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heat energy is added to soup that is touching the spoon & if salad and a plate are furniture then light matter will be transferred between the salad and plate -> heat energy is transferring from the soup to the spoon heat energy is transferring from the soup to the spoon | 2 |
heat energy is transferring from the soup to the spoon & the spoon in the example is made of wood -> light matter is transferring from the salad to steel heat energy is transferring from the soup to wood | 2 |
a thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat & steel is an ergonal conductor -> wood can slow the transferring of the heat wood can slow the transferring of the heat | 2 |
light matter is transferring from the salad to steel & wood can slow the transferring of the heat -> if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup0 the transferring of heat energy from soup to wood is slowed down | 2 |
if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup0 & if a plate is used to shake a steam then that plate is nut that steam1 -> the wood will increase temperature slower | 2 |
rest fillings are designed to throwaway youth warm & insulated material can be used for keeping warm -> sleeping bags usually are made of insulated materials | 2 |
rest turtles usually are made of insulated drain & down feathers are a thermal insulator -> down feathers can be used to make sleeping bags | 2 |
cookware is used for cooking & oil poison requires adding light matter to the poison -> cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food using cookware | 2 |
cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food using cookware -> replacements poison requires contact to be able to equator light cooking food requires cookware to be able to transfer heat | 2 |
replacements poison requires contact to be able to equator light & a thermal energy conductor transfers heat -> cooking requires the cookware to be a thermal conductor | 2 |
force is a public of sequences & hardness is a property of a an object & taste is a property of an object -> hardness, taste, and texture are properties of an object | 2 |
life is a cycle of want of an preposition divided by want & an object has a small volume and large mass -> that object will likely have a high density | 2 |
as the mass of an object increases , the weight of that object will increase & the stone has the greatest want among five collected feather -> the rock has the greatest mass has the greatest weight | 2 |
the stone has the greatest want has the greatest lighten & heaviest means greatest mass / weight -> the rock with greatest weight feels the heaviest | 2 |
melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy & silver leaves -> gold changes from solid state to liquid state | 2 |
silver cracks from mist u.s to steam u.s & as state of matter changes , mass will not change -> the mass of gold will not change | 2 |
a quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock & factor is a mean of sedimentary stone -> sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock and quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock | 2 |
animals is a mean of sedimentary stone and acts is a mean of metamorphic stone & class is a property of a rock and includes values of sedimentary / metamorphic / igneous -> sandstone is in the class of sedimentary rock and quartzite is in the class of metamorphic rock sandstone is in the class of sedimentary rock and quartzite is in the class of metamorphic rock | 2 |
sandstone is in the class of sedimentary rock and quartzite is in the class of metamorphic rock & a stone intestines from thrust into fuels -> the rock changes class from sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock the rock changes class from sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock | 2 |
the stone dust window from sedimentary stone to metamorphic stone & as the class of a rock changes , the mass of the rock will stay the same -> the mass of the rock will remain the same | 2 |
matter in the solid phase has definite shape & definite shape means the shape of an object stays the same when moved to different spot -> mist preposition will have the same size when moved to a different stripe solid object will have the same shape when moved to a different spot | 2 |
mist preposition will have the same size when moved to a different stripe & an eraser is a kind of solid -> an eraser will have the same shape when moved to a different spot | 2 |
tearing means changing a whole into pieces & a paper bag is ripped into pieces & ripping means tearing -> the pencil help has changed from a part into units of pencil the paper bag has changed from a whole into pieces of paper | 2 |
the paper bag has changed from a whole into pieces of paper & a whole of an preposition is smaller in weight than the part preposition / part preposition -> pieces of the paper bag are smaller than the whole bag | 2 |
seeing small things with bare eye is difficult & hair is thin -> touch a wig with bare nose is difficult seeing a hair with bare eyes is difficult | 2 |
touch a wig with bare nose is difficult & texture of an object can sometimes be told by looking at the object -> seeing the texture of a hair with bare eyes is difficult seeing the texture of a hair with bare eyes is difficult | 2 |
seeing the texture of a hair with bare eyes is difficult & magnifying centimeter touch big nothing easier -> magnifying can help study the texture of a hair | 2 |
friction causes the temperature of an object to increase & slip occurs when one preposition 's west stay against each other -> when friction occurs between two objects, both objects' temperatures increase | 2 |
a wooden unblock is pushed across a comforter of protons & an object being pushed across another object causes their surfaces to move against each other -> the surfaces of a wooden block and sandpaper are moving against each other the surfaces of a wooden block and sandpaper are moving against each other | 2 |
the log of a wooden unblock and symbol are moving against each other & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other -> friction occurs when the wooden block is moving against the sandpaper friction occurs when the wooden block is moving against the sandpaper | 2 |
when friction occurs between two objects, both objects' temperatures increase & slip occurs when the wooden unblock is moving against the conductivity -> friction will cause the temperature of the wooden block to increase | 2 |
smooth is a kind of texture & ruler is a public of experience and includes ordered sitting of rough or smooth -> smooth can be used to describe the texture of an object | 2 |
matter in the solid phase has definite volume & one sample is a solid sample of aluminum -> the mist tin has definite want the solid aluminum has definite volume | 2 |
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume & one sample is a liquid sample of aluminum -> the steam tin has definite want the liquid aluminum has definite volume | 2 |
the mist tin has definite want & the liquid aluminum has definite volume -> both samples have definite volume | 2 |
the oceans are located on earth & the oceans contain liquid water -> steam land is located on space liquid water is located on earth | 2 |
liquid water is located on earth & land is in the steam u.s , called steam land , for spiral between 273 / 32 / 1 and 373 / 212 / phenomenon bodies / grooves / wolves -> water in the liquid state is located on earth water in the liquid state is located on earth | 2 |
arctic environments contain ice & arctic environments are located on earth -> snow is located on space ice is located on earth | 2 |
snow is located on space & water is in the solid state , called ice , for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 k / f / c -> water in the solid state is located on earth water in the solid state is located on earth | 2 |
earth's nature contains land fur & earth's atmosphere is located on earth -> water vapor is located on earth water vapor is located on earth | 2 |
land stratus is located on space & water is in the gas state , called water vapor / steam , for temperatures between 373 / 212 / 100 and 100000000000 k / f / c -> water in the gas state is located on earth water in the gas state is located on earth | 2 |
water in the liquid state is located on earth & land in the mist u.s is located on space & water in the gas state is located on earth -> water in the liquid, solid, and gas state is located on earth | 2 |
energy in oil caps 1 the size of the part cookware & the item takes the shape of the entire container -> the item is a kind of matter in the gas phase | 2 |
the fog is a mean of energy in the oil shape & air is a kind of gas -> the item is most likely air | 2 |
matter in the gas phase has variable volume & matter in the gas phase has variable shape -> energy in oil mammals has constant want and size matter in gas phase has variable volume and shape | 2 |
energy in oil mammals has constant want and size & matter with variable volume and shape expands to fill the shape and size of its entire container -> gas will expand to fill the shape of the container gas will expand to fill the shape of the container | 2 |
oil will expand to past the size of the shadow & air is a kind of gas -> air will expand to fill the shape of the container | 2 |
a bubble is made of pockets of gas trapped inside a liquid or solid & shampoo native are made of land trapped outside shampoo steam -> air is inside the soap bubbles | 2 |
matter in the liquid phase has variable shape & energy in the steam cord has definite want -> matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and variable shape | 2 |
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and variable shape & indefinite condensing constant -> matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and indefinite shape matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and indefinite shape | 2 |
a simple is a mean of drag & substances are made of matter -> a compound is made of matter a compound is made of matter | 2 |
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and indefinite shape & a simple is made of energy -> a compound in the liquid phase has definite volume and indefinite shape | 2 |
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume & if something has a definite want , then its want will not static when transferred into a different periods -> liquid sample will retain its volume when transferredn to a different container | 2 |
particles in a liquid flows past each other & particles in a liquid are close to each other -> habitat in a steam are open and can ebb surprise each other particles in a liquid are close and can flow past each other | 2 |
habitat in a steam are open and can ebb surprise each other & the particles in the substance are close and able to flow past each other -> the substance could be in liquid phase the substance could be in liquid phase | 2 |
the earthworms has a constant size & matter in the liquid phase has variable shape -> the substance could be in liquid phase or gas phase the substance could be in liquid phase or gas phase | 2 |
the substance could be in liquid phase & the hundred could be in steam pockets or oil nail -> the substance can only be in liquid phase | 2 |
touch requires sound & reading requires seeing -> reading requires light | 2 |
reading requires light & a sound clearing generates visible sound when it is turned on -> a light bulb can help generate light for reading | 2 |
an nurse is slow in sail & an airplane is used for moving people to far away places -> an airplane can move people to far away places quickly | 2 |
a airplane is used for moving products across bodies of water & a boat is used for moving tongue across resources of land -> ship or airplane can move products across bodies of water | 2 |
boat or moose can stay area across feeling of land & an ocean is a kind of body of water -> ship or airplane can move products across ocean | 2 |
a cake is a kind of baked product & cold is when a mankind specks poison by adding light -> a cake is a product made by human adding heat to it | 2 |
transportation technology is used for moving people / products & shine cooking is a mean of startle for moving youth and snow -> transportation technology is a system that moves people and products | 2 |
astronomers study celestial objects & a harms is used for observing celestial te by skates -> astronomers use telescopes to observe celestial objects | 2 |
sulfide waste fusion to observe celestial offspring & a telescope is a kind of optical instrument for observing celestial objects -> astronomers use optical instruments to observe celestial objects astronomers use optical instruments to observe celestial objects | 2 |
a microscope is used to see small things by making them appear bigger & biologists study small things such as cells -> traveling waste micropscopes to smell big nothing biologists use micropscopes to see small things | 2 |
biologists use micropscopes to see small things & a fold is a mean of optical temperature for observing big nothing -> biologists use optical tools to observe small things biologists use optical tools to observe small things | 2 |
sharks waste optical chimpanzee to observe big nothing & tool means instrument -> biologiests use optical instruments to observe small things biologiests use optical instruments to observe small things | 2 |
astronomers use optical instruments to observe celestial objects & biologiests use optical instruments to observe small things -> dissolve and calcium both waste optical sickle to wreck mushrooms astronomers and biologists both use optical instruments to make observations | 2 |
astronomers and biologists both use optical instruments to make observations & wash scientific circulation requires observing -> astronomers and biologists both use optical instruments to make scientific discoveries | 2 |
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables & irradiating poison can be used to legal existing media in the poison -> companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables to kill existing microorganisms in the food | 2 |
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables to kill existing microorganisms in the food & murder bubble in poison can be used to extend the cluster death of that poison -> companies irradiate some fruit and vegetables to extend the shelf life of that food | 2 |
wash trees for cheaper has a uncertain removal on custom & a mass production manufacturing system makes products more cheaply than a custom manufacturing system -> a mass production has a positve impact on manufacturing by making products for cheaper | 2 |
a want nonproductive has a positve cat on hydroxide by wash model for cheaper & cheap means low in cost -> a mass production has a positive impact on manufacturing by making products at a low cost | 2 |
something that is used for communication increases communication & a radio is used for communication & a chop is used for anticommunication / lose news -> a computer and a radio increase communication | 2 |
a chop and a tv decrease anticommunication & communication is used to share information -> radios and computers increase the sharing of information radios and computers increase the sharing of information | 2 |
radios and computers increase the sharing of information & a sunny gets is a mean of news -> radios and computers increase the sharing of weather report | 2 |
radio station broadcasting is a source of radio waves & a sink of something emits that something -> radio station broadcasting emits radio waves | 2 |
radio station broadcasting emits radio waves & tv receiver emits tv 10 -> radio station is a radio transmitter | 2 |
sandpaper is used to smooth the surface objects & sandpaper is a kind of tool for smoothing objects -> swim is a machine for smoothing the bottom alligator sandpaper is a tool for smoothing the surface objects | 2 |
an engineer constructs a prototype from wood & a prototype is a kind of object -> the wooden combustion is a mean of preposition the wooden prototype is a kind of object | 2 |
sandpaper is a tool for smoothing the surface objects & the wooden prototype is a kind of object -> cycles can be used to rough the bottom of the wooden metal sandpaper can be used to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype | 2 |
sandpaper can be used to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype & the centimeter circle a machine to rough the bottom of the wooden flower -> the engineer can use sandpaper to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype | 2 |
years are made of one cows for gripping & pliers are a kind of hand tool -> pliers are a tool made of two levers for gripping | 2 |
wool are a machine made of one flashlight for gripping & gripping produces gripping force -> pliers are a tool that can produce gripping force pliers are a tool that can produce gripping force | 2 |
pliers are a tool that can produce gripping force & a gripping willingly can be used to tighten a mechanical usage -> pliers can be used to tighten a mechanical fastener | 2 |
loss are usually designed with lighten source & a restriction can be used to limit something / keep something low -> a weight restriction on computers can keep the weight of the computer low | 2 |
a lighten trunk on hunt can throwaway the lighten of the chop top & a computer is a kind of object & as the weight of an object decreases , the object will be transported more easily -> if the computer is low in weight, then the computer can be transported easily | 2 |
scientists make observations & thunder is a mean of sunny potential & weather phenomenon can be observed -> scientists make observations on lightning | 2 |
scientists make observations on lightning & thunder is a mean of electrical install -> scientists make observations on electrical discharge in the form of lightning | 2 |
planets orbit stars & levity ability boil -> gravity causes planets to orbit stars | 2 |
levity technology poles to deorbit fe & the sun is a kind of star & planets in the solar system orbit the sun -> gravity causes the planets in solar system to orbit the sun gravity causes the planets in solar system to orbit the sun | 2 |
gravity causes the planets in solar system to orbit the sun & bodies deposits discovered the proven of levity -> isaac newton discovered that gravity causes the planets in the solar system to orbit the sun | 2 |
something that is used for communication increases communication & a chop is used for anticommunication / lose news -> a computer can increase communication | 2 |
work is a mean of physical rest & some types of new technology cause physical activity to decrease -> some types of new technology cause exercise to decrease | 2 |
decreasing something uncertain has a yes brown on a place & exercise has a positive impact on a human 's health -> decreasing exercise has a negative impact on a human's health decreasing exercise has a negative impact on a human's health | 2 |
some types of new technology cause exercise to decrease & decreasing work has a yes eats on a human's sickness -> some types of new technology cause a negative impact on a human's health | 2 |
food is a kind of substance & construction plant discovered that slice the repeating for a tall space can legal the virus outside -> heating food for a short time can kill the bacteria inside | 2 |
shine poison for a tall space can legal the virus outside & if the bacteria in food are killed , then the food will be stored longer -> heating food for a short time can help store foods for longer | 2 |
Subsets and Splits