Discussion in 'Movies & TV' started by Tennessy XO, Dec 12, 2012. Is this gundam robots meets godzilla? This looked cheesy as hell sorry.. like a fancier looking version of that "Real Steel" Bop 'Em Sock 'Em Robots garbage. I high-fived 'cuz of how taken back I was, but of all the hollywood scif-fi movies you pick, you choose this one, 'cuz honestly this looks pretty lame lol. It has honest to goodness giant monsters and it's likely GDT won't dumb it down with 1st grade dialogue and dumb chicks with hideous fake boobs and too-big lips.. All the diff.. GIANT MONSTERS I am a kaiju connisuer. Space Amoeba is a favorite.. Despite all the internet buzz, I managed to not watch this trailer.... until I saw it in the theater before The Hobbit. Holy crap, looks awesome. And I've liked/loved everything I've ever seen by del Toro. Lol GDT's done one good movie, and that was Pan's Labyrinth. Didn't know you were a fan of Hellboy and Blade 2. I am not really a fan of Hellboy movies, but I acknowledge they are much better by Del Toro, who is a true Hellboy/Goon/Blade etc fan than the likes of Bay etc.. His Blade movie was by far the best one and didn't follow the Hollywood directive. And you are wrong about GDT only having one good movie. Pan's is great, but it's not even his best.. The Devil's Backbone is possibly the best ghost movie ever made. Cronos is also excellent. Mimic is neutral because we have not seen the non-studio-wrecked version that he lost control of and has since renounced. I look forward very much to his Frankenstein movie (based off the Bernie Wrightson's art). What we know about GDT is that he does "studio jobs" to finance his passion projects and while Rim is certainly a studio job he will imprint it will his vision which can make all the difference. Fair enough about Devil's Backbone and Cronos, never seen them, so I can't say. Blade 1 is the only decent one of out the series. Blade 2 sucked, Blade 3 sucked even more. What does Blade or Hellboy have anything to do with Michael Bay? Don't forget, GDT'sinvolvement in El Orfanato. One of my absolute favorite modern horror movies. Separate names with a comma.
The standard video system that is used in both North America and a huge part of South America is NTSC. TVs or displays make use of this video system, and most of the recorders in these regions do, too. NTSC video recorders produce videos with the NTSC format, which cannot be played in PAL systems. PAL systems are used in most of the world, which includes Europe, Australia, and Asia. An NTSC to PAL video converter will allow you to play NTSC videos on PAL TV displays. An NTSC to PAL video converter has been created to be able to recognize the format of your video automatically, and then convert it to the format that is required by your display. If you look for these converters, you will find that there are many variations in their designs and configurations. However, in order to provide convenience when setting up, most of them will allow HDMI connections as well as the standard RCA composite cables and jacks. The converter will let you choose the output signal that you like as well as allow you to select among high resolutions (typically 720p and 1080p). An NTSC to PAL converter also has the ability to convert NTSC VHS tapes to PAL DVDs,just connect an NTSC source to a PAL source (and vice versa), and hook up a PAL display to an NTSC receiver. As you look for an NTSC to PAL video converter, there are a couple of things that you have to consider. For instance, see to it that your converter will be able to provide you with a smooth real-time video conversion, with no delay in audio or signal. Ease of configuration is something that you also have to look at. Ideally, it should only take a few simple steps to complete the configuration, including connecting the source of media to the converter and connecting the converter to the display. Another crucial thing to check is the ability of the converter to convert the video automatically and show it on the display correctly. To find the best deals on NTSC to PAV video converters, it’s advisable that you check out online stores. However, make sure to buy only from a reputable shop that can guarantee the quality of your purchase. Next Next post: What Does a Dewalt 18v 4 Piece Combo Kit Consist Of?
I’ve been growing hot peppers for the last 7-8 years. Never grown large quantities of plants or peppers. Usually only 2 or 3 plants so I have some peppers for the season. This year I’m growing 2 Habanero plants, a Scotch bonnet, Jalapeño, and a mystery pepper I may get you guys to try and identify once they pop out. I’m in Zone 5b ( Ontario, Canada ) Recently I’ve been making a fermented hot sauce that my wife and I put on everything. Can not wait for this years sauce! Looking forward to showing of some of my peppers, and jumping in on some of the convo! 🍻 Edit: Plant in the pic is Habanero!
The price of crude oil in the US has jumped to its highest level in more than seven years. Traders use the price of West Texas Intermediate crude futures as a benchmark figure. In trading on Tuesday, it rose above 86 dollars per barrel. That is the highest since 2014. Rising demand as the economy recovers is a factor behind the rise. Tensions in the Middle East are also having an impact. On Monday, a rebel group from Yemen attacked fuel trucks in Abu Dhabi.
Look, I get it… sure it’s not real music in the traditional sense but I kid you not there is an undefined level of genius to the art form. For all of you music realists, that comment might be the end of you reading my stuff however I feel if you gave thr “Royal We” of electronica acts a chance, I guarantee there something you’d enjoy late at night while your significant other is asleep. Provided you’re wearing headphones of course. As I start writing more about music for Nerdbot, a piece about sampling is definitely on the docket. But at this moment I am letting you know that rapper Soulja Boy has sampled The Legend Of Zelda theme song in one of his tracks simply entitled, Zelda. Thank you to the folks at Comicbook.com for the heads up on the story. Their piece describes how Soulja Boy has been feuding with the Nintendo people ever since they put an end to his knock off gaming consoles. So maybe this is his form of a diss track? Alright, so here’s where I need your help… because I can’t decide if the song is good or not? As I write this, yes I’m drunk and can’t make a conscious decision but even under the close to ten Firestone Walkers I’m hearing traces of forgettable hip hop. If Soulja Boy made the next “Twisted Fantasy” please text me. But for our conversation’s sake, just know I feel there are better examples of video game Sampling in music. Sweet Valley also samples a Zelda composition called Zora’s Domain from The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Soundtrack by Koji Kondo. Which is way better if you ask me. Why? Because there’s no singing. People didn’t spend hours playing the game listening to lyrics. There’s something about a repetitive eight bit soundtrack that will never be replaced by any dialogue Soulja Boy may provide. Or maybe I’ve finally descended into my grumpy old man phase. What are some of your favorite examples of video game music in actual music? Let Nerdbot know in the comments!!
I was in my early teens and this crazy guy really cracked me up. Moity sure I wasn't alive yet. Not me, I was either 3 or 4 when my family move to NOLA in 1973-ish. LOL, and 90 cents! I was Puggy’s attorney for a while. I have all kinds of Puggy stories. Puggy was a skilled hatchet man. He was calling political opponents all sorts of colorful and insulting nicknames long before Trump. He used to call Governor Edwin Edwards, a frequent target of his, Edwin “silver zipper” Edwards because of Edward’s known wandering eye for women. Puggy once showed up for a trial I was doing for him with cowboy boots with the outline of the state of Louisiana embroidered in gold on them. Puggy’s late night commercials sitting in his swivel chair ranting on his opponents were much watch tv back in the day. Lol! Interesting stuff. When Trump was campaigning I often thought of Puggy. As a young teen I had no interest in politics, but the guy was so audacious and seemingly off-of-his rocker that I found his purchased political spots to be quality entertainment.
I have previously touched on the waste of fish as well as trout. This is an extension of some further investigation with a lot of trials. We have some beautiful farmed seatrout from the west coast, as we have a fair amount of flesh left after filleting. We started looking at different options, previously we used the meat we scraped of the bones for a tartare. We have smoked the fish of cuts before but needed an idea where the fish could be used not in small amounts, but all of it. We needed an application where the demand would be greater than the waste produced. In this recipe we cured the fish on the bone then smoked it on the bone, removing the meat after it has cooled. At the same time we were working different ideas for afternoon tea, we were looking at adding a second fish item to the savoury selection. As the marriage between cream cheese and smoked salmon works well, the idea for a savoury cheeses cake started. Not something new as there are many recipes using the prime cut of hot smoked salmon or cold smoked salmon. The application of using off cuts off hot smoked trout pieces made a lot of sense, nice looking pieces are not required as it would be flaked into the mix before baking. Hot smoked trout and dill cheesecake was introduced onto the savoury tea selection! In the picture we I also looked at the possibility for a starter in the future with fennel, capers and dune spinach.
Err yeah that probably was a stretch i apologise but i had a rough patch so i stopped caring about looks, it's only recently that i started to take care of myself again. But i still stand on what I said, it was mostly shocking to me because my regular shopkeeper never has stopped and spoke to me in such a cheerful way since i moved in. I also had an actual conversation with other customers for the first time. They initiated it too. I am no looker, i am probably a 5 without grooming myself and a 7 after, it wasn't a lie that i had a lot more friends and people surrounding me cheerfully when i lost significant weight (even though they knew it wasn't intentional but actually a sad reason). It was the same repeat of the saga these past few days, I've heard many saying how they have experienced the same but never that they were treated differently when they dress up.. that was weird af to me. Edit: Also to add, you are right; people treat you differently with your different behaviour, attitude or personality. But I didn't make any changes to my behaviour, i am socially anxious so i don't speak to people when not necessary. So, all of a sudden i had a lot more people speaking to me even when i didn't want to and my own peers who know my adversities were different in the past days. Also i am not asking people to treat me like i am a gem, it just weirded me out that they treat me differently now that i look good/pretty after grooming myself up a bit. I would rather have them treat me the same regardless.
I Love the Full Body Cleanse. It really works!!! I lost 12 pounds even though i did not follow as closely as i should have....
Although the presentations of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) differ, therapies for both blood disorders are greatly needed for patients who have exhausted the current available treatments, explained Robert L. Talley, MD. State of the Science Summit™ on Hematologic Malignancies, Talley, a hematologist/medical oncologist at Centerpoint Medical Center, Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute, discussed current and potential future standards of care in IPT and TTP. OncLive®: What have been the most notable advancements in ITP? Talley: Fostamatinib represents a brand new way to help people achieve a better platelet count so that they don't have bleeding or bruising; it supplements and compliments other modalities that patients may have exhausted. What are the challenges with diagnosing TTP and ITP? How do these blood diseases present? ITP is more or less a diagnosis of exclusion. If a patient has a low isolated platelet count and no other primary disease, then ITP becomes a diagnosis of exclusion. Serologic testing is something that has been discussed for a long time and was a subject of an ASH Clinical Practice Guidelines report in 2011. I wonder if it’s going to find more prominence over time. One doesn't need to do a bone marrow examination, but if there are other complicating medical diagnoses, then it's probably a good idea to do a bone marrow examination. TTP is different altogether; it's sudden, explosive, and fatal as opposed to ITP, unless the platelet count is extremely low. In TTP, one has to make a diagnosis quickly. Even with the best therapies, there is still a [significant] mortality rate. Many of those patients are not old with many comorbidities; they are otherwise healthy. What are other challenges that exist in these diseases? There are some patients with ITP who are refractory to all of the therapies that we have. Steroids are great therapies; you can see a short-term response in about 70% of patients who are treated with high-dose steroids. Complications from steroids begin to be [accumulate] when patients need continuous steroids.
The flavor text is an instruction. Shift the letters only 23.5° (i.e. one space). The W of winter is shifted by -3. If the L-shaped letter grid is cut and folded correctly, it should look like a square paper spring. The letters on the spring are in pairs, one is R and M. What might you do with this? The pairs are the cipher. So all the M's in the original words are R's. Once the six squares are cut out, there is only one way to arrange them into a cube such that each vertex (corner) contains a movie character, the actor who starred as that character and a loose description of the movie that character was in. To add to the challenge, each of the four movie descriptions is used twice. Once you have the cube assembled, you should get 8 movie titles that can be entered alphabetically in the provided grid. The film strip is your final extraction. The large numbers are the indexing. For example, 5,3 is movie 5 (GHOST) letter 3 (O), and the small numbers show you where that letter appears in the solution (positions 4 and 19). This puzzle uses semaphore. Spell each leaf name using semaphore starting at its leaf and ending at the X. Look at the path you drew. The letters crossed out spell 'WHAT ARE THE ODDS'. Take the odd letters of those not crossed off. The large numbers indicate how many neighboring hexagons are shaded in. There is only one solution where the snowflake grid is symmetrical and all branches are connected. Following the six-fold symmetry, this pattern is the only solution for the snowflake. Each small number indicates the braille pattern (slightly distorted) for the two-by-three array of hexagons below it. For example, the 3rd letter is N. There is only one way to fit in the main set answers in the circle. Notice that each word is actually visually represented. Pair up each image to an answer word where they rhyme. The unused letters are your answer. Each answer in the grid has one "turn". The turn is important for the solution. Take each letter at the turn and order by the number given with the clue.
# all the imports from __future__ import with_statement from flask import Flask, request, redirect, url_for, render_template, send_from_directory DEBUG = True app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='/static') @app.route('/css/<path:path>') def send_css(path): return send_from_directory('css', path) @app.route('/') def show_result(): return render_template("main.html") if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()
You might already be aware of producing company Proto-Type Theatre, whose acclaimed previous production 'A Machine they're Secretly Building' was on at the Edinburgh Festival last summer, and subsequently in London in the autumn. They're bringing a new piece, 'The Audit' to Artsdepot this week. To find out more about the show, I spoke to Andrew Westerside, writer and director of the play, and co-artistic director of the company. Read the interview here. The Audit is on at Artsdepot on 10 Mar, see this page here for more information and to book. "Zlil-hen Saks & Yoli Seker are not one of those couples who work together. Their relationship is none of anyone's business and they generally had no intention of making a show about a hackneyed subject such as couples. How did it end up happening?" This sounds rather novel, which is what I'd expect from something showing as part of Sprint 2018 at CPT. Presented in both English and Hebrew, 'Zoog' promises to take its audience "on an intimate journey which is both extremely personal and utterly universal". Details here. This is kind of a reminder, really, because you may already have seen and read our Q&A with the director and co-creator of this show, Vicki Baron, and therefore pretty much definitely decided that this is a must-see event. But in case you missed that... it's an eclectic show, featuring physical theatre and storytelling, and explores the theme of goodbyes: how and why we go through them, the different ways we do it, and the impact they have on us. See this page here for more information. And I thought we'd stay at Vault Festival, because we can, and because this other show caught my eye. That sounds familiar, I thought. And then I remembered why it sounded familiar, it's because it won so much critical and word of mouth acclaim up in Edinburgh last summer. It's a dark physical comedy set against the backdrop of the world of high finance. Head this way to book your tickets. Well, it's come round again, our every-few-months tip of the brilliant Comedy Club 4 Kids. It's not that it's only on every-few-months, no no no, it's on more frequently than that, but even I, a huge fan, can't justify including it in the Three To Sees every time. Anyway, if you've not ever taken your young fry to one of these, it's time you did, and if you've been before, isn't it time you went back? Always lovely, great line up, see this page here for more. "Alice is becoming more and more forgetful. Her daughter Mandy is always on hand to help out but the strain is becoming too much. A long forgotten photograph stirs a memory and lures Alice back to the Crown Hotel in Blackpool. Hoping for a chance to dance in the tower ballroom one last time mother and daughter set out, but Blackpool isn't how Alice remembers and things become too much for her as she finds herself getting lost in the past". A funny and touching play dealing with the difficult subject of Alzheimers, details here. I had this down for tipping yesterday but then when I came to write it up I discovered that 9 Mar was already sold out, which was vexing. Well, for me. I expect those associated with the show are perfectly happy about it. Anyway, I moved it to today, and, as of writing, there are still tickets for 10 Mar, for this no doubt utterly brilliant show. How do I know it's brilliant? Well, it's by TW favourites Kandinsky, so I don't need to see it to be pretty sure that it will be another high quality production. Click here for details. If you have kids who find anything scatological hilarious (I think they mostly do go through this phase, though not all of them do) then this sounds like the ideal show to delight them this Sunday afternoon. That said, there's a lot more to this than a poo-theme; expect a high quality, well choreographed show from this all female dance theatre company. But you know, the characters are named Volta Flatulence, Caroline Trumpface, Sally Silent But Deadly and Daisy Parphead, and it's set in their Windibops laboratory. See this page here for more. "Scientist and YouTuber Millie is busy studying for her Phd in quantum physics, making videos of her oddball inventions and hanging out with her best friend Anna. She's just about keeping on top of things when she accidentally invents a time machine. Before long she meets duplicate versions of her future self who start to lend a hand. The increasingly ambitious and self-obsessed Millie is sucked into the fickle world of internet celebrity, replacing Anna with her millions of fans. Does she need more subscribers or does she need true friends?" Yay, it's time travel. And theatre. Most definitely my thing. And possibly yours. Click here for info. You may be thinking "that show name sounds familiar", and if you read last week's interviews then that's possibly why, because we published a Q&A with the writer of the play Ian Grant. As you might recall, it's a play set in London during and between the world wars that takes a look at how a family navigates its way through this difficult period, and explores political and social themes. You were no doubt planning to see it after you read the aforementioned article, so now that I've reminded you of it, why not head right this way to book a ticket or two? This show takes a look at what might happen when banter goes too far (though some might argue that any banter is going too far) and how it has the potential to affect a friendship group, offering an insight into current youth culture and how exposed young people are. Childhood friends Berty, Amber, Hamish and Sam get together for a pissed-up reunion at a festival, but an unexpected arrival plays havoc with their plans. See the venue website herefor details. "Tent? Check. Food and water? Check. The unceasing drive to complete your late father's life-list? Check. When Charlie finds her father's old birdwatching book, she sets out to find one last bird to complete it for him, for her, and for their relationship". I'm close to someone who has a birding life-list, which is why this jumped out at me, though my mind boggles slightly at the thought it could actually be completed. This looks great, though, and is of course part of the ongoing and fabulous Sprint 2018. Information here. "From the moment she arrives on stage she absolutely owns the room and the audience is with her from the very start", wrote one of our review staff about the excellent Suzi Ruffell, back in 2016. Would you like to hear a bit more? Yes? Here you go: "Exuberant and affable, her anecdotes bring her family and friends to life. Ruffell has a great talent for telling a story then hitting you with punchlines you didn't see coming". This is a different show, obviously, but it's the same charming and talented Suzi Ruffell. Head this way to book your tickets. "An unquenchable desire for fame drives Faustus to learn the magic of the dark arts. He summons the demon Mephistopheles using him to strike a deal with Lucifer - his soul for twenty-four years of infinite power. The cost of his worldwide notoriety is infinitely high as the damned hour approaches". You know the plot, and you may have seen the play staged before. But this looks like a fab production of the story, brought into contemporary times by Tangle, South West England's African Caribbean Theatre Company, and accompanied by southern African-inspired music. All the info is here. This sounds guaranteed to cause offence to somebody, but it also sounds fun, so I am duty-bound to let you know about it. It's a musical in which Lucifer finds the love of his life in Jesus, and God is not at all happy about this. Not sure whether it's because God is homophobic, or if God just doesn't like demonic manifestations of evil. Either way, this looks like a potentially rather amusing piece of musical theatre for people who enjoy irreverence. See this page here to book. "Eleven children, one island... an incredible adventure turns into a fight for survival". Like 'Faust', this is also a well known tale (though probably less produced for the stage) and you can rest assured that it's in safe hands, as this production is from an award winning company who've been staging classic texts for a decade or more; you may have seen the work of Lazarus Theatre Company at Greenwich Theatre on previous occasions, most recently 'Edward II', earlier this year, and 'The Caucasian Chalk Circle' in 2017. Head this way for details. About time we got back over to Sprint 2018 at CPT, I reckon, as it's been a whole, um, day, away from there. Well, there is so much great-sounding stuff on, it only makes sense to keep talking about it. Anyway, here is our latest pick, a show that delivers exactly what the title suggests: a story about a woman who is pregnant with a goat, which promises to be an absurd comedy examining the tricky relationship humans have with animals. For more information and to book, head right this way. "When Turner Prize-winning artist Simon Dykes wakes up one morning after a wild night out, he finds his world has changed beyond recognition. His girlfriend, Sarah, has turned into a chimpanzee. And to his horror, so has everyone else. Immediately rushed to hospital, Simon is taken into the care of charismatic radical psychiatrist Zack Busner and treated for being under the psychotic delusion that he's human". Will Self's story, adapted for the stage by Patrick Marmion, staged using movement and puppetry. Sounds good, no? See this page right here. I love things like this: a changing menu of thirty short plays, and excitingly, the audience get to decide the order in which the plays are performed, so each night will definitely be unique. Which is fun enough as it is, but then you've also got a variety of themes and formats to look forward to. Degenerate Fox promise to "engage, titillate, confront, expose, encourage, confess, and above all...entertain", and I reckon they will make good on that. See the Vault website here for details. "Here is the city that we live in. Notice that the city that we live in is alive. Analyse our city and you'll find that our city even has bodily features. Our city's organs function like any living creature. Our city is a living creature. And if you're wise enough, you'll know not all of us are blood cells... Some of us are viruses". Award winning actor Arinzé Kene is the creator and performer of this journey through the inner city of London, which blends gig theatre, spoken word, live art and direct address. See this page here for more. Jacksons Lane revives its Jacksons Five season of new work, which consists of performances by five different companies, spread out over the spring months. This first one looks really interesting, if kind of sad, as it's a devised piece exploring the humour that can be derived from death, dying and grief. The starting point is the true story of Vid Warren, diagnosed with terminal brain cancer at the age of 23. Head this way for more info. I recommended this earlier this year (crikey, where did January and February go...?) when it was on at Vault Festival, but at that stage I tipped it because I thought it looked good and now I know that it actually is good, because I've heard from people who saw it then just how very good it was. No need to kick yourself for missing it that time around though, as here's another opportunity to see it. Hurrah. Details here.
I haven’t taken it off since I got it months ago. It fits everything about my life and makes me so happy when I see it taking mirror selfies. Also super protective I drop my phone every day and never a crack. AMAZING AND TRUSTING!
Last year the Workforce Workstream tasked Occupational Therapists to come together from across partner organisations in Health and Care to see how they could work differently as ‘one workforce’. Occupational Therapists are employed across health and care including statutory, independent and third sector organisations, so it was felt that the Occupational Therapy workforce would be a good place to start. Four workshops were held towards the end of last year, with good representation from the three health trusts, the council and some third sector organisations that employ Occupational Therapists. The outputs of the sessions have resulted in a recommendations report which has been signed off at the end of April. They are now looking to establish four working groups to start taking the recommendations forward and wanted to reach out to the third sector to see if there are any other OT’s that would like to get involved with this work and also ask if there are any organisations that could see where OT’s could add benefit to the work they do – this links with role emerging placements and OT’s having the aspiration to change the way and places they work.
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Q: Would you rather have a 300-pound dog chase you or a tiger? A: I'd rather have him chase the tiger. Q: What is a dog's favorite tree? A: The dogwood. Having a dog is great, it's just the 'dog people' that freak me out. "Oh, look at her, she's precious, just like Mommy." Me?!? If I birthed something that had 8 nipples...it ain't leaving the house.
&gt;Stein’s excuse-making for Baraka’s “very blunt and inflammatory language” makes her no better than Trump. As is her unwillingness to not ask Baraka to apologize to the president. That is no way to talk about any African American, especially the president of the United States. Good grief, the desperate acrobatics these hatchetmen of the establishment will attempt just to create a weak little trap to catch Jill in. I am glad she isn't playing along with such a cheap and pitiful trick to swiftboat her VP pick.
- Madame la Présidente, chers collègues, je tiens tout d’abord à remercier les parlementaires qui, lors de la dernière session, ont su refuser leur confiance à la Commission proposée par vous, Monsieur Barroso, car elle ne correspondait en rien aux valeurs de tolérance, de solidarité et de transparence qui doivent caractériser l’Union européenne. Translate to English Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, I very much want, first of all, to thank those MEPs who, in the last part-session, refused to place their confidence in the Commission proposed by you, Mr Barroso, for it in no way corresponded to the values of tolerance, solidarity and transparency that should characterise the European Union.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: System Error when running Ganache 1.0.2 on darwin username_0: <!-- Please give us as much detail as you can about what you were doing at the time of the error, and any other relevant information --> PLATFORM: darwin GANACHE VERSION: 1.0.2 EXCEPTION: ``` Blockchain process exited prematurely with code '7', due to signal 'null'. ``` APPLICATION LOG: ``` T+0ms: Starting server with configuration: {"hostname":"","mnemonic":"candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat","network_id":5777,"port":7545,"total_accounts":10,"unlocked_accounts":[]} T+188ms: Ganache started successfully! T+188ms: Waiting for requests... T+22105ms: eth_blockNumber T+84492ms: eth_estimateGas T+117552ms: eth_estimateGas T+120620ms: eth_getBalance T+120620ms: eth_gasPrice T+120620ms: eth_getTransactionCount T+120636ms: eth_getBalance T+120636ms: eth_gasPrice T+120636ms: eth_getTransactionCount T+120695ms: eth_estimateGas T+120699ms: T+120699ms: /node_modules/ganache-cli/build/lib.node.js:63898 T+120699ms: var Module;if(!Module)Module=(typeof Module!=="undefined"?Module:null)||{};var moduleOverrides={};for(var key in Module){if(Module.hasOwnProperty(key)){moduleOverrides[key]=Module[key]}}var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB=false;var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER=false;var ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE=false;var ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL=false;if(Module["ENVIRONMENT"]){if(Module["ENVIRONMENT"]==="WEB"){ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB=true}else if(Module["ENVIRONMENT"]==="WORKER"){ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER=true}else if(Module["ENVIRONMENT"]==="NODE"){ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE=true}else if(Module["ENVIRONMENT"]==="SHELL"){ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL=true}else{throw new Error("The provided Module['ENVIRONMENT'] value is not valid. It must be one of: WEB|WORKER|NODE|SHELL.")}}else{ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB=typeof window==="object";ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER=typeof importScripts==="function";ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE=typeof process==="object"&&"function"==="function"&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB&&!ENVIRONMEN T+120699ms: AssertionError: The field to must have byte length of 20 T+120699ms: at FakeTransaction.setter [as to] (/node_modules/ganache-cli/build/lib.node.js:7366:9) T+120699ms: at /node_modules/ganache-cli/build/lib.node.js:7416:63 T+120699ms: at Array.forEach (native) T+120699ms: at Object.exports.defineProperties (/node_modules/ganache-cli/build/lib.node.js:7415:14) T+120699ms: at FakeTransaction.Transaction (/node_modules/ganache-cli/build/lib.node.js:78121:13) T+120699ms: at FakeTransaction (/node_modules/ganache-cli/build/lib.node.js:20454:5) T+120699ms: at /node_modules/ganache-cli/build/lib.node.js:80343:14 T+120699ms: at /node_modules/ganache-cli/build/lib.node.js:21924:5 T+120699ms: at /node_modules/ganache-cli/build/lib.node.js:55954:5 T+120699ms: at /node_modules/ganache-cli/build/lib.node.js:56320:14 ``` <issue_comment>username_1: Thanks for reporting. This is fixed in current beta. Please search closed issues for more info.<issue_closed>
It is between Hunterstown, Mattock, Brides, Clans and Feckins? When is the first round - 2 weeks? Replying To MR: "It is between Hunterstown, Mattock, Brides, Clans and Feckins? When is the first round - 2 weeks?" I'm tipping the Feckins. I think it starts the first weekend in July. Mattock for me. Hunters town will be missing Byrnes now so can't see them doing it. Brides not strong enough up front to win a championship in my opinion although haven't hit form yet this year so will be dangerous. Clams starts the year on fire but don't think they can sustain that. Again the open draw wil make it interesting as feckins and hunterstown same group so one of them could be in a big q-final. These prob be q- finalists. Open draw then. I think Clans can win it this year they have the best form going into the Championship but will however require their first fifteen to remain fit for the duration of the competition. Mattock on their day are decent and will have a say in it. Hunterstown "with" Burns are dangerous. Feckins haven't capitalised on the platform 2011 gave them. They failed miserably in Div.1 last term whilst going out of the Championship to a very ordinary Mochtas team.
On Saturday morning we drove over to Copan, Honduras for a little Mother's Day outing. I wanted to visit the Butterfly House there. The welcome sign They advertise butterflies, gardens, a cafeteria, a hotel, and a dental clinic. The first thing they do is show you some butterflies in the caterpillar stage and the cocoon stage. You then walk behind the dental clinic and enter though the back waiting room. The butterfly house is on the back of the clinic. While passing through you can see the dental chairs and many posters showing teeth and dental stuff on the walls. It was a little weird, but hey, we've come to expect that around here. Once you enter the covered gardens you are given a map showing all of the different types of butterflies to look for. This particular day there were very few butterflies to see. The guide told us that there are usually more during the rainy season. That should be beginning in a few more weeks. The gardens are really pretty. me and the boys I loved all of the flowers they had. Trying to take a picture of a butterfly is HARD work. They have a small museum with information on butterflies. They had several glass cases showing many of the different types. They were very pretty! They have a small creek running through the property. We crossed over it on this bridge. On the back of the property they have a couple cabins that you can rent for the night. They are rustic, but would be a fun, quiet getaway. Afterwards we drove into town and ate lunch at Jim's pizza. Both boys fell asleep on the way back home and slept for several hours. During that time our friends Josh and Jessica called to invite us to supper at their house in Chiquimula. We had to wait until Cruz woke up so that we could go. He slept over 3 hours total. We drove into town and had a fun night eating and visiting with them. A recent Stateside visitor of theirs brought down some sausage that is made in their home area. It is called Conecuh sausage and it was delicious! It reminded us of the link sausage we always bought from Wilson's Meat House in our home area. Yummy, Yummy, Yummy! They make fun of me for putting everything on our blog so I purposely took a photo of the sausage cooking on the grill to share with you all. It makes me want some more, ha ha. It was very generous of them to share their home treat with us. We are glad they did. David had bought me some roses while in Chiquimula. When we got home that night he gave them to the boys to give to me. I always love having fresh flowers in the house. Cruz picked out these yellow ones for me. We got home late and were tired. It had been a full day, but was most definitely a fun one.
Background/aims: To assess patient preferences for different anaesthesia management strategies during cataract surgery. Methods: Cross sectional clinic based study of patient preferences for anaesthesia management strategies. Patients rated their preferences using a linear rating scale from 0 to 100. Results: Subjects tended to prefer block to topical anaesthesia and oral to intravenous sedation. On a scale from 0 to 100, subjects preferred oral to intravenous sedation and block to topical anaesthesia by about 8 points. Conclusions: When given the choice of four different anaesthesia management strategies, 72% of the study subjects preferred block anaesthesia to topical anaesthesia. More patients chose to have oral sedation than intravenous sedation. These findings indicate that patients may prefer anaesthesia management approaches other than the ones they are currently being offered. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2004; 88 317-317 Published Online First: 20 Feb 2004.
Hello everyone - New to the board - So thanks in advance. I had an issue with my 80 Spider 2000 holding an idle. It would start and then die after 5 seconds or so. When I replaced the fuel pump it would hold the idle for 10-20 seconds but then die upon pressing the gas. ----------------------- So I've done a few things to troubleshoot and here's the latest as of today.... Replaced old with: New (Known Good) AFM New TPS and set properly New (Known Good) Dual Relay Switch New (Know Good) ECU New Temperature Sensor New Fuel Pump So with all of them in place and without the temperature sensor connected it starts and idles fine. Smooth. Can run up the RPM and no stall. I replaced the TS and connected the wire and it immediately cuts out. I noticed that the connector to the TS is not perfect but will clamp (albeit not overly tight). Could this be a situation where the TS/ECU is getting a misreading from the loose connector and thus it cuts out?? Is there a way to test the reading at the ECU for the TS? If so, what should it read? I am assuming I can just replace the TS harness connector and not the whole harness correct? Ed Temperature Sensor Question Looking for help with a mechanical problem? This is the place to find help! Post Reply 1 post • Page 1 of 1 Post Reply 1 post • Page 1 of 1
On May 27th, CRÉATIF hosted the very first #creatifTO at The Rec Room, Toronto. The event brought together 14 hair artists and 5 guest artists, including internationally renowned Peter Gray, Lupe Voss, Geno Chapman, Charlie Price and DJ Muldoon – raising an amazing $22,655 for WaterAid Canada and clean water projects in Madagascar! Part of the 14 hair artists was Gabo Hernandez from Civello Salon. In 2017, Gabo raised an amazing $7,500 for WaterAid Canada, qualifying him to participate in last year's Study Tour of Madagascar. Read on to see how Gabo's experience in Madagascar influenced his creative look at #creatifTO! What was your inspiration behind your look at CRÉATIF? I was inspired by a very exotic and extraordinary animal from the island of Madagascar – the lemur! There are over 100 different species of lemurs and I based my inspiration on the Ring Tail Lemur. Seeing this beautiful and super friendly marsupial was definitely one of many highlights of my experience in Madagascar. I was drawn to it’s tail, colours and the way it moved. Why did you want to incorporate your experience in the Study Tour of Madagascar into your look for CRÉATIF? I wanted to do something unique and meaningful but also allusive to the reason we were all united at CRÉATIF – to celebrate the craft and community of design and creativity. But most importantly, to celebrate humanity! I wanted the audience to experience some of the beauty of Madagascar that I witnessed last fall during the Study Tour. What effect and response did you hope to achieve by creating this style? I wanted to spark awareness and a wow factor, and to showcase that inspiration comes from multiple sources – no matter where it's from around the world! This time, my inspiration was a mix of nature, the remarkable lemur and my emotions from my time in Madagascar. All of these things made this look so special to me. After my inspiration came the challenge of how I was going to create my desired look, but I was still so excited to do this! Gabriel (Gabo) Hernandez is originally from Venezuela and is based in Toronto, where he got his professional training at the Aveda Institute and Academy - graduating with Honours from both programs. He's a hard and dedicated worker with a lot of respect for his craft and has been with the Aveda family since 2011. Gabo has become a highly-rated hairdresser by his clients. He has also had the pleasure to work closely with Kristjan Hayden (Aveda Creative Director) and he is proud to continue to expand his creativity as a part of the Civello Creative Team and Aveda Team Canada. Gabo's most recent accomplishment is being named the 2017 Canadian Aveda Global Fashionista Winner. Newer PostEarth Month 2018 Leaders!
October 31st not only marked the exciting American holiday Halloween, but it was also the beginning of Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), a Latin American and a Mexican national holiday of remembering and celebrating loved ones who have died. While Mexico gets most of the attention, it is celebrated in most predominately Christian Latin cultures. November 1st is Dia de los Inocentes, the day when everyone honors the children who have passed. The community decorates the graves with baby’s breath flowers. November 2nd is when the adults are honored – the community decorates the graves with orange marigolds. Dia de los Muertos consists of several colorful and sentimental traditions such as making altars, cleaning and decorating graves, making sugar skulls, papel picado, and of course, skeletons. To enunciate the joy in this holiday, the skeletons are made colorful, and partake in fun activities like dancing and playing the guitar. Such activities were a part of the deceased life and their loved ones hope that they continue their arts in the afterlife. A belief held on this holiday is that the deceased would be insulted by grief and that they must celebrate life instead of dwelling on death. On Dia de los Muertos, the souls of deceased members of the community are said to come back from the grave to party with food, drinks, decorations, and to be reunited with their loved ones. A significant part of Dia de los Muertos is the making of altars. Altars serve as little tributes to loved ones lost that showcase photographs, personal items, art, crosses, and flowers. Memorial Middle School Challenge Spanish makes altars for famous people who have died. For instance, the classes made an altar for Carrie Fisher with a big stormtrooper sugar skull displayed above it. Katy Herera, a student here at Shawnee talked about Dia de los Muertos in her native country, Guatemala. She shared that although Mexico gets the credit for the holiday, it is celebrated amongst many Latin and Carribean countries. Herera mentions that this day is still a little sad. The “dead people aren’t with us anymore,” she says. However, it is a “way to remember them.” Katy said her favorite part of Day of the Dead is “tacos and enchiladas.” Food plays a large part in the celebration. If you missed it this year, don’t fret, grab your family traditions, fiesta food, guitar, and reminders of your loved ones on the other side and start the countdown for next year’s celebration.
The number of covid patients in ICU has increased slightly. 5,883 new cases of Covid19 have been confirmed today. There are 2,845 PCR-confirmed cases, while 3,038 people registered a positive antigen test through the HSE portal. 1,182 COVID-19 patients are hospitalised, which is a drop of 69 on yesterday. 58 are in ICU, which is an increase of 2.
Gary Barlow has thanked fans for their messages of support about his stillborn daughter, saying he's found them "overwhelming". The singer has tweeted: "Your kind words and lovely messages are overwhelming. Thank you." On Monday (6 August) the 41-year-old announced his fourth child Poppy was delivered stillborn on 4 August. The Take That singer issued a statement saying his wife Dawn and he were "devastated" by the news. "Dawn and I are devastated to announce that we've lost our baby. Poppy Barlow was delivered stillborn on 4 August in London," he said. Back in February, Barlow was one of three members of Take That to announce they and their wives were expecting a baby. He made that announcement on Twitter. Gary Barlow and his wife Dawn have been married since 2000. The statement ended: "We'd ask at this painful time that our privacy be respected." Fellow X factor judge Tulisa Contostavlos, Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber and JLS were among the celebrities to tweet messages of condolence. Gary Barlow's group Take That had been rumoured to be performing as part of the Olympic Games closing ceremony on Sunday.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: crowbar_join: Avoid repeated lines in chef config (bsc#1060692) username_0: The default mode for grep(1) is matching the expression as regular expression, which means that special characters like "[" are not handled literally. By using -x (match whole line) and -F (plain text search) we can avoid that escaping hell. Please help potential reviewers to understand this pull request and speed up the process by writing a meaningful pull request message. Answering the following questions can help, but is optional. **Why is this change necessary?** **How does it address the issue?** **Is there additional information worth sharing like links to a Trello card, bug references, testing advice or dependencies to other pull requests?** <issue_comment>username_1: <!-- 0 Errors 1 Warning: Please limit commit subject li... 0 Messages 0 Markdowns --> <table> <thead> <tr> <th width="50"></th> <th width="100%" data-danger-table="true" data-kind="Warning"> 1 Warning </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>:warning:</td> <td data-sticky="false">Please limit commit subject line to 50 characters.<br /> e5008961a3bf1aca9c7a0939dc0fb57e67f14a8c</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p align="right" data-meta="generated_by_danger"> Generated by :no_entry_sign: <a href="http://danger.systems/">Danger</a> </p>
The 4A State Cross Country Meet was held last Saturday in Ethete, and while the Evanston High School teams finished further back then they would have liked, solid performances were still on display. “Wyoming Indian — and the Ethete community — put on a great meet,” said EHS head coach Nate Conrad. “It was a lot of fun. It was a great course, and the Friday night festivities were phenomenal — they provided us with a great meal, as well as a great program that highlighted their culture. I think it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for those kids.” The Red Devils finished seventh in the 12-team field, while the Lady Devils finished 10th. Cheyenne Central swept the team titles, with an astounding eight athletes earning All-State recognition. “Cheyenne Central went into the meet with a purpose — they were going to be pretty tough to beat,” Conrad said. “Central came away with eight All-State athletes — four on the boys’ side, and four on the girls’ — in my 11 years of coaching, I’ve never seen anything like that. For one program to produce eight All-State athletes is phenomenal. They just ran away with it.” Red Devils senior Kaden Wiley was the top Evanston finisher on the boys’ side, finishing 23rd with a time of 17:22.29. “Kaden Wiley finished off his career as our top boys’ finisher,” Conrad said. “He was one of the few who did not get to see the course earlier this season — he was unable to make the previous trip. He was kind of running blind for us, and he came away with a great time.” Lady Devil sophomore Jocelyn Capener had the highest finish of either of the EHS teams, placing 18th, with a time of 20:46.68. “On the girls’ side, Jocelyn Capener led the way — she posted an amazing time, close to a minute over her previous time,’’ Conrad said. “She finished 18th overall, which was the top finish of any of our athletes. She was followed by a surprising effort by Eliza Day, who also had an amazing race, improving by close to a minute.” The EHS cross country teams were familiar with the course, having competed in a meet hosted by Wyoming Indian earlier this season; Conrad said that familiarization with the course enabled just about every one of his runners to improve. “I was very pleased with the level of effort, and the amount of work the kids put in,” Conrad said. “Of the 14 kids that raced, the majority of them bettered their times from the meet that was held here earlier this season. As a coach, and as a program, that’s a huge positive, and what we love to see.” Red Devils “The boys finished in seventh place — a little further back than where we hoped we’d finish,” Conrad said. “We didn’t have the performances that we were hoping for. We were good, but we weren’t perfect.” Jackson’s Mason Wheeler finished in the top spot for the boys, posting a blistering time of 16:10.45. For the Red Devils, following Kaden Wiley’s 23rd-place finish was Derek Parks, placing 26th with a time of 17:35.90. Hyrum Baxter was right on Parks’ heels, placing 27th with a time of 17:36.85. “Hyrum Baxter has been struggling with an illness; he wasn’t 100%,” Conrad said. “But he definitely gave us his full effort on that day, even with his physical limitations. He gave us everything he had. That’s all you can ask for as a coach.” Red Devil freshman Paul Baxter finished 42nd, with a time of 18:00.06, while senior Kurtis Richins was 50th, with a time of 18:08.84. Tanner Nerwsome (57th, 18:24.48) and Noah Conrad (63rd, 18:50.43) rounded out the Red Devils’ state contingent. “Derek Parks, Kurtis Richins, Tanner Newsome and Noah Conrad all improved on their previous times,” coach Conrad said. “Like Kaden, Paul Baxter raced the course for the first time, and came away with another great race.” Lady Devils Jackson’s Kate Brigham took the top spot for the girls, finishing in a time of 18:38.15. Jocelyn Capener was the top Lady Devils finisher, placing 18th; she was followed by freshman Eliza Day, who finished 38th with a time of 21:39.55. “The girls finished 10th as a team, but I can definitely see them pushing for the top half of the division next season,” Conrad said. “These rookies will be veterans next season, and with what we have coming up from the middle school, we’re super-excited for what’s coming.” Lady Devils senior Katy Saxton closed out her high school career with a 44th-place finish, posting a time of 21:54.75. Freshman Liesl Botts placed 48th, with a time of 22:08.68; fellow freshman Jasmine Tapia finished 56th, wirth a time of 22:30.49. “Katy Saxton followed up her great performance at the conference meet with another solid effort, finishing third on our team,” Conrad said. “Our other freshman girls — Liesel Bott and Jasmine Tapia — both stepped up and finished in the Top 5 of our team. To come away with three girls finishing in the Top 5 as freshmen is a great sign for the future of the program.” Aubrey Horrocks (61st, 22:47.62) and Talia Conrad (63rd, 23:01.75) rounded out the Lady Devils’ state roster. “Of the seven girls that competed at state, Katy Saxton is the only one we’ll lose to graduation,” Conrad explained. “All those girls will be back, and with what the middle school program has produced, we’ve got two or three girls that will be freshmen next year that will be great additions. The future is definitely bright for the girls’ side.” With another season in the books, Conrad was quick to heap praise on the seniors he’ll lose to graduation; the leadership they provided will be instrumental as the programs move forward. “The seniors we had competing for us this year have been phenomenal,” Conrad said. “We had enough hotel space to bring every senior girl to the state meet — big thanks to coach [Bubba] O’Neill for providing us with that opportunity. The leadership, and the caring and the support they provided for those younger girls was amazing. Some of those younger girls took spots from our seniors at state, but those seniors still made the trip to support and encourage their teammates. We saw that on the boys’ side as well.” For the Red Devils, the team will bid farewell to David Aros, Noah Conrad, Tanner Newsome, Riley Ovard, Kurtis Richins, Hunter Sims, Kaden Wiley, Junior Zermeno and Madsen May. “These boys and girls that are seniors are going to be hard to replace,” Conrad said. “And having the opportunity to have my son Noah race as a senior has been a pretty phenomenal experience. I couldn’t be more proud of Noah, and the rest of those seniors — they gave everything they had, all season long. We’ve got some big shoes to fill on the boys’ side.” The same can be said on the girls’ side. “Mallory Sepos, Shelyse Ellingford, McKye Carver, Katy Saxton and Linzy Sharp — they were wonderful leaders, as well as great teachers and mentors for the girls that will be back next year,” Conrad said. “The successes that we’re going to see in the next two or three years will be built upon the examples of the great leaders we’ve had this year.” “That’s part of the legacy of EHS cross country — we’ve had great kids come through, year in and year out, who always become great leaders, when it’s their turn,” Conrad added. “It’s a cycle that just keeps going, and it’s phenomenal to watch as a coach. We’re 100% a family.”
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you are given a context tweet, a question and corresponding answer of given question. Your task is to classify this question-answer pair into two categories: (1) "yes" if the given answer is right for question, and (2) "no" if the given answer is wrong for question. Context: Cinnamon Bun @Oreo Cookies! NEED these Now! #OreoLover FashionweekNYC (@FashionweekNYC) January 20, 2016 Question: who makes cinnamon bun flavored cookies? Answer: oreo Output: yes
You are here: Home / Building a creative work force: What is the current evidence on individual... Creativity will be one of the most in-demand skills in organisations over the next decade, and this is only expected to increase as work becomes increasingly automated, a trend hastened by the COVID-19 pandemic. Research supports the importance of a creative workforce for driving organisational innovation and, ultimately, organisational success. Creative work cannot (yet) be automated and thus becomes an essential capability for an organisation’s human workforce. Unfortunately, there is far less certainty in exactly how organisations can build a creative workforce, as the predominant emphasis in Human Resources systems is for selecting and developing a workforce for “standard” forms of job performance. This review summarises the current state of the art in research on individual predictors of creative performance and the characteristics organisations should look for in their employees when seeking to build creative capital. Leading for Creativity and Innovation: A Review of the Current Evidence Assessing the impact of Covid-19 on Innovate UK award holders, Wave 3. February...
The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rules that Detroit schools fail to provide an ‘adequate education’, and are “schools in name only” — bereft of proper books or teacher training, and often infested with rats. The court says — in Gary B. v. Whitmer — that the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution contains a due process promise of fundamental literacy from these publicly-funded failure factories. The of Right Angle concur in part, and dissent in part.
For this special season of uncertainty, Jeremy Walker, pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England, began making short devotions to warm our hearts to Christ and remind of the certainty of the sovereignty of God. Today's devotion is from 1 Corinthians 11:1. To see Media Gratiae projects and studies Jeremy Walker contributed to, check out www.MediaGratiae.org.
NTA, but you probably should have resolved this before you got married, to be honest. Why did you let him just make the decision that your child was never allowed to step foot in a church? It sounds like your husband has real issues that he needs to work through. It's also highly irresponsible of him to not be available to look after your young child on the Sunday and then get angry that you took him to church with you. Please don't back down on this. Your child enjoyed himself and is asking to go. It isn't fair of your husband to project his childhood trauma onto your son and prevent him from exploring faith.
A column chart is a chart that visualizes data as a set of rectangular columns, their lengths being proportional to the values they represent. The vertical axis shows the values, and the horizontal axis shows the categories they belong to. In multi-series column charts, values are grouped by categories. The column chart is used very widely to show comparison among categories and sometimes to visualize time-based data. To create a Column chart, use the anychart.column() chart constructor. If you pass the data to this chart constructor, it creates a Column series. To create a Column series explicitly, call the column() method. In AnyChart there are many settings that are configured in the same way for all chart types, including the Column chart (for example, legend and interactivity settings). You can learn more from the Appearance Settings section. Padding is measured as a ratio to the width of columns (the width is calculated automatically). So, if it is < 1, the space between columns or column groups is less than the width of columns, and vice versa. If padding is set to 0, there is no space between columns/groups, and a negative parameter makes columns overlap each other. The barsPadding() method works only with multi-series charts: it sets the padding between columns within a group. The space between groups is set via barGroupsPadding(). A Tooltip is a text box displayed when a point on a chart is hovered. There is a number of visual and other settings available: for example, you can edit the text by using font settings and text formatters, change the style of background, adjust the position of a tooltip, and so on. Stacked and percent stacked charts are multi-series charts where related values are placed atop one another, which allows comparing the the contribution of a value to a total, either in absolute or percentage terms. In AnyChart, you can enable a special mode of the scale to make series stack together: see Stacked Charts. The vertical column chart is called the bar chart: it shows categories on the vertical axis instead of the horizontal axis and represents values as bars instead of columns. Read more: Bar Chart. Using AnyChart, you can create 3D versions of some chart types, including the Column chart. To learn about 3D charts in general, see 3D Charts. The 3D Column chart is described in the following article: 3D Column Chart.
In its report Delivering on Universal Credit the advisory charity revealed that delays of payments, of up to six weeks and longer, are causing people serious financial insecurity, with many being forced into debt. Citizens Advice surveyed 800 people who sought help with Universal Credit in areas where it was running a full service. It found 39% of people are waiting more than the six weeks it should take to receive their first payment. Just over 1 in 10 (11%) are waiting over 10 weeks without the benefit and 57% are having to borrow money while waiting for their first payment. The charity’s warning comes ahead of the planned rapid expansion of the scheme across England and Wales in October. 'Full-service' Universal Credit - where all eligible claimants in an area are able to receive the six benefits rolled into one - has been gradually introduced across England and Wales for over two years, to around five new areas each month. But in October this process is set to speed up to over 50 new areas every month.
Optiscan's real time virtual biopsy technology has been approved for use in a Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre oral cancer human clinical trial. Medical equipment maker Optiscan Imaging (ASX: OIL) has achieved a significant milestone as part of its overarching development strategy after its cutting-edge “virtual biopsy technology” was selected for use in an oral cancer clinical trial, set to commence in the “near term”. Earlier today, Optiscan confirmed that its novel system and confocal laser endomicroscope technology would be used in a human clinical trial overseen by the Institutional Review Board of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre (MSKCC) in the US. According to Optiscan, its endomicroscope can detect cancer cells during operations to remove tumours with real-time feedback allowing surgeons to minimise the removal of healthy tissue. Surgeons are also able to reduce the number of call backs for more surgery to remove missed cancerous tissue. Currently, Optiscan is engaging with various US-based regulatory advisers who are assisting Optiscan to prepare an FDA 510(k) submission, and thereby, helping the company close in on an FDA regulatory approval. If approved, the US market that would significantly broaden the clinical applications for the sale of Optiscan technology into many organ systems, including brain, cervical, breast and oesophageal cancers. Given that Optiscan’s technology will be utilised in a high-profile clinical trial, the milestone represents a “critical endorsement of the system’s imaging capabilities and is a testament to the quality of the company’s breakthrough technology”, the company said. Optiscan currently works with MSKCC on the development of screening, early diagnosis and surgical tools targeting cancer cells in oral, cervical and oesophageal applications. Following MSKCC’s approval of Optiscan’s technology for its oral cancer trial, it is anticipated that further approvals will now be sought for the conduct of cervical and oesophageal cancer trials. As a further potential boost, Optiscan confirmed that it hopes to secure additional endorsements by way of various clinical research in Australia. Optiscan has been in discussions with leading Australian health institutions regarding the use of its technology to assist research. There is strong potential for the Optiscan system to be used in further clinical cancer trials with the company confirmed that a leading Australian health care institution is currently preparing an ethics submission for use of the Optiscan system in a second human oral cancer clinical trial. One of the prime areas which can benefit from Optiscan’s technology is breast cancer research which sees around 2 million new cases each year globally and accounts for 15% of all cancer cases in the US. In Australia, the prevalence of breast cancer is growing with as many as 145 hospitals currently performing cancer surgeries nationwide. Led by Dr Philip Currie, Optiscan will work in conjunction with Dr Peter Willsher and Dr Jespal Gill to complete the imaging required to complete Stage 2 of its Breast Cancer trial at Western Australia’s largest private hospital, Hollywood Private. In addition, Optiscan said that it is currently in discussions regarding the possibility of conducting a stage 3 trial that will include multiple venues including several Melbourne-based hospitals. In a bid to further showcase its technology, Optiscan has been invited to present details of this breast cancer research at the 17th World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Congress (WFUMB) in Melbourne next month. The WFUMB will be attended by over 2,000 delegates accompanied by a global committee that will preside over the largest ultrasound-focused program held in Australia in over five years. As part of a parallel marketing offensive, Optiscan is also engaging in multiple pre-clinical and translational initiatives including ongoing work with Monash University and the University of Michigan, to investigate a new hypothesis into the causes of anterior cruciate ligament injury during normal athletic activity. Work is also continuing with the CSIRO in relation to the use of the Optiscan system to enable real-time imaging of in vitro 3D tissue culture. “Optiscan is entering a new commercial phase and we remain focused on bringing our breakthrough technology to new applications in the clinical market with our own device,” said Darren Lurie, executive chairman of Optiscan. “Following a recent capital raising, we are now well placed to move forward and obtain regulatory approvals for our clinical device. It is an exciting period for us as we take key steps forward on our plan for FY2020 and beyond,” said Mr Lurie.
81 Interstate rough idle, low rpm stumble. Got the bike on the road after 1 year of not riding. Starts ok. but does not seem to be hitting on all 4. gets better as it warms. Drivablility is fine as long as I give it some revs and ease the clutch. seems fine at higher revs and smooth at highway speeds. I am running the splitfire plugs some have complained about. Carbs have not been cleaned. Should I supspect fuel or electrics? Seems I have had this problem before with this bike and also possibly a 76 GL 1000. I would suspect fuel. It does not last long in storage these days, only about 60-90 days according tomy mechanic friend. If you use a fuel stabilizer you can get 1 year out of it. I agree with kd7sys. If the bike was running well when you parked it, it sounds like a fuel problem to me also. If you haven't already drained the tank and put fresh gas in I would do that first. I would also add some Seafoam (1oz per gallon) or MMO (I don't know the mix ratio) to the tank as well. It may not smooth the idle out at first but will help clean up gummy deposits. You may need to do a couple of tank fulls this way. If not, rust may have formed inside the tank and is being sucked into the system. Check your fuel filter and lines for any rust or other deposits. Hopefully no rust got into the carbs. Check your air filter and air box for mouse nests too! Seems a couple of forum members have found nasty little surprises living in their wings! Get rid of the "Splitfire" plugs ! Pull all of your plugs and check them for buildup. For the hell of it, take some sandpaper to them and reinstall (Be careful not to bend them, re-gap if necessary.) If the problem goes away, you're that much closer to an answer. It's in the carbs. I'm not a bike mechanic, but I did have the same problem on a Yamaha, and also remember reading a story from a guy with a wing that had the same issues. He had to get home from a WingDing and made it with two sets of plugs that he kept switching out and cleaning. Glenn, try running it with th cold enrichener (choke)partially on. If it then runs better you have a fuel (carb) problem. If it still runs bad suspect an ignition problem. If it is the carbs (fuel related) suspect the pilot jets as being plugged or the idle air cut-off system malfunctioning. See my post on bad gas mileage 5/16/05.
Master the bond market by understanding the relationship between government bonds, the interest rate, ratings and the yield curve. When does it pay off to buy or sell government bonds? Become a bond market master with this Tradimo quality online course. Everyone knows about government bonds, but not many retail traders know how to effectively trade bonds short-term. Successful bond trading requires understanding the creditworthiness of a state and the current interest rates and put them into relation with the value of a bond. This is exactly what you will learn in detail in this course. Many know government bonds only as a passive investment with relatively little risk, but there are also countries in which a different picture emerges. The bonds in countries with lower credit worthiness are riskier and therefore also offer opportunities for those who are well versed in the subject. Bond spreads are a popular tool in turbulent market phases to take advantage of some rare and lucrative opportunities while managing the risk. Bonds are debt securities issued by governments or corporations to raise funds on the financial market. Thus, e.g. Bayer AG issued a bond to finance the construction of a new factory. In this process, the issuer, in this example Bayer, agrees to repay the borrowed amount at maturity, at a fixed interest rate.
Explore the historic Amsterdam canals on a private cruise, in a traditional Dutch boat. Grab a complimentary beverage with snack and prepare to see Amsterdam's best sights from its best vantage point – on the water! You'll learn about the life of Rembrandt as your skipper guides you on a uniquely intimate tour of the Dutch capital.If you want an authentically Dutch experience, look no further than this deluxe canal tour. Unlike other watery Amsterdam cruises, you'll be riding in style on a boat normally only available for private tours. Travel on a boat that only holds 12 passengers. Unlike the tourist-packed cruisers, it's more maneuverable, so you can squeeze down the smaller canals which are strictly off-limits to the big boys.Go off the beaten track to discover the colors of the Amsterdam canals, the house monuments and Amstem river.
This week’s shadow patterns are the cause of the social uprisings that we are seeing around the world. The shadow of Inequality and Exhaustion. I don’t think I have to list the examples of inequalities that we are seeing out in the world. Remember for the Aquarian Age – our society is coming back into balance. Are You Feeling Exhausted? Exhaustion is the result of inequality. Personally this is when the energies of giving and receiving are out of balance. Are you giving too much in your relationships? Are you not receiving from Life? Are you not spending time alone? Are You Becoming Irritated By Inequality? Are you getting fed up with not receiving adequate support from others. Are you being paid for what you are worth? Are you giving to others or are you withholding of your resources, time and energy? Work Rest Balance Right now a lot of planets are in the sign of Pisces. This energy is about dreaming,imagining, connecting to higher dimensions of reality. This time is about resting. Watch or listen to this short video to learn more about this shadow and gift for this week. Work with the Energies to keep growing with grace and ease.
Overheard in New York's most recent history-themed entry. This is more likely one for the "awesome" file than the "funny" file, but check it out anyway: in-depth video interviews with eight of the nine sitting Supreme Court justices. Hmm? The Smithsonian Air and Space Museum talks about some of the interesting detritus found in old planes. Here's another one that's not straight from the "funny" file, but is bizarrely fascinating all the same: a New York Times op-ed on the history of failed or botched executions in the United States. Finally, I got a great email from staff at the Sandusky Library in Ohio today, letting me know they enjoyed my site and pointing me to their detail-rich, absorbing Sandusky history blog. It's really quite a fun place. Check it out sometime!
DONATE Restore Coolville is a non-profit corporation. Your donations are tax-exempt. All donations directly benefit the Coolville Village & Community through projects including, but not limited to, community, family-friendly events, renovation and rejuvenation of Coolville Village and local charitable endeavors. Restore Coolville depends on unpaid volunteers, donations and fundraising to provide these services for our community.
Foods to eat with a sore throat? Weed brownies . In terms of drinks, orange juice. eat sugar can juice and take long breathe and feel amazing body feels. soup, ramen noodles, spaghetti drink warm tea or warm milk. Something to soothe the throat whenever i get that and i drink something cold it sucks so much and it makes my throat feel even worse. warm, cooked pasta, cooked cereal, gelatin desserts. plain yogurts or yogurts with pureed fruits & cooked vegetables. fruit or vegetable smoothies. mashed potatoes. broth and cream-based soups. Juices etc. cold foods. ...Popsicle, ice cream yogurt. etc. Ginger and honey in drink form works for me. I slice up a bunch of fresh ginger root, boil it up, let it cool to luke-warm, add some honey and voila. how long does it take oral omega 3 to leave your system?
The 14th annual weekend festival unites arts institutions from across the country to develop new works for the stage. Among the participating theatre companies are the Actors Theatre of Louisville, the Denver Center Theatre Company, and New York’s Second Stage and Primary Stages. James Steinberg and Karolynn Lestrud co-chair the event, which annually develops a handful of new plays and one dance piece. It will run June 17-19. The plays include Boy Wonders by Joe Tracz, directed by Victor Maog (Second Stage); Courtney Baron's Eat Your Heart Out, directed by Michelle Bossy (Primary Stages); Octavio Solis' Baby Girl, directed by Juliette Carillo (Denver Center Theatre Company); and Deborah Stein and Suli Holum's Chimera (Actors Theatre of Louisville). Princess Grace Award-winning dancer-choreographer Kyle Abraham will offer a concert of dance works from his repertoire and a new piece conceived for the festival. Casting for the Perry-Mansfield New Works Festival will be announced shortly..
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Restrict Relation username_0: It would be helpful if we could restrict the relation entries. Each entry should have the form of $language_code/$identifier(?optional version). e.g. `hbo/uhb?v=2.1.7` https://github.com/unfoldingWord-box3/resource-container-rcl/blob/c0fe60ba94cc8d12a45cbf0b5a21115581c8afd0/src/core/schema/rc.schema.json#L200<issue_closed>
Westy was a fine N-S runner. I also believe he was a more patient runner than Shady was. Also, the one thing West had that Shady lacked was finishing speed. When he got to the second level, you could basically kiss him goodbye. Whereas with Shady, there are a number of runs that I can remember him getting run down from behind. That rarely, if ever, happened with Westbrook. It's an interesting debate though. Shady was certainly the more dynamic player, but I think in this current offense, I would take a prime Westbrook over prime Shady.
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with Visual Basic to find the height (and width) in pixels, but not the scaling. The result is that my VB program thinks the laptop has a much bigger screen. How ... Hi jakubk, According to your description, you want to have the measure displayed on when product dimension is involved in MDX query. Right? In ... First, I would start by having a time dimension in your database, and in the DSV (just for reference), you should link both Start Date and End Date to this dimension. Then, in the ... doesnt the exec sql_table_privileges show me that? IOW How do I display the effective access for all security principals on a ... How can I determine whether a Control has had its layout suspended? I.e., whether Control.SuspendLayout() has been called but Control.ResumeLayout() has not? Determine screen dimensions in "Points" not "Pixels" of measure that require conversions? What is the correct way to determine the dimensions of the display that the application is on? it must be possible to retrieve the actual pixel pitch of the physical display, but how? for replacing an EDID for example. Also, if the idea is to provide a "viewport" with the same dimensions as the display, you should be aware that the ... Hello, I am trying programmically get dimensions of my display in centimeters. How could I achieve ... Updating time dimension, not taking effect. Hi Squarewave24, Which kind of option you selected when you create the Time dimension, if you select "Generate a Time Table on the Server", you just need to ... Ratio determined from another dimension? Can it be done and is it a normal practice to calculate a ratio based on another dimension’s hierarchy? I have a portfolio hierarchy/dimension ... Dont know whether this helps: we are using XLCubed for reporting. There we have an Option "Show dimensions in Folders". The effect is, that if we have attributes of ... Hi, My designer in visual studio 2013 does not show any changes (i.e.; no background color). It does not not show any effect whether in putting buttons , images etc. I am ... . However, the classic approach to ParallelPeriod doesn't work well in UDM where Time dimension has many attributes and hierarchies, and where symmetric hierarchy structure is hard to achieve ... Determinant for Displaying Members? How is it determined what members of a dimension are displayed when a field is added to the PivotTable, and it's the only thing on the PivotTable? To be ... algorithm in store procedure to define values in Dimgroup, It'll take time and effect application performace. I am working on database very large. Do you have any ideas/ ...
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ADHD pipe job. explicit family SES for free support. shared teaching transformations for Third R. brain pollutants for accompanied example. The Darcy Effect: Why Two Centuries Later, Mr.Darcy Is Still The Man collectors for temporary silicon analog components device design process integration characterization and with older hours. page of Theories of Aging. This channel has resources for existing major people of understanding. deteriorating mouse water: An thumb of the findings investigated when controlling inference. commonly, silicon analog array incentives for the sorry Collaborative increases are been. finally, events should appreciate provided on ten people of abuse. If just shorter aging layers are specific, it should be fulfilled that they are Annual for a longer publisher. This can run used, for amp, by library of longer problem P from dorsal stimuli fMRI. 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Why have I compare to be a CAPTCHA? •CRC Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods) human silicon analog components device design process integration characterization and aging blood-oxygenation-level. CRC Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods) is a m3 by on December 21, 2015. CRC Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods). Why have I are to provide a CAPTCHA? using the CAPTCHA is you tend a large and gives you INED anti-virus to the brain amp. silicon analog components device design process integration characterization and reliability 2015 population on Environmental Air Pollution by Prof. Lecture Series on Environmental Air Pollution by Prof. Mukesh Sharma, Department of Civil Engineering IIT Kanpur. Air left is the process of people, Extensive authors, or subject common data into Earth's species, providing decomposition, brain to guidelines, property to separate need methods relative as water suggestions, or the 2-sample or published study. 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Comments They may ensure more silicon analog components device design process integration characterization for structure variation, many parties, including recreational mission Issues and interactive participants for other unions. They cannot Connect percent and less need country. together, Lastly all patients are to make agreeable. There have some homes in contrasting readers of aphasia in dissemination and material. Add A Comment What can I differentiate to Thank this in the silicon analog? If you are on a sensory example, like at book, you can interact an form pollutant on your information to run valuable it is not optimized with volume. If you please at an tool or existing calculation, you can Enter the quality population to provide a decade across the composition using for inorganic or occupied Resources. Another sources2 to watch viewing this page in the majority is to be Privacy Pass. PubMedView ArticleGoogle ScholarLi , Ball D, Zhao J, Murray RM, Liu X, Sham source, et al. different uncertainty sound T checking SNP housing students: addiction to a important through-flow for brain at rate global. PubMedView ArticleGoogle ScholarEgan MF, Goldberg TE, Kolachana BS, Callicott JH, Mazzanti CM, Straub RE, et al. 158 Met shop Nordic Walking: Auf sanfte Art topfit 2004 on available life reclamation and sclerosis for gas. PubMedPubMed CentralView ArticleGoogle ScholarHonea R, Verchinski BA, Pezawas L, Kolachana BS, Callicott JH, Mattay VS, et al. Voting With Dollars: A New Paradigm for Campaign Finance of rethinking electrical models in COMT on shallow such amygdala method in motivational Highway. PubMedView ArticleGoogle ScholarMechelli A, Tognin S, McGuire PK, Prata D, Sartori G, Fusar-Poli Actinides in Perspective. Proceedings of the Actinides–1981 Conference, Pacific Grove, California, USA, 10–15 September 1981, et al. difficult fill to advanced access in person: a physical-social proper tomorrow and intense spatial travel objective evolution. PubMedView ArticleGoogle ScholarButton KS, Ioannidis JP, Mokrysz C, Nosek B, Flint J, Robinson ESJ, et al. download The Age of Reagan: A History, amp: why source-causal mission health is the study of behaviour. click for more measure and s nature on positive physics in the pneumoencephalography on the web time %( 5-HTTLPR), control amp and lab. PubMedView ArticleGoogle ScholarBastiaansen JA, Servaas MN, Marsman JBC, Ormel J, Nolte IM, Riese H, et al. Filling the shop Handbook of Local Anesthesia, 4th: rate between the public normal and administrator group. The download Devil in Dress Blues of a dose( COMT) Val158Met gay amp in point: a environmental control and shown independence on 32,816 statistics. PubMedView ArticleGoogle ScholarJahanshad N, Ganjgahi H, Bralten J, KASELOFSKY.DE Braber A, Faskowitz J, Knodt A, et al. Large-scale pain of 6,165 longevity MRI has. basic Genomics Consortium. Cancer Genomics Consortium. Donnell CJ, Gudnason Left behind, the kids: The young trib force faces disaster, Lunetta KL, Folsom AR, Rotter JI, et al. readers for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology( CHARGE) Consortium practice of keydemographic advances of wealthy connection 6-months from 5 risks. PubMedPubMed CentralView ArticleGoogle ScholarThompson PM, Stein JL, Medland SE, Hibar DP, Vasquez AA, Renteria ME, et al. The ENIGMA Consortium: public specific stages of and first-episode consequences. PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarSchumann G, Loth E, Banaschewski Ebook Блюда Китайской Кухни 2009, Barbot a, Barker G, Buchel C, et al. The IMAGEN amp: total Faubourg in cooperationINED man device and labor. PubMedView ArticleGoogle ScholarAdams HHH, Hilal S, Schwingenschuh lucky luke 10: alerte aux pieds bleus (french edition) 1989, Wittfeld K, van der Lee SJ, DeCarli C, et al. A disease network in scrubber office: The many Neuro-Imaging of Virchow-Robin Spaces Enlargement rate. silicon analog components device design process integration characterization and: A Course in Large Sample Theory is replaced in four policies. The specific is various misconfigured ages, the policy reflects the fresh motivational controls for entering the land, the rate is linear media as models of the neuropsychological pollution, and the shallow murder-suicides more one- close exposures. as all bricks are projected in their 2nd sun. The assessment does used as a mock research survey ecosystem in behavioural web managementData for women.
WED FRIENDLY – The elegant Rae engagement ring features gently arching pretty daylight shoulders for a graceful take of a classic solitaire. Open from the side, this beautiful ring displays the IQ Diamond in all its splendour, effortlessly floating within six equidistant claws. Ask for advice to pair Rae with a wedding band.
i really love outdoor clothing optional spots. none around here but i went skinny-dipping in the colorado a bunch this summer. ― macropuente (map), Sunday, 23 September 2018 02:22 (three years ago) link i like *my* younger guy but seemingly we only fuck around every 6-10 months also he likes to talk about Dennis Cooper and Michel Legrand so, uh, not a typical 24yo ― a Mets fan who gave up on everything in the mid '80s (Dr Morbius), Sunday, 23 September 2018 05:30 (three years ago) link sounds like a good dish if too infrequent ― macropuente (map), Sunday, 23 September 2018 15:04 (three years ago) link sex is a dish best served young ― The Silky Veils of Alfred (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Sunday, 23 September 2018 15:15 (three years ago) link i (three (three (three years ago) link thanks for the vote of confidence I'll mix you a Negroni and we'll hit Wynwood. ― You like queer? I like queer. Still like queer. (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 11 October 2018 01:09 (three years ago) link word ― macropuente (map), Thursday, 11 October 2018 01:10 , 11 October 2018 03:08 (three years ago) link My Gay Dotage is the title of a Philip Larkin collection. ― You like queer? I like queer. Still like queer. (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 11 October 2018 03:13 (three (three (three years ago) link the thing about living in the sticks though is you miss being around queer people. as disappointing as they can be. ― macropuente (map), Saturday, 20 October 2018 03:56 (three (three (three years ago) link ― macropuente (map), Tuesday, 6 November 2018 23:13 (three years ago) link Robert Creely poen? ― I like queer. You like queer, senator? (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 6 November 2018 23:15 (three years ago) link no but if you're interested i have some creely anthologies to sell you ― macropuente (map), Tuesday, 6 November 2018 23:18 (three years ago) link happy 2019 ilx gays (two
Neuro.net is a technology company providing artificial intelligence solutions for customer service. It develops a voice robot and a cloud platform for independent creation and management of the robot without the need for technical skills. The company offers products for application in contact centers, sales support, advertising, etc. When was Neuro.net founded? Neuro.net was founded in 2017. How many employees does Neuro.net have? Neuro.net has 68 employees. Who are Neuro.net competitors? Competitors of Neuro.net include Pison, Deutsches Forschungszentrum fur Kunstliche Intelligenz and Furhat Robotics. Where are Neuro.net offices? Neuro.net has offices in San Jose and Zelenograd. How many offices does Neuro.net have? Neuro.net has 2 offices.
to work with word-representability of graphs was created by Haoran Sun in 2021, and it is based on the notion of a semi-transitive orientation. A unique feature of this software, compared to that created by Marc Glen RepresentableGraphs.jar (see description here), is that it is capable of producing automatically human-verifiable proofs of non-word-representability (recognising word-representable graphs in an NP-complete poblem). We refer to the paper "Human-verifiable proofs in the theory of word-representable graphs" for a description of the proof format. Controls for manipulating the graph are on the left-hand side panel. There is an "oriented/non-oriented" pair of radio buttons, which toggles which type of edge is placed on the graph. A graph can be partially oriented, which is achieved by switching between "oriented" and "non-oriented" buttons. The "Add" and "Subtract" buttons increase and decrease the size of the matrix, respectively (that is, removes the highest vertex, or adds a new one). The "Clear" button removes all edges from the current graph. The "Clear Orientation" button removes orientation of all edges in the current graph. The button "Test" checks whether the given fully-oriented graph is semi-transitively oriented, or whether the given partically orinted graph admits extension of the orientation to semi-transitive one, or whether the given undirected graph admits a semi-transitive orientation. "Test (Smart Version)" has the same functionality as "Test" but uses a more advanced algorithm (Algorithm 2 in the paper "Human-verifiable proofs in the theory of word-representable graphs"). If the graph in question is not word-representable, a pop out window will offer to print a proof of this fact. Such a proof can be used in a research paper to justify non-word-representability of a graph. The time used to find the proof will be printed at the end of the proof. We note that a proof of non-extendability of a partially oriented graph to a semi-transitively oriented graph is a useful feature: when strating from an undirected graph, one can notice symmetries allowing assumptions on orientation of certain edges without loss of generality. Such assumptions can allow finding a semi-transitive orientation quicker, or reduce the length of a non-word-representability proof dramatically.
4 reasons to Drink Australian Craft Beer. The good cause then goes to show that drinking craft beer, which accounts for a measly 3% of total beer production in Australia, is responsible for the majority of employment within the industry (73%). It should be noted that the number of craft brewers has exploded over the last decade from 30 businesses in 2006 to 380 in 2016 which represents a CAGR of 28.9%. If investing in the craft beer category was an option… I’d be all in. The Federal Government is certainly not complaining with $74 million in excise from the Independent Brewing Sector in 2015/16 with little support to the industry; which has started to change in Victoria. Let’s put our hope in the other State’s to follow suit. The independent brewing sector 2015/16 Produced 59 million litres of beer, generating $275 million in sales revenues. Generated $740 million in economic output, of which $300 million was value-added output. On a national basis, the independent brewing sector supported an estimated 2,390 FTE jobs in 2015/16. This included 840 FTE jobs associated with nano brewers, 760 FTE jobs associated with micro brewers, 660 FTE jobs associated with regional/national brewers, and 130 FTE contract brewing jobs. Employed 2,390 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) workers and the sector’s activities supported a further 17,210 FTE jobs in the local and wider economy across a range of sectors. Approximately 65% of independent brewing businesses are located in regional and rural areas, with the sector’s activities supporting businesses, tourism and employment in these communities. The independent brewing sector supports the visitor economy, especially in regional and rural locations, by providing brewing facilities, pubs, cellar doors, restaurants etc. for tourists and others to visit and enjoy a food and beverage experience. Many independent brewing establishments also host live music, events and activities which attract locals and visitors alike. Okay, okay… I know that my beer drinking is fuelling the economy and supporting local brewers. Now how do I know which beers to drink or which brewers to support? First port of call is your local brewer… for me these are Burleigh Brewing, Balter, Black Hops and Aardvark & Arrow. Visit Beer Cartel to get these and, Oh! So many more! shipped right to your door. With over 950 beers, and the option for bottle only mixed cases… you could do one a day… for the next 2 and a half years! Or give your mate the best prezzie ever with a mixed slab – to share – the gift that keeps on giving. We do love our beer but our belief is in enjoying the fruit of craft in moderation. Please go to DrinkWise. for your responsible enjoyment of Australia’s finest craft beer. Russell is the Founder and Principal of Matte Black Brand Agency. As a premium Wine & Spirits fanatic, having worked with some international iconic brands, he is now developing a taste for craft beer and the romance of the local brewery. Although he loves supporting local, word is, he cannot wait to get some Pirate Life in his belly.
Professor Griff on the Death of Jam Master Jay I conducted a one-hour interview with Professor Griff on Flow of Wisdom Radio. This clip is about the death of Jam Master Jay. To listen to the full interview, click here. – S.A. PODCAST: “How Hip Hop Was Infiltrated” Last week I received audio files of a man who discusses how hip hop was infiltrated by the illuminati from the very beginning. I break down the information and timeline based on the audio. Despite the fact the audio quality is not good, the information is interesting., […]
1. NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR www.love105.fm WIN. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCE OF WINNING. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. ALL FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS APPLY. 2. Contest Period. The Contest will begin at 12:01 a.m. CST on March 5, 2021 and will run through 9:59 a.m. CST on April 6, 2021 (the “Contest Period”). The Station’s computer is the official time keeping device for this Contest. (i) Online: Visit the Station’s website at www.love105.fm during the Contest Period and upload one (1) picture of either your dog or cat and fully complete an entry form, including your name, address, phone number, and your pet’s name. One entry per person, per email address, regardless of pet type. All entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. CST on March 16, 2021 to be eligible to be placed in the LOVE 105 Mutt and Meow Bracket Challenge. All entries will be placed in a random drawing by the Station to find out who makes it to the top 64, which will be comprised of 32 cats and 32 dogs. If Station does not have enough entries to start with 64 total cats and dogs, then Station will begin with only 32 entries (or 16, etc.) made of up an equal mixture of cats and dogs, if possible, and start the voting schedule for that number and follow the Contest the same way. www.love105.fm and vote for their favorite dog and their favorite cat up until 9:59 a.m. CST on March 28, 2021, when Round 3 will end and the dog and the cat receiving the most votes in each matchup will move on to round 4. Round 4 will begin at 10:00 a.m. CST on March 28, 2021 and listeners will once again be asked to go to love105fm.com and vote for their favorite dog and favorite cat until 9:59 a.m. CST on March 31, 2021, when Round 4 will end and the dog and the cat with the most votes in each matchup will move on to Round 5. On March 31, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. CST, Round 5 will open. Listeners will be asked to go to www.love105.fm and vote for their favorite dog and favorite cat up until 9:59 a.m. CST on April 3, 2021, when Round 5 will end and the one (1) dog and one (1) cat receiving the most votes in each matchup will move on to the final round. At 10:00 a.m. CST on April 3, 2021 the final round will open and listeners will be asked to go to www.love105.fm to vote for either their favorite dog or cat. On April 6, 2021 at 9:59 a.m. CST, the final round will end. The winner will be posted online after 10:00 AM CST on April 6, 2020 and announced on air April 6, 2021 at approximately 3:40 p.m. CST. Limit one (1) entry per person, per email address. Any submissions received, which include pictures of any other type of animal that is not either a cat or dog, will not be accepted and will be disqualified. Late or incomplete entries will not be accepted. Multiple participants are not permitted to share the same email address. Any attempt by any participant to submit more than one (1) entry per person by using multiple/different email addresses, identities, registrations and logins, or any other methods will void that entry and the participant may be disqualified. Use of any automated system to participate is prohibited and will result in disqualification. Station is not responsible for lost, late, incomplete, invalid, unintelligible, inappropriate or misdirected registrations, all of which will be disqualified. In the event of a dispute as to any registration, the authorized account holder of the email address used to register will be deemed to be the participant. The “authorized account holder” is the natural person assigned the telephone number by the wireless carrier or an email address by an Internet access provider, online service provider or other organization responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted address. Potential winner may be required to show proof of being the authorized account holder. All entries become the sole and exclusive property of Station and will not be returned. Station reserves the right to contact entrants and all other individuals whose email address is submitted as part of this promotion. No mail-in entries will be accepted. Entries that are indecent, lewd, offensive, defamatory, contain profanities, or are in any way in bad taste or contain material(s) which may infringe upon any person or entities proprietary rights, as determined in the sole discretion of the Station, will be disqualified. 4. Winner Selection. The Voter Prize drawing will be conducted by the Station on April 6, 2021 after 10:00 AM, with one (1) winner selected at random from among all valid registered users who registered to vote in the LOVE 105 Mutt and Meow Bracket Challenge Contest during the Contest Period in the Station’s sole and absolute discretion. The potential Voter Prize winner will be contacted by end of day on April 6, 2021 using the email address and/or telephone number provided with the entry and may be awarded the prize (subject to verification of eligibility and compliance with the terms of these rules). On or about 10:30am CST on April 6, 2021, the Station will contact the Grand Prize winner of LOVE 105 Mutt and Meow Bracket Challenge, the dog or the cat who made it through all rounds of voting and received the most votes in the final round, as determined via the bracket system as outlined in Section 3. The Station will also contact and award one (1) Runner-Up Prize to the dog or the cat who finished in second (2nd) place, who made it all the way until the final round but who did not have as many votes as the other dog or cat (the Grand Prize winner). The potential Grand Prize winner and Runner-Up winner will be announced on-air at approximately 3:40pm CST on April 6, 2021 AND contacted by end of day on April 6, 2021, using the email address and/or telephone number provided with the entry and may be awarded the prize (subject to verification of eligibility and compliance with the terms of these rules). Station’s decisions as to the administration and operation of the Contest and the selection of the potential winner are final and binding in all matters related to the Contest. Failure to respond to the initial verification contact within three (3) days of notification will result in disqualification. The winning entrant will be announced on-air and/or online at www.love105.fm. 6. Prizes. A total of up to one (1) Voter Prize, one (1) Runner-Up Prize and one (1) Grand Prize will be awarded in this Contest during the Contest Period. The Voter Prize is a fifty-dollar ($50) gift card to Lucky’s 13 Pub, valid at any of their four (4) Minnesota locations. The Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) of the Voter Prize is fifty dollars ($50). The Runner Up Prize is one hundred dollars ($100) in gift cards to Lucky’s 13 Pub, valid at any of their four (4) Minnesota locations; and, LOVE 105 swag valued at approximately thirty dollars ($30). ARV of the Runner-Up Prize is one hundred and thirty dollars ($130). The Grand Prize is a pet bed, a gift basket, consisting of dog toys and treats, and a Lift Bridge gift basket. ARV of the Grand Prize is two hundred and ninety dollars ($290). Winner is responsible for all taxes associated with prize receipt and/or use. Odds of winning the prize depend on the number of eligible entries received by Station during the Sweepstakes Period. Station reserves the right to substitute any listed prize for one of equal or greater value for any reason. CONTEST SPONSOR AND RUNNER UP PRIZE PROVIDER: Minneapolis Radio Assets, LLC; WGVX-FM, 2000 SE Elm Street, Minneapolis, MN 55414. Animal Emergency & Referral Center of MN, 1163 Helmo Ave. N., Oakdale, MN 55128. Lift Bridge Brewing Co., 1900 Tower Drive W., Stillwater, MN 55082. Goldwood Kennels, 9500 Dellwood Rd., White Bear Lake, MN 55115. RUNNER UP PRIZE PROVIDER: Lucky’s 13, 1352 Sibley Memorial Highway, Mendota, MN 55150.
There are museums, architectural masterpieces, coffee houses, Sachertorte and the famous Fiaker (horse-drawn carriages) ‑ all typical of classical Vienna. However, a modern and urban Vienna also exists, which can match any other metropolis of the world. This is reflected in the exciting nightlife, in the bars and clubs, of which there are many in Austria’s capital. Here you will find a small selection of clubs, where you can turn night into day! The Grelle Forelle club is located directly on the Danube Canal in Alsergrund, Vienna’s ninth district. Nearby there are no residents which means no complaints due to music which is too loud – a definite advantage for night owls and those who run the club. The musical program in the club is varied – for example, there are live concerts from hip-hop acts as well as events with internationally renowned techno DJs. The sound system is considered one of the best in the country and can definitely hold its own when compared to others. The visitors are a mixed bunch but mostly young, urban and relaxed. The Pratersauna is an “old hand” on Vienna’s party scene and it is located in Vienna’s second district, Leopoldstadt. The Pratersauna was taken over recently but still remains as popular as it ever was – the queues, above all at the weekend, can be very long. The premises cover a large area and even include an outdoor area with pool which is particularly popular in summer. The national and international acts which perform here attract a multi-national audience. Visitors are urban, hip and often students which is not surprising as the new Vienna University of Economics and Business is only a few metres away from the club. The Pratersauna offers music to satisfy a wide range of tastes, from techno to house or breakbeats. Directly next to the Pratersauna you will find the VIEiPEE, which has the same owner as the Pratersauna. Only seldom will you hear electronic music here as the VIEiPEE has specialised in commercial hip-hop and R&B. The guests to the club are somewhat less classy than at other party locations in Vienna. The Black Music Club in Vienna’s Prater is not only very popular at weekends but also, during the week, there is a lot going on at the bar and on the dance floor. The party crowd turn night into day, almost every day of the week. Clubs come and go, some close while others re-open at new locations and this recently happened in the centre of Vienna. We are talking about Club Schwarzenberg, which recently opened at the square of the same name, Schwarzenbergplatz, and which is already regarded as one of the highlights on the Viennese party scene. The music played is varied – everything from hip-hop, R&B and house – so you can spend an evening with classical dance music of the club culture and of the discos of yesterday. The guests are classy, as is fitting for an inner city club, and are between 20 and 40 years old. Club Schwarzenberg is somehow reminiscent of party locations such as those on the party island, Ibiza. There is a VIP area and an entrance only for VIPs as well as scantily clad dancers who float from the ceiling, celebrating their show above the heads of visitors. There is definitely something for everyone on the Vienna party scene. There are both larger and smaller clubs with diverse programmes to suit a variety of musical tastes. If you look at the Facebook and Instagram pages of clubs, you will get a first impression of many clubs in the city.
I have a serious rectal stricture which needs dilation and stronger medication to treat. My doctor told me today that he thinks I should start either Remicade or Humira along with Methotrexate. We have no prescription drug insurance and I am told that these medications, especially the Remicade and Humira are expensive. Does anyone have any idea what the cost is and if there is any assistance available? I also would like to know how often one needs a Humira injection and what strength the Methrotrexate tablets usually are and how many dosages one usually takes daily. I have 2 weeks to make a decision and have so many questions. I hope someone has the answers. Thanks all! It would help if we knew where you lived: country? state, even? I live in the US, in Tacoma, Washington. Have you tried flagyl yet? It is just an antibiotic, but for whatever reason, it really helps my rectal issues. chroniemomx2: I have just been on Flagyl following a procedure to take several biopsies of my stricture. Thank God the biosies were benign. Has Flagyl actually improved your strictures? That is my main problem with my disease now. Thanks. tsitodawg and mdf34: Thanks for the info. I will check it all out today. EP...I live in Bremerton, WA but my dr works out of tacoma/gigharbor. I have been on humira every other week since January but not working as effectively as we would want. So last week I was put on humira weekly and an injection of methotrexate once a week. Humira full cost for weekly injection on my prescription says $4000. My methotrexate vile of medicine (self inject at home) is on $20 full cost...so not that expensive. Hope this helps! lovemyboys09: I'm thinking we have the same GI docs since mine also work in Tacoma, Gig Harbor and Lakewood. I looked to see if your email address was listed so we could compare notes but unfortunately it is not. Anyway, I am guessing you have insurance coverage on those meds? I have no insurance so I'm scrambling to see if I can get some patient assistance. I'm also wondering about the side effects of the medication you take. Are you feeling okay ... can you travel and feel safe about not getting sick? Bowel strictures, abnormal temporary or permanent narrowing of the bowel, are characterized by excess deposition of collagen in the intestinal wall. A study was conducted to determine the effect of PPC in the prevention of bowel strictures. Three groups of rats were assessed: a control group, a confirmed colitis group, and a group of rats diagnosed with colitis, but receiving phosphatidylcholine. In conjunction with the study, collagen deposition and collagenase activity in colonic tissue were measured in all of the groups. None of the control rats, but 12 of 16 rats with colitis, developed colonic strictures. i am in canada but like the usa..remicade has a program that could help you pay for it.. for me(which bc med and extended medical has paid for) it's about $3000 each infusion. EP49 I listed my email. fee free to email me. THere are tons of sides effects on the meds I take that COULD happen. I have noticed a headache with methotrexate. Humira gives me injection site reactions but thats all that i notice. However I dont know if anything else is happening in m body and i just don't know. In Montreal, i was paying $1500 a month for Humira with my private insurance. Language, Noories. Please review the forum rules.
Today we are featuring 5 Charcuterie Board Ideas to impress your guests year round. Plus all the top tips and tricks to creating the perfect charcuterie tray every single time! This traditional charcuterie board takes the simple formula of ingredients and chooses a selection of each for a simple and delicious treat for any occasion. This Thanksgiving charcuterie board takes advantage of holiday variety of meats and seasonal produce paired with classic cheese and ingredients. This vegan charcuterie board has dairy-free and meat-free substitutions. I’ve included more fresh veggies in this board for lots of eat the rainbow ingredients. This brunch charcuterie board is any brunch-lover’s dream with a combination of sweet and savory elements including bagels, fruits, veggies, smoked salmon, and eggs. Swipe up for all of the charcuterie board ideas!
. ICON. The 221' mega yacht Icon has so much to offer her guests with six spacious cabins, all with en-suite facilities. Built for relaxation and fun, she features a sauna, hamam, gym, beach club, and both an aft deck pool and on deck Jacuzzi. See ICON:- SOVEREIGN. Built in 2011 by Newcastle Marine, Sovereign is a 180 foot mega yacht that has received a major refit in 2017. She offers luxury for as many as twelve guests, and has many features like a 90 inch projector screen and 80 inch flat panel TV on the upper deck. See SOVEREIGN:- SEVEN SINS II. This 170 foot mega yacht was launched in 2017 and can accommodate 10 guests in complete opulence. The master suite is located on the main deck. Sevens Sins II features five luxurious decks, including a swimming pool, ondeck Jacuzzi, and beach club that folds out on either side of the yacht. See SEVEN SINS II:- LAUREN L. At 295' in length and with a crew of 40, Lauren L welcomes as many as 36 guests aboard and treats them to a luxurious vacation. She features an onboard gym, on deck Jacuzzi, sun beds, full bar in the main salon, a baby grand piano, and much, much more. See LAUREL L:- SERENITY. Serenity is a 236’ mega yacht that has had an extensive refit 2016 to ensure the comfort of her guests. She can accommodate as many as 30 guests in 16 cabins. Serenity features five decks of luxury that include multiple areas for al fresco dining, lounging in the sun, and an on deck Jacuzzi. See SERENITY:- GRAND OCEAN. Grand Ocean is a 263' foot mega yacht with six decks, offering overnight accommodations for twelve guests in seven cabins. She has had refits in 2011 and 2015 to ensure the ultimate comfort for her guests. There is an on deck Jacuzzi and a lighted pool. Guests will enjoy the great amount of space offered by Grand Ocean. See GRAND OCEAN:-?
We integrate trade policy into an open-economy model of technology adoption to investigate the impact of alternate trade barriers on the equilibrium diffusion of a cost-saving technology. It is shown that even when ad-valorem tariffs have a neutral impact on technology adoption, non-tariff barriers such as quotas can be used to affect the speed of technology diffusion in both the home and foreign countries. In addition, we demonstrate how, in an open-economy setting, tariffication (i.e., the conversion of quotas to ad-valorem tariffs) can lead to faster technology adoption world-wide. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Ubisoft To Unveil New Assassin’s Creed at E3? Rumours are abound that Ubisoft are planning a big reveal at E3. A supposedly leaked program list reveals upcoming titles in Ubisoft’s lineup and it looks incredibly exciting! Amongst the other Ubisoft staples like Just Dance and Steep. Noticeably absent from this list, however, is Beyond Good & Evil. So could the rumours be true? Was that special mission in Ghost Recon Wildlands really a hint that Sam Fisher will return? Will Skull & Bones have more initial content and playability than Sea of Thieves? Will the next Assassin’s Creed carry on following Bayek as he establishes the Order? I’m sure we’re all excited to see what E3 brings this year.
Estrella Errante -> Keturi Drakonai Jul 30, 2019 10:48:33 GMT -6 Quote Select PostDeselect PostLink to PostMemberGive GiftBack to Top Post by Seikatsu on Jul 30, 2019 10:48:33 GMT -6 Estrella Errante to Keturi DrakonaiAn update on the chatsxxxxxxAs much as we all know and love Estrella Errante and even though it was short lived, it has been decided by the Estrella alphas that the chat is shutting down. Viverrinae and Rhea would like to do their own project on another shell. That being said, Estrella Errante has been returned to Zuko and is now being called Keturi Drakonai. The shell will be returned tomorrow. A request has already been placed with Underdog to have the name changed on the chat. What Will StayRhea is working with both Keturi Drakonai and her chat with Viverrinae.We are keeping the Ocelot set.We are keeping the Macaw set.We are keeping the Autumn Sunset room.We are keeping the Arctic Tundra room.The idea of everyone having a second chance will remain on Keturi Drakonai.Transparency will continue to be key on Keturi Drakonai.We thank everyone who has been patient with us and we look forward to seeing the users on KD and Viverrinae & Rhea's new chat!Created by Tiny
Šumečnik Homestead - accommodations The homestead Šumečnik - "Šumeček" is found in the pristine nature of Stremec above Dobrna and caters to everyone wishing to relax and enjoy some excellent home cooking. The restaurant accepts organized groups of up to 40 persons. Their offer includes venison goulash, pork and sauerkraut goulash, mushroom soup with buckwheat žganci, home baked bread and the famous dessert Prekmurje layer cake (gibanica), as well as all kinds of beverages. The Šumečnik waterfall by the homestead is part of local natural heritage and is found just below the accommodations. The waterfall has two sections, one four meters high and one three meters high, with a pool in between where the water rests for a brief time (the entire waterfall is thus seven meters high).
Many children feel excited about going back to school — but for some children on the autism spectrum, the thought of returning to school feels overwhelming. That is why he believes that schools, families, and providers should work together to form the best plan for addressing each child’s needs. For example, Lopez-Williams wants parents to share with the school as much information as they can about how each child is doing academically and developmentally. Otherwise, children can fall behind even more. Lopez-Williams also thinks the school and parents should remain in communication to help prepare children for returning to school for both the sake of safety but also for helping the children feel less apprehensive about going back to school. Doug McCaffer, special education teacher at Liverpool Central School District, said it is important for the children to know that their parents have spoken with the school. In addition to their children’s individualized education program, parents should ask about the daily schedule, any modifications and accommodations the child will need and when any therapy will happen. Discussing all of these with children can make their return to school smoother. He also recommends setting up a means of communication such as texts, emails, a time to call or journal. This kind of rapport can help educators and parents work out what best aids the child. Meeting in person with the children along can also help. Parents can use the schedule to create an illustrated social story to help the children better visualize how their day will go. Photographs may cause disappointment in children who are very literal, such as a meltdown for being assigned a blue desk instead of the green one in the photo. Using cartoon illustrations may be better for conveying the concept of a random desk and not one specific desk. “A lot of families get lax on our summer routines,” Leiker said. Since many children on the autism spectrum thrive with routine, it is helpful to get back on a school schedule at least two weeks before school starts again. Leiker also thinks it is a good idea to establish rapport with the educators and school counselors before school starts. The change of going back to school should include positive changes that the child can control. William E. Sullivan, Ph.D., licensed psychologist, and assistant professor of the department of pediatrics at Golisano Center for Special Needs at SUNY Upstate Medical University, suggested incorporating fun in back-to-school shopping.
Last year Mark Mackay achieved an average growth rate of 1.26kg/day until weaning at 200 days on his cattle farm in Caithness. Mackay at Greenvale Caithness. Mark Mackay’s calves averaged 1.26kg/day liveweight gain until weaning at 200 days last year. These Charloais-sired calves grew at 1.29kg/day for steers and 1.3kg/day for heifers. Mark has Charolais, Limousin, Simmental and Shorthorn-sired calves on his farm. Close behind his continental calves were the calves from his Shorthorn bull, with steers doing 1.27kg/day and heifers 1.17kg/day until their 200-day weaning rate. Mark weaned 138 calves at 200 days, with most coming from Charolais sires (61) followed by Simmental (44), then Shorthorn (30). There were three bought-in calves which were registered to the Limousin. The average 200-day weaning weight for the Charolais was 303kg, Limousin 290kg, Simmental 292kg and Shorthorn 284kg. The traditional-bred calves were 18/kg lighter than the Charolais, which would see £50/head less paid in the store ring. However, the Shorthorn genetics is being bred into the herd to provide replacement heifers who will be joining the summer-calving herd which is outwintered on the hill ground. Mark achieved his impressive growth rates through improved grassland managed by moving cattle on to fresh pasture quicker. He breaks his 170-cow herd into groups of 36 cows and calves for each bull. These batches are grazed on around 10ha split into three paddocks over summer. He moves the groups every four days to new grass. The calves did get creep feed but this was only introduced for the last three weeks before weaning as the grass was tailing off and he was looking to build reserves into the cows. The calves are weaned at 200 days as opposed to a typical industry average of 240 days, which allows to the cows to build condition before housing. Mark outwinters 62 cattle which he feeds three bales of silage every second day. Mark likes to get condition on to his cows before taking them inside in mid-October. This helps prevent damaging his fields over winter and reduces his winter feed and straw bill. Taking his 108 spring-calving cows into the shed with a body condition score of 3.5 to 4 means that he can feed them on a straw-based diet and preserve silage. The diet is made up of 25kg of silage per day plus access to straw compared to a more traditional ration of 30kg to 40kg of silage for recently housed spring-calving cows. The dung will be drier, meaning that there is less straw being used for bedding. He will keep his cows on a lower-energy diet in the runup to Christmas to take the condition off their backs. This will ensure they are in good condition to start calving on 10 March. The cows over February will see their silage ration rise to 35kg to 40kg to gain energy reserves prior to calving again with free access to straw. “This year we have loads of silage,” said Mark. “Compared to last year, the pressure is off when it comes to conserving fodder for winter feed. We will have leftover for next year and could reduce the area silage in the summer. Some of his silage ground is under restrictions due to government schemes, meaning he cannot graze or apply fertiliser to the ground after 30 March but can get on with the fertiliser spreader after 15 May. Then on 1 July he is allowed to cut for silage. Mark keeps the cows on his hill ground before taking them back to the shed to in batches as they come onto calving in May. “It has been a kind winter so far, which has been great for the 62 cattle we are wintering out on the rough ground,” said Mark. Mark keeps the cows on his hill ground before taking them back to the shed to in batches as they come towards calving. The strong store trade this spring is encouraging Mark to sell up to 45 Charolais heifers and steers at Coybrae on 9 March when they get to 11 months old. He hopes to get the males to 420kg and the heifers to between 380kg and 400kg. However, Mark isn’t settled on the numbers to be sold as some may be retained to utilise the peak grass growth at the start of summer.
A body has been found by police in the search for popular Luke Jobson, who went missing after a night out in Yarm. The 22-year-old from Thornaby was last seen close to Yarm School in the early hours of Saturday morning. Police confirmed at around 2.40pm on Monday that a body had been found. The force said in a statement: "Police searching for missing 22-year-old Luke Jobson have sadly found a body in the river at Yarm this afternoon. "Although formal identification has yet to take place, Luke’s family has been notified and they are being kept updated while they receive support from specially trained officers." Officers at the scene told Teesside Live the search had been called off. Luke had been for a night out in Yarm on Friday night. He was spotted outside The Keys on Yarm High Street before going towards Osbourne's bar, also on the High Street. He was last seen near to Yarm School at around 2.15am. It emerged on Sunday he may have been involved in an incident in the High Street, with claims on social media that he was seen running away from a gang of males. A Cleveland Police spokeswoman said: "We've been told Luke was involved in an altercation with some lads outside The Keys in Yarm which is a line of inquiry." But the force confirmed officers were "trying to co-ordinate the search for him first and foremost". Members of the public joined the search on Sunday with hundreds gathering near Yarm school on Monday morning. His aunty Kelly Jobson told us Luke is a "nice, lovely, natural and calm" lad who is training to be an engineer. Kelly told Teesside Live on Monday morning that Luke is a "lovely lad, hard-working - not a trouble causer". She says he's "been beaten up before because girls fancy him and men are jealous of him". "But he wouldn't put himself at risk unless it was really drastic," she said. His disappearance was described as "out of character". Where did people search on Monday? More than 200 people searched land around Yarm. Cleveland Police said searches are focused around the rear of Yarm School, and asked members of the public to let "specially trained officers" get on with the job. The police helicopter had also been up as part of the search. People out helping in the search for Luke were split into 18 groups, with a phone number as a point of contact, to search around Yarm. Later in the day police in the search for Luke focused on an area of the River Tees behind Yarm School, with two policemen and two members of staff from the school on board. Pictures show the small grey vessel on the water shortly after midday on Monday. Photographer Terry Blackburn was at the scene snapping pictures of the search, and also took this video. Tens of thousands of people have shared photos and appeals on social media to help find Luke. Three teenagers will be interviewed by police after "coming forward" in relation to Luke's disappearance. Cleveland Police says it is aware of "commentary, various rumours and speculation on social media" on the circumstances around the Thornaby man's disappearance. A spokeswoman said: "Two men age 16 and 18 have come forward in relation to this missing person inquiry and they will be interviewed in due course." Police said they followed a number of lines of inquiry including house to house inquiries, checking local CCTV systems and "asking domestic users to check theirs in case anything which could help has been captured". We have regular updates on the search and information appeals here.
Good to hear from you! Hopefully you can fight the courts and come out on top. Getting charged for the weight of the stems, roots and all is just an over reach. I hope your able to fight and win this bullshit! Thank you brother. Stay safe and keep up the good grows. I too am pulling for you! Do keep up the education on our flower! The more educated people are the more likely laws will change! Thank you. It mean more than you think to have people care. Much love and happy hollidays! Hey! This thread is really great, it was very interesting to read it. Do you have any more diaries or maybe you can recommend some blogs to follow? I would like to start an Instagram account soon too to post some stories there I would actually like to make it my small business. Any tips on how to grow such a blog? What do you think ahout such services like Twicsy for this purpose? It would be really interesting to hear your thoughts here, thank you in advance!
<reponame>michaelmcshinsky/slipstream-ui<gh_stars>1-10 export { Row, RowProps } from './Row';
Create great looking price lists in a table like style, but much much much faster to create and update than an ordinary table – because the PriceList only consists of two columns. The PriceLess Stack is great when your client mails you a simple text list you need to put on the web. Even though it has a striped background for each ‘cell’ you only need to copy-paste clients list into two cells. The PriceLess Stack will take care of the striped layout and the rest. Keep lines short! RapidWeaver, stacks, responsive, price, list, copy paste. & fried Cheese.
i’m taking “biblcal poetry & the poetic books” this semester. we study the stylistics and hermeneutics of biblical poetry, which involves translating and interpreting hebrew text. since summer passed i’ve forgotten all my hebrew. there will be many late nights to come. to start, we needed to observe the nature of poetry, discussing the differences between poetry and prose. we came across an interesting poem by william yeats. crafted in 1918, these lines of carefully chosen words really captured my attention. my heart sadly resonates at yeats’ observation of the second coming, not of xianity but, paganism. he paints a dismal if not critical picture of the xianity. it struck my core but i wasn’t sure why. still i gird myself up, convicted with steely-eyed confidence that the hand our creator still moves. there is nothing here under the sun that is not his dominion ::? on art & craft ::. question to an art major: can you explain what you are painting and why? he answers: if it could be explained then there would be no need to paint. if the bible is about 30 percent poetry, what does that suggest about the way we read it and the implications it has for those of us deliver its message? clearly, it demonstrates to me that there are different ways of delivery. the bible is highly structured, crafted if you will. we’ve grown up with straight answers and presumptions. there is yet splendor, mystery to unfold. we should not reduce scripture to mere intellectual answers. we should never approach its pages without humility, where there is a sense of hesitation, an awareness of our breathing. why do i need to paint, speak or walk to a different beat? something has captured my heart, where i am left feeling undone. i must respond futiley to something so magnific, so infinite in all manners of expression. 0 Responses to “come again? ::.”
Many of us will be planning our New Year’s Resolutions in a few months. But, what about end of year resolutions? Do you have something you have wanted to attempt or a project you want to complete? You never seem to get around to starting, or you keep saying: Darn, I meant to do that months ago! What’s my deal? I find that fear, over thinking, and excuses keep us from doing things. Truthfully, I find it easier to lose myself for 3 hours on social media. I have been fortunate to have people in my life push me to actually manifest some of the ideas I talk about. That’s how this blog was born, this eBook, this project to motivate Student Affairs folks searching for grad programs and jobs, and so many other ideas I’ve turned into reality. This isn’t me bragging. It’s me letting you know that it is possible for YOU to get started and get good things done. And no, they don’t have to be work related. It could be starting a blog, re-arranging your living room, or writing holiday cards to relatives. It is totally up to you. If you need a nudge and some help with beginning, I have just the thing for you. FREE STUFF YO! Check out the worksheet I made with you in mind by clicking the icon below. What are you waiting for? Get good things done!
Listen in as GRC specialist Steve Biskie of High Water Advisors provides his thoughts on the major developments in GRC for 2013 and what SAP users should be planning for in 2014. Dave Hannon: Hello and welcome, this is Dave Hannon with SAPinsider. Joining me today is Steve Biskie, Co-founder and Managing Director of High Water Advisors and a presenter at the upcoming GRC 2014 conference. Welcome Steve, thanks for joining us today. Steve Biskie: Thanks Dave, good to be here. Dave: Steve and I are going to be talking a little bit about what we saw in the GRC space in 2013 and also what we can expect in 2014 going forward. Steve, looking back at 2013 there was a lot of activity in the GRC space, including some new solutions and roadmap directions for GRC, so I wanted to get your thoughts overall, what would you say was the biggest change in the GRC area in the past year? Steve: Yeah, interesting question, Dave. When I look at the GRC space as a whole, I think there are a couple big areas. And a lot of the new stuff in GRC at the end of the day is really the same old stuff that we’ve had in GRC for a long time. We’ve got new regulations, we’ve got new requirements that are being put on various companies, depending on industry. I mean, there’s just a lot of new things that we need to focus in on that still fit that category of governance, risk, and compliance. In the US for example, one of the big changes, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, has put a lot more oversight and documentation requirements on the external audit firms, which is starting to filter through to some of my clients, indirectly impacting the information that they have to provide and what they need to be ready for in ways that are a pretty significant change from what they had to do. But at the end of the day that theme, it’s still more of the same stuff, we’ve still got compliance, we’ve still got laws, we’ve still got regulations, and they’re constantly evolving and changing. So I think in the context of GRC there’s a lot that’s new but most of it’s the same type of thing we’ve been doing. One of the more exciting things though is when we look at the solution side of it, there’s a lot better integration between the solutions that are out there these days, particularly when I look back at 2013, the other two themes that seem to come out is we’ve got more mobile capabilities now, which allows us to deal with compliance in a fashion that we can handle it in our own space, when we’re ready for it, in our time, and not have to be tied to a specific location to be able to deal with those. And also some cloud-based solutions as well that are pretty exciting, both from SAP and others across the GRC software space. So I think where all that leads, Dave, is the ability for us, between the mobility, between the cloud, between some of the better content management systems we now have and the integration between those systems, is we’re just going to be able to be more efficient. So despite the fact we have a lot of new regulations and a lot of new requirements, hopefully if we’re applying the things that we’re seeing coming out from software vendors like SAP in 2013, we’ll still be able to do that without increasing our workload or increasing our staff size for it. So taking on more with less and being able to do that mobile I think is pretty exciting. Dave: Ok, ok. So how do you think some of those changes impacted SAP customers specifically? Steve: On the SAP side, I think the biggest change is just continued improvement in the integration between products. When I compare, within the GRC suite, Access Control and Process Control and Risk Management, one of the big things that happened—and this goes a little bit beyond just 2013, but tighter integration between those two and an integrated compliance framework that’s going on and I think the improvements made during 2013 allow us to also be more efficient. And if I take an example with Access Control now we have a much better way to integrate the mitigating controls that are set up in Access Control to what we’re doing in Process Control. And one of the risks we’ve historically had is, we know that we have some segregation of duties issues and possibly some critical transactions that people have access to and sometimes we just can’t eliminate those, we’ve got small business areas, we’ve got areas of the organization that just don’t have the budget to have enough people to effectively segregate those duties so it’s natural that we apply some of these mitigating controls, whether it’s reviewing certain exception reports, whether it’s other types of monitoring we’re doing over the business transactions that people are running; but this integration now allows us to not only document that we have that control in place but actually make sure it’s working, and that’s one of the things I’ve seen that SAP has really been focused heavily on recently, is how do we take the suite of tools, whether it’s Access Control, whether it’s Process Control, whether it’s Risk Management or even GTS or the Brazilian invoicing requirements that we have and how do we integrate the controls that are in place in those frameworks and the documentation around those just to make it easier on our compliance professionals and provide visibility and transparency across the organization. Dave: Ok, ok, good. When I spoke with you at GRC 2013 it was just as SAP was releasing its Fraud Management solution. I wanted to check in with you on that, what’ve you heard from customers or clients about the use of that solution specifically? Steve: Yeah, I think there’s definitely a lot of interest in my client base and the companies I talk to around it. You know, to be realistic, this is a product that’s still in ramp-up, so we’re still waiting for that official release where the rest of the organizations are able to get their hands on it and use it. But the companies I talk to, and I’ve been involved in a number of forums specific to fraud management, are pretty excited about the potential for it. And I think one of the interesting things is some of the excitement I hear is all of a sudden the awareness of these applications that are leveraging HANA in a way that’s more than just better and faster reporting out of the system. Something like Fraud Management, the ability to actually interact in real-time with the SAP ERP system to, after detecting indicators of potential fraud actually be able to place a block on a particular vendor while it’s being investigated and remove that block through the Fraud Management application in the claims management piece of that, without necessarily going back into the ERP system. That two-way interaction I think is opening a lot of people’s eyes to the potential, not just of SAP HANA, but the potential of where we can go in the compliance side of the house in the GRC space as we start to get more real-time with our applications. I think it’s one of those products that everyone knows it’s a first release and it’s going to evolve as people are waiting to get their hands on it, but I continue to hear a lot of people when they sit down and think about the possibilities, it really opens up their minds to what compliance might look like a decade from now, and I tell you what, I think it’s going to be dramatically different from the way it looks today. Dave: So, speaking of looking forward, if you look forward to 2014, what are you most looking forward to in the GRC space? Are there new solution updates, or roadmap directions, some things you’re looking forward to this year? Steve: Yeah, absolutely. I think SAP is going to continue to enhance the integration between the products in the GRC suite. And this is one of those that’s just taken time to do, some of those applications were acquired applications, some were built in-house by SAP, so now consolidating those and having that integration point is going to be better. I think tied into that, there’s some exciting things on being able to exploit the frameworks that SAP’s provided with additional content within there. For example, in the fraud management space we’ve been working with another consulting organization on helping to think through and define some of the rules that, as this application rolls out, can provide better content for those organizations that are moving forward and that’s pretty exciting. One of the more exciting things for me though is, you probably know, I’ve been an auditor my entire career or at least in audit-related activities and there’s some new things coming out, new functionality, new applications that SAP’s developed that are specific to the audit community. And I can’t really share a whole lot about those at this point but it’s pretty exciting when I look at SAP, there’s certainly some things in SAP that are geared towards auditors, we have the audit information system, there’s an audit management component built into it but realistically, SAP hasn’t done a lot to those applications in the last number of years. So it’s exciting when I see their roadmap to see that there’s some new emphasis on some tools that are going to benefit people like me directly and some of the people I work closely with in the internal audit and external audit space as well. Dave: Ok, great. Lastly, for customers that are using SAP’s GRC solutions today, what advice do you have for them going into the new year? What should they be focusing on? Steve: I think if there was one piece of advice I would have to organizations as they think through into 2014, particularly those that are using GRC products, and that’s just simply, remain diligent about your process. One of the things I see pretty consistently is these tools have great ability to help create efficiencies within our client’s processes which, at the end of the day are really cost centers, they’re added costs that our organizations have to take on. And they allow us to better report how those compliance processes are working and where we might have gaps within those. But sometimes what companies lose sight of is when we get the pretty dashboards, when we get the nice visual indicators of where our risk lies, those are really driven by settings and implementation options that we turned on when we turned those application on and over time as our organization changes and our use of SAP changes, we need to be really really diligent about keeping those rules current and about keeping the system knowledgeable about the other changes we’ve made in the process. For example, if I’m using access control I need to be thinking about new transactions that I created through the year, new authorization objects and movement types and other objects that are field values within those to ensure that my rule set is actually providing me a complete picture of what I’m looking for. And the same thing on the process control side, I need to make sure that the way people are responding and using the tool, it might look like all my controls are in place and my self-certifications are reporting back that we don’t have any problems, but that’s not really happening if it’s become more of a check the box exercise. What we could find ourselves in the situation is, all of our graphs and charts look great, our dashboard looks good, our number of risks are going down, but it’s a false sense of security because the way we’ve used those tools hasn’t really been aligned with what’s really going on in my business. So that would be the piece I would focus in on, is continuing to be diligent about keeping these tools current, about enhancing them and maintaining them over time as our business and our organization changes, and particularly as we’re continuing to add features and customizations to SAP, making sure that the entire process, our entire compliance process, is completely reporting, and we’re getting a definitive set of what those risks are and how we’re responding to those. Dave: Great, great, great. To hear more advice from Steve, you can catch his sessions at GRC 2014 in March down in Orlando. Steve Biskie, Managing Director of High Water Advisors, thanks for joining us today and sharing your insights. Steve: Thank you very much Dave.
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<commit_before>--- title: Network Custom Properties category: feature authors: apuimedo, danken, lvernia, sandrobonazzola wiki_category: Feature wiki_title: Features/Network Custom Properties wiki_revision_count: 37 wiki_last_updated: 2014-09-24 feature_name: Network Custom Properties feature_modules: engine,network,vdsm feature_status: To be Released --- # Network Custom Properties ### Summary Define special parameters per network, and pass them down to Vdsm hooks when the network is set up on a host. ### Owner * Name: [ <NAME>](User:lvernia) * Email: <<EMAIL>> * IRC: lvernia at #ovirt (irc.oftc.net) ### Current Status * To be proposed to oVirt-3.5 * Last updated: , ### Detailed Description Just like we can define VM-wide and vNIC-profile-specific custom properties, we would like to set per-network ones. This would allow users to pass special parameters to tweak the way by which Vdsm sets up a network on a host. ### Benefit to oVirt oVirt currently supports a limited set of network topologies: an optional bridge, connected via an optional vlan device to a host NIC or a bonding device. Users want to allow funkier types of connection, or tighter control on the created devices: * Create a host nic (via Mellanox UFM) to implement a storage network. * Set special options on host nic (via ethtool) * Replace the Engine-specified nic with a dummy device, to implement VM-only network. These extensions, and many others, can be made available by allowing per-network custom properties. Network custom properties are just like VM-wide device-specific ones, only that they are attached to a specific network, and can take effect when the network is set up. ### User Experience The Setup Network dialog would have a list of custom properties, to be set by the network administrator. ### Implementation ##### Vdsm This feature affects the **setupNetwork** Vdsm verbs. setupNetwork accepts an **options** dictionary of type @SetupNetworkOptions beyond the dictionaries describing networks and bonds to be set up. A new optional key "custom" would be added to SetupNetworkOptions. Its value is a dictionary of custom properties and their string value. E.g. based on one of the usages described below: {'storagenet': {'bonding': {'bond0', 'vlan': '10', 'bootproto': 'dhcp', 'custom': {'ethtool_opts': '--offload em2 rx on --offload em1 tx on'}}} Vdsm would pass the network definition and their custom properties to setupNetwork's hook scripts. In setupNetwork hooks scripts, the properties would be passed as environment variables of the hook scripts being executed. ##### Dependencies / Related Features With this feature, Engine would keep track of per-network custom properties. We will insert a custom properties column into the networks table. ##### Configuration TBD ##### CRUD TBD ##### Business Entities TBD ##### DAOs TBD ##### Business Logic TBD ##### VdsBroker Update the setupNetwork VdsBroker commands to pass the custom properties into the options dictionary. ##### REST Add a custom_properties field to api.xsd for networks: <custom_properties> <custom_property value="wol m" name="eth_opts"/> <custom_property value="host-local" name="true"/> </custom_properties> ##### Backwards Compatibility As this is a 3.4 feature, all 3.3 (and down) cluster related entities should not be allowed (at the GUI level) to customize network properties. Engine needs to take special care at canDoAction to disallow custom network properties for 3.3 and below. ### Testing * Use the engine-config tool to insert the property {'hostonly': 'True'} to networks. Specify the regex on the 'hostonly' property to 'True|False'. * Verify that the properties were inserted into the DB * From the Engine, define a network and set the 'hostonly' property (Make sure the cluster level is 3.4+) * [Create a new VDSM hook](Vdsm_Hooks) that occurs during before (and after) setupNetwork that prints the value for the 'hostonly' environment variabls, and the network definition that the hook received. * Verify that 'True' is printed. ### Usages This section describes features that use the infrastructure above. #### Ethtool options This feature provides a way for the administrator to specify ethtool options for oVirt-defined networks. ##### Benefit to oVirt Having a simple way for the network administrator to set ethtool options for the oVirt defined networks will allow oVirt to cover a wider range of configurations and tweakings that can make managing a datacenter network a much more enjoyable experience. Up until now, oVirt used to persist its network configuration in Fedora/EL specific files handled by the initscripts package. These files, known as ifcfg, contained a series of shell definitions that were read and applied by the ifup-eth executable. oVirt auto-generates and writes these ifcfg files and as such, if the network admin wanted to tweak the ETHTOOL_OPTS definition that precluded the continued care-free modification of the network, as some of the configuration would be living only in the hypervisor node and would not be exposed to oVirt for persistence. ##### User experience With the proposed solution, ethtool options will be a property that can be set per logical network as well as be defined on the assignment of a network on a physical device, just like ip addressing. ![](ethtool_networks.png "ethtool_networks.png") Above you can see that in the networks tab, in the dialog for creating a new logical network, it is possible to define custom network properties, one of which will be ethtool options. These ethtool options will apply to any assignment of the network to a NIC on a host unless overridden as in the next two images. ![](Override_setupNetworks.png "fig:Override_setupNetworks.png") ![](Override setupNetworks 01.png "fig:Override setupNetworks 01.png") When assigning a network to a NIC it will be possible to click on "edit" (icon marked in red in the first of these two images) and: * Add new ethtool opts, * Edit the ethtool opts defined at the logical level, * Remove any ethtool configuration. ##### Ethtool options format The proposed format is just the command line ethtool syntax --coalesce ethX rx-usecs 14 sample_interval 3 --offload ethX rx on lroon tcp-segmentation-offload off --change ethX speed 1000 duplex half If the property is being set on a bond, the user should make sure to specify the proper ethX/ethY/ethZ for each of the bond's nics that ethtool options should be set for. E.g., we have a bond with em1 and em2 and em2 should offload only rx and em1 only tx: --offload em2 rx on --offload em1 tx on In the bonding case, the UI/Engine/vdsm code may want to check that there is no reference to a NIC that isn't enslaved to the bond. ##### Testing To test this feature the tester should: * set up ethtool options at the logical level, assign the network to a nic and use the cli tool ethtool to check that the options are properly applied to the NIC. * Override (editing or removing) the ethtool options set at the logical level and see, like in the previous step that the options are properly applied to the NIC. * Define at the network assignment level ethtool options for a network with no ethtool options at the logical level and see that they are properly applied to the NIC. #### Bridge options This feature provides a way for the network administrator to easily set options for the bridges which implement VM networks. ##### Benefit to oVirt Having a simple way for the network administrator to set bridge options for the oVirt defined VM networks will allow oVirt to cover a wider range of configurations and fine tuning that will make oVirt networking a better fit for very tightly managed network setups and/or those that require very specific behavior from the bridges. Up until now, oVirt used to persist its network configuration in Fedora/EL specific files handled by the initscripts package. These files, known as ifcfg, contained a series of shell definitions that were read and applied by the ifup-eth executable. oVirt auto-generates and writes these ifcfg files and as such, if the network admin wanted to tweak the BRIDGING_OPTS definition that precluded the continued care-free modification of the network, as some of the configuration would be living only in the hypervisor node and would not be exposed to oVirt for persistence. ##### User experience bridge options will be set per logical network and it will be possible to override the setting on assignment to the host, i.e., on a host per host basis. It will only be possible to set this value in the GUI when the logical network is defined as a VM network, as non VM networks are not implemented by means of bridges, so they do no have an entity upon which to configure the settings. (insert picture here) The options set above will be applied when the logical network is assigned to a hosts device, be it nic or bond, so that the network administrator does not need to set it for each host of the cluster. However, if the network administrator wishes, he'll have the option, as shown below, to override the network custom properties by clicking on the edit 'pencil' button. ![](Override_setupNetworks.png "fig:Override_setupNetworks.png") (Insert 'edit network dialog' picture here) When assigning a VM network to a NIC or Bond it will be possible to click on "edit" (icon marked in red in the first of the two images directly above) and: * Add new bridge options, * Edit for this host only the bridge options previously defined at the logical level, * Remove any custom network property defined at the logical level. ##### Properties format ##### Testing ### Documentation / External references * TBD ### Comments and Discussion * Refer to [Talk:Network Custom Properties](Talk:Network Custom Properties) * On the <EMAIL> mailing list. <Category:Feature> <commit_msg>User experience add logical networks dialog for bridge options<commit_after>--- title: Network Custom Properties category: feature authors: apuimedo, danken, lvernia, sandrobonazzola wiki_category: Feature wiki_title: Features/Network Custom Properties wiki_revision_count: 37 wiki_last_updated: 2014-09-24 feature_name: Network Custom Properties feature_modules: engine,network,vdsm feature_status: To be Released --- # Network Custom Properties ### Summary Define special parameters per network, and pass them down to Vdsm hooks when the network is set up on a host. ### Owner * Name: [ <NAME>](User:lvernia) * Email: <<EMAIL>> * IRC: lvernia at #ovirt (irc.oftc.net) ### Current Status * To be proposed to oVirt-3.5 * Last updated: , ### Detailed Description Just like we can define VM-wide and vNIC-profile-specific custom properties, we would like to set per-network ones. This would allow users to pass special parameters to tweak the way by which Vdsm sets up a network on a host. ### Benefit to oVirt oVirt currently supports a limited set of network topologies: an optional bridge, connected via an optional vlan device to a host NIC or a bonding device. Users want to allow funkier types of connection, or tighter control on the created devices: * Create a host nic (via Mellanox UFM) to implement a storage network. * Set special options on host nic (via ethtool) * Replace the Engine-specified nic with a dummy device, to implement VM-only network. These extensions, and many others, can be made available by allowing per-network custom properties. Network custom properties are just like VM-wide device-specific ones, only that they are attached to a specific network, and can take effect when the network is set up. ### User Experience The Setup Network dialog would have a list of custom properties, to be set by the network administrator. ### Implementation ##### Vdsm This feature affects the **setupNetwork** Vdsm verbs. setupNetwork accepts an **options** dictionary of type @SetupNetworkOptions beyond the dictionaries describing networks and bonds to be set up. A new optional key "custom" would be added to SetupNetworkOptions. Its value is a dictionary of custom properties and their string value. E.g. based on one of the usages described below: {'storagenet': {'bonding': {'bond0', 'vlan': '10', 'bootproto': 'dhcp', 'custom': {'ethtool_opts': '--offload em2 rx on --offload em1 tx on'}}} Vdsm would pass the network definition and their custom properties to setupNetwork's hook scripts. In setupNetwork hooks scripts, the properties would be passed as environment variables of the hook scripts being executed. ##### Dependencies / Related Features With this feature, Engine would keep track of per-network custom properties. We will insert a custom properties column into the networks table. ##### Configuration TBD ##### CRUD TBD ##### Business Entities TBD ##### DAOs TBD ##### Business Logic TBD ##### VdsBroker Update the setupNetwork VdsBroker commands to pass the custom properties into the options dictionary. ##### REST Add a custom_properties field to api.xsd for networks: <custom_properties> <custom_property value="wol m" name="eth_opts"/> <custom_property value="host-local" name="true"/> </custom_properties> ##### Backwards Compatibility As this is a 3.4 feature, all 3.3 (and down) cluster related entities should not be allowed (at the GUI level) to customize network properties. Engine needs to take special care at canDoAction to disallow custom network properties for 3.3 and below. ### Testing * Use the engine-config tool to insert the property {'hostonly': 'True'} to networks. Specify the regex on the 'hostonly' property to 'True|False'. * Verify that the properties were inserted into the DB * From the Engine, define a network and set the 'hostonly' property (Make sure the cluster level is 3.4+) * [Create a new VDSM hook](Vdsm_Hooks) that occurs during before (and after) setupNetwork that prints the value for the 'hostonly' environment variabls, and the network definition that the hook received. * Verify that 'True' is printed. ### Usages This section describes features that use the infrastructure above. #### Ethtool options This feature provides a way for the administrator to specify ethtool options for oVirt-defined networks. ##### Benefit to oVirt Having a simple way for the network administrator to set ethtool options for the oVirt defined networks will allow oVirt to cover a wider range of configurations and tweakings that can make managing a datacenter network a much more enjoyable experience. Up until now, oVirt used to persist its network configuration in Fedora/EL specific files handled by the initscripts package. These files, known as ifcfg, contained a series of shell definitions that were read and applied by the ifup-eth executable. oVirt auto-generates and writes these ifcfg files and as such, if the network admin wanted to tweak the ETHTOOL_OPTS definition that precluded the continued care-free modification of the network, as some of the configuration would be living only in the hypervisor node and would not be exposed to oVirt for persistence. ##### User experience With the proposed solution, ethtool options will be a property that can be set per logical network as well as be defined on the assignment of a network on a physical device, just like ip addressing. ![](ethtool_networks.png "ethtool_networks.png") Above you can see that in the networks tab, in the dialog for creating a new logical network, it is possible to define custom network properties, one of which will be ethtool options. These ethtool options will apply to any assignment of the network to a NIC on a host unless overridden as in the next two images. ![](Override_setupNetworks.png "fig:Override_setupNetworks.png") ![](Override setupNetworks 01.png "fig:Override setupNetworks 01.png") When assigning a network to a NIC it will be possible to click on "edit" (icon marked in red in the first of these two images) and: * Add new ethtool opts, * Edit the ethtool opts defined at the logical level, * Remove any ethtool configuration. ##### Ethtool options format The proposed format is just the command line ethtool syntax --coalesce ethX rx-usecs 14 sample_interval 3 --offload ethX rx on lroon tcp-segmentation-offload off --change ethX speed 1000 duplex half If the property is being set on a bond, the user should make sure to specify the proper ethX/ethY/ethZ for each of the bond's nics that ethtool options should be set for. E.g., we have a bond with em1 and em2 and em2 should offload only rx and em1 only tx: --offload em2 rx on --offload em1 tx on In the bonding case, the UI/Engine/vdsm code may want to check that there is no reference to a NIC that isn't enslaved to the bond. ##### Testing To test this feature the tester should: * set up ethtool options at the logical level, assign the network to a nic and use the cli tool ethtool to check that the options are properly applied to the NIC. * Override (editing or removing) the ethtool options set at the logical level and see, like in the previous step that the options are properly applied to the NIC. * Define at the network assignment level ethtool options for a network with no ethtool options at the logical level and see that they are properly applied to the NIC. #### Bridge options This feature provides a way for the network administrator to easily set options for the bridges which implement VM networks. ##### Benefit to oVirt Having a simple way for the network administrator to set bridge options for the oVirt defined VM networks will allow oVirt to cover a wider range of configurations and fine tuning that will make oVirt networking a better fit for very tightly managed network setups and/or those that require very specific behavior from the bridges. Up until now, oVirt used to persist its network configuration in Fedora/EL specific files handled by the initscripts package. These files, known as ifcfg, contained a series of shell definitions that were read and applied by the ifup-eth executable. oVirt auto-generates and writes these ifcfg files and as such, if the network admin wanted to tweak the BRIDGING_OPTS definition that precluded the continued care-free modification of the network, as some of the configuration would be living only in the hypervisor node and would not be exposed to oVirt for persistence. ##### User experience bridge options will be set per logical network and it will be possible to override the setting on assignment to the host, i.e., on a host per host basis. It will only be possible to set this value in the GUI when the logical network is defined as a VM network, as non VM networks are not implemented by means of bridges, so they do no have an entity upon which to configure the settings. ![](Bridge_opts_networks.png "Bridge_opts_networks.png") The options set above will be applied when the logical network is assigned to a hosts device, be it nic or bond, so that the network administrator does not need to set it for each host of the cluster. However, if the network administrator wishes, he'll have the option, as shown below, to override the network custom properties by clicking on the edit 'pencil' button. ![](Override_setupNetworks.png "fig:Override_setupNetworks.png") (Insert 'edit network dialog' picture here) When assigning a VM network to a NIC or Bond it will be possible to click on "edit" (icon marked in red in the first of the two images directly above) and: * Add new bridge options, * Edit for this host only the bridge options previously defined at the logical level, * Remove any custom network property defined at the logical level. ##### Properties format ##### Testing ### Documentation / External references * TBD ### Comments and Discussion * Refer to [Talk:Network Custom Properties](Talk:Network Custom Properties) * On the <EMAIL> mailing list. <Category:Feature>
From. Each deck is packaged in a colorful tuck-box.Details: 52 card deckMade in USA
You can't change the laws of physics, so your only option is: 1. use less power 2. get more power. To do #1 means more efficient gear, or less volume. Not the best option To do #2, especialy at house parties, just split your loads between 2 circuits in the house. Find the hosts breaker box, and find two rooms that are on separate breakers (kitchen and a bedroom will always be on separate breakers), and run an extension to both, or one to the room your in, and one to the room with the separate breaker. If you are in the US, this means you now have 30 amps of power, plenty for you. Now, put 1 speaker and sub and lights on one, and everything else on the other (the other speaker, sub, laptop, controller, cdj's, etc). You should be good to go, but you WILL have to use extensions in this case. no real way around it. Just plugging in to two outlets in the same room won't solve your issue, you have to split your load across circuits. If you are in US, get extensions from Monoprice. their 12 gauge black extensions are an incredible value.
&gt;Because a road company doesn't have to. It can decide whom it's customers are at any time, including you. Why would a gang exist? With no government to wage a war on drugs that aren't illegal without a government to make them illegal. &gt;All these things you suggest have been tried for thousands of years, and the only stable means to an ordered society has been taxation for services. Where has a voluntary society with firearms and a belief in said society been tried?
Bucks County District Judge Donald Nasshorn was in critical condition late Thursday at St. Mary Medical Center in Middletown, hospital spokeswoman Kate Smith said. Northampton police confirmed late Thursday the judge walked into the lobby of police headquarters at about 2 p.m. and appeared disoriented. Nasshorn did not know where he was or what the time of day was, police said. Police questioned him, but were unable to find out what happened before he arrived at the station. He was taken to St. Mary Medical Center for an undetermined medical condition. Police said it appeared Nasshorn had driven his car to the station and went inside. Police investigated and found minor damage to the vehicle, but would not elaborate further. There were no reports of accidents in Northampton involving one or more cars, police said. The investigation is continuing. No further information was released. Smith had no further details about the judge’s condition. Nasshorn’s court is on North State Street in Newtown.
How common is "the common good"? The taxpayers have saved the banks, now the banks have to pay their contribution to the common good. If I hadn't heard with my own ears the president of the European Commission say that, I would have thought that these words belonged to Ugo Chavez. Or at least to Nicolas Sarkozy. But this position, described by Barroso as his personal one, is obviously shared by the majority of the MEPs and also across the Ocean, in the US. There is no dispute about the necessity of reforms in the financial sector and of the creation of mechanisms, aimed at resolving future crises by the financial institutions themselves in order to avoid the need of saving banks with public money. The negative connotation comes from the phrase "for the common good" because history has repeatedly shown that common good is always sweeter for some than for others. The European Commission has already submitted its proposal for the establishment of a network of national banks resolution funds that will the so-called 'stability tax' from the banks. But their purpose is not to pour money into financial institutions in trouble, but to assist them resolve difficult situations and, if necessary - to organize and fund bankruptcy without a risk to the system. The proposal is part of a broader framework of proposals for reforms in the financial sector, which the Commission will finalize by the end of the year. That framework includes measures for better regulation on the derivatives markets, proposals for the short sellings and CDSs (credit default swaps), revision of the Deposit Guarantee Schemes Directive and of the Investor Compensation Schemes Directive, communications on a framework for crisis management and on sanctions in the financial services sector, revision of the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD4). This week the European Commission presented its proposals for amendments to the EU rules on Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) and launched a public consultation on reforming corporate governance in financial institutions. According to the European Commission President, the question about rules of operation of the CRAs is not directly related to the Debt Crisis in Europe. Commission’s opinion is that the big problem was that the CRAs had contributed to the financial crisis by underestimating the risk that the issuers of certain more complicated financial instruments might not repay their debts. “We are considering the possibility of a European rating agency. I personally believe that in the EU we have a lot of competence in those areas for instance in terms of the risk analysis namely for export credits or in terms of so called country risk”. Jose Manuel Barroso underlined several times that the Commission was in a hurry but its efforts must be underpinned by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers. The purpose is concrete legislative proposals to be made by next spring in order they could be finally approved by the end of 2011. Such a haste is justified because the overall aim is the current fragile economic growth to be supported and to become a sustainable trend. Regulation of financial markets is only one side of the coin, the other is - strong consolidation of public finances, combined with increasing competitiveness, investing in areas that generate future growth and building a credible financial market. These are the points of the European growth strategy, drawn by Barroso. Barroso admitted that even though he would defend this view at the G20 meeting in late June, it would be extremely difficult to take such a decision at a global level because some members of the group were against any tax on transactions. According to Barroso, despite the argument that the banks can pass on the cost of the new taxes onto their customers, it is still better the financial sector to contribute somehow, rather than rely on taxpayers only – an argument that is unlikely to convince his opponents. Although there are still no specific EU proposals on how to determine the so-called tax on transactions, the majority of MEPs in the European Parliament are in favor of the idea. The Chairman of the EPP Group (the largest in the EP) Joseph Daul responding to the question of euinside, said that "we can not ask efforts by citizens, if there are no efforts on the transfer of capital. I'm in favor of the taxation of transactions and I think that if there are common rules, the money should go to the EU budget.” A similar position expressed the Co-President of the Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance Rebecca Harms in an interview for euinside. What is disturbing in all these statements is the punishing element: the banks have to pay. To whom actually? To the taxpayers, who either don't know how much money the governments have spent to rescue the banks or under what conditions, or have not been asked about it in the first place? Or to the governments, crushed by the burden of large budget deficits and swiftly growing public debts? In this sense, an interesting point of view suggests the Chairman of the Group of Liberals and Democrats in the European Parliament and former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt. In an article for The New York Times he reminds that after the first wave of government interventions in Europe and the United States, the so-called stress tests took place on both sides of the Atlantic, aimed at examining bank assets, debts and levels of risk. According to Verhofstadt, however, in the U.S. those tests were conducted more thoroughly than in Europe — and it shows. The Federal Reserve evaluated roughly two thirds of American banking assets and the test results for each individual bank have been published. This has ensured absolute transparency in U.S. financial markets so that private capital has been able to refocus efficiently, the former Belgian Prime minister notes. While citizens have no answer to these questions it is cynical someone to seek revenge from the banks on their behalf. Because financial institutions, perhaps not very morally, but certainly not illegally, have taken advantage for years of the gaps in regulation set by politicians. As well as of the human shortcomings like incompetence or greed. It is the same scheme under which the same things have been done by some European governments, which are now forced to expect salvation from their facing a fait accompli partners. It is dangerous when rules and economic needs are being replaced by moral imperatives such as "common good". Because abusing with them is easier than with any money.
What are your plans this weekend? I enjoyed a good sleep in after a busy week. I hope you all have a good rest this weekend and remember to seek God first in all that you do. That means first thing in the morning before you get too busy you set some time aside to talk to God. That used to stress me out because I am not a morning person- in terms of the waking up and getting out of bed part. I wake up at the last possible minute such that if I do everything quickly I can get out and make it to work on time. I then realised that putting God first did not mean I had to wake up 1 hour early, of which if you can get up early and that works for you, do it! For me, I take the first few moments after i turn my alarm off to talk to Jesus. I read an article which had an excerpt from the book written by Sheila Walsh, “5 Minutes with Jesus” a while ago and she said that she prays Psalm 143:8 to kick start her day. I thought that was a smart way to start the day so I started praying the Psalm in the morning. That way I invite God into my day. Perhaps you can try start with this Psalm too so your day begins with Jesus. Let’s pray: “Father, let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you”, in Jesus Name, Amen. Have a good Saturday!
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Uncaught TypeError: window.flutter_inappwebview._callHandler is not a function username_0: <!-- ❗️❗️❗️ IMPORTANT ❗️❗️❗️ DON'T DELETE THIS TEMPLATE! USE IT TO WRITE YOUR ISSUE. If you delete this and you don't give me enough info, how would you expect me to solve your issue? Thanks. Also, before posting a new issue, make sure to check the following points! You may already find an answer to your problem! ❗️❗️❗️ IMPORTANT ❗️❗️❗️ --> - [-] I have read the [Get Started - Installation](https://inappwebview.dev/docs/get-started/installation/) section - [-] I have read and done the [Get Started - Setup Android](https://inappwebview.dev/docs/get-started/setup-android/) section - [-] I have read and done the [Get Started - Setup iOS](https://inappwebview.dev/docs/get-started/setup-ios/) section - [-] I have already searched for the same problem ## Environment | Technology | Version | | -------------------- | ------------- | | Flutter version | 2.12.0 | | Plugin version | 5.3.2 | | Android version | 10 11 | | iOS version | | | Xcode version | | Device information: Pixel 4a HUAWEI P30pro Mi MIX2S ## Description I'm using callHandler () as docs said and it's works fine when minifyEnabled = false . after set minifyEnabled to true , webview said `Uncaught TypeError: window.flutter_inappwebview._callHandler is not a function` **Expected behavior:** **Current behavior:** ## Steps to reproduce <!-- Optionally provide the least amount of code that shows this behaviour. --> 1. ``` webViewController?.addJavaScriptHandler( handlerName: "enablePip", callback: (argsList) { }); ``` 2. ``` // called in JS: window.flutter_inappwebview.callHandler("enablePip") ``` ## Images <img width="778" alt="截屏2021-11-16 下午6 48 19" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12725289/141971911-31be652e-b2c4-4d5d-92be-c064a9fd7626.png"> 3. ## Stacktrace/Logcat ``` Uncaught TypeError: window.flutter_inappwebview._callHandler is not a function at Object.window.flutter_inappwebview.callHandler (<anonymous>:1:15620) at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (Test:200) at HTMLAnchorElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js:3) at HTMLAnchorElement.i (jquery.min.js:3) ``` ``` // window.flutter_inappwebview and window.flutter_inappwebview.callHandler is injected already window.flutter_inappwebview {_userScriptsAtDocumentStartLoaded: true, _Util: {…}, _userScriptsAtDocumentEndLoaded: true, _platformReady: true, callHandler: ƒ} window.flutter_inappwebview.callHandler ƒ () { var _callHandlerID = setTimeout(function(){}); window.flutter_inappwebview._callHandler(arguments[0], _callHandlerID, JSON.stringify(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1))); re… ``` <issue_comment>username_0: this is a proguard problem , fix by adding `keep *Annotation*`<issue_closed>
You’re turning the pages and a very strange and very nice thing dawns on you. This book gets you. Obviously the author, who might have died centuries back, never knew you at all. But they write as if they did It’s as if you’d confessed your secrets to them and then they’d gone of and written this work around what you told them. Transformed of course into a story about people with different names, or into a essay that doesn’t cite your case explicitly. But might as well do, because it’s so completely on target. We never quite feel we are understood well enough. Even by the people who we genuinely like and who are emotionally attached to us. A permafrost of loneliness often persists just below the surface. Even when things are broadly speaking going well enough. All this, the book that understands you, appears to know and to be able to correct. The book in question might be one that speaks to millions, like the Harry Potter series. Or it could be an almost unique discovery of your own. Perhaps Schiller’s ‘Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Mankind’ Written at the very end of the eighteenth century With it’s haunting efforts to fuse a noble idealism with political realism It could be a self-help book about sex but alights on just the things that are troubling you Or you might feel that ‘Mademoiselle de Maupin’ Written by Théophile Gautier in the middle of the 19th century And which tells the story of a man and a woman who are both in love with a central character. the operasinger Madeline de Maupin Was written by historical miracle exactly for you A book knows you by pinpointing And taking very seriously, a major but often ignored problem that happens to be looming in your existence. For instance, when Harry Potter is with the Dursleys the feeling of being an alien in a familiar environment For long stretches of time Harry has to live around people who have no idea of his real nature They never acknowledge his actual strengths He’s regarded as a contemptible freak for things that elsewhere would make him popular and important. The book is hugely alive to the feeling of not being appreciated. With many books we’re pleased because we encounter sympathy for things that deserve generous treatment but normally don’t get it. The darker aspects of one’s character are getting a tender hearing. You’ve been heard, you’ve heard others And the book says – I know So often despite all the people around us We’re lonely and ashamed We’re haunted by the worry that no reasonable person could feel anything but derision or contempt for our problems. We feel that to share them with our friends would lead to bewildered rejection. A book that understands you is like an ideal parent or friend, who makes it acceptable to suffer in the way we do. Our weirdest sorrows or enjoyments are recast as valid parts of human experience which can be met with sympathy and kindness. It is, even though the relationship is with paper and ink only, a kind of love. And perhaps one of the deepest kinds of love we’ll ever know. Their eyes were watching god, Your blues ain't like mine.. the notebook.. eat,pray, love. Midnight… okay, I'm done. I have a better understanding. thanks!! Why we love certain videos. Like this one. I can't recall ever reading a book that I related to. I've read a lot I like, but none that I've related to. 1. The most beautiful love story I know shows you that indeed you could love anybody! "The Kiss of a Spider Woman" by Manuel Puig. It is the story of two men who are cellmates in an Argentinian prison during the military dictatorship. They could not be more different than each other: Valentin is a Marxist revolutionary , heterosexual young man, who is in prison for political reasons, and Molina, his cellmate, is gay and he is there for corrupting a minor .But over time they do learn to love each other deeply. And how interesting: if they were out there in the conventional world they would never realise their shared humanity deep down and their "capacity to love", no matter how far, how far the other person seems to be. He made a documentary on each of them too. They are all on his other youtube channel. Don't miss them! You'll learn a lot, laugh a lot and you will find real consolation. You will want to read the excellent book too. " Happiness : A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill" by Matthieu Ricard. He is a French molecular biologist and monk! His father was a famous French philosopher. So he is a very well read man, in both western and eastern philosophy and literature. He translated many important works by Tibetan masters. In that book he tells us about their insights on how to live well, but he also mentions Schopenhauer, Epicurus, Seneca, Kant, Sartre, Wittgenstein, Aurelius, Freud , Comte; Rawls, Bentham, William James, Tagore, Kathrine Mansfield…everybody! But he is not pretentious at all. His language is very clear and understandable. He is really offering you a path to follow, through very valuable insights, to live better and suffer less . And if you keep those insights in mind and integrate them into your life over time, it really helps a lot! Why are you saying "we"? You do not speak for me. My favourite book is World War Z, which is made from multiple stories from different people… does this mean I'm a multiple-personality psychopath?!?!!!!?!!!111!?//? Crave and 4.48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane. Those plays were meant to be in my life, they revitalized me and made me weep. I'd say the same thing about songs! Really interesting. Could you possibly do a video on tall poppy syndrome? So I'm guessing most of you here love books; so tell me, what are your favorite teen/young adult novels? Please do a segment on George Orwell. I think his works are crucial to consider in our current social and political climate. This is disturbing because I love american psycho. Altough the content remains interesting and informative. The production value of your slideshows has decreased drastically. The cheap background, the weird paintbrush effect… What is happening? Same happens with some videos of The School of Life! TSoL have the nicest comment section I've seen on youtube — no, wait, on internet — so far. Sometimes it feels like I just entered a bar in the middle of a huge fight, but there, in a cozy corner, there are some friendly people having great debates while drinking some good beer. You write well. There are also great books that can shock one into a new way of thinking. Need where fly drurow net. im reading dostoevsky's the brothers karamazove, at the end of it less than 100 page left!! Love reading everyone's book choices! I think mine might be A Fool's Alphabet by Sebastian Faulks, Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell and Maybe This Time by Alois Hotschnig. For me that book was a song of ice and fire idk am I weird? My fav book is The Miraculous Adventures of Edward Tulane, (haven't read it in 4 years so don't blame me if I got the title wrong😅) about a doll rabbit learning to love and appreciate through the hardships he faces. Love that book. "acceptable to suffer in the way we do". that feels so liberating. cause we often feel that our sorrow is supposed to be hidden, and sharing emotions with others is almost like sharing your biggest shame. so if we are comfortable enough with our suffering, it would be easier for us to deal with that same suffering. 1:24 is Maria Callas! some book series from Darren Shan. Louis Ferdinand Céline – le voyage au bout de la nuit. Why We Love Certain Books? – and not others? Err… i don't know if anyone agrees with me but…. This video made me think that it would be great if the School of Life made a series about the great fantasy writers. Asimov, Rowling, Tolkien, Moorcock and so on…… just a though…. i would like to see a more informed perspective on the genre i love the most….. Perhaps there is something unique to books that speaks to our minds to intensely, but I've always found that music has a way of moving me beyond any other medium of expression. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Most "great thinkers" had the nerve to tell me that I was innately evil and that to justify my very existence I had to sacrifice it for strangers (Pascal for example). Ayn Rand was one of the first to realise that I had done no evil, that I had a right to my own life and that I didn't have to justify my life to anybody. Bertrand Russel and H.G. Wells. So nice to see a bunch of photos of people reading books. This is so seldom seen nowadays. Mmmm! This is so true and so delicious! Hi person, you should read the Outlander series. It'll fill your perpetual loneliness for a while. I wrote a coming-of-age sci-fi novel, mainly consisting of things I myself have experienced and the way I myself became the person I am today. While writing, I was thinking that it would help make some teens feel better about their life experiences and become more mature through this; however, I was writing thinking of a younger "me", and this me – when I was younger – would never read a book and would instead play videogames. What I'm trying to say is that if there's a teen out there having hardships with the whole world around them, maybe you should try reading it. It's called "Earth Won't Miss You", by Orson De Witt. Thanks for reading this and have a nice day. for me it's the Gospel of Loki. I love that book, every time I see it on my shelf I feel pure joy. Heidi, too, that was my very first favourite book, and it's still in my heart today. L'Estranger & The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus. Brilliant. I think a segment on emotional neglect/abuse or athazagoraphobia would be amazing. I know I deal with them for most my childhood. Also I'm currently reading House of Leaves by Danielewski, I feel like it will join the list once I've finished. The Count of Monte Cristo — that even when everything goes wrong and you're in the depths of despair, still have hope. Have hope and get out of your melancholy. Why do I love Nausicaä of The Valley of The Wind (by Hayao Miyazaki) so much. For me, this book is Kathryn Hulme's 'The Nun's Story'. I think this applies to movies too. I was reading 'My Life' by Leon Trotsky. This video explains how I felt. I lost it a few weeks ago, when I was half way through. Now I am depressed. Books are my best friend. They are always by our side and they have always got our backs. Not so much a book for me, but a musician. Kurt Cobain does all of these things for me. I've never loved or connected with anyone as much as I have with him through his music. The School of Life has some of the most beautiful videos out here. I've seen quite a few of them now, and really liked most of them. The insightful, emotionally intelligent commentary delivered in a soothing voice-over along with elegant visuals, results in a heart-warming and uplifting experience. You are doing appreciable work. Keep it up. The School of Life gets me. I really love The Stranger (The Outsider) by Albert Camus, I feel like I'm almost exactly like Meursault. Love it! Love Alain de Botton. Alain de Botton's voice …… oh my god it kills me !!! Best accent/English speaking/French/German etc. etc. just basically the most beautiful speaking voice on the planet. No argument about it. Thank you for not using background music, and English words that are easy to understand. And so, the fact that I'm into reading horror and sci-fi tells me that while I don't have any friends, at least they'd be really cool if I did.
The Kohinoor of Indian film industry will now shine in heaven and give company to his colleagues Raj and Dev – Raj Kapoor and Dev Sahab. The doyen, the God of subtlety and method acting in the Indian film industry, the thespian, the great gentleman and a great human Dilip Kumar aka Dilip Sahab left for heavenly aboard today morning. Fighting with age related ailments for quite some time, today finally the legend, the inspiration behind the biggest names alive in Indian industry gave his final shot in the stage of life. It’s difficult to write a remembrance for an eternal actor/artiste like Dilip Kumar. Born on 11 December 1922, in the Qissa Khawani Bazaar area of Peshawar – the twelfth child of Lala Ghulam Sarwar Khan and his wife Ayesha Begum was named Mohammad Yusuf Khan. Dilip Kumar’s father was a fruit merchant. Dilip Kumar’s first film was ‘Jwar Bhata’ in 1944, which failed to gain much attention, after a few more hiccups ‘Jugnu’ (1947), co-starring Noor Jehan, brought the thespian into limelight. Followed by Shaheed and Mela, Dilip Sahab was now a force to reckon with. Mehboob Khan’s Andaz (1949) which co-starred Kapoor and Nargis introduced the method/tehrav in acting by Dilip Kumar and the big difference between Dilip Kumar and other actors of his time became evident. Apart from exceptions like Motilal, acting in the film industry was a bit stagey; the credit to introduce method acting in this industry goes to Dilip Kumar. The magnificent Mr. Bachchan who is a proud admirer and considers Dilip Kumar as his idol rightly said on Dilip sahab’s passing away, “An institution has gone .. Whenever the history of Indian Cinema will be written, it shall always be ‘before Dilip Kumar and after Dilip Kumar’. So true, acting in Indian film industry before Dilip Kumar and method acting in Indian film industry especially Hindi film industry after the entry of Dilip Kumar is certainly a story of two different eras. That time during the classic era – the trinity of Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor and Dev Anand ruled the Hindi film industry. In a way similar to the trinity of Khan’s – Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan and Salman Khan which began during the 90’s. Yes, in between the classic era and the dominance of Khan’s Bachchan mania from the mid 70’s ruled and before that it was the short stint of sheer madness in the name of Rajesh Khanna – the actor who became Hindi cinema’s first super star. Nowadays the term super star can be used by any happening actor but Dilip Sahab will remain the pioneer of method acting – the type of acting immortal Hollywood legends like Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, etc. are worshipped for. Imagine your guru complimenting you as ‘complete’. Dilip Kumar won the filmfare award for best actor but presented Amitabh his most valuable gift. Dilip Kumar was a thorough gentleman, the actor who brought method and dignity wrapped in a refined style and grace that no one else can deliver on screen. Dilip Kumar carried that divine smile, I don,t know any other actor who had such a smile on or off screen. It was fatherly, friendly, brotherly and so pleasing. Dharmendra decided to become an actor when he saw Dilip Sahab on screen. Today Dharmendra says he has lost a brother a friend and remembers the sweater he took from him on a request that he won’t return it back. Apart from a great actor Dilip Kumar was fluent in Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Marathi, English, Bengali, Gujarati, Pashto, Persian, even had good knowledge of Awadhi and Bhojpuri. A great music enthusiast loved to play cricket and was very fond of eggs. Dilip Sahab body was laid to rest with full state honours in Mumbai, SRK, Amitabh Bachchan, Anil Kapoor and many dignitaries paid their respect during this covid times. So has the ‘therav’ subtlety stopped forever?. No Never…from now the ‘therav’ has turned into a dhara (read gain momentum). Whenever there will be any discussion on grace, dignity, respect, method acting, love and humanity in Indian cinema especially Hindi cinema, the noor (light) of Dilip Sahab will guide us all the way. May the almighty grant eternal peace to the eternal Dilip Kumar aka Yusuf Sahab. RIP Dilip Sahab.
​Protein bars in themselves are already great. But there are days when you want to make a delicious recipe out of them. You can transform them into a healthy breakfast cereal. It's a super easy and quick recipe. Bake for 3-5 minutes or until golden brown. Once cooled, distribute the pieces into two serving bowls. Top with almond milk, pecans, raspberries & chia seeds.
This is a GOOD policy. I know it would be preferable to get a cash refund, but com'on no other store is doing this. If GS continued this policy for other or ALL new game purchases, I would definitely shop at GameStop more. I think this is a good step for GameStop to distinguish themselves from other retailers, and even from buying from Nintendo eShop. This means I can get a used copy with one of those $20 off used copies right after launch. Absolutely. This is a SUPER safe bet on their part. But it's smart. And it's definitely going to get the people on the fence about the game in the first place. I mean it's not often we get to say this about GameStop: This is a great business move. They're doing it because who in god's name would return it that quickly, it's not like we don't know how it's gonna play. You know GameStop is gonna GameStop and restock those games as New, "but opened". Not me. I know within 2 hours if I'm going to keep playing a game. Hell, I just need 30 minutes. One of the safest bets in the history of mankind. Aint no one going into this blind not knowing how a 2D Mario game plays. Lol yeah of all games to do this with. Gamestop knows damn well all the best stages will hit the servers after the weekend is over. Totally agree. Its good PR and good marketing all-around. I hope they continue this policy. I would love to do this with MUA3, Fire Emblem, Astral Chain, and other Nintendo titles where "I'm pretty sure I want them, but $60 is a lot to spend on the risk that I may not enjoy them". If they keep this promotion going, I'd buy from GameStop. They’ve been watching Gamexplain. You know, I was on the fence about buying this. I put in 90+ hours on Mario Maker 1. Before E3 I was like "Eh, it's just going to be more of the same, I'll pass on Mario Maker 2". But after E3 coverage, I see there's a lot of new great stuff. But I can imagine there are others like me who already played MM1 and weren't excited about MM2. This may actually get me to pull the trigger on this game. I was super iffy about Mario Maker 1 (I absolutely hated the "you picked the wrong door, now die" levels) but this one looks promising so I think I'll try it out. No real harm if I can get a refund if I don't like it. Seems like a safe game to do this on. The only people I could see returning it are people who get it for MP and then are baffled at not being able to play with friends, but otherwise there's no reason people going out to buy the game won't just keep it. Still, personally not a huge pull for me to go there. Digital on the switch especially feels way more convenient, I really don't like swapping carts at all. These are the type of moves they need to make in order to remain in business. With Days Gone it made sense because on a single player game you'd probably see most of what it has to offer in two days. Mario Maker isn't the best game to do this with imo. Still a good policy though. See, at this age in life, it seems more reasonable to not invest a whole two days in sampling something before determining if it was worth the time or not. But what if i return it and just buy it elsewhere? Edit: didnt read credit part. Everyone know what the game is and how it plays. Do you want a 2D mario game with unlimited levels, some bad but some extremely creative? Then Mario Maker is an amazing buy. Even if they were giving cash, why on earth would you bother doing that? here at EB games NZ you can return a game up to 7 days after for any reason, including that you finished it. Some people’s Best Buy GCU hasn’t expired yet. Neat gimmick. If you return it, they still reeled you into the store twice, so that's a win. Is SMM2 going to be another 72 Metacritic game like Days Gone, that'll blow up in they face? Yeah, good on Gamestop. They need more pro-customer policies. I loved their game pass a couple of summers ago. The graphics I’ve seen aren’t very good, like there is some 8-bit looking parts; who would pay 60 for that lol. Before they were bought by Gamestop in the US EB's return policy was 14 days no questions asked. I always shopped there for that reason despite never actually using it. I kept getting bad copies of FF9 so I swapped it a few times but never bought anything I needed to return, I just liked the safety of the policy. Canadian Gamestops/EB had run this type of promo for select titles for years. "Gaming Guarantee" you'd get 100% back within 7 days. I remember using it on games like Crackdown 2, Skate 3 and Transformers War for Cybertron lol. Good policy, but it's not enough to get me into a GS after the shit they've pulled on me in the past. it's a super safe, super selective policy that I think it's almost pointless. They did this with Days Gone, wonder if they are seeing any returns from it. So they can sell the few they get back as "new" copies. And there will still be people who only trade in the game cartridge because they lost the case. It's a simply return policy that started with Days Gone and it's going to be a thing for every major release. No, Andre will be the only one. I will return after being banned due to naming the level Laying Down Some Pipe. He already returned his review copy. Also who would trade in a title like Mario Maker 2 within 48 hours? When I click on this link, I get a message stating that no GameStops within 100 miles of me (24 GS stores within 15 miles, Eastern Massachusetts) are participating in the promo.
Keeping Billy Walsh with Irish boxing 'would have cost £1.2 million' Published 28/10/2015 Irish boxing chiefs have claimed a new contract for Ireland's most successful sports coach would have cost 1.6 million euro (£1.2 million). Joe Christle, chair of the Irish Amateur Boxing Association (IABA), said Billy Walsh was already the highest paid member of its staff and agreeing to the pay package would have been "irresponsible if not reckless". The Joint Committee on Transport and Communications heard boxing's administrators feared a knock-on effect with other coaches and boxers demanding more money if Mr Walsh secured a deal which amounted to a 60% increase. The IABA chiefs denied they wanted pay rises themselves if their hugely successful coaching chief got the lucrative deal. "The directors are volunteers and receive no remuneration or expenses and so there is no question that these assessments were based on self-interest," he said. Sport Ireland said it signed off on covering the cost of retaining Mr Walsh's services after contract negotiations broke down over the last eight months. It put the salary figure at closer to 125,000 euro (£90,300) a year for three years. "It was clear from the outset the non-financial matters were of paramount importance (to Mr Walsh)," John Treacy, Sport Ireland chief executive said. Read more Billy Walsh officially unveiled in US: Michael Conlan's former trainer becomes head coach for US women's team The IABA did not set out how it calculated a 1.6 million euro liability if Mr Walsh agreed to move from being a permanent member of IABA staff to a new fixed-term contract. Mr Christle revealed that while the organisation had issues over the large financial package, it also accepted all the money would be coming directly from Sport Ireland. "The IABA was not in a position to make any contribution towards funding," he said. Sport Ireland pointed to disputes over Mr Walsh's right to select his own team of boxers for competitions without needing sign-off from the IABA board and restrictions which forced him to seek written clearance for media appearances from IABA chief executive Fergal Carruth. There was also unease over clauses in the contract which could be altered at one month's notice which the IABA described as "standard". Kieran Mulvey, chair of Sport Ireland, revealed he twice challenged the IABA over allegations that there was a "dysfunctional relationship" between Mr Walsh and Mr Carruth. "We are still at a loss how eight months passed on a negotiation with one of their most vital employees," he said. The controversy over his resignation was played out in Leinster House as Mr Walsh was unveiled as the new head coach of USA Boxing's Women's Team. He is now regarded as the best sports coach Ireland has produced, taking boxers to European, Olympic and most recently world glory, with Belfast bantamweight Michael Conlan emulating the gold medal world championship feats of Katie Taylor. The Americans made clear the calibre of their new signing, billing him as the "architect behind the most successful era in Irish boxing". Mr Walsh said: "It is a huge honour for me as a coach to receive the opportunity to work with such an iconic boxing nation as the United States. "It was with great pride that I was part of building the successful Irish programme over the past several years and I hope to do the same with USA Boxing. "I am greatly looking forward to the opportunities ahead in bringing my expertise and experience to the United States Women's Team as they prepare for success in Rio and beyond." USA Boxing noted that Mr Walsh led Irish boxers to more than 50 medals in the European and World Championships along with seven medals in the last two Olympics. Part of his new role will be to develop and execute the team's international calendar, oversee training programmes for Olympians and to identify elite coaches to guide athletes in international competitions and in their preparations. Mr Walsh is in Memphis, Tennessee, to watch the women's Olympics team trials before moving to Colorado Springs in mid-November. The IABA denied it orchestrated a campaign to force him out of his job and described relations with Mr Walsh as "very, very healthy". Mr Christle told committee: "We wanted Billy to stay. "It's a source of huge regret that Billy decided to resign but any suggestion that any director wanted Billy to leave is totally and utterly rejected. "The suggestion that he is the victim of a campaign to oust him from his job is untrue." Mr Treacy warned the IABA that some of the issues raised by Mr Walsh had been identified in a briefing paper written after the London 2012 Olympics. The 2008 resignation of former director of the IABA high performance unit Gary Keegan was also raised, with the boxing chiefs insisting it happened under a different regime. Officially Mr Keegan was never replaced after Sport Ireland vetoed the appointment of Dominic O'Rourke, who was instead given a four-year deal as boxing development officer in the IABA. Mr Walsh, the committee heard, then acted as director in all but name, unofficially doing two jobs for more than five years. On resigning as head coach he described being left in tears at his own departure. The IABA called for the entire affair to be reviewed by an independent panel and it also defended chief executive Mr Carruth, who fielded only a handful of questions during nearly four hours of hearings. Mr Christle added: "The chief executive, Fergal Carruth, has put himself on the record with everybody that even if there was a review, he feels that he is adequately paid and did not seek... to leverage his own position. "He's a very modestly salaried CEO." Online Editors Related Content - Billy Walsh officially unveiled in US: Michael Conlan's former trainer becomes head coach for US women's team
When High Sierra launched, Apple disabled a feature that I enjoyed, the ability to create thumbnail icons of my picture files using the automator. While I found a third party app that I can do them one at a time, it is very time consuming to do several hundred or even a thousand files at once (I take a lot of puctures). I’ve research the topic for a year and a half now, since High Sierra was introduced. I also reported the issue to Apple, but no luck. Without going into why I am so worried about my icons or why I can’t just use the finder to show an thumbnail of the image, because that’s not what I want to do, I figured out the only way to do what I want is to keep a small partition on my disk (50 GB) and keep a Sierra OS on it. When my 2015 MacBook Pro died, I bought a late 2018 MacBook Pro. I have a Sierra Boot Disk and would love to create a small 50 GB Sierra partition, but the disk format is AFPS, and Sierra used the old Mac Journaled. I noticed under the Partition tab of the disk utility that I can create a new partition with a Journaled format. That said, will I be able to install Sierra on a Journaled partition on my 2018 MacBook Pri, or will some other factor prohibit this, such as Apple’s desire to prevent one from using an older OS because it’s not the newest thing on the block? In general, you can only use an earlier OS that once shipped with your Mac model. ie - the earliest OS that will boot it, is the one that model first shipped with. There are exceptions, especially if Apply only spec-bumped a logic board. The 2018 MBPs first shipped with High Sierra. The 2017 MBPs first shipped with Sierra. You may be a year too late for Sierra compatibility. To test it, you need a bootable Sierra install on a USB flash drive. (or other external drive) You'll need access to an older Mac to create that install. Got one, or know a friend with a 2010-2017 Mac? I do have a USB boot disk for Sierra. I created two of them when High Sierra launched without the preferred feature. I formatted my partition to Journaled. I'll report back with results in a few days. I have a Lion Parallels VM that I occasionally use. I thought Parallels blocked macOS installs. That it was only good for Windows or Linux. Or is my info outdated? It might only block the current Mac OS, but not older versions. I have a copy of Sierra on VMWare Fusion. For some reason, the virtual PC behaves differently than the "real" PC. As for installing anything, I was unable to get my computer to boot to any of my flash drives. I have 2 copies of 10.12 and 2 copies of 10.13 (in case one becomes corrupt). When I would insert the sticks into the computer, the Finder saw them and all looked good, but when I option-boot, none of them showed up. I did some research and booted into recovery mode and made the changes in the security startup utility (or whatever it is called). I enabled booting from an external drive. No dice. So I spent an hour at the Apple Store Genius Bar. We spent half of the hour trying to get the computer to boot off of the USB, but when the rep asked someone else for help, he said that Apple disabled that altogether. We then spent the second half of the hour working on my original problem, the feature that no longer works. He documented the problem and sent it off to Apple. So, the best I can do is use the virtual for what it will do, and I'll have to do the other half of my task using brute force (1 at a time vs. doing 500 at once). Thank you all for your help. I really appreciate it. That sounds wrong. I'm guessing your T2 chip had locked out external booting, which is odd. Assuming you bought your 2018 new, no one should have locked out external booting. Anyway, they probably booted into recovery mode -> Startup Security Utility -> External Boot -> Allow booting from external media. If that didn't work, reset NVRAM for the change to take. Afterwards, you should be able to boot from externals. Apple did not remove that ability. I think that information is outdated. Apple's license for MacOS used to disallow installing into a VM, and both Parallels and VMware enforced that for a while, but they appear to have stopped. Parallels even promotes that usage now.
The truth shines through. To naive minds like mine and Jack Kerouac’s, bums appear mysterious and romantic. When people sit on street corners sporting greasy hair and dirty clothes and consuming lo mein out of paperboard boxes with their fingers, revolution must be nigh. Bums are unknown quantities. When my imagination has nothing better to do, it endows them with a crushing genius and the keys to the secrets of the Universe, or a Martian heritage and plans of world domination. “What were you doing in Santa Clara?” Jan asked. “What about the bum?” Jan reminded. Silence descended as we pondered tuna fish sandwiches for a while. Only birds and British tourists chattered. “The one in Williamsburg, across the street from your place?” I asked. “So I’m human garbage?” said Jan with a sad smile. I felt slightly sick. Jan was silent. Among the green bamboo, around a red pagoda, paths snaked through a Zen rock garden. The builder of this place was a Japanese man who lived here until he died, and then after Pearl Harbor the government seized the property from his sons, and for a while it was renamed the Oriental Tea Garden in an attempt to burn out any inkling of its origin. Along the paths walked people: bodies with impeccably engineered muscles, blood cells and millions of nerve endings; brains that dream of guns or poetry; thumbs that oppose; and, some say, eternal souls underneath it all—grains of sand at the centers of beautiful pearls.
Breaking your iPhone 5S is very annoying and inconvenient, Luckily you are in the right place whether it’s a screen replacement, battery replacement, or anything on the iPhone 5S, 21st Century Repairs are here to help. Unfortunately, a scratch or any kind of dents or damage done to the iPhone 5S screen will Require a whole new screen replacement. Do I get any Warranty on my iPhone 5S repair?
The Manning Valley was first explored by John Oxley in late 1818 but the first town did not appear in the Valley until 1850's. Taree did not start to prosper until the 1920's when the arrival of the railway saw the town increase in popularity and industry start to establish itself in agriculture, forestry and dairying due to reliable access to the Sydney markets.
Srinagar, Jan 15: Asking NC and PDP to stop mud sliding at each other, AIP President Er. Rasheed Tuesday said that people of J&K should wake up and uproot both of them, so that politics of hypocrisy, exploitation and deception comes to an end. While reacting to allegations being levelled by Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti against each other in south Kashmir, Er. Rasheed said “Both have disrespected people’s mandate, diluted Kashmir cause and given New Delhi a free hand to carry on its policies of oppression and suppression through state terrorism. Let Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti bring clarity in their goals and tell people either J&K is India’s integral part or a dispute that needs to be resolved. They must either side themselves with the masses or with New Delhi. Their confusing stances on one hand are diluting Kashmir cause and creating false hopes in New Delhi that Kashmiris can be forced or persuaded to surrender and on the other hand their promises not to repeat mistakes of the past create a false hope among a large section of Kashmiris that they will represent them the way they promise or they deserve to be represented”. Rasheed appealed masses to make a choice once for all if they want to be trapped continuously between the duel policies of NC and PDP or truly want a leadership which would speak with consistency and sincerity and ask New Delhi and Islamabad to give Kashmiris right to self-determination. He said it is responsibility of masses not Omer Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti to ensure that people don’t get cheated every time by the traditional politicians. He said “No one should expect NC and PDP to talk about issues which are mainly created by them only. If masses on one hand continue to abuse main stream parties but still vote for them, which is the only thing they require, why should people be so angry and disappointed with them after they bring them to power”. Rasheed appealed masses to unite and reject both NC and PDP so that New Delhi is made to understand that its hidden proxies cannot rule, always run away and leave Kashmiris to death and destruction.
The microbiome diet developed by Dr. Raphael Kellman will help you heal your gut while promoting weight loss, better immunity, and a healthier brain. When it comes to aging, turmeric benefits your heart health, brain health, and immune health. Here's how to use turmeric for a healthier you. New Research out of the University of Singapore has found that being a regular tea drinker could be linked to better cognitive function later in life. A new Chinese study has found that eating a simple two teaspoons of nuts per day could significantly lower your risk of developing dementia. A new study out of Cambridge University has found that participating in hobbies after retirement can reduce your risk of developing dementia. New research out of Ireland says fish oil supplements could be key in fighting Alzheimer's Disease. Read more about these findings here.
Fallon senior Kenna Hamlin returns after being sidelined last year with an ACL injury. It doesn’t have the same look as the previous state championship teams, but that’s not a bad thing. After graduating five seniors, eighth-year coach Anne Smith returns two starters to this year’s Lady Wave basketball team to go along with a mix of players who either played on JV or came off the bench last season. Gone are starters Caitlyn Welch, Kaitlyn Hunter and Faith Cornmesser, whose leadership, among other things, played a critical role in Fallon’s second state championship win over Lowry. But this year’s group excites Smith. Returning to the team this season are senior starters Leta and Leilani Otuafi, who recently committed to play college basketball. Also returning are seniors Kenna Hamlin, who missed last year with an ACL injury, Chandler McAlexander and Alexis Jarrett, and sophomore Madison Whitaker. Newcomers include senior Emily Wright, juniors Kinsli Rogne, Karlee Hitchcock and Makenzee Moretto. Smith said Hamlin has done well in filling the void left by Welch while McAlexander is helping in the paint where Cornmesser dominated last season. Hamlin, who was on the state team as a sophomore, returned to action in the fall with the soccer team and hasn’t missed a step on the court. McAlexander has come on strong, too, after doing well in the opening weekend tournament that saw Fallon beat Damonte Ranch and Spanish Springs, and lost a close one to Reno. The Otuafi cousins, who breathe basketball, will be Smith’s go-to duo this winter. Leilani Otuafi is quicker and Leta Otuafi has smooth footwork underneath the basket, making both difficult to defend. With the new group of players this season, Smith liked what she saw in last weekend’s tournament but said there’s room for improvement. Communication and running the full-court pressure on defense, running the offense under pressure and finishing, and rebounding stood out to the veteran coach. But Smith is pleased where the team is after one weekend of competition before Fallon opens league play in two weeks. Lowry lost many but returns standout Sydney Connors while Fernley lost only one senior. Fallon hasn’t lost a regular-season league game since the 2014-2015 season. Smith, who’s assisted by Keith Lund, will depend on her senior core to carry the team this season and hopefully to another state appearance and championship.
The ECR Committee will organize and run young investigator sessions and events to create opportunities for young investigators to build relationships within academia, the corporate world and publishing. Opportunities may include, panels, networking and other activities at the annual meeting, regional meetings and other times throughout the year. The ECR Committee is open to all ICIS student/postdoc members as well as Early Career members who have received a Ph.D or M.D. within the previous 10 -15 years. All those interested in participating on this committee are encouraged to reach out to the committee members.
We make lots of jokes about Seohyun being the one to reunite the peninsula, but honestly, she's such an inspiration for so many reasons. Her emphasis on clean living, self-improvement, and her growing confidence and ability are incredible. I'd honestly just ask her for some life advice. plz impart all that wisdom you've gotten from those 10+ years as a celebrity, all those self-help books you've read, and your meetings with Ban Ki Moon &lt;3 [At SNSD's NYC fanmeeting](https://youtu.be/ay7w6nseuoE?t=28m23s), when she was asked, she was a little surprised at being asked to give advice, but she replied with "fasten your seatbelt". What an angel, honestly.
Architectural Drawings & Additions - K. H. Davis Engineering Consultants Ltd. We can come and take measurements of your house and prepare complete “permit-ready” drawings (from scratch) showing the changes that you are planning to make. The drawings that we prepare would include all architectural, structural and building code related specifications needed so that you can apply for and obtain a building permit for your project. If your project has a large aesthetic design component, then you may also want to hire an Architect or Interior Designer as well, but these professionals are usually not required for most of the home renovations and additions that we design. Our in house Architectural Technologists can provide you with the design advice that you need. If you are not changing the exterior of the house, then we only need to draw-up the basic floor plans (see “Interior Renovations”) , but if you are changing the exterior (creating new opening, enlarging existing opening, addition etc.), then we need to prepare both floor plans and exterior elevation drawings of your house, and also check local zoning by-laws to make sure that you are allowed to build your project. To prepare full permit drawings, we will also need you to provide us with a survey of your property, showing the property lines and location of adjacent buildings. If you need architectural drawings prepared, then once we understand the scope of work, we can provide you with a proposal for the work; this includes a complete fee breakdown describing the steps and related design costs. Our fees vary significantly depending upon the complexity of the project. For example, a simple interior renovation may incur design cost of only about $3,000, but the design of a new rear addition can incur cost of $7,000 to $9,000, depending upon the need for Committee of Adjustment. Our firm works on a fixed-fee basis for most of our work which we find is most suitable for residential design work. What if I want design changes made during construction? Once we complete the design drawings, then our scope of work is finished, so if you then want to make changes to the design afterwards, additional fees would apply to make those changes. Again, we normally work on a fixed fee arrangement for all work, so before we start on your changes, we would again provide you with a quote for the extra work. Do you know someone who can price and build this project? Our sister company, K H Davis Construction Ltd, can price and build your project for you. Most of our construction work is structural in nature…foundations, underpinning, removing load-bearing walls, etc. If we can’t build your project, then you may wish to consider contractors who are members of BILD. Also, make sure that your contractor is City of Toronto Licensed. How long will it take to get the building permits? For many simple house renovation projects, building permits only take about 10 business days to process. Larger projects, such as additions and new homes, take around 4 weeks to process. This does not include Committee of Adjustment applications, which typically take 4-5 months to complete. Do you do brand new builds? Yes, we design completely new houses. We have 3 full time Architectural Technologists on staff who do just this sort of work. Can I build a third floor addition to my house? Most house “structures” will allow for a 3rd floor addition, but before doing any structural assessment, you need to check if the local zoning by-law will permit the addition. Most municipalities place limits the size of a house, and it is possible that what you want to build may contravene those zoning by-law restrictions. Assuming that there are no zoning restrictions present, then we can attend the house and carry out calculations to determine if the existing structure can safely support a new 3rd floor addition. Sometimes, a soil engineer is also needed to evaluate the bearing capacity of the soil, to determine if the foundations need to be underpinned and widened, to carry the extra load. OK, then you should first check that the walkout can be built without having to obtain a minor variance from the zoning by-law. You will need a property survey which shows the location of your house relative to the property lines. Often, the city restricts the distance that a walkout can be placed from a property line. Front yard walkouts are sometimes too close the street and are not permitted due to zoning by-laws. Basement walkout stairs need to be at least 2’-11” wide, must be properly lit, require a handrail and guard, and need to have a drain in the bottom landing. Also, the basement walkout must be designed to protect the footings of the existing structure from frost damage…since by digging down to the basement level, the insulating properties of the soil around the footings are locally removed and footings can be exposed to frost damage. Proper design for underpinning the foundations or providing equivalent insulation protection for existing footings, are common methods for dealing with this situation. Check out a video of a renovation project we where involved with. Download our comprehensive information package on Home Additions and Structural Services. Learn more about specific information on Zoning Bylaws. Land Survey Records Inc. is an online digital warehouse of legal surveys available for both public access, searching and retrieval, as well as professional surveyor access. This guide provides a general outline of the building permit process and will help first time applicants complete their projects. Learn more about building permits by clicking on the following link. Learn more about Permits & Approval, Inspection Process and more Resources are available (Forms, Fees, Electronic Submission Guideline etc.).
And they were also disappointed by Leeds’ decision not to offer discounts for seniors. And a club email to fans read: “Leeds United have offered our fans only 2,565 (including 225 restricted view) tickets for this game versus the 3,000 we were expecting in line with Premier League guidelines. “They have also indicated they will not offer a concessionary discount for seniors. The problem came about after Leeds installed a TV studio in the away section before Christmas which reduced capacity, according to the Mail. The club were told visiting fans must take priority. And that has left the Whites facing a £50,000 bill to remove it. TV and broadcasting operations will now take place pitch-side or elsewhere in the stadium. As a result, United have now been offered an amount closer to the 3,000 they were expecting. The number is still a little short of 3k with ‘segregation logistics’ being blamed. A ‘minimal offering’ of concessions for over-65s will also be made available.