scooper. I try not to yell or stomp away and I know he’s just a cat with a personality not uncommon in his species, but it gets SO overwhelming. When things don’t go my way and I feel out of control, I tend to spiral pretty quickly. So when he’s bugging me 40 minutes before feedings and he nips to get my attention, or when he doesn’t want snuggles or pets (which is almost always), I get so anxious and angry. | 2021-12-22T02:13:00.000Z | rluev4 | 5 | 1 | ADHD | How do you manage feeling overwhelmed by your pet(s)? | 1 | |
msanonymous000 | Supposedly people say that people with adhd can’t focus on things they like and hyper focus on things they do like. Well I can’t do either :/
You know what I do? I spend hours daydreaming, having conversations alone, imagining that I’m talking to someone else. Like I’m in a movie or something. I want to practice piano but nope, I somehow prefer to live in my head throughout the whole day. | 2021-12-22T02:11:24.000Z | rluds3 | 1 | 1 | ADHD | I can’t focus on the things that I like to do either :/ | 1 | |
plantkittywitchbaby | Just crossed a item off my to-do list that had been there (and expanding) since March. It, in fact, did not take 5 mins like so many other ADHD impacted tasks. The 12 hours over the last 4 days to finish and send a single summary email was worth the pain. Now I won’t be carrying this item into the new year. Phew. | 2021-12-22T02:01:41.000Z | rlu6wy | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Task accomplished | 1 | |
plsjfjdk | I take Adderall XR and the generic brands tend to worsen my symptoms. I had my psychiatrist specify a manufacturer (Prasco) on the prescription and sent it to a pharmacy that has it in their catalogue, but it's.... On backorder....
I am thinking I may need to suck it up and pay for the name brand ($220/mo).
What gives? Has anyone gotten their insurance to cover name brand? Maybe I should just give up on Adderall XR, even though I know it works great for me...? | 2021-12-22T02:00:10.000Z | rlu5o8 | 5 | 2 | ADHD | Generic medication supply issues | 1 | |
writersfantasy | Howdy folks. I am a very recently diagnosed (at age 29 - this October) person. Psychiatrist put me straight onto Ritalin 10mg twice a day and it was magnificent. I was less socially anxious, able to focus, wrote a kick-ass application letter to a Masters Course I'd been eyeing off for months and finally got on top of my work-life balance, I was exercising regularly and the quality of my sleep improved dramatically.
Tolerance started building towards the end of the first month to the point where I was getting drowsy around midday before my second tablet, and self-titrating with caffeine which was kinda messing my sleep around. On top of that, my work schedule is constantly different (probably the only way I can actually do it), but that meant I was getting my second dose at odd times, so my doc recommended I try the extended release concerta.
That was two weeks ago. I'm now falling asleep in the afternoons, can't focus much in the mornings. I can't get out of bed, can't sleep at night, pretty much back to where I was before diagnosis. Obviously I'm going to get off the slow release once my doctor gets back from his holidays, but I'm just posting to see whether anyone else has an experience like this? I have a good friend with ADHD as well who gets the paradoxical effect from stimulants (too much makes him sleepy), but I can't find anything about ER meds having no effect.
I did wonder whether I was experiencing that paradoxical response from the ER, as apparently I should be at peak med concentration 7 hours after the tablet and at that time I'm usually lying on the floor trying to keep my eyes open enough to write e-mails, but if I have one of my dwindling supply of IR 10mg tablets at lunch, I'm *okay* for the afternoon, it gives me a weird tired-wired feeling and occasional tension headache but I'm functional.
I'm super glad to finally have a reason for why it is so hard for my brain to do things, and my dear girlfriend finally has a reason for why I *can not stop clicking my fingers*. Happy to be here! | 2021-12-22T02:00:07.000Z | rlu5mz | 3 | 1 | ADHD | Slow Release Concerta - No effect?! | 1 | |
CynAlone | [removed] | 2021-12-22T01:59:21.000Z | rlu51s | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Confusion with ADHD or stress diagnosis | 1 | |
plsjfjdk | [removed] | 2021-12-22T01:55:41.000Z | rlu2io | 1 | 1 | ADHD | So has anyone figured out a solution to medication being out of stock everywhere? | 1 | |
lunalovegoat | I did, not just 1, but 2 loads!
I completely ran out of clean clothes a few days ago, but that didn't stop me from continuing to put off doing it (after not doing any laundry for a few wks). I somehow got the motivation after forcing myself to do 1 load, to start a 2nd one.
Now hopefully they won't sit in the "clean" basket forever like they usually do lol. It's been so long since I've actually put my clothes away.
Either way, this is a victory in my book XD | 2021-12-22T01:54:32.000Z | rlu1oy | 7 | 72 | ADHD | I finally did my laundry! | 0.96 | |
[deleted] | [deleted] | 2021-12-22T01:51:17.000Z | rltzhu | 14 | 3 | ADHD | Can being semi-verbal be a result of adhd? | 1 | |
Birdpoopoo69 | Will taking ADHD meds help my memory mayb. I'm unable to focus enough . I wonder if that has to do with my memory.
I don't wanna become to reliant on meds and get addicted to it. I heard somewhere that ADHD meds can mess up ur brain.
I completely forget so many things. I wonder if it's due to trauma and stress or my lack of focus.
What are the ways meds changed this for u
What are the positive outcomes
Do you think ADHD is real or is it caused by our digital world.
Do you think taking meds is worth the risk of potentially getting reliant on it?
Has ur memory improved at all after taking meds
Do you regret starting meds?
What are the different ways you treated ur ADHD
Plsssssss and thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu | 2021-12-22T01:49:49.000Z | rltyir | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Do you think taking ADHD meds will help my memory more. I'm unable to focus enough most of the time. HAS ur memory improved at all after meds? | 1 | |
_luv-bug_ | Today we had a meeting with my school. I pretty much told them I needed out ASAP. We made a plan, I'll be taking a pretest, and then once I turn 16 I'll take the actual test to sign out of school and get a high school equivalent. If I pass the test I'm out. As of right now, I'm not enrolled in any classes and I'm prepping to take the pretest. If theres anything wrong, I can be sent to a program that will specifically help me pass this test. Once I'm done, I'm out and welcome to join a class in January of 2023 to walk down and graduate. I'm so happy, my guidance counselor is very nice and has helped me through every step. | 2021-12-22T01:49:27.000Z | rltya6 | 10 | 20 | ADHD | I may have just done the best thing for my mental health. | 0.92 | |
[deleted] | [deleted] | 2021-12-22T01:43:52.000Z | rltuhl | 2 | 1 | ADHD | Struggling with Running Late to Work | 1 | |
Sopwafel | I've been getting therapy for about 3 months now. And things have barely changed at all. I still have weekly ruts. I still get super stressed out and/or depressed regularly. I've made so many planners and tried all kinds of organization strategies, but I have maybe adhered to a planner for ONE DAY so far. I'll figure out something new that seems to work and a week later I realize I haven't used it in 4 days. I really have been taught a lot of the strategies (by my friend that has ADHD as well), like making your goals SMART, deconstructing into smaller goals, starting the day well, decluttering, tried out so much stuff, etc etc. But I'm still a fucking mess and super behind on my responsibilities. I still have a horrible self image because for every minute of CBT exercises I do, I spend 20-30 minutes over the day bashing myself. It all just... Doesn't seem to work :/. I don't feel like I'm better than when therapy started, and today was pretty bad again.
I have an appointment about medication with the psychiatrist in a month from now and I *really* hope that can change things. What are your experiences with this? Am I just waiting for an easy way out not having to do the hard work with meds? Or is it really that hard or close to impossible for a subset of ADHD-people to bring about change unmedicated, even with weekly therapy?
I'm asking my psychologist tomorrow too, but I'd like to hear your experiences with this | 2021-12-22T01:39:00.000Z | rltr4z | 3 | 3 | ADHD | Unmedicated therapy | 1 | |
Birdpoopoo69 | [removed] | 2021-12-22T01:37:38.000Z | rltq74 | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Do you think taking ADHD meds might improve my memory | 1 | |
-go2hellzm- | [removed] | 2021-12-22T01:32:31.000Z | rltmnf | 1 | 1 | ADHD | 1000 emails | 1 | |
PuzzlePeaceArt | I take 20mg dextroamphetamines, one pill a day, every morning. When I started, I had a bit of a fluttering heart and a headache, but nothing too strange/unmanageable, so I stuck with it.
It's now been about two years, and I've had zero problems while on my meds. I'm productive, my rampant appetite is now in order, my sleep schedule has improved...I'm just doing so great it's pretty much jarring.
Well, today I forgot to take my pill this morning, and I had the worst day ever. I had a horrible headache, I was sick to my stomach, and the mood swings...oh GOD. I was a crying, screeching mess. I took my pill a little while ago, and now I'm fine. But that was REALLY scary...I scared a lot of my family with my behavior.
Now, to be fair, I had difficulty handling my emotions before my meds. Like, I was really bad. But after being mellow for so long, this was a noticeable change. It was just really scary, and I don't know how to handle this revelation. this a sign that my dosage is too high? If my withdrawal is that intense after just one day of not taking it? Am I dependent on it? Is this a sign that something is wrong, or is this just a sign that I should be grateful to finally be medicated?
Has anyone else gone through something similar? If so, how did you deal with that revelation?
EDIT: Since someone mentioned it, I was prescribed an Immediate Release, not an Extended Release. And, my doctor went about things kinda backwards by starting me off with a high dose and then expecting us to go lower. I only realized this was incorrect after I'd already been taking my prescription for a few months, so I figured I was fine. | 2021-12-22T01:29:50.000Z | rltkp3 | 9 | 4 | ADHD | Missed one day of my prescription, and had really scary withdrawal. How do I handle this? | 1 | |
TargetNailer | My primary care doc gave me permission to get evaluated for ADHD. That was a week ago. I am having feelings of fear and shame to make this call and am procrastinating about it..
Can anyone who has Kaiser tell me what is going to happen or the process I will go through? Should I keep some sort of journal of things going on in my life? This past weekend I had a lot of important stuff to do but found myself wanting to clean my kids socks better, inventing a sock cleaning machine, and designing a sock holder to put in the washer machine, among many other things. I didn't get 10% of the stuff done I set out to do. I've been wearing the same shirt for 3 or 4 days, only brushing my teeth once a day, still have not achieved my year long goal of going to sleep 1 night on time. Do I tell them this stuff or will they ask about it? | 2021-12-22T01:29:21.000Z | rltkdb | 1 | 2 | ADHD | Permission to get evaluated for ADHD | 1 | |
Vegas-Jack | [removed] | 2021-12-22T01:24:58.000Z | rlthbr | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Day 2 on Ritalin and I’m lifting heavier at the gym then I ever have before. Has anyone else had this experience? | 1 | |
scumbagotron | Hi! Been on 60mg Vyvanse for a few months, slowly been pushed up after diagnosis in June.
I've noticed an improvement in focus which lasts all day long, but it only helps with my motivation for a few hours - so I've started breaking up my dose throughout the day, so I can prioritize depending on the day. This means, though, that each day I'm having to make the call about whether doing my dishes later is more important than finishing a certain ticket at work, or whether running that errand at 2pm is more important than wanting to go to a thing at 6pm, etc, which is kind of exhausting in itself and....surely it doesn't have to be like this?
EDIT forgot to mention - I've had this exact problem since I started medication back in June, and I bring it up with my doc when I see him, and he bumps the dose, but for the last few months he's been wary of bumping it since I'm so close to the maximum dose for Vyvanse.
EDIT also I've never taken a medication break - it feels like I just have too much to do - but should I? I didn't think they were needed for prodrugs like Vyvanse. | 2021-12-22T01:24:45.000Z | rlth6e | 5 | 3 | ADHD | Meds help with my focus all day, but only help my motivation for a few hours. Is this normal? Is there something I can do about it? | 1 | |
karamielkookie | Hi! Just started adderall XR 15 mg. Today is my second day and I mostly feel sleepy. Yesterday I felt something very briefly. Today I don’t feel anything except like I need a nap. My appetite has disappeared. I tried vyvanse years ago and I felt such clarity the first day. I didn’t feel anything after and I stopped taking them, like a derp. Should I request vyvanse instead?
Thank you for any advice | 2021-12-22T01:21:48.000Z | rltf3l | 3 | 2 | ADHD | Adderall Makes me sleepy? | 1 | |
Film_Fuckery | I've been on Vyvanse for almost ten years, and it's done absolute wonders for me as far as concentration goes. But as a stimulant it tends to make my OCD and anxiety much worse than when I'm off my meds, and often causes me to become stuck in unpleasant thought loops. I recently took a break from it for a few days because I was having serious problems falling asleep and that break turned into about a week and a half now and I've noticed my social anxiety has all but disappeared. I was eating way too much for a while but that's tapered off. But one thing that's stuck around is my lack of concentration or motivation to do anything, literally anything. Is this a withdrawal symptom that will eventually fade with time or is it a sign I still need the medication? Alternately, can anyone recommend any good non stimulant medications I can look into? | 2021-12-22T01:21:44.000Z | rltf1q | 9 | 2 | ADHD | For those of you who've been on Vyvanse, how long do withdrawal symptoms last? | 1 | |
karamielkookie | [removed] | 2021-12-22T01:19:16.000Z | rltdap | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Just started Adderall…feels like nothing? | 1 | |
Ace5419 | This is a bit of a two pronged question. I feel that it is relevant to give some background to explain the way I am feeling.
So I recently went through my first breakup, only lasted about 10 days. I am currently studying at a University and prior to my relationship with this girl I was way too involved. I have excellent time management skills to the extent that my working hours are from 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM. Unfortunately, throughout this last semester despite my involvement I found myself bored and alone when I was finished with my work for the day. By work I mean meetings, studying, eating, work, etc, everythign after 6:30 PM is me time. However I was so involved that I wasn't really having any time to myself. I too often was working past 6:30 and wasn't really doing anything to relax. I took a major step back once I entered into this relationship. I soon found myself having free time once again and very bored despite my involvement(probably why I was so dang involved in the first place, as the campus I am at is not known to be socially active). I felt that during the relationship I was happy, and I felt ok to be alone. After the breakup I found myself having a difficult time emotionally. I realized that However, I find myself having a very hard time processing this, despite the short time period. I know that people with ADHD tend to be more sensitive so I am curious if anyone else has experienced difficulty with processing after a breaking up with someone.
This relationship I was in led me to realize just how lonely I feel in life. I have always wondered why sometimes I feel like I do not want to do activities I enjoy such as watching a movie every now and then because it makes me feel disconnected. I know now that the reason for me feeling disconnected is loneliness. I find that when I am not doing something, loneliness creeps up on me. I don't think that I quite acknowledged or realized just how lonely I was prior to this. I often find myself feeling a need to be "connected" to others. I don't want to play video games, read a book, or watching a tv series because I think that it will make me more lonely. I feel that only being with a large group of people or being in a relationship seems to make my loneliness go away. Does anyone else experience this feeling? If so what strategies have you found successful in managing your loneliness? I understand that relying on another person as my sole source of not being lonely is not healthy. Additionally I do not believe that attending a campus that is not very socially active is benefiting me as well. Don't get me wrong, I am involved, but I still feel bored and lonely.
Any advice or similar experiences you feel comfortable sharing would be appreciated. | 2021-12-22T01:15:12.000Z | rltagq | 5 | 3 | ADHD | Advice for dealing with loneliness | 1 | |
onelyro | I was prescribed Focalin, which at first did not work. The second drug I was prescribed to me was Wellbutrin, which just made me angry and mad at the world I don’t know why. Today I want to go back and be treated for my ADHD because lately it’s been getting worse and worst everyday.
Should I talk to my doctor about a different medication?
I’ve recently signed up with HRA so now I have cushion to get better medication to help my ADHD.
Are there any recommendations? | 2021-12-22T01:10:05.000Z | rlt6pa | 6 | 1 | ADHD | I have been diagnosed 3 years ago with ADD which they now call ADHD type Inattentive? | 1 | |
Eko777 | My coach and I had a breakthrough yesterday. A good portion of the thing causing my (out of control) hyperfocus is that I don't trust myself to finish it later. I feel forced to keep going because stopping means stopping forever. The other day I stayed at work until 10:30pm because of this lol
Now we just have to start trusting ourselves again hahaha | 2021-12-22T01:06:31.000Z | rlt497 | 1 | 2 | ADHD | Win Wednesday | 1 | |
Sea-Astronaut-2848 | Hi, so I was persuading myself for a long time to post this. Before I start, please forgive me for any mistakes, English is not my first language.
The thing is, it has been on my mind for a while that I may have ADHD. A lot of the symptoms apply to me. I have been professionaly diagnosed with MADD, if it's any help in evaluating my situation. I would really like to get a professional opinion and if I do have ADHD to get on medication after I've been reading how much it helped a lot of you. But I am really afraid to get diagnosed. A lot of the times I decided to do it, but then I found a symptom that doesn't apply to me and I got scared to be told that I just pretend or something. The internet is full of people that scream that self diagnosis is nothing and to stop pretending etc. So I'm really scared. And I want you to all to ask a question: how to get diagnosed? Do I just call a psychiatrist and ask him to give me a test? Will he ask questions? What if I answer wrong and will be see as a pretentious asshole? Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I really don't know what to do. Any help or advice is very appretiated. Thank you for your time reading this. | 2021-12-22T00:56:13.000Z | rlswsf | 5 | 1 | ADHD | I'm scared to get professionaly diagnosed | 1 | |
Jacobmb_Music | Are you on stimulants for your ADHD and also bad at remembering to drink water like me?
Then Dehydration could be your unsuspected enemy!
I’ve been on Adderall on 15mgs twice a day since this summer. When I started my meds, it was during a time where I was drinking a lot of water consistently. I recently got a puppy in October and my healthy habits with water have slipped. I felt my meds weren’t working as well, so my doc upped my dose to 3 times a day with the Adderall IR.
After starting the 3 doses a day, it felt like my meds weren’t even working as well as when I was just doing two! That makes no sense. I started having other issues like occasional dizzy spells, headaches, and some fatigue. My anxiety has also been high as well as my irritability!
I thought the extra dose a day had caused it. Well it did, but not directly.
I remembered that ADHD stimulants dehydrate you like there’s no tomorrow. It’s bad enough if you don’t drink water, but to not drink water then take stimulants is a recipe for absolute disaster with your hydration.
This week I started being intentional about chugging my water, and it’s like starting my Adderall for the first time all over again. My mood is consistently chipper again, and my anxiety is back to where it normally is.
The moral of the story: if you think your meds aren’t working anymore or are causing you side effects, ask yourself if you’re drinking enough water because I promise you, it does make a difference! | 2021-12-22T00:48:59.000Z | rlsrtg | 5 | 25 | ADHD | Friendly Reminder To Stay Hydrated! | 1 | |
Trigzzz1 | You guys are always proper helpful on this sub so I’ve got another question which I would love some suggestions for.
I’m having a little get together for New Year’s Eve but half the people coming know eachother and so do the other half but each half doesn’t know eachother and I’m extremely worried they’d feel awkward and sit in the corner kind of thing or people would just talk to the person they came with/or me. what would you have/do to get everyone to talk to each other or am I just being anxious and that I should just let people get a few drinks in them and everyone will be more open to talking to eachother? I’ve got a LED bulb so the room will be a different colour, music, everyone’s drinking etc but my fear is people sitting in the corner wondering what to do lol. Any party involving drinks that I’ve been to has never been awkward but it’s my first time hosting a party and my adhd brain is making me paranoid lol.
PS I did consider beer pong but we don’t have a table long enough 😂🤦♂️
Thanks! | 2021-12-22T00:47:01.000Z | rlsqil | 10 | 1 | ADHD | Hosting a party but really anxious about it | 1 | |
IDerpSoMuch | I finally built up the courage to talk to my doctor about my potential ADHD again (I was positive for 4/6 items in a self diagnosis with a Neurologist a couple months ago). He gave a prescription for Adderall XR. I got little anxious about filling the prescription so I procrastinated by looking for discounts. Now all the pharmacies are closed so I have to wait until after work tomorrow to fill it. Anyone feel like sharing their experiences to help calm my nerves? Thanks in advance.
(Side note: I know i shouldn't be as nervous as I am. My ADHD has been seriously effecting my relationship with my boyfriend and I can't put myself and him through this unfocused, emotional bull anymore. I'm just scared) | 2021-12-22T00:46:01.000Z | rlsptd | 7 | 2 | ADHD | Anxiety over taking Adderall XR, what are your experiences? | 1 | |
[deleted] | [removed] | 2021-12-22T00:45:34.000Z | rlspil | 1 | 1 | ADHD | Has anyone else screwed up this badly in college? | 1 | |
oofadhdsucks | I am currently writing am extremely detailed morning and evening routine (get up, sit up, drink water, take medicine, go to the bathroom, etc.) And I was thinking "hmm is this overkill? I feel like I'd remember to stand"
Then I get up to make dinner and I take my medication.
Literally five minutes after taking the medication, I look at the time and go into a small panic bc I thought I forgot to take the medication.
The ONLY thing that kept me from getting another pill is that I can feel the pill going down my tube.
So I'm celebrating that I am aware of my body enough to keep myself from overdosing lol
ADHD man 🤣
Note: I forgot that this is the reason I got one of those pill organizers haha | 2021-12-22T00:37:24.000Z | rlsjwb | 26 | 54 | ADHD | Forgot if I took my meds less than 5 min after taking it | 0.97 | |
EnoughConversation15 | Has anyone else experienced the elevated pulse rate while taking Adderall? I’m newly diagnosed and also new to any kind of ADHD medication. I know that stimulants are prone to causing higher heart rates. I was just curious if anyone else had experienced this in the beginning and found that as their body adjusted to the medication that maybe their pulse regulated?
My doctor has already switched me from 15mg Adderall XR due to it increasing my pulse too much, but that was only after less than a week of taking it. He moved me to 10mg Ritalin, but that gave me headaches and I’m already prone to migraines.
I’m currently on day three of 10mg Adderall XR. Today especially I’m crashing pretty hard as the medicine is starting to wear off. I find myself really anxious.
Was just hoping to get other people’s experiences and see if maybe this is just part of the process of getting used to it and all of these side effects will die down? The high pulse rate is what concerns me the most. It’s putting my resting heart rate at over 100 for a good part of the day. I’d hate to have to try something else. Adderall works the best. The side effects are just frustrating. | 2021-12-22T00:33:29.000Z | rlsh16 | 24 | 4 | ADHD | Adderall and Elevated Health Rate | 1 | |
scopeno | So i'm struggling with ADHD, mostly being inattentive. But besides that, I have a problem equally influencing me and that's anxiety, focused on social phobia because of my speaking issues associated with stuttering and babbling. I'm just scared to even speak to a cashier when in the shop, because of racing thoughts if I'd be understood. Just if asking for anything over the counter, like a pack of cigarettes. Not to mention longer conversations, I don't even try considering how bad my anxiety would be.
My doctor decided to try Concerta. It works great at 36mg, but only the first day was acceptable because of typical euphoria feeling of relief. Next days, my BPM would reach 130 just sitting in a class, myself shaking and babbling like i'd drink a ton of booze (no joke, that's how bad it is). I'm a last year high school student and need to figure out what's working for me, if I want to get anywhere higher than this. My life is a nightmare right now and I feel like i cant do anything about it. Also, i'm living in an eastern Europe country, so there are not many options available for me other than Methylophenidate and ADHD SNRI's like Strattera.
My doctor recently tried a combo of propranolol and Concerta. Got prescribed a couple of 10mg's propranolol blisters and been told to try various dosages. It does a great job with my anxiety, my BPM is rather stable and therefore my anxiety is very mild at this point. 40mg seems like a sweet spot for me, however I haven't tried anything higher than this due to my concerns about mixing this medication. Doc said it would be fine, but that's a 3rd world country to some extent. My research is also very varied. I'd like to ask you about your experience with this combo. Is it safe and isn't it going to diminish Concerta stimulating effects? Perhaps any other ideas? | 2021-12-22T00:31:51.000Z | rlsfv9 | 21 | 1 | ADHD | Thoughts on Concerta + propranolol combo? | 1 | |
Subsets and Splits